High School Supply List | 2015-2016 ☐ 1” Binder (General Use) ☐ 1 ½ ” Binder or folder for organizing (English Class) ☐ 2” Binder with Tabbed Dividers (Bible Class) ☐ Binder or folder for organizing (English Class) ☐ (2-3) Spiral Notebook s (College-Ruled)* ☐ Notebook Paper (College-Ruled)* ☐ Graph Paper (1cm. - 50-75 Sheets for Math) ☐ Graph Composition book (5x5 Quad Ruled 20# Heavyweight Paper for Science)* ☐ (1) pack 3x5 Index Cards with Lines* ☐ Scientific Calculator ☐ Compass ☐ Protractor ☐ 12” Ruler (inches & centimeters)* ☐ Colored Pencils ☐ Red, Black and Blue Pens ☐ Pencils ☐ Eraser ☐ Pencil Holder for Binder ☐ Flash Drive (or other media storage device - optional) ☐ NIV Bible (preferred version, but not required)* ☐ Dry Erase Markers ☐ (5) Dry Erase Pens (Mr. Chambers) ☐ Highlighter ☐ (1½”x 2”) Mini Post-It Notes (optional)* * These items are available for purchase at the Office