Volume 16 Issue 27 (Monday, May 23, 2016)

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Your third party options for the 2016 Presidential election

Frequent reports of firework noises around campus

If you have a burger craving, hit up Chow Thyme

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The Journal Monday, May 23, 2016

THE JOURNAL 345 N. Monmouth Ave. Monmouth, OR 97361 Student Media Department TERRY HOUSE

Independence food cart fails to disappoint

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ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR DECLAN HERTEL journalentertainment@wou.edu



PHOTO EDITOR BRIANNA BONHAM journalphoto@wou.edu



ADVERTISING MANAGER BRIAN TESCH journaladvertising@wou.edu


Photo couresty of CHOW-THYME.COM

If you have a burger craving, hit up Chow Thyme



Cover photo by CARLY FISTER

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By Ben Bergerson | Designer To tell the truth, I’ve been a vegetarian for five years. I never really crave red meat, so a few weeks ago when I suddenly had a hankering for a burger I was surprised. I took it in stride, however, and decided to take a break from my herbivore habit. This sudden meat craving led me to Chow Thyme, a food cart in Independence. Their

tagline is “like yo’ momma made it,” and let me tell you, my mom is a good cook, but this is a whole ‘nother level. The Bacon Blue Cheese Burger I ordered was stacked with a half-pound patty and a generous helping of bacon, blue cheese, onion, lettuce, tomato, pickle, and some amazing house-made sauce. The house-cut fries that came with it were fresh and flavorful. “They have the best fries in town,” said Jocelyn Chavez, junior anthropology major. I thought they were reasonably priced at $8 a burger. By the time I was done with my

Cocktail Corner

Want to host a summer party and impress your friends, but you don’t want to buy the various (and expensive) ingredients to make it happen? Well then, these recipes are for you.

The Miami Vice Traditionally served as a blended pina colada poured into the glass with a blended strawberry daiquiri, this is a sweet summertime drink. I am not sure where the name comes from, but I am guessing from the television show due to the color of the drink. Ingredients: Strawberry Daiquiri Sobe* Pina Colada Sobe Rum (I use Malibu, but Bacardi 151 is used

By Rachael Jackson | Campus Life Editor

in the original drink) Fill a glass with ice, pour in a shot or three of the rum, and layer with the Sobe drinks. If you have a blender, you can blend them separately with the rum added to keep the colors from mixing together. Moscow Mule I replace the more expensive ginger beer with ginger ale and fresh ginger in this classic drink. Ingredients: Ginger ale Ginger Lime Vodka Shave off a bit of ginger into your glass. I like a lot, but I also like to torture my taste


meal I was full to the brim. “I really like the Mushroom Swiss burger,” said Chavez. “I’ve had it a few times now.” Open 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, Chow Thyme also has breakfast and entree options. Check out their menu online at www.chowthyme.com and you can catch them next to the Family Tresures Marketplace in Independence. Contact the author at bebergerson13@wou. edu or on Twitter @ben_bergerson.

buds. You can add some sugar as well to tame the spiciness. Add ice over the ginger, pour in a shot of vodka, add ginger ale, then squeeze in half a lime. Greyhound Add sugar and club soda to make it spritzy. Ingredients: White grapefruit juice Vodka Pour vodka and juice over ice. Garnish with a slice of fresh grapefruit if you want to be classy. Variations: Make it a Paloma by using ruby red grapefruit juice and tequila instead. Add salt to the rim and make it a Salty Dog.


The Journal Monday, May 23, 2016


Climate change impacts Oregon Visiting professor discusses climate problems in the Northwest and if we’re past the point of no return By Rachael Jackson | Campus Life Editor Oregon State University professor Philip Dr. Mote teaches his students about earth, ocean, and atmospheric sciences, but that isn’t his only credentials. He also serves as director of the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, and is the co-leader of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-funded Climate Impacts Research Consortium (CIRC). Dr. Mote visited campus May 19 to speak about his work with the CIRC on uncovering the mysteries of climate change in the Northwest. He explained it isn’t something often thought about because the changes in the Northwest aren’t that drastic, but they are still evident when the clues are investigated. He and his team at CIRC have indicated three large impacts of Northwest climate. “The first thing is, our water system here in the Northwest is heavily dependent on when it falls from the sky, which is in the winter, which leads to snowpack, and then it melts in the summer,” Dr. Mote said. “We don’t have snowpack like we used to. We don’t understand something like this until 2015 happens and suddenly we are in the middle of a drought,” Dr. Mote said. Second is coastal erosion. If a major subduction zone earthquake were to happen (which some scientists have predicted could happen within the next 150 years), it could cause a five-foot decrease in the seafloor, meaning the water would rise just as much on the shore. The last impact is damage to forests from fires and insects. These are the harder ones to gauge, but a recent outbreak of mountain pine beetles as well as large scale

Dr. Philip Mote speaks to WOU students about the effect of climate change on the Northwest.

forest fires both follow along with the trends of coastal erosion and decrease in water supplies. The beetles devastate other insect and plant life. Together, these three change habitats by depleting previously abundant sources of water, shelter for animal life, and fuel (gathered from trees). Dr. Mote recommended that the audience pay attention to the second impact, coastal erosion, as the danger of the earthquake looms over us all in our region. Western doesn’t have many classes on this topic, something Brandon Pike, senior geography major, noticed. “It could be good to get this topic into an LACC, teach

DEAR ESMERALDA Dear Esmeralda,

I live with two other girls and one of them is always eating my stuff from the fridge and pantry. I have caught her on like five occasions this month and I have told her this is not cool. But she keeps doing it! This makes me wonder what else of mine she has took/used without my knowledge. I know school is almost over but we planned on living with each other over the summer … What in the heck should I do? Sincerely, Stolen Meatloaf Dear Stolen Meatloaf, GUUUUUUUUURL, if anyone tried to eat my food I would eat them! Ain’t nobody taking my food. I have gotta say your patience is something out of this world! Goodness, I nearly become superhuman! So there are two routes you can go; my prefered route (the petty af route) or

the more mature (and boring route). So because I am a petty queen I’m going to tell you about the petty way first. I would start by eating her food and then playing dumb. Then I would start hiding her things, don’t go big at first. Start with one of her makeup brushes, or a spare hair brush. Then take a surge protector. Then the connector of her phone charger, not the cord itself of course. That is the last thing to go. You see the pattern, you may need to adapt it for her but I say you can wreak lots of havoc over the next few weeks. Now for the mature way (AKA the boring way). One thing you can do is eat food she doesn’t like, make it spicy that is a good way to get people to stop eating your food. OH! I thought of a petty version! You will have to waste food and I hate that but it will teach her a lesson. Over salt, like way too much salt, your leftovers. Then when she eats it she will be in for a surprise! Now back to our regularly scheduled maturity! Another thing you could do is talk about it with her again and explain that if she is gonna keep eating your food

something that is close to home and meaningful,” Pike said. One audience member asked what we could do to try and lower our own carbon dioxide emissions, to which Dr. Mote said: drive less. If you can afford it, invest in a hybrid vehicle. If you can’t afford it, jump on public transit if it is available, or carpool to destinations. Interested in learning about your own carbon footprint? Check out the carbon footprint calculator online at the Environmental Protection Agency’s website www3.epa.gov/carbon-footprint-calculator/. Contact the author at rjackson13@wou.edu

Contact Esmeralda Dharma LaChance on Twitter @miss_ezi or find her on Facebook with your questions on love and life!

she had better help pay for it or if she wants to do the dishes after you make food that could be a fair trade off. Another serious note: because it is the end of school year your roommate could be out of money. If so I would mention the on campus food pantry located in the lowest floor of the APSC. It’s on the side closest to the town’s main drag.



4 Monday, May 23, 2016

HUMOR Dasani to rename themselves “America’s Best Tap Water” until November election

The Journal


By Katrina Penaflor | Managing Editor

Here is a random tweet that I found to guide you through your day. “When in doubt, just do the opposite of whatever the person wearing pajamas in public is doing.” -@Tmoney68

The moons are telling me you’re prepping for summer, Taurus. Take it down a notch, and please stop bathing in tanning oil. You’re getting it all over the place.

I was harsh on you last week, Gemini, when I predicted you’d only get three pumps. I’m feeling generous today. The stars are telling me you’ll get four.

I’m sure you’re wondering why your dog is constantly dressing as a goth princess, Cancer. Just let her do her thing. It’s just a phase.

Go eat a mediocre, chunky peanut butter sandwich.

The next Arizona iced tea you purchase will be filled entirely with cream cheese.

You’ve consumed nothing but ramen noodles for the last 14 days. I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life, Libra … actually, I am. Go eat something covered in chocolate.

Scorpio, I’ve got great news for you. Your Justin Trudeau glitter tattoo kit is arriving in the mail tomorrow.

May 27 is officially the day that you begin dating a 10 piece chicken nuggets box. Congratulations. I’ll send you a card.

Save the date November 24, 2016.

That plaid shirt is simply disgusting.

That’s not your cat, it’s a raccoon. Put your glasses back on, Pisces.


The next company to show their support for the upcoming election is none other than Dasani, you know, the bottled water brand you buy because it’s cheaper than Smart Water. But consumers will no longer find “Dasani” on the labels for the next few months. Instead the company is choosing to print “America’s Best Tap Water” to show their support for our fine country. Franklin O’Brian, a brand spokesman for Dasani, issued a statement about the new name. “When you think of America, you think of two things. First is the word ‘America’ and second is ‘Dasani.’ We want our company to reflect that, hence the temporary name change,” O’Brian said. Although it is completely arguable that Americans have never once thought of Dasani when thinking about their country, it can be noted that a major company showing their support for the presidential race is a unique form of marketing. O’Brian continued with his statement and added, “We really felt like Dasani fit the theme of the election this year, and our rebranding supports that. Our newly labeled ‘America’s Best Tap Water’ is all about not totally being the best water for you, but you’ll drink it anyway because it’s your only option.” When asked if he thought having “tap water” as part of the new name would deter people from purchasing their product, O’Brian quickly responded with “I don’t think so, no. People will honestly purchase anything with ‘America’ written on it.” He continued, “Our sales have skyrocketed in the last week that we’ve been on shelves, and all we did was place a sticker over our new labels. We didn’t even bother to reprint.” To see if what O’Brian was saying was actually true, I stopped by a local Target and found a woman who was purchasing the new America’s Best Tap Water. I asked why she favored this brand over something of the same price, like Aquafina. She said, “I don’t want people to think I’m un-American. Plus I’m in charge of bringing drinks to my PTA meeting. This will make all the moms look bad who showed up with off-brand bottled water that doesn’t have ‘America’ written on it.” Contact the author at journalmanaging@wou.edu or on Twitter @JournalKatrina


The Journal Monday, May 23, 2016


Wolves fall short at GNAC Championship Photo courtesy of ESPN.CDN.COM

Idiot of the week By Jamal Smith | Sports Editor It is safe to say that the Texas Rangers and the Toronto Blue Jays loathe each other. The two teams’ animosity for the other has been simmering since last year’s American League Playoff Series when Toronto outfielder, Jose Bautista, crushed a late game home run and threw his bat in celebration, a move which Rangers’ players and coaches deemed to be excessive and classless. On Monday, May 15, all hell broke loose between the two teams in the top of the eighth inning after Bautista slid hard into the feet of the Rangers’ second baseman, Rougned Odor, during a double play. Odor immediately responded by shoving Bautista and then throwing a punch, but not just any punch; this was a punch that Mike Tyson would have been proud of. Pandemonium ensued as players and coaches from both teams rushed the field. The scene was so chaotic that it took the umpires just over ten minutes to restore order and restart the game. “I was pretty surprised,” Bautista said in an interview with ESPN. “I mean, obviously, that’s the only reason he got me, and he got me pretty good, so I have to give him that. It takes a little bigger man to knock me down.” Odor was handed down an eight game suspension by the MLB brass, and Bautista was suspended one game for his hard slide and post-game comments. Both Odor and Bautista issued appeals and will play with their respected teams until a verdict is reached in the appeal process. Although Odor’s haymaker and the resulting scuffle provided drama which is scarcely seen in MLB, Odor earns the idiot of the week award because he let his emotions get the best of him. Odor’s eight game suspension, which is very unlikely to be overturned or even lowered, will no doubt have a negative effect on his team who is currently in second place in the American League West division. Odor should have taken his frustrations out on the field, and not on his opponent. Contact the author at jsmith15@wou. edu or on Twitter @journalsportWOU

Photo courtesy of WOUWOLVES.COM

By Jamal Smith | Sports Editor The Western Oregon baseball team has been a perennial powerhouse in the GNAC for over a decade, winning 13 consecutive GNAC titles. The trophy case in the New P.E. Building is loaded with hardware as a testament to their success. Heading into the GNAC Championship game on May 13, the Wolves had all reason to believe that they could add yet another trophy into their case, but standing in their way was Northwest Nazarene University. Prior to the championship game against the Crusaders, Western dropped their first game in the GNAC Championships on Thursday against Montana State Billings University, but then later in the day, in a do-or-die scenario, domi-

nated Nazarene 14-3. Then on Friday, the Wolves got revenge against Billings in which the Wolves dominated every facet of the game and came away victorious with the score of 14-3. NNU won their game setting up an intriguing matchup between the Wolves and Crusaders with the winner taking home the coveted championship trophy. The Crusaders struck first, and in the first inning, Northwest Nazarene came away with two runs. However, the determined Wolves responded by scoring a run in the second, third, and fourth inning, and then three runs in the fifth inning when senior infielder Marcus Madden doubled home two runs and then later scored himself on a throwing error from the Crusaders’ shortstop. The Wolves led 6-2 going into the bottom of the fifth.

Just when it appeared that all the momentum swung into the Wolves’ favor, the Crusaders started scoring runs in bunches. Northwest Nazarene added a run in the fifth inning and then scored six runs in the sixth inning to give them a 9-6 advantage. Western showed their never say die attitude by scoring two runs in the seventh inning to close the gap to one run, but the Wolves were inevitably unable to overcome Nazarene’s late game flurry. The final score was 9-8. Although the Wolves fell short in achieving their goal of winning 14 straight GNAC titles, they gave it everything they had until the final out, and they should be proud of their efforts. Contact the author at jsmith15@wou. edu or on Twitter @journalsportWOU

Offseason acquisitions the Blazers should pursue Make the Blazers great again By Jamal Smith | Sports Editor After the Portland Trail Blazers were defeated by the Golden State Warriors in the second round of the Western Conference playoffs, it became clear that the Blazers are still one or two players away from becoming a championship caliber team. Portland showed flashes of brilliance in the series, outscoring the defending champions in the majority of the quarters during the series. But the Warriors’ postseason success last year, combined

with the Blazer’s young, inexperienced roster, gave Stephen Curry and the Warriors the edge at the end of games when it really mattered. Portland only got one win in the best of seven game series. So, now that the offseason has officially begun for the young Blazer squad, it’s time to start thinking about what free agent acquisitions would help to elevate the Blazers to the next level. Here’s a list of five free agents the Blazers should go after this offseason that would instantly make the team better. Dwight Howard Player Option / Center / 6-11 / Team: Houston 13.7 ppg, 11.8 rpg


Howard is the most controversial player on the list; some fans despise the big man, and some fans absolutely love him. Those who hate Howard point to his bad attitude and unsuccessful tenures with the Los Angeles Lakers and his current team, the Houston Rockets. In his early years, Howard was easily the most dominant superstar on the court and had the ability to single-handedly take over games. Although Howard’s best years are behind him, Howard would provide the Blazers a double-double every night, while at the same time striking fear into opponents as an offensive and defensive threat.

Coninues on page 12


6 Monday, May 23, 2016 The Journal

Fighting Fireworks Frequent reports of firework noises around campus By Jenna Beresheim | News Editor For nearly two weeks, residents on and around campus reported hearing popping, banging, and otherwise generalized firework noises across the surrounding areas. “We don’t know what it is for sure,” reported CPS officer Trever Jackson, “but reports on the sounds lean towards fireworks.” Jackson reported hearing the noises himself while working shifts on campus, and would shortly after receive phone calls from concerned students. “Unfortunately, it’s difficult working with noise complaints without much else to go off of - no one was injured or saw anyone doing it, which makes it difficult to track,” Jackson said. Another problem with noise on campus, especially quick-burst sounds cre-

ated by fireworks, is that it can be very troublesome to pinpoint. Campus Public Safety would receive multiple calls in a row, each stating a different place the caller believed the sound to be coming from, whether it be near Gentle House, Koyotes, and so on. One evening, people reported seeing a group of individuals running from where the noises had recently been heard. By the time officers arrived, the group had gone and there was no trace of mischief. Both Campus Public Safety and the Monmouth Police are currently working in tandem to stop the noisemaker, but in the recent week there has been very little activity reported in regards to fireworks sounds across campus. If you have any information on possible suspects or need to report more firework activity, please contact Campus Public Safety’s non-emergency line at 503-838 8481. Contact the author at ​Jberesheim11@ wou.edu​or on Twitter @WOUjournalnews


26 pounds of drugs seized in Salem bust Salem drug bust unlikely to affect drug trafficking in Monmouth area By Alvin Wilson | Staff Writer A large drug bust that occurred in the Salem/Stayton area earlier this month resulted in the seizure of 26 pounds of drugs, 15 guns, several vehicles, and over $450,000, according to the Statesman Journal. On May 10, officers with the Salem Police Department arrested seven people in the Salem area. The next day, officers with the Stayton Police Department arrested three. Lt. Steve Birr, of Salem PD, said the arrests in Salem triggered those in Stayton. With Monmouth’s proximity to Salem, one might expect the recent bust to reduce the drug supply or trigger arrests in the area. But according to Detective Mike Strack, a member of the Polk County Interagency Narcotics Team, the bust


in Salem is unlikely to affect drug trafficking in the Monmouth area. “The drug bust in Salem/Stayton doesn’t have much affect on our area, as drugs come in from various places,” said Strack. Despite this, Strack said the drug businesses in Independence and Monmouth

are sometimes synonymous with Salem. “Many of the people who reside in Salem and are into drugs come into Polk County to do business, as it’s more rural,” he said. “… Drug users commit crimes of opportunity and look for easy targets.” He said the frequency of students leaving their cars and bikes unlocked makes


Monmouth a popular destination for people looking for something to sell for drug money. Drug abuse is often more apparent in small towns, and Monmouth and Independence are no exceptions. “Drug abuse in Monmouth/Independence is common compared to any other city,” said Strack. “Sometimes it may seem like drug abuse is worse in a small town because you can see it more in a smaller population.” Western isn’t a school that is known for rampant drug use. Strack attributes this tame appearance to both the legalization of marijuana in Oregon and the fact that many student offenders aren’t tracked by the university. “... drugs are handled differently on campus as opposed to off campus,” he said. “When students are arrested or cited for drugs in the community, they are dealt with through the city and county courts and [Western] does not track this information.” The most recent drug bust involving Western was four years ago, when seven people, including three students, were arrested for trafficking drugs on campus. The bust in Salem might scare some traffickers into temporarily halting business. But, according to Strack, users will always find a way to get their fix—even if their supply is restricted. “Addicts will always find where the drugs are at,” he said. “If you cut off a supply in one area, they branch out or a new dealer steps in to fill the void.” Contact the author at awilson15@ wou.edu or on Twitter @awilsonjournal.


The Journal Monday, May 23, 2016


Discover MI Town encourages community engagement Monmouth and Independence showcase shops By Jenna Beresheim | News Editor An overcast Saturday was not enough to stave off participants of the Discover MI Town event hosted between both Monmouth and Independence on May 21. Colorful plastic bags boasting the logo of the event were held by many as individuals moved from one shop to another, led by a Monopoly-inspired map of various places around both towns. This reporter’s route consisted of the following stops: Arena Sports Bar & Grill, Three Legged Dog, Petals & Vines, Rogue, Main Street Ice Cream Parlor, and Crush Wine Bar & Tasting Room. Shops each hosted their own unique way of welcoming players of Discover MI Town Monopoly. While Arena Sports Bar & Grill offered a triple-threat sampler of beers with a side of their famous hot wings, Petals & Vines offered buttons and pins from a basket on their counter. “Personally, my offer is just letting you sample whatever drinks I have in stock right now,” stated Joshua Brandt, the owner of Crush Wine Bar & Tasting Room.

Over 27 businesses participated in the spotlight and helped to sponsor the event, ranging from eateries to larger businesses such as Goodwill Industries. The event was hosted by the Monmouth-Independence Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center and managed by Jean Love. A free shuttle service was also offered between both towns’ focal points to encourage visiting all possible pitstops mapped out for the day. This also supported individuals who wished to partake in the multiple opportunities to imbibe throughout the day without worrying about transportation between stops. To sweeten the deal, a grand prize raffle was offered to individuals once they purchased tickets - filling out a small business card once they were given their wristbands. The winner of this raffle would take home an entire table of goodies rang-

Locals gather around despite the weather to discover everything MI Town has to offer.

ing from bottles of Rogue to shirts and soccer balls - an estimated worth of over $700 in tangible goods. Owners of shops were to donate a physical item and could donate gift certificates on top of that if they wished.

For a full breakdown of the shop’s that participated, go online to: http://bit. ly/1s27XXS Contact the author at Jberesheim11@ wou.edu or on Twitter @WOUjournalnews

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Representative from Firesteed Winery pours free samples at the Three-Legged Dog for Discover Mi Town.



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Residents in the Willamette Valley Basin are eligible for membership.



The Journal Monday, May 23, 2016

Chance the Rapper’s latest shines

Photo courtesy of THESOURCE.COM

“Coloring Book” bumps, grooves, and glows with love By Declan Hertel | Entertainment Editor I gotta cut right to the chase: Chance the Rapper’s third and most recent release, “Coloring Book” (also known to fans as “Chance 3”), is really good. Like, really, really good. I heard his 2013 mixtape, “Acid Rap,” for the first time about two years after it came out, and I really dug it, but I didn’t really start to pay attention to Chance until his just-about-perfect verse on Kanye West’s “Ultralight Beam,” the opening track on “The Life of Pablo” (review at wou.edu/westernjournal). His verse caught my attention like no other, and I soon after went back to “Acid Rap.” Before I had dug it, but now I felt like I got it. Chance is different, in a way he states perfectly in the first verse of CB’s “Blessings:” “I don’t make songs for free, I make ‘em for freedom / don’t believe in kings, believe in the kingdom.” I don’t even know where to begin talking about this mixtape, so the beginning will work: I don’t want to proclaim a trend too early—two is hardly a pattern—

but with “The Life of Pablo” and “Coloring Book,” hip- other artists: his music is all about making the best of hop and gospel music have found themselves very, everything, counting your blessings, and always being very happy together. But unlike Yeezy’s latest, which humble and grateful. From touching laments about uses its gospel influence as a plea growing apart like “Same Drugs” to God to help a troubled sinner, to honestly talking about how “Coloring Book” uses gospel to hard it is to find success in “All proclaim and share the glory with We Got,” Chance ultimately lays all who hear it. out a message that says if you stay He is a man blessed with unbestrong and determined you can lievable success, including getting accomplish what you want and to work closely with Kanye West, get through what’s got you down. the man who inspired him to beEven as he raps about his probcome a rapper, and who provides lems, there’s nothing underneath the hook on “All We Got,” the first but love and a forward looking cut on “Coloring Book.” The reattitude. cord has all kinds of high profile Unfortunately, it seems that features (Lil Wayne, Justin Bie“Coloring Book” has been reber, and T-Pain, to name a few), moved from DatPiff.com, where Photo courtesy of RAPDOSE.COM with several songs underscored it was originally released as a free with triumphant horns and choirs. Throughout the download. But if you’ve got Apple Music you can lis14 tracks, Chance is not only celebrating his success, ten to it there, and since he released it for free, if you but is eternally grateful for it, and wants to share it. want to torrent it or just listen on YouTube, you ought What makes Chance and “Coloring Book” great is to do that guilt free. his ultimately positive message. He’s not glamorizing Contact the author at dhertel11@wou.edu or on a destructive lifestyle or constantly firing off shots at Twitter @JournalFunTimes



The Journal Monday, May 23, 2016 Across 4 “Merry Old,” land of Doctor Who, not including Scotland or Wales 5 Flightless bird that “chills out” in the Antarctic 7 Europe and America have seen an influx of refugess from this nation 8 Three words, band responsible for the unofficial Australian anthem “Down Under” 11 Allied soldiers stormed the beaches of this French region on D-Day 14 U.S. state, looks like a pot, or maybe and upside down baseball cap 16 Shares a name with hairy hamster pigs 17 The band best known for “The Final Countdown” 18 Sarah Palin can see this large nation from her house, bunch of dirty reds 19 Nation responsible for Celine Dion and Justin Bieber, America’s hat Down 1 African nation where Barack Obama was born (#’wheresthebirthcertifi cate) 2 Caribbean island, mentioned by John Oliver talking about FIFA

entertainment picks THE EDITOR SMILES WARMLY TOWARD Unique YouTube channels that you oughta subscribe to. “Grand Illusions” is the YouTube channel of Tim the Toyman, an old British fella with a MASSIVE collection of toys and novelty items. His videos range from about 45 seconds to 20 minutes (!), and center around a single item or a category of them, be it playing cards, unconventional lighters, strange bottles, toys that look like fish, or one of his most recent: brushes! There are all kinds of toy collection channels on YouTube, but Tim is one of the only people that never talks about the value of the toys or the brand or anything like that. He is just a funny old man with a deep, abiding appreciation for toy design, mechanisms, and how they function; and “Grand Illusions” is his way of sharing his life’s work with the world. His charming persona, dry wit, and clear passion for these “funny little contraptions” keeps me coming back. Quite extraordinary. She said … I don’t know where I discovered the channel of “Shopdogsam,” but I’m glad I did. He’s a hippie grandpa with a thick Tennessee accent, a love of engines and Hostess cupcakes, a stuffed parrot, long white hair, and a longer white beard, and most of his videos are stream-of-consciousness monologues about … well, it’s kind of hard to say. But he’s oddly fascinating, talking into the void of YouTube-land as if it were an old, trusted friend, as he rolls an industrial spool around or eats ice cream and cupcakes with chopsticks. He’s an oddball for sure, but again … it’s all super compelling. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that. Theodore Cottingham recently deleted his YouTube channel, but he still has a large collection of material on Vimeo. He runs a coffee shop in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and has released just a shade fewer than five hundred videos of … I guess I’ll let ol’ Theo himself explain: “I am Christ, Christing the Christ, teaching all who will to become it also, through my words. These recordings are me speaking the first person words of God I am for you to learn to do also, where you record it, study it, learn from it, surrendering daily to the process of The New Covenant so you experience the transformation of Christ to become it in your two shoes becoming a new creation person of leadership in your country.” And if that doesn’t at least intrigue you, you are a lost cause.


3 Derogatory term for a non-Japanese person obsessed with Japanese culture 6 We have a holiday in March dedicated to perpetuating stereo types of this nation 8 China’s toupee, Genghis Khan was from these parts 9 Italian cake-ish dessert, coffee influenced 10 Little landlocked nation in the middle of South Africa 12 American’s beard, Trump loves those who hail from here 13 Emma Watson was implicated in the recent __ papers scandal 15 Toto’s superhit song that isn’t “Roxanne” April 18 crossword answers: Across 2 Horse 4 Pussy 5 Pork 6 Smegma 8 Pustule 10 Sasquatch 13 Phlegm 15 Carpet 16 Groin

17 Bulbous 18 Gangrene 19 Anus Down 1 Ointment 3 Scrotum 4 Panties 7 Pubic 9 Pulchritude 11 Mantis 12 Jeggings 14 Moist

NEXT WEEK: Check out the final issue of the year! We’ll be spotlighting the Academic Excellence Showcase, and a list of the graduating students.




The Journal Monday, May 23, 2016

“No. I do not think that there is enough resources for students within the LGBTQ community. I think that our campus tries, but there’s still not enough funding to go around to offer the proper support to all people within the community.”Gabbi Boyle, senior, Interdisciplinary Studies major

By Joleen Braasch | Staff Writer

Do you feel your identity is represented at WOU?

“I feel like my identity as a student is wellrepresented at [Western]. But I feel like it’s a lot easier to remain anonymous as an individual.” - Alexis Anderson, senior, Biology major

“In what aspect, though? I would have to say yes because there are various clubs and organizations I’m involved in that relate back to what I identity myself in. And [Western] does a really good job in opening new clubs and making you feel welcomed. If you’re still trying to find yourself, figuring out who you think you are, you’re perfectly welcomed into joining different groups.” - Maira Torres, senior, Criminal Justice major

“Yeah, the coordinator is definitely making sure that the veterans are getting their voice known in the community here. And I’m from this coast, so it’s nice to be back; I missed a lot of things that the West coast represents more so than the East coast, where I was stuck for a long time.”Sara Earthman, junior, Psychology major

How about we teach people not to rape? Teach people the meaning of consent, not how to avoid being assaulted By Zoë Strickland | Staff Writer Recently, a lot of my classes have started talking about rape culture. Being a gender studies minor, this isn’t anything new. My classes have specifically been talking about how, when dealing with rape culture, we often teach people how to not get raped instead of teaching other people to just not rape. Buckle up and prepare to listen, because this stuff is serious. Not trying to solve the problem at the root sounds crazy and completely unreasonable, right? I think so. Why is it that we teach children to always walk in groups, instead of teaching them about what consent is? Why do we tell girls in college to walk with their keys carefully positioned in between their fingers, instead of teaching people in college that you can’t actually consent to something if you’re under the influence of any drugs or alcohol? Why is it that even after doing all of these studies showing that

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sex education is important to preventing sexual assault, schools across the country still push abstinence-only education? It’s absurd. I’ve taken multiple classes on the Western campus wherein rape culture

is discussed. I’ve sat through throngs of students in various sexuality and gender classes wherein we’ve talked about how society has uniformly taught women to be afraid of getting raped and has taught men that they should be feared for poten-


tially having the power to rape. In these classes, it goes without saying that every student found the “teach women how not to get raped” method upsetting. So, if so many people find this upsetting, why haven’t we made more strides in fixing it? A fundamental component of this discussion is believing victims/survivors of sexual assault. I swear, if I have to sit through one more person mentioning how “sometimes people make it up,” I’m going to scream. Look at the statistics: only two to eight percent of reported sexual assaults are ruled out as being false reports. Why are we still doubting the believability of something if 98 percent of reports are true? Why aren’t we seeing how we can help people get through the traumatic event that they’ve just experienced? These things are serious. Instead of people being afraid to walk around alone because something might happen to them, we need to start teaching personal boundaries and the meaning of consent at a young age. Young people aren’t too young to grasp the basic concept of human decency. Contact the author at zstrickland14@ wou.edu or on Twitter @nwpmagazine.


The Journal Monday, May 23, 2016


Third party’s the charm Unhappy with your options for president? Consider voting third party By Ben Bergerson | Designer Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are not the only options for president this year. Though you may not know it from how the media represents the race, parties other than the Democrats and Republicans (known as third parties) exist in this country and in the past have had an impact on elections. This year, people with no political party affiliation will represent the biggest voting block at 42 percent of all voters. Democrats represent 29 percent and Republicans represent 26 percent. These are near historical lows for party affiliation, and the mainstream

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Photo courtesy of JILL2016.COM

media has said relatively little about how that affects our party system. With both of the leading candidates for president having extremely low favorability ratings, many people are turning to see what other options are out there. There are three third parties in the US that have large enough voter registration to get on state ballots. You can check them out below, and see if any fit your political beliefs: Constitution Party If your problem with Donald Trump is that he isn’t conservative enough, look no further than Darrell Castle, the candidate from the Constitution Party. Castle is a lawyer and ex-Marine who advocates for the US to withdraw from the UN and NATO. He wants to end the Federal Reserve and is against abortions.

Libertarian Party Though they haven’t selected their nominee, the Libertarians look likely to choose former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson again, having nominated him in 2012 as well. Johnson is pushing for a balanced national budget, the decriminalization of marijuana, and lowering taxes. As a Libertarian he is conservative on fiscal matters, and more liberal on social matters. Green Party The Greens have also yet to choose their nominee, but their 2012 nominee, Jill Stein, looks like their probable choice. She made history in the last presidential elections for receiving more votes than any other woman in U.S. history. The Greens’ campaigns focus on environmentalism, participatory democracy, nuclear disarmament, and

social justice. One last note on third parties: Many people have pointed to the 2000 election as an example of the “spoiler effect.” They argue that the Green Party candidate, Ralph Nader, stole votes away from the Democrats, thus “spoiling” the election for Al Gore and handing the presidency to George W. Bush. While this spoiler effect can be a concern for battleground states where a few votes make a big difference, here in Oregon voters have reliably voted Democrat for a few generations. Because of that, Oregonians have the ability to vote for the candidate they align with the most, rather than voting tactically against someone they don’t want. It’s something to remember as we go into what seems will be an extremely bitter political season.

Go and love yourself By Conner Williams | Editor in Chief As part of Body Image Awareness Week, the Student Health and Counseling Center partnered with the Health and Wellness Center to help promote self-love and to dispel negative connotations towards one’s body image. Placed around the HWC were different demonstrations that provided motivational phrases, statistics, and an exhibition in the aerobics room that en-

couraged individuals to “take a break from the mirror and be good to yourself and your body, regardless of appearance” by covering all of the mirrors in sheets. As someone that has always struggled with my body image, I found the messages around the HWC to be quite compelling; of course people should be encouraged to feel good about themselves regardless of some arbitrary standard of beauty. Messages were pasted on the mirrors of the HWC, including ones like “It’s not


about what size you wear; it’s about how you wear your size!” and “approximately 7 million girls and women struggle with eating disorders.” But while this spectacle was well-intended, I personally feel that it had the opposite effect on me. It seems to me that rather than promoting self-love, this campaign has, in fact, attacked or stigmatized those very people that frequent the building in which the messages are placed. I know I don’t exercise and eat well to try and look beautiful in the eyes of others, and I bet a large majority of the people that exercise at HWC feel the same way. We do it for us, not for you. People ask me all the time why I want to look a certain way. “Don’t you think that’s too much?” “Ew, that’s gross! Way too much muscle.” Guess what? I don’t care what you think. I do it for me. One message reads “Weight does not dictate your health or your worth.” Well, part of that is true. Sure, being overweight doesn’t necessarily mean an individual is unhealthy, but condoning unhealthy lifestyle choices doesn’t seem to be the greatest message to be sending. Another message says “By choosing healthy over skinny, you are choosing self-love over self-judgement.” So, I guess the fact that I actually enjoy eating well and exercising must mean that I don’t


love myself, according to that statement. Makes sense. This is what gets to me about these sorts of campaigns: they attempt to make some people feel better about themselves while simultaneously belittling others simply because they’ve chosen to live healthy lives. You’re not a bad person, or an ugly person, or an unworthy person just because you don’t fit somebody else’s standard of beauty. Do what you want to do. But at the same time, don’t tell me that my decision to be healthy somehow makes you feel badly about yourself. I get that the message is to encourage people to feel good about themselves, but I suppose my own message is that it’s also okay to NOT feel good about yourself. If you don’t like the way you look, and you want to do something about it, then more power to you! Stop assuming that just because someone wants to better themselves that they are doing it for someone else. Chances are they’re not, and if they are, they should reevaluate their goals and priorities and realize that the only person that can truly make you happy and feel whole is you. If you take one thing away from this column, let it be this: mind your own business and don’t tell other people how they should look. Contact the author at journaleditor@ wou.edu or on Twitter @journalEIC

12 Monday, May 23, 2016


The Journal

Trail Blazers:

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From Page 5

Hassan Whiteside Unrestricted / Center / 7-0 / Team: Miami 14.2 ppg, 11.8 rpg, 3.7 bpg The young Blazers squad needs to add a big man this offseason, and Whiteside would be the perfect fit. Unlike Howard, Whiteside hasn’t reached the prime of his career yet. The 26-year-old does it all: he blocks shots, scores in bunches, and gobbles up rebounds. Though it is unlikely that Miami will let him walk away, the Blazers front office should do everything in their power to sign Whiteside. Nicolas Batum Unrestricted / Small Forward / 6-8 / Team: Charlotte 14.9 ppg, 6.1 rpg, 5.8 apg Before Batum was traded from Portland to the Charlotte Hornets, he was one of the most beloved Blazers of all-time. The Blazers general manager Neil Olshey should wine and dine Batum, apologize for trading him, and do anything in his power to get the wingman back in red and black. All indications currently point to Batum resigning with the Hornets, but the free agent process is unpredictable. Al Horford Unrestricted / Power Forward / 6-10 / Team: Atlanta 15.2 ppg, 7.3 rpg Horford is a nine-year NBA veteran who has played his entire career with the Atlanta Hawks. Since his inaugural season in the league, Horford has averaged double digits in scoring and has been

one of the most consistent big men in the NBA. Signing Horford this offseason, would give the young squad an experienced veteran who still has years of productivity ahead of him and would at the same time shore up the power forward position that currently lacks depth. Ryan Anderson Unrestricted / Power Forward / 6-10 / Team: New Orleans 17.0 ppg, 6.0 rpg Anderson is the type of player who would have fit in perfectly with this year’s Blazer squad. He is a big man who is extremely talented at stretching the floor by draining threes. His average of 17 points a game would give Portland a definitive third offensive threat behind Damian Lillard and C.J. McCollum. Contact the author at jsmith15@wou. edu or on Twitter @journalsportWOU

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