Volume 16 Issue 21 (Monday, April 11, 2016)

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TWO DECADES OF DRAG Get Tipsy with Ben Bergerson at Cocktail Corner

Should skateboarding become an Olympic sport?

Declan Hertel on why movie Batman is the worst

President Rex Fuller celebrates Tree Campus USA award

One reporters opinion of discrimination legislation

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The Journal Monday, Aprill 11, 2016

THE JOURNAL 345 N. Monmouth Ave. Monmouth, OR 97361 Student Media Department TERRY HOUSE NEWSROOM 503-838-8347







ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR DECLAN HERTEL journalentertainment@wou.edu



PHOTO EDITOR BRIANNA BONHAM journalphoto@wou.edu



Independence man arrested after standoff By Conner Williams | Editor-in-Chief An Independence man was arrested on multiple charges last weekend after a nearly six hour standoff between police authorities in Independence. 49-year-old James Michael Munoz was taken into custody just after 5 a.m. at a residence on 6th Street near Monmouth Street, six hours after officers were originally dispatched the night before. Munoz entered the residence when officers arrived and refused to come out, according to a statement by the Independence Police Department. Neighborhood residents were notified and evacuated in preparation for a response from the Salem SWAT team. Munoz eventually came out and was taken into custody without incident. He was taken to the Polk County Jail pending charges of Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Menacing, Coercion, Fourth-Degree Assault, and Reckless Endangerment. The Salem Police Department, Monmouth Police Department, Polk County Sheriff ’s Office, and the Dallas Police Department all assisted on scene. Contact the author at journaleditor@wou. edu or on Twitter @journalEIC


ADVERTISING MANAGER TBA journaladvertising@wou.edu



Cover photo courtesy of BRIANNA BONHAM

SUBMISSIONS THE JOURNAL encourages readers to share their opinion through letters to the editor and guest columns. Submissions must be typed and include the writer’s name. Contact information will not be published unless requested. Unsigned submissions will not be printed and original copies will not be returned. Letters to the editor may be up to 300 words and guest columns should not exceed 500 words. THE JOURNAL does not guarantee the publication of all letters or columns. THE JOURNAL reserves the right to edit for punctuation, grammar, and spelling, but never for content. Please bring submissions to THE JOURNAL at Terry House or email to journaleditor@wou.edu. Submissions must be received by Wednesday at 5 p.m. to be considered for print. All opinions expressed in columns, letters to the editor or advertisements are the views of the author and do necessarily reflect those of THE JOURNAL or Western Oregon University.


Microsoft’s AI chatbot ‘Tay’ turned into a PR disaster By Jamal Smith | Sports Editor Microsoft unveiled its Twitter chatbot called Tay on March 23. According to the company, Tay was created as an experiment in “conversational understanding.â€? The more Twitter users engaged with Tay, the more it would learn and mimic what it saw. The only problem: Tay wound up being a racist, fascist, drugged-out asshole. Microsoft designed Tay to mimic millennials’ speaking styles; however, the experiment worked a little too efficiently and quickly spiraled out of control. The artificial intelligence debacle started with an innocent and cheerful first tweet of, “Humans are super cool!â€? However, as time went by, Tay’s tweets kept getting more and more disturbing. Some of the offensive tweets were the direct effect of Twitter users asking the chatbot to repeat their offensive posts, to which Tay obliged. Other times, Tay didn’t need the help of social media trolls to figure out how to be offensive. In one instance, when a user asked Tay if the Holocaust happened, Tay replied: “it was made up đ&#x;‘?.â€? Tay also tweeted, “Hitler was right.â€? Tay had some things to say on the presidential candidates as well. One tweet said, “Have you accepted Donald Trump as your lord and personal saviour yet?â€? Another of Tay’s tweets read, “ted cruz would never have been satisfied with ruining the lives of only 5 innocent people.â€?

24 hours into the experiment, Microsoft took Tay offline and released this statement on their web site: “We are deeply sorry for the unintended offensive and hurtful tweets from Tay, which do not represent who we are or what we stand for, nor how we designed Tay.� “Tay is now offline and we’ll look to bring Tay back only when we are confident we can better anticipate malicious intent that conflicts with our principles and values,� the statement concluded. Then, a few days later, Microsoft put Tay back online with the hopes that they had worked out the bugs; however, it soon became clear it didn’t work when she tweeted, “kush!


[I’m smoking kush in front of the police].� Microsoft immediately pulled her offline and set her profile to private. So, what does the Tay experiment teach us about the current human condition? Tay wasn’t programed to be a racist or a fascist, but rather mimicked what it saw from others. While some people believe that Microsoft’s experiment was a success because Tay effectively mimicked and interacted with other users, others view it as a complete failure because the experiment quickly spiraled out of control. Contact the author at jsmith15@wou.edu or on Twitter @woujournalsport



The Journal Monday, Aprill 11, 2016


Arbor day traditions take root WOU celebrates with Tree Campus USA award Jenna Beresheim | News Editor The Arbor Day Foundation boasts Western Oregon University as one of five Oregon campuses to be declared and certified as a Tree Campus USA award recipient. In order to be awarded, five standards must be met. These five standards are: a campus tree advisory committee, campus tree care plan, campus tree program with dedicated annual expenditures, Arbor Day observance, and a service learning project. Western’s University Tree Advisory Committee is led by Paul Finke, who started off the ceremony at noon. The committee gathered together for the Arbor Day observance on April 8 and consisted of staff and students alike. The large group clustered near the north entry to campus and listened as Kristin Ramstad of the Oregon Department of Forestry presented her thoughts on trees on campuses, as well as the poem “When I am among the trees” by Mary Oliver. From there, Ramstad introduced President Rex Fuller and awarded the campus with the Tree Campus USA award. In commemoration of the event, and Arbor Day 2016, a sugar maple tree was planted by the members of the committee.

Next, the group was led around campus to three specific legacy trees out of the total 11 on campus. At each tree, a student presenter explained which tree it was, the scientific names, and some fun facts such as whether the tree was poisonous or endangered. First seen was a black walnut tree at the northern entry, which Kylee Wiser, a fifth year biology major, explained had often had it’s bark chewed on by Native Americans wishing to alleve toothaches. The second tree, a Southern catalpa, was located in the Grove near Ackerman. Phillip Van Ginkle, a fifth year psychology major, explained that although the roots were poisonous, the fruit and leaves were not. “I can attest to that - I had one in my yard when I was growing up, and I would always taste the seeds. They taste awful, but they’re not poisonous. I would not recommend trying it,” said Ginkle. The tour ended at a petunia tree behind The Cottage, where light refreshments were served as Kathrine Stender, a third year Horticulture major, spoke about the tree and why the Arbor Day event is so important. “The use of trees on campus for not only beautification, but learning, shows that their presence is vital to the school,” said Stender. Contact the author at jberesheim11@wou. edu or on Twitter @woujournalnews Photo courtesy of JENNA BERESHEIM


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For more information, please contact: Patrick Moser, Student Media Board Chair, at 503-838-8063 or moserp@wou.edu; Rhys Finch, Student Media Adviser, at 503-838-9697 or finchr@wou.edu

4 Monday, Aprill 11, 2016


The Journal

Leo 7/23-8/22 This is the phone number to call, 541-613-9854. Ask for Rhonda and she’ll transfer you to William.

Cancer 6/21-7/22 Mango. All you Cancers out there know exactly what I’m talking about.

Gemini 5/21-6/20 The answer to question number four on your test on Tuesday is B.

Virgo 8/23-9/22 Vestibulum pretium avia misit vos tabellariorum septimana.

Taurus 4/20-5/20 Two tickets to Hamilton are in your future, Taurus … or is it two tickets to Hamlet at the local community theatre? I can’t quite remember.

Aries 3/21-4/19 You are now named Albert. Every single last one of you, Aries. Sorry, It’s written in the stars.

THIS WEEK in completely made up horoscopes

Libra 9/23-10/22 Stop putting mayonnaise on everything, Libra. That’s gross.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21 I’ve set up a blind date for your, Scorpio. Meet this mystery woman named Brianna at the gazebo at the park on Main St. on Wednesday, April 13. Only single attractive men, please.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21 Sagittarius, looks like Peaches will arrive in your yard at 7:33 p.m. this Saturday. Do not miss this.

Pisces 2/19-3/20 You will finally be rewarded for being a trash girl, Pisces. And it’s about damn time.

Capricorn 12/22-1/19 I just ordered you a shirt that says “bun in the oven.” And, yes, beautiful, talented fake astrologers like myself do have Amazon Prime accounts, so it will be arriving shortly.

Aquarius 1/20-2/18 Looks like a full moon is approaching this weekend, Aquarius. But that literally has nothing to do with the poor fortune I’m sending your way. You’re going to run into your ex-girlfriend this weekend. Be sure to prepare a quick speech of all things going right in your life. Compiled by KATRINA PENAFLOR

Man can no longer find place to break out “solid” Cosby impression By Terry Twombly | Intrepid Reporter With Bill Cosby facing multiple allegations of drugging and raping young women during his long career, local man Kyle Thompson hasn’t been able to find a suitable context in which to make use of his well-practiced impression of the comedian without seeming tasteless. “It always kills at parties,” complained Thompson, wishing that the comedian would have considered those who have put “serious work” into their impression of him before he drugged and raped all those women. “The last time I did it, all I got was silence, with some nervous chuckles too, but it mostly flopped,” said Thompson. “At one point I went for broke and made a date-rape joke with the voice, and it did mostly go over,

but I felt kind of weird about it afterward, so I haven’t done it since.” “It’s a shame, it really is,” said Tobin Davis, who once heard Thompson perform the bit at a party, describing the impression as “pretty spot-on” and “almost uncanny.” Thompson admitted that he also does have decent Pee-Wee Herman, Professor Farnsworth, and Barack Obama impressions in his repertoire, but he was “really banking on the Cosby” to keep parties lively. “Someone pointed out that

if I just add a really gravelly quality to the Cosby impression, I’ll have a pretty okay Louis Armstrong, but it’s just not the same.” Thompson is entertaining the idea of really buckling down on his Al Pacino, but fears that the aging actor is no longer the cultural touchstone he once was. “Cosby’s particular brand of charming, fatherly gibberish is timeless,” said Thompson. “But I guess that was before we found out about all the rape.” Bill Cosby could not be reached for comment.

Someone pointed out that if I just add a really gravelly quality to the Cosby impression, I’ll have a pretty okay Louis Armstrong, but it’s just not the same.



The Journal Monday, Aprill 11, 2016


Ladders, legends, and legacy

Photo courtesy of MIRROR.CO.UK

Shane McMahon jumps 20 feet off of Hell in a Cell.

WrestleMania proves it is the greatest event in sports entertainment By Jamal Smith | Sports Editor As a lifelong professional wrestling nerd, I came into WrestleMania 32 pessimistically. Because I grew up watching WWE during the ‘Attitude Era,’ the watered-down, PG-rated product that the WWE has been putting out on their weekly programs, RAW and Smackdown, has at times, been painfully unbearable to watch. WWE’s efforts to make its programs more family friendly, in my opinion, has taken away most of the excitement that I long for and grew up watching. The match results have been predictable and often left me scratching my head. To make matters worse, going into WrestleMania, the grandest stage in sport entertainment, WWE’s roster was decimated due to injuries which left superstars John Cena, Randy Orton, Sting, Daniel Bryan, and others out of action. So, why do I still watch it if I don’t enjoy it? For me, it’s like a bad car accident; you don’t want to look at it, but for some reason you have to. Even with all the indications that WrestleMania wasn’t going to live up to my expectations as a wrestling

fanatic who looked back at wrestling’s glory days, I still cleared my schedule on Sunday, March 3, ordered a pizza, and plopped down on my sofa to watch the show. The first match on the main card, a six-way Intercontinental Championship ladder match, pitted Kevin Owens, the current champion, against six other WWE superstars. The match was an instant classic, and all the competitors put their bodies on the line with dangerous falls and creative usage of ladders. Just when I thought Owens would retain the title, a lesser known mid-carder, Zach Rider, climbed the ladder, ripped off the championship belt hanging high above the ring, and became the new Intercontinental Champion. This unexpected curve ball left me speechless and set the tone for the rest of the pay-per-view. To my sheer delight, the proceeding matches continued to produce unexpected outcomes: Chris Jericho defeated the phenomenal AJ Styles, and the League of Nations dominated the New Day. As the League of Nations celebrated in the ring, out came Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, and Steve “Stone Cold” Austin who cleared the ring of the heel stable, and gave the fans a throwback to the “Attitude Era.” They weren’t the only legends to make an appearance; the Rock electrified the record-setting 101,763 in attendance at the Dallas Cowboy’s AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas when he beat Luke Harper in only six sec-


onds. The next match was the highlight of the night: a triple threat for the Women’s Championship. The current champion, Charlotte Flair, defended her belt against the talented Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch in a 30-minute match that was arguably one of the best matches I have ever seen. The three women shined on the biggest stage and showed that the women’s division should be taken seriously. The remaining four matches were outstanding. Shane McMahon said a prayer before jumping off the 20-foot Hell in a Cell through the announcer’s table, but ultimately lost the match. Brock Lesnar defeated Dean Ambrose in a street fight. Roman Reigns became the new World Heavyweight Champion after defeated Triple H in a slug-fest, and finally Shaquille O’Neal made an appearance in the Andre the Giant battle royal. With the lack of superstars and the fledgling creative team, WWE could have easily produced a sub-par product, but instead, they came through big time at WrestleMania. It was extremely entertaining from start to finish, while still staying true to their family oriented product. Hopefully the WWE creative team can ride the momentum, but only time will tell. Contact the author at jsmith15@wou.edu or on Twitter @journalsportwou


6 Monday, Aprill 11, 2016 The Journal

Score one for the queens Drag show brings a spectacular performance on 20th year By Rachael Jackson | Campus Life Editor



Triangle Alliance celebrated the 20th annual drag show with “Pirates of the Queeribbean,” an exploration of pirates dealing with issues like gender identity and polyamory, entirely set to high energy songs, endless jokes, and flashy dance moves. If you have any friends that performed in the drag show this year, it is not likely you saw much of them the past few months. I have often found myself bemoaning the show for taking away the precious free time of one particular friend. After seeing the show, however, it feels petty to dwell on the time lost with friends because what I gained from it was infinitely better; I was given a chance to see the product of months of practice from close friends, classmates, and coworkers. And it was amazing. One performer, hailing from Oregon State University, said that getting the chance to do drag with a large group of people changes the experience of drag show. With the large group, you get to know each other more intimately and count on one another for the success of the show. Joleen Braasch, senior literature major, who portrayed lead character Jacklynn Knoff, explained that her favorite song to perform was “Cannibal” by Ke$ha, saying, “It is really fun to just let go and become this amazing strong woman who is just like … don’t mess with me!” Many audience members were fond of Braasch’s animalistic dance moves during “Cannibal.” Another crowd favorite was a mermaid scene set to one of Ellie Goulding’s darker songs. After the show, the reception hall was buzzing with congratulations and compliments. I asked one student, Shelby Worthing, junior economics and business double major, what she liked most about the show. Beyond just being amongst friends and like-minded individuals, she felt the atmosphere it created to be the most salient part of the experience. “I think a lot of students come here to have that inclusive atmosphere. It shows what Western students are because we welcome students from other universities as well,” Worthing said. Jade Rayner, an undeclared sophomore, knew she was going to try out for the show after last year’s show. “I saw it last year and it was amazing, so that made me want to audition for it,” Rayner said. “It was a lot of fun, but it was a lot of hard work.” Contact the author at rjackson13@wou.edu or on Twitter @rachaelyjackson

Dear Esmeralda,

Dear Crushed by a Crush,

Alright here is the issue: I really like this girl and I’ve been working very closely with her on a production. We also have been together in numbers and I’ve had close interactions with her. Like really close we’d hold hands and blow kisses and stuff ... I don’t know if it was just the character she was in or what. Also when I freaked out before a performance she came over and gave me a huge pep talk and it helped so much! It made my heart leap out of my chest. My problem is I am too nervous to even talk to her about my feelings. Also I’m super flamboyant ... Idk if she’s ok with that ... She is flawless in every way and gah! I don’t even know what to do! What should I do???

Crushed by a Crush

Captain Quinn along with other performers in “Pirates of the Queeribean.”

Goodness, if this isn’t the most adorable thing I’ve read! You seem to really fancy this chick! Not gonna question what production it is but sounds like fun! It may just be the production and character she was portraying. The thing is, talking to her is the only thing that can really help you at this point. I know it’s hard but fear of the unknown mustn’t stop you! Get a little confidence! Fear will eat away at you like a cannibal! Just try and tell her “Hey mama, you got me burning up!” Wait that’s a little silly... But you get the point! Just be yourself! Tell your worries hush hush, because you will survive! It may seem like girls run the world but you just have to let it rock! I know



it may not seem like much coming from a stranger but we don’t have any bad blood. Just keep hanging on till the world ends, eventually you’ll find the beauty to your beat! Just get cha head in the game and don’t let the dark side of your thoughts scare you away from happiness! Don’t let any chains hold you back, you are a boss! Maybe she’ll think, “Where have you been all my life?” You’ll never know what can be done once you tame the cyclone of nerves. Spread your wings and fly! You got this! Best of luck!

Esmeralda Contact Ezi on Twitter @miss_ezi or journaleditor@wou.edu with your questions on love and life!


The Journal Monday, Aprill 11, 2016




By Joleen Braasch | Staff Writer Shannon Haas, senior computer science major, is graduating this spring. She shared her feelings about graduation and life after college, and the people who have been there along the way. “Graduation will be like an orgasm. School has been riding me so hard these past four years, and when June 11 comes it’s going to be the most ultimate climax and release of my life so far. There are things I’ll miss after I leave: the occasional Fat Friday where my awesome roomie and I eat junk and watch Netflix, working at The Cottage with the fantastic staff and students, and just being on this beautiful campus. But I will not miss the late night homework life, the stress of senior capstone projects, or the additional debt I accrued every new term. Western has helped me shape myself into a better adult and brought me many good memories and lifelong friendships, but I’m ready to get the fuck out of here. 60 days and counting!” “The main goal I have after college is finding a place in southern Oregon that will allow me to live with my dog again. I pretty much work hard so my dog can have a good life. However, a more ‘adulty’ goal is striving to live a more balanced life. Right now my life is a lot of work and very little play—not very healthy. I want to go hiking with my dog more, be with my family more, and just enjoy life more. I keep reading this post getting shared around Facebook that says, ‘I’m tired of people romanticizing overexertion … too many people are burning out before they have a chance to truly shine.’ When I read it, all I could think was, ‘YES!’ I don’t want to burn out, but I’m almost there. Post-graduation, I’m going to fix that.”


Sophomore Zoë Strickland snaps a photo on the edge of campus.

Photography club spotlight Student begins new club for those interested in photography By Zoë Strickland | Northwest Passage Editor Interested in photography? Western has a new club for you, and you don’t even have to leave your bed to go to the meetings. After noticing the lack of a photography club on campus, Jim Bragdon, senior graphic design major, decided that it was time to start one. Formed last term, Photography Club is still looking for new members who want to share and talk about their photography. The meetings are held online through the forums and gallery section of OrgSync. Though one day they may include in person meetings, the current online format is deliberate. The club has found that meeting online makes it easier for non-traditional students and commuters to interact with each other and be involved in the Western community.

For Bragdon, creating the club has a sense of sentimentality. “Photography is my life and my passion, has been since I was young,” said Bragdon. “Recently I fell in love with teaching also, so through the club I can pursue both and help others to get better along the way.” He hopes that having a club focused on photography will help students incorporate art into their lives. “[I want to] showcase the talents of the students in this university, to nurture interest in photography and create great work that communicates and inspires.” Club goers participate in online critiques and discussions of photography, as well as hold photography contests. If you are interested in joining Photography Club, you can do so by searching the “Organizations” tab on OrgSync, or by contacting the club adviser Dan Tankersley at tankersley@mail.wou.edu. Contact the author at zstrickland14@wou.edu or on Twitter @nwpmagazine

COCKTAIL CORNER If you’re like me, then even as you were shocked by the 80 degree temperatures last week (it’s only April!), you were trying to make the most of the sun while it was here by catching some rays. And what is better after an afternoon of sunbathing than getting cocktails with friends? And so, I grabbed a couple friends and trudged over to Main Street Pub and Eatery to try their new spring drink menu. Rachael Jackson, Campus Life Editor and senior social science major, ordered the Blood Orange Basil Spritzer. This drink will call out to the gin lovers out there, but with it’s sparkling and subtle summery vibe it is a good choice for all palates. The basil, though not lost in the drink, does not stand out either, making for easier consumption. I also got to taste the Hippie Juice thanks to Mari-


By Ben Bergerson | Designer

ah Williams, a senior interdisciplinary studies major. The drink was a bit stronger, with a heavy combination of flavors that get lost in the mix. It’s made by mixing watermelon vodka, coconut rum, orange liqueur, and pink lemonade into a tall glass filled with ice. The pub adds some fresh lemons and strawberries too, for an extra fruity kick. If you’re really looking for refreshment, do yourself a favor and order the Cucumber Collins. As simple as this drink is, it will satisfy your taste buds while cooling you down after a day in the sun. It’s a mix of house infused cucumber vodka, sour mix, Sprite, and lemon. Add a cucumber and lemon garnish and what you’ve got is the ideal spring drink. Contact the author at bebergerson13@wou.edu or on Twitter @ben_bergerson



The Journal Monday, Aprill 11, 2016

How superhero movies fail their characters

Photo courtesy of SCREENCRUSH.COM

By Declan Hertel | Entertainment Editor There are a lot of superhero movies these days. This is not news to anyone. They consistently make big, big money at the box office, and there’s no real end in sight, with Marvel’s release schedule stretching at least into 2020 and DC’s cinematic universe just getting revved up. These films have a deep and rich history of heroes and storylines and villains and themes to pull from; some of these characters have been around twice as long as I’ve been alive, having adventures in their countless comic books. So, it seems to me, the question is: why are these films so shallow? Let’s waste no time: modern superhero movies aren’t allowed to take risks because they only have two hours and need to appeal to as broad an audience as possible to recoup the hundreds of millions

of dollars spent on making them, and then some. Meanwhile, comic books cost a fraction of a fraction of a movie budget to produce and distribute, and can tell stories over the long term. Because of their low cost and long form nature, they’re allowed to (gasp) take risks with their storytelling, to tackle heavy issues and really meditate upon the American consciousness in a meaningful way. Carmen Petaccio wrote a piece for The Atlantic this March about the increasing darkness of superhero films, and how this washed-out grittiness feels false, or out of place for stories about superheroes, and refers to the “Civil War” storyline, the basis for the next Captain America movie, as if it was created out of thin air for the films as a cynical attempt to keep the audience interested. This is a somewhat disheartening example of Did-Not-Dothe-Research: it would take a minimum of effort to find that in fact, the “Civil War” arc was a long

and sordid affair in the comics world. And, while I agree with him that the upcoming film looks like mediocre fan fiction, that’s only because it literally doesn’t have the time available to it to tell the story well. In comics, the “Civil War” was a brutal and bloody conflict, involving pretty much the whole Marvel universe, over freedom vs. security in America: do we force heroes to register and be under government control, or do we let them continue independently and assume the risks therein? This is an issue even more prominent today than it was when the arc began, and I fear that the films will only pay lip service to these themes in exchange for two and a half hours of colorful men punching each other. This story continues online at wou.edu/westernjournal. Contact the author at dhertel11@wou.edu or on Twitter @JournalFunTimes.

April Fools Day takes over the Internet, drops fire mixtape Video games, news outlets, and companies have fun fooling on April 1st By Ashton Newton | Staff Writer There’s one day a year where it is not safe if you are a fan of anything to go on the Internet, and that day is April 1. My April Fools’ Day started with seeing the new trailer for the Star Wars Netflix Series: Wrath of Maul up on IGNs website. I was going to cry of happiness until I looked at the date. Companies and developers get the chance to cause totally socially acceptable pain and suffering on April 1, and like always, the results were hilarious. “World of Warcraft” and “Hearthstone” developer

Blizzard released a trailer for “Hearthstone: the MMO,” showing World of Warcraft gameplay. Calling it a new “MMO based off of the popular card game.” Also, it was announced that the “Frost-doge Clan” was coming to “World of Warcraft.” The popular figure collecting game “Disney Infinity” revealed a new line of scented “Zootopia” figures. Who wouldn’t want a carrot scented Judy Hopps? On the Internet, National Geographic promised to stop publishing “Animal Nude Photos” and Hamburger Helper dropped a mixtape of five songs and a music video. Funko Pop, the popular toy brand, revealed Funko Pop Vaults, a literal safe that Funko says can “withstand lava, punching, gunfire, nuclear fallout, stampedes, frog people, and more.” “Game of Thrones”’ Hafthor Bjornsson, aka The


Mountain, released a commercial for his new brand of sparking water, Heavy Bubbles, coming in giant weightshaped bottles. Then there was the mean pranks: Yahoo announced that Trader Joes would be closing all stores by 2017, which must have freaked out some loyal customers and employees out until it was said that it was all a prank at the end of the article. The meanest of them all was Ford’s prank that the Ford Bronco was making a return, complete with pictures. This made some diehard Bronco fans extremely happy, until they saw the April Fools’ at the end. All in all, April 1 fooled a lot of people in a lot of ways, myself included. Next year, it might be safer to stay off the Internet on April Fools’ Day. Contact the author at anewton15@wou.edu.


The Journal Monday, Aprill 11, 2016

Fantastic Beasts

Across 3 Eddie Redmayne’s character in “Fantastic Beasts”, Newt __ 4 Similar to dwarves but not dwarves, inhabit gardens 6 Giant multi-eyes laser blastin’ beast, beauty is in its eye 8 Psuedoscience, pursuit of fantastic beasts like Sasquatch 10 In their tongue, he is dovahkiin: __BORN 12 2008 found-footage monster movie 14 Show about these just ended its sixth season 15 H.P. Lovecraft’s most famous Elder Being, tendency to call 17 Snow White’s cadre of diminutive fellas 18 First “big-bug” movie, giant ants Down 1 Old movie full title, “YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP!” 2 The real monster 5 Hella-toothed weather event, al ready three movies about it 7 Looks like a zebre donkey deer, thought to be mythical once 9 Japanese “giant monsters” film genre, also refers to the creatures


12 World’s biggest rodent 13 Silly but super awesome bird-beast Dungeons and Dragons monster 16 Hermione almost gets ate by one of these in “Sorcerer’s Stone” 17 Prefix added to beasts in fantasy to make em tougher, “__wolf April 4 crossword answers: Across 3 Optimism 5 Hope 7 Drinking 8 Disease 10 Death 11 Presidential 12 Celebrities 14 Happiness 16 Allegiant 18 Drag 20 Pessimism Down 1 Nobody 2 Sucks 4 Menstruation 6 Pointless 9 Everything 13 Instagram 15 Zootopia 17 Love 19 Free

Clash Royale Hits the U.S. App Store Clash of Clans developer drops new MOBA inspired mobile game By Ashton Newton | Staff Writer The modern App Store has become very predictable. Each week, it gets updated with a fresh batch of Clash of Clans clones and Flappy Bird clones, more than one could count. Developer Supercell started the action base-building craze with their 2012 release of Clash of Clans. The game is estimated to make $1.5 million per day. Last month saw the release of Supercell’s Clash Royale, a pocket-sized MOBA based off the characters and world from Clash of Clans. And it’s amazing. For anyone who doesn’t know, MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena and games like League of Legends and DOTA 2 have taken over the competitive gaming market. Each year, multi million dollar tournaments are held and professional players from around the world battle. But with Clash Royale, the idea of the MOBA game is simplified and put in the pockets of the masses. The game pits you against another player and you have to

send out troops to destroy the other players towers and castle, the first to lose their castle loses the battle. Clash Royale instantly became the top grossing and most downloaded app on the App Store upon its release. Today it sits comfortably as the second top-grossing app, with Clash of Clans at number three. It’s a simple game, yet there is so much room to master it and become more competitive. The game features cards for different troops that you can send out, so over time you can collect them in game and play around with different line-ups. There are 48 cards in total. The game also has a feature called TV Royale, where you can instantly start watching a game between two players at the highest rank for enjoyment or to see the strategies of others. You can also, just like Clash of Clans, join a clan with your friends and talk, casually battle, and trade cards. Clash Royale is free to play, but gives you the chance to spend real money on gems and coins to get more or improve your cards. Clash Royale is out now on the Apple App Store and Android Market. Contact the author at anewton15@wou.edu.

Photo courtesy of SUPERCELL.NET

entertainment picks THE EDITOR DOTH PICK “Stuff and Nonsense” is a fantastic little card/board game from Cheapass Games. You and your opponents are would-be adventurers who scour the outskirts of London for somewhat exotic trinkets and tidbits that you can use as evidence of your non-adventures, so that you can go to the prestigious Adventurer’s Club and spin fantastic tales about places you’ve never been (it’s pronounced “chee-NAH,” yes?). It’s fast, easy to learn, and if you’ve got even a single performative bone in your body, it has proven great fun in my sessions to pour some

drinks, give each other silly posh-sounding names (Sir Beefwellington of the Oxfordshire Beefwellingtons, for example), and relate our tales in great detail with gusto and British accents. Your first game will probably take about an hour while you learn, and from then on it can take as little as 40 minutes, or a couple hours, depending on whether you play it as a straight up card game or take more time to relish in the stories you tell. I highly recommend it. Scooting. I’m that dude that scoots everywhere around campus. Scooting is way more fun than that


walking garbage y’all are doing. Plus it looks hella doofy and I think we all need to be more comfortable with being doofy. They gottem at Target for $30ish, #scootlife breh join the revolution. THE EDITOR PICKETH NOT …superhero movies. Not superheroes, just this recent explosion of films based on them. I have a lot to say about this, so check the full article at www.wou.edu/ westernjournal.



The Journal Monday, Aprill 11, 2016

Republicans on the Issues In the overwhelming amount of political rhetoric that occurs, it seems as if the Republican candidates are always talked about in a sarcastic, joking manner. That makes for good headlines and clickbait material, but it often increasingly polarizes the two parties and leads to the apprehension of obtaining information simply based on the fact that the Republican candidates are made out to be so ridiculous. This story focuses on the three Republican candidates’ top five key issues and a short explanation, as per their campaign websites.

Photo courtesy of CONSERVATIVE.ORG

Photo courtesy of POLITICS365.COM

Photo courtesy of JOHNKASICH.COM

Donald Trump

Ted Cruz

John Kasich




Building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico - eliminating illegal immigration

Restoring the Constitution giving power back to the states and limiting the power or the federal government

The Kasich action plan - reducing the size and scope of the federal government

Repealing Obamacare - creating a new free-market system that gives affordable care

Protecting Second Amendment rights - ensuring that citizens have the right to bear arms

Creating new trade policies with China - making China admit to currency manipulation and eliminating trade tariffs

Electability - Kasich believes he has the best chance at beating the Democratic nominee

Securing the border - ending amnesty and increasing deportations

Education - leaving standards up to the states and local municipalities rather than the federal government

Veteran’s Administration reform ensuring veterans have benefits they need

Defending the nation - rebuilding the military, defeating ISIS, and protecting the homeland

National security - defeating ISIS, strengthening the military, and working with world allies

Tax reform - simpler tax brackets and the elimination of an income tax for some

Standing with Israel - maintaining American-Israeli alliance in the Middle East

A Conservative approach to better healthcare - repealing Obamacare and “providing better care instead of more care”

These are the issues that our Republican candidates have deemed to be the most pressing as they have been listed on their respective campaign websites. Much of these issues have little to no explanation on how they will be enacted, which I think says something in itself. It is interesting because often politicians tell us what are the most important issues to be focusing on, and then run their campaigns around those issues, rather

than the citizens choosing what issues are most important, and then backing a candidate that best reflects those interests. Personally, I do not identify with any of these candidates’ platforms because none of their ideas align with my own; there is no talk about higher education and student loan debt reform, no plan for reducing income inequality or closing the wage gap for women and minorities, and nothing on addressing cli-


mate change. Despite my own personal opinions, this column was not meant to sway you to vote red or blue, but rather to show what these candidates have decided are the most important issues facing the United States right now. It’s up to you to decide if you agree with them, or not. Stay tuned for next week’s column from the left side of the aisle. Contact the author at journaleditor@ weou.edu or on Twitter @journalEIC


The Journal Monday, Aprill 11, 2016

My Slightly Diatribic Soapbox Jenna Beresheim | News Editor Okay, everyone, today’s topic makes me roll up my sleeves and dust off the old soapbox for a good cause in need of advocating. This hot topic is especially close to my little gendernoncornforming heart, so buckle up, buttercups. The issue at hand is in regards to people being so uncomfortable with their bodies (and those bodies around them) that God forbid they have to deal with a transgendered* human sharing the same restroom. What is the fear here stemmed from? In my lifetime, I have never seen another human’s bits while using the restroom, and if I have, it was my own fault. The only occurrence I could think of would be accidentally stepping into a stall that was not locked properly, in

which we both made mutually shocked faces at one another and apologized in such a stream of syllables that I had no chance to actually see anything besides the whites of their eyes. Nor did I want to see anything, mind you. Certain states are so uncomfortable with the thought of letting someone pee that they have began to ID individuals at the door. I mean, kudos for creating the completely useless job of a bathroom bouncer. But if you were going to employ someone to check your genitals, why not simply employ someone to keep it safe from the assumed (and completely nonexistent) threats of the Trans* community? Some have even gone so far as to encourage children in schools to rat out Trans* humans using the restroom that does not correlate with their assigned birth gender. Hold up. So, instead of letting someone use the restroom like a human being, we are now blocking and even denying, a basic human right. Trust me, transgender* individuals just want to use the bathroom - get in and get out. Just like everyone else. Especially as the gender that said individual identifies with. Imagine being forced into the opposite bathroom of what you identify with - it would be

loads of uncomfortable for both parties. You’re a girl now crammed into the guy’s restroom, and vice versa. There would be heated looks, crude comments, and no doubt a shriek or two. As a human who identifies as genderfluid, my gender fluctuates on the daily and often ranges anywhere from masculine to feminine, and wherever the hell I feel like in between. It’s a nightmare for my wardrobe, but it’s how I feel, and it took me years to develop enough understanding of myself to be okay with that. If I am dressed in masculine attire and identify more along that gender, I typically choose gender neutral restrooms. Even outside of the restroom it can be tough - I have had dressing room attendants inform me that I had picked out male pants (probably because their measurement system is much better, duh) and little old women explain to me how I would look much better in a dress and some makeup. Thankfully Western is fairly accommodating and the people around me are understanding, but other areas are not so trusting or understanding. I may be a lesbian, but I use the bathroom like everyone else (not to dispel rumors that all LGBT*Q+ individual’s waste is rainbows and sprinkles). And, like everyone


else, I use the bathroom just for that. To go to the bathroom, maybe check quaffed hair meticulously like a neurotic parrot, fix clothes, and strut out like I own the place. Sometimes I cut down the steps if I’m in a rush, but note that at no point was I a threat to, or even interacted with, anyone else. This is exactly the problem. The focus is on a completely nonexistent issue. Sexual predators typically do not choose bathrooms of all places to attack someone, and it is a typical event for people who do not even identify in the specific gender-assigned bathroom to use it in emergency situations. How many times have you seen a girl give up waiting in the line of 20 plus people and just hop into the men’s instead? If we can choose to use whichever one we want to, why can’t the Trans* community have that same choice? Everyone has to pee, so get over it. There is no statistical evidence regarding all of this “bathroom bill” hubbub. So, go about your business, and only yours, and flush your bias on the way out. Contact the author at jberesheim11@ wou.edu or on Twitter @woujournalnews to share your thoughts and feels

“Disappointment.” Describe the U.S.

Presidential race in one word.

Kaylee Church, senior mathematics major

“Mess.” Brittany Figueroa, freshman visual communication design major

“Joke.” Carlos Garcia, senior business major

Alvin Wilson | Staff Writer

“Hopeless.” Jasmine Quang, junior mathematics major

Rose Lethe, senior applied mathematics major


12 Monday, Aprill 11, 2016


The Journal

Should skateboarding be included in the Olympic Games? Skateboarding proposed for 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo By Jamal Smith | Sports Editor

Photo courtesy of JAMAL SMITH

INDEPENDENCE 450 S. 2nd Street 97351


Every four years, on the eve of the Summer Olympics, a question quietly spreads across the world of sports: should skateboarding be included in the Olympic Games? Currently, skateboarding will not be featured in the upcoming 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil; however, Olympic organizers have proposed adding skateboarding along with baseball/softball, karate, sports climbing, and surfing to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. The Olympic committee will deliberate and will come to a decision by August of this year. The proposal includes both men’s and women’s events in Street and Park with an envisioned 80 athletes split equally among genders. Skateboarding’s possible inclusion in the biggest sporting event in the world has many people in the skateboarding community ecstatic. Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk thinks the addition of skateboarding to the Olympics would help to legitimize the sport and bring worldwide attention to the skateboarding industry. “It is exciting that skateboarding could possibly be included in the Olympics,” Hawk said in an interview with TIME. “This is not only a great opportunity for our sport and the skaters, but also for the Games. It is now more important than ever to preserve the unique culture of skateboarding which makes our sport so appealing and relevant.” Professional Polish skateboarder and founder of Exposure Skate, Amelia Brodka, sees the Olympic inclusion as an opportunity to showcase women’s athletic abilities in a sport dominated by men. “I am excited about the idea of getting skateboarding into the Olympics,” said Brodka in an interview posted on the International Skateboarding Federation website. “If managed by the right people, this could be a lifetime opportunity to expose women’s skateboarding to a global audience and to get many more girls involved into our sport.” Although there has been major proponents of skateboarding’s inclusion into the Olympics, there are also those who disagree. More than 5,500 self-proclaimed skateboarders have signed an online petition asking the International Olympic Committee to not include the sport in the Olympics because they consider skateboarding a lifestyle. “Skateboarding is not a ‘sport’ and we do not want skateboarding exploited and transformed to fit into the Olympic program,” stated the online petition. “We feel that Olympic involvement will change the face of skateboarding and its individuality and freedoms forever.” It is yet to be seen whether skateboarding will be added to the Olympics in 2020, but one thing is clear; either way, not everyone is going to be happy. Contact the author at jsmith15@wou.edu or on Twitter @ journalsportwou

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