11th February 2014

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Western Port

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Western Port

realestate 11 February 2014



Good as gold

PAGES 49–50

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PAGES 51–53

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Tuesday 11 February 2014

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Trading up A $1.1 million trades training centre planned for Western Port Secondary College has finally been given the green light, with Flinders MP Greg Hunt recently visiting the Hastings school to deliver the good news. The centre is slated for completion in time for the start of the 2015 school year, with training courses to focus on providing students with engineering and automotive trade skills, which have been identified as areas of critical skills shortage among peninsula employers. Pictured are, from left, students Adem Neary, Dayna Carey, Mr Hunt and acting principal Michael Devine. Full story page 3. Picture: Yanni

Drivers a ‘disgrace’: police By Chris Brennan POLICE have slammed the “disgraceful� behaviour of rogue motorists on Peninsula Link after more than 10,000 speeding drivers were detected in just one month, including one man clocked at well over double the 100km/h speed limit. Cameras detected more than 300 speeding offences a day between 17 December and 18 January, including 114 drivers who had their licences immediately cancelled after being caught driving more the 30km/h above the speed limit, eight of whom were

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clocked at speeds of more the 45km/h over the limit. Among them was a male driver clocked at 238km/h and later at 121km/h in a 60km/h zone. Police said the man would face dangerous driving charges and have his car impounded under anti-hoon legislation. Southern Metro road policing inspector Bryan Sharp said the results showed too many motorists were treating the freeway like a raceway and putting lives at risk. “It’s incredibly disheartening that some people continue to ignore the

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risks and treat the freeway like a raceway,� he said. “It has been well publicised that there are cameras along Peninsula Link, and that police continually run operations to enforce the speed limits. “The fact that we are still finding such a high number of people speeding beggars belief.� Meanwhile, a suspended P-plate driver was arrested and charged and had his car impounded after being caught speeding at 162km/h in a 60 zone in Rosebud earlier this month. Rosebud highway patrol officers

spotted a vehicle travelling at 132 in a 50 zone on Point Nepean Rd and then at 162 in a 60 zone on Jetty Rd at about 1am on Saturday 1 February. The 20-year-old Rosebud man was found to be driving on a suspended Provisional 1 licence and his car was unregistered. Police recently announced they would now be targeting low-level speeding in a campaign designed to make driving above the limit “as socially unacceptable as drink-driving�. Assistant Commissioner Robert Hill said police across the state had been in-

structed to fine motorists guilty of setting their own “de facto� speed limits, including those travelling at as little as 1km/h over the limit. “The culture has shifted in respect of drink-driving; it’s now socially unacceptable for people to get behind the wheel of a motor car and drive while affected by alcohol, but the same cannot be said for speeding,� Mr Hill said. “Across our community, people don’t appreciate that low-level speeds can be just as dangerous as high-level speeding.�

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Contact Michelle Aylward M: 0432 666 980 E: michellea@wts.edu.au www.wts.edu.au

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