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Western Mennonite School Course: Descriptive Geometry Instructor: Dave Chambers

2011-2012 Grade Level: 10-12

Course Description: This is a full year course in geometry with limited use of formal proofs. It is designed to be a less rigorous course of study then the traditional geometry course. Use of logical thinking and practical applications are stressed throughout this course. This course covers the important geometric concepts while strengthening fundamental algebra skills. Goals and Objectives: The goals and objectives are to learn the basics of geometry, including terminology, identifying objects, finding their areas and volumes, and becoming familiar with their theorems and postulates. Course Content:  Basics of Geometry o Finding Patterns o Inductive Reasoning o Point, Lines, and Planes o Intersections o Segments and Measure o Angles and Measure  Segments and Angles o Segment Bisectors o Angle Bisectors o Complementary and Supplementary Angles o Vertical Angles o If-Then Statements o Properties of Equality and Congruence  Parallel and Perpendicular Lines o Line Relationship o Theorems about Perpendicular Lines o Angles formed by Transversals o Parallel Lines and Transversals o Showing how lines are Parallel o Perpendicular and Parallel Lines o Translations  Triangle Relationship o Types of Triangles o Angle Measures of Triangle o Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles o Pythagorean Theorem and Distance Formula o The Converse of Pythagorean Theorem o Medians of Triangle o Triangle Inequalities  Congruent Triangles o Congruence and Triangle o Proving Triangle are Congruent: SSS and SAS o Proving using ASA and AAS o Hypotenuse-Leg Congruence Theorem o Using Congruent Triangles o Angle and Perpendicular Bisectors  Quadrilaterals o Polygons o Parallelograms o Showing Quadrilaterals and Parallelograms o Rhombuses, Rectangle, and Squares o Trapezoids o Special Quadrilaterals  Similarity

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o Ratio and Proportion o Similar Polygons o Showing Triangles are Similar: AA, SSS, SAS o Proportions and Similar Triangles Polygons and Area o Area of Squares, Rectangles, Triangles, Parallelograms, Trapezoids o Circumference and Area of Circles Surface Area and Volume o Surface area of Prisms, Cylinders, Pyramids, and Cones o Volume of Prisms, Cylinders, Pyramids, and Cones o Surface Area and Volume of Spheres Right Triangles and Trigonometry o Square Roots o 45-45-90 degree Triangles o 30-60-90 degree Triangles o Tangent Ratio o Sine and Cosine Ratio o Solving Right Triangles Circles o Arcs and Chords o Equations of Circles

Materials:  

Provided by school: Textbook: Geometry Concepts and Skills Provided by student: Scientific calculator, ruler, compass, protractor, pencils, colored pencils and college paper.

Assessment: 40% of grade from Chapter tests 40% of grade from Homework/Class participation 10% of grade from Quizzes 10% of grade from chapter reviews Above 90% = 80% - 89% = 70% - 79% = 50% - 69% = Below 50% =


Extra Credit options are available for students that do not have any missing assignments. Rules and Behavior Expectations: 1) Glorify God in ALL things you do 2) Respect your parents, teachers/staff, schoolmates, and respect yourself 3) Learning can be fun if you let it Contact Information: Email: School phone: (503) 363-2000 ext: 264 Home phone: (503) 269-1733

We have read the course syllabus, and understand its contents and requirements. Student signature _________________________________________Date______________

Parent / Guardian signature ________________________________Date______________ Phone numbers _____________________________E-mail (parent) ____________________ Phone numbers _____________________________E-mail (student) ____________________

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