Spring 2014 Vol.19 No. 2
A publication of Western Mennonite School
Spring 2014 The In Touch is published for alumni, current families, and friends of Western Mennonite School. It is distributed several times annually. Paul Schultz ‘80 Head of School Zig Derochowski Academic Director Middle School Director Robby Gilliam ‘03 Campus Pastor Dean of Students Caleb Ivanitsky ‘06 Editor & Graphic Design E-mail photos and alumni updates civanitsky@westernmennoniteschool.org Photo Contributors Yearbook, WMS Students, Alumni & Friends Send correspondence to Western Mennonite School 9045 Wallace Rd NW Salem, OR 97304 From the Editor I am excited that we will now be presenting the In Touch in full color! As we tell the story of our students, our alumni, our community, and of our school, we think it is worth seeing in all the detail possible. Caleb Ivanitsky Communications Coordinator
The mission of Western Mennonite School is to equip students for a life of faith and learning by providing an educational experience highlighted by five key distinctions:
Christ-centered Academic excellence Nurturing community Peace and service Enrichment opportunities Cover Photo: Big Brother/Big Sister participants enjoying free snow cones and spring sunshine together. Above Photo: Chemistry students write down observations during an experiment.
t a r d a a e t w t W s a f M 2 I b r h o d m g n a n y p
Paul Schultz ’80 | Head of School Dorm apartment renovations Trophy showcase and student center upgrades Gym Lobby remodel and bathroom improvements Campus lighting improvements (gym area, administration building Middle School flooring Kitchen upgrades Electrical and fire protection upgrades to the campus Campus wide Wi-fi As I pause and reflect over my two years as School Administrator, I am met with a mix of emotions. The reality of stressful situations, hard decisions, limiting circumstances, and the weight of keeping our school advancing ahead of the curve can easily come to mind. Thankfully, those thoughts are soon replaced with amazement over the many ways that God has so graciously blessed Western. I want to share with you some of those blessings, and give you a picture of what makes me so excited for the coming years here at Western Mennonite School! Meeting our budget in 20122013 was a significant milestone and I anticipate that we will again meet budget this school year. Last year’s record breaking auction was also a huge blessing! I praise the Lord for our incredible community of gracious donors that have invested in the mission of Western. Your above budget giving has helped us make much needed upgrades and given us the ability to respond to the unexpected needs we have faced this year. Thank you for making the following projects possible!
Chapel sound system upgrades Purchase of 10 computers Purchase of newer activity bus AP class training in preparation for 2014-2015 class offerings As we approach the 2014-2015 school year, I am very pleased to share that the number of returning students is the highest we have seen in years. We are anticipating continued growth in our enrollment as we strengthen our academic program. For the first time Western is offering a wide variety of AP (Advanced Placement) courses. Our college preparatory program continues to yield a high percentage of students that are pursuing higher education. The group of highly talented faculty and staff that I have the privilege to work with are the ones that help make Western such a special place. I am grateful that a very high rate of faculty and staff will be returning next year. Each one of them has a strong desire to be part of Christian education and help our young people walk with Christ. I am very encouraged for what I believe the future holds for Western Mennonite School. The board held
a retreat in January that was focused on evaluating strategic growth points for Western. The overwhelming desire to remain Christ-centered and maintain a strong Biblical foundation was expressed by all present. The board reinstated a strategic planning committee which, being led by past WMS Principal Eric Martin, has been meeting frequently over the last several months. The committee has surveyed and listened to stake holders, evaluated strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, and spent time in prayer as they develop a road map for the coming years. As a member of the committee, let me express how important it is to us that we remain true to the mission of Western and uphold our Mennonite distinctives. Daily I have the privilege of seeing how Western Mennonite School directly influences so many young lives for Christ. Be assured that Christ is in fact the center of our mission and His word is being taught. Every year I am blessed to hear testimonies from alumni regarding the positive impact that WMS had on their life. I ask you to partner with us as we anticipate what is next at Western, and that you join in prayer as we proactively plan for the future to ensure that WMS is around and thriving for the next generation! Thank you for sharing your gifts that allow students the opportunity to learn, grow in their faith and become what God wants them to be. Gratefully,
Paul Schultz Head of School
Equipping students for a life of faith and learning Spring 2014
From the President
By: Jennah DuBois ’14 Hello Western community! This year the Student Council has been blessed with a larger amount of money than previous years. We’ve spent a lot of time brainstorming on what we should spend our money on. We decided to raise awareness as a student body to cancer by donating to the St. Baldrick’s Foundation through the Stand Up to Cancer organization. Student Council has purchased Stand Up to Cancer t-shirts that are being sold for $10 to the student body as well
as the Western community. We are also collecting an offering every Thursday in chapel and have a donation box that is out during the week. If $3,000 is raised, three Student Council members, Jon Stubblefield, Oliver Wisseman and Victor Hess, will be shaving their heads in chapel!
many children a year because they are always bettering their research and I, along with my Student Council, are so excited to donate to such a needed cause! Don’t hesitate to donate or purchase a t-shirt and help us with such an awesome fundraiser!
If $5,000 is raised, Rich Martin, Geoff Martin and Mike Woodard will be shaving their heads! We will also be sending cards and a few gifts to two cancer patient children over the course of the fundraiser. The St. Baldrick’s Foundation saves so
Ministry Chair Report
By: Joseph Polivka ’15
At the beginning of the school year, the Student Council came up with the school theme “Do not conform, Transform.” And though we all face spiritual struggles, I truly believe that I have seen transformation amongst the student body. It is evident that God is stirring things up and keeping us from getting too comfortable. Inside the closed doors of Western Mennonite, God is empowering his children to do His work. For example, more and more students are leading chapel without being asked theses brave students are stepping out of their comfort zones to share what God has put on their hearts. Similarly, a couple of weeks ago, a group of seniors raised money, made a card, and prayed in chapel for a student that has been very sick for 4
most of the year. God used this small thing to show our support for one another. Also, one young lady took it upon herself to start something new and original; it was called “Project Inspire”. She asked all the students to
we are not a perfect school in any way. There are broken people around every corner that need Christ just as much as I do. We as a school need to continue to strive for guidance under Christ our Lord and Savior.
“Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more.” 1 Thessalonians 4:1 write encouraging notes to each other, and then collected them all, and then returned them to students. Whether you got one note or ten, everybody got one. This was a simple, but brilliant way to create school unity. These are just a few of many ways the gospel is going forth at Western. Even though I can see God’s kingdom advancing here at Western,
Duane Roth, pastor at Logsdon Neighborhood Church will be our Spring Spiritual Renewal Week speaker. He has a passion to see our students transformed by God’s grace & to not conform to the challenges of this world. Please join us in prayer for April 28 through May 2, that it would be a foundational week for our student body.
Academic All Star U.S. sought to find a balance between personal liberties and the role of the government. Our country has always maintained an appropriate balance between individual freedoms and government involvement through our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Since the beginning of the century, there has been a rising fear within the U.S. due to the threat of terrorism. Citizens have willingly allowed the government to be in a role of supervision, trusting in their knowledge to provide protection. Yet in this attempt to find safety and security, there is a vital question that must be answered: How will the individual freedoms of citizens be preserved as the U.S. seeks to protect its own Every year the Statesman interests as a nation? Journal recognizes students from the This question is not one that Willamette Valley for outstanding academic performance and community can be easily solved, yet it is one that involvement. Moriah was one of thirty- will direct the course of our country. Even now, people have questioned nine students honored at the award or embraced the growing amount ceremony hosted at Western Oregon of government control. As the University. government increases its involvement Students were prompted to in the protection of its citizens, the write essays on what they thought lingering question of balance between would be most remembered about this period a hundred years from now. personal freedoms and government oversight must be solved. How we Moriah’s essay is next in its entirety. choose to respond to this tension is one “As Advanced Placement U.S. of the most significant things that our History students look back on our generation will be remembered by in country’s history a hundred years the future.” from now, the early 21st Century will be remembered as a time where the
Student Profile: Parents Rachel and Steve Mansour GPA 4.00 SAT Scores Critical Reading 550 Math 660, Writing 660 ACT score 26 Class Rank 1 out of 34 Activities Ballet, Long Beach Ballet China Tour, National Honor Society (president), International Club, Book Club, Sunday School Teacher and Assistant, Washington Family Ranch Service Trips, Babysitting, Church Nursery Helper and Youth Group College Western Oregon University, Oregon State University Career goal Spanish or Nutrition
Western to Offer AP Courses Western Mennonite School is excited to add Advanced Placement courses to the list of improvements that will be implemented for the 2014-2015 school year. Academic Director, Zig Derochowski, has spent the last several months working closely with teachers and other administrators evaluating ways in which Western can strengthen its mission to achieve academic excellence. Derochowski says, “We are continually seeking opportunities to strengthen the academic excellence of our students. We feel that the addition of AP courses is a necessary and exciting development to better serve our students.” Guided by the School Board of Directors and school administration, Western is taking some major steps to improve what they have to offer the community and enhance the education that students are receiving. More announcements and exciting news will continue to come from Western Mennonite in the coming months, it will be exciting to see the ways in which this school continues to find ways to equip students for lives of faith and learning! Spring 2014
Hands-On in the Classroom Physics teacher, Dave Chambers, has been providing creative methods for
students to see the practical implications of their lessons. In their “Egg Drop” assignment they tested gravity and the ability to have objects absorb force and how to decrease the force at which an object descends. In their “Bridge Building” project they learned how to create a structure that can support more weight than its own, figure out where the tension is, and discover what form of a bridge can greatly increase the bridge’s weight coefficient. Their “Catapult Project” taught them how to increase the force on an object, and how a simple machine can multiply the input force to give a greater output force.
Bible teacher, Dave Engle, walked students through the process of making
bread to help them recognize and understand context and terms that would be studied later in the class. Students harvested wheat grown on campus, threshed and winnowed their grain, ground it into meal, then baked their very own bread.
Anatomy and Physiology teacher, Elizabeth Dillow, has had her class studying preserved cats for the last 8 weeks. They have learned how to implement careful dissection techniques, working collaboratively to identify and learn over 150 anatomical areas of the body. They started with muscles and are ending with the vessels of the heart. Dillow says, “It has been a really positive learning experience and has been fun to watch the students take on the challenge, maturity and responsibility it requires.”
C o m m o p c s a t o
National Honors Society Character | Scholarship Leadership | Service CURRENT MEMBERS Victor Paul Hess, Sheldon Conrad Louthan, Moriah Ann Mansour, Anna Ruth Polivka INDUCTEES Jozie Marie Larson, Isaiah Jordan Pack, Oliver Christian Wisseman, Emily Axtell, Josette Renee Ellis, Elyssa Renae Fahndrich, Emily Noel Loyd, Emily Grace Nye, Trevor Jay Oyer, Amy Lauren Rausch National Honors Society members at the annual Induction Celebration
SPECIALLY RECOGNIZED SOPHOMORES Sarah Angelica Jocson, Karina Joy Mansour, Joseph Bradford Polivka
Open to the Unexpected | WMS Staff Attend MEA Conference
By: Susan Stinson
As the now-famous snow storm of 2014 hit the Willamette Valley, six members of Western's administrative and teaching staff boarded a plane for the east coast, destined for the Mennonite Educator's Conference in Leesburg,Virginia, with the apt theme, Open to the Unexpected. The next two and one-half days were spent in worship sessions with guest speakers, workshops, networking groups and training sessions. Gretchen Cain, Dottie Kamilos, Rich Martin, Susan
Stinson, Zig Derochowski and Paul Schultz spent time reflecting on the conference and many agreed that the networking groups were among the most helpful. To be able to collaborate with colleagues from across the country, sharing ideas, strategies and encouragement proved very beneficial. The group ended their stay with a whirlwind tour of famous Washington DC landmarks before returning home through the unexpected snow and ice, thankful to have arrived safely.
The Mennonite Educator's Conference is hosted by the Mennonite Education Agency whose strategic vision, in part, is to equip “our educational systems with innovative tools and vibrant connections”. The conference is held biannually for educators and administrators in alternate years, typically on the east coast where the vast majority of member schools are located.
Seussical Jr Choir Director, Joel Hergert, put on Western’s first all middle school musical in March. Students in middle school choir worked together over the course of the semester to produce Seussical Jr. Our Admissions coordinator invited local elementary schools to attend the dress rehearsal, and the middle school students had the opportunity to perform in front of over 150 elementary students!
Spring 2014
M R O F N O C ’T N O D
s: estination regon Vacation D a |Central O n o z ri A ix n e Cabo | Pho d | Disney Lan st a o C n o g Ore ickets: ers Sporting T lazers | Timb B | rs e v a e B Ducks | ariners Volcanos | M : Don’t Miss s ed fishing trip id u G | ir A iPad iture b | Patio furn u T t o H is u Marq f | Quilts Ground bee mower Self-propelled ting scope Leupold hun s Baked good Dinner BBQ Chicken
May 3, 2014
Schedule 8
Oregon State Fairgrounds AmeriCraft Center
Free Admission & Parking Door Prize - $100 Winco Card www.WesternMennoniteSchool.org
Pioneer Run Live Auction Silent Auction General Store Food
8:00am | registration @ 7:15 5K Run | 5K Walk | 3K Walk Register Online
9:30am - 2:30pm
Pick up your bidder number upon arrival to purchase food, drink, general store items, and auction items.
8:00am - 12:30pm Silent auction items are valued from $20 to $200. Keep an eye on table closing times!
8:00am - 2:30pm Variety of new and used items
7:30 - 9:00 | All you can eat Breakfast 11:00 - 1:30 | BBQ Chicken Lunch
WMS to Unveil Strategic Plan The strategic planning committee has been hard at work designing a road map that will help guide Western through the next five years and beyond. They have chosen the auction as their platform to reveal these plans to the community. Board members will be present at the auction to answer questions and help explain all the work that has gone into planning for the future of Western Mennonite School. Pick up a flyer at the Strategic Planning Booth on auction day to be entered to win a $50 gift card to Red Robin! This is an exciting time for Western as the school finds ways to advance and fulfill its mission! Look for a featured article that will go more in depth on this topic in the next In Touch that is scheduled for publication in July.
Foundation Board Revamping for Entry Project As Western continues to meet budget and find stability with finances, the Foundation Board is prepared to take action on their “Gateway to Our Future� project that was developed two years ago. They are laying the ground work to begin construction this summer to bring a much needed facelift to the front of the administration building. Stay tuned for more information on Foundation projects.
WMS Annual Scholarship Banquet If you are interested in Sponsoring or hosting a table for the 2014 Scholarship Banquet please call Charlene Schultz at 503-363-2000.
Spring 2014
2013-2014 Basketball highlights
W f y g F s a w r N b Both of Western’s teams had exciting seasons. The season culminated with the boys' finishing fourth and girls' finishing second at the State Tournament in Pendleton! Thank you to all the fans who faithfully attend games at “The Barn” and support the
young athletes of Western. Western received the Spirit Award at the tournament, and thanks to our coaches, players, and fans, Western was also awarded the Salem Basketball Officials Association Sportsmanship Award for the ninth year in a row!
League Rank: #2 State Rank: #2 League Record: 14-2 Overall Record: 25-5
League Rank: #1 State Rank: #4 League Record: 14-2 Overall Record: 24-6
Honors League
1 Team All-League Emma Gibb | Jenna Christenson Jon Stubblefield | Victor Hess
1 Team All-State Emma Gibb (co-player of the year)
2nd Team All-State Jenna Christenson Victor Hess
2 Team All-League Madison Hull | Emily Loyd Wyatt Roth nd
3rd Team All-State Jon Stubblefield
3rd Team All-League Amy Rausch | Oliver Wisseman Coach of the Year Gary Hull
Tournament 1 Team All-Tournament: Emma Gibb | Victor Hess st
2nd Team All-Tournament Jenna Christenson | Madison Hull Jon Stubblefield 10
Head soccer coach, Tim Fahndrich stepped down earlier this school year, after the conclusion of another year of leading Western’s boys soccer program. The school is grateful for the many hours and hard work that Tim invested into the program. His role will be filled by assistant coach, Steve Fahndrich for the 2014-2015 season. By the numbers 7 seasons, over 300 practices, 7 soccer camps, 110 games, 7 playoff appearances, 4 state playoff appearances, Overall record of 59 wins, 41 losses, 10 ties “Every day was a great day for soccer and I will miss it terribly, but the time has come for me to focus on being a dad and #1 fan for my two incredible kids in their respective sports next year. Special thanks to my brother Steve Fahndrich who has been an incredible assistant coach for the past 7 years. It's been a great run bro. I'm excited for you to take the helm next year as head coach and keep the program going strong. Also a special thanks to my wife Pam for all of her support and encouragement during the extra busy times that happen during soccer season. I couldn't have done it without either of you.”
Alumni Alumni News MDS Service | Brent Kauffman ’74 We (Lebanon Mennonite Church family) usually do a MDS project each year. We typically have a history of going to a warmer environment (like Florida, Louisiana, or California... since that is where more hurricanes and fires occur) but this year we went where the need was clean-up/ restoration from Hurricane Sandy in New York City where we were greeted by snow and cold Atlantic winds.
We worked in Far Rockaway, which is located on the southeast end of Long Island near JFK airport. A couple was living in very primitive conditions where you could literally see light though the walls and floor. We spent the week working on siding and exterior sheeting/insulation and by the end of the week we could not see light through the walls anymore.
I recently had the opportunity to serve in Staten Island, where the Hurricane Sandy storm surge pushed a wall of water over eight feet ashore and flooded the 1000's of low-lying homes there. Much of this devastation is still visible even eighteen months later. Those we worked with were among the least and forgotten that fell through the cracks. I went with a group of 21 persons, mostly builders
and contractors, and we finished two homes, making it possible for the persons to move back home, as well as laying foundations and walls for several others. We were greatly welcomed and were able to both give the "Cup of cold water" and share the "Water of Life" with those we met. There is still at lot of work to be done, so "Get ready, Get set and Go"!
MDS Service | Rick Troyer ’73 & Ron Baker ’80
Class of 1958 Celebrates 55 Years! By: Mary Ellen Kauffman
The class of 1958 held their fifty-fifth reunion September 15-17 at Canby Grove Conference Center, Canby OR. Fourteen classmates (seventeen including spouses) attended for all or part of the time -- one from as far away as Wisconsin. Sunday evening we spent the time sharing what has been happening since our last reunion 5 years ago. Three classmates have lost their spouses since our fiftieth reunion. Monday was spent reminiscing, looking at pictures, reviewing "Western Breezes" from
our senior year, playing Rook and dominos, or just visiting and hanging out together. Del Snyder had the 50's music playing in the background. A committee was formed to plan the next reunion. On Tuesday morning we gathered for breakfast and had a final devotion by Merv Stutzman. After more reminiscing, we departed with some tearful good-byes, as we realized each additional year for us is now a precious gift.
Congratulations to Sean Chambers ’10 for being chosen by Concordia University as the 2013-2014 Undergraduate Outstanding Education winner. Sean was nominated by several faculty members for his commitment to academic excellence, character and leadership qualities, and dedication to the teaching profession.
Milestones Marriages
Leona Kropf ’61 to Delbert Goss Nov 11, 2013
Births Ryan & Meggan Steckly 1st & 2nd child, sons Elijah & Isaiah November 14, 2012 Robby ’03 & Sara Gilliam FS 3rd child, 2nd daughter Katelyn Tatum 10/15/13 Cheri ’92 & Chris Wampole a daughter Grace Alexandra 10/18/13 Kylor ’05 & Tabitha Schultz 1st child, a son Ryder Trenton 11/2/2013 Bryan ’07 & Rachel Martin 1st child, a daughter Brooklyn Rae, 12/27/2013 Beth (Ewing) ’02 & Russell Sabrowsky, 1st child, a daughter Fiona Noelle, 12/26/13
to the families of... Helen White Charles Baker Ken Berkey Mark Rasmussen Ben Wisseman ’55 Al Nisly Fenton Galer Verle Headings ‘54 Merlin Aeschliman Dorothy King Les Kropf Bev Stutzman ’69 Leo Jantzi Carol Nofziger Miller ‘60 Please keep us informed of your family milestones by visiting www.WesternMennoniteSchool.org Spring 2014
In Memory of Mark Rasmussen On October 30, 2013 Mark Edward Rasmussen lost his struggle with esophageal cancer surrounded by his family. Mark spent over 11 years as a dedicated employee of Western Mennonite School. His warm personality and smiling face was a mainstay on campus for many WMS students and staff. Mark faithfully served and directed the facilities department during his time at the school. He oversaw numerous campus renovations, new building construction, and the overall maintenance of the facilities. He will be greatly missed and his impact on the campus will be cherished. The thoughts and prayers of those that were privileged to work with Mark are with the family and his lovely wife Caroline.
“When I think about Mark and my time working with him, I think about how generous he was. When Sandi and I came to Western we were on a volunteer service contract, so we didn’t have any extra. Many times Mark sent money our way or he made sure my kids had gingerbread houses to decorate at Christmas time. He was very giving in his time and money, not just to me and my family, but to others and Western!” -Rich Martin "Mark's fingerprints are on just about every inch of this campus. They are everywhere. I count it a privilege to have worked as Mark's assistant for nine years here at WMS. Mark was a true "Mr. Repurpose" always figuring how to make the old.."new again". I miss seeing him sailing across campus on that old bicycle with his tool bag bouncing in the front basket. But what I miss most are those moments this usually quiet man would choose to speak, whether in Chapel to the students, in the shop trying to teach me about circuits and switches or sharing what the Lord was doing in his life. Miss you, Mark." -Lori Burkey
Marks favorite quote: “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming… ’Wow! What a ride!’” – Hunter Thompson
Thank you for your life of service and influence! 12
In Memory of Merlin Aeschliman By: Oliver Wisseman ’14 (grandson) Merlin Aeschliman was on faculty at Western from 1986 to 2000 And spent six years serving on the School Board. The following words were read by Oliver at Merlin’s memorial service. “Today I would like to say what made my grandfather special to me and I came up with a phrase for describing how he was special, “A sweet man”. Now this isn’t a common phrase, for a man to be called sweet, but when you think of it in the context of my grandfather, we all can understand what it means. I would like to share some memories and reasons of why in my life I have found truth in calling him a sweet man. My freshman year my brother and I had the privilege of staying with our grandparents while we attended Western Mennonite School. Like in all of our lives, or at least in that of my families, it is an accumulation of small things that make the biggest difference. So one distinct memory that seems small but has a lasting impact is having my grandfather and sometimes grandmother edit my school papers. I remember this so distinctly because I knew full well that my brother would not want anything to do with grading my papers, and it was then that I
learned that my grandfather was also an English teacher for a time. After learning this, every time I needed an editor I would go to him for a few distinct reasons. My freshman year my penmanship was closer to chickenscratch or hieroglyphics than it was to any form of English writing. Trust me I have classmates that can vouch for that. But he usually could decipher it. Also, like most freshman, my thoughts on paper weren’t as connected as they were in my head. But the main reason I would go to my grandfather is that, every time not just when he edited my papers but whenever I talked to him, I would end up with a smile on my face at some point in the conversation. This was especially important when my papers were being edited because no one likes to be told they did something wrong, therefore I never felt like I was a bad writer when he would edit my papers. A few other small things that I remember making an impression on me from a younger age were three things; his gardening, his biking, and he and my grandmother taking in people from foreign countries to live at their house. I’d like to start with my grandfather gardening. I did not understand his love of gardening, but at least now I know the benefits he gained from gardening. The most obvious benefit I could see was having fresh fruits and vegetables. Although now I see that it was a smart economical way to provide food for
his family. Even more, it was a way to be a steward of God’s land. His house in West Salem was a small plot but he had a very large garden. To me I just remember it being something that was so simple and also very wise. At this moment I look at his biking very differently, all I really know of his biking were stories. There were times when I was younger where I would be on a bike ride with a large group that included him, but I was never biking with him, therefore I won’t count that as a memory of biking with him. My most vivid memories of him biking were that of him telling me a story of when he was on a bike trip with a group of people. Whether that was him leading a biking mini-term at Western or him biking with MCC in the San Juan Islands, I only recall him biking by himself when he was training for a group bike ride, and even then he would sometimes ride with other people. Now why I call my grandfather a “sweet man” also directly ties into him and my grandmother hosting people from different countries. He enjoyed the time he spent with other people. He made sure to cherish the times he had with you, whether you were family, a friend, a student, a co-worker, even a stranger. He made sure he didn’t waste the time he had with you whoever you were. That is why I look up to him and why I try to duplicate that same action. That is why to me, he is a sweet man.”
Spring 2014
2013 Donor Thank Yous Thank you to the following people and organizations for giving to Western in 2013. Your contributions are making a difference in the lives of students, their families, the faculty, staff, and the community.
Class of 1950 Freda Schmidt Ruth Kaufmann Hazel & Dave Steckly Leon & Luella Stutzman
Class of 1951 Ruth Etta Georgiades Maynard & Helen Headings John & Erma Jantzi Bob & Arline Kauffman Kenneth & Evon Roth Class of 1952 Carolyn & Al Burkey Glen & Lila Byers Helen & Maynard Headings Violet Hopkins Bonnie Jantzi Bob & Fern Nice Robert & Pat Reeser Class of 1953 Wilbur & Fanni Birky Al & Carolyn Burkey Delmar & Delores Kennel Fern & Bob nice Dorothy & Layman Slagell Class of 1954 Marvin & Mabel Emmert Grace & Lowell Herr Evelyn Marner Thelma & Emerson Martin Pearly Mast Ruth Nisly Glen & Annabelle Roth Verle & Shirley Stutzman Melvin & Caroline Wolfer Class of 1955 Bev & Cal Emmert Shirley & Richard Gingerich Sue Gresham Marlene Hostetler Maynard & Mildred Nofziger Eldon & Doreen Ropp Harold & Lyla Snyder Ada Stout Rosemarie & Curtis Zehr Class of 1956 Joyce & Willis Amstutz Sterling & Sherry Burkey Shirley & LeRoy Chupp Cal & Bev Emmert Mark & Mary Headings Sherry & Keith Keesecker Doris & Marion Knox Kenneth & Evon Roth Caroline & Melvin Wolfer Leo & Mim Zook Class of 1957 Mel & Sarah Bitikofer Dorothy & Richard Hansen Tom & Shirley Hershberger Warde & Pat Hershberger Darlene & Robert Kauffman Merlin & Kathy Schweitzer Joann & David Siemens Class of 1958 Galen Burkey Larry & Rosella Harshbarger
Mary Ellen & John Kauffman Ruth Kauffman Dorothy & Veldon Kropf Jewell Nelson Delbert & Lee Snyder Merv & Ruth Stutzman
Mary & Lee Gingerich Lola Jenkins Joanne & Leroy Martin Karen & Richard Martin Bryan & Judi Stauffer Mim & Leo Zook
Class of 1959 Rod & Marcia Byers Sharon & Don Clay Oren Horst Richard & Karen Kropf Ken & Annie Lind Judy & Cecil Miller Marian & Dennis Miller Truman & Ardys Miller Ron & Ardis Nofziger Doreen & Eldon Ropp Doris Schrock Lee & Carol Schweitzer Lee & Delbert Snyder David & Donna Stutzman Sharon & Don Westover
Class of 1964 Donna & J. Roy Brubaker Miriam Hess Ardis & Ron Nofziger Dan & Louise Nofziger Marylin & Linwood Rush Linda & Emerson Smoker
Class of 1960 Jeanette & Nick Arello Irene & David Bitikofer Ordena Bond Sam & Janice Eicher Alta & Kenneth Gerig Carol John Ardys & Truman Miller Dan & Phyllis Miller Lynn & Janice Miller Ken & Mabel Snyder Donna & David Stutzman Shirley & Kenton Yoder Brubaker Arla & Mario Yu Class of 1961 Bill Byers Duane & Linda Emmert Iris & John Esch Myrna & James Hamblin Sharon Hildreth Judy & Jim Jaques Elvon & Lorraine Kauffman Sharon & Cecil Kennel Beverly & Wayne Knox Sharon & Steven Nesselrodt Lee & Carol Schweitzer Ivan Snyder Mabel & Ken Snyder Class of 1962 Marcia & Rod Byers Barbara & Leroy Custer Duane & Linda Emmert Judith Jones Martyne & Ted Kempel Larry & Helen Mast Sharon & Dale Moyer Lowell & Carole Nafziger Susan Russell Jim & Carol Schweitzer Marilyn & Jake Van Pelt David & Suzanne Voegtlin Rod & Sally Wolfer Class of 1963 Bev & Larry Armstrong Arnold & Donna Brubaker Duane & Jan Eicher
Class of 1965 Gene & Susan Boshart Carolyn & Don Burkholder Darlene & Carl Dintaman Jan & Duane Eicher Ellen & James Eigsti Melva & Philip Lloyd Sharon & Richard Marrs Hazel & John Schroeder Janet & Linford Stutzman Cheryl & J. Lester Wagner Class of 1966 Linda & Dennis Abraham Doug Haima Ramona & Dan Headings Gary & Mim Hooley Russel & Maribeth Kennel Nadine & Dick LeFrancis Class of 1967 Barbara & Don Edwards Dianna & Leon Eshleman Dan & Amelia Lais Janet & Gary Oyer Donna & Randy Springer Mari & Roger Steiner Marv & Judy Stutzman Class of 1968 Dorothea & Mike Coleman Rachel & Wayne Hickman Bonnie Paul Milo & Bonnie Stauffer Jerry & Sharon Stutzman FF/S John & Jane Stutzman Lynell & Doug Stutzman Kathy & Bill Vandiver Marvin & Margaret Weber Jeanette & Ray Yoder Lester & Joy Yoder Class of 1969 Twila FF/S & Ron Erns Jim Garber Orval & Ellen Larrew Jean & Gail Miller Sharon & Jerry Stutzman FF/S Ray & Sherie Yoder Class of 1970 Linda & Don Gerig Marge & Tom Klempel Ellen & Orval Larrew Jerry & Vevi Schrock Lowell & Wendy Steckly Class of 1971 Dan & Regena Garber Von FF/S & Steve Hershberger
Julie & Wayne Miller Rod & Carley Schultz Peg Stutzman
Class of 1972 Linda SB & Robert Dibble Regena & Dab Garber Bill & Karolyn Mengershausen Douglas & Bridgett Stutzman Dennis & Susan Stutzman Ellis & Sue Stutzman Class of 1973 Susan & Phil Clemmer Chris Elliot Gwen & Doug Gransberg Debbie & Brent Kauffman Wendy & Lowell Steckly Vilas Steckly Troyer Susan & Dennis Stutzman Rick SB & Joan Troye Sherry & Rodney Class of 1974 Roberta & Chris Arstein Bob & Joan Baker FF/S Dennis & Karen Beckler Gregg & Debbie Burkey Melvena & Jerry Gorman Gary & Lois Hooley Brent & Debbie Kauffman Coleen & Del Martim Lina & Robert McDonald David & Connie Nice Debbie & Phil Odegaard Gary & JoAnn Stutzman Dwight & Debra Stutzman Onie Ward Class of 1975 Mike & Patti Baker FF/S Anita & Dale Classen Don & Luanne Livingston Class of 1976 Mike & Sandra King Andy Lau Darrell & Peggy Miller Todd & Deb Rediger Vonda & Dwight Ropp Stan & Rita Schrock Elizabeth & Clark Slater Julia & Greig Todd Darrel FF/S & Charlene White Class of 1977 Rick & Kathy Byers Terence & Jessica Chan Byron F/S & Debbie Johnson Donald & Denise Reeser Susan F/S & Craig Stinson Class of 1978 Mike & Karin Kauffman Jodi Nofziger Rich Class of 1979 Dave Burkey Ben Fahndrich Brenda & George Jablonsky Ginny & Malcolm Juss Andy & Brenda Kauffman Marlin Paulus Carl Yoder
Class of 1980 Karen & Dennis Beckler Retta & Chris Edling Sandra & Mike King Sheryl & Gerald Mast Sandy Jo & David Morton Dale & Carrie Porter Sandi & Duane Roth Richard & Mitra Battan Royal Rita & Stan Schrock Charlene & Paul Schultz F/S Marshall & Jackie Wideman Darrel & Janette Wisseman Class of 1981 Lynette & Brian Plank Stephanie & Peter Sammons Class of 1982 Sheila F/S & Steve Fahndrich Marla & Kenny Ernst Charles Lee Class of 1983 Karyn & Richard Hinz Pam & Verne Mack FF/S Barbara & Robert Miller Mike & Kim Stutzman
Class of 1984 Laurie & Tom Bender Diana Blackstone F/S & Alan Helt Katherine & Leon Neuschwander Class of 1985 Tim & Pam Fahndrich Tammy & Mario Gutierrez Kurt & Jane Korver Rich & Sandi Martin F/S Rene’e F/S & Dan Winters Class of 1986 Harlan & Sharmin Buck Krista & Mike Corless Lori & Greg Loyd Allen Schrock Angie & Philip Stephenson Class of 1989 Melika & Ross Hershberger Kimberly Kinyon Christopher & Angie Nissly Joanna Warren Class of 1990 Cristen & Alan Dorsing-Burnett Melanie & Greg Hire Tony & Bryn Martinez Aaron & Wendy Nofziger Michael & Heidi Pender Class of 1991 Laura & Chris Mullet Koop Wendy & Aaron Nofziger Class of 1992 Cheri & Chris Wampole Class of 1993 Ryan & Melissa Nisly Christa & Stephen Obold-Eshleman Ryan & Kathleen Rush Craig & Lisa Schweitzer Class of 1995 Kendra Snyder
If your name has been misspelled or omitted, please accept our apologies and inform us of the error!
Class of 1996 Jyl & Jeremy Ewy Class of 1997 Stephanie Eddy Michelle & David Guengerich Eric & Adrienne Kum Jennifer & Seth Rice Class of 1998 Travis & Stacey Johnson Class of 1999 Lorne Burkholder Eric Ivanitsky FF/S Rebecca Patterson Class of 2000 Ben & Jill Baker Jonathan Lamkin Darren FF/S & Audra Stauffer Jesse & Ashley Zook Class of 2001 Andrew Hooley Audra SB & Darren Stauffer Tyler & Andrea Weber Class of 2003 Robby & Sara Gilliam F/S Class of 2004 Trevor Schultz Class of 2005 Eliza & Chris Burkholder Ben FF/S & Trish Handrich Irina & Joel Herschberger Class of 2006 Caleb F/S & Jessica Ivanitsky Class of 2007 Alison & Sean Fretwell Michael Woodard FF/S Class of 2008 Stuart Nelsen Class of 2011 Emily Fahndrich F/S Rebekah Polivka Brooke Schultz Matthew Stubblefield Class of 2013 Michelle Schultz Faculty/Staff Jim & Marilyn Affolter Lori & Lee Burkey Zig & Teresa Derochowski Renai & James DuBois Sheila & Steve Fahndrich Jim & Judy Harper Krystal Hathaway Corey Hosler Gary & Brenda Hull Dora & Serge Ivanitsky Dottie & Charles Kamilos Ray & Kay Nussbaum Pat & Lisa Rausch Chris & Jeanette Woodard Former Faculty/Staff Russell & Camille Adrian Darrel & Kathy Camp Rachel Camp Clayton & Myrtle Gingerich Jeff & Rose Hackman Myron & Pat Harms Sheila & John Hochstetler Tammy Huffman-Hall Karen & Gabino Kenagy Perez Willard Kennel Kristin & Mark Leyton Laura & David Lehman Rol & BJ Leichty Elisabeth & Jon Little
Eric SB & Sue Martin Richard Metzler Perry & Delores Miller Amanda & Michael O’Connor Carla Schrock Dorothy Shenk Bernard & Miriam Showalter Kelsey & Luke Sommer Carolyn & Roger Trygstad Mike & Cindy Wenger Lela & Edwin Yoder Laura & Guy Young Twila Zimmerly Friends of Western Kathleen Aeschliman Rex & Janice Anderson Kirk & Lynnette Anderson Laurie Andrews Susan Antonini Rick & Char Arritola Bob & Carmen Banke Will & Cheeri Barnhart SB Ron & Darlene Barnick Gary Battles Howard Beachy Charles & Meloni Beauchamp Alice Bender Jack & Inez Berkey Doug & Luanne Berkey Stacy Berkey Steve & Kathleen Bernards Karl & Ginny FSB Birky Michael & Kristine Blackburn Roy Blackstone Todd & Amy Borntreger Trina Branch Gerald Brenneman Opal Brubaker Lejeune & Melissa Bryant David Buck Russell & Janet Buschert Jamie & Tara Cade Teresa Campbell Jack & Carole Carlson Bryan & Christiana Carter Adolph & Jeanne Castaneda Rex & Mary Catt Gary & Rose Christensen Lawrence & Audry Christenson Larry & Cindy Christenson Andrew & Dema Chupp Alfredo & Maria Cisneros Gene & Dorene Claassen Som Phong Clark Ross & Allison Collingwood Berniece Core Cliff & Delight Stone Curry Ames & Dama Curtright Paul & Ellen Davidhizar Jeff & Terri Davis John & Annola DeJong Faye DeMeyer Richard & Barbara Dinsmore Craig & Cheryl Dorsing Les & Donna Dorsing Curtis & Phyllis Dorsing Allan DuBois Patricia Dudek Roger & Sarah DuVal Richard & Christine DuVal Diane Ehres Marcy Ellis Linda Ellsworth Steve Ferrell Mark & Katherine Whitney Fischl Myrtle Fricke Ruby Friesen Carey & Janice Friesen Neil & Patricia Gansler
Johnny & Cheryl Garber David Garber Melva Garber Sally Geistweit Rod & Carolyn Gerig Ed & Terry Gibb Ryan & Charlene Gibb Ed & Dana Gilkison Claudia Gilliam Verne & Nadine Gingerich Jerry & Letha Gingerich Jeff & Joan Gladow Dennis & Pat Goldsmith Meghan Good SB Steve & Emily Gordon Alvin & Ruth Grasse Lyle & Mary Hadley John & Joanne Halgren Tom & Becki Hall Jason Hamlin Tim & Caroline Harris Jim & Jean Harrison Len & Carol Hays David & Leanne Hays Curt & Elizabeth Hendricks Abby Heppner Bonnie Heppner Bruce & Donna Hess Glenn & Jodi Hess Goldie Heyerly Alice Hill Clint Hoisinton Mary Jane Hollinger Donna Howse Marion Hull Susan Huston Steve Hutchinson Alik Isaac Mark & Mary Lou Janeba Kirk & Cherie Jespersen Leonard & Judy Johnson Dan & Amanda Johnson Gertrude Johnson Pete & Page Jossi Ray FSB & Tina Kauffman Ike & Vada Kauffman Joe & Elaine Kauffman Gordon & Shari Kelly Kraig & Nansie Kelly Ben & June Kenagy Vera Kenagy Wilbur Kenagy Ray & Betty Ketterling Alene & Rudy Ketterling Dean & Deborah Klaus David & Becky Knieling Lester & Sandra Kolb Susie FF/S & Tim Kreder Ruth Kropf Ivan Kropf Dan & Shelley Kuykendall Sharla Kyck Floyd FSB & Claudia Lapp Ken & Wendy Larson Norbert & Christine Leupold Thure & Sherry Lindstrom Ron FSB & Karen Litwiller Jonathan & Micky Logan Stacey Lyman Jim Lyman Michael & Beverly Mack Maurice Mack Tim & Gail Manickam Nabeel & Jean Mansour Steve & Rachel Mansour Juan & Janice Martinez Mitch & Melissa Mason Michael & Annette Meseroll Stanley & Sharon Meyer
Earl & Grace Miller Scott & Jeanne Mills Jack & Rose Marie Moad Luis Molina Marge Monaco Lyle & Belinda Mordhorst Diane Moustachetti James Nafziger Carl & Louise Newswanger Irene Nice Alvin & Sharon Nisly Wilma Nisly Willard & Bernita Nofziger Leonard & Karen Nolt Carvel & Diane O’Dell Dan & LeeAnn O’Leary Mark Olson Vonnie FF/S FSB & Stan SB Oyer Dick & Sharon Panasuk Matt & Mary Papulski Charles & Cindy Peck Eric & Dorothy Pekkola Ron & Liz Penrose Joe & Nancy Petterson Jason & Sheri Pilgram Rodney & Dorothy Pimental Dwight & Jana Polivka Joan Ponder Ryan & Roni Rasmussen David & Kathleen Redford Geoff Reece Carl & Marianne Reich Cheri Reinke Emil & Christy Reyes Hap & Jan Richmond Linda Rush Tavas & Amber Sarapin Myrl & Freida Sauder Peggy Schmidt Kenneth & Karen Schmidt Bernice Schmucker Perry Schrock Eldon & Millie Schrock John & Dixie Schultz Richard & Jeanne Schultz Jon & Andrea Lind Scott Tom & Laura Sharr Byron FSB & Ina Shenk Richard Simpson Lisa Sims Grace Slatter Larry & Danielle Slaughter Wayne Smith Tracy Snyder Janet & Kurt Spingath Norman Steckley Stan & Ruth Steffen Timothy Steiner John & Lisa Stenson Steven & Jamie Stradley Dennis & Carol Stringer Fancho & Katie Stubblefield Fee & Julie Stubblefield Phil & Verna Stultz James & Diane Sturdivant Jackie & Warren Swartzendruber Tim & Paula Taylor Tom & Kristin Thompson Mark & Shawna Tittle Randall Toews David & Ruth Tompkins Royce & Mary Trammell Aaron & Shannon Troyer Ed & Sue Troyer Sedonia Urbigkeit Manuel & Christine Valdez Don & Garnet Verley Ronald & Marilyn Walsh Esther Walworth
Gene & Martha Webster Harold & Betty White Jim & Donna Wiens Walt & Linda Wierenga Roy & Gwen Williams Lanette & Eddie Willig Sue & Mike Wilson Shirley Wimer Darren & Jennifer Winegar Dan & Betty Winters Lisa Wipf Mary Ellen Woodard Delvin SB & Twila Zook Businesses & Program Sponsors Cove Equipment Douglas, Conroyd, Gibb & Pacheco F & W Fence Gerig Wood Design Illahe Hills Country Club Jim Stevenson’s Kris’ Kitchen Kyma, Llc LCG Pence Construction, Inc. Les Schwab Tire Center - W. Salem Liberty Rock Lincoln Store Mennonite Village Miller’s Auto Repair Oak Park Family Dental Olsson Industrial Electric Pioneer Printing Inc. Rickreall Farm Supply Rite Way Electric Robinson Nursery Rock of Ages Mennonite Home Roth’s West Salem Schultz Auction Service Springs At Sunnyview LLC Stutzman Services Inc. The Woods at Willowcreek Third River Marketing LLC Valley Recycling & Disposal Western Ag Improvements Wilcox, Arredondo & Co Willvision Winco Foods Churches Albany Mennonite Church Calvary Mennonite Church Filer Mennonite Church Logsden Neighborhood Church Portland Mennonite Church Salem Mennonite Church Western Mennonite Church Zion Mennonite Church Estate Gifts Ivan Kropf Jerry & Letha Gingerich Howard Nice Clarence Reeser Grace Slatter Edwin Yoder
Current Faculty or Staff Former Faculty or Staff School Board Former School Board
Spring 2014
9045 Wallace Rd NW Salem OR 97304
www.WesternMennoniteSchool.org Board of Directors Chair | Delvin Zook Vice Chair | Stan Oyer Secretary | Cheeri Barnhart Foundation Rep |David Hays
Employment Opportunities Linda Dibble Meghan Good Eric Martin Jerry Roth Audra Stauffer Rick Troyer
• Music Director • Middle School Teacher • Male & Female Dorm Leaders call 503.363.2000 for more information
Prayer Requests
April 28 - May 2 | Spring Spiritual Renewal Week
• • • • •
May 3 8 7-10 13 14 21 28 29
42nd Benefit Auction State Choir Competition Sound of Music College Prep Night Visitors Day NHS Blood Drive Middle School Spring Concert High School Spring Concert & Senior Awards Night
June 2-3 2-4 4 6-12 14
Middle School Pioneer Days High School Exams Middle School Graduation Mini Terms Commencement
Spiritual Renewal Week Seniors finishing strong Safety in spring sports Auction Guidance for School Board and Administration • Increased enrollment • Mini-Terms • New hires
Equipping Students for a Life of Faith and Learning