September 15, 2011 - The Western Producer

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VOL. 89 | NO. 37 | $3.75

Moving crops off the combine | P6






Grizzlies a growing concern for ranchers BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

In the last week of August, Twin Butte, Alta., rancher Tony Bruder awoke to find the door ripped from a metal grain bin in his yard and a wooden feed bin torn open. The grizzly bear had returned. Bruder sounds nearly resigned to the fact that grizzly bears will do occasional damage to his farm and ranch operations, as they do to his neighbours’ properties in this region of southwestern Alberta. It i s s n u g g e d u p a g a i n s t t h e Rocky Mountains and partly bordered by Waterton Lakes National Park and extensive crown forestry reserve lands. Bear sightings and yes, bear damage, are becoming more common. access=subscriber section=news,none,none


A farmer and his passenger swath a heavy canola crop in a field west of Sexsmith, in Alberta’s Peace River district. Rain in July and August resulted in heavy crops although harvest is behind its usual pace for this time of year. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO


Majority favour CWB: plebiscite Results used as ammo | Wheat board says it will explore legal options if Ottawa ignores results BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

New plebiscite results are bolstering an old pledge from Canadian Wheat Board directors who vowed to

continue their fight to retain single– desk grain marketing in Western Canada in spite of Ottawa’s intentions. Citing results from a recently conducted farmer plebiscite, CWB chair


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Allen Oberg said the board will continue to oppose Ottawa’s plans to eliminate single-desk marketing by next summer. The plebiscite suggested that 62 percent of prairie wheat growers pre-

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fer single-desk marketing for wheat, while 51 percent prefer a single-desk structure for selling malting and non-feed barley. SEE MAJORITY FAVOUR CWB, PAGE 2 »

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SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Inc. Publisher, Larry Hertz Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240; Registration No. 10676







Majority favour CWB Oberg said the wheat board will table the plebiscite results in Parliament and apply as much political pressure as possible on federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz. The board could explore its legal options if Ritz carries through with legislation aimed at eliminating the wheat board’s single-desk structure, Oberg said. Ottawa has indicated that it intends to introduce legislation this fall aimed at ending the CWB’s marketing monopoly by Aug. 1, 2012. “We will not sit back and let this government steamroll our farmers,” Oberg said Sept. 12. “If the government decides to ignore farmers and move ahead with legislation, we’ll be in a better position then to decide what legal opportunities are before us.” The plebiscite is the latest volley in an ongoing battle that has pitted the CWB and single-desk supporters against the federal government and open market advocates. Results from the farmer plebiscite, which was conducted by the CWB at a cost of $270,000 suggest that 22,764 western Canadian wheat growers or 62 percent of those who voted would prefer to maintain single-desk marketing for wheat, compared to 38 percent or 14,059 who would prefer to sell their own wheat in an open market. For barley, about 51 percent of respondents, or 6,300 barley growers, said they would prefer to sell food and malting barley through the single desk, compared to 49 percent or 6,014 who would prefer to sell into an open market. About 68,000 ballots were distributed in the non-binding plebiscite. Voter participation was about 56 percent. “For a mail-in ballot, that is excellent,” Oberg said. “It is on par with federal elections, higher than many provincial and municipal votes and it is virtually identical to the voter turnout that elected minister Ritz in his riding last May.” The plebiscite results, although not legally binding, indicate that a majority of prairie farmers support the single desk, Oberg said. An approval rating of 62 percent gives the CWB a “real mandate” to continue its fight to retain the CWB’s single-desk powers, he said. Ottawa has given no indication that it will be swayed by the CWB’s lobby efforts or the farmer plebiscite, which Ritz called inconsequential. Last week, Ritz repeated statements that an open market will attract investment, encourage innovation and create value-added jobs. “In an open market, every farmer will have the ability to choose how to market their grain, whether it’s individually or through a voluntary mar-

keting entity,” Ritz said in a prepared response distributed via e-mail. “No expensive survey can trump the individual right of farmers to market their own grain.” When asked whether the board’s adversarial relationship with Ottawa could jeopardize efforts to establish a new farmer-controlled marketing entity to replace the wheat board, Oberg said the ball is in Ottawa’s court. “We’re not doing any negotiating,” said Oberg. “We have stated in a letter to the minister (Ritz) that we’d like more clarification on what type of assistance, if any, the federal government would be willing to provide … and as yet, that clarification is still forthcoming. “We as an organization need to know what is on the table before any type of options could be developed going forward.” Industry response to the plebiscite was varied. A n u m b e r o f o r g a n i z a t i o n s, including the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, endorsed the vote and encouraged the federal government to respect the wishes of prairie farmers. “The CFA believes the farmers’ voice should be represented and respected,” said CFA president Ron Bonnett. “No changes should be made without a proper process that would poll the farmers’ opinion in a transparent and democratic fashion.” The Western Canadian Wheat Growers, an outspoken opponent of single-desk marketing, criticized the voting process and encouraged the federal government to ignore the results. It said some eligible grain growers did not receive a ballot while others received multiple votes. Although 68,000 ballots were distributed, the WCWG claims there are only 20,000 producers that derive the majority of their income from farming. Oberg dismissed those concerns, calling them an obvious effort “to discredit what was a very fair and reasonable process.” Cherilyn Nagel, past-president of the WCWG said the wheat board should be prohibited from spending money on activities that are not essential to grain marketing. In addition to spending $270,000 on the plebiscite, the CWB also spent $175,000 on advertising to inform growers about the vote and encourage participation. “We’ve always been concerned about wheat board spending,” Nagel said. “Their mandate is to market my grain.” The CWB states that it returns all revenue from grain sales, less marketing costs, to prairie farmers, a claim that is refuted by the WCWG.

REGULAR FEATURES Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather


Former elevator agent Einar Franson keeps the past alive by building miniature scale grain elevators. | MIKE STURK PHOTO 27


» ERGOT IN WHEAT: Northern » » »

Alberta producers may be forced to sort out the black seeds among the gold. 5 HOG PRODUCERS MIFFED: Manitoba Tories are seen as abandoning the hog sector to get urban votes. 17 RARE BREEDS: A breeder protects rare pigs, turkeys and cattle from extinction. 21 CUBAN INVENTOR: It looks strange but farm equipment designed from scrap reduces back-breaking labour. 31

» STORING LENTILS: Heat, » » »

sun and moisture cause deterioration so bins must allow proper airflow. 34-35 TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE: Donalda, Alta., promotes the area by hosting its second drive-in movie night. 71 GREEN LEADER VISITS: Elizabeth May tours a Sask. greenhouse while meeting provincial party members. 76 CAIRNS GROUP MEETING: Farm leaders outline fears over trade negotiations. 80


» HARVEST OPTIONS: There are good price »

opportunities for selling off the combine. 6 LOTS OF LEFTOVERS: A report of lentil and pea carry-out estimates sparks surprise. 7


» MUSTARD TRIALS: Field trials of brassica »

carinata mustard show promise. 32 MEGA SPRAYERS: John Deere and Agco debut their high clearance sprayers. 33

» HORSES HIT HURDLE: Equine study warns

that supply outweighs demand. 73 MICROBIAL RESISTANCE: A feedlot study calls for a national surveillance strategy. 74



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sales, grain exports boost earnings. 78 INVESTMENT RULES WANTED: Pension funds call for investor transparency. 79

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» WHERE’S THE PATIENT?: Hospitals try to

better track progress of surgical patients. 82

» HELLERWORK SYSTEM: Therapist focuses on connective tissue to relieve pain.

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» VITERRA SEES PROFIT: Strong fertilizer


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Grizzly bears growing threat Grizzlies are designated as threatened in Alberta and cannot be hunted or killed when they damage property, except with authorization from the province. Bruder is chair of the Drywood Yarrow Conservation Partnership, a local group dedicated to various projects, among them protection of property from grizzly bears. “They’ve caught approximately five (grizzlies) in this district in last two weeks,” Bruder said Sept. 8, referring to the Alberta Fish and Wildlife trapping program for problem bears. “The last week in August, it’s just like they turned on a switch and they’re starting to cause trouble everywhere, getting into people’s bins and gardens and yards, and clearing out geese and chickens. There’s been a lot of trouble here these last two weeks.” Late frost this spring destroyed the wild berry crop that furnishes some of the grizzlies’ diet as they store up food energy before hibernation. Now they are looking for other food sources. “The risk of a person getting in the wrong place at the wrong time with a bear or a cougar, I don’t think it’s ever been greater than now and I don’t want to see anything happen that way,” said Kelly Cooley, long-time area resident and former agricultural fieldman. As the co-ordinator for a program called Cowboys and Carnivores, he is helping document all landowner grizzly bear sightings and interactions in the region to get better data on bear numbers. That program is an initiative of the Drywood Yarrow group and the Miistakis Institute for the Rockies, a nonprofit charity group affiliated with the University of Calgary. Cooley, Bruder and Ron MacKay, agricultural fieldman for the Municipal District of Willow Creek, think ranchers have become victims of


BEARS AND AGRICULTURE CHECKLIST Livestock • Keep livestock confined for at least 10 days following castration, dehorning and branding.

Twin Butte, Alta., area rancher Tony Bruder is no stranger to grizzly bear sightings and interaction. A bear recently ripped open a feed shed. Alberta Fish and Wildlife traps problem bears and relocates them. The culprit behind this damage was caught and taken to Nordegg, Alta., for release. | KELLY COOLEY PHOTOS their own good stewardship and habitat protection. “I think part of what’s going on is that the ranchlands have become the quiet place for the predator. We’ve got a lot of recreational use in the mountains and the parks and so these ranches have become the quieter place, so we’re seeing more interaction fur ther east,” said MacKay. Jeff Porter, who works with three southern Alberta MDs on conservation issues, agreed. He said there are more bears around and consequently more bear sightings and interactions. “My personal theor y is the amount of activity that’s going on back in the forestry, whether it be industrial or human activity, is just making the bears not want to be there,” said Porter. There are varying estimates of the number of grizzlies in Alberta and in the region. Efforts are being made to obtain more definitive figures. But in Alberta’s southwest, people say th e re’s n o d o u bt a bo u t a n increasing population. “The habitat here lately has been wonderful. There’s barely a bear with less than two cubs. There’s quite a

few with three and four,” said Bruder. “That tells you that the habitat is pretty darn good. They’re eating pretty well if they’re starting to produce that strongly. “My dad turns 91 in a month. He never saw a grizzly bear on our land until 1994. This year so far, I have seen three sows with two cubs each, one sow with one cub, two young boars and one very large mature boar. That’s just what we’ve seen this year so far.” Accurate grizzly counts are made more difficult because of their travel between Montana and B.C. Porter said the issue is density rather than number. Southwestern Alberta is a hot spot but few can say how many grizzlies would be considered enough province-wide. Bruder and others involved in grizzly issues credit Alberta Sustainable Resources for its work. Officials with SRD trap problem grizzlies and relocate them, first within the same area and then further afield if the bear continues to cause problems. Trouble is, the bears tend to return. “It comes back within a week, nine times out of 10,” said Bruder of bears released elsewhere in the watershed.

• Disposal of animal carcasses should follow the Livestock Diseases and Public Health Acts and be done in a way to prevent the attraction of bears. The best option is to promptly move the carcass to a rendering plant. • Where available, use secure carcass storage facilities. • Immediately report any incident where you suspect a bear has killed your livestock or a bear is a public safety concern. • In Alberta: call 310-0000 to find the nearest Fish and Wildlife office. • In Saskatchewan: 1-800-667-7561 • In Manitoba: 204-239-2346 Beekeeping

Grizzly bears can easily rip open doors on metal grain bins, as happened on the Fitzpatrick ranch in the Pincher Creek, Alta., region. Setting traps, checking them and transporting bears is expensive and he thinks ranchers should be allowed to shoot problem grizzlies, as they are allowed to do with black bears. He once saw a bear 50 feet from his home, watching his children as they waited for the school bus. “He didn’t even leave when the bus pulled into the yard. It’s that kind of stuff, that’s when we say OK, that bear has lost its respect for us. How long before that becomes a serious problem?”

• Erect and maintain electric fencing to protect bee colonies. Yards • Remove pet food and feeders at night and consider electric fencing. Crops and Grain Storage • Ensure granaries are well maintained. Retrofit grain hopper systems to provide added security. • Clean spilled and waste grain as soon as possible. Teach Children • Never run away from a bear. Back away slowly to a building or vehicle. Source: BearSmart, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.


Ranchers take measures to keep grizzlies at bay BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Ranchers in southwestern Alberta are taking various measures to protect their property from grizzly bears. Dead livestock pickup, bear-proof grain bin doors and electric fencing around calving yards and feed are proving effective. Before BSE was discovered in Alberta in 2003, renderers paid for dead stock from ranches and picked it up. Since then, ranchers have had to pay for carcass pickup and low cattle prices led many to dispose of deadstock on their own property. That has attracted grizzly bears. As a result, the Drywood Yarrow Conservation Project established centralized bins for ranchers to deposit dead calves. For larger animals, ranchers can arrange renderer pickup and be reimbursed for the expense. “This last calving season, they were used quite extensively,” said group chair Tony Bruder. “The people that are involved in it

A wooden feed storage shed was no match for a hungry grizzly. and have cleaned up their bone yards and taking the dead animals off their land are seeing a real decline in the bear problems they are having, especially during calving season. It’s definitely working.” Renderers charge an initial fee of $75 for picking up a 1,000 pound yearling. If the animal is larger, they charge 9.5 cents per additional pound. Horses cost more and sheep and pigs are not collected at all, said Bruder.

His group found funding for a collection program through the provincial Sustainable Resources Development department as a pilot project. There’s enough money for one more year. Then it’s a matter of finding more dollars. A donation scheme by Shell Canada Resources called the Shell Fuelling Challenge may offer some help, but it depends on people voting online for their favourite conservation related charity. However, Shell has a major gas plant in southwestern Alberta south of Pincher Creek, which might bode well, Bruder said. “They’re part of our watershed and they’ve been very active in all that we’ve been doing in the watershed issues, because quite frankly the bear issues are the same for them as they are for us. The special interest groups are saying it’s because of industry in the mountains that the bears are coming out here.” Jeff Porter, co-ordinator of the Southwest Alberta Conservation Partnership, works with the Municipal District of Pincher Creek, MD of

Willow Creek and MD of Ranchland on issues, including mitigation of grizzly bear damage. Besides the dead stock program, he is involved in obtaining grizzly-proof grain bin doors, putting steel bottoms in grain bins so bears can’t dig underneath and erecting electric fencing as a bear deterrent. Some cost sharing is available to help producers with project expenses. “The producers have to have buy in,” said Porter. “We’ve been very encouraged by the kind of upkeep and input and the interest that producers have shown in maintaining these projects. They are doing their part and more.” Br uder has used some of the options. “The first year we had a bear in our silage bag, he went right into the middle. I don’t know how much he ate, but he played in it. He had it spread all over, about 20 feet from the bag. “Out of that bag that year, I lost 40 ton of feed.” Now he has electric fence around his grain bags. Despite problems like

this, Bruder said he enjoys seeing bears and accepts them as part of a healthy ecosystem as long as they keep their distance. That’s why damage mitigation efforts are underway, but continued funding is a worry. He thinks wildlife conservation charities could do more. “They get millions of dollars a year. Put some of it back on the landscape. Put your money where your mouth is. If you’re saying there’s ways we can fix this, let’s work together and fix it.” Kelly Cooley has been hired by the conservation partnership to organize a system of reporting local grizzly bear sightings and interaction. Accurate numbers may help the province make better management decisions about grizzly bears. “I think the goal is understanding a little better what is happening and having a record of it. It doesn’t matter what side of the fence you’re on in terms of how you view the large carnivores. I think we all benefit when we understand what’s actually happening a little better.”





New approach needed to reinvigorate WTO talks Too complex and completely entangled | Australian trade minister says it is time to simplify the process STORIES BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The World Trade Organization is not going to meet its self-imposed Dec. 31 deadline for completing the Doha round of negotiations, says a collection of agricultural exporting nations. “We’re not going to get full bang completed this year. We’re not even going to get the sort of down payment that we hoped,” said Australia’s trade minister Craig Emerson, co-chair of the 36th Cairns Group ministerial meeting held in Saskatoon last week. He told reporters that is a source of great disappointment for the 19 agricultural exporting nations making up the Cairns Group. Doha is the longest running round of trade negotiations since the establishment of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1947 and there is growing concern it will be the only one to end in failure. Emerson said the Cairns Group is determined to prevent that from happening, which means adopting a new approach to negotiating a multilateral trade agreement. “To pretend that by going down the existing path we’ll succeed only with the addition of some extra time would be naïve and would be folly.” Emerson said the Doha round has become too complex and “completely entangled.” Countries are afraid to make concessions on one issue because they are waiting for somebody else to move on an unrelated issue. “What we need to do is simplify the way forward,” he said.

Canadian agriculture minister Gerry Ritz, co-chair of the Cairns Group ministerial meeting, said instead of trying to get a deal on the total package of WTO talks, it should be handled in smaller chunks. | JOHN PLUCK PHOTOS

Canadian agriculture minister Gerry Ritz, the other co-chair of the meeting, said the way to simplify the process is to divvy up the negotiations into “bite-sized chunks” rather than focusing on finding a resolution to the entire unwieldy pact. “We have to start to identify issues that we have 80 percent agreement on, get those finalized and ratified and then move on,” he said. “This doesn’t become rules until you get the whole package, but at least you’ve finished that (bit) and

dealt with it and moved it aside.” The Cairns Group hopes to have some “concrete ideas” in place for the eighth WTO ministerial conference in December. Kathleen Sullivan, executive director of the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, whose members produce almost 80 percent of Canada’s agrifood exports, was disappointed by the news of another missed deadline for the deal. She didn’t know what to make of the new “bite-sized chunk” approach

being promoted by the Cairns Group because even the group’s senior trade negotiators have no details on how it would work. “I’m hoping what they mean is they want to do it on a sector-by-sector basis,” said Sullivan. “We certainly wouldn’t want them to break the agricultural piece apart.” She doesn’t care what path negotiators choose as long as the end product delivers substantial progress on the three agricultural pillars of market access, export competition and domestic support. “If it doesn’t, then we’ll be disappointed,” said Sullivan. “The outcome has to be as ambitious as we all set our sights on 10 years ago.” Sullivan said a new WTO deal is critically important to Canada’s export-dependent farmers because agriculture represents 10 percent of global trade, but 60 percent of all trade distortions. C AFTA estimates a new deal would increase Canada’s agri-food trade by $3 billion a year. She worries that the 2012 U.S. presidential election could interfere with the process. It is hard to get decisions during an election year and the United States is a major player in the WTO negotiations. Some have suggested the faltering world economy could be another impediment to a deal because countries tend to become more protectionist during times of financial crisis. Sullivan said that wasn’t the case during the latest global recession. There was a little upward blip in trade restrictions, but not as many as peo-

ple expected and it quickly returned to a normal level of restrictions. Ritz said any new deal will have to address the growing threat of nontariff trade barriers, a subject that received little attention when the W TO was setting the goals and benchmarks for a new trade pact. In a s t ate m e nt f o l l ow i n g t h e meeting, the Cairns Group said efforts to open up trade can be thwarted by overly complex and restrictive sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical regulations including food labelling requirements. The group pledged to work together to promote a science-based approach that relies on international standards to resolve market access issues, a statement that was well received by a number of Canadian farm organizations.


“It is encouraging to see Cairns Group ministers discussing innovation, adaptive trade regulation and science-based policies. These are among the most important issues in international agricultural trade today,” said Canola Council of Canada president JoAnne Buth. FOR MORE ON THE CAIRNS GROUP MEETINGS, SEE PAGES 80, 81


Australia’s ag minister touts bright side of AWB demise Canadian farmers have nothing to fear about the demise of the single desk, says Australia’s trade minister. “The Australian experience has been unambiguously good. It has been very good for Australian wheat farmers,” Craig Emerson told reporters during a recent Cairns Group press conference in Saskatoon. The Australian Wheat Board lost its single desk powers in 2008, ushering in a new era of grain marketing. Emerson said both large and small farmers have benefited from the transition to an open market for wheat. “For example, in the very first year after deregulation of Australia’s single desk, our grain farmers exported to more than double the number of markets.” Australian wheat is now being shipped to 41 countries, up from 17 under the single desk era. Emerson said growers are the direct beneficiaries of that diversification and the fact that there are 26 licensed exporters competing for their wheat instead of just one. Australian growers harvested 26 million tonnes of wheat last year, which is well above the 10-year average of 20 million tonnes.

For example, in the very first year after deregulation of Australia’s single desk, our grain farmers exported to more than double the number of markets. CRAIG EMERSON AUSTRALIAN TRADE MINISTER

Emerson said Australia’s Productivity Commission issued a report concluding that the transition to an open market has been “remarkably smooth” and he claims there has been no call to return to a single desk environment. “I’m not saying that every person in Australia would fully endorse it, but what I would say is that it has overwhelming support in the farming community and no one but no one is seriously arguing to turn the clocks back.” The co-chair of the 36th Cairns Group ministerial meeting told fellow co-chair, Canadian agriculture minister Gerry Ritz, that he highly recommends getting rid of the single desk based on the Australian experience.

Australian trade minister Craig Emerson told farmers in Saskatoon that no one is wanting to “turn the clocks back” after Australia’s wheat board lost its single desk marketing powers. “It has been one of the great reforms in Australia,” he said. Other Australian and Canadian officials had a tough time buying what Emerson was selling. Peter Wilson, manager of global

supply chain for JK International PTY Ltd., said the Australian experience hasn’t been all roses for growers. “The farmer in Australia has definitely seen his supply chain cost

grow, so I’m not sure as a general comment I would say that farmers are better off in aggregate for having a deregulated market environment,” he said in a recent interview. Allen Oberg, chair of the Canadian Wheat Board, said there are signs that things are not going well for Australian farmers in a deregulated environment. “We know from experience that in Australia, now that they have further sellers out there, that there are quality concerns. And in some markets, that Australian wheat has become more competitive, so obviously their selling price has decreased,” he said. But Ritz received a ringing endorsement of his government’s plan to eliminate the Canadian Wheat Board’s export monopoly from the 19 agricultural exporting nations that make up the Cairns Group. “We welcome the domestic decision of the Government of Canada to reform its single desk marketing system of the Canadian Wheat Board for trade of wheat and barley as a positive contribution to improving productivity, promoting growth and enhancing the multilateral trading environment,” said the group in a statement following two days of meetings in Saskatoon.





Busy days ahead for wheat colour sorters Ergot widespread on Prairies | The fungal disease is poisonous to humans and livestock BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

In August, Matthew Enright posted a picture of a giant black ergot on his internet Twitter post. The Rosalind, Alta., farmer had seen ergot before, but none almost the length of his thumb. “Usually they’re the size of a wheat kernel, but this was almost two inches long, which is kind of bizarre,” said Enright. “Maybe it will mean it will clean out easier, or come out easier in the dockage.” While it’s too early to tell if ergot will be as widespread as last year in prairie grain, ergot has shown up in some early harvested wheat samples. Milt Miller, chief executive officer of Providence Grain Solutions in Fort Saskatchewan, Alta., said ergot seems to have affected a lot of wheat in their northern Alberta trading area. “It’s appears to be pretty widespread,” said Miller. This year’s wheat is grading No. 1., which has only a .01 percent tolerance for ergot before it’s downgraded to a No. 2 or 3. “It means a couple of pieces of ergot in an ice cream pail will place it out of the tolerance level,” said Miller. Last year, Providence Grain Solutions installed a colour separator at its elevator to remove ergot from grain. Miller estimates about 75 percent of the wheat hauled to its elevator went through the colour sorter to improve the grade. “Wheat was a reasonable quality last year, but without the colour sortaccess=subscriber section=news,crops,none

Ergot infected seeds are removed from a larger sample of wheat to improve the grade. | FILE PHOTO er, it would have become Canada Feed,” said Miller. “It’s a huge time and expense.” Ergot makes the screenings worthless for livestock feed because of high tox icity. Ergot is poisonous to humans and livestock. “(The screenings) are almost landfill material,” he said. Harry Brook, a crop specialist with

Alberta Agriculture, has heard few reports of ergot this year, but wouldn’t be surprised if it is a problem. “Ergot is primarily due to weather conditions at flowering and we had cool, damp conditions at flowering for a week, which was ample opportunity for fungal spores to infect the wheat,” said Brook. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we have

another year of ergot.” Ergot overwinters as fungal structures in the field. In late spring, it germinates and forms tiny spores, which are carried by the wind during the cereal flowering stage. Cool, damp weather in late spring and early summer favours ergot germination. Damp weather helps prolong the


flowering period of cereals and grasses, which increases the probability of ergot infection. Copper deficiency also boosts the likelihood of ergot infection. Rick Gabriel, manager of grain buying with Weyburn Inland Terminal, said while they have not seen a lot of wheat samples yet this season, ergot is in some fields. Gabriel has received several calls from farmers wanting information about the elevator’s ergot cleaning program. “I’m telling farmers to sit tight and they may be able to blend their own samples,” said Gabriel. “It’s not in every load. There are samples with absolutely none in it.” Darryl Barber of Viterra in Killam, Alta., said early wheat samples have some ergot mixed in with the wheat. But the samples are most likely from the headlands and opening rounds where ergot is always the worst. “It’s too early to hit the panic button, but there is going to be an issue again this year,” he said. Henry Hofer of Alix Colony said ergot has shown up in his wheat, especially in the outside rounds of the field. “Everybody’s got ergot,” said Hofer. “It’s just on the outside rounds like every year. You just have to bin it separately.” Stacey Bell with the Clive Seed Cleaning Co-op said he has received calls from local farmers wanting to book wheat for ergot cleaning. “I am expecting it to be very busy. If they have No. 1 wheat, the tolerance is very low.”




Label rules hurt beekeepers

Unseeded acreage claims hit record in Sask.


A European Union court ruling, which requires honey to be labelled as genetically modified if it contains traces of pollen from GM crops, won’t have a drastic effect on Canadian beekeepers, says the chair of the Canadian Honey Council. But the decision is a concern and the ruling will affect some Canadian honey exporters, said Corey Bacon, a beekeeper from Kinistino, Sask. “The market there (for Canadian honey) has been decreasing over the years…. However there are specific companies that could be severely impacted.” In early September, the European Court of Justice ruled all food products that contain GMOs are subject to regulatory approval, even if the food, like honey, wasn’t intentionally designed as a GM product. The court’s decision came as a surprise to the Canadian Honey Council. “We expected the outcome would bee a different outcome,” said Bacon, who didn’t explain why the CHC

It’s an issue for any country that grows GMO crops. GUY CHARTIER BEE MAID HONEY

anticipated a more favourable ruling. Bacon said the Canadian honey industry is assessing the ruling to determine how the court’s decision will affect beekeepers . But there is a chance that Canadian honey, sold in European grocery stores, will be given a GM label. “That’s an early indication of a possible outcome of this court ruling. That honey will be required to l a b e l l e d a s a G M O p ro d u c t o r sourced from a GMO product,” he said. “That, in itself, would significantly impact market demand of Canadian product.” The council didn’t have statistics on the value of honey exported to the EU, but Germany is the third largest market for Canadian honey. In 2010, Canadian exporters sold $2.66 mil-

lion worth of honey to Germany. In comparison, Canada exported $41 million in honey products to the United States in 2010 and $9.8 million to Japan. While the European market is small, losing those customers will harm specific companies, said Rod Scarlett, CHC executive director. “It’s substantial if you’re one of the exporters to France.” Guy Chartier, president of Bee Maid Honey, said it’s hard to comprehend how the EU will implement this ruling, because the region doesn’t produce enough honey to satisfy the European market. “This isn’t just an issue for Canadian honey. It’s an issue for any country that grows GMO crops,” he said. “It will be interesting to see, because from what I read, there’s not going to be enough honey in Europe to meet their needs.” The Guardian reported that the EU produces 200,000 tonnes and imports 140,000 tonnes of honey each year. FOR A STORY ON THE EUROPEAN CASE, SEE PAGE 23.

13,500 claims | Record payments of $329 million paid out BOB BJORNERUD


Saskatchewan farmers eligible for unseeded acreage payments through crop insurance received a record $329 million this year. Agriculture minister Bob Bjornerud said part of that is due to increasing the coverage to $70 per acre from $50. There were also more eligible participants in the program this year, he said. “It’s going to work out to probably somewhere in the neighbourhood of the same acres as last year that weren’t seeded and flooded.” There are about eight million unseeded acres in the province this year. However, not all farmers are eligible for the unseeded acreage benefit because they did not buy coverage.


They are eligible for the federalprovincial AgriRecovery excess moisture program, though. It pays $30 per eligible acre on land that was too wet to seed or seeded and then flooded. Bjornerud said that program has paid out about $90 million so far. The deadline to apply is Sept. 30. The record funding has been paid on record claims. There were 13,500 this year, compared to about 12,315 in 2010. The minister said he has been surprised by some of the harvest results this fall. “Some of the yields are very, very good,” he said. But he noted that yields are highly variable. Barley crops in particular suffered from the moisture, he said.





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Good options for harvest sales Feed barley, peas in demand | Marketing coaches give their picks for off-combine selling BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

There’s lots of opportunity to move crops off the combine, and a bullish winter outlook for crop prices. That should take pressure off farmers needing to sell some crops now, but planning to keep most for the winter. Crop brokers say there is demand for most crops. “I’ve got huge interest in feed bar-

ley,” said Allan Johnston of Welwyn, Sask. Johnston said Manitoba Hutterite hog producers have big problems with vomitoxin in their feedgrains, so they’re bringing in feed from outside the fusarium zone. Darren Frank of FarmLink Marketing Solutions said lots of grain is moving through Canadian Wheat Board programs, so that’s a good way to get cash quickly. Peas are moving well in Alberta,

providing a good cash market. Derek Squair of Agri-Trend Marketing said farmers he works with are getting cash through wheat board programs. He’s bullish about canola prices in the late winter and into spring, so he’s encouraging farmers to sell other crops, such as peas, if needed. “We’re looking for higher (canola) prices in 2012,” Squair said. John Duvenaud of Wild Oats markets newsletter said farmers can feel

relatively secure hanging onto most crops now. But red lentils have shown a tendency to slide, so those would be a good choice to move now. “Every other crop has been off to the races and red lentils have just been lower and lower,” said Duvenaud. “I could see a wipeout there. I’d get rid of my red lentils.” FLAX PRODUCTION IS SLASHED BUT PRICES FAIL TO RISE. SEE STORY PAGE 70 access=subscriber section=markets,crops,none


Canola stocks surprise, but demand can cope BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Canola can’t crash its own market these days. The market’s non-reaction to Statistics Canada pegging year end canola stocks at 1.83 million tonnes, about 500,000 more than traders expected, reveals a commodity that now moves its own price marginally, but mostly follows other vegetable oils. The change was due to an upward revision of last year’s crop of almost one million tonnes to 12.77 million tonnes. “A million tonne variance in the grand scheme of things? When you can allocate it to a known user, either crush or China, it’s a workable thing,” said canola analyst Greg Kostal.

“We have a market for it, it’s just that canola needs to be appropriately priced on a relative basis.” Canola prices actually rose Sept. 7, the day of the report, marching in lockstep with soybean oil. It wasn’t this way a few years ago. Before China became a major user and huge new canola crushers sprang up on the Canadian Prairies and U.S. Great Plains, any significant change in stocks beyond the needs of the domestic crushers and Japan tended to cause large reactions. If stocks grew much beyond traditional users’ needs, there were few alternative buyers and the price would quickly slide. If stocks were less than expected, prices could shoot up. Traders were mostly bemused by the Statistics Canada report, finding

the new number academically interesting rather than market moving. “That’s a mammoth adjustment,” said Ken Ball of Union Securities. “It’s a shocker.” Jon Driedger of FarmLink Marketing Solutions agreed. “Everyone’s scratching their heads about that number,” he said. Although larger than expected, the carryout is smaller than last year’s 2.12 million tonnes. Kostal said canola now is “just another global oilseed-consuming choice,” and users will switch to it when it gets relatively cheap, and switch out of it when it gets expensive compared to other vegetable oils. Chuck Penner of LeftField Commodity Research said the most interesting aspect of the Statistics Canada numbers is what it might suggest

about canola yields. If production for 2009 and 2010 was increased because of higher yields, that means 2011 production also might be more than expected. “I think we might see some surprising changes yet,” said Penner. “The yields actually go up quite a bit.” If acreage for those years is not substantially altered, it means average yields were one to three bushels per acre higher than earlier thought. If that continues into 2011, that could mean the crop now being harvested is 1.5 million tonnes larger than expected. Kostal said the Oct. 4 Statistics Canada production report might revise 2010 acreage and yield numbers to indicate the cause of the production increase.


USDA cuts corn crop, raises soy WASHINGTON (Reuters) — A three percent cut in the U.S. corn crop forecast after a scorching summer will be largely offset by sharply lower demand from domestic and export consumers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Sept. 12. In a report that painted a marginally brighter outlook for world grain supplies thanks to increased forecasts for wheat and rice crops, the USDA lowered its forecast for corn yields by 4.9 bushels per acre to 148.1 bu., the lowest in six years. That kept the corn harvest forecast in line with trade expectations, but U S D A a l s o c u t i t s f o re c a s t f o r demand from the ethanol and livestock sectors and lowered the export estimate. With corn prices historically high, users worldwide are switching to cheaper and more plentiful wheat. The result was a forecast for U.S. corn supplies at the end of 2011-12 of 672 million bu., topping traders’ expectations of 636 million bu. USDA raised its estimate of the soybean harvest by one percent, surprising traders who had expected a one percent cut. “The rain at the end of the month did help, so soybean yields bounce back,” said Don Roose, analyst for U.S. Commodities. The soybean stockpile would shrink to 165 million bu. by the end of 2011-12, slightly larger than traders expected, but still only a two-and-ahalf week supply.





High lentil, pea carryout surprises market Lentil problem bigger than peas | Pea demand is adequate to cope with increased carryout BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Statistics Canada found a lot more old crop peas and lentils in the system than pulse markets were counting on. The agency estimates 535,000 tonnes of peas and 750,000 tonnes of lentils were on hand in Canada as of July 31. Just under 46 percent of the pea carryover was in the hands of farmers, with the remainder held by grain companies. Chuck Penner, president of LeftField Commodity Research, was expecting 300,000 tonnes of pea carryout from the 2010-11 crop. Other analysts pegged the number as low as 200,000 tonnes. “(Statistics Canada) added about 200,000 or 300,000 tonnes that people weren’t really expecting, but that’s not really a big deal for peas,” he said. Penner expects little difficulty selling the extra supply. His export forecast for 2011-12 was ridiculously low due to a lack of supply, so he has no problem bumping it up a few hundred thousand tonnes. “I don’t see any real big impact on that market,” he said. Mike Jubinville, president of Pro Farmer Canada, was surprised that Statistics Canada added 150,000 tonnes to the 2010-11 pea produc-


Analysts think despite the increase in pea carryover, total pea supply will be manageable. The outlook for lentils depends on the quality of the stocks. | FILE PHOTO tion number and shaved 100,000 tonnes off of 2009-10 domestic disappearance to boost 2010-11 carryout 250,000 tonnes higher than originally thought. “I still think the buying interest from places like India is sufficient enough that we can absorb that amount of (additional) supply without too much trouble,” he said.

While it is not bearish news, it could somewhat temper the bullish mood in pea markets. “It might limit the upside or slow a process to what otherwise would have been another ramp up towards $9 per bu. again on the yellow peas,” said Jubinville. Stat Publishing editor Brian Clancey said in a recent analysis of the stocks

report that Canada will reduce pea exports by 800,000 tonnes compared to 2010-11. That market reality combined with strong early season demand bodes well for prices. Larry Weber, owner of Weber Commodities Ltd., is more concerned about lentil stocks than peas. The trade was counting on 350,000 to

500,000 tonnes of carryover, so 750,000 tonnes was a shock. “Nobody was expecting that jump.” Statistics Canada estimates 87 percent of the carryover is in farmers’ hands. Clancey estimates 250,000 tonnes of the carr yout are greens and 500,000 tonnes are reds. How much of a burden the extra 250,000 to 400,000 tonnes of supply becomes will depend on how much of it is of No. 3 or lower quality. Weber expects a lot of it will fall into that category and could be hard to move. There are some surprisingly good prices for sample grade lentils in the United States, where buyers are paying 16 to 18 cents per pound. “Maybe we can get rid of some of these lower quality stocks,” he said. Jubinville said lentil growers can expect a sluggish market throughout 2011-12. “It’s going to take a lot of time to make the market chew through that inventory,” he said.


Time for pro-CWBers to swallow pride and provide input HEDGE ROW



he most ridiculous aspect of the fight over ending the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopolies is that the only farmers campaigning to set up a new wheat board are those who would never use it. And the only farmers likely to use it are the only ones categorically refusing to help design it. Both positions make sense in political terms: the righties who appear to have won the war to kill the board’s monopolies are terrified of having blood on their hands and want to wash it away by establishing a voluntary board of some sort. The government doesn’t want to be found guilty of waging aggressive war a ga i n s t f a r m e r s by k i l l i n g t h e monopolies, so it is desperate to have something in place that it can point to as proof that it didn’t hurt the interests of the large number of farmers who had no desire to see the board broken. For most lefties, doing anything to accept the government’s decision to break the board’s monopolies feels

like collaborating with the enemy, playing into the government’s hands and allowing it to walk away from the guilt and shame they hope will hang on it forever. But with the results of the plebiscite now establishing firmly what farmers actually feel about the issue, hopefully some on the pro-monopoly side can declare moral victory, move out of their rock hard opposition and take control of the process to replace the present CWB. After all, almost everyone accepts that the political war is over and that it’s time to start thinking about life after the board. Farmers’ views are now on the record, so it’s time to get practical. There are very reasonable arguments made by pro-monopoly people that a non-monopoly marketing agency would have no point. I have a lot of trouble seeing a useful purpose for a non-monopoly agency. Why do we need a new, weak, virtually assetless grain company to move two crops? But there are also thousands of farmers who have been deeply wounded by the loss of co-operative and collective organizations since the beginning of the 1990s, including the loss of the co-operative grain companies and now the CWB as we know it. Support is overwhelming for all sorts of co-operatives across the Prairies, including local retail co-ops, gas co-ops and new generation co-ops. Perhaps there could be a role for a co-

operative crop marketing agency, regardless of whether it is able to get premiums from a monopoly. After all, retail co-ops often don’t have the lowest prices in town, but loyal members shop there regardless. A certain percentage of farmers would likely loyally support a crop marketing co-operative if one could be put together. It wouldn’t have to market just wheat, durum and barley, but could include canola and maybe do group purchasing of inputs. I don’t have a clue what its functions could be, and I wouldn’t trust the suggestions for form, structure and scope coming from those individuals and groups that have spent years trying to kill the present CWB. They’re not necessarily ill-intended, but they never saw the point or the attraction of the current structure so they’re not likely to be able to figure out something for those farmers whose thinking they are completely alienated from. Wheat board staff no doubt has ideas and contingency plans for life after the monopoly, but for an entity t o s e r v e f a r m e r s, i t s h o u l d b e designed by farmers and not by the agency itself. The point isn’t to design something so the board can survive, but to design something that farmers will want to use. But the time to have useful input is short. The government is moving forward relentlessly, will likely soon fire the current CWB board of direcaccess=subscriber section=markets,opinion,none

tors so it can move faster, and if it doesn’t get some input from likely users of a new wheat board, it’ll undoubtedly cobble something together from the suggestions of the groups on the right. That’s not likely to work out too well for anyone. It might take a lot of pride- and bileswallowing for pro-monopoly folks to participate with the government in designing something new, but a

scorched earth policy doesn’t do anything. Long after the Harper government has faded to a memory, when Ritz once more seems like the name of a cracker and not a politician, farmers will be farming the Prairies. And if there’s a chance to put together something that might work for folks who have lost so much in recent decades, why not try?

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GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt)

Grade A


Live Previous Sept. 2-Sept. 8 Aug. 26-Sept. 1

Year ago

Rail Previous Sept. 2-Sept. 8 Aug. 26-Sept. 1

101.00-102.15 100.37-115.74 102.36 92.00-96.00

100.75 100.19-113.14 n/a 92.00-95.50

89.38 93.51 88.67 86.50

168.50-170.70 177.00-183.00 n/a n/a

170.50-170.85 177.00-185.00 n/a n/a

99.50-102.15 97.58-110.96 102.36 91.00-95.00

n/a 101.29-109.76 n/a 91.00-94.75

89.15 90.61 88.59 83.50

168.50-168.85 176.00-182.00 n/a n/a

170.50-172.50 176.00-184.00 n/a n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$150 $145 $140 $135 $130 8/8

8/15 8/22 8/29



Saskatchewan $145

$130 n/a $125 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/29

Feeder Cattle ($/cwt) 9/2


Manitoba $145 $140 $135 $130 n/a


$125 8/8

8/15 8/22 8/29




Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $145

Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400




112-122 116-134 122-142 127-146 137-155 147-174

110-124 115-133 120-139 130-148 134-153 140-168

115-126 120-136 125-145 130-151 140-165 150-178

no sales 118-132 119-138 124-147 136-155 146-160

110-122 115-129 121-134 124-140 130-155 no sales

108-122 112-127 115-133 120-138 128-148 no sales

112-127 115-133 120-140 125-145 135-160 145-170

111-123 120-128 121-135 123-140 130-144 no sales Canfax

$140 $135

Average Carcass Weight

$130 $125 8/8

8/15 8/22 8/29




Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $140 $135

Sept. 3/11 Sept. 4/10 878 865 798 778 678 680 1008 1058


YTD 11 842 770 675 1023

YTD 10 843 782 672 1021

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)

$125 $120 8/8

8/15 8/22 8/29



Manitoba $135 $130 $125 $120 n/a

$115 8/8


8/15 8/22 8/29



Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice)Steers National 117.71 Kansas 117.83 Nebraska 117.69 Nebraska (dressed) 186.97

Heifers 117.81 117.87 118.00 186.96

Feeders No. 1 (700-799 lb) Steers South Dakota 127.00-140.25 Billings 126.50-131.75 Dodge City 129.85-136.50

Trend steady/+2 steady steady

Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Man-Neb

Futures -14.41 -15.19 -23.55 Canfax

Canadian Beef Production million lb. Fed Non-fed Total beef

YTD % change 1328.6 -11 221.6 -15 1550.2 -12 Canfax

Cattle / Beef Trade Exports % from 2010 382,451 (1) -34.3 61,276 (1) -62.2 122,024 (3) -25.5 164,559 (3) -22.5 Imports % from 2010 n/a (2) n/a 32,354 (2) +17.9 105,065 (4) +35.3 132,059 (4) +16.9

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to Aug. 27/11 (2) to June 30/11 (3) to June 30/11 (4) to Aug. 27/11 Agriculture Canada

Alberta $220 $200 $180 $160

Close Close Sept. 9 Sept. 2 Live Cattle Oct 118.45 114.80 Dec 118.25 116.48 Feb 121.83 119.80 Apr 125.78 123.83 Jun 124.15 122.90 Feeder Cattle Sep 133.23 132.65 Oct 134.85 132.95 Nov 135.68 134.33 Jan 138.23 136.05 Mar 139.50 136.58

Trend Year ago


Oct 09-Oct 22 Oct 23-Nov 05 Nov 06-Nov 19 Nov 20-Dec 03 Dec 04-Dec 17 Dec 18-Dec 31 Jan 01-Jan 14 Jan 15-Jan 28 Jan 29-Feb 11 Feb 12-Feb 25 Feb 26-Mar 10

Maple Leaf Sept. 9 150.01-153.66 146.95-149.55 141.92-144.66 140.91-142.83 145.57-146.49 141.92-141.92 145.15-147.44 151.10-154.77 157.06-157.97 155.68-158.89 157.42-159.25

+3.65 97.15 +1.77 99.98 +2.03 101.33 +1.95 102.10 +1.25 98.60

8/15 8/22 8/29



Barley Sp Select 6-row $380 $375 $370

$360 8/8

8/15 8/22 8/29



Barley Sp Select 2-row $395 $390

$375 8/8



+0.58 +1.90 +1.35 +2.18 +2.92

111.70 111.83 112.48 112.33 112.05


Sept. 2 Previous Base rail (index 100) 3.65 3.65 Index range 99.99-105.85 92.31-106.58 Range off base 3.61-3.86 3.41-3.89 Feeder lambs 1.68-180 1.68-1.80 Sheep (live) 0.45-0.50 0.45-050 SunGold Meats

Sept. 6 1.90-2.25 1.89-2.20 1.75-1.99 1.85-1.96 1.40-1.75 1.70-2.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 70-125

1.95-2.55 1.82-2.05 1.75-1.94 1.84-1.90 1.40-1.87 1.70-2.10 0.90-1.10 0.90-1.10 70-125

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Sept. 12 Wool lambs > 80 lb.1.70-1.75 Wool lambs < 80 lb. 1.80 Hair lambs 1.60-1.70 Fed sheep 0.30-0.55



Canola (cash - Nov.) $570


Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head)

8/15 8/22 8/29

Cash Prices



$530 8/5

Grain Futures 8/12 8/19 8/26



Canola (basis - Nov.) $0 $-10 $-20 $-30 $-40 8/5

8/12 8/19 8/26



Feed Wheat (cash) $215 $210 $205 $200 $195 8/5

8/12 8/19 8/26



Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $540 $530 $520 $510

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

$500 8/5

To Sept. 3

8/12 8/19 8/26



To date 2011 To date 2010 % change 11/10


Index 100 hogs $/ckg Alta. Sask.

150.00 149.88

Man. Que.

153.00 166.41 *incl. wt. premiums

Export 653,921 (1) 110,629 (2) 554,146 (2)

Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)


(1) to Aug. 27/11 9/2

$185 8/5

8/12 8/19 8/26



Canola, western barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Corn (Sept.) $780 $750

Hogs / Pork Trade



Agriculture Canada



Basis: -$17


Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. 13,432,889 71,570,680 13,624,316 71,719,080 -1.4 -0.2

(2) to June 30/11


% from 2010 -6.1 -12.8 +0.8

Import n/a 100,856 (3) 101,490 (3)

(3) to Aug. 27/11

% from 2010 n/a +8.9 +9.2 Agriculture Canada


$690 $660 8/8

8/15 8/22 8/29



Soybeans (Sept.) $1450






Year ago 170.00 180.00 179.00 179.00 458.90 463.60 467.40 468.70 471.60 7.1375 7.4500 7.7375 7.7550 3.2200 3.3300 3.3750 3.3950 10.2525 10.3450 10.4400 10.5225 296.8 290.8 283.5 295.0 41.34 41.42 41.81 42.12 4.6925 4.8350 4.9675 4.9975 7.5500 7.6750 7.7975 7.7350 7.5750 7.6950 7.8250 7.7750

Canadian Exports & Crush




Sept. 12 Sept. 2 Trend Wpg ICE Western Barley ($/tonne) Oct 215.00 215.00 0.00 Dec 215.00 215.00 0.00 Mar 220.00 220.00 0.00 May 225.00 225.00 0.00 Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Nov 565.90 575.90 -10.00 Jan 575.70 585.20 -9.50 Mar 584.60 593.80 -9.20 May 590.60 599.60 -9.00 Jul 595.30 605.40 -10.10 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Sep 6.9975 7.3000 -0.3025 Dec 7.2725 7.7550 -0.4825 Mar 7.6225 8.1000 -0.4775 May 7.8125 8.2275 -0.4150 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Sep 3.4500 3.6900 -0.2400 Dec 3.4500 3.6900 -0.2400 Mar 3.5500 3.7800 -0.2300 May 3.6250 3.8500 -0.2250 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Sep 13.8750 14.3600 -0.4850 Nov 13.9600 14.4575 -0.4975 Jan 14.0625 14.5575 -0.4950 Mar 14.1300 14.5975 -0.4675 Chicago Soy Meal ($US/short ton) Sep 360.1 377.8 -17.7 Oct 361.3 379.9 -18.6 Dec 365.8 385.0 -19.2 Jan 367.9 386.9 -19.0 Chicago Soybean Oil (US¢/lb.) Sep 57.25 57.74 -0.49 Oct 57.39 57.88 -0.49 Dec 57.75 58.26 -0.51 Jan 57.92 58.47 -0.55 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Sep 7.3425 7.5025 -0.1600 Dec 7.4550 7.6000 -0.1450 Mar 7.5850 7.7225 -0.1375 May 7.6550 7.7850 -0.1300 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Sep 9.3950 9.8425 -0.4475 Dec 9.0150 9.4275 -0.4125 Mar 9.0050 9.4100 -0.4050 May 8.9900 9.4025 -0.4125 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Sep 8.0300 8.5800 -0.5500 Dec 8.2600 8.8000 -0.5400 Mar 8.4025 8.9125 -0.5100 May 8.4525 8.9175 -0.4650


Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)


Sept. 2-Sept. 8 U.S. Barley PNW 295.00 U.S. No. 3 Yellow Corn Gulf 311.60-316.62 U.S. Hard Red Winter Gulf 350.95 U.S. No. 3 Amber Durum Gulf 531.87 U.S. DNS (14%) PNW 390.33 No. 1 DNS (14%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 8.83 No. 1 DNS (13%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 8.43 No. 1 Durum (13%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 12.03 No. 1 Malt Barley ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 6.48 No. 2 Feed Barley ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 5.16 Canadian Wheat Board



Sept. 12 Avg. Sept. 2 Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 29.50-30.75 30.14 30.67 Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 19.50-20.00 19.83 19.83 Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 28.50-29.00 28.88 28.67 Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 28.75-29.75 29.29 28.67 Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 19.00-20.00 19.67 19.67 Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) 16.00-18.75 17.54 17.71 Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 14.75-15.25 15.17 14.67 Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) 7.80-8.50 8.22 8.22 Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) 7.30-7.50 7.47 7.47 Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) 8.50-9.00 8.71 7.89 Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) 8.30-9.00 8.58 7.30 Maple peas ($/bu) 7.80-8.00 7.96 7.96 Feed peas ($/bu) 3.50-5.98 4.37 4.37 Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) 35.75 25.88 24.90 Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) 30.75-32.75 31.42 30.36 Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) 26.75 19.73 19.73 Canaryseed (¢/lb) 24.75-27.00 25.64 25.33 Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) 26.40-27.75 27.48 27.48 Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) 45.00-46.50 45.90 43.95 Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) 30.00-30.50 30.30 30.13 B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb) 31.40-33.00 32.60 32.60

International Grain Prices ($US/tonne)


$400 8/8

Pulse and Special Crops Information supplied by STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Roy Legumex, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker and Walker Seeds. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Sept. 7 Aug. 31 Year Ago Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) 192.98 190.61 124.90 Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb) 37.25 37.05 15.95

Wheat 1 CWRS 13.5%

This wk Last wk Yr. ago 195-197 195-197 181-183

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

8/15 8/22 8/29


Hog Slaughter

Man. Pork Sept. 9 148.44-152.09 145.79-147.98 140.78-143.51 139.77-141.69 144.42-145.34 140.78-140.78 143.70-145.98 149.64-153.29 155.57-156.49 154.20-157.40 156.03-157.86


8/15 8/22 8/29

$545 8/8

St. Lawrence Asking

Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)

Fixed contract $/ckg


$140 8/8



Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg)

8/15 8/22 8/29


W. Barley (cash - Oct.)

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.

$140 8/8




n/a $140 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/29



Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)


Basis Cash -13.89 -13.24 -21.60

To Sept. 3 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2011 1,952,780 22,751,627 To date 2010 2,206,246 22,704,179 % Change 11/10 -11.5 +0.2


n/a n/a

Durum 1 AD


Cattle Slaughter


CWB T.Bay Domestic Asking Prices

Oct Dec Feb Apr

Close Sept. 9 87.25 83.58 89.50 92.40

Close Sept. 2 85.80 83.10 87.25 90.40

Trend +1.45 +0.48 +2.25 +2.00

Year ago 77.25 74.70 78.08 79.60

May Jun Jul Aug

EXCHANGE RATE: SEPT. 12 $1 Cdn. = $1.0045 U.S. $1 U.S. = $0.9955 Cdn.

Close Sept. 9 96.60 99.18 97.30 95.98

Close Sept. 2 94.70 97.28 95.60 94.10

Trend +1.90 +1.90 +1.70 +1.88

Year ago 82.65 85.23 83.08 81.15

$1250 8/8

8/15 8/22 8/29





Oats (Sept.) $400 $380 $360 $340 $320 8/8

8/15 8/22 8/29

(1,000 To To tonnes) Sept. 4 Aug. 28 Wheat 225.7 189.2 Durum 4.8 38.0 Oats 38.6 49.3 Barley 33.9 0.8 Flax 3.9 2.4 Canola 135.6 69.9 Peas 53.9 12.1 Canola crush 111.7 73.6

Total to date 1148.8 222.0 126.5 35.6 14.2 523.7 139.3 546.8

Last year 1094.6 414.8 155.6 109.6 11.1 550.1 263.3 587.4






The Canfax steer price for last week averaged $101.71 per hundredweight, down 38 cents and heifers averaged $101.03, down $1.49. The week’s rail trade was generally $1-$3 lower. With lower cut-out values and higher priced U.S. fed cattle, three major U.S. packers were active in the Canadian market. Local packer interest remained relatively light. Show list volumes were slightly larger than the previous week, and a larger captive supply limited support for the cash market. Sales totalled 20,627, up 13 percent from the previous week. Cattle futures rose on strong beef demand and fund buying, causing the Canadian cash to Chicago futures basis to widen to close the week at -$14.41. That is the widest it has been since the spring of 2010. That might encourage feedlots to sell into the United States. Weekly fed exports to Aug. 27 were 8,075 head, up five percent from the previous week. Global economic instability could further disrupt commodity markets. Lift times on cash cattle are growing, indicating local packers have inventory on hand. Carcass weights are 10 to 20 pounds heavier than the same time last year.

U.S. cash hog prices bounced back modestly from the usual Labour Day slump. Rallying hog prices in China could support increased imports that would support North American hog prices. Pork prices, a primary culprit behind China’s persistent inflation, jumped about 57 percent in the year to July, and helped push inflation in July to a three-year high of 6.5 percent. Iowa-southern Minnesota cash hogs delivered to plants were $64.50 US per hundredweight on Sept. 9. Cash U.S. pork carcass cut-out value closed at $94.23 Sept. 9, down from $94.60 Sept. 2. The U.S. federal slaughter estimate was two million, down from 2.13 million the previous week.

The Canadian Bison Association said markets were slightly weaker as buyers rejected high prices and trim prices fell. Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were $3.90-$4 per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers were $3.80-$4. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted. Slaughter cows and bulls averaged $2.70.


SHEEP STEADY Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 932 sheep and lambs and 70 goats traded Sept. 6. All classes of lambs, sheep and goats sold steady. access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none section=markets,livestock,none

The demands of harvest have slowed the number of feeder cattle going to market. | FILE PHOTO

COW PRICE FALLS Non-fed cattle saw a moderate volume. D1, D2 cows averaged $67.33, down $2.77 and D3 averaged $62.07. Dressed cow bids were $129-$134 per cwt., down $1. Butcher bull prices averaged $79.12, down $2.55. Non-fed exports for the week were down 15 percent at 2,749 head. Harvest may be slowing cattle marketing but pastures have deteriorated in the heat and that should keep moderate volumes going to town. Seasonally, soft demand is expected to pressure prices lower.

FEEDERS MIXED Feeder auction volume fell 35 percent as producers turned attention to harvest. Light stocker prices fell. Middleweight feeder steers were steady and 400 to 800 lb. heifers rose $1. The average heavy feeder price slipped by $1 due to quality issues. Weekly feeder exports to Aug. 27 fell 38 percent to 398 head. Long delivery dates for marketed fed cattle could delay feedlot inventory turnover, but demand should be good relative to supply this week, supporting prices.

BEEF SLIGHTLY LOWER U.S. Choice cutouts were $180.13 US per cwt., down from $180.76 the week before and Select was $171.29, down from $172.51. The Montreal wholesale market for delivery this week was steady at $195-$197. Canadian cut-out values for the week ending Sept. 2 were not available. This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at


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Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail:



Organic sector must strive to distinguish its benefits


e have seen the organic movement grow rapidly in the past couple of decades, from a collection of small niche players to large agricultural enterprises that today control major markets worldwide. Yet there remains a huge elephant in the room whenever food scientists, marketers and growers get together. The question of whether organic food is superior in nutrition to food raised conventionally remains unanswered. The internet is full of research (both real and fabricated) brought forth by supporters of both camps, which they say shows their system’s superiority, but there is little that demonstrates any nutritional gain to be had from eating organically grown food. That’s a problem because as long as organic producers continue to charge more, they should be able to point out why consumers should pay more. Admittedly, people choose organic food for other reasons besides perceived health benefits. Some link organics to supporting small family farms, some choose it believing it to be more local and fresher, some say it is better for animal welfare, while others say they support organics to be more environmentally friendly. And for many, it is an issue of not using pesticides or genetically modified organisms. All are valid reasons, but for every perceived benefit, there is a counter argument and consumers are left to muddle through, buying more on feel or belief than on science. If the organic industry is to sustain its success, it would be wise to look at ways to fill this information void. We need look no further than the recent recession to see the organic market ’s vulnerabilities. When times become more economically unstable, consumers have shown they are less inclined to pay more for their food. But they might be swayed to part with their hard-to-come-by dollars if the organics industry could provide more reasons for why they should do so.

To date, one of the largest studies about the nutritional value of organic vs. conventionally raised food was carried out in 2009 for the Food Standards Agency in Great Britain. It concluded there are no nutritional benefits to organic fruit, vegetables, chicken, beef and milk. The study, cond u c t e d by t h e L o n d o n S c h o o l f o r Hygiene and Tropical Health, reviewed more than 3,500 peer reviewed articles going back to 1958 in which content of nutrients and other substances in organic and conventionally raised food were compared. No evidence of a difference in nutrients between the two systems was found. The study did not look at the other reasons people give for buying organic food. This does not mean organic production’s days are numbered. Far from it. Organic production can play a vital role in today’s marketplace. However, it will need to maximize what it has to offer. Local production, freshness, environmentally friendly practices all can be valid marketing tools, but they are not exclusive to organics. Any savvy farmer with a quality assurance system for freshness and rapid delivery can offer many of the same benefits. If the organic industry is to continue its growth, it must fund more research to help better distinguish itself in the marketplace. The time in which consumers are willing to take a leap of faith and trust the industry’s marketing messages is waning. Rising food safety concerns and a continually fracturing, more competitive marketplace are going to make the message a more difficult sell in years to come. Only by giving consumers the information they need to make informed choices, can the organic industry build consumer trust.

Science, or para-science, tells us that geraniums bloom better if they are spoken to. But a kind word every now and then is really quite enough. Too much attention, like too much feeding, and weeding and hoeing, inhibits and embarrasses them. VICTORIA GLENDINNING

Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none



Fall sitting: high political drama including single desk marketing, gun registry NATIONAL VIEW



public opinion poll four years before the next election asking voter preferences if an election was held today is as useful as predicting harvest yield two weeks after seeding. Still, politicians take their betweenelections news where they can get it and this week’s poll results from Nanos Research will send the Conservatives into Parliament next week

with some swagger in their step. The government regained support lost over the summer of political disinterest to reclaim election-level support of close to 40 percent. The NDP also gained support to 33 percent although with no permanent leader until March and the Jack Layton’s nostalgia effect sure to dissipate significantly by 2015, it is folly to read much in. The Liberals remain also-rans with barely half of Conservative support. That poll will be part of the backdrop when Parliament resumes Sept. 19 for the first full session of the new majority Conservative government. For the Conservatives, it is showand-tell time. The first two years of majority government typically are used to start implementing the agenda,

particularly the more controversial elements. Expect a very activist Conservative agenda through the autumn and winter with legislation on crime, grain marketing, possibly the Canadian Grain Commission, the gun registry and probably a bill to give British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario more parliamentary seats. The core theme, however, will be the economy and job creation and maybe a softening of the resolve to end the deficit in four years even if the economy is softening. New Democrats and Liberals will put up spirited opposition to many of the crime bills and the legislation to end the Canadian Wheat Board single desk. But both also will be distracted by the fact that neither has a permanent

leader. In particular, the NDP will be distracted by a leadership race raging through the winter — the core period when the government will be moving its agenda forward. The wheat board debate, while bewildering to the vast majority of MPs who have no idea which end of a combine gives milk, could be one of the most fierce parliamentary battles since the opposition fight to stop Liberal undermining of the Crow Rate grain subsidy three decades ago. Critics will base much of their opposition on the CWB farmer vote result released Sept. 12 showing that the majority of farmers who voted support retaining the single desk. It is the farmer voice, they will roar. They will demand that a parliamentary committee studying legislation to dismantle the single desk

travel through Western Canada to give farmers a chance to testify. The Conservative majority will reject the travel proposal. The government will argue the vote result was biased in favour of small producers or landlords with less commercial stake in the outcome than commercial farmers trying to make a living growing grain. Conservative MPs will parrot the line that since 44 percent didn’t bother to vote, it is not such a big issue for many farmers. With a 68-year-old single desk on the line and passionate farmers on both sides, the parliamentary debate should be emotional and the parliamentary tactics creative. Looming over it all will be the difficult-to-meet deadline of a July 31, 2012 end to the single desk. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none





Manitoba, Sask: tale of two elections EDITORIAL NOTEBOOK




Time to focus on the future for farmers Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz says the Canadian Wheat Board must create a new and reasonable business model


cross Canada, harvest is in full swing as farmers reap the benefits of months of hard work put into their fields. Regretfully, a double standard still applies to Canadian grain farmers: while farmers in Ontario and other parts of Eastern Canada seek out the best possible prices for their wheat, and barley, western Canadian grain farmers are forced to sell to the monopoly of the Canadian Wheat Board.

Our government’s top priority is the economy in which the agriculture industry plays a vital role. We know that an open market for grains and barley will attract investment, encourage innovation and create value-added jobs. That’s why our government is committed to giving western Canadian farmers the marketing freedom they want and deserve. When the C WB announced it would hold farmer meetings to discuss its future, I was hopeful that these meetings would be used to listen to farmers and look towards a future that can include a viable, voluntary Canadian Wheat Board. Unfortunately for farmers, these meetings were no more than a travelling road show, carbon copies of each other that only three percent of the

CWB’s own members attended. Nobody was surprised when reports surfaced that questions appeared scripted and that some pro-board participants had to be bussed in to legitimize the process. Even cousin organizations of the CWB, such as the Communist Party of Canada, were fully represented. What these meetings showed was that a select few at the board are unwilling to forgo their defeatist approach to the future. It’s apparent that some board members are more interested in sustaining their own future instead of working to earn farmers, business in the future. While they claim that the pooling system is paramount, they refuse to believe that farmers are business minded enough to use it under their own free will.

As I have said before, it’s disappointing that a select few at the board would rather sink the ship than try and float in different waters. While the board wants only the pro-board percentage of farmers to have their way, our government wants to provide every farmer with marketing freedom, whether that’s selling individually or in a marketing pool. We remain hopeful that the board will put aside its defeatist approach and come to the table with a responsible and reasonable business model for their future in an open market. Farmers can be assured that our government will continue to consult with the entire value chain, including the Canadian Wheat Board, to ensure a smooth transition to western Canadian grain marketing freedom. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none


Grain returns still stronger than cattle income HURSH ON AG



ow-calf producers are smiling with returns looking good as the fall calf run approaches. Still, the cow business remains the poor cousin to the grain sector. CanFax data shows the average price of top quality bred cows in Western Canada has increased dramatically to about $1,600 per head. Although beef cow numbers continue their long decline, more heifers for breeding have been retained in Alberta and Saskatchewan. In many parts of Western Canada, top quality farmland, even without any urban or industrial influence, sells for $1,000 to $2,000 an acre and the value has been steadily increas-

ing. The units of production, cows and grain acres, have a value in the same ballpark. What about the returns from each? Calves in the 600 pound range look like they might sell for as much as $1.45 a pound this fall, meaning the gross return could approach $900 per animal. That’ll put smiles on a lot of faces. When you go through farm income statistics, a gross farm return of $250,000 a year seems to be a tipping point. For farms below that amount, most of the family income tends to come from off-farm employment. At $250,000 gross and above, the farm tends to be the main source of family income. Even with the highest calf prices in years, getting to a quarter million gross takes a cow herd of about 300. This is generally regarded as a pretty sizable cattle operation. Compare that to grain with canola at $12 a bushel, top quality wheat at $7 and yellow peas at $8.50. Assume a yield of 35 bushels an acre on all three providing $420 an acre on the canola,

$245 on the wheat and $297 on the peas. Given these assumptions, a grain farm needs fewer than 800 acres to reach $250,000 gross. That’s a small grain farm, nothing to brag about. A million dollars in annual sales implies a cow herd of 1,200 or a grain farm of 3,200 acres. That’s considered a very large cattle operation for Western Canada, but it’s only an average sized grain business. Of course, net return, profitability, is what really matters. This is a more difficult comparison to make and it varies widely by region, by farm and by year. At current prices, both grain and cattle are profitable, but most cow-calf producers lack the scale required to make a serious amount of money. Ten years ago, before the BSE outbreak in Canada, grain producers were struggling. There were years when no matter what you grew and no matter how good your yields, it was difficult to get ahead. Land that was marginal for grain production was being converted to

pasture and hay. The cow business appeared to have a brighter future than crops. Eight years after the BSE disaster, the negative implications continue to be overcome. Markets around the world are gradually reopening to Canadian beef. Cow-calf producers are finally being rewarded. But those rewards now pale in comparison to returns in the grain sector. Grain farms that maintain 50, 100 or even a couple hundred cows have little incentive to expand that side of the operation. Mixed farms are becoming less prevalent. Cow-calf producers are getting big or getting out. The good times in grain may not last forever. No one has a crystal ball. However, it’s hard to imagine a scenario whereby cow-calf returns will see a quantum leap. That’s what it would take to close the current gap between cows and grain. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none


t never ceases to fascinate me how different politics are between provinces that seem to have a lot in common — like economies, resources, populations or industries. Our current examples are Manitoba and Saskatchewan, which are going to the polls this fall on Oct. 4 and Nov. 7 respectively. First, the similarities. Both provinces have substantial agriculture industries, although they are different in type and scale. The economies in both provinces are generally good, although Manitoba is ahead in sports: it is getting its NHL team back. Even the Blue Bombers are playing well (although the resurgent Roughriders handed them back to back losses). Politically, the Liberal parties are non-entities in both provinces, at least in terms of forming government. A decent Liberal vote in Manitoba could sway some seats, but isn’t likely to make a big difference. Therefore, both provinces are essentially choosing between conservative and New Democratic parties. However, if this was a contest, the Manitoba battle would win for most interesting race. NDP premier Greg Selinger is taking on Tory leader Hugh McFadyen, and polls are showing it’s pretty much neck and neck. Selinger has had both good and bad reviews for his response to this spring’s flooding, and they’re fighting it out in Winnipeg over the usual issues, such as crime and jobs. Farmers have a lot of reasons to get out and vote in Manitoba. There has been enormous debate over the planned hydro transmission line, known as the Bipole III, which will affect a lot of farmers. Other issues include flooding assistance and removing education from property taxes. By contrast, in Saskatchewan, premier Brad Wall might as well be running for king, if his polling numbers are any indication. The Saskatoon StarPhoenix and Regina Leader-Post published poll results last week showing the Saskatchewan Party is preferred by 63.4 percent of decided voters, way ahead of 26.1 percent for the NDP. Wall’s personal numbers are even higher: 79 percent said he was the best choice for premier. Nothing in politics is ever a foregone conclusion. Wall could stumble in a debate (unlikely), or the economy could tank before Nov. 7 (probably not). But I think the Manitoba election is going to be a lot more fun to watch, at least for political junkies. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none



OPEN FORUM LETTERS POLICY: Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author. Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

DEMOCRATIC FREEDOM To the Editor: The word democracy has been used a lot in the debate over the future of the Ca na d ia n Wh e at Board. Groups and individuals supporting the status quo are saying that wheat board minister Gerry Ritz should respect the right of farmers to vote on this issue as a democratic right. Western Barley Growers Association also believes in democracy, particularly the democratic right of a farmer to choose when they deliver their grain, who they sell their grain to and at what price they sell that grain for. That democratic freedom — to operate a business successfully — should never be taken away from farmers via a vote by other farmers. Canada is a nation built on the principle of freedom for its citizens and holding a vote to decide whether farmers are free or not goes completely counter to those principles. Minister Ritz has consistently taken this position since his announcement to remove the monopoly of the CWB. The WBGA strongly supports the minister on his stand and encourages him to continue on the path of freedom for western Canadian farmers. Minister Ritz has it right; the results of the CWB vote are irrelevant. This is about the democratic rights of farmers and that should never be put to a vote. If the CWB and its supporters want to demonstrate democracy they need to start by respecting basic business principles and property rights. Brian Otto, President, WBGA, Warner, Alta.

STIFLING OPPOSITION To the Editor: I attended the Canadian Wheat Board meeting in Regina recently, in the hope that I would hear what proposals the board was going to take to the minister of agriculture for the continuation of the CWB after the single desk goes. I was worryingly disappointed by the naïveté of the speakers and the attitude of the people at the meeting. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none

What we heard was CWB chair, Allen Oberg, a few senior staff and some of the elected board members acting like a pontificate of Victorian preachers. They were all predicting the end of the world if we didn’t all follow the Gospel according to the CWB and the monopoly single desk. Any dissenters would clearly be going to hell, where they would be burned and consumed by the free market. One idiot even claimed we were in a war and the board should instigate a campaign of civil disobedience and disruption…. The only sane voice that came from the floor was a young, successful

immigrant French farmer who was constantly heckled (sometimes in French) as he tried to make some comments and ask a question. I suffered an attempt at intimidation by an interfering guy wearing a CWB hat while giving an interview for the press. I was also told by a bigoted, retired farmer from my area to “go back to England.” (I am an 11-year immigrant and now a Canadian citizen.) It’s a depressing state of affairs when supporters of the CWB resort to such tactics…. There is now a window of opportunity for the CWB to go to the minister with its proposals and needs, to

ensure that the CWB can be a viable and effective alternative marketer of grain to the world, against the multinationals in the post single desk future, but I fear this board is just fiddling and in denial…. The future of the CWB … (is) about creating and securing a post-single desk, modern 21st century, costeffective and efficient marketing tool, which the next generation of young farmers will want to use because it will be returning more of the sales income to them, than the present CWB has done in the past. Richard Crewe, Melville, Sask.

GOOD TRACK RECORD To the Editor: Letter writer John De Pape (Taxpayers on hook, Aug. 11) is concerned that taxpayers have provided nearly $1.3 billion to prairie farmers participating in Canadian Wheat Board pool accounts over a 44-year time period. Given all the challenges in the international grain trade, 12 deficits in 155 wheat, durum and barley pools is a respectable track record. In fact, $1.3 billion represents less than one percent of the earnings the

OPINION CWB returned to farmers over the same time period. At times, there are unforeseen and good reasons to run deficits. In 1991, the CWB’s largest deficit (representing more than half of the entire deficit amount) came about as a result of bumper crops around the world, the unforeseen entrance of eastern European exporters, an Iraq embargo on wheat exports and a strengthening Canadian dollar. At the same time, U.S. farmers enjoyed the Export Enhancement Program subsidy, which remained at more than $40 per tonne for wheat and barley. Many people forget that the U.S. and the E.U., in their free-market systems, continue to subsidize farmers to the tune of billions of dollars every year. The Canadian government guaran-

tee on initial payments ensures that pool deficits, rare as they are, do not inflict serious economic harm on prairie farmers, whom Mr. De Pape seems to have forgotten are also taxpayers. The initial payment serves as a price floor for farmers in the face of dramatic declines in international grain prices. Without a CWB, taxpayers can expect to be called upon more regularly to provide assistance to farmers facing increased exposure to volatility in international grain markets and increased profit-taking from grain companies and railways. Mr. De Pape would appear to be living by the adage “throw enough mud and something will stick.” Since this one doesn’t stick, we can expect him to continue on his unfailing mission to discredit the wheat board.


Allen Oberg, Chair, Canadian Wheat Board, Forestburg, Alta.

WATER COMMISSIONER To the Editor: Re: Saving lake requires watershed management (WP Editorial, Aug. 11) A watershed management group, as suggested, might be a way to solve the problem of neighbouring provincial waters polluting Lake Winnipeg and flooding out Manitoba, but in the final analysis, I don’t think it would work and be successful. The reason being is that each province has its very own problems, agenda and financial interests to cope with. Eventually, at some point in time,

those problems/interests would override their neighbours and any concerns of another province. It’s a good idea, but a better one would be a water commissioner under the banner of the federal government. Our neighbouring country must also be included in such a plan, as it also brings many offerings to Lake Winnipeg. I believe our Manitoba premier has indicated that future meetings and endeavours are in the making to try and protect our waters, within its huge watershed. I appreciate the effort that the writers put into this editorial, but must bring out a point that I do not agree with when they tell us “studies show that hog manure generated in Manitoba accounts for only 1.5 percent of the phosphorous getting into Lake Winnipeg”. If they have access to the studies


that tell us this, please, share them. The Lake Winnipeg Stewardship Board never did a study. The Clean Environment Commission never did a study. Apparently there were some notes made by one of Manitoba’s university professors, and on the basis of those notes, the Manitoba hog industry issued ads in newspapers indicating that they, admittedly, were only responsible for one percent of the phosphorous contribution (later amended to 1.5 percent). This was in the late fall of 2006. And to this day, there have never been any charges laid against the hog industry for this violation. In Manitoba, it is against the law to have manure escape into a water source. John Fefchak, Virden, Man.


Special guest in foreign land SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES



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n Asian novel made me remember the markets I loved to visit when I served as a missionary in Korea. From the first, my language tutor laughed as I tried to learn how to barter. Shopping wasn’t as much about buying something as it was about engaging in a social exchange, answering a few embarrassing questions (why no sons?) and haggling to set an agreeable price. When I moved to the small country city where I was to work, I lived in half a Korean house (two rooms) with the family on the other side of the paper door. While I thought it wouldn’t take much to get paint, vinyl for the floor, and a sleeping mat, each purchase was like an afternoon excursion. There was the verbal greeting, the questions, the sharing of cups of overly sweet coffee, and finally the discussion about what I wanted. One fall morning when my spirits were rather low I went to the market to buy a few potatoes. Maybe some home food would make me feel better? I purchased those potatoes from one vendor after a bit of bargaining, and smiled at others sitting by their tubs of produce. One woman, completely out of character and without the usual banter and exchange of greetings, asked directly how much I paid for those spuds. I looked at her with surprise and quarried, “Why do you ask?” “Because that woman is new here. She doesn’t know that you belong in this city and she may have charged too much!” she replied. Tears came to my eyes. On a day when I felt most alone, this market lady told me she and her companions cared about my well-being. The exchange of smiles with these ladies, henceforth, made me feel like a special guest in this distant land. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none

*Compared to equivalent-sized standard radial tires.

Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian




Ag Canada Lethbridge office gets facelift $3.9 million upgrade | Crop breeding and cattle research will continue during the renovation BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU


Mille Scott cuts silk from Taber corn as her husband George Diebert bags them for sale at the Farmers’ Market in Innisfail, Alta. | RANDY FIEDLER PHOTO

Researchers at the Agriculture Canada Research Centre in Leth-bridge, Alta., will have to clean out and move their offices in coming months as upgrades begin on the exterior of the access=subscriber section=news,crops,none

We never stop So you always start


administration building. Lethbridge MP Jim Hillyer on Sept. 12 announced $3.9 million to renovate part of the centre’s exterior, starting with the building that is now 40 years old. Researchers and staff will be temporarily housed in the centre’s library when nearby work is taking place, resulting in a two-year rotation of office moves until the project is done in December 2013. The library will be moved to the administration building basement in the meantime, said research manager Brian Freeze. The shuffling will ensure that research work continues at the centre without interruption. Upgrades are designed to reduce heating and cooling costs. “It’s important to the staff. It’s important to the costs of maintaining this building. And it represents a real signal that the government is committed to agricultural research, particularly in this area and in the West,” said Freeze. Once this project is done, Freeze said a second tender will go out for exterior work to the centre’s laboratory block. The centre is considered a flagship research facility in the West for its beef cattle research and regional crop breeding for forages, winter wheat, soft white wheat, beans, biomass crops and potatoes.


Viterra worker dies at elevator BY BRYN LEVY SASKATOON NEWSROOM

At John Deere, we don’t want anything keeping you from doing your job. So we designed StrongBox™ premium batteries to ⇒ght the top three causes of battery failure – high heat, vibration and lack of maintenance. StrongBox batteries keep their cool in extreme temperatures, aren’t shaken by vigorous vibration and keep going when other batteries would call it quits. And since they have more life, you’ll have less chance of downtime. Ask your dealer about StrongBox batteries today. They could be the difference between being done and getting done.

An employee at a grain handling facility in Saskatchewan has died following a workplace accident. Viterra, which operates the elevator in Rosetown, Sask., where the incident took place, confirmed that one employee was fatally injured. A statement released by Viterra said no further details would be released out of respect for the deceased’s family, and conveyed the company’s condolences to the family and the community. Because the grain elevator industry is federally regulated, investigation of the incident falls under the jurisdiction of the federal government’s Labour Program, run by Human Rescources and Skills Development Canada. An e-mail from HRDSC indicated that details of the incident could not be released. access=subscriber section=news,none,none


everything “ Forget you’ve heard about Clearfield canola. And that story about me and the fire chief too.”

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Ag groups pounce on gov’t for targeting hog sector Save Lake Winnipeg bill puts most of the blame for phosphorus on hog producers BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Graham Starmer of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce speaks at a news conference calling on politicians to stop targeting hog producers unfairly with water quality legislation. | ED WHITE PHOTO

By voting for the Save Lake Winnipeg bill, Manitoba’s three main political parties probably thought the hog industry would be buried for the duration of the provincial election campaign. But a wide coalition of livestock and crop farming groups has joined with business lobby groups to give politicians notice that they won’t be able to scapegoat and victimize the hog industry without a fight, no matter who wins October 4.

“The Manitoba Chamber (of Commerce) is extremely distressed with the government and its targeting of the pork industry of Manitoba,” said Chamber president Graham Starmer standing in front of a popular Winnipeg butcher shop. Starmer was joined by Keystone Agricultural Producers president Doug Chorney, soil and phosphorus expert Don Flaten, and representatives of hog producers, feed companies and other hog-related industries. It was an attempt to warn politicians that trying to court popularity access=subscriber section=news,none,none

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by beating up on hog producers would not be as easy in the future, now that a coalition has been formed to fight back, organizers said. “It’s not too late to fix Bill 46 and make sure it helps fix Lake Winnipeg,” said Chorney. “If we just target hog producers, it has no benefit to Lake Winnipeg.” The hog industry is being supported by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, KAP, Maple Leaf Foods, truckers, veterinarians, the Manitoba Employers’ Council, as well as farm commodity groups. The Save Lake Winnipeg bill outraged farm groups because it did not attempt to regulate phosphorus flowing into Lake Winnipeg, but targeted only hog farmers and a couple of other individual producers of phosphorus. Premier Greg Selinger made great play of saying he would ensure emissions from hog farms would be controlled. But research from the Lake Winnipeg Stewardship Board in 2006 concluded that only 1.5 percent of the phosphorus going into Lake Winnipeg is from hog production in Manitoba, that all of Manitoba agriculture only produces 15 percent of the phosphorus going into the lake, and that only a broad phosphorus control strategy incorporating all the sources of phosphorus from all human activities would have any real impact on lessening the problem. But the hog industry received no support from provincial opposition parties when the bill was debated and voted on, both of which voted in favour of the bill, which was passed before the end of the pre-election legislative session. Don Flaten, a University of Manitoba soil scientist and member of the Lake Winnipeg Stewardship Board, said the targeting of hog producers and lack of focus on phosphorus itself makes the legislation pointless and unfair. “I believe in a comprehensive approach that recognizes that there are a large number of small contributors to Lake Winnipeg’s problems,” said Flaten. “Because there are only a few hundred hog producers, they are easy to target.” Farm leaders were horrified by the New Democratic Party government’s tarring of the hog industry, but were also disgusted by the willingness of the Progressive Conservatives and Liberals to support the legislation. Many speculated the NDP was trying to force the PCs to support the hog industry, and that support could then be used against the PCs during the election. By voting in favour of the bill, the PCs neutralized that issue and it has made little appearance in the campaign except at this event, which was not attended by politicians. Starmer said he hoped raising the issue now, before the political stripe of the next provincial government is known, would put politicians on notice that their actions are under scrutiny and will be challenged. “Is this the first stage of what the government is going to do to the agriculture industry,” asked Starmer. “Are there going to be further regulations impacting on other producers, other industries?”






Man. Tories do about-face on hog industry support

Maple Leaf jobs safe: premier

Farmers say support for Save Lake Winnipeg Act is an election tactic access=subscriber section=news,none,none


It’s not shocking that Manitoba’s political parties are playing divide and conquer politics to win the provincial election this fall, says a farmer from Morris, Man. Yet, the political games are especially frustrating when the party that traditionally supported the hog industry sacrifices the interests of farmers to gain votes in Winnipeg, said Rolf Penner, a producer who usually backs the Progressive Conservative party of Manitoba. In June, the Manitoba Legislature passed the Save Lake Winnipeg Act, which according to the Manitoba Pork Council effectively bans the construction of new hog barns and barn expansions across the province. The council believes the ban, which is designed to reduce nutrient buildup in Lake Winnipeg, is simplistic and wrongheaded because it severely punishes an industry that contributes less than 1.5 percent of the total phosphorous flowing into the lake each year. Ho g p ro d u c e r s a n d i n d u s t r y groups expected the governing NDP party to support the legislation. But some farmers, including Penner, were caught off guard when the opposition Tories also voted in favour of the legislation, which passed unanimously. “It’s very disappointing to see because it was the Conservative government under (premier) Gary Filmon that really encouraged hog production,” Penner said. “Historically the Conservatives have been friendly to the hog industry. What we’re seeing here seems to be an about face… just to score political points in Winnipeg.” Although he didn’t say the Tories have abandoned farmers, Penner said the Progressive Conservatives are taking producers for granted. In most provincial elections, the Tories easily win rural constituencies in southern Manitoba and will likely win those seats this fall when voters go to the polls Oct. 4. Yet, the Tories’ political maneuverings will have an impact, Penner said. “When the party you traditionally vote for doesn’t seem to be working in your favour, what do folks do?... They stay home…. That’s one of the risks the Conservatives face with this strategy. At some point you alienate your base and your base stays home.” Aside from the politics, Penner said he has no immediate plans to build a new barn. But the legislation would restrict future expansion on his farm. “I’ve got lots of land and I’ve got lots of places where I could expand, once the economic conditions turn around. But the way the rules are, I can’t,” he said. “(If you can’t expand) how do you keep this going into the future?” Cliff Graydon, MLA for Emerson and the PC agriculture critic, is one Tory who worries about the impact of the Save Lake Winnipeg Act. On an agriculture blog,, Graydon said in late August the legislation could encouraccess=subscriber section=news,livestock,none

age the construction of hog barns just outside of Manitoba. For instance, the industry may build barns along the U.S. border with North Dakota to avoid strict regulations in Manitoba. The comments on the blog were accurate, Graydon said, as there is a chance “there could be more development outside the province of Manitoba. There’s no question.” Yet, the Tories’ support for the legislation doesn’t mean the party is

abandoning the hog industry, Graydon noted. The Conservatives back a “science-based” policy for Lake Winnipeg where all stakeholders have seat at the table, Graydon said. “(PC leader) Hugh McFadyen has been clear in public, it’s been clear in the House and it’s been clear in our caucus…. We will be working with the scientists to find out how we can best achieve the goals that are necessary to keep our lake healthy.”

The Maple Leaf Foods hog slaughter plant in Brandon, which employs more than 2,200 workers, won’t be affected by provincial legislation that restricts barn expansion in Manitoba, says premier Greg Selinger. At an election rally and campaign launch for local candidates, held in a Brandon backyard in early September, Selinger said the provincial government will work closely with Maple Leaf to “ensure they have success.” Selinger ’s comments were in response to an open letter, published in the Winnipeg Free Press in late August, critical of the Save Lake Winnipeg Act. The letter, signed by Michael McCain, president of Maple Leaf


Foods, and other business leaders in the hog industry, said the legislation puts the jobs of thousands of Manitobans at risk. Nonetheless, Selinger said the legislation won’t kill the province’s hog industry. “We can have both. We can have a strong rural economy and a strong hog industry, but we can also have clean lakes.” access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none




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U.S. weather woes present an upside for European farmers Sale of surplus wheat | Europe expects to market its cheaper grains and surplus stocks to make up shortfall caused by the U.S. drought PARIS (Reuters) — Eu ro p e a n farmers will not have to struggle to sell their wheat this season, despite a flood of cheap Russian exports onto world markets as the EU benefits from ample internal demand and from its established African buyers. Although it is very unlikely to repeat the hefty sales numbers from last season when it benefited from Russia’s pullout of the market after a drought slashed crops, the 27 member bloc could sell all of its surplus this season, provided U.S. grains remain supported by weather prob-

lems, analysts and traders say. “To many destinations French and even German wheat is cheaper than U.S. wheat, soft red and hard red. This makes us think Europe will export everything it can,” Andree Defois, head analyst at France’s Strategie Grains, said. Russia has dominated the global wheat export market since the start of the July when it returned from a nearly year-long absence. It shipped around five million tonnes of wheat in just two months, nearly a third of analysts’ forecasts for the whole season.

The floods of cheap Russian wheat, combined with a 10 percent drop in output in France, by far the European Union’s major wheat exporter, after severe drought in the spring, will inevitably mean a sharp drop in EU exports this year. All in all, EU states should ship around 14 million tonnes of soft wheat in 2011/2012, down from 19 million last season, Strategie Grains said. Germany also hit Germany, Europe’s number two



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grain producer, was also hit by spring drought and late rains. Analysts and traders have little doubt that the bloc will be able to ship its surplus as it benefits from strong internal demand and constant demand from its traditional buyers. “We are on a good rhythm of exports which should continue and allow us to reach our targets. There is room for everyone,” a European grain exporter on the international market said. a c c e s showever, = s u b s isc likely r i b etor Germany, section=news,markets,crops brake its wheat exports this season

after heavy rainfall over the summer and into its harvest damaged a chunk of its crop. France shipped 1.7 million of wheat since the start of the July/June season France, of which nearly one million went to Algeria, 385,000 tonnes to Africa and 126,000 Egypt, Reuters port showed. “The price situation (of European wheat being cheaper than U.S. wheat and corn) and the fact that we have a lot of inelastic and regular demand from North Africa mean that we export at a very correct rhythm and that we will have no trouble exporting all of our exportable surplus,” Defois said. Still, for the whole season, French wheat exports this season should fall to eight million tonnes, she said, a forecast revised up by nearly one million tonnes as it expects Russian exports to wane later in the season. That compared to last month but down from a record 13 million tonnes last year, when France exploited Russia’s absence from the market. Traders put French exports at eight to nine million tonnes. Although Russian prices are rising fast — going in Egypt tenders from $243.50 a tonne FOB early July to $295 a tonne at the end of August — they are still offered at a big discount versus European and U.S. wheat. In Egypt’s Aug. 25 tender for shipment in Oct. 21 to 31, the lowest bid for French wheat was at $308.87a tonne FOB, Australian was at $303 a tonne and U.S. SRW at $313.15. Die not cast In Egypt’s tenders in the first two month of the season, Russia sold 1.74 million tonnes of wheat for shipments until November, or 93 percent of total purchases, with the remaining 120,000 tonnes from Romania, a new origin in Egyptian tenders. Egypt traditionally buys French, U.S., Canadian, Australian, Argentine and, apart from last season, Russian. But French prices, supported by good demand, have so far been out been of reach to compete with Russia. “We’ll see what they’ll do in the second part of the campaign, if Russian prices get too high,” a French trader said. When Russian flows abate and winter conditions make transport difficult, EU wheat could regain some markets, but the jury is still out on whether western Europe will benefit or whether it will be mostly Romania and Bulgaria. But if the final EU crop was lower than expected due to rain damage in Northern Europe, if the United States were to export more than planned, or if Ukraine was to come back in great numbers should it lift export restrictions, EU exports could shrink heavily, analysts stressed. High imports of feed grains, notably from Ukraine, would increase the availability of exportable milling wheat in France. “Everything is still up in the air,” said James Dunsterville, head analyst with Geneva-based Agrinews, stressi n g t hat t h e re w e re s t i l l ma n y unknown parameters, including the final EU crop.


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A farm family goes through a lot of laundry, but sunshine and a breeze ensure clean jeans are ready for the Friesen family near McMahon, Sask. | PAULA FRIESEN PHOTO

COMING EVENTS Sept. 15: Ag-West Bio meeting, TCU Place, Saskatoon (Allison, 306-9751939) Sept. 20-24: International Plowing Match, Prescott-Russell, Chute-aBlondeau, Ont. (613-675-4661, ext. 8106) Oct. 1: Carnival of Crafts, Edward Sports Centre, Pierson, Man. (Betty Mayes, 204-634-2482, carnivalofcrafts@mts. net, Oct. 1-2: Manitoba Provincial Plowing Match, six kilometres south of the junction of Highways 1 and 250, between Alexander and Souris, Man. (Barb, 204-534-6451, mb.plowing@ Oct. 1-2: Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association winter show, Ag-Rec Centre, Abbotsford, B.C. (James Cuvelier, 604-856-0463, cuvelier@,

AG NOTES Oct. 4-8: World Dairy Expo, Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wisconsin (608-224-6455,, Oct. 5-6: National Farm Animal Care Conference, Hilton Garden Inn, Ottawa (Mikki Shatosky, 403-9321877 or Susan Church, 403-8700685,, www. Nov. 21-26: Canadian Western Agribition, Regina (306-5650565,, www. Nov. 29-Dec. 1: GrowCanada conference, Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg (info@; www. For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

NEW VETERINARY PROGRAM Olds College has announced that beginning Jan. 1 it will offer a Veterinary Technical Assistant Program. The 15 week program will consist of four courses. After completing the program, students will have the training necessary to work at veterinary clinics, animal shelters, boarding facilities and pet stores. Students will learn common procedures performed on small animals in a veterinarian setting and be given the opportunity to operate and maintain equipment used in the veterinary industry. Enrolment for the program is underway. ESTEVAN AG OFFICE OPENS The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture has opened a new satellite office in Estevan. Farmers in Estevan now have better access to crop, livestock, forage and farm business management information and advice. The Estevan office is one of seven new Saskatchewan Agriculture satellite offices that that have been opened this year. The office is open every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The other new satellite offices are located in Lloydminster, Moosomin, Meadow Lake, Assiniboia, Shaunavon and Wadena.The satellite offices will operate as a two-year pilot project. BARLEY MANAGER


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Lisa Skierka has been appointed acting general manager of the Alberta Barley Commission. Since mid-July, Skierka has overseen the staff and operations in conjunction with the commission’s executive committee. Before taking on this role, Skierka was manager of office and projects. She also has experience as a commission contractor. Before joining the commission, Skierka worked as a communications consultant and project manager. Her previous agricultural experience includes the Alberta Egg Producers and the Calgary Stampede. MAKHTESHIM AGAN GM Makhteshim Agan of North America, inc. (MANA) has appointed Andrew Mann general manager of its Canadian business operations. In addition to his success at MANA Canada, Mann has gained experience working at BASF Canada and Cyanamid Crop Protection. MANA Canada has also promoted Phillip Somerville. He will assume the title of Canadian development and registration manager. Somerville will also manage Canadian QualiPro Business and eastern Canadian Business. His responsibilities will include MANA crop protection sales for Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

Challenger® is a worldwide brand of AGCO. * Based on Nebraska OECD Tractor Tests of fuel consumption at Maximum PTO HP (HP-hr/gal) and Rated PTO HP (HP-hr/gal). Comparisons were between tractors within four model categories of row crop tractors 200 to 300 PTO HP. | © 2011 AGCO Corporation. AGCO is a registered trademark of AGCO Corporation. e3 is a worldwide brand of AGCO. Challenger is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. and used under license by AGCO Corporation. AGCHHP001-14-99952-1

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Interest in rare breeds leads to menagerie Sheep just the beginning | Breeder has added exotic pigs, chickens and turkeys to his operation BY CALVIN DANIELS FREELANCE WRITER

YORKTON, Sask. — An interest in rare livestock breeds was something Chris Lange fostered in his teens. “It all started back in ag class (in high school) reading The Western Producer,” he said. The story related how a University of Saskatchewan professor was sending Hungarian Yellow chickens back to their native country, where “they had almost been wiped out,” said Lange. He found the story compelling because the chickens were deemed “important as part of the people’s heritage.” He was intrigued by the idea of raising rare breeds to protect them from extinction. It also helped that Lange’s parents, Ken and Trudy Lange, operated an organic farm north of Orcadia, Sask. As well, he worked for a summer at Spring Valley Guest Ranch, a bed and breakfast near Eastend, Sask., which maintains rare breeds as part of its attraction. As a result, it was not surprising that Lange started raising rare breeds in 2005. “That was when we got the first American Black Belly sheep.” Lange said the breed is easy-keeping, hardy and doesn’t require annual shearing. They are hair sheep and don’t grow wool. A farm brochure goes into greater detail. “Originating in Africa, these sheep were imported to the Caribbean Islands and later to Texas to supply a proposed meat and leather market. Later they were crossed with Mouflon and Rambouillet sheep to develop horns for the hunting industry in Texas. “These sheep are very hardy with a greater tolerance for parasites than commercial sheep. Their meat is tender with less fat than wool sheep. Lambing usually occurs five months after being serviced by the ram. It is usual to have two lambs, sometimes three.” The American Black Belly was followed by a diverse array of rare livestock breeds. Lange bought two Dexter heifers and focused on the dual nature of the breed. They are primarily promoted as a smaller beef option, with bulls weighing 1,000 pounds at three years of age and cows 750 lb. However, Lange also wants to focus on the breed’s ability to produce milk. “People are looking for milking Dexters. They’re good if you have a small homestead.” He also brought home Belted Galloway, a Jersey and a Canadienne. The Canadienne gives Lange a breed that is uniquely Canadian. “This breed is the only one native to Quebec, arriving from France for the most part from 1660 to 1670. These hardy cows were used (for) milk, meat and occasionally to pull a plow in New France,” says the farm brochure. Lange has also bought Ridley Bronze turkeys, Chantecler chickens and English Large Black pigs, which trace their origins to the Old English Hog of the 16th and 17th centuries, The Chanteclers, like the Canadienne, are a Canadian creation. access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none

“(They are) the only chickens to have been developed in Canada. Brother Wilfrid of the Cistercian Trappist Monastery at Oka, Que., took nine years to do this,” says the brochure. “These chickens have small combs to enable them to do well in cold climates like ours.” There are many more potential rare breeds, but Lange said he has no intention of adding more. Instead, he wants to concentrate on what he already has and focus on qualtity. For example, he wants to breed his

Large Blacks with hopes of producing consistently larger litters, while also working on sheep characteristics such as temperament and size. Lange said making improvements is one of the greatest challenges with rare breeds because numbers and bloodlines are limited. It is not always easy to find unrelated genetics with strengths in the characterist i c s t hat t h e b re e d e r w a nt s t o improve. Lange said he also wants to focus on simplifying the management of his livestock, which is now spread out over a number of small buildings


and pens. A centralized barn is on his wish list. “That’s what I’m trying to save up the money for,” said Lange. His venture is more than just a hobby.He has sold Large Black females to another breeder, while meat from his sheep and cattle is marketed through the farmers’ market. Poultry, with no access to provincial inspected processing, are sold at the farm. Anyone wishing to view the rare livestock can call ahead at 306-7825650. Lange charges $2 per person for larger groups.

In December 1999, the Quebec government officially declared the Chantecler chicken a provincial heritage animal. | FILE PHOTO





Heat, fires scorch U.S. as toll rises Fires burn 3.5 million acres | More than 95 percent of pastures in Texas are in poor condition, leaving livestock little to eat KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) — Raging wildfires and scorching heat across the U.S. south over the last week, added to the human, economic and agricultural toll of a historic drought that climatologists said was only growing more dire. A tropical storm that moved out of the Gulf of Mex ico this month brought no relief and instead brought high winds that fueled wildfires, according to a weekly report dubbed the U.S. Drought Monitor. “In a bit of cruel irony, it was the strong and persistent winds of (tropical storm) Lee, which just missed the mark of the drought’s epi-centre in Texas, Okla., and New Mexico, that fanned the large number of fire outbreaks in Texas,” the report said. “These people are really suffering out there,” said climatologist Mark Svoboda of the University of Nebraska’s National Drought Mitigation Centre. “How can it get any worse?” Svoboda said a new tropical storm dubbed Nate was moving toward southern Texas last week.

“We’ll see where that goes. That might be the next potential shot of relief for Texas,” Svoboda said. Texas has been the hardest hit by the long-lasting drought, which is the longest on record for the key agricultural state. According to the Drought Monitor levels of extreme and exceptional drought in Texas totalled 95.68 percent, up from 95.04 percent of that state’s area a week earlier, the Drought Monitor reported. The dry conditions, coupled with persistent temperatures above 37 C, has sparked wildfires throughout the state. So far this year, 18,719 fires have burned more than 3.5 million acres and thousands of homes and other structures, according to the Texas Forest Service. Some 1,386 homes were destroyed in a monstrous fire southeast of Austin, officials said Thursday, the worst such destruction by fire of any blaze in Texas history. More than 95 percent of the state’s pasture and rangelands are rated as access=subscriber section=news,none,none

The remains of chickens that perished in a 35,000 acre wildfire are pictured in Bastrop, Texas, Sept. 8. Some 1,386 homes have been destroyed in a monstrous fire burning southeast of Austin, the worst such destruction in Texas history. | REUTERS/BEN SKLAR PHOTO poor or very poor, leaving little for livestock to eat or drink. Texas officials peg damages at more than $5 billion. Oklahoma also continues to suffer. Extreme and exceptional levels of drought now are spread across 85.44 percent of the state, up from 85.37 percent a week earlier. New Mexico saw extreme and exceptional drought levels grow to 72.19 percent of the state, up from 64.88 percent, the Drought Monitor reported.


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Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through StewardshipSM (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through StewardshipSM is a service mark of Excellence Through Stewardship.





U.S. fears more Honey containing GM pollen must get approval: EU court drought, snow as La Nina returns N E W YO R K ( R e u t e r s ) — T h e dreaded La Nina weather anomaly, b l a m e d f o r b o t h d ro u g h t a n d record snowfall in the U.S., has returned and will garner strength during the coming winter, the U.S. Climate Prediction Centre forecast Sept. 8. “While it is not yet clear what the ultimate strength of this La Nina will be, La Nina conditions have returned and are expected to gradually strengthen and continue into the northern hemisphere winter (of ) 2011-12,” the CPC said in a monthly update. It said waters in the eastern half of the equatorial Pacific Ocean cooled in August, and the “oceanic and atmospheric patterns reflect the return of La Nina conditions.” The CPC is an office under the U.S. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. It issues monthly reports on the El Nino and La Nina weather phenomena.

Both weather patterns often follow one another in the Pacific. El Nino is an abnormal warming of waters in the Pacific and led to the failure of India’s vital monsoon in 2009-10. La Nina is the opposite and is often linked to the ramping up of storms in the Atlantic basin that threaten oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. It has already been an active storm season, with Hurricane Irene running up the U.S. East Coast and wreaking havoc through heavy rains and floods from North Carolina to Vermont bordering Canada. Currently, three systems are being tracked in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, which may threaten the U.S. Gulf and East Coasts. La Nina was blamed in part for the severe snowstorms that struck the U.S. last winter and the worst drought in a century, which has ravaged Texas and swathes of the southwestern part of the country. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

access=subscriber section=news,none,none

Monsanto and the Bavarian state that grew the crop should be held fully liable for this genetic pollution and compensate any beekeeper affected STEFANIE HUNDSDORFER GREENPEACE

the (EU) regulation and must be subject to the authorization scheme provided for thereunder before being placed on the market,” the statement said. Environmental campaigners said the ruling proved that GM and nonGM agriculture could not coexist in Europe, and that the European Commission should reverse its recent decision to allow traces of unapproved GM material in feed imports to the bloc. “Monsanto and the Bavarian state that grew the crop should be held fully liable for this genetic pollution and compensate any beekeeper affected,” said Greenpeace EU agriculture policy adviser Stefanie Hundsdorfer. A spokesperson for Monsanto refused to comment on the specifics


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Strength uncertain | The weather pattern is blamed for the worst drought in Texas in 100 years

BRUSSELS (Reuters) — Honey containing even small traces of pollen from genetically modified plants must receive prior European Union authorization before it can be sold as food, Europe’s highest court said Sept. 6. The ruling could open the way for compensation claims by beekeepers against biotech companies such as Monsanto, and EU authorities said it could hit European imports of honey from countries where GM crops are widely grown. The case was brought by German beekeepers from Bavaria, who in 2005 found their honey contained traces of pollen from insect-resistant G M c o r n p l a nt s d e v e l o p e d by Monsanto and grown for research near their hives. The beekeepers said the pollen from GM plants in their honey made the product unsuitable for sale and consumption, and brought legal action against the Bavarian authorities that authorized the field trials of GM corn. “Products such as honey containing such pollen constitute foodstuffs, which contain ingredients produced from GMOs,” the European Court of Justice said in a statement. “The pollen in question consequently comes within the scope of

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of the case, but said there were no safety concerns with its MON810 corn. “This case is about the legal technicalities of the EU approvals of MON810. The safety of MON810 is confirmed by multiple regulatory approvals, including those in the EU, and by up to 15 years of successful commercial use and consumption,” the spokesman said. A spokesperson for the commission said the EU executive was still studying the ruling, but that it could have an impact on imports of honey from countries such as Argentina, where GM crops are widely grown. Imports accounted for 40 percent of EU honey consumption in 2007, and were worth a total of $528.4 million, the Confederation of British Industry said in a 2009 report.

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ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® agricultural herbicides. Roundup® agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. DEKALB®, DEKALB and Design®, Roundup® and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2011 Monsanto Canada Inc.





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Bird flu may be on rise ROME, Italy (Reuters) — The United Nations warned of a possible major resurgence of bird flu and said a mutant strain of the H5N1 virus was spreading in Asia and elsewhere. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization urged increased surveillance and preparation for a potential outbreak of the virus, which it says has infected 565 people since it first appeared in 2003, killing 331 of them. The virus was eliminated from most of the 63 countries infected at its peak in 2006 after mass poultry culling, but since 2008 it has been expanding geographically in both poultry and wild birds, partly due to migration patterns, the FAO said. “The general departure from the progressive decline observed in 2004-2008 could mean that there will be a flare-up of H5N1 this fall and winter,” the FAO’s chief veterinary officer, Juan Lubroth said. PESTICIDES

agricultural development for 20132020, published on the agriculture ministry’s website (, said federal and regional budgets are expected to provide two-thirds of this amount. A leading Russian analyst, Andrei Sizov Sr. said the ministry was just setting targets for itself, and the plans were likely to be revised downward. “First of all, it is a big question if the desired financing can be found,” said Sizov, president of SovEcon agricultural analysts. “And another issue is that even if these targets are reached, Russia is unlikely to find a market for all these commodities, as the competition is high.” The draft has yet to be agreed with other government ministries and approved by the government.


Australia looks for quality wheat SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) — Australia, a top ranking wheat exporter, is set to reap a higher quality harvest in 2011-12 than the previous season, although yields will be lower, analysts polled by Reuters said. On average, 13 analysts, trading firms and government agencies, expect Australia’s wheat crop will be about 24 million tonnes. Harvest cranks up in November. The median forecast for 24 million tonnes crop, short of the record 26.3 million reaped in 2010-11, when a strong La Nina brought heavy rain to eastern Australia resulting in a



million tonnes wet harvest, boosting output but downgrading the crop to general purpose or feed.

Australia’s weather bureau has forecast a mild spring this year with more normal rainfall.

TD Canada Trust

With the right advice, the Martins were able to raise more than cattle.

Glyphosate detected in unexpected places Matthew Martin KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) — Significant levels of the world’s most-used herbicide have been detected in air and water samples from two U.S. farm states, government scientists said, in revealing groundbreaking research on glyphosate. “It is out there in significant levels. It is out there consistently,” said Paul Capel, environmental chemist and head of the agricultural chemicals team at the U.S. Geological Survey Office, part of the U.S. Department of Interior. Capel said more tests were needed to determine if the chemical, glyphosate, might be harmful to people and animals. Capel said glyphosate was found in every stream sample examined in Mississippi in a two-year period and in most air samples taken. Tests were also done in Iowa. “So people are exposed to it through inhalation,” said Capel. The research did not look at the impact of the glyphosate in the air and water; the purpose was purely to determine exposure. More research is needed, Capel said, to analyze the implications. It is difficult and costly to test for the presence of glyphosate, a popular herbicide used around the world to control weeds on farm fields, golf courses and in residential yards. As a result, little research has been done on the implications for waterways and the air, said Capel. FARM BUSINESS

Russia plans heavy farm investment Russia’s farm ministry issued an ambitious draft plan, needing 6.8 trillion roubles ($230 billion) of investment by 2020, to raise grain output and exports, slash dependence on imported raw sugar and become an exporter of pork and poultry meat. The draft of a state program for access=subscriber section=news,none,none

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Farmer uses tillage radishes to bolster soil health Daikon radish conditions soil | Imported from Washington state, the crop is also valued for grazing and has similar protein to alfalfa BY CALVIN DANIELS FREELANCE WRITER

Few on the Prairies think of a radish as a field scale crop, but one farmer is using it to help condition his soil. Kevin Elmy of Saltcoats, Sask., said he has been selling forage radish for the past three years to customers who are using it in a cocktail grazing blend. However, in researching the crop, he found that is not its general use. “When I talked to people in the U.S. that were using them for a long time, I asked what is the best variety to use.

They all responded, tillage radish,” he said. “They are widely grown through the U.S., primarily as a soil conditioner, nutrient cycler, grazing crop, and as a minor use, vegetable crop. “These are daikon radishes (Japanese for large root). These will be fairly large root, like a carrot, but larger. They have the same taste.” Elmy said he hopes to accomplish a few things by growing tillage radish. “In the one field, we seeded 30 pounds of oats and two lb. of tillage radish to create a cover crop for seeding Fridge forage winter triticale into,” he said. “The oat/tillage radish

mix was seeded July 23 into summerfallow. We should be seeding the triticale in 10 days or so. “The radish was included for a couple reasons. One was to break up any hard pan in the soil, drill down to capture any nutrients that have been leached down into the soil profile to release nutrients for the next year’s crop. “We also have a seeding rate experiment where we seeded tillage radish at four, six, eight, and 10 lb. per acre. In pure stands, the tillage radish will break up the soil hard pan, cycle nutrients, and smother winter annuals.” Elmy said tillage radish is planted

late season. “You want to seed tillage radish after June 23. This way the plants are dealing with shortening days so it will not want to flower,” he said. “Seed size is slightly larger than canola seed so setting your seeder for canola gives close seeding rates. They can be broadcast seeded. When seeding in a blend with other crops, two to four lb. of tillage radish works. When seeding in a pure stand, six to eight lb. is ideal. “When broadcasting seed, rates should be increased by 25 to 50 percent depending on conditions. They access=subscriber section=news,crops,none

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require 40 lb. of nitrogen, either applied or in the soil, to produce a big healthy root.” The radish can also be used for livestock feed. “Once they have a good top growth on them, they may be grazed, leaving one-third of the production so it will continue producing the tuber,” said Elmy. “Tillage radish are a very high relative feed value crop for grazing. Protein is as high as alfalfa (20 to 40 percent). In a pure stand it is too rich, so needs to be blended with a cereal or have straw available for the animals when grazing.” Nature acts as a natural desiccant for the radish. “Once the temperatures drop to -8 C for three nights, they die,” said Elmy. “In the spring, they rot relatively quickly, giving off a natural gas smell. As they continue to rot through the year, they release nutrients to the next year’s crop. “The rotting also helps warm up the soil in the spring.” In terms of cost, Elmy said, “seed cost is $3.30 per lb. There is a charge for less than a full bag (50 lb.).” At four lb. per acre the cost is $13.20, at six lb. $19.80, and at eight, it is $26.40 per acre. “We seeded 40 acres of the oat and tillage radish mix … and will be seeding some with our winter triticale this fall,” said Elmy. “I also want to try seeding some tillage radish into established crop in the spring after seeding and after spraying to see how the crop responds.” In addition, Elmy has four one-acre trials at the different seeding rates. Elmy said initial response from the radish has been good locally. “So far, they graze very well and have produced a large tap root in past years,” he said. “So far this year, they have jumped out of the ground very quickly and produced a decent root so far, considering seeding date. They have produced big leaves that covered the ground quickly and flea beetles have not really bothered them. There is some damage, but due to the radish nature, the natural defences must turn the flea beetles off. “How they overwinter, time will tell.” Elmy said he has been intrigued enough by the radish to begin selling it. “We contacted the people in Pennsylvania that have the rights to tillage radish and they said they were looking for a Western Canada distributor. So now we are the distributors,” he said. “Seed production occurs in Washington state.” Elmy said he plans to continue investigating the crop’s potential locally. “We will talk to our customers to get feedback on their experiences, use our local results, and learn more from the people in the U.S. to derive a game plan for more trials next year,” he said. “Like all new crops, we need to know how, when and where to be using it. “I am really interested to see how they are going to do in our sour spots in the field. If we can reclaim some of the saline spots, the benefits will be huge.”




Einar Franson moves the elevator, his largest and latest creation into its place alongside eight other elevators he’s built to a 1:12 scale on his farm near High River, Alta. HISTORY | GRAIN ELEVATORS


250 hours

Memories kept alive | Former elevator agent builds prairie icons to honour people in agriculture BY MIKE STURK FREELANCE WRITER

HIGH RIVER, ALTA. — Einar Franson found a way to bring his memories to life. The 81-year-old former Saskatchewan Wheat Pool agent likens his hobby to visiting old friends when he starts to build one of his 1:12 scale prairie grain elevators he’s become known for. “It takes me back,” he said. “I don’t fish, I don’t golf, television drives me nuts and I’m handy with a hammer.” His friends have helped him with photos of grain elevators and in some cases Franson has been able to find plans containing the actual measurements he needs for his projects. He can look at a picture of an elevator and figure out the size with help from a slide rule. He finds it helps to have photos taken from many vantage points. Franson is a persistent researcher when it comes to getting the information he needs. And, he said, despite how all elevators look so similar, each is unique. “They are all a little different.” The sizes vary, some have a detached office, the number and location of windows varies and the driveways are different. As well, some have annexes for extra grain and others don’t, he explaining, citing some of the differences. While time and information are important, using the right material is also vital, he said. He’s managed to salvage tin from some of the old elevators and plankaccess=subscriber section=news,none,none

Franson explains the planning stages in construction of a replica of the Foam Lake, Sask., grain elevator. | MIKE STURK PHOTOS ing and lath from an old lumberyard. Each elevator, which takes him about 250 hours to build, comes with a story. Three have special significance for Franson. He worked three years at the Burr, Sask., elevator when the first of his three children was born; he spent another three years in Kandahar, Sask., when the second child was born; and the third was born when he worked at the elevator in Foam

Lake, Sask. In all, nine elevators full of memories sit in a row beside a rural road near Alderbank, Alta., located about 10 kilometres north of High River. Franson also built one for a neighbour and another he donated to the town of Colonsay, Sask., in 2010 for its centennial celebration. Franson’s father worked on a crew that built the first Colonsay elevator in 1912. Ironically, Franson worked

on a crew that tore down the same elevator in 1952 to make way for a new one. “It’s an unusual event that a son would have to tear down an elevator that his father helped build,” he said. Franson began his long career working in grain elevators when he was 19 and he didn’t have enough money to get into farming. Working for the wheat pool was the closest occupation to farming so he started work there. Elevators also nearly cost him his life. Working one morning on a frosty elevator roof, Franson slipped and was lucky enough to grab onto the edge, with his legs dangling over the drop below. “If it hadn’t been for the guy working beside me,” he said. “He grabbed a hold of me and helped me back up.” Today, Franson misses the old grain elevators, which are disappearing from the landscape. “It’s sad because when you were out driving, you always knew where every town was.” His projects continue to honour the people who worked around them whether they were grain elevator agents or farmers. For his next project, Franson speaks of the Fleming, Sask., elevator built in 1895, that was known as the oldest elevator in Canada until it burned down in 2010. As well, he would like to recreate one of the elevators in Meacham, Sask., as it existed in 1930 before fires destroyed several in that community over the years. Franson was born in Meacham.






Seeding winter wheat The cereal crop harvest is nearly complete around Killarney. Harvest progress farther north, around the Yellowhead Highway, is less advanced. Early seeded canola yields range from 10 to 30 bushels per acre. A rainfall in early September improved winter wheat seeding conditions in the region. Germination looks promising. CENTRAL

Cereals near complete Harvest is progressing smoothly, thanks to sunny and hot weather. Cereal harvest is nearing completion. Wheat yields are 30 to 60 bu. per acre, barley 50 to 80 bu. per acre and oats 75 to 110 bu. per acre. Soybeans have matured rapidly with warm, dry conditions. Combining may begin in mid-September. Potato harvest is underway. Yields are expected to be average or below average. NORTHWEST

Good quality wheat

The majority of the canola crop is swathed and combining is underway. Producers are reporting yields from 25 to 40 bu. per acre. Spring wheat quality has been high. Disease is minimal. Thunderstorms and rain delayed second cut hay operations, but benefited pastures that needed precipitation.

Some producers expect pastures will be done by the end of summer, because hot, dry weather has limited growth. Producers may move livestock to hay land.


Swaths losing quality

Quality below average

Rain delayed harvesting, halting it in some areas. Most areas got more than 20 millimetres, with the Weyburn district getting 42 mm. Mankota received almost 540 mm of rain since April 1 of this year. More than 40 percent of the crop has been combined. In the southeast, another 30 percent is swathed or ready to straight cut, with 20 percent swathed or ready to straight cut in the southwest. Topsoil moisture on the majority of both cropland and hay and pasture land is rated as adequate. There is concern about rain causing quality losses in swaths. Crop damage in the region is mainly the result of wind disturbing swaths, although some hail damage was reported.

Combining of cereals is almost finished. Many crops rated as below average for quality. Spring wheat yields reported from 25 to 60 bu. per acre, barley 40 to 60 bu. per acre and oats 50 to 100 bu. per acre. Canola quality is average. Yields are below average, ranging from 15 to 35 bu. per acre. Pasture and hay land is rated as poor, due to hot, dry conditions this summer. Dugouts are getting low in some areas. INTERLAKE

Pastures dry Rain in early September helped cure the swathed canola crop. Soybeans are changing colour and harvest is imminent. Greenfeed harvest is progressing. Millet and oats are yielding better than barley.



Hail damage reported Rainfall up to 73 mm in some areas has caused delays in harvest.

About 30 percent of the crop is combined with roughly 40 percent swathed or ready to straight cut. Most cropland is reporting adequate topsoil moisture, as is most hay and pasture land. Rain has caused downgrading, lodging and bleaching of some crops in the east-central region. Hail damage was reported around Jedburg, Earl Grey, Rosetown and Hanley. Farmers are proceeding with the harvest, and are busy combining and hauling bales. Recent dry weather in the east-central region does mean that water trucks are accompanying combines as a safety measure in case of fire.

Lake. Overnight temperatures dropped, but no frost was observed. Producers are desiccating and swathing, with many producers already combining for a full week.


Canola swathed Some canola swathing is being delayed until cooler weather. Other farmers managed to swath canola before hot weather. Some combines are in the field for early maturing wheat crops. Desiccation of cereal crops is underway.


Cool temperatures Rain delayed some harvesting, with reports of rainfall ranging from zero to 26 mm. Dorintosh holds this year’s provincial rainfall record, with 550 mm of rain falling there since April 1. In the northeast, 19 percent of the crop is combined with 49 percent swathed or ready to straight cut. The northwest has 12 percent of the crop combined and 33 percent is swathed or ready for straight combining. Topsoil moisture is generally adequate for cropland, as well as hay and pasture land. Hail was reported near Rabbit

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Some of the fields were swathed during hot weather, which may cause concerns for locking in the green in the seed. Early seeded wheat harvest has good yields. Pea harvest is underway, with no great yields reported. Disease pressure is reducing yields in some pea fields. SOUTH

Pre-harvest spraying continues in the Peace River district. | NORTHEAST

Crop stages a problem A dry spring and wet summer have created multi-staged crops. Farmers must decide how to manage the crops for harvest. The hot weather is helping move along crop development. Second cut hay is being baled. Farmers are taking advantage of hot


weather to bale hay that will be better quality than the blackened hay earlier in the season. CENTRAL

Green seed worries Most canola fields have been swathed and are waiting to ripen.

Harvest progressing Harvest is well underway. Estimated harvest is 40 percent complete with a mixed bag of yields from average to bumper. Generally, harvest is progressing well. Yields in the southeast are expected to be average to slightly below average. There was adequate moisture early in the season, but the region missed many showers. The crop quality is very good. PEACE

Warm welcomed Swathing is nearly complete in the north and just starting in the southwest. High temperatures have given farmers breathing room to let late crops ripen before swathing. Some harvesting of peas has started with mixed yields. Cereal crop production is yet to start. Some pre-harvest spraying has occurred. Haying continues with farmers hoping late baled hay will be in better condition than hay cut earlier in the season. Grass seed harvest is underway with average yields.

Swaths of canola provide a corduroy foreground as a farmer harvests his crop on an early September evening. A late summer heat wave provided the perfect opportunity to begin the task of harvesting crops in the Peace Country near Bear Lake, Alta. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO

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Grain industry consolidation unlikely in Canada: Viterra Mergers likely in Australia and the United States, says Mayo Schmidt BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Viterra’s Mayo Schmidt says the company supports Ottawa’s plan to end the wheat board marketing monopoly. | FILE PHOTO

The global grain industry is likely to see further consolidation, although Canada is not an obvious target for multinational companies seeking to expand their market share, says the top executive of Canada’s largest grain company. Mayo Schmidt, president and chief executive of Viterra, said he expects more consolidation in the grain industry, but exporting nations such as Australia and the United States are more obvious targets than Canada

for international companies hoping to expand their operations. Other regions, including the Black Sea, India and China are also obvious targets for investment. “We believe there will be further consolidation in a couple of major export markets, which would both be the U.S. and in Australia,” Schmidt said during a conference call with investors last week. “We wouldn’t suggest that anything is immediate but … certainly the structure of the U.S. (industry), with a c different c e s s =private s u b scompanies, criber many section=news,none,none co-operatives and a number of access=subscriber section=news,none,non section=news,none, section=news,none,none

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smaller organizations … we would expect to see consolidation in that market …” Unlike Canada, where three major exporters control roughly 80 percent of the country’s grain and oilseed exports, the United States still has a large number of smaller regional grain companies, Schmidt said. Those companies are likely to combine forces or look for other ways to gain access to global markets. “We think the U.S. consolidation will occur similar to Canada where smaller regional co-ops merged,” Schmidt said. “It’s the same thing that happened here in Canada with … the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, Alberta Pool and Manitoba Pool,” he said. “Although large in their own particular sphere of influence, (they are) much, much smaller organizations compared to the global giants today.” Schmidt did not say that Viterra was seeking to acquire additional assets in the U.S. or Australia. Instead, he suggested that the company will be watching developments closely. Regarding proposed marketing changes in Canada, Schmidt said Viterra supports Ottawa’s plan to end the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk marketing powers. The company will work with government, industry players and the CWB to ensure that the Canadian grain industry remains a competitive source of agricultural products. Although changes to the CWB are expected to have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line, Schmidt said it is too early to measure the benefits to the company’s operations. “The changes to the monopoly will have a number of important and lasting benefits,” he said. “The (post single-desk) industry should have more flexibility and leaders like Viterra should be able to maximize our logistical capabilities and improve efficiencies w ith increased throughput velocity….” Schmidt suggested that the elimination of the single-desk marketing system could generate interest from multinational companies that currently don’t have a significant grain buying presence in Western Canada. He added that the grain industry in Western Canada is already well developed and has excess capacity. Significant consolidation has also taken place in recent years so multinational companies looking to make inroads into the Canadian market would be required to make large investments in a highly competitive environment that is already dominated by a handful of large companies. “We’re in an industry in Canada that’s very mature,” Schmidt said. “The business up here is really cycling 100 car units from origin to port (so) it would probably be unlikely for someone to come in and build both country and port infrastructure — that would put the system into overcapacity and obviously affect margins — and expect the type of returns that are necessary to (compete) … in this industry.” FOR A STORY ON VITERRA’S THIRD QUARTER RESULTS, SEE PAGE 78





Cuban creates tools that fit the bill Labour, time reducing | Inventions made of scrap parts are simple and functional GUIRA DE MELENA , Cuba (Reuters) — A solitary man trudges through a palm-lined corn field in the Cuban countryside, pulling behind him a rickety contraption that president Raul Castro would love. Yolando Perez Baez, is showing off his latest invention, a spindly, spiderlike piece of equipment that sprays pesticide on six rows of crop instead of the one row he could dose using his usual backpack fumigator. With the backpack, Perez says he would have to walk eight kilometres and take six hours to finish the field. The new equipment allows him to do it in one hour and walk less than two kilometres. In other words, it fits with Castro’s quest to cut budget-draining food imports by making Cuban agriculture more productive. More than five decades of revolution, and the necessity and isolation that have accompanied it, have made Cubans skilled at improvisation and a little eccentric, none more so than Perez. Using parts scrounged from local trash dumps that he jokingly calls his “warehouse,” Perez has pieced together primitive equipment to spray pesticides, start balky irrigation machinery and speed the harvest of potatoes. He even wears a hat of his own creation that protects his face from the sun but looks like a cross between a Chinese peasant hat and something a space alien would wear. These are not high-tech creations, but, like much else in Cuba, simple and functional, rooted in common sense and the need to make do with what is available. They do not eliminate the back-breaking manual labour that dominates Cuban farm life, but reduce it. His motor starter is a study in elegant simplicity and addresses a serious need in a country where major equipment tends to be antiquated and often in need of parts that are costly and hard to get. “Eighty percent of the motors here, in this municipality at least, don’t have batteries, don’t have starters,” Perez said. “It’s the first thing to break and you have to buy them in hard currency, which is very difficult.” So, Perez, an agronomist engineer

Cuban inventor Yolando Perez Baez displays his creation to speed potato collection at a farm near Guira de Melena about 50 kilometres from Havana, Cuba. Using parts scrounged from trash dumps Perez has pieced together primitive equipment to spray pesticides, start irrigation machinery and speed the harvest of potatoes. He even wears a hat of his own creation that protects his face from the sun. | REUTERS/DESMOND BOYLAN PHOTO who wears the stained work clothes of a man who spends a lot of time in the workshop, developed what looks like a small oil rig equipped with a heavy weight. The weight, tied to a rope that is wrapped around the engine crankshaft, is lifted up by the rig and dropped. The fall pulls the rope and cranks the engine to life. He has sold eight of the apparatuses for the equivalent of slightly more than $100 each. One of his customers, Jorge Suarez, praised the machine after it started a massive diesel engine for his irrigation system. “If we don’t invent what we invent, then we would be in bad shape,” Suarez said as water poured out of a pipe into his cabbage field. “Look, if this man doesn’t invent this, I don’t know (what we would do).” Necessity is said to be the mother of invention, but Perez said it was something slightly different. “The main thing is to be faced with the problem,” he said. Perez works at the First of May agricultural co-operative in Guira de Melena. Farmers are making good money under Castro’s reforms, said co-op president Jose Miguel Gonzalez, but they spend it on new equipment only when they are convinced it works. The jury was still out on Perez’ new fumigator, he added. Not to worry, said Perez. He has other machines in the works, including a revolving sprinkler system, and, in the end, each invention is just another small step toward a better Cuba. “(With) a little that I put here, and another little bit that another Cuban puts there, the economy grows,” he said. “The small things have to be noted because sometimes they appear insignificant, but together they are a lot.”


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MAINTAIN YOUR COOL Lentil growers are likely enjoying the recent warm weather to help get the crop into bins, but they should be careful that the lentils don’t overheat. | Page 34

PRO DU CT IO N E D I TO R : M I C H AEL RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM


Breeders excited with performance of new mustard Jet biofuel | Field trials in southern Saskatchewan show brassica carinata fares well under hot and dry conditions BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

SWIFT CURRENT, Sask. — A new industrial oilseed intended for the jet fuel market could be grown commercially in Saskatchewan next year. Brassica carinata, or Ethiopian mustard, is heat and drought tolerant, making it a good fit in the semiarid region of southwestern Saskatchewan. Kevin Falk of Agriculture Canada in Saskatoon has been breeding lines for about 10 years. At a summer field day in Swift Current, growers got to see several lines growing alongside traditional yellow, brown and oriental mustards. Patrick Crampton, vice-president of business and product development at Agrisoma Biosciences Inc., which intends to commercialize the crop and contract growers, said the company is excited about the elite lines emerging from the breeding program. Several of the seven lines yield at least 20 percent over a check crop such as Cutlass oriental mustard. The oil content is 40 percent, protein is 30 percent and maturity is mid to long season, or about seven days past Argentine canola. “It’s sustainable and you can grow it in drier areas,” he told farmers. That allows the crop to be grown in semi-arid areas without displacing food crops. Falk suggested the brown soil zone south of the Yellowhead Highway in Saskatchewan is the desired location. “This isn’t meant to replace canola,” Falk said. “But it will compete well in

hot and dry conditions.” It has excellent blackleg resistance and good to excellent resistance to lodging, as well as large yellow seed size. Falk said much of his work has focused on early maturing lines. Originally, the crop was about three weeks later than Argentine canola. It’s now one week later. “We spent the first five or more years getting the maturity down,” he said. Like other mustards, carinata needs heat to mature. It is straight cut at harvest and research has shown excellent harvestability with good shatter resistance. Producers have an investment in the new crop. Through Mustard 21 Canada Inc., the Saskatchewan Mustard Development Commission has contributed research money. Its future as an energy source for aviation jet biofuel looks bright, Crampton said. Agrisoma chose carinata specifically for the aviation biojet market. It is not intended for food use although Ethiopians, less concerned about high erucic acid levels than Canadians, do cook with it and it could be ground into flour. Military and commercial airlines are incorporating biojet fuel and ASTM International, a global leader i n d e v e l o p i n g s t a n d a rd s, h a s approved biojet fuel from vegetable oil at up to 50 percent blend rates as of July 1, 2011. That would require 58 billion gallons or nearly 220 billion litres of aviation biofuel. Agrisoma uses its proprietary technology called engineered trait loci, or ETL, to stack multiple traits into engi-

Kevin Falk of Agriculture Canada says future breeding on carinata will focus on higher yields and oil content. | KAREN BRIERE PHOTOS

neered plant chromosome structures and enhance the plants. The company says second generation carinata will show a yield improvement of 10 to 20 percent, and more than two percent increase in oil content. Falk said the species has to perform well against Argentine canola and he is working on a pollination system to develop hybrids. “It’s going to take us a few years now to narrow the gap between the two species,” he said. Falk added that there is potential use for carinata meal as fish food. Processing removes the glucosinolates that are toxic to livestock and leaves a low fibre meal suitable for fish. Trials are starting this fall in Atlantic Canada. But he said acreage would have to increase substantially in order to support that type of processing. Crampton said the crop will be grown under contract at first. Production targets will depend on available seed supply. Some increasing was done last winter in Chile and will take place again this winter. Eric Johnson, weed biologist at the Scott Research Farm, studied the agronomy of carinata. Nitrogen requirements are “basically bang on with canola,” he said, and some sulfur deficiency has been induced with high nitrogen rates. Phosphorous requirements would be similar.

One of seven elite lines of brassica carinata, or Ethiopian mustard, at left, alongside a check crop of Vulcan at a Swift Current, Sask., research site earlier this summer. “You want to maintain a pretty high plant population for even maturity,” Johnson said. Seeding rates of 10 to 15 pounds per acre are quite high, but the crop is fairly competitive with weeds. Growers should aim for eight to 16 plants per square foot. Johnson said a seed treatment would be desirable, because flea beetles will eat carinata.

The use of Muster and Lontrel at lower rates has so far not resulted in any yield reductions. Work next year will look at mixing the two together. Carinata is reasonably tolerant to Banvel, which will help control kochia, and researchers think it is tolerant to Edge. “We’re also trying to develop a micro-rate strategy,” he said. “It’s an extended fishing trip.”


Forget the calendar in judging corn silage readiness BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Dry conditions tend to speed corn readiness for ensiling. |


Judging the corn is proving tricky this year. Agronomists say corn’s headway into prairie forage rations continues and that means few growers have had a lot experience with estimating its readiness for ensiling. Silage harvests are just starting in

Alberta and western Saskatchewan and will begin soon in Manitoba. In that eastern region of the Prairies, a drought is making it difficult to determine at what stage silage corn is at. Dry conditions are reducing plant moisture faster than usual, says Pam de Rocquigny of Manitoba Agriculture. The two thirds of milk-line rule might not apply this year and pro-

ducers should look at the whole plant’s moisture level when judging the silaging stage. “Don’t look to the calendar or the rules of thumb on this one. You want to get it right to get the most out of your silage, especially with feed and cattle prices where they are at,” she said. Harvesting too late will make the corn difficult to put up into silage. access=subscriber section=production,crops,none


John Deere changed its boom configuration to allow for more control on overlap and field edge cutoffs. |





High capacity sprayers become more common Deere, Agco sprayers | Machines get more power and features BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM

INDIANAPOLIS, In.,KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Some high capacity application equipment received investment by its makers for the 2012 model years with both Deere and Agco improving their lineups. More producers are opting to invest in their own high clearance, high capacity sprayers and what were once the tools of commercial applicators and the largest farmers are now part of many growers’ business plans. The machines create the ability to cover more acres in less time and deal with pest issues in tall crops in a timely fashion, rather than waiting for commercial applicators to schedule the work. New from Agco this season are three models of Rogator with horsepower rising to 280, 311 and 339 from the previous models that were 250, 299 and 311 for similar machine categories. “We added power while meeting the EPA’s Tier 4 emissions requirements. At the same time, we reduced fuel consumption. A lot of engineering went into making those three things happen at once,” said Mark Sharitz of Agco while attending the company’s dealer introduction of the new machines in Kansas City last month. The company replaced the Caterpillar 7.2 litre, 3126B and 8.8 litre, C-9 engines that powered pervious models with Agco’s own 8.4 litre power-

plant, using selective catalytic reduction, urea injection into the exhaust stream to meet its legislated emissions targets. “The Cat engines are great and they were really reliable. But this 8.4 is a well-proven, great engine and it’s in-house. We like that and it shares a lot with other Agco machines, which means a lot to our dealers when it comes to service and parts. That translates into a benefit for the owners of our equipment,” he said. Beyond the engine, the new RG900, 1100 and 1300 get tanks that match their names in U.S. gallons. A hood slopes down radically and opens up and back rather than tilting forward, as the previous model did. This provides an improved view of the ground ahead, making manoeuvring of the machine easier in tight conditions and servicing of the cooling system easier. The large posts that served as boom rests are also gone, improving operator views to the left and right. Servicing has improved overall with the new models, says Dave Webster of the company’s application division. “Central grease banks mean no more crawling on the machine to service it. The cab lifting up means that clearing the rad is easier. The wiring and (hydraulic) hoses are tucked in and covered to prevent crop wear,” he said of other improvements. The boom plumbing got new air aspirators and some other changes that improved cut-off times for better


control, said Webster. A larger fuel tank for 2012 puts 150 U.S. gallons of fuel on board, enough for a long shift in the field without refueling. Fuel fillers have been added to both sides of the machine for more convenient reloading. In the cab, a bigger screen on the display and new reporting features have been added. The two-piece drive-train remains relatively unchanged for 2012. Deere’s new 4940 sprayer was released in Indianapolis a few weeks ago. With a new 1,200 U.S. gallon tank design that shifts more weight forward, the sprayer has a distinctly different look from previous models. Kayla Reynolds of John Deere said new tank design more evenly distributes the weight of the machine, reducing compaction in the field and improving the machine’s handling characteristics. The addition of direct injection chemical tanks also makes the 4940 stand out from its predecessors. She said the direct injection gives growers or commercial applicators an additional 235 U.S. gallons of capacity as well as reducing the time

Agco’s new Rogator high clearance sprayers come with higher horsepower than previous models. |


John’s Deere’s 4940 sprayer has a 1,200 U.S. gallon tank and is designed to distribute weight evenly to reduce compaction in the field. it takes to load and mix product. She said the four direct injection tanks also makes changing product between crops faster. A change to the boom configuration divides the 90 to 120 foot boom up into 11 sections, allowing for more control on overlap and field edge cutoffs. The machine gets the new Greenstar 2630 display and touch screen controller to manage its systems and keep up with the as-applied records and JDLink telematics that report on the machine’s whereabouts and operations. More power for the biggest Deere application platform came in the form of a nine litre 340 h.p. Deere

engine. That power was needed for the dry box, which can be swapped for the liquid gear in about four hours, says Reynolds. Spraying takes place at up to 20 m.p.h., while spreading can take place at 25. A pair of New Leader dry boxes are available in 200 and 300 cubic ft. sizes for spreading fertilizer or lime up to 105 feet. A multi-applier system allows for blending on the go and a section control cuts off the feed conveyor to reduce overlap and skips in spreading. The machine gets the new Deere cab that improves the viewing area and a 155 U.S. gallon fuel tank to boost its time between refills.



Heat, moisture and sunlight cause deterioration in lentil crop BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

G, is hybrid, VT500 la o n a c R R N ram. yielding GE reeding prog b t Viterra’s big s u b ro n w erra ult of our o is bred by Vit d ri the direct res b y h is th t means tha y of VT The prefix VT nd technolog a e c n ie c s e lite lusiv ower of an e p e with the exc th t e g u o lds. ith V T500G y livers big yie e d Genetics. W d n a g n o at stands str . performer th find out more to a .c a rr e it .v Visit seed ble l Data availa a ri T la o n a C a e 2011 Viterr Watch for th this fall.

Recent hot weather has accelerated lentil maturation and harvest, but those same conditions can cause heating problems in the bin. Although growers are reporting average yields, the quality is generally high. That means there’s a lot of money at stake, says Dale Risula, special crops agronomist for Saskatchewan Agriculture. “Lentil degradation in the bin can be costly. They can drop from high quality No. 1 down to No. 3 in a matter of just five or six months. “You’ve got to get on the situation quickly because deterioration starts soon. Storage and handling can be risky in these conditions.” Risula explains that oxidation of tannin precursors in the seed coat causes lentils to turn brown with age. This lowers quality and marketability. This process speeds up with high temperatures, humidity and sunlight. High temperature and humidity also contribute to the development of fungi and toxins in the bin. The sunlight factor is the first to address. The lentils should go into

the bin as soon as possible. Heat is the next factor. The bin should have aerated floors to get the air to the lentils as quickly as possible. They should be brought down to 15 C as quickly as possible. Moisture is next on the checklist. Green lentils should be brought down to 14 percent moisture content for safe storage. Red lentils should be brought down to 13 percent. Foreign matter and fine grind material mixed in with lentils will hold moisture and make the drying process more difficult and costly. It will also interfere with proper airflow. Risula says the foreign matter and off-colour lentils should be cleaned as soon as possible to allow for efficient cooling and drying. “Getting it cleaned up properly will cost you some money, because you’ll probably require a colour sorter. “But the longer you wait, the more lentils will get kicked out by the colour sorter. And that’s an outright loss.” He cautions that there is a danger of drying lentils down too quickly if in a cool wet zone. The dryer shouldn’t remove more than four or five percent moisture. Lentils should be tempered to cool

LENTIL DRYING TIMES The chart shows the number of days required to naturally dry lentils in unheated ambient air at various airflow rates (measured in cubic feet per minute, per bushel): Start date Aug. 15 Aug. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 15

moisture (%) 20 17 20 17

airflow rate 1.0 2.0 3.0 # of days


36 26 38 35

21 20 12 10

6 17 10 9

Source: Sask. Pulse Growers | WP GRAPHIC

them down between dryer passes. They should be kept in an aerated bin, so cooling is a matter of shutting off the heat and keeping the fans running. Avoid transferring lentils from bin to bin for drying or cooling. If dried too quickly, the seeds can develop small cracks, which will have a negative impact on quality and price. Also, if the moisture content is below recommended levels, there is a greater chance of damage during shipping and handling. For more information, contact Dale Risula at 306-787-4665 or


107% 07% THIS WEEK: After an underground spring sprang forth in the centre of his corral this summer, sending water flowing toward his bins, Gord Cote of Dunrea, Man., tried to make divert the water and got badly stuck. It took two four-wheel drive a ttrench e c to d tractors to lift the front end of his stuck tractor and tow it out. What did he learn from this situation? “Don’t underestimate Mother Nature.” le | GORD COTE PHOTO


OM 20 10 V *DATA FR




The Western Producer has joined with Flaman to deliver weekly highlights from the company’s Great Stuck in the Muck Photo Contest. To see the rest of Flaman’s 2010 and 2011 entries in the photo contest, visit



The double-sided louver with 90 degree rectangular perforations on both sides allows massive airflow, with the actual openings accounting for 24 to 28 percent of the total panel area. This compares to a 10 percent open area with round perforations. | EDWARDS GRAIN GUARD PHOTO, MICHELLE HOULDEN ILLUSTRATION LENTILS | STORAGE

Poor grain bin perforations hamper air movement Incorrect size, shape | The openings must be appropriate for the grain BY RON LYSENG

Round perforations


The wrong perforations in bin floors and ducting can hamper drying and cooling, reports The Grain Guardian newsletter. If air doesn’t flow as efficiently as calculated, then you’re not getting the optimal return for every dollar invested in BTUs of heat and electrical energy to spin those fans. Although most perforations are typically less than 0.04 inches wide, the shape of the opening can have a major impact on the efficacy of the drying or cooling of the aeration system. If perforation size and shape are inappropriate for the grain going into the bin, kernels will block the openings and retard the airflow. The open air area of a perforation panel can range from 10 percent to 28 percent of the surface. There are three basic perforation configurations.

The most popular style is the round perforation, with sizes ranging from 0.03 to 0.09 inches in diameter. On the Prairies, the maximum opening is often 0.04 inches in diameter to accommodate cereals and oilseeds. The open area is generally 10 to 12 percent of the total panel surface. The drawback is that smaller sized kernels can block the small round openings. The round shape of canola and wheat kernels lets them sit in the perforation, reducing airflow. This perforation style is best suited for large kernel products. Single side louver or lanced louver This style perforation has a rectangular shape w ith a wedge-like appearance. It opens at a 90-degree angle to the panel. Round-shaped kernels are not able

to sit in the opening and block airflow. The opening is usually 0.03 to 0.04 inches in width and up to a half inch in length, constituting 12 to 14 percent of the panel. Double-sided louver, 90 degree rectangle openings both sides This style perforation is similar in concept to the single-sided lanced louver, except that it features louvers with two open sides. This effectively doubles the airflow capacity, with the open area ranging from 24 to 28 percent. Like the single-side lanced louver, the profile prevents kernels from resting on the openings. Openings are 0.03 to 0.04 inches wide and up to a half inch in length. This style is ideal for natural air drying systems that require large volumes of unobstructed airflow. For further information, visit www.

ram testing prog d n a g in d e cs ust bre e VT Geneti Viterra’s rob iv s lu c x e n w in our o lasm has resulted latest germp e th g in in b e By com ith ex tensiv technology. w n o ti a v o n t d trait in roducts tha research an p rs e w o p s Genetic e. testing, VT nce and valu a rm o rf e p n e deliver prov ucts. rra bred prod e it V ll a n o s enetic Look for VT G ore. to find out m a .c a rr e it .v d Visit see

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While modern combines might have computers that manage some of the settings, understanding the system and the effects each part has on grain processors and straw management can benefit those machines’ owners as much as the operator of a older unit. | FILE PHOTO MACHINERY | COMBINE SETTINGS

Reaping biggest returns requires optimum combine settings


any people find the process of setting a combine a bit of a mystery, whether new farm employees or even a few veterans.

For those who have combines that set themselves entirely from the cab, the machine is doing what is outlined here. So if you have to make adjustments beyond what the comaccess=subscriber section=crops,none,none

Recycle your empty pesticide containers

puter is recommending, this might provide background about what is going on. • Make sure the combine is running at the correct speed, especially on combines with more hours. • Open the sieves so nothing is going to the returns. This is the only way I know that I can tell exactly what the threshing part of the machine is doing. • Do a little threshing. • Set the cylinder speed as fast as possible without cracking. Remember there is a difference between cracking and crushing; speed cracks, clearance crushes. • Set the clearance to get rid of whitecaps. That may mean adjusting the speed. • As a last resort, put in concave


HENRY GUENTER blanks. These reduce capacity, so use only as many as needed. • Older Gleaner combines that return back to the trough under the cage can get so full that the cage sweep will repeatedly plug. This was common in Western Canada with those machines. Farmers were advised to cut out about six to eight inches of each cage sweep. This gave more

room for the return. • Set the sieves. Set the combine so there are no whitecaps by opening the bottom sieve at least to a quarter inch so air can get through to the chaffer. I am convinced many combines carry out more grain with the trash than what is blown out. • Open the chaffer to at least threequarter of an inch. For canola, it can often go all the way open. Use lots of air. As well, make sure to check accelerator rolls on Gleaners and make sure the fan dividers are in place on older Massey Fergusons. Henry Guenter is a former service manager for Massey Ferguson. Contact:


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Tributes/Memoriams ...............0100 Announcements ...................... 0200 COMMUNITY CALENDAR British Columbia ................... 0310 Alberta...................................0320 Saskatchewan ......................0330 Manitoba ...............................0340 Airplanes ................................. 0400 Alarms & Security Systems .... 0500 ANTIQUES Antique Auctions .................. 0701 Antique Equipment ...............0703 Antique Vehicles ...................0705 Antique Miscellaneous ......... 0710 Arenas ..................................... 0800 Auction Sales .......................... 0900 Auction Schools ...................... 0950 AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto Service & Repairs ......... 1050 Auto & Truck Parts ................ 1100 Buses ..................................... 1300 Cars .......................................1400 Trailers Grain Trailers ...................... 1505 Livestock Trailers .................1510 Misc. Trailers ........................ 1515 Trucks 2007 & Newer ......................1597 2000 - 2006 .......................1600 1999 & Older....................... 1665 Four Wheel Drive ................ 1670 Grain Trucks .........................1675 Semi Trucks ..........................1677 Specialized Trucks .............. 1680 Sport Utilities.......................1682 Various ................................ 1685 Vans ....................................... 1700 Vehicles Wanted ....................1705 BEEKEEPING Honey Bees ........................... 2010 Cutter Bees............................2020 Bee Equipment & Supplies ... 2025 Belting ......................................2200 Bio Diesel & Equipment...........2300 Books & Magazines ..................2400 BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Concrete Repair & Coatings ................................ 2504 Doors & Windows ................. 2505 Electrical & Plumbing ............2510 Lumber .................................. 2520 Roofing .................................. 2550 Supplies ................................ 2570 Buildings .................................. 2601 Building Movers ....................... 2602 Business Opportunities ...........2800 BUSINESS SERVICES Consulting ............................. 2901 Financial & Legal .................. 2902 Insurance & Investments...... 2903 Butcher’s Supplies .................. 3000 Chemicals................................. 3150 Clothing: Drygoods & Workwear ...........3170 Collectibles ..............................3200 Compressors ............................3300 Computers................................3400 CONTRACTING Custom Baling ....................... 3510 Custom Combining ............... 3520 Custom Feeding .....................3525 Custom Seeding .....................3527 Custom Silage ....................... 3530 Custom Spraying...................3540 Custom Trucking ................... 3550 Custom Tub Grinding .............3555 Custom Work .........................3560 Construction Equipment..........3600 Dairy Equipment ...................... 3685 Diesel Engines..........................3700 Educational ..............................3800 Electrical Motors...................... 3825 Electrical Equipment ............... 3828 Engines.....................................3850 Farm Buildings ........................ 4000 Bins .......................................4003 Storage/Containers...............4005 FARM MACHINERY Aeration ................................ 4103

Conveyors ............................. 4106 Equipment Monitors ............. 4109 Fertilizer Equipment .............. 4112 Grain Augers ..........................4115 Grain Carts .............................4118 Grain Cleaners ....................... 4121 Grain Dryers ...........................4124 Grain Elevators ......................4127 Grain Testers ......................... 4130 Grain Vacuums .......................4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ............... 4139 Mower Conditioners ............4142 Swathers ............................. 4145 Swather Accessories ........... 4148 H&H Various.........................4151 Combines Belarus .................................4157 Case/IH ............................... 4160 CI ..........................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ............... 4166 Deutz ................................... 4169 Ford/NH ................................4172 Gleaner .................................4175 John Deere ............................4178 Massey Ferguson..................4181 Python ................................. 4184 Versatile ...............................4187 White ................................... 4190 Various .................................4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers................ 4199 Combine Pickups ................ 4202 Misc. Accessories ................ 4205 Hydraulics .............................4208 Parts & Accessories ............... 4211 Salvage .................................4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ............................4217 Repairs .................................. 4220 Rockpickers ............................4223 Snowblowers & Snowplows .......................... 4226 Silage Equipment .................. 4229 Special Equipment.................4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ......................... 4238 SP Sprayers ..........................4241 Spraying Various................. 4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .............................. 4250 Air Seeders .......................... 4253 Harrows & Packers .............. 4256 Seeding Various .................. 4259 Tillage Equipment ............... 4262 Tillage & Seeding Various .............................. 4265 Tractors Agco Agco ....................................4274 Allis/Deutz..........................4277 White .................................4280 Belarus ................................ 4283 Case/IH ............................... 4286 Steiger ............................... 4289 Caterpillar ........................... 4292 John Deere ........................... 4295 Kubota ................................. 4298 Massey Ferguson................. 4301 New Holland ........................4304 Ford ................................... 4307 Versatile ............................ 4310 Universal ..............................4313 Zetor .................................... 4316 Various Tractors .................. 4319 Loaders & Dozers ...................4322 Miscellaneous ....................... 4325 Wanted .................................. 4328 Fencing .................................... 4400 Financing/Leasing ...................4450 Firewood .................................. 4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ...........4500 Food Products .......................... 4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ...............4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ........ 4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing ............4605 Fur Farming .............................. 4675 Generators ................................4725 GPS ........................................... 4730 Green Energy.............................4775

Health Care .............................. 4810 Health Foods ............................ 4825 Heating & Air Conditioning....................4850 Hides, Furs, & Leathers ...........4880 Hobbies & Handicrafts ............4885 Household Items......................4890 Iron & Steel ..............................4960 Irrigation Equipment ...............4980 LANDSCAPING Greenhouses .........................4985 Lawn & Garden .....................4988 Nursery & Gardening Supplies ............4990 LIVESTOCK Cattle Auction Sales ......................5005 Black Angus ......................... 5010 Red Angus ........................... 5015 Belgian Blue ........................5030 Blonde d’Aquitaine ............. 5035 Brahman ..............................5040 Brangus ............................... 5042 Braunvieh ............................ 5047 Brown Swiss ........................5049 BueLingo ............................. 5052 Charolais ............................. 5055 Dexter ..................................5065 Excellerator ......................... 5067 Galloway .............................5070 Gelbvieh .............................. 5075 Guernsey .............................5080 Hereford ............................. 5090 Highland ..............................5095 Holstein ............................... 5100 Jersey ................................... 5105 Limousin............................... 5115 Lowline .................................5118 Luing.....................................5120 Maine-Anjou .........................5125 Miniature............................. 5130 Murray Grey .........................5135 Piedmontese ....................... 5160 Pinzgauer .............................5165 Red Poll ................................ 5175 Salers....................................5185 Santa Gertrudis ................... 5188 Shaver Beefblend.................5195 Shorthorn ............................5200 Simmental ........................... 5205 South Devon .........................5210 Speckle Park.........................5215 Tarentaise ........................... 5220 Texas Longhorn ....................5225 Wagyu.................................. 5230 Welsh Black ..........................5235 Cattle Various ..................... 5240 Cattle Wanted ..................... 5245 Cattle Events & Seminars ....5247 Horses Auction Sales ...................... 5305 American Saddlebred ......... 5310 Appaloosa ............................5315 Arabian ................................ 5320 Belgian .................................5325 Canadian ..............................5327 Clydesdale ........................... 5330 Donkeys ................................5335 Haflinger ............................. 5345 Miniature............................. 5365 Morgan .................................5375 Mules ...................................5380 Norwegian Fjord ................. 5385 Paint ....................................5390 Palomino ............................. 5395 Percheron ............................5400 Peruvian ..............................5405 Ponies..................................5408 Quarter Horse ......................5415 Shetland .............................. 5420 Sport Horses ....................... 5424 Standardbred ......................5430 Tennessee Walker ............... 5445 Thoroughbred .....................5450 Welsh ................................... 5455 Horses Various ....................5460 Horses Wanted .................... 5465 Horse Events, Seminars ...... 5467 Horse Hauling .....................5469 Harness & Vehicles ............. 5470 Saddles.................................5475

Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505 Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Bison (Buffalo) .....................5755 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162 Campers & Trailers ............... 6164

Golf Cars ................................ 6165 Motor Homes......................... 6166 Motorcycles ............................6167 Snowmobiles ........................ 6168 Refrigeration ............................ 6180 RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ........... 6210 Vacation Accommodations ... 6245 Restaurant Supplies ................ 6320 Sausage Equipment .................6340 Sawmills...................................6360 Scales .......................................6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ..................................6404 Corn .................................... 6406 Durum..................................6407 Oats ..................................... 6410 Rye....................................... 6413 Triticale ............................... 6416 Wheat .................................. 6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa .................................. 6425 Annual Forage ..................... 6428 Clover .................................. 6431 Grass Seeds ...........................6434 Oilseeds Canola ................................6440 Flax ......................................6443 Pulse Crops Beans ...................................6449 Chickpeas ............................ 6452 Lentil ................................... 6455 Peas .....................................6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ......................6464 Mustard ............................... 6467 Potatoes ..............................6470 Sunflower ............................ 6473 Other Specialty Crops ......... 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ......................... 6482 Forage Seeds .........................6485 Grass Seeds ...........................6488 Oilseeds ................................ 6491 Pulse Crops ...........................6494 Various .................................. 6497 Organic Seed ...........See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain .............................6505 Hay & Straw .......................... 6510 Pellets & Concentrates ..........6515 Fertilizer ................................6530 Feed Wanted .........................6540 Seed Wanted ......................... 6542 Sewing Machines ..................... 6710 Sharpening Services .................6725 Sporting Goods ........................ 6825 Outfitters............................... 6827 Stamps & Coins ........................6850 Swap......................................... 6875 Tanks ........................................ 6925 Tarpaulins ................................ 6975 Tenders..................................... 7025 Tickets ...................................... 7027 Tires .........................................7050 Tools ......................................... 7070 Travel........................................ 7095 Water Pumps............................ 7150 Water Treatment ......................7200 Welding .................................... 7250 Well Drilling .............................7300 Winches....................................7400 CAREERS Career Training ........................8001 Child Care.................................8002 Construction ........................... 8004 Domestic Services .................. 8008 Farm / Ranch ............................ 8016 Forestry / Logging .................... 8018 Help Wanted ............................8024 Management ............................ 8025 Mining ...................................... 8027 Oilfield .....................................8030 Professional ............................. 8032 Sales / Marketing .................... 8040 Trades / Technical ....................8044 Truck Drivers ............................8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ...............................8050



1969 PA 28 140B, 4 seats, IFR equipped, many extras, a great time builder. Fresh annual 2011. $38,000. Call for more info. 306- 445-3690 or 403-815-5889, Battleford, SK.

D on’t M iss, Ea rly Bird D ea d lin e Sep t.15thth

• • • EARLY BIRD PRIZ E OPTIONS • • • 1. Priva te Is la n d Pa ra d is e Necker Island,British Virgin Islands

PIPER BUSHMASTER 4-PLACE, 0-320/160 HP, constant spd., 9/10, on 2000 floats, wheel gear incl., great performer, large baggage. Available end of float season. Consider trading up to 185 or 180. Great price. 204-330-1758, Lac Du Bonnet, MB Email: 1966 CITABRIA 7ECA, 115 HP Lycoming, nice condition, blue and white Starburst paint job, C of A completed, ready to fly, $28,000 OBO. Skis available. Call Bob at 204-268-1526, Beausejour, MB. BUCKEYE POWERED PARACHUTE, single place, Rotax 503, $7500 OBO. Contact Bill at 306-842-5857, Weyburn, SK.

2. L icen s e to L u xu ry 2011 Jaguar XF Prem ium Sedan or 2011 Range Rover Sport 3.

Saskatchewan Winter Cereals Development Commission


75,00000 CAS H




6 9 5,00000 CASH




at Atlantis Paradise Island, Bahamas

Escape to paradise every year...forever!


1-8 00-6 6 1-W ISH (9 474) T hro u gho u tS a s ka tchew a n

3 8 4-W ISH (9 474) S a s ka to o n & Area


543 -W ISH (9 474) Regin a & Area

w w w .w is h h om e lotte

Lo tte ry Lic e n c e e : The C hild re n ’s W is h Fo u n d a tio n o fC a n a d a LR11-0023 , LR11-0024, RR11-0170 DID YOU KNOW: The UPS Store will accept courier parcels for you? Lethbridge, AB. 403-327-0003 or 403-328-8618.

CCA TOWN HALL MEETING, October 3, 2011, 2:00 PM at the Days Inn in Prince George, BC. Beef producers, come and get a first hand account of the many initiatives the CCA is involved in on your behalf and the progress we are making toward improving industry competitiveness for the long term. Learn more and RSVP at or call Tracy at 403-275-8558. Meetings sponsored by Farm Credit Canada.

CESSNA A185F, 1981, 906 TTAF, all origi- 1976 PIPER PA-23-250 Aztec “F”, 3135 nal. Contact John Hopkinson & Associates TTAF, 773 TSO, Garmin GNS 530, full DeIce. Call John Hopkinson & Assoc. at 403-291-9027, Water Valley, AB. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. 3- 2003 DIAMOND DA20-C1; 2006 Dia- CESSNA 210M CENTURION, 1977, S/N mond DA20-C1; 2008 American Champion 21062082, 3613 TTAF, Garmin GDL 69 XM 8KCAB; 1977 Cessna 172N. 403-637-2250, weather, $20,000 recent refurbishment, Water Valley, AB. Garmin GNS 530, 406 ELT and Sierra gear MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine door mod. 403-637-2250, Water Valley AB parts, satisfaction guaranteed. Altona, MB, CHEROKEE PA-28-180, 4560 TT, 850 204-324-6088. TTAE, Gar 250 Nav/Com, SL 40 Com, Mode C, Hor Tach, 406, Int, Rec Alt and 1975 C172M, 1315 TTSN, no damage, han- tires, exhaust. $49,999. 403-701-3064 ga r e d , 2 n av. c o m m s . , t r a n s p o n d e r Didsbury, AB. w / m o d e C , A D F, G a r m i n 2 9 5 G P S. 306-554-2176 or 2006 JODEL D11 2 seater AF/engine, 37 Wynyard, SK. hr. TTSN, 125 HP, 48-235 Franklin (North American). Always hangared, flies great. 1946 BC12D TAYLORCRAFT project. All $14,500. 250-964-1616, Boissevain, MB. Ceconite envelopes, tapes and dope. Am unable to complete project. $9000. 2003 SONEX w/2180 arrow v motor, TT 334, HH radio, ELT, very cheap to fly (3.5 306-782-7195, Yorkton, SK. gal./hr. at 120 mph cruise), $32,000. Edmonton, AB. Phone 780-919-7410.

The SWCDC has openings for 3 positions on the producer elected Board of Directors. Three directors will be elected for a two year term ending at the annual General Meeting in January of 2014. SWCDC Directors will participate in approximately 6 board meetings a year and contribute time to the SWCDC. Directors are called on to represent the SWCDC at meetings and major conferences that impact the winter cereals industry. Expenses are reimbursed to Directors and a daily per diem remuneration is paid. Registered winter cereals growers interested in joining the Board can contact the SWCDC business office at 1-866-472-4611 or email for nomination forms. Nomination forms must be returned to the Returning Officer no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) October 26, 2011. Note: Only registered growers may vote, nominate or hold office. A registered grower means any grower who has had a Saskatchewan Winter Cereals Development Commission check-off deducted since August 1, 2009. A registered grower is not eligible to be nominated as a director if he or she has requested or received a refund of the check-off since August 1, 2009. An election (if required) will be held by mail ballot with election results announced at the Annual General Meeting in Saskatoon, Sk. on January 9, 2012. October 26, 2011 Nominations Close at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) November 25, 2011 Ballots mailed if necessary. December 16, 2011 Last day for ballots to be received. January 9, 2012, Results announced at SWCDC Annual General Meeting


WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610,

WESTERN CANADA’S FINEST TOP QUALITY ANTIQUE AUCTION #2 for Betty Ann Radke, Monday, October 10th, 9:30 AM, Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. 27 Arthur Pequegnat clocks- all mint, quarter cut oak curved glass china cabinets, stacking bookcases, secretary, washstands, kitchen hoosier, hanging lamps, china vase lamps, Sanford Fisher and other paintings, gramophones, superb glassware, large crockery line, 98 Christmas Hummels collection. Dispersal of a lifetime, all completely unreserved. Pictures s o o n a t w w w. s h a v e r a u c t i o n . c o m 306-332-5382. PL 914399. ANTIQUE JD TRACTORS Model A and B, September 17 Auction, Ken and Laverne MacDougall, Barriere BC. Call BC Livestock 250-573-3939,

ANTIQUE GAS ENGINE COLLECTION for sale. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope for list to: Fred Logue, Box 2243, Chetwynd, BC. V0C 1J0. STEINER TRACTOR PARTS for old tractors. Canadian agents. 150,000 other new parts. TRACTOR SERVICE and owner’s manuals, excellent quotes. Website w w w. d i a m o n d f a r m t r a c t o r p a r t s . c o m 1-800-481-1353. WANTED: CASE 500, 600 and 900 dsl. tractors complete, running or restorable condition. 780-467-5484, Edmonton, AB. FARMALL H TRACTOR, 1946 or 1947. Not running now. Located at Elbow, SK. Cannot be delivered, must be picked up. $1700. Call Steven at 306-230-2050. 1960 JD 830, diesel, pup motor, dual hyd., PTO, PS, good tires, good working condition. 306-237-9526, Sonningdale, SK. JD D STYLED engine and chassis, engine complete and running, $1000. 780-853-7385, Vermilion AB 11 SMALL TRACTORS: Ford, JD, Case, IHC, MH, MM, Cockshutt; Also Model A car chassis. 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. 1954 JD 60, low seat, standard, runs great, $3100 OBO. Call Don 403-378-4898 or 403-793-4549, Duchess, AB. JD 620, 630, 730, all gas, standard, good running condition. 204-476-3627, Neepawa, MB. JD B row crop tractor, S/N #150491, 1943-1944, rebuilt new block, head and tires. 306-253-4526, Aberdeen, SK. 1952 MODEL Z Minneapolis Moline tractor, good running order, c/w MM umbrella and inst. book. 780-387-4807, Millet, AB. WANTED: JD MC Crawler for parts; Also for sale 3 JD 1-1/2 HP pump engines for parts. 780-755-2185, Edgerton, AB. 1930 JD HORSE BINDER, shedded since new, incl. orig. bamboo binder whip and other unused parts, offers. 780-672-6596, Camrose, AB. 1942 JD A, narrow front, older restoration, $2500. 306-854-2308, Elbow, SK.

4 FARMALL TRACTORS: A; H w/narrow front; H wide front; M. All repainted with decals, new or vg rear tires. Good running order. Shedded. 306-363-4723, Drake, SK. ANTIQUE TRACTORS: Large assortment of JD’s: 620, R’s, D’s, G’s, 80. 50 to choose from. 204-522-8140, Melita, MB. FARMALL H, 1948, row crop, mint, $4800 MEYERS AUCTION, 10 AM, Sat., Oct 1, OBO; Also antique cookstove. Phone 2011. Ken Burtle Estate, Napinka, MB. 306-477-3433, Saskatoon, SK. 1951 Plymouth Cambridge; 1966 Ply- CASE D, JD 620, JD BR, JD 60, JD AR, mouth Fury II; Snap-On Tools, Metric and all restored. Phone 306-620-7016, Fort SAE; Automotive spare parts; Die cast Qu’Appelle, SK. cars, trucks and tractors; Automotive antiques and collectibles; Chilton and other ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranauto service repair manuals; Antiques and teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. collectibles; Garage equip. and tools. Mey- Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, ers Auctions & Appraisals, 204-368-2333. Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. List and pictures at: MH PONY TRACTOR, S/N #58104, engine completely overhauled, new paint, decals, $4500. 780-672-2220, Camrose, AB. IH W6 TRACTOR, painted and decalled, 1947 OLIVER CLETRAC HG42 crawler, running, $1900 OBO; DC4 Case, running, $3,000; 1929 18-36 Hart Parr tractor on $800; Co-op E4, seized, $500; Snow cruis- steel, great running shape, $10,000; 1946 er, $50; Evinrude 20E, $50 or $80 both. Oliver 70, $3,500. All painted and restored. stored inside. 403-742-5228, Erskine, AB. 403-227-2268, Innisfail, AB.


Although complete name, address and phone number need not appear in your ad, we must have this information for our files. NAME _____________________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE# _________________ CELL# _____________ EVENING PHONE# ____________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________TOWN ___________________ PROVINCE ________ POSTAL CODE _____________

LEADER TRACTOR, was running and another one for parts. 204-467-5685, Grosse Isle, MB. BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, brochures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. 1953 AC MODEL CA tractor, for restoration or parts, newer tires, running condition. $1500. 403-897-2460, Champion, AB. JD 820 SERIAL #8200783, good running cond., good tin; MH 44 Special, diesel, exc. running cond, new tires; MH 44 gas, runs, good tin, exc. rear tires, 14x30. Phone: 306-487-2610, Lampman, SK. JD 830 TRACTOR, pup start, runs well, $6500. 780-853-2750 eves., Vermilion, AB. JD 3010, PREMIUM, 1 owner, 5000 hrs., c/w JD 46A loader; MF Super 92 combine, good shape. Both shedded. Wetaskiwin, AB. 780-352-3179, 780-361-6879. JD AR, 1940, S/N 259248; BR 1944, S/N 333438; MODEL M, 1948, S/N M18230; JD AR 1952, S/N 280355. All new paint, running, good condition. 306-297-3675, Shaunavon, SK. FOR SALE: ALLIS Chalmers G models; 1 Cockshutt 40; sickle mower for JDM; 2 tailgate augers. 403-226-1275, Calgary, AB 1947 ALLIS CHALMERS Model B, restored; 1 9 6 1 M F 9 7 t r a c t o r, r e s t o r e d . 780-877-2429, Edberg, AB. IH 203 COMBINE, always shedded, mint, $2000. 780-220-1950, St. Michael, AB. WANTED: IH TRACTOR literature, from 1960’s and 1970’s. Phone 701-240-5737. WANTED: Ford flathead V8 motor. I would prefer an engine that is running or with minor work would run. 604-857-9592 or email RARE 10’ JD SP swather, Wisconsin mot o r, i n w o r k i n g o r d e r, $ 1 5 0 0 . C a l l 780-218-2151, Willingdon, AB. 730 CASE DIESEL, runs well, $2600 OBO; 1947 Monarch 4 door, $2900; 1947 Ford 1 ton, $750. 306-468-2837, Canwood, SK. WANTED: galvanized steel windmill tower in good condition. Call 250-765-4240, Kelowna, BC. MASSEY 33, new rubber, good running condition. 403-382-8544, Picture Butte, AB. JOHN DEERE 730 diesel tractor, $5000. 306-374-8432, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED: MASSEY FERGUSON 1150, 1155, 2775, 2805, Ford 9600, JD 6030, White Cockshutt or Oliver with V8. 403-559-7381, Olds, AB.

1950’S AND 60’S 1/2 and 1 ton parts or project trucks. Dodge, Ford, IHC, GM, some complete, some for parts, some running. For more info, prices or photos call 306-948-9502 cell or 306-948-2427, Biggar, SK. 1946 DODGE 2 ton w/hoist, running; 1947 Dodge 1-1/2 ton, steel B&H, not running; 1955 Ford 2 ton, B&H, not running; 1965 Int. 1 ton, steel B&H, not running. 306-868-2275, Rouleau, SK 1929 CHEV one ton truck complete, but requires total re-assembly. Rebuilt engine. Call 306-441-0398 cell, Battleford, SK. 4 - DODGE BIG HORN highway tractors, Cummins 350-400 motors. Accepting offers. 204-448-2193, Eddystone, MB. 1966 FORD GALAXY 7L, 428 auto, new r u b b e r, d r i v e i t a w a y, $ 5 , 0 0 0 . 780-220-1950, St. Michael, AB.

PLEASE PRINT YOUR AD BELOW exactly as you want it to appear in the paper, including your phone number or The Western Producer box number. When using a phone or fax number within your ad copy, town and province are required (toll free numbers and WP Box numbers excepted). When using an email and/or website address within your ad copy, an alternative way for readers to contact you is required (ie: phone, fax or mailing address). Ads in the Personal column must be placed under a Western Producer box number or email address. There is a $45.00 charge for a box number ($95.00 International). A signature is required here for all Personal ads.________________________________________________________


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1946 FARMALL H, refurbished, new rubber, lots of new parts, asking $5000. 780-998-4564, Fort Saskatchewan, AB.

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CLASSIFICATION NAME & NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________________ # OF WEEKS ________ RATES: $5.50/printed line (3 line minimum). PLEASE SEE FRONT PAGE OF CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS, FEATURE PRICING AND OTHER CLASSIFIED INFORMATION

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1967 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER, 4 dr. hard top, body and tires good shape, $2000 OBO. Ph. Ed 306-567-5571, Bladworth, SK. 1978 LINCOLN Town Car, 4 dr. posted hardtop, 3 tone copper, low kms, $3500. 403-632-9677, Pincher Creek, AB.

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1951 CHEV 1/2 ton, shedded, original body and interior, close to running, $5000. 306-372-7715, Luseland, SK.

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Mail to: The Western Producer Advertising Department, Box 2500, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4

Ph. 1-800-667-7770 • Fax 306-653-8750

1950’s? INTERNATIONAL L190 cement truck, shedded last 12 years, fair shape, close to running, $4500. 306-372-7715, Luseland, SK. WANTED: 1928 CHEV 1 ton truck, running or not. No basket cases. 780-349-2155, Westlock, AB.


WANTED: STROMBERG U2 carburetor for 1929 Model 65 Chrysler in good cond. 604-835-3300, Abbotsford, BC. 1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC long nose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. 1926 MODEL T Doctor’s Coupe. Completely restored to original, first place show winner. Only 2 owners. Serious inquiries only. 604-349-7402, Surrey, BC. 1967 FORD CUSTOM; 1953 Chev Biscayne, $400; 1967 Ford 1/2 ton $800; Horse drawn machinery, $550. 780-786-4454, Mayerthorpe, AB. AUTOMOTIVE SWAP MEET AND FLEA MARKET, held by Estevan Antique Auto Club, Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011, Estevan, SK, Wylie Mitchell Hall. Vendors wanted. 70+ tables of antique car parts, tools and other related items. For more info. or to book a table, call Nathan 306-634-1909.

EDISON DISC PHONOGRAPH and records; Clinton upright grand piano. Call 306-725-4539, Strasbourg, SK. WANTED: 1920’S clear vision gas pump. 403-932-5830, Cochrane, AB. WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK. LOOK!! ALL KINDS OF ANTIQUES for sale. Phone 306-487-2862 for details and information. Lampman, SK. COMBINATION coal, wood and propane stove; 1957 Mercury truck. Both in good shape. Offers. 306-946-3806, Watrous, SK. ATTENTION!! CANCELLED Antiques, Collectibles Annual Show and Sale at Swift Current, SK., September 17 and 18th. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES Show and Sale and GUN AND HOBBY Show and Sale, Cypress Centre, Medicine Hat, AB, Saturday Oct. 1st, 10am-6pm, and Sunday Oct. 2nd, 10am-4pm. For more information call Tim at 403-527-2615 after 6 PM. WANTED: LONE RANGER comics, DellJ a n u a r y, 1 9 4 8 t o J u l y, 1 9 6 2 . 780-877-2429, Edberg, AB.


FARM EQUIPMENT Auction for Everette Dykstra, Central Butte, SK, Thursday, September 22, 12 noon. Directions: from Central Butte 8 miles south to the curve, 2 miles east, 2 miles south, 1 mile east. Case 2090 20.8x38� rear tires (vg), 4165 hrs; 8’ dozer blade fits 2090; JD 2130, JD 146 FEL and bucket, 3 PTH, Hi-Low, 2519 hrs; 1968 GMC 950 2-ton grain truck, roll tarp, 66,800 miles; 1985 Chev 30 grain truck, 248,000 km; 6.5’x16’ flatdeck trailer; 1983 MF 860 combine, 9001 PU header, RakeUp PU, diesel, chopper; White 22’ straight header; MF 35 24’ PTO swather; JD 800 20’ SP swather; 2 MF 360 12’ piggy-back discers; 2 MF 36’ 12’ discers; 2 Flexi-Coil 45’ harrow-packer drawbars; Flexi-Coil System 50 65’ field sprayer; Cockshutt 20’ cultivator; 4-bottom plow on steel; Sakundiak HD 7�x45’ 1400 auger; Brandt end-gate drill fill; KenDon gravity grain wagon; 1988 Citation 30’ bumper-hitch camper; near new 100-gal slip tank w/12-volt pump and shut-off nozzle; Buhler Farm King 510 3 PTH 5’ gyro mower, vg. Sale conducted by Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. 306-693-4715. Pictures and more information:

BODNARUS AUCTIONEERING. Martin & Lisa Harder Auction Sale, Saturday Sept 24 10:00 a.m. Directions: Centennial Dr. in Warman, N 10 kms to Neuhorst. Rec. Veh & Veh Related: 1996 582 MXZ Ski Doo, eng rebuilt in ’09 -’10. Approx 100 miles on rebuilt eng. Tractor: MF 180, PTO w/FEL, PS.; Orig. Art by Lisa Harder; Doll collection; Wide variety of antiques; Shop equip; Fishing & camp related; Household & furn. 306-227-9505. PL 318200SK. UNRESERVED ANTIQUE TRACTORS, EQUIPMENT & COLLECTIBLES Auction, Saturday, Sept 24th/11, 10 AM, Coronation, AB. George Rovensky. Full details at: w w w. d u n k l e a u c t i o n s . c o m o r c a l l : 1-877-(UP4BIDS) 874-2437 PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale September 24, 9:00 AM. PBR, 105-71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., 306-931-7666.


PH. 306- 752 - 2 076 1- 800- 667- 2 075 S K PL 915407 AB PL 18082 7



SHELDON’S HAULING, Haul all farm equipment, air drills and swathers. 306-961-9699 Prince Albert SK MIKE BARRET and EST. OF BEV LLOYD, Sunday, September 25, 2011 10:00 AM. From Wolseley: 6 miles East on Hwy. #1 to Glenavon Road, 1-1/4 miles South of Wolseley, SK. Contact: 306-698-2854. Acreage and large antique sale. Acreage and Yard: 1992 Golden Falcon tandem trailer, 23’ full load, awning, AC, real nice; 1991 Jayco 21’ 5th wheel trailer, fully loaded, air, 5th wheel hitch; 1993 Ford dsl. 36 pass. bus, Cummins dsl., no seats; 1983 Chev 36 pass. bus, gas, 350, no seats; 1993 Aerostar van; D19 Allis Chalmers, gas, cab, 3 PTH, new rubber w/Duzall FEL; 3- 8x12’ garden sheds; 5’ rotary 3 PTH mower; JD rototiller of riding lawn mower; utility trailer; 14’ canoe; 7’ snow bucket fits FEL; treated fence posts; fuel tank and pump; grass sweep; plus 100 crockery, 50 antiques, plus carpentry, misc., etc. Note: Mike was a cabinet maker and antique collector. This is a very large item sale. Two rings will sell. Antiques are worth looking at, this is definitely a partial listing. Many more items. Ukrainetz Auction 306-647-2661, Theodore, SK. PL #915851. For updated listings and pics visit ACTIVE LIVESTOCK and Equipment Auction Market for sale. 403-308-6662, Picture Butte, AB. AUCTION: Unreserved Logging Equip.. Former assets of Cherick Ventures Ltd. Feller bunchers, skidders, excavators, crawler dozers, motorgraders, light trucks and much more. Tuesday, Sept. 27, at Hudson Bay, SK. Call Hodgins Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075! SK. PL 915407. AB PL 180827.


A & H Fa rm Su pplie s Ga i nsb o ro u g h, SK . Sa t.O cto b er 1 st, 20 1 1 a t 1 0 a m CST Sa le fea tures: M F 26 5 tra ctor w /3 pth a n d loa d er; Shop press, m eta l b a n d sa w , tire cha n g er, hyd ra ulic hose repa irm a chin es; Plusa hug e a m oun t of n ew pa rts a n d shop tools. There is m u ch m o re tha n listed check o u t o u r w eb site fo r d eta ils a n d p ho to s w w w .ro ssta ylo r a u ctio n .co m

Forin form a tion ca ll Alla n a t306-685-2155

R o ss Ta ylo r A u ctio n Ser vice 20 4-877-3834 TO L L F R E E 877-61 7-25 37 Pl # 909917


USED ZAMBONI AND Olympia ice resurfers for sale. Parts, sales and service. 403-830-8603, 403-271-9793, Calgary, AB

DERKACH SALES AND SERVICE and Norquay Auction Services 1st semi-annual consignment sale, will be held on October 22nd at the Derkach Sales location on the #8 highway north of Norquay. All consignments welcome. For more information call 306-594-2305.


M ONTHLY YAR D AUCTION S ATUR DAY, S EP T. 17 @ 9 AM - R EGINA, S AS K. V iew in g: Frid a y, S ept. 16 12 pm – 4pm & S a tu rd a y fro m 8a m

Lo ca tio n : M cDo u ga ll’s W a reho u se, Hw y #1 Ea st

-Sa le is Sub ej c tto 10% Buyer’s Prem ium to M a x of$350/LotS a le Ord e r: 9 :00 AM S GI S eized Vehicles - 9 :30 AM T o o ls & S m a lls 11:00 AM Ca ta lo gu e Item s In clu d in g: 2005 Ca d illa c CT S -V; 2011 Chevro let Ca m a ro S S ; 2004 Po la ris M S X150 W a tercra ft; 2004 Po la ris M S X 150 Pers o n a l W a tercra ft; 2007 S ea d o o RXT 215 Pers o n a l W a tercra ft; 2004 Po la ris M S X 140 Pers o n a l W a tercra ft; 2006 S ea d o o RXP Pers o n a l W a tercra ft; 2003 E Z L o a d er 4 Pla ce S ea d o o T ra iler; 2002 S kid o o M XZ 800 S n o w m o b ile; 2006 S kid o o M a ch Z 1000 S n o w m o b ile; 1996 Chrys ler In trep id (W hite); 1999 Ca va lier (Red ); 1992 Po n tia c S u n b ird L E ; 1997 F o rd F 150 XL E xt Ca b ; 2001 K ia S p o rta ge E X 4X4; 1995 Vo lks w a go n Jetta GL X; 1980 T ra vela ire 10’ T ru ck Ca m p er; 14 – S em i Va n S to ra ge T ra ile rs & M UCH, M UCH M ORE ! C H EC K OUT TH E W EBS ITE – UP D ATED D AILY! S TILL AC C EP TIN G C ON S IG N M EN TS !!– C a ll th e Office To d a y to M a xim ize Ad ve rtis in g!

w w w . M cDo u ga llAu ctio n .co m

L IC.#31448 0

M cDouga ll Auctioneers Ltd . P H (306) 75 7- 175 5 or TOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63- 4193

# 24/ 7 O


w w w.M cDo u ga llAu ctio n .co m

M ON TH LY AG , IN D US TR IAL 9:30 AM - S AT., S EP T 17 2 P M - 200 7 YR . N UR S ER Y EVER G R EEN S

8 29 51S T S TREET EAS T S AS K ATOON T erm s : 15% b u yer’s fee 5- S a lva ge V ehicles (S G Icertified) In d u s tria l Equ ip: Fiberg la s s Chop G u n ; 3 S id ed M eta l Pa in t Booth/Ven tila tion ; Hig h Boy Eleva tin g Ca r; W et G rin d in g Ta ble p lu s New & Retu rn ed Tools . S ho p Equ ip. & M is c. Item s : JD A 22 Pres s u re W a s her, Du ra m a x Ea s el, Pow erm a te Ya m a ha 5500 W a tt G a s G en era tor, Ca m p bell 4HP A ir Com p , Drill Pres s , New In d u s tria l W a ll Fa n s , In d u s tria l Brea d M a k er& M ore! 2:00 PM : 200 Po tted 7 yr o ld Evergreen N u rs ery Trees 3:30 PM Appro x. 40 City o f S a s k a to o n L o s t & Fo u n d Bik es . C hec k w eb s ite for full lis ting V iew a t: w w w .m cd o u ga lla u ctio n .co m P hon e : (306 ) 6 52-4334

ON L IN E BIDDIN G 24/7 AT M cDo u ga llBa m

L is t S u b ject to a d d itio n s & d eletio n s Lic #318116

E & M WOODLAND FARM GREENHOUSE, Innisfail, AB, Tues., Sept. 27 at 11:00 AM. 3- Late model Paul Boers Freestanding greenhouses and 2 Gutter Connect greenhouses, components, growing tables and carts, soil mixer, plants and perennials, 1934 GMC 1-1/2 ton truck and misc. See or call 1-800-371-6963. UPCOMING LARGE CONSIGNMENT, Estate and Bank Repo. Saturday September 24th, 2011 at 10:00 A.M. Schmalz Auction Ce nte r Hwy #2 South of Prince Albert, SK. Logging, Gravel and Other Trailers; Sea-Doo and boat lifts; Sask. registered vehicles; Salvage vehicles; Tools; Kitchen cupboards etc. Please check our website for more details. Sale Conducted by Schmalz Auctions, Hwy #2 south P.A. SK. We b s i t e : w w w. s c h m a l z a u c t i o n s . c o m Phone: 306-763-2172 or 306 922-2300. Or call Gerald Fillmore 306 922-7907, 306 940-8720. Or view:

USED SCHOOL BUSES: many units to choose from, 20 to 72 passenger. For more info go to or call PARTING OUT: 1995 Dodge 2500, 2WD, 306-783-6745 or 306-533-4920. V10, running, 196,000 kms, 3.5 Spicer 70 Posi, 47RH trans., side impact. Parts or SCHOOL BUSES, 20 to 72 pass., 1983 to 1999, $1800 and up. Phoenix Auto, whole. 204-539-2005, Swan River, MB. 306-858-2300, Lucky Lake, SK. DL 320074. SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park New and used parts available for 3 tonhighway tractors including custom built 1988 JAGUAR XJ6 4 dr., straight 6 cyl., tandem converters and wet kits. All truck auto., dark navy blue, good gas mileage, makes/models bought and sold. Shop ser- fully loaded, in near new cond., $7000; vice available. Specializing in repair and 1985 BUICK Riviera, RARE FWD, 2 dr. custom rebuilding for transmissions and hardtop, 307 eng., auto, silver gray, vg differentials. Now offering driveshaft condition. These cars have always been repair and assembly from passenger shedded and never driven on gravel. Alida, vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info SK. Phone 306-536-7800, 306-443-2316 call 306-668-5675 or 1-800-667-3023. or 306-781-2205. DL #914394 2011 CHALLENGER RT Hemi, $34,955, down, $231/bi-weekly. 1-800-667-4414, SASK. LARGEST INVENTORY of used heavy 0Wynyard, SK. truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all BRITISH JAGUAR WANTED. 1989 or 1990 m a ke s ! C a n A m Tr u c k E x p o r t L t d . , XJS Convertible model, running or not. 1-800-938-3323. Will pay cash. 306-241-7148 Saskatoon SK WRECKING USED VOLVO trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642 Regina SK VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, 2009 LEGACY ALUM. Super B, lift axles, 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. auto greases, good tires, will safety, SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS, Wey- $80,000. 306-542-7546, Kamsack, SK. burn, SK, 306-842-2641. Used car and 2010 DAKOTA ALUMINUM tandem grain truck parts, light to heavy. We buy scrap trailer, 38.5’, never used, $38,500 OBO.; iron and non-ferrous metals. 40’ HighBoy trailer, fresh safety, $7500. NER AUTOWRECKING AND RECYCLING 306-723-5983, 306-960-3000, St. Louis SK wrecking all makes and models of cars and 4x4 trucks, picking up scrap vehicles and m e t a l , b a s e d i n L l oy d m i n s t e r, A B . 1-877-903-3325 or 780-871-0482. 2008 ALUMINUM TIMPTE tridem, $40,000. 3 hopper, unload lights, fenders, TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in s t a i n l e s s s t e e l c o r n e r s a n d b a c k . obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought 306-527-4440, McLean, SK. for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. 1992 DOEPKER SUPER B, springride, refurbished, new slopes, repainted, fresh safety, good rubber. 306-287-7442, Leroy, SK. MUST SELL: 2010 Timpte Super B grain trailers, good shape, used 2 years, $73,500. 306-529-5122, Lajord, SK. 2010 36’ GRAIN trailer, air ride, aluminum wheels, new cond., $33,500. Arborfield, SK. Phone 306-276-7518, 306-862-1575 or 306-767-2616. DL #906768. REMOTE CONTROL TRAILER chute openers. Compact, Hi-Torq, complete kit. Call Brehon Agrisystems 306-933-2655, at Saskatoon, SK. 2 SUPER B’s and 3 older grain trailers. 306-837-4433, 306-240-8320, Makwa, SK. 2004 LODE-KING TRIDEM grain bulker, 42’, air ride, 3 hoppers, open front end, load lights, dual cranks, 24.5 rubber, good condition, $33,000 OBO. Cudworth, SK. 306-233-7804.


NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. FRUHAUF A TRAIN GRAIN trailer, $17,000; A t r a i n g r a i n t r a i l e r, $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 . 204-448-2193, Eddystone, MB. 1992 LODE-KING HOPPER trailer, new tarp, good tires and brakes, some rust, $7000. 306-743-7732, Langenburg, SK.

In d ivid u al Closin g D ates & T im es


1975 F o rd 8000 Cem en t T ru ck; 1979 F o rd 8000 Cem en t T ru ck; 1967 M a ck DM 600 Cem en tT ru ck; Gl as s Jew ellery S ho w ca s e Pa cka ge; W o o d Bu rn in g F irep la ce w /chim n ey.

PL US : PACK AGE DEAL S ! COM PL ETE OR PARTIAL PACK AGE OF W OM EN ’S W ES TERN CL OTHIN G S TORE: I ncl ud in g E xten s ive Co llectio n o fPro fes s io n a l, E ven in g & Ca s u a l Attire ACCEPTIN G BIDS ON HEADS TON ES , GRAN ITE & M ARBL E M ON UM EN TS : Va ri ou s Po lis h a n d S izes ; Gra ve Co verin gs ; Ba s es & F o u n d a tio n ; Gra n ite Ca rt& Do llies S AS K AT OON BIDS C L OS E EV ERY T UES DAY!


K u b o ta B1700 Dies el T ra cto r/L a w n m o w er/T iller/S n o w b lo w er; 1982 F o rd Co n ces s io n Bu s & T ra iler (T o ta lly s elf-co n ta in ed ); 1998 Do d ge 2500 Dies el; 2001 F o rd F 150 XL T ; 2003 T ita n iu m 33’ 5th W heel 28E 33B (b y Glen d a le); 2011 E a s y K leen M a gn u m Go ld Pres s u re W a s her, Bla ck; & M UCH, M UCH M ORE !! REGIN A BIDS C L OS E EV ERY M ON DAY!

Plu s ! Co m in g Up o n S eptem b er 26 : GREEN HOUS ES & GREEN HOUS E EQUIPM EN T

S elling Unres erved on S eptem b er 17th: 14- S em i Va n S to ra ge T ra ilers ; 2005 Ca d illa c CT S -V; 2011 Chevro let Ca m a ro S S ; 5 Pers o n a l W a tercra fts ; 2003 E Z L o a d er 4 Pla ce S ea d o o T ra ile r; 2 S n o w m o b iles & S O M UCH M ORE !

“ N EW




P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193

P H: TER R Y (306) 341-0363 OFFICE: (306) 65 2 -4334

L IC.#31448 0

L IC: #318 116

K-B TRUCK SALVAGE, over 70 medium and heavy duty trucks, Cat, Cummins, Detroit, IH diesels, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15 speed transmissions, 100’s of good used tires, wheels, etc. Best prices, good service. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton; Gas engines- GM 350 and 366 recond., Chrysler 318, Ford 330, 351W, 361, 429, 460, IH 304 and 345; Diesel engines- Cat 3116, Cummins 5.9 12 valve, Ford 6.6L w/auto trans, GM 6.5 turbo, IH/Ford 7.3 non turbo. 4 and 5 spd. trans., single and 2 spd. axles, and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300.

815(6(59(' $8&7,216 ZZZ ZHDYHUDXFWLRQV FRP

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2008 WILSON 40’ tandem, loaded, $32,500; 2008 and 2006 Timpte tandem, alum. wheels, ag. hoppers, 72” sides, safetied, $32,500 - $29,500; 2005/2004 LodeKing Prestige, Super B, alum. combo, safetied, $45,500; 2000 Doepker, closed end, Super B, air ride, new paint, safetied, $39,500; 1998 Advance Super B, closed end, air ride, safetied, $32,000, very serviceable. T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., call Terry 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116, Winkler, MB. For pics and info visit 2 SETS OF 2009 LODE-KING Super B grain trailers, rubber 60%, safetied to April 2012. 306-357-2003, 306-831-7026, Wiseton, SK. 2005 LODE KING Super B grain trailers. All aluminum, current safety, 80% or better rubber, good condition, 2 available. $50,000 OBO. 403-852-4452, Calgary, AB 2012 GSI 36’ GRAIN TRAILERS, $25,000 each. 32’, 28’ and 24’ also available. 306-563-6651, Canora, SK. NEW WILSON TANDEM, 38’; New Doepker tandem 38’, Coming in- New Doepker Super B; 2007 Lode-King Super B’s, air ride; 2001 Castleton tridem, 2 hopper, air ride; 1989 Lode-King 32’ with S/A converter; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, cert.; Tridem and tandem axle pony pups, BH&T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL 905231, 36’ TANDEM LODE-KING PRESTIGE, hopper bottom, 2004, exc. cond., extra mud flaps, dual cranks, load lights, open ends, pintle hitch, farm use only, $30,000. 306-776-2394, 306-537-0615 Rouleau, SK. SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use industrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat for added rust protection. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. NO NEED TO BUY ANOTHER TANDEM. Utilize your tractor by using a dump wagon/ grain trailer, ie. 11 ton capacity, priced from $22,000. Sizes available from 1 ton to 16 ton. 306-432-4444, Dysart, SK. LODE KING SUPER-B, 1989, 33’ lead, 28’ pup, very good tires, significant rust in hoppers. Not certifiable but great for in field farm service. $9900 for set, will split up. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 2008 Doepker Super B; 2007 Casselton Super B; 2010 Casselton Super B; 1996 Doepker Super B, handy man’s special. 204-734-8355, Swan River, MB. 1997 LODE-KING SUPER B 28’ lead, 31” pup, new tarps, rusty but inside hoppers in good cond., $13,000 OBO. 780-787-8293, Vermilion, AB. 2012 40’ DOEPKER tandem grain bulker (2 in stock). In stock: 2012 Doepker Super B grain trailers; 2002 Doepker open end Super B, aluminum wheels, excellent shape; 2012 Doepker Super B flats and drop decks with beavertail flip ramps in stock. Many more used and new 2012 trailers arriving daily with special fall pricing and many colors to choose from in stock. 1-800-665-6317. More details available on: 2007 DOEPKER TRI-AXLE grain trailer, 3 hopper, red and white, light pack, 50,000 kms, farm, no fertilizer. 306-593-7644, 306-272-7878, 306-324-4235, Margo, SK. GRAIN TRAILERS: 1993 Doepker tri-axle, $9,800; Quantity of misc. tandems, leads, and wagons, $2,800 to $8,000. Phone 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK, 1998 LODE KING 31’ grain trailer, aluminum, very good condition. 204-539-2946, Durban, MB. 2010 DOEPKER GRAIN SUPER B, lift axles, individual chrome curved fenders, light pkg w/chrome accents, well maintained and ready to go. Can come with contract to work, $10,000 and take over payments. Nice unit. Ph: 403-461-7721, email: or fax: 403-337-3959.


1998 MERRITT CATTLELINER, 52’, hog rail, winter kit, all new brakes and air bags, f r e s h s a fe t y, e x c . c o n d . , $ 2 6 , 5 0 0 . 306-695-2050, Indian Head, SK.

2004 SOUTHLAND STOCK trailer 16’x7x7’, m a n y e x t r a s , u s e d v e r y l i t t l e . GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Bea306-933-3251, Saskatoon, SK. vertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built C a ttle Tra ilersFo r S a le from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, 2003 – 53 Ft W ilso n Ca ttle Tra iler Central Butte, SK. ..................................................$3 2,000 1997 LODE-KING 48’ aluminum combo hi2006 – 53 Ft W ilso n Ca ttle Tra iler boy, tandem axle, air ride, nice shape, ..................................................$4 0,000 $7500. 204-325-8019, Winkler, MB. 2001 – 53 Ft M erritt Ca ttle Tra iler GOING HUNTING? We’ve got utility trail..................................................$28,000 ers in stock. 5x8’ steel utility, flat folding Alltra ilersin excellen t sha pe gate, 2000 lb. axle, metal floor. $1,295. Ph M o stly highw a y m iles Flaman Trailers 306-934-2121, Saskatoon, SK. or visit C a ll S teve o r M a rk a t Prim ro se Livesto ck 4 03 -3 81-3 700 SOUTHLAND ET40 pintle hitch trailer, 20’ deck, 6’ beavertail plus HD ramps, air 2003 STOCK KING 20’ gooseneck trailer, brakes, spring ride, new fir deck, tandem 7’ roof, 2 compartments, side door, rubber dual 255/70R22.5 good rubber, $9500 matting, good condition. 204-239-0385 or O B O. 4 0 3 - 7 9 3 - 0 3 9 7 , 4 0 3 - 3 7 8 - 4 6 0 0 , 204-870-7002, Portage, MB. Brooks, AB. 2001 BARRETT 50’ CATTLELINER, air ride, QUALITY USED/CLEARANCE TRAILERS 22.5 rubber, hog rails, excellent shape, Enclosed, flatdecks, dumps. 24’ lowboy asking $15,000 OBO. 519-237-3721, or equipment trailer, 3- 7000 lb. axles, flip-up 519-661-7809, Alisa Craig, ON. ramps. $7,750. Call Flaman Trailers 306-934-2121, Saskatoon, SK or visit 30’ TRI-AXLE SOONER aluminum stock trailer, 2 divider gates, excellent cond., no damage, stored for 12 yrs., $14,000 firm. 24’ GOOSENECK TRI-AXLE, 21,000 lbs., $6490. Bumper pull tandem equipment: 250-398-7686, Williams Lake, BC. 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., 3 MERRITT CATTLE/ HOG tri-axle trail- $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2650. Factory diers w/3rd rail and winter kits, exc. cond., rect. 1-888-792-6283. new July safeties, 2006, 2007, and 2009. COMPONENTS FOR TRAILERS, Build, 306-773-5909, Swift Current, SK. Repair and Manufacture. Free freight. See 1998 FEATHERLITE 24x7x7 gooseneck “The Book 2011” page 165. DL Parts For trailer, 3 compartments, good shape. Trailers, 1-877-529-2239, Phone 780-939-5659, Morinville, AB. 1999 DOEPKER ALUMINUM Super B grain, 30’ TRI-AXLE FEATHERLITE 8127, 2009, $38,500; 1997 48’ flatdeck tridem, $9500 immac. shape, discounted for very minor and tandem, $8500; 1999 Alutrec alumihail damage to the roof, $20,000. Vermil- num 48’ Hiboy, $14,500; 2001 48’ combo tandem, $9500; 1998 Talbert 48’ stepdeck, ion, AB. 780-763-2424, $15,000. All trailers Sask. certified. Tow NEW DELTA HORSE and stock trailers. away trailers as is. Call 1-888-457-5918, Several trailers in stock. 306-824-4909. Davidson, SK. Spiritwood, SK. DL #312974.

L ACO M BE TR AIL ER SAL ES & R EN TAL S La co m b e AB Pho n e: 403- 782 - 4774 Fa x: 403- 782 - 6493 NEW 24x7’ MERRITT stock with rolling front divider. Call Darin 204-526-7407, Cypress River, MB. DL #4143. 2002 MERRITT TRI-AXLE CATTLELINER, air ride suspension, good condition. 403-795-2850 for details, Coaldale, AB. 2000 WILSON TRI-AXLE 53’ cattleliner, full hog rail and board kit, fresh safety, lots of recent work done, exc. shape. 780-721-0602, Stony Plain, AB. 2011 24’ STOCK Trailer, 24’x7.6”, 7.6” high, triple axle, will consider trades. Peace River, AB. 780-624-5703, 780-617-4013 2008 FEATHERLITE 8127, 20’, immaculate shape, $14,000. 780-763-2424, Vermilion, AB. NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 18’, $11,700; 16’, $10,900. Call 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. 2002 WILSON TANDEM, nose deck and dog house, excellent shape, fresh safety, $25,000. Kamsack, SK. 306-542-2294.

Na nton, Alb erta 00 M erritt53’ trid em Ca ttle 03 W ils on 53’ trid em -Ca t/Hog 2-07 M erritt53’ trid em Ca ttle Severa l m ore to ch oos e from ! A ll u n itw / cu rren tA lberta S a fety

O ff ic e : 800-6 32-9838 Ce ll: 780-498-2118 OLDER 2 HORSE TANDEM bumper pull trailer, new floor and wiring, $1900. Phone 403-318-6395, Alix, AB. NEW TRI-AXLE TWO hopper Cornhusker all aluminum empty weight 11,000 lbs. 46’, 102” wide, air ride, 77” sides. Cash Clear-out, $45,500. Yellowhead Sales, 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. 2008 DOEPKER TRI-AXLE grain trailer, custom paint; 1997 Peterbilt 379L, excellent farm unit. $66,000 or will separate. 306-728-8070, Killaly, SK. 2007 DOEPKER SUPER B fresh safety, white and grey, 70% rubber, good trailers, needs nothing, ready to work. $57,000 OBO. 306-389-2447, Maymont, SK. 1993 DOEPKER SUPER B’s, lead good for local hauls, pup had new slope and sides in back, brakes, bearings, wheel seals, SCams have 50,000 kms, tires at 40%-65%, Pro-torque nuts on axles, $18,000 OBO. 306-654-4905, Prud’homme, SK. 1996 36’ CASTLETON tandem trailer, good s h a p e , $ 1 7 , 8 0 0 O B O . Yo u n g , S K . , 306-259-2224 or cel. 306-946-9515. 1998 40’ LODE-KING grain trailer, new tarp, new tires, Michel’s hopper augers, excellent shape. Minton, SK, 306-869-7112. 2009 TIMPTE TANDEM grain trailer, 34’, aluminum, white, new condition. 306-442-4545, Weyburn, SK.

1994 FORD TANDEM Series 60 Detroit; 1995 Wilson 53’ tridem cattle liner. $25,000 or will split; 1995 50’ step deck w/hyd. ramps and self unloading bale rack, $18,000. 403-793-5096, Brooks, AB.

MR. B’s TRAILER SALES, Norberts and Rainbow, lease to own. Ph. 306-773-8688, Swift Current, SK. 2007 MERRITT CATTLELINER, mint condition, good rubber, well maintained, $50,000. 780-387-6356, Wetaskiwin, AB.

FEATUR ED TR AILER S & TR UCKS • 2 011 V ikin g S in gle Dro p 9 w id e • 2 011 V ikin g 53 TriAxle S tep Deck • 2 000 Ja n sen TriAxle 53’ Co m b in e Tra iler • 06 Lo d e Lin e TriAxle S tiff Po le G ra velpu p • 03 W ilso n 53 Tri-Axle S tep Deck • 95 IHC S in gle Axle Tra cto r (BC Certified ) • 03 M a n a c 53’ Ta n d em FreightV a n

G R AIN EQ UIPM EN T • 2 012 Dra ke 40’ Ta n d em Ho pper G ra in Tra ilerc/w Ta rp • 79 Chev C70 w /16’ G ra in Bo x Ho ist& Ta rp, 67,000 km • 96 Lo d e Kin g S u perB G ra in Tra iler • 2 010 M a n a c 51- 71 TriAxle S tep Deck Tro m b o n e • 1981 Fru eha u f Ta n d em , TiltDeck • 04 R a ja 2 5’ S tep Deck Equ ip Tra ilerw ith Hyd ra u lic Ta il • 01 Jo hn so n 8X17 R eeferV a n Bo d y • 04 BW S 31’ TR IAxle TiltDeck Pin ta lHitch Equ ipm en tTra iler • 96 R eitn o u er48’ ta n d em Alu m in u m S tepd eck • 06 Tra n scra ft53’ TriAxle S tep Deck • 82 Tra n scra ft48’ T/A S tep Deck w /Ba le R a ck • 97 Tra ilM a x 30’ TriAxle TiltDeck Pin tle Hitch Equ ipm en tTra iler • 2 - N ew V ikin g 48’ TriAxle Ali Co m b o Hi-Bo ys • 2 8’ to 53’ S to ra ge & FreightV a n s S ta rtin g a t$1,500 1980 Ca d illa c Eld o ra d o 2 Dr. R esto red , N ice

ALS O AV AILABLE S tep Decks, HiBo ys, Freight V a n s, S to ra ge Un its a n d Jo b site Tra ilers & M o re


w w w.lacom

TRI-AXLE ALUMINUM GRAVEL PUP SUPREME TRAILER SALES, Your #1 and 53’ MOVE-ALL TRI-AXLE on air ride, Agassiz and Precision trailer dealer in SK. hyd. neck, beavertails, winch, has own hyd. power pack. Both VG condition, can Toll free 1-888-652-3888. deliver. 780-778-5553, 780-779-8571, ARNE’S 2007 TRI-AXLE END DUMP, 780-779-8267, Whitecourt, AB. c/w cable tarp, 11x24.5 tires, exc. cond., FLAT DECKS, single drops, double drops, 306-752-2873, 306-752-4692, Melfort, SK. detachables, lowbeds, vans, grain, end 53’ HI-BOY TRAILERS, w/hay rake and ex- d u m p s , b e l l y d u m p s , c o n v e r t e r s . tensions, 20 winches, ready to haul hay, 4 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. to choose from, $5995-$13,500; One 2002 MANAC 53’ tridem drop deck, all 30x8.5 machinery hauling trailer, tilt deck, steel, air ride, clean and safetied, $22,000. $5500. 204-448-2193, Eddystone, MB. Two 1998 51’ tandem steel alum. combo drop decks, clean, safetied, $15,000; 1993 Wilson cattle pot tandem, 48’, absolutely no cracks or dents, cleanest you will find for the year, safetied, $11,800. Call T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., Terry 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116, Winkler, MB. For pics and info visit REPOSSESSED: 2007 Wilson 48’ tandem. 306-242-2508. Submit your bids to For financing 50’ CATTLELINER, safetied. Mint! Kasahoff contact Gord 306-934-4445 Saskatoon, SK Farms phone 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. HOUSE TRAILER, 16’x60’, needs renovat2002 MERRITT CATTLELINER, great shape, good rubber, well maintained, WANTED: 53’ STEPDECK, also belly dump ing, triple axle, $7000. 204-435-2610, gravel trailer. 306-742-4615, MacNutt, SK. Morden, MB. $28,000. 306-778-2533, Swift Current, SK.

2004 DODGE DIESEL 3/4 ton, quadcab, 4x4, new tires, 5th wheel, 132,000 kms, good condition, $22,000 OBO. 306-594-2761, Norquay, SK. CH ECK U S O U T AT w w w .go ld en w esttra m


2011 AGASSIZ CARGO trailer, 7’x14’, alum. wheels, $2000 worth of options: insulated walls, barn doors, food grade sealed, 3500 lb. axles, white fibre lite walls sealed, only 500 miles, exc. cond., $8400. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB FRUEHAUF 38’ and 35’ tandem axle oilfield floats w/live rolls, winches, spring suspension, excellent paint, new AB. safety, $5600 each. Delivery available. Call Jeff 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. QUANTITY OF Gravel End Dumps, 31’, tri-axles, $21,000; pony pups, $4,200 to $7,500; wagons $8,400 to $12,700; tandem axles, $6,800 to $14,000; 2008 37’ Lufkin TA, $18,800. 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK, 2003 DOEPKER 53’ tandem axle stepdeck trailer, alum. steel combo, rear axle slide, alum wheels, new AB. safety, $21,000. Delivery available. 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, DECK TRAILERS: 28’ to 48’ highboys, $2,000 to $6,000; Super B’s, $6000; B train c/w hayrack, $7,750; 50’ alum. combo stepdeck, $15,750; 3 double drops, $9,800 to $15,800; 1988 16-wheeler single drop, $25,500; 10’ wide 8-wheel single drop, $16,700. 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK, 28’ HAUSER 2-IN-1 gooseneck trailer, tandem axles, LED lighting, popout bale racks, and self unloading mechanical trip, $9500. 306-741-3407, Swift Current, SK.


Trailer Sales And Rentals Visit our website at: Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers

Call for a quote

Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y!

Sta rtin g @ G RAIN



2012 W ILSO N TANDEM S.........................AVAILABLE 2012 W ILSO N SUPER B & TRIDEM S ...........................................................AVAILABLE SO O N




2012 W ILSO N 24’& 30’.............................IN STO CK


2012 W ILSO N GRO UND LO AD ...............IN STO CK 2011 W ILSO N GRO UND LO AD .............AVAILABLE


2012 M UV-ALL DO UBLE & SINGLE DRO PS..........................O N O RDER





NEW END DUM PS,TANDEM S,TRIDEM S.... ................................................AVAILABLE SO O N


STO RAGE VANS STARTING AT.................$2,500.00


WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited.

2006 GMC SIERRA 3500 HD crewcab longbox, 2 WD, 6.6L Duramax, 6 spd. Allison, fully loaded, cloth, 111,000 kms, $28,999. 306-873-2633, Tisdale, SK. DL #910416.

1995 CHEV SILVERADO 6.5L diesel, 126,000 kms, c/w 5th wheel hitch and tool box, excellent condition, no rust, $6500. 780-489-2941, Edmonton, AB. 1997 GMC 6.5 diesel, extended cab, 4x4, runs like a Swiss watch, 349,000 kms., $5900. 306-382-1241, Saskatoon, SK. 1998 GMC Supercab, 3/4 ton longbox, 4x4, 6.5 dsl., 260,000 kms, $5000. 403-632-9677, Pincher Creek, AB.

Golden W estTra iler Sa les & Renta ls

SERVICE TRUCK- GMC Sierra 35 one ton, w/steel deck, 250 gal. slip tank, 12 volt pump, hyd. wet kit, 110 convertor. Optional Honda air compressor, Lincoln Ranger 250 gas welder. 306-287-8062 Watson, SK

M oose Ja w (877) 999-7402 Bria n Griffin Ha rv ey V a n D e Sype

Sa sk a toon (866) 278-2636 Cell: 306-260-4209 D a nny Ta ta ryn

1977 Arne’s 50 ton, single drop fullbed, 12R22.5 rubber, 22’ working deck, 7’ over tire, 5’ Beavertail, 9’ wide, current safety. $20,500; 1976 Custom built pindle hitch trailer, tilt deck, 19’ working deck, 5’ Beavertail, flip up ramps, 8’6” wide, recently s a fe t i e d , l ow m i l e s o n n ew b r a ke s , $11,000. 306-698-2852, Wolseley, SK. HAUSER GOOSENECK TRAILERS. Selfunloading, round or square bales. Featuring 2 trailers in 1: HD gooseneck use or bale transporter, mechanical side unloading. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. 1-888-939-4444,

2007 CHEVROLET SILVERADO, new body style, LT2500 ext., cab, 4x4, 3/4 ton, fully loaded, cloth, trailer package, new tires, new windshield, Greystone metallic ext., Ebony int., 125,000 kms., $19,500 OBO 2000 CASTLETON TANDEM axle cross PST paid. 306-834-2085, Kerrobert, SK. dump gravel trailer, close under load, flip 2007 F350 LARIAT, crewcab, 4x4, longtarp, twin hopper, spring ride, 70% rubber, box, diesel, auto, 246,000 kms, recent in11R24.5 on steel Unimount wheels, new jectors and new windshield, $12,000. brakes, new AB. safety, clean trailer, 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. $21,000. Delivery available. Call Jeff 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. 2007 F350 LARIAT, crewcab, 4x4, long2005 TRAILTECH DOUBLE header trailer, box, diesel, auto, new windshield, 139,000 t r i - a x l e , e x c e l l e n t s h a p e , $ 9 2 0 0 . kms, $18,500. 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. 403-647-1011, Foremost, AB. DELTA SPRAYER TRAILER, 1994, 20’, 2008 DODGE DAKOTA SLT 4x4, 4.7L, 4 20,000 lbs, good condition, $5900. Trades door, hard retractable bed cover, bed liner, we l c o m e , fi n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 57,000 kms., $21,000 PST paid. 306-978-4224, Saskatoon, SK. 1-800-667-4515

C O M B I N E T R A I L E R 2001 Trailtech, brakes recently redone, pintle hitch, air brakes, $18,000. 306-741-4720, Herbert, SK.

2006 CHEV 1500, V6, reg. cab, auto, ATC, 81,000 kms, new tires, brakes and shocks, JVC deck, excellent condition, $9500 OBO. 306-441-8140, Speers, SK.

W ESTER N CAN AD A’S ON LY F ULL LIN E M UV -ALL D EALER F ina ncing Av a ila ble, Com petitiv e R a tes O.A.C.

DOUBLE DROP LOWBEDS: Tandems, triaxles, detachables, 30-60 ton, $10,000 to $35,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. READY FOR LEASE/ SALE: 2002 48’ tandem Lode-King, aluminum combo includes tarps, straps, $14,900. Gord 306-934-4445, Saskatoon, SK.

40’ HEADER TRANSPORT. Custom built, torsion bar to accommodate flex, 4 saddles, moveable axle. $3780. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515

2005 CHEV 1/2 TON, reg. cab, longbox, V6 auto, A/T/C, 66,000 kms, exc., $8750 plus GST. 306-237-9127, Perdue, SK. 2005 GMC SIERRA 3500, dually, crewcab, 4x4, 6.6l Duramax, 6 spd. auto. fully loaded, cloth, 230,000 kms, $23,999 PST paid. 306-873-2633, Tisdale, SK. DL #910416.


Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB

NEW TRIDEM MUVALL single drop, 10’ wide, extensions to 14’, hyd. tail, also 53’ 1997 Wilson machinery trailer w/hyd. tail and extensions, re-built; 53’ and 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; 53’ 48’ and 45’ tridem and tandem high boys, all steel and combos; Super B and B-train high boys, Btrain w/4- 1200 gal. water tanks; Tandem and S/A converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers, 48’ w/side doors; (2) Tandem Lo Boy, 9’ wide. Dodsland, SK. DL #905231. Phone 306-356-4550,

2004 GMC SIERRA HD 2500 Duramax, loaded w/leather interior, heated seats, DVD player, Bose sound, power extendable mirrors, transmission cooler, transfer case rebuilt 1 yr. ago, new starter, 2 new batteries, brake controller, command start, grey in colour, 258,000 kms., asking $19,900. 306-231-7446, Humboldt, SK.

2008 DODGE DIESEL quad cab, 4x4, $ 2 9 , 9 0 0 . Wy nya r d , S K . P h o n e 1-800-667-4414 or visit

1994 FORD XLT 3/4 ton 4x4, V8, Supercab longbox, automatic w/all options, 152,000 kms, wired for camper or trailer, no rust, excellent condition throughout, $7500 OBO. 306-248-3673, St. Walburg, SK. 1998 DODGE 2500 4x4, extended cab, 24 valve Cummins, 5 spd. manual, 516,000 kms., mechanically solid, 100 gal. slip tank w/pump, meter and filter, aluminum tool box, good farm truck, $8000 firm. Phone Bill at 306-726-7977, Earl Grey SK.


w w w.cropperm

HEAV Y TR UCKS ‘07 S terlin g LT9500, 170790 km o r 362 1 hrs, 14500/40000, 60 S er. Detro it, 430 HP, 13 spd Ea to n Fu ller, pw /pl, c/w Hu tchin so n 18100 L, b o tto m lo a d , a irrid e ‘07 S terlin g AT9500, 350 M erced es, 10 spd , A/C, 11R 2 2 .5, ta n d em ‘06 IH 9900, 15L Cu m m in s, 15 spd Ea to n Fu ller, a lu m b u d s, 12 000 fro n t/40000 rea r, 11R 2 4.5 tires ‘01 S terlin g AT9500, C- 10 Ca t@ 370 HP, 10 spd Ea to n Fu ller, c/w 1996 Ad va n ce 16800 L ta n k, N eptu n e m eters, elec. ho se, splitterm a n ifo ld ‘99 S terlin g LT9500, C- 12 Ca t@ 385 HP, 587635 km , 10 spd Ea to n Fu ller, c/w 1998 Hu tchin so n ta n k ‘94 Freightlin erFL106, o ra n ge, 17092 7 km , 50 S eries Detro it, 8L tra n s, c/w Ad va n ce 3700 ga lfu elta n k

(306) 874- 2 011

w w w.cro pperm o to m Dea lers licen se #911672

2009 GMC SIERRA 2500 HD crewcab 4x4, 6.6L Duramax, 6 spd. Allison auto., fully 1966 FORD F700 gas, tag axle, no rust, loaded, cloth, 56,100 kms, $41,999. Phone B&H. $6900. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 306-873-2633, Tisdale, SK. DL #910416. anytime, North Battleford, SK 1975 CHEV C60, V8, 4 spd, 14’ B&H, roll 2010 DODGE 1500, 4x4 Larimee, fully tarp, rear hyd. control, extra hyd. remote loaded, 23,000 kms, chrome pkg., asking for drill fill etc. Truck in very nice condition. Photos on request. Asking $8,000. $33,000 cash. 204-573-7787, Brandon, MB 306-468-2807, Canwood, SK. 1975 DODGE D600, 3 ton, 5 spd. w/split axle, 361 cu. in. big block, heavy steel 2001 FORD F-350 LARIAT crewcab, dually, gravel box, runs good, needs some minor 4WD, 7.3L diesel, only 165,000 kms., ex- work. 306-960-4130 days, 306-982-4445 cellent cond. 306-745-3851, Esterhazy, SK. eves, Christopher Lake, SK. 2002 DODGE 3/4 ton, ext cab 4 door, 1976 600 DODGE grain truck, 15 B&H with short box, 24 valve Cummins diesel, roll tarp. 306-858-7323, Birsay, SK. 160,000 kms., fully loaded Sport, mint condition $26,000 OBO. 306-460-9283, 1976 FORD 700, 16’ grain B&H, 350 Chev motor, $6500. 306-567-7100, Imperial, Kindersley, SK. SK. 2003 DODGE 3500, Crewcab, 5.9L Cum- 1976 GMC 6000 grain truck, 5 spd., 2 axle, mins, 5 spd., 224,000 kms, MB. safetied, 366 motor, 1000 front tires, 900 rears,. n i c e c o n d i t i o n , a s k i n g $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . 306-237-9526, Sonningdale, SK. 204-638-8176, Dauphin, MB. 1979 GMC 7000, 366 5+2 17’ steel B&H, 2003 DODGE, 4x4, Cummins dsl., Quad Sidewinder tarp, tilt hood, custom cab, Cab 3500, w/service body, 6 spd. manual, A/C, 1100x22.5 radials, $10,500. Terry white, 201,000 kms, $12,500. St. Louis, 306-722-3888, Fillmore, SK. SK, 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000. 1980 FORD 8000, Cat 3208D eng., AT 2003 GMC 2500 SLT, 4x4, 6L motor, 4 dr, trans., wet kit, c/w 5th wheel, 24’ custom loaded, $10,900. Will consider trade. built trailer, hoist and roll tarp, 800 bu. capacity. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 306-530-9822, Strasbourg, SK.



C ustom T ruck S ales Inc. SEVEN PER SO N S, A LB ER TA (M edicine H at, A lberta)

2006 International 9400i Grain Truck

435 HP Cummins ISX Engine,10 speed Eaton Autoshift Transmission, 3.55 rear axle ratio, New Cancade 20’ X 64” Grain Box, Hoist and Tarp, Fleet maintained southern truck, excellent condition


New Cancade Pony Pup trailer Tri-axle, 22.5 Tires, 20’x63” Box. Call for Special Price.

- International and Freightliner Autoshift and Ultrashift Trucks. - Grain and Silage boxes - Cat, Cummins, and Detroit Engines - Self Loading Bale Deck trucks - DAKOTA Aluminum Grain Hopper Trailers.

403-977-1624 or 403-528-7069

1981 CHEV T-70 tandem truck, 105,000 kms, new paint on 19’ box, shedded, 2nd owner. 780-847-2157, Dewberry, AB. 1981 F600 TRUCK 15’ x 8.5’ steel box, Michel’s roll tarp, pintel hitch, one owner. $9900. 306-858-7636, Lucky Lake, SK. 1981 FORD 700, 16’ grain box, repainted, roll tarp, 8.2 Detroit dsl. motor rebuilt, 5+2 trans, almost new 22.5 radial tires w/rims, $14,500. 306-736-2770 Kipling SK 1981 FORD L8000, 19’ load line box, rear controls, V8 cat, 13 spd., diff lock. MB safety. $12,000. Call 306-435-7783, Moosomin, SK. 1988 FORD F800, 429 power, Allison auto, 16’ BH&T, 33,000 miles, exc. cond., only $17,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.

for prices or ask for a Dealer near you!


See all inventory and product details at


“ Flexible Financing Terms available OAC” 2005 KENWORTH T800, AUTOSHIFT 10 spd., new B&H, ISM Cummins, very clean truck. Ph 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. 2005 T800 KENWORTH, 475 HP, C15, new 20’ grain box, new paint all around, 5 yr. limited warranty, alum. mags, 12/40, 360 rear, new front tires, rear 75%, cruise, 13 spd. Eaton, $58,000. 204-825-7560, Cartwright, MB. 2 0 0 7 I H C 9 4 0 0 , C-15 Cat, 435 HP, 850,000 kms, 10 spd., Eaton Ultra shift, new BH&; 2006 Freightliner Coronado, Detroit 515 HP, 13 speed, lockers, 890,000 kms, new BH&T; All units Sask. safetied. Call 306-270-6399 Saskatoon, SK. DL #316542


S a s ka to o n Regin a W in n ip eg 306-931-1911 306-569-9021 204-694-3874 DL #907370

2007 KENWORTH T800, C15 Cat, 475 HP, 11R22.5 alum. mags, 12 front 40 rear, 3.55 ratio, Eaton’s 169 13 spd. ultrashift, new 20’x68” grain box w/telescopic hoist, rear controls, new paint all around, pintle hitch ready, 862,314 kms. $67,500 OBO. 204-825-7560, Cartwright, MB. 2007 MACK, 460 HP, 12 spd. Autoshift trans, new 20’ BH&T, alum. wheels, real nice shape, $64,500; 2001 Volvo tractor, 475 HP Volvo, 10 spd., 12+40’s, A/T/C, alum. wheels, chrome stack, alum. tanks, $21,500; 2003 Western Star, 500 HP Detroit, 13 spd., A/T/C, Jakes, PW, alum. wheels, alum. tanks, chrome stacks, chrome bumper, $49,500; 2004 Freightliner FLD120 Classic, 435 HP Detroit, 10 spd. Eaton Fuller AutoShift trans, A/T/C, 20’ BH&T, rear controls SK safetied, $55,500; 2003 IH 9100, Cat 430 HP, AutoShift trans, remote chute and hoist, 20’ BH&T, $54,500; 2003 IH 9200, Cat 400 HP, 18 s p d . , n ew 1 8 ’ B H & T, r e a r c o n t r o l s , $51,500; 2001 Western Star, ISX Cummins, 10 spd., 19-1/2’ BH&T, rear controls, $49,500; 1998 IH 9200, N14 Cummins, 460 HP, 13 spd., new 20’ BH&T, rear controls, $46,500; 2010 36’ grain trailer, air ride, alum. wheels, new cond., $33,500. All trucks safetied. Trades accepted. Arborfield, SK. Phone 306-276-7518, 306-862-1575 or 306-767-2616. #906768.

GRAIN AND SILAGE END DUMP N OW AV AIL ABL E: 2008 K en w o rth T8 00 E xten d ed d a y ca b s fo r s a le, a ls o a va ila b le in gra vel tru ck co n figu ra tio n & gra in tru ck co n figu ra tio n IS X 485HP, 18 S p d , 12/S u p er 40’s , 4.10 ra tio , 11R22.5 w /a lu m w heels , PD & T ra c ctrl, 580,000 km s to 900,000 km s 2008 K en w o rth T8 00 62” ACF , IS X 500HP, 18 s p d , 12/46’s , 3.70 gea rs , lo ck u p s , 640,000 km s 2- 2008 T8 00 Ta n d em Ca b & Cha s s is , C9 350HP, 13 s p d , 12/40’s , lo ck u p s , 225,000/413,000 km s 2 – 2008 Peterb ilt 38 8 Da y Ca b s , C15 550HP, 18 s p d , 13.2/S p r 40’s , lo ck u p s , 935,000/1,120,000 km s 2005 L o d e-K in g S u per B Gra in Tra ilers COM IN G S OON !! 2009 K en w o rth T8 00 Da y Ca b , IS X 525HP, 18 S p d , 12/s u p er 40’s , 4.30 gea rs , 11R22.5, 195” W B, fu ll lo ck u p s , 835,000 km s 2008 K en w o rth W 9 00B 62” ACAD, C15 475HP, 18 S p d , 12/46’s , 3.73 gea rs , 4 w a y lo ck u p s , 985,000 km s 2007 Freightlin er Cla s s ic 48” fla tto p , Detro it470/515, 13 s p d , 12/40’s , 3.58 gea rs , 11R22.5, 4 w a y lo ck u p s , 751,000 km s 2008 K en w o rth T8 00, 62” ACF , C15, 475HP, 18 s p d , 12/46’s , 3.91 gea rs , lo ck u p s , 797,000 km s 2005 Peterb ilt 379 -119 Da y Ca b C15, 18 S p d , 12/46’s , lo ck u p s , 1,600,000 km s CALL FOR PRICING AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Saskatoon: 1-800-268-4222 Regina: 1-800-463-9333 Winnipeg: 1-800-850-1411 1985 S1900 IHC 466, fifth wheel, 495,000 kms, 13 spd., split axle, single axle. Ready to work. Ph. 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK. 1994, 378 PETERBILT, 63” stand-up bunk, rebuilt 475 HP, 60 Series Detroit, new diffs, new tires. Minton, SK, 306-869-7112. 1998 ALL MACK SEMI, 427 HP, 18 spd., 2 4 . 5 r u b b e r, l ow s l e e p e r, $ 1 3 , 0 0 0 . 306-548-4714, Stenen, SK. 1998 MACK AND 2000 Mack, 460, 13 spd., 12x40, 1100-22.5 rubber. 701-339-2323, Roblin, MB. 1999 FREIGHTLINER, 460 Detroit, 13 spd., w/1998 Doepker 32’ grain trailer, $30,000. 306-696-7574, Broadview, SK.

2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 550 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 3:73 g ea rs , 13,200 fron t, 46,000 rea r, 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 73” bu n k , 203,955 k m $109,900 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215 W B, 70” hig h-ris e bu n k , 386,641 k m . . . . . . . $6 9,000 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, DA Y CA B, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B. 838,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,900 2008 W e s te rn S ta r 4900EX, 475 HP Ca tC15, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 3:42 g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 265” W B. Fla t-top bu n k , 650,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 9,000 2007 IH 9900I, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 244” W B, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 72” m id ris e bu n k , 673,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2007 Fre ig htlin e r Cla s s ic , 515 HP Detroit, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 244” W B, 64” fla t-top bu n k , 518,017 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP, M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 812,513 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP, M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 46, 3:73 g ea rs , 238” W B. 24.5” a lloy w heels , 4-w a y lock s , m id -ris e bu n k , 891,395 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,900 2007 IH 9900I, 475 HP, Ca tC15, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:58 g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 962,332 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,900 2007 IH 9900I, 430 HP, C13 Ca t, Bra n d n ew d rop in m otorin Feb. 2011, 10 s p A u tos hift, 12/ 40, 3:73 g ea rs , 3-w a y d iff lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 240” W B. 72” hig h ris e bu n k w ith 2 bed s . . . . . . . . . $49,900 2007 IH 9900I, Da y Ca b, 430 HP, Ca tC13, 10 s p , A u tos hift3 Ped a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 240” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,000 2007 Fre ig htlin e r Colu m b ia , Da y Ca b, 450 M erced es M BE4000, 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 230” W B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,900 2005 Fre ig htlin e r Colu m b ia , 445 HP Detroit, 10 s p , A u tos hift, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 70’” con d o bu n k , 1,267,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,900 D e c k w ith Roll Top , Cu rta in s id e 26’ lon g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,900 d lr# 0122

P h. 2 04- 68 5 - 2 2 2 2 M a cGregor M B. To view p ictures ofour inventory vis itw w w.tita ntrucks a les .com

2000 IH 9400i, 430 HP, N14, 13 spd, 1.3M kms, 40,000 rears, 22.5 tires, white $14,000 OBO. 306-548-5547, Stenen, SK.

DAKOTA By: 1988 LTL9000, 212,000 kms, 12/46 rears, 13 spd. Direct Eaton trans, 400 Cummins, scissor lift hoist, 22’ box, new Michel’s roll tarp, back tires 80%, front 60%, $35,000 OBO. 204-825-7560, Cartwright, MB.

2007 STERLING, AUTOSHIFT, new 20’ grain box, choose your options and color. Starting at $59,900. Phone: 204-326-2600, Email: or Visit: • • • •

1991 IHC 4900, tandem, 466, 7 spd., 20’ Ultracell, BH&T. Offers over $25,000. 306-256-7041, Cudworth, SK. 1992 PETERBILT CABOVER, N14 Cummins, 475 HP, 18 spd., 20’ GRAIN BOX w/25 tonne scissor hoist, roll tarp, AC, $29,000 OBO. 306-628-8127, Prelate, SK. or email

• • • •

2000 IH 4900 truck, 16’ ultracel BH&T, Allison automatic, 466 power, excellent, no rust. California truck only $36,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2000 IHC 4900, 22’ grain, silage box DT530, MD 3060 New World auto trans., 8 HD C&C’s, 2004 IH 7600’s. Cummins complete new engine, low kms, $57,000 ISM 320, Allison MD 4560P, rear axles OBO. Call 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 46,000, front axle 16,000, double frame, 2001 DIESEL AUTOMATIC GMC Topkick, A/T/C, PW. 3 units 224” WB, back of cab S/A, 18’ B&H, air control front and rear, to centre of tandem 155”, end of frame 205”. 5 units 215” WB, back of cab to cennew tarp. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. tre of tandem 146”, end of frame 207”. All 2001 IHC 4900 DT 530, 300 HP, 10 spd. trucks located in Calgary, AB. Call Peter at AC, alum. wheels, 180,000 miles, BC truck, Amtruck, 1-866-511-0007 or email us at new CIM 20’ BH&T, fresh Sask. safety, $46,900. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212, ATTENTION FARMERS: 14 tandem grain Perdue, SK. trucks in stock. New Cancade boxes and 2002 PETERBILT 330, Cat diesel, auto, new silage boxes. Yellowhead Sales, A/C, 16’ ultracel II box pkg. w/tarp, US 306-783-2899, Yorkton. truck, no rust, $38,500. 306-946-8522, AUTOMATICS, AUTOMATICS, 2005Watrous, SK. 2006 FL Columbias, new 20’ B&H, $50,000. 2003 FREIGHTLINER FL80 tandem, 7 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. spd., Cat diesel, air ride, 20’ ultracel BH&T, CHEV C50 AND C60 grain trucks w/B&H; low miles, US rust free truck, $57,500. Also, IHC 1600 LoadStar w/B&H. Phone 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 306-283-4747 or 306-291-9395 or 2004 CH MACK 460, 18 spd., new 20’ 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. BH&T; 1997 Mack CH 613, 400, 18 spd., COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for alum. budds, w/new 20’ BH&T; 2002 IH grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD 4300, 466, w/ Allison auto, new 16’ BH&T. combination grain and silage boxes, pup 3 0 6 - 3 5 6 - 4 5 5 0 , D o d s l a n d , S K . D L trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, #905231. complete service. Visit our plant at Hum2004 IHC 7600, Cat 335 HP, 13 spd., AC, boldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. air ride, 450,000 kms, new CIM BH&T, GRAIN BOX, 15’ sides and end wall only, Sask. safety, $53,900. Cam-Don Motors near new tarp, always stored inside, vg 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. cond., $2500. 306-859-7788, Beechy, SK. 2005 INTERNATIONAL 9400, Cat 430 HP, STEEL SIDES FOR grain box: 5’Hx16’L and 10 spd. ultrashift, $62,500; 1995 Int. 4’Hx20’L, $1200 each. 306-642-5812, 9200, Cummins 300 HP, 10 spd., $32,500. Scout Lake, SK. 1-888-457-5918, Davidson, SK. DL #312974. 2005 T-800 KENWORTH, C-15 Cat, 435 HP, 12 fronts, 40 rears, 13 spd, 22.5 tires alum. 20’ new grain box, roll tarp, alum. tool box, rear hoist control, telescopic hoist, 684,720 kms, safetied, $58,500. 204-529-2339, Cartwright, MB.

1985 FORD 9000, 13 spd, cabover, motor needs work, $1200. 306-642-5812, Scout Lake, SK. 2005 PETERBILT; 2006 International 9900i, 204-734-8355, Swan River, MB

3 Year Complete Structural Warranty In Stock and ready to work. Tandems, Quad’s, Tridoms & Super B’s Turn table or 5th wheel tandem fronts available for Quad trailers OPTIONAL; quick detach Convey-all conveyors unloading system Exceptionally clean design, high hopper clearance All Aluminum with the best payload capacity Our Prices can’t be beat!

Two Tandem Conveyer trailer demo units for sale – one with gas engine – one with diesel engine - available for immediate delivery – reduced price – improve ease and speed of seeding this fall!


for prices or ask for a Dealer near you! “Flexible Financing Terms available OAC” S ee a ll inventory a nd productdeta ils a t

2) 2007 GM C W 4500, Du ra m a x 190 H. P., 4 S p d Au to m a tic, C OM PLETE W ITH ELEC TRIC HOIS T ON A UTILITY 10’ DUM P BOX 2007 V o lvo 6 30, M id Ro o fS leep er, D12 465 H. P., 13 S p d , 12 & 40’s , F u ll L o ckers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 ,000 (2) 2009 V o lvo V N L 6 4T, Da y Ca b s Cu m m in s IS X 485 H. P.,13 S p d , 46,000 Rea rs 165” W heel Ba s e, Rem o va b le Ro o fF a rin g, W heels Only 2 Left. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red u ced Pricin g

2001 9400 IH HEAVY spec truck, fronts 20,000, rears 46,000, full 4-way lockers, 18 spd. trans., Cat engine, 470 HP, single turbo, only 160,000 kms. 174 wheelbase, 24’ frame, clean truck, $66,000. 2 0 4 - 7 4 3 - 2 3 2 4 , C y p r e s s R i v e r, M B . 2002 IH 9900 Eagle ISX, 565 HP Cummins, 18 spd., 24.5 alum, 222 WB, 3:91 ratio, midrise bunk, $32,000. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. 2004 KENWORTH W900L, 475 Cat, 13 spd., 22.5 rubber, 40 rears, 4.11 ratio, new: drives, water pump and ECM. Wet kit set up for end dump, $38,000 OBO. Call 306-260-2351, Cudworth, SK. 2004 PETERBILT MODEL 379, C15 Cat, 475 HP, 880,000 kms, 18 spd., Super 40 rears, 4” T&E fluid pump, asking $35,000. Inquire 306-458-7744, Macoun, SK. 2005 9900 ISX 500, 13 speed, $37,000. Call for more details at 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 2007 IH 9900, C15 Cat, 18 spd., lockers; 2007 daycab, 379S, Pete, ISX Cummins, 46 diff, 18 spd.; 2005 IH 9900i, 500 ISX Cummins, 18 spd., full locks; 2006 W-900 Kenworth, daycab, Cat 500, 18 spd., 46 diffs.; 2004 379 Pete, Cat motor; 2003 W-900L Kenworth, Cat, 18 spd., lockers, Super 40’s; 2005 Freightliner Classic, 475 Cat, EATON AUTOSHIFT, w/clutch, 46 diff., lockers; 2001 and 2003 CH613 Mack, 460, 18 spd., 46 diff, lockers; 2002 4300 IH, Allison Auto with van or grain box; FL80 S/A van body w/power tailgate or box or deck, Cummins diesel, 10 spd., air ride. Dodsland, SK. 306-356-4550. DL #905231. 2007 INT. 9900i, American Eagle, 550,000 miles, 500 HP ISX Cummins, 13 spd. Ultrashift trans., 355 gears, 72” bunk, moose bumper, 80% left on tires, very nice truck. Just been safetied. $48,000. Pilot Butte, SK. 306-737-5579. 2008 KENWORTH 660, Cummins power, large bunk, headache rack, 700,000 kms., Fred, CCL Transport, 306-373-8228, Saskatoon, SK. BIG TRUCK TIRES, 11R22.5/11R24.5, starting at $289.75. 403-442-3000, Three Hills, AB. REDNECKSUPERSTORE.CA C500 KW w/30’ new steel deck. VG cond., can deliver. 780-778-5553, 780-779-8571, 780-779-8267, Whitecourt, AB. HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: 2007 Peterbilt 379L, Cummins 500 HP, 18 spd., $64,500; 2006 Peterbilt 379, Cat 475 HP, 18 spd., $53,500; 2006 IH 9400, Cummins 500 HP, 13 spd., 46 rears, $35,500; 1999 Kenworth W900L, Detroit 500 HP, 13 spd., $25,500; 1999 IH 9900, Cat 475 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, $22,500; Daycabs: 2001 International 9100, Cat 430 HP, 10 spd., $22,500; 2004 Kenworth T300, Cummins 315 HP, 10 spd., $24,500; 2002 Sterling Acterra, Cat 300 HP, 9 spd., 24’ van body, $19,500. 1-888-457-5918 at Davidson, SK. DL #312974.

READY FOR WORK and ready to make you money! This 1986 Kenworth tandem axle semi tractor with only 435,775 kms has a fresh safety done and is ready to work. Has A/T/C and the best Cummins diesel Regin a , S K 1-800-667-0466 engine out there. Air ride suspension and looks awesome, well kept. Come on down S a s ka to o n , S K 1-888-242-7988 to 380 Quebec St. Regina, SK to see this 2- 2005 INTERNATIONAL 9400i’s, 1 sharp truck for yourself or call Dezi Jones Pro-sleeper, 1 daycab, ISX Cummins, 435 306-522-1777 for more info or financing. HP, 10 spd. Eaton auto trans, 40,000 lb. Eaton diffs, 3.90 ratio, alum. 22.5 wheels, WE BUY TRUCKS. If you have a medium tires 65%, ideal for grain or gravel box, or HD truck for sale for a reasonable price 220” WB, clean unit. 204-338-1458, St. call Bob 204-759-2156, Midwest Truck and Tractor, Hwy. 16 East, Shoal Lake, MB. Andrews, MB. DL #5272.

Shown w/optional silage extentions & aluminum body & rims.

35 foot, triaxle, air ride, hyd gate, hoist stabilizer, tapered tub body.


Self Loading and Unloading Bale decks, from 10 bale units for single axles to 18 bale units for tandem and tri-drives. We will install on your truck or source a truck for you. Order with or without a pup trailer to double your hauling capacity.

Best Selling Farm Body in Canada in Steel or Aluminum – Surprisingly competitive cost – with or without matching pup trailer. W900 KENWORTH 2005, shortnose, flat top, Beacons, headache rack, Cummins ISX 475 HP, safetied, excellent, $40,000 OBO. Must sell. 204-981-4291, 204-632-5334 leave msg, Winnipeg, MB. WE CAN NOW give 2 yr. or 350,000 km full powertrain warranty on any truck 2001 or newer!! 3- 2007 Kenworth T800’s, 14/46, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 4-way lockers, extra clean, safetied, $59,500; 2007 Peterbilt 379, w/C13 Cat, 445 HP, 10 spd., 244” WB, 22.5 rubber at 75%, just hauled mail Winnipeg to Calgary, very clean, safetied, $36,500; 2007 Freightliner Columbia, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 14/46, full lockers, 1.1M kms, safetied, $48,500; 2005 Kenworth T800, 475 Cat, 13 spd., 14.6/46, 22.5 on all alum., 3.9 ratio, safetied, $49,500; 2007 Mack Rawhide, 460 Mack, heavy specs., 18 spd., 650,000 kms, new motor 125,000 kms ago on warranty, all leather and chrome, $69,500; 2007 Freightliner Classic flat t o p , 4 6 0 M e r c e d e s u n d e r w a r r a n t y, 763,000 kms, 13 spd., 3-way lockers, $45,000; 2003 Western Star daycab, 16/46, C15 Cat, 18 spd., $28,500; 2006 Freightliner Columbia daycab, heavy specs, 475 Cat, 18 spd., Eaton AutoShift, lockers, $47,500; 2002 Volvo, 14/46, 18 spd., lockers, clean well maintained, $19,500; 2002 IH 9900 flat top heavy spec w/lockers, 52”, 430/470 Detroit, 15 spd., $26,000; 2000 Western Star 4694, mid roof, 475 Cat, 13 spd., 244” WB, clean and safetied, $29,500; 1999 Pete 379L, 430/500 Detroit, redone, 75% virgin Michelins, safetied, $25,900. T Edkins S e m i Tr u c k a n d Tr a i l e r L t d . , Te r r y 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116. For pics and more info Winkler, MB.

1999 WESTERN STAR w/1999 McKee 600 fully hyd. manure spreader, exc. shape, $62,000 OBO. Must sell. 306-646-7614 Maryfield SK. 1976 CHEV 3 TON FIRE TRUCK, 366, V8, $1995. 204-448-2193, Eddystone, MB. 1978 GMC TANDEM, 366 engine water truck, 2400 gal. tank. 204-267-2292, 204-856-9595, Oakville, MB. 1993 DODGE DIESEL 4x4, Hydra-Deck, extendable arms, good condition, $15,000. Kamsack, SK. 306-542-2294. 1998 20’ GRUMMUND aluminum work van, 1 ton Chev chassis, new clutch, battery, starter, new paint, $4000. Call or leave msg. 306-466-2094, Leask, SK.



1985 FORD LTL 9000, 4306 Cat, 13 spd., 4,000 gal. 5 compartment alum. tank, PTO pump, gas 2” pump, set up as spray truck to fight grass and stubble fires. New SK safety, all in good condition. $13,000 OBO. BEES FOR SALE, 300 strong, healthy, single hives, $180 each. Fed and Medicated. 306-658-4512, Landis, SK. Western Sky Apiaries, Dauphin, MB. 2004 FREIGHTLINER M2, new body 204-638-7691. style, 180,000 miles, 3126 Cat, 280 HP, 7 APPROX. 100 double brood chamber hives spd., 24’ deck and HD hoist; 1999 IHC 466 for sale immediately. 204-773-3314, Rossdsl., 7 spd, 18’ flatdeck, low miles, safe- burn, western MB. tied, above avg. cond., $16,900; 2000 Chev C8500, Cat 3126, C&C, Allison auto, PTO and hoist, just needs a box, $24,900; 2002 IHC 4400 new body style, IH 466, 6 spd., w/18’ HD deck and hoist, 370,000 USED BELTING, 12” to 84” wide for feedmiles, $21,900; Also several gravel trucks ers and conveyors, lots of 30” 1-1/8” a v a i l a b l e . C a l l K & L E q u i p m e n t , thick for lowbeds in stock. Ph Dave, Wain306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. DL #910885. wright, AB, 780-842-2491 eves/weekends. NEW SHIPMENT OF used belting, various engths and widths to 70” wide. 1995 MACK 3 ton septic vacuum truck l306-933-9877, Saskatoon, SK. w/1600 gal. tank, Wollaston pump, ready for work. 306-631-2004, Moose Jaw, SK. GRAVEL DUMP TRUCK: tandem, 1994 Ford LT8000, 15’ B&H, roll tarp, $21,000. Safetied. 780-913-0097, Edmonton, AB. 2004 STERLING w/2009 GOLDENVIEW BALE DECK, 17 bales, 450 Mercedes eng., 18 spd., 46 rears, full lockers, upgraded bale deck w/roll chain, used 1 season, exc., $95,000. 306-883-7077, Leoville, SK. SERVICE TRUCK: 1994 1 ton dually, on propane, w/crane, 454, 5 spd., real good shape, $16,500 OBO. Will take trade on smaller JD tractors or grain. Conquest, SK, Phone 403-350-1795 or 306-856-4709. SINGLE AXLE C&C, 2002-2003 IH and FL d i e s e l s , 6 s p d . , l ow k m s , $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 $20,000. GRAVEL, 2002 IH SA diesel, 11’ dump, hydraulic brakes, $26,000. BUCKET TRUCK, FL diesel, SA, auto, $16,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK.

INVENTORY CLEARANCE: Small BC sawmill must move inventory due to death in the family. Prices slashed on most items. Not grade stamped. For more info see: Ph 250-837-5454 or send email to Selkirk Grazing dba Genesis Timber Inc., Revelstoke, BC. PINE AND POPLAR: 1” and 2” V-joint, shiplap, log siding, etc. Phone 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK.


16 $ 99 # 19 1 BUNDLE

FR OM SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chas25 yr.- 3 Ta b s sis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE ################### and Range Rider canopies and service caps. # Po p u la r Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871.

V IN YL S ID IN G $ 95 Pro file!


CAN-AM TRUCK EXPORT LTD., Delisle, SK, 1-800-938-3323. 1994 FLD120, 40” bunk, Series 60, 13-40, new inframe 2009, $15,000; 1999 Freightliner Columbia, Series 60, 13-40, $16,500; 1998 FL120, 40” bunk, N-14, 13-40, $16,000; 1996 Western Star daycab 3406, 475 HP, 18-46, 4-way locks, $22,000; 30’ pup trailer, $4500; 1999 48’ Hi-boy, air ride, $12,000; 1989 53’ tridem Hi-boy, air ride, $12,000; 1999 IHC 4900, DT 466, 6 spd., w/20’ van unit, $12,500; 1998 GM 7500 cabover, 3176 Cat, auto, w/22’ van unit, $12,500; 2004 IHC 7600, 325 HP, Cummins, 16 front, 46 rears, auto, air ride, 126,000 kms w/new 21’x64” Cancade box, $80,000; 1999 Freightliner Classic N14, 18 fronts, 46 rears, wet kit, $18,000; 1982 M&M, 20’ end dump trailer, new safety, $12,000; 1996 Loadline 53’ highboy tridem, spring ride, sliding axle, $10,000; 2001 Volvo cabover, Cummins 325 HP, Allison auto, will take 20’ box, $18,000; 2 diesel fuel delivery trucks available, $18,000 each; 2000 Western Star, daycab, 3406 Cat, 18 fronts, 46 rears, 4-way locks, $27,000; 2002 IHC 9400 daycab, C15 Cat, 18 fronts, 40 rears, 3-way locks, $27,000; 1998 Western Star, 475 Cat, 13 spd., 16 fronts, 69,000 rears, w/locks, new CIM 24’ silage grain unit, $80,000; 1993 Ford 8000, 8.3 Cummins, 6 fronts, 23,000 rears, $7000; 1975 Ford 8000 gravel truck, single axle w/13’ box, $5000; 1985 IHC 1954 w/Hydro-Vac unit, only 58,000 kms, $24,000; Gen sets ava i l a b l e . F i n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e OAC . for other listings. DL #910420.


Go o d Co lo rs ! All 1s tGra d e Pro d u ct! # M a tchin g Acces s o ries Ava ila b le!!! #

24’ AND 26’ van bodies, some with lift, $1500 to $3500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.

CALGARY BASED Wind Turbine Distributor requires DEALERS in Western Canada incl. Vancouver Island. Ph. 403-280-9900; Email: or see the website for further info.:

GLASLYN POWER & EQUIP. & SERVICE Business.- Located at the Junction of Hwy. #3 and 4. Glaslyn is the gateway to great hunting and fishing, therefore, there’s opportunity to add quads, snowmobiles, boats and trailers to the existing inventory. The 10,000 sq. ft. building has room to expand. With oil activity in the OXYGEN BARRIER PEX PIPE, 1/2”-1”. the this could be a very profitable Starting at .39/ft. 403-442-3000, Three vicinity, venture. Turnkey operation MLS® 393362. Hills, AB. REDNECKSUPERSTORE.CA Call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK., 306-446-8800 or 306-446-0512. LOG SIDING, ASPEN, PINE, BIRCH tongue and groove V-joint. Solid wood flooring, Sansin Envirostain wood coatings. Phone 306-889-4341, 306-873-0023 Mistatim, SK

QUALITY HARDWOOD lumber, quarter cut Oak, Elm, Black Walnut, Hickory, Edge Grain Fir. Limited quantity. Clearing at $3.95/bd.ft. Inventory at 511- 3rd Street, Davidson, SK. 403-318-7589 (AB cell.) ROUGH CUT SPRUCE: 2x6, 2x8, 1x6, 2nd cuts and log profile siding. Big River, SK. MOBILE FEED PROCESSOR: 1996 FL80 306-469-2490. Freightliner truck. Engine 5.9, 250 HP at 2500 RPM, 2 12V 1250 batteries, air CEDAR AND PINE LOG SIDING, 6” and brakes, spicer, 14” dampened ceramic 8” wide. Log home and cabin packages. clutch, Holset 13.2 compressor, Phillips Wood flooring. 1-800-960-3388, Rouck 1000 watt/115 volt block heater, air intake Bros., Lumby, BC warmer, Delco 12V starter, plus other engine equipment, c/w feed mill. Unit was purchased new, one owner, self-operated. Low mileage, loaded and clean makes this a premium unit with only 6856 hrs., and 148,460 miles. Very good maintenance 25yr. - 3 5 yr. La m in a te d program w/regular oil/filter changes eveDes ign er Architectu ra l S hin gles ry 240-260 hrs., antifreeze every 3 years. $ 99 M ILL Always shedded. Safetied to Dec, 2011. FR OM Reason for selling, health. Priced to sell at !! RUN $ 7 9 , 9 0 0 . F o r m o r e i n fo p l e a s e c a l l BUNDLE 204-656-4542, Winnipegosis, MB.

1972 DODGE 2 ton, B&H, needs some eng. work, otherwise very good cond., $2000. 306-621-6538, 306-782-4366, Yorkton, SK

PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. LOOKING FOR a building mover in Winnipeg, MB area to move a 54x72’ building. October deadline, no permits required. 204-895-9291 or


B ur ron L um b er

306 -6 52-0343, S a s ka to o n , S K

CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, churches, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing. For info. call 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK

STEEL BUILDINGS, Discounted factory inventory, Canadian Certified: 24x36, 38x50, 48x96, 60x150, misc . sizes, limited availability. Source#11H. 1-800-964-8335 VANITY CABINETS and shower stalls. Vanity (44” long x 27” deep) w/stainless steel sink and faucets. Showers (32”x32”). Right price. 204-435-2610, Morden, MB.

2008 GRAND CARAVAN SXT 3.8, Swivel N NORSEMAN TARP SHED with clam shell Go, warranty, $14,995. Wynyard, SK. door, 55’x54’, to be moved, asking $9500. Phone 780-361-8831, Wetaskiwin, AB. 1-800-667-4414 FOR SALE BY TENDER: Located in Ray2011 GRAND CARAVAN SXT+, Stow N Go, more, SK. 32’x64’ w/additional 32’x30’ DVD, rear air, alum. wheels, $24,955, building attached. Former church so main 0 down, $164/bi-weekly. Wynyard, SK. building is an open area. For more info. 1-800-667-4414, call 306-746-4563. May be purchased to move or to remain on the present site. CHEVY VENTURE VAN, w/wheelchair lift. Lowest or any tender may not be acceptAlso electric hyd. lift to transfer from bed ed. Submit written tenders to Raymore t o w h e e l c h a i r o r b a t h r o o m , e t c . Baptist Church, Box 493, Raymore, SK. S0A 3J0. Closing Date: Friday, Sept. 30, 2011. 204-539-2173, Benito, MB.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call GREAT NORTHERN OPPORTUNITY! Back-Track Investigations for assistance Versatile family business for sale in north- regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. ern Sask. town of LaLoche. Confectionary, fast food, and retail, comes with attached home. Contact Richard at 306-822-2445 or for more info/pics HOTEL FOR SALE, Canora, SK, 30 miles WANTED: USED DIESEL powered Sullair north of Yorkton, seats 200, 12 VLTs, off- or Ingersoll Rand portable air compressor sale beer and liquor, new furnace and roof. 1 5 0 - 1 8 5 C F N . O l d e r o k a l s o . $250,000. Earl 306-563-6569 or cell 306-946-7733 or 306-946-2264 leave message. Watrous, SK. 306-563-7569. THRIVING 44 ACRE sour cherry orchard in SW Sask. 16 acres w/4000 trees. Other berries grown. Please call Lee Davidson, 306-741-7367, Re/Max of Swift Current. UPGRADED HOTEL, Bowsman, MB, VLT’s, ATM, restaurant, $600,000 gross sales, BOOK YOUR COMBINING acres now! $375,000 reduced. Call Mac 204-238-4949 Lexion combines, all areas depending on WANTED: GAS BARS and convenience acres. Phone 306-935-2117, Milden, SK. stores, strip malls, apartment blocks, Email: commercial land. Phone Bill Nesteroff 306-497-2668, Re/Max Saskatoon. Email CUSTOM HARVESTER booking acres for 2011. 8010 combines available w/ ing equipment. Call Brad at 204-385-2858, DO YOU HAVE an empty barn and want 204-856-6449 cell, Gladstone, MB. to raise ducks? For info. ph 780-450-6103, TROY SANDERSON HARVESTING book780-504-5747, Edmonton, AB. ing harvesting acres for the 2011 season. BIN MOVING, HOPPER CONE MFG For more info., phone Troy 306-831-9776 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. For sale or fax 306-882-2300, Rosetown, SK. Email Westeel bin moving trailer, 45’ bin crane, all necessary jigs to manufacture popular name brand 14’ and 15’ hopper cones, exc. ROY HARVESTING available for 2011 cond., $56,000. Serious inquiries. Forward harvest. Full support equipment. Call name, telephone, and address: Box 5589, Chuck 306-642-0055, Glentworth, SK. Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 CUSTOM HARVESTING- Swathing, ComHOME BASED BUSINESS for sale: Eva’s bining and Grain Drying. Cereal and SpeLentil and Barley Soup. 306-454-2631, cialty crops. Call Murray: 306-759-2535, cell: 306-631-1411, Tugaske, SK Ceylon, SK. FOR COMBINES with operators TIM HAMMOND REALTY Turn key busi- LOOKING work alongside our machines. Call Eric ness in the busy community of Langen- to 306-272-7038, Foam Lake, SK. burg, SK. located on the Yellowhead Hwy close to major Potash expansion. 8,300 sq. CUSTOM COMBINER NEEDED for 1200 ft. incl. 6 lane bowling alley w/licensed 56 acres of flax. 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. seat restaurant and 64 seat meeting/ lounge area. Building and equip. in exc. CUSTOM HARVESTER with single JD 9870 cond. w/many new upgrades. $350,000 to run alongside your machines. Will travel MLS 409520 Guy Shepherd 306-434-8857 anywhere in Alberta/Peace Country/Sask. 780-603-7640. 2 BAY REPAIR GARAGE, in Glentworth, SK. CUSTOM COMBINING IN Saskatoon area. w/attached office. Automotive and small Will travel for larger jobs. Professional Service. 306-227-4503. ag repairs. 306-266-2165, 306-266-4533.

RESIDENTIAL TRADES CONSIDERED!! Great business opportunity!!! Operating as a Restaurant, Pub, Grocery/Confections, Liquor Outlet and Gas Bar in Suffield, AB. Patrice Morrison or Ed Benning, Signature Service Real Estate, 403-866-2022, Medicine Hat, AB. ONE MAN DISTRIBUTOR business dealing with tire repair products and related equipment. South Saskatchewan protected territory. Hands on training provided. This is a turn key business! $89,500 includes vehicle, inventory extra. Serious calls only please. 306-789-1245, White City, SK. MARKINCH- UNIQUE BAR, food tion, good numbers, priced under FLOOR GUARD GARAGE MAT DEALER $100,000. YELLOW GRASS- Restaurant, OPPORTUNITY, areas still available. lounge, could support confectionery store Excellent profits. 306-536-6508, Regina, and liquor vendor. SEDLEY- Good building, living quarters, liquor, food and rooms SK. or income. Priced to sell. WOLSELEY- BeauWELDING, General Repair, Fabricating tiful character hotel with good volumes, Shop. Servicing a large area, wholesale also liquor vendor income. REGINA- Large distributor, all equipment included, 6944 volume bar and beer store. NORTH- Hwy. s q . f t . b u i l d i n g . E x c e l l e n t vo l u m e , 6, 12 room motel and living quarters. Brian $159,000. Also 1180 sq. ft. home in vg Tiefenbach 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344, shape, $137,000 in Marcelin, SK. Del Rue, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd 306-242-8221, Royal LePage Saskatoon SK OWN YOUR OWN Business. 56 yr old leadTURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! er in health and wellness industry looking New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for for online trainers. Flexible hrs, work from sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. home. Located on 3 acres with great location on highway. Great customer base! Selling due to health concerns. Serious inquiries only please! Call 306-232-4767. TURNKEY LIVESTOCK and Equipment Auction Market for sale. 403-308-6662, Picture Butte, AB. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too GREAT OPPORTUNITY to own your own high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call company. Award winning 1-1/2 yr old sign us to develop a professional mediation franchise with loads of potential avail. in plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Regina. Large client base with lots of re- Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. peat and referral business and new busi- FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. ness daily. Price of $150,000 includes Management Group for all your borrowing training in Florida headquarters, almost and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, new equip., all existing inventory and 1995 Regina, SK. truck with dual buckets and material handler. 306-545-5326, AUCTION: 200 acre farm with house and multi use facility 50x200’ for many types of businesses or farm use. Camrose, AB BANDSAW BLADES: wood, metal, meat, area. On-line bidding Wed. Oct. 12th and custom made. Steelmet Supply, Saskacloses Wed., October 19th. Call Hodgins toon, 1-800-667-3046. Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075! SK. PL# FREE CATALOGUE HALFORD’S butcher 915407. AB. PL# 180827. supplies and equipment, leather, animal WELL-ESTABLISHED corral and feed- control products, tanning, buyers of raw lot cleaning business for sale in south cattle hides. Call 1-800-353-7864. Webcentral SK. Complete line of well main- site www.halfordsmailorder. com tained equipment and extensive clientele list. Serious inquiries only to 306-484-4444, Govan, SK. AGRICULTURAL BASED BUSINESS for sale, dealing in cattle and silage supplies, plus much more. Must sell due to health. TWO WALK-IN COOLERS, 10x10’ and 306-782-1710 days, Yorkton, SK. 9x12’, $1500 ea. OBO; Walk-in freezer GRAVEL PIT FOR SALE, in RM of Arborfield 14x18’, 2 yr. old compressors, $5000 OBO. # 4 5 6 . C a l l fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n . Call Bev at 780-935-5785, Edmonton, AB. 306-769-8896, Arborfield, SK. email:

N ew

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

CUSTOM COMBINING for southern Sask., with 2 JD combines. 306-861-4361, 306-861-4793. CUSTOM COMBINING with Case/IH 8010, $22/acre plus fuel. 204-352-4037, Glenella, MB.

CUSTOM FEEDING AVAILABLE Will custom feed, background, condition or develop your heifers, steers or bulls including calves, yearlings, and herd bulls. For more i n fo c a l l I va n at 2 0 4 - 7 6 3 - 4 6 9 6 o r 204-724-6271, Carberry, MB. OVERWINTER YOUR COWS or pregnant heifers in Southern Alberta with its milder winters! Good facilities available. Prices negotiable. Call 403-739-2608 for more information. Enchant, AB.

WINTER WHEAT Book your seeding acres now. Phone 306-935-2117, Milden, SK. Email:

BLACK KNIGHT ENTERPRISES: General Contractor. Painting, asphalt sealing, roofing. Painting - metal, wood, concrete. Applying seal coat and crack repair to asphalt driveways and parking lots. Roofing - shingles, metal, spray polyurethane foam. Calgary AB. For info call John 403-630-5572, or email: NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat w/rubber tracks, vertical beater spreaders. Custom fencing. 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. MAGILL FARM AND FIELD SERVICES is booking custom spraying and swathing acres for the 2011 season. Late model JD and MacDon equipment to serve your needs. For first class service call Ivor at 403-894-5400, Lethbridge, AB. TURBO CORRAL CLEANING. Two trucks with spreaders and Cat. Reasonable rates. 306-228-2466, 306-228-8355, Unity, SK. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and bobcat services. Metal siding and roofs. Will do any kind of work. 306-329-4485, 306-222-8197, Asquith, SK. MITCHELL BROS CUSTOM SWATHING is now booking acres for the 2011 harvest season. 36’ headers equipped with RotoShears and GPS, discounts for large acres. Call Eric at 306-640-8251, Assiniboia, SK. PALLISER CUSTOM SWATHING, 30’ NH SP c/w PU reels, reasonable rates, friendly s e r v i c e . W i l l t r av e l . C a l l S t a n a t 306-309-0080, Pangman, SK. RANCH OIL CONTRACTING LTD has 2 vertical beater truck mounted manure spreaders and JD wheel loader for hire in NW SK. and NE AB. For all your corral cleaning needs please call David or Joanna 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units available. Bucket truck services. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1800; 160x60x14’ $2600; 180x60x14’ $3000; 200x60x14’ $3400. Saskatoon, SK, 306-653-3473, 306-222-8054. FROESE CUSTOM SWATHING, M150 MacDon swathers and 30’ header attach. Will swath grain and hay, AB and SK. 403-952-4422, Bow Island, AB. SPECIALIZING IN MULCHING! LAND CLEARING! TRAILS! STUMPS! No burning, no dozing, no piles, no ripping, no hauling. Turn trees and deadfall into mulch... Save selected trees if desired. The enviro-friendly tree reduction company! (SK) 306-933-2950; (AB) 403-969-9348. EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR- Beaver dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK, 306-827-2269, 306-827-7835. CUSTOM SWATHING or conditioning. 30’ draper or 15’3” discbine, baling JD 568. Phone 780-787-2275, Mannville, AB.


Exterior offertilizer bins, lizin g barns, houses, lightning Sp ecian : i rods & seam less eavestrough 825 Hochela g a St.E.M oose Ja w ,SK S6 H 0R2 Phone: 306 -54 1 -1 1 35 Em a il: jim w illia m son7 3@ g m a BRUSH MULCHING-ENVIRO-FRIENDLY land clearing, fence lines, ditch cleaning, fire break protection, under brush cleaning, etc. Contracting - fencing and corrals, farm buildings, post building construction c/w your color choice for steel metal. Journeyman status in carpentry. Serving Saskatchewan and Alberta. Reasonable rates. 306-480-9160, North Battleford, SK. Email: GIBBY’S CUSTOM CUTTING taking bookings for 2011 swathing/combining acres. 30’ Hesston swather. 306-331-7002, Dysart, SK. RANCH OIL CONTRACTING LTD offers the following services: brushing, land clearing, land improvements, and dugouts. 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. CORRAL CLEANING, DAIRYLAND Agro Supply can move your product fast and easy. Payloaders, Bobcat, large Artex vertical beater spreaders. Call Saskatoon 306-249-2157 and book for 2011.

TALBOT HOT BIN SEALING, we seal bins on wood and concrete floors. Serving SK, AB and MB. 306-631-0203, Moose Jaw, SK. DAIRYLAND AGRO SUPPLY Ltd. has John Deere 7600 choppers, corn headers, trucks, packers and swathers. Ready to do your silage chopping. Call Saskatoon 306-249-2157 and book for 2011. KSW CUSTOM CHOPPING, JD SP chopper, live bottom trucks, 19 yrs. experience, reasonable rates. For all your alfalfa cereal and corn silage needs call Kevin 306-947-2812, 306-221-9807, Hepburn SK CUSTOM CHOPPING: FP240 NH chopper, 10’ Gem bagger and trucks. Call Murray 306-697-3084, 306-697-7526, Grenfell, SK

Straight Wall Steel Buildings • Competitively priced • Great appearance • Design and size flexibility • Permanence with non-combustible materials • Load requirements to fit your needs • A finished look with grey primed beams • Multiple frame designs and configurations • Fast construction • Quality, professional workmanship

available from:

Zipperlock Building Company (2005) Inc. Box 699, Raymore, SK S0A 3J0 Sales: 306-631-8550 Office: 306-692-1948 Fax: 306-746-5713 Email:

TTS BALE HAULING LTD. custom round picking and hauling. Two self-loading/unloading units, 17- 34 bales. Ph Tyson 306-867-4515, 306-855-2010, Glenside SK CUSTOM BALE HAULING, 17 bale self loading and stacking unit. 306-445-1484 or 306-946-7438, Saskatoon, SK. SELF-LOADING/UNLOADING round bale truck. Max. capacity 34 bales. Custom hauling throughout AB and SK. Call Bernd, Bales on Wheels, Ardrossan, AB, 403-795-7997 or 780-922-4743. ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, load and unload. 306-974-3314, Saskatoon, SK.

BOMAG K401, 1979, S/N #4179, V8 Cummins motor, pad foot compactor, no cracks or welds, good running condition, $15,000 OBO. 604-869-3025, Hope, BC. CAT 463 AND 435 hydraulic scrapers; Also, a Kokudo 23 yard. Excellent condition 204-793-0098, Stoney Mountain, MB. IH DROTT TD9 Caterpillar with FEL and bucket. Excellent condition. Togo, SK, Phone 306-597-2115. CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 leave message, Humboldt, SK.



2000 KOBELCO SK220LC w/thumb, manual quick connect, 6800 hrs., 55,000 lbs, 32� pads, 21’ reach, some new parts, 42� dig bucket, $55,000 OBO. 306-554-7694, Mozart, SK.

1988 JD 850 B twin tilt angle dozer, trans. and pumps rebuilt, all new rollers, excellent undercarriage, 24� pads, vg shape, warranty. Can deliver. $49,500, consider trades. Call 204-743-2324, Cypress, MB. 1981 TEREX 7221 wheel loader, 2 yard, $18,000. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. TWO 2006 MIDLAND XL2000’s, power tack end dump, asphalt overhang, $32,000 OBO. 204-721-1154, Brandon, MB. 2009 CAT 430E, extend-a-hoe, 4x4, hyd. thumb, ride control, AC, 1050 hrs, fully loaded, plumbed for extra attachments, $87,500. 204-721-1154, Brandon, MB. CASE 26B PAYLOADER, 4 yard bucket, $18,500. 306-735-2903 or 306-735-7887, Whitewood, SK.

2002 CASE 580 BACKHOE “Super M�, Extend-A-Hoe, 4 WD, 4124 hrs., nice shape. $42,900. Trades accepted, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 2007 930G CAT LOADER, 1700 hrs, exc e l l e n t a l l a r o u n d 3 y d . b u c ke t . 306-945-7730, Waldheim, SK. AUCTION: 2 Heavy Equipment Auctions in St. Albert, AB on Wednesday Sept 21st and in Gibbons, AB on Thursday Sept 22nd. See details in the auction section. Call Hodgins Auctioneers! 1-800-667-2075, SK PL# 915407, AB. PL# 180827. 1998 CASE 580SL Series II, 4x4 extenda-hoe with 24� bucket, new rear tires, front- 90%, deluxe cab, work ready, Pics avail. $32,000. 403-274-5674, Calgary, AB. 2 4 � X 4 8 ’ PA R K E R S C R E E N I N G p l a n t . 306-482-5121, Carnduff, SK. 2007 332 JD skidsteer, grain farm use only, only 900 hrs., excellent cond., $32,500 OBO; Also 84� snow bucket available. 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB.

SURGE 4 STANCHION glass line milker, c/w vac and milk pump, weigh jars, feed troughs, new never used; Bulk milk tank, compressor. 403-335-4506, Didsbury, AB.

G& G

VEGA ELECTRIC CREAM SEPARATORS, complete and in working condition. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK.

FARMER SPECIAL D8K, S/N 77V12937, cab, 4 barrel ripper, full bush guarding, engine enclosures, angle or straight blade. Major work orders recently. 306-248-3307, 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; St. Walburg, SK. Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, RegiEQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, na, SK Dozers, Loaders, Compactors, Zoom 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines Booms, and more. Call: Conquest Equip- and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, ment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. or email: 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. SpeHYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6 to 40 cializing in Cummins, have all makes, large yards: Caterpillar, Allis Chalmers/ LaPlant, inventory of parts, repowering is our speLeTourneau, etc., pull type and direct cialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB. mount available. Cat #12 pull grader. DIESEL ENGINES, OVERHAUL kits and 204-822-3797, Morden, MB. parts for most makes. M&M Equipment Regina, SK, Parts and Service, CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some Ltd., o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111. 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. 400 CUMMINS IN 1988 Freightliner, strong motor, runs good, drive it home, ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades $7500 OBO. 306-354-2552, Mossbank, SK. and bearings, 24� to 42� notched disc blades. REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 12/24v 5.9L Cummins; GM Duramax. Other new, used, and Reman diesel engines available. Call 204-532-2187, 8 AM to 5:30 PM Mon. to Fri. Thickett Engine Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB.


Ste e l Buildin g Re p a ir

Fa irf ord Pa rts Ava ila ble

M oos e Ja w , S a s k . (306 ) 6 93-8800 (306 ) 6 92-6 6 6 6

e m a il: d e n is e .the rrie n @s a s k te l.n e t STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS: Residential, Commercial and Industrial buildings. Superior strength, energy efficient and cost effective building method. Prairie Panels Ltd., 306-249-4130, Saskatoon, SK.

FARM BUILDINGS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

CAT 80 SCRAPER, big tires, excellent $ $ machine, $25,000. 204-562-3538, $ ENGINE OVERHAUL KITS! Complete kits $ 204-764-2271, Hamiota, MB. $ available for John Deere, Fiat Allis, Case, $ The s tro n ges t $ SOLID DEAL OVER THE TIRE rubber tracks Allis Chalmers, Komatsu, Cat and Perkins $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S po s t s ys tem for skidsteer, $2995. Phone 306-561-7733, ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull $ engines. Construction and Ag. Very com- $ PERM A-COLUM N behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ Kenaston, SK. petitive pricing. B a rg e r P a r t s I n c . $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ a va ila b le CONCRETE POST blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterpris1-866-434-6700, Edmonton, AB. H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ es, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, HumCAL L FOR FREE QUOTE $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM boldt, SK, $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ 2005 CASE SUPER M backhoe 4x4 extend$ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ In te grityPos tStructure s .com a-hoe, ride control, 4100 hrs., all new rub- 2005 JLG TELEHANDLER, 3082 hrs., model $ $ ber, exc. cond. $47,500. Owner retiring. G6-42A, 6000 lb., 42’ reach, tilt carriage, 3 PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase BEAT THE P RICE $ $ motors, on single phase. 204-800-1859, way steering, aux. hydraulics. $42,800. Phone 204-859-2437, Rossburn, MB. $ LUMISAVE™ LED LIGHTING: Commer$ IN C R E A S E S Trades welcome, financing available. Winnipeg, MB. KOMATSU 8000 lb. forklift, dual front 1-800-667-4515, AS K ABO UT O $UR BLO W O UT $ cial, Industrial, and Agricultural. Uses up FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL $ CO LO RS AT 0.6 5 S Q . FT. w h e e l s , l o n g fo r k s , $ 7 8 0 0 . P h o n e $ to 70% less energy. Instant cold weather sales, service and parts. Also sale $ 780-386-3979, Lougheed, AB. CALL N O W 1998 CAT D7R XR and 2003 CAT D7R II motor $ start, rugged and weatherproof. 75,000 of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of $ dozers; Cat excavator E120B; Hitachi $ hours+ lifespan. Flood, Bay and Street $ CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and N E W 1 0 ’ A N D 1 2 ’ B I G D O G B OX EX220, c/w hyd. thumb; Lansing 8000 lb pumps, generators, phase converters, etc. F o u illa rd S teel $ l i g h t s . C S A - H A Z L O C c e r t i fi c at i o n . tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, SCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, 24’’ high back, forklift; 1995 Case 586E grapple loader; Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306- $ S u p p lies L t d . 306-249-4130, Saskatoon, SK. View at $ floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. 42’’ available in both widths for up to 5 yd. Clark 664BWD skidder. Edmonton, AB. 873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 $ S t . La za r e, M a n . Ave., Tisdale, SK. $ $ Conterra manufactures over 150 attach- heap capacity. Starting at $3500. Phone Phone 780-361-7322. ments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online 204-871-1175, MacGregor, MB. 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ SILVER STREAM SHELTERS: 30x72 sin$ at $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ BARGER PARTS INC. is celebrating 30 gle steel frame cover kit, $4700; 38x100 years in business. Enjoy our celebration 18’ DECK WITH Hiab picker plus PTO AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. truss, $11,900. Replacement tarps for any p l u s p u m p . $ 4 9 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 2 3 1 - 8 1 1 1 , savings for all your crushing equipment For the customer that prefers quality. brand, patch kits, rope webbing and ratchparts needs. Parts available for all makes Humboldt, SK. ets. Call 1-877-547-4738. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. of cones, jaws, rolls, screen decks, PULL TYPE SCRAPERS: 1- Cat 463, all hyd; washing equipment, conveyor parts, 3- Cat 463, cable; 1- Cat 435, cable; 1 Cat including idlers, rollers and reducers for all RAN AR 80, cable; 2- Cat 70, cable; 1- BE S-90, makes and models. Call Pete Gerrard at LIFETIME cable; Hundreds of industrial tires; Large 1-866-434-6700. 40 YEARS stock of new and used hydraulic cylinders. 75 YEARS 204-667-2867(Phone) 204-667-2932 (Fax) HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt Winnipeg, MB. for years of trouble-free service. Lever MANLIFT, 2002 GENIE, 45/25J, 4x4, dual Holdings Inc, 306-682-3332, Muenster SK power, 1600 hrs, $19,900. Skyjack scissorlift, 45’, $12,000; FORKLIFT, Clark 8000 ON HAND: 19 skidsteers, 12 backhoes, 9 1980 TEREX 8230-B angle tilt dozer, 4700 lb. propane, $8,000; WHEEL LOADER, telescopic lifts, 17 loaders, 2 crawlers, 3 total hrs., undercarriage like new, 24â€? Cat 950, 3 yd., $24,000; SKIDSTEER 2006 excavators, 1 grader, 2 Ditch Witches. pads, exc. cond., full canopy, warranty, JD 325, cab, heat, 1600 hrs, $24,000; EX- Website: or phone $62,500. Can deliver, consider trade. 2 0 4 - 7 4 3 - 2 3 2 4 , C y p r e s s R i v e r, M B . C AVATO R , 2004 JCB 160 NLC, hyd. 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. thumb, 3000 hrs, $72,000. 306-563-8765, 1979 JD 410D backhoe, 6900 hrs., very 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. good condition, $15,500. 403-504-9607, LARGE STOCK OF 2WD AND 4WD loaders; Medicine Hat, AB. Fiat Allis 745 w/new rear tires; JD 844, 5 CAT 60 direct mount hyd. scraper, new yard, work ready; A/C 605B-345B; Clark conversion, very good condition, $24,950; 35C-45B; Many new and used buckets and Galion hyd. PT motor grader, $13,900. rakes in stock; Wrist-O-Twist buckets; At204-822-3797, Morden, MB. tachments for skidsteers; Over 50 acres of industrial salvage. New and used parts. FIAT ALLIS HD16 B crawler, new rails, hy- Big Savings! 204-667-2867 (Phone), draulic tilt dozer, re-built trans. ROPS 204-667-2932 (Fax), Winnipeg, MB. 204-667-2867(Phone) 204-667-2932 (Fax) Winnipeg, MB. 2005 430 CASE Series III skidsteer, CAH, 1997 IH 9400, 430 Detroit, 10 spd., 15’ 725 hrs, exc. cond., asking $28,500 OBO. 1985 DROTT MODEL 1085B, 3600 orig. five yr. old GRAVEL BOX. 306-356-4550, Call Ray, Ken’s Equip. Inc., 403-581-8140, hrs, ditching bucket, twist wrist, $18,500. Dodsland, SK. Dunmore, AB. Phone 204-723-2820, Treherne, MB. 25 HP KOHLER, 2 CYL, OHV, electric start, CAT D9H, S/N 90V05973 w/cab, ripper, 2-1/2 YARD SCHULTE scraper, $3700 good condition, $575. 306-244-3753 or WANTED: TEREX TS14B scraper. Must be angle dozer, $77,500; 1987 10 man camp, OBO. 306-291-8082, Delisle, SK. 306-281-5865, Saskatoon, SK. in good condition and ready for work. 2 side by side, 12x54’ units, $27,000; 125 306-563-6355, 306-563-7610, Mikado, SK. KW genset, S/N 4B13394, w/Cat 3303 eng 15 - SET OF TRACK CHAINS for various NEW GENESIS ENGINES. Still in original $19,500; 2500 gal. heated water shack units; 900 track rollers for excavators and factory crate. Available for TR99 and $17,500. Rod 780-918-1499, Leduc, AB. Crawler tractors at reduced prices. C X 8 4 0 / 8 6 0 / 8 8 0 . $ 9 8 6 0 e a c h . 204-667-2867(Phone) 204-667-2932 (Fax) 1-800-667-4515. 2002 GRUENDLER HOG GRINDER, 550 HP Winnipeg, MB. JD, new, 1624 hrs, $195,000. Lumby, BC. IURP WKH 250-547-8993, SCRAPERS FOR SALE, Cat, LaPlante, Allis, DW DQ\ RQH RI RXU ORFDWLRQV DFURVV ZHVWHUQ &DQDGD 2000 VOLVO ROLL OFF TRUCK w/4 30’ LeTourneau, converted to hyd., will also do boxes, LS 98 link belt dragline, 50’ boom, custom conversions. Looking for cable fair lead and bucket; Two 20 and 40 ton scrapers. Call Toll free 1-866-602-4093. cranes, 4x4; JCB 530B HL telescopic, 24’ reach; Pettibone telescopic, 40’ reach; CASE W24B PAYLOADER, cab and heat $18,500; 2006 Cat 226B skidsteer, 1600 PAN SCRAPER, 10’ and 12’ models, $2900. Scissor lifts, 16-52’ lift; Noble rear trailer hrs., $17,500; 2006 NH LT185 B skidsteer, mount forklift; 20 other forklifts from 2 to Phone 204-723-2820, Treherne, MB. 10 ton; JD 401D backhoe loader; 4 skid- 2100 hrs., $26,500; Coming Soon: Cat 426 NEW HEAVY DUTY V-DITCHERS now steers (NH, JD, Bobcat and Case); Over 50 4x4 backhoe; 1992 JD 310 backhoe; Cat available. Quick Drain Sales, 306-682-3332 skidsteer attachments; Air compressors 236B skidsteer. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. from 125 to 750 CFM; Over 100 buckets or cell 306-231-7318, Muenster, SK. and rakes for excavators; 10 push-type N E W L O A D E R / S K I D S T E E R T I R E S COMPACTION EQUIPMENT, self-propelled lawnmower’s, $50/each; Hundreds of oth- 20.5x25 20 ply $1496; 10x16.5 10 ply and pull-type: BROS SPV 735 DPP vibrato- er items. (Phone) 204-667-2867, (Fax) $179; 12x16.5 ply $219; 20.8x42 16 ply ry packer; Tampo 84PD SP vibratory pack- 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. $1699; 20.8x38 12 ply $826; 20.5x25 24 er; Case BD602 SP vibratory roller; 2 older ply $1610; 13.00-24 12 ply $436; 17.5x25 SP rollers; New 48â€?x60â€? double S.F. PT 1997 C AT D9R, push blade, EROPS, 24 ply $809. Factory-direct, no middlepacker, 48â€?x72â€? double S.F. PT packer, two $99,500; 1990 Cat D9N, semi U w/twin men. Combine, tractor, implement tires 48â€?x48â€? double S.F. PT packers, 48â€?x60â€? tilts, Ripper, EROPS, $99,500; 3 only, Cat also available. single S.F. PT packer; Several trench com- 631E motor scrapers, EROPS. Package, 1-800-667-4515. pactors, several Rammax walk behind $330,000; 1995 Daewoo S280LC-3, hyd. trench compactors; 8’ Q.A. broom (several excavator w/70â€? hyd. tilt CU bucket, others; 5 skidsteer backhoe attachments; $29,500; 1999 JD 750C LGP 6 way dozer, Hague, SK 2 Toro Dingo’s X420 walk behind skid- $42,000; 1973 Komatsu D85A, HA dozer, steers; PT scrapers from 8 to 18 yard; ROPS, $22,000; 1993 Komatsu WA-450-2 P: 306-225-2288 Building Supplies Large stock of new and used hyd. cylin- loader, $44,500; 1991 Cat 980C loader, F: 306-225-4438 ders; Large stock of construction equip- $80,000; 1994 Cat 928F loader, $80,000; & Contracting ment tires; 4 Cub Cadets, 2 and 4 WD, gas 1974 Cat 14G grader, EROPS, 90% tires, Parachutes (the ideal cover) Parachute Canopies Only and diesel, from $6900; Hundreds and $49,500; 1984 Champ 720 grader, PS, Made of strong, tough nylon, yet light No Lines hundreds of other items. Call for a 16 page front scarifier, $29,500; 1994 Ford L8000 Quality Workmanship Material & Service f lye r o r c h e c k o u t o u r we b s i t e at : vacuum truck, diesel, $48,000; 6 only, enough to enable one man to handle. $150 w w w. c a m b r i a n e q u i p m e n t s a l e s . c a 1978-1991 Redi-Mix trucks, $8000/each. Leading Suppliers & Contractors of: Ideal for Covering Grain Piles 25’x25’ parachute panel 204-667-2867 (Ph.), 204-667-2932 (Fax), Phone Robert Harris, Winnipeg, MB, 28 panel parachute (24’ dia.) $175 204-864-2271. Winnipeg, MB.






1-8 6 6 -9 74-76 78






Farm & Commercial Buildings

%8< ',5(&7




JD 350 CRAWLER w/bucket and backhoe S60 GENIE MANLIFT, 4 cyl. Ford engine attachment, excellent condition. Langham, (rigged for dual fuel), 4x4, 6622 hrs on machine, exc. tires, new hose track, runs SK, 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429. and works excellent. $24,000 OBO. DelivEXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, ery available. 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini excavators. Visit for de- 2 REYNOLDS 14 yd. scrapers, 6 tires each, tails, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone $15,000/ea OBO; 1- 8 yd, $10,000 OBO. Nice shape. 204-348-2064, 204-345-3610. 306-764-2325, Prince Albert, SK.

• • • •

Shops & Pole Sheds Post & Stick Frame Building Riding Arenas D airy, H og, & C hicken Barns

Introducing Zak’s Pre-Engineered Laminated Post!

See us for competitive prices and efficient service!

CROWN SURPLUS STORES INC. 1005 11th St. SE Calgary, AB T2G 3E9 To Place An Order Call: 403-265-1754

35 panel parachute (35’ dia.) $275 64 panel parachute (55’ dia.) $425 120 panel parachute (100’ dia.) $600

Note: 120 panels chutes cover approx. 6500 square feet





BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK. HUTCHINSON Grain Pumps LAMBTON Bucket Elevators LAMBTON Drag Conveyors (Seed Compatible Conveyors) Rail Load-Out Systems Pulse Crop Equipment WESTEEL Grain Bins SUKUP Aeration & Bins

Esteva n , S K . . . . . . . 306-634- 5111 M cLea n , S K . . . . . . . 306-699- 72 84 Tisd a le, S K . . . . . . . 306-873- 4438

w w w .w ood-coun

FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody.

P W F FEN C E P OS TS & BAR BED W IR E IN S TOC K. Phone forPricing.


M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. Phon e forp ricin g .

• Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs



G a lv. roof m eta l, colored w a lls & trim s (ou ts id e corn ers , ba s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, g a ble fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Door & Lock s et. 40x60- 16’ trea ted 6x6 p os t bld g . c/w 20x16 s teel s lid in g d oor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,155.96 Phone w ith your b uild ing s ize requirem ents for a free es tim a te.


POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB.

Westrum Lumber

1-888-663-9663 Rouleau, SK


0DQ\ PRGHOV DQG VL]HV DYDLODEOH *Square foot prices vary depending on size, model, and building code requirements with respect to snow and wind loading.

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Call or visit our website to find out more.

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STRONGEST POSTS INDUSTRY-WIDE Customized Design, Experienced Crews $,5 0,/(6 UHZDUG PLOHV With your purchase of any Farm & Commercial Building *Offer valid until September 30, 2011

Toll Free: 1-877-239-0730 Web:



All prices are based on IN STOCK models only (Non Air Bins/Steel Floors/Aeration Fans/Temperature Monitoring Equipment)

*Exterior stiffened *50” remote opener with vents *NEW SWING AWAY Aeration System/Easy access Door *STEEL BIN FLOOR w/anchors


Aeration system lifts completely out of the way

50” opening Windproof

No Cement required

Model #

DS-A-3008 DS-A-2705 DS-A-2108 DS-A-2105 DS-A-1808

Auger Bushels req. /pkg 71 50 68 48 61

19106 10039 9131 5919 6658

Package LEASE AT FANS (%) price IN (Cost/bushel) From STOCK 4% $1.17 AERATION FANS $1.64 3 hp - $1049 $1.61 5 hp - $1449 7 hp - $1749 $1.95 10 hp - $1949 $1.75 * Based on Availability

Door swings out of S=Stiffened A=Aeration Lease=2 year annual BB=10% Buyback way for easy access *Price/bushel quoted as package of 2



DU-DU-1805 DS-DU-1807 DU-DU-1808 DU-DU-2105 DU-DU-2705

Auger Bushels req. /pkg 45 55 60 48 50

4300 5865 6652 5919 10039


Package LEASE AT price (%) (Cost/bushel) $1.88 From $1.63 4% $1.51 $1.70 $1.39

S=Stiffened A=Aeration Lease=2 year annual BB=10% Buyback *Price/bushel quoted as package of 2


Compare at$


Cement comparison

14’ Westeel


18’ Westeel



19’ Westeel


21’ Westeel


$1200 Concrete $2295 costs $2850 $2300 vary $3400 $3432

24’ Westeel


Custom Order


27’ Westeel




30’ Westeel





FASTEST GROWING GRAIN STORAGE COMPANY By booking now – You save metal increases *SET UP - Booked on first come basis

Shield Development Ltd.

306-324-4441 Margo, SK.

GRAIN BAGGER- Flaman 1110 Pro grain bagger gives you low cost, instant grain storage. Choose from a wide mouth hopper or conveyor with all new hydraulic swing, or combine both options. Phone Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK. today, 306-934-2121 or 10- 3732 BUSHEL Behlen bins, w/wo aeration floors; 2- 3300 bu. Butler bins; 12700 bu. Butler; 1- 2700 bu. Westeel; Ph. 204-725-3971 Brandon, MB.

GATCO GRAIN BIN air tubes, special pric- NEW PORTABLE GRAIN BIN, 9000 bu, ing, free delivery. Grain Bin Direct, w/tarp. 306-648-3523 res. 306-648-7766 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK. cell, Gravelbourg, SK. SUPERIOR BINS are here and Middle Lake Steel is your dealer. Hopper mounts and steel floor models, 21’, 8000 bu. hopper w/triple skids, $17,800; 18’ 5000 bu. bin w/double skids, $10,900. We make O FFE RIN G hopper cones and steel floors for all makes YO U TH E of bins. 306-367-4306 or 306-367-2408, Middle Lake SK. L ATE S T IN LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel • FlatBottom & grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin DiH opper G rain rect, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK. Bin Technology GRAIN BIN RING, approx. 5000 bu., 2 tier • M ostO ptions with stiffeners and new tarp, $900. Are Standard 306-423-5444, Domremy, SK. Equipm ent DEALER FOR SAKUNDIAK BINS, from O n O ur Bins! 250 to 55,000 bu. Includes skid, ladders, manhole, set up and delivery available. Also hopper cones, 14 to 21’ dia. w/skids. L EA S IN G 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. AV A IL A B L E 5 WHEATLAND hopper bins, 3 bins 670 bu., $4700/ea; 1300 bu., $9100; 2800 bu., $15,000; 1 WESTEEL hopper bin, 1500 bu., $7000. Open to offers. 780-374-2463, Daysland, AB. B E H L E N F L AT F L O O R , 3 7 5 0 b u s h e l . 306-383-2920, Quill Lake, SK.


* Other models available


Limited Time Offer.

Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds

* DELIVERY - Available anywhere in Western Canada

Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters Temp Cables

CUSTOM BIN MOVING in Saskatchewan, up to 21’ diameter. Marty 306-220-7915, Blaine Lake, SK. M A I N E RO G R A I N BA G G E R fo r s a l e , $15,500. 306-923-2221, Torquay, SK.


780.6 72.2471

Reasonable Freight Rates.

w w w .go o do m

THREE 1650 BU. and one 2200 Widecorr, located in Shellbrook, SK. 306-747-7015. 3- 4750 BU. GOEBELS low-profile hopper bins with skids, $30,000 OBO. 306-226-4608, Marcelin, SK.


Winter Booking Special

Take advantage of these low, low prices while they last.


9 f t. Ba g g e r No hyd rau lics req u ired 45 h.p . req u irem en t 8000- 9000 b u / hrcap acity

$3,095 & Tax.

%8,/',1* &/($5$1&( 6$/(

Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage

USED BINS: 13 Behlen hopper combos, Authorized Dealer Saskatoon, SK 3500 bu. each, 2 to 12 yrs old, from $6000 to $8500 ea. Over 45,000 bu. storage for Phone: 306-373-4919 $98,000 total. 306-537-9360, Kronau, SK. 2 WILWOOD PLYWOOD grain rings, 1750 WHEATLAND MODEL 1615 fertilizer bu., with tarps and all hardware, never bins, 2- 2008 and 4- 2009, 3265 bu. or 108 used. 306-682-3581, Humboldt, SK. MT, 4 with air, all on 16’ skids. For other WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer options call Graham at 306-935-4523, 306-831-7514 cell, Milden, SK. bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.

Brin g in yo u r b lu e prin ts o r d ra w in gs fo r a ll yo u r w in d o w s & d o o rs , in d u s tria l d o o rs a n d ga ra ge d o o r re qu ire m e n ts .



14,8 0 0


2- 2200 BU. Westeel hopper bins, duals skids, c/w air pkg; 2200 bu. Twister bin, duals skids w/air; 40 ton fert. bin, duals skids w/air plus heater and 400 lb. propane tank, Epoxy coated. 306-858-7323, Birsay, SK. 4 USED WESTEEL ROSCO bins, 4000 bu., $5000 each. Phone 306-445-4850, North Battleford, SK.

c/ w Roof and W all L adders ,Auto L id Openers ,Roof M anhole,Rectangular Door,Safety Fill & Bas e Ring. P ackage of2- 4159Bu - 15’ D ia. . . . . $16,400.00 or $1.97P erBu P ackage of2- 4412Bu - 18’ D ia. . . . . $14,040.00 or $1.5 9P erBu P ackage of2- 5226Bu - 18’ D ia. . . . . $16,5 00.00 or $1.5 8 P erBu P ackage of2- 6040Bu - 18’ D ia. . . . . $19,2 00.00 or $1.5 8 P erBu P P P P

ackage of2ackage of2ackage of2ackage of2-

4968Bu 6076Bu 7186Bu 8294Bu


21’ 21’ 21’ 21’


ia. . . . . $14,05 0.00 or $1.41P ia. . . . . $16,15 0.00 or $1.33P ia. . . . . $19,700.00 or $1.37P ia. . . . . $2 3,700.00 or $1.43P


ackage of2ackage of2ackage of2ackage of2-

6582Bu - 24’ D ia. . . . . $16,070.00 or $1.2 8029Bu - 24’ D ia. . . . . $2 0,2 00.00 or $1.2 9478Bu - 24’ D ia. . . . . $2 3,300.00 or $1.2 10,923Bu - 24’ D ia. . $2 7,300.00 or $1.2

2P 5P 3P 5P

erBu erBu erBu erBu erBu erBu erBu erBu

**N O TE** Freight,Erection,Steel Floors and Concrete Pads are N O T Included. G IV E US A CALL: Atla s Bu ild in g S ys te m s & S a le s Ltd . York ton S K O FFICE: (306 )782-3300 W e b s ite : w w w .a tla s b u ild in g s .n e t Em a il: a tla s b in s @hotm a il.c om N E E D TO RE P L A C E YO U R RO TTE N BIN FL O O RS ??


N eilb urg, S a s ka tc h ew a n


Now M anufacturing in Stettler,AB. Saskatchew an:1-306-823-4888 C entralAlberta:1-403-741-7215 Southern Alberta:1-403-863-7444 M anitoba:1-204-391-1860 s a les @jtlin d us tries .c a

w w w .jtlin d us tries .c a

• Replace your old floors and add up to 1500 bushels capacity to your existing bins. • N o m ore fighting w ith your old doors. O ur patented JTL door is guaranteed to m ake you sm ile everytim e you use it!



DEALERS CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824 NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466



18,995 19,995

PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. 306-452-3444 ROBERTSON IMPLEMENTS (1988) LTD. Shaunavon, SK, 306-297-4131 Swift Current, SK 306-773-4948 SCHROEDER BROS. Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 TWEED FARM EQUIPMENT Devil’s Lake, ND 701-662-7522 Medora, MB 204-665-2260 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, 1-888-354-3620

Email: or

HAT AGRI-SERVICE Medicine Hat, AB 403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 Dunmore, AB,403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 1-888-644-5463 HAMMER NEW HOLLAND Westlock, AB 780-349-2588 1-877-456-3276 HOULDER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Falher, AB, 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, 1-800-746-4691 KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 TROCHU MOTORS LTD. Trochu, AB 403-442-3866, 1-888-336-3866 E. BOURASSA & SONS: Assinniboia 1-877-474-2456 Estevan 1-877-474-2495 Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Radville 1-877-474-2450 Weyburn 1-877-474-2491

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888


TWO GOEBEL HOPPER BINS with skids, 3300 bu. each, part of hopper below skid, will explain. 65 km east of Saskatoon. $6,500 ea. 306-203-6137, Bruno, SK.




Lim ited qu a n tities .


1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46 S TOCK IN G N EW & US ED EX TRACTORS AN D BAGGERS As k fo r K evin o r Ro n

BINS FOR SALE: 2850, 2000 and 1400 bu. fertilizer hopper bins; 4000 bu. hopper bins; 6000, 4500 and 3300 flat bottom bins. Various other sizes. 306-631-8308, Moose Jaw, SK. 2007 MANIERO GRAIN bagger c/w hopper, nice shape, $ 16,600. Flaman Sales Ltd., 1-888-235-2626, Southey, SK. 2009 10’ Pro grain bagger, only used once for 5000 bushels, c/w loading conveyor and hopper cover, asking $25,000. 780-837-5243, Donnelly, AB. CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now avail. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. TWO 1100-1200 BU. Twister bins, Micada hopper bottoms, ladders, remote openers, fill indicators. One w/aeration, $3650, or w/o $3150; Two 18” bin aeration inlets, one set 18” round screens; Two Westeel Rosco bin doors, w/baffles and chutes. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. GRAIN BAGS- Up North grain bags, 3x tear resistant! 9’ and 10’ sizes available. Call your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. SDL HYD. BIN CRANE, 40’+ lift, double winches, 8000 lb. capacity, hyd. push out wheels, $18,000. Phone 306-324-4441, cell 306-272-8383, Margo, SK. WESTEEL GRAIN RING, 50’x46”. Used twice, holds 11-12,000 bu., c/w tarp, $2000. Terry 306-722-3888, Fillmore, SK. WESTEEL EXTENSION PARTS for 14’ and 19’ standard corrugation bins. All new parts. In stock and competitive pricing. Willwood Industries 1-866-781-9560. Get details and prices at: LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. 2 0 0 9 R I C H I G E R R 1 0 g r a i n b a g g e r, $18,500; 2009 Richiger EA240 grain bag unloader, $22,000. A. E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255 Storthoaks, SK.

PORTABLE GRAIN RINGS made of steel. New 20 gauge wide-corr steel sheets 48”H. Sizes from 3650 bu., $2072 to 83,000 bu., $11,447 including hardware. All sizes in stock. All rings 4’H. Best quality available. Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps avail. for all sizes. All tarps in stock. Complete packages include freight to any major point in Western Canada. Overnight delivery to most major points in Western Canada. Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. For all pricing, details, pictures visit our website:





PHONE: 306-933-2343 FAX: 306-931-1003

TOLL FREE: 1-888-226-8277 BEHLEN BIN/ HOPPER COMBOS: 3500 bu., 10 leg hopper and skid, unstiffened grain bin, roof and side ladder. Manhole in hopper. Constructed. Leasing available. Peterson Construction 306-789-2444, Regina, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK.

BAGGERS, BAGS EXTRACTORS For Sale or Rent Contact Mike


FOUR VIDIR 4000 bushel hopper bins with s k i d s a n d a e r a t i o n , l i k e n e w. 204-729-6803, Deloraine, MB. 19’ WOODEN BIN floors, 8x8 skids, asking $800 each. 780-835-4808 or 780-835-8501, Fairview, AB. RETIRED FROM FARMING: Selection of used Westeel flat bottom bins on wood floors. 19’ dia. have: 1- 4000 bu, 3- 3500 bu; 1- 2750 bu; In 14’ dia. have: 7- 1750 bu. All 19’ bins priced from $1.00/bu; all 14’ bins, priced from $1.90/bu. Custom transporters available. Hussin Seed Farms 403-936-5923, 403-680-4471, Calgary, AB. CUSTOM BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ d i a m e t e r, 3 4 ’ h i g h , w i t h c o n e s . 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK.

BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new and used sea containers, all sizes. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon, SK.


SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, TWO WESTEEL ROSCO 2300 bu. hopper Saskatoon, SK, bins on double steel skids, w/Nordin hop- 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale per cones, easy to move. 306-536-7800, in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 306-443-2316, 306-781-2205, Alida, SK. 1-866-517-8335. BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and and accessories available at Rosler Con- modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina struction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. and Saskatoon, SK. SDL HOPPER CONES. Prices starting at 306-933-0436. 14’, $2250; 15’, $2800 15’-10”, $2970; 18’ $4100; 19’ $4500. All cones c/w manhole, double top band, slide gate on nylon rollers. Optional skid base, aeration, freight extra charge. 306-324-4441, Margo, SK. F L A M A N 1 0 ’ BA G G E R w / c o n v e y o r, $16,500. Call 306-222-3170, Kenaston, SK.

4000 bu com p lete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,2 00 4000 bu com p lete w ith Rock et. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,300 4000 bu com p lete w ith Rock et a n d 5 hp fa n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,2 00 Pu rcha s e 3 orm ore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 4800 bu com p lete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 ,900 4800 bu com p lete w ith Rock et. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 4800 bu com p lete w ith Rock et a n d 5 hp fa n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,900 Pu rcha s e 3 orm ore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,750 7660 bu com p lete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 1,150 7660 bu com p lete w ith Rock et. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 4,550 7660 bu com p lete w ith Rock et a n d 7 1/ 2 hp fa n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 6,650 Pu rcha s e 2 orm ore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 6,500 H op p er bin s c/ w ou ts id e la d d er, lid op en er, 4x4 s teel s k id , s et-u p w ithin 100 m iles a n d m a n hole p ort, d elivery extra .

Ros le r Con s tru c tion 2000 In c 120 - 71s t S t W , S a s k a toon , S K S 7R 1A1

306 -933-0033

CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, SK, AB, w w w .ros le rc on s tru c tion .c a and MB, all types of bins up to 10,000 bushel, accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-922-6079, 306-961-9699, FOUR 5000 BUSHEL metal grain storage rings. Offers. 306-272-4451, Foam Lake, Prince Albert, SK. SK. USED BINS (2) Westeel 1612 MagF bins, 100 ton capacity, $11,500 each. Call Mike POCKET CRAMPS- MUST SELL, 2008 at Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK. for more Renn 10’ grain bagger with hopper extension. $15,500 OBO. 204-748-7441, Elkinfo. 306-934-2121, visit horn, MB. 2 - WILLWOOD 45’ steel temporary grain bins, c/w tarps. Used 1 season, $4000 for pair. Phone 403-396-3066, Eckville, AB.


BIN MOVERS. The largest fleet of bin moving trailers and equipment in the prairies. Book now for spring. Good rates (no mileage charge), great service. Can move up to 19’ wide and 30’ tall. L’il Truck Hauling Ltd., 306-338-3921. Fred or Merle 306-338-8288. GRAIN RING, 27,000 bu. with tarp and hardware, $800. 403-651-0272, Vulcan AB FOUR 1500 BUSHEL grain bins; 65,000 bu. TEMPORARY GRAIN BINS, selected 3/8” g r a i n r i n g . P h o n e 2 0 4 - 2 6 7 - 2 2 9 2 o r fir plywood with all holes drilled. Wood 204-856-9595, Oakville, MB. sizes from 1750 bu., $431. to 11,700 bu., $852 including hardware. All sizes in stock. All rings 4’ high. Best quality avail. Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps available for all sizes. All tarps in stock. Complete packages include freight to any major point in Western Canada. Overnight delivery to most major points in Western Canada. Willwood Industries toll free Financing Available 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. For pricing, details, pics:

Canadian Built Insurance Certified Bin Anchors

PH:306-445-5562 MIKADA 14’ HOPPER, c/w grain guard rocket aeration. Phone 306-445-5516 or 306-441-7851, North Battleford, SK. 3 TEMPORARY BIN RINGS w/tarps, 4’ high, 9500 bu., 3 yrs. old. 306-247-4946, Wilkie, SK.

NEW AND USED grain baggers and extractors; And new 9’ and 10’ bags. Call 306-934-1414, Warman, SK. 16,000 BU. TEMP bin, w/tarp and aeration, $4000; One 5000 bu. temp tarp, $200; One 6500 bu. temp tarp, $300. Regina, SK. 306-536-5647 or 306-775-2887. 2009 45’ hyd. bin trailer, fifth wheel hook, triple axle, air ride, must be seen to be apBIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ diameter, preciated. 306-338-7128, Kelvington, SK. 34’ high, with or without floors. Call Lorne 306-468-7916, Canwood, SK. MERIDIAN GRAIN MAX 4000 and Meridian fertilizer bins- now back in stock and FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper ready for immediate delivery. See your cone and steel floor requirements contact: n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e t o d ay o r c a l l Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 306-934-2121, or visit 1-888-304-2837.

TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/ SAKUNDIAK BINS, 250 bu. to 55,000 bu. Winter booking on now for best pricing and guaranteed delivery. Example: all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up, and delivery within set radius. Behlen bin/ hopper combos: 3,500 bu. $10,450; 4,235 bu. $12,250; SPECIAL 5,000 bu. $13,500. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. Know what you are investing in. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and 2- 12,000 BUSHEL grain rings with tarps. models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart 306-749-3535, Birch Hills, SK. Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.

S im ple ...


An d V e ry


Effe ctive !

• C re a te s a tighte r • Upgra d e to a 10” s e a l w he n a u ge r fo r u n lo a d in g u s in g a e ra tio n . b in s !( Lo a d a B Tra in in 15 m in u te s !) • No m o re a u ge rs s tu c k in the • Ea s ily re m o ve b in c hu te . s in gle lo a d s w ith n o m e s s !


40’ x 2’ - 5647Bu c/ w T arp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 ,400.00 ea 40’ x 4’ - 7793Bu c/ w T arp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,360.00 ea


51’ x 2’ - 10,706Bu c/ w T arp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 ,300.00 ea 51’ x 4’ - 14,185Bu c/ w T arp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,2 39.00 ea


Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld

62’ x 2’ - 18,084Bu c/ w T arp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,670.00 ea 62’ x 4’ - 23,217Bu c/ w T arp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 ,2 5 0.00 ea

Em a il: s a les @ m kw eld

H opper C one to fita 14’W esteelRosco (up to 2000 bu)includes 8x4 skid



O FFICE: (306 ) 782-3300

H opper C one to fita 19’W esteelRosco (up to 3300 bu)includes 10x4 skid

York ton S K

$5,125.00 Prices subject to change. M & K W elding can also build you a custom hopper for m any m akes & sizes of bins.





G R AIN BAG G ER S & UNLO AD ER S 100% De s ign e d & M a n ufa cture d in W e s te rn Ca n a da Ove r 14 ye a rs of Gra in Ba ggin g M a n ufa cturin g Exp e rie n ce • Up to 550 b u /m in Lo a d C a pa c ity • S u rge Ho ppe r a n d /o r Be ltC o n ve yo r Lo a d in g • 10’ & 12’ G ra in Ba gge r M o d e ls Ava ila b le • Tw o M o d e ls o fG ra in Un lo a d e rAva ila b le w ith 150 b u /m in Un lo a d in g C a pa c ity



306-682-5888 Email: or

Call the factory for your local dealer

REN N M ill Cen ter In c. RR#4 L a co m b e, AB T4L 2N 4 Pho n e: (403) 78 4-3518 w w w .ren n m m

in g t a r b C ele 0


3rs of a e Y u sin ess B

Pa ck a ge o f (3) 4235 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers , S a ftifils , 8 L eg Ho p p ers , Do u b le 5” x 5” S kid s , 40 Degree S lo p es & E rected Price: $34,800.00 or $2.73 Per Bu.


Pa ck a ge o f (2) 6 200 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers , S a ftifils , 12 L eg Ho p p ers , T rip le 4” x 4” S kid s & E rected . Price: $30,600.00 or $2.46 Per Bu.

Pa ck a ge o f (2) 7200 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers , S a ftifils , 14 L eg Ho p p ers , Qu a d 4” x 4” S kid s & E rected Price: $34,500.00 or $2.39 Per Bu.

Pa ck a ge o f (2) 10,000 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers ,S a ftifils , 18 L eg Ho p p er, T rip le 4” x 8” S kid s & E rected . Price: $48,000.00 or $2.40 Per Bu.


** F reight, Air S ys tem s & L ea s i ng Ava ila b le** C us to m e rs W h o P urch a s e Bi n C o m b o s , W ill H a ve Th e ir N a m e En te re d To W in A: F orM ore In form ation P lease Call:

30’ R a in b o w Trid e m Tra ile r

O ffice: 306 -782-3300 S cott’s Cell: 306 -6 21-5304 G erry’s Cell: 306 -6 21-1739

Em a il: a tla sb in s@ ho tm a m • w w w .a tla sb u ild in gs. net


Recycle, Reu s e, Rein ven t S hi pp i ng co n ta in ers ca n b e a d a p ted to a va riety o f u s es a n d ca n p ro vid e a n in exp en s ive a n d flexib le s o lu tio n to m a n y s to ra ge p ro b lem s . AtBo n d In d u s tria l w e ca n co n vertyo u rco n ta in erfo r a lm o s ta n y u s e like S to ra ge F a cilities , W o rk S ho p s , T o o l Crib s , S ite Offices , Go lfCa rt S to ra ge, Ou tfitterS ha cks etc.

Yo u n a m e it w e ca n d o it. Perfect po rta b le s ecu re w ea ther pro o f s to ra ge fo r the fa rm , a crea ge o r b u s in es s . Ca ll to d a y & tu rn yo u r s to ra ge id ea in to rea lity.

B on d In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d

Ph. 306.373.2236 fx. 306-373-0364 w w w . bon din e m a il joe @ b on din

KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. 2-5HP FLAMAN direct drive full centrifugal fans, 220V, new, never run, $1800/ea or 2/$3500. Terry 306-722-3888 Fillmore, SK

VICON 3PTH FERTILIZER spreader, used one year, 3500 kgs, computer and scale. 780-954-2005, 780-283-2005 Westlock AB LOOKING FOR a floater or tender? Call me first. 30 years experience. Loral parts, new and used. 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB.


C o n ve c tio n C u rre n t

• Re le a s e s tra ppe d he a t& m o is tu re • G ra in s to re d w ith tu b e c o o ls w ithin 3 0 d a ys • Fo r u s e w ith a ll s e e d va rie tie s • Elim in a te ho tpe a ks in c e n te rs • Ea s y s e tu p & in s ta lla tio n • Fo r u s e in fla to r ho ppe r b o tto m b in s , b a rn s , qu o n s e ts & gra in pile s • Ec o n o m ic a l

100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee

CANAD IAN TAR P AUL IN M AN UFACTURERS L TD. SASKATOON, SK. Pho n e: (3 06 ) 9 3 3 -23 43 F a x: (3 06 ) 9 3 1-1003

T o ll F ree: 1-8 8 8 -226 -8 277

W e b s ite : w w w .ca n ta rp .com

100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k

2,340 bu Twister hopper bin/batch dryer c/w Sukup Stir system, 5HP fan, Sukup heater. Dry 2,000 bu batch in 48 hours. Set up, ready to go.

1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK

NEW STAINLESS STEEL LIQUID FERT. TANKS for sale. Novid Inc., Rosenort, MB. 204-746-6843, or email 2275 GAL. STAINLESS STEEL TANK, 7’ dia. x 10’ tall, c/w sight tube, top manway, lifting lugs. 204-746-6843, Rosenort, MB. FOR ALL YOUR



KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738.

Never Spill Spout Inc. !NEW MODEL! “NO SNAG SPOUT�! Available now! Includes Flex Spouts Installation in 15 Min.

3 days delivery to your farm

1 800 667 8800

*Alarm sounds when bin is full *No batteries needed *Light - convenient to move auger to different bin at night. *Available for 10, 13 and 16 inch augers

SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS FLOOD SALE STILL ON. 8x1000, $3750; 8x1200, $3975; 8x1400, $4200; 8x1600, $4600; 10x1200, $4500; SLMD 10x2200, $11,000. Augers are available w/Kohler, B&S, Kawasaki engines. Hawes SP kits, clutches, gearboxes. Delivery avail. Please call Brian 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. WESTFIELD 10x70 swingaway auger, reverser, long swing; Orange Brandt 10x60 swingaway, reverser. 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. 7X45 SAKUNDIAK, w/Wheatheart mover, clutch and switches, $4150 OBO. Young, SK., 306-259-2224 or cel. 306-946-9515.


Electric clutches & reversible gear boxes. New 10� Sakundiak augers 40’ to 60’ Kohler Engines Gas 18 - 40 HP, Diesel 40 - 50 HP Call us at 1-866-373-8448 in Saskatoon, Sask.

2002 8144 AG-CHEM 4 WD, 2550 hrs., Airmax 1000 bed, 70’ booms, $104,000; 2006 Case IH dry spreader, 70’ booms, $122,000; 2002 Lorel, 400 HP auto., 2500 hrs., Airmax 2000 soil selection bed, 70’ boom, $106,000; 1997 Loral, 60’ booms, $55,000; 2000 24 ton Wilmar semi-tender, 3 axle, self-contained, $37,500; 1997 AgChem, 70’ booms, $37,000. Look on: for larger selection. 406-466-5356, Choteau, Montana.

Full Bin Alarm For your Safety and Convenience


SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. SAKUNDIAK 8X16, 31 B&S eng., Hawes SP $ kit, elec. clutch, $14,775; Sakundiak 8x14, 27 Kohler, elec. clutch, light kit, $13,300. Example price 10x12 TL Sakundiak 35 HP Flaman Sales Ltd. B&S elec. clutch, Hawes 4 wheel kit, 1-888-235-2626 or 306-726-4403 $14,775. Brian 204-724-6197, Souris, MB Southey,S K 1 0 � x 6 0 ’ W E S T F I E L D s w i n g a u g e r. 306-858-7323, Birsay, SK. REMOTE CONTROL SWING auger mover, BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6�, 7�, 8� 12V DC, electric, 3-step installation. Breand 10� end units available; Transfer con- hon Agrisystems, veyors and bag conveyors or will custom 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK. build. Call for prices. Master Industries HD 8-1600 SAKUNDIAK PTO auger c/w Inc. Phone hyd. lift kit, like new, always shedded, 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. $5500 OBO. 306-247-2009, Scott, SK. CONVEY-ALL CONVEYOR, PTO driven, 2006 BUHLER FARM KING 10x70 swing 10� x 75’ w/transfer conveyor, good condi- auger with elec. winch. 306-456-2555 or 306-861-7687, Weyburn, SK. tion. $5000. 306-573-4625, Birsay, SK. BATCO 1855 BELT CONVEYOR, PTO, new USED SAKUNDIAK SWING AUGERS: belt, $9900; Batco drive over pit conveyor, HD12-2200, 72’ w/hyd. mover and lift, hyd. drive, $9500. Phone 306-825-4000, $12,000 cash; HD10-2200, 72’ w/reverser, $7,000. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. Lloydminster, SK. 13X61 WESTFIELD MECHANICAL swing BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain w i t h r e v e r s e r, r e b u i l t , $ 6 9 0 0 . augers, Rem grain vacs, SP kits. Del. and 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. NEW 12x72 SAKUNDIAK swing auger. Call BRANDT 1585 PTO conveyor, w/1515 Stephen 306-731-7235 or 306-939-4554, transfer, excellent. 306-436-4418 or Earl Grey, SK. 306-436-2053, Milestone, SK. NEW 1545 LP Batco conveyor, c/w mover and 27 HP Kohler. Reg. $24,890, cash $20,900. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

NEW SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS. New innovative Hawes Agro auger movers, electric clutches, bin sweeps. New reversible gearbox. All makes of engines. Call Hawes Industires for great cash prices, ask for Bob, your #1 auger dealer in Canada. Toll Free- 1-888-755-5575, Regina, Saskatoon, Semans. WHEATHEART 10�x41’ AUGERS, mover kit, electric clutch, 35 HP Vanguard motor with cover and auger downspout, $11,900. Visit your nearest Flaman store today or call us 1-888-435-2626. 2003 1585 BRANDT conveyor, 540 RPM PTO, new hopper and discharge. Phone 306-776-2432, Rouleau, SK.



KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346

REPLACEMENT FLIGHTING FOR augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.

Rosetown Flighting Supply

Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k 100%

S a s ka tchew a n ’s n u m b er o n e s o u rce fo r New , Us ed a n d M o d ified S ea Co n ta in ers .

USED CALDWELL INLINE centifugal aeration fans. Two 3 HP and two 1.5 HP, seven complete 1/2 round aeration screen kits for 12’ to 18’ bins, two 100’ #10 3-wire ext. cords, $1500 OBO. 780-847-4047, eves., Dewberry, AB 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k Gua ra ntee • 100% M oney Ba c k

In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d


(Value Priced from $500 to $545+ shipping) - Over 2500 Spouts sold in Canada, USA and New Zealand - Proven Design Since 2003!

If you don’t like it send it back after harvest for a refund - Enclosed Sensor

1-866-860-6086 John and Angelika Gehrer Niverville, MB


• Po s itio n gra in a u ger o r co n veyo r in to b in rem o tely; N EW b y yo u rs elf. PRODUCT • Po w erfu l m a gn ets to a d here to gra in & co m b in e a u gers , co n veyo rs , etc. • Ca m era is w a terpro o f & co lo r w ith a u d io . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll

Brow n le e s Truckin g I nc. Un ity, S K

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98

w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o m SAKUNDIAK SWING-AWAY AUGERS, HD 10-2200SLMD, 72’, Reg: $13,411; Sale: $11,750. HD 12-2200SLMD, Reg: $18,975; Sale: $16,500. HD 12-2400SLMD, 78’, Reg: $20,545; Sale: $17,500. Wheatheart SA, 13x71, Reg: $21,000; Sale $17,500. Gravelbourg, SK. Phone 306-648-3622. S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. AU G E R S : N E W / U S E D . Wheatheart, Westfield, Sakundiak augers, Auger SP kits, Batco conveyors, Rem grain vacs, Wheatheart post pounders. New/used, good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666. SAKUNDIAK AUGERS, used very little: HD6 - 29’, 10 HP Briggs & Stratton, $1000; 1996 HD10 - 1600 52’ MD swing auger, BRENT 876, w/tarp, 850 bu., exc. cond., $5500. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. $24,900; Brent 775, 775 bu., $22,900; 2005 Kilbros 1400, w/tarp, 850 bu., $21,500, can supply hydraulic drive; Kilbros 575, new rubber, $14,900. All above 2010 J&M 875 cart, tarp, PTO or hyd., h av e f r o n t c o r n e r a u g e r s . P h o n e 900 rubber, used little. 204-873-2369, 204-746-6605, 204-325-2496, Morris, MB. 204-825-7104, Crystal City, MB. 2005 BOURGAULT 750 Smart Cart, 1 3/4 PERFECT GRAIN CART tractor, 836 Versa- 1000 RPM PTO, 800/65R32 tires, tarp, tile, power shift, PTO, low hrs., $32,500 $25,000. 306-743-7610, 306-743-2373, OBO. 403-823-1894, Delia, AB. Langenburg, SK. 710 EZ-TRAIL GRAIN cart, w/scale, hydraulic or PTO drive, good shape, $23,900. 780-853-2024, Vermilion, AB. 2005 1084 BRANT Avalanche, green in color, big single tires, tarp, scale, exc. cond., $41,500 OBO. 403-936-5531, cel. 403-888-3253, Langdon, AB. DEGELMAN GRAIN CART, 975 bushel with tarp. Call Ray 204-825-8121, Morden, MB. DEGELMAN 800 with tarp, excellent condition, $25,000. 403-485-8116, Vulcan, AB.

45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco Field Loader 1545) c/w motor and moving kit. 6000 bu./hr., ideal for unloading hopper bins. Gentle handling of pulse crops, $20,700. Call your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. IN STOCK SAKUNDIAK augers, new, 8�, 10� and 12� various lengths; Used 7�x45’ with 13 HP Honda, $1950; 12�x72’ SLM/D, $14,900; Convey-All conveyors available. Leasing available. Phone Dale, Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-567-3285, 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 7 2 9 9 c e l l , D av i d s o n , S K . SAKUNDIAK 10x2200 scissor lift auger power mover on tub, hyd. lift on swing. 306-731-3015, 306-697-7075 Glenavon SK





USED AUGERS, GREAT PRICES! We have a large selection of quality, used grain augers and conveyors. Field ready and priced to move. 10�x61’ Westfield swing auger, good shape. Harvest Special $3,700. Phone Al today at Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, SK. 306-934-2121 or visit 2003 10X60 WHEATHEART swing away auger, good shape, $6150 OBO. Young, SK., 306-259-2224 or cel. 306-946-9515. NEW 10’ and 13’ Farm King augers in stock, new 70’ and 85’. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

JOHNSON TRANSFER AUGERS: Model J10-8, 10’x8�, c/w 6.5 HP Honda gas motor, $2565 FOB Ogema SK. 306-459-2852. WESTFIELD 8�x36’ PTO auger, $1000. Call Mike at 403-275-2500, Calgary, AB.

2009 RIGHAGR R10 grain baggers, 2 to choose from, done less than 20 bags each, good cond., $21,000 OBO. 403-936-5531, cel. 403-888-3253, Langdon, AB.

2000 WESTFIELD 13�x91’, 540 PTO, reverser, low profile hopper, new bearings, chains, swing away auger tube. $9200 OBO 204-328-7189, 204-761-8702, Rivers, MB.


SASKATOON, SK. Pho n e: (3 06 ) 9 3 3 -23 43 F a x: ( 3 06 ) 9 3 1-1003 T o ll F ree: 1-8 8 8 -226 -8 277

W e b s ite : w w w .ca n ta rp .com

2007 KILLBORS 1850 950 bu. grain cart, w/tarp, 900 Trelleborg tires, w/wo scale, $30,000 OBO. 306-230-0479, Leask, SK. 2009 882 BRENT grain cart, PTO, tarp, $40,000; 1997 Bourgault 1100 bu. grain cart, w/new tarp, PTO, $27,000. A. E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 1997 BRENT 974 grain cart, green w/tarp, good cond., $29,000; 2005 Brent 620 grain cart, green, no tarp, vg cond., $21,000; 2010 J&M 1325 grain cart, green w/tarp and camera, exc. cond., $52,000. Contact Sheldon in Yorkton, SK. at 306-783-1689. 2008 BRENT 880, green, PTO, tarp, lights, 30.5x32 lug tires, hyd. spout, great shape, $28,000. 403-823-9977, Rosedale, AB. 2010 E-Z TRAIL 710, 30.5x32 tires, PTO, roll tarp, next to new cond., $22,500 OBO. 306-937-3849, Battleford, SK. 2003 BOURGAULT 1100 grain cart, PTO drive, tarp, $35,000 OBO. 780-837-1313, Falher, AB. NEW J&M and good selection of used grain carts. Interstate Equipment Inc. 701-845-0013, Valley City, ND.

DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in We s t e r n C a n a d a . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , 306-946-7923, Young, SK. KWIK KLEEN GRAIN CLEANERS in stock now at Flaman Grain Cleaning and Handling. Reduce dockage and lower transportation costs by separating your weed seeds from your grain at speeds capable of keeping up to a 10� auger. Lease now for $967 s/a OAC. Call Flaman Grain Cleaning today 1-888-435-2626 or in Southey, SK. at 306-726-7667. CALL MINIC IND. for all your bucket elevator, screw/drag and belt conveyor parts and accessories. We specialize in stainless steel and mild steel for your new equipment quotation requirements. Call Chris at 204-339-1941, Winnipeg, MB. OLIVER 160 GRAVITY table, Clipper 2968, and BLISS HAMMERMILL model E-2215TF w/60 HP motor, c/w dust collector and all pipes. 780-928-2621, La Crete, AB.

USED GRAIN CART- 2010 Unverferth 1110 grain cart, with PTO, tarp, scale, tandem wheels, 542�x38�, 22� auger, red in colour. Mint condition! $55,900. Call Al at Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 306-934-2121 KWIK KLEEN: 5 tube screener, $3500; 7 or visit tube, $6500; 2 stage grain screeners, USED GRAIN CART- J&M 1050 grain $1750 and up. Phone 1-866-938-8537 or cart, 18� auger, PTO drive, excellent shape! visit: Call Mike at Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK. for more information at 306-934-2121, WESTERN CANADA’S LARGEST inventory of screens and frames for most makes or visit of grain cleaners. Also a large inventory of UNVERFERTH 8250, 30.5x32, hydraulic buckets and bolts of all sizes, for all makes and PTO drive, roll tarp and cameras, like of bucket elevators. Call Flaman Sales new, $30,500. 306-421-6654, Estevan, SK. 1-888-435-2626. 2006 1100 bushel Bourgault grain cart, ROTARY GRAIN CLEANERS ON SALE $35,000 OBO. 306-252-2227, Kenaston, this month at Flaman Grain Cleaning and SK. Handling. Two stage rotary cleaner scalps and sifts grain using a 2 stage cleaning 2010 1075 CRUSTBUSTER, big duals, process. Separate dockage, eliminate scale, elec. tilt spout, new tarp, PTO and heating and save on transportation. Call hyd. drive. 204-851-1856, Reston, MB. Flaman Grain Cleaning today 20 USED GRAIN CARTS, 450-1050 bu.; 1-888-435-2626 or in Southey, SK at large selection big gravitys: Parker #725 306-726-7667. $13,900; Brent #740 $15,900; Parker 248 DH CLIPPER with complete set of #615 $10,500; new 400 bu. $6700; 600 screens. From 3/64 to #14 cross slot. bu. $12,000. 1-866-938-8537. Delivery ar- Screens can be sold separately, $4500 ranged. OBO. 780-336-2583, Viking, AB. NEW 1050 BU grain cart, $29,995; Galion CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to PT grader, $13,900. Call 204-822-3797, mustard. Cert organic and conventional. Morden, MB. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK.

*5$,10$; $'9$1&(' 6(5,(6 $8*(5

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NuVision’s GrainMax Series of Swing-Away, portable grain augers combine high performance thru-put and quality with mechanical drive convenience. Our low profile hydraulic swing hopper or hydraulic extend swing arm and our hydraulic Advanced Series scissor lift means the sky is the limit. 6 different models with several options available. Call your local GrainMax dealer today for more information.

CLIPPER NG 668-2-4 New Generation air screen machine, reconditioned, one new set of sceens, several used sets, $35,000. 406-487-2216, Scobey, Montana. NEW AND USED bucket elevators from 508000 bu./hr. Full line of spouting and accessories. Ph. 1-800-665-0847 for pricing. Email




CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. WALINGA INC. AGRI-VAC. Parts, sales and service. New and reconditioned Walinga Agri-Vac as well as used units, parts, accessories and service for most major brands. 204-745-2951, Carman, MB; 306-567-3031, Davidson, SK; 403-279-8204, Calgary, AB. Most trades welcome.

SEED CLEANER, 600 BPH, removes large and small weeds and chaff. Unit is mounted on stand w/two conveyors for clean grain and screenings. Three 3 HP motors. 2009 MF 2756A Hesston baler, mesh wrap, Portable. $38,000. Steven 306-222-6173, auto cycle, done 3300 bales, hyd. PU, Saskatoon, SK. $23,000 OBO. 306-796-7074, Chaplin SK


1979 NH BALE WAGON 1069, hauls 160 bales per load, AC, exc. cond., $28,000 OBO. 306-692-1512, Moose Jaw, SK. NH 320 SQUARE BALER, exc. cond.; MF 124 SQUARE BALER. 306-283-4747, 309-220-0429 306-291-9395 Langham, SK 2000 NH 1475 16’ haybine, $8900; 2002 Case/IH RS 561 hard core, $8900. Minitonas, MB, 204-525-4521.

Euro B elting & Ind ustria l Sup p l yLtd .

W here S olutions a re Endles s

2005 CASE/IH RBX 562 ROUND BALER Beltin g fo r a ll a gricu ltu re a p p lica tio n s . good condition, regular pickup, electric tie, 4603 - 91 Ave . Ed m o n to n , Alb e rta , 6500 VERTEC PROPANE, augers, hopper $13,000. 306-984-7272, Spiritwood, SK. C a n a d a T6B 2M 7 bins, and electrical complete package. Of- NH 1033 bale wagon, 105 bale capacity; fers. 306-287-7442, Leroy, SK. NH 320 square baler. 306-283-4747, 100% C a n a d ia n Ow n e d Te l (780) 451-6023 Fa x: (780) 451-4495 1986 GRAIN CHIEF, 450 batch dryer, has 306-220-0429 306-291-9395 Langham SK. To ll Fre e : (866) 3 67-23 58 canola screens, $9,000. 780-365-3537, E arly Book ing Program ! Em a il: e u ro b e lt@ te lu s pla n e t.n e t Andrew, AB. Netw ra p - 67 ’’startin g at$215 Ca ll 1-86 6 -FO R-BELT DRYMORE BATCH on propane, auto. load and unload, safe on crops, can take 10 Rou n d Ba le r Be ltin g 64’’startin g at$210 points from canola. Can deliver. Phone 8000ft.rollsalso available! 535 JD ROUND baler, bale kicker, twin tie 306-821-6646, Lloydminster, SK. arms, good shape, $5500 OBO. Sila ge B a lew ra p - startin g at$84 306-424-2141, Candiac, SK. Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666 MORRIS 881 hay hiker 8 round bale rew w na dia nh a ya ndsila triever mover, like new, minimal use, mint V E R M E E R S U P E R J 6 0 5 , $ 5 , 0 0 0 . cond., $17,250. 403-236-5415, Calgary AB. Call 306-586-6370 or 306-245-3741, WANTED TO BUY: NH round balers, burnt Francis, SK. or in need of repair. 306-395-2668 or JD 567 BALER, MegaTooth PU, bale kicker, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . C a l l R o b e r t at 306-743-7627, Langenburg, SK. NH 1034 bale wagon, 104 bales w/single GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince bale unload, shedded, excellent condition, Albert, SK., 306-764-2325. For all your $8000 OBO. 780-374-2404, 780-678-6800 Daysland, AB. grain drying needs! FARMFANS CMS-14E CONTINUOUS grain dryer, 480 bus./hrs. single phase, propane, nice shape, $12,000. 204-325-8019, Winkler, MB. SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS One dryers available on winter program. Largest and quietest single phase dryer in the industry. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. Moridge parts also available. Grant Services Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK. FARM FAN AB12, auto batch, propane, single phase with wet grain auger, good cond. $8,000. 204-343-2096, Roland, MB.

2005 567 JD BALER, mega wide PU, twine tie, 5000 bales, stored inside. $22,000. Phone 306-574-4932, Eston, SK. NEW KRONE HAYING EQUIPMENT: Large square balers 4x4, 3x4, and 3x4 HDP. Used trades: 2003 Hesston 4790 w/accumulator, $42,000; 2002 Case/IH LBX431 w/accumulator, $32,000; 2003 NH BR780, 540 RPM, new belts, $14,000. Noble Equipment Ltd. 1-877-490-3020, Nobleford, AB. REMAN BALE STACKER for large square bales, will handle 3’ or 4’ bales, asking $15,500. Phone: 306-773-2503 or cell; 306-741-9784, Swift Current, SK.

NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price savings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep HAUSER ROUND BALE TRANSPORTS, fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . 7-17 bales, side unloading, starting at 204-242-3300, $6500. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. FARM FAN AB120 AutoBatch grain dryer, 1-888-939-4444, natural gas/propane. Ph: 306-725-7908, NEW IDEA 4665 round baler, exc. cond., 306-484-4612, Govan, SK. $7900 OBO. 780-967-0316, Onoway, AB. USED FARM FANS, AB250 dryer. Franklin 2005 VERMEER 605M round baler, upgradVoth, 204-242-3300, Manitou, MB. ed rollers done to super M specs, very VERTEC 5700 CONTINUOUS grain dryer, good shape, fully automatic, wide PU and natural gas, single phase, fill and discharge n e t w r a p o p t i o n . A s k i n g $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 . augers. R e a d y t o m ov e , $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 . 306-424-2141, Candiac, SK. 780-926-2839, High Level, AB 2007 MF HESSTON Series 2656A, auto 275 BU. MORIDGE batch dryer, used very cycle 5x6 hard core baler, w/short crop little, always shedded, fan clutch agitator. kit, moisture tester installed, will bale behind a roto thrash combine, $22,000 OBO. 306-256-3512, Cudworth, SK. 306-538-2230, 306-736-8890, Kennedy SK SMALL CONTINUOUS MODEL DriAll grain dryer, very nice condition, priced to sell. NEW IDEA 4865 round baler, excellent condition, $3900; NH 855, exc. cond., 306-654-7772, Prudhomme, SK. $3900. 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK.

One used model n12005e Dryair dryer, 3-5 hp modules, 2-c7hp modules, 1 single coil, 1-double coil Ask for Glenn 306-864-7715

Check out our website at FARMFANS CONTINUOUS grain dryer, model CMS14E, nat. gas or propane, single phase power. Reason for selling , no crop. 306-739-2911, 306-577-8117 Wawota, SK.

HARVEST SALE All in stock moisture testers on sale now! FarmPoint, Supertech, Labtronics 919, Shore 920. Get yours today! Can-Seed Equip Ltd, Saskatoon, SK. 1-800-644-8397.

NH SUPER 1049 BALE WAGON, exc. cond., S/N #2538. Phone 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429 306-291-9395 Langham, SK 1069 SELF-PROPELLED Bale wagon, 160 bales, converted to a 5.9 Cummins diesel, good shape, $31,000. Leduc, AB. Ph: 780-220-4677, fax: 780-980-1023. TWO 2007 BR780A NH balers, Bale Command, has BR7090 updates, under 1000 bales. 306-773-4400 or cell 306-741-9541, Swift Current, SK. BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444. NH 315 square baler, 1/4 turn shoot; Hodgeville, SK. 306-677-2460 or 306-677-7680. 660 NH BALER, auto-tie, PU needs a little work, $4500 OBO. 306-476-2668, Rockglen, SK. NH 664 5x6 ROUND baler, $8500 OBO; NH 688 5x6 round baler, $9500 OBO; Highline 7000 series bale shredder, $7500 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. JD 530 ROUND BALER, good shape, shedded, $6500. Call 780-367-2267, evenings, Willingdon, AB.

LAPTRONICS 919 MOISTURE TESTER, bought new, never been shipped. Includes scale, charts, canola screens, bushel representation cup, old elevator grain probe, $1400. Will hand deliver depending on loBRANDT BALE PROCESSOR, year 2000, cation. 306-745-3719, Esterhazy, SK. hyd. chute, LHS delivery, bale forks, good c o n d i t i o n . $ 6 7 8 0 . Tr a d e s a c c e p t e d . 1-800-667-4515. 2001 WALINGA grain vac, $12,000. A. E. NH 1033 BALE wagon, good condition, Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255 $3700. Can delivery. Phone 306-882-3141, Storthoaks, SK. Rosetown, SK.

NEW KRONE BIG M AND PULL TYPE DISCBINES. Used inventory: 2011 Krone EC4013 13’ discmower, Safe Cut hubs, demo unit, 1 only, $29,500; 2010 MF 1375 discmower, roller cond., $24,500; 2009 Case/IH DCX131 discbine, low acres $24,500; 2002 NH HW340 discbine, 16’ auger header, $37,000; 1999 Case/IH 8312 discmower, Circle C conditioner $11,000. Noble Equipment Ltd, 1-877-490-3020, Nobleford, AB. 1600A JD HYDRO SWING haybine,fully automatic, good shape, $5500 OBO; 1525 JD hydro swing haybine with 300 auger platform, good shape, $2750 OBO. 306-424-2141, Candiac, SK. NH 499 12’ MOWER conditioner, $6500; JD 1214 12’ mower conditioner, $2500. Call Gary at 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB.

INTERNATIONAL 4000 SWATHER, c/w 16-1/2’ header, no cab, shedded, good cond. 306-548-4390 eves, Danbury, SK. JD 590 PT swather, 36’, original canvases, batt reels, always shedded, like new. 306-383-2920, Quill Lake, SK. 1984 MF SP swather, PU reel and batt reel, 25’, $12,000; CI PT, DS, hyd. transport, 26’, $3,000. 306-867-7008, Outlook, SK. 2 0 0 3 C A S E 1 1 0 1 s w a t h e r, 3 6 ’ . 306-272-7702, 306-272-4741, Elfros, SK.

CASE/IH 6000 SP 25’ swather, w/UII PU 1997 9200 WESTWARD swather, 1400 reels, $12,500. 306-795-2774, Ituna, SK. hrs., 30’ PU reels, $42000, nice cond. 306-369-4161 or 306-369-7762, Bruno, SK 2004 2952I MACDON, 30’ 972 header w/split PU reel, DSA, large tires, dual rotor 75 INTERNATIONAL 25’ PT swather, widshears. $70,000 OBO. 306-886-2073 or ened throat 60”, new canvases, hyd. canvas drive, lights, shedded, exc. cond., 306-873-8526, Bjorkdale, SK. $950. 204-773-3044, Russell, MB. 4700 VERSATILE, 30’, DS, large opening, Cummins diesel, new knife, MacDon PU 1997 IHC 8220 PT 25’ swather, very good r e e l , g r e a t f o r c a n o l a . $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 . condition, always shedded. 204-483-0032, 403-488-1695 or 403-952-2252, Grassy Souris, MB. Lake, AB. IHC 25’ PT swather, good condition, asking 2006 WESTWARD 9352i swather, 30’ $2700. 306-621-6538, 306-782-4366, 972 header, 379 hrs, mint, new knife, Yorkton, SK. $89,500. 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. WESTWARD 3000 PTO swather, auto VERSATILE 400 18’ swather, $1000. t r a n s p o r t , f i e l d r e a d y , $ 2 5 0 0 . 780-753-6711, 780-753-1270, Hayter, AB. 306-682-2585, Humboldt, SK. INTERNATIONAL 4000 swather, c/w 2360 JD 21’, DSA, PU reels, 1700 hrs., new 24.5’ header, UII PU reel and Keer-Shear, canvases, always shedded and maintained, real nice. 306-783-2795, Yorkton, SK. $5500 OBO. 403-680-4318, Calgary, AB. 30’ CIH PT swather w/like new UII PU 2003 WESTWARD 3020, PTO, 30’ w/PU reel, stored inside, not used for 6 yrs. reel and Roto-Shear, very nice condition, 306-722-3705, 306-722-7770, Osage, SK. asking $10,500. 306-725-4286, Bulyea, SK. SELL ONE OF TWO: 36’ PT swathers, JD 1991 JD 590, 36’, PTO swather, good and Case, $5000. Phone 306-631-7932 or cond., $2500; Case/IH 730 30’ PTO swath306-692-2258, Moose Jaw, SK. er, recent canvas, needs new knife, $1500; Hesston 1200 30’ PTO swather, nice cond., 2011 MACDON M150, loaded, double $4500. 306-224-4486, Windthorst, SK. swath, double knife, JD AutoSteer. Will de1996 MF 220, 30’ SP swather, 4 cylinder, liver. 403-894-5400, Lethbridge, AB. diesel. engine, rebuilt knife drive, (3) VERSATILE 4400s, 2 w/PU reels, 1 batt Isuzu knife, gauge wheels, roller hitch, UII reel, 1982 models, 22’, $4,000 each or new PU reel, hrs., AC, AM/FM cassette, $10,000 for all 3. 306-694-1004, Moose $ 4 5 , 0 0 1835 0 OBO. Briercrest, SK. Jaw, SK. 306-799-4511, cell: 306-630-2588.

25’ JD 590 PT swather, batt reel, good CASE/IH 8820, 30’, canola rotor sheer; condition, $2500. 306-342-2013, Glaslyn, John Deere 4890, very good, no header, SK. $28,000/ea. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 2001 WESTWARD 9352, turbo, HD, 1993 8100 HESSTON, 25’, w/PU reel, diew/21’ 972 double knife header, $55,900. s e l e n g i n e , f i e l d r e a d y, s h e d d e d . 1998 Westward 9300 turbo w/2004 972 306-739-2763, Wawota, SK. d o u b l e k n i f e h e a d e r, $ 3 3 , 9 0 0 . MF 885, gas, 25’, PU reel, one owner, 403-556-4465, 403-728-3282, Innisfail, AB shedded, new knife, guards, canvas, and CASE/IH 8820, 30’, 2450 eng. hrs, tires, very good, well maintained, $15,900 w/near new UII PU reel, also batt reel, OBO. 306-222-9689, St. Denis, SK. Keer Shears, new tires, rear weights, JD 590 PT swather, 25’, always shedded, $38,000. 306-537-4017, Regina, SK. asking $2000. 306-929-2632, Albertville, 1988 VERSATILE 4700, 30’ SP swather, SK. fully loaded, incl. 14.9x24 radial tires, 1997 PRAIRIE STAR 25’ triple delivery, 2 2700 hrs. 1-866-507-3369, Starbuck, MB. yr. UII PU reel. Ph Andrew 306-747-3711, 2003 NH HW320 25’ swather, hi/lo spd., 306-747-7596, Shellbrook, SK. big tires, header float, UII PU reel, HoneyCIH 730, 30’, PTO, $3500; CIH 736, 36’, 2009 BR 7090 New Holland baler, 2800 bee lifters, roto sheers, new canvasses and PT, $2500. Her gott Farm Equipment bales made, endless belts, 540 to 1000, bearings, 1100 hrs., $55,000. Call Stan 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. $27,500 OBO. Exc. cond., can deliver. Ph. Yaskiw 204-796-1400, Birtle, MB. 2 0 4 - 7 4 3 - 2 3 2 4 , C y p r e s s R i v e r, M B . JD 4895, 680/570 hrs, 36’ HoneyBee, 2008 Massey 9430 36’, PU reel, mounted cross auger, dual knife, PU reel w/dual s w a t h r o l l e r, s h e d d e d , 5 6 0 h r s . 306-921-6697, 306-752-3777, Melfort, SK. 8465 CASE/IH BALER 1998, hard core, drive, fore/aft, HID lights, hyd. tilt, Autoauto-tie, done approx. 10,000 bales, Trac ready, mounted roller, $90,000. 2004 36’ 1101 Case/IH swather, PU reel, 306-541-3758, Francis, SK. transport, $65,000. A. E. Chicoine Farm $8500. 204-322-5350, Marquette, MB. 2007 WESTWARD 9352C with 30’ 972 Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. MacDon, 255 hrs., gauge wheels, new 2002 WESTWARD 9250, 1675 hrs, 30’ Schumacher knife, MINT CONDITION, MacDon 972 DS header, PU reel, orig. asking $98,000. 306-831-8717, Eston, SK. owner, vg shape, $48,000. 306-241-2839, 8230 CASE/IH autofold PT swather, 30’ 306-281-7241, Kenaston, SK. 1000 RPM PTO, UII PU reel, good cond., 1998 MACDON WESTWARD 1000 PTO 30’ $3500; Case 1010 30’ header, $4500; JD swather, like new, used very little, $9500. 930, $5500. 204-871-5541, Austin, MB. Terry 306-722-3888, Fillmore, SK. 1995 MF 200, 2270 hrs., 26’ header w/PU 1977 JD 800 21’ SP, valves redone, wood reel, HoneyBee knife, $25,000 OBO. Pun- batts, 2nd owner, incl. some spare parts, nichy, SK., 306-746-8001, 306-835-2666. $1500 OBO. 306-371-6269, Saskatoon, SK 1981 JD 2320, 21’ DSA, gas, PU reel, AC, 1989 CASE/IH 6000 swather, gas, 21’, batt very good, $7900. Cam-Don Motors, and PU reels, double swath w/Bergen CONTERRA GRAPPLE MAX for skidsteers 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. swather transport. 306-960-5144, and tractors, exc. for round bale handling. 1994 MACDON 9000, 25’, PU reel, 2 speed, 306-929-2665, Meath Park, SK. 74”, $3799. Conterra manufactures over turbo, $27,500. 204-636-2448, Erickson, 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882 or MB. view online: 2002 JD 567 baler, regular PU, exc. cond. 25’ HONEYBEE ST25, fits IH 8870 and Cash, airplane, truck or cattle on trade. JD 4990/4995, PU reel, hyd fore/aft, $9,900. 3.8% financing OAC and lease opTanya Donahue 306-303-0025, Biggar, SK. tions. Trades wanted. 1-800-667-4515. SELF UNLOADING bale wagon for sale, $3900. Call 306-352-4844, ask for Larry, 2000 MACDON 3000, 30’, PU reel, good St. Brieux, SK. condition, $9000. Phone: 306-563-8482, NEW HOLLAND 2001 688 baler, 1000 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. RPM, bale slice, silage bale pkg., moisture tester, chain oiler, gathering wheels, good TRAILTECH SWATHER TRANSPORT, end lace belts, 17,300 bales, only 3000 bales tow, $3500. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, 1997 HONEYBEE SP39, 39’ header, hyd. fore&aft, PU reels, dual knife drive, fits on completely rebuilt PU. Asking $14,900 St. Louis, SK. swather or bi-directional, $9900. Trades OBO. 780-842-2400, Wainwright, AB. 1984 INT. 4000, 24-1/2’, PU reel, good w e l c o m e , f i n a n c i n g a v a i l a b l e . BALE SPEARS, high quality imported condition, $6000. 780-608-0653, Strome, 1-800-667-4515 from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, ex- AB. 36’ PT swather, always shedded, c e l l e n t p r i c i n g . C a l l n o w t o l l f r e e 36’ JD 590 PT swather, always shedded, CASE very good condition. Contact: 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. good condition, $8000. Call 306-642-3315, 306-861-2005, Francis, SK. TRI HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND Assiniboia, SK. 2011 MACDON WESTWARD 205 dual diBALE MOVERS: 8’ to 29’ lengths, 6-18 bales, also excellent for feeding cattle in CASE/IH 730 PT, 1000 RPM PTO, batt rection, w/35’ D60 MacDon header and reel, always shedded, very good running trans. 306-441-5040, North Battleford, SK. the field, 4 bales at time with a pickup. cond. Asking $6,000 OBO. 306-445-5265 1-800-505-9208. CASE 8220 PT 25’ swather, c/w PTO, exc. or 306-441-6310, Battleford, SK. condition, $6500. Call Mike 403-275-2500, 2008 MF 2756A baler, done 6000 bales, excellent, $24,900. Dale at: 306-567-3285, CCIL 500 SP 18’, MacDon reel, $1250; Calgary, AB. S w at h e r t r a n s p o r t ; 6 ’ s w at h r o l l e r. cell 306-567-7299. Mainway Farm Equip1999 CIH 8825 HP turbo, 30’ PU reel, ment Ltd 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. new knife drives, canola puller, field ready, Davidson, SK. 1 9 7 4 V E R S A T I L E 4 0 0 s w a t h e r. $37,000. 306-484-4536, Duval, SK. 306-237-9526, Sonningdale, SK. COOP IMPLEMENTS 550, 1980, bought 2005 MACDON 9352i SP, 2 spd. turbo, new in 1981, 21’, canopy, 6 cyl. Ford gas, c/w 25’ double knife drive, PU reel, triple batt reel, new canvasses, always on same HYDRA SWINGS: 2003 Hesston 1275, 16’, like new, $24,900; Case/IH 8360 16’, delivery, new guards, canvas and knives, farm, always shedded, excellent running $ 9 9 0 0 ; J D 1 3 8 0 1 4 ’ , $ 8 9 0 0 . 1400 hrs., big tires, very good condition, cond., great for cutting hay. Asking $4100 $68,500 OBO. 403-854-9117, Hanna, AB. OBO. 306-445-5265 or 306-441-6310, 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. Battleford, SK. 2011 JD 16’ 995 discbine header to fit SP, CASE 75 PT swather 25’, plus 3’ extension, u s e d 3 8 h r s . , l i ke n e w, $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 . working cond., $1000. 204-436-2067, HESSTON 9230 25’, 224 hrs., $65,000. 204-745-0424 cell, Carman, MB. 780-888-2245, Hardisty, AB. 306-273-4644, 306-621-6673, Rhein, SK. ONE LEFT: 2011 MF 9125 18’ Moco fits 2000 WESTWARD 3000 swather, 30’, 24.5’ INTERNATIONAL 4000 swather, UII 9000 series MF swathers. Cam-Don Mo- 1000 PTO, with PU reel. 403-321-0494, PU reel, newer front tires, $4000. Moose 403-364-3605, Delia, AB. Jaw, SK. 306-631-8779 or 306-691-5011. tors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

2003 WESTWARD 9352 25’, 972 header, 1425 hrs. Asking $62,000; 2002 MacDon (Harvest Pro) 8152 30’ 972 header, canola auger, Sabre cutter, gauge wheels, very clean. Asking $69,000; 1999 MacDon (Prairie Star) 4930 972 25’ header Asking $39,000. Call 204-248-2359, cell 204-723-0359, Notre Dame, MB. 2005 HESSTON 9240, 1025 hrs., Cummins diesel, w/30’ triple delivery header, new knife, attach rear mount swath roller, shedded, just finished swathing canola, field ready. 306-634-9980, Estevan, SK. 21’ JD 2420, UII PU reel, motor overhaul, n e w r u b b e r, fi e l d r e a d y, $ 1 0 , 5 0 0 . 780-877-2425, Edberg, AB. 1990 CIH 8100 25’ SP swather, dsl. eng., 2170 hrs., UII PU reel, good canvasses, $11,900 OBO. 403-364-2104, Delia, AB. 2009 MF 9220, 270 hrs., UII PU reel, DS, guage wheels, header tilt, excellent condition. $70,000. 306-536-3870, Regina, SK. 1990 JD 2360 diesel with 16’ 920 MacDon hay header with steel crimper, and JD 30’ draper header with PU reel, 4200 hrs. Can sell headers separately. 306-539-6688, Balgonie, SK. 2004 CHALLENGER SP 80, 25’, 830 hrs., Hesston Series, shedded, exc. cond., $52,000. 204-825-2544, Pilot Mound, MB. 1996 PRAIRIE STAR, turbo, 2 spd., 25’, 1600 hrs., $28,500; Bergen full carry swather trans. 701-720-0159, Minot, ND. CASE/IH 8230 30’ PT swather, $4500 OBO, excellent condition. 306-795-2734 or 306-795-7644, Ituna, SK. CIH 736 PT swather, batt reel, 2 yr. old canvas, stored inside, field ready, $4200. 306-228-3157, Unity, SK. 1999 MACDON PREMIER 2920, 25’ 972 double shift header, 1480 hrs, new tires, shedded, excellent, $39,000 OBO. 2002 8152 MACDON HARVEST PRO, 25’ 972 d o u b l e s h i f t h e a d e r, t u r b o , 2 s p d . , fore/aft, 520 hrs, shedded, exc., $69,000 OBO. Ph. 204-375-6653, 204-461-0610, Marquette, MB. 2004 NH HW320, 18’ hay header with poly crimper and 25’ HoneyBee header w/new canvas, 1400 hrs. Always stored inside. W i l l s e l l s e p a r a t e l y. $ 6 5 0 0 0 O B O. 306-539-6688, Balgonie,SK. 2 - 1991 MF 200 SWATHERS, 30’ headers, Isuzu eng., one extra 22’ header, $16,000 each. 403-854-4555, Hanna, AB 1999 WESTWARD 9300, 30’ header w/PU reel, good condition, $39,000. Guy, AB. Phone 780-925-2186. 2005 MACDON PRAIRIE STAR 4940, 25’ sliding table, swath roller, AutoSteer, loaded w/extras, low hrs., shedded. Sovereign, SK. 306-882-3752 or 306-831-8550. CASE/IH 8825, 30’, UII PU reel, $22,000 OBO; Case/IH 8820, 30’, UII PU reel, $15,900 OBO. 306-252-2227, Kenaston SK. 25’ 4700 VERSATILE diesel, DS attachment, PU and batt reels, hydro, one new tire, $10,000. 306-835-2675, Punnichy, SK MF 885 25’ gas, PU reel, $11,900; IHC 736 PT, $3900; CCIL 26’ PT, $2900. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, North Battleford, SK. 2006 MF 9420 30’ DSA, UII reel, new knife, 850 hrs, $74,900. 0% 36 months. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK WOW! ONLY 707 HOURS! CI 722 (MF twin) 30’ DSA swather. Fuel efficient diesel, joystick controls, Schumacher knife and drive, tractor unit shedded, exc. cond., $32,500. 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB.



1995 PREMIER 1900, 25’ PT w/MacDon PU reel, good cond.; Also 6’ metal swath roller. 306-278-7361, Glenavon, SK.

Toll Fre e : 1-8 6 6 -8 42-48 03 CONTINUOUS FEED HEADER AUGERS * Cro ps tha t a re hea vy, light, ta n gled o r lo d ged w ill n o lo n ger b e a pro b lem fin gers a re in serted a lo n g the en tire len gth o f the a u gerfo ra very co n sisten t, fa ster feed in g, sm o o ther flo w o f cro p. These a u gers w illea sily pick u p m a n y va rieties o f cro ps. * Alla u gers a re b u ilt to O EM specs a n d a re m a d e w ith a hea vier ga u ge co n stru ctio n .

WANTED: UII PU reel for 25’ CIH 8220 or Hesston 1200 PT swather. Wetaskiwin, AB., call 780-352-3179, 780-361-6879. MACDON 742 CONDITIONER, fits 972 MacDon header, low acres, good cond., $3000. Dynafab-Univision swather transport, full carry, $4000. 403-308-8630, Lethbridge, AB. WANTED: HYSTER LIFT KIT for MacDon swathers or info where I can locate one. 306-937-2832, Battleford, SK. CANOLA EQUALIZER, pulls swath through swather opening, has disappearing fingers, no more bunching or wrapping, hyd. drive, fits MacDon, Westward, Prairie Star and JD 2360. Asking $1,000. 780-835-4808 or 780-835-8501, Fairview, AB. FULL CARRY SWATHER transport, $4500 OBO. Phone: 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 1996 KEER SHEAR Model RKS with hoses and controls, fits 21’ swather, $1800. 780-645-2341, St. Paul, AB. VERSATILE 2800 28’ HEADER, fits bi-directional, all hookups included. 306-295-4014, Eastend, SK. 21-1/2’ UII PU reels, like new, $3500 OBO; Also 550 cereal implements swather for salvage or parts. Phone 306-795-7692 or 306-795-7691, Ituna, SK. C R A RY G O L D - N - C U T G UA R D S , in stock, $17.45 each. Nodge Mgf, Swift Current, SK. 306-773-5288. HAUSER REVO ROLLER, all steel 10’ drum swath roller. Mimics every movement of the swather, ground gauging, legal width transport. Fits all SP swathers. H a u s e r ’ s M a c h i n e r y, M e l v i l l e , S K . 1-888-939-4444

NEW WOBBLE BOXES CIH 4000/5000 $1495 JD 200/900 $995; MD old style $1275; MD new style $1695; NH 71C/ 72C/73C74C $995, CIH 1010/1020 $1550 OEM Quality. Used and rebuilt also ava i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n ew o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515. UII PICKUP REEL mounted on MF 35 24’ swather, $2200. 306-946-2368 leave msg on answering machine, Watrous, SK.

FORSTER BALE MOVER, Model #40, $3500. Phone 306-243-4215, Macrorie SK. YIELD SHIELD CANOLA PUSHER, 30’, $8500. 306-587-2935, Abbey, SK. HIGHLINE BALE PICKER, good condition, $10,000. Stoughton, SK., phone 306-457-2452.

1550 Hw y. 39 Ea s t, W eyb urn, S K

2000 CASE 2388, 2007 rotor hrs, 2015 Swathmaster PU, AFX rotor, rock trap, 3 spd. rotor, internal chopper, hopper ext. 1994 960 MacDon 30’ header available. 306-648-2238 306-648-7147 Shamrock SK 1994 1666, ONLY 1065 HRS. w/1015 PU, specialty rotor, reverser, stone trap, grain loss monitor, long auger, AHA control, fore/ aft control. Only harvested wheat, barley and canola. Always shedded/plastic still on seat, $59,000 OBO. 306-863-2603, 306-921-7688, Melfort, SK. 1977 IHC 915 diesel combine, shedded, very good condition, $6500 OBO. Phone 306-542-4195, Kamsack, SK. 1680 CASE/IH, 3000 hrs., long unloading auger, straw spreader, reverser, stone trap, $22,000; 1480 CASE, 3800 hrs., straw chopper, stone trap, $8800; 1480 C A S E , l o n g u n l o a d i n g a u g e r, s t r aw spreader, reverser, stone trap, 3200 hrs. $10,500. Lorne 403-227-4749, Innisfail AB 1981 1460 COMBINE with 810 13’ pickup and 22.5’ rigid header. 306-896-2236, Churchbridge, SK. 1980 1482 for parts, IH PU and chaff spreader; 1977 914, shedded. 306-421-2095, Estevan, SK.

1999 2388, 1467 sep. hrs., 1861 eng. hrs, hopper topper, 3 spd. rotor, large recent WO, $75,000. 780-608-0653, Strome, AB. ESTATE SALE: 1994 Case/IH 1688, 2990 engine hrs., fore and aft, header height control, long auger, chopper, reverser, rock trap, Kirby spreader, work orders. 306-539-7768, Edgeley, SK. TWO 914 IH PT Red Top combines, good condition, field ready, asking $1400 each. NEW 20.8X38 12 ply $826; 18.4x38 12 204-773-2585, Russell, MB. ply $736; 18.4x34 12 ply $636; 18.4x30 12 ply $569; 30.5Lx32 16 ply $2195; 24.5x32 1680 w/HEADER, 2781 hrs., AFX rotor, 14 ply $1749; 18.4x42 16 ply $1397; Crary spreader, chopper, hopper and auger 20.8x42 16 ply $1699; 20.5x25 20 ply extensions, modified returns, rock trap, re$1496; 405/70-20 14 ply $795; 14.9x24 verser, 2 sets concaves, crop loss monitor, 12 ply $356; 16.9x28 12 ply $498. Factory- good rubber, 30’ 1010 header, fore/aft, PU direct, no middlemen. Implement, skid reel, trailer, $45,000. Don 403-901-5427, steer tires also available. Tubes sold separ- Trent 403-934-8765, Standard, AB. a t e l y. U s e d t i r e s a l s o a v a i l a b l e . 1996 2188, PU, 30’ header, 2800 sep. hrs, 1-800-667-4515. well maintained, shedded, exc. cond., $67,000. 780-888-2245, Hardisty, AB. 1999 CASE/IH 2366, 2725 eng. hrs., 2017 rotor hrs., AFX rotor, large tires, chopper, rock trap, c/w Swathmaster PU, 30’ rigid header and transport incl. Shedded, field 1480, LATE MODEL, good shape, workor- ready, exc. shape. Must sell - have quit der, field ready, $11,000. 403-350-9088, farming. 306-934-4529, Saskatoon, SK. Delburne, AB. 1995 CASE/IH 2188, 4 WD, AFX rotor, hopper topper, field tracker, long auger, 1998 CIH 2388, 2582 sep. hrs., Swathmas- factory chopper, $45,000 OBO; 25’ MacDon ter PU, $67,000. Phone 306-628-4114, 9 6 0 D r a p e r h e a d e r, $ 1 1 , 0 0 0 O B O. Burstall, SK. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 1999 2388, 2350 sep. hrs, original owner, 1480 IHC COMBINE, 3784 hrs, only Victory Super 8 PU, 1 season on drive 100-200 hrs on rebuilt engine, field ready. tires, fresh Howard concaves, only har- R i c h m o u n d / F o x V a l l e y, S K a r e a , vested wheat, barley, and canola, $80,000. 306-789-9522 or 2005 30’ MacDon 973 w/poly, fore/aft, 2002 2388, 1735 sep. hrs., 1015 Victory $35,000. 306-948-5005, Biggar, SK. PU, auger extension. One season on rotor 2004 CASE/IH 2388, AFX, yield/mois- cage, cone, rub bars, feeder chain, sieve ture monitor, topper, 2015 PU header, bushings and air screen. Eng. excellent. 1083 sep. hrs, $130,000. 780-853-2773 or Asking $75,000. Phone 306-239-2075 or 306-221-2880, Osler, SK. 780-581-1010, Vermilion, AB. 2004 8010 CASE/IH, exc. cond., 1830 1482 IH, header reverser, Straw Storm, eng. hrs, 1420 sep. hrs, Swathmaster 2016 good condition, $3000. 780-608-0653, PU header, HoneyBee 36’ header. For pic- Strome, AB. tures call Brian 403-888-6993, Swalwell, 2009 9120; 2004 CIH 2388, $135,000; AB, 1666, $37,000; 1992 1660, w/exceller, $28,000; 1680 now only $219,000; 1680 2008 8010, duals, hopper topper, heavy w/Swathmaster, $26,500; IH 1480, large concaves, fine cut chopper, full AutoSteer tires, Urvold straw and chaff chopper, hyGPS, long auger, 695 sep. hrs, 14’ Swath- draulic reverser, $11,900. Call Hergott master PU. 204-851-1856, Reston, MB. Farm Equip., 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK 1986 CASE/IH 1680, 3481 eng. hrs., IH 1990 1682, chopper, reverser, $6000 eng., internal chopper, stone trap, Kirby OBO. 780-853-7608, Mannville, AB. chaff spreader, 12’ Melroe 388 pickup, regularly serviced, always stored inside. 2588 WITH 2015 PU, long auger, yield monitor, low hours, small and large wire 306-771-2667, Balgonie, SK. concaves, stone trap, very nice shape. 2588 CASE, 2015 PU w/1020 flex header 306-896-2236, Churchbridge, SK. 30’, air reel, 581 rotor, 719 engine, tank extensions, Pro 600, shedded. Elbow, SK. 2005 CIH 8010, duals, big rear tires, Pro 600 monitor, 16’ Swathmaster PU, long 306-644-4716 or 306-567-7929. auger, 1500 hrs., well maintained com2188 AFX ROTOR, new concaves, hopper bine, $132,000. Phone 306-452-6304 or topper, auto height, always shedded, cell 306-452-7201, Redvers, SK. 2990 sep. hrs., $54,900; 2007 1020 flex head, new knife, PU reels, auto height, $15,900, located in SE SK. 403-669-2346 2009 CASE IH 8120, exc. cond., 332 rotor hrs., chopper, long auger, call Gord for details. 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 1991 1660, 1015 header, Rake-Up, big rubber, Kirby chaff spreader, good cond., $25,000 OBO. Kamsack, SK, 306-542-2362, 306-542-7891.

AGSHIELD CANOLA PUSHER, 34’, 3PTH mount, $7900. Trades Accepted, financing av a i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n e w o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515. FA R M H A N D # 3 0 0 S TA C K E R , good shape. 306-283-4747 or 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. 2008 AKRON 9250D grain bagger, and 2008 Akron E180 extractor. 204-365-0321, Elphinstone, MB. 2007 REDEKOP tandem axle chaff wagon, electric dump for sale. 306-375-7448, Kyle, SK.

1995 CIH 1010 30’, UII PU reel, no dents in auger or floor, header has not done much work, $11,900. Trades welcome, fin a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 2004 2388, 1460 rotor hrs., AFX rotor, CASE 1660, 3600 eng. hrs. crossflow fan, AFS with monitor, hopper extension, inter- long auger, Victory PU, exc. shedded, nal chopper, 2015 Swathmaster PU, $14,900. 403-330-9571, Lethbridge, AB. excellent condition. Recent work. Asking 2006 CASE/IH 2388, 1200 rotor hrs., PU $132,000. 306-831-8717, Eston, SK. header, specialty rotor, chopper, topper, $128,000 firm. Phone 306-478-2931 or 1986 CIH 1660, 3140 hrs, chopper, chaff 306-774-3144, Mankota, SK. spreader, 1010 header w/PU reel, and 1995 2188, HOPPER extension, chaff 1015 PU header, $29,000. 306-236-6507 spreader, $35,000. Phone: 306-567-3128, or 306-236-8570, Meadow Lake, SK. Bladworth, SK. CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes and models. Call the combine superstore. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB.

2007 CASE/IH 7010, 488 threshing hrs., Pro 600 monitor, fine cut chopper, Swathmaster PU. Reduced! $239,000. Parkland Farm, Stony Plain, AB, 780-963-7411.

GREAT SHAPE, 1990 Case/IH 1682 PT combine, straw chopper. New rub bar, feeder chain and cone. Shedded, $9000 OBO. 403-948-7080, Airdrie, AB.

1680 CASE/IH COMBINE, good condition, asking $17,000. 306-453-6145 or 306-577-7116, Carlyle, SK. 1982 1480 COMBINE w/chaff spreader, recent drive belts, 2700 hrs, $8000. 306-224-4486, Windthorst, SK.

1460 IHC COMBINE, 3611 hrs., excellent condition, asking $5500 OBO. Phone 306-831-8474 cell, Fiske, SK.

1989 1680 COMBINE, good shape, Cummins engine, 3000 hrs., new trans., new front tires, new bottom sieve, crossover fan, always shedded, $30,000. GravelCASE/IH 9120, 2010, PU header, rear bourg, SK. 306-648-2768. hitch, magna cut chopper and balance factory warranty, 190 engine, 125 thresher 1992 CASE/IH 1660 combine, 2500 hrs., hrs, just through dealer shop, AutoSteer recent $12,000 inspection completed, KirGPS. 306-960-2950, Prince Albert, SK. by spreader, rock trap, reverse, $25,000. 1998 2388 AFX ROTOR, Howard concaves, 306-365-8256, Nokomis, SK. long unload, bars 1 yr., well maintained, 1987 CIH 1680, 3863 eng. hrs., PU table, 3 1 4 6 s e p . h r s . , $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . chopper, new parts, shedded. Girouxville, 306-472-3106, Lafleche, SK. AB, call 780-323-3541, 780-837-0592. 1991 CASE/IH 1660, Cummins engine, 2003 2388, 2181 sep. hrs., 2015 Swathchopper, spreader, 13’ PU header, lots of master pickup, auger ext., air foil chaffer, work done. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. harvest concaves, shedded. 306-436-4334, 1993 1688 AFX rotor, chopper, chaff 306-436-7600, Milestone, SK. spreader, Victory PU, two sets of concaves, field ready, $45,000 OBO; 25’ 1020 f l e x h e a d e r, P U r e e l s , $ 7 5 0 0 O B O. 306-795-2734 or 306-795-7644, Ituna, SK. 1994 CASE/IH 1688, nice condition, only IF YOU OWN a 1688/2188/2388 you 2600 hrs., shedded, Rake-Up PU, must should know we have forward direction sell. 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK. hydro hose improved assembly. Big $$ NOW IS THE TIME to check the hydro saving - our price $399.24, represents pump drive hub and splined input shaft. $400 saving and it’s a better hose assem- We have lubricated splined drive hubs for bly. Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, all models 1440 thru 2388. Exchange reRegina, SK. man and tested hydros in stock. Hydratec 1994 1688, 4500 hrs, loaded, long auger, Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. field tracker, Kirby spreader, shedded, field ready. 306-567-7533, Davidson, SK. 2000 CIH 2388, 3100 engine hrs., yield 1986 1660, specialty rotor, rock trap, 1015 moisture rotor with axceller kit, Big Top header, Rake-Up pickup, long auger, topper ext., 2 spd. hydro, large work order in 2008/2009, $69,000. 306-429-2808, $9500. 306-567-3128, Bladworth, SK. Wolseley, SK. CASE/IH 1482 PT combine $3000, with chaff spreader, $3500. 306-621-6538, 306-782-4366, Yorkton, SK. 2004 670 CHALLENGER, duals, 1100 sep hrs., very nice, Rake-up PU, chaff spreader, $145,000. 780-386-3979, Lougheed, AB 1988 1682, new tires, internal chopper, MOST OF YOUR HYDRAULIC hoses are Kirby spreader, good mechanical cond., metric. We have the bet metric hydraulic $5500. Phone 306-734-5178, Craik, SK. hose program in the industry. Hydratec 1 9 8 6 C I H 1 6 6 0 , Cummins engine, Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. spreaders, 1015 PU header, $17,500. Phone 306-689-2574, Abbey, SK. 1988 CASE/IH 1680, 2400 hrs., 1015 PU header, rock trap, Kirby spreader, excellent condition. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 2006 2388, 907 sep. hrs, 1215 eng. hrs, AFX specialty rotor, all monitors, long auger, internal chopper includes 1015 w/12’ Rake-Up, $175,000. Located at Mendham, SK, call 403-527-3791 or 306-628-3795. PROBLEMS W/SPLINE DRIVE ON HYDRO We can save big $$. We have new lubricated and hardened couplers and improved pump input spline shafts. All combines from 1440 thru 2388 have this problem. Call Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. 1480 IHC, PICKUP header, good engine, new hydro, $5500; 1482 IHC, Rodono reverser, Kirby spreader, $3500; 1010 IHC, 30’ header, new wobble box, $3000. 306-459-2814 after 6 PM, Ogema, SK. 1979 IHC 1480, field ready; 1482 PT, field ready. $15,000 for both. 306-883-2877 or 306-883-2669, Spiritwood, SK. 1992 1680 CASE/IH combine, 3100 hrs.; 1997 2188 Case/IH AFX combine, 2700 hrs. Best offer. 204-352-4037 Glenella, MB 2004 CIH 2388, AFX rotor, hopper topper, 14’ header w/Super 8 PU, 1953 sep. hrs, $82,000. Phone 306-452-3907 or cell 306-452-7997, Wauchope, SK. TWO 1994 1688’s, 12’ and 14’ Rake-Up PU’s, 1900/1800 eng. hrs, exc., shedded, $55,000 ea. 306-967-2892, Eatonia, SK. FOR SALE: IHC 914 PT combine, w/recent overhaul, excellent condition. Olds, AB, 403-556-6740. 1987 IHC 1680 SP combine, 30.5-L-32 tires, Rake-Up PU, old but good, $37,000. 1010 26’ straight cut header w/batt reels, $6800. 403-488-0373, Medicine Hat, AB. 2006 CASE/IH 8010 w/2016 header, $215,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. 1993 1688, 2897 eng. hrs., Kirby, IH PU, std. rotor, exc. cond, shedded, field ready, $47,500 firm; 1987 1680, 3196 hrs, std. rotor, Super 8 PU, strawstorm, shedded, $17,500 OBO. 306-843-3396 or 306-843-2892, Wilkie, SK. 1992 IH 1680 with specialty rotor and chopper, 2350 hrs., $39,000. Phone 306-452-7200, Storthoaks, SK. 1987 1660, 3900 hrs, Melroe PU, specialty rotor, shedded, off stone free heavy soil, $18,000 OBO. Elrose, SK. 306-378-2904 or 306-831-7668 cell. 1984 IH 1480, 810 PU, shedded, nice s h ap e , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 wo r ko r d e r i n 2 0 1 0 , $12,900. 204-529-2091, 204-529- 2046, 204-825-8056, Cartwright, MB.

2006 NH CR970, 1186 hrs., Redekopp MAV, loaded, $139,800. Trades welcome. Financing available, 1-800-667-4515, 1990 TR96, Victory PU, chopper, spent $26,000 on insurance claim, field ready, $30,000 OBO. 306-256-3529, Cudworth SK 1992 NH TR96, Ford motor, 2231 thrashing hrs., all new tires, many new parts, not used last year, very good condition. Asking $28,000. 306-863-4177, Star City, SK. 1978 NH 1400, 3006 hrs., Ford 6 cyl. dsl., CAH, monitors, Murphy switches, chopper, $3000. 306-883-2969, Mildred, SK. 1994 NH TX68 w/Iveco eng., Strawmaster PU, chaff and straw spreaders, ext. hopper, 2700/ 2200 hrs., new feeder chain, gears and roller, upgraded beater bars, shedded, field ready, $53,000. 780-603-5307, 780-632-6372, Vegreville, AB. 1997 TR88, Swathmaster PU, chopper, chaff spreader, 200 HP eng. w/2900 hrs., 200 bu. tank, new concaves, rub bars and other parts. Ready to roll. Asking $35,000. 306-658-2122 or 306-843-7070, Wilkie SK 1994 NH TR 97, 1990 threshing hrs., Redekop chopper, long auger, Terrain Tracer, 13’ 971 header w/Melroe PU, 30’ 971 straight cut header w/PU reel, good shape $43,500; 1995 NH TR 97, 1929 threshing hrs., Redekop chopper, long auger, Terrain Tracer, 13’ 971 headed w/Westward PU, 30’ 971 straight cut header w/PU reel, good shape, $43,500. Phone 403-443-0108, Three Hills, AB. 1978 TR70, 6 cyl. Ford with pickup header, $1900; 22’ straight cut header with PU R E E L S , $ 1 9 0 0 . O r $ 3 5 0 0 fo r b o t h . 306-448-4426, Raymore, SK. NH CR 9080, 2009, PU header, fine cut choppers, AutoSteer GPS, air compressor etc., loaded combines, two to choose from, 230 threshing, 300 engine hrs., 306-960-2950, Prince Albert, SK. 1997 TR98 NH, chopper, Rake-Up PU, $45,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255.

NEW GENESIS ENGINES. Still in original factory crate. Available for TR99 and CX840/860/880. $9860 each. 1-800-667-4515. TR96, GOOD SHAPE, field ready, $19,750. 403-357-0575 or 403-350-9088, Red Deer, 2000 LEXION 450, 1969 hrs., yield and AB moisture, reel spd., fore&aft, chopper, spreader, $44,800. Trades welcome, fi- 2005 REDEKOP MAV chopper, complete n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 rebuild, new knives and balance. Fits NH CR combines $8800. Trades accepted, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 2006 590R, 717 sep. hrs., field ready, exc. shape, $185,000 OBO must sell; 2007 40’ flex header, 540, air reel, $41,000 OBO. NH TR97, 1994, chopper, chaff spreader, 204-632-5334 or 204-981-4291, leave long auger, Rake-Up PU, hopper cover, $35,000; NH TR85, chopper, Victory PU, message, Winnipeg, MB. $4500. 204-734-4323, Swan River, MB. 2004 4 WD, MUD HOG, Cat Lexion 470R, with new P514 header with new Swath- 2001 NH TX66, 1542/1847 hrs., 8 belt master 14’ PU, approx. 1400 sep. hrs., Swathmaster PU, metric tires, excellent, $82,500. 30’ Straight available. Kamsack, $101,900 OBO. 306-948-2810, Biggar, SK. SK. Call 306-542-4144 or 306-542-8584. 1999 RAKE-UP PICK-UP 14’, dual hyd., wind guard, nice shape. $6900. Trades 1998 NH GX66, 1450 sep. hrs, 1900 eng., w e l c o m e , f i n a n c i n g a v a i l a b l e . Victory Super 8 PU, 2 speed cyl., new 1-800-667-4515 straw chopper clutch, $49,000 OBO. TR95-98 ROTOR GEARBOX used LHS 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK. $1250, used RHS $3390, rebuilt RHS $4390. Phone 1-800-667-4515. Check online at: 2002 NH CX840, winter check-up, shedded, Swathmaster PU, exc. cond., $95,000. 204-562-3538, 204-764-2271 Hamiota MB 1992 TR96, 1640 threshing hrs, very well maintained, recent feeder chains and sprockets, rub bars, etc., 14’ Swathmaster PU, straw and chaff spreader, field ready, $35,000 OBO. 306-247-2009, Scott, SK. 2009 NH CX8080, 597 hrs., Intelliview II 1 9 9 8 T R 9 8 , Mav Redekop chopper, yield and moisture, loaded, $169,900. Swathmaster PU, field ready, 1850 eng. Trades accepted, financing available. hrs., good condition; Also available 36’ 960 1-800-667-4515 MacDon header with PU reels. 1996 TR 98, chopper w/Kirby spreader, re- 306-666-3075, Fox Valley, SK. built rake-up PU, low hours; 30’ flex head- 1981 NH SP TR85, S-cubed rotors, 3208 er, PU reels, new skid plates; 30’ straight Cat eng., straw spreaders, Rake-Up PU, header w/terrain tracer and guage wheels. 1890 hrs., always shedded. 306-648-2737, 306-478-2619, Mankota, SK. 306-648-7214 cell, Gravelbourg, SK. 2001 NH CX840, 1350 thrasher hrs., 2003 NH CX860, 1550 hrs, Swathmaster new rub bars, feeder house chain (2 sea- PU, exc. cond, big rubber, 27’ auger, Y&M, sons), clean grain chains- (1 season), top- header tilt, shedded, MAV chopper, offers. per knives, all new walker bearings, shed- 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. d e d , $ 1 0 1 , 5 0 0 . D e l i ve r y ava i l a b l e . 2007 NH CR9060, low hrs., moisture 403-704-3120, Ponoka, AB. and yield, long auger, 2 sets of concaves, 2007 NH 9060, 760 sep. hrs., 1030 eng., 76C Swathmaster PU header, fine cut equipped with 16’ 76C Swathmaster, ext. chopper, 4-star check over, field ready, auger, terrain tracer, Intelliview II touch $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . 2 0 4 - 7 4 6 - 8 1 4 6 , screen, $169,000. 306-535-2992, Gray, SK 204-746-4179, Morris, MB.


1997 TX66, 3100 eng. hrs., 2400 sep. hrs, Rake-Up PU, well maintained, lots of new parts, $35,000 OBO. Call 306-268-2025, Bengough, SK. 2005 CR970, 1080 hrs., Swathmaster PU, reduced to $132,000; 1996 TR98, 2300 hrs., $37,000. 306-370-8010 Saskatoon SK 1995 TR97, approx. 1900 sep. hrs., field ready, very good condition, shedded, $37,500. 306-940-6206, 306-764-3783, Prince Albert, SK. 2007 CR9070, 20.8x42 duals, loaded, 360 threshing hrs; 2000 SP36 HoneyBee draper header, gauge wheels, hyd. fore/aft, split reel, steel teeth. Arch Equipment, 306-867-7252, Outlook, SK.

2008 JD 9770, 640 sep. hrs, duals, Contour-Master, hopper topper, loaded, 2 yr. J D m o t o r w a r r a n t y, $ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 306-463-8686, Eston, SK. 1977 JD 7700 turbo diesel, 2992 hrs., chopper and straw spreader, 11’ JD PU. New fall 2010: New tires (23.1x26 front), PU belts, A/C compressor, alternator, brakes, brake cylinders, concaves and cylinder bars, variable speed, $9500 OBO. 306-741-2701, Waldeck, SK. 1996 CTS, 914 PU, hopper topper, long auger, DAS, DAM, JD chaff spreader, air ride seat, 2947 threshing hrs, field ready, $47,500 OBO. 306-331-7456, 403-363-9973, Lipton, SK.

NH TR98, 1500 thresher hrs., new concaves, rebuilt rotors, stored inside. Wetaskiwin, AB, 780-352-3179, 780-361-6879. 2002 9650, 1530 sep. hrs; 2001 9750, 1471 sep. hrs. shedded, field ready. Mint! TR75 w/MELROE 378 PU, 2575 hrs., Call Aaron 306-865-7363, Hudson Bay, SK field ready, 20’ header with PU reel available. Call: 306-545-0860, Regina, SK. 1998 JD 9610 Maximizer w/914 PU, 2411 hrs., chaff spreader, fine cut, hopper topEmail: per, air foil chaffer, rice tires, recent 2008 CR 9070, Swathmaster, Y&M, Rede- Greenlighted, includes 930R and 930 flex kop, field tracker, only $229,000. Hergott headers, always shedded, all in A-1 cond. Farm Equipment, your Case/IH Dealer, $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 fo r t o t a l p a c k a g e . P h o n e 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 204-746-4141, St. Jean, MB. FIELD READY, 8820 PU, chopper, and chaff spreader, 4,000 hrs. $17,500. 3 GLEANER C62 combines 1 owner ma- 306-445-7573, Battleford, SK. chines, c/w PU headers, 36’ Agco draper 2007 JD 9760, only 675 sep. hrs., always headers, shedded, Greenlighted, field shedded. Call Bing 403-502-5007, Mediready, $65,000 each OBO. 306-634-9980, cine Hat, AB. Estevan SK. 1986 R7, 2670 engine hours, Allis Chalmers engine, Sunnybrook rotor, Super 8 PU, $14,500 OBO. 780-686-2431, Abee, AB. R60 GLEANER, V8 eng., runs well, Sunnybrook rotor, to run or for parts; Also 25’ flex header for R60. 306-824-2052 or cell 306-883-8313, Spiritwood, SK. 1981 GLEANER L2 Windrow Plus, cab, AC, heat, grain loss monitor, airfoil chaffer, rubber good, recent rub bars, Allied chaff blower, hyd. dump chaff wagon, 13’ PU header and PU. 1984 Gleaner 24’ straight cut header, new knife, crop lifters, batt and Crary air reel. Both units shedded, c/w extra parts and parts/service manuals. $11,500 OBO. Will separate. 306-463-2995, 306-463-8669, Kindersley 2007 GLEANER A85 AXIAL combine, 626 eng., 462 sep hrs., c/w 15’ 4200 series PU header w/16’ Swathmaster PU, 20.8x42 Michelin duals, auto lube, MAV straw chopper, yield and mapping. All factory updates done, $232,000. 204-759-2527, Ask for Dennis, Shoal Lake, MB. GLEANER L3 HYDRO, big engine, 2320 eng. hrs., approx. 1800 thresher hrs., 13’ header, new injectors 2010. Combine is overhauled every fall, field ready, shedded. $13,000 OBO. 403-676-2157, Sibbald, AB. 1983 GLEANER L3, Hydro, 20’ straight cut header c/w transport. Phone 780-632-7470, Vegreville, AB. 1982 N6, exc. cond., always shedded, 313 PU header, recent cage, bars, concave, engine rebuild, field ready, $10,500. Phone 306-726-7140, 306-545-8112, Southey, SK 1982 L2 Gleaner, 3079 eng. hrs w/13’ PU header with Renn PU, and 24’ Gleaner straight cut header w/PU reel and batt reel, $7,000; Also, for parts a 1981 L2 Gleaner, 13’ PU header with Melroe PU and 22’ Gleaner straight cut header w/batt reel. Offers. 306-297-6343, Simmie, SK. 1992 GLEANER R72, 1070 sep. hrs., Deutz diesel, yield/moisture monitor, Gen 2 Sunnybrook rotor, Super 8 PU, all options but chopper. Very clean, $49,000 OBO. Call Lee at 403-586-9464, Olds, AB. 1992 R62, 2000 sep. hrs, Sunnybrook rotor, new rub bars, 2 new elevator chains, new feeder house chain, 2 new back tires, new bubble auger c/w 400 Gleaner PU header, Rake-Up PU. Also available chaff saver and wagon. 1997 30’ HONEYBEE HEADER, pea auger, new UII PU reel, gauge wheels and new canvases, Gleaner adapter. 1999 800 GLEANER FLEX 25’, Hart Carter reel, quick cut knife, exc. shape. Hodgeville, SK, 306-677-2460 or 306-677-7680. NEW 2009 GLEANER 7200 transverse rigid header, 30’, c/w Hart Carter PU reel, fits all 2, 5 and 6 series combines. Demo unit, (approx. 400 acres), $20,995. Shoal Lake, MB. 204-759-2527, ask for Dennis. R72, 2002, 1224 rotor hours, $85,000. Phone 306-295-4062 or 306-295-7012, Frontier, SK. WANTED: L3 GREEN STRIPE combine. Phone 701-240-5737.

1996 JD 9600, new belts on 914 header, 2 spd. cyl., long auger, hopper topper, Redekop chopper and chaff, fore/aft, big rear tires, shedded, good cond., 3400 sep. hrs, $52,000 OBO. 306-594-2761, Norquay, SK. 1988 JD 7721 Titan II PT, mint condition, $12,000. 306-638-3001, 306-638-7665 cell, Chamberlain, SK. 2006 JD 9760 STS, bullet rotor, 850 sep. hrs, w/Precision PU, Greenlighted. Phone 306-726-5840, Markinch, SK. 2001 JD 9650W w/914 PU, fully loaded, exc. shape, Greenlighted every yr., always shedded, 1250 sep. hrs., $129,000 OBO; 2006 JD 930D DRAPER header, loaded, sell w/wo combine c/w own transport, $29,900 OBO. 204-729-7556, Brandon, MB 2003 9600, 3477 sep. hrs., DAS, DAM, recent concave and bars, big top, well maintained. $37,000. 306-831-8717, Eston, SK. JD 7720, complete Greenlight done at South Country, Southey. Only used 110 hours after Greenlight. Good rubber. Would trade for JD 4640, 3130, or 3140 tractor or $20,000 cash. 306-725-7571 or 306-725-3278, Strasbourg, SK.


9600 JD 1994, 2320 sep., 3148 eng., dual range, long auger, JD chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, new rasp bars, w/914 PU and 930 rigid header, field ready, $69,000. Call 403-651-0272, Vulcan, AB.

1993 MACDON 960 36’ header, MD PU reel, Empire gauge wheels, knife, guards and canvas good. Fits JD combines, other adapters avail., $14,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 2004 JD 9760 STS combine, 1620 rotor hrs., Outback AutoSteer ready, deluxe cab, yield and moisture monitor, touch set concave adjust, long auger, 520R85/38 duals, 914 single point PU, $135,000. Phone 306-457-7649, Stoughton, SK.

1999 JD 9610, 1839/2643 hrs, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, hopper extension, reel fore/aft, headers available, $57,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, 2007 JD 9760, w/615 PU, 20.8x42 duals, Contour-Master, ext. ware, loaded, field r e a dy, a l w ay s s h e d d e d , 1 1 6 3 h r s . , $198,000. 204-435-2341, Roseisle, MB. COMBINE DUAL KITS for JD STS 38” or 42”, new tires $14,900. New duals for any combine, new tires, $4300. We want your tires and rims on trade! 1-800-667-4515. 1996 JD 9600, 914 PU header, long auger, Rice tires 30.5x32, 2070/2750 hrs.; JD 925 straight cut header w/PU reel, f o r e / a f t , w / t r a n s p o r t t r a i l e r. 204-829-3924 or 204-325-0537, Plum Coulee, MB. 1993 JD 9600, dual range cyl., reverser, chaff spreader and chopper, Dial-A-Matic Dial-A-Speed, newer rubber, 2730 threshing hrs., 3700 engine hrs., $47,000. 306-258-4731, St. Denis, SK. JD 9600, immaculately maintained, $40,000 in Greenlights last 3 yrs., Michelin tires, 912 PU header w/new belts, $70,000 OBO. 306-354-2552, Mossbank, SK. CTS 1996 JD with 2750 sep. hrs., chopper, dial-a-speed, air seat, hopper topper, 914 PU header, field ready. $50,000 OBO. 306-594-7877, Norquay, SK. 1996 JD 9600, 2313 sep. hrs., 914 PU, Sunnybrook cyl. and concaves, Redekopp Mav chopper, new tires, asking $70,000. 306-533-1314, Vibank, SK.

2009 JD 9670 STS, 353 hrs, ContourMaster, 18.4x42’s w/duals, chopper, bin e x t . , Au t o Tr a c r e a dy, $ 1 8 9 , 5 0 0 U S. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. 1998 CTS II, 914 PU, hopper topper, tires 80%, $54,000. Phone 306-689-2574, Abbey, SK. 1981 JOHN DEERE 7721 PTO combine, always shedded, priced to sell! $3000 OBO. Hague, SK. Phone 306-232-4720. WANTED: JD PULL-TYPE 6601 combines and JD PT corn planters. Phone 403-363-3555, Rouleau, SK. 9870 JD STS 2010, premier cab, 20.8x38 duals, long auger, pro drive, power cast b o a r d , 6 1 5 P U, 1 7 5 t h r a s h i n g h r s . 306-228-7076, Unity, SK. MUST SELL! No crop. 2000 JD 9650 STS low hrs., fresh Greenlight, $105,000. Call Dave 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. 1996 CTS, 1800 threshing hrs., C/S and MAV chopper, properly appointed, 1 yr. old belt and teeth on 914 header, fresh G r e e n l i g h t , m o t i vat e d s e l l e r a s k i n g $57,500; 30’ 1998 HoneyBee available. 306-360-7760 or 306-360-7762, Drake, SK

J D 8 8 2 0 T I TA N I I , 4 8 7 2 h r s . , SN#611149, 2 spd. cyl., header height control, chaff spreader, straw chopper and Redekopp chaff saver w/blower, 214 platform, 7 belt PU, long auger, block heater, $25,000. 306-468-2771, Debden, SK. 2008 JD 9770, 615 PU, 250 hrs, power hopper cover, $225,000 w/635D hdr. Always shedded. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB 2011 JD 9770, Premier cab, 615 PU, small 2005 JD 9860 premium, loaded, abso- grains concave, Contour-Master, 22.5’ aulutely mint, fresh Greenlight, field ready. ger, duals, 55 eng. hrs., like new. Phone Big top, 615P. 204-242-4074, Manitou, MB 204-467-2109 (after 8PM), Stonewall, MB. 2003 9650 CTS, 2043 eng. hrs., 1455 1985 8820 TITAN II, 4618 hrs., 212 PU, threshing hrs., front tires 800x65x32, roll Kirby chaff spreader, 30.5x32 tires, long tarp $95,000. 306-264-7792 Glenbain, SK auger. 306-278-7361, Glenavon, SK. 1983 JD 8820 combine, air foil sieve, new 2000 JD 9750, 2600 sep. hrs., in the field tires, shedded, Redekop chaff saver, now, $82,000. Headers avail. 150 miles $15,500; without chaff saver, $13,500. south of Regina, SK. Call 406-963-7512. 306-328-4323, Elfros, SK. 1988 JD 8820, w/chopper, 30.5x32 tires, JD 7721 TITAN II and JD 7721 combines, long unload auger, $26,000; 1983 JD with choppers, 306-259-4943, Young, SK. 8820 w/chopper, 30.5x32 tires, $21,000; 2003 JD 9650 STS, 910 eng, 636 sep, yield Elevator style moisture tester, like new, and moisture, hopper ext., Michel’s elec. $850. 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000, roll tarp, 914 PU, $145,000. 306-421-5217 St. Louis, SK. Benson, SK. JD CTS II, 1998, 2700 sep. hrs., Sunny2001 JD 6910, 7122 hrs, 135HP. Very brook, long auger, upgraded Redekop c l e a n , 5 0 % r u b b e r, $ 6 2 , 5 0 0 . P h o n e chopper, chaff spreader, loaded, well maintained, very good condition, $70,000. 204-412-0347, Brandon, MB. 306-548-4344, Sturgis, SK. 1998 JD CTS II, 2000 sep. hrs., loaded, Greenstar, P914 PU, shedded, field ready. JD 7720 HYDRO, 212 PU, clean, $9500; JD 7721, recent work order, nice shape, 306-695-2623, Indian Head, SK. $5500. 306-783-2795, Yorkton, SK. 2003 JD 9650 STS, fully loaded, green star yield and moisture, 1550 sep. hrs., al- 1996 JD 9600, 2716 sep. hrs., 914 pickup, ways shedded, exc. cond. $98,500 firm. PU AutoSteer, yield and moisture, dual spd. cyl., chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, 20’ header avail. 306-867-9470, Outlook, SK. unloading auger, Greenlighted Spring of 2002 JD 9750 STS, fully loaded, Green 2011, new: rub bars, concave, clean grain Star, contour, single point hookup, duals, gearbox, popup auger, return elevator 914 PU, 2086 hrs., $119,000 OBO. Call chain, excellent rubber, always shedded. 306-625-3674, Ponteix, SK. Can email 306-567-4740, Davidson, Sask. pics. Email: 1989 JD 9600, 914 PU header, long auger, chaff spreader, shedded, very nice. 2010 JD 9870 STS, pro drive w/auto $39,000; 930 straight cut header, $7500. feed rate, extended wear package, 26’ un204-529-2595, Cartwright, MB. l o a d a u g e r, 8 6 5 h r s . , 6 1 5 P h e a d e r, $270,000. 403-818-2816, Calgary, AB. 7721 JD COMBINE, approx. 1982, good cond, done only 2500 acres since 1998, 1981 JD 8820, 4100 hrs., 914 PU, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, air foil chaffer, shedded. 306-662-2517, Maple Creek, SK. exc. tires, shedded, good shape, $16,000 1999 JD 9610, w/914 PU, one owner, OBO. 306-342-4544, Glaslyn, SK. shedded, complete yearly inspection, RWA, VSPF house, 30.5x32R2 tires, hop- JOHN DEERE 7720 turbo combine, hydroper extension, FC chopper, chaff spreader, static drive, dual range cylinder, air foil all updates, 1836 hrs., exc. cond., $99,500. screen, straw chopper, good rubber, only 2 0 4 - 8 9 5 - 8 3 7 5 , W i n n i p e g , M B . p i c s 2860 hrs., always shedded. 403-641-2166 or 403-641-4178, Gem, AB. available at: 1990 JD 9600, exc. overall condition, un- JD 8820, rebuilt, low hrs., w/Sunnybrook questioned annual Greenlights, 2922 sep. concave and cyl., airfoil sieve, field ready, hrs., hopper topper, fresh out of the shop, exc. Will sell or lease for custom work. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. field ready, Manitou, MB. 204-242-4074. 8820 TITAN II, 3200 eng. hrs., good shape, $16,500 OBO. 306-472-5414, 306-472-7566, Lafleche, SK. 1989 8820 TITAN II, 4500 hrs, 212 PU and 230 straight cut header, variable speed feeder house w/reverser, 2 spd cyl., straw chopper. $22,500 OBO. 306-459-2786, Ogema, SK.

2000 JD 9650W, 2800 sep. hrs., $29,000 2001 9750 STS, chopper, 1680 sep. hrs., 1986 MF 860, 6 std., w/MF 21’ flex header in recent work orders, $99,900 OBO. big singles, c/w 914 PU header, recently and 9000 PU header, shedded, $14,500; 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. Greenlighted. 780-679-7795, Gwynne, AB. 860 w/V8 hydro for parts, complete minus radiator; (1) 750 complete. 306-867-4595 1986 7721 TITAN II, air foil sieve, new or 306-867-8833 evenings, Outlook, SK. feeder chain, single cyl., JD PU and 1987 MASSEY 860, last of the red tops, 6 s p r e a d e r, g o o d c o n d i t i o n . 5 , 0 0 0 . cyl, 4 spd; 9024 straight cut header. 306-638-4595, Bethune SK. 306-715-1959, after 7 PM. Saskatoon, SK. 1994 JD 9600, Greenlight done, 4400 2008 MF 9790, 0 hours, warranty Mav sep. hrs., $39,900 OBO. Call Gary at c h o p p e r, 1 6 ’ S w a t h m a s t e r p i c k u p . 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. Visit 403-443-2024, Three Hills, AB. 1991 MF 8460, V6 Mercedes, 3565 hrs., 2007 9860 STS PREMIUM, 694 hrs., with PU and 25’ header, asking $28,000 bullet rotor, mapping, long auger, 615 PU, 900 rice tires, shedded, extras, exc. cond. 2005 JD 635F HYDRAFLEX header, OBO. Joe 306-862-6880, 306-862-5127, Nipawin, SK. Email wind reel, new full finger auger. $33,900. Offers. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. Trades accepted, financing available. MASSEY FERGUSON 852 PT, 1163 hrs., 1996 JD 9600, 2917/2214 hrs., 914 PU, 1-800-667-4515. Rodono chopper, well maintained, shed2 spd. cylinder, chopper, chaff spreader. ded, $4000. 403-783-6495, Ponoka, AB. Sunnybrook cyl., concave and beater, vg rubber, shedded, lots of recent parts, field 1989 MF 8460, Melroe pickup, chopper. ready, $58,000 OBO; 1992 JD 9600, Interest free financing. Asking $26,500. 3278/2279 hrs., 914 PU, 2 spd. cylinder, Delivery available. Call 204-248-2359, cell chopper, chaff spreader, rebuilt drive gear204-723-0359, Notre Dame, MB. box, new tires and rub bars in 2010, shed1982 8860 V8 hydro, 2580 hrs, $5800. d e d , f i e l d r e a d y, $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 O B O . 1981 860 V8 hydro, 2741 hrs, $4200. 780-723-0427, Niton Junction, AB. 403-334-0914, Carbon, AB. 1996 JD 9600, chaff spreader, hopper extensions, dual chopper, field ready, 1977 MF 750 COMBINE, 3000 hrs., 12’ PU $50,000. 306-524-4960, Semans, SK. 2008 9870 STS JD combine, 600 eng. hrs., header, 24’ 1859 straight cut header, chaff spreader, chopper, always shedded, very 1996 JD 9500, 1700 sep. hrs., 2274 eng. 400 rotor hrs., AutoSteer ready, Contour good condition, $4800. 306-877-4501 hrs., Big engine, 914 PU header, 2 spd. Master, variable spd., HD feeder chain, evenings, Stockholm, SK. cyl., grain loss monitor, Redekop chaff 520/85R38 duals, 480/70R30 rear tires, saver, always shedded, vg, $57,000 OBO. header pkg., fine cut chopper, c/w 615P CRARY BIG TOPS for MF 8560, 8570, 16’ 2012 PU header, 2008 630F straight 8780, XP, in stock now, $1675 plus freight. Call 306-960-3805, Paddockwood, SK. cut header, 30’ machine c/w both headers, For nearest dealer ph. 306-221-6575, Sas6620 SIDE HILL 1982, 4427 hrs., nice field ready. Can deliver. Total $281,000. katoon, SK. shape, always shedded, $13,000 OBO. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 1980 MASSEY 760 combine, standard 306-948-7597 cell, Biggar, SK. 2006 JD 9760 STS, reduced, $189,000 trans., chopper, good condition, $5000 1995 JD CTS, 3510 eng. hrs., 2375 thresh- w/3 years interest free; JD 7720, $8500. OBO. Phone 306-542-4195, Kamsack, SK. ing hrs., c/w 914 PU header with Melroe Hergott Farm Equipment, your Case/IH 2006 MF 9790, 635 eng. hrs., 475 threshPU, 0 hrs. on an $18,500 Greenlight, field Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. ready, very good condition, $57,500 OBO. FOR SALE: JD 105 combine, diesel engine, ing hrs., c/w 30’ 9700 MF auger header, PU reel, duals, next to new perfect cond., 306-746-8001, 306-835-2666 Punnichy SK straw chopper, cab, excellent condition, always shedded, $220,000 OBO. Phone 1986 7720 Titan II. Hydro, long auger, shedded. 204-773-2868, Russell, MB. 403-282-8692, Three Hills, AB. dual range cylinder, chaff spreader, chop- 7720 HYDRO, regularly maintained, per, 212 P/U, good condition, shedded, choice of two, $11,500; 7721 $2,750. MF 860, 6 CYLINDER Perkins standard, good shape. 306-497-2917, Blaine Lake, 3500 hrs. ready for harvest, $18,500. 306-222-2413, Saskatoon, SK. SK. 306-745-3736, Esterhazy, SK. 1988 JD 8820 Titan II, 3900 hrs., straw 1986 JD 7720 Titan II, 3481 eng. hrs, chopper, airfoil chaffer, good shape 860 MF 1984, std. trans, AC working, 2750 chaff spreader, both headers, 2 spd. cyl., 4 $20,000; 1992 9501 JD PT, straw chopper, hrs, vg cond., paint vg, Sunnybrook conspd. hydro, header reverser, runs excel- grain loss monitors, 1-3/4” PTO, mint cave, airfoil sieves, fine cut chopper, chaflent, $22,500. Upgraded to a bigger one. cond., $20,000; 1996 JD 925F flex header fer spreader, Rodono header reverser, 9001 header c/w Westward 395, 8-belt 14’ 306-835-2675, Punnichy, SK. PU reel, poly skids, poly dividers, $10,000. PU, big tires, $14,600; Also MF 2381 SELLING USED PARTS off JD 7720 com- 403-577-2277, 403-575-1114, Consort, AB straight cut header c/w UII PU reel, vg bine. 204-773-2536, Russell, MB. 1985 TITAN II JD 8820, $20,000, 4400 cond., $4500. 780-568-3024, Sexsmith, AB JD 55 COMBINE, late model, many new engine hrs, PU model 214, air foil sieve 1997 MF 8780, straw chopper, hopper ext. parts, PU header, good running cond. and fine cut chopper. Call 306-426-2045 chaff spreader, new tires, Micro trac yield or 306-426-7645, Smeaton, SK. Email: a n d m o i s t u r e m o n i t o r, g o o d c o n d . 204-638-7301 204-638-2591, Dauphin, MB 306-378-4054, Elrose, SK. JD 106 PT COMBINE, mechanically sound, used in 2010, good PU belts and chopper. 1986 JD 6620, 3247 total hrs., 6-belt JD 1977 MF 750 combine, always shedded, PU, straw chopper, always, shedded; 925 field ready. Ph. 306-325-4307, Lintlaw, SK. 306-747-2262, Shellbrook, SK. JD HEADER, rigid batt reel, very good 1976 4630 JD tractor, 9823 hrs, with 1984 condition. 306-374-9770, Hanley SK. 7721 combine, always shedded, $16,000. Sold as unit. 204-825-2492, 204-825-8346, Pilot Mound, MB. 3 GLEANER C62- same as Massey 8680, JD 6620 Titan 2, SP, 1828 hrs, 212 and one owner machines, c/w pickup headers, 224 headers, reverser, chopper, chaff 36’ Agco draper headers, Greenlighted, spreader. $17,000. 306-969-4616, Glad- shedded, field ready, $65,000 each OBO. mar, SK. 306-634-9980, Estevan SK. JD 9600, 60 SERIES single point hook up, 1987 8590 MASSEY rotary, 4300 eng. hrs, new tires, lots of new parts, new Redekop 13’ Rake-Up PU header, Norton reverser, chopper, chaff spreader, 2500 hrs., 630F Kirby chaff spreader, 30’ rigid MF header MF 9230 HEADER, good knife, auger and h y d r o f l e x a n d 9 1 4 h e a d e r s . w/gauge wheels, $25,000 OBO. For de- floor. Fits 8570/8780, $8900. Trades wel306-463-9744, Dodsland, SK. come, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 tailed info call 306-939-4509, Earl Grey SK 2007 JD 9760 STS, 1925/1351 hrs., 860 MF, 540 Perkins, V8 hydro., 388 MelContour-Master, 20.8x42 with duals, chop- roe PU, straw chopper, 3423 hrs., good 1979 MF 751 PT, Renn PU, straw chopper, shedded, good cond.; WHITE 18’ straight per, Touchset, Greenlighted, $144,500 condition. 306-794-4405, Grayson, SK. cut header, fits White 5542 combines. USD. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fair1978 MF 750, 2200 hrs., CAH, new rub Good cond. 306-782-0270, Yorkton, SK. fax, MN. bars, shedded, good condition, $5000. 1985 MASSEY 860 combine, V8 hydro, 306-753-7785, Denzil, SK. 2300 hrs., $12,500. Call 306-795-2774, 1983 MF 850, 354 turbo, 3000 hrs, shed- Ituna, SK. ded, w/PU, $3500. Phone 204-859-2143, CRARY CHAFF SPREADERS for MF Rossburn, MB. 8560, 8570, 8590, 8780, dual disc , 1986 860 MF, 1880 hrs., 6 cyl. turbo swingaway, $2750 plus freight. For nearcharged, 354.4CC, 100 hrs since check est dealer 306-221-6575, Saskatoon, SK. over, always shedded, $12,500. Radisson, MF 860 COMBINE, header reverser, 2 new SK. 306-827-4939, 306-827-7803. sieves, $10,000; IHC 914 combine Red 2004 MF 9790 Field Star, only 700 top, $5000; Hesston 5800 round baler, thresher hrs., c/w PU header. Mint cond. $1000. 780-349-2448, Westlock, AB. Must sell. Lee 306-962-3992, Eston, SK. 1985 860 MASSEY, 6 cyl. std., 3616 hrs., 2005 JD 635F HYDRAFLEX header, new 1 9 8 4 M F 8 5 2 P TO c o m b i n e , $ 1 5 0 0 . Rake-Up, chopper, chaff-storm, exc. cond., full finger auger, knife and guards. Nice 306-224-4486, Windthorst, SK. fully serviced, $8500. 306-424-2271, condition, $29,900. Trades welcome, fi- 1983 860 and 1986 860, $8,000, both in Montmartre, SK. n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 exc. shape, always shedded. 403-552-3753 1984 MF 860 combine, 6 cyl. std., AC, or 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. chopper w/new blades, 9001 PU, 9024 2003 JD 9750 STS, 1300 thrashing hrs., 2004 CAT CHALLENGER 670, PU and 25’ straight cut, newer sieves, shedded, precision PU, large single drives, fine cut straight cut auger header, 1000/1438 hrs. $4500. 204-773-3044, Russell, MB. chopper, $150,000 OBO. 306-389-7667 or Fieldstar included, $139,900. Stony Plain, 306-445-4032, Ruddell, SK. AB, 780-968-3957, 780-999-1111 cell. 1998 AND 1999 JD 9610’s, 1500 and 1800 MF 760, always shedded, V8 hydro, straw sep. hrs., shedded, very clean; Also 930 chopper, Melroe PU, 24’ header and wagRigid and 930 Flex headers. 204-793-0098, on, $12,000. 306-646-4305, Maryfield, SK. Stoney Mountain, MB. 1996 8570 MF, 2968 hrs, 12’ Rake-Up PU, 7720 TITAN II 213 header, 6-belt PU, fine g o o d c o n d . , a s k i n g $ 3 5 , 5 0 0 O B O . cut chopper, Redekop chaff system, large 306-682-3381 306-231-7081 Humboldt SK rubber, 30.5L-32, shedded, field ready, 1985 860 MF, S/N 19304, 3630 eng. hrs, $18,500. Ph. 780-847-2157, Dewberry, AB. V8 hydro, header reverser, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, Super 7 Victory PU, 1 owner, always shedded, exc. cond., field ready, $16,500 OBO; MF 9024 straight cut header, batt reel, S/N #E000640, $4000. 780-879-2121, Alliance, AB. 1987 MF 860 standard, 1630 hrs., c/w 9001 PU, 9024 straight cut header, $25,000 OBO. 780-853-7385, Vermilion AB PARTING OUT Massey Ferguson 860. Numerous rebuilt parts on it. 306-228-3698, JD 9750 STS 2002, exc. condition, Unity, SK. w/Precision accelerator, 914 PU, VSF, 1984 MF HYDRO 860 combine, 3568 hrs., yield/moisture, mapping, 1700 sep. hrs., Perkins V8 motor, air flow canvas, dutch ready for the field with fresh Greenlight, reverser, 9001 Melroe PU, belts recently $119,000 OBO. John Smith 204-825-2715, replaced, Greenlighted in 2007, asking cell 204-825-8310, Pilot Mound, MB. $11,000. 306-429-2803, Glenavon, SK. 1990 9400, 1925 engine, 1585 cyl. hrs., 852 MASSEY COMBINE, 1600 hours, al912 pickup, Dial-O-Matic, straw spreaders, ways shedded. Open to offers. Call shedded. 306-948-2841, Biggar, SK. 780-753-6323, Bodo, AB. 1997 JD 9600, 3590/2581 hrs., 914 PU, 1986 MASSEY 8560, new feeder chain, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, field new rubs bars, new elements. A/C, 1800 ready, shedded, $66,000 OBO or 1999 JD eng. hrs., low acres, shedded, field ready, 9610 3639/2545 hrs., 914 PU, chaff great shape, $24,000. 403-312-0280, Carspreader, fine cut chopper, field ready, stairs, AB. Delivery available. yield and moisture, shedded, $75,000 O B O . C o n t a c t F i s h e r F a r m s L t d . , 1987 MF 8560, Howard concaves, Melroe 204-622-8800 office or 204-638-2700 cell pickup, good condition. 306-378-4054 or 306-831-7554, Elrose, SK. or, Dauphin, MB.



1981 9700 V8 Perkins, hydro, chopper, M e l r o e P U , s t r a i g h t c u t h e a d e r. 306-222-0857, Saskatoon, SK. 9700, REAR WHEEL ASSIST, rotor drive update, 2872 hrs., $14,500 OBO. 780-373-2524, 780-679-7291, Bawlf, AB. 1984 WHITE 9720, 3335 eng./, 2500 sep. hrs., chaff spreader, header reverser, 30’ rigid header, PU header, exc . cond. 701-385-4987 701-240-3815 Kenmare, ND 1979/1980 8700 dsl, AC, mechanical drive, 2117 eng. hrs.; 8600 dsl, hydrostatic drive, AC. 306-246-4446, Hafford, SK. 8920 WHITE COMBINE, always shedded, only 1483 hrs, field ready. Richmound/Fox Valley, SK area, 306-789-9522 or email 1984 WHITE 8920 combine, $7500; Parting out: 8900 and 8600 White combines. Phone 306-238-4457, Goodsoil, SK.

1998-8570 Massey Combine, 2135 hours shedded.........CASH $45,900 2006-9790 835 sep hours, shedded with rake pick up and chopper....................CASH $159,500 2000-8780 XP Chopper, rake pick up, 1135 hours.......CASH $94,500 2000-8780 XP Chopper rake pickup................CASH $79,500 Nick’s Service Ltd


#2 South Plains RD. West Emerald Park, SK. 1988 CCIL 9600 PT combine, Rake-Up PU, spreaders. Flaxcome, SK. area. Call 306-463-9264 for more information. 2 CI 960 combines, good working cond., mostly shedded, 1 w/approx. 800 hrs., $500 ea OBO. 306-845-2749, Livelong, SK. WIDE SPREAD rotor chopper for 2001 9650 STS, asking $1500. Regina, SK. 306-536-5647 or 306-775-2887.

2000 HB30 HONEYBEE, Case XX88 adapter, pea auger, hyd. fore/aft, hyd. tilt, lifters, new knife, integrated transport and gauge wheels, UII PU reel, exc. cond., $24,000 OBO. 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK

COMBINE HEADER TRAILER, 6”x8” frame, $2200. Phone 306-634-2548, Macoun, SK. CIH 1020 FLEX header, 25’, PU reel, plastic skid plates. Ph. 306-483-5034, Oxbow, SK. 1993 HONEYBEE SP42, 42’ header, UII PU reels, dual knife drive, Schumacher cutting system in good shape, fits JD combines, other adapters available, $15,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 BUYING A HEADER? You should consider an accumulator. Call us on proper application. Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712

2004 CIH 2016 w/16’ Rake-Up, good condition, fits CIH AFX. $19,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 1989 25’ 1010 Case/IH header, PU reel, $8500; 1998 30’ 1010 header PU reel, $13,000; 1999 30’ 1042 Case/IH draper header, 2388 Case adapter, PU reel, transport, $28,500; 2006 36’ 2042 CIH draper header, 8010 adapter, PU reel, transport, $42,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. MACDON 960 STRAIGHT cut header 36’, Case I adapter, good condition. Aaron, 306-231-6675, Lake Lenore, SK.

1998 HONEYBEE SP36, 36’ header, UII PU reels, Schumacher cutting system, fits CIH 80/88 series, other adapters available, $16,900. Trades welcome, fin a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 40’ HEADER TRANSPORT. Custom built, torsion bar to accommodate flex, 4 saddles, moveable axle. $3780. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515

GLEANER 24’ HEADER, fits L and L2 series, $1500 OBO. Call 306-332-5821, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. JOHN DEERE 914 pickup header, 7 belt, $9500. Phone 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. HONEYBEE 36 DRAPER to fit Case/IH 2000 and 1600 series, excellent condition, c/w transport, Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2007 JD 635F, new sections, good poly, field ready. $33000 OBO. 306-267-2111 or cell 306-267-7573, Coronach, SK. 2005 630 FLEX, $21,900; 2001 JD 930 flex, $17,900. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. MF 1859 STRAIGHT cut header w/16’ PU reels, will fit 510-550 or possible 750 combine, $1200. 306-283-4170, Langham, SK.

PRECISION JD 13’ HEADER with 14’ Rake-Up, good auger, hyd., windguard. $17,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 JD 224 combine header complete with PU reel, $4500. 306-845-7723, Turtleford, SK 2005 973 MACDON 39’, w/JD single point, $32,000; 2006 MacDon 974 36’ w/ JD 50 series adapter, $38,000; 2004 JD 635F $28,000. 150 miles South of Regina, SK. call 406-963-7512.

1997 36’ HONEYBEE w/9600 adapter, plastic skids and PU reel. Phone Fraser Farms 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. 2009 CASE 2152 MacDon header, 35’, done 1500 acres. Margo, SK. Call Darroll 306-324-2141, cell: 306-272-7151. 2001 MACDON 25’ 972 header w/PU reel, $14,000. Or w/871 header adaptor for JD, $17,500; Also, 1999 MacDon 25’ 960 header w/PU reel, $12,000 or w/871 JD adaptor, $15,500. 204-325-2056, Winkler, MB. 1995 HONEYBEE 36’ IH 88 adaptor, batt reels, new canvases, $13,000; 1986 24’ 224 JD flex, Crary air reel, new plastics, IH 88 adaptor avail, $4,000. 306-648-7935, Gravelbourg, SK. NH 973 FLEX HEAD, 24’, numerous new parts. M A C D O N H E A D E R 9 6 0 , 30’ w/MacDon PU reel. Phone 403-677-2261 or 1-877-440-2261, Standard, AB. NH 971 25’ header, pickup reel, cross auger (for tall crops and peas). Trailtec mover, low acres, $10,500. 306-277-4333, Gronlid, SK. JD 630 FLEX header c/w PU reel, $22,500; JD 925 Flex, fore/aft, 50 series hookup, $13,500. 780-679-7795, Gwynne, AB. 21’ HONEYBEE HEADER, built-in transport, with UII pickup reel, $5500. Will sell separately. 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. 2007 CASE/IH 2020 flex header, 35’, full finger auger, single point, header height c o n t r o l , hy d . fo r e / a f t , g o o d c o n d . , $26,000. Phone 204-256-2098, Winnipeg, MB. HONEYBEE 42’, fore&aft., UII reel, newer canvas, twin reel drive, $16,000; Also, CIH 1010, 30’, batt reel, fore&aft., 2002 model, $7000. Phone 306-295-4062 or 306-295-7012, Frontier, SK. 1997 HONEYBEE 36’, batt, fits JD 9600, good, $17,900. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. IH 810 STRAIGHT CUT header w/PU reel, 22.5’ w/lifters, $3500. Strasbourg, SK. Call 306-725-4445 or 306-725-7649. 2005 MACDON 973 36’, 873 adapter PU reel, fore/aft, tilt, pea auger, always shedded, vg cond. 306-892-4313, Meota, SK. CIH 1010, 30’, PU reel, transport, $8,900; JD 930, 30’, $6500; CIH 2052 35’ draper, $48,900; MacDon 973 35’ draper, CIH adapter, $42,500; HoneyBee SPA, 36’, w/Gleaner mount, $22,900; CIH 2052, 36’ draper; CIH 30’ 1020 flex, just in. Hergott Farm Equip, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK

RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK, 2004 JD 930D, very good condition, $33,000. 204-773-6655, Birtle, MB. 2009 HONEYBEE 36’, 1100 acres, mint, 1996 MACDON 36’ 960, double/ triple de- as new, JD adapter, dividers and lifters livery header, c/w harvest header adaptor, avail, loaded. 306-859-7788, Beechy, SK. factory trans., canvasses, PU reels, knife and guards in good cond, asking $12,000. 2006 CAT F540 FLEX header, fore&aft, USED PICKUP REELS: 25’ MacDon for 306-429-2803, Glenavon, SK. PU reel, contour bands, AWS air reel, Laser MD 960 or MD SP swathers $2880; 25’ UII Pilot L/S mast, double knife w/2 spare for HoneyBee headers $4980; 30’ MacDon knives, 1 new wobble box, very good off JD 930 $3480; 21’ MacDon off MD 960 EASY HARVEST SYSTEMS LTD cond., $42,500; 1995 JD 930 Rigid $3380. Trades welcome, financing avail. * used combine headers - all header, batt reel, stubble lights, exc. 1-800-667-4515, makes - all sizes shape, clean and straight w/no dents. The MACDON 960 36’ header, w/MacDon * new EHR PU reels Pas, MB. Can deliver. 204-623-4357. 960 combine adapter for CIH, $8,900. Ph * used Draper Headers MF 9022, 22’ header, batt reel, new knife Dave at 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. * PU reel updates: and guards, self-contained hyds., exc. JD 224 straight cut header w/batt reel, 2008 MACDON D60-S 35’ header, pea shape for 750, 760, 850 or 860 Massey good condition, $3000. 306-883-3055, to rebuild Hart Carter reels auger, hyd. fore/aft, adapted for CIH AFX, combine. 403-572-3576, Three Hills, AB. Spiritwood, SK. * PU reel fingers for most PU reels. NH CR/CX, $54,800. Trades welcome, 2006 UNIVERSAL HEADER w/22’ Elmers 2006 MACDON 974 draper header, 36’, JD financing available. 1-800-667-4515 P hone 78 0- 8 75 - 8 5 05 PU, done 1000 acres, exc. cond. Grand- adapter, top auger, new drapers, always Llo yd m in ster, Alta . view, MB. 204-648-4028, 204-546-3069. shedded, $35,000 701-720-0159 Minot ND 2004 JD 936D DRAPER header, recent Em a il: ra b en o it@ m csn 1997 30’ HONEYBEE HEADER, pea au- 2 0 0 8 N H 8 8 C , 3 0 ’ f l e x , fore/aft. $10,000 work order, asking $42,900. Fa x: 780- 875- 8567 ger, new UII PU reel, gauge wheels and $40,000. 306-535-2992, Gray, SK. 780-247-0101, High Level, AB. new canvases, Gleaner adapter. 1999 800 JD 224 STRAIGHT CUT header, very good GLEANER FLEX 25’, Hart Carter reel, 971 NH STRAIGHT CUT header, 30’, PU condition, $4800. Header transport 1995 NH 971 PU HEADER auger, flightquick cut knife, exc. shape. 306-677-2460, reel, Vine lifters, w/transport, $13,000. available. 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000, ing and floor 70%. $1480. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 Phone 306-374-7051 or 306-221-0356 St. Louis, SK. 306-677-7680, Hodgeville, SK. (cell), Saskatoon, SK. 2008 HONEYBEE PLUS, 36’, double 2007 MACDON 974 FLEX DRAPER, 36’ 2020 CASE/IH, 35’ FF auger, poly skids, knife, extra wide mouth, adapter for 8010, 2000 HONEYBEE 30’ pickup reel, Case 88 split PU reel, hyd. tilt, JD 60 and 70 Series series adapter, $21,000; 1996 Case 1010 hook-ups, $39,900; 2006 JD 635F, full Terrain tracer, 2009, very clean, $37,900. reversible knife. 204-851-1856 Reston, MB 3 0 ’ P U r e e l , fo r e a n d a f t , $ 6 0 0 0 . finger auger, header height control, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. 1997 HONEYBEE 36’ header c/w 50 Se- 306-746-2929, Raymore, SK. Contour, single point, $24,900; 2001 JD 2009 JD 635D draper header, JD transries adapter, PU reel, good condition, $21,000. 2005 MACDON 974 flex draper, 2007 HONEYBEE 45’, double knife, UII, 930F, full finger auger, header height port (unused), 6 batt PU reel, hyd. 36’ JD 70 Series adapter, loaded, good loaded, $39,000; 1999 39’ Honeybee, UII, control, Contour, field lights, $15,900. fore/aft, hyd. table angle, full width poly Phone 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. skid plating, dual knife drive. All factory $25,000. 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK. cond., $46,000. 306-463-8686, Eston, SK. updates including new canvases (2010), 2005 36’ FLEX HEADER, w/air reel, 2005 JD 635F 35’ flex header; 2005 JD underfeeding and Dual Zone Float Profore/aft, full finger auger, fits Massey 630F, 30’ flex header, good condition. M A C D O N 9 7 3 3 6 ’ combine header grams. Stored inside, like new, $57,500 w/873 JD 60 series adapter, bought new OBO; Unused pea/canola auger available. 306-231-7318, Humboldt, SK. 9790, $25,000. 306-587-7602, Abbey, SK. in 2007, loaded. Call Dave, 306-424-7511, 403-936-5797, Calgary, AB. SHELLBOURNE SR 20 stripper header, 2011 NEW MACDON D-60 35’ c/w trans- Montmartre, SK. good shape, very good in heavy and port, will fit combine or swather. Cam-Don 3 - MASSEY 5100 36’ DRAPER headers, HC 74C NEW HOLLAND, 25’, 2008, FF auger, lodged crops, $5500. Oyen, AB. Phone Motors 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. PU reel, fore&aft., transport kit, gauge poly skids, Terrain tracer, field ready, 403-664-2268 or 403-664-0248 cell. 25’ HONEYBEE HEADER, 1999, JD 9600 wheels, MF/JD adapter plates, single point $28,900. 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. 2000 CASE 1010 header, 25’, PU reels, adapter. TR86 NH adapter, HCC PU reels, h o o k u p , s t a r t i n g a t $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . fore/aft, w/trailer and spare knife, asking transport and gauge wheels, $18,500. Can 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB. $12,500. 306-728-5835 or 306-728-8525, email pics. 306-298-2268, Val Marie, SK. IHC 810 24’ straight cut header, batt reel, Melville, SK. 22’ STRIPPER HEADER, JD and Case/IH g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 3 5 0 0 O B O . JD 224 FLEX, PU reel, header height con- a d a p t e r s . 1 9 ’ J D r i g i d h e a d e r. 306-542-4195, Kamsack, SK. t r o l , v e r y g o o d , $ 5 , 0 0 0 O B O . 780-623-1008, St. Lina, AB. 19’ NH 960 combine header, c/w batt and 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK. 1986 NH 971 PU HEADER good floor pickup reels, field ready, $3000 OBO. 2011 45’ MACDON draper flex header. and auger, $1980. Trades welcome, fi- 780-826-3214, Bonnyville, AB. New model no. FD70 JD adaptor, n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 1998 JD 930 header, with transport, batt brand new. 306-738-4511 Riceton SK reel, good condition. 204-873-2369, 1991 36’ MACDON 960 with JD 9600 or TRAILTECH HT30 HEADER transport, with 204-825-7104, Crystal City, MB. 25’ MACDON 960, 1995, PU reel, good 50 series adaptor, PU reel, good condition, s u s p e n s i o n a x l e s , $ 2 0 0 0 . P h o n e 39’ HONEYBEE w/DOUBLE knife drive. Will cond. Fits NH TR/TX. $14,900. Trades wel306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. asking $15,000. 306-831-8717, Eston, SK. fit Massey of JD. 306-375-2280, Kyle SK. come, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 1998 CASE/IH 1010, 25’, fore/aft, PU reel, 9030 MF 30’ header, batt reel, bought tonew knife, excellent, shedded, w/Trailtech tally reconditioned, used on approx. 200 MF 9024 BATT reel, $4800; Gleaner, 30’, transport, $11,500. 306-989-2182 or acres. $6000. Radisson, SK. 306-827-4939, PU reel, $9800. Pro Ag Sales, 306- JD 914 PU HEADER, 7 new belts, no dents 441-2030 anytime, North Battleford, SK. 306-827-7803. 306-961-9844 (cell), Paddockwood, SK. in auger, very good condition, asking JD 635D header, $54,000; Two JD 930D $11,000. 50 kms, North of Valleyview, AB. headers, $39,000 each. Like new, always Phone 780-715-6039 or 780-837-7013. shedded. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. 930 JD with BISO canola header, with JD 220 rigid header, good cond., asking hyd. side knife. Phone 204-648-7129, F OR S AL E $3500 OBO. 2005 NH 94C draper header, Grandview, MB. 2003 JD 965 0W w ith 914 pu h e a d e r. Du a ls , ho p p er to p p er, lo n g 30’, JD adapter, good cond., $31,500. LEXION 540, 40’ flex, AutoHeight, Terrain u n l oa d i ng a u ger, b ea ter s p eed u p kit, cha ffs p rea d er, s tra w cho p p er. 780-336-2471, Viking, AB. tracer, full finger auger, PU reel, poly 1999 JD 965 0W w ith 914 pu h e a d e r. Du a ls , ho p p er to p p er, lo n g 30’ CASE/IH 1010, batt reel, good guards skids, field ready, $28,500. 306-344-4811, u n l oa d i ng a u ger, high in ertia cylin d er, b ea ter kit a n d gra te, b ea ter s p eed u p kit, and knife, $7000 OBO. 306-258-2219 or Paradise Hill, SK. cha ffs p rea d er, s tra w cho p p er, yield m o n i tor. 306-222-9689, St. Denis, SK. 24’ AGCO 400 HEADER, PU reel, fits R 1998 JD 9610 w ith 914 pu h e a d e r. New ru b b er, ho p p er to p p er, lo n g 1998 36’ HONEYBEE header, PU reel, pea series. Good shape, $5500. 403-666-2111, u n l oa d i ng a u ger, high in ertia cylin d er, b ea ter kit a n d gra te u p gra d e, b ea ter auger. New canvases, center drum and fin- Bow Island, AB. s p eed u p kit, cha ffs p rea d er, s tra w cho p p er, yield m o n i tor. g e r s . N i c e s h a p e , $ 1 8 , 5 0 0 . P h o n e NH 971 30’ Rigid, air reel, PU reel; Cat P13 403-317-4976, Burdett, AB. 2002 M a cd o n 962 30’ d ra pe r. JD a tta chm en t, UII p u reel, hyd fo re/a ft HEADER, Rake-Up PU, less then 1500 hrs. tra n s p o rtkit. GLEANER 27’ HEADER, model 327, self B o t h i n v e r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n . contained hydraulics, re-built wobble box, 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. ***All u n its a re in p rem iu m s ha p e a n d a re field rea d y w ith recen tw o rk o rd ers p ro vid ed *** fits N and R series. Excellent shape, $4500. F o r m o re d eta ils ca ll Da ryl a t 36’ MACDON DRAPER header, PU reel, 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB. w/new bushings, $7500; Adapter for NH CASE 1010 30’ header, fore and aft, good combine, $3000. Brian 204-856-6119, shape, $7900. 306-233-5533, Wakaw, SK. 204-685-2896, MacGregor, MB. 2004 MACDON 963, 36’ header w/873 adapter to fit IH 88 series combines. UII PU reel, pea augers, gauge wheels new beginning of last season. Excellent always, s h e d d e d . Tr e n t 3 0 6 - 3 7 2 - 4 1 9 1 o r 306-372-7733. Luseland, SK. JD 224 24’ straight cut header, batt reel, c/w transport trailer, $4800. Battleford, SK, 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719.


403-333-315 3

JOHN DEERE 230 30’ header, rebuilt PU reels. 204-734-8355, Swan River, MB. 2004 MACDON 873 adaptor for CR, CX, and Case AFX, excellent cond. $9500 306-424-2645, Montmartre, SK. ALL MAKES FLEX heads to fit your combine. Headers in stock: JD 925 w/PU reel, poly skids, steel dividers, reconditioned, $8500; JD 925, PU reel, poly skids, poly dividers, recond. $11,500; JD 930, PU reel, poly skids, steel dividers, working, not recond., $5900; JD 930, PU reel, poly skids, poly dividers, recond., $12,500; JD 930, PU reel, poly skids, poly dividers, full finger auger, recond., $17,500; JD 630, PU reel, poly skids, poly dividers, full finger auger, single point, recond., $26,500; JD 635, PU reel, poly skids, poly dividers, full finger auger, single point, recond., $26,500; CIH 1020 30’, PU reel, poly skids, recond., $11,500. Many more available, both as is and recond i t i o n e d . A l l p r i c e s O B O. C a l l G a r y 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 1999 MACDON 972 header, 25’, PU reels, DSA, $13,500; 1015 CIH 13’ header, w/CIH PU, $5800; MacDon 871 adapter, to fit 1680-2388 CIH, $4500. Phone 306-452-3907, Redvers, SK. MACDON HEADERS for CIH, JD and NH combines, 30’ and 36’, several available. Phone 780-875-8505, Lloydminster, AB. 2004 HONEYBEE SP30 UII PU reel, fore/aft, transport, good knife and guards, good canvas, $21,900. Trades welcome, fin a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 TWO 30’ 810 IHC HEADERS, fits 14-16 series, good condition. One at $3500. On at $4500. 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB. 2006 MF 8200, 35’ flex head, shedded, $29,900. Cam-Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2007 JD 936D, fully loaded, excellent condition. Phone 306-592-4524, Buchanan, SK.

925 JD FLEX header with dual dividers, PU reel, excellent condition, $11,900. 780-376-2426, Killam, AB. 2009 MACDON D60, 40’ header, fore/aft header height control, single knife drive. $55,000. 403-818-2816, Calgary, AB.

2003 NH 72C 30’ flex header, hyd. fore&aft, PU reels, full finger auger, fits AFX or CR/CX combines, $27,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, 1984 NH 970 HEADER 24’, dual knife drive, good condition. $7900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 2002 HONEYBEE 30’ header, PU reels, fore and aft, transport, 50 Series JD adaptor, $20,000; JD 30’ flex header, PU reels, fore and aft $10,000. 306-782-2738 Yorkton SK 2009 HONEYBEE 36’ GRAINBELT plus flex draper PU reel, Crary air reel, pea augers, self transport, fits JD 60 and 70 series combines, single point hookup, gauge wheels, hyd. fore/aft reel, $55,000. 403-823-9100, Drumheller, AB. 1995 JD 930R straight cut header, good s h ap e , b at t r e e l s , $ 6 5 0 0 O B O. C a l l 306-948-7843, Biggar, SK. 2007 LEXION F-540, $35,000, PU reel, double knife drive, good skid shoes. Will fit 400 or 500 Series combines. Phone 306-861-9481, Weyburn, SK.

MACDON 873 ADAPTOR fits 8010 CIH. Removed from 972 header, single point attachment. 204-648-4649, Dauphin, MB. MASSEY FERGUSON 24’ straight cut 2003 CASE/IH 1052, 36’, same as Mac- header, fits MF 750/760/850 or 860 comDon 973, 2388 adapter, immaculate, bine. Great shape, always shedded, extra $ 3 1 , 0 0 0 O B O . S a s k a t o o n , S K , parts, $5000. 403-783-6873, Ponoka, AB. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. GLEANER 14’ PU header, $2500; Rake-Up 14’ PU $4500; Gleaner 30’ straight cut PU reel and carrier $9500; MF 9024 $4500. Pro Ag Sales 306-441-2030 anytime. North Battleford, SK. NH 94C, 2004, 42’, cross auger, factory carrier, NH/CIH adapter; NH 72C, 2002, 30’, like new w/wo pan. 204-825-8205 or 204-744-2838, Sommerset, MB 2009 NEW 5100 MF 30’ draper header, fore and aft, warranty, UII PU reel, MF 30’ NH 971 header, UII PU reel, $8800 adapter. 403-588-0766, Three Hills, AB. OBO. 204-567-3710, Miniota, MB. NEW MACDON 871 HEADER ADAPTER, fits Gleaner R series, shedded, never used, (2) 30’ CIH 1010, batt reels, one with hyd. fore and aft, $7000. 306-843-3396 or $12,500. 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB. 306-843-2892 Wilkie, SK. 2004 930D, PU reel, $25,000. 1993 JD 925 flex header, PU reel, fore/aft, 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. good condition, $8500. 306-873-5322, MF 9024 HEADER, batt reel, good shape, 306-873-5459, Tisdale, SK. $2500 OBO; 1982 860 V8 hydro., running machine, hydro. leaks bad, $2500 OBO. 306-243-2139, Macrorie, SK. 9024 24’ header, Norac header height, excellent condition, shedded. 306-554-7074, Elfros, SK.

2001 930 FLEX HEADER, PU reel, hyd. fore/aft, full finger auger, $17,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, 1995 MACDON 960 36’ draper header with J o h n D e e r e a d a p t e r, $ 9 5 0 0 O B O . 306-548-5547, Stenen, SK. 2007 HONEY BEE 3655 flex draper header, fore and aft, pickup reels, pea auger, JD 60 series adaptor, $45,000. 306-473-2627, Willow Bunch, SK.

CIH 1010 25’ HEADER PU reel, hyd fore/aft, crop lifters, overall good cond. $8,900. Trades welcome, financing avail. 1-800-667-4515 2009 630D DRAPER header, $49,500. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. 25’ HONEYBEE HEADER for Ford NH bidirectional tractor, w/PU reel, transport and gauge wheels; Also 21’ MacDon swather or combine header w/PU reel. Phone 780-875-8505, Lloydminster, AB. 2008 JD 635 flex header, low stone DAM, PU reel, full finger auger, exc. cond., field ready, $33,000. Dugald, MB 204-853-7542 NEW UII PICKUP REELS 30’ $7850 and 3 6 ’ $ 9 9 0 0 . Tr a d e s A c c e p t e d . 1-800-667-4515. 2015 CASE/IH pick-up table, new belts and teeth, stored inside, $13,000 OBO. Phone 306-644-4742, Loreburn, SK. 2009 CASE/IH 45’ draper head w/finger r e e l a n d t r a n s p o r t , $ 5 1 , 0 0 0 U S D. 701-845-0013, Valley City, ND.

FLEX HEADERS: 2004 JD 635F, $26,500; 2005 JD 635F, $27,500; 2004 JD 630F, $24,250. Located at Carman, MB. Call 2002 HONEYBEE SP30 UII PU reel, Shelton 701-330-7401, fore/aft, pea auger, transport, poly shoes, CIH adapter or others available, $21,900. Trades welcome, financing available. CRARY CHAFF SPREADER, like new 1-800-667-4515 condition, $1,000. 780-307-1714, West2009 JD 635 DRAPER, factory transport, lock, AB. shedded, excellent, $55,000 OBO. Phone 780-204-0478, Mayerthorpe, AB. VICTORY SUPER 8 PICK-UP 14’, good others available. $2900. Trades GLEANER 24’ straight cut header, big au- condition, elcome, financing available. ger, w/wo lifters. 306-867-8557, Outlook, w 1-800-667-4515. SK. VICTORY SUPER 8 PU, good condition, 1020 CIH 25’ FLEX header, $3900 OBO $ 2 4 8 0 . Tr a d e s we , fi n a n c i n g 306-472-5414, 306-472-7566, Lafleche, ava i l a b l e . w w w. c ol cmobmi neew SK. 1-800-667-4515. MASSEY 9122 22’ flex head, new nylon, JD 212 PU HEADER w/Renn, $4500 OBO. good condition. 306-354-7712, Gravel- Phone 306-631-7932 or 306-692-2258, bourg, SK. Moose Jaw, SK. 1998 HONEYBEE 36’ header, CIH adapter, fore/aft, U2 reel, transport, shedded. 306-293-2929, Climax, SK. 1998 JD 930 flex header, fore and aft, plastic PU reels, $10,000. 306-524-4960, Semans, SK.

CIH 1015 PICK-UP, good belts and windguard, $3780. Trades welcome, financing ava i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n ew o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515 1999 RAKE-UP PICK-UP 14’, dual hyd. windguard, nice shape. $6900. Trades wel2 - 2020 CASE 35’ flex headers, 2009 and come, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 2008, $31,000/ea. OBO. 204-632-5334 or 204-981-4291, leave msg. Winnipeg, MB. 14’ RAKE-UP, good condition $4900. Pro 960 NH 30’ combine header, kept inside. Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, North Call for details 306-493-2638, Delisle, SK. Battleford, SK.


1993 RAKE-UP 12’ PICK-UP double windguard, good gearbox. $3900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 14’ SUND PICK-UP, good cond. $2480. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, RAKE-UP PU, 12’, wing guards, good gearbox, very good condition. 306-354-7712, Gravelbourg, SK.

NEW SWATHMASTERS, 14’ for $11,950. Financing and lease options. 1-800-667-4515.

CASE ADAPTER PLATE for HoneyBee header, $1200; Hurricane chaff spreader, $500. 306-378-2904, 306-831-7668, Elrose, SK. 18.4x38 and 24.5x32 tires on yellow rims 10 bolt pattern ideal combine dual wheels. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St Louis, SK REDEKOP CHAFF WAGON and Redekop chopper defector system for IH 1680 to 2388 combine, in new condition. May separate. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. NEW 30’ HART CARTER PU reel. Also, Headsight AutoHeight control system for NH CR/CX models. 306-648-3523 res. 306-648-7766 cell, Gravelbourg, SK. KIRBY- DUTCH CHAFF SPREADER. Phone 403-677-2261 or 1-877-440-2261, Standard, AB. HORST HEADER TRAILER; MACDON 972 25’ header; SUND PICKUP 22’ on 810 IH header. Phone 204-548-2915 cell or 204-647-0724, Gilbert Plains, MB. REDEKOP CHAFF BLOWER and wagon electric dump, $1000 for unit. 306-268-4392, Bengough, SK. (7) MELROE PU BELTS, plastic teeth, done 50 acres, half price OBO. 306-946-2662, Watrous, SK. JD 9600 straw chopper rotor, regular cut. Phone 780-877-2339, Edberg, AB.

CRARY HYD. DRIVE chaff spreader, c/w hoses and couplers, $500. 306-554-7074, Elfros, SK. PEA AUGER, HoneyBee 30’, as new. Phone 306-631-7932 or 306-692-2258, Moose 1998 MACDON 960 36’ header, excellent Jaw, SK. knife and guards, batt reel, factory trans., fi t s C I H c o m b i n e s , o t h e r a d ap t e r s available, $11,900. Trades welcome, fin a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5

W e A re M oving!!! CRARY BIG TOP hopper toppers available for JD, CIH, NH, and GL combines, $1795. 1-800-667-4515.




A Division of Rockn L Enterprises LTD. Due to the recent selling of the building w e currently reside in at Rosetow n,SK , H ow ard C oncave is forced to m ove. Effective O ctober 1,2011, w e w ill be located

1 ⁄2 m iles w est of Biggar,SK on highw ay #14 and 11⁄2 m iles north. 1

O ur TollFree line: 1-800-667-6700 w illrem ain and our new num b er is 948-5335. CRARY CHAFF SPREADERS. We are W e look forwa rd to your bus ines s Canada’s largest Crary dealer. Complete a nd a s s is ting you the fa rm er in kit c/w hyd motor, hoses, fittings, flow valve and flow pan. All makes and models m a xim izing your com bines potentia l ava i l a b l e . $ 2 4 9 5 . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 . by putting Howa rd Conca ve a t the hea rt ofyour com bine! REM CHAFF SPREADER, $600; Clean cut crop divider, $850. Pro Ag Sales 306- ENGINE KITS, ENGINE PARTS, clutches, 441-2030 anytime. North Battleford, SK. machine shop services. Sanderson Tractor Ltd. 204-239-6448, Portage la Prairie, MB.



HOW ARD CONCAVE “Helping Farmers Harvest For 30 Years”

Ros e tow n , SK. 1-8 00-6 6 7-6 700 or 3 06 -8 8 2-2579 Ca s e/IH, Jo hn Deere, An d M a s s ey Ro ta ry Co n ca ves M a n u fa ctu red F o r S u p erio r S tren gth a n d T hres hin g; Our Universa l S ets Do All Crop Typ es w ithout Cha nging - S a ving Tim e a nd M oney! W e Rep a ir, S tren gthen , a n d S ha rp en All Co n ca ves In crea s e Ca p a city, Im p ro ve T hres hin g, An d S a ve Gra in .

SEXSMITH USED FARM PARTS LTD. Sexsmith, Alta. Email: YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW, USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dismantling all major makes & models of tractors, combines, swathers, balers, forage harvesters, Plus Much More.


Try Ou t M a xim izer Co n ca ves . Bes t Co n ca ves An yw here W e Gu a ra n tee It!

Buying Farm Equipment For Dismantling.



1- 8 1- 8 1- 8 1- 8

00- 667- 98 71 • Regin a 00- 667- 3095 • S askatoon 00- 38 7- 2 768 • M an itob a 00- 2 2 2 - 65 94 • Ed m on ton

“ Fo rAllY o u rFa rm Pa rts”

w w w .f yf e p a rts .c om

Check Us Out!

HARVES T NEED S S w a thm a s ter PU Belt. . . . . . . . $144.99 JD PU Belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $147.20 V icto ry PU Belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $113.13 CIH AFX Ro to r K it. . . . . . . . . . . . $2179.44 N H TX 6 6 Feed er Cha in . . . . $1143.78 HB K n ife 30 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $540.00 DIS C BL ADES - AL L S IZES - C AL L JD 9 6 00 Ra s p Ba rs . . . . . . . . . . . . $599.00 JD 9 6 00 Co n ca ve. . . . . . . . . . . . $1098.00 8 100/8 8 20 Drive Ro ller. . . . . $566.00 Ca m era o b s erva tio n s ys tem s a s lo w a s ..........................$325.99 S w a ther Drive & Id ler Ro llers L im ited Qu a n tities

LARGE INVENTORY! CALL H a rt Ca r te r Te e th $2 .81

U II Sin g le P la stic Tooth $1.71

O ver2700 Un its forS a lva g e Tra ctors Com b in e s Sw a th e rs Dis ce rs Ba le rs

WATROUS SALVAGE W a trou s , S a s k . Ca llJo e, Len o rDa rw in 306- 946- 2 2 2 2 Fa x 306- 946- 2 444 Ope n M o n .thru Fri., 8 a .m .-5 p.m . w w w .w a tro u s s a lva m Em a il: s a lv@ s a s kte l.n e t USED COMBINE PARTS off MF 860’s; also wrecking IH 1480 and 1482’s, JD 7720’s, etc. Call J.M. Salvage 204-773-2536, Russell, MB. SMALL AD, BIG SAVINGS, BEST PRICES. Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, Allan, SK. 1-888-676-4847. SALVAGE TRACTOR ARRIVALS. Ford 8340, TW35, 7710, 5000, 4000, 3000, 1720, 8N, County, Super Major. International 784, 574, 844, 885, 5488, 8940, B275. MF 8120, 3165, 65, 35. Volvo 650. David Brown 1690, 1394, 1210, 885. Nuffield. Unity, SK, 306-228-3011. MURPHY SALVAGE: new, used, rebuilt parts for tractors, combines, swather, tillage and misc. machinery. Always buying. Website: Phone 1-877-858-2728, Deleau, MB.

M a n u fa ctu red fo r a ll-co m b in es a n d a ll ho pper exten s io n s Swift Current, SK


THE ORIGINAL COMBINE ROLL TARP quickly roll over to protect hopper con• Feeder chains and sprockets tents and prevent spoiled grain in hopper. • Elevator chains and sprockets Available for most makes and models. • Baler belts Maurer and Crary tarps also available. 204-746-8260, Morris, MB. • Combine parts • Canvas ADAPTERS FOR HONEYBEE AND MACDON in stock to fit NH, CIH, JD and Versa• Tractor parts tile bi-directional tractors, $1400-$4900. NEED PARTS? Tr a d e s w e l c o m e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 . CALL NODGE FIRST USED STRAW CHOPPER rotor w/new 1-800-667-7421 knives and tail board for JD 9650 STS; 7 belt drive rotor for 914 PU and Calmar ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom redownspout. 306-748-2264, Neudorf, SK. builds available. Competitive warranty. NEW COMBINE DUAL KITS $4300. Fit Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red any combine with 32” tires with duals. Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732. Limited supplies. Trades welcome, financing available. WANT BETTER SEED RECOVERY AND LESS TRASH IN YOUR GRAIN? New 1-800-667-4515. Peterson sieves for TR95-99, adjustable 8820 FEEDER CHAIN, not bent or broken, airfoil, $1190. $375. 306-825-3376, Lloydminster, SK. 1-800-667-4515.

For Over 30 Years



For a Noticeable Improvement in combine performance we manufacture Feeder Chains, Conventional Concaves, Rotary Concaves, Air Foil Chaffers, and Plastic Louvered Sieves. For the Dealer nearest you

HARVEST SERVICES LTD. 1-800-667-2601



E arly Book ing Program ! Sila ge B a lew ra p startin g at$84 Sila ge C overs -32 feetto 120 feetw ide,a ny length

Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666 w w na dia nh a ya ndsila

Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.

COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, tapered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. NEW KRONE SILAGE EQUIPMENT: Big X forage harvesters, Easy Flow pickup headers and Easy Collect corn headers in stock. 2004 NH RI 600 8-row corn header. Will fit either NH FX or JD 6000/7000 series $27,000 OBO. Noble Equipment Ltd. 1-877-490-3020, Nobleford, AB. 430 FARM AID SILAGE wagon, approx. 8 yrs. old, w/scale, one owner, shedded, exc. condition. 204-767-2327, Alsona, MB. 2004 JD 7500 forage harvester, no PU reel, 1910 hrs, w/wo 30’ straight cut header, $155,000. 403-684-3540, Brandt, AB KEMPER 4500, 6-row corn header, fits JD 6000 or 7000 series, SPFH, exc. cond., $19,500. JD 678, 8-row corn header, fits JD 7000 series, SPFH, like new cond., $83,500. 403-308-8630, Lethbridge, AB. 2003 CATTELAC 450 mixer wagon, 4 auger, 1000 PTO, $16,500. Dairyland Agro Supply 306-242-5850, Saskatoon, SK. 2005 LUCKNOW 285 w/scales, shedded, like new, used very little, $16,000. 204-937-2543, Roblin, MB.

H E A R D ’ S C O M B I N E S A LVAG E LT D wrecking: CIH 1680, 1660, 1480, 1460; M a s s ey 8 6 0 , 8 5 0 ; N H T R 8 6 . P h o n e 306-689-2574, Abbey, SK. WRECKING CASE 2090 and 2290 and for parts, 2290 motor seized. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. PARTING OUT NH round balers and combines: JD 7721 and 7701; NH TR70; IH NH FP230, 27P PU, low hrs, prem. cond., 1482; Tractors: Case 1070, 1370, 2090; AC $23,500 OBO. High crop dump also avail., 7020, 7040, 7050 and 7060: JD 4020: $9,000. 780-940-0549, Leduc, AB. Cockshutt 1650, 578, 1850: MF 90 and 88. Phone 306-681-7610 or 306-395-2668. Also wanting to buy tractors in need of repair. Chaplin, SK.

M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa l va ge I nc. Specia lizing In N ew, Used & Reb uiltAgricultura l And C onstruction Pa rts Call Today M edicine Ha t, AB .

Dealer Inquiries Welcome

B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling

Ph:800-525-8189 Ph:306-244-2068 Fax:306-244-9699 2835B Cleveland Ave. Saskatoon,Sask

PA R T I N G O U T 1 9 8 1 9 7 0 0 , Pe r k i n s , 30.5x32 rubber, machine still complete. 306-222-0857, Saskatoon, SK.

COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES, Morris 7 Series Magnum; JD 1610, $135 ea.; JD 1610/610 (black) $180. 306-259-4923 COMBINE WORLD 1-800-667-4515, 20 min. E of Sas306-946-7923, Young, SK. katoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines, swathers, and balers. PARTING OUT 1985 1480 IH combine, no fire, newer sieves and concaves, long auger. 204-546-2508, Grandview, MB.

S p e c ia l p ric in g on c om p le te s e ts EXAM P LE: V ic tory 171⁄2 x 441⁄2 S e t of 8 w ith te e th $ 820.80


NH 892 FORAGE Harvester, good cond., stored inside, $2500; 12’ Jiffy hi-dump wagon, $1000 OBO; Schuler 175 silage feeding wagon, $500. 403-279-4767, Calgary, AB.


w w w

6 29 to $1049



IS YOUR ROTOR OUT OF BALANCE? New straw choppers c/w drive, superior design with IH factory appearance. 40/60 Series $4080. 80/88 Series $4310. 1-800-667-4515. STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very affordable new and used parts available, made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 NEW REDEKOP MAV fine-cut chopper and chaff spreader, NH TR95, 96, 97, 98, 99, $8650. Trades wanted 1-800-667-4515 LANDA PRESSURE WASHERS, steam washers, parts washers. M&M Equipment Ltd., Parts and Service 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111, Regina, SK.

WRECKING COMBINES: IHC 1482, 915, 914, 715, 503, 403; JD 7701, 7700, 6601, 6600, 106, 105, 95, 630; MF 860, 760, 751, 750, 510, 410, S92; NH TR70, 95, 1400, 995, 985; White 8800, 8600, 7800, 7600; CFE 5542, 542, 545; Gleaner C, F, L, M; CCIL 9600, 960, 951; Versatile 2000; Case 960. 306-876-4607, Goodeve, SK. LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured parts for most farm tractors and combines. GOODS USED TRACTOR parts. New, used, rebuilt parts for tractors, swathers. Call 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734 or fax 204-564-2054, Roblin, MB. David or Curtis. Open Monday to Saturday. Visa, MC. Email: Website:

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB New Used & Re-man parts

TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. Tractors Combines Swathers etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. inventory new and used tractor parts. MASSEY COMBINE 550, grey cab, 1275 1-888-676-4847. hours, motor runs good, trans. stuck in reverse, $1000 OBO; Case baler 8480, soft core, needs PU, $1000 OBO. Lloydminster, WRECKING TRACTORS, SK. 306-825-2196. SWATHERS, BALERS, COMBINES DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON


AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of BattlePREECEVILLE, SASKATCHEWAN ford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. WRECKING: CASE 2394 tractor; 4 VersaPARTING IH 1482 w/reverser; CI960, 9600 and swathers; Ford 642; Urvold tile 400 swathers; 7721 JD combine. Phone 306-255-7614, Colonsay, SK. spreader. 306-693-2626, Caronport, SK. WRECKING: 2009 ROGATOR 1286C 120’ COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and factory steel boom, loaded, 890 hrs. used parts for most makes of tractors, 403-994-7754, Didsbury, AB. combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, Borden, SK. please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, We buy machinery. 306-946-7923, Young, SK.

1981 750 MASSEY for salvage. Phone 306-795-7692 or 306-795-7691, Ituna, SK. WRECKING COMBINES at CUDWORTH, used parts, boxes and hoists. Combine sieve rebuilding. 14’ Sund pickup. Fresh 1460, IHC 1482’s, TR70, 8700 White; Two 7721 John Deere’s, etc. R&J Welding, Roland Sakowski, Cudworth, SK, Phone 306-256-7088. G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK.

6-ROW HARRISON planter, ground drive, good condition; 2-row Spudnik harvestor, big blowers, low acres, field ready. 204-871-4365, Oakville, MB. Dealer for Logan potato boxes, conveyors and Tristeel Mfg. potato polishers, tote fillers, washline equip. Largest inventory of used potato equip. Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB. 1976 DODGE 800 c/w 20’ Neufeld spud box; 20’ Neufeld box mounted on tandem trailer; 16’ Troyer seed elevator; Home made evener box; Mobility bulk loader; 24” Better Bilt seed cutter. All priced to sell. 1-877-335-4690, Olds, AB.

TOMORROWS HYDROGEN-ON-DEMAND now introducing Yellow Iron HHO units. Perfect for all large equipment. Contact us for all your HHO needs. Fuel savings of 20% and up on all diesel equipment. Bill at 306-370-2678 or

E S TAT E S A L E : FLEXI-COIL System, 67 105’ sprayer, wind screens, autorate, walking axle, rinse tank, foam markers, $10,500 OBO. 306-691-0050 after 6:00 PM, Moose Jaw, SK. 1980 WILGER 460, 400 gal. stainless steel tank, 60’ w/break away boom ends, hyd. centrifugal pump, electric controls, 1300 gal. water supply tank. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. CASE/IH 160 suspended boom sprayer, 1600 gal., 134’, 3” fill, GS2, loaded, $39,500. 403-578-3308, Coronation, AB. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 67XL susp. boom, 90’, 1250 gal. tank, triple nozzle bodies, wind screens, rinse tank, wand wash, exc. cond. Call Rod at 306-463-7713, Kindersley, SK.

2004 ROGATOR 1064, 2500 hrs., 100’ boom, 1080 gallon tank, Raven 661 rate controller and Outback Lightbar GPS guidance. $118,000. 306-520-8080, Watson, SK.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. CASE/IH 4410, aim command, Outback, 2 sets of tires, 1750 hrs., $165,000. 306-295-4062, 306-295-7012, Frontier, SK 2009 CASE/IH 4420, 1200 SS, 280 HP, 1350 hrs., $189,000. Call 1-800-735-5846. 2010 JD 4730, 900 hrs., 2 sets of tires, 100’ 3 sensor boom heights, GPS w/2600 screen, exc. cond. Available October 1st. Call 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. 2009 JD 36’, loaded, double knife drive, with hyd. roller, 85 hrs.. 306-247-4946, 2010 JD 7250 SP forage harvester and Wilkie, SK. 640C hay pickup, 50 chopping hours, Hi arch spout. Priced to move at $169,900. 2007 ROGATOR 1074SS, 1300 hrs., 2 sets of tires, 100’ booms, $159,000. Contact Royce 306-921-9310, Melfort, SK. 306-441-9320, North Battleford, SK. 2009 JD 4830, 450 eng. hrs. Loaded, AMS, 2 sets of tires, HID lighting, $265,000. 306-441-9320, North Battleford, SK. EQ U IPM EN T IN C. 2008 MILLER A75, 1200 gal., 275 HP, 1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46 $179,000; CIH Patriot 3320, $229,000; Apache A790, $69,000; CIH 4420, 120’ 2002 TUBL IN E $ here soon; CIH 3330, coming. Call Hergott 5500 W RAPPER 14, 9 00 Farm Equip., 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK MELROE SPRA-COUPE 215 52’, 4 wheel, As k fo r K e vin o r Ro n $8900. Call 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. RICHARDTON HIDUMPS, 12-14’, #700, #770 high lift; JD 3970 Harvester, $7900; 2008 JD 4930, 120’ 1200 gal., 2 sets of Dion 16’ forage wagon, tandem, $3500. tires, eductor, exc. cond. 306-278-2452, 1-866-938-8537 306-278-7396, Porcupine Plain, SK.




AUTO RESET PLOWS: Melroe 8-18, $3500; 8-16, $3000; 7-18, $3000; 7-16, $2500; JD 3600 5-18, $2500; Rippers: DMI 7 shank, $10,900; 5 shank, $8900; Sunflower 14’ disc ripper, $12,000. Portage la Prairie, MB. toll free 1-866-938-8537. 2010 31’ SALFORD RTS, exc . cond., $50,000. 306-328-4883, 306-338-7886, Wadena, SK.

FLEXI-COIL 5000 HD, 51’, 10”, 5-1/2” dual rubber castors, 5” Stealth carbide, 8run, single shoot, used 6000 acres, $80,000. FLEXI-COIL 4350 TBT variable air cart 8-run, STR 3022 controller, 2500 acres, $75,000. 403-638-0660 Sundre, AB 2001 BOURGAULT 5710, 54’, MRB’s, very good condition, $59,000 OBO. Phone 306-563-8482 or 306-782-2586, Rama, SK

2001 WILLMAR 7200 90’, 1771 hrs., Midtech rate control, Cummins 5.9 turbo, 12.4x42 tires, triple nozzles, $47,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, 2006 CASE SPX 4410 100’, 1200 gallon, active suspension, AIM, AutoSteer, mapping, 1600 hrs., $175,000. 306-690-9479, Moose Jaw, SK. 2008 4830 JD, fully loaded, 100’ boom, 1000 gal tank, 2 sets of tires, $215,000 OBO. 306-886-2073 or 306-873-8526, Bjorkdale, SK. 1998 JD 4700, 90’, 4300 hrs., Outback AutoSteer/mapping, 2 sets of tires, crop dividers, field ready. 306-441-9299, Maidstone, SK. 2006 WILLMAR EAGLE 8500, 90’, 2400 hrs., Outback GPS, mapping, etc., extra tires, crop dividers, other options. 306-961-6170, Prince Albert, SK. 1999 854 ROGATOR, 2027 original hrs., 90’ boom, 800 gallon poly tank, 3 way nozzles, rinse tank, foam marker, Raven controller, air ride cab, 320x90R46 and 23.1x26 tires, extra flood lights, Swath Excell Guidance, exe. cond., $92,000 OBO. 204-265-3591 or 204-265-3572, Beausejour, MB. 1995 ROGATOR 854, 80’, 800 gal., foam markers, 3 tire sets, 3800 hrs, good shape, $55,000 OBO. 306-537-0950, Pelly, SK. 2009 CASE/IH 4420, 120’ booms, aim, Aut o S t e e r, Au t o B o o m , 1 4 0 0 h r s . 3 0 6 842-5891, 306-861-7488, Weyburn, SK.

S a ska tchew a n Dea ler Us ed 2010 S a l ford – 55’ DD Air Drill 10” s p a ci ng, m id ro w s , liq u id a n d Alp in e p l um b i ng, 370 b u . to w b ehi nd p o ly ta n ks W hite Fa rm S u pply Co . L td . Da vid s o n , S K . 306 /56 7-476 2

RITEWAY 6000 harrow packer bar, 50’, P-30 HD packers, tines 90%, overall exc. cond., $6900. Trades welcome, financing av a i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n e w o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515. 2002 FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 85, 50’ 400 acres, as new, $29,750. 306-862-2387 or 306-862-2413, Nipawin, SK. 1999 BOURGAULT 4000 coil packer, 40’ width, excellent condition. $4995. 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. DEGELMAN 70’ HEAVY harrow, good condition, $24,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB DEGELMAN 7000 heavy harrow, 50’, manual tine adj., 9/16” curved tines, less than 10,000 acres, $27,500. 306-862-2387 or 306-862-2413, Nipawin, SK.

BART’S TRANSPORT INC. Specializing in t o w i n g a i r d r i l l s , S K / A B o n l y. 306-441-4316, North Battleford.

WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 4350 variable rate EZEE-ON 7500 37.5’ air drill, with ground TBT cart. 406-286-5541, 406-765-7100, drive tank, $29,900. Call 306-231-8111, Dave Rasmussen, Antelope, Montana. Humboldt, SK. 2009 66’ SEED HAWK, 12” spacing, dual castors on wings, 30.5x32 tires on rear centre frame, seeding and fertilizer distrubition system, blockage monitor on seed tower, plus liquid fert. kit, STC sectional control inc. Viper monitor, w/800 bu. Seed Hawk tank, hyd. metered drives and conveyor. $256,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

RESIDUE ISSUES? RENT our Salford Vertical tillage or Wishek discs. Windthorst Rental Centre 306-736-9190. BOURGAULT 60’ 9400 CHISEL PLOW, exc. shape, $55,000 OBO. 204-632-5334, 204-981-4291, leave msg, Winnipeg, MB.

FLEXI-COIL 2320 AIRCART, TBT, new metering box and manifold. $13,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515

2009 JD 1890 42’ drill with 350 bu. TBH 7.5” spacing, $135,000. Call Ray TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. cart, Reduce trampling losses by 80 to 90%. Call 204-825-8121, Morden, MB. Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK. NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for JD 4710, 4720, and 4730. $16,500/set. Also dual kits for combines. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. P u llin g Air d r ills/a ir SPRAYER TRAILER- Used 2007 Trailtech seed er s, pa cker b a r s, sprayer trailer HC320, with pintle hitch, Alb er ta a n d Sa sk. SPRMG safety, ready to work! $22,500. C a l l A l t o d a y a t F l a m a n Tr a i l e r s 30 yea r s exper ien ce. 306-934-2121 or visit WANTED: FOAM MARKER for 100’ sprayer. Bo b D a vid so n 306-697-3192, Grenfell, SK. 403- 823- 0746 GOT MUD? 9x42 sprayer tires to fit Patriot D ru m h eller,AB. Sprayer. Set of 4, $2000. Westlock AB. 780-305-3547. EZEE-ON 7550 (new 2007) 40’ air drills, trips, 3” rubber packers, 8” spacing, NEW SPRAYER CRADLE with flip up heavy s k i n g $ 5 9 , 0 0 0 . Ta n k o p t i o n s . ramp for any size high clearance sprayer. A 204-248-2359 or cell 204-723-0359, Notre 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. Dame, MB.


HIGH QUALITY NEW discs at used disc prices, 18’ to 47’. 403-545-6340, 403-580-6889 cell, Bow Island, AB. WHITE 271 DISC, hyd. wings, 24’, 22” DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR blades, $4500. 306-524-4960, Semans, SK. 2009 BOURGAULT 3310 PHD, 65’, 10” drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alber- 16’ WISHEK 842, $17,000; 24’ Wishek 842 spacing, MRB’s, 3/4” knives, Topcon block- ta and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob with harrows, $35,000. 306-273-4644 or 306-621-6673, Rhein, SK. age sensors, 10,000 acres, $175,000. Davidson, Drumheller, 403-823-0746 306-648-3675 or 306-648-3540, GravelWISHEK HEAVY DISCS- 1,000 lbs. per bourg, SK. foot. These are the heaviest discs on the 2008 SEED HAWK, 64’x12”, 400 tow be- 1986 JD 655 28’ air seeder, Peacock preci- market! Available at Flaman Sales, call us hind, liquid and Alpine plumbing, excel- sion seeder attachments with 5” paired at 1-888-435-2626 or lent. 306-567-4762, Davidson, SK. r o w o p e n e r s a n d p a c k e r w h e e l s . JD 360 SWINGER DISC, 28’, $6750. 204-636-2448, Erickson, MB. 2008 CIH SDX 40’ disc drill and 3380 TBT 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. SS, var. rate, $104,000. 306-672-3711, WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820 25’-40’ and 2002 57’ JD 2400 deep tiller, 3 row JD 306-672-7616, Gull Lake, SK harrows, AccuDepth, $45,000. 60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, AB. 204-825-2641, Pilot Mound, MB. ‘BOURGAULT PERSUING PERFECTION’ 2002 Bourgault 5710, 40’, DS, 3” rubber, J D 4 0 ’ d e e p t i l l a g e c u l t i v a t o r. $49,000; 2001 5710, 64’, 9.8” spacing, 306-383-2920, Quill Lake, SK. MRB’s, 3.5 rubber packers, w/2001 5440 USED FRIGGSTAD 80’ heavy duty cultivaair tank, $115,000; 2003 Bourgault 5710, tor. Call Darroll at 306-324-2141, or cell: 54’, DS, 3” rubber, $89,000; 2002 Bour306-272-7151, Margo, SK. gault 5710, 54’, single shoot, 3” rubber, $69,500; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5” steel, $59,000; 1998 FlexiCoil 5000/2320 TBT, single shoot, 4” rubber; $79,000; 2000 Bourgault 5710, 64’, new 5-1/2” pneumatic packers, DS, $109,000; 2003 Bourgault 5350, dual FLEXI-COIL 2320 AIRCART, TBT, new shoot, $46,000; 2001 Bourgault 5440, DS, metering box and manifold, $13,900. $58,000; JD 1910, $35,000; 1998 Bour- Trades welcome, financing available. gault 4350, $35,000; 2006 Bourgault 6550, 1-800-667-4515, single shoot, $89,000; 2005 Bourgault JD 665 41’ air seeder, 10” spacing, 3-1/2” 6450, DS, $69,000; Flexi-Coil 800/1610, steel on row packers, hydraulic fan, newer 33’, $19,500; New 54’ Bourgault 8810 model. 306-296-4741, Frontier, SK. cult.;2001 Bourgault 5710 54’, 3” rubber packers, DS, $99,000. Call for pricing. RD 1995 JD 1850 air seeder, 250 bu. grain Ag Central, 306-542-3335 or tank, single shoot. Eston, SK. 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK. 306-962-4311, 306-962-4737. 2004 CASE ATX 4010, ADX 2230 cart, VALMAR 1210 AIR seeder with 12 Coulter variable rate, 230 bu. TBH tank, 6.5” pack- interchangeable seed rollers. Merritt, BC., ers, 3 bar harrows, 5 plex, 2 sets of open- 250-378-4955, email ers, vg cond. 204-346-3117 Randolph, MB. 2009 JD 1830, 34’ w/1910 TBT 195 bu. 2 tank air cart, 7.5” spacing, 3” packers, variable rate, 3/4” carbide tips, primary 43’ PHILIPS ROTARY harrows with mountblockage monitors, mint shape, $90,000. ed valmar. Good shape. 204-729-6803, Deloraine, MB. 403-575-1114, 403-577-2277, Consort, AB 1997 BOURGAULT 8810 40’, w/3225 tank, BLANCHARD 70’ 5-bar med. tine harrows, 8” space, mid-row banders, NH3 kit, steel autofold, $1875 OBO. 306-763-1047, Bankend, SK. pkrs, $46,500. 204-573-7787, Brandon, MB 2005 JD 1910 430 bu. tank w/conveyor, 1997 FLEXI-COIL 70’ heavy harrows, new 1820 60’, 10” sp, Bourgault MRB’s, $85,000 2 6 ” t i n e s a n d n ew t i r e s , $ 2 3 , 5 0 0 . 306-272-7162, Foam Lake, SK. OBO. 306-648-7313, Gravelbourg, SK. JD 787, 230 bu., w/44’ 730 double disc drill, $14,500; Flexi-Coil 1610 w/41’ JD 1060, $9500. Can deliver. 204-856-6119 or 204-685-2896, MacGregor, MB.

COCKSHUTT 1850 w/high lift FEL, MFWD, good rubber, $12,500 OBO. Serious calls only. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610. ChaKELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and plin, SK. bearings. Parts to fit most makes and models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. KELLO-BILT 8’ TO 16’ OFFSET DISCS RESTORED: 1968 IHC 444 42 HP diesel, c/w oilbath bearings, 26” to 36” blades. tractor, FEL, 3 PTH, PS, 2975 orig. hrs., T h e S u c c e s s f u l F a r m e r s C h o i c e . $10,995 OBO. 403-823-7027, Drumheller, AB. Email: 1-888-500-2646 41’ 610 JD cultivator w/Degelman har- CASE 9270, 9380, MXM 120, MXM 130, rows, 9.5 tires on centre frame, 1-1/4” S t e i g e r 2 2 5 t r a c t o r s f o r s a l e . shanks, John Blue anhydrous kit, $14,000; 306-837-4433, 306-240-8320, Makwa, SK. 29’ 8100 Case/IH HD cultivator, floating IHC 706 DIESEL tractor, c/w FEL, $5000 hitch, 9” spacing, mounted harrows, OBO. 780-218-2151, Willingdon, AB. $6,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. WRECKING FOR PARTS: 2090 and 2290 Case, both w/very good running engines. TYE 6 SHANK SUBSOILER, good shape, The 2290 has good powershift. Excellent shedded. 780-283-2005, Westlock, AB. sheet metal. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. USED KELLO TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 12’ 1986 4690 CASE 4 WD, 30.5Lx32 tires, Kello 210G offset disc; 10’ Kello 250 offset 4 hyds., 12 spd. powershift, 5700 hrs, disc; 5 Shank Kello subsoiler. Kellough’s 1000 PTO, new injectors and pump one yr. 403-347-2646, Red Deer, AB. ago, new batteries, c/w 14’ Leon 5-way INTERNATIONAL 35’ chisel plow with blade, 3 PTH, works awesome, great for mounted harrows, $7500. 306-435-4124, dozing and grain cart, very good shape, Moosomin, SK. $27,000. 306-847-2048, Liberty, SK. 1980 BOURGAULT COMMANDER V.M. 1978 CASE 2470, 90 Series cab, 13’ Leon 2630 30’ cultivator, Degelman 3 bar blade and rock digger attach, 6 very good m o u n t e d h a r r o w s . N i c e u n i t . tires, weak powershift, but good eng. that 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. uses no oil. 306-454-2726, Ceylon, SK. 62’ CD FRIGGSTAD chisel plow, 4-bar har- COMPLETE 540-1000 PTO ASSEMBLY, fits rows, 650 trips, 12” spacing, low acres IH tractors 856, 1256, 1066, 1486 and $24,000. 701-897-0099, Garrison, ND. many others. Phone 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK.

41 20” FARMLAND Coulters w/mounting brackets and 4x4 frame brackets, $13,000 for complete unit. A. E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. GROENING 3 PTH for 9030, $900; 25’ Massey #10 PTO swather, exc. cond., $1000; 6000 Rite-Way harrow packer, used 4 yrs., $6000; 10’ ext. for System 85 heavy harrow, $500. 306-254-2104, Saskatoon, SK. 2007 AGROWPLOW APH2, 19 and two shank non-inversion tillage subsoiler, 24’ treatment width, all hyd. trip system, new tires, excellent condition, $37,500 OBO. 403-443-0608, Three Hills, AB. MORRIS CP 725 Magnum, 29’ cultivator, w/mounted harrows, c/w John Blue NH3 kit, trailer hitch, 12” spacings, $3250 OBO. 306-763-1047, Bankend, SK.

1980 WHITE 4-210, 4900 hrs., Cat eng., IH 3588 FOR parts or repair, good engine, 18.4x38 duals, good condition, $12,000. steering pump went, many parts 86 series, 306-753-7785 cell, Denzil, SK. 2 WD, 3 PTH. 780-623-1008, St. Lina, AB. 1988 WHITE 2-160 Cummins, 5733 hrs, 2011 500 QUAD track, 140 hrs., PTO, ex$21,000. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. cellent. 306-436-4418 or 306-436-2053, Milestone, SK.

JD 9350 HOE DRILL, 20’, mint, shedded. 306-620-7016, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES, Morris 7 Series Magnum; JD 1610, $135 ea.; JD 1610/610 (black) $180. 306-259-4923 306-946-7923, Young, SK. 43 LEON DT shank assemblies, w/knockon clip, $60 ea. 204-773-0638, Russell, MB

2002 FENDT 920 VARIO, 180 HP, CVT, only 3310 hrs., c/w Quicke Q990 FEL, $99,000; 2001 FENDT 926 VARIO, 260 HP, 3149 hrs., c/w duals, $126,000. Both mint, CVT, 53 kms/hr., LHR, Michelin 710 tires, front axle and cab suspension, 3 PTH, 1000 PTO, 4 hyds. Open to offers on both. Phone 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. 1996 AGCO WHITE 6175, 175 HP, FWA, 18 speed powershift, only 2050 hrs. 306-773-5395, Swift Current, SK. 2010 FENDT 820 w/Quicke Q75 FEL, 882 hrs, FWA, front links and PTO. Rear 6 5 0 / 6 5 / 4 2 , 1 8 0 H P. N ew c o n d i t i o n . $161,500, 204-412-0347, Brandon, MB.

WA N T E D : W H I T E 2 - 1 0 5 , 2 - 1 1 0 , 2-120/125 or 2-135 with FWA and loader, good condition. Phone: 780-695-8738, Edmonton, AB. 1981 WHITE 2-135, 5000 hrs, 3 hyd. outlets, 1 return line, good condition, asking $13,500. 780-841-2984, LaCrete, AB. 700 WHITE, FWA, c/w loader and bucket, 3 P T H , n ew r e a r t i r e s , h e at e d c a b. $14,000. 780-389-2483, 780-202-0297, Thorsby, AB.

2003 MTX125, 6200 hrs., c/w Quicke 980 loader, used mainly on TMR mixer, exc. cond., $45,000 OBO. 204-362-4614 cell, 204-325-7090, Winkler, MB. CASE/IH MXM 155, c/w Alo 1080 loader, grapple, joystick, 3 PTH, vg cond. Wetaskiwin, AB. 780-352-3179, 780-361-6879. 1964 930 and 1967 932 Case tractors, rubber good, rebuilt eng. on 930. Your choice $3500 ea. 306-567-4645, Davidson, SK. CASE 2090 w/Leon 707 loader, CIH rebuilt engine and powershift, tires good, shedded, $16,500 OBO. Phone 306-374-7051, (cell) 306-221-0356, Saskatoon, SK. CASE 7120 FWA, 3PT, PTO, loader, CAH, 4 spd. reverser, creeper, asking $39,500. 403-553-4469, Fort MacLeod, AB.

2007 CATERPILLAR MT 865B, excellent condition, 1000 PTO, 5 hyds., GPS, night breaker lights, weight pkg. Delivery can be arranged. Call Gord at 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB.

1985 JD 4450, 8330 hrs., powershift, 3 PTH, 20.8Rx38 tires- 70%. Clean in and out. Fresh oil and filters. Mint condition, $32,000 OBO. 403-741-6861, Erskine, AB. 1995 8570 JD, 250 HP, 20.8x38, 4 SCV’s and return, 4300 hrs., good cond. Asking $59,900. 306-291-8085, Saskatoon, SK. COLLECTION OF 60 2 cylinder tractors, 2 2 9 0 C A S E TRACTOR, great shape, mostly running. Phone 306-497-3535, $11,500. Call for more info. 306-778-2533, Blaine Lake, SK. Swift Current, SK 2009 JD 7430, w/loader, IVT trans, 500 1984 5088 IH, 9400 hrs, 10’ dozer blade, hrs, new condition. 403-382-8544, Picture dual PTO’s, very good shape, asking Butte, AB. $12,500. 306-847-2048, Liberty, SK. BEN PETERS JD Tractors Ltd., c/o Mitch Rouire, Box 72, Roseisle, MB, R0G 1V0. 204-828-3628 (shop); 204-750-2459 (cell). For sale: 38 front weights for 30, 40, 50 series; 6300 MFWD, 3 pt, P.Q., w/640 FEL, grapple; (1) 4450 MFWD, 3 pt, 15 spd; (1) 4250 MFWD, 3 pt, 15 spd, 4055 MFWD, 3 pt, 15 spd; 2950 MFWD, 3pt, w/260 s/l FEL; 4450 quad, 5800 hrs; 4250 3 pt, 15 spd, 3 hyds, factory duals; 4640 3 pt, 3 hyds; (2) 4440 quads, 3 hyds, 3 pts; 4430 quad; 4230 3 pt, quad; 4020 powershift; 1830 3 pt. We also have loaders, buckets, grapples to fit JD tractors. Ben Peters JD Tractors Ltd., Roseisle, MB, 1999 CIH MX110, L655 FEL w/grapple, 3 Mitch 204-828-3628, 204-750-2459 or PTH, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd, $34,900. Trades email: welcome, financing available. 2009 JD 9530, 4 WD, 1105 hrs, premiere 1-800-667-4515, lighting pkg., 800/70R38’s w/duals, active LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We s e at , Au t o Tr a c r e a dy, we i g h t p k g . , buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD tractors $214,500 US. Fairfax, MN, 320-848-2496, for parts and rebuilding. Also have rebuilt 320-894-6560, tractors for sale. 306-784-2213 Herbert SK LATE 1982 JD 4640. Very reliable tracNEW 2010 485 HD Case/IH 4 WD trac- tor, 9100 hours, very clean unit, asking t o r, 0 h r s . , 4 8 5 H P, 8 0 0 x 3 8 t i r e s , $19,000 OBO. Pictures available. Swift $265,000. A. E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Current, SK. 306-773-9733, 306-774-5669. Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. 1965 JD 4020 w/Allied loader, power 1998 9370, 12 spd., 20.8x42 duals, 3750 shift, good rubber, runs good. $8500. Call h r s , $ 9 0 , 0 0 0 fi r m . 3 0 6 - 4 3 6 - 4 3 3 4 , Troy at 306-598-4225, Annaheim, SK. 306-436-7600, Milestone, SK. JD 4020, mid sixties, cab, power shift, new 105 FWA FARMALL 2010, 160 hrs., balance seat, new battery, good rubber, runs good. of warranty, 24 spd. trans w/power rever- $7500. 204-236-4428 or 204-236-4440 s e r, 3 P T H , l o a d e r, j oy s t i c k , a s k i n g Bowsman, MB. $59,500. 204-573-7787, Brandon, MB. JD 8970 4 WD, 4240, 4250, 2130. All 9260 CASE/IH 4WD TRACTOR, Crab w/loaders and 3 PTH. Will take JD tractors steering, 12 spd, PS, PTO, 6000 hrs., ex- in trade that need work. 204-466-2927, cellent grain cart tractor. Price reasonable. 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. 306-336-2684 or Ryan cell 306-331-8636 1985 4250, MFWD, quad, rubber 90%, c/w or Bill cell 306-331-8305, Lipton, SK. 280 loader, grapple, joystick, Greenlight1979 CASE 2090, 18.4x38 new, 6700 hrs, ed, excellent. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. $12,900. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 2002 7810, MFWD, 6400 hrs., new rear Perdue SK rubber, 80% front, with 740 Classic selfCASE 4490 and IHC 1566, new rubber. levelling loader, joystick, grapple, LHR. Call for pricing. May accept trades. Very sharp, well maintained. $77,500 OBO; 2001 7810, MFWD, 5200 hrs., good rub306-831-7460, Medicine Hat, AB. ber, power quad, 3 PTH. Sharp, clean trac1175 CASE TRACTOR w/100 Ezee-On tor. $69,500 OBO. Yorkton, SK. Phone loader, 5300 hrs, new back tires, asking Blaine at 306-782-6022 or 306-621-9751. $10,500. 306-837-4544, Makwa, SK. JD 4430, 5500 hours, always shedded, 1973 IHC 1066 tractor, 7925 hrs., $5200. 20.8x38 duals, never had FEL use, vg cond. $18,000. 403-644-3793, Standard, AB. 306-374-8432, Saskatoon, SK. CASE/IH STX 500, 2004, 1763 hours, 16 JD 4850 MFWD, 20.8X38 duals, excellent spd. powershift, full weight package, 5 re- condition, $39,500 OBO. Morrin, AB. motes high flow, 800 Michelin duals, luxu- 403-823-1894. ry cab, HID lights, diff locks, $178,000. 1978 JD 4840 w/powershift, big rubber, Phone 403-638-0660, Sundre, AB. 7000 hrs., shedded, excellent, $16,000. 1992 CASE MAGNUM 7110, 1284 org. 204-937-2543, Roblin, MB. hrs., duals, in premium condition, $60,000. NEW 18.4X30 12 PLY $569; 18.4x34 12 Phone 306-283-4747 or 306-291-9395 or ply $636; 20.8x38 12 ply $826; 18.4x38 12 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. ply $736; 30.5Lx32 16 ply $2195; 24.5x32 ply $1749; 18.4x42 16 ply $1397; 2594 CASE, 24 spd. trans., 8500 hrs., vg 14 16 ply $1699; 20.5x25 20 ply cond., DT 710 radial duals, $22,000. Mark 20.8x42 $1496; 405/70-20 14 ply $795; 14.9x24 Perkins 780-842-4831, Wainwright, AB. 12 ply $356; 16.9x28 12 ply $498. Factory1998 CASE/IH 9380 4WD, 6605 hrs, direct, no middlemen. Implement, skid power shift trans, PTO, 5 remotes, dual steer tires also available. Tubes sold separhyd. pump (hi-flow), return line, front and a t e l y. U s e d t i r e s a l s o a v a i l a b l e . rear dry weights, 20.8x38 triples 80%, ex- 1-800-667-4515. cellent condition! $79,900. Call Jordan 2006 JD 7320, MFWD, 741 loader and anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. grapple, front axle susp., cab susp., 3PT, 2670 CASE 4 WD tractor, always shedded, IVT trans., 1600 hrs., excellent, $85,500. only 1483 hrs; 4890 Case 4 WD tractor, Rob 403-933-5448 or 403-608-1116 (cell), 7721 hrs. Richmound/Fox Valley, SK area, Calgary, AB. 306-789-9522 or JD 4630, 8000 hrs., 1000 PTO, original CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; owner, excellent condition, $16,000 OBO. Plus other makes and models. Call the 306-203-6137 cell, Wakaw, SK. 4WD Super Store! Trades welcome. We 1995 JD 8970, 4131 hrs., $87,000; 1996 deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB 8970, PTO, 4813 hrs., $93,000. Both have 7130 CASE IH Magnum, 2WD, good cond., triples, 24 speed, diff. lock and weights. 7900 hrs., 400 hrs. on rebuilt eng., 306-441-9320, North Battleford, SK. 20.8R38 tires 95%, 3 hyds., $29,500. 1991 JD 8560, 4WD, 6400 hrs., PTO, 4 hy306-329-4780, 306-371-7382, Asquith, SK. draulics, radar, 20.8x38 duals, new re-built 2010 CIH 535 HD, 200 hrs., powershift, motor at 5500 hrs., good condition, 800x38 tires, big pump, Pro 600 w/Auto- $58,000. 204-534-2346, Boissevain, MB. Steer, front cast weights, diff. locks, vg JD 1250, IMMACULATE, one owner, c/w condition. 204-825-2641, Pilot Mound, MB finishing mower, rototiller, snowblower. t o r e d i n s i d e . We t a s k i w i n , A B . INT. 1256 TURBO, cab, heat, radio, near S780-352-3179, 780-361-6879. new 23.1x34 tires, c/w 2350 IH loader, $7500; IH Farmall 544, gas, new rubber, JOHN DEERE (GAS), 3020 with FEL, good $3000. 780-220-1950, St. Michael, AB. condition. Ph: 306-259-2235, Young, SK.


1983 JD 4250, 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyds, $13,800. Trades welcome, financing avail. 1-800-667-4515. 1983 JD 8650, well maintained, wired for GPS, 4 hydraulics, wide core rad., PTO for grain cart, $20,000 OBO. Viceroy, SK. 306-268-4436. 1982 4440, 400 hrs on rebuilt motor and trans, 8 spd. powershift, 3 PTH, 3 remotes, 158 loader, w/joystick, 6.5’ bucket, clampon duals, repainted, very tight and clean, asking $29,000. 306-948-2963, Biggar, SK. 1986 JD 4650, 5000 hrs., duals and belly tank. Always shedded. 306-681-8002, Moose Jaw, SK. 1987 4650 MFWD, powershift, 8000 hrs., radial tires 90%, 3 hyd., weights and fluid, ideal grain cart tractor. $39,000 OBO. 780-910-4996, Hendon, SK.


MASSEY 165, DIESEL, MF 236 loader, 2002 LANDINI, 100 HP, FWA, ALO loader, front pump, independent valve control, 3 c/w bucket and bale fork, CAHR, asking JOHN DEERE single point conversion kit. PTH, new paint. 306-795-2800, Ituna, SK. $31,500. Delivery possible. 306-595-2151 O l d s t y l e t o n e w s i n g l e p o i n t . 780-336-4808, Two Hills, AB. (evenings/weekends), Arran, SK. MF 750 COMBINE; 80-18 Morris SeedRite; Morris 24’ L240 cult. w/harrows; 30’ Morris rodweeder c/w multiplex and harLEON BLADE 14’ 6-way, complete, fits 89 rows. 306-332-4428, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. series JD 4 WD tractors, $7000 firm. Este- 1987 MF 8560, Melroe PU, spreaders, rhazy, SK, 306-745-2737 or 306-740-7924. chaff spreader, $16,500; 1990 GMC 3500, 595 ALLIED FEL, exc. shape, 84” bucket, C C , p r o p a n e , $ 2 5 0 0 . P h o n e D a l e bale fork, fits IHC 706, 806, 756, 856, 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 3 2 8 5 , c e l l 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 7 2 9 9 . Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd., Davidson, $3500 OBO. 306-744-7787, Bredenbury SK SK. 894 ALLIED FEL complete, $6500; Mandako 3 PTH, Class 3 w/bale spears, $3000 2003 NH ROUND BALER BR780, $19,500; 2003 NH discbine 1431, $19,000; 2006 OBO. 780-967-0316, Onoway, AB. Fella rotary rake 24’, Model TS1602, LEON DOZER BLADE, 9’, 2 way. $2900. $15,000; 2002 lift-off gooseneck trailer, Trades welcome, financing available. 30’, stock trailer and bale handler combi1975 MF 1085, 4238 hrs, 540 PTO, excel- 1-800-667-4515, nation, $12,000. 250-422-3645, Cranlent yard tractor, $9800. Trades welcome, brook, BC. financing available. 1-800-667-4515 808 LEON FEL, $2500; 790 Leon FEL with grapple, excellent condition, $4000. 8900 WHITE COMBINE; 725 CIH swather; 1-888-676-4847, Allan, SK. 1976 Chev 3 ton, B&H, $1500 OBO; Other MASSEY 4840 TRACTOR, fair rubber and c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 6 5 3 8 , JD 148 LOADER with grapple and mounts, equipment available. Call 306-242-3631, excellent condition, $4900. 403-504-9607, between 6:00 PM- 9:00 PM, Saskatoon, SK 306-782-4366, Yorkton, SK. Medicine Hat, AB. BestBu ys in Used Equ ipm en t EZEE-ON 101 LOADER with bucket and mounts, wide yolk model, $4750 OBO. Co m b in e Tr a d es 1991 8630 NH, FWA, 120 HP, FEL and 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 201 0 CIH 91 20 & 201 6 $34 2,000 R grapple, 9800 hrs., work order done on 707 LEON FEL w/7’ bucket, $3000; 18’ 201 0 JD 9870 & 61 5 $31 9,000 R tractor, asking $42,500. 306-682-3028, steel B&H, 500 bu. capacity, $3000. 201 0 CI H 81 20 & 201 6 $324 ,200 R Humboldt, SK. 306-831-7460, Medicine Hat, AB.

1996 NH 8970, 210 HP, MFD, powershift, JD 4430, 8 spd. powershift, 9800 hrs., w/990 Alo loader and grapple, 4700 hrs., shedded, exc. cond.; JD 4230 w/power- $67,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment shift. Phone 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. 2007 TV145 BI-DIRECTIONAL, 3 PTH 1982 JOHN DEERE 4440, 158 loader, grap- loader, grapple, manure tires, 540/1000 ple and joystick, new tires, shedded. P TO , a s n e w, 9 0 0 h r s . C a l l D av e 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. Phone: 306-877-2014, Dubuc, SK. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. 1995 JD 7400, MFWD, 6x16 trans., right hand reverser, 3 PTH, dual PTO, JD 740 loader, 3 function joystick, grapple, has high hrs., but is a really nice unit, $39,900; 2000 JD 7405, MFWD, open station, 3PTH, 6x16 trans. w/reverser, JD 740 loader, 4800 hrs., $32,900; JD 4020, standard, dual hyd., dual PTO, runs nice, $7900; JD 440 Ind., 2 cyl, gas, w/loader, $4900; JD model B, 2 cyl, rear hyd., $2500. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. JD 4440, Greenlight inspected, like new rubber, exc. cond., $22,500; 1980 JD 4240, low hrs. w/3 PTH, exc. cond., $21,500. 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB.

SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., SHOP-BUILT FLAX STRAW BUNCHERS. Also taking orders to build. MM 602 tracNEW HOLLAND 2000 TV140, 2628 hrs., tor, cab, FEL, freshly painted. VH4D and PTO and hydraulics both ends, 3PTH, fluid VG4D, recond., and Wisconsin motors. in motor end tires, loader grapple, 10’ Phone 306-957-4279, Odessa, SK. snow bucket, extra work lights, good clean body, mechanically sound, $59,900 OBO. Brent 1594 Avalanche grain cart. 780-842-2400, Wainwright, AB. Used “1” season. Excellent condition. Fully loaded. ......................... $95,000 OBO. 1995 NH VERSATILE 9880, 7900 hrs, 20.8 Michelin triples 80%, Outback AutoSteer, Brand New Brent 2096 Avalanche well maintained, $72,500. 204-782-1143, grainc art. Never used. 204-736-4201, La Salle, MB. $ 1999 8160 NH, FWA, 90 HP, FEL and grapple, 3 PTH, 5900 hrs., work order completed, $47,500. 306-682-3028, Humboldt, SK. TS125A 2005, 400 hrs, w/Buhler Allied self leveling loader, 3 PTH, FWA, exc., $65,000. 250-344-7286, Golden, BC.

2002 JD 9320, 710Rx38 rubber, 24 spd., fully loaded, AutoClimate, cd player, 2350 hrs., like new, $150,000 OBO. Call Curt Bowditch at 306-873-7822, Tisdale, SK. 4240 JD, only 4500 hrs., quad, duals, new rubber, AC, excellent condition, $26,000. 306-789-8038, Punnichy, SK. TC30 FORD diesel yard tractor, FWA, 101 540 PTO, excellent little tractor, GRAPPLE FOR 148 or 158 front end load- hrs., $16,500. 403-928-2050, Medicine Hat, AB. er. Phone 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. 2010 NH T9040, 435 HP, 392 hrs, PTO, 1993 JD 7600, MFWD, 19 spd. powershift 800 rubber, warranty. $230,000. Trades trans. with 40 km/hr. road gear, 1000/540 possible. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, PTO, Econo 540 spd. at 1700 rpms, Yorkton, SK. 20.8x38 rear radials, c/w 740 loader, $44,000. 780-524-9322, Valleyview, AB. 1979 JD 8640, 7129 hrs., 50 series engine at 5837 hrs., PTO, new radiator, good FORD 5000 DIESEL w/G&B FEL, bucket tires, 260 HP Dyno, nice cond., $26,500. and grapple, and case 530 backhoe mounted on back. Good condition. Togo 306-752-9318, Melfort, SK. SK. Phone 306-597-2115. 2000 JD 7810, MFWD, 2780 hrs., LH reverser, power quad trans. w/loader and grap- 9030 BI-DIRECTIONAL WITH loader, new ple, never used for feeding cattle, financ- motor, excellent shape. 403-552-3753 or ing available. Phone 780-674-5516 or 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. 780-305-7152, Barrhead, AB. 1950 FORD 8N, side distributor, runs well, JD 4560, triple hyds., 20.8x38 radial duals, new paint. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. quad trans, 4450 hrs, Greenlight check just FORD 5610, DSL, 1694 hrs., 70 HP, 3 completed. 306-858-7323, Birsay, SK. PTH, dual hyds., new tires, good paint. 1998 JD 8300, MFWD, 16 spd. PS, 20.8x42 306-795-2800, Ituna, SK. rear duals, 16.9x30 front duals, weight pkg., 3PTH, excellent condition, $71,900. 306-726-4626, 306-726-7800, Southey, SK 1986 836, POWERSHIFT, PTO, low hrs, 1967 JD 4020, powershift, motor has been ideal for grain cart, 18.4x38 tires, $32,500 overhauled, good running condition, OBO. 403-823-1894, Delia, AB. $8500. 403-391-6485, Torrington, AB. 1976 JD 4430, approx. 6000 hrs, new batteries, recent starter overhaul, good tires, needs AC compressor, $15,000. Ph. 306-743-2980, Langenburg, SK. 1979 JD 4840, powershift, 3 hyd., 20.8x38 cast duals, $22,500 OBO. 780-679-7795, Gwynne, AB. 2004 JD 9520, 2800 hrs, deluxe cab, powershift, AutoTrac ready, Outback E-drive X, 800/70R38 duals, HID’s lites, exc. condition. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. 1993 JD 4255, 8000 hrs., 18.4x38 dual radials, 15 spd., power shift, shedded, very clean, bottom done. $38,000. 306-748-2877, 306-728-8070, Killaly, SK. JOHN DEERE 7810 MFD, 3700 hours, mint condition, 3 PTH. Phone 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. 1976 JD 4430, quad, new rubber, rebuilt engine and trans., Greenlighted, very sharp. Call 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK.

1986 VERSATILE 876, 3 PTH, 1000 PTO, 4 hyds, 15 spd. powershift, 6365 hrs, $27,900. Trades welcome, financing av a i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n e w o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515. 2009 VERSATILE 435, FWD, 435 HP, 7.10x42 R1W drum duals, deluxe cab, HID lightning, 4 spool hyd. valve, 12 spd. standard trans., 800 hrs., $172,000. Shoal Lake, MB. 204-759-2527, ask for Dennis.

1984 895 VERSATILE, 6300 hrs., new JD 7220 MFWD, 741 loader, 3 PTH, 2000 tires. Arch Equipment 306-867-7252, Outhrs., mint. 306-656-4507, Harris, SK. look, SK. 9400 1999 TRACTOR, powershift, 8250 hrs., 710-42 tires 30%, $69,500. Call for more details 204-573-7787, Brandon, MB. GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your 1998 JD 8200 2WD, 3300 hrs, 16 spd. #1 place to purchase late model combine powershift, 20.8x42 duals, mint, w/wo 14’ and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. Toll free 888-327-6767. Degelman blade. 306-464-2135, Lang, SK. IHC FARMALL AND IHC 560; Also, Minneapolis 670 and two W6 tractors w/FEL. Tanya Donahue 306-303-0025, Biggar, SK. MF 3545 MFWD, 6500 hours, Leon 805 loader w/8’ bucket, grapple and joystick, 2003 BUHLER 2210 MFWD tractor, 3100 rubber good, taking reasonable offers. hrs., 18.4x46 tires, 3 PTH, front weights. 306-928-4629, Carievale, SK. $83,000. Ray 204-825-8121, Morden, MB. MF 1135 WITH FEL, $7000; MF 2745, MF 285 with loader, 3 PTH, 1700 hrs., $8,000. 306-586-6370 or 306-245-3741, $12,750; 1830 JD with loader, 3 PTH, $9200. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. Francis, SK.

Fully loaded. ....................... 125,000 OBO. 2004 4640 Spra-Coupe, 1035 hours, 80’ booms, automatic transmission, 2 sets of tires. Excellent condition. . . . . $65,000 OBO 2007 Ford Sterling truck, Mercedes engine, 10 speed, excellent farm truck. Excellent condition. ............. $33,000 OBO. 1981 Ford 9000 tandem, c/w 20’ grain box and hoist. New Michels tarp. Excellent condition. ...............................$20,000 OBO. 4910 Hesston square baler, approx. 7000 bales, mint condition, always shedded c/w accumulator....$78,000 OBO. Vegreville,A lberta


ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Degelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610, 18’ IHC DT cultivator, $200; 32x7 Brandt grain auger with 8 HP Wisconsin motor, $ 2 5 0 ; 1 9 4 6 W 6 t r a c t o r, $ 1 2 0 0 . 306-242-5946, Saskatoon, SK. 14’ JD hoe drill w/disc markers; 30’ DT cult.; Westfield 707-51 auger, electric; Westfield 707-31 auger, brand new Yamaha motor; 400 Versatile swather w/14’ and 20’ headers, $1000; CCIL combine, Model 992-7, dsl., w/straight cut header, $2000. Phone 780-618-1864, Peace River, AB.

RENTED OUT FARM SELLING EQUIPMENT CX 8 08 0 New Holla nd , 2008, 417 thra s hin g hou rs , low hou rs , 350 HP, 330 bu $210,000 (A pprais al & Leas ing pos s ible) 4930 M a cDon s w a ther 36’, 962 hea d er, roto s hea rs , s in g le k n ife, p ick u p reels , p ick u p teeth, n ew p la n eta ries , n ew w obble box $56 ,000 O BO P R / TX Ad a p terfors w a ther hea d erto TR orTX com bin es $5,500 O BO 10’ Fa rm King S w a th R oller, $2,000 O BO 70’x100’ P TO Drive Bra nd t G ra in A u g erw / S w in g a w a y tra y, $8,000 30’ Bra nd tM od el 8 30 G ra in a u g er, n ew B&S 23 HP elec. s ta rten g in e, elec. lift $4,000 O BO Bourga ult42 ’ 400 S eries Cu ltiva tor, 3 row s ofs ha n k s , floa tin g hitch $10,000 O BO M ois ture Tes ter, eleva tortyp e w ith s ca le $700 2 - Tw is ter A era tion bin s w / fa n s , 2,250 bu . $8,000 e a . W es teel 3,350 bu . bin s $9,500 Note: A ll equ ipm enthas been gone ov erby M arku s s on NH.M y equ ipm ent has alw ays been ov ers ized form y farm ing acreage becau s e of m y other bu s ines s interes ts (W ood Cou ntry). gra ntw ils on@ s a s 306- 699- 7678 (c) 306- 699- 72 13 (h)

201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2009 2009 2009 2007 2006 2004 2004 2003 2002 1 999 1 994


81 20 & 71 20 & 7088 & 81 20 & 81 20 & 7088 & 6088 & 9860 & 2388 & 2388 & 2388 & 2388 & 2388 & 2388 & 1 688 &

201 6 201 6 201 6 201 6 201 6 201 6 201 6 61 5 201 5 201 5 201 5 201 5 201 5 201 5 1 01 5

$31 3,4 00 $301 ,4 00 $284 ,800 $31 3,500 $299,000 $24 7,600 $232,800 $259,900 $1 76,1 00 $1 60,200 $1 58,000 $1 50,000 $1 09,000 $93,900 $39,300


201 0 2009 201 0 2009 2006 2006 2004 2004 2000 1 999 1 996 201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2007 2004 1 997 1 995 1 995 1 994 2008 1 994

CIH CIH JD HB CIH M acd o n M acd o n M acd o n HB CIH M acd o n CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH CIH MF AW S M acd o n

21 62-4 0’ 21 62-4 0 935D SP36 2062-35’ 974 974 972 SP30’ 1 04 2-36’ 960 w /pu r 2020-35 2020-35’ 2020-30 2020-35 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 020 1 01 0 1 01 0 9030 35’ JD airre e l 960 ad apto r

$84 ,900 $79,500 $73,800 $64 ,300 $51 ,1 00 $51 ,1 00 $38,600 $32,200 $28,000 $27,300 $1 8,900 $53,500 $39,900 $33,900 $36,900 $22,200 $1 5,900 $1 0,900 $1 1 ,900 $8,500 $6,300 $3,500 $9,900 $4 ,900


201 0 2009 2008


Ste ig e r4 85 Ste ig e r4 35 Ste ig e r535

$24 9,900 $233,900 $24 9,000


201 0 2009 2009 2006

CIH M ag n u m 21 5 CIH M ag n u m 21 5 CIH Pu m a 1 25 M cCo rm ick M TX 1 85

$1 4 1 ,300 $1 34 ,1 00 $1 1 2,4 00 $89,900


201 0 2004 2001 201 0 2004 2000 1 992

CIH CIH Apache NH Bran d t FC Bo u r

Patrio t4 4 20 $304 ,500 4 260 $1 29,000 790 $99,900 S1 070 $4 8,900 SB4 000 $30,700 67 $1 1 ,900 850 Ce n tu rio n II $5,900


201 0 2003 2000 2000 1 999 1 999

Bo u r Bo u r Bo u r Bo u r Bo u r FC

571 0-54 & 64 50 $232,800 571 0-54 & 5350 $1 29,000 571 0-54 $65,1 00 571 0-54 & 5350 $89,900 571 0-54 & 4 350 $79,000 34 50 $34 ,500


2009 1 998 2007 2005 201 0 2006 2000 1 981


W D 1 203 & 30’ $1 1 5,800 81 1 0 25’ $4 4 ,900 RBX 563 $24 ,900 RBX 562 $1 7,600 H71 50 $33,900 9020 $1 1 ,000 625 $1 0,900 1 380 $7,900 1 66 $5,300


H ea d er Tr a d es

4W D Tr a d es 2W D Tr a d es

Sp r a yer Tr a d es

Seed in g Tr a d es

H a y a n d F o r a g e Tr a d es


M ID -W ES T TRACTO R Da vids on , SK Pho n e (3 06) 567-3 074 AfterHo u rS a les Kelly (306) 567- 8077 • R o n (306) 567- 72 54

Ra ym ore , SK Pho n e (3 06) 746-2289

AfterHo u rS a les Bla in e (306) 746- 7574 • Al(306) 72 6- 7808 © 2007 CNH Am erica L L C. All rights res erved . Ca s e IH is a regis tered tra d em a rk o fCNH Am erica L L C. CNH Ca p ita l is a tra d em a rk o fCNH Am erica L L C. w w s m Fin a n cin g pro vid ed b y len d in g/lea s in g/cred it ca rd s /in s u ra n ce

COURTNEY BERG ROUND bale hauler, Hydra-Dec, extendable arms, A6 Ford 1 ton d u a l ly 4 W D, $ 8 0 0 0 . P h o n e : E r n i e 403-461-4907, Carseland, AB. E180T AKRON GRAIN BAG extractor, good shape, $16,500 OBO. 306-886-2073 or 306-873-8526, Bjorkdale, SK. DEGELMAN 15’ ROTARY CUTTER, c/w side arms. Ideal for custom cutters or municipalities. Used. Priced to sell $16,800. Call Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, SK. 306-934-2121. 3 - S I N G L E O F F ROA D c o nve r t e r s , $1495-$2295; 1 tandem off road converter $3395. 204-448-2193, Eddystone, MB. HD BOX SCRAPERS, built with 5/8 steel, 2 hyd. cyl. for larger tractors, 10’, $3950. 12’ and 14’ Superduty also avail. Morris, MB. Ph. 204-746-6605 or 204-325-2496.

1994 25’ MacDon straight cut flex header w/1480 IH adapter, PU reel, and Trailtech transport, $17,500; 1980 Case/IH 1480 combine, $25,000; New Holland 2002 HT 154, V-rake, 16 raking wheels, $13,500; Morris Wrangler III packer harrow bar, $9,500; 1982 22’ Versatile swather w/UII PU reel and batt reel, $9,000; 2005 NH TV145 bi-directional tractor w/high lift FEL and grapple fork, $85,000; 4 used Westeel Rosco 4,000 bu. bins, $5,000 each. 306-445-4850, North Battleford, SK.

DEGELMAN - PICKERS, LAND rollers, Strawmaster, rock diggers, booked savings. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. CIH 721 PT swather, c/w PU reel; Case 660 SP combine, exc.; 25’ Degelman 5000 chisel plow. 780-679-7795, Gwynne, AB.

WANTED TO BUY- 8’ snowblower in good working order. 403-746-3719, Condor, AB. QUIT FARMING: Various parts and hitches for Amazone no till drills; Sotera hand pump for farm chemicals, new. Alida, SK. Phone 306-536-7800, 306-443-2316 or 306-781-2205.

WANTED: 4 BAR MULCHER harrows for back of cultivator. 2 - 10’ sections and 2 7’ sections or close to that. Can be 3 bar heavy harrow mulchers also, same measurements. 204-246-2219, Darlingford, MB.

G O O D D EAL S ... AN D A G O O D D EAL M O R E 4W D TR A C TO R S 2009 JD 9630, T36” tracks, pto, 863 hrs.......................................................$349,000 (A ) 2010 JD 9530, T36” tracks, dlx cab, 600 hrs ....................................................$329,000 (R E) 2W D - M FW D TR A C TO R S 2010 JD 7230, prem ium m fw d, 741 loader, grapple 578 hrs.....................................................$107,500 (R E) 2003 C IH M XM , 130 M FW D , 4 scv, 17 spd trans, 5500 hrs........................................................$47,000 (E) 2009 B uhler 2145, M FW D , Loader, 1500 hrs...................................................$115,000 (R A ) 1993 KU B O TA , M 9580, 90 hp, m fw d, loader, 3152 hrs........................................................$37,900 (E) 1980 JD 4640, quad, singles 9700 hrs.....$19,000 (O ) 1978 JD 4640, quad, duals7600 hrs.......$25,000 (R A ) 1975 JD 4630, quad, 20.8x38 duals........$17,000 (R E) 1975 JD 4430, quad, 18.4x38 .....................$16,000 (O ) JD 4010, 2 scv, new paint......................$11,000 (R A ) C O M B IN ES (24 m onths interest free) 2009 JD 9870, STS 42” duals, pw r cast, loaded, 615P pickup 580 hrs.................................$300,000 (O ) 2008 JD 9870, STS 38’duals, pow er cast, 580 hrs.......................................................$272,000 (A ) 2004-2007 JD 9860, STS various options, 600-1400 hrs.........5 in stock 2008-2010 JD 9770, STS various options, 300-600 hrs ................................................18 in stock 2004-2007 JD 9760, STS various options, 900-1600 hrs.................................................8 in stock 2000 JD 9750, STS 520x38 duals, 2919 hrs.....................................................$115,000 (A ) 2007JD 9660, STS 20.8X 38 duals, 873 hrs.....................................................$228,000 (R E) 2000 JD 9650 , STS 20.8X 38 duals, 914P, 1880 hrs...................................................$132,500 (R E) 2001 JD 9650, W alkers, 2983 hrs.............$89,000 (A ) 2001 JD 9650, W alkers 3028 hrs............$89,000 (R A ) 2005 C IH 2388, pickup, loaded, 1650 hrs...................................................$152,000 (R E) 1999 JD 9610 , 30.5x32, chopper, c/s, 2695 hrs.....................................................$72,000 (R A ) 1997JD C TS, 30.5x32, hopper cover, 1983 hrs........................................................$64,500 (E) 1997 JD C TS, 30.5x32, chopper, 1578 hrs.......................................................$69,000 (A ) 1990-1997 JD 9600, severalunits, 3000 hrs up.........................................$39,000-$62,000 1996 JD 9500, 30.5x32, ahhc, fna, fc chopper, pickup 2140 hrs........................................$65,000 (R A ) 1993 JD 9500, 30.5x32, pickup 3055 hrs..$45,000 (O ) 1990 JD 9400 , pickup 3267 hrs.................$39,000 (O ) C O M B IN E PLA TFO R M S 2001 Precision, 16’w / rakeup pickup.....$16,500 (A ) JD 224 24’rigid.............................................$4,900 (O ) 1993-1999 JD 930 30’rigid, bat & pickup reels available.............................................$5,500 & up (A ) 1990 JD 925, 25’flex ...................................$9,500 (O ) 1997 JD 930, 30’flex, H FN A .....................$17,000 (A ) 2002 JD 930, 30’flex, H FN A ...................$20,000 (R A ) 2004 JD 635, 35’flex, A W S air reel.........$36,000 (A ) 2004 JD 635, 35’flex ................................$31,000 (R A ) 2006 JD 635, 35’flex ................................$33,000 (R A ) 2009 JD 635, 35’draper, crop auger, H FN A ............................................................$55,000 (E) 2009 JD 635, 35’draper, crop auger, H FN A , pickup reel, done very little..................................$62,000 (A ) 2010 JD 640, 40’draper, done less than 100 hrs.........................................................$70,000 (A ) 2005 JD 936D , 36’draper, pur, trans........$36,000(A ) 2006 JD 936D , 36’draper, excellent.....$38,000 (R A ) 2008 JD 936D , 36’draper, excellent........$47,500 (A ) 1999 N ew H olland 973 flex, crary air reel...............................................................$22,500 (E) 2005 C IH 2042, 30’draper, 2388 adapter........................................................$42,000 (O ) 2000 H oneyB ee SP30, 30’draper, JD 50 adapter.............................................$29,000 (A ) 2004 H oneyB ee SP30 , 30’draper, crop auger, C IH 2388 adapter.....................................$33,000 (R E) 2004 H oneyB ee SP42, 42’draper, crop auger, JD 70 adapter...........................................$ 39,000 (R E) 2005 H oneyB ee SP36, 36’draper, C IH 2388 adapter...............................................$35,000 (A ) 2008 H oneyB ee SP36, 36’draper, JD 60 adapter...........................................$53,500 (R E) 2010 M acdon FD , 7045’flex draper, JD 70 adapter.............................................$84,000 (A ) 2009 M acdon D 60, 40’draper, JD 60 ) 2005 M acdon 973, 36’draper, JD 60 adapter........................................................$35,000 (E) 2005 M acdon 973, 30’draper, JD 00 adapter..........................................$35,000 (R A ) 2003 M acdon 972 , 36’draper, JD 00 adapter.............................................$32,000 (E) 2005 M acdon 972, 30’draper, JD 60 adapter......................................................$39,000 (R E) 2002 M acdon 972 , 30’draper, JD 60 adapter...........................................$36,500 (R E) 2000 M acdon 972 , 30’draper, JD 50 adapter.............................................$32,000 (A ) 2007 M acdon 963 , 36’draper, bat reels, JD 60 adapter...........................................$40,000 (R E) 1996 M acdon 960, 36’draper, bat reel, JD adapter..................................................$18,500 (A )

1996 M acdon 960 , 36’draper, pickup reel, transport......................................................$23,000 (E) 1998 M acdon 960, 36’draper, pickup reel, crop auger............................................................$25,000 (E) 1993 M acdon 960, 30’draper,..................$16,900 (A ) G R A IN H A N D LIN G EQ U IPM EN T 2008 B randt 15x85, conveyor/1515LP .....$24,500 (A ) 2006 B randt 1545, conveyor (2).......$16,000 (E) (R A ) 2006 B randt 13x90, grain auger...............$17,500 (A ) Farm King 13x85, grain auger..................$10,500 (E) Farm King 10x70, grain auger....................$6,000 (O ) F arm King 13x70, grain auger....................11,500 (A ) 2006 Farm King 13x70, grain auger......$12,500 (R A ) 2000 Farm King 13x70, grain auger.........$7,500 (R E) Sakundiak 10x2200, grain auger..............$4,500 (O ) Sakundiak 10x2200, grain auger...............$5,500 (E) 2004 B randt 5000, grain vac...................$12,500 (R E) Kongskilde 500, grain vac...........................$6000 (E) 2005 R em 2100, grain vac..........................$14,500 (E) 1992 R em grain, vac......................................$7500 (E) SPR A Y ER S 2007 JD 4930, R aven auto boom , 1831 hrs.....................................................$240,000 (A ) 2000 A pache 790, 3500 hrs.......................$67,000 (O ) 1997 A g-Shield SB , 80’, 800 gal.............$14,900 (R E) 1998 FlexicoilS67XL, pulltype 130’, 1200 gal......................................................$16,500 (A ) M ISC ELLA N EO U S EQ U IPM EN T D egelm an 70’, Straw m aster:3255 V alm ar.......................................................$32,500 (R A ) D egelm an R P6000, rock picker..................$9,500 (E) B obcat S250, skid steer 460 hrs............$ 39,000 (R A ) D egelm an R 570S, rock picker..................$3,000 (R E 1995 H ighline XL6084, rock picker............$9,500 (E) H C Sprayer, transport Trailer, 21’, tandem duals................................................$8,000 (E) B A LE PR O C ESSO R S B ale King 2010:40 bus grain tank R ED U C ED ...............................$12,500 (R E) B ale King 880, R ED U C ED ...........................$7,500 (A ) H ighline 7000 H D .......................................$9,000 (R E) H A Y IN G EQ U IPM EN T 2008 JD 568, rd baler m ega w ide pickup........................................................$28,000 (R E) 2001 JD 567, rd baler m ega tooth pickup..........................................................$16,900 (A ) 1991 JD 375, rd baler 5x4 round bale........$7,500 (E) 1992 JD 535, rd baler hyd pu, push bar......................................................$12,500 (O ) 2006 N H B R 780, rd baler w ide, pickup.......................................................$12,000 (R A ) 2008 C IH R B 564, rd baler m esh w rap.............................................................$23,000 (O ) 2002 C IH R B X561, rd baler 2 choices....................................................$9,500 (E) (O ) 2004 C IH R B X562, rd baler surface w rap..........................................................$16,000 (R A ) 2000 JD 1600A , m ow er conditioner......$11,900 (R E) 2002 H esston 1275, m ow er conditioner..................................................$13,500 (E) W IN D R O W ER S 2010 M F 9430, 36’& 18’headers 400 hrs.......................................................$112,000 (A ) 2009 JD 4895, 36’H oneyB ee header 264 hrs........................................................$130,000 (E) 2008 JD 4895, new 36’H oneyB ee header 400 hrs.......................................................$110,000 (A ) 2003 Prairie Star 4940, 30’972 header 876 hrs..........................................................$89,000 (E) 2000 C ase 8825, 30’header 986 hrs......$47,500 (R E) M assey Ferguson 9420, 30’& 18’ A ) M assey Ferguson 220, cab, 30’ header.......................................................$41,700 (R E) 1998 M acdon 1900, 30’, pto, pickup reel....................................................$8,500 (E) 1997 W estw ard 3000, 30’, pto, pickup reel, canola sheer................................................$8,500 (A ) 1994 M acdon 1900, 30’pto, bat reels.......$3,500 (A ) 1989 JD 590, 36’, pto....................................$2,000 (A ) SEED IN G EQ U IPM EN T 50’Seedm aster 5012, 600 bus cart, sm art hitch.............................................$145,000 (R A ) 61’(X2) JD 1830 10”, spg, 430 b 1910, tbh .............................................................$150,000 (A ) 61’JD 1820 10”, spg, 430 bu.1910, tbh..$125,000 (A ) 52’JD 1820 10”, spg, 340 bu.1910, tbh....$83,000 (A ) 40’(X2) JD 737 10,” spg, 170 bus, 787, cart......................................................$39,000 (A ) (R A ) 42’B ourgault 5710 12”, spg, N H 3 shank M R B ’s, steelpkrs..................................................$50,000 (R E) 42’B ourgault 5710 12”, spg, N H 3 M R B ’s, H arm on 1900 cart....................................................$35,000 (R E) 47’B ourgault 5710 9.8”, spg, M R B s, steel packers, 5350 cart.................................$108,000 (R E) 57’Flexicoil5000 12”, spg, ss, stlpkrs, stealth, TB H tank ...................................................$53,000 (R A ) 50’Flexicoil7500 12”, spg, 3450 TB T tank ............................................................$65,000 (R A ) 41’Flexicoil800 , air seeder, 12”spg, 1610 tbh, tank ...........................................$17,500 (R E) 40’C ase/concord no tilldrill....................$19,500 (A ) 56’C oncord 5612 12” spg,dblshoot, no tank ......................................................$39,000 (R A ) 47’C oncord 4710 9” spg, ss, A S 300, TB H tank .....................................................$45,000 (A ) 49’(X2) M orris M axum , 12”spg, D /S, TB H cart..................................$30,000-50,000 (E) (R E)

N E LSO N M O T OR S & E QU IPM E NT A vonlea, Sask. R adville, Sask. (306) 868-2022 (306) 869-3000 Estevan, Sask. R edvers, Sask. (306) 634-6422 (306) 452-3418 O xbow , Sask.(306) 483-5115 W ebsite:w w w .nelsonm


WANT TO PURCHASE dozer to fit JD 4020 tractor. 306-882-2271, Rosetown, SK. WANTED: 60’-70’ Vibrashank in excellent condition. 780-674-1358, Barrhead, AB. 8’ FRONT MOUNT snowblower w/augers; Suitcase weights; Truck chassis w/2 spd. or auxiliary tandem drive axles and air brakes. 306-449-2253, Storthoaks, SK. WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: HOOD AND GRILL for Case/IH 5230 MFWD tractor. Hoods from 5240, 5250, 5130, 5230, and 5250 will also fit. Call Mark 204-768-3312, Vogar, MB. WANTED: ENGINE for Allis Chalmers D15 tractor, S/N 5082 or complete tractor. 306-775-2835, Regina, SK. WANTED: 40 TO 60’ double disc air drill. Morris, K-Hart, etc. 306-473-2711, Willow Bunch, SK. WANTED: 4400 JD combine with dsl. eng. and JD 6601 PT combine both in working condition. 204-362-0354, Morden, MB. W A N T E D 4 0 ’ - 4 9 ’ H D c u l t i v a t o r. 306-237-4827, Arelee, SK. WANTED: FORD 5000 with farmhand. 306-642-4003, Assiniboia, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED 1969 830 CASE diesel w/front end loader in good shape. 306-246-4446, Hafford, SK. WANTED: 40’ BOURGAULT Vibra-Master Commander cultivator; 37.5’ #55 Int wing type cultivator; 835 Versatile tractor, good shape. 306-344-4453, Paradise Hill, SK.

ONE TIME FENCING, sucker rod fence posts for sale. 1-877-542-4979 AB or SK 1-888-252-7911. CUSTOM FENCING with rubber track Morooka, or self-propelled Heavy Hitter pounder. Contact Parkside Farm & Ranch, K e n n e d y, S K . 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 7 1 - 4 4 8 7 o r 306-577-7694, JK CUSTOM FENCING. We build and/or repair barbed wire, page wire, high tensile and/or corral work. Call Jeb for pricing, 306-961-8246 306-749-3440 Birch Hills SK SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen, Smeaton, SK., ph/fax 306-426-2305. 5 x 1 0 P O RTA B L E C O R R A L PA N E L S starting at $55. 403-226-1722, 1-866-5178335, Calgary, AB, MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. Visit us at: Also see section #3560 Custom Work. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., ask for Ron 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK.


2003 JD LT133 lawn tractor, 38” deck, 13 SOUTH BORDER COMPLETE REG. FEHP, 5 spd., new battery and blades, low MALE DISPERSAL, Wednesday, Sept. 28th, at 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart, GRAIN/PELLET BURNING STOVES, Grain hrs., $1200. 306-727-7977, Earl Grey, SK. Moose Jaw, SK. Lynn and Jo-Anne Bloom, Burning and Wood Burning outdoor furnaces. Prairie Fire Grain Energy, Bruno, SK. NEW HEAVY DUTY ROTARY MOWERS- 7’ 306-476-2564 or 306-476-7520, catalogue Ph. 306-369-2825. $3299, 10’ pull type, $6299, 10’ 3 pt hitch, online at or (only 1 left!). Also avail. 5’ mower NATURAL GAS HEATERS for hot water and $4599 $1265, finishing mowers and tillers. Call houses. Ph. 204-435-2610, Morden, MB. y o u r n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e o r c a l l BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, OUTDOOR WOOD AND COAL water furnac- 1-888-435-2626 es: Heatmore, Global, Firetrac, propane DEINES FRONT MOUNT lawn mower, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. and nat. gas boilers. Complete line of un- 2005, reconditioned, always shedded, 393 306-287-3900, 1999 586G CASE forklift, 4 WD, shuttle derslab heating supplies, insulated pipe 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. shift, ROP’s 6000 lb. lift capacity, 3 stage a n d p u m p s . I n s t a l l at i o n ava i l a b l e . hrs, $5250. 306-731-3449, Craven, SK. mast, 30’ reach, $28,000. A. E. Chicoine 780-842-2927, Wainwright, AB. Farm Equip, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK ALL CANADIAN Coal and wood pellet hydronic heaters. Save up to 70% on your h e at i n g b i l l . N ova M e t a l Te c h L t d . , 7 8 0 - 9 2 2 - 2 4 8 0 , S h e r wo o d Pa r k , A B . O N E S TO P COME AND SELECT YOUR CATTLE FIN AN CIN G BRED HEIFERS TODAY FOR FALL DELIVERY BC, ALBER TA, S AS K. Forklifts and Parts OIL WELL TUBE: 2-3/8” or 2-7/8” $31, “ Fa rm e rs He lping Fa rm e rs ” CATTLE CREEK 3-1/2” $39. Rod: 3/4” $5. Delivery in New and Used western Canada. Phone 1-888-792-6283. RANCHING All makes and models David 306.662.2449 2-7/8” OILFIELD TUBING, $30/joint, 2-3/8” dual lined tubing, $20/joint. Ph Marie @ LIV ESTO C K C O - O P quantities only. 306-861-1280, Weyor e mail load burn, SK. Bred cow program ! REG. RED ANGUS herd for sale. We have Feeder Program ! bred extensively with top sires. This herd TUBING: 1-1/2”, 2-3/8”, 2-7/8”, 3-1/2”. has been culled properly. With/wo calves, Sucker rod, 3/4”, 7/8”, 1” plain or scraper Toll Free 1-8 66-8 48 -6669 complete or in lots of 10; bred heifers and type. Other pipe avail. 1-800-661-7858, bulls. Semen tanks with current and rare 780-842-5705, Wainwright, AB. No Res triction s ; Pu rcha s e a n d old semen. Serious inquiries only please. m a rk etin g - You rchoice Call Don 204-422-5216, Ste. Anne, MB. w w w.foothills lives HASKAP BUSHES FOR SALE All off the U Selling due to health reasons. of S new varieties plus our own Northern Roc k y M ou n ta in Hou s e , AB SOUTH BORDER COMPLETE REG. FEJewel pollinator. 1 to 3 year old trees. USED 7 TOWER Zimmatic and 4 tower Volume discounts available. We also car- Zimmatic for sale. Call 306-858-7351 MALE DISPERSAL, Wednesday, Sept. ry plastic mulch and do custom planting Lucky Lake, SK. 28th, at 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart, with our GPS controlled combined all in Moose Jaw, SK. Lynn and Jo-Anne Bloom, one mulcher/planter/irrigation applicator. RAINMAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic piv- SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside 306-476-2564 or 306-476-7520, catalogue 306-749-7974 or ots/Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, online at or Heavenly Blue Honeysuckle Orchards. irrigation, spare parts/accessories new 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. and used eqpt. Custom designs to solve your specific irrigation needs. Rain Maker, RETIRING: TOP QUALITY, 25 purebred RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings experience you can trust. 306-867-9606 registered cow/calf pairs. Pick of the herd. and two year olds, semen tested, guaranOutlook SK. 403-886-4742, Penhold, AB. teed breeders, delivery available. Website: WESTERN IRRIGATION LTD. 40 HP elec- FOR SALE: GROUP OF QUALITY foundation Ph 306-287-3900, DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, tric pumping unit, 1 PTO pump and pipe, 3 building bred heifers. Elwood Smith, Lin- 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used diesel pumping units. 2 Bauer traveling big wood Angus, Nokomis, SK. 306-528-4422. and new, Perkins, JD, Deutz. We also build guns, hard hose. We buy and sell new and PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling custom gensets. We currently have special used irrigation equipment. 306-867-9461, bulls, bred heifers, replacement heifers pricing on new 90 KW Perkins units. Call Outlook, SK. and second calvers, A1 Service. Meadow DISPERSAL: SMALL PUREBRED Charolais for pricing 204-792-7471, Winnipeg, MB. IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8”, Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140, Saska- herd. AI bloodlines. 306-446-2957 or 4 cyl. dsl, 600-1000 gal/min, very effi- toon, SK. 306-441-7947, Love, SK. LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high cient. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB BLACK ANGUS and Angus crossbred heifquality generator systems. Quality diesel SALE by Private Treaty: Quality Herd generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven HOME OF THE ELECTROGATOR II. ers, 130. Synchronized and bred to AI FOR Purebred Charolais backed by over alternators, automatic / manual switch Renke centre pivots, lateral pivots, miniga- bulls. Majority to start calving Feb. 1, of 40 yrs breeding. Much of the herd is red gear, and commercial duty Sommers Pow- tors, traveling guns and new and used 2012. Bulls pulled June 11/11. To be preg factor of with red genetics dating back 20 ermaster and Sommers / Winco portable pumps. Can design your system and in- checked Sept. 2011. Also cow/calf pairs yrs. Phone 306-695-2073, Indian Head SK. for sale. Phone 204-724-3313 or generators and Home standby packages. stall. Phone 306-858-7351 Lucky Lake, SK. 204-764-2173 Kelly, Hamiota, MB. 74 years of reliable service. Contact SomTHINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving SMALL YOUNG HERD of high quality PB mers Generator Systems for all your generator requirements at 1-800-690-2396. water? Pumping units, 6” to 10” alum. 68 BLACK ANGUS bred heifers, due to Charolais for sale. One long yearling polled pipe; Also Wanted: 6” to 10” pipe. Call bull, ready to go to work. Raymore, SK c a l v e M a r c h 2 0 t h . 3 0 6 9 8 4 4 7 2 9 , Email: Online: Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years 306-984-7658, Leoville, SK. area. 306-746-7503. of experience, not a Dealer. Email: COMPLETE 2 YR. old off-grid power system includes 2 banks- 12 2 volt batteries, 4000 watt Zantrax inverter, automatic start for generator. Call 250-919-9716, Cranbrook, BC. BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

Purebred Red Angus HEIFERS FOR SALE


1 888 440 2700

NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in 26x70 GREENHOUSE COMPLETE without stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. plastic, arch metal frame, furnace, concrete blocks. 306-722-3360, Fillmore, SK. GAME FENCE POSTS, 7/8”x7’, $5 ea. Drill stem links, 22’, $12 ea. 306-253-4484, 306-220-6756, Aberdeen, SK. 1/4” TO 1/2” used wire rope suitable for fencing; also 1/4” stainless steel available. 403-237-8575, Calgary, AB. 2”-3” SPRUCE RAILS, 16’-20’ long, $5/rail. 306-278-2794, Porcupine Plain, SK.

E & M WOODLAND FARM GREENHOUSE, Innisfail, AB, Tues., Sept. 27 at 11:00 AM. 3- Late model Paul Boers Freestanding greenhouses and 2 Gutter Connect greenhouses, components, growing tables and carts, soil mixer, plants and perennials, 1934 GMC 1-1/2 ton truck and misc. See or call 1-800-371-6963.

CORRAL POSTS, rails, second cut slabs, bull rails, lumber, poles, firewood. Phone 306-548-4711, Sturgis, SK. PRESSURE TREATED FENCE posts; Second cut slabs; Lumber; Rails. Delivered price. 306-764-3035, Prince Albert, SK. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. See Custom Work. Call 306-329-4485, 306-222-8197, Asquith, SK. Email: CUSTOM FENCING and corral building, no job too big or too small. 306-699-2327 or 306-699-7450, Qu’Appelle, SK. 2007 WHEATHEART post pounder, like new condition, $6900. Phone: 306-321-6695, Clavet, SK. PLASTIC FENCE POSTS, 7’ pointed 4” round posts. Great for farm and ranch land, swamp land and elec. fencing. Made from household plastics. Call Crown Shred & Recycling, Regina, SK., 306-543-1766 SPEEDRITE electric fencers and accessories. Protech Post Pounders. Lamb Acres, 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK.

FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. JACK PINE, BIRCH FIREWOOD. Pick up or delivered. Bob 306-220-1278, Saskatoon, SK. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer. CUSTOM FIREWOOD PROCESSING, max block length 22”, cut and split into rough pile. $75/cord, travel costs extra. Firewood for sale: Tamarack, Poplar and Pine. $175/cord, delivery extra. Nipawin, SK. Ph. 306-862-3086 or 306-862-7831. SPRUCE FIREWOOD $90/chord, delivery available. Foulston Wood Products. Spiritwood, SK. 306-883-2241, 306-441-2644.

WOODS CADET MC184 bush cutter, 7’ rotary cutter, 540 rpm, chain guards, slip clutch, fair blades, good condition. $2900. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. WANTED: 1972 Allis Chalmers 616 tractor, in running condition, to restore. Ph 780-922-7133 or 780-991-6292 Sherwood Park, AB or email

HERD DISPERSAL: Dexter cows with calves at foot, bred Lowline, Also yearling heifers and lowline bull. 306-452-3915, 306-452-7722, Wauchope, SK. DISPERSAL: DEXTER HERD, 80 cow/calf pairs, open heifers, and 1, 2, and 3 yr. old bulls. 403-845-5763, Rocky Mt. House, AB.

40 HEREFORD COWS w/30 Black Angus calves at foot. Rest to calve in fall. Phone 204-238-4908 at noon, Bowsman, MB.

FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. PUREBRED HOLSTEIN BREEDING bulls for sale. Sired by Shottle, Sanchez, Atwood, Superstition, and Fever. Ready for cows or heifers. Many to choose from. Contact Art 306-222-8455, Osler, SK. No Sunday calls please. M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. Total Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. HOLSTEIN COWS w/registration papers and milk quota. 306-225-4385, Hague, SK.

LOOKING FOR PAPERED JERSEY replacement heifers or young cows. Can be bred at any time of the year, or open. Phone 780-826-4557, Iron River, AB. Email:

BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB.

CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU Association. Power, performance and profit. For info on Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, Calgary, AB. or COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL: Includes 50 purebred and fullblood cows; March 2010 bulls, performance and semen tested; 2011 heifer and bull calves and 2011 4-H prospect steer calves. Breeders of quality Maines since 1975. Falloon’s MainAnjou, Carman and Laura Falloon, 204-842-5180, 204-773-0435, Birtle, MB.




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Hwy. #5, Humboldt 306-682-9920

Bill ............. 921-7544, 922-7544 David H ..... 921-7896, 887-2015 Jim ............ 864-8003, 752-5949 Kelly .......... 961-4742, 864-3132 SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO Jay...............................921-7590 Darrel ..........................864-7335

Paul ........... 231-8031, 682-4200 Tyler .......... 231-6929, 682-2530

235 38th St. E., PA 306-922-2525 Brent ...........................232-7810 Aaron ..........................960-7429

NH CR9070, ‘07, SWATHMASTER, Y&M, DEL. CAB, PN2623A ...................................................... $232,500 P NH CR9070, ’07, N21333B.............................. $236,000 K NH CR9070, ’07, PN2546A.............................. $214,500 P NH CR9070, ’08, N20633A.............................. $265,000 K NH CR9070, ’08, INTELLISTEER, 24’ WITH CALMAR, N20634A ...................................................... $275,000 K NH CR9070, ’08, ROTOR COVERS, SM CONCAVE, PN2528A ...................................................... $275,000 P NH CR9070, ’08, PN2493A.............................. $288,000 P NH CR9070, ’09, NH CHOPPER, N21067A ....... $292,000 K NH CR9070, ’09, N21230A.............................. $285,000 K NH CR970, ‘04, SWATHMASTER, HC2491 ........$190,000 H NH CR970, 04, HN2609B ................................$183,500 H NH CR960, ’03, HN2638B ................ CALL FOR DETAILS H NH CR960, ’03 AIR/STD, NH CHOPPER, N20638D ...................................................... $147,000 K NH CR970, ’03, PN2473C................................ $156,000 P NH CR970, ’05, PN2494B................................ $210,000 P NH CR970, ’06, PN2637B................................ $215,000 P NH CX860, ’05 76C HEADER, PN2662B ........... $183,000 P NH TR95, ’83, PN2211D .................................... $19,600 P NH TR98, ‘97, HN2642B .................................... $61,500 H NH TR98, ’98, N20624C .................................... $53,000 K NH TR98, ‘97, SUPER 8 PU, HOP TOP, HN2545B ........................................................ $68,900 H NH TX66, ’97, HN2600A .................................... $49,950 H CASE 1688, ’94, PN2352B ................................ $48,750 P CASE 2388, ’01, REDEKOP CHOPPER, HN2459B ......................................................$131,790 H CASE 8010, ‘08, SWATHMASTER, CRARY HOP EXT., PN2689B ...................................................... $263,000 P CASE 8120, ‘09, 16’PICKUP, FINE CHOPPER, PN2686A ..................................................... $310, 000 P GLEANER R65, 4000 HDR., PN2752B ...................................................... $193,500 P JD6600, ‘74, CHOP, SPRDR, GAS, PN2688E........................................ CALL FOR DETAILS P JD 9650, CRARY REBUILT ENGINE. GREEN LIGHT 2 YEARS AGO, CHAFF SPREADER, N21472B ................ $118,000 K JD 9760, PN2753B ......................................... $245,000 P JD 9760, ’06 615 PU HEADER, PN2748B ...... $239,000 P JD 9760 ’06,614 PU HEADER, PN2749B ........ $244,000 P

NH 166, N21383A ............................................... $3,900 K NH HW325, ’05, 30’ HEADER, PW2706A ........... $71,500 P NH H8060, ’08, PN2478A................................ $105,500 P CASE 8820, ’94, 25’ DRAPER HDR, PN2573D .... $33,500 P CASE 8820, ‘95, 30’ HDR., W21190B ....................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K HESSTON 8100, ‘92, 25’ PU REEL, GAUGE WHLS, SWATH ROLLER, W21192B .......................................... $45,114 K IH 5000, ‘81, W21531B .................... CALL FOR DETAILS K MACDON 4930 ’96, HN2525A ........................... $39,500 H MACDON 4930, ‘96, 25’, 960 MD HDR., TURBO 2 SPD., HN2525A ........................................................ $39,500 H MF 9420, ’04, 30’ HEADER, PW2707A .............. $71,500 P VE 4700, ‘88, MACDON PU REEL, 4025 HEADER, W21529B ....................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K WHITE 6400, ’84, 25’ MD PU REEL, PN2398B . $17,000 P WW 7000, ’86, HS2556A .................................. $14,900 H PS 4920, ‘98, W21196B .................................... $53,000 K

HEADERS NH 76C, ’08, N20634B...................................... $23,000 K NH 94C, ‘04, CR ADAPTER, HH2594B ................ $46,900 H NH 994, ‘00, W21144C ..................................... $35,900 K HB SP30, ‘94, PW2723C ................................... $15,000 P HB SP30, ‘02, W21329B.................................... $39,900 K HB SP30, ‘02, GLEANER ADAPT., UII PU REEL, PH2845A......................................................... $37,000 P HB SP30, ‘03, PW2723B ................................... $33,500 P HB SP36, ‘04, HH2370A .................................... $39,900 H HB SP36, ’05 DUAL REEL, DUAL DRIVE, JD 70 SERIES ADAPTER, H21469A ........................................ $39,500 H HB SP36, ’07, PH2705B .................................... $59,000 P HB SP39, ’04 DUAL REEL DRIVE, N21032B ........................................................ $42,000 K HB 42, W21534A .............................................. $45,000 K HB SP42, ‘03, CR ADAPT, DK, TRANS., FORE/AFT, W21538A ....................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K JD 936D, ‘04, PW2773A.................................... $58,080 P MD 960, ‘93, 36’, TR ADAPT, TRANS. PKG, HH2007A ........................................................ $12,500 H MD 962, ‘01, W21144B ..................................... $35,900 K MD 974, ‘05, 36’, SPLIT PU REEL, FORE/AFT, PH2710B ........................................................ $44,000 P NEW 2010 SP30 HONEYBEE 30’ DRAPER JD 9610 ADAPTER, UII P/U REEL, HYD FORE/AFT, DETACHABLE TRANSPORT, GAUGE WHEELS, CROSS AUGER, JD AUTO REEL SPD. KIT, UPDATED TO 2011 HYD. SYSTEM. H21208 $ CASH


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COMPLETE PUREBRED REGISTERED herd dispersal. 45 cows exposed to reg. Shorthorn bull from June 11th, $70,000. Ph Bill 819-421-0394, Lednura Farm, Arundel, QC

REGISTERED SPECKLE PARK BULLS: one 3 yr. old proven breeder, one 2 yr. old, two yearlings. All bulls have been semen tested and have passed. Various colors. 780-942-3661, Redwater, AB. Check website for pictures

S ELLIN G YO UR CATTLE IS AS EAS Y AS A P HO N E CALL • Ca ttle p u rcha s ed in fou r w es tern p rovin ces • Flexible w eig h con d ition s a n d loca tion s • O p tion ofreta in ed ow n ers hip • No herd too big ors m a ll • No tru ck in g cos ts • No com m is s ion s • No s ortin g forg en d er CALL TIM to price yo u rca ttle to d a y


REG. PERCHERON HORSE AUCTION, Monday, Sept 26th, 2011. Tack 11 AM, Horses 1 PM local time. Agri-Plex, Beaverlodge, AB. Viewing Sun. 25th, 2 PM. Dispersal for Trailes End Percherons, Mel and Vicki Miller and 3 guest consignors. 11 mature mares 8 broke, one 3 yr and four 2 yr. fillies, yearling filly, 6 yr. stallion (M27590), yearling stallion, stud cold, 3 yr. gelding, 2 grade mares, 7 yrs., well broke, 7 yr. gelding broke, 3 teams geldings, two 5th wheel show wagons, rubber, Democrat, JD Dr buggy, wooden whl wagon, trimming chute, harness. Patterson’s Auct i o n M a r t L t d . , D aw s o n C r e e k , B C . 250-784-4307, 250-782-6272. For listing with pictures:

Highw a y 2 1 Feed ers

TEXAS LONGHORN Fall and Select Production and Consignment Sale, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2011, 1 PM, Crossroads Centre, Oyen, AB. On offer Registered, Commercial and cross breds. Contact Ron Walker 403-548-6684, 403-528-0200, Redcliffe AB ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Assoc. 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more information.

HERD DISPERSAL: Approx. 80 Charolais cross bred cows. Due to calve March/12. Bred to Angus and Charolais bulls. Can pasture until snowfall. Selling due to health. 204-372-6005 leave message, 204-739-6323 cell, Fisher Branch, MB.

B UYI N G & SEL L I N G A L L CL A SSES O F FEED ER/ STO CK ER CATTL E R a n ch D irect Sa les – Ca sh & Co n tr a ct M a r ket Co ver a g e Thro u g ho u t W .Ca n a d a H ea d O ffice -Ta b er, A B 40 3-223-8872 L es Sm ith @ 40 3-5 80 -0 80 8 Sha w n W ilso n @ 40 3-90 1 -85 65 Bond ed & Insured w w w .g a tew a ylivesto m 800 COW/CALF pairs, $2200/pair or $1500/bred cow. 275 bred heifers, $1450 each. Will feed till Oct. 15th. Cattle are Black Angus cross on a Phizer health plan. Perry 306-435-6994, Moosomin, SK.

CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call Jacob at: 306-488-4408. CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary Johnston, Email Phone: 403-359-4424, Calgary, AB.

WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK.

GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers of leather and nylon harness. Custom saddles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. Box 29, Ryley, AB, T0B 4A0, 780-663-3611

OVERWINTER YOUR COWS or pregnant heifers in Southern Alberta with its milder winters! Good facilities available. Prices 2 YR. OLD started registered gelding, ALBERTA CARRIAGE SUPPLY: Check negotiable. Call 403-739-2608 for more in- $1200; 2011 foals, yearlings and 2 yr. olds. our website for summer specials on pio306-699-2481, Qu’Appelle, SK. neer wagons and fore carts. Never more formation. Enchant, AB. affordable. 403-934-9537 Calgary, AB. WANTED: 50 to 60 head of cows to feed for winter. Call 306-846-4834, Dinsmore, HORSE COLLARS, all sizes; Steel and aluSK. minum horseshoes. We ship anywhere. Keddie’s 1-800-390-6924. NEW BUGGY, WAGON, sleigh, cutterwood and metal parts. Wooden wheel manufacture and restoration. Wolfe Wagons, Sas15th ANNIVERSARY Medicine Hat Exhibikatoon, SK. Phone 306-933-4763 after 6 tion and Stampede BEEF PEN SHOW, PM weekdays. Email December 16th and 17, 2011. Commercial THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and and Purebred Classes, 4-H, plus a CASH repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, added Steer Jackpot. Enter on-line at Langham, SK. or 403-527-1234. 2011 BELGIAN FOALS for sale. Breeding stock, hitch, show, work or pleasure. 50 yr. DOWNSIZING: New spokes, felloes, hubs, breeding program. Ph Curt 306-482-7702, shafts, etc. Rebuildable buggies, wagons Carnduff, SK. View and sleighs. Original steps, springs, axles, other parts. Horse machinery. Phone: our horses at: 780-727-2129, Evansburg, AB. MINIATURE HARNESSES, single and double, collars; Oak buggies, wagons and TWO REGISTERED miniature Jennets, 2 pony carts. 306-483-7964, Frobisher, SK. years old, black/brown; Reg. miniature horses. 306-236-4678, Meadow Lake, SK.

SUNGOLD SPECIALTY MEATS. New company is seeking a continuous supply of grain fed and grass fed Bison. Randy Smith, 1-800-363-6602. TOP CANADIAN DOLLARS, Canadian Rangeland Bison is buying all classes of bison for our growing well established markets in North America and Europe. Why pay any broker or membership fees, we proudly process exclusively in Canada only. Prompt payment, book with Armin or Tara 1-877-844-2231, Lacombe, AB. or email us at MANUAL HI-HOG BUFFALO squeeze, $3500 OBO. Ken Rollins, Box 1604, Cardston, AB. T0K 0K0. 403-653-3174.

NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt 80 SUFFOLK CHEVIOT cross ewes to go p ay m e n t ! C o n t a c t B r u c e fo r d e t a i l s to school. Dewormed and in good cond., 514-919-4447 $325/ewe. 306-898-2035 Brendenbury, SK Winnipeg, MB. YEARLING CROSS RAMS and ewe lambs BUYING ALL CLASSES of feeder bison for sale. 204-523-7042, Killarney, MB. and cows. Contact Dave 780-592-2288 or 100 OPEN BREEDING ewes, birth and sec- cell. 780-853-0946, Mannville, AB. ond lambers, Cheviots/Suffolk/Katahdin FOR SALE: Proven Bison breeding stock. crosses, $275 ea. 204-842-3694, Birtle MB Wood Cross, Pure Wood, Pure Plains, all ages, both sexes. Kirkwall Moor Ranch and Consulting, Marshall L. Patterson D.V.M. 306-694-1759, Moose Jaw, SK. ALL CLASSES OF SHEEP and goats; Buying all breeds. 306-978-9723 or 306-229-6147 HERD DISPERSAL: Two 2 yr. olds, five y e a r l i n g h e i fe r s . Ve r y q u i e t B i s o n , cell. $2000/ea. 780-312-4965, Wetaskiwin, AB. WANTED FEEDER LAMBS and goats. 2010 OPEN FEMALES, 110 Wood cross, 20 Any size. Call Wayne at 306-883-8948, pure Wood, on grass, not for slaughter. Spiritwood, SK. 306-874-7590, Viking Bison, Naicam, SK. 9 0 R A M B O U I L L E T / P O LY PAY cross ewes, 2-5 yrs, very hardy, $250; 200 ewe lambs: 125 white faced, 75 Suffolk cross, $225. 306-246-4468, Richard, SK.

APPROXIMATELY 60 HEAD mature cows exposed to bulls; $2500/ea. For more details call 403-485-0059, Champion, AB. SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers PURCHASING ALL AGES and classes of Biextension, marketing services and a full son. Prompt payment. Bruce, Youngstown, l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . AB. 403-651-7972 or 403-779-2218. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. MATURE REINDEER BULLS for sale. Call Jim or Connie, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK., 306-332-3955. NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for Wild Boar. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! Contact Bruce for details 514-919-4447, Winnipeg, MB. Email:

HUNT AND BREEDING STOCK, typical genetics, 200”+, High Tower offspring. Loessl Game Farm, Phone Dennis at 306-682-3626, 306-227-2442, Pilger, SK. WHITE TAIL HUNT BUCKS in the size range of 160-190. Pictures available. 306-764-7320, Prince Albert, SK.

BUYING WILD BOAR for 20 years. All sizes, highest $$$ paid. Canadian Heritage MINIATURE DONKEYS, male and female, Foods, Ralph or Greg at 1-877-226-1395. SADDLE MAKING SCHOOL. Various various ages and bred Jenny’s. TWO HUNT BULLS, scored 415 and 388. courses avail. Book before December and 306-483-7964, Frobisher, SK. Ask for Mike at 306-696-2297, eves., save. Rod 780-576-2756, Newbrook, AB. Broadview, SK.

CANDIAC AUCTION MART Sheep, Lamb MINIATURE HORSES, male and female and Goat Sale, Sun., Sept 18th, starting 1 and bred females. 306-483-7964, Frobish- PM, must be in yard Sept. 17th. Please er SK. Ph was out of order - NOW repaired. prebook at: 306-424-2967, Candiac, SK. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30th: Sheep, lamb and goat sale at 12PM. Also selling breedREG. STALLION, Torasan-1115-1993, 13 ing ewes and replacement ewe lambs. HH, $3000 or trade for another Norwegian Horse sale to follow. Phone in your consignments to 204-748-2809, Heartland Fjord stallion. 780-835-4059, Fairview, AB Livestock Services, Virden, MB. 1 STUD AND 2 CROSS mares, 1 with filly HEARTLAND LIVESTOCK SERVICES, colt. Offers. 306-423-5444, Domremy, SK. Regina will be holding a Special Presort Sheep, Lamb and Goat Sale, Friday, Sept. 23rd at 1 PM. All sheep and goats must be 6 YEAR OLD PAINT gelding, broke to ride, pre-booked and in the yards no later than 15.2 HH, $1200; Fancy 4 year old breeding 9:00 AM Friday for sorting/grading. For stock paint filly, green broke, her sire and m o r e i n fo . c o n t a c t B r e n n i n J a c k at dam are ROM earners, 15.3 HH, $1200. 306-533-2495 or 306-757-3601. 204-776-2062, Dunrea, MB. SHEEP/ GOAT SALE, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Saturday, Sept. 17, 1:00 PM. All classes accepted. Must be in yard Sept. 16. Pre-booking and Sheep ID VERY QUIET, well broke Curly, hypo aller- tags mandatory. genic pony. Karen 204-548-9904 9 pm or 306-693-4715. later, Gilbert Plains MB.

1-8 00-440-26 9 4. w w w .rka n im a lsu m

JOHNSTONE AUCTION MART, Moose Jaw, SK. Horse Sale Thursday, October 6. 2:00 PM Tack Sells; 4:00 PM Horses Sell. 306-693-4715

CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse Sale, Sat., Oct. 1st. Tack at 10:30, Horses at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of colts must have a completed EID. Go to the website to get the form. For more info contact 110 STRAIGHT BLACK BRED heifers. 306-424-2967. Bred to purebred Black Angus, low birth- CYPRESS HILLS REGISTERED HORSE weight bulls. Bulls out from June 25th to BREEDERS ASSOCIATION presents the Aug. 25th. Real nice set of heifers, asking 35th Annual Production Sale. 45 reg. hors$1800. Will preg. test and keep until early es on offer. Over 30 are broke ranch, arena November. Scott at 403-677-2455 or and performance horses! Sat. Sept. 17/11. 403-820-5593, Standard, AB. Preview 10:00 AM. Sale 12:30 PM. The MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. Drill Hall, Maple Creek, SK. Complimentary Visit us at: p a n c a ke b r e a k f a s t 8 : 3 0 A M . V i e w Also see section #3560 Custom Work. for online catalogue or call 403-937- 2188. DOUGLAS BULL TEST STATION Accepting purebred bull calves and purebred or HEARTLAND LIVESTOCK SERVICES, commercial heifer calves to go on test for Regina will be holding their 1st Annual 2011-2012 season. New this year: all bulls Harvest of Color Horse and Tack Sale on and heifers will be eligible for sale but Saturday, Sept 24th. Tack sells at 1:00 PM, must pass a vet evaluation to qualify. Floor catalogue horses at 2:00 PM followed by a price for bulls is set at $2000. For more regular horse sale. Over 40 top quality information call Ivan 204-763-4696 or horses are consigned to the catalogue por204-724-6271, Carberry, MB. tion of this sale. More info. call Brennin 306-533-2495 or 306-757-3601. HERD DISPERSAL: 150 white, tan, red Jack, and black cows, bred Char., start calving View catalogue online at: end of March. $1000 each for all, U pick DIAMOND K RANCH Annual Fall Foal $1150. Will winter and calve out. Shawn Sale, Sept. 24th, 2011 at 1:00 PM. Candiac Mulvena, 306-476-2536, Rockglen, SK. Auction Mart, Candiac, SK., For more info. 150 BLACK and Red Angus good quality call 306-424-2967, 306-224-4733 or young bred cows. 306-773-1049, Swift 306-224-4288. Catalo gue on-line at Current, SK. JXL RANCH QH Production Sale, Sunday, September 25, 1:00 PM, Candiac Auction Mart. Guest consigners Carrie and Carman Englot 306-486-2277 or Faye and Jerome Ludwig 306-487-2814, Lampman, SK.

RED DUN MARE, 7 yrs old, 15 HH, very easy to handle. Hortons Triple Skip, Jags Drifter, Tucker Mando, Rocky San on her papers. 780-688-2024, 780-632-1340 Bruce, AB. FIRST ANNUAL HARVEST OF COLOR Horse Sale. Sept. 24th at 2:00PM, at Heartland Livestock, Regina, SK. Large variety: All ages, broke and unbroke. For more information call Sid 306-783-8323. COMPLETE SET OF AQHA stud books, c/w a l p h a b e t i c a l i n d e x . O f fe r s . P h o n e 306-472-5996, Woodrow, SK. 20 REG. MARES, fillies and colts. Reasonable. 780-856-2356, Wainwright, AB. REG. BAY GELDING, 8 years old, well broke, 3 summers pasture riding, lots of roping, fast and great with cattle $3800 OBO. 306-547-2828, Endeavor, SK.

SUFFOLK PUNCH DRAFT horses, various ages for sale. 780-698-2564, Rochester, AB. SUFFIELD BLOCK HORSE FOALS and a few yearlings. Strong, high quality. Historic Equine experience of a lifetime. Due to the trauma of the Horse Industry numbers of these horses are critically low; High quality horse hay for sale, 100% grass or 80% grass solid round bales. Ph Arnold McKee, 403-664-2046 eves., Oyen, AB. TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, drafts and minis. Call 780-388-2222, Alder Flats, AB. WELL MATCHED BLACK TEAM, 14.3, well broke to drive, very showy, priced to sell. 780-875-1996, 780-808-0913, Lloydminster, AB.

ELK VALLEY RANCHES selling 2010 yearling female elk, 450 point genetics. Phone Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or email to FOR SALE: Young 60-80 lb. pre-grower BREEDING STOCK SALES, yearling jinhogs, Ivomeced, well started, $70/ea. nocks, bred cows, limited supply, top end Gilts and bred sows available upon re- genetics. Call Bob at 780-836-2689, Manning, AB. quest. Ph. 306-749-3232, Birch Hills, SK. LARGE BLACK WEANERS for sale, 3 fe- ELK WANTED BY AWAPCO. We are a males, 2 males in tact, $350 each. 135 member producer owned and operat306-782-5650, 306-621-0139, Yorkton, SK ed co-op with solid markets for your elk for years to come. Give us a call today to discuss how AWAPCO can work for you 780-980-7589. Non-Members welcome. WANTED: BERKSHIRE, Tamworth and TOP DOLLARS for elk delivered to Canaall crosses. Paying highest $$. Canadian dian Rangeland Elk, Lacombe, AB. We are Heritage Foods. Ralph at 1-877-226-1395. looking for year round supply for our growing meat markets. No membership o r b r o ke r fe e s , p l e a s e c a l l T h o m a s 1-866-497-0078 or 1-877-844-2231. (5) ELK BULLS, 361, 398, 417, 421, 429. 306-873-8301, Tisdale, SK. 15 MUSCOVY DUCKS, 5 males, 2 females, NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for 9 babies. 306-722-3360, Fillmore, SK. over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! Contact Bruce for COMMON PIGEONS, $4 each. Wanted: details 514-919-4447, Winnipeg, MB. Fancy Pigeons, Muscoby ducks and Ban- Email: tams. 306-563-2020 evenings, Canora, SK. BERKSHIRE, TAMWORTH CHESTER White boars and gilts. Delivery avail. to SK AB, BC at cost. 204-828-3317, 204-750-1493, 204-750-2759, St. Claude, MB.

MINIATURE HORSE, well broke, good w/kids, in parade for 5 yrs, very quiet, c/w miniature horse drawn wagon. Willingdon, AB. 780-636-2413, 780-645-0406.

fu ll s to ck o fAn d i s clip p ers a n d b l ad es . N EW RK PURE gro o m in g p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e

CATTLE FINANCING available for feeder cattle and bred heifers/cows. Competitive interest rates. Contact Marjorie Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK.

RAMS FOR SALE, Debouillet Targhee crosses, born April 2010, ready to breed, 10 to choose from. Very hardy with heavy fleeces of high quality wool. Ward Harden genetics. 306-476-2632, Rockglen, SK.

EWE LAMBS for sale. Aveley Corriedales and Corriedale Suffolk crosses. Aveley Ranch established in 1906. Flock began in 1913. Lamb rams also for sale. Aveley Heritage Sheep Ranch, Vavenby, BC, 250-676-9574, Email: or RAMBOUILLET EWES, 1 and 2 years old, WANTED: A QUIET horse or pony for chil- $250 each. 306-896-2392, Churchbridge, dren. 306-334-2204, Balcarres, SK. SK.

1.403.546.2 705 Ext. 8 TO TA L SELLER SATISFA C TIO N IN 2 0 10

RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g

100 HOME RAISED Black and Red Angus young bred cows. 204-525-2446, Minitonas, MB. RED ANGUS/ GELVIEH cross bred heifers, full herd health program, $1500. Phone 306-731-2943, Lumsden, SK. 35 BLACK AND RED cows for sale, bred Black Angus, will keep until November. 306-335-2806, Lemberg, SK. HERD DISPERSAL: 200 red, red blaze, semi cross, and Charolais cross cows, 3 to 7 years old, at Spiritwood, SK. Will sell pairs $2050, or cows $1350. 4 Charolais bulls, 4 solid red semi bulls. Call 780-724-4400 or 780-645-1212. 500 BRED COWS, Red Angus/Simmental cross, ages 2-9, bred to calve in May and June. Leaseback option available. Kerkain Farms, 2008 Simmental Commercial Breeder of the Year. Contact Vince Stevenson at 306-297-7950, Shaunavon, SK.

RANCH HORSE 5 yr. old grey Percheron/QH gelding currently on PFRA pasture. Roping and working cattle. Big, strong and quiet, $3000. 306-728-2502, Melville, SK. WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM 35 Plus years of training, showing, sales, clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott. Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. 3 YR. OLD dun QH Thoroughbred cross, halter broke, nice barrel prospect, $350. 306-228-3346, Senlac, SK.

TOP RAM LAMBS for sale. Email us at Three Hills, AB or phone 403-443-2640. COMMERCIAL DORPER/DORPER CROSS BREEDERS: The Canadian Dorper Sheep Assoc. wants to put you and potential buyers together. We’ve expanded our website to include a commercial producer listing service. $10.00 fee per year. Website get approx. 2000 hits/month. Mail payment and info to: Dave Ellison, 5997 Gardi Road, Kamloops, BC. V1S 2A1 or contact Dave at 250- 828-2390. YEARLING AND 2 YEAR old rams for sale. Full blood. Starting at $500/each. Phone 306-725-3773, West of Bulyea, SK.

19 WEEK OLD ready to lay Browns. Available Oct. 26, Russell, MB or Oct. 29 Moosomin, SK. Call to place orders for pick up, Berg’s Hatchery, 204-773-2562,

BOER CROSS PROVEN does and numerous 2010 and 2011 doelings, $150 to $250. Pkgs available. 306-872-4442, Naicam, SK.

EXOTIC BIRD and Animal Auction, October 2nd, 11 AM. Indian Head Skating Rink. 306-347-1068 or 306-695-2184.

BUFF ORPINGTON roosters for sale, 20 weeks old, $10/each. 306-725-3240, Strasbourg, SK. TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY to buy, sell, or trade your poultry and small animals at the Fall Poultry Market Sale, October 1, 11:00 AM, Moose Jaw, SK . Call 306-662-4469 or visit our website at PUREBRED KATAHDIN rams for sale. 204-322-5364, Warren, MB. or leave message.

PUREBRED PERFORMANCE TESTED Health programs, Scrapie certified and OPP. Offering purebred ewes bred and rams from Super Elite sire. Cedar Ridge Sheep Farms, Owens Sound, ON. Steve and Riva Vidacs, 519-371-7314.

SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers a full line of goat supplies and minerals. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK.

4- 270’ CHORE-TIME C2 poultry feeders complete Weigh-Tronix feed mill c/w storage bins, grain elevator and 3” air system; 6 hole 40’ feed truck loader; Assorted used poultry equipment. 250-549-0890, Armstrong, BC. Email:

COMMERCIAL KATAHDIN DORPER ewe l a m b s , 9 m o n t h s o l d , $ 1 7 5 e a c h . ANDRES EXPORTS is buying all classes 403-519-4994, Calgary, AB. of bison. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, SK. WWW.RIDEAUSHEEP.COM PB Rideau rams and ewe lambs, performance tested, BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison high health status, breeder since 1989. is looking to contract grain finished bison B r e e z y R i d g e F a r m , S u t t o n , O N . for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all ani905-478-4280. mals. For more information contact Roger CLUN FOREST RAM, lambs and ewe lambs. Provencher, or M r. G ly n n B r o o k s , L e t h b r i d g e , A B . , 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned 403-327-2242. bison company and enjoy the benefits.

SHAVINGS: Manufactured from kiln dried Pine. Highly compressed 4’x4’x4’ bales that hold 325 cu. ft. each. Makes premium quality bedding for large and small animals and poultry. Low dust, very soft and absorbent. Size, 3/4” and under. Call for truck load quotes. Wholesale prices direct from the plant. Can ship anywhere up to 60 bales per load. Call Tony 250-372-1494 or Ron 250-804-3305, Chase, BC, or web:

SOUTHLAND 5TH WHEEL cattle trailer 7x20, exc. cond., divider gate, new tires, for more info please call 306-967-2673 or 306-460-4969, Eatonia, SK. PAYSEN CATTLE HANDLING SYSTEM Includes tub, alley, headgates. Just like new. For more info call 306-967-2673 or 306-460-4969, Eatonia, SK. AUTO SORTING HOG SCALES; Large package of Osborne 2-way sorters; 32 tube style wet/dry feeders. Killarney, MB. 204-534-7627. NEW HOLLAND 195 manure spreader, $7500. Stoughton, SK. 306-457-2452. WANTED: PORTABLE PANEL roping riding arena. 403-609-1200, Cochrane, AB. NOBLE 400 FEED wagon, 4 auger, $8500; Peerless 500 portable rollermill and tank, $4500. 780-672-6062, Camrose, AB.



2007 KUHN Knight 2044 manure spreader, CONTERRA ARENA RAKE for ATV’s and hyd push, vertical beaters, used very little quads. Excellent for arena, ground and $28,000. 306-743-7099, Langenburg, SK. shelter belt maintenance. Starting at $1995. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882 or view MALE, 65, SEEKS lady 65- 70 years to on-line share my home, dancing, go for drives, for Heavy Duty 24’ PANELS, WINDBREAKS, companionship and fun. Reply to: Box bale feeders, calf shelters and more for 5590, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, Rimbey, AB, SK. S7K 2C4 or

EnergyFree Livestock Waterers Fall delivery schedule from Maple Creek - Regina, Sept. 21 & Oct 12, 2011. BE SURE TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS TODAY!! Call David 306.662.2449 or 403.502.4776

FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK.

CALL YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT Inc. for all SILVER STREAM SHELTERS: 30x72 sin- your livestock equipment needs. Regina, gle steel frame cover kit, $4700; 38x100 SK. 1-800-803-8346, Ask for Ron or Kevin. truss, $11,900. Replacement tarps for any brand, patch kits, rope webbing and ratchets. Call 1-877-547-4738. PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. available with a neck extender. Phone Winter water problems? Solved! No elec306-796-4508, email: tricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . website: 1-888-731-8882, EZEE-ON 2200 POST pounder, PTO drive, exc. cond. $4000 OBO; NH HAY AGWAY CHAINLESS BALE FEEDER RAKE, excellent condition, $1000 OBO. 2008, good condition, asking $7000. More info 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 780-361-2345, Falun, AB.

JD 716A silage wagon, w/feeding extension, excellent working order, stored inside, no rust, no rot, $3500. Will deliver. Love Is Possible... Camelot Introductions 403-507-8384, Sundre, AB. is a successful Matchmaking Service serving MB and SK. All clients are interviewed in person. We have 18 years experience and have matched 1000’s of people. Interviews in Yorkton, Moose Jaw, Regina and Saskatoon, SK. are being held Sept. DESPERATELY SEARCHING FOR our lost 22-25. Call now to book your appointment dog, Bordon, SK. area. Border Collie/Aus- with award winning Matchmaker. Must be tralian Shepherd cross. Black with white non-smoker and able to pass criminal chest, brown feet. 306-341-2324. check. 204-888-1529.

PRO-CERT ORGANIC SYSTEMS Royalty free organic certifier. Family owned, experienced, affordable. Phone 306-382-1299 or email Saskatoon SK. ECOCERT CANADA organic certification for producers, processors and brokers. Call the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, SK, email


1-800-582-4037 SAFE NEW LAYOUTS, +80 ways to cut corral costs. Free look FEED TRUCK: 1997 INT. 4700 truck w/CATTLELAC 520 FEED MIXER, exc. GRAIN TROUGHS, 30’ c/w skids, made condition, always shedded, $52,500. of conveyor belting and pipe, $650. 306-778-2533, Swift Current, SK. 306-538-4685, Kennedy, SK. 550 FARMAID MIXER wagon. Never had silage in it, $22,000, or will trade for April calving young black cows. Phone 306-528-4431, Nokomis, SK. EQ U IPM EN T IN C.


STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windbreaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. FLEXI-COIL POST POUNDER, 13 HP Honda motor. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK.


2006 BALE KING 3110 shredder, 45 bu. grain tank, right hand discharge, hyd. shoot, large flotation tires, mint condition, $14,000 OBO; BALE KING 880 with grain t a n k , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 5 0 0 0 O B O. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. CATTLE SQUEEZE with palpation cage, mounted on digital scale, very good condition. 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK.

SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Apollo Machine, 306-242-9884 or 1-877-255-0187, at Saskatoon, SK.

SOLAR WEST portable pumping stations; MORAND livestock equipment; Portable windbreaks; Custom built panels and gates. Delivery available. 1-866-354-7655, ATTENTION LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS: 5 bar panels, 30’; 30’ windbreak panels; 30’ silage bunks; 30’ all steel grain troughs; 30’ bale shredder bunks; 20’ Texas gates and round bale feeders. Weld on and bolt on clamps for sucker rod and pipe, 3/4” to 3-1/2”. Will build equipment to your specs. Delivery available. Authorized dealer for feed box, pallet and grain feeders. Also handle complete line of wood and steel fence posts and rough cut lumber. Authorized dealer for Sakundiak grain bins. We manufacture hopper cones. Phone: 306-538-4487, K e n n e d y, SK. NH 795 TA double chain manure spreader, $7250; NH 697 TA single beater manure spreader, $4800. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB.

1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46


Small Green Lentils French Green Lentils Red Lentils Beluga Lentils

• • • •

GET A LEG UP ON ORGANIC matter, grow 4010 silage peas. Call 204-686-2471. Limited supply of certified organic pea seed; Also certified organic HRS wheat for sale, Tilston, MB. RW ORGANIC LTD. currently looking for all grades of wheat, new and old crop. 306-354-2660, Mossbank, SK. WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 888-531-4888 ext. 2. SELL YOUR ORGANIC crop to 250+ buyers. Very easy! We do it for you. Only $75. Call 1-888-805-6808. ORGANIC WINTER WHEAT, cleaned seed for sale. Call Don 306-782-5837, 306-621-7310, Yorkton, SK. WANTED: ORGANIC FEED barley for immediate delivery. Growers International 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK.

REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE puppies from working parents. Born June 7th. 403-783-6518, Ponoka, AB. PYRENEES/MAREMMA CROSS puppies $400 each. Ready September 24th, Drayton Valley, AB. Phone 780-621-1828. REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE pups, aggressive working stock. Call Richard Smith 780-846-2643, Kitscoty, AB.

LOVELY HOME FOR sale on 5 acres. Overlooks Takysie Lake, BC. Call Luke at 250-569-4005 or 250-569-7778.

PUREBRED BLUE HEELER puppies ready to go Sept. 21. Parents are excellent work- TRUCK REPAIR SHOP with large wareing dogs used daily. 2 litters to chose house and office space on 1+ acres of from. $300. 306-745-3438, Esterhazy, SK. land. Could be sold with tools. MALE BLUE HEELER PUP, great drive, 701-339-2323, Roblin, MB. first shots, ready to go Sept. 20th, $250. 22 ACRES COMMERCIAL/Ag property, Pic306-492-2447 Clavet SK. ture Butte, AB, c/w active livestock and MAREMMA/ KUVASZ CROSS pups, born equipment auction market. 403-308-6662. July 20, predator control, raised with cattle/chickens. 780-939-4872, Morinville, AB

SRS CRISAFULLI new Canadian dealer TJ Markusson Agro, 306-272-4545, Foam Lake, SK. Large capacity PTO water pumps, 8”, 12”, 16”, and 24” available.

OPEN HOUSE - 326, 1st St. West, Spiritwood, SK. Sunday, Sept. 18th, 10-2 PM. Exclusive 2 bdrm adult only townhouse w/single attached garage. Open concept, maple cabinets, hardwood, garden doors deck. Last unit available! MLS ®410743. Shawna Schira-Kroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, 306-441-1625,

HARVEST SAVINGS Promotion Ends October 31, 2011

It’s Time to Increase Productivity and Efficiency with Motorola Two-way radios

We have over 95 used mobile 2-way radios in stock to choose from. Mounting bracket, microphone, antenna and wire harness included

Get them before they are gone!

Golden Flax Brown Flax Whole Green Peas Whole Yellow Peas

Prompt payment, timely deliveries. Please contact Tanya @ 306-249-4151 or for pricing and delivery information. Shamrock Seeds is a licensed and bonded Grain Dealer centrally located in Saskatoon, SK.

USED MOTOROLA VERTEX 2-way ra2 MATURE GREAT PYRENEES, raised dios. Prices start at $225. Antennas and with sheep, female 2 years old, neutered radio repairs. Future Communications, male 4 years old. $250 ea. 780-662-3577 306-949-3000, Regina, SK. Tofield, AB.

BLUE HEELER/BORDER COLLIE puppies Parents are excellent working cattle dogs. Easy to train, very well mannered. There are 2 males and 2 females, they have their 1st shots. Ready to go, $150 each. Phone 306-577-5694, Arcola, SK. T H E U LT I M AT E O K A N A G A N W I N E COUNTRY HOME! With a postcard LakeKUVASZ PYRENEES CROSS pups, 3 males, view from Mission Hill to Kelowna and a born Nov. 1/10, 4 males born June 8/11, property adjoining the vines of Quail’s Gate farm raised, $175 each. Pictures available. Estate Winery, a priceless setting. The Call 403-502-9470, Medicine Hat, AB. very well built and immaculately mainAUSTRALIAN KELPIE PUPS out of prov- tained 5 bdrm home with level driveway en parents. Both parents imported from has been lovingly maintained by the origiAustralia. Various colors, sold as working nal family. The back yard oasis features an dogs only, ready to go Oct. 14. Contact for in-ground concrete pool, grape vines, fruit pricing. Serious inquiries only. Sceptre, SK trees, gardens and the breathtaking view all spaciously arranged on one third of an EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR- Beaver 306-623-4219, 306-628-8266. acre! The view is carefully protected by dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK, PB BLUE HEELER pups, ready to go, good agricultural land. Property like this in the working parents. 780-202-0297 days, valley is very rare. Contact Gary August of 306-827-2269, 306-827-7835. 780-389-2483 eves., Thorsby, AB. Coldwell Banker in Kelowna for an information package or your exclusive tour. RED AND WHITE Border Collie pups, 5 M L S ® 1 0 0 3 5 1 3 6 . O f fe r e d t o d ay at wks. old, from working parents, have ref- $ 6 9 5 , 0 0 0 . w w w. g a r y a u g u s t . c o m erences, $450 ea. Call Oran 306-587-7169, 250-862-1002 306-773-3476, Success, SK. HOME FOR SALE in Canada’s paradise!! RED BONE COON hound puppies, 6 wks Close to fabulous lakes, world class golfold, first shots; Adult coon hounds trained ing, nordic and alpine skiing. Surrounded for hunting. 780-672-6026, Camrose, AB. by hundreds of fishing lakes. Live a milWATKINSON COWDOG PUP from years of lionaires lifestyle on a retirees or workingselective breeding with grit, brains and man’s budget. The beautiful Okanagan is looks. Parents work at community pasture; waiting for you!! 250-545-9920, Vernon Also started cowdogs. 306-692-2573, Old B C o r e m a i l : b a r k e t t s @ s h a w. c a Wives, SK. PUREBRED BORDER COLLIE PUPS for RETIRED? QUALITY HOUSING, desirable sale both female and males. Puppies are living. Pay a visit, stay for a lifetime. Startfrom Pedigree Lines. Sire “Twig” owned by ing at $149,000. Refer to our website Pat Lawrence. Dam “Jet” owned by Joyce 250-587-6151, ClearPetry “Jets.” Sire “Ted” owned by Wayne water, BC. Norris and Dam “thatlldojenny” owned by Alvin Cop. 780-826-5934, 780-545-8692, Bonnyville, AB.



GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, ready Sept. 27, first shots, vet checked, sable, black w/tan colors, $500 each. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK.

AVAILABLE BACHELORETTE. Country living, peace and quiet, being close to nature with old fashioned values is what many of our ladies are looking for. She could be a teacher, doctor, nurse, professionally employed, or a homemaker. All ages, nationalities, occupations, rural, remote, ranch, farm. Permanent relationships only. Photos and profiles 11 yrs. established Canada w i d e . w w w. s e l e c t i n t r o d u c t i o n s . c o m Matchmakers Select, 1-888-916-2824.

TRADE AND EXPORT Canada Inc. now buying feed oats, flax and feed peas. 2 CKC REGISTERED male Golden Retriever pups, 4 months old, all shots; Also (1) 2 yr. Quick pay. Contact Lorna 1-877-339-1959. old female. 306-836-4430, Simpson, SK BUYING ORGANIC RYE, brown flax, yellow flax and other grains, CGC bonded, pay- REG. CHESAPEAKE BAY Retrievers, young ment on the driveway. Vandaele Seeds adults, ready for training for fall hunting Ltd., Box 144, Medora, MB, R0M 1K0. season. 306-236-3898, Meadow Lake, SK. Phone: 204-665-2384. CKC AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS, merle/ FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free tri’s, show, agility, obedience and pet. 306solution to livestock watering. No heat or 257-4178, Elstow, SK. power required. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. WANTED: CERTIFIED ORGANIC slaugh- REG. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS, first ter cattle, grass/forage finished. Contact shots, vet checked, and microchipped. Peter Lundgard at Nature’s Way Farm, 2 0 4 - 5 4 8 - 2 8 3 7 , G i l b e r t P l a i n s , M B . 780-338-2934, Grimshaw, AB.

1993 IHC NAVISTAR feed truck, 43,000 kms, IHC 466 eng, auto. trans, new recap tires c/w 2002 Knight 3050 feed box, commercial grade heavy augers, hyd. slide unload gate, scales both sides read out as well in the cab, 500 cu. ft. mixing capacity, 10,000 lb. rolled grain. Excellent condition! Always stored inside! $42,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.

2 YR. OLD Shepherd cross, good farm spayed dog! Great with kids, cats, horses, etc. Needs to be in a loving home as she was rescued from a shelter. Doesn’t do well with other big female dogs! Does fine with little ones. 306-489-2229, Oxbow, SK.

OLIVER, BC, 2 bdrms, 2 baths, 975 sq. ft. condo, 2006, lots of extras, $188,500. Willing to trade equal value in Alberta. Call BLUE AND RED HEELER PUPS, first 780-963-1147. shots and dewormed, born July 3, $100 each. Are used to cats. Wolseley, SK. 306-698-2776,

CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK,, Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!

NEAPOLITAN MASTIFF PUPS, 11 wks. old, 3 males, 2 females, vet checked, first HYDRAULIC HIGH PRESSURE/volume piss h o t s , d e w o r m e d , $ 8 0 0 e a c h . ton pump and reservoir assembly with mounting frame and drill fill hoses. Excel306-745-6554, Esterhazy, SK. lent condition. Half price, $500. Phone CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER pups, 306-535-7590, Regina, SK. born Aug. 22, 1 male, 1 female, parents can be seen, exc hunting, family dogs. Ref- CENTRAL WATER & EQUIPMENT Services Ltd. Portable Pump and Pipeline Sales, erences avail. 780-658-2245, Ranfurly, AB Service and Rentals. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, born July L o c a l p h o n e : 3 0 6 - 9 7 5 - 1 9 9 9 , F a x : 13th, vet checked, dewormed, asking 306-975-7175, Toll free 1-800-561-7867. $600/each, health guaranteed. Grimshaw, AB. 780-625-4731.

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BUNGALOW IN ALLAN, SK, $279,000. 5 bdrms, 3 baths, oak kitchen with pantry, central air, central vac. Extensive upgrades 2009/2010, fenced yard, large deck, garden area, great landscaping, and insulated 24’x16’ garage. Just move in with kids and pets and enjoy. Call Ron Thompson 306-221-8112, Royal Lepage Saskatoon Real Estate, Saskatoon, SK. HOUSE FOR SALE in Mesa, AZ. 3444 North Tuscany Circle. Located in the beautiful gated community of Las Sendas. 2451 sq. 2 storey w/pool and hot tub. Built in SUN HILLS RESORT at Lake of the Prair- ft. For more info call 306-487-7993 or ies, SK, only 40 minutes East of Yorkton. 1999. email Lots and cabins selling now! Starting at $49,000, fully serviced! Ph. 306-621-9680 2 LOTS TOGETHER, one serviced for moor visit bile home, 3/4 of an hour each of Saskatoon, SK. on Hwy. 16. Nicely treed, clean town. $10,000 for both. 780-898-4345, 306-593-7089. WELL-MAINTAINED 1 1/2 storey 3 bedroom and 3 bath house in Laird, SK 40 min from Saskatoon, complemented by character of former years, sitting on landscaped lot. $189,900 shows 10/10. MLS #396480 Erwin Tiessen 306-262-3833, Hallmark Realty, Saskatoon, SK. LAC DES ISLES: One five acre treed and titled lake lot, min. walk to lake, old growth trees. Power, gas, telephone at curb. $195,000; Two acre lot $100,000. Choice of three. 306-221-0081, 306-3734808, Saskatoon, SK. or BRAND NEW 1125 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. maintenance free, all season cabin overlooking Dun Cairn Dam Lake sitting on 2 acres. Water well. $285,000. Call 403-548-9990. LAKEVIEW, BRAND NEW at Hitchcock Bay, Lake Diefenbaker, SK, 1440 sq. ft., titled, 2 bath, 2 bdrm on main, more in basement, AC, $289,900. 306-573-4800.

Open beam ceiling. Starting at



Bea u tifu lCu sto m Bu ilt, Co stEffective Ho m es R ea dy to M ove H om es & C a bin s  COMPLETE WITHIN 90-120 DAYS

LUSELAND, SK. Sale/rent. Attractive older furnished 800 sq. ft. 2 bdrm home, 1 bath with all new fixtures, full basement. Stucco and newly painted siding. Quality carpet and hardwood. Private 150x50’ lot. Lawn, garden, Birch, Spruce and fruit trees. Single detached garage. $63,500. Ph 250-353-7600 or TO BE MOVED: 2 storey catalogue house, 1920’s? 1250 sq. ft., walk-up attic, newer oak kitchen, 3 bedrooms, new shingles. 306-245-3758, Francis, SK.

We deliver.

905 SQ. FT. 2 bdrm bungalow, 1 bath, interior completely renovated. Comes with new siding, you pick your color. $54,000 including delivery. Phone 403-223-1885, Taber, AB. Many more homes available.

2005 SRI, 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, ensuite and walk-in closet off master, vaulted ceiling, 4 new appliances, 12x16 covered deck, no pets, never smoked in, asking $78,500. 780-871-4930, Lloydminster, SK. area. SAM’S MOBILE HOMES: We pay top dollar for used mobile homes. 14’ and 16’ preferred. Wanted immediately. We sell good quality used homes for great prices. John Becker 306-781-4130, Pilot Butte SK 16x76’ 1999 SRI mobile home with vaulted ceilings, 2-1/2 baths, 3 bedrooms, to be moved. 306-862-4149, Codette, SK. SHERWOOD MODULAR HOMES, SRI factory built, 16’, 20’, 22’, sectionals. Full set-up and service in house. Phone Regina 1-866-838-7744. Estevan 1-877-378-7744. MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK.

Ca ll for m ore inform a tion or vis itour w eb s ite tod a y! 1 (8 77) 65 3- 4668  w w w.m ounta inview rtm .com



10635 184 St. Edmonton, AB

$64,900- 1140 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. well maintained bungalow. Detached 18x32’ garage, triple lot 216x136’ beautifully landscaped. web: Some energy efficient windows, central vac, water softener, built-in dishwasher, Jacuzzi tub, cultured marble. Laminate and CABIN LOTS FOR SALE at Tobin Lake, SK. lino flooring. 306-576-2069, Wishart, SK. World class pike and walleye. Gas, power, water and phone. 1-877-395-6196 for info VILLAGE OF SHELL LAKE, 12 residential lots for sale. Contact Village Office: Email: Call 306-427-2272. READY TO MOVE SHOW HOME, 1650 sq. ft., 9’ ceilings, beautiful maple cabi- CEDAR LAKEVIEW HOME in Thickwood nets, decorative drywalling, many options, Hills, SK. Private cul de sac with natural $168,500. Also taking orders for spring de- pond off backyard. Fully landscaped, UG livery, built indoors for greater quality sprinklers. 1286 sq. ft. with lots of deckcontrol. Swanson Builders, 306-493-3089. ing. 3 bdrm + office. Furnished, cent. vac, AC, open style living room, dining room, Saskatoon, SK area. kitchen. Wood fireplace, good well, winterACREAGE IN MEDICINE HAT, AB. Bright, ized, energy efficient, attached 1-1/2 garspacious 3 bdrm, 1788 sq. ft. bungalow on age, heated. Titled land. All recreation in 4.25 acres, in the city. Beautiful yard and area. REDUCED for quick sale from natural area, asking $650,000. For photos $429,000 to $359,000. 306-427-4764, Big Shell Lake, SK. Phone 403-580-7433, cell 403-952-8085. BE MOVED: 1 1/2 storey, 3 bedroom LOG HOMES, custom built, hand crafted, TO house, South of Humboldt, SK. ReaPike Lake, SK. Phone 306-493-2448 or farm sonably priced. Phone 306-320-1057. 306-222-6558,


1984 MOBILE HOME to move off. Asking $42,500 OBO. 16x76 w/porch addition and covered deck, new windows, siding, skirting, eve added, new tin on roof. New water heater, furnace, gas fireplace. Forced AC. Many interior improvements. Call 780-205-3477, Lashburn, SK.

Kamloops, British Columbia

123.5 Riverfront Acres $1,550,000. Dairy Road, Kamloops B.C. Spectacular riverfront property 7 minutes from Kamloops. 123.5 fenced acres with approx. 2kms of frontage along the North Thompson River. Mostly level land, incredible white sand beaches & walking/riding trails through the trees along the river. On bus route, shopping & schools nearby. 85 acres of irrigated, fertile crop land as well as 25 acres of irrigated pasture. Enjoy your private trout pond in the back meadow & beautiful mountain views. Mobile home, 6,100sf hay shed, riding arena & corrals. City irrigation, 2 water licenses. Information package available. Julieanne Puhallo-Brow n 1-250-571-0355 Best-W estRealty

1999 RIDGEWOOD MOBILE HOME, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, open floor plan. New shingles 2010, $55,000. For more info. call Trevor, 403-820-0653, Drumheller, AB. RARE FIND! Quality log home w/suite, 72 fenced acres, water license, gravity irrigation, outbuildings, $529,000. Greenwood, BC. Ph. 250-445-6642. TO BE MOVED: 1100 sq. ft. 3 bedroom bungalow, 1 bath, new roof located in SW CENTRAL INTERIOR BC. 23 kms North of Prince George. Retiring. Ex-dairy farm. ApCalgary, AB. Phone 403-813-7227. prox. 900 acres, divided into 9 parcels. All 1160 SQ. FT. house, beautifully renovated have highway frontage access. Will sell inwith new bathroom, kitchen, bedroom dividual parcels or as a whole. 3 occupied windows and laminate floor. 3 bdrms, 1 houses, 2 barns, hay sheds, 2 silos. Info. bath, available immediately, $44,900 incl. and pics- 250-971-2211, 250-617-7375. move but dependent upon distance from Email Calgary, AB. Call Wayne 403-352-8768. OKANAGAN, BC. 68 acres, 55 in REVELSTOKE 26x42’, (1964) 3 bdrm. bun- NORTH located adjacent to Enderby, BC, 5 galow, 1-1/2 baths, new metal roof, needs hay minutes from Hwy. 97A. Older farm home windows, siding, flooring and paint, struc- with 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths, storage/barn turally sound, $19,900; Approx. 940 sq. ft. 265’x45’ with 13’9� clearance. Hay (1965), 2 bdrm. bungalow, vinyl siding, barn 60’x120’, metal inside roof and 3 box stalls. brand new roof, large porch, good cond., Also machine shed and equipment $13,900. Both located near Ituna, SK. Services incl. city water and 2 wells,shed. nat. area. Can be left on site for an agreed pe- gas, 110 power and back-up generator. riod of time. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779. Located on paved road with great views of the farm and mountains. Email or call owners 250-838-6642. COSTA RICA MOUNTAIN retreat for rent or sale. Minimum 1 month, up to 6 months available. 1 bdrm, 1 bath, kitchen, sat. TV, plunge pool, ocean view, $1000/mo. Call 306-984-4839. DEEDED RV SITES for sale. Custom built. Financing available. Great investment property. Call 250-558-0900, Vernon, BC MESA, ARIZONA: Very nice Park Model for rent in Carriage Manor 55+ outstanding resort, seasonal rate. 306-771-4196.

SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER: Approx. 59 scenic acres with 1500 sq. ft. bungalow, quonset, horse barn, cattle sheds. Beautiful view of the river. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK., 306-773-7379.

YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS! 28 PLUS ACRES, year round creek, standing timber, pasture, fruit and berries, 2820’ floor space, totally renovated home, in-law suite, guest house, barns, $850,000. MLS #10032429. email: 250-832-9969.




RM OF SPIRITWOOD: 12 quarters (option to lease 2 more) w/the home quarter on the shores of Larson Lake. All quarters in a block, all fenced and cross fenced (4 wire), creek runs through all quarters. 3 hay fields, as well as approx. equal tame/native grass. 2 water bowls, corrals, barn w/tinned roof, heated shop. Upgraded family home and older cabin along the lake. MLS ÂŽ407945. Call Shawna SchiraKroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 North Battleford, SK.

Custom built homes also available





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BEST FARMS AND RANCHES IN BC, Peace River Country. Visit our website at Feature ranch: Keystone Ranch. Peace River Farm and Ranch Sales Ltd. If we don’t have it listed we will find it for you! Larry and Linda Peterson have over 55 years of combined experience in selling farms and ranches. Email:

8200 ACRE CATTLE RANCH, located in Central AB., Building site adjacent to reservoir, home to a variety of water fowl. Carrying capacity is 600 cow/calf units. Buildings include: 2 homes, heated shop, 120’ scale, machine shed, processing barn, loose housing and corrals for 5000 head. For more information call 403-807-7485. Brokers welcome.

1) DELUXE RECREATIONAL QUARTER section, log home 2 cabins, revenue, gravel deposits, Clearwater River frontage, 2 creeks, great for horses, a must see investment. 2) 6800 acre bison or cattle ranch, 2 modern homes, large surface lease revenue, land all in a block, Smokey Lake area. 3) Hay and grain quarter NW of Onoway, very productive and service lease revenue. 4) Approx. 1600 acre cattle property west of Edmonton. 5) Deluxe 5000 acre ranch with surface lease revenues and large gravel deposits, private and exclusive. Have buyers for grainland. Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, 780-991-1180, Spruce Grove, AB. FOUR QUARTER SECTIONS in total, approx. 40 min. west of Red Deer, AB on hwy. 11. 3 are flat, 1 is rolling. All have trees, good building sites and lease revenue. Can be purchased separately or as a package. Listed by Vivian Sam of Royal LePage Network Realty, 403-396-9366.

FARMLAND FOR RENT: up to 4500 acres in Tangent, AB., Peace region. All within a 3 mile radius. Email HOUSE AND 160 ACRES, RM St. Louis, Phone 780-618-9199. $129,900, 40x40 shop package, $21,000. 306-423-6263. LAND FOR SALE: Valleyview, AB. Half section, 200 cultivated acres, three 19’ RM 72: 480 acres of quality farmland. steel bins, $165,000. Five quarters with 306-773-7379, John older home, fenced, 500 cultivated acres, Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, SK. power, water, sewer, gas, $450,000. 37 QUARTERS RANCHLAND, 20 minutes Phone 780-542-0012, east of Cold Lake at Pierceland SK. Terrific ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: NOBLE- land base in one block, 5 deeded and 32 FORD: Home, large shop w/indoor truck lease quarters. Abundance of springs and wash, office, etc., 2nd shop, hay storage, creeks with Beaver River along South 7 corrals for 1500 head, calving barn, horse quarters. Contact Wendell Johnson, pasture, pivot irrigated. (#1757, Ben). 306-839-4435. BROOKS: Cash crop farm (hay/canola) #1 soil, 4 homes, large shop w/storage APPROX. 21,000 ACRES, S and SE of bays, comes w/land, buildings, equipment. Regina (RM’s 128/ 129). For details call (#1756, Ben). SOUTHERN AB: Nice pivot o w n e r 4 0 3 - 8 2 0 - 3 1 3 4 o r v i s i t farm! Full set of buildings, immaculate Serious inquiries only. yard, 6 full pivot circles. (#1755, Chris). REDUCED!!! RM #494, CANWOOD, SK. BOW ISLAND: Pivot irrigated land, quon- 159 acres fenced, 130 acres cropped, 2 set, grain bins. (#1700, Walt). TILLEY: year organic farming, house, outbuildings, Nice parcel irrigated land, $12,000 surface well kept yard with wells. 306-468-2038. revenue. (#1701, Ben). SCANDIA: 320 acres row crop land, pivot irrigated, home, YOUR CHOICE: 96 acres with beautiful $4000 annual surface revenue. (#1684, house and yard, up to 5 quarters of grass Hans). Signature Service Real Estate and hay including machinery. One hour SE website of Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-365-3355. 1-866-345-3414. RM OF SPIRITWOOD: 12 quarters (opLOOKING FOR FARM OR RANCHLAND? tion to lease 2 more) w/the home quarter Over 18,000 acres for sale. Give us a call on the shores of Larson Lake. All quarters today 1-866-850-4444, Big Sky Real Estate in a block, all fenced and cross fenced (4 Ltd., wire), creek runs through all quarters. 3 hay fields, as well as approx. equal AUCTION: 220 acre farm w/breathtaking tame/native grass. 2 water bowls, corrals, views along Battle River. House and barn w/tinned roof, heated shop. Upgrad50x200’ building, Camrose, AB area. Online ed family home and older cabin along the bidding opens Wed., October 12th and lake. MLS Ž407945. Call Shawna Schiracloses Wed., October 19th. Call Hodgins Kroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, Au c t i o n e e r s 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 2 0 7 5 ! S K . 306-446-8800 PL#915407. AB. PL#180827. North Battleford, SK. UNIQUE HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE self- RM BAYNE, three quarters of organic land, sufficient cow/calf ranch, 50 minutes 65 km east of Saskatoon, $396,000 for all SE of Calgary, AB. Approx. 10,280 acres, three quarters. 306-203-6137, Bruno, SK. 2000 acres quality tame hay, excellent weather year round grazing, ample rainfall RM OF GREAT BEND: 1703 acres with and mild winters, 1000+ head cow/calf 1503 acres of good cultivated grain land. pair capacity, abundant water supply - 3 Just north of Radisson, close proximity to springs, 14 wells, numerous dugouts. Over the Yellowhead Hwy. Priced to sell! MLS $ 2 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 i n i m p r ove m e n t s . We l l Ž394405. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of equipped 5400 sq.ft. industrial shop, 2 the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Batlarge storage shops (6000 and 3200 sq.ft), tleford, SK. calving barn and heated horse barn, large feeding and handling facilities, 4-wire S A S K . L A N D F O R S A L E : M A P L E fencing, Texas gates. 3900 sq.ft executive CREEK: Rare Opportunity! 300+ cow home w/1120 sq.ft triple garage. 2 newer ranch, 13 deeded quarters, 10 quarters homes w/full basements and garages. lease in native grass, home, quonset, etc. Considerable oil, gas and lease revenues. (#1742, Gordon). SWIFT CURRENT: Trophy hunting. Finders compensation. Rolling 100 cow ranch, year round springs, good winter shelter. (#1738, Gordon). $15,500,000. 403-308-4200. YORKTON: Very nice grain operation, VALLEYVIEW 960 ACRE RANCH, fenced 2656 acres, home, heated shop, grain storand cross fenced for bison, excellent water age. Seller will split up land. (#1741, well, stock waterer and all amenities plus Chris). Signature Service Real Estate 14x70’ mobile home. 780-523-9676, High website Prairie, AB. 1-866-345-3414.



RM OF CANWOOD #494, 160 acres pasture, 57 acres tame grass, rest native grass. NE-3-53-6-W3rd. Large dugout, electric fence. 306-724-4903, Debden, SK.

9 ACRES, approx. 30 minutes NW Regina, includes steel shed, power and water supply. ELMSTHORPE, 26 quarters, mixed application, new fencing, other economic opportunities; Quarter section, approx. WANTED: FARMLAND in SK. Phone Mike 30 minutes from Regina, excellent pasture Janostin, Realty Executives Battlefords, quarter to build on. Brian Tiefenbach 306-481-5574, North Battleford, SK. Email 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344, NAI mercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd RM GOOD LAKE, 1200 acres mixed farm- RM ST. LOUIS #431: Offers being acceptland, well maintained house, yard, and e d o n 1 6 0 a c r e s p r i m e f a r m l a n d . buildings, excellent water supply. Close to NE-26-44-25-W2 bordering Jumping Lake. Provincial park, 60 kms from Yorkton. Call Written offers to be submitted on or be306-592-4547, Buchanan, SK. fore 3:00 PM, Saturday, October 15, 2011 SIX AND 3/4 SECTIONS OF FARM- to: Box 43, Crystal Springs, SK. S0K 1A0. LAND in Southwest SK: Direct seeded Highest or any offer not necessarily acsince 1995 and crop rotated with good ag- cept. Phone 306-749-2873. ronomic practices. 2 houses in one farm- RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 5280’ of river yard; 1 in another a short distance away. frontage, estimated to have 300,000 yards Large 70’x152’ Goodon machinery shed of gravel. 781 acres of grazing land. All w/20’ high walls and 40’/36’ folding doors, fenced. Pump house (insulated and heatplus numerous other steel buildings. Am- ed) with 6 watering troughs. Priced as an ple grain storage including some aeration investment property because of the river and hopper bottom bins. A well main- frontage and gravel. Seller will sell any tained set of machinery available for sale portion or all as a package. MLS® 393713. as well. Asking $80,000/quarter, plus pay- Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlement for buildings and improvements. If fords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800, interested e-mail: PERDUE AREA LAND FOR SALE: NW 17-34-11-W3, assessment 73,900, price $147,800; NW 18-34-11-W3, assessment 43,400, price $86,800; SE 19-34-11-W3, assessment 62,100, price $124,200. For TWO YOUNG SWISS FARMERS, looking more info on the above land parcels, in Sask. or NW MB. to rent a farm becontact Garry Dennis 306-237-4319, tween 1000 and 1500 acres. Should be in f a x : 3 0 6 - 2 3 7 - 4 3 0 5 o r e m a i l : good grain potential area with good soil quality. To start farming next spring, April 2012. Contact Jurg at 204-922-0189, RM WREFORD 280, 304 acres, 260 cult., 160 grass alfalfa. 306-691-0147, RANCH AND AGGREGATE: South central 306-528-7740 cell, Nokomis, SK. Sask. ranch for sale, in beautiful TouchBEST OF THE BEST quarter of land for sale, wood Hills. 400-500 head cow/calf operaand 2 leased quarters available. All into tion with good handling facilities, good aggrass, river runs through it, about 320 gregate income, rotational grazing with acres open, rest trees or reverted. Close to lots of water. Managed properly the aggreamenities. Good hunting: elk, moose, g a t e w i l l p a y f o r t h e r a n c h . C a l l White-tail and mulies. Good fishing over 306-531-8720 for more information 10 lakes within couple hours. Scenery fant a s t i c i n R M o f C l a y t o n 3 3 3 . TIM HAMMOND REALTY Irrigated farmland near Outlook, SK. 1855 acres with ap306-594-2535, Norquay, SK. prox. 1564 cult. acres, 200 pasture acres, RM EAGLE CREEK, near Perdue, SK. and 91 other acres. Includes 10 quarter Mixed farm with 14 quarters deeded, 4 section pivots and 1 partial quarter pivot leased. MLS 404541. For more info call w/drops and spinners. Complete 4 strand Mike Janostin, Realty Executives Battle- barb wiring fencing on 12 parcels. Yard fords, 306-481-5574, North Battleford, SK. site w/corrals and workshops. $3,325,000 MLS# 410068 Tim Hammond 306-948RM OF WEYBURN #67: SE-25-7-15-W2nd 5052 for sale. Taking offers. 306-842-5083 at HAVE BUYERS FOR GRAINLAND. If you Weyburn, SK. have land you want to sell, give me a call 160 ACRE FARM 20 minutes South of to discuss details. Leasebacks are an opDelisle, SK on Highway 45. $275,000 in- tion. Harry Sheppard Sutton Group-Results cludes house, barn, 2 machine shops, Realty, Regina, SK. 306-530-8035. metal quonset, corrals. Call Terry Alm RM OF PARKDALE: 640 acres set up for 3 0 6 - 2 8 0 - 0 9 8 9 , R e a l t y E x e c u t i v e s cattle/horses, 300 ac. cult., 340 ac. grass. Saskatoon, SK. MLS. View details/pics at Heated shop, quonset, barn, corrals and shelter barn, watering bowls, 8500 bu. FARMS, RANCHES, ACREAGES AND steel bins. 1300 sq. ft. bungalow w/double DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY. Check out attached garage. MLS 411097; RM of Reour website to view all of our listings: fo rd : 1 5 5 a c r e s e s t i m at e d t o h ave or email: 500-600,000 yards of gravel. Additional for a complete list adjoining 173 ac. avail., 2300 sq. ft. bunof inventory. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max galow w/double attached garage. Potenof the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North tial of gravel deposits. MLS 404051; RM of Grass Lake: 6000 acres of grain land. Battleford, SK. Call Wally Lorenz, Re/Max of the BattleRM 44 GRASSLAND: 960 acres with build- fords, North Battleford, SK. 306-446-8800 i n g s . J o h n C ave , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . , or visit 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK.

FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER160 acres more or less in the RM Lacadena #228: SE-1/4-30-22-15-W3, no minerals included. No buildings and no crops- the GST is purchaser’s responsibility. Offers must be conditional only on mortgage approval within seven (7) days of tender closing, and sent in with a cheque for a 5% deposit. Submit offer and cheque to McDougall Gauley LLP, 1500, 1881 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 4K9. Attention: Terence G. Graf, Q.C. Tenders close 4:00 PM on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011, and must be in hand prior to closing date and time. If proposed purchaser is unable to complete for any reason, other than obtaining financing, then deposit will be forfeited. Offer subject to approval and highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Sales to close and transfer of land to be completed on Friday, October 14, 2011. Contact: Terence G. Graf, Q.C. Email t g r a f @ m c d o u g a l l g a u l e y. c o m P h o n e 306-565-5106. GRAVEL PIT FOR SALE, in RM of Arborfield # 4 5 6 . C a l l fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n . 306-769-8896, Arborfield, SK.


RM K in d ers ley


RM New co m b e



RM S n i pe L a ke


RM K in d ers ley


2,100 s q ftho m e w /s ho p o n 67 a cres


2,700 a cres – i ncl ud es 3 m iles o f d eed ed riv er fro n t. C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y 306-463-6667 G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and or lease your mineral rights. 1-877-269-9990. YORKTON, SASK. FARMLAND, 3 quarters hay and pasture. Corrals adequate for 900 head of cattle. 2 bdrm bungalow. Call Lorie 250-585-6770 or 250-713-2488. TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 316 Harris. 480 acre hay/grazing package cut by Eagle Creek approx. 273 acres hay and 207 acres native pasture. Asking $160,000 (1.43x). MLS 411359. 306-948-5052 Biggar, SK. LOOKING FOR SEVERAL PARCELS of excellent quality grainland, close to major centers, anywhere in the province, prefer close to or along a highway. Harry Sheppard Sutton Group-Results Realty, Regina, SK. 306-530-8035. 6560 ACRES OF Grass, located in S.W. SK. Exc. water, fences and grass. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. 306-773-7379

RM OF FOAM LAKE SE 32-29-11-W2, seeded to Alfalfa, great hunting opportunities. Asking $45,000. Call Ron at 306-373-3327. ELK HUNT RANCH near Spiritwood, SK. Approx. 10 quarters behind high fence, exc. handling facilities, great hunting terrain, first class hunt ranch. 40 trophy bulls also available. Call 403-861-0479 or email LAKE DIEFENBAKER 640 acres of pasture. House, barn, shop, corrals. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. 306-773-7379.

HORSE LOVERS DREAM! 14,440 sq. ft. INDOOR roping/riding arena, 1060 sq. ft. living quarters. 80 acres NW of Asquith, SK. Fantastic property. Braiden Stevenson, Prudential Sask Realty, 306-880-5572.

L A N E R E A LT Y C O R P. For the m ost VALU E & EXPO SU RE that you deserve w hen selling your farm or ranch property,contact one of our Farm & Ranch Specialists today! BOB LANE - Regina (306) 569-3380 MORLEY FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask.

(306) 741-2393

MARK FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask.

(306) 784-7844

KEVIN JARRETT - North Battleford/Unity

(306) 441-4152

ED BEUTLER - Yorkton/Whitewood

(306) 620-7260

JASON BEUTLER - Yorkton/Estevan

(306) 735-7811

GARTH HENDRY - Moose Jaw/South Central

(306) 631-0802

JEFF HEGLAND - Saskatoon/Prince Albert

(306) 270-9050

JASON SELINGER - Weyburn/Qu’Appelle

(306) 861-1750

DOUG JENSEN - Melville/Raymore

(306) 621-9955

STAN HALL - Davidson/Strasbourg/Humboldt

(306) 725-7826


(306) 327-7129

MURRAY MURDOCH - Outlook/Rosetown

(306) 858-8000

DARRELL HERAUF - Dairy/Poultry

(306) 527-9636

DALE MURDOCH - West Central/Kindersley

(306) 774-6100

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“Now representing purchasers from across Canada, the United Kingdom & M ainland Europe!”

Visitour w ebsite at:

w w nerea to view currentlis tings a nd virtua l tours

5600 ACRE RANCH, RORKETON, MB, 3200 deeded, 2400 Crown, runs 400 pairs year round, 1000 acres cult. and seeded to hay, 2 sets of buildings, all land adjoins except 4 quarters 4 miles away, beautiful parkland setting close to lakes, w/exc. fishing and hunting. Hay and machinery also available. Additional 12 quarters of pasture avail. to rent, will look at partial trades in AB. or BC., $990,000. Call 403-886-2100 leave message. FEEDLOT: 4000 HEAD capacity, includes 1040 sq. ft. house. 60,000 bu. grain storage, equipment, 6 deeded quarters. 2 miles North of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB; RANCH: 8064 acres lease land, 1600 Angus cows. Crane River, MB. Call Dale 204-638-5581, Doug 204-447-2382. 160 ACRE CATTLE farm, large bungalow house, basement, deck, AC, attach garage. Excellent cattle facilities, assessed $275,000. Lots of water and good productive soil (no stones). Located north of Austin, MB, asking $340,000. 204-871-6584.

10 ACRES North of Pierceland, SK. 1150 sq. ft. house, 2 car garage, well treed, 10 minutes to Meadow Lake Provincial Park, e x c . h u n t i n g a n d fi s h i n g a r e a . C a l l 780-724-3669. ACREAGE, 1380 sq. ft. bungalow, 5 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car garage, metal storage shed, 10.13 acres, $305,000, pics available. Call 403-575-1195, Coronation, AB. RETIRE NE OF CALGARY, AB., next to your kids. 3 acres, 2500 sq. ft. custom home, no stairs, no basement, wonderful shop, extensively landscaped. 5 kms from new Ring Road. $825,000. Contact 403-669-6624 or 10 ACRES, newer custom built home, 6 bdrm, 2 storey. Century 21, Paulette Melnychuk 306-960-2334, Prince Albert, SK. BEAUTIFUL 2 STOREY on 160 acres of prime farmland in Garden River area, 2 large quonsets, heated workshop and other outbuildings, located 20 kms NE of MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. Prince Albert, SK. 10 minutes from PA Pulp Visit us at: Mill and close to Fort Alcorne diamond Also see section #3560 Custom Work. mine. For more info call 306-961-6700. DELISLE Southwest 11 RM REDBERRY: near Hafford, SK. Four quarters in block, very good fences, creek, bdrm. executive home w/2 car attached good access; Young: 1 quarter on Zelma garage and 2 quonsets on 14.5 acres. MLS grid. Good renter, newer fencing. Call #404963. Ranch style 3 bdrm. home w/2 Dwein Trask, 306-221-1035, Century 21 car detached garage, hip roof barn on 14.5 Conexus Realty Ltd., Saskatoon, SK. acres. MLS #406297. Mike Janostin, Realty Executives Battlefords, North Battleford, SK, 306-481-5574. WE BUY FARMLAND. Qualified buyers. BLADWORTH, SK, 17 acres, 1900 sq. ft. No fees and no hassles. Great options to 1-1/2 storey house, addition 1982, 26x30 rent back. Call toll free 1-855-520-5263. garage, 52x80 Behlen quonset, 22x60 email wooden quonset, 12x34 wooden bin, WANTED: GRAIN LAND to rent East of 14x28 storage building. 15 acres fenced Meacham, SK. 306-280-3841 or email: pasture, corrals w/open faced shelters, watering bowl. Phone 306-561-7733. WANTED TO PURCHASE a grain farm or ACREAGE FOR SALE: 41 acres directly farmland, prefer southeast or east central across from 27 hole golf course, on paveSask. Phone 306-861-4592, SK. ment, 15 minutes from Camrose, AB. 30’ x 50’ shop, ideal for welder, trucking company or horse operation. Great water! Property is fenced, would be excellent for recRM REDBERRY #435. This is a very sce- reational property. Small house recently nic 80 acres of wilderness land only an upgraded. Call 780-672-9668 for info or hour from Saskatoon. Old character cabin, power, lots of birds and wild animals. A must to view. MLS® 406337. RM Med- SASKATOON AREA ACREAGES: 25 stead #497, 80 acres mainly large spruce acres, 1600 sq. ft. bungalow, shop, barn, and poplar trees and also hidden in this city water, mature yardsite, orchard, 10 heavy bush is 1450 sq. ft. log home on 2 minutes north, $650,000. 10 acres, new levels. What a jewel! Has well and solar 1600 sq. ft. home and 26x50 heated garpower. Just 15 minutes from Spiritwood age, 10 minutes north, $550,000. 5 acres, and 2 minutes off No. 3 Hwy. MLS® park like setting at Saskatoon city limits, 408555. RM Redberry #435, 80 acres large bungalow, 2 shops, city water, with 67 acres cultivated and stone free, $540,000. Call Don Dyck, Re/Max North balance is large slough. Good goose hunt- Country, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK. ing, just 1 mile off Hwy. 40. MLS® H O R S E B O A R D I N G a n d T R A I N I N G 409880. For further info Lloyd Ledinski, STABLE. Thriving 20 acre horse stable Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, with established clientele. 65x160’ indoor 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK. arena, 180x200’ outdoor arena, 12-stall 3 ACRES LAND for sale located 5 miles heated barn, turn out pens with auto waSE of Bow Island, AB. Easy access to wa- terers and shelters. There is a very large demand for riding lessons as we are the ter, power, gas. Call 403-545-6495. only arena within an hour’s drive. No home 40 ACRES w/30’x40’ house, 42’x72’ shop, on property but hook up for water, sewer, all metal in and out w/12” insulation; and power. Adjoining 2 acres with 3 bdrm 22’x32’ fuel shed for storage, 16’ walls; 2 home also for sale on separate title. Must wells, 2 watering bowls, good corrals. Also sell ASAP as family has moved because of one quarter for pasture, hay, crossfenced, job transfer. No reasonable offer refused. big dugout. Will sell 40 acres separate. Call Theresa 403-823-9833 Drumheller, AB 306-824-4908, Spiritwood, SK. ALONG YELLOWHEAD HWY. #16, 25 mins. RM OF SASMAN #336, 30 acres, large West of Yorkton, SK. Approx. 40 acres well treed yard w/1288 sq. ft., 3 bdrm w/power, water, nat. gas 600’ away. Half house, 12x24 deck, detached 2 car garage, mile from town, public school, daycare, shop, barn, septic tank, nat. gas, deep well rec. complex. Ideal location to build w/good water, watering bowl hydrant, along waterfront. 306-647-2123. cattle or horse facilities, all weather road, school bus passed door, 6-1/2 miles from 80 ACRES, 16 MILES FROM SASKAWadena, SK. Close to Fishing Lake. Locat- TOON, $539,000. 2 storey cedar home, 2038 sq. ft., built 1996. New windows, ed NW-27-34-12-W2. 306-338-2705. kitchen, bathrooms, and most flooring 2009/2010. Master bdrm in loft area, 2 skylights, has walk-in closet and ensuite bath. Insulated 40’x36’ garage has 3 doors plus storage area, also 10 acre pasture with open-faced shelter. Call Ron Thompson 306-221-8112, or Pauline Perpick 306-221-1620, Royal Lepage Saskatoon Real Estate, Saskatoon, SK. INVESTORS SEED THIS fall or spring. 17 quarters, 2690 acres, 2120 cult., 80 tramped, 490 bush and pasture, 2 yardsites w/buildings, good drinking water. Also 18 acres yard and buildings. Phone. for website 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. FARMLAND FOR SALE: 471 acres (420 cult., 30 acres hay) w/1290 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. home, 28x40’ shed, insulated 26x30’ garage, grain bins and more. Beautiful yard South of Swan River, MB; 2983 acres (approx. 2800 cult.) w/farm residence, grain storage and buildings, approx. 40 miles North of Swan River near Bellsite. McKay Real Estate & Auction Co., Swan River, MB. 204-734-9451. View: RANCH FOR 250 cow/calf pairs, 6 quarters deeded, 22 quarters leased, dugouts, shelters, barn, steel corrals, good water, home. 204-742-3269, Garland, MB.

EXECUTIVE LOG HOME completely renovated, 2340 sq. ft. and finished basement on 9.8 acres next to golf course and Provincial Park. Doesn’t end there! 40’x44’ heated shop, attached horse barn and single garage. Call Vince Lehne 780-842-0449, Amisk, AB. TWO HOUSES ON HOME QUARTER, can be sold separately. Prices depend on acres required. 45 mins. East of Lloydminster, SK, in the St. Walburg school district. Call 306-260-4692 for more information.

FO R S ALE BY TEN D ER W estern Sw ine AIPRO PERTY This “ s ta te ofthe a rt” S w in e Fa cility ha s op era ted a s a n A Is tu d fa cility. O ver 18,000 s q . ft. con s is tin g ofa m a in ba rn of16,000 s q . ft. a ir-con d ition ed , in cl. la b on s ite, w ith s econ d ba rof2,700 s q . ft., 1,000,000 g a l. la g oon . Cou ld be ren ova ted forfin is hin g p ig s ora ltern a tive u s es . • Loca tion is NW -32-13-23 W PM ofHa m iota on 1/4 s ection , 158 a cres a lon g Hw y 21, s ou th ofHa m iota , M B. • La n d cu rren tly lea s ed u n til 217. • A n n u a l Ta xes in the a m ou n tof$5,354.18 • View in g S ep t. 15 & 22 from 10:00 a m to 2:00 p m ora tw w w.g ra n ttw eed .com

Te n d e rs m u s t b e re c e ive d b y 4:00 p m on Frid a y, S e p te m b e r 30, 2011 c le a rly m a rk e d a s “ Te n d e r” Ten ders to be delivered to eith er: 1. La n glo is & Leitch, Ba rristers a n d S o licito rs 10 Do w n ie S treet, 2 n d Flo o r, S tra tfo rd , O n ta rio , N 5A 7K4 Pho n e: (519) 2 75- 2 2 78 or 2 . Aikin s, M a cAu la y & Tho rva ld so n , Ba rristers a n d S o licito rs c/o R o b ertTyler, 30th Flo o r, Co m m o d ity Excha n ge To w er, 360 M a in S treet, W in n ipeg, M a n ito b a , R 3C 4G 1 Pho n e: (2 04) 957- 0050 Hig hes tten d ern otn eces s a rily a ccep ted . Term s : 10% d ep os itw ith ten d erby w a y ofcertified cheq u e m a d e p a ya ble to La n g lois Profes s ion a l Corp ora tion in tru s t, a n d ba la n ce in 30 d a ys . Ven d orfin a n cin g m a y be a va ila ble. Dep os its w ill be retu rn ed to u n s u cces s fu l bid d ers a fterS ep tem ber30, 2011.

2 0 0 6 VA N G UA R D KO D I A K M OTO RHOME, 28’ 9”, single axle, AC, 1 slide, Ford 6.8L V10 FI eng., auto. trans. Power windows, door locks and mirrors. Roof-top air. AC, central heat, power awning, living area, sink, stovetop, oven, microwave, TV antenna, fridge, freezer, toilet, shower, storage comp., Toshiba TV, Memorex DVD player, Onan gen., outside shower, hitch receiver, LT225/75R16 tires, 26,599 miles, $49,900. Will consider trade. Morris, MB. Phone: 204-746-6605, cell 204-325-2496. TOPAZ TOURING EDITION 30.5’ 5th wheel, 2 slides, queen bed, 2 recliners, 2 TV’s, awning, winter package, newer tires, good shape. 306-923-2126, Torquay, SK. 2006 24.5’ TRAVELAIRE RUSTLER 5th wheel, like new, awning, 1 slide, large fridge, CD, radio, AC, rubber roof, $17,900. 306-693-9049, Moose Jaw, SK. MIKE BARRET and EST. OF BEV LLOYD, Sunday, September 25, 2011, 10:00 AM. From Wolseley: 6 miles E. on Hwy. #1 to Glenavon Rd., 1-1/4 miles S. of Wolseley, SK. Contact: 306-698-2854. Acreage and large Antique sale. 1992 Golden Falcon tandem trailer, 23’ full load, awning, air, real nice; 1991 Jayco 21’ 5th wheel trailer, fully loaded, air, 5th wheel hitch. Ukraintez Auction, 306-647-2661, Theodore, SK. PL #915851. Updated listings and pics visit: 2010 SALEM 5TH WHEEL CAMPER. Brand new! 27.8 outside, elec. slide out, elec. levelers, battery back-up, propane/ elec. fridge, stove, hot water tank, furnace, AC on roof, 16’ awning, sound system, sep. shower, sleeps 6, $21,900; Also 2004 Ford F-250 XLT dsl., auto., full power, 220,000 kms, safetied, exc. cond., $16,900. Will consider trade. Phone 204-746-6605, cell 204-325-2496, Morris, MB. GOING SOUTH? 2008 Cardinal 5th wheel, 34RK, mint, very roomy, many cupboards, $34,000 OBO. 306-374-9204 Saskatoon SK 2003 TERRY 5TH WHEEL TRAILER 24.5’ 1/2 ton towable, dinette slide, ducted air and heat, $14,900. 306-729-4556, Regina Beach, SK. 20’ EDSON CAMPER/TRAILER, loaded, Hunters special, $2400. 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. Will trade for car or truck. 2007 PREMIER 30’ 5TH wheel, 2 slides, winter pkg, heated tank, C/air, awning, power mount, exc. cond. $20,000. Calgary, AB. 403-615-8601. Will deliver for a fee.

2004 39’ WINNEGABO JOURNEY, 330 HP Cat diesel, w/2 slides on a Freightliner chassis w/air ride and air brakes, Allison auto. trans., 127,000 miles, exhaust brake, Onan propane generator, rear monitor, hyd. levellers, basement, central AC, two door fridge, washer and dryer, auto. awnings, dash fans, two TV’s, satellite dish, pantry, new tires and batteries, asking $79,900. Phone 306-398-4773, cell: 306-441-0188, Cut Knife, SK. 2004 Fleetwood Bounder 36’, GM 8.1L, 2 slides, 6000 m, $49,900; 2005 Coachmen Mirada 31’, V10, camera, genset, sleeps 6, $29,900; 2000 Newmar Mountain Aire 40-1/2’, 350 HP Cummins, 2 slides, 44,000 m, $64,900; 1996 National RV Tropi-cal 37’, Ford 460, jacks, 65,000 m, $19,900. Financing avail. 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, Saskatoon, SK. Open Tues-Sat, 8:30-5:00, DL #32637. 2004 DISCOVERY 39’, 4 slides, loaded, full body paint, all options, nice, $115,000 OBO. 780-386-3979, Lougheed, AB. 2005 MONACO SIGNATURE Series 45’, 4 slides, dsl, approx. 21,000 miles, Cherrywood cabinets, side by side fridge, table and chairs, king bed, Aquahot, cameras all around, tag axle, 3 AC roof units, CB radio and much more. Non-smokers. Selling for health reasons. 250-542-9988, Vernon, BC. 35’ 1998 WINNEBEGO VECTRA motor home, Cat 300 HP turbo diesel, new tires, 21,000 miles, like new, $45,000 OBO. 204-848-7601, Onanole, MB.

2009 POLARIS RANGER, 700 EFI, 1600 miles, good shape. $8500 OBO. 306-221-2169, Rama, SK. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance 1999 36’ TRIPE E, Cat motor, 1 slide, AC, Onan generator, many extras, well kept, regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. $60,000. Equipment on trade considered. Located Kamsack, SK. 780-417-8827. 16’ STARCRAFT BOAT, 100 HP Evinrude ORIGINAL GMC 26’ motorhome, FWD, air engine, trolling motor, fish finder. Must suspension, AC, furnace, 2 awnings, fully loaded. 306-341-1881, Saskatoon, SK. sell, reduced. 306-739-2763, Wawota, SK. 2008 MONACO KNIGHT 40DFT, 360 Cummins, loaded, 2 bathrooms, 12,000 miles, 5 yr. warranty, mint condition. Ponoka, 2006 CEDAR CREEK Silverback 5th wheel, AB, 403-783-8533, 403-318-5400. Model 33LCDTS, excellent condition, low kms, 34’, 3 slides, unloaded weight 10,500, extra options include fireplace, central vac, heated holding tanks and more. A STEAL 2008 SKIDOO RENEGADE 800R, 3600 kms, at $27,500 + GST. 306-773-4913, Swift 1-1/4”x137” track, good condition, $7500 Current, SK. OBO. Call Wade: 306-497-2290, 306-497-2525, Blaine Lake, SK. 2006 36’ K Z ESCALADE, all options, dual AC, SS appliances, leather, king bed, PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 washer and dryer, auto. satellite system, to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: dual elec. awnings, cherry cabinets, Corian 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. countertops, w/island, always stored inside, like new, $60,000. Ph: 306-472-5757, Lafleche, SK. 2009 39’ SANDPIPER 5th wheel, 3 slides, air ride hitch, hyd. jacks, power awning, dual windows, heated tanks, fireplace, $39,900. 306-238-4744 or 780-573-5945, 2000 SQ. FT. house on horse farm near Goodsoil, SK. Rock Creek, BC. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Referenc2001 CITATION 5TH WHEEL, 28.5’, rear es required. Call Michael or Cathy at kitchen, 1 slide, solar panel, clean, no 250-446-2836, email abuse, $18,500. 403-632-5015, Pincher WINTER RENTAL: SASKATOON, SK. Large Creek, AB. condo avail. for rent January 1- March 31, S A S K ATO O N R V S U P E R S TO R E . C O M 2012. Mature couple, no pets, no smoking. Phone 306-229-4622. Phone 306-978-7253, Saskatoon, SK.



WANTED FRENCH GREEN lentils for seed. 306-237-4827, Arelee, SK.

ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003.

CERT. GRAINGER AUSTRIAN winter pea. Good germ and disease levels. Wagon Wheel Seed Corp., Churchbridge, SK 306-896-2236.

ENJOY WINTER IN a gorgeous 3 bedroom rancher in Qualicum Beach, BC. Available 4, 5 or 6 months (October-April). Gas fireplace, two new TVs, private yard w/palm tree, 5 blocks to beach and golf course, $1300/mo., utilities inc. No pets, no smokers. Phone 250-342-0444; Email for photos.


Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment

Medical Marijuana Educational Seminar

SEPTEMBER 24-25th Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - m

CERTIFIED HAZLET FALL RYE. Bulk or mini bulk bags. Bailey Brothers Seeds, 306-935-4702, Milden, SK. COMMON SPRING RYE; Pedigreed Hazlet fall rye. Call Trawin Seeds 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK.

Concordia University College of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

GET PAID TO GROW MARIJUANA THREE PART COURSE: 1. Legal Coverage of complying with the Laws, Rules and Regulations of Health Canada 2. Education on the medicinal use of Marijuana 3. Cultivation of Medical Marijuana “from seed to harvest” For Patients clinic/doctor at Seminar Tickets at:

Samples Welcome In The Mail For Grading


We are looking for all grades of Lentil, Green & Yellow Peas, Canary

SAWMILL PARTS, Mandrel with 36” blade, carriage and 2 head blocks, cable drum and more, $500. 306-425-3227 evenings or leave message, Air Ronge, SK. SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money and save money. In stock, ready to ship. Starting at $1195. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 168. WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, eight models, options and accessories. 1-877-866-0667.

M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712






Grain Drying Available Contact Helena Blaser Box 339, Cupar, SK S0G 0Y0 Phone: 306-723-4949 Fax: 306-723-4656 TOLL FREE: 1-877-438-7712

WATER-VIEW VANCOUVER ISLAND, near Ladysmith/Nanaimo. One bedroom condo, fully equipped. Winter rentals from Nov. through April, min. 2 months. Photo/full info at or phone 778-426-4002.

KELOWNA, BC. FOR THE WINTER, 2 bdrm furnished house in gated 55+ community, NS, $750/month, utilities incl. 250-717-5722 or

Wheat, Barley, Oats, Green & damaged

1-877-641-2798 BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD. WANTED FEED/ OFF-GRADE LENTILS or pulses and other heated, tough grains or screenings. Prairie Wide Grain, 306230-8101, 306-716-2297, Saskatoon, SK.

GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED


FALL RYE, fresh off the combine, cleaned, WANTED: BUYING ALL grades of oats. $7/bushel. Call 403-363-4074, Brooks, AB. Send sample to Newco Grain Ltd., Box 717, Coaldale, AB., T1M 1M6. Call WINTER WHEAT SEED, cleaned, 98% 1-800-661-2312. germ., $8.50/bu. Phone Bob 403-934-4081, Mossleigh, AB.

TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.

Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at:

COMMON #1 GRASSES, legumes, blends. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK.

ATTENTION FLAX GROWERS Remember to test your flax for Triffid before you sell








1-877-250-5252 GRAIN CART SCALES. Order now for early season discount. Typical 750 bu. grain cart, $3150. Phone 204-871-1175 or toll free 1-800-862-8304, MacGregor, MB. ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Platform scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. 10’x30’ PLATFORM SCALE, fully electronic, new indicator. Call 306-335-2860, Lemberg, SK. 10x14 PLATFORM SCALE, $12,500. Used 10x14, $9500. Ph. 204-871-1175 or toll free 1-800-862-8304, MacGregor, MB.




1.877.695.6461 “In Business To Serve Western Farmers”

Now Buying Oats! CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types of mustard for seed or processing. Color sorting available. Also looking for low g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g WANTED: FEED GRAIN, all types of bar306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. ley, wheat, oats, peas, etc. Prompt payment. Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB.

CERTIFIED BUTEO winter wheat, qualify for CWB premiums, 94% germ., 0 disease. Why take chances with Bin Run? Moose Jaw, SK. 306-693-7716 or 306-692-5767. MILL BAY, BC. 55 plus. Own bdrm., bath, PEDIGREED WINTER WHEAT, carry over front room. Share kitchen and electric, foundation, registered, certified, CDC Bu$200/mo./person. Phone 250-743-2337. teo, germination high nineties. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. ESCAPE THIS FALL to spectacular Quadra Island, BC. just a 45 minute drive from the Comox Airport on Vancouver Island. BEACHFRONT COTTAGE accommodation overlooking the marine traffic of Discovery Passage. Cottages feature 2 bdrms, living room with gas fireplace, full kitchen, private outdoor hot tub or indoor jetted TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass tub. Enjoy a friendly island community seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse with an active community centre. Dis- 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. counted nightly, weekly and monthly CERT. ALFALFAS AND GRASSES, free rates. Paradise awaits! For availability or delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, reservations call 1-800-665-7745. MB, 1-888-204-1000.

2 BDRM SUITE on Tuc-el-Nuit Lake, Oliver, BC, available from Oct. 15 to April 30 for $850/month. No pets, no-smoking, adults only. 250-498-3819,

Western Commodities Inc.


YUMA, ARIZONA: 38’ fifth wheel for rent. Includes washer, dryer, power and Arizona room on 2 acres of land across from Yuma Lake RV Park. Rent $850/month or $3500 for winter season. 306-867-3747 after 6:00 PM, Outlook, SK.

TWO BDRM BEACH Condo in Mazatland for r e n t , N ov. 1 3 t h - D e c . 1 7 t h , 2 0 1 1 . $400/wk. 250-832-4993.

C ontact the Seed and M ealD ivision at M illigan B iotech 1-866-388-6284 or visit

WANTED TO BUY: 80 tonnes of red lentils, BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. new crop preferred. 306-227-7151, SaskaCall 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty toon, SK. Grains Ltd.

ATTENTION SNOWBIRDS! In beautiful Osoyoos BC., spacious lakeview condos for monthly rental. October 15, 2011 - April 15, 2012. 1 bedroom for $625/month or 2 bedroom for $725/month. Call collect 1-250-495-7229 for more info. Or view at

WINTER GETAWAY: Furnished home on golf course near Cobble Hill, BC on Vancouver Island. Available Nov. 1st, $1200/month Call: 780-853-4973 or email:

M ILLIG A N B IO -TEC H , a licensed and bonded buyer, looking for non-food grade canola.

w w w .m illiga n biote c h .c om

VICTORIA, BC. We are a 3 star hotel offering short and long term stays. Our self contained suites feature king size beds, kitchens, A/C, free WiFi, weekly linen and maid service, free parking and tenant laundry. We are a 5 minute walk from downtown and on major transportation routes. We welcome Snow Birds and are open to your requests. For more information email: or call 250-590-1660.

SUMMERLAND, BC: 2 bdrm. furnished home with storage shed, near Okanagan Lake, available throughout the winter, $1100/month. Call 250-497-6919 or 250-497-6059.



The flax industry continues its efforts to remove Triffid from Canadian flax. The Flax Council of Canada’s Farm Stewardship program can share 50 per cent of testing costs, up to $100 per sample. See for a list of approved labs. For more information, go to Funding provided by the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. 403-225-4679, Calgary, AB. 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK. FEED GRAINS WANTED: Wheat, Barley and Durum; Also Oats, Peas and Flax. Premium prices, FOB farm. Prompt payment. Stan Yaskiw, Birtle, MB, 1-866-290-7113. NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB.

All Grades Competitive Rates Prompt Payment Dave Koehn: 403-546-0060 Linden, AB

BEST PRICES FO R HEATED O R HIG H G REEN CANO LA. A lso b uying dam ag ed or offg rade b arley, w heat etc. G RA IN M A RKETIN G

“30 Years!” Lacom be AB.

w w


B uying Feed G rain B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7

John Su therla nd

GRAIN FARMERS, RANCHERS SEED PROCESSORS BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER


2011 ALFALFA/BROME grass large round bales, hard core $30/bale. Phone: 306-483-2398, Oxbow, SK. 700 ALFALFA 1600 lb. bales, $55/bale. Will negotiate large orders. 306-536-4102, 306-726-2005, Southey, SK. LARGE ROUND BALES. Alfalfa/crested wheat, 1500-1800 lbs., $50/ton. Can deliver. Wayne, 306-648-2880, Palmer, SK. NEW AD: RM 369, 2011 2nd cut alfalfa, 210 bales, 1600 lb., net wrapped, feed t e s t e d . 8 0 1 s t c u t a l s o av a i l a b l e . 306-716-3409, Humboldt, SK. SPECIAL SALE OFFERING: 250, 2010 round horse hay bales made by horse owners. Call 306-957-2181, Odessa, SK. 150 HARD CORE first cut alfalfa/brome grass mix bales, averaging 1600 lbs. No rain, 2011 crop, $55/bale. Price includes load up, delivery not available at this time. Notre Dame de Lourdes, MB. Ph: 204-248-2643 or Email ALFALFA GRASS MIX hay squares 60- 65 lbs., $4.50 each; 4x5 rounds, 1000 lbs., $40 to $50 each; Silage rounds over 1000 lbs., $35 each. 250-992-9611 or 250-925-0490, Quesnel, BC. 150 TON NEW CROP, excellent alfalfa and crested wheat. Large round net wrapped, no rain. 306-672-3935 or 306-672-4463, Gull Lake, SK. HAY FOR SALE/VOLUME DISCOUNTS, Cattle and horse quality available, round b a l e s o n ly. P h o n e 3 0 6 - 2 3 0 - 6 6 1 5 o r 306-374-4049, Saskatoon, SK. 800 ALFALFA/BROME round bales, 1500 lbs., $25/bale, near Bienfait, SK. Call 306-421-0679. 2011 LARGE ROUND alfalfa bromegrass bales, net wrap. 306-672-4078, Gull Lake, SK. S M A L L S Q UA R E A L FA L FA G R A S S BALES. Top quality product. Stooked on pallets of 40 then stored indoors, $4.50 ea. Call Shaun 306-254-4671, Dalmeny, SK.

2011 HAY, 1400-1500 lbs, net wrapped, no rain, 70% alfalfa, 30% brome, $40/bale, larger orders negotiable. 306-533-0062, 306-345-2171, Stony Beach, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, can haul 40 plus bales; Also have red band tubing for sale. Call 780-336-6424. Bruce, AB. 5’X5’ ROUND BALES, no rain. 250-567-9186, Vanderhoof, BC. PRICED TO SELL! Negotiable. 1500 Alfalfa/Brome round bales, exc. quality, 1200 lbs. SE Sask. 306-789-0232, Fillmore, SK. GOOD QUALITY HAY, AB and BC, big rounds. Call for delivery prices. 403-758-3041, Magrath, AB. ALFALFA/BROME HAY, 4x8 square, avg. 1600 lbs., no rain, tarped. Contact Jim, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK, days 306-332-6221, night 306-332-3955. ALFALFA GRASS MIX, good quality, dryland hay. Visa, MC, etc. accepted. Prefer to move out of field ASAP. Will load. Call Magnum Fabricating 306-662-2198, Maple Creek, SK.

2010 AND 2011 round hay bales for sale, alfalfa grass, net wrapped. Call 306-969-4829, Gladmar, SK. 200 GRASS AND ALFALFA round bales, BUYING RYE, TRITICALE, brown flax, yel- approximately 1150 lbs. No rain. Asking low flax, yellow peas and maple peas. CGC $60/ton. South of Medicine Hat, AB. Call bonded, payment on the driveway. Ph: 403-952-9318. 204-665-2384. Vandaele Seeds Ltd., Box 144, Medora, MB. R0M 1K0. DAIRY QUALITY, 2nd cut alfalfa, big squares or rounds; Alfalfa and alfalfa grass round bales, beef quality. Broderick, SK. Call Greg 306-867-8080. HAY FOR SALE, 2000 large 4x4 sq. alfalfa 2000 ALFALFA/BROME BALES, hardcore, b a l e s , t r u c k i n g c a n b e a r r a n g e d . net wrapped, $60/ton or will trade for April calving young black cows. 306-457-2935 evenings, Stoughton, SK. 306-528-4431, Nokomis, SK. 800 LARGE ROUND alfalfa grass bales, net HAY FOR SALE large round bales, net wrapped. 306-948-2395, Biggar, SK. wrapped brome/alfalfa, 1400 lbs. Nokomis 1000 ALFALFA MIX 2011 bales, twine, SK. Phone 306-528-2064, 306-528-7740. hard core, 1100 lbs., $35 each. Weyburn, SK. 306-842-3532, 306-861-1827. E arly Book ing Program ! ALFALFA/GRASS large round bales, net Netw ra p - 67 ’’startin g at$215 wrapped. 306-456-2596, 306-861-6849, 64’’startin g at$210 Tribune, SK 8000ft.rollsalso available! 2010/2011 ALFALFA, conventional and orSila ge B a lew ra p - startin g at$84 ganic, 1500 lb. bales, net wrapped, hard core, JD baler. 306-370-8897, Tessier, SK. Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666 250 ALFALFA BROME round bales, 1300 w w na dia nh a ya ndsila lbs., 2010 crop year, no rain, $22/bale. ROUND 5x5 HAY BALES, hard core, $30 306-762-2073, Vibank, SK. each some with alfalfa/brome; brome. 2011 HAY CROP, no rain, 1500 bales 306-934-6875, Saskatoon, SK. avail., 800 x 1100 lbs, 700 x 1600 lbs., alfalfa, alfalfa/brome mix. Volume discount. ALFALFA HAY, $50 ton. Trade for bale proLocated North of Regina, can arrange de- c e s s o r, s h e e p . Wo o d M o u n t a i n , S K 306-642-4949. livery. 306-531-8388. EXCELLENT QUALITY ALFALFA and/or al- ALFALFA/ GRASS round bales for sale, $25 falfa brome mix hay for sale. 1000 round each. 306-634-9301, Estevan, SK. bales at 1000 lbs. each, $25 each. Rose1300 LBS. net wrapped round alfalfa/ town/Biggar, SK. area, 306-882-3165. grass bales, 2011 crop, $30/bale. Phone 2010 HAY, 1400 lb. hard core, mesh 306-537-6299, Earl Grey, SK. wrapped, alfalfa Timothy brome mix, no SOLID CORE ROUND, small square: alfalfa, rain, $40/bale. 780-363-3901, Tofield, AB. alfalfa grass, greenfeed, grass, straw. DeA L FA L FA G R A S S 5 x 6 r o u n d b a l e s , livered. 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 1200-1300 lbs., $40/ton. 306-741-3407, DRY ALFALFA MIX, large sq. bales. Tarped Swift Current, SK. immediately after baling, no rain. Approx. 2011 ALFALFA/ BROME 4’x5’ round bales, 1 6 0 0 l b s . F o r a g e a n a l y s i s av a i l . 800 lbs. Trucking available. Can haul 52 306-596-9920, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. bales. 250-262-3205, Fort St. John, BC. LARGE ROUND BALES, twine wrapped, 1200 2010 CROP, $20/bale. 1200 new brome/afalfa, approximately 1300 lbs., c ro p , 1500 lbs., n o r a i n , $55/ton. $35/bale. Beechy, SK. 306-584-8953. 403-854-2393, Hanna, AB. 2011 SMALL SQUARE HAY BALES ALFALFA/ GRASS, 1500 lb. round bales, Excellent quality horse hay! No rain, 127 2011, very good; 115 2010, $35/bale shedded. $5 per bale. We will load you. Phone 306-861-2255, Midale, SK. takes all. 306-835-2085, Quinton, SK. ALFALFA/ ALFALFA GRASS and sweet HAY FOR SALE: Round bales, mixed and clover bales for sale. Excellent quality, a l f a l f a , 1 y e a r o l d a n d n e w. C a l l 306-421-3859, Estevan, SK. $38-$46/ton. Call 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK.

WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness or Dave Lea at Market Place Commodities CONVENTIONAL STRAW, big round SMALL SQUARE AND ROUND alfalfa Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. b a l e s , v e r y c l e a n , $ 2 5 e a c h . C a l l grass mixed hay, no rain, can deliver. Barg Farms, Brooks, AB, 403-793-7461. Email 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK.



ALFALFA ROUND bales, approx 1500 lbs., good quality, cut June 22-July 8th. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES Show 306-283-4340/222-0170, Langham, SK. and Sale and GUN AND HOBBY Show and 300 ACRES OF ALFALFA/ brome grass for Sale, Cypress Centre, Medicine Hat, AB, sale. Must be cut and baled. Located in RM Saturday Oct. 1st, 10am-6pm, and Sunday Oct. 2nd, 10am-4pm. For more informaof Invermay. Call 306-382-8666. tion call Tim at 403-527-2615 after 6 PM. 500 ROUND HAY bales, good cow feed. WINCHESTER MODEL 70-338 cal. rifle c/w Phone 780-967-2593, Calahoo, AB. L e u p o l d 3 - 9 s c o p e . FA C r e q u i r e d . 400 ROUND HAY BALES, Alfalfa and 780-808-1327, Lloydminster, AB. Brome, 1200-1500 lbs., $30/bale, 2011 Crop; Also 400 round hay bales, last years TOOLS, SCOPES, RINGS and bases, gun crop, $20/bale. Phone Peter Sieben, parts, gun cases, wheelchair, like new. 204-215-0138, Killarney, MB. 306-834-2884, Kerrobert, SK. EXCELLENT QUALITY BROME/ALFALFA hay, 5x6 bales, no rain, net wrap, feed test available. Priced to sell, trucking available. FLY-IN FISHING OUTFITTER leases for 306-260-0094, Langham, SK. sale in northern Saskatchewan. Call Allan 306-278-7159. Serious enquiries only. 2011 HAY, medium square, brome alfalfa, Pubescent, no rain, protein 17.21% to REGISTERED TRAPLINE north of Candle 14.41%, $35/bale. Phone: 306-773-2503 Lake, SK. Approx. 100 square miles, 2 cabor cell: 306-741-9784, Swift Current, SK. ins, 1-10 years old. Traps, stretchers, etc. incl. For more info call 306-922-8188, 1400 LB HAY BALES (approx). Brome, 306-960-6756, Prince Albert, SK. Alfalfa and Timothy mix. Delivery available Phone: 250-788-3011, cell: 250-788-5324 FLY-IN FISH CAMP located on Reindeer Email: River. 10 bunks in 2 cabins. Only camp on 30 miles of lake. 306-325-2146 Lintlaw, SK Chetwynd, BC. ALFALFA BROME GRASS round hard core OUTFITTING CAMP FOR SALE, Zone 62: bales, excellent feed. 108 available. 16 bear, 23 White-tailed deer, 8 moose tags, 1 out-camp, incl. log cabins, pontoon $35/bale. 306-422-8459, St. Louis, SK. boat, stands, diesel generator, etc. LocatHAY FOR SALE. 3000+ alfalfa or grass mix ed in northern Sask. Serious inquiries only. round netwrap bales, no rain. Alan Coutts 306-547-5524, Preeceville, SK. 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK. ALFALFA/GRASS MIX bales. 1500 lb., 5x6 hard core. $30/bale. 306-394-4407, Mossbank, SK. 5X5 ALFALFA BROME, hard core round bales, no rain, 5 minutes west of Saskatoon, $40/ea; 2010 bales $25/ea. May deliver. 306-249-3877. ALFALFA GRASS ROUND BALES, 1400 lbs., no rain, good quality, $50/bale. Clavet, SK. 306-343-0589. T I M OT H Y A L FA L FA M I X , J D h a r d core bales, no rain, horse and dairy quality. Harv Verishine, 306-283-4666, Langham, SK.

TEMPORARY GRAIN BIN replacement tarps for all sizes from 22’ diameter to 105’ dia. Best quality available Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps available for all sizes. All sizes in stock. Shipped overnight to most major points in Western Canada. For all pricing, details, and pics visit our website at or phone Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108.

40- 12.5x20, 4-ply tubeless implement tractor tires mounted on 8-hole rims, m o s t l y n e w o r l i k e n e w. O f f e r s . 403-363-4809, Calgary, AB. 15 GOOD 11-22.5 trailer tires, $140- $200. Also selling Low Pro 11-24.5 tires, cheap. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK.

FOR SALE - TIRES O K TIR E - R ed ver s, SK

(30 6)45 2-31 38

16 11R24.5 Continental HSC 1......................$460 ea ch 1 480/80R42 Firestone Radial All Traction........................$1 ,20 0 1 16.9-38 Firestone Super All Traction..........................$90 0 9 11R24.5 Recap...........$1 5 0 ea ch 2 30.5L-32 All Non-Skid 16 ply...................$2,0 0 0 ea ch 2 9.5-24 Harvest King. . . . .$1 5 0 ea ch 1 11.2-24 BKT.....................$1 70 1 1400R24 Bridgestone V-Steel K-Traction........................$5 0 0 1 13R22.5 Kumho KMD01. . . . . . . .$25 0 1 12.4x38 Titan 8 ply Hi-Power Lug....................$60 0 1 23.1x34 Titan 8 ply..........$1 ,5 0 0

REGINA AREA HAY: 200 brome/alfalfa round bales, 1100 lbs., horse quality, $25/bale. 306-771-2975, Balgonie, SK. 900 HARD CORE alfalfa/brome bales. )UHLJKW PD\ DSSO\ 306-842-7082 or 306-861-7092, Weyburn, SK. 1250 GAL. STEEL FERT. TANK, good shape, $2000 OBO. 2500 gal. fuel tank BROME/ALFALFA HAY, 1000 lb. bales. w/Gas Boy elec. pump, $600 OBO. Lorette, 12.9% protein, $23/bale; 8% protein MB. 204-878-2804, 204-941-3346 cell. $20/bale. 306-297-6402, Admiral, SK. POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gallons; Blad300 FIRST CUT large round alfalfa bales, der tanks from 220 to 88,000 gal; Water 550 large round second cut alfalfa, 22.5% and liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and protein. 306-232-4985, Rosthern, SK. double wall; Truck and storage, gas or dsl. HAY FOR SALE. Brome/ Alfalfa and Alfalfa Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK. bales. Located near Plato, SK. Phone: 306-375-7797. Progressive Yard

Works Ltd.


2010 AND 2011 alfalfa and alfalfa/brome hard core, $35/bale. Feed tests available. Free loading. 306-967-2664, Eatonia, SK.

C R A M E R L I V E S TO C K N U T R I T I O N , screening pellets avail., summer discounts, 11.5/14% protein pellets. Independent sales agent. Swift Current, SK. Doug 306-539-3888, Pam 306-773-1323.

WANTED: HAY BALES prices starting at .02¢/lb. Delivered to Wolseley/ Grenfell, SK. area feedlot. Call 306-697-3063.

WANT TO BUY: Winter Triticale off the farm. Call Brock Baker 316-249-1907, Newton, Kansas.

JANOME MEMORY CRAFT 6600 sewing machine, with table, like new, $1600. Phone 306-865-3922, Hudson Bay, SK.

COMBINE DUAL KITS for JD STS 38” or 42”, new tires $14,900. New duals for any combine, new tires, $4300. We want your tires and rims on trade! 1-800-667-4515. RIMS AND TIRES to fit 9760 JD combine. 800 metrics. Priced reasonable. 306-336-2684 or Ryan cell 306-331-8636 or Bill cell 306-331-8305, Lipton, SK. 4 TRELLEBORG TIRES on rims (400/55-17.5), for Bobcat. Used 30 hours, $2995 OBO. 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK.

TIRE & W HEEL 101A En glis h Cres . S a s k a to o n , S a s k . AGRICUL TURE T ires , W heels , Cu s to m Bu ild Du a l & T rip le E xten s io n s CON S TRUCTION a n d M IN IN G F o r Hea vy Du ty E q u ip m en t, T ru cks , E tc. V UL CAN IZIN G a n d M OBIL E S ERV ICE TRUCK S S a les o r S ervice ~ Ca ll 9 33-1115 WANTED: 18.4X34 TIRES, in decent shape. Phone 403-333-0365, Three Hills, AB.

FIRST AND SECOND CUT Alfalfa and alfalfa/grass. Approx, 1200 lbs/bale. Located 20 miles West of Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-329-4981 or 306-329-4604.

290 ALFALFA BROME hard core JD big bales, no rain, $40 each. Phone 306-567-4645, Davidson, SK. GOOD QUALITY grass/alfalfa round bales, 1 6 0 0 l b s . , n e t w r ap p e d , 2 - 3 ¢ / l b . , 306-946-4155, Watrous, SK.

AGRICULTURE TOURS Au s tra lia & N ew Zea la n d ~ Jan/Feb 2012

K en ya /Ta n za n ia ~ Jan 2012 Co s ta Rica ~ February 2012 S o u th Am erica ~ Feb 2012 Uk ra in e/Ro m a n ia ~ June 2012 En gla n d /S co tla n d /W a les ~ June 2012 Tours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.

Se le ct Holida ys

1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m

FARM HELP WANTED: Employees needed for large scale grain farm between Regina, SK and Moose Jaw, 1A licence an asset. Call Jim 306-539-4949. EXPERIENCED CLASS 1A Truck Driver wanted immediately to work on a large mixed farm. Mechanical knowledge and welding know-how is recommended. Wage dependant upon experience. Great benefits pkg/ company vehicle available. Justin 204-648-4816, Gilbert Plains, MB. or OLDS, AB. FEEDLOT requires a working couple for penchecking, animal health and r e l at e d d u t i e s . H o m e a n d b e n e fi t s available. Fax resume to 403-556-7625 or SOUTHERN BC. cow/calf operation requires a lead hand. Mechanical skills and experience with farm machinery essential. Livestock experience desirable. Cottage with utilities and appliances supplied. Fax resume with references to: 250-484-5470 or email to:

500 ACRES ORGANIC FLAX STRAW for sale. Call Don 306-782-5837, 306-621-7310, Yorkton, SK. 142 ROUND BALES, alfalfa/hay mix, no rain, $65/ton. Phone: 306-329-4780, 306-371-7382, Asquith, SK.

2011 4X5 HARD CORE round bales, Alfalfa/Brome, near Regina, SK. Approx. 650-750 lbs/bale. Tight, nice looking. Asking $20/bale. Phone 306-533-7652 or email:

U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and LOBSTICK TRAVEL & TOURS (Formerly air brakes. One on one driving instructions. McConaghy Tours). Branson Country 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK. Christmas. Nov. 16, 12 days; Panama Canal Cruise with Peru extension, Nov. 20, 17 CLASS 1A Truck Driver Training Ltd. Over days, ext. 5 days; Caribbean Delight and 25 years training Saskatchewan, highest Key West Cruise, Jan. 16, 14 days; Arizo- quality training available, Class 1, 3 and na, California Sunshine Tour, Jan. 21, 25 Air Brake Programs. Certified instructors/ days; Ecuador, Western Amazon and Gala- examiners. Starting $79/ month OAC. Pospagos, Feb. 22, 19 days; Africa (The Big sible training in your area. Call for info Five), March 5, 24 days; Spain and Portu- 306-933-2676, Saskatoon, gal, March 15, 20 days; Victoria in Springtime, April 15, 12 days. 306-763-7415, 306-752-3830, CANADA - CUBA FARMER TOURS. Feb. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for 6th to 20th. All inclusive. Deductible. 7 late model Cat equipment: Motor scrapers nights 5 star, 7 nights country hotels, 3 (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock days Varadero, 8 day farm tour, 3 days Ha- trucks, graders (with ability to trim); SERvana. Max 28. Farmers and family mem- VICE MECHANIC required experienced bers only. $3200 Cdn/ person 2 sharing with Cat, JD, Hitachi equipment. Truck plus air. Escorted by Canadian Agrologist, provided. Camp jobs. Competitive wages Wendy Holm. plus room and board. Valid drivers license required. Send resume and work referenc604-947-2893, es to Bryden Construction Aborfield, SK, or fax 306-769-8844

WANTED: GOOD USED tractor tires, 14.9x28 and 18.4x30. 204-748-1314, Virden, MB.

HAY 4x5 round bales, 700 lbs./bale. Your choice of timothy/brome or alfalfa/grass mix bales. Discount on large quantity or buying ASAP may apply. Ph 250-423-1106, Grasmere, BC. 1000 ALFALFA/ BROME 1400 lb. bales, no rain, 2011 crop, 2.5¢/lb.; 1500 alfalfa/brome 1400 lb. bales, 2010 crop, .2¢/lb. 306-796-4829, Central Butte, SK.

SELLING 281 HARD CORE, 5x5 round bales, approx. 1000 lb., exc. hay baled this year, no rain. Stacked in rows, ready to go. $25/baled. Located near White City, SK. 306-771-4849 or 306-539-0699. ROUND 1600 LB. brome and alfalfa bales, $35/bale. 306-539-7479 or 306-565-2294 after 6, Regina, SK.

VAN NORMAN perfect O boring bar, S/N SH2928; Sioux valve grinding machine, model 2031. Good condition, open to offers. 403-548-0018, Medicine Hat, AB.

• Above ground & below ground • Sectional in-door Sizes from 150 gallons to 10,000. Ask us about our easy burial “drop and go” 1000 gallon tanks. 3423 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK


TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! Manufacture and repair of all tarps and covers. Call Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskat o o n , S K . w w w. c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343. LARGE CAPACITY TARPS to cover grain piles of varied sizes. Cover long grain piles with 53’W, 90’W, or 109’W piles of any length. 253,000 bu. pile covered for $11,666. All sizes in stock. Best quality available Canadian made quality silver tarps avail. for all sizes. Shipped overnight to most major points in Western Canada. For all pricing, details, and pictures visit: or Willwood Industries call toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK.


We’ve got ‘em all. New, used and retreads. Call us, you’ll be glad you did!


1-877-814-8473. Winnipeg, MB.

Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM.

NEW 20.8X38 12 PLY $826; 18.4x38 12 ply $736; 24.5x32 12 ply $1749; 14.9x24 12 ply $356. Factory Direct. Tubes sold separately. More sizes available new and used. Call for pricing 1-800-667-4515.

WANTED: EXPERIENCED COMBINE and grain cart operators for upcoming harvest. AG-VENTURE TOURS - Designed for Accommodations available. Call Eric farmers to Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Brazil, 306-272-7038, Foam Lake, SK. Chile, Argentina, Peru, Galapagos. Phone 519-633-2390. Email: LARGE PROGRESSIVE grain farm, East Regina, SK area, seeking FULL-TIME and Website: PART-TIME HELP. Valid drivers license necessary, Class 1A preferred. Exp. operating modern large equip an asset. Wages based on experience and capabilities. Ph GREAT SELECTION OF WATER PUMPS, Tyler 306-533-8834, Trent 306-540-5275. starting at $225. We also have suction LIVE AND WORK on a European, Austrahoses, lay flat discharge hoses and a large lian, or New Zealand farm. Ages 18-30. inventory of plastic, alum. and manifold 1-888-598-4415. fittings for any application. Contact your n e a r e s t F l a m a n S a l e s t o d ay o r c a l l 10,000 HEAD FEEDLOT AT OLDS, AB. 1-888-435-2626. requires experienced equipment operator/ general repairman. House and benefits available. Fax resume to 403-556-7625 or ADVANCED PURE WATER SYSTEMS, Ecosmarte distributor, pricing for BC, AB, SK, and MB. The real thing, not a spinoff. We guarantee 99% pure water, no salts, no chemicals. We have the manpower and equipment to service your needs. 306-867-9461, or Outlook, SK.

P ra irie s Ec os m a rte W a te r S ys te m s Ltd .

is ha vin g a W a reho u se R ed u ctio n S a le a tFa cto ry W ho lesa le Prices! No s a lt, No chlorin e. O xyd a tes a n d Ion izes . 99% p u re filtered w a teror you rm on ey ba ck (con tra ctu a l). Ca ll Bob for a f re e q u ote tod a y @ 403-6 20-4038

LOOKING FOR FARM WORK?? Lots of opportunities! All types of farm work. Go to for all the listings. Or phone Tony at 403-732-4295. LIKE COWS? Growing 15,000 ac cow/calf operation North of Cochrane, AB. needs experienced ranch hand reporting to ranch manager. Skilled in working w/800 cows quietly on horseback, quad and foot. Proficient at calving, treatments, fencing, ranch maintenance and projects. Physically fit, non smoker, self starter, able to work alone or with others. Clean, current drivers licence. Able to haul stock trailers safely. Exp. with farm equip. an asset. Competitive salary, training opportunities, performance bonus, on site 3 bedroom home with yard. Fax resume to 403-932-3169, call Wynne at: 403-932-3173 or Alvin at 403-932-5230 or email

COWBOY WANTED: For a cow/calf and quarter horse operation, Hanna, AB. Livestock handling, feeding, calving, fencing, haying, riding etc., Class 1 drivers an asset. Couples welcome. Call 403-854-2550, 2000 AMP WELDER ON TRAILER with or email: cutting torch, asking $3000 OBO. For more info call 306-452-6177, Antler, SK. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Long established registered Hereford farm has L I N C O L N R A N G E R 250 gas welder. employment opportunity for qualified per306-287-8062 Watson, SK son to maintain breeding herd, machinery and general farm involvement. Must be interested in attending Hereford sales and shows. This is a lush, scenic location near the foothills of Alberta and has excellent HAYTER DRILLING LTD. Over 50 yrs in roads close to cities and towns. Good fagroundwater industry specializing in 5” - cilities and accommodations. Applicant 30” wells. Premium quality materials used must be an honest, keen worker and willin new construction. Old well servicing and ing to relocate. Country life to live, learn rehab. New equipment and experienced and enjoy. Come and visit our location. crews. 1-888-239-1658, Watrous, SK. Applications will be handled through the Canadian Hereford Association, Attention DJ’S DRILLING LTD. Plastic casing, stain- Farm Employment. Supply resume and less steel screens, “E” logged test holes. 28 references by mail to: 5160 Skyline Way yrs. experience drilling all over Sask. 5 yr. N E , C a l g a r y, A B . T 2 E 6 V 1 . P h o n e warranty on materials and workmanship. 1-888-836-7242, Fax 1-888-824-2329 or 306-944-4424, 306-530-1915, Plunkett SK Email: WATER WELLS, Heron Drilling Ltd. specializing in water wells, E-logging, sandscreens and gravel pack. Government grants available. Drilling, boring, cleaning. Call us. 49 yrs. experience. 306-752-4322, fax 306-752-7399, Melfort, SK.

FULL-TIME FARM/RANCH POSITION available. Wide variety of work in all aspects of cattle ranching and grain farming including feeding cattle, calving, processing, fencing, spraying, haying and silage, grain and bale hauling, machinery maintenance. Class 1 license an asset. No FOR SALE: WATER WELL drilling rig, May- criminal record. House available. School hew 1000. Mounted on 1968 Kenworth. bus to door. Wage based on exp. and per780-675-4405, Athabasca, AB. formance. Midwest Sask. Fax detailed reSIOUX VALVE GRINDING machine, $1000. sume with references to 306-893-2777. STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well Phone 306-893-2737 for more info. 306-592-2210, Buchanan, SK. construction and servicing, exploration ETCH BENDER VIRUTEX for sale. Phone and geotechnical drilling. Professional ser- FARM HELPER WANTED on mixed farm. 204-267-2292, 204-856-9595, Oakville, vice since 1959. Call the experts at Room and board available. Phone or fax resume to 403-631-2373, Olds, AB. MB. 1-800-919-9211

FARM MANAGER: Vancouver Island Forest Lakewood BC LLC is seeking a highly experienced farm manager to operate a farm parcel on Vancouver Island, BC. The farm manager is responsible for harvesting and selling crops, caring for livestock and coordinating a farm schedule and action plan. Summary of Qualifications: The successful candidate must be a strong farm manager and have knowledge of government safety laws, agricultural support programs, environment liabilities and standard farming machinery. Profound and intimate knowledge of: Maintenance and repairs of equipment and building structures on the property; Coordinating and implementing an action plan for the harvesting and planting of crops; Marketing and distributing of crops for sale; Daily management of running a large farm. Please forward your resume and cover letter stating salary expectations via email to: We wish to thank all applicants in advance, only those short listed will be contacted for an interview. TWO (2) HIGHLY SKILLED Farm Equipment Repair Persons to work full-time on mixed farm (swine, cattle and grain) at Paradise Valley, AB. T0B 3R0. Responsible for the repair and maintenance of Farm equipment (fans, boilers, mill and farm vehicles). Knowledge in HVAC and electrical installation of lights, switches and convenient outlets, knowledge in auto diesel mechanics. Experience is a must. Should be flexible and willing to work late at night and on call. Other jobs include physical inspection and monitoring of machines. Wage 18.37 per hour, 40 hrs./wk and 14 days paid holiday. Housing available on site at reasonable cost. Call or send resume to Sunderland Hog Farms Partnership c/o Dale Sunderland. Phone 780-871-4896, fax: 780-745-2888, email: RANCH HAND WANTED for full-time work. Prior experience w/all ranch day to day operations required. General mechanical knowledge for maintaining equipment, honest, dependable, self-motivated individual. Salary pkg. includes home/utilities. Alexis Creek, BC. Email resume to Kevin Newberry at

La rg e Feed lotO p era tion n ea rA cm e A B ha s op en in g s in the follow in g a rea s :

PEN RIDING, PROCESSING AND LOT MAINTENANCE /UTILITY CREW S ea s on a l & Fu ll-tim e. Exp erien ce req u ired . W e offerExcellen tw a g es , Ben efits & O p p ortu n ity for a d va n cem en t. S u b m itresu m e w / w ork referen ces & cu rren td rivers ab stract Attn : T revor F ax 403- 546- 3709 or high21hr@ hotm or call 403 701- 7376. CUSTOM FARMING OPERATION based in Lacombe, AB. Looking for Tractor Operators to start immediately. Fendt and Case tractors with manure wagons or tanks. 403-782-9730.


HARVEST EQUIPMENT OPERATORS, CLASS 1 DRIVERS & SPRAYER OPERATORS. We offer excellent opportunities for motivated people. Competitive wages & benefit pkg. Advancement opportunities. Full/Part time or Seasonal positions available. Please apply with resume & references to or call 403-369-5463. HELP WANTED ON DAIRY FARM, fulltime or part-time. Phone: 306-493-8201 or 306-493-7631, Delisle, SK. CHALLENGING REWARDING Positions available on large, modern progressive mixed farm near Delia, Alberta. Looking for Operators for JD 4830 sprayer; Class 1 Drivers for a newer line of Kenworth highway tractors; Equipment Operators for late model JD combines, drills and full line of newer JD equipment. Must be comfortable working in a team environment. Competitive, attractive salary based on abilities and experience. Benefits available for fulltime employees. Apply with resume and references to or ph/fax 403-364-2145, Attention Gordon or Kathy, or Gordon’s cell 403-823-0600. FARM HAND capable of mucking stalls, maintenance and repairs, cutting/baling hay, horse experience a definite asset. Near Okotoks, AB. Ph 403-605-8633, or email resume to


EQUIPMENT OPERATOR AND FARM HAND ON GRAIN FARM IN PEACE COUNTRY. Looking for someone with farm equip. experience for this fall’s harvest season. Class 1 license would be an asset. Hard working and must be able to work unsupervised. Lots of hours and good wages. Must be clean, tidy, and no drugs. Call Brent 780-837-1672, Tangent, AB. DAIRY FARM, DELISLE, SK. Position available now for experienced milker and farm equipment operator. AI experience beneficial, wages depend on experience. Housing available. Phone 306-493-2403 or 306-493-7735 cell, CENTRAL AB FEEDLOT requires an experienced Penchecker. Job incl. detecting and treating sick animals, cattle processing and reimplanting, and machinery experience. Accommodation available. Wage negotiable. Fax resume to 403-746-5739, email Eckville, AB. TRUCK DRIVER/ EQUIPMENT Operator required by Sherwood Park, AB. Potato Grower/Wholesale. Farm experience, strong mechanical abilities, Class 1 license an asset. Permanent position. Fax resume 780-467-0882, email Phone 780-467-3355. SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties include operation of machinery, including: Tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, ND.

HARVEST HELP REQUIRED for large grain farm, modern equipment. Class 1 an asset, experience mandatory. Willing to work with others. Phone or fax resume to 780-753-6597, Provost, AB.

FULL-TIME PERMANENT farm and equipment operator. Requires management skills and class 1A license. $60,000 plus bonuses - 3 bedroom, 2 bath accommodations available. Please fax resume and references to: 306-776-2535. Phone: TWO POSITIONS ON busy farm/feedlot 306-776-2390, Rouleau, SK. just south of Medicine Hat, AB. 1) Class 1 driver and exp. with farm equipment re- FARM AND HORSE OPERATION: Hands quired; 2) Exp. w/cattle, horses, Class 3 an on Manager required. Located 5 miles asset. Gr. 12 and clear drivers abstract re- from the vibrant city of Grande Prairie, AB. quired. Email: Livestock of 30 breeding bison and 20 Fax: 403-528-4238, phone: 403-528-4258. Thoroughbred horses on 2 quarters. Applicant must be self-directed and work daily supervision. Mechanical FEEDLOT REQUIRES FULL-TIME (includes without is essential. Excellent opportunity some weekends) FEED TRUCK DRIVER ability for a couple or family. Fully serviced 3 with cattle knowledge. Accommodation bdrm home provided on the property for provided. Class 1 license is an asset. Fax the right applicant. Phone 780-513-6095. r e s u m e 4 0 3 - 2 2 7 - 5 9 8 5 o r p h o n e Please forward resume with references 403-391-0946, Innisfail, AB. to: Fax: 780-532-0402. LOOKING FOR a Farm Hand, preferably with Class 1, for grain farm in northern AB, GREENLEAF SEEDS LTD. has an opening $17/hr. 780-836-2107, 780-618-9161. for a self-motivated individual for a fulltime year round position on our large LARGE GRAIN FARM requires additional Pedigreed seed/ grain farm near Tisdale, employees. Experience in operating JD SK. Duties to include operation and maincombines, grain cart, swathers, 4 WD trac- tenance of large farm machinery; Operators, Class 1A/AZ license and general farm tion and maintenance of seed cleaning fal a b o r a n a s s e t . Wa g e s r a n g e f r o m cility; Grain hauling and general farm $14-$24/hr. depending on experience. duties. Preference given to applicants with Starting date between July 20 to August farm and/or mechanical experience and a 10. Accommodations available. Please Class 1A license. We offer a good work enc o n t a c t Q u e n t o n o r D a n , p h o n e vironment, competitive wages and bene306-354-7585, fax or email resume fi t s p l a n . P l e a s e e m a i l r e s u m e t o : 306-354-7758, or fax: 306-873-2438 or call: 306-873-4261. website:


BEEKEEPER’S HELPERS (4), for 2011 season May to September, $12-$15/hr depending on experience. Contact: Ron Althouse, 306-278-2747, Porcupine Plain, SK.

FARM HARVEST HELP, all new or late model farm machinery, accommodations available, top wages. Melfort, SK. area. 306-752-3820, cell 306-921-9920.

PERMANENT FULL TIME position available on a farm feedlot, located halfway between Moose Jaw and Regina, SK, house supplied. Must have valid drivers license, be mechanically inclined and physically fit. Experience a necessity. References required. Phone Larry at 306-345-2523 or Fax 306-345-2085.

GENERAL FARM HELP required on Feedlot, 50 miles NE of Calgary, AB. Experience preferred but not essential. Modern facility. Benefit package. Please fax resume to 403-546-4231.

WANTED: 2 EXPERIENCED beekeeper’s helpers for 2012 honey production season in Carrot River, SK., April to Oct. Wages FULL-TIME RANCH HELP wanted. Expe- starting at $12.75/hr. Driver’s license rerience with livestock and machinery re- quired. Email quired, housing supplied. Class 1 with or call Wade at 306-768-3886 evenings. clean driver’s abstract. Non-smoker preferred. Please fax resume with references FARM LABOURERS WANTED: Includes to 403-548-2287, phone 403-548-6684, room and board, other jobs may include Redcliff, AB. carpentry and construction, will train. 780Agriculture Exchange Opportunities 902-2108, 780-920-7360, Edmonton, AB. (ages 19-30) Australia, New Zealand, Eu- FARM EQUIPMENT OPERATOR and Busirope, U.S. Work for and live with farm ness Manager wanted, Daysland, AB on families. We help get your visa and place- large grain farm with new equipment. ment. International Rural Exchange Pro- Phone 780-679-8642. For job description gram: 306-489-4407,, view:

Is looking to fill the following position at our Tisdale, SK location:

Agricultural Service Technician See our website for more info: under the ‘Service’ link or contact John Zslnka

@ 306-873-4588 or A S S I S TA N T G R O C E RY M A N AG E R / Meat Cutter wanted for rural super market in SW Sask. Some experience required. Will train in meat if needed. Excellent wages depending upon qualifications. Please call 306-535-7791.

HARVEST HELP NEEDED, experience and mechanical ability preferred, willing to pay top dollar for right person. Can be a fulltime position. Room and board incl. Phone UTT/UTW/CHAINSAW OPERATORS: Ace Vegetation is preparing for fall/winter 780-367-2387, Willingdon, AB. work. We need utility tree trimmers, utility WANTED: 2 BEEKEEPER’S helpers for 2012 tree workers and chainsaw operators. H2S, honey production season, July to Sept. First Aid, CSTS and Class 1 license are asWages starting at $10/hr. Experience not sets. Send your resume to: ACE at 2001 required but an asset. Carrot River, SK. 8th St., Nisku, AB, T9E 7Z1, fax: 780Email Wade at 955-9426 or or call 306-768-3886 evenings.

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR. Outfitting company requires a self starter to manage a busy, challenging tourism based outfitting office. Professional telephone manners and customer service skills are mandatory. Must have a positive attitude, strong verbal and written communication skills, strong organizational and multitasking ability, computer skills, sense of humour and a ready smile. You should be punctual and dependable. Accommodation can be incl. on the ranch which is 40 min. SW of Calgary, AB. Please email resume and references to or FREE RENT, free utilities, free bell ex- call 403-933-2612 for further info. pressvue available to full time employee, single, married or with family. Individual PRIME MOVER/MULCHER Operators will be mainly serving customers but will Ace Vegetation is preparing for fall/winter be required to cook and clean as well. Call work. We need Mulcher, Hydro-Ax and Wanda Hudson at Coderre Bar and Grill for Posi-Track operators. Locations will be throughout Northern Alberta. H2S, First info. 306-394-2122, Coderre, SK. Aid, CSTS and Class 1 license are assets. Send your resume to: ACE at 2001 - 8th St., Nisku, AB, T9E 7Z1, fax: 780-955-9426 or email:

A U S T R A LI A: The w o rk in g ho lid a y o f a lifetim e.

GRAIN FARMS & CATTLE STATIONS LOOKING fo r yo u n g Ca n a d ia n s to w o rk . Call Cascade Recruitment at 780-753-1283

SEASONAL GREENHOUSE WORKERS required at Oyen Greenhouses Ltd. located at 201 - 1 Ave W, Oyen, AB, starting January 3, 2012, with the possibility of full time work. Starting wage $9.40- $10.00/hr. Please fax resume to 403-664-2759, email: or mail to PO Box 358, Oyen, AB, T0J 2J0.

CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR workers to work with a crew operating farm tractors and pumping equipment in rural SK areas. Meals, lodging and transportation to and EXPERIENCED DIAMOND DRILLERS from the work site provided. Valid drivers wanted. Competitive wages and bonus. licence is a must, class 1 would be an asContact Mark or Debbie at 250-337-0054, set. 306-763-1943, Prince Albert, SK. Vancouver Island, BC. GRAIN FARM REQUIRES mechanically inclined, organized, full-time employee. Class 1 license an asset. Some cattle work may be required periodically. Housing available. May lead to partial management position. Strome, AB. 780-608-0653. LODGE MANAGER WANTED for Outfitting business. Hard working couple preferred, for client services, maintenance and seasonal cooking. Year round occupancy. Call 306-236-3527, Meadow Lake, SK. MIXED FAMILY FARM, Central Alberta. Dairy, beef and crop, looking for full-time employee for October 15th. 403-783-8740 EXPERIENCED RUBBER TIRE Trackhoe Operator with Class 1 license required. Fax resume to 780-826-4834, Bonnyville, AB. or email

PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e A gricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lA lberta IsLook in g ForA n Hon est,A ggressive & A m bitiou s

PARTS PERSO N . A gricu ltu ra lBa ck grou n d a n d Com pu terExperien ce W ou ld Be A n A sset. Fu ll-Tim e Position , $15 to $20 per hou r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m on th period).

Plea se Forw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tton Cou lee Ag ri Pa rts Ltd ., B ox 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 or S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333.

He lp W a n te d PIC Ca n a d a Ltd ., W orld Lea d er in S w in e G en etics is look in g for fu ll tim e em p loyees a t their G en etic Nu cleu s Ba rn loca ted s ou th of Kip lin g , S a s k . to fill the follow in g p os ition : P ork P rod u c tion Te c hn ic ia n Qualifications and Experience: • Un ivers ity Ba chelor’s Deg ree • A tten tion to Deta il • Excellen tW ork Ethic • 1-2 yrs . exp erien ce in s w in e p rod u ction a p lu s • A g ricu ltu re ba ck g rou n d a p lu s S a la ry: $31,000.00 p era n n u m . Duties m ay include butnotlim ited to the follow ing: • A n im a l W elfa re • A n im a l Hu s ba n d ry • Trea tm en ts a n d Va ccin a tion s • A n im a l M ovem en ts a n d s hip m en ts ofa ll s izes • A s s is tin p la cin g a n im a ls on -tes ta n d offtes t, • A s s is tw ith exp ortp roces s in clu d in g s election , blood tes tin g a n d ta g g in g • Feed a n d W a terM a n a g em en t • Record Keep in g a n d Rep ortin g • S em en Collection a n d Proces s in g • Hea tCheck in g , In s em in a tion a n d Preg n a n cy Check in g • Fa rrow in g A s s is ta n ce a n d Proces s in g ofPig lets • W ork in g in d ivid u a lly a n d w ith others in a tea m en viron m en t *A Com p rehen s ive Ben efits Pa ck a g e is p rovid ed . Subm itRes um es by M ail to: PIC Ca n a d a Ltd . Bo x 177 Kiplin g, S a sk. S 0G 2 S 0 Fa x: 1- 306- 736- 2 880 E- m a il: Do u g.Aiken s@ m For fu rth er in form a tion con ta ct D ou g A iken s a t 1- 30 6- 736- 2 744




Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o

SASKATOON LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Cu rren tly hirin g ya rd sta ff em plo yees.

S u ccessfu l ap p lican ts w ill req u ire livestock han d lin g & p rocessin g exp erien ce. Bob catop eratin g an d tru ck d rivin g exp erien ce w ou ld b e an asset. S L S offers com p etitive w ages an d b en efits. S askatoon L ivestock S ales is a m ajor cattle m arketcon d u ctin g regu larcattle au ction s throu ghou tthe w eek. Plea se sen d resu m es b y fa x: 306- 382 - 8319 o rem a ilto : sls@ yo u rlin o rm a ilto Bo x 60, S a ska to o n , S K S 7K 3K1

BL MECHANICAL, located in Lucky Lake, SK. is seeking 3rd or 4th year plumber for full-time work. Lots of new construction WATERFOWL GUIDES WANTED. Experiand service work. Call Brock 306-858-7890 ence required. Must be able to call ducks and geese. Food and lodging included. Call email: 306-236-3527, Meadow Lake, SK. COOK WANTED for private lodge. Experience required. Call 306-426-2772, Meath Park, SK.

WATKINS PRODUCTS 1-800-663-5252 Buy retail/wholesale or start your own business. ID 019485 email

FIELDE MPLOYEES AKITA Drilling Ltd. is a premier oil and gas well drilling contractor with operations throughout Canada. The company strives to be the industry leader in matters of employee expertise, safety, equipment quality and drilling performance. Due to industry activity Akita Drilling is looking for field employees for its drilling operations. The positions of Driller, Derrick Hand, Motor Hand and Floor Hand are available. The successful candidates will possess the applicable training for their position. Akita Drilling is a proud supporter of the Rig Technician apprenticeship program. Akita Drilling Ltd offers a competitive compensation and benefits structure including a company pension plan.

RM FOREMAN POSITION AVAILABLE. RM Oakdale #320 surrounds Coleville, SK., located 20 miles north of Kindersley in the middle of a busy oilfield area. Competitive wages and full benefit package. Applicants must have strong road construction skills and experience in operating heavy machinery. Position requires strong mechanical abilities, good communication, and leadership qualities. Grade 12 or GED is required. 1A driver’s license an asset. Housing available. Further info from Alan Burt 306-463-7717, Gillain Lund 306-965-2281. Applications will be accepted until Sept. 23, 2011. Please submit to: RM Oakdale #320, Box 249, Coleville, SK, S0L 0K0, fax 306-965-2466 or We thank all applicants for their interest however only those selected for interview will be contacted.

FIELD OPERATIONS MANAGER: Prairies based, Winnipeg, MB. This position is expected to coordinate, plan, organize and motivate Agricultural Field staff in the performance of their responsibilities and functions. Required qualifications: Degree in Agronomy of related discipline; 3+ years of related field experience; Proficiency working with GPS/GIS applications, software and equipment; Superior organizational, communication and interpersonal skills are essential; Must be creative, innovative and client-focused; Must use skilled judgment in identifying sales opportunities, closing business and resolving customer related issues; Previous experience providing client services is an asset; Excellent customer service, client support and business service consulting skills. Please refer to our website for complete position and application details: SGS is the world’s leading inspection, testing, verification and certification company.

LOOKING FOR SHOP MECHANIC for truck shop. Prefer w/Class 1 license but not necessary. 1-800-665-0920, Melita, MB.

MANAGER/OPERATOR REQUIRED: The Manning Co-op Seed Cleaning Plant is currently seeking to fill a non gender specific role of Plant Manager/Operator. We are offering an opportunity to work closely with the Board of Directors in offering the farming community excellence in their grain cleaning requirements. Experience and/or knowledge of the farming community is beneficial but is not required, requires a proven self starter. Hours are dependent on customer requirements. Please mail resume to: Manning Seed Cleaning Co-op, Box 840, Manning AB. T0H 2MO, Fax: 780-836-3663, (Attention: Terry Schamahorn). Or call Terry Schamahorn at 780-836-3348.


A s m a ll S E S a s k. In d ep en d en tfu el d ea ler is lo o kin g fo r s o m eo n e to ta ke o n fu ll co n tro l o fPro p a n e Divis io n . • P ro pa n e e xpe rie n ce re quire d . • Ab ility to live a n yw h e re in S E S a s ka tch e w a n . • G ro up b e n e fitpa cka ge a n d re tire m e n tpla n . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n Ca ll Ra ym on d 3 06 -48 3 -8 3 9 9 E m a il res u m e w ith referen ces to ra ym on d@ gira rdb

WANTED: 1A OILFIELD Fluid Haulers and oilfield Laborers for Shaunavon, Sask. Competitive wages and benefits offered. Phone 306-297-3885 for more info. EXPERIENCED RUBBER TIRE Trackhoe Operator with Class 1 license required. Fax resume to 780-826-4834, Bonnyville, AB. or email STABBROS TRUCKING is looking for Class 1 driver to haul oil and water in Macklin, SK area. Must have all safety tickets, willing to train. Contact: Justin at 306-753-9121

Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed

Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473 COURAGE OILFIELD SERVICES Ltd. (Oxbow, SK) is hiring Seasonal Steamer Operators, Nov-Mar 12 hr shifts, 7/3/7/4 schedule, competitive wage and health package. Housing provided. 1A preferred, but not necessary, training provided. Fax resumes to: 306-483-2132 or email to:

M a n a gerTra in ee Au rora G N Com p lex

DRILLERS HELPERS required for Alberta based seismic company. Must have valid driver’s license, first aid an asset. Please fax resume to 780-960-0755.

R eports T o: P os ition Loca tion : P os ition A im :

BIG STEAM OILFIELD SERVICES is looking for seasonal Boiler Operators with a clean Class 1 or 3 with Air. For November 2011 to March 2012. Preference will be given to applicants with: Special Boiler Operators Certificate; H2S; First Aid and PST. No phone calls please. Fax resumes with copies of current Driver’s Abstract and all current tickets to 403-362-9703 or email to: Only suitable applicants will be contacted, Brooks, AB.

Complex Manager / Site Managers Kipling, SK Canada Assist in managing and co-ordinating within PIC Aurora Complex

Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S A N D EXP ER IEN C E: • M in im u m ofHig h S chool Dip lom a , B.S .in A g rela ted field p referred • M in im u m ofthree yea rs p rod u ction exp erien ce • G ood hu s ba n d ry s k ills • Deta il orien ted • Excellen tcom m u n ica tion a n d in terp ers on a l s k ills • G ood org a n is a tion a l s k ills • A m bitiou s a n d tea m orien ted

CLASS 3 DRIVERS wanted for vac and water trucks in Northern AB and BC. Camp work with regular scheduled days off. Clean drivers abstract and oilfield tickets required. Oilfield experience an asset but willing to train. E-mail resume to or call 780-668-7079, Lamont, AB.

R ESP O N SIB ILITIES/ K EY TA SK S:Assistin g • Lea d a n d tra in tea m m em bers in d es ig n a ted a rea s w ithin com p lex • M a in ten a n ce ofherd hea lth a n d bio-s ecu rity in co-op era tion w ith s ite m a n a g ers a n d hea lth a s s u ra n ce • A ccu ra te record -k eep in g a n d rep ortin g • W ork clos ely a n d co-op era tively w ith techn ica l m a n a g em en tw ithin PIC g en etic p rog ra m • A chieve ta rg ets w ithin d es ig n a ted a rea s ofCom p lex • M a in ten a n ce p riorities a n d d irection • A n im a l w elfa re, hea lth a n d s a fety • Com m u n ica tion w ith s ite m a n a g ers a n d Com p lex m a n a g er N o te: Des cription m ay notbe all- inclus ive

Please forward your resume and references in confidence to:

AKITA Drilling Ltd. Personnel Department 2302 8th Street. Nisku Alberta T9E 7Z2

PRODUCTION ASSISTANT- HACCP TEAM LEADER. Champion Feed Services Ltd, a well established feed manufacturer is seeking a highly motivated individual to fulfill this permanent full-time position at one of our central Alberta facilities. Activities include but are not limited to: feed order entries and sequencing, HACCP log verifications, maintaining feed formulas using inventory and feed formulation software, feed pricing, feed label verification, inventory control and customer inquiries. Applicants should possess a good understanding of livestock production and animal nutrition, with 2-3 years experience in sales and/or feed manufacturing. Applicants with less experience may be considered. Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and Explorer is essential. Experience with accounting and feed formulation software such as Feed Mill Manager and Brill is an asset. Preference will be given to applicants possessing a B.Sc. in Agriculture or a Livestock Production related diploma. Email resume and cover letter to: or fax 780-674-3499. Visit us for a more detailed job description:

Or e-mail: or

We wish to thank all applicants for their interest, however only those being considered will be contacted. All employees are required to pass a pre-employment Drug and Alcohol test.

Ifinteres ted p lea s e s ub m itres um e to

P IC P O Box 177 Kip ling S K. S 0G 2 S 0 or via internetto Levern.La rs on@P





Š 60 70



W antM ore Than A Job? Do You Like Challenges? Be Partof a N ew Team , H elp Build O ur Com pany And Your Career! W e N eed People W ho: • A re custom er service oriented • H ave an agriculture background • Relate w ellw ith farm ers • H ave excellentcom m unication skills • A re selfm otivated,selflearners and interested in m arketing/sales. • W e have the patience to train Custom er service position w ith plenty of up side potential. Virtex G rain Exchange Fax 306-651-4685 Ph 651-4680 Em

SERVICE SUPERVISOR/LEAD HAND required by Noble Tractor and Equipment, Kamloops, BC. We are a Case/IH and MF dealer. Ag. tech background is desired. Successful applicant will also handle service dept. scheduling, inquiries and paperwork. Send resume to: Gordon Gerrits, Noble Tractor, 580 Chilcotin Rd, Kamloops, BC. V2H 1G5, Fax: 250-851-3146, email: GOERTZ AUTO REPAIR is seeking a 3rd year or Journeyman Automotive Mechanic. Offer competitive wages. Must have valid driver’s license. For more info contact Lee at 306-482-3827, fax resume to 306-482-3380 located at Carnduff, SK. or email HD TRUCK MECHANIC required for small trucking company in Lloydminster, AB area. License an asset but not necessary. Competitive wages based on experience and qualifications Please call John or Ginette at 780-846-0002 or fax resume to 780-846-0005.


AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN NEEDED with experience in wheel alignments and front end work, to join a family business in Grenfell, SK., operating under a large multi-location brand (Integra Tire). Work week Monday to Friday. Very competitive wages offered on ability and experience. This is an opportunity to work and live in a friendly environment with the latest equipment and tools to support your position. F o r m o r e i n fo p l e a s e c a l l D a r r e n 306-697-2856, fax/email resume to 306-697-3457, TRUCK AND TRAILER MECHANIC required for busy shop in central SK. If you have at least 5 yrs. experience, your own tools and transportation then we’d like to here from you. Call Jeff at 306-567-4278 or fax resume to 306-567-3029.


No p hone c a lls a c c ep ted .Only selec ted a p p lic a nts w ill b e c onta c ted for a n interview .

EXPERIENCEDH ORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL BORING LOCATORS Needed ASAP. Company willing to train knowledgeable persons. Must be familiar with Directional Boring. 1A license an asset but not necessary. Company Health plan – Wages Negotiable - $30/hr range. Overtime after 40hrs. Estimated annual wage - $70 - $110000 depending on economy. HANDYMAN-CARPENTER Full or part time position depending on experience. Duties include building projects, rental property repairs and willingness to help in other company areas. – CHDD LTD – Send resume to orf ax 306-482-5232

A p p lica n ts m u s tha ve hea vy d u ty tru ck exp erien ce. Fa x res u m e to: 78 0- 701- 2 2 72 A ttn : Chris tina Oxley in Hum a n R es ources or Em a il: coxley@ w s NEW, MODERN and hip salon in Estevan, SK w/huge expansion coming in October is looking for confidant and independent Sr. Journeyman Cosmetologist’s. MUST have 4-5 years exp. 2-3 positions avail. Best paid in the industry - guaranteed wage up to $18/hr plus commission, local stylists wage negotiable w/exp. and clientele. We are a very caring and team oriented salon. All applicants kept in strict confidence with owner. Please apply to S u s a n at s u s a n @ d o l ly s u e s . c o m o r 306-482-3819.

Souris Rive r Se e ds

in b u stlin g W eyb u rn , S a sk. n eed s a


to jo in o u rta len ted expo rttea m . W ork in g w ith a tig ht k n it g rou p of exp erien ced op era tors , you w ill be res p on s ible for a ll a s p ects of p roces s in g s p ecia lty crop s for ou r overs ea s cu s tom ers . W ork to m eet p rod u ction req u irem en ts w hile con tribu tin g to the con s ta n t im p rovem en t of ou r clea n a n d w ell m a in ta in ed p la n t. Rea d y to w ork w ith the bes tin the bu s in es s . Ca llHo w a rd M ercer (306) 842 - 42 2 5, Fa x (306) 842 - 42 33, em a il: ho w ie@ co m m o d io u

CLASS 1 DRIVERS REQUIRED! “Quantum” a well established oilfield company in Bonnyville, AB. is currently recruiting Class 1 drivers. Gravel experience preferred but willing to train the right individuals. Scheduled days off with a comprehensive benefit package and top wages paid in the area! Apply by e-mail to: fax 780-826-6280.

AGRICULTURE PARTS TECHNICIANS WANTED Farm World is a growing New Holland dealership in Saskatchewan.

We are looking For Parts Technicians to further expand our parts operations. We have openings in Humboldt, Prince Albert and Kinistino. Ideal candidates would have min 2 years experience in parts and a background in Agriculture but we would be willing to train the right candidate. Competitive wages and full benefits package.

• Crew Truck Foreman • ProjectF oreman • Pipefitters, Laborers & Welders • Heavy Equipment Operators (dozer, track hoe, grader) • Hydro Vac Operators • Class 1 drivers (end dumps, dump trucks and wagons, heavy equipment) • Licensed Heavy Duty Mechanicmust be able to do Alberta CVIP’s.

F ax re sum e to 7 80-7 53-3516 o r e m ail to m ike @ bo zco .ca

Small Family Business Looking for the following Two Positions:

BLAIR FLEISCHHACKER or call : 306-231-7367

Please email Resume to

Check out our website at

CWB CERTIFIED WELDER for structural steel. Extensive fabrication and blueprint reading a must. Camp job, 2 weeks in, 2 weeks out, flying from Saskatoon. Must have ability to work independently at times. Competitive wages for the industry, wage will be based on level of experience. Send resume to


Pro vid en ce Gra in S o lu tio n s is a s u cces s fu l, d yn a m ic, a n d in n o va tive lo ca lly o w n ed gra in a n d cro p i np u tco m p a n y. W e a re cu rren tly hirin g a fu ll tim e Gra in M ercha n t, lo ca tio n is flexib le a s w e ha ve o ffices in F o rtS a s ka tchew n , AB, Vikin g, AB, Cro s s field , AB a n d M a ren go , S K .

G ra in M ercha n t

S k ills • 3+ yea rs exp erien ce tra d i ng & ru n n in g a co m m o d ity p o s itio n • Go o d u n d ers ta n d i ng o ftra n s p o rta tio n , a llo ca tio n , a n d a rb itra ge • S tro n g gra s p o ffu tu res & o p tio n s tra d e a s they rela te to cro s s hed gin g • Ab ility to d evelo p a n d m a in ta in go o d b u s in es s rela tio n s hip s Du ties & Res po n s ib ilities • S tro n g a n a lytica l, tmi e m a n a gem en ta n d o rga n iza tio n a l s kills • S o lid d ecis io n -m a kin g s kills • S tro n g n ego tai tin g s kills • Ab ility to m a n a ge ris k in vo la tile m a rketp la ce • Ha ve the d riv e to w o rk i nd ep en d en tly • Co m p u ter co m p eten t • Res p o n s i bl efo r P&L rela tin g to s p ecific co m m o d ity. Com p etitive sa la ry a nd b onuses a va ila b le F o rw a rd a ll res u m es to : Pro vid en ce Gra in S o lu tio n s Bo x 29 9 , V ik in g, AB. T0B 4N 0 Fa x: 78 0-336 -2220 o r Em a il: tchris ten s en @ pro vid en cegra in .ca

H IG H W AY M AIN TEN AN C E P OS ITION S – N OR TH ER N AB a n d BC La Pra irie W orks Inc . is a n exp erienc ed , d iversified , full-servic e Highw a y M a intena nc e Contra c tor w ith over 25 yea rs of ind ustry exp erienc e.Our c urrent highw a y m a intena nc e c ontra c ts in the Pea c e River Region ha ve b een renew ed to 2015,w ith Alb erta Tra nsp orta tion. W e a re seeking enthusia stic , energetic , skilled p ersonnel to c om p lim ent a nd exp a nd our Highw a y M a intena nc e Tea m . If you enjoy op era ting in a tea m environm ent, w hile w orking on a va riety of c ha llenging, ha nd s-on p rojec ts, you m a y b e the p erson(s) w e a re looking for. Highw a y M a in ten a n ce S u pervis o r (s ) (S a la ry Po s itio n s ) Highw a y M a in ten a n ce W o rk ers / Tru ck & S n o w Plo w Drivers M o to r Gra d er Opera to rs Ca nd id a tes w ith a p roven tra c k rec ord , c om b ined w ith a p p lic a b le ed uc a tion a nd field exp erienc e in highw a y m a intena nc e or c onstruc tion w ould b e p referred . Func tiona l c om p uter skills a nd op era ting know led ge of M ic rosoft Offic e softw a re a re a lso a ssets. La Pra irie W orks Inc . fea tures top w a ges, c om p rehensive b enefits, a nd sa fety p erform a nc e inc entives for full-tim e,p erm a nentp ositions. Com p a ny-sup p lied a c c om m od a tions a nd Northern Living Allow a nc es a re fea tures ofselec ted “northern / rem ote field ” p ostings. Plea se ind ic a te your p referenc e for a n urb a n, rura l, or “northern / rem ote field ” p osting w ithin our Pea c e River region op era tions. Fo rw a rd yo u r res u m e to : M a n a ger o f Hu m a n Res o u rces L a Pra irie Gro u p o f Co m pa n ies Fa x (250)-242-4529 Em a il lgcs a fe@ telu s pla n et.n et

Tha nk you for your interest. Only those selec ted for interview s w ill b e c onta c ted .

WORK WITH US & GROW A CAREER Glacier Media Group is growing. Check our job board regularly for the latest openings:

COURAGE OILFIELD SERVICES Ltd. (Oxbow, SK) is hiring Seasonal Steamer Operators, Nov-Mar 12 hour shifts, 7/3/7/4 schedule, competitive wage and health package. Housing provided. 1A preferred, but not necessary, training provided. Fax resumes to: 306-483-2132 or email to:

Your Future?

Carnduff Electric Ltd.

is no w hiring the fo llo w ing po sitio ns in and aro und the Pro v o stare a.

Experience and farming background an asset. Safety tickets required.


Tired of your Job? Do you want to work for a company that rewards their employees? Then join the Movac Team! VACUUM AND WATER TRUCK OPERATORS Accountabilities and Responsibilities: • Provide vacuum and/or water truck services to various customers throughout Alberta and Saskatchewan • Daily inspection and preventative maintenance of equipment while in the field • Follow and complete all safety related protocol and paperwork Knowledge and Experience Required: • 3 to 5 years driving experience in off-road/remote conditions • Knowledge of the safe operation of vacuum and/or water truck and auxiliary equipment (Pump, Agitator, TPC etc) • Safety training: H2S, First Aid, TDG, WHMIS, PST/CSTS, Confined Space • Class 3 License (Air Brake) and clean drivers abstract

FAVEL TRANSPORT is looking for Leased Operators to haul livestock throughout Canada and USA. We are seeking operators with a drive to succeed in a team atmosphere. As a premium livestock transporter our customer base requires reliable, honest, and dedicated service. If you fit into this class we want you on our team. We operate in the following lanes: MB. to AB. with cattle, and return back to MB. with hogs (this lane is home on weekends), run west out of SK. with cattle (must be able to pull the odd Sunday). Call Kyle Favel 1-877-803-2835 anytime. WANTED: OWNER OPERATORS for grain and fert. hauling, based in Kenaston, SK. Pull your own trailers or ours. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-567-8377.

Interested candidates please e-mail your resume, abstract and training to or fax to 403-201-3684. Movac would like to thank all applicants for their interest

WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Class 3A and 1A drivers, to haul water on drilling rigs. Must have all safety tickets and clean abstract. Experience preferred. Competitive wages. Fax resumes between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, 306-826-5623, Marsden, SK. STEAM TRUCK OPERATOR REQUIRED, experience not necessary, need valid driver’s licence. Excellent wages. 780-728-7140, Edson, AB.

Be a Part ofO u rRapid G row th

SERVICE TECHNICIAN A ra pidly g row in g W estern C a n a dia n C om pa n y is seekin g en thu sia stic in dividu a ls to a dd to ou r Sa ska toon Bra n ch. D yTerra is a fu ll-service pa rtn er a n d su pplier to the fertilizer, g ra in ha n dlin g , a n d propa n e in du stries of W estern C a n a da . D yTerra offers com plete in -shop a n d in -field service ca pa bilities to a ll types offertilizer a n d g ra in fa cilities. D yTerra offers: • Co m petitive sa la ry a n d b en efitpa cka g e • F lexib le w o rk ho u ren viro n m en t • Tra in in g a n d Ed u ca tio n • Ca reera d va n cem en to ppo rtu n ities Positions Ava ila ble: • Service Techn icia n s fo rthe m a in ten a n ce,repa ir,a n d in sta lla tio n o f Liq u id F ertilizer,G ra n u la rF ertilizer,a n d An hyd ro u s Am m o n ia eq u ipm en t. D uties: • M a in ten a n ce a n d repa iro f G ra n u la rF ertilizerF a cilities,Liq u id F ertilizer ha n d lin g system s a n d An hyd ro u s Am m o n ia system s a n d eq u ipm en ta s w ell a s g en era l w eld in g a n d fa b rica tin g . Q ua lifica tions: • G en era l m echa n ica l a ptitu d e a n d w illin g n ess to lea rn • so m e w eld in g a n d fa b rica tin g skills • so m e experien ce w ith An hyd ro u s Am m o n ia a n d F ertilizerha n d lin g system s w o u ld b e a n a sset • g o o d co m m u n ica to r,o rg a n ized a n d pu n ctu a l • w o rk in d epen d en tly a n d b e a self-sta rter • Tra d es-rela ted tra in in g (P ipe F itter,M illw rig ht,W eld in g )experien ce a n d certifica tio n s a stro n g a ssetb u tn o tm a n d a to ry • V a lid D rivers Licen se In terested a pplica n ts m a y su bm itresu m e to: D yTerra Corpora tion 847 60th St. Ea st Sa ska toon ,SK S7K 5Z7 F a x: 306-244-4454 Em a il: kka rm a rk@ d yterra .com Q u a lified a pplica n ts on ly w ill be con ta cted.

D yTer r a Cor por a tion

L oca tion : Sa ska toon Ava ila b le: Im m ed ia tely


MOEN ACRES TRUCKING seeking Class 1A full-time Driver and one Leased Operator. Weekends off, home most nights. Mostly local hauling. Hauling fertilizer, grain, bales, and cattle. Cattle and bales are optional. Average Leased Operator is making $20,000-$30,000/month. Average wage per driver is $54,000/yr. Working for a family orientated company. Please call Kristie or Kandace at 306-378-2603, or email SMALL TRUCKING COMPANY in Central AB looking for water and vac truck drivers. Send resume to: or phone John: 403-844-6351, Condor, AB LOOKING FOR DRIVERS and owner/operator’s to haul crude oil in northern Alberta. Experience an asset, valid class 1, H2S and First Aid required. Great rates, scheduled days off. Please fax resume and abstract to 780-624-8068.


Tru ck D riv e rs R e q u ire d fo r B igga r Tra n s p o rt L td .

• Fu ll tim e ye a r ro u n d wo rk in S a s ka tche wa n • $45-7 0K pe r ye a r b a s e d o n e xp. • M in 2 ye a rs e xp. re qu ire d with o n the jo b tra in in g pro vid e d • M u s t b e willin g to pu ll S u pe r B’s fo r Bu lk Gra in a n d Fe rtilize r • Re qu ire d to b e a b le to re a d , write a n d co m m u n ica te in En glis h Ap p ly to R o d w ith R ES UM E AN D UP DATED AB S TR ACT ro d p a c ik@ tra n s a llgro up .c o m fa x to 3 0 6 -2 42 -2 0 77 o r a p p ly in p ers o n a t 10 0 -2 42 0 11th S t. W , S a s ka to o n , S K .

WANTED: EXPERIENCED Vac/ Water truck drivers. Must have valid Class 3A license along with H2S Alive, Standard First Aid, WHIMIS tickets. Serious applicants required immediately. Ph 306-621-1026 Email/fax or 306-783-1071, resume and current driver’s abstract.

ELKOW ENTERPRISES INC. & WILLCO Logistics Inc. Busy trucking company requires full-time Class 1 Drivers and Lease Operators to move grain/fertilizer/Frac Sand and other bulk commodities within the provinces of AB, SK, MB and BC. Minimum 5 yrs. experience pulling Super B trailers. Mechanical experience an asset. Competitive wages. Forward resumes with references and current abstract. Apply in person or fax info. Attention: Michelle or Dennis, 6334 50A Hwy 16A West, Vegreville, AB. Email: Fax: 780-632-6524 or phone 780-632-6509

SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediately requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks, tractors; Also Company Drivers. Transporting RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. Clean abstract required. Competitive rates. Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733.

CLASS 1A HD Tow Truck Driver required CLASS 3 DRIVERS wanted for vac and for Lloydminster, AB, area. Permanent fullwater trucks in Northern AB and BC. Camp time position. Will train. Abstract required. work with regular scheduled days off. Call John or Ginette 1-888-875-8111 or Clean drivers abstract and oilfield tickets fax resume to 780-846-0005. required. Oilfield experience an asset but w i l l i n g t o t r a i n . E - m a i l r e s u m e t o CLASS 1 DRIVER WANTED to run or call 780-668-7079, deck, Alberta to Texas. Good pay and Lamont, AB. e q u i p m e n t . N o r t h fo r k C a r r i e r s L t d . WANTED: TRUCK DRIVERS for oilfield flat 403-347-3200, Red Deer, AB. d e c k wo r k . E x c e l l e n t w a g e s . P h o n e LOOKING FOR feedlot or horse training work, full-time or part-time. 403-715-8973 OWNER/OPERATORS WANTED full 780-728-7140, Edson, AB. time. Local and limited USA livestock hauling. Competitive pay and insurance rates. MAX FUEL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. needs NO SUNDAY’S. Must have cattle experi- CLASS 1 and CLASS 3 DRIVERS in the ence, clean abstract and able read/write in Slave Lake and Red Earth, AB. areas. ConROY HARVESTING now hiring Truck Driv- English.Phone 403-732-5644 or fax re- tact Al Cross 780-805-5114. ers and Combine Operators. Call Chuck sume to 403-732-4387, Picture Butte, AB. 306-642-0055, or Chris 306-642-0076, CLASS 1 OR 3 DRIVERS- oil/ water haulGlentworth, SK. ing. Bed/ winch truck, pressure truck or HUFNAGEL LTD IS seeking a seriously steamer experience an asset. Work within committed full-time CLASS 1A DRIVER 50 mile radius of Viking, AB. Home based to haul fluid around the Lloydminster, SK. nightly. Competitive wages, benefit pkg. L a Pra irie W orks Inc . is a n experienc ed , d ivers ified , full- s ervic e C ontra c tor w ith over 25 area. Must have up to date oilfield tickets. Contact: or fax resume to yea rs of ind us try experienc e in northern BC a nd Alb erta . W ith projec ts id entified for the Wage is based on experience. Full bene- 780-336-2622. next tw o (2) yea rs , w e a re a c tively rec ruiting energetic , s killed pers onnel to fits, overtime, holiday pay, yearling bonusROADEX SERVICES LTD. We require imc om plem ent our tea m . T ruc king a nd m ec ha nic a l opera tions a re b a s ed from Ft. N els on es. Accommodations as well as company vehicle. Please call Kristin 780-893-0120 mediately Owner Operator semis for our (Horn River Ba s in) a nd Da w s on C reek / C hetw ynd , BC (M ontney Area ). RV and general freight deck division to or fax resume and abstract 306-825-5344. haul throughout North America. Paid S UPER-B & PN EUM ATIC TRACTOR-TRAIL ER DRIV ER (S ) WANTED: CLASS 1 TRUCK driver to haul twice/month, direct deposit, benefits, subIfyo u ha ve s o lid tru ckin g exp erien ce in o ff-highw a y / o ilfield en viro n m en ts , a Cla s s produced water/crude oil to Eastern AB. sidized insurance and company fuel cards. 1 d river’s licen s e w ith a clea n d river’s a b s tra ct, a n d yo u en jo y w o rkin g s hift w o rk, Must have fluid hauling experience and all Must be able to cross border with valid yo u m a y b e the p ers o n (s ) w e a re lo o kin g fo r. required oilfield tickets. Starting wage a % p a s s p o r t . w w w. r o a d e x s e r v i c e s . c o m 1-800-867-6233. of truck gross commensurate with experiHEAV Y DUTY M ECHAN IC(S ) ence. Driver not required to maintain DRIVERS REQUIRED for Super B log truck. Excellent maintained equipment. hauling in the Athabasca, AB area. AccomW e a re a ls o s eekin g a n en ergetic in d ivid u a l(s ) w ith the a b ility to w o rk u n s u p ervis ed Drug and alcohol testing applies. Please modations available. Competitive wages in either a s ho p o r field en viro n m en t. T his p ers o n m u s t ha ve a s o lid b a ckgro u n d f a x 3 ye a r a b s t r a c t a n d r e s u m e t o plus bonus. Phone 780-689-6376. tro u b les ho o tin g hyd ra u lic, electric a n d p n eu m a tic s ys tem s . Ifyo u a re a jo u rn eym a n 780-842-5800, Wainwright, AB. w ho d em o n s tra tes in itia tive w ith s o u n d w o rk ethic a n d p o s s es s a va lid d river’s TO P WAG E S F O R TO P H A N D S , R. licen s e, yo u m a y b e the ca n d id a te(s ) w e a re lo o kin g fo r. After ho u r ca ll-o u ts m a y French transport seeking drivers, leased a ls o b e req u ired . operators and a dispatcher to join their team in the oil patch in S.E. SK. AccommoPreferen ce w ill b e given to tho s e w ith Pro vin cia l o r In terp ro vin cia l Red S ea l GIBSON INTERNATIONAL REQUIRES dations available. Call 306-577-1950 or certifica tio n . LEASED OPERATORS and DRIVERS to 306-577-8553 for more info. Forget, SK. haul cattle in Canada and USA. Cattle haulL a Pra irie W o rks In c. o ffers to p w a ges , b en efits , a n d ho u rly p erfo rm a n ce / s a fety CLASS 1 DRIVER, to haul crude oil in the ing experience and a clean abstract an asb o n u s es fo r eligib le tru ckin g / m echa n ica l p o s itio n s . set. Call for more details 1-800-663-6303, Provost/Hardisty area. Good wages and benefits. Current driver’s abstract, oilfield Moose Jaw, SK. FORW ARD YOUR RES UM E TO: tickets and resume. Provost, AB, fax T ha nk you for your 780-753-3092, phone 780-753-0086. M a n a ger o f Hu m a n Res o u rces WANTED: EXPERIENCED VAC and combo truck operators for the Dawson Creek and Fort St. John, BC areas. Top wages paid. Call Doug at Backcountry Vac and Steam 250-782-2591, or

S a pph ire W a te r’s m is s io n is to o ffe r o ur cus to m e rs h igh qua lity a n d re lia b le w a te r, b io lo gica l w a te r a n d w a s te w a te r s o l uti on s . W e a re e xpa n d i ng to m e e tth e n e e d s o f o ur cus to m e rs .

Jo urn e ym a n Ele ctricia n :

C o n tro l a n d Auto m a tio n P ro gra m m e r:

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Leonard Entz shovels spilled barley from one of the trucks into the grain bagger while Jennifer Mandel, left, her brother Toby and Sheldon Entz help at the Brant Colony.

Barley is in the Bag Photo Essay | Harvest is in full swing on the Hutterite Colony near Brant, Alta. | Mike Sturk photos

ABOVE: Will Gross takes a sample of barley before being loaded. RIGHT: Gross checks the pressure. FAR RIGHT: Steve Gross, left, and Tom Mandel discuss harvest progress.






Big FSU flax crops put squeeze on exports Former Soviet Union fill demand | The region will have 110,000 more tonnes to export this year BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The flax market didn’t flinch when Statistics Canada came out with its surprisingly low production estimate because it knows European demand is going to be soft, say industry analysts. Statistics Canada released an estimate on Aug. 24 calling for 365,000 tonnes of Canadian production, which was well below trade estimates ranging as high as 850,000 tonnes. The market didn’t budge in response to the news due to a big crop coming off in the Former Soviet Union that will feed flax demand in Western Europe, a market that has traditionally accounted for about 70 percent of Canada’s exports. Oil World estimates FSU countries will have 340,000 to 350,000 tonnes of exportable product in 2011-12, which is 110,000 tonnes more than last year’s program. “Some of that crop has already come off in Eastern Europe and is being offered into Western Europe at lower prices than what we’re seeing here,” said Chuck Penner, president of LeftField Commodity Research. “Western Europe is saying, ‘Bring it on! We really don’t need your Canadian production, at least so far this year.’” Penner said growers in places like Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine are shifting production to flax because of the opportunity created by Canada’s Triffid incident and because it is a small acreage crop that flies under the radar of FSU export bans and taxes. Mike Jubinville, president of Pro Farmer Canada, said FSU countries have become the dominant players in the lucrative European market, which was once the domain of Canadian exporters. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

Western Europe accounted for about 70 percent of Canadian flax exports but some analysts expect to see demand from the U.S. |


“Personally, I think Canadian growers are getting out of flax seed,” he said. Canada’s 2011 crop is estimated to be about half the size of the previous five-year average. Penner doesn’t foresee a reversal in that trend, given today’s values of $14 a bushel for flax and $12 for canola, a crop that regularly doubles flax yields. Larry Weber, owner of Weber Commodities Ltd., thinks the 2011 harvest will be even smaller than Statistics Canada is forecasting based on his observations touring around Saskatchewan. “I don’t believe the crop is as big as

everybody thinks it is because I don’t think the acres are there,” he said. The U.S. crop is also well below normal. While there is still no official government production forecast, it is estimated that growers planted 229,000 acres of the crop this year, which is half the previous five-year average. Weber doesn’t anticipate prices spiking to $20 a bu. in response to the North American supply constraints like they did in 2007-08. Slumping European demand and the Triffid export risk factor will keep a lid on prices and similar acres in the ground in 2012. Penner said one positive sign for the industry is the Vancouver vessel lineup showing a ship, likely destined for China, scheduled to be loaded with 10,000 tonnes of flax. China “saved our bacon” two years ago when it bought a record 245,000 tonnes of flax, fully offsetting lost sales to Europe over the Triffid inci-

dent, he said. The Vancouver ship could be a sign that prices have fallen enough to trigger Chinese demand, but that is not a huge bullish factor because as soon as prices rise, the Chinese will back out of the market again, said Penner. He expects strong demand from the U.S. and some late-season demand from Europe once it has chewed through the FSU supplies. The problem is that the Port of Thunder Bay, which services the European market, shuts dow n between Christmas and Easter, so terminals won’t start loading up with flax supplies until March. “It could be a long wait,” said Penner. The upshot is that he doesn’t expect much price upside in the flax market. On the flipside, the market is not likely to turn the other way either due to North America’s severe supply constraints, said Jubinville. “There is no sense that this market


There is no sense that this market is going to come crashing down on us. I think it is going to hold up at a historically high price level for some time yet. MIKE JUBINVILLE PRO FARMER CANADA

is going to come crashing down on us. I think it is going to hold up at a historically high price level for some time yet,” he said.


Demand from Indian, China may hike corn prices JAKARTA (Reuters) — Chinese and Indian corn demand will help push benchmark prices to record levels above $8 per bushel before the year end, a leading U.S. analyst said Sept 8. Strong demand from developing Asian countries like China, the world’s second largest corn consumer, coupled with the hottest summer in over half a century in top producer the United States, are both bullish for corn prices, said John Baize, president at John C. Baize and Associates. “Certainly China are going to bring in some corn,” said Baize, speaking ahead of the Southeast Asia U.S. Agricultural Co-operators conference in Bali this week. Baize forecasts Chinese corn imports to be between four to five million tonnes in 2011-12, in line with other analysts. “China (and) you are going to see some growth in India as their poultry industry expands and they get more organized in the

dairy sector,” he said, also citing robust economic growth. Concerns about tight stocks of corn in the U.S., the world’s biggest supplier, has pushed Chicago Board of Trade corn futures to historic highs. Front month corn futures hit an all-time peak in June just below $8 per bu. The benchmark December contract was at $7.38-1/2 per bu. Sept. 9. “We’re going to get over $8 a bushel relatively early — this fall, November-December,” said Baize. “Farmers are going to get out of this harvest this year, with a pretty bad taste in their mouth about corn production, simply because they got hurt by the summer drought.” Almost all of China’s corn imports came from the United States. The U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts demand for corn by the livestock, ethanol and export sectors would leave the smallest U.S. stockpile in 16 years by next summer. “U.S. stock


$8 bu. numbers will get down to around 600 million bushels,” Baize said. “You will see expanding production in Argentina and Brazil.” Baize is bullish on the soybean outlook, which he sees benefiting from the hot weather conditions in the U.S., the world’s top exporter. “You are going to get very high prices, $16-$17,” said Virginia-based Baize. “Our crop here, I don’t think it’s as bad as some are speculating. The

yield is going to be more than three billion bushels of production.” November soy was up 0.5 percent to $14.25 per bu. Traders said investors were evening up positions ahead of the U.S. Agriculture Department’s monthly crop report this week, which should reflect the effect of dry August weather on U.S. corn and soy production potential. Baize said he spoke to a farmer this week who expected his corn yields to be down 25 percent from a year ago, but his soybeans yields to be nearrecord levels. Indonesia, home to around 230 million people, imports 70 percent of its annual soybean requirements, mostly from the United States. Soybean is mainly grown in the main island of Java and also in parts of Sumatra. The country is struggling to increase soybean production to stop its reliance on imported grains and

aims to scrap imports by 2014, but domestic output has not increased significantly because of land constraints and low productivity. “I keep hearing comments that they are going to expand production and become self-sufficient, which is simply not going to happen,” said Baize. “The demand is continuing to rise, almost all for food.” Indonesia’s annual soybean consumption is seen growing by up to six percent to 2.4 million tonnes in 2011, with imports seen at as much as two million tonnes. “The kind of soybean they want in terms of colour and everything else, they are largely going to continue to buy from the U.S.” Baize said. Soybean imports in the archipelago of 17,000 islands will grow by up to eight percent over the next five years, Baize said. “The economy and population is growing pretty rapidly,” he added. “People obviously want to eat better.”





Movie night: drink, popcorn, blanket? Old-fashioned drive-in | Alberta town’s second successful movie night may lead to more frequent events BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

DONALDA, Alta. — For some people, the Donalda Coulee Drive-In movie was a trip down memory lane. For their children or grandchildren, who climbed the hills before the movie began, it was simply the best time they’ve ever had at a movie. Sharon Scott of Edmonton brought her two grandchildren. “I thought it would be a really fun experience for my grandchildren,” said Scott. “We’re resurrecting nostalgia, except when I was young, we filled the trunk,” she said while buying popcorn at the ski hill lodge concession stand. For $25 per car, there was no need to hide people in the trunk to save money. It’s the second time since May that the Donalda and District Community Promotion Society hosted a movie. Bruce Gartside, one of the movie organizers, said they were pleased with the success. “I think we could see ourselves, if we got more help, holding a movie once a month in the summer,” said Gartside. Friends Sheila Norman and Cori Fuller brought their children to the first movie and came back to watch the comedy, The Great Outdoors, at the August movie. “We wanted to support the community and the kids are pumped,” said Norman of Donalda. “I think it’s more fun for them seeing their friends and running around,” said Norman. This time, the families were more prepared, bringing blankets, lawn chairs for the back of their pickup and blankets for the children. Before the movie, children climbed the strange hoodoo-like hills surrounding the theatre bowl, bought popcorn and hot dogs at the concession stand and visited with friends. Ross and Vicki Walstrom of Botha, Alta., drove to the drive-in movie snuggled close together in their 1955 Crown Victoria car without seat belts. “I lived in Donalda for nine years and thought it would be fun to bring one of the classic cars,” said Vicki.

The Donalda and District Community Promotion Society held their second Donalda Coulee Drive-In movie night at the local ski hill. Sharon Scott of Edmonton brought her grandchildren Eric and Alex Westegard to show them a piece of history. Ken Walker of Donalda helps out in the ski club house turned movie concession. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS Gartside said 53 cars were parked at the bottom of the coulee in a semicircle formation to watch the movie. Each driver was asked how they wanted to watch, sitting in the car seats facing forward, or backwards from the back of an SUV or pick up. “You adapt and find ways to make it work,” he said. Because of the success of the two movies, Gartside said they would likely build their own large movie screen and save the rental costs. It’s one of the few events hosted by the promotion society, where an admission fee is charged. They collected $1,200 at the gate and had about $600 in sponsorship money donated, which almost covered the $750 movie rental equipment fee. They also made $500 at the concession stand, which will help cover the g ro u p’s c o s t s f o r o t h e r e v e nt s throughout the year. “It made money, the community promotion group is totally satisfied and we had fun doing it,” he said.

ABOVE: Ross and Vicki Walstrom of Botha, Alta., wait in their 1955 Crown Victoria car for the movie to begin. The sound was piped through the FM radio. The Walstroms brought a portable radio since their car only had an AM radio. FAR RIGHT: Cars stream in while children play on the hill until dusk. RIGHT: Taylor Fuller and Hanna Norman of Donalda get comfortable while waiting for the movie to start.





Mexico’s ag sector unscathed by violence Drug war insecurity | Agricultural exports largely unaffected by turmoil


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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) — Drug cartel violence in Mexico is dampening the services sector but not having much impact on agriculture and manufacturing, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said in a report. About 42,000 people have died since president Felipe Calderon sent in the army to control drug gangs in late 2006, with the violence fanning concerns about the impact o n i nv e s t m e n t a n d e c o n o m i c growth. But the study showed there had been a measurable impact only on the services sector — which makes up about two-thirds of the economy — while the export-driven agricultural and industrial sectors continue to be driven by external demand, mostly from the United States. “To the extent that insecurity has affected economic activity, it has done so in business directed more to the domestic market, and not in those associated with exports,” wrote Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Carlos Capistran. The research also showed lower inflation rates in northern states, which have been hardest hit by the violence — particularly for services such as movie tickets, where prices dropped sharply in the northwest. About 80 percent of Mexico’s exports are bound for the United States, where recent economic data shows a slowdown in growth. Economists have revised down their expectations for growth on the back of the weaker U.S. outlook, with the last central bank survey showing expectations for the economy to expand by less than four percent this year. The report warned that continued incidents such as last month’s brutal attack on a casino, killing 52 people, risk scaring away investors. “The economic impact of the rise in insecurity could eventually be more significant through delayed investment and consumption, if tragic events similar to those in Monterrey become more prevalent,” Capistran wrote. But the bank did not expect the federal government’s fight against crime to have a major impact on asset portfolio investments or drive away global capital flows. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

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“I think I need a vet.”




MEASURING, MONITORING ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE A study of antimicrobial resistance in southern Alberta feedlot cattle showed no major cause for alarm, but researchers see a need for continued monitoring. | Page 74

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WHY HORSES? A 2010 survey shows the primary uses for horses in Canada: Young horses not yet in use 23% Sport competition 18% Pleasure riding 18% Breeding stock 17% Other uses 6% Racing 5% Companionship 4% Work 3% Riding lessons 2% Meat production 1% Commercial activities 1% PMU production <1% Source: Strategic Equine Inc. | WP GRAPHIC

THE COST TO OWN A HORSE The survey explored the average expenses per horse of products and services purchased each year: Hay $700 Vet services & Rx drugs 421 Horse feed 368 Farrier services 311 Therapy services 278 Bedding 235 Feed supplements 141 Dental care 130 Grooming & care products 116 Total $2,700 Source: Strategic Equine Inc. | WP GRAPHIC


Galloping toward uncertainty Downsizing on the horizon | Horse owners need to plan for ups and downs of business cycle


The Canadian horse industry contributes a healthy $19 billion to the Canadian economy, but a year-long survey of horse owners in 2010 shows there are clouds on the horizon. Aging riders, a dramatic drop in horse prices, more horses than buyers and a sharp increase in costs all point to an industry that must carefully manage its future if it wants to survive and thrive. Ve l Ev a n s, author of the 2010 Canadian Horse Industry Profile study released at the end of August, said the horse industry is likely heading for downsizing. “For the first time,

we have more adults participating than children,” said Evans of Strategic Equine in Newmarket, Ont. “If more Canadian kids don’t get their first riding experience, then there is concern for a long-term viable industry,” said Evans. There are an estimated 855,000 people active in the horse industry. About 59 percent are adult and 41 percent children. The study was commissioned by Equine Canada to assess the current state of the industry and issues affecting its future. Les Burwash, business development officer with Alberta Agriculture’s horse industry branch, said the rising age of horse owners is a serious concern. “If the demographics really are changing, we in the horse industry better take a long, serious look at what we are doing and where we are going and how do we change to bring more young people and more people into the industry,” said Burwash of Airdrie, Alta.

For the first time, we have more adults participating than children. If more Canadian kids don’t get their first riding experience, then there is concern for a long-term viable industry. VEL EVANS STRATEGIC EQUINE

Edward Kendall, chair of Equine Canada’s industry division, said the study highlighted some problems facing the horse industry, including demographics of people and horses. “The supply of horses far exceeds the demand,” said Kendall of St. John’s, N.L. During the summer of 2010, there were an estimated 963,500 horses in Canada, up from 886,500 in 1998 when the first extensive study was taken, but down from its peak of more than one million horses in 2005. It’s also estimated about 23 percent of horses in Canada are young horses, not yet in use for their intended market. The mature horses in the herd, about 744,000, are equally divided between sport competition, pleasure riding and the breeding sector. Between 2003 and 2010, the annual number of foals decreased 50 percent and is expected to continue to decrease. A lack of restrictions limiting the amount of horses that can be exported from the United States has also affected the industry, driving prices down, said Kendall. The number of horses exported from the United States into Canada

for sale in the meat market increased from about 17,000 a year in 2005 to 70,000 in 2010. “It impacted the investment of horses in Canada,” said Evans. Horse owner and boarding facility owner Anna Morton was struck by the reported costs of keeping horses, which jumped 70 percent since 2003, while the sale price of horses dropped 49 percent since the 20082009 season. “Seventy percent is a huge increase,” said Morton of Wetaskiwin, who has seen feed, and energy costs increase at her boarding facility. “We’ve been boarding horses here for 10 years. We used to make money at it. Last year, we broke even,” said Morton. “No people my age can even afford horses. It’s an expensive sport.” The report estimated there is about $29 billion invested in the industry. The average investment in horses per owner is about $20,000, another $11,000 for tack, about $20,000 in horse-related equipment and $153,000 in horse-related property improvement. Evans said the horse industry has a five-year business cycle and needs to plan for its ups and downs. “There’s an awful lot of investment out there for which there isn’t a market.” Kendall said Equine Canada would use the information to develop an improved communication strategy to attract more young people to the industry. Traditionally many children get their first horse experience between eight and 13 years old. The children who come back for a second year often stay involved with horses until the end of high school. It’s at this time there is a big attrition rate, said Kendall. Once they finish university, they come back and stick with horses for another 20 years. With so many opportunities to drop out of the horse industry, Kendall said it’s important to have a large pool of young riders having a good first horse experience. Burwash said the survival of the horse industry depends on young people coming to the sport and breeders and trainers need to concentrate on providing horses for recreational riders. “We do not have enough horses on the marketplace that are broke, safe and sound for recreational use. The heart of our industry is recreational riders,” said Burwash, who added horses have to be priced competitively with golf clubs and snowmobiles. “We’re competing for disposable income.” The report will also be used to measure the readiness of the horse industry for an equine traceability program.





Microbial resistance no problem yet: study Alberta feedlot results | Resistance studies on E. coli were encouraging, says researcher BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Microbial resistance in Alberta feedlot cattle is not yet a major problem, according to a recently completed three-year study conducted by researchers from Canada and the United States. But like many studies, it points to the need for more research. In this case, it’s research with the aim of developing a national strategy for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in food animals. Monitoring is considered important because of the potential relationship between antibiotic use in food animals and development of resistant bacteria in humans. The study, slated for submission to peer review last week, involved four southern Alberta feedlots. Samples were collected from animals upon arrival and again in approximately 60 days. Some 11,000 nasal swabs and fecal samples were collected, as well as 900 manure samples from pen floors. Researchers initially focused on E. coli because it is naturally occurring in cattle and readily exchanges genetic material with other species. Other types of bacteria were also collected. Ron Read, associate professor in microbiology at the University of Calgary, said results of resistance studies on E. coli were encouraging. access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none

The study, now subject to peer review, may lead to additional research on development of antibiotic resistant bacteria in animal production. | FILE PHOTO “The types and amounts of resistance observed were on par with what has been documented in the past,� he said in a summary paper. More than 50 percent of the E. coli types show some resistance, mostly to three particular antimicrobials. “Resistance to modern, clinically impor tant classes of dr ugs for humans were not observed to any significant extent.� However, development of antimicrobial resistance is a foregone conclusion because bacteria constantly evolve. That’s one of the things that fascinates Tim McAllister, an Agriculture Canada beef scientist and microbiologist who contributed to the study. His focus was on bacterial resistance by the pathogen M. haemolytica, which contributes to bovine respiratory disease. BRD causes the highest number of deaths among

feedlot animals. “We actually found that the level of resistance was ver y low in that organism, so it’s probably one of the reasons why there’s some effectiveness to the antimicrobials that are used to control that disease,� he said. “In this study in the higher level of antibiotics, we found very little resistance at all, either in E. coli or haemolytica.� The incidence of BRD has increased in the past decade, said the research paper. Alternative strategies to fight it will eventually be needed. That’s where Brent Selinger, microbiology professor at the University of Lethbridge, directed his attention as part of the study. He found that M. haemolytica can survive longer than expected. Populations remained at 20 percent even after animals were more than 60 days on feed. That is approximately

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the same number present as when the animals arrived in the feedlots. “Insights such as these are important when evaluating alternative management strategies intended to relieve some of our dependency on antimicrobials in production,� Selinger said in the paper. There are economic reasons to use antimicrobials in food animals, said McAllister, but there is also an animal welfare reason that must be considered when discussing development of resistance. “If you’ve got a technology that’s capable of making animals less sick or diseased and you employ it, and they are healthy and in better condition because of that, then that’s a positive thing as well. So I think you have to look at both of those situations.� He said future directions on antimicrobial use must be based on science rather than politics. He believes Europe took the wrong approach. “When they banned the antibiotics in Europe, there was not very much science involved in that. It was strictly a policy decision. And they banned antibiotics for which there was no

rationale behind it.� Fo r e x a m p l e, m o n e n s i n w a s banned from use in European food animals, even though it and other ionophores are not used in human medicine. In cattle, they can reduce digestive upset for animals on heavy grain diets. There is not a huge crossover between antibiotics used in both people and animals. McAllister said bacteria have been developing resistance to antibiotics since the beginning of time. It’s a function of their survival. More antibiotics can also be developed in response to microbial resistance, but it comes at a cost. “It’s not that we can’t develop new antibiotics. It’s whether there’s the economic impetus to do that. It also depends on the level of infection. They don’t like to talk about it, but it depends on how many people get infected. “It makes sense to use management practices, to use the kind of scientific information that we’re generating, to adjust practices in a manner that try to minimize (resistance) happening.�

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Practical disinfection methods for effective biosecurity ANIMAL HEALTH



lot has been written about methods to improve biosecurity on the farm. One important area is disinfection and the associated biosecurity methods to reduce harmful organisms. Every farm has areas where organisms can gain entry and multiply. Disinfection should first concentrate on the areas where organisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and yeasts) can multiply. Think of the areas where livestock are concentrated or handled such as the chute, loading areas, watering bowls, feed bunks, mineral feeders and maternity pens. Calving time is especially critical for the spread of harmful organisms between calves so areas where cowcalf pairs mingle should also be explored. We have two natural processes when it comes to killing a lot of organisms — drying and sunlight (ultraviolet light). When time is added to the equation to allow adequate drying and sunlight, the number of harmful bacteria and especially viruses will be greatly diminished. Certain surfaces harbour more organisms and areas could be modified to make them easier to clean. In order of descending ease of cleaning, we have painted plywood followed by plastic, pressed wood, non-painted plywood and lastly cement, which may surprise many. Cement has lots of cracks and crevices and is porous so organisms can gain hold. Because they exist primarily on the walking surface, organisms get ground in. Often the area is generally wet and may not be exposed to direct sunlight. Spray disinfectants are inactivated by dirt and manure,so removal is essential. Clean the area well first, using hot water under pressure, if possible. Detergent will kill more contaminants, especially if allowed to soak for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing. Repeat this process when necessary based on contamination level and cattle traffic. A calving maternity pen area may only need one good cleaning and disinfection before the calving season at a small producer’s farm, especially if it doesn’t get much use. But a large producer with an intense calving season may need to clean and disinfect weekly or after every use. Classify specific areas on your farm as low risk (minimal animal contact), medium risk or high risk (such as a quarantine area or sick pen). The low-risk areas may need a combined cleaning and disinfection in one step infrequently, whereas separate cleaning and disinfection on a frequent basis are needed for the high-risk areas. The final disinfection should be applied to the clean and dry surface. Once the area is sprayed with disinfectant, don’t rinse it off. The same principle should apply to boot dips; ideally any soiled material access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none

should be removed from the boots first. Be especially vigilant on the soles, because that is where most of the organic contamination occurs. Boot dips or footbath disinfectants should be changed after soiling or at least weekly to remain effective. Disinfectant should also be applied to tires of vehicles and the wheel wells — the common site of vehicle contamination. Allow at least 30 seconds of contact in the disinfectant to be effective. There are a number of different disinfectants available but I find Virkon to be an excellent fit. It should be available from a veterinarian and it comes in several sizes as well as

Plastic disposable boots are an effective way to prevent contamination. | FILE PHOTO tablets for small jobs. Most often it is diluted to a 1:100 dilution rate. It will achieve the proper disinfection in about the 30

seconds in the boot dip. Other disinfectants in a recent study took about five minutes to be effective which just isn’t efficient. I even suggest using a gallon of diluted Virkon as a good place to store calf esophageal feeders between uses. The feeding bags can be rinsed with the disinfectant and it is safe if some is ingested. There are no fumes so it is safe to work around. It is also very eco-friendly so the environment is spared. Don’t forget disinfection of areas such as implant trays where a product called chlorhexidine is often used diluted 20 to 25 times depending on its strength. Families of organisms have differ-

ent sensitivities to disinfectants. Fungi, yeasts and bacteria are the most sensitive. Fungal spores or bacterial spores (like those produced by blackleg or anthrax) are quite resistant. This is why removal and burying or ideally burning is the accepted practice for anthrax cases. Coccidia (which spread by oocysts or eggs) and prions are the most resistant. Timely disinfection of key areas on your farm and the maintenance of boot dips especially at key times like calving season will go a long way to maintaining biosecurity. Roy Lewis is a veterinarian practising in Westlock, Alta.


Different cattle have different BRD challenges and require different levels of protection. Most are not in the extreme high risk category – a category that includes lightweight commingled feedlot calves for instance – so why pay more for extreme protection? Treat your calves on arrival with a product that gets to work right away and remains active in the lungs1.


Ask your veterinarian about ZACTRAN common sense BRD protection ZACTRAN™ is a trademark of Merial Limited. © 2011 Merial Canada Inc. All rights reserved. ZACT-11-7560-JA 1. Huang RA, Letendre LT, Banav N, Fischer J & Somerville, BA. Pharmacokinetics of gamithromycin in cattle with comparison of plasma and lung tissue concentrations and plasma antibacterial activity. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2885.2009.01125.x.





Green party leader praises eco-friendly greenhouse Elizabeth May visits Saskatchewan | Leader speaks with provincial election candidates at a greenhouse that demonstrates party principles BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM

OSLER, Sask. — Against a backdrop of red tomatoes and strawberries on vines, Saskatchewan Green party candidates huddled with their federal leader, Elizabeth May, at Floating Gardens Farm near Osler last week. The news of the day was Larissa Shasko’s stepping down as provincial leader of the Green party. “I consider her a friend and I will always consider her a friend,” said May. “For some reason she’s chosen to join staff of somebody who’s a quite admirable NDP local member. But that doesn’t change anything for the Green party.” Shasko announced she would join the campaign for Saskatchewan New

Democrat Yens Pedersen, who was a candidate in the NDP’s last leadership race and is running in the Regina South constituency in the November provincial election. With hip replacement surgery scheduled for Sept. 29, May, the member of Parliament for SaanichGulf Islands, said she will not be in Saskatchewan again before the Nov. 7 provincial election. May said Floating Gardens Farm is an example of entrepreneurial economic development within a sustainable framework. This is the first season of operations for Floating Gardens, a hydroponic greenhouse operated by siblings Chris and Rachel Buhler. They have built a huge greenhouse measuring 53 by 44 metres (176 by 144 feet) on the family farm and have started selling their pro-

duce at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market, a few local restaurants and Steep Hill Co-op. Besides cherr y tomatoes and strawberries, other produce includes several varieties of eggplants and melons. In a province that grows less than 10 percent of its own produce, Floating Gardens has year-round production of fresh fruit and vegetables grown in greenhouses heated by a waste wood boiler system. May said the Green party is committed to locally grown and healthy food with fewer accumulated carbon miles. Supporting local agriculture and small business is key. “We support economic development that’s based in Green principles. This is the kind of development Saskatchewan wants,” she said. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

Green party leader Elizabeth May visits Floating Gardens Farm during her stop in Saskatchewan. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


Check-off funding could be boosted BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU


Since the 1990s, most Canadian farmers have been ignoring their right to organize national checkoffs to raise money for research and promotion that could have pumped millions of dollars into the industry. Laurent Pellerin, chair of the Farm Products Council of Canada and former president of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, aims to change that. In an interview, he said he has been having discussions with Grain Growers of Canada, the Canadian Pork Council and other industry groups to let them know the option is there if they want to organize. The Farm Products Council oversees the check-off agencies, their creation and use of the money. For years, the beef industry has had a checkoff on domestic product, the only sector to use the legislative power given by Parliament in the early 1990s. However, under the law, a research and promotion levy can be applied to imported product as well and Pellerin hopes by next year, beef and pork sectors and perhaps the Alberta sugar beet industry will have created a check-off scheme that allows levies on domestic imported products. He is talking to other groups as well. Canadian exporters into the United States have paid a U.S. promotion levy for years. “It is one of my frustrations that we have done nothing with that for the past 20 years and the money was there,” he said in his Ottawa office

blocks from Parliament Hill. “A million dollars more in beef, a million dollars more in pork would have helped a lot in the difficulties those sectors had in recent years.” Pellerin said investment in research and promotion “can pay huge benefits for our farm sectors but we have been relaxed on that point so I have been meeting with groups including supply management to tell them about the possibility.” Pellerin surprised the CFA by stepping down in early 2010 after little m o re tha n a y ea r to a ccept a n appointment from agriculture minister Gerry Ritz as chair of the FPCC. The council’s main job is to oversee the supply management systems that exist for chicken, turkey, egg and hatching egg sectors. It is now working with the Canadian pullet industry in a bid to establish a fifth poultry sector supply management system. “We’re working on that, I think it is going forward,” he said. Pellerin also found out that a section of his governing legislation includes a neglected power for creating a check-off system to raise money to benefit the industry. In his mandate letter from Ritz after he started the job, the former Quebec hog producer and farm leader was told to work on creating levies on food imports. “I clarified with the minister that he thinks we have a job to do on promotion,” he said. “One of the reasons farmers are not using it a lot is because they don’t know. I am trying to change that, to make sure they are at least aware.” access=subscriber section=news,none,none


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Viterra Q3 profit up 94 percent Fertilizer sales boom | Company’s acquisitions in Australia and U.S. added to the bottom line



access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none

Parrish and Heimbecker Ltd. has two grain facility expansions underway in two provinces. The elevator at Quill Lake, Sask., will more than double current capacity upon completion in mid-November to 21,500 tonnes from 9,000. O p e r a t i o n s m a n a g e r Ke l s e y Campbell said Sept. 7 that work is nearly done in the main plant to


CLOSE LAST WK 27.11 22.51 62.52 23.80 n/a 10.62 13.45

27.43 23.00 63.16 24.09 n/a 10.37 13.45



Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Millstreet TSXV Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 0.31 0.12 14.99 0.13 8.66 9.20

0.31 0.12 15.01 0.13 8.66 9.55



BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods


CLOSE LAST WK 0.39 26.77 10.95 16.10 19.45 7.00 16.71

0.43 27.12 10.96 16.55 20.98 6.50 17.09


Viterra reported third quarter net earnings of $123 million. | “Higher commodity prices and increased nitrogen requirements caused by excess moisture in 2010 and 2011 continues to encourage farmers to maximize their fertilizer applications,” he said. “As a result, Canadian fertilizer sales volumes increased 26 percent for the quarter.” Schmidt said the company expects fertilizer demand and prices to remain strong due to high commodity prices and tight supply and demand fundamentals in global agricultural commodity markets. “The world’s food supply is under pressure and this is not a short-term issue,” he said. “Global demand for key food ingredients is growing while supply is shrinking. Countries continue to take steps to secure a share of the


world’s food supply … and we expect strong commodity prices will continue to reflect this uncertainty.” Viterra’s acquisitions in the Australian grain industry contributed to the company’s strong financial results. In South Australia, where Viterra owns port facilities and a large majority of export storage capacity, the company shipped record third quarter grain volumes of 2.3 million tonnes. Grain volumes shipped through the company’s ports also set a new record over a 12 month period. The company’s wheat exporting accreditation in Australia is due to expire on Sept. 30, 2011, but company officials said they were confident accreditation would be renewed before the deadline. Crop production estimates in Can-

ada and Australia bode well for the company’s operations, Schmidt said. In South Australia, seeding was completed in late June and good conditions exist through most of the state. Crop production is estimated at 7.6 million tonnes, about 21 percent higher than the 10 year average. In Western Canada, early reports suggest above average yields in many areas. If weather co-operates and prices remain strong, demand for farm inputs between now and the 2012 spring seeding season should be strong. The company said it expects margins for global grain handling operations during fiscal 2011 to fall in the high end of its previously announced range of $33 to $36 per tonne.

P & H elevator expansions increase handling capacity, options LETHBRIDGE BUREAU


ADM Alliance Grain Bunge Ltd. ConAgra Foods NW Terminal Viterra Inc. W.I.T.



Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.



Strong fertilizer sales, record grain shipments in Australia and improved earnings in pasta and oat processing operations resulted in higher third quarter earnings at Viterra, Canada’s largest grain handling company. Financial results released by the company last week reported net earnings of $123 million or 33 cents per share. Third quarter earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization were $252 million, up 28 percent from the same three month period last year. In a conference call with investors, Viterra’s chief executive Mayo Schmidt painted a rosy picture of the company’s financial performance and of the global agriculture industry in general. On a fiscal year-to-date basis, Viterra’s EBITDA for the nine months ending July 31, 2011 was up 56 percent to $591 million, compared to the same period last year. Earnings were up in all of the company’s major business segments in the year to date, he said. In the global grain handling segment, EBITDA rose 49 percent, thanks partly to record grain shipments through the company’s port facilities in South Australia. In the food processing segment, EBIDTA rose 37 percent, reflecting new business at pasta and oat processing businesses that were acquired in the latter half of fiscal 2010. And in the agri-products sector, which includes fertilizer sales, EBIDTA rose 56 percent. Fertilizer was a big money maker for the company. Schmidt said fertilizer sales were up sharply in Canada this spring and Q3 margins on crop nutr ients increased to nearly $144 per tonne this year, compared to less than $119 a tonne last year.

Heightened worries about the European debt crisis pressured equities lower as did disappointment that the U.S. Federal Reserve did not announce a stimulus plan. For the week, the Toronto Stock Exchange composite fell 2.5 percent, the Dow fell 4.4 percent, the S & P 500 fell 4.2 percent and the Nasdaq fell 3.1 percent.

accommodate infrastructure for seven 65,000-bushel bins. It includes extended grain legs, a larger grain dryer and new computer system. Work on the bins by Flynn Bros. of Morinville, Alta., is ongoing. The Quill Lake facility handles wheat, barley, oats, canola and other non-board grains. It has a 54-car rail spot now, but next year may expand to more than 100 cars, Campbell said. He did not have an estimate on the cost of the project.

In Bow Island, Alta., a project estimated at $7 million will double grain elevator capacity to one million bushels from 500,000 bu. Manager John Noble said five cement silos will be added to the operation, each with 100,000 bu. capacity. The silos will be 36 feet in diameter and 125 ft. tall. He said the expansion will allow the facility to accept more peas and canola. It has typically handled mostly wheat and durum, and capac-

ity limited its ability to handle a wider variety of product. As of Sept. 7, foundations had been poured for the silos and the major cement structure will go up Oct. 11 in a five-day, 24-hour cement pour. The expansion project includes an increase to 112 rail car spots from the current 50. The entire project is slated for completion by July 2012. The Bow Island P&H facility has expanded twice since opening in 1997. access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none


AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 40.99 5.30 83.96 29.68 75.26 9.35

41.36 5.30 85.38 30.35 78.03 9.60



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

CLOSE LAST WK 85.23 59.60 53.17 25.77 45.27 0.30 65.01 69.97 57.12 56.80

85.56 66.30 60.34 26.71 46.76 0.30 65.80 70.00 57.54 62.69





CLOSE LAST WK 68.31 51.60

70.54 54.60

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, investment advisor with CIBC Wood Gundy in Calgary, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Member of CIPF and IIROC. Listed stock prices come from Thompson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Morrison can be reached at 800-332-1407.

BASF to sell assets FRANKFURT, Germany (Reuters) — BASF is poised to sell most of its nitrogen fertilizer assets to Yara International, according to a Bloomberg news agency story. BASF has a combined annual production capacity of about 2.5 million tonnes of fertilizer, with plants in Antwerp, Belgium, and its 50 percent share in its PEC-Rhin joint venture with France’s Total SA. access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none





Big pension funds push land investment guidelines Agricultural investment backlash | Investment group outlines principles, including respect for human and labour rights KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) — A major U.S. financial services company recently led a call by an international group of pension fund management companies for tougher guidelines on worldwide agricultural land investment. The group hopes to ease opposition to expansion in the sector. The group said that it hopes to convince other investors to adopt the standards it is putting forward, which address environmental, labour and land rights concerns amid a backlash against foreign investments in some emerging markets. “We all recognize that more transparency is a good thing. People want to understand why this capital is coming in. This is a way to provide some of that transparency,” said Jose Minaya, who manages a $2.5 billion agricultural investment portfolio at TIAA-CREF, short for the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association

- College Retirement Equities Fund. With $469 billion in assets under management, TIAA-CREF is one of the largest U.S. financial services companies. Its agricultural portfolio is focused in the United States, Australia and Brazil and includes investments in corn, soybeans, cotton, rice, wheat and barley fields, Along with TIAA-CREF, participants signing on to the principles include Swedish national pension fund AP2, with which TIAA-CREF recently established a joint venture. Included in the group are Dutch pension concerns ABP and APG; pension fund administrator PGGM of the Netherlands, Danish public pension fund ATP; and U.K.-based BT Pension Scheme and Hermes Equity Ownership Services. Farmland investments have become increasingly popular over the last several years with institutional

investors as soaring commodity prices amid growing global food demand has touched off a race for high-quality agricultural properties. But with the investor interest has come a backlash from groups who

characterize the investments as “land grabs,” that rob local farmers of valuable assets and are harmful for the environment and local economies. The principles set out by the investment group call for promoting environmental sustainability; respecting labour and human rights; handling land acquisitions with transparency and engagement of the relevant stakeholders; and requiring adherence to local laws even if they are poorly enforced and steering clear of bribery and extortion. The group said it intends to report publicly on its progress of implementing the principles. “The productivity of farmland needs to increase. In order to do that you’re going to need to attract more capital to the sector,” said Minaya. Roadblocks to outside investment in agriculture are seen in several countries, including Brazil, where at least $15 billion of foreign invest-

ment farming and forestry projects has been halted due to a reinterpretation of real estate laws there. Some of the most heated opposition is seen in Africa. In July, Washington DC-based Worldwatch Institute issued a study that said farmland acquisitions in Africa by foreigners were possibly making the continent’s hunger problems more severe. And in June, a report by the Oakland Institute think tank in California said that wealthy U.S. and European investors accumulating large swaths of African agricultural lands were displacing local residents in poor African communities and shifting land from food production to biofuel production. World economic and agricultural leaders have projected the world’s population will surpass nine billion by 2050 and global food production must jump 70 percent or more to meet demand. access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none


Succession planning when someone isn’t involved in farm PERSPECTIVES ON MANAGEMENT



here’s nothing written that says that everyone has to have a passion for farming or even be interested in actively participating in the farm. However, if you’re part of a farming family, this can result in some challenges and frustrations, especially when it comes to succession planning. In past generations, the farm wasn’t a business. It was the structure or vehicle that provided the essentials for living — food and shelter and a source of cash flow. Everyone, including children, had roles to play whether they were interested in participating or not. Their contributions were required to support the family. Today, this model remains a reality in many parts of the world. In Canada, things have changed from both a farming and societal perspective. Farming is now a business. People have specific roles, but they are more about managing the business. From a societal perspective, women have education and career interests, interests that may not be focused on the farm. Tradition still exists in the roles on many farms, with the men often doing production related work and women doing the record keeping. Certainly, there are lots of farms where men and women equally share in the operations, management and administration of the business. But what about the situations where the spouse isn’t actively participating in farming at all? There are far too many situations to

address here, but where a spouse can pursue off-farm career interests, a manageable and mutually agreeable arrangement can be attained. It’s often when individual career interests can’t be pursued that it can become challenging. Issues where spouses haven’t been active farming participants become magnified when the family starts to talk about succession planning. It’s important that all family members, especially Mom and Dad, discuss the options. Decisions have to be made, decisions pertaining to farm management and to post-farm retirement. It can be a bit of a leap to expect someone who hasn’t been actively involved in farm management to now be actively involved in what’s going to happen and how this might impact the farm. But they should now be involved because the decisions that are being made will likely affect them personally.

stands what is happening and how it will impact the farm. They don’t need to become experts on the issue but should be able to have a clear understanding about what’s going on and how it will impact them, their families and the farm. The preferred approach is to have people write down and talk about their goals early in their lives and relationships.

Understanding that there may be personal goals that are not farm focused provides a better opportunity to see how individual goals can be accommodated during the farming or, perhaps, post-farming years. The remedy for families that are nearing retirement and having to work through situations where some family members haven’t had an active participation role lies in com-

munication and then, more communication. People have to talk about what they want. Farm families usually find this difficult. There are resources that can help get the communication started. Terry Betker is a farm management consultant based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He can be reached at 204.782.8200 or terry.



Change of scenery Another issue often arises where the spouse who hasn’t been able to pursue personal interests, career or otherwise, because of the farm, now has to decide how they want to live their post-farming years. Is there a non-communicated expectation that it’s now my turn? A couple of things can be done. In situations where the spouse isn’t actively participating and is years away from retirement, a communication structure (formal and scheduled meetings) should be implemented. It’s not that the spouse will decide now that he or she wants an active p a r t i c i p at i o n ro l e, b u t rat h e r acknowledges the reality that exists and creates an opportunity where the spouse can, on a regular basis, be made aware of what’s happening on the farm. Where the spouse is imminently facing succession planning and retirement, specific actions should be taken so that the spouse underaccess=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none

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Rifts among farm groups evident at Cairns meeting

NFU says food security in hands of farmers





A Cairns Group meeting held in Saskatoon last week brought to light some age-old divides among Canada’s farm organizations. During the meeting, farm leaders from the 19 agricultural exporting nations represented by the Cairns Group, issued a communiquĂŠ outlining their concerns with the lack of progress in the Doha round of World Trade Organization talks. They said they did not want to see the WTO adopt a two-tiered “early harvestâ€? approach to the negotiations, which would have countries agree to a smaller deal by the Dec. 31 deadline established by the WTO, with the promise to finish it up later. “Our concerns with that is if you do a Doha-light package and get closure on that there’s a good chance it will be difficult to resurrect the discussions to do anything more,â€? said Kathleen Sullivan, executive director of the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance. “And also, there’s a pretty strong chance that agriculture would get booted out.â€? In their communiquĂŠ the farm leaders called upon world leaders to demonstrate the political will needed to get a deal done. They advocated that Cairns Group ministers lobby their WTO counterparts to agree to a new negotiating process leading up to December’s W TO Ministerial Meeting. But they said there can be no lowering of ambition under an alternative scheme. In addition to locking in previous commitments to remove export subsidies by 2013, substantial progress needed to be made by the WTO across all three pillars of agri-

There’s a lot of concern on our side that we weren’t talking about the balanced trade position that Canada has had all along. RON BONNETT CANADIAN FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE

cultural reform — market access, export competition and domestic support. It was that part of the communiquĂŠ that prevented the Canadian Federation of Agriculture from endorsing the document. The CFA is not on board with eliminating domestic supports, particularly supply management. “There’s a lot of concern on our side that we weren’t talking about the balanced trade position that Canada has had all along,â€? said CFA president Ron Bonnett. “While the CFA supports fair and effective trade rules, our position and that of the Canadian government recognizes there needs to be a balance between domestic and export oriented sectors.â€? Bonnett said the CFA was in agreement with the other farm groups on almost every other aspect of the communiquĂŠ. The CFA wants to see the political will to move discussions forward and “re-engineerâ€? the talks to ensure a fair and rules-based trading system. Another Canadian farm organization wants nothing to do with the WTO process. On the same day that the Cairns Group held a press conference to discuss the outcome of two

days of meetings, the National Farmers Union held a press conference at a hotel across the street to offer up an alternative view on trade liberalization. NFU president Terry Boehm told reporters that chemical companies, grain companies, fertilizer suppliers and seed suppliers have been the beneficiaries of trade agreements, not farmers. “What we’ve seen is in spite of increasing our agricultural output, increasing our trade, farmers are burdened with the heaviest debt loads in history,� said Boehm. He said the good times in the farm economy have nothing to do with trade and everything to do with production problems around the world, noting that Canada’s 220,000 farmers had accumulated $64 billion in debt by the end of 2010. Boehm blamed unbridled trade for the weakening of farmer-friendly institutions like the Canadian Wheat Board, the Canadian Grain Commission and supply management. “They are increasingly under attack and really under imminent threat of being dismantled,� he said. “We feel that these are all steps backwards when you talk about liberalized trade.�

Farmers need reward for higher production, says NFU

Global food security took centre stage at the 36th Cairns Group meeting held in Saskatoon last week. This is the first time members discussed ways scientific innovations and rules-based trade can meet global food security objectives. Members agreed that food production must be doubled in the next 40 years to keep up with global food demands, said Gerry Ritz, federal agriculture minister. Unfortunately, agricultural innovations that can help food production shortages are being met with resistance in today’s trade environment, he said. Ron Bonnett, president the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, called the meeting a success. Ministers focused on the need for innovation research to solve global food security concerns, an area that needs to be urgently addressed, he said. “We have to use every bit of technology ‌ to boost ‌ productivity,â€? Bonnett said. But not everyone is sold on the Cairns Group road map to global food security. Terry Boehm, president of the National Farmers Union, is not conv i n c e d t h a t t h e Ca i r n s G ro u p approach to food security is the correct strategy to combat the food safety difficulties ahead. “Global food security will be the result of farmers (being) on the land,â€? he said. He said trade policies have driven farmers off the land and placed the responsibility of food production in the hands of a few large corporations.

NFU president Terry Boehm said good prices for food lead to higher production and food security. | JOHN B. PLUCK PHOTO

Boehm believes trade policies and scientific innovation agendas to address food security concerns translate into intellectual property rights restrictions for local farmers. He wants farmers to retain control of genetic innovation within agriculture and to receive better financial rewards for their farm produce. Good agricultural prices leads to increases in food production, said Boehm. A more localized food production system would better serve issues surrounding food security, said Boehm. Current estimates show that the global population will increase to nine million by 2050, with agricultural production needing to increase by 70 per cent. Ritz said the Cairns group will work on recommendations to address trade distorting measures that can affect food security. They will be presented at the December World Trade Organization ministerial meeting.








Canada sets date for talks with Morocco It would be Canada’s first deal with an African nation BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Logan Grant and his crew were finishing custom combining a canola field on the Ray Watkins farm near Aylesbury Sask., Aug. 28. Since then harvest has been in full swing in this area due to continuous warm weather. | MICKEY WATKINS PHOTO

Canada has set a date to launch free trade negotiations with Morocco, an important market for Canadian durum and pulses. Canadian agriculture minister Gerry Ritz and his Moroccan counterpart Aziz Akhannouch settled on the starting date during last week’s Cairns Group ministerial meeting in Saskatoon. The first round of negotiations will take place the week of Oct. 11 in Ottawa. “A free trade agreement w ith Morocco would be Canada’s first with an African country and would serve as a gateway to opportunities for Canadian businesses in key areas such as agriculture, manufacturing and service industries in the Mediterranean and North African markets” said Ed Fast, Canada’s minister of International Trade. Pulse Canada was pleased to hear that the discussions will kick off next month. The group has been pushing for rapid progress in free trade discussions with a market that consumes about 22,000 tonnes of Canadian pulses each year worth $15 million. Canadian pulses face a 50 percent import duty heading into Morocco, which is higher than some other exporters pay, placing Canadian pulses at a significant competitive disadvantage. Tariff reduction on lentil exports was a topic of conversation between Ritz and Akhannouch when the two agriculture ministers met at a lunch meeting hosted by Pulse Canada during the Cairns Group meeting.




RURAL ROOTS STRONG FOR MANITOBA FAMILY The Greig family enjoys a rural lifestyle while running a seed and cattle business on their farm near Reston, Man. | Page 84




Abandoned water wells pose public safety risk Farmers must follow rules for cleaning and sealing off decommissioned wells BY BRENDA KOSSOWAN FREELANCE WRITER

New system tracks surgical patients

Rural landowners in Alberta are encouraged to clean up and seal off unused or unusable water wells. The major concern is that an unused well can introduce contaminants to the aquifer below, said Albert Kuipers, executive director of the Grey Wooded Forage Association and a technician with the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development also says that unused wells pose a public safety hazard and can cause other problems in the aquifer, including intermixing of water between aquifers of different water quality. Pit wells, which are no longer legal in Alberta, are vulnerable to overland flooding, which can then pour contaminants directly into the aquifer, said Kuipers. Alberta legislation requires that landowners decommission any well that is no longer being used, is in a poor state of repair with pumping equipment that has been taken off or cannot be repaired or replaced or produces water that is unsuitable for drinking.

Surgical Information System | Goal is to reduce wait times and keep families better informed

Provincial procedures

Kate Harris and Shayla and Kyle Gerencer took advantage of a warm summer evening to ride horses down a gravel road north of Strathmore, Alta. The Prairies are experiencing unseasonably warm temperatures in early September. | KEVIN LINK PHOTO



Two Saskatchewan hospitals have implemented a new information management system designed to reduce wait times and better serve surgical patients and their families. The Battlefords Union and Lloydminster hospitals in Saskatchewan’s Prairie North Health Region have now joined hospitals in Prince Albert and Moose Jaw in implementing the Surgical Information System. SIS is a computerized system, which is linked to the province’s surgical wait list and allows patients to be booked for surgery electronically. Once a patient arrives for surgery, the software allows family members to track the patient’s progress through t h e w a rd s o n s c re e n s l o c a t e d throughout the facility. Jackie Baynham, nurse manager of the Battlefords Union Hospital’s operating room, post-anesthesia care unit, and sterilization and reprocessing department, says the ability

Dr. Patrick O’Keefe, right, works with the new Surgical Information System at the Battleford Union Hospital. | PRAIRIE NORTH HEALTH REGION PHOTO for family to track a patient’s progress is one of the system’s most immediate benefits. “It’s just kind of opened up those communication lines for family members, so they don’t have to worry as much because they can see their

family member moving through the facility as expected,” she said. The system integrates patient recordkeeping, with nurses charting patients by computer instead of manually. The system’s work isn’t finished once a surgery is complete. It is then

linked to the hospital’s inventory management system. After a procedure is done, it ensures that supplies used are catalogued and replaced in the operating room. The development of the new system is part of an overall strategy to reduce wait times in the province, said Brenda Jameson, acting chief executive officer of E-Health Saskatchewan, the crown corporation that oversees electronic patient records. She said that while the system is expected to generate some cost savings in the long run, it is primarily a tool designed to further the province’s goal of reducing surgical wait times. “So we focus on [wait times] rather than on how much money can we save, because it is ultimately all about patients,” she said. Baynham said that the system is already showing promise after being brought online about two months ago. She pointed out that the information stored by the system will also enable better auditing of how hospital resources are used.

The province prescribes procedures for cleaning and sealing off wells. They include removing the casing or perforating casing that cannot be removed, flushing the well and the types of the materials that are acceptable for plugging the well once it has been cleaned out. The method used for placing plugging material is a vital component of the nine-step process the province has laid out for decommissioning wells. In some instances, including shutting off a flowing well, the province asks that landowners hire professionals to perform the work. Wo rksh o ps hav e been set u p through the agricultural service offices in many municipal districts and counties to help landowners, says Kuipers. Information is available through each municipality’s agricultural service office or by contacting the Alberta Agriculture Information Centre, 310-3276 or visiting www. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none






Alta. program blazes trails in science Link with university, college | Goal is to attract more rural students into science

Sleep woes linked to health problems HEALTH CLINIC


Science, cities and laboratories seem to go together. But not necessarily. A rural youth science network scheduled for launch in November aims to show rural students in grades 9 to 12 how science connects with their everyday lives and is also an attractive career choice. “There’s always kind of a feeling that science happens in the big cities, at the universities and laboratories,” said Arlene Ponting, chief executive officer of the Science Alberta Foundation. “The best science happens in the rural areas, in the fields, in the forests, in the drilling and the oilsands. That’s where the science plays out.” Science Alberta is organizing the rural youth program that will initially involve the University of Lethbridge and Red Deer College in work with rural high school students. “We want everybody in rural Alberta to know science really happens there and good jobs are there, so it’s kind of a bit of an attitude shift,” Ponting said. Using $900,000 from the Rural Alberta Development Fund, augmented by money and in-kind donations to total $1.2 million, Science Alberta expects to blaze a trail with the new course. Students will choose science topics of interest and plan an exploration with the help of facilitators from each of the post-secondary institutions. Ponting gave an example of an access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none



How many hours of sleep should a person have each night to stay healthy? Some people say eight hours, but I usually only sleep for six. I often have a problem falling asleep. Do you have any suggestions for getting a good night’s sleep?


The best science happens in the rural areas, in the fields, in the forests, in the drilling and the oilsands. That’s where the science plays out. ARLENE PONTING SCIENCE ALBERTA FOUNDATION

exploration of concussions in hockey. To explore that issue, students could visit the U of L neurosciences department, talk to professors, take apart a hockey helmet and build a computer model of how a concussion occurs in the brain. The program will be organized to

have extensive social media components so students can share what they’ve learned with their peers and others, Ponting said. “(We want) to engage their minds, to get them curious, to get them wanting to find out more, to learn that by asking experts, they can find things out. To make sense of it in their world, and to present it in a way that their peers can make sense of it too.” The goal is to lead students down a science and technology career path at a time in their education when career decisions are made. The program will begin in November with “a manageable number” of students, though that number is yet to be determined. Over time, it is expected to expand

to three other post-secondary institutions in the province that have yet to be selected. Ponting said the program will be guided by students’ interests and facilitators, but within various parameters. “We don’t want to be formulaic and direct what this is, because that’s not what this whole youth engagement social media context is,” she said. “Nobody’s done this, so we can’t follow how it’s been done in other places. We’re going to be trailblazing.” Ponting said the foundation has strong relationships with both Red Deer College and the U of L, which will be good places to start the program. For more information, contact Maureen Church at maureenc@

Difficulty sleeping at times is so common that it affects almost half the population. Doctors recommend between seven and eight hours each night, but many people seem to be OK with less. Children and teenagers need more sleep and should have nine hours. Many teenagers get sleep deprived because they’re using cellphones and computers well into the night. Parents should be aware of this and check that this is not happening. Sleeping less than six or more than nine hours has been linked to illnesses such as depression. Neurotransmitter chemicals such as serotonin or norepinephrine that are responsible for brain cells signalling each other may be deficient in people with sleep disorders and depression. In these cases, anti-depressant medications may be the solution. Getting insufficient sleep has also been linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact: access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none



Hired help often falls between the legal cracks THE LAW



I am what used to be called a hired man. I was discussing my wages with my boss the other day, and he said I was not entitled to overtime and minimum wage or other items that most workers get. Is that true?


This will depend on where you live. These matters are dealt with by provincial law, not federal, so your province of work and residence will dictate which laws apply to you. In most provinces, certain workers are exempted from labour protection laws. You’ll be pleased to know that lawyers are among them, but so are farmers and farm labourers. For example, on the Prairies, farm

workers are generally excluded from minimum wage laws. To my knowledge, provinces including Alberta, Sa s k at c h e w a n , Ma n i t o b a a n d Ontario do not have minimum wage standards for those working in the agricultural industry. Some farm workers do, such as in intensive livestock operations or hatcheries or plant nurseries. Other provinces have a hybrid system, calling for minimum wages if you work for a commercial agricultural enterprise, but not if you work for a traditional family farm. These laws try to have the best of both worlds. I have looked at labour laws across Canada. In most cases, hours of work, minimum wages, overtime, holiday pay and work standards do not apply to farm workers. There is a blanket exemption that permits employers to avoid paying according to established standards. In those provinces where agriculture is a mainstay of the economy, farm workers’ protection is minimal, at best. Of more concern are exclusions from occupational health and safety

laws. Farm workers will do activities that are dangerous and not supervised by any government agency. This has led to death and injury in the past, and has spurred calls for legislative reform. Without any government supervision and safety modelling, farm workers are at the whim of their bosses. Without legislation, it is only if you take care of yourself and negotiate better working conditions that things improve or dangerous practices stop. Saskatchewan, for example, broadened its occupational health and safety coverage to include farm workers. The farm owner or operator is responsible for knowing and implementing safety laws. However, this requirement is not universal in all provinces. On the other hand, my research shows Alberta is not protecting its workers through use of this legislation. An incident that occurred a few years ago where three farm workers died on the job renewed demands for legislative reform, but things have moved slowly. The call for change accelerated

when the Alber ta government broadened coverage to include volunteer firefighters as well as those who are paid. No one argued that these volunteers risk their lives to preserve lives and property and deserve coverage. But it was also argued that it is difficult to understand why farm workers would be denied similar protection and benefits when farming can be a dangerous profession. It’s hard to say why this is as true in 2011 as it was a century ago. Some critics say it is because farms are generally marginal enterprises economically, and adhering to these standards would impose economic hardship on the owners or operators. Some say it’s a throwback to farming being a chosen lifestyle, and there are other, less tangible compensations for being on the farm. Whatever the reason, the winds of discontent and, perhaps, change are blowing across the fields and valleys where farm workers labour. Rick Danyliuk is a lawyer with McDougall Gauley LLP in Saskatoon. Contact: access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none

• Stick to a routine bedtime as much as possible, even on weekends. Try not to nap during the day. • Avoid caffeine containing drinks such as coffee, tea, colas or hot chocolate for several hours before bedtime. Alcohol may help some people get to sleep, but can also wake you up a few hours later. • Avoid eating too late at night. This can cause heartburn or acid reflux. • Keep the bedroom cool, dark and noise free. Get dark coloured drapes or blinds or wear a dark eye mask. Wear ear plugs and turn down the thermostat at night. • Keep a sleep journal for a few weeks and record daily activities and what you eat and drink to determine if a pattern of insomnia emerges.





Taste of farming lifestyle gets family hooked Off-farm jobs, education | The children plan to return to agriculture in the near future BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

RESTON, Man. — Having 125 cowcalf pairs and a pedigreed seed plant business can seem like a prescription for exhaustion in the midst of the busy cropping season. But for the Greig family this summer, it was a blessing. “My fear is for everyone’s (in the area) psyche,” said Fred Greig. “As much as you curse the cows and seed most years at this time, right now at least you’re able to think of other things. If you’re just a grain guy, it’s all you can think about. “If you didn’t get a crop in and have nothing else, it’s going to be a long winter.” The Greigs got only 15 percent of their 4,400 acres of cropland seeded. That’s a common situation in a huge area of central and southwestern Manitoba. On this day, almost the only thriving vegetation in the area was the huge flushes of weeds spread across fields. In the seed business, Fred hears much anxiety and worry in local farmers. But it doesn’t seem to wear off on him, his wife, Lori, or their three children, Allie, Stephanie and Cameron. “Fred has always loved his work,” said Lori, who teaches Grades 5 and 6 in nearby Reston. “He has the most positive attitude. We balance out because I tend to see the gloom and doom.” In 1975, Lori wasn’t the least bit interested at the retirement sale of the McLean family, who sold the farm to the Greigs. A young Fred, whose family farmed about 15 kilometres away, remembers seeing the out-of-place city kids ogling the big iron. “He thought: ‘Those sure are some dumb city kids,’” said Lori. “The irony is that he ended up marrying one.” Lori and Fred became high school sweethearts, but didn’t move immediately into full-time farming. Lori wanted to be a teacher and Fred a banker, so each pursued education and jobs that led them to other southwestern Manitoba communities. Fred worked as a lender with a Virden credit union, then as a finance manager for Manitoba’s government farm credit organization in Melita. Lori worked at schools around the southwest. On the side, Fred was farming, and as he built up his capital and abilities, he, Lori and their children moved onto her dad’s farm. The combination of father and son-in-law worked out well, with Fred keen to run the machinery and leave the management to Jack. Jack, as he approached retirement, eased back from management and preferred to work the fields. The pedigreed seed business was a good fit for Fred because of his years as an agricultural lender.

ABOVE: Fred and Lori Greig, left, say their children, Stephanie, Allie, and Cameron, have farming in their blood. BELOW: Cameron and Stephanie show pictures of the family’s flooded farm fields. Families in the area have been coping with flooding and stress for two years. | ED WHITE PHOTOS “I got to see inside of so many farms and see what they were doing right and what they were doing wrong,” said Fred. Lori had to take a number of term positions as a teacher because of the dearth of local school jobs. “She had to sacrifice a lot, that’s for sure,” said Fred. But one of the greatest challenges the family faced was Cameron’s asthma. “We had many, many scary trips to the hospital in Reston or Melita when he had almost quit breathing,” said Lori. “And now, there’s no hospital services in Reston, often not in Melita. You hope to get to Virden if you can, or Brandon. We would be in trouble if he was a baby now.” Cameron, 18, plans to go to Winnipeg this fall, where he will be studying agribusiness at the University of Manitoba. He hopes to return to agriculture when he’s older. “I don’t want to get too far away from farming,” he said. “It’s kind of up in the air right now. I haven’t ruled out coming back.” Stephanie, 21, also hasn’t ruled out coming back to the area. She just completed her arts degree in Winnipeg and plans a trip to France where she will work as an au pair for three months. Then she plans to return to take environmental design. Her reason to come back to the Res-

If you didn’t get a crop in and have nothing else, it’s going to be a long winter. FRED GREIG MIXED FARMER

ton area is similar to her mother’s reason for remaining here. “I have fallen in love with a farmer,” she said. “That disease is catching,” said Lori. Allie, like her mother, had no interest as a teenager in living on a farm or in the country. “I would have said I want to be anywhere but here. I never want to come back to the farm,” said Allie, who is teaching at a Brandon school. “The older I get, the more important I realize it has been for me, what it has meant for me.” Now her ambition is to be a small town school teacher in southwestern Manitoba. “I love the rural schools. That’s where my heart is,” said Allie. Looking back to that auction day, Lori laughs that she’s the one that’s there now. “My brothers and sisters were really excited about it. I wasn’t,” said Lori. “But they’re all long gone, far away from here, and I fell in love with a farmer and stayed. And we love it.”





Parsnips versatile, flavourful but often forgotten vegetable TEAM RESOURCES



arsnips are among my favourite vegetables. Their sweet taste is delicious alone or in combination with other root vegetables. Serve them boiled and mashed with a touch of butter and salt or add them to bread dough, stews, stir frys or soups. Parsnips are creamy white, carrot shaped, root vegetables. The first frost of the year converts the parsnip’s starch to sugar to give a pleasant sweet flavour that has a spicy nip. Fall and winter are the best seasons to purchase parsnips. S elect small to medium, well-shaped parsnips that are crisp, plump and unblemished. Large parsnips can have woody cores. Store in a perforated plastic bag in a refrigerator crisper for up to two weeks. Parsnips are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, vitamins C, B-6, K and E, folic acid, thiamin and pantothenic acid. They contain iron, calcium, copper, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Source: www.nutrition-and-you. com. Preparation To prepare parsnips, peel or scrape before cutting into cubes, slices, finger-lengths or matchsticks. If the core is tough, remove the woody part. The simplest way to prepare them is to boil or steam until tender. Drain and serve immediately or mash like potatoes and slightly season. My mom would often take the finger length fresh cooked or leftover parsnips and brown them lightly in butter.

HONEY PARSNIPS This recipe enhances the parsnips’ natural sweetness. I found that I liked this recipe better the second day after the parsnips had soaked in the sauce overnight. They can be easily reheated in the microwave.

1/2 c. 1/2 c. 1 tbsp. 5

warm water 125 mL honey 125 mL butter melted 15 mL parsnips, peeled 500 mL and cubed about 2 c.

Preheat the oven to 375 F (190 C). Sir together the water, butter and honey in one quart (1L) casserole until the honey is dissolved. Add the parsnips and mix until well coated with the honey sauce. Bake uncovered until the parsnips are soft, about 30 minutes. Adapted from: allrecipes. com.

BAKED ROOT VEGETABLES This is a savoury combination of potatoes, rutabagas, carrots, parsnips and sweet potatoes. The vegetables can be prepared ahead of time and allowed to marinate for a few hours or overnight. Pop in the oven to bake along with a roast or meat loaf for an easily prepared side dish. This quantity will serve eight and leftovers can be used to make a delicious soup. 1 lb. new potatoes, 500 g scrub clean but don’t peel, cut in halves or quarters 1/2 large rutabaga, peeled and cubed 1 large sweet potato, peeled and cubed 2 large parsnips, peeled and cubed 2 large carrots, peeled and cubed 1/2 large onion, cut into 6 chunks 3 tbsp. oil 45 mL 3 tbsp. sweet red chili 45 mL sauce 2 cloves garlic minced 1 tbsp. Montreal steak 15 mL spice or other steak seasoning Prepare the vegetables and place in a large plastic container. Mix the oil, chili sauce and seasonings together. Add to the vegetables and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. Preheat oven to 375 F (190 C). Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. The vegetables won’t stick to the pan and it makes for easy clean up. Spread vegetables and sauce over the pan and roast vegetables for 20 minutes. Stir and return to the oven for an additional 20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Watch closely that the smaller pieces don’t burn.

Parsnips enhance other root vegetables when roasted together. Use the same recipe to make a pureed vegetable soup and serve with a crusty parsnip Parmesan cheese bread. | BETTY ANN DEOBALD PHOTOS

ROASTED VEGETABLE SOUP Turn the leftover baked root vegetables into a delicious vegetable soup or cook up a batch of the above roasted root vegetables specifically to make this soup. 2 c. roasted vegetables 500 mL 2 c. chicken or 500 mL vegetable broth If you have more vegetables, add an equal amount of broth. Combine and simmer for 10 minutes. Use an immersion blender to puree the soup in the pot, or puree in batches in a blender or food processor. Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve in warmed bowls. Garnish with chopped greens, fresh dill or one tablespoon (15 mL) of sour cream. Serve with crusty bread. Adapted from:

PARSNIP PARMESAN BREAD This bread goes well with the roasted vegetable soup.

2 1/4 tsp. quick rise yeast 11 mL 1 c. white bread flour 250 mL 3/4 c. warm water 175 mL (38 - 43 C) 1 c. parsnip, peeled 250 mL and grated 1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour 375 mL 1 tsp. salt 5 mL 1/8 tsp. white pepper .5 mL 1/2 c. Parmesan cheese 125 mL cooking spray 1 tbsp. cornmeal 15 mL 1 tsp. water 5 mL 1 egg white, lightly beaten 1/4 tsp. coarse salt 1 mL Mix yeast and white flour, add the water and stir in the parsnips. Let rise 10 minutes. Mix one cup (250 mL) whole wheat flour, salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese and stir in until a soft dough forms. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead until smooth and elastic (about eight minutes); add enough of remaining bread flour, one tbsp. (15 mL) at a time, to prevent dough from sticking to hands (dough will feel tacky).

Place dough in a large bowl coated with cooking spray, turning to coat top. Cover and let rise in a warm place 85 F (30 C), free from drafts, for 45 minutes or until doubled in size. (Gently press two fingers into the dough. If indentation remains, dough has risen enough.) Punch dough down, cover and let rest five minutes. Shape into an eight inch (20 cm) oval, place on a baking sheet sprinkled with cornmeal. Lightly spray surface of the dough with cooking spray. Cover and let rise in a warm place 30 minutes or until doubled in size. Preheat oven to 400 F (200 C). Combine one teaspoon (5 mL) water and egg white. Cut a slit in the top of the loaf. Brush with egg white and water and sprinkle loaf with coarse salt. Bake at 400 F (200 C) for 30 minutes or until loaf is browned on the bottom and sounds hollow when tapped. Cool on a wire rack. Betty Ann Deobald is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact:


Stress in relationship over wife’s gum chewing habit SPEAKING OF LIFE



I love my wife dearly and I would not leave her for the

world, but she has a bad habit that is driving me absolutely crazy. She chews gum. No matter where we go or what we do, she always has a wad of gum in her mouth. I think that her gum chewing is demeaning to her and I want her to stop doing it, but she won’t listen to me. She tells me that I am being a nag and that I should concern myself about real problems, like our finances. What can I do? How can I get

her to stop chewing gum?


You can do a number of things to help your wife quit chewing gum, but all of them depend on whether or not she is willing to cooperate with you. You can develop a system of rewards that gives her some kind of kickback when she goes for a period of time without chewing. You can encourage her, reminding her always that she has the fortitude

to give up the gum if she chooses to do so. Forcing her to quit chewing gum could cost you your marriage. You have to respect your wife’s autonomy as a person, even if you do not always appreciate her decisions. The only real option you have for change is for you to change yourself. Remember, gum chewing does not bother your wife. It bothers you. You have to learn to accept your wife’s habits for what they are. Instead of the disgust you feel when

you see her chewing gum, you can learn to ignore what you see her doing or to love her even more than you already do. If you cannot or will not change your attitude toward your wife’s habit, you have to seriously consider whether or not you want your marriage to continue. Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none




Therapist targets body tissue to relieve aches and pains Holistic approach | Practitioner also educates patients on proper posture BY KAREN MORRISON SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Patricia Bijman uses Hellerwork to ease the aches and pains common in her husband, Frank’s, carpentry job. The practice encompasses body, mind and spirit in its approach to healing. | KAREN MORRISON PHOTOS

MELVILLE, Sask. — Body language can tell Patricia Bijman a lot about how a person is feeling. The alternative therapist is one of a handful in Saskatchewan using Hellerwork structural integration to diagnose, treat and educate clients at her Bolance Bodyworks clinic in eastcentral Saskatchewan. “We slouch when we’ve had a bad day,” she said. “How is our selfesteem? We carry it in our bodies too.” She studies how people hold their faces or smile and if they have clenched teeth. “A person just needs to let the face go, let muscles relax,” said Bijman. She said it’s possible to discern a person’s lifestyle from how they carry their shoulders. “You may have some stresses, pressures from life that becomes a pattern in the body,” she said. Unlike chiropractic that works on joints and massage that hits the muscles, Hellerwork focuses on the connective tissue. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none

Super Edge™ flighting for grain augers, combines, & seed cleaning plants.

It involves hands-on body work, postural analysis and movement and education to realign the body and release areas that have become tense, strained, twisted, rotated and misaligned. “People come to see me to loosen up the tissue, then the chiropractor can more easily address the vertebrae he’s working with,” she said. Bijman, a member of the Natural Health Care Practitioners of Canada, received 2,200 hours of training at a program based in Victoria to become a practitioner. She charges $1 per minute, with most sessions booked for 75 minutes. While demonstrating on her husband, Frank, she explained how manipulating the problem area helps quell pain and discomfort. Loosening tight neck muscles helps alleviate migraine headaches. “People on the table feel the release, they feel the shoulders hanging naturally, the hips moving easier or feel it in their feet,” she said. The therapy involves teaching people to be more aware of their bodies and how they move. For example, she encourages clients to lift their feet instead of shuffling while walking or bend at the knees instead of the hips to get something off the floor. “They become more aware of how they use their body,” said Bijman. After harvest, farmers often come to her with tightness in the hips, shoulders and lower backs. She has worked on athletes, including a female body builder’s pectoralis muscles and shoulder. She is often the last stop for those who have tried traditional medicine and pharmaceuticals without success. “They get X-rays and there’s nothing to see,” she said. “I’m convinced we can try first a natural holistic way and if not working, see the conventional medical world.” Cathy Hyndman, who farms at Balcarres, Sask., tried everything from massage and chiropractic to laser therapy and muscle relaxants. “Mostly it’s been just to keep me going. Now I’m just down to (Hellerwork),” she said. Bijman has been aggressively mas-

saging her painful neck and shoulder areas and realigning one shoulder. “It’s a very aggressive massage, she can hit some spots,” said Hyndman. Hyndman has noticed a big improvement and has gone from weekly to monthly treatments that eventually will be down to a few visits each year for maintenance. Bijman sees a maximum of four clients per day because of the physical nature of the work and the need to balance family and work life. She works out of her home where she lives with Frank, a carpenter, and their two school-aged children. They moved to British Columbia from Holland eight years ago, moving again to Saskatchewan in search of contracting work for Frank. The family uses alternative medicine, including a natural dentist, said Bijman, who is trained in therapies ranging from hypnotherapy, body talk and shamanism to meditation, reiki and reflexology. Later this year, she hopes to become certified in manual lymphatic drainage, which involves a light massage that helps to release toxins from the body naturally and is believed to benefit cancer patients.

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Aggressive manipulation of connective tissues helps to release pressure and tension. The alternative therapy can be used to realign limbs and soothe migraine headaches.


THIS WEEK’S TEMPERATURE FORECAST Sept. 15 - 21 (averages are in °C)


THIS WEEK’S PRECIPITATION FORECAST Sept. 15 - 21 (averages are in mm)

Much above normal

Above normal

Churchill Prince George

Churchill Prince George


Edmonton Calgary






Below normal




Saskatoon Regina


Much below normal


The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)





last week High Low Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

31.2 29.1 30.3 29.1 33.2 32.9 30.4 32.5 32.8 32.6 32.1 31.1 28.2 33.9 30.9 31.8 29.0 30.2

MANITOBA Temperature

last week since April 1 mm mm %

7.4 7.1 6.9 8.3 5.5 5.8 3.1 9.5 5.7 2.0 4.7 5.8 5.9 7.6 8.7 1.6 7.6 7.6

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

420.1 292.2 222.8 438.1 273.8 203.5 317.7 208.0 235.6 245.7 381.2 316.2 350.6 212.1 313.5 247.6 365.5 320.4

169 108 94 165 126 93 115 76 81 100 139 126 149 90 135 119 128 123

last week High Low Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

31.3 27.3 30.7 31.9 29.6 28.4 26.9 31.1 31.3 33.0 31.7 28.5 29.2 28.1 26.4 30.5



last week since April 1 mm mm %

4.1 9.6 4.0 5.6 2.2 5.9 6.1 6.0 6.6 6.8 4.4 8.3 5.5 6.9 11.8 3.7

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0

184.5 398.3 406.3 227.2 340.3 348.6 229.8 302.7 313.1 172.5 206.0 350.7 342.6 386.8 336.2 224.2

87 136 147 89 104 126 95 130 114 88 80 136 118 114 111 77

last week High Low Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage la Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

29.7 30.9 31.2 29.2 30.9 30.7 31.0 31.6

Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

5.1 7.9 7.9 9.0 6.6 7.5 4.6 8.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3

423.9 265.8 282.9 389.7 311.9 251.0 241.3 234.2

142 88 92 137 97 81 75 72

5.9 9.5 10.1 4.8 6.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

213.6 417.4 131.1 126.0 265.5

101 150 95 69 101

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

30.0 27.3 33.6 31.4 26.3

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.:





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