WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL BOARD Monday, November 21, 2016 Equipping Students for a Life of Faith and Learning Present – Allen, Linda, Andy, Naomi, Bob, Chad R, Chad H, Zach, Cheeri, and Kirk. Devotions – all prayed for the school, Allen closed in prayer – Allen –This board needs to hear from Chad H., Zach and Andy (the finance committee) in regards to the financial health of the school and how things are progressing. Chad Rush reported that the students are ready for a break. There has been some parents/teacher conflict. Rich is gone, his wife is gone, but God is with him and he’s been re-invigorated even though it feels that we are under attack. He has expressed his continuous hope, and stand boldly during these difficult times. Allen turned the meeting over to Finance committee. Andy – Asked if we are okay with accessing the “non-true” endowment funds. Eric and others are talking to donors and trying to raise funds. There is a year-end letter to go out, Andy wrote it today. The process will start next week as far as it going out to donors. We will run out of money in mid-February. So we need to tap endowments in January. Chad Rush reported that it’s also possible that we may lose 2 more students. Motion made by Linda, “we use the endowments in reference to Andy’s email as stated and only as needed” Bob 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. Andy reported on health insurance. We were planning to switch to a plan through a broker, Hagen Hamilton. Currently the benefit is an 80/20 program, WMS paying 80%, the employee pays 20%. Andy went over the benefits employees receive including payments in lieu of insurance to those that do not take the insurance and reimbursement of medical expenses above deductible until maximum out-of-pocket is reached. It was stated that this is very generous program and a little uncommon in today’s workplace. All points of the health insurance were discussed by the entire board and Principal, Chad Rush. Meeting Adjourned – 9:35 Andy – closing prayer. Next Board Meeting Dec 5th. Public minutes – may be redacted for confidentiality