Est. 1945 Dear WMS Parent of a Middle School student,
July 1, 2015
While the school year has just wrapped up, we are busy preparing for the next school year. August will be here before we know it. We believe we are going to have a fantastic school year in 2015-2016 and we are excited to see your student in the hallways in a few short weeks! In preparation for the beginning of the school year all families need to review and return this registration packet. It is also very important to read the ‘15-’16 Student/Parent Handbook to be aware of updated school policies. The Student/Parent Handbook can be found online at and a hard copy will be provided to your student on the first day of school. Please fill out, sign, and return all required documents no later than your scheduled registration time. All documents in this packet must be filled out and turned in by your scheduled registration time for your student to be allowed to register for classes. These documents are vital in assisting us in serving your family the best that we can. Additional copies of these forms will be made available at your registration appointment if needed, but we request they are filled out prior to your appointment to assist us in keeping the appointments on schedule. In an effort to streamline our registration process we are requiring Middle School registration this year. All Middle School families must make an appointment to receive their class schedule and to turn in registration forms during the times listed below. Please call the office to schedule your registration time. If you will not be available on the assigned days, please arrange an alternate appointment. If you are registering a high school student you are welcome to register your middle school student at the same time. Middle School:
August 14
8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:00pm
August 21
8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Your first stop will be at the Student Services Office with Sheila Fahndrich to verify we have all the correct information and registration documents from you. Your next stop will be at the Business Office to verify with Reneé Winters that we have a signed financial agreement from you and that your payment plan looks accurate. Your final stop will be at our Main Office with Dora Ivanitsky who will ensure your student is set up for our cafeteria in case your child chooses to eat there throughout the year. Our goal is to make this a seamless process that allows you the peace of mind that everything is set-up for the coming year and that all of your questions are answered. For families planning to pay in monthly installments please take time to fill out a tuition planning worksheet inside this packet prior to registration. We offer payment plan options of 12 months starting in July, 11 months starting in August, and 10 months starting in September. If you desire to do a 12 or 11 month option prior to registration please contact Reneé Winters in our Business Office to set that up.
The first day of classes for the 2015-2016 school year will begin at 8:00am on Monday, August 31, 2015 in the chapel. After a greeting by administration and the explanation of a few rules the students will be dismissed to begin their first day of school. We would like to remind you of our new bell schedule for this coming year. A copy of the new schedule is in this packet. We also want to inform you that there will be a required Parent Orientation (“A day in the life of your student”) on Thursday, September 3, at 7:00pm. This will be a time to briefly hear from the administrators of Western Mennonite School and to visit your student’s classrooms to meet their teachers. This is a required event that will provide you with important information for the year and will allow you the opportunity to meet our faculty and staff. If you are unable to attend due to an emergency please notify the school as soon as possible. More information on this night will be sent out prior to the first day of school. We are honored to partner with you in the education of your child. As we look forward to another wonderful year on the Western Mennonite Campus please join us in prayer for each student and the work that God will do in and through their lives this year. We look forward to seeing you for registration and working with you this coming year.
Western Mennonite Administration
Paul Schultz Head of School
Robby Gilliam Director of Advancement & Finance
Zig Derochowski Principal
Chad Rush Dean of Students