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Fall Sports Information | 2013-2014 If your student is planning to participate in any sport activities this year, be sure their physicals are up to date. OSSA requires Sport Physicals every two years. If you are unsure if one is needed or not, you may contact the office. Physicals that have expired need to be completed before the first day of practice. Physical Forms available online at www.WesternMennoniteSchool.org/athletics/physicals Contact Sheila Fahndrich with questions 503-363-2000 | sfahndrich@westernmennoniteschool.org



HS Varsity Boys – Tim Fahndrich ................503-362-9566

HS Varsity Girls – Randi Cavalier..............909-947-5231

HS Varsity Girls – Mike Woodard ...............503-930-6290

HS JV Girls – Joanna Shepherd ................503-360-8385

HS JV Boys – Caleb Ivanitsky .......................503-798-2144

MS Girls – TBD .........................................000-000-0000

MS Coed – Dwaine Richards .......................503-810-4991 PRACTICE SCHEDULE


August 19-23:

HS practices TBD by coaches

August 19 - 23:

HS practices TBD by coaches

September 3:

First day of MS soccer practice

September 3

First day of MS volleyball practice

SOCCER CAMPS* Grades 5-8

Middle School Boys & Girls August 12-15

Grades 9-12


4:00 – 6:00 pm

High School Boys & Girls August 12-15

Grades 5-8

Middle School Girls August 12-15


Grades 9-12

5:30 – 8:00 pm

5:00 – 8:00 pm

High School Girls August 12-15


$100 4:00 – 8:00 pm

Please contact coaches if you have questions.

Sports Physicals must be completed by first day of practice. If a Sports Physical is not on file the student athlete cannot participate in school sports. Elementary Soccer and Basketball Camps are also available in August. Camp registration forms available online at www.westernmennoniteschool.org *All camps must be paid in full by first day of camp.

Western Mennonite School


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