Community Standards Student Name:
Philosophy Admitted students must agree to help bring unity to the Western Mennonite community by supporting the Western Mennonite School Standard of Conduct and guidelines listed in the student handbook. Standard of Conduct The WMS Standard of Conduct is a guide for WMS students and families and is in effect while a student is enrolled at WMS. It is a code consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ, and while not exhaustive in nature, it is representative of behaviors WMS students and families are expected to follow. Any student or family who is unwilling to abide by the following Standard of Conduct will be asked to withdraw from WMS. As a student and family of Western Mennonite School I sincerely resolve to: 1. Be open to the influence of Jesus Christ and His followers, respectfully listening in chapels, small groups and classes. 2. Allow others to seek truth about Christianity. 3. Treat others in a respectful and courteous manner. 4. Be trustworthy in words and actions. 5. Believe the best about somebody or a situation. If I have questions I will go directly to those involved. 6. Refrain from being involved in any activity that could negatively represent my family, friends, school, or me. WMS administration understands that members of its community may fall short in their fulfillment of the Standard of Conduct. This may result in disciplinary action from administration. When these times happen, WMS administration expects its students and families to reaffirm their commitment to the WMS community by re-establishing a lifestyle that supports the school’s Standard of Conduct. Student Rights and Responsibilities WMS expects each student to share in the responsibility for self-discipline and for ensuring the health and safety of those around them by reporting inappropriate behavior to the correct authorities. WMS students have the right: 1. To be heard as a responsible member of a community of faith and learning. 2. To be encouraged for behavior that shows responsibility and consideration of others. 3. To have conversation kept in confidence when they come to a staff member for counseling (exceptions include items covered under mandatory reporting rules) 4. To be treated with courtesy and respect when confronted by a staff member on a discipline issue. 5. To be dismissed from school only after careful attempts at correction by the school community (in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20) fail to bring about sufficient evidence of changes in attitude and behavior. 6. To know the standards of behavior expected of them as well as the consequences of misbehavior. 7. To privacy which includes privacy in respect to the student’s school records. 8. To equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination, including the responsibility not to discriminate against others. I have read the Community Standards listed above and the Student Handbook, and agree to abide by the stated guidelines: Parent/Guardian Signature:
Student Signature:
Form Required for Every Student