Campus Job Application | 2014‐2015 Campus jobs are provided to promote job experience, service and responsibility, as well as providing pocket change. A limited number of campus jobs are available to students and are by applica on only. Jobs are awarded to oldest students first. Compensa on is one free lunch per shi worked for all non weekend dorm students. Name
___ Day Student
Grade ______
Please Print
___ Dorm Student
Please Print
Job Preference: Rank your preferences from 1 being the most desirable to 8 being the least desirable. ____ Wash Dishes Lunch ____ Wash Dishes Dinner—dorm students only ____ Clean Gym a er Basketball Games (December – March) ____ Cafeteria Cleaning (a er school) ____ Window Cleaning (a er school) ____ Sweep/Mop Stairs & Landing in Heritage Bldg (twice a week) ____ Vacuum & Dust Academic Center (three mes a week) ____ Paper Recycling (1 to 3 mes a week) ____ Telephone Recep onist (weekdays 4:00‐5:00pm)
Scheduling Details: I prefer to work _______ days a week. The sports I hope to be involved in are
Earnings Detail: Student mecards are due monthly and must be signed by their adult supervisor before being given to the Campus Jobs Coordinator. If a student’s tui on or Meal Time account are past due, their campus job pay will first be applied to the outstanding balance(s) before they can receive personal wages. Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Op onal Form
Middle School Registration for High School Classes | 2014‐2015 Grade: 8th
Student Name:
Honors Geometry and Spanish I are offered to qualified 8th grade students. Both of these classes are academically challenging and earn high school credit. To qualify, 8th grade students must meet the following criteria:
Honors Geometry
Spanish I
must have a 3.5 GPA for grade 7 ‐And‐ have an “A” in both semesters of Pre‐Algebra
must have a 3.5 GPA for grade 7 ‐And‐ have an “A” in both semesters of 7th grade Language Arts
I am interested in taking _____________________________________________ for high school credit. I believe I meet the I meet the criteria listed above. I understand that if I choose to take Spanish I, I will NOT be able to take Choir/Exploratory because it is offered during the same class period. I understand that if I choose to take Spanish I and my semester grade is less than a “B” I will not be allowed to con nue Spanish I for the second semester and must repeat all of Spanish I. I understand that if I choose to take Honors Geometry and my grade is not as high as I hoped a er the first six weeks I can drop down to regular Geometry and take Honors Geometry again my freshman year. Student Signature: Date: I approve for my student (entering 8th grade) to take the class(es) men oned above. Parent/Guardian Signature:
Middle School Only