WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL BOARD Monday, September 26, 2016 Equipping Students for a Life of Faith and Learning Board Members Present: Allen Schrock, Zach Nicoli, Linda Dibble, Bob Baker, Andy Kauffman, Kirk Jespersen, Chad Hocshtetler, Eric Martin and Cheeri Barnhart
Administration Present: Robby Gilliam
Absent: Naomi Quesada
Opening: Allen met the staff and let them know the Board is praying for them and the school. They seemed please and surprised. 1. Devotions: Cheeri Barnhart shared about Trevor Mitchel who she knew and worked with his mother.
2. Consent Agenda: Minutes need to be corrected to show Eric Martin and Chad Rush were present at the last meeting. “Noted.” 3. Administration Reports: Robby – initially diagnosed with broken heart syndrome. He is not cleared to be back at work. He is listening to the doctors, he can drive. Objective is to work remotely; he met with exec committee last week. Met with Chad and Rich off base, not at school. They reported and confirmed, “the school is doing well: this is God’s place.” His role will be consultation, leadership, not necessary active or direct on hands leadership. He met with Chad and Rich today for an extended period of time. They are handling things as needed. He has had a meeting with staff and faculty four days after his issue and told them he had a health issue. His intention is to be here until June, use sick time and vacation time. Robby stated: a. Things are positive at school, see reports: We did lose a couple of students today. From the Banquet we received $37k, $2k above budget. Has heard comments that it was one of the best banquets we’ve had. Hopefully it produced positive view of the school, Golf tournament went well, best attended ever. As long as we don’t talk about cash flow things are going really well in regards to moral. b. Financials – Remember that it is August; there is a big lack of income. Should see an increase in income in September. c. Banquet: While it was good there was room for improvement. 252 people that attended the banquet. d. Fundraising -WMS received a $10k unnamed donor check, 6 families have been contacted, asked for immediate support. He will follow up with them after he returns from vacation. Robby presented in front of the Bill Gates foundation, we have not been contacted. If we received funds, it is most likely we won’t since the time frame has passed for the acknowledgement of funds. Mike Hopper is making phone calls every day and hitting the pavement.
4. Action Items: a. Bank Signing?? Chad Rush can sign checks and Robby reviews everything. Kirk is also being put on as a check signer since he is Executive Secretary
5. Executive Session 6. Motions Made: a. Linda Dibble: Move forward on using the (non true) general and student endowments and seeking release on the true endowments. 2nd by Bob. Motion passed unanimous.
b. Eric Martin: Commission a sub group of the Board to map out a plan and timeline to communicate the identity of WMS, with Linda Chairing, Cheeri and Kirk serving. Bring back proposal to October Board meeting. 2nd by Chad. Motion passed unanimously.
Next Board Meeting: Monday, October 24, 2016
Recording Secretary: Kirk Jespersen Public minutes – may be redacted for confidentiality