THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011
VOL. 89 | NO. 20 | $3.75
It’s wild out there | PRODUCERS FEEL PRESSURE P14
Spring waters are high and recent rain is not helping the situation. Many farmers in Manitoba will have to relocate cattle and feed because of this year’s flooding. For more flood coverage, see pages 4, 5, 20, 21, 79. | JEANNETTE GREAVES PHOTO MANITOBA FLOODS | CONSEQUENCES
‘It’s 100 percent sure we will lose our land’ Manitoba breaches dike | Flooded area near Portage is home to vegetable and nursery tree farms WINNIPEG BUREAU
NEWTON, Man. — Henry Dyck was helping sandbag a neighbour’s house when he uttered a thought that is common among farmers east of Portage la Prairie, Man. “It’s pretty well a given that we won’t be able to harvest,” said Dyck, who grows nursery trees for the Jeffries Brothers company. It was less than 24 hours before the dike at the Hoop and Holler Bend was breached May 14.
Potato grower Brian Smith said almost the same thing a few hours after the dike was breached and millions of litres of water began to pour into local farmland. “It’s 100 percent sure that we’ll lose our land here,” said Smith. His family also has land along the Portage Diversion of the Assiniboine River, which channels excess water north to Lake Manitoba. The diversion is as full as possible and has spilled in a number of places. It’s the reality Portage la Prairie farmers have come to accept since
the provincial government said May 9 it was considering intentionally flooding land just southeast of Portage to prevent a likely much bigger breach further downstream. The government also announced it would push the diversion to its maximum level, and then some. T h e b re a c h i n g d e a d l i n e w a s repeatedly delayed during the week as farmers and urban residents rushed to protect their properties and help neighbours who were directly in the planned flood’s path. The immediate anxiety about los-
ing houses received the lion’s share of attention after the announcement, but the economic reverberations will reach through Manitoba’s economy and shake the agriculture industry. Portage is home to some of Manitoba’s highest-value agricultural operations with large amounts of potato, vegetable and nursery tree production. It’s the kind of diversified and value-added agriculture that many rural communities dream about, and much of it is threatened by the flood waters. Hundreds of jobs are in jeopaccess=subscriber section=news,crops,none
Poor seed may lead to wrecks: testing firm Worst for malting barley | A quality test will allow growers to make adjustments BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
A seed testing firm says farmers could be in for a nasty surprise when their crops emerge this spring after planting poor quality seed into cold and disease-ridden soil. “In the 20 years that we’ve been doing this, this is the worst seed supply that we’ve ever seen,” said Bruce
Carriere, owner of Discovery Seed Labs Ltd. Average germination levels on samples tested at his lab were 15 to 20 percent lower than normal. Disease levels on cereal grain were five times higher than usual. Growers who tested their seed at an accredited lab should be able to compensate for those shortcomings by applying seed treatments and
increasing seeding rates. However, that’s only 20 to 25 percent of farmers. Most growers either don’t bother testing their seed or use questionable home testing procedures. This is a bad year for that approach. “There’s going to be a lot of surprises out there this year,” said Carriere. “There’s going to be some wrecks out there like you wouldn’t believe.”
The biggest red flag is for malting barley. One of Carriere’s clients carried over a bin that had a germination level of 99 percent last spring. He was shocked to discover it had since plummeted to 45 percent. That grower at least knows what he’s dealing with. Others could be proceeding under false assumptions. access=subscriber section=news,crops,none
ardy on vegetable and tree farms, and processing and handling plants are also affected. SEE WE WILL LOSE OUR LAND, PAGE 2
u|xhHEEJBy00001pzYv#:! MAY 19, 2011 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Inc. Publisher, Larry Hertz Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240; Registration No. 10676
‘We will lose our land’ Larry McIntosh, general manager of Peak of the Market vegetable cooperative, said much of its production comes from the region. “A lot of our carrots are in that area,” said McIntosh, estimating 20 to 30 percent of the crop might be lost this year. Peak is a big packager and a major provincial exporter. The area also produces a lot of Peak’s broccoli, asparagus, green onions and cooking onions. “How long the water stays and whether (Peak farmers) get another planting this year are questions that are now being asked,” said McIntosh. Keystone Agricultural Producers president Doug Chorney said many vegetable and nursery farmers grow expensive perennial crops that will probably be killed by this flood. “It’s devastating for all those producers,” said Chorney. “It’s going to be a multi-year impact.” Former KAP president and Portage area producer Ian Wishart said many people are going to have a bad year. “When I drive around this area, I see a lot of jobs that are going to be lost.” Many of the big vegetable and tree nursery farms offer off-farm jobs for grain farmers and their spouses, and that income can be crucial for many families.
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When I drive around this area, I see a lot of jobs that are going to be lost. IAN WISHART PORTAGE AREA FARMER
Smith said farmers in the area are in a bind, even if their land is not flooded. “We don’t know whether we’ll be able to get in with the equipment to work the field, because with the dikes possibly breaching at any time, we don’t know if it’s even safe to be planting in those areas,” said Smith. Dyck said many of the trees on his farm might drown as the local water table rises. It will be too late to harvest the trees this spring once the land dries, and many may be too large to harvest in the fall. The main cost won’t be to him, but to Jeffries Brothers, who contracts his production. A few minutes later a Jeffries Brother trucked rolled up to the yard. Instead of trying to collect trees or equipment for its own needs, it brought a load of sandbags to help protect this rural home. “We’re doing what we can,” said driver Roland Jeffries.
COLUMNS High flyers: A lot of work goes into preparing planes for an aerial spray job. See photos on page 16. | KEVIN LINK PHOTO
» SALE SHOCK: A farm family
» »
water forces producers near Lake Manitoba to move their cattle to higher ground. 4 POACHING SOLUTION: Farmers may be dealing with high wildlife numbers by hunting out of season. 14 ANIMAL CRUELTY: B.C. farmers say animal welfare reforms aren’t needed because the law works. 18 HUMAN BIRDSEED: Canaryseed growers are almost ready to apply for approval as human food. 25
» »
that sold some of its land to a nearby village 34 years ago gets a nasty surprise. 26 BATTERY CAGES: Egg producers are told to start preparing for the eventual demise of battery cages. 62 PLANT WINNERS: A climate change study determines what crops may be grown on the Prairies in the future. 64 HIGH-TECH SEEDING: Better equipment makes it easier for farmers to seed a crop in difficult situations. 68
» MARKET YAWNS: Seeding delays don’t
Poor seed may lead to wrecks
“A lot of guys will do home tests, but they have this mistaken thought that if it sprouts it’s going to be a good germination,” Carriere said. “Well, just because it sprouts doesn’t mean anything.” A grower recently asked Carriere for advice on seeding rates for pea seed that had a germination level of 85 percent three years ago when tested at an accredited lab. The farmer said the same seed showed a 100 percent germination level in a recently conducted home test. “(Germination) doesn’t get better with age. If anything, it’s going to go the other way,” said Carriere. Farmers who home test are attempting to do the same work of an analyst with three years of training. “The guys at home doing a few samples are not looking at the same thing we are,” he said. G row e r s w h o d o n ’ t p ro p e r l y understand germination and disease levels could be in for a shock when they plant this year’s vulnerable seed into cold soil that is likely loaded with disease inoculum from a wet 2010 growing season. Grant McLean, cropping management specialist with Saskatchewan
Agriculture, shared those concerns. “There is going to be people that are wondering why they have such a wimpy crop come July with all this good moisture to start things.” McLean said diseases such as botrytis and fusarium will be prevalent in 2011. Seed treatments can offer some protection, but they are not the panacea of disease prevention because some producers lack the proper equipment or know-how to properly apply them. “If you don’t get uniform coverage with the product, it just isn’t going to work as well,” he said. McLean is particularly concerned about the quality of this year’s barley, durum, lentils and peas. He suspects part of this year’s seeding delay is due to producers waiting until their soil warms up because they know they’ve got poor quality seed. Seeds take longer to germinate in cold soil, allowing disease to get a jump on the crop and kill the seedlings before they emerge from the ground.
worry the market enough to raise prices. 6 CORN SUPPLY: Analysts say the USDA underestimated corn supplies. 6
» DOING TRACKS: Last year’s wet conditions »
turns a farmer into a track believer. 20 FUSARIUM SPREADS: Saskatchewan farmers are urged to watch out for fusarium. 22
» HUNGRY CRITTERS: Alberta cattle producers want action on wildlife damage.
» CHECK-OFF REBATE: Alberta Pork rebates most of last year’s checkoff.
» RISING LAND VALUES: Farmland prices rose five percent in Canada last year.
» DEALER EARNINGS: Two implement dealerships release their quarterly results.
» SUCCESSION HELP: A counsellor special»
izes in wading into family problems. 76 ON THE FARM: A young couple finds security in community shared agriculture. 77
10 11 11 7 67 71 78 75 75
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Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 Canada Post Agreement Number 40069240 Advertising & subscription contacts are on the inside back cover.
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Satellite images show farmers where it’s wet First for Alberta | Software calculates how many acres are under water and can be used for crop insurance claims BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Plenty of water is covering farmland in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. But how much water, and on what amount of farmland? Iu n c t u s G e o m a t i c s C o r p. o f Lethbridge is the latest player among several prairie companies that can give precise answers to those questions, which might come in handy this year for crop insurance programs or potential payments for unseeded acres. Iunctus collects satellite images and can identify and calculate water coverage on specific land locations. Farmers can buy satellite images for use in crop insurance and other claims. The service is similar to those offered by Saskatchewan and Manitoba companies, but it may be the first in Alberta. Matt Wirzba, image processing technician with Iunctus, said it’s a relatively new use of the company’s satellite data, which is more typically used by the oil and gas, forestry and mining industries. “We didn’t really plan to do this service,” said Wirzba. “A few farmers came to us last year and said, ‘we hear you sell satellite imagery. What can we do with that imagery to help us with this flooding problem?’ So we sat down with them and developed this method where we take our imagery, they show us where their farms are and then we use those sections and quarter sections of their farmland and print out maps.” Wirzba said software calculates how much area is under water, measured by either square kilometre or acreage. Customers receive a printout for each quarter section, indicating
Matt Wirzba, image processing technician with Iunctus Geomatics Corp. based in Lethbridge, said the company can provide satellite images of farmland and precisely measure how much of it is underwater and unfarmable. | BARB GLEN PHOTO location of water and the size of area that is covered. Eliason Farms of Wrentham, Alta., used the Iunctus service last year to calculate acres for the government’s unseeded acres payments. “It made our life a lot easier,” said Sabrina Shular of Eliason Farms, which farms 3,000 acres. “We got a better idea of our flood claim.” Shular said the satellite data was available within two days of request and saved an estimated eight to 10 hours of field scouting. The farm subscribes to a Google Earth package, but she said its data is accurate only within six months. By contrast, Iunctus had days-old information.
Wirzba said the satellite images have a 2.5 metre resolution. “Essentially every pixel on the image is 2.5 metres in size. With that detail, you can see your farmstead and your Quonset and your barn. You can start to make out your cars, but where the detail gets lost is, you can’t tell what kind of car it is.” Wirzba said he has received several c a l l s f o r t h e s e r v i c e t h i s y e a r, although he expects the peak will come when the seeding window closes and farmers need exact measurements on unseeded acres. The Alberta and Saskatchewan governments, in conjunction with the federal Agri-Recovery program, offered $30 per acre for land unseeded because of excess mois-
ture last year. No program has been announced for 2011, but it’s possible one may be developed given wet conditions across much of the Prairies. Iunctus, derived from a Latin word for sharing, is the exclusive distributor in Canada of satellite data that is collected from the Spot satellite system. It has a satellite receiving station on the University of Lethbridge campus. “We basically have control over a satellite when it’s in Canada, so we have been programming our satellite to collect imagery over southern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba,” Wirzba said. Farmers can request satellite images of any specific quarter section, he
said. Delivery is usually possible within a few days, depending on demand and weather conditions. Satellites cannot provide images through cloud, and snow cover is also a hindrance. Price is determined by the number of quarter sections involved, starting at $50 per quarter. However, the minimum order size is 10 quarters, so it will cost at least $500. Price is reduced as the requested area size increases. “It’s pretty cost effective and it’s nice, I think, for farmers to have some satellite imagery of what their farm looks like,” Wirzba said. “Then they can use that to help manage things, with digging trenches and stuff to help water runoff.”
Disaster assistance upsets cattle producers in blizzard’s wake BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
Saskatchewan cattle producers who lost calves in a recent blizzard say the compensation offered by the province is not enough. Eighty people attended a meeting in Stoughton May 10 to discuss their losses and pass a resolution requesting more than the $400 per calf minimum the government is offering through the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP). Hundreds of calves were trampled or died of exposure April 30-May 2 as animals tried to cope with blinding snow and wind. However, Yogi Huyghebaert, the minister of corrections, public safety and policing who is responsible for the disaster assistance program, said the amount is not likely to change. He said PDAP exists to help return property to a pre-disaster state, which is easier to do for a building than livestock.
“PDAP is not there to (cover) cost of production,” he said. “We try to pick an amount that we think is fair.” The $400 value was derived from the livestock predation program. PDAP will also pay $1,100 for other cattle, $60 per lamb or goat and $150 per horse lost because of weather events that municipalities deem disasters. Don Dayman, a producer from Corning, Sask., who lost 24 calves and three cows from his herd of 185 in the most recent storm, was one of the meeting organizers. He said the compensation should reflect increasing costs to producers. Figures obtained from the Western Beef Development Centre show it costs more than $600 to get a calf to market, he added. “We’re trying to increase the cattle herd in Saskatchewan and with this and what the government is paying, a lot of people are just going to give up and get out,” Dayman said. “If they paid us what we figured it
was worth to keep that cow, they might keep that younger cow over again and use her to produce a calf again next year.” He said a survey at the meeting showed average losses at 15 percent. Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association president Jack Hextall said producers were still finding dead animals two weeks after the blizzard. Others are weak from the experience. He said compensation for feeder cattle and cows is commensurate with market price, but it is more difficult to come up with the right value for newborn calves because they aren’t traded commodities.
However, he said any amount is better than nothing. “As little as 10 days ago no one really knew of a program that would help in these situations, and now we’ve got one.” Huyghebaert said the $400 is a minimum because older heavier calves could be worth more. PDAP adjusters will take that into account. He also said producers affected by storms last winter should ask their municipalities to declare disasters. Hextall, who lost 12 calves, said he understood that all municipalities hit by the April 30-May 2 storm had declared disasters to become eligible for PDAP funding. The final losses will be in the thousands of animals, he added. Dayman said the lost animals represent the profit producers were looking forward to this year, but he said they must also deal with the cruelty of the storm. “It was a bad thing to go out there
and see that,” he said. Meanwhile, rules at some federal pastures will likely be relaxed as patrons begin placing cattle over the next couple of weeks. The pastures typically require producers to place cow-calf pairs or yearling heifers as part of their trichomoniasis prevention protocol. Rick Gaube, of Agriculture Canada’s Agri-Environment Services Branch, which runs 12 pastures in southeastern Saskatchewan where the storm hit, said the decision to accept cows that lost calves will be made at each pasture in conjunction with its patron advisory group. “I’d be shocked if any producers at a pasture said no,” Gaube said. “They’re not making up a story. Those calves were lost in a snowstorm and they need to find a home for (the cows) in a pasture.” He said pasture managers will likely try to keep the cows without calves together to mitigate any perceived risk.
Bill Finney, who farms with his brothers near the Lake Manitoba Narrows, gazes out at a hay field that runs along Lake Manitoba. Record high water levels in the lake have flooded Finney’s land this spring and forced him to build a dike around his farmyard. | ROBERT ARNASON PHOTO MANITOBA FLOODING | EVACUATION MEASURES
Cattle shipped out, pastures submerged Compensation wanted | Manitoba cattle producer estimates a bill of $50,000 to truck his cattle to higher ground BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
EDDYSTONE, Man. — Bill Finney usually feeds his cattle in a more conventional manner, but this spring he has been spreading hay on a road half a mile south of his farmyard. Finney, who runs 400 cows near the Lake Manitoba Narrows with his brothers, Lyle and Norman, was forced to feed cattle on the gravel road because the pasture around his farmyard is covered by water from Lake Manitoba. The cows and calves didn’t seem to mind, but Finney wondered where they would feed next week because water levels on Lake Manitoba are expected to rise to record highs by early June. The provincial government declared a livestock emergency in the province May 10, advising farmers in municipalities around Lake Manitoba to move animals to higher ground or to truck them to pastures in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Neighbouring pastures and hay fields may be flooded for several months this spring and summer because the Manitoba government is diverting millions of litres of water out of the flooded Assiniboine River into the lake. “I would think there could be as
many as 100,000 (cattle that must be evacuated), when you consider that most cows have a calf under them right now,” said Tim Clarke, a Manitoba Agriculture range and pasture specialist in Ashern, Man. Manitobans are coping with a one in 300 year flood of the Assiniboine River this spring. As a result, provincial hydrologists are pumping as much water as possible through the Portage Diversion, which channels water from the river to Lake Manitoba. The diversion has channeled 25,000 to 30,000 cubic feet per second of water into the lake over the last few weeks, but the Fairford River Dam, which is the main outlet of Lake Manitoba, has a capacity of only 10,000 cubic feet per second. The province has exceeded that capacity, releasing 13,000 cubic feet per second through Fairford. However, it hasn’t been enough because water levels in Lake Manitoba have risen dramatically since April, flooding pastures and hay land near the lake’s south basin. From the road just south of his farmyard, Finney pointed to the lake’s normal shoreline, a clump of trees two kilometres to the east. There are no banks along the lake east of Finney’s farm and there’s almost no change in elevation from the lake to the road. The lake had moved more than 1.5 km inland as of
People in the outlying areas are being very co-operative. They know what we’re up against…. Farmers are willing to help each other. STEPHEN REYKDAL LAKE MANITOBA NARROWS PRODUCER
May 12 and was a couple of hundred metres from Finney’s farmyard. Manitoba Water Stewardship typically keeps Lake Manitoba 810.5 to 812.5 feet above sea level, but on May 10 the lake was 814.5 feet and was expected to rise another 18 inches or more by the end of May. The threat prompted Finney and his brothers to build an earthen dike to protect the two homes in their farmyard. This isn’t the first time the lake has threatened Finney’s home. His family had to move in 1956 when high lake levels swamped the farm. “The historic high was 1956 when everybody here moved out,” he said, sitting in a half-ton truck and looking toward the lake. “I was five so I don’t remember much…. We stayed at some relatives further inland. I think we were there for five months.” Finney hasn’t decided what to do
this year about his family’s 400 cows and 370 calves. A storm in late April dumped 30 centimetres of snow on the farm, which has softened the roads and turned cattle pens into soup. “We can’t really use our pens right now to load cattle,” he said. They will have to move their cows and calves inland to fields where they normally grow a hay crop. “(But) there’s only so far we can keep pushing them (inland) until we push them onto someone else’s land,” he said. They might have to sell the cows because it will be challenging to produce enough hay for next winter. “We’ll maybe keep our calves over the winter, if we can get enough hay up for that. Then pasture yearlings, or pasture for other people. It’s really good pasture here when it’s dry enough.” Across the lake on the east side of Lake Manitoba Narrows, Stephen Reykdal has already decided to truck his cows and calves to other parts of the province. “People in the outlying areas are being very co-operative,” he said. “They know what we’re up against…. Farmers are willing to help each other.” However, he will need to move the animals as soon as possible. “They’ve got to go right away, otherwise the roads are going to be
impassable,” he said. “I’ve got to move about 250 cows and the calves…. Having little calves on trucks, you’ve got to be very careful because you can kill calves very easily.” Reykdal accepts that the province needs to protect homes and property downstream of Portage la Prairie, but he said the rising water levels on Lake Manitoba are a man-made disaster. Consequently, cattle farmers around the lake deserve full compensation. “This includes pasture, trucking and everything else that goes with it,” he said. “I expect it’s going to cost me $50,000, just to move cattle.” Reykdal said he can’t understand why the province waited until May 9 to reveal the severity of the situation and officially warn cattle producers. The province spent millions of dollars diking the Assiniboine River in March to prepare for a spring flood. Then in April, provincial hydrologists diverted 20,000 to 25,000 cubic feet per second of water into Lake Manitoba from the Portage Diversion. However, no one told farmers to prepare for rising lake levels, Reykdal said. “The politicians and the flood control people were keeping this information away from us.”
Farmers angry yet resigned over flood BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
Farmers southeast of Portage la Prairie, Man., are relieved, frustrated and angry following the provincial government’s decision May 14 to intentionally flood cropland, says Chuck Fossay, who farms near Starbuck, Man. The province cut into the Assiniboine River dike at Hoop and Holler Bend, 15 kilometres from Portage, releasing 400 cubic feet per second of river water onto farm fields and residential property south and east of the dike. Premier Greg Selinger said the controlled release of water was necessary because the province was facing a one in 300 year flood of the Assiniboine River. If the dike wasn’t cut, he added, an uncontrolled breach of Assiniboine River dikes would have flooded hundreds of homes and spilled water onto a large chunk of land between Portage and Headingley, Man. The province predicted May 15 that the cut would flood 180 sq. km of land, but the estimate may be revised. Fossay said some are relieved that the province finally cut the dike because they spent nearly a week building up sandbag dikes to protect their property and were waiting for the water to flow. However, he said others are bitter. “Other people are still very upset that (their) land is being sacrificed to help other people. And there’s a few that feel that this was not really required, or could have been done somewhere else,” said Fossay, whose cropland won’t be affected by the intentional flood. Roland Rasmussen, whose farm near Headingley is also outside of the intentional flood zone, has empathy access=subscriber section=news,none,none
for producers who will be “swamped” by the controlled breach. However, he believes the dike cut at Hoop and Holler Bend was necessary. “If they didn’t do anything, someone was going to get swamped out. When it’s controlled like this … maybe we can avoid a major catastrophe,” said Rasmussen, reeve of the Rural Municipality of Cartier, which straddles the Assiniboine River between Portage and Winnipeg. No one really knows how long cropland will remain flooded because of the intentional spill, but Fossay said it’s unlikely those fields will be seeded this spring. In his opinion, farmers in the intentional flooding zone should receive compensation equal to the profits of a neighbour who was able to plant a crop in 2011. “(Producers) who will be able to seed their crops … they’re probably going to be netting out $100 to $200 per acre,” he said. “I think full compensation means I get the same money as my neighbour who didn’t get flooded.” Selinger has promised compensation that will be above and beyond existing disaster assistance programs in Manitoba, but specifics weren’t available as of press time.
TOP: A television crew films as water begins to flow across a road near the Hoop and Holler Bend dike breach southeast of Portage la Prairie, Man. | REUTERS/FRED GREENSLADE PHOTO
ABOVE:The cold hands and aching backs of the Bradley family were relieved when members of the Elm River Hutterite Colony showed up with hot soup, sandwiches and coffee. | ED WHITE PHOTOS LEFT: Saskatoon berry producer Elaine Bradley, centre, works with her daughter, Christine, back, and son Brock to dig through a mountain of broken sandbags to find ones good enough to use around their house.
Sask. water levels receding; cleanup begins Communities eligible for disaster assistance | As water recedes, experts will focus on sustaining dikes and berms BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
The worst of Saskatchewan’s spring floods appear behind it, and a gradual water level decline is underway. Water remains in many fields and levels are high on lakes and rivers, but the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority said May 16 the flooding Qu’Appelle River system was receding and the situation on the Souris River was stable. Unless significant rainstorms occur, the water should continue to recede, said acting director of basin operations John Fahlman. Water through the Souris system picked up last week after more than 50 millimetres of rain fell in the
southeast. Low-lying land, including the coal haul road between the mine and Boundary Power Station, was flooded and some rural homeowners evacuated as a result. However, by May 16 Fahlman said the inflow matched the outflow on both Boundary and Rafferty reservoirs. “The combined effect is about 150 cubic metres per second through Estevan,” he said. That was down from the peak of 211 cubic metres per second on May 12. Releases from the reservoirs were required because they were beyond full. Doug Johnson, director of regional operations with SWA , said the authority will review the flood opera-
tion plan with the other partners involved. He said were it not for the two reservoirs, the water levels would have peaked earlier but flows would have been similar. All the water in storage eventually does enter the Assiniboine River, which is flooding in Manitoba, so water held in Saskatchewan helps that province. Both Johnson and Fahlman said the Rafferty and Alameda dams have never been tested to this extent and are performing as expected. Water from the flooded Qu’Appelle River system goes to Manitoba as well. Last Mountain Lake, which is the largest natural reservoir on the chain, peaked last week and is now in reces-
sion. Johnson said it takes two weeks for water from the lake to get to Manitoba. “All of the dams are wide open in the Qu’Appelle system,” he said. “It’s almost as if it’s acting in a natural fashion. We’re not storing anything. We’re not holding back water, but we’re also not sending water at a faster rate to Manitoba.” Upstream of Last Mountain Lake, the authority is holding back water in Buffalo Pound Lake. Manitoba did not ask Saskatchewan to hold back water but that couldn’t be done anyway, Johnson added. “If we attempted to do something like that we would just cause more flooding on the Qu’Appelle lakes than we’ve already seen. We can’t
artificially increase (water levels) and flood people who are already fighting floods.” Meanwhile, the provincial director of emergency response, Duane McKay, said the focus is now on sustaining berms, dikes and other barriers through the recession. High winds are a major concern, as is debris on the lakes. Boaters need to be aware that they could be putting themselves at risk, he said, with debris ranging from power poles to propane tanks to paint cans. Seventy-three communities have been designated eligible for provincial disaster assistance and McKay expected another 30 or 40 would be added within the week. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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MARKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM
USDA corn supply estimate disputed Excessive rain is delaying seeding in U.S. Midwest BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Seeding was underway near Grandora, Sask., west of Saskatoon May 15 but many farmers on the eastern Prairies and in North and South Dakota could face delays as they wait for their fields to dry out after a snowy winter and soggy spring. | D’ARCE MCMILLAN PHOTO COMMODITY PRICES | REACTION TO LATE SEEDING
Markets yawn at seeding difficulties Trade believes there’s still time | Wheat and canola buyers confident they have other options BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
Seeding is significantly delayed across much of Western Canada and the Dakotas, but farmers have seen little reaction in the markets. Analysts blame the ho-hum behaviour in the hard red spring wheat and canola markets on a number of factors. “There’s still time (for prairie and great plains crops to be seeded,)” said analyst Greg Kostal. “Canada’s just a pawn in the global wheat chess game. We could get a four to five million tonne production variance and it just gets diluted with everything else going on around the world.” A significant share of the world’s
tradable supplies of spring wheat and canola come from the Canadian Prairies and the Dakotas, but traders have come to realize that western farmers can seed well into June and still produce crops. As well, food processors have learned to work with a wide range of ingredients. “They’ve learned from their mistakes,” Kostal said about food processors who got burned from rising crop prices in 2008. “They stretch out their purchases longer, they use other things, reformulate, all kinds of things.” Food processors now use sophisticated formulation strategies to swap ingredients in and out as they become cheap or expensive. And for all its vaunted attributes,
canola in the end is just a vegetable oil. “All canola would need to do is run up $20 to $40 per tonne independently of other oilseed choices and you’d hammer demand,” Kostal said. Rich Nelson of analytical firm Allendale, Inc., said buyers of hard red spring wheat can substitute other classes of wheat and buy from exporters where growing conditions are better. “What’s muting the bullishness is the fact that wheat production outside of the U.S. and Canada will certainly be increased this year,” said Nelson. “Net world production is increasing, conservatively, two to three percent. Realistically it could be three to four percent.”
Kostal said that the overall wheat complex price is unlikely to rise much, even with significant problems in North America, but spreads between low quality and high quality/high protein wheat will likely widen, giving farmers better news if conditions worsen. “It gets resolved by spreads,” said Kostal. “Wider quality premiums versus other wheat classes (are more probable) than an independent reason for wheat prices to giddy up and go.” Continuing slow progress in North America may eventually spook traders, Nelson said. “The trade may want to take more notice towards the end of the month, before they start hitting the panic button.” access=subscriber section=markets,crops,news
Corn analysts say the U.S. Department of Agriculture didn’t reduce American corn supply enough in its latest supply and demand estimates. The USDA’s May 11 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report shaved average yields by three bushels an acre from the long-term trend to reflect slow planting progress through early May. Excessively wet weather is keeping farmers off their fields with growers in Illinois and Indiana seeing the rainiest April since 1895. The three bu. yield reduction chops 255 million bu. off total supply. Corn analysts think the cut should be deeper, which would further tighten 2011-12 ending stocks and strengthen corn and other grain and oilseed prices. WeatherBill, the pioneers in weather insurance, believes the USDA is way off the mark. It is forecasting a 834 million to 1.6 billion bu. loss because of delayed seeding. WeatherBill based its estimates on studies conducted by universities in the corn belt documenting the relationship between late plantings and lower yields. The data was used in conjunction with the USDA’s May 9 crop progress report that showed 40 percent of the corn crop had been planted compared to the five-year average of 59 percent. Planting is particularly slow in the eastern corn belt where some states had seeded less than 10 percent of the crop. access=subscriber section=markets,crops,news
June 15 - 17 Evraz Place Scan the barcode with your smartphone to view the website
Market’s strong base can withstand tremors MARKET WATCH
The U.S. Department of Agriculture in early May forecast a 25 day corn supply at the end of 2011-12, but a private analyst expects that to fall to 19 days. | USDA PHOTO CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE
WeatherBill’s best case scenario uses the premise that corn planting will progress from May 9 at the fastest rate achieved in the last 30 years. The worst case scenario uses the slowest planting rate in the same period. Corn prices would need to increase significantly if the WeatherBill forecast proves accurate to ration demand and keep ending stocks from falling lower than the USDA’s forecast of 900 million bu. However, Rich Nelson, director of research for Allendale Inc., rejected WeatherBill’s forecast calling for a reduction of up to 1.6 billion bu. “That’s just preposterous,” he said.
“No one believes it.” However, he does agree that the USDA underestimated yield reduction as it did in 2008 and 2009, the last two years of late planting in the corn belt. In both years, the USDA had to adjust its production estimate down again in its June report. In one of those years there was a further reduction in July. Allendale estimates 1.1 million acres of corn won’t be seeded, which shaves 168 million bu. off the production number. That doesn’t include yield reductions for the portion of the crop that was seeded late. Nelson expects the USDA will drop average yields by another bushel per
acre in the June report and then reduce it further in July. He expects carryout stocks to fall to a 19 day supply, down from 25 days forecast in the May report. “You’re getting (into) near record territory,” he said. The record was 18.2 days of carryout supply in 1995-96. Nelson predicts nearby corn prices on old crop to rise to $7.75 per bu. by the end of the crop year from $7.04 earlier this week and new crop to hit $7.50 in the fall from $6.40 earlier this week. Rising corn prices would elevate the entire grain and oilseed complex, boosting prices for crops more commonly grown in Western Canada.
Last week’s grain price declines had little to do with grain supply and demand fundamentals and a lot to do with the prospect of the United States and China reducing the money supply. The main stimulus program in the U.S. ends next month and China keeps tightening its money supply to try to control inflation. Investors worry these actions will slow world economic growth, leading to less demand for raw materials. But if we look only at crops, the fundamentals provide a strong base for prices. Things are going wrong in many of the major grain exporters this spring. Recent dry weather is allowing Canadian farmers to seed their dry land, but it is clear they will not be able to seed all the acres they hoped to because many fields, especially in the eastern Prairies, are too wet or flooded. The same is true in North Dakota and in the U.S. Midwest. It is too early for this to constitute a disaster yet, but it increases the risk of smaller or poor quality harvests in the two countries. We have reported in detail in recent weeks the poor state of the U.S. winter wheat crop. Now, worries about dryness in Europe are coming to a head. Hopes for rain last weekend were dashed in France and Germany, and the forecast for the next two weeks is dry. In China, lingering drought in central areas continues to hurt
winter wheat and rapeseed and cold is delaying corn and soybean seeding. About the only areas enjoying good conditions this spring are Ukraine and Russia, where production is expected to roar back from last year’s drought. Australia is about to seed its winter crop and while the east of the country has good moisture, the west is dry. So over all, there are enough worries about crop production to provide good support to grain prices. The fly in the ointment is the wider economy, and it is dizzying to consider all the forces at work there. The U.S. devalued its currency when it was pumping money into the economy, and the dropping dollar pushed commodity prices higher. What will happen to the U.S. dollar when the money tap is turned off? Another factor influencing the U.S. dollar is the battle in Congress over the debt ceiling, which is the amount of money the government is allowed to borrow to meet its spending. The Republicans want deep spending cuts, but Democrats don’t want to eviscerate programs. Markets don’t like the uncertainty caused by the battle. The Chinese government is trying to put the brakes on growth that is fueling high inflation. But what happens if it presses too hard on the brakes and causes the economy to screech to a crawl? These sorts of worries take centre stage for a few days every month or two and markets tumble. But then they are reminded by another report that global economies are continuing their slow recovery from the recession: U.S. unemployment falls, or growth in European gross domestic production was surprisingly high or China’s monthly exports beat expectations. Then it is off to the races again. access=subscriber section=markets,crops,news
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GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)
Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt)
Grade A
Live May 6-May 12
Previous Apr. 29-May 5
Year ago
Rail May 6-May 12
Previous Apr. 29-May 5
102.50-104.00 100.82-111.46 n/a 92.00-96.75
106.00-106.45 99.71-112.99 n/a 93.00-99.75
91.80 91.67 n/a 84.25
172.50-176.75 183.00-189.00 174.75 n/a
176.00-177.85 184.00-190.00 176.75 n/a
103.25 101.31-112.89 n/a 91.00-95.50
106.70 100.60-111.56 n/a 91.00-98.00
91.31 91.16 n/a 82.38
172.50-177.50 182.00-188.00 173.75-174.75 n/a
177.00-177.85 183.00-189.00 176.75 n/a
Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.
*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.
$150 $145 $140 $135 $130 4/11 4/18 4/25
Saskatchewan $150
$135 $130 4/11 4/18 4/25
Feeder Cattle ($/cwt) 5/2
Manitoba $150 $145 $140 $135 $130 4/11 4/18 4/25
Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $145
Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400
100-112 105-123 118-134 130-151 140-161 145-165
98-109 102-118 114-135 124-144 135-155 140-160
100-116 106-125 119-142 130-155 140-164 146-170
104-110 103-119 119-134 130-140 135-158 140-163
103-113 107-120 115-133 120-139 130-145 130-145
99-112 105-120 114-130 119-136 125-140 125-145
100-120 110-126 115-137 120-143 126-150 130-154
105-115 112-126 115-133 120-138 133-146 134-143 Canfax
$140 $135
Average Carcass Weight
$130 $125 4/11 4/18 4/25
May 7/11 827 767 672 1026
Steers Heifers Cows Bulls
Saskatchewan $140 $135 $130
May 8/10 829 771 654 1003
YTD 11 848 783 675 1030
YTD 10 862 802 667 989
U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)
$125 $120 4/11 4/18 4/25
Manitoba $140 $135 $130 $125 $120 4/11 4/18 4/25
Heifers 112.13 112.00 114.50 183.73
Feeders No. 1 (700-799 lb) Steers South Dakota 126.50-142.75 Billings 139.50-142 Dodge City 132
Trend steady/-2 n/a steady
Cash Futures -6.42 -1.78 -7.01 -2.79 -15.73 -11.51 Canfax
Canadian Beef Production million lb. Fed Non-fed Total beef
YTD % change 651.5 -12 126.2 -11 777.7 -12 Canfax
Cattle / Beef Trade Exports % from 2010 227,109 (1) -31.8 39,573 (1) -57.0 37,563 (3) -23.8 50,330 (3) -21.4 Imports % from 2010 n/a (2) n/a 7,714 (2) -19.2 43,750 (4) +16.4 55,743 (4) -5.0
Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)
(1) to Apr. 30/11 (2) to Feb. 28/11 (3) to Feb. 28/11 (4) to Apr. 30/11 Agriculture Canada
Alberta $165 $160 $155 $150
Close Close Trend Year May 13 May 6 ago Live Cattle Jun 109.00 109.85 -0.85 93.25 Aug 110.55 111.58 -1.03 92.00 Oct 115.50 116.95 -1.45 93.33 Dec 117.80 119.03 -1.23 95.33 Feb 118.40 119.33 -0.93 96.40 Feeder Cattle May 128.70 129.13 -0.43 110.23 Aug 132.45 132.78 -0.33 112.98 Sep 133.03 133.60 -0.57 112.65 Oct 133.78 134.38 -0.60 112.50 Nov 133.80 134.00 -0.20 112.05
Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)
Jun 12-Jun 25 Jun 26-Jul 09 Jul 10-Jul 23 Jul 24-Aug 06 Aug 07-Aug 20 Aug 21-Sep 03 Sep 04-Sep 17 Sep 18-Oct 01 Oct 02-Oct 15 Oct 16-Oct 29 Oct 30-Nov 12
Maple Leaf May 13 161.46-161.46 159.61-160.57 159.61-160.50 160.50-162.10 159.43-162.10 155.78-156.76 152.22-153.11 152.22-152.66 149.68-152.81 147.00-147.44 142.97-145.21
Barley Sp Select 6-row $360 $355 $350
$340 4/11 4/18 4/25
Barley Sp Select 2-row $375 $370
$355 4/11 4/18 4/25
May 9 2.53-2.80 2.50-2.67 2.45-2.60 2.40-2.50 2.20-2.44 1.70-2.30 0.80-0.95 0.85-0.95 70-120
New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids
2.45-2.87 2.47-2.61 2.50-2.59 2.50-2.55 1.65-2.17 1.70-2.30 0.85-0.95 0.85-0.95 70-120
Ontario Stockyards Inc.
May 16 Wool lambs <90 lb n/a Wool lambs >90 lb n/a Hair lambs n/a Fed sheep n/a
$440 $430 4/11 4/18 4/25
Cash Prices Canola (cash - July) $600
$10 $0 $-10 $-20 4/15 4/22 4/29
Feed Wheat (cash) $215 $210 $205 $200 $195 4/8
4/15 4/22 4/29
Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $560 $540 $520 $500
Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.
$480 4/8
To May 7 Canada 7,087,227 7,310,469 -3.1
4/15 4/22 4/29
To date 2011 To date 2010 % change 11/10
Index 100 hogs $/ckg Alta. Sask.
153.10 157.50
Man. Que.
159.00 164.25 *incl. wt. premiums
Export 331,638 (1) 37,999 (2) 175,891 (2)
Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)
(1) to Apr. 30/11 5/9
$195 4/8
4/15 4/22 4/29
Canola, western barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.
Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)
Corn (July) $840 $800
Hogs / Pork Trade
Agriculture Canada
Basis: $0
Fed. inspections only U.S. 37,817,673 38,116,360 -0.8
(2) to Feb. 28/11
% from 2010 -8.7 -3.8 +0.1
Import n/a 51,045 (3) 51,271 (3)
(3) to Apr. 30/11
% from 2010 n/a +6.6 +6.6 Agriculture Canada
$720 $680 4/11 4/18 4/25
Soybeans (July) $1410
May 6-May 12 U.S. Barley PNW 250.00 U.S. No. 3 Yellow Corn Gulf 272.43-300.68 U.S. Hard Red Winter Gulf 354.08 U.S. No. 3 Amber Durum Gulf 379.56 U.S. DNS (14%) PNW 493.32 No. 1 DNS (14%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 10.60 No. 1 DNS (13%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 8.80 No. 1 Durum (13%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 9.28 No. 1 Malt Barley ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 5.28 No. 2 Feed Barley ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 4.68
May 16 May 9 Trend Wpg ICE Western Barley ($/tonne) Jul 205.00 205.00 0.00 Oct 205.00 205.00 0.00 Dec 205.00 205.00 0.00 Mar 205.00 205.00 0.00 Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Jul 556.60 568.90 -12.30 Nov 562.90 563.30 -0.40 Jan 570.10 570.80 -0.70 Mar 575.80 573.60 +2.20 May 581.20 574.70 +6.50 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 7.3650 7.9050 -0.5400 Sep 7.8425 8.3300 -0.4875 Dec 8.4075 8.7875 -0.3800 Mar 8.7900 9.1600 -0.3700 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Jul 3.4800 3.5000 -0.0200 Sep 3.5550 3.5700 -0.0150 Dec 3.6300 3.6500 -0.0200 Mar 3.7500 3.7700 -0.0200 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Jul 13.2650 13.3500 -0.0850 Aug 13.2250 13.3475 -0.1225 Sep 13.1425 13.2625 -0.1200 Nov 13.0625 13.1950 -0.1325 Chicago Soy Meal ($US/short ton) Jul 345.7 350.4 -4.7 Aug 345.9 351.7 -5.8 Sep 344.2 349.8 -5.6 Oct 338.8 344.2 -5.4 Chicago Soybean Oil (US¢/lb.) Jul 55.91 56.29 -0.38 Aug 56.15 56.53 -0.38 Sep 56.41 56.78 -0.37 Oct 56.57 56.94 -0.37 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Jul 6.9750 7.0750 -0.1000 Sep 6.7150 6.8600 -0.1450 Dec 6.3550 6.5750 -0.2200 Mar 6.4625 6.6950 -0.2325 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 9.1025 9.4475 -0.3450 Sep 9.1350 9.4750 -0.3400 Dec 9.2625 9.5925 -0.3300 Mar 9.4075 9.7025 -0.2950 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 8.7600 9.1450 -0.3850 Sep 8.9350 9.3250 -0.3900 Dec 9.1800 9.5350 -0.3550 Mar 9.3550 9.6650 -0.3100
Year ago 145.50 145.50 150.00 150.00 375.40 381.90 386.70 391.40 395.50 4.6900 4.8625 5.1750 5.4650 1.9075 1.9875 2.0950 2.2100 9.4100 9.3525 9.2075 9.1650 273.9 270.6 265.0 258.8 37.13 37.35 37.53 37.68 3.5600 3.6400 3.7375 3.8650 5.1175 5.2400 5.4125 5.5800 4.9000 5.0150 5.1925 5.3675
Canadian Exports & Crush
May 11 May 4 Year Ago Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) 150.98 150.98 122.10 Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb) 33.35 33.00 13.65
Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)
May 9 35.83 21.38 28.70 27.67 20.25 18.71 14.67 6.84 5.95 6.75 6.40 6.62 4.37 32.50 27.13 25.75 25.54 24.78 32.75 25.63 24.70
Grain Futures 4/15 4/22 4/29
Canola (basis - July)
$-30 4/8
May 16 Avg. Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 35.25-37.75 36.00 Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 21.50-22.00 21.81 Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 27.50-28.00 27.88 Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 26.75-27.75 27.45 Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 19.70-20.75 20.40 Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) 16.25-18.00 18.42 Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 13.50-15.75 14.35 Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) 6.50-7.00 6.84 Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) 5.75-6.00 5.95 Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) 6.50-7.50 6.83 Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) 6.10-6.50 6.40 Maple peas ($/bu) 6.35-6.75 6.62 Feed peas ($/bu) 3.50-5.98 4.37 Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) 32.25-34.75 33.00 Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) 26.25-28.75 27.00 Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) 25.25-28.75 26.50 Canaryseed (¢/lb) 25.00-26.75 25.67 Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) 24.75-24.85 24.78 Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) 32.00-35.00 32.75 Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) 25.00-27.50 25.63 B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb) 23.80-25.00 24.70
Canadian Wheat Board
$520 4/8
Pulse and Special Crops Information supplied by STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Roy Legumex, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker and Walker Seeds. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.
International Grain Prices ($US/tonne)
SunGold Meats
Wheat 1 CWRS 13.5%
May 6 Previous Base rail (index 100) 3.80 3.80 Index range n/a 92.88-104.90 Range off base n/a 3.53-3.99 Feeder lambs 1.70-2.00 1.70-2.00 Sheep (live) 0.40-0.55 0.40-0.55
St. Lawrence Asking
Hog Slaughter
Man. Pork May 13 161.27-161.27 159.65-160.38 159.65-160.54 160.54-162.14 159.47-162.14 155.87-156.80 152.31-153.20 152.31-152.76 149.65-152.77 146.97-147.41 142.81-145.04
$150 4/11 4/18 4/25
$425 4/11 4/18 4/25
This wk Last wk Yr. ago 196-198 200-202 176-178
Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head)
Fixed contract $/ckg
Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg)
n/a $145 4/11 4/18 4/25
W. Barley (cash - July)
Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.
$145 4/11 4/18 4/25
Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)
Basis Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Man-Neb
To May 7 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2011 978,962 11,513,542 To date 2010 1,096,438 11,472,245 % Change 11/10 -10.7 +0.4
Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice)Steers National 112.51 Kansas 111.91 Nebraska 113.60 Nebraska (dressed) 183.98
Durum 1 AD
Cattle Slaughter
CWB T.Bay Domestic Asking Prices
May Jun Jul Aug
Close May 13 92.85 94.55 93.85 94.48
Close May 6 93.35 92.38 92.60 93.95
Trend -0.50 +2.17 +1.25 +0.53
Year ago 88.20 83.55 83.83 83.50
Oct Dec Feb Apr
EXCHANGE RATE: MAY 16 $1 Cdn. = $1.0295 U.S. $1 U.S. = $0.9713 Cdn.
Close May 13 87.75 84.70 86.10 87.10
Close May 6 87.28 84.05 86.05 86.73
Trend +0.47 +0.65 +0.05 +0.37
Year ago 75.28 71.70 72.15 72.90
$1290 4/11 4/18 4/25
Oats (July) $450 $420 $390 $360 $330 4/11 4/18 4/25
(1,000 To tonnes) May 8 Wheat 225.7 Durum 46.5 Oats 15.5 Barley 57.5 Flax 2.8 Canola 77.8 Peas 21.2 Canola crush 116.1
To May 1 224.8 49.5 16.6 2.2 16.1 158.1 82.9 108.8
Total to date 8913.3 2576.0 834.0 1176.0 262.1 5439.2 2067.1 4705.3
Last year 10583.2 2688.8 712.7 1083.8 452.6 5490.6 1217.8 3427.5
CANFAX REPORT FED CATTLE LOWER The Canfax average steer price was $103.69 per hundredweight, down $1.02, while heifers were $103.26, down 58 cents. The show list was five percent larger than the previous week with cash cattle making up 35 percent because of the carry over from the previous week. Packers were choosy buyers, favouring longer fed animals over green cattle, which resulted in a wide rail grade spread of about $4. Most of the trade was dressed with prices in the middle of the price range of $172.50‐$176.75 per cwt. for steers in Alberta. Given weaker prices, some producers opted to move only a portion of their offering, resulting in more than 20 percent of the cash cattle being passed or pulled off the sales list. Sales volumes was 17,063 head, up three percent from the previous week. The cash to futures basis widened to ‐$1.78 from ‐$1.21 the previous week. A larger volume of market-ready calves will be available in the coming weeks. Packers may gain leverage and use the larger numbers to further pressure prices lower to try to heal prolonged negative margins. Canadian fed prices have likely stalled until beef demand improves and cut-out values stabilize.
Butcher bull prices were in a range of $76‐$97 to average $86.59 per cwt. There is strong demand for seed stock females, and producers may opt to keep open cows for re‐breeding rather than send them for slaughter. Tight global trim and grind supply should support prices.
FEEDER PRICES MIXED Feeder supply remains tight with solid support for mid-weights to put on grass. Feeder steer average prices were 62 cents per cwt. higher and heifers were $1.25 lower. Steers 400‐600 pounds rose $1 per cwt. and 600‐800 lb. rose about $1.50. Steers heavier than 900 lb. fell $1. They have slid more than $7 in the last 30 days. Heifers 300‐600 lb. were $1‐$1.75
lower while 600‐700 lb. fell almost $3. Heifers 700‐900 lb. were moderately lower and those heavier than 900 lb. held mostly steady. Auction volume was 26,877 head, down 14 percent from the previous week and down 15 percent from last year. Statistic Canada’s Jan. 1 Alberta beef cattle inventory reported there were 242,000 fewer head compared to January 2010, which should indicate smaller volumes will continue into the second half of the year as the smaller calf crop comes to market. Exports are down 57 percent in the year to date. Field work is now taking priority over hauling cattle to town. Quality will continue to drive wide price ranges. The $20 per cwt. middle weight heifer-steer spread should tighten with supply.
U.S. beef cutouts fell to tr y to prompt better demand. Choice cutouts fell $4.76 US to $174.58 per cwt. Select fell $3.67 to $170.56. The lower prices did improve movement. Weekly Canadian slaughter to May 7 was 62,161, up 10 percent from the previous week. Canadian cut-out values for the week ending May 6 fell sharply. AAA cutouts in the week ending May 6 closed at $174.71 Cdn per cwt., down $4.33. AA fell $4.28. Canadian cutouts are trading at a premium to U.S. cutouts when converted to a consistent currency. The Montreal wholesale market for delivery this week was $4 lower to $196‐$198 per cwt.
The May 1 Alberta-Saskatchewan cattle on feed report showed slightly more than one million head in feedlots, down three percent from last year. Placements in April were 143,768 head, down seven percent. Almost 119,000 fewer cattle have been placed on feed so far in 2011 compared to a year ago. Marketings were 122,050, down 18 percent from last year and down 20 percent from the five year average. This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at
COW PRICES FALL D1, D2 cow prices fell $2.50 to average $74.08 per cwt., and D3 cows fell $3.50 to average $65.08. Rail price bids fell $4 to $140‐$145 per cwt. access=subscriber section=markets,livestock,news
WP LIVESTOCK REPORT HOLIDAY DEMAND LIFTS HOGS U.S. cash hogs traded a little stronger last week on suppor t from demand for the coming Memorial Day holiday, the usual start to barbecue season. Warmer weather across the United States is expected to help meat demand, which has suffered from a cool spring. Also, retailers have been stocking up on pork instead of higher priced beef. Iowa-southern Minnesota cash hogs delivered to plants were $68 US per hundredweight May 13, up from $67 May 6. The U.S. pork carcass cut-out value rose to $95.35 May 13 from $90.44 May 6. The U.S. federal slaughter estimate was 1.978 million head to May 13, compared to 1.989 million head to May 7.
BISON PRICES RISE The Canadian Bison Association said grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were $3.90-$4.10 per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers were $3.85-$4. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted. Slaughter cows and bulls averaged $2.75.
LAMB STEADY TO STRONGER Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 968 sheep and lambs and 24 goats traded May 9. All classes of lambs sold actively at steady to slightly stronger prices. Sheep and goats traded steady. access=subscriber section=markets,livestock,news
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Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail:
Man. gov’t, Ottawa failed in providing residents info
he water is flowing, but answers to tough questions are still behind the dike. Manitoba residents along the Assiniboine River are facing the worst flood in their history. The flooding is extreme enough that, if the 1997 Red River inundation was the flood of that century, perhaps this one will be the flood of the 2000s. High water levels, however, should not have come as a surprise, especially in flood-prone Manitoba. As spring approached several weeks ago, dire predictions about flooding were already being made. While the Manitoba government cannot be blamed for the extreme water levels, residents could be forgiven for wondering why programs and precautions were not considered much earlier. Perhaps facing the most bizarre situation are people living near the Portage Diversion, which redirects water from the Assiniboine River into Lake Manitoba and protects the city of Winnipeg from major inflows. As the waters rose along the river, the government decided to purposely breach a dike along the diversion at Hoop and Holler Bend to avoid an unplanned breach. The resulting flood may inundate about 225 sq. kilometers of farmland and 150 homes (although those estimates were reduced May 14), but save another 850 properties and avert flooding of 500 sq. km further downstream. Residents in the region are understandably frustrated and frightened. The threat of breaching the dike came and went for several days, while people worked feverishly to protect their properties from the rush of water that finally started last Saturday. To make matters worse, information from the government was, in many farmers’ opinions, inadequate and slow. They complained that they received information from neighbours and the media — hardly an appropriate communications system. Farmers already battling the flood at the south end of Lake Manitoba due to water releases share those concerns. They are
now trying to move livestock to higher ground — an effort that should have started much earlier to avoid a full-bore scramble. Perhaps under some pressure, premier Greg Selinger appeared on television May 13 to tell residents that he would send officials throughout the area to provide information, although this came just hours before the breach. He also gave more direct guidance on compensation, which he earlier said only would be “beyond” the existing disaster assistance program. These residents are going to need more compensation. The cap on the existing disaster relief program is $200,000, which won’t come close to covering swamped lands, considerable lost income and soaked homes. Replacing a residential home is hard enough, but tree nurseries and vegetable farms could go out of business altogether, potentially putting hundreds of people out of work. In addition, the government must expedite payments, since disaster program money is notoriously slow in arriving. On the federal side, prime minister Stephen Harper toured the region and issued a statement May 11 saying his government “will stand by Manitobans and help them overcome the devastating effects of the floods.” Yet he made no compensation commitments, so hopefully “standing by Manitobans” will mean more than sending out the military to help with sandbagging — although this effort was much appreciated — and offering “logistical and materials support.” While the Manitoba government deserves credit for limiting damages in a one in 300 year flood, it could have done better at predicting flows and certainly should have done better in relaying information. As well, both federal and provincial government should provide greater clarity on the compensation to come. Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.
Conservatives set to take the stage; rookie MPs will get initiated NATIONAL VIEW
Harper’s new cabinet will include several rookies
he parliamentary show begins in two weeks and what a show it might be. On June 2, Canada’s newest crop of MPs will gather in Ottawa for the opening of the 41st Parliament and for close to one-third of the House of
Commons members, it will be a new experience. The May 2 election flushed more than 100 MPs out of the system and ushered in that many newbies including 57 rookie NDP MPs from Quebec. It is the greatest parliamentary upheaval in almost two decades, since the Reform party and the Bloc Québécois rose in the regions, the Liberals swept Ontario and a majority Progressive Conservative government was reduced to two seats, one of them held by a rookie. Oddly, the first order of business for these rookies who never have felt the whip of discipline in the House of Commons will be to elect a new speaker whose job it will be to herd the parliamentar y cats through more than four years of
majority government. At least two prairie MPs — Saskatchewan’s Andrew Scheer and Manitoba’s Merv Tweed — likely will be in the running June 2. The next day Canadians will get their first glimpse of Conservative priorities in the first majority government in almost a decade when the Throne Speech kicks off the session. The speech will likely be heavy on law and order, but perhaps with a tip of the hat to a couple of rural issues — a promise to end the long gun registry and to begin work on dismantling the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly. However, the outlook for quick movement on either of those issues is unlikely at best. The government probably will use the June session to push through a
package of crime bills and then adjourn for the summer. It will give the rookie MPs a few months for some basic political science 101 training before they have to take up their new roles full time. More importantly for the government, it will allow new cabinet ministers a few summer months to get accustomed to their departments and files before being subjected to Commons questioning. And that’s the other crucial piece in the new parliamentary puzzle. This week, prime minister Stephen Harper will announce his new cabinet that likely will include at least a half dozen rookies at the cabinet table. Four ministers, three in Quebec and one in British Columbia, were defeated May 2 and senior B.C. ministers Chuck Strahl and Stockwell
Day retired. Harper has some senior holes to fill. Few in the agriculture community expect Gerry Ritz to be moved as agriculture minister but cabinet shuffles inevitably produce the unexpected. But whoever holds that position after this week, the rural expectation will be that after yet another display of political fidelity to the Conservative party, it had better start to deliver on issues such as the gun registry, the CWB (although clearly many who support the CWB single desk also voted Conservative), rural broadband, health care and farm programs Expect the real rural policy movement in the autumn when MPs return to Parliament Hill and the first days of the next four years plus begin to unfold.
Natural wetlands offer value to society
Glad to be summering in Saskatchewan at the Producer
Lorne Scott, a farmer and reeve from Indian Head, Sask., says watersheds must be protected. Scott is a former executive director of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation and has been awarded the Order of Canada for his conservation work.
eil Mehrer’s viewpoint in the April 14 edition of The Western Producer, titled Balance needed between farms, wetland, begs a response. Mr. Mehrer’s statements on the value of wetlands to society as a whole and myths about wildlife biodiversity past and present are misleading and irresponsible. To say “wildlife was extremely rare and prior to settlement almost nonexistent” is clearly nonsense. This continent, including the Great Plains, teemed with an abundance and variety of wildlife before settlement and uncontrolled market hunting, which saw boatloads of birds and animals shipped to eastern North America and Europe. There are many historical records that show the biodiversity we have lost. In 1892, William Spreadborough, a bird collector working for John Macoun, spent several months in the Indian Head region observing and collecting birds, all of which were noted in Macoun’s Catalogue of Canadian Birds. On his short visit he recorded 154 species. Today none of these birds can be found at Indian Head and many others are getting dangerously scarce. This same story has been repeated over much of the
Natural wetlands purify water, store runoff and reduce flooding. | Canadian Prairies. Contrary to Mr. Mehrer’s allegations that the Canadian Wildlife Service reports most duck species are at record numbers, the truth is that in 1 9 5 6 some 1 8 . 5 m i lli o n d u c k s returned to southern Saskatchewan to nest. In 2010 the population was about 6.8 million. Science has demonstrated the value of natural wetlands in purifying water, storing runoff, reducing flooding and recharging ground water supplies. As an example, New York City’s water supply system is one of the most extensive municipal water systems in the world. Thanks to well-protected wilderness watersheds, New York’s water treatment process is simpler than other North American cities and supplies 1.2 billion gallons of high quality drinking water daily. Granted, a few obvious species such as beaver, white-tailed deer and geese have adapted to a highly developed agriculture landscape.
Unfortunately, because these species compete with the agriculture industry for survival, some landowners are calling for bounties, cull hunts, poisoning programs and government subsidies to reduce the number of so-called nuisance or problem wildlife. Mr. Mehrer talks about uncontrolled wetlands being a problem, when in actual fact uncontrolled and unauthorized drainage of natural wetlands results in millions of dollars of damage in downstream flooding. In his suggestion of “co-operative development,” I assume Mr. Mehrer recognizes that all stakeholders, including downstream residents, municipalities, cottage owners and conservation and wildlife organizations, should be involved in water management decisions. Southern Saskatchewan contains one of the most modified landscapes in North America. More than 80 percent of our natural habitat has been lost south of the forest fringe. In the productive Regina Plain region,
more than 99 percent of the natural ground cover is gone. We have lost half of our original wetlands. Mammals such as the long-tailed weasel, Franklin’s ground squirrel and white-tailed jack rabbit are absent from much of their former range. Three out of four bird species are declining in numbers in southern Saskatchewan. In addition to the little known longspurs and grassland sparrows, familiar species such as meadowlarks, killdeer and loggerhead shrikes are all declining. Many of our native plants, as well as amphibians and reptiles, are also declining in range and numbers. Mr. Mehrer concludes by saying he “wants to be at the table with the real stakeholders, who own and farm the land.” I too look forward to the day when “all stakeholders” and interest groups can sit down at the table and develop a water and land use policy that will consider and encompass the needs and values of all the people of Saskatchewan.
What to expect from Stephen Harper’s new government MORAL ECONOMY
ay 2 was a day of ironies in Canada and a prelude to radical change in Parlia-
ment. Prime minister Stephen Harper won a majority in the House of Commons in an election he claimed he and Canadians didn’t want. The Conservatives, with the support of 39.6 per cent of voters, won 167 seats. The NDP won 102 seats with 30.6 per cent support. About 61 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots. The Liberals and Bloc Quebecois were reduced to historic lows. Both
their leaders were defeated and have resigned. The Liberals fell to third place, but don’t count them out. In the Diefenbaker sweep of 1958, the Liberal party was reduced to 48 seats in the House. Seven years later, the Liberals formed government. What could we expect in the new Parliament? Harper, long before becoming prime minister, said if he ever got a parliamentary majority, he would change Canada so radically that people wouldn’t recognize it as the same country. I take him at his word. One would be foolish not to. • Elected judges: Harper has been clear about this long-standing goal. Canadians, when polled, tend to show high respect for judges and low respect for politicians. Harper’s plan would turn judges into politicians. It is likely that these judgepoliticians would be expected to follow their party’s lines. • Elected senators: Senate reform is
another long-term Harper goal. However, it will require a change to Section 3 of Canada’s constitution. Harper could do this through a vote in the House alone. • Changes in medicare: Harper prefers strong provinces and a relatively weak federal government. Though health care is a shared federal-provincial responsibility, Harper would philosophically like to see provinces take a larger role. That could ultimately mean some provinces having better care programs than others. The federal government has been able to equalize those provincial plans in the past. I expect Harper will end that equalization. • Ending taxpayer support to political parties: Political parties receive a $1.95-per-vote taxpayer-paid subsidy. Harper knows how important this is in developing new parties and strengthening older ones. Did he and his colleagues not use this money to build the Reform party
into the Conservative party? He tried, unsuccessfully, to end this support before. Nothing can stop him now. • Increased government secrecy: Harper hates sharing information with people, whether it is census information needed for planning or information about military activities. Knowledge is power, and withholding knowledge to which MPs are entitled means having power over them. Half a decade ago, Harper talked about the importance of openness, transparency and accountability. When his government was found in contempt of the Commons, it was for Harper’s refusal to be open, transparent and accountable. The election followed. These things, and many more, are well-known parts of Harper’s political philosophy. The only question is when he will introduce them. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
Rob Brown is an ethics student in Saskatoon.
hings certainly have a way of coming full circle. Growing up, I always knew that once school was done, it wouldn’t be long until my mom would pack my sister and I into the station wagon and hit the road from our house in Calgary to visit my grandparents’ farm near Radisson, Sask. Now, decades later, school is over and I’m going to be spending the summer in Saskatchewan again. Although, thankfully, this time the trip doesn’t involve seven hours of getting seared half to death on the vinyl upholster y of a 1970s era Oldsmobile with no air conditioning. I came to the Producer last fall on an internship as part of my journalism degree. I had a great time sharpening my skills, and I learned a lot from the staff here. More than anything, I was amazed at the variety of topics I was assigned to cover. When I first got back to school, my classmates and I were swapping stories about our internships. My colleagues had gone to work at news outlets all across western Canada. Many of them asked if I got bored after four months of just covering agriculture. I was the only one there who could say that I did everything from photograph the prime minister, attend a conference with worldrenowned scientists, and visit a cricket farm. Not bad for just covering agriculture, and certainly not boring. So naturally, when the opportunity to come back presented itself, I jumped at the chance. I’m looking forward to seeing what stories a summer at the Producer is going to throw my way. If my previous experience was any indication, it should be an interesting couple of months. I’m also looking forward to getting back out and meeting more Producer readers. I always found people friendly when I was out on assignment. Just mentioning that I was working at The Western Producer would usually net a broad grin and someone telling me that they were a thirdgeneration subscriber. There are really not too many outlets that can claim that level of support and I’m glad to get another chance to, hopefully, be of some service to our readers. And now to get out and find some good stories …
Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.
To the Editor:
Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.
A farmer leaves a muddy trail while spraying a field in the Sanford, Man., area May 15. |
Add HEADLINE® fungicide to your canola production system* and increase yield by 3 to 4 bushels per acre†. With superior protection and the AgCelence™ plant health benefits unique to HEADLINE, your canola is better able to reach its full yield potential. Learn more by visiting or your BASF retailer.
It’s again time to call on premier (Brad) Wall to save the grain industry in Saskatchewan and the farmers’ marketing agency, the world respected Canadian Wheat Board, as he did when our other major resource, potash, was being stolen from us by foreign companies. It’s plain to see the 13 federal MPs have been told to shut up like they did during the potash issue. Canada survived the Mulroney and Schreiber years, but we ended up so far in debt we could not even borrow money from the New York banks. I guess we can do it again. It seems strange the last Conservative prime minister from Calgary South was the Right Honourable Richard Bennett. My history tells me he saw what the grain companies were doing to farmers so he put in place legislation to establish the CWB. He felt government needed a way to talk to its people because they were scattered all over the country so established the CBC. He oversaw the creation of the Bank of Canada — very progressive thinking. Now we have a Conservative prime minister from Calgary South that wants to destroy both the CWB and CBC. Conservatives do not seem to read their history. The so-called Calgary School (Civitas) and others seem to be winning the day for now, one step at a time. Hang on. Avery Sahl, Mossbank, Sask.
Now registered on canola
BOARD RESTRUCTURING To the Editor: The election is no sooner over than Harper’s Conservatives are talking about restructuring the Canadian Wheat Board. By chance I found a study commissioned by the Pulse Growers organization about the marketing of lentils. The study showed how farmers would do better financially if their lentils were sold through a central desk. For some reason the study has been buried. The Australian government did a study on the marketing of wheat after the Australian Wheat Board was dismantled. The report shows how the grain companies are doing quite well while the farmers are not. From the Australian report, we see transnational grain companies — not Canadian farmers — will be the clear winners when the CWB is neutered. It should be safe to assume this is the way Harper’s party is paying back the grain companies for their political contributions to the election. Lorne Jackson, Riverhurst, Sask.
* Clearfield® canola, InVigor ® canola or Roundup Ready® canola † Grower applied and research trials from Western Canada in 2010 Always read and follow label directions. HEADLINE is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; AgCelence is a trade-mark of BASF SE; Clearfield, and the unique Clearfield symbol, are registered trade-marks of BASF Agrochemical Products B.V.; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. HEADLINE should be used in a preventative disease control program. InVigor is a registered trade-mark of Bayer CropScience AG. Roundup Ready is a registered trade-mark of Monsanto Technology LLC. © 2011 BASF Canada Inc.
WRONG LETTER To the Editor: This is in regard to the letter Bad Dreams in the May 5 issue, written by Lorne Neyedly of Lockport, Man. access=subscriber section=letters,none,none
OPEN FORUM If Mr. Neyedly would look a little closer, he will find the letter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; CWB (Canadian Wheat Board) Dream â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in your April 21 issue was written by Bernard Rostaing of Ohaton, Alta. I do not appreciate having my name associated with two such nonsensical letters. I think Mr. Neyedly owes me an apology. My letter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; CWB Solution â&#x20AC;&#x201D;in that same issue has my name under it and I am willing to stand by it. My. Neyedly is welcome to comment on my letter if he wishes (I would welcome his comments). As for the OPEC-CWB issue, OPEC with 60 percent of the world supply could dictate prices with no help from the CWB. The CWB with less than five percent of the world supply ha s a s mu c h c l o u t a s a m o u s e squeaking in the forest. R.H. Leinweber, Linden, Alta.
UNITED CANADA To the Editor: Because of a long series of miscalculations, few people now share the enthusiasm for the Liberal Party of Canada as did Denise Hamon in her letter to the Editor, WP April 28. As they were sweeping up the confetti from the Conservative and NDP victory parties in Calgary and Toronto, the new united Canada was already starting to take shape. Gone are the days when the Liberals will flourish by seeding discord between Quebec and the rest of
Canada as they did during the years that led to the fiasco known as the sponsorship scandal. The people of this great nation have now spoken clearly for a united country. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve listened to victory speeches back to 1958 when my Dad listened to election results on a battery powered Zenith shortwave radio. Never have I have heard such passion and fervour as both Stephen Harper and Jack Layton delivered their victory speeches on the night of May 2, 2011. Hopefully theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll work together for a better nation that will, undoubtedly, include Western Canada. God bless this great country.
The preceding paragraph is part of the promised future political scenario, whereby 39.6 percent of all May 2 voters enabled Prime Minister Harper to form a majority government. However, 60.3 of all other voters cast their ballots against the Harper Conservatives. The latter had the support of 5,832,501 voters. The NDP garnered 4,408,474 votes. The difference in voting numbers, (1,323,927) gave the Harper Conservatives 65 extra seats in the House of Commons. In the 2008 election, the Green Party received the support of nearly
John Hamon, Gravelbourg, Sask.
ELECTION DISAPPOINTMENT To the Editor: To say that many other Canadians (and I) are disappointed with the May 2Â right-wing majority government for our country Canada, is putting it very mildly. For the next term of the Harper government, we are assured of an everincreasing highest national debt ever. This will be caused by the proposed greatly amplified military spending â&#x20AC;&#x201D; much to the delight of Canadian, and particularly the American, arms industry. There is also a determined desire by Prime Minister Harper for proposed tax breaks for corporations (some may even benefit transnationals) and also tax breaks for the wealthy.
one million voters, but did not elect even one member of Parliament. Obviously our Canadian voting system is fundamentally flawed and basically undemocratic in representing Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diverse politicallyminded citizens. One has to presume that approximately 40 percent of Canadians supported Harperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s promise of l o w e r t a x e s, c o m b i n e d w i t h a steady hand on the market economy, which would and did give him a majority. This is despite the belief of many Canadians that wealthy and powerful corporations across the continent
control the economy. It would appear that for some Canadians the market economy should take preference over national and global social justice issues, and the fact that Canada was once held in high repute by other nations as a country of peace keepers. This has led me to the disturbing conclusion that had Jesus Christ been the leader of any one of the other political parties on May 2, he (Jesus) would not have become the prime minister of Canada. Leo Kurtenbach, Saskatoon, Sask.
Stepping up when elder dies takes healing time SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES
eter was 58 years old when his dad died. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d taken over the family farm 25 years earlier and when his fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health failed, he continued to rely on him for advice. The older man was a good sounding board. When he died, it was as if a spark of life also died in Peter. He went through all the motions of tending to funeral access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
details, being there for his mom and seeing that her home in their tiny community was adequate. Grief is normal under these circumstances. Extended grief may even be expected when one realizes how close the two men were. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just that Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grief went on and on. It cycled the seasons from early spring, when decisions had to be made about seeding, through to the following spring when most of the grain was marketed. Through that year Peter lost weight and looked drawn and lethargic. In spite of the fact that he had done all the work for more than two decades, it was as if he was thrown on his own for the first time â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a real novice. Fortunately, nature proved a good ally. The crops were abundant and the market price was reasonable. By
the end of that year it seemed Peter caught his wind again. There was a bounce in his step and a few pounds of flesh added on his bones. Becoming the family elder doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen overnight. The senior person, male or female, steps into an arena where serenity and wisdom are supposed to be evident. Assuming that mantle takes time. I appreciated the words of wisdom found in a tiny clipping: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need retirees (elders) who will make roles for themselves, and not expect to follow someone elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mould.â&#x20AC;? These are the people who are true pioneers for the future. God bless their endeavours. Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian
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Lentil trade seeks open EU market Monsanto asks European Union for higher residue limit BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Pulse Canada thinks a permanent solution to a recent non-tariff trade barrier with the European Union may come sooner than originally anticipated. In April, the pulse industr y announced that the EU had begun rejecting shipments of lentils containing trace levels of glyphosate residue, including a boatload containing Canadian organic lentils. Europe’s new enforcement policy immediately placed a $110 million lentil market in jeopardy. The EU typically imports 100,000 tonnes of Canadian lentils annually. The EU’s maximum residue limit for glyphosate in lentils is 0.1 parts per million, which is extremely low considering the limit for peas is 10 ppm. Monsanto Canada spokesperson Trish Jordan said the company d i d n ’ t i n c l u d e l e nt i l s w h e n i t a p p l i e d f o r re s i d u e l i m i t s f o r Roundup 20 years ago because lentils weren’t exported to Europe. As a result, the product received the default 0.1 ppm limit. At the request of Pulse Canada, Monsanto has asked the European Commission for an amendment that will increase the lentil residue limit to the same level as peas. The submission was made earlier this month. “Even though we’re not the only glyphosate supplier, we’re the one that’s stepping up and helping so that farmers aren’t impacted,” said Jordan. “They came to us for help and so we’re helping them.” Carl Potts, director of market development with Pulse Canada, said discussions with EU regulators left him optimistic that the submission can move through the system faster than the one-year timeline the industry was originally given. There are two opportunities for the submission to be approved by an EU standing committee: June and October. “If it can make it through in time for a June meeting, then there’s a possibility (the new maximum residue limit) will be implemented later in 2011,” Potts said. “We are doing everything possible to try and move that through the process as quickly as we can.” Jordan said there’s a chance the EU will reject the amendment request, which is why Monsanto will conduct a glyphosate residue field trial in 2011. The company will donate the data and analysis to Pulse Canada if the EU says it needs a lentil-specific submission. Potts said the industry’s fallback plan is likely a declaration and testing regime that would allow exporters to help ensure shipments to Europe are free of glyphosate residue. access=subscriber section=news,markets,cr section=news,markets,crops
Britannia-Wilton rural firefighters battle a blaze in a tractor east of Lloydminster, Sask., May 13. The fire broke out during seeding operations and was quickly doused with the help of a new foam unit. | DON WHITING PHOTO
Poaching reported as wildlife frustrates farmers Revisiting control strategies | Farmers find their own solutions as they find programs inadequate BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Nor thw estern Saskatchewan farmers have had enough of moose, deer and antelope trampling their crops, eating their bales, grazing in their alfalfa fields, damaging their fences and threatening the safety of drivers. Roger Holland, who has farmed near Maidstone, Sask., since the late 1950s, said wildlife numbers in his area have never been so high. He said the level of frustration among area farmers is reaching new heights, and deer, moose and antelope are routinely being shot out of season. Officials from the province’s environment ministry have been told that poaching is common in rural areas, Holland added. “Cattle guys are fed up with deer grazing on their cropland … (they’re) sick and tired of moose smashing their fences and their cattle getting out,” he said. Oil patch workers are also taking matters into their own hands. People who live and work in the area think the province’s wildlife management strategies are failing so they are devising their own solutions, Holland said. “Guys are just shooting them. They gut shoot them … and a lot of them are shot late. They’ll shoot them at night in the headlights,” he said. “They say, ‘better to shoot them than to hit them with my truck.’ They’re sick and tired of it.”
Moose numbers near Maidstone are higher than ever and antelope numbers were also on the rise until poaching thinned the local antelope population last winter. “There’s more moose shot here illegally than there is legally,” said Holland. Brent Webster, director of field services for Saskatchewan Environ-
ment’s compliance and field services b ra n c h, s a i d t h e m i n i s t r y ha s received reports of poaching but nothing on an unusual scale. “We’re always investigating cases of poaching but … I’m not aware of any that are linked, on any massive scale, to farmer concern at this point,” said Webster. “I’m not aware of any instances
Guard dog program finds fans BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
A government program that offers livestock producers a $100 rebate when they buy a livestock guard dog appears to be catching on with Saskatchewan farmers. Shawn Jaques, executive manager of field operations for Saskatchewan Crop Insurance, said nearly 75 livestock producers have taken advantage of the Saskatchewan Guard Dog Rebate Program since it was introduced a year ago. Livestock producers who have claimed predation losses through Saskatchewan Crop Insurance qualify for the program. Saskatchewan producers filed 3,500 predation claims in the last year.
“Producers who are experiencing losses from predators would contact SCIC, we would send an adjuster out to their farm, we would first of all determine if there was any loss, and then we may recommend … a guard dog,” Jaques said. “So producers (that qualify) can fill out a rebate program and we will provide $100 for a guard dog.” Producers must buy a qualified breed that is recognized for its guarding instincts and provide documentation stating the purchase price and where the dog was acquired. For more information, call Saskatchewan Crop Insurance at 1-888-935-0000 or visit and click on the link to predation. access=subscr iber access=subscriber section=news,none,none
where … we’ve been informed that they (farmers) are shooting … (animals) unlawfully. We’re certainly not aware of anything of that nature on any scale of any kind, whatsoever.” Webster said calls to the province’s TIPS (Turn in Poachers) line have been stable at around 1,000 calls per year. All reports of illegal hunting are investigated. The province will sometimes authorize depredation hunts or special management hunts to thin a n i m a l p o p u l a t i o n s, We b s t e r added. However, cer vid numbers are expected to decrease in many areas of the province this year because of malnutrition, harsh winter conditions and low birth rates. As for economic losses caused by big game animals, Webster urged farmers to file claims with the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp. “My advice … (to farmers) is to make sure that they deal with crop insurance and make sure that they are getting the service they need on that because it is a very good program.” Holland said farmers know about crop insurance’s wildlife damage programs, but it is difficult to collect compensation on some damage. Some farmers who suffer wildliferelated losses don’t file claims if they feel the burden of proof is too onerous or if the damage is discovered during the busy harvest and seeding seasons. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Grain requirements exaggerated: report Surplus predicted | History repeats itself, author SASKATOON NEWSROOM
A study released by Grain Farmers of Ontario says contrary to popular belief, the world is heading into a period of surplus grain supply. Report author Terr y Daynard farmed through the good years of the late 1970s and the doldrums that followed. He said it was eerily reminiscent of today’s grain markets. The recent price spike and the one in 2007-08 bear an uncanny resemblance to the pr ice peaks that occurred in 1974 and 1980, driven by substantial buying interest from the Soviet Union. “Farmers got sucked in and told that this (spike) was going to last for a long, long time and they should gear up to produce all this food for a hungry world,” he said. Growers in developed countries increased production in anticipation of an expected surge in global demand that never occurred. Nobody anticipated that China and India would become largely self -sufficient in food, let alone significant exporters of some products. Nearby corn futures dropped to about $1.50 per bushel in 1986 from more than $4 per bu. in 1980. Farmers would be stuck with low prices for decades. “I don’t like to be a prophet of doom, but I’m quite concerned about the same thing happening again,” said Daynard. He believes history is repeating itself. Speakers at agriculture conferences are continually warning farmers that they’re going to be faced with the daunting task of feeding nine billion mouths by 2050, which will require an unprecedented increase in global grain production. But upon closer inspection, Daynard added, it may not be so hard to achieve future food security. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization says the world will need 70 percent more food by
2050, which means food production would need to increase by 1.1 percent per year. Daynard said he has data showing average world grain yields increased by 1.5 percent per year from 1987 to 2007, when government policy in the United States and the European Union was discouraging grain production through acreage set-aside programs. He expects the rate of growth to increase now that there’s a price incentive to boost production and new genetically modified crops are on the horizon that offer beneficial traits such as drought tolerance. “We’ve come to the conclusion that there’s ample potential to feed the world,” said Daynard. In fact, he’s forecasting a grain surplus. What really concerns him is the potential for increased grain production in Eastern Europe, where an estimated 99 million acres of arable land went out of production after the break-up of the Soviet Union. He also expects more land under production in South America. That’s why he cringes when he hears analysts telling farmers that they can count on high prices for the next 20 years. Daynard thinks increased production in Eastern Europe and South America could soon depress grain prices, which is why he has already locked in prices on the futures market for his 2013 crop. “It will be nice if I’m wrong,” he said. The implication is that farmers need to fight hard to maintain the biofuel market and create sources of industrial crop demand, such as bioplastics. Grain Farmers of Ontario welcomed that finding. “I am confident that my land will continue to be productive and that new products and technologies will ensure my family supplies our local livestock market and the ethanol plant down the road for many years to come,” said board chair Don Kenny. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Koback, shelter director at the Saskatoon SPCA, helps unload one RESCUE SQUAD | Tiffiny of 29 Huskies seized from a farm near Bulyea, Sask. | BRYN LEVY PHOTO
Crop analysts see no end to bull market BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
Many crop market analysts are confident the overall commodity bull market will continue, and that bodes well for crop prices this summer. They haven’t been rattled by the sudden sell-off of silver, crude oil and other commodities that has frightened many investors and led analysts to call for the end of the commodity bull run. “In our opinion, this is simply a temporary lull in a commodity bull market,” said Rich Nelson of Allendale, Inc., in McHenry, Illinois. “We’ve had two or three other calls for the commodity bull market to end in this uptrend, and it hasn’t happened.” Mike Krueger of the Money Farm in Fargo, North Dakota, has a similar view. “We’ve seen a big reallocation of funds and liquidity in commodity markets caused by different reasons,
but those reasons aren’t really sound from a fundamental perspective,” said Krueger. “I view it just as the in and out flow of cash in these markets, much more than any fundamental change.” The commodity markets plunged In the first week of May with silver and crude oil helping drive down the CRB Index of commodities from 370 to 340 in less than a week. Brent crude fell from $125 per barrel to $109, while silver fell from $48 to $34. Money poured out of the commodity markets, taking everything down. The trigger appears to have been new margin requirements on silver futures contracts at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which caused many speculators to quickly reduce positions. Silver had been the market’s hottest commodity in the past year and once it began collapsing, the other commodities could not stay out of the downdraft. Some analysts argue that the 200911 commodity bull run has ended
and that lower prices are the face of the future. They say that weakening U.S. economic performance, the grave debt problems plaguing Europe and China’s attempts to rein in inflation and commodity demand will reduce the demand that has been inflating commodity prices. They fear the main prop that has held commodity prices aloft will be knocked out when the U.S. government stops pushing down bond yields in June. However, crop-focused analysts are more optimistic about crop prices and the overall commodities complex, which is responsible for most of the value of crops. Many tend to be more bullish about commodities than other sector analysts. As well, most believe the tight supply and demand fundamentals for crops give them a chance to rally again. “We still need to have great crops, good yields,” said Krueger. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Beware the pirate of the prairies
clerotinia – the scourge of Saskatchewan, Manitoban c menace, the annihilator of Alberta – no matter what m you callll it, it sclerotinia can lay waste to your canola, plundering your yield and pillaging profits by up to 40 percent.
RIGHT: Darren Tiede has owned a S2R Thrush 600 for 15 years, but he has to refer to a manual before starting up his recently purchased 510 Turbo Thrush.
ABOVE: Part of the calibration process is flow testing, where the volume released from each nozzle is measured.
High-Flying job
Photo Essay | Darren Tiede readied his planes for aerial spraying on his Strathmore, Alta., farm May 7. | Kevin Link photos
After completing the spray testing, Tiede releases the remaining water all at once prior to returning to the hanger.
LEFT: Gary Moffat tests the spray to ensure all nozzles are functioning prior to capturing water for a flow test.
Helping urbanites grow food raises interest, helps farmers Connection to food | Gardeners learn how to meld food and flowers into landscape BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Urban farming complements rural farming. So says Ron Berezan, also known as the Urban Farmer. Berezan, originally from Edmonton, recently moved to British Columbia to make a business out of helping individuals and communities develop and improve gardens using sustainable methods. He said the more urban residents understand food production, the better it is for larger scale farmers. “First and foremost for me, it’s about people connecting with their food, just having an idea how food is grown and an appreciation for that,” said Berezan, who was in Lethbridge May 12 speaking about edible landscapes. In the case of city residents, who make up most of Canada’s population, “all of your food is purchased at the grocery store. Do you have any idea of what a farmer goes through to
grow it for you? No, you don’t. “If people are connecting to food in their backyard, they’re going to have a stronger sense and interest in the food that’s grown around them. They’re not mutually exclusive at all.” Berezan said growing food is an education, but it is also a protection. “In terms of food security, more people growing food on a smaller scale means that we’re more resilient should there be an interruption to our food supply for some reason.” It could also reduce reliance on fossil fuel for food production. Berezan said he doesn’t think the food system is sustainable because of its energy use, reliance on fossil fuel and chemical inputs, climate change, topsoil degradation and water supply issues. He is an advocate of permaculture, a vision of food growth as part of an ecosystem that works with nature and natural processes. Berezan encouraged his audience to explore new methods of gardening
that incorporate food into flowerbeds and landscapes. “We do not have to separate food production from ornamental horticulture,” he said. Edible species can easily be integrated and still be aesthetically pleasing. He favours edible perennials such as fruit trees, berries, rhubarb and asparagus. Perennial greens include bloody dock, garden sorrel, chives, Egyptian onions and lovage. Plants for tea, culinary herbs and edible flowers can also form part of a flower garden or other landscape. He encouraged “thinking outside the box” when designing a garden, noting there is no need for them to be square or rectangular or even in one location of the yard. A spiral shape for a herb garden or a keyhole design for other plants can be successful and attractive, he said. If space is severely limited, “there isn’t a single vegetable that you cannot grow in a pot.” access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Ron Berezan, also known as the Urban Farmer, assists volunteers May 12 at Lethbridge’s Garden View Lodge to expand a flowerbed into an area that includes edible trees and plants. | BARB GLEN PHOTO
Replace distorting farm programs with solid policy: Alta. expert BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
RED DEER — Canada needs a farm policy that encourages producers to earn more money from the marketplace with less reliance on programs, an Alberta government official said recently. “We are trying to put more policy to the fore with less distortion and more opportunities for farmers to derive profit from the marketplace and answer signals,” Andre Tremblay of Alberta Agriculture’s policy, strategy and intergovernmental affairs divi-
sion told the Alberta Agricultural Economists Association’s annual convention held May 5 in Red Deer. “It can’t always be about programs in perpetuity.” Tremblay said governments have spent significant amounts of public money in the last 15 years to stabilize farm income. “There were lots of programs, but there was really no rhyme or reason for these programs,” he said. “They were very responsive for single occurrence issues.” Growing Forward, the most recent farm program, started in 2008 and is
scheduled to end in March 2013. The next phase, Growing Forward II, must be negotiated by April 2013 for a program ending in 2018. They may offer more insurance programs rather than income stabilization. There may also be less money available. “Government dollars may not be available in the future as we continue to deal with economic challenges globally and contracting governments all over the world,” Tremblay said. Governments could also introduce livestock programs modelled after
Alberta’s cattle price insurance program. There is public support for crop insurance premiums, but Tremblay said governments are unlikely to subsidize livestock premiums because they insure prices and could trigger trade action in the international arena. Other programs may also examine Canada’s overall competitiveness in domestic and international markets. More focus is aimed at supply chains of producers, processors, marketers and distributors. He said trade access means more
than selling beef to China. Instead, it should evolve into helping producers and processors deliver the kind of products customers want. “Frankly, we haven’t done a good job of it so far in some of these framework agreements.” A new plan could also steer research and innovation toward commercial opportunities, although not everything has an obvious market application. Research may continue to look at increasing productivity, such as new agronomy or better crop varieties to make farmers more competitive. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Sclerotinia defeated
i sclerotinia no quarter and defend ive yyour golden treasure with Proline® f fungicide. Proline provides canola growers g with unparalleled sclerotinia control, increasing both yield and quality. With Proline, you be protected. or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. Always read and follow label directions. Proline® is a registered trademark of Bayer. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada. 03/11-15872-02D
Farmers worry about gov’t reaction to dog killings Livestock not pets | B.C. plans to toughen animal cruelty penalties but farmers worry about what some interpret as animal cruelty BY SHANNON MONEO FREELANCE WRITER
VICTORIA — British Columbia has responded to public outrage over the killing of up to 100 sled dogs by putting more bite into its Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. However, a B.C. farmer says the legislation doesn’t need higher fines and increased surveillance. “Enforce the laws you’ve got,” said Ev Gilmar, who raises chickens and goats on a 10.5 acre farm near Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island. Gilmar, who five years ago started the successful Coombs Farm Animal and Poultry Swap, said farmers like her are always concerned when governments change laws that were working fine. “It’s never intended for our benefit,” said Gilmar, who has more than six decades of farm experience in Alberta and B.C. Instead, she said the outcry over the sled dog killings in April 2010 following the Vancouver Winter Olympics is the result of urban residents not understanding what it means to raise livestock. “I have numerous animals on my farm. They are livestock. They’re here for a purpose. That purpose will make them dead,” Gilmar said. “Those dogs were livestock. They were not pets and never could be.” Gilmar said the dogs had to be disposed of, although she added it should have been done humanely. The dogs’ remains were recently exhumed near Whistler, at a cost of approximately $225,000, to find evi-
dence that could lead to criminal charges. The B.C. SPCA led the job, which involved forensic anthropologists. The SPCA received $100,000 from the province in April to help pay for animal cruelty investigations. While the legislative changes announced in April provide increased protection for all animals, the provincial agriculture ministry said they focus on domestic rather than industrial animals. Geraldine Auston, general manager of the B.C. Farm Animal Care Council, doesn’t expect that a more stringent act will affect the council’s 17 B.C. partners, which includes most of the province’s large producer groups. “Our members are businessmen. This is their living. They can’t have things going wrong with their animals,” Auston said. It’s in their best interests to have healthy, producing animals, she added, but the law should be applied when things go wrong. Auston said the revised legislation could apply to hobby farms, which don’t fall under the council’s clear animal care parameters. She said the two-year-old council is concerned that the public doesn’t know a lot about farming, which can result in mistaken accusations to animal welfare organizations such as the SPCA. She recalled a complaint made about cattle when someone spotted the animals lying in a field. “They thought the cattle were dead,” she said. “They were asleep.”
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Always read and follow label directions. Nimble is a registered trademark of Cheminova A/S, Denmark. Refine SG is a registered trademark of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company.
PROPOSED CHANGES TO B.C.’S PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT Among the 10 recommendations: • increased fines up to $75,000 for offences • 24 months of jail time for serious offences • extension of the six-month limitation period to prosecute offences • mandatory reporting of abuse to the B.C. SPCA by veterinarians (most vets already voluntarily report such abuse) • a request that the federal government toughen up charges for animal cruelty under the Criminal Code Kevin Boon, general manager of the B.C. Cattlemen’s Association, said what some interpret as animal cruelty is merely nature at work or common practice. “It’s an ongoing problem,” he said. Boon said the association’s members are aware of proper practices and know they will be prosecuted if they don’t follow them. “But look at our past histor y. There’s not an awful lot of charges against cattlemen,” Boon said, which he attributed to widespread, effective education. As well, he said technology such as cellphone cameras allows more people to become watchdogs, for better or for worse. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Stetson Roberts goes over the top of a bronc during the Alberta High School Rodeo in Cochrane April 30. Roberts scored a 52 on the saddle bronc. | PAT PRICE PHOTO
June 15 - 17, 2011 Evraz Place, Regina, SK, Canada
Where the world of agriculture comes together. gether. RBC Innovations Program
presented by
Promoting innovations in agriculture industry has always been a focus of the Western Canada Farm Progress Show (WCFPS). This year, WCFPS will introduce the RBC Innovations Program which will endorse all new inventions and will also promote improvements made to existing products. Building on the previous New Inventions Program, the revamped program will reach out to a broader range of products and better encourage the development and creations in the agri-business. All products recognized by the RBC Innovations Program will be showcased at Arena 3.
RBC Innovations: (located in Co-operators Centre Arena #3) The following is a sample of some of the Innovations being introduced at the show Elmer’s Manufacturing Eric Braun, Box 908, Altona, MB, R0G 0B0, P: 204-324-6263, F: 204-324-6729, E: Ag-Ex Pavilion – 90004, 90006, 90008
Elmer’s Super 7 Harrow: Elmer’s exclusive 7 bar configuration combined with ½” x 22” tines provides a fine field finish while accomplishing 40% more harrowing per pass. This makes the Elmer’s Super 7 today’s most versatile harrow allowing you to tackle any of your field conditions.
Little Giant Ladders/Cal-Ell Imports Inc. Jacquie Smith, #201-669 Ridley Place, Delta, BC, V3M 6Y9, P: 800-511-6094, E: Event Plex – 70451, 70453
Little Giant Revolution XE: The little Giant Revolution XE is the lightest multi-use ladder on the market. The new lite wave technology makes the Revolution XE 20% lighter than any comparable ladder. It includes several innovated new features – The Mag4tm hinge for improved stability and the easy to use rock locks for quick adjustment. Rated to hold 300 lbs on both sides and is a true two person ladder.
Mandako Agri John Redekop, Box 136, Plum Coulee, MB, R0G 1R0,
P: 204-829-3092, F: 204-829-7712, E: Lot D – 8413, 8414
Grain Cart: There are 3 new innovations on the Grain Cart 1) New Hydraulic Suspension on the axles 2) A New Tie Rod Type Trailer Auto Steering 3) Tandem Axle (no load on draw bar). Bottom clean out to both auger.
A shuttle service consisting of 20 Chevrolet vehicles will be serving the Farm Progress Show guests and exhibitors. The presenting sponsor: STAYINREGINA. COM will provide the first-class complimentary Shuttle Service to guests who stay in a Regina Hotel Association (RHA) member hotel. Thanks to Chevrolet which generously supplies brand new 2011 vehicles to the shuttle service. It is recognized as the official vehicle of the 2011 Western Canada Farm Progress Show. Guests and exhibitors will be shuttled between RHA’s 18 member hotels and Evraz Place. The service will also make stops at the Regina International Airport, Young’s Equipment, Markusson-New Holland and South Country Equipment. The daily service operates from 7am - 10am and from 4pm - 7pm. Shuttle drivers are familiar with show events and tourist attractions in and around Regina. Guests are encouraged to ask their drivers for information, maps and directions. To book the STAYINREGINA.COM Shuttle Service, please contact your hotel front desk. The Western Canada Farm Progress Show, RHA hotels and Chevrolet are committed to providing guests of the show with an unparalleled level of service and convenience as you visit Regina. We all sincerely wish you a very nice stay in the Queen City!
Mandako Stra-Buster: New design in vertical tillage
During Farm Progress Show, June 15 - 17, 2011
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FUSARIUM FEARS The wet weather will likely increase fusarium infestations, so farmers are urged to be on guard. | Page 22
PRODUCT IO N E D I TO R : M I C H AEL RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM
Kent Hanmer started seeding his 22,000 acre farm the second week of May with two fully tracked seeding rigs pulled by Case Quadtracks. |
Farmer sings praises of rubber tracks Implements suited up | From air carts for seeding to grain cart for harvest WORKING IN THE MUD Follow The Western Producer this spring as we cover the issues of working in the mud. Check out our ongoing coverage at
The Soucy drive is a large, 67 inch diameter Ferris wheel device with round steel bars serving as drive lugs.
Hanmer built adapters to move the combine driven tracks a further seven inches away from the air cart. Note the round steel bar drive lugs.
Tracks can make the difference between seeding and not seeding, a Saskatchewan farmer found last year. Kent Hanmer of Govan started the year with no rubber tracks. Today, every implement that goes to the field is tracked. Wet conditions last spring prevented Hanmer from seeding 5,000 of his 22,000 acres. He ran a Seed Hawk 800-bushel air cart equipped with 30.5 x 32 duals, just about the biggest duals available anywhere. “They just didn’t have enough flotation,” he said. “We were getting stuck all the time. Bad rutting. It was big grief. I decided it’s pointless to keep on trying to farm like that.” Later that spring, Hanmer visited the Soucy rubber track display at the
Farm Progress Show in Regina and decided he’d solved his problem. He ordered a pair of non-driven floater tracks for each Seed Hawk cart and quickly realized they could also bolt to his home-built 2,000-bushel grain cart. Wet conditions continued into the fall, making harvest on round rubber tires impossible in the Govan area. “We’d pull into a field and within 10 minutes, five of our six combines were stuck,” Hanmer said. “We had 20.8 x 42 factory duals on all the combines. Pick-up headers and empty hoppers. About as light as you can get. We’d go 20 feet and drop. We have big areas of that white muck clay. We call it loon shit. You’re driving along and you just drop. It’s like a sinkhole.” He ordered a pair of driven Soucy tracks for one of the combines and the problem was solved, at least for that combine. It wasn’t long before Hanmer was a full rubber track believer. “We had this one canola field we had totally given up on already. Abandoned. We could not move a combine in that field. “So I went back with that first combine on tracks and took off the whole crop. I was running full hoppers, through the cattails and through standing water as long as it wasn’t so deep that it came in the final drive.” Hanmer immediately ordered two
more sets, which took three hours to install. He said it’s simply a matter of removing the original combine wheels, installing the adapter ring where the wheels were mounted and then bolting the tracks to the adapter. There are only two different adapter rings to fit all combines, so there’s little room for confusion. He said the driven tracks can also serve as floater, or trailer tracks and go from the combine to an air cart. Hanmer harvested more than 2,000 acres of canola that would have been otherwise wasted. It averaged 45 bushels per acre, which mean that at $10 per bushel, the tracks put $900,000 in the bank. As well, the fields he harvested with tracks didn’t need cultivation to put them back into shape for 2011. Rutted fields all required work to prepare for seeding. Changing flat tires in a muddy field is another arduous task that’s been eliminated at the Hanmer farm. However, the most frustrating, time-consuming, equipmentwrecking task of all is pulling equipment that’s sunk down to the axles. He thinks those days are gone for good. Hanmer said the best return on investment with trailer tracks comes from installing them on the air cart for seeding and then transferring them to the grain cart for harvest.
This spring, my trailer track customers were all guys who were buying those big new air seeders, but without wheels or tires. KENT HANMER GOVAN, SASK., FARMER
He said installing tracks on his Seed Hawk carts makes a huge difference. The original tires had a footprint of 1.5 sq. feet. Depending on the model number, Soucy tracks have a footprint ranging from 28 to 32 sq. feet. In dry conditions, rubber tracks reduce or eliminate soil compaction. Hanmer’s rubber track conversion convinced him to become a Soucy dealer this year. He had sold eight sets as of May 6. A pair of driven Soucy tracks sells for $70,000. The 32-inch wide nondriven trailer tracks he installed on his grain cart sell for about $35,000 per pair. “This spring, my trailer track customers were all guys who were buying those big new air seeders, but without wheels or tires. That gives them a credit of about $18,000 to $20,000. That’s half the cost of trailer tracks. And they can use the tracks in the fall under their grain cart. You still need to buy the hubs and figure out some sort of shipping tires to get the cart home.” However, putting any brand of tracks under any brand of air cart does have a disadvantage. The tracks sit in the same path as the original tires and because the tracks are more than 11 feet long at the bottom surface, they prevent the auger from swinging below the cart for unloading unused seed or fertilizer when a field is finished. “I think we may have solved that swing auger issue. I’m installing driven tracks from a combine on my air carts. I made a simple adapter to move the mating surface out past the dust cap by seven inches. That moves them out from the cart to make space for the swing auger.” Soucy said tracks on combines have advantages that aren’t always visible. One of them is tire flutter. A round rubber tire has a small contact patch with the ground. This
After last year’s wet spring Kent Hanmer decided to try rubber tracks on his Seed Hawk cart. Since then he has installed tracks on all his equipment. allows a straight cut header to bounce up and down, changing both the distance from the surface and the angle. The Soucy geometry keeps the header running parallel to the surface and at a constant height. The company also said its unique engineering design uses eight independently mounted pivoting wheel tandems. This provides better weight distribution and allows the track to be in full contact with the ground at all times, providing maximum traction and a better ride in rough terrain. Soucy uses a large 67 inch diameter, Ferris wheel type drive and a low track tension system to extend the life of components. One factor that its tracks share with all track manufacturers is better flotation and less compaction than tires. The company says research has measured the combine track at 5.8 pounds per sq. inch of down-force. The same combine with 800/656 R32 tires has 25 p.s.i. down force. For more information, contact Hanmer at 306-731-7129, e-mail or visit www.
The wide track stance is due to the adapters Hanmer made to allow his combine tracks to fit the 800 bushel air cart.
Farmers’ help sought to solve canola emergence discrepancy Poor emergence puzzling | An Ag Canada researcher will visit fields to examine seed emergence and collect farmers’ seeding information BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
An Agriculture Canada researcher wants to know why only 30 percent of canola seeds emerge when test results show 95 percent germination. Yantai Gan hopes to find the answer in farmers’ fields. “The number of viable plants is very low.” Gan plans to send a master’s student into fields to measure seeding depth, count plants and talk to farmers about their equipment, land and seeding practices. He is now looking for farmers to join the study. “Let’s do some farmgate learning.” Gan estimates that a 10 percent increase in emergence to 40 to 45
percent from 30 to 35 percent will save canola producers $40 million in seed costs. “It’s quite a significant economic impact associated with low seeding establishment with canola,” said Gan, who works at Agriculture Canada’s research centre near Swift Current, Sask. In the first part of the study, the student will visit each field to measure seed depth and count the number of plants that emerged. Later in the summer, farmers will be asked about the type of seeding equipment used, openers, history of the land, previous crops, seed sources, seed treatments, trash cover at seeding and rainfall. The information will be analyzed and a production model developed
to look for clues on how to improve canola emergence. “We need to learn from each other,” said Gan, who already has a few theories about why some canola stands have poor emergence. He believes the operator is the most influential factor in seed emergence. He also believes the type of drill, opener and packer all play a role. He hopes a clearer picture will emerge by studying a wide range of farmers and their seeding practices. The results will be shared with the participants and later other farmers. “The whole purpose of the project is not going to change producer inputs, but the production practices.” To volunteer for the study, contact Gan at 306-778-7246.
An Agriculture Canada study is trying to find out why canola emergence is so different from germination tests. | FILE PHOTO
Fusarium a concern across Prairies Disease hotspots | Manitoba had 47.4 percent of wheat samples downgraded STORIES BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
Wet growing conditions last year allowed fusarium head blight to hammer wheat crops across a 1,000 kilometre stretch of the Prairies from Anola, Man., to Biggar, Sask. Canadian Wheat Board agronomist Mike Grenier said that means growers in parts of Saskatchewan will need to take steps to combat the disease this year. “Historically, it’s been Manitoba and southeast Saskatchewan,” he told a fusarium workshop at the University of Manitoba last month. “In the last three or four years, we’re starting to see it (fusarium) creep north along the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border. In that area around Melville and Yorkton, we’re starting to see it show up more frequently and in higher levels.” The Canadian Grain Commission’s 2010 harvest data showed that 47.4 percent of the wheat samples in
Manitoba were downgraded due to fusarium and 13.2 percent in Saskatchewan. Wheat Board on-farm samples from Carrot River, Sask., contained 1.5 percent fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) in 2010, which downgrades wheat to a No. 3 grade. Rosetown, Sask., was another fusarium hot spot last year. Most of the wheat had 0.8 percent FDK (No. 2 Grade) or 1.5 percent FDK. The F. graminearum fungus, which causes the disease, is well established in the Manitoba’s crop stubble and soil. As a result, most Manitoba wheat growers, especially those in the Red River Valley, know they have to monitor fusarium every year and select varieties with resistance. This winter, Grenier hosted seminars and workshops in Saskatchewan to provide producers with up to date information on fusarium and tips on appropriate responses to the disease. access=subscriber section=production,none,none
He said fusarium isn’t a concern in west-central Saskatchewan in most years, which is why growers shouldn’t over-react to the high levels of FDK caused by the abnormally wet conditions. “That west-central Saskatchewan is sort of a one-off,” he said. Choosing wheat varieties with midge and sawfly resistance should be a bigger priority than fusarium resistance in that part of the province, he added. However, growers in the YorktonMelville area, where the F. graminearum population is nearing a critical mass, should consider fusarium resistance when choosing a wheat variety, he said. “In eastern Saskatchewan, they need to be understanding the value of having a variety that has base level of fair resistance, even if they don’t think that fusarium is important to them.” Dilantha Fernando, a plant pathologist at the University of Manitoba, said only five percent of wheat samples in Alberta were downgraded in 2010 because of fusarium damage. However, she said wheat growers in Alberta should know that their province isn’t immune. “Even though you might think the pathogen might not get into Alberta … it is a matter of time,” said Fernando, who organized the two-day fusarium workshop at the U of M. “The way that the pathogen has been moving, it doesn’t seem like it
The fusarium pathogen can travel in the wind so growers are advised to choose fusarium resistant wheat varieties. | FILE PHOTO is stopping,” Growers in Alberta may think that avoiding infected seed is best way to keep fusarium out of the province, but Fernando said the disease is more likely to blow in with the wind. “There are two ways the pathogen can move. One is with the seed, which is something we can restrict. But the pathogen moving with the wind is something we cannot restrict,” he said. “Especially with the
conservation tillage practices on the Prairies, the inoculum is going to stay up on the (stubble). The production of the spores will be quickly ejected… and they can travel long distances by wind.” Grenier said fusarium resistant wheat varieties will be necessary to control the disease. “Long term, we want all the varieties out there to have at least that fair rating (of fusarium resistance).”
Canadian Wheat Board agronomist Mike Grenier said Saskatchewan growers found the computer model estimating risk of fusarium ‘very helpful.’
RIDE IN COMFORT WITH CASE IH WD WINDROWERS The Case IH tradition of excellence continues with 3 new windrower models that feature new ways to improve your productivity and your bottom line! Industry first options like cab and rear axle suspension let you glide swiftly through fields even in tough conditions. The WD1203 model (shown) has a deluxe cab with curved, tinted glass to give you full visibility. The cab suspension combined with the air-ride seat provide the ultimate in comfort, even at high speeds. And if you need to make adjustments to flotation, cutting angle, conditioning, or windrow width, we’ve made it easier to customize your windrower to fit your crop and desired output. With access to flexible financing, reliable parts and expert service, you owe it to your bottom line to talk to your Case IH dealer about the new WD windrowers.
Hi-Way Service Ltd. Balzac, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Taber, Bow Island, Picture Butte, High River, Milk River, Vermilion, Drumheller, Grande Prairie, Oyen, Westlock, Barrhead, Vegreville, AB................................ 877-992-9903 Camrose Farm Equipment Killam Division Killam, Camrose, AB ...................................................... 780-385-3652 Hi Line Farm Equipment Ltd. Wetaskiwin, AB .............................................................. 780-352-9244 Midwest Tractor Inc. Davidson, Raymore, SK ................................................. 306-567-3074 Young’s Equipment Inc. Regina, Moose Jaw, Weyburn, Assiniboia, Windthorst, SK .. 306-565-2405 Redhead Equipment Swift Current, Lloydminster, Saskatoon, Estevan, SK ... 306-773-2951 Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
Computer model assesses fusarium risk A Canadian Wheat Board computer model that estimates the risk of fusarium head blight performed well during its debut last year, says CWB agronomist Mike Grenier. However, more data and evaluation are required to prove that it can predict the risk of fusarium outside of Manitoba’s Red River Valley. The board launched the fusarium risk forecast tool last year as part of its Weatherfarm service, a network of 800 weather stations on farms and other properties across Western Canada. Grenier said the model, which is the same as a fusarium forecast model used in the United States, proved last year that it could be trusted to assess fusarium risk. Predicted risk levels matched up well with observed levels of fusarium from the wheat board’s on-farm grain samples. Grenier was confident the model would function in the Red River Valley, a region with a history of
fusarium infections. However, he wants to see how it performs in a dry year in other parts of the Prairies before he passes judgment on the model. “I would like to have more opportunity (for it to) predict the low risk,” Grenier told a fusarium workshop at the University of Manitoba last month. Producers can use the Weatherfarm website to assess the fusarium risk of their crop by checking data from a weather station near their farm. He said the model evaluates relative humidity and temperature data to assess the fusarium risk at a particular location. Temperature and relatively humidity are converted into a number between zero and 100, with 100 representing the highest disease risk. Producers can use the number assigned to their field to decide whether to apply fungicide and to determine the optimal time to spray.
He didn’t know how many prairie farmers used the forecasting tool last year, but “growers, particularly in Saskatchewan, that were looking at it found (the model) very helpful.” However, he warned farmers not to rely solely on the tool to evaluate the risk of fusarium in their wheat crops. Manitoba producers have dealt with the disease for years, but Saskatchewan growers don’t have the same experience. As a result, Saskatchewan producers need to know if fusarium inoculums are present in their region and at what concentration. Grenier said the Canadian Grain Commission website is a good place to find that information. The commission conducts annual fusarium surveys and publishes maps showing how F. graminearum, the fungus that causes the disease, is distributed across Western Canada in a particular year. access=subscriber section=crops,news,none
Summer ends need to heat but new energy season arrives ENERGY FIELD
Shading from awnings and blinds reduce heat in a cabin and eliminate the need for air conditioning
he summer season is so short in the northern climate that it encourages intense engage-
ment. Getting out into the natural environment is restful and invigorating. Some people back pack with only a tent, some use a trailer or full RV and others invest in a permanent structure, often near if not right on a lake. Some just use their home’s patio. However, whether it’s tenting, RV camping or hanging out at the pool, it’s possible to be environmentally and energy conscientious. There are the obvious good vehicular practices for those driving to their favourite natural site: proper tire inflation, economical driving practices, ensuring that unused roof racks are removed to reduce drag, unloading unnecessary weight to reduce rolling resistance and, perhaps surprisingly, using air conditioning rather than open windows to reduce drag or vehicle air resistance. It may seem obvious, but locating a tent or RV in the shade of a tree can dramatically reduce overheating and make the experience more comfortable and energy conserving. Closing blinds or using awnings to shade windows that face the sun can also help keep things cooler. Use open windows when possible for cross ventilation to reduce overheating and the need for energy-rich air conditioning. Closing windows and pulling blinds during the day and opening them at night cools down the structure. The air conditioning doesn’t need to be turned to maximum if you aren’t in the RV. Walk or bike to the local shower or canteen instead of driving. You and the environment will benefit, and it is a great example for the kids or grandkids to get physical exercise. After all, you do go to the country for the quiet. Using a microwave instead of the cooktop keeps things cooler and uses much less energy. As well, compact fluorescent or LED lighting will reduce heating and use less energy. Unplug appliances before you leave or use a power bar to turn them off. It’s not good enough to just turn the off switch because a lot of equipment has vampire loads, which are small constant electrical draws from clocks, TVs and chargers. Unplug fridges and freezers when you aren’t living in the cabin. Remember that the old cast-off fridge from your main residence is as much an energy hog in its new location as it was in its old one. Cabin weekend use is OK, but fulltime running is costly. Out of sight does not count here.
Roof top solar heating is a popular option for providing additional pool heating in summer. | New Energy Star rated refrigeration units are much more energy efficient than older units. Alternative energy can be used on almost any scale and can be as small as back packers charging their electronics with a small solar panel. A solar installation on an RV can help recharge the battery. The only limitation is the size of the budget and available roof space. Be cautious about expectations. Many small panels sold at big box retailers are just trickle chargers, incapable of affecting a battery under use. Solar panels can be permanently mounted on the roof with small standoffs or attached directly to the roof surface with a peel and stick system without roof penetration. Solar systems that fit on an RV roof aren’t likely to keep up with an air conditioner but can certainly recharge batteries after the use of lights, a microwave or TV. All that is needed is a solar panel of sufficient wattage, a regulator to handle the amperage and maybe additional batteries. A solar system may eliminate the need for a generator, which is bulky, costly to operate and replace and loud in the pristine surroundings of summer. If you do have to start the generator, use it when electrical loads are heavy. It is possible to meet moderate cabin electrical demands using solar electric panels, regulator, batteries, and an inverter for 110V AC appliances. A basic version can cost as little as $1,000. Air conditioning can be virtually eliminated in a cabin by ensuring that the building is well-insulated and windows are shaded from direct sunlight. The western sun can be fiercely hot in summer. Minimal western windows or good shading from awnings, blinds and shrubs and trees in that direction can make a huge difference in controlling excessive heat gain. A direct tank/collector mounted on a sun-drenched seasonal cabin roof can provide solar heated water for approximately $1,500. This basic system directly heats potable water, and its only maintenance is draining down when freezing temperatures arrive. A more extensive and expensive access=subscriber section=production,none,none
solar hot water system can provide freeze protection for all-season cabins. Energy costs can be improved even if your encounter with nature is limited to spending time in a backyard swimming pool. A pool cover dramatically reduces evaporation, the major cause of heat loss from a pool. A seasonal pool can often cost as much to heat during the
summer as the adjacent house does in the winter. A seasonal solar pool heating system using plastic solar collectors can make an unheated pool more livable and greatly cut heating costs when natural gas or electric boilers are used. Such a system can save up to 50 percent of annual heating costs and pay for itself several times over with a
Make Up for a Late Start With seeding starting late across much of Western Canada, make sure your crops get off to the best start with a post-emergent foliar application of fertilizer. By applying foliar nutrition at this time, you provide the plant with the crucial nutrients it needs to establish a healthy root system, encourage vigorous seedling growth, enhance nutrient uptake and maximize crop performance.
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life span of more than 20 years. Environmental consciousness can take place all year round and may be even more omnipresent when we are out of doors. Even when we are taking from nature, we can give something back. Will Oddie is a renewable energy, sustainable building consultant with a lifetime interest in energy conservation. To contact Oddie, send e-mail to
Drought threatens European canola farmers Germany in particular trouble | Region could be forced to import canola from Ukraine and Australia HAMBURG, Germany (Reuters) — Canola in the European Union’s main producing countries urgently needs rain and there are increasing signs the crop in top producer Germany has suffered significant drought damage, analysts said May 12. Europe imports little Canadian canola because of the dispute over genetically modified crops, but a bad crop could force it to buy more canola from Ukraine and Australia, reducing the competition for Canada in other markets. In Germany, only 38 percent of average monthly rain fell in April, and early May was also dry. “Irreparable damage has now been suffered by German rapeseed,” one German crop analyst said. “The
losses are especially serious in the north, where some areas have lost 20 to 30 percent of likely yields.” “The national picture is still difficult to judge, but German crop forecasts are likely to get large cuts in coming weeks.” German 2011 rapeseed output may fall to 4.6 to 4.8 million tonnes from 5.75 million tonnes last year, analyst Oil World estimates. Dryness also haunts production prospects in No. 2 producer France, but it was expected to get rain May 14-15 that could help pod filling. France produced 4.82 million tonnes of rapeseed in 2010. No. 3 producer Britain has not yet suffered damage, but could use rain, said John Thorpe, head of oilseeds at access=subscriber section=markets,crops,news
U.K. farmer co-operative Openfield. He said the U.K. rapeseed crop was now expected to be around 2.3 million tonnes, down from his previous projection of 2.4 million. Last year, the U.K. harvested a record 2.2 million tonnes. The dry weather this spring caused French analyst Strategie Grains to cut its forecast for this year’s soft wheat crop in the European Union by 3.6 mil-
lion tonnes to 131.5 million tonnes. That is still four percent above 2010 production of 126.4 million tonnes, it said in a monthly report. “There has been very little rainfall since last month in most European countries and yield potentials for wheat and barley in several countries have already been impacted,” it said. “West EU countries are the worst affected by the deterioration in yield
potentials.” The organization cut its outlook for durum production to 8.4 million tonnes, down 100,000 tonnes from April and down eight percent from last year. The analyst also reduced its forecast for EU barley output this year by 300,000 tonnes to 54.2 million tonnes, now up two percent on 2010 production.
Russia not expecting repeat drought MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) — The extreme drought that slashed Russia’s grain crop in 2010 will not likely be repeated this year, although rainfall may be low in June and July, the country’s chief weather forecaster said. “The probability is equal to less than 1/5,000 (0.02 percent),” Roman Vilfand, director of the Hydrometcentre weather forecasting service said May 12. He added, however, a slight deficit of precipitation was expected in both European and Asian parts of Russia
in June and July. An extreme drought unrivalled in more than a century cut the 2010 crop to 61 million tonnes from 97 million in 2009 and 108 million in 2008. Lingering effects of the drought cut the area of winter grain sown to the 2011 crop to 38.3 million acres from some 44.5 million acres a year ago. Vilfand said winter grain was developing this season in favourable conditions. Snow was plentiful over winter. Slow snow melt in the spring brought abundant soil moisture,
creating favourable conditions for plant development, he said. The late spring brought a delay in the spring grain sowing campaign, which Vilfand believes may pick up. “The delay, which is now seven to 10 days, is not critical,” he said. “We will have bread this year. But we have to remember that we have a very risky agriculture. A more precise forecast may be made in the end of June.” He declined to confirm or deny the official grain crop forecast for this year of 85-90 million tonnes. access=subscriber section=markets,crops,news
It’s weather – wherever Whether you’re in the field or out on business – WeatherFarm’s mobile Web site can connect you to the weather on your farm. Take your current conditions, forecasts and radar imagery with you wherever you go. Bookmark on your mobile device today! Setup instructions at .
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Niche markets could develop if canaryseed is deemed gluten-free.
Canaryseed on slow road to human food approval Safety assessment | Tests cost $1.5 million so far BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
The Canaryseed Development Commission of Saskatchewan was formed in 2006 with the purpose of getting the birdseed crop approved as a human food. The organization is now almost ready to make its submissions to Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. It expects to hand over its massive safety assessment dossier to the federal government by the end of 2011 in hopes of gaining regulatory approval for human food use in 2012. Executive director Kevin Hursh said the process has been surprisingly long, arduous and expensive. “I think we’re getting close to $1.5 million to get to this point,” he said. The information package will be sent electronically. Otherwise, it would be a large stack of paper. The package includes basic chemical analyses of the protein, carbohydrate and oil composition of glabrous canaryseed as well as in-depth testing for potential allergens and toxic alkaloids. A final report on sub-chronic toxicity testing is expected by June. Remaining tasks include poultry trials, because the industry is also seeking novel feed approval, and confirming with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency that registered pesticides can still be used on canaryseed once the crop is approved for human consumption.
such a way that it wouldn’t need to do additional work to comply with the GRAS requirements.
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Hursh said he has gained new appreciation for the regulatory scrutiny that seed technology companies face when they seek approval for genetically modified crops. “I can only imagine what they have to go through,” he said. The bright spot is that the commission is now 98 percent certain canaryseed is gluten-free, which means there could be a niche market for the product by people suffering from celiac disease. “We’re hoping that gives it a place in the market, but we’re not under any illusions that this is going to suddenly explode into some huge new crop use.” Two food companies have expressed interest in the gluten-free attributes of canaryseed. Hursh said the crop needs something to set it apart because at 25 cents a bushel, it is more expensive than competing cereal grains. The commission will seek Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration once the crop receives Canadian regulatory approval. The commission conducted the Canadian safety assessment trials in access=subscriber section=crops,news,markets
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Decades-old land deal hands Sask. family surprise Family sold more land to village than it thought | Village now forces family off land to deal with flood problem BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM
A farm family from northwestern
Saskatchewan lost more than it bargained for when it sold land to a neighbouring village 34 years ago. The family is now losing hope that it
will ever regain use of its land. The dispute began in 1977 when Dale and Lynda Chibri sold some of their land to the village of Neilburg to access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Get the most out of every hay season with round balers that deliver the highest capacity in the industry - the NEW BR7000 Series Roll-Belt™ round balers from New Holland. The proven combination of rolls and belts forms uniform, dense bales in any crop from dry hay to silage to corn stalks. And, BR7000 balers pack more of your valuable crop into every bale with these added features: XTRASWEEP™ PICKUPS ARE THE WIDEST IN THE INDUSTRY TO GET EVERY BIT OF CROP CROPCUTTER™ OPTION PUTS MORE CROP IN EVERY BALE FOR MAXIMUM DENSITY AND FEWER BALES TO TRANSPORT AND STORE EDGEWRAP™ OPTION PROVIDES OVER-THE-EDGE WRAPPING FOR MORE PROTECTION AND EASIER HANDLING
Camrose Farm Equipment Ltd. Camrose, AB ..............................780-672-9136 Moody’s Equipment High River, Olds, Balzac/Calgary, AB ....................403-652-1410 Linden Agri-Centre Ltd ( Linden, AB..................................403-546-3814 Rimbey Implements Ltd. Rimbey, AB.................................403-843-3700 Tri-Ag Implements Ltd. Wainwright, St. Paul, Consort, AB................................780-842-4408 Hi Line Farm Equipment Ltd. Wetaskiwin, AB ..........................780-352-9244 Butler Farm Equipment Ltd. Fort St. John, BC .......................250-785-1800 Grassland Equipment Ltd. Williams Lake, Vanderhoof, BC ..........................250-392-4024 Markusson New Holland of Regina Emerald Park, SK .......................800-819-2583 Farm World Humboldt, SK.............................306-682-9920 Farm World Kinistino, SK ...............................306-864-3667
Ternes Sales and Service Ltd. Maple Creek, SK ........................306-662-4444 Lazar Equipment Ltd. Meadow Lake, SK ......................306-236-5222 Novlan Brothers Sales Ltd. Paradise Hill, SK ........................306-344-4448 Farm World Prince Albert, SK ........................306-922-2525 E. Bourassa & Sons Ltd. Radville, Pangman, Weyburn, Estevan, Assiniboia, SK .............877-474-2456 Raymore New Holland Raymore, SK ..............................306-746-2911 Moody’s Equipment Saskatoon, Perdue, Unity, Lloydminster, Kinderlsey, SK ............................306-934-4686 John Bob Farm Equipment Tisdale, Outlook, SK ..................306-873-4588 Watrous New Holland Watrous, SK ...............................306-946-3301 Yorkton New Holland Yorkton, SK ................................306-783-8511
© 2009 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
build a dugout. However, the Chibris say they thought they were selling the village two or three acres, when the deal actually involved 11 acres. “We tried to do the town a favour 35 years ago to solve their water problems,” Dale said. “They took more land than we knew. Only our own fault. We were naive when we signed the papers. It just said 600 by 800 feet. It was originally supposed to be two to three acres to do this dugout.” The village built and fenced a twoacre dugout, which it used until it updated and relocated its water supply system in the 1990s. “They said the rest go ahead and graze it and enjoy it, but then again it was a good old handshake and us being naive on some of this documentation, we should have picked up on them taking this much land.” The problem surfaced when the land surrounding the dugout began to flood, swamping the corrals the Chibris had built and coming close to the house. The village responded last year by asking the family to remove its corrals and shelters so that it could expand the retaining pond and build a berm. Village administrator Janet Black said officials conducted a land survey in 2007 following initial reports of flooding and discovered that some of the Chibri infrastructure is on village property. Black said further complaints of flooding by Chibri forced council to act.
Council is trying to do what’s best for the ratepayers involved. We’re sorry that he built where he did but the fact is he’s squatting on our land. JANET BLACK VILLAGE OF NEILBURG
“That’s when the village said, ‘OK, let’s go forward and do something to alleviate this.’ We asked him to move his property off of our land so that we can build a detention pond.” She said a contractor will soon be ready to start excavating the 11 acres to build the pond, which will be banked to keep water on village property. Black said the village has explored all options and ideas. “Council is trying to do what’s best for the ratepayers involved. We’re sorry that he built where he did but the fact is he’s squatting on our land.” The Chibris took the village to court, and a ruling is pending. However, they aren’t hopeful that the judge will rule in their favour and expect to soon lose access to the cow sheds, corrals and fencing they’ve built for their purebred cattle business. In the meantime, they say they solved this spring’s flooding by using an established culvert system.
Alta. amends land law to calm owners’ worries The provincial government makes changes to land-use law that it hopes will be more acceptable to public BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Amendments to the controversial Alberta Land Stewardship Act were passed in the provincial legislature May 10. The amendments are a government response to concerns that ALSA, passed last year, would limit or eliminate property rights and affect landowners’ ability to obtain compensation in cases where land is appropriated for utility lines, roads or other projects deemed to be in the public good. Passage of the original bill caused a groundswell of rural concern, leading to numerous meetings at which the bill’s content was analyzed and criticized. An Alberta government news release said the amendments clarify ALSA’s original intent and “add a clear statement that the government must respect the property and other rights of individuals. “It also makes it clear that the act does not limit any existing rights to compensation, respects all existing
appeal provisions in Alberta legislation and that land titles and freehold mineral rights were never included in the definition of statutory consents.” ALSA makes provision for seven regional plans that outline a framework for future handling of agricultural, social, economic and environmental issues. One criticism of ALSA involved individuals’ ability to appeal decisions laid out in regional plans. The amendment act passed last week: • allows anyone directly and adversely affected by a regional plan to request a review of the plan; • allows title holders to apply for a variance to the plan; • allows landowners to apply for compensation if they believe they’ve suffered loss. “ These amendments provide assurance to Albertans that all of their rights will be respected and that they will be heard during the p ro c e s s,” s a i d s u s t a i na b l e re source development minister Mel Knight. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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Tributes/Memoriams ...............0100 Announcements ...................... 0200 COMMUNITY CALENDAR British Columbia ................... 0310 Alberta...................................0320 Saskatchewan ......................0330 Manitoba ...............................0340 Airplanes ................................. 0400 Alarms & Security Systems .... 0500 ANTIQUES Antique Auctions .................. 0701 Antique Equipment ...............0703 Antique Vehicles ...................0705 Antique Miscellaneous ......... 0710 Arenas ..................................... 0800 Auction Sales .......................... 0900 Auction Schools ...................... 0950 AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto Service & Repairs ......... 1050 Auto & Truck Parts ................ 1100 Buses ..................................... 1300 Cars .......................................1400 Trailers Grain Trailers ...................... 1505 Livestock Trailers .................1510 Misc. Trailers ........................ 1515 Trucks 2007 & Newer ......................1597 2000 - 2006 .......................1600 1999 & Older....................... 1665 Four Wheel Drive ................ 1670 Grain Trucks .........................1675 Semi Trucks ..........................1677 Specialized Trucks .............. 1680 Sport Utilities.......................1682 Various ................................ 1685 Vans ....................................... 1700 Vehicles Wanted ....................1705 BEEKEEPING Honey Bees ........................... 2010 Cutter Bees............................2020 Bee Equipment & Supplies ... 2025 Belting ......................................2200 Bio Diesel & Equipment...........2300 Books & Magazines ..................2400 BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Concrete Repair & Coatings ................................ 2504 Doors & Windows ................. 2505 Electrical & Plumbing ............2510 Lumber .................................. 2520 Roofing .................................. 2550 Supplies ................................ 2570 Buildings .................................. 2601 Building Movers ....................... 2602 Business Opportunities ...........2800 BUSINESS SERVICES Consulting ............................. 2901 Financial & Legal .................. 2902 Insurance & Investments...... 2903 Butcher’s Supplies .................. 3000 Chemicals................................. 3150 Clothing: Drygoods & Workwear ...........3170 Collectibles ..............................3200 Compressors ............................3300 Computers................................3400 CONTRACTING Custom Baling ....................... 3510 Custom Combining ............... 3520 Custom Feeding .....................3525 Custom Seeding .....................3527 Custom Silage ....................... 3530 Custom Spraying...................3540 Custom Trucking ................... 3550 Custom Tub Grinding .............3555 Custom Work .........................3560 Construction Equipment..........3600 Dairy Equipment ...................... 3685 Diesel Engines..........................3700 Educational ..............................3800 Electrical Motors...................... 3825 Electrical Equipment ............... 3828 Engines.....................................3850 Farm Buildings ........................ 4000 Bins .......................................4003 Storage/Containers...............4005 FARM MACHINERY Aeration ................................ 4103
Conveyors ............................. 4106 Equipment Monitors ............. 4109 Fertilizer Equipment .............. 4112 Grain Augers ..........................4115 Grain Carts .............................4118 Grain Cleaners ....................... 4121 Grain Dryers ...........................4124 Grain Elevators ......................4127 Grain Testers ......................... 4130 Grain Vacuums .......................4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ............... 4139 Mower Conditioners ............4142 Swathers ............................. 4145 Swather Accessories ........... 4148 H&H Various.........................4151 Combines Belarus .................................4157 Case/IH ............................... 4160 CI ..........................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ............... 4166 Deutz ................................... 4169 Ford/NH ................................4172 Gleaner .................................4175 John Deere ............................4178 Massey Ferguson..................4181 Python ................................. 4184 Versatile ...............................4187 White ................................... 4190 Various .................................4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers................ 4199 Combine Pickups ................ 4202 Misc. Accessories ................ 4205 Hydraulics .............................4208 Parts & Accessories ............... 4211 Salvage .................................4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ............................4217 Repairs .................................. 4220 Rockpickers ............................4223 Snowblowers & Snowplows .......................... 4226 Silage Equipment .................. 4229 Special Equipment.................4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ......................... 4238 SP Sprayers ..........................4241 Spraying Various................. 4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .............................. 4250 Air Seeders .......................... 4253 Harrows & Packers .............. 4256 Seeding Various .................. 4259 Tillage Equipment ............... 4262 Tillage & Seeding Various .............................. 4265 Tractors Agco Agco ....................................4274 Allis/Deutz..........................4277 White .................................4280 Belarus ................................ 4283 Case/IH ............................... 4286 Steiger ............................... 4289 Caterpillar ........................... 4292 John Deere ........................... 4295 Kubota ................................. 4298 Massey Ferguson................. 4301 New Holland ........................4304 Ford ................................... 4307 Versatile ............................ 4310 Universal ..............................4313 Zetor .................................... 4316 Various Tractors .................. 4319 Loaders & Dozers ...................4322 Miscellaneous ....................... 4325 Wanted .................................. 4328 Fencing .................................... 4400 Financing/Leasing ...................4450 Firewood .................................. 4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ...........4500 Food Products .......................... 4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ...............4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ........ 4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing ............4605 Fur Farming .............................. 4675 Generators ................................4725 GPS ........................................... 4730 Green Energy.............................4775
Health Care .............................. 4810 Health Foods ............................ 4825 Heating & Air Conditioning....................4850 Hides, Furs, & Leathers ...........4880 Hobbies & Handicrafts ............4885 Household Items......................4890 Iron & Steel ..............................4960 Irrigation Equipment ...............4980 LANDSCAPING Greenhouses .........................4985 Lawn & Garden .....................4988 Nursery & Gardening Supplies ............4990 LIVESTOCK Cattle Auction Sales ......................5005 Black Angus ......................... 5010 Red Angus ........................... 5015 Belgian Blue ........................5030 Blonde d’Aquitaine ............. 5035 Brahman ..............................5040 Brangus ............................... 5042 Braunvieh ............................ 5047 BueLingo ............................. 5052 Charolais ............................. 5055 Dexter ..................................5065 Excellerator ......................... 5067 Galloway .............................5070 Gelbvieh .............................. 5075 Guernsey .............................5080 Hereford ............................. 5090 Highland ..............................5095 Holstein ............................... 5100 Jersey ................................... 5105 Limousin............................... 5115 Lowline .................................5118 Luing.....................................5120 Maine-Anjou .........................5125 Miniature............................. 5130 Murray Grey .........................5135 Piedmontese ....................... 5160 Pinzgauer .............................5165 Red Poll ................................ 5175 Salers....................................5185 Santa Gertrudis ................... 5188 Shaver Beefblend.................5195 Shorthorn ............................5200 Simmental ........................... 5205 South Devon .........................5210 Speckle Park.........................5215 Tarentaise ........................... 5220 Texas Longhorn ....................5225 Wagyu.................................. 5230 Welsh Black ..........................5235 Cattle Various ..................... 5240 Cattle Wanted ..................... 5245 Cattle Events & Seminars ....5247 Horses Auction Sales ...................... 5305 American Saddlebred ......... 5310 Appaloosa ............................5315 Arabian ................................ 5320 Belgian .................................5325 Canadian ..............................5327 Clydesdale ........................... 5330 Donkeys ................................5335 Haflinger ............................. 5345 Miniature............................. 5365 Morgan .................................5375 Mules ...................................5380 Norwegian Fjord ................. 5385 Paint ....................................5390 Palomino ............................. 5395 Percheron ............................5400 Peruvian ..............................5405 Ponies..................................5408 Quarter Horse ......................5415 Shetland .............................. 5420 Sport Horses ....................... 5424 Standardbred ......................5430 Tennessee Walker ............... 5445 Thoroughbred .....................5450 Welsh ................................... 5455 Horses Various ....................5460 Horses Wanted .................... 5465 Horse Events, Seminars ...... 5467 Horse Hauling .....................5469 Harness & Vehicles ............. 5470 Saddles.................................5475 Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505
Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Bison (Buffalo) .....................5755 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162 Campers & Trailers ............... 6164 Golf Cars ................................ 6165 Motor Homes......................... 6166
In Case of Canada Post Service Disruption Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) are presently in negotiations. In the event of a postal disruption, there is a possibility that delivery of your Western Producer may be delayed. Should a longer disruption occur, please refer to our ad on page 7 in this issue for digital delivery options. The Western Producer staff is working hard to minimize delivery disruption. Thank you for your patience.
The Western Producer For more information, please call 1-800-667-6929 or email
Motorcycles ............................6167 Snowmobiles ........................ 6168 Refrigeration ............................ 6180 RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ........... 6210 Vacation Accommodations ... 6245 Restaurant Supplies ................ 6320 Sausage Equipment .................6340 Sawmills...................................6360 Scales .......................................6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ..................................6404 Durum..................................6407 Oats ..................................... 6410 Rye....................................... 6413 Triticale ............................... 6416 Wheat .................................. 6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa .................................. 6425 Annual Forage ..................... 6428 Clover .................................. 6431 Grass Seeds ...........................6434 Oilseeds Canola ................................6440 Flax ......................................6443 Pulse Crops Beans ...................................6449 Chickpeas ............................ 6452 Lentil ................................... 6455 Peas .....................................6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ......................6464 Mustard ............................... 6467 Potatoes ..............................6470 Sunflower ............................ 6473 Other Specialty Crops ......... 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ......................... 6482 Forage Seeds .........................6485 Grass Seeds ...........................6488 Oilseeds ................................ 6491 Pulse Crops ...........................6494 Various .................................. 6497 Organic Seed ...........See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain .............................6505 Hay & Straw .......................... 6510 Pellets & Concentrates ..........6515 Fertilizer ................................6530 Feed Wanted .........................6540 Seed Wanted ......................... 6542 Sewing Machines ..................... 6710 Sharpening Services .................6725 Sporting Goods ........................ 6825 Outfitters............................... 6827 Stamps & Coins ........................6850 Swap......................................... 6875 Tanks ........................................ 6925 Tarpaulins ................................ 6975 Tenders..................................... 7025 Tickets ...................................... 7027 Tires .........................................7050 Tools ......................................... 7070 Travel........................................ 7095 Water Pumps............................ 7150 Water Treatment ......................7200 Welding .................................... 7250 Well Drilling .............................7300 Winches....................................7400 CAREERS Career Training ........................8001 Child Care.................................8002 Construction ........................... 8004 Domestic Services .................. 8008 Farm / Ranch ............................ 8016 Forestry / Logging .................... 8018 Help Wanted ............................8024 Management ............................ 8025 Mining ...................................... 8027 Oilfield .....................................8030 Professional ............................. 8032 Sales / Marketing .................... 8040 Trades / Technical ....................8044 Truck Drivers ............................8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ...............................8050
THE PRAIRIE BOTTLERS PROJECT. Have you any info, photos, memories of a pop bottle plant in your home town? Please contact PBP at 303 32nd St., Saskatoon, SK, S7L 0S5,
1946 BC12D TAYLORCRAFT project. All Ceconite envelopes, tapes and dope. I am unable to complete project. $9000. 306-782-7195, Yorkton, SK. 1962 MOONEY MK21, 3100 TT, 1920 SMOH, 16 since top and prop, full panel, 9/10 inside and out, beautiful airplane, clean and fast. Selling for health reasons, $4000 OBO. 204-834-1161 ask for Howard, Carberry, MB. ZENAIR CH200, TTAF 962, 150 HP Lycoming, EFIS, GPS, Prince P-Tip prop, new tires, new battery, Aerobatic Spar, always hangared. 403-932-3661, Cochrane, AB. TWO FLOATS barrels only, Model 2960, require repairs, $1000 ea. No gear. Winnipeg, MB. Phone 204-895-7698, 204-781-5297. 4- DIOMAND DA 20-C1, 2003; 4- Diomand DA 20-C1, 2006; 1- American Champion 8KAB, 2008; 2- Cessna 172M, 1974 and 1977. Ph. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB.
20thA nnu al
SUPER BUSHMASTER, wide body, 212 TTAF, King 97 flip flop, transponder w/Mode C, IO 360 Cont. 10.5 Lycon distance, 23” tundra tires, 1550 empty lbs., 3000 gross lbs., $95,000 no GST; Billmar floats 2550, $17,000. Ph 403-783-1450, Ponoka, AB. Email 1996 WEATHERLY 620, 4600 TT, 950 SMOH, no damage history, always hangared, Satloc M3, new stainless booms, CP’s, fresh annual, $145,000. Lumsden, SK. 306-536-5055, CITABRIA 7ECA (1968) PK 1800 floats and wheels w/ wheel pants. Major inspection and total fabric job in 2007, 1490 TT., $49,900. Phone 306-425-3257 or email: 1956 PA22 on Edo 2000, Borer prop; 1964 Mooney, 9/10, new prop in a box; 1959 Cessna 180, 2960 floats, 3500 skis; 1964 Cessna 185, 300 HP, 300 Cap floats, 3200 wheelskis; 1972 Cessna 172, 1978 or 1079 Cessna 206, low time engines. Call Jerry at 306-768-2824, Carrot River, SK.
1946 AERONCA SUPER CHIEF, TTAF 1843, SMOH 643, 85 HP, recovered 2007, Stits process, Spar AD complied, new wood, glass, tires, cables, Hanlin-Wilson exhaust, Scott tail wheel, slick mags, hand held Icom radio, 1500 skis, $22,000. Elmer 250-789-3140 evenings, Taylor, BC. CESSNA 414A III Chancellor Ram VII, 1980, S/N 414A-0478, 5217 TTAF, Garmin GNS 480, S-Tec 60-2 autopilot, winglets and speed brakes. Phone 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. CESSNA 172, 375 since complete rebuild in 2004, new skin, glass, and paint. Over $200,000 spent on this project. 2 coms, 2 GPS, Mode C, 180 HP conversion, constant speed Hartzell prop, Horton stol kit, float kit, HD nose wheel, all logs and invoices, kept in heated hangar at Pitt Meadows Airport, BC, $85,000. 604-230-0496, email
“A Lifetime of Collecting”
P.O. Box 882, Coalhurst, AB T0L 0V0 Ph/Fax: 403-381-4817 Email:
AUCTION SALE FOR ESTATE of Gloria Jean Syria, Yorkton Legion Hall, Sunday May 29, 2011, 9:00am. House, antiques, 4-500 depression glass. ANTIQUES FROM FIVE ESTATES, Monday, May 23rd, 9:30 AM, Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. All selling completely unreserved. Phone 306-332-5382. Pictures soon at PL #1-914399
1946 7AC AERONCA CHAMP, 65 HP Cont., 4400 TT, 20 SMOH, fresh C of A, great shape and a real eye catcher, asking $22,000. For more details call Rob 403-575-1559, 403-578-8045, Consort, AB
S a turd a y & S un d a y
Jun e 4 & 5 , 2011 ADM IS S ION : $10 Ad ults Child ren u n d er 12 F RE E FEATUR IN G JOH N D EER E Tra cto rs & M a ch i ne ry a ll m a kes w elco m e
F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n ca ll 7 80-349-5 212 o r W ES TLOC K AB, 7 80-307 -697 1 Sp onsored b y the Vin ta ge Tra cto r & M a ch in e ry C lub
F ree Ca m p in g o n the Gro u n d s
No Ho o k-Up s
Ivan White Auction Service North Battleford, SK
3,000 ft. maximum range wireless driveway alarm. 4 zone monitoring, 4 doorbell tones.
Monday MAY 23 due to the
Fre e P a n ca ke Bre a kfa s t Tra cto r P ulls Fie ld D e m o ’s Blin d R a cin g S lo w R a cin g P a ra d e o f Tra cto rs @ 2P M Ea ch D a y
until May 31/11
The Western Producer office will be closed on:
Save 10%
COMANCHE 260C, 3795 TT, 450 SMOH, 50 since new 3-blade prop, Bendix/King radios, Garmin 150 GPS, Autocontrol III, Agrus 3000 moving map, Lopresti speed mod, Flightcom intercom, 6 point Alcor EGT, many more options, always hangared, asking $100,000. Ph 780-836-6455 cell, 780-836-3559, Manning, AB.
SHOAL LAKE, MB, Fly-In Breakfast, Sunday, May 29, 8 to 11, $6. Fuel and oil, wheels or floats, everyone welcome. More info 204-365-7088. FLY ADVANCED AEROBATICS at a fraction of the cost of a production aerobatic aeroplane. Homebuilt 1991 RANS S-10 SAKOTA. 110 MPH midwing two seat taildragger with inverted fuel. +4/-2 g, 960 lb. max. gross, 460 lb. empty. 583 Rotax, 17.5 hrs SMOH, electric var. pitch prop 45 WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calvhrs SNEW, 304 hrs TTAF, NMDH, $30,000. ing/ foaling barn cameras, video surveil306-625-3922, Ponteix, SK. lance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, LACOMBE FLY-IN BREAKFAST, rain or combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. shine, Sunday, June 5th, 7:00 AM until M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . noon. Airport Advisor 122.8. Contact Mike 403-616-6610, 403-350-8215. CESSNA 210M CENTURION, 1977, S/N 21062082, 3613 TTAF, Garmin GDL 69 XM weather, $20,000 recent refurbishment, Garmin GNS 530, 406 ELT and Sierra gear door mod. 403-637-2250, Water Valley AB 1963 PIPER CHEROKEE PA28-160. 4185 TTSN, 411 SMOH, droop tips, long range tanks, winter covers, 406 ELT, Bendix KLX rd 135 COM GPS, fresh annual. $35,500. Phone Peter 306-825-0488, Lloydminster, SK. or email 1975 C-182P, 2698 TT, 1143 SM, Narco and Cessna radios, intercom, LRT, auto gas STC, vg cond., $92,000 OBO. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK.
Battleford, SK Sat. & Sun. June 11 & 12, 2011 9:00 AM
How to Contact Us. To place a Classified ad visit E-mail
G ro un d s Ope n Frid a y, Jun e 3, 2011
306-445-5242 PL91065
1939 MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE ZTS on rear steel. Fresh rebuild. Runs good. 1956 UTS diesel special in running condition. $3000 204-522-8456, Melita, MB. 1954 JD 70 gas, exc. tin, great restoration project, $5500. Phone 306-553-2230, Swift Current, SK. 18 RUNNING STATIONARY engines, many makes, all 1-1/2 HP, will sell as one lot or two. Some parts engines. 780-963-3972, Stony Plain, AB. FOR SALE: Front hydraulic controls for D717A; 3TD7 Richardson grader pull type; RD8 Cat; D7 Cat; D4 Cat; TD14 Caterpillar; Sawmill; Edger; Trimmer; W6 IH; Massey 22; Cockshutt 70. Wanted: Parts Book for 4 5 0 D T i m b e r j a c k s k i d d e r . 306-236-3172, Dorintosh, SK. 1953 FORD JUBILEE tractor, looks and runs excellent, $5500 OBO; 1928 MCCORMICK DEERING 15-30, restored, $3500 OBO. 306-963-2651, Stalwart, SK. NEW TRACTOR PARTS and engine rebuild kits. Steiner tractor parts for old tractors, best selection. Tractor service manuals. Our 37th year. 1-800-481-1353, for great competitive quotes. THREE MINNEAPOLIS U’s, two are 1954’s, one is 1953. Various condition, your choice. 403-337-2131, Carstairs, AB. 1949 FARGO, LONG box, needs TLC, $500; 1951 MH 55, gas, runs good when it runs, needs to run, Delmar FEL, new front tires, $500. 306-329-4638, Asquith, SK. THREE JD BR’S - 1940, 1994 and 1945. Va r i o u s c o n d i t i o n . P i c s av a i l a b l e . 250-862-7782, Kelowna, BC. T6 or TD6 INTERNATIONAL Harvester crawler, track rails and other parts wanted. Call Bill at 780-848-2645, Genesee, AB.
MH GROUND DRIVE BINDER, $550. Used in recent years; Also other horse drawn equip. for parts or restoration, $50- $100; new buggy wheels, rubber capped w/bearings, $850. 403-526-0665, Irvine, AB. 1530 McCORMICK DEERING tractor on steel, best offer; D Case, $900 OBO; 60 JD with dozer blade, $2500 OBO. Brand new s a d d l e , w o n i n r a f f l e , $ 1 0 0 0 O B O. 780-336-2556, Viking, AB. JD M, NEW paint, good tires, ready for work or parade w/cultivator and JD 4’ press drill; Allis Chalmers C.A. tractor, good paint, rubber, runs good; MH Poney with MH sickle mower; JD Clipper combine motor; JD No. 8 mower. 306-934-6876, Saskatoon, SK. 1955 IHC SUPER MDTA. Phone for info 306-896-2607, Churchbridge, SK. 25 STATIONARY ENGINES, all running, also JD pump jacks. 403-946-3998, Cross- ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranfield, AB. teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, bro- Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, chures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. 1953 FORD GOLDEN JUBILEE, good runCASE STEAM TRACTOR, 1/4 SCALE, ner/project, c/w extra tin, sickle mowH e a r t l a n d M o d e l , $ 7 5 0 0 . P h o n e e r / t r a i l i n g m o w e r, $ 2 2 0 0 O B O . 403-813-9598, Calgary area, AB. 403-887-4142, Sylvan Lake, AB. JOHN DEERE MODEL 70 gas tractor, standard, good running condition, $4200. 306-931-8478, Saskatoon, SK. VERSATILE 125, 1968 new, one owner, stored inside, 4000 hrs., $5000. Phone 780-877-2524, Meeting Lake, AB. CASE C on steel, running, $3200; Wallis 2030 on steel, running, $3500; McCormick Deering 1530, stuck, $1500; JD D 1927, $3500; JD D 1929, $2500; Cub, $2800; Crossmotor Cases 1220, 1832, 1527, $5500 to $6000; 1926 2-ton Caterpillar, $4200; Passepartout, $3500. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC. 1971 INTERNATIONAL FARMALL 1026 hydro, shedded, very good condition. Phone 306-764-7865, Prince Albert, SK. 444 MH, vg condition; W40 IHC parts or restore; W4 IHC w/FEL, engine seized. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.
JD UNSTYLED AR PARTS, large selection. Also model H parts. 204-326-6529 or 204-326-7873, Steinbech, MB. e-mail pwiebe@steinbech/ WANTED: THRESHING MACHINE, must have belts and be in good working cond; also horse drawn binder w/canvases and in good working cond. 780-656-2368 or 780-656-3033, Smoky Lake, AB. 2 JD AR’s; 1 JD R; 1 JD D; 1 Massey Harris 44; 1 Oliver 77 diesel; 1 McCormick Deering W30. Prefer to sell as pkg., located in NE Alberta. For more information call: 250-723-4600, Port Alberni, BC.
1947 OLIVER CLETRAC HG42 crawler, restored; 1929 18-36 Hart Parr tractor on steel, great running shape; 1948 Oliver 60; 1946 Oliver 70; 1951 Oliver 99. All painted FOR SALE DUE to poor health. Second and restored. 403-227-2268, Innisfail, AB. owner for 35 years, D7-3T #26254 hydraulic dozer, hard bar, reversing fan, wet clutch, pup motor, both motors run good. Hyster D7N winch, taking offers, 780-853-2451, Vermilion, AB.
Although complete name, address and phone number need not appear in your ad, we must have this information for our files. NAME _____________________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE# _________________ CELL# _____________ EVENING PHONE# ____________
1953 CHEV 1500 Series 2 ton, Bradford Anthony hoist. Phone 306-656-4507, Harris, SK. 1927 MODEL T Deluxe Touring, wire PLEASE PRINT YOUR AD BELOW exactly as you want it to appear in the paper, including your phone number or The Western Producer box number. When using a phone or fax number within your ad copy, town and province are required (toll wheels, complete. 306-445-5602, North free numbers and WP Box numbers excepted). When using an email and/or website address within your ad copy, an alternative way for readers to contact you is required (ie: phone, fax or mailing address). Ads in the Personal column must Battleford, SK. be placed under a Western Producer box number or email address. There is a $45.00 charge for a box number ($95.00 International). 1974 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 dr. hardtop, A signature is required here for all Personal ads.________________________________________________________ auto, 400 engine, shedded, only 69,000 original miles, excellent condition, $4000 OBO. 306-497-2251, Blaine Lake, SK. AD STARTS HERE: a) Please circle the words you would like in bold print or b) ❑ entire ad. ______________________________________________ 1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 354 GMC long nose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1953 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK, 4 dr., red color, restored, new paint, runs good, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ $3500 OBO. 403-352-0836, Lacombe, AB. 1963 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE 394 V8, auo , 2 d o o r, n i c e s h a p e . $ 8 , 0 0 0 . ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ t306-865-4166, Hudson Bay, SK. CADILLAC DE VILLE sedan, 4 door, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1975 runs and drives good, $1500. 1-866-802-9527, Arborfield, SK. Town (required) ______________________________________________________________ Province (required) ___________________________ 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE, 6 cyl., standard trans., new headliner, bearings, ball looks good, drives well, includes CLASSIFICATION NAME & NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________________ # OF WEEKS ________ joints, parts car. Photos by request. $7500. 780-436-5820, Edmonton, AB. RATES: $5.50/printed line (3 line minimum). Please start my ad in the
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$100 REWARD LEADING to my purchase of outside horn phonographs. Double reward for wood horn, or rare machines. B. Wiese, phone 780-349-4568, Westlock, AB WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK. FOR SALE: CAST IRON TRACTOR SEATS. Phone 306-697-3206, Grenfell, SK. WANTED: 1966 or older silver coins. Phone 306-931-8478.
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Mail to: The Western Producer Advertising Department, Box 2500, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4
Ph. 1-800-667-7770 • Fax 306-653-8750
BRADWELL CUSTOM WELDING Dispersal, Sat., June 11th, 2011, 11:00 AM, Bradwell, SK. For listing: or phone 306-257-3555. PL 310066. SHELDON’S HAULING, Haul all farm equipment and air drills. Winch dead equipment. 306-961-9699 Prince Albert SK
SADONA DEV. INC, CABINET MAKING SHOP, #2-3 175- 37428 Rg. Rd. 273, Clearview Industrial Park, Red Deer County, Thursday, May 26, at 11:00 AM. Selling automotive paint booth, forklift, enclosed trailer, cabinet making machinery, pallet racking and shelving, auto strapping machine, lumber office, small tools and hardware. For more info call 1-800-371-6963, 403-885-5149, or see
Check ou t ou r
Shop & Fa rm Equ ip m en t Au ction O n Lin e on ly w w w .key-a sset-m a n a gem en
Ca ll for d eta ils 78 0-48 9 -48 8 6
BODNARUS AUCTIONEERING. BURTON Ahenakew Farm Auction Sale, Saturday May 28, 2011 10:00 am, Ahtahkakoop First Nations. From Canwood- 18 kms West on Hwy 790 and 2 km South. From Mont Nebo- 12 kms North, 1/2 km West and 2 kms South. Seller contact: Burton Ahenakew 306-468-2361. Tractors & Attachments: 1974 JD 4430 w/148 JD loader, cab, showing good rubber 5427 hours. Read 3 PH mower (needs PTO). Haying Equipment: 1995 Case IH 8480 belt round baler (always shedded); 1994 Case IH 8380 16’ hydroswing haybine; self unloading round bale hauler for 17 bales; NH Hayliner 269 (good working cond); square bale buncher; NH side delivery rake. Seeding & Tillage: MF 750 SP diesel combine (field ready); 20’ JD seed drill 9350; 30’ drill carrier; 28’ Case IH vibrashank; 19.5’ Case IH cultivator; 60’ harrow set; 6 section harrows w/draw bar; (2) 3 bottom plows; 10’ deep tillage cultivator; old seed drill; JD deep tillage cultivator. Livestock & Horse Related: 5 Llamas- 1 stud, 1 gelding and 3 females; Horse wagon with pole; 2 bobsleighs; Saddles; Numerous horse related items & tack. Vehicles & Trailers: 1964 International Loadstar 1600, 5 speed, 2 speed axle, 345 engine, good rubber, 12’ metal B/H (works well); Chevy truck with B/H; Utility trailer. Shop & Tools: Bolts/bolt bins; Organizers; Vice; Delta radial arm saw; Black & Decker radial arm saw; Floor jacks; Ford heater; Common shop tools. Misc: Insulated 16’x9’ building to be moved; Page wire; Scrap metal; Slab boards; Water heater; Lawnmower for parts; Bird cages; Truck cap; Barbed wire; Various sizes of pipe; Wood burning cook stove; Valley Comfort heater; Cement blocks; 3 HP Briggs & Stratton engine; Cockshutt Farm Equipment magazine rack; Wire stretcher; 300 gallon fuel tank; Wheel barrow; Shovel & forks; Monarch Industries cement mixer; Common household goods. For information call Frederick 1-877-494-BIDS (2437), 306-227-9505 or go to: SK PL# 318200, AB PL #324317. AUCTION SALE FOR ESTATE of Gloria Jean Syria, Yorkton Legion Hall, Sunday May 29, 2011, 9:00am. House; Antiques; 4-500 depression glass.
MIERAU AUCTION: Estate of Wilbert Ratke and Joyce Ratke, 6 miles NW of Biggar on Hwy #14 to Oban Rd, 2 miles North to farm. Watch for signs. Wed, June 1st, 10 AM. Full list and pictures on website. Hutch Master, 18’ offset tandem disc; Case 970 tractor, 18.4x38, powershift; NH 855 round baler, chain type; MF 18’ 775 SP swather, hydrostatic; MF 25’ #35 PTO swather; IH 24’ deep tillage w/harrows; Pool 8”x50’ PTO auger; Several MF #36 discers and packers; 1991 Dodge Ram, 250 Cummins diesel; Ford 800 cab over, steel B&H (not running); School buses for parts, parts combines; 955 Cat Tracovator w/pup motor w/loader; Cat- for collectors; JD ‘R’ diesel, JD ‘60’ complete; MM 6704 tractor w/ front wheel assist; Allis Chalmers ‘B’. Parts tractors: Case DC, MH#30, MF 97, Case 970, MF 1135, W4, Cockshutt 40 and 570, MM 6705, JD ‘AR’, AC ‘B’ plus several other for parts; B&D valve grinder, Westward drill press, porta power, lg. power hacksaw, mig welder, acetylene torch. Mierau Auction Service, Richard Mierau, Langham, SK PL#914867, 306-283-4662 PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale May 28, 9:00 AM. PBR, 1 0 5 - 7 1 s t S t . We s t , S a s k at o o n , S K . , 306-931-7666.
N EXT SALE S ATUR DAY, 9:00 AM JUNE 4, 2 011
TR ACTOR S ; COM BINES ; P OW ER UNITS ; S P R AYER S ; BALER S ; AIR DR ILLS ; CONTAINER S ; LUM BER ; NEW CAR HAULER S ; CAR S ; TR UCKS AND M OR E!!! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR HIGH TR AFFIC LOCATION ! CALL TO CONS IGN! G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w . grea tpla in sa u ctio n m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9
FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Huge Farm and Industrial Equipment and RV Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011 at Trent’s Tire Yard Hwy 39 West, Estevan, SK, 10:00 AM. Ford 8670 FWA tractor with 2775 hrs, Versatile 160 bi-directional tractor orig. owner and 3556 hrs, DX 120 Deutz 2WD tractor w/clamp-on duals, IH 706 2WD diesel tractor, MF 1155 2WD t r a c t o r, C a s e / I H 1 6 8 0 S P c o m b i n e w/$16,000 work order, IH 1480 SP combine w/20,000 work order, IH 810 straight cut header, IH 1482 PT Axial Flow combine, 24’ Versatile 2400 bi-directional 160 swather header for Versatile 160 bi-directional tractor, MacDon 2950 Premier swather and 16’ MacDon 922 auger haybine w/steel crimpers, 2- 16’ MacDon 5000 pivot tongue haybines w/steel crimpers, 2003 NH BR780 round baler w/bale kicker and twine wrap, JD 567 round baler w/mega wide pickup, 1995 IH 4900 tandem gravel truck w/DT 466 engine and 6 spd., 1992 IH single axle grain truck with DT 466 diesel engine, 1995 Volvo White GMC hwy. tractor, 1994 Ford L9000 single axle semi tractor, 1996 28’ Norbert triple axle gooseneck stock trailer, 1994 20’ Norbert stock trailer restored, 50’ 2005 Precision T84 gooseneck flatdeck tandem dual trailer w/beavertail, 1998 Trailtech 35’ hi-boy flatbed deck trailer w/tandem duals and live roll, 1995 Trailtech 35’ triple axle gooseneck flatdeck trailer w/beavertail and ramps, 1998 25’ Tanner triple axle gooseneck flatdeck trailer, 1993 Ford diesel 26’ cube van, NH 357 mixmill w/new Concept grain roller, Vermeer 605K round baler, Morris 6130 air cart, 16’ JD deep tillage cult., 40’ High-Line hyd. packer bar, 1998 Premier 1900 30’ PTO swather, Morris Maxim 7130 air tank w/double shoot and 2 compartments, Case/IH 8480 soft core round baler, 1989 Trail King 26’ gooseneck livestock trailer, Brandt bale processor, 28’ MF 35 PT swather, steel drum swath roller, Buhler Farm King 10-70 swing auger, Highline 8510 PTO grain conveyor, Highline 1600 hyd. transfer grain conveyor, Batco 1835 PTO grain conveyor, Sakundiak 7-52 PTO auger, Jiffy bale processor, Chore Caddy 35 bu. feed wagon, Ag Chem Equipment Co. 1554 truck mount hopper spreader w/live floor twin spreaders and Dickey John monitor, Generac PTO power plant 30-60 KW, BT lifters 1200 kg electric pallet jack, Brandt 3 PTH sprayer w/20’ booms, 60’ Computer Sprayer w/new booms, Versatile 400 SP swather, JD 4420 SP combine w/1759 hrs, 18’ JD 218 straight cut header, MF 510 Western Special SP combine, 2001 Chev Impala 4-dr. car, 15’ Lund motor boat w/90 HP Merc and trolling motor, 1988 24’ Fleetwood Yukon 5th wheel camper w/rear kitchen, 1980 Leocraft 29’ motor home w/73,958 kms, 1997 Chev Blazer for parts, 1980 Trailmobile 48’ semi trailer van, 1977 Monon 48’ semi trailer cube van, 1979 GMC 4WD Sierra Grand pickup, grain box pup trailer for farm use only, 20’ Reinell 190 motor boat w/190 HP inboard Merc Cruiser, Degelman land leveller, 24’ Bobco tandem axle gooseneck bale trailer, 1979 Dodge Sportsman motor home w/38,750 kms, 2Lewis cattle oilers, Filson squeeze chute, cattle grooming chute, Graham Hamey trailer mount post pounder, Farm King rotary seed cleaner, poly swath roller, Farm King 3 PTH snowblower, Wobco 666 road grader w/471 Detroit engine, 10’ dozer blade, hyd. drill fill, hyd. bin sweep, large collection of JD farm collectables. Visit for sale bill, photos and videos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
LACKEY AUCTIONEERS ANNOUNCE the Roger and Donalie Weslowski and Guests Farm Equipment and Vehicles Auction 8 miles S. of McLean on #620 Grid or 1.5 miles N. of Hwy #48 on #620 Grid, Saturday, June 11, 2011, starting at 11:00 AM. Phone: 306-771-2640, 306-524-5552, 306-539-8814. Hesston Mower Conditioner: 1995 Hesston 1150 mower conditioner, 12’ w/easy transport hitch, 2 knives, rubber over steel rollers, exc. cond., stored inside. Combine, Header, and Swather: 1987 JD 6620 Titan II combine w/2310 hrs, chopper, hopper ext., cab, std. trans., single spd. cyl.; JD 912 pickup and 1984 JD 220 rigid header 20’; 1982 JD 580, 25’ PT swather; 8’ homemade tapered steel swath roller. Seeding and Tillage: 1983 JD 17’ #1610 cult. w/Valmar 1620 air tank, fine and course rollers, Dutch openers, on row packers and wings to make 41’ cult.; 6- 6’ Degelman mounted harrows. Vehicles, Trailer and Hopper Wagon: 1964 Chev C-40 two ton w/12’ B&H, tarp, 292 6 cyl. engine, 4 spd. trans, only 29,931 miles (great shape for the year); 1994 Chev 1500 Suburban 2WD 350 V8, alloy rims, running boards, roof rack, nice color, one owner, stored inside, 342,000 kms; 120 bu. grain hopper wagon, homebuilt on good farm wagon; cut down trailer 1949 Chev w/100 bu. 7’x9’ steel B&H. Misc. Farm Equipment: 1980 Bourgault 540 Eliminator 73’ field sprayer w/disc markers, 5 and 10 gal., and fert. nozzles; 1990 Sakundiak 7”x41’ PTO auger; Brandt 6”x35’ auger, 11 HP, B&S motor, elec. start w/Wheatheart bin sweep; Brandt 7”x35’ auger w/14 HP elec. start; 1250 gal. poly water tank and tube; and a small collection of antiques. Auctioneer’s Note: This excellent line of equipment has been stored inside and beautifully maintained. This is a very short list of items, plan to be onsite at 11:00 sharp as the large equipment will sell early! A limited number of consignments will be accepted, contact Roger at 306-529-5552 or Kevin at 306-842-1516 early to have your items advertised. See for photos and full list. Lackey Auctioneers, bonded and insured. PL #914582. Weyburn, SK. 306-842-1516.
MIERAU AUCTION: Eric and Kay Johannson, Asquith, SK. 2 miles West of Asquith on Hwy. #14 to Eagle Creek and Maymont Hwy North till end of pavement. Watch for signs. Sat, May 28th, 10 AM. Also items from Terry Johannson, Kelley Kilsbey and Clarence Suppes. 1953 Mercury F350 truck w/B&H; 1978 Ford F150 1/2 ton, 6 cyl. standard; 1967 Fargo 500 truck w/steel B&H; 1968 Ford 500 truck w/B&H, utility trailer; 1980 Chev 1/2 ton, 100 bu. trailer w/hoist; JD 35’ cult; Co-op 28’ cult w/molehill levelers; Press drills, 60’ tine harrow; 68’ sprayer w/poly tank, 14’ Noble blade; MF 851 PTO combine; 12’ rotary sythe; 5-wheel rake; NH 1034 bale wagon; MF 128 baler; Augers, 3 PTH equip, sprayer, plow, mower, snowblower; IH 400 tractor w/FEL, not running; Double seater gocart; Honda 185 bike; Canoe. Diesel generator, 5500 watt, 220V, 6 hrs, (near new); Shop tools, welding iron, bolt bins, etc; 20 gal. air compressor, steel gates; 20’ bale feeder; Round bale feeder; Fence posts. Household and Antiques. See full list and pictures on website. Mierau Auction Service, Richard Mierau. PL #914867, Langh a m , S K . , 3 0 6 - 2 8 3 - 4 6 6 2 . We b s i t e :
SASK. LARGEST INVENTORY of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all m a ke s ! C a n A m Tr u c k E x p o r t L t d . , 1-800-938-3323.
NEW CASTLETON 44’ tridem 2 hopper; 36’ closed-in tandem; New Wilson Super B, Tridem and 37’ tandem; 2007 Lode-King Super B’s, air ride; 2004 and 2002 Super B’s; 1998 Castleton tridem, 2 hopper, air ride; 1989 32’ Lode-King w/ SA converter; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, cert.; Tridem and Tandem axle pony pups, BH&T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL #905231, 1986 42’ WILSON all aluminum grain trailer, tandem, vg cond., new tarp, safetied, $15,000. 204-773-6890, Inglis, MB.
K-B TRUCK SALVAGE, over 70 medium and heavy duty trucks, Cat, Cummins, Detroit, IH diesels, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15 speed transmissions, 100’s of good used tires, wheels, etc. Best prices, good service. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. WRECKING 4x4, 2 wheel trucks, all makes all models, 1/2 ton and up. Also locate MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm those hard to find parts. 25 yrs experience GSI HOPPERS: 2011 38.5’ steel hopper, E q u i p m e n t Au c t i o n fo r E dw a r d G a l l in locating parts. Lloydminster, SK. Email: roll tarp, spring ride, $24,400 US; Air ride 306-634-5584, Saturday, June 18, 2011, $27,300 US. Phone 701-338-2658 or at 10:00 AM. Directions from Estevan, SK. 701-626-2505, Minot area, ND. 10 miles north on Hwy. #47, 2 miles west SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE and 1/2 mile north. Watch for signs! Live Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park WOW, LOOK! 10 NEW grain trailers. internet bidding at New and used parts available for 3 ton- Tandems/ tri-axles. Urgently need trades. JD 8570 4WD tractor w/3064 hrs, JD 2130 highway tractors including custom built 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. 2WD tractor w/146 FEL and Bourassa 3 tandem converters and wet kits. All truck 1998 38’ DOEPKER tandem, air ride, very PTH, Case/IH 1640 SP combine w/2445 makes/models bought and sold. Shop ser- good, $24,800. 306-882-3717 Rosetown, hrs, 25’ Case/IH 1010 straight cut header vice available. Specializing in repair and SK. w/shop-built trailer, 25’ IH PT swather, custom rebuilding for transmissions and swather mount Keer Sheers, 40’ Bourgault differentials. For more information please 9200 seeding tool w/Flexi-Coil 1110 TBH call 306-668-5675 or 1-800-667-3023. DL air tank and 1620 Valmar, 60’ Flexi-Coil #914394 TANDEM harrow packers, 18’ JD 355 offset disc, 1996 CHEV DIESEL half ton, longbox, SuGRAIN 2- Muirhead Mfg. 4000 bu. hopper bottom percab, no trans., engine runs, lots of good grain bins, Twister 3900 bu. hopper bot- parts. 1-866-802-9527, Arborfield, SK. DOEPKER HOPPER tom bin, Twister 2000 bu. hopper bottom TRAILERS BOTTOM bin, 2- Behlin 3100 bu. grain bins bolted to ENGINES, TRANNY’S & PARTS, for 1/2 36 ft. & 40 ft. cement, Westeel 2000 bu. grain bin with ton to 3 ton trucks, many trucks and steel floor, 5 HP aeration fans, REM 552 buses, parts or whole units. Phoenix Auto, CALL FOR PRICING grain vac with very little use, Sakundiak 1-877-585-2300, Lucky Lake, SK. 7-53 auger w/Honda engine, Sakundiak Bruce Lutz 204-797-6933 6-33 auger w/Briggs engine, Brandt 7-45 Lyle Oswald 204-791-8991 auger, Labtronics elevator type moisture tester, 1978 GMC 6000 3 ton grain truck 2009 SHELBY GT500 5,000 km. Stored in 1-800-201-1324 w/53,200 kms, 1948 Chev Loadmaster 2 climate controlled shop. Immaculate ton grain truck, IH stationary engine, drill $49,900. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK 2004 LODE-KING TRIDEM grain bulker, repress, acetylene torch, 1200 gal. poly wapainted, 42’, air ride, 3 hoppers, open front ter tank, 100 gal. slip tank with electric 1992 LEXUS SC 400, loaded, 129,500 kms, end, load lights, dual cranks, 24.5 rubber, pump, 2” water pump and motor, Ski-Doo never winter driven, w/custom made cov- current safety, $33,500 OBO. Cudworth, 300 snow machine, Yamaha 80 motor er, $15,500. 306-934-5806, Saskatoon SK. SK. 306-233-7804. bike, GE bar fridge, cast iron cook stove, plus much more! For sale bill and photos 2004 CHRYSLER 300M, loaded, remote 1998 CASTLETON 36’ tandem grain trailer, visit Join starter, 160,000 kms, silver, sun roof, ex- very good condition, $17,000. Phone u s o n F a c e b o o k ! 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r cellent shape, $7500. Call 306-834-5115 306-354-2588, Mossbank, SK. evenings, Kerrobert, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trail2006 CADILLAC DTS, crystal white, leath- ers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use iner, 4.6 L, 125,000 kms, very nice, $19,990. dustrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat Cheyenne Motor Products 306-752-2783, for added rust protection. Quality workMelfort, SK. DL #305854. manship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. SPRING BLOW OUT on all remaining 2011 WRECKING USED VOLVO trucks: Misc. axMaurer grain trailers, air ride, starting at les and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer $28,000; Spring ride $25,500. 150 miles suspension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, south of Regina, 406-963-7512, Froid, MT. SK TWO 2011 TIMPTE tridems, alum. wheels, 2009 LODE KING Prestige Super B grain WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. ag hoppers, 102 wide, 78” high, all the ex- trailers, lift axles, alum. rims, fresh safety, Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, tras, safetied, $49,500; 2010 Timpte tan- $69,500. 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB. Churchbridge, SK. dem, alum. wheels, ag hoppers like new, 1997 MERRITT ALUM. tandem grain trailer VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM $34,500; 2006 Timpte tandem, alum. 42’ air ride, high hoppers, new tarp brakes, 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, wheels, ag hoppers, 72” sides, safetied, drums, air bags, fresh MB safety, $19,000. $28,500; 2006 Lode-King Prestige, Super 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. B, new paint, new tarps, safetied, $48,500; 204-871-5541, 204-466-2633, Austin, MB. STANDARD TRANS for Ford 250, w/7.3 2005 Lode-King alum. Super B, clean and 2006 DOEPKER SUPER B GRAIN brand diesel; Complete cab for LT9000 Ford FL safetied, $59,500; 2000 Doepker closed new tarps, 80% rubber, good shape; 2006 series Freightliner; Navastar 4300 IHC end Super B, air ride, new paint, safetied, DOEPKER lead of Super B, great shape, 2 5 0 0 . A l l c a b s i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n . $39,500; 1998 Advance Super B, closed looks like new, alum. wheels outside; 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. end, air ride, safetied, $32,000; 1993 2001 DOEPKER closed end Super B steel Doepker spring ride 29’ pup, new sides and SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS, Wey- slope, safetied, $14,500, very serviceable. slopes, good shape; 1994 LOAD KING burn, SK, 306-842-2641. Used car and T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., call alum Super B, new safety, good rubber, truck parts, light to heavy. We buy scrap Terry 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116, spring ride. Many more used and new trailers arriving daily. Special spring pricing. iron and non-ferrous metals. Winkler, MB. For pics and info go to 1-800-665-6317 CAR CRUSHING/SCRAP METALS. Do you 2005 DOEPKER SUPER B, 20 new rehave a large amount of cars, trucks, farm caps, fresh safety, new brakes 6 mos. ago. scrap, oil scrap, scrap of any kind? We $44,500 OBO. 403-820-2687, Morrin, AB. may be able to help clean-up your mess. Reply to REMOTE CONTROL TRAILER chute open2002 WILSON ALUMINUM tandem grain Lloydminster SK/AB. t r a i l e r, g o o d s h ap e , $ 2 2 , 5 0 0 O B O. ers. Compact, Hi-Torq, complete kit. Call Brehon Agrisystems 306-933-2655, Saska20’ WOOD TRUCK BOX c/w Nordic 30 ton 306-570-3700, Balgonie, SK. toon, SK. hoist and pump. 780-352-2830, Wetaski2010 36’ GRAIN trailer, air ride, aluminum win, AB. w h e e l s , n e w c o n d i t i o n , $ 3 3 , 5 0 0 . 1998 FREIGHTLINER CENTURY Class, 470 WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 3 0 6 - 2 7 6 - 7 5 1 8 , 3 0 6 - 8 6 2 - 1 5 7 5 , HP Detroit, recent $6700 safety, 10 spd. c/w B-train grain trailer, some new tires, tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. 306-767-2616, Arborfield, SK. DL 906768 tarp, $28,900 for unit OBO. 306-932-4436, Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone 2005 LODE-KING PRESTIGE Super B, Ruthilda, SK. 24.5 tires, dual cranks, Michel’s tarps, Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We $35,000 OBO. 306-796-4683, Central CASTLETON SUPER B GRAIN Trailers, 2 sets- 2006. Michel’s tarps, very good Butte, SK. have everything, almost. rubber (no caps), new safety’s included. 2010 TIMPTE SUPER B grain trailers, good Trailers are in exc. cond., $45,000 each. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought shape, used 2 years, $78,500. Lajord, SK. Pictures avail on request. 306-554-7976, 306-529-5122. Mozart, SK. for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK.
Southern Industrial is the proud supplier and service shop for Neville Built trailers.
Steer In Trailer Sales
Three Forks,Montana 877-335-5372 • 406-285-4300
Trailer Sales And Rentals
Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers
Trailers In Stock: • 36 Vertical Rib, 70” high sides, spring ride, 2 hopper.........$26,500 • 45’ Tri-Axle, 78” high sides, 2 hopper, air ride................$39,900
New Trailers Arriving Daily! Call for quotes.
C allfor pricing and availability
16’ DUNCAN GOOSENECK cattle trailer, excellent condition, $6900. 204-546-3466 or 204-572-7999, Grandview, MB. 1998 MERRITT TRI-AXLE cattle trailer, air ride, alum wheels, good trailer, fresh safety. $26,000. 306-297-7470, Shaunavon, SK
GOERTZEN 16’x6.5’ GOOSENECK stock trailer, good shape, $5800. 306-252-2840, Kenaston, SK.
Call Today for your Sprayer TrailerNe eds.
306-842-2422 Hwy. Jct. 13 & 39 Weyburn, SK
2009 TIMPTE HOPPER trailer, 84” side walls, 102 wide, 43’ long, air ride, 11R24.5 rires, brakes, 80%; Super hoppers, high and low spd, Shurlock tarp. All LED lights. Can deliver $28,900. Call: 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.
WWW.DESERTSALES.CA Canadian made trailers horse/stock, cargo/flatdeck, Norbert’s Trailers now in BC. Triple stage ground loads now in stock. Phone 1-888-641-4508, Bassano, AB. CHAMBERLAIN TANDEM cattleliner, fair condition, recent new brakes and drums, asking $5500. 306-839-7710 or 306-839-4438, Pierceland, SK. 16’ RUZIKA STOCK TRAILER, 63x73” high, new stone guard, divider, radial 700x15 8 ply, spare, rear slider door, brakes, $1800 OBO. 306-771-2946, Balgonie, SK. 1996 28’ NORBERT triple axle gooseneck stock trailer, 1994 20’ Norbert livestock gooseneck trailer repainted, also 1989 Trail King 26’ gooseneck stock trailer. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011 Estevan, SK. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1999 FEATHERLITE stock trailer, 24’x7’, 2 dividers, well maintained, asking $9500. Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or email MR. B’s TRAILER SALES, Norberts and Rainbow, lease to own. Ph. 306-773-8688, Swift Current, SK. 2010 EBY STOCK TRAILER, 8x24, rolling divider gate, $18,000 OBO. 306-731-3595, 306-731-7657 cell, Lumsden, SK. 1984 BOB CO GN stock trailer, 26’, brown. $3500. 306-457-2926, Corning, SK. 2005 BERGEN 18’ 5th wheel stock trailer, new tires/rims, winter kit, rubber mats, good cond. 306-463-3225, Kindersley, SK. 1994 REAL STOCK trailer, 20’, gooseneck, in exc. cond. $7500 OBO. Pls. call for more info. 403-644-3720, Standard, AB. 2008 WILSON QUADAXLE Cattleliner, delivered to Southern Alberta for $59,900. 306-859-4917, Beechy, SK. 2006 MERRITT TRI-AXLE cattle/hog liner, winter kit, sprinkler system, roof hatches, extended no-step ramp, top nose cleanout door, nose funnel gate, lighted sign, fresh safety, $42,500. 306-859-4917, Beechy, SK. 2008 EBY ALUM. GN stock trailer, 30’x8’, 2 divide gates, 2- 10,000 lb. axles, elec. over hyd. brakes, has winter kit. 306-327-7745, Kelvington, SK. 2009 24’ MERRITT Livestock trailer, used very little, went out of livestock. Call Bruce at 204-326-7937, Ste. Anne, MB. 16’ FIFTH WHEEL GOOSENECK stock trailer, 6’6” wide, 7’ high, 2- 6000 lb. torflex axles w/brakes, newly painted inside and out. 306-343-7376, Saskatoon, SK. SOKAL GOOSENECK 3 to 4 slant load horse trailer, 6’x16’, with divider gates and rubber mats, live-in quarters, good tires. 204-267-2582, Oakville, MB. NEW BLUEHILLS Gooseneck Stock, 18’, $11,700; 16’, $10,900. Ph. 306-445-5562 Delmas, SK. 1998 WILSON LIVESTOCK TRAILER. 53’ tri-axle, air ride, current safety, $28,000. 306-398-2851, Cut Knife, SK. CONVERTED FURNITURE VAN into horse show trailer, 48’ overall. 22’ of complete living qrtrs, lots of stge., rear load ramp, hauls 10 horses. $38,500 OBO. Carolyn Lumax, Swan River, MB. 204-525-2263. ROADRUNNER 2 HORSE trailer, $2200 OBO. 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK.
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Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y! Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB
SUPREME TRAILER SALES, Your #1 MANAC DRY VAN Pup trailer, Urethane inAgassiz and Precision trailer dealer in SK. sulation, good floor, roof, rubber and Toll free 1-888-652-3888. brakes. 500 miles since last safety. Great 2008, 2007 CASTLETON tri-axle cross for farm, commercial or household storclamdumps; 2000 Arnes tri-axle D-cap age. Can be used for P&D work or job site long slot clamdump. All with new safeties. unit. Easy to turn in tight spots, $3500. Email: 306-694-5634, Ph 306-397-5555, 306-441-1693 Edam SK. Moose Jaw, SK. TRI-AXLE END DUMP 33’ trailer, 2005, alum., $33,000. Located in Edmonton. 1986 FRUEHAUF TRIPLE axle end dump, haul anything. Hay Vern 204-729-7297, 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. Brandon, MB. CARGO TRAILERS: 2006 Forest River trailer, 30x8.3’, 8000 lb. tri-axle, 24,000 1989 Arnes tri-axle side dump, lead. GVW, 3 doors, totally wired with breaker 306-536-1540, Maple Creek, SK. box, fluorescent interior lights, asking $10,500; 2007 Homesteader V-nose trail- 40’ TO 53’ container chassis tri-axles; 1 set er, 7x18’, tandem, 2 doors, rear ramp of B-train flats, tri-axle lead, tandem pup; door, asking $7200. 306-652-7972, Saska- Grain box dump trailers. 204-476-0002, Neepawa, MB. toon, SK. 2003 WILKINSON 30’ flatdeck, 3- 7000 lb. DRILL TRANSPORT/ CARRIER, Doepker a x l e s w i t h b e a v e r t a i l s , $ 8 5 0 0 . 42’ w/automotive steering, 6 wheels, com306-538-2230, 306-736-8890, Kennedy SK plete hyds. Any reasonable offer considGOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. ered. Dave 306-424-2212, Montmartre, SK Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Bea- 2010 LORNE’S 70 TON combination lowvertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or bed. Tandem Jeep, tridem trailer and sintriple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built gle booster. Used very little, safetied, 12’ from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. wide, removable neck and beaver tails. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, 306-865-2524, Hudson Bay, SK. For picCentral Butte, SK. tures and info. visit ALUMINUM TANKERS: 5200 to 7500 US gal., 2 and 3 axle, 1995 Wabash, TC306, BLUEHILLS TRAILERS stocks and sells the quality line of Maxey flat deck, utility and 38,000 litres. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. dump trailers at affordable prices. Forrest, DOUBLE DROP DETACHABLE neck, MB. Check or both tandem and tridem $15,000-$30,000. to find your future trailer then call Brandon at 204-728-3597. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. Dealers welcome. WATER TANKER 5000 gal., tandem axle, gauges and scale. Phone 306-563-8765 or NEW TRIDEM MUVALL double drop, 10’ 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. wide, hydraulic tail; also 53’ and 48’ tridem ARNIES TRI-AXLE belly dump, 1991, exc. stepdecks; 1998 48’ tandem combo air cond., 11x24.5 rubber, $28,500. Phone ride; 53’, 48’ and 45’ tridem and tandem high boys; also Super B and B-train hi306-752-2873, 306-752-4692, Melfort, SK. boys, B-train w/4- 1200 gal. water tanks; 1995 FREUHAUF CONVERTOR T/A dolly. Single and tandem axle converter w/drop New brake shoes, valve, hoses, pots. New hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers, 48’ w/side wiring, lights. Fresh AB safety. $8000 OBO doors; Tandem Lo boy 9’ wide. Dodsland, Call Chris 403-321-0677 or 403-823-7895, SK. phone 306-356-4550, Drumheller, SK. DL #905231.
• Com p lete line ofb um p er hitch a nd goos enecks • S tock a nd Hors e • Any Color
FLAGLINER 34’ DROPDECK lowbed, two 10,000 lb. axles/duals/beavertails. Air over hyd. brakes, safetied. Ideal for backhoe. 306-743-7363, Langenburg, SK.
Ea tCa na d ia n BeefBuy Ca na d ia n Tra ilers
CH ECK U S O U T AT w w w .go ld en w esttra m
Call for pricing or a dealer near you
D ra k e , S a s k .
306 -36 3-2131 w w w .b e rg e n in d u s trie s .c om 1999 TRAILTECH SPRAYER/ COMBINE TRAILERS, 2- 20,000 axles, gooseneck, good condition. 3 available starting at $13,495. Call Wendell, Flaman Sales, 1-888-235-2626, Southey, SK. 53’ TRI-AXLE SELF-UNLOADING hay trailer, $15,000 OBO. Phone 403-704-3509 no Sunday calls, Ponoka, AB.
2012 W ILSO N 16-32 FT............................AVAILABLE 24’NEW & USED W ILSO N ........................IN STO CK
LARGE SELECTIO N O F USED CATTLELINERS .............................................................AVAILABLE
2012 M UV-ALL DO UBLE & SINGLE DRO PS .............................................................O N O RDER 2011 M UVALL 48100HDG
SINGLE AXLE CONVERTER dolly, $3000. 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB.
WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited.
NEW BRI-MAR DUMP TRAILER 5x10 box, 8000 lb capacity, tandem axle. $3900. 1-800-667-4515. WABASH 28’ HI-BOY flatdeck trailer, tandem axle, $5200. Phone 306-423-5983, St. Louis, SK. 2007 GRAVHAUL belly dump tri axle, air ride, tarp, exc. cond., $41,500 OBO. Phone 403-394-4401, Coalhurst, AB. HUTCHINSON B-TRAIN ALUM. tankers, fresh safety, good for liquid fert. or water, vg, $22,500. 780-232-9766, Tofield, AB 2000 FONTAINE 51’ tandem stepdeck trailer, steel aluminum combo, sliding winches, safetied, asking $15,500. 306-592-2033, Buchanan, SK. 40’ FRUEHAUF HIGHBOY trailer, spring r i d e , f r e s h S K s a f e t y, $ 7 5 0 0 . 306-423-5983, St. Louis, SK.
STO RAGE VANS STARTING AT................$2,500
W ESTER N CAN AD A’S ON LY F ULL LIN E M UV -ALL D EALER F ina ncing Av a ila ble, Com petitiv e R a tes O.A.C.
Golden W estTra iler Sa les & Renta ls
M oose Ja w (877) 999-7402 Bria n Griffin L yle Silzer Ha rv ey V a n D e Sype
Sa sk a toon (866) 278-2636 D a nny Ta ta ryn
La co m b e AB Pho n e: 403- 782 - 4774 Fa x: 403- 782 - 6493
FEATUR ED TR AILER S • 2 011 V ikin g S in gle Dro p 9 w id e • 2 011 V ikin g 46 TIA S tep Deck w /Bea verTa il • 2 011 V ikin g 53 TriAxle S tep Deck Ju s t A rrived • 04 V o lvo V N L670 In tegra l • 01 Do epkerTri-Axle 53’ S tep Deck • 88 V o lvo S /A Tra cto r
G R AIN EQ UIPM EN T • 2 011 M a n a c CPS 42 ’ Ta n d em G ra in Tra iler • 79 Chev C70 w /16’ G ra in Bo x Ho ist& Ta rp • 96 Lo d e Kin g S u perB G ra in Tra iler • 2 001 Kn ightS cisso rN eck 53’ 10 w id e, 16 w heelerw ith kicker ro lla n d ta ilro ll, a lso ha s n eck exten sio n • 2 010 M a n a c 51- 71 TriAxle S tep Deck Tro m b o n es • 1981 Fru eha u f Ta n d em , TiltDeck, excellen ttra ilerfo rha u lin g pa ckers & pa vers, sa fetied , rea d y to go , nice sha pe • 01 Jo hn so n 8X17 R eeferV a n Bo d y • 00 Ja n zen Co m b in e Tra iler53’ T/A • 00 IHC 4900 S E AirR id e c/w 2 6’ R eeferBo x • 97 W ilso n Ho g Tra iler, 2 levels • 04 BW S 31’ TR IAxle TiltDeck Pin ta lHitch • 96 R eitn o u er48’ ta n d em Ali S tepd eck w /sid e & ta rp pa cka ge • 84 M a n a c 48’ T/A S tep Deck • 82 Tra n scra ft48’ T/A S tep Deck w /Ba le R a ck • 36” Tra ilerM o u n ted Tree S pa d e • 2 - N ew V ikin g 48’ TriAxle Ali Co m b o Hi-Bo ys • 2 8’ to 53’ S to ra ge & FreightV a n s S ta rtin g a t$1,500 • 1954 Fo rd 4 d o o r. R u n s w ell
ALS O AV AILABLE S tep Decks, H iBo ys, Freight V a n s, Sto ra ge Un its a n d Jo b site Tra ilers & M o re
w w w.lacom 2 GRAVEL PUPS, near new, fresh safeties. 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK. STORAGE VANS 26’ single axle, just off highway, $2800. Located in Edmonton, AB. 780-913-0097, 780-922-0169. UTILITY TRAILERS Got yard work to do? Steel frame trailers with flat folding gate various sizes available. Starting at $1,195. Call Flaman Trailers today 306-934-2121, Saskatoon, SK. 2005 PRECISION T84 gooseneck 33’ flatdeck trailer with beavertail. ConstructionRV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 2007 MIDLAND SL3000, new paint on tub, new tarp and hoist, fresh safety, exc. cond. 306-230-6644, Saskatoon, SK. BEFORE YOU BUY A TRAILER, CHECK OUT OUR PRICES! Large selection of high quality used trailers. Priced to sell! Royal Cargo 4x8 enclosed shuttle trailer, 13” tires, 2200 lb axle, spare tire included. Only $2,250! Now selling off our rental fleet! Call Flaman Trailers 306-934-2121, Saskatoon, SK.
Distributor for Vanguard, EBY, Trail-Eze, J.C. Trailers & Felling Trailers
D e c k s On Orde r 2012 F ellin g 25 T o n 30’ T iltT a g 2012 F ellin g 30 T o n 29’ T a g 2012 F ellin g 48’ S tep Bea verta il 2012 F ellin g 53’ T ri- Bea verta il 2011 F ellin g 25 T o n 30’ T iltT a g Live s toc k Tra ile rs 2012 E BY Gro u n d L o a d 53’ 2-a xle 2012 E BY Gro u n d L o a d 53’ 2-a xle 2012 E BY Bu ll Rid e 53’ T ri, Ca ttel
G oos e n e c k Tra ile rs 2012 E BY 2012 E BY 2012 E BY 2012 E BY 2011 E BY
M a verick 20’ S al tS id e M a verick 24’ S al tS id e W ra n gle r 24’ Pu n ch Pa n el W ra n gle r 22’ S al tS id e W ra n gle r 22’ S al te S id e
D ry V a n s 2012 Va n gu a rd 53 x 102 Ca ll forAva ila b ility a n d Pricin g Fin a n ce Re p o’s Acce p tin g Offe rs
Keefe- Ha ll Tra iler S a les Regina 1-800-667-0466 Keefe HallCell- 306-535-2420 w w w D.L#909069
60 TON Elgin (1997), double drop, hyd. detachable, tri-axle, hook-ups for 4th axle, air ride, wide extensions, $36,000. Canora, SK. Ph. 306-563-8765 or 306-563-4160. WESTANK SUPER B liquid fertilizer trailers for sale, in excellent condition. Phone 306-752-4363, Melfort, SK. 2008 TIMPTE HOPPER T/A, 42’ long, 96” wide, 78” slide, air ride, new 24.5 recap tires, new drums, new tarp, SS back, $28,000. Ph. 204-736-4854, Sanford, MB. 24’ GOOSENECK TRI-AXLE, 21,000 lbs., $6490. Bumper pull tandem equipment: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2650. Factory direct. 1-888-792-6283.
2007 4 Star 4 horse with 8’ living quarters, Outlaw interior, like new inside and out, easy pull, bought new one. 306-227-8288, 306-230-3259, Saskatoon, SK. 25’ PINTLE HITCH trailer, 1995 Norberts 20 ton tandem axle, air brakes, air ride, 22.5 rims, low profile tires, 8.5’ width, beavertail with fold down ramps all good shape, $11,900. 403-323-6565, Stettler AB TRAILERS! TRAILERS! Flatdecks, drop decks, vans, reefers, grain, gravel. Canora, SK. 306-563-8765, 1999 DOEPKER ALUMINUM Super B grain, $38,500; 1997 48’ flatdeck tridem, $9500 and tandem, $8500; 1999 Alutrec alum. 48’ Hiboy, $14,500; 2001 48’ combo tandem, $9500; 1998 Talbert 48’ stepdeck, $15,000. All trailers Sask. certified. Call 1-888-457-5675, Davidson, SK. DL #312974 1985 ARNES END dump gravel trailer, 22’, 11Rx22.5 rubber 65%, current safety. $16,000 OBO. 306-743-2636 or 306-743-7711, Langenburg, SK.
2007 LOAD LINE end dump gravel trailer, 28’ long, 102 wide, flip back tarp, 11R24.5 tires, on steel rims, ABS brakes, tires drums at 90%, vg condition, new cylinder, 900 Series SPS, spring ride, MB safety. Can deliver. $27,500. 204-743-2324, MB. LEASE THIS light weight 2006 Wabash 53’ tandem stepdeck, rare with all aluminum deck! Sliding rear axle, storage box, winches, low miles, mint condition, $ 2 1 , 9 0 0 . G o r d at H o r i z o n L e a s i n g , 306-934-4445, Saskatoon, SK. 50’ 2005 PRECISION T84 gooseneck flatdeck tandem dual trailer w/beavertail, 1998 Trailtech 35’ hi-boy flatbed deck trailer w/tandem duals and live roll, 1995 Trailtech 35’ triple axle gooseneck flatdeck trailer w/beavertail and ramps, 1998 25’ Tanner triple axle gooseneck flatdeck trailer. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 10 SEMI HIGHBOYS and stepdecks, $2,300 to $18,000. 306-222-2413, check out Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, 1986 MIDLAND, tandem axle, 3 hopper g r a v e l t r a i l e r, 3 1 ’ , $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 . 306-342-4788, Medstead, SK. LOOKING FOR A TRAILER? We have a full line of PJ Trailers from small utility to large gooseneck and bumper hitch trailers, also Lightning aluminum enclosed cargo trailers and Bergen stock trailers. Call Melron Service 306-946-2256 or 306-946-2242 eves., Watrous, SK. 2007 ARNES TRIDEM end dump, plastic liner, pavement overhang. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. TWO 1998 51’ tandem steel alum. combo drop decks, clean, safetied, $15,500. Call T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., Terry 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116, Winkler, MB. For pics and info go to FLOYD’S HARVESTING is selling harvest support equipment- VARIOUS TRAILERS. Call 306-640-7560, Fir Mountain, SK.
2008 MEGA CAB DUALLY, 4x4, Laramie, 600 HP, 25+ mpg, high miles, very well c a r e d f o r, $ 1 9 , 0 0 0 O B O . B r u c e , 306-831-7903, Zealandia, SK. 2010 CHEV LTZ 2500 HD, crew cab, diesel, 4x4, black. Full load, Nav., sunroof, DVD, rear camera, 43,000 km, 20” wheels, airbags, mud flaps, 4” step pipes, tax paid. $58,000 OBO 306-260-8447 Saskatoon, SK FOR SALE: 2007 Dodge Ram 3500, SLT, 4x4, quad cab, 5.9L diesel, exc. cond., 96,000 kms, one owner, very well taken care of, many extras. Asking $30,000. Call 306-778-1007, Swift Current, SK.
2004 FORD F150 extended cab 4.6, excellent condition. 144,000 highway km. Stored inside. Only been in 4x4 a handful of times. $14,900. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. 2002 EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER, very nice condition. Lady driven, 165,000 km. Asking $10,000. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. 2003 CHEV 3/4 ton, 4x4, shortbox ext. cab, 177,000 kms, 6 L gas, some hail damage, nice cond., $8450. 306-297-3570, Shaunavon, SK. 2003 F350 XLT 4x4, crew cab, short box dually, 6L, diesel, automatic, sunroof, 5th wheel hitch and tailgate, new tires, 91,669 kms., excellent condition, $25,000. 306-537-0325, Regina, SK. 2003 FORD E-350 one ton, dual rear wheels, 7.3L diesel, 4x2, new 10’6” deck, 180,000 miles, $9,000 OBO. 306-432-4444, Dysart, SK. 2004 CHEV SILVERADO LS 2500 HD, Duramax diesel 6.6L LLY, extended cab, cloth, 196,000 kms, nice truck. $18,500. 306-224-4441, Glenavon, SK.
SEVEN PER SO N S, A LB ER TA (M edicine H at, A lberta)
2004 International 9400i Eagle Grain Truck, 450 HP Cummins ISX engine, Eaton 13 speed manual transmission, 3.91 rear axle ratio, 3-way locker, New Cancade 30’ X 64” Grain box and hoist, excellent farm truck.
All Units W ork R ea dy! CALL ABO UT THESE O THER FIN E UN ITS: - International and Freightliner Autoshift and Ultrashift Trucks. - Grain and Silage boxes - Cat, Cummins, and Detroit Engines - Self Loading Bale Deck trucks - DAKOTA Aluminum Grain Hopper Trailers.
403-977-1624 or 403-528-7069
1960 CHEV VIKING 60 series, wood box with hoist, runs well, asking $2500. 306-642-8484, 306-642-4470, Assiniboia, SK. 1973 FREIGHTLINER, 290 Cummins, 13 spd., 38,000 tandem, w/8-1/2x20x5 steel box, Nordic hoist and roll tarp, A-1 shape; 2004 DODGE 2500 SLT 4x4 longbox, 1956 S/A Ford 900 w/20’ B&H, good quad cab, auto, Cummins diesel, 5th wheel shape; 1956 4 ton Int., 18’ B&H, good h i t c h , 1 9 0 , 0 0 0 k m s . 3 0 6 - 7 5 5 - 2 0 7 1 , shape. 306-634-8009, Estevan, SK. Tramping Lake, SK. 1975 DODGE D600, 60, 436 miles, 361 2004 DODGE ONE ton 4x4, Dually, long- eng., 5 spd., transmission, steel box, 60% box, black color, leather, loaded, 157,000 rubber, stored inside. Best offer. Bailey kms, warranty to 160,000 kms, brand Brothers Seeds, 306-935-4702, Milden, SK. new engine- March/11, 5.9L Cummins, recent front end work, new tires, 5th 1976 FORD 700, 18’ grain box, 350 Chev wheel hitch. 306-845-2764, Livelong, SK. motor, $6500. 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. 2004 FORD F150 extended cab, short box, 4x4, tow package, 5.4 L engine, ATC, 1977 CHEV 3 ton, 4 spd., split axle, 15’ good condition, 170,000 km. $9,000. box with roll tarp, asking $6000 OBO. 306-370-0776, Hague, SK. 306-538-2230, 306-736-8890, Kennedy SK 2005 F350 FORD LARIAT super duty, 4 1978 GMC 6000 3 ton grain truck with door, long box, 6 L, 4x4, 151,000 km, load- 53,200 kms. Edward Gall Farm Equipment ed. 306-248-3812 eves. St. Walburg, SK. Auction, Saturday, June 18, 2011, Estevan, area. For sale bill and photos visit 2005 GMC SIERRA 2500 HD Duramax die- SK. Join us sel, crew cab, full load, long trips mostly, o n Facebook! 306-421-2928 or 1 8 7 , 0 0 0 k m s , n i c e . $ 2 5 , 9 0 0 . 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 306-244-2068, Saskatoon, SK. 2006 CHEV 4x4 3500 6L auto, 8’ box, 180,000 kms, premium condition, $12,500. 780-632-2054, Vegreville, AB. 2006 F350 LARIAT, Crewcab, shortbox, immaculate cond., 250,000 kms, new tires, exhaust, white w/lots of chrome, command start, $17,500 OBO. Phone Mark 306-338-8773, Kuroki, SK. 2006 FORD F150 XL 4X4, 95,000 kms, ext. c a b, l o n g b o x , a i r, $ 1 1 , 5 0 0 . P h o n e 306-220-7741, Saskatoon, SK.
1970 FORD 2 DOOR HARD TOP, red and white, runs but automatic starting to slip. 302 V8, leather, new front covers, rubber fair, trumpet horn. Must be seen. Not a wreck. 306-867-9674, Outlook, SK. 1998 DODGE 2500, cummins diesel, extendicab, 4x4, 295,000 kms, auto, short box. $11,000. 306-931-2587 or 306-260-3407, Martensville, SK. WRECKING 1993 Dodge Cummins, 4x4, new pump, brakes, 3 new tires, engine, transfer case and rearend good. Trans. and body shot. Sold as unit, $3300 OBO. 306-335-2777, 306-924-427 Abernethy SK
2004 FORD F150 extended cab 4.6, excellent condition. 144,000 highway km. Stored inside. Only been in 4x4 a handful of times. $14,900. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. 2008 KING RANCH loaded w/Nav two tone copper buckets throughout. Stored indoors. Immaculate. Smells new. $42,000 obo. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. 2006 DODGE DIESEL Mega Cab, 4x4, $ 2 6 , 9 9 5 . Wy nya r d , S K . P h o n e 1-800-667-4414 or visit
1978 GMC TANDEM, tag axle, gas, 19’ B&H high sides. 1976 Ford Louisville tandem, tag axle, 20’ B&H. Call 306-224-4683 or 306-537-0909, Glenavon, SK. 1980 FORD F700, with B&H or 1984 Ford F700 with B&H. Diesel motors on both. 306-398-2626, Cut Knife, SK. 1982 GMC BRIGADIER, tandem, 3208T, 13 spd. trans., will take 16’ box, $5000. 306-238-4800/306-861-7529 Goodsoil, SK
2003 FREIGHTLINER TANDEM, FL80 grain truck, new 20’ Ultracel box pkg., Cat diesel, 9 speed, premium no rust truck, $59,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2004 IHC 9200i, 400 ISM Cummins, 10 spd. UltraShift, $53,900; 1998 Sterling 8501, new 8.3 Cummins, 5 spd. Allison auto, 400,000 kms, $45,900; All have new CIM BH&T’s and certified. Cudworth, SK. 306-256-3569, 306-230-4393 DL #913432
SHEEP SPECIAL. Hino FF 1988, single axle, air brakes, B&H, shedded, good for 230,000 kms. Multi use: 16’ box 65” high for hauling screenings, convenient double decking- hauls 85 market lambs. Consider utility trailer partial trade. 780-973-5627, Edmonton, AB,
• • • • • • • •
3 Year Complete Structural Warranty In Stock and ready to work. Tandems, Quad’s, Tridoms & Super B’s Turn table or 5th wheel tandem fronts available for Quad trailers OPTIONAL; quick detach Convey-all conveyors unloading system Exceptionally clean design, high hopper clearance All Aluminum with the best payload capacity Our Prices can’t be beat!
for prices or ask for a Dealer near you! “Flexible Financing Terms available OAC” See all inventory and product details at 1989 KENWORTH K 100E Aerodyne LWB cab and chassis 60 Series, 12.7 L, 10 spd. 275,679 kms. Needs motor work. $5000 OBO. Call Chris 403-321-0677 cell or 403-823-7895, Drumheller, AB. 1992 KENWORTH TANDEM, 20’ box, rebuilt motor, 15 spd., good rubber, best offer. 204-461-0854, Manitoba. 1993 FREIGHTLINER, 360 HP, 10 spd., 2005 KENWORTH T800, AUTOSHIFT 10 w/1993 Doepker tri-axle trailer, $28,000. spd., new B&H, ISM Cummins, very clean 306-380-5990, Saskatoon, SK. truck. Ph 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. 1994 FREIGHTLINER FLD120, 430/470 2005 T800 KENWORTH, 475 HP, C15, new Detroit, 18 spd., 46 rears, flat top sleeper, 20’ grain box, new paint all around, 5 yr. fresh Sask. safety, $10,500. Richard limited warranty, alum. mags, 12/40, 360 306-325-2021, Lintlaw, SK. DL#304675. rear, new front tires, rear 75%, cruise, 13 1994 IH TANDEM fuel truck, 9200 Cat 15 spd. Eaton, $60,000. 204-825-7560, Cart- spd., air ride, w/Advance 5 compartment wright, MB. 17,500 L, LC meter, Blackmere pump, printer $39,500. 306-752-4909 Melfort SK. 1995 IH 4900 tandem gravel truck with DT 466 engine and 6 spd. with only 131,000 kms plus a 1995 Volvo White GMC hwy. tractor. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011 Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photo visit Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 1995 VOLVO DAYCAB, exc. cond., wet 2005 WESTERN STAR, with set back steer- kit, 360 HP, 3-way lockers, 13 spd., only ing axle, air ride, 515 Detroit power, 13 350,000 orig. kms, farmer owned, service spd., 12,000 lb FA, 46,000 lb. tandems, records avail. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. new steering tires, 3 axle alignment, new Espar eng. heater, bunk heater, 691,530 org. kms., rides like a Cadillac; 2009 LODE KING, prestige 2 hopper tri-axle. Front and rear axles are air lift, cranks both sides, trailer and hopper lights, maximizer tarp, only 46,000 kms since new. Complete unit for only $67,000. Call 204-385-2012 or 204-856-3396, Gladstone, MB.
1985 MACK R686 ST, 300/350 HP, 10 spd. Mack trans, 20’ grain box, recent MB 2006 IH 9400, C13 Cat, Eaton AutoShift safety, very low kms, exc. shape, asking w/clutch pedal w/new 20’ BHT; 1997 IH 9200, M-11 Cummins, 370 HP, 13 spd., $25,800 OBO. 204-736-4202 Sanford, MB. new 20’ BHT. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. 1988 CHEV 6500, single axle, 16’ steel DL #905231, box, hoist and roll tarp, 366 motor, 1100 tires. 780-889-2106, Heisler, AB. 2006 INTERNATIONAL 9200, Cummins 450 HP, 10 spd. ultrashift, $68,500; 2005 1988 GMC 3 ton, w/box and hoist, diesel Freightliner Columbia, Detroit 430 HP, 10 motor, good shape, offers. 306-220-7469 spd. AutoShift, $62,500; 2004 IH 9400, or 306-374-0136 message, Aberdeen, SK. Cummins ISX, 435 HP, 10 spd. AutoShift, 1994 MACK 613, 427 HP, 10 spd., cab and $57,500; 2005 International 9900, Cat 435 chassis, tandem, air ride, only $16,500. HP, 10 spd. ultrashift, $57,500; 2004 Pete 378, Cat 475 HP, 10 spd. AutoShift, Watrous, SK. 306-948-8522. $62,500. All above complete w/new 20’ 1996 FLD120 FREIGHTLINER, 430 HP, Cancade grain boxes. 1-888-457-5675, Detroit, 18 spd., air ride, new paint, new Davidson, SK. DL 20’ CIM BH&T, triple air hoist controls, #312974 11R24.5 budds, A/C, Jakes, SK. safety. 306-256-7107, Cudworth, SK. 1996 FREIGHTLINER FLC112 64 SD, 12.7L Detroit, 370 HP, 5 spd. auto, 16 fronts, 46 rears, Hendrickson suspension, approx. 213,000 miles, new 20’ BH&T, dual remotes, safetied, $39,900. 204-746-6605, 204-325-2496, Morris, MB.
1998 IH 8100 w/M11 Cummins, air ride, AC, 20’ Ultracell box pkg, excellent no rust California truck, only $44,500. Watrous, SK. 306-946-8522. 2001 FL CLASSIC silage/grain truck, w/21’ Cancade silage/grain box, hyd. tailgate, 460 HP Cummins, 13 spd. rebuilt last fall. SEMPLE HAULING MUST SELL due to Runs and looks good. Asking $45,000 OBO. health. 2010 Dodge 3500 4x4, 6850 kms; Call Dallas 780-206-6084, Westlock, AB. Also available automatic lift-off bale hauler 2002 FREIGHTLINER FL70 Cat diesel, Phone Bill Semple 306-775-2857 or cell Allison auto., 16’ Ultracel package, very 306535-8034, Craven, SK. clean California truck, only $36,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2008 KING RANCH loaded w/Nav two tone 2003 FREIGHTLINER FL70 Cat diesel, 6 copper buckets throughout. Stored inspd., AC, air ride, 16’ Ultracel box, tarp, doors. Immaculate. Smells new. $42,000 1976 F600, 16’ B&H, roll tarp, good tires, low miles, no rust, $36,500. Watrous, SK. good condition, $5500 OBO. obo. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. 306-948-8522. 780-205-1070, Lloydminster, AB. 2007 GMC 2500 HD crew cab 4x4 diesel, loaded, good condition, $23,000. Saskatoon, SK. 306-227-5298 or 306-933-9322. 2008 DODGE DIESEL dually, quad cab, $24,888. Ph. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK or visit: 2008 DODGE DIESEL quad cab, 4x4, $ 2 9 , 9 0 0 . Wy nya r d , S K . P h o n e 1-800-667-4414 or visit 2008 F350 SUPERCREW turbo diesel, alloys, 4x4 Lariat, loaded, leather, keyless, NeuStar Manufacturing 142,000 kms, warranty. New tires, im1470 Willson Place maculate, $30,000 plus tax. Partial trade? Winnipeg, Manitoba Financing? 306-220-7741, Saskatoon, SK, DL#318705 1-204-478-7827 2008 KING RANCH F350, longbox, white/tan w/cherry leather, back-up camera, DVD, 152,000 kms, warranty available to 300,000 kms, $35,000 OBO. Phone Mark 306-338-8773, Kuroki, SK.
2001 VOLVO TRACTOR, 475 HP Volvo, 10 spd., 12+40’s, A/T/C, alum. wheels, chrome stack, alum. tanks, $21,500; 2003 Western Star, 500 HP Detroit, 13 spd., A/T/C, Jakes, PW, alum. wheels, alum. tanks, chrome stacks, chrome bumper, $49,500; 1999 Peterbilt 379, C12 Cat, w/new inframe, rebuilt eng., 15 spd., A/T/C, alum. wheels, Cdn. Classic int, new 20’ BH&T, rear controls, certified, $46,500; 2004 Freightliner FLD120 Classic, 435 HP Detroit, 10 spd. Eaton Fuller AutoShift trans., A/T/C, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, SK. s a fe t i e d , $ 5 5 , 5 0 0 ; 2 0 0 3 I n t . 9 2 0 0 , N14 450 HP Cummins, 13 spd., 12+40’s, 20’ BH&T, rear control, A/T/C, SK safetied, $49,500; 2001 Mack, 460 HP, 18 spd. trans., new paint, A/T/C, alum. wheels, chrome stacks, real nice, $23,900; 2010 36’ grain trailer, air ride, alum. wheels, new cond., $33,500. All trucks safetied. Tr a d e s a c c e p t e d . 3 0 6 - 2 7 6 - 7 5 1 8 , 306-862-1575, 306-767-2616, Arborfield, SK. #906768.
1996 VOLVO DAYCAB, in-frame, 6 month engine warranty from date of purchase on this series 60 Detroit 430/470 HP, 18 spd. Eaton 12/40 rears, AC, air ride, ready to work with PTO, wet kit, Beacons, headache rack, 116” WB, 135” cab to frame, new safety, $24,900. 306-242-2508, Saskatoon, SK, For financing Gord 306-934-4445. 1997 FREIGHTLINER CONVENTIONAL, 3176 Cat, 13 spd, 1.3 million kms, white, $9900. 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB. 1997 IH 9400, 430 Detroit, 10 spd., 15’ five year old gravel box. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. 1997 IH, 500 HP Cummins, sleeper, wet kit and hyd. winch, excellent condition. 306-275-2007, St. Brieux, SK. 1999 FREIGHTLINER CL120, safetied, good rubber, 1.3 million kms., $10,000. Phone 306-865-2524, Hudson, Bay, SK. For pictures and more info. 1999 KENWORTH T800, M11, 18 spd., 3/8’s frame, full lockers, new wet kit, $30,000 OBO. 306-726-7938, Southey, SK.
AUTOSHIFT GRAIN TRUCKS: 2002 to 2006, 20’ Cancade B&H, starting at $49,500. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #316588. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. GRAIN BOX 15’, walls only, no floor, near new tarp, always shedded, very good cond. 306-859-7788, Beechy, SK. GRAIN TRUCK. 2007 Volvo, 10 spd. Eaton 3-pedal AutoShift, 385 Volvo engine, new 20’x102”x64” box w/head lift hoist, low kms, immaculate, $65,000. T. Edkins Semi Tr u c k a n d Tr a i l e r S a l e s L t d . , Te r r y 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116. For pics and info go to Winkler, MB. REMOTE CONTROL ENDGATES and hoist. Precision FM control. Phone Brehon Agrisystems 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK.
2000 IHC 9900i, N14, 460 HP, 12 fronts, 40 rears, 72” Pro sleeper, 24.5 rubber on alum. all 75% or better, no caps. Bearing roll, new oil pump, new clutch etc., new starter, batteries. 1,100,000 kms, one owner, excellent cond., new safety, $25,000. Pictures available. 306-554-7976 Mozart, SK. 2000 KENWORTH W900L, 72” RR AeroCab, 500 ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 3:90 rears, 12 fronts, 40 rears, drive tires at 50%, steering tires new. Extensive work done to this truck, too much to list. Call for details. No t i r e k i c ke r s p l e a s e ! $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 O B O. 306-297-7470, Shaunavon, SK. 2001 FREIGHTLINER CENTURY day cab, Detroit 430 HP, 10 spd., 563,000 miles, premium California truck, no rust, only $36,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2002 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, 500 Detroit, 18 spd., 46 rears w/lockers, flat top sleeper, Espar heaters, fresh SK safety, $25,000; 2003 Freightliner Columbia, 500 Cat, 18 spd., Super 40 rears, w/lockers, flat top sleeper, $26,000. Richard 306-325-2021, Lintlaw, SK DL#304675. 2002 FREIGHTLINER CUTOFF w/40,000 lb. Eatons, on Airliner air ride, no wheels, $700 OBO. Also cutoff w/46,000 lb. Rockwell rears, 4-way locks, 410 ratio, on Airliner air ride, no wheels, $4000 OBO. 403-628-3816, Lundbreck, AB. 2002 VOLVO VNL 610, 465 Volvo eng., 18 spd, 3.9 ratio, 220 WB, well maintained $20,500. 306-272-4942, Foam Lake, SK.
2008 P e te rb ilt 386 d a y c a b , 525 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12 fron ts u p er40 rea r, 4:10 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 168” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 721,000 k m s . . $59,000 2-2007 V olvo 6 30, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 13 s p , 14.6 fron t46 rea r, 3:91 g ea rs , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 218” W B, 22.5” w heels , 715,000-775,000 k m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $41,000 2-2007 V olvo 6 30, 465 HP Volvo, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 3:91 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 200” W B, 800,000 k m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 ,000 2007 IH 9900I, 430 HP, C13 Ca t, 10 s p A u tos hift, 12/ 40, 3:73 g ea rs , 3-w a y d ifflock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 240” W B. 72” hig h ris e bu n k w ith 2 bed s , 942,000 k m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,900 2006 IH 9200I, Da y Ca b, 425 HP IS M , Cu m m in s , 10 s p A u tos hiftw ith clu tch p ed a l, 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 220” W B, w ill ta k e 20’ g ra in box, 938,457 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26 ,900 10-2006 IH 9200i, 425 HP Cu m m in s IS M , 10 s p a u tos hift, w ith clu tch p ed a l, 3:90 g ea rs , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 220” W B, 72” con d o bu n k s , 900,000 k m s . $19,900 2006 IH 9200i, 425 HP Cu m m in s IS M , 10 s p s ta n d a rd , 3:90 g ea rs , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 220” W B, 72” con d o bu n k s , 900,000 k m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,900 D e c k w ith Roll Top , Cu rta in s id e 26’ lon g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,900 d lr# 0122.
P h. 2 04- 68 5 - 2 2 2 2
M a cGregor M B. To view p ictures ofour inventory vis itw w w.tita ntrucks a les .com
2002 PETERBILT 385 HP, 10 spd., alloy wheels, 220,000 miles, premium California truck, no rust, only $39,500. Watrous, SK. 306-946-8522. 2003 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA daycab. Detroit 430/470 HP, 10 spd. AutoShift, 965,000 kms, all new tires, safetied. Asking $37,000. 306-592-2033, Buchanan, SK. 2003 IHC 9200, C12 Cat, 10 spd., 3-way locks, flat top bunk, MB. safety, 715,000 kms, $19,500; 2002 IHC 9900, C15 Cat, 475 HP, 18 spd., 3-way locks, mid-rise bunk, 1.1M kms, MB. safety, $18,000. 204-791-4573, Winnipeg, MB. DL#2884. 2003 KENWORTH T800, C-15 Cat 475 HP, 15 spd., 12 fronts, 46 rears, 50” bunk, new 22.5 rubber all around on alum. New rad, clutch, compressor, alt. and batteries. No emissions on this rig. Just over 1,000,000 kms and in very good condition, $35,000. Pictures available. 306-554-7976, Mozart, SK. 2003 PETERBILT, 475 Cat, 18 speed. 306-717-0477, Saskatoon, SK. 2004 INTERNATIONAL 9400 Eagle, C15, 475 hp Cat engine, 18 spd. trans., 46,000 lb. rear ends. In good condition, ready to go to work. $25,000 OBO. 780-352-4388 or 780-387-6356, Wetaskiwin, AB. 2005 AND 2006 379 Peterbilts, short nose Pete’s w/36” bunks, 206” WB, 430 to 470 H P. F i n a n c i n g av a i l a b l e . H a y Ve r n 204-729-7297, Brandon, MB. 2005 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, flat top sleeper, 500 Cat, 18 spd., Super 40 r e a r s , f r e s h S a s k . s a fe t y. R i c h a r d 306-325-2021, Lintlaw, SK. DL#304675. 2005 PETERBILT 379, 48” sleeper, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 40 rears, 410 ratio, alum. wheels, leather seats, wet kit, only 570,000 kms, 11,000 hrs. $59,000. 306-865-4166, Hudson Bay, SK 2005 PETERBILT, 700,000 kms, heavy spec, mint condition; also 2004 W900 Kenworth. 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. 2005 T800 KENWORTH, 72” bunk, white, ISX 475 motor, 13 speed, 3-way lockers, 1.5M kms, exc. shape, lots of repairs done, $35,900 OBO. 306-874-7696 cell, 306-383-2871 res., Quill Lake, SK. 2006 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, 14L 60 Series Detroit, 13 spd., 600,000 kms, wet kit, new tires, work order records, well mainatained, sharp truck, $39,500. Blaine at 306-782-6022, 306-621-9751, Yorkton, SK 2006 IHC 9400, ISX 535 Cummins, 18 spd. trans, 46,000 rearends, 22.5 tires, Eagle pkg., Pro heater, fresh safety just done w/new tires, 720,000 kms, asking $45,000 OBO. 306-796-4683, Central Butte, SK. 2008 KENWORTH 660, w/sleeper, 485 C u m m i n s p o we r, 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 k m s . P h . 306-373-8228, Saskatoon, SK. 2008 KENWORTH W900, 525 ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 46 diff, lockers; 2007 daycab, 379S, Pete, ISX Cummins, 46 diff, 18 spd.; 2005 IH 9900i, 525 ISX Cummins, 18 spd.; 2006 W-900 Kenworth, daycab, Cat 500, 18 spd., 46 diff.; 2005 Freightliner Classic , 475 Cat, E a t o n a u t o s h i f t , w/clutch, 46 diff., lockers; 2004 Freightliner Classic, 500 Detroit, recent eng. overhaul, 13 spd., mid-rise bunk; 2003 and 2001 Mack CH613, 460, 18 spd., 46 diff, lockers; 1999 Mack CH613, 460, 18 spd., alum. budds, also 1997 daycab; FL80 S/A van body w/power tailgate or box or deck, Cummins diesel, 10 spd., air ride. Dodsland, SK. 306-356-4550. DL #905231. 2008 KENWORTH W900B, ISX 600, Cummins motor with fresh inframe, 2 year, 200,000 mile warranty, 18 spd, 11-24.5 tires 60%, 72” midrise sleeper, 4.11 gears and 46 tonne diffs, $95,000 OBO. Mike: 306-463-7709, Kindersley, SK. TRUCKS, TRUCKS! AUTOMATICS, Box and hoists, day cabs, tractors, gravel. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK.
ATTENTION FARMERS! Heavy spec front air bag susp., 2003 Freightliner Columbia Detroit 500 HP, $10,000 worker orders on file, 18 spd., 12/46, 4:30 gears, 4-way lockers, 54” flat bunk, $39,900, SK. safetied. You can’t test drive at the auctions, but you can here! 306-242-2508, 7 days a week. Financing/ Gord 306-934-4445, Saskatoon, SK.
WE CAN NOW give 2 yr. or 350,000 km full powertrain warranty on any truck 2001 or newer!!! 2006 Freightliner Columbia day cab, heavy specs, 475 Cat, 18 spd., lockers, $45,500; 2003 Freightliner Classic, daycab, 475 Cat, 13 spd., 22.5 on alum., wet kit, only 850,000 kms, $33,500; 2006 Pete 379, 475 Cummins ISX, 18 spd., 12/46’s, lockers, 22.5 rubber, 48” bunk, $52,500; 2005 Kenworth W900 w/Cummins ISX, 244” WB, 13 spd., 3:90, 22.5 on alum., only 850,000 kms, super clean, $48,500; 2005 Freightliner daycab, 10 spd. Eaton Fuller auto, 430 Detroit, 750,000 kms, $35,000; 2005 379 Pete 119, 500 HP Cummins ISX, 13 spd., 12/40’s, 1.07M kms, $39,500; 2002 IH 9900 flat top heavy spec 52”, 430/470 Detroit, 15 spd., $26,000; 2002 Pete 379, 475 ISX, new 22.5 rubber, Can. Class interior/leather, 13 spd., safetied, $32,500; 2001 Western Star, 475 Cat 13 spd., lockers, super clean, $26,500; 2000 Kenworth W900L, 475 Cat 13 spd., 244” WB, 24.5 on alum. at 75%, $29,500; 2001 Western Star, 475 Cat, 13 spd., lockers, exceptionally clean; 2000 Pete 379, 475 Cat, 18 spd., very clean, $29,500; 2000 Western Star 4694, mid roof, 475 Cat 13 spd., 244” WB, clean and safetied, $29,500. 1999 Pete 379L, 430/500 Detroit, redone, 75% Virgin Michelins, safetied, $25,900; 1999 IH 9200, 475 Cat, just rebuilt, 13 spd., $15,500. T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer L t d . , Te r r y 2 0 4 - 8 2 5 - 7 0 4 3 o r K e n 204-362-0116. For pics and more info Winkler, MB.
ATTENTION HEAVY SPEC: 1999 Kenworth T-800, Cat C-12, 430 HP, $10,000 in work orders on engine, 18 spd., full 4-way lockers, 12/46 rears, PTO, wet kit, 624,000 orig. kms, new SK. safety, $34,900. 306-242-2508 Financing available, Gord 306-934-4445, 1992 INT. 2000 truck, 466 dsl., c/w 1992 Saskatoon, SK. McKee 600 manure spreader, good cond. ATTN CONSTRUCTION/ FARMERS, 306-228-3130, 306-228-7880, Unity, SK. need heavy specs? Full 4-way lockers? 1997 Freightliner FLD120, daycab, N14, 1650 GAL. SEPTIC TRUCK; Model 1954 525 HP Cummins, 18 spd., 12/46, 4:30 IHC tandem axle, C&C w/466 and rebuilt gears, pickup rails, 954,000 kms. Will han- 13 spd. 204-636-2249, Erickson, MB. dle 20’ grain box, headache rack, all new 1993 CARGO 7000 26’ Ford diesel cube r u b b e r, n ew S a s k . s a fe t y, $ 3 2 , 9 0 0 . van. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Saskatoon, ment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, S K , 3 0 6 - 2 4 2 - 2 5 0 8 . F i n a n c i n g G o r d Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit 306-934-4445. Ph. Mack Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. B TRAIN PULLER, 2005 Freightliner Clas- Auction sic, Detroit 515 HP, 18 spd., heavy rear PL 311962. ends, full lockups, low kms, $39,900. 2007 IH 5900i Eagle, 10,450 kms, 475 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. ISX, 18 spd., 20,000 lb. front, 46,000 rears, 16,000 litre Hutchison tank, T&E DAYCAB CONVERSIONS: Peterbilt, Ken- pump. 306-445-5602 days, 306-446-0148 worth, Freightliner, IH. Will custom paint eves., North Battleford, SK. and install grain boxes. Call 204-272-8063, 1979 F350 SERVICE truck, 400 eng., 4 or Rivers, MB. spd. trans., 250 gal. built-in fuel tanks, FOR SALE: TWO truck-tractors. Excellent $2500 OBO. 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK. for farm or commercial work. 1998 Volvo VN610, $15,000 or 1999 Volvo VN610, SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and $8000 or both for $20,000. Can be viewed equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chasat 4715 - 92 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB. T6B sis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE 2 J 4 . P l e a s e c a l l D a l e o r J o h n a t and Range Rider canopies and service caps. 780-463-9664 for more information. Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871. HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: 2006 IH 9400, Cummins 500 HP, 13 spd., WATER TRUCKS: 1993 and 1994 Int., 90 46 rears, $35,500; 1999 Kenworth W900L, barrel tanks, 466 Detroit engines, $14,000 Detroit 500 HP, 13 spd., $25,500; 1999 IH each. Will take feed grain or cattle on 9900, Detroit 470 HP, 13 spd., $18,500; trade. 306-421-1495, Estevan, SK. 2000 IH 9900, Cat 475 HP, 18 spd., 46 SERVICE TRUCK: 1994 1 ton dually, on rears, $24,500; 2001 Freightliner FLD120, propane, w/ crane, 454, 5spd., real good Cat 475 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, wet line, shape, $16,500 OBO. Will take trade on $21,500. Daycabs: 2004 Kenworth T300, smaller JD tractors, 1st-403-350-1795 or Cummins 315 HP, 10 spd., $32,500; 2002 2nd-306-856-4709, Conquest, SK. Sterling Acterra, Cat 300 HP, 9 spd., 24’ van body, $19,500. 1-888-457-5675 at MAN-LIFT BUCKET TRUCK, 45’ reach, Davidson, SK. DL on FL80 single axle diesel, $18,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. #312974. SET OF NEW WAY tri axle suspension with 2008 IHC CF600 GARBAGE TRUCK, dsl., 46 rock wells with lockers, 275,000 kms, auto trans., A/T/C, low kms. Trades? c/w frame, C15 Cat engine. Can deliver. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. 780-778-5553, Whitecourt, AB. 1995 9200 IH TANDEM TRUCK, c/w 430 Detroit, 13 spd trans, 44,000 rears, w/ 2005 hyd. 600 McKee manure spreader, $45,000; 1993 FORD 8000 auto trans., 8.3 Cummins, c/w 1993 hyd. floor change S a s ka to o n Regin a W in n ip eg and tailgate McKee manure spreader, 306-931-1911 306-569-9021 204-694-3874 $30,000; 1988 900 KENWORTH, 15 spd. DL #907370 Fuller trans, 3406 Cat, c/w 1996 hyd. floor c h a n g e a n d t a i l gat e M c Ke e m a nu r e spreader, $30,000. All in good shape. Phone 780-826-5539 Ardmore, AB. 1980 L8000 FORD cement truck, 8 yd. hyd. m i x e r, 3 2 0 8 C a t e n g i n e , $ 7 5 0 0 . 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. New & Used Cab & Chassis 1995 GMC TOPKICK with 2000 Harsh 575 Suitable For Grain Boxes complete, 97,770 kms, $10,000. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. 2008 F350 LARIAT crewcab, longbox, most extras, 24,000 kms, little winter drivCall for Details en, stored inside. Offers. 306-627-3445, 2008 Peterb ilt 36 7, T ri-Drive, Da y Ca b , IS X 485 HP, Blumenhof, SK. 18 s p d Au to s hift, 500,000 km s . Arrivin g S o o n . 1991 IH SINGLE axle gravel truck with five 2008 K en w o rth T8 00, E xt. d a y ca b s , IS X 485 HP, yard box, 133,240 original kms, 11Rx22.5 18 s p d , S u p er 40's , 600- 700,000 km s . rubber 75%, pintle hitch, fresh safety. 2008 K en w o rth W 9 00B, 62" ACF T , C-15 475 HP, $21,000 OBO. 306-743-2636 or 18 s p d ., 46's , L o ckers , 490,000 km s . Arrivin g S o o n . 306-743-7711, Langenburg, SK. 2008 K en w o rth T8 00, E xt. d a y ca b s , IS X 485 HP, 2006 STERLING DAYCAB, Mercedes Benz, 18 s p d , S u p er 40's , 600- 700,000 km s , 18 spd., 46 rears, wet kit; 2007 Renn end 20' gra in b o x. Arrivin g S o o n . d u m p , t r i - a x l e g r a v e l t r a i l e r. 306-861-5168, Weyburn, SK. 2008 K en w o rth T8 00, E xt. Da y Ca b s , IS X 485 HP, 18 s p d ., S u p er 40's , 600- 700,000 km s ., COURTNEY BERG ROUND BALE HAN16' gra vel b o x. DLER HYDRA-DECS. Sold and installed. 2007 K en w o rth T8 00, 72" ACAD S L PR., IS X 475 HP, Hydra-dec mounted Eze feeder in stock 18 s p d ., S u p er 40's , L o ckers , 698,000 km s . now. Centennial Garage, 403-378-4331, Duchess, AB, email Arrivin g S o o n . 2007 Peterb ilt 379 -127, 63" S L PR, IS X 565 HP, 1980 PETERBILT TRACTOR w/8 ton 18 s p d ., S u p er 40's , 950,000 km s , lo ckers . picker. Will sell for $12,000. Phone Jim 780-808-1280, Lloydminster, AB. 2007 Freightlin er FL D 120 Cla s s ic, Da yca b , C-15, 475 HP, 18 s p d ., 46 rea rs , 850,000 km s , lo ckers , w etkit. 2006 K en w o rth T8 00, 72" ACAD S L PR., C-15 475 HP, 13 s p d ., a u to , 46's , L o ckers , 1,017,000 km s . 2005 Peterb ilt 379 -119 , C-15 475 HP, 18 s p d ., 40's , 1,320,000 km s , L o ckers , 20' Gra in Bo x. 2005 K en w o rth T8 00, Da y Ca b , IS X 475 HP, 13 s p d ., 40's , 650,000 km s . 1-2000 In tern a tio n a l 9 200 Da y Ca b s , C-10 330 HP, 10 s p d ., 14K fro n ts , 40 rea rs , 2006 378 PETERBILT SS 16,000 L tank 756,000 km s . tandem truck, C15 470 Cat, 18 spd., only CALL FOR PRICING AND 79,000 kms, 2450 hrs, $120,000 OBO. LazADDITIONAL INFORMATION er 16,000 L SS 2 compartment tank. Phone 2 0 4 - 7 4 3 - 2 3 2 4 , C y p r e s s R i v e r, M B . Saskatoon: 1-800-268-4222 Regina: 1-800-463-9333 8 TON BOOM pickers R-Mack, new tires, Winnipeg: 1-800-850-1411 $15,000; 2002 Western Star, 400,000 kms, $22,000 OBO. 403-704-3509, Ponoka, AB.
C ustom T ruck S ales Inc.
QUALITY QUEEN CELLS, $5.50, 200+ $5.00, May-July. Clifford Honey Farm, 306-862-1384, Love, SK.
2005 GMC 5500 SERIES, 4 WD, w/mtd. picker and deck, auto. trans., 5th wheel and bumper hitches, 160,000 kms, vg cond. Phone 306-864-3142 evenings or 306-864-7748 cell anytime, Kinistino, SK. 2001 FREIGHTLINER Distributor truck c/w Rosco Maximizer III, 5.9 Cummins, 49,500 miles, $57,000 OBO. Prairie River, SK. 306-889-4259, 306-865-7417. 2002 IHC 2654 truck with 2003 Cattlelac 600 mixer box, clear reversing fan, 12,315 hrs., 57,482 kms, $30,000. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. 2005 PETERBILT DUMP truck, new gravel B&H, new rubber, fresh safety, 195,000 original miles, $75,000. 306-536-5055, Regina, SK. SEPTIC VAC TRUCK, 1996 Mack CH613, T/A vac truck, 350 Mack engine, 18 spd. trans., Bomega 80 bbl tank, Rebel agitator, Hibon SIAV6 pump, vibrator, hoist, hyd. tailgate, 3”, 4”, and 6” heated valves. Serviced regularly and has fresh safety. $45,000. 780-953-0649, Stony Plain, AB.
for prices or ask for a Dealer near you! “ Flexible Financing Terms available OAC” See all inventory and product details at
Shown w/optional silage extentions & aluminum body & rims.
35 foot, triaxle, air ride, hyd gate, hoist stabilizer, tapered tub body.
PLASTIC SHELTERS FOR sale, various manufacturers, sizes and colors. Selfstacking wooden incubation trays and Beav e r n e s t i n g b l o c k s . C o n t a c t E d SUCCESSFUL FULL SERVICE HAIR BOUTIQUE, including tanning bed and ex306-873-0255, Tisdale, SK. ercise room. Located in the progressive community of Kelvington, SK. This fully equipped business is available for immediate possession. Call 306-327-5326 or ONE 6x12’ INCUBATOR Hut, air condition- GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new er, humidifier, covered w/metal and on and existing farms and businesses. skids, approx 200 3” used nesting blocks. 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. O t h e r m i s c . e q u i p m e n t . M e o t a , S K . CABIN RENTAL BUSINESS- in Nipawin, 306-445-4708, 306-441-0473 cell. Sask. Regional Park, MacSwaney’s Cabins HONEY BARRELS DELIVERED to anywhere and Lodge. Turnkey operation. Nice balin Western Canada. Howard Smith Trans- a n c e s h e e t . C a l l S t e w F e t t e s , port Ltd., 306-631-8877, or Bruce Stewart 306-790-3766, Century 21 Conexus Rlty. Livestock 701-330-1662, Caron, SK. JOIN ONE of Western Canada’s fastest growing tire chains today! TreadPro Tire Centres is always looking for new members. TreadPro offers group controlled distribution through our five warehouses loUSED BELTING, 12” to 84” wide for feed- cated in BC, AB, and SK. Exclusive brands ers and conveyors, lots of 30” 1-1/8” and pricing for each TreadPro Dealer, 24/7 thick for lowbeds in stock. Ph Dave, Wain- access to online ordering backed up with sales desk support. Our marketing stratewright, AB, 780-842-2491 eves/weekends. gies are developed for the specific needs NEW SHIPMENT OF used belting, various of Western Canadian Dealers. Signage, l e n g t h s a n d w i d t h s t o 7 0 ” w i d e . displays, vehicle identification, group uniforms also important for visual impact and 306-933-9877. Saskatoon, SK. recognition are affordable with the support of the TreadPro Group. Product and sales training arranged according to your needs. Exclusive territory protection, reinforced with individual territory managers and home office support. Find out more about the unique features of the TreadPro group today. Our team will be happy to arrange a personal meeting with you to further discuss how TreadPro is the right fit. FOUNDATION REPAIRS: structural, crack Contact 1-888-860-7793 or go online to and concrete repairs, waterproofing. Sas- katoon, SK, 306-249-1100, 306-230-9690. WELL ESTABLISHED AND profitable business, gas bar, convenience store. Busy oilfield area. Owners retiring after 24 years. Edam, SK. 306-397-2812 after 6 PM.
W IN D O W S !W IN D O W S ! Saskatchewan's Largest Stocking Window Dealer Is Proud To Announce Saskatchewan's Lowest Discount Window Prices Featuring Energy Saving Low E And Argon At No Extra Cost To You!!! See our Showroom for the best selection & savings in Sask.
Take Home Windows Feature! Low E ✔Argon ✔No Charge ✔
with 3176 Cat engine, 350 hp, 13 sp, 765,000 original km, air ride, transmission, clutch and one rear end less than a year old, rubber 80%, equipped with a 2002 Golden View 17 bale self loader, deck is in excellent shape and truck is in very good condition................... $57,000 OBO. Call Cancade or call Bruce Chern at 306-740-7771.
2002 EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER, very nice condition. Lady driven, 165,000 km. Asking $10,000. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. 2008 KIA SPORTAGE LX, grey, 2.7L, V6, 76,000 kms, warranty remaining, well maintained. 306-948-2811 eves Biggar, SK 2010 JEEP LIBERTY, 4x4, $21,888. Wynyard, SK. Phone 1-800-667-4414 or visit
Sealed Picture Windows .........From $99.99 Horizontal/Vertical Gliders.....From $129.99 Casement Windows..............From $225.99 Basement Awning Windows. From $163.80 Storm Doors ........................From $159.99 Steel Insulated Door Units.........From $159.99 Patio Door Units ...................From $599.99 Garden Door Units ..............From $1099.99
MANUFACTURING BUSINESS, ideal sideline with active sales, very good profit margin, potential for growth. Phone for more info. Toll free 1-866-567-3101 or 306-561-7383. MEDICINE HAT, AB - well established imBurron Lumber port-export ag. manufacturing business. Exclusive products, presently Canada and 306-652-0343, Saskatoon, SK USA. Could be stand alone or add to existing business. Share sale, no real estate or expensive equipment to buy. Easily expandable and relocatable. Excellent for PINE AND POPLAR: 1” and 2” V-joint, ship- family or partnership. Owner to help with lap, log siding, etc. Phone: 306-862-5088, start up. F.S.B.O.- Now. Serious inquiries only. 403-528-3350. Nipawin, SK. CEDAR AND PINE LOG SIDING, 6” and 8” wide. Log home and cabin packages. Wood flooring. 1-800-960-3388, Rouck Bros., Lumby, BC ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” boards, windbreak slabs, bull rails, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK.
QUALITY HARDWOOD lumber, quarter cut Oak, Elm, Black Walnut, Hickory, Edge Grain Fir. Limited quantity, priced to clear. 1987 FORD DIESEL, 6 spd trans., 1996 Su- I nve n t o r y l o c at e d at D av i d s o n , S K . denga tank, 15’ long, holds 10 metric 403-318-7589 (AB cell.) tonne; Etch bender Virutex. 204-267-2292, or 204-856-9595, Oakville, MB. 1994 MACK 613, 427 HP, 10 spd., C&C t a n d e m , a i r r i d e , o n l y $ 1 6 , 5 0 0 . CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church1997 FREIGHTLINER FL80 tandem gravel es, pig barns, commercial, arch rib buildtruck, Cat 3126 engine, 6 spd. auto., 15’ ing and residential roofing. For info. call box, 108,000 original miles, X-City of 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK Yorkton, $35,500. Yellowhead Sales, Yorkton, SK. 306-782-2899. 1998 IH 4700, 24’ flatdeck, diesel, Allison auto, new tires, air ride, only 99,000 miles, premium cond., no rust, only $24,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 20’ INSULATED BOX and reefer, w/new overhead back door, $3500. Can deliver. 306-233-4971, Wakaw, SK. 2000 IH 4700 dump truck, 466 diesel, aut o m at i c , l o w m i l e s , o n ly $ 2 6 , 5 0 0 . 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2001 FREIGHTLINER FL80 gravel truck, tandem, Cat diesel, 6 spd. automatic, AC, 47,000 miles, premium no rust truck, like new, only $49,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2002 PETERBILT 330 van truck, 24’ Cat diesel, 5 spd. Allison auto, side door, rear lift, air ride, low miles, premium condition, only $26,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. DUMP BOXES IN STOCK: 13’, 14’, 15’ and 16’; 1979 IH 1950 rescue medical truck w/ 15’ box, 33,780 org. kms., diesel engine, DT466, $9900; 1986 Lincoln, near new cond,. 36,000 miles, $9900. Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd. (Ph) 204-667-2867 or (Fax) 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.
FARM EQUIPMENT AND service business for sale at the junction of highways 3 and 4 Glaslyn, SK. This turn key operation with 10,000 sq. ft. building, shop equipment, office equipment and service and delivery truck awaits your viewing. Total purchase price, all included for $650,000. MLS 393362. Call Lloyd Ledinski at Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK. 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512 Website: PROFITABLE SEED PROCESSING enterprise offered on primary highway 50 min. from Saskatoon. Satisfied loyal clientele plus plenty of value added potential. Young, SK.306-259-2055 or 306-259-4982
STEEL BUILDING PACKAGE w/blueprints, 97’x100’, 18’ walls, $99,000. Can deliver. 780-926-2600, High Level, AB.
ALL BUILDINGS MOVED, raised and leveling, hydraulic jacking. Howell Building Movers, 306-539-1791, Regina, SK. PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK.
FO R S ALE E s ta b lis hed gra in clea n in g flo u r m illin g b u s in es s , lo ca ted in the villa ge o f M a ym on t, Sa s ka tch e w a n S a le p rice in clu d es gra in legs a n d to w er, gra in b in s , exterio r tu b e s ys tem , clea n ers , d es to n ers , gra vity ta b le, s ca les , flo u r m ill a n d s ifter a n d n u m ero u s to o ls a n d eq u ip m en tto fa cilita te this b u s in es s . As s es s ed va lu e o fla n d a n d b u ild in gs is $150,200.00. As kin g p rice co m p lete is $285,000.00. Directfu rther in q u iries fo r co n ta cto r view in g to : Tony B ollinger In n o va tio n C re d itUn io n N o rth Ba ttle fo rd , S a s k. 306-446-9306 o r em a il Ton y.Bollin ge r@ in n ova tion F in a n cin g Ava ila b le O.A.C. RM OF REFORD: 115 acres with an estimated 600,000+ yards of gravel (50 acres cult. and 105 acres native grass). 55x40 (barn/shop with power). MLS ®373421. Adjoining quarter with home may also be purchased with the 155 acres. Call Wally Lorenz, RE/MAX of the Battlefords. 306-446-8800 or 306-843-7898, North Battleford, SK. LEADER, SK, 12 suite apartment block. Well maintained building, and excess land. Contact Greg Belof 306-596-7654, 306-525-3344, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Regina) Ltd. THRIVING APPLIANCE BUSINESS for sale, specializing in used, major appliances, parts and service. In beautiful Kelowna, BC. Business established in 1978, current owner retiring. 250-765-3769 after 6 PM. FOR SALE BY Owner Diesel Repair Shop in Vancouver, BC area. Building/business. Ph. 778-558-6914. SMALL GRAVEL BUSINESS for sale. Owner retiring. Phone: 306-862-4403, 306-862-8290, Nipawin, SK. EAVESTROUGH MACHINE, tools, ladders, pole scaffolding, inventory and trailer. Including 2005 GMC 3/4 4x4 ext. cab t r u c k . C o n t r a c t s i n c l u d e d , o f fe r s . 306-845-2078, 306-845-7420, Livelong SK UPGRADED HOTEL, Bowsman, MB, VLT’s, ATM, restaurant, $600,000 gross sales, $375,000 reduced. Call Mac 204-238-4949
CUSTOM SEEDING 60’ and 66’ Seed Master, 12” spacing, dual shoot set up for BUSINESS FOR SALE: small profitable granular fertilizer. Call Eric 306-640-8251, family dry cleaners. Good location, high Moose Jaw, SK. traffic, retiring. Call 306-764-3161, Prince T R OY S A N D E R S O N H A R V E S T I N G Albert, SK. booking seeding acres for 2011 season. Email: Phone Troy: 306-831-9776 or fax: 306-882-2300, Rosetown, SK.
EnerGuard W indow s & D oors Inc.
Saskatchewan’s largest manufacturer of custom Energy Star qualified PVC widows is looking for quality dealers. For further details, visit to complete the dealer application under the dealer resources menu tab.
JIMLEE AG SERVICES Claas 900 and 869, RU600 corn head, 18’ conditioners, 60’ swaths, merging, trucks, 12’ and 14’ bagger. Call Doug 306-698-7478, or Jim 306-697-7197, Grenfell, SK. KAISER’S CUSTOM SILAGING with Claas 960 hay header and Orbis 10 row corn header, tandem and semi trucks. Call for prices. Contact Ben at 306-744-7678 or Saltcoats, SK.
FULLY EQUIPPED MACHINE SHOP for sale, formerly Kaiser Welding of Cudworth, CUSTOM SILAGE, Taking bookings for SK. Estate sale. $160,000 or best offer. this years alfalfa, cereals, and corn. Competitive service and rates, equipped for Contact Dianne Peake 780-691-1091. wet conditions. Call Jason at Hague, SK. 306-381-7689.
MAGILL FARM AND FIELD SERVICES is booking custom spraying and swathing FARMS: NEED FINANCIAL HELP? Please acres for the 2011 season. Late model JD and Macdon equipment to serve your call Bob Stocks at: 306-757-1997, Regina, needs. For first class service call Ivor at SK. 403-894-5400, Lethbridge, AB. FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing CUSTOM BALE HAULING, 17 bale self and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, loading/unloading truck. Youngstown, AB. Contact Clint at 403-854-6400. Regina, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, 34 bales SASK. LTD. COMPANY for sale, several hauled. FOR SALE Hay bales, fence posts tax credits available with purchase. For and lumber 306-764-2108 Prince Albert SK more information call 306-221-2208. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation MAGILL FARM AND FIELD SERVICES is plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. booking custom spraying and swathing acres for the 2011 season. Late model JD Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. and Macdon equipment to serve your needs. For first class service call Ivor at 403-894-5400, Lethbridge, AB. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective BANDSAW BLADES: wood, metal, meat, way to clear land. Four season service, custom made. Steelmet Supply, Saska- competitive rates, multiple units available. toon. 1-800-667-3046. Bucket truck services. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. FREE CATALOGUE HALFORD’S butcher supplies and equipment, leather, animal J.W . COM M ERCIAL PAINTING control products, tanning, buyers of raw Sp ec ia lizing in:exterio r o ffertilizer b i ns , cattle hides. Call 1-800-353-7864. Webb a rn s , ho u s es , lightn in g ro d s & s ea m l es s site www.halfordsmailorder. com ea ves tro u gh READY TO MOVE: Self-contained butcher shop 8x48’, 8x10’ cooler w/rails, 8x22’ AC 825 Hochelaga St. E cutting room, 8x14’ utility room, triple Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0R2 sink, stainless tables, band saw, pressure Phone: 306-541-1135 system, water tank, water heater, 3 chest Email: freezers, 1 blast freezer, elec. heat, 200 amp service. 306-776-2427, Rouleau, SK. SPECIALIZING IN MULCHING! LAND CLEARING! TRAILS! STUMPS! No burning, no dozing, no piles, no ripping, no hauling. Turn trees and deadfall into mulch... Save selected trees if desired. The FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS enviro-friendly tree reduction company! We also specialize in: Crop insurance ap- (SK) 306-933-2950; (AB) 403-969-9348. peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR- Beaver Back-Track Investigations for assistance dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK, regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 306-827-2269, 306-827-7835. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1800; 160x60x14’ $2600; 180x60x14’ $3000; 200x60x14’ $3400; 150x50x15 $1800; 200x50x15’ $2600; 250x50x15’ SPECIAL CLEARANCE! Men’s oversized $3500. Saskatoon, SK, 306-653-3473, blue jeans (sizes 50-72) $29.95. Davidner’s 306-222-8054. in Prince Albert, SK. Phone 306-763-3707 TURBO CORRAL CLEANING. Two trucks with spreaders and Cat. Reasonable rates. 306-228-2466, 306-228-8355, Unity, SK. 4 T C O N T R A C TO R S I N C . C u s t o m mulching. Will do any kind of work. 306-329-4485, 306-222-8197, Asquith, SK. CACTUS RIDGE ENT. booking seeding NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, acres for 2011 season. 65’ Bourgault para- payloader, Bobcat w/rubber tracks, vertilink w/MRB’s, 10” spacing. Call Darren cal beater spreaders. Custom fencing. 780-842-7089, Chauvin, AB. 306-220-5013, 306-232-4838, Hague, SK.
RANCH OIL CONTRACTING LTD has 2 vertical beater truck mounted manure spreaders and JD wheel loader for hire in NW SK. and NE AB. For all your corral cleaning needs please call David or Joanna 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. RANCH OIL CONTRACTING LTD offers the following services: brushing, land clearing, land improvements, and dugouts. 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK.
2001 CAT TH82 TELEHANDLER 24’ reach, 8000 lb, 5016 hrs, quick attach forks. $24,900. Trades accepted, financing ava i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n ew o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515. 2006 LT185B tracked skidsteer, cab, 2 spd., 80” dirt bucket, 1960 hrs., 78 HP diesel, 3000 lb. lift capacity, $26,500; 2006 Cat 226 B skidsteer, new tires, cab, low hrs., $19,500. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. ALMOST NEW 2007 CATERPILLAR 320DL excavator w/thumb and buckets, will finance, $169,000; 2003 Bobcat 763, low hours, excellent, $16,900; 2006 Bobcat T-190, $28,000; Tennent street sweeper, cab, low hours, ideal for town use, $18,900 OBO. Doug Pichler, 306-291-4043 Saskatoon, SK. 2 0 0 6 V O LV O , E C 2 9 0 L C e x c avat o r, plumbed for hammer and thumb, quick attach 2-1/2 yd. bucket, 5394 hrs., wide pads, no leaks on cylinder or engine, pins and bushings excellent, very clean and very well maintained, $90,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 2005 CASE 430XT skidsteer, cab, air, heat, 725 hrs, exc. cond., asking $31,000. Call Ray, Ken’s Equip. Inc., 403-581-8140, Dunmore, AB. ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, SK, DOZER CRAWLERS TD7H dresser, 1997, 6-way blade; CASE 555E, long track, wide pad, 6-way blade, winch. $24,000 ea; D7F dozer, hyd. blade, real nice, $29,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. 2009 NH W110B LOADER, long reach, 2-1/4 yd. bucket, like new, 490 hrs, $112,000. 204-346-4434, Vita, MB. 1996 VOLVO A35C 35 ton rock truck, good 60% rubber, good running truck, asking $41,500, located Lethbridge, AB. Call 403-382-7478. LULL 944E-42 2005 model, tilt carriage, foam filled tires, excellent shape. $37,500; 2005 GEHL RS842, 2500 hrs. $34,500. Both machines w/full cab. 250-431-8162, Creston, BC. HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Enterprises, 306-682-3332, Muenster, SK. 1999 BOBCAT 753, bucket, cab and forks, $12,500. Phone Danny Spence 306-246-4632, Speers, SK. EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini excavators. Visit for details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone 306-764-2325, Prince Albert, SK. V-DITCH CLOSURE UNITS available. Lever Enterprises, 306-682-3332, Muenster, SK. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6 to 40 yards: Caterpillar, Allis Chalmers/ LaPlant, LeTourneau, etc., pull type and direct mount available. Cat #12 pull grader. 204-822-3797, Morden, MB. D8 CAT, exc. cond., new rails, new rollers, and sprockets, engine redone; also 9.5’ Towner offset breaking disc , w/36” notched blades. Serious inquiries only. 204-867-2188, Minnedosa, MB. CAT 435 and CAT 70 HYDRAULIC pull scrapers, very good condition; Also, CAT 8 0 a n d C AT 7 0 c a b l e s c r a p e r s . 204-793-0098, Winnipeg, MB. 2004 HITACHI ZX252USLC excavator, hyd. thumb, 2 buckets, quick attach, aux. hyds., AC, zero tail spin, asking $82,500, located Lethbridge, AB. Call 403-382-7478 NEW HEAVY DUTY V-DITCHERS now available. Quick Drain Sales, 306-682-3332 or cell 306-231-7318, Muenster, SK. CAT 950G LOADER 1 owner, ride control, serviced, 23.5R25 Michelin, excellent, very clean unit. 780-990-9604, Edmonton, AB. WANTED: TOWING WINCH to fit Cat D6B or 9U series. 204-748-1567, Virden, MB.
2006 WA320-5, 4900 hrs, bucket, forks; 2006 JD 544-J, 6300 hrs, bucket, forks, 3rd valve; 2006 Doosan 200, 2500 hrs, bucket, forks, 3rd valve; 1983 Cat 950B, 6500 hrs. Phone Jerry Ryan 780-915-5426, St. Albert, AB. T R E N C H S P E E D S H O R I N G , 34-55” trench width, c/w hyd. pump and jacks. 306-563-7834, Canora, SK. REBUILT D8-H 46-A transmission, ready to install, could supply work orders, $3600. 500 GALLON FUEL tank, meets new transCypress River, MB. Ph. 204-743-2324. portation regulations, electric pump, on tandem axle fuel trailer, c/w 2008 NH SUPERBOOM C190 skidsteer, mounted tool box and storage area. c/w 4 attachments, AC, deluxe cab, hi flow batteries, $3900. 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB. hyds., 2 spd. trans. and Pilot controls. 306-287-7707, Quill Lake, SK. D7G CAT w/DOZER and ripper, good MIXER TRUCKS: 1990 Mack tandem with shape. Ph 306-634-8009, Estevan, SK. 9 yd. London, $16,800. 1985 DMM Mack 2005 BOBCAT 435EHS 5 ton mini excavaw / 1 0 y r. J a e g e r m i x e r, $ 1 9 , 9 0 0 . tor, full cab with AC, thumb and QA. 306-946-2040 or 306-946-7874, Watrous, $25,500. 250-431-8162, Creston, BC. SK. 2 CAT 435 HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS; 2 Cat NEW 10’ AND 12’ Big Dog Box scrap- 80 hyd. scrapers; 1 MRF 20 yard hyd. ers. Heavy duty, tilt, 24’’ high back, 42’’ scraper. All good condition, $24,000available in both widths for up to 5 yd. $32,000. Also scraper and loader tires. heap capacity. Starting at $3500 for spring Q u i c k D r a i n S a l e s , M e u n s t e r, S K . orders. 204-871-1175, MacGregor, MB. 306-231-7318 or 306-682-4520. 1986 CASE W30 loader, new tires, starter, CONCRETE MIXER TRUCKS for sale: 3 and batteries, very good condition, Ford 9000’s and 1 Kenworth C500. Good $28,000; WANTED 60- 80’ radial stacking running trucks, well maintained. Phone conveyor. 306-369-2669, Bruno, SK. 306-327-5277, Kelvington, SK. D7E CAT w/U-shaped angle dozer, eng. and trans. rebuilt approx. 600 hrs. ago., nice shape, $20,000. 204-871-0925, McGregor, MB. 1983 DITCH WITCH 6510 Deutz 4 cyl diesel, carbide bit digging chain, 3 way 6’ blade, 6’ digging depth backhoe w/12” bucket. 1036 hrs, $8900. Trades accepted, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 1996 KOMATSU WA450 wheel loader, CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and 13,900 hrs, good tires, 5 yard bucket, tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, $42,000. 306-865-2524, Hudson Bay, SK, floating and levelling. Conterra t u r e s ove r 1 5 0 at t a c h m e n t s . C a l l 2008 JD CT 332 skidsteer, joystick con- 1 - 8 7 7 - 9 4 7 - 2 8 8 2 , o r v i ew o n l i n e at trols, warranty until June, 1100 hrs, exc. cond, $39,900. 306-561-7733 Kenaston SK CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model LOADERS, BACKHOES, CRAWLERS, D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, manlifts, skidsteers, Zoom boom, hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 leave message, Humboldt, SK. heavy trailers. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK HD21 ALLIS, 80-90% on rollers and tracks; JD 240 SKIDSTEER, 1765 hrs., with new 2U Cat and lots of extra parts; C-frame for back hoe attach. $17,400; JD 844 loader with QA bucket and forks, excellent condi46A. 604-795-4510, Chilliwack, BC. tion, $44,900; JD 401-D back hoe and NEW, USED AND SURPLUS wire ropes loader with re-built engine, $14,900. Many and rigging, all types, sizes, suitable for sizes and types of JD loader and excavator winches, fencing, etc. 403-237-8575, Cal- buckets. Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd. gary, AB. (Ph) 204-667-2867, (Fax) 204-667-2932, 1984 VOLVO T/A gravel truck, 14’ box, Winnipeg, MB. pintle hitch, 6V92 Detroit, 13 spd. trans., 4 SKIDSTEERS FOR SALE: 3- 2005 Bobruns great, certified, $15,000; 1993 KO- cat S150; 2007 Bobcat S250, full cab and MATSU WA-180 payloader, joystick, clam heat. Conquest Equip 306-483-2500, Oxbucket, good 17.5x25 radial tires, $31,500 bow, SK. OBO. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. 2008 580 SUPER M, very nice, as new con1979 CAT 966C loader, 6900 hrs., 4.25 yd. dition, 4x4 extend-a-hoe. Can deliver. b u c k e t , p r e m i u m c o n d i t i o n . C a l l 780-307-5948, Westlock, AB. 306-395-2588, 306-796-7350, Chaplin, SK. 1978 D7G, Ser #92V6757, w/tilt dozer SCRAPERS FOR SALE, Cat, LaPlante, Allis, and ripper, $45,000 WO, needs new rails, LeTourneau, converted to hyd., will also do nice pussycat for $36,000. Phone Jim custom conversions. Looking for cable 780-808-1280, Lloydminster, AB. scrapers. Call Toll free 1-866-602-4093. 2007 CAT 216B SKIDSTEER, 54 HP Cat 4 - PT WRT 13 wheel wobblies, vg condi- engine, low hrs., $21,900. 204-746-6605, tion, $8500 ea. OBO. Ph. 306-889-4259, 204-325-2496, Morris, MB. 306-865-7417, Prairie, River, SK. ON HAND: 19 skidsteers, 12 backhoes, 9 LARGE TOP LINKS FOR 3 HP tractors, telescopic lifts, 17 loaders, 2 crawlers, 3 $99/ea; Farm equipment lift cylinders, excavators, 1 grader, 2 Ditch Witches. $149/ea.; 300-New Buhler hyd. cylinders Website or phone from $49 and up; New 12V electric fuel 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. pumps, $49/ea; New 12V Versatile lights, $24/ea; Water pumps from 2” to 10”; 10- CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some fire engines, 36,000 miles and up; 2-100’ o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . ladder trucks. Cambrian Equipment Sales 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. L t d . ( P h ) 2 0 4 - 6 6 7 - 2 8 6 7 o r ( F a x ) 1998 INGERSOLL-RAND TELEHAN304-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. DLER VR90C, 9000 lbs, 3 section 36’ KOMATSU EXCAVATOR PC400-LC-5, 1994, boom, 4 cylinder Perkins, 6400 hrs., nice 4 yd. bucket; 224 Cat excavator; Euclid tires, very nice condition. $21,900. R35 water truck; Versatile 800 Series II Trades accepted, financing available. tractor; 1 Cat 235 quick coupler for buck- 1-800-667-4515. ets; Ext. 72” cleanout bucket, 3.75 yd.; Ext. USED CAT D7G RAILS, good condition, Ser. 48” digging bucket, 4 tooth, rims and $3500. 306-982-4501, Prince Albert, SK. tires for Vers. 800 series II, 18.4x38 in good cond. 306-634-9911, Estevan SK. CAT D-6RXL c/w ripper, Cat 320CL excavator, Cat 14G grader. Call 204-845-2033, Elkhorn, MB. CAT D6M, LGP, 6-way blade, new 3 prong ripper, paint and undercarriage, 7000 hrs., like new. 306-275-2007, St. Brieux, SK.
ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings, 24” to 42” notched disc blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB TREE SPADE VERMEER TS66T, good shape on a 1974 IH 1850 tandem. $20,000 OBO. 306-631-8974, Moose Jaw, SK. Email: YELLOW TRACTOR WORKS, Edmonton, AB. Your new source for used Cat parts and components 1-877-413-1774. Large inventory. email WANTED WHEEL LOADER: 100+ hp, $30,000 or less. 306-728-3969 or 306-728-1232, Melville, SK. NOW DISMANTLING, for parts D-6-H Cat Hy Track S/N 4RC01430; D7E-E Cat S/N 1498; D7-F Cat S/N 92E1836; D65-E6 Komatsu S/N 32378; FD-20-BAC Fiat Allis S/N 009686; D8-46A Cat S/N 3807. Lots of good parts left. Call for more info 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. TWO 621B MOTOR SCRAPERS, recent work orders, $50,000 each OBO. 306-534-2095, Spy Hill, SK. 2004 CASE/IH 580 SM backhoe, 4850 hrs., 40” digging bucket, front rubber 1 yr old. $52,000 OBO. 306-743-2636 or 306-743-7711, Langenburg, SK. 2003 MODEL INGERSOLL SD40, 54” sheepsfoot vibratory compactor w/blade, perfect condition. $19,500. 250-431-8162 Creston, BC. CASE W24B PAYLOADER, 135 HP, 2.5 yd. bucket, cab w/heat, runs excellent, $21,500 OBO. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. LAS VEGAS! LOADERS, Cat IT-12, bucket, forks, $25,000; Cat 950, $25,000; Backhoe Case 580 Super M, $45,000; Skidsteers, 2006 JD 325, cab, heat, $25,000; Manlift Genie 45/25 J 50’, $22,900. 306-563-4160, 306-563-8765, Canora, SK WOBCO 666 ROAD GRADER w/471 Detroit engine. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. NEW SHEEPSFOOT PACKER easy to move hydraulic transport system. Call today for more information. EZ MUV PACKERS Melron Service 306-946-2256 or 306-946-2242 evenings, Watrous, SK. 580 SUPER K EXTEND-A-HOE, 4088 hours, excellent condition, $22,000. 306-781-4553, Pilot Butte, SK. NEW LOADER/SKID STEER TIRES 20.5x25 20 ply $1496; 10x16.5 10 ply $179; 12x16.5 ply $219; 20.8x42 16 ply $1699; 20.8x38 12 ply $826; 20.5x25 24 ply $1610; 13.00-24 12ply $436; 17.5x25 24 ply $809. Factory-direct, no middlemen. Combine, tractor, implement tires also available. 1-800-667-4515. 1979 BOMAG COMPACTOR K300 for parts. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.
PULL ROAD GRADER converted by C.W. Enterprises, slightly used; Sheepsfoot and Padfoot packers. Call 204-746-4131, Rosenort, MB. D85 KOMATSU hydraulic angle dozer, full canopy and brush guard, excellent UC. Can deliver. 780-307-5948, Westlock, AB.
As kin g
M ode l:
2006 160LC hyd. excavator, 3600 orig. hrs, exc. cond. $54,000. 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB. 2008 JCB 541-70 Agri-Plus telescopic handler, 3486 hrs, lift cap, 9000 lbs to 24’, 4 spd powershift, 4 WD, 4 wheel steering, limited slip front axle, single lever boom control, smooth ride, hyd. Q-fit carriage, aux. hyd, deluxe cab w/AC, heater and CD, quick attach grapple bucket incl.! Factory warranty till 2013! $59,500. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. TAKE ADVANTAGE of the Canadian high dollar. US prices will rise dramatically soon. For all your heavy equipment needs call 815-239-2309, Pecatonica, IL. 2007 332 JD skidsteer, farm use only, only 900 hrs., exc. cond., $35,500 OBO; Also 84” snowbucket available. Medicine Hat, AB. Phone 403-504-9607.
120,000 obo
5x12 2 De ck Scre e n -it
S eria l #: 07306-640 Hea vy-Du ty Ro a d Ru n n er Dies el p o w ered S creen -it. 14.5 cu . Y d . feed ho p p er w ith 48” im p a ct ro ller b elt feed er, hea vy d u ty im p a ct 20 p ickin g d egree ro lls , ru b b er la gged hea d p u lley, w in ged ta il p u lley, ru b b er a d ju s ta b le s kirt b o a rd , a n d hea vy d u ty va ria b le s p eed hyd ra u lic d rive. T he b elt feed er is 23’ lo n g a n d 48” w id e. 5x12 s creen d eck. T he s creen p la n tis o p era ted b y a high to rq u e, 70 Hp . Deu tz, a ir-co o led d ies el en gin e. S creen er ha s a b a ll d eck a n d co m es co m p lete w ith extra s creen s . Form ore in form a tion p lea s e ca ll
Jerry @ 3 06-5 77-7649
For Further Information Phone
Fax: 780-452-8474 18104 - 111 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5S 2R1
3 3Ͳ3d^ϭϰ3ϭϯhKd3ϰ3^ƉĞĞĚ3^ĐƌĂƉĞƌƐ Ϯ 3ϭ 3Ͳ3<ŽŵĂƚƐƵ3 ϴϱW3 ͬt3ZŝƉƉĞƌƐ3ϳϱй3h 3Ͳ3EĞĞĚƐ3DŽƚŽƌ3tŽƌŬ 3ϭ 3Ͳ3tĂĂŐŶĞƌ3WĂĐŬĞƌ3;^ŝŵŝůĂƌ3ƚŽ3 Ăƚ3ϴϭϱͿ 3&Žƌ3ŵŽƌĞ3ŝŶĨŽ3ĐĂůů͗333333 GOL F SCAP E 3Ͳ3ϰϬϯͲϵϰϱͲϯϲϮϳ34ŝƌĚƌŝĞ͕34 3ŐŽůĨƐĐĂƉĞΛƉůĂƚŝŶƵŵ͘ĐĂ D7G ANGLE DOZER TILTS, std., winch, new UC - 0 hrs., 26” pads, drawbar, new batteries. 306-238-4411, Goodsoil, SK.
DIESEL AND GAS ENGINES for tractors, combines and swathers. JD, IH, Perkins, Cat, Ford. Early and late models. One year w a r r a n t y. P h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 .
FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps, generators, phase converters, etc. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A - 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK,
Bld g . Com p a n y In c (2005)
O rde r N O W for 2011 Cons tru c tion
Built in hrs. to last a lifetime 1-888-6 92-5515 D errick - Cell
306 -6 31-8550 W ayn e - Cell
306 -6 30-5758 w w w .z ip p e rloc k .c om
K-TEC 2500 PULL scraper, 26 yard, rigged for tandem use, $65,000 OBO. 306-698-7666, Wolseley, SK. TS14B SCRAPER; John Deere 772 AH grader; D7G Cat ripper, cab, A dozer tilts; 10’ Rome disc. 306-893-7721, Maidstone, SK. CAT D9H, S/N #90V05973 w/cab, ripper and angle dozer, $77,500; 1987 10 man camp, 2 side by side, 12x54’ units, $27,000; 125 KW Genset, S/N #4B13394, c/w Cat 3303 eng. $19,500; 2500 gal. h e at e d w at e r s h a c k , $ 1 7 , 5 0 0 ; R o d Rouleau, SK TWO 6.0 GM gas motors and 6 speed auto 780-918-1499, Leduc, AB. A465 transmissions, 2008 and 2009. The POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, BARGER PARTS INC. is celebrating 30 motors and trannys have less than 200 hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins years in business. Enjoy our celebration miles on them, everything is brand new. and hoppers. Construction and concrete savings for all your crushing equipment Sell as a pair, call for pricing, very rea- crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel parts needs. Parts available for all makes sonable. 306-745-7743, Esterhazy, SK. Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. of cones, jaws, rolls, screen decks, washing equipment, conveyor parts, including idlers, rollers and reducers for all makes and models. Call Pete Gerrard at 1-866-434-6700. 3 CAT D2 CRAWLERS, attachments as follows: loader, Cat tow winch and PTO, Cat angle dozer. All running units. Package price $16,900. Cambrian Equipment Sales GENERALC ONTRACTORS Ltd. (Ph) 204-667-2867 or (Fax) 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. Prim arily used in 1998 CAT D7R XR and 2003 CAT D7R XR agriculture, II dozers; 2005 236B CAT skidsteer. Phone 780-361-7322, Edmonton, AB. aviation,com m ercial
Westrum Lumber
FOR SALE: surge milk tank, 1000 gal., complete with two 3 HP compressors. Call 780-352-4553 or 780-312-0130, Falun, AB.
USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regina, SK
72,820 + G ST 50’X 100’X 18’ CLEA R SPA N 26 G A UG E.G A LVA LUME. WA LLS + RO O F R 20 INSULATIO N
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34%%, &!2- 34/2!'% CANADIAN STAMPED
1-800-561-5625 W O O D CO UN TRY
3,500 Bushel Unstiffened Behlen
306- 634- 5111 306- 699- 72 84 306- 873- 4438 -c ou n try.c a
• • • • • •
16’ Dia Bin / 12” Slide Gate 27” Remote Lid Opener / Safety Fill Safety Ring / Wall & Roof Ladders Heavy Duty 8 Leg Cone w/18” Air Port Painted Cone Interior / Exterior Double 4x6 Skid / Man Hole
#1 M ETAL CLADDING M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. Phon e forp ricin g .
• Dimensional Frame • Post Buildings • Engineered Steel Buildings
G a lv. roof m eta l, Colored w a ll m eta l, Colored m eta l fla s hin g s (ou ts id e corn ers , ba s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, g a ble fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Door& Lock s et. 40x80- 16’ trea ted 6x6 p os t bld g . c/ w 20x16 a ll s teel s lid in g d oor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,690.42 C a ll us w ith your requirem ents for a free es tim a te.
Hopper Bin Combo
• • • • • •
18’ Dia Bin / 18” Rack & Pinion Gate 27” Remote Lid Opener / Safety Fill Safety Ring / Wall & Roof Ladders Heavy Duty 10 Leg Cone w/24” Air Port Painted Cone Interior / Exterior Double 4x6 Skid / Man Hole
Set-up Included Delivery Charges Extra
Set-up Included Delivery Charges Extra
*Optional Air Screen & 5hp Fan Available*
*Optional Air Screen & 5hp Fan Available*
7,000 Bushel Unstiffened Behlen 10,000 Bushel Unstiffened Behlen Hopper Bin Combo
• • • • • •
19.5’ Dia Bin / 18” Rack & Pinion Gate 27” Remote Lid Opener / Safety Fill Safety Ring / Wall & Roof Ladders Heavy Duty 12 Leg Cone w/24” Air Port Painted Cone Interior / Exterior Double 4x6 Skid / Man Hole
Hopper Bin Combo
• • • • • •
22’ Dia Bin / 18” Rack & Pinion Gate 27” Remote Lid Opener / Safety Fill Safety Ring / Wall & Roof Ladders Heavy Duty 14 Leg Cone w/24” Air Port Painted Cone Interior / Exterior Triple 4x6 Skid / Man Hole
Set-up Included Delivery Charges Extra
Set-up Included Delivery Charges Extra
*Optional Air Screen & 7hp Fan Available*
*Optional Air Screen & 10hp Fan Available*
18,237.00 + GST
• W e ca n s u p p ly a ll you rm a teria ls from s ta rtto fin is h. ~ Brin g in you r p la n s f or a FREE Es tim a te ~
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&!#4/29 $)2%#4Ü #,%!2!.#% -/$%,3
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Hopper Bin Combo
)$%!, &/2
OSLER, SASK. PH: (306) 242-7767 FAX: (306) 242-7895
Phone forpricing.
Serving all of Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia
w w w .pio n eero n es m
ALP INE 32 ’ X 5 0’ X 18 ’ In clu d es fra m ed op en in g for 14x14 overhea d & 4’x7’, s ervice d oor, excellen t s hop or s tora g e bu ild in g , com es w ith fou n d a tion d ra w in g s & m a n u a ls , d elivered to m os ta rea s . O n ly $15,500.
PW F fen ce po sts & b a rb ed w ire in sto ck.
1- 8 77- 5 2 5 - 2 002
L iftPricing Available.
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1-8 6 6 -9 74-76 78
Rig id fra m e bu ild in g a va ila ble for s m a ll reta il ou tlets to la rg e in d u s tria l fa cilities . This s ize for on ly $29,418.
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MATERIAL PACKAGES SUPPLY ONLY Metal roofs. New or repair. Complete designs & engineering. Turnkey projects. Project management.
The s tro n ges t po s t s ys tem CONCRETE POST a va ila b le
SILVER STREAM SHELTERS: 30x72 single steel frame cover kit, $4700; 38x100 truss, $11,900. Replacement tarps for any brand, patch kits, rope webbing and ratchets. Call 1-877-547-4738.
QUONSET TO BE DISMANTLED, wind damaged, 40’x80’. Phone 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK.
Esteva n , S K M cLea n , S K Tisd a le, S K w w w.w ood
HayS heds DairyB arns RidingAr enas Maintenance Shops
BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK.
& industrialapplication.
DELAVAL 5000 LITRE bulk tank, $7000; 3” pipeline 100’ w/receiver group and auto wash; 8 Harmony milkers and 8 Universal take-offs. 204-759-2710, Shoal Lake, MB.
POLE BUILDING PACKAGE: 64’x200’x22’ 2x8 4 ply laminated posts (treated). 2x8 6 ply laminated door posts, metal inside and out, sandstone colored walls outside, white roof and stripes, white interior trim and screws, etc., poles and metal only. 16’x24’x8’ addition (c/w pkg.) for mechanical room, etc. 2x6 4 ply laminated posts, metal inside and out, (colors same), trim and screws, etc., poles and metal only. Complete package, $45,000. Call Byron Blackwell 306-831-8002, Dinsmore, SK.
FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody.
GRAVEL CRUSHER $185,000. Jaw and cone combo, c/w generator, screen deck and stackers. 250-431-8162, Creston, BC. DIAMOND DRILL STEM 2” and 3”. 204-476-0002, Neepawa, MB. 2006 JD 330, hydraulic excavator, c/w thumb, 3800 hours. Can deliver. Phone 780-307-5948, Edmonton, AB. ALLIS HD11 and 11-B parts for sale; Also HD11EP with hydraulic dozer for sale. Call 204-242-2783, Manitou, MB. AUCTION: 2000 JD 410E Backhoe. Call Hodgins Auctioneers for more info. 1-800-667-2075. PL #915407.
REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 12/24v 5.9L Cummins; GM Duramax. Other new/used/and Reman diesel engines available. Call 204-532-2187, 8 AM to 5:30 PM Mon to Fri. Thickett Engine Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB. 3208 CAT ENGINE, no leaks, runs good. 306-493-2556, 306-493-7382, Delisle, SK.
42’ X 70’ COVERALL building, comes with 18’ wide x 16’ high overhead door, disassembled. $10,000 obo. 306-241-3140, Langham, SK. AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK.
D6D 4X896 ANGLE dozer, tilts, Carco winch, c/w new rails. 306-278-2048, 306-230-6644, Porcupine Plain, SK. 1998 CASE 580SL Series II, 4x4 extend- WISCONSIN V465D engines: One propane, a-hoe with 24” bucket, new rear tires, $1200 OBO; One gas w/only 5 hrs. use, front- 90%, deluxe cab, work ready, Pics $2500 OBO. 306-221-4020, Saskatoon, SK. avail. $32,000. 403-274-5674, Calgary, AB. D8H, 1974, SERIAL #46A30307, angle blade, SS ripper, UC 65%, $30,000. 306-662-2583, Maple Creek, SK.
S A N D P R O C E S S I N G P L A N T , Drys, screens and bags, $2500. 306-862-5521, Nipawin, SK.
24,667.00 + GST
CREWS AVAILABLE!! Authorized Dealer
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H I G H TEN S I LE R OOFI N G & S I D I N G $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ $ CALL N O W $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/ SAKUNDIAK BINS, 250 bu. to 55,000 bu. Winter booking on now for best pricing and guaranteed delivery. Example: all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up, and delivery within set radius. Behlen bin/ hopper combos: 3,500 bu. $10,450; 4,235 bu. $12,250; SPECIAL 5,000 bu. $13,500. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. Know what you are investing in. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.
BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ diameter, w/wo floors; Also move liquid fert. tanks. 306-629-3324, 306-741-9059, Morse, SK.
1-800-665-0470 S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 O lds O ffice 403-586-0311 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822
BEHLEN BIN/ HOPPER COMBOS: 3500 bu., 10 leg hopper and skid, unstiffened grain bin, roof and side ladder. Manhole in hopper. Constructed. Leasing available. $10,295, while supplies last. Peterson Construction, 306-789-2444, Regina, SK.
W e s toc k the top tw o in d u s try le a d in g gra in e xtra c tors . Stocking New & Used Grain Baggers.
Young’s Equipment Inc. 1-800-803-8346 GRAIN BIN DAMAGE? Wind damage repairs to all makes. Call Quadra Dev. Corp. 1-800-249-2708, Rocanville, SK. BBB BIN CONSTRUCTION - Erections, extensions and repairs Alberta and Sask. Fully insured. 306-716-3122, Eston, SK.
NEED GRAIN STORAGE? Book early and save! Twister flat bottom bins. Up to 52,000 bu. capacity. Full floor aeration, unload system, concrete form, roof vents. Visit your nearest Flaman store or call BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ diameter, 1-888-435-2626. 34’ high, with or without floors. Call Lorne 306-468-7916, Canwood, SK. WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919. ON STRUCTURAL DESIGN
Financing Available
ALUMINUM TANDEM AXLE tanker trailer suitable for hauling water or liquid fertilizer. $10,500. 306-423-5983, St. Louis, SK. LOOKING FOR a floater or tender? Call me first. 30 years experience. Loral parts, new and used. 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB.
BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. SDL HOPPER CONES. Prices starting at 14’, $2250; 15’, $2800 15’-10”, $2970; 18’ $4100; 19’ $4500. All cones c/w manhole, double top band, slide gate on nylon rollers. Optional skid base, aeration, freight extra charge. 306-324-4441, Margo, SK. 2- MUIRHEAD MFG. 400 bu. hopper bins, Twister 3900 and 2000 bu. hopper bins, 2Behlin 3100 bu. grain bins bolted to cement, Westeel 2000 bu. bin w/steel floor. Edward Gall Farm Equipment Auction on Saturday, June 18, 2011, Estevan, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook! 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
BUILDING SOLUTIONS Farm & Commercial Buildings
1- 8 66- 665 - 6677 w w w.d a rm a Building Supplies & Contracting
Hague, SK P: 306-225-2288 F: 306-225-4438
Quality Workmanship Material & Service Leading Suppliers & Contractors of: Shops & Pole Sheds Post & Stick Frame Building Riding Arenas D airy, H og, & C hicken Barns
Introducing Zak’s Pre-Engineered Laminated Post!
See us for competitive prices and efficient service!
M & K WELDING Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld
Em a il: s a les @m kw eld
H opper C one to fita 14’W esteelRosco (up to 2000 bu)includes 8x4 skid
H opper C one to fita 19’W esteelRosco (up to 3300 bu)includes 10x4 skid
Q uantities are lim ited. Prices subject to change. M & K W elding can also build you a custom hopper for m any m akes & sizes of bins.
S a les - Fina nce- Delivery- S et- up
1-86 6 -6 6 5-6 6 77
KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346
BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK.
RUSTY’S GRAIN BIN moving. Book your b i n m ov i n g s t a r t i n g J u n e 1 , 2 0 1 1 . 306-278-2141 or 306-278-7450, Porcupine Plain, SK. CUSTOM BIN MOVING in Saskatchewan, up to 21’ diameter. Marty 306-220-7915, Blaine Lake, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK.
14’- 30’ in d ia m eter M a d e to fita ny s ize ofb in
KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199. 60,000 BTU BIN fan heater, 3 HP, single phase, $1500. 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB.
NEW NEW NEW 1515 LP Batco transfer auger w/new hydraulic mover kit. Retail $10,770. Cash price $9800. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. BRANDT DRIVE OVER conveyor, near new. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.
w w w .go o do m
KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346.
BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain augers, Rem grain vacs, SP kits. Del. and leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. NEW 1545 LP Batco conveyor, c/w mover and 27 HP Kohler. Reg. $24,890, cash $20,900. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.
Contact Mike
Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds
Saskatoon, SK
Phone: 306-373-4919
1• 877• 463 • 8256
Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters Temp Cables Authorized Dealer
Canadian Built Insurance Certified Bin Anchors
• • • •
Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage
CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, SK, AB, and MB, all types of bins up to 10,000 bushel, accurate estimates. Sheldon’s 2- 2500 BU. Butler grain bins to give Hauling, 306-922-6079, 306-961-9699, away, no floors, must be disassembled before moved. 780-322-2574, Nampa, AB. Prince Albert, SK.
LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.
FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837. SIX 4000 BUSHEL hopper bottom bins and 6000 bushel/hour leg at a producer car loading site, Weyburn, SK. 306-861-0722.
BIN MOVERS. The largest fleet of bin moving trailers and equipment in the prairies. Book now for spring. Good rates, great service. Can move up to 19’ wide and 30’ tall. L’il Truck Hauling Ltd., 306-338-3921, Kelvington, SK. Fred or Merle 306-338-8288.
WANTED: PATTISON LIQUID dribble bander. 306-848-0648, Weyburn, SK. LOOKING FOR LIQUID FERTILIZER STORAGE? Check out our prices first! 8300 gal. liquid fertilizer tanks. Ready to deliver. Visit your local Flaman store today or call one of our ag specialists at 1-888-435-2626, 40’ COULTER, new Raven monitor, 1500 gal. green drop band wagon. $14,000. 403-772-2191, Morrin, AB. 1995 IHC FLOATER w/Lor-Al air max V, 60’ booms, auto trans., one season on new m o t o r. $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . 2 0 4 - 7 4 5 - 7 2 3 1 o r 204-750-1048, St. Leon, MB. AG CHEM EQUIPMENT CO. model 1554 truck mount hopper spreader with live floor twin spreaders and Dickey John monitor. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 1450 GAL. NH3 tank on 1750 wagon; 2000 gal. NH3 tank and wagon. 306-489-2056, Alameda, SK.
CUSTOM BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ d i a m e t e r, 3 4 ’ h i g h , w i t h c o n e s . 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. NINE BEHLIN 2911 bu. bins, $2000 per bin or $16,000 for all nine. Bins c/w transitions and aeration tubes. Contact Dale at 306-594-2942, located in Norquay, SK and are to be moved by purchaser. LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel 2002 8144 AG-CHEM 4 WD, 2550 hours, grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Di- Airmax 1000 bed, 70’ booms, $104,000. rect, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK. Ph 406-466-5356, Choteau, Montana. For more pics: DEALER FOR SAKUNDIAK BINS, from 250 to 55,000 bu. Includes skid, ladders, IH 645 35’ vibra chisel cultivator w/Valmanhole, set up and delivery available. mar setup for dry fertilizer, in good cond. Also hopper cones, 14 to 21’ dia. w/skids. 204-324-6266, Rosenfeld, MB. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. 1989 TERRAGATOR 1603T liquid floater, 3208T Cat, 10 spd. trans., 1600 USG tank, 80’ boom, Raven controller, vg cond., $15,000 OBO. 204-223-7660, Starbuck, MB
$3,095 & Tax. Reasonable Freight Rates.
Winter Booking Special Limited Time Offer.
Shield Development Ltd.
306-324-4441 Margo, SK.
SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK, BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new and used sea containers, all sizes. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon, SK. 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. 306-933-0436. 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. 1000 L PLASTIC container pods w/built-in pallet and 2” bottom suction valve. Great for used oil, etc, $150/ea. 306-272-7038, Foam Lake, SK.
SEE AT 2006 4010 Case, 70’ booms, $122,000; Special: 2002 8144, 4x4, 70’ booms, 2450 hrs, $102,000; 2002 Lor-Al, 400 HP auto, 2900 hrs, w/2000 twin bin, $107,000; 2000 Lor-Al, 300 HP auto, w/AirMax 2000 twin bin, 4000 hrs, $92,000; 1999 8104 Ag-Chem w/airflow spreader bed, 70’ booms, $68,000; 1995 Ag-Chem 1844, 4 wheel airflow 5 bed, $38,500; 1994 Lor-Al sprayer, 5585 booms, $34,000; 1999 LorAl, w/new leader 3020 bed, $43,000; 2005 4300 IH w/new leader G4 bed, $79,000; Double 1550 NH3, twin pack, on skids, $15,500. 406-466-5356. Larger selection: Choteau, Montana. RAVEN ANHYDROUS KIT. Call Don 306-782-5837, Yorkton, SK. 2003 PATTISON 1600 gallon liquid fertilizer caddy, 186” axle, w/auto rate control, $19,900. 306-429-2764, Glenavon, SK. PATTISON PB 2150 liquid caddy, John Blue 4955 pump, rebuilt 2007 hyd. pump drive, 5.5 Honda 3” fill pump, 28Lx26 rears, 21.5x16 fronts, good cond. Rocanville, SK. 306-645-4430 or 306-645-4238.
Equip your auger to sense when the bin is full or when your air seeder is full. Call Brownlee’s Trucking - Unity, SK
306-228-2971 or 1-877-228-5598 ONE OF A kind 1999 4x4 Loral with Airmax 5 bed, $71,000. 406-466-5356, Choteau, M o n t a n a . F o r m o r e p i c t u r e s s e e at FOR ALL YOUR
1 800 667 8800 1200 AND 1000 NH3 and LPG tanks, certified. Call 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. COMPLETE SET NH3 applicator for 40’ cultivator. For info call 780-753-6136, 780-753-1346, Provost, AB. 2009 CONVEY-ALL TENDER TRAILER 32’, new safety, self-contained hyds. 4 compartment. Only used for 5 wks., like new, $56,000 OBO. Ph 204-268-5135, Beausejour, MB. LOR-AL 3010 FLOATER, 1998, w/AirMax V, edge box, mid tech, AutoSteer, field ready. Asking $49,500 OBO. May consider trade. 204-685-3144, 204-872-1100, Austin, MB.
12” x 71’ GRAIN AUGER INVENTORY CLEAR OUT New 42 71 s ta rting a t
$14,48 4.00
• F u lly Assem b led F ield Read y • D elivered to you rF arm Yard . • Ask ab ou tAu gerop tion s & d i scou n ts availab le.
Ph on e : 1. 800. 66 7.8 8 00
GET PREPARED FOR HARVEST- J & M Grain Carts, sizes up to 1500 bu. Order now and get your choice of colour and options. Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626
SIMON DAY 6-12 PRECISION GRADER c/w 5-1/2 slotted shells, $5500; Six 5-1/2 RH shells for above grader, $1200; Four 3-1/2 slotted shells, $800; Six 4.96 mm ribbed shells, $1200. Ph: 306-873-2268 Tisdale, SK. TWO #7 INDENT SHELLS for Superior grain cleaner. Shell size 23”x85”. Melville, SK. 306-728-3278. CLIPPER 248DH Wind and Screen for sale. Ball racks, screens and misc. spare parts included, $6500 OBO; 6 roll Carter Day width grader, $2850 OBO. Warsburg, AB. For more info. call 780-848-2365 or QUICK CLEAN: 5 TUBE screener, $3500; 7 tube, $6500; 2 stage grain screeners, $1750 and up. Phone 1-866-938-8537, or visit:
BUHLER FARM KING 10-70 swing auger, Highline 8510 PTO grain conveyor, Highline 1600 hyd. transfer grain conveyor, Batco 1835 PTO grain conveyor, Sakundiak 7-52 PTO auger. Huge Farm-ConstructionRV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit Ph. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
WHEATHEART 10”x41’ AUGERS, mover kit, electric clutch, 35 HP Vanguard motor with cover and auger downspout, $11,900. SEED CLEANER, 600 BPH, removes large Visit your nearest Flaman Store today or and small weeds and chaff. Unit is mountcall us 1-888-435-2626. ed on stand w/two conveyors for clean 2000 SPRAY-AIR AUGER, 13x71, $8000. grain and screenings. Three 3 HP motors. Portable. $38,000. Steven 306-222-6173 Phone Russ 403-333-4816, Airdrie, AB. Saskatoon, SK. 1994 TERRAGATOR 1804 dry floater, air BRANDT 8X52 SUPERCHARGED PTO auger spreader box, 60’ boom, 8.3L Cummins, 10 ( o r a n g e ) , hy d r a u l i c w i n c h , $ 2 2 0 0 . WESTERN CANADA’S LARGEST inventospd. trans., $25,000. 204-759-4240, Shoal 306-429-2704, Glenavon, SK. ry of screens and frames for most makes Lake, MB. of Grain Cleaners. Also a large inventory of BEFORE YOU BUY AN AUGER, CHECK buckets and bolts of all sizes, for all makes US OUT! We have a large selection of of Bucket Elevators. Call Flaman Sales quality, used grain augers with mover kits. 1-888-435-2626 or 306-934-2121 or visit Great prices! Ready to go! Call us today, Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, SK, 1998 FORSBERG Float-Aire destoner, large 306-934-2121. capacity, good cond, $10,900 OBO; Carter SALE: WHEATHEART AUGERS: BH 8x41 millerator. 306-759-2723, Eyebrow, SK. w/mover, clutch and 27 HP motor, reg. $12,780, cash $11,100; BH 8x46 w/mov- CALL MINIC IND. for all your bucket eleer, clutch and 27 HP Kohler, reg. $13,200, vator, screw/drag and belt conveyor parts cash $11,500; BH 8x51 w/mover, clutch and accessories. We specialize in stainless and 30 HP, reg. $13,500, cash $11,750; steel and mild steel for your new equipBH 10x41 w/mover, clutch and 35 HP Van- ment quotation requirements. Call Chris at guard, reg. $14,300, cash $12,500. 204-339-1941, Winnipeg, MB. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in We s t e r n C a n a d a . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , WESTERNC ANADA’S 306-946-7923, Young, SK.
What’s New In MACHINERY?
See online:
1.780.672.2471 S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. 1996 10” WESTFIELD AUGER 60’ New bottom flight, PTO driven, hydraulic lift. $ 4 8 0 0 . w w w. c o m b i n e w o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515.
Electric clutches & reversible gear boxes. New 10” Sakundiak augers 40’ to 60’ Kohler Engines Gas 18 - 40 HP, Diesel 40 - 50 HP Call us at 1-866-373-8448 in Saskatoon, Sask.
U S E D S A K U N D I A K S W I N G a u g e r, 10x2000, PTO driven. $3000. 306-245-3232, Francis SK. NEW SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS. New innovative Hawes Agro auger movers, electric clutches, bin sweeps. New reversible gearbox. All makes of engines. Call Hawes Industires for great cash prices, ask for Bob, your #1 auger dealer in Canada. Toll Free- 1-888-755-5575, Regina, Saskatoon, Semans. BRANDT 7”x50’, 18 HP; Flexi-Coil 50’x10” PTO driven. 306-684-1884, Moose Jaw SK 2006 BUHLER FARM KING 10x70 swing auger with elec. winch. 306-456-2555 or 306-861-7687, Weyburn, SK. REMOTE CONTROL SWING auger mover, 12V DC, electric, 3-step installation. Brehon Agrisystems, 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK.
NEW 6395 EXR
(video on our website)
1 800 667 8800 AU G E R S : N E W / U S E D . Wheatheart, Westfield, Sakundiak augers, Auger SP kits, Batco conveyors, Rem grain vacs, Wheatheart post pounders. New/used, good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666. 8” JOHNSON TRANSFER auger, Honda motor, $1200. 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB.
VERTEC 6600, 1 or 3 phase, 20 HP fan 2006 VERMEER 605M baler, done 4000 (PTO drive w/alternator also avail), steel bales, $33,000. Birtle, MB. 204-842-3655 skid mounted, exc. cond. 780-645-5553, or 204-773-6703. St. Paul, AB. BALE SPEARS, high quality imported NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, exsavings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep c e l l e n t p r i c i n g . C a l l n o w t o l l f r e e fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. 204-242-3300, JOHN DEERE 200 STACK HAND, in good ALLIED 620B GRAIN dryer, good condi- condition, $1500. Phone 780-914-4553 or tion. Call 204-623-6831 for more details, 780-878-0005, Hay Lakes, AB. The Pas, MB. NH 1033 BALE WAGON, good condition; NH 276 Hayliner square baler. Phone 306-882-3141, Rosetwon, SK. SAKUNDIAK 7-53 AUGER w/Honda en- 2003 NH BR780 round baler w/bale kicker gine. Edward Gall Farm Equipment Auction and twine wrap, JD 567 round baler with Saturday, June 18, 2011, Estevan, SK. mega wide pickup, Vermeer 605K round area. Visit baler, Case/IH 8480 soft core round baler. for sale bill and photos. Join us on Face- Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment book! 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. REM 552 GRAIN VAC with very little use. HESSTON 4910-8590, large 4x4x8 square Edward Gall Farm Equipment Auction on bales, 1999 model, approx. 35000 bales, Saturday, June 18, 2011, Estevan, SK. control box, no frame cracks, 3 new knotarea. Visit ters, $14,900. 306-762-2125, Vibank, SK. for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook! 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 1983 NH 1069 bale wagon, 847 hrs., mint cond., asking $35,000; 1990 JD 535 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. round baler, gathering wheels, surface WALINGA INC. AGRI-VAC. Parts, sales and wrap, hyd. PU, mint cond., asking $9700. service. New and reconditioned Walinga 780-985-2183, 780-446-5348, Calmar, AB. Agri-Vac as well as used units, parts, accessories and service for most major 2002 HESTON 4760 3x3 baler w/4720 acbrands. 204-745-2951, cumulator, moisture meter. 204-745-7231 Carman, MB; 306-567-3031, Davidson, SK; or 204-750-1048, St. Leon, MB. 403-279-8204, Calgary, AB. Most trades BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all welcome. loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444 2001 814 HESSTON Baler, exc. cond., $8500; 1995 1160 Hesston haybine, good cond., $7500. 306-699-7215 Qu’Appelle SK JOHN DEERE 567 Baler for sale. In good FORSTER BALE MOVER, Model #40, condition. For more information call David Jean at 780-645-0211, Lafond, AB. $3500. Phone 306-243-4215, Macrorie SK. NH 664 ROUND BALER, $12,000 OBO. 1993 CASE/IH 8465 round baler, hyd. tie, shedded, good condition, $4500 OBO. 780-973-6440, Edmonton, AB. 306-658-4240, 306-843-7549, Wilkie, SK. JD 566 ROUND baler, push bar, monitor, $12,500. Call Gary, 204-326-7000, Stein- 1994 JD 535, 1000 PTO, kicker, stored inside, very clean unit, $9995 Can email bach, MB. pics. 306-826-5578, 306-823-7280, Mars1997 NH 664 round baler, Auto-Wrap, 540 den, SK. PTO, $7,000 OBO. 306-452-7991, Redvers, SK. E arly Book ing Program ! NEW KRONE HAYING EQUIPMENT: Large square balers 4x4, 3x4, and 3x4 HDP. Used trades: 2005 Hesston 4910 with accumulator, low bales $55,000; 2003 Hesston 4910 with accumulator, $37,000; 1997 Hesston 4900 with accumulator $14,000; Hesston 4925 three bale accumulator $5,500. Noble Equipment Ltd. 1-877-490-3020, Nobleford, AB.
Netw ra p - 67 ’’startin g at$215 64’’startin g at$210 8000ft.rollsalso available! Sila ge B a lew ra p - startin g at$84
2005 NH BR780 round baler, most options, only used for 3 yrs., $17,000. Assiniboia, SK., 306-642-3142, 306-640-8061. 2004 567 JD BALER, net wrap, mega wide PU, bale kicker, 1000 PTO, variable core valve, moisture monitor, $23,500. 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. MF 1650 WIDE belt baler, good condition, $1400 OBO or trade. Phone 306-827-4918, Radisson, SK. 2002 NEW HOLLAND 688, bale command, hyd. pickup, 1000 PTO, excellent belts, Mint baler, $10,000. Jeff: 306-533-0062, 306-345-2119, Stony Beach, SK. 2007 MF HESSTON Series 2656A, auto cycle 5x6 hard core baler, w/short crop kit, also has moisture tester installed, $25,000 OBO. 306-538-2230, 306-736-8890, Kennedy, SK. 1998 CIH 8590 square baler, 4x4x8 bales. $14,900. 3.8% financing OAC and l e a s e o p t i o n s . Tr a d e s a c c e p t e d . 1-800-667-4515.
WANTED: JD DISCBINE, flail type conditioner, low acres, reasonably priced. Contact 306-747-2909, Mayview, SK. 2008 NH 1411, $13,500; 2004 JD 926, $9500. less than 1000 acres each. 780-914-8525, Leduc, AB. 2003 JD 1214 Frontier 14’ haybine, low acres, $14,500. 780-367-2432, Andrew, AB. 2004 990 JD, fits JD 4990 SP swather, 14’ disc mower header. Phone and make an offer. 403-443-2162, Three Hills, AB. JD 890 18’ hay header conditioner, fits 4890 and 4895, $10,500; Hesston 14’ 820H hay header, fits 8200 also Case 8830, $6500. 306-238-4411, Goodsoil, SK. 1998 NH 1475 mower conditioner w/2300 header. New guards and sickle last year. In good condition. Ph Derreck 306-229-6161, Cudworth, SK. NH DISCBINE MODEL 2331, fits TV 140 or 145 bi-directional. For more info. call 780-674-8080, Cherhill AB. HAY HEADER for Case/IH 8820 or Hesston 8100 swather, $9000 OBO. 306-224-4292 or 306-736-3090, Windthorst, SK. 2000 1275 HESSTON haybine 16’, center hydro swing, steel rollers; 2006 1275 HESSTON haybine 16’, center hydro swing, steel rollers. 306-457-2926, Corning, SK.
NH 1499 12’ SP haybine, cab, air, Ford diesel engine, good condition. $15,000. 306-466-4588, Shellbrook, SK. w w na dia nh a ya ndsila 1275 HESSTON 16’ hydra swing haybine, 0 0 0 P TO, p u r c h a s e d n ew i n 2 0 0 3 , HESSTON 514 ROUND BALER, soft core, 1$16,000 OBO. Phone 306-538-2230, 2004 NH 780, net wrap, mega wide PU, 5x6 bales, electric tie, 1000 PTO, always floatation tires, exc. cond., $19,500 OBO. shedded, excellent condition, $5000. Call 306-736-8890, Kennedy, SK. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 204-242-4021, Darlingford, MB. JD 3830 dsl. cab hay header, crimper. CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to 2007 568, like new, megawide 2400 bales. mustard. Cert organic and conventional. Phone 306-238-4411, Goodsoil, SK. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. 16’ MACDON 5000 haybine, 1000 PTO, CLIPPER 668 GRAIN Cleaner w/cyclone steel rollers, very low acres, $14,500 and dust bins; Forever 4 stage dual c/w OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. lots of screens, Carter Day aspirator and dust bin. 403-742-4177, Stettler, AB NEW KRONE BIG M and PULL TYPE DISCBINES. Used inventory: 2008 Krone SEED TREATERS AVAILABLE: 40 bag BIG M2 w/roller conditioner, 550 hours batch treater and USC treaters. Immediate $198,000; 2009 Case/IH DCX131 discdelivery. Can Seed Equipment, Saskatoon, bine, low acres $24,000. Noble EquipSK 306-244-2285, ment Ltd. 1-877-490-3020, Nobleford, AB CLEAN YOUR PEAS! Dual screen rotary 1998 KVERNELAND TA339 discbine, cleaner with pea screens. 306-259-4923, 11’, $14,000 OBO. 780-973-6440, Edmon306-946-7923, Young, SK. ton, AB. 2000 MARK IV gravity w/air suction cover, MACDON 2950 PREMIER swather and 16’ Behlen 8-way 6” distributor, 3 roll large caMacDon 922 auger haybine with steel pacity Damas indent w/numerous extra crimpers, 16’ MacDon 5000 pivot tongue rolls, 8-way 8” Sullivan strong distributor, haybine w/steel crimpers. Huge Farm10,000 bu./hr. overhead scale, 2- 8000 Construction-RV Equipment Auction, on bu./hr. legs. 306-398-4714, Cut Knife, SK. Saturday, June 11, 2011 Estevan, SK. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.
Rosetown Flighting Supply 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK
IN STOCK SAKUNDIAK augers, new and used, 8”, 10” and 12” various lengths; used HD8-1400 c/w mover, elec. clutch, and new E-Kay sweep, $9800; Convey-All conveyors available. Mainway Farm Equip- GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince m e n t L t d . P h o n e D a v i d s o n , S K : Albert, SK., 306-764-2325. For all your 306-567-3285, Dale cell 306-567-7299, grain drying needs! SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS Two dryers still available on winter program. Largest and quietest single phase dryer in the industry. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. DEGELMAN 850, roll tarp, PTO drive, al- Moridge parts also available. Grant Servicw a y s s h e d d e d , $ 2 9 , 8 0 0 . C a l l es Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. 5600 VERTEC GRAIN dryer, Serial # UFT 750 BUSHEL grain cart, hyd. drive, 56HA501, propane, in and out loading aured, shedded, good condition, asking gers, 1000 gal tank, asking $26,000. Grim$15,500 OBO. 204-476-0688 Neepawa, MB shaw, AB. 780-332-4407, 780-625-2024
13”X61’ WESTFIELD mechanical drive 2010 DEMCO 1052, hyd. drive, red, dia- WANTED: BATCH TYPE grain dryer. swing away, just rebuilt, $6900. Phone mond tires, $32,000 OBO. Gary Facca Call: 306-723-4604, Regina, SK. or 306-357-2164, Wiseton, SK. email: 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK.
Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666
isn’t in a spa it’s in the soil
Best provides solutions to enhance soil health, water health, nutrient quality retention and plant growth.
2002 MACDON 5020 16’ haybine, only cut 6 quarters, good condition, $16,000 OBO. 306-432-2068 after 6 PM, Dysart, SK. 2004 NEW DIRECTION Equipment 16’ disc mower, good condition, ready to go, asking $14,500. 204-758-3374, St. Jean, MB.
1996 MF 220 30’, 1700 hrs., UII PU reel, new drive tires, Schumacher drive, roto shears, good condition, $29,000. 204-328-5248, Rivers, MB. 1998 PREMIER 1900 30’ PT swather with pickup reel. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
The Secret is in the Soil 1.888.392.4021 •
25’ JOHN DEERE PTO swather, older model, good condition. Call 204-623-6831 for more details, The Pas, MB. MF 885 25’, PU reel, $11,900; Versatile 400 20’, PU reel, $3500; Case/IH 736, $3900; CCIL 26’, $2900. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK.
2008 CIH WD 1203, 36’, 394 hrs., $97,700; 2009 NH H8040 w/2010 36’, $113,500; 2009 NH H8040 w/2010 36’ w/air suspension, $115,000; CIH 8825 30’, PU reel, $37,500; MacDon M150 35’, $123,900; MacDon Harvest Pro 8152i, 36’, $83,500; MacDon 2952i 30’, $78,000; Westward 9000 turbo, 25’, $43,900; Westward 9000 25’, $35,500; MF 885 dsl., 30’ PU reels, $16,700; MF 885 30’, $10,900; CIH 725 25’ PT w/Auto trans, $2900; CIH 730, 30’ PTO, $3500; CIH 725 PT, $2900; CIH 736, 36’ PT, $3900. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Case IH, at Humboldt, SK. 1984 22’ VERSATILE 4400 excellent cond., field ready, recently field prepared, recent carb job, rollers/bearings UII PU reels, AC, radio, shedded. Plenty of extra parts available to go with and swath roller. Asking $5500 obo. 306-563-7651, Gilbert Plains, MB. JD 4995, 2008 16’ discbine, 182 HP, V10, low hrs., steel conditioner. 306-238-4411, Goodsoil, SK. 1991 VERSATILE 4750, 4022 header, 1800 engine hrs., always shedded, excellent condition. 204-447-3143, Ste. Rose, MB. 30’ 2006 MACDON 2952i, triple delivery, 2 spd. trans, 948/781 hrs, exc. cond., $89,000. 780-834-8326, Fairview, AB. 2001 HESSTON 1200, 25’ PT, low acres, shedded, excellent condition. Phone 306-247-4908, Unity, SK. 1987 CI 722 22’, diesel, UII PU reel, Keer Shear; MF 613 30’ PT new knife, $4500. 1-866-802-9527, Arborfield, SK.
WOW!!! TR ACTOR S ‘02 JD 952 0, 3341 hrs , Dls . . . . . . . . . . . $153,000 ‘03 JD 952 0T, 3150 hrs , 36” , A -T $140,000 ‘03 JD 952 0T, 4463 hrs , 30” . . . . . . . . $130,000 ‘09 JD 8430, 977 HRS , IVT, ILS . . . $196,000 ‘08 JD 7130, 850 hrs , PQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $66,000 ‘04 FN H TG 2 10, 5350 hrs , S -s teer$60,000 COM BINES & HEADS ‘09 JD 9770, 666 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 10,000 ‘08 JD 9770, 600 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199,000 ‘05 JD 9760, 1200 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $159,000 ‘94 JD 9600, 3100 hrs , Dls . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 ‘06 CIH 8010, 1488 hrs , A W D . . . . . . $155,000 ‘07 CIH 7010, 820 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165,000 ‘09 JD 635D, Recon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,000 ‘98 JD 12 90, CH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 3,000 ‘06 JD 635F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 0,000
2000 HESSTON 8110-S, 25’ swather 1000 hours, excellent shape, one owner. Phone 306-464-2046, Lang, SK. 2010 NH HB30 draper header, 300 hrs, like new, only seen canola, poly skids, fore/aft, plastic fingers, $38,500. 306-648-8081, Kincaid, SK. INT. 230 SP swather, 16.5’ w/conditioner, fair cond., $1500 OBO. 403-948-5228 eves, Balzac, AB
Call for pricing or a dealer near you.
Drake, Sask.
1994 JD 9600 combine, 214/7 belt PU, chopper, 20’ unloading auger, chaff spreader, green lighted, 4400 sep. hrs., $39,500 OBO. Gary, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 1982 7721 PT combine, 212 header, 2 speed cylinder, shedded, $4500 OBO. Phone 204-567-3589, Miniota, MB. 2008 JD 9770, 615 PU, 250 hrs, power hopper cover, $239,000. Two 635D headers, 2- 930B headers. Always shedded. Call 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. 2010 JD 9770 STS, 364 hrs., Contour M a s t e r, 2 0 . 8 x 4 2 w / d u a l s , c h o p p e r, USD; 2008 JD 9770 STS, 568 1989 CI 9600 PT combine, 875 hours, $212,500 Contour Master, 20.8x42 w/duals, shedded, offers? Phone 204-567-3589, hrs., chopper, $180,000 USD. 320-848-2496 or Miniota, MB. 320-894-6560. Fairfax, MN.
NEW 20.8X38 12 ply $826; 18.4x38 12 ply $736; 18.4x34 12 ply $636; 18.4x30 12 ply $570; 30.5Lx32 16 ply $2195; 24.5x32 14 ply $1749; 18.4x42 16 ply $1397; 20.8x42 16 ply $1699; 20.5x25 20 ply $1496; 405/70-20 14 ply $795; 14.9x24 12 ply $356; 16.9x28 12 ply $500. Factorydirect, no middlemen. Implement, skid steer tires also available. Tubes sold separa t e l y. U s e d t i r e s a l s o a v a i l a b l e . 1-800-667-4515.
CASE/IH 1640 SP combine w/2445 eng. hrs. Edward Gall Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 18, 2011, Estevan, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook! 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
2009 NH 9070, duals, $269,900; 2008 NH 9070, $239,000; 2004 NH CR970, $158,000. Hergott Farm Equipment 2002 JD 9650 STS, 1315 sep. hrs., 1956 306-682-2592, Case/IH Humboldt, SK. eng. hrs., 914 PU, yield/moisture and 2007 CR9070, 20.8x42 duals, loaded, 360 RWA . I n s p e c t e d p r i o r t o h a r v e s t . threshing hrs; 2000 SP36 HoneyBee draper 780-877-2191/780-781-3133, Bashaw, AB header, gauge wheels, hyd. fore/aft, split r e e l , s t e e l t e e t h . A r c h E q u i p m e n t , 1994 JD 9600 combine, 914/7 belt PU, chopper, 20’ unloading auger, twin chaff 306-867-7252, Outlook, SK. spreader, DAS, DAM, green lighted, 2800 2006 CX860, 984 sep. hrs., 1164 eng. s e p . h r s . , $ 4 9 , 9 0 0 O B O. C a l l G a r y, hrs., new concaves, rub bars, spiders, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. clean grain chain and sprockets, most JD 9660W, Y&M, $149,500; 2006 JD 9760, belts. 1 owner, well maintained. Must see. c o m i n g . H e r g o t t F a r m E q u i p m e n t , $173,000 OBO. 403-998-0053, Blackie, AB. 306-682-2592, Case/IH, Humboldt, SK. 1998 TR98, 1677 sep. hrs., Kirby spread- 1981 AND 1982 JD 8820 combines, er, Norac AutoHeight for any header, each with 214 PU platform, always shedRake-Up PU header, very good condition, ded, field ready, variable speed feeder ready to go. 306-625-3720, Ponteix, SK. house, adj. straw chute, chaff spreader, NH TR97, low hrs, Swathmaster PU, 30’ HID lighting, 30.5x32 rice tires, airfoil MacDon 962 header, 871 adapter, Elmer’s chaffer, new style adj. knife bank on chopper. Contact Ron 204-941-3125, Morris, header trans. 204-845-2113, Elkhorn, MB. MB. or 5 NEW GENESIS ENGINES Still in origi- JD 7721 PULL TYPE combine, good cond. nal factory crate, 1 x TR98, 2 x TR99 and 2 always shedded, $7500. Newbrook, AB. x CX840. $9800 each. 1-800-667-4515. 780-398-2365. CR960 DUAL KIT, complete w/axle extension, ladder extension, new 20.8Rx42 tires. Fits CR940-970. $12,000 exchange. 1-800-667-4515. NEW HOLLAND TR95, Swathmaster PU, good shape, $4000, will take hay or cattle in trade. 306-699-2481, Qu’Appelle, SK.
1997 MF 8780, straw chopper, hopper ext. chaff spreader, new tires, Micro trac yield a n d m o i s t u r e m o n i t o r, g o o d c o n d . 306-378-4054, Elrose, SK.
1984 GLEANER L3, 2277 hrs., std. trans., good cond., always shedded. $15,000 OBO. 306-394-2131, Coderre, SK. 1995 GLEANER R62 twin turbo Deutz 300 HP engine, 300 bu. hopper, heavy final drives, chopper, PU header, 30’ rigid. $45,000 OBO; Also 1992 R62 with same, $15,000 OBO. 306-267-4567 Coronach SK.
1995 CIH 2188, field tracker, hopper top, chopper, hyd. reverser, well maintained, 3389/2477 hrs., $68,500 OBO. Stalwart, SK, phone 306-963-2651. 1998 JD CTS II, 2000 sep. hrs., loaded, P914 PU, shedded, field ready. WANTED: STRAW/CHAFF spreaders for Greenstar, 306-695-2623, Indian Head, SK. 2188. 306-394-2131, Coderre, SK. 2009 JD 9770 STS, 725 hrs., Contour MasCASE/IH 1680 SP combine with $16,000 ter, 5 spd., feeder house, chopper; 2008 work order, IH 1480 SP combine with JD 9770, 606 hrs., Contour Master, duals, $20,000 work order, IH 810 straight cut chopper. $178,000 ea. 2005 JD 635 F, header, IH 1482 PT Axial Flow combine. $17,750. Phone 507-993-0720, Frost, MN. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, 2000 9650W JD, 2800 sep. hrs, $29,000 in SK. Visit recent workorders, $99,900 OBO. 1989 for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 9500 JD, nice condition, 3200 sep. hrs, $39,900. 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 NEW CIH 4000/5000 wobble boxes in stock. Made in Italy, excellent quality, $1495 exchange. 1-800-667-4515. 2 HAY HEADERS to fit 4000/5000 IH swathers, 12’ and 14’, $3500 each. 780-523-2299, High Prairie, AB.
1998 JD 9610 combine, 2260 threshing hrs., 914 PU, 30’ 930 JD flex header, $95,000. 306-843-3132, Wilkie, SK.
1275 16’ HESSTON haybine, new knife and guards, ready to work, good condition, $18,000. Ph. 306-728-1582, Melville, SK. 16’ HESSTON HAYBINE HEADER to fit CASE/IH 2188, 1995 to 1996 AFX rotor, Hesston 8250 SP, excellent condition, pickup, low hrs., very well maintained, always shedded, field ready. 4 to choose $14,000. 306-424-2720, Montmartre, SK. f r o m , $ 6 4 , 9 0 0 . C a n d e l i v e r. C a l l 2 0 4 - 7 4 3 - 2 3 2 4 , C y p r e s s R i v e r, M B .
2008 JD 9870 STS, 448 hrs., Contour Master w/5 spd. feeder house, 18.4x42 w/duals, ext. wear separator pkg., Premier cab and chopper, $189,500 USD. Fairfax, 1983 AND 1986 Versatile PT tri-axle comMN. Phone 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560. bines (‘83 good for parts). 204-623-6831 1999 JD 9610 WITH DUALS and large for more details, The Pas, MB. rears. Green Star. Factory chaff spreader, fine cut chopper with new blades. New concave, rub bars, elevator chains, and bubble up auger. Very well maintained combine $63,500. Trades accepted, fin a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 . 1997 JD 930 FLEX HEADER, new poly, cond. Asking $14,500. Imperial, SK. MOBILE AGRICULTURAL TECHNICIAN, good with 33 years experience, specializing in Call 306-963-2047 or 306-963-7740. preventative maintenance on Walker, CTS, 2001 SP30 HONEYBEE draper header, Case STS combines and light tractor repairs. adapter, pea auger, PU reel, fore and aft, Central Alberta. Rod 403-342-1250. gauge wheels, stored inside, exc. cond., $27,500. 306-854-2246, Elbow, SK. JD 9770’S AND 9760, contour master, rear wheel assist, loaded. Priced to sell. Call 2010 JD 635 flex header, used for 1500 Brent at 306-456-2877 leave message. acres, mint condition! Asking $41,000. 306-741-7968, Swift Current, SK. Bromhead, SK.
1989 JD 9500, 212 PU, 3100 sep. hours, chaff spreader, auger extension, $30,000 in recent work orders, always shedded, in good shape, $40,000. Balgonie, SK. Email: L i n dy _ 1 5 a @ h o t m a i l . c o m o r p h o n e : 306-501-2469.
NEW UII PICKUP reel, fits 30’ 1010/1020 h e a d e r s , $ 6 9 0 0 . Tr a d e s w a n t e d . 1-800-667-4515, TWO 1482’s for parts, IH PU and chaff spreader; One 1997 914, field ready, IH PU, shedded. 306-421-2095, Estevan, SK. 2005 CASE/IH 2388 AFS, field mapping, lateral tilt, 678 sep. hours, 813 engine hours, Rodono chopper, hopper topper, $155,000; 2006 1020 25’ flex header ava i l a b l e $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 . Ve g r e v i l l e , A BA . 780-208-2495 or 780-445-8453.
1997 JD 930 flex platform, PU reel, poly s k i d s , p o ly d i v i d e r s , g r e e n l i g h t e d , $13,900. Call Gary, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB.
COMPLETE DUAL KITS, JD 9400-9610/ CTS/CTSII, new tires, 18.4x38 or 20.8x38, $9800- $10,600; IH 1680- 2588, new tires, 20.8x38, $11,900; NH CR940-970, used 20.8R-42 tires, $12,000 exchange; JD 1998 36’ HONEYBEE draper header, 7720/6620, used 18.4R-42 tires, $6500. fore/aft, UII PU reel, NH TR adapter. 1-800-667-4515. 306-625-3720, Ponteix, SK. 1998 JD 930 FLEX HEADER, fore/aft, good poly, exc. cond. Asking $17,500. Imperial SK. 306-963-2047, 306-963-7740. RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK, CIH 1020 FLEX HEADER, 30’, w/ transport, 3 crops, excellent, $26,000 firm. Wiseton, SK, 306-846-2068, 780-679-5775. 1996 JD 930 flex platform, PU reel, poly s k i d s , p o ly d i v i d e r s , g r e e n l i g h t e d , $12,500. Call Gary, 204-326-7000, Stein- NEW TRACTOR PARTS and engine rebach, MB. build kits. Tractor service manuals. Our year. Great competitive quotes. 1996 36’ MACDON 960 Split reel, fore- 37th call aft, new knives and guards, fits IH 1-800-481-1353. 1480-2388. $11,900. 1-800-667-4515. 2004 JD 635 flex platform, single point, poly skids, green lighted, $24,500. Call Gary, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB.
CAT LEXION HEADER. 30’ 2003 G30 header, needs some repair, full finger auger, PU reel, hyd. fore-aft, header height control, single point hookup. $9900 as is or will repair in off season. Trades wanted. JD STS DUAL KITS, new tires, 20.8x38 or 1-800-667-4515. 20.8x42, $13,500- $14,900. CIH and NH 2000 465 CAT COMBINE, 80% tracks, a l s o a v a i l a b l e . Tr a d e s w a n t e d . RWA, Cebis, auto contour, 1500 sep. hrs, 1-800-667-4515. c/w 2003 Precision Rake-Up, 800 acres 1976 JD 6600, 2100 hrs, CAH, chopper, d o n e w / P U , a s k i n g $ 1 1 9 , 9 0 0 . chaff saver, always shedded, very clean, 204-746-4314, Otterburne, MB. $8000. 780-523-2299, High Prairie, AB. 1996 9600, 2892 sep. hrs., hopper top, 914 PU, has had reg. Greenlight inspec1997 TX66 NH, 2800 hrs, $39,900. 1987 tions and servicing, records of work avail., 8560 Massey, 2000 sep. hrs., $29,900. always shedded, exc. cond., $51,000. Phone 306-257-3375, Bradwell, SK. 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK.
2009 CASE 2303 WINDROWER, 160 hrs., deluxe cab, rear axle suspension, c/w 18’ header, always shedded, exc. cond. Call Bill 780-499-1133, Spruce Grove, AB. 1997 JD 4890 SP, w/30’ HoneyBee header, UII PU reel, Schumacher knife system, 2800 sep. hrs., new tires, new HoneyBee canvasses, very good condition, field ready, $55,000. 306-835-2195 or 306-835-7602, Punnichy, SK. EXCELLENT CONDITION 26’ MF 200, 1600 hrs. field ready, new bearings for rollers etc., 50 hrs. on new UII PU reels and Schumacher drive updates, excellent Isuzu engine, shedded. 306-563-7651 Gilbert Plains, MB.
Giving you the maximum in dollar and time advantage... by giving you reliability on the road. Accommodate swathers with up to 36’ header. “Featuring the FC 6200 below.”
2009 9120, $310,000; 2009 8120, $295,000; 2008 8010, $269,000; 2008 8010, $249,900; 2007 8010, $248,000; 8010, duals, $234,000; 8010, $186,000; 2004 2388, 718 hrs., $167,000; 2388 Y&M, $93,000; 1997 2188, $69,500; CIH 1688, $47,500; CIH 1680, $27,500; CIH 1480, 1015 header, $16,500; 2009 NH 9070, duals, $269,900; 2008 NH 9070, $239,000; 2004 NH CR970, $158,000; 2006 JD 9760, $205,000; JD 9660W, $149,500. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Case/IH Humboldt, SK.
1999 MACDON 871 ADAPTER Good canvas. For MacDon 962/972, fits JD STS w/single pt. hook-up. $4900. 1-800-667-4515. 2004 SP 42’ Honey Bee draper header, split reel, pea auger, factory transport, low acres, works great, fits on a 60/70 series JD combine. 306-398-7755 or 306-398-7788. Rockhaven, SK. FD70 30’ MACDON draper flex header, 2010 model, done 1000 acres, $70,000 OBO. 780-878-4655, Ferintosh, AB.
Check us out!
N EW TIRE CLEARAN CE: • 11L x16 S L 8 ply • 11L x15S L 8 ply • 4 rib 21.5L x16 .1S L 10 ply w /5 ho le rim • 4L x16 .1S L 8 ply • 21.5x16 .1 8 ply • 11L x15S L 8 ply • 11.x16 4 rib • 16 .9 x34 8 ply • 710/70R42 • 230 /9 5R48 • 9 1.5x42 Fires to n e • 230/9 5R44 • 11.2x24 Irriga tio n • Tu b es 11.2x24, 14.9 x24, 18 .4x38
TOW STR AP S 6” x 50’ $38666
2004 930D, PU reel, $33,000. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. MF 9230 30’ header, 6 batt Hart Carter PU reel, exc. cond.; MF 9324 flex header 24’, 2 fan air reel. 306-378-4054, Elrose, SK. NEW UII PICKUP REELS 25’ $6830, 30’ $7830 and 36’ $8900. Trades Accepted 1-800-667-4515. TWO 2004 JD 930 draper headers, PU reel, new canvas, exc. cond., $25,000 each firm. Phone 403-664-2414, Oyen, AB.
Ph:800-525-8189 Ph:306-244-2068 Fax:306-244-9699 2835B Cleveland Ave. Saskatoon,Sask w w w
ENGINE KITS, ENGINE PARTS, clutches, 2009 630D Draper Header $57,500, machine shop services. Sanderson Tractor 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. Ltd. 204-239-6448, Portage la Prairie, MB. JD MODEL 930 flex header w/Crary air reel, w/wo carrier, always shedded, good condition. Bob 204-745-2265, Carman, MB
CHAFF SPREADERS starting at $1150, l o t s a v a i l a b l e . Tr a d e s w e l c o m e . 1-800-667-4515.
AGRICULTURAL PARTS STO RE For a ll your Se e din g, Ha yin g, Ha rve s t Pa rts a n d Acce s s orie s
Ca ll NODGE Firs t
Swift Current, SK
• Pic ku p Be lts & Te e th • Ele va to r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts • Fe e d e r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts • C o m b in e pa rts • C a n va s • Tra c to r Pa rts w w w .n od gem fg.c om
• S e e d Bo o ts & Tips • Air S e e d e r Ho s e • Pa c ke rW he e l C a ps • Nic ho ls S ho ve ls • Ha rro w Tin e s • Ba le r Be lts • Ha yin g & Ha rve s t Pa rts & S u pplie s
SEXSMITH USED FARM PARTS LTD. Sexsmith, Alta. Email: YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW, USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dismantling all major makes & models of tractors, combines, swathers, balers, forage harvesters, Plus Much More.
Buying Farm Equipment For Dismantling. SALVAGE TRACTOR ARRIVALS. Massey Ferguson 165, 65, 35, TO20, 3165, 8120. Ford 3000, 4000, 5000, 800, 8N, TW25, TW30, 8430, 7710. International B275, 574, 844, 885, 5288, 8950. David Browns, 1-800-667-7421 Volvo, Nuffield, County, Bobcat. Unity, SK. 5 NEW GENESIS ENGINES Still in origi- 306-228-3011, nal factory crate, 1 x TR98, 2 x TR99 and 2 JD TRACTOR WHEEL weights 4x1500 x CX840. $9800 each. 1-800-667-4515. lbs. Part No. R167151 for cast wheels 306-543-5052, Regina, SK. PERKINS CATERPILLAR, FORD/ Genesis engines, complete and parts. One year w a r r a n t y. w w w. c o m b i n e w o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515.
MURPHY SALVAGE: new, used, rebuilt parts for tractors, combines, swather, tillage and misc. machinery. Always buying. Website: Phone COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES, Mor- 1-877-858-2728, Deleau, MB. ris 7 Series Magnum; JD 1610, $135 ea.; JD 1610/610 (black) $180. 306-259-4923 GOODS USED TRACTOR parts. New, used, rebuilt parts for tractors, swathers. 306-946-7923, Young, SK. Call 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734 or fax ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, 204-564-2054, Roblin, MB. David or Curtis. Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom re- Open Monday to Saturday. Visa, MC. builds available. Competitive warranty. Email: Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red Website: Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732. WRECKING CASE 2090 and 2290 and for STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very parts, 2290 motor seized. A.E. Chicoine affordable new and used parts available, Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769
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FYFE P ARTS “ Fo r AllY o u r Fa rm Pa rts”
SMALL AD, BIG SAVINGS, BEST PRICES. Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, Allan, SK. 1-888-676-4847.
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB New Used & Re-man parts Tractors Combines Swathers TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge inventory new and used tractor parts. 1-888-676-4847. L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, 306-946-7923, Young, SK.
THE REAL USED FARM PARTSS UPERSTORE O ver2700 Un its forS a lva g e Tra ctors Com b in e s Sw a th e rs Dis ce rs Ba le rs
WATROUS SALVAGE W a trou s , S a s k . Ca llJo e, Len o rDa rw in 306- 946- 2 2 2 2 Fa x 306- 946- 2 444 Ope n M o n .thru Fri., 8 a .m .-5 p.m . w w w .w a tro u s s a lva m Em a il: s a lv@ s a s kte l.n e t 2670 CASE with very good motor, no powershift, factory duals, lots of other good parts. 306-736-2936, Kipling, SK.
COMBINE WORLD 1-800-667-4515, 20 min. E of Saskatoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines, swathers, and balers.
Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts. DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. w w w. c o m b - t r a c s a l v a g e . c o m 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. We buy machinery.
M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa l va ge I nc.
TUBE-LINE 5500 bale wrapper; hay condi- SB 4000 BRANDT sprayer, 100’ 1600 US tioner to fit 4000 or 5000 IH swather. gallon tank, chem handler, Norac boom Phone 306-232-4705, Hague, SK. control, 3-way nozzle body. Used 2 seasons total 12,000 acres. $34,000. Morse, NEW KRONE SILAGE EQUIPMENT: BIG SK. 306-629-3218 or 306-629-7662. X forage harvesters, Easy Flow pickup headers and Easy Collect corn headers in 2006 67XL FLEXI-COIL 90’, 1250 gal. tank, stock. 2004 New Holland RI 600 8-row suspended boom. 306-573-4602, Birsay, w i t h a d ap t e r fo r J D 6 / 7 0 0 0 s e r i e s SK. $27,000. Noble Equipment Ltd. 1 9 9 6 Q F 2 0 0 0 B R A N D T s p r aye r 1 0 0 ’ PREECEVILLE, SASKATCHEWAN 1-877-490-3020, Nobleford, AB. booms, autofold, twin tank, 825/425 gal. with 2 pumps, PTO and hyd., 2 sets of G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors booms, disc markers, good condition, our specialty. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, $8500 OBO. 306-763-9502, 306-960-6470, SK. Prince Albert, SK. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tracBRANDT QF1500, 800 gal. tank, 100’, tors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/oth- AGSHIELD , SHROUDED, SUSPENDED hyd. pump, dual nozzle bodies, Tee-Jet er Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battle- boom sprayer, dual boom, dual tank (800 rate controller, Raven Envizio GPS/Field ford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. and 300) GFS, AutoBoom control, Micro- Mapping, 15 gal. PolyWest chem. managTrac AutoRate controller. 306-592-2029 or er. Phone 204-845-2113, Elkhorn, MB. 306-592-4449, Buchanan, SK. 100’ 67XLT FLEXI-COIL, twin boom, FLEXI-COIL 65, 90’, $8500, Bourgault CIII wind screens, 1200 gal. tank, $13,500 w/curtains, $6900; Bourgault CIII 100’, OBO. Call 306-472-7704, Lafleche, SK. new tank 2010, $6800. Hergott Farm FLEXI-COIL MODEL 62 80’ PT sprayer, Dealer for Logan pota- Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. double nozzles, good running condition. to boxes, conveyors and Tristeel Mfg. potato polishers, tote fillers, washline equip. 1450 BOURGAULT 100’ sprayer, 1200 gal- Phone 306-573-2024, Birsay, SK. Largest inventory of used potato equip. lon plus 250 gallon dual boom, $11,500. FLEXI-COIL 65 100’, wind screens, PTO 306-423-5983, St. Louis, SK. Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB. pump, $6000. Call 306-773-9057, Stewart 1997 FLEXI-COIL S65XL 80’, 4 yr. old Valley, SK. hydraulic pump, 1250 Imp. gal. tank, wind 2 solenoids- new 1 yr. ago, dual FLEXICOIL MODEL 55, 650 tank, autoROCKMASTER R56, new tires, good shape, screens, nozzles, autofold, autorate, chem. induc- fold, 72’ boom, foam marker, hyd. disc $3200. 306-256-7020, Cudworth, SK. tion tank, wash wand, $10,000 OBO. marker, rinse and fill tank, wind screens, new pump and hyd. motor used one seaDEGELMAN R570, ground drive, w/ext. 306-722-3807, Fillmore, SK. hitch, clutch and curtain, $3500 OBO. BRANDT 123’ AUTOFOLD, 800 gal. tank, son, shedded. 403-742-3003, Stettler, AB. 204-773-3113, 204-773-0076, Russell, MB. cones, 5 and 10 gal. low drift nozzles, 15 2007 NH216 PT High clearance, 1350 imp. gal, 100’, autorate, joystick, AutoBoom, LEON 6800 ROCKPICKER, c/w hydraulic gal. regular nozzles, new trailer tires, new 380/90R46 tires w/adjustable axles. Very drive, large rubber, $7000 OBO. Phone solenoid valves, hyd. pump, offers over good shape. $38,000. 306-224-4848, $1000. 306-543-5151, Regina, SK. 780-679-7795, Gwynne, AB. Corning, SK DEGELMAN ROCK HOOK in very good 2003 BRANDT QF1500, 90’, 1000 gal. NEW HOLLAND 100’ sprayer, 1350 gal. tank, wind cones, chem handler, Raven aucond., $8500. 306-874-5407, Naicam, SK. torate controller, excellent cond., $10,500. tank, all new in ‘08: Autorate, foam markers, wind screens, chem. handler. Also 54’ 5709 SERIES DEGELMAN rockpicker, 306-448-4620, 306-575-7379, Manor, SK hyd. reel drive, good cond., asking $8000. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 65 sprayer, 84’, 820 truck sprayer, ‘88 3/4 ton Ford, triple nozzles, chem. handler, GPS, autorate. Phone 780-726-2203, 780-210-0544, St. Lina, AB. gallon. Phone 306-771-2527, Edenwold, 306-327-8105, Kelvington, SK. DEGELMAN R570 with throw-out clutch, SK. 1994 JETSTREAM SPRAYER, 60’, yellow good condition, $3000. Phone 2005 FLEXI-COIL 67 80’ wheeled boom tank, twin line, foam markers, half round 306-725-4822, Bulyea, SK. sprayer, 1000 gal. tank, AutoRate, hyd. fenders, air induction nozzles, shedded, DEGELMAN FORK TYPE rock picker, used p u m p , w i n d s c r e e n s , fo a m m a r ke r, $5000. 306-594-2708, Hyas, SK. very little, shedded. 403-742-3003, Stet- $10,000. 306-734-2762, Craik, SK. 2002 FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 67 sprayer, tler, AB. 1996 BOURGAULT CENTURI0N II, 850 gal. 1000 US gal. tank, 90’ suspended boom, R O C K M A S T E R X L - 5 6 H Y D . d r i v e , t a n k , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 5 0 0 0 . wind screens, triple nozzles, rinse tank, 16.5L-16.1 Diamond tread tires, vg cond., 306-551-7477, Regina, SK. 18.4x26 tires, Flexi-Coil rate controller, $7900. 306-280-2400, Saskatoon, SK. SPRAY-AIR 2180 PT, 80’, auto flow rate, $24,500 OBO. 306-921-8217, Melfort, SK. 800 gal., chem handler, autofold, vg cond., 1999 FLEXI-COIL XL67, 1250 gal. tank, 130’ boom, wind curtains, dual nozzle bodYou’ll be amazed at how $8,000 OBO. 780-853-2432, Vermilion, AB. FLEXI-COIL 62, 100’ booms, 840 gal. ies, rinse tank, chem handler, autorate easily our machine will tank, twin nozzles, new tips, new tires, controller, foam marker, $16,500 OBO. dig out the big rocks hyd. pump, $4000 OBO. 306-695-3420 or 306-965-2747, Coleville, SK. BOURGAULT CENTURION III, 110’ PT and also transport them 306-695-7783, Indian Head, SK. 2003 NH SF115, 130’ trailing boom PT sprayer, 850 gal. tank, c/w foam marker, off your field. sprayer, 3-section boom shutoff, autorate $4250 OBO. Ph. 204-236-4633, cell controller, windscreens, 3-way nozzles, 204-734-8625, Birch River, MB. hyd. unfold, 1200 Imp. gal. tank, $22,000. 1996 FLEXI-COIL 67XL 120’, 1600 US gal. Kelly 780-205-0336, Terry 780-205-0335, tank, autorate, chem induction, wind Lloydminster, AB. screens, foam marker, end nozzle, new BOURGAULT CENTURION II 80’, foam hyd. pump, $15,000. Ph 780-349-1221, marker, hyd. drive, new pump, good cond., Westlock, AB. $4800. 306-344-4568, St. Walburg, SK. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 62, 80’, 800 gal., BRANDT QF 830, 70’, 800 gal., quick-fold, hyd. pump, wind cones, stored inside, exCall for pricing or a dealer near you tandem axle, $1750 OBO. Kindersley, SK. cellent, $4500. 306-372-4507 Luseland SK. Phone 306-463-3584. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 67, 100’, good cond., FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 67XL wheeled boom, $20,000. 306-354-2552, Mossbank, SK. 120’, 1250 gal., auto rate, triple nozzle 1998 FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 65, 1000 gal., bodies, foam marker, hyd. disc marker, 130’ windscreens, 2 nozzles, chem handler, Drake, Sask. HM1 hyd. pump, wind curtains, large cart autorate. 306-868-7616, Avonlea, SK. 306-363-2131 wheels. $20,000 OBO. 306-436-4326, Milestone, SK. BLANCHARD 80’ 800 gal. tandem axle, foam marker, chem handler, $3500. 1997 FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 65 100’, auto- 306-764-7920, Prince Albert, SK. rate, screens, dual nozzle, disc and foam markers, C-inductor, used on small farm, THREE 900 NH PT harvesters, $6000 to $8000 OBO. 306-478-2672, Mankota, SK $9500, field ready; 790 NH PT harvester, FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 65, 80’, 830 gal. tank, SPRAYTEST REMOTE BOOM CONTROL field ready. Arch Equipment, Outlook, SK. 5 or 10 gal. nozzles, Micro-Trak, rate conUse handheld remote to select and turn on individual Phone 306-867-7252. troller, w/chem handler, $7500 OBO. boom section for nozzle checks. Easy install with FORAGE HARVESTERS: JD Model 7400, 306-794-4520, 306-728-1449, Killaly, SK. harness to plug in to your sprayer. 6850, 6710; Claas 860; Hay and corn 2004 BRANDT QF1500, 1000 US gal, 80’, h e a d e r s a v a i l a b l e f o r a l l u n i t s . Micro-Trak, autorate, new hyd. pump, Ph: 306-859-1200 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. chem handler w/ground level pivot, dou2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no pickup ble nozzle bodies, windcones, autofold, reel, 1910 hours, $165,000. Brant, AB. exc. cond. $13,000. Phone 306-960-5979, Prince Albert, SK. 403-684-3540. 1999 67XLT FLEXI-COIL 130’, windscreens double tank, double boom, rinse tank, $11,000 OBO. 780-608-4385 Daysland, AB. 2001 COMPUTORSPRAY, 60’ booms, single line. Immaculate condition. Always stored inside, used very little. $6500. Ph. 403-740-5996, Castor, AB. WRECKING TRACTORS, SWATHERS, BALERS, COMBINES
For all your silage equipment & silage bag needs.
1-800-803-8346 www.youngsequipment. 2003 NH FX60, 2768 cutterhead hrs., 3535 eng. hrs., 12’ grass header. Spout cam, Auto greaser. New cutterhead, blower cone, blower gearbox, engine turbo, rebuilt header, all in last 50 hrs. Rebearing feedrolls in last 150 hrs. Owner operated since new. Lots of spare parts. Asking $100,000. Willing to trade for trackhoe, semi truck or trailer. 780-728-9111, Carrot Creek, AB. JIFFY 900 SILAGE DUMP WAGON, $5600 OBO. 780-352-2818, Gwynne, AB.
COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, tapered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. JF 1350 CHOPPER; Also Jiffy 1200 transfer wagon; Jiffy blo-deck. 403-627-5454 evenings, Pincher Creek, AB.
M edicine Ha t, AB .
E arly Book ing Program !
Specia lizing In N ew, Used & Reb uiltAgricultura l And C onstruction Pa rts Call Today
B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured parts for most farm tractors and combines.
Sila ge B a lew ra p startin g at$84 Sila ge C overs -32 feetto 120 feetw ide,a ny length
Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666 w w na dia nh a ya ndsila
2007 CIH 3320, 1197 hrs., $215,000; 2006 2010 JD 4730 100’ booms, 2 sets of tires, Rogator 1064, 2 sets of tires, $139,900; AutoTrac with swath control pro, 20 hrs., 2004 Melroe 4640, $69,900; 2005 Melroe $215,000. 306-634-4451, Estevan, SK. 4650, $75,900; Patriot XL, $53,900; Walker 44, $55,000. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Case IH Humboldt, SK. 2006 HYTRUCK SPRAYER with AutoSteer; 2001 Ford E450 diesel, 80’ boom, 1000 gal. tank, Teejet variable rate controller, Trimble 500 with EZ-Steer, hyd. lift/fold, great for wet conditions. 306-831-6087, Rosetown, SK. 2000 1254 ROGATOR, 2900 hrs, new 100’ booms, 5-way nozzles, 1280 gal. tank, air ride, chem inductor, end row nozzles, Ra- 2003 ROGATOR 1064, 2088 hrs., 1000 gal. ven SCS661, rinse tank, farmer owned, SS tank, AutoSteer, AutoBoom w/5 sec$85,000. 204-224-3532, Dugald, MB. tions, mapping, 90’ boom w/air clean out, nozzle bodies, 3” fill, high volume APACHE 790 PLUS, 2600 hrs., 90’ booms. triple crop dividers, Titan 80/90 P46 $50,000 OBO. 306-293-2926, late eves. pump, tires, 2 sets of tires, $128,500. Climax, SK. 204-632-5334, Winnipeg, MB. 1997 HAGIE 284 4x4 sprayer, 800 gal. 90’ booms, Outback AutoSteer, 3100 hrs., new 2004 4710 JOHN DEERE, 27 hrs., GPS, tires, crop dividers, vg condition, $36,900; AutoSteer, SwathPro, 90’ Boom, 800 gal., Also 1993 Redi Haul sprayer trailer, new remote nozzle check. Call 306-460-9703, tires, good shape, $3500. 780-376-2426, Eatonia, SK. Killam, AB. 7400 WILMAR SPRAYER, 90’ booms, 3 NEW AND USED SPRAYER TRAILERS way nozzles, two sets of tires, GPS, E-drive by Trailtech, starting at $13,495. Call and mapping, $67,500. Coronach, SK. Wendell, Flaman Sales, 1-888-235-2626, 306-267-4528. Southey, SK. 2008 SPRA-COUPE 4655, 640 hrs, 80’ 2007 4720 JD, 1395 hrs, 90’ boom, crop booms, 400 gal tank, duals, light bar, triple dividers, $165,000. Delivery available. nozzle bodies, crop dividers, raven GPS 1-800-735-5846. mapping section control, $92,000. Phone 2003 WILMAR 8500, 1900 hrs, 90’ boom, 306-961-2205, Prince Albert, SK. air ride, AutoBoom heights, AccuBoom, sectional control, field ready, $85,000. 306-422-8515, 306-960-5698, St. Louis SK LOOKING FOR a sprayer, trailer, or sprayer tires? Call me first. 30 years experience. 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB. Som e
w w w.a b ja
2003 JD 4710, 90’, 800 gal., hyd. tread adjust, foam marker, triple nozzles, 420 tires, fence row nozzles, Norac UC4 boom height, recent Greenlight, 2235 eng. hrs, $120,000. 306-457-7649, Heward, SK. SPRA-COUPE 3640, 1800 hrs., 60’ booms, GPS, tidy unit, 2 sets of tires, dividers, $39,000. Ph 780-763-2288, Mannville, AB. 1998 WILLMAR 7200 RANGER, 4WD, w/1976 hrs., vg 12.4x42 tires, 4 Tridekon crop dividers, hyd. tread adjust, air ride suspension, 600 gallon SS tank, 60 gal. rinse tank, 80’ booms, c/w triple nozzle bodies and 5 sets of nozzles, Midtech 6000 autorate controller and Outback STS GPS w/AutoSteer and mapping. $51,500 OBO. 780-212-1949 or 780-525-3918, Grassland, AB. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 67XL susp. boom, 90’, 1250 gal. tank, triple nozzle bodies, wind screens, rinse tank, wand wash, exc. cond. Call Rod at 306-463-7713, Kindersley, SK. 1997 765 WILMAR, 83’, 600 gal. tank, 2500 hrs., 12” tires, JD motor, GPS, $45,000. Call 306-653-5968, Leslie, SK. 2001 SF550 NEW HOLLAND (Rogator), stainless steel tank, 90’ boom, triple nozzles, 2 set of tires, mint cond., $2200. 306-429-2764, Glenavon, SK. THREE 2004 ROGATORS 1064, 1700 hrs., 2 sets tires for each. Support trailers also avail. 204-867-3147, Minnedosa, MB. 2006 WILLMAR EAGLE 8500, 90’, 2400 hrs., Outback GPS, mapping, etc., extra tires, crop dividers, other options. 306-961-6170, Prince Albert, SK. 1997 WALKER 44, 60/90’ boom, Cummins 5.9L engine, 2 sets of tires, Outback 360S AutoSteer, 1200 US gal. tank, 2900 hrs., rebuilt hydrostat 50 hrs. ago, field ready, $60,000. 306-327-7965, Nut Mountain, SK
Quick Fa cts Ab out Th e Air Bub b le Je t:
• AG Canada Tested • As well as most chemical companies
Price: $11.25/e a.
• 85% drift reduction “ S EE NEW • Increased plant TW IN A IR coverage B UB B LE JET” • 100-degree, even spray pattern • Consistent droplet sizing (200-550 micron) • Made of Chemital for superior wear characteristics • Fits into most existing nozzle caps • 15 + Years Of Proven Experience • Operates at normal pressure 30-45 psi (20-90 total range). • DOES NOT require high pressure • ISO color coded sizes • This year let the air bubble jet help put your chemical $ where it belongs “On the Plant”. For N ea res t D ea ler C a ll
P h: (2 04) 72 4- 45 19 In Alb erta Ca ll:
2007 SPX 3185 CASE/IH sprayer, 500 hrs., (403) 330- 908 5 extra tires, other options, $165,000. A E Chicoine Farms Ltd. 306-449-2255, FIFTH WHEEL SPRAYER trailer made to Storthoaks, SK. pull with a semi, includes two 500 gallon 2000 WILMAR 8100 sprayer, 90’ boom, Ag water tanks. Built to haul smaller high Shield with GFS, height control, AutoSteer clearance sprayers. $9500 obo. Whitewith mapping, chem injection, 2 sets of wood, SK 306-735-4434 or 306-735-7841. tires, crop dividers; 1999 Trailtech semisprayer trailer, 3000 gal. SS water tank, drive along. 306-231-9937 Lake Lenore SK ROGATOR 854 1999, 2700 hrs., 90’, Viper, auto-tie, 2 sets of tires, flood lights, GPS, $59,800. Calgary, AB. 403-650-7967.
SPRAYER TRAILER, pintle hitch, 11R22.5 rubber, HD trailer will haul any JD or Rogator, asking $15,900. 306-937-2888 or 306-441-8466, Battleford, SK. MELROE 220 3 wheel sprayer, good running condition, $4750 or trade for PT 2009 AG CHEM Rogator 884, only 61 hrs., sprayer. 306-257-3555, Allan, SK. AutoSteer, boom height, hyd. track adj. 1995 PATRIOT XL, 90’ booms, 750 gal. foam markers, 800 gal SS tank, Viper Pro tank, asking $48,000. Located at Southey, controller, Raven GPS, 100’ boom, 380/90 SK, phone 306-726-4326. R46 Good Year tires, loaded machine. Like 1995 854 ROGATOR, 80’, 800 gal., foam new cond. Can deliver. Cypress River, MB Ph. markers, 3 tire sets, 3800 hrs, good shape, $65,000 OBO. 306-537-0950, Pelly, SK. 204-743-2324.
2002 FLEXI-COIL 67XL 90’ suspended boom sprayer, 1250 imp. gallons c/w wind screens, rinse tank, chemical handler, autorate control, foam marker, triple TeeJet tips, $26,000. Fillmore, SK. 306-722-3759 or 306-861-6184. 2004 67XL FLEXI-COIL sprayer, 90’ booms, 1250 imp. gal. tank, hyd. pump, autorate, wind screens, 100 gal. rinse tank, chem handler, dual nozzles (5 and 10 gal), disc markers, $16,000 OBO. Luseland, SK. MELROE 216 SPRA-COUPE 50’, foam mark306-372-4683, 306-834-7514. ers, crop dividers, 2 sets of tires, 518 1998 BRANDT QF 1000, hyd. pump, o r i g i n a l h r s . , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . wind cones, triple nozzle bodies, chem 306-726-4616, Southey SK tank, 850 gal., 80’, good rubber, well serviced, $8000. 306-746-4515 Raymore, SK. 2002 APACHE 1090, 90’ boom, 1000 100’ 65 XLT, 120 gal. split tank, dual pump gal., autorate, NoracUC4, AutoSteer and and booms, wind curtains, disc markers, mapping, dual rear wheels, 2090 hrs. excellent. $9500. 306-747-2725, Shell- 306-796-4770 or 306-796-7503 Central Butte, SK. brook, SK. FLEXI-COIL 65XL, 18.4x26 tires on ad- FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS justable axles, 1500 US gal. tank, chem in- We also specialize in: Crop insurance apductor, 120’ with wind screens, fresh water peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; t a n k , a u t o r a t e c o n t r o l l e r, $ 9 9 0 0 . Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call 306-237-4442, Arelee, SK. Back-Track Investigations for assistance 100’ BOURGAULT CENTURIAN 11, hyd. regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. pump, disc markers, 830 gal. tank, 2 yrs. 2007 1074 ROGATOR, 90’ air ride, SS tank, old. $3000. 306-746-7990, Semans, SK. hyd. tread adjust, Raven GPS light bar and 1998 FLEXICOIL SPRAYER, 67XL, 1250 controller, 380 tires, 2300 hrs., mint. gal. tank, 90’, hyd. pump, hyd. autofold, $130,000. 306-247-4806, Scott, SK. autorate control, rinse tank with disc markers and wind screens. $15,000. Good 2001 1054 SS ROGATOR, built on 1074 chassis, air ride, big cab, crop dividers, shape. 306-264-3702, Meyronne, SK. 1000 gal. SS tank, 3” fill, hyd. tierod, 4-whl FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 62 field sprayer, 100’, steer, 80’ air and reg. boom, light bar and adj. axle and hyd. boom height control, field mapping. Loaded, vg cond., 2400 enhyd. pump and cab controls, etc., shedded, gine hrs., 10,800 spray acres, $139,000 good cond. Bob 204-745-2265 Carman MB OBO. 306-861-5819, McTaggart, SK.
1998 4640 SPRA-COUPE, 2350 hrs., auto trans., GPS, AutoSteer AutoBoom shutoff, 2 rates, 3-way tips, foam mkr, new 400 gal tank, 60’ boom w/2 sets of tires, asking $45,000. 306-782-7749 Yorkton, SK 1995 SPRAY COUPE model 230 high clearance. 2025 hrs., 60’ booms and triple nozzles. Good cond., recent factory rebuilt trans. and new tires. Dealer pre-season c h e c ko u t s p r i n g 2 0 1 0 . $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 . 306-874-7735, Naicam, SK.
3 3͓ʹǡ3 ǡ3 53 Ͳ 3ͳ Ͳ 3ͳǦͺǦʹͻʹǦͳͳͷ 39 3ʹͲͶǦͻǦ͵͵͵ͷ 3 ̷ Ǥ 3 Ǥ Ǥ
1254 ROGATOR, 1200 gal., 100’, 2 sets tires, 3165 hrs, offers. 306-923-2221, Torquay, SK. 2006 HYTRUCK SPRAYER with AutoSteer! 2001 Ford E450 diesel, 80’ boom, 1000 gal. tank, Teejet variable rate controller, Trimble 500 w/EZ-steer, hyd. lift/fold, Great for wet conditions. 306-831-6087, Rosetown, SK.
GENTLY USED FLOAT tires 18.4 R46 fits Apache AS models and others. No cracks, stored inside, little to no wear. 230” rolling circumference, 14 ply, 78” diameter, 18.9” wide. $5895 obo. Jason 306-436-7566, Regina, SK.
1996 WILMAR 745 air ride sprayer w/GPS light bar, night lights, foam marker and floatation tires. New in crop tires. Always shedded. 306-245-3388, Francis, SK.
FOLDING HYDRAULIC SPRAYER cradle with self contained hydraulics made to haul any sprayer. Fits on drop deck trailer. 403-391-6021, Red Deer, AB.
1999 TRAILTECH SPRAYER trailer, tandem axle, pintle hitch, $5900. 306-245-3750 evenings, Francis, SK.
NEW FLOATERS for JD and Case sprayers, 710/70R38 or 650/65/R38, Michelin or Alliance; Dual kits and floats for Apache sprayers. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80 to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK.
2005 JD 1820, 60’, 10” spacing, Stealth paired row, double shoot, 3.5” semi pneumatic rubber packers, nice shape, 1910 air cart TBH, 340 bu., and conveyor, $69,000 OBO for all. 403-654-2734 or 403-654-0430, Vauxhall, AB. 57’ FLEXI-COIL AIR DRILL, 3450 cart, 9” spacing, triple shoot, double fans on air cart, 4-1/4” rubber packers, new hoses, $65,000 OBO. Call Danny 780-853-7637, Vermilion, AB. 2003 42’ BOURGAULT 5710 Series II, 9.8” spacing, mid row banders for dry, 3-1/2” steel packers, 1998 4350 tank, dual fan, 3 tank metering, $85,000. 306-380-5990, Saskatoon, SK. 1998 57’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 3450 - 3 tank, 12” double shoot, Atom Jet 4”, 5” steel, $57,500 OBO. 306-268-4341 Bengough, SK 48’ EZEE-ON 5 sec. air drill, rubber press, c/w 350 variable rate tank. 306-648-3216, 306-648-7835, Gravelbourg, SK. 2002 BOURGAULT 5440 air cart, variable rate control, double shoot, dual fan, Rice tires. Call Dave 306-536-0548, Rouleau, SK JD 1895 disc drill, 42’ w/1910 430 bu. cart $99,000 OBO. Near Brandon, MB. Trades? 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586 Yorkton, SK. 2002 BOURGAULT 5440 c/w 59’ 5710 MRB’s for NH3, $89,000. Trades welcome. Call Dennis, 780-996-9157 days, 780-651-2773 evenings, Waskatenau, AB. 3” RUBBER PACKERS semi pneumatic for Bourgault 40’ 5710, 9.8” spacing. Call Dale 306-369-4163, Bruno, SK. RETIRING: 2004 Bourgault 5710, 59’, 9.8” spacing, 2” carbide, dual casters, 450 trips, Series 2 dry MRB’s, 3-1/2” steel; 2008 TBH 6450 dual fan tank, 3 meters, 10” auger, shedded. Will sell drill separate if first. 2008 Versatile 535 tractor, 12 speed, shedded. All machines low acres and hours. 306-445-5642, North Battleford, SK. 2009 66’ Seed Master CT drill 12” spacing big tire pkg, double chute, dry w/liquid 2003 JD 1910 air cart 340 bu. $210,000 Call Wayne 306-698-7787 Wolseley, SK. WANTED: 4” RUBBER packers for 40’ Bourgault 5710 at 9.8” spacing. Phone: 204-326-0290, Ste. Anne, MB. 2001 BG 5710, 54’, MRB, NH3, 9.8” spacing, 97 BG 4350 tank, 1 year old rice tires, $85,000. 306-398-7449 or 306-441-0452, Cut Knife, SK. 28’ SEED HAWK, 10” spacing, w/Ezee-On 3175 ground drive tank, asking $48,000. 306-783-4199, 306-620-8644 Ebenezer SK 40’ CONCORD, 200 bu. tank, completely re-furbished, $15,000. 306-873-4635, Tisdale, SK. CONCORD 2300, TBH, air tank, 230 bu, rear hitch, 5 rolls, exc condition, pictures available. $12,490. 204-391-1011, Elie, MB email 61’ MORRIS CONTOUR air drill, 2 yrs. old, w / r u b b e r p a c ke r s , d o u b l e s h o o t , $130,000. 306-768-2715, Carrot River, SK. 2.25” STEEL PACKERS for 39’, 7.2” FlexiCoil 5000 air drill. Phone 204-324-4144, Rosenfeld, MB. 36 3” BOURGAULT rubber packers, $3000. 306-934-4529, Clavet, SK.
1996 CONCORD 4012, 3400 tank, engine drive, Farmland boots, 6” openers, $26,500 OBO. 306-268-4341 Bengough, SK TOO WET TO SEED: 2003 BG 5350 air tank, single shoot/fan, CRA, rice tires, shedded, mint.306-682-3468 Humboldt SK
68 USED 1” STEALTH OPENERS, carbide tips, $2800. 306-357-2151, Wiseton, SK. FLEXI-COIL 820 CULTIVATOR, 8” spacings, w/Bourgault 2155 air tank, all hydraulics fan and auger, Knock-on shovels, narrow point and sweeps w/harrows. $28,500. 306-256-7020, Cudworth, SK.
S a ska tchew a n Dea ler Us ed 2010 S a l ford – 55’ DD Air Drill 10” s p a ci ng, m id ro w s , liq u id a n d Alp in e p l um b i ng, 370 b u . to w b ehi nd p o ly ta n ks W hite Fa rm S u pply Co . L td . Da vid s o n , S K . 306 /56 7-476 2 EZEE-ON 7550, 48’, 8” space, 3/4 Dutch carbide openers, rubber pkrs, sgl. shoot, w/2250 TBT tank, hyd. fan, $40,000. 204-745-7231 204-750-1048, St. Leon, MB
BOURGAULT 3165 AIR tank, 3 tanks, PDM metering system, hyd. fill auger w/air s e e d e r h o p p e r. $ 1 1 , 5 0 0 O B O . OFF SEASON discounts on new and used 306-855-4650 or 306-280-4143 Hanley SK rollers, trades welcome. 403-545-6340, 1996 FLEXI-COIL 1720 air cart, 170 bu., 403-580-6889 cell. Bow Island, AB. has Trelleborg tires, rear hitch, c/w 3 rollers and monitor. No rust, mint cond., ask- DEGELMAN 7000 heavy harrow, 50’, ing $15,500 OBO. Call Dale 204-864-2518, manual tine adj., 9/16” curved tines, less than 10,000 acres, $27,500. 306-862-2387 Cartier, MB. or 306-862-2413, Nipawin, SK. FLEXI-COIL 820 40’, 9” spacing, knock-on 60’ HARMON HARROW PACKER bar, P-30 shovels, 200 bu. Morris air tank, c/w packers, field ready, excellent condition, monitors, 5-bar harrows, Valmar attach- 306-726-4616, Southey, SK. ment, twin bar mountings, low acres, $25,000 OBO. Phone 306-374-7051, 2000 DEGELMAN LAND ROLLER, exc. 306-221-0356, Saskatoon, SK. cond., $24,000. Mel George, 306-453-6737, Carlyle, SK. MORRIS 37’ 8900 air seeder, single shoot, 9” spacing, McKay knock-off shovels, 6180 1997 FLEXICOIL HEAVY harrows, new 26” air cart with 3rd tank, $18,000 OBO. Also tines, $22,500. 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, matching Wrangler 3, harrow packer, 38’ SK. to pull behind, $5500 OBO. 780-349-6739, RITE-WAY 40’ heavy harrows, auto tilt Westlock, AB. adjustment, ready for spreading and BOURGAULT 180 TANK, single shoot, bunching straw, $7500. 306-939-4554, good shape, hyd drive c/w monitor and 306-371-7235, Earl Grey, SK. tow hitch, $5500 OBO. 780-608-7431, 35’ FLEXICOIL SYSTEM 70 packer bar. Daysland AB. P30 packers, $3,000. 403-772-2191, Mor40’ BOURGAULT 9200 seeding tool with rin, AB. Flexi-Coil 1110 TBH air tank, also attached 60’ RITEWAY HARROW packer bar, very Valmar 1620. Edward Gall Farm Equipment good condition. Call 204-623-6831 for Auction, Saturday, June 18, 2011, Estevan, more details, The Pas, MB. SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit Join us 36 3” BOURGAULT rubber packers, $3000. o n F a c e b o o k ! 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-934-4529, Clavet, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 92 harrow packer 2001 CASE/IH CONCORD 3400 air tank, drawbar, 60’ w/P20 packers, walking axles 8 ” a u g e r, e x c . c o n d . , $ 1 9 , 9 0 0 . under cart. 306-436-4326, Milestone, SK. 403-901-9156, Standard, AB. FLEXI-COIL #75, 44’, wing-up hyd., packbar, P-30 packers. Phone 403-504-1095, MORRIS 44’ CONCEPT 2000, knock-on er shovels, Honeybee rod, Morris poly pack- Medicine Hat, AB. ers, JD 787 TBH air tank, $20,000. Will consider trade. 306-962-3821, Eston, SK.
BART’S TRANSPORT INC. Specializing in t o w i n g a i r d r i l l s , S K / A B o n l y. 306-441-4316, North Battleford. 60 NEW packer tires, fits SeedMaster SeedHawk drills. $40 each. Will separate. 306-745-2033 306-745-7906 Esterhazy SK 7.5” SPACING, 60’ JD 1820, 2004, single s h o o t , 3 ” r u b b e r p a c ke r s , n o t a n k , $35,000. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. CASE/IH 44’ air drill, c/w CIH 8100 triple JD 1890 DISC Drill, 42’ TBT, 2320 Flexitank, single shoot, 5 plex, less than 800 C o i l c / w 3 2 0 3 r d t a n k , $ 6 5 , 0 0 0 . acres on new openers. Extremely accurate, 306-267-4528, Coronach, SK. $15,000 OBO. 403-588-6012, Bowden, AB. 2002 FLEXI-COIL 5000 45’, 9” spacing, 5000 FLEXI-COIL AIR drill, with 2320 air double shoot, w/2007 JD 1910 TBH, 340 tank and 3rd tank, single shoot, $45,000. bu., 3 tanks, variable rate, low acres. 306-768-2715, Carrot River, SK. 306-435-3811, Moosomin, SK. 1996 EZEE-ON 7500, 33-10 on steel, 2175 NEW 2011 FLEXI-COIL 5000 HD 58’, 10”, tank, 3 compartments, hydraulic fan. 4” rubber, c/w TBT 4350 variable rate, 306-648-3524, Gravelbourg, SK. double shoot. Cam Don Motors 2002 BOURGAULT 5710, 40’, DS, 3” rub- 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. ber, $49,000; 2003 Bourgault 5710, 54’, JD 9350 30’ hoe drill, w/grass seed atDS, 3” rubber, $89,000; 2002 Bourgault tachment, c/w factory trans., good cond, 5 7 1 0 , 5 4 ’ , s i n g l e s h o o t , 3 ” r u b b e r, $1500 firm. 204-638-6157, Dauphin, MB $69,500; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5” steel, $59,000; 1998 Flexi- SELLING COMPLETE SET of 4” rubber Coil 5000/2320 TBT, single shoot, 4” rub- packer wheels for 50’ JD 1830 air hoe drill, ber; $79,000; 2000 Bourgault 5710, 64’, including spacers. Sunset Farms, Pennant, 3.5” steel, MRB’s, $79,000; 2003 Bourgault SK. 306-626-3388, cell: 306-741-1523 or 5350, dual shoot, $46,000; 2001 Bourgault 306-750-1114. 5440, DS, $58,000; 1996 Bourgault 3195, FLEXI-COIL 400 40’ single shoot, 9” space $14,500; 2006 Bourgault 6550, single w/1600 tank converted to air drill with 2” shoot, $89,000; 2005 Bourgault 6450, DS, Dutch on shank packers and 2” spike open$ 6 9 , 0 0 0 ; F l e x i - C o i l 8 0 0 / 1 6 1 0 , 3 3 ’ , er, $18,000 OBO. 780-336-1999, Killam AB $19,500; New 54’ Bourgault 8810 cult., call for pricing. RD Ag Central, 306-542-3335, 1997 BOURGAULT 5710, 54’, 9.8” spacing, 3.5” steel packers, MRB II, Dickie 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK. John NH3, new tires, 4350 tank, 3 tank DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR meters, shedded, $75,000 OBO. Zenon drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alber- Park, SK, 306-873-8549, 306-767-2293. ta and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob FLEXI-COIL 1610 TBT air tank, like new, 5 Davidson, Drumheller, 403-823-0746 run, always shedded, never seen fertilizer. 2009 60’ 60-12, 12” spacing, Seed hawk 403-664-2039, Oyen, AB. tool bar w/dual casters on wings, 30.5x32 on rear frame, 400 plus Seed hawk seed BOURGAULT 23-34 air seeder converted to cart, 2 fans, $220,500. 306-449-2255, A.E. an air drill. 32’ with 10” spacing, liquid kit, Atom Jet openers, Tec-No-Till packing sysChicoine Farm Equip.,Storthoaks, SK. tem, 1100 Flex-I-Coil cart. New hoses, ex1999 FLEXI-COIL 5000 40’ air drill, 8” cellent condition. $12,500. Dennis Scarrow s p a c i n g , 1 7 2 0 T B T c a r t . P h o n e Spy Hill, SK. 306-534-4564 306-843-7353, 306-843-2054, Wilkie, SK. 45’ CASE 8500 air drill, 7.2” spacing, 3” 1998 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’, 9” spacing, steel packers, c/w 7” unloading auger, 3” rubber packers, speed locks, 2320 TBH, $8000 OBO. 306-642-3336, Assiniboia, SK. DS w/3rd tank, double fan, low acres, ask40’ BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, 10” spacing, ing $48,500. 306-272-7150, Foam Lake SK 3” steel packer, very good condition. FLEXI-COIL 51’ 5000 12”, w/mid row 780-877-2339, Edberg, AB. shank, JD 787, $43,900 (will sell drill only); Bourgault 5350 DS, DF, $47,900; Bour- 40’ FLEXI-COIL 6000 air drill; Flexi-Coil gault 2195, $9900. Air tanks: Bourgault 1720 air cart, TBT; Barton II openers, dou2195 w/AS hopper, $9900; Bourgault ble shoot. $18,500 OBO. 780-858-2611, 5350, DS, DF, CRA, CTM, $47,900; Bour- Chauvin, AB. gault 2115 w/auger, $2900. Hergott 1995 45’ 5000 FLEXI-COIL AIR DRILL, Farm Equip, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 9” spacing, double shoot w/Atom Jet side 1998 FLEXI-COIL 3450 air tank, 3 tanks, band openers (used one year), steel packdouble shoot, mechanical drive, TBH, ers, good shape $29,000 OBO. Stenen, SK. Phone 306-548-4758, cell 306-547-8205. $35,000. 306-948-2784, Biggar, SK. 2002 BOURGAULT 5710, 54’, dbl. shoot, 2001 FLEXI-COIL 5000 33’ air drill, 12” M R B ’ s , $ 4 6 , 9 0 0 O B O . T r a d e s ? spacing, double shoot, 5-1/2” rubber packers, 1720 air tank, shedded, in exc. cond. 306-563-8482 306-782-2586 Yorkton, SK. 780-975-6531, New Sarepta, AB. MORRIS MAXIM 6180, 40’, 2” openers, includes drill tank and monitor, major work 1330 FLEXI-COIL AIR seeder tank, TBH, o r d e r s d o n e , fi e l d r e a dy, $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 . $7500. 306-768-2715, Carrot River, SK. 306-769-8777, Arborfield, SK. 3010 CONCORD AIR DRILL, single shoot, 1996 30’ JD 737 air drill and JD 777 cart, with 2300 engine drive fan. Edge-on and C 7-1/2” spacing, field ready, $23,000. Cell: shank openers, but no edge on boots. 306-436-4326, Milestone, SK. 306-720-0390, Eatonia, SK. FLEXI-COIL 57’ AIR DRILL with TBH air 1997 4010 40’ Case/IH Concord, red, 10” cart, single shoot, excellent shape. spacing, 5 plex, spring cushion C-shank, farmland boots, with knock-on sweeps, $54,000. 780-888-2245, Hardisty, AB. harrows, single shoot, liquid kit, 2300 Case/IH Concord seed tank, rice tires, $47,000. 306-449-2255, A. E. Chicoine Farm Equip., Storthoaks, SK.
DAVIDSON TRUCKING Don’t go in the field without us!
P u llin g Air d r ills/a ir seed er s, pa cker b a r s, Alb er ta a n d Sa sk. 30 yea r s exper ien ce. Bo b D a vid so n 403- 823- 0746 D ru m h eller,AB. FLEXI-COIL 7500 60’, year 2000, 10” spacing, DS, 4” steel, under 20,000 acres, $22,000, drill only/no tank. 306-862-2387 or 306-862-2413, Nipawin, SK. CONCORD 4812 AIR TILL DRILL, 1996, 48’, 12” spacing, 5 section, 3 rank, double shoot. Will accept any reasonable offer. C a l l D av e 3 0 6 - 4 2 4 - 2 2 1 2 o r K e v i n 306-424-2861, Montmartre, SK. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 5000 air drill, 33’, 9” spacing, 3” rubber packers, c/w 1720 TBT air tank. 306-768-3468, Carrot River, SK, 57’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 9” spacing, single shoot, steel packer, 2320 TBH air tank, $32,000. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 2320 TBH tank, 9” double shoot, Stealth openers, exc. cond, $45,000. 306-628-4114, Burstall, SK. 40’ CONCORD AIR DRILL w/230 tank, Dutch low draft openers, (paired row), excellent stand for flax and canola, $25,000. 306-734-2345, 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. 1998 40’ BOURGAULT w/new 3-1/2” steel packers, 9.8” spacings, 3/4” carbide tip knives, MRB’s w/carbide scrapers, 4250 Bourgault tank, Raven controller, $95,000. 306-863-4389, Star City, SK. 7130 MORRIS AIR seeder tank, TBH, $7500. 306-768-2715, Carrot River, SK.
2000 CASE/IH CONCORD 2300 air tank, ext. to 310 bu., rice tires, exc. cond., always shedded, $16,000. 204-238-4911 or 204-734-8261, Bowsman, MB.
1998 BOURGAULT 8810, 40’, w/1998 4300 cart, 3 comp. tanks, 8” load auger, always shedded, mint condition. Ph. 780-853-0549, Mannville, AB. BOURGAULT 24’ Vibra-Master, 8” spacing, 2115 cart, liquid kit, poly packers, Dutch carbide openers. 306-541-4363, Regina SK 1985 32’ BOURGAULT air seeder w/liquid tank and liquid kit, $10,000. 204-759-2286, Shoal Lake, MB. 32’ BOURGAULT 8800 with recent complete new style Bourgault air kit. Includes quick change packers. Approx. 200 bu. Bourgault air cart, tank has new factory 35’ FLEX-COIL 700, 12” spacing, single paint and decals, gas drive. $27,500. shoot, 3 bar harrows, no tank, $5500; 33’ 306-874-7735, Naicam, SK. JD 1610, 12” spacing, single shoot, shank packers, $5500. 306-861-4592, JD 665A air seeder, 40’, 4-bar harrows, mounted 185 bu. tank, 9” spacing, hyd. fan and au- Weyburn, SK. ger. Phone 306-342-4208, Glaslyn, SK. BOURGAULT 8800, 36’, 8” spacing, poly packers, stealth openers, double shoot, 40’ DELTA FLEXIBLE harrow cart. Suitable w/Flexi-Coil 2320 TBT tank, $27,000. for pasture rejuvenation, arena/track 780-981-2474, Keg River, AB. maintenance, seed bed prep. Good condi1997 BOURGAULT 2130 air tank, rear tow t i o n . C h e c k v i d e o o n l i n e a t hitch, good condition, $2900 OBO. Phone, for further info. $7500. Cochrane, 306-699-7001, McLean, SK. AB 403-932-5898 MORRIS 9000 39’ air seeder and 7240 Morris air tank, $23,000; NH3 Atom Jet SYSTEM 95, 70’ harrow packer bar, w/5openers available; 41’ Elmers seed bedder bar harrows, P30 packers, $6000 OBO. and 7240 Morris TBT tank, NH3 mid row 306-524-4609 after 8 PM; messages: shanks, and Dickey John NH3 flow kit, 306-524-2023, Semans, SK. $25,000. 204-353-2877, 204-941-9056 80’ BRANDT ROTARY and heavy packers, cell, St. Francis Xavier, MB. field ready, $20,000. 306-724-4461, Debden, SK.
Th e Air se e d e r H op p e r
M a k e tha t sim p le link to you r Seed Ta nk a nd Sem iTra iler. C heck u s ou t a t: w w w .a irseed erhop p M C /V isa Accep ted
306-487-2 72 1 BOURGAULT COMMANDER 34-38 air seeder, liquid kit, tines w/138 tank and fert. caddy, 1000 gal. John Blue pump. 306-423-5205, Domremy, SK. 2001 40’ BOURGAULT 8810, 10” spacing, knock-ons, shovels and mulchers, w/2003 5350 cart, single fan, variable rate control, 2 meters. Phone 204-829-3924 or cell 204-325-0537, Plum Coulee, MB. VALMAR 1210 air seeder with 12 Coulter interchangeable seed rollers. Merritt, BC., 250-378-4955, email 41’ JD DOUBLE SHOOT air seeder w/160 bu. TBT 1615 Flexi-Coil air cart and 160 bu. JD 777 TBH air cart. This is on 15” rows with a 5” spread tip (gives 10” row spacing). Includes openers and on-row packing. Significant work has been done on the meters and drives in the last two years. Excellent trash clearance, low price double shoot system, $25,000 OBO. 403-466-4178, Tyner, SK. FH 536-42, 40’, 11” rubber, 330 trips, 8” spacing w/knock-ons, full air pack and granular pack, hitch, 4-bar harrows, $6000 0B0. 306-524-4609 after 8 PM; messages: 306-524-2023, Semans, SK. WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820 25’-40’ and 60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, AB. 1995 37’ MORRIS 9000 air seeder, c/w 7180 tank, excellent field condition, tank shedded, $21,000. Ph. 780-808-8116, 780-875-0204, Streamstown, AB. 28’ BOURGAULT 8800, 2130 tank, steel packer wheels, hyd fan. $25,000 OBO. Earl Cunningham, 306-452-3743, Redvers, SK. CONCORD 3612, 4 row Stealth openers, disc levelers, Concord 3000 tank, $26,000 OBO. 403-321-0388, Drumheller, AB. 2000 EZEE-ON, 36’ cult., direct seeding boots plus extra 14” seeding boots, 12” spacing w/harrows, hyd. driven, like new $20,000 OBO. 403-556-2644 Olds, AB. MORRIS MAGNUM 33’, Poirier openers, liquid kit, 110 Flexi-Coil tank, hydraulic or engine driven, $10,500 OBO. 306-445-5485, Battleford, SK. 1997 BOURGAULT 2155 air tank, hyd. fan, exc. condition, $6000 OBO. Kamsack, SK. 306-542-2362, 306-542-7891. 1995 42’ BOURGAULT 8800 floating hitch cult., mtd. 4-bar harrows, 2195 tank, 42’ TBH, P20 Bourgault packer bar, complete. $40,000. 306-497-2800, Blaine Lake, SK. 1997 40’ CONSERVA PAK, w/7300 Morris seed tank, also 1700 gal. liquid cart, exc. cond. Call 306-287-4160, Watson, SK.
• 10’ working width • Hydraulic cylinder • Grader blade • Jack & extra mount • Adjustable skids • Safety chain
60’ FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95 harrow packer, P30 packers, 5-bar harrows, 3 new tires, $7200. 306-493-7535, Delisle, SK. MORRIS 50’ HEAVY harrow, 24” tines, $16,900 OBO. 306-563-8482 or 306-782-2586, Rama, SK.
PHOENIX H14 ROTARY HARROW, 45’, used very little, $19,000 OBO. Phone: 306-338-3271, Wadena, SK. BLANCHARD 32’ COIL PACKER, $2500; BLANCHARD 50’ HARROW packer, P30’s, Herman 50’, 4-bar spring harrow bar, green color, excellent; Degelman 70’ heavy $ 1 5 0 0 . w w w. w a l t e r s e q u i p m e n t . c o m harrow, 0.5” tines, manual angle; Morris 204-525-4521, Minitonas MB. 4 0 ’ , w i n g u p h a r r o w s , P 3 0 ’ s . 40’ DEGELMAN LAND ROLLER, $25,500 780-679-7795, Gwynne, AB. OBO. 403-937-2504, Walsh, AB.
Welding & Machining Ltd.
Toll Free: 1-888-446-3444
240 VALMAR implement mount, new hos- JD 455 FOLD-UP with grain and fertilizer es, $3200 OBO. Young, SK. 306-946-7446 combination, and press wheels, 30’. or 306-259-4982. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. 70’ FLEXI-COIL HARROW packer bar, Sys- DRILL TRANSPORT/ CARRIER, Doepker tem 22, P-30, 5-bar harrows, vg cond., 42’ w/automotive steering, 6 wheels, com$7000. 306-742-4707, Churchbridge, SK. plete hyds. Any reasonable offer considered. Dave 306-424-2212, Montmartre, SK 28’ HYDRAULIC LIFT BLANCHARD packer bar, P30’s, $1500. 403-502-7981, Bow 60 ATOM JET side band granular openers for C-shank, $70 each; 35 UNIVERSAL Island, AB. Have a nice day! DISC LEVELERS for C-shank, $150 each. 2010 SUMMERS 48’ heavy harrow, like 306-722-3519, Osage, SK. n e w. P h o n e 4 0 3 - 5 4 5 - 6 3 4 0 o r c e l l 40’ JD 1860 disc drill without tank, 7.5” 403-580-6889, Bow Island, AB. spacing, good condition. 306-398-4714, 80’ DELMAR HEAVY HARROWS, 1/2” Cut Knife, SK. tines, good condition. Call 204-242-4322, CASE/IH 7200 hoe drills 28’, Gen carbide Manitou, MB. tips, rubber cap packers, always shedded, excellent condition, $4500 OBO. 306-372-7720, Luseland, SK. FLEXI-COIL 2320 TBH, excellent condi- 80-18 MORRIS SEED-RITE rigged for liqtion, $21,900. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 uid fertilizer and upgraded with 3/4” Atom anytime. North Battleford, SK Jet openers and 3” tandem packers. Also 36’ MF 360 discer, 18” blades, in good includes 3” shovels, TBH ground drive 400 gal. tank, and several seeders for parts, cond. Call 306-684-1884, Moose Jaw, SK. $4000. 204-937-8321, Roblin, MB. MORRIS MH310 HOE drills, three 10’s, Ea- 42’ CASE/IH HOE drills, seed monitors and gle beaks, factory trans. Wes Glennie, 3 hyd. jacks, A1 shape, $3000; 2 hyd. end Carnduff, SK. 403-862-7578. gate drill fills, $150/ea. 306-524-4306, 140 USED DUTCH 1 1/4” gumbo openers Raymore, SK. with 3/4” mud hawk tips. $35 each. 40’ 9350 JD hoe drill, hyd. transport, 306-962-3832, Eston, SK. $5000 OBO. 306-476-2010 or CONVEY-ALL SEED/FERT. tank, 450 bu., 306-476-2587, Rockglen, SK. c/w 7” hyd. unload augers, $3200. Saska- VALMAR 1620 IMPLEMENT mounted aptoon, SK, 306-374-7051, 306-221-0356. plicator, $2500; Valmar 1655 implement IH 6200 28’ press drill, factory transport, m o u n t e d a p p l i c a t o r , $ 3 5 0 0 . m a r k e r s , $ 2 2 0 0 O B O o r t r a d e . 306-423-5983, St. Louis, SK. 306-827-4918, Radisson, SK. 3 9 - 2 0 0 7 B O U R G AU LT S e r i e s 2 5 MORRIS 6180 AIR TANK, meter body MRB’s, 20” disc, brand new scrapers, field sandblasted and painted, new auger, ready, exc. cond., $500 ea. or complete set for $17,500. 306-675-5703, 306-675-4957 $7500. 306-748-2603, Melville, SK. Leross, SK. LIKE NEW Edge-On style, single shoot Stealth seed boots with 3” spread tips. 2002 FLEXI-COIL 3450 TBT, double shoot, very good, $49,000. Cam Don Motors 306-642-3487, Assiniboia, SK. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 72 BOURGAULT single shoot seed boots for C-Shank w/3” spread, c/w carbide tips, EAGLE BEAKS, FARMLAND boots and other misc. openers. Call and I will email pics. excellent $40 ea. 306-873-2268 Tisdale SK 306-280-2400, Saskatoon, SK. IHC 7200 42’ hoe drills, factory transport, $3600 OBO or trade. Phone 306-827-4918, IH 28’ 7200 hoe drills, w/transport, fert. boxes, good shape, field ready, $3500; 21’ Radisson, SK. Versatile hoe drills, $1500. Coronach, SK. FLEXI-COIL 2320 TBH and 1720 TBT 306-267-2366. tanks, 6-run double shoot, misc. rollers, ESTATE SALE: 40’ JD 9350 drill w/mover, $15,000 and $11,000. David 306-377-4709 a l w a y s s h e d d e d , $ 5 0 0 0 . P h o n e : or Jon 306-377-2111, Herschel, SK. 403-946-5016, Crossfield, AB. JD 9450 30’ HOE DRILL, factory transport and hitch, new openers, $13,000 OBO. 30’ AND 35’ JD 455 fold-up grain drills. $35,000 and $36,000. Call 403-308-1238, 780-210-2546, St.Vincent, AB. Taber, AB. 2005 BOURGAULT 6350 TBH cart, 2TM, 28’ CASE/IH 7200 hoe drill, factory transrear hitch, SS, low acres, $45,000 OBO. port. 306-329-4780 or 306-371-7382, 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. Asquith, SK. 240 PULL TYPE VALMAR. Phone John 48 ATOM JET used late model CB15 1” 306-463-3132, Kindersley, SK. openers w/liquid fert. wing, good cond., 57 ATOMJET 4” paired row liquid openers. $70 each. 306-398-2923, Cut Knife, SK. 306-237-4442, Arelee, SK. 1989 MF 360 discers, 45’, covers very BLOCKAGE MONITOR: JD 1900 plugs, 5 nice, $7000. Phone 306-266-4222, Fir run x2 expandable, 48 dutch boots, 3.5” Mountain, SK. paired row, $75/ea; 41 Valley packers, 4” flat, $75/ea. 306-577-7416, Wawota, SK. 750 15-1/2’ ZERO till drill, w/hyd. auger EXPERIENCED TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: for filling, very good shape, $15,000 OBO. 10’ Kello 225 offset disc; 10’ Agrator rotoPhone 306-728-1582, Melville, SK. spike; 5 shank Kello 530 subsoiler; 5 shank SENSTEK DC-3 complete depth control Tatu ASCR- 5 subsoiler. Clean product. system, $2250. Phone 306-825-4000, Red Deer, AB, 403-347-2601. Lloydminster, SK. 40’ BOURGAULT 536-42 floating hitch cult. new bushings in trips. Esterhazy, SK. 650 BUSHEL HAUL-ALL Ind. seed fertilizer All tank, rear facing 7” discharge augers on Phone 306-745-2415 or 306-745-7168. 27’ high boy trailer. Great for going on soft CO-OP 806 HD Chisel plow, 24’, very good fields. 306-842-4367 eves., Weyburn, SK. cond., $3900. 403-318-0472, Innisfail, AB. 4 5 F L E X I - C O I L S T E A LT H o p e n e r s , MORRIS B3 RODWEEDER 36’ w/multiplex #CD847V3, w/stainless liquid fert. tubes and harrows. Phone 306-446-4822, North and Gen 59 carbide tips, very good cond. Battleford, SK. 306-625-3775, Ponteix, SK. 40’ EZ-ON 3500 cult, 8” spacing, Pattison 20’ MELROE DRILL w/transport, good con- liquid kit, Bourgault knock-on openers and dition, $1500. Phone 306-728-1582, Mel- mtd. harrow/packer system; 50’ Morris ville, SK. CP7-50 deep tillage cult. w/mtd. harrows; Morris 7180 air cart, single shoot, rear 42’ NEW NOBLE 9000 Seed-O-Vator, c/w hitch like new. 204-845-2113 Elkhorn, MB. #291 200 bu. tank and mounted Gustafson seed treater, exc. cond., $11,900 OBO. 1650 JD CULTIVATOR 59’, heavy axles, c/w Flexi-Coil air pak, 320 Valmar, Dutch Phone 306-472-3703 eves., Lafleche, SK. k n i ve s a n d s h ove l s . 3 0 6 - 6 4 8 - 3 2 1 6 , MORRIS MAXIM 7130 air tank and Morris 306-648-7835, Gravelbourg, SK. 6130 air tank. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 38’ 6000 Noble blade, 7 floating sections, 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos new 6’ blades, coulters, $6000 OBO. visit 306-747-2725, Shellbrook, SK. Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, TANDEM OFFSET DISC, Hutchmaster 23’. Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 306-483-5034, Oxbow, SK. JD 9450 hoe drill 20’ w/grass seed attach., IH 470 TANDEM disc, 18’, new rams and shedded. 306-862-9692, Nipawin, SK. hoses, some new shafts and bearings, 1989 30’ MORRIS MH310 hoe press drill, good cond., $2000 OBO. 306-668-4215, factory trans., atom jet openers, asking 306-222-8489, 306-955-1019, Vanscoy SK $6000. Phone 204-435-2130, Miami, MB. JD 61’ 1810 chisel plow, floating hitch, 2 VALMAR’S, each on 40’ light duty culti- $40,000. 306-634-4451, Estevan, SK. vators, $3500 each. Phone 780-888-2245, WANTED: 8 OR 9’ Rome or Kello heavy Hardisty, AB. breaking disc complete with transport. 80 BOURGAULT packing tires, 4.80-8, 1-867-668-4912, Whitehorse, Yukon. Carlisle 6-ply w/tubes. Rims fit Bourgault, Seed Master and Seed Hawk. Bourgault KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and std. fan from 6550ST cart. 306-648-7720 bearings. Parts to fit most makes and or 306-648-7721, Gravelbourg, SK. models. FOUR 18’ MODEL 360 Massey discers, with 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB gauge wheels for depth control and liquid 50’ 820 FLEXI-COIL cultivator with harfertilizer kit. Discers can be sold as one rows. $15,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipunit or individually. Call Ron 204-941-3125 ment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. or Morris, MB. 28’ JD 360 DOUBLE DISC, $11,900; 45’ Flexi-Coil 800 cultivator, 9” spacing, 4 2’H oe D rill $12,900. Call Pro AG Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime. North Battleford, SK. w ith Factory builtcarrier, Eagle Beak shanks, 30’ ANDERSON CULTIVATOR, floating hitch, used for air seeding, $1700 OBO. $ 403-823-1894, Morrin, AB. O BO 37’ MORRIS MAGNUM 731 chisel plow, 4bar harrows, good cond., $3750. Phone 306-764-7865, Prince Albert, SK. Call30 6-699-7678 (cell)
4 ,0 0 0
or em ail:grantw ilson@ 35’ DEEP TILLAGE MORIDGE cultivator
42’ IH PRESS DRILLS, steel packers, factory transport, new discs and bearings; Also 6.5’ Morris tine harrows, up to 72’. 306-253-4454, Aberdeen, SK. 28’ AND 36’ MELROE 204 disc drills, both with factory transport. Ph. 306-283-4747 or 306-291-9395, Langham, SK.
good shape. 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. 47’ MORRIS 743 heavy cult., HoneyBee rod, harrows, $6500 OBO; 50’ NOBLE BLADE, 110° shovels, $5000 OBO. Gary Facca 306-357-2164, Wiseton, SK. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 760 offset double disc, 16’, $6500. Ph. 306-945-4925, Hepburn, SK.
S a ska tchew a n Dea ler
FO R S ALE 30’ S a lford RTS tilla g e m a chin e
W hite Fa rm S u pply Co . L td . Da vid s o n , S K . 306 /56 7-476 2 22’ HUTCHMASTER DISC, w/rock guards, like new, $14,500. Phone 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB. JD 331 31’ DISC, good shape, field ready, $12,000. 306-327-4939, 306-327-7442, Kelvington, SK. MORRIS 525 DEEP TILLAGE, 29’, c/w 29 knives, anhydrous kit plus harrows, rear hitch, $2750. 306-287-3742, Englefeld, SK. 40’ EZEE-ON CULT., 8” spacing, knock-on shovels, rigid hitch, leveling wheels, $8000. 306-372-4509, Luseland, SK WHITE 271 24’ Disc, harrows, 20” blades, $4800; 50’ Bourgault with anhydrous kit, $7500. 306-524-4960, Semans, SK. 1982 BOURGAULT 546-52 cultivator, 52’, 8” spacing, 3 bar harrows, knock-on shovels, original owner, good condition, $15,000. 306-873-4261, Tisdale, SK. 40’ JD CULTIVATOR w/Valmer and harrows, field ready. Will trade for cattle. 306-753-2842, 306-753-8069, Macklin, SK JD 360 SWINGER DISC, 28’, exc. cond. New notched front blades, shafts, bearings tires $18,000. 306-484-4560, Govan, SK.
CASE HYDRO 84, FEL, 3 PTH, no cab, $10,000. 306-374-9453, Swift Current, SK.
COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES, Morris 7 Series Magnum; JD 1610, $135 ea.; JD 1610/610 (black) $180. 306-259-4923 306-946-7923, Young, SK.
w w w.cropperm
US ED AIR DR ILLS ‘10 Bo u rg 5710 @ 74’, 330 trip, 3” ru b b er pkrs 9.8” spa ce ‘04 Bo u rg 5710 @ 54’, speed lo ks, M R B’s, 3 1/2 steelpkrs, 330 trip ‘97 M o rris M a xim Iw /L72 40 ta n k, 49’, 7” spa ce, 3 1/2 steelpkrs, 350 trip ‘96 Bo u rg 5710 @ 60’, 3 1/2 steelpa ckers, 2 30 trip, 7” spa ce, scra pers ‘92 Flexi-Co il5000 w /172 0 to w b etw een ta n k, 10” spa ce, 3” ru b b erpress, d isc m a rkers, sin gle sho o t, 40’
US ED AIR S EEDER S ‘04 Bo u rg 6450, 3 ta n k m eter, hitch, d elu xe a u ger, a u x clu tch, cra , la rge tires ‘92 Bo u rg 2 115, hyd . Drive, ca b m o n ito rs, a u ger
US ED DIS CS ‘06 S u n flo w er1444, 40’, 2 3” , hyd . S elf level, 12 .5X15 tires, w ren ch
US ED TR ACTO R S ‘07 M F 6465, FW A, c/w M F965 lo a d er, 4 spo o lva lves, b lo ck hea ter, rea rw iper, R 2 0.8 R 38 tires, 16R 2 8 tires, 740 hrs ‘02 Bu hler2 160 FW A, 7500 hrs, 2 0.8 x 42 tires, 84” gra pple, flo o rjo ystick, b u cket ‘97 N ew Ho lla n d 9682 4W D, 4968hrs, 2 0.8 x 42 d u a ls, 12 spd std .
2002 FENDT 920 VARIO, 180 HP, CVT, only 3310 hrs, c/w Quicke Q990 FEL, $99,000; 2001 FENDT 926 VARIO, 260 HP, 3149 hrs, c/w duals, $126,000. Both mint, CVT, 53 kms/hr, LHR, Michelin 710 tires, front axle and cab susp., 3 PTH, 1000 PTO, 4 hyds. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB.
1985 ALLIS CHALMERS 8070, FWD, powershift, $19,000. 780-398-2263, Thorhild, AB. DEUTZ ELLIS 9190 FWA, premium, 3687 hrs., 210 hp., big radial duals, $32,000. 306-747-2725, Shellbrook, SK. 1978 ALLIS 7045, 5960 hrs, rebuilt head, dual PTO, 20 spd fwd/4 rev, new inside 20.8x38 tires, c/w older duals, shedded $12,000 OBO. 306-272-4725, Tuffnell, SK. 8050 ALLIS CHALMERS tractor, MFWD, 150 hp, powershift, ready to go; 8030 ALLIS CHALMERS tractor, MFWD, 130 hp, powershift, ready to go. 306-457-2926 Corning, SK. DX 120 DEUTZ 2WD tractor w/clamp-on duals. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815, PL 311962.
4-270 WHITE TRACTOR, 4100 hrs, air, PTO, good condition, $28,500 OBO. 204-461-0854, Manitoba. ‘07 S pra Co u pe 4655, 80’, fo a m m a rker, WHITE 2-150, 4800 hrs, 540 PTO, cab, good rubber- 18.4x38 singles, runs well, flo o d lites, hitch, 776 hrs $5000. Ph. 403-782-0764, Lacombe, AB. ‘05 AG CO 7650 S pra - Co u pe, triple n o zzle b o d y, 90’ b o o m , fen d ers, flo o d lights, 1983 SERIES 3, 5760 hrs., good running condition, rear duals, PTO, 3 hyd hook ups, Fo a m m a rkers, 12 65 hrs powershift. 306-882-3625, Rosetown, SK. ‘05 AG CO 7650, 4W D, R a ven co n tro ller, 80’, fo a m m a rker, 72 5 ga l, po ly ta n k, 1978 WHITE 2-135 tractor, 5700 hrs., w/duals, 3 hyds., new batteries, 540/1000 2 ” relo a d system , 993 hrs P TO , c / w 1 0 ’ J D b l a d e , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . 1984 CASE 4890, 5440 hrs., big singles, Bra n d tQ F 1000, 80’, 800 ga llo n , a u to $18,500 OBO. 306-963-2651, Stalwart, SK. 204-937-8321, Roblin, MB. ra te, qu ick fo ld , fo a m m a rkers, chem ha n d ler 1983 2-135 SERIES 3, duals, PTO, new 1989 CIH 9110, 6261 hrs, powershift, duals, no PTO. $25,000. 306-456-2402 or Flexico ilS ystem 60 spra yer, 800 ga l, 5 ga l clutch, exc. cond., only summer use. 306-456-7644, Tribune, SK. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. n o zzles, 82 ’, 1000 R PM , a u to fo ld , 1983 2590, vg condition, 24.5x32 duals, chem . ha n d ler $11,000 OBO. 204-937-3789, Roblin, MB. THREE 7010 V8 250 hp. Belarus 4 WD CASE 2594, 24 spd., low hrs., 650/38 tractors for sale. All in good working cond. Michelin duals, like new. Coalhurst, AB. Hw y #6 N a ica m , S a ska tchew a n Excellent fuel economy 3 spd. powershift, Phone 403-394-4401. single tires. One tractor has excellent tires 2470 CASE, 4 WD, under 3000 hrs, exc. and the others are in good cond. $24,000 c o n d . , f u l l y s e r v i c e d , fi e l d r e a d y. w w w.cro pperm o to m for all 3. Alsask, SK. Chris 306-652-4762 or 306-961-6499, Prince Albert, SK. Dea lers licen se #9172 05 1982 CASE 2090 with 707 Leon loader NEW, USED TILE Plows. Gold Digger soil- BELARUS 825, w/ FEL and 6 attach- w/grapple, 7000 hrs., good cond., $8000. max, intellislope or custom tile plowing. ments, 100 HP, low hrs., good running 4 0 3 - 5 7 7 - 2 3 9 3 , 4 0 3 - 5 7 5 - 1 6 5 5 , Golas Sales, 204-372-6081, Fisher Branch, cond. $18,500. 306-838-2112, Smiley, SK. 403-575-1255, Consort, AB. MB. NEW 2010 485 HD Case/IH 4 WD tractor, 0 hrs, 485 HP, 800x38 tires, $265,000. 240 VALMAR IMPLEMENT mount. Two sets of rollers, stored inside, $2500. Phone CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., StorPlus other makes and models. Call the thoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. 306-443-2440, Alida, SK. 4WD Super Store! Trades welcome. We 1991 CIH 7130, MFWD, 18 spd. power9200 48’ BOURGAULT deep tiller, mtd. 240 deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB shift, 4 reverse, 3 hyds., new front tires, Valmar, Bourgault harrows, hardly used past 10 years, $33,000. 306-243-4208 or IHC 3788, 4 WD, duals, air, heater, new front weights. Exc. cond. Call Brent at 306 torque amplifier, $10,500. 403-946-0144, 456-2877 leave message. Bromhead, SK. cell: 306-867-7102, Macrorie, SK. Crossfield, AB. 375, 16 speed powershift, weight 60 4” CARBIDE tips, like new; 40’ of poly 1990 9150 CIH 4 WD, 1500 hrs. on engine STX shedded, never smoked in, low hrs. gang packers for Bourgault, good. Grand- overhaul, field ready, $45,000. A.E. Chi- pkg., 306-549-2145, Hafford, SK. view, MB, 204-648-7085, 204-546-2086. coine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, 4490 CASE, 18.4x34 duals, low hours, Storthoaks, SK. YELLOW 39’ FRIGGSTAD 5 plex cultivator, plumbed for air seeder, $15,000 OBO. w/1620 Valmar, deadrod and harrows, 2594 CASE, 24 spd. trans., 8500 hrs., vg 306-236-5717, Meadow Lake, SK. $4250; Yellow 45’ Friggstad 5 plex cultiva- cond., DT 710 radial duals, $22,000. Mark NEW 2010 STX 485 HD Case/IH 4WD tor, with deadrod and harrows, $3950. Perkins 780-842-4831, Wainwright, AB. tractor, HID lights, 800x38 PS, 0 hrs., HD 306-245-3750 evenings, Francis, SK. C A S E 2 2 9 4 T R AC TO R F E L , 3 P T H , drawbar, weight package and tow cable. 306-287-7707, Quill Lake, SK. VALMAR 2420, currently mounted on Mor- $14,500. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. r i s 4 5 ’ c u l t i v a t o r, t a k i n g o f f e r s . 1984 CASE 2294, 8700 hrs., 18.4x38 duals, IHC 3588 4WD, good 23.1x30 tires, 8 306-463-3449, Flaxcombe, SK. field ready, $11,500 OBO. 306-874-5528, s p e e d w / TA , 3 h y d , g o o d s h a p e . Naicam, SK. 403-664-2268 or 403-664-0248 cell, Oyen NORAC UC3 tillage depth control, set up for 5-fold tillage unit. Controllers, sensors, 2008 McCORMICK MC105, 600 hrs., FWA, AB. 3 PTH, powershift, exc. shape, $43,000. monitors, wiring and books included. Of1995 CASE 7230, 2 WD, 2369 hrs., 3 hyd., fers. 204-265-3357, Darrell Yusishen, Phone 306-373-1212, Saskatoon, SK. 18.4R42 duals, $50,000. 306-784-3263, Beausejour, MB, Herbert, SK. 2010 MAGNUM 310, 10 hrs, 50 kms, powHAYBUSTER 107 DRILLS, 42’, $10,000. ershift, air brakes, 710/42’s, fully loaded, Would split. 306-963-2649, Stalwart, SK. full weight package, $200,000 OBO. Phone Email 306-381-7689, Hague, SK. TWO 12’ MF discers, 18” blades, piggyback 9280 CASE, powershift, new 20.8x42 ras t y l e ; 6 - 0 P 2 0 - 4 F l e x i - C o i l p a c ke r s . dial tires 200 hrs. ago, 3700 hours, Case 306-463-6149 after 8 PM, Kindersley, SK. drain (air seeder), field ready, $78,000. Call Jim at: 403-867-2278, Foremost, AB. V-DITCH CLOSURE UNITS available. Lever Enterprises, 306-682-3332, Muenster, LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We SK. CASE 9370 QUAD TRAC, Espar heater, buy 90 and 94 series Case 2WD tractors approx. 4500 hrs, 2 new tracks in last 1000 for parts and rebuilding. Also have rebuilt hrs, newer fuel pump and injectors, cam tractors for sale. 306-784-2213 Herbert SK replaced 3 or 4 yrs. ago, $55,000 OBO. Delivery negotiable. Geoff at 780-779-1856, Whitecourt, AB. 1982 CASE 4490, PTO and duals, 8000 hrs, 1986 STEIGER LION 375 HP, 3406 Cat, FENT 926 VARIO, good rubber, $45,000; $12,500 OBO. 12’ Degelman blade, $7500 7100 hrs., powershift, trans. totally rebuilt, w / R o m e C - 1 4 E s c r a p e r, $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 . OBO. 403-502-0516, Medicine Hat, AB. 2 seasons on 8 new tires- 20.8x42. 403-704-3509 no Sunday calls Ponoka, AB. 306-864-3142 eves. or 306-864-7748 cell INTERNATIONAL 684, 3 PTH, PTO, good anytime. Kinistino, SK. condition. $9,000 OBO. 403-815-5380, Calgary, AB. IH 706 2WD diesel tractor. Huge FarmConstruction-RV Equipment Auction on TWO 30” CAMOPLAST tracks, 30% tread, 4 Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. Visit diamond track drive wheels off 85C with for sale 5800 hrs. (Replaced with new tracks and b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r drive wheels) $1500. Garry Bruce, Langbank, SK. 306-538-4695. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
47’ MORRIS NH3 APPLICATOR, 3/8” Weisse knives, pigtail shanks, continental meter. 306-237-4417, Sonningdale, SK. 60’ JOHN DEERE 2200 field cultivator, 2003, 9” spacing, 3-bar harrow, good condition. Call 204-242-4322, Manitou, MB. 47’ IH 5500 deep tillage with harrows and 14” sweeps, $5000. Phone 306-739-2605, Parkman, SK. 2009 EZEE-ON 1275 DISC 14’, 10.5” spacing, 26” blades, mud scrapers, $26,500. Call Gerard 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK. WHITE 272 TANDEM disc, 28’, stone flex hangers, 22” blades, good condition. For details call 306-338-2927, Wadena, SK. 18’ JD 355 off set disc. Edward Gall Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 18, 2011, Estevan, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Join us on Facebook! 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 WISHEK HEAVY DISCS- 1,000 lbs. per foot. These are the heaviest discs on the market! Available at Flaman Sales, call us at 1-888-435-2626 or 2600 ALLIS TANDEM disc and MORRIS B3-48 multiplex. Call Don 306-782-5837, Yorkton, SK. 18’ SUNFLOWER TANDEM DISCS, good condition, $6500. Call 204-546-3466 or 204-572-7999, Grandview, MB. 48’ BOURGAULT 546, floating hitch, 9” spacings, harrows, knock-on spikes and shovels, air seeder and granular kit, $10,000 OBO. 306-256-3529 Cudworth, SK LAURIER HARROWS 55’, $1200. Phone 306-563-6376, Canora, SK. DEGELMAN 5000 CHISEL plow, 12” spacing, harrows 40’, $12,900 OBO. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK.
CARBIDE- VW MFG. puts carbide on JD 1890 disc drill seed boots. Far longer wearing- boot stays true- makes for better seeding job. In stock- limited quantitiescall. See boots and all carbide products at VW Mfg. Dunmore, AB. (Medicine Hat) 403-528-3350. BOURGAULT MODEL 600-7505, 1” carbide tips and seed boots. 42 pairs. Call 306-551-7477, Regina, SK.
WRECKING FOR PARTS: 4690 Case, c/w complete overhauled engine, good powershift, 20.8x34 tires and duals, complete for parts. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. CUMMINS REPOWERED 4786 IH tractor very good condition, rebuilt 855, new paint and int. 1-877-557-3797 Ponoka, AB. 1981 5088, 9000 hrs, $14,500; 1982 5288, 6200 hrs, 500 hrs. on new motor, $15,200. 306-698-2610, 306-698-7680, Wolsley SK. 2470 CASE w/Degelman dozer, less than 1000 hrs. on new motor, trans. and 4 new tires. 306-398-2626, Cut Knife, SK. 1984 IH 5488, MFWD, 190 HP, 4400 orig. hrs, 3 hyd. remotes, 1000 PTO, front weights, approx. 75 hrs. on new Michelin 520/85R-38 duals, and BF Goodrich 16.9R28 front tires, very clean and orig. owner, $31,500 OBO. 204-265-3591 or 204-265-3572, Beausejour, MB. 1996 9370 CASE/IH, std. trans., $80,000. A. E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.
US ED CULTIV ATO R S S chu lte cu ltiva to r, 2 9’, N H3 kit, spo o n s, 3 b a rhrw s, 10” spa ce
TROUBLE SEEDING WET FIELDS? Our vertical tillage tool converts your chisel plow and lets you dry, aerate and warm soil easily and economically. Call Flaman Sales today at 1-888-435-2626 or visit 50’ EZEE-ON DISC, 24” blades; 80’ Friggstad cultivator with harrows. Both in good shape. 306-634-8009, Estevan, SK.
RETIRED: RED 2394, powershift, 7000 hrs., shedded, summer use only, trouble free, $19,000. 306-644-4802, Loreburn, SK WANTED IH 1026 tractor, any condition. Phone 306-931-8478. NEW 18.4X34 12 PLY $636; 20.8x38 12 ply $826; 18.4x38 12 ply $736; 18.4x30 12 ply $570; 30.5Lx32 16 ply $2195; 24.5x32 14 ply $1749; 18.4x42 16 ply $1397; 20.8x42 16 ply $1699; 20.5x25 20 ply $1496; 405/70-20 14 ply $795; 14.9x24 12 ply $356; 16.9x28 12 ply $500. Factorydirect, no middlemen. Implement, skid steer tires also available. Tubes sold separa t e l y. U s e d t i r e s a l s o a v a i l a b l e . 1-800-667-4515. IHC 3788, 4 WD, duals, engine running. 306-423-5205, Domremy, SK. CASE MX110, MFWD, 655 loader, grapple, bucket, joystick, 3PTH, powershift, good condition. 306-278-2686, Weekes, SK. 2006 CASE LX 780, loader w/8’ bucket and grapple, new cond., all mounts and joystick included for MX Magnum tractors, $9000; Eight 100 lb. front weights for MX Case tractors $75 ea. Phone 204-325-2071 Morden, MB.
C ropper M otors (306) 874- 2 011
CASE 1370, 5500 hrs., engine, powershift, clutches and hydraulic pump all been done. No loader. Summer driven only. $9000. 403-588-6012, Bowden, AB. CASE 3594, 20.8x42 dual radials- 90%, 24 spd., 3 remotes, asking $22,000. 306-742-5912, Churchbridge, SK. CASE 830 GAS tractor with 70 Series Case loader, $4500. Call 306-773-6059, Swift Current, SK.
JD 4650 15 spd. powershift, triple hyds., 18.4x42 duals, 3 PTH, front and rear weights, good rubber, less than 6000 hours. 204-825-7962, Manitou, MB. 1973 JD 4630, 6500 hrs., 2000 eng. hrs., good 18.4x38 duals, AC- 134A, 8 spd. 306-541-4363, Regina, SK.
2002 JD 7810 w/IVT trans., 3 PTH, 3 hyd., w/JD 840 ldr w/grapple, 2200 hrs.; 1999 JD 7810 w/MFWD, PQ trans., w/JD 740 ldr, 5970 hrs.; 2005 JD 7720 w/20 spd., 3 PTH, 2200 hrs., w/JD 746 ldr. 403-728-3282 eves; 403-556-4465 days, Innisfail, AB. 1999 BOBCAT 753, bucket, cab and forks, $12,500. Phone Danny Spence 306-246-4632, Speers, SK. 1980 4240, low hrs, w/3 PTH, exc. cond., $21,500. Phone 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB. 1978 JD 4840, 180 HP, 2 WD, 6427 hrs, 8 spd., powershift, 2 remotes, PTO, cab w/ AC and heat, 20.8 axle duals, very nice shape! $26,000. Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. JD 8300, MFWD, 3 PTH, quick coupler, 3 hyds., 18.4x46 radial duals, 7917 hrs., tires 90%, full front weights, shedded, vg cond., $65,000 OBO. Deserves a look! Phone Jim 204-745-8007 cell or 204-436-2011 shop, Elm Creek, MB. 2008 JD 5525, 2 WD, 3 PTH, 400 hrs. as new, $27,500 OBO. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. 1982 JD 4640 quad, 2 hyds., joystick, 6890 hrs., good 20.8x38 factory duals, always shedded, no winter use, very nice condition, $25,000. 403-882-2575, Castor, AB. 1959 JD 730 tractor, runs and looks good, electric start. Call Maurice, 306-397-2533, Vawn, SK. 1992 JD 4760, 2WD, 7200 hrs., powershift, 20.8x42 factory duals. 780-679-7795, Gwenn, AB. JD 8970 4 WD, 7320, 4440, 4240, 4430, 2140, 2130. All w/loaders and 3 PTH. Will take JD tractors in trade that need work. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB.
1982 JD 4840, 9900 hrs., powershift, rebuilt engine and some trans. work, asking $22,000. 1979 4840, approx. 10,000 hrs, w/2008 Buhler loader, asking $27,000. 403-888-1467, Linden, AB. JOHN DEERE 2755 MFWD TRACTOR, 245 loader and grapple. CAHR, 7500 hrs., new rubber, shedded when not is use. $30,000, 306-642-3442, Assiniboia, SK. JD 4230 TRACTOR, cab, air, JD 46A loader, $14,500 OBO. Call Gary, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 2005 9420, with 2050 hours, 24 speed, 7 1 0 x 4 2 ’ s , O u t b a c k G P S, $ 1 5 9 , 0 0 0 . 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. JD 8570 4WD tractor with 3064 hours plus JD 2130 2WD tractor with JD 146 FEL and Bourassa 3 PTH hitch. Edward Gall Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 18, 2011, Estevan, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Join us on Facebook! 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 JD MODEL B, runs nice, narrow front, $2500. Call Gary, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB 1984 4650 JD 2 WD, 20.8x38 tires 40%, quad range, 3 PTH, 1000 PTO, approx. 3600 hrs, asking $32,900. Phone 204-746-4314, Otterburne, MB. NEW 18.4X30 12 PLY $570; 18.4x34 12 ply $636; 20.8x38 12 ply $826; 18.4x38 12 ply $736; 30.5Lx32 16 ply $2195; 24.5x32 14 ply $1749; 18.4x42 16 ply $1397; 20.8x42 16 ply $1699; 20.5x25 20 ply $1496; 405/70-20 14 ply $795; 14.9x24 12 ply $356; 16.9x28 12 ply $500. Factorydirect, no middlemen. Implement, skid steer tires also available. Tubes sold separa t e l y. U s e d t i r e s a l s o a v a i l a b l e . 1-800-667-4515. 2001 7410 JD FWA, 5500 hrs., cab burned, tires good condition, will take offers. Ph. 306-856-2040, 306-260-5155, Milden, SK. 1974 JOHN DEERE 4030, John Deere 48 loader, with cab, runs good, $12,000. 306-747-2805, Shellbrook, SK.
1997 JD 9400, 24 spd trans, 710-70-R38 tires, 3880 hrs, diff. lock; 4 SCV’s; Accutrack AutoSteer; Starfire guidance. Exc. cond, $115,000. 306-246-4881, Speers, SK 1961 4010 John Deere, with 46A John Deere loader, rubber at 80%, $6800. 306-466-4526, Leask, SK. JD 4250, 15 spd. powershift, with 158 and grapple, 3 PTH, 540/1000 PTO. 2006 JD 9620 powershift 20.8x42 triples, loader 2400 hrs, $195,000. Jarret 306-698-7988 306-969-2119, Minton, SK. Wayne 306-698-7787, Wolseley, SK. 2004 JD 9320, 4 wd, power shift, PTO, 710/42 Michelin duals, Greenstar ready JD 7920, MFWD, IVT, 3600 hrs., 4 hyd. w/AutoTrac valve, all options except 3 excellent condition, asking $94,500, will PTH. 2700 one owner hrs. Shedded, field deal; JD 4120, 35 HP, MFWD, 400CX r e a d y, e x c e l l e n t c o n d . $ 1 6 9 , 5 0 0 . l o a d e r, e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , a s k i n g 204-761-8400 or 204-328-7588 Rivers, MB $22,900; JD 1830, 65HP w/FEL, 3PTH, 1990 JD 4255, 3 PTH, powershift, triple 2hyd., 16 spd. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. hyds., JD 280 loader, grapple and joystick. 2004 7920 JD MFD IVT trans., 3 PTH, F i n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 7 8 0 - 6 7 4 - 5 5 1 6 , 710x38 single rear tires w/746 self level- 780-305-7152, Barrhead, AB. ling loader, GPS. Tractor and loader never used to feed cattle, mainly PTO work and loader, 4000 hrs., $108,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip. Ltd. Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. JD 4640, late model, S/N #29685, one of JD’s most reliable tractors. 9100 hrs., triple hyds., extra belly tank, factory duals w/BF Goodrich radial tires- 25% remaining. Well maintained. Asking $23,000. Swift Current, SK., 306-773-9733, 306-774-5669, 1989 8760 JOHN DEERE tractor, 6700 hrs., $50,000. Phone 204-649-2288, ask for Dale. Pierson, MB. 7520 MFWD, IVT, 3 PTH, w/741 SL FEL, grapple, mint; 4455 MFWD, 3 PTH, 15 spd., 3 hyds, 740 FEL, grapple; 4250 MFWD, 3 PTH, 15 spd. powershift; 3150 MFWD, 3 PTH, w/265 SL FEL, grapple: 2950 MFWD, 3 PTH, 260 SL FEL; 4450 quad, factory duals, 5800 hrs; 4250, 3 PTH, 15 spd., 3 hyds., factory duals; 4640, 3 PTH, 3 hyds; (3) 4440 quads, 3 hyds, 3 PTH; 4430 quad, 3 PTH, factory duals, 6500 hrs; 4230, 3 PTH, quad; 4020 powershift; 1830, 3 PTH; 1630, 3 PTH, 146 FEL. We also have loaders, buckets, grapples to fit JD tractors, fuel tanks, wheel weights, tires, 3020-4020 parts. Ben Peters JD Tractors Ltd., Roseisle, MB., Mitch 204-828-3628, 204-750-2459, or email 1967 4020 JD with cab, never had loader, 4600 hrs., $9500. Phone 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB. JD 8120 2004 MFWD, w/wo 840 loader 5 SCV’s, big singles all around, 3 PTH, 540/1000 PTO, deluxe cab, 16 spd., powershift, 3015 hrs., mint. 306-379-4530, Fiske, SK. 2005 JD 7520, MFWD, 3600 hrs., 741 loader and grapple, 3 PTH, newer rubber, always in heated shop, exc. cond., asking $87,500. 204-793-0098, Winnipeg, MB. 2003 7520, 741 loader, power quad, 3 SCV’s, 3 PTH, LH reverser, rear weights, new rubber 20.8-38 and 16.9-28, excellent s h a p e m e c h . a n d b o d y, 5 5 9 2 h r s . 780-842-2400, Wainwright, AB.
2008 7430 PREMIUM JD, 540/1000 PTO, front fenders, cab, loader, grapple, JD 741 self-levelling, 780 orig. hrs, 140 HP, MFWD, 4 spd., PowerQuad, front hood guard, 14,594 lbs., exc. cond., $115,000 OBO. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 1976 JD 4430, duals, needs AC compressor, runs good., $14,500. 306-743-2980 evenings, Langenburg, SK. 1991 JD 2955, 2 WD, 148 loader, 3 PTH, 2 buckets, grapple, 4300 hrs., exc. condition. 306-273-4248, Stornoway, SK. 2003 8220, 1800 hrs; 1986 JD 4250, 11,300 hrs; JD 7600, 5045 hrs; JD 4455, 6500 hrs; 4450 JD, 6700 hrs. Gerard 306-231-3993 Humboldt, SK.
2000 JD 9400T track tractor, 4 hydraulics, PTO, injector cups changed, 2 spd. rebuilt, good condition, field ready, 8850 hrs., $85,000. Ph. 204-723-2455, Trehene, MB. JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD; JD 8210 MFWD; JD 6430 MFWD; All low hrs, can be equipped w/loaders. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 1978 8630 4WD, 20.8x38 Firestones, diff. lock, 100 mm axles, 3 remotes, 50 series engine, good condition, $15,000. 306-429-2764, Glenavon, SK. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. JD 4955 MFWD 7300 hrs, 15 spd. powershift, PTO, 3 hyds., 20.8R42 duals, 16.9x30 fronts, tires - 85%, front fenders, no winter use, shedded, $45,000. Carrot River, SK. Phone John 306-768-3523, 306-768-7558. 1982 JD 2940, MFWD JD 265 loader, grapple, joystick, 3 PTH, 5000 hrs., good tread, $20,000. 306-821-6488, Lloydminster, SK. 3010 GAS, 3010 diesel, late 4020 and 4430. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK.
WANTED: JD TRACTORS: Parts for 2010, 3010, 4010, 3020, 4020, 4320, 5020, 2130, 3130, 4030, 4230, 4430, 4630, 8430, 8630, 3140, 4040, 4240, 4440, 4640, 4840, 8440, 8640, 6400. Also new after market parts. Call G.S. Tractor Salvage, 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. 1980 JD 4240, 7164 hrs., 20.8x38 rear tires, 11.00x16 front tires, also JD 158 loader, grapple, joystick. 306-395-2688, Chaplin, SK. JD 4020 DIESEL, dual hydraulics, $7500. Call Gary, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. JD 8450 4 WD, PTO, diff. lock, tripple hyds., 18.4R-38 tires, field ready, well serviced, shedded, $29,500. Pictures on request. 403-461-7721, Carstairs, AB. JD 7810 MFD, c/w 741 loader, 3 PTH, IVT trans., shedded. Phone 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. JD 4840, powershift, 12,000 hrs, 1000 PTO, 18.4 radial duals, fluid, good cond., $17,000. 306-435-3094, Moosomin, SK. JD 4020 TRACTOR with cab, 148 loader a n d g r a p p l e f o r k , g o o d r u b b e r. 306-395-2745, Chaplin, SK. 1989 JOHN DEERE 3155, 100 HP, FWA, 3PTH, only 4600 hrs., no blade, no loader, excellent, shedded, $31,500 firm. Phone Dave Gerein at 306-843-7662, Wilkie, SK. JD 8430, 1976, 8900 hrs., 50 Series eng., great shape, c/w 14’, 2-way Degelman blade, new cutting edge. Chaplin, SK. Phone 306-395-2652. JD 4555 MFD, c/w 740 loader and gravel fork, fresh green light. 306-456-4550, Dodsland, SK.
1995 NH 9680, 5900 hrs, 20.8x42 radials, 2 yr. old tires, Outback GPS, AutoSteer, $70,000 OBO.306-267-49664 Coronach SK TV 140 bi-directional, 1998, 140 HP, 4000 hrs, construction yellow, 7614 self-levelling loader w/8’ bucket. Fluid in tires, on eng. end and suitcase weights. PTO, 3 hyd. and 3 PTH at cab end. 2 hyd. at eng. end. Draw bar on both ends. Diff lock. Work order history avail. $49,500 OBO. Glenavon, SK. Phone 306-429-2059. HYDRAULIC FLOW CONTROL for JD 2004 NH TC21D tractor, 2 spd. hydro., tractors, a must for air seeding systems, Leon loader, 6’ finishing mower, 650 hrs., exc. $12,500. 306-735-7640, Langbank SK $79.95 + S&H. 306-577-8344, Arcola, SK. WANTED: 4440 JD, reasonable hours, TJ-530, 2007, 2000 hrs., 900 metrics, 6 w i t h o r w i t h o u t l o a d e r, w i l l t r ave l . hyds., $189,000. Phone 306-948-3949 or 306-839-2073, Pierceland, SK. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK.
LOOKING FOR A 4x4 loader tractor? 110 HP and down. I can save you thousands $$$. 306-231-5939, Saskatoon, SK. 1988 WHITE 2-160, 5733 hrs, 160 HP, $24,000; 1984 IHC 5088, 135 HP, 8100 hrs, $15,000; 1978 IHC 1086, 130 HP, blade, $10,800; 1981 IHC 3588 2 plus 2, 150 HP, 6580 hrs, $14,500; 1980 IHC 3388 2 plus 2, 135 HP, 5640 hrs, $12,500; 1979 Case 1210, 65 HP, 3 PTH, FEL, $8,500; 1979 Case, 990, 51 HP, 3 PTH, blade, $7,800; 1990 Fiat-Hesston, 58 HP, 3 PTH, 58 HP, 2170 hrs, $9500; 1975 IHC 574, 50 HP, 3 PTH, $8750; 1987 Deutz 7085, FWA, 85 HP, 3 PTH, front end loader, $19,750. 204-525-4521, Minitonas MB CIH 5230, MFD, powershift, power shuttle, FEL, coming; Kubota M8030 MFD w/FEL, $19,900. Call Hergott Farm Equip. 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.
NH TG285, 2600 hrs, powershift, 40 kms/hr, front axle susp. Call Gerard 306-231-3993 Humboldt, SK. 2007 TV145 BI-DIRECTIONAL, 3 PTH loader, grapple, manure tires, 540/1000 PTO, as new, 900 hrs., $95,000. Call Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB.
2 0 1 0 V E R S AT I L E 4 3 5 , 1 2 4 h r s , 800/70R38, quadshift, deluxe cab, 4 hyds, tow cable w/front weight bracket, Outback AutoSteer/GPS, radar, like new condition with full 3 yr. warranty, asking $187,500. Phone 204-642-7010, Arnes, MB. 1974 VERSATILE 900 4 WD, AC, 3 hyds., triple tires, good condition, only $14,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 1985 876 VERSATILE, 9200 hrs., good cond., 20.8x38 tires- fair, $20,000 OBO. Phone 306-594-2761, Norquay, SK. 800 VERSATILE Series II, 5000 hours on rebuilt eng., 3 hyds, AC, 20.8x38, $14,800 OBO. 204-836-2755, Swan Lake, MB 1982 835 VERSATILE tractor, 7900 hours, 18.4x38 duals. Call 306-762-4723, Odessa, SK. 1976 VERSATILE 800, 4WD, 20.8x38 duals. Phone 780-475-3805, Grand Prairie, AB. 555 VERSATILE, 5800 hrs, PTO, excellent condition, very clean, fully serviced, field ready. 306-961-6499, Prince Albert, SK.
2005 LANDINI, 165 HP, shuttle shift, MFWD, 2450 hrs, 2795 HD loader and grapple, $60,000. 306-957-4201 Vibank SK 2010 CIH 435, 276 hrs., $224,900; CIH 4494, PTO, powershift, $19,500. Call Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, your Case IH Dealer, Humboldt, SK. 1984 895 VERSATILE, 6300 hrs., new tires; 1973 4630 JD, duals, 8400 hrs.; 1973 4430 JD, duals, weights, 8100 hrs. Arch Equipment 306-867-7252 Outlook SK GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. Toll free 888-327-6767.
NEW GRAVITY WAGONS: 400 bu., $6700; 600 bu., $12,000. Used gravity wagons, grain carts, hydump wagons, forage harvesters, grain screeners. 1-866-938-8537, ESTATE SALE: 2003 full carry swather transport with tail lights, fenders and 7-pin wiring, photos available, $5000; 1982 Prasco Bandit 140, PTO drive, remodeled with solid wheels, increased to 170 bu. capacity and repainted. Used as a fertilizer tank in conjunction with a Flexi-Coil 2320 TBT. All manuals included and photos available, $750 OBO. 306-547-4723 leave msg., Preeceville, SK. IHC 1066 TRACTOR w/loader good cond., one owner; 21’ PTO IHC swather; IHC 914 combine. 780-385-3093, Killam, AB. MORRIS 18’ SEED-RITE; Morris 56’ tine h a r r o w s ; I H C # 5 5 c u l t i vat o r, 2 2 ’ . 306-743-2980 evenings, Langenburg, SK. INLAND HYDRAULIC DRILL FILL with 20’ of hydraulic hoses, $400. Phone 306-563-6376, Canora, SK. 35’ MORRIS CP731 cultivator w/ 6130 tank, $12,000; Flexi-Coil system 65 100’ s p r aye r, $ 4 0 0 0 ; Tu b e l i n e r w r ap p e r, $20,000. 306-723-4774, Cupar, SK. FARM KING 10’ wing type gyro mower (rotary cutter), $1500 OBO. 306-488-4252, Dilke, SK.
1992 946 BEARING roll, planetary swap, ejectors done, 4700 hrs., Michelin tires, $65,000. 306-354-2552, Mossbank, SK. FORD GENESIS 8970, MFD, 210 HP, duals, 3 PTH, wt pkg, good cond, $39,500. Boissevain, MB. 204-534-7911, 204-534-7927.
FORD VERSATILE 876, 1991, 5587 hrs., 12 speed standard, 20.8x38 tires. 306-542-2297 evenings, Kamsack, SK. FORD 8670 FWA tractor with 2775 hours. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment 2 0 0 6 M F 5 7 3 , FWA, C AHR, 72 HP, Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011 Estevan, 11.2x24 fronts, 16.9x30 rears, quick attach SK. Visit MF 1070 loader, 1405 hrs., $34,900. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 204-746-6605, 204-325-2496, Morris, MB. NEW 11.2X24 8 PLY $210; 12.4x24 8 ply $266; 18.4x30 12 ply $570; 18.4x34 12 Ford NH 9880, ply $636; 20.8x38 12 ply $826; 18.4x38 12 400 HP, low hours. ply $736; 30.5Lx32 16 ply $2195; 24.5x32 Recently checked out by 14 ply $1749; 18.4x42 16 ply $1397; 20.8x42 16 ply $1699; 20.5x25 20 ply M arkusson N ew H olland ofRegina. $1496; 405/70-20 14 ply $795; 14.9x24 12 ply $356; 16.9x28 12 ply $500. Factory$ O BO direct, no middlemen. Implement, skid steer tires also available. Tubes sold separC all306-699-7678 (cell) or a t e l y. U s e d t i r e s a l s o a v a i l a b l e . em ail: 1-800-667-4515. 4800 MF, 5000 hrs., duals, auto steer, 4 hydraulics, plumbed air seeder, stored in- WANTED: FW60 FORD or TW35 FWD. Call anytime 1-701-240-5737, Minot, North side, $21,000. Eston, SK 306-962-4264. Dakota. 1976 MF 1105, 5800 hrs, Jobber duals, CAHR, field ready, $8000. 306-693-9853 3000 FORD, 3 PTH, rebuilt motor, $5000 OBO; Also 6’ finishing mower available leave msg., Spring Valley, SK. 306-236-5717, Meadow Lake, SK. CUMMINS REPOWERED 4840 tractor, vg cond, 400 HP Cummins N14, new paint FORD 7710, 2 WD w/loader, 3 PTH, 7000 and int. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB or h r s . , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 . 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. 4840 MASSEY FERGUSON 4 WD, 7902 hrs, good rubber, $15,000. Ph: 306-963-2703, Imperial, SK. VERSATILE 850, in good condition, MF 2745 DIESEL, 20.8 duals, good condi- 18.4x38 tires, 3581 hours, $14,000. tion, good PS, front tires good, $12,000 306-547-3353, Sturgis, SK. negotiable. 306-827-4918, Radisson, SK. 875 VERSATILE 4WD, very good condition. 275 MF DIESEL tractor, 3 PTH, front end $23,000 OBO. 403-815-5380, Calgary, AB loader, 4500 hrs., $10,000. 306-452-7991, 1986 VERSATILE 756 4WD, PTO, 4 hyd. Redvers, SK. remotes, 8300 hrs, 18.4 R38 duals, 15 spd. standard trans., engine replaced at 2200, $19,000. 306-231-9020, Humboldt, SK. 1983 VERSATILE 875, Atom Jet, radial tires, 7815 hrs., shedded, $25,000 OBO. 403-321-0388, Drumheller, AB. VERY CLEAN 976 VERSATILE, 6000 hours, new bearing roll, Firestone 24.5x32 rubber- 95%. 403-867-2379, 403-647-1048, Foremost, AB. VERSATILE 160 BI-DIRECTIONAL tractor, original owner and 3556 hours. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011, Estevan, SK. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
WANTED: JD tractors, any age, burnt, broken, or worn out. Call for a price before y o u s e l l . G . S . Tr a c t o r S a l v a g e , 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. JD 2955 Open Station tractor, 3 PTH w/near new JD 541 quick attach loader, $18,000. 780-398-2554, Waskatenau, AB. JD 4630, POWER SHIFT, 18.4x38 clampon duals, good condition, $10,000. 306-429-2764, Glenavon, SK. 1986 JD 8450 4WD, 6600 hrs., 3000 hrs on new engine, 18.4x38 tires, four hyds., always shedded, exc. cond. 306-861-7270 or 306-842-0057, Weyburn, SK. 1992 JD 4455, 6100 hrs., good rubber, GPS wired, good condition, $38,500. 306-843-2219, Wilkie, SK. JD 8430, 8500 hrs., 3 hyds., $15,000 OBO. 403-350-1795, Conquest, SK. 4840 JD POWERSHIFT trans, motor done 400 hrs ago, very good condition, $19,000. 204-773-3044, Russell, MB. 1995 JD 4560, triple hyds., quad trans., 20.8x38 radial duals, 4445 hrs., Greenlight just completed. 306-858-2623, Birsay, SK.
NEW 12.4X24 8 PLY $266; 18.4x30 12 ply $570; 18.4x34 12 ply $636; 20.8x38 12 ply $826; 18.4x38 12 ply $736; 30.5Lx32 16 ply $2195; 24.5x32 14 ply $1749; 18.4x42 16 ply $1397; 20.8x42 16 ply $1699; 20.5x25 20 ply $1496; 405/70-20 14 ply $795; 14.9x24 12 ply $356; 16.9x28 12 ply $500. Factory-direct, no middlemen. Implement, skid steer tires also available. Tubes sold separately. Used tires also available. 1-800-667-4515. 1995 9680, 5550 HOURS, new 20.8x42 radials, new fuel pump, new injectors, bottom end done, 12 spd, 400 HP, shedded, $65,000. Ph. 306-268-4392 Bengough, SK. 2002 NH TV140 w/loader, grapple, 3 PTH, 2 drawbars, hyds both ends, High Flow hyds, weights, 3200 hrs, c/w MacDon 25’ 973 header and 801 adapter, $78,000. Call 204-866-4261, Anola, MB.
BestBu ys in Used Equ ipm en t
Co m b in e Tr a d es
1981 TEREX 7221 wheel loader, 2 yd., $18,000; Allied 595, fits 66,86 IHC tractors, $4,800. Call for info and prices on other FEL, dozers. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB, JD DOZER FOR SALE: 2005, 700J LT, 3200 hrs., ripper, 6-way blade, cab, AC. Conquest Equip for pricing, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. WANTED: 7200 Series 14’ - 16’ Degelman blade for 8970 John Deere. 204-655-3352 or 204-655-3286, Sifton, MB. FRONTIER PALLET FORK 741 FEL mount, like new. 306-961-4682, Prince Albert, SK. 1983 862 FORD industrial wheel loader, 2 yd. bucket, w/wo 3rd valve and bale grapple, $20,000. Hay Vern 204-729-7297, Brandon, MB. LEON 690 FEL, c/w IHC 66 or 86 mounts, quick attach 7’ bucket and bale fork, exc. cond., call for price. Parting out 966 IHC, offers. 204-773-3311, Russell, MB. 740 LOADER, FITS 7410 JD, good condition, asking $8500. Wide bucket. Ph. 306-856-2040, 306-260-5155, Milden, SK. JD 148 FEL, with round bale grapple fork, brackets to fit 4020, 30, 40 and 50 JD series, no welds, always shedded, asking $4600; 2005 Leon 4000 47-14 6-WAY BLADE, fits 9000 and 9020 JD 4 WD, under 200 hrs of use, always shedded, asking $18,500. 204-662-4418, Antler, SK.
2004 NH TV145, with 7614 loader, front and back drawbars, grapple fork w/QA bale fork, 1250 hrs, mint cond., $80,500; 2300 16’ haybine fits 145 bi-directional, low hrs, good cond, $11,500; 605XL Vermeer baler, approx. 3000 bales, mint cond, $21,500. 204-739-3667, Eriksdale, MB. MORRIS 731-31’ CULTIVATOR, w/ harrow ans deadrod; 30’ Laurier packer bar; Secundiak 6”x33’ auger, w/12 HP Kohler eng., and hyd. bin sweep; 2 hyd. drill fills. Phone 306-834-7759, Kerrobert, SK. IH 4000 SWATHER, pick up reel and canola cutter, $7500; 1997 48’ MERRITT cattle pot, safetied, $12,000 OBO; FORD N tractor, fully restored. 204-534-6906 or 204534-8030, Boissevain, MB. 42’ BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, 7” spacing, 6350 tank, dual fan and rear hitch; 2003 JD 9750 combine, w/precision PU header, approx. 1300 threshing hrs., exc. cond. 306-389-7667, 306-445-4032, Ruddell, SK. 1482 PT COMBINE, $2000; 30’ Case/IH swather, $3000; 60’ tine harrows, $1000; Massey 12 baler w/stacker, $1000; 2- 8” Brandt augers; 20’ Noble blade, $500. 306-374-9453, Swift Current, SK. 1999 F250 SUPER Duty truck, 4x4, reg. cab, V10, must see, only 120,000 kms, very clean, $7000; 750 Massey combine, very well maintained, $3000; 21’ White PT swather, $500; 28’ Bourgault cult., knockon shovels, $2500; 40’ of 5-bar Flexi-Coil drag harrows, like new but on older draw bar, $500; 4400 Vers. swather, 20’, rebuilt motor, $4000; 4” water pump (trash), new $1800, never used, now $800; 14’ hoe drill, did 1000 acres, $2500. All equipment field ready. 306-825-2440, 780-872-6461, Lloydminster, SK. 80’ SUMMERS MID HARROW, $16,500; Bourgault 1450 sprayer, 1200 gal., 100’ booms, $10,500; Letourneau 11 yd. hyd. scraper, $16,500; tandem axle aluminum tanker trailer, $10,500; 2003 Dodge dsl., 5 spd. manual, crewcab, w/service utility body. Phone 306-423-5983, St. Louis, SK. FOR SALE: 37’ Morris cultivator; 1989 Chev 1/2 ton. Both good shape. Weyburn, SK. Ph. 306-842-6226 or 306-861-2263 cell.
201 0 201 0 201 0 201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2009 2009 2009 2006 2004 2004 2003 2002 1 999 1 999 1 994 1 993
91 20 & 9870 & 81 20 & 81 20 & 71 20 & 7088 & 81 20 & 81 20 & 7088 & 6088 & 2388 & 2388 & 2388 & 2388 & 2388 & 2388 & 961 0 & 1 688 & 1 666 &
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201 0 2009 201 0 2009 2006 2006 2004 2004 2004 2000 1 999 1 996 201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2007 2004 1 997 1 995 1 995 1 994 2008 1 994
CIH CIH JD HB CIH M acd o n M acd o n CIH M acd o n HB CIH M acd o n CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH MF AW S M acd o n
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201 0 2009 2009 2006 2005 2004 1 978
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$1 4 1 ,300 $1 34 ,1 00 $1 1 2,4 00 $89,900 $1 2,500 $1 1 ,600 $1 4 ,700
201 0 201 0 2004 2001 201 0 2004 2000 1 992
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201 0 2003 2000 2000 2000 1 999 1 999
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201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 1 988 2005 201 0 2009 2006 2004 2000 1 981
W D 1 203 & W D 1 203 & W D 1 203 & W D 1 203 & W D 1 203 & W D 1 203 & 94 35-30’ W D 1 203 & 81 00-30’ RBX 562 HDX 1 82 HDX 1 82 9020 HDX 1 82 625 1 380 1 66 RBX 563
H ea d er Tr a d es
4W D Tr a d es 2W D Tr a d es
Sp r a yer Tr a d es
Seed in g Tr a d es
H a y a n d F o r a g e Tr a d es
36’ $1 30,200 36’ $1 24 ,200 30’ $1 1 9,500 36’ $1 1 8,900 30’ $1 1 5,800 30’ $1 1 2,200 $95,800 30’ $99,900 $20,900 $1 7,600 $38,900 $24 ,4 00 $1 1 ,000 $1 7,900 $1 0,900 $7,900 $5,300 $24 ,900
M ID -W ES T TRACTO R Da vids on , SK Pho n e (3 06) 567-3 074 AfterHo u rS a les Kelly (306) 567- 8077 • R o n (306) 567- 72 54
Ra ym ore , SK Pho n e (3 06) 746-2289 AfterHo u rS a les Bla in e (306) 746- 7574 • Al(306) 72 6- 7808 © 2007 CNH Am erica L L C. All rights res erved . Ca s e IH is a regis tered tra d em a rk o fCNH Am erica L L C. CNH Ca p ita l is a tra d em a rk o fCNH Am erica L L C. w w s m Fin a n cin g pro vid ed b y len d in g/lea s in g/cred itca rd s /in s u ra n ce
JD 4890 25’ SP swather, 2500/2000 hrs. 780-679-7795, Gwynne, AB.
1989 R50 GLEANER combine; Harmon 84’ autofold sprayer; Massey 24’ 210 swather w/hydroswing; 31’ and 20’ MF cultivators; Rockpicker; 2-14’ hoe drills; 50’ harrows; 3-18’ Massey discers; Morris 48’ rodweeder; 21’ Noble blade; Hydraulic drill fill. 306-773-1036, Swift Current, SK. RENTED FARM: 1980 Versatile 875, rebuilt eng., inside duals- 70%, $27,000 OBO; 1980 JD 4440, powershift, 3 PTH, CAH, 580/70Rx38 rear tires, 9800 hrs., $25,000 OBO; Morris 15’ tandem disc. Kuroki, SK. 306-338-2674.
E S TAT E S A L E : FLEXI-COIL System, 67 105’ sprayer, wind screens, autorate, walking axle, rinse tank, foam markers, $15,000 OBO; 60’x10” Sakundiak auger, PTO, $1800 OBO; 70’ Flexi-Coil hyd. tine harrows, newer harrows, $2400 OBO. Call 306-691-0050 after 6 PM, Moose Jaw, SK. DEGELMAN 12’ LAND leveller and scraper. like new condition, $8450. 306-297-3570, Shaunavon, SK. BALE STRAW MULCHER, big and small square bales. 250-378-4955, Merritt, BC., email 6200 IH PRESS DRILL w/factory transport; 1037 bale wagon, like new; 488 haybine, like new; 337 JD square baler, like new. 780-752-4702, Hilliard, AB. 1947 JD-D, good rubber, good tin, $2500; Morris 35’ deep tillage cultivator w/ Valmar, $4000; 1982 L2 Gleaner, new rubber, 24’ PU header, hydro., 2438 sep. hrs., $13,000; 1982 3 ton IH grain truck, $9500. All above in good shape. Phone 306-332-5821, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. DEGELMAN 15’ ROTARY CUTTER, complete w/sidearm. Ideal for custom cutters or municipalities. Used. Priced to sell $16,900. Call Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, SK. 306-934-2121. SEED FUNNEL for 20’ grain box complete unit. 403-364-2287, Delia, AB.
1970 INT. 2000 tax axle truck, 20’ B&H, 671 motor, 5+2 trans, $4500; Ezee-On 100 loader, w/grapple and fork, JD mounts, $2750. 306-248-3345, St. Walburg, SK.
G O O D D EAL S ... AN D A G O O D D EAL M O R E 4W D TR A C TO R S 2006 C A SE STX450, PO W ER SH IFT, 800R 38 D U A LS, 1590 hrs....................................$199,000 (E) 1997 JD 9400, 12 spd,710x38 duals, 5750 hrs................................................$125,000 (R A )
2W D - M FW D TR A C TO R S 2010 JD 7230, m fw d, cab, loader, 433 hrs.....................................................$102,500 (E) 2003 C IH M XM 130, m fw d, cab, 5500 hrs.....................................................$47,000 (E) 1993 JD 7800, M FW D , loader.................$58,000 (A ) 1993 KU B O TA M 9580, 90 hp, m fw d, loader, 3152 hrs.....................................................$37,900 (E) 1979 JD 4640, quad, duals......................$24,000 (A ) 1980 JD 4640, quad, singles...................$19,000 (O ) 1975 JD 1830, loader, 3 pt.......................$12,900 (A ) 1975 JD 4630, Q uad, 20.8x38 duals......$17,000 (R E) 1975 JD 4430, quad, 18.4x38 ...................$16,000 (O ) JD 4010, 2scv, new paint.....................$11,000 (R A )
C O M B IN ES 2008 JD 9870, 42” duals, pw r cast, loaded, 522 hrs....................................................$302,500 (A ) 2008 JD 9870, 38” duals, 615 pickup, 500 hrs..................................................$316,000 (R E) 2005 JD 9860, 800 single s, 1300 hrs...$202,000 (R E) 2004 JD 9860, 42” duals, loaded, 1213 hrs..................................................$207,000 (A ) 2004 JD 9860, 42” duals, loaded, 1333 hrs..................................................$206,000 (A ) JD 9770STS, V arious options..............15 to choose JD 9760STS, V arious options...............5 to choose 2002 JD 9750STS, 20.8X 38 D uals, 615P, 2283 H rs..........................................................C all(E) 2000 JD 9750STS, 520x38 duals, 2919 hrs...................................................$115,000 (E) 2007 JD 9660STS, 20.8X 38 duals, 873 hrs.C all(R E) 2000 JD 9650STS, 20.8X 38 duals, 914P, 1880 hrs................................................$121,500 (R E) 2000 JD 9650STS, 30.5X 32, 914P, 1991 hrs..C all(O ) 2001 JD 9650, w alkers, 2883 hrs............$95,000 (A ) 2000 JD 9650, W alkers, 2062 H rs...........$98,000 (A ) 2007 N H C R 9060, loaded, pickup, 369 hrs.....................................................$240,000 (E) 2008 C IH 7010, pickup, loaded, 424 hrs..................................................$259,000 (R E) 2005 C IH 2388, pickup, loaded, 1650 hrs................................................$152,000 (R E) 2001 C IH 2388, pickup, loaded, 1924 hrs..................................................$123,000 (A ) 1997 JD C TS, 30.5x32, hopper cover, 1983 hrs.....................................................$74,500 (E) 1997 JD C TS, 30.5x32, chopper, 1578 hrs....................................................$79,000 (A ) 6-JD 9600, 1990-1997 ........................................C A LL 3-JD 9500, 1993-1995 ........................................C A LL
G R A IN H A N D LIN G EQ U IPM EN T 2010 B randt 1545 conveyor, m over/engine..........................................$20,500 (A ) 2008 B randt 1585 conveyor w /1515 .......$24,500 (A ) 2006 B randt 13x90H P auger...................$21,000 (A ) 2003 B randt 10x70 auger..........................$7,500 (A ) 2006 B randt 1545 conveyor, (2) m overs/engine............................$17,000 (E, R A ) Farm King 10x80 sw ing auger...............$12,500 (O ) 2003 Farm King 13x70 sw ing auger....$12,500 (R A ) Several10x60,10x70, 13x70 augers, various m akes.....................................$1500 - $8500 2005 R em 2100 grain vaccum .................$17,000 (E) Kongskilde 500 grain vac.........................$6,000 (E)
SPR A Y ER S 2001 JD 4710, poly tank, 2 sets tires, N orac, 2100 hrs..................................................$139,000 (O ) 2009 JD 4830, 100’, 1000 galS/S, 636 hrs..................................................$254,000 (R A ) 2003 R ogator 1254, 110’, 1200 galS/S, 1705 hrs..................................................$149,000 R E) 1999 A pache 790, 90’, 750 gal,2 sets tires, 2350 hrs....................................................$71,500 (A ) 1996 M elroe Spra coupe 3630, 60’, 300 gallon, 1994 hrs..........................................................$38,000 2002 Spray A ir 3400, 96’suspended boom ..............................$28,000 (O ) 1998 FlexicoilS67XL, 130’, 1200 gal......$16,500 (A )
M ISC ELLA N EO U S EQ U IPM EN T 2006 72’B ourgault 7200 heavy H arrow .$37,500 (A ) D egelm an R ock digger for dozer blade.$1,500 (A ) D egelm an R P6000 rock picker...............$13,500 (E)
2007 B ergen 6000SC sw ather transport...................................$13,900 (O ) B obcat S250 skid steer, 460 hrs..........$39,000 (R A ) D egelm an R 570S rockpicker..................$4,000 (R E) 1995 H ighline XL6084 rockpicker...........$13,000 (E)
B A LE PR O C ESSO R S B ale King 2010:40 bus grain tank R E DU C E D...............................................$12,500 (R E) B ale King 880, R E DU C E D..........................$7,500 (A ) H ighline 7000H D ..........................................C all(R E)
H A Y IN G EQ U IPM EN T 1995 H esston 565T R ound B aler...............$8,500 (E) 2007 JD 568 baler, m ega w ide, tw ine tie....................................................$31,000 (E) 2008 JD 568 baler, srface w rap...........$39,900 (R A ) 1991 JD 375 baler, 5x4 round bale...........$7,500 (E) 1994 JD 335 B aler....................................$5,600 (R E) 2008 C IH R B 564, R ound B aler................$28,000 (O ) 2002 C IH R B X561, round baler (2 choices)..........................................$14,000 (E) (O ) 2004 C IH R B X562, surface w rap baler$21,000 (R A ) 2001 JD 1600A m ow er conditioner.....$15,000 (R A ) 2000 C IH SC 416 m ow er conditioner, dble sickle................................................$14,000 (E) 2002 H esston 1275 m ow er conditioner.$16,000 (E)
W IN D R O W ER S 2008 JD 4895 W indrow er w /36’H B ...$115,000 (R E) 25’Prairie Star 4800 SP, dsl, PU R , cab.$23,500 (O ) 25’C ase 5000 SP, dsl, PU R , C ab ...........$17,000 (R A ) 1999 M acdon 2930 SP, 25’.....................$45,000 (R E) 30’M F 220 SP ..........................................$41,700 (R E) 1998 M acdon 30’1900 pulltype, pickup reel.................................................$9,500 (E)
(12 m onths w aiver) 50’Seedm aster 5012, 2007, 600 buscart, sm art hitch..........................................$145,000 (R A ) 61’(X2) JD 1830, 10” spg,430b, 1910 tbh cart..........................................$150,000 (A ) 61’JD 1830, 12” spg, ds, rub pkrs, 430 bu,1910 cart...................................$165,000 (A ) 61’JD 1820, 10” spg,430 bu,1910 tbh $125,000 (A ) 52’JD 1820, 10” spg, rubber pkrs, 340 bu, 1910 ...........................................................$83,000 (A ) 42’JD 1895, no tilldr ill, 430 bus, 1910 cart...............................................$178,000 (R E) 40’(X2) JD 737, 10” spg, steelpkrs, 170 bus, 787 cart.............................................$39,000 (A )(R A ) 42’B ourgault 5710, 12”spg, N H 3 shank M R B ’s, steelpk rs................................................$50,000 (R E) 42’B ourgault 5710, 12” spg, N H 3 M R B ’s, H atm on 1900 cart.................................................$35,000 (R E) 47’B ourgault 5710, 9.8” spg, M R B s, steelpackers, 5350 cart.....................$108,000 (R E) 57’Flexicoil5000, 12” spg, ss, stlpkrs, stealth, TB H tank ................................................$53,000 (R A ) 50’Flexicoil7500, 12” spg, 3450 TB T tank........................................$65,000 (R A ) 41’Flexicoil800, airseeder, 12” spg, 1610 tbh tank..........................................$17,500 (R E) 40’C ase/concord no tilldr ill...................$19,500 (A ) 56’C oncord 5612, 12” spg, dblshoot, no tank ...................................................$39,000 (R A ) 47’C oncord 4710, 9” spg, ss, A S 300 TB H tank ..................................................$45,000 (A ) 49’(X2) M orris M axum , 12” spg , D /S, TB H cart..................................$30,000-50,000(E)(R E)
C O M B IN E PLA TFO R M S 2002 14’Precision R akeup pickup header.......................................$14,500 (R A ) 2001 16’Precision rakeup pickup header.........................................$16,500 (A ) 1983 JD 224 platform .................................$4,900 (O ) JD 930 rigid (7) bats and pickup reels.............C all 1997 JD 930 flex header..........................$18,500 (A ) 2005 C IH 30’2042 draper........................$44,900 (O ) 2004 H oneyB ee 30’SP 30, C IH adapter............................................$36,000 (R E) 2004 H oneyB ee 42’SP 42, JD adapter $42,000 (R E) 2005 H oneyB ee 36’SP36, C IH adapter.$39,900 (A ) 2009 JD 635 draper...................................$67,000 (A ) 2005 JD 930 draper, bat reel...................$34,000 (A ) 2001 JD 936 draper, pickup reel.............$28,500 (A ) 2008 JD 936 draper, pickup reel.............$55,000 (A ) 1993 M acdon 960, 30’, pur, JD adptr.....$20,000 (A ) 1996 M acdon 960, 36’, pur, JD adapter.$23,000 (E) 1998 M acdon 962, 36’, pur, JD adptr...$28,000 (R A ) 2007 M acdon 963, 36’, B at, JD adptr...$42,000 (R E)
N E LSO N M O T OR S & E QU IPM E NT A vonlea, Sask. R adville, Sask. (306) 868-2022 (306) 869-3000 Estevan, Sask. R edvers, Sask. (306) 634-6422 (306) 452-3418 O xbow , Sask.(306) 483-5115 W ebsite:w w w .nelsonm
1988 KUBOTA M7950 w/loader, $18,000; 2007 JD 530 MoCo mower, $13,000; 1999 JD 566 round baler, low hrs., $13,000; 2003 Southland GN trailer, $5500; 2007 GN 24’ stock trailer, exc. shape, $9,000; Haybuster 2620 bale pro, good shape, $4000; Sitrex V-rake, H-90 V10, $4000. 250-347-9909, Invermere BC NEW UNUSED 12’ tilting pull type box scraper, w/cylinders, 3/8” thick molboard, bolt-on cutting edge. New 15” tires, $5600. 306-452-6410, Redvers, SK. 1993 VERSATILE 876 4 WD tractor, 2400 hrs, $65,000; Bourgault 40’ air seeder, 8800 floating hitch, w/broadcast kit, 3225 tank, w/hyd fan and hyd. calibration kit, $30,000; 1980 Case/IH 1480 combine, $25,000; 25’ MacDon straight cut flex header w/PU reel and transport, $19,500; 2005 NH TV145 bi-directional tractor w/high lift FEL and grapple fork, $95,000. 306-445-4850, North Battleford, SK.
STRAIGHT CUT HEADER FOR John Deere SPEEDRITE electric fencers and accesso6620 combine, must be in good condition. ries. Protech Post Pounders. Lamb Phone 780-352-5538, Wetaskiwin, AB. Acres, 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK. WANTED: 10”X60’ SWING AWAY AUGER, good condition. Phone: 306-324-2169, 5 x 1 0 P O RTA B L E C O R R A L PA N E L S Margo, SK. starting at $55. 403-226-1722, 1-866-5178335, Calgary, AB, WANTED: INJECTOR TOOL for 800 or 810 Volvo tractor. Ph 306-839-4438, JK CUSTOM FENCING, will do barbed Pierceland, SK wire, high tensile, board fence or whatever y o u n e e d . C a l l fo r p r i c i n g . J e b at WANTED: IH 600, 650 Super 6 and Super 306-961-8246 306-749-3440 Birch Hills SK WD-9, 1456, 1026, 1206 and 1256. Phone 319-442-3592, Keystone, Iowa. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. WANTED 2090 OR 2290 Case in good con- Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. dition. 306-997-4905, Borden, SK. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood WANTED: 10’ - 16’ heavy breaking disc, for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers L. McConaghy, Melfort, SK. 306-752-3820 Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will or cell: 306-921-9920. deliver. Self-unloading trailer. WANTED: TUB GRINDERS all makes and condition. Wanted J D 1 6 1 0 c h i s e l plows, all sizes. Wanted: rock rakes and rockpickers. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, JACK PINE, BIRCH FIREWOOD. Pick up paying $100, will pick up. 306-259-4923, or delivered. Bob 306-220-1278, Saskatoon, SK. 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK.
LOOKING FOR: bucket cylinder for 70 Series Case loader. 306-736-2936, Kipling, SK. WANTED: NEW HOLLAND bale wagons. Roeder Implement Inc . Seneca, KS, ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New De- 785-336-6103. gelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, rock rakes, bale processors, dozer blades. 306-957-4403, cell. 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. ONE TIME FENCING, sucker rod fence 8”X55’ SAKUNDIAK swing grain auger, posts for sale. 1-877-542-4979 AB or SK good cond, asking $1200. 1-877-781-8189 1-888-252-7911. WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calv- CUSTOM FENCING and corral building, no ing/ foaling barn cameras, video surveil- job too big or too small. 306-699-2327 or lance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, 306-699-7450, Qu’Appelle, SK. combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . CLEAN USED STEEL TUBING. Diameters from 1” to 2-7/8”. Also CONTINUOUS 403-616-6610, FENCE PANELS. Phone 780-955-9395, 2-15’ MF discers, 19” blades, piggyback Nisku, AB, style; 1974 JD 4630 tractor, quad range, newer seat, clamp-on duals, 20.8x38 tires. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Contact Leh306-693-5827 after 9 PM, Moose Jaw, SK. ner Wood Preservers Ltd., ask for Ron 995 NH COMBINE; Two 14’ Int. hoe drills 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. w/hitch; 75’ field sprayer. All have been TOP NOTCH CUSTOM FENCING, now shedded. 403-676-2121, Oyen, AB. booking for 2011. Barb wire or corrals. Also tear downs and roll up wires. references available. 306-629-3332. Morse, SK. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. See Custom Work. Call 306-329-4485, 306-222-8197, Asquith, SK. Email: 2 5,000 to 100,000 lb s CUSTOM FENCING. Now booking for V a rio u s Len gths In S to ck 2011. Self-propelled pounder with auger attachment, barbwire, paige wire, rails. Chris 306-931-3397, Saskatoon, SK. IXL FENCING/DECKING, 10 yrs. experience in barbed wire, corrals and privacy S AS KATO O N , SAS K. fencing. Call Ryan 306-544-7883 for estiPHON E: 306 -9 33-2343 mates. Hanley, SK. FAX : 306 -9 31-1003 PLASTIC FENCE POSTS, 6’ pointed and TOLL FREE: 1-8 8 8 -226 -8 277 7’ blunt, all are 4” round posts. Great for farm and ranch land, swamp land and elec. FLOATING 6” SLOUGH PUMP w/Honda fencing. Made from household plastics. motor and hose $1500. Ph. 306-423-5983, Call Crown Shred & Recycling, Regina, SK., 306-543-1766. St. Louis, SK. 30’ 1020 CASE/IH flex header; Two 30’ CUSTOM FENCING all types of livestock PTO swathers; 566 JD baler; 900 forage fencing and corrals. Will travel. References harvester; 14’ hi-dump; Schwartz mixer available. 306-944-4880, 306-380-2440 cell, Plunkett, SK. wagon. 306-398-2626, Cut Knife, SK. SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., Visit us at: Also see section #3560 Custom Work. HI HOG MATERNITY and grooming chute BLACKFOOT CREEK FENCING, will do w/ neck extender, like new, $1600; NH barbed wire, repair, removal, corral, big 357 mixer mill with grain loading auger, game. Glen 306-344-2663, 306-344-7067, always shedded, $2500; Little Auggie, no Onion Lake, SK. hydraulics, $500. 403-641-2477, Gem, AB. MILLS CUSTOM FENCING, all terrain. BELARUS 520, FWA, 3PTH, good tin, part- Will travel. Taking bookings. Earl Grey, SK, ing out or as is. $1000. 780-914-4553 or 306-726-7550, 306-939-2057. 780-878-0005, Hay Lakes, AB. CORRAL POSTS, rails, second cut slabs, 70’ OF DIAMOND harrows with hyd. lift bull rails, lumber, poles, firewood. Phone draw bar; Two MF 12’ #36 discers, w/coil 306-548-4711, Sturgis, SK. packers; JD #205 gyro mower; Hyd. drive RUBBER TRACKED all terrain unit, exceldrill fill; 6’ 3 PTH cultivator; MF #9 baler lent for 1 man fencing system, Hanix 800, w/6 bale stacker, good working cond. 100 HP dsl. w/hydrastats and dump box. 306-796-4902, Central Butte, SK. Sell as is or will convert to a pounder unit. $14,500 OBO. Phone Bruce 306-793-2125 or 306-740-7771, Stockholm, SK.
WANTED: Older and newer tractors, in running condition or for parts. Goods Used Tractor Parts, 1-877-564-8734. WANTED: 2 MORRIS Magnum II shank assemblies. 204-638-8443, Dauphin, MB.
DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, JD, Deutz. We also build custom gensets. We currently have special pricing on new 90 KW Perkins units. Call 2000 GRADALL 534D-6 TELEHAN- for pricing 204-792-7471, Winnipeg, MB. DLER, 36’ reach, 6000 lb, 3116 hrs, fork tilt. $22,800. Trades accepted, financing YANMAR DIESEL generator, 3 cylinder ava i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n ew o r l d . c o m liquid-cooled, 12 KW, 120/240V, $4500. 306-727-2046, Indian Head, SK. 1-800-667-4515. HYSTER 50, 13.6 lift, side shift and shuttle shift; Cat model T40E, w/ clam front and side shift, 5000 lb. lift. Phone ZMP at 306-256-7117, Cudworth, SK.
2 010 DEM ONS TR ATOR Degelm a n/ Dieci Agri P lus 40.7 Teleha nd ler
9,000 lbs liftca p a city – 24 ftlift heig ht, 150 d em o hou rs , 128 HP, Pow erS hift, Pa lletFork s , G ra p p le Bu ck et
Agri Tech • 540/1000 Mechanical PTO • 3 Point Hitch (category II) • 7700 lb 21’ Lift Capacity • VS (Vario System) Hydrostatic Transmission • 4 Drive Modes • Hydraulic Quick-Tach • Fan Reverser • Comfort and Winter Package • “Easy Ride” Boom Cushion 1.800.667.3545 • 306.543.4447
NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high quality generator systems. Quality diesel generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven alternators, automatic / manual switch gear, and commercial duty Sommers Powermaster and Sommers / Winco portable generators and Home standby packages. 74 years of reliable service. Contact Sommers Generator Systems for all your generator requirements at 1-800-690-2396. Email: Online:
S P ECIAL $85,000 Conta ct: D e g e lm a n In d u s trie s 306- 5 43- 4447 S held on 306- 5 33- 2 762
FORKLIFT, Clark 6000 lb., dual power, all terrain, safetied, $9,000; Zoom Boom JCB-508C, 8000 lb., 45’ reach, $34,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. 2 0 0 4 O R N E W E R C AT E R P I L L A R , TH350B, TH360B, TH460B telehandlers, starting at $38,000; JLG, 45’ and 60’ manlifts, exc. cond., starting at $28,000. Can finance. Doug Pichler, 306-291-4043, Saskatoon, SK. TELEHANDLER FOR SALE: 2005 Gehl D8-42L, 950 hrs., cab, heat, 8000 lb. lift capacity. Conquest Equip 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. JD 482 FORKLIFT, $9500. Call Gary, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. TELESCOPING 4X4 LULL and skytrack; Also older tractor type forklifts, IHC, Allis BARBED WIRE UNROLLERS: 2009 mod- and MF; JCB backhoe. 306-627-3445, Bluels, 4-wire unroller, reg. $425, now $295; menhof, SK. 2-wire unroller, special $245; 2010 models TWO FORKLIFTS, Sellick SD-80, 2 WD, w/hand winch, 4-wire unroller, reg. $525, dsl. eng., shuttle shift, vg cond.; Also ZTS now $450; 2-wire unroller, $395; 2” receiv- Dubnica forklift truck, 4 WD, shuttle shift, er hitch that slides onto tractor drawbar, dsl. eng., 21’ mast. Both machines ready to reg. $35, now $25. Call Rudy, Westermann go to work. Phone 306-864-3142 evenings Enterprises, 306-355-2734, Parkbeg, SK. or 306-864-7748 cell anytime Kinistino SK. SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen, Smeaton, SK., ph/fax 306-426-2305.
• 128 HP IVECO TA Engine
LISTER POWERED DIESEL genset. Please contact for details at 306-931-8485 or Clavet, SK.
BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK. KEETS FISH FARM 3 to 7” Rainbow Trout for spring stocking. Call 306-260-0288 or 306-270-4639 to place an order. Website: Saskatoon, SK. CLEAR SPRINGS TROUT FARM Rainbow Trout, 4”, 6” and 8” for spring stocking. 204-937-4403, 204-937-8087, Roblin, MB.
WANTED: JD TRACTORS for salvage, prompt pickup, fair prices. G.S. Tractor Salvage, Blaine Lake, SK., 306-497-3535. WANTED: BRAKE BOOSTER (Hydrovac) for a 1961 IHC B-160 2 ton truck. Call: 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB.
HASKAP BUSHES FOR SALE All off the U of S new varieties plus our own Northern Jewel pollinator. 1 to 3 year old trees. Volume discounts available. We also carry plastic mulch and do custom planting with our GPS controlled combined all in one mulcher/ planter/ irrigation applicator. 306-749-7974 or Heavenly Blue Honeysuckle Orchards.
AUTOFARM GPS PRECISION farming, ATC monitor, Globe and hardware, used 1 yr, $1500. 306-882-3291, Rosetown, SK. TRIMBLE EZ-GUIDE plus lightbar w/antenna and related cables, $750 OBO. Phone 306-463-3584, Kindersley, SK. OUTBACK AUTOSTEER HYDRAULIC KIT for a smaller Case/IH 9000 Series 4 WD tractor (9130- 9250). Hardly ever used, c/w all necessary hyd. hoses, solenoids, and wiring, $600. Phone 204-534-7633, Deloraine, MB.
SOLAR DOMESTIC HOT water systems; Photovoltaic power systems; Wind turbines, horizontal and vertical axis. Patrick 403-280-9900, 403-589-1272, Calgary, AB
MIRACLE MOLECULE, a Nobel Prize winner! For heart, blood pressure, cholesterol. Can help pain, arthritis, MS, fibromyalgia, and disease. 1-888-544-2560 Hanley, SK.
GRAIN/PELLET BURNING STOVES, Grain Burning and Wood Burning outdoor furnaces. Prairie Fire Grain Energy, Bruno, SK. Ph. 306-369-2825. ALL CANADIAN Coal and wood pellet hydronic heaters. Save up to 70% on your h e at i n g b i l l . N ova M e t a l Te c h L t d . , 7 8 0 - 9 2 2 - 2 4 8 0 , S h e r wo o d Pa r k , A B .
Want to slash heating costs? Naturally... Portage & Main Outdoor Water Furnace Highly efficient, long lasting units with industry’s best warranty. Wood gasification, auto stoker and conventional wood models for homes and business. Less Wood --- More Heat Get the facts before buying
Heat Smart Plus Inc. One Stop Shop for all heating needs
OIL WELL TUBE: 2-3/8”, $33, 2-7/8” $34, 3-1/2” $38, 4-1/2” $49, 5-1/2” $58. Rod: 3/4” $5, 1” $8, 1-1/4” $11, 1-5/8” $15. Delivery anywhere in Western Canada. Phone 1-888-792-6283. 2-7/8” OILFIELD TUBING, $30/joint, 2-3/8” dual lined tubing, $20/joint. Truckload quantities only. 306-861-1280, Weyburn, SK. PIPE SUCKER RODS, all sizes. Light, heavy, coated, low prices. Bob’s Pipe Sales, 780-674-0807, TUBING: 1-1/2”, 2-3/8”, 2-7/8”, 3-1/2”. Sucker rod, 3/4”, 7/8”, 1” plain or scraper type. Other pipe avail. 1-800-661-7858, 780-842-5705, Wainwright, AB. 4” TO 24” heavy wall pipe, lots of 12” 1/4 wall, new and used; 40’ stainless steel well screen, 6-1/2” ID. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.
WESTERN IRRIGATION LTD. We buy and sell new and used equipment. For sale: traveling big gun, Deutz pumping unit, etc. Phone 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK. THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving water? Pumping units, 6” to 10” alum. pipe, wheel moves. Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years of experience, not a Dealer. Email RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION: Zimmatic pivots/ Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable irrigation, spare parts/ accessories, new and used equipment. Custom designs to solve your specific irrigation needs. Rain Maker- experience you can trust. 306-867-9606, Outlook, SK. HOME OF THE ELECTROGATOR II. Renke centre pivots, lateral pivots, minigators, travelling guns and new and used pumps. Can design your system and install. Phone 306-858-7351 Lucky Lake, SK. WANTED: 1/4 mile and 1/2 mile irrigation wheel moves, in good condition. Ph. 250-765-2429, Kelowna, BC. 605 IH w/Berkley B6 pump and gen., vg cond., best offer. Phone 403-327-9757, Coaldale, AB.
JACOBSEN TORION RESEEDER model 548100, always shedded, excellent cond., $4200. Can delivery. Call 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. NEW AND USED PARTS AVAILABLE for Case garden tractors. WANTED: Case garden tractors, running or not. 780-922-3414 leave msg, Ardrossan, AB. BRAND NEW HOT TUB, 8 person, $8800, three 5 HP pumps, 164 jets, pop-up waterfalls, 200 watt Sony marine stereo, pop-up speakers, 5” locking lid, twin arch fountains, LED light show, warranty. Audrey 306-291-1242, Saskatoon, SK. VICON PS203 Seed and fertilizer spreader, suitable for smaller tractors, like new condition. Save $1000 on new price. $1750 OBO. 204-267-2431, Oakville, MB. SHOP-BUILT 3 PTH CULTIVATORS: 5’, $400; 7’, $500; 9’, $600; 3 PTH harrows: 6’, $200; 9’, $250. 306-658-4605, Landis, SK. SHELTERBELT TREES. Poplars 3-4’ tall, Spruce and Pine 1’ tall, all in 1 gal. pots. $7 ea., min. 200/order. Bareroot Ash and Elm straight 7-9’ tall, $18 ea., min. 50/order. White Spruce 3’ tall, 5 gal. pot, $20 ea., min. 50/order. In Saskatoon, SK., can ship anywhere 1-877-995-5253. 1989 CASE/IH 585 diesel, w/cab, 3 PTH, excellent acreage tractor, $8500. Phone 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB.
NURSERY TREE BLOW Out. Great prices on wide variety of trees. Call 403-887-0008, Sylvan Lake, AB. INSECT SCREEN- keep the bugs out of your garden, 108”Wx300’L per roll, 0.11” thick, white in color. $229/roll taxes in. Phone Flaman Sales today in Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626. ILCHUK MODEL 100 tree mover, tractor or skidsteer mount, moves up to 9’ spruce, vg cond $3900. 403-318-0472, Innisfail AB FREE CATALOGUE of hardy cherries, plum, cherry plums, apples, crabapples, pears, shrubs, vines, raspberries, saskatoons, haskap/honeyberry, shade trees, roses, lilacs, evergreens, hedging and windbreak specials. Boughen Nurseries Ltd, Box 1955, Nipawin, SK, S0E 1E0. Phone 306-862-5313, fax 306-862-2410, website or email AUCTION: Qty. 200 Colorado Blue Spruce. Call Hodgins Auctioneers for more info. 1-800-667-2075. PL #915407.
ALL BREEDS LAST CHANCE Bull Sale, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Tuesday, May 31, 12:00 Noon. For sale 120 purebred yearlings and 2 yr. olds, Red Angus, Black Angus, Simmental, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin, Gelbvieh, Shorthorn. Call 306-693-4715. Catalogue online:
V-DITCH CLOSURE UNITS AVAILABLE. Lever Enterprises, 306-682-3332, Muenster, SK. IRRIGATION PUMP STATIONARY diesel pump unit on trailer frame. 130 HP Cummins engine. 1000 gallons/min. $17,000 204-828-3631, Graysville, MB. or email 27 PAIRS for the price of 25, 7” hook and latch mainline, $110/pair. Can deliver. 403-335-2034, Didsbury, AB. 16” EASY REACH Lloyd’s PTO slough pump, 150’ of hose, 100,000 gal./min., $7800. 306-693-2660, Moose Jaw, SK. BERKELEY 1500 GPM 1000 RPM PTO, pump used 10 hrs, plus selection of 4” pipe with sprinklers and some 6” pipe. $7500. 306-699-2481, Qu’Appelle, SK
ANGUS CROSS APRIL cow/calf pairs commercial cattle bred to Reg. Black Angus bulls. 50 head available and ready for your pasture. $1950/pair your pick, $1850 gate run, $1800 take package. These calves top the local markets for 20 yrs. Sheldon Archibald, Irma, AB 780-754-2850 or SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. 12 YEARLING ANGUS BULLS, semen tested, reasonably priced. Glennie Bros. AnFOR SALE: GREENHOUSE, 24’(w)x52’(l), gus, Carnduff, SK. 403-862-7578 cold frame (Paul Boers), new double plastic, 2 fans, controls, tables, propane down- WINDY WILLOWS ANGUS yearling bulls, draft furnace, heating cables, pots, flats, 1100 to 1300 lbs, performance and semen e t c . A s k i n g , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . P h o n e t e s t e d , m a ny s u i t a b l e fo r h e i fe r s . 306-677-2507, Hodgeville, SK. 403-782-2418, ask for Bev. Lacombe, AB. 11x22’ GLASS PANELS with 6” channel iron 15 REG. YEARLING Angus heifers, born frames, excellent to build large green- April/ May, $1500/head; Glennie Bros Angus, Carnduff, SK. 403-862-7578. house. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK RED AND BLACK ANGUS replacement heifers for sale. 300 to choose from. Call Doug 204-447-2382. St. Rose, MB. 1985 GMC TOPKICK 7000 diesel, just safe- ALMARIE ANGUS SELLING purebred yeartied, w/60” VERMEER TREE SPADE, l i n g b u l l s , e a s y c a l v i n g , q u i e t . 306-323-4764, Archerwill, SK. $26,500. 780-875-3909, Lloydminster, AB. JD 318 garden tractor, newer 20 HP Onan, 3 PTH mower and tiller, front mount snowblower, front and rear weights; Great Northern yard sprayer. Will trade for quad. 306-445-9993, North Battleford, SK. 2003 DEINIS 60” MOWER, turn on a dime, 18HP, Kohler engine, excellent condition, $5000. 306-424-2720, Montmartre, SK.
PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS yearling and 2 year old bulls for sale. Priced to sell. Call Ken Schumacher, Double Bar S Angus, 306-493-2308, Delisle, SK. BELMORAL ANGUS SELLING on the farm black and red yearlings and 5 two yr. olds. 306-877-2014, 306-877-4402, Dubuc, SK.
SELLING: 33 OPEN yearling commercial Black Angus heifers. A nice addition to an established herd or a great start for a new one. Completely vaccinated. We also have a good selection of yearling bulls available. David Johnston, Fertile Valley Farms, 306-856-4726, Conquest, SK. WHEELER’S STOCK FARM has quality yearling and 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Semen tested and ready to work. 306-931-8471 or 306-382-9324, Saskatoon, SK.
3 REG. RED ANGUS bulls, 2 yrs. old, CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 yr. olds and year$2100. Yearling bulls also available. All AI lings, polled and horned, tans and white. sired. 306-742-4707, Churchbridge, SK. Call Howard 306-887-4308, Weldon, SK. QUIET QUALITY REGISTERED Angus bulls. CHAROLAIS BULLS, yearling and 2 yr. olds, Select from 30 two year olds or yearlings. semen tested, fully guaranteed. LVV Prices start at $1800. Many sired by a Ranch, 780-582-2254, Forestburg, AB. $30,000 AI herd sire, the number one cattleman’s choice. Semen testing guaranteed POLLED YEARLING CHAROLAIS bulls. Perand delivery arranged. 306-272-4451 or formance and semen tested. Guaranteed b r e e d e r s . W i l l k e e p u n t i l M a y. 306-272-7841, Foam Lake, SK. $2000-$2200. Charrow Charolais, Mar30+ 2 YEAR OLD AND yearling bulls, shall, SK. 306-387-8011 or 780-872-1966. many from AI sires, delivery available. 306-773-6633, Swift Current, SK. 4 YEAR OLD Red Angus herdsire, Red An- DISPERSAL: DEXTER HERD, 80 cow/calf gus Simmental yearling and two year old pairs, open heifers, and 1, 2, and 3 yr. old bulls. LVV Ranch, 780-582-2254, Forest- bulls. 403-845-5763, Rocky Mt. House, AB. burg, AB.
REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS BULLS sired by Final Answer, FV King, 41/97, Sons of Right Time, OCC Legacy and Max 602C. Semen tested and guaranteed. Del i ve r y ava i l a b l e . J e f f r ey I s a a c , 306-768-2223, Carrot, River. SK. REG. YEARLING BULLS and heifers sired by Upward, Game Day, and Freight Train. RED AND BLACK ANGUS BULLS AT DKF RANCH, Gladmar, SK. Great selecDavid McLean, 306-455-2503, Arcola, SK. tion, easy calving, superior quality bulls, F O R AG E B A S E D Black Angus bulls. for heifers and cows. Reasonably priced. Shellmouth, Agent for solar and wind water systems MB. 204-564-2540. and Allen Leigh calving cameras. Dwayne QUALITY BULLS AT GREAT PRICES, or Scott Fettes, volume discount. Reg. Black Angus year- 306-969-4506. lings and 2 yr. olds, semen tested. SUNDOWN RED ANGUS, one reg. 2 yr. 306-460-8520, old bull and three yearling bulls. Semen Kindersley, SK. tested, ready to work. Also reg. bred heif20 BLACK HEIFERS Angus/Holstein cross. ers and open heifer. Saskatoon, SK, Ready to breed. Call Jim at 306-697-7197, 306-978-1569. Grenfell, SK. LONG YEARLING BULLS, Reds or Blacks. DUSTY DEE FARM has for sale yearling Big, quiet and not overfed. Call Tom Ward and two year old Black Angus bulls. Call 306-668-4333, Saskatoon, SK. Dwight 306-736-2996, Kipling, SK. 90 YEARLING AND 2 year old bulls. Semen GOOD SELECTION OF 2 yr. olds purebred tested and delivered in spring. Sight unBlack Angus bulls. Call David or Pat seen purchases available. Bob Jensen 306-967-2770, Leader, SK. 306-963-2639, Imperial, SK. BULLS FOR SALE: 2 yr. olds and very docile. Will hold to end of May. Brent Lensen, 306-933-4683 days, 306-242-7547 eves, 306-220-4531 cell, Vanscoy, SK. PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, bred heifers, replacement heifers and second calvers, A1 Service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140, Saskatoon, SK. BLACK ANGUS 2 YEAR old registered bulls. Available at Husum Ranch, Parkerview, SK. All bulls semen checked with full va c c i n at i o n p r o g r a m . C a l l G a r r y at 306-647-2891 or FORAGE RAISED 2 year old Black or Red Angus bulls. Phone 306-445-8425, North Battleford, SK. FOR SALE: 53 BLACK COWS to calve in the fall. 2nd and 3rd calvers. Contact Perry 306-435-3110, Moosomin, SK.
RED ANGUS BULLS on moderate growing ration, performance info. avail. Contact Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills Angus, Glaslyn, SK. Phone 306-342-4407. FORAGE RAISED 2 year old Red or Black Angus bulls. Phone 306-445-8425, North Battleford, SK. EXCELLENT QUALITY, Yearling and 2 yr. old Red Angus bulls, will sell w/wo all risk insurance, will keep until Apr. 15th, semen test and deliver. Dudragne Red Angus, 306-625-3787, 306-625-3730, Ponteix, SK. RED ANGUS YEARLING and 2 yr. old bulls for sale, low birth. Nordal Angus, Simpson, SK., Rob Garner, 306-946-7946.
TWO YEAR OLD BELGIAN BLUE BULLS, full-bloods and half bloods; Needed Belgian Blue cross calves for fall market. SELECTED Quiet, quality two yr. old Black 403-556-7454, Olds, AB. Angus purebred bulls. Reasonably priced. Phone 306-272-4451, cell: 306-272-7841, Foam Lake, SK. SELL OR LEASE easy calving bulls for your YEARLING AND 2 yr. old Blonde bulls. heifers, stout rugged bulls for your cow Phone 306-634-2174 or cell 306-421-6987 herd. Yearlings, 2 year olds, and mature Estevan, SK. bulls. Everblack Angus, Vermilion, AB, con- POLLED YEARLING BULLS for sale. tact Ernest Gibson, 780-853-2422. Handel, MIDNITE OIL CATTLE CO. selling reg. SK, 306-658-4232. yearling and 2 yr. old bulls. Also open y e a r l i n g h e i fe r s . 3 0 6 - 7 3 4 - 2 8 5 0 o r 306-734-7675, Craik, SK. PUREBRED 2 YR. old and yearling bulls, reds and whites, semen tested. Will hold u n t i l m i d M ay. C a l l D R D C h a r o l a i s , VIRGIN PUREBRED BULLS, 8 Red Angus 306-727-4927, Sintaluta, SK. 2 yr. olds, calving ease, longevity, perfor- POLLED PB 2 yr old and yearling Charolais mance. Ph: Paul Dyck 403-378-4881, bulls, some red factor. Call King’s Polled Rosemary, AB. Charolais 306-645-4383, 306-645-2955, 2 RED ANGUS yearlings, sired by BHR 306-435-7116 cell, Rocanville, SK. Golden Boy out of black- red carrier dams. Semen tested and guaranteed. Jeffrey CHAROLAIS BULLS SIRED by Specialist (Hank x Trim 14C) consistent and thick. Isaac, 306-768-2223, Carrot River, SK. Other sires Red Mist, Nobleman, Junction. MAPLE RIDGE ACRES has for sale pure- Yearling and two year old, red and white bred Red Angus bulls. Sire was member of factor. Martins Charolais 204-534-8370, CWA Supreme Champion pen of bulls. Boissevain, MB. Les Saunders, 306-997-4507, Borden, SK. REG. 2 YR. old and yearling bulls, polled, REG. RED ANGUS two year old bulls for growthy, calving ease and very quiet. Sesale; Also selling Red Angus/ Simmental men tested and delivered. Qualman yearling hybrid bulls. Harv Verishine Charolais, 306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK. 306-283-4666, Langham, SK. TWO YEAR OLD and yearling bulls, polled, C A LV I N G E A S E Y E A R L I N G B U L L S , horned, white and red factor, semen testquiet, fed for longevity. Guaranteed breed- ed, delivered and guaranteed. Prairie Gold ers, semen tested. Delivered. B-Elle Red Charolais 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK. Angus, Turtleford, SK. 306-845-2557. PALMER CHAROLAIS has yearling and 2 year old white and red factor bulls for sale WHEELER’S STOCK FARM has quality year- by private treaty. Thick meaty bulls w/lots ling and 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Semen of hair. Guaranteed breeders. Will hold untested and ready to work. 306-931-8471 til pasture time. Delivery available. Blador 306-382-9324, Saskatoon, SK. worth, SK. Phone Velon 306-567-7033, WARDS RED ANGUS yearling and 2 year 306-567-5545 or Bob 306-567-5460. old bulls. Semen tested, guaranteed and RED FACTOR white Charolais bulls, yeard e l i v e r e d . C a l l C l a r ke a n d D e n i s e lings and 2 yr. olds. Wheatheart Charolais, 306-931-3824, Saskatoon, SK. Rosetown, SK., 306-882-6444. REG. RED ANGUS yearling bulls, $1200. REG. CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 year olds and Phone Lorne Wyss, 306-839-4706 or yearlings, polled and horned, some red. 306-839-2038, Pierceland, SK. Quiet bulls. Hand fed but not overfed. May SOUTH VIEW RANCH Red and Black An- select from 40 plus bulls. Sold by private gus yearling and 2 year old bulls for sale. treaty only. Call Wilf, Cougar Hill Ranch, Performance and carcass data. Semen 306-728-2800, 306-730-8722, Melville, SK tested. Delivery avail. Keith 306-454-2730 2 YR. OLD QUALITY BULLS, polled, red or Shane 306-454-2688, Ceylon, SK. factor, low birth weight, easy calving, 20 ANGUS/HEREFORD cow calf pairs. good growth, hand fed, guaranteed. Cows started to calf end of Feb. Asking 306-931-8069, Saskatoon, SK. $1900/pair. 780-645-0211, Lafond, AB. TOP QUALITY 2 year old registered bull, HOWE RED ANGUS yearling and 2 yr. old w o r ke d we l l a s a y e a r l i n g , $ 2 2 0 0 . bulls, semen tested, fully guaranteed. Mike 306-283-4687, Langham, SK. 306-631-8779 or 306-691-5011, Moose WHITECAP CHAROLAIS yearling bulls for Jaw, SK. sale, semen tested, fully guaranteed. Mike RED ANGUS BULLS, calving ease, semen 306-631-8779 or 306-691-5011, Moose tested, guaranteed breeders. Little de Jaw, SK. Ranch 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK. PUREBRED CHAROLAIS yearling bulls, LIGHT BIRTH WEIGHT Red Angus yearling thick and hairy w/excellent disposition. bulls; also Black Angus yearling bulls, Contact Stephen 306-279-2033, Creek’s $1500 each. Ed Davidson, Lougheed, AB., Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK. 780-888-2123 or 780-386-2150.
RED AND BLACK Polled Limousin bulls for sale. Nordal Limousin, Simpson, SK., Rob Garner, 306-946-7946. PUREBRED POLLED YEARLING Limousin bulls. Red and black moderate birthweights, quiet and guaranteed. Springview Limousin 306-698-2747, Wolseley, SK.
BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. 3 LOWLINE cross cows w/calves at foot, $2400 for all; 2 LOWLINE cross bulls, $850 ea. 306-931-2832 Martensville, SK.
RED GALLOWAY bulls and females for sale. Lone Pine Creek, 403-340-6783, Del- PUREBRED RED AND red with white Maine-Anjou yearling bulls. Performance burne, AB. tested, semen tested and ultrasound results available. Breeders of quality Maines since 1975. Falloon’s Maine-Anjou, Carman YEARLING GELBVIEH BULLS, semen a n d L a u r a F a l l o o n , B i r t l e , M B . , tested, ready to go. Phone 204-741-0763, 204-842-5180, email 204-858-2476, Hart- MAINE-ANJOU BULLS, solid blacks, solid ney, MB. reds, yearlings and 2 year olds, semen and guaranteed. Rocky Lane Farms, 2 YR. OLD AND YEARLING POLLED tested Gelbvieh Bulls, choice of 70. Winders Gelb- 403-368-2114, Rumsey, AB. vieh 780-672-9950, Camrose, AB. CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU Association. Power, performance and profit. For info on 2 YR. AND YEARLING Gelbvieh and Black Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, CalAngus bulls for sale, 35 to choose from, gary, AB. or deposit will hold. Semen checked, delivery MAINE-ANJOU BULLS, 2 yr. olds and yearavailable. 306-997-4917, Borden, SK. lings. Breeder since 1970, best selection KNUDSON FARMS GELBVIEH 2 year old anywhere. Gary Graham 306-823-3432, and yearling polled bulls, reds and blacks. Marsden, SK. Satisfaction guaranteed. 306-322-4682, Archerwill, SK. POLLED YEARLING AND 2 year old bulls for sale. Selin’s Gelbvieh, 306-793-4568, SEVERAL BREEDS OF mini cattle for sale. A great addition to any herd or just a grass Stockholm, SK mower for the acreage. Quiet, colorful and low maintenance, delivery available. 306-493-2528, Delisle, SK. HORNED HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE. Yearlings and twos, semen tested, free delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lehr RED POLL BULLS, reg. yearlings, 2 yr. Ranching cell 306-946-7438, Saskatoon SK olds, easy calving, naturally polled calves. DEHORNED HEREFORD BULLS for sale. 780-892-3447, Wabamun, AB. 306-743-5105, Langenburg, SK. Check them out at: JOHNER STOCK Farm Bulls, Polled Herefords, 2 yrs and yearlings, delivered. Maid- POLLED POLLED POLLED - Salers bulls for sale. Call Spruce Grove Salers, Yorkton, stone, SK, 306- 893-2714, 306-893-2667. SK, 306-782-9554, 306-621-1060. HEREFORD BULLS FOR sale! Stout, calving ease, high-performance dehorned 1 AND 2 yrs. Saler bulls. Red, black, and two year olds and yearlings. Ultrasounded tan, guaranteed and delivery available, for and affordable. Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, heifers or cows. 780-924-2464, Alberta Beach, AB. SK. 306-893-2879, PASTURE READY, QUIET, easy calving, PB POLLED HEREFORD BULLS 2 year old and registered red and black bulls. Elderberry fall born bulls, also group of yearling bulls. Farm Salers, 306-747-3302, Parkside, SK. 306-963-2414 or 306-963-7880, Imperial, SK. POLLED HEREFORD YEARLING and 2 yr. YEARLING SHORTHORN AND mature herd old bulls for sale to those who sell their bulls. Star P Farms, Humboldt, SK. calves by the pound and retain their own 306-682-3692 or replacements. Modern bloodlines, ED’s, pigmented eyes. For more info. call Doug YEARLING SHORTHORN BULLS, red or Mann, 306-741-1265, Swift Current, SK. nice roans, good for heifers, good for cows; one 4 yr. herd bull. Glenn Bender 306-748-2876, Neudorf, SK. HAY’S HEREFORDS: 1 and 2 yr. old Hereford bulls. Homebuilder, Marquis, Voltage bloodlines. 204-854-2226, Pipestone, MB. POLLED YEARLING FLECKVEIH and red HORNED HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE, factor Simmental bulls. Semen tested. 22-26 months, high quality with perfor- Please call Double G Simmentals. Gary mance records, summer grazed on grass 306-963-7700 or Glenn 306-963-7777, only, for sound future development. Select Stalwart, SK. from a group, avoid auction sale costs. Reasonably priced, can deliver, your in- RED AND BLACK POLLED yearling Simspection will convince you of quality. mental bulls for sale. Semen tested and Popular breeding. Phone for information fully guaranteed. 3D Simmentals Lumsden, and photos. Stauffer Farms Ltd., Eckville, SK. Call 306-731-3850. AB. Ph. 403-746-5735, cell: 403-348-1708. 1 0 S I M M E N TA L C O W / C A L F PA I R S , 2 YEAR OLD and yearling registered Polled $1600/pair. 306-233-4971, Wakaw, SK. Hereford bulls, semen tested. Harold or YEARLING SIMMENTAL BULLS for sale. Tim Strauch, 306-677-2580, Shamrock, SK North Creek Simmentals, Borden, SK. HOLMES POLLED HEREFORDS have 2 306-997-4427 or 306-230-3123. year old and yearling bulls for sale. BLACK SIMMENTAL BULLS, moderate 306-524-2762, 306-746-7170, Semans, SK birthweights, exc. performance. Flying S EXCELLENT SELECTION OF 2 yr. old Polled Ranch, 306-845-4440, Spruce Lake, SK. and Horned Hereford bulls. Deposit holds 150 SIMMENTAL CROSS cow/calf pairs, until breeding season. Delivery avail. Brian April and May calves, excellent herd Longworth, Harris, SK., 306-656-4542. health, you pick, $1800/pair. For more info call Mike 306-427-4548 Shell Lake SK. YEARLING AND TWO YEAR OLD polled M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S simmental bulls, red and blacks, semen NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. To- tested. Pheasantdale Simmentals, Baltal Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York carres, SK. 306-335-7553 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. 2 YR. OLD and yearling Simmental bulls, FRESH HEIFERS FOR SALE: Require dairy red and black, polled and horned, moderherds and quota. R&F Livestock, Bryce ate birthweights. All bulls sold private Fisher, 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620, treaty. Call Bill or Virginia Peters, Perdue, SK, 306-237-9506. Warman, SK. FULL FLECKVIEH BULLS Jan and Feb born, weighed between 813 and 1013 lbs. on Oct. 2, some Polled. Curtis Mattson POLLED RED AND BLACK yearling bulls. 306-944-4220, Meacham, SK. Thick beef bulls from top bloodline. Jeff 20 FULL BLOOD, 15 Red Factor and 6 black Gutek 306-338-2112, Hendon, SK. purebred Simmental cow/calf pairs. BatSPRINGER BROS. LIMOUSIN has a good tleford, SK, 306-445-6221, 306-441-5915. selection of 2 yr. old and yearling virgin bulls, both reds and blacks w/very quiet SIMMENTAL BULLS red and blacks, yeartemperament. Call Ernie: 306-272-4774 or lings and 2 year olds. Cory 306-981-4567, 306-922-8335, Prince Albert, SK. Merv: 306-272-4817, Leslie, SK GOOD SELECTION OF STOUT yearling and ERIXON SIMMENTAL BULLS, red and 2 year old red and black bulls, with good black polled yearlings, also one polled 2 yr. disposition, and calving ease. Qually-T old. Over 35 years in the Simmental busiLimousin, 306-322-4755 or 306-322-7554, n e s s . D a v e 3 0 6 - 2 7 0 - 2 8 9 3 , B o b 306-227-9750, Clavet, SK. Rose Valley, SK. CIRCLE T LIMOUSIN yearling and 2 yr. YEARLING BULLS, Polled, mainly Red old performance tested polled red and Factor. Also Simmental/ Red Angus cross black bulls. EPD, ROP data available. Se- bulls. McVicar Stock Farms, Colonsay, SK., men tested. Guaranteed. Estevan, SK. Dar- 306-255-2799 or 306-255-7551 cell. ryl Tedford, 306-634-4621, Harvey Ted- FOR SALE OR RENT: Red, black and Full ford, 306-634-8536, blood Simmental bulls. A.I. breeding, seSTOUT YEARLING and 2 yr. old Limousin men tested, reasonable prices. Phone Dale bulls, polled, horned, red, black. Quiet 780-853-2223, Vermilion, AB. bulls with great performance. Short Grass Limousin, 306-773-7196, Swift Current SK POLLED LIMOUSIN BULLS, red and black, guaranteed and delivered. Also bred females. Leach Farms 306-338-2805, 306-338-2745, Wadena, SK.
PAPERED PURE BRED black yearling bulls, semen tested, halter broke, priced reas o n a b l y. H i g h C h a p p a r a l R a n c h , 306-336-2666, Lipton, SK.
ONE YEAR OLD Speckle Park bulls for sale. Phone 306-344-4749, Sunday - Friday. Lloydminster, AB. YEARLING BULLS for sale, semen checked. Delivery can be arranged. 306-823-4794, 780-205-0719 cell, Neilburg, SK. Email
REGISTERED Texas Longhorns, calving ease, bulls and females for sale. Allemand R a n c h e s , S h a u n avo n , S K . D a r y l 306-296-4712 or Bob 306-297-3298. PUREBRED TEXAS LONGHORN 2 yr. old bull for sale, solid brown. Proceeds for a youth fundraiser. Shelbie 306-381-9741, Saskatoon, SK. REGISTERED TEXAS LONGHORN bulls, yearlings and 2 year olds. Exc. horns and hip. Call One Tree Ranching 403-378-4664 or 403-363-1729, Patricia, AB. ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Assoc. 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more information. REG. TEXAS LONGHORN bulls. Good selection of yearlings and 2 yr. olds. Also all classes of breeding stock for sale. Call Dean at Panorama Ranch, 403-391-6043, Stauffer, AB.
WANTED: PREDOMINATELY BLACK COW herd, 90 to 100 head, bred to Black Angus bull. Reasonable average age. Preferably before or after calving season. Will pay market price. 306-365-8452, Saskatoon SK COW/CALF PAIRS, 5- 8 yrs. old, reds, tans and blacks. Contact Owen 306-948-2387, Biggar, SK.
MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. Visit us at: Also see section #3560 Custom Work. LAKEVIEW LAND & CATTLE CO. looking to buy all classes of cattle directly from the farm. No commission. No freight. Low shrink. We pay the same day cattle are weighed. Bonded and licensed in SK. No herd is too small. Give us a call, Matt Veer 306-728-1582 or 306-786-2888. 50-55 COW/CALF PAIRS for sale, Red and Black Angus cross. 306-834-5156, Kerrobert, SK. 15 RED AND WHITE replacement heifers for sale. Phone 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK. 34th ANNUAL SHAMROCK QUARTER HERD DISPERSAL: 150 Red and RBF, HORSE BREEDERS SALE on August 1st. black and BBF cows, 85% w/calves at side, Accepting consignments to Saskatchebalanced calving now. Mature cows bred wan’s longest running horse sale. Entry Black Simmental, second and third calvers forms or 306-677-2589, 306-395-2615. Entries bred Angus. 306-537-8898, Regina, SK. close June 1st.
full stock of Andis clippers and blades. NEW RK PURE grooming products now available. Call for details and a free catalogue
COW/CALF PAIRS and more , 80% calved out. Reds, blacks, buckskins, bred Gelbvieh. $1,700-$2,000 per pair; Also the herds best open heifers and some herd sires available. Please leave message at 1-800-440-2694. 306-846-2218, Dinsmore, SK. w w w .rka n im a lsu m ANGUS COW/CALF PAIRS, mostly black, M a r c h t o A p r i l c a l v e s . C a l l 65 COW/CALF PAIRS, half are Jan/Feb calves. Red Angus cross cows. Call for 306-329-4493, Asquith, SK. more info. 204-734-0307 Bowsman, MB. 110 CHAR CROSS and Red Angus cow/calf pairs, $1550/pair. Dennis, 306-795-2963, Ituna, SK. YEARLING OPEN HEIFERS, Simmental WANTED: COW/CALF PAIRS. Call Lorne and Simmental Red Angus cross. Early Davey 306-843-7606, Wilkie, SK. born, well grown out. McVicars Stock PASTURE FOR RENT: 640 acres of native Farms, Colonsay, SK. 306-255-2799 or grass, crossfenced, good water supply. 306-255-7551. Moose Jaw, SK area, 306-631-0030. 140 HEIFERS, bred to very small bulls, PASTURE AVAILABLE for 240 cow/calf Calving June 15th to July 30th. Pregnancy pairs or 300 yearlings, available June 1st. checked and shots, $1350 each. Call Jim Call for pricing. 306-948-7843, Biggar, SK. 204-529-2568, Cartwright, MB. WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For SIMMENTAL AND SIMMENTAL CROSS bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Procespairs and yearlings. Top genetics from sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. best bulls in the industry. Long standing purebred operation: Sun Star Simmentals. Also, Red Angus and Simmental bulls for s a l e . R e g i s t r at i o n p ap e r s ava i l a b l e . 780-384-2350, Sedgewick, AB. CATTLE FINANCING available for feeder cattle and bred heifers/cows. Competitive interest rates. Contact Marjorie Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. CUSTOM CATTLE PROCESSING and livestock equipment rentals. We can proc e s s w i t h o u r e q u i p m e n t o r yo u r s . 306-948-8057, Biggar, SK. 100 COW/CALF PAIRS, Black/ Red Angus Char. cross. calves born March and April, $1400/pair. 306-383-2917, Quill Lake, SK. BLACK AND RED COW/CALF PAIRS, Apr/May calved, $1700-$2000/pair. Parry Rasmuson 306-435-3110, Moosomin, SK REGISTERED RED and BLACK Angus yearling bulls, quiet, semen tested, ready to work, $2100 each. Lougheed, AB., 780-888-1087 or 780-888-1374. YEARLING BLACK Simmental cross Black Angus bulls, tested. Will deliver. Phone 306-656-4507, Harris, SK. 150 BLACK and Red Angus good quality young bred cows. 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK.
PRINCE ALBERT All Breed Horse & Tack Sale, Tuesday May 24. Tack 2:00 p.m. Horses to follow. Open to broke horses (halter or riding). Sale conducted at Prince Albert Exhibition Grounds. To consign call Frederick at 1-877-494-BIDS (2437) or: Member of SAA, MAA, AAA. CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse Sale, Sat., June 4th. Tack at 10:30, Horses at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of colts must have a completed EID. Go to the website to get the form. For more info contact 306-424-2967. LAZY T AND DYNAMITE RANCH 1st Edition horse sale: May 28, 2011, Burnt Lake Livestock Mart, Red Deer, AB. Sale starts at 6:00 PM. Contact Taylor at 403-352-2464, HORSE SALE Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Thursday, June 2. Tack Sells 2:00 PM; Horses sell 4:00 PM. 306-693-4715
2ND ANNUAL RAFTER A RANCH Catalogue Horse Sale, Strathclair Fairgrounds, Strathclair, MB, Sat., May 28, 2011. Preview: 10 AM, sale time: 1 PM. Catalogues online at: Contact: Jason and Kelly Airey 204-365-2442, email: HEARTLAND LIVESTOCK SERVICES, Regina, SK., will be holding their special “2nd Annual Promise of Summer” Catalogue Horse Sale for registered or well broke horses, Friday, May 27th, in conjunction with their regular horse and tack sale. Tack Sales at 5:00 PM, catalogue horses at 6:00 PM with loose horses to follow. For more info contact Brennin Jack 306-533-2495 or 306-757-3601. View ent r y fo r m s a n d c at a l o g u e o n l i n e at RANCH COUNTRY HORSE SALE, Sat., Sept. 10th, Maple Creek, SK. Accepting broke horse consignments and entries for the Ranch Horse Competition. Entry deadline July 1st. Contact Tanya Parsonage 306-662-5081. www.northernhorse/ranchcountry for online forms.
WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM 35+ yrs. training, showing, sales, clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott. Paynton, SK., 306-895-2107. STANDARD BRED MARE, broke to drive, cart and harness. Phone 306-931-8676, Saskatoon, SK. COLT STARTING- NOW booking colts for spring. Gentle methods, will expose to cattle and roping if desired. Will also put miles on broke horses. 403-892-2470 at Picture Butte, AB. WOOD MOUNTAIN WAGON TRAIN, gather July 3rd, ride July 4th to 8th, stationary camp. 306-476-2588, Rockglen, SK 5 YR. OLD QUARTER HORSE, 15 HH, Cutting bred, very well broke for cattle. 306-742-4565, MacNutt, SK. RAMSAY PONY RIDES have for sale wellbroke kids horses from pony to saddle horse sizes. Also weanling colts. Some horses and ponies also broke to drive. All broke horses sold with a written guarantee. Also new and used riding saddles. 306-386-2490, 306-386-2213, Cochin, SK. 9 YR. OLD registered TB mare, 15.3 HH, hunter/hack/dressage, suitable for novice riders, asking $5500. Call 306-543-0160,
6 YR. OLD RED ROAN GELDING, 16 HH, very well broke to handle cattle, picture perfect, $2000 firm. 306-742-4565, Mac100% COLOR PRODUCER by world cham- Nutt, SK. pions. Will pasture or halter breed. Broke, priced to sell. Plus selection of yearlings, 2008 MOLLY, blaze face, 15.2 HH, quiet, 2011 foals and 2 year olds. 306-699-2481 been saddled. Other young registered QHs for sale. Selling due to health reasons. Qu’Appelle, SK. 306-295-3844, Eastend, SK. 2 REG. CLYDESDALE studs. Willow Way Burke, 10 yrs., bay with 4 white legs, 18 HH. Brunt-Hill Crown Royal, 12 yrs, bay with 4 white legs, 18.2 HH. Both studs exc. bloodlines and exc. breeders. Also 2 reg. fillies and 2 reg. studs, 1 yr., bays. All have 4 white legs and white faces. 204-842-5113, Birtle, MB.
2007 APPALOOSA MARE, halter broke only, exposed for a June foal; 1999 black gelding, well broke, exc. ranch horse; 2006 AQHA gelding, well started; 2009 brown mare, halter broke, gentle; 2005 QH mare, well broke anyone could ride; 2003 Apaloosa mare, foal at side; 2010 Appaloosa filly; 2006 Apollos mare, well broke. 306-295-3533, Eastend, SK.
NEW BUGGY, WAGON, sleigh, cutterwood and metal parts. Wooden wheel manufacture and restoration. Wolfe Wagons, Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-933-4763 after 6 BUYING WILD BOAR ALL SIZES, highest PM weekdays. Email $$$ paid. Canadian Heritage Foods, call WAGON: All alum. 360° turntable, brakes, Ralph or Greg at 1-877-226-1395. springs, HD marine canvas roll up cover. NORTHFORK IS LOOKING FOR WILD $6500 OBO. 250-620-0006, Horsefly, BC. BOAR for the meat market, Winnipeg, MB. HORSE COLLARS, all sizes; Steel and alu- Call 514-643-4447 for pricing. minum horseshoes. We ship anywhere. Keddie’s 1-800-390-6924. THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, Langham, SK. GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers HERITAGE BREED CHICKS, huge variety! of leather and nylon harness. Custom sad- H at c h i n g M ay 1 3 t h , s o m e d e l i ve r y dles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. available in BC. Breeds include Jersey Giants, Marans, Cochin, Chanteclers, Box 29, Ryley, AB, T0B 4A0, 780-663-3611 Americaunas, Speckled Sussex, Brahmas, Minorcas, and much much more! Email: PEOPLE HAULER, tandem walking beam View online at axle on back, 5th wheel steering; 2 double Lone Butte, BC sets leather harness for horse size, good. Phone 306-373-1275, Saskatoon, SK. PHEASANTS AND WILD Turkeys from Federally Registered hatchery. Jumbo, White and Chinese Ringneck pheasants; Chukar partridge; Merriam, Eastern and QUALITY MADE SADDLES: F. Eamor, Riley Rio Grande wild turkeys. We also sell McCormick, Kenway, Frazier. Phone: gamebird netting. Pricing and helpful lit403-969-9809, Nanton, AB. erature on Dirt Willy Gamebird Farm & Hatchery, Ardrossan, AB. WESTERN KING ROPE SADDLE, with sil- 780-922-6080, 780-983-4112 cell. ver sterling and matching breast collar. 306-883-9897, Shell Lake, SK.
HEARTLAND LIVESTOCK SERVICES, Regina, SK., will be holding their regular Sheep, Lamb, and Goat Sale, and Horse and Tack Sale, on Friday, May 27, at 12 noon. Please book all livestock in advance with Brennin Jack at 306-533-2495 or 306-757-3601.
COMMERCIAL DORPER/DORPER CROSS WELL BROKE TO DRIVE: TEAM of quarter BREEDERS: The Canadian Dorper Sheep Assoc. wants to put you and potential buyhorses. 306-742-4565, MacNutt, SK. ers together. We’ve expanded our website FOR SALE: Mammoth and Mammoth cross to include a commercial producer listing donkeys, $500. Phone 204-434-6132, service. $10.00 fee per year. Website get Steinbach, MB. approx. 2000 hits/month. Mail payment and info to: Dave Ellison, 5997 Gardi Road, CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call Kamloops, BC. V1S 2A1 or contact Dave at 250- 828-2390. MINIATURE HORSES, various sizes/colors. Jacob at: 306-488-4408. Miniature team complete with wagon and NOW TAKING COLTS FOR TRAINING harness. 780-675-5667, Athabasca, AB. Terrance Hoggan of E A S Y D O E S I T Equine Education is now taking colts for 100 PAIRS, mostly Dorper, lambed March starting and horses for training. Horses are 15 to April 15, $400 choice. Bowsman, MB. rode in an arena and on pasture, training is ONE BLACK 5 year old Morgan stud; 4 tailored to horse owner/handler needs. 204-238-4376, 204-281-1946. black Morgan Percheron cross fillies. Of- Stony Plain, AB., 780-821-0068. LOOKING FOR DORSET X/other white face fers accepted. 306-554-3416, Wynyard, SK breeds, with 2 yr. lease to own option, 5% CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary interest. 306-773-9045, Swift Current, SK. Johnston, Email IMPROVE YOUR LAMBING Percentage. Purebred Romanov ewe and ram lambs, MULE TEAM, young, big, sound draft Phone: 403-359-4424, Calgary, AB. mules. Can be tied, loaded, trimmed. See SAGEBRUSH TRAIL RIDES. Writing-On- $400 each; Romanov/ Charolais ewe and YouTube: Home on the Range: Mules and Stone. Register: June 30th. Ride- July 1, 2, ram lambs, ewes $250 ea; rams, $300 ea. Harrows. Asking $4400. Ph. 780-835-3859 3, 4th; Cypress Hills- Register: July 7. Ride Call Robert 780-967-0316, Gunn, AB. for details, Fairview, AB. July 8, 9, 10, 11th; Lindbergh Iron Horse Trail- Register: July 21, Ride- July 22, 23, 24, 25th. Earl Westergreen 403-529-7597, ALL CLASSES OF SHEEP and goats; Also Joanne Geertz 780-499-2462, Les O’Hara w i l l b u y d i s p e r s a l s , b i g o r s m a l l . PEPPY GETSYA SKIPPIN 1999 sorrel 403-867-2360. 306-978-9723 or 306-229-6147 cell. tobiano stallion, bloodlines of Delta Peppy San Badger and Delta Getsya There, Nu BAD HILLS WAGON TREK July 19-22. Bar, Doc Bar, pasture or hand breed, sound Gathering potluck supper, Tues. July 19th, and ready to go, good horse. Will take D’Arcy, SK. Entertainment nightly. Info. trades. Roger Parsonage 306-299-4474 Glen Walker 306-882-3283, Sue Speir, 306-379-4303 NEW SHEEP tipping table for trimming Maple Creek, SK. Duffy Ham 306-460-6828 cell. hooves, $1000. Ph: 403-327-9757, Coaldale, AB. TWO YEAR OLD and yearling Friesian PerSHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers cheron cross, halter broke, any reasonable ORIGINAL DOCTOR’S BUGGY, original extension, marketing services and a full offer considered. Phone 306-554-3416, leather and cover, mint condition, $3000. l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . 306-525-8827, Ituna, SK. Wynyard, SK. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. PERCHERON STALLIONS for sale. Variety of ages, colors and type. Registered. Current farrier, vaccines and dewormer. Gene Conrad 204-836-2374, 204-526-0901, St. Alphonse, MB.
HERITAGE POULTRY SALE, May 28, 10-4, Red Deer, AB Westerner. Turkey, waterfowl, chicken, guinea, gamebird and more! Eggs, chicks, adult stock. Phone: Liz 403-347-9106, Red Deer, AB.
CARFIO HATCHERY. Pheasants; Wild turkeys; Guinea Fowl; Partridges; Bobwhites; Jumbo Quails; Ducks; White Geese; Specialty geese and ducks; Broiler chicks; Bantams and large Heritage breeds. 1-877-441-0368,
DUE TO a tragic accident I’m forced to drastically reduce my ALPACA HERD. Females and males of various colors. Luxurious dense fibre. Will be avail at a much reduced price. You can pick your own pkgs. FIBER for sale. 780-658-2162, Ranfurly AB
MARKET LEADERS, ANDRES EXPORTS is buying all classes of bison. Dean 306-224-2088 at Windthorst, SK. BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger Provencher, or 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned bison company and enjoy the benefits. SUNGOLD SPECIALTY MEATS. New company is seeking a continuous supply of grain fed and grass fed Bison. Randy Smith, 1-800-363-6602. PURCHASING ALL AGES and classes of Bison. Prompt payment. Bruce, Youngstown, AB. 403-651-7972 or 403-779-2218. 200 OPEN FEMALES, 800 to 900 lb., $2200 each; 15 breeding bulls, $3000 each. Call Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. NORTHFORK BISON is looking for all ages, classes and finished Bison. Prompt payment. Winnipeg, MB. Call 888-422-0623 for pricing.
9 YR. OLD, 15.2 HH, sorrel QH gelding, big, good looking, extremely smooth, has lots of miles, pasture roped, experienced rider only, easy to catch, farrier and load, $4000 OBO. 306-245-3728, Tyvan, SK. STANDING AT STUB 4 yr. old Palomino stallion, Flying Heavy Lopez. Sire was Heavy Linas Handle, parents were Big and Heavy and Go Brownie Panhandle. Dam: MS Moca Doc, parents were Spectacular C o w b o y s a n d S a b r e D o c D u s t e r. 306-238-4438, Goodsoil, SK. 17 YR. OLD APPENDIX QH sorrel gelding barrel horse. Priced to sell! $5000 OBO. For more info:780-385-5400, Camrose, AB REG 5 YR OLD sorrel ranch gelding, 16 HH, well mannered, done feedlot work, roped on pasture. 204-249-0038, Oakville, MB. 2004 AQHA SORREL QH gelding, trained and shown as a reiner, would make good rookie or youth horse. Suitable for 4-H or Western riding. Well broke, great disposition. Must sell, owner attending school. For more info. $8500 OBO, 306-961-7416 or 306-763-3544 eves. Prince Albert, SK.
ALL BLACK- ALL REG.- ALL Excellent Pedigrees. Yearlings and up. All for sale. Ph 306-384-1830, Saskatoon, SK. or email
TAKE ADVANTAGE of hybrid vigor, own a crossbred horse: tougher, stronger, live longer and cheaper to maintain. Friesen, Percheron, Haflinger, Fjord, crosses for pleasure, driving, packing, competition. Yearlings, 2 and 3 yr. olds, and teams available. 306-682-2899, Humboldt, SK. SPOTTED DRAFT big bay and white, 4 yr. o l d g e l d i n g , b r o ke t o d r i ve . $ 9 5 0 . 204-764-2966, Hamiota, MB.
Featuring The Very Finest Variety of Horse Drawn Coaches, Carriages, Buggies, Buckboards, Harness, Saddles and Horse Related Antiques and more For more info call Al Oeming 780-922-3013 Email: To bid by phone-auction day call 403-704-0281 • 780-603-8119 • 780-499-9832
Auctioneer: Greg Johnson
Full details & pictures visit website
Auctioneers Note: This is a super sale that has something for everyone. Headlined by a magnificent full size authentic stage coach and covering every sector of horse drawn vehicles. Marvel at the quality and beauty of what our pioneers could create. Come early and stay late and bring your camera.
NH 1210, ‘87, FWA, HYDRO, HN2076A .................. $7,650 H NH 3045, ‘08, SS, HYDRO, 2 HYDS., W/LOADER AND BUCKET, HN2838A ........................... CALL FOR DETAILS H NH TM190, DUALS, 4 HYD OUTLETS, GRAPPLE LDR QUICK 790, MIDMOUNT, JOY STICK, DLX AIR SEAT W/HEAT, PN2630A ......................................... CALL FOR DETAILS P NH TV145, ‘04, PN 2744A .................................$104,000 P NH TV145, ‘06, 82LB LDR W/BUCK, GRP, 3 HYDS, N20995A .......................................................... $88,000 K NH TV6070, PN2747A .......................................$115,000 P JD 8560, ’89, 18.4R38 DUALS, HN2369F ......................................... CALL FOR DETAILS H NH 9682, ‘96, 20.8R42D, 4 HYD., HC2490 ..........$85,000 H NH T9050, ‘09, PS, AUTO PILOT/AUTOSTEER, N21474A ........................................................$239,500 K NH 9060, ‘08, LUX CAB, DIFF LOCK, N21548A ......................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K STEIGER ST225, 18.4X38, 3 PT, 4 HYDS., C21569 ............................................................. $25,000 K VERS. 276, ‘85, $12,000 REPAIRS DONE, HN2395A ..........................................................$36,975 H VERS. 935, ‘80, 12 SPD., DUALS, 4 HYDS., HN2354F ..........................................................$20,750 H VERS 1150, REBUILT ENG & TRANS, 800 TIRES, 450 HP, 8 SPD, ATOM JET PUMP, C21627.......................... $75,000 K
NH HW320, ’02, N21389A................................... $52,000 K NH HW325, W21516A ........................ CALL FOR DETAILS K NH HW325, ’05, PU REEL/36’ HEADER, HN2771A ..........................................................$88,000 H NH HW325, ’05, 25’ HEADER, PN2573B ............. $83,000 P NH HW325, ’05, 30’ HEADER, PW2706A ............. $71,500 P NH HW325, ’07, W21182A ................. CALL FOR DETAILS K NH HW325, ’07, HB30 HEADER, N20281A ........... $86,000 K NH HW325, ’07, W21175A ................. CALL FOR DETAILS K NH H8040, ’08, 30’ HB HEADER, HC2492 .........$110,000. H NH H8060, ’08, 36’ HEADER, PN2477A .............$130,000 P NH H8060, ’08, PN2478A................... CALL FOR DETAILS P MACDON M150, ’09, PW2698A .......... CALL FOR DETAILS P MACDON M150, ’09, PW2697A, 35’ HEADER ........................................... CALL FOR DETAILS P MACDON M150, ‘09, PW2699A, POLY SKID .......$147,000 P MACDON 4930, ’96, 25’ MC HEADER, HN2525A .$39,500 H MACDON 935, ’04, 972 MD HEADER, W21174A .. $78,000 K CASE WDX1202, ’05, 36’ PU REEL, HN2322A ......$97,500 H CASE WDX1202, ’05, 36’ PU REEL, HN2606A ......$89,000 H JD 4895, ’06, 30’ HEADER, W21528A ................. $81,000 K WHITE 4950, ’00, 30’ MD HEADER, W21183A ..... $77,000 K WHITE 6400, ’84, 25’ MD PU REEL, PN2398B ... $17,000 P WW 7000, ’86, HS2556A ................... CALL FOR DETAILS H HESS 8100, ’95, HW2437C ................ CALL FOR DETAILS H MF 885, ’84, 25’ HEADER, W21155C..................... $7,500 K MF 9420, ’04, 30’ HEADER, PW2707A ................ $71,500 P MF 9430, ’07, 30’ HEADER, W21190A................. $85,000 K MF 9430, ’08, W21196A .................... CALL FOR DETAILS K
BOURG 138, PB2496D .......................................... $3,000 P BOURG 2130, ‘95, RTH, PB2345B.......................... $6,000 P BOURG 4350, 350B, CTM, RICE TIRES, DS, B21352C.......................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K BOUR 5250, ’01, B21358A ................. CALL FOR DETAILS K BOURG 5250, ’01, B21358A............... CALL FOR DETAILS K BOUR 8800, ’97, PB2640B ................. CALL FOR DETAILS P FLEXI, 2340, ’01, TBH, DBL FAN, MECH RATE, N21507A .......................................................... $26,000 K
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235 38th St. E., PA 306-922-2525
Brent .................................. 232-7810 Jim ....................980-8762, 763-3048 ONLY 1 LEFT! 2010 82’ DEGELMAN STRAWMASTER HEAVY HARROW hydraulic tine angle, 5/8” tine, CASH Only
BOURG 3310, ‘10, PB2657A ............... CALL FOR DETAILS P BOURG 3310, ‘08,65’,DS, SERIES II MRB’S, 4.8 PKRS, PB2431A...............................................$179,000 CASH P BOURG 5710, ‘04, 64’, MRBS, PB2601A.................................................$89,000 CASH P BOURG 5710, 54’, PB2641A......................$75,000 CASH P BOURG 5710, ‘99, 54’, 3” RUB, 330#, MRBS, 9.8” SPC, B21353A.................................................$65,000 CASH K BOURG ‘00, 9.8” SPC, 330#, 3-1/2”: STEEL PKRS, SS, ATOM JET OPENERS, PB2472B .................. CALL FOR DETAILS P BOURG 5710, ‘03, 54’, W/5440, B21350A...............................................$109,000 CASH K BOURG 5710, ‘04, 59’, SERIES 25 MRBS, DOUBLE SHOOT DRY, 3” CARBIDE OPENERS, 9.8”SPC., B21355A.................................................$85,000 CASH K FLEXI 5000, ‘97, 57’, 10” SPC, ¾” CARBIDE, 3 ½” STEEL PKRS, 550#, PB2438B....................................... $25,000 P FLEXI 5000, ‘02, 57’, ¾” OPENERS, 2 ¼” PKRS, 9” SPC, 550#, W/2340, PB2290A ................................... $75,000 P MORRIS MAX, PB2583B ..................... CALL FOR DETAILS P MORRIS MAX, ‘02, 49’, C/W MIDROW COULTERS, SS, ATOM JET OPENERS, 4 ½”STEEL PKRS, 10”SPC, HR2283B ..........................................................$49,995 H MORRIS MAX 2, ‘02, 60’, 10” SPC, 3 ½” STEEL PKRS, 2 TANK SYS, BLOCKAGE MON, HN2368B ............$130,900 H MORRIS MAX 2, ‘04, 60’, 10” SPC, 3 ½” STEEL PKRS,2 TANK SYS, HN2369B ..................................................$82,700 H CASE 1390, ‘81, HN2847B ................. CALL FOR DETAILS H CASE 9170, ‘89, HN2732B ................. CALL FOR DETAILS H DEUTZ DX160, ‘82, 18.4X38 D, 2 HYDS., HC2494 ............................................................$11,500 H FORD 1510, ‘85, HN2211A .................................... $8,500 H JD,455,’94,60” MOWER, ROTARY BROOM,50” SNOW BLOWER, N21587A .......................... CALL FOR DETAILS K JD 2130, ‘76, HN2874A ..................... CALL FOR DETAILS H MF 2775, ‘81, 3 HYDS., 1000 PTO, N20983A .......................................................... $15,000 K MASSEY 6270, ‘01, W/LOADER, BUCKET, GRAPPLE AND JOY STICK, N21563A................................................ $51,000 K NH TZ25, ‘07, 2 SPD. HYDRO, FWA, 3 PT HITCH, TT, N20990A ............................................................. $8700 K
2008 Ford F350 XLT 4x4
2010 Ford F350 Lariat Dually
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EXPLORE THE POWER OF BLUE T7 Series tractors 100 to 195 PTO HP
T8 Series tractors 195 to 290 PTO HP
T9 Series 4WD tractors 390 to 670 Max Engine HP
See the very latest 100+ horsepower tractors from New Holland. They use EcoBlue™/SCR engine technology to give you increased power and productivity. And, by cutting your costs with best-in-class fuel efficiency and longer service intervals, these New Holland tractors deliver a generous payback. Count on it.
QUIETEST, MOST COMFORTABLE CAB IN THE BUSINESS Step into the spacious T9 4WD tractor cab and you’ll enjoy the ride and the view. Visibility has been increased to front and sides, and it’s also easy to keep an eye on rear implements. Not only does the seat swivel 40 degrees—an industry-first—but the SideWinder™ II armrest also moves with the seat, so controls are always where you need them..
2008 NH T9060 HD
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2005 VERSATILE 2210
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2-2011 NH T9060HD
2011 MILLER NITRO 4365
2- 2011 NH SP.275R
240 HP, P.S, 4595 HRS, 18.4X38 DUALS
1990 CIH 7110 MAGNUM 132 PTO HP, 18/4 P.S, 540/1000 PTO, 20.8X42, 9300 HRS,EXC COND, WELL MAINTAINED
2005 NH TV145
2010 SPRA-COUPE 7660
174 HP MECH , 6 SPD P.S, 90’, 725G, 620/42 , FULL AUTO-STEER
1986 VERSATILE 976
1996 CIH 9330
Markusson New Holland of Regina Ltd. 26 Great Plains Road, Emerald Park, SK
1-800-819-2583 or 306-781-2828 • email
Emerald, 306-527-5091 Derrick, 306-537-3848 Cory, 306-539-2526
Gary, 306-550-4644 Devon, 306-526-7083
2012 5JNQUF "MVNJOVN SUPER B Grain Hopper t
t t t t t t t
Call for pricing.
Call for pricing.
Call for pricing.
t t t t
Call for pricing.
2012 Timpte Tandem Grain Hopper
2012 Timpte Tridem Grain Hopper
2012 Timpte Farm Hopper
2010 *OUFSOBUJPOBM 4400 6x4
2002 *OUFSOBUJPOBM 9200i 6x4
t $BU $ t )1 t TQE
2003 *OUFSOBUJPOBM 9200i 6x4
t $BU $ t )1 t TQE
2007 *OUFSOBUJPOBM 9400i 6x4
t $VNNJOT *49 t )1 t TQE
2005 *OUFSOBUJPOBM 4300 4x2
t $VNNJOT *49 t )1 t TQE
t $VNNJOT *49 t )1 t TQE
For more information call TF
t %5 t )1 t TQE
• • • •
1000 gallons 240 hp NEW boom design Low compaction
You deserve the best.
USED EQUIPMENT TILLAGE Bourgault 135 ‘96, load/unload, hydraulic fan.................. $8,900 Bourgault 2115, load/unload ........................................... $4,500 Bourgault 3195 ‘94, 3rd tank, RTH ................................ $19,900 Bourgault 3225 ‘94, third tank....................................... $16,900 Bourgault 6350, ‘05, CRA, RTH, dbl sht, rice tires .......... $59,900 2 - Bourgault 6550ST ‘10, 650/65R24 R1W lug dual 650/ 75R34 R1W, RTH, 3TM, T2 center, bag lift, 491 mon, CRA & Zinx .............................................................................. CALL Bourgault 3310, ‘08, 55’, 10” sp, MRB, S/S .................$159,900 Bourgault 5710 ‘08, 54’, 330 trip, MRB, 2.25” steel, secondary anhy hoses................................................$139,000 Bourgault 5710, ‘01, 47’, 12” sp, S/S, 4.5” steel, MRBI ........................................................................... $69,900 Bourgault 5710, ‘00, 54’, MRB, 3.5” steel, Raven anhy .. $59,900 Flexicoil 5000 ‘95, 57’, 7” sp, 3” stl pkr, sng sht ............ $34,900 Flexicoil 1610 Plus, load/unload, tow hitch ..................... $11,900 Bourgault 6000, 90’, used for 1,000 acres, 7/16 tine, 11Lx15F1 .................................................................... $38,500
HARVESTING A86 ‘09, elec adj chfr/seive, 28Lx26 R1 dual 520/85R42 R1W, hyd reel fore/aft, hillside risers, rotor knife, HID lts, hella beacon lts/sensor, 495 hrs ............................$299,000 2 - R76 ‘10, stone trap, fine cut chpr, hyd for/aft outlet, beacon lts/sensor, 16.9x26, D18.4R42 .......................$299,000 2 - R76 ‘09 w/4200 hdr, loaded ...................................$299,000 R66 ‘09, beacon lts w/sensor, sep cage, chrm, high hyd reel fore/aft, HID lt, hella, stone trap, fine cut chpr, hyd sprdr sngl, 12” deck ext ......................................$259,000 R75, ‘05, yield & moisture, 14” unload, chaff fins, hiwire sep grate, hyd sprdr, fine cut chpr,1062 hrs........$199,000 R75 ‘03 w/4000 hdr, Rakeup, 14” auger, yield & moisture, loaded,1249 hrs ........................................................$169,000 R72, ‘00, Sunnybrook, chaff fins, fine cut chpr, elec concave adj, 400 hdr w/Super 8, 1130 hrs.................$139,000 R65 ‘08, w/4200 hdr, yield moisture & map, GB sensor, ladder deck ext, spout for 14”, 484.4 hrs ..................$259,000 R65, ‘07, 850 hrs .........................................................$199,000 R65, ‘03, 14” unload, hi-wire sep grate, fine cut chpr, hyd straw sprdr, 1906 hrs ..........................................$149,000 R62, ‘01, 30.5 rubber, fine cut chpr, hyd sprdr, 14’ Swathmaster approx. 1600 hrs ..................................$109,000
R62 ‘00, auto hdr ht, fine cut chpr, elec concave, extended chaff fins, 1399 hrs ....................................$119,000 R62, ‘00, SM pu, fine cut chpr, elec concave ad ............. $99,000 R62 ‘93 w/313 hdr & Rakeup pu .................................... $59,900 R60 ‘91 w/313 hdr, 8-belt Victory .................................. $29,900 R60 ‘91 w/Victory hdr & Super 8 pu ............................... $29,900 Case 1680 ‘91, rebuilt, w/Rake-up pu ............................ $59,900 MF 9895 ‘10, 350 bu, hyd reel fore/aft beacon lt/sensor HID lt, hella, bin ext, Mav chpr, dual 520/85R42, R1W M, elec adj, 28Lx26 R1 ..............................................$329,000 MF 9795 ‘10, 350 bu, adj strng axle, CL8 beacon lt, bin sensor deck ext 145” tread, HID lt, hella, elec adj, 28Lx26 R1, adj, FS 900/60R32 R1W, Mav chpr ..........$299,000 3 - MF 9795 ‘09, heavy duty axle, 28Lx26 rear, 18.4R42 duals, Y&M, airfoil chaffer, Redekop Mav chpr, HID lights, add. hyd outlet ...............................................$279,000 MF 8570 ‘00 .................................................................. $69,900
SPRAYERS Bourgault Centurion III, 100’ w/tank cover, monitors ...... $11,900 Hagie 250 ‘93 ................................................................ $34,900 Redi-haul 14’ sprayer trailer ............................................. $4,995 Spra Coupe 3430 ‘94, 300 gal, foam ............................. $29,900 Spra Coupe 220 ‘84, 70’, foam mkr................................. $9,900
TRACTORS Agco DT240A ‘07, 710/70R42 dual 600/70R28 fr duals .........................................................................$159,900 Agco RT140a ‘07, 520/85R42, 380/85R34, deluxe maxx pkg, eng block heater, pivoting fr fenders..................$109,900 Fendt 712V ‘09, CVT, loaded, approx 1001 hrs ............$149,900 Fendt 412 ‘05, w/460 ldr, 2563 hrs ................................ $89,900 Fendt 926 ‘02, frt 3pt & PTO, 3000 hrs ........................$159,000 Ford 9030 ‘92, ldr, bckt, grapple, 3 pt hitch, 16.9x28 tires ............................................................................. $44,900 JD 4640 ‘81, 20.8x38 factory duals, quadshift, good home .......................................................................... $24,900 MF 8680 ‘10, vario trans, quadlink susp axle, 22 f wts, rear whl wts, frt weight carrier ..................................$219,000 MF 7480 ‘08, w/965 ldr, bkt, grapple, block htr, deluxe suspension, airseat, 1304 hrs.....................................$109,900 MF 5480 ‘08, w/ldr ........................................................ $89,900 NH TM190 ‘05 ............................................................... $69,900
HAY EQUIPMENT Case IH 8465 ‘98, 5x6, auto .......................................... $15,000 Case IH 8730 forage harvester ......................................... $7,200 Hesston 956 ‘03, 5x6 ..................................................... $24,900 Highline 7000 ‘03, used 2 years, lg rubber ..................... $12,900 Highline 7000 ‘01 ............................................................ $7,900 MF 2756 ‘07, 5x6 .......................................................... $21,900 NH 900 ‘99 forage harvester .......................................... $12,900 New Noble 716 hay hdr 16’ for MF 200 or CCIL 722, steel on steel rollers ..................................................... $11,900 2- NI 4865 ‘97 hyd or manual drive pu..............$9,900-$12,900
SWATHERS Case 736, ‘88, 36’ PT, batt reel ........................................ $5,900 MF 9435 ‘10, 30’ .........................................................$109,000 MF 9435 ‘09, 30’, hdr angle tilt, hdr ht ind ..................$109,000 MF 9435 ‘08 w/5200 hdr, reg gauge whls no fore/aft, rear wts, freeform swath roll, new canv, 650 hrs.......... $99,900 MF 9430 ‘10, hdr ht indicator, hdr angle tilt, radio cover plate, radial R1 bar tire adj axle, forked cast................. $99,900 MF 9430 ‘09, hdr ht ind, hdr angle tilt, radio cover plate, radial R1 bar tire, adj axle, forked cast ......................... $89,900 MF 220XL ‘03, 30’, pu reel, gauge whls, sng swath ....... $49,900 MF 220II ’99, 30’ dbl swth, HCC reel, Schumaker knife drive, 1875 hrs ............................................................ $50,000 Vers 4400 ‘84, 20’ ........................................................... $8,900
STRAIGHT CUT HEADERS HB 3055 Plus ‘07, cross auger, R62 adptr, hi-block, hyd tilt, fore/aft, pu reel and gauge wheels ........................ $69,900 HB SP36 ‘00, HCC 5 bat pu reel, Gleaner adptr, hdr trspt axle, gauge whls, cross auger, crop lifters, std deck 12” offset .......................................................................... $34,900 2 - HB SP30 ‘10, Gleaner adapt w/hyd detach trspt, cross auger, cntr mt, UII pu reel, sngl knife dr ....................... $59,900 HB SP30 ‘09, sng knife, UII, hdr tilt, cross auger, detach trspt, Case 2388 adptr, fore/aft ................................... $54,900 HB SP30 ‘05, UII reel, sngl knife dr, detach trspt, cross auger, Gleaner adapt, low block .................................. $44,900 Case 1010, ‘91, 30’, new pu reel ................................... $10,900 Gleaner 327, ‘91, w/pu reel ............................................. $5,900
Greg Shabaga
Lyle Mack
H (306) 864-3364 C (306) 864-7776/921-8119
H (306) 752-2954 C (306) 921-6844
Randy Porter
Farren Huxted
H (306) 864-2579 C (306) 864-7666
H (306) 752-3792 C (306) 864-7688
| | Kinistino, SK
For a complete listing visit our website
Water Line Tanks 900 l.
Imp. Ga
Imp. G
Regular $ 998.57 SALE $699
OVER $500 IN $1712.86 SAVINGS! SALE $1199 Reg.
Regular $ 2570 SALE $1799
Imp. Gal.
225 IMP. GAL. $ .43
1260 IMP. GAL. Heavy duty tank with all in one banjo ball valve
Tanks will fit through standard door and are food grade safe with a 10 year limited warranty
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300 IMP. GAL. $ .43
306.253.4343 or 1.800.383.2228
While supplies last
was $42,9 $42,995 42 995 995 9
40,995 40 4 0 0,995 ,99 995 9 99 95
38,995 38 3 8 8,995 ,995 ,99 995 99
2008 20 008 LINCOLN MARK LT 4W 4WD WD
46,995 46 4 6 6,995 ,99 995 99
75,000KMS 75,000K KM MS SK-U0670 SK-U06 670
34,495 34 3 4 4,495 ,495 ,4 4 49 495 95
SK-1922 SK-19 922
33 33,995 3,995 9 995 95
2009 SUBARU IMPREZA 2 2 2.5I .5II
NOW OW O W $28,995 28,99 28 8,99 99 995 95
28 28,99 28,995 8,99 99 95 95
was $33,9 $33,995 995 99
31,9 31,995 31 3 1,995 ,99 99 995 95
SK-U0681 SK-U0 0681
was $34,995 $ 4, $3 4,9 995
was $26,995 $26 6 99 99
NOW O $25,495 OW 25,495 4 5 495
SK-8022 SK-8 8022
SK-U0663 SK-U0 0663
was $29,9 $29,995 995
SK-U0637 SK-U0 0637
NOW O $1 14,995 14 14,99 4 4,995 ,99 99 995 95
E TO AT SE UP REBRCHA 2011 LEGACY 2.5i Sport (SP) 0 50 PU $1 ASH 2011 LEGACY 2.5i Limited C (LP) Sedan ON
2011 LEGACY 2.5i Sedan Convenience (CP)
• Superior Japanese engineering • Powerful SUBARU BOXER engine • Symmetrical full-time All-Wheel Drive • It’s a combination of style and dynamic performance and much, much more
Open 24 Hours @
SUBARU OF SASKATOON &,5&/( 3/$&( 25
Open 24 Hours @
22,995 22 2 2 2,995 ,995 99 9 995 95
was $1 was $15,995 1 9 99 9
NOW OW $3 31,9 31,995 31 1,995 ,99 995 99 95
NOW NO OW $3 34,995 34,99 34 4,995 ,99 99 995 95
SK-U0612 SK-U0 0612
was w as $19,9 $19,995 $19 99 9 95 5
17, 1 17 17,995 7,99 ,995 9 995 95
SK-U0572 SK-U S U0572
was $23,995 $23,99 995 99
SK-4809 SK K-44809
was $36,995 $36,9 99 9 95
STK# 77751 751
STK# 0625 0
was $29,995 $29 9 99 9
was w as $25,9 $25,995 995
23,995 23,99 2 23 3 3,99 995 9 99 95 9 5
w was $ $35,995 99 9 9
STK# 08 00840 840
was $32,99 $32,995 95
30,995 30 3 0 0,995 ,99 ,995 9 99 95
30,995 30 3 0 0,995 ,99 ,995 9 99 995 95 95
STK# 0746
SK-U0664 SK-U0 SK S K 0664
was $25,9 $25,995 95
was $36,9 $36,995 99 95
23,99 23 23,995 995 99
was w as $33,995 $ 99
SK-U0678 SK-U0 06678
41,995 41, 41 4 1 1,995 ,99 995 99 95
was $44,9 $44,995 $4 44 995 995
SK-U0459 SK-U0 0459
was $17,995 $17 1 99 9
15,99 15 15,995 995 99
SK-U0658 SKU00658
SK-U0635 SK-U063 35
was $49,995 $4 49 9 9
SK-U0524 SK-U0 0524
15,99 15 15,995 995 99
2008 FORD F-350 0S SD D
was $16,995 $16 16 6 99 99
was $40,9 $40,995 99 95
SK-U0603 SK-U0 06603
was $30,9 $30,995 995 995
29,99 29 29,995 995 9 99 95
SK-U0638 SK-U06 638
STK# 00850 850
STK#0571 STK#05 571
was $16,9 $16,995 995
14,995 14,99 1 4 4,99 ,99 9 99 995 95
SK-U0660A SK-U06 660A
w was $28,495 $2 $28,4 28,4 ,495 9
NOW NO OW W $2 26,995 26,99 26 69 6,99 99 95
BRAMER AUTOMOTIVE GROUP &251(5 2) 6$5*(17 .,1* (':$5' &$// 72// )5((
)XQ ,Q 7KH 6XQ ¶ · 6DOHV (YHQW Choose ONE of the Following Offers!
Finance Rate (5 Years)
4.5% Lease Rate
(5 Years)
Cash in Lieu
Months Interest Free
Purchase Any USED JD Combine and be Entered to WIN a DELUXE ALL INCLUSIVE 7 Night package to a Fabulous Hot Spot! Purchase in May/11 and YOUR name is Entered 5 times! The Sooner You Purchase, The More Chances YOU Have to WIN! *Lease rates OAC. See Dealer for Details. Subject to change without notice.
Combine 10 JD 9870sts, 119 hrs, 520/85R42 Dual, Premier (7) 08 JD 9870sts, 382 hrs up, premier cabs 06 JD 9860sts, 1037 hrs, 600/65R28, Prem Hdr Control (5) 10 JD 9770sts, 226 hrs up, 20.8R38, heavy duty (4) 09 JD9770sts, 217 hrs up, deluxe header control 08 JD 9770sts, 364 hrs heavy duty final dr, fixed rear (3) 07 JD 9770sts, 632 hrs up, 800/70R38, high cap unload (3) 05 JD 9760sts, 1019 hrs, heavy duty final dr (8) 04 JD 9760sts, 1400 hrs up, 3 w/contour master 01 JD 9750sts, 2093 hrs, 800/65R32, 20’aug, sm wire (2) 03 JD 9750sts, 1218 hrs up, chop, chaff sprdr, 20’aug (4) 10 JD 9670sts, 197 hrs up, 520/85R42 dual 06 JD 9660sts, 1869 hrs, 800/70R38, sm wire concave (3) 05 JD 9660sts, 1126 hrs up, sm wire concave (2) 04 JD 9660sts, 1348 hrs up, HID lights 03 JD 9650sts, 1393 hrs, dial spd, 20’aug, chop, chaff 01 JD 9650sts, 2486 hrs, dial spd, chaff, grain tnk ext 00 JD 9650sts, 2907 hrs, 30.5x32, chop, chaff, 20’aug 02 JD 9650, 2225 hrs, 30.5x32, chaff, dial spd, Crary Top 06 JD 9610, 2867 hrs, 30.5x32, chop, dial spd, f/a, 20’aug 99 JD 9610, 2850 hrs, dialmatic, dial spd, chaff, f/a 98 JD 9610, 2689 hrs, dialmatic, 20’, chop, chaff, dial spd 98 JD CTS, 1571 hrs, dialmatic, chop, dial spd, chaff (2) 97 JD CTS, 2555 hrs up, chaff sprdr, dial spd
Retail $375,000 $291,000 up $215,000 $302,300 $291,000 up $277,000 $218,500 up $199,000 up $150,000 up $126,500 $146,000 up $295,000 up $171,200 $172,500 up $161,000 up $157,000 $110,000 $100,100 $114,700 $71,000 $81,100 $77,500 $87,000 $68,500 up
Semi-Annual Lease/Year (5 Years)
$21,176 $16,433 up $12,141 $17,071 $16,433 up $15,642 $12,339 up $11,238 up $8,471 up $8,116 $8,245 up $16,659 up $9,668 $9,741 up $9,092 up $8,866 $7,058 $6,422 $7,359 $4,009 $5,510 $5,265 $5,911 $4,654 up
Lease/Hour (250 hrs/yr)
$169 $131up $97 $137 $131 $125 $99 up $90 up $68 up $65 $66 up $133 up $77 $78 up $73 up $71 $56 $51 $59 $32 $44 $42 $47 $37 up
Assiniboia, SK (A) 306-642-3366
Moose Jaw, SK (MJ) 306-692-2371
Raymore, SK (RM) 306-746-2110
Southey, SK (S) 306-726-2155
Montmartre, SK (MM) 306-424-2212
Mossbank, SK (M) 306-354-2411
Regina, SK (R) 306-721-5050
Weyburn, SK (W) 306-842-4686
Don’t forget to visit
Car & Truck Sales Ltd.
2005 FORD T550
2004 Mack
2009 North West Jet Boat
1999 Kenworth
Pittman 15 ton crane, 140,000 kms Stock #L6505
6L engine, Hamilton pump, air ride seats
30 ton wench, C-15 Cat, 18 speed, 46 rears
Ready To Work
Fully Loaded
2005 FORD F450 XLT Stock# L-5957 - 4x4 diesel with Brutus body and Stellar 5500 lb crane.
Extended cab with 5000 pound picker, really nice condition, 10,000 kms
2007 FREIGHTLINER class. 3030 N2106 Bus hp. mercedes
2008 DOEPKER SCISSOR x 40 NECK 10 working deck centre roll flip over live roll fold up dollies stock #6471
engine ,15 speed with six ton effer picker nicely ribbed one of a kind “clean” Stock #1002
Crew cab us. cla ss with service bo dy, 10,000 pound Hia b picker
TON 2005 FOR D F550
Stock# L-0002 Scissor neck, liv e roll with neck extension
20 Pickers in stock - Ready to work
Only 55,000 km
2008 FORD F550
4x4 crew cab diesel with deck and Ferrari picker Ready to Work Stock #1001
Crew cab, diesel, 4x4 with 9000 lb Amco picker, remote controlled.
Stock# L-6330 Diesel 4x4, come s with Brutus body and 027 Hiab picker
2002 ALTECK 50
2005 GMC 5500
2006 GMC C5500
Stock# L-5978 4x4 diesel with 11 foot service body and V-Mac comp , 85,000 km
Only 200,000 km
Stock# L-5726 4x4 Cummins, 10 speed, comes wi th new deck and Hiat 140 picker, only 200,000 km
The Peace Country’s largest used dealer!
Stock# 1003 Come s with 10’x40’ wo ing deck centre rkrow live row fold dollies and pickup throa t
Cars - Trucks - RV’s - Trailer - Heavy Equipment Complete Automotive Services. Located outside of Grande Prairie in Clairmont, Alberta
Call: (780) 567-4202 W W W. M E DA L L I O N - H O M E S . C A Modular Homes for Delivery !NYWHERE s )MMEDIATE $ELIVERY (OMES ). 34/#+
1584 Square Feet (22’ x 72’) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
8’ ceilings Insulation: R-20 walls and floors, Ceiling - R-40 10 year warranty 25 year fibreglass shingles 2” x 6” walls maintenance free vinyl lap siding and metal fascia 100 amp service
Allegiance Floor Plan
THE WESTHILL TUDOR ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
8’ ceilings Insulation: R-20 walls and floors, Ceiling R-36 10 year warranty 25 year fibreglass shingles 2” x 6” walls Maintenance free vinyl lap siding and metal fascia 100 amp service Natural Gas Furnace
Medallion Homes Mfg.
Prince Albert, SK
1520 Square Feet (20’ x 76’)
Westhill Tudor Floor Plan
SILVER CREEK BISON: Offering 2008 and 2009 performance tested wood, wood cross and plains breeding bulls. Call Nolan at 204-532-2350 or 204-773-6725, Binscarth, MB. WANTED: CULL BISON cows and bulls for slaughter. Call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK.
Young’s Equipment Inc. is your Saskatchewan dealer for
TOP QUALITY, semen tested, 2 and 3 year old Plains breeding bulls. MFL Ranches, 403-747-2500, Alix, AB. PASTURE FOR RENT, approx. 350 acres 80 IDEAS for low cost cattle corrals, plus w/good fences and water. Melville, SK, One-Man layouts, 120 diagrams; free look! phone 306-730-8410. QUILL CREEK BISON is purchasing all FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak types of bison. Paying top dollar for fin- panels; 6 bar 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ ished animals, cull cows and bulls. Can buy feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage live weight or on the rail. Can PU. Prompt bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All payment. Call Doug at 306-383-2520, Quill metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will custom Lake, SK. build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. WOULD LIKE to buy all ages or classes of bison with immediate payment. Contact Cliff at 780-388-3324, Buck Lake, AB.
ATTENTION HUNT FARMS, we have bulls age 6 to 10 for sale. All are offspring of high quality A1 breeding and will be available only until the end of May. Also younger bulls available with 500+ genetics. Phone: 306-547-5493, Preeceville, SK. or email to: WANTED: HARD ELK Antler. Not for export. All sizes. We pay cash. Puppy Love Pet Products, Fort Macleod, AB. Call Marty 403-393-2950. ELK VALLEY RANCHES selling 2010 yearling female elk, 450 point genetics. Phone Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or email to ELK SQUEEZE and handling system. Phone 306-862-9692, Nipawin, SK. NORTHFORK IS LOOKING FOR ELK for the meat market. Winnipeg, MB. Call: 514-643-4447 for pricing.
Let us demonstrate and show you we are #1 in cutting and mixing.
1-800-803-8346 ask for Kevin or Ron.
BALE PROCESSOR, Bale King Vortex 2000, $7200. Phone: 780-973-6440, Edmonton, AB.
PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 available with a neck extender. Phone years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. 306-796-4508, email: Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to website run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Apollo Machine, 306-242-9884 or 1-877-255-0187, at Saskatoon, SK. LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS. We manufacture portable corrals, panels, windbreaks, troughs and Texas gates all constructed MORAND INDUSTRIES from oilfield material. Suitable for bison, Builders of Quality Livestock elk and cattle. Also 54” Wx 1/4” mine beltEquipment, Made with Your ing in 300 or 29’ rolls, priced to sell. Blaine 306-782-6022, 306-621-9751, Yorkton, SK Safety in Mind! Heavy Duty 24’ PANELS, WINDBREAKS, 1-800-582-4037 bale feeders, calf shelters and more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, Rimbey, AB, or ATTENTION LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS: BALE KING 3110 shredder, large grain 5 bar panels, 30’; 30’ windbreak panels; 30’ tank, floatation tires, RH discharge, hyd. silage bunks; 30’ all steel grain troughs; c h u t e , m i n t c o n d . , $ 1 5 , 5 0 0 O B O . 30’ bale shredder bunks; 20’ Texas gates 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. and round bale feeders. Weld on and bolt on clamps for sucker rod and pipe, 3/4” to NEW CONCEPT GRAIN Roller, red, flat roll3-1/2”. Will build equipment to your ers. $2500. 306-457-2926, Corning, SK. specs. Delivery available. Authorized deal- 24’ FREE STANDING portable livestock er for feed box, pallet and grain feeders. panels, $350; 30’ windbreaks, $450; bale Also handle complete line of wood and feeders and custom fabrication to meet steel fence posts and rough cut lumber. your needs. Contact Tyson 306-823-7040, Authorized dealer for Sakundiak grain bins. Senlac, SK. We manufacture hopper cones. Phone: 306-538-4487, K e n n e d y, S K . NEW HOLLAND 679 MANURE spreader, 2 beaters for parts, must sell, offers. FOUR 8x8 hog feeders, approx. 200 bu. 306-931-0193, 306-384-4171, Clavet, SK each; Three Ritchie 4-place hog water FULL LINE OF MORAND LIVESTOCK bowls, stainless steel. 306-449-2209 or handling equip: squeeze, palp., cage, alley 306-452-7574, Fertile, SK. ways, maternity pen; calf shelters and catNH 357 MIXMILL with new Concept grain tle scratcher. 780-993-2754, Mundare, AB. roller. Huge Farm-Construction-RV Equip- 2009 DEGELMAN 3100 bale processor, RH ment Auction, Saturday, June 11, 2011 discharge, hyd. chute, 1000 RPM’s, like Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos visit new, $12,500. 204-758-3374 St. Jean, MB. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 PL 311962. USED CATTLE SQUEEZE, with palpation cage, mounted on digital scale. Will sell separately. 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK.
ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS in AB. and SK.: AWAPCO is paying $6.35/kg. hot hanging. (Average cows $675 to $800 and bulls $1125 to $1375). Give us a call today to discuss how AWAPCO can work for you 780-980-7589. Non-Members welcome.
HERD DISPERSAL: All Boer and Boer cross, very nice young herd; 90 nannies with kids at side, 6 weeks to 2 weeks old; 30 doelings with kids at side, 6 weeks to 2 weeks old; 30 open doelings; 15 bred nannies/doelings; 5 doelings, 35 lbs; 5 young purebred breeding bucks. Any questions, please call Gordon 403-358-9338, Alix, AB.
1993 IHC NAVISTAR feed truck, 43,000 kms, IHC 466 eng, auto. trans, new recap tires c/w 2002 Knight 3050 feed box, commercial grade heavy augers, hyd. slide unload gate, scales both sides read out as well in the cab, 500 cu. ft. mixing capacity, 10,000 lb. rolled grain. Excellent condition! Always stored inside! $49,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.
SOLAR WEST portable pumping stations; MORAND livestock equipment; Portable windbreaks; Custom built panels and gates. Delivery available. 1-866-354-7655, THREE 30’ FEED bunks, made from drill stem and belting, $400/ea OBO; Ten 10’ corral panels, heavy wall square tubing, $100/ea; Two 12’, one 14’, one 16’ gates, $125/ea. 306-699-7215, Qu’Appelle, SK. CEMENT BUNKS, 10’ lengths. Contact Owen 306-948-2387, Biggar, SK.
NORTHFORK IS LOOKING FOR Ostrich for the meat market, Winnipeg, MB. Phone 514-643-4447 for pricing.
• Complete Single Animal Weighbar packages from..................$1,367 **Two (2) - 36” load bars, 5000 lb. capacity and Digital Readout
1-800-667-3825 10’ RANCHER’S WAREHOUSE 2002 ELK CALF TIPPING TABLE, left/right hand, S Q U E E Z E , l i k e n e w , $ 6 0 0 0 . mineral feeder, port. loading chute, cattle 780-836-3242, Manning, AB. oiler. 306-755-4307, Tramping Lake, SK. 1997 JD 566 round baler w/gathering wheels, $12,000; 1992 7.5x20’ Norberts SHAVINGS: Manufactured from kiln dried livestock trailer, $5000. 204-828-3483, Pine. Highly compressed 4’x4’x4’ bales that Stephenfield, MB. hold 325 cu. ft. each. Makes premium STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windquality bedding for large and small ani- breaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ mals and poultry. Low dust, very soft and hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable absorbent. Size, 3/4” and under. Call for p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e truck load quotes. Wholesale prices direct 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. from the plant. Can ship anywhere up to 60 bales per load. Call Tony 250-372-1494 WANTED: TRUCK or trailer mount manure or Ron 250-804-3305, Chase, BC, or web: spreader, 400 bu. or larger. 306-666-4513, Fox Valley, SK.
SINGLE WHITE MALE (widower) late 60’s, NS, ND, wishes to meet male or female for friendship and some vehicle travel. Please provide ph. number. Reply: Box 5583, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4
Also stocking: FarmAid Tumbler Mixers; HayBuster Feed Processing Equipment; and Bunning Manure Spreader.
2004 HI-HOG TUB, slide gate, S-alley, palp. cage, squeeze, hardly used, $10,000. 2002 2620 Haybuster, w/wo scale, done about 7000 bales, well maintained, $9500. 780-523-2299, High Prairie, AB.
100% GRASS FED BISON WANTED!!! Island Bison will pay more than anyone! Wanting quality 100% grass fed slaughter bulls and heifers. Also wanting your cull cows and bulls now. Prompt payment. Will pick up anywhere in BC or Alberta. Call Marc at 250-650-9305 anytime, Black BALE PICKER HYDRA-DECK TRUCK; ‘91 Creek BC. Email Dodge dually, diesel, 4x4, 5spd., 240 000 kms, $9500. 306-939-4882, Earl Grey, SK. BISON BREEDING BULLS for sale, Plains and Woods cross. Call Brad Reinders, SITTLER COMPOST WINDROW TURNER, D e a dwo o d B i s o n C o . , M a n n i n g , A B , 1 2 ’ w i d e , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 8 0 0 0 . 780-836-2795. 403-899-2622, Strathmore, AB.
TOP DOLLARS for elk delivered to Canadian Rangeland Elk, Lacombe, AB. We are looking for year round supply for our growing meat markets. No membership o r b r o ke r fe e s , p l e a s e c a l l T h o m a s 1-866-497-0078 or 1-877-844-2231.
GREAT SANDHILLS MUSEUM is looking for manequins from old clothing store displays to be used for museum display. Contact 306-623-4227, Sceptre, SK.
HAYBUSTER BIG BALE buster, 3 PTH. Phone 780-352-7920, Wetaskiwin, AB.
BUYING ALL CLASSES of feeder bison and cows. Contact Dave 780-592-2288 or cell. 780-853-0946, Mannville, AB. FOR SALE: Proven Bison breeding stock. Wood Cross, Pure Wood, Pure Plains, all ages, both sexes. Kirkwall Moor Ranch and Consulting, Marshall L. Patterson D.V.M. 306-694-1759, Moose Jaw, SK.
PRODUCER owned CANADIAN PRAIRIE BISON is paying TOP DOLLAR for ELK to supply our growing markets. Give Roger a call before you sell. 306-468-2316.
MORAND BISON/CATTLE handling system. Includes: lead-up stall, 1/4 turn tub, holding stall with left exit, complete chute with crash gate, adjustable sides and left exit. 306-773-9209, Swift Current, SK.
2005 TRIOLIET 2400 mixer wagon, tandem axle, twin augers, dual discharge, 1000 PTO, 900 cu. ft., good cond., $34,000 OBO. 403-352-0836, Lacombe, AB. FEEDMILL, 7.5 HP hammermill, 5 HP blower, mixer, 10 ton overhead bin, grain leg, best offer. 403-327-9757 Coaldale, AB.
ECOCERT CANADA organic certification for producers, processors and brokers. Call the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, SK, email WE’VE MOVED! The Organic Producers Association of Manitoba Cooperative (OPAM) has relocated its office to: 123 North Railway Ave. in Miniota, MB. Our new contact info. is: 204-567-3745, or check website Please contact us with any Organic Certification questions. CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK,,
GOT GRAIN FOR SALE? Hard Red Spring Wheat, Durum, Oats, Feed Barley, Flax, Mustard. Call Growers International today 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK. ORGANIC PRODUCTION CONTRACTS avail for brown flax. Contact Growers International. 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK.
Box 232 M ossb a nk ,SK.S0H 3G 0 rw org a nic@ sa sk Ph: 306 -354 -26 6 0 Fa x : 306 -354 -26 6 1
Curre n tly Lookin g For Sp rin g W h e a t, Durum a n d Fe e d Gra in s A LL GRA DES
L icen s ed a n d b o n d ed . M o n ey Pa id o n the Ra m p. TRADE AND EXPORT Canada Inc. now buying feed oats, flax and feed peas. Quick pay. Contact Lorna 1-877-339-1959. RYE SEED CERTIFIED organic, $10/bu. 306-335-2280, Lemberg, SK. RED CLOVER SEED, $2.50/lb. 306-335-2280, Lemberg, SK.
Competitive Pricing Farmgate JAKE (306) 931-4576 Ext. 603 Send samples to:
2162 Airport Drive Saskatoon, SK S7L 6M6 WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 888-531-4888 ext. 2. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF ALL TYPES of lentils and flax. 306-642-3668, 306-642-4692, Rockglen, SK. NEW ORGANIC SEED TREATMENT p r o d u c t fo r s a l e . C a l l fo r d e t a i l s 306-542-7639, Kamsack, SK. CERT. ORGANIC GOLDEN and brown flax. 306-287-3388, Watson, SK. ORGANIC SEED: Goodeve midge resistant wheat, barley and durum. Young, SK, phone 306-259-4982 or 306-259-2055. YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, cert. organic, cleaned, bagged. 306-652-7095, 306-961-7122, Borden, SK CERTIFIED ORGANIC alfalfa, red clover, sweet clover and grass seeds. Free delivery on pallet lots. Birch Rose Acres Ltd., 306-863-2900, Star City, SK. M&M ORGANIC MARKETING is now buying: feed flax, organic oats - milling and feed, feed peas, soy beans, spelt. 204-379-2451, St. Claude, MB. COMMON MILLING OATS, cleaned on farm, 96% germ, almost 100% wild oat free, $6.50/bu. 780-205-2316, Paradise Hill, SK. FOR SALE Organic spring rye, brown flax, oats, Hulless barley, good for seed. Poirier Organic Acres 306-452-3955 Bellegarde SK
FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No heat or power required. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. CERT. ORGANIC YELLOW CORN, COR/ NOP, 500 metric ton. Call 204-325-4658, SILVER STREAM SHELTERS: 30x72 sin- Winkler, MB. gle steel frame cover kit, $4700; 38x100 truss, $11,900. Replacement tarps for any brand, patch kits, rope webbing and ratchWANTED: CERTIFIED ORGANIC slaughets. Call 1-877-547-4738. ter cattle, preferably forage finished. ConPOOL LIVESTOCK HEAD GATE, self catch, tact Peter Lundgard at Nature’s Way Farm, $500. 306-252-2840, Kenaston, SK. 780-338-2934, Grimshaw, AB. CALL YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT Inc. for all ALFALFA SQUARE HAY bales, premium your livestock equipment needs. Regina, quality, $5.00 each. Certified organic. SK. 1-800-803-8346, Ask for Ron or Kevin. 306-335-2280, Lemberg, SK.
REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN CATTLE dogs, reds and blues. Ready to go. Health and working guarantee. Proven producers of hard working dogs. One time price $350. Contact Christine 780-712-7974, Peers, AB. or CKC REG SHETLAND Sheepdog (Sheltie) puppies, vet checked, vaccinated and ready to go, $700. Phone: 306-260-2646, Vanscoy, SK. HEALTHY HAPPY BLACK LAB PUPPIES ready to go, chocolate litter soon. St. Paul AB. 780-645-2206. REG. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies, vet checked, first shots and microchipped. 204-548-2837, Gilbert Plains, MB. AVAILABLE GENUINE SINGLES who are seeking a permanent relationship. We specialize in rural, ranch, farm lifestyles, small villages, remote towns. Est. 11 years Canada wide. Photos and profiles. All ages, nationalities, single, widowed, divorced, never married. Customized memberships, guaranteed service, thorough screening process. For more info: 1-888-916-2824 or
CKC CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERS. In June Championship, lines, gentle but athletic, great guard dogs. 306-731-3535, Lumsden, SK.
ST. BERNARD PUPS, ready July 1st, 1 male, 5 females. 306-896-7314, Bredenbury, SK, for pics TO GIVE AWAY: Golden Lab, 6 years old, to a loving and caring family. He is a truly loveable dog. 403-933-7202 or 403-835-8364, Turner Valley, AB. 20 YEAR KENNEL Reduction. Breeding pkgs. Labs, Miniature Labradoodles from EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR- Beaver $5000. Standard Poodles, Labradoodles, dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Yorkies, Miniature Poodles from $2000. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK, Cross sires, Moms, Retired dogs. Buyers 306-827-2269, 306-827-7835. screened. 403-443-5720, Three Hills, AB. ROUGH COLLIE PUPPIES, ready to go! Sables and whites available. Herbert, SK. 306-784-3337, Easy to set. SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPS, black/white Easy to empty. and liver/white. Come from hunting parEmpty and reset in seconds. ents, $300. 306-384-4774 eves, SaskaKills gopher. toon, SK. Safe for cats and dogs. TO GIVE AWAY Golden Retriever, to good Highly visible. home only. Has had some Retrieval training, 8 years old. Very loyal and lovable. 403-933-7202, 403-835-8364, Turner Valley, AB.
Gopher Traps
Price: $17.00 & S&H Call 306-778-2083 GT2006 - Patented Canada & USA.
Tired of those pesky gophers. Want them eliminated for
FREE. C ell Da y Nu m b er
7 80-9 9 1 -4 4 4 5 C a ll 7 80-4 7 4 -6 9 52
7 -1 0 PM ,M ond a y - Frid a y
BLOODHOUND PUPS, Ready to go, great for farms and kids. Asking $350. For more info contact: or call 306-753-3330, Macklin, SK. CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER pups, born March 6, 2011, 6 males, 2 females, vet checked, first shots, $450. Tofield, AB, 780-662-3913 or BEAUTIFUL WELSH CORGI pups, intelligent, adaptable, love kids, 1st shots, born Apr. 11th $900. 780-986-6029, Leduc, AB. ST. BERNARD PUPPIES for sale. One male short haired and 2 female long haired. Ready to go now. First shots and dewormed. $650 obo. 306-658-2126. Landis SK.
ATLAS COPCO LTP 3” Trash Pump Sales Rentals Parts Service
Fax: 780-452-8474 18101 - 111 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta
SPRING SPECIAL Call us at 780-452-0606 For more information On this and other Atlas Copco Handheld Hydraulic Equipment
Lightweight and compact submersible discharge pumps are used in a wide range of applications. These include continuous pumping of clean or contaminated water on building sites, in flooded excavations and cellars.
GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, $200 ea. Leave message if not in. Phone Edwin 306-272-3848, Foam Lake, SK. LAND FOR SALE: 95 acres in the town GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, black limits of Biggar, SK. 306-221-1017. and tan, 3 males, 2 females, ready to go MELFORT, SK. COMMERCIAL/FARMMay 8, $400. 306-778-3405, Waldeck, SK L A N D p r o p e r t i e s fo r s a l e . I n q u i r e WANTED: PUREBRED WESTIE Stud for 403-771-8660 or rent. We are in Peace River, AB but are willing to travel in North of Edmonton, AB PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MB. 113’ frontage bare lot on Saskatchewan Ave. in the heart preferably. 780-624-4985. of Portage, lot behind with brick building once a bus depot. Put your business here. Phone Christianson Soils Ltd. 204-239-6086. GREAT PYRENEES guardians of any livestock and pest control. Ready to go May 3/11. 6 males, 1 female. Please contact by phone: 306-922-4352, Prince Albert, SK. ADULT CONDO LIVING in friendly MayerASCA REG. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD thorpe! Only 3 new bungalow style homes pups for sale. Working parents, 5 black tri, remain. MLS 23217, 23229, 23237. Call 1 blue merle, 5 females, 1 male. Ready to listing agent Janet Kuehn EXIT Realty for g o M a y 1 2 . W i l l h av e 1 s t s h o t s . more info. 780-706-9670. Email: property306-567-4295 Bladworth, SK. FOR SALE: 3 bdrm townhouse, att. garage, GREAT DANE TERRIER cross pups, ready in Martensville, SK. Basement partly finto go, quiet, well behaved, family friendly, ished. 306-382-8265, 306-222-0249. $100 ea. 306-232-4301, Hague, SK. CONDO FOR SALE by tender. Unit #1 in GREAT PYRENEES MAREMMA CROSS Davidson, SK at 104 3rd Street. Bungalow, guard dogs, $200. Phone 306-243-4215, 991 sq.ft., att’d sgle garage w/exterior enMacrorie, SK. trance. 2 bdrms, 1 bathroom, A/C, partially furnished, central vac. Fenced yard Predator control ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD w/underground sprinklers, patio and storpups, ready May 12th, good with livestock age shed. In a great location close to all and children. $500, non-breeding contract, amenities. Viewing available on weekends includes first shots, dewormed and Revo- by appointment. Call Dellene Church Law lution. Lloydminster, SK area, phone: Office Inc. 306-567-5554 to arrange. 306-344-5400. Please submit tenders in writing with 5% AKBASH/ PYRENEES PUPS, raised with deposit of tendered offer to: Dellene sheep, guardian and predator control, Church Law Office Inc. Box 724, 200 Garfield Street, Davidson, SK. S0G 1A0. Tend$300. Fawcett, AB. 780-954-2202. ers will be accepted until 4:00 pm June WATKINSON COWDOG PUPS from years 10, 2011. Highest or any tender not necof selective breeding, with Grit brains and essarily accepted. looks. Parents work at community pasture. Available in Williams Lake, BC. and Old Wives, SK. Phone 306-692-2573. AKBASH/ PYRENEES MAREMMA pups, SUN HILLS RESORT at Lake of the Prairgood guard dogs, 3 males, 2 females, ies, SK, only 40 min. east of Yorkton. Lots and cabins selling now! Starting at ready to go. 780-688-3311, Holden, AB. $49,000, fully serviced! Ph. 306-621-9680 3 MALE RED HEELER PUPS for sale, asking or visit $350/ea. From excellent working parents. email: or Call GREEN LAKE, SK Fishing Lodge subdivision, 2 lots with 16x80’ beautiful mobile 403-579-2395, Byemoor, AB. home, like new, fully furnished, woodBOUVIER DES FLANDRES puppies born stove, many extras, 24x28’ double car garMar 18th, 2 male, 1 female, from working age. Excellent fishing. Must be seen. parents, love children, excellent guard $299,000 OBO. Phone 306-832-2191. dogs, $750. 403-324-3052, Standard, AB. LAKEVIEW, BRAND NEW at Hitchcock PREDATOR CONTROL, Akhbash/Maremma Bay, Lake Diefenbaker SK, 1440 sq ft, ticross puppies, ready to go, raised w/sheep tled, 2 bath, 2 bdrm on main, more in basement, AC, offers. Ph. 306-573-4800. $300. 306-246-4468, Richard, SK. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS for sale, HOUSE, 1150 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 1 bath, year c/w 1st shots and vet check. Swift Cur- round living at Fishing Lake, SK. Deeded p r o p e r t y, 2 0 0 y a r d s t o l a ke s h o r e , rent, SK 306-553-2244 $165,000. New highway this year, no flood AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, ready danger. Great resort for fishing, boating, June 1st. Colors in Red Merle, Red Tri and g o l fi n g , h u n t i n g . b o b g @ s a s k t e l . n e t solid Reds. 780-645-2754, St. Paul, AB. 306-554-2416, 306-554-7631 Wynyard, SK WORKING BLUE HEALER PUPS. Off of good working parents. 4 girls, 2 boys left. Will have first shots and de-worm. Ready June 25th. 306-492-2447, Clavet, SK.
REAL LOG HOMES, beautiful precut custom and std. log home and cottage pkgs., award-winning construction manual, 47 plus yrs, 28,000 plus homes, warranty. Randy 306-526-1042, for southern and eastern SK or see REDUCED TO $11,500 OBO. 3 bedroom bungalow in Lintlaw, SK. 204-734-6199.
LAKE COUNTRY GET AWAY: 2200 sq. ft. 2 storey home, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, bonus room above dble garage. Located park/waterfront at 2000 Spruce Cr. in the four season playground of Indian Point on Turtle Lake. $589,900. 306-835-2188.
DUPLEX TO BE MOVED, large two storey 3000 sq. ft., 6 bdrms., 4 bathrooms, beautiful hardwood floors, north of Bonnyville, AB. Call 780-826-0346.
ANGLEMONT, BC. on sunny side of Shuswap Lake. Upper floor: 1232 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, full walkout basement, winterized log home on 1/2 acre lot. Close to beach. 9 hole golf course and marina. Enjoy approx. 8 months of summer weather. For more info. call 250-770-0977, 250-992-3333 or 250-455-6327.
1972 MODEL, 1100 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., 1 bath house w/attached single car garage. Super kitchen w/black fridge, stove and d/w. Available immediately. Taking offers. Please call Joe 306-221-2970, Osler, SK. HOUSE TO BE MOVED: 1904 sq. ft. 5 bdrm, 2-1/2 baths, energy efficient, AC, with an orig. attached mother-in-law suite, 1977 bungalow, incl. appl. and furniture. Photos avail. $109,000 OBO. Near Regina, SK. Ph. 306-586-2411. HOUSE TO BE MOVED: 1917 two storey character home, all original, needs windows, $5000 OBO. Will consider cattle on trade. 306-228-3093, Unity, SK.
Open beam ceiling. $
Starting at
We deliver. 10635 184 St. Edmonton, AB
780-484-2224 web: L A K E F R O N T A N D W O O D E D L OT S Northwood shores, Delaronde Lake, Big River, SK. 2.1 km on the Pickerel Point Road. Call 306-374-7200 or 306-227-2427 EAST TROUT LAKE, SK, 2 adjoining titled lots, one w/24x42’ all season log cabin, power, phone, septic tank, within view of t h e l a ke , b o a t d o c k i n g av a i l a b l e . 306-276-2033. CABIN ON ISLAND in Northern SK., just 15 mins. from the town of La Ronge. Visit for info.
LOG HOMES, custom built, hand crafted, Pike Lake, SK. Phone 306-493-2448 or 306-222-6558,
/sq. ft.
HOUSE FOR SALE in Mesa, AZ. 3444 North Tuscany Circle. Located in the beautiful gated community of Las Sendas. 2451 sq. ft. 2 storey w/pool and hot tub. Built in 1999. For more info call 306-487-7993 or email
starting at
Please call for details Toll-Free 1-866-933-9595
DUPLEX, SHELLBROOK, SK. Built 1999. 1176 sq. ft. per side. Side “A” has finished basement. Side “B” has open basement and is easy to rent. Too many features to list. Great investment property, great tax incentives, $375,000. Call 306-747-7609.
View all homes, prices and plans at
BIG RIVER, SK. 2 storey 850 sq. ft., 2 bdrm. home on 50x140’ lot, nice cond., taxes $500, great starter/summer home, close to lakes, $62,500. Ph 306-469-7572.
HOUSE TO MOVE: 768 sq. ft. 2 bedroom bungalow, triple windows, lots of upgrades, $19,999. 306-525-5438 Regina SK
1300 SQ. FT. ranch style, 2 bdrm, ensuite in master, main floor laundry, single att. garage, basement can be included. Located Sask. Phone 403-223-1885, visit
starting at
/sq. ft.
Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438
*Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included
GREAT PYRENEES CROSS Maremma puppies, born March 22. Parents working sheep guard dogs, asking $350. Barrhead, AB, 780-674-6834. No Sunday calls.
PYRENEES/MAREMMA X pups from working parents. Ready to go. $200. 780-826-7443 Bonnyville, AB
CENTRAL WATER & EQUIPMENT Services Ltd. Portable Pump and Pipeline Sales, Service and Rentals. Local phone: 306-975-1999, Fax: 306-975-7175, Toll free 1-800-561-7867.
Are you planning to build a home in 2011. Wood Country will build you a RTM or a custom built home on site to meet your requirements. Wood Country prides itself on building top quality homes with a high level of customer satisfaction since its inception in 1980.
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USED MOTOROLA VERTEX 2-way radios. Prices start at $225. Antennas and radio repairs. Future Communications, 306-949-3000, Regina, SK.
Certified Home Builder
DOUBLE WIDE on large lot in adult park on Shuswap Lake, incl. 4 appliances, basement, carport, fruit trees, garden space, $89,000. Ph. 250-675-6823, Sorrento, BC.
506 DEEDED ACRES in northern BC, house, cabin, generator power, propane, stove and fridge. Heavy timber, natural meadows. Approx. 2 miles of frontage on Half Way River. Contact Tim 780-621-7514. KELOWNA .35 ACRE, beautiful view, orchard in front and back, view of lake and city of Kelowna. No restrictions for building. Water, sewer. Close to Highway 33. Serious inquiries only. 780-778-9270. 60 ACRE VINEYARD with winery licence. All lands out of the ALR. Located in the Okanagan BC. For more information call 250-540-7009, Vernon, BC. PERFECT RANCHLAND. Two 160 acres with views of South Thompson Valley just east of Kamloops, BC. Rolling terrain, several fantastic building sites, grazing land, lots of trees, $385,000/$395,000. Buy both for a better deal and start your own ranch. Riley & Associates Realty Ltd., Ricky 250-572-0828.
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1951 1-1/2 STOREY, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, SAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MOBILE HOMES: We pay top ready to move, $30,000. 306-545-5040, dollar for used mobile homes. 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 306-332-3772, Sask preferred. Wanted immediately. We sell good quality used homes for great prices. John Becker 306-781-4130, Pilot Butte SK TO BE MOVED: 1999 16x80â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SRI mobile home, 3 bdrm., 2-1/2 baths. Lumsden, SK. Phone 306-731-3390 or 306-539-3945. TO BE MOVED: 1986 16x73â&#x20AC;&#x2122; mobile home. Has new: shingles, siding, styrofoam insulation, windows, skirting, flooring, and countertop, 2x6 construction, some applia n c e s . A m u s t s e e ! $ 6 4 , 9 0 0 O B O. INVEST IN A â&#x20AC;&#x153;Little Piece of Paradiseâ&#x20AC;? To- 306-329-4708, Asquith, SK. day: MAUI, HI connection. Let Judy and MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Dave, 30 plus yrs. exp, fly you to sunshine, Immediate delivery: New 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; sand, beautiful sunsets, surfs and owning modular homes; Also used 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; your own Winter Haven! Own or rent it homes. Now available: Lake homes. out! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your piece of Hawaii Paradise. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince CDN dollar at par advantage. Email Dave: Albert, SK. or call Judy 780-504-3599. SHERWOOD MODULAR HOMES, factory HOUSE TO MOVE: 1400 sq.ft. 3 BR, built homes ready to move, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; or 1 1/2 baths, energy efficient, 1984 bi-lev- wider in stock or place a custom order. el, laundry on main, incl. all appl., photos R e g i n a 1 - 8 6 6 - 8 3 8 - 7 7 4 4 o r E s t e va n avail. $99,500 OBO. Near McLean, SK. 1-877-378-7744. 306-699-7118, MOBILE HOMES Free to $5000 or best offers. Trailer court is shutting down. Must be moved. 780-645-2900, St. Paul, AB.
SASKATCHEWAN, BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED cottage in the Resort Hamlet of Parkview, Buffalo Pound Lake. Fully furnished, wood burning stove, excellent escape from the city! Call Gladys Gray RE/MAX of moose jaw 306-694-5766. SASKATCHEWAN, PRIVATE LAKEFRONT estate, spectacular home with manicured yard, 4 bdrms, 3 baths, gourmet kitchen, dining. Attached garage. Heated shop. Additional property available. Call Lori Keeler, RE/MAX of moose jaw, 306-694-5766.
DEAL DIRECT WITH Canadian owner, for sale house Playa del Carmen, Mexico (Playa Car) owned with title. Approx. 1700 sq. ft., with pool, quiet gated secure, 3 BUILDING TO BE MOVED situated on f l o o r s , 3 b d r m , 2 - 1 / 2 b at h s , p r i c e Smiley Hutterian Brethren Colony. Building $249,000 US. being used for housing and is 124â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x32â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/4 Serious inquiries only. removable porches that are 22x22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Newer windows, doors and vinyl siding. Call Brad Edgerton, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-463-4515, Kindersley, SK. HOUSE TO MOVE: 2 storey, 3 bedroom 36X60 BUILDING in exc. cond. Well insuâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Eatonâ&#x20AC;? house with updated bathroom, lated, inside fibreglass walls, wired. Ready B UY ING R EA L ES TA TE new shingles. Taking offers. 306-842-3004 to move. 306-298-2068, Val Marie, SK. IN S A N D IEGO? Weyburn, SK. NELSONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUCTION SERVICE, Sat, May 28, 2011, 11 AM. Real Estate Auction; House and property at 804 Ave. F N, Saskatoon, SK. Approx. 720 sq. ft. 2 bdrm home w/attached garage and a 700 sq. ft. 1 bdrm. basement suite; new paint inside and out, new stucco exterior, located in the Caswell Hill area, and close to SIAST and shopping. On a quiet street, large lot w/garden space, fence, front and back parking, patio, deck. Would make an excellent starter home or revenue property. Open House will be held on Sun, May 22, 2011 from 1 to 3 PM. For a full listing with pictures visit: or phone 306-944-4320, PL #911669.
SASKATCHEWAN , OPEN FLOOR plan, bright and clean! 2 bdrm cottage at Buffalo Pound Lake. Recent renos have been done. Listed at $154,900. Call Lori Keeler RE/MAX of moose jaw 306-694-5766. SASKATCHEWAN, YEAR ROUND living at Buffalo Pound Lake. Over 1400 sq. ft. on 2 levels. Many upgrades, open concept, garage. Call Beth Vance, RE/MAX of moose jaw 306-694-5766.
SASKATCHEWAN, YEAR ROUND living, over 1600 sq. ft. Open concept main floor. Oak kitchen. Patio doors to wrap around deck, hot tub and beautiful view of the DELBURNE, AB, 1440 sq. ft., 3 bdrm de- lake. Family room w/fireplace. Walk out luxe home, 2 baths, 60x135 lot , 5 min. to basement. Nicely landscaped. Many more golfing, nice small town. 403-341-9639, features! Call Merv Ellingson RE/MAX of moose jaw, 306-694-5766. email
Roxinne A.M cPhail C alifornia, D RE #01195433, since 1995
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C anadian R eferences A vailable TURTLE LAKE SK. 40 acres with 770 sq. ft. cabin, $145,000; 40 acres with 1680 sq. ft. shop with 780 sq. ft. of mezzanine, $165,000. 306-845-3084
CANOE LAKE WEST RESORT: Fishing and hunting resort on about 45 acres. Store/restaurant, 8 cabins, 50 campsites, potable water. (Outfitting business can be purchased separately). Call for more information and equipment list. MLS ÂŽ370996. Turtle Lake: 576 sq. ft. water frontage cabin at DNR Beach. 2 bdrms, open floor plan. Fantastic view overlooking lake from patio. MLS ÂŽ370070. Call Wally Lorenz, RE/MAX of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK. 306-446-8800 or 306-843-7898,
RM OF KELVINGTON #366, SE 36-38-11 W2, SW 36-38-11 W2. Excellent hunting half section, elk, deer, moose and bear. Phone 306-231-7677.
PARADISE AND RV PARK in Fort GreenALL BUILDINGS MOVED. MOBILE HOMES wood, BC. Park model 40x12 w/large single, double and additions. Ph Howell deck, and lot, facing water stream. Email 403-341-9639. Building Movers, 306-539-1791, Regina SK
COWAN LAKE. Approx. half mile of lakefront. 110 acres. 2 miles north of Big River, SK. Partially treed, rest in alfalfa. Gentle slopes to the lake. Many good building sites. Development potential. $349,000. Phone 306-477-4757 or
860 SQ. FT. 3 bdrm bungalow, built 1972, very nice condition, $29,000 delivered. Phone 403-223-1885, Taber, AB. Visit: Many more homes available.
1975 VISTA VILLA 14x68â&#x20AC;&#x2122; mobile home, 2 bdrm. w/14x30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; addition, 4 appliances, $9500 OBO. 780-781-0176, Camrose, AB.
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Headingley, MB Portage la Prairie, MB
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SELLING: 70 ACRES of land bordering Spence Lake, MB. Phone 204-628-3366. EL SALVADOR BEACH HOUSE for sale at El Espino beach on Pacific Ocean. 1600 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 4 baths. Built in 2009. $180,000 negotiable. Call 306-621-1706 or e-mail:
ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: TABER: Large hog farm, newer barns, 700 sows farrow to 100 lbs., 80 acres, 2 homes, livestock optional. (#1725, Ben). PICTURE BUTTE: Large finishing hog operation, 32000 head finishing barns, 160 acres, very well setup, home, isolated area. (#1724, Ben). PEACE COUNTY: 11,938 acres farmland in one block, $52,607 surface lease revenue, 3 homes, shops, quonsets, cattle handling facilities, etc. (#1714, Chris). PICTURE BUTTE: Very well mainSASK. LANDING PROVINCIAL PARK: tained 4000 head feedlot on paved highLot available for sale, 64x133 on Omache way, heated shop, big hay shed, feedmill, Bay. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. Phone quonset, pivot, home, etc. MLSÂŽ (#1713, Frans). COALDALE: Feedlot with a section 306-773-7379. of pivot irrigated land. (#1708, Ben). BOW ISLAND: Pivot irrigated land, quonset, grain bins. (#1700, Walt). TILLEY: Nice parcel irrigated land, $12,000 surface revenue. (#1701, Ben). SCANDIA: 320 acres row crop land, pivot irrigated, home with mature yard, $4000 annual surface revenue. (#1684, Hans). FOR RENT: Two (2000 hd each) modern hog feeder barns in southern AB. (Frans). SASK. LAND FOR SALE: Large ranch mostly in one block; complete with cows, horses, equipment. (#1659, Chris, ext 228). SHAUNAVON, SK: 10 quarters in one block, 9 quarters seeded to hay mixtures, pasture fenced and setup for rotational grazing. (#1736, Gordon). RM OF BENGOUGH: Good mixed agriculture and grassland, grain storage. (#1717, Elmer). Signature Service Real Estate 1-866-345-3414, QUALITY LOG HOME, w/suite, 72 acres, water license, gravity irrigation, outbuild- NORTHERN ALBERTA SHEEP farmer, lookings. Pics/info. call 250-445-6642, historic ing at retirement, is looking for someone Greenwood, BC. Email to work with, and eventually take over our NORTH PEACE, BC, FIVE QUARTERS, operation in a few years. No money down. CERTIFIED ORGANIC, land and bison The right person will have ambition, selfherd, fenced and cross-fenced, 4 dugouts, motivation and livestock experience, prefgood well, 1500 bu. steel grain bin, 35x60 erably with sheep. We currently operate a Cover-All, good handling facilities, small 300 ewe sheep farm with Sydell handling house, good established meat sales. system and Race well weighing/sorting $10,000/yr. natural gas lease income, ad- chute, large lambing barns and welljacent Crown land available. Selling due to fenced pastures. There is lots of opportunity for expansion and/or off-farm income retirement. 250-785-5794. in AB. Serious enquires or for more info 68 ACRES of productive farming, 6000 contact John Woodburn, Box 565, Grimplus sq. ft. Colonial-Style home, shop, gar- shaw, AB, T0H 1W0. Phone 780-332-4481, age, vintage log home, irrigation systems e-mail on a mile of riverfront, $1,949,000. Lisa Salt Re/Max Vernon, BC, 1-800-667-2040. BRIGHTSAND LAKE, SK. 5 acres lake view, $150,000; 25 acres lakefront $750,000. 306-845-3177. FULL OR PART-TIME homes on beautiful Thunder Lake, AB. Short drive west of Barrhead. Homes priced at $470,000 and down. Lot with services only $95,000. Call listing agent Janet Kuehn EXIT Realty 780-706-9670 for details. Email:
RIVERHURST, SK. FARMLAND: Close to Lake Diefenbaker! Deeded home quarter, with 1440 sq. ft. house and outbuildings. 3 quarters lease in grass. Serious inquiries call 306-353-4804. VISCOUNT, all of section 18-35-25-W2. Quality cultivated farmland with renter in place. MLS. Call Dwein Tr a s k , C e n t u r y 2 1 C o n e x u s R e a l t y 306-221-1035, Saskatoon, SK. RM 166 FARMLAND: Approx. 1103 acres with eight large hog barns, empty and in good condition. Selling by tender. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379. FARM WITH 10 fenced-in acres (opt 160 acres) and 3 barns for sale by owner. 20 min north of Kinistino. 40 min east of P.A. 2 miles south of Fort LaCorne provincial forest. Very good spot for lots of rec. activities. $70,000. Cell: 306-864-8185 or RM 166 IRRIGATION: Approx. 1553 acres of mixed farmland. Centre pivot and wheel move. Gravel pit. Ph John Cave at Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and or lease your mineral rights. 1-877-269-9990. FARMS, RANCHES, ACREAGES AND DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY. Check out our website to view all of our listings: or email: for a complete list of inventory. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK. LIVESTOCK OPERATIONS NEEDED: I have several clients looking for cow/calf operations. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re considering selling please give me a call. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RANCH: 3200 acres deeded land. Full set of modern b u i l d i n g s . J o h n C ave , E d g e R e a l t y. 306-773-7379 RM #494, CANWOOD, SK. For Sale: 159 acres fenced, 130 acres cropped, 2 year organic farming, house, out buildings, well kept yard with wells. 306-468-2038.
TREE NURSERY for sale, 73 years in opRM 166 EXCELSIOR: 800 acres with full eration. Call for an appointment to discuss set of buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty details. Serious inquiries only. Boughen 4 ACRES OF RAW LAND ready to build Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. Nurseries Ltd., Box 1955, Nipawin SK, S0E on with services at property line. Close to 1E0. Email: Strathmore, AB. MLS C3450838. Asking Website: $169,900. Carey Rose Re/Max Horizon, TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 123 near Phone 306-862-5313 or fax 306-862-2410. Whitewood, SK. 3 quarter ranch, 368 cult. 403-934-0781. acres currently in grass, avg. 2009 assess- RM 135/136: 640 acres with 1400 sq. ft. 1) 6800 ACRE BISON ranch, 2 modern ment, $42,366/qtr. Includes 1450 sq. ft. bungalow, shop, corrals. Approx. 30 minhomes, large surface lease revenue, land 1-1/2 storey home, 3 bdrms, 1 bath, AC, utes from Swift Current, Saskatchewan. all in a block, Smokey Lake area. 2) Deluxe central vac, garage, shop, cattle facilities John Cave, Edge Realty. 306-773-7379. quarter section with Clearwater River for 120 cows, $325,000. MLS 392598. frontage, west of Caroline. 3) Hay and Contact Alex Morrow 306-332-4161. TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 246 near grain quarter NW of Onoway, very produc- Ituna, SK. 5 quarter block next to Horse tive and service lease revenue. 4) Approx. 1600 acre cattle property west of Edmon- TIM HAMMOND REALTY $780,000 RM Lake w/500 arable acres seeded to grass, ton. 5) 480 acre bison farm NW of St. Al- 317 Marriott. Mixed 2099 acre operation 291 pasture acres, 2009 assess. $223,900 bert, good buildings, very private. 6) De- mostly in a block incl: 800 cultivated acres (avg $45,290/qtr) mobile home w/addiluxe lar ge ranch with surface lease (240 ac. fallow), 120 SMF acres to be tion (1984) single detached garage, 28x40 revenues and large gravel deposits, can be seeded to grass in 2009, 520 seeded barn, exc. grazing/beef unit. $459,000. turnkey operation, private and exclusive. grass/alfalfa acres, 564 native pasture MLS 385553. Alex Morrow 306-332-4161 Have buyers for grainland. Don Jarrett, Re- acres, 95 acres bush/sloughs and yard alty Executives Leading, 780-991-1180, site. Optional adjoining 2 quarters of RM GOOD LAKE, 1200 acres mixed farmSpruce Grove, AB. crown lease. 6 dugouts and 3 wells. Effi- land, well maintained house, yard, and ACREAGE 5 MIN. from Red Deer, AB. cient yard site w/modest home, decent buildings, excellent water supply. Close to 1407 sq. ft., 1986 built ranch, 3 bdrm, 2 cattle facilities, 48x80 shed and 17,200 bu. provincial park, 60 kms from Yorkton. Call bath, attached 2 car garage, 30x36 de- steel grain storage. 306-948-5052 Biggar, 306-592-4547, Buchanan, SK. tached heated w/220, 16x8 door, lots of SK. SELLING FARMLAND IN SK? I can help trees, all on 1.18 acres. Too many upas I have buyers for land in a number of grades to list. $559,000. 403-347-6024 or RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section with yard, areas. Harry Sheppard, Sutton Group Readjacent to Canora, SK. Will separate yard 403-391-2328 sults Realty, Regina, SK 306-530-8035, from land. 306-651-1041. email: 1760 DEEDED ACRES ALL IN 1 BLOCK. Excellent buildings, lots of water, bison ORCHARD, MLS #397619ÂŽ 45 mins NW ROCK GLEN RANCH: 3200 acres deeded fencing. May be sold in smaller parcels. of Swift Current, 44 acres, 16 acres devel- land. Full set of buildings. More land oped and fenced with game fence to pro- available if needed. John Cave, Edge RealHigh Prairie, AB area. Ph 780-524-9305. 4000 well established fruit trees, Car7 QUARTERS OF DEEDED land east of Aca- tect mine Jewel Sour Cherries being the ty Ltd. 306-773-7379. dia Valley, AB. Phone 403-972-2218. p r i m a r y c r o p . C a l l L e e D a v i d s o n QUARTER (100 ACRES) FOR RENT, east NATURAL PARADISE on 147 acres near 306-741-7367, Re/Max of Swift Current. of Porcupine Plain, SK. Cash rent, would prefer 2-3 yr. lease. 780-841-1496. Drayton Valley. A home, 3 shops and a Email: garage. MLS E3257654. Call Mary at Realty Executives, 780-542-0012, 780-514-7979. FINISHER HOG FACILITY on full quarter, newer barn, fully slatted, shop, 3 phase For the m ost VALU E & EXPO SU RE that you deserve power, auto backup, immediate use posw hen selling your farm or ranch property,contact sible; HOG FACILITY farrow to ISO wean, 150 acres, near Penhold, AB. Needs work; one of our Farm & Ranch Specialists today! WANTED farrow to finish operation with good barns and immediate use. 250 ff or BOB LANE - Regina (306) 569-3380 bigger. Jac Theelen Realty Ltd., Red Deer, MORLEY FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask. (306) 672-6629 AB. 403-318-2252 SANGUDO, AB. FARM, 300 acres with an MARK FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask. (306) 784-7844 additional 320 acres available. 12 acres lakefront with walkout basement, in-floor KEVIN JARRETT - North Battleford/Unity (306) 441-4152 heating, all set up for animals. $590,000. Call Bonnie, Exit Realty, 780-778-9408 ED BEUTLER - Yorkton/Whitewood (306) 620-7260 JASON BEUTLER Yorkton/Estevan (306) 735-7811 SHEEP AND GRAIN farm in the Wildwood, AB. area for sale. One 4 bdrm house and GARTH HENDRY Moose Jaw/South Central (306) 631-0802 one 2 bdrm house, heated shop, barn holds up to 400 ewes, 320 acres (60 acres JEFF HEGLAND - Saskatoon/Prince Albert (306) 270-9050 creek and bush), rest open with possible leasing of 160 acres. Contact phone /fax: JASON SELINGER - Weyburn/Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle (306) 861-1750 780-325-2365. DOUG JENSEN - Melville/Raymore (306) 621-9955 QUARTER SECTION OF bushland with full services and 20x24 cabin, picturesque STAN HALL Davidson/Strasbourg/Humboldt (306) 725-7826 SW-19-58-11-W5 MLS 23042; Gorgeous farm between Sangudo and Mayerthorpe, MORWENNA SUTTER NE Saskatchewan (306) 327-7129 161 acres of rolling hills, fully fenced with a 1851 sq. ft. home, 40x60 workshop or MURRAY MURDOCH Outlook/Rosetown (306) 858-8000 barn, riding arena and outbuildings. MLS 23767, asking $399,900. Contact listing DARRELL HERAUF - Dairy/Poultry (306) 527-9636 agent Janet Kuehn EXIT Realty 780-706-9670. DALE MURDOCH - West Central/Kindersley (306) 774-6100
ATTN: DEVELOPERS/ HOBBY FARMERS, 133 acres, river front overlooking the North SK. River and Eagle Creek, 45 min. from Saskatoon, SK, $299,000. 306-220-3017, SERENITY COVE, CRAIK, SK, newest recreational development adjacent to 9-hole grass greens golf course. 65 lots from $30,000 - $60,000. Cottages $299,900 - $370,000. Park model trailers with garages from $104,900 - $184,900. Park model trailers only on lots $79,900 and up. For more info call Dave Low, at Realty Executives MJ, 306-631-9201.
LOOKING TO RENT pivot irrigated land for forage production prefer Strathmore/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consider all areas. Long term lease preferably. Ph 403-507-8660. TEN QUARTER MIXED FARM, all in a block, w/lease revenue, could sell as turnkey. Motivated to sell. Please contact Tammy or Joanne at Royal LePage 780-594-4414 Cold Lake, AB. 25 ACRES of RAW LAND bordering irrigation canal with subdivision opportunity and great building site. Close to Strathmore AB. Asking $358,674. MLS 3472719. Carey Rose Re/Max Horizon 403-934-0781
S a s ka tchew a nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fa rm & Ra nch S pecia lis ts â&#x201E;˘
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TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 246 near Ituna, SK. 8.5 quarters with 919 cult. acres, 2009 assessment $318,200, (avg. $43,000/qtr), excellent 960 sq. ft. home, 3 bdrms, 2 bath, lots of upgrades, detached garage, 36x40 heated shop, 44,400 bu. bins, 50x80 machine shed, 24x40 barn, 36x58 shed, older 1.5 storey home. $1,050,000 plus full line of machinery. MLS 386276 Alex Morrow 306-332-4161. TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 376 near Sonningdale. Asking $210,000 for SE 11 and NE 02-40-12-W3, 250 cult. acres, 2010 assessment. $103,600. MLS 390923 P h o n e 3 0 6 - 9 4 8 - 5 0 5 2 , B i g g a r, S K .
QUARTER SECTION, RM of Bone Creek, SE-33-11-16-W3rd, 30 acres broke, yardsite, rest pasture with natural spring water. 306-694-6275, Simmie, SK.
RM OF GREAT BEND: 1703 acres with 1503 acres of good cultivated grain land. Just north of Radisson, close proximity to the Yellowhead Hwy. Priced to sell! MLS ®394405. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North BatDINSMORE FARM LAND: 1440 acres of tleford, SK. deeded land. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379. TIM HAMMOND REALTY 600 sow operaSWIFT CURRENT GRASSLAND: 480 tion (farrow to finish) on 40 acre site, built acres, approximately 6 miles East of Swift in mid 1990’s, approx. 60,000 sq. ft. of Current, SK. Excellent subdivision poten- buildings, some maintenance/repair and t i a l . J o h n C av e , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . equipment required. Huge potential at this bargain price of $150,000. MLS 388466 306-773-7379. Roy Hjelte 306-761-1499
FARM TENDER ESTATE, Wilson McKay. 1/2 section 9TP-31RG-14-W13, RM Marriott, 9 miles NE, Rosetown, SK. North 1/4 cult., assessed 57,500; South 1/4 assessed 35,400; 240 acres cult./rented. House and lot in town of Ardath, vacant 20 yrs. Email Mail: 1133 13th St. E. Saskatoon, SK, S7H 0C1. High- 20 ACRES- 1/2 hr. NE of Saskatoon, SK. est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Energy efficient 2100 sq. ft. bungalow, TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 246 near Saskatoon city water. Opportunity for hobItuna, SK. 5 quarter block w/610 cult. by farm, greenhouses, fruit trees, etc. 1/2 acres, 2009 assess. $265,400 (avg $53,000 mile off of Hwy #41. Call 306-929-2377. qtr), 5500 bu. grain storage, old yardsite RANCH: SOUTH OF FORT WALSH, SK, w/power, well, 28x60 barn. $479,000. 78 quarters, 25 deeded, 53 lease, native MLS362119 Alex Morrow 306-332-4161 and improved pasture. 300 acres under pivot irrigation, 250 under flood irrigation. homesites, good livestock handling faFARMLAND FOR SALE 2 parcels each 80 2cilities. 306-299-4809 or 306-299-4889. acres, all cultivated, RM Dundurn. Asking $88,000 each. Call Doug Bell at Century 21 YORKTON, SASK. FARMLAND, 3 quarConexus Realty Ltd., 306-221-0988, Saska- ters hay and pasture. Corrals adequate for toon, SK. 900 head of cattle. 2 bdrm bungalow. Call Lorie 250-585-6770 or 250-713-2488. SOUTHWEST SASKATCHEWAN: 1) MLS #394643® RM Waverly 9 quarters, 400 HAVE BUYERS FOR FARMLAND: Contact acres alfalfa, 920 acres cropland, 86 acres Lee Davidson 306-741-7367 Re/Max of native. 2) MLS #384200® RM Glenbain 80 Swift Current. Email: acres, c/w 2350 sq. ft. house, 2 heated RM OF LEASK - This 122 acre property is shops, 2 steel storage buildings, garages. located two miles off of No. 12 highway. 3) MLS #396948® and MLS #396946® fully secluded in the heavy bush, spruce, RM Wise Creek 3 quarters of pasture 379 poplar, birch and willows overlooking a 30 s e e d e d g r a s s , 1 0 2 n at i ve , d u g o u t s . acre lake (approx). 1973- 14x64’ mobile 4) MLS #396116® RM Morse 1 quarter home, single garage, small shop and pasture c/w yardsite w/evergreens, cattle chicken house. Mother nature at it’s best. shed, corrals 146 acres seeded grass and Just over an hour from Saskatoon, Prince 13 acres native. Contact: Lee Davidson Albert or North Battleford. MLS®395824. 306-741-7367, Re/Max of Swift Current. RM GLENSIDE #377. 7 quarters or 1090 Email: acres, mainly in a block w/good access, w w w. d w e i n . c a RM OF FISH CREEK w/approx. 165 acres of older seeded NW12-41-27-W2, 137 acres cultivated, re- grass, lots of bush, hills and large opening. maining 17 acres of quarter also available. Some of the best White-tailed deer and 2002 FMV assessment 59,000 for quarter. other big game hunting. SW of SonningCall Dwein Trask, Century 21 Conexus Re- dale and approx. 16 miles from Maymont and #16 Yellowhead Hwy. This could posalty 306-221-1035, Saskatoon, SK. sibly be a hunter’s paradise. MLS®390517. MIXED FARM for sale, RM of Preeceville. Website For viewing 11 quarters farmland. Total acres 1736. call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battle1480 cultivated acres. 6 quarters fenced fords, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. and cross fenced. 10 quarters w/access to TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 276 near water. Home 1/2 has 1 mile of Assini- Kelliher, SK. 4 quarters with 555 cult. boine River running through it. Large grav- acres, 2009 MVA $209,600 (avg. $52,400/ el deposits. Unlimited water supply- river, qtr). Excellent 2800 sq. ft. home (1987), 6 3 wells and 2 watering bowls. 4 large cor- bdrms, 4 baths, lots of upgrades, triple atral pens per water bowl. Insulated calving tached garage. Includes 40x60 quonset, barn, working corral, 30,000 bu. grain 30x100 shed, 21,000 bu. bins, $695,000. storage. Wood quonset, machine shed, MLS 376851. Alex Morrow 306-332-4161 workshop, garage, other outbuildings. 1-1/2 storey, 1200 sq. ft. well kept older home. Close to Preeceville, SK w/hospital 320 ACRES FARMLAND, 3 bdrm. bungaand K-12 school. Total package for low, sheltered yard, power, phone, nat. $533/acre. Phone for pictures plus more gas, crossfenced, 32x108’ cattle shed, dbl. car garage, good water, good school bus info. 306-547-2286. service. 306-742-4763, Wroxton, SK. QUARTER SECTION HAYLAND for sale in RM #280. SW-14-28-23-W2. Asking RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 5280 ft. of river frontage, estimated to have 300,000 $45,000. 306-963-2731, Imperial, SK. yards of gravel. 781 acres of grazing land. IF YOU ARE thinking of buying or selling All fenced. Pump house (insulated and your farm now or in the near future please heated) with 6 watering troughs. Priced as think of me. I have qualified buyers look- an investment property because of the riving to make Sask. their home. Call Brenda er frontage and gravel. Seller will sell any 306-630-5700, Realty Executives MJ, portion or all as a package. MLS® 393713. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800, ORGANIC LAND FOR RENT in RM of Inver- may 305, NE 1/4, S-9-33-7-W2. 100 acres. CATTLEMAN’S DREAM: 5 quarters, 4 Call Clarence 306-382-8666, Warman, SK. fenced and one farmland, beautiful yard TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 466 near w/1700 sq. ft. house, 2-1/2 miles from St. Rabbit Lake, 490 acre block with 427 culti- Brieux, SK., barn, cattle shelter, corrals, vated/arable acres currently seed to alfal- heated shop, 50x100 shed. 306-275-2007. fa/grass, 63 native pasture acres/bush acres, 2010 assessment. $139,600 (aver- RM 228: 160 acres, house, barn, good waage $45,584/quarter), good fencing and ter. John Cave, Edge Realty. 306-773-7379 water, will carry approx. 40 pair/quarter, could be cropped. $269,900. MLS 395228 QUARTER WITH DUGOUT, new 4-wire h t t p : / / H i l l c o r. T i m H a m m o n d . c a fence, good corrals, 35 min. NW of Saska306-948-5052. toon, SK, $139,000. 306-283-4687. S askatchew an M in istry of Agricu ltu re
ATTENTION AVID SPORTMEN: Half section land bordering Parkland and 1/2 mile from lake. NE-23-41-09-W2, NW-24-41-09-W2. NE Sask. 70 acres hayland remainder bush. Great quadding, snowmobiling and lots of game. End of road, 7 miles from town. Mobile home, p o w e r, phone on site. 780-524-7971 cell. GRAIN FARMS NEEDED: I have several clients looking to purchase grain farms. If you’re considering selling please give me a c a l l . J o h n C av e , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . 306-773-7379, TWO NEW LISTINGS close to Regina: 160 acres, 8 miles north, 130 cultivated, beautiful treed yard site with 2053 sq.ft. 2 storey, air strip with hangars for 22 airplanes. Excellent water supply; 188 acres farm land, 15 miles NW, city water within 1/4 mile. All weather road past property. Sutton Group Results Realty, Regina, SK. Harry Sheppard, 306-530-8035.
RM New co m b e
RM K in d ers ley P E N D IN G
RM S n i pe L a ke
RM K in d ers ley
1 QTR. RM S n i pe L a ke
11 QTRS.
E xcellen tfa rm la n d in W is eto n /E lro s e a rea
20 QTRS.
E xcellen tfa rm l an d n ea rW si eto n
2,100 s q ftho m e w /s ho p o n 67 a cres
2,700 a cres – i ncl ud es 3 m iles o f d eed ed riv er fro n t. C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y 306-463-6667 G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m RM SPIRITWOOD Great cattle operation! 13 quarters of land with option to lease 2 more, all in close proximity. Home quarter situated on the shores of Larson Lake. 180 acres of hayland, fenced and cross-fenced, creek running through all quarters. Barn, newer corrals, heated shop and upgraded family home. MLS®394857. Call Shawna Schira-Kroeker Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-1625, North Battleford, SK. BISON RANCH FOR SALE: 200 acres. 160 acres grass/alfalfa mix, fenced, crossfenced, 40 acres bush, 2 wells, corrals, 200-300 head capacity, provincial forest on 3 sides. 306-764-5554 Prince Albert, SK
RANCH IN MANITOBA. All land is titled, 2080 acres with 1750 developed for pasture and hay, some seeded annually for silage and feed grain. Cement feed runs for 200 head. Excellent water and yard. 204-732-2664, Rorketon, MB.
L an d D escrip tion
Est. 2011 T axes
Usages an d Com m en ts
5,500 a cres g ra zin g . S tock in g ra te s ha ll n otexceed 3,400 a n im a l u n it **N 1⁄2 9, S ec. 10,11,14, 15, 16, 17,,20, S 1⁄2 21, S $7,600.00 m on ths (700 cow s w eig hin g 1,200 lbs ea ch fora fou r-m on th g ra zin g 1 1 s ea s on ). A ll ca ttle m u s tbe rem oved from the la n d s n o la tertha n ⁄2 22, S ⁄2 23-49-16 W 2** O ctober1, 2011.
** La n d s Bra n ch m a y co n sid era cceptin g a b id o n a sm a llerpa rcelo f la n d . Bid d ers ca n in d ica te the la n d s they a re in terested in ten d erin g o n if n o tin terested in ten d erin g o n the en tire pa rcel. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
5600 ACRE RANCH, RORKETON, MB, 3200 deeded, 2400 Crown, runs 400 pairs year round, 1000 acres cult. and seeded to hay, 2 sets of buildings, all land adjoins except 4 quarters 4 miles away, beautiful parkland setting close to lakes, w/exc. fishing and hunting. Hay and machinery also available. Additional 12 quarters of pasture avail. to rent, will look at partial trades in AB. or BC., $990,000. Call 403-886-2100 leave message. AMARANTH, MB, 5 quarter mixed farm w/park like yard, good buildings. GLADSTONE, south half section with 3 bdrm. house, shop w/heated floor and grain storage. For these and other properties ph. Christianson Soils Ltd. 204-239-6086 or email HIGH AND DRY in SE Manitoba, 797 acres beef farm, 3 quarters adjoining, 400 acres seeded into hay, facilities for cow/calf and backgrounding, good water, well maintained yard w/3 bdrm bungalow. Call 204-427-2852, Tolstoi, MB. HOG FINISHING OPERATION with 128.84 acres east of Winnipeg, MB. Barns refurbished in 2008 and have 3000 feeder capacity. Computerized feed mill w/ 4 automatic weigh scales. Approx. 100 tons of feed storage, various mineral bins, and 47,000 bu. grain storage. Machine shed, machinery storage biotech. Good 1,600 sq. ft. raised bungalow home. Owner will sell more land if required. Phone Gordon Gentles at 204-761-0511 or Jim McLachlan at 204-724-7753, HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc.
5 QUARTERS OF PASTURELAND. Provost, AB. area. Power on old yard site, good water, good fence, great hunting. Serious inquiries only. 780-753-1947 leave message.
Ten d erp erm itform s a re loca ted a tyou rn ea res tS a s k a tchew a n M in is try ofA g ricu ltu re Reg ion a l O ffice. S p ecific con d ition s a p p lica ble to the p a rcel a re a va ila ble by con ta ctin g Tim Feis t, La n d A g rolog is t, a t(306) 862-1789 a n d /orem a il: tim .feis t@ g ov.s k .ca . S ea led ten d ers m a rk ed “ Ten d erPerm it” m u s tbe received by 1:30 p.m ., M a y 2 7, 2 011, a tthe Tis d a le S a s k a tchew a n M in is try ofA g ricu ltu re Reg ion a l O ffice, Bo x 1480 o r1105 – 99 S treet, Tisd a le, S a ska tchew a n , S 0E 1T0. Fa x: (306) 878- 8810. S a s k a tchew a n M in is try ofA g ricu ltu re res erves the rig htto w ithd ra w a n y la n d s from the ten d era ta n y tim e. A s hort-term p erm itd oes n otcon vey a n y fu rthercon s id era tion in the fin a l d is p os ition ofthe la n d . W here n o a ccep ta ble bid s a re received , the la n d m a y be a va ila ble im m ed ia tely a fterthe ten d erop en in g , a ta m in im u m a ccep ta ble bid . M u n icip a l ta xes a re the res p on s ibility ofthe s u cces s fu l ten d erera n d m u s tbe p a id im m ed ia tely u p on receivin g n otifica tion tha ta ten d erha s been a ccep ted . This a m o u n tis in a d d itio n to the ten d ered a m o u n t. S u cces s fu l ten d erers m u s tp a y S a s k a tchew a n A g ricu ltu re the fu ll a m ou n tofthe ten d ered p rice im m ed ia tely u p on receivin g n otifica tion tha ta ten d erha s been a ccep ted . A crea g es a s s ta ted a re a p p roxim a te. Bid d ers m u s trely on theirow n p ers on a l in s p ection ofthe la n d . S u cces s fu l ten d erers m u s tha ve leg a l a cces s to the la n d orw ritten a g reem en ts forcros s in g a d join in g la n d s .
33 ACRE YARDSITE, NW of Carman, MB, SE-20-7-5W, w/50x100’ steel quonset and older 1000 sq. ft. house, well treed yardsite, asking $110,000. 204-828-3483.
PASTURE FOR RENT: 125 pairs, good 40 ACRES w/30’x40’ house, 42’x72’ shop, water, good grazing, 30 kms south of the all metal in and out w/12” insulation; 22’x32’ fuel shed for storage, 16’ walls; 2 Battlefords, SK. call 306-937-7753. wells, 2 watering bowls, good corrals. Also MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. one quarter for pasture, hay, crossfenced, Visit us at: big dugout. Will sell 40 acres separate. Also see section #3560 Custom Work. 306-824-4908, Spiritwood, SK. EXPERIENCED WELL ESTABLISHED Contract Grazer looking for serious customer. Will manage 350 cow/calf pairs, 350 butcher cows, or yearlings. Competitive pricing. Excellent management of grass, water, and cattle. Referrals available. 306-728-5484, 306-730-7835, Melville, SK PASTURE FOR RENT: 3 sections, Saskatoon area. All fenced. Phone 306-221-0734, Dundurn, SK. HALF SECTION deeded pasture, approx. 120 acres tame grass, 200 acres native grass, vg water supply, 4-wire fence, gas well revenue. Oyen AB 403-664-3268 eves.
AWESOME ACREAGE OPPORTUNITIES: 10 acre parcel, ideal location, 1 mile from Wadena, SK., immaculate yard and house MLS®386293; 22 acre parcel, Hendon, SK area, 2 houses, numerous outbuildings, barn, MLS®391099; 16 acre parcel, Clair, SK., area, natural gas, well, outbuildings, MLS®391553. For more info. call Flo at 306-338-3231, Re/Max Blue Chip Realty 23 ACRE FARM, only 15 mins. outside of Moose Jaw, SK., on city water, many updates to home. Barn, shop, quonsets, corrals. Call Brenda 306-630-5700, Realty Executives MJ,
20 ACRE SUBDIVISION: Between Mel2-1/2 FENCED QUARTERS in valley with ville and Yorkton, SK. 1076 sq.ft. bungacreek for rent, will accommodate 35 to 45 low, natural gas heat, central air, 40x64 cow/calf pairs. 204-937-2658, Roblin, MB. steel shed, 24x26 detached garage, Melville water supply and deep well, hydrant and watering bowl. Phone 306-728-5268 or 306-728-7738. BEAUTIFUL 12.6 ACRES in the pines 1/2 mile from golf course, one mile from Saskatchewan River. New subdivision, end of new road, very quiet, cleared building site, good water. Can be subdivided. $120,000. • Q uick closin gs. Phone 306-862-2111 or 306-862-6697, Nipawin, SK. • Lookin g for Farm M an ager.
Lo o kin g fo r Fa rm la n d Th ro u gh o u t Sa skatch ew a n
• Pasture lan d for rent in O gem a an d K ayville area. Plea se ca lltel:1 (800)610-6128 o r em a il:in fo @ m a xcro
BLADWORTH, SK, 17 acres, 1900 sq. ft. 1-1/2 storey house, addition 1982, 26x30 garage, 52x80 Behlen quonset, 22x60 wooden quonset, 12x34 wooden bin, 14x28 storage building. 15 acres fenced pasture, corrals w/open faced shelters, watering bowl. 306-561-7733.
I F A C R E AG E C O U N T RY L I V I N G I S WANTED TO PURCHASE a grain farm or RIGHT FOR YOU.. You’ll love the unique farmland, prefer southeast or east central subdivision that’s being planned North of Innisfail, AB. It caters to horse enthuSask. Phone 306-861-4592, SK. siasts. Check our website for details 30 YR. OLD farmer is looking for someone or phone: 403-357-2231. who wants to sell their full line of older equipment and rent out their farm for ACREAGE FOR SALE. Madge Lake, SK. Five 2012 crop year and who would enjoy acres on highway just outside Duck Mtn. working some hours during spring and fall. Prov. Park gates. N/G and power run adjaPrefer farm within 4 hours of Wainwright. cent to the property. RM #271. $39,995 Will consider other partnerships. Contact O B O. P h o n e : 4 1 6 - 7 3 0 - 0 9 1 8 , e m a i l : Dustin at 780-581-1085, Mannville, AB. ACREAGE FOR SALE: Parcel A SE6-47-17-3, RM of Meota approx. 3 km from the village of Meota. Features 19 LAND FOR SALE: 95 acres in the town acres ideal for B&B, U-pick, etc. Excellent limits of Biggar, SK. 306-221-1017. building site, utility hookups in place, abundant supply of Village water, large hip TURNER VALLEY, AB, 55 acres, grass roof barn. $149,500. For details call Ed and trees, fenced and cross-fenced, 2 dug- Tr u e l o v e 3 0 6 - 4 4 5 - 5 0 0 0 o r v i s i t no buildings, 2 wells, power and gas MLS #396909 PASTURE FOR RENT: 640 acres of native outs, property, $600,000. 403-253-2664, grass, crossfenced, good water supply. on Moose Jaw, SK area, 306-631-0030. 17 QUARTERS, 2690 ACRES, 2120 cult., 2 yardsites w/570 acres bush openings and shelter, good water. Cult. land is rented. Also 18 acres w/buildings. Retiring. Call for web. 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. 4 QUARTERS OF PRODUCTIVE land for sale or rent. Buildings on separate acreage adjacent to land, with excellent water supply. Can be purchased w/wo land. 204-742-3635 or 204-648-4268, Ethelbert, MB. RANCH APPROX. 4064 ACRES EAST of Winnipegosis, MB. 400 cow/calf, with all the handling facilities. Includes 1600 sq. ft. bungalow, and other farm buildings. Call Florence Komarniski Real Estate 204-638-3055, Dauphin, MB.
FOR RENT: GOOD pasture for 100 pairs in C o l d L a ke , A B . $ 1 / d ay / p a i r. P h o n e 780-594-2407. RM OF GRANDVIEW 349, Pastureland for rent, will carry 40-50 pairs. Call Bob at 306-932-2180 or 306-834-7385. 1/2 SECTION PASTURE IN RM #73. New barb wire, cross fenced. Fenced dugouts. Was grainland. Ample water, lots of grass for grazing or forage. Currently carries 50 pairs. Asking $120,000. Phone 306-642-3442, Assiniboia, SK. FOR RENT: 4 quarters RM of Rudy #284, min. 30 head per quarter. 306-867-8597, located 30 miles South of Saskatoon, SK. 3 QUARTERS PASTURELAND for rent in the Mayfair, SK area, near community pastures, $1500/quarter. Cell: 306-441-5396. GOV’T PASTURE LEASE: 1532 acres, $7000 royalties, 295 AUM, 30 min SE of Lac La Biche, AB. $210,000. 780-922-3394 or email: PASTURE LAND IN BC for 125 cow/calf pairs. Starting in June for 4 months, good rates, references available. 250-570-1586, Vanderhoof, BC. SUPERVISED PASTURE FOR RENT: 60 c ow / c a l f p a i r s . C o u r va l , S K . P h o n e 306-394-4407.
SOUTH KATEPWA- NW-22-19-12-W2. 2-1/2 acres w/2008 1216 sq. ft. modular FOR RENT: HUMBOLDT municipality 370, S 1/2 32-37-24; Also SE 1/4 31-37-24. home. 306-695-2619, Indian Head, SK. 306-682-3149.
HAVE IT ALL, get out of town but still be close to all amenities! Immaculate 1800 sq. ft. home on 10 acres in Parkside, SK. area. Park-like landscape, 1 mile from pavement. 3+1 bdrms w/spacious floorplan, 4 baths, finished basement w/Jacuzzi tub, central vac and air, main floor laundry, hardwood floors plus much more. Lots of good water. 306-747-2376. OKLAHOMA HORSE PROPERTY: 20 acres, renovated 1600 sq. ft. home, 2 car garage, new horse barn, new round corral, new roping arena, 5 miles from Henryetta, OK., rodeo cowboy capital of the world. $149,000 CAD. Phone 780-353-2125 or email:
Canadian Farm Realty welcomes Junior Thevenot to their farm sales team! is a leading agricultural real estate company in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Through innovative, international marketing and excellent customer service Canadian Farm Realty is able to market farms and ranches obtaining premium results. We would like to welcome to our high performance farm sales team Mr. Junior Thevenot.
2006 SUZUKI KING Quad 700 very nice s h ap e , l o w m i l e s . B l a c k i n c o l o u r. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK JOHN DEERE EXT500 4x4 quad. Stored inside. Immaculate condition. $6,500. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. ARCTIC CAT 250 CC. Like new never used. 2x4 quad. Asking $3,500 OBO. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK.
CAN AM 500 Outlander 4x4 quad. Immaculate, never used. Camo paint. Asking RM BUFFALO 409: 15.75 acre acreage $7,500. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. located approx. 12 miles SW of Battleford. WANTED: 1990 to 2005 Argo Conquest or 1360 sq.ft. home w/dev. bsmt and double Magnum, in good condition. 306-757-0956 attached garage. Well, fenced and a barn leave message, White City, SK. turned into a shop-garage for semi truck tractor. MLS® 393002. Call Lloyd Ledinski at Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK. 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512, QUANTUM BASS BOAT 70 hp force, very website: nice condition. Reason for selling, NO TIME never used. Asking $6,500. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK.
Short-Term Permit The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is pleased to announce that part of the Pontrilas Pasture, located approximately 25 miles NE of Melfort, Saskatchewan, is available for use until October 1, 2011. Short-term Permits are offered to enable use of vacant Crown land until a long-term disposition can be made.
R.M .
RIDING MOUNTAIN, MB. 640 acres in one block, two houses, two heated shops, good cattle facilities, lots of water, new bins and fencing, additional quarter available, $479,000. 204-966-3448. RANCH FOR 250 cow/calf pairs, 6 quarters deeded, 22 quarters leased, dugouts, shelters, barn, steel corrals, good water, home. 204-742-3269, Garland, MB.
Junior lives near Somerset in Southern Manitoba and has been operating a grain farm since 1987. He has also worked in the transport industry and spent approximately 11 years as a farm equipment salesperson. He really enjoys the farming industry and is ready to help you either find or disperse your farm property. Junior specializes in Southwestern Manitoba Farm Sales and looks forward to yyour call.
2006 AVALON PONTOON, 24’, PS bowfish pontoon, 16 HP Mercury, roll on trailer, many extras, vg cond., $19,500 OBO. 403-834-2152, Irvine, AB. 1980 14’ FIBERGLASS boat, motor and trailer; Also 8’ camper. Could trade cattle or horses. 306-283-4687, Langham, SK. LUND FISHING BOAT, 14’ Adventure Model, with full carpeting, live well, two pedestal seats, Mercury 9.9 motor, easy load galvanized trailer, $6500 OBO. Phone: 306-278-2069, Carragana, SK.
MUST SELL! Special purchase 100 new 2011 travel trailers, starting as low as $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 . w w w. s w e n s o n r v. c o m 1-800-735-5846. BRAND NEW 2010 SALEM fifth wheel 27.8’ camper trailer, elec. slide-out, 16’ awning, sound system, very elegant. $29,000, Clearing at $24,900. 204-746-6605, 204-325-2496, Morris, MB. 2005 26’ SPRINGDALE travel trailer, 12’ slide, air, good int., new queen mattress, new battery, vg cond, $12,000 OBO. Phone 306-682-3062, Humboldt, SK. 2004 TITANIUM BY Glendale 5th wheel, Model 28E33SB, free standing table, central vac, dual pane windows, Fantastic Fan, many options, exc. cond., $19,000. Dubuc, SK. 306-877-2120, cell: 306-745-8046. Junior Thevenot h 204.825.8378
2002 29’ LX CARDINAL 5th wheel, 12’ slide-out, 20’ awning w/add-a-room, truck hitch, always shedded, excellent cond., $16,500 OBO. 306-594-2655, Norquay, SK.
1995 COBRA 5TH wheel trailer, fridge, 2005 SEABREEZE LX (National RV), stove, furnace, hot water heater, sleeps 6. 37.5’, 3 slides, workhorse Chassis, 8.1 VorPh. 306-383-2505, Quill Lake, SK. tec, Allison trans., 22.5” tires, 5.5 Onan generator, loads of storage, 2 ducted AC, 2 NEW NEVER USED 2009 Travelaire Cus- furnaces, large shower, queen bed, mitom Coach 38’, 2 slides, hardwood floor- cro/conv. oven, 2 flat screen HD TV’s, exc. ing, SS appliances, king size bed. Call shape, 40,000 m, $57,900. 306-955-1534, 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. 306-230-1753, Saskatoon, SK. 1998 KOMFORT 5th wheel, 26’ w/hitch, microwave, fridge, stove and oven, outside 1998 WINNEBAGO BRAVE 31’ Class A, shower. Sleeps 6 in exc. cond., $10,995 454 Vortec, Onan generator, AC, satellite OBO. Call 403-787-2437 or 403-321-0665 dish, 31,000 miles, many extras, $25,000. 403-579-2280, Byemoor, AB. or email: CAMEO BY CARRIAGE 5th wheel, Model F31KS3, 3 slides, solar/satellite/generator prepped, showroom cond, too many extras to mention. $23,000. 306-877-2120, cell: 306-745-8046, Dubuc, SK. 2005 28.5’ JAYCO Jayflight 5th Wheel. Living room slide, awning. Reasonable offers accepted. 306-782-2817, Yorkton, SK. S A S K ATO O N R V S U P E R S TO R E . C O M Phone 306-978-7253, Saskatoon, SK. 1999 PROWLER 31.5’ 5th wheel, full large slide, rear kitchen, AC, stored inside in winter, vg condition, $14,900 OBO. Can email pictures. 306-563-5099, Canora, SK. 2003 JAYCO DESIGNER, 32’ fifth wheel, 3 slides, AC, fantastic fan and more, like new condition. 403-593-8145, 403-795-9944, Lethbridge, AB.
2000 BOUNDER 34’ Class A motor home, Ford V10 chassis, living/dining slide, sleeps 6, loaded, $34,500. 306-692-1442, Moose Jaw, SK. 1995 GEORGIA BOY, 79,000 kms, loaded, 34’, Ford 460, vg condition, asking $21,000 OBO. 403-834-2152, Irvine, AB.
2009 HARLEY DAVIDSON Ultra loaded, 12000 km, stored inside climate controlled shop. Immaculate. 19,900. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake, SK. 2008 HD ULTRA Classic, black, low kms, extras, very nice. Phone 306-963-7693, Imperial, SK.
CERT. CDC McGWIRE hulless barley. CERT. UNITY VB, midge tolerant, high CERT. CDC BETHUNE flax. Fraser Farms, C a r l s o n S e e d 3 0 6 - 5 9 2 - 2 0 2 9 o r yield. We can deliver. Jeff 306-227-7867, 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. 306-592-4449, Buchanan, SK. Saskatoon, SK. Email CERTIFIED METCALFE, ROBUST. Terre CERT. GOODEVE VB, midge tolerant, CDC BETHUNE Fdn., Reg. and Cert. 2008 B o n n e S e e d s 3 0 6 - 7 5 2 - 4 8 1 0 , high yield, retail and wholesale prices. We a n d 2 0 1 0 c r o p . Te r r e B o n n e S e e d s can deliver. Phone Jeff 306-227-7867, 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. Saskatoon, SK. Email CERT. CDC SORREL, high quality 2009 CERT. #1 AC METCALFE, will wholesale. Redman Farms, Margo, SK. 306-324-4223, CERTIFIED, REGISTERED WASKADA, cer- production. Early booking and volume discounts. Northland Seeds Inc., Oscar or Lee tified ALVENA. Carlson Seed, Buchanan, 306-593-4881, 306-324-4235. 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. SK, 306-592-2029 or 306-592-4449. CERTIFIED, AC Metcalfe and CDC Copel a n d , 9 9 % g e r m . C a l l M & M S e e d s , WESTERN GRAIN has available in certified CDC SORREL FLAX, certified #1 bulk. seed: Wheat- Unity, Waskada, Sadash. GMO test negative. Fraser Agro Ltd. 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK. Barley- AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland. Flax- 306-745-3830, Yarbo, SK. REG., CERT. #1 CDC Copeland 2009 crop, CDC Sorrel. Book early! Ph. 306-445-4022 REG., CERT. CDC Bethune. Limited quan97% germ., 98% vigor. Call Andrew or email North tities 2009 crop, 98% germ.; 2010 crop, Battleford, SK. 306-742-4682, Calder, SK. 93% germ. Call Ken and Larry Trowell, STELLAR, TRADITION barley certified CERT. UNITY, midge resistant; Fdn., Reg. Saltcoats, SK, 306-744-2687. Cert. Elsa; Cert. Lillian sawfly resistant. #1, 6-row malt. Fraser Agro Ltd., REG, CERT. VIMY 99%; CDC Sorrel 97%; Pratchler Seed Farm, 306-682-3317, CDC Bethune 95%. GMO test negative. 306-745-3830, Yarbo, SK. Muenster, SK. Palmier Seed Farms 306-472-3722, LaAND CERTIFIED Waskada, fleche, SK. Contracting Malt Barley REGISTERED good fusarium resistance. Ken and Larry CERT. CDC SORREL, 95% germ, neg. Robust, Stellar, Lacey, Celebration Trowell, Saltcoats, SK, 306-744-2687. GMO, $22.50/bu. 2010 crop. Oxbow, SK. We buy Soybeans, Wheat, Barley & Oats REG., CERT. spring wheat: Waskada 99%; Phone 306-483-5052 or 306-483-8790. Unity-Waskada VB, midge resistant, 99%. Palmier Seed Farms 306-472-3722, Lafleche, SK.
PO Box 238 Letellier MB R0G 1C0 2006 HONDA VTX CRUISER, 10,000 1-800-258-7434 or miles, bright orange, lots of upgrades. 2002 CARDINAL 31.5’ 5th wheel, Arctic $6200 OBO. 306-921-7885, Star City, SK. 1-306-577-9424 package, 2 slides, every option avail, new 2007 KAWASAKI 1600 Nomad, titanium on condition, 306-383-2920, Quill Lake, SK. b l a c k , 8 7 5 0 k m s , a s n ew, $ 1 3 , 5 0 0 . CERTIFIED COPELAND and Cert. Metcalfe 2005 SPRINGDALE 29’ w/double slide 204-867-5568, Minnedosa, MB. b a r l e y. P r a t c h l e r S e e d F a r m , out, exc. cond. Asking $17,900. Saskatoon, 306-682-3317, Muenster, SK. SK. Phone 306-373-6629, 306-280-9899. 2007 KEYSTONE COUGAR 291RTL fifth PARTS FOR VINTAGE snowmobiles, 1985 wheel, 30’, sleeps 6, 2 slides, bathroom, and older. Call Don at 780-755-2258, shower, AC, furnace, awning, used twice, Wainwright, AB. like new condition, never smoked in, $26,000 OBO. 306-432-2068, Dysart, SK. PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 LIKE NEW!! 2008 Cherokee 295B fifth to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: Cereals, Peas, OUR G wheel, 30’, dual slides, 2 sets bunks in sep- 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. A Legumes, DS arate room, AC, TV, DVD, etc. Lots of storGrasses, age space and extras, asking $27,900. 306-529-6535, Lumsden, SK. Canola, Fall & Spring Rye, 8’ OKANOGAN TRUCK camper, for parts or AL A I TY OUR whole, 4 hyd. jacks, plus. $500. Call for Millet, CDC more info. 306-934-5806, Saskatoon, SK. Baler, Jordan
Forage Oat, Spring & Winter Triticale, Mustard, Very High Yielding Waskada, Superb, Barrie, Wheat, AC Morgan Oats, Canary Seed, Flax. CANOLA, Sunbeam; Wizzard; Foremost
ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup Box 267 and reduced golf fees. For information call Melfort, SK (306) 752-4060 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003. S0E 1A0 PARK MODEL IN 55+ park in Mesa, Arizona. New carpet, tiled floor and paint. All new furniture, window coverings inside and new sun protector coverings outside. 10x10 casita with closet, bed and new laminate floor. New 3x8 shed. New carpeting outside with large overhead metal canopy. Pictures available. 403-787-2437 or cell: 403-321-0665. For more details REG. AND CERT. CDC Trey 99%. Palmier email: Seed Farms 306-472-3722, Lafleche, SK.
2003 JAYCO DESIGNER Legacy 36’, 3 slides, excellent condition, tow hitch, solar equipped. Must sell due to health. 780-853-2451, Vermilion, AB. 2002 AMERI-LITE BY Gulf Stream. 24’ cabin trailer, SUV towable, sleeps 6, AC, stove, fridge, microwave, full bath, awni n g , o u t s i d e s h o w e r. $ 1 0 , 5 0 0 . 306-838-2126 or 306-463-8051 Smiley, SK. CAMPING 6 DAYS or 6 months, complete unit, just bring toothbrush. 1997 30’ fifth wheel, large slideout, AC, microwave, oven /stove, $11,000; 2001 Duramax 3/4 ton ext. cab, loaded, 134,000 kms, 6 spd. manual, new rubber, $14,900. 3500 watt SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumlight plant. All units extra clean. Pkg. price ber any dimension, anytime. Make money $25,400. 306-873-4486, Tisdale, SK. and save money. In stock, ready to ship. 2003 COUGAR 28.5’ fifth wheel, 2 slides, Starting at $1195. 1-800-566-6899 ext. every option available, new condition. 168. Phone 306-383-2920, Quill Lake, SK. WOOD-MIZER LT40 HYD. 25 HP, 12’ bed 24’ FLEETWOOD YUKON 5th wheel camper extensions, many extras, low hrs, $16,900. w/rear kitchen. Huge Farm-Construction- Delivered within 200 kms. 250-448-6112, RV Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 11, Peachland, BC. 2011, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, view eight models, options and accessories. Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 1-877-866-0667. Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
CERTIFIED SEEBE wholesale and retail. Phone 403-556-2609, Olds, AB. CERT. #1 CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, 99% germ. 0 smut. Lepps Seeds, 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK.
CERT., REG. BOYER; Cert., Reg. Jordan. Pratchler Seed Farm, 306-682-3317, Muenster, SK. AC MORGAN, JORDAN, fdn. Reg., cert. avail., 99% germ. Terre Bonne Seeds 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. CERT. #1 AC Morgan, 99% germ. Lepps Seeds, 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. EXCELLENT THREE YEAR old common oats, 97% germination. 306-272-4451, Foam Lake, SK.
COMMON SPRING RYE; Pedigreed Hazlet fall rye. Trawin Seeds 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK.
CERT. TYNDAL TRITICALE. Fraser Farms 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. CERTIFIED BUNKER TRITICALE, 97% germ., 0% fusarium. 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB.
CERTIFIED STELLAR and CELEBRATION malt barley seed. Wholesale and retail. We BUNKER, TYNDAL spring triticale; Fridge can deliver. Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, w i n t e r t r i t i c a l e . T r a w i n S e e d s 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. Saskatoon, SK, Email
CERT. CDC LEROY (forage), CDC Sage, SW Sargent (green), CDC Rocket (maple). Herle Seed Farm 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK CDC PATRICK green pea, Cert, Reg, Fdn. Color retention, standability, yield. This variety has it all. 98% germ. Phone Glenn Annand 306-354-7675, Mossbank, SK. CDC MEADOW and CUTLASS yellow, reg and cert.; Common green peas. All 2008 and 2009 crop, exc. Terre Bonne Seeds 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. CDC LEROY yellow pea, cert., reg., fdn. Small size for the forage or conventional market. Glenn Annand 306-354-7675, Mossbank, SK. WESTERN GRAIN certified seed available: CDC Meadow, CDC Prosper, CDC Striker, CDC Patrick. Other varieties by request. 306-445-4022, 306-441-6699, North Battleford, SK. CDC PATRICK CERT. #1 green peas. Fraser Agro Ltd., 306-745-3830, Yarbo, SK.
Registered,C ertified,high germ ,very low disease,high vigor,very im portant for cold grou nd seeding,very good color retention.
GREGOIRE SEED FARM S 3 06-4 4 1 -7 8 51 or 3 06-4 4 5-551 6 CDC MEADOW cert. #1, 2009 crop, 97% germ.; CDC Golden cert. #1, 2009 crop, 97% germ.; CDC Striker cert., 2009 crop, 95% germ. 204-534-8370, Boissevain, MB.
GrainEx International Ltd.
AC UNITY VB, SHAW VB, Splendor CDC Osler, Fdn., Reg. and Cert. available. 0 fusarium, excellent quality. Terre Bonne Seeds 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. REGISTERED AND CERTIFIED CDC Go wheat. Wholesale and retail. Phone 403-556-2609, Olds, AB. CERT. #1 AC Barrie, AC Elsa, Waskada, Unity VB, 99% germ. Lepps Seeds, 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK.
TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.
CERTIFIED BEAVER, excellent purity and germination, wholesale inquiries welcome. Phone 403-793-1705, Brooks, AB area. CERTIFIED #1 ALGONQUIN, 97% germ., $2.50/lb, $2.40/lb. for mini bulks. Rob CERTIFIED COPELAND. Hansen Seeds 306-759-2700, Phil 306-759-2076. Eye306-465-2525, cell 306-861-5679, Yellow brow, SK. Grass, SK. CERT. ALFALFAS AND GRASSES, free CERT. AC METCALFE, CDC Copeland, delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, both high quality 2009 production. Early MB, 1-888-204-1000. booking and volume discounts. Northland Seeds Inc., Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, COMPLETE LINE OF forage seeds from alfalfa and clovers to all kinds of grasses as Margo, SK. well as custom blends. We have 30 yrs. of CERTIFIED #1 LEGACY, Tradition. Fenton experience with fast friendly service. 1-877-781-8189, Alexander, MB. Seeds, Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5438.
2008 SEA-DOO GTI SE, 155 HP, 19 hrs., 2011 Yacht Club trailer included in price, $9500. Call: 306-652-7972, Saskatoon, SK. 10x16 NORAC AXLE Scale, w/Autoweigh program, $12,000. 306-536-1540, Maple REG. AND CERT. Kyle 99%. Palmier Seed Creek, SK. Farms 306-472-3722, Lafleche, SK. ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different 2005 YAMAHA ELECTRIC, 2006 Yamaha ways to weigh bales and livestock; Plat- CERT. STRONGFIELD durum, 94% germ., gas. Both like new. Probably hasn’t burnt form scales for industrial use as well, non- $10.50/bu.; REG CERT KYLE durum, 96% a full tank. No time. $3,900 each or take electric, no balances or cables (no weigh germ., $9.75/bu. Both 2009 crops. Oxbow, SK. Phone 306-483-5052, 306-483-8790. your pick. 306-577-8462, Kenosee Lake SK like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. 2006 CLUB CAR elec. golf car, new batteries 2009, headlights, horn, brake and signal lights, chipped to 19 mph, ball/club CERTIFIED JORDAN OATS. Call Jeff washer, cooler, canopy, split windshield, 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. Email charger, $4500. Larry 306-862-9252, pawin, SK. JORDAN, CERTIFIED #1 oats, 97% germ. Doug Stoll 306-493-2534 Delisle SK. SELLING: 2009 DYNASTY BY VANITY, IH diesel motor, Allison trans. 14,700 kms. Would consider 25 yr. or older motorhome as partial payment. Turtle Lake, SK. 306-845-3312, 306-845-8130. 1955 GMC GREYHOUND bus conversion, good running condition, new 1100x22.5 radials. Professionally built interior. Full bathroom. Twin beds. New carpeting. 3-seater sofa/double bed, 2 rockers, 12/110 volt digital TV. New windshield, CB. Call 204-269-3903, Winnipeg, MB. 2007 PLEASUREWAY, 27,950 kms, loaded, g e n e r at o r, $ 5 9 , 9 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 5 4 5 - 5 0 4 0 , 306-332-3772, Sask 1996 35’ GEORGIE BOY CM 454 Chev, 30,948 miles, vg int., back-up camera, air, fiberglass ext., 5 KW gen., good tires, $19,000 OBO. 306-682-3062 Humboldt SK. 2005 FLEETWOOD Bounder motorhome 38’, 300 Cat eng., Allison trans., Freightliner chassis, 3 slide-outs, exc. cond., asking $110,000. Ph. 306-862-9252, Nipawin, SK. 2008 MONACO KNIGHT 42’, 11,000 miles, Cummins dsl., 2 baths/tub, washer/dryer, outside entertainment center, generator, full body paint, 5 year warranty, mint condition $175,000 (New $254,000. No GST. Call 403-783-8533 or 403-318-5400, Ponoka, AB.
CERT. #1 UNITY; Cert., Reg. #1 Alvena, 97% germ.; Reg., Cert. #1 Barrie, 97% germ. Andrew, 306-742-4682, Calder, SK. CDC MAXIM CL RED LENTILS, Fdn, Certified, very good standability, LILLIAN HRSW, certified or registered, Reg., yield, retail and wholesale. We can germ. 96%, sawfly resistant. Phone Glenn high deliver. Call Jeff 306-227-7867, SaskaAnnand 306-354-7675, Mossbank, SK. toon, SK. Email REG. AND CERT. CDC Teal. Fenton Seeds, CERTIFIED CDC KR-1 RED LENTIL. 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. Largest red lentil. Its called King Red. ProSTRONGFIELD DURUM, cert. or reg., duction contracts available. We can delivgerm. 93%, no fusarium, 2009 crop. Glenn er. Call Jeff 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. Email Annand 306-354-7675, Mossbank, SK. CERTIFIED UNITY, Midge resistant, Stet- CERT. CDC QG-1 This is called the tler, Sadash. Greenshields Seeds, Semans, Queen Green lentil. Production contracts available. Can deliver. Jeff 306-227-7867, SK, 306-524-2155 (w), 306-524-4339 (h). Saskatoon, SK. Email CERTIFIED SADASH soft white wheat seed, 86% germination. 306-365-8386, 306-365-4212, Guernsey, SK.
CERT. CDC SAGE, CDC Golden. All high quality 2009 production. Early booking and volume discounts. Northland Seeds Inc., Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. APPROX. 375 BUSHELS Foundation Patrick peas, 91% germ. 306-257-3638, Elstow, SK.
LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: CERTIFIED CDC MAXIM CL Clearfield red, CDC Improve CL Clearfield large green, CDC Greenland conventional large green Seed treating avail. VISA and MASTERCARD accepted. All information avail. at or call Jim 306-731-2843, Lutzer Latrace Seed Farms, Lumsden, SK. REG., CERT. CDC Maxim CL lentils; Fdn., Cert. CDC Redberry lentils. Craswell Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. CERT. CDC MAXIM Clearfield red lentils, cert. CDC Greenland. Fraser Farms 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK.
CERTIFIED CANTATE. Highest yielding canary seed. Hansen Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK, 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679. Hetland Seeds, Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694. Walker Seeds, Tisdale, SK, 306-873-3777. CERTIFIED KEET CANARY seed. Craswell Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. CERT. CDC TOGO, itchless, very good quality. Herle Seed Farm 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK.
CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types of mustard for seed or processing. Color sorting available. Also looking for low g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB. CERT. CUTLASS ORIENTAL and yellow available in mini bulk or 25 kg bags. Bailey Brothers Seeds 306-935-4702, Milden, SK. CERT. ANDANTE YELLOW Mustard and Certified Centennial Brown Mustard. Greenshields Seeds, 306-524-2155 (w), 306-524-4339 (h), Semans, SK.
Registered and C ertified GREGOIRE SEED FARM S 3 06-4 4 1 -7 8 51 or 3 06-4 4 5-551 6
QUINOA limited production contracts REG., CERT. CDC MAXIM, Impala, Im- available on areas near or north of Hwy. COMPLETE LINE OF forage seeds from al- press, Sundry barley, Morgan oats. Phone #16. Northern Quinoa, Kamsack, SK. falfa and clovers to all kinds of grasses as 306-693-2626, Caronport, SK. Phone 306-542-3949. well as custom blends. We have 30 yrs. of experience with fast friendly service. CERT. CDC MAXIM CL, new CDC Imax Samples Welcome In The Mail For Grading CL red lentils. Herle Seed Farm 1-877-781-8189, Alexander, MB. 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. We are looking for CERTIFIED, REG., FOUNDATION #1 CDC Impala Clearfield Lentils. Excellent quality. all grades of Lentil, COMPLETE LINE OF forage seeds from al- Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK, 306-873-5438. falfa and clovers to all kinds of grasses as Green & Yellow Peas, well as custom blends. We have 30 yrs. of LARGE GREEN LENTILS: reg., cert. CDC Canary experience with fast friendly service. Greenland 99%, Clearfield Improve 98%. Small red lentils: reg., cert. Clearfield CDC 1-877-781-8189, Alexander, MB. Impala 99%, CDC Maxim 96%. Palmier Seed Farms 306-472-3722, Lafleche, SK. Grain Drying Available CERTIFIED CLEARFIELD LENTILS, Impact Contact Helena Blaser Box 339, Cupar, SK S0G 0Y0 CERTIFIED #1 CARLTON brome. Fenton Small Red and Imvincible Small Green. Very nice, high germ., no disease. Call Don Phone: 306-723-4949 Seeds, Tisdale, SK, 306-873-5438. Schmeling, 306-530-1052, Riceton, SK. Fax: 306-723-4656 TOLL FREE: 1-877-438-7712 REGISTERED GREENLAND, 2009 crop, zero disease. Bailey Brothers Seeds, CORIANDER SEED FOR SALE. Phone 306-935-4702, Milden, SK. 306-433-4700 or 306-536-2463 (cell), CDC MAXIM CL RED LENTILS, registered Creelman, SK. and certified FOB. Hepburn, SK. Email POLISH CANOLA, CERTIFIED NOI AC Sun- k d s e e d s @ g m a i l . c o m o r c a l l Ke v i n beam. For more details phone Seidle Seed 604-607-4953 or 306-290-1083. Farm, 306-342-4377 or 306-342-4497, Medstead, SK. CERTIFIED CDC MAXIM, 95%. Hansen Yellow Grass, SK. 306-465-2525 or PEDIGREED AC SUNBEAM; ACS-C7; also Seeds, Wizzard, Foremost (Argentine). Trawin 306-861-5679. Seeds 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. COMMON HARD RED SPRING WHEAT, 98% germination. 403-575-2135, Veteran, CERT. #1 RUGBY RR canola, highest yieldAB. ing OP, $3.99/lb. with Helix. Redman CDC PATRICK GREEN PEA, Fdn., Reg., F a r m s , M a r g o , S K . 3 0 6 - 3 2 4 - 4 2 2 3 , Certified, very good standability and green EXCELLENT FORAGE OAT SEED, 97% retention, new variety. Can deliver. Call germ., grown from certified seed. Randy 306-593-4881, 306-324-4235. Jeff 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. Email Smith 403-575-2165, Coronation, AB. CERT. EAGLE CONVENTIONAL and CERT. NEWER VARIETY of forage barley, 92% RUGBY, Roundup Ready. Pratchler Seeds, CDC MEADOW YELLOW PEA, Fdn., Reg, germ, 48 lbs./bu., excellent for silage or 306-682-3317, 306-682-2983 Muenster SK Cert., vg standability, high yield, retail and baling. Wayne Crawford 306-473-2766, CERTIFIED FOREMOST conventional, Wiz- wholesale. Can deliver. Jeff 306-227-7867, 306-640-7930, Willow Bunch, SK. zard conventional, Rugby Round-up ready, Saskatoon, SK. Email COMMON OAT SEED, high germination Canterra canola varieties. Greenshields Seeds, Semans, SK, 306-524-2155 (w), CERT. CDC MEADOW yellow field peas, and vigor, $5.50/bu. 306-861-6866 or 96%. Palmier Seed Farms 306-472-3722, 306-861-0722, Weyburn, SK. 306-524-4339 (h). Lafleche, SK. CLEANED HIGH YIELDING, dual purHYBRID AND OPEN-POLLINATED canola varieties at great prices. Fenton Seeds, CERTIFIED MEADOW, Tucker forage peas, pose soft white wheat. Lab tested, 93% Treasure, Prosper and Patrick. Green- germination and very low disease. Price 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. s h i e l d s S e e d s , S e m a n s , S K , p h o n e negotiable with amount purchased. Call 306-846-2218, Dinsmore, SK. 306-524-2155 (w), 306-524-4339 (h). C E R T I F I E D # 1 C D C M e a d o w ; C D C 6-ROW SMOOTH AWN malting variety, CDC BETHUNE FLAX, bulk, certified, Prosper; CDC Bronco; CDC Acer (Maple); cleaned seed barley, lab tested 99% good germ. Bergstrom Farms Ltd, Birsay, Camry (Green) CDC April. Fenton Seeds, germ, 52 lbs/bu., 2009 crop, $6.75/bu. Call 306-233-4721 eves, Wakaw, SK. Tisdale, SK, 306-873-5438. SK. Randy 306-573-4625. Scale on farm.
SEED OATS GROWN in 2009, vg quality, 99% germ. and 98% vigor. 306-327-4550, 306-338-3586, Kelvington, SK. OATS SEED FOR Sale, 99% germination, 0% fusarium, 0% wild oats, good seed or green feed variety. 403-634-1069, Vauxhall, AB. FORAGE OATS AND forage barley seed, cleaned, germination tested, excellent for silage, green feed and swath grazing. 306-677-2507, Hodgeville, SK.
COMMON #1 GRASSES, legumes, blends. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. CUSTOM SEED CLEANING of all forage and grass seeds. 30 years experience. 1-877-781-8189, near Alexander, MB.
ALFALFA SEED and Meadow Brome seed, certified and common alfalfa and common #1 Meadow Brome. Excellent purity and germ. Phone 403-793-1705, Brooks, AB. Y E L L O W B L O S S O M S W E E T C L OVE R , cleaned and bagged. 306-652-7095, 306-961-7122, Borden, SK. FULL LINE OF forage seeds. Phone Tom, W i l l i a m s o n ’ s S e e d s , Pa m b r u n , S K . 306-582-6009.
CONVENTIONAL ARGENTINE CANOLA, 99% germ., 95% vigor. Battleford, SK. Phone 1-877-312-2839. GOLDEN FLAX SEED, bulk or totes. Melville, SK, phone 306-728-3135.
CLEARFIELD RED LENTILS new variety, high germ. We can deliver. Call Jeff, 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. Email WA N T E D : K A B U L I C H I C K P E A feed grade with up to 40% green and damaged, Delivery May/June. Tom Cowell, Paterson Grain, 204-926-9593, Winnipeg, MB. CLEANED CLEARFIELD RED LENTIL SEED, 92% germ. Phone 306-631-8308 or 306-631-0762, Moose Jaw, SK. CLEARFIELD EXTRA SMALL Red Lentils 99% germ., 98% vigor, disease free, .28¢/lb. bin run. Call Bruce 306-831-7903, Zealandia, SK. #1 RED LENTIL SEED, cleaned, 2009 crop, seed analysis avail., 40¢/lb., approx. 800 bu. 403-340-9019, Lucky Lake, SK. RED CLEARFIELD LENTIL, 91% germ. Call Doug 780-608-5413, Daysland, AB.
TAP AND CREEPING ROOT, excellent quality. Ph 306-865-6603, Hudson Bay, SK. ALFALFAS/ CLOVERS/ GRASSES, hay blends and pasture blends. Custom blends no charge. Free delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB, 1-888-204-1000. Visit us at COMMON #1 ALFALFA, tap root, high germination. 306-682-4362, Humboldt, SK.
LESS FUSARIUM more bottom line, wheat seed avail. early booking discounts. Suitable for ethanol production and livestock feed. Western Feed Grain Development Co-op Ltd., 1-877-250-1552, Funding provided by Co-operative Promotion Board. Website
ALFALFA SEED, cleaned, inoculated and bagged; Also grass seed. 204-858-2482, Deleau, MB. COMPLETE LINE OF forage seeds from alfalfa and clovers to all kinds of grasses as well as custom blends. We have 30 yrs. of experience with fast friendly service. 1-877-781-8189, Alexander, MB. CORN SEED, $25/ACRE, open pollinated varieties, lower N required, early 22502350 CHU’s, 7- 9’ tall, high yield and nutrition, for silage, grazing and grain. Austin, MB, 204-723-2831. Delivery available. AUCTION: EIGHTY bags of Alfalfa. Call Hodgins Auctioneers for more info. 1-800-667-2075. PL #915407.
MILLET SEED, germination approved, 40¢/lb. 306-783-5080, Yorkton, SK.
Tra din g In c.
W e a re cu rren tly b u yin g...
Co m petitive Price Pro m ptPa ym en t Alw a ys Co n fid en tia l
Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666
PROMPT PAYMENT! 1.877.695.6461 “ In Business To Serve Western Farmers”
Stan Yaskiw, Birtle, MB, 1-866-290-7113. LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. BuyWHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? ers and sellers of all types of feed grain You are selling feed grains. We are and grain by-products. 403-225-4679, Calbuying feed grains. Fast payment, with gary, AB. 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK. prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness or Dave Lea at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. All Grades Email
Now Buying Oats!
FARMERS, RANCHERS SEED PROCESSORS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED
WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Wheat, Barley, Oats, Green & damaged
1-877-641-2798 WHITE MILLING OATS, one year out of certification, grown in 2008, 95% germ., 95% vigor, good bushel weight, $4.75/bu. 306-744-2407, Bredenbury, SK. WANTED: BUYING ALL grades of oats. Send sample to Newco Grain Ltd., Box 717, Coaldale, AB., T1M 1M6. Call 1-800-661-2312.
w w na dia nh a ya ndsila ALFALFA/ BROME 5x6 bales, 2010 and 2009 crop, no rain, exc. hay for horses Phone 306-374-0256, Saskatoon, SK. FIRST CUT ALFALFA brome mix round bales, little to no rain, $30/bale. 306-867-8515, Outlook, SK.
barley wanted
Timothy. 204-534-7843, Kilarney, MB. L A R G E RO U N D M I X E D h ay fo r s a l e , $25/bale. Phone: 204-649-2222, Pierson, MB. LARGE QUANTITY of large mixed hay bales, net wrapped, can deliver. Phone 306-764-7920, Prince Albert, SK. 2500 ALFALFA/GRASS ROUND bales. $40 ea. 306-796-4774, Central Butte, SK.
Competitive Rates
4500 SMALL SQUARE BALES, mostly brome, some alfalfa, good horse hay. Various prices on selection and quantity. Will trade for livestock. Phone 306-477-4118, 306-290-4789, Saskatoon, SK. 200 1ST CUT ALFALFA BALES, (1600 lb), hard core. Complete analysis available. $39/bale. Located 20 miles SE of Saskatoon. 1-800-667-4515 day, 306-257-3519 home, 306-221-3800 cell. Ask for Charlie. FEED BARLEY, WHEAT, 500 GOOD ROUND BALES, approx. 1400 lb. RYE, TRITICALE and little/no rain, alfalfa, alfalfa/brome, $30 ALL TYPES OF SCREENINGS! per bale loaded. 306-656-4541, Harris, SK. Also AGENTS for Chickpeas, ALFALFA/ GRASS MIX bales, 1500 lb. 5x6 Lentils, Field Peas hard core. 2010 crop, $35/bale. 2009$30/bale. 306-394-4407, Mossbank, SK. COMPETITIVE! PROMPT PAYMENT! Swift Current, SK ALFALFA HARD CORE round bales, net Toll Free: 1-877-360-0727 wrap, approx. 1500 lbs., loading and truckE-Mail: ing available. Standing alfalfa, by the lb. or share. Ph or fax 306-228-3727, Unity SK 350 LARGE ROUND 2nd cut alfalfa bales, no rain; 100 large round wheat straw CGC Licensed & Bonded bales, no rain. 306-232-4985, Rosthern, SK EXCELLENT FEED, 500 alfalfa large round hard core crimped 1500 lb. bales. 18% 58.75% TDN, $30/bale. Trucking NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently protein, purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and available. Ph 306-631-8881, Brownlee, SK. milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. 800 HARD CORE Alfalfa bales, 1500 lbs., $33 for some, $23 for others. 306-436-4526, Milestone, SK. SMALL SQUARE BALES, alfalfa/grass, good B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds quality, sheltered, $3 to $4.50 per bale. Phone 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. CG C licensed and bonded CHEAP ORGANIC HAY: 600 round bales, Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7 John Su therla nd crested wheat/brome/alfalfa, 1¢/lb. or $14/bale. 306-834-2085, Kerrobert, SK.
FLY-IN FISHING AND BEAR HUNTING lodge, 72 miles NE of Buffalo Narrows, SK, turnkey operation. If you have always wanted your own outfitting business this is the one for you. Owner financing available. 306-867-8068. OUTFITTING CAMP FOR SALE, Zone 62: 16 bear, 23 white-tailed deer, 8 moose tags, 1 out-camp, incl. log cabins, pontoon boat, stands, diesel generator, etc. Located in northern Sask. Serious inquiries only. 306-547-5524, Preeceville, SK. FLY-IN FISHING OUTFITTER leases for sale in northern Sask. Call Allan 306-278-7159. Serious enquiries only. OUTFITTING BUSINESS for sale in northwest Alberta. Deer, moose, elk and bear. Will sell complete or separate and help you get starter. 780-221-4868. UNLIMITED BEAR HUNTING Allocation for sale. Zone #70 NE Saskatchewan, km 198 Hanson Lake Road, Deschambault Lake. Turnkey operation, 4 cabins, storage structures, generators, Argo, ATV(s) and 4x4 truck. Call 204-745-3544, Carman, MB
Prompt Payment Dave Koehn: 403-546-0060 Linden, AB
B uying Feed G rain
Fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n c a ll u s :
1-6 04-3 9 2-1000
Netw ra p - 67 ’’startin g at$215 64’’startin g at$210 8000ft.rollsalso available! Sila ge B a lew ra p - startin g at$84
LIGHT/TOUGH FEEDGRAINS BUYING SOLUTIONS for canola problems! Milligan Bio-Tech, a licensed and bonded buyer, looking for non-food grade canola. Call Rob at 1-866-388-6284 or visit
1000 BALES, 1400 lbs. round alfalfa, fair quality, some rain, RM of Chesterfield COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR waterfowl hunt#261, $30/bale. Call Aaron 403-565-2288 ing. 14.5’ V-neck trailer, goose and duck or 403-581-1614, Empress, AB decoys, blinds, robo ducks, plus more. E arly Book ing Program ! 306-586-8900, Regina, SK.
“30 Years!” FEED GRAINS WANTED: Wheat, Barley ORGANIC RFV 100 Hay, early cut. No and Durum; Also Oats, Peas and Flax. PreLacom be AB. mium prices, FOB farm. Prompt payment. foxtail barley. Tarped. Red Clover, alfalfa,
CLEARFIELD RED LENTIL, 35¢/lb., 96% germ. Phone 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679, Yellow Grass, SK. NEW SEED TREATMENT product for sale. Call for details at 306-542-7639 Kamsack, SK.
#1 COMMON ALFALFA, #1 common creeping alfalfa all cleaned, inoculated; #1 cert. Carlton bromegrass, cleaned. Available in Fairview and/or Fort Vermilion, AB. 780-841-1496. HAIRY VETCH SEED, excellent forage, cover crop, plow down, $1.85/lb. Murray Farms Inc., Decker, MB 204-764-0366. CERTIFIED AND COMMON #1 grasses, alfalfa, clover, etc. excellent purity and quality. Reasonable prices and delivery options. Richard Walcer, 306-752-3983 anytime Melfort, SK. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK.
A lso b uying dam ag ed or offg rade b arley, w heat etc.
BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS COMMON YELLOW MUSTARD, 95% germ., very clean, bagged, 90¢ per pound. 306-273-4235, Yorkton, SK. YELLOW MUSTARD SEED, newer variety, 85¢/lb. Young, SK. Phone 306-259-4982 or 306-259-2055.
HYBRID AND MEADOW Bromegrass, winter hardy Orchardgrass, cleaned and bagged. Grower direct pricing. Fisher Branch, MB. 204-372-6720, 204-372-8507. COMMON YELLOW CLOVER, cleaned, 94% germination, $1.60/lb. 306-477-4040, Saskatoon, SK. CLEANED COMMON ALFALFA seed, good germination, very reasonable price for bulk purchase, approx. 25,000 lbs. available. 306-873-7555, Tisdale, SK.
MILLET SEED: German Golden Foxtail.; Red Proso; Crown Proso. All cleaned and bagged. Excellent producers in swath graze, silage or bale. Call Greg Tanner, 306-457-2816, Stoughton, SK. ORGANIC & CONVENTIONAL sweet clover, red clover, alfalfa, meadow brome, smooth brome, crested wheat, timothy and others, free delivery & blending. Birch Rose Acres Ltd., 306-863-2900, Star City, SK.
ALFALFA/GRASS large round bales, net wrapped. 306-456-2596, 306-861-6849, Tribune, SK SOLID CORE ROUND, small square: alfalfa, alfalfa grass, green feed, grass, straw. Delivered. 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. ROUND HAY BALES: 100 green Timothy mix- no rain; 150 with some rain. Phone 780-258-0095, Smoky Lake, AB. ALFALFA BALES, round, hard core, 1500 lbs. Call 306-426-2772, Meath Park, SK. FIRST CUT LARGE ROUND alfalfa, brome a n d T i m o t h y, $ 4 0 / b a l e , n o r a i n . 780-902-2108, Edmonton, AB. HAY FOR SALE, 2000 large 4x4 sq. alfalfa bales, $40/ton, trucking can be arranged. 306-457-2935 evenings, Stoughton, SK. ALFALFA GRASS/ ALFALFA hard core round bales, 1000 lbs., $20 and under. 306-726-4569, Southey, SK. 5 QUARTERS OF standing alfalfa hay, all in one block. 306-370-8897, Delisle, SK. ROUND GREEN OAT bales, approx. 1500 lbs., baled in late fall 2010, green with good kernel, $35/ton. 306-784-2786, Herbert, SK. 1200 ALFALFA ROUND bales, 2009 and 2010 crop for sale. Call 306-544-2793, Hanley, SK. ALFALFA HAY ROUND bales. Good quality. $35 to $50 per bale. West central Sask. Email: or phone 306-753-3330, Macklin, SK. 600 ALFALFA BALES, 1600 lbs., no rain, $50/bale. 306-963-2649, Stalwart, SK. Email
GRAIN MARKETING HEADQUARTERS Wanted: All grains in any condition. On farm pricing. Quick payment assured. 46+ lb., competitive prices Double Z Ag Sales, Weyburn, SK. 306-842-2406. 1 hour east of Saskatoon WANTED: FEED GRAIN, all types of baron Hwy. #16 ley, wheat, oats, peas, etc. Prompt payPhone 306-944-4545 ment. Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. Goldenhill WANTED FEED/ OFF-GRADE LENTILS or pulses and other heated, tough grains Cattle Company Ltd. or screenings. Prairie Wide Grain, 306Viscount, SK 230-8101, 306-716-2297, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED: FEED BARLEY, 48 lbs. plus. SUPER OAT, CDC S0-I, processing not nec- 500 BALES WHEAT STRAW, JD 568, net Phone Larry Hagerty 306-345-2523, Stony essary, 38 lbs. per bu. weight, 7000 bu. wrapped; 60 bales of oat straw. Phone Call: 306-825-3245, Lloydminster, SK. Beach, SK. 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK.
STANDING FORAGE 100 ac. of cattleman’s mix hay and 600 ac. alfalfa. Ph/fax: 306-228-3727, Unity, SK. ALFALFA SQUARE HAY bales, premium quality, $5.00 each. Certified organic. 306-335-2280, Lemberg, SK. E X C E L L E N T H O R S E H AY r o u n d a n d squares and some straw. Call Ken Qualman 306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK. 200 ROUND HARD CORE alfalfa brome hay bales, near Duck Lake, SK, no rain, excellent quality, $35/bale. 306-291-0334. ALFALFA/BROME HAY, 4x8 square, avg. 1600 lbs., feed test available, no rain, tarped. Contact Jim, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK, days: 306-332-6221, night: 306-332-3955. WE DELIVER - bale picking and hauling, 100 alfalfa brome mixed bales, JD net wrapped. 403-590-1512, 306-360-7950, Leroy, SK. SECOND CUT ALFALFA, high quality, RFV142, protein 19%; 430 hard core round bales. Call 306-283-4340, 306-222-0170, Langham, SK. ALFALFA HAY BALES for sale, baled with John Deere hard core baler, surface wrap. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. SMALL SQUARE BALES for sale. Horse quality. Straight grass or grass mix. 306-221-0734, Dundurn, SK. 700 ALFALFA CRESTED wheat and alfalfa round bales, $20/bale Ph. 403-664-3762, 780-910-2547, Oyen, AB. LARGE ROUND BROMEGRASS hay bales, approx. 1200 lbs., price negotiable. 1-877-781-8189, near Alexander, MB. TOP QUALITY ALFALFA/BROME; 2nd cut alfalfa; Certified organic. 1500+ lbs. 306-747-2751, Shellbrook, SK. GOOD QUALITY HAY, AB and BC, big rounds. Call for delivery prices. 403-758-3041, Magrath, AB. 350 ROUND ALFALFA bales, fair condition, $12/ton. Liberty, SK. 306-847-2112 or 306-567-7830. 74 ALFALFA GRASS bales, little rain, approx. 1400 lbs., $40/ton. 306-784-7686, Herbert, SK. 300 BROME ALFALFA round bales, $15 each. Phone 306-656-4507, Tessier, SK.
UÊ L ÛiÊ}À Õ `ÊEÊLi ÜÊ}À Õ ` UÊ-iVÌ > Ê ` À Sizes from 150 gallons to 10,000. Ask us about our easy burial “drop and go” 1000 gallon tanks. 3423 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK
1-306-244-6911 WATER TANKS- Rain barrels, storage tanks and transport tanks, from 35 gal. up to 8300 gal. Starting at $99. Visit your n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e t o d ay o r c a l l 1-888-435-2626, 35,000 GALLON SS upright TANK, mfg. 2002, $25,000 OBO. 306-720-9500, Melville, SK. Email 850 GALLON WATER tank w/trailer on 6 wheels w/pump out motor, $1200. Phone 306-256-7020, Cudworth, SK. POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gallons; Bladder tanks from 220 to 88,000 gal; Water and liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and double wall; Truck and storage, gas or dsl. Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK.
Be Rea d y fo r S prin g! SIDE-ROLL TARP SALE Michel’s Industries & Shur-Lok (Com plete S ys tem s & Parts )
Repla cem en t Ta rps fo r a ll m a k es o f S id e-Ro ll S ys tem s
COMMON #1 OAT seed, 99% germ. Lepps Seeds, 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. SEED OATS, $5.50/BU., good germ.; also 6 r ow s e e d b a r l ey, $ 6 . 5 0 / b u . M u r r ay 306-323-4625, Rose Valley, SK. BEARDLESS TRITICALE SEED, 96% germination, 95% vigour. Phone 403-379-3960 Bindloss, AB.
COMMON #1 Meadow Brome, smooth brome, Timothy, crested wheat, Yellow clover, Cicer Milkvetch, Cert. Beaver alfalfa, Cert. Rambler alfalfa. Grower Direct. Blending and delivery available. Priced to sell. Siklenka Seeds, 306-342-4290, 306-342-2189, Glaslyn, SK. HAY BLENDS AND PASTURE BLENDS, no charge custom blends. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB. Free delivery. Call toll free 1-888-204-1000, or visit us at SAINFOIN SEED for hay and grazing. Yield similar to alfalfa but non-bloat, $1.25/lb. Organic or conv. 306-224-2090 Kipling, SK
M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712
Western Commodities Inc.
Toll Free 1-888-226-8277 Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd 618 – 51st Street East Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 7K3 Ph: (306) 933 - 2343 Fax: (306) 931- 1003 TOLL FREE: 1-888-226-8277 Website: Email:
S P R I N G T R I T I C A L E SEED for sale. Cleaned, good germination, $5.50/bu; Also, Perennial Rye seed, $6.50/bu. 306-466-4588, Shellbrook, SK. SPRING RYE SEED, cleaned, ready to go. 306-220-7469 or 306-374-0136 leave message, Aberdeen, SK. COMMON SEED OATS, good germination, bin run, $4.40/bu. 306-436-4526, Milestone, SK.
CERISE RED PROSO COMMON MILLET seed, $0.40/lb., 90% + germ., 0% Fusarium Graminearum, makes great cattle feed, swath grazed, silage, dry and silage bales, drought tolerant, very high in protein and energy, delivered in 50 lb. bags at nearest points in SK. and AB. Call Reynald at Millet King Seed of Canada Inc., St. Claude, MB., 204-379-2987, 204-526-2719, leave msg, all calls returned. 2000+ satisfied producers. Visit Email:
NEW SEED TREATMENT product for sale. Call for details at 306-542-7639, Kamsack, SK. COMMON OAT SEED, 90% germ, 88% vigor before cleaning, bin run $3.85/bu., could be cleaned. 306-594-2454, Norquay, SK. SEED OATS FOR Sale, cleaned, 99% germ, 2008 production, $5.50/bu. Call Don Sanderson, Rosetown, SK. 306-882-3317. COMMON CPS WHEAT 94% germ., 98% vigor. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB.
SWEET CLOVER, Red Clover, alfalfa, grasses, pasture/hay blends. Free delivery. Birch Rose Acres Ltd., 306-863-2900, Star City, SK.
OAT S 2 0 0 8 c r o p y e a r, 9 2 % g e r m . , $5.50/bushel. Call Doug 780-608-5413, Daysland, AB. SEED OATS, 98% germ, bin run or cleaned. 306-699-2481, Qu’Appelle, SK.
Repa ir S ervice To All In d u s tria l Fa b ric Pro d u cts
SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK.
LOAD, LUMBER and STEEL TARPS, cover ROUND ALFALFA/MIXED hay, minimal 53’ trailers for sale. Phone 780-826-7372, rain, vg cond., priced to sell. Shellbrook, Iron River, AB. SK, 306-466-2169, 306-747-7137. TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain BAG CLOSING REPAIRS. We repair trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. Fischbein, Union Special, Taylor scales, Howe Richardson, express scales. Call 1-800-667-6924, LMC Canada, Saskatoon. PEARSON SADDLE STITCHER, with FLOATER TIRES for high clearance sprayb o b b i n w i n d e r , g o o d s h a p e . er, four 20.8x38, $8500 for all; Four 750x65x26 tires, $13,000. 204-766-2643. 403-549-2144, Stavely, AB.
We’ve got ‘em all. New, used and retreads. Call us, you’ll be glad you did!
4 UNUSED 14x24.00 grader tires, $2000. 780-918-8578, Sherwood Park, AB. NEW TIRES AND RIMS Four 20.8x38 tires with new rims $9500. Fits JD 4830 s p r a y e r s . Tr a d e s a c c e p t e d . 1-800-667-4515. FOUR 710/70R42 tires, approximately 25% tread left, $400 each. Phone 780-205-8122, Lloydminster, SK.
1-877-814-8473. AG-VENTURE TOURS designed for farmers to Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Brazil, Chile, A r g e n t i n a , Pe r u , G a l ap a g o s . P h . 519-633-2390
Winnipeg, MB.
Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM. GOOD SELECTION OF USED TIRES. 16315/80Rx22.5 caps grips and smooths, large, like new on 10 stud budd rims, $155/ea OBO; Four 10:00x22 Firestone 12 ply bias ply on Dayton rims, $110/ea OBO; 13- 11:00x20 12 ply bias, 45% to 70% remaining on tread, $90 to $175 each; 20395-85R-20 Michelin XZL 16 ply and 18 ply, $175 to $250 ea. OBO; 25- 14:00x20R Michelin XZL and Michelin XL 18 ply, $175 to $275 OBO; One 10:00R15 TR 18 ply (tube type) Bridgestone, new cap, $175 OBO. Good selection 325/85R16 Michelin XML 8 ply, $100 to $200/ea.; Good selection 9:00x16R XL, 8 ply, $50 to $125 ea; Good selection of 6:50x16R XCL 10 ply. 780-499-4639 leave message or fax 780-963-4496, Edmonton, AB. TWO 12.4-28 FIRESTONE tires and rims off Apache sprayer, like new, $780 both; One Firestone 18.4R-46 tire- 75%, $950. 306-746-7246, Raymore, SK. SET OF 8 used TRELLEBORG 700/65-38 tires. Phone 780-349-1221, Westlock, AB. FOUR 710x38 on JD 12 hole rail rims, $5000 OBO. 403-704-3509 no Sunday calls, Ponoka, AB. 10 BOLT RIMS and tires for Steiger or Case/IH. Matching 60% 20.8X38 Armstrong tires. Includes 8 rims and tires. $4900. 403-396-1794, Alix, AB. 5 USED 29.5x29 Michelin radials, $1900 each or all 5 for $9000. 306-534-4505, Spy Hill, SK.
FOR SALE: 12V SOLAR PUMP w/ controller, 2 deep cycle batteries, float switch and 2 14”x54” solar panels, $1000. 306-883-2935, Spiritwood, SK. GREAT SELECTION OF WATER PUMPS, starting at $225. We also have suction hoses, lay flat discharge hoses and a large inventory of plastic, alum. and manifold fittings for any application. Contact your n e a r e s t F l a m a n S a l e s t o d ay o r c a l l 1-888-435-2626.
COMPLETE DUAL KITS, JD STS, new tires, 20.8x38 or 20.8x42, $13,500$14,900; JD 9400- 9610/CTS/CTSII, new tires 18.4x38 or 20.8x38, $9800- $10,600; IH 1680- 2588, new tires, 20.8x38, $11,900; NH CR940- 970, used 20.8R-42 tires, $12,000 exchange; JD 7720/6620, used 18.4R-42 tires, $6500. 1-800-667-4515. BERKLEY 4” PTO drive water pump for WANTED FIRESTONE 9000 radial. 320/90 sale. 306-896-2894, Churchbridge, SK. R46. 306-493-2734, Delisle, SK. BERKLEY PTO PUMP, 4x3, equipped with FOUR USED 20.5Rx25 Michelin XTL tube- 6” 16’ intake suction hose, w/strainer and less tires, good condition. Asking $1250 Camlock fittings, discharged equipped each. 306-834-7579 cell, Major, SK. w/two 3” discharge hoses w/Camlock fit24.5/R32 TIRES on Stieger/Case rims, t i n g s , $ 2 5 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 2 7 2 - 7 6 4 1 o r w/ 10 bolt pattern, c/w spacers and bolts, 306-338-2549, Foam Lake, SK. 20-25% tread, $5500. St. Leon, MB. 204-825-7703 or 204-825-0132. WATER PROBLEMS? New Perkins 2000 gpm Berkley pump, $20,000; Used 250 HP Deutz w/3000 gpm Paco pump, $8000. 403-363-4074, Brooks, AB.
NEW 23.1x26, diamond tread, $1200/pair. METAL LATHE, 2008 Birmingham DL-1860 780-962-5272, Acheson, AB. manual lathe, 18” swing, 60” bed. Induction hardened bedways. 3-3/16” spindle bore, 16-1600 RPM speed setting. MT#5 tailstock, rapid transverse. Over all dimensions 47”Wx54”Hx24”L c/w three and four jaw chuck, 6” steady rest, 4-way tool post. 10 HP 220/440V 3 phase motor, 5900 lbs. Operated and maintained by Cert. Machinists. Great shape, like brand new. Reason for selling: creating floor space for upgrade. $9750. 306-745-7743, Esterhazy SK SANDBLASTING POTS for sale. Phone: 306-825-7334, Lloydminster, AB. DO YOU NEED FLOTATION? Trelleborg 68”x68”x25” tires, $15,900. Rims in stock to fit all STS, CR, CX, late model CIH and T R c o m b i n e s . Tr a d e s w a n t e d . 1-800-667-4515. LARGE QUANTITY OF used loader and scraper tires. Lever Ent., 306-682-3332, Muenster, SK. EIGHT 20.8X42 GOODYEAR Dyna Torque radials at 50% and four 20.8x42 Titan radials at 50%. Goodeve, SK. 306-876-4609 or 306-728-8676. COMPLETE SET CLAMP-ON duals, 18.4x38. 780-753-6136, 780-753-1346, Provost, AB
Pen n s ylva n ia /V irgin ia ~ October 2011
Texa s ~ October 2011 Is ra el ~ November 2011 Au s tra lia & N ew Zea la n d ~ Jan/Feb 2012
Co s ta Rica ~ February 2012 S o u th Am erica ~ Feb 2012 Uk ra in e/Ro m a n ia ~ June 2012 NEW 20.8X38 12 PLY $826; 18.4x38 12 ply $736; 24.5x32 12 ply $1749; 14.9x24 12 ply $356. Factory Direct. Tubes sold separately. More sizes available new and used. Call for pricing 1-800-667-4515.
Tours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.
Se le ct Holida ys
1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m
R211 R216 R116 R516 R518 R305
NEW SEMI TIRES: 16 ply, Warranty, Steering, Grip, Trailer, Etc... 22.5 from $289ea
24.5 from $299ea
HEAD O FFICE - 306- 981- 6360 PR IN CE ALBER T - 960- 7999 • CUTKN IFE - 390- 7668 PER DUE - 1- 780- 870- 7949 • BIG G AR - 1- 306- 2 91- 1699
D e a le rs W a n te d
U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.
FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on a large seedstock operation. Lots of cows, grass and work. Must be willing to learn and be a self starter. If you are the right person, you must have farm/ ranch experience with an interest in all areas of ranch work. Excellent hourly wage, pleasant easy going work environment. Scheduled time off. You’ll think you’re a kid in a sand box again! Give it a try; you’ll be glad you did. Fax, phone or email your resume to: Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Bill and Sherry Creech, Box 756, Lloydminster, AB., S9V 1C1. Phone 1-800-665-7253, fax 780-875-8332,
Simpson Ranching has a
position available for versatile and self-motivated individual. Experience with cattle, horses and equipment operation/maintenance is required. Proof of valid driver’s license is required. Class 1 DL an asset. Accommodations provided. Performance bonus available.
HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for late model Cat equipment: Motor scrapers (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, (graders- with 10 yrs. experience and ability to trim); SERVICE MECHANIC required experienced with Cat, JD, Hitachi equipment. Truck provided. Camp jobs. Competitive wages plus room and board. Valid drivers license required. Send resume and work references to Bryden Const., fax 306-769-8844, Arborfield, SK.
THE SUNHAVEN FARMS GROUP is looking for career minded pig production professionals to join our team. If you are interested in a position as Unit Manager, ie. farrowing, breeding, 3 years experience with pigs - salary range up to $38,000 plus bonuses; or experienced Technician,1-2 years experience with pigs - salary range up to $36,000 plus bonuses, in a modern production barn ranging from 750 to 2500 sows call us. Please send resumes to: Alberta Pig Company. 22059 Twp. Rd. 520, Sherwood Park, AB. T8E 1E6, or fax to: 780-401-3068 or email to
EXPERIENCED LIVE-IN CAREGIVER is l o o k i n g t o c a r e fo r a s e n i o r. C a l l 306-876-4745. COUPLE WANTED TO live with elderly gentleman on a farm in central AB. Must have driver’s license and be willing to do housekeeping and yard work. Ph. 780-458-0679 or 780-487-6537, St. Albert, AB.
ALLAN DAIRY CUSTOM SILAGE is look- 10 FULL-TIME POSITIONS on poultry farm ing for operators for the 2011 silage sea- near Regina Beach, SK. Duties include: Egg collection, packing/sorting, cleaning poulson. 204-371-1367, 204-346-0571, MB. try equipment, barn checks. $13.90/hr. FARM LABORER wanted for spring and fall Must be able to lift 50 lbs and have no alseasons, valid drivers license a must, Class lergies to dust or odor. Criminal record 1 an asset, farm experience necessary, (abstract). Hiring for Aug/Sept. 2011. Fax $18- $24/hr. Fax resume 780-384-2059; resume to: 306-731-2399, or e-mail Phone 780-384-2252, Sedgewick, AB. resumes to:
FULL-TIME HELP REQUIRED on modern grain farm at Rouleau, SK. Must have Class 1A license, experience operating large farm equipment. Health benefits available. Fax resume to 306-776-2382, or call Dave EXPERIENCED GRAIN FARM HELP full- 306-536-0548 or email time, long term position, new JD equip. $50,000++?? House/ vehicle. Excellent opportunity for the right person. All inquiries kept confidential. Must be able to cross the US border. Serious inquiries only. PRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT Ltd. is hav- Wade Feland 701-263-1300. Please email ing a complete stock reduction sale. No resume to: or fax to salt, no chlorine, no chemicals. All city and 701-756-6047. well units at remarkable low prices. Sale TIRED OF CITY LIFE? Live-in couple while supplies last. Call today. Bob at wanted to manage hobby ranch and 403-620-4038, High River, AB. household, North East of Yorkton, SK. Beautiful setting for nature lovADVANCED PURE WATER Systems Ltd., no ers/bird watchers! Most weekends off. salt, no chemical, 99% pure water guaran- Facility and large shop available for willow FULL-TIME OR SEASONAL POSITION teed. Main corporate office, Outlook, SK. furniture making, woodworking and car- on mixed grain farm in south Sask. Hous306-867-9461. For all your needs in pure pentry. Email: ing available if needed, wage depends on or phone 306-594-7448, before 9 PM. water for farm, towns, or commercial. experience, 1A an asset. Call Mark EQ UIPMENT OPERATOR WANTED for 3 0 6 - 4 3 6 - 7 7 7 5 , f a x / e m a i l r e s u m e mid-size grain farm. Duties incl. seeding, 306-436-4552, spraying and harvesting. Could turn into a FT job for the right person. 1A license and TROY SANDERSON HARVESTING reGPS experience would be a huge asset. quires combine, truck and grain cart drivers for the 2011 Canada and U.S. harvest Esterhazy, SK. 306-745-2415 or 745-7168 run, with possibility of winter work. Class MIKE SCHNEYDER FARMS, Magrath AB, is 1A not required but would be an asset, looking for truck drivers and combine room and board provided. Rosetown, SK. drivers for the USA 2011 wheat harvest Call Troy 306-831-9776, fax 306-882-2300 w ith W ater starting May 15. Must be US admissable, or email: pum p have a valid passport and able to pass a drug test. Must have a class 1 or the ability FULL-TIME POSITION FOR a general $ to obtain one. Room and board supplied. Dairyman. Competitive wage and benefits Please contact Mike at 403-308-1549 or (medical, dental, etc.). Located 5 min. north of Edmonton, AB. Previous dairy ex• C leaner w ater required. Call 780-991-7893 or FULL-TIME POSITION on grain/cattle op- perience eration. Competitive wages, free housing, email resume to • Fatter cattle 1A an asset, be able to operate large ma- WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Help on grain chinery. Richard Sautner 306-460-8161, farm, permanent full-time year round. • H ealthier fish Brad 306-460-4903, Flaxcombe, SK. Competitive wages based on experience RANCH HAND WANTED: Rider needed and performance. Must be able to operate A nd ifyou are a to move, check and doctor yearlings and and maintain large machinery. Fax resume Saskatchew an farm er then fence. Separate yard w/house. For details to: 306-256-7054 or call 306-256-7170, email: you qualify for a call 306-295-3366, Eastend, SK. SaskPow er grantof$500. SEEKING FULL/PART-TIME HELP for BEZAN LAND & LIVESTOCK LTD., 17 large yearling grass cattle operation in miles north of Regina, SK requires a fulltime person. Duties include operation and Call877-888-7707 Stockholm, SK. Call Jeff 306-740-7004. maintenance of equipment, assisting in Press #1 and ask PREVOST HARVESTING accepting appli- sorting and weighing cattle, feeding and for Doug cations for 2011 harvest season. Combine herd health. Fax resume to 306-775-0444 and semi-drivers needed. Some exp. nec- email: or essary. All applicants must be United phone: 306-775-0412. States admissible. Must have valid passport. Class 1A license preferred but not necessary. Farming background an asset. Call 306-322-4757, 306-322-7100 cell. Fax resume to 306-322-4754, Rose Valley, SK. KORNUM WELL DRILLING, specializing FARM HELP REQUIRED; also Jersey bulls in water wells, E-logging, cleaning, geo- for sale. Everest Ranching, Kitscoty, AB thermal, environmental. 50% government phone 780-744-2180. grants available. Expert workmanship and fair prices. 306-541-7210, 306-699-7280, RANCH/ FARM EMPLOYMENT. Progressive email family owned, cattle/grain operation. ExSouthey, SK. perience in cattle handling and equipment operation necessary. Wage negotiable. Fencing, haying, silage, cattle handling, HAYTER DRILLING LTD. Over 50 yrs in general farm and equipment maintenance. groundwater industry specializing in 5” - Must be willing to learn and apply them30” wells. Premium quality materials used selves. Serious applicants fax resume to: in new construction. Old well servicing and 780-376-0000 or call 780-376-2241, rehab. New equipment and experienced Strome, AB. crews. 1-888-239-1658, Watrous, SK. Agriculture Exchange Opportunities (ages 19-30) Australia, New Zealand, EuWATER WELLS, Heron Drilling Ltd. spe- rope, U.S. Work for and live with farm cializing in water wells, E-logging, sand- families. We help get your visa and placescreens and gravel pack. Government ment. International Rural Exchange Progrants available. Drilling, boring, cleaning. gram: 306-489-4407,, Call us. 49 yrs. experience. 306-752-4322, fax 306-752-7399, Melfort, SK. SEEKING SELF MOTIVATED person for year round work on mixed farm. KnowlBUSINESS FOR SALE: Water well drilling edge of cows, seeding, and field work an company. Owner retiring. 780-675-4405, asset. Housing available, wages based on Athabasca, AB. experience. Ph. 204-722-2224. Please send resumes to McAuley, MB. DJ’S DRILLING LTD. Plastic casing, stainless steel screens, “E” logged test holes. 28 FULL-TIME, SEASONAL Mechanic/ Operayrs. experience drilling all over Sask. 5 yr. tor/ Laborer required for grain farm near warranty on materials and workmanship. Zenon Park, SK. Wage negotiable depend306-944-4424, 306-530-1915, Plunkett SK ing on experience and qualifications. Flexible hours. Fax or email resume to 306-767-2496, Call STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well 306-767-2499. construction and servicing, exploration and geothermal drilling. Professional ser- W A N T E D : D A I R Y F A R M h e l p . vice since 1959. Call the experts at 306-493-8201 or 306-493-7631, Delisle, SK. 1-800-919-9211
Koenders W indm ill
CLASS 1A Truck Driver Training Ltd. Over 25 years training Saskatchewan, highest quality training available, Class 1, 3 and Air Brake Programs. Certified instructors/ examiners. Starting $79/ month OAC. Possible training in your area. Call for info 306-933-2676, Saskatoon,
Please include 3 references onr esume.
Fax: 403-253-6190 or email: or call 403-255-5521 for more info. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
FARM LABOURERS WANTED: Includes room and board, other jobs may include carpentry and construction, will train. 780902-2108, 780-920-7360, Edmonton, AB. LOOKING FOR PEOPLE interested in riding feedlot pens, with above average horsemanship skills, willing to train, wages dep e n d i n g o n q u a l i fi c at i o n s , b e n e fi t s available. 403-701-1548, Strathmore, AB. FEEDLOT WORKERS required at 15,000 head custom feedlot in southern Alberta. Seeking equipment operators, grain farm labour and pen checkers with minimum of 1 year related experience. 403-684-3540, email: or fax: 403-684-3345, Brant, AB. web: WANTED: FARM PERSON to COOK for 2-3 men, cook house is living quarters. Apply to Box 339, Foremost, AB, T0K 0X0 or call 403-867-2207. FARM HELPER NEEDED near Balzac, AB. Knowledge of beef cattle and farm equipment a must. Housing provided after a trial period. Call 403-507-2922, leave msg. FULL-TIME FARM/ RANCH POSITION AVAILABLE. Wide variety of work in all aspects of cattle ranching and grain farming including feeding cattle, calving, fencing, spraying, haying and silage, grain and bale hauling, machinery upkeep. Class 1 license an asset. Self-motivated individual must have valid driver’s license and no criminal record. House available. School bus to door. Monthly wage. Midwest Saskatchewan. Fax resume with references to 306-893-2777. FT POSITION FOR Dairy Herd Person. 50 cow tie stall barn, 700 acres crop land. Central AB. Start date August 1, 2011. Fax resume to: 403-843-3892 or email: CAIN QUAM PERFORMANCE Horses looking for help at busy horse training facility. Call Cain Quam 306-424-2034, Kendal, SK. SEASONAL TO Full-Time Employment required for seeding, haying, silaging and harvest. Class 3 or 1 required. Great wages for individual who can work independently. Housing avail. in separate yard. Provost, AB. area. Ph/fax resume to 780-753-6597.
GENERAL FARM WORKER: Macklin, SK. Duties include: operation and maintenance of large farm machinery and livestock equipment. Farm background an asset. $16+/hr depending on experience. Fax resume to: 306-753-3325 (attn: Brian or Pat) or Email to: BRENT KITTELSON HARVESTING LTD. is now hiring Truck Drivers w/Class 1A license and Combine and Grain Cart Operators to go on a custom harvesting run that begins in early May in Texas and end in late November with corn harvest. I may help with obtaining Class 1A license if needed. Applicants must have a clean abstract and be admissible into the US. Operating 8 new JD 9770 STS, 2 new JD 9230’s 4x4 on carts and late model Peterbilt semi’s. Year round employment for drivers hauling logs, grain, and crude oil. Successful applicants could start ASAP snowblowing in the oilfield and others in April/May with spring seeding and anhydrous ammonia hauling before going harvesting in May. Ph. Brent 306-456-2877 leave msg, fax resume to: 306-456-2835 or email: Bromhead, SK. FULL-TIME FARM HELPER required year round for mixed cow/calf farm. Duties include: feeding, calving, grain hauling, etc. Experience an asset, but not necessary. Board and room avail. Valid drivers license a must. 780-768-2125, Two Hills, AB. FARM LABORER NEEDED immediately, wages $20 to $27/hr. Call 306-948-6548, Biggar, SK. WORKER NEEDED to help with custom fencing. Also some farm work w/cattle and horses. Ph 403-501-9760 Compeer AB FARM EMPLOYMENT! We can help find you a good employee or find you a good Ag related job. Ag Employ Alberta, email or ph. 403-732-4295. 10,000 HEAD FEEDLOT AT OLDS, AB. requires experienced equipment operator, general repairman. House and benefits available. Fax resume to 403-556-7625 or
F/T FARM OPERATOR needed immediately. $3600/mo. plus new housing and utilities provided. MUST have experience with large grain farm and Class 1. 403-820-0323, Hussar, AB. or email HELP REQUIRED - SEEDING to harvest. Duties: Seeding, Trucking, Haying and Harvesting. Exp. preferred, but willing to train. Room and board included. Hutterites welcome. 780-367-2387, Willingdon, AB. PART-TIME CALF BUYER WANTED, Fraser Valley, BC. Nice opportunity for a semi-retired or young farmer who has some extra time. Truck and trailer needed and little understanding of dairy calves. For more info call Gerrit at 403-380-0124.
STRATHMORE, AB. farm and ranch requires a full-time employee for crop and livestock production. $18 to $20/hr, house available. Must have valid Class 5 driver’s license. Contact Paul 403-325-0118, fax resume to: 403-901-1550. RANCH HAND WANTED for full-time work. Needs to be able to rope/ ride and treat cattle off horseback and have general knowledge of cattle handling. Phone Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. WANTED: FARM Equipment Operator, must be familiar w/hay and harvest equipment, some cattle experience preferred but not necessary, Class 1A license required. Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK.
CARETAKER NEEDED FOR recreational horse property 15 minutes west of Cochrane, AB. If you are retired, semi-retired ranch\farm hand and wish to live on a beautiful acreage in exchange for light ranch duties we have new separate accomodations available for you. Additional work sometimes available. Suitable for one person. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy, and exp’d with horses (your horses welcome). Email or call 403- 609-1200. Serious inquiries only.
wanted for Lumber Hardware store in McLean & Tisdale (Wood Country). To Start immediately. Benefits and other considerations Apply to: or by fax: 306-699-2979
FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT on mixed grain farm, near Milestone, SK. Experience w/ large equipment and Class 1A license an asset. Top wages paid depending on experience. 306-436-7703 or 306-436-4511
PROCESSING AND MAINTENANCE person and also a Pen Checker required. Call Russ HELP WANTED, Seed Potato/Grain Farm in 306-631-7657, 306-638-3151, Bethune SK Edmonton, AB, requires mature FARM TECHNICIAN/EQUIPMENT OPERATOR. FOUR (4) HIGHLY SKILLED Positions Full time, permanent position to start imNeeded to work full-time in farrow to fin- mediately. Attractive salary package based ish hog operation. One (1) Breeding Spe- on experience. Housing available, families cialist. Manage and supervise breeding and welcome. Must be mechanically inclined dry sow operation. Must have AI experi- and enjoy farming. Class 3 drivers license ence and understand the principles of hog an asset. Please fax resume and references breeding. Knowledge in semen collection, to 780-472-6032 or call 780-472-6127. processing and morphology. Bachelor Degree graduate or any equivalent level of education preferred; Three (3) Farrowing/ Grow finish technicians. Knowledge in AI and swine husbandry on farrowing, starter, S EAS ON AL FOR EM AN / G R AD ER OP ER ATOR grower pigs and feed processing. Selection Th e R ura l M un icipa lity o f Va l M a rie N o of breeding stock, able to run a vaccina17 in vite s a pplica tio n s fo r: tion program. Both positions should be F o rem a n /Gra d er Op era to r p o s itio n fo r the flexible and willing to work late at night. 2011 s ea s o n . T he p o s itio n is fu ll tim e, p a id Other jobs include load breeding stock and ho u rly. Previo u s ro a d m a in ten a n ce sows, wash and clean barns, feed and waexp erien ce a n d a b ility to o p era te hea vy ter pigs. Wages range from $3000 to $3600 per month depending on experieq u ip m en t, a s w ell a s s u p ervis o ry exp erien ce ence, 40 hrs./wk. and 14 days paid holiis p referred . A va lid Cla s s 5 Driver’s L icen s e days. Housing is available if needed. Call is req u ired . E xp ectto w o rk 60 ho u rs o r m o re or send resume to Sunderland Hog Farm p er w eek. Partnership c/o Dale Sunderland, phone Plea s e s en d a p p lica tio n s s ta tin g referen ces , 780-871-4896, fax 780-745-2888, email: exp erien ce a n d w a ge exp ected to : Paradise R M o f Va l M a rie N o 17 Valley, AB. M unic ip a l Bo x 59 PART-TIME CALF BUYER WANTED, EdOffic e VAL M ARIE , S K S 0N 2T 0 monton, AB. area. Nice opportunity for a F a x: (306) 298-2224 semi-retired or young farmer who has A pplications w illbe accepted untilthe some extra time. Truck and trailer needed position has been filled. and little understanding of dairy calves. For more info call Gerrit at 403-380-0124. GREENLEAF SEEDS LTD. has an opening for a self-motivated individual for a fulltime year round position on our large Pedigreed seed/ grain farm near Tisdale, SK. Duties to include operation and maintenance of large farm machinery; Operation and maintenance of seed cleaning facility; Grain hauling and general farm duties. Preference given to applicants with farm and/or mechanical experience and a Class 1A license. We offer a good work environment, competitive wages and benefi t s p l a n . P l e a s e e m a i l r e s u m e t o : or fax: 306-873-2438 or call: 306-873-4261.
BREWSTER ADVENTURES positions avail. Banff/Lake Louise/Kananaskis: Backcountry Cooks, Asst. Cooks, Guides, Golf Course Grounds and Pro Shop. Resumes to:
EXPERIENCED TEAMSTERS and COOK required for mountain horseback holiday business. Please submit resumes to email or Box 656, Black, Diamond, AB. T0L 0H0.
G ra in a n d Feed lo t O pera tio n lo ca ted n ea r Acm e AB is hirin g fo rthe fo llo w in g po sitio n s
FIELD EQUIPMENT OPERATORS (large tractors, sprayers, seeding equipment)
CLASS 1 DRIVERS FEEDLOT PERSONNEL (Animal Health, Feed Truck, Processing, Maintenance)
is looking for a capable, mature individual to fill a position at our Regina, SK facility. Our plant is located a few minutes from Regina, with many small bedroom communities and less than 30 minute commute times.
PLANT OPERATOR duties include, but not limited to: Plant operations - Quality Control Operating Machinery - General Maintenance - Packaging. Previous experience in a grain handling facility would be considered an asset, but we are willing to train the right candidates. Competitive wages and Benefit package included. Send resume to: Roy Legumex Inc. Hwy 33, Richardson, SK. S0G 4G0. Email: or fax: 306-586-4171
PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e A gricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lA lberta IsLook in g ForA n Hon est,A ggressive & A m bitiou s
PARTS PERSO N . A gricu ltu ra lBa ck grou n d a n d Com pu terExperien ce W ou ld Be A n A sset. Fu ll-Tim e Position , $15 to $20 per hou r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m on th period).
Plea se Forw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tton Cou lee Ag ri Pa rts Ltd ., B ox 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 or S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333.
We offer seasonal or full time positions, competitive wages, benefits and opportunity for advancement. P lease call D aryl @ 403- 333- 3153 an d leave m essage. F orw ard resu m e w ith referen ces an d cu rren td rivers ab stract to 403- 546- 3709 or d m f@ w ild ro sein tern LAKE RESORT: Single or couple for housekeeping, grounds and light maintenance painting etc. Flexible hours and duties. This is a high quality situation for the right person. Accommodation provided or bring your own RV. 780-849-2174 Slave Lake, AB.
MATURE INDIVIDUAL for seasonal job at mountain campground. Includes maintenance, work with the public, shift work, 5-1/2 days per week, wages $13- $15/hr. depending on experience. Must be physically fit, have current drivers licence and be willing to live on-site in own RV or the one available. Please email resume and references to: LEASE/OPERATOR REQUIRED to stock and or fax to 403-591-7440. Only those we operate rural grocery store business, lo- wish to interview will be contacted. No cated in Loreburn, SK. For more informa- phone calls please. Kananaskis, AB. BIG GAME GUIDES, northern BC. Must tion call Blaine 306-644-2165 (evenings) have hunting and horse experience. Send or Muriel 306-644-2110. WANTED: TWO EXPERIENCED Beekeepers contact information or resume to: for 2011 honey production season in Car- NOW HIRING: EXPERIENCED heavy rot River, SK. Approx. July 15th to Sept equipment operators. We are looking 15th. Must be experienced in beekeeping. WATKINS PRODUCTS 1-800-663-5252 for scraper, finish grader, dozer, packer, Email: or can- Buy retail/wholesale or start your own hoe/backhoe and bobcat operators. Offer- tact Wade at 306-768-3886 after 6 PM. business. ID ing competitive wages, benefits package Wages negotiable. 019485 email and pension plan. Please email resume to or fax 403-362-3671. Thank you to all applicants, only successful candidates will be contacted. Brooks Asphalt & Aggregate, Brooks AB ANCHOR D OUTFITTING requires teamsters and backcountry cooks in Kananaskis Country for the 2011 season. Wages include room and board. Send resume to: or call: 403-933-2867, Black Diamond, AB.
A f ed era l ca rrier o f cru d e o il lo ca ted in Co leville, SK is lo o kin g f o r:
OW N ER /OPER A TOR S & COM PA N Y DR IVER S T o ha u l o il a n d p r o d u ced H2 0 in w es t cen tr a l Sa s ka tchew a n . R eq u ir em en ts : H2 S, Fir s t Aid / CP R , Cla s s 1 A licen s e. Exp er ien ce p r efer r ed .
W IN CH TR UCK OPER A TOR S R eq u ir em en ts : W in ch T r u ck exp er ien ce, H2 S, Fir s t Aid / CP R , Cla s s 1 A licen s e.
HEA VY DUTY M ECHA N IC & SHOP A SSISTA N T Ap p lica n ts m u s t p o s s es s w o r kin g kn o w led g e o fva r io u s tr u ck/ tr a iler p a r ts , a b le to m a in ta in / r ep a ir tr a iler s a s r eq u ir ed a n d ho ld a va lid d r iver ’s licen ce. Sen d res u m e (s ta tin g w hich p o s itio n a p p lyin g f o r) b y f a x (306) 965- 2720 o r em a il: relin e@ relin . P ho n e Jim o r Rick a t (306) 965- 2472
ASSISTANT GROWER REQUIRED at Oyen Greenhouses Ltd. to assist our grower in the production of various crops for the wholesale market. A horticultural diploma or 2 to 3 yrs. experience is preferred. Salary range is $14- $17 per hour. Please fax resume to: 403-664-2759, email: or mail to: Box 358, Oyen, AB., T0J 2J0.
Swam pers
COMMERCIAL AG PILOT for 2011 season. Minimum 2000 ag. hrs. on Thrush or AT401. Accident and claims free. Proficient on Ag NAV GPS. 306-738-2024, Riceton, SK.
GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Is a progressive, expanding agricultural salvage parts company specializing in late model tractor and combine parts and located at Irma, Alberta. We are looking for
Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed
To apply for a position with us, please e-mail resume to: or send fax to 780-754-2333 Attention: Alvin Wannechko
Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473
CUSTOM HARVESTING USA/CANADA Thacker Harvesting Ltd. is hiring NOW for 6 new combines, tractor/cart and late model semis. Class A to G. Will help drivers acquire their 1 license. Wages $2300 to $3000/month plus room and board with year end bonus. Early work avail. helping seed crop. Harvesting from June to Nov. from New Mexico to Alberta. Apply online: w w w. t h a c k e r h a r v e s t i n g . c a E m a i l Fax resume to 403-833-2030 and call 403-833-3900.
ROYAL WELL SERVICING is currently looking to fill the following position for work in the Lloydminster area: Entry Level Floorhands, $23.30/hr starting, in Lloydminster area. Must possess a clean driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s abstract. Please submit a resume along with copies of training certificates to: Fax: 780-871-6908 Attn: H.R. Dept. or email: No phone calls please. Successful applicants will be contacted for an interview and a pre-employment physical screening.
30 PERMANENT POSITIONS available at Sunny Acres Greenhouse, Redcliff, AB. Job includes heavy lifting, fast paced repetitive plant work in a hot, humid environment. No smokers, canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be scared of heights. Shift work, 7 days/wk., 40 to 60 hrs./wk., $8.93/hour. Experience an asset. Email resumes to
DLM ENTERPRISES NOW HIRING: Pressure Truck Drivers, Vac (Semi and Body Job) Truck Drivers, Flushby Operators and Heavy Duty Mechanic. All drivers must have a Class 1 or 3 valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license. Experience and valid tickets an asset but not necessary. Top wages paid for experience. Please fax resume to 780-573-1282, DLM Enterprises 780-573-1292, Bonnyville, AB.
MECHANICAL ASSEMBLERS (4 vacancies) Permanent, full time positions-44 hrs per week. Salary $18.00 to $20.00/hr. Previous experience an asset.
CLASS 1A DRIVER REQUIRED to operate trailer vac. Must have valid oilfield safety tickets. Experience an asset but willing to train the right individual. Competitive wages and benefits plan. Fax resume and abstract to 306-965-2921 or call 306-460-9593, Coleville, SK.
LOOKING FOR SWAMPERS on a flushby in the Provost area, must take pre-employment drug test. Please fax resumes to: 780-753-6440. Competitive benefits and wage.
COMBO VAC/ HYDRO Vac Driver needed in Kerrobert/ Kindersley, SK. area. Class 1A or 3A required. Swamper also required. Experience and oilfield tickets an asset, DRILLERS HELPERS required for Alberta but will train. Benefit package available. based seismic company. Must have valid For more info please call 306-834-7923. driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, first aid an asset. Please fax resume to 780-960-0755. LOOKING FOR HYDROVAC OPERATOR and swamper to work in East Central AB. EXPERIENCED VAC, STEAM and PRES- and Western SK. Good wages, benefits SURE TRUCK OPERATORS reqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d imme- and new equipment. Must have clean Class diately for full time year round work. Safe- 1A or 3A, First Aid and H2s an asset, will ty tickets reqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Fax safety tickets and train. Email: or drivers abstract 780-891-9185 northern AB phone 780-753-1396, Hayter, AB.
CENTRAL ALBERTA DEALERSHIP requires a Journeyman HD MECHANIC. Looking for the small town atmosphere with all the amenities, this is the place for you! We are close to major centres and located in a very busy agricultural area. Excellent wage and benefits depending on experience. Applicant must be self-motivated team player, able to work well with others. Send WANTED: HEAVY EQUIP. OPERATOR, resume to Al York: Fax 403-843-3430 or experience with crusher. In remote town email Rimbey, AB. in western Arctic, excellent pay and lots of hours. License preferred. Please send resume brunocapenterprise@gmail or fax MECHANICS HELPER WANTED. General 867-360-6272, CAP Contracting, Gjoa heavy equipment service and maint. Exp. an asset. Busy industrial yard in SaskaHaven, NU. toon. Starting wage $20/hr. Fax resume to THE VILLAGE OF TOMPKINS is seeking a 306-975-1275 Saskatoon, SK or email to permanent FT Foreman. Position involves the operation of the Water Utility System, garbage collection, general village mainte- KND SERVICES INC. An independent renance, and servicing Village equipment. pair shop in Weyburn, SK, is accepting apQualifications are Grade 12 or equivalent plications for Agriculture/Heavy Duty Meand Valid Class 5 driversâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; license. Any Wa- chanic. Must be able to diagnosis and ter Certification Certificates or training, repair agriculture eqpt., have own tools WHMIS, and First Aid/CPR courses would and valid Class 5 licence. John Deere exp. be beneficial, but we are willing to pay for an asset but not necessary. Fax resume the necessary training. Position start date 306-842-3547 or July 20. Starting wage is $17.02-18.00/hr, depending on education and experience. Full benefit package. Please send resume by May 31 to the Village of Tompkins, Attn: Tammy Sloan, Box 247, Tompkins, SK S0N 2S0. Fax 306-622-2025 or email FastTrucking requires M echanics to HD TRUCK MECHANIC required for w ork atour 4 1,0 0 0 square ftshop small trucking company in Lloydminster, atCarnduff, Sask. AB area. License an asset but not necessary. Competitive wages based on experiDuties w illbe: ence and qualifications Please call John or Repairs and m aintenance ofoilfield Ginette at 780-846-0002 or fax resume to rig m oving trucks and trailers, 780-846-0005. Tank Trucks,Vac Trucks & Construction Equipm ent O vertim e and w eekend w ork w illbe required. W age depending on experience. Benefitpackage is offered.
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC reqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d for oilfield construction company. We want a Journeyman mechanic preferably with Dodge truck exp. to work 5- 10 hr. days. Call Lloyd 780-723-5051, Edson, AB.
Resum eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s w ith references can be faxed to (306) 482-3310 or Em ailto laurie@
Can you
The Brandt Group of Companies is a dynamic and diverse group of companies and a Platinum member of the Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50 Best Managed Companies Program.
â&#x20AC;˘ A re you com fortable w ith a voltm eter, ohm m eter, and lap top? â&#x20AC;˘ D o you know electricalcom ponents and system s? â&#x20AC;˘ A re you an apprentice or licensed auto service technician fam iliar w ith auto diesels? D o you w ant to sw itch to heavy duty? â&#x20AC;˘ C andidate w illbe w orking w ith the m ost experienced m echanic and parts technicians in the business. â&#x20AC;˘ C andidate should be looking for a career, not just a job. â&#x20AC;˘ C om pany training is on an ongoing bases. â&#x20AC;˘ D o you w ant to w ork on the m ost advanced class 8 trucks in the Industry? â&#x20AC;˘ W ellabove industry standard pay plus R R SP contribution and com pany health benefits. â&#x20AC;˘ This unique opportunity and environm ent prom otes individualgrow th and rew ards perform ance. To b eco m e pa rt o f o ur tea m ,plea s e s ub m it yo ur res um e to : 5202-63 A ve. To apply: Lloydm inster, Fax:780-875-2586 A B T9V 2M 5 leonard@m idw
WANTED Auto Glass Technicians ADESA Auto Care in Saskatoon is recruiting experienced technicians fluent in both semi-truck and auto glass. We offer an employer paid health, dental and vision plan, with an RRSP matching program and many other company benefits. Please forward your resume to Human Resources Manager or Fax (306) 382-0269. ADESA the clear choice! ELCAN FORAGE INC. has opening for an Industrial Mechanic/Millwright. Will include maintenance and service of feedmill and farm equipment. Individual must be able to fabricate, work effectively on their own as well as with a team. Full-time employment with health benefits. Please send resume to Greg fax 306-867-8353, phone 306-867-8080, Broderick, SK. RM OF ROSTHERN #403. Experienced Patrol Operator full-time seasonal. Full benefits and pension plan. Operation of TS14 and D6 an asset. Wages based on experience. Rosthern, SK. Email resume to: or fax 306-232-5321.
Roc ky M ounta in Dea lers hips Inc . ow ns a nd op era tes 38 b ra nc hes throughoutW estern Ca na d a und er the c om p a ny na m es Ha m m er Eq uip m ent, Hi-W a y S ervic e, a nd M iller Eq uip m ent. W e a re p ub lic ly tra d ed on the Toronto S toc k Exc ha nge (TS X ) und er the sym b ol RM E. Ou r Ha m m er Equ ipm en t d ivis io n o p era tes in Alb erta s ellin g a n d s ervicin g s o m e o f the w o rld â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fo rem o s thea vy eq u ip m en ts u ch a s New Ho lla n d , Dyn a p a c, T erex, a n d L eeBo y.
W e a re cu rren tly lo o k in g to fill the fo llo w in g po s itio n :
We pride ourselves on delivering customer value. Are you up to the challenge?
Is curre n tly lo o kin g fo r H e a vy D uty Truck te ch n icia n s to jo in th e ir te a m
SERVICE TECHNICIANS, PARTS & SALES PERSONS Brandt Tractor is the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest privately held John Deere Construction & Forestry Equipment dealer. We have positions available in many of our 21 branches across Canada including the following: s 3ERVICE 4ECHNICIANS BOTH &IELD 3HOP s 0ARTS PERSONS s 3ALES PERSONS
Find out more about our career opportunities at or by calling (306) 791-5979. To join our team email resume indicating position title and location to: or fax (306) 791-5986.
HEAVY EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (1st-4th Year Apprentice or Journeyman) Calgary, AB REPORTING TO: Service Manager Job Duties and Responsibilities Include: - Dia g n os e a n d in s p ecteq u ip m en tforfa u lts a n d m a lfu n ction s - Rep a ira n d a d ju s teq u ip m en ta n d rep la ce d efective p a rts - Perform u p d a tes , p re-s ea s on d elivery in s p ection s , a n d p re s ea s on in s p ection s - Com p lete w ork ord ers a n d en tertechn icia n n otes in to com p u ter - O rd erp a rts a n d p rovid e q u otes Job Requirements and Qualifications Include: - A bility to w ork w ith m in im a l s u p ervis ion - S ta n d a rd Cla s s 5 d riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licen s e - Licen s ed Hea vy Eq u ip m en tTechn icia n , orReg is tered Hea vy Eq u ip m en tA p p ren tice - Exp erien ce w ork in g on Hea vy Eq u ip m en t - Pos s es s p roblem s olvin g s k ills W e o ffer a co m p etitive s a la ry, fu ll b en efits in clu d in g 100% hea lth a n d d en ta l co vera ge, a n RRS P m a tchin g p ro gra m , a n d p ers o n a l d a ys . T his p o s itio n is a ls o eligib le fo r w o rk b o o t reim b u rs em en t, p res crip tio n s a fety gla s s es , a n a n n u a l to o l reim b u rs em en t, a reten tio n b o n u s a n d a $1000.00 s ign in g b o n u s ! Please send resume to:
828 46th Ave SE Calgary, AB T2G 2A6 EMAIL: FAX: 403-329-7936 We thank all applicants for their interest, however only candidates selected for an interview will be notified.
BJ Services Company Canada is the leading provider of high-pressure pumping and coiled tubing services to the oil and gas industry in Canada. Key to the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s success is our focus on attracting and retaining the best people, as well as the training and career advancement programs offered.
Equipment Operators - Lloydminster Cement & Transport Preference will be given to candidates with Class 1 or 3 driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, but we will provide driver training to the right candidate with a clean Class 5 license. We offer: â&#x20AC;˘ A competitive salary and bonus structure â&#x20AC;˘ Excellent benefits â&#x20AC;˘ Professional training and career advancement â&#x20AC;˘ Technically advanced environment To become part of our team, please forward your rĂŠsumĂŠ and abstract to: BJ Services Company Canada 5101 - 65 Street, Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E8 Telephone: (780) 875-6182 â&#x20AC;˘ Fax: (780) 875-6531 E-mail:
WORK WITH US & GROW A CAREER Glacier Media Group is growing. Check our job board regularly for the latest openings:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC req’d for oilfield construction company. We want a Journeyman mechanic preferably with Dodge truck exp. to work 5- 10 hr. days. Call Lloyd 780-723-5051, Edson, AB. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC required for oilfield construction company. Must be 3rd year to Journeyman, prefer a mechanic with Cat and/or Hitachi exp. You will work in shop or field and be home virtually all nights. Call Lloyd 780-723-5051 Edson AB.
MIKE SCHNEYDER FARMS, Magrath AB, is looking for truck drivers and combine drivers for the USA 2011 wheat harvest starting May 15. Must be US admissable, have a valid passport and able to pass a drug test. Must have a class 1 or the ability to obtain one. Room and board supplied. Please contact Mike at 403-308-1549 or RICHARDS TRANSPORT LTD is looking for company drivers and leased operators to run Canada and the US. Open deck trailers up to 13 axle combinations. Top wages paid based on experience. We have a full benefit pkg including pension plan. Please apply online or fax resume to 306-522-9860 Regina SK. 1A DRIVERS TO haul oil and water in Kindersley, SK area, H2S, First Aid and CPR tickets needed. Will supply living accommodations. Scheduled time off. Call Pat 306-460-6024, fax 306-856-2077.
WANTED: 1A Truck Driver to start immediately. Hauling gravel and asphalt, year WANTED CLASS 1A driver with a clean round full-time. Must be able to back up. driving abstract to haul crude oil. Phone Wages depend on experience. Room and 306-869-2432. board provided. Call 306-472-7448. OWNER/ OPERATORS REQUIRED with AUSTRALIA OPPORTUNITY: Expression one ton truck for RV hauling, US/Canada. of interest: Truck Operator Position, competitive rates. Call Marlene at Dealers Location: Victoria, Australia. Period re- Choice Transport 780-939-2119. quired: 6 to 12 months. Job Description: driving B double. Experience required: BILL MCCOLMAN OILFIELD Hauling is curgrain cartage experience preferred, mini- rently looking for full time truck drivers mum 2 yrs. driving B double and must hold with clean Class 1 license to haul fluid in a valid driver’s licence. Remuneration pkg. the Brooks, AB. area. Competitive wages, negotiable. Expressions of interest should scheduled days off, home every night. be emailed to Candidates must be able to pass a pre-employment drug and alcohol test. Current TRAIL-X EXPRESS immediately requires oilfield safety tickets are an asset. Please 1 ton diesel trucks to haul RV’s, full-time drop off, fax 403-362-7822 or send your employment w/top rates, must be able to resume and abstract to Human Resources enter the US. Email Toll- Dept, Brooks, AB. T1R 1C5 or email same free 1-866-585-6770, visit to MAXIMUM TRAINING offers the most up-to-date certified instructors and equip- CLASS 1 DRIVER, to haul crude oil in the ment for your truck driver training. One, Provost/Hardisty area. Good wages and two, three week programs. Saskatoon and benefits. Current driver’s abstract, oilfield Regina, SK. tickets and resume. Provost, AB, fax 780-753-3092, phone 780-753-0086. 306-931-7638. NOW HIRING DRIVERS, full-time positions, Class 1 or 3. Wages based on experience, current abstract. Ph. 780-910-2271, Sherwood Park, AB.
WANTED LEASED OPERATORS with truck or w/wo Super B bulkers, year round employment, SK, MB and AB. Must have fairly new equip., clean drivers abstract, preferably 2 years experience. Call Al SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediate- 306-648-3523, Gravelbourg, SK. or email ly requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks, tractors; Also Company Drivers. Trans- LOOKING FOR CLASS 3 pressure truck porting RV’s/ general freight, USA/Cana- and vacuum truck drivers. We offer above da. Clean abstract required. Competitive average wages, health benefits. Call Trevor Lashburn, SK. r a t e s . F u e l s u r c h a r g e / b e n e f i t s . 780-522-9868, 1-800-409-1733.
LEASED OPERATORS WANTED: Favel Transport requires leased operators to haul livestock in Canada and U.S. Good miles, premium fuel surcharge, 100% benefits. Call 1-877-803-2835. CLASS 1A HD Tow Truck Driver required for Lloydminster, AB, area. Permanent fulltime position. Will train. Abstract required. Call John or Ginette 1-888-875-8111 or fax resume to 780-846-0005.
CLL Water Hauling Is currently seeking drivers for full time and part time positions. Must have 1A or 3A driver’s license and a good drivers abstract. Excellentw ages and a full benefit package. To apply, call Matt3 06-441-5962 faxr esume 780-875-2586 or email to:
WANTED: EXPERIENCED OWNER/ Operators to haul grain, fertilizer, and sand, throughout AB. and SK. 780-808-1380,
L a Pra irie W orks Inc . is a n experienc ed , d ivers ified , full- s ervic e C ontra c tor w ith over 25 yea rs of ind us try experienc e in northern BC a nd Alb erta . W ith projec ts id entified for the next tw o (2) yea rs , w e a re a c tively rec ruiting energetic , s killed pers onnel to c om plem ent our tea m . T ruc king a nd m ec ha nic a l opera tions a re b a s ed from Ft. N els on (Horn River Ba s in) a nd Da w s on C reek / C hetw ynd , BC (M ontney Area ).
S UPER-B & PN EUM ATIC TRACTOR-TRAIL ER DRIV ER (S ) Ifyo u ha ve s o lid tru ckin g exp erien ce in o ff-highw a y / o ilfield en viro n m en ts , a Cla s s 1 d river’s licen s e w ith a clea n d river’s a b s tra ct, a n d yo u en jo y w o rkin g s hift w o rk, yo u m a y b e the p ers o n (s ) w e a re lo o kin g fo r.
NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED Class 1 and 3 truck drivers. Previous gravel hauling and heavy equipment hauling experience an asset. Offering competitive wages, benefits package, pension plan. Please fax resume to 403-362-3671 or email to Thank you to all applicants, only successful candidates will be contacted. Smith Trucking Services, Brooks, AB.
CLASS 1 DRIVER or LEASE OPERATOR based near Calgary or High River, AB. for livestock hauling plus reefer loads. Must have cattle handling experience. Fax resume and clean abstract to 403-279-6386. Questions ?? call 403-261-4972.
CLASS 1A DRIVERS REQUIRED for H20 and crude oil in the Kindersley, SK. area. Must have: clean drivers abstract, spill record, First Aid, H2S tickets and common WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Class 3A and sense. Pay depending on experience. Call 1A drivers, to haul water on drilling rigs. 306-463-3356. Fax 306-463-2409. Must have all safety tickets and clean ab- CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVER with tank stract. Experience preferred. Competitive truck experience needed for SE Sask., wages. Fax resumes between 7:00 AM and hauling crude oil. Based out of Regina, SK. 6:00 PM, 306-826-5623, Marsden, SK. Clean abstract and resume required. Will above average individuals. 5 days on, CLASS 1 DRIVER, Professional wanted to train off. Long term positions. Fax resume/abrun flatdeck, AB/Texas, AB/California. Call 5stract to: 306-245-3222, Weyburn, SK. 403-347-3200, Red Deer, AB. EXPERIENCED TANK TRUCK DRIVERS. Regina, SK. based trucking Co. requires an experienced driver for permanent full-time EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER/ NANNY position. Applicants require oilfield tickets seeks full-time employment. Phone: and drug test. Phone Gordon for more info 204-224-0433, Winnipeg, MB. at 306-540-8446. MATURE ACTIVE HAPPY woman seeks isoRV HAULING: Saskatoon Hotshot Trans- lated acreage in SW AB. or ? to share or porter is now hiring 3/4 and 1 tons for RV lease ASAP. Can care for animals, family, hauling throughout Canada and the US, farm. or call year round work, lots of miles and home 403-951-0181. time, fuel subsidies, benefits, excellent earnings. 306-653-8675, Saskatoon, SK. TRIPLE C HOLDINGS Grain Hauling Co. is looking for Leased Operators to haul grain and fert. in the 3 Western provinces. Some trailers available. Call between 9 AM to 5 PM, 306-893-4325, Maidstone, SK. 1A/3A TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING. 1- 6 wk. programs. Also provide safety training courses for oilfield, mining, transportation, construction and industrial. Trans Industrial Safety Training, Saskatoon, SK. Email Phone: 306-934-5935 Fax: 306-934-5936. Toll: 1-866-503-6119.
HEAV Y DUTY M ECHAN IC(S ) W e a re a ls o s eekin g a n en ergetic in d ivid u a l(s ) w ith the a b ility to w o rk u n s u p ervis ed in either a s ho p o r field en viro n m en t. T his p ers o n m u s t ha ve a s o lid b a ckgro u n d tro u b les ho o tin g hyd ra u lic, electric a n d p n eu m a tic s ys tem s . Ifyo u a re a jo u rn eym a n w ho d em o n s tra tes in itia tive w ith s o u n d w o rk ethic a n d p o s s es s a va lid d river’s licen s e, yo u m a y b e the ca n d id a te(s ) w e a re lo o kin g fo r. After ho u r ca ll-o u ts m a y a ls o b e req u ired . Preferen ce w ill b e given to tho s e w ith Pro vin cia l o r In terp ro vin cia l Red S ea l certifica tio n . L a Pra irie W o rks In c. o ffers to p w a ges , b en efits , a n d ho u rly p erfo rm a n ce / s a fety b o n u s es fo r eligib le tru ckin g / m echa n ica l p o s itio n s .
FORW ARD YOUR RES UM E TO: M a n a ger o f Hu m a n Res o u rces L a Pra irie Gro u p o f Co m pa n ies Fa x (250) 242-4529 Em a il lgcs a fe@ telu s pla n et.n et
T ha nk you for your interes t. Only thos e s elec ted for interview s w ill b e c onta c ted .
Truck Drivers Wanted With Transall Group Of Companies Biggar Transport is looking for Company Drivers & Leased Operators to pull Super B’s in their Bulk Grain and Fertilizer Division. Epp’s Trucking is looking for Company Drivers & Leased Operators to pull Super B flat decks. We offer Competitive wages and full Benefit Packages. We also offer a Signing Bonus. For more info contact Rod Pacik at 306-249-6853 or 306-381-6535
Send Resume and Drivers Abstract to: or Fax to 306-242-2077
Find out about the markets every day at the close. I]Z LZhiZgc EgdYjXZg BVg`Zih BdbZci hZgk^XZ egdk^YZh ndj l^i] V YV^an Z"bV^a d[ Xgde VcY a^kZhidX` ^c[dgbVi^dc! hZci ZkZgn V[iZgcddc V[iZg bVg`Zih XadhZ# >iÉh ZVhn id gZVY# >i ejaah ^c[dgbVi^dc id\Zi]Zg ^cid dcZ h^beaZ gZedgi# >i l^aa `ZZe ndj ^c idjX] l^i] i]Z bVg`Zi VcY ]Zae ndj eg^XZ VcY hZaa# >i dcan iV`Zh V bdbZci# >iÉh [gZZ# H^\c je Vi/
Poultry cages draw spotlight Caging systems | Researchers examine ways to improve animal husbandry while addressing environmental and food safety issues and costs BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
About 90 percent of eggs eaten in North America come from hens living in battery cages. However, confining hens in cages stacked in tiers in climate controlled barns may be on the way out as society questions the quality of life in these systems. “All egg producers really should be considering the future of battery cages,” said Ian Duncan, a professor emeritus at the University of Guelph, Ont., who has devoted his career to investigating poultry welfare and behaviour. “There is no doubt change is happening and consumers are becoming increasingly knowledgeable about animal welfare.” Duncan was speaking at a May 11 meeting in Calgary sponsored by the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada, an independent organization that monitors humane care of animals and funds education and research at veterinary colleges. The meeting attracted egg producers, researchers and retailers. He said moving away from battery cages has its disadvantages. Farmers may find the change difficult and costly. Conventional cages can last 25 years and renovations are expensive. As well, some question whether consumers are willing to pay more for eggs produced in new systems. However, legislators in the European and United States are banning the battery cage. The European Union’s hen directive bans the cages among member countries by 2012. California, the biggest egg producer in the U.S., plans to ban them by 2015. Michigan ends their use in 2019. Manitoba Egg Farmers launched a policy last year that said hen husbandry should provide for the five freedoms of animal welfare and that all new housing facilities for laying hens will be required to meet those requirements after 2018. Duncan said this is a different approach because farmers made the decision. “The rest of the world has had to have legislation thrust upon them and here we have a group of farmers who have decided this is the way to go,” he said. Duncan, who serves on Burger King’s animal care committee, said the company announced in 2006 that it wanted eggs only from non-caged hens. However, it has since decided to make the change incrementally. Ten percent of Burger King’s eggs come from non-caged hens. Loblaws is also working with industry to gradually offer eggs from cage free systems. Cages were introduced more than 70 years ago and often contained one hen. However, farmers increased pro-
duction and reduced labour costs as demand grew for eggs. Chickens moved into confined systems that could fully automate feeding, drinking, egg collection and manure removal. Farmers and researchers found that confinement reduced infections such as coccidiosis, salmonella, avian tuberculosis, pullorum disease and intestinal worm infestations. There appeared to be fewer problems with feather picking and cannibalism. However, Duncan said nearly 40 years of research have found welfare problems with cages. “The normal dimensions of a battery cage may compromise welfare by restricting what hens can do.” Birds that live in cages have nothing to do and are frustrated. Normal behaviours such as nesting, stretching, preening and roosting on a perch are not possible. Chickens are a flocking species but do not like to be crowded together. The normal height of a battery cages does not allow hens to adopt a common standing tall posture, which affects normal head stretching, scratching, body shaking and sitting. Cages also don’t allow dust bathing. Birds have an oil gland in the front of the tail that they use to clean themselves and waterproof feathers. They dust bathe to remove stale oil, and there is also evidence that it is pleasurable for them. Caged birds get no exercise, resulting in spent hens with weak skeletons, osteoporosis and low value carcasses. Alternatives not perfect Research is ongoing to find alternatives to battery cages, said Michelle Jendral, poultry behaviour and welfare professor at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. She said new systems are available that could improve birds’ lives, but none are perfect. “These alternative housing options are indeed manageable options that can provide some of the benefits that cannot be addressed in conventional housing,” she said. Options include enriched, furnished and colony systems and range from larger, fancier cages to more open barn systems. They all include areas to nest, perch and scratch and come in various sizes with lower stocking density so birds receive more floor and ceiling space. Birds living in these systems have more to occupy their time, such as foraging for food and scratching their claws on a rough surface, which prevents the growth of long, twisted claws that can break off and lead to infection or injury. “It is very important. When the birds are scratching, they are not preoccupied with pecking each other,” said Jendral.
TYPES OF SYSTEMS: • Conventional caged (above): These housing systems vary in size, but generally three or more birds are housed in each cage and cages are stacked on top of one another. • Free run indoors, left: Hens are free to roam on floors of barns. • Free range outdoors, below: Hens have access to outside. • Enriched or modified cages, bottom: more space per hen than conventional cage and has enough room to encourage stretching, nesting behaviour and perching. Note: Free run and free range housing may not necessarily provide more space for each hen. Space provisions for adult laying hens: Cage systems • Canada: 432 sq. centimetres • United States: 432 sq. cm • McDonald’s in U.S: 464 sq. cm • Burger King in U.S: 484 sq. cm Caged or cage-free • European Union: 550/750 sq. cm. Conventional battery cages to be phased out in 2012. • SPCA certified: 1,111 sq. cm • Certified Organic Canada: 1,667 sq. cm Source: B.C. SPCA
This improves feather cover and reduces skin wounds that can lead to disease. Access to a perch leads to healthier feet, but research is looking at better designs. Colony systems or small aviaries are large spacious units with more height and larger groups, in which each bird receives 800 to 900 sq. centimetres of space. At least two perches are provided at different heights. This system still allows for automated feeding, egg removal and manure removal but also provides better living conditions for the birds. Extra cage height means more head and wing stretching, feather rustling, scratching and foraging. Birds also have stronger bones and maintain egg quality. But concerns remain. “These birds are still in confined settings so the success is still dependent on a number of factors,” said Jendral. More birds living together results in more social strife. “We need to figure out what is the right stocking density and what is the right group size,” she said. Layout is important. Some aviaries offer multi-tiered systems with slatted floors and platforms for perches, nesting, drinking and feeding areas. However, genotype is equally important because some strains are
calm while others are more flighty. “Birds that I would have anticipated were very calm, but they reach a certain period where they don’t cope very well and they become very territorial,” she said. Lower ranked birds struggle to gain access to perches, nests, feed and water. They may lose weight and cannot produce. Better management is also needed to control pecking and cannibalism because aggressive birds have more opportunity to misbehave in a large system. Researchers are also looking at how to renovate a conventional system to meet legislative requirements.
“Just because it meets the legislative requirements, does it meet the hen’s needs?” she said. “We don’t necessarily have to go to extremes, but we have to consider what are the minimum requirements.” Furnished cage systems require producers to improve their husbandry to address environmental and food safety issues as well as welfare. They must check birds more carefully and learn how to keep them calm and monitor how well they adjust to a more open system. “If you freak them out, they are going to run away and trample and smother each other,” she said.
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Midwest Mobile Seed Cleaning out of Lethbridge spends a morning cleaning spring wheat on Mike Hale’s farm east of Bassano, Alta. |
Climate change study looks into future crop growing areas A historical examination of weather data will be used to predict what might be grown where if growing conditions change BY PAUL COWLEY FREELANCE WRITER
RED DEER — Prairie farmers might not have to worry about climate change turning their fields into dust bowls, but that doesn’t mean they won’t see changes that affect what they can grow. Susan Robertson of the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa wants to remove some of the guess work. She is using 50 years of weather observations and crop-related data to predict how climate change will affect land use on the Prairies.
Robertson, a senior program officer for the centre, said climate change is not expected to have a dramatic impact on Canadian farmers. Current models project slight changes or none at all. “Out of the global win-lose for climate change, Canada is not likely to be a loser, according to current analysis,” Robertson told a recent Alberta Agricultural Economics Association meeting in Red Deer. “I hope to be able to show the change in the spatial ranges for the different crops under climate change,” she added in a later interview. For example, crops grown mostly in
not going to be true,” she said. “Then if it’s not true, then we have to make some major planning changes on how we manage the land base.” Governments may have to change their agricultural support programs, and farmers may need to grow different crops to provide reasonable farm incomes. It is too early to draw conclusions from the data that has been gathered, but Robertson is confident the project will provide a useful map for the future once complete. She expects to be able to pick winners among existing crop varieties,
although not all the answers will be provided. For example, the modelling is based on today’s main crops and doesn’t consider crops such as soybeans, corn or peas that may be introduced if growing conditions change. Robertson is examining four scenarios ranging from a worst-case prediction to a scenario in which no climate change occurs. Two other models make predictions based on a world where solutions are found to control greenhouse gases and where maximum effort is made using the best possible technology.
and Lindsay Kislock of the B.C. agriculture ministry. The Investment Agriculture Foundation is an industry-led notfor-profit organization that invests federal and provincial funds in the agriculture and agri-food industries.
group of animal welfare scientists as director of the Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare. In her new role, Widowski will collaborate with researchers on laying hen welfare and egg production, including enriched and aviary systems. For the university, the chair complements the research being done in food and animal welfare. Egg farmers will benefit from development of young, welleducated professionals with knowledge of poultry welfare that may become part of the next generation of industry leaders and technical experts.
access=subscriber section=news,crops,none
COMING EVENTS May 31-June 1: Water, Agriculture and the Environment Conference, Lethbridge Lodge Hotel and Conference Centre, Lethbridge (Shelley Woods, 403-3815839,, June 5: Al Oeming’s spring auction, Polar Park, Edmonton (Al Oeming, 780-9223013, questions@aloemingauctions. com, June 7-8: Climate Change and the Implications for Plant Science, Office of Open Learning, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. (519-7675000,, www. or
the south could flourish farther north in later decades. “We don’t know what the demand for agricultural output is going to be,” she said. “But if we don’t know what our agricultural output capacity is, it’s really hard to plan for the future. This kind of modelling will allow us to have some glimpse into what our potential will be.” The project, which she expects to complete soon, may provide a view of the future that is dramatically different from the present. “We’re cruising along on the basis that we’re a great wheat-producing region, for example. But maybe that’s
June 8-10: World Pork Expo, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa (Doug Fricke, 515-864-7988, fricked@nppc. org, June 9-11: Canadian Angus Association convention, Elkhorn Resort and Spa, Clear Lake, Man. (Arlene, 888-6226487,, June 15-16: Saskatchewan Pasture School, Saskatoon (Sask. Forage Council, 306-867-8126, office@, June 15-17: Western Canadian Farm Progress Show, Evraz Place, Regina (306-781-9200, www.myfarmshow. com) access=subscriber section=news,none,none
NEW INVESTMENT AGRICULTURE FOUNDATION DIRECTOR Robert Dawson joins the Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia’s board of directors representing the tree fruit and grape sectors. He replaces director Don Claridge, an Okanagan orchardist who has served on the board since 2009. Board members also include Debbie Aarts, Paula Brown, Chris Byra, Irmi Critcher, Gay Hahn, Bar Hayre, Derek Janzen, Jens Larsen, Peter Levelton, Jim Tingle, Ernie Willis and Stuart Wilson. Also sitting on the board are non-voting directors John Berry of Agriculture Canada access=subscriber section=news,none,none
NEW POULTRY WELFARE CHAIR Egg Farmers of Canada has named University of Guelph professor Tina Widowski the new Egg Farmers of Canada Chair in Poultry Welfare. Widowski is based in the Ontario Agricultural College’s Department of Animal and Poultry Science. She leads North America’s largest
HORSE ROAD SHOW Canadians hope to soon be selling horse genetics, live animals and training expertise to China, as the rising middle class there finds itself with more free time and money to spend. | Page 66
L IV ES T OC K ED I TO R: B A R B G L EN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403- 942- 2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM
Mike Dimon checks for new calves and the health of those already dropped on his ranch west of Cleardale, Alta., May 4. Dimon holds off on calving until the cold weather is finished and usually starts in early May. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO
Wildlife eating into producers’ bottom line: official Deer, elk swallow profit | ‘The large ungulates are taking over the world,’ says Western Stock Growers Association president BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
The increasing popularity of winter grazing, swath grazing and other low cost practices has opened up the buffet to a range of ravenous wildlife. “As we became low cost operators, we took over looking after the wildlife,” said Phil Rowland, president of the Western Stock Growers Association. Moose and bear do not respect fences, while elk and deer eat their way through swathes, bales and stockpiled forage. “Elk are like cows. They’re smart. They know where the feed is,” said Rowland, who ranches near High River south of Calgary. “The large ungulates are taking over the world, it seems. They are creating more pressure than before.” Most provinces provide wildlife
predation compensation for some types of winter feed losses, but Rowland said insurance is a Band-Aid solution for a problem that has worsened in the last few years as wildlife numbers increase across the West. Rowland said a big problem is the lack of firm statistics on population sizes and costs to producers. “The stock growers have a mandate to go forward with a think-tank and put some numbers to this,” he said. The last two winters exacerbated the problem as deer and elk struggled to paw through crusted snow searching for feed, said Darcy Whiteside of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. “Deer populations have been on the rise and they are still within normal ranges, but they have been increasing,” he said. “This year and last year, with those difficult winters, they have impacted
feed supplies.” He said producers need to call their local fish and wildlife office to report problems with wildlife. More hunting licenses are allocated in areas where the population has become a problem. He estimates there are about 110,000 hunters in Alberta. An intercept feeding and fencing program is available, but local staff needs to know when problems occur. The department of sustainable development is also responsible
for the provincial land use framework, which includes conservation plans. The stock growers association proposed a pilot project last year to develop an ecological goods and services program that would provide compensation for private land managers and owners. The program was designed to provide a marketplace solution for producers providing ecological services such as grizzly bear and elk habitat. The project did not proceed. “Let’s restart those conversations. This is more than compensation,” Rowlands said. Compensation for some losses is now made through the Alberta Financial Services Corp. The stacked hay program compensates producers for losses on stacked hay due to damage by white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, moose and
antelope. The federal and provincial governments pay all costs for this program. Producers pay no premium or administration costs. Fish and wildlife and insurance adjustors work together to determine losses and compensation. The producer is also given recommendations to prevent further damage. Compensation is cut off if these recommendations aren’t put in place. Maximum compensation is $5,000. The hay must be stacked and stored at sites that the producer can regularly monitor. The producer must also allow access to hunters. Swath or bale grazing is not covered and producers should make other choices to feed livestock if they know there is a wildlife problem in their area, said Chris Dyck of AFSC. “We want them to get it into the yard where they can monitor it,” he said.
In the Brandt Centre at the Farm Progress Show, June 15 - 17, 2011
Glenn Stewart - Natural Horse Show
Over 30 years experience in the horse industry having taught thousands of students all across North and South America, Glenns work and knowledge with horses is very diversified; he has taught clinics and given demonstrations for some of the top Lusitano breeders of Brazil, puts on Colt Starting clinics in the Rocky Mountains 100 miles from the nearest road, and prepares performance horses for competition and sales. Scan the barcode with your smartphone to view the website
Performances DAILY in the Brandt Centre
Canada eager to send China horses BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Canadians are looking forward to some horse trading with the Chinese. China is turning into an emerging horse market as the growing middle class obtains more disposable income and time to enjoy equestrian events. Canada hopes to fill that gap by exporting live animals, genetics and expertise on training and horsemanship, says Susan Stewart, a consultant for Equine Canada. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They are certainly in a financial position, and people have more leisure time, so they are able to participate in things they werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to do before,â&#x20AC;? Stewart said. She is working with Equine Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s export market development program to brand the Canadian equine industry in international markets and help those already involved in offshore deals. China has a long history with horses but didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t develop its equestrian industry in the last 100 years. Horse associations have started recently and interest has grown in recreational riding, Thoroughbred racing, endurance riding, barrel races and show jumping. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the last 10 years, they have improved their structure of their horse industry,â&#x20AC;? she said. The country has an estimated six million horses, but they are not all suited for modern equestrian sports. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our goal is to have a larger relationship with China and to obviously
help our horse industry in Canada get different markets,â&#x20AC;? Stewart said. About 95 percent of Canadian horses are exported to the United States. She said this is a new opportunity, as long as Canadians handle it carefully and provide horses that are best suited to the Chinese. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Export businesses in Canada are looking at diversifying their markets and emerging markets and have recognized the U.S. market is not what it was and it is not going to pick up at the same level for a number of years,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For our industry to survive, we absolutely have to look outside our traditional market and emerging markets. The China market is at the beginning stages of developing their modern horse industry.â&#x20AC;? Stewart plans to attend the China International Horse Fair in Shanghai next October. According to the horse fair website, China imported 309 horses in 2005 and 2,750 in 2010. It has about 400 horse farms and 40,000 horse owners. Weststar International of Surrey, B.C., shipped five Arabians, while 29 Quarterhorses were recently exported by air from Maryland. Kevin and Terry Johnson of Weststar were approached when their customer saw their stallion on the company website. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He wanted to bring halter horses and he wanted some beautiful horses,â&#x20AC;? said Terry Johnson, a trainer and judge who also runs clinics. She selected 10 horses, but only five were selected after blood tests and
Good Times
other examinations because China has strict health protocols. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They are very, very stringent.â&#x20AC;? T h e s a m e c u s t o m e r ha s a l s o imported Quarterhorses and Andalusians to his equestrian centre near Beijing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They are looking for American type horses,â&#x20AC;? she said.
HORSES IN CHINAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HISTORY â&#x20AC;˘ Horses and chariots were entombed with their owners during the Shang dynasty, which was from 1600 to 1100 BC â&#x20AC;˘ From 1100 to 771 BC, during the Western Zhou dynasty, horses were keys to controlling the empire and trade â&#x20AC;˘ Between 206 and 220 AD, Han dynasty rulers began importing horses from the West
Alberta Pork returns majority of checkoff
â&#x20AC;˘ During the Tang dynasty, 618 to 907 breeding practices began to refine Chinese horses and they began to al import Arab and Turkish horses
Cash needed | Some opposed the 85 cent refund instead of the 15 cents announced in March
â&#x20AC;˘ Early Chinese mythology associated the horse with the dragon and was thought to fly
â&#x20AC;˘ Chinese invented one of the earliest effective harness systems based on a horse collar, breast strap and stirrups, which allowed improved handling â&#x20AC;˘ Today, more than 26 breeds of horses exist in China access=subscriber section=livestock,news,none
Staff research
Alberta Pork hopes the checkoff refund will spotlight the financial problems facing hog producers. | FILE PHOTO
RED DEER â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hog far mers in Alberta will be getting back the bulk of the money they have recently paid to Alberta Pork, whether they want it or not. The organization announced last week that it will rebate 85 cents of every check-off dollar collected during the 2010-11 fiscal year, rather than the 15 cent rebate announced during regional meetings in March. The rebate will total slightly more than $2 million. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a desperate effort to provide relief for a group of producers who have not seen a profit since 2007, said Alberta Pork chair Jim Haggins. Hog prices have improved lately, but Haggins said feed costs have also risen and the small profit margins that are starting to appear are not enough to help producers pay back debt from four years of dipping into their equity to survive. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We know producers that still donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have enough cash to pay their monthly bills,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got to make a lot more than $5 or $10 a hog to make up this debt thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s built up over the last two or three years.â&#x20AC;? Alberta Pork had previously tried to use its check-off reserves to assist producers, but the provinceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Agricultural Products Marketing Council stopped those efforts, saying the emergency programs being attempted did not fit the reason for which the levies had been collected. Alberta Pork director Will Kingma said the rebate will not make a huge difference, but it will help. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had extra reserves at Alberta Pork at a time when producers could really use it.â&#x20AC;? However, the check-off rebate has drawn sharp criticism from some producers. Haggins said he received about a dozen calls both for and against the refund in the 24 hours following the May 10 announcement. Alberta Pork director John Middel tendered his resignation because he opposed the refund. He said farmers who need the money are already able to ask for a refund. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That decision is not something
that I believe is good for the longterm of the corporation and the industry. I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t speak for it and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why I cannot stay as a director,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are there to add value, to show leadership, to improve the position of producers.â&#x20AC;? Middel also opposes how the decision was made. The rebate was adopted as a motion from the floor and was not included on the agenda for the board meeting at which it was approved. Middel, who was late for the meeting, said he did not get a chance to speak against the motion or cast his vote. He feels the board should have taken more time to investigate and discuss such an important decision. Haggins said the refund is a gesture that he hopes will help make packing plants, governments and consumers more aware of the serious problems facing Albertaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pork producers. Although the number of hog producers in Alberta has dwindled to about 380, their farms are an important factor in the local economy, including supplying hogs to Olymel, Red Deerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest private sector employer. Haggins said the packing industry has not shared its profits with producers nor has it changed its pricing formula to help farmers see better returns. Packing plants across Western Canada are already short of hogs, which will likely worsen with expansion of existing plants and construction of a new plant in Manitoba, he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Packers may not admit to being at risk, but we know packers are at risk,â&#x20AC;? said Haggins. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If we continue to lose production in this province, eventually there will be a point where weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll lose part of the packing industry, too.â&#x20AC;? He said 10 percent of Western Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s slaughter capacity of 176,800 hogs per week is not being filled now. access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none
Ways to avoid vaccine reactions ANIMAL HEALTH
a c c i n e re a c t i o n s a re n o t uncommon, considering the increased number that are given subcutaneously, especially those using oil-based adjuvants. The adjuvants are designed to protect the vaccine and give a much higher immune response, but reactions in the form of lumps are an expected albeit undesirable result. As many of the pharmaceutical reps say, at least we know the vaccine is working. These reactions were probably happening with the intramuscular products as well, but they occurred deep in the muscle where they weren’t visible. This is where lots of the gristle (scarring in the muscle cuts) was found. So from a beef quality assurance standpoint, there is a huge improvement now that almost all the vaccines are given subcutaneously. Most of the lumps regress with time
or reduce to a small egg-size lump of scar tissue called a granuloma. Producers will find more reactions with bacterins such as blackleg and the other killed vaccines because they generally use oil-based adjuvant. The modified live vaccines generally use sterile water as the liquid for reconstitution so the reaction is much milder. More reactions can occur if the herd’s nutritional status is low, especially the three trace minerals copper, zinc and selenium. Producers who notice a high percentage of large reactions should check their herd’s nutrition and their vaccine administration technique. Dull, bent, dirty and burred needles increase the likelihood of introducing infection or causing more trauma. Change needles every 10 or so animals or sooner if the needle is damaged. You can feel when they are getting dull. I think steel thick-walled needles with the cleaning wires should be outlawed because they give the producer the impression they can be cleaned and reused. This should not happen. Technique is definitely in question if producers see large swellings from vaccination that subsequently abscess.
Don’t vaccinate in the rain, if possible. The moisture seems to wash dirt into the needle hole. Protect the vaccine from the elements because frozen or overheated vaccine will be ineffective and might be denatured, which leads to more vaccine abscesses. The egg-sized reactions are of no concern to the animal. They are simply a blemish noticed more in the summer when the hair is slicked off. Purebred show or display animals can be vaccinated in places where reactions won’t be noticed, such as behind the elbow. I have never heard of these vaccine reactions causing sales problems at the auction mart. The argument could be made that at least you can see these particular stock are being vaccinated. In the winter they become like a brand and disappear under the hair. These lumps almost always come off with the hide during slaughter and do not affect the underlying meat. I have never heard of buyers discounting these animals. Here are a few other tricks: • don’t vaccinate through manure; • if the multidose gun is hard to advance, it may be because it is set too shallow and you are giving the vaccine intradermally (between the skin layers). You want to give the access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none
Most vaccines are given subcutaneously to avoid scarring in the meat. | VIDO PHOTO
product subcutaneously (under the skin) and it should be easy to inject; • use the smallest gauge needle that still allows you to inject it quickly (16 to 18 gauge); • lumps are most likely abscessed if they become the size of a baseball or larger and may need to be lanced and flushed; • if administering several vaccines, give them concisely in the same location, leaving at least 10 centimetres between. Give on opposite sides of the neck if possible. That way if there are lumps, you can assess which vaccine is involved and which operator gave the vaccine. Sometimes tweaking technique is all that is required. Certain genetic lines of cattle are more reactive to vaccines, which is
why certain producers will have a high incidence of reactions and others have almost none with the same vaccine. Cattle do not appear to become more sensitive over time. However, they will usually react again if they react once. Accept vaccine reactions as a normal occurrence and work with your veterinarian if the incidence becomes too high or if abscesses are created. Take comfort from the fact that the vaccine is working and offering protection. The future may see needleless vaccination or oral or intranasal vaccines that eliminate lumps. Roy Lewis is a veterinarian practising in Westlock, Alta.
Hogs head to South Korea to begin herd rebuilding in wake of foot-and mouth CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — In-flight movies and cocktails won’t be offered, but the squealing passengers on an upcoming 16-hour oneway trip will fly first class. About 235 hogs specially selected for their genes will be flown from Chicago to South Korea in June to rebuild a herd that has been decimated by foot-and-mouth disease. Tony Clayton, president of Clayton Agri-Marketing Inc., has the job of getting the animals across safely. “They travel really well,” said Clayton, who could be considered a travel agent of sorts for livestock. “They have enough room to lay down, enough room to walk and get water. They travel better than some of us people in economy class.” Three 747s filled with Clayton’s hogs will fly to South Korea in June and more will follow. The rebuilding is expected to take years because 35 percent of the country’s herd was destroyed. South Korea is the fourth largest market for U.S. pork but banned hog imports in late 2010 as it fought to contain foot- and-mouth disease. It has since relaxed the ban and
Clayton’s hogs will be the first shipped this year. South Korea, Asia’s fourth-largest economy, has culled nearly a third of its hog population and about five percent of its cattle. Clayton, who has also shipped hogs and cattle to Vietnam and Mexico, said animals seldom die during flight. The United States rarely ships live hogs and cattle. In 2010, 89,146 cattle and 24,207 hogs were exported. Beef and pork exports are more common, with 2.3 billion pounds of beef and 4.23 billion lb. of pork shipped that year. Clayton, whose customers in South Korea arranged for the shipment, said getting the animals through security and quarantine takes a bit longer than for people, about 30 days, which ensures the animals are healthy and free of disease. Clayton’s hogs will establish the genetic traits that South Korean customers want and will be the grandparents and great-grandparents of progenies fattened for meat production. “Right now their main emphasis is on pork because that is going to be
their top consumed protein.” The rebuilding may require South Korea to import 50,000 hogs over the next few years, many from the U.S. as
well as Canada and Europe, said Michael Phillips, president of U.S. Livestock Genetics Export. While Clayton’s focus is now on
South Korea, his attention will soon turn to China. It recently lifted a twoyear ban on U.S. hogs and pork, clearing the way for hog imports.
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Raging rivers swallow farmland Southern U.S. states | Raging waters called ‘once in a lifetime flood’ CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Nearly three million acres of farmland in three southern U.S. states have been submerged by flood waters from the raging Mississippi River and its smaller tributaries, adding to troubles in seeding this year’s crops in the world’s top grain exporter. Although the area constitutes one percent of the land seeded with major crops in the United States, the loss comes at a time when grains have soared due to dwindling supplies, weather woes in other exporting nations and increased consumption. From Tennessee to Arkansas to Mississippi, flood waters caused by melting snow and excessive spring rains have inundated corn, soybeans, wheat and rice or delayed their seeding beyond dates for optimal yields. Rice will be most affected, with farmland responsible for 10 percent of the U.S. rice crop unlikely to be planted. “I’ve never seen anything like this and I’ve been farming for 31 years. This is a once in a lifetime flood,” said Joe Christian, a 48-year-old secondgeneration farmer in Jonesboro, Arkansas, about 60 miles northwest of Memphis, Tenn. “It’s way too late in the season to plant corn but I’m going to have to replant some of it anyway because I have no choice. I had a lot of it presold,” he said. Water from the swollen Cache River, which has backed up due to the volume of water flowing down the Mississippi, has swamped 950 acres of Christian’s rice crop and 150 acres of corn, which he will likely replant once the water recedes. Farmers across the region will be facing similar dilemmas in the comaccess=subscriber section=news,none,none
Flood waters cover farms around Nashville, Tennessee. Almost three million acres of farmland have been flooded in the southern United States. | REUTERS/M. J. MASOTTI JR. PHOTO
ing weeks because many have already sold a portion of their crops to lock in record or near-record prices. Benchmark U.S. corn futures hit all-time highs of more than $7.80 a bushel last month amid the tightest supplies since the 1930s and soybeans peaked at near threeyear highs around $14.50 a bu. in February. Wheat prices were near peaks not seen since the food crisis of 2008 after a string of overly wet or dry weather, including the driest conditions in 40 years in some areas of the southern
U.S. plains. About 120,000 acres of winter wheat, representing about 22 percent of the Arkansas wheat crop, may be abandoned just weeks from harvest, the farmer organization Arkansas Farm Bureau added. However, the loss is just 0.2 percent of the total U.S. winter wheat acreage of 41.2 million acres. About 900,000 acres of farmland in Mississippi was flooded or expected to flood as the Mississippi River was due to crest, according to Mississippi Farm Bureau estimates.
“ There is a good chance that many farmers will not have time to replant this year since many fields will be wet until mid- to late June,” said Greg Gibson, director of public relations. “About 95 percent of the corn, soybeans, and cotton had already been planted in the lower delta near Vicksburg.” In Tennessee, early estimates indicate that about one million farm acres may be under water, swamping yet-to-be-harvested winter wheat and stalling planting of corn, soy-
beans and cotton in the area, Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation spokesperson Lee Maddox said. “Most of our farmers have not seen flooding like this in their lifetimes, the worst since 1937,” said Lee Maddox, spokesperson for the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation. “It will be weeks before we know the full extent of the damage.” The Mississippi River reached a near-record crest in Memphis May 10 and may top records set in 1927 and 1937 further downriver, according to the National Weather Service.
New technology helps waterlogged farmers get crops seeded CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Incessant rain had delayed Iowa farmer Byron Wegner’s planting plans this spring, and prospects of lower yields loomed large if he did not start seeding his corn within a week. But he had an ace in the hole: two state-of-the-art 24-row planters equipped with satellite guidance systems. When clear skies provided a window of opportunity, his team seeded all 3,800 acres in just six days. Technological advances in farm equipment are constantly cutting the time it takes to plant a crop, reducing risks and uncertainties that have
price implications across the globe. This year more than most, the world is looking to the U.S. crop to replenish dwindling global supplies and slow surging food inflation. Farmers are taking full advantage of the new technology on rigs that allow them to plant well past sundown and take fewer breaks during the day. “You put in extra effort,” said Wegner. “You work Sundays and you work late in the night to get it done. Normally we would not push it that hard but it was getting to the point where you had to make a move fast. It was time to get it in if you want optimum yields, no question about that.”
U.S. farmers managed to seed more than a quarter of their corn crop in the week ended May 8, boosting total seedings to 40 percent of intended acreage, according to a U.S. Agriculture Department report released May 9. The pace surprised analysts who feared rainy weather in the eastern half of the corn belt would limit seeded acreage to 30 percent. “It is amazing how quickly things go around here as guys have gone to bigger and bigger planters,” said Nebraska farmer Brandon Hunnicutt. He seeded his entire 2,600 acre corn crop in eight days with a 24-row
planter that lets him seed about an acre of corn every two minutes. Dry weather in the west allowed farmers to fully harness the new technologies, which allow them to move more quickly and efficiently through a field. Global positioning systems and auto steering let farmers run planters through the night if they wish without worrying about straying off course. New planters can also seed corn at speeds as much as 50 percent faster than some of the older models, providing a key advantage to growers scrambling between rainstorms. access=subscriber section=crops,news,none
USDA CORN EXPECTATIONS Yield expectations will start to fall if farmers cannot get the crop in the ground on time, which is generally considered to be by mid-May. • corn acreage: 92.2 million, the second largest since 1944 • yield per acre: 161.7 bushels for a potential record crop of 13.73 billion bu., up from the previous record of 13.110 billion bu. produced in 2009
Rural future unclear as Liberals chart new path STORIES BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
Rural Liberal MPs and activists face a stark question in the aftermath of an historic May 2 defeat. What is the future of the party’s rural policy development in the wake of yet another resounding rural rejection? Liberals were shut out of most rural ridings outside of Atlantic Canada. “Oddly enough, I think there is an opportunity here for us where we are, with four years to rebuild with a Con-
servative majority,” said Prince Edward Island Liberal Wayne Easter, elected for his seventh term and agriculture critic in the past two Parliaments. “We’ve somehow lost our connec-
tion with rural Canada. We’re in a position now to put people on the road to see what we have to do to renew that connection.” Heading in into the 2011 federal election, rural Liberals thought they had
Ag critic looks for new committee position Former farm leader Wayne Easter has carried the party banner on the House of Commons agriculture committee since he was elected a Prince Edward Island Liberal MP in 1993. If he gets his way, he will not be part of the committee in next Parliament, nor will he be agriculture critic. “I certainly wouldn’t mind looking to another committee and another critic position like international trade,” the former National Farmers Union president said. “I’ll be blunt. I’ve fought all my life for supply management and the Canadian Wheat Board, for strong national programs for farmers and it
would be disgusting to sit on the committee and regardless of what farmers say, watch the wheat board be undermined.” He predicted that the Conservative majority on the agriculture committee will follow an “ideological agenda and don’t let the facts get in the way of what we want to do,” Easter said. “I can fight that fight at committee and I don’t mind doing that, but I really think I can be more productive on another committee like trade, where there is a chance to bring positive change by working with other parties. I don’t see that at agriculture.”
Easter said even if he gets his wish to change critic jobs, he will be there to fight Conservative agricultural legislation when it comes to the floor of the Commons. With just 34 seats in the new House of Commons, the Liberal caucus will be stretched to find members for all committees and House work. On the other hand, their new status as Parliament’s third party will make the task a bit easier. Deputy Liberal leader Ralph Goodale said the Conservative sweep of much of rural Canada will put the government on the spot to deliver better policies. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
crafted the most rural-friendly policy in at least a generation with a leader who transcended his urban roots to understand the nuance and detail of rural and agricultural policy. Toronto-based Michael Ignatieff was the first Liberal leader in modern times to make rural issues a core of his political pitch, arguing that the rural-urban divide is a national unity issue that must be breached by policies recognizing farmer and resource sector economic instability, the gaps in rural health care and the digital divide. For his efforts, Ignatieff’s Liberals lost even more rural seats, became more than ever before an urban party and hit its lowest point in seats and popular vote. Easter said it will be a challenge to convince the next Liberal leader to devote the time and energy needed to craft, understand and promote a rural policy. “It will be a tough sell because Ignatieff worked hard on the file and we got very little return,” said Easter. “A new leader coming in will look at that and say, ‘why should I make the effort when there are other parts of the country more welcoming?’ ” It is an old story for the increasingly urban-based party. “I’ve heard that argument for a long time,” said Easter, a former National Farmers Union president first elected to the House of Commons in 1993. “Why should we develop rural policy when they don’t support us? I’ve
fought that for 12 of my 17 years here. Why should we support them when they’re not here to support us?” Deputy party leader Ralph Goodale from Regina has what he considers a simple answer: because Ignatieff was correct when he argued that the Liberal party cannot confine itself to being the voice of urban Canada. “It’s a long-term process and the party is going to have to stay committed to this work,” he said. “We (Liberals with some rural constituents) will be insisting that the party in all its rebuilding work has to include rural Canada, agricultural and resource issues. I think there is a good deal of willingness in the party to accept that point.” It is unclear what role Goodale will play in that rebuilding after the Liberals fell below 20 percent of popular support and 34 seats in the party’s worst election showing in history. He was considered a strong candidate to be interim leader after Ignatieff lost his own Toronto seat and resigned as leader, but the party executive ruled that out last week by announcing the interim leader must be bilingual. Party members vote online this week to decide if the party should set aside a requirement that it select a new permanent leader late this year to allow it to begin rebuilding without the divisiveness and cost of a leadership race.
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SHARING PROFITS WITH EMPLOYEES Columnist Colin Miller describes how employee profit sharing plans in certain circumstances can provide better cash flow than bonus payments. | Page 71
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Land values up across Prairies in 2010 Highest in Ontario | Higher crop prices and low interest rates are enticing investors
Concern about slowed growth worldwide, the coming end of U.S. fiscal stimulus and the fear of a worsening euro-zone debt crisis are undermining the stock market’s ability to climb. For the week, the TSX composite fell 1.4 percent, the Dow dropped 0.3 percent, the S&P 500 was off 0.2 percent and the Nasdaq rose 0.03 percent.
Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.
Canadian farmland values rose by five percent in 2010. Farm Credit Canada’s semi-annual spring land value report said value increases for 2010 by province were Saskatchewan 5.6 percent, Manitoba 4.7, Alberta 4.4, Ontario 6.7, Nova Scotia 3.7, Newfoundland 0.7, Prince Edward Island 3.2, New Brunswick 2.4, Quebec and Prince Edward Island 3.2 and Br itish Columbia 3.1. Here’s what the FCC report said about farmland values in the three prairie provinces in the second half of 2010, in alphabetical order: • Alberta — Alberta farmland values increased by 1.5 percent in the second half of 2010, following gains of 2.9 and 3.8 percent the two previous per iods. Pr ices have been increasing by .4 percent per month since 2009. Northern Alberta showed stable market activity, although dry conditions pushed down land values in certain areas. Land values remained steady in the Calgary-Edmonton corridor. Irrigated land remained at a premium price while cultivated land saw marginal rises. Cold weather and disease issues at harvest hurt special crop yields. • Manitoba — Farmland values rose by an average of 1.3 percent in the cond half of o 2010, following gains second of 3.4 and 5.9 percent in the previous
The FCC report said land listed for sale is seeing active bidding. | two reporting periods. Commodity prices have been strong in the last two years and Manitoba farmland has risen on average .7 percent for two years. Higher commodity prices and low interest rates make land seem like a safe investment. The interlake and beef producing regions saw limited increases in value. C o nt i nu e d c o m m o d i t y p r i c e increases had some producers think-
more than 10 percent in the U.S. Midwest last year and have continued to climb. However, land values could fall rapidly if crop prices should plummet. Farmland values have jumped more than 50 percent above their 2000 levels in inflation-adjusted terms, with investors competing against farmers for accumulation of
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32.2 22.52 73 25.52 8.03 3.5 11.05 13.25
33.97 22.95 72.62 25.17 7.99 3.5 11.08 12.25
CLOSE LAST WK 31.47 0.1 17.95 0.065 9 10.22
31.47 0.13 17.75 0.065 9.21 9.75
CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Rising prices for farmland in the U.S. Midwest and fears that values may be creating an artificial bubble are driving some investors to the sidelines. However, strong farm balance sheets are sustaining interest in many sectors. Surging prices for key crops, such as corn, soybeans and wheat, are helping support rising values that jumped
Assiniboia F’land OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Millstreet TSXV Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX
ing about expansion. Demand is steady from dairy farmers in the southeast. Demand is steady from dairy farmers in the southeast. • Saskatchewan — Farm values increased by 2.7 percent in the second half of the year, following 2.9 and 3.4 percent the two previous reporting periods. The average increase was .5 percent a month during 2010. Most of the increase was driven by
price rises in the southern part of the province that experienced strong demand, especially in good quality lentil production areas. On the negative side was unseeded acreage due to spring flooding. While there are fewer sellers in the market overall this half, there was active bidding on any land listed for sale. Reasons for the reduced listings included good cash rents and unseeded acres due to spring flooding.
Rising land values linked with strong commodity prices, low debt levels
Crush Margins
ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY MGP Ingredients NAS NW Terminal OTC Viterra Inc. TSX W.I.T. OTC
high-quality land. Bill Goodbar, managing director of the investment banking firm Agricapital Corp., questioned some of the prices commanded for land in key growing states. “It is starting to feel a little frothy. You start to wonder if $7,000 an acre is justifiable,” he said. Yet many active players in the farmland market said relatively low debt
levels, strong crop prices, climbing cash rents for farmland and persistent demand supported the gains. “The farm sector has a strong balance sheet that should be able to withstand a shock in earnings,” said Jeff Conrad, president of Hancock Agricultural Investment Group, which oversees 240,000 acres of U.S. farmland and $1.5 billion of agricultural property for institutional investors.
BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods
CLOSE LAST WK 1.77 29.84 11.81 16.55 20.55 8.1 18.53
1.82 28.99 11.9 16.5 21.9 8 18.89
AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX
CLOSE LAST WK 50.99 5.99 106.33 42.15 87.72 15.41
54.93 6.09 110.34 45.79 91.53 15.6
Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Sanofi-Aventis ADR Syngenta ADR
CLOSE LAST WK 78 90.37 82.28 38.37 52.91 0.065 63.79 67.35 49.92 38.1 66.15
81.55 94.83 84.09 39.72 54.63 0.07 65.27 71.17 51.8 39.56 68.9
CLOSE LAST WK 73.31 59.75
74.36 63.05
Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial consultant with CIBC Wood Gundy in Calgary, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Member, CIPF, 1-800-332-1407.
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Employee profit sharing plans can better manage taxation TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS
mployee profit sharing plans allocate profits from a corporation to its employees. Farms don’t usually use them, but in some circumstances they may make sense and can be an innovative way to compensate employees. They are non-registered savings access=subscriber section=news,none,none
plans in which trusts are established to allow employers to share business profits with some or all of their e m p l o y e e s. A n e m p l o y e e c a n include the owner and his family members if they are employees. The contribution amount usually has a direct correlation to the company’s profits. A set standard of profit is usually used to determine when profit sharing begins. A percentage above that level is then contributed to the trust. There is no maximum contribution. All funds in the trust account must be allocated to the participants of the plan at the end of the fiscal year. Only employees are eligible. Employer contributions are taxable
as income to the employee and tax deductible to the company. Allocations to employees are made through contributions paid by the employer, profits of the trust or capital gains and losses of the trust. The employer is able to deduct all amounts paid to the profit sharing plan within 120 days of his year end, unlike bonuses, which must be paid within 180 days. Source deductions are not required on these payments because they are not considered to be pensionable earnings. That means no Canada Pension Plan or Employment Insurance deductions. Say a farm corporation wants to pay out $100,000 to the farmer to bring its
taxable income down for its Dec. 31, 2011, year end, but the farmer does not want to report the income on his 2011 personal tax return. If the corporation declares the payment in its 2011 year end and pays it out between Jan. 1, 2012, and April 30, 2012, it will be deductible to the corporation in its 2011 year end and taxable to the farmer in his 2012 personal tax return. The tax won’t be due until April 2013. There will also be no need for withholdings on this $100,000, so the full amount will go to the farmer. Careful timing of the employer’s contributions and the plan’s disbursements can provide better cash flow than would a straight bonus payment.
The Canada Revenue Agency has become particularly interested in employee profit sharing plans because of these benefits and the potential for income splitting amongst family members in ownermanaged corporations,. This new attention has prompted the need to pay closer attention to the way company profits are allocated when using these plans. Each company is unique and careful consideration is needed before deciding to use them in your remuneration strategy. Colin Miller is a chartered accountant and senior manager in KPMG’s tax practice in Lethbridge. Contact:
TD Canada Trust
Cervus posts quarterly loss SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Cervus Equipment Corp. posted a net loss in the first quarter of $155,000, dow n f ro m a l o ss of $613,000 in the same period last year. The construction and agricultural equipment dealership company posted improved revenue, which climbed 25 percent to $84.3 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization in the quarter improved 72 percent to $2.14 million. “Solid improvements in our construction and industrial equipment business helped offset the challenges imposed by the strong Canadian dollar, which put downward pressure on gross margins this quarter,” said Cervus president Peter Lacey. The company primarily operates John Deere dealerships. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
These two really know farming. But only one of them works at the bank.
Rocky Mountain boosts earnings SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Rocky Mountain Dealership posted net earnings of $2.66 million in the first quarter of this year, up 52 percent from last year at the same time. Revenue at the agricultural and construction equipment dealership company with 38 stores in its network increased 31 percent to $157.6 million from last year. Rocky Mountain handles Case and New Holland equipment. Executive chair Matthew Campbell said the company improved new and used equipment sales and revenue from product support, such as repairs and servicing. Of total revenue growth, $5.1 million came from improvements in dealerships owned as of last year and $31.9 million came from stores acquired since last year. “The late spring thaw will shift some of our typical first quarter product support business to the second quarter,” Campbell said. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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TOP: Colton Wilhelm, 4, left, and Tyson Ferguson, 4, both of Stirling, Alta., pet a miniature horse during Aggie Days in Lethbridge May 11. The event at Exhibition Park is designed to give youngsters an opportunity to learn more about the origins of their food. ABOVE: Rebecca Ramer, 5, of Magrath, Alta., strokes the head of a Holstein calf in the petting zoo. RIGHT: Shyanne Daniels, 9, of Raymond, Alta., takes a close look at a llama. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS
RM uses private sector to save on bridge building Provincial crews costly | Private contracting has saved taxpayers millions, says reeve of Rural Municipality of Porcupine, Sask. BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Everyone knows practice makes perfect in piano lessons, baseball and mathematics. Turns out it also helps in bridge building. Municipal officials from northeastern Saskatchewan say the cost of replacing aging bridges in rural Saskatchewan has declined dramatically over the past few years. Wes Black, reeve of the Rural Municipality of Porcupine, said construction costs for a 50-foot span bridge under a municipal grid has dropped by 30 percent or more since 2008. The cost reduction is due primarily to the involvement of private sector contractors and new, more efficient methods of bridge construction, he said. “When we first started fighting with bridges in 2006 or 2007, a bridge that costs $400,000 today was costing over $700,000 back when the provincial government was building them,” said Black. “We insisted that it (the work) go to private contractors. We got more done and we got the prices down to under $400,000 for the exact same bridge.” Until recently, provincial bridge building crews built all municipal bridges in Saskatchewan. However, the number of bridges requiring immediate replacement
started to rise after several years of flooding and high spring runoff, and provincial bridge building crews faced a backlog of work. Black said the situation in northeastern Saskatchewan was becoming unmanageable. “We have 54 bridges in our RM alone,” he said. “I think our municipality is second or third for the highest number of bridges in the province and a lot of them needed immediate attention. We couldn’t just say, ‘OK, we’re going to sit on these bridges for a year or two and wait.’ ” Black’s RM joined forces with neighbouring municipalities in the northeast to look for alternatives. The municipalities, collectively known as the Northeast Quadrant, assessed their bridge building needs and sought bids from the private sector. The responses they received were encouraging. Black said a private contractor built a 50-foot bridge in the RM of Porcupine for $370,000 in 2008. That same year, provincial crews built a similar bridge in a nearby RM for $575,000. “We took those numbers in (to the province) that winter and asked them how they could justify this,” said Black. “We could build almost twice as many bridges with the same budget.” Black said the decision to hire private contactors has saved municipal and provincial taxpayers millions of
dollars over the past few years and has improved service to municipal ratepayers. In the RM for Porcupine alone, seven new bridges have been built since 2007 and close to a dozen others have undergone major repairs. The province still subsidizes municipal bridge building but construction and contracting decisions are made locally. “We’ve spent probably $5 million in this RM just on bridges alone in the last three years,” said Black. Flooding in northeastern Saskatchewan has taken a huge toll on the region’s municipal infrastructure over the past few years. According to Black, group purchasing has resulted in significant volume discounts. Contractors are also becoming more efficient at bridge construction, meaning more bridges can be replaced in a shorter period of time. Last winter, a contractor hired by Black’s RM constructed a 50-foot bridge in less than two weeks. Ideal conditions aided progress, but he said the timelines were impressive nonetheless. “He was on site for 10 days,” Black said. “It’s just a natural thing. When you do a job long enough, you find efficiencies.” He also said construction standards have improved. Under the provincial model, all municipal bridges were constructed
with a wooden backwall. Using wood for backwall construction saves about $15,000 on overall construction costs, but the wood is prone to rotting and deterioration. New bridges in the northeast are now being built with galvanized steel backwalls, which last longer, resist corrosion and are easier to install. Black estimates the new construction method will extend the bridge’s life expectancy by 50 years. “Through the municipal program that we had before, there was a certain way that we were supposed to build a bridge,” Black said. “Normally, they wanted (bridges) … built only with wood on the backwall … but we insisted on going to a steel backwall…. What goes wrong with a bridge 99 percent of the time is that backwall rots, then your dirt starts coming in and your bridge goes. “When you’re spending $400,000 on a bridge as it is, why, for the sake of $15,000, are you going to limit the lifespan of that bridge by 50 years?” The Northeast Quadrant was nominated this year for an award through the Saskatchewan Municipal Awards Program, which recognizes excellence and innovation in municipal governance. The Northeast Quadrant comprises the RMs of Arborfield, Bjorkdale, Connaught, Hudson Bay, Kelvington, Nipawin, Porcupine, Preeceville, Tisdale and Torch River.
POTENTIAL HERITAGE ROAD BRIDGES IN SASKATCHEWAN In 2007, Heritage Resources commissioned a study of pre1950 road and rail bridges in Saskatchewan. The author cited 25 road bridges as potential provincial heritage properties. They include: • Moose Jaw — timber/truss, pony construction: one of three remaining steel pony trusses in Saskatchewan constructed in 1907 • Moose Jaw— the oldest remaining double-span concrete bowstring arch bridge in Saskatchewan • Moose Jaw — a depression-era relief project using flat slab construction. It is one of the longest road bridges in the province • Cupar — oldest remaining timber bridge in the province (one of about 10 dating from 1930) • McCraney —one of the oldest remaining beam bridges in Saskatchewan (one of four such bridges constructed in 1920) • Regina — oldest remaining concrete bowstring arch bridge in Saskatchewan, believed to be the first of this type constructed in the province • Battleford —oldest through truss bridge remaining in Saskatchewan. Source: Government of Saskatchewan
Compromises needed for WTO success: official
Groups confident supply management not on block
The World Trade Organization will not be able to reach a new agreement to liberalize international trade unless all countries including Canada make compromises, says a senior Canadian business representative. And for Canada, that should mean throwing two iconic agricultural policies under the bus, said Sam Boutziouvis, vice-president of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). Last week, CCCE president and former Liberal deputy prime minister John Manley sent a letter to newly re-elected Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper calling Canada to inject life into WTO talks by promising to end the Canadian Wheat Board single desk and to phase out supply management in dairy, poultry and egg production. “(Supply management systems) penalize consumers and have seriously damaged our country’s reputation as a champion of open markets,” wrote Manley. Boutziouvis said the nine-year-old negotiation could collapse unless WTO members demonstrate a willingness to make tough compromises. “We will not get an agreement unless meaningful contributions are made by all,” he said. “The message I want to leave is that we very much believe there has to be a change in direction of the negotiations. Business as usual, the continuation of the negotiations as they have been proceeding, will not produce a result necessary to achieve an ambitious outcome.” Defenders of supply management and the CWB quickly attacked the message from one of Canada’s most powerful business lobbies. “It would be nice to live in a world where things are so simple, scrap this and scrap that and we don’t have to do anything else,” Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said May 16. “The reality is that we could scrap the wheat board and supply management and it wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference in the negotiation.” The CFA counts the CWB and supply management sectors as members. Returning Liberal MP Wayne Easter, who served in cabinet with Manley, said he was shocked by the letter from a former colleague who defended the wheat board and supply management. “This isn’t just a letter to the prime minister from John Manley, it is a love letter,” he said. “This letter is about increasing the power of the corporate sector at the expense of ordinary farmers. I guess John has changed sides.” However, Boutziouvis said the proposal was not ideology but a call to make Canada’s economy more competitive. Supply management protectionism and high tariffs have resulted in higher consumer prices and a blight on Canada’s free trade credentials, he said. He cited reports that Canada has been excluded from Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade talks because access=subscriber section=news,none,none
it refuses to make marketing boards a bargaining chip. “It is a small part of the economy and the system has been detrimental to consumers and our reputation.” As well, maintaining the monopoly on exports of wheat and barley undermines the grain industry’s international competitiveness, he said. Among food and agriculture companies represented by the CCCE are Richardson International Ltd., James Richardson & Sons Ltd., Viterra Inc., Cargill Ltd., Maple Leaf Foods Inc. and McCain Foods Ltd.
The Conservative government is being pressured to ditch sector protection Supply management officials say they trust the government to protect their sector, despite a high-level business lobby argument to jettison the system. Former Liberal deputy prime minister John Manley, who now heads the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, recently urged the government to ditch the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly and supply management protectionism in the interests of trade liberalization. Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said May 16 the suggestion is simplistic and would have no effect on World Trade Organization negotiations.
“We have to look at a deal that is not going to knock the living daylights out of any sector,” he said. “This is not a realistic proposal.” Yves Leduc, trade director for Dairy Farmers of Canada, said his organization is convinced the Harper government will not heed the business lobby call. “The fact is the Conservative government is on record supporting supply management and it has shown that support through action,” he said. “Parliament has spoken on this issue and the government has acted. I don’t think this letter will have an impact on that.” The C WB’s board of directors
decided not to respond. Although the Conservatives oppose the monopoly, they also have argued it is an issue to be decided in Canada and not at W TO talks in Geneva. “Our board of director’s position on what should be happening re-(state trading enterprise) monopoly powers at the WTO, as it applies to the CWB, has been clearly articulated,” board media relations manager Maureen Fitzhenry said in a May 16 e-mail. The wheat board’s view is that western Canadian grain farmers should decide the issue rather than the government or the WTO. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AG Phillip and Kristen Harder sell community shares in their vegetable production at Rosthern, Sask. The young couple believes the operation will reap rewards one day. | Page 77
New food products cater to allergies, disorders Prairie food makers showcase healthy options | Wheat intolerance is sparking a growing market for gluten-free items BY KAREN MORRISON SASKATOON NEWSROOM
TORONTO — The recent proliferation of gluten-free food is causing consumers to rethink the wheat products they routinely buy, says a food trends expert. Isabelle Marquis, XTC World Innovation director for North America, said misinformation and confusion about the gluten-free label is likely behind a backlash against cereal grains. “Many feel it’s something they shouldn’t eat,” said Marquis, who spoke at Sial Canada’s international agri-food convention in Toronto May 11. The trend should be monitored carefully because of an increase in digestive disorders and allergies, she added. “It’s just at the top of the iceberg.” For food processors, Marquis said it means paying attention to ingredients and providing clear labelling. Sial food exhibitor Caryll Carruthers of Legal, Alta., said catering to people with special needs is a growing market for prairie processors and producers. “There has to be good products on the market for them,” she said, citing her company’s future plans to use pea flour to produce gluten-free mixes for cupcakes, pancakes and breakfast cereals. Carruthers already offers NoNuts pea butter, a prairie-based alternative for those with peanut allergies, which she produces at Mountain Meadows Food Processing in Legal, Alta. She uses canola oil and peas to produce a nutty spread similar in taste to peanut butter but without the health risks. Exhibitor Dennis Barker said consumers want better food than they find at the grocery store. Barker, who works with certified organic producer Eric Leicht of Naturally Nutritious Foods at Spalding, Sask., to produce germinated seeds and grains, questioned how cereal grains are bred. “Before we make changes to anything we consume, the first question we should ask is, is it going to make it access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
Prairie producers participated in the international food marketplace at the Sial agri-food show in Toronto May 11-13. |
more nutritious, digestible or better for me as a consumer,” said Barker, interviewed at his company’s booth alongside a host of prairie products from garlic to quinoa to camelina. He said plant breeding focuses on producing a crop that can tolerate more inputs and grow more efficiently and economically. Barker said the focus needs to shift to health.
“Eat like your life depends on it, because it does,” he said. Barker praised the high quality and nutrition in Canadian grown crops such as lentils. He said Canadian lentils are grown mainly for export, while lentils found on local store shelves are largely from other countries. “In our own backyard, we have the best of the best,” Barker said, citing lentils’ high protein and fibre content.
Michael Dutcheshen, right, discusses his Kamsack, Sask., based Northern Quinoa Corp. products with Ben Gailor, Canadian consul and trade commissioner in Raleigh, North Carolina.
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Dirty Tricks gang leader counsels at-risk youth THE LAW
Q: A:
I would like information about Canada’s Dirty Tricks Gang.
Millie Isele, right, carries wool from a sheep being sheared by Dave Carlson during the International Wool Challenge May 7 in Lethbridge. The challenge involves a team of eight, including shearer Dave Carlson and seven spinners and knitters who attempt to knit an adult size sweater in less than eight hours. | DAVID ROSSITER PHOTO
4-H award winner gives club thumbs up BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
The winner of Alberta’s most prestigious 4-H award credits the rural youth organization with helping her choose her future career. Amanda Hughes, the second year university student selected from 123 students for the Premier’s Award, has been a 4-H member for 11 years and plans to join again next year when she turns 21, the last year she is eligible. “I plan to stay in it as long as I possibly can,” said Hughes. Hughes has come a long way from a nervous child giving her first public speech, a 4-H requirement. “4-H has impacted me a lot,” she
said. “When I was nine and had to do it, I would never have imagined I would become someone who really enjoys getting in front of a huge crowd and talking.” Hughes said one of her biggest joys from 4-H is teaching younger members, which helped her discover that teaching was her passion and future career. “Now that I am a senior, I really like to teach the younger members.” Hughes is a member of the Heart of the Country Club in Calmar. She has participated in 4-H projects as varied as crafts, market lambs, light horse, market steer, canine, photography, performing arts and food. “I did sheep for three or four years,
then I was caught by the horse bug,” said Hughes, who earned top honours at the 4-H provincial Horse Classic program last year. “I really liked the agriculture aspect of 4-H. It was something that interested me. There are so much variety in terms of projects in 4-H.” Hughes was raised on a small sheep farm south of Edmonton. As the Premier’s Award winner, she will spend part of the next year speaking at different provincial events, giving workshops and promoting 4-H. 4-H is Alberta’s longest running rural youth program with more than 6,400 members and more than 2,100 leaders participating in about 400 clubs. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
The gang was a group of robbers who operated mainly in the Toronto area in the 1970s and early 1980s. Led by Richard Atkinson, the gang conducted hundreds of armed robberies at mainly banks and credit unions. At one time, Ontario’s attorney-general called them “the most sophisticated bank robbery gang in Ontario’s history.” Perhaps the first sign that Atkinson would be a troublemaker occurred when he was young. His father owned a bar in a rough part of town, so he had a revolver to protect the cash he took home from the bar at nights. When he was only five years old, Atkinson found the gun and took it outside, where he thought it would be fun to shoot an apple off his brother’s head. He tried several times to shoot but could not figure out that the safety was on. Before he could fire the gun his mother found them and stopped the action. From the age of 10, Atkinson was in trouble with police for crimes such as petty thefts, but his criminal activities continued and got more serious, to the point where armed robbery was being committed. He was also a member of the Black Panthers. The gang was highly organized and sophisticated. Members communicated via two-way radios during heists, targeting banks and jewelry stores. They had elaborate plans for evading police, which led to the Dirty Tricks name. They would steal cars and place them along their escape route, setting them on fire to slow and distract
the police. They also had shingles and garden hoses with nails through them in their getaway cars, which they’d throw out of the windows to flatten the tires of the pursuing police vehicles. The gang routinely monitored the police radio frequencies using scanning equipment purchased with the stolen money, and ran surveillance operations on the police to better plan their robberies. On occasion, they would phone in a false report to the police as they were leaving the bank, alleging an officer had been shot in another location. Atkinson was the main planner and co-ordinator, but seldom went inside a target robbery site. He preferred to prepare the caper, to the point of using makeup and disguises to hide the identity of the robbers who were inside the businesses. He read books on military strategy, police tactics and psychology to assist in his planning. In a recent interview, he said the “cat and mouse game” with the police provided excitement and was a main motivator for the crimes, more than the money. He said he did it because it was what he did best. Despite the gang members being smart and articulate, things fell apart for them in the 1980s. In 1981, one member was killed in a police shootout in front of a jewelry store. In 1986, the gang was robbing a bank, but the police had determined where they would be and captured them after a firefight. Atkinson received a 25-year prison sentence. While in prison, he created and hosted a cable show about news in the penitentiary, interviewing many convicts. The show aired for six years in the Kingston, Ont., area. He later was paroled and became a motivational speaker, urging others not to follow the life of crime that had landed him in jail for most of his adult life. He recognized the errors of his earlier ways and urges at-risk youth not to follow in his footsteps. Rick Danyliuk is a lawyer with McDougall Gauley LLP in Saskatoon. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
Life-threatening abdominal hernias need medical attention HEALTH CLINIC
Could you provide information on abdominal hernias? I have heard of complications in some surgeries. Are there any alternatives with trusses, etc. and what complications could occur if they are left untreated?
An abdominal hernia occurs when the wall of the abdomen
becomes weakened and contents such as fat, blood vessels and intestines bulge through the area. There is usually a visible lump, but in some cases, the hernia is not obvious until the pressure inside the abdomen is increased by coughing, for instance. The doctor can then feel it when he examines you. There are several different types of abdominal hernia, including umbilical, inguinal, femoral and incisional. The latter is caused by stretching of scar tissue after a surgical operation. Inguinal hernias are the most common, comprising 75 percent of cases. They appear in the crease of the groin or in the scrotum. They are more common in men because there is a small existing passage called the
inguinal canal where the testes migrated down from the abdomen during fetal development. There are two types, direct and indirect, depending on exactly where the hernia occurs. Umbilical hernias occur around the belly button or umbilicus. Many babies are born with a small umbilical hernia because the opening for the umbilical cord blood vessels sometimes does not close completely. Some adults have an umbilical hernia because of obesity, pregnancy, or excess fluid in the abdomen due to other medical conditions. A hernia known as a femoral hernia is more common in women. It may develop below the crease of the groin in the middle of the thigh where the
femoral artery and vein leave the abdomen to go down into the leg. It is sometimes difficult to spot. Abdominal hernias should be repaired surgically because there is a slight but dangerous risk of complications such as incarceration, when a loop of intestine becomes stuck in the hernia. On rare occasions, the hernia traps the intestine so tightly that it cuts off the blood supply, a condition called strangulation. In these cases, the trapped piece of intestine can develop gangrene in as few as six hours. With gangrene, the intestinal wall dies, usually causing rupture, which leads to peritonitis, shock, and, if untreated, death. Strangulated hernias are painful so this becomes an
emergency surgical situation. Trusses work well as a temporary measure because waiting lists for elective repair surgery can be long. Only small umbilical hernias in babies can repair themselves without treatment. There are different types of hernia repairs or herniorraphies. Some involve placement of mesh tissue to strengthen the area. Laparoscopic repairs are becoming more popular due to shorter recovery time and fewer complications. There is always a risk of complications such as infection, entrapment of nerves and blood vessels due to scar tissue and post-operative pain. Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
Wading into troubled waters Manitoba counsellor’s expertise Communication paves way | Farm succession coach helps family members discuss issues and solve conflicts to enable a successful transition BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
Most people run away from tales of other families’ strained personal relationships. And few people would want to delve into the problematic interpersonal relationships and “no go zones” of other families, especially in the presence of family members. But Elaine Froese repeatedly strides into this awkward, challenging and touchy area and loves doing it, even when she’s forcing people to talk about things they’d rather leave unsaid. “I feel called to do this,” said Froese, a family dynamics and farm succession coach, author and newspaper columnist from Boissevain, Man. “I’m not going out to have tea. I’m going out to help them talk about their tough issues and find a way to create the life they’ve always wanted.” Froese has been working as a coach since 2003 and through her work with individual families and at workshops and conferences, she has compiled experiences that she has packaged in her books Do the Tough Things Right and Planting the Seed of Hope. Her most rewarding work is oneon-one sessions with farm families dealing with succession and other central farm business planning issues. “I love what I do,” she said, noting her own personal and family struggles over the years. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
Elaine Froese helps farm families discuss issues relating to farm succession planning. | KIM PENNER, KIMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, PHOTO They have included her post-partum depression, the sudden cancellation of the adoption of a baby, the death of a sister to a drunk driver and the unexpected death of her mother due to an asthma attack, and have made her more willing to tread far into others’ problems. “All the loss I’ve experienced in my life, and how I’ve dealt with that loss, has given me huge empathy and compassion,” she said. “I’ve had to sit through those tough issues myself.” Farm succession counselling is not
a quick-turnaround business. She said she often gets the first call from a family member, often the main farmer’s wife, about two years before both of the couple or the rest of the family agrees to sit down with her. “The call finally comes in, now we’re ready,” she said. “I can wait. I’m only 55. I’ve got 20 years left in me.” Froese, either at the family farm or more likely at an apartment in Boissevain that she has set up, sits down
with the family and tries to see what’s going on. “I’m trying to nail down their key challenges,” she said. She then assesses the “undiscussable cards,” which include fairness, fighting, family dynamics, forgiveness and respect. Her main challenge is to get family members talking openly. “Unless you start with conflict resolution and communication as the foundation, everything else is going to be on wobbly ground.” Froese said conflicts between older and younger generations on farms are becoming more general because younger people have grown up in a culture that encourages communication in sharp contrast to the older generations. Without a free flow of viewpoints, many farms amass piles of misunderstandings and frustrations. Father-son conflicts are common, but with more women becoming involved with farming, father-daughter conflicts are also increasing. “These daughters are frustrated because their fathers and mothers don’t have a system for understanding where they’re coming from,” said Froese. Dealing with the unspoken anxieties of aging fathers involves resolving fears of the dreaded “R” word: retirement. Many older farmers think they will lose their identity and what they love doing if they back away from control. Froese tries to get them to focus on their changing roles. “He’s not retiring, but his role is going to shift,” said Froese. “Only 30 percent of farmers ever fully retire.” The work Froese does with families is demanding, expensive and timeconsuming, but she has no fear it will go away. With many farmer retirements pending, sorting out the family dynamics of an entire generation of farmers should keep her busy, she said. “I’m never going to be out of work.”
PASSING THE TORCH: THE SUCCESSION PLANNING PROCESS The business succession process involves the following stages: • determine whether succession is a viable alternative (are children interested and capable of running the farm?) • develop a succession plan • monitor the implementation of the plan and make changes as necessary • co-ordinate succession plan with personal tax planning for retirement and distribution of estate Succession plan development and implementation: If family succession makes sense, the next step is to develop a plan. Steps common to most successful plans: • identify your successor and his or her role • transition your successor aboard • keep the succession plan as open as possible • establish a clear timetable for the process • develop a business plan that extends beyond your retirement • seek outside advice • retain key non-family employees • realize that fairness is not synonymous with equality Preparing your successor: To make sure the successor will be ready to take control when the time comes: • allow successor to participate in business decisions, passing on more responsibility as time passes. • allow successor to work in different areas of the business. • gradually allow successor to assume your duties Source: BDO Canada
Exercise, diet helps adults with attention deficit disorder SPEAKING OF LIFE
things that does not get recognized in the adult world?
Adults with ADD need support from experts, family and friends
I hear a lot about attention deficit disorders in young children attending school but I do not hear much about it in adults. Is this a condition that goes away when a person becomes an adult or is it one of those
ADD is a biological condition causing inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. It can interfere with academic progress, occupational success and social interaction. About three to five percent of all schoolchildren will have it. While some children grow out of this condition as they mature into adulthood, most do not. About 60 percent of children diagnosed with ADD will have it when they become adults. The extent to which it presents problems to many adults is not as well known. Adults with ADD often struggle with physical and mental health problems, anxiety, chronic stress and tensions and low self-esteem.
They often have trouble holding onto jobs and generally have poor track records managing their finances. They tend to have trouble at home. They are not always able to maintain long-term intimate relationships and some have been known to be abusive to loved ones. At times, they can be the life of the party but by the end of the evening, their friends have tired of them and wish that they would either leave or slow down. While ADD cannot be cured, it can be treated. Many with this condition have successfully graduated from university and many more are successful entrepreneurs in the world of commerce. The problem is that the support systems that were available to them through public school disappear
when they graduate. ADD adults sense that they have been abandoned and not supported in the larger community. The search for assistance should begin with family physicians and a commitment to whatever medication they and their doctors believe will help them. Medication alone will not resolve their problems. They should also put order and structure into their daily routines. They need to follow regular and demanding exercise programs and they should work with a nutritionist to ensure they are getting the proper nutrients in their diets. They need to practise time management and associate with people who will encourage and support them through their struggles. Students with ADD will find disabled student offices that will help
them make their way through their studies with some degree of success. Those with ADD entering the work force may find counsellors in various employment agencies who will help them locate opportunities best suited to their skills and abilities. The key to success for people with ADD is much the same as it is for people with other disabilities. They need to be open to receive support and encouragement from their family and friends and their professional communities. Trying to go it alone or follow a heroic and independent journey will likely be more difficult and discouraging. Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
Young couple begins new venture in vegetables Community supported agriculture | Shareholders get a box of fresh vegetables every week BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
ROSTHERN, Sask. — Experience, determination and a willingness to put in a honest day’s work go a long way toward ensuring success in agriculture. Phillip and Kristen Harder admit they may be short on the first, but they think they have more than enough of the second and third to build a successful farming operation. This spr ing, the Harders w ill embark on an ambitious new career in community supported agriculture. The couple will plant 7,000 row feet of vegetables on a quarter section of land 11 kilometres west of Rosthern, Sask. The Harder Farm is selling community shares in its production, with half shares priced at $250 and full shares at $450. Shareholders will receive a box of fresh, farm-grown vegetables every week for approximately 15 weeks, said Phillip. Contents of the weekly boxes will vary depending on the time of year, but the couple is hoping full shareholders will receive an average of 10 pounds of produce per week beginning in July. The first boxes will contain earlymaturing vegetables such as lettuce and green onions. Later boxes will contain peas, radishes, carrots, beans, beets, corn, tomatoes, potatoes and pumpkins. “The whole CSA model is based on the fact that … we didn’t want to take on a whole lot of risk and we wanted to have a little bit of consistency in our bottom line,” said Phillip. “With traditional market gardening, there’s a lot more variability. You’re going to a farmer’s market, you’re selling what’s in season and it really depends on the weather if people are going to show up that day and buy what you have. “We’ll be selling our vegetables for probably considerably less than if we were to sell them on a per unit basis at a farmer’s market, but hopefully we’ll have a more consistent bottom line and less risk.” The Harders’ decision to return to their farming roots was based on several factors. The couple moved to Winnipeg after completing bachelor’s degrees at the University of Saskatchewan, Kristen working at an office job and Phillip as data manager with the Drought Research Initiative. After a year or so, the pair began assessing their career options and eventually decided to move home. For Phillip, who grew up on a sheep farm near Clavet, Sask., the idea of returning to Saskatchewan to build a new business was an appealing option. Kristen, who was raised on a small grain farm near Rosthern, liked the idea of pursuing a simple, rural lifestyle in the area where she grew up.
ABOVE: The Harders have been busy this spring installing fencing around their garden plot. They acquired their first tractor from Phillip’s father, a sheep producer from Clavet, Sask. BELOW: The Harders, along with business adviser Leo, recently finished renovating their new home in Rosthern. The next order of business is planting about 7,000 row feet of vegetables on their quarter section of land west of town. | BRIAN CROSS PHOTOS “We were both in office jobs and … I was getting fed up with working Monday to Friday, nine to five,” said Kristen, who yearned for a career involving outdoor work and lots of fresh air and sunshine. “We started talking about moving back … starting our own business and being our own bosses. That’s what we really wanted.” Last spring the couple began searching for a small piece of land with a home. They eventually settled on a fixerupper house in Rosthern and then made arrangements to take over a quarter section of farmland west of town. The land belonged to Kristen’s grandparents, who had been donati n g i t f o r u s e by t h e Ca na d i a n Foodgrains Bank. The decision to follow a community supported agriculture model seemed like a perfect fit for the new venture. Kristen and Phillip like the notion of supplying consumers with locally grown, sustainably produced food. Income is more predictable because annual revenues are based on the sale of shares, Phillip said, and the return on capital investments can be calculated with greater accuracy. Vegetable production is labour intensive but requires a smaller land base and less investment in machinery and infrastructure than grain farming, added Kristen. The couple plans to start small, keep costs in check and expand slowly as demand for their shares increases.
“We knew we didn’t have the money to get into grain farming,” Kristen said. “We wanted to start out small and not invest a lot of money, in case it wasn’t going to work out … but I think you can still grow vegetables on a small scale and make money at it.” The couple’s goal in their first year is to sell 20 full shares at $450 each. So far, posters and word-of-mouth have attracted new clients. The Harders also advertise on Kijiji, a free online classified advertising service, and they recently launched a new website at www.theharderfarm. com. Shareholders are welcome to help with production, but Phillip and Kristen are expecting to do most of the work themselves. They have already invested a few thousand dollars into the operation. They dug a dugout last fall that will supply water to a drip irrigation system. They also bought a water tank and a used utility tractor that will be used for tillage and general chores. Last week, the Harders and family members were installing fence posts around the perimeter of their garden area to keep deer and other animals out of the plots. Land that isn’t used for vegetable production will be rented to a local grain farmer, but the Harders hope to eventually expand production, possibly into fruit or other crops. In the meantime, income from the farm will be supplemented with salaries from other jobs. Kristen works seasonal hours as a
BIOGRAPHIES Phillip and Kristen Harder Education: Kristen has a bachelor’s degree in human geography and Phillip has a bachelor’s degree in physical geography from the University of Saskatchewan Background: Phillip grew up on a sheep farm near Clavet, Sask. Kristen grew up on a grain farm near Rosthern, Sask. Job experience: Both had office jobs in Winnipeg 2010: Moved to Rosthern to farm land owned by Kristen’s grandparents Supplemental income: Kristen works as a bookkeeper in Hague. Phillip is a research assistant at the Centre for Hydrology at the U of S. He is working on a certificate in prairie horticulture at the U of S
bookkeeper at her father’s accounting firm in Hague, Sask., about 20 kilometres away. Phillip’s job as a research assistant at the U of S’s Centre for Hydrology also allows him to work flexible hours. Kristen and Phillip admit the learning curve could be high in the first
year, but they are excited to get the new venture up and running. They are hoping it will eventually become a full-time occupation. “For me, I’d say we’re not getting into this to make a lot of money,” said Kristen.“We just want to enjoy our lives, to be outside, to work outdoors and have fun at what we do.”
Spring offers tasty treats for humans and animals alike TEAM RESOURCES
fter a long, cold winter, we are jumping into yard work. There is something tranquilizing about the way the grass smells when it is cut the first time in spring. With the tulips and irises in bloom, there is a sense of renewal for the season ahead. Going to the garden to snap off fresh asparagus for a family meal is truly a pleasure. It makes us want to get planting our gardens so we can enjoy fresh produce all year. A spring menu would not be complete without an early season rhubarb treat. It is also exciting to see how the animals react to the warmer weather. After spending long days under their heat lamps, our cats are out playing with twigs, rolling in the dirt and chewing on fresh blades of green tender grass. Watching horses escape to an area where they can run is great fun, along with seeing little calves play and kick up their heels. Part of making life good is enjoying time with friends and family such as an evening campfire at home or a trip to the cottage for the long weekend. When we make time for these events, we think about what we will eat. I have recently discovered a cookbook that has been compiled for a good cause. P rai r i e Po o c h e s a n d Fr i e n d s Favourite Recipes is the first fundraising project to help support the Prairie Pooches Rescue Inc., operated by Brilyn Jiricka and Shane Silvernagle of Cando, Sask. They temporarily house animals until they find them homes and also educate the public on responsible pet ownership and the benefits of adopting. For more information, contact or call 306-937-7738.
VEGETABLE PIZZA 2 Pillsbury crescent rolls 8 oz. cream cheese, 250 g softened 4 tbsp. ranch dressing 60 mL 1/2 c. Miracle Whip 125 mL cauliflower, broccoli, celery, peppers, carrots and cucumbers, chopped Roll out crescent roll dough (leave whole) on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes at 325 F (160 C). Cool. Mix the cream cheese, dressing and Miracle Whip together and spread gently over the dough. Chop vegetables of your choice and place on the cream cheese mixture. Cut into pieces and serve.
Barbecue beef on a bun is a versatile dish that can be made in the slow cooker. Serve with fresh asparagus for a light lunch. | JODIE MIROSOVSKY PHOTO
ing to package directions, using 1/2 cup (125 mL) less milk. Add amaretto. Mix and let stand until thickened. Add whipped topping and mix well. Refrigerate overnight. Serve with fresh fruit of your choice. It’s also delicious served over angel food cake garnished with fresh strawberries.
BBQ BEEF ON A BUN This recipe is a keeper. It’s great for meals in the field or at the cottage and perfect for those nights when the family can’t eat at the same time. It keeps well on the warm setting of your slow cooker. I served this main dish with fresh, lightly steamed asparagus from the garden. 4 lb. 1 c. 1 c. 4 c. 1 c. 2 c. 2 tbsp. 2 tbsp. 3 tbsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp.
Place beef in a large roaster. Combine all remaining ingredients in a large pan and simmer for approximately 20 minutes. Pour over roast, cover and bake for five hours at 350 F (180 C), turning beef occasionally. When finished, shred the meat with a fork and serve with fresh buns.
SELF SAUCING CHOCOLATE PUDDING My kids say this dessert is like a hot fudge sundae, only better. It is so simple to make. 1 c. 1/4 c. 1 1/2 tsp. 1/2 tsp. 1/2 c.
AMARETTO FRUIT DIP 1/4 c. 1/2 c. amaretto 125 mL 1 large container 1L whipped topping 1 vanilla instant pudding (4 serving size) access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
Prepare vanilla pudding accord-
roast of beef 1.8 Kg ketchup 250 mL barbecue sauce 250 mL celery, finely chopped 1 L onion, finely 250 mL chopped water 500 mL vinegar 30 mL brown sugar 30 mL Worcestershire 45 mL sauce chili powder 5 mL garlic powder 5 mL salt 5 mL
1/2 c. 1 1 tsp. 1/3 c.
flour 250 mL cocoa 60 mL baking powder 7 mL salt 2 mL chocolate chips, 125 mL (optional) butter or 60 mL margarine, melted sugar 125 mL egg vanilla 5 mL milk (or 1/3 c. water with 3 tbsp. milk powder) 75 mL
Sauce: 1 c. sugar 1/3 c. cocoa 2 c. boiling water
250 mL 75 mL 500 mL
Mix the flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt and chocolate chips together in a bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the margarine/butter and sugar. Blend in the egg and vanilla. Add to dry ingredients alternately with milk and water. Spread into a greased 8 X 8 inch (20 cm) square baking pan. To make sauce, combine the sugar and cocoa. Add boiling water, mix and pour over the batter. Bake at 350 F (180 C) for 45 minutes. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream and garnish with grated chocolate.
SOUR CREAM RHUBARB PIE Serve up fresh rhubarb from the garden in this tempting dessert. Pie shell filling: 4 c. chopped rhubarb 1L 1 1/2 c. sugar 375 mL 1/3 c. flour 75 mL 1 c. sour cream 250 mL Topping: 1/2 c. brown sugar 125 mL 1/2 c. butter or margarine 125 mL 1/3 c. flour 75 mL Mix filling ingredients and place in an uncooked pie shell. Mix the topping and put on top of the pie filling. Bake at 450 F (230 C), then at 350 F (180 C) for 30 to 40 minutes.
RHUBARB MUFFINS It is rhubarb season so why not try these scrumptious muffins. They are delicious in school or field lunches, wedding showers or backyard barbecues. The bonus, no utensils needed
Rhubarb muffins are ideal for picnics or snacks in the field. | the dry ingredients. Combine the eggs, milk and oil. Add to the dry ingredients. Fold in the rhubarb. Place in muffin tins and bake at 375 F (190 C) for 20 to 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Treats for pets
HORSE COOKIES 1 c. 1 c. 1 c. 1 tsp. 1 tbsp. 2 tbsp. 1/4 c. 1/2 c.
uncooked oatmeal flour shredded carrots salt sugar oil water molasses
250 mL 250 mL 250 mL 5 mL 15 mL 30 mL 60 mL 125 mL
Mix the ingredients in a large bowl. Roll the mixture in plastic wrap in a roll about as big as a quarter and partially freeze. Cut in quarter inch slices and place on a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 F (180 C) for 15 minutes until golden brown. If not hard-
ened, lower the temperature to 250 F and turn the cookies a few times.
DOGGIE COOKIES 1 1/2 c. 1 c. 1 c. 1/3 c.
whole wheat flour 375 mL white flour 250 mL skim milk powder 250 mL melted bacon drippings or beef fat 1 large egg, fork beaten 1 c. cold water 250 mL
Combine flours and milk powder in a large mixing bowl and drizzle with beef or bacon fat. Add the egg and cold water. Mix to form dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and roll dough to a half-inch thickness. Cut dough with cutters of your choice, place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 60 minutes at 300 F. Jodie Mirosovsky is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact:
FATHER’S DAY BARBECUE RECIPE CONTEST 2 c. finely chopped 500 mL rhubarb 3/4 c. sugar 175 mL 2 1/2 c. flour 625 mL 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 7 mL 1 tsp. baking soda 5 mL 1/2 tsp. salt 2 mL 2 eggs, beaten 1 c. sour milk 250 mL 1/4 c. oil 60 mL Combine the rhubarb and sugar. Let sit for five minutes. Stir together
Are the men in your family the barbecue chefs? Here’s a chance for them to share their ir favourite recipes with our readers. aders. Barbecue accessories will bee awarded for the top three recipes. cipes. Look for these favourites in TEAM columns throughout the summer. mer. Submit your entries by Mayy 31 to TEAM Barbecue Recipe Contest, Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4 or e-mail
THIS WEEK’S TEMPERATURE FORECAST May 19 - 25 (averages are in °C)
THIS WEEK’S PRECIPITATION FORECAST May 19 - 25 (averages are in mm)
Much above normal
Above normal
Churchill Prince George
Churchill Prince George
Edmonton Calgary
Saskatoon Regina
Below normal
Saskatoon Regina
Much below normal
The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)
Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard
last week High Low
last week since April 1 mm mm %
19.4 18.5 16.9 18.2 20.6 20.9 21.2 21.0 23.2 20.4 21.3 19.7 17.0 20.9 18.9 18.5 20.2 19.6
8.3 26.5 0.7 52.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 20.1 0.0 1.2 3.7 29.1 0.0
-2.8 -0.4 -0.3 1.7 -0.8 -3.2 -6.0 -1.2 -2.2 -2.0 -1.2 -1.1 -1.3 -0.5 -1.4 -3.2 -0.4 -3.2
36.6 49.0 46.8 98.8 24.2 31.5 11.9 16.4 19.2 7.3 39.4 23.5 59.2 11.0 37.3 31.9 66.0 9.3
83 97 99 200 61 71 29 37 45 17 87 52 130 26 88 80 144 21
last week High Low Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville
24.4 21.1 20.5 20.9 24.5 23.1 26.7 23.3 19.7 24.1 23.9 23.0 20.2 22.1 19.7 22.4
-0.8 1.1 -0.6 -0.5 -3.2 0.4 6.0 -1.2 0.5 0.4 -1.3 1.9 -1.0 1.0 2.4 -1.3
last week since April 1 mm mm % 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 3.4 6.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.8 6.0 0.0 1.8 0.1
23.8 69.1 16.5 20.5 25.4 19.0 27.6 66.9 17.7 28.1 41.0 52.1 82.1 33.7 78.6 7.4
55 133 43 50 57 58 90 126 40 66 67 162 121 68 122 19
last week High Low Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage la Prairie Swan River Winnipeg
18.2 19.2 17.7 18.6 19.3 18.7 20.9 19.4
Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %
2.3 1.1 2.0 1.1 1.2 2.6 -0.3 2.3
7.0 27.0 4.2 29.0 10.7 8.2 27.6 6.9
80.4 64.2 63.6 83.5 60.9 73.0 40.8 66.5
147 122 122 151 102 124 77 119
-5.8 2.1 2.4 -0.2 -0.8
0.3 1.0 0.9 9.9 23.6
51.3 49.6 15.0 41.3 46.1
103 143 60 95 92
BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George
23.4 22.5 24.7 22.7 21.6
All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.:
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