Western Mennonite School Position Description
Job Title:
Executive Director
Reports To:
Board of Directors
Position Status:
Permanent, Full-Time, Salaried
Last Revised:
February, 2016 Western Mennonite School Mission Statement
Western Mennonite School equips students for a life of faith and learning by providing a Christ-centered educational experience highlighted by four key distinctions: academic excellence, nurturing community, enrichment opportunities, peace building and service.
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROLE The Head of School of Western Mennonite School will: a) Be the face of the school for all public interactions b) Be responsible for financial health of the school c) Provide operational oversight and delegation of business management responsibilities d) Lead and collaborate with the administrative team in making key decisions related to the overall well-being of the school e) Advance and implement mission and vision set by Board. f) Be accountable to the Board of Directors. Attend all Board meetings (unless the Board meets in an executive session) g) Submit a monthly report to the Board indicating the progress, needs, and direction of the school. This report will include strategic planning, budget concerns, long range goals and actions h) Serve on the Strategic Planning Committee, bringing concerns, needs, and vision for the future of the School as goals and strategies of the Board are developed
2) DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL ROLE a) Lead administrative team in faculty/staff employment, oversee appropriate staffing, ensure proper contractual terms, and that policies are followed in all administrative decisions.
b) Provide annual staff evaluations to the Personnel Committee when requested, supplying information on the performance of staff and faculty, keeping the Personnel Committee informed of the current status of faculty/staff
3) DEVELOPMENT ROLE a) Relate and work closely with Development Personnel in developing ongoing plans for advancement, which includes church and public relations, funding, and student admissions b) Represent the school in key donor contacts and be available when called upon to speak in promotion and advancement of the school in public forums c) Represent the school and speak publicly at key school functions when key publics and constituents are present d) Be available to visit local churches that represent the constituency and as needed be available to accompany the school choir(s) at local churches or civic functions. 4) QUALIFICATIONS The Executive Director of Western Mennonite School will: a) Testify to a solid commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior b) Preferred candidate has a BA or BS or higher i) If candidate does not have BA or BS, the preferred candidate will be willing to take focused classes or pursue such degree as appropriate for educational and leadership setting c) Will serve as a Christ-centered spiritual leader from an Anabaptist perspective d) Preferred candidate holds membership in a Mennonite church i) If candidate is not a member of a Mennonite church, the preferred candidate will be willing to attend a local Mennonite congregation church, or gain understanding of Anabaptist Theology through available resources e) Uphold the Mennonite Confession of Faith Statements f)
Possess desire and character for giving spiritual leadership to faculty and staff
g) Demonstrate understanding of the importance of active participation in broader school community h) Demonstrate relational skills and understanding of the need for sensitivity when communicating with constituents regarding concerns and issues i)
Possess understanding and experience in budgeting and financial planning