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Mayors for fed call e action ral on clim ate
Stephen steve@ Taylor mpnews.co m.au Their main demands JUST days national are for climate tion, mayorout from Saturd policy aligneda strong science ay’s elecand a nation throughout s from rapidly al comm to the Australia municipalitie that the itment to s clean transitioning have next to 100 swift action federal govern demanded energy; per cent support phasing for the The 15 to tackle climat ment takes out rapid mayors e which contribof fossil fuel ington Penins – includ change. subsidies ing Mornute to and provis – are from ula Shire’s climate Cr ion of long-te change; ship, the the Cities PowerDavid Gill support country’s clean energy rm finance Partnerernme to largest transpo nt climat Snap: Photog and rt, includ Cr Gill said e alliance. local govraphy studen ing rooftop sustainable tery storage local govern t Moniqu solar, batAustralia , electri e Mann stations, ments around c vehicle with Melind leading and the world and better chargi on a Howard ng ture. transport but their climate action have “been from Social infrastrucfor decade Ventures The mayor ing stifled efforts were increas s” Australia. by the “shock s’ coinci ingly bePicture: release state ded with and federa Supplie of a WESTERN ing inactio d the “Compound Climate Counc n” of “This electio l governments. Monique Port Secondary il n, the conver should be further drop Costs” – which report – in photog Mann has gained College’s having sation predic in raphy ing Later, she is about ts a we costs of urgent steps property values school leader thanks to experience the participated and other studen a visit by “unless Cr Gill not taking climat devastatmate change are taken to The year s from across address the visitin in a Q&A sessionts ordinated, said that withou e action.” Australia. 11 studen ”. clisional photog t urgent Its Bright It says t took with their experig school leader emissions and global action , coclimate Spots Schoo raphy brief a profesVentures s, created and shift change threat to from Social they love ences and explaidiscussing ls Conne gy the enviro in 2013 is a “majo to renew to reduce Australia’s actly whatAustralia showin ction is now their ning “why work of able enerity and “runaway nment will Social Ventur school”. high-perform a “national poses system financial stabil-r like and a real industry g her exsuffer climate neters delive es Austra across the how vision of brief looks ic econom change”. through Cr Gill ring except ing school leadlia has a country Monique to deliver on ic risks Using a develops an education system the next and the other ional and Climate Ventures was mentored it. collaborative results”. mayors the intelle risk expert the region”. that the connec moral wellbe port us to federal govern want ctual, Costs” framew ment Howard marketing managby Social report author and “Compound ing of young social and who encour well as adopt a better tackle climat to “supleadership tion exposes school ork, er Melind said the contributing develop Dr Karl higher renew people, a e change property her confid aged her to get, introdu econom Mallon as innovative teams to best practic to the , able pected skills. ic market ence and thinking to lose e and building ce mandatory energy tarsion. They prosperity and country’s was “exrefine her world. from $571 social disclos by energy around billion 2030 due coheure of the Nation ratings, an Austra say this will help the in value The colleg to climat and lia “wher al extreme create e change communities In a joint Building Code” overhaul e all weather Quinn said e’s acting princip and . and will lose value thrive”. peoples and statement week the Western al continue College released Port Secon Chris *CROWN to emissions in the coming was eral suppormayors deman dary CASINO decades d more last remain high-perform identified as t for local – MONTH change, DANDENONG high”. if fed“This is ing school by SVA as a Hastings LY* commitment work on climat Casino’s the largest per cent in 2017. bus program Centr MARKET erty risk analysis with a great renewable to a national e 5/53 Victo al Medical Centr from climat of propBUFFET rapid phase 100 AND energy undertaken lunch ria Stree e change (all) target out of fossil FOUNTAIN t, Hastings e Only p/p $40. ever GATE latest data in Australia and fuel subsid and over the (Next to Tue 11 June age ies. uses from our of 18 permitte Coles car Mallon Jewellers universities,” the park) d. - All $35 said. Thu 30 Dr (number May
Helping student s get th e pictur e
Advertising Feature – 15 May 2019
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DUTTON FOR PM? Greg Hunt rolled Malcolm Turnbull for Peter Dutton. 1
He could do it again.
Clean out the chaos. Don’t vote Liberal. 1
‘ Turnbull names coup plotters that ousted him from leadership’, SBS News, 9 November 2018 Authorised by S. Narayanasamy, GetUp, 1/48 Easey St, Collingwood
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n Shire’s bid
to benefit from political fray n No one at helm to control boat ramp n New tack for the
marina man
Vote for our climate
For their future Greg Hunt and the Liberals have no real plan to tackle climate change.
This time, don’t vote Liberal. Authorised by S. Narayanasamy, GetUp, 1/48 Easey St, Collingwood
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5974 9000 or email: team@mpnews.com.au www.mpnews.com.au
Mayors call for federal action on climate Stephen Taylor steve@mpnews.com.au
Later, she and other students participated in a Q&A session with the visiting school leaders, discussing their experiences and explaining “why they love their school”. Social Ventures Australia has a vision of an education system that develops the intellectual, social and moral wellbeing of young people, as well as contributing to the country’s economic prosperity and social cohesion. They say this will help create an Australia “where all peoples and communities thrive”.
Its Bright Spots Schools Connection created in 2013 is now a “national network of high-performing school leaders delivering exceptional results”. Using a collaborative framework, the connection exposes school leadership teams to best practice and innovative thinking from around the world. The college’s acting principal Chris Quinn said Western Port Secondary College was identified as by SVA as a high-performing school in 2017.
JUST days out from Saturday’s election, mayors from municipalities throughout Australia have demanded that the next federal government takes swift action to tackle climate change. The 15 mayors – including Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Cr David Gill – are from the Cities Power Partnership, the country’s largest local government climate alliance. Cr Gill said local governments around Australia and the world have “been leading on climate action for decades” but their efforts were increasingly being stifled by the “shocking inaction” of state and federal governments. “This election, the conversation we should be having is about the devastating costs of not taking climate action.” Cr Gill said that without urgent, coordinated, and global action to reduce emissions and shift to renewable energy the environment will suffer through “runaway climate change”. Cr Gill and the other mayors want the next federal government to “support us to better tackle climate change, adopt a higher renewable energy target, introduce mandatory disclosure of building energy ratings, and overhaul the National Building Code”. In a joint statement released last week the mayors demand more federal support for local work on climate change, commitment to a national 100 per cent renewable energy target and rapid phase out of fossil fuel subsidies.
Hastings Central Medical Centre 5/53 Victoria Street, Hastings
Turn to Page 3 for
Snap: Photography student Monique Mann with Melinda Howard from Social Ventures Australia. Picture: Supplied
Helping students get the picture WESTERN Port Secondary College’s Monique Mann has gained experience in photography thanks to a visit by school leaders from across Australia. The year 11 student took a professional photography brief from Social Ventures Australia showing her exactly what a real industry brief looks like and how to deliver on it. Monique was mentored by Social Ventures marketing manager Melinda Howard who encouraged her to develop her confidence and refine her skills.
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Their main demands are for a strong national climate policy aligned to the science and a national commitment to rapidly transitioning to 100 per cent clean energy; support for the rapid phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies which contribute to climate change; and provision of long-term finance to support clean energy and sustainable transport, including rooftop solar, battery storage, electric vehicle charging stations, and better transport infrastructure. The mayors’ coincided with the release of a Climate Council report – “Compound Costs” – which predicts a further drop in property values “unless urgent steps are taken to address climate change”. It says climate change is a “major threat to Australia’s financial stability and poses systemic economic risks across the country and the region”. Climate risk expert and “Compound Costs” report author Dr Karl Mallon said the property market was “expected to lose $571 billion in value by 2030 due to climate change and extreme weather and will continue to lose value in the coming decades if emissions remain high”. “This is the largest analysis of property risk from climate change ever undertaken in Australia and uses the latest data from our universities,” Dr Mallon said.
Shop 10, 14 High St. Hastings 3195
VOTE 1 JULIA BANKS INDEPENDENT Dear Flinders resident,
After 18 years there’s a climate for change.
I am seeking re-election as an Independent Member of Parliament at the Federal Election on 18 May.
VOTE 1 As an Independent representative JULwith IA business
I am running for the seat of Flinders which has been ignored for too long. After 18 years it’s time for a change.
People across the Mornington Peninsula say they want fresh, honest and approachable representation by someone who’s a strong advocate for them.
and parliamentary experience, I will be a strong voice for the local community. I stand for:
As a strong Independent my focus and advocacy will be informed by your voice. I’m not constrained by having to follow the party line or the combative political game playing which has become a hallmark of the major parties.
Having worked in business for over 30 years prior to entering Parliament, I’m not a member of the political elite. Rather, I have real business and life experience which I believe makes for a good local representative. I know first-hand the juggles of balancing home, family, career and community life.
Genuine Climate Action Increase Renewables | Stop Adani Protect our Environment & Green Wedge BANKS, Julia INDEPENDENT Save Westernport | Oppose Overdevelopment Real Vision for Healthcare, Education and Transport VOTE 1 JULIA BAN KS New Rosebud Hospital | Mental Health Services Julia Bank Support Local Business Protect Seniors’ Incomes and the Family Purse Equality For Women | Zero Discrimination
JULIA BANKS I’m the second generation of my family to have a longstanding relationship with the local community on the Mornington Peninsula – my husband and I have had our home in Red Hill for over 20 years and my parents were Mornington residents for years before that. It’s a community I know and love.
I have a heartfelt belief in the power of the people. You.
HUNT, Greg
SMITH, Reade
LESSLIE, Natha n McSHANE, Chris tine
If you want real change at this election, make your vote count. Vote 1 Julia Banks.
Authorised by Julia Ban ks: 2/10 Printed on recycled pape r
Blamey Place, Mornin gton VIC 3931 - Ph: 045 Print 6
by Complete Colour
ing: 84-86 Herald Stree t, Cheltenham VIC 3192
907 629
- Ph: 03 9585 7788
Yours sincerely,
The funding for this advertisement was kindly donated by a long time resident on the Mornington Peninsula Authorised by Julia Banks 2/10 Blamey Place, Mornington Vic 3931
Western Port News
15 May 2019
Shire’s bid to benefit from political fray Keith Platt keith@mpnews.com.au MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire is calling on all Flinders electorate candidates in Saturday’s federal election to commit to spending more money in the shire. The mayor Cr David Gill says the electorate will benefit if Flinders is seen as a swinging seat. He says the peninsula has suffered because the seat has been regarded for years as “safe” for the Liberal Party, and consequently ignored by all political parties. The shire’s involvement in the election (including a full page advertisement in this issue of The News) comes at the same time as a phone poll of 440 voters indicating that Liberal MP Greg Hunt is likely to retain the seat he has held since 2001. Mr Hunt holds the seat with a margin of more than seven per cent, but the poll taken earlier this month shows this may be cut to as low as four per cent. Online betting companies have Mr Hunt as the clear favourite to win, but punters are giving the Coalition little chance of regaining government. The seeming infallibility of the Liberals on the peninsula changed last November when state Labor won the electorate of Nepean, which forms part of the much larger federal seat of Flinders. The state seats of Mornington and Hastings, held respectively by Liberals David Morris and Neale Burgess, cover the remainder of Flinders. The Liberals’ loss in Nepean, if translated federally, could account
SIX of the nine candidates for Flinders at a meeting organised by right wing Christian lobby group ACL in Hastings, from left, Julia Banks (independent), Joshua Sinclair (Labor), Nathan Lesslie (Greens), James Persson (Animal Justice Party), Susie Beveridge (independent) and Greg Hunt (Liberal). Federal police were on hand following some recent eggings, but the only disturbance was caused an effigy of Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton was seen as one intervention deserving of eviction. Pictures: Supplied
for the drop in support for Mr Hunt recorded by the Lonergan poll conducted 4 and 6 May on behalf of the left-leaning lobby group GetUp. Although there are nine candidates, Flinders is seen as a three-way contest between Mr Hunt, Labor’s Josh Sin-
clair and disaffected Liberal-turnedindependent MP Julia Banks. The other candidates are independents Susie Beveridge and Harry Dreger; James Persson, Animal Justice Party; Reade Smith, Sustainable Australia; Nathan Lesslie, The Greens; and Chris-
tine McShane, United Australia Party. GetUp has been targeting Mr Hunt’s perceived vulnerability over climate change and his support of Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton’s failed challenge to Malcolm Turnbull last August, which saw Scott Morrison take over as prime minister. Cr Gill said the shire was approaching all candidates about securing more help for the peninsula, which had “pockets of wealth” as well as lowincome towns such as Rosebud and Hastings, areas with high unemployment, poor public transport and lack of investment. The peninsula had more older people and people with disabilities than almost anywhere else in the nation. “Take out the fancy houses, wineries and restaurants and you’ll find people with lower than [Australia’s] average incomes and higher numbers of people without jobs,” Cr Gill said. “If it’s a swinging seat we’ll get
more attention as the problems are only getting worse,” he said. “The peninsula’s underlying problems are not being addressed.” In its summation of the poll results the NSW-based Lonergan polling company said: “Whether the Labor candidate [Josh Sinclair] or Julia Banks reaches the final two …, Greg Hunt is currently in the lead in this seat. Julia Banks is picking up more votes from the Liberals than any other party, but 30 per cent of her voters are preferencing the Liberals over Labor.” GetUp said the phone poll showed what its volunteers “are hearing on the ground and during thousands of voter conversations: voters are turning away from Greg Hunt in their droves”. The poll “indicates Mr Hunt’s formerly safe seven per cent margin is in tatters”. GetUp says the poll shows “there are more than enough [Liberal voting] deserters to flip the seat”.
Western Port News
15 May 2019
Defend Free Speech Protect Retiree Savings Keep Our Borders Safe Stop Foreign Sell-Outs Keep Government Accountable
7 7 7 7 7
Australian s e v i t a v r e Cons r u o y e b Let us n i e c n a r u ins e t a n e S the
Group AB on your Senate Ballot
conservatives.org.au Authorised by J. Montgomery, 28 King William St. Kent Town, SA 5063
Western Port News
15 May 2019
NEWS DESK TWO Phillip Island penguins are receiving the care and attention of experts before being released back into the wild after spending a couple of weeks at a house in Melbourne’s nothern suburbs. Picture: Supplied
Penguins will return to their island home TWO little penguins are having a short stay at Melbourne Zoo before being returned to their Phillip Island home. The two birds were collected from a Greenvale house north of Melbourne Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) officers. “The Greenvale man alleged he rescued the penguins from Phillip Island because he believed they were sick,” DELWP wildlife officer Abby Smith said. Ms Smith said the penguins were “significantly underweight” and vets believed they had not been fed adequately for the two weeks. “The birds are making good progress and are eating well, swimming and preening normally. However, the penguins are not yet strong enough to
return to the wild,” Ms Smith said. After the zoo the penguins will be taken to the Phillip Island Nature Parks to complete their rehabilitation. Ms Smith said an investigation was underway into the circumstances surrounding the penguins being allegedly being taken from the wild. However, the recovery of the penguins prompted DELWP to issue a reminder that injured wildlife should be reported to authorities. “Penguins require specialist care and a unique diet and it’s important people contact the [zoo’s marine response unit] when they come across a sick or injured marine animal,” Ms Smith said. “The Greenvale man alleged he rescued the penguins from Phillip Island because he believed they were sick. “It is exciting to see a penguin out
in the wild, but important to remember they are wild animals and can not be taken from the wild.” The coordinator of the marine response unit Mark Keenan said the penguins were found to be underweight, but otherwise alert and active. “Once they receive the all-clear, the penguins will be released back into their natural habitat at Phillip Island.” In Victoria all wildlife is protected under the Wildlife Act 1975. It is illegal to destroy or interfere with wildlife and severe penalties apply. The maximum penalty for hunting, taking or destroying wildlife ranges from $8059 to $38,685 and/or six to 24 months’ jail. Anyone concerned about the welfare of a penguin can call the zoo’s marine response unit on 1300 245 678. Keith Platt
No one at helm to control boat ramp Stephen Taylor steve@mpnews.com.au UPKEEP and management of the Mornington Peninsula’s public boat ramps is still a grey area – despite it being six months since the state government announced that it was taking over the role. The first the shire knew of it came in a surprise pre-election announcement by Premier Daniel Andrews on Channel 31’s Talking Fishing in November. Since then, the shire has “continued to do the right thing” by checking and maintaining boat ramps to make sure they are safe for the public, the mayor Cr David Gill said. However, no provision had been made for boat ramps in the shire’s draft 2019/20 budget. “As far as I’m concerned, we won’t be doing anything more on the boat ramps once the budget is adopted sometime in June,” he said. The shire’s Director Place Niall McDonagh said the shire was “continuing to fund the maintenance at this stage” but was unsure when that arrangement would end. “This is still to be determined, but the shire is working closely with the state government,” he said. The shire has stopped processing boat ramp fees, with Mr McDonagh saying it would “await confirmation from the state government before we decommission the paid parking
systems”. “The shire is hopeful the advice in regard to the transition will be received shortly.” Cr Gill said managing the boat ramps at this time of year was “quite simple, as there are no crowding or ramp rage issues … but there will be later in the year”. “I’m not sure what the reaction will be from the state [when we stop work at the boat ramps], but the shire’s role is up for negotiation,” he said. “We want to know how they’re going to protect the public. “They said they’re going to take over boat ramps and we want them to get on with it.” With Keith Platt
CFA crews set to show their skills TYABB CFA crews will demonstrate their skills in the village precinct of the Tyabb Packing House Antiques, 14 Mornington-Tyabb Road, Tyabb, on the Queen’s Birthday weekend, 11am-3pm, Sunday 9 June. All the Village traders will be open, including the Guild Art Gallery which celebrates its 28th anniversary. Its opening hours are 10am-5pm, Thursday to Sunday. The gallery’s Norma Macpherson said all were welcome to come and share in the fun. Entry is free.
VOTE FOR GREG HUNT As you all know Alexandra Park project have worked for nearly 4 years on the redevelopment plan for Alexandra Park. Alexandra Park is the oval in the Main Street of Mornington. The redevelopment plan is to upgrade the existing pavilion to provide for facilities that support and encourage participation in sport and the community. It has the location. It just needed the facilities to match.
The redevelopment Plan has now been fully funded for over $4m and will benefit the following groups • Mornington Football Netball Club • Mornington Junior Football Club • Mornington Cricket Club • Peninsula Raiders Veterans AFL Club • Wallara – all abilities community support group • The Bays Hospital – one of only a few not for profit hospitals in Victoria Greg Hunt grew up in the Mornington area and has a good feel for the community and its needs. It is of huge benefit to have a senior politician working and living on the Mornington Peninsula. Greg Hunt saw what we had as our vision for the precinct. He understood what we wanted to do and has been a terrific support. The funding provided is not an election promise. However, it would certainly make it easier if we have someone who understands the importance of the Alexandra Park redevelopment elected in 2019.
The above funding commitment would not have been achieved without the help and support of Greg Hunt and the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council and counsellors. If you want a reason to vote, the above for us is a good enough reason to re-elect Greg Hunt.
Please vote for Greg Hunt. For and On behalf of Alexandra Park Project.
Authorised by Martin Scanlon 275 Main St, Mornington Vic 3931 Western Port News
15 May 2019
Our call to candidates
What we’re advocating for on your behalf
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council has been advocating for significant financial investment to be committed towards infrastructure and community services ahead of this year’s Federal Election. Our priorities are listed below for all candidates to act on!
Sports and Recreation Facilities Sporting participation across the Shire has grown rapidly, particularly female and junior involvement in Soccer. We have a number of recreational projects that help promote an active and inclusive community. Council is seeking financial commitments for the following sporting and recreation projects: • Rosebud Aquatic Centre • Narambi Reserve New Oval and Pavilion • Red Hill Recreation Reserve Change Rooms
Public Transport
Marine Industry Precinct The lack of available industrial land on the Peninsula is putting a significant handbrake on the local economy. However, there are 3500 hectares of underutilised State Significant Industrial Precinct land in Hastings. Some of this land could be used to support a Marine Industry Precinct to accommodate a growing industry. This precinct could create at least 1800 jobs for our local residents.
For more information 1300 850 600
Western Port News
• Crib Point Recreation Reserve Pavilion • Alexandra Park Pavilion • Civic Reserve Pavilion • Emil Madsen Pavilion upgrade • Constructing the Missing Links along Mornington Peninsula’s Trails Network • Mornington Life Saving Club • Civic Reserve Wetlands • The Briars Master Plan implementation
Mornington Peninsula is a critical component of Victoria’s foodbowl. The ongoing sustainability of the Peninsula’s agricultural industry is under threat from drought. To ensure long-term sustainability, Council is seeking funding to drought-proof the Mornington Peninsula. What assistance is needed: • funding for capital works for a Somerville/Tyabb recycled water scheme • funding for a feasibility study for a hinterland scheme • funding for The Briars water recycling project
Council is seeking an improved bus network that is frequent, direct and reliable; a bus network that gets people where they need to go for work, education, and services within 20-minutes of their home. What assistance is needed: • An annual investment for a direct 788 route • Other upgrades include modifying existing routes 781, 782, 783, 784 and 785 • Introduction of a Cross-Peninsula bus service
Drought-Proofing the Peninsula
15 May 2019
With existing buildings and other infrastructure nearing end of life, the Mornington Peninsula Shire requests funding to support township projects. What our townships need: • Implementation of the Rye Township Plan • Hastings Foreshore Splash Park and Sound Shell • Implementation of Sorrento Ferry Precinct Plan • Mt Eliza Way Streetscape • Flinders Township Civic Hall • Mornington laneway and public open spaces • Safety Beach Foreshore Reinvigoration
Jetty Road Funding for a full freeway overpass with grade separation and duplication to Boneo Road will improve pedestrian safety and reduce congestion at the Peninsula’s busiest and highest risk intersection – Jetty Road and Mornington Peninsula Freeway. Vulnerable groups including elderly residents and children walking to and from nearby schools and childcare facilities are forced to cross the freeway.
Electrification of Rail Mornington Peninsula Shire Council and Frankston City Council support the electrification of rail from Frankston city centre to Hastings on the Mornington Peninsula. Both Councils are opposed to any stabling and maintenance facilities being located in valuable green wedge land or altering the Urban Growth Boundary. Both Councils are asking the Australian and Victorian Governments to support this public transport project that will deliver better outcomes for our joint communities.
New tack for the marina man Stephen Taylor steve@mpnews.com.au
New tack: After 33 years at the helm Stefan Borsecki changes gears. Picture: Keith Platt
STEFAN Borzecki has marinas in his blood. “All my life I have been designing them,” he said, citing his role in the “niche industry” of marina development, including those at Hervey Bay and Sanctuary Cove while working for former business high-flyer Christopher Skase in the 1980s. After being the original designer and developer for the Western Port Marina, Hastings he bought Yaringa marina at Somerville in 1985. He then poured all his energies into expanding and running it, driven by the idea of creating a complete boating community with associated businesses, restaurant, tourism and a conference centre “My plan was to have something like the Gold Coast City Marina, which is a complete boating precinct,” he said. “I did everything I could; my objective was to have the area rezoned like the Marina Mirage at Port Douglas, which I had done with [Christopher Skase’s] Qintex.” But when he planned a major expansion in 2009, he found he was butting heads with all levels of government, finally gaining federal government approval in mid-2013 and state government approval in 2016 for a $95 million, 180-apartment development around an inland waterway. The engineer says he is feeling “relaxed” after entering into a financial agreement with Hart Marine owner Mal Hart to sell industrial land with a
water frontage and up to 20 buildings on the south side of Yaringa, which the Mornington boat manufacturer had been searching for “for years”. Borzecki is coy about the price, citing confidentiality concerns, but the deal will allow the 600 berths to grow to 1000, with dry-stacking arrangements and associated businesses making sails, canopies, masts and marine windows among a dozen or so different trades. The sale will free up Borzecki to develop his prized apartments on rezoned residential land on the northern side of the 24-hectare site. “The apartments started as a financial exercise, or joint venture, but at the moment the market is not on the right side of the curve to be viable,” he said. “And we were held up in Canberra for two years over Ramsar environmental concerns.” But he is confident the apartments, each of 100 square metres with lifts and their own private marina berths, will be built. While significant, the development would be a 10th of the size of Martha Cove on the Port Phillip side of the peninsula. Borzecki says his plan for a $5-$6 million, four-lane public boat ramp at the marina still needs Mornington Peninsula Shire Council approval. The 300-400 boats using it in summer would need somewhere to park afterwards tying them to the marina precinct. “The ramps would take the pressure off the Stony Point and Hastings public boat ramps, and get cars towing boats off the freeway before they even get to the Mornington Peninsula,” he said.
Recycling back RECYCLED items are once again being collected from Mornington Peninsula households after the shock shutdown of processing services. But the shire says a continued service from contractor SKM will “rely on a combined effort, including policy change from all levels of government, and correct recycling habits from the community”. The mayor Cr David Gill welcomed the resumption of services but said the council had been “strongly advocating for urgent policy change in the recycling industry”. He urged residents to be careful what they placed in the kerbside bins. “It’s great to have our recycling back on the right track but, as a community, we can’t become complacent,” he said. “Everyone should do their bit to ensure the correct items are placed in the bins which go to a materials recycling centre for sorting. “Items should not be placed in plastic bags. “We’re working closely with SKM to avoid any future disruptions and advocating to all governments for urgent solutions as well as reviewing our own processes.” Learn more or share your feedback on the Shire’s Waste review online at: mornpen.vic. gov.au/ourwastefuture
How to recycle right REDUCE packaging, give things a second life by upcycling or repairing, borrow or buy second hand, bring reusable bags – not singleuse plastics, and compost food scraps. (Join the shire’s Compost Challenge at: mornpen.vic.gov. au/composting). While walking on the beach take “Three for the sea” by picking up three pieces of rubbish, take advantage of the free recycling weekends at transfer stations and join the conversation online at #rescueourrecycling on social media Volunteer to be a Recycling Champion at: mornpen.vic.gov.au/recyclingchampions
. Your Children’s Safety . Aged Care Ratios . Mandatory Minimum Sentencing . Combat Domestic Violence . Ban Live Exports . Regional and Rural Victoria: Urgent Rail Upgrade, Medical Services and Water.
HINCH – Goes Where Others Won’t Authorised by Annette Philpott, 1 Queens Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia for Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party
Western Port News
15 May 2019
Western Port Proudly published by Mornington Peninsula News Group Pty Ltd
PHONE: 03 5974 9000 Published weekly. Circulation: 15,000
Journalists: Stephen Taylor, Brodie Cowburn 5974 9000 Photographers: Gary Sissons, Yanni Advertising Sales: Bruce Stewart 0409 428 171 Real Estate Account Manager: Jason Richardson 0421 190 318 Production/Graphic design: Marcus Pettifer, Danielle Espagne Group Editor: Keith Platt 0439 394 707 Publisher: Cameron McCullough REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Peter McCullough, Stuart McCullough, Andrew Hurst, Craig MacKenzie. ADDRESS: Mornington Peninsula News Group PO Box 588 Hastings 3915 Email: team@mpnews.com.au Web: www.mpnews.com.au DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: 1PM ON THURS 16 MAY 2019 NEXT ISSUE PUBLICATION DATE: WED 22 MAY 2019
Local news for local people
We stand as the only locally owned and operated community newspaper on the peninsula. We are dedicated to the belief that a strong community newspaper is essential for a strong community. We exist to serve residents, community groups and businesses and ask for their support in return.
To advertise in Western Port News contact Bruce Stewart on 0409 428 171 or email bruce@mpnews.com.au Western Port
Real experience: Dance students taking lessons from professionals at Somerville. Picture: Supplied
Students’ insight into world of dance PENINSULA Ballet Ensemble students got an insight into the life of a professional dance company during a Sydney Dance Company in-studio workshop at Somerville. The workshop delivered by the company’s teaching artists was designed to support students’ liveperformance experience of the company’s current nationally touring work: Bonachela/Nankivell/Lane. It included a contemporary technique warm-up and repertoire with a composition task used by the company to generate new movement for Rafael Bonachela’s work Cinco. Through
this composition task, students experienced the process used by the company to create and perform new and original movement. PBE teacher and former Sydney Dance Company principal and soloist Andrea Mercurio said it was “wonderful” that the company was able to run the workshop and share its skills and expertise. “The workshop provided students with an opportunity to learn about the creative process in their own space with an experience that was real and personal,” she said. “It also provided students with inspiration to continue
E: Josh.Sinclair@vic.alp.org.au SinclairforFlinders
Sunday 2nd June, 2019 Mornington Racecourse 10:30am - 2:30pm www.peninsulaweddings.com.au Visit www.peninsulaweddings.com.au to register your FREE entry.
Authorised by Samuel Rae, Australian Labor Party, Victorian Branch. 438 Docklands Drive, Docklands VIC 3008.
Western Port News
15 May 2019
exploring, growing and achieving.” Peninsula Ballet Ensemble is a not-for-profit community performing arts school staffed by teachers who all have dance and performance experience. It offers classes in ballet, jazz, tap, acrobatics and drama using internationally-recognised Cecchetti Ballet Australia and Australian Teachers of Dance training methods. Details: Call Peninsula Ballet Ensemble 0421 574 659 or email info@ peninsulaballet.com.au Sydney Dance Company is performing at Frankston Arts Centre on Saturday 18 May.
DO YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT? Green ballot paper – Number every box in the order of your choice LY ON
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On the white ballot paper you are voting for representatives of your state or territory in the Senate.
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Sample ballot paper
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Senate Ballot Paper
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SURNAME Given Names
SURNAME Given Names
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Your vote will help shape Australia. Practise voting at www.aec.gov.au To learn more
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Authorised by the Electoral Commissioner, Canberra. Western Port News
15 May 2019
NEWS DESK Police patrol
With Stephen Taylor
Search follows bikies’ bird
Somerville detectives are after this motorcycle rider pictured on Peninsula Link at Frankston on 22 April. Picture: Supplied
A MOTORBIKE rider wearing a purple Ellesse leisure suit with matching shoes and scarf showed plenty of attitude while speeding along Peninsula Link Frankston on 22 April. Detectives are keen to speak with him over a range of “high range and excessive speed offences”. The rider with a tattoo on the back of his left hand was colour coordinated, too: his bike is believed to be a purple Harley Davidson V-ROD. Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.
4 May. Police called to the club on Tallis Drive arrested the 33-year-old Langwarrin man and took him back to the station for breath testing. He allegedly blew 0.177 per cent and had his car impounded at a cost of $1010. Sergeant Daniel Patton, of Mornington police, said the man then spent four hours in the cells at Rosebud police station. He was to be interviewed in relation to drink-driving, damaging the greens and minor assault-related offences but no charges had been laid, Wednesday.
Breath tests
Daddy blew it
SOMERVILLE Highway patrol’s Leading Senior Constable Greg Wolfe has a simple answer when asked why police bother doing breath tests in the middle of the day: “It’s because we keep detecting people like the 56-year-old Mt Martha woman pulled over in Osborne Drive at 1.45pm, Thursday 2 May, who blew 0.233 per cent and the 41-year-old Cranbourne West man detected in Frankston at 11.30am, Tuesday 7 May who blew 0.238 per cent.” “Remember, you can be tested for alcohol and drugs while driving anywhere, anytime.”
A CRANBOURNE West man driving with his eight-year-old son allegedly blew 0.238 per cent when pulled over for a random breath test on FrankstonDandenong Road, Frankston, 11.30am, Tuesday 7 May. The 41-year-old’s licence was immediately suspended for 12 months and his car was impounded for 30 days at a cost of $1040. He is also expected to be charged on summons with drink driving-related matters.
Guest off the list A WEDDING guest evicted from Mornington Golf Club allegedly took out his frustrations by driving erratically through the car park and then damaging the practice green, Saturday
Brothers in hospital A LYNDHURST man handed himself in to police after an incident in Mornington’s Centro car park in which two brothers were allegedly assaulted, early Saturday 4 May. Detective Alex Montgomery, of Somerville CIU, said the man was interviewed by officers at Cranbourne police station but no charges had been
laid, Wednesday. He said the brothers, aged 17 and 20, of Mornington and Mt Martha, were walking through a car park after leaving a nearby hotel when a fight started with a group of men about 3am. They were punched and knocked to the ground in the melee which stopped when bystanders intervened. The other men then fled in an unknown vehicle. The brothers were taken to The Alfred hospital and were said to be recovering last week. Detective Montgomery said the investigation was ongoing. He urged anyone with information to call him on 5978 1300.
Murder charge A HASTINGS man arrested after his neighbour was stabbed, Sunday night, 5 May, has been charged with murder. The 46-year-old appeared at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Friday and was further remanded. It is believed the neighbours were involved in an argument at a house on Salmon Street when a 43-year-old man was allegedly stabbed with a serrated edged weapon. Emergency services were called to the house at 7.45pm. The injured man died in an ambulance on his way to hospital. Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at crimestoppers.com.au
CHEAPER POWER AND A RENEWABLE FUTURE Invest in renewable energy to make Australian power 50% renewable by 2030. Ease household budgets and lower power prices by better regulating power prices. Targeting one million energy-saving batteries in homes and apartments and subsidising the cost for low-to-medium income households.
ONLY LABOR CAN LOWER POWER PRICES AND BUILD A RENEWABLE FUTURE. Authorised by Samuel Rae, Australian Labor Party, (Victorian Branch). 438 Docklands Drive, Docklands VIC 3008.
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Josh.Sinclair@vic.alp.org.au SinclairforFlinders
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Western Port News
15 May 2019
Western Port News
15 May 2019
Adjustable rings are the goal
wallaroo Primary School THE students of Wallaroo Primary School will celebrate this year’s Education Week with an emphasis on ‘Celebrating different careers and pathways’. It is a great way to highlight our students’ successes in academic and creative areas and to continue to build their confidence and passion for the future. Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate excellence in education. Our classroom teachers have many engaging literacy, numeracy and arts based activities planned throughout the week. Focusing on the theme ‘When I Grow Up’, students will have the opportunity to listen to stories, write about their aspirations, research possible careers and pathways and document everything through photographs and video. Wallaroo Primary School will host a ‘Careers and Pathways Dress Up Day’ on Friday 24th May. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed up in their ‘dream job’.
Foundation (Prep) Enrolment We have opened the enrolment process for 2020 Foundation students. Our next guided tour is Wednesday 28th May 9:30am – 10:45am and 11:45am – 1:00pm. If you are looking to enrol your child and would like more information on what we can offer, or you would like to book a place for the tour, contact us on 5979 2654. Recent changes to school boundaries may affect 2020 Student Enrolments. To learn more visit: https://www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au/ Wallaroo Primary School implements a School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Framework, which focuses on aligning our school values, Be Safe, Be Your Best and Be Respectful, with explicit teaching of behaviours and expectations. Our values sit at the forefront of all our teaching and learning.
BROKEN height adjusters on basketball hoops at Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Dunns Road stadium are making it hard for smaller players to score. Mornington Peninsula Basketball Association’s general manager Samantha Browne said the backboard system had been an issue “since it was installed” about 12-18 months ago. “Our Monday women’s competition has been most affected, with the rings on some games being at different heights at either end,” she said. “It’s impossible for some children to reach a 10-foot ring and, if they do, they are not using proper technique. “It can also become disheartening for teams
Big problem: Archie McAleer, from St Mac’s Magic in the MDBA’s Grade 1 competition, contemplates playing on the full height ring. Magic managed a win in what was, inevitably, a low scoring game. Picture: Cameron McCullough
that may not be able to shoot any goals in a match. We just want the children at this age to learn to love the game, have fun and use proper form.” The centre is run for the shire by Belgravia Leisure, whose Penny Boyce agreed the ring heights were an “ongoing issue”. “Every time we contact the installers they come out and the problem seems to be fixed, but then happens again”, she said.
VOTE HARRY DREGER Independent for Flinders
Stalwart Avenue, Hastings VIC 3915
Principal: Jenny Brennan Phone: 5979 2654 Email: wallaroo.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Web: www.wallaroops.vic.edu.au
A little about me personally: I have worked for many years in the electrical industry, much of it as an Electrical Inspector. During that time, my family and I have enjoyed a range of outdoor activities encompassing fishing (Westernport Bay), racing (motorcycles and cars), 4WDing and more. I am a Justice of the Peace, and I have run in a previous Federal election for a Senate seat as an Independent. So why am I running again now? To put it simply, I have for decades watched as our natural resources, businesses, essential services, pensions, jobs and so much more were sold off or whittled away by our party politicians. All this whilst the banks, the multinationals and the government(s) bleed us dry with endless taxes and rising costs and charges. This is unsustainable, and I am tired of it, but it will not change under our current political climate. I believe I can influence that, and if I am elected, I pledge that I will work hard to reverse the current trend by returning our assets, our jobs, our direction and our future to the people of this Nation. Will you please give me a chance?
Our Values PAGE 12
Western Port News
15 May 2019
For more information: http://independentcandidateforflinders.webs.com Authorised by C. Dreger, Watt St. Airport West 3042
Pitching in to save peninsula’s koalas ROSEBUD resident Dirk Jansen was pleased with the success of his Koala Day event in Boneo, Saturday 4 May. “We had a great day at the property in Kinwendy Road which is owned by Rob Nigro, a Southwest landcare member,” he said. “There were 18 of us and the mood overall was that the situation for koalas is dire.” (“Day to highlight plight of koalas” The News, 30/4/19). Mr Jansen said community engagement was “overwhelmingly positive”. “There is a lot of motivation and interest to address this situation,” he said. “What was unexpected was the great response from the community via email, phone and Facebook. A lot of people are interested in learning how to get involved.” Mr Jansen described the koala as the orangutan of Australia with the same urgent action required to save it. The shire’s landcare facilitator Jacqueline Salter said the Koala day brought together concerned landholders, wildlife carers, bushland workers and ecologists keen to protect the peninsula’s koala population. “There was strong support to form an official Landcare group and to seek funding for a biolink project focused on protecting and restoring key koala habitat,” she said. “I’m pleased to support this vital initiative.” Mr Jansen said the Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation Project was a joint, community-driven initiative by concerned residents, Southwest Mornington Peninsula Landcare and Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network. They aim to encourage and assist landholders to protect and grow existing vegetation and highlight how everyone can better protect the
peninsula’s koala population. “Our small population of koalas is in trouble,” Mr Jansen said. “A main reason is habitat loss, due to past and current land clearing. We have only 18 per cent of remnant indigenous vegetation left on the peninsula. Koalas rely solely on leaf from eucalypts to feed and they need to feed constantly due to their slow metabolic rate. “Koalas need to travel large distances to source food and find mates. On the peninsula, patches of remnant vegetation are not connected well enough for them to move safely across the landscape without risking getting hit by vehicles or dog attack.” He said a 2016 study by Deakin University found 69 per cent of koala habitat was on private property and koalas were not thriving on the Mornington Peninsula with no record of breeding. There are lots property owners can do, Mr Jansen said, such as preserving old indigenous trees and limiting the amount of fertiliser used near them; controlling weeds such as ivy, karamu and pittosporum which can kill old trees; not planting southern mahogany (Eucalyptus botryoides) and remove existing plants as they can hybridise with manna gums and may not be palatable to koalas. They should plant indigenous trees, including manna gums, messmate, stringy bark and swamp gums. Also, dogs should be kept on leads when out walking and people should be aware of koalas when driving, especially at night. Details: visit Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation project on Facebook, email: mpkoalatreeplanting@outlook.com or call 0422 522 622. Stephen Taylor
INFORMATION EVENING Come along to Balnarring Travel & Cruise’s TripADeal Information Evening! WHEN Wednesday 22 May 2019 | 5.30pm WHERE The Gallery, Red Hill Bakery Balnarring RSVP Spaces are limited, please contact us to confirm your attendance by 20 May
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15 May 2019
Western Port News
15 May 2019
Western Port
Speak to your agent about listing on realestateview.com.au. Be seen everywhere.
‘a lifestyle village for the over 50’s’ 249 High Street, Hastings, 3915 www.peninsulaparklands.com.au
$ 2 3 5 , 0 0 0 $ 2 5 9 , 0 0 0 $ 2 9 0 , 0 0 0 $ 2 9 0 , 0 0 0
u u u u u u u u
u u u u u u u u
u u u u u u u u
u u
u u u u
Huge open lounge Kitchen with bench space Dining area with bay window Separate bathroom Separate laundry Two bedrooms Built-in robes Single carport
$ 2 3 5 , 0 0 0
Open plan lounge Separate dining area Modern kitchen Separate bathroom Separate laundry Two bedrooms Built-in robes Single garage with roller door
$ 2 8 8 , 0 0 0
Dining area with bay window Large lounge Separate study Separate bathroom Separate laundry Two bedrooms Modernkitchen Single carport
Fantastic open floor plan Huge kitchen and dining area with bay window Lounge with air conditioning Workshop Two bedrooms with built-in robes Single garage
u u u u u u
u u u u u u u u
$ 2 9 0 , 0 0 0
u u u u u u u
$ 2 9 5 , 0 0 0
u u u u u u u u
Fantastic open floor plan Huge kitchen and dining area Lounge with air conditioning Separate european laundry Two bedrooms with built-in robes Single carport
Formal meals area Two bedrooms Separate study Air conditioning Modern kitchen Separate bathroom Separate laundry Single garage
Open plan lounge and dining area Modern kitchen Separate bathroom Separate laundry Two bedrooms Great outdoor area Single garage with roller door
Huge open lounge Dining area with bay window Kitchen with great bench space Separate bathroom Separate laundry Two bedrooms Gardens Single garage
To arrange your site inspection contact David Nelli 0403 111 234 or at the office on 5979 2700 Email: david@peninsulaparklands.com.au mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 2
TURN YOUR EVERYDAY INTO SOMETHING SPECIAL BUYERS seeking a seaside lifestyle in a boutique build will not be disappointed with this luxurious townhouse on the cusp of Main Street. Recently completed, the stunning double storey home is easy walking distance to the quaint shops and bustling cafes and restaurants of Main Street, with Mornington’s renowned beaches not far away. Designed by Little Brick Studio and displaying premium fixtures and fittings that set an excellent standard for creativity and style, the splendid interior showcases a lavish open plan design with high ceilings that greatly accentuate the sense of space to vast main living area. Creating an excellent flow, the design integrates the superb internal and external zones perfectly, and the lashings of natural light that spills through the glass sliding doors to fill the space is always a welcome natural addition. There are three bedrooms; the larger downstairs master bedroom is complete with ensuite and walk-in robe, whilst two more bedrooms upstairs both have built-in robes and share the main bathroom with freestanding bath. A spectacular kitchen is highlighted by Calcutta stone-topped benches, beautifully complemented by Smeg appliances that include an oven with 900-millimetre cook top and undermount range hood, plus a dishwasher. Adding to your everyday convenience there is a downstairs powder room and to keep things comfortable throughout the seasons there is ducted heating and split system air-conditioning. Externally, the property is equally impressive with two alfresco decks, and being at the front of the block, their is your own driveway leading up to a double garage with internal access. Boasting a 6 star energy rating, this sensational as new property affords buyers the flexibility of either a glamorous permanent residence or the perfect low-maintenance peninsula getaway.n
ADDRESS: 1/33 MacDonald Grove, MORNINGTON FOR SALE: $950,000 - $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car INSPECT: By Appointment AGENT: Joel Hood 0402 703 236, Joel Hood Property, 311 Main Street, Mornington, 5971 0300 mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 3
F R E N C H I S L A N D 74 Th e R e s t • • • •
Over 100 acres of secluded bush-land surrounded by National Park right in the middle of the Island Permanent water from spring fed dam plus additional 20,000L water storage Good road access to a small weekender Well defined boundaries, plenty of mature trees and good tracks throughout with abundant wild life including koalas, echidnas and rare albino peacocks • No holding costs other than a very modest annual Fire Services Levy
Sunday, May 19th at 2:30pm at 2100 Frankston-Flinders Road, Hastings
TERMS 10% Deposit / Balance 60 days. Vacant Possession
By Appointment
0438 497 715
5979 3555
NEW LISTING FRENCH ISLAND 20 Farm Road • • • • •
Well-fenced 170 acre farmland property including permits to build your dream home Property includes several sheds, shiping container and undercover parking for a caravan Completely off-grid power system and septic system Four dams which are currently full and established gum trees around a private billabong Excellent pasture and a comprehensive orchard, heaps of native wildlife, potential water views and heaps more!
0438 497 715 mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Contact Agent
By Appointment
5979 3555
C21.com.au/Homeport WESTERN PORT NEWS
Page 4
$715,000 - $735,000
IDEAL FIRST HOME OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY • Hardi-plank home on 557sqm (approx.) block • 3 Bedrooms with built in robes • Spacious living with open plan dining area • Kitchen with plenty of bench/cupboard space • Double garage and large backyard • Situated close to schools, shops and transport
SEAN CRIMMINS 0411 734 814
SPACIOUS LIVING IN A ESTABLISHED GARDEN SETTING • Four bedroom timber home on approximately 2000sqm • Wide, shady verandahs at front and back • Coonara wood heater. GDH and evaporative cooling • Main bathroom with large spa bath and shower • Renovated kitchen with s/steel dishwasher • Double garage, garden shed and attractive gardens
$580,000 - $620,000
SPACIOUS AND PRESENTABLE FAMILY HOME! • Well presented four bedroom home • Master bedroom with walk-in robe and ensuite • Kitchen with plenty of bench & cupboard space • Separate living and dining areas • Huge outdoor undercover alfresco lined and fitted with downlights
$440,000 - $480,000
DON McKENZIE 0419 955 177
$540,000 - $590,000
• Renovated three bedroom home on a 660sqm block • Updated kitchen with stainless steel appliances • Polished floorboards throughout • Renovated bathroom • Huge backyard and private front yard • Walking distance to schools, shops and transport!
TOTAL RENO - MOVE IN NOW! • Totally renovated 4 bedroom home • Brand new kitchen with quality appliances • Main Bedroom with walk in robe and ensuite • Large family meals area with ducted heating • Parking for 6 vehicles • Workshop, sheds and a storage area • Property has been totally landscaped
SEAN CRIMMINS 0411 734 814
SEAN CRIMMINS 0411 734 814
DON McKENZIE 0419 955 177
$1,025,000 - $1,125,000
$590,000 – $620,000
$1,580,000 - $1,680,000
CONTEMPORARY COMFORTS AND SPACIOUS SURROUNDS • 4 bedroom home; master with WIR & ensuite • Double glazing throughout • Spacious living areas + kitchen with walk in pantry • Outdoor deck area with insulated ceiling and spa • Zoned ducted heating and refrigerated cooling • 3000 sqm block with established gardens
JEWEL IN CRIB POINT • 3 bedroom family home set on a 1011m2 lot • Front lounge room with gas log fire • Central kitchen with s/steel appliances + pantry • Alfresco deck with wood fire, BBQ and café blinds • Master bedroom with WIR & ensuite • Air-conditioning and a gas space heater
2.32HA WITH TWO HOMES / WAREHOUSE & OFFICES • Five bedroom home - two with ensuite & WIR’s • Formal lounge with open fire • Large kitchen overlooking open plan family meals area • Outdoor entertaining area overlooking two paddocks • Separate three-bedroom self-contained cottage • Huge warehouse with storage and multiple offices • Double carport, 6 car garage with adjoining workshop
SEAN CRIMMINS 0411 734 814
DON McKENZIE 0419 955 177
DON McKENZIE 0419 955 177
1/109 High St, Hastings, VIC 3915 03 5979 4412 | enquiries@baywestrealestate.com.au baywestrealestate.com.au
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 5
Hastings 3/23 Rankin Road
Seeking Fastidious Tenants One of three brand new properties, this stylish three bedroom unit is sure to please. Featuring a spacious open plan layout with plenty of storage throughout, the home has a well-appointed kitchen with
Caesarstone benches and stainless steel appliances. Further features include split system air-conditioning, master bedroom with WIR & FES, separate bathroom, toilet and laundry , plus a single garage.
$410 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
Near new 3BR unit; master with WIR & FES, open plan family meals area with kitchen and a separate bathroom and laundry. Offering all the modern touches one desires, there is also a rear courtyard and a
single garage with carport. All of this within a few minutes walk to High Street. Rent to be paid monthly and remain in advance. Applicants must inspect before applying.
For Lease $400 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
Clyde 34 Terra Firma Circuit Style, Luxury, Home! inluding a separate study and theatre room, separte bathroom, toilet and laundry, double3garage with 1 internal access, ducted heating and evaporative cooling.
Hastings 1/19 King Street
Near New!
For Lease $540 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
This near new unit is equip with 3 bedrooms, the master featuring walk in robe and ensuite. The remaining two bedrooms both have built in robes. With an open plan kitchen meals and dinning area, offering all of
the modern touches one desires. Separate laundry, a quiet rear courtyard and a double lock up garage. All of this and within just a few minutes walk of all Hastings has to offer.
For Lease $400 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
Bittern 3/2444 Frankston-Flinders Road Neat as a Pin Neat 2 bedroom unit is perfect for downsizers. Master bedroom with WIR and dual-entry bathroom, spacious open plan living and meals area plus kitchen with tainless steel appliances including
Near New!
For Lease
This amazing home features spacious master bedroom with 2 WIR’s and FES, there is a well presented open plan family living area combining a kitchen with 900mm gas stove top and oven plus dishwasher. Also
Hastings 2/19 King Street
dishwasher. Outside there is great little courtyard and a single garage. Close to supermarket, chemist 3 and1 post office at Bittern Fields shopping centre, rail and bus transport.
For Lease $325 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
Officer South 10 Ezra Crescent
Modern Beauty This split-level townhouse offers large open plan living and a stunning kitchen with Westinghouse appliances including a dishwasher. Separate study and two bedrooms downstairs with upstairs
master bedroom featuring WIR & FES. Separate bathroom, toliet and laundry, air-conditioning, electric heating and a double garage with internal acess.
For Lease $390 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
When it comes to managing your property, we have an unwavering commitment to place the best tenants into your number one asset. For outstanding service, knowledge and a property management experience that exceeds your expectations, talk to us. Contact Jason, Liane, Ruth, Britt or Jane on 5970 7333 for all your property management needs, to them it’s not just a job, it’s a passion.
jtandco.harcourts.com.au mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 6
Hastings 4/82 High Street 5979 8833 obrienrealestate.com.au mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 7
Ian Johnson
0490 042 458 ian@patonestate.com.au
Rural & Beach properties Ian Johnson Licensed Estate Agent
GARDEN PARADISE WITH POOL AND PARTY DECK SET among an oasis of landscaped gardens complete with swimming pool and pool side alfresco pavilion, this beautifully presented family home instantly appeals with timber floors that lend a touch of timeless period-style charm. Featuring elegant living and dining spaces, there is also a stylish kitchen with stainless-steel oven, gas cook top and a Bosch dishwasher. Glass doors open from the dining room out to a covered verandah that overlooks the gorgeous gardens, whilst a hedged walkway through the lush greenery ushers guests to the fabulous pool side party zone complete with barbecue, beer fridge, alfresco lighting and ornamental ponds. A lovely master bedroom has built-in robes and has dualentry to the updated main bathroom and also included with the property is ducted heating and cooling throughout. This wonderfully neat home is perfect for any growing family taking their next step and seeking a property with space and security. n
HOME ESSENTIALS 2996 Frankston-Flinders Road, BALNARRING
0490 042 458
ADDRESS: 25 Lang Road, LANGWARRIN FOR SALE: $640,000 - $690,000 DESCRIPTION: 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 car AGENT: Ben Crowder 0407 557 758, Community Real Estate, 7/20-22 Ranelagh Drive, Mount Eliza, 9708 8667
Indulge in the ultimate Peninsula lifestyle with this 4 bedroom home in a family friendly location. This low-maintenance abode offers spaces to retreat, relax, gather and entertain in comfort. With a spacious master suite and open-plan living domain and high ceilings . The remaining three bedrooms all with built in robes share in the generous main bathroom. Plenty of room for the kids to run and play in the huge rear yard.
Inspection: Price Guide:
As advertised or by appointment $630,000
Kristen Jones / 0426 956 315 kristenjones@stonerealestate.com.au
> 650sqm (approx) allotment > Freshly painted, new carpets and flooring, full of natural light. > Double garage with rear access and an alfresco patio for soaking up the sun
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 8
5979 2489 64 High Street, Hastings www.robertsandgreen.com.au
BALNARRING 20 Village Street COASTAL INDULGENCE ON 1/4 ACRE (APPROX.) - Showcasing space and attention to detail above all else, this beautiful family home presents as one of the best. Encompassing a spacious floorplan with multiple living areas, this home truly makes the most of its vast 1,080sqm (approx) allotment. Master bedroom offers WIR and stylish ensuite, while three more bedrooms all have built-in-robes, plus there is the added bonus of a home office. Open plan living and dining area flows directly to a modern kitchen with stone benchtops, breakfast bar and stainless steel appliances including a dishwasher. n Formal lounge room and large rumpus room with a gas log fire delivers plenty of space for the entire family to enjoy, whatever the occasion. n Beautifully appointed main bathroom, featuring a walk-in shower, freestanding bath, double vanity, linen press and a heated towel rail. n Entertainers will love the 6-seater spa and expansive decked alfresco, complete with outdoor heating. n Double carport, storage shed with power and side access to store a boat or caravan. n n
For Sale: $899,000
Inspect: By Appointment
Lisa Roberts 0488 910 368 Wilma Green 0407 833 996
THINKING OF SELLING? Speak to your agent about listing on realestateview.com.au.
Be seen everywhere. mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 9
Skelton Lane, Mount Martha (off Simpson Crt)
Retirees- Thinking of downsizing?
For Sale
Prices From $679,000
Come and see the many options we have on Display that aim to provide a positive impact on your future both financially and health wise.
Downsize the work needed to maintain gardens and a large home and free your time to be able to enjoy the many lifestyle benefits that surround you in Mt Martha‌. golf, beaches, stroll the boardwalk to the village, shopping‌. Close to shopping, health services and public transport.
- 10min walk down the path to Bentons Square - Luxury inclusions with stone benchtops , large pantries, 900mm stainless steel appliances, ducted heating and split system air conditioners - Quiet court location with only 10 single level homes DISPLAY VILLA OPEN EVERY SAT AND WED 11:00 - 2:00PM
Call Kathy Netherclift for a private viewing or further information. mpnews.com.au
Kathy Netherclift 0417 007 722 netherclift8@gmail.com Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 10
PRICE REDUCED TO $375,000 (no GST)
For Sale
By Expressions of Interest, Closing Friday 31st May at 1pm 51 Mornington Tyabb Road, Mornington
Occupy or Rebuild
Factory / Warehouse
65 Coolstore Road, Hastings, 3915
PRIME POSITION - IDEAL INVESTMENT * Own title, no body corporate * Factory measures 167.425M2 * 18.1 x 9.2 metres * Front office, toilet and wash room at rear * NBN available
* Automatic roller door * 3 phase power * LED lighting * Gantry beam * On-site parking * Triple interceptor trap at rear
Contact Ray Francis for all particulars Mobile: 0418 517 198 / Email: hastingssteel@gmail.com
Proposed medical site (S.T.C.A) Building area 230m2* Right amongst car & homemaker showrooms 30-180 day settlement Land area 900m2* Vacant possession
5925 6005 nicholscrowder.com.au
Tom Crowder 0438 670 300 4/230 Main Street, Mornington VIC 3931
For Sale
Double-Shot Opportunity
Occupy, Invest Or Develop by the Beach
Wednesday 12th June 2019 at 12pm on site 159 Main Street, Mornington
Impressive retail shop of 100m2*
Expressions Of Interest Closing 29th May at 3pm 5 & 7 Beach Street, Dromana
Secure 5 x 5 Year lease Leased to long standing tenant ‘Biscottini’ Annual net income of $55,800 + GST Dual street frontage to Main Street and Barrrett Lane 300m2* of Commercial 1 Zoned land, with further development potential (STCA)
5925 6005 nicholscrowder.com.au
Jamie Stuart 0412 565 562 Tanya Scagliarini 0438 289 859 4/230 Main Street, Mornington VIC 3931
Two separate titles Total land area: 1496m2* (combined) Ideal mixed use development (STCA) 7 Beach Street: Building area 274m2*
Opportunity to buy one or both Commercial 1 zoning 5 Beach Street: Building area 172m2* Properties being sold with vacant possession *Approx.
Jamie Stuart Tanya Scagliarini 0438 670 300 0438 289 859
5925 6005
Linda Ellis 0400 480 397
4/230 Main Street, Mornington 3931 Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
9775 1535
1/1 Colemans Road, Carrums Downs 3201 WESTERN PORT NEWS
Page 11
Business Sale - Mornington
Chill Gelato
Reduced For A Quick Sale
• Situated in the prime Mt Martha” shopping strip • Ideally located opposite the beautiful beach along a busy foot traffic area • Great fit out just awaiting your own personal touch
• Exciting business with brilliant décor and fit out • Excellent rent of $4,150pcm inc GST • 250sqm premises includes deli, juice bar and fine dining, • Courtyard bistro area, two storerooms plus coolroom, office and toilets
Sale Price: MAKE AN OFFER Contact: Andrew Walsh 0419 889 353
Sale Price $95,000 + SAV Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
For Sale - Arthurs Seat
For Lease - Main Ridge
Georges Boutique Hotel
Office Space in Spectacular Surrounds
• Established 2007 as an accommodation business • Nestled amongst the many attractions of the area • Superbly set with stunning views of Port Phillip Bay • Buyers here have the first option to purchase the adjoining block at 17 Nestle Court
• Fully furnished office space with all amenities • Stunning views overlooking the 40 acre property • Parking for approx. 20 vehicles • Ideally suited to a company with about 10-20 staff • Call today for an inspection that won’t disappoint
Business Sale - Sorrento
Sale Price: Contact Agent Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Forthcoming Auction- Mornington
Lease Price: $2917pcm + GST Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Business Sale - Rosebud
For Sale or Lease - Red Hill
O ALL FlatBlk Boutique Cafe • Well established business with regular clientele • Cute and quirky small heritage listed space • Great for an owner operator as it’s easy to run • Potential to increase to 7 day trading period. • No. 9 tram included makes a great conversation piece.
Sale Price: $110,000 + SAV Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Red Hill Restaurant
Fresh Fish Shop
Auction: Contact Agent For Details Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Lease Price $7,950pcm+GST+OG Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Lease Price: $1,834pcm+GST+OG Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
• Prestigious restaurant based on Arthurs Seat Rd • No Upfront Cost – Plant and Equipment included in lease • Perfect for an experienced restaurateur to take over • Beautiful fit out & well equipped • Onsite accommodation for owner an additional option
Business Sale - Mornington
• Established business of nearly 10 years • Fantastic turnover in excess of $400,000 • Purpose built fit out for business • Excellent rent of $3,000 per month approximate • Quality business, great returns, kind working hours
For Lease - Mount Eliza
For Lease - Mornington
Business Sale - Mornington Peninsula
Position,Position, Position
• Prime corner location with magnificent exposure • Long term tenant • Strong rental return • McDonalds and Red Rooster as your neighbours • Build Area of approx. 127sqm
Yaringa Boat Hire
• Incredible lifestyle business located at Yaringa Marina • Huge potential to improve current business • Secure lease with a great return on investment • Currently operating at approx. 21hrs pw over a 48 week period with lots of room for expansion
Sale Price $199,950 Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Via Boffe
Prime Retail / Office Spce
• Premier coffee shops serving 50kg+ of coffee per week • Open 7 days and in prime Main Street location • Upstairs lounge area, function room and courtyard area. • Italian styled menu for breakfast, lunch and functions. • Fully Licensed.
• 164sqm of prime retail space in Main Street • Neigbours include brand name retail stores and banks • 3½ year x 5 year lease • Ideally set-up for real estate business
• Large retail space of approx. 198sqm • Shop frontage to Mount Eliza Way with through access from rear carpark • Located in high foot traffic area • Ready for you to create something amazing
Lease Price: $8370pcm + GST + OGS Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Lease Price: $9,167pcm+GST+OG Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Sale Price: $395,000 WIWO Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Business Sale - Point Leo
Fit-Out Sale - Mornington
Ideal Retail/Office Space
For Sale - Hastings
Properties For Lease OFFICES FOR LEASE ( Mornington unless specified)
Point Leo General Store
• Long standing coastal business • Focus on take away food and drinks • Amazing lease package • Ideal husband and wife business • Huge local following Sale Price: $190,000 + SAV Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
PH: (03) 5977 2255 mpnews.com.au
Fit Out Only
Owner Occupier - Development Site
• Ideally located in high foot traffic area from Centro Shopping Centre to Main Street • Retail space of approx. 70sqm • Current rent at approx. $45,000pa +GST
• 2,000sqm of Industrial 3 Zoned Land • Just off Marine Parade • Ideally suited to a purpose built facility (STPA) • 20m frontage with terrific access
Sale Price: $35,000 (Fit-out only) Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Sale Price: $265,000 Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
176-182 Main Street -30sqm $1,662.50pcm+GST+OG 356 Shands Road, Main Ridge Contact Agent 6/356 Main Street – 104sqm $2,950pcm+GST+OG 4/15 Carbine Way – 12sqm From $750pcm+GST+OG 1/486 Nepean Hwy Frankston – 220sqm $3,000pcm+GST+OG SHOPS FOR LEASE Jetty Rd, Rosebud - From 70sqm From $3,300pcm+GST+OG 187 Main Street – 187sqm $5,050pcm+GST+OG St Andrews Beach – 180m2 $3,334pcm+OG 102 Mt Eliza Way, Mt Eliza – 198sqm $9,167pcm+GST+OG RESTAURANT FOR LEASE 164 Arthurs Seat Road, Red Hill $7,950pcm+GST+OG MEDICAL FOR LEASE 1052 Nepean Hwy - 15.3sq $6,584pcm+GST+OG WORKSHOP/FACTORY 323-325 Main Street - 150sqm $1,834 pcm + GST +OG
1/26 McLaren Place, Mornington VIC 3931 Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Page 12
Letters - 300 words maximum and including full name, address and contact number - can be sent to The News, PO Box 588, Hastings 3915 or emailed to: team@mpnews.com.au
Governments need to back ‘disability’ accommodation Older parents with adult “children” with disability cannot access specialist disability accommodation despite the promise of the NDIS (“Carers plea for help” Letters 7/5/19). Families and Social Services Minister Paul Fletcher recently wrote that “if demand exists the funding will be there”. This does not appear to be the case for thousands like [the letter’s writer] Marie Hell. There exists unmet demand for these distressed families. Recent federal and state budgets show that the money is there for many projects. Why are funds not available to meet this need? My position as coordinator of the Sailability program at Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron brings me into contact with older people who have children with disability. There is obvious stress that dealing with adult and near adult children places on the parents, all too often single women. Some have asked in vain for specialist disability accommodation so that both parties can have appropriate independence. As they all grow older the burden becomes heavier and heavier. My late sister with intellectual disability was cared for at home for many years. Only after the death of my parents was supported accommodation available for her. In her final years she experienced loving supported living in a group community house in Jetty Road Rosebud, which gave her a level of independence mixed with family contact. The issue is important for the welfare of all involved, the dependent person and the rest of the family. Specialist disability accommodation places surely can and must be created to meet the demand. Brian Jones, Capel Sound
Danger road The residents of Coppin Road, Sorrento have implored the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council to include a roundabout at the corner of Coppin and Constitution Hill Roads and Newton Avenue as part of the Coppin Road footpath project. Their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. At midnight on Saturday 1 May a car went over the road on the south east corner, demolishing the fence and narrowly missing the house. Will it take a death to occur before our council takes any action? In January 2003, council’s traffic engineer wrote a letter to me confirming action would be taken – more than 16 years later we are still waiting. Bill Holmes, Sorrento
Awaiting reply It is essential parliamentarians are responsive to voters’ concerns. I am therefore interested the MP for Chisholm Julia Banks is standing as an independent for the seat of Flinders as Chisholm voters, of diverse political persuasions, have found Ms Banks, as a Liberal parliamentarian, to be disinterested in her electorate. On 7 August 2018 I wrote to Ms Banks. Nine months later I have still not received a reply. This is despite Ms Banks’ office confirming it had received my email, and my phoning about its progress in late September 2018. Other voters share my experience. Letters to the press suggest I am not alone. On 29 November 2016 a stalwart of the Glen Waverley community wrote to [a daily metropolitan newspaper] about Ms Banks’ failure to respond to her letter regarding funding elite team athletics in Victoria. Two years later she was still waiting for a reply. In December 2018, a letter to a Whitehorse [community newspaper] reported Ms Bank’s reluctance to put pen to paper. A stalwart of the Box Hill community, who had recently received an OAM in the Queen’s Birthday Honours, wrote: “the number of occasions I have heard or read that she never responded to correspondence or to requests of assistance certainly suggests she wasn’t not engaged with her community”. These good citizens make the point they have received replies and/or congratulations from other MPs but nothing from Ms Banks. Until the election of Ms Banks, it was unheard of to wait nine months – let alone two years – and still not receive a reply from a local politician. Dr Paul Fox, Box Hill
I do not, nor ever [have] belonged to a political party. I have no objection to you running political ads as long as large type is used to highlight that it is a paid ad and, most importantly, your paper’s name does not appear in a prominent position, as doing this gives a false impression that you are endorsing the ad. Tom Davies, Hastings
Look elsewhere
‘Masquerading as news’
Despite having previously been Minister for Environment, [Flinders MP] Greg Hunt’s solutions to climate change, judging by the Liberal Party leaflet I received in the post, are small-minded, temporary band-aids and ill thought out actions. For Flinders voters looking for a candidate who is serious about climate change Greg Hunt is definitely not an option. Susan Hillman Stolz, Rye
Forward looking Nothing has changed. More than 2000 years ago the Roman philosopher Marcus Cicero made the following observation: “A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within … for the traitor appears not to be a traitor he rots the soul of a nation … he infects the body politic so that it can no long resist.” Anyone (or three) come to mind? Terry O’Shea, Halls Head, WA
Time for change It’s a bit rich that the LNP has the gall to accuse the Labor Party of being a bad money manager when, after being six years in power, they managed to increase the debt Australia owes to the world to more than halve a trillion dollars. That is more than double the deficit they inherited from Labor. And they managed to cut a lot of services in the same time. A great example of their profligate ways with our money was the reopening of Christmas island detention centre for a political stunt costing the taxpayer a cool $180 million, just to close it a few months later. Expensive political stunts like this are a trademark of the LNP government when it comes to scare campaigns over refugees and the less well off in our society. The disastrous implementation of the NDIS scheme is another legacy of the oh so money smart LNP government. Centerlink costumers are being harassed for money they don’t actually owe without the slightest embarrassment or apology. The ABC has been decimated by cuts to its budget that where promised never to happen before the election of Abbott as prime minister. And how many times is it OK to sack your leader before your whole outfit looks like the Muppet show the present PM described? The most urgent need of action on climate change is a thing the LNP is incapable of addressing as it has wracked the unity of this sorry lot for nearly 10 years. Our kids and grandkids will pay dearly for the wasted decade of action on climate change. It really is high time for a change all around the world for a more socially and environmentally aware group of leaders. Rupert Steiner, Balnarring Beach
Political smears I just read a letter of high dudgeon in these pages from a Liberal supporter from Mt Martha in which the writer goes on about personal smear attacks (“Political attacks” Letters 8/5/19). He goes on to attack Bill Shorten, Trades Hall and all things Labor (including GetUp, which isn’t Labor). How unfortunate it was for the writer that in this very same edition of The News on the front and last page, was a Liberal ad. canning Labor and Bill Shorten in particular. I ask this letter writer to cast his mind back to when Julia Gillard, became Australia’s first female prime minister. Remember when Tony Abbott stood grinning in front of the sign that read “ditch the witch”? Remember when [radio broadcaster] Alan Jones, that ancient purveyor of vitriolic drivel, suggested that Ms Gillard be shot, put in a hessian bag and dumped into the ocean. Also, not long after her father died, Jones suggested that her father died of disappointment in her. What a charmer Jones is. It was interesting to note that not one Liberal politician and, in particular, the female Liberal politicians, came out in defence of Julia Gillard to condemn these vile attacks. Labor was born out of union ranks to protect the workers. The LNP was born by the wealthy with a born to rule attitude with the help of their
A four-page advertisement taken out and paid for by the Victorian Trades hall Council two weeks ago has prompted the most reader feedback ever of any article or advertisement in The News. The four-page wraparound headlined “Who will Greg Hunt stab in the back next?” included a picture of the Liberal Flinders MP and a suggested how-tovote card that placed him last in the field of nine candidates standing for election in Flinders at next Saturday’s (18 May) federal election. Most readers who sent emails complaining about the advertisement declined to have them published. Here are some who agreed to their views being aired publicly:
‘Absolutely disgusted’ I am absolutely disgusted with the front page of the The News. It looks like the normal front page, but it is a political advertisement. I believe this was done with the intention to deceive the reader to believe the front page headlines and the article are genuine. The word “Advertisement” does not stand out. It appears in small print and can be overlooked easily. I always was under the impression that The News is independent as claimed. I now have serious doubts about that. In my view there are limits to decent advertising. The News has disregarded those limits. Reiner Scheibe, Mornington
Appears biased I feel The News made a serious error of judgment having a full-page election message on its front page. Your paper calls itself “An independent voice for the community”. This was not an independent comment. It came across as a biased editorial heading from the your newspaper on the forthcoming election. Heather Hayes, Mornington
‘False impression’ I picked up The News and on the front page was your normal banner heading in 25mm letters and the main “news” headings in even larger type featured [Flinders MP] Greg Hunt in a very derogative way, but in a way which implied that it was a news item from. In fact, the whole four pages were a paid political advertisement from the Victorian Trades Hall Council (Labor Party). If readers looked hard, in very tiny letters, they could see the word “Advertisement”. The banner and headlines gave the very false impression that the information was newsworthy facts backed by The News. [I saw it as being] very unprofessional and not worthy of the high standard of news normally found in your publication.
unions, er, associations, like AMA and the farmers’ federation. There has been nothing but stunts, vitriol and negativity from the LNP ‘s side of the house since Tony Abbott, but I am sincerely hoping for a change real soon. John Cain, McCrae
United opposition I attended the Save Westernport meeting opposing AGL’s floating gas terminal (“Staged events to grab voters’ attention” The News 7/5/19). The issue has galvanised local residents, bay users and businesses from all political persuasions. In 36 years on the Mornington Peninsula I have never seen such strength of feeling. Anthony Grimes, Balnarring
Advertising masquerading as a news story. The suspected union-backed and financed ad on the false front page of The News leaves a great deal to contemplate about the authors and the agency who decided their story was worth the money to publish, when the vast majority of the Australian public know within the last Labor government, [Julia] Gillard knifed [Kevin] Rudd and Rudd knifed Gillard. It beggars belief that this election has become a bullying contest of candidates rather than offering the voting public well-constructed and financed policies and major infrastructure projects that will improve the standard of living in our wonderful country. Voters seem to forget we vote for a political party, not the person. Our local candidates are part of a team and area representatives for their respective parties, not the decision maker. Bruce White, Rosebud
‘A damned disgrace’ What a damned disgrace. A 4-page union wrap as your lead article, criticising sitting Federal MP Greg Hunt weeks before an election. I hope you have been inundated with complaints; his constituents should not have to contend with this sort of condemnation and I hope he finds some reason he can take action against your trash. Regardless of who one votes for, this sort of rubbish should not be thrust in front of residents interested in what is happening in the Mornington Peninsula region. Obviously someone with a strong Labor preference within your organisation saw fit to “stick the knife in”. I just hope they paid an insurmountable amount of money. I find it deplorable and a crass piece of editing, lift your game. The main reason I read your newspaper is to follow local football results and I can tell you if I was advertising in your “rag”, it would be cancelled forthwith. Obviously, I feel very strongly about this matter. I have not decided who I will vote for as yet, however it will not be Labor as a result of this deplorable piece of journalism. David Peel, Rosebud Editor: David Peel also complained about the four pages of advertising (designed and paid for by the Liberal party) in last week’s The News for “exposing Greg Hunt and his virtues … please stop this garbage of promoting/denigrating political parties via advertising as your lead stories”.
‘Honest and caring’ I am appalled that you would allow such a disdainful advertisement towards our MP for Flinders and Health Minister Greg Hunt. He is an honest and caring politician who has not only worked hard for his electorate and Australia, but has always been available for individual community support. Whether you are a supporter of Greg Hunt or not, an advertisement of that calibre is in very bad taste. Let’s hope the good people of our community will not let this bad taste advertisement cloud their views. Gabrielle Shepperd, Hastings
Future concerns I brought my grandchildren (aged 9 and 11) along to the “Strike for climate action rally” as highlighted in your article “Staged events to grab voters’ attention”. The issue of climate change concerns them deeply, they see the wildlife dying, they see the changes in the sea and wetlands on our beautiful Mornington Peninsula. Do we really want to leave these wonderful young people with a ruined environment? I believe [Flinders MP] Greg Hunt has failed them on crucial issues like voting for the Adani coal mine, no new coal or gas and having 100 per cent renewables by 2030. Betty Foster, Capel Sound Western Port News
15 May 2019
B.I.T.E Conference – The mustAttend Business Event of 2019
A celebration across all music genres THIS year’s Mornington Winter Music Festival celebrates music across all genres over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. With over 20 venues running live music from Friday 7th to Monday 10th June, it is a full program. With the success of the street program last year, we have added additional music zones on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Celebrated performers this year include the much-loved Pierce Brothers (pictured) performing on the Sunday night at The Grand along with Music Festival favourite Wilbur Wilde returning to The Royal. You can’t celebrate the start of the Queen’s Birthday weekend without a bit of iconic Queen? Book now at The Grand for Australia’s premier Queen Tribute Band who have included Mornington to their Australasian tour calendar. Keeping in the theme of amazing iconic bands, Publican will play host to the Australia’s contribution to our music legends with an AC/DC & Angels on the Sunday night. Jazz and blues have always run though the veins of the festival and this year is no exception. Local favourite Lizzy Gascoigne and her group Kissing Harriet will delight us in a Jazz evening hosted by the Mornington Yacht Club. We welcome Melbourne Jazz Festival artist
Lillian Albazi headlining at Barmah Park and a very special afternoon event at Mornington Cinema, ‘The Sounds of Silent’ a 5-piece Melbourne 1920’s jazz band performing live in front of the classic Buster Keaton silent movie ‘Steamboat Bill Jr’. Call Ian at the Mornington Cinema to reserve your tickets to this unique event. If a gospel choir is more your thing, we have the great pleasure of welcoming one of Melbourne’s must dynamic and successful Catholic Choir ‘Excelsis’ who perform to soldout audiences at both St Patrick’s and St Paul’s Cathedrals. “It’s wonderful to attract such remarkable national talent to the Peninsula and showcase our emerging local singers”, said Bec Davis, Festival Director. “Thanks to the Mornington Peninsula Shire and our Major Sponsors Peninsula Eye Care and Nichols Crowder for supporting this event. Of course, it wouldn’t be possible without the support of all the venues, both large and small, for getting behind this annual winter festival and backing live music all weekend”. Friday 7th – Monday 10th June For the full program visit: www.morningtonmusicfestival.com.au
IMAGINE being in a place filled with business decision makers. The very same decision makers that you’ve been wanting to have a conversation with for weeks, months...perhaps years. Imagine the conversation flowing. Ideas colliding. Thinking expanding. A virtual feast for the mind. Imagine the possibilities an opportunity like this would create for your business. In a word; game-changing. The excitement of the Peninsula business community is brewing in anticipation of the upcoming B.I.T.E Conference, the best city-style business conference in the Greater Melbourne region. Secure your seat this year and buckle in for some serious thought provoking presentations that are bound to give you plenty of new ammunition to get your business firing. This year we welcome more than 12 business leaders spanning across sectors including technology, PR, social media, resilience, leadership, communications, finance and more. You’ll be part of an interactive interview panel of local business movers and shakers hosted by radio legend and marketing expert Jacki Mitchell, plus you have an opportunity to join a rare and strictly limited working lunch with Steve Sammartino, Australia’s leading futurist and indemand global keynote speaker. Part of what makes B.I.T.E Conference so valuable are our four core ingredients integral to success in modern business; Business, Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurial. The acronym ‘B.I.T.E.’ is derived from our four key pillars and are the building blocks for everything that B.I.T.E. Conference stands to deliver. In addition to feasting your mind with keynotes, full exhibition stands and plenty of free stuff, we’ll also be feasting your body with all day premium catering, fresh coffee, smoothies
by our friends at Plover and Bianco Latte gourmet ice-cream, all to keep the neurons firing. Follow that with post-event networking drinks and finger food, you’ll be set for a day brim full of brilliance. 2017 and 2018 were both sell out events! We’re passionate about Australian businesses and the positive contribution they make to the economy. We’re even more passionate about nurturing and growing small business on the Mornington Peninsula and Greater Frankston region. B.I.T.E. Conference is run for a business community purpose, a social purpose as many would call it these days. It is a professionally run, non-commercial conference meaning every dollar we raise through sponsorship is put back into the event for the attendees. Our social partner for 2019 is Second Bite, a not-for-profit organisation who work with over 1,200 community food programs across Australia to redistribute rescued food to those in our community who need it most. This year, we partner with Frankston Arts Centre as the host venue for B.I.T.E. Conference 2019 - The Business Event of the Year. Need more reasons to attend? Take a look at biteconference.com.au to view the full list of guest speakers and conference agenda and Find out why business leaders think the BITE conference is the single most beneficial thing you can do for your business this year. Hurry, tickets selling fast. DATE: 20 June 2019 LOCATION: Frankston Arts Centre INVESTMENT: From $175pp. Group bookings available. Facebook: @biteconference Instagram: @biteconference #investfrankston
2 0 J U N E | F R A N K S TO N A R T S C E N T R E | O N E - D AY E V E N T B U S I N E S S . I N N O VAT I O N . T E C H N O L O G Y . E N T R E P R E N E U R I A L
Meet the Speakers
Want to know why B.I.T.E Conference is so good? Check out our world-class speakers that we have lined up for 2019. Read all about them at www.biteconference.com.au and find out why you simply must not miss this business event of the year.
Steve Sammartino Michael Licenblat Futurist Author Tech Reporter
Resilience Expert
Shannon Smit
Andrew Lauterstein
Founder - B.I.T.E MD, SMART Business Solutions
Olympic Medallist Founder, ENGINE Swimwear
Sharon Kneale
Trent Innes CEO Xero Australia
Susan Wright
Sue Ellson
PR & Communications Q Strategies
Linked In Specialist
Jacki Mitchell
Richard Jeffares
Jim Mullan
Andrew Kerr
Radio Host | Brand Profiler
Founder TWO BAYS Brewing Co
CEO SecondBite
D.I.S.C Profiling Time 2 Talk Leadership
Director Inside Edge
Western Port News
15 May 2019
Attention Schools, sporting clubs
Tidy Towns awards now open
& community groups
Free advertising listings Each month the Western Port News will run a Community Events page, where your school or organisation can promote upcoming events, fund raisers, social events, etc. at no charge.
Nominate a local project, group or activity and share our sustainability stories to inspire others. The awards recognise actions taken by communities in regional areas to protect and enhance local environments across Australia.
This page is sponsored by the Balnarring & District Community Bank and listings are completely free.
Applying is simple, all you need is 500 words or less to tell Keep Victoria Beautiful about your project or initiative.
Listing should be about 40 words and include event name, date, time & address.
Applications close Friday 14 June. Apply online at
Send your listing to:
Community Events
PO Box 588, Hastings 3915 or email communityevents@mpnews.com.au
For more information: kvb.org.au
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15 May 2019
Miss Carmody dislocates elbow in French Island accident Compiled by Cameron McCullough ON Sunday afternoon, May 4th a painful accident occurred at Tankerton to Miss A. Carmody, who is a visitor to the island, and staying with Mr. R. T. McGuigan, of “The Springs”, Fairhaven. She was stepping out of a vehicle, when, by some mischance, she slipped and fell backwards, dislocating the elbow. Aid was quickly brought to the young lady, and the elbow put back, which is on the right way to recovery again now. *** TO the funds of the Anzac Appeal the Frankston Progress Association at its last meeting donated £1 1s from its funds. Mr J. B. Jolly the president of the association, personally has added a further £1 1s to the donation on his own behalf. The Progress association has therefore set a good example to other organisations in the town; and the local anzac appeal committee are hopeful of receiving other donanations from public bodies and clubs established in our town. The object of the appeal is truly a worthy one. *** A FINE collection of trophies to be presented to prize winners in the forthcoming Peace Pageant is on view in Mr Dalman’s shop window. There are seventeen prizes in all and Miss Gregory, who made the selection on behalf of the committee is to be complimented on the excellence of her choice. ***
THE winners of the recent euchre tournament (Mrs McSweeney and Mr J. C. Murphy,) held in connection with the Returned Soldiers League at Frankston have been presented with the prizes promised for the occasion. The lady received a handsome silver plated toilet set and Mr Murphy with a silver mounted umbrella. The substantial value of these gifts is quite quite in keeping with the well known generosity of the donor – Mrs Maloney of the Pier Hotel. *** THE public of Frankston do not intend Major Conder to depart from the district without showing in some measure the high esteem in which he is held by all classes of the community. On Monday night next a public social will be tendered him in the Mechanics’ Hall when he will be presented with an address from the citizens, and on the following Thursday 22nd inst. he will be entertained at a banquet at the Pier Hotel. Tickets for the latter function are being readily disposed of and to avoid disappointment any one desirous of being present should make early application to the hon. sec. (Mr T. J .McMurtrie) or the chairman of the committee (Cr W. J. Oates.) *** HEARD on the train That the Frankston programme for the Anzac appeal is creating general interest. That the first fixture is billed for to-night (Saturday) in the Frankston Hall. That the “ugly man” competition is being keenly contested. That the supporters of “Mark” are confident of an easy victory. That Mark himself thinks he stands
a very fair chance. That he says he has been waiting for something like this to turn up, ever since he was born. That the public farewell and presentation to be tendered to Major Conder in the Frankston Mechanics’ Hall on Monday night next should attract a large gathering. That the ladies are working enthusiastically and intend making the occasion one worthy of remembrance. That Major Condor is to be banqueted by the Frankston Male fraternity on the 22nd inst. That local arrangements for Peace celebrations have been completed in almost every detail. That the Germans will incur the displeasure of the Committee if they don’t hurry up and sign the Allies Peace terms. That Dandenong has decided to join in with the Peninsula Water supply scheme. That Moorabin Council is enquiring on what terms and conditions water from the Bunyip River scheme would be supplied to the Moorabbin district, and whether the department was prepared to take over the council’s existing scheme. *** MRS Gregory, of “Malunnah”, Frankston, has not been making the progress towards complete health her friends hoped for, and on Wednesday last she entered St. Ives Hospital to undergo a special course of treatment. Mr and Mrs Ed. McComb, who have been suffering from influenza for some weeks, are now well enough to return to their home. Their eldest son, who is in the Chelsea hospital, is not so well, and his condition is still giving cause for anxiety.
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Mr Geo. Barnett, who is an inmate of St. Pancras private hospital, is stated to be making satisfactory progress towards recovery. *** SOMERVILLE v. BALNARRING. THE football season was opened here last Saturday when Balnarring defeated the locals by a substantial total. The game, however, was not so onesided as the scores appear to indicate. The Balnarring team contained a number of veterans who played well together and caused Somerville trouble all day. The Somerville lads lacked cohesion and system but being young players that is only to be expected. When a number of their old players are incorporated in the team again improvement will be effected. Somerville players and chief faults were wandering from their places and allowing their opponents to get to the ball first. Instead of racing for the ball, a player would frequently stand back and allow his opponent to get it and then endeavor to stop him. Generally this policy is bad. The Balnarring ruck dominated the game all day, “Tiny” Buckley proving a tower of strength to them. All day he got the ball at the throw in and passed it to a man either in front or behind. This was the chief factor in Somerville’s defeat. The first quarter was fairly even the scores at the conclusion being Balnarring 4 points; .Somerville 1 point. Balnarring had the better of the second quarter and scored 3 goals 1 behind to 1 behind, the scores at half time being Balnarring 3.11; Somerville 0.2.
Somerville made a rally during the third quarter but could not manage to find the goal opening. They scored 4 behinds to their opponents 2.2., the scores at three quarter time being Balnarring 5.11; Somerville 0.6. Somerville played their best during the final term and although they only scored 1 goal they had the ball within a yard of the goal line on a number of occasions. During the quarter Balnarring bagged 4 goals. The final scores were Balnarring 9.11-65 points; Somerville 1.6-18 points. For the winners Buckley shone out prominently and others to give him splendid assistance were Van Suylan, Perryman and others. For the losers W. Griffiths played a splendid game. Johansen and S. McCulloch put in a lot of valuable work during the day while N. Unthank played very consistently throughout. T. Unthank and W. Lincoln played a fine game until each were crippled. L. Hutchison, W. Thornell, A. Millington also put in good work and will improve each game. J. Sheedy was a bit slow at starting but put in some dash during the latter portion of the game. Smithwick appeared to give satisfaction as umpire and his comment afterwards was that the game was remarkably fair and clean. It is to be hoped that all the games during the season will be played with the same spirit. *** FROM the pages of the Mornington Standard, 17 May 1919
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Western Port News
15 May 2019
ACROSS 1. Sharply serrated 5. Spaces (between) 7. Proverb 8. Back of neck 9. Article 10. Sports squads 11. Possessors 13. Restore to health
14. Liquid toppings 18. Made home in tree 21. Mast pole 22. Ethnic bias 24. Copy outline of 25. Festive occasion 26. Tired reflex 27. Creative thoughts 28. Prisoner’s room
29. Praises DOWN 1. Minors 2. Adult goslings 3. Moves suddenly 4. Model of virtue 5. Japanese hostesses 6. Prelude
12. Wild grass 15. Placate 16. Cut short 17. Wandered off course 19. Geological age 20. Forceful requests 22. Recycle 23. Church cellar
Puzzles supplied by Lovatts Publications Pty Ltd www.lovattspuzzles.com See page 37 for solutions.
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• Mornington • Rosebud • Seaford • Toorak Western Port News
15 May 2019
The Fine Line Between Wrong and Sacrilege By Stuart McCullough OMG. I mean that not as an idle turn of phrase or reflexive response to a stubbed toe or missing the number 67 tram, but literally. Without warning, my ears were assaulted by a malapropism of Biblical proportions. Easter is a significant time of year. So significant that it calls for some Easter-specific television programming. Just as the film ‘Gallipoli’ almost always screens on Anzac Day and no Christmas would be complete without a showing of ‘A Very Brady Christmas’, so too does Easter demand its fair share of attention. But woe betide to anyone who messes it up. I’m looking at you, ABC. Our national broadcaster really ought to know better. It’s been doing this kind of thing forever and really should be able to navigate all our public holidays with aplomb. Except ‘Grand Final Eve’, of course. Grand Final Eve remains a mystery to us all. Granted, the Queen’s Birthday holiday used to be difficult, but the Freddy Mercury biopic has fixed that forever. We were watching television. This, of itself, is not unusual in our house. I’d like to give you the impression that I spend all my down time underlining meaningful phrases in Proust’s ‘Remembrance of Things Past’ while listening to Wagner’s ‘Ring Cycle’ on a loop, singing along in the original German and eating sustainably sourced vegan biscuits that I baked myself over candlelight, but it’s just not true. I’m simply not as sophisticated as I’d like to be. Between shows, there were a series of adverts for upcoming programs. It was, I
guess, intended to build anticipation. It was then that it happened. They were promoting something entitled ‘Countdown to Calvary’. It was a documentary on the life of Christ hosted by Hugh Bonneville to be screened on Good Friday. The show promised to show how a ‘perfect storm of political intrigue,
power struggles and clashing religious passions combined’ to result in the death of Jesus. It sounded like Sunday school meets ‘House of Cards’ but I’m sure it was high quality viewing. The announcer, however, did not do it justice. Rather than refer to the ‘Countdown to Calvary’, she instead
described the program as being the ‘Countdown to Cavalry’. I don’t wish to be accused of nitpicking, but to me there is a world of difference between ‘Calvary’ and ‘Cavalry’. The former is the site at which one of the most significant events in our world’s history took place – the crucifixion of Christ. The latter involves horses and, possibly, the cast of FTroup. Say what you will, but there’s a world of difference between one of the Twelve Apostles and Corporal Randolph Agarn. The promo ended and this remarkable happenstance went by completely unremarked upon. Once, things would have been different and such an atrocity would never be allowed to slip through the keeper. Back in the day, the ABC had a show called ‘Backchat’, the sole purpose of which was to give ordinary Australians the chance to have a whinge with a national audience. It’s what people did before Twitter was invented. They sent in letters that were dutifully read out by Tim Bowden – a man with the patience of a saint. But for reasons that will forever remain a mystery, Backchat was canned in the mid nineties, most probably to make room for additional episodes of Antiques Roadshow. I’ve often wondered why certain television shows are allowed to run amok on particular channels. Channel 11 has ‘MacGyver’ on a permanent loop. The entire channel should be named in his honour. ‘Escape to the Country’ dominates channel 72 so completely that it practically has it on a leash. In fact, it screens so frequently that it makes you wonder
what they’re trying to escape. But Antiques Roadshow is in its own special, omnipresent category of ubiquity. Like a fungal infection, it is gradually spreading right across the national broadcaster and won’t stop until it achieves complete and total supremacy. Clearly, its ultimate aim is to wrangle its way into every available timeslot until the entire ABC network is nothing but wall to wall Antiques Roadshow. It’s getting too much. Matters aren’t helped by the fact that the dog seems devoted to it, so much so that she barely looks up when I enter the room while it’s on. I may well be jealous. For all their faults, I doubt the team from the ‘Roadshow’ ever get their ‘Calvarys’ and ‘Cavalrys’ mixed up. People who wear cravats simply don’t make those kinds of errors. They’d have something to say about it, too. Just like the hopeful who drags the family’s prized heirloom that he genuinely believes has been carted around the world and survived everything from shipwrecks to multiple global conflicts only to discover that it had been given away, free, with packets of Cornflakes in the mid-nineteen seventies and is practically worthless, the voiceover person responsible for this egregious error would be let down ever so gently. That’s the Antiques Roadshow way. Although if she accidentally referred to them as ‘Antique Roadhouse’ all hell would break loose. They’d have to send in the Calvary. stuart@stuartmccullough.com
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Western Port News
15 May 2019
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Western Port News
15 May 2019
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Trades Business Profile
scoreboard WESTERN PORT
Sharks hit troubled waters DIVISION ONE
By Brodie Cowburn SORRENTO have suffered their first loss for the season after going down in a shock defeat to the Frankston Bombers. The Bombers had been in shaky form to start 2019 and faced a tough challenge to defeat the Sharks. Playing in front of their home crowd, the Bombers got off to a positive start and by quarter time were up by 16 points. The Sharks bit back in the second term to close the gap to two point, but the Bombers re-established their buffer. Sorrento worked hard in the final term to whittle the margin back to six points, but eventually they ran out of time. The Bombers claimed victory 10.12 (72) to 10.6 (66). Leigh Poholke was prolific in front of goal for Sorrento, kicking four goals. His tally for the year stands at 27, putting him comfortably on top of the goal kicking table. At Eric Bell Reserve, Pines had more success keeping their unbeaten record for the year intact as they took on Frankston YCW. The Stonecats struck first in a scrappy contest and went into the first break ahead. The Pythons struck in the second term and established a comfortable 20 point lead, and were able to keep the Stonecats out of reach for the remainder of the game. Guy Hendry was at his best for the Pines, booting three goals in a low scoring affair. His Pythons side took the chocolates 8.13 (61) to 6.10 (46). Dromana continue to impress in the
MPNFL first division, scoring another big win for 2019 to cement their spot as a finals contender. Edithvale-Aspendale played host to the Tigers at Regents Park, and were looking to correct the curse after a disappointing start to the season. Both sides traded blows in an even first half, with the Tigers up by just a goal at half time. Dromana extended their lead to 11 by three-quarter time. Although EdiAsp were within reach, they were overrun in the final term. Dromana piled on five goals to one and secured the win 8.14 (62) to 14.15 (99). Sam Fowler was best afield for Dromana, booting three goals. Ethan Johnstone also put three goals on the board. Bonbeach played host to Mt Eliza in what turned out to be a scrappy contest. Both sides scored one goal between them in the first term before Bonbeach got out to a 17 point lead by half time. Mt Eliza cut the lead back to three points heading into the final term, but the Sharks kept their cool. Bonbeach defeated the Redlegs 9.6 (60) to 6.11 (47). The win puts Bonbeach up to fourth on the ladder. It was another tough day at the office for Mornington, who are now 0-6 to start the season. The travelled to take on Rosebud. The Bulldogs got off to a poor start with a goalless first term and never recovered. Rosebud were victors on the day, defeating Mornington 13.11 (89) to 7.8 (50).
Pythons strike again: Pines maintained their perfect record in 2019 with a 15-point win over Frankston YCW. Picture: Andrew Hurst
Bulls survive a huge scare against brave Tyabb DIVISION TWO
By Brodie Cowburn KARINGAL are now 7-0 to start the 2019 season, but only after suffering a massive scare against a brave Tyabb side on Saturday. Tyabb have struggled this year, only recording one win all season so far. Up against the rampaging Bulls, the Yabbies were massive underdogs. Despite the challenge facing them, Tyabb proved up for it with a massive performance. The Yabbies led all day and led by 20 points at three-quarter time, in pole position for a victory. With their backs to the walls the Bulls would need a huge last term performance to claim a comeback win, and they delivered. Karingal held Tyabb goalless in the last quarter, and were able to scrape home in a thrilling one point victory 9.10 (64) to 9.11
Tight win over Tigers: Hastings got back on the winners board with a six point win over Seaford. Picture: Andrew Hurst
(65). Marc Holt had another good game for his new side, kicking four goals. Although the loss will be tough to swallow, there were plenty of positives for the Yabbies to take out of their valiant effort. At Belvedere Reserve, Hastings got back on the winners board in a tight contest against Seaford. Both sides led at different points in a see-sawing contest. Up by nine at three-quarter time, Seaford looked to be in a good position to claim the win. Hastings were impressive in the final quarter and did enough to drag themselves over the line. They claimed victory 13.10 (88) to 13.16 (94). In the absence of Brendan Fevola, Luke Hewitt found the scoreboard with three goals for the victors. Red Hill hosted Devon Meadows as they looked to extend their excellent run of form. The Hillmen have been dominating teams as of late, and after holding Devon Meadows to just one goal in the first half looked as if they might continue that run. The Panthers held their own in the second half and stopped the contest from blowing out to a massive defeat. Red Hill still did more than enough to get the job done though, as the secured the four points with a 10.19 (79) to 5.4 (34) win. Aidan Marchesani was best
afield for the Hillmen. The win cemented Red Hill as the best defensive outfit in the competition. A four goal performance by Curtis Bywater has helped Chelsea secure a comfortable 60 point win over Rye at Chelsea Reserve. The Seagulls got things started on the right foot with an eight goals to one first term. From there Rye had no way back into the game. The Demons ended up defeated in a 15.16 (106) to 6.10 (46) loss. Langwarrin had a brilliant afternoon at Lloyd Park, hammering Pearcedale by over 100 points. Pearcedale could only manage one goal for the whole afternoon and couldn’t stop the Kangaroos’ onslaught. Jesse Murphy and Zach Andrewartha kicked four majors apiece and their side won the match 17.20 (122) to 1.6 (12). It was also another tough afternoon for Crib Point, as they were smashed by Somerville at Somerville Recreation Reserve. Somerville put 21 goals on the board and Crib Point could do nothing to stop them. The final score read Somerville 21.16 (142) to Crib Point 5.1 (31).
Western Port News
15 May 2019
WESTERN PORT scoreboard
Maizels takes over at Southern SOCCER
By Craig MacKenzie MELISSA Maizels is the new senior coach of Southern United. A fortnight after joining the struggling NPLW club the former Melbourne Victory, Perth Glory and Canberra United goalkeeper replaced Washington Castillo late last week. “I didn’t come here with the intention for this to happen but when this opportunity came I had to take it because it gives me the chance to effect as much change as possible and hopefully be part of the resurgence of Southern on the peninsula,” Maizels said. “I think Southern has suffered enough.” Administrative, coaching and player upheaval have plagued the club for the past two years. Last season it finished on the bottom of the league with just one point and five goals to show for its endeavours while conceding 188 goals. After 11 games this season Southern has no points, two goals for and 114 against. It’s tempting for Maizels to make wholesale changes to the senior squad but that’s unlikely. “I understand that Southern prides itself on its culture and that is something I want to maintain,” she said. “We definitely need to bolster our squad but I’m only interested in players who fit in with our culture. “I want good people because good people make a good club.” Maizels expects “a couple” of new players to train with Southern over the next week or so and “beyond that I’m planning to have some conversations with players to see if they want to be part of something that’s a little bit special.” Southern may soon have two venues it can call home. It is a co-tenant at Monterey Reserve with Frankston Pines, a venue set for a $3.9 million makeover and a co-tenant at the developing multi-million dollar multi-purpose facility at Wedge Road in Carrum Downs where work is underway on a fully floodlit synthetic pitch. “Any player that wants to be a part of that is a player I definitely want to talk to,” Maizels added. In NPL2 news Langwarrin had one of its best results of the season when it defeated Melbourne Victory 1-0 at Lawton Park on Saturday. Two superb through balls from Langy defender Luke Goulding in the first half set up scoring opportunities for Roddy Covarrubias then David Stirton but neither player capitalised and in the 30th minute Victory’s Yazid Said pounced on a defensive error and laid the ball off to Stefan Ristic whose low shot struck the inside of the near post and rebounded across the face of goal before being cleared. Both Victory players featured in a remarkable piece of goalkeeping from Langy’s Fraser Maclaren three minutes later when he saved Said’s close-range effort and recovered in time to block Ristic’s attempt from the rebound.
Southern switch: New Southern United senior coach Melissa Maizels.
The pivotal moment in a good footballing contest came in the 67th minute when Wayne Wallace’s cutback from the right of the area fell to the incoming Jordan Templin and he made no mistake from 10 metres. The win followed Langwarrin’s FFA Cup success last Tuesday night when it defeated State 5 opponent Waverley Wanderers 6-2 at Anderson Park. Langy led 4-2 at half-time thanks to a Covarrubias hat-trick and a Stirton goal. Stirton added to his tally in the 56th minute and an Alex Van Heerwarden cutback from the left in the 80th minute was slotted home by Luke Burgess at the back post. Langwarrin has drawn NPL heavyweight South Melbourne in the next round of the cup. In State 1 news Mornington hosted promotion contender Richmond last weekend and despite playing against 10 men for the majority of the contest had to settle for a 1-1 draw. The result put a dampener on the opening of the new verandah viewing area at Dallas Brooks Park and although Mornington welcomed back Sam Scott from injury and Josh Valadon from suspension its attacking stocks were depleted due to the transfer of Liam Baxter to Mazenod Victory and hamstring injuries to Amir Osmancevic and Nick Waite. Richmond’s inability to cope with a Sammy Orritt cross from the right in the 12th minute allowed Mornington midfielder Kane Bentley to open the scoring at the near post with a low strike. Richmond keeper Rani Dowisha was sent off just before half-time for deliberately handling outside his area. Mornington passed up gilt-edged chances to seal the issue and in the 97th minute Richmond’s Zois Galanopoulos turned on the edge of the area and struck a low shot through a sea of legs to snatch an equaliser. In State 2 news Peninsula Strikers had to settle for a 1-1 away draw
against Knox City on Saturday despite bossing the second half of the contest. Strikers’ goal came from a John Prescott penalty in the 16th minute with Knox equalising nine minutes later through Mohammed Rasuli. In State 3 news Skye United beat title chasing Collingwood City 3-2 at Skye Recreation Reserve last Friday night. This was a cracking contest and Skye started in style hitting the front in the 9th minute when Billy Painting stole in at the back post to strike home a free kick. A shove on Aaryn Rix in the 22nd minute earned a penalty and Daniel Walsh made no mistake from the spot. Skye was closing down opponents well and right on half-time Mark O’Connor made it 3-0 when he pounced on an ineffective clearance to hammer home a half-volley from just inside the area. Collingwood talisman Pat Makris was tripped in the 49th minute and converted the resultant penalty to make it 3-1. In the 66th minute Saj Sugrim failed to cut out a pass that sent Matt Richardson clear on the right and his low shot was parried by Skye keeper Jonathan Crook into the path of the incoming Michael Swimmerton who made no mistake from close range. Rix had two chances to give Skye breathing space but failed to convert and Stephen Mahon’s low shot in the 71st minute was just wide of the far post. Injury time was frenetic as Skye desperately tried to run down the clock and in the 96th minute the final whistle blew to signal the club’s best league result of the season. Fellow State 3 outfit Frankston Pines lost 3-2 away to Ashburton United last weekend despite leading twice. Pines’ goals came from Joe O’Connor and Jason Bradbury. In State 4 news Baxter won 2-0 away to Keysborough on Saturday to record a third straight win.
Be seen everywhere. PAGE 36
Western Port News
15 May 2019
Nat Daher put Baxter ahead in the 26th minute beating two opponents then curling the ball into the top lefthand corner of goal. Four minutes before half-time Lewis Gibson made it 2-0 from the penalty spot after Nathan Yole intercepted a poor back pass but was dragged down by Keysborough keeper Eric Babiak. James Foster was a standout for Baxter with some superb saves while Daher received a second caution in the 65th minute and will miss this weekend’s home clash with promotion hopeful Noble Park United. Meanwhile Seaford United lost 3-1 away to Noble Park United last weekend. Harry McCartney reports that Seaford struck first through a Dylan Waugh header in the 22nd minute but a mix-up between goalkeeper Anthony Madafferi and Dion Brown gifted an equaliser to Nemanja Salamandic in the 31st minute. A botched clearance fell to Alex Djukic in the 40th minute and his sidefoot volley put the home team ahead. Seaford was caught on the break in the 75th minute and Leigh Karavasil raced clear before lobbing the stranded Madafferi to complete the scoreline. In State 5 news Somerville Eagles had a 2-0 away win over promotion rival White Star Dandenong last Friday night. Big spending White Star struggled to create chances against a superbly organised Eagles outfit with Matthew Swanson and James McKenzie forming a formidable defensive barrier. It was a tense affair and it took until the 72nd minute for Somerville to break the deadlock when co-coach Dave Greening was first to react to a shot from the outstanding Charlie Conrath that struck the bar. Greening buried the rebound with a side-foot half-volley from 10 metres. Emotions spilled over in the 79th minute and Somerville substitute Joel Wade and White Star’s Peter Papado-
poulos were sent off. The issue was settled in the 84th minute when Carlo Cardoso sent Greening down the wing and he cut inside before laying the ball off to Mark Pagliarulo. The big Scot beat his marker and another defender before sending an unstoppable drive into the corner of goal then letting the White Star fans know all about it as Eagles’ players and supporters celebrated. The win was particularly satisfying for Greening who took to Facebook to describe the emotion: “After receiving dog’s abuse for 70 plus minutes from large sections of the crowd and opposition players, there is no better feeling than scoring and setting up another for your strike partner to win the game, silence the critics and have the last laugh.” Aspendale Stingrays had a 3-2 away win over Hampton Park United last weekend. The visitors got off to a flier with a Kenan Nuhanovic strike in the opening minute after an Adrian Pace cross wasn’t dealt with by Hampton Park keeper Dusan Hak Mandic. A Ryan Mravljak header in the 20th minute made it 2-0. But Hampton Park hit back with goals from Milad Juma and Mohsen Chehimi and it was 2-2 at half-time. Teenager James Macnab nabbed the winner in the 70th minute with a close range strike following a superb Ben Garside cross and the Stingrays endured a tense 20 minutes until the final whistle. Aspendale’s best were Jack Lindsay, Peter Dimopoulos and Pace. Rosebud won 2-1 away against Knox United last weekend with goals from Blake Hicks and Beau Sharp. It was an eventful afternoon for Hicks who took over in goal after Rosebud keeper James Cinar was sent off in the 63rd minute with Rosebud leading 2-0. Two minutes later Robert Taylor reduced the deficit but Rosebud held on for a win that takes it into the top half of the table. Please note that Rosebud’s clash with Somerville Eagles at Olympic Park, which was to be one of the upcoming round 8 fixtures, has been rescheduled so check Football Victoria’s website and club social media posts for the new date for this much anticipated local derby. This week’s games: SATURDAY, 3pm: Moreland City v Langwarrin (Campbell Reserve), Peninsula Strikers v Brandon Park (Centenary Park), Skye Utd v South Yarra (Skye Recreation Reserve), Frankston Pines v Diamond Valley Utd (Monterey Reserve), Seaford Utd v Sandown Lions (North Seaford Reserve), Baxter v Noble Park Utd (Baxter Park), Aspendale Stingrays v Bunyip District (Jack Grut Reserve). SATURDAY, 7.30pm: Geelong Galaxy Utd v Southern Utd (Stead Park), SUNDAY, 6.20pm: Beaumaris v Mornington (Beaumaris Secondary College).
WESTERN PORT scoreboard
Kah-Begg combination continue winning strike rate By Ben Triandafillou FORMER South Australian jockey, Jamie Kah, continued her successful strike rate with Mount Eliza-based racehorse trainer Grahame Begg by claiming a winning double at Sandown on Wednesday 8 May. The winning combination bought up their fourth victory from just nine runners (44 per cent strike rate) this season as up-and-coming fillies Global Sanction and Vanuatu respectively took out races two and five at the midweek meeting. The four-year-old Sebring mare, Global Sanction, kicked off proceedings with a gutsy last-to-first victory
Hands and heels: Jamie Kah guides the Grahame Begg-trained Global Sanction to victory at Sandown on Wednesday 8 May. Picture: Supplied
over the Lindsay Park-trained Sonaree and Matthew Brown-trained Exasperate, finishing a length-and-a-half away in third. Having taken some time to over-
it’s a very, very good facility”. Isabella Perez-Wood was the winning strapper of Global Sanction. A change in environment at Pinecliff and the addition of blinkers also worked wonders for Begg’s second winner, Vanuatu. Coming off a relatively “flat run” in Adelaide, Vanuatu returned to winning form having been given a quieter ride by Jamie Kah before storming home late to win by two-and-a-half lengths over the Cindy Alderson-trained Fudged and Luke Oliver-trained Hunboshi. Vanuatu was strapped by Marie-Melodie Pomarede. Begg said the trip may have just been too long last start.
come travel sickness from her threeyear-old season, Begg was stoked to see Global Sanction back to her best. “Her form in the spring was a bit indifferent but I think the key with her was to just space her runs,” Begg said post-race. “She came back and ran really well over 1200m. It was a tad short first up this time around, and we picked this race out for her. She found the line well and she (Jamie Kah) rode her extremely well.” Global Sanction has solely been trained out of the Jonathan Munzowned Pinecliff property which has made all the difference according to Begg: “It suits her needs perfectly and
“She’s a very talented filly,” Begg said. “Her first up run for us when she ran third behind the filly that went on to win the Bendigo Guineas (Mystery Love) was a very good form race and I’m sure this filly has got a bit of upside. “We went back and had a good look at her pedigree, and we thought well maybe the 1800m may have been a bit far for her so that’s where the whole idea of getting her back in distance came from.” Vanuatu is now likely to have one more run in Victoria before potentially heading up to Queensland for the later end of the Brisbane Winter Racing Carnival.
Under 19’s fly the flag again this week CRIB POINT FNC
AFTER a promising start this week in the U19’s a second quarter fight back from Somerville saw the game in the balance. With many missed opportunities on goal contributing to the close contest it proved only a matter of time before we got on top of the opposition and drove home a four goal win. Luke O’Born was judged best afield in his role, while Jett Bauer and Harry Field proved valuable contributors. With a 8.16 score line to finish the day, it may be time for a few to have a crack at the big sticks throughout the week. This win pushes us up into third place on the ladder. The reserves came up against a side in a position not too dissimilar to our own this week in Somerville. With
both teams with just the one win on the board this season it was fair to say this was one we saw ourselves having a fair crack at. Unfortunately, this was not reflected in the performance we put up. In a pretty dismal performance there were few positives to come out of the day but one that definitely stood out was Luke O’Born’s ability to shoulder the ruck load in the second half as a 17-year-old who had just had a BOG performance in the U19’s. Other notable efforts included those of Sam Parmenter and Beau Baker down back. Seniors took the opportunity to freshen up a few bodies throughout the week but it wasn’t enough to overcome a well drilled Somerville side. Struggling to find opportunities in the forward 50, scoring was well
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last minute! Best on went to Tomi for her amazing game in attack and accurate shooting. C Grade notched up their third win on the trot and have found some good form. The girls controlled the ball in the wet conditions and maintained possession when it counted. BOC went to Amie Collison for her strong rebounds and intercepts. B Grade had another slow start and unfortunate loss this week. Special mention to Laura Herrington for a great game and leadership in our attack end, and Tessa Moncrief who made an exciting comeback and added flare to our team. BOC went to Luka Jaimeson who worked tirelessly against experienced goalers and also provided excellent assistance offensively.
down this week, while in opposition, Somerville moved the ball forward with far too much ease. Old heads Luke Herrington, Brad Davidson & Jayden Espenschied lead the charge well all day but it wasn’t enough to stop a damaging Somerville outfit. In the netball the U/17s had a really positive game. The girls dug deep in the 4th quarter and were able to score over half of their total score. BOC went to Ciara who managed a number of intercepts and played a strong defensive game. D Grade continued their good form and took it to Somerville this week! Unfortunately, they didn’t come away with the win, but they played with the integrity and drive that we saw last week against Seaford. Credit to the entire team as they fought to the very
A Grade bounced back this week with a great win! It was nice to see the girls working on some of the things that didn’t go our way last week. It was a great team game with everyone doing their job and working hard! Coaches award went to Holly Adams for listening to instructions and working with the rest of the team to ensure that she was taking her player out of the game. This week we come up against Red Hill yet again after a four week turn around. This week’s match up has been labelled the Reconciliation Match and will take place as a stand alone Division 2 contest. Cultural ceremonies will begin at 1:30pm followed by the senior football game at 2pm.
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15 May 2019
Western Port News
15 May 2019