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Western Mennonite School Course Title: Pre-Alegebra Instructor: Rachel Camp Course Description:

Course Syllabus 2011-2012 Grade Level: 7th, 8th, 9th

Students will progress from working with numerical expressions to manipulating algebraic expressions and equations. The course seeks to develop thinking skills, the use of concrete experiences, and exploration. Coursework includes inequalities, introduction to probability, geometry concepts, and graphing linear equations. Goals and Objectives: Students will be able to…  Develop and utilize key mathematical skills including order of operations and working with powers and square roots, positive and negative integers, rational and irrational numbers, and number theory.  Use a problem solving plan for real world application  Work through and solve algebraic expressions and equations using one- and multi-step procedures.  Apply their knowledge of mathematical skills to solve problems involving banking, temperature, sports statistics, and many more life applications.  Make connections to other areas of mathematics, including statistics and geometry.  Communicate mathematical date through multiple types of graphs and other visual aids. Course Content: Chapter 1: Rational Numbers Chapter 2: Graphs and Functions Chapter 3: Exponents and Roots Chapter 4: Ratios, Proportions, and Similarity Chapter 5: Geometric Relationships Chapter 6: Measurement and Geometry Chapter 7: Multi-step Equations Chapter 8: Graphing Lines Chapter 9: Data, Prediction, and Linear Functions Materials: Provided by school: Textbook – Mathematics: Grade 8 by Holt McDougal Provided by student: Ruler, pencil, lined and graph paper, protractor, calculator Grading:

September 2, 2011

1. Pretests 2. Quizzes 3. Daily participation 4. Classwork 5. Homework 6. Group assignments/projects/presentations 7. Post tests Grades will be broken down by percentages: A = 100% - 90% B = 89% - 80% C = 79% - 70% D = 69% - 60% F = 59% Attendance: Student attendance is very important as there are daily assignments. An accumulation of missing assignments is not recommended. Prearranged absences reduce the stress and feelings of being overwhelmed upon returning to school. Also, homework requests are highly encouraged when a student is absent for more than a day. These are obtained throught the front office and require verbal or written confirmation from a parent or guardian. Specific Class Rules / Behavior Expectations: 1. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 2. Respect the personal space, feelings, and property of others. 3. Raise your hand and wait patiently to be called on. 4. All forms of hurtful behavior are strictly prohibited. Possible consequences may be a loss of participation points, a visit to the office, a phone call home, lunch detention, after-school detention, loss of privilege(s), or others based on need and severity of infraction. Contact Information: Rachel Camp E-mail Address: Telephone Number: 503-869-4874

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have read the course syllabus for Pre-Algebra, and understand its contents and requirements. Student signature


Parent / Guardian signature

Date _______

Phone number





September 2, 2011

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