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MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST *All supplies are not required the first day of school. Teachers will notify you when specific supplies will be needed. You are only responsible for your students supplies. ☐ 1” Binder (General Use) ☐ 2” Binder with Tabbed Dividers (Bible Class) ☐ (2) Spiral Notebook (College-Ruled) ☐ Notebook Paper (College-Ruled) ☐ Graph Paper (1cm. - 50-75 Sheets for Math) ☐ Graph Composition book (5x5 Quad Ruled 20# Heavyweight Paper for Science) ☐ 1 pack 3x5 Index Cards with Lines ☐ Scientific Calculator ☐ Compass


☐ Protractor ☐ 12” Ruler (inches & centimeters) ☐ Colored Pencils ☐ Red, Black and Blue Pens ☐ Pencils ☐ Eraser ☐ Pencil Holder for Binder ☐ 1 Bottle Elmer’s Glue ☐ (3) Glue Sticks ☐ 1 box Tissues (for home room) ☐ NIV Bible (preferred version, but not required)

Save $$ by purchasing all your supplies during Back to School sales but save your kids back by not sending it all in their backpack on the first day of school! The only supplies needed the first day of school is a notebook and pencil. Each class will hand out a syllabus that will specify what supplies will be needed when!

☐ 1 Small Scissors ☐ 3 Dry Erase Markers ☐ 1 Highlighter ☐ Mini Post-It Notes (1½”x 2”) optional ☐ Flash Drive (optional) – available for purchase in the student services office

In Addition: 6th:

☐ Composition Book – College Ruled (Language Arts Class) ☐ Additional1” Binder (Language Arts Class)


☐ Composition Book – College Ruled (Language Arts Class) ☐ Additional 1” Binder (Language Arts Class)


☐ Composition Book – College Ruled (Language Arts Class) ☐ Additional 1” Binder (Language Arts Class)

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