WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL BOARD Saturday, January 28, 2017 (Retreat) Equipping Students for a Life of Faith and Learning Members Present: Allen Schrock, Kirk Jespersen, Linda Dibble, Eric Martin, Zack Nicoli, Naomi Quesada, Cheeri Barnhart, Bob Baker, Chad Hochstetler, Andy Kauffman Guest: Mike Baker, for a few minutes toward the end to give an update on how his contacts with donors are going and to receive an update from the Board on information to share with the donors. Devotions: Allen Schrock shared from a Chuck Swindoll piece on 2 Corinthians 12:2-10. Whatever is facing us, it is not about us. God’s goal is not to make us happy but to make us into the person He wants us to be. It is about God. Strategic Planning Committee update, Eric Martin: This committee has been on hold while we dealt with the current financial situation. Eric and Allen talked recently and decided it was time to get the committee active again to think about both short term and long-term strategic planning issues. There is a parent who has expressed interest in helping out and Eric will contact her to become part of the committee. The committee is scheduled to meet on February 20. Search Committee update, Linda Dibble: The committee considered five applications and narrowed the number down to three for interviews. These are scheduled for the first week of February. If the committee can decide on a preferred candidate, it will recommend this person to the full Board. Several dates have been selected for the second week of February for the Board to interview the recommended candidate. Executive Director Report, Andy Kauffman: (a) Finances (FY 2016-17). We are currently projected to be $93,000 short of cash to finish the year. This is without using any money from the endowments. Our former auditing firm, Wilcox Arredondo & Co. asked if WMS would be willing to do a review of the last year’s financial statements rather than a full audit. Sabino Arredondo is looking for a firm to take over for his firm. Motion by Chad, seconded by Kirk to authorize performing a review rather than a full audit for the last fiscal year financial reports. Approved unanimously. (b) Budget (FY 2017-18). A budget for 160 students is a challenge. We will continue to develop the budget as more information becomes available. (c) Staffing. Staffing levels have not been determined. Employees are returning “Intent to Return” forms and once they are all returned the admin team will make decisions regarding staffing for next school year.
(d) Brazil students. Andy’s son and daughter-in-law live in Brazil and are contacting people who may be prospective international students at Western. Since we pay commission to others who refer international students to us, Andy asked if we could pay them a commission as well. It would be the same as other agencies: $4,000 if they arrange for housing and $2,000 if we have to arrange for housing through our current provider. Motion by Zach, second by Linda to pay commission on the $4,000/$2,000 basis provided student enrolls in school and pays tuition with the provision that a written contract be made with Andy’s son and daughter-in-law that must be reviewed annually. Approved unanimously (with Andy abstaining). (e) Teacher/Class Complaints. A number of parents have made complaints about teachers or class materials. Some have been dealt with. Under the Student Handbook, there is a procedure for (1) making a curriculum deviation request. If that is denied, they can appeal to (2) the personnel committee. If personnel committee denies the request, they can appeal to the full Board. One family made a curriculum deviation request because the student was experiencing anxiety and other mental health issues related to the class. The Admin team considered the request and decided to grant it with requirements for making up the class. Also, since it was based on a health concern we asked for a letter from their doctor. Chad R. had asked numerous of our sister schools if they would allow students to opt out of classes and the overwhelming response was “no.” However, some schools said they would allow it in special circumstances. This led to further discussion about performing exit interviews with students and employees who leave. It was felt that the Board should be involved in this so that it has good information on why people leave. Motion by Cheeri, seconded by Chad H. that personnel committee draft a proposal for an exit interview process and have this ready for the next board meeting. Approved unanimously. (f) ELG Conference (March 9-12, 2017 in Jacksonville, FL). Andy asked if the Board wanted him to attend this meeting. Mennonite Schools Council (MSC) will reimburse WMS for our administrator to attend. Andy said he was willing to go if the Board thought it would be good for the school. The consensus was that Andy should go. (g) Third River (i.e., Tim Fahndrich) Marketing Plan. This is in process and will help with acquiring students and the admissions process. It will also help with other types of communications. There is a cost but Tim has discounted it to their hard costs and is not charging for their services at this time. (h) Transition thoughts & recommendations. We will need to work with the new Executive Director to smooth the transition.
Open Discussion led by Allen. (a) Discussion on whether it would be good to have board members come to faculty meetings. It would be good to have some interactions and board members could report briefly on what they and their committees are working on. Eric will come to the February 24 faculty meeting and Linda will come to the March 24 meeting. These occur at 7:30 AM on Fridays. (b) There was some discussion of the annual auction. One idea was to make sure materials got delivered to the Mennonite Churches regarding the date and the need for volunteer help. Andy will follow up with Caleb on this as well as on advertising. (c) The kitchen and lunch program was terminated because of difficulty staffing and the cost. Plus, the kitchen is outdated. Several months have passed since the kitchen was closed. It is missed and we are looking for ways to re-open it or provide more alternatives. (d) Mike Baker arrived and we discussed the mission of the school and what information should be shared with people he is contacting for fundraising. Executive Session Next Board Meetings:
February 27 at 6:00 (Kirk) March 20 at 6:00 (Andy) (note the date change) Public minutes – may be redacted for confidentiality