Faith and Beliefs Statement We wish to communicate, by our lives and by our words, the following basic truths: 1. God loves us. He loves us so much that His own son, Jesus Christ, died to redeem us from sin and to atone for our transgressions. 2. God accepts us where we are. We do not try to make ourselves respectable in order to be acceptable. We turn to Him in sorrow for our sins, and He forgives us, cleanses us spiritually, and adopts us into the family of His children. He invites and desires a growing personal relationship with us that is based on love and grace. 3. The church of Christ is a fellowship comprised of forgiven sinners. Each member had to turn from sin to Christ in order to join the “Body” of Christ, the church. 4. Disciples of Christ live by caring love. Christ pours His love into the hearts of Christians through the Holy Spirit, making them compassionate, forgiving and non-retaliatory. They want to invite and welcome people, not crush and destroy them. 5. The Bible is God’s written word. It is a book written by God’s prophets and apostles informing us of our sin and need, of the incredible love of God for us, and of Jesus Christ who wants to be our Savior and Lord. 6. Christian disciples take their stand on the side of social justice. They believe there should be no discrimination against anyone because of creed, race, gender, or ethnic origin. This means relating to all people in love. 7. As Christians, we believe that the only ultimate way to overcome sin and injustice is to invite people to follow Christ; the Holy Spirit convicts and comforts those who come to Christ. 8. Christ’s disciples desire to help one another, to strengthen, encourage, and affirm one another, doing everything in their power to assist those in any kind of need or distress. This help extends to all those in need. 9. God hears and answers prayer. To worship, praise, thank, and entreat God for His power and blessing is a natural part of life for the faithful disciple. 10. Christians live with the hope that Christ is coming again to redeem the world and all humanity.
Board Adoption: 9/28/04