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First Semester Calendar | 2014-2015 Aug. 11-12 ............. Mon.-Tue ....... Senior Registration Aug. 13-14 ............. Wed.-Thu ....... Junior Registration Aug. 18-19 ............. Mon.-Tue ....... Sophomore Registration Aug. 20-21 ............. Wed.-Thu ....... Freshman Registration Aug. 22-23 ............. Fri.-Sat. ........... Student Council Orientation Aug. 25-29 ............. Mon-Fri. ......... F/S In-Service Week / Workday (29th) Aug. 31 .................. Sun ................. Dorm Open for All Students 8:00 am Sept. 1 ................... Mon................ Labor Day Holiday Sept. 2 ................... Tue ................. First Day of School Sept. 3 ................... Wed................ Parent Orientation 7:00 pm Sept. 11 ................. Thu ................. Last Day to Add/Drop Class for 1st Semester Sept. 13 ................. Sat. ................. 17th Annual Western Benefit Golf Tournament Sept. 17 ................. Wed................ Small Group Breakfast / Service Afternoon Sept. 20 ................. Sat .................. Annual Benefit Scholarship Banquet at Salem Convention Center Sept. 23 ................. Tue ................. School Pictures Sept. 24 ................. Wed................ “See You at the Pole” 7:00 am Sept. 25 ................. Thu ................. Big Brother/Big Sister Double Lunch Sept. 30 ................. Tue ................. Parent Night 7:00 pm Oct. 2 ..................... Thu ................. Concert Choir Sight Reading at Corban Oct. 3 ..................... Fri ................... A cappella Sight Reading at Corban Oct. 6-9.................. Mon.-Thu ....... Pioneer Spirit Week Oct. 9 ..................... Thu ................. End of 1st 6-Weeks Oct. 10 ................... Fri ................... Statewide In-Service – NO CLASSES Oct. 13 ................... Mon................ National Christian College Fair in Portland (All Freshman) 6:00-8:00 pm Oct. 15 ................... Wed................ PSAT 8:00-12:00 for Grades 9, 10 & 11 Oct. 16 ................... Thu ................. Picture Retake Day Oct. 17 ................... Fri. .................. Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:00-8:00 pm – NO CLASSES Oct. 22 ................... Wed................ Middle School & High School Fall Concert 7:00 pm Oct. 23 ................... Thu ................. Mennonite College Fair for Grades 8, 10, 12 Oct. 27-31 ............. Mon.-Fri ......... Fall Spiritual Renewal Week Oct. 29 ................... Wed................ Parent Night 7:00 pm Oct. 31 ................... Fri ................... Middle School Fall Festival (6th & 7th Periods) Nov. 3 .................... Mon................ National College Fair for Juniors (All Day) Nov. 6 .................... Thu ................. Big Brother/Big Sister After School Activity Nov. 8 .................... Sat .................. A cappella Workshop Nov. 12 .................. Wed................ Visitors Day Nov. 13-15 ............. Thu.-Sat. ......... Fall Drama Production Nov. 20 .................. Thu ................. End of 2nd 6-Weeks Nov. 21 .................. Fri ................... ½ Day In-Service / ½ Day Grading/Work Day - NO CLASSES Nov. 26-30 ............. Wed.-Sun ....... Hospitality Homes (Dorm Closed 6:00 pm Wednesday-5:00 pm Sunday) Nov. 27-28 ............. Thu.-Fri. .......... Thanksgiving Break Dec. 4 .................... Thu ................. Parent Night 7:00 pm Dec. 11 .................. Thu ................. Grandparent’s Day Dec. 13 .................. Sat .................. High School Christmas Banquet Dec. 16 .................. Tue ................. Big Brother/Big Sister Christmas Party / Middle School Christmas Concert 7:00 pm Dec. 17 .................. Wed................ Choirs at the Capitol Dec. 18 .................. Thu ................. Alumni Celebration Day // High School Christmas Concert 7:00 pm Dec. 19 .................. Fri. .................. Senior Portraits Due for Yearbook Inclusion Dec. 22-Jan. 2 ........ Mon.-Fri ......... Christmas/New Year Break (Dorm closed Dec. 19 at 6:00 pm - Jan. 4 at 12:00 noon) Jan. 5 ..................... Mon................ Classes Resume Jan. 15 ................... Thu ................. End of 1st Semester Jan. 16 ................... Fri. .................. ½ Day In-Service / ½ Day Grading/Work Day - NO CLASSES Jan. 16-19 .............. Fri.-Mon ......... Student Council Retreat Jan. 19 ................... Mon................ Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - NO CLASSES

Western Mennonite School

Second Semester Calendar | 2014-2015 January 20............... Tue .................. Second Semester Begins January 28............... Wed ................. Parent Night 7:00 pm January 29............... Thu .................. Cultural Awareness Day // Big Brother/Big Sister Double Lunch January 29............... Thu .................. Last Day to Add/Drop Classes for 2nd Semester February 4............... Wed. ................ Visitors Day February 9-13 ......... Mon.-Fri .......... Pioneer Spirit Week February 13............. Fri. ................... Middle School Winter Festival // High School Valentine Social February 14............. Sat ................... Benefit Concert February 16............. Mon................. President’s Day Holiday – NO CLASSES February 18............. Wed. ................ High School District Choir Festival at Linfield College February 20............. Fri. ................... Student Intent to Return Forms Due February 26............. Thu .................. Parent Night 7 pm March 4................... Wed ................. End of 4th 6-Weeks March 5................... Thu. ................. Teacher Work Day – NO CLASSES March 5-7 ............... Thu.-Sat. .......... State Basketball Tournament at Pendleton – NO CLASSES March 13................. Fri. ................... Parent/Teacher Conferences 12 Noon-8:00 pm – NO CLASSES March 16................. Mon ................. National Honor Society Induction Celebration 7:00 pm March 17................. Tue .................. Big Brother/Big Sister After School Activity March 20................. Fri. ................... Awareness Day March 23-27 ........... Mon.-Fri .......... Spring Break (Dorm Closed Friday, 3/20 at 6:00 pm - Sunday, 3/29 at noon) March 26-29 ........... Thu.-Sun .......... A cappella Choir Tour March 30-April 2 ..... Mon.-Thu ........ Spring Spiritual Renewal Week March 31................. Tue .................. Parent Night 7:00 pm April 2-5 .................. Thu.-Sun .......... Hospitality Homes (Dorm Closed 6:00 pm Thu. - 5:00 pm Sunday) April 3 ..................... Fri .................... Good Friday Holiday – NO CLASSES April 7-9 .................. Tue.-Thu .......... Middle School Testing April 10 ................... Fri .................... High School Preview Day April 10-14 .............. Fri.-Tue ............ MSC Music Festival, Goshen, IN April 14 ................... Tue .................. Junior/Senior College Tours April 23 ................... Thu .................. End of 5th 6-Weeks April 24 ................... Fri .................... ½ Day In-Service / ½ Day Grading/Work Day – NO CLASSES April 24 ................... Fri .................... Open House 7:00 pm April 25 ................... Sat ................... Jr./Sr. Banquet April 29 ................... Wed ................. Parent Night 7:00 pm May 2 ...................... Sat. .................. 43rd Annual Western Benefit Auction (Student Participation Required) May 4 ...................... Mon................. Auction Appreciation Day // A cappella Recording - NO CLASSES May 7 ...................... Thu .................. High School State Choir Competition at GFU May 8 ...................... Fri .................... Student Election Assembly May 13 .................... Wed. ................ Visitors Day May 14-16 ............... Thu.-Sat ........... Spring Musical Performances (7 pm each night & 2 pm Saturday) May 20 .................... Wed. ................ National Honor Society/Red Cross Blood Drive May 25 .................... Mon................. Memorial Day Holiday – NO CLASSES May 27 .................... Wed ................. Middle School Spring Concert 7:00 pm May 28 .................... Thu .................. High School Spring Concert/Senior Academic Awards Night 7:00 pm June 2...................... Tue .................. High School Awards June 2-3 .................. Tue.-Wed ........ Middle School Pioneer Days June 3...................... Wed ................. Senior Program June 4...................... Thu .................. End of 2nd Semester // No Middle School Activities / 8th Grade Graduation 7 pm June 5...................... Fri .................... Teacher Grading/Work Day // Senior Graduation Practice 1:00-3:00 pm June 6...................... Sat ................... Senior/Family/Faculty Reception 1:00 pm // Commencement 2:30 pm June 8-12 ................ Mon.-Fri .......... High School Mini-Term June 14.................... Sun .................. Dorm Closes at Noon June 15.................... Mon................. End of Year Faculty/Staff Meeting // Work Day

Western Mennonite School

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