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Est. 1945

Dear Parent of a WMS high school student,

August 6, 2014

We are excited for this coming school year and to see your student in the hallways! In preparation for the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year all families need to review and return this registration packet. It is also very important to read the ‘14-’15 Student/Parent Handbook to be aware of updated school policies. The Student/Parent Handbook can be found online at www.WesternMennoniteSchool.org and a hard copy will be provided to your student on the first day of school. Please fill out, sign, and return all required documents no later than your scheduled registration time. All documents in this packet must be filled out and turned in by your scheduled registration time for your student to be allowed to register for classes. These documents are vital in assisting us in serving your family the best that we can. Additional copies of these forms will be made available at your registration appointment if needed. All high school students must make an appointment to finalize their classes during the times listed below. In an effort to serve your family better we are instilling a new registration policy. A parent must accompany your student during their scheduled registration time. This will help us verify we have all needed documents and allow you to be an integral part of the class scheduling process. Please call the office to schedule your registration time. If your student will not be available on their assigned day, please arrange an alternate appointment. Seniors:

August 11 August 12

12:00pm – 4:00pm & 5:00pm – 8:00pm 8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:00pm


August 13 August 14

12:00pm – 4:00pm & 5:00pm – 8:00pm 8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:00pm


August 18 August 19

12:00pm – 4:00pm & 5:00pm – 8:00pm 8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:00pm


August 20 August 21

12:00pm – 4:00pm & 5:00pm – 8:00pm 8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Due to construction on campus we will be changing our registration process. When you arrive on campus please follow the signs into the main building. Your first stop will be with Sheila Fahndrich to verify we have all the correct information and documents from you. You will then meet briefly with our new Dean of Students, Chad Rush, to introduce yourself. Your next stop will be by the Finance Office to verify with Reneé Winters that we have a signed financial agreement from you and that your payment plan looks accurate. Your final stop will be with our Guidance Counselor, Darlene Fritz, who will schedule your student’s classes. All of these stops will be at the front offices to limit your walk time, and allow us to remain on schedule for all of our scheduled registration appointments.

The first day of classes for the 2014-15 school year will begin at 8:00am on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 in the chapel. After a greeting by administration and the explanation of a few rules the students will be dismissed to begin their first day of school. We would like to remind you of our new bell schedule for this coming year. A copy of the new schedule is in this packet. We also want to inform you that there will be a required Parent Orientation on Wednesday, September 3, at 7:00pm. This will be a time to briefly hear from the administrators of Western Mennonite School and to visit your student’s classrooms to meet their teachers. This is a required event that will provide you with important information for the year and will allow you the opportunity to meet our faculty and staff. If you are unable to attend due to an emergency please notify the school as soon as possible. More information will be sent out prior to the first day of school. We are honored to partner with you in the education of your child. As we look forward to another wonderful year on the Western Mennonite Campus please join us in prayer for each student and the work that God will do in and through their lives this year. We look forward to seeing you for registration and working with you this coming year.

Western Mennonite Administration

Paul Schultz Head of School pschultz@westernmennoniteschool.org

Robby Gilliam Director of Advancement & Finance rgilliam@westernmennoniteschool.org

Zig Derochowski Principal zigd@westernmennoniteschool.org

Chad Rush Dean of Students crush@westernmennoniteschool.org

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