Transportation Permissions | 2014-2015 Student Name:
The purpose of this form is to allow you, as the parent, the ability to give specific transportation related permissions for your son/daughter for the school year. Please read each section carefully and make the appropriate selections that best fit you and your student’s needs. As a closed campus, all students, including those that are 18 or older, unless specifically approved by the student’s parent/ guardian and WMS administration will not be allowed to leave campus during the school day, nor drive themselves to any athletic events. Parental permission for these things can be given below and kept on file by initialing all sections that apply. Permission to leave campus during the school day without a school faculty/staff member for such things as lunch on Fridays, appointments, etc. _____ Yes, my student may leave campus
_____ No, my student may not leave campus
_____ I would like to give permission for each specific instance WMS only allows the siblings of the driver to ride in any student driven vehicle. Non-siblings may ride in a student driven vehicle if the carpool is registered with Student Services Office. Please list any car pool you would like to give your child permission to ride in while travelling to or from school, and/or athletic events. Carpool driver/s: ____________________________________________________________________________ Student #1 ___________________________________ Student #2 ____________________________________ Student #3 ___________________________________ Student #4 ____________________________________ Student #5 ___________________________________ Student #6 ____________________________________
Please register any vehicle(s) that you will be driving to campus this school year. Vehicle #1 Color _________________
Make ___________________
Model _____________ License ___________
Make ___________________
Model _____________ License ___________
Vehicle #2 Color _________________
Form Required for Every Student