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Wester n Oregon University’s Weekly Student Newspaper Since 1923 w w w. w o u . e d u / s t u d e n t / w e s t e r n j o u r n a l

Volume 14 Issue 6

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wade Headed for Nationals

Cross Country Wraps up Season Iain Dexter | Sports Editor

The Wolves were victorious on Senior Day, defeating the Wildcats 32-26.

Tori Gannon | Photo Editor

Black, Red and Orange Levi Watkins | Freelancer

The stands were full and the fans were in all black as the Wolves looked to send their seniors off with a win against Central Washington University (CWU) on Senior Day, Nov. 9. The players wore orange socks and bracelets to symbolize the fight and courage of former Wolf Jon Apgar. Apgar, a 2005 graduate and former linebacker for the Wolves football team, is battling for his life against kidney cancer. His family said that two weeks prior to the game, Apgar received surgery for removal of the tumor, which was unsuccessful. At Saturday’s game, students and staff at Western alongside of his wife Megan and four-month-old baby girl, Addyson, honored Apgar. The Western Athletics department designed shirts for Saturday’s game with the Wolves Football logo and an orange number 51 to recognize Apgar and his fight. Shirts were sold at the game for $10, which were so popular they sold out before the game started at 1 p.m. Orange is the designated color to symbolize kidney cancer. “It was very emotional and we were all just trying to soak it in,” said senior wide receiver Antoinne Wafer. “I love all you guys, and it has been a great journey.” Emotions were high, given the seniors’ recognition and Apgar’s presence for the Wolves’ big win. “It’s nice to see the support he got,” said Head Coach Arne Ferguson. “Hopefully it will give him the extra energy to fight through this.” The game started out slow for the Wolves as they went three and out their first possession, then gave up a Wildcats field goal. It was not until there were less than five minutes


days until



left in the first that the Wolves started gaining momentum. Ryan Bergman was able to complete a pass on third and 25 at the Wolves’ own five-yard line to give them a first down. Just a play later, Bergman connected to sophomore tight end Dustin Hurd for 70-yard touchdown reception. After a missed extra point the Wolves took a 6-3 lead until Bergman connected to senior wide receiver Michael Reeve. However, a bad snap would result in another missed opportunity for Western’s special team as the score was 123, Western. The Wolves were able to keep the Wildcats to zero touchdowns until three minutes into the third when they were able to rush into the end zone. Bergman stayed hot as he answered right back with a 71-yard touchdown pass, putting the Wolves up 18-10. Western then decided to go for a two-point conversion, which was intercepted by CWU and returned for an extra two points for the Wildcats. The fourth quarter was an exciting one as Bergman connected with junior wide receiver Tyrell Williams for a touchdown with 10:28 left in the fourth, putting the Wolves up 24-12. However, the Wildcats answered with a score for themselves, diminishing Westerns’ lead and leaving it 24-19 with 5:13 left in the game. Both teams traded late touchdowns before the game ended with the Wolves on top 32-26. Senior defensive lineman Sipili Tuigamalala was emo-

The cross country team traveled up to Spokane, Wash where they were led by junior Annie Wade’s ninth place finish at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II West Regional Championships, Saturday, Nov. 9. Wade’s finish gives her an invitation to the NCAA Div. II National Championships on the same course in Spokane, Nov. 23. She finished the 6,000-meter course in a time of 22:33.9, finishing four places lower than she did a few weeks earlier at the conference championships when she placed 13th. Wade’s ninth-place finish is a program record for Western at the Regional Championships. “I think that I was able to improve my finish in a more challenging meet because at conference I was just coming off of being sick,” said Wade. “After healing and resting up I was able to just get my mind back on running the best race I was capable of. At conference, I was just trying to make it through the race. At regionals, I knew that it was my last chance to lay it all on the line.”

Cross See Page 12

The Governme nt Inspector

Western Oregon’s theatre department presents “The Government Inspector,” beginning Thursday, Nov. 14 in Rice Auditorium at 7 p.m. “The Government Inspector” features a group of small-town Russians who learn of an undercover government inspector’s imminent visit to their small town. The production follows the town-folk’s comedic antics in a case of mistaken identity. This production will run Thursday, Nov. 14 through Saturday, Nov. 23. Tickets can be purchased at Rice Auditorium’s box office. The price is $7 for Western students, $10 for seniors and $12 for general admission. Box Office Hours Monday-Friday 12:30-4:30 (503) 838-8462

Football See Page 12

Inside [news]

“Birth Control: Myths and Methods”

page 4

The Meaning Behind the Triangle

[entertainment] American Horror Story

page 10

page 6

[campus life]

page 8


Blees Breaks GNAC Record in Wolves’ Victory


2 Opinion Pride in the Military Amanda McMasters | Entertainment Editor

enlistment in the service and never terminates. Once in, you’re a member for life. Veterans, from the Revolutionary War to active service members, all share an everlasting bond. Service members who have never met share mutual respect for each other, an acknowledgement of their time in the service. Veterans who have served together, especially in combat, have a special bond that can last a lifetime. Brothersin-arms and comrades had each other’s backs and shed blood together. They witnessed things that I have never had to imagine. They lost people who were good friends, and the pain of that will stay with them forever. Years later, every detail of a certain day or battle can come to mind because they lived a horror that should never have to be lived. But generation after generation of soldiers, sailors and airmen still volunteer to serve and are willing to do what needs to be done to preserve the American way of life. Nobody else will ever understand the bond that forms between service men and women. They live through hell together, for the sake of you and me. Every day that they put on their uniform, it is for our freedom. Their boots track through the dust of a foreign land, away from home, away from their family, away from all

from the flag, their hand held tightly over their heart and sometimes a tear will slide shamelessly down their face. In a crowd of thousands, that one silent tear speaks louder than anything. You understand these people for what they are. They are members of the United States military. They are a proud people and we are proud of them. When asked if there is pride serving in our military, the answer should and always will be yes. However, some wish to take In light of Veterans Day, I have away the dignity of serving in the miliseen several memes and statuses going tary. In some cities, people will line the around Facebook and other forms of sostreets with signs declaring their hate cial media about our nation’s military. for the war and the troops who fight in One such post I saw was one person’s it. They protest the people who fight for opinion that there’s no longer any pride in them. They don’t truly understand how our military. our soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines Coming from a military family, fought for their right to protest. this did not sit well with me. Knowing ev Service men and women fought erybody is entitled to their own opinions, for their freedom to express their opinions I decided to voice my own thoughts. and their freedom of speech. two hundred In a stadium filled with rambuncand thirty five years ago, soldiers in the tious fans, all getting excited for what is military and sailors in the Continental sure to be an excellent game, the music Navy fought a war that gave birth to this starts. It sends a message through a crowd nation. of thousands in less than a second. A hush We are the land of the free befalls over the stadium as the mass of bodcause of the brave men and women who ies turns as one towards our nation’s flag. serve in our military. There is extraordi If you let your eyes wander, you nary pride in that. are sure to pick out some people in the In the United States, there is an throng who have a different demeanor. exclusive club. Membership begins upon They stand rigid, eyes never wavering

You Can Stand Under My Umbrella

Jordan Salazar | Web Manager

With the days shorter, temperatures colder and the rainy season upon us, there are a few necessities one must pick up to stay comfortable in these conditions. An umbrella should be at the top of everybody’s list. Keeping dry is always a difficult process in Oregon, since it rains about seven out of the 12 months of the year. If you have an umbrella with you, you can keep a little bit drier on those rainy days.

Umbrellas allow protection from all types of weather: rain, hail, snow and even sun. As we know in Oregon, we can see all these conditions within a day. Nothing puts a damper on the start of your day more than having to sit through a two-hour lecture in a pair of soaked jeans, or finding water damage to your books in your backpack. If you find yourself in these situations, purchasing an umbrella this fall and winter will keep you dry while staying within a budget. You can chose from various styles and sizes of umbrellas for sale in the Western Oregon University Bookstore, located on the top floor of the Werner University Center (WUC). Prices range from $7.95 to $27.95. I paid $24.95 for my umbrella last winter and it has kept me happy through the gloomy days. I suggest you pick one up today before you get caught in the rain.



(503) 838-8347


Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Lane editorinchief1314@gmail.com

November 13, 2013

they love, so that we may sleep in safety. They are willing to fight a war and risk their lives for thousands of people they have never met. They are the strong, the brave and the respected heroes of our country. Our military men and women volunteer a great deal and are willing to make the greatest sacrifice if necessary. The very least we can do is honor them and be proud. Music artists honor our troops with songs acknowledging their bravery, we place stickers on our cars that vouch our support and my home city, Albany, holds the largest Veteran’s Day parade west of the Mississippi River. My message, to all veterans, shall always be thank you for your service to this country and your willingness to fight for its values. And for every one person who stands on a street corner with a sign denying you the honor and respect you deserve, there are a thousand who thank you and pray for your safe return. To the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines and the Coast Guard, be proud of your service because we are proud of you. There is extreme pride in what you do for us. I wholeheartedly agree with President John F. Kennedy when he said, “Any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: ‘I served in the United States Military.’”

Senate Agenda As of Nov. 12, 2013

New Business: - Incidental Fee Committee (IFC) Discussion Old Business: - Approved next year’s budget -Will be presented to IFC - Approved the Director of Gender and Sexual Di- versity (5/0/0) Laura Walmer | Designer

Managing Editor Laura Knudson managingeditor1314@gmail.com

Photo Editor Tori Gannon photoeditor1314@gmail.com

Layout Designer Haunani Tomas designerone1314@gmail.com

Entertainment Editor Amanda McMasters


Web Manager Jordan Salazar webmanager1314@gmail.com

Layout Designer Laura Walmer designertwo1314@gmail.com

News Editor Allison Opson Clement newseditor1314@gmail.com

Copy Editor Marissa Thompson copyeditor1314@gmail.com

Layout Designer Caitlin Martin Frost designerthree1314@gmail.com

Campus Life Editor Sara Grant campuslife1314@gmail.com

Sports Editor Iain Dexter sportseditor1314@gmail.com

Student Adviser Shelby Case cases@wou.edu



November 13, 2013

Degree Works New to Portal Sara Grant | Campus Life Editor

Degree Works is a function added this year by the registrar’s office that lets students see where they are with classes they have taken and what classes they still need. The link can be found under Wolf Web in every student’s Portal. “[It’s] a great way to figure out what you specifically need,” said Karen Sullivan-Vance, director of Academic Advising and Learning Center (AALC). Her favorite tools on Degree Works are the “What If Analysis” and the “Look Ahead” button. Degree Works has a special feature that gives students motivation: a completion bar. The bar displays a percentage that increases with every credit earned toward obtaining a degree. How to get to Degree Works in Portal: 1. Log into Portal and click Wolf Web 2. Click Student Menu 3. Click Student Records 4. Degree Works is at the bottom of the page.


A feature recently added is the “Look Ahead” button, where students can look at the rest of the year to see when a specific class they need to take is being offered. The school is working on having the entire year’s classes planned out rather than planning one term at a time. The “What If Analysis” is a tool that shows students what more they have to do along with what they have already completed. Some students have switched their major halfway through their college career and realized that it might have set them back. If they provide the major and minor they want to complete, it will process and tell the student how far they are from completing their goal. If students have questions after logging in, they should talk to their advisor, who “ensures that students are aware of the requirements,” said Alexander Kunkle, general advisor. With this program in place, students must still remember that registration priority is based on how many credits they have taken. Seniors register before freshmen so they can get the classes they need and graduate on time. For more information contact: Academic Advising and Learning Center at: advising@wou.edu Or Registrar’s Office at: registrar@wou.edu

This page shows a student’s name, Vnumber, degree, minor, accumulative GPA, the number of credits taken and in what areas, advisor and what classes can be taken to graduate.


Club Sports Schedule 11/16/2013 Women’s Rugby 11/23/2013 Men’s Rugby 11/30/2013 Men’s Rugby

vs. University of Oregon vs. University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon

1 p.m. Eugene, OR 1 p.m. Monmouth, OR 1 p.m. Monmouth, OR www.wou.edu/student/westernjournal

4 News

Student Concern Reports

November 13, 2013

Campus, Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Allison Opson Clement | News Editor

This year’s Student Needs Committee has been formed and members are working on submitted student concern reports. Some students who have submitted concern reports have already heard back from the committee, while others have not. In part, according to the Associated Students of Western Oregon University (ASWOU) senate president Tyler Crawford, this is due to the backlog since the beginning of the year. He said about eight have been filed so far and are being taken care of. Crawford said that some of the reports were easily dealt with and those were taken care of first. Those which take longer to address may take a while. All senators can work on the reports, but the Student Needs Committee takes the lead, said Crawford. Some simple problems include students who mistake the student concern report as the place to submit a work order. These students can be easily assisted. After the evaluation of a student concern report, the student senate may send out a formal request or recommendation to the party that could best handle the situation. Some matters are illegitimate for the senate prerogative and are referred elsewhere, such as work orders. The Student Needs Committee deals with campus life and the environment, said Crawford.

“We can help students a lot,” said Crawford. One student concern report calls for more bike racks around campus, said Crawford. That issue is being addressed. Two major issues are currently before the committee, Crawford said. One involves concerns about sufficient lighting in certain locations of campus. “It’s definitely in the works,” Crawford said. For any formal response in a larger issue, Crawford said the senate body must approve the wording of the answer, which may take some time. Prior to responding, the Student Needs Committee will evaluate the report and investigate the situation. They talk to the people who are in the best position to help resolve the matter, such as Campus Public Safety or the Physical Plant. Another student concern report involves safety for pedestrians and bicyclists on campus and in the community. Jay Carey, the director of Campus Public Safety, says that students should let an officer know if they are having an issue. “There’s some things we can fix, there’s some things we can’t fix,” said Carey. “We have to look at things both short-term and long-term.” One request that has been denied, according to Carey, is shutting down Monmouth Avenue, which runs through the heart of Western’s campus. Some complain that the street is too large and busy for the college. That is an example of an issue that Campus Public Safety does not deal with. Carey says that no other organization, including Monmouth Police Department, is going to do that, either. On the issue of bicycle and foot traffic safety, there are three parts to the issue: cars, bikes and pedestrians. Drivers need to be aware as they go through campus and on every road, but walkers and riders can help protect themselves and others as well.

Bicyclists are even compelled by law to do many things that decrease their chance of an accident, such as putting lights and reflectors on their bikes. They should wear bright and reflective clothing and must follow driving laws in the streets and not on the sidewalks. Bicyclists can and will be pulled over and fined for violations, including riding on the sidewalk, not stopping at stop signs and not stopping at crosswalks for pedestrians. “[Bicyclists] forget that they are required to follow the same rules and laws [as cars],” Carey said. “It’s the responsibility of the rider to know what the rules are and follow those.” In the 10 years that he has been with Western, Carey says he can count on one hand the number of bike to car collisions he has dealt with. One of those was even the fault of the cyclist, who actually damaged a car – the rider was at fault for not following the rules of the road. People walking can also do a lot to protect themselves. Crossing at designated crosswalks, especially, is often neglected. “Would you rather be right or would you rather be safe?” asks Carey. Although pedestrians always have the right of way and it is the fault of a driver who hits anyone, it is better to just avoid the event in the first place. Periodically, Campus Public Safety sends out tips on personal protection, such as last year’s memo on avoiding victimization in general. “There’s an uptick in awareness when we send [one of] these out,” Carey says. “Our staff is probably top notch in terms of dealing with campus issues and being there for the community.” Student concern reports can be submitted electronically through Western’s Portal, or in person at the ASWOU desk in Werner University Center (WUC). “We want you to feel like you’re home [at Western], but even at home you need to be safe,” said Carey.

“Birth Control: Myths and Methods”

Runnan Li | Freelancer

Abby’s House’s annual “Birth Control: Myths and Methods” workshop educated students on birth control methods and how to protect themselves last Monday, Nov. 4. The director of Abby’s House, Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto, invited Jennifer King, who works as a family nurse practitioner in the Student Health and Counseling Center (SHCC), to introduce various birth control methods. During the workshop, King said many people know about the main methods of birth control, but students need to understand the methods and learn to protect themselves.

“The Student Health and Counseling Center provides sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing, pills and male condoms for students to help birth control,” said King. King showed samples of different methods to help students learn visually and gave a general introduction for each method. All attendees had a chance to look at the samples one by one. Some methods introduced for controlling birth and making sex safe may be unfamiliar to many students. The “standard days” method is a kind of calendar. It is a way to keep track of women’s menstrual cycle; most women use special strings of beads to count the days

Some methods of birth control that were discussed at “Myths and Methods.”

Photo Courtesy | Runnan Li


when they are least likely to become pregnant. GYNOL II and other spermicides are used along with a barrier method of contraception, such as a vaginal diaphragm, to prevent pregnancy. NuvaRing is a flexible ring about two inches in diameter to be inserted vaginally once a month, which releases a continuous low dose of hormones to prevent pregnancy. Although most know that oral sex cannot result in pregnancy, oral sexual protection is needed to protect against STDs. These can include a dental dam or condom. King discussed various types of users and the results of different methods on each group. One of these was male condoms, the most common form of birth control. “The data for birth control is very important,” said King. It helps people to measure which ones they will adapt to best and which will be most effective for them personally, she said.

“There are various kinds of pills to control birth,” King said. “Different pills adapt to people according to their physical characteristics.” “Pills can affect people’s physiological cycle,” King said. “It is not harmful to people’s health if [they] take pills following the instructions, but it is necessary to get rid of bad habits, such as smoking and drinking.” She said it is always best to get tested ahead of time, as well, just to be safe. “Many students come to this workshop every year,” said Tesalee Sensibaugh, the SPEAK president in Abby’s House. “Our mission is educating students, especially female students, to protect themselves.” “It is my first time to attend this meeting and I want to get some information on birth control,” said freshman Kaylyn Taylor, a psychology major. “Birth control is significant for all students,” said senior Catie Wheat, an English major student who attended in preparation for a speech for class.


November 13, 2013


Service Learning & Career Development Center’s Job and Internship Week

Xinjie Luo | Freelancer

Western’s Service Learning & Career Development Center (SLCD) held various informational sessions during last week’s Job and Internship Week. “What really creates a career are the things you do,” said Adry Snorradottir Clark, the director of the SLCD. These include experiences, a strong sense of identity and a strong network. She thought that students should try to find “what it takes to be successful.” A student’s major is the subject that they enjoy, have interest in, or have aptitude or ability for. It is a general intellectual training. Academic requirements and career requirements are not automatically the same. Go beyond coursework to build experience, said Clark, reminding students that education helps with many things, but they may need to be more intentional with some points that a job requires. For example, most computer software programs can be learned in a few days. “Most majors are not job-specific,” said Clark. “It’s kind of hard to know what major [or job] you might like unless you go and try it.” A student’s major doesn’t necessarily determine their career, but it can if they want it to. Clark asked those in attendance how they saw their major helping these things. “Hot” majors change all the time. There are trends, such as increases in hiring for a major. “Right now I would say that most employers who are hiring don’t care what your major is,” said Clark. Hot skills also change. Soughtafter skills now include geographic awareness and global understanding of events pertinent to company and industry sectors and the ability to work with diverse people. All sectors are hiring. Some of the largest include sales or marketing. Social services is probably the fastest growing sector right now, according to Clark. A person’s major does not necessarily equate to a career or a job with a specific company. The job market is less

important than an individual’s skills, their own strength and development, Clark said. Students should consider their own skills, those they are good at or want to get good at and consider improvements to make. A specific undergraduate degree is not required for most professional or graduate schools. Liberal arts majors are employable, Clark’s presentation reminded despairing students. “They don’t realize what they’ve really learned and what they’ve been developing,” said Clark. “Study something for your undergrad that you’re passionate about.” Get some work experience and practice being a professional – for example, join professional organizations, Clark suggested. Talk to people in the job. Training is not taught in college, so students must get experience elsewhere. Keep up with knowledge of the field and practice skills in a “safe” environment (like at college) where you can really experiment, where you can get some feedback, and where it will not hurt a career, said Clark. Work on job-seeking skills. Don’t be restricted. Make plans for the future, in steps. Be open to new opportunities, and try to create some for yourself. “Things don’t just happen right away,” said Clark. Especially for competitive fields, “you have to believe that you belong there,” said Clark. Employers like people who consider the position as a profession rather than just a job. It is important to always be actively doing something. Show eagerness and passion for it; creativity is essential. Be confident and persistent, advised Clark’s presentation. “It needs to look like you want that job,” Clark said. She gave the suggestion to gear resumes towards a certain job. Students should ask themselves what would depict them as the ideal candidate. “How do you communicate what it is that you have to offer?” Clark asked students to

consider in their job search. One portion is a professional online presence. Social media websites, such as LinkedIn, can connect students and professionals internationally, and it can also connect Western students and alumni. “I would just encourage every student to just get started,” said Clark; she said having a good, professional online presence is very important. This includes a complete profile, a resume, recommendations and endorsements. Facebook isn’t necessarily the best way to get connected, said Clark. Make it meaningful, she suggested. Don’t connect with just anyone and everyone, but only the specific people who will help. Find new opportunities and connect with companies. Research employers, because they research potential employees as well. “They’re going to Google you,” said Clark about employers. With a LinkedIn profile, a person looks “just a little bit more serious, more prepared.” Clark recommends having a complete profile. “It almost hurts [students] more than having nothing,” if their profile is poorly done or incomplete. Intentionally building an online reputation gives students a lot of control, she said. For connections and finding people, the supposed magic number is 50 contacts at the first degree (those an individual connects with directly), according to Clark and LinkedIn. This is enough people for a student to start a thorough network. Working with tools such as LinkedIn is “also a way to learn some [online] etiquette,” said Clark. “They have a lot of good videos to expand on knowledge,” said Clark. “It’s very accessible.” Clark also had a lot of professional suggestions about dressing for success. “The number one problem for the job applicants is not knowing how to dress,” said Clark. “What to wear is very important to the first impression of the interview.” The general rule for dressing is to

not draw attention to clothes. “Do not wear white socks if you wear black trousers and shoes,” said Clark. “Keep your belt the same color [as] your shoes.” Applicants should be clear about the needs of the employers and they should also show the employers what skills and experiences they have. They should let the employers know what kind of contributions they can give to them in the future. “The interview is always a twoway dialogue interaction,” said Clark. “The employer chooses the employee and meanwhile, the employee also chooses the employer.” Short-term and long-term goals and interests should be presented to the employer in the interview. If the applicant mentions his strength, they should give evidence or examples to support what they say. “If you say you have good communication skills, you should [give] examples, not just saying you are good at communication,” said Clark. The applicants should also know about the position they apply for, as well as the organization’s history, values and philosophy. In an interview, the most highly desired traits include confidence, enthusiasm, motivation, conversation skills, competitive skills and interests, potential in the position, knowledge of self and organizational skills. “Students don’t really know what the process is [to get hired],” said Clark. The SLCD is there to “provide opportunities for students to learn.” The SLCD works on giving students what they say they need, or what people working there see a need for; this is what goes into presentations, Clark said. Nevertheless, it is difficult to get word out about the SLCD and the services they provide, said Clark. The SLCD can help in a variety of ways and she encourages students to utilize the resources provided.

New Peace and Social Justice Minor in Progress Allison Opson Clement | News Editor Dr. Joan Paluzzi, a visiting anthropology professor, and Dr. Eliot Dickinson, associate professor of political sciences, are working together to combine their respective focus areas of social justice studies and peace studies into an interdisciplinary minor of peace and social justice studies. “I thought, ‘what a fantastic idea,’” said Dickinson of the idea for the minor. He says his Peace Studies course is his favorite. “My interests have always been directed towards human rights,” said Paluzzi. She wants to address “the causes of the causes” of social injustice and other human rights issues, such as the foundations of poverty. Paluzzi worked on the United Nations’ Millennium Project, which consists of eight goals to be completed by 2015: “time-bound and quantified targets for addressing extreme poverty in its many dimensions – income poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter and exclusion –while promoting gender equality, education and environmental sustainability. They are also basic human rights – the rights of each person on the planet to health,

education, shelter and security,” according to unmillenniumproject.org. “It’s a question of awareness,” Dickinson said. He wishes funding would not go to wars and weapons, but to food and education. “Books, not bombs,” he said, referring to his bumper sticker. “My goal is to encourage a generation of Americans who want to invest in education and infrastructure, healthcare instead of war,” said Dickinson. Paluzzi says the creation of this minor is also a chance for like-minded colleagues to get to know each other and work together. Next Friday, Nov. 15, a meeting is being held to gather further ideas from many areas of study and define the ideas of the representatives involved. Paluzzi and Dickinson are trying to make the new minor as cross-disciplinary as possible, drawing on a wide variety of subject matter. “I’m not sure where it’ll end up, but at least we’re starting,” said Dickinson. “I’m totally committed on this.” This undertaking will take input from many diverse individuals. Paluzzi says sometimes attempting to

consolidate the ideas of such a variety of people can get messy, but she doesn’t anticipate any obstacles that can’t be overcome. Once things like this get started, she explains, they tend to take on a life of their own, sustained by the interest in them. “We need allies among the students,” said Dickinson. After the ideas have been gathered and sifted through, the next step will be writing a formal proposal. Paluzzi says she hopes to get started on that by the end of this school year, since she does not know if she will be returning to Western again. If that happens and the minor is not yet solidified, Dickinson will likely be the primary leader of the initiative. Other universities have larger programs in these areas of study. “It’s about time that we caught up a little and at least have a minor,” said Dickinson. The meeting on Friday, Nov. 15 will be held from noon to 1 p.m., in a location to be determined, probably in Bellamy Hall (HSS).



Campus Life

November 13, 2013

The Meaning Behind the Triangle Maddie Cole | Freelancer

Triangle Alliance is a safe place for anyone to escape to from the hardships of school, work and daily life. Every club meeting touches on important issues that Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual Queer Intersexual Alliance (LGBTQIA) students of non-traditional sexual preferences face at school and in life. “Between crazy class schedules, studying and even work, it seems like all the students here at Western make an effort to participate in clubs for a more cohesive experience,” said junior Joe Thorpe. “Triangle Alliance, or more commonly known as TA, is a student-run and led LGBTQIA… xyz organization on campus,” said senior Evelyn Garcia. “We are the safe place for students that identify as LGBTQIA. I also say “xyz”, because we really welcome anyone and all who wants to be a part of TA whether they identify with the LGBTQ spectrum or not.” So why not a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) instead of Triangle Alliance?

“A GSA is not inclusive to other individuals such as the transgender community,” said Trevor Ross, president of Triangle Alliance and a fifth-year senior at Western. “People who identify as pansexual, bi-sexual, and others who identify different than just gay, straight or an ally. It’s too binary, too clumpy, to have a group or club like [GSA] and we want to welcome anyone to join or visit our club.” “It’s a place where I can feel free and not have to worry about people judging me,” said senior Amanda Murray. “I know they will accept me for who I am.” “This term we have decided to theme the majority of our meetings around various topics to help give an overall view,” said junior Joe Hahn, vice president of TA. “Each week we start the meeting with a ‘Queer Word of the Week.’ This word helps give some educational aspect that usually ties in with the discussion of the week.” “We then have a whip-around or an icebreaker where we get members interacting together,” said Hahn. “Afterward we either break up into small groups or have a large discussion for the topic of the week. We have had topics like Asexuality, Allies for Ally Week and stereotypes.” Future meetings will cover topics such as Transgender Remembrance Day, drag and HIV/AIDS awareness. “We strive to have both an educational, interactive and social setting where members and guests feel comfortable discussing openly with each other,” said Hahn. Monday, Nov. 11, TA put on an event called “Game of Life: Queer Edition,” which Hahn will also be presenting at the Oregon Students of Color Conference (OSCC) this weekend, Nov. 16 to 18. Another upcoming event is the annual free Pajama Jammy Jam (PJJ) dance

Thursday, Nov. 21. There are also games for attendees to participate in,” Garcia said. “Besides, who doesn’t like a dance in their pajamas? Who doesn’t like a game and prizes to win?” asked Garcia. This event is being co-programmed with hall governments to help students learn how to host large scale events for Western. There will be a photo booth, facepainting and a giant version of the game Twister. One of the most commonly known events that TA puts on is the annual Drag Show.Students may remember last year’s Drag Show, “The Wonderful Wizards of WOU.” Audition times and schedules will be posted during winter term for this year’s Drag Show for those who wish to participate. TA’s logo, an upside down triangle with a green circle represents a safe place for anyone to be, talk freely about their lives and touch upon issues without judgment of any kind. This triangle anywhere on campus signifies a place where anyone is welcome and where there is an open, un-judgemental environment. “Back in World War II in Nazi Germany, the pink upside-down triangle represented gay men, who had to wear this symbol on their shirts as a form of identification, just as the Jews wore the star of David,” said Ross. “I believe lesbian women had to wear a similar triangle but it was black. Anyways, after WWII was over, the [LGQBTQIA] community reclaimed this symbol as their own.” The club meets every Monday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Ackerman 139.

a red dot is a statement that justifies or minimizes the violence- a red dot is an individual choice to do nothing in the face of a high-risk situation.” The organization has become much more than co-advisor Amy Hammermeister ever expected upon its creation, she said, both in size and its impact on campus. “[The events are] going good,” said Jesika Kaczemski, Green Dot member. “Students have been coming to the booth because they have been seeing the dots around campus.” This is Kacemski’s second year as a member of Green Dot. Her involvement began after taking Human Sexuality with Hammermeister. “The past president and secretary [of Green Dot] were in the class,” said Kaczemski. “They got me involved along with Ayesha Black.” Third-year member, MaryLynn Ahrensbach said she became involved by randomly attending a meeting. “I heard the club mission and knew I

wanted to be involved,” said Ahrensbach. “It’s so easy to create awareness and incorporate it into your life. The club is still so new so no one knows what we do.” Green Dot meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Hamersly Library room 107. The website also listed characteristics of a green dot, which is pulling a friend out of a high risk situation, putting a green dot statement on your Facebook page, writing a paper about violence prevention, hanging an awareness poster in your hall or classroom, wearing your Green Dot gear, encouraging discussion in class about violence prevention, striking up a converstion with a friend about how much this issue matters to you, organizing a fundraiser for campus prevention efforts or getting your organization to go to Green Dot bystander training. A green dot is simply your individual choice at any given moment to make our campus safer.

Green Dot Storm Takes Campus

Stephanie Lane | Editor-In-Chief Green Dot took Western’s campus by storm to raise awareness of powerbased personal violence, Wednesday, Nov. 6. Information available on the Green Dot website described power-based personal violence as partner violence, sexual violence and stalking or a choice to tolerate, justify or perpetuate this violence. The Western Green Dot website said, “A red dot is a rape- a red dot is a hit- a red dot is a threat-

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Campus Life

November 13, 2013


Not Afraid to Take a Stand Xinjie Luo | Freelancer A self-defense class is being taught by Campus Public Safety Wednesday, Nov. 13 at 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Health and Wellness Center (HWC). The class is meant to add to and develop attendees’self-defense techniques and to provide viable options in case of an attack. “We felt it was an important step we could do for the Western community to make sure everyone knew there were self-defense classes and when and where those classes were being offered,” said Rip Horsey, the campus recreation director. “We approached Campus Public Safety almost two years ago with the collaborative idea and found immediate acceptance. The HWC will handle class registration and provide rooms for lecture and hands-on skill training. Campus public safety provides an experienced officer to lead the classes. Officer Trevor Jackson, who has worked at Western for six years, will be teaching the self-defense class for the third year in a row. “The classes seem to be going well; we get a lot of positive feedback from participants and always get a number of returning participants,” said Jackson. “Our classes are a balance of information and time. Students struggle with a four-hour evening class but the same students tell us they would like to learn more. So we constantly cram as much information in as short amount of time as possible.” “I think the classes are going great!” said Melissa Ineck, campus recreation assistant director. “We get more and more interest every time we host a class. “ “One of the key collaborative efforts we have worked on this year is to offer classes for women, a coed class and one for Faculty/Staff because everyone needs the opportunity to educate themselves regarding sexual violence,” said Horsey “It’s women self-defense class, we take about four hours. One hour is classroom time, we go over different ideas like some safety procedures, we

Laura Walmer | Designerr are not going to walk alone at night.” said Jackson. We go over some statistics talk about what sexual assault is, so we have a half hour [or] forty-five minutes Power Points to review over, and then we go into the multi-purpose room.” “Go over some basic self-defense techniques, and my primary idea is the class to give a little bit knowledge, to increase the participants’ confidence,” said Jackson. “If you display confidence, it’s going to prevent you from being victimized.” “We always try to change a little bit [about the selfdefense class]; we want to improve so that we are not just the same class over and over,” sad Jackson. “We constantly are making changes to our PowerPoint presentation.”

“We are changing how we present things, what we present, and try to find the best information we can, and we try to incorporate [that]. We have a certain set of techniques we feel are very important to teach, and we spend time on,” said Jackson. “We also change a little bit every class and put a different technique, and change the technique a little bit. See how the participants respond to it” “A lot of the presentation I do, and I use these techniques not because they are taught to me, I actually use them so I can know these are efficient,” said Jackson. “Being a small guy, I know that you don’t have to be really strong to use these techniques because I use them in real-world scenarios, and they have been effective.”

Softball Team Plants Trees to Help Community Sara Grant | Campus Life Editor and Tori Gannon | Photo Editor The women’s softball team donated their time to plant trees at Cherry Lane Park for the City of Monmouth Saturday, Nov. 2. Randi Lydum, senior women’s administrator and compliance officer, heard about the tree planting and informed the softball team, who in turn jumped at the opportunity. “We talk about community so much in our program that this was perfect for our kids to give back to the community,” said Lonny Sargent, head softball coach. “Our hope is that this will continue for our players long after they leave the program.” Sargent organized a time so that the softball team could get involved with the tree planting and help out the community. “We got all the trees and shrubs planted within an hour before the rain came,” said junior infielder and pitcher Jourdan Williams. The community was happy to have the softball team help out, Williams added. “It was great to get the kids out into the mud for something other than softball,” said Sargent. It turns out the softball team was the only sports team from Western that was

able to participate. “Our goal for this event was only to help out and get involved with the community we live in,” said junior outfielder Amanda Evola. “Monmouth is a small town and it is nice to be able to share the smalltown atmosphere with community members that we, as students and athletes, don’t see on a regular basis.” The team was able to plant five trees in the hour they had donated to help the park. “The fact that we made it a competition to see who could get their hole dug and tree planted into it first made our time there more exciting,” said Evola. The outcome of the tree planting was to support a community that supports the team. “With our new coaching staff, new athletic director and a larger team, it is a perfect time for us to start connecting with our community,” said Evola. The team all agreed that it was really fun and a great experience. With the players’ tight schedule, they will most likely be only able to help once each quarter. The volleyball team plans to work on Arbor Day in the spring.




Entertainment And the Award Goes To...

November 13, 2013

Amanda McMasters | Entertainment Editor


ountry music’s biggest night took over ABC, as the “47th Annual Country Music Association (CMA) Awards” showcased the big names of country music, held in Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena, Wednesday, Nov. 6. The CMA’s was hosted by country stars Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood for the sixth year running. Whenever Paisley and Underwood take the stage, the witty and comedic duo make fun of recent events through the art of song. This year, their opening act was committed to mocking Obamacare. Singing to the tune of George Straight’s hit “Amarillo by Morning,” their version of “Obamacare by Morning” elicited thunderous applause as they sang about how there’s now over six people served by the health care program. Entertainer of the Year, the top honor of the CMA’s, went to country icon George Straight, an award which he last won in 1990. The 61-year-old beat out several younger country music stars, including international success Taylor Swift, as well as Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton. “Thank you so much to the CMA,” Straight said during his acceptance speech of the prestigious award. “I mean, this blows me away. I cannot believe it. With such powerful entertainers, I’m just thrilled to even be nominated again.” For the fourth consecutive year, country’s power couple Shelton and Miranda Lambert took home Male and Female Vocalist of the Year award, respectively. The two were up against nominees Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Keith Urban and Luke Bryan, to name a few, in their award groups. The evening went well for up-and-coming country duo Florida Georgia Line, winning three of the four awards they were nominated for and bringing home Single of the Year and Musical Event of the Year for their chart topping song “Cruise,” along with Vocal Duo of the Year. Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard, who make up Florida Georgia Line, have become country music’s hottest young act in the last year, earning them a record deal with Republic Nashville and a spot on Luke Bryan’s “Dirt Road Diaries” Tour. For the second time, Little Big Town won the award for Vocal Group of the Year. In the past year, their album “Tornado” went platinum, with singles including the title track, “Pontoon,” and “Sober,” which they performed Wednesday night during the show. The group, famous for their four-part harmonies, doesn’t have a lead singer, instead rotating who sings the lead on their various tracks, making the group unique. The track “I Drive Your Truck,” by Lee Brice, won Song of the Year. Writers Jessi Alexander, Connie Harrington and Jimmy Yeary accepted the award on stage, relating to the audience the emotional background of the song. The ballad is based on the true story of how a father coped with the death of his son, who died in combat overseas. Over the course of the night, awards were presented by a myriad of singers, actors, actresses and television personalities. Among them were country singers, Sheryl Crow, Kellie Pickler, Eli Young Band, Kip Moore, Jake Owen, actress Lucy Hale, and “Duck Dynasty” stars Willie, Jase, Korie and Missy Robertson. The duck call millionaires came onstage during one of Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley’s hosting bits, playing duck calls and dancing. Willie wearing his typical American Flag bandana and Jase in his usual

CMA See Page 12


Photo Courtesy | The Hollywood Reporter

Pictured from left to right: Kathy Bates as Madame Delphine LaLaurie, Creater and Executive Producer Brad Falchuk, Angela Bassett as Marie Laveau, Creator and Executive Producer Ryan Murphy, Jessica Lange as Fiona Goode, and Sara Paulson as Cordelia Foxx.

Haunani Tomas | Layout Designer After a nine-month wait from the season two finale of “American Horror Story (AHS) Asylum,” the third season, “AHS: Coven,” premiered Oct. 9 on FX. This season is based on true events and real people, specifically the ongoing feud between the Salem witches and the New Orleans voodooists. The dual plotline fluctuates between 1830s and present day New Orleans. Young women with supernatural powers are sent to attend Miss Robichaux’s School for Exceptional Young Ladies, the coven, in order to protect themselves and their kind. The focus of the season develops around the 300-yearold hostility between the socialite and serial killer Madame Delphine LaLaurie and the voodoo queen Marie Laveau. Additionally, Supreme Fiona Goode returns to protect the coven after a long-extended absence. “My favorite part of [“Coven”] has been that it’s based on true events and characters,” said junior Katie Littleton. Unsurprisingly, following the pattern of its previous seasons, the “AHS: Coven” cast reintroduces members from previous seasons as new characters in the plot: Jessica Lange (as Fiona Goode), Sara Paulson (as Cordelia Foxx), Taissa Farmiga (as Zoe Benson), Evan Peters (as Kyle Spencer), Frances Conroy (as Myrtle Snow), Lily Rabe (as Misty Rabe) and Jamie Brewer (as Nan). Season three welcomes many familiar and a few new names to the “AHS: Coven” cast: Kathy Bates (as Madame Delphine LaLaurie), Angela Bassett (as Marie Laveau), Gabourey Sidibe (as Queenie), Emma Roberts (as Madison Montgomery), Dennis O’Hare (as Spalding), Patti Lupone (as Joan Ramsey), Josh Hamilton (as Hank Foxx) and Alexander Dreymon (as Luke Ramsey). “I like how they bring back the same [actors and actresses] every season but they have completely different backgrounds and stories,” said junior Kristina Cassidy. To avoid further confusion concerning the unrelated plots, “AHS” has been unofficially dubbed as an “anthology series”: each season presents a plot and character list entirely unrelated to its predecessor. The lone commonality between the seasons, aside from a few veteran cast members, lies in the sinister, twisted and unpredictable storylines tailored to disturb viewers in unthinkable ways. In season one, “AHS: Murder House,” the plot followed the Harmon family in their present-day move from Boston to Los Angeles, after Ben Harmon had an affair with one of his students and Vivian Harmon gave birth to a stillborn child. The family unknowingly moved into a house haunted by its past residents, all of whom died in the house. The Harmons experienced the consequences of their actions as well as the traumatizing conflicts that previously took place within their new home. Season two, “AHS: Asylum,” presents the patients who inhabited the corrupt Briarcliff Mental Institution in Massachusetts, as well as the Briarcliff staff, who are just as, if not

more, insane than the patients admitted there. Based in 1964, season three’s story alternates between the past and present, revealing the events in the characters’ lives that lead them to their exponential downfalls at Briarcliff. “The fact that they can show [“American Horror Story”] on television is appalling,” said senior Jelena Boskovic, an avid horror and thriller seeker, whose favorite season has been “Asylum” by far. “I also like anything that has to do with mental institutions,” Boskovic jokingly added. Littleton’s favorite season is also “Asylum.” “[“Asylum”] was the season that I watched the most,” said Littleton. “It’s addictive.” Cassidy begs to differ which season was the best. “I love the first season and I hope [season three] is just as good,” said Cassidy. “I first saw the commercials last year for season two and I liked the mystery behind it, since they were teaser trailers.” In comparison to the character development of seasons one and three, Cassidy believes the “AHS” producers “didn’t do as good of a job on the second [season].” Cassidy added that she “would like to see more of the ghost backgrounds,” similar to the character development in “Murder House,” but thinks the witch persona seems promising. The one thing all three were able to agree on was Lange’s phenomenal work in “AHS.” “My favorite character from ‘Asylum’ was Lange,” said Boskovic. Cassidy added that Lange is “great in all her [roles].” The AHS cast consists of Emmy-nominated and -winning actors and actresses for their work prior to AHS and AHS itself. According to the “Star Tribune,” “AHS” was nominated for 17 Emmy awards. Junior Stephanie Springer said that she only saw the season premiere of “Coven” and hasn’t watched another episode since. Springer, who has never watch an AHS season prior to “Coven,” describes her experience of watching “AHS” as “creepy.” “Though some people frown on [“AHS”] because it is ‘creepy’ and ‘horror-based’, I like it for the story lines, not so much the creepy,” said Cassidy. The mature plots are supplemented by the bone-chilling seductive scenes and the uncensored dialogue, prompting the question, “Are they allowed to do that on TV?” With an estimate of 5.5 million viewers who watched the “Coven” premier on FX, people have become infatuated with the eerie plots, disturbing-to-the-point-where-I-need-to-look-awayor-shut-my-eyes scenes, racy dialogue and controversial characters. At this point, “AHS” can only continue to become more chilling and morbidly popular with each new episode. Viewer discretion is advised.


November 13, 2013


mov i e rev i ew

“Thor: The Dark World” Patrick Willett | Freelancer

The next chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is here, and it does not disappoint. “Thor: The Dark World” improves upon the first “Thor” and delivers an entertaining romp sure to please longtime fans. After the events of “The Avengers,” Thor (played by Chris Hemsworth) has been working to bring order to the nine realms, but finds himself longing for the Earth woman he fell in love with, Jane Foster (played by Natalie Portman). Meanwhile, Jane finds a strange phenomenon in London, where gravity is lessened and portals to nowhere are common. When she is infused with a mysterious cosmic power called the Aether, the dark elf Malekith (played by Christopher Eccleston) awakens and leads his forces to retrieve it. Thor must now battle against this ancient evil and save the universe from darkness by any means necessary, even if it means turning to his brother, Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston). The story for this movie is standard popcorn movie fare, but decent and entertaining enough to stand on its own. The heroes have enough to do in the plot to keep things moving at a brisk pace and have the events feel important and meaningful. That being said, there are quite a few weak points. The Aether and exactly what it is, is never really explained. The same goes for the villains, who aren’t particularly interesting or captivating. There are a few scenes in the first half where the plot just seems to spin its wheels. But in the second half, everything tightens up and becomes far more engaging and, surprisingly, very funny.

The action is well shot, even during the rather chaotic climax and the effects are just as impressive as always. Altogether, “Thor: The Dark World” is a bit uneven, but does what it needs to still be fun. Performances are generally a mixed bag here. Chris Hemsworth’s Thor is still as regal and likable as he always has been and though he doesn’t have much of an arc this time around, his bravado and energy for the role is still strong. On the other hand, Natalie Portman, Christopher Eccleston and some of the supporting cast feel like they are just phoning it in, doing the bare minimum of work to have an acceptable take, but not enough to really stick with you. Luckily, Tom Hiddleston steals the show as Loki, having been given all the best and funniest lines and even delivering on the dramatic moments with charisma and gravitas. It’s clear that he’s having fun with the role, as the entire film seems to pick up whenever he’s on screen. Much like how Robert Downey Jr. has the incredible ability to carry a film almost entirely by himself as Tony Stark, in the “Iron Man” and “Avengers” franchises, Hiddleston seems to have that same talent and does his work with gusto. “Thor: The Dark World” is a bit unpolished, but what it does well, it does very well. If you’ve been following the Marvel Cinematic Universe this long, then there’s no skipping this one. As always, there’s a scene after the credits and even one in the middle of them, so stick around in the theater for just a few more minutes. Fans will not be disappointed.

Photo Courtesy | The Hollywood Reporter

Slim Shady’s Back Amanda McMasters | Entertainment Editor Eminem’s newest album “The Marshall Mathers LP 2,” was released last Tuesday, Nov. 5. This was the rap artist’s eighth album, which had been widely anticipated since his announcement of its debut in May of 2012. Before the title of the album was revealed and even before the release date was known, “LP 2” was on Music Television (MTV’s) list of “Most Anticipated Albums of 2013.” It was during the 2013 Video Music Awards (VMA) that the title and release date were announced. “LP 2,” a sequel to one of his previous albums, “The Marshall Mathers LP,” was released by record labels Aftermath Entertainment, Shady Records and Interscope Records. “[The album’s] not necessarily a sequel, as much as it is a revisitation” to the 2000 album “The Marshall Mathers LP,” said Eminem, also known by his alter ego Slim Shady, in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine. The new album includes tracks with Kendrick Lamar, Fun’s Nate Reuss, Skylar Grey and Rihanna. Eminem’s long-time mentor and friend Dr. Dre also collaborated with him on the album. Naming it after his most successful album might be seen as a gamble, as it sets up expectations. After the release of the booming success, “Berzerk,” off this new album, there was a reasonable expectation of delivery. In the first track of the album, titled “Bad Guy,” Slim spits out 1,104 words in the first seven minutes. He tops that on the track, “Rap God,” with 1,451 words. Throughout the 78-minute album, Slim Shady rapped about 12,600 words. Known for rapping about the cruel world he comes from, Slim reaches an average body count of about 1.25 murders per song over the course of the 16 tracks on the

new album. In the opening track, Slim himself is killed at the hands of Matthew Mitchell, the younger brother of his famous fictional character, Stan. The murderous lyrics continue in later tracks, “So Much Better” and “Stronger Than I Was.” Prior to the official release date, the album was leaked online. Two days later, Eminem decided to allow fans to listen to the album via iTunes. Upon the release of “The Marshall Mathers LP,” Hollywood was in an uproar because of Eminem’s controversial lyrics. In a few tracks he named and bashed celebrities, including Christina Aguilera and some of his lyrics were perceived as homophobic. Amidst these controversies, the album sold 1.76 million copies in its first week. Once again, Eminem has made his statement through his lyrics. In his twenties, the rapper showed huge talent, which captured the attention of Dr. Dre. He became an icon of rap and the go-to guy if you ever needed a Christina Aguilera insult. Now, into his forties, some were skeptical of what more he could offer. His new album shows potential for new hits, such as, “Rap God” and “Survival,” but that isn’t the reason his work is being exalted like his previous albums. True to his own unique style, Eminem engaged with other people’s skepticism, decided he didn’t care and asserted himself again with a confidence that draws fans in. In the album, Slim Shady spits barely disguised digs at his celebrity peers and inserts relentlessly offensive jokes throughout. There are no apologies coming from his lips and no concessions, just Slim, a microphone and pure talent. If it was presented in any other way, then it wouldn’t truly be the Eminem fans know and love.

Photo Courtesy | The Hollywood Reporter




November 13, 2013

wo m en’s so c c er

Men’s Club Soccer Team Wolves Suffer Heartbreak in Transitioning GNAC Semifinals Game Up to Division I Levi Watkins | Freelancer

Iain Dexter | Sports Editor The men’s soccer club took on two tough opponents Friday Nov. 8 and Saturday, Nov. 9 as they welcomed the University of Oregon (UO) before traveling up to face Portland State University (PSU). Before playing UO, Western had started off the season with a rough stretch, losing their first three games in the Cascade Collegiate Soccer League (CCSL) Division I. The Wolves lost to Southern Oregon University (SOU) 4-0 and 4-1 in back-to-back games Oct. 13 and Oct. 20 before losing to the University of Portland 3-0 Oct. 25. “We are playing better every game,” said club president Nathan Tew. “We are improving and working together as a team.” Western is coming off a strong season in which they won the CCSL Div. II Championship, finishing with a record of 8-1-1. As a rule in the CCSL, the champion of Div. II is forced to move up into Division I, resulting in the Wolves playing much stiffer competition this season. “We knew it was going to be a step up,” said Harrison Leep, player coach. “We were really excited for the competition, but we definitely had a rough start.” “I think it is the first time in the history of the men’s club here that we’ve been in the first division,” said junior player coach Kyle Khoury. “Tonight to only lose 2-0 to the best team, I think that we’re making headway.” After a tough start to the season, the Wolves’ schedule did not get any easier when the Ducks arrived in Monmouth. The game did not begin as Western would have liked as they fell behind early in the first half, 2-0. The team focused during halftime and came out with a more aggressive game plan in the second half. The offense forced the plays on UO’s defense and was able to get a few prime scoring opportunities. Unfortunately for the Wolves, they were not able to put any shots in the net and were defeated 2-0. The defense was strong in the second half as possession of the ball was even in the final 45 minutes. “I feel like we were able to have our heads held up high after the game,” said Tew. “I have no complaints,” said Leep. “I could not be more proud right now.” Men’s soccer then traveled up to PSU where they met the Vikings. Once again, they found themselves down 2-0 after the first half. The Wolves were able to get on the board in the second half on a free kick from Christian Ramirez. The Vikings answered back with a goal as the game finished 3-1 in defeat for Western. “Overall both teams played well and were physical winning balls in the air,” said Tew. “Both teams had many chances to score, except we couldn’t capitalize as many as they could. It was another well fought game, much like the UO game, yet we again couldn’t end up on top.” The Wolves’ next game will be in Corvallis against Oregon State University as the team looks to get their season turned around Saturday, Nov. 16 at 11 a.m.


The Wolves’ soccer team traveled to Western Washington University to play in the Great Northwest Athletic Conference (GNAC) Championship semifinals game Thursday, Nov. 7. The team lost 2-1 in overtime. “I am really proud of our team sticking together all season,” said junior goalkeeper Amanda Rose Johnson. The soccer team had a memorable season, with not only beating Western Washington earlier in the year when they were ranked number two in the nation, but also breaking the school record of most shutouts in a season. The Wolves were able to shut out their opponents 12 times this season, while finishing the year with a 9-4-6 record and a 7-3-4 conference record. The semifinal match was scoreless through the first 45 minutes. The Vikings were able to get on the board first, but with Western down 1-0 late in the game, freshman forward Savannah Bogan put one home for the Wolves in the 74th minute to tie the game at one a piece. The game was forced into overtime as Western looked to upset the Vikings once again. Just three minutes into overtime, though Brina Sych of Western Washington managed to score a goal, sending the Wolves home. “I cannot think of anything I would change, consider-

ing we got stronger and better by each game,” said sophomore midfielder Allison Frost. Sophomore midfielder Makana Pundyke led the team with nine goals, ranking her fourth place in the GNAC. Freshman forward Taylor Higa led the team in assists with five, enough for fifth place in the GNAC. Pundyke, Johnson and senior defender Becca Hoiland were named on the All-Conference First Team list. Junior midfielder JoEllen DeLeon was named Second Team while freshman midfielder Mariah Konyn and junior defender Brooke Steinberg were both given Honorable Mention. The team will lose Hoiland and fellow senior defenders Melissa Gonzalez and Rachel Crawford for next year. As one of the top ranked defenses in the league, giving up and average of 0.53 goals per game, the seniors’ stability at the backend will be tough to replace. Offensively, the team remains intact, which could lead to a rise in goals next season for Western. Though the players are disappointed that they were not able to reach the GNAC championship, the experience from this year will help them to improve for next season with most of the team returning in 2014.

Blees Breaks GNAC Volleyball Record in Wolves’ Victory Rachel Shelley | Freelancer

The Wolves traveled to Western Washington University (WWU) Thursday, Nov. 7 and Simon Fraser University (SFU) Saturday, Nov. 9. They took on two strong conference teams, falling to the Vikings and then fighting hard in a five-setmatch to bring home the victory against SFU. This puts them 6-8 in conference with just four games left this season. Senior middle blocker Becky Blees broke the Great Northwest Athletic Conference (GNAC) alltime record for block assists in a career. She has racked up 370 block assists since her freshman year in 2010. Entering the match on Saturday against Simon Fraser, she was tied with Northwest Nazarene alum Cammy Dranginis at 367. “It’s so exciting,” said Blees. “I can’t quite believe it.” Previously, Western Washington proved their national ranking with a 3-0 win over Western at home, with 10 ties and four lead changes during that match. During the meeting in Washington the Vikings held on to their 10th place ranking winning the match 3-0 and holding the Wolves to a .159 attack percentage to their .233. The Vikings had a dig advantage of 70-69. “Playing a nationally ranked team helped us raise our level of play to theirs, said junior opposite hitter Hannah Deede. “We had the mindset to go for every point, and use this match as a celebration of our hard work. It was a really fun match.” Deede led the Wolves with 10 kills and a .364 attack percentage. Senior defensive specialist Megan Triggs had 22 digs while junior setter Jordin Ramos and freshman setter Erin Dobson had 16 and 11 assists, respectively. Saturday, Nov. 9, the Wolves took on Simon Fraser in Burnaby, British Columbia to revenge their previous 1-3 loss at home this season. The Wolves have won 19 out of 20 all-time meetings against the Clan.

“Our goals coming into the SFU game was to play with the same confidence and poise that we did against Western Washington,” said Blees. “Even though we lost to WWU, we played the best game we have ever played as a team and we knew that if we could manage to play that same way against SFU, we would come home with a win.” After winning the first set 25-21, the Clan took the next two in close sets 25-22 and 25-23. Western battled back and won the fourth and fifth sets 25-23 and 15-12. “The win against Simon Fraser was extremely important,” said Blees. “Not only was revenge a factor, but before the match on Saturday we were tied in the standings with SFU. We also needed that win to stay on track to our goal of a winning season.” To add to her record-breaking block assists, Blees was also one of the four Western players to finish with double-digit kills. She also added 10 terminations with a .421 attack percentage and had a pair of service aces. Deede had 12 kills while freshman outside hitter Christie Colasurdo and junior middle blocker Cherene O’Hara both added 11. Colasurdo also had 16 digs, giving her a double-double for the match. Triggs added a match-high 28 digs while Ramos had 10 and a match-high 30 assists. Western had a .199 attack percentage to SFU’s .213. The Clan also had 10.5 team blocks to Western’s seven, but the Clan committed 11 service errors. “Our goals for end of season [are to] finish with a winning record, to continue to develop as a team and improve on our side of the net to the end of the season,” said Deede. “I think we all are looking forward to playing these teams again, and finishing the season on a high note and celebrating our seniors.” The Wolves return home for a conference matchup against Montana State Billings Thursday, Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. as well as Saturday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. against Seattle Pacific in their last two home matches of the season.


November 13, 2013


Yeasty Beasty’s

NFL PICKS WEEK 11 Fill out picks outside Student Media Office by Saturday Nov. 16 to be eligible for free Yeasty Beasty Bites. Circle one team per game. Congratulations to Brandon Meredith for having the most correct picks in week ten, finishing with a 7-6 record.

New York Jets @ Buffalo Bills Atlanta Falcons @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers Detroit Lions @ Pittsburgh Steelers Washington Redskins @ Philadelphia Eagles Arizona Cardinals @ Jacksonville Jaguars Tori Gannon | Photo Editor

Men’s and Women’s Basketball Begin Season Over Weekend Brendan Facey | Freelancer Western’s men and women’s basketball teams have started their seasons and are looking forward to making some noise in the Great Northwest Athletic Conference (GNAC). The men’s team looks to improve this year under thirdyear head coach Brady Bergeson, after finishing 10-16 overall and 5-13 in the GNAC last season. Sophomores Andy Avgi, Devon Alexander and Jordan Wiley all started a year ago as freshmen and are among four returning starters, including senior guard Rodney Webster. Avgi earned GNAC Freshman of the Year, ranking fourth in the conference by scoring 16.2 points per game (PPG) and having a field goal percentage of 57.7. He also averaged 5.1 rebounds per game. Alexander was the team’s second leading scorer, averaging 10.1 PPG and 3.1 rebounds. He led the GNAC defensively with 57 steals, including eight steals against Northwest Nazarene, which tied the GNAC single-game steal record. Webster (9.9 PPG) and Wiley (8.8 PPG) both were major contributors to the offense. Wiley was the team’s leading three-point shooter, making 54 of 137 shots. In addition to returning four starters, Coach Bergeson added three four-year transfers, including two from Division I schools. The added talent of senior guard Mirza Sabic (Kennesaw State), senior forward Lewis Thomas (UC Santa Barbara) and junior forward Marwan Sarhan (University of Charleston) looks to help the Wolves contend for a playoff spot. The Wolves also added two community college transfers, junior guards Adam Hastings and Eric Holbrook. Western has a 1-1 overall record to start this season after losing to Chaminade University 82-73, before beating University of Hawaii at Hilo 76-72 in the PacWest/GNAC Challenge tournament held in Honolulu. The Wolves overcame a 17-point deficit in their victory. The team shot 50.8 percent from the field in the win. Hastings led the team with 17 points, making eight of his nine

shots. He also had a team-high nine rebounds. The women’s basketball team is being guided this season by first-year head coach Holli Howard-Carpenter after finishing 8-20 overall and 3-15 in GNAC last year. Howard-Carpenter joins the Wolves from Cal State East Bay where she helped as an assistant coach to lead the Pioneers to a 16-11 overall record, the best record for the program since the 2005-2006 season. In her last season at East Bay the Pioneers finished third in the nation in scoring defense (51.1 PPG) and seventh in the country in field-goal percentage defense (33.9). The Wolves lost just one senior and returns four of the five starters from last year’s squad, including two of their top-four leading scorers, junior forward Dana Goularte (9.7 PPG) and senior forward Melissa Fowler (9.2 PPG). Goularte also led the team in blocks with 28 and tied Fowler for leading the team in rebounds per game (5.7). “I have high expectations,” said Goularte. “We got a new coach and I think she’s really good for the team. “She [Howard-Carpenter] is going to steer us in the right direction.” The Lady Wolves started their season 0-2 in Western’s Doubletree by Hilton Shootout tournament, held in Monmouth. The first game was a heartbreaking 64-63 loss to Notre Dame de Namur. Western rallied in the last few minutes, but a shot at the buzzer came up short. The teams exchanged the scores throughout the game, as there were 10 ties and 11 lead changes. “Overall it was a good performance,” said sophomore guard Elise Miller. “We’ve been executing better and better each day. We worked hard.” Goularte led all scorers 24 points and completed a double-double by adding a game-high 10 rebounds. She went 10 of 11 at the free-throw line. Sophomore guard Shyla Atkins added 14 points. The Wolves face off against Pacific Lutheran University at home Saturday, Nov. 6 at 2 p.m.

Oakland Raiders @ Houston Texans Baltimore Ravens @ Chicago Bears Cleveland Browns @ Cincinatti Bengals San Diego Chargers @ Miami Dolphins Green Bay Packers @ New York Giants Minnesota Vikings @ Seattle Seahawks San Francisco 49ers @ New Orleans Saints Kansas City Chiefs @ Denver Broncos New England Patriots @ Carolina Panthers www.wou.edu/student/westernjournal


The Tail-End

November 13, 2013

weather forecast

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Football from Front Page

tional, as were the rest of his senior teammates after the big Senior Day win. “It was a good feeling, and I will always treasure this moment,” said Tuigamalala. The Wolves (6-4) travel to California Nov. 16 and take on Humboldt State as the Jacks look for their first win of

the year. To continue the fight against kidney cancer and to support a fellow Wolf, T-shirts will be available at wouwolves. com. If you would like to donate to the Apgar family visit www.gofundme.com/jonscancerfight.

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Thursday 11/13, 7 p.m. Tori Gannon | Photo Editor Jon Apgar was honored at the game as players and students wore orange in recognition of his fight against kidney cancer

Cross from Front Page

“Annie did a tremendous job on Saturday,” said assistant coach Chris Reed. “The region is comprised of three different conferences, so it is very rare that you see somebody place 13th at conference and then actually improve their placing after adding all the other schools.” The women’s team finished eighth place overall at the event while the men’s team took 12th. After Wade, sophomore Stephanie Stuckey finished next in a time of 22:54 for 28th place. Senior Jenny Leaf followed her, taking 61st, sophomore Bailey Beeson took 80th and junior Rachel Shelley rounded out the scoring for Western finishing 86th. “For a team that finished 22nd place at regionals last year, to get eighth was obviously pretty exciting for us,” said Reed. The men’s team was led by senior Brady Beagley who finished the 10k course in a time of 32:53 and took 30th place. Sophomore Zach Holloway placed 58th, junior Houston Horner took 68th, senior Scott Larson crossed in 68th and senior James Currell wrapped up the scoring for Western as he finished in 82nd. “The men’s team did not finish as well as they were hoping to,” said Reed. “It’s unfortunate we have one race all year that really counts for something and it just so hap-

CMA from Page 8

beanie, the two were their typical redneck selves, eliciting laughs and applause from the audience with their antics. A few of the performances during the show included: Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, Eric Church, Lady Antebellum, Tim McGraw, Zac Brown Band and The Band Perry. Country royalty Alan Jackson and George Straight performed a tribute together to the legendary George Jones. Another special tribute was performed by Jennifer


pens that, that was the one day when we were kind of off. I’m excited that our group has been so positive as far as responding to it. I think they’re ready to get back to work.” With the end of cross country season for all of Western’s athletes, apart from Wade, next up is track and field season as most of the athletes compete in both sports. The first track and field meet for Western will be the Jackson’s Open in Boise, Idaho, Friday, Dec. 13. “I’m so proud of both the men’s and women’s teams,” said Wade. “We have such an awesome group of girls and I’m really excited to build on that for next season! As for the men, I know they didn’t finish as well as they had hoped, but I still think that they definitely put up a fight and did what they could. They still had a great season, and I’m really proud of them.” Wade will continue her season Saturday, Nov. 23 at the NCAA Div. II National Championships in Spokane, Wash. “My family, the team, and my coaches are the absolute best,” said Wade. “My parents and my sister come to as many races as they can, and I know that they are already planning on going to Nationals. I could not ask for better teammates, because the girls are already planning a road trip as well.”

vs. Montana State Billings

Thursday 11/21, 6 p.m. @ Northwest Nazarene

Saturday 11/23, 6 p.m. @ Central Washington


Saturday 11/16, 1 p.m. @ Humboldt State

Cross Country Saturday 11/23

Nettles, Rascal Flatts and Darius Rucker, in honor of recent Country Music Hall of Fame inductee Kenny Rogers. During the three-hour broadcast of “The 47th Annual CMA Awards,” ABC dominated over other networks with a record breaking 16.6 million viewers, outstripping the runner-up CBS by 7.3 million. It was Wednesday’s No. 1 most social television program with 1,667,680 tweets during the show.

NCAA Division II National Championships

Spokane, Wash.

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