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Editorial Calendar
Editorial Calendar 2021
Reaching Every Physician in Western NY Western NY Physician Magazine, the only physician-to-physician publication in the region, offers advertising partners innovative opportunities for strategic content marketing and brand positioning. Let’s discuss a strategy to elevate visibility, promote new products or services and highlight your unique expertise.
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Volume 1
Robotic Spine Surgery Comorbidities of Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery
Close date: Feb 19 Heart Disease The impact of covid-19 on the patient with heart disease, changes to the process and delivery of care and discovering new best practices.
A look at the latest in care and diagnostic and surgical tools to treat specific health issues in the male patient. The growth of in-office procedures, improving the patient experience and treatment strategies for the long-hauler.
How covid has changed the care protocols for mother and child, using AI tools in neurovascular care, expanding access to quality care and reaching the patient.
How has the landscape of cancer care changed post-COVID? Managing patient backlog, the new patient experience, telehealth and virtual care and impact to mental health.
Coordinating the complex care of the geriatric patient at home and onsite, managing chronic disease and pharmacology and elevating patientcentered care.
Volume 2
Trends in Urology Respiratory Disease Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
Close Date: April 28
Volume 3
Vascular Disease Urology in Women Alzheimers
Close date: June 11 Men’s Health
Women’s Health
Volume 4
Advanced Treatments Genetic Cancers Pain Management Close Date: Aug 20 Cancer Care in WNY
Volume 5
Eye Disease and Vision Loss Reaching the Patient Stroke Care Post Covid
Close date: Oct 29 Geriatric Health