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WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL BOARD Monday, December 5, 2016 Equipping Students for a Life of Faith and Learning Present: Andy Kauffman, Allen Schrock, Chad Hochstetler, Eric Martin, Linda Dibble, Naomi Quesada, Zach Nicoli, Kirk Jespersen Bob Baker, Cheeri Barnhart Guests: Pam Fahndrich, Tim Fahndrich, Jenn Nicoli, Jeri Martin, Brenda Hull. Board / Guest introductions – all Devotion – Chad H. – God is our source of hope! Guests: presented #wmstogether challenge. $5/month giving. A great video was shown with people from the WMS community. The Board asked: What do you need from us? The campaign was focused on paying for health insurance but we want to go through with the campaign regardless. Exec Session: Health Insurance discussion (all) Communication: We should be more transparent in regards to our financial situation. We are not going to reinstate health insurance. However when we become healthier health Insurance benefits will be one of the first things we look at to reinstate. As far as #wmstogether challenge we don’t feel that we can “tag” those funds for health insurance. In the meantime we as a board will try to keep the staff, and community informed of the true financial picture of the school. The goal of #wmstogether is to raise 50k by 12/31, 200k by end of Feb, 350K by June 30th. (50K/month basically). Have Charlene send out an email to the community informing them of our financial situation. Allen will communicate with Tim Fahndrich tomorrow along with contacting Brenda Hull responding to her email. Town Hall parent meeting 6pm, on Dec 14th Chapel. Andy will have Rory send out an invitation via email to parents. Linda brought up the board giving $100 gift cards to faculty and staff. Parents of WMS students on the board are exempt. Andy passed out a “Student Referral Program” information. Are we going to support the ELG and MEC conferences, Chad Rush says we should support that.


Search Committee update will be communicated by email Marketing Committee update: Database: contacts programs aren’t being used and it’s costing us around $200/month. Admissions aren’t being included in all of the communications and are not following up. Logo: we have two, one old, one new. We need to stick with one. Minutes were approved unanimously from last month. Next Meeting will be in January Meeting Adjourned 10:55pm. Public Minutes – may be redacted for confidentiality


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