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WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL BOARD Monday, August 29, 2016 Equipping Students for a Life of Faith and Learning Board Members Present: Allen Schrock, Zach Nicoli, Linda Dibble, Naomi Quesada, Bob Baker, Andy Kauffman and Kirk Jespersen, Chad Hocshtetler & Eric Martin

Administration Present: Robby Gilliam, Chad Rush, Rich Martin

Absent: Cheeri Barnhart

Opening: Allen Schrock stated there needs to be a change in the previous minutes to leave Andy Kauffman and Naomi Quesada to serve on only one committee. 1. Devotions: Bob Baker shared the devotion. He basis of the devotion was ”teach your kids to count, but teach them what counts the most in life.”

2. Consent Agenda: Allen stated there needs to be a change in the minutes to leave Andy Kauffman and Naomi Quesada to serve on only one committee.

3. Audit Review: Sabino Arredondo, class of ’89. He briefly reviewed financials. He found 5 areas that need to be looked at in his opinion and based on accounting practices. A report was given to the board. a. Material weaknesses (3 of 5) see page 2, 3, 5 and 6of the report given. b. Are my reports as accurate as they can be? (4 of 5) What does this mean for the board c. Recommendations (5 of 5) Possibly an A/R review and change in policy. In closing, Sabino expressed his personal interest in volunteering in the business or on the board. He suggested he should not be the auditor so there is no conflict of interest because he is currently a donor also. 4. Insurance Information: Presented by Jim Reed 5. Administration Reports: Robby reports we started today at 172 and may get to 174. Last year we started at 214, we’re at a dramatic drop. Robby will email a report showing student enrollment/paying students. The majority of students went to public school (70%)and the rest were home schooled. Chad reported the hiring of the new English teach was a blessing. There is a good feel within the school. The atmosphere is positive with no adversity. “A normal first day.” Rich talked about the feeder schools. They are very weak in the 5th grade classes. That along with change at WMS may have been a factor. He also talked about more exposure within the community would benefit WMS. Robby stated that Sonshine will be starting a 6th grade class regarding demand from their attendees/parents.

6. Action Items: a. Board Recommendation: 2nd Monday of the month for committee night at WMS 6pm. including a split/combined committee of the finance and strategic planning. 1. Committees consist of : i. Strategic Planning: Eric Martin (chair), Bob Baker and Allen Schrock – ad hoc: Jerry Roth ii. Finance: Chad Hocshetler (chair) and Zach Nicoli iii. Marketing: Kirk Jespersen(chair) and Naomi Quesada iv. Personnel: Linda Dibble (chair) and Cheeri Barnhart (can draw from staff as needed) v. Policy: Cheeri Barnhart (chair) and Andy Kauffman vi. Allen stated, “Focus needs to be on financial issues.” Andy volunteered to sit in on a finance committee and we will take him up on that. 18

b. Budget approval: Enrollment states 180 and we’re at 172 but he believes we’ll get some additions second semester. 5 International student’s commitments as of now. $18. Not sure if they will come through. The drop is due to no dorm and the overall economics in the Asian markets. The budget is grim but we’re doing everything we can to cut corners. We need action and approval from the board for the bank. Robby shared his financial summary by day per month. Breaking point is in November. Robby has a plan to get through October. “In very sobering terms I do not have a plan after the month of October! We don’t have a safety net, people have left in droves.” c. Motions made: 1. Eric motioned that WMS withdraws for AMSC regarding health benefits and authorize Robby to shop elsewhere. Seconded by Linda, motion passes unanimously. 2. Andy motioned to table the budget until committees meet in two weeks. M 2nd and passed. 3. Allen Shared Jeremiah 32. Who do we need was asked also; ask for more help from our community. 4. Action was taken to approve the co-op swimming participation with Salem Academy. This was passed by majority vote to begin the co-op for the 2016-2017 school year.

7. Executive Session

Next Board Meeting: Monday, September 26

Recording Secretary: Kirk Jespersen Public minutes – may be redacted for confidentiality


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