Western Port News 8 April 2020

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Western Port




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cast for agile fis hing

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Masked the Berleymen: Martyn Gitten Pro factor s, fishing y, Some right, with Vinny gear to rville making Maba protective which has switch rrack at masks. Picture: ed from Supplied

CEO pow ered up fo r

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IN the past factory in week and a half, a small plastic faceSomerville has made during the shields to protec 10,000 t workers COVID-19 Martyn crisis. BerleyPro,Gittens said that his ment for which normally company, kayak fishing makes equipfinders, could easily and visors for fish medical switch to shields. making “It was the really we’re almost fun to ramp out of contro up and now Monday. l,” he said “I knew so many we people neededhad to run with on Buying it as them.” easy at firstand sourcing materi since the but had becom als was e federa put out tender l governmentproblematic last s for medic week which led al ing them larger companies supplies all to start “buyMr Gitten up”. dered the s said three hospit them free face masks while als had orthem in to many workers he had given their regula who needed “We’re creating r jobs. he said. “Usually jobs in a time of people and need,” we have three or four round the now we have five this up.” clock and we could working even step Mr Gitten been donate s said 1500 of the and orders d to companies masks had over Austrahad been receiv and hospitals ed from lia, the US all With the protective and New Zealan widely suppor d. masks alread y onto makin ted, Mr Gitten s g Details: intubation chambis moving berleypro.co ers. m

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Keith Platt keith@mpne ws.com.au Keith Platt $500,000 $200,000 goods and service MORN INGT for goods works. CEO John ON Penins and services; and ula Shire s and gency powerBaker will be While Mr given mally made s to make decisio emer- some extra Baker is certain to get legal depart only by ns nor- were late powers, some lors. elected report to ment Pam Vercoe council- for them last week prepar councillors contin A specia this week’s to be watere stated in ues until ing In her report, a meetin Meanwhile, d down. a case night (Tuesdl meeting on The extrao September. Ms Vercoe Ms Vercoeg. was a risk ay 7 April) council last been reduce council meetin rdinary said handed to to agree said there able “to make Mr Baker would that COVI powers d to one was expect gs the vent to hand have be CEO being D-19 councillors followed a month decisions focus change stance come Baker if be ed the power from attendcould pre- formeds where a in circum counci cil or s to Mr committee. by the planni and will the needs s almost as the shire’s planning quorum meet becaus llors are ill ng service of the corona daily to meet meetings cannot or unable services ing coun- repres , or the conven e The extra s and to be to ing of Under the of COVID-19. virus cope isolation”.“due to illness or committee ble ents [in his will lead powers given ic future with an uncert pandemic view] an a meeting mandatory Baker will suggested new risk to to “Should will all be to shorter meetin Mr Baker virus” (“Budget put ain economit is desirabpublic health and unacceptaless than of up to be able to approvrules, Mr off balanc Page 3). able to attend safety and le not to ton offices held at the shire’s gs, which five $1 million e by e Similar defer a “Considering adopted Morni which a meetin councillors be (if alread items made lapse for budget); g then CEOs had changes to the decision”. y in an the recent safer for can more easily ng- ments with want of $750,000 cil busine a quorum it would the power the public already at its developthe be these for works of been cities of than change COVID-19 ; meetinRosebud headqu ceed,” shess would not be and coun- bourne Yarra, Stonni adopted at arters. A those and reason s are deeme pandemic g schedu able to prostated. and ngton, Melrevised d le starts Ms VercoeDarebin. governance able to contin necessary the“Given this risk, 21April and the said unique situatio and consid and operat ue the good for Mr head of Baker to it was not possib ering council n, it the shire’s ions of council,” is would ask to ensure desirable how counci le vote and governance by for busine llors and leveltemporarily enhanc ss continuity on the outcom then make of the CEO’s e “as such a decision ing the would be curren seen a delegated TYABB authority.”t properly convenas an attemp process AUTOMO “SMALL e a counci t to imand vote”. TOWN TIVE Jewellers FEEL...BI l meetin G TIME SERVICE g ”

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n ‘Non-essential’ tip use under fire

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Western Port News

8 April 2020

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8 April 2020



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Western Port News

8 April 2020

Western Port

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Wednesday 8 April 2020

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New role cast for agile fishing business

Masked men: Martyn Gittens, right, with Vinny Mabarrack at the BerleyPro factory, Somerville which has switched from fishing gear to making protective masks. Picture: Supplied

IN the past week and a half, a small factory in Somerville has made 10,000 plastic face shields to protect workers during the COVID-19 crisis. Martyn Gittens said that his company, BerleyPro, which normally makes equipment for kayak fishing and visors for fish finders, could easily switch to making the medical shields. “It was really fun to ramp up and now we’re almost out of control,” he said on Monday. “I knew we had to run with it as so many people needed them.” Buying and sourcing materials was easy at first but had become problematic since the federal government last week put out tenders for medical supplies which led larger companies to start “buying them all up”. Mr Gittens said three hospitals had ordered the face masks while he had given them free to many workers who needed them in their regular jobs. “We’re creating jobs in a time of need,” he said. “Usually we have three or four people and now we have five working round the clock and we could even step this up.” Mr Gittens said 1500 of the masks had been donated to companies and hospitals and orders had been received from all over Australia, the US and New Zealand. With the protective masks already widely supported, Mr Gittens is moving onto making intubation chambers. Details: berleypro.com Keith Platt

CEO powered up for emergency Keith Platt keith@mpnews.com.au MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire CEO John Baker will be given emergency powers to make decisions normally made only by elected councillors. A special meeting on council last night (Tuesday 7 April) was expected to agree to hand the powers to Mr Baker if councillors are ill or unable to meet because of COVID-19. Under the suggested new rules, Mr Baker will be able to approve items of up to $1 million (if already in an adopted budget); $750,000 for works;

$500,000 goods and services; and $200,000 for goods and services and works. While Mr Baker is certain to get some extra powers, some councillors were late last week preparing a case for them to be watered down. Meanwhile, council meetings have been reduced to one a month and will be followed by the planning services committee. The extra powers given to Mr Baker will lead to shorter meetings, which will all be held at the shire’s Mornington offices which can more easily be made safer for the public than those at its Rosebud headquarters. A revised meeting schedule starts 21April and

continues until September. The extraordinary powers being handed to the CEO come as the shire’s focus changes almost daily to meet the needs of the coronavirus pandemic and to cope with an uncertain economic future (“Budget put off balance by virus” Page 3). “Considering the recent developments with the COVID-19 pandemic these changes are deemed necessary and reasonable to continue the good governance and operations of council,” the head of the shire’s governance and

legal department Pam Vercoe stated in a report to this week’s meeting. In her report, Ms Vercoe said there was a risk that COVID-19 could prevent councillors from attending council or planning services committee meetings “due to illness or mandatory isolation”. “Should less than five councillors be able to attend a meeting then it would lapse for want of a quorum and council business would not be able to proceed,” she stated. “Given this risk, and considering the unique situation, it is desirable for council to ensure business continuity by temporarily enhancing the current level of the CEO’s delegated authority.”

Ms Vercoe said Mr Baker would be able “to make decisions in circumstances where a quorum cannot be formed, or the convening of a meeting represents [in his view] an unacceptable risk to public health and safety and it is desirable not to defer a decision”. Similar changes to the power of CEOs had already been adopted at the cities of Yarra, Stonnington, Melbourne and Darebin. Ms Vercoe said it was not possible for Mr Baker to ask how councillors would vote and then make a decision on the outcome “as such a process would be seen as an attempt to improperly convene a council meeting and vote”.


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COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS CALENDAR Sponsored by Community Bank • Balnarring & District

Making good things happen

When you bank with us, profits pour into the community. $1.4M so far. Here’s who we’ve supported lately: HALT (Hope Assistance Local Tradies) Breakfast Balnarring Balnarring and Somers Tennis Clubs Point Leo Surf Lifesaving Club Red Hill Show Womin Djeka Balnarring Ngargee Balnarring Scouts

APRIL Although these events and support groups are not meeting due to the COVID 19 virus, this page still contains the email or phone contacts for these important services. Easter Art Show Fri 10 Apr - Mon 13 Apr Showcasing a broad range of artistic works in a variety of media. Opening night Fri 10 Apr 7pm9.30pm, tickets $40 www.trybooking.com/BIMGA Sat-Sun 10am-5pm & Mon 10am-2pm entry $5 at the door. Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron 2900 Pt Nepean Rd, Blairgowrie facebook.com/byseasterartshow Western Port Craft Expo Sat 18 Apr, 10am – 4pm Our 9th annual Craft Event will be held at Hastings Community Hub, 1973 Frankston/Flinders Road, Hastings. Lots of interesting craft stalls, plus workshops and talks. Refreshments & barista coffee available. Crafts for kids & charity crafting to see. Entry $5 adults, $2 for school age children. See www.wpcraftexpo.com or ph 0477 149 734 or 5979 1237. Relaxing Yoga and Qi Gong Every Tuesday 10.30am. Suitable for over 55s. Cost $7. Hastings Community House. 185 High St. Hastings. Call Dianna 0425 779 306 for more info.


Western Port News

8 April 2020

Hastings Bowls Club Every Wed starting 6pm. Everyone is welcome to try lawn bowls by starting with barefoot bowls, followed by a BBQ. Located at Marine Pde, Hastings. Ph 5979 1723 or 0448 023 287 Hastings Tennis Club Open court program Thurs at 6pm Aimed at new players, beginners and those who haven’t played in a while. Starts with warm up fitness, then novelty easy hitting games aimed at learning the basics. Then finish with cool down and supper. $15 per person bookings essential. Ray 0409419264 or rastusart@hotmail.com Are you a breast cancer survivor? Come and join us for a paddle in our Dragonboat. We paddle every Sunday at Patterson Lakes. You can have three “Come and try’s “ before deciding to join our special team. We provide paddles and PFD’s. For more info call Marilyn 0433 114 338 or Lyndsay 0425 743 455. For fun, fitness and friendship. Bowling Tournament Sat 18 April, 10am (for 10.30am start) Mornington Civic Bowling Club Civic Reserve, Dunns Road, Mornington. Come join us on the greens for our Bowling Tournament $5000. Open 3 Bowl Triples - $75 per team includes morning, afternoon tea and lunch. Limited number of teams so get your entry in, contact Gerry 5975 6846 or Ros 0402 246 242 Charity Sewing Every third Tues each month If you love sewing, you’d be most welcome to come to the next Sewing afternoon for the Dress-a-Girlaround-the-World project when we sew dresses for young girls living in poverty in third world countries. Bring your own machine but fabric, simple patterns, thread and trims are supplied. Venue is Hastings Uniting Church hall beginning at 1.30pm. Enquiries to Sandra 5979 1237.

Family Drug Support – Frankston Non-religious, open meetings for those impacted by someone’s drug and/or alcohol use. Talk/listen in a non-judgemental, safe environment. Wednesday fortnightly, 6pm at Frankston Hospital, 2 Hastings Rd. Meetings are free. Further details phone Chloe 0448 177 083 Family History Melb PC Users Group, Mornington, Family History and DNA. We meet at the Mornington Information Centre every 3rd Monday for Family History and every last Wednesday for DNA (research), Q&A, Information, Presentations. www.melbpc.org.au/ sigs/mornington-peninsula-sig/family-history Contact Colin 0417 103 678 IBS/FODMAP Sensitives Support and Self-Help Association Suffering bloat, pain, foggy-thinking. Chronic foodrelated gut dysfunction. Food sensitivities. Guidance through self-diagnosis of specific food intolerances, resolution, recipes. Face-face forums, individual, small group sessions. No cost. Sasha: 0422 918 074 or 0407 095 760 Petanque Come and enjoy the fun playing petanque on Wednesdays and Sundays at Moorooduc Recreation Reserve, Derril Road Moorooduc from 3pm - 5pm. Further info contact.Jim 0458548491 or Jan 0409132761 or email morningtonpeninsulapetanque@gmail.com U3A Low cost membership and courses for seniors 45+. Extensive term 1 low cost membership, courses and activities at www.hastingsu3a.org.au or call into office at 13 Teal Crt, Hastings Mon/Tues 10am–1pm Thurs 1pm-4pm, ph 5969 8585. Angling Club Snapper Point Angling Club is looking for new members. For a short time all joining fees will be waivered so why not come along to one of our monthly meetings, fishing comps or just an excursion. Experience the friendly comradery between like-minded fishos and swap some of those legendary stories. Website spac.org.au or call Russ on 0418320314 Epilepsy Support Group Meet every 2nd Saturday at St Francis Xavier Parish, 60 Davey St, Frankston from 1pm – 3pm. Further details phone Sue 0407 509 519 or Cris 0437 386 867 Hastings Day Club Meets at the Hastings RSL each Thurs (except the 1st) at 10.30am. A very friendly social club with entertainment, outings, speakers on a regular basis, lunch $5. Come along & enjoy. Contact Sheila 0447 415 889 Mornington Peninsula Veterans Cricket Missing active cricket & looking for some exercise? The bowlers are getting quicker and your reflexes slower? Join the growing trend of former and current cricketers, now over 60, who are reestablishing their cricketing skills? We play matches every Sunday and mid week so there are plenty of opportunities to have a game of cricket in a wonderful social atmosphere. For more info please call Michael 0407 823619 or Ian 59751683 or email mbou2030@bigpond.net Frankston Parkinson’s Peer Support Group Meets in the Bridget Clancy room at St John of God hospital, from 10 am on the 3rd Monday of each month to listen to speakers, share information and socialise. More info available from Karen 0412 979 902 or Glenys 0437 956 305.

Hastings Combined Probus Club Meetings held 1st Monday of each month starting at 10am at The Hastings Sports Club. All retirees welcome. Outstanding guest speakers at each meeting, day trips and cruises, morning tea and lunch outings at various venues. Visitors welcome. Contact Secretary – Dulcie on 0417130643 JP locations National & International documents inc affadavits, stat decs & cert copies signed FREE of charge at police stations on the Peninsula. Hastings: Wednesdays 5pm to 7pm or Google find a JP Victoria or Ph1300365567. Mornington Peninsula Writers Every 2nd and 4th Sat, 10am – 1pm Somerville Community House, Blacks Camp Road Somerville. Email info@mornpenwriters.org Weight Loss Support Group Do you need help to lose some of that extra weight you are carrying about? Finding it difficult to keep the weight off? Come to Meeting Room 1 at the Hastings Community Hub, 1973 Frankston Flinders Road, Hastings, 9-11am every Wednesday. The first two visits are free to see if our club is what you want, then a one-off fee of $50 and just $6 per week to join our friendly, supportive group. For further information call Rita on 0433 509 487. Alcoholics Anonymous - Mornington Peninsula Do you need help to stop drinking? You’re not alone, contact us now on our 24 hour helpline 1300 880 390 or find a local meeting at www.aatimes.org.au/meetings Mornington Dutch Australian Seniors Club Inviting you for a social get together, every Monday from 10.30am - 2pm. Join us in a Dutch card game, “Klaverjas” and a social game of Rummicub. Coffee and tea supplied. New members welcome. For more information ring Nel 59775680 or Elly 0432933292 Tyabb Hall - Frankston Flinders Rd, Tyabb. Free parking Frankston & District Stamp Club Not sure what to do with your old stamp collection? Come along and meet our friendly club members, always available for help and advice. We meet at 7.00 pm on the third Thursday each month at Belvedere Community Centre, 36 Belvedere Road, Seaford. Enquiries 5995 9783. Boomerang Bags There are fifteen Boomerang Bags groups across the Peninsula. Volunteers repurpose fabric destined for landfill into reusable bags to replace plastic bags. The Balnarring group meets on Thursdays 1-3pm at BPS in Civic Crt. Cheryl 0438633971. Find other groups at Boomerangbags.org Reclink Art Therapy Visual Arts course for adults Basic introduction to art making for health and wellbeing. During term times. Friday mornings 10am – noon. Wallaroo Community Centre, 6 Wallaroo Place, Hastings. Contact Gaye 0409174128 to book and enrol. Probus Club of Somerville 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9.45am St Andrews Church Hall, Eramosa Rd West. Activities, guest speakers, trips. All welcome. Contact Val 5977 6686. Polio Have you or do you know anyone who had polio or is now experiencing after effects of polio? Please come to our support group meeting held at 11am on the second Saturday of each month at the Information Centre, Main St, Mornington. Enquiries: 5981 2540

Combined Probus Club of Balnarring Third Friday of each month at 10am. Held at the Balnarring Community Hall Frankston-Flinders Rd, Balnarring. Guest speakers each month covering a wide range of subjects. The club has a diverse range of interest groups, outings and travel, Visitors and prospective new members are welcome. Contact Patsy Wilson on 5983 9949. Mornington Peninsula Astronomical Society Public Stargazing Hear inspiring talks, view stars, planets, clusters and galaxies through our powerful telescopes every Friday in January, and then 8pm on the 1st Friday of every month at The Briars dark-sky observatory. Melways ref 151 E1. Bookings are essential. Small fee payable. Details www.mpas.asn.au or phone 0419 253 252. Find us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/mpas0/ Frankston Prostate Support Group The support group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 10am in the King Close Community Hall in Frankston North. Men with prostate health issues and their partners are invited to attend the support group for discussion on prostate health issues and some friendly banter. Details: 0407817996 (Gordon) Dog Lovers Walking Group Join us for friendship, fun and exercise for dogs and owners. Baxter Park (Near Tennis Courts). Tuesdays at 8:30 am & 9:30 am & Thursdays at 9:30 am. Great for puppies. Regular social events as well. Contact Suzanne on 9789 8475 Living with Autism Spectrum Resource support group, Monthly meetings Mondays, No cost. Phone for dates. Wallaroo Community Centre, Hastings. Contact: 5970 7000 Balnarring Bowls & Social Club Come join us to maintain fitness & good health, make new friends and have a laugh, enjoy social days and compete if you like. Located at Bruce St Reserve, Balnarring. 5983 1655 or info@balnarringbowls.com.au Holy Trinity Anglican Church Op Shop 2nd Saturday of each month Jumble sale inluding furniture, plants, larger items, along with bric a brac. The Op Shop (benhind Coles) in Churst St, Hastings. Any inquiries: Judy 0425 848 957 Hastings View Club Voice Interest Education of Women Raising funds for the Learning for Life Program. Meeting 3rd Friday of the month at 12noon at The Hastings Club, Marine Parade, Hastings. Contact Janet 0403 786 069.

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS CALENDAR The next Community Event calendar will be published 5th May2020. Email your free listing to communityevents@mpnews.com.au by 29th April 2020.


Three’s a crowd when crews come ashore Keith Platt keith@mpnews.com.au INTERACTION between crews aboard overseas ships using the Port of Hastings and onshore workers are being kept to a minimum, but there is no physical barrier to crews coming ashore. The Victorian Regional Channels Authority says it has been assessing the potential impacts of COVID-19 since travel restrictions were placed on the movement of people from mainlandChina in early February 2020. Hastings and other Australian are subjected to COVID-19 Australian Border Force protocols, but do not have ABF officers on duty at all times. Key trades at the Port of Hastings include the import and export of oil, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), steel and unleaded petrol (ULP). Overseas ships listed as arriving in Western Port between 1 and 8 April are the LPG carriers Victoire from the Port of Vuda, Fiji and the Arago, from New Zealand. The Victoire’s next port of call is Baie de Prony in New Caledonia. The trip from Fiji takes about seven days and Zealand three. The authority’s CEO Peter Mannion said it was now rare for overseas crew members to come ashore in Western Port and none were permitted unless they had had spent at least 14 days on board since leaving their last foreign port. Vessels from four “no-go” countries - Italy, South Korea, Iran and China -

Picture: Gary Sissons

could not berth until after 14 days of their arrival in port. Overseas ships arriving in Western Port were mostly Pacific island gas tankers. Mr Mannion said information about individual crew members was relayed to Australian authorities electronically and included their nationality and the last five ports they had visited. “There’s no mucking about; it’s quite a detailed process,” Mr Mannion said. “‘It’s been like that for many years now, since the [New York terrorist attacks on the] Twin Towers, which triggered heightened international

concerns about security. He said crew members “have been very, very good at so far” when making declarations required by the ABF about their health and time of isolation. There was no rule against crew members disembarking, but the rules of self-distancing and not gathering in groups of more than two applied. If crew members did come ashore it was mainly to get supplies or seek medical attention. “It’s my experience that they’re not doing that anymore,” Mr Mannion said. “They’re not living in a

vacuum and some would be worried about what’s happening [with the COVID-19 pandemic] in their own countries.” Although there are no Border Force officers physically checking crew movements, Mr Mannion said stevedoring groups were “very vigilant”. “They put their hands up if they see anything they don’t like. It’s not widely policed, but most ports have to be fenced and there is some sort of security process,” Mr Mannion said. “There has only been one recorded case of a crew member [on cargo ship or tanker] testing positive, and that

was in Singapore or Asia somewhere. “The idea of [crews] being a risk is well overblown. It can be more of a risk for them to go ashore into affected areas, and that’s why a lot of them do not come ashore. “It’s not easy for them and they worry about what’s happening back in their homes. Mr Mannion said the ABF regulations were “very tightly managed”. “We’re trying to get the message out that a lot is being done to ensure ships are clean. “The ships need to keep coming and we badly need their cargoes.”

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8 April 2020



Ready to share: Hay on the truck and trailer has bailed out Gunnamatta Trail Rides which was running out of feed for its horses. This trailer load was donated by Louise Kirk and Tim Allen, of Newlyn Farm, Merricks, sitting on trailer, and collected by Jesse Smith, of Carnival Kingdom, Rye, left. “The truck was not being used at the carnival so we were happy to help,” Mr Smith said. Picture: Supplied

Friends, neighbours bale out trail riders Stephen Taylor steve@mpnews.com.au A PLEA for feed or the use of pasture to graze their 60 horses during the COVID-19 virus has proven positive for Gunnamatta Trail Rides. Proprietors Karen and Bekim Alija said a letterbox drop to nearby properties explaining that a sudden loss of income meant they were having trouble feeding their horses had been well received. “We are contacting you from a position of duress and desperation as this situation has hit our business and our horses extremely hard,” their letter said. “As with many businesses on the Mornington Peninsula we are unable to operate in these times which means we have no income coming in to feed our horses. “We ask you as our neighbour if you have any spare land or pasture

Horse feed assured: Karen and Bekim Alija at their Gunnamatta Trail Rides stables with daughter Carlie were overwhelmed by the generosity shown to their plea for help feeing their 60 horses. Picture: Keith Platt

that you could allow our horses to graze on for a few weeks while we fight our way through this situation. “If you are able to assist in any way we would be forever grateful – espe-

cially our much-loved horses who are in need of food.” After the letter was posted on social media by neighbour Samantha Moffatt the offers came flooding in, with Mr

Alija saying they quickly had more than 800 “shares” on Facebook. “It’s taken us a few days to reply to them all as we also have to run the business and tend to our horses,” he said. “Like everyone else we have had to close and that’s meant no money is coming in and the grass on the paddocks is only an inch or so high. With the horses there every day [and not out on trail rides] it’s not providing enough nourishment for them.” Mr Alija said he had received “positive support” from neighbours to their Sandy Road, Fingal, property. By Wednesday 1 April 20 horses had been moved and he was looking to move 10 more soon.

St Andrews Beach Brewery opposite had taken 12 horses and Panorama Garden Estate, Browns Road, Boneo, five. Staff and 13 customers had helped move the horses to their new, temporary, digs. Ms Alija said they had been “inundated” with offers of feed and free agistment from properties all over Victoria. “A woman from the Northern Territory phoned to say she had ordered some feed for us which I’m about to go and pick up,” she said. “The phone’s gone mad. People have been so kind; it’s very emotional. It just shows that the horsey community is very strong.” Mr Alija said while horses “like a break” from their usual surroundings they tended to bond with their pasture buddies and would fret if kept away from home for long. “Hopefully, it will only be for a few weeks,” he said.


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Western Port News

8 April 2020

'Non-essential' tip use under fire

Budget put off balance by virus Keith Platt keith@mpnews.com.au ALTHOUGH caught in the midst of unprecedented economic uncertainty, Mornington Peninsula Shire has released its proposed 2020/21 budget for public comment. Property rates will rise by 2 per cent, in line with a cap imposed by the state government, providing the shire with $191.6 million towards an overall predicted income of $244.9m, $8m less than the previous year. Rural living rates will drop by 6 per cent. The budget does not include any of the ongoing and extensive measures being taken by the shire to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (“Crisis backing for business” The News 31/3/20). The ultimate involvement by the shire is unknown and the state Opposition has called on councils to offer rate relief “to distressed households right now”. “Councils must also give thought to a complete rate freeze for this financial year, to assist everyone with this significant cost burden,” local government spokesperson Tim Smith said. “But the state government must help councils with any loss of revenue so that the important role of councils can continue uninterrupted during these unprecedented times.” Mr Smith said municipalities were responding to COVID-19 pandemic

“through emergency management provision”. “With many businesses reducing in size or going into hibernation, and employees and sole traders transitioning to the federal government’s JobKeeper or JobSeeker programs, the burden of councils’ rates on ratepayers will become increasingly onerous for many Victorians. “One of the most important initiatives the state government could make to support vulnerable Victorian households would be to fund rate relief.” Cr Hugh Fraser has already warned of how dealing with the pandemic is likely to hit the shire’s bottom line (“Free food plan as virus hits home” The News 23/3/20). He said it was reasonable to expect state and federal governments to slow their payment of grants and to expect rates to go follow a similar pattern, both affecting cash flows. These negative impacts on the shire’s finances could mean that had to borrow money to meet demand for “our home and community service delivery”. Cr Fraser said the COVID-19 emergency could lead to a significant downturn in economic activity “over perhaps 18 months”. Submissions on the proposed 2020/21 budget close 23 April and will be considered at council’s 6 May meeting. The proposed budget can be viewed at www.mornpen.vic.gov.au (search for proposed budget 2020/21).

Police close doors RECEPTION counters at all police stations on the Mornington Peninsula are closed until further notice because of the COVID-19 crisis. Stations are at Mornington, Rosebud, Dromana, Sorrento and Hastings. Reception counter at Frankston police station remains open. Those reporting on bail at any station can press the intercom for attention. Senior Sergeant Paul Edwards, of Mornington police, said members of the public wanting “critical” documents signed – such as affidavits allowing them to access their superannuation, for example – would be catered for but others with less urgent documents should go to GPs, pharmacies or bank managers. “With anything considered essential or critical people can hit the intercom at the front door and explain their urgency and we may let them in. With anything less urgent we will have to turn them away,” Senior Sergeant Edwards said. Call the stations to speak to an officer: Hastings 5970 7800, Rosebud 5986 0444 and Mornington 5970 4900. People can report crime online or, in the case of an emergency, call 000. To report non-urgent crimes and events call the Police Assistance Line 131 444.

A RESIDENT has complained that Mornington Peninsula Shire’s transfer stations are “going flat strap catering to hordes of customers who are treating tips like there is no coronavirus”. The man, who asked not to be named to protect staff at one of the transfer stations, said “bored” residents were using spare tip vouchers to fill in their time. He pointed out that none of the state government’s four stay-athome rules referred to dumping waste at tips. “They are blatantly breaking the rules,” he said. “It’s so wrong.” “Customers are 99 per cent domestic bringing in small loads, like a couple of cardboard boxes, because they have nothing else to do at home.” The man said he overheard a conversation between a customer with a load of green waste and a tip worker. “He was asked if he was domestic or commercial. He said: ‘Domestic’ and the tip worker asked him: ‘Then why are you here?’” “The customer answered: ‘What am I going to do? I have another load to bring here’.” The man agreed the shire had put in place a range of protections for staff, such as separation from customers, “sneeze” guards, sanitiser, gloves, and card-only payments. “But that’s not enough,” he said. “The tips should be closed to the public. One staffer had to go home she was so stressed. “Every time they touch a tip ticket from the public they have to sanitise it; they have to go to a lot of trouble.” The shire says the transfer stations will remain open as waste disposal is considered an essential service. Infrastructure services manager Jessica Wingad said residents could only use the transfer stations if the visit was essential and in line with the level 3 coronavirus rules set by the state government. “Customers should respect the safety and wellbeing of our staff who continue to operate these facilities,” she said. “Victoria police are currently enforcing non-essential travel and gathering.” Access to transfer stations and hoppers is through vouchers and EFT only. At-call kerbside hard waste and green waste collection is also through vouchers or online payment only. Normal kerbside waste and recycling services will continue, as will the opt-in, fee for service kerbside green waste bin collection service on a pro-rata basis. Stephen Taylor

Frankston High School

Talk to us

2021 Enrolment Information and School Tours

A learning culture money cannot buy

Rye is set to get a brand-new bushland reserve. Your opinion will help us guide future management of the reserve and decide on a meaningful name. The land, at 50 Flinders Street, is of high conservation value and home to more than 50 indigenous plant species and numerous species of bird.

Get involved: • What does this reserve mean to you? • How can we best enhance this reserve? • What should we name it?

Visit our website before 5pm Friday 24 April to add your voice. mornpen.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay Forms will be made available to complete in hard copy at the Shire’s offices in Rosebud, Mornington, Hastings and Somerville.

Frankston High School has an outstanding reputation as a high performing school, particularly in the areas of academic achievement, music and sport. Prospective parents are encouraged to attend an information session and tour of the school on the following dates: • • • • •

Wednesday 22 April Friday 24 April Monday 27 April Tuesday 28 April Thursday 30 April

All tours start at 9.15am Performing Arts Theatre

7.00pm Thursday 30 April

Information evening for parents unable to attend morning sessions.

Bookings are required for all tours via our website: www.fhs.vic.edu.au Western Port News

8 April 2020



Western Port

Proudly published by Mornington Peninsula News Group Pty Ltd

PHONE: 03 5974 9000 Published weekly. Circulation: 15,000

Journalists: Stephen Taylor, Brodie Cowburn 5974 9000 Photographers: Gary Sissons, Yanni Advertising Sales: Bruce Stewart 0409 428 171 Real Estate Account Manager: Jason Richardson 0421 190 318 Production/Graphic design: Marcus Pettifer, Danielle Espagne Group Editor: Keith Platt 0439 394 707 Publisher: Cameron McCullough REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Peter McCullough, Stuart McCullough, Andrew Hurst, Craig MacKenzie. ADDRESS: Mornington Peninsula News Group PO Box 588 Hastings 3915 Email: team@mpnews.com.au Web: www.mpnews.com.au DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: 1PM ON THURS 9 APRIL 2020 NEXT ISSUE PUBLICATION DATE: WED 15 APRIL 2020

Local news for local people

WHERE do the children play? Not in unsanitised playgrounds or the blocked skatepark at Hastings, but possibly online. Picture: Gary Sissons

We stand as the only locally owned and operated community newspaper on the peninsula. We are dedicated to the belief that a strong community newspaper is essential for a strong community. We exist to serve residents, community groups and businesses and ask for their support in return.

Library offers social connection

To advertise in Western Port News contact Bruce Stewart on 0409 428 171 or email bruce@mpnews.com.au Western Port

MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire library staff have created online opportunities to read, watch, learn and have fun. A social hub on its website features activities for those spending more time at home. Links connect to such things as the Social Distance Festival, which publishes a calendar of free online concerts, plays, readings and live theatre performances from around the world. The hub offers those working from home links to training and resources to help move and improve businesses online. The hub also has wellness advice and

ideas for keeping children busy. New content is uploaded regularly and school holiday competitions include writing a letter to the Easter Bunny and writing a dog story. Entries are open now. There are stories, songs and crafts livestreamed on Facebook, 11am, Tuesdays and Thursdays for younger book lovers. Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery has created online art and craft activities for children, including videos by artist-educator Jill Anderson. Adults looking for a hobby or a new skill can access a range of free online

courses covering business, computing/ IT, and creative subjects. Creativebug has thousands of awardwinning art and craft video classes taught by design experts and artists. Both services are available for free to library members. An extensive range of online books, e-magazines, e-talking books and videos are available free to members. Joining the library is easy. Complete an online form and receive membership and pin numbers to use online. The library is open for phone or online inquiries 9am-5pm weekdays and Saturdays 9am-2pm.

Attention Schools, sporting clubs YOU’LL LOVE WHAT WE DO Curtains Awnings

Blinds Shutters


& community groups

Free advertising listings Each month the Western Port News will run a Community Events page, where your school or organisation can promote upcoming events, fund raisers, social events, etc. at no charge. This page is sponsored by the Balnarring & District Community Bank and listings are completely free. Listing should be about 40 words and include event name, date, time & address.

Send your listing to:

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call 03 5975 9366.

www.shadesofaustralia.net.au Shop 8a, 1-13 Tyabb Road (cnr Nepean Hwy) Mornington PAGE 6

Western Port News

8 April 2020

Community Events

PO Box 588, Hastings 3915 or email communityevents@mpnews.com.au

Beaches not so closed after all Stephen Taylor steve@mpnews.com.au NEW, simpler, rules have been introduced for what can and can’t be done on Mornington Peninsula Shiremanaged beaches. The simplification followed discussions last week to ease “public confusion and establish a consistent approach” between the shire, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Parks Victoria, management committees, and other bayside municipalities. The mayor Cr Sam Hearn said the result was a “broad alignment” of beach closure rules making them easier to understand. While peninsula beaches remain closed for public gatherings under coronavirus rules, they can be used as thoroughfares; for exercise, such as walking, running, swimming or surfing, and for dog walking (where this activity is allowed). Social distancing rules still apply. Cr Hearn said the shire had monitored beach activity over the past week after the Saturday 28 March declaration that all shire-controlled beaches were closed (“Shire closes bay beaches indefinitely” The News 31/3/20). He said the shire had at that stage followed a directive from the state government and DELWP aimed at stopping the spread of the COVID-19. “The government’s stay-at-home message still applies for the safety of our whole community, and beach access should be kept short and for exercise purposes only,” Cr Hearn said.

Boat found, men missing THE search was continuing yesterday afternoon (Monday) for two fishermen missing on Western Port in a three-metre aluminum boat. Police found the tinnie washed up at Pyramid Rock, off Phillip Island, about 11am, but there was no sign of the two men, Jason De Silva, 20, and Jeff Hibbard, 33. A friend of the two men raised the alarm when he was unable to contact them, 9pm Sunday. Water Police, the Air Wing, Volunteer Marine Rescue and Western Port Coast Guard crews unsuccessfully scoured Western Port for the missing men until late Sunday night. An AUSSAR Challenger search aircraft from Canberra swept the bay until 2am. The men launched their boat at Flinders boat ramp, 6am Sunday 5 April, despite the state’s stay-at-home laws under which fishing is banned. Conditions at the time were said to be rough with a strong north wind. They are believed to have had little in the way of safety equipment on board. The temperature at Flinders dropped to 9.5 degrees overnight and rain fell on Sunday afternoon. Anyone with information is urged to call 000.

Morning mayhem

AFTER less than one week, beaches facing Port Phillip on the Mornington Peninsula have been reopened for exercise purposes, although a ban on groups and social distancing rules still apply. Picture: Keith Platt

“While we recognise that our beaches need to be an asset supporting our physical and mental health over this time, I must stress that curbing the spread of coronavirus remains a key focus and the message to residents remains the same: please don’t congregate on our beaches.” Police will patrol beaches to ensure people don’t flout the gathering and social distancing rules. Boat ramps remain closed for all non-essential activities, such as recreational boating. “The shire is monitoring the situation every day and will continue to seek advice from the state government, Cr Hearn said.

Former mayor Cr David Gill said: “Confusion was caused by differing beach signs and media statements from the various bodies that control our beaches. “I have been very concerned about the mixed messages from the council, the government and its departments, including DELWP and Parks Victoria. “Council even recently put up simple ‘closed’ signs on beaches we don’t control. “Hopefully, we can stay in alignment and stop any further confusion in this tense situation.”

A MAN died in a three-vehicle collision at Frankston South, Friday 3 April. He was the driver of a van which was extensively damaged when it hit a four-wheel-drive causing it to crash into a truck north-bound on Peninsula Link, near Robinsons Road, about 6.40am. The men driving the grey four-wheel-drive and the truck, both sole occupants, were taken to hospital with minor injuries. Drivers were advised to avoid Peninsula Link where possible. Earlier, five cars were involved in a nose-to-tail south-bound on Peninsula Link near the Stony Point railway bridge, 6.15am, Friday 3 April. Sergeant Bruce Buchan, of Somerville Highway Patrol, said the first car had “appeared to come to a complete stop” while heading south in the right lane causing the car behind to crash into it. The driver of the second car jumped out and ran to get a child out of the back seat while the third, fourth and fifth cars crashed into each other from behind. Debris was strewn along Peninsula Link. Three drivers were injured. One was taken to The Alfred hospital and two to Frankston Hospital. Sergeant Buchan said investigations were continuing into why the first driver appeared to stop unexpectedly. “It is a 100kph zone and stopping is extremely dangerous because, as happened, it can set off a chain reaction,” he said. Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with dash-cam footage of either incident to contact Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report at crimestoppersvic.com.au Stephen Taylor

GALLERY TALK TRAINEESHIP – CERTIFICATE III IN INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT Village Glen Aged Care Residences and Kagan Institute have formed a partnership to offer a unique career opportunity to earn money whilst completing a Certificate III in Individual Support as a traineeship. Positions will be available at both the Capel Sound and Mornington campus. You will be working alongside experienced staff gaining practical experience and studying under the guidance of experienced trainers. The successful candidates will have a desire to make a difference, exceed customer expectations, a bright and energetic disposition, a willingness to learn and want to work for an industry leader. To be considered for an interview you must attend a virtual information session on Wed 15th April 2020 from 3pm-4.30pm or Thursday 16th April 2020 from 5pm-6.30pm. Interviews will be conducted on Monday 20th April 2020 and the traineeship will commence the week of 27th April 2020 – day to be confirmed. Please register to ensure your place at the information session by emailing acr.training@villageglen.com.au or contact Faye at the facility on 0359864422 if you require further information. Please include a cover letter, resume and 2 forms of identification. Successful applicants must have a current, clear police check and a current visa (if applicable). All workers in Aged Care are required to have a current 2020 fluvax prior to the 1st May 2020. Please note information sessions will be held via a virtual platform, interviews, orientation and class days will be held at Village Glen ACR, 34A Balaka Street, Capel Sound.

Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery is currently closed to the public until further notice in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Even though the gallery doors are temporarily closed, we are continuing to share our collection, exhibitions, stories and children’s activities online. We know this is a tough time for all of our creative communities across Australia. Yet, art has the ability to give us hope and to offer respite during this challenging moment in time. We hope that many people at home are finding more time for creative pursuits and connecting with their loved ones.

Patrick Pound

methodology and how the collection became the medium. If you’re looking for ideas on how to keep the kids entertained, MPRG’s artisteducator Jill Anderson has created some creative tutorials using basic materials you should have at home. We also have a tutorial on how to do observational collage with artist, musician and animator Jerome Rush. Visit the ‘Creative Activities’ section of our website.

Our 2020 National Works on Paper (NWOP) deadline has been extended until 19 July. $50,000 acquisitions and awards are up for grabs. With a long and rich history, NWOP attracts leading artists from across Australia working in the fields of drawing, printmaking, digital prints and paper sculpture. Find out Also check out our website for the more about submitting a work in the 2020 latest news on our 50 year anniversary NWOP on our website. celebrations, exhibition catalogues, Visit the MPRG website and see a virtual artist podcasts and videos, children and tour of Patrick Pound’s A Collection of adult online creative Stranger Things. Patrick is well known workshops and more. for his collections-based artworks. You can also listen to a podcast with Patrick and discover more about his collection

Danny Lacy Senior Curator

24 july – 27 september 2015

www.mprg.mornpen.vic.gov.au WWW.VILLAGEGLEN.COM.AU

STORM IN A TEACUP Exhibition entry adults $4, concession $2, children under 5 free A Mornington Peninsula Regional Civic Reserve, Dunns Road, Mornington, Ph 5950 1580Gallery exhibition Special events include: AFTER NOON

Western Port News

Sunday 26 July, 2pm–5pm, $4 adults, $2 concession Discover how artists have explored afternoon tea.

8 April 2020






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Western Port News

8 April 2020

SOUTHERN BUYING HOME DELIVERY Home Delivery for over 500 items including Groceries, Chocolates, Lollies, Chips, Snacks, Biscuits, Our Red Hill Confectionery Range, Drinks, Juices, Health & Beauty Products, Cleaning Products and more. Delivery to your door available all over the Mornington Peninsula, Westernport, Frankston and surrounding suburbs. Like us on Facebook to keep up to date with promotions Shop Online at southernbuyinghomedelivery .com.au Phone 0423 696 033

DRIVE THRU TAKE AWAY OPEN 7 DAYS for beer and wine purchases 11am - 7pm. NEW LOOK TAKE AWAY MENU NOW AVAILABLE Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11am to 7pm. Orders can be made directly: Phone 5981 0355 194 Nepean Hwy, Dromana www.hickinbotham.biz Bring your own cutlery and you can sit in your car and eat your meal with a rural outlook for a beautiful change of scenery.

Open Thurs, Fri & Sat 10am until 5pm, mix and match, any quantities. Unit 5/3 Trewhitt Court in the Dromana Industrial Precinct. Home delivery over the phone Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Order un-opened straight dozens, bottles not touched by hand. Call 03 9596 4278 or online at www.winelover.com.au We are using staff who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19, it may take up to 3 business days to arrive. This is a non-contact delivery service. You must have a safe place for the delivery to be left.

PENINSULA NUT CO Home deliveries of fresh nuts, seeds, dried fruits, coconut products, home made Humpercrunch muesli, chocolates and more. Currently free delivery to Mornington Peninsula for orders over $30 by using code MORNPEN. Head to our website to place your order www.peninsulanutco.com.au M 0402 097 545 E info@peninsulanutco.com.au

MEAT 2 PLEASE A small family run business that provides quality meats to some of Mornington Peninsula’s best cafes, pubs and restaurants. We are now offering a home delivery service of delicious restaurant grade and premium brands of meat and smallgoods to residents along the Mornington Peninsula and Inner City and Bayside Suburbs of Melbourne. Head to meat2please.com.au for more information or email us at orders@meat2please.com.au for an order form and delivery details.

BAY SEA FARMS We are harvesting absolutely prime mussels at the moment! You can pick them up from our factory outlet: 21 Bennetts Road Mornington. Or we can deliver them to you within the Mornington Peninsula together with our fresh local and sustainably sourced fish and other seafood products. Please call the shop Phone 5976 3155 Zac 0459 153 535 Peter 0412 522 544

Western Port




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An open letter to our community We are facing an unprecedented set of events that have shaken the economy and confidence to the core. Families and businesses are facing times never faced before. If you are going through a tough time, we are here to help. We want you to know that we are here for you. We are here to listen and assist you in any way we can. We are here to help solve the problems you may face. We are here to support members of our community so you can get through this. We wish for you and your families to keep healthy during these times. Let’s keep working together, care for each other, but most of all stay positive. We will support you every step of the way. Yours faithfully,

Robert Bowman – Bowman and Company If you need a chat, please call me directly on 0417 173 103 or email me on robert@bowmanandcompany.com.au

bowmanandcompany.com.au mpnews.com.au

Wednesday, 8th April, 2020


Page 2


BRAND NEW ON BELEURA HILL MAKE your escape to this majestic brand new home that commands a sensational bay view and a premier Mornington address on Beleura Hill. Set on an internal 642 square metre block, the home was built by Croft Wootton and showcases quality inclusions at every turn. A sleek exterior gives the home a distinct modern edge and the aggregate paved driveway has an extra parking bay with a double garage under the roof line. From the wide entry an enormous second lounge, with internal access from the garage, is to the left and to the right is a short hallway


leading to two bedrooms and the beautifully-tiled main bathroom. The bright lounge has lovely Blackbutt timber floors and a small kitchenette is great for extended family and guests, with the main attraction here being the elevator that whisks you up to the first floor. The upstairs living zone is an equally bright and spacious open plan affair with a cosy dining area and comfortable lounge both enjoying an outlook to the harbour and bay via the chic undercover terrace with glass balustrade. The on-trend kitchen features handsome stone bench tops and splash backs and a suite

of Miele appliances include an induction cook top and pyrolitic oven, there is also a dishwasher and a walk-in pantry. The master bedroom with walk-in robe also includes an Italian tiled ensuite with frameless glass shower and a twin vanity, there is a fourth bedroom with built-in robe and a powder room. Tailor made for the discerning downsizer or executive family, this tasteful and accommodating home is a fantastic new addition to the residential landscape of Mornington.n


ADDRESS: 14 Morven Street, MORNINGTON FOR SALE: $1,800,000 - $1,980,000 DESCRIPTION: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car INSPECT: By Appointment AGENT: Tony Ladiges 0414 905 873, Stone Real Estate, Suite 2/1a Main Street, Mornington, 5970 8000

HASTINGS 1 Creek Close


5+ ACRES - SECLUDED BUSHLAND WITH MEANDERING STREAM, OPEN PASTURE WITH NORTH ASPECT PLUS HUGE SHED • 5+ acres, at the end of a quiet country lane, offering the best of both worlds. • Secluded bushland traversed by Warringine Creek with sturdy bridge and abundant birdlife at one end and sunny open pasture at the other set up for pony, sheep or cattle. • Huge livable shed so you can save rent while you build (STCA). • Mains water connected. • Note: Vendors will allow you time to sell your existing property • For Sale Now Or By Expressions Of Interest


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Friday 17th April at 5:00pm

INSPECT By Appointment

TERMS 10% Deposit, Balance upto 120 days, Vacant Possession

5979 3555

C21.com.au/Homeport WESTERN PORT NEWS

Page 3

‘a lifestyle village for the over 50’s’ 249 High Street, Hastings, 3915 www.peninsulaparklands.com.au


$225,000 u u u u







Open plan lounge Separate dining area Modern kitchen Separate bathroom & laundry

$248,000 u u u u







Fantastic open plan Kitchen plus separate dining area Lounge with air-conditioning Single garage with roll-a-door

$249,500 u u u u







Separate study Open plan kitchen, dining area Lounge room with air-conditioning Separate bathroom and laundry


$250,000 u u u u

u u u






Kitchen with great bench space Lounge room with air-conditioning Renovated bathroom and laundry Rear verandah, single carport

$275,000 u


$250,000 u u u u







Kitchen/diner with bay window Lounge and main bedroom both with air-con Separate bathroom and laundry Front & rear verandahs, large extra lockable storage with power

u u u






Huge lounge with new carpet Both bedrooms have BIR’s Kitchen with great bench space Veranda and a single carport

$295,000 u


$260,000 u u u u







Huge open plan living Dining area set in bay window Renovated kitchen is a must see 2.2 K/W solar system has been installed

u u u






Fantastic floor plan Huge kitchen & dining area Large lounge with air-conditioning European laundry

$325,000 u










Open plan living Kitchen with great bench space Lounge room with raked ceilings 2.2 K/W solar system has been installed

To arrange your site inspection contact David Nelli 0403 111 234 or at the office on 5979 2700 Email: david@peninsulaparklands.com.au mpnews.com.au

Wednesday, 8th April, 2020


Page 4


Letters - 300 words maximum and including full name, address and contact number - can be sent to The News, PO Box 588, Hastings 3915 or emailed to: team@mpnews.com.au

Tiny houses can benefit community as a whole Living on the Mornington Peninsula my entire life means I love its beaches, wildlife nature and coastal casual elegance. Since moving to Rosebud I’ve become aware of a homelessness issue. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could follow in the footsteps of other progressive cultures and begin building a tiny homes project? I’ve studied community heath and I believe this type of project is wonderful for all involved. From setting up drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs to creating affordable meal structures. Especially with the COVID-19 ready to take out our community’s most vulnerable this coming winter, with shelters at capacity and not a long-term solution. This project could be s point of pride for Mornington Peninsula Shire and its people. I implore people to get involved. To begin a social movement and get the shire on board and perhaps there are landowners who could offer their land for this. Builders, community workers, charity fundraisers, to name just a few. Passionate people with a will and a desire to give back. It could house the disabled who struggle to get placements, it’ll keep single mums with kids from living in their cars. The winds of change are upon us and I dare anyone curious to take a chance, to begin a movement - jump on board and work together. It’s time to give back. Remember our Aussie ingenuity. Any offers or ideas greatly appreciated. I welcome them all. Assembling a group would be wonderful. Contact: tinyhousepeninsula@yahoo.com Claire Silver, Rosebud

Chance to rethink If you have ever seen the film The day the Earth stood still you will probably find similarities between it and the world at present. Now is the time to rethink our situation brought on by COVID-19. The planes have stopped, rampant consumerism has slowed, the importance of Australian made goods is obvious and the concept of national sovereignty, but national co-operation is clear. The Earth has breathing space and we should use this opportunity to rethink and moderate what we are doing to the environment that keeps us alive. It is time for politicians and people to adopt strategies for a sustainable future or future generations will suffer an. Environmental meltdown far worse than the privations and sadness of COVID-19. Henry Kelsall, the Sustainable Future Association, Frankston

Natural attrition We all live in the natural world and after a long period of growth we are experiencing a period of natural attrition. Two top epidemiologists - Professor Tony Blakely, University of Melbourne, and Professor Nick Wilson, University of Otago - have written

an article “The math and ethics of minimising COVID-19 deaths” in which they espouse the view that if 60 per cent of the population are infected then we will develop “herd immunity” to the virus. They estimate that under 1 per cent of people exposed will not survive. I reckon that this is a large number of people, but not a large percentage of the population. Graeme Willis, Mount Eliza

Safety from soap I would like to recommend an anti-viral procedure that I have adopted, which is to carry a half filled bucket of soapy water in the back of the car, with a bar of soap and a roll of paper. Upon leaving any shop, shopping centre, bank or public place, we wash our hands in this water before driving away. We also drop any change money in and wash that at the same time. Handrails, trolleys, seats, escalators, shelves; all may be contaminated, as well as money, so this seems to be a good practice. The basis for this action is that qualified scientists seem to be agreed that that plain old soap is the most effective way of destroying coronavirus COVID-19, even better than alcohol. The soap’s properties cause disruption to the shell layers of the virus causing the whole thing to fall apart and be destroyed. It would probably be an ideal procedure for trains, even buses, since you don’t need running water, just refresh the bucket or trough often. Brian A Mitchelson, Mornington

Blocked drain When is Frankston Council going to clear the drain on corner of High street and FrankstonFlinders Road? Every time it rains the road floods and just putting up a sign is not good enough. As well as being a nuisance to pedestrians it is also dangerous to traffic. Trevor Billson, Tuerong

Release refugees Concerns about the ongoing inhumane policies and treatment of refugees and asylum seekers are still not being addressed by the federal government. Denise Hassett refers to the depiction of these shown in the ABC TV production “Stateless”, a harrowing reminder of why we continue to challenge this unjust treatment of people fleeing danger in their own countries (“State of shame” Letters 25/3/20). A rally calling for justice for refugees was to be held Sunday 5 April but has been postponed due to the social restraints caused by COVID-19. But refugees and asylum seekers confined in detention centres and city motels now face additional health risks during this pandemic. It is impossible for them to practice social distancing when they are regularly patted down by security. They are dependent on authorities to provide soap and antiseptics. For years they have endured the confronting

strictures of confinement and isolation, and the resulting ongoing mental health issues. While we in the community learn to live with new restraints to safeguard our health and wellbeing, and with access to many resources, these people are deprived of many of these supports and safeguards. Why can’t our government transfer refugees into the community – as the British government has done – at least to reduce the spread of the virus if not to show a little humanity? Ann Renkin, Shoreham

Viral about face Isn’t politics a queer game? The economic rationalists of the present federal government decided a few weeks ago to save a few dollars by closing the Mornington Centrelink and Medicare offices without telling our Minister for Health, Flinders MP Greg Hunt, who then managed to retain some privatised and very limited service for Mornington. Along comes a tiny virus showing us the fallacy of the constant attacks on our social institutions and safety nets and, hey presto, the Mornington office can be kept open. Sadly, nothing was really learned by our neo-liberal government. The service should be reinstated permanently, not just for six months. Rupert Steiner, Balnarring Beach

Labor’s blunders Marg D’Arcy seems to believe the ALP may have done a better job of managing the current virus situation in our country (“Labor would have better ways of tackling COVID-19” Letters 31/3/20). I’m uncertain if Marg has a shortmemory issue as, obviously, she can’t recall the Rudd [Labor government’s] pink batts debacle, the wasted $1 billon of taxpayers’ money on a road that [Victorian Premier] Daniel Andres promised wouldn’t cost the state taxpayers one cent or his well under-budgeted East west link and the terrible tragedies created by the ALP and others not wanting to protect our borders. What she hasn’t thought through is that her party can say it may have done better job but, based on its history, could have done a whole lot worse. At least the current national cabinet, made up of people from both major political parties, is taking positive steps to see all Australians through this current crisis. Our prime minister, premier and their opponent’s and other important people attend social events to get some small relief from their highpressure positions. I’m sure they, plus thousands of others, are looking forward to getting our lives back to normal soon. Bruce White, Safety Beach

Put aside politics The reality is that if [Prime Minister] Scott Morrison walked across Sydney Harbor Marg D’Arcy would say that Scott Morrison could not swim (“Labor would have better ways of tackling COVID-19” Letters 31/3/20). It would not matter what our PM and Health Minister [Flinders MP Greg Hunt], did or did not do, Marg would criticise. It is time that we all put politics aside as to do otherwise it simply demeans our society. Bill Holmes, Sorrento

Laughing at Labor In this age of self-isolation and boring days at home it’s always nice to have the Letters page of The News for a bit of a giggle and last week was no exception. Opened the page up to a headline reading “Labor would have better ways of tackling COVID-19” and my first thought was which of the irrelevant three had written to our paper? Was it Opposition Leader [Anthony] Albenese? Shadow Treasurer [Jim] Chalmers? Shadow Health Minister [Chris] Bowen? No, it was failed Labor candidate for Higgins, Marg D’Arcy. We have had 10 weeks of our prime minister giving updates on new rules and advice to the public, but what did Marg find to criticise? The fact he said he was going to the footy (he didn’t) six weeks ago and he tried to shake someone’s hand. His statement that all jobs are essential was also ridiculed. Hmm Marg, so which jobs aren’t? Street sweepers? Garbos? Cleaners? But the last paragraph takes the cake. According to Marg, if Labor was in power, people might stay home and respect physical distancing. So, what are we are supposed to take from that? Is it that because the Liberals are in power people will ignore them? Michael G Free, Mount Martha

Help the elephants Hundreds of elephants in are dire trouble in Thailand. While the human factor of the ongoing catastrophic pandemic is very real in Thailand, the welfare needs of the endangered animals should be alerted to. The wealthy in the world should act immediately. Anyone who has contacts with American philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg or Australians John and Pauline Gandel, Frank Lowy, Louise Tuckwell, John Kinghorn, Nicola and Andrew Forrest, the Pratt family, Gina Rinehart and Dick Smith should ask them to urgently act and do what they can to save these amazing animals. These people could be the lifeline to these desperate, magnificent animals. How many other animals are now in trouble because of our inhumanity and lack of action. Denise Hassett, Mount Martha

Time to turn vegan Perhaps COVID-19 will give us an opportunity to rethink some things we take for granted. While we are suffering anxiety and discomfort, let’s take a moment to empathise with the terrified animals who are torn away from their families, kept in tiny cages, deprived of everything they enjoy, and brutally killed, simply because humans like the taste of their flesh. Animal agriculture kill billions of animals every year and is a leading cause of climate change, but it is also a breeding ground for the viruses and bacteria that cause pandemics. Our suffering is necessary and temporary; theirs is routine and will continue for as long as we subsidise it through our grocery expenditure. That’s why caring people are opting for tasty vegan foods rather than animal-based ones. Going vegan is the sensible thing to do for your health and the wellbeing of others. Desmond Bellamy, PETA Australia

Western Port News

8 April 2020



specialists HANDS

Tennis elbow shock re

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Long term it stimulates healing, short term it Physiotherapy and graded exercise are more reduces pain.” likely in the first instance, but for more stubborn “Probably the best thing is, the effects are or may have a new racquet. Then it seems like conditions, shockwave has shown good results. Pure Comfort is the correct feetIt area. down andhaving discover this Secret THE at Shoe Baysidebetween Shoes createslong a lasting. stopsCome a lot of people more everything you pick up, not just racquets and “The evidence the Heaven momentatsuggests choice of footwear for busy Sanctuary of Shoes, andThe accessories world of shoeare shopping pleasure with its spacious invasive things like surgery or clothing injections. tools, hurts. 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Ternes says. health safety disorders.” measures implemented to friendly environment or if you prefer in pure comfort. medications The or with bleeding The pain on the outside of the elbow The Shockwave therapy is administered for aassistance, prevent Corona Virus may requirehas the temporary be offered personalised shoe fitting to ensure that “It is important to know that Shockwave is due to inflammation of the tendon, the three-minute period to the affected area during Call in to see the stylish common extensor origin, where the forearm Bayside you have the right solution a long-termclosure effect.ofMost of theShoes time physical you havestore during consecutive weekly appointments. “Itfor is your a bit feet. Bayside Marchwithout 2020. However can order your shoe Shoes offers a range ofTernes specialist shoe fitting ser- outcomes good having toyou have further extensor muscles attach. It is commonly of an uncomfortable sensation” says, range of pure comfort footneeds remotely via our website www.baysidevices forhands-on all age groups and foot problems with treatments.” known as “tennis elbow” but is called lateral “like most physio treatments with a wear in a variety of colours. shoewarehouse.com.au or contact us on 03 9785 size ranges from (4) to 46Rowson (15) for womenShockwave and is now available in Balnarring. epicondylalgia or epicondylitis amongst physios little discomfort during the35 treatment. discuss your requirements. Bayside (4) to 51 (17)most for men. Call in and1887 speaktoto the physios to see if it suits and doctors. Physiotherapist David Ternes says says “After39each session, people get a Shoes needs to comply with Victoria’s legislated In collaboration Pure Comfort, Bayside your condition. that it is an is an overuse injury, and requires significant reduction of pain with and symptoms. health requirements however we may be able to is launching a new range of orthotic friendly initial rest, particularly if aching at night, icing, offer customer appointment times where there comfort shoes for women designed by Dale and strengthening and stretching exercises, and is urgency for specialist shoes for an orthotic or Glenn Clarke; two young Australian designmassage. specific foot problem. ers who are following their established family Apart from the above solutions, there is a Bayside Shoes is located at 103 Railway Patradition in shoe design and manufacture. They newer healing technology that is making a Present This Ad To Receive rade, Seaford ( cnr Clovelly Parade) and has amhave specialised in designing comfort and style profound difference to Tennis Elbow sufferers. ple free parking near its entrance with disability into their range of shoes and sandals designed for Practice owner, Paul Rowson says Right arm, lateral side parking and(outside) wheel chair ramp access. Visit our work and casual wear. “Shockwave Therapy is often useful, because Virtual Tour on our website www.baysideshoePure Comfort offers quality leather shoes and the common extensor origin is a connective warehouse.com.au or call us on 03 9785 1887. sandals with great foot comfort due to their tissue, not a muscle. It puts a significant Your Pure Comfort Purchase orthotic ally designed innersole and the flexibility shockwave through the tissues you apply it to. (excludes specials, to replace this innersole with your customised It is a pressure wave which brings blood flow offer expires 30.4.20) three quarter or full orthotic where required. The to the area. Tendons and connective tissue do range of colours, styles and fitting whatever your not have much blood supply and can take a long foot width or length gives this range an advantage time to heal. Shockwave artificially stimulates in its versatility and flexibility. the healing of the tendon.” They have created vibrant shoes for all seasons Shockwave therapy can also be used on and occasions with their Arista, Leura, Leala, Achilles tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, golfer’s Safia and Saturn range just to mention a few of and rotator cuff tendon problems, and Available at: elbow, this colourful and stylish range. is usually most effective on long term chronic Bayside Shoes offers the excitement of dis103 Railway Parade, Seaford | ph 9785 1887 problems, rather than acute injuries. covering a treasure trove of quality, colour and Both physios say, Shockwave is not the www.baysideshoewarehouse.com.au | Ample free parking extensive styles that you do not see in your tradifirst line of treatment for injured patients. tional shoe stores within a spacious 4,000 square Physiotherapist

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Western Port News

8 April 2020


specialists HANDS

Back In Motion Balnarring is still open to provide essential physiotherapy services to the community AT Back In Motion Balnarring, the team are staying open to support the community’s health and movement needs, as well as easing the pressure on our hardworking GPs and the hospital system. The Australian Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, wants Physiotherapists to keep working and servicing their clients to ensure those requiring treatment can continue their road to recovery. There are only 4 reasons to leave the home currently and looking after your health is one of those reasons. Practice Director Paul Rowson agrees and encourages his client’s not to put their health on hold. “In this uncertain time, we need to ensure we are remembering to focus on ourselves and keep on top of our health and recovery. We only have one body and we need to look after it. If any of our clients are in pain, we are encouraging them to come and see us so we can assist,” Paul informs us. Back In Motion Balnarring is only encouraging those to come in to their practice if they are feeling well and are following the guidelines supplied by Federal Government. The Physiotherapy practice has implemented additional enhanced measures to protect you when you come into the practice:

• Clients are encouraged to wait in car prior to their appointment time. • Appointments will be limited to 30 minutes where possible. • Increased cleaning and sanitising measures will continue to be upheld in the practice. As this is an evolving environment, for current and up-to-date information on what Back In Motion are offering and changing during this time, visit www.backinmotion.com. au/balnarring, to see their latest news. If you can’t get to Back In Motion at this time, you can still see receive treatment through Telehealth, an online Physio service. This will allow all clients to be able to continue treatment with their Physio of choice and stay on the road to recovery. Please call Back In Motion Balnarring on 5983 1021 to learn more about booking a Telehealth appointment. Paul and the team look forward to seeing you in practice soon to help you get moving. Pictured right: Physiotherapist, Paul Rowson and team. Photo: Yanni

Can’t get to a Physio? We’ve launched Telehealth, a Physio online service giving you access to Physiotherapy consultations via video chat from home*. We can offer you short, medium and long consultations to suit your situation, and to ensure you don’t fall behind in your treatment.

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Back In Motion Balnarring 6/2-8 Russell Street

5983 1021 backinmotion.com.au/balnarring

Western Port News

8 April 2020



Call to curtail ‘dazzling headlights’ Compiled by Cameron McCullough A SEAFORD correspondent writes:– It seems evident that there are no motor headlight laws in Victoria, or if there are, very little attention is paid to them. Any night on Point Nepean Road, users of this road become subjected to the blinding glare of what are known as “dazzle hogs.” In many countries, headlight laws exist, which not only protect motorists, but the public generally. These laws are compulsory, and a heavy fine is imposed upon those who disregard them. It is high time some action was taken to enforce some such law here, and a strong move should be made by the Progress Association to have these “dazzle hogs” put down. Motor car makers have solved the problem of controlling the headlight rays, so that the maximum light is given for driving, and, at the same time, the blinding glare is completely eliminated. Come on Seaford Progress Association. *** MISS Nellie Thomson, who has been holidaying in Queensland, where her relatives reside, returned to Frankston this week, and has resumed her business as dressmaker, milliner, draper, & c. *** A NEW industry has just commenced at Baxter, in the shape of saw-mills and case-making factory. The enterprising proprietor is Mr. H. C. Barclay, who advertises in another column that he is prepared to purchase pine trees, blue gum and stringy bark.


Western Port News

He offers the best prices, and pays cash before removal. *** AS it is intended to issue certificates to all who worked for the Red Cross for a period of three years or more, applications from those who are entitled to and desire same should send their names to the hon. secretaries of the Frankston branch, Mesdames M. E Dial and W. M. Utber. *** THE public will welcome the opportunity, offered on Friday, 9th April, of helping the Brass Band. A grand musical evening and dance has been arranged, when a first-class musical programme and other items will be submitted. Funds are required to liquidate the amount due on the purchase of instruments and music, and, this fact being generally known, there should be no lack of response on the part of the public. *** A CRICKET match between teams from the Phillip Island Cricket Association and the Peninsula Cricket Association will be played on the Tyabb cricket ground next Saturday afternoon, April 3rd (Easter Saturday). Several of the leading players from the various Peninsula clubs will take part, and the match promises to be a great “go.” Lunch and afternoon tea will be handed to the players of the contesting teams taking part by the local ladies. As the Tyabb cricket ground is very suitable for picnic parties, there promises to be a large attendance. ***

8 April 2020

REV. E. Tonkin preached his farewell sermon at Frankston on Sunday last, when a large congregation assembled at the evening service. After four years’ highly successful ministry in this district, the Rev. Tonkin goes to the Cheltenham charge. His successor at Frankston is Rev. C. Angwin, of Kilmore. *** THE Frankston Soldiers’ Memorial Committee met on Monday night; Mr. A. G. Wilcox presiding. The Secretary, Mr. H. Vicars, stated that he had been in communication with the Defence authorities, who stated that a number of 1914-15 stars would be available for presentation on Anzac night, 25th April. He also read a letter from MajorGeneral Grimwade, consenting to present same. The committee decided to hold a high-class concert on the occasion, and a sub-committee, consisting of Cr. Mason, Mr. A. E. Lasslett, J.P., the President and Secretary, was appointed to arrange the programme, and to engage Melbourne talent. Tickets will be sold at 1s 6d, and a limited number of reserved chairs at 5s. The box plan will be on view at Messrs. Brody & Mason’s. A decoration sub-committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Morrison, A. Hill, W. Hanton, and M. Brody. The occasion is to be made a notable one from every standpoint, and a special committee has been appointed to wrestle with the problem of providing

adequate seating accommodation. *** THIS week, at the instance of the Frankston Progress Association, a plebiscite of the business people of Frankston was taken, on the question of closing shops from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. daily. Mr A..E. Lasslett. J.P., and the Secretary of the Association conducted the voting arrangements. The result shows that, while a majority favored the proposal, a large percentage of the whole were opposed to the innovation. An examination of the voting cards gave the following figures: YES: 22 NO: 14 The voting cards issued numbered 46, and it may be taken for granted that the ten who did not return their papers were either opposed to the scheme, or felt quite indifferent as to the result. Under the circumstances, it is probable that the idea of introducing midday closing into Frankston at present will not be proceeded with. *** TO the many anxious enquiries received as to the condition of Mr. James Grice, it is pleasing to be able to state that he is now progressing favorably. His medical attendant is Dr. Maxwell, of Frankston. *** MR. L. J. Ward, who recently underwent a serious operation at “Lancewood” Private Hospital, Kew, hopes to be able to resume duty at the local railway station next week.

His many friends will be pleased to see this popular officer back in harness again. *** Heard in the Train The Shire Council is to be asked to reconsider its action in prohibiting Sunday tennis in Frankston. It is argued that the prohibition debars many visitors from enjoying healthy recreation, and offers no adequate substitute. The Anglican Synod in Newt South Wales recently declared in favor of Sunday tennis. Kananook Creek is to be stirred up again shortly, when all land owners abutting thereon will discuss the why and the wherefore at Seaford. It is high time some definite decision was arrived at regarding this difficult problem. At present every other person has a different solution to offer. Enterprising burglars are now working full time. When the weekender goes to the sea-side, Bill Sykes gets to work on the town house. He then devotes the early part of the week to plundering temporarily vacated bungalows along the foreshore. Seaford is considering the question of appointing a watchman as a means of protecting week-end residences against these unwelcome visitors. Nothing heard about Frankston light supply lately, and now the gas is beginning to “talk’ again. Time those long promised purifiers got to work. *** FROM the pages of the Mornington Standard, 2 April 1920





























ACROSS 1. South American parrots 5. Spoilt child 7. Greater (variety) 8. Wound blemish 9. Sight organs 10. Type of electrode 11. Noisier 13. Enthusiastic devotion


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Puzzles supplied by Lovatts Publications Pty Ltd www.lovattspuzzles.com See page 19 for solutions.


Becoming the Hype Man of my Dreams By Stuart McCullough I’D assumed my chance had passed me by. Much like the time I turned forty and realized I’d never be a regular cast member of Young Talent Time (despite knowing all the lyrics to ‘All My Loving’), this was yet another example of an ambition destined to remain unfulfilled. But then fate intervened. And, just like that, a hope I’d though had been extinguished has flickered back into glorious life. There’s no time to waste – who knows when another chance might come along? This could be my only chance to become Public Enemy’s new ‘Hype Man’. Many of you will have questions. Like ‘when will I be able buy toilet paper like I used to?’ and ‘who thought it was a good idea to hoard all the egg plants?’ Those of you who are paying attention to this story might instead ask, ‘who or what is Public Enemy?’ In a fair and just world, there’d be no need to ask, such would be the notoriety of one of the planet’s most influential rap groups. Public Enemy were my first real exposure to rap music. Before then, I’d heard schoolmates recite the lyrics to ‘The Message’ by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. There was something about saying the words ‘It makes me wonder sometimes how I keep from going under’ while dressed in school uniform that was oddly liberating. But at that time, it seemed more a novelty. It didn’t help much that rap music was often openly derided. But then I encountered Public Enemy. My youngest brother was a

fan and had video taped an interview with someone called ‘Chuck D’. I’m not sure how I stumbled across it, but I did. I don’t know what I was expecting, but probably something far less eloquent than Chuck D was. Here was a highly intelligent person who had interesting things to say about almost everything. It’s true that I became a fan before hearing a note. After the interview, they played a video to a song entitled ‘Brothers Gonna Work it Out’. Put simply, it was incredible. Over a beat and what sounded like a sample of Prince’s guitar, the band delivered a message with undeniable fury and political potency. I was hooked. The production was amazing. And, in addition to Chuck D,

there was Flavor Flav; a charismatic court-jester who wore a large clock around his neck so he always knew ‘what time’ it was. Punctuality was clearly important to him. Flavor Flav was Public Enemy’s ‘Hype Man’. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a ‘Hype Man’ is the person in a rap group who’s not the main rapper, but whose job it is to support his or her colleague as they attempt to construct an empire of rhyme in front of an expectant audience. A Hype Man (sorry, it should probably be ‘person’) achieves this by dancing and by making the occasional interjection. Without seeking to disrespect past or current Hype Men of humanity who might well be reading this article,

it’s less labour-intensive than being the front man. In fact, it’s kind of the equivalent of part time work in the hip-hop universe. Terms like ‘yo!’, ‘yeah!’ and ‘hit it!’ are all part of the rich lexicon of a Hype Man. It truly is the role I was born to play. However, it’s very hard to be an effective Hype Man if you don’t have anyone to hype. It’s really just one random person making an interjection apropos of nothing if you’re doing by yourself. In the right context, ‘hit it!’ can be exhilarating. By itself, it’s downright confusing. Flavor Flav was a terrific Hype Man, and he really knew how to build the excitement levels. For more than thirty years, he worked with Chuck D

and they seemed kind of inseparable until, a few weeks ago, they separated. Doubtless, the oversized clock around his neck told him it was time to leave. It’s sad beyond measure that Flavor Flav has departed Public Enemy. It’s also an opportunity. I suppose I never really thought about becoming a Hype Man in a serious way because the job I coveted simply wasn’t available. Until now. The odds, however, are against me. That said, the rap game is all about surprise, and there would be no bigger surprise possible that appointing as Flavor Flav’s replacement a middle-aged white guy from Tyabb. While I can see those attributes could well count against me, I already own a tracksuit and am prepared to secure my own oversized clock. Besides, I have ideas on how to take the group into the twenty first century. For starters, the new clock will be digital and will not be adjusted for daylight savings. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve written to Chuck D, but I’m yet to hear back. Chances are he’s been flooded with applications from middleaged white men like me who want to fulfill a childhood dream. I keep waiting for the phone to ring while staring at the clock that, somewhat conveniently, now hangs around my neck. Perhaps some dreams are more potent if they remain anchored in your imagination. So be it. But, if you don’t mind, I’ll wait a little while longer before declaring that my dream of becoming a Hype Man is officially over. Until then, I simply say to you: ‘hit it!’ stuart@stuartmccullough.com

Western Port News

8 April 2020


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Western Port News

8 April 2020

scoreboard WESTERN PORT

McArdle’s Derby hope ‘heading in right direction’ HORSE RACING

By Ben Triandafillou THEMOONLITEGAMBLER is right on track for the South Australian Derby in May for Mornington-based racehorse trainer John McArdle. Despite covering plenty of extra ground in the Listed Dominant Port Adelaide Guineas (1800m) on Saturday 4 April, the three-year-old son of Good Journey (USA) continued to hit the line hard for third place behind last year’s Caulfield Guineas favourite, Dalasan. While Dalasan looked to get the dream run through the field, Themoonlitegambler was caught threewide with cover for the entire race before turning into the straight five to six-wide. The Mick Huxtable-trained, Perfect Route, held onto second placing but McArdle’s gelding was gallant in defeat to continue to run through the line after having a tough run throughout. Trainer John McArdle said it was a massive effort from Themoonlitegambler given the run that he had. “He ran huge,” McArdle said. “He covered a massive amount of extra ground and should’ve run a clear second. I don’t know if he would’ve been able to beat Dalasan over 1800m, but he should’ve finished a clear second.” “It’s never perfect when you’re four,

five and six-wide, but he seems to have come through it well. He’ll have three weeks into the Chairman’s Stakes and then two weeks into the Derby so he’s heading in the right direction.” Themoonlitegambler will likely face Dalasan again in the Chairman’s when they step out to the 2000m for the first time, before heading to the 2,500m of the South Australian Derby. McArdle said he has no worries with his gelding stepping over further. “He’ll certainly run out the 2000m of the Chairman’s I would’ve thought – he went close to running that yesterday,” he said. “You don’t know for sure until they do it, but he looks as though he will.” Themoonlitegambler is lightly raced having only had the six career starts and has only missed the placings once in his career to date. His rating currently sits at 67.

Derby hopeful: Themoonlitegambler continues to progress nicely for the South Australian Derby for Mornington trainer John McArdle. Picture: Supplied

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Western Port News

8 April 2020

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