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Western Mennonite School Course: Algebra I Instructor: Dave Chambers

2011-2012 High School

Overview: To Learn The Basics of Algebra. Learn where the student can use Algebra and put it to work for them. To reinforce the basics of Mathematics. To build a foundation for the student of the following modalities: Equations, Real Numbers, Graphing, Inequalities, Exponents, Quadratic Equations, plus more. Course Goals: That the student will have an understanding of basic Algebra to allow them to achieve success in future Mathematic classes.

Course Material:  Provided by School: Text book- Algebra 1  Provided by student: Scientific Calculator, ruler, protractor, graph paper, college paper, pencil/pen, colored pencils Course Content:  Connections to Algebra  Variables in Algebra  Exponents and Powers  Order of operations  Equations and Inequalities  Exploring Data: Tables and Graphs  Introduction to Functions  Properties of Real Numbers  The Real Number Line  Addition and Subtraction of Real Numbers  Multiplication and Division of Real Numbers  The Distributive Property  Probability and Odds  Solving Linear Equations  Solving Equations Using Addition and Subtraction  Solving Equations Using Multiplication and Division  Solving Using Multi-Step  Solving with Variables on Both Sides  Solving with Decimals  Formulas and Functions  Rates, Ratios, and Percents  Graphing Linear Equations and Functions  Coordinates and Scatter Plots  Graphing Linear Equations  Quick Graphs using Intercepts  Slope of a Line  Quick Graphs Using Slope-Intercept Form  Solving Linear Equations Using Graphs  Writing Linear Equations  Writing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form  Writing Linear Equations given the Slope and a Point  Writing Linear Equations given Two Points  Point-Slope Form of a Linear Equation  Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities  Solving One-Step Linear Inequalities  Solving Compound Inequalities

 Solving Absolute-Value Equations and Inequalities  Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables  Using Mean, Mode and Median Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities  Solving Linear Systems by Graphing  Solving by use of Substitution  Solving by use of Linear Combinations  Applications of Linear Systems Exponents and Functions  Multiplication Properties of Exponents  Zero and Negative Exponents  Scientific Notation Quadratic Equations and Functions  Square Roots  Using Quadratic Formula  Graphing Quadratic Equations  Graphing Quadratic Inequalities Polynomials and Factoring  Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying Polynomials  Special Products of Polynomials  Factoring x2 + bx + c Rational Equations and Functions  Rates  Ratios  Simplifying Rational Expressions: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

Assessment: 40% of grade from Chapter tests 40% of grade from Homework/Class participation 10% of grade from Quizzes 10% of grade from chapter reviews Above 90% = 80% - 89% = 70% - 79% = 50% - 69% = Below 50% =


Extra Credit options are available for students that do not have any missing assignments. Rules and Behavior Expectations: 1) Glorify God in ALL things you do 2) Respect your parents, teachers/staff, schoolmates, and respect yourself 3) Learning can be fun if you let it Contact Information: Email: School phone: (503) 363-2000 ext: 264 Home phone: (503) 269-1733 We have read the course syllabus, and understand its contents and requirements. Student signature ____________________________________ Date ____________________________ Parent/Guardian signature ______________________________ Date ____________________________ Phone Number: _____________________ Email: ___________________________________________

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