Western Mennonite School
Course Syllabus: Fall 2011
Course Title: Novel Instructors: Mr. Handrich Grade Level: 12 Course Description: Students will read novels on diverse subjects and from many time periods. They will complete written responses, participate in group discussion, and make class presentations in order to practice critical thinking and analytical skills. Students will also analyze several classic movies as works of literature. Goals and Objectives: This study will: 1. Strengthen reading skills, especially reading comprehension skills. 2. Strengthen writing skills, specifically reading responses and compare/contrast essays. 3. Strengthen and encourage higher-order thinking (critical thinking, evaluation and synthesis). 4. Explore various forms of literature and literary devices. 5. Enrich vocabulary. 6. Prepare students for college. *Novel will cover*: The Great Gatsby 1984 The Chosen/The Joy Luck Club Macbeth Book of your choice *Book list is subject to change* Materials: notebook for daily writing loose-leaf paper binder/folder pen and pencil
Grading: Your grade for this semester will be based on a combination of reading quizzes; homework/in-class work; participation and preparedness; and an emphasis on major projects, papers and tests. The final exam is cumulative and makes up 10% of your semester grade. Letter grades are based on WMS grading scale: A= 90%-100% B= 80%-89% C= 70%-79% D= 60%-69% F= 50%-59% Late Work All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period otherwise it is counted as late. Points will be deducted for every day your paper is late. Assignments not turned in on the due date will receive a 10% mark down per day late. At the end of each grading period, assignments must be turned in the Monday before grades are posted unless told otherwise. Extra Credit Extra credit comes very rarely if at all in my class. Organization is a crucial skill to learn in this class, and as long as you turn in your assignments on time and do your best, extra credit should be unnecessary. Attendance: Your attendance is crucial to both your grade and the atmosphere of the learning community. Please make every effort to be here. If you are absent, however, it is your responsibility to get the notes, hand-outs and assignments that you missed. I do not accept the excuse “I was absent.” For everyday you are absent, you get two days to make-up your work. All hand-outs will be in my class folder on the public drive. It is labeled “Handrich English” and in it you will find your specific class and the hand-out you need. Class Expectations: You are expected to arrive and be seating by the time the bell rings. It is in your favor to be prompt: I record tardies. In addition to being on time, by the time the bell rings, you are expected to have all materials out and ready for the day. This includes your notebook, textbook and a writing utensil. It is expected that you will have done the necessary preparation for class BEFORE CLASS. This includes reading and homework. All written assignments are to be completed in MLA format.
Specific Class Rules / Behavior Expectations: 1. Respect yourself, respect your peers, respect me, respect this space. 2. Be honest. 3. Please do not talk when I am talking. 4. Behavior that takes away from the learning of other students will not be accepted. Possible consequences include the student being asked to leave the classroom, detention, a call or email home to parents. 5. ipods/mp3s/CD players: Do not use these in my class at any time. If I see it, I will take it away for a period of time. 6. Cell phones: if I see it or hear it, I will take it. Specific circumstances will dictate whether this is for the rest of the period or for the rest of the day. 7. No food and no drinks. The only exception is water in a water bottle. 8. Do not throw anything. Possible consequences include but are not limited to: after school detention, phone call home to parents, journey to the office, and suspension of classroom privileges.
Special Accommodations Please talk to me privately if you need special accommodations. Contact Information: E-mail Address: bhandrich@westernmennoniteschool.org Telephone Number: (503) 363-2000 ext. 205
---------------------------------------------------------------We have read the course syllabus, and understand its contents and requirements. _________________________________________ Student Signature
Date: ______________
_________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature
Date: ______________
Phone Number: ____________________
E-mail: _____________________________