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Western Mennonite Varsity Basketball Prep Series at the Moda Center

Come watch your Western Mennonite Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball teams take on West Salem and Creswell on Sunday, December 20th! To attend the High school games, you must purchase a ticket to the Blazers game on February 2nd vs. the Milwaukee Bucks. A portion of each ticket purchased will go back as a fundraiser to Western Mennonite. Varsity Game Details-Sunday, December 20th: 2:30PM – Gates open at the South Entrance, across from Dr. Jack’s 3:00PM – Western Mennonite vs. West Salem (Girls Varsity Game) 4:30PM – Western Mennonite vs Creswell (Boys Varsity Game)

Portland Trail Blazers vs. Milwaukee Bucks Tuesday, February 2nd @ 7:00PM Forest

100-Level # of Tickets ____ @ $75

= $ ______


200-Level # of Tickets ____ @ $45

= $ ______


300-Level # of Tickets ____ @ $25

= $ ______


$ ______ Order deadline: December 14th After deadline, please call for availability

Name _________________________________________________ Make checks payable to: Western Mennonite School Address _______________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ______ Zip _______ Phone ________________________________________________

Turn orders and payment in to: Athletic Secretary – Sheila Fahndrich

Email _________________________________________________ For more information contact: Select Method of Payment: Check enclosed


Sheila Fahndrich sfahndrich@westernmennoniteschool.org 503.363.2000 or 503.990.5253 -orLauren Oyadomari lauren.oyadomari@trailblazers.com 503.963.3957

Orders received more than 30 days prior to the game date will be mailed to the above address. Orders are filled on a first-come first-served basis and are subject to availability. No refunds or exchanges.

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