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5 December
Jumping to the top of her class
IN what seems has jumped froma very short time, Geena Davy being an unknown one that has athlete to won a gold medal level. at the national Eleven-year-old only began showingGeena Davy, of Red Hill, ability in horizontal ing about 14 months ago, jumpaccording to mother Rebecca. her “At school athletics Geena quickly through to state proceeded Jump and silver level, picking up gold in triple in “She was selectedlong jump,” Ms Davy said. to nationals at Lakeside represent Victoria Stadium, Melbourn at the November for e in long jump.” The five-day six at Balcombeevent saw Geena, who is in grade Grammar School, make a gold Mt Martha, winning jump of 4.89 metres distance that was –a However, Geenaalso a personal best. says the triple favourite event but athletes are jump is her pete at the national not level until they able to comGeena joined Southern Peninsula are 13. ics last year Little Athletand broke a near record last week 30-year club with a 10.50 As the athletics metre season has just triple jump. is competing begun Geena in sprint, hurdles her jumps events, 100 metre and discus. On top of her was recently athletics achievements, Geena graded for her zen do kai. brown belt in karate, “Geena now has a personal from strength to strength,” coach and is going Ms Davy said.
POWER company AGL is now called on by being ronment both the state Protection and and governments Biodiversity to provide further federal Conservation Act about likely The final scoping details impacts of the The decision 1999 (EPBC Act). requirements floating be made public import terminal followed will Communi with it wants to operategas residents to Environm letters from tion Crib Point. plan for the publican EES consulta- welcomed ty group Save Westernpo at Melissa rt Price detailing ent Minister in 2019. the state and The federal The Commonw federal govern- will not be allowed to their concerns ments’ about AGL’s government’s ealth Departme degrade the marine ecosystem plans. followed the Environment decision greater demands for AGL to nt of s of Western state governme and Energy The process provide provide detail about nouncement Port that said that the last week will now require what it terms so much benefit proposed AGL on 26 Novembent's an- project’s “many and pipeline AGL public operator APA processing terminal and hazards, including the cal recreation, fishing and sustain lor that potential comments are pipeline from to provide more informatio the businesse now open on and aquacultu health draft scoping Crib Point to Pakenham the Point residents” and safety risks to re s that rely requirements ronmental impactn, including an enviwas considere Crib for vironmental trolled action” Save Westernpo on a healthy bay.” . d a “constatement (EIS) effects statement the entailing likely “In light of AGL’s rt is urging members requiring assessmen of the public hazards to Western deand approval (EES). The 29-page t and its people are extremelypoor track record, to send submissio under the Federal draft scoping Port ments environment.assess require- the ns to Envi- these endangered species and report details concerned project and ment@delwp.vic. would be dealt how be investigat matters believe its many about gov.au by 5pm with. ed and document that will cannot be justified,” on 19 December risks EES for the gas To read ed in the member . Save Westernpo terminal and Julia Stockigt rt ments for the draft scoping requirepipeline. said. the EES go to “They want Savewesternport.org to know that this project
■ ■ ■ ■
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Extra hurdle for AGL’s ga s
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Western Port News 5 December 2018
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GIFT GUIDE 2018 Merry Christmas and thank you THERE is an old adage in newspapers that our role is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Nothing sums up what we do at Mornington Peninsula News Group better than this. The team has covered the tragedies and triumphs of 2018 with untiring effort. I thank my staff for their amazing work. We also have a band of dedicated volunteers who help with every issue. Without them, it would be difficult to source the stories and photos. Our sincere thanks to all of them as they make up the heart of what we produce – a community newspaper.
Our advertisers are essential for the newspapers to grow and for Western Port to have its own independently owned and operated community newspaper. They support local news in your community. We thank each and every one of them for their support and ask readers to reward them with their custom. Finally, we would like to thank our readers and assure you we are dedicated to making our papers bigger and better in 2019. Cameron McCullough, publisher, Mornington Peninsula News Group
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes. I love thee, Lord Jesus; Look down from the sky, And stay by my side until morning is nigh. Be near me Lord Jesus,I ask Thee to stay Close by me for ever and love me I pray Bless all the dear children in thy tender care And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.
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Wednesday 5 December 2018
5974 9000 or email: team@mpnews.com.au www.mpnews.com.au
Jumping to the top of her class IN what seems a very short time, Geena Davy has jumped from being an unknown athlete to one that has won a gold medal at the national level. Eleven-year-old Geena Davy, of Red Hill, only began showing ability in horizontal jumping about 14 months ago, according to her mother Rebecca. “At school athletics Geena quickly proceeded through to state level, picking up gold in triple Jump and silver in long jump,” Ms Davy said. “She was selected to represent Victoria at the nationals at Lakeside Stadium, Melbourne in November for long jump.” The five-day event saw Geena, who is in grade six at Balcombe Grammar School, Mt Martha, make a gold winning jump of 4.89 metres – a distance that was also a personal best. However, Geena says the triple jump is her favourite event but athletes are not able to compete at the national level until they are 13. Geena joined Southern Peninsula Little Athletics last year and broke a near 30-year club record last week with a 10.50 metre triple jump. As the athletics season has just begun Geena is competing in her jumps events, 100 metre sprint, hurdles and discus. On top of her athletics achievements, Geena was recently graded for her brown belt in karate, zen do kai. “Geena now has a personal coach and is going from strength to strength,” Ms Davy said.
Extra hurdle for AGL’s gas plan POWER company AGL is now being called on by both the state and federal governments to provide further details about likely impacts of the floating gas import terminal it wants to operate at Crib Point. The Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy last week said that the proposed AGL processing terminal and pipeline from Crib Point to Pakenham was considered a “controlled action” requiring assessment and approval under the Federal Envi-
ronment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The decision followed letters from residents to Environment Minister Melissa Price detailing their concerns about AGL’s plans. The process will now require AGL and pipeline operator APA to provide more information, including an environmental impact statement (EIS) detailing likely hazards to Western Port and its endangered species and how these would be dealt with.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
The final scoping requirements will be made public with an EES consultation plan for the public in 2019. The federal government’s decision followed the state government's announcement on 26 November that public comments are now open on the draft scoping requirements for the environmental effects statement (EES). The 29-page draft scoping requirements report details matters that will be investigated and documented in the EES for the gas terminal and pipeline.
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Community group Save Westernport welcomed the state and federal governments’ demands for AGL to provide greater detail about what it terms the project’s “many hazards, including the potential health and safety risks to Crib Point residents”. “In light of AGL’s poor track record, people are extremely concerned about the project and believe its many risks cannot be justified,” Save Westernport member Julia Stockigt said. “They want to know that this project
will not be allowed to degrade the marine ecosystems of Western Port that provide so much benefit and sustain local recreation, fishing and aquaculture businesses that rely on a healthy bay.” Save Westernport is urging members of the public to send submissions to environment.assessment@delwp.vic. gov.au by 5pm on 19 December. To read the draft scoping requirements for the EES go to Savewesternport.org Keith Platt
COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR Sponsored by Balnarring & District Community Bank® Branch Weight Loss Support Group FInding it a struggle to lose weight? Is it difficult to maintain your weight loss. Do you need support from others who have achieved what they set out to do or are still forging alongthe healthier lifestyle treck? Come to your local TOWN clowb. Senior Citizens Hall, Herring St, Hastings 9am - 10.30am Wednesdays. $48 membership fee then $6 per week. You are wecome to attend two meetings for free. Further info Tira 0433 509 487 Balnarring Bowls & Social Club Come join us to maintain fitness & good health, make new friends and have a laugh, enjoy social days and compete if you like. Located at Bruce St Reserve, Balnarring. 5983 1655 or info@balnarringbowls.com.au Holy Trinity Anglican Church Op Shop 2nd Saturday of each month Jumble sale inluding furniture, plants, larger items, along with bric a brac. The Op Shop (benhind Coles) in Churst St, Hastings. Any inquiries: Judy 0425 848 957 Balnarring & District Community Bank Staff members
DECEMBER Somerville Saturday Market 8 Dec, 8.30am – 12.30pm St Andrew’s Church, Eramosa Road West, Somerville. Contact Graeme 59776980 Christmas market Sat 8 Dec 9am-1pm Don’t miss a visit from Santa, Cribby Koala Coffee, community BBQ, Devonshire teas and just for kids, the Cribby Koala treasure hunt. Lots of indoor and outside stalls Christmas hamper raffle Crib Point Community House 7 Park Rd, Crib Point Ph: 5983 9888 email market@cpch.org.au Christmas Trees 10am – 2pm Dec 8, 9, 15 & 16 Sold by 1st Tyabb Scouts. Tyabb Scout Hall, Frankston Flinders Rd, Tyabb. Polio Have you or do you know anyone who had polio or is now experiencing after effects of polio? Please come to our support group meeting held at 11am on the second Saturday of each month at the Information Centre, Main St, Mornington. Enquiries: 5981 2540 Frankston Prostate Support Group The support group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 10am in the King Close Community Hall in Frankston North. Men with prostate health issues and their partners are invited to attend the support group for discussion on prostate health issues and some friendly banter. Details: 0407817996 (Gordon) Epilepsy Support Group Meet every 2nd Saturday at St Francis Xavier Parish, 60 Davey St, Frankston from 1pm – 3pm. Further details phone Sue 0407 509 519 or Cris 0437 386 867
Al-Anon Family Groups If your loved one drinks too much and you don’t know where to turn, Al-Anon Family Groups can help! Confidential meetings are held in Chelsea every Tues. 7.30 - 9.00pm at Longbeach Place, 15 Chelsea Road. No appointment necessary. New members welcome. Foster carer Every child deserves to smile. Make 2018 the year you make a difference. Become a Foster Carer with VACCA Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency. Express your interest by visiting www.vacca.org or calling 9480 7300. Information sessions every month held in your area. Mornington Peninsula Astronomical Society Public Stargazing Hear inspiring talks, view stars, planets, clusters and galaxies through our powerful telescopes every Friday in January, and then 8pm on the 1st Friday of every month at The Briars dark-sky observatory. Melways ref 151 E1. Bookings are essential. Small fee payable. Details www.mpas.asn.au or phone 0419 253 252. Find us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/mpas0/ Better Breathers Respiratory Support Group Every 4th Monday of the month Better Breathers support group meet in the meeting room at the Mornington Information Centre, cnr Elizabeth and Main Sts from 2.00 to 4.00pm. We offer education and support for patients and carers coping with chronic lung disease with the aim of leading an improved quality of life. Details Christine 0419 314 587 Dog Park The Langwarrin Community Centre needs support to allow a purpose-built disabled friendly and fenced Dog Park in Langwarrin. Please support this fully funded dog park project by signing a petition at Langwarrin Community Centre or Harcourt’s Langwarrin.
Living with Autism Spectrum Resource support group, Monthly meetings Mondays, No cost. Phone for dates. Wallaroo Community Centre, Hastings. Contact Gaye Hart 0439 576 690 or gaye. hart@goodshep.org.au
Girl Guides The Overport Frankston Girl Guide Unit is looking for adult volunteers to assist, either if wishing to become a leader/assistant leader or Helper for the Girl Guides. If you are interested in volunteering your time on Wednesday nights, by assisting the unit leader in mentoring, supporting the Guides or helping out practically; please give the unit leader a call on 0414612715.
Probus Club of Somerville 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9.45am St Andrews Church Hall, Eramosa Rd West. Activities, guest speakers, trips. All welcome. Contact Val 5977 6686. Hastings View Club Voice Interest Education of Women Raising funds for the Learning for Life Program. Meeting 3rd Friday of the month at 12noon at The Hastings Club, Marine Parade, Hastings. Contact Janet 0403 786 069.
Mornington Peninsula Family History Society Internet access to Ancestry, Find My Past & British newspaper archives. Also Aust BDM’s on CD’s. Library open Tues & Thurs 10.30-2.30pm & Sun 2-5pm $10 Non Members Details 9783 7058. Frankston South Recreation Centre, Towerhill Rd, Frankston Mornington Peninsula Welsh Ladies Choir We warmly welcome new choristers to join a happy and supportive group of women who love singing together. No, you don’t have to be Welsh. No Welsh speaking skills are needed and no auditions are required. We rehearse on Sunday evenings in the comfort of the Frankston Uniting Church, High Street, Frankston. For more information contact Helen 0424719291 or email our secretary: secretarympwlchoir@gmail.com Peninsula Activities Group We welcome visitors to join in outings & trips. Meets in High Street Frankston for a cuppa and nibbles, book future activities and hear a speaker of interest. Joana 9775-2304 Book Fair The Mornington Lions Club Annual Charity Book Fair will take place on January 5 & 6 at Peninsula Community Theatre, Mornington. Donations of books welcomed. Contact Aileen 0413 507 000 for pick-up/ drop-off information.
Social Bridge Each Wednesday 1.30pm-3.30pm. Come along to Social Bridge held in the Flinders Golf Club. All players are welcome and assistance is available for notvice palyers. Cost is $5.00 per person. Please contact Candy 0409 417 724 or email: candace.ormerod@gmail.com Dog Lovers Walking Group Join us for friendship, fun and exercise for dogs and owners. Baxter Park (Near Tennis Courts). Tuesdays at 8:30 am & 9:30 am & Thursdays at 9:30 am. Great for puppies. Regular social events as well. Contact Suzanne on 9789 8475 Hastings Senior Citizens Club Over 55? Have a cuppa and join us Mon-Fri 1-3pm Monday–bingo snooker & craft Tuesday–carpet bowls Wednesday–art or cards Thursday–cards Friday–board games Saturday–bingo fortnightly. Located at Herring St, Hastings Mornington Peninsula Community Dog Club Come and have fun with your dog while training it. We welcome dogs of any age. Every Saturday morning at Citation Oval, Mt Martha. Beginners class is at 10.15am. We help you to train your dog to listen to you and be obedient using positive reinforcement, through fun and games and everyday life experiences. For more info contact June 0407846991 or www.dogclub.org.au. Are you a Breast Cancer survivor? If so come and join us for a paddle in our Dragon Boat. We offer 3 ‘come and trys’ before joining our club. The 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at Patterson Lakes, Carrum For fun, fitness and friendship. Call Marilyn 0433 114 338 or Lyndsay 0425 743 455.
Combined Probus Club of Balnarring Third Friday of each month at 10am. Held at the Balnarring Community Hall Frankston-Flinders Rd, Balnarring. Guest speakers each month covering a wide range of subjects. The club has a diverse range of interest groups, outings and travel, Visitors and prospective new members are welcome. Contact Patsy Wilson on 5983 9949. Hastings Combined Probus Club Meets the 1st of the month at the Hastings Sports Club. Retired men and women are invited. Outstanding guest speakers at each meeting, day trips, sea cruise, discussion groups, luncheons. Visitors welcome, Contact Dulcie 0417 1306 43. Duplicate Bridge Every Monday at 9.00am. The Flinders Bridge Group meets every Monday for Duplicate Bridge at the Flinders Golf Club. All players welcome (partner required). Cost is $5.00 oer person. Please email Peter on thelains@live.com.au.
Mornington Peninsula Veterans Cricket Calling former and current cricketers over 60 wishing to re-establish their cricketing prowess to join us at the RM Hooper Oval, Graydens Road Tuerong on each Friday at 3 pm for a hit/training. Register your interest or for more information call Michael 0407 823 619 or Ian 0477 713 614 or email: mbou2030@bigpond.net.au
JAN/MAR 47th Mornington Rotary Art Show 18-26 Jan, 10am-5pm Cnr Nepean Hwy & Wilsons Rd, Mornington $8 entry. Over 850 paintings and photographs from across Aust for viewing and sale. This is a quality art show and is now one of the largest in Vic. Ph 59883305 Quilt & Art Expo Sat 30 March, 10am – 4pm Calling for entries of quilts, crafts & art works. $2 entry per item (limit 2 per person). Judged by the public. Entries close 8/3/19. Crib Point Community House, phone Call 5983 9888
COMMUNITY EVENT CALENDAR The next Community Event calendar will be published 9th January 2019. Email your free listing to communityevents@mpnews.com.au by 2nd January 2019.
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Western Port News 5 December 2018
Arrests follow wild nights, fights at Rye Keith Platt keith@mpnews.com.au POLICE arrested nine people at Rye on Saturday following a series of drunken brawls that have been connected to schoolies’ celebrations. Police reinforcements and several specialist units were called to the township following a near riot two weekends ago and a brawl on the pier on Friday night. While there are few, if any organised schoolie events at Rye, there is no shortage of “schoolies accommodation” being offered for the annual pre-Christmas visit by schoolies. After the first schoolies incident on Saturday 24 November the mayor, Cr David Gill said “it shouldn’t be lost in the post mortem of this that the loss of the dedicated Vic Pol youth resource officer team … has significantly changed the longstanding partnership relationships this year and the apparent Vic Pol approach to schoolies in Rye”. He said the police team had been “absolutely invaluable in providing a positive and problem-solving focused interface between schoolies [and] other youth services” during his six years as a volunteer team leader with the Red Frogs organisation which “provides a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments … and promotes alcohol-free and/ or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments”. Police were also called to several “disruptive parties” on Friday night at Rye and Blairgowrie. It is understood partygoers aged in their late teens to early 20s then moved on to the pier.
A number of people were injured during the pier brawl and were treated by ambulance officers at the scene. Police media officer Leading Senior Constable Melissa Seach said the crowd at the pier three bottles at police who retaliated with capsicum spray. While investigations continue, two people are expected to be issued with infringement notices for riotous behaviour. Police said patrols at Rye had been increased “due to the unruly behaviour recently”. Specialist units called in to combat trouble on Saturday night included the Public Order Response Team, mounted branch and the dog squad. Despite the visible presence of police a large crowd gathered at the foreshore with police responding to several brawls and drunken behaviour about 11pm. Police had earlier declared the foreshore and immediate surrounds a designated area for a weapons search. More than 30 people were searched for weapons although no arrests were made. However, nine people were arrested in relation to “riotous behaviour”, possessing drugs and possessing liquor and being drunk in a public place. “Those participating in schoolies are reminded to be mindful and respectful of the community and any antisocial and drunken behaviour will not be tolerated,” Leading Senior Constable Seach said. Anyone with any information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential crime report to www. crimestoppersvic.com.au
Benefits flow from beached surfers ENTHUSIASM, if not waves, won the day when teams of surfers descended on Pines Beach, Shoreham for the second annual DSAMP Champs contest. Dressed “in wild costumes to match the occasion”, the surfers had to be content with beach games in their efforts to compete against one another. Rod Jones, of the Disabled Surfers Association Mornington Peninsula (DSAMP) said the “offbeat” competition attracted 15 teams. Organised by the Peninsula's Maladiction Longboarders Club the event raised $2700 for DSAMP’s surfing days at Point Leo, the second Champs event Champs on Sunday 10 November saw surfers dressed as animals, pirates, 1960s rockers, 1970s dudes, a “very hairy Snow White with his dwarves, Mexicans, Where’s Wally, monkeys and a banana, superheroes and even a couple of sharks”, Jones said. “With little to no waves on offer the event kicked off with a series of beach games, ranging from nearest to the pin golf to six–legged races
where all members of the four-surfer teams were tied together by the legs and told to run. “These were followed by a paddle race, and finally a surf expression session, in pumping two foot waves.” The paddle race with a Mick Pierce semi-gun surfboard first prize was won by Tony Reid. “The lack of waves turned out to be a bonus, as everyone could be involved all the time rather than waiting around for their surf heat,” Jones said. Major prizes were drawn from a hat, giving every team an equal chance of winning. A dinner for four at Stillwater Restaurant (donated by Peninsula Speech Pathology Services) was won by the Sea Sirens, a team which also won best costume for its shark suits. Sponsors included Bass Surfboards, Trigger Brothers Surfboards, Golden Breed Flinders, Jetty Road Brewery, Crittenden Estate Wines, and Dromana Estate Wines. The next DSAMP surf days will be held at Point Leo on Saturday 12 January and 5 March 2019. Keith Platt
Western Port News
5 December 2018
Running free: A group of dogs playing on the leashfree beach at Safety Beach.
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Shire cleans up messy dog laws Mornington Peninsula Shire’s rangers have been using “conflicting” laws for the past eight years when issuing infringement notices to dog owners. The “discrepancy” was revealed only after “a diligent search of council records”. To clean up its legal blunder council was last month forced to revoke an order gazetted on 11 February 2010. Prosecution officer Gustav Cook, in a report to council’s 9 October meeting, said that despite the “absolutely irreconcilable” orders made under the Domestic Animals Act and adopted in 2007 and 2010, all infringement notices issued under them “remain valid and enforceable”. “Important to note, is that both of the orders are valid, though inconsistent,” Mr Cook stated in his report. The problems with the conflicting dog rules were unearthed during a review of the shire’s leash-free areas. One of the problems (revealed by The News
and not the shire’s review “Dogs cleared to use beach” 18/9/18) was illustrated earlier this year when it became clear that shire officers were warning dog owners off at beach at Mt Martha North which was actually part of the leash-free Hawker Beach. The rangers needlessly visited the 70 metre long stretch of sand more than 40 times over the 2017/18 summer. Leash-free signs have been reinstalled at the beach. Mr Cook’s October report to council said dogs were required to be on a leash in public places, except for 63 areas where “this requirement is varied, to prohibit dogs completely or to allow them to be off-leash”. He said council officers would review and audit off-leash and prohibited areas for dogs “including engaging with the public … to address the current issues to control dogs in public places”. Keith Platt
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Western Port News 5 December 2018
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Federal Libs blamed for lost support Keith Platt keith@mpnews.com.au THE failed bid in August by Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton and Flinders MP Greg Hunt to be prime minister and deputy Liberal Party leader is being blamed for much of the party’s loss of support on the Mornington Peninsula. The Liberals Nepean candidate Russell Joseph was last Friday reconciled to accept defeat in an election that saw Daniel Andrews’ state Labor swept back to power with nearly twice the number of MPs as the Liberals. “It’s all a bit confusing, but I’m not particularly optimistic,” Mr Joseph said as the Victorian Electoral Commission announced the latest voting figures showing Labor’s Chris Brayne ahead by about 800 votes with about 90 per cent of votes counted. “I’m just waiting for a phone call. I guess I’ve just got to suck it up and see.” Mr Brayne’s campaign manager Josh Sinclair said late Friday that the Labor candidate “won’t be doing anything until we find out if he’s definitely won”. Nepean, along with the neighbouring seats of Mornington and Hastings has long been regarded as a Liberal stronghold. Although they too lost support, David Morris (Mornington) and Neale Burgess (Hastings) appeared to be safely past the winning post after polling closed on the Saturday 24 November election. While being philosophical about his loss to his young Labor opponent, Mr
Voters’ choice: Labor’s Chris Brayne, left, seems certain to win the state seat of Nepean while losing Liberal candidate Russell Joseph, right, faces the reality of finding a new job. Pictures: Yanni
Joseph was critical of the events surrounding the Liberals’ federal leadership change in August. “Absolutely, yes,” he said, when asked if the turmoil had lost Liberal votes on the peninsula. Last week Mornington MP David Morris blamed the party’s federal leadership woes for losing “less than one third of the swing against us”. Mr Joseph said he had received emails from “lifelong Liberal supporters” explaining that they could not vote for him because of the federal unrest. He said he had passed these messages on to Mr Hunt who, after he and Mr Dutton failed to win the backing of their colleagues, was reappointed health minister by Scott Morrison who
eventually succeeded Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister. Mr Joseph said Mr Hunt’s role in the leadership crisis - “the Dutton-Hunt ticket” - was “particularly felt down here [on the peninsula]”, a problem that he thought would linger and affect the outcome of next year’s federal election. “Denial is not just a river in Egypt,” Mr Joseph said. “I’ve been batting for and defending Greg for the past seven months.” Mr Hunt told The News the state election result was “a very sad and difficult day for the Liberal Party and Liberal voters here in Victoria”. “People vote for a variety of reasons and I respect and acknowledge all of those. It is absolutely important
that we listen to the electorate and understand the messages and the vision they’re seeking from the party. “In five of the last six Victorian elections, the Liberal Party has not been successful, compared to six of the last eight elections federally. We will assess the election result, as we do with all elections, while continuing our work representing the people of Victoria.” Mr Hunt did not respond when asked if he felt his bid to be deputy leader, alongside Peter Dutton, had any effect on Liberal voters on the peninsula; if he had been contacted by Liberal party members or candidates saying they believe leadership instability at the federal level had caused a drop in support; or if he believed he had the same level
of support among his constituents today as he had before the change of prime minister A former builder and project manager, Mr Joseph was seen as the heir apparent for Nepean which had been held since 2002 for the Liberals by Martin Dixon. Mr Joseph had worked in Mr Dixon’s electoral office for the past six years and was well known in community groups, service clubs and for championing causes for the southern peninsula. He worked alongside government departments on various projects and was not shy to approach Labor MPs if that was the way to secure support. He spoke about the need for bipartisan support for long term issues. “I’m still passionate about the community and would like to see some of those projects comer to fruition. I just won’t be able to drive them as a member of parliament,” Mr Joseph said. While needing “meaningful employment” he doesn’t want to return to building. His last years in that industry had been stressful, caring for his wife Mary who had had a stroke and “recalcitrant plumbers and electricians”. “I was project managing at up to eight different sites, which made things really difficult,” he said. Sitting and waiting for the final bell to ring on this his first bid to gain elected office, Mr Joseph said it was too early to decide on another try. “At the appropriate time I’ll make a public account [of the election] and apologise and say sorry to all the people that supported me.”
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Western Port News
5 December 2018
Cancer drivers conned for lift By Barry Morris VOLUNTEER drivers are angry and disappointed that a woman who didn’t have cancer used a free transport service to get a lift to a Melbourne hospital for an x-ray. The woman called the Southern Peninsula Cancer Support Group, where some of the drivers are former cancer patients, and asked for a lift to and from hospital. The woman also requested that the service call her on the day of her appointment to wake her up. She then asked for the driver to take her dog to a friend’s home so that it would be looked after. Taking it a step further, the women negotiated with the driver to stop on the trip from Blairgowrie to the city for a cup of coffee that she would need desperately. “We’ll have plenty of time,” she said. On the trip up, the woman confessed that she did not have cancer but had been unable to find anyone else to take her to hospital to have an x-ray and see a doctor. The driver told her that she would take her on this occasion, wait for her and drive her home, but that the service would not be able to take her again. On the way back, the woman asked the driver to take her to the TAB so she could top up her account. The driver told her it was either her dog being picked up, or the TAB. She opted for the dog. The driving service’s principal coordinator Jan Harris said the woman’s
Help for those in need: cancer patient Ron Carter with volunteer Southern Peninsula Cancer Support Group driver Kim Reynolds. Picture: Gary Sissons
action had placed pressure on drivers who were stretched to the limits carrying up to 50 patients a week. “We are driving seriously ill cancer patients to hospitals and cancer centres in Melbourne, Frankston and elsewhere on the peninsula - this woman’s action would have cost us $150 in petrol reimbursement and other costs,” Ms Harris said.
“It’s unfortunate that someone should abuse our service in this way. “It is also a reflection that few alternative transport choices are available.” A Catholic nun, Sister Carmel McFaull, founded the cancer support service more than 30 years ago. Sister Carmel, awarded an Order of Australia in 2007, started by driving a young Sorrento woman with breast
cancer up to the city for treatment. When locals heard of Sister Carmel’s actions, others offered to help leading to the formation of the cancer drivers’ group. The group desperately needs more drivers and money to help with its work. Anyone willing to help can ring the group on 0429 624 375.
More police to put a stop to school speeders POLICE presence at schools in Frankston and on the Mornington Peninsula will soon increase to issue fines to speeding drivers. A Frankston Council statement said that “due to ongoing complaints and incidents” there would be an increase in police “patrolling local school zones and issuing fines to drivers doing the wrong thing.” Frankston mayor Cr Michael O’Reilly said “keeping kids safe as they get to and from school is everyone’s responsibility.” “Reducing your speed from 60kph to 40kph to travel through a 400 metre school speed zone only adds around twelve seconds to your overall travel time. This reduction in speed could save a child’s life. Most people do the right thing, however some drivers are committing offences with little regard to the safety of children, parents and other road users,” he said. Exceeding the speed limit by less than 10 kph can result in a $201 fine and the loss of a demerit point. Exceeding the speed limit by between 25 kph and 30 kph can result in a $443 fine and a three month licence suspension. Failing to stop at a children’s crossing could also lead to a $403 fine.
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Western Port News 5 December 2018
There’s no questioning the facts. In a bushfire, most homes burn down due to ember attack. It’s your responsibility to be fire ready this summer, so prepare your property, fire plan and emergency kit now. On high-risk fire days, leaving early, before a fire starts, is always the safest option. Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
Daily water quality checks go online THE Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has started its summer water quality tests at Mornington Peninsula and Frankston beaches. The forecasts over the next four months will cover eight peninsula beaches and four at Frankston. EPA chief environmental scientist Dr Andrea Hinwood said last year’s forecasts for peninsula illustrated how conditions could vary from beach to beach. “Last season, good water quality was forecast for Sorrento beach 81 per cent of time – the second highest score [out of 36 beaches in Port Phillip],” she said. “But a few kilometres away, Rye beach had forecasted good water quality 72 per cent of the time – among the lowest scores. “Many different things, like recent rainfall, stormwater drains and the nature of the beach, contribute to water quality.” The EPA yesterday (Monday) rated water quality on 10 peninsula beaches as being poor and fair after a weekend of mixed weather conditions which included high temperatures (30 degrees) and strong northerly winds on Saturday with rain and south westerlies on Sunday. Conditions at Portsea, Sorrento, Rosebud, Safety Beach, and Mt Martha were fair, while beach goers at Blairgowrie, Rye, Dromana, Mornington and Canadian Bay were rated poor. Dr Hinwood said rainfall was a risk to water quality because it washed substances like oils and detergents, and litter and dog poo into the stormwater system, which then discharged into the bay. “A good day at the beach isn’t just about a sunny day, you should also be checking for good water quality to reduce your risk of getting sick
from water-borne pathogens,” she said. “Children, the elderly and people with vulnerable immune systems have the highest risk for getting ill from water-borne pathogens which is why we’re calling on parents to ‘make sure it’s ok, check Yarra and Bay’.” On yarraandbay.vic.gov.au beaches are rated as Good, Fair or Poor. On Fair days, people should check for signs of pollution, such as discoloured water, odour, rubbish and stormwater drains flowing, before deciding whether or not to swim. On Poor days, the water quality is not suitable for swimming. “EPA’s ongoing advice is to avoid swimming for up to 48 hours after heavy rain as in that time there may be a higher risk of illness from increased bacterial levels,” Dr Hinwood said. “But we know Melbourne’s weather can go from stormy to sunny very quickly so the Yarra and bay report will provide more localised and timely information to ensure people can safely enjoy as many beach days as they want this summer.” The twice-daily water quality forecasts will be published online at yarraandbay.vic.gov.au. Based on water quality forecasts for 1 December 2017 – 12 March 2018: Sorrento had 81 per cent Good days; Safety Beach – 81 per cent Good days; Portsea – 80 per cent Good days; Rosebud – 80 per cent Good days; Blairgowrie – 78 per cent Good days; Dromana – 75 per cent Good days; Canadian Bay – 71.5 per cent Good days; Rye – 72 per cent Good days. Two locations at Frankston recorded 71.5 per cent Good days; Carrum – 77 per cent Good days; and Seaford – 73 per cent Good days. Keith Platt
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Western Port News
5 December 2018
Western Port
Proudly published by Mornington Peninsula News Group Pty Ltd
PHONE: 03 5974 9000
Fixers get toy Ted back on track
Published weekly. Circulation: 15,000
Journalists: Stephen Taylor, Brodie Cowburn 5974 9000 Photographers: Gary Sissons, Yanni Advertising Sales: Martyn Ashton 0481 289 154 Real Estate Account Manager: Jason Richardson 0421 190 318 Production/Graphic design: Marcus Pettifer, Danielle Espagne Group Editor: Keith Platt 0439 394 707 Publisher: Cameron McCullough REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Peter McCullough, Stuart McCullough, Andrew Hurst, Craig MacKenzie. ADDRESS: Mornington Peninsula News Group PO Box 588 Hastings 3915 Email: team@mpnews.com.au Web: www.mpnews.com.au DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: 1PM ON THURS 6 DECEMBER 2018 NEXT ISSUE PUBLICATION DATE: WED 12 DECEMBER 2018
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THERE was not much of Beth Young’s cycling teddy bear being thrown on the tip, but the mechanical toy is now up and rolling thanks to the volunteer “fixers” at the Mornington repair Cafe. Ms Young, 94, (pictured) was one of the dozen “clients” who took a broken item to the cafe’s opening earlier this month. Volunteers experienced in repairing household goods are opening up a repair cafe in Mornington. The fixers, all experienced in repairing household goods and all members
of the Peninsula branch of Solve Disability Solutions, set up shop at the Mornington Men's Shed on Sunday 18 November. Bill Hallett said 12 people went along seeking repairs to bicycles, an antique piano stool, a Sony Walkman karaoke tape deck and Ms Young's cycling teddy bear. A similar volunteer repair workshop is already up and running at Rye Community Centre, following on from the first Repair Cafe which opened in Holland in 2009. Mr Hallett said the idea of the repair
cafe was to help people keep their items - small furniture pieces to bikes, toys, crockery and computers – in working order and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. The fixers draw the line at repairs to mains electrical goods for safety reasons. The next open day at the Mornington Repair Cafe will be Sunday 20 January at the Men’s Shed, 91 Wilsons Road, Mornington. Details for the repair cafes are on the Mornington and Rye Facebook pages or call 0409197307. Keith Platt
Stakeholder Workshop Mornington Peninsula Shire is hosting workshops for café, wellness, allied health and beauty providers to help inform the services at the highly anticipated Rosebud Aquatic Centre. Operators who have expert knowledge on key learnings, advice and considerations for best practise in their industry will be attending this session. Rosebud Aquatic Centre will be designed and constructed over a three-year period, with the aim of opening late 2020.
Workshops The workshops will be held at the Mornington Library on Monday 10 December 2018.
• Café Operator Workshop • Wellness/Allied Health/Beauty Operators Workshop For more information about the workshops contact the Sport and Recreation team 0468 599 207 amy.frost@mornpen.vic.gov.au
For more information about this project mornpen.vic.gov.au/rosebudaquatic
Western Port News 5 December 2018
Perfect Christmas gift!
Shire looks for help to avoid deeper pool debt Keith Platt keith@mpnews.com.au MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire councillors have refused to lift the cost cap on the Rosebud Aquatic Centre. In March, the council capped the centre’s budget at $41.57m, but the latest estimates now put the cost at $46.63m. The net cost to council was put at $36.57m after taking into account $5m from the federal government, $3m less than was sought. In a bid to avoid delaying construction of the centre, councillors last week accepted a design for an eight-lane pool and agreed to seek expressions of interest and then tenders from builders. But they refused to accept the $5m increase and instead will consider a “funding strategy” over the $41.57m cap once tenders have been received. While no grants have been received from the state government, it has offered the shire a 15year $10 million loan. The mayor Cr David Gill told The News that fresh applications would be made for state grants next year. He said the decision to seek tenders from builders was made because delays were adding up to $180,000 a month to building costs. “There’s so much building going on [elsewhere], that costs just keep rising,” he said. The design by Peddle Thorp Architects adopted by council is described by the shire’s aquatic centre project leader David Hampton as being light-filled with soaring ceilings and curved roofs that “give the appearance of a sand dune structure along Boneo Road”. “Breakout spaces and void overlooking the entry creates a sense of volume and entry celebra-
tion,” Mr Hampton stated. After a similarly enthusiastic description of the building’s exterior, Mr Hampton’s report moved onto costs which, he said, had increased since the 2017 business case. The original 10-lane pool had risen by $6.5m and the eight lane version by $5.06m, with the details being contained in documents not available to the public. The pool is so shallow at one end that only experienced swimmers will be able to have a dive start during competitions. And even then they must dive in from the concourse and not from diving blocks. “For school carnivals, with less experienced swimmers, competitors in a relay race will be required to start at the shallow end, in the water,” Mr Hampton said. However, it appears the architects have not had it all their way, with Mr Hampton reporting “there remains a difference in professional opinion on some visual presentation elements”. He said some “key recommendations” had been knocked back by the shire-appointed design advisory panel. He said the panel preferred timber columns on the aquatic centre’s Boneo Road frontage whereas Peddle Thorp Architects had argued that timber columns was “excessively expensive … give the building a heavy appearance and results in alternate light and dark shading of the aquatic interior space”. The architects had wanted walls of perforated metal “allowing filtering of interior light, cost efficiency and giving lightness to the building fabric”. While the architects wanted “the vast interior of the aquatic hall” the panel wanted separate the panel wanted “a series of coffered spaces within the ceiling to express a human scale”.
Place to play: Tootgarook Pre-School director Deb Varkevisser in the new playground with some of her pupils. Picture: Yanni
Play time follows 10 days’ work WHILE the plans were made last year, it took just 10 days to transform Tootgarook PreSchool’s outdoor play area into an “amazing, creative and wonderful sensory area for our three and four year groups to explore”. Director Deb Varkevisser said the school was able to pay for the landscaping with money raised by “our past kinder families”. Past president, Kylie McGowan was the “key
instigator in getting the wheels in motion, along with our teaching staff, in 2017”. Ms Varkevisser said administrative manager Robina Locke “communicated with the landscapers and was instrumental in helping bring our dream to fruition”. The new play area includes a “buddy bench” in memory of Melissa Connelly, a mailbox, stage, water pump, climbing net and sand pit.
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Western Port News 5 December 2018
THE new Rye boat ramp was officially opened on Friday with the Safety Beach Coast Guard boat being first off the ramp and into the water. The controversial extra ramp was built as part of a major upgrade, with $648,000 from Mornington Peninsula Shire and $588,000 from Transport Victoria. The mayor Cr David Gill predicted the new ramp would cut boat launching and retrieval times “from 51 minutes to 16 minutes” during the busy season. While seeing the Rye works an “investment”, Cr Gill said an election policy announcement by
the incoming Labor government should reduce the $250,000 spent on boat ramps each year by the shire. “The announcement of Labor’s Better Boating Fund has now signaled a fairer and more sustainable policy for the boating community with all funds raised from boating registration and licensing going back directly into boating and fishing,” Cr Gill said. “This commitment will hopefully see the end of the current confused, bureaucratic and inefficient system of funding boat ramps and piers that has wasted resources and been inadequately
The Pillars fenced off for summer Keith Platt keith@mpnews.com.au
funded for years leaving local government and their ratepayers funding much needed boating facilities. “We look forward to working collaboratively with the state government to have this commitment come to fruition”. Also at the boat ramp opening were Marcus Higgins (Transport for Victoria), Steve Walker (CEO Boating Industry Association Victoria) and representatives from the marine industry, Rye Lions Club and Simpson
Construction Company. Cr Hugh Fraser said “a lot of hard work” had enabled the ramp to be open for summer. “The extra boat ramp and renewal of the existing boat ramps was much needed and will make a positive difference to the boating community. It will ultimately make the area safer for its users and making it easier, quicker and safer to get all watercraft in and out of the water,” he said.
MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire is poised to start fencing off access to The Pillars cliff jumping site of the Esplanade, Mt Martha. The 450 metre wire mesh fence will run parallel to the road between Deakin Drive and Marguerita Avenue. Classified as a temporary fence, the $200,000 structure has been given the go ahead by VicRoads. Last year the shire failed to get backing for the fence from either the state government of Aboriginal Victoria. This year the shire sought indemnity from the state government after receiving advice that it could be liable for anyone injured or killed while visiting the popular spot but by last week’s meeting was yet to receive an answer. “We have a duty of care to ensure public safety,” the mayor Cr David Gill said in a news release under the headline “Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Closing Deadly Cliff Jumping Site at Mount Martha”. The news release went on to state that an “increasing number of young people risk death or serious spinal injury by cliff jumping” from the “highly dangerous cliff site”. “The consumption of alcohol at The Pillars is [also] a major factor related
to reported anti-social and offensive behaviour despite [the shire’s] alcohol ban which cannot be enforced,” Cr Gill said. The shire has also declared a 200 metre exclusion zone for boats and water craft out from the cliff face, although it has admitted there are no resources to police its ban. There are no plans to stop anglers, divers or sightseers accessing the rest of the cliff which stretches for about eight kilometres along the Esplanade from Mt Martha in the north to Safety Beach in the south. “Litter, broken glass, vandalism to private property, urinating and defecating in local streets, swearing, fighting and aggressive behaviour have all been reported by residents. These occur both in the surrounding streets and at The Pillars,” Cr Gill said. He said it was important the fence was in place for summer. “A more permanent aesthetic fence that would blend into the environment is the longer-term solution and would also allow for the revegetation of The Pillars environment,” he said. “Currently, The Pillars operates as a de facto major tourism operation in a residential zone that does not conform with any Victorian government planning, environment, health, pollution or public safety legislation.”
Hoodoo Gurus
“Over the past three years through social media, the problems at The Pillars have increased dramatically. “This site has never been set up to support a high level of visitation and, basically, the Victorian government, Parks Victoria and the local community have lost control of the situation as a public safety, law and order issue. “The site, by its very nature, is a major difficulty to both police and also to ensure public safety which is the major reason for restricting access to The Pillars.” Cr Gill said on receiving legal advice on the major liability faced by the council and ratepayers if someone was killed or injured on the site, the council voted to close The Pillars on safety, legal and law and order issues and notified the government of its intentions. Cr Gill said the depth of the water at The Pillars “varies, with submerged rocks in some areas”. “Combined with varying tides which visitors are not necessarily aware of - and boats and jet skis in the water, jumping from these cliffs carries a high-risk of injury.” Cr Gill said visitors to The Pillars were causing erosion and making the cliff edge unstable and slippery. Vegetation, the remains of Aboriginal middens and other significant cultural heritage assets were also being trampled.
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Western Port News
5 December 2018
Pool needs cash cap and transparency I came across an interesting news item from 7 June 2005 showing a large colour photo of a beaming former Mornington Peninsula Shire CEO, Michael Kennedy and a headline referring to the future Rosebud Aquatic Centre that read “In the swim for $10 million”. Come to the present day and we’re still not swimming in a pool, but it’s on the way. If the bloody minded “pro pool on the Rosebud foreshore group” and some councillors had accepted the fact that a pool could not and would not be built on the foreshore, we would have had a pool in one of the more appropriate sites and at the stated cost of $10 million. The Mornington Peninsula Ratepayers and Residents Association’s main concern now is that when the councillors voted in March for a 50 metre, 10-lane pool they voted to cap the cost at $41.57 million. Suddenly, and without a sod being turned, we find that the total cost has increased by $6 million. The question must be asked why do we need a 10 lane pool? Pools for the Olympics and Commonwealth Games have 10 lanes but only the inner eight lanes are used in competition so that the hopeful gold medal swimmers on the outside lanes do not get the wash from the sides. For a pool which will only be used for lesser competitions such primary and secondary schools just how important is the wash from the wall? If we have any budding world record champions in Rosebud they could be placed in the middle of an eight lane pool. Meanwhile, the remainder of the Mornington Peninsula community is missing out on services. We need a full explanation from the council. We also demand greater transparency when these outrageous increases in costs are likely to occur. John Cain, president Mornington Peninsula Ratepayers and Residents association Editor: Mornington Peninsula Shire councillors have adopted plans for an eight-lane pool, reiterated their support for the funding cap while authorising staff to seek extra government support (“Shire looks for help to avoid deeper pool debt” Page 13).
Marginal benefits Companies allocate money where it will bring the best returns. It makes sense. It is the same with political parties. The state seat of Nepean and federal seat of Flinders have been seen as safe Liberal seats. Hence the money allocated to both these is almost non-existent, despite the hype in the leaflets by our current local federal member [Greg Hunt]. Similar seats to the north of us are almost indecently offered funding, such as the rebuild of the hospital in Frankston, as opposed to the desperate need for a new hospital at Rosebud. The current hospital is expected to service what the state Liberal candidate describes as having one of the highest percentages of elderly. In addition, this area in recent years has attracted many young families because the house and land values are considerably lower here. Both of these groups are high users of medical needs. Frankston may not seem a long way away, but when you have a medical emergency it is on another planet. The solution? Vote Labor and make both [Nepean and Flinders] marginal seats. Then watch the funding flow. We will almost be embarrassed by the largesse. Ken Norris, McCrae Editor: Latest figures from the Saturday 24 November state election show an unexpected large swing to Labor and commentators are increasingly singling out Flinders as one of the federal seats that could be lost to the Liberal Party in next year’s federal election.
Union persuaders Anthony Misell (“Safe for the Libs, but not
Western Port News 5 December 2018
good for residents” The News 6/11/18) asks why people in the state electorate of Nepean vote Liberal. Maybe it’s because Mornington Peninsula residents don’t choose to be led or bought by a union-oriented government. Brenda Morris, McCrae
Time for change The Liberal brand on the Mornington Peninsula has shown some small cracks in its entrenched voting base - that of well-off retirees living in a non-urban coastal and relatively secure environment. Depressingly, a worthwhile candidate for Nepean, Russell Joseph, looked a shoe in to replace [long time Liberal MP] Martin Dixon, but the voters showed that the state government spend under [Labor premier] Dan Andrews, along with the appalling power games in Canberra, left a bad taste. Even the ever “Mr Popular” [Mornington MP] David Morris had a few dents in his apparent job for life with, dare I say it, the younger voters defacing and dismounting his mug shot political posters around Mt Eliza. There is hope for the younger voting classes judging by these actions and one can only hope that Dan Andrews, as the confirmed political leader for the next generation now that the Liberal Party has committed hari-kari, can find a socially conscious, environmentally aware and switched on Gen X or Y Labor candidate for Mornington. Surely the premier can find a clean, high profile media savvy candidate for this important peninsula seat and spend some money to promote him or her against the current mind blowingly boring and powerless situation. The younger generations deserve better. Ian Morrison, Mt Eliza Community Alliance
Politics of sorrow Couldn’t help thinking [federal and state Liberal leaders] Scott Morrison and Matthew Guy appearing in Bourke Street to pay their respects as a result of the sad killing of Pellegrini’s co-owner Sisto Malaspina was motivated by politics. Daniel Andrews’ move for a state funeral was equally over the top with the strong hint of political motivations. Cliff Ellen, Rye
Marina surprise Concept plans for twin breakwaters at the iconic Olivers Hill, Frankston overseen by a luxury $6 million building for the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard on prime beach front land, at a cost of $24 million dollars, were sprung upon unsuspecting ratepayers mere days before the 19 November Frankston Council meeting. This is a massive blowout from the previous $10.5m costing signed off by the CEO on 29 January. And, a further massive blowout from the $14m asked for in a later Future Frankston publication. Who will pay for ongoing maintenance or repairs; sand loss and renourishment; and costly dredging to prevent silting? Apparently the new jetty and boat launch ramp, constructed at great cost to ratepayers in 2016 to allow small boats and coastguard vessels to come to shore at Olivers Hill in rough weather, is a flop. Who bears responsibility for this? Those attending the meeting were left scratching their heads trying to evaluate the myriad pages of complex technical information provided in council’s report. Perhaps unsurprisingly, CEO, managers and councillors appeared light on detail. Location options for a coast guard building were not mentioned. These are limited as council has sold off most of its open public space in the city centre. Aesthetics? Vistas? Historical and tourism values? Fragile marine ecologies? Cultural heritage sites? No worries. Environmental effects and other studies will come later. Public
consultation over the Christmas holiday period is envisaged. Thoughtful timing. Is the public sufficiently informed about this project and its long-term repercussions on Frankston beaches? Only at a public meeting can these questions be answered by the CEO, council officers and councillors. Everyone interested should be able to ask and challenge, insist on facts and assurances regarding the future of our precious beaches. Please take an interest. Joan Cavanagh, secretary, Frankston Beach Association
Pier, not breakwater Why not build an L-shaped breakwater at the end of a long pier at Frankston, like they have in St Kilda and at Brighton Beach? Frankston has a long coastline and it has the problem of shifting sand. For six months of the year currents erode the beach and for the next six months they move in the opposite direction and bring the sand back. A breakwater connected to the base of Olivers Hill will interfere with this natural process with unknown results. A breakwater built out in the bay will not affect the coastline. It will not ruin the landscape. Dredging will not be necessary. Frankston Council is already spending money dredging the mouth of the creek and is committed to spend $100,000 a year for the maintenance of the yacht club. We should avoid making Frankston a high maintenance locality. Far more people frequent the beach at South Melbourne, St Kilda, Elwood and Brighton where there is no coast guard. Does this mean that those councils do not care about safety in the water? I think that the small number of individuals who like to dress up in uniform and play harbourside life protectors have had a good run for many years at the expense of the Frankston ratepayers. The state government is going to appoint paid lifesavers on the beach and if the members of the coast guard wish to play a useful role in the bay protecting sailors, then they should work for their money and arrange for the clubs to subsidise them. The building the coast guard wants on the breakwater will be an eyesore. Paul J France, Frankston South
Invest in creek The people of Frankston have spoken. Despite intense lobbying by Frankston Council and the Liberal candidate for a safe boat harbour at Olivers Hill clearly there is no community appetite for a marina at Olivers Hill. After 40 years, council is unable to prove beyond reasonable doubt the development will not damage nearby beaches. This development is not the small and inconspicuous coastal footprint we were told it would be. So, after nearly four decades and after spending many millions of ratepayer money, council is proposing yet another Olivers Hill marina. As a community we are really just going around in circles, spending lots of money and getting nowhere. Surely, it’s time to stop the fractious war for Frankston beach. Unfortunately, while the beach marina proposal stays alive ,the transformation of Kananook Creek, in the town centre, remains incomplete. The boating safety issue applies equally to the creek and Olivers Hill. The entrance to the creek must be safe and routinely dredged. Coast guard training is not dependant on Oliver’s Hill and in severe weather, how really safe is it to launch from there? It is neither good management nor good policy to look at Kananook Creek and Olivers Hill as distinct and unconnected components to boating solutions. What would the $24 million do for the unfinished creek restoration. How much bigger strategic dividend would flow from that (being directly connected to the town centre) than a notso-safe harbour isolated from town at Olivers Hill? Kananook Creek boating investment has no impact on our much beloved beaches and the spectacular vistas from Olivers Hill. Robert Thurley, past president Kananook Creek Association
Sounds of spring My garden, driveway and nature strip are all
flowers and foliage. There is very little grass and I trim it by hand. I love peace and Birdsong. However, the people around me love their noisy leaf blowing, edge trimming and lawn mowing. It drives me nuts. Some days I have to escape the Bedlam. This morning, for the umpteenth time this week, someone started at 8 o’clock. Not wanting to leave home at 8am I let off steam with this verse: Dreary dreary dreary drone Infiltrating my peaceful home Bloody lawnmower, go away Let me please enjoy my day Here I have no need of you, Where blackbirds sing and pigeons coo. Peace is beauty – noise taboo. Evelyn Lawson, Karingal
No road safety The intransigence of the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council regarding parking in Tallis Drive, next to the Mornington Secondary College, beggars belief. It is completely unsafe driving past all the parked cars when another vehicle is driving up Tallis Drive. The car driving towards Nepean Highway is completely on the wrong side of the road, but council tells me that it is quite safe. I have asked that three car spaces on the corner be given over to a “safe space” for the vehicle driving down Tallis Drive, but this simple, effective request has been refused by council. It’s no wonder many people do not have a high regard for the council. Sue Glenn, Mornington Not too desperate I hope that refugee advocates Anne Renkin and Grandmothers for Refugees are aware that 71 of their desperate illegal immigrants on Nauru have refused to be resettled in the United States. After five years of “hell” on Nauru I would have thought these “economic opportunists” would jump at the chance of freedom. But it seems they heard that they would have to work and would not receive welfare. Desperate? I think not. Ken Hailes, Sorrento
Care for hot dogs Heatwaves and record temperatures are being recorded right across the country, even before the official start of summer. This is not just uncomfortable – it can be deadly. Authorities are pleading for motorists to leave their dogs at home or in a cool location. There have already been an alarming number of reports of animals suffering heat stress in cars and backyards. If dogs are left in a parked car for even a short time, they can die. On a 30 degree day, the temperature inside a car can potentially rise to well over 40 degrees in less than five minutes. In one test, the temperature rose to 57 degrees in 12 minutes. Any animal left inside that car would be dead. If you see a dog showing any symptoms of heatstroke – including restlessness, heavy panting, vomiting, lethargy and lack of coordination – get the animal into the shade immediately. You can lower a dog’s body temperature by providing water, applying a cold towel to the dog’s head and chest or immersing the dog in tepid (not ice-cold) water. Then immediately call a veterinarian. Please, when it’s warm outside, leave animals at home. If you see a dog left in a car, have the car’s owner paged at nearby stores or call 000 immediately and never leave until the animal is safe - their life may depend on your actions. Desmond Bellamy, special projects coordinator PETA Australia
Letters - 300 words maximum and including full name, address and contact number - can be sent to The News, PO Box 588, Hastings 3915 or emailed to: team@mpnews.com.au
Himalayan Indian and Nepealese Restaurant scales new heights HIMALAYAN Indian and Nepalese restaurant, a place for the best Indian and Nepalese food in Hastings area, offer you delicious authentic flavour through our comprehensive menu. Owners Lal Prashad Kandel and Kishor Kandel pride themselves on the utmost service and wonderful atmosphere. “Since establishment, we have reputation for excellent food and service as well as good value,” said Lal who has been running the business for two years. “We specialise in Nepalese and Indian food and have delicious traditional Nepalese meals with many varieties on the menu. The spices and mild curries are great along with the savoury and other sweet dishes.” Head chefs and owners, Lal Prashad Kandal and Bishma Sapkota, do weekly specials at their family business, which keeps customers coming back again to taste new dishes. Himalayan Indian and Nepalese restaurant serves lunch, dinner, drinks and coffee. They do functions and special occasions and take bookings or you can just walk in for a delicious meal. Good for groups or parties Book for your Christmas get together at this relaxed and warm restaurant which is even good for children. If you prefer takeaway, Himalayan Indian and Nepalese restaurant is the best place for something a little different. Enjoy a wide variety of food options with samosa, veg pakora, chicken tikka, tandoori platters, momo, rice and biryani as well as tandoori breads to name a few. There is lamb korma, masala, rogan josh, garlic tawa and Kathmandu chicken, as well as vindaloo and curries to die for. For desserts why not try the gulab jamun, mango kulfi, or assorted icecream. Himalayan Indian and Nepalese restaurant is at 2/105 High Street, Hastings and open Tuesday to Sunday. www.himalayanrestaurant.net.au
with the BEST Nepalese & Indian food in town! Himalayan Indian And Nepalese Resturant is a family owned business in Hastings. We provide authentic Nepalese and Indian food, with our head chef having 25 years of experience in Nepal, India, Hong Kong, Japan & Australia.
Lunch Thursday and Friday 12pm - 2:00pm
Dinner Tuesday to Sunday 5pm - 10pm
Now taking bookings for Christmas!
Take away and delivery available
Book Now to avoid disappointment!
2/105 High Street Hastings Ph: 03 5979 2224 Mobile: 0413 354 359 www.himalayanrestaurant.net.au Western Port News
5 December 2018
Health care that cares OUR patients matter to us at Atticus Health and we want you to feel that throughout each aspect of your experience, from how you feel walking through the door and being greeted at reception, to that relaxed feeling when you sit down with your doctor, who remembers your name and history, listens to your concerns, and helps you find an appropriate health care solution that suits your needs and lifestyle. We want you to experience the Atticus Health passion, for health and wellbeing. Too many times, patients can feel like another number, rushed in and rushed out. We genuinely care here at Atticus, and we want our patients to see and feel that. There are patients that view a visit to the doctor as another time consuming errand on a to-do list, and there are patients that arrive early to their appointment to have a catch-up with the staff at reception. Whatever a visit to the doctor means to you, we are here to ensure you are receiving a high quality standard of health care, alongside the genuine care we provide.
We love the catch-ups and we love those rushing in and rushing out. We are part of the local community and we are here to help you, to suit your needs and those of the community. This mind-set made us want to provide more flexibility for our patients and our community, leading to the increase of our operating hours for our Hastings location, as no one should have to worry about not being able to see their doctor We are now open Monday to Friday, from 7am to 11pm, as well as Saturdays and Sundays from 8am to 8pm. Community health care is not a 9-5 weekday event that takes holidays. You can be sick and need health care at any time, through any point of the week and we want to be there to help. It is our vision to assist in providing the local community with what really matters. So come visit us at Hastings, have a chat with our staff, get to know our doctors, take a walk around the flower beds, use the gym, play in the cubby house and experience what it means to be an Atticus patient. Patients Matter: New extended hours at the Atticus Health’s Hastings clinic.
Award winning, community focused medical clinics - DRIVEN BY SOUL
ATTICUS REGIONAL MEDICENTRE 2104 Frankston Flinders Road, Hastings (03) 5979 7777
HASTINGS Mon - Fri 7am - 11pm Sat & Sun 8am - 8pm
Centre, 2432 Frankston Flinders Road, Bittern (03) 5983 6888
ATTICUS HEALTH TYABB 4 Mornington Tyabb Road Tyabb (03) 5977 4044
www.atticushealth.com.au PAGE 14
Western Port News 5 December 2018
Western Port
Speak to your agent about listing on realestateview.com.au. Be seen everywhere.
‘a lifestyle village for the over 50’s’ 249 High Street, Hastings, 3915 www.peninsulaparklands.com.au
$ 1 8 0 , 0 0 0
$ 2 7 0 , 0 0 0
u Open plan kitchen u Sep. dining & lounge u Air-conditioning & ceiling fans u Two bedrooms w/BIR’s u Single garage u European laundry
$ 2 9 0 , 0 0 0
u Dining area with bay window u Modern Kitchen u Two bedrooms with BIR u Large lounge u Single garage u Separate study
$ 2 9 9 , 0 0 0
u Huge open lounge u Two bedrooms w/BIR’s u Garage with rolla-door
u Two bedrooms + study u Kitchen w/ dishwasher u Dining area with bay window u Sep. bathroom & laundry u Air-conditioning u Single garage
$ 2 9 5 , 0 0 0
u Open plan living & dining area u Separate study u Air conditioning u Entertaining area u Two bedrooms with BIR’s u Garage with roller door
$ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0
u Dining area with bay window u Kitchen with bench space u Entertaining area, gardens
u Formal meals area u Modern kitchen u Two bedrooms + study u Brightbathroom with vanity u Air conditioning u Single garage with roller door
To arrange your site inspection contact David Nelli 0403 111 234 or at the office on 5979 2700 Email: david@peninsulaparklands.com.au mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December, 2018
Page 2
THIS brand new residence has a refined sophistication complemented by expansive family living areas that showcase bespoke interiors and cutting-edge designs. Form and function are hallmarks of the home which is the latest offering from the Cahill Building Group. An expanse of living space includes a splendid dining zone that adjoins the family room with polished concrete floors and a gas fireplace. A stylish recessed ceiling has LED downlights dotted through, and opening out from the family room via bi-fold doors is the brilliant outdoor entertaining area that culminates in a sparkling, self-cleaning plunge pool with spa. The state of the art kitchen features a full suite of Fisher & Paykel appliances including two ovens, integrated refrigerator, induction cooktop and twin drawer dishwasher. Sure to catch the eye is the striking dolomite marble island bench in calm coastal tones and an enchanting window splashback has a vertical hanging garden outlook. For significant extra storage there is a butler’s pantry complete with second sink. Finishing off this ground floor in fine style is a fitted study and the glamorous master bedroom which dazzles with 21st century innovations such as integrated speakers, floorto-ceiling glass windows that afford a view out to the front garden, a walk-in wardrobe and a stunning ensuite with double shower and vanity, under floor heating and herringbone tiling. Upstairs is a sunny rumpus room that also opens to an undercover balcony, and three more excellent bedrooms include a guest bedroom with an ensuite and walk-in robe and two enormous bedrooms both have built-in robes and share a third bathroom. From the street, a fantastic four-car garage is a real rarity for any townhouse, and together with the store room, cellar and private lift, they highlight the considered design and exceptional interpretation of space seen throughout the entire property. Combining the latest technology with handsome on-trend stylings at every turn, this cutting-edge and beautifully appointed home is flooded with natural light and steeped in a private setting for an unforgettable lifestyle experience that can be yours to enjoy every day.n
ADDRESS: 19A Hargreaves Street, MORNINGTON FOR SALE: $2,000,000 - $2,200,000 DESCRIPTION: 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 4 car INSPECT: By Appointment AGENT: Jake Egan, 0491 129 137 - Eview Mornington Peninsula, 311 Main Street, Mornington, 5971 0300 mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Page 3
Carrum Downs 31 Madison Crescent Three bedrooms plus Study This lovely three bedroom plus study home features main bedroom with ensuite, a bright and sunny open plan family room with kitchen boasting gas stove top, electric oven and dishwasher. Separate
bathroom and laundry, ducted heating and evaporative cooling, double remote garage with internal access and an undercover alfresco area looking out to low-maintenance gardens.
For Lease $420 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
One of only 4 on the block and with a modern sandstone façade and smart design features throughout, this single bedroom unit has gas ducted heating and split system air-conditioning, dual access
bathrooms and a kitchen with laminated bench-tops and stainless steel appliances. Situated near shops, bus and train stations and walking distance to schools and recreational areas do not miss out.
For Lease $300 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
Crib Point 2/128 Disney Street Two Bedroom, Two Bathroom Unit! combined bathroom and laundry. Single garage has internal access, there is ducted heating and evaporative cooling, and outside is a private and secure court yard with garden shed. No Pets
Hastings 4 Brydon Court
The Home with Everything
For Lease $340 Per Week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
Offering formal lounge and a spacious master bedroom with WIR & FES, this modern home with everything has an open plan family room and a kitchen with dishwasher, gas cooktop and electric oven. Separate
bathroom and laundry and a fantastic entertaining zone plus great half basketball court. Garage is not included in lease Lease is 12 months only with no extensions
For Lease $470 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
Clyde North 17 Elsey Way
Ramlegh Springs Estate! Well presented 3BR home – master with WIR and ensuite – open plan kitchen and lounge area which looks out to undercover entertainment area. The kitchen consists of gas stove top, electric oven, dishwasher
Location! Location!
Well presented two bedroom, two bathroom unit with a striking sand tone facade. Featuring formal lounge, separate kitchen with gas stove top, electric oven and dishwasher, there are BIR’s to both bedrooms and a
Crib Point 3/138 Disney Street
and a walk in pantry. Separate bathroom, laundry and toilet, ducted heating and cooling, recycled water and NBN. Single remote garage has internal access. Landscaped, easy to maintain gardens.
For Lease $350 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
Hastings 5 Jacaranda Court Court Life Located walking distance to High Street, this neat home has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a secure back yard.
Crib Point 3/20 Pearce Street
The Home With Everything This near new 3 bedroom unit is located on a quiet street in Crib Point and is a must to inspect. With open plan living, spacious bedrooms with the master including a walk in robe and ensuite, split system heat-
ing & cooling, double garage with external access into the unit and fully landscaped gardens. Located walking distance to the shops and school. This won’t be available for long.
For Lease $360 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
For Lease $000 Per Week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au
Hastings 43 Spring Street
Step Into Spring Close to all that Hastings has to offer, this 3BR home has a huge lounge room looking out to the front yard, there is a gas space heater and the open plan kitchen and melas area has
plenty of cupboard space. Main bathroom, outside laundry with an extra toilet and a great back yard with plenty of room. and a small garden shed. Get in quick to secure this one.
Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
For Lease $315 per week View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Hastings Office P 03 5970 7333 hastings@harcourts.com.au
Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
jtandco.harcourts.com.au mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December, 2018
Page 4
Bittern 72 Myers Road
Downsizing or First Home Buyers Centrally located in the heart of Bittern, this beautifully presented 2 -3 bedroom home offers a unique opportunity for first home buyers or those looking to down size. Fresh décor and oodles of storage feature throughout the home. An open plan living area includes kitchen with gas cook top, electric oven and generous pantry; cozy lounge and dining which leads out to a delightful, north facing outdoor entertaining area which can be enjoyed all year round. Other features include gas heating, reverse cycle air conditioning, alarm system plus a large single lock up garage under roof line with remote roller door. Enough off street parking is available for another 2-3 more cars. The fabulous back yard, also north facing, will satisfy anybody who enjoys the garden. Three raised vegetable beds, hen house, bird avery, a generous garden shed plus rear side access for a trailer. Set on a neat, low maintenance 424m2 block with room to extend the existing home (STCA), this property is within walking distance to the local primary school, Bittern Fields shops and transport.
For Sale
Price Negotiable over $455,000 View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au Wendy Tallon M 0419 135 836 P 03 5977 7110 wendy.tallon@harcourts.com.au Harcourts JT & Co 1 Eramosa Road East
Crib Point 28 Loch Street
Family Living At Its Finest
For Sale
This charming and private home will appeal to buyers looking for ample living zones, storage and the option to create dual occupancy with minimal fuss. Situated on a generous 1228sqm (approx.) lot, this fully-fenced property has lovely gardens and offers everything you could need and more. Upon entering you are greeted by the light filled family zone with central kitchen offering freestanding gas oven, dishwasher and plenty of cupboard, bench & pantry space. There are five bedrooms; four have built-in robes with the master bedroom featuring an ensuite, and a parents retreat also has a private study. There are two more bathrooms and a separate laundry. The versatile floor plan offers multiple living zones and an abundance of space for everyone, including a games room with built in seating that opens to an enclosed alfresco. Other features include split system heating & cooling throughout, ceiling fans, water tanks, solar power, solar hot water, built in BBQ in alfresco with outdoor gas log fire & café’ blinds, a large four car shed with extra height clearance to accommodate caravans or large boats, a workshop, plus a dog pen, garden shed and veggie garden set up.
Jason Dowler M 0403 598 754 P 03 5970 7333 jason.dowler@harcourts.com.au Jacqui Robinson M 0409 919 419 P 03 5970 7333 jacqui.robinson@harcourts.com.au
Price $640,000 - $690,000 View By Appointment www.harcourts.com.au
Harcourts JT & Co 10/14 High Street
jtandco.harcourts.com.au mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Page 5
“The difference between a good price and a great price is a great estate agent�
HASTINGS 7 Forbes Place $620,000 - $660,000 open to view By Appointment n Four bedrooms, master with WIR and ensuite n Two separate living areas plus kitchen with dishwasher n Outdoor entertaining area with spa n Double garage with rear roller door
BALNARRING 67 Warrawee Road $795,000 - $840,000 open to view By Appointment n 4-bedroom residence set on 864m2(approx.) n Sunken lounge area with Coonara n Updated and well-appointed kitchen with stainless steel apliances n Main bedroom features a beautiful light filled ensuite and walk in robe
Dominic Tallon| 0408 528 857
BITTERN 22 Morton Crescent $580,000 - $620,000 open to view By appointment n Rustic, ranch inspired mud brick home on a 1042sqm corner block n Sunken lounge and dining space step up to a hallway that leads to the kitchen n Undercover alfresco area n Large garage with carport at the rear of the property
HASTINGS 29 Lantons Way $650,000 - $715,000 open to view By Appointment
Light filled open plan rooms flow throughout this home Large master bedroom with walk through his/hers robe and ensuite n Modern kitchen with stone counter tops to an island bench n Ducted heating and split system air conditioning Nigel Evans| 0439 540 055
HASTINGS 5 Beilby Court $585,000 - $625,000 open to view By Appointment n Well presented 4 bedroom home that has been freshly painted n Modern kitchen with island bench, 900mm gas oven + cook-top & a dishwasher n Covered entertainment area and a double garage n Master bedroom with walk-in robe and ensuite
Nigel Evans| 0439 540 055
Nigel Evans| 0439 540 055
Why list with one, when you can list with all Office: 35 High Street, Hastings
Dominic Tallon| 0408 528 857
BITTERN 2 Myers Road $840,000 - $860,000 open to view By Appointment n Two properties on a large 1/3 acre (approx) beautifully landscaped block n Both homes have been freshly painted throughout and have new carpets n Main house has four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a study n Separate s/contained bungalow with two bedrooms and open plan living
Matthew Challenger| 0438 773 627
Wednesday, 5 December, 2018
5979 3000
Page 6
$1,290,000 - $1,390,000
FARMHOUSE WITH ALL THE COMFORTS! • 4 bedrooms; master with dressing room & FES • 3 Bathrooms in total • Separate living areas with stunning outlook • Open plan dining area with kitchen • Ducted heating, evaporative and air-conditioning • Huge outdoor living area overlooking in-ground pool • 2 acres approx
SEAN CRIMMINS 0411 734 814
$1,630,000 - $1,680,000
PERFECTLY LOCATED FOR RURAL LIFESTYLE • 2.32 Ha. with two residences + warehouse, offices & established business operation • Main residence features 5BR’s, formal lounge with open fire place and kitchen with impressive butler’s pantry. • Self-contained 2BR cottage with near new fitted kitchen • Large warehouse with huge amount of storage • Double carport and 6 car garage with adjoining workshop
$450,000 - $495,000
0419 955 177
REFRESH OR RENOVATE • 3 Bedrooms with built in robes • Sizeable living area • Open plan dining area with plenty of natural light • Kitchen with ample bench/cupboard space • Huge backyard • Situated on 688sqm
ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES! • 3 bedrooms with built in robes • Kitchen requires complete installation • Open plan living and dining • Solid structure • Enclosed backyard • Close to all amenities
GREAT OPPORTUNITY, MAKE YOUR MARK • Three bedroom brick veneer home • Large formal lounge opening to timber deck • Galley kitchen with new dishwasher • Ducted heating and cooling • Secure this great opportunity today
SEAN CRIMMINS 0411 734 814
SEAN CRIMMINS 0411 734 814
DON McKENZIE 0419 955 177
$420,000 - $460,000
$645,000 - $655,000
CUTE COTTAGE WITH PLENTY OF FLAIR! • 3BR home on low maintenance 532sqm block • Light and bright living area with vaulted ceilings • Open plan dining area and kitchen • Verandahs to front and rear of home • Huge 4 car garage • Semi self-contained studio
TUCKED AWAY AND SPACIOUS • Three bedrooms; master with WIR and ensuite • Separate bathroom, toilet and laundry • Open plan kitchen with stainless steel dishwasher • Impressive outdoor entertaining area • Split system heating and cooling • Mature landscaped gardens
A RARE OPPORTUNITY AWAITS • Large 3-4 bedroom home on approx. 930m2 lot • Polished floorboards • Open plan kitchen with stainless steel appliances • Main bedroom with WIR and separate retreat area • Ducted heating and evaporative cooling
SEAN CRIMMINS 0411 734 814
DON McKENZIE 0419 955 177
DON McKENZIE 0419 955 177
1/109 High St, Hastings, VIC 3915 03 5979 4412 | enquiries@baywestrealestate.com.au baywestrealestate.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Page 7
D L So Mornington 115 Tanti Avenue
3 2B A4 A B C 21
Potential Four Bedrooms Plus and it’s Beachside!
Mount Martha 43 Marriott Drive
A4 B2 C 2
Central Location in Mount Martha • Great 4BR family home with new carpet throughout • Kitchen features gas hotplates, gas oven & dishwasher • Full ensuite to main bedroom
• Perfect position close to Main Street, the beach & schools • Set on allotment of 624m2 approx with rear access • Potential for bed & breakfast, consulting rooms or development site (STCA)
Stuart Cox 0417 124 707
For Sale $920,000 $825,000 inspect OFI or by appointment
John Hanna 0408 374 334
D L So Safety Beach 7 Deck Terrace
A3 B2 C 2
Set Sail for Relaxed Carefree Living
A3 B1
Potential Plus
• Convenient low maintenance living awaits • Spacious open plan living opening to a North facing private courtyard & your own internal lift • Kitchen with s/s appliances, stone benchtops & spacious livings areas on both levels
• Neat 3 bedroom gem with a natural bushy outlook • 851sqm (approx) block offers two street frontages • Hidden away in an old Mt Martha location within walking distance to the village & local beaches Stuart Cox 0417 124 707
Mornington 5976 5900 mpnews.com.au
Mount Martha 24 Norman Road
Cameron McDonald 0418 330 916
For Sale $825,000 inspect OFI or by appointment
jacobsandlowe.com.au Wednesday, 5 December, 2018
Page 8
D l So Somerville 73 Dandenong-Hastings Rd A3 B2 C 2
Skye 30 Maraline Road
‘Bundella’ - 5 Acres (approx)
‘Woorayl’ - 5 Acres (approx)
A3 B1 C 2
• ‘Woorayl’ might just satisfy your yearning for a life surrounded by your own land • 3 bedroom cedar home with very spacious openplan living • Scope to modernise, extend or re-build
• Fantastic potential. Will suit horses, alpacas, horticulture, etc • Smartly presented, North facing brick home • 3 BR & 2 bath, open-plan kitchen + dual living areas Bruce Goddard Cameron McDonald 0418 330 916 0408 316 701
For Sale $1,250,000 inspect OFI or by appointment
Cameron McDonald 0418 330 916
Bittern Lot 2 Booker Rise
rye 4 Alexandra Crescent
Blue Chip Investment Opportunity
Private Retreat on 1 Acre (approx)
• Significant parcel of vacant land 5957m2 approx • Highly regarded location close to shops & railway station • Develop now or land bank for the future
• 4BR residence with over 35 squares of living • Solar heated, salt water in-ground swimming pool & covered entertainment area • Triple garage with remote control roller doors & 15.5m x 7.4m workshop & 3 phase power Bruce Goddard 0408 316 701
Mornington 5976 5900 mpnews.com.au
A4 B4 C 7
Stuart Cox 0417 124 707
For Sale $1,350,000 inspect OFI or by appointment
jacobsandlowe.com.au Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Page 9
168 Main Street, Mornington VIC 3931 T. 03 5975 6888
Blairgowrie Auction this Saturday
11 Moonah Avenue, Blairgowrie With the sea breeze in the air and vistas across rolling dunes, this prized 2500sqm (approx.) elevated land parcel, poised within a few minutes’ walk of scenic Montforts surf beach in an exclusive Avenue rich with prestige homes, represents one of the last opportunities to make your mark in this privileged part of the world. Blue-ribbon positioned, this magnificent block resides close to the rugged ocean coastline and National Park’s walking trails, surf and bay beaches, vibrant Blairgowrie Village and Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron. Sorrento is a five minute drive down the road and the hinterlands wine country and world class golf courses or all accessible.
Auction 8th December at 2.30pm Inspection As advertised or by appointment Contact Robert Bowman 0417 173 103 bowmanandcompany.com.au
9 St Johns Wood Road, Blairgowrie Prestige positioned on the edge of Blairgowrie Village and the bay, this prized 1370sqm (approx.) land parcel awaits your vision for a coastal masterpiece with potential for bay views. Included in the sale is a current planning permit, endorsed plans and a certified copy of the plan of sub division for a two-lot subdivision for two luxury dwellings set on 726sqm and 492sqm (approx.). Just five doors from the village and a few hundred meters from Blairgowrie beach you couldn’t want for a more exclusive location.
Auction Saturday 15th December at 2.30pm Inspection As advertised or by appointment Contact Robert Bowman 0417 173 103 bowmanandcompany.com.au
A B C bowmanandcompany.com.au mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December, 2018
Page 10
168 Main Street, Mornington VIC 3931 T. 03 5975 6888
6 George Street, Mornington The sun, the sea, the sand… in a location synonymous with the beach, the bay and good times, these two dynamic three bedroom, two bathroom residences offer a lifestyle of privilege with all the advantages of buying off the plan. In a prized beachside setting, each single level residence is fitted with high end appointments from stunning stone benchtops to quality flooring, double garages and generous alfresco entertaining areas. Each residence features two light filled living zones extending to decking, sleek stone and Smeg kitchen and luxurious master suite with WIR and elegant ensuite. Spoil yourself close to Fossil Beach, Main Street’s vibrant cafes and shops, schools and transport.
Inspection As advertised or by appointment Contact Robert Bowman 0417 173 103 James Orton 0437 691 686 bowmanandcompany.com.au
A3 B2 C2 Mornington
Mount Martha
2/47 Alameda Avenue, Mornington This single level residence is designed for low maintenance living in a location that puts the Peninsula’s best lifestyle attractions within close reach. The three bedroom accommodation is treated to open plan living, alfresco with low maintenance gardens and timber deck. The quality kitchen with Central Island boasts stone bench tops and stainless steel Westinghouse appliances. A stone finished ensuite and WIR feature in the Master bedroom suite. The home also includes a double remote garage with internal access, ducted heating, split system air conditioning and timber flooring. A secure and private lifestyle in a very quiet location close to the end of a no through road. Only one of the new three villas now remaining.
3A Melaleuca Road, Mount Martha Are you ready for the good life? Currently under construction this single evel residence is designed for low maintenance executive living convenient to in a location that puts the Peninsula’s best lifestyle attractions within close reach. The three bedroom accommodation is treated to spacious open plan living and dining flooded with north and west light and landscaped low maintenance gardens with entertaining deck. A host of features includes a stone kitchen with island, stone ensuite, main bathroom with freestanding bath, double remote garage, central heating and split system air conditioning. Bentons Square, schools, Main Street’s cafes scene, beautiful beaches and buses are all nearby.
Inspection As advertising or by appointment Contact Robert Bowman 0417 173 103 bowmanandcompany.com.au
Inspection As advertised or by appointment Contact Robert Bowman 0417 173 103 bowmanandcompany.com.au
A3 B2 C2
A3 B2 C2 bowmanandcompany.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Page 11
BALNARRING BEACH 6 Bridge Street RELAXED COASTAL LIVING, 750M TO THE BEACH - With a real emphasis on relaxed indoor-outdoor living, this coastal retreat offers the perfect setting for those who love to spend their days at the beach. Its impressive appeal begins with established landscaping to the front, and is further enhanced by impeccably presented, bright and breezy interiors. n Impressive master bedroom with walk-in-robe and ensuite. n Open plan lounge and dining space with wood heater and timber flooring. n Functional kitchen features ample bench space and dishwasher. n Entertaining deck connects to the rear living area. n Also including a garden shed, double carport and secure storage room.
For Sale: $1,200,000
Inspect: Saturday 2:00-2:30pm
5979 2489
Speak to your agent about listing on realestateview.com.au.
64 High Street, Hastings www.robertsandgreen.com.au
Be seen everywhere.
www.impactrealtygroup.com.au HASTINGS 14 Dylan Drive
$600,000 - $660,000 SPLASH INTO SUMMER
There’s nothing quite like a swimming pool to conjure a resort style vibe in the backyard whilst delivering endless entertainment. * Master with ensuite and walk in robe * Ducted heating and evaporative cooling * Built in robes to bedroom 2, 3 & 4 * Outdoor covered entertaining area * Built in outdoor bar and gas log fire * Lagoon style solar heated pool * Flat 603sqm (approx.) block * Side access with room for boat/caravan * Double garage with rear access
INSPECT By Appointment CONTACT Candice Blanch 0416 123 415
9787 7308
2/70 Mountain View Road, Mount Eliza, 3930 1/30 Foot Street, Frankston, 3199 mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December, 2018
Page 12
764 Esplanade
A 3B 2C
Stunning Bay VieWS • Luxury beachside home in the heart of Mornington with spectacular bay views, set on a large 824sqm (approx.) coastal allotment • Split-level design with bedroom, bathroom and lounge on each of three levels, currently thriving on the holiday-rental market • Expansive primary living area and stone kitchen with stainless steel appliances, plus entertainer´s deck with coastline views to the Melbourne Skyline • Gas fireplace, ducted heating and vacuuming, split system air conditioning, double remote garage, plus hidden rain tanks and sub-level storage/work shop
auction inspect Dean Phillips alex otte
This Saturday 8th December at 11am Saturday 10:30 - 11:00 0402 833 865 0432 486 396
Mount Martha
5/76 Harrap Road
A 2B 2C
Delgany • Elegant living and dining opening to garden alfresco area, modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances • Plush master with walk-in robe and private ensuite, kids´ bedrooms with BIR and full family bathroom • Security screens and alarm systems, 2-car remote garage with internal access and rear rollerdoor • Ducted heating and vacuuming, ceiling fans and split-system, well lit with skylights throughout
For Sale Price inspect eddie Swan lisa Bendle
mcewingpartners.com mpnews.com.au
$700,000 - $770,000 Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pm 0458 552 633 0402 834 913
Mornington Mt eliZa Wednesday, 5 December 2018
03 5975 4555 03 9787 2422
Page 13
Mornington Peninsula
“The difference between a good price and a great price is a great estate agent”
MORNINGTON 19A Hargreaves Street
$2,000,000 - $2,200,000 open to view as advertised online or by appointment Low-Maintenance Luxury, Footsteps from The Bay A cut above and class apart of the competition, this magnificent brand new four-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom residence’s refined sophistication and expansive family accommodation defines a coastal sanctuary of unrivalled luxury in an exclusive beachside pocket by the edge of Fisherman’s beach. The latest offering from the renowned Cahill Building Group, the bespoke interiors and cutting-edge design delivers irreplaceable beachside surroundings; while the rarity of a four-car basement garage with store room, cellar and private lift highlight the considered design and exceptional interpretation of the space. With no expense spared, form and function are the home’s hallmark combining accommodation and lifestyle, vision and style, and a seamless blend of low-maintenance indoor-outdoor living culminating in a sparkling self-cleaning, chemical free, fresh water plunge pool/ oversized spa, dining deck with integrated Beefeater barbecue and bluestone terraces. Flooded in light and shrouded in privacy, this unforgettable residence’s impressive low-maintenance spaces offer the finest level of family sophistication within metres of Fisherman’s beach and Lilo café and only a few minutes’ walk to Main Street’s cafes, cinema and speciality shops, buses, schools and parkland. Jake Egan | 0491 129 137 Mattia Pecorino | 0434 683 728
eview.com.au mpnews.com.au
Why list with one, when you can list with all Office: Mornington, 311 Main Street| 5971 0300
Wednesday, 5 December, 2018
Page 14
EOI 192 Marine Parade, Hastings Premium Peninsula Freehold - Suits Varity of Uses (STCA) Unique freehold on the peninsula boasting main road frontage with its own sealed side street access leading into a secure gated car park. Presented currently as a place of worship for 200 persons, this pristine building features modern amenities, large open air conditioned auditorium, rear kitchen area and additional auxiliary rooms. The site has been fully landscaped with fully sealed car parking and water retention systems. This property lends itself to a variety of uses right now (STCA), including child care, funeral home, wedding reception centre or medical centre. Properties of this quality, condition and calibre are becoming rare on the market in this sought after growth corridor. Would suit an astute property investor or owner occupier looking for a point of difference in their portfolio.
* Land area - 3628m2 approx * 59 sealed onsite car spaces * Suit a variety of uses (STCA)
Expressions of Interest
Brett Diston
closing 11th Dec 2018 at 3pm
0439 365 532 brett.diston@raywhite.com
View: By Appointment
Joel Raftopoulos 0409 007 456 agentjr@bigpond.com
* Building area - 470m2 approx * Zoning - Industrial 3
raywhitecommercialnunawading.com mpnews.com.au
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Page 15
• Situated in beautiful Balnarring on the Mornington Peninsula • A wonderful new concept of having five businesses in one • Market place inc bakery, butcher, coffee lounge, seafood store and large restaurant/bar • Long term lease • As new fitout only 1 year young and ready to go to the next level.
• One of Mornington’s premier coffee shops serving in excess of 50kg of coffee pw • Opening 7 days and positioned in prime Main Street, Mornington. • Seating for approx. 130 with upstairs lounge area, function room and courtyard area. • Italian styled menu for breakfast, lunch and functions. • Fully Licensed
Gourmet Paddock
Sale Price: On Application Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Business Sale - Balnarring
Business Sale - Mornington
Business Sale - Somerville
Lilo Cafe
Ducky Brown Cafe
• Iconic huge trading café located directly opposite Fishermans Beach • Great passing trade all year round • Weekly average takings of approx. $18,400 • Excellent rent of $4,322pcm+GST+OG • Great lease package available
• Huge weekly takings of approx. $26,000 • Located in high foot traffic area in Somerville Plaza • Huge double space with great modern fit out and seating for approx. 80 people • Doing 40kg of coffee per week • Long lease available with reasonable rent
Sale Price: $350,000 WIWO Contact: Andrew Walsh 0419 889 353
Sale Price: $550,000 WIWO Contact: Andrew Walsh 0419 889 353
Business Sale - Mornington About Thyme • Superb café / restaurant fitout in dining and kitchen areas • Excellent rent of $3,800 pcm + GST + OG • Great takings combined with excellent lease terms • Ability to increase opening hours, currently staffed by family members • Excellent location with large customer base developed through theme nights and social media platforms.
Frame Up Picture Framing • Premium business specialising in top quality custom picture framing. • Established in Main Street for 25 years. • Great opportunity for a profitable, family run lifestyle business. • Trading 6 days with fully trained, experienced and dedicated staff. • Current owners happy to assist and train new owners. • Fully equipped workshop with modern equipment and delivery van.
Sale Price: $180,000 Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Business Sale – Mornington
For Lease - Frankston
Sale Price: $450,000+SAV Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Business Sale - Dromana
For Lease - Mornington
Sale Price: $215,000 WIWO Contact: Andrew Walsh 0419 889 353
Business Sale - Mornington Peninsula
Prime Nepean Hwy Office Space
Mechanical Workshop
Oh My Juice
Mornington Peninsula Bakery
Lease Price: $3,000pcm+GST+OG Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Lease Price: $2,417pcm+GST+OG Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Sale Price: $99,000 + SAV Contact: Andrew Walsh 0419 889 353
Sale Price: $99,500+SAV Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
• Huge first floor office space of approx. 220sqm • Large outside area • Situated on busy Nepean Highway • Three separate entrances so could be easily split.
• Directly opposite the beach in Dromana • Over $100,000 net profit per annum • Rent of only $2,300 pcm all inclusive • Huge potential to lift sales • Be super quick will not last.
Business Sale - Balnarring
Business Sale - Frankston
SO Zumay - A Household Name
Balnarring Hair Salon
Award Winning Business
Sale Price $300,000 + SAV Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Sale Price: $155,000 + SAV Contact: Kevin Wright 0417 564 454
Sale Price $280,000 WIWO Contact: Andrew Walsh 0419 889 353
• Thriving reputation in local area • Strong social media presence • Elegant 80sqm salon with 10 stations and 3 basins • Highly effective systems to ensure ongoing profitability and off site management
PH: (03) 5977 2255 mpnews.com.au
• Boutique Bakery in Prime Position • Excellent fitout with fantastic equipment • Ideal husband and wife business • Long standing established business • Room for growth in cakes and bread wholesales
Properties For Lease OFFICES FOR LEASE ( Mornington unless specified) Office 1 - 4/15 Carbine Way – 42sqm $1,750pcm+GST 1/486 Nepean Hwy, Frankston - 220m2 $3,000pcm+GST+OGS Office 2 – 4/15 Carbine Way – 12sqm $750pcm+GST 2/10 Blamey Place – Varying Sizes From $845pcm+GST+SF 6/356 Main St – 104sqm $2,950pcm+GST+OG Suite 2, Level 3/28 Main St – 14sqm $1,300pcm+GST+SF 1/26 McLaren Place – 10sqm $1,018pcm+GST
Business Sale - Mornington
• 150sqm mechanical workshop on Main Street • Ideally located on the Woolworths Caltex site. • 6 allocated car parks • Huge potential for improvement
• This long established business in the shopping centre • Low rent • Long lease • Well established client base • Hurry as this won’t last long!
• Cake decorating business operating for over 23 years • Cakes baked and decorated for all occasions • Café selling cakes, pastries and coffee daily • Huge council compliant commercial kitchen • Separate room for cake decorating classes & kids parties
WORKSHOP 323-325 Main Street - 150sqm $7,084pcm+GST+OG SHOPS FOR LEASE Jetty Rd, Rosebud - From 70sqm From $3,300pcm+GST+OG 187 Main Street – 187sqm $5,050pcm+GST+OG Bass Meadows Blvd, St Andrews Beach – 180m2 $3,334pcm+OG MEDICAL FOR LEASE 1052 Nepean Hwy $7,084pcm+GST+OG
1/26 McLaren Place, Mornington VIC 3931 Wednesday, 5 December, 2018
Page 16
specialists HANDS
Helping to maintain an independent life
/17, new
move de) under
WESTERNPORT Mobility have long specialised in the sale and repair of mobility scooters and home mobility products, and have now introduced a whole new range of living aids. Proof that a good business is constantly growing and keeping with the times, Westernport Mobility have expanded into health care products in the home. Owner Ray Percival says it’s part of providing a wider service to the community.“We now have lift chairs which are ideal for when people have had operations like hip replacements. They might need a lift chair temporarily after surgery, or they might need one full time in their home,” says Ray. “At Westernport Mobility, you can either hire or buy depending on your needs.” Another part of the new range is products to help those with rheumatism.“We have jar and bottle openers, and other home aids like special cutlery for those with arthritis, that help people maintain an independent life,” says Ray. At Westernport Mobility, it’s all about supplying products that make it easier for everyday living. You can buy or hire most products, including mobility scooters, beds, lift chairs, walking aids, and living aids. “Since opening the new store in Hastings we have been able to expand and improve our range for the community,” says Ray. Westernport Mobility has qualified service
Westernport Mobility: Making everyday living easier
technicians to provide clients with prompt and expert repairs and service. With its number one commitment to customer service, Westernport Mobility offer home demonstrations of products as well.
Westernport Mobility is at Shop 7, 28 Victoria Street, Hastings. Open Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm. Phone 1800 449 452. www.westernportmobility.com.au
The Specialist Specialist in in Mobility Mobility and and Home Home Living Living Aids Aids The
We’re local and we come to you!
• Service • Battery tests • Repairs • Accessories • HOME HIRE
preloved scooter sale The One Stop Mobility & Home Living Shop NOW AT Shop 6-7, 28 Victoria Street, Hastings Telephone: 1800
449 452
Western Port News
5 December 2018
specialists HANDS
Rate your hearing at Nepean Hearing
4 Million Australians have a hearing loss NEPEAN Hearing is offering free hearing tests and rating your Hearing for Your Age (for the over 40’s). The number of Australians who are hearing impaired is increasing because of • the Ageing Population –we are living longer • excessive Noise - in the workplace and high level music Hearing loss is often described as the ‘invisible disability’. People often wait for 5-10 years before they seek help. Hearing loss may also be a contributing factor in the speed of onset of dementia. The degree of loss is also correlated to the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. It is important to know about your hearing. Many people ignore the signs of hearing loss, which include turning the TV or stereo up so loud that others complain, frequently needing to ask others to repeat themselves and not being able to hear properly on the telephone. Constant ringing is also another warning sign of hearing loss. As technology advances, many people with hearing loss benefit from hearing aids. These innovations have made a positive difference in the way they can communicate and enjoy their lives.
Nepean Hearing is an independently owned clinic and the audiologists are University of Melbourne trained. For hearing screenings our main office is located across the road from Frankston Hospital at 13 Hastings Road, Frankston, phone: 9783 7520. We are also located at: 171 Camms Road, Cranbourne, phone: 5966 1117, and Hastings Community Health 185 High Street Hastings, phone: 97837520. Take advantage of the free hearing test offered by Nepean Hearing to ensure your hearing is at its optimum.
Free hearing tests to Senior Say What?.. during Seniors Week
Personalised Service, Personalised Products
Did you know that many audiologists are not independent, and rely on commissions from only one supplier?
At Nepean Hearing, we are proud to be able to offer Seniors the latest technical During Week 15% innovations from the industry, regardless discount on our hearing aid of the manufacturer.
forpersonalised self funded retirees. We offer service and personalised products. Call us today and book your free hearing assessment and make sure you’re getting the right device.
Ph:9783 9783 Ph: 75207520 13 Hastings Rd, FRANKSTON 13 Hastings Rd,Health,185 FRANKSTON Hastings Community High St, HASTINGS 171 CammsCommunity Rd, CRANBOURNE Hastings Health,185 High St, PAGE 32
Western Port News
5 December 2018
www.nepeanhearing.com.au www.nepeanhearing.com.a
to help” “Hear to help
Sore Feet or Legs? Call
specialists HANDS
te Give yourfoothearing at Nepean and leg pain, injury Hearing
illion Australians and arthritis the boot e a hearing loss
WITH the holiday season nearly upon us, it’s a good time to get any foot and leg pain, injuries, ing is offering free arthritic d rating your Hearingand degenerative conditions attended or the overto 40’s). so you can enjoy the festivities and activities of Australians who ahead. aired is increasing Foot & Leg Pain Clinics, are experts in assisting opulation –we are lower limb pain from injuries, arthritis, overuse conditions, degenerative concerns and ise - in the workplace growth & development issues in children. By l music assisting proper foot function, correcting faulty s often described disability’.biomechanics, People strengthening and correcting -10 years before theypatterns, identifying and managing conmuscle ing loss may also be factors, utilizing the very latest medical actor in thetributing speed entia. The research degree of and treatments, and supporting the Nepean Hearingfor is an elated to the risk of musculoskeletal structure each individual’s independently owned clinic and ease. It is important specific physical requirements, Foot of & Leg Pain the audiologists are University your hearing. men, women, Melbournethousands trained. ignore the Clinics signs of has assisted For hearing screenings ourathletes. main hich include turning seniors children, and professional office is located across the road from o up so loud that The experts at Foot and Leg Pain Clinics can Frankston Hospital at 13 Hastings
assist soft tissue repair and pain relief, improve joint & tissue function, and increase mobility with medically sound advice and proven treatment plans. They’ve even assisted many to avoid or prolong surgery and reduce or eliminate long-term medications. So don’t let sore knees, feet, hips and ankles, soft tissue injuries or degeneration interfere with your social occasions and recreational activities this coming holiday season. If you suffer from any foot or leg pain including knee and hip pain make an appointment today at Foot & Leg Pain Clinics. They have clinics located across Melbourne, Geelong and the Mornington Peninsula, including Moorabbin, Berwick, Mt Eliza and Rosebud. For appointments phone 1300 328 300. Call NOW for $50 OFF initial consultations!
ff O 0 5 $
ist diatr to po offer redeem n o ti *Men consult to at
CALL 1300 328 300
trusted experts . proven solutions MT. ELIZA . ROSEBUD . MOORABBIN . BERWICK
To advertise in the next Healthcare Professionals feature contact Martyn Ashton on 0481 289 154 martyn@mpnews.com.au Free hearing tests to Seniors Say What?.. during Seniors Week Jump into the festive season feet first COMFORT + STYLE Road, Frankston, phone: 9783 7520. We are also located at: 171 Camms Road, Cranbourne, phone: 5966 1117, and Hastings Community Health 185 High Street Hastings, phone: 97837520. Take advantage of the free hearing test offered by Nepean Hearing to ensure your hearing is at its optimum.
Western Port
Personalised Service, Personalised Products
Did you know that many audiologists are not independent, and rely on commissions from only one supplier?
years and has established an excellent profes- Hearing, we are proud to NOW is the time for you to buy that special At Nepean sional reputation for its service and endeavors Xmas gift for your own feet ready for the New be able to offer the latest technical to create a high customer satisfaction by finding Year? innovations shoe solutions for difficult or damaged feet. from the industry, regardless You need to regularly check that you have Bayside strives to ensure a high level of perproper fitting shoes that give good support for of the manufacturer. sonal service and shoe choice with the best qualyour walking gait to prevent sore feet, ankles, ity, supportive shoes from Kid’s We First Walkers knees and back pain. offer personalised service and through to school, work, play and formal shoes As we mature our skeletal structure changes, personalised across all age groups and special occasions. products. Call us today and including our foot size and foot structure that book yourrange free hearing assessment and Bayside Shoes has probably the largest requires regular evaluation of what type of shoe of work & formal LARGE size shoes for women structure will be most suitable to support your make sure you’re getting the right device. (11/42 – 15/46) and men (12 / 45 to 17/51) in body. This has created a real need to design The Alegria footbed is perfect Victoria. shoes that complement both your lifestyle and Xmas Gift Vouchers for shoes, handbags, foot structure. for those on their feet all day, clothing or work boots are available for that Alegria has focused its efforts on designing ideal for nurses, hospitality special gift that is useful and greatly appreciated “foot solutions” that give excellent foot support staff and more. The Alegria by the receiver. for those standing on their feet all day, such as range has its own unique Bayside Shoes is located at 103 Railway nursing, hairdressing, teaching or retail. The inbuilt orthotic. Parade, Seaford on the corner www.nepeanhearing.com.au of Clovelly Alegria orthotic innersole built into their range Parade and has both free and disability parking of shoes and sandals is designed to give that stingssupport Rd, and FRANKSTON near its entrance and wheel chair ramp access to prevent foot damage. They offer a the store. View the Bayside Shoes range on its wide range of fashionable, stylish and comfortngs Community Health,185 St,of HASTINGS website baysideshoewarehouse.com.au or phone able shoes and sandals to suite theHigh majority 03 9785 1887 if you have an enquiry. groups and occupations. ammsageRd, CRANBOURNE Bayside Shoes has been operating for over 30
During Seniors Week 15% discount on our hearing aids for self funded retirees.
Ph:9783 9783 Ph: 75207520 www.nepeanhearing.com.au
astings Rd, FRANKSTON “Hear ings Community Health,185 High St, HASTINGS
to help” “Hear to help”
$20 OFF
n, frequently needing repeat themselves and o hear properly on the stant ringing is also g sign of hearing loss. y advances, many ring loss benefit from hese innovations have difference in the way unicate and enjoy
(excludes specials, offer expires 31.12.18)
Available at: Bayside Shoes 103 Railway Parade, Seaford ph 9785 1887 baysideshoewarehouse.com.au
We stock a range of footwear for the whole family! Western Port News
5 December 2018
Edward Meldrum writes about the fall of Damascus Compiled by Brodie Cowburn THE following letter was received by Mrs Meldrum, of Somerville, from her son Edward, on active service in Damascus: I have not had much time for letter writing lately. I don’t think anyone had an idea of what this stunt was going to be like. All thought we would strike some stiff fighting. We started off one night and got within a few miles of the front line, unsaddled for the night and were let into the know of what was going to be done in the morning. We were all awake waiting for the guns to open up, which they did a while before daylight. The bombardment was terrific while it lasted. The next thing we heard was cheers from the infantry, when they charged and broke through the Turkish line. We then waited till we got orders to be ready to move in quarter of an hour. We were set off at a fast pace which lasted well into the night. The only Turks we saw were prisoners. After a few hours spell were off, and travelled until midday the next day, arriving at a place just too late to see a charge made by the Indian Cavalry Brigade, which resulted in the capture of over a thousand prisoners. We stayed at this place for a few hours to feed the horses and ourselves, and then received our marching orders which were to travel twelve miles over very rough country, and capture the general Headquarters of the Turks. The distance was covered in an hour and ten minutes, a resulted in the capture of eight thousand prisoners
by a thousand of our boys, with only about half a dozen wounded men on our side. This gave me some idea of what the morale of the enemy was like. In one place I saw four men capture over seven hundred Turks and Germans. It seemed queer to see them give in with very little resistance, just like a flock of sheep. The next few days found us still travelling, and collecting prisoners. One night we rode through Nazareth and on to the Sea of Gallilee, and had a borzer time giving the horses and ourselves a much needed wash, after which we moved off again, and were held up for a few hours at the Jordon, as the Turks had blown up the bridges and wore holding the opposite side pretty strong with machine guns, which made crossing rather difficult. Our artillery, in the meantime, had drawn into position and opened up at a target even the gunners could see, so you may imagine what work they did. About dark our regiment forded the river, and cleared the opposite bank of what enemy was left. We all moved on again and up a high hill, covered with big boulders and not even a goat track, and as dark as pitch we reached the top after a few hours climb. At day break we halted till midday and by this time most were rather saddle weary and took advantage to lie at full length on the ground, or rather rock and thistles of which there were plenty. At four o’clock we unsaddled and had tea, when word came to move on six miles. We had a days rest there and were off again to Damascus.
That night we were held up by the Germans, with a lot of machine guns. They had a beautiful position and hard to locate, so it took some time to clear the road. With all their commanding position, all the damage done to us was five horses killed. We captured the Germans and their machine guns also two field guns. By this time it was daylight and fast moving was the order of the day. During the afternoon we came in sight of the outer forts of Damascus. This brigade had nothing to do with them so we worked round their flank. It was here that I saw the charge by our Australian boys and resulted in the capture of the forts. It was a great sight to see and they had few casualties. We were now within sight of the city and our brigade was playing havoc with the retreating enemy. We camped that night in the hills and I got more thistle pricks than I could count, but all the same I slept until the next morning. We moved on to the place where our machine guns had been at work. I never wish to see again such a dreadful sight, the roads were simply blocked up with waggons, horses and men wounded and dead; it was too awful for words. We then had the honor of being the first troops through Damascus, which is a beautiful city, but as we only rode through we didn’t have much chance of seeing things. We received a great welcome by the inhabitants, who lined the streets and cheered all the time. Some standing on the balconies threw scent over the boys, and grapes, figs and tomatoes were handed to us
as we rode by, but like most of good things here they came to a finish. We left the city and came on to about 3 thousand more enemy, who took a day and a half to collect. We then came back through the city at night We are resting at present a few miles out of Damascus, waiting to see if Turkey has had enough. *** OWING to the price of chaff having risen, members of the Southern Suburban Master Carriers Association have decided to increase the price of sand from Monday Frankston sand will be 3d a load extra, and pit sand 6d a load extra. The incidence of the increase is based on chaff at £5 a ton. For every rise of 30s in the price of chaff, the price of Frankston sand will be increased by 3d, and pit sand by 6d a load. The present price of chaff is £6 10s a ton. The difference in the charges of the two kinds of sand is accounted for by the fact that Frankston sand is carried by rail close to the place of delivery whilst pit sand has to be carted a considerable distance. *** MESSRS T. R. B. Morton and Son report having sold, through J L. Parkes, one of their auctioneers, acres at the Tyabb railway station (cleaned and fenced) on account of Mr A. S. Krerouse, at a satisfactory price. *** STATE schools will close for the Christmas vacation on 20th December and will resume on 3rd February. Head teachers of high schools have been advised that they may use their discretion in the closing of schools after 13th December.
THINKING OF SELLING? Speak to your agent about listing on realestateview.com.au.
Be seen everywhere. PAGE 34
Western Port News
5 December 2018
The Education department has been notified by the Railway department that tickets at holiday excursion fares will be on issue from 11th December to 2nd January inclusive, available for return until 4th February. *** JUST after lunch hour, on Thursday, as the Frankston and Hastings council was about to resume its sitting, Cr Longmuir received word that his son, George, had died in the Tenth General Hospital, England, from influenza and bronchial pneumonia. General regret was expressed at the council table. The President said the council deeply sympathised with Cr and Mrs Longmuir in their affliction, and though dead, the deeds of their son, would live for ever. He moved that the council adjourn for a quarter of an hour, as a mark of respect to Cr Longmuir. Cr Oates said that not only the council but the whole community would deeply sympathise with Cr. Longmuir. The motion was carried in silence, the members standing. After being rejected twice the deceased was accepted the third time, and has seen some stirring times. He was on the Ballarat when it was torpedoed, and about twelve months ago was badly gassed. The last news his father had from him was that he was better, and expected to be at the front again shortly. The flags in Sommerville were flown half mast during the afternoon in token of sympathy. *** From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 7 December 1918
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Puzzles supplied by Lovatts Publications Pty Ltd www.lovattspuzzles.com See page 38 for solutions.
How to Avoid an Upcoming Copper Conundrum By Stuart McCullough I WISH it were easier. But there’s no getting around the fact that it’s going to be both monumentally difficult and fraught with danger. I’ll admit I’m concerned. That’s because there’s nothing more worrisome than the look of disappointment on the face of a spouse as they unwrap the anniversary gift you’ve selected for them. This should be avoided at all costs and, much like a shuttle launch, there’s no such thing as being ‘too prepared’. With that in mind, I’ve got just three weeks to get my act together. Time is running out. Frankly, the odds are against me. This year marks our seventh anniversary that, apparently, requires a gift made of copper. Or wool. I am at a loss. If only I could travel back in time; say, to 1987 when the store ‘Copperart’ was a ubiquitous presence in shopping malls. I could stride in, my handsome mullet flowing behind me and grab anything, confident in the knowledge that whatever I had selected would be made of a-grade copper. In fact, you could have walked into ‘Copperart’ wearing a blindfold and emerge with something suitable for a seventh anniversary. Year four was super easy. Traditional gifts for your fourth wedding anniversary include linen, silk or electrical appliances. Nothing says ‘I love you’ quite like a robot vacuum. The ‘Sucktastic 4000’ has given us hours of enjoyment as we’ve watched it roll around the house, alarming the dog before inevitably breaking down and refusing to function for months on end. I suspect sabotage may be involved. The dog is my chief suspect.
The first year was also pretty straightforward. As gifts go, ‘paper’ is setting the bar pretty low. It’s as though someone made a conscious decision not to peak too early. Confusingly, though, wedding anniversary gifts vary from country to country. In British culture, ‘cotton’ is the first year anniversary gift and paper is the gift in year two; the exact opposite of America. It’s the whole ‘which side of the road do you drive on?’ thing all over again. It doesn’t help. Both sides of the pond are in fierce agreement over year three. It’s leather. The great thing about leather is that the options are almost limitless. There’s furniture, clothing,
footwear or, possibly, a football. For the life of me, I can’t recall what it was I bought my wife for our third wedding anniversary, but I am semiconfident that it wasn’t a brand new Sherrin. Granted, it would have been a great opportunity to claim that I was ‘Sherrin’ the love, but I’m not sure that anniversaries are the best time to make that kind of joke. The less said about the fifth wedding anniversary, the better. According to a list compiled by the Public Library of Chicago (although I suspect they really should have something better to do), the modern expectation at year five is silverware. Maybe it was because I was underpre-
pared and in something of a rush that I misread ‘silverware’. Suffice to say that when my wife arrived home from work to find me performing ‘Straight Lines’ by Silverchair on a ukulele, she was underwhelmed. Year six could easily have been a disaster. According to the internet, acceptable gifts for your sixth anniversary include ‘iron’. I can tell you from experience that such gifts should be made from iron as in the mineral element and not something that takes the creases out of your pants. Woe betide anyone who mixes those two up. Luckily, it gets easier from here. Silk and fine linen are the go-to gifts for your twelfth anniversary, which
sounds pretty self-explanatory. I’m especially looking forward to our twenty-fourth wedding anniversary as the designated gift is a musical instrument. Although, by that time, I fear it might be too late. I’m not sure if your twenty-fourth wedding anniversary is quite the right time to request a set of DJ decks. I’ll admit I’m a little wary of year fourteen. I suspect ‘ivory’ is probably frowned on these days, much like a monkey paw back-scratcher or rhinoceros foot umbrella stand, no matter how long you’ve been hitched. Luckily, the more acceptable modern standard is gold jewelry. Having grown up listening to Run DMC, I know a thing or two about gold jewellery. Word! All of which me brings me back to copper and wool. Ideally, I’d find something that combined these two materials but I don’t fancy my chances. It’s unlikely to be clothing. The combination of metal and textile fibre won’t very comfortable if worn, for example, as a pair of pants but it may well explain where the term ‘seven year itch’ comes from. Even Copperart drew the line at copper trousers. As I do with these important decisions, I’ve been consulting closely with my wife. She has suggested that we buy an outdoor setting. It is unlikely to involve either copper or wool. Instead, she proposes to add copper staples. This, I feel, could well be cheating. But at least I know it’ll avoid controversy. I’ll consider it a ‘copperomise’. Happy anniversary Kate. stuart@stuartmccullough.com
Western Port News
5 December 2018
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5 December 2018
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scoreboard WESTERN PORT
Bailing out: Hastings blew their chance to beat Heatherhill. Chasing 176, they were all out for 151. Picture: Andrew Hurst
Sorrento keep the Doggies on a tight leash By Brodie Cowburn
SORRENTO have worked hard to restrict Mornington to a total of just 160 in their clash at Alexandra Park. Defending a total of 205 runs away from home, helped by a brilliant 77 from Liam O’Connor, the Sharks started well to claim the first two wickets of the innings for just 19. Mornington’s middle order steadied the innings to put their side back on track, but once their wickets fell the rest collapsed quickly. Jake Wood was the best of Sorrento’s bowlers, taking 4 wickets for 26 runs from his 16 overs. At Emil Madsen Reserve, Langwarrin’s total of 246 was put under threat in their two dayer against Mt Eliza. Mt Eliza were struggling at 2/13 to begin with, but recovered well to end up at 2/108 and in pole position for a win. Tim Clarke’s 48 has handy, but it was Justin Grant’s huge total of 95 that put his side in a good position. Travis Campbell eventually got Grant out just 5 runs short of his ton. His wicket was taken with Mt Eliza at 5/194. They ended up all out for 219. Leigh Paterson claimed a five wicket haul, positing figures of 5/45 for the day.
At BA Cairns Reserve, Flinders and Baxter got underway with Flinders having already lost the first innings. Flinders came in to bat on day two and batted out the afternoon, improving greatly on their first innings total of 76. Flinders recovered from 2/3 to end the day at 6/208. Blake Hogan-Keogh hit 14 fours to get to 74 runs before retiring hurt. Peninsula OB performed well to pass their target of 168 against Pearcedale. John Forrest was in fine form, passing his century and ending the day at 101 not out. Old Boys finished at 6/255.
BADEN Powell have held on to claim a first innings win over Somerville. Baden Powell won the toss and elected to bat first. They put together a complete team performance to get to 6/158. Somerville started poorly and lost their first wicket for just four runs. From there some of their batsmen made starts but none could make any real impact. They were eventually bowled out for 114, well short of their target.
On the first day of Red Hill’s clash with Main Ridge, spectators were treated to a phenomenal performance from Simon Dart. He smashed an astonishing 6 sixes and 8 fours on his way to a brilliant total of 108 not out. Main Ridge were left rocked, and could not get close to their target of 227. They ended up at 7/126 at stumps, well short of a good result. Pines were prolific at home against Moorooduc, passing their first innings target of 154 with relative ease. A good bowling performance from Moorooduc’s Robbie Lancaster was not enough, as Pines finished the day at 6/213, taking the first innings.
CARRUM’S run chase against Delacombe Park proved fruitless in the second day of their clash, as they fell nearly 100 runs short of a win. Corey Hand came in late and was the best of Carrum’s batsmen, top scoring with just 38 runs. They ended up all out for 130, well short of the required 225 to win. The Seaford Tigers recovered from a sluggish start to easily claim a first innings win over Seaford. Chasing 91, Seaford Tigers lost their first 6 wickets for just 73 runs
and looked to be struggling as well. A stunning performance from the tail saw them get out to 243. Middle order batsman Matthew Roach was the best contributor with 74 runs. Seaford came in to bat a second innings, and restored respect with a much better total. They finished at 5/252 at stumps. Opener Ryan Mcqueen put together a knock of 82, an improvement from his first innings total of 6. Rosebud were in grave danger of losing their first innings against Mt Martha, passing their target of 144 with just one wicket in hand. Rosebud were struggling badly and lost two quick late wickets to be at 9/137. With the game in balance, Billy Quigley held on help claim the winning runs. He top scored for Rosebud with 36 not out. At Thomas Barclay Oval, Jake Hewitt nearly proved the difference for his Hastings side, but ultimately his 48 was not enough to help his side to a win over Heatherhill. Chasing 176 to win, Hastings blew their chance by losing their last three wickets for just 2 runs. They ended up all out for 151.
BALNARRING put together a good team performance to pass Frankston YCW’s total at Peninsula Reserve. The Stonecats set a total pf 156 on day one. Balnarring had good performances from many of their batsmen. None passed a half century, but all contributed to reach 9/188 at stumps. Andrew Kiston claimed five wickets. At Boneo Rec Reserve, Boneo were relentless as they pumped Rye by over 200 runs in the first innings. Caolan O’Connor’s 91 from 101 balls was a highlight of their innings of 2/266. Skye got 8/141 in the second innings to restore some respect. Dromana put together a stunning opening partnership of 150 runs to help themselves to a four wicket win over Tyabb. Nick Taranto’s terrific ton put Tyabb off to a dream start on day one, but he was let down by a lackluster bowling performance. Dromana’s Adam Ciaverella put together an innings of 77 runs, while Mark Whitehead contributed 76 runs of his own. Once their wickets fell the middle order toiled away to eventually end the day at 6/235. Rye had a bye.
Western Port News
5 December 2018
WESTERN PORT scoreboard
Wayne Wallace joins Langwarrin SOCCER
By Craig MacKenzie LANGWARRIN has signed Wayne Wallace from Oakleigh Cannons as it gears up for an assault on the NPL2 East title. The 33-year-old midfield general has been released from the final year of his deal at Jack Edwards Reserve and is now part of Langwarrin gaffer Scott Miller’s major overhaul of the senior squad. It is a massive signing for Miller and a clear statement of intent – Langwarrin is targeting promotion to the premier club competition in the state. If it achieves that goal it will become only the third local club to have done so after Frankston Pines who reached a Premier League grand final in 2003 and Frankston City which last competed in 1982. “We went hard on Wallace because he brings identity and profile which is what we wanted and the leadership that we required in the middle of the pitch,” Miller said. “It’s also about the accountability and responsibility that he brings to the table. “Off the field we want to build the profile of Langwarrin and he’s one of the players that does that.” Sponsorship has been crucial in assembling Langwarrin’s current squad thanks to main sponsors Premier Builders Group and civil construction company LOJAC along with a raft of lesser sponsors. Former Langwarrin players Greg Kilner and Craig Hosie have played significant roles as Kilner is the founder and principal of Premier Builders while Hosie is the founder and managing director of LOJAC. Hull-born Wallace has only spent one season outside Victoria’s elite club competition and that
was his first season here in 2008 when he was part of the Sunshine George Cross side that won the Division 1 title. He played in the then VPL with Georgies in 2009, spent the following season back in England before returning for the 2011 season and joining and captaining Bentleigh Greens winning the 2014 Grand Final 3-1 against South Melbourne and the 2016 Dockerty Cup. He also led the Greens to an historic FFA Cup semi-final berth against Perth Glory in 2014. He switched to Hume City after the 2016 season but joined Oakleigh Cannons midway through 2017. Wallace is a local as he now lives just a couple of kilometres from Lawton Park and has had no trouble adopting Miller’s mantra for 2019. “I wouldn’t be signing for a club that just wanted to stay in that league,” Wallace said. “I’m hoping that Langwarrin is heading to the NPL.” The tall Englishman has been doing regular gym sessions under the supervision of Langy high performance manager Alistair Wallace for some weeks now after being assessed and an individual program developed. “I’ve never done gym work on my legs in all the years I’ve been playing football and everything we’re doing is geared towards strengthening.” Wallace is part of a large player turnover at Langy and is the club’s 11th new signing if you include Connor Belger who is unlikely to return from England. The other signings are Damir Stoilovic, David Stirton, Roddy Covarrubias, Jaiden Madafferi, Jamie Cumming, Callum Goulding, Jordan Templin, Fraser Maclaren and Thomas Ahmadzai. Robbie Acs, Lloyd Clothier, Liam Baxter, Andy McIntyre, Andy Mclean, Mat Luak, Mehdi Sarwari, Max Boulton, Paul Speed and Michael
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Key signing: Wayne Wallace has joined Langwarrin after being released from his contract with Oakleigh Cannons.
Kariuki have left the club. Acs has joined Mazenod as its No 1 keeper replacing Kris McEvoy who has joined Berwick City along with twin brother Paul. Speed has returned to England, Baxter, McIntyre and Mclean have joined Mornington, Kariuki looks set to join Box Hill United, Boulton is in talks with Frankston Pines and Luak is rumoured to have attracted interest from Casey Comets and Berwick City. Jonny Guthrie has been absent from pre-season training due to cricket commitments and continues to be linked with Baxter as does Nabil Mozaffaruddin who is recovering from long-term injury. On Sunday Langwarrin announced that John Kuol, Boris Ovcin, Luke Burgess and Dylan Kilner had been retained. The senior squad remains a work in progress and the club is believed to be in contact with a number of targets. It’s understood that talks were held with teenage defender Lucas Portelli who has decided to remain at Melbourne City. Talented trio Ryan Losty and brothers Chris and Kostas Droutsas were strongly linked with Langy and are rumoured to have received firm offers from the club but they have re-signed with Eastern Lions. Meanwhile Mazenod Victory has appointed local legend Gus Macleod as head of coaching. The former Langy boss took on the role after fielding offers of coaching and technical director positions from a number of clubs. “It’s just Tuesdays and Thursdays working with the coaches and there’s no real pressure attached so I’m really looking forward to it,” Macleod said. “It’s something to keep my hand in and some-
thing I really enjoy having worked with FFV in that area for years.” In State 1 South-East news Mitch Ball has joined the coaching staff at Mornington. Ball, 21, has been appointed as assistant to reserves coach Andy Mason. Ball has coached at Skye United, Bulleen, Langwarrin and Baxter and met with Mason last week to sign off on the appointment. “It’s a great opportunity to work at State 1 level and with Nathan Peel there and ‘Jamo’ back I knew that Mornington was heading in the right direction,” Ball said. “I had a good chat with Andy about what we want to achieve and we’ll be working with a young squad and hopefully we can produce players who will go on and play senior football for Mornington.” In other news Rosebud and Rosebud Heart are in merger talks and both clubs took to social media last week to publicise their discussions. A merger proposal will be discussed at their next club committee meetings as a precursor to extraordinary general meetings where club members can vote on the proposed merger. Both clubs wrote about an exciting future in their respective facebook posts but Rosebud struck a note of caution. Heart posted: “As a committee we are excited about the future this opportunity affords us. We believe one strong, united club on the Southern Peninsula has significant benefits for all involved and together we will be a great force now and into the future for our great game in our region.” Rosebud posted: “Preserving the history and heritage of our great club is of the utmost importance to us all and we will only move forward on this if the greater good of our club and community will be realised.”
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Western Port News
5 December 2018
WESTERN PORT scoreboard
Sons of guns selected in AFL Draft By Ben Triandafillou THE next generation of footballers made their way through the AFL draft on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 November, with a few familiar surnames among them. Former Frankston VFA stars Steve Hamill, Paul Williams and Paul Foot all shared the exciting, yet slightly relieving, feeling of seeing their sons get drafted alongside some of Australia’s best up-and-coming talent. Will Hamill (pick no. 30), Bailey Williams (pick no. 35) and Zac Foot (pick no. 51) will all be heading interstate to live out their dream of playing with the elite in the AFL. Hamill will be heading to the Adelaide Crows, Williams will go to the West Coast Eagles and Foot was drafted to the Sydney Swans. Will Hamill’s father and newly appointed Crib Point coach, Steve Hamill, said there’s something a little bit special about seeing all of their sons get drafted. “There was no guarantee of those boys going so it was nice for them to get picked up and it’s great to see a bit of symmetry of the dads who played together 20 years earlier,” Hamill said. “I’ve watched Bailey develop as a person and as a footballer/sportsman for a long time. He’s a different sort of character to Will but he’s a really nice fella too, and I think he’ll make a pretty good fist of it. “Zac Foot who got drafted to the Swans, his dad played at Frankston too, so I played with Paul as well who was a fantastic footballer, so it’s nice to see the next generation of boys playing.” Like many young draft prospects, Will had caught the eye of several AFL clubs leading into this year’s
Rising stars: Will Hamill joins five other Dandenong Southern Stingrays players to be drafted into the AFL. Picture: Supplied
draft but was still no certainty of being chosen. “It’s one of those things, you hope as a dad, that he has enough skills and qualities that they’re looking for,” Steve said. “We always went with a hope, but it was never expected, it was a sort of relief I suppose. “These days a lot of the clubs will talk to lots and lots of kids about their footy, so we sort of knew he was around the mark, but no one ever guaranteed him anything. “He had a couple of good seasons at the Stingrays but so did a lot of the boys. Probably the two things that helped him a little bit I think was the Stingrays playing in the finals and winning the premiership and he had a pretty good final series which exposed him to the next level. Then when he got asked to the Draft Combine and tested really well, I think that elevated his stocks a little bit but again you never know.”
Will caught the eye of recruiters at October’s NAB AFL Draft Combine, showing off his speed in the 20m sprint with a third-place finish as well as ranking in the top 10 in the standing vertical jump, agility and Yo-Yo tests. Even with these results, it was still an exciting shock for Hamill’s name to be read out on live television. “We were just sitting there watching the TV. There wasn’t anything before that in regards to someone ringing up and saying they’re going to pick you now or that it’s going to happen, it was just wait for your name to be called out across the TV really,” Steve said. “It had been a dream that he had had for a while so in the first sense it was a bit of relief and then all of a sudden pride, and then there’s this sort of surreal feeling. “Within three minutes Don Pyke had rang and was on the phone speak-
ing to Will and then Rory Sloane rang him, and Tex Walker was speaking to him. He had a big text from Mark Ricciuto and this all happened in the first 20 minutes. “He went from a kid who’s straight out of high school, literally turned 18-years-old four days before, to getting phone calls from all these people who are celebrities in the football world. His phone was going off the hook and it was just really surreal with everything that happened so quickly.” There was no time to lounge around for Will and the other draftees, with the boys flying out to join their interstate clubs on the Sunday. “[The draft] was Friday night and then he flew out to Adelaide on Sunday so that’s how quick it was,” Steve said. “Monday he was training so there’s absolutely no sitting around waiting for anything.” “Pretty much all the Victorian boys who got drafted were flying out that day so they all sort of shook each other’s hands and said ‘congratulations and good luck’. All the Adelaide boys who got drafted congregated together too so it was sort of nice that there was four or five of them flying out together. “They’re going to share that journey together, so we feel pretty comfortable with Will embarking on this journey with some other boys who are going to go through exactly the same experience and are going to learn and grow and develop together – I thought that was really comforting.” Williams and Hamill had played representative basketball together at the Western Port Steelers for the past five years as well as making their
way through the Dandenong Southern Stingrays program with Foot and many other talented youngsters. The boys were part of the Stingrays’ 2018 TAC Cup premiership winning team that broke the club’s drought and claimed their first ever TAC Cup title. Also coming from the Stingrays, left-footed forward, Sam Sturt (Fremantle), was drafted at pick no. 17 as well as the speedy small forward, Toby Bedford (Melbourne), at pick no. 75. The rookie draft also saw Mornington’s Lachie Young get picked up by the Western Bulldogs. In regards to the Stingrays’ program, Steve couldn’t offer anything but a glowing review. “For Will and our family, it has been a fantastic program,” he said. “They really looked after him and they developed him to that next level.” Despite feeling incredibly proud to see his son get drafted into the AFL, Steve only hopes the best for the other talented footballers who fell just short of making it this year. “It’s such a cut-throat industry,” he said. “There were six boys that were lucky enough to get drafted this year, but I think Stingrays had a record number of kids invited to national or state combines so there was a lot of good boys who didn’t get picked up but in their own right could have if their number got called out. “I hope from a football coach point-of-view that those guys stick it out and the great thing about the AFL these days is that you don’t have to be 17 or 18 to be drafted. There’s a lot more pathways now which is great but they’re going to have to just put their head down and keep working.”
Golfing girl has a blast at nationals ROSEBUD Country Club junior golfer, Gracie Larsen, represented Victoria for the first time at the School Sports National Golf Championships on the Bellarine Peninsula on Monday 12 November. Despite it being her first time competing, Gracie was awarded the honour of captaining the under-12s Victorian side, along with the boy’s team captain, Bailey Goodall. Victoria ended up coming away with an overall bronze medal from the five-day championships and Gracie’s father, Tom Larsen, said the competition made them “better people, not just golfers”. “They played awesome as a team and really enjoyed themselves out there,” he said. “They had no caddy; the parents couldn’t give any advice, they were all on their own. They made a few interesting choices but all round it was a really good experience for them.” On the opening day, the Victorian girls won the team Ambrose event (nett) and came in six-under the card with “big smiles on their faces”. The second day was the individual competition where Gracie played another solid round of golf, but unfortunately nothing seemed to drop for her. “It was just one of those days,” Tom said. “Seven or eight times she lipped out and nothing really went her way.” Gracie and the Victorian team enjoyed the day off on the third day and ventured to Sovereign Hill where the
kids got to experience the gold mines. “That was good for them,” Tom said. “All the kids got to hang out and just get to know each other.” The final two days the golfers got back into the swing of things at the national championships where Gracie and the Victorian girls team topped off their final round with a birdie on the last hole of the competition. Overall, Tom said Gracie “absolutely loved it” and really made him proud with the way she handled herself as the captain. “She really upheld her role and I had a lot of people commend her on the way she went about everything and how she kept her composure throughout the entire competition,” he said. Fellow Rosebud Country Club junior golfer, Molly McLean, also went to cheer her friend on after missing the competition because of injury. “Molly injured her back a couple weeks before and had to sit out unfortunately but it was great to see her there on the last day with her father,” Tom said.
State captain: RCC junior golfer Gracie Larsen captains the Victorian under-12s side to a bronze medal. Picture: Supplied Western Port News
5 December 2018
WESTERN PORT scoreboard Girls set sail: Mornington Yacht Club is attracting more women into sailing with their new program ‘Girl’s Out Sailing’. Picture: Mornington Yacht Club
Girls step out Sailing MORNINGTON Yacht Club is hoping to attract more women into sailing with their new program, ‘Girl’s Out Sailing’. The program looks at the basics of sailing as well as behind-the-scenes aspects of a sailing club such as volunteering. Mornington Yacht Club board member, Michelle Pickford, said the five-session program is all about have a good time out on the water. “Girls Out Sailing was put together to get women and teenage girls to step out into an unreal program,” Pickford said. “It’s all about socialisation, meeting new people and learning the basic sailing skills to enjoy some time out on the water.” At just their third session the Girls Out Sailing group entered into the Mornington Yacht Club’s Ladies Skippers race on Sunday 25 November. “They twisted my arm,” Pickford said. “We had to change the program slightly, but they all loved it and I think it was great for them to compete against the other general members at the club. “The experience would have been great with who they have to give way to or if they get to keep going. They were all more than fine about entering the race. We’ve got the right people out there with them and they do a great job making everyone feel comfortable.”
Pickford said the program has worked really well so far because of the “friendly, relaxed atmosphere” that it has. “You don’t need any prior experience just a little bit of a want for adventure,” she said. “This was our pilot for the program and that’s allowed us to feel our way through it and everything has gone really good so far.” The program introduces the women into other aspects of the Mornington Yacht Club as well the basics of sailing. “It also introduces them to club life,” Pickford said. “There’s more to a local club than the main activity so with our next session we look at volunteering around the club and all the other jobs that go into making the club so great.” “You might find that you might absolutely love sailing, but you might find that you enjoy the volunteering aspect of the club instead.” The Girls Out Sailing group has one more session before Christmas and will finish their program with a final session at the start of February. If you’re interested in the Girls Out Social Sailing program, contact Michelle or Sarah on 5975 7001 or visit their Facebook page, ‘Girls Out Sailing’.
Edwards’ kiwi galloper ready to Rox and roll
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Simply play a round of golf at any of the below courses between now and 31st December 2018 and send in your scorecard for a chance to win. Edithvale Public Golf Course – Fraser Ave, Edithvale Mornington Golf Club – Tallis Drive, Mornington Devilbend Golf Club – Loders Road, Moorooduc Cerberus Golf Club – HMAS Cerberus, Crib Point Bay Views Golf Course – Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud Rosebud Country Club – 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud St Andrews Beach Golf Course – 209 Sandy Road, Fingal One scorecard per envelope. Include your NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER on the back of envelope.
Entries close 7/1/19 Post to: MPNG Golf, PO Box 588, Hastings 3915
Western Port News
5 December 2018
BITTERN-based racehorse trainer Kerry Edwards may only have two horses in work at the moment, but the small-time trainer has started to reveal one that looks to have above-average ability on the racetrack. Edwards saddled up the former New Zealand galloper, Rox The Castle, for his first run back from a spell at Ballarat on Saturday 24 November, where he finished a game second in benchmark 70 class despite “not handling the conditions all too well”. Having won his first two starts in Australia in impressive style, including a 2.8-length maiden victory, the four-year-old gelding’s return has given Edwards an exciting hope for the future. “He’s got ability but we’ve just got to harness it and direct it and not get ahead of ourselves,” she said. “Mentally he wasn’t there when he arrived but I’m really happy with the progression that he’s continued to make.” Edwards, who also does casual garden work throughout the week, moved to the Mornington Peninsula just over 10 years ago to set up a boutique stable closer to the beach. The smaller sized stable and the hands-on training that Edwards provides is a key reason to why she has be given the opportunity to train horses such as Rox The Castle. “I actually trained this guy’s mum, Run Roxy Run.” Edwards said. “Over in New Zealand she showed a lot of ability but she had issues through her back. She hit the ground pretty hard, and as I do a lot of my training on the beach it helps take a little bit of the pressure off the animal in their training and also recovery-wise. So that’s why Tim [Di Mattina] (owner) sent her over to me. “He’s had a number of horses over the years and if they look like they’ll measure up over here he’s chosen to send them to me thankfully because he likes the smaller set up and provid-
Beach work: Bittern-based racehorse trainer Kerry Edwards enjoys riding beach work aboard her upand-coming galloper, Rox The Castle. Picture: Ben Erikssin Photography
ing more individual attention to his horses.” Rox The Castle fitted that profile after impressing in trails in New Zealand and while his first and only start over the ditch wasn’t a standout, it had more merit than might meet the eye. “He had one run over there and it was a bit of a disaster,” Edwards said. “He was beaten six lengths but when you see what he did, he did everything wrong. His head was up and he was over racing for basically the entire race.” “When he came to me he used to be hard on the bit and leaned on your hands but this morning down at the beach he was round and relaxed and I thought ‘wow, this horse has come a long way in the short time he’s been here mentally and even physically’. He’s learning to work with you and not against you.” Since Rox The Castle’s last run, Edwards said that she hasn’t had to do too much work with him. “He’s not a horse that you have to be hard on,” she said. “It has all been beach work since last week. He had a day off on Wednesday and he’ll have a maintenance gallop over 800m tomorrow (Saturday 1 December) at the track and the rest of it will just be beaching before we get to the races. “I don’t want to over-gallop him and take that natural gate speed away. I want to keep him a bit on the fresh side.” The Balnarring beach has played a massive role in Edwards training regime and it’s been no different with Rox The Castle. “Every day’s a holiday for the horses,” she said. “They’re always down at the beach, they’re out in their paddocks –it’s advantageous I think to the horse’s longevity.” Rox The Castle is likely to line up in another benchmark 70 race at Moonee Valley on Friday night 7 November.
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Western Port News
5 December 2018
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Western Port News
5 December 2018
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41 Tyabb Rd, Mornington | PH: 5975 5188 www.morningtonisuzuute.com.au LMCT 10467 5-star ANCAP safety rating on all MU-X models & 4x4 D-MAX Crew Cab models built from November 2013 onwards & 4x2 D-MAX Crew Cab High Ride models built from November 2014 onwards. ^5 years/130,000km whichever occurs first, for eligible customers. Excludes trays & accessories. >The Capped Price Servicing Program ("CPS Program") applies to Eligible Vehicles with a Warranty Start Date on or after 1/1/15 at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers only. The 5 years Capped Price Servicing covers the first 5 Scheduled Services for 18MY & later vehicle models for up to 5 years/75,000km (whichever occurs first) & for 16.5MY & 17MY for up to 5 years/50,000km (whichever occurs first). CPS Program is subject to change. For full terms & conditions & current pricing visit isuzuute.com.au/service-plus. +3.5 tonne braked towing capacity on D-MAX 4x4 & 4x2 High Ride models & 3.0 tonne braked towing capacity on all MU-X models when fitted with an optional genuine Isuzu UTE tow bar kit. ~Includes economy alloy tray fitted at motorpool. #Fuel consumption & emissions figures based on ADR 81/02 (combined cycle test) & are to be used for vehicle comparison purposes only. Actual fuel consumption & emissions will vary depending on many factors including, but not limited to, traffic conditions, individual driving style & vehicle condition. §Seats have leather touches or accents (excluding third row for MU-X), but are not wholly leather. *Private & ABN holders only on 18MY vehicles. Excludes government, fleet, rental & non-profit buyers. Includes one year business vehicle registration, CTP insurance, dealer delivery & statutory charges. Metallic/mica/pearl paint $500 extra. Only at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers from 1/10/18 until 31/12/18 unless extended, varied or while stocks last. Excludes demonstrators. †Offer is limited to 18MY 4x4 D-MAX & 4x4 MU-X models sold & delivered between 1/10/18 & 31/12/18 to private & ABN holders only. Excludes demonstrators. The Scheduled Servicing offer covers standard items (normal operating conditions) as listed in IUA Warranty & Service Booklet for the first 2 years Scheduled Servicing (covering the first 2 Scheduled Services up to 24 months/30,000km – whichever occurs first). Offer does not cover any other Scheduled Service, Make-up Scheduled Service or any additional service items or requirements, which are at the owner’s expense. Only at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers. Not available with any other offer. ‡$1,000 Isuzu UTE Genuine Accessories on 18MY models sold & delivered between 1/10/18 & 31/12/18, unless varied or extended, to private & ABN holders only. Excludes demonstrators. Only at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers. Not available with any other offer, excluding the 2 years free Scheduled Servicing where offered.
Western Port News
5 December 2018
Audi Mornington Demonstrator offers. Secure the Audi you have always wanted
Audi Mornington
Exceptional offers available across our entire demonstrator range at Audi Mornington. Limited time only. Must end 31/12/2018.
Audi A3 Sedan 1.4 TFSI S tronic
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Visit Audi Mornington today to find out more. 117 Mornington-Tyabb Road, Mornington | Tel. 5975 5455 | audimornington.com.au *Vehicles listed are demonstrator stock current at the time of publication, available only while stocks last. Not available to fleet, government or rental buyers, or with any other offers. LMCT 9479.
Western Port News
5 December 2018
Merry Christmas
JINGLE BELLS Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh O’er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob tails ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to laugh and sing A sleighing song tonight Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh
Merry Christmas and a New Year to all.
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Tired of stale tasting supermarket eggs? Our farm is family owned and managed. We have been producing quality eggs for almost 40 years, supplying many cafes and restaurants and other businesses on the peninsula. Eggs are collected 365 days a year so you can be assured that you are buying the freshest eggs with the best yolk and flavour from our barn door. Come and visit our Free Range hens roaming in their paddocks!
Western Port News
5 December 2018
Something for everyone this summer December 24 Rotary Club of Dromana with the Mornington Brass Band & the U3ASP Choir are combining to present 20 Carols to the citizens of Dromana & surrounding suburbs
CAROLS ON THE BAY HASTINGS FORESHORE DECEMBER 7 Join us from 6pm for free kids activities (jumping castle, balloon artists, animal farm, face-painting, giant games), followed by a stage program and carol singing. Led by special guest performers Gretta Ziller and band.
WESTERN PORT COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS DINNER DECEMBER 25 Free Community Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. Bookings essential at Western Port Community Support, 185 High Street, Hastings and Good Shepherd Community House, 6 Wallaroo Place, Hastings until 13th December 2018.
CAROLS ON THE HILL 2018 RED HILL RECREATION RESERVE DECEMBER 8 A family orientated celebration of the Christmas season with children dressing up to take part in a nativity pageant. Join in with our musicians to sing traditional Christmas carols. This is a wonderful night to celebrate Christmas. CAROLS IN THE PARK IS AN EVENT FOR THE TYABB COMMUNITY. DECEMBER 9 Come to the Central Reserve and sing Christmas Carols together, be encouraged as students from Tyabb Railway Station Primary School, local musicians and singers together with Western Port Christian Family Church.
/17, new
move de) under
Green. Local school choirs and performers bringing in the spirit of Christmas.
SORRENTO CHRISTMAS CONCERT AND FIREWORKS DECEMBER 9 Sorrento community Christmas concert and fireworks on Sorrento foreshore from 6pm with fireworks at dusk.
MORNINGTON COMMUNITY HOUSE XMAS BBQ DECEMBER 14 Come along and celebrate the end of the year with us at Mornington Community House. Meet new friends, catch up with old and enjoy a delicious BBQ lunch. Everyone welcome. Somerville Carols by Candelight
MT ELIZA CAROLS ON THE GREEN DECEMBER 13 Bring the family, rug, and picnic, and join in singing favourite carols at the Mt Eliza Village
SOMERVILLE CAROLS BY CANDELIGHT DECEMBER 14 Bring the whole family for an evening of carol singing and entertainment by local schools
and Frankston City band at the Fruit Growers Reserve. ROSEBUD CHRISTMAS CAROLS DECEMBER 15 Christmas themed market stalls, great food and sing-a-long carols, come along for a warm hearted family evening. MT MARTHA CRICKET CLUB COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CONCERT ON THE LAWN DECEMBER 16 Family Christmas Carols Concert performed on the oval at Ferrero Reserve for the local and surrounding community. CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT DROMANA
TWILIGHT JAZZ: THE HOODANGERS JANUARY 7 Under the Summer sky at the gorgeous Montalto Estate, the Hoodangers’ music brings the tradition of the jazz art form and is played by gifted and widely experienced musicians who bring a consciousness, skill and sheer energy to the music that simply takes your breath away and plasters a grin on your face that spreads from ear to ear. UNDER THE SOUTHERN STARS 2019 JANUARY 12 Summer rock festival Under The Southern Stars is returning to Hastings with a line-up of Australian Rock Royalty. Under the Southern Stars is excited to announce this year’s return with a huge line up of the best of Australian rock. PORTSEA SWIM CLASSIC JANUARY 19 Main event the Portsea Swim Classic is a 1.5km open water swim race. Additional event Swim Classic Gold is a 2.5km swim that is strictly limited to 300 competitors.
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Western Port News 5 December 2018
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WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year.
You better watch out You better not cry Better not pout I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town
Bring us pudding Bring us pudding Bring us pudding And a cup of good cheer
He’s making a list He’s checking it twice; He’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice Santa Claus is coming to town
We won’t go ‘til we get some We won’t go ‘til we get some We won’t go until we get some So bring it out here!
He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows when you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness sake! You better watch out!
We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year
You better not cry Better not pout I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town
We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year.
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Western Port News
5 December 2018
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Western Port News 5 December 2018
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