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Internet and Technology Use Policy | 2015-2016 Student Name:


Western Mennonite School offers students the privilege of computer use through educational software and Internet access. Both the computer software and the Internet offer students a vast array of resources that have the potential to enrich their educational experience. The Internet is intended as a supplement to library resources and is first and foremost a research tool. The primary use of the school’s network and the Internet is for activity that supports the educational objectives of the school and the Standards of Conduct. Any student using a computer on campus, including personal laptops and other devices, agrees to the responsible use of these resources. 1. I will not do anything that interferes with the operation of the school’s network or the Internet. 2. I will not attempt to gain access to unauthorized areas of the network. 3. I will respect the work of others, and I will not tamper with or in any way violate the property, folders, files, etc. of others. 4. I will not violate copyright laws or commit plagiarism by downloading any copyrighted materials found on the Internet. (This includes music, music videos, movies, etc.) 5. I will use the school’s limited resources responsibly by not using excessive hardware space and by limiting the number of copies I print. 6. I will not use the school’s network to access or display objectionable, obscene, or violent images, messages, or materials. 7. I will not knowingly send, receive or display obscene or violent images, messages or pictures. 8. I will not download or play computer programs or games that are not school approved. 9. I will not access unauthorized social networking sites. 10. I will not give out personal information such as complete name, phone number, address or identifiable photo without permission from teacher, parent or guardian. 11. I will not use the computers or Internet to insult, harass, or attack others. I understand that any violation of these guidelines will result in the loss of Internet and computer use and privileges as well as other possible disciplinary or legal action. The school will cooperate fully with civil and federal authorities in the event of criminal activity relating to our electronic communications system. I ________________________________, have read and understand the Acceptable Internet and Technology Use Policy and agree to adhere to all guidelines listed here. I understand the consequences that will occur upon violation of this policy. As a student Internet and computer technology user, I accept full responsibility and liability for the results of my personal actions. Student Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date ________________ Consequences for any student violating the Acceptable Technology Use Policy st

1 offense = loss of computer privileges for one day – Dean of Students informed and parents notified 2nd offense = loss of computer privileges for one week – Dean of Students informed and parents contacted by phone and a formal letter placed in student’s file 3rd offense = loss of computer privileges on campus for the semester – Dean of Students informed, and parents notified. This policy is in place to protect the privacy of all members of the Western Mennonite School Community and to safeguard the integrity of the system. Any activity that interferes with the operation of the school’s network or Internet will be considered vandalism. All costs for labor and materials incurred due to vandalism will be billed to those responsible for that vandalism.

Form Required for Every Student

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