VOL. 89 | NO. 43 | $3.75
Maple Leaf changes show bright future SERVING WESTERN CANADIAN FARM FAMILIES SINCE 1923
We will see a fundamental shift Reading the tea of marketing power and leaves | Experts wealth away from prairie ess farmers and into the hands predict what comes after the CWB of huge, foreign-based companies. BY ED WHITE ALLEN OBERG
The Canadian Wheat Board oard and supporters of its monopolyy say the ian grain entire Winnipeg and Canadian led up by trade would likely be gobbled WB goes. foreign companies if the CWB dian grain Many players in the Canadian industry think the board is vastly overrating its importance. But most agree that within a couple years after the end of the marketing monopolies it will become clear whether an independent Canadian industry will exist or if foreign multinationals will take over. “I think we’re going to be in for some major, major change here overr n the next couple of years,” said Adrian Measner, chief executive officer off Mission Terminal, owned by Soumat, and a former chief executivee officer of the Canadian Wheat Board. “I think you’ll find (multinationall grain companies) a lot more activee h and I think we’re going to go through a period of rationalization here overr the next two to three years.” University of Manitoba agriculturall n economist Ed Tyrchniewicz, a grain industry analyst, said he thinks thee changes will be more a form of evolution than devastation. SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, PAGE 2
Winnipeg expansion shows commitment to industry, say hog marketers BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
Farmers should be happy that Maple Leaf Foods is re-engineering its meat processing system, hog marketers and analysts say. Even though it is closing a number of plants — including a bacon plant in North Battleford, Sask. — its choice to build Winnipeg into a world-competitive plant and its modernization of the Saskatoon operation shows there will be demand for prairie pigs in Brandon for years to come, they say. “It looks like Maple Leaf is committed to Manitoba for the long term,” said Hams Marketing general manager Perry Mohr. That view is shared by Brent Moen, the chair of Alberta’s Western Hog Exchange. “The fact that they’re building a world scale plant and consolidating operations into that plant is good for producers,” said Moen, whose organization sells most of its pigs to Olymel in Red Deer. “It has to be good for our industry. Whether it is Maple Leaf or Olymel or anyone who further processes pork, better plants can create better demand.” Maple Leaf’s massive restructuring has several components: • Shutting plants from Moncton, N.B. to Coquitlam, B.C. • Closing the North Battleford bacon plant, cutting 332 jobs, by the end of 2013. • Shutting the Winnipeg Hot Rod meat stick plant in Winnipeg, losing 27 employees, in late 2014. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
The Canadian grain trade has a good asset base and trading ability. There’s certainly life for the grain trade going forward.
I think there will be some companies disappearing here in Winnipeg. What that is depends on how the larger players establish themselves in Winnipeg.
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Pundits speak: what happens next?
There is going to be costs incurred during this crop year. We need to clean up the balance sheet so that we can have a clean starting point at Aug. 1.
We’re cognizant of the fact that this (transition WWW.PRODUCER.COM costs) should not come out of the pools because we don’t want to be saddling farmers with these costs.
What happens next? “It’s not as huge a deal as people are making it out to be,” said Tyrchniewicz. “There will obviously be adjustments, but I don’t see it on the magnitude of an earthquake.” The projections of the Canadian industry disappearing have been repeatedly made by CWB chair Allen Oberg and by monopoly supporters. Oberg repeated those claims the week the government introduced its monopoly-breaking legislation. “ This government ’s re ckless approach will throw Canada’s grain industry into disarray,” said Oberg. “Canada is the last country in the world where giant multinational grain companies cannot source wheat. If the wheat board’s single desk is abolished, that will change. We will see a fundamental shift of marketing power and wealth away from prairie farmers and into the hands of huge, foreign-based companies.” There is a major difference in how different parties in the debate see the impact of the monopoly’s end on the industry. Monopoly supporters generally believe the CWB, with its complexity and regulatory power, is a crucial lynchpin that forces companies to have a large administrative presence in Canada, or for those companies to not be big players in the Canadian grain industry. They say that is why Canada still has Canadian-owned grain companies such as Richardson International and Viterra, and why Cargill has a big head office in Winnipeg. Without the board’s unique marketing complications, global giants will swoop in, buy up Canadian companies, shut down the head offices and run their Canadian operations out of their global headquarters in other countries. Some global businesses involved in Canadian canola, such as Archer Daniels Midland and Bunge, are not now significant players in Canadian wheat and don’t have Canadian head offices to administer their canola operations. But people in much of Winnipeg’s grain trade say the industry is deeply rooted in Canada, was around for decades before the wheat board was created, and has no interest is selling out or shutting down just because the wheat board goes. “The Winnipeg grain trade right now, the core of it, is Cargill and the Richardsons. They’re not going anywhere,” said Brian Hayward, former United Grain Growers and Agricore United CEO. Hayward said if foreign companies decide to get more involved in the
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HERE’S WHERE TO FIND CWB COVERAGE IN THIS ISSUE: • Who pays to close down CWB operations? P.5 • Bill C-18 gets preliminary approval in Parliament
• Opposition stalling tactics won’t deter the federal gov’t plan P.16
• Debate grows stormy as Bill C-18 introduced in Parliament P.16 • CWB speaks about its concerns over the new bill. Check-off collections will change P.81
Returning home: A community pasture recently sent its cattle home for the winter. See page 26. | PAULA LARSON PHOTO
NEWS Canadian grain trade, they would likely want to have a Canadian subsidiary headquarters. In recent weeks companies including Cargill have created new jobs to handle marketing roles now done by the CWB, and companies Richardson International have hired high level CWB staff. And while the C WB has been shrinking in recent years, small companies have been growing in its shadow, hoping to take over the board’s marketing role. The services to farmers and jobs they provide shouldn’t be ignored, they say. “I started this little company with my husband in our basement and we’ve grown it to a staff of 30 in eight or nine years,” said Brenda Tjaden Lepp, co-owner of FarmLink Marketing Solutions, whose office is only three blocks from the CWB head office in Winnipeg. “We’re providing quite a lot of value to farmers. The wheat board doesn’t have a monopoly on providing marketing for farmers.” Paterson GlobalFoods also thinks the basis of the Canadian grain industry won’t disappear along with the CWB’s monopolies. “We’ve been around 103 years,” said Paterson vice-president Keith Bruch, noting that Parrish and Heimbecker has been around 102 years and the Richardsons for more than 150. “The grain trade has been here a long time. It has deep roots. The Canadian grain trade has a good asset base and trading ability. There’s certainly life for the grain trade going forward.” Measner said he thinks the Canadian based grain trade will continue to exist post-monopoly, but that foreign companies will probably come in and either set up offices or try to buy up Canadian companies. “I think there will be some companies disappearing here in Winnipeg.”
» CWB REFORM: Ottawa says » » »
farmers won’t have to pay wind down costs through the pool accounts. 4 COYOTE CONTROL: Coyote complaints go up in Alberta as lamb flocks get bigger. Vigilance is the key. 14 CWB REFORM: Initial debate was short as the bill to eliminate the single desk was introduced in Parliament. 16 TB TEST: The Canadian cattle industry wants to find a more effective blood test for bovine tuberculosis. 18
» LOW STRESS: Producers » » »
lose $5 every time an animal defecates, which means low stress handling is vital. 20 MANITOBA HOGS: The Manitoba throne speech singles out hog producers and worries the industry. 77 OFF THE MARKET: The Alberta government has again cancelled the sale of native grassland. 80 CWB REFORM: A change in the check-off system is seen as a good opportunity to add feed barley to the mix. 81
» »
CWB REFORM: Proposed changes are worrying some buyers of Canadian wheat. 6 AUSSIE WHEAT: High protein wheat could be in short supply from Australia. 7
» SOIL TESTS: Soil sampling is the best way »
to determine a field’s nutrient levels. 22 BIG TARGET: A yield-boosting system produces 117 bushel per acre wheat. 24
» VIDEO SALE: A large dispersal sale in »
Alberta uses video to speed the process. 73 NATURE CONSERVANCY: A B.C. ranch takes steps to preserve its natural grasslands. 74
» WORKERS WANTED: Brandt Group of
Companies has announced it will hire 300 employees in the next 12 months. It is not alone in its need for labour, but finding it can be challenging. 78
» RURAL CHALLENGE: There is no one answer
A graphic element on page 5 of the Oct. 20 issue should have said that supporters of an all-wheat commission in Alberta believe it could raise $3.5 million a year in checkoffs. The information was correct in the story.
to invigorating rural communities. 82 FOOD DESERTS: Urban agriculture may provide better food choices in big cities. 85
Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch Animal Health Money in Your Pocket TEAM Living Tips Speaking of Life
10 11 11 9 75 79 83 84
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Maple Leaf changes signal bright forecast • Investing $420 million in two Ontario plants making processed pork and chicken products, creating 757 jobs. • Expanding the Winnipeg bacon, ham and sausage production plant by $85 million and 334 employees. • Expanding the Saskatoon wiener, sausage and lunch meat plant by $45 million, but no additional employees. • Total cost $550 million. Maple Leaf Foods chief executive officer and its biggest shareholder, Michael McCain, said his company needed to scrap old plants and create new, world class ones to compete with plants operating in the U.S. That thinking makes sense to meat market analyst Kevin Grier of the George Morris Centre in Guelph, Ont. A low Canadian dollar allowed Canadian processors to put off investing in state of the art technology for years, but that’s no longer possible. “The processing industry has been behind and they’ve gotten away with it because they could, but more and more product is coming in from the United States (to Canada), and so to compete they have to operate at scale,” said Grier. Canadian packers have long complained about high wages making them less competitive than U.S. packers, but processors have also suffered from operating plants that were built decades ago for smaller production systems. There are only a handful of slaughter plants in Canada, but many processing plants. Mohr said it makes sense for Maple Leaf to consolidate its operations and improve technology at its plants. “They will probably use as much robotics as they possibly can to minimize costs,” he said. In theory, Maple Leaf should be able to pay farmers more for their pigs at Brandon if they can make more money from the sales of pork products made in Winnipeg and Saskatoon and Brampton and Kitchener, Ont. “If this plant does everything that Maple Leaf says it will do, it should free up some money to flow back to producers,” said Mohr. “At the end of the day, it’s useless unless there are pigs to flow through that facility.” Manitoba Pork Council chair Karl Kynoch said farmers and pork processors have suffered for years, so the announcement that Winnipeg’s plant would be expanded and Saskatoon’s modernized put a smile on his face. “Finally, a good hog day,” said Kynoch. “To see Maple Leaf invest $85 million in the Lagimodiere (Road) plant, and the fact that we have the newest processing plant in Brandon, means Maple Leaf is saying we’re here for the long term.” Grier said Maple Leaf’s world scale plant in Winnipeg will match nicely its world scale slaughter plant in Brandon. Moen said farmers are always worried that processors will abandon the industry if they can’t make money, so it is a relief to see long-term capital invested in pork processing. “It shows they are definitely committed to their business,” said Moen. “They should be applauded for that.”
High River, Alta., firefighters watch a trailer of round hay bales that caught fire a few kilometres north of the Highway 2 overpass on Oct. 23. Traffic was slowed because of the heavy smoke from the fire, which burned for hours. | MIKE STURK PHOTO
Agriculture not election priority Nov. 7 election looms | Crop, hail insurance highlighted by parties in agriculture platforms BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
Farmers and ranchers looking for specific promises from the two main Saskatchewan political parties will have to dig deep into their election platforms. The Saskatchewan Party and the New Democrats released their full platforms last week in advance of the Nov. 7 vote. Neither highlighted agriculture as a main priority. Saskatchewan Party leader Brad Wall said Oct. 24 farmers have been wellserved by his government over the past four years, beginning with loans offered to beleaguered cattle producers just after he took office in 2007. “ The best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour,” he said. The Saskatchewan Party platform lists expanded agricultural extension offices, the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure program and taking over administration of AgriStability as evidence of the government’s commitment to farmers. Improvements made to crop insurance after a review in 2008 were long overdue, Wall said, and the unseeded
acreage benefit was boosted from $50 to $70 per eligible acre this year to help those who were flooded. Wall said he has a good relationship with prime minister Stephen Harper and has obtained support for producers when needed. “People can expect more of that from us should we be fortunate enough to form the government,” he said of his track record. The Saskatchewan Party platform said it will continue to improve crop insurance programs and “other services” for farmers and ranchers. The document also contains an allocation of $1 million to establish an institute for global food security at the University of Saskatchewan. The NDP is promising to improve
crop insurance by spending $50 million per year to reintroduce spot loss hail coverage. Leader Dwain Lingenfelter has talked about the change since taking over the leadership in 2009. Spot loss hail was eliminated in 2002 by the then-NDP government. “It’s one of the issues that I still hear farmers talk about,” he said last week. “Upon election, we’ll start the rigorous debate with Ottawa about how the spot loss hail will be implemented.” The NDP platform document also promises to extend crop insurance coverage to market gardeners and to offer more relief for wildlife damage. The current crop insurance program already offers 100 percent compensation for wildlife damage. The party reiterated its support for the Canadian Wheat Board. The platforms for the Green and Liberal parties don’t make any agricultural promises. The Progressive Conservatives oppose allowing pension funds to invest in Saskatchewan farmland and “would ensure that the growth of farmland limited partnerships do not become a threat to the viability of
our family farm base or the economic health of our rural communities.” Nominations closed Oct. 22 with 191 candidates in the 58 constituencies. The Saskatchewan Party, NDP and Green party are running full slates. The Liberals are running nine candidates, the Progressive Conservatives are running five and the Western Independence Party two. A Regina man is running as an independent in Regina Qu’Appelle Valley. The number of candidates is down from 239 in 2007, mainly because the Liberals fielded candidates in all constituencies in that election. Leader Ryan Bater said the decision was made to focus attention on his seat in The Battlefords. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Tallying it up: who pays windup costs? BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
The federal government left lingering questions last week about the costs of moving away from singledesk grain marketing and who will pay the tab. David Anderson, parliamentary secretary for the Canadian Wheat Board, said in a parliamentary debate that farmers “should not be left alone” to deal with the extraordinary costs of winding down the monopoly. He said the government will assist with those costs while being responsible with taxpayer dollars. However, Canadian Wheat Board chair Allen Oberg said that sounds a lot like cost sharing. “That’s what I read into that, which is a very different message than we were hearing from government earlier on.” Oberg said farmers shouldn’t be picking up the costs of an initiative forced down their throats by the federal government. Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz sounded more definitive than Anderson about who will pay the transition costs. “We’re cognizant of the fact that this should not come out of the pools because we don’t want to be saddling farmers with these costs,” he said in an interview. “We want to be sure that the new entity has a chance to survive without carrying a huge mortgage right off the start.” The wheat board has put together estimates in conjunction with KPMG suggesting the transition to a voluntary board could cost as much as $500 million. CWB chief financial officer Brita Chell said the expenses associated with moving from a monopoly controlling 20 million tonnes of grain a year to a much smaller voluntary entity are going to happen quickly. “There is going to be costs incurred during this crop year. We need to clean up the balance sheet so that we can have a clean starting point at Aug. 1.” There will be five categories of expenses: • Renegotiating debt instruments — The new entity isn’t going to access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Farmers and farm group leaders gathered on railroad tracks Oct. 21 to protest recent remarks by prime minister Stephen Harper and to show their support for the Canadian Wheat Board and opposition to legislation intended to eliminate the board’s single desk. The staged the rally near Colonsay, Sask. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTOS
need the $1.26 billion in borrowings that was on the books at the end of 2010. There could be costs associated with getting rid of that old debt and negotiating new loans, depending on market conditions. • Renegotiating operational contracts — Arrangements such as terminal agreements and freight contracts for moving grain through the Great Lakes were
negotiated when the CWB was a much bigger entity. “We aren’t going to have that kind of volume in the future,” said Chell. “We will have to either get out of those contracts or renegotiate those contracts, and as with anything there’s always penalties and costs associated with that.” One big contract that may have to be renegotiated is the deal with Algoma Central Corp. to spend $65
million on the construction of two new ships. Chell said the new voluntary CWB may still need the vessels, but there is a chance the contract would have to be broken, which again would involve penalties. • Liquidation of fixed assets — “In a smaller organization we wouldn’t have a need for all those desks and chairs and big computer systems,” said Chell. The CWB had about $130 million
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worth of computer systems on the books as of July 31, 2010. These are customized systems related to pooling that would be worthless to other companies, so there could be a significant hit to the balance sheet if it had to get rid of them. • Other considerations related to finalizing the pool accounts after July 31 — It will take a few months to wrap things up, which will entail labour and other expenses. • Paying out severance costs and pensions for some of the CWB’s 430 employees who will be losing their jobs. Ritz called the KPMG estimates “staggering in scope” and “unbelievable.” “I don’t think the wind down costs will be anything like what the wheat board is predicting,” he said. A senior Agriculture Canada official who did not want to be identified said the CWB’s estimates were based on the organization ceasing to exist rather than continuing as a voluntary board as envisioned in the legislation. Renegotiating contracts and maintaining some CWB staff would minimize those costs. There may also be discrepancies in what the CWB and the government thinks are reasonable expenditures, such as those related to severance packages. That is why the federal government will be hiring an accounting firm to go through the CWB’s books and developing its own cost estimates. The firm is expected to travel to Winnipeg in the next couple of months.
CWB estimates $500 million | The federal government will hire an accounting firm to develop its own cost estimate
Tories push through contentious bill BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
Farmers and farm group officials listen to Bill Gehl, chair of the Canadian Wheat Board Alliance, speak to the crowd.
In the early evening of Oct. 24, the Conser vatives accomplished a decades-long dream for many supporters, winning a parliamentary vote that will lead to abolition of the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly. With 39 MPs not in the House of Commons, the final vote on second reading approval-in-principle for Bill C-18 was 151-118. All opposition MPs opposed it. Conser vative MPs, who hold a majority government, greeted the result with prolonged applause. The bill now will go to a special legislative committee for what is expected to be relatively fast approval. Membership of the committee was to have been announced by Oct. 27. Unlike a standing Commons committee such as agriculture, a special legislative committee typically examines the details of legislation rather than the broad principles. Opposition critics said it was an attempt by the government to exclude witnesses from re-debating the merits or disadvantages of the 68-year-old CWB single desk. The government has vowed to get the bill out of Parliament by midDecember. The legislation would abolish the single desk Aug. 1, 2012, and put the wheat board in the hands of five government-appointed directors. All 10 elected directors will be dismissed when C-18 become law. The final day of debate before the government forced the vote Oct. 24 after just three days included drama, accusations, a crucial ruling by speaker Andrew Sheer and an allegation that prairie Conservative MPs who also produce grain were in a conflict of interest. Winnipeg Centre New Democrat Pat Martin said MPs are bound by a conflict-of-interest code that they are not allowed to take part in debates or Commons votes that could change policy in a way that would benefit them or their families. He said if the Conservatives believe their argument that an end to the board monopoly will improve farmer returns, then they will benefit and should not have voted.
“There’s at least seven, if not more, possibly nine Conservative MPs who are engaged in grain farming or at least their families are at this point that I believe are in direct conflict of interest,” Martin said. He named Alberta’s Ted Menzies, Rob Merrifield, Leon Benoit, Kevin Sorenson and Earl Dresshen, as well as David Anderson and Randy Hoback from Saskatchewan, and said there could possibly be two others. Martin noted that when the Commons debated and voted on a government bailout for the auto industry during the recession, two Ontario Conservatives with car dealerships stood aside from the vote. Conservative MPs that the New Democrat MP pestered about potential conflict either laughed it off or ignored the point. During the final hours of debate, Conservatives challenged the validity of the CWB-sponsored plebiscite that found 62 percent of wheat farmers and 51 percent of barley farmers in favour of the single desk. Saskatchewan MP David Anderson, parliamentary secretary on the CWB file, talked about a “little old lady” who approached a politician to say her brother and sister both received ballots but they were dead. He said opposition MPs should not give “credence to such a flawed survey.” Meanwhile, Scheer cleared the way for the evening vote earlier in the day when he ruled against Liberal Wayne Easter, who had argued that the bill was illegal because the government is not following the rules requiring a farmer vote in the CWB Act. C-18 will abolish the CWB Act. Scheer sided with government arguments that governments have the right to amend or abolish legislation passed by a former government. He cited a parliamentary authority to make his point. Peter Hogg’s volume on parliamentary rules says: “Not only may the Parliament or Legislature, acting within its allotted sphere of competence, make any law it chooses, it may repeal any of its earlier laws,” Hogg wrote. “This citation rightfully underscores Parliament’s continued right to legislate,” ruled Sheer. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Harvest canola despite green seed, says agronomist Avoid overwintering in field | Scavenging rodents hurt yields and mould reduces grain quality BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Growers waiting for green seed counts to drop before harvesting canola should rethink that approach, says the Canola Council of Canada. The only way that will happen is if rain and humidity lift canola moisture back above 20 percent. But if moisture levels get that high there is a good chance the crop would not dry down again enough to harvest before snowfall. “The best bet would be to harvest
the crop now to maintain the yield and quality that’s there and start looking for buyers,” said Kristen Phillips, agronomy specialist with the council. “If canola stays in the field all winter, high green seed counts won’t be your only quality issue.” Canola that overwinters is often downgraded to sample due to mould damage and free fatty acids in the oil. There are also yield losses from shelling, rodents and a drop in bushel weight. Growers who have already com-
bined canola with high green seed counts should consider marketing the crop as soon as possible. “Early delivery is ideal because canola with a higher percentage of green seeds tends to spoil faster,” said Phillips. Discounts for high green seed counts are not as high as discounts for heated canola, which can be a real problem for growers storing high green seed canola. Growers should check bins frequently and may need to move the grain around to ensure hot pockets
are identified right away. Daryl Beswitherick, program manager for quality assurance at the Canadian Grain Commission, said the green seed problem is no bigger this year than in a normal year. “There are no alarm bells going off. We talked with the industry. Nobody is real anxious about it that we’ve heard,” he said. Chlorophyll content in the 1,208 samples of No. 1 canola analyzed by the commission as of Oct. 21 was 13.8 milligrams per kilogram, which is above the 12.6 mg/kg in the 2010
harvest but lower than the 15.4 mg/ kg in the 2009 survey. Beswitherick said the number will likely rise because some canola still in the fields in Alberta reportedly contains a lot of green seed. But he doesn’t believe it will reach a level that would be considered beyond normal. Phillips said growers may be able to blend some of their green seed contaminated canola with better quality product but if the level of contamination is too high, the council has a list of companies that buy downgraded product. access=subscriber section=news,crops,none
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Customer opinion mixed on CWB change Foreign buyers in the dark | Some buyers look forward to an open market, others worry quality will suffer order is what you get when you order Canadian wheat,” said Smyth. His customers want concrete evidence that they can count on sourcing the same consistent quality of wheat in a post-single desk environment that they received under the CWB monopoly.
Canadian wheat buyers are expressing feelings that range from neglect and confusion to relief and anticipation in the wake of legislation intended to pave the way for an open market for wheat and barley. Some say they have been left in the dark throughout the process. “This has all been about farmers. I don’t think anyone has talked to customers, which is perhaps a little surprising given that more than three-quarters of Canadian wheat is exported,” said Jeffrey Smyth, president of Database Analysts Ltd. Smyth is a Canadian-based consultant who has worked with Japanese food companies for more than 40 years. Japan is Canada’s second biggest export market for wheat. His customers feel abandoned by a process that didn’t include input from foreign buyers and confused about how to proceed come Aug. 1, 2012 when Canada transitions to an open market. Smyth said the way that the change has happened flies in the face of what is taught in Marketing 101. “You usually start with what the customer wants and work your way back as to how to provide it. In this case we seem to be starting from the o t h e r e n d a n d ju s t ma k i n g a n assumption that this is going to be fine with the customers,” he said. There could be repercussions. When a buyer operates in a market characterized by “confusion and no information,” they tend to gravitate to alternative markets that offer certainty and familiarity. “(Buyers) do have other options. There are other people in the world selling wheat,” said Smyth. Gordon Harrison, president of the Canadian National Millers Associaaccess=subscriber section=markets,none,none
Some international buyers want assurances that grain quality will be maintained. | FILE PHOT0 tion, represents a group that is the largest buyer of Canadian wheat. His members like to manage supply and price risk by forward contracting their wheat for up to 12 months. They were concerned they wouldn’t be able to enter into such agreements for the 2012-13 crop year. “We are pleased to see that (Bill) C-18 contains provisions in Part 1 that will allow producers and the rest of the supply chain to do this as soon as the bill receives royal assent. The remaining uncertainty is when that will occur,” said Harrison in an e-mail. He was also pleased with the affirmation that the CWB will retain con-
trol over the marketing of the entire 2011 crop and stocks from prior harvests. “Canadian millers and their customers in particular need this certainty and we are pleased to see that the interests of customers have been recognized in drafting (Bill) C-18 and (in) the minister’s transition plan.” The United States is Canada’s top export market for wheat and durum. The North American Millers’ Association, whose members represent about 95 percent of U.S. milling capacity, is pleased the single desk is being eliminated. “That has been NAMA’s position for more than 10 years,” said the association in an e-mail.
“We must have access to Canadian wheat, regardless of the seller. Currently there is only one seller but we look forward to the day when millers can buy from many sellers. More competition in a free market would be best.” Smyth saw nothing in the legislation addressing the biggest concern for the Japanese food companies he represents; how Canada will continue to provide the best wheat in the world when an organization that had a lot to do with maintaining that quality will have a diminished role. “The Japanese will pay up to 10 percent more for Canadian wheat than wheat that comes from anywhere else in the world because what you
David Anderson, parliamentary secretary for the CWB, addressed that concern during the parliamentary debate surrounding Bill C-18. “It is farmers who grow the grain, not the Canadian Wheat Board. The quality will not change because of the changes we would make,” he said. “The Canadian Grain Commission would continue to provide its services, regardless of who is marketing the grain.” But CWB chair Allen Oberg said quality will be a casualty of the move to an open market. “Over time, we’ll move to an American-type system,” he said. That will mean a shift in focus to quantity from quality. “Everybody out there will just be interested in volumes and making sales.” Oberg said the CWB played a crucial role in maintaining quality by providing customer feedback to the wheat industry, such as their concerns with the Grandin and Alsen wheat varieties. “It was at the wheat board’s insistence that those varieties were pulled out of the system.”
Companies may seek fewer grain classes to simplify handling BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
Farmers might market fewer classes and grades of wheat in a postmonopoly world. Economists and industry players expect the wide waterfront of Canadian Wheat Board wheat divisions to narrow once the board no longer controls the huge western Canadian crop. “The wheat board was obligated to take this grain from farmers. A grain company is not,” said agricultural
economist Ed Tyrchniewicz. “My guess is that there will be pressure to simplify the grading system.” Canada’s grain system has many wheat divisions by class and grade,
far more than most other countries. Experts say that is because the CWB takes control of a vast western Canadian wheat crop and can identify exact amounts of product it has to sell. Even small amounts of specific qualities and grades can be marketed by a large agency that can combine shipments from many sources. However, some analysts say grain companies in an open market will not be able to be sure of supplies that they haven’t yet bought. As well, they might not know for
sure how much of any specific class and quality they can safely contract to a buyer. They also might not want to handle so many different divisions of wheat because it makes grain handling more complex and less efficient. With less security of supply and a high cost of handling small quantities of specific types, companies will probably want to handle fewer, larger divisions of wheat. “There will probably be fewer segregations in the system just because they will be less affordable,” said Uni-
versity of Saskatchewan agricultural economist Richard Gray. University of Manitoba Transport Institute analyst Paul Earl told the recent Fields on Wheels conference in Winnipeg that wheat divisions might become simpler, but wheat would always be a more complex commodity because its end uses are more complex. Wheat millers have more specialized needs than the one simple standard on which crops like lentils and canola are built. access=subscriber section=markets,none,none
Cam Dahl, a former Canadian Grain Commission commissioner, said a post-monopoly grain system will see farmers contracted to grow specialized wheat. “I think you’re going to see more contracts like the Warburton’s contract, where you have specific mills and buyers in other countries ‌ contracting for specific varieties,â€? said Dahl. Wheat marketing could become more complex and variety specific, which is not common now.
Barry Senft, a former Canadian International Grains Institute head and former vice-president of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, said buyers and processors will have the biggest impact on what grain companies choose to buy from farmers. “Canada will be tailoring the wheat to fit that particular customer,� said Senft. “It depends what the customer wants.� The CWB is now required to move all the non-feed wheat that farmers produce. It tries to encourage them to grow types of wheat that buyers want and will pay for, but has to market the grain regardless. However, after the monopoly disappears, no one will be forced to move wheat types or grades for which there isn’t a strong demand or can’t be moved easily. Tyrchniewicz said farmers will need to check with grain companies and marketers about what buyers want them to produce. He also said grain companies will push for the grain commission to drop micro-divisions of quality because they add little value but add much complexity to grain storage and handling. Many farmers prefer multiple wheat divisions because it allows the CWB to obtain premiums for providing buyers with specialized products, but others wish wheat was less onerous to store, market and move. Regardless of what farmers want, Tyrchniewicz thinks grain companies will push hard to make wheat less of a drag on their systems. Other commodities move with far greater efficiency and less cost. “Other grain grading systems in wheat are much, much less complicated,� said Tyrchniewicz. “I think it can be simplified. If other countries can simplify it, why can’t we?�
Grain companies get contracts ready Forward contracts | Richardson hopes for level playing field with voluntary board BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Major grain companies operating in Western Canada’s new marketing environment say they will waste no time rolling out forward contracting opportunities for producers. Executives with the companies, including Viterra and Richardson International, said they will begin offering forward contracts on wheat, durum and non-feed barley as soon as legislation ending the Canadian Wheat Board’s marketing monopoly receives parliamentary approval. Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz has said the majority Conservative government will ensure that legislation is passed before Jan. 1. If that happens, grain company contracts for the delivery of board grain after Aug. 1, 2012, could be unveiled later this year or early next. “That should be immediate from Viterra’s perspective,� said Fran Malecha, the company’s chief operating officer for grain. “I think we will be able to give farmers price signals for Aug. 1 and forward as soon as possible. We’re kind
of targeting Jan. 1 of the New Year; that’s assuming that legislation is passed in late December.â€? Malecha said legislation would allow Viterra to use its assets more efficiently and free up capacity. “I think we see this as an opportunity to move to the next level of efficiency in moving grain from farmer to end user. We all know that there are times when capacity is constrained ‌ so the more efficiently we can use that capacity, the better for the whole industryâ€? he said. Jean Marc Ruest, vice-president of Richardson International, offered similar views, saying his company will begin offering contracts for Aug. 1 delivery as soon as legislation receives royal assent. “This path forward has been made quite clear by the government for
some period of time now so we’ve taken the steps required to at least start preparing for that eventuality,â€? he said. Eliminating single-desk selling enables grain companies to manage their facilities more efficiently, leading to better service for farmers and end users, he said. He was surprised the legislation offers government guarantees to a voluntary wheat board for five years. Richardson anticipated it would offer concessions during the transition period, but the five-year term is longer than expected. The fact that the voluntary board will be free to deal in both board and non-board crops such as canola compounds those concerns. “We don’t fear competition from anyone and in fact we’ve welcomed it on the non-board side of things ‌ but we need to understand or be reassured that ‌ we’ll be competing against them on an equal footing in a commercial environment and that we won’t be competing at a disadvantage to this entity,â€? Ruest said. Independent grain broker Allan Johnston of Welwyn, Sask., called the
proposed legislation a welcome change that will attract more investment in Western Canada’s grain handling, milling and processing. “I was just delighted to hear it was happening finally,� Johnston said. If legislation is passed, Johnston predicted there will be a learning curve as farmers become accustomed to the new marketing environment. “Within six to 12 months, they’ll see it’s not going to be any different than marketing your canola, or your flax, or your oats, or your peas, or anything else,� he said. Johnston believes the changes will generate more business for his company. He has already been in touch with at least one large American grain broker seeking top quality wheat. “We will almost certainly grow with this opportunity, but that’s not the reason I’m supporting (the changes),� he said. “I just don’t think it (maintaining the single desk) is the right thing to do.� He said he has no qualms about the voluntary board or with Ottawa offering financial guarantees. access=subscriber section=markets,none,none
Protein an issue in Australia’s large wheat crop BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Australia’s early harvest returns suggest high protein wheat could be in short supply in that country. PentAG Nidera Pty Ltd., an Australian grain marketer, said in a recent weekly market report that protein levels in the crop coming off in central and southwestern Queensland have typically been below 12 percent. A lot of the crop only graded Australian Standard White at 10 percent protein, it added. “Clearly the market is becoming increasingly concerned over disappointing early har vest quality results,� said the company. A poor finish to the growing season in northern and central New South Wales and forecasts for more rain in coming weeks in those areas is adding to concerns, PentAG said in its Oct. 19 report.
Bruce Burnett, director of weather and market analysis with the Canadian Wheat Board, has heard similar reports from Australia. “For us it is reasonably good news. It does reduce the supply of higher protein wheat the Australians will have to sell in the upcoming year.� Most of Australia’s quality wheat is produced in Queensland and northern New South Wales. That part of the country is expected to produce a high-yielding wheat crop because of good rainfall during the growing season, but low protein levels often accompany high yields. “We’re hearing that there isn’t an awful lot of 13 percent Aussie wheat,� said Burnett. He cautioned that Australia is still in the early stages of a harvest that will last close to six weeks. Signs point to a near record size Australian crop of close to 21 million tonnes. A poor quality Australian wheat
crop would help offset an exceptionally high protein U.S. crop. The average protein content for the 2011 U.S. hard red spring crop is 14.6 percent compared to 13.7 percent last year and a five-year average of 14.2 percent. Global protein premiums collapsed in the wake of the U.S. winter wheat harvest. Burnett doesn’t think a poor quality Australian crop would lead to a recovery in premiums, but it would make it easier to sell high protein Canadian spring wheat. However, there is a limited supply of that type of wheat this year. The average protein content in this year’s Canada Western Red Spring wheat crop is 13.2 percent, compared to the long-term average of 13.5 to 13.6 percent. Wheat markets will closely watch the Australian harvest to see if growers are in for a repeat of 2010, when late-season rain spoiled the quality
of a great-looking crop. Forecasters say La Nina is making a return, which usually means more wet weather is in store for Australia. “Everybody is a little on edge,� said Burnett. “We’ll have to monitor the weather pretty closely to see whether Australia has big wet weather problems with their crop.� Drew Lerner, president of World Weather Inc., doesn’t expect conditions to be too soggy in eastern Australia. “I’m not thinking we’re going to have a huge problem, but we will have some of the late crop that will experience some more wet weather,� he said. Harvest weather looks pretty good for the next couple of weeks, but after that Queensland and New South Wales could become wetter. “There will be some more quality issues but definitely not a widespread serious problem,� said Lerner. access=subscriber section=markets,none,none
CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta
GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)
Grade A
Live Oct. 14-Oct. 20
Previous Oct. 7-Oct. 13
Year ago
Rail Oct. 14-Oct. 20
Previous Oct. 7-Oct. 13
108.50-112.00 103.93-116.57 n/a 95.00-100.00
107.50-109.50 106.22-116.01 108.25 94.00-98.75
95.45 92.75 n/a 82.50
182.50-185.50 182.00-185.00 183.00 n/a
180.00-182.50 181.00-185.00 n/a n/a
107.25-112.00 102.47-112.56 n/a 93.00-98.00
n/a 99.63-113.01 107.25 93.00-97.75
95.13 91.83 n/a 82.00
184.00-185.50 181.00-184.00 182.00-183.00 n/a
180.00-182.50 180.00-184.00 n/a n/a
Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.
*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.
$160 $155 $150 $145 $140 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Saskatchewan $155
Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)
$135 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Manitoba $155 $150 $145 $140 $135 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $150
Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400
110-133 120-141 125-149 136-162 148-176 160-200
105-124 120-135 125-146 135-156 145-172 160-192
115-131 125-142 130-151 141-160 150-176 164-200
109-126 115-132 122-146 128-154 148-164 160-179
110-129 115-132 118-140 130-156 140-178 150-188
108-122 115-130 120-140 129-151 138-165 141-176
114-128 120-136 127-143 134-157 145-181 157-193
109-121 116-133 123-140 130-150 140-162 158-181 Canfax
$145 $140
Average Carcass Weight
$135 $130 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Oct. 15/11 890 819 665 967
Steers Heifers Cows Bulls
Saskatchewan $145 $140 $135
Oct. 16/10 875 795 674 1014
YTD 11 849 776 674 1013
U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)
$130 $125 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Manitoba $145 $140 $135 $130 $125 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice)Steers National 120.64 Kansas 120.62 Nebraska 120.99 Nebraska (dressed) 190.68 Feeders No. 1 (700-799 lb) South Dakota Billings Dodge City
Steers 137-146 134 136-139
Trend +2/+5 -2/-4 steady/+3
Cattle / Beef Trade
-12.67 -13.76 -13.02 -13.52 -25.32 -25.82 Canfax
Canadian Beef Production YTD % change 1568.5 -11 264.4 -14 1832.9 -11 Canfax
Exports % from 2010 454,274 (1) -33.5 65,940 (1) -63.9 166,831 (3) -23.8 224,426 (3) -20.7 Imports % from 2010 n/a (2) n/a 43,564 (2) +29.2 131,396 (4) +34.7 160,865 (4) +19.5
Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)
(1) to Oct. 8/11 (2) to Aug. 31/11 (3) to Aug. 31/11 (4) to Oct.15/11 Agriculture Canada
$190 $180 $170 $160 $150 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Close Close Oct. 21 Oct. 14 Live Cattle Oct 121.93 121.65 Dec 122.15 123.20 Feb 124.80 125.38 Apr 128.90 128.15 Jun 126.65 126.23 Feeder Cattle Oct 139.40 139.90 Nov 142.73 144.43 Jan 147.60 147.48 Mar 148.18 147.83 Apr 148.30 148.25
Trend Year ago
$160 $150 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Nov 27-Dec 10 Dec 11-Dec 24 Dec 25-Jan 07 Jan 08-Jan 21 Jan 22-Feb 04 Feb 05-Feb 18 Feb 19-Mar 03 Mar 04-Mar 17 Mar 18-Mar 31 Apr 01-Apr 14 Apr 15-Apr 28
Maple Leaf Oct. 21 155.89-159.59 154.97-158.66 153.12-154.97 154.05-157.76 161.46-164.71 165.63-165.63 162.34-163.32 163.27-164.20 164.66-164.66 165.72-168.04 171.29-174.53
+0.28 -1.05 -0.58 +0.75 +0.42
102.20 101.70 104.18 106.63 103.60
Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes) (1) to Oct. 8/11
-0.50 -1.70 +0.12 +0.35 +0.05
111.20 112.55 112.85 113.68 114.40
$375 $370
$360 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Barley Sp Select 2-row $395 $390
$375 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Wheat 1 CWRS 13.5% $440
$380 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Cash Prices Canola (cash - Nov.) $530
Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Oct. 14 Previous Base rail (index 100) 3.65 3.65 Index range 88.51-106.17 93.25-107.06 Range off base 3.58-4.00 3.44-3.91 Feeder lambs 1.60-2.40 1.68-1.80 Sheep (live) 0.40-0.65 0.45-0.50 SunGold Meats
New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids
Oct. 17 2.10-2.52 2.07-2.55 1.82-2.11 1.80-2.10 1.40-1.70 1.85-2.30 0.90-1.10 0.89-0.95 70-120
2.15-2.71 2.20-2.50 1.70-2.10 1.80-2.00 1.90-2.05 1.85-2.30 0.90-1.10 0.85-0.95 70-120
Ontario Stockyards Inc.
Oct. 24 Wool lambs > 80 lb.1.68-1.75 Wool lambs < 80 lb. 1.85 Hair lambs 1.55 Fed sheep 0.35-0.60
$490 9/16 9/23 9/30 10/7 10/14 10/21
Canola (basis - Nov.) $0 $-10 $-20 $-30 $-40 9/16 9/23 9/30 10/7 10/14 10/21
Feed Wheat (cash) $215 $210 $205 $200 $195 9/16 9/23 9/30 10/7 10/14 10/21
Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $540 $535 $530 $525
Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.
n/a $520 9/16 9/23 9/30 10/7 10/14 10/21
Hog Slaughter
Man. Pork Oct. 21 156.78-160.49 155.85-159.56 153.48-155.85 154.41-158.13 161.85-165.10 166.03-166.03 163.06-163.71 163.98-164.91 165.38-165.38 166.39-168.72 171.98-175.23
To Oct. 15 To date 2011 To date 2010 % change 11/10
Basis: -$1
Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. 15,799,477 85,087,596 15,945,961 84,667,096 -0.9 +0.5
$205 $200 9/16 9/23 9/30 10/7 10/14 10/21
Canola, western barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.
Agriculture Canada
Index 100 hogs $/ckg Alta. Sask.
167.50 169.84
Man. Que.
166.20 176.59 *incl. wt. premiums
(2) to Aug. 31/11
Export 773,396 (1) 202,956 (2) 742,226 (2)
Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)
Corn (Dec.) $720
% from 2010 -7.0 -7.4 +3.5
Import n/a 148,631 (3) 161,617 (3)
(3) to Oct. 15/11
% from 2010 n/a +6.4 +12.2 Agriculture Canada
Oct. 24 Avg. Oct. 17 Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 29.00-31.25 29.75 29.75 Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 18.00-23.75 20.58 20.58 Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 28.00-29.75 28.54 29.11 Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 28.00-29.75 29.00 29.00 Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 16.00-20.75 19.50 19.50 Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) 17.25-20.25 18.71 18.71 Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 14.00-15.00 14.57 14.57 Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) 8.50-9.25 8.84 9.01 Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) 8.30-8.50 8.47 8.47 Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) 8.75-9.00 8.84 8.84 Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) 8.55-9.00 8.76 8.76 Maple peas ($/bu) 9.00-9.75 9.41 8.91 Feed peas ($/bu) 3.50-5.70 4.80 4.80 Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) 34.75-35.75 35.25 35.17 Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) 30.75-31.75 31.08 31.08 Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) 26.40-27.75 27.30 27.30 Canaryseed (¢/lb) 24.75-27.25 26.46 26.68 Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) 27.50-27.75 27.63 27.63 Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) 47.00-50.50 49.63 49.63 Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) 38.50-40.50 40.00 40.00 B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb) 37.10-39.00 38.53 38.53 Oct. 19 Oct. 12 Year Ago Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) n/a 195.65 123.45 Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb) 26.40 26.95 19.35
Oct. 14-Oct. 20 U.S. Barley PNW 295.00 U.S. No. 3 Yellow Corn Gulf 283.16-285.42 U.S. Hard Red Winter Gulf 299.37 U.S. No. 3 Amber Durum Gulf 495.67 U.S. DNS (14%) PNW 389.76 No. 1 DNS (14%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 8.55 No. 1 DNS (13%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 7.99 No. 1 Durum (13%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 12.10 No. 1 Malt Barley ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 6.36 No. 2 Feed Barley ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 4.92 Canadian Wheat Board
Pulse and Special Crops Information supplied by STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Roy Legumex, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker and Walker Seeds. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.
International Grain Prices ($US/tonne)
This wk Last wk Yr. ago 202-204 202-204 184-186
$600 $560 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Soybeans (Nov.) $1400
Grain Futures Oct. 24 Oct. 17 Trend Wpg ICE Western Barley ($/tonne) Dec 215.00 215.00 0.00 Mar 220.00 220.00 0.00 May 225.00 225.00 0.00 Jul 225.00 225.00 0.00 Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Nov 522.60 533.70 -11.10 Jan 530.60 544.20 -13.60 Mar 538.90 553.20 -14.30 May 545.80 560.80 -15.00 Jul 551.10 566.20 -15.10 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 6.4250 6.2425 +0.1825 Mar 6.7750 6.5800 +0.1950 May 6.9525 6.8100 +0.1425 Jul 7.0750 6.9675 +0.1075 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Dec 3.4100 3.3950 +0.0150 Mar 3.5100 3.4950 +0.0150 May 3.5750 3.5600 +0.0150 Jul 3.6350 3.6200 +0.0150 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Nov 12.2675 12.5300 -0.2625 Jan 12.3525 12.6050 -0.2525 Mar 12.4475 12.6775 -0.2300 May 12.5175 12.7100 -0.1925 Chicago Soy Meal ($US/short ton) Dec 321.5 323.0 -1.5 Jan 322.9 325.0 -2.1 Mar 326.2 327.3 -1.1 May 328.2 328.1 +0.1 Chicago Soybean Oil (US¢/lb.) Dec 51.79 52.90 -1.11 Jan 52.06 53.18 -1.12 Mar 52.40 53.53 -1.13 May 52.69 53.77 -1.08 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Dec 6.5100 6.4050 +0.1050 Mar 6.6225 6.5125 +0.1100 May 6.6800 6.5800 +0.1000 Jul 6.7175 6.6225 +0.0950 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 9.1725 8.9575 +0.2150 Mar 8.5425 8.3975 +0.1450 May 8.3350 8.2175 +0.1175 Jul 8.2375 8.1425 +0.0950 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 7.3500 7.1425 +0.2075 Mar 7.4825 7.3025 +0.1800 May 7.5575 7.3850 +0.1725 Jul 7.6275 7.4575 +0.1700
Year ago 180.00 185.00 185.00 185.00 525.40 535.10 542.10 544.70 543.70 6.7400 7.1225 7.3100 7.4125 3.6500 3.7700 3.8200 3.8700 12.1775 12.3000 12.3725 12.3925 334.6 335.7 337.9 338.6 49.47 49.82 50.17 50.36 5.6875 5.8150 5.8725 5.9075 7.3250 7.4675 7.5525 7.6350 7.2175 7.3725 7.4575 7.5125
$1330 $1260
Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)
$150 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Hogs / Pork Trade
Barley Sp Select 6-row
Manitoba $160
$540 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
St. Lawrence Asking
Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)
Fixed contract $/ckg
Saskatchewan $180
W. Barley (cash - Dec.)
Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.
HOGS Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg)
Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)
Cash Futures
million lb. Fed Non-fed Total beef
To Oct. 15 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2011 2,293,621 26,647,207 To date 2010 2,580,320 26,609,981 % Change 11/10 -11.1 +0.1
Montreal Heifers 120.85 120.84 121.92 190.69
Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Man-Neb
YTD 10 846 784 671 1020
Durum 1 AD
Cattle Slaughter
CWB T.Bay Domestic Asking Prices
Dec Feb Apr May
Close Oct. 21 89.65 92.03 94.75 99.90
Close Oct. 14 90.08 92.55 94.45 99.10
Trend -0.43 -0.52 +0.30 +0.80
Year ago 70.65 75.93 79.95 85.20
Jun Jul Aug Oct
EXCHANGE RATE: OCT. 24 $1 Cdn. = $0.9970 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.0030 Cdn.
Close Oct. 21 100.63 99.33 97.58 85.90
Close Oct. 14 100.70 98.95 97.00 84.50
Trend -0.07 +0.38 +0.58 +1.40
Year ago 87.75 86.80 85.90 77.90
$1120 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Oats (Dec.) $350 $340 $330 $320 $310 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/7 10/17 10/24
Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To tonnes) Oct. 16 Wheat 156.8 Durum 29.8 Oats 27.7 Barley 65.2 Flax 1.4 Canola 240.5 Peas 10.9 Canola crush 115.3
To Oct. 9 207.6 20.0 15.0 4.7 11.3 260.4 12.0 124.3
Total to date 2376.2 537.0 338.0 122.3 50.1 1590.9 534.0 1275.6
Last year 2320.6 900.4 337.0 255.6 64.2 1374.9 625.6 1267.7
Fed cattle sales rose to capture price increase
FED PRICE RALLIES The Canfax weighted weekly average fed steer price was $110.15 per hundredweight, up $1.21, and heifers were $110.37, up $1.81. Tight market-ready volume lifted prices, but the rising loonie limited gains. Large volume packages proved desirable because packers were eager to acquire inventory. Some producers opted to ramp up offerings because of the bounce in prices from last week. Accumulated sales totalled 21,198, up 30 percent from the previous week. The cash-to-futures basis has narrowed for three weeks, closing last week at -$13.76. Weekly fed exports to the United States totalled 8,588 head, down 12 percent from the previous week. The strong U.S. fed market provides a solid price foundation to the Canadian market. Tight processing margins and difficulty in getting retailers and consumers to accept higher beef prices could cause packers to reduce slaughter.
COWS WEAKER A better supply of non-fed cattle pressured prices lower. D1, D2 slaughter cows were $62$72 to average $67.11 per cwt., down access=subscriber section=markets,none,none
75 cents. D3s were $52-$68 to average $60.07, down 50 cents. Dressed slaughter cows were $128$132. Butcher bull prices slipped almost $1 lower. Weekly non-fed exports to Oct. 8 fell to 2,988 head.
FEEDERS STRONGER Average Alberta stocker and feeder prices were the highest since October 2001. With harvest mostly concluded and excellent feeder prices, a substantial volume of 400-700 pound calves went to market. Feeders steers on average were up $1.87 per cwt. and heifers rose $2.58. Auction volume was up 67 percent over the previous week. It was only the fourth time that weekly auction volumes were larger than the previous year. Weekly feeder exports to Oct. 8 were light, down three percent from the previous week to 494 head. A good volume of fall calves is expected at auctions and special calf sales. Good buyer interest should continue. Bred cows were $1,250-$1,550.
BEEF LOWER U.S. beef cut-out values traded almost $1 US lower on moderate demand and a light to moderate offering. The Choice-Select spread continued wide but steady at $17.76. The Montreal wholesale market for delivery this week rose to $202-$204 Cdn. Weekly Canadian cut-out values to Oct. 14. saw a wider spread and lower values with AAA cutouts down $1.58 at $173.61 Cdn per cwt. AA cutout was $3.87 lower at $164.71. This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at
China taps on brakes MARKET WATCH
he panic that hit markets in late summer seems to be abating as Europe addresses its debt crisis and monthly data indicates the United States is not falling into a second recession. Stock markets have made up September losses and quarterly corporate profit reports are mostly strong. The loonie is again near par and Brent crude is about $110 per barrel . Can we hope that crop markets will
not be hit again by panic washing in from the wider economy? The relative market calm rests on tentative foundations. The next source of worry might be the economic health of China, the world’s second largest economy. Its gross domestic product grew by only 9.1 percent in the third quarter, the slowest pace in more than two years. That is still spectacular growth compared to mature economies such as Canada and the U.S., but it is a concern for China, where growth was 9.7 percent in the third quarter last year. China actually wanted to cool its red hot economy because inflation had become a huge problem. Markets will keenly study every economic report from the Asian giant to determine whether China’s leaders pilot to a soft landing or over steer into a real slowdown. access=subscriber section=markets,none,none
WP LIVESTOCK REPORT HOGS STEADY Strong pork exports are offsetting the negative effect of seasonally increased hog supply. The U.S. dollar is the weakest compared to the Chinese yuan since 1993, making American pork more attractive to China, which is trying to rein in food inflation. Iowa-southern Minnesota cash hogs delivered to plants were about steady at $69.50 US per cwt. Oct. 21, compared to $69 Oct. 14. Cash U.S. pork carcass cut-out value closed at $99.61 Oct. 21, up from $98.71 Oct. 14. The U.S. federal weekly slaughter estimate was 2.32 million, steady with the previous week. The rising loonie is weakening hog prices in Canada.
Pork cut-out value rises in U.S. Hair lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $187-$214 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $185-$204, 86-105 lb. were $165$183 and 106 lb. and heavier were $155-$173. Hair rams were $70-$80 per cwt. Cull ewes were $70-$80. Good kid goats lighter than 50 lb. were $200-$237.50. Those heavier than 50 lb. were $200-$235 per cwt. Nannies were $75-$95 per cwt. Billies were $100-$141. Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 1,584 sheep and lambs and 108 goats traded Oct. 17. All classes of lambs, sheep and goats sold steady.
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BISON STEADY The Canadian Bison Association said 2010 animals are starting to come to market, which could weaken prices in coming weeks. Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were $3.85-$4 Cdn per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers were $3.80-$4. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted. Slaughter cows and bulls averaged $2.80.
SHEEP REPORT Beaver Hill Auction in Tofield, Alta., reported 1,408 sheep and 134 goats sold Oct. 17. Wool lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $205-$240 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $186-$226, 86-105 lb. were $175$204 and 106 lb. and heavier were $171-$186. Wool rams were $70-$81 per cwt. Cull ewes were $65-$75 and bred ewes were $160-$190 per head.
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Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail:
Democratic process lacking in handling of CWB changes
e invite great guffaws of laughter in suggesting that changes to the Canadian Wheat Board deserve more debate. After all, and as federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz attests, farmers have been debating the merits and activities of the board for more than 20 years. Yet the haste with which the Conservative government is proceeding in the passage of Bill C-18, An Act to Reorganize the CWB and to Make Consequential and Related Amendments to Certain Acts, generates unease. Legislation that will fundamentally change western Canadian grain marketing surely deserves the full benefit of critical thought offered through the usual process. The government has given itself seven weeks of parliamentary time to enact this legislation, which was introduced Oct. 18. Seven weeks to get a complex bill through all phases including the Senate has rarely, if ever, been seen in the Canadian parliamentary process, with the exception of emergency bills such as back to work legislation. Two of those weeks are already gone and the government has committed itself to an aggressive push that has limited debate and raised accusations about abandonment of democratic process. The Conservatives have been clear in their intentions to eliminate the wheat board monopoly. A majority government now makes the intentions possible. Those who suggest farmers were somehow blindsided by the bill’s introduction have little credibility. To use the metaphor recently favoured by Ritz — that train left the station the day after the election and is barreling down the tracks. Likewise, legal challenges that suggest the current majority government cannot change legislation enacted by a previous government hold no water. Canadians elect new governments precisely so that they can change existing legislation. Given those points, the Conservatives have apparently decided that reasonable debate is moot. If that is the case, it’s something of an
insult to the parliamentary process, which, in a perfect world, thoroughly examines proposed bills and raises issues that might require alteration to better serve the public good. Stephen Vandervalk, president of Grain Growers of Canada, which supports the bill, called last week for “calm in a rising storm of rhetoric.” Though that is another train that has already left the station, it does raise a warning that in heat of battle, supporters of the CWB monopoly may ascribe qualities to the board that it in fact has never had, such as protection of grain quality (managed by the Canadian Grain Commission) and the use of producer cars. Any debate about the CWB has always contained rhetoric aplenty and that will never be truer than in the next five weeks. Given the Conservatives’ full-speedahead plan, it may seem futile to complain about the lack of the usual parliamentary process, but there are other areas where the roughshod approach is unworthy. Two cases in point: the decision to send the bill to a special committee rather than the agriculture committee, to expedite passage; and a plan to displace the current CWB board of directors once the bill is passed and replace them with a slate of appointees. Most of the board members are farmers elected by farmers. They know the workings of the CWB better than anyone and they have expertise and farmer input that it seems foolish to squander. Yes, we can hear the whistle of the oncoming train and the government says that train has no reverse gear. Or brakes. It is already too late to recommend a more reasoned and less hasty approach to changes until the costs are better known and effects are better understood. When the train chugs into the station, its passengers will include a new era in western Canadian grain marketing and a bedraggled parliamentary process. Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
I go about looking at horses and cattle. They eat grass, make love, work when they have to, bear their young. I am sick with envy of them. SHERWOOD ANDERSON AMERICAN NOVELIST
A rider drives cattle to new pastures near Minton, Sask. |
Iron-fisted Conservatives waste no time pushing through legislation NATIONAL VIEW
ow could the launch of the decisive parliamentary debate on the future of the Canadian Wheat Board have been so tame? True, there was some Conservative cheering and opposition jeering when agriculture minister Gerry Ritz stood, seconded by minister of state for finance Ted Menzies, to table Bill C-18 Oct. 18.
But the next afternoon when debate began as the first step in demolishing the monopoly, there was little emotion on the floor of the House of Commons. For Ritz, who says ending the CWB monopoly led to his entry into federal Reform politics in Saskatchewan in 1993 and then election as an MP in 1997, it sounded like another day at the office. “There were two issues that got me into Parliament way back then,” he said last week. “One was the long gun registry and the other was the wheat board.” But how was he feeling the moment he became the minister to do the deed after all these years? “I’m not saying I’m euphoric or anything like that,” he said hours after debate began. “It is just a good
solid business move for my bottom line and for the other farmers out there.” Can’t you feel the passion? Perhaps it is a Conservative plan to not appear too triumphant, but Prince Albert, Sask., MP Randy Hoback fell off the wagon a bit by telling the Commons it was a great day for farmers. “I am so excited.” In response, opposition MPs were more energized, emotional and rhetorical, but still, the debate at times seemed a bit like listening to a discussion of amendments to clause one, sub-clause two of the Income Tax Act. The debate has been filled with emotion, theatrics, toxic anger and venom since the Palliser Wheat Growers Association first began challenging CWB hegemony and
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool’s support of it in the 1970s. Demonstrations were held on the Prairies last week but none on Parliament Hill, unlike the days of the Crow rate grain subsidy debate in the early 1980s. But in Parliament, despite allegations that Bill C-18 is illegal (from the Liberals) and earlier promises from the New Democratic Party to use “every trick in the book” to delay the bill, there seemed little occasion. Perhaps it is that the arguments have been made, the debate is decades old and there is little new to say. Perhaps it is that both main opposition parties are without permanent leaders and their focus is on leadership (the NDP) or rebuilding
(Liberals). Or maybe NDP critic Pat Martin explained it even as he ridiculed and challenged government defences. “I must admit that there is a feeling of helplessness on this side because the Conservatives have chosen to use their majority to ram this change through to the prairie economic base without even consulting the farmers or allowing them the vote that they are guaranteed through legislation,” he said. Indeed, the majority Conservatives have shown themselves prepared to use an iron parliamentary fist to force it through in almost record time. So barring an unlikely court reversal, the debate is almost over and its end not in doubt. Maybe that’s it. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
Marketing freedom start of good ag policy Following is an excerpt from a new book by David Seymour of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, titled Birth of a Boom: Saskatchewan’s Dawning Golden Age. Author’s note: The federal government’s decision to offer marketing freedom to farmers should be welcomed, as I wrote in my book, which was published months before the decision became certain — though it is only one of many policy reforms that would take Saskatchewan from good to great. The central theme behind ending the CWB monopoly, making water rights tradable and opening up farmland to foreign investment is giving the agricultural sector the power to choose its own destiny.
he region that produces half of the world’s traded durum wheat has to import pasta. It has only one pasta factory of its own. Its most important natural resource is not bought and sold on an open market but allocated by a Soviet style system where the government grants allocations based on perceived need. It is illegal for the country’s national pension plan to invest in farms there because some creditors are not residents of Canada. Saskatchewan’s vaunted agricultural sector is a weird and wacky place, or at least its public policy environment is very odd. It is true that Saskatchewan is one of
Market freedom, tradable water rights and allowing foreign investment in farmland would help develop Saskatchewan’s economy. | FILE PHOTO the most important producers of durum wheat in the world, yet it has no pasta factories, while neighbouring North Dakota has five. Many farmers blame the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly on marketing Saskatchewan wheat for this and other sad states of affairs. There are no tradable rights for water, and farmers and manufacturers who wish to use water must apply to the (Saskatchewan) Watershed Authority, which then assesses their need and may grant an allocation. It is also true that the Canada Pension Plan is technically banned from buying farmland in Saskatchewan
because some of its creditors, funnily enough including myself, are foreign nationals. Even Canadian organizations cannot invest in Saskatchewan farmland if they have any foreign owners. These policies are not in the spirit of a golden society. All of them increase the importance of political decision-making and reduce the ability of individuals and local groups to use their knowledge and create wealth. Three reforms in agricultural policy would dramatically improve the outlook for agriculture, the industry that gives the province its wheat sheaf emblem.
The first is an end to single desk marketing of wheat and barley by the Canadian Wheat Board, a policy that is not followed elsewhere in the world or even other parts of Canada, and which improvements in communication technology have made an anachronism anyway. The second is the introduction of tradable water rights. Markets and prices would help answer the question of how best to use water, a resource that will only become more valuable as global demand for food rises. An end to restrictions on the purchase of farmland by foreign interests would increase the amount of capital available for developing this important part of the Saskatchewan economy, particularly as retiring baby boomers look to cash out of the sector. The choice for someone who believes in the golden society should be obvious. Ownership restrictions, government water allocation and the single desk are values opposite to what made free trading, individualvaluing Athens, the Islamic golden age and Enlightenment Scotland inventive and prosperous. All of the examples in this book carry that fundamental distinction at their core. Saskatchewan agriculture will not wither in the absence of these policy reforms. Yet all of them would help to make it more productive, diverse and ultimately more interesting. If Saskatchewan is to extend its golden age into agriculture, then these changes would be a good start. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
Where will you sell grain post-marketing board? HURSH ON AG
he new Canadian Wheat Board is going to have a difficult time attracting the business of farmers. Let’s put the passion and vitriol aside for a moment. Barring some surprise in the courts, a voluntary CWB will be in place at the start of the new crop year. Whether you like the government’s direction or you don’t, we will soon be faced with the decision of whether to sell our wheat, durum and barley to one of many private players or whether to do business with the new and voluntary CWB. It won’t be a farmer-run CWB. The farmer-elected directors will be
gone, leaving just five government appointees. This will be a government institution that has up to four years to submit a commercialization (privatization) plan to the government. As soon as the legislation is passed, the private grain trade in competition with the new CWB can begin contracting wheat, durum and barley for delivery after Aug. 1, 2012. To whom are you going to sell? According to the federal government, the voluntary CWB will offer “pooling options to farmers who wish to market in this manner.” Some commentators confuse price pooling and single desk selling. The purported benefit to the single desk is that a single seller should be able to extract a premium from the marketplace. Whether the CWB has truly accomplished that is a matter of hot debate. Price pooling is a result of the marketing system, not part of any tangible advantage. Producers sell into a pool, not knowing what their final price will be. Their delivery opportunities are controlled and they have to
wait a considerable length of time to get all their money. Of course, the CWB has come up with many pricing options to allow farmers to lock in prices and get their money sooner. Hopefully those sorts of options will continue in the new CWB, but the underlying fundamental will still be price pooling. When the act is passed and the farmer elected directors are terminated, expect the organization to be only a shadow of its previous self. Many of the current functions won’t make sense in a competitive environment. And how many people do you employ when you don’t have a clue how much grain you’re going to attract? Will CWB supporters rally behind the new CWB? Farmer control has been lost. The single desk has been lost. And the new entity is the creation of a government dedicated to marketing freedom. Will market choice supporters do business with the new CWB? Theoretically, they should do business with whoever can offer the best price, but in reality the producers who have
fought for market freedom would have to see a big benefit before marketing through a voluntary CWB. The new entity will enjoy government guaranteed borrowing and initial payments, and assuming there is some continuity with the existing CWB, it should have strong marketing connections around the world. The disadvantages include no grain handling facilities, internal turmoil as many employees are lost and all the uncertainty that comes from operating in an entirely different environment. You know how it works when you sell your canola, field peas or lentils to a buyer. That’s how it will work selling your wheat, durum or barley to the private trade. Will a new CWB be able to demonstrate competitive prices and earn your business? It’s doubtful at best. That leads to the next question. How do you commercialize a sinking ship? Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
There’s still time to think of timely costumes EDITORIAL NOTEBOOK
Will anyone dress up as a single desk?
orry to be mixing my holidays, but I am the Grinch of Halloween. I thought it was fun for about three years when I was dashing around the block collecting bags of candy. Indeed, candy is the only reason for Halloween, in my view. We buy huge boxes of baby Mars bars because they are our favourites, and then eat the leftover ones until Christmas. That being said, I have attended a few Halloween parties in adulthood. From such parties, and the children shrieking at the door, it’s clear that the most popular costumes are related to the top news stories of the year. For example, I think you can count on mini-Moammar Gadhafis trick or treating on Monday, and a Sarah Palin or two may arrive at the more adult shindigs. Some costumes are a little less obvious. Back in about 2003, someone very near and dear to me decided to dress up as a mad cow. He wore little horns stuck to his forehead and a massive rubber glove blown up and strapped to his mid-section. He occasionally wandered around the party room babbling nonsense (mad, you see.) It was udderly ridiculous, but people still remember his costume and tease us about it. BSE was the story of the year back then, agriculturally speaking, so the mad cow outfit chimed with people. To express the obvious, this year’s top story is the removal of the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly. One could try to throw on a pair of glasses and mustache, and rent an ostrich for the evening, in an effort to impersonate agriculture minister Gerry Ritz (lore has it he raised the big birds.) It’s unlikely the ostrich would be welcomed in most homes or party rooms, but it would be pretty original. One could fashion a desk — a single desk — with the CWB logo on it, wear it like a sandwich board and pierce it with an arrow or knife. Just be careful how you sit. One could also blow up a copy of the Monopoly board game on a T-shirt, cross out its title and write in Open Market instead. One could have a lot of fun with the little squares, too. It’s probably easier just to wear a sheet or vampire teeth. As for me, I’ll be home with my Mars bars. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
OPEN FORUM LETTERS POLICY: Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author. Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.
hundreds of news releases every week and they get into print. Why should we who pay for a paper have to see letters to the editor as well? I would say most of the letters to the editor and commentaries sent out from government are written by staff. They should not be printed. Mr. Ritz has also made statements that Australian farmers are better off now that they don’t have a wheat board. My wife and I were in Australia and toured and talked to farmers and we have kept in touch over the years and they tell us they are in worse shape with the Australian Wheat Board no longer in existence. The open market gives more profit to the multinational grain companies. Remember, once that grain is in
their pit you don’t know what price they get when they sell it to the end user. David Bailey, Saskatoon, Sask.
NO GLOOM HERE To the Editor: I was quite surprised to drive out to the country on a late September Sunday afternoon, only to discover that most of the crops in this area had been harvested. I would estimate that at least 85 percent of the crops were threshed. When I asked one older farmer how
this was possible when we had experienced such a wet spring, he took off his Roughrider hat, put it back on with the sunshade pointing upwards and said, “the weather was in our favour.” Contrary to what the predictors of gloom and doom were telling us this spring, everything seems to have worked out OK for farmers in southern Saskatchewan. Most of the crop was harvested dry, yields were average to above average, prices are strong and markets look good. Looking at last spring’s scenario, things didn’t look too promising. In the end, thanks to favourable weather, things are now OK. Maybe if we let the climate surrounding the open markets of the world unfold, the cli-
mate that ultimately controls the price of wheat and other crops, things will work out in everyone’s favour. The harvest scene brought to mind the people predicting gloom and doom if the Canadian Wheat Board goes to dual marketing, usually the same people that predict gloom and doom about everything else. Perhaps positive thought is the commodity that is lacking the most in these people’s lives. In ending, I quote French artist Henri Matisse: “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” John Hamon, Gravelbourg, Sask.
I grew up on an 80 acre farm in central Alberta. I don’t think I knew much about farming until I moved to my husband’s 8,000 acre farm in southeastern Saskatchewan. Since moving here, I’ve learned how to drive a combine and bring in the harvest, and I’ve learned enough about the Canadian Wheat Board to make an informed decision. You can’t compare the plebiscite that just occurred with a federal or provincial election. In a federal election, every vote is equal, and in that sense, the same goes for this plebiscite. However, that means that my father’s vote has the same weight as my husband’s. My husband is a full-time farmer. It’s his business and his life. My dad is an electrician and a farmer on the side who raises cattle and rents out his cropland, entitling him to vote. If this survey wanted accuracy, some weight should have been given to production, not just one permit book, one vote. My husband and I are expecting a baby in January and we’re both very excited to know that this child will grow up in a country where it’s not a crime for his parents to sell their own wheat and barley as of Aug. 1, 2012. Because it’s not about getting rid of the CWB, it’s about having a choice.
To the Editor:
Amy Hewson, Langbank, Sask.
STOOPING LOW To the Editor: I see that (federal agriculture minister Gerry) Ritz has really stooped low in the gutter. He hints (WP op-ed Sept. 15) that farmers that support the Canadian Wheat Board are linked to communists. It seems to me that it’s just a few years ago that people under communist rule did not get to vote. Now Mr. Ritz won’t let farmers have a say with a vote on wheat and barley. So, Mr. Ritz, are you for democratic rights for the common person or not? Most papers state on their preamble on the editorial page: “open letters not accepted.” This letter that Mr. Ritz wrote was sent word for word to many newspapers. Does this mean that an MLA or MP has more pull than the citizens of Saskatchewan or even Canada? Mr. Ritz is making statements that are not true and should come into question, or not even put into print…. The governments of the day put out access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
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OPINION WASTE OF ENERGY To the Editor: Re: Sept. 15, WP op-ed by agriculture minister Gerry Ritz. It is such a relief to finally get a clear explanation as to why the Harper government is so fixated on dismantling the Canadian Wheat Board. We should have seen it coming — all the signs are there. The wheat board is a communist plot. Nothing less than scorched earth will do to stamp this menace out. After all, how can you trust people that hire buses to travel long distances to attend meetings? Clearly dangerous people. Next thing you know they will try to market their grain together. Come on Mr. Ritz, your shrill tone and over-the-top rhetoric contributes nothing to the debate, while on the other hand, you call for positive input? …
If the Canadian public doesn’t pay close attention to the tactics of this government on this issue, we are headed for serious trouble. Anti-board people characterize this issue as one of freedom, even human rights. They have never proven their case on economic ground, so this is their trump card. So it’s freedom, you say? When was anyone forced to produce anything for the wheat board? When were machine guns or secret police involved telling you what and when to grow? A load of rubbish. You know when you plant milling wheat, it will sell through the board for export. You have the option to plant all sorts of other crops or not plant at all, or leave this country. This is true complete freedom. By acting as you are, Mr. Ritz, you are taking away my freedom of association with the 62 percent who want a wheat board. If you are really seri-
an Wheat Board, voted in favour of protecting the monopoly, a foregone conclusion. When the math is done right, confirmed by Sidney Green, it is in fact only 34 percent of all farmers. However, whatever percentage you want to use, the difference, be it 38 percent or 66 percent of farmers, currently have their freedom of choice taken away under the powers of the monopoly, by those who have voted in favour of retaining the powers of the CWB monopoly. It is also correct that 39.1 percent, or 24 percent of eligible Canadian voters, voted in the Conservative majority, which protects 100 percent of all Canadians their right to freedom of choice. As Canadians, we all have the right to freedom of choice regardless of the government in power. The current Conservative government is the only party that is going to ensure that
ous about positive change with input from co-op minded people, do the folowing: No. 1. Start by backing off your plan to kill the board. No. 2. Replace all appointed directors with elected farmers. No. 3. Pass legislation to guarantee board access to continued federal government credit. No. 4. Make the board truly at arms length from political interference. Maybe then the board can thrive and this waste of energy will end. Don Voss, Spiritwood, Sask.
FREEDOM OF CHOICE To the Editor: It is correct that 62 percent of eligible farmers, deemed by the Canadi-
equal right to those farmers currently being denied their right to freedom of choice. If the 62 percent own 62 percent of the tonnage now controlled by the CWB, what’s their problem? Get on with the new corporation, as they have the majority ownership of the tonnage. If, however, this is not the case, the CWB does not have the right to take away the others’ right to freedom of choice. The CWB chooses not to disclose certain information under the socalled privacy act screen, but they know who owns what percentages of the tonnage of the wheat that they currently have control over, including the 38 percent that want the right to market their own wheat. There certainly is no comparison of the same being equal. Lorne Neyedly, Lockport, Man.
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ave you ever thought about the biblical story of the man who sat by the temple pool in ancient Jerusalem for 38 years but didn’t want to get better? This was a special pool where the water bubbled up from time to time, probably because of a spring that fed it. Many thought the bubbling was the work of angels. They believed this place had mystical healing properties. The sick and lame flocked close around the edge so they could scramble in when the turbulence started. When Jesus visited, his attention was drawn to one particular man who was a pitiful sight. He’d been coming here for 38 years, but hadn’t managed to get into the water. What was wrong? “Do you want to be healed?” Jesus asked. The man bristled with hostility. Everything was the fault of someone else. His grungy sleeping mat and chronic condition had become his crutch. “Come now,” Jesus challenged. “Get up and walk.” And immediately, without thinking, the man got up, picked up his mat and walked. But the healing made him more hostile. If he could walk, more would be expected of him. His complaints and curses were hurled at everyone. His fear held him captive. Jesus offered him the gift of freedom, but he couldn’t accept it. Readers are invited to think of their own fears and to listen to the futility of their own complaints and excuses. Would we be grateful for the healing, or would we be angry because someone dared to take our crutch away? Do we see the opportunities God has given us, or do we cringe with fear? access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none
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Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian
Trapper teaches producers how to combat coyotes Fences? traps? | Dogs are the best non-lethal coyote control, says expert STORIES BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
MORNINGSIDE, Alta. — Coyotes are opportunistic, intelligent and adaptable to urban and rural areas. The more contact they have with people, the less fear they show. As a result, phones at municipal offices are ringing off the hook with complaints about coyote problems throughout Alberta. “My typical calls are in spring calving or in the early fall,” said Dion Burlock, agriculture fieldman with Lacombe County. The lamb flock is growing in the province, as is the number of complaints about coyotes, he told a producer workshop about predators that have developed a taste for Alberta lamb and beef. More complaints are expected as Alberta’s population spreads into traditional wildlife habitat. “As Alberta grows and our acreages expand and as we bring more people into the rural area that really don’t have a background in farming or living on the land, places like Calgary
have a lot more problems than we did in the past,” said Greg McKinnon, a professional trapper who works with livestock producers. Coyotes are listed as a pest under provincial law, and counties can supply poison to producers who have confirmed kills on their property. However, Ken Wick of Alberta Agriculture said poison should be a last resort. Coyotes are excellent hunters but will also eat whatever is available. Parents teach their young how to scavenge and hunt, which tells McKinnon that they can be trained to stay away from certain areas. As well, the animals’ relentless nature means farmers and ranchers cannot give up from one year to the next. “The adults teach the young what is acceptable and what isn’t,” he said. “You can train coyotes to stay away and you have to use every tool at your disposal, whether it is shooting them, whether it is fences or the dogs. Your main focus is to teach those bad coyotes this is unacceptable.… One bad coyote will cause
You can train coyotes to stay away and you have to use every tool at your disposal, whether it is shooting them, whether it is fences or the dogs. GREG MCKINNON PROFESSIONAL TRAPPER
you a lot of grief.” Wick said producers also have to take responsibility to protect their investment. He advises cleaning up garbage around the farmyard, removing dead animals and afterbirth from lambing and calving areas and installing and maintaining fences. Guard dogs that live with the flock work well, as do llamas, donkeys or a horse trained to hate dogs. “Dogs are the best non-lethal coyote control,” said Wick. Electric fences may not be enough of a deterrent. “Coyotes are so smart it doesn’t access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none
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Professional trapper Greg McKinnon demonstrates setting a snare to capture coyotes. The snare consists of unbreakable wire with a spring action. They must be strategically placed to capture the animal properly. The disadvantage is the snare may catch the wrong wildlife or pets. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTOS
take them long to figure it out.” Producers need a defendable perimeter around their farms, especially in spring when young animals are born. “Every time you see a coyote inside your perimeter, you have to drive him out,” McKinnon said. They will travel up to eight kilometres from the den, and not all are troublesome. “You should focus on the problem animal, not the species, because you are not going to wipe out coyotes,” he said. Producers might also consider hiring a professional trapper who understands predators and has the best tools to eliminate them in a fast
and humane way. McKinnon would like to see a pilot program launched where trappers and producers work together on predator control. “Trappers study and understand the animal and they use their knowledge of the animal in order to capture it,” he said. McKinnon is a retired RCMP member who has been trapping since he was 10 years old. He teaches a 27 hour course to trappers based on a 400 page manual. He prefers modern foothold traps over snares or poison to avoid killing the wrong animals. He uses a foothold trap that does not mangle or cut off the blood supply. Coyotes usually travel at night,
Lamb producers want compensation Producers hope the new agriculture minister will help find solutions to the predator problem MORNINGSIDE, Alta. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Bill Gibson figures the coyote problem in his area is the worst he has experienced in his 35 years in the lamb business. The farmer from Tees, Alta., is frustrated as he tries to match wits with wily coyotes that took 30 lambs and a ewe this year. That is three times his normal loss to predators. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They teach each other to kill and they learn that lamb tastes good,â&#x20AC;? he said. The Alberta Lamb Producers director uses the recommended fencing and six guardian dogs and has a rifle on hand, but it was not enough. He eventually hired a professional trapper that cost $9,200 to control the problem. He and his fellow board members have met with provincial government officials and are preparing briefs for the new agriculture minister, Evan Berger, to find solutions to a costly problem. At the very least, they would
like a compensation program similar to what the other provinces provide. Gibson said the problem worsened since BSE. People used to call a rendering company to pick up dead animals but since 2003 they have been charged a fee. As a result, more farmers are reluctant to use the service and instead leave carcasses outside for nature to take its course. Natural disposal is legal in Alberta, but carrion is a common food source for coyotes, said Dion Burlock, agriculture fieldman with Lacombe County. He works with producers to control problem wildlife such as coyotes, deer, gophers, mice and skunks. Coyotes are designated as pests under the provincial agricultural pests act and pest and nuisance control regulation. The difference between a pest and a nuisance is the method in which they are controlled. A pest is eradicated and a nuisance is
which means itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to check traps first thing in the morning. That way animals wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be caught for too long and the trapper can shoot them and salvage their pelts. These traps are easy to set up, but it is harder to trick coyotes into stepping on them. McKinnon digs a small hole and drives two metal stakes into the ground to secure the trap, which is carefully buried with a light covering of soil and grass. The bait is set 25 centimetres behind the trap, which a coyote steps into with its front foot when sniffing the bait. Mid fall is the best time to set traps because young coyotes are still relatively naive. Neck snares are spring loaded, unbreakable wire. It is hard to kill them this way because coyotes have tough neck muscles. Snaring also requires a trapperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s permit from the sustainable resource development departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fish and wildlife division. There are 3,000 trappers in the province, who can be contacted through the Alberta Trappers Association.
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nism pounded into the ground. The trigger is set off when a coyote sniffs it, sending a cloud of lethal cyanide into its face. The animals is killed quickly. Alberta once employed two predator control inspectors, but the duties were switched to provincial regulatory services and municipal fieldmen. Seventy-seven counties and municipalities participate in coyote control programs. access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none
2011 OUTBACK 2.5
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â&#x20AC;˘ Cyanide may be a crystal or a colourless gas. It may smell like bitter almonds or be odourless. â&#x20AC;˘ Cyanide is naturally present in parts of some foods, such as apricot pits. â&#x20AC;˘ It is found in the roots of some plants, such as the cassava plant.
Trappers collect coyote scat to place near a trap to lure the animal closer to the bait. The modern leg hold trap is a more humane way to capture problem wildlife like coyotes. Trappers use a bait to attract specific animals that must step onto the pan in the centre to spring the trap.
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controlled. Burlock said landowners are ex-pected to control pests, but there is no compensation if a coyote destroys livestock. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This program was designed to deal with one or two problem coyotes,â&#x20AC;? he said in an interview during a recent producer meeting in Morningside. Fieldmen are trained to see the difference between predation and scavenging. The county is allowed to provide poison and other advice to get rid of killer coyotes if the case is proved. One option is the sodium monofluoroacetate 1080 tablet, which is hidden deep inside a carcass or chicken head. It is odourless, tasteless and has no antidote. Animals are sent into cardiac arrest and are dead within about two hours. Municipalities can also offer the M-44 cyanide system, which contains a c yanide capsule that is released by a spring-loaded mecha-
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Historic agricultural bill sets off House debate Steps to end monopoly | Bill C-18 will eliminate the 10 elected director positions and cover most of the transition costs STORIES BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz had the first word as he opened debate Oct. 19 on government legislation that will abolish the 68-year-old Canadian Wheat Board monopoly Aug. 1, 2012. It was low-key. “I welcome this opportunity on behalf of western Canadian farmers to open debate on the bill … that would give them marketing freedom very similar to what farmers have been enjoying in Ontario already for some years,” Ritz said. After questions for Ritz from opposition MPs, Winnipeg New Democrat Pat Martin had the second word. His downtown riding houses the CWB head office and he was less low-key. “The bill is a mistake in the making,”
he said. “We are watching a terrible economic mistake unfold before our very eyes. I must admit there is a feeling of helplessness on this side.” So began what will be a short debate on the historic legislation. After just two opposition MPs spoke, the government said it would cut short debate after two more days, ending it Oct. 24, forcing a vote in a Conservative majority Parliament and sending it to a special parliamentary committee for fast consideration. Ritz has vowed to get it through all parliamentary stages and into law by mid-December. The most unexpected clause in the legislation is the one that eliminates the positions of the 10 elected CWB directors when it takes effect, possibly before the end of the year. Instead, the interim CWB will be run by five
government appointees including president Ian White. Bill C-18, An Act to Re-organize the Canadian Wheat Board, sets out a series of steps that will end the wheat and barley monopoly Aug. 1, 2012, abolish the CWB Act that day, provide financial support for the interim voluntary CWB through federal back-stopping of initial payments and board borrowings and create voluntary research checkoffs at point of sale. Business plan approval required Board directors will have to create a business plan by 2016 or sooner on how the CWB can morph into a voluntary private grain company without government support. Government officials last week did not rule out a business plan that in-
cludes a proposal to sell the board business to an existing domestic or international grain company. The CWB will be dissolved by 2017 if the minister of the day does not approve the plan. Ritz also promised that Ottawa will cover most or all “transition” costs such as penalties for cancelled contracts or employee severance so producer pools are not affected. Government officials and Ritz said Ottawa believes CWB estimates of closedown costs of up to $500 million can be reduced. Although it is not in the legislation, the government also promised that it will spend almost $30 million during the next five years to help the Port of Churchill upgrade and continue to be an agricultural commodity export port during the transition. The government acknowledged
that the northern Manitoba port will be affected because the existing CWB has accounted for up to 90 percent of its traffic. The bill says that the voluntary board will be able to acquire property such as elevator and storage facilities during the transition period, but only if the agriculture minister approves. The board is not being offered guaranteed access to facilities owned by future competitors. The legislation says other than the president, directors appointed by the government will be part time and for a four-year term and a maximum of 12 years. The voluntary board would be able to handle all grain and special crops rather than just the wheat and barley for export and domestic human consumption that is in its current mandate. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Government has power to amend act, Ritz tells critics Producers and farm groups that support the end of the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly are the “real farmers” in Western Canada, agriculture minister Gerry Ritz said last week. As well, he insisted that attempts by opposition MPs and CWB support groups to delay passage of the bill through parliamentary tactics or court challenges will only create market uncertainty for farmers and hurt the chances that the new voluntary CWB will be able to survive. Ritz made his comments in the House of Commons after tabling legislation and in a later interview. During a heated House of Commons exchange Oct. 19 in which the minister defended Bill C-18 that will end the monopoly Aug. 1, 2012, Edmonton New Democrat Linda Duncan listed farm organizations
It’s just a good solid business move for my bottom line and for other farmers out there. GERRY RITZ FEDERAL AGRICULTURE MINISTER
condemning the Conservatives for ignoring the majority of farmers who supported the single desk in a CWBorganized plebiscite. She mentioned Agricultural Producers of Saskatchewan, Wild Rose Agricultural Producers in Alberta, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and the National Farmers Union as opponents of the government move. “Who exactly is the government representing?” Duncan said.
Ritz was quick onto his feet. “It is unfortunate (Duncan) has not broadened that scope to the real farmers in Western Canada,” he responded. “The western wheat and barley producers, Grain Growers of Canada and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association all support this initiative that we are moving forward.” He said provincial governments in Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, which represent more than 85 percent of CWB grain production, also support Ottawa. In a later interview, Ritz said efforts by defenders of the board to delay implementation of the bill beyond the government’s mid-December deadline are only hurting the one they say they love. “The biggest loser would be the new entity itself and they should be
cognizant of the fact that it needs as much time as possible to do contracting in the future and so on. If they are going to give a rejuvenated wheat board a chance at all, they need that kind of framework.” Ritz said in the interview that while he got involved in politics almost two decades ago partly to try to end the CWB monopoly, being the agriculture minister who finally got to table the bill did not make him “euphoric or anything like that. It’s just a good solid business move for my bottom line and for other farmers out there.” He also dismissed claims by Liberals and CWB support groups that the government bill is illegal because it is not following the farmer consultation rules set out in the CWB Act that will be rescinded. “A former government can’t bind a
future government,” said Ritz. Prime minister Stephen Harper has made the same point, and fiery New Democrat MP Pat Martin, who is leading the official opposition fight against Bill C-18 and denouncing it as economic folly and ideological, agreed. “I don’t actually buy the argument that section 47 precludes the current government from amending the act,” he told reporters. “I think the prime minister is right. You would have a constitutional crisis and you would be setting a terrible precedent where every subsequent piece of legislation would have a poison pill that would preclude future governments from ever amending that bill. It’s an impossible scenario.” FOR MORE ON THE CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD, SEE PAGE 81 access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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WORTHY WORK After more than 125 years, the Erinview Anglican church located near Shoal Lake, Man., is showing its age. Community members put their skills to work to keep the building safe and warm. | Ed White photos
John Thiessen, front, and Bill Howard work around the windows and fix the crumbling exterior.
Don’t let this year’s flooding soak you at tax time If you deferred income in 2010 you could end up having to declare nearly two years worth of income for 2011 with fewer crop input expenses to offset it. Add income from crop insurance payments and government assistance received due to this year’s flooding and you could be caught in the perfect tax storm. An Early Tax Call from FBC will assess your tax burden for this year and provide tax-saving strategies to help maximize credits and improve your fiscal position while there’s time to act. Better yet, if we can’t demonstrate value to you, you don’t pay, so the only thing you have to lose is a bigger tax bill.
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Cattle group evaluates tuberculosis testing kits
Workers harvest pumpkins in a Mar Farms field in Saanichton on Vancouver island. The boxes full of pumpkins are shipped to retailers. | DON DENTON PHOTO
New blood test | Skin test and post mortem inspections now used are less effective and time consuming BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
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The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association has received $320,000 from the federal government to evaluate new blood tests for bovine tuberculosis. Canada is considered TB free but wants better surveillance tests that are easier and less expensive to run than the current skin tests. Skin tests and post mortem inspection of animals at abattoirs do not always detect disease, said Louis Desautels, an animal health consultant to the CCA. The skin test has been used since 1885 and results take three days. A blood test yields same day results. “It is a bit subjective and if we could get a blood test to replace it, it would be less subjective,” he said. Disease surveillance could be changed and border crossings and abattoir tests could be run more quickly. The three year project is r un through the CCA’s Beef Cattle Research Council. Canada has few positive cases to test the kits, so the United States and Mexico will provide samples from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s serum bank at Ames, Iowa. CFIA scientists will receive the kits for evaluation. If successful, the study will identify one or a combination of tests that are easier and less expensive for regulatory agencies to administer. “You won’t replace the skin test today, but if you can get where the regulators are involved they will have a better idea of how effective these skin tests are,” said Desautels. Tuberculosis is a contagious disease caused by an infection in the lymph nodes that spreads to other organs such as the lungs. It affects practically all mammals and was one of the major diseases of man and domestic animals before control measures were adopted. access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none
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Cabinet veteran named Ont. ag minister SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Ted McMeekin has been sworn in as Ontario’s agriculture minister following the Oct. 6 election, in which the Liberals won 53 seats, just one short of a majority.
McMeekin, from the Hamilton area, has previously served as minister of consumer services, minister of government services and as parliamentary assistant to the minister of education and to the minister of training, colleges and universities.
McMeekin first won a seat in the Ontario legislature in a 2000 byelection. He has also sat as mayor of Flamborough, then as a Hamilton city councillor, and holds a master’s of social work degree from Wilfrid Laurier University.
Ontario’s previous ag minister Carol Mitchell lost her seat in the election, as did Leona Dumbrowsky, agriculture minister from 2005-10. McMeekin lives in Waterdown, Ont., with his wife Barbara and three daughters. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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CHAIN L AKES, Alta. — When Gordon Hazard hires new people to work on his Mississippi ranch, he emphasizes a philosophy of low stress livestock handling. “I don’t want a cowboy. I want a cattleman,” he said earlier this fall during a seminar on grazing and cattle management at Chain Lakes in southern Alberta. Nervous cattle defecate, urinate and salivate more. That costs money because they are losing weight. “Every time that calf defecates, it costs you $5.” He uses the concept of low stress handling and understands cattle are prey animals that regard people as predators. They have a flight zone or personal space and if someone gets too close, they move away. Not understanding this can force them to go the wrong way. He trains his cattle within a few days to move to new paddocks and not to fear him so they can be moved into new pastures or loaded more easily into trucks. “The only way to get them to stop is to make them think you are their friend,” he said. Temperament is heritable but some problems could start at weaning with certain animals, said Hazard. His operation practices soft weaning where the calves are slowly removed from their mothers. The cattle are quieter and there is less sickness. In the last 15 years Alberta meat inspector Sandy Stafford has seen the results of low stress handling and improved care of livestock when they come to the abattoir. “Improved handling has come so far as the herd health has,” he said. Inspectors watch how animals are handled at plants and see the damage from bruises and other injuries that could devalue a carcass. The inspectors are also looking for overall condition and disease where they check the head, carcass and organs. “The lymphatic system can reveal the story,” he said. If they find something wrong, they contact the veterinarians on staff. In provincial plants they tend to see fewer abscessed livers compared to a large federal plant where 20 percent of livers may have to be condemned. Heart, kidney and liver problems may be related to what happened to them at the feedyard. “You can almost tell which feedlot they came from,” he said. access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none
Dutch company develops enzyme technology to make ethanol Yeast method already in trials | The enzyme method converts cellulose into sugar, which is then treated using yeast technology AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands (Reuters) — A Dutch life sciences company says the development of second-generation biofuel is nearing a major breakthrough. Commercial production is just a couple of years away and could open up a market worth $5 billion a year, DSM added. Second-generation biofuel is increasingly being seen as a preferred alternative to first-generation fuel, which has been accused of sparking food inflation because it is made from food crops such as corn, sugar cane and rapeseed. DSM is developing yeast and
enzyme products to convert cellulose from waste plant matter into sugar and then ethanol, which is used as a motor fuel. It recently unveiled an enzyme technology that can improve the efficiency of biofuel production from sources such as agricultural waste like wheat and corn stalks. Although the industry is still in its infancy, DSM is confident the market is set to finally open up. “We see refineries being built, particularly in the United States, in the next two years. So by 2014 or the end of 2013 we see a meaningful market with maybe about a dozen second-
generation biorefineries,” said DSM board member Stephan Tanda. Spanish ethanol producer Abengoa started building a second-generation biofuel plant in the U.S. in September, while U.S.-based rival Poet said in July it will open its first commercial-sized cellulosic ethanol plant in 2013. In an April report, the International Energy Agency said biofuel could provide 27 percent of total transport fuel by 2050, playing an important role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. However, it said improvements were needed in efficiency, cost and overall sustainability. As
U.S. senator’s move to halt subsidy at pump fails WASHINGTON, D.C. (Reuters) — A proposal that would have stopped subsidies for new gas station pumps to boost ethanol sales has failed to make it into the Senate’s version of the 2012 agriculture budget. The measure, proposed by senator John McCain as a way to trim federal spending, would have prevented the U.S. Department of Agriculture from offering grants and loans for rural gas stations to install blender pumps. The pumps let consumers blend gasoline with up to 85 percent (E85) ethanol for cars designed to handle the higher levels. However, McCain withdrew his amendment before the Senate could vote on whether to attach it to the agriculture appropriations bill. No reason was provided. The House version of the bill has a similar provision that would prevent the USDA from spending money on blender pumps. Lawmakers from the House and Senate will have to negotiate the issue when they finalize funding for the USDA for 2012. The Senate version of the bill proposes $4.5 million for the USDA program that would fund the pumps, among other rural energy efforts, while the House approved $2.3 million for the energy program, with the proviso money not go for pumps. Funding for blender pumps is important for ethanol makers, who see the lack of ethanol infrastructure as a limiting factor for expanding the market for the corn-based fuel additive. Ethanol makers expect to lose a tax credit worth $6 billion per year at the end of 2011 and have said government subsidies for infrastructure would help make up for that loss. The tax credit has been in place since 1978 and has long been supported by lawmakers from farm states who wanted to help increase demand for corn. However, the subsidies have become controversial as corn prices rose to recent record levels. Ethanol has been blamed for raising prices for food and livestock feed. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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well, substantial further investment in research was needed to make biofuel commercially viable. Tanda said DSM, the world’s largest vitamin maker, aims to tap into a market that will supply yeast and enzymes to second-generation ethanol producers in a sector that could be valued at $3 to $5 billion annually within 10 years. Claiming a major step forward, DSM said their unique technology uses yeast to efficiently ferment two types of sugar into ethanol. “Very few competitors can do that, which means we are talking at least to about two-thirds of the players to
supply the yeast for their bioethanol,” Tanda said. DSM has already conducted trials with Abengoa using its yeast technology but is also developing an enzyme technology that breaks down plant cellulose into sugar, which can then be treated with yeast technology. The enzyme technology competes with that of DuPont, which closed a deal to buy Denmark’s Danisco in May, and Danish rival Novozymes. Still, DSM’s technology is more costly than its rivals and the company is aiming to close the gap before the new cellulosic ethanol plants become operational. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
BIG WHEAT, BIG INVESTMENT A Cando, Sask., farmer averaged 117 bushels of soft white wheat per acre using an intensive agronomic strategy system dubbed Ultimate Yield Management. | Page 24
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Sampling vital to ensuring soil fertility Test now | Many fields show signs of nitrogen depletion BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Good crops in the past two years have depleted soil fertility levels, and it’s beginning to show up in early soil samples. Blaine Welsh of the Agro Guys in Galahad, Alta., said only two of the seven soil samples sitting on his desk have more than 10 pounds of available nitrogen in the soil. “The two fairly good crops in a row have sucked most of the nitrogen out of the ground,” said Welsh. “It’s going to take a little nitrogen if guys want to get the same yield next year. Some of them have depleted the buffer that may have been left from the drought years.” Spending a few days crisscrossing fields taking soil samples is one of the simplest and most accurate ways for farmers to determine the level of nutrients in the soil available for next year’s crops. Ross McKenzie of Alberta Agriculture said only 10 to 15 percent of farmers soil test their fields. It’s those soil samples that give farmers a clear picture of how much and what kind of fertilizer they need to apply, said Welsh. “We’ve got people who don’t soil sample and some that do it every year. The guys that don’t soil sample, it’s hard to know what’s happening in their ground. Some are just plain frugal, which makes no sense to me.
At less than a buck an acre, or two pounds of nitrogen, if you can fine tune your nitrogen, that’s the price of a soil sample. The guys who do it every year know what’s going on. BLAINE WELSH AGRO GUYS
At less than a buck an acre, or two pounds of nitrogen, if you can fine tune your nitrogen, that’s the price of a soil sample. The guys who do it every year know what’s going on.” Soil tests cost $50 to $150, depending on how much infor mation farmer’s want back from the laboratory. Welsh said soil tests have given his clients a better understanding of low chloride levels and the low soil pH, which can affect chemical residue. With the soil tests, Welsh knows the addition of potash is a relatively simple fix for low chloride levels. “I’m looking at one sample. It says he
has 11 lb. of nitrogen in his soil and if he wants to grow a 30 bushel canola crop, they’re saying he needs between 90 and 100 lb. of N, and to be flat honest, I know damn well he ain’t putting that on. He’s a 50 lb. of N guy. But maybe that’s why he got 25 bu. of wheat this year and everyone else got more.” Welsh said older farmers tend to follow the same fertilizer prescription that has given them good crops
in the past, and they’re not going to change their fertilizer requirements based on soil test results. “The older generation probably doesn’t have a lot of faith in soil sampling. The younger generation tend to look at stuff a little differently,” said Welsh, one of the many farm input retailers on the Prairies who offer soil sampling services. Alberta Agriculture agrologist Mark
Cutts said the increasing price of fertilizer has encouraged some farmers to soil test this fall. “They want to be sure they’re spending their money properly if prices are going to be high. It’s not uncommon to spend a little money, evaluate the nutrient level of their fields and make their fertility decisions based on that,” said Cutts of the Ag-Info Centre in Stettler.
“Nitrogen certainly is the big driver for guys to go out and get soil samples and figure out where they’re at for fertilizer.” However, he said many farmers put on the same amount of fertilizer each year. “If their target yields are being met by their present fertility applications, then they’re probably happy with what’s going on.” Like Welsh, Cutts expects nitrogen levels will be low after two years of
Alberta soil tester combats clubroot BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
This truck-mounted soil sampler allows for proper soil sampling without having to leave the cab. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO
The discovery of clubroot in eastern Alberta has prompted a young entrepreneur to invent a cleaning system for her truck-mounted soil sampler. Sheena McKelvie attached sprayer nozzles to the wheel wells of her truck that spray a 12 percent bleach solution on the tires. She turns on the sprayers by activating a switch in the cab. McKelvie said spraying the bleach solution each time she enters and leaves a field eliminates the spread of clubroot by any soil stuck to her truck tires. Clubroot is mainly spread through soil. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re trying to do business in farmersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; fields, you want to show youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing the right thing,â&#x20AC;? said McKelvie, who started her own independent soil testing business, Sheena Soil Sampling, earlier this month. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important for an agronomist to take the lead.â&#x20AC;? The discovery of clubroot in Vermilion County this fall prompted McKelvie and her farming partner, Mads Merrild, to invent a way for McKelvie to take soil samples with
Sheena McKelvie shows a nozzle that sprays a bleach solution on tires to help prevent the spread of clubroot. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO her truck-mounted soil sampler without the possibility of spreading the disease through fields. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It would have stopped the business going forward.â&#x20AC;? The bleach solution is contained in a tank on the truck. McKelvie said soil sampling is an important tool for farmers but is difficult to do properly by hand, especially if the ground is hard. The truck-
mounted soil probe allows correct soil samples to be taken without leaving the truck cab. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all controlled from inside the cab and the only time I have to get out of the truck is to dump the stainless steel bucket into the sample bag at the end of each field,â&#x20AC;? she said. Clubroot has the potential to reduce canola yields in half. The confirmation of a field in Vermilion County contaminated with clubroot raised fears among farmers about the spread of the disease by contractors driving through fields. Blasts of air clean the soil probing equipment after each soil sample, which she said eliminates the possibility of contamination through the soil sampling equipment. Stephen Srelkov, a clubroot specialist from the University of Alberta , said bleach is an effective way to kill clubroot pathogen spores, particularly if the spores are present in a fine dust. It be wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be as useful if spores are in big clumps of soil, he added. Srelkov said mounting spray nozzles near the wheels sounded like an â&#x20AC;&#x153;interesting system.â&#x20AC;?
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good yields. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know if anyone would be sitting on a huge surplus of nitrogen.â&#x20AC;? Dianne Kemppainen, account manager with the soil testing lab ALS Environmental in Saskatoon, said the company has received more soil samples than it did by the same time last year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This increase could be the result of sampling conditions that some areas experienced this spring that didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t
allow samples to be collected at all,â&#x20AC;? said Kemppainen, who was reluctant to give an average of the fertility levels seen in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tests. Soil samples have come into the lab with low levels of nitrogen and sulfur, while others have come in with high levels of nitrogen and sulfur. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The main message weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to get out there is to take a sample and see what they have.â&#x20AC;?
Program weighs rewards and risks Targeting higher yields | Management decisions can be evaluated to determine impact BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM
CANDO, Sask. — Jim Cook has become a believer in investing in intensive agronomic strategies. As he combined his wheat Sept. 13, Cook was noticeably pleased with what he was seeing in his field. He didn’t need a weigh wagon to tell him that the crop had a significant yield increase. The Cando farmer averaged 117 bushels of soft white wheat per acre using a system dubbed Ultimate Yield Management. “I’m sold on this Ultimate Yield program. I’ll keep it on this field and I’ll incorporate it on the south field. Eventually it will be throughout all of it,” he said. The “south field” yielded a respectable 80 bu. per acre using the traditional approach. Cook farms 2,000 acres. Ultimate Yield is an agronomic program developed and patented by Dennis Bulani of Biggar, Sask., who also owns a nine bulk fertilizer and
Ultimate Yield is not just an agronomy program. It’s a methodology in evaluating all the management on a farm. DENNIS BULANI PROGRAM DEVELOPER
petroleum outlet business. The agronomist farms a section of land near Cook’s, where he researched and developed the agronomic program. Touted as a new approach to crop production management, the program rates seven factors that determine ultimate yield: seed bed preparation, seeding date, seeding depth, seed quality, nutrition, pest control and weather. A rating scale of one to 10 measures the positive or negative impact that each decision has on determining the ultimate yield for a field. By evaluaccess=subscriber section=crops,none,none
Jim Cook, right, waits for his bumper crop of soft white to be weighed. The crop averaged 116.8 bushels per acre on Cook’s farm near Cando, Sask. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO ating each decision, the report card allows the farm manager to re-evaluate the impact that decision may have on limiting yield. “Ultimate Yield is not just an agronomy program. It’s a methodology in evaluating all the management on a farm,” said Bulani. With Bulani’s consultation, Cook planted soft white spring wheat on two quarter sections on the north and south sides of Highway 4. Crop production on the south field followed traditional methods while
THIS WEEK: Voting is underway for the Great Stuck in the Muck photo contest. Travis Priest of Lethbridge, Alta., is the current leader in the category for Best Truck Stuck with 30 vote votes. He could be one of many winners after voting concludes Oct. 31. Have you voted for your favourite photo?
the north field used the Ultimate Yield program, “just to see if going full-bore on the spraying and the fertilizer was an advantage. It’s proven that it was, big time,” said Cook. Cook’s north field received a final score of 88 percent, compared to the south field’s score of 63 percent. It achieved that with an investment of $118 per acre, including a change in crop rotation a year in advance. Lentils were put into the rotation in 2010 and helped set the stage for Cook’s high yielding wheat crop. Harvesting more than 100 bu. of wheat was not in the plans for the program’s initial growing season. “One of the first things we had to do was look at the fact that he just can’t grow those yields in the first year. Just because you decide you can do it doesn’t mean you can do it,” said Bulani. He said farmers can be overly influenced by current crop prices. Maintaining proper crop rotation is key, he added. “Sometimes growers will grow what is the highest price in the market. In other words, they’re growing
canola when they should actually maybe be putting a pulse in. Just because pulses are lower in price, does that mean it’s the right decision for your farm. It may not be,” he said. Bulani said Cook’s bumper wheat crop is a good example. “The year you grow a pulse on your farm, maybe your revenue is not as high, but long-term your revenue is much higher because it’s an important part of a rotation,” he said. “This exact example proves that. Always going for the top moneymaking crop in terms of economics isn’t always long term going to be the highest return for the farm on a three, four or five year average.” He said investing an extra $118 per acre is not an easy choice and many producers select lower target yields. “The beauty of UYM is it fleshed out the areas and potential solution cost. The producer can then decide if he wants to risk in some or all of the areas. “If you want to target 100 bu. an acre average this year, it will cost you about $118 per acre to get there. If you like the risk, go for it. If you do not, accept a lower target yield.”
SOFT WHITE WHEAT ECONOMICS ultimate traditional difference Variable costs (in $/acre) yield mgmt south field $/acre Fall nh3 42.00 29.40 12.60 Seed 12.00 12.00 -Seed treatment 3.00 3.00 -46-0-0 9.18 9.18 -11-52-0 13.61 13.61 -Pre-burn (prepass plus .5 litre glyphosate) 7.25 7.25 -Curtail M 13.00 13.00 -AXIAL 15.37 15.37 -Growth hormones 3.50 0.00 3.50 Fungicide 30.13 0.00 30.13 Foliar nutrition 6.70 0.00 6.70 Top dress nutrition (includes super urea) 26.18 0.00 26.18 Custom flotation 9.00 0.00 9.00 Preharvest glyphosate 4.88 4.88 -Custom spraying 28.00 13.00 15.00 >> Total variable costs, excluding fuel 223.80 120.69 103.11 Crop insurance Hail insurance >> (A) Total costs, excluding fuel
The Western Producer has joined with Flaman to deliver weekly highlights from the company’s Great Stuck in the Muck Photo Contest. To see the rest of Flaman’s 2010 and 2011 entries in the photo contest, visit
11.50 5.00 240.30
11.50 5.00 137.19
116 9.6 1 CWPS 5.50
77 9.6 1 CWPS 5.50
39 ----
>> (B) Gross returns, per acre (yields x price) 638.00 Returns before fixed costs, per acre (B-A) $414.20
423.50 $302.81
Yields at 14.5% moisture (bu./acre) Protein (percent) Grade Price per bushel ($)
Source: Jim Cook | WP GRAPHIC
214.50 $111.39
It’s not easy being green when choosing how to renovate ENERGY FIELD
enovating is part of the human condition. Whether it was adding branches to the temporary hut, putting more thatch on the roof or enlarging our one-room soddy, we have been renovating ever since we developed shelter. Environmentally conscious construction often focuses on new buildings, but maintaining and renovating an existing building can be more green than new construction. Lots of resources are involved in construction, both material and energy. Demolition and removal to a landfill requires lots of energy, while rebuilding with entirely with new materials adds a greater environmental load to a project. What renovations and new construction have in common is the selection of environmentally friendly materials. For example, air quality is no less important in a renovated building than in a new one. Only painting? Use low VOC paint. Flooring? Consider using long-lasting hardwood, tile or bamboo. Carpets? Use those made from recycled pop bottles. Cabinets? Use those that do not off-gas formaldehyde. If the changes are mostly cosmetic, such as painting, consider a primer paint that acts a vapour retardant. However, if your house is old, the many layers of oil paint may already be doing a good job. Buildings that are made air tighter may need heat recovery ventilation units that exhausts moist air and preheats the incoming replacement air. Many attempts to fill existing wall cavities have been tried over the years, including the ill-fated and banned urea-formaldehyde. Blown cellulose has been used with holes drilled from the inside or outside. However, there is no method of insitu insulating that has proven to effectively fill the cavity. Crossblocking or wiring often causes material to hang up, meaning there are voids in the wall. Adding enough insulation to dramatically reduce your energy bill will likely mean removing the inner wall material or the outer wall material.
If you decide to “go all the way” with the exterior wall, you can add foam insulation sheets and carry the insulation, below-grade quality, right down the basement wall to the footing. If you go with the interior wall, you will have to remove the trim, being careful with dry and brittle material if you plan on re-using it. Then you have another choice: install foam sheets over the existing studs or build another inner stud wall set in from the existing wall and fill in the space with batt or blown cellulose insulations. You may have to add extensions to window and door jambs. Modern living often calls for more open design. However, make sure
walls are not load bearing before removing them. Central walls are likely to be load bearing in older houses. It is still possible to remove most of the wall, but a beam will have to be installed to carry the load. It is best to consult an engineer or competent contractor. Increasing R-value Attic insulation is easy with batts and even easier with blown cellulose, which is available at many retailers. The weak spot in older houses is the edge where the space is so minimal. If you want to improve the level of insulation in that area, one solution is to install a minimum 1.5 inch layer
of foam sheeting polyisocyanurate. It provides the most R-value, R5 per inch, on the whole ceiling. New drywall boarding then goes over that. Such sheet foam also serves as an airvapour barrier. Windows are often the focus of upgrades, but it doesn’t mean that replacement is the only option. Many good windows are trashed, but significant improvements can be made by careful weather stripping. New developments have also been made in low ‘E’ storm windows. Keep in mind the appearance of new windows in the context of older houses. If they are on the agenda, homeowners must decide whether to use box units inside the original
jambs or remove the jambs and go back to the framing. Sealing around window units goes a long way to stopping air leakage. Older buildings are not inherently better. In lots of cases, old construction was inferior to current construction. However, older buildings often have character, including the style of design, materials used and detailed craftsmanship. Renovating can improve livability and energy efficiency but it is always challenging. However, it is also rewarding if you can do it green. Will Oddie is a renewable energy, sustainable building consultant with a lifetime interest in energy conservation. To contact Oddie, send e-mail to
Weigh the pros and cons Inside or out, sometimes a decision becomes obvious. If you have a beautiful, old brick veneer house, you are not likely going to want to remove that brick. It has a large embodied energy, would be extremely costly to replace and holds out the hot days of summer. On the other hand, the decision may be easier and different if it is a 1950s bungalow. Removing the outside wall finish would be less of a loss and much less disruptive. Upgrading the insulation will be a major job, whether it is done inside or outside, and some waste will be produced from the removed material. However, the long-term energy savings swing the balance toward being green. access=subscriber section=crops,none,none
66 00-
Home for the Holidays It was a busy day at the Kindersley-Elma community pasture west of Kindersley, Sask., Oct. 13. Cattle were sorted and returned home to their owners for the winter. | Paula Larson photos
TOP: Wes Speir and Gerald Mack sort cattle. LEFT: Truckers Kelly Hawken, left, Norm Packet, Gordie Petrie and Bob Mahon prepare to load the cattle. Deklan Hawken, right, was along for the ride. ABOVE: Pasture manager Bill Millar, left, gets the head count so he can do the books for the season.
NOTICE TO FARMERS Series A sign-up deadline Q
The sign-up deadline for 2011-12 Series A delivery contracts is Monday, October 31.
Series B and C delivery contracts are under review, and are not currently being offered due to the uncertainty surrounding the future of the CWB.
Farmers who expect to deliver grain to the CWB this year should review their delivery options. A delivery contract is required before a cash ticket can be issued.
Prairie strong, worldwide
Industrial products get new life on the farm
Pioneer, Monsanto embroiled in patent suit
Company finds new ways to put discarded industrial products to work in feedlots and dairy farms BY JOHN B. PLUCK SASKATOON NEWSROOM
An American company has figured out how to profit from the second R in the reduce-reuse-recyle mantra of environmentalism. Repurposed Materials of Denver, Colorado, markets used products and materials from various industries that producers can convert to multiple uses on the farm. Owner Damon Carson said reusing materials in agriculture is nothing new for most farmers, but he decided to make a business of it when he realized that many used industrial products and by-products that still had value were being discarded. He believes his company is unique because it offers used industrial products and byproducts with which the agricultural industry is not yet familiar. The company uses a website for marketing and has a customer mailing list of nearly 20,000. Carson said one of the products his company sells is used material from advertising billboards, which can be repurposed for the agricultural industry as hay tarps. Another used product is rubber conveyor belts, which can be used as wind breakers or flooring in horse stalls. Carson said feedlots are big buyer of used conveyor belting, which can be used in front of feeding trays to prevent animals from slipping. Old street sweeper brushes are sold as back scratchers for livestock, which he said is particularly popular in the dairy industry. Discarded rubber roofing membrane is sold for use on silage pits. Carson believes the unique feature of this product is its ability to provide a layer of protection against small animals disturbing the formulation process in the pit while also preventing the pit’s lighter covering from lifting. He said reusing makes sense environmentally and economically. Repurposed Materials has been in operation since September 2010.
NEW YORK/KANSAS CIT Y (Reuters) —Pioneer Hi-Bred International has sued Monsanto Co., claiming its archrival infringed on patents that help genetically modified corn seeds germinate. The suit is the latest volley in a bitter fight between the duo for dominance in the lucrative U.S. corn seed industry. In its lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa, Pioneer Hi-Bred claims that it owns patents on a method to enhance the vigour of corn seeds by defoliating the plant at a particular point after pollination but before harvest, and on corn seeds that have
This filing appears to be another in a series of frivolous claims initiated by DuPont against our business … MONSANTO STATEMENT
such enhanced vigour. The suit alleges that Monsanto has been using the methods protected by Pioneer’s patents and seeks reimbursement by Monsanto for any profits gained from the sale of products made with the patents,
as well as damages. It alleges Monsanto’s infringement is “willful and deliberate,” but does not seek a specific dollar amount in damages. The patents cover technologies that improve corn seed germination. First filed in 1994, they have been used by Monsanto at its research site in Constantine, Michigan, Pioneer claimed. Pioneer also wants its attorney’s fees reimbursed and Monsanto blocked from using the patented methods in the future. Monsanto issued a statement following the lawsuit’s filing, calling it baseless and without merit, and said the approach covered by DuPont’s
patent is not used in any of Monsanto’s production fields. “This filing appears to be another in a series of frivolous claims initiated by DuPont against our business and aimed at distracting us from our mission of investing in and delivering new product offerings to farmers around the world. We will defend our business against this latest attack,” the Monsanto statement said. The two companies are bitter rivals. DuPont has accused Monsanto of illegal, anti-competitive behavior and Monsanto claims DuPont has breached business ethics and violated the terms of licensing agreements. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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Texas sees slight reduction in drought
Workers harvest grapes in the Foro Boario vineyards of ancient Pompeii Oct. 20. Some 2,000 years after Mount Vesuvius buried it in fire and ash, the ancient city of Pompeii started to harvest a red wine called Villa dei Misteri from its own vineyards. | REUTERS PHOTO
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) — Cooler temperatures and mild weather continued to loosen the grip of a historic drought in Texas, but more than 90 percent of the southern state still suffered from extreme conditions, according to a U.S. national drought report issued last week. The report stated that 91.87 percent of Texas was considered in extreme or exceptional drought. That was down from 91.96 percent a week earlier. The worst level of drought, exceptional drought, fell to 72.61 percent from 73.13 percent of the state, according to the Drought Monitor, which is compiled by a team of federal and academic scientists. Still, Texas continued to suffer the effects of a year with virtually little to no rainfall. Texas so far has suffered more than $5 billion in agricultural losses, and wildfires have scorched millions of acres during the state’s longest dry period on record. Oklahoma saw an improvement in the level of exceptional drought, which dropped to 59.09 from 59.10 percent of the state. But taking into account the second-worst level of drought, extreme drought, the dryness spread to 87.85 percent of the state from 80.31 percent. Louisiana saw drought areas expand, with more than 40 percent of that state now in extreme or exceptional drought, up from 36 percent a week ago, the report said.
And drought in the key wheatproducing state of Kansas grew worse, expanding to 32.50 percent of the state in extreme or exceptional drought, up from 26 percent a week earlier. FOOD SAFETY
Packer blamed for listeria outbreak (Reuters) — Unsanitary conditions at a packing plant that processed fresh cantaloupes from a Colorado farm likely contributed to one of the deadliest listeria outbreaks in U.S. history, health regulators said last week. The Food and Drug Administration said the design of the plant allowed water to collect in pools and made it difficult to clean and sanitize the facility. The agency also said the plant did not pre-cool cantaloupes before putting them into cold storage. Twenty-fives deaths have been linked to listeria associated with cantaloupes. The FDA said the outbreak, caused by tainted cantaloupes shipped by Jensen Farms, had infected people in 26 states.
eligible for temporary land grants covering as much as 165 acres, up from the current maximum of 33 acres mandated in a 2008 decree, said William Hernandez Morales, the top agricultural official in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba. “Those persons or lease holders that have really shown they can produce will be able to increase their land to five caballerias,” he said on state-run radio. A caballeria is an old land measure still used in Cuba equivalent to 33 acres. The state owns more than 70 percent of the arable land, of which about 50 percent lies fallow and the remainder produces less than the private sector. President Raul Castro has made increasing food production a top priority since taking over from his brother, Fidel Castro, in 2008, but with poor results. Food production remains below 2005 levels and food prices at farmers markets have increased 7.8 percent this year, according to the government.
Cuba to grant farmers more land HAVANA, Cuba (Reuters) — Cuba plans to expand the amount of land granted to private farmers, as the country struggles to boost agriculture productivity. Under new regulations expected this year, productive farmers will be
New Nodulator® XL delivers up to 8% more yield in peas and lentils. Research shows that Nodulator® XL, powered by its superior rhizobia strain, cranks up pea and lentil yields more than leading inoculants. In 171 station-years* of research, Nodulator® XL increased yields by 3% to 8%!
The revenue jump is even greater in lentils. A 3% yield increase means 0.6 bu./ac. more and $8.39 per acre in additional revenue. How about 1.6 bu./ac. more in yield based on an 8% increase? That’s $22.37 more revenue per acre over leading inoculants.**
In peas, the expected 3% to 8% yield increase produces 1.0 to 2.5 bushels more per acre – that’s between $4.99 and $13.30 more per acre in your pocket.
Nodulator® XL – for greater performance, championship yield potential and superior return on investment!
French fight for aid plan
Japan farms to expand
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) — France blasted Germany and five other European Union countries last week for their continued opposition to an EU-funded food aid scheme, saying a dismantling of the program would leave millions of Europeans unable to feed themselves. A blocking minority against the scheme held firm at an EU farm ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg on Oct. 20, despite a last-ditch attempt by French farm minister Bruno Le Maire to break the deadlock in talks with his German counterpart in Berlin. “We have made all the gestures, we have incessantly put new proposals for compromise on the table, we have done everything we could to convince our partners ... but we have each time come up against a wall,” Le Maire said after the EU meeting. The European Commission and France have been at the forefront of efforts to convince members to fund an EU-wide food program to help the bloc’s poorest citizens.
TOKYO, Japan (Reuters) — The Japanese government plans to strengthen its farm sector by consolidating typically tiny patches of farmland as prime minister Yoshihiko Noda appears keen to join a trade pact that will likely hit the nation’s small farmers. Joining the United States-led free trade initiative would help Japan’s auto and high-tech exporters compete globally, but would deal a blow to Japan’s well-protected farming sector by opening the door to cheaper overseas farm products. A draft plan submitted to an agricultural panel chaired by Noda proposes that the government pay subsidies to encourage farmers to sell or lease their land so that it can be integrated into larger farms that can withstand foreign competition. The tiny acreage of most of Japan’s rice farmers has made them uncompetitive in terms of cost, but they are protected by a 778 percent tariff that Japan imposes on imported rice.
Dip in California grape yields may sweeten price for growers CALISTOGA, Calif. (Reuters) — Hollywood executive and winery owner Rich Frank says the movie business and wine industry have plenty in common, especially as this year’s late California harvest has winemakers waiting in the wings for grapes to ripen. Both of California’s famed industries require big up-front investments, significant sales and marketing budgets, and are heavily dependent on star power, whether from a smoldering starlet or a complex Cabernet Sauvignon grape. “The difference is that grapes don’t talk back, although sometimes they show up late, as we’re seeing this year,” said the former Walt Disney Studios president and current owner of
Frank Family Vineyards in Napa Valley, which sells wine for $30 a bottle and more. California growers are harvesting grapes later than usual this year. The take is also anticipated to be smaller than nor mal because of heavy spring rain and the second summer in a row of cooler-than-normal temperatures. Production down, quality up The state agriculture department is forecasting 2011 wine grape production of 3.30 million tons, down nine percent from 3.63 million tons in 2010. California’s unusually mild 2011 weather is expected to have intensiaccess=subscriber section=news,none,none
fied flavours in surviving grapes, which should result in higher quality. California’s harvest of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc all have been below long-term average yields per acre, said Steve Fredricks, president of Turrentine Brokerage, which specializes in bulk wine and grape sales. The shortfall may put upward pressure on prices, particularly for wines in the $2 to $4 bottle range, he said. After paying more for grapes, producers of those wines “are going to have less of a desire to sell it at that price,” Fredricks said. Frank said his yields have been mixed. The Chardonnay harvest has been light, but the winery has more Sangiovese than ever before. Despite the smaller harvest, Frank Family Vineyards’ winemaker Todd Graff said he is increasing production 50 percent to 60,000 cases to meet what he sees as rising demand. Graff, who tends three vineyards totalling more than 260 acres around Napa Valley, plans to get there by buying grapes from other growers. “This year we plan to grow (production) a lot, even with the lighter crop,” said Graff, who recently boosted his own Hollywood credentials when he helped the writers of a television show find winery equipment that could be used by the star, a so-called “medical MacGyver,” to save lives.
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U.S. must improve aid tracking in Afghanistan Watchdog report | It is difficult to determine if agricultural aid is being invested properly Caution and a head’s-up attitude are important while driving this time of year because many farmers are travelling busy roads getting fall work completed as was recently the case near Mariapolis, Man. | JEANNETTE GREAVES PHOTO
WASHINGTON, D.C. — (Reuters) — The United States’ embassy to Afghanistan needs to do a better job tracking aid to that country’s agriculture ministry, which totalled $77 million last year, says a U.S. watchdog. The audit by the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction said the embassy should do more to evaluate whether U.S. aid is properly used and whether the strategy to invest in the agriculture ministry is working. Sixty-five to 80 percent of Afghans depend on farming for their income, so U.S. agencies have invested in the agriculture ministry to help rebuild the sector after the war, said Steven Trent, acting special inspector general. The watchdog, created by Congress to scrutinize U.S. aid to Afghanistan, has delivered several reports critical of what it has called the “confusing labyrinth” of U.S. spending in the country. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Department of Defense all have agriculturerelated programs in the country, the audit said. It urged the embassy do more to co-ordinate efforts. The U.S. has spent more than $1 billion between 2002 and 2010 on agriculture in Afghanistan, the report said. The sector has been hurt by war, drought and a lack of financing and supplies. “The higher profit margins and wages that can be earned from cultivating poppies for illicit opium production can lure many farmers into activities that feed instability, support the insurgency, and undermine the government,” the report said. In a letter included in the report, the embassy said it agreed with the report and was working on the issues. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
“All right. I’ll count sheep but I thought we were cattlemen.”
NEWS AG NOTES SWINE HEALTH FORUM PLANNED The Canadian Swine Health Board will hold its third Canadian Swine Health Forum Nov. 3-4 in Niagara Falls, Ont. The board focuses on research, biosecurity and long-term disease risk management. Forum participants include producers, practitioners, researchers, government and other industry representatives. Topics to be discussed at the forum include the biosecurity standard and implementation, national PRRS control and elimination strategy and board activities. For more information, visit www. ELM PRUNING BAN LIFTED The annual Dutch elm pruning ban is now over for 2011 in Alberta. It is in effect during the time of year when elm bark beetles are potentially most active. Pruning elm trees is prohibited throughout Alberta from April 1 to Sept. 30 to reduce the risk of the disease. Fresh cuts from pruning may attract the beetles that can spread the disease, increasing the chance of an infection. Once they have infected an area, elm bark beetles will feed on healthy elms during the growing season and then breed and overwinter in dead and dying elm trees. Pruning remains an important part of regular elm tree care and is encouraged in Alberta, before and after the annual ban period. Proper pruning helps keep trees healthy and better able to resist disease. The removal of dead and dying elm wood through pruning also helps reduce beetle breeding habitat and control potential beetle populations. Prompt and proper disposal of pruned wood is also essential to keep the disease from spreading. For more information, call the STOPDED hotline at 877-837-3567 or visit
access=subscriber section=news,none,none
COMING EVENTS For more information, contact Patrick Ramsey, a business development specialist in beef competitiveness at 403-652-8303. FARMFAIR NEXT MONTH Farmfair International will be held Nov. 5-13 in Edmonton. The international livestock industry has come together for more than 35 years to see, show and sell top quality livestock. Farmfair showcases more than 1,000 head of cattle, 800 horses, alpacas and sheep dogs. The week-long event features cattle shows and events, equine sales, competitions, clinics and small and specialty livestock programs. It is held in conjunction with the Canadian Finals Rodeo. For more information, call 888800-7275 or e-mail agriculture@
Oct. 28-29: Lakeland College open house, Vermilion and Lloydminster campuses (800-661-6490, www. Nov. 1-5: International Goat Symposium, Exhibition Place, Toronto (www. Nov. 3-6: Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon (Karen Oliver, 204-7263590, Nov. 7-9: Alberta Beekeepers meeting, Fantasyland Hotel, Edmonton (Gertie Adair, 780-489-6949, Gertie., www. html) Nov. 9-12: Fall Fair, Saskatoon (306-9317149, Nov. 10: Pest management in greenhouses workshop, University of Saskatchewan Greenhouse, Saskatoon (Shannon Fraser-Hansen, 306-2594809,
Nov. 15-17: Rural Clergy and Lay Leader conference, New Shoots from Old Roots, Entheos Conference and Retreat Centre, Cochrane, Alta. (www. or 306-966-7864) Nov. 17-18: Green Industry show and conference, Edmonton Expo Centre, Northlands, Edmonton (800-3783198, Nov. 17-18: Farm Women’s Conference, Grande Prairie Inn, Grande Prairie, Alta. (Pat Roessler, 780-567-4308, Nov. 21-26: Canadian Western Agribition, Evraz Place, Regina (306565-0565,, Nov 22-24: Canadian Beef School workshop, A Look Under the Hide, Olds College, Olds, Alta. (Olds College, 800-661-6537, ext. 4677) Nov. 29-Dec. 1: GrowCanada conference, Convention Centre, Winnipeg (info@ access=subscriber section=news,none,none; www. Dec. 5-6: Manitoba Grazing School, Victoria Inn, Winnipeg (204-7269393, Dec. 7: Manitoba Forage Symposium, Victoria Inn, Winnipeg (204-6222006, Dec. 12: Saskatchewan Advisory Council on Forage Crops meeting, Radisson Hotel, Saskatoon (Richard McBride, 306-665-7152, or Michel Tremblay, 306-787-7712, For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.
MAILBOX Wanted: Lid for a Rival six-quart Crockpot, model 37551. Call 780-6744264.
5525 CL COMES THROUGH LIKE A CHAMPION 5525 CL, for mid to long season zones, consistently outperforms all Clearfield® competitors and challenges the yields of top varieties in any system.
WEBINARS ON SUSTAINABILITY Alberta Agriculture will be offering two free webinars in the coming months that introduce lean and green principles for primary producers, supply chains and producer organizations. They are designed to provide a clear understanding of lean principles and green sustainability and how those principles and processes can be applied in primary agriculture operations. The first webinar, scheduled for Oct. 25 from 1-2 p.m. MDT, introduces lean thinking as a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste while focusing on adding value to customers and clients. The session will include examples of how to increase productivity and improve competitive position by adopting lean thinking. The Nov. 3 webinar focuses on becoming a “lean and green” organization or operation. The process expands the focus of traditional lean thinking to include the seven green wastes of energy, water, materials, garbage, transportation, emissions and biodiversity. This process shows how to look at farming operations with a green lens and provides a step-by-step process for how to identify, measure, minimize and eliminate each of the green wastes to realize immediate cost savings with little to no investment and quick implementation. To reserve a webinar seat, call the Ag-Info Centre at 310- 3276 .
BrettYoung’s newest Clearfield addition, 5535 CL, is the yield leader in short season zones, making this newcomer a top performer. In the end, it all comes down to performance, and BrettYoung brings a new standard of excellence to the field. 800-665-5015 5525 YIELD RESULTS 2009 Side-by-sides
2010 BASF Grow Forward Yield Challenge
105%2 100%
Check 0
Yield 1 2
Check varieties from 8 field side-by-side trials include PH 46P50, InVigor 5440, PH 45H73, CT 1651 and DK 71-40. Checks 16 field scale 2010 BASF Grow Forward Yield Challenge trials include D 3150, DK 71-45 RR, InVigor 5020, 5030, 5440, 8440 and PH 45H28.
“In any field, a gold medal performance is a result of preparation, hard work and unwavering support.” JON MONTGOMERY 2010 Olympic Gold Medalist – Skeleton 2008 World Championship Silver Medalist BrettYoung is a trademark of BrettYoung Seeds Limited. Clearfield® is a registered trademark of BASF. 11035 10.11
2011 THIS ONLINE AUCTION EVENT RUNS NOVEMBER 10 - 21, 2011 Bidding starts November 10 at 9 a.m. and ends November 21 at 9 p.m. CST SHARP!
Pre-register online at 580
Motorola PM400 25 Watt VHF Mobile Radio Motorola mobile radio, 25 watt, VHF, comes complete with 2 year manufacturer’s warranty, power cord, mounting bracket, palm microphone and user guide. Included in this package is initial radio frequency programming, Maxrad high gain or wide band antenna as well as antenna cable.
Item #
Item #
Meridian 1612 fertilizer bin is powder coated inside and out. It holds 91 MT of fertilizer @ 62lbs/ cu ft or 2751 bushels. This Meridian bin includes a Bottom man way, 8” poke hole, LevAlert bin level indicator and steel skid base. Completely ready for granular fertilizer. Other details - 26’ high requiring a 46’ auger, 40 degree bottom and 35 degree roof cones, 8 - 6x4 HSS legs and more than 25 clearance for easy clean out. Each Meridian hopper bin includes our exclusive slide gate with crank and a retractable ladder with our NEW ladder rungs for added safety. Freight included.
Meridian Manufacturing Group 4232 38 Street Camrose, AB 1-800-830-2467
Replacement Straw Chopper Rotor for Case IH Combines
Art 160 Air Seeder Rate and Blockage Monitor
Meridian Model 1612 Powder Coated Fertilizer Hopper Bin
Item #
A heavy duty internal straw chopper rotor for Case-IH combines (not 8000 series) which has 3/8 wall drum, splined shaft, 60 paired swinging knives. It meshes with concave knives. Balanced at factory speed. FOB Clive, AB.
The ART 160 air seeder rate and blockage monitor, 6 runs system, displays your rate in seeds per acre or pounds per acre. It detects blockages using infra-red seed flow sensors. The monitor can have up to 120 runs. FOB Saskatoon, SK.
GL Mobile Communications 243 South Industrial Drive Prince Albert, SK 306-922-1170
Agtron Enterprises Inc 242 Robin Crescent Saskatoon, SK 1-800-667-0640
Item #
Rodono Industries Ltd. RR #1 Clive, AB 403-784-3864
Walnut Beach Resort Vacation $500 Gift Certificate
One bedroom Lake View Suite with ensuite, full kitchen, fireplace and in suite washer and dryer. Private licensed beach, pool, two hot tubs (open year round), with wine bar and bistro on site. Cost of suite depends on time of year.
Item # 410
Walnut Beach Resort 4200 Lakeshore Drive Osoyoos, BC 250-495-7751
You’d better check the weather. Current conditions • 7 day forecast • Weather news
This is where you’ll findit! Local forecasts wherever you are.
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CONDITIONS • The Western Producer reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement submitted to it for publication. • The Western Producer, while assuming no responsibility for advertisements appearing in its columns, endeavors to restrict advertising to wholly reliable firms or individuals. • Buyers are advised to request shipment C.O.D. when purchasing from an unknown advertiser, thus minimizing the chances of fraud and eliminating the necessity of refund if the goods have already been sold. • Ads may be cancelled or changed at any time in accordance with the deadlines. Ads ordered on the term rates, which are cancelled or changed lose their special term rates. • The Western Producer accepts no responsibility for errors in advertisements after one insertion. • While every effort is made to forward replies to the box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible, we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused. • Advertisers using only a post office box number or street address must submit their name to this office before such an advertisement is accepted for this publication. Their name will be kept confidential and will not appear in any advertisement unless requested. • Box holders names are not given out.
Tributes/Memoriams ...............0100 Announcements ...................... 0200 COMMUNITY CALENDAR British Columbia ................... 0310 Alberta...................................0320 Saskatchewan ......................0330 Manitoba ...............................0340 Airplanes ................................. 0400 Alarms & Security Systems .... 0500 ANTIQUES Antique Auctions .................. 0701 Antique Equipment ...............0703 Antique Vehicles ...................0705 Antique Miscellaneous ......... 0710 Arenas ..................................... 0800 Auction Sales .......................... 0900 Auction Schools ...................... 0950 AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto Service & Repairs ......... 1050 Auto & Truck Parts ................ 1100 Buses ..................................... 1300 Cars .......................................1400 Trailers Grain Trailers ...................... 1505 Livestock Trailers .................1510 Misc. Trailers ........................ 1515 Trucks 2007 & Newer ......................1597 2000 - 2006 .......................1600 1999 & Older....................... 1665 Four Wheel Drive ................ 1670 Grain Trucks .........................1675 Semi Trucks ..........................1677 Specialized Trucks .............. 1680 Sport Utilities.......................1682 Various ................................ 1685 Vans ....................................... 1700 Vehicles Wanted ....................1705 BEEKEEPING Honey Bees ........................... 2010 Cutter Bees............................2020 Bee Equipment & Supplies ... 2025 Belting ......................................2200 Bio Diesel & Equipment...........2300 Books & Magazines ..................2400 BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Concrete Repair & Coatings ................................ 2504 Doors & Windows ................. 2505 Electrical & Plumbing ............2510 Lumber .................................. 2520 Roofing .................................. 2550 Supplies ................................ 2570 Buildings .................................. 2601 Building Movers ....................... 2602 Business Opportunities ...........2800 BUSINESS SERVICES Consulting ............................. 2901 Financial & Legal .................. 2902 Insurance & Investments...... 2903 Butcher’s Supplies .................. 3000 Chemicals................................. 3150 Clothing: Drygoods & Workwear ...........3170 Collectibles ..............................3200 Compressors ............................3300 Computers................................3400 CONTRACTING Custom Baling ....................... 3510 Custom Combining ............... 3520 Custom Feeding .....................3525 Custom Seeding .....................3527 Custom Silage ....................... 3530 Custom Spraying...................3540 Custom Trucking ................... 3550 Custom Tub Grinding .............3555 Custom Work .........................3560 Construction Equipment..........3600 Dairy Equipment ...................... 3685 Diesel Engines..........................3700 Educational ..............................3800 Electrical Motors...................... 3825 Electrical Equipment ............... 3828 Engines.....................................3850 Farm Buildings ........................ 4000 Bins .......................................4003 Storage/Containers...............4005 FARM MACHINERY Aeration ................................ 4103
Conveyors ............................. 4106 Equipment Monitors ............. 4109 Fertilizer Equipment .............. 4112 Grain Augers ..........................4115 Grain Carts .............................4118 Grain Cleaners ....................... 4121 Grain Dryers ...........................4124 Grain Elevators ......................4127 Grain Testers ......................... 4130 Grain Vacuums .......................4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ............... 4139 Mower Conditioners ............4142 Swathers ............................. 4145 Swather Accessories ........... 4148 H&H Various.........................4151 Combines Belarus .................................4157 Case/IH ............................... 4160 CI ..........................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ............... 4166 Deutz ................................... 4169 Ford/NH ................................4172 Gleaner .................................4175 John Deere ............................4178 Massey Ferguson..................4181 Python ................................. 4184 Versatile ...............................4187 White ................................... 4190 Various .................................4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers................ 4199 Combine Pickups ................ 4202 Misc. Accessories ................ 4205 Hydraulics .............................4208 Parts & Accessories ............... 4211 Salvage .................................4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ............................4217 Repairs .................................. 4220 Rockpickers ............................4223 Snowblowers & Snowplows .......................... 4226 Silage Equipment .................. 4229 Special Equipment.................4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ......................... 4238 SP Sprayers ..........................4241 Spraying Various................. 4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .............................. 4250 Air Seeders .......................... 4253 Harrows & Packers .............. 4256 Seeding Various .................. 4259 Tillage Equipment ............... 4262 Tillage & Seeding Various .............................. 4265 Tractors Agco Agco ....................................4274 Allis/Deutz..........................4277 White .................................4280 Belarus ................................ 4283 Case/IH ............................... 4286 Steiger ............................... 4289 Caterpillar ........................... 4292 John Deere ........................... 4295 Kubota ................................. 4298 Massey Ferguson................. 4301 New Holland ........................4304 Ford ................................... 4307 Versatile ............................ 4310 Universal ..............................4313 Zetor .................................... 4316 Various Tractors .................. 4319 Loaders & Dozers ...................4322 Miscellaneous ....................... 4325 Wanted .................................. 4328 Fencing .................................... 4400 Financing/Leasing ...................4450 Firewood .................................. 4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ...........4500 Food Products .......................... 4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ...............4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ........ 4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing ............4605 Fur Farming .............................. 4675 Generators ................................4725 GPS ........................................... 4730 Green Energy.............................4775
Health Care .............................. 4810 Health Foods ............................ 4825 Heating & Air Conditioning....................4850 Hides, Furs, & Leathers ...........4880 Hobbies & Handicrafts ............4885 Household Items......................4890 Iron & Steel ..............................4960 Irrigation Equipment ...............4980 LANDSCAPING Greenhouses .........................4985 Lawn & Garden .....................4988 Nursery & Gardening Supplies ............4990 LIVESTOCK Cattle Auction Sales ......................5005 Black Angus ......................... 5010 Red Angus ........................... 5015 Belgian Blue ........................5030 Blonde d’Aquitaine ............. 5035 Brahman ..............................5040 Brangus ............................... 5042 Braunvieh ............................ 5047 Brown Swiss ........................5049 BueLingo ............................. 5052 Charolais ............................. 5055 Dexter ..................................5065 Excellerator ......................... 5067 Galloway .............................5070 Gelbvieh .............................. 5075 Guernsey .............................5080 Hereford ............................. 5090 Highland ..............................5095 Holstein ............................... 5100 Jersey ................................... 5105 Limousin............................... 5115 Lowline .................................5118 Luing.....................................5120 Maine-Anjou .........................5125 Miniature............................. 5130 Murray Grey .........................5135 Piedmontese ....................... 5160 Pinzgauer .............................5165 Red Poll ................................ 5175 Salers....................................5185 Santa Gertrudis ................... 5188 Shaver Beefblend.................5195 Shorthorn ............................5200 Simmental ........................... 5205 South Devon .........................5210 Speckle Park.........................5215 Tarentaise ........................... 5220 Texas Longhorn ....................5225 Wagyu.................................. 5230 Welsh Black ..........................5235 Cattle Various ..................... 5240 Cattle Wanted ..................... 5245 Cattle Events & Seminars ....5247 Horses Auction Sales ...................... 5305 American Saddlebred ......... 5310 Appaloosa ............................5315 Arabian ................................ 5320 Belgian .................................5325 Canadian ..............................5327 Clydesdale ........................... 5330 Donkeys ................................5335 Haflinger ............................. 5345 Miniature............................. 5365 Morgan .................................5375 Mules ...................................5380 Norwegian Fjord ................. 5385 Paint ....................................5390 Palomino ............................. 5395 Percheron ............................5400 Peruvian ..............................5405 Ponies..................................5408 Quarter Horse ......................5415 Shetland .............................. 5420 Sport Horses ....................... 5424 Standardbred ......................5430 Tennessee Walker ............... 5445 Thoroughbred .....................5450 Welsh ................................... 5455 Horses Various ....................5460 Horses Wanted .................... 5465 Horse Events, Seminars ...... 5467 Horse Hauling .....................5469 Harness & Vehicles ............. 5470 Saddles.................................5475
Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505 Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Bison (Buffalo) .....................5755 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162 Campers & Trailers ............... 6164
Golf Cars ................................ 6165 Motor Homes......................... 6166 Motorcycles ............................6167 Snowmobiles ........................ 6168 Refrigeration ............................ 6180 RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ........... 6210 Vacation Accommodations ... 6245 Restaurant Supplies ................ 6320 Sausage Equipment .................6340 Sawmills...................................6360 Scales .......................................6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ..................................6404 Corn .................................... 6406 Durum..................................6407 Oats ..................................... 6410 Rye....................................... 6413 Triticale ............................... 6416 Wheat .................................. 6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa .................................. 6425 Annual Forage ..................... 6428 Clover .................................. 6431 Grass Seeds ...........................6434 Oilseeds Canola ................................6440 Flax ......................................6443 Pulse Crops Beans ...................................6449 Chickpeas ............................ 6452 Lentil ................................... 6455 Peas .....................................6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ......................6464 Mustard ............................... 6467 Potatoes ..............................6470 Sunflower ............................ 6473 Other Specialty Crops ......... 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ......................... 6482 Forage Seeds .........................6485 Grass Seeds ...........................6488 Oilseeds ................................ 6491 Pulse Crops ...........................6494 Various .................................. 6497 Organic Seed ...........See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain .............................6505 Hay & Straw .......................... 6510 Pellets & Concentrates ..........6515 Fertilizer ................................6530 Feed Wanted .........................6540 Seed Wanted ......................... 6542 Sewing Machines ..................... 6710 Sharpening Services .................6725 Sporting Goods ........................ 6825 Outfitters............................... 6827 Stamps & Coins ........................6850 Swap......................................... 6875 Tanks ........................................ 6925 Tarpaulins ................................ 6975 Tenders..................................... 7025 Tickets ...................................... 7027 Tires .........................................7050 Tools ......................................... 7070 Travel........................................ 7095 Water Pumps............................ 7150 Water Treatment ......................7200 Welding .................................... 7250 Well Drilling .............................7300 Winches....................................7400 CAREERS Career Training ........................8001 Child Care.................................8002 Construction ........................... 8004 Domestic Services .................. 8008 Farm / Ranch ............................ 8016 Forestry / Logging .................... 8018 Help Wanted ............................8024 Management ............................ 8025 Mining ...................................... 8027 Oilfield .....................................8030 Professional ............................. 8032 Sales / Marketing .................... 8040 Trades / Technical ....................8044 Truck Drivers ............................8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ...............................8050
THIS ONLINE AUCTION EVENT RUNS NOVEMBER 10 - NOVEMBER 21, 2011 Bidding starts November 10 at 9 a.m. and ends November 21 at 9 p.m. CST SHARP!
Pre-register online at
ECUMENICAL MINISTRY CONFERENCE: New shoots from old roots. Nov. 15-17, near Cochrane, AB. For rural clergy and lay leaders. 306-966-7864,
1938 STINSON SR9-FM Gull Wing. Will carry a beaver load at a fraction of the cost. 200 hrs on ground-up rebuild. Rare classic collectible aircraft. A piece of Canadian bush pilot history. Must Sell. Make an offer. Contact Ryan in Fairlight, SK 306-646-7743. MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine parts, satisfaction guaranteed. Altona, MB, 204-324-6088.
PAY NO APPLICATION fee when you apply to Lakeland College during Open House Oct. 28 and 29 at the Vermilion and Lloydminster campuses. Enter to win an iPad 2 and $1000 tuition credit! Get details at: or call 1-800-661-6490. Ask about our Student Managed Farm - Powered by New Holland.
1974 BELLANCA 7ECA CITABRIA, TTSN 2100, Lycoming 035, 115 HP, 2400 TBO, new C of A, exc. cond. 204-768-3093, or cell 204-768-0807, Ashern, MB. NEED YOUR CESSNA thrush air tractor wings rebuilt? Phone 204-362-0406, Morden, MB.
1962 CESSNA 172C, 3769 TTSN, 946 SMOH, K-192 comm, transponder/Mode C, Garmin 55 GPS, fresh annual, always hangared, $35,000 OBO. Bob 204-223-7660 Starbuck, MB. Pictures available. Email: ARE YOU THE ONE? Looking for an energetic, entrepreneur licensed AME to take over my well established general aviation business of 35 years in central AB. Options available. Serious enquiries only please. 403-597-4187, Penhold, AB. CESSNA A185F, 1981, 906 TTAF, all original. Contact John Hopkinson & Associates at 403-291-9027, Water Valley, AB. 2003 DIAMOND DA20-C1; 2006 Diamond DA20-C1; 2008 American Champion 8KAB. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB.
1976 PIPER PA-23-250 Aztec “F”, 3135 TTAF, 773 TSO, Garmin GNS 530, full DeIce. Call John Hopkinson & Assoc. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. WANTED: STRAIGHT TAIL Cessna 182 or Cessna 180 and Cessna 170. Reasonable price. Quick sale. Call: 905-373-1755, Baltimore, ON. 1975 SKYHAWK II, 1599 TTSN, NDH, hangared, 2 Nav Coms, ADF, new XPDR and Mode C, Intercom, Garmin 196. Pics avail. 1987 PELICAN CLUB ULTRALIGHT, 2 place side by side, dual controls, brakes, Call 204-523-7449, MB. 503 Rotax, 52 HP dual carb and ignition, 1966 CHEROKEE PA-28-180, 4590 TT, electric start and oil injection, GSC 2 blade 880 TTAE, Gar 250 Nav/Com, SL 40 Com, prop, approx 80 hrs on engine and prop, Mode C, Hor Tach, 406, Int, recent alt. and 32’ wingspan, VFR panel and cabin heat, tires, exhaust, $49,900. 403-701-3064 gross weight 950 lbs, empty with fuel 580 Didsbury, AB. lbs (8 gal. cap.), cruises 70-75 mph, stall 38 mph, includes skis, hand held radio and PTT, David Clark headset. Email Frank at: or call: 306-455-2426, Regina, SK.
ANTIQUE SALE October 28th and 29th D-Company Armories 9005 101 Street, Grande Prairie, AB. Great selection of furniture, jewellery, coins, stamps, toys and dolls, fine china and glass, vintage stove restoration, rustic and country collectibles and much more. Show hours Friday October 28th 10:00 AM- 8:00 PM, Saturday October 29th 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM Admission $3. For bookings or information call 780-987-2071.
1945 MASSEY HARRIS 102, rebuilt engine and good tires. Call 204-526-7374 or 204-526-2527, Holland, MB.
STEINER TRACTOR PARTS for old tractors. Canadian agents. 150,000 other new parts. TRACTOR SERVICE and owner’s manuals, excellent quotes. Website w w w. d i a m o n d f a r m t r a c t o r p a r t s . c o m 1-800-481-1353. 1946 CASE S, restored, runs perfect, 1956 AERONCA 7-EC CHAMP for sale. $2500 OBO. Randy 306-792-4704, Spring2650 TTSN, C-90, 1140 SMOH, last annual side, SK. July 2011 with no major snags. Narco COM8-10, AT-150 mode C xpdr, intercom. Always hangared and located Calgary, AB., $22,900 OBO. Call Brian at 403-923-8908 or
JET AIRCRAFT FUEL drop tanks off Lockhed P-80-A, complete and orig., $1950/each OBO. Can deliver. Call Wes 403-936-5572, Calgary, AB.
WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610,
AUC TIO N SAL E SATUR D AY O CTO BE R 29, 20 1 1 9:0 0 A .M .
*C O IN S SEL L AT 1:00 P .M .* L EASK L IO N ’S H AL L
N ofSaskatoon on H w y.12 to Blaine Lake;righton H w y.40 to Leask.
Co in s & Cu rren c y; Fu rn itu re; Gla ssw a re, K itc hen & Ho u seho ld ; To ys; Tin s; Sig n s; Clo c ks & R a d io s; L a m ps & L a n tern s; L ic en se P la tes; Ho rse R ela ted & m a n y, m a n y m o re item s. TO O N UM ERO US TO L IST .
b o d n a r u sa u ctio n eer in g .co m
(30 6)227-95 0 5 PL #318200 SK
RED DEERAgri-Trade In FRIDAY th During the
Hosted By:
Show Week
Tickets Available Through
Central Alberta Theatre (403) 347-0800 For More Details Call BERT (306) 664-2378
2011 '"3. '036. &7&/5
JD “AR” 1952, gas, 2 cyl, incl. even match new tires, also an umbrella, show piece quality condition, $8500 OBO. Phone 306-544-7805, Hanley, SK area. RUNNING: JD 2 cylinder collection, from AR to 830 standards, including parts tractors; Also 3010 and 4010 gas standards. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. AGRICULTURAL TRACTION ENGINE steamed powered, made in Briton, excellent detail, 1” scale, 20” long, gas fired very collectible and limited edition, $6495. For details please call 1-800-481-1353. IH 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 HP stationary engine/ built on pump jack. Call: 306-699-7109, Regina, SK. 10 SMALL TRACTORS: Ford, JD, Case, IHC, MH, MM, Cockshutt. Call 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. 75 STATIONARY ENGINES, magneto’s, igniters and parts for sale. 306-697-2723, Grenfell, SK. 1960 JOHN DEERE 630 tractor, 4700 hrs., original, all brand new rubber, mint! 306-786-6731, Yorkton, SK. ANTIQUE TRACTORS: Large assortment of JD’s: 620, R’s, D’s, G’s, 80. 50 to choose from. 204-522-8140, Melita, MB. WANTED: Parts for an International D-35 truck, from 1936-1939. Saskatoon, SK, call 306-683-5001, 519-471-6610. JD MODEL M, in working order, c/w original cult., sickle mower, plow and dozer blade $7000. 306-882-3183, Rosetown, SK ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranteed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. IH SUPER W6 tractor, new front tires, hyd., belt pulley, runs well. $1600 OBO; MH model 6 sickle mower; JD sickle mower, offers. 306-333-4814, Abernethy, SK.
FFE 2011 Nov 29 - Dec 1
The Western Producer is proud to be a Platinum partner in hosting The Farm Forum Event, details are available at We will be providing passes for four people to attend courtesy of The Western Producer. If you’re interested in participating, S OF 2 PRIZE please reply by mailing: The Western Producer
P.O. Box 2500 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4
or emailing: before Friday, November 18, 2011 to qualify. Winners will be selected at random and will be notified immediately after the closing date.
An En viron m e n ta l Agri-b u s in e s s S ym p os iu m for FAR M P R OD U CER S N ove m b e r 16, 20 11
S AS K ATOON P R AIR IEL AN D P AR K M edia S pons ors :
• L is ten to ca s e s tu d ies o n Co n s ervin g, Ha rn es s in g a n d Pro d u cin g a ltern a tive en ergy. • N etw o rk in g s es s io n s a n d in d u s try d is pla ys . C hec k outw w w .go Co-hos ted b y:
in ggreen gro w in ggreen .in fo
for c om plete event d eta ils .
ANTIQUE SAWMILL, large blade, PTO drive, clean out auger, running condition, loading platform, $11,000 OBO. Call Brian Callum, Miami, MB, 204-435-2321, email WANTED: VINTAGE TRACTORS from the 1940’s and 1950’s for restoration purposes. I am acting for a vintage tractor restorer. Looking for: Oliver, JD, Case, Allis Chalmers, McCormick-Deering, Empire, Cockshutt, MH, International, and others. Info required: make, year, model, manual, spare parts if any, photo, location, asking price. Phone 204-489-1849 Vintage Tractors, 213 Lindsay St., Winnipeg, MB. R3N 1G9.
FORD MODEL AA 1 ton truck, running, needs restoration. Call 403-504-0468, USED ZAMBONI AND Olympia ice resurfers for sale. Parts, sales and service. Medicine Hat, AB. 403-830-8603, 403-271-9793, Calgary, AB 1964 FARGO ONE ton, 8x9 wood B&H, new clutch and tires, 41,000 miles. Call: 306-699-7109, Regina, SK. FARM AUCTION for LA Land and Cattle Leduc, AB. Saturday, Nov. 12, 10:30 AM. Selling a large assortment of cattle hanequipment including panels, bow ELIZABETH’S ANTIQUE SALE, Alberta dling self-standing panels, bale and silage Aviation Museum, 11410 Kingsway Ave., gates, feeders, Hi-Hog HD handling system plus Edmonton, AB. November 4 and 5, 2011, farm equipment including Kubota M100 Friday 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM and Saturday, tractor, stock trailer and much much more. 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. $5.00 Admission. For more info. call Allen B. Olson Auction Service, 403-843-2747. LARGE SELECTION of antique wrenches, hand tools and several stationary one cyl. EST. AUCTION for Robert and Marjorie engines 306-365-4760, Lanigan, SK. Tymiak, Sunday, Nov. 6, 2011, 10:00 AM, Kelliher Rec. Centre, Kelliher, SK. JD 4020 WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales bro- and MF 165 tractors; JD 346 baler; NH 461 chures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, bale wagon; Schulte S70 mower; 1994 LinSaskatoon, SK. coln Town car; 2002 Ford Windstar; 16’ Edson boat and trailer. Complete houseCOMBINATION coal, wood and propane hold; antiques; tools; JD mower and more. stove; 1957 Mercury truck. Both in good View listing at: shape. Offers. 306-946-3806, Watrous, SK. or call 306-795-7387. PL #309790.
PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale October 29, 9:00 AM. PBR, 1 0 5 - 7 1 s t S t . We s t , S a s k at o o n , S K . , 306-931-7666. NELSON’S AUCTION SERVICE, Sat., Nov 5, 2011, 9:00 AM, Antique and Collectible Auction, Meacham, SK. Directions from Saskatoon: 39 miles east on hwy 5 and 2 miles south on hwy 2. Furniture; lamps; dishes; glassware; toys; mantel clocks; spinning wheel; metal lunch boxes w/thermos’; Singer sewing machines; trunks; collectors plates and collectible coins. Taking consignments now. Phone 306-944-4320. For a full listing w/photos visit our website PL #911669. Do not miss this unique auction!! SHELDON’S HAULING, Haul all farm equipment, air drills and swathers. 306-961-9699 Prince Albert SK
Acrea ge Auction for
JEROM E & JUDY GETZ Qu’Ap p elle, S AS K. 2 m iles N o rth o f Q u ’Appelle, Hw y #35 (O ld Blu en o se Fa rm ) S a le D a te : Octo b e r 29, 2011 @ 10:00 AM Fea turing: Co llecto r M a s s ey Ha rris T ra cto rs ; Allis Cha lm ers W D45 T ra cto r; F o rd 3600 T ra cto r; F o rd F in is hin g M o w er; 1975 Ca s e D450 S teel T ra ck Cra w ler w /L o a d er, M o w ers , Plo u ghs , Au gers , T a n ks & M u ch, M u ch M o re! Listing Subjectto Additions & Deletions
M cDouga ll Auctioneers Ltd . P h 306-75 7-175 5 or1-8 00-2 63-4193 www.M cDouga llBa - R egina C he c k the W e b s ite fo r Fu ll Lis tin g, Pho to s & De ta ils !
TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, reproduction parts, antiques and classic. Western Canada Steiner dealer. Don Ellingson, 1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB.
NELSON’S AUCTION SERVICE: Sat., Oct. 29th, 2011, 10 AM. Mary Anne Dunne Farm Dispersal Real Estate and Machinery Auction, Leroy, SK. House to be auctioned at 1 PM. An approx. 1000 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 1 bath bungalow w/20 acres of treed land. Vinyl siding, asphalt shingles, 15’x12’ deck, finished porch. Includes outbuildings; school house; barn; chop bin barn; cattle shelter; pump house; wood bins and a detached 2 car garage. An open house will be held Fri., Oct. 28, 2011 from 1-4 PM. Also auctioning 160 acres of farmland with 135 of those being cultivated in the RM of Leroy #339. Farm machinery will be auctioned including: 2290 Case tractor; 1984 Versatile SP 4400 swather; 1978 GMC 65 Series 3T truck; Flexi-Coil System 95 harrow packer; and System 82 harrow draw bar; Bourgault 2115 air seeder; Model 2 Case tractor; 1928 IHC KB.5 2T truck; NH 357 mixmill; 1983 MF combine; Kendon hoppered wagon. Household items include: Hobart piano; Hotpoint range; Kenmore fridge. Many more items to be auctioned, visit our website at: for a full listing and pictures or call 306-944-4320. PL #911669.
VINTAGE TRACTORS. Photos available via email. 306-242-9011, Saskatoon, SK. 1947 COCKSHUTT 99, runs well. 403-823-9824, Drumheller, AB.
As s ets & Eq uip m entofthe Form er
Ge n e ra l Bio En e rgy In c.
MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE G707. Completely original, way above average. Phone evenings 306-778-9177 or 306-741-6262, Swift Current, SK. 1942 JD A, narrow front, older restoration, $2500. 306-854-2308, Elbow, SK.
16 20 M c Ara S tre e t-REG IN A, S AS K. O n lin e Eve n t!– En tire ly Un re s e rve d ! Bid s Clos e O c t31, 2011 @ 2 P M V ie w in g : O c t26 1p m -4p m & O c t29 9a m -12p m Listing Inc lud es: 65,000 kg In d u s tria l S ca le, W hea thea rt BH836 Gra in Au ger, Po o l Au ger, Overhea d In s u la ted Do o r, 1986 Do d ge 100 Cu s to m , 6’x 14’ 2-Ro o m S ha ck o n S kid s , Up right F ib ergla s s T a n k, E lectrica l Bo xes , T /A S teel Gra ted High Bo y T ra iler, S a ku n d ia k HD7-1600 Au ger, 1100 Ga l. Po ly Dies el T a n k, W es teel Ho p p er Bin , Ga lva n ized 30’ Ro u n d Bin o n Co n crete, Ga lvo n ized 31’ T a ll Ro u n d Bin (fo u n d a tio n u n kn o w n ), W hea thea rt BH851 S elf Pro p elled , Gra in L eg w /S a fety L a d d er Ca ge, Office E q u ip m en t, W eld in g T a b les , Co n veryo r T a b les , Gra in Ho p p er, T o led o Pla tfo rm S ca le, Pa llet Ra ckin g, Na p a n es e Na tu ra l Ga s Bo iler 3 p ha s e, E lectric M o to rs , Ha s tin gs Pro p a n e F u rn a ce, Air S eed er Ho s e, Gra in Clea n er, Ho n d a E n gin e w /Hyd ra u lic Pu m p , Hys ter Pro p a n e F o rklift, Bid -Dies el Pro ces s in g E q u ip m en t, E lectrica l Pa n els , Ra d ia n t Hea ter, Ho ld in g T a n ks , S teel Dies el T a n ks & M u ch, M u ch M o re! L is tin g S u b jectto Ad d itio n s & Deletio n s R e gis te r On lin e o r C a ll th e Office : 800-263-4193 C he c k the W e b s ite fo r Fu ll Lis tin g, Pho to s & De ta ils !
JD 70, JD 3020, JD 420U, JD M, JD 4010 row crop propane. Phone 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. 4 FARMALL TRACTORS: A; H w/narrow front; H wide front; M. All repainted with decals, new or vg rear tires. Good running order. Shedded. 306-363-4723, Drake, SK. 1953 CO-OP E3 tractor, running well, $1700 firm. 306-989-4272, Paddockwood, SK. 1952 CO-OP E3 (Cockshutt 30), last used 1995, always shedded, good, reduced to $1800 OBO. 204-727-2462, Brandon, MB. 1945 JD AR, hyd., $1550 OBO; 1947 JD AR, w/Farmhand loader and starter, $1800 OBO; Model D Case, hyd., tires- fair, $1000 OBO; 3 deck wooden wagon box w/year 1913 steel wheels, $900 OBO. 306-842-5862, Weyburn, SK. ANTIQUE WANTED: Oliver-99, gas, in good running order, between years 1950 1953. Phone 780-645-3503, St. Paul, AB.
M cDouga ll Auctioneers Ltd . P h 306-75 7-175 5 or1-8 00-2 63-4193 www.M cDouga llBa - R egina
JD 1965 110 garden tractor, Kohler 8 HP eng., rototiller/mower complete, show piece quality condition, $4500 OBO. Phone 306-544-7805, Hanley, SK area.
Although complete name, address and phone number need not appear in your ad, we must have this information for our files. NAME _____________________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE# _________________ CELL# _____________ EVENING PHONE# ____________
JOHN DEERE R, A, B, all have hydraulics, PTO and fresh paint; AR unstyled, PTO and painted; DC 4, narrow fronts, hyd., PTO; E2 Co-op, PTO, painted. All run nice. Can deliver. Call 204-725-8244, Brandon, MB.
ADDRESS ___________________________________________TOWN ___________________ PROVINCE ________ POSTAL CODE _____________
2- MF 1995 Supers; 1- MF 1997 Cab. Your pick, $1500 each. 1- MH 444 gas, hyds., belt pulley, vg tin, running, $2250. Phone 306-237-4412, Perdue, SK. BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, brochures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. MH #30, engine overhauled, sand blasted, needs paint and reassembly. Phone 306-935-2258, Milden, SK.
PLEASE PRINT YOUR AD BELOW exactly as you want it to appear in the paper, including your phone number or The Western Producer box number. When using a phone or fax number within your ad copy, town and province are required (toll free numbers and WP Box numbers excepted). When using an email and/or website address within your ad copy, an alternative way for readers to contact you is required (ie: phone, fax or mailing address). Ads in the Personal column must be placed under a Western Producer box number or email address. There is a $45.00 charge for a box number ($95.00 International). A signature is required here for all Personal ads.________________________________________________________
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1978 OLDSMOBILE TORNADO, 93,000 miles, good condition, blue int./ext. 780-753-6136, 780-753-1346, Provost, AB
1973 PLYMOUTH FURY III, exc. shape, original owner, $3250 OBO; 1975 Triumph TR6, good shape, $5500 OBO. 306-463-3228, Kindersley, SK.
1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC long nose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK.
CLASSIFICATION NAME & NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________________ # OF WEEKS ________
1929 CHEV PICKUP, 6 cyl., dark green with black fenders, near perfect condition, $19,000. 519-538-1830, Meaford, Ont. DEER HUNTERS DELIGHT, 1954 Willy’s pick-up truck, no rust or dents, excellent project truck. $2000 OBO. 306-544-7805, Hanley, SK area. 1978 DELTA 88 car, burgundy in color, new tires, 98,135 kms., well maintained inside and out, like new, all original, stored inside 28 years, mechanically sound. Asking $3,500 OBO. 306-728-4345 Melville SK 1967 PLYMOUTH FURY III, 2 dr., 383 motor; 1967 Plymouth VIP, 2 dr., 318 motor. Phone 306-228-9111, Unity, SK. 1970 FARGO 800 tandem, 413 V8 gas, 5 and 4, double frame, 4 new tires. $1750 OBO. 780-753-0126, Chauvin, AB. OLD MOTORCYCLES or parts wanted, any cond., size or make, 1979 or older. W i l l p i c k u p , p ay c a s h . C a l l We s 403-936-5572 anytime, Calgary, AB.
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SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS, Weyburn, SK, 306-842-2641. Used car and truck parts, light to heavy. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. FOR S AL E BY TEN DER
Bid s C lo s e : M o n d a y, Octo b e r 31, 2011 a t2:00pm V iew in g: Oct 20 12pm – 2pm & Oct 27 12pm – 2pm L o ca tio n : #29 – 321 Du n lo p S treet– S a s ka to o n , S K
TR ACTOR S : Ca s e 4210; Ford 8340; Ca s e 7140 M a g n u m . COM BINES : M F 8460. P OW ER UNITS : M a ck CH 602. S P R AYER S : Flexi-Coil 65. S W ATHER : Coop 550. BALER S ; NEW CAR HAULER S ; IH FOR KLIFT; 5 00- 6x6 ALFALFA BALES ; CAR S ; TR UCKS AND M OR E!!! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR HIGH TR AFFIC LOCATION ! CALL TO CONS IGN!
Deta ils: L o ca ted in S u therla n d (o ff 115th S treet & Cen tra l Ave) - Id ea l to Un ivers ity o f S a s ka tchew a n . 64’ x 14’ = a p p ro x 896 s q ft. E xterio r Vin yl S id in g in W hite & Blu e; 2 E n tra n ces , Bo th w ith E xterio r S tep L a n d in gs & E xterio r Po rch Ad d -On ; Ca rp eted L ivin g Ro o m , Bed ro o m s , L in o in K itchen & Ba th Area ; 3 Bed ro o m : 2 S m a ll & L a rger E n d M a s ter; Ba thro o m w ith F u ll Ba thtu b / S ho w er; Ap p lia n ces : S to ve & Dryer On ly, Ga s F u rn a ce; Un d erca rria ge: T o w Hitch (u n d eterm i na b l efi ti ha s w heels ) Check W eb s ite fo r Term s & Co n d itio n s o r to prin tTen d er Fo rm .
Regina, SK November 3, 2011
www.M cDouga LIC #314480
M cDouga ll Auctioneers Ltd . - R egina Ph (306 ) 757-1755 o r TOL L FREE 1(8 00) 26 3-419 3
G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w .grea tpla in sa u ctio n m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9
NER AUTOWRECKING AND RECYCLING wrecking all makes and models of cars and 4x4 trucks, picking up scrap vehicles and m e t a l , b a s e d i n L l oy d m i n s t e r, A B . 1-877-903-3325 or 780-871-0482. WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost. VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. WRECKING USED VOLVO trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642 Regina SK TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. SASK. LARGEST INVENTORY of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all m a ke s ! C a n A m Tr u c k E x p o r t L t d . , 1-800-938-3323. 10 YR. OLD single cylinder Perkins diesel generator/ Pro-heat for semi unit, elec. start, $8500 OBO. 780-847-3995 or 780-871-2949, Marwayne, AB.
2– 2009 CASE IH 8120
SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park New and used parts available for 3 tonhighway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-800-667-3023. DL #914394 WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.
2009 JOHN DEERE 4930 120 FT
2– 2010 PREMIER M150 40 FT
13 – Agriculture Tractors 24– Combines 15– Headers
1994 & 1993 FORD/NEW HOLLAND 9480
8– Swathers 11– Sprayers Grain Cart
6– Air Drills 8– Balers 62– Skid Steer Attachments
Technotill Precision Packers
TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton; Gas engines- GM 350 and 366 recond., Chrysler 318, Ford 330, 351W, 429, 460, IH 304 and 345; Diesel engines- Cat 3116, Cummins 5.9 12 valve, Ford 6.6L w/auto trans., GM 6.5 turbo, IH/Ford 7.3 non turbo. 4 and 5 spd. trans., single and 2 spd. axles, and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300.
This SET OF 25 Technotill Precision Packers provides precise on row packing and fertilizer sidebanding. This item includes a packer plate with tungsten carbide wear plate and fertilizer sideband. NOTE: Opener not included.
For complete and up-to-date equipment listings visit
» AUCTION SITE: From Regina, SK, go 21 km (13 miles) South on Hwy 6, then 19.8 km (12.3 miles) West on Grid 714, then 1/4 mile West of Rouleau on Hwy 39. North side. Sale Starts 9 AM Auction Company License #309645 | Printed in Canada
Item #
K-B TRUCK SALVAGE, over 70 medium and heavy duty trucks, Cat, Cummins, Detroit, IH diesels, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15 speed transmissions, 100’s of good used tires, wheels, etc. Best prices, good service. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. 20x8x48 UNIVISION GRAIN box and tarp, twin cyl. Nordic hoist, 8 piston pump, good to exc. cond. 306-334-2216, Balcarres, SK
Technotill 9 Nordal Close Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9890
USED SCHOOL BUSES: many units to choose from, 20 to 72 passenger. For more info go to or call 306-783-6745 or 306-533-4920. SCHOOL BUSES, 20 to 72 pass., 1983 to 1999, $2500 and up. Phoenix Auto, 306-858-2300, Lucky Lake, SK. DL 320074 1994 MCI 55 pass., certifiable, exc. shape, $40,000 OBO; 1996 E450 Ford, 7.3 diesel, 24 pass., certifiable, $6500 OBO; 1995 E350 Ford, 7.3 diesel, 20 pass. certifiable, $6500 OBO. Earl 250-423-8605, Fernie, BC
2006 CADILLAC STS, luxury, loaded, sunroof, immaculate, 96,000 kms, $15,500 + Tax. 306-220-7741, Saskatoon, SK. 2007 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, loaded, 4 dr., leather, 100,000 kms, alloys, beautiful, $10,900+tax. 306-220-7741 Saskatoon SK
2012 40’ DOEPKER tandem grain bulker (2 in stock). In stock: 2012 Super B grain trailers; 2005 Doepker open end Super B, black in color, good shape; 2006 Castleton Super B, good shape, good price; 2012 Doepker Super B flats and drop decks with beavertail flip ramps in stock. Many more used and new 2012 trailers arriving daily with special fall pricing and many colors to choose from in stock. 1-800-665-6317. More details at: LODE-KING SUPER B, 1989, 33’ lead, 28’ pup, very good tires, significant rust in hoppers. Not certifiable but great for in 2009 TIMPTE grain trailer, 41’, ag hoppers, field farm service. $9900 for set, will split new brakes, drums, exc. cond., new tarp, up. Trades welcome, financing available. $ 2 9 , 9 0 0 . C a n d e l i v e r. M B s a f e t y. 1-800-667-4515 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 36’ TANDEM LODE-KING PRESTIGE, hopper bottom, 2004, exc. cond., extra mud flaps, dual cranks, load lights, open ends, pintle hitch, farm use only, $30,000. 306-776-2394, 306-537-0615 Rouleau, SK. 2009 LODE-KING Super B, safetied to June 2012, exc. shape, light weight, all alum. wheels, dual cranks. 403-510-0474, Calgary, AB. 2007 DOEPKER SUPER B’s, 22.5 rubber, alum rims in and out, open end steel/ alum combo, blue stripe pkg, with blue tarps, $60,500. 306-222-6115, Clavet, SK. NEW WILSON SUPER B and tandem 38’; 2002 Doepker Super B, air ride; Coming inNew Doepker Super B; 2007 Lode-King Super B’s, air ride; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, cert.; Tridem and tandem axle pony pups, BH&T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL 905231, 2 SETS OF 2009 LODE-KING Super B, grain trailers, rubber 60%, safetied to April, 2012. 306-357-2003, 306-831-7026, Wiseton, SK. 1998 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers, good condition, new tarps, air ride, asking $25,000. 780-349-1529, Westlock, AB.
24/ 7 O
2001 DOEPKER SUPER B alum. combo, good tarp, safetied until June 2012, $ $39,000. 1999 Doepker Super B alum. combo, new brakes, drums, S-cams, pots, wheel bearings and seals, safetied until Dec. 2011, some rust, $19,000. fu ll w in ter p a cka ge, 3 s lid es , 306-278-7764, Porcupine Plain, SK. frees ta n d in g d in ette, firep la ce, 2009 TIMPTE FULL alum. Super B grain very high q u a lity a n d a s tea l a t trailers, fully loaded w/24.5 rubber, LED NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 lights and full stainless fenders, under years body and paint experience. We do 20,000 kms, exc. cond, like new. $82,500. metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to Rick or Jeff 306-322-4569, Rose Valley, SK daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. 1997 LODE-KING tridem grain trailer, Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop fresh safety, $25,000 OBO. 306-237-4497 shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. or 306-221-7595, Perdue, SK 1992 DOEPKER SUPER B, springride, refur- 1998 LODE-KING FULL alum Super B’s, fulbished, new slopes, repainted, fresh safe- ly rebuilt in 2004, including paint, all LED lights, full fenders, 24.5 rubber, new tarps ty, good rubber. 306-287-7442, Leroy, SK last year, vg cond. $35,000. Rick or Jeff 1997 DEL TRI-AXLE pup trailer, 8’6”x20’ 306-322-4569, Rose Valley, SK. Cancade box, fresh safety, good tires, fu ll w in ter p a k, o n a n gen n y, 2002 COURTNEY BERG end dump tandem $18,000. 306-773-6761, Swift Current, SK. w a s her d ryer, s a tellite, s o la r p a n el, grain trailer, silage end gate and silage 8.1 w o rkho rs e w ith a llis o n tra n s m is s io n 2010 DOEPKER Super B 22.5 on alum rims, racks and liner, good condition, $26,500 15,483 m iles dual crank, load lights. Trailer will be sold OBO. Ph. 403-934-8780, Strathmore, AB. with fresh safety. All tires 50% or better. REMOTE CONTROL TRAILER chute openF o r m o re in fo ca ll Ja y $72,500. 306-921-9776, Kinistino, SK. ers. Compact, Hi-Torq, complete kit. Call 403 -6 14-6 6 78 2012 NEW NEW trailers, tandem and tri- Brehon Agrisystems 306-933-2655, at axle, spring and air ride, $25,000 and up. Saskatoon, SK. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. 2008 TIMPTE 40’ tandem, loaded, 2009 DOEPKER GRAIN trailers. White and $32,500; 2004 Timpte tandem, air ride, 2002 MERRITT TRI-AXLE cattleliner, air red, new tires, safetied in Oct. 2011. Dual $22,900; 2- 2006 Lode-King Prestige, Su- ride suspension, good condition. Call cranks, lift axles, load lights, extra light per B, alum. combo, safetied, $53,500: 403-795-2850 for details, Coaldale, AB. package, half round fenders. $75,000. 2000 Doepker, closed end, Super B, air ride, new paint, safetied, $35,500. Call T. OBO. 403-820-2857, Drumheller, AB. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., Terry 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116, Winkler, MB. For pics and info visit
2007 C AM EO
2004 P AC E AR R OW
w w w.M cDo u ga llAu ctio n .co m
In d ivid u al Closin g D ates & T im es
S AS K AT OON BIDS C L OS E EV ERY T UES DAY! 1982 K a w a s a ki K Z1000; 2007 S u n s et Creek T ra iler; 1967 35’ Co n verted M CI M o to rco a ch Bu s ; 12’ M a n u fa ctu red T ra iler; K itchen Ca b in et Pa cka ge; W in d o w Un its & Do o r F ra m e Pa cka ge; Cu m m in s Jets ca m M PS Ro llin g M o n ey S o rter & M u ch M o re! UPCOM IN G EV EN TS : Tu es d a y, N o vem b er 15 – Bid s Clo s e fo r On lin e Ho u s eho ld Ren o va tio n S u p p lies & E q u ip m en t. S a tu rd a y, N o vem b er 19 - 9 :30a m , “ Ra n chers S p ecia l” F a ll Ag & In d u s tria l Au ctio n
REG IN A, S AS K – FEATURES : REGIN A BIDS C L OS E EV ERY M ON DAY! Atco 10’ x 54’ Office T ra iler; 2004 F o rd F 450 S ervice T ru ck; 1995 F o rd F 350 XL W ith Deck w /S n o w Bla d e; Hia b Cra n e (T ru ck M o u n t), 1994 No rth S ta r (No w F reeze Dry Co ) 3680 F reeze Dryer, Bo u rg Co lla to r M o d el A30P2 w ti h F o ld er & S tti cher, 2007 W ils o n F o rem a n 24’ S to ck T ra ile r & M ORE ADDE D DAIL Y !
On lin e Even ts Co m in g Up! AS S ETS & EQUIPM EN T o f FORM ER ‘GEN ERAL BIO-EN ERGY IN C.’ RES TAURAN T EQUIPM EN T ON L IN E S AL E ON S AL E N OW : Co rra l Pa n els , Ga tes & Feed ers a t Un b elieva b le Prices !
“ N EW
SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use industrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat for added rust protection. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK.
$ 1998 FEATHERLITE 24x7x7, 3 compartments, good shape, new price $11,700. Phone 780-939-5659, Morinville, AB. 2002 20’ STOCK KING stock trailer, vg condition, safetied to June, 2012, $10,000 OBO. 204-523-6486, Killarney, MB.
L IC.#31448 0
L IC: #318 116
1998 MERRITT CATTLELINER, 53’, hog rail, winter kit, all new brakes and air bags, fresh safety, exc., $25,000. 306-695-2050, 306-695-8124, Indian Head, SK.
1990 TRAIL-EZE, triple axle machinery trailer, hydraulic tail and hydraulic winch, out riggers, good condition, $34,900. 403-345-3156, Coaldale, AB.
3 MERRITT CATTLE/ HOG tri-axle trailers w/3rd rail and winter kits, exc. cond., new July safeties, 2006, 2007, and 2009. 306-773-5909, Swift Current, SK. MR. B’s TRAILER SALES, Norberts and Rainbow, lease to own. Ph. 306-773-8688, Swift Current, SK.
1999 DOEPKER ALUMINUM Super B grain, $38,500; 1997 48’ flatdeck tridem, $9500 and tandem, $8500; 1999 Alutrec aluminum 48’ Hiboy, $14,500; 2001 48’ combo tandem, $9500; 1998 Talbert 48’ stepdeck, $15,000. All trailers Sask. certified. Tow away trailers as is. Call 1-888-457-5918, Davidson, SK. DL #312974.
2008 MILLCO 16’ bumper pull, 7000 lb. axles, centre slam, side door, used very little, 2006 AND 2005 SUPER B LOGGERS, air $6500 OBO. 204-573-0181, Forrest, MB. ride, T1 stakes, short wood, alum. wheels, used 2 yrs. 306-865-4166, Hudson Bay, SK 1998 WILSON LIVESTOCK TRAILER. 53’ tri-axle, air ride, fresh safety, $28,000 EQUIPMENT TRAILERS: 10’ wide, 16 OBO. 306-398-2851, Cut Knife, SK. wheelers, $20,000-$30,000; 10’ wide Willock tandem axle, single drop, beavertail, $14,700; 6 others. Visit 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK.
HAUSER GOOSENECK TRAILERS. Selfunloading, round or square bales. Featuring 2 trailers in 1: HD gooseneck use or bale transporter, mechanical side unloading. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. 1-888-939-4444,
2005 EVER ES T 343L fu ll w in ter p a k, 3 s lid e, s o la r p a n el, 4000 o n a n gen n y, w a s her d ryer, fire p la ce p lu s a w ho le lo tm o re.
1999 MERRITT Gold Line Double deck, solid, 2nd floor hog trailer, new MB safety, new brakes, winter kit spread axle, extra tool box, water spraying system, tires90% w/alum. rims, $17,500. Can Deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River MB. Website:
BELLY DUMP trailer, Arne’s tri-axle, ready to work, $16,000. Phone: 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. 2009 ARNES TANDEM end dump trailer, like new condition, $40,000. Porcupine Plain, SK, 780-847-3995 or 780-871-2949.
2003 BLUE HILLS ground load 53’ livestock semi-trailer, 3 stage, tandem axles, air ride, fresh safety. 204-546-3248, Grandview, MB.
F o r m o re in fo ca ll Jo hn 403 -6 15-1077
P H: TER R Y (306) 341-0363 OFFICE: (306) 65 2 -4334
1998 MERRITT TRI-AXLE cattleliner, nose decking, L shaped doghouse, divide 24’ MUSTANG HIGHBOY double axle gates, tires/brakes 80%, 11x22.5 alumi- 5th wheel trailer (7,000 lb capacity). nu m r i m s , g o o d s h ap e , o n e ow n e r, 306-380-6627, Burstall, SK. $23,000. 306-268-4375, Bengough, SK. NEW TRIDEM MUVALL single drop, 10’ wide, extensions to 14’, hyd. tail, also 53’ C a ttle Tra ilersFo r S a le 1997 Wilson machinery trailer w/hyd. tail and extensions, re-built; 53’ and 48’ tridem 2003 – 53 Ft W ilso n Ca ttle Tra iler and tandem stepdecks; 53’ 48’ and 45’ tri..................................................$3 0,000 dem and tandem high boys, all steel and 2006 – 53 Ft W ilso n Ca ttle Tra iler combos; Super B and B-train high boys, B..................................................$3 8,000 train w/4- 1200 gal. water tanks; Tandem and S/A converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ 2001 – 53 Ft M erritt Ca ttle Tra iler van trailers, 48’ w/side doors; (2) Tan..................................................$26 ,000 dem Lo Boy, 9’ wide. Dodsland, SK. DL Alltra ilersin excellen t sha pe #905231. Phone 306-356-4550, M o stly highw a y m iles C a ll S teve o r M a rk a t AFFORDABLE TRAILERS. Call Larry at Prim ro se Livesto ck 4 03 -3 81-3 700 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.
fu ll w in ter p a k, s id e b y s id e frid ge, w o rk ho rs e cha s is , 2 s lid es a 32 a n d 35 fo o tto cho o s e fro m p lu s a lo tm o re.
NEW TRI-AXLE TWO hopper Cornhusker all aluminum empty weight 11,000 lbs. 46’, 102” wide, air ride, 77” sides. Cash Clear-out, $45,500. Yellowhead Sales, 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK.
P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193
QUALITY USED/CLEARANCE TRAILERS enclosed, flatdecks, dumps. Used Trailtech 3 place flatdeck sled trailer, c/w spare tire mount. Excellent shape! Only $2,300. Call Flaman Trailers 306-934-2121, Saskatoon, SK., or visit SELF-UNLOADING 53’ JC hay trailer, big and small squares or rounds. Low profile, SOONER 30’ TRI-AXLE aluminum trailer. triple axle, 403-224-2265, Bowden, AB. Reduced to $12,500; Also, custom built camperized wagon, sleeps 2, vinyl top, 2003 FALCON tri-axle 24’ high boy goosehyd. brakes, steel frame, as new, $5000 neck trailer c/w goose deck, slide-in ramps, 5 sliding winches, completely new firm. 250-398-7686, Williams Lake, BC. b r a ke s , 7 2 0 0 l b. a x l e s , $ 7 5 0 0 . WANTED: 14’ DUAL AXLE bumper hitch 250-426-2377, Fort Steele, BC. stock trailer, within 100 mile radius of Saskatoon. 306-329-4638, Asquith, SK.
2003 S OUTH W IN D
1990 WILSON TRI-AXLE 53’ freight/ cattleliner, setup for hauling horses, can be converted to haul cattle, safetied Jul/12, $18,000. 306-424-2077, Montmartre, SK NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 18’, $11,700; 16’, $10,900. Call 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK.
NEW 24x7’ MERRITT stock with rolling front divider. Call Darin 204-526-7407, Cypress River, MB. DL #4143.
SUPREME TRAILER SALES, Your #1 Agassiz and Precision trailer dealer in SK. 2001 WILSON DROP deck 48’, alum. comToll free 1-888-652-3888. bo, vg cond., MB safety, $17,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. TOPGUN TRAILER SALES Custom built “For those who demand the best.” Agassiz 2007 MERRITT CATTLELINER, mint con- trailers (enclosed) and Precision trailers dition, good rubber, well maintained, (open cargo). 1-855-255-0199, Moose $50,000. 780-387-6356, Wetaskiwin, AB. Jaw, SK.
1994 REAL INDUSTRIES 18’ gooseneck trailer, side door, rubber matting, some rust. $6,000. 306-963-2647, Imperial, SK. ATTENTION: READY FOR sale/lease, 2007 Wilson Brute 48’ alum. combo stepdeck, sliding front axle, ratchets, new 22.5 rubber, new safety, $26,900. Financing info, Gord 306-934-4445, Saskatoon, SK., 306-242-2508 READY FOR LEASE/ SALE: 2002 48’ tandem Lode-King, aluminum combo includes tarps, straps, $14,900. Gord 306-934-4445, Saskatoon, SK.
HIGHLINE 1400 BALE MOVER, hauls 14 bales. Bale turner on each side, ready to work, $15,000. 306-533-0062, Stony Beach, SK. DOUBLE DROP LOWBEDS: Tandems, triaxles, detachables, 30-60 ton, $10,000 to $35,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited. COMPONENTS FOR TRAILERS, Build, Repair and Manufacture. Free freight. See “The Book 2011” page 165. DL Parts For Trailers, 1-877-529-2239, 24’ GOOSENECK TRI-AXLE, 21,000 lbs., $6490. Bumper pull tandem equipment: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2650. Factory direct. 1-888-792-6283. FLAT DECKS, single drops, double drops, detachables, lowbeds, vans, grain, end dumps, belly dumps, converters. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.
Trailer Sales And Rentals Visit our website at: Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers
Call for a quote
Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y! Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB
CH ECK U S O U T AT w w w .go ld en w esttra m
2011 W ilso n Co m m a n d er 42’
WN ILSO N GO 2012 W ILSO TANDEM S..O....SEN ..........EC .......K..AVAILABLE 2012 W ILSO N SUPER B & TRIDEM S ...........................................................AVAILABLE SO O N
US ED S UPER B 2 -2008 W ILSO N 2008 DO EPK ER 2004 DO EPK ER
2012 W ILSO N 24’........................................IN STO CK 2012 W ILSO N 30’,TRIAX LE,IN STO CK .$26,780.00
Pho n e: 403- 782 - 4774 Fa x: 403- 782 - 6493
FEATUR ED TR AILER S & TR UCKS • 2 012 Dra ke 40’ Ta n d em Ho pper G ra in Tra ilerc/w Ta rp • 2 011 V ikin g S in gle Dro p 9 w id e • 2 011 V ikin g 53 TriAxle S tep Deck • 2 001 Tra n scra ft51- 71’ Tro m b o n e Hib o y Tri-Axle • 03 M a n a c 53’ Ta n d em FreightV a n • 03 W ilso n 53 Tri-Axle S tep Deck • 01 Ken tu cky 53’ T/A Fu rn itu re V a n • 01 W a b a sh 51’ Tri-Axle S tep Deck • 00 S co n a 50’ 16 W heelO ilfield Flo a t • 95 IHC S in gle Axle Tra cto r • 91 R o tec 51’ Tri-Axle S cisso rN eck • Peerless 42 ’ T/A Hyd ra u lic Tilt Deck Tra iler
ALS O AV AILABLE S tep Decks, HiBo ys, Freight V a n s, Sto ra ge Un its a n d Jo b site Tra ilers & M o re
2012 W ilso n G ro u n d L o a d 53’
2012 W ILSO N GRO UND LO AD ...............IN STO CK
2008 W ILSO N 402 2007 W ILSO N 402 2006 M ERRITT CATTLE HO G
2007 DODGE 2500 Laramie, loaded, 91,000 kms, very good cond. 306-961-4682, Prince Albert, SK.
NEW W ILSO N STEP & FLAT DECK S.....AVAILABLE 2009 M UV-ALL 5370SFTD.......................$65,900.00 2005 BW S HDG 55 TO N ..........................AVAILABLE
2007 DODGE 3500 HD dually, crewcab, 4 WD, 6.7 Cummins dsl, 6 spd manual trans, Laramie, loaded, heated leather, sunroof, chrome pkg, Jake brake, all new tires, 5th wheel, 174,927 kms. SK truck, $36,000. Phone 204-564-2527, Shellmouth, MB.
NEW END DUM PS,TANDEM S,TRIDEM S.... ................................................AVAILABLE SO O N
2008 DODGE DIESEL quad cab, 4x4, $ 2 9 , 9 0 0 . Wy nya r d , S K . P h o n e 1-800-667-4414 or visit
2007 UTILITY REEFER.................................$34,900.00
W ESTER N CAN AD A’S ON LY F ULL LIN E M UV -ALL D EALER F ina ncing Av a ila ble, Com petitiv e R a tes O.A.C.
Golden W estTra iler Sa les & Renta ls
M oose Ja w (877) 999-7402 Bria n Griffin Ha rv ey V a n D e Sype
Sa sk a toon (866) 278-2636 Cell: 306-260-4209 D a nny Ta ta ryn
2008 DODGE DSL, crewcab, 4x4, 65,000 kms, ext. warranty to 100,000 kms, new tires, loaded, exc. cond., $30,500 +GST. 306-922-8155, Prince Albert, SK.
2004 3500 DODGE SLT, 4 door short box, single wheels, new transfer case, clutch and tires, 5.9 diesel w/6 spd., very good c o n d . , 2 3 0 , 0 0 0 k m s . $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 O B O. 780-753-0126, Chauvin, AB.
GRAVEL ENDDUMPS: 1984 M&M 20’, fresh safety, $11,700; 2007 37’, tandem axle, fresh safety, $18,800; 1994 31’ tri-axle, $18,800; Misc. pups and wagons $4000-8000. Check out 306-222-2413, Saskatoon/Aberdeen, SK.
SEVEN PER SO N S, A LB ER TA (M edicine H at, A lberta)
International 9200 & 9400 Grain Trucks, 2006 & 2007
2005 GORGEOUS CHEVROLET Avalanche, loaded, $9900. 306-220-7741, Saskatoon, SK.
435 HP Cummins ISX Engine,10 speed Eaton Autoshift Transmission, 3.55 rear axle ratio, New Cancade 20’ X 64” Grain Box, Hoist and Tarp, Fleet maintained southern trucks, excellent condition.
2006 F350 DIESEL dually, Amarillo, loaded, heated leather seats, radio, heat and speed controls all on the steering wheel. sunroof, bucket seats, boxliner. Have all work invoices. 200 K, beautiful condition. Ph: 780-785-2855 Sangudo, AB.
2006 FORD F150 XL, Space Cab, red, small rear opening doors, 2 WD, longbox, 4.2 engine, AC, auto, 179,000 highway kms, $8500. 306-220-7741, Saskatoon, SK.
2007 MACK, 460 HP, 12 spd. Autoshift trans., new 20’ BH&T, alum. wheels, real nice shape, $64,500; 2007 Freightliner, 450 HP Mercedes, 10 spd., Autoshift w/clutch, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, A/T/C, jakes, 12/40 axles, alum. wheels, $68,500; 2001 Mack 460 HP Mack engine, 10 spd., Autoshift w/clutch, A/T/C, alum. wheels, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, 8 new rear tires, $53,500; 2003 IH 9200, Cat 400 HP, 18 s p d . , n ew 1 8 ’ B H & T, r e a r c o n t r o l s , $51,500; 2001 Western Star, ISX Cummins, 10 spd., 19-1/2’ BH&T, rear controls, $49,500; 1998 IH 9200, N14 Cummins, 460 HP, 13 spd., new 20’ BH&T, rear controls, $46,500; 2010 36’ grain trailer, air ride, alum. wheels, new cond., $33,500. All trucks safetied. Trades accepted. Arborfield, SK. Ph 306-276-7518, 306-862-1575 or 306-767-2616. DL #906768.
2005 Peterbilt 378,
C-13 Cat 430 HP engine, 10 Speed Eaton Ultrashift transmission, 3.55 axle ratio. New 11R 24.5 tires and all new aluminum rims. Can be purchased as a tractor or with a new 20’ X 64” grain box. Southern truck, fleet maintained. New Dakota 41’ tri axle grain trailer for sale as well.
DURAMAX DIESEL 2004 GMC 2500 HD 4x4 crew cab, Allison automatic, loaded with all options except leather. Runs and drives excellent, 340 hwy. kms. Comes with Car Fax Report. SK registered. Asking $9750. 780-307-8571, Westlock, AB. EXCELLENT 2002 DODGE 3500 1 ton dually, dsl., 4x4, std., 10’6” hydrodeck made by Courtney Berg, 72,000 kms, 5th wheel trailer hitch for ball/holiday trailer. Been used to haul bales to acreages, shedded, 3 tool boxes, running boards and front bumper by Falcon Ind. Asking $35,000, half the price of the equivalent new truck. Phone 403-931-3217, Millarville, AB. FORD XLT SUPERCAB, loaded, 4x4, 5.4, 94,000 kms, $12,500+ Tax. 306-220-7741 Saskatoon, SK.
All Units W ork R ea dy! CALL ABO UT THESE O THER FIN E UN ITS: -
Automatic, Autoshift and Ultrashift. Grain and Silage boxes. Cat, Cummins, and Detroit Engines. Self Loading Bale Deck trucks. DAKOTA Aluminum Grain Hopper Trailers.
1997 DODGE 1/2 TON, 93,000 kms, mint, regular cab, 318, auto, A/T/C, $5000 OBO. 306-862-2833, Nipawin, SK.
430 HP, 13 spd , pw /pl, c/w Hu tchin so n 18100 L ta n k ‘06 IH 9900, 15L Cu m m in s, 15 spd Ea to n Fu ller, a lu m b u d s, 12 000 fro n t/40000 rea r, 11R 2 4.5 tires ‘01 S terlin g AT9500, C- 10 Ca t@ 370 HP, 10 spd , c/w 1996 Ad va n ce 16800 L ta n k
2007 STERLING, AUTOSHIFT, new 20’ grain box, choose your options and color. Starting at $59,900. Phone: 204-326-2600, Email: or Visit: FORD 880 GRAIN TRUCK, tandem axle, gas engine, 13 spd., 22.5 tires, air brakes, c/w B&H, $10,500. Call btwn 8 AM - 5 PM, Mon.- Fri. 780-875-1659 Lloydminster, AB. THE ULTIMATE TANDEM grain truck, 1995 International 2674, 435 HP Cummins, double frame, new 22x5.5 box, hoist, 20,000 front, 425 tires. 204-763-4631, Minnedosa, MB.
FOR SALE: 1996 Mack truck, 427 engine, 13 spd.; 1994 Ford Aeromax L900 truck, Cat engine, 13 spd., w/wet kit; 1985 Midland tandem axle belly dump; 1979 Arnes end dump gravel trailer; 966B Cat loader. 204-234-5388, Oakburn, MB.
2001 DIESEL AUTOMATIC GMC Topkick, 1998 DODGE 2500, ext. cab, shortbox, S/A, 18’ B&H, air control front and rear, 4x4, 5 spd., 12 valve Cummins, $5500. new tarp. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. 780-914-8525, Leduc, AB. 2001 FREIGHTLINER extended cab, Cat motor, 9 spd., air ride cab and suspension, 3 wheel lock up, A/T/C, 20’ B&H, double frame, remotes for box, 260,000 kms. $45,000 OBO. 780-753-0126, Chauvin, AB. O NLINE SHO W RO O M 2001 IHC 4900 DT 530, 300 HP, 10 spd. w w w.cropperm AC, alum. wheels, 180,000 miles, BC truck, new CIM 20’ BH&T, fresh Sask. safety, HEAV Y TR UCKS $46,900. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212, ‘07 S terlin g LT9500, 60 S eries Detro it@ Perdue, SK. 2003 FREIGHTLINER FL80 tandem, 7 spd., Cat diesel, air ride, 20’ ultracel BH&T, low miles, US rust free truck, $57,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2004 CH MACK 460, 18 spd., new 20’ BH&T; 1997 Mack CH 613, 400, 18 spd., alum. budds, w/new 20’ BH&T; 1996 F r e i g h t l i n e r C l a s s i c , w / 2 0 ’ B H & T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL #905231.
for prices or ask for a Dealer near you! “ Flexible Financing Terms available OAC” See all inventory and product details at
Shown w/optional silage extentions & aluminum body & rims.
35 foot, triaxle, air ride, hyd gate, hoist stabilizer, tapered tub body.
Dea lers licen se #911672
2005 INTERNATIONAL EAGLE 9900, 10 spd. UltraShift, 20’ CIM B&H, excellent condition. 306-621-1631, Theodore, SK. 2005 T800 KENWORTH, C-15 Cat, 435 HP, 12 fronts, 40 rears, 13 spd., 22.5 tires alum. 20’ new grain box, roll tarp, alum. toolbox, rear hoist control, telescopic hoist, 684,720 kms, safetied, $56,000. 204-529-2339, Cartwright, MB. 1995 FORD AEROMAX M11, 370 HP, 2006 FREIGHLINER CORONADO, 515 HP 10 spd., 775,000 kms, 20’ Cancade box, Detroit, 13 spd., lockers, 890,000 kms, new BH&T, Sask. certified, $64,000. $34,500. 306-289-4321, St. Benedict, SK. 306-270-6399, Saskatoon, SK. DL#316542 1995 GMC TOPKICK, 225,000 kms, new motor, less than 50,000 kms, 3116 Cat 2006 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA DAYmotor, 10 spd. trans., single axle c/w 16’ CAB AUTOSHIFT, 375 HP, C15 Cat, 10 box, Harsh hoist, $18,000. 403-443-2162, spd. Eaton autoshift, will accommodate 20’ grain box, very clean unit, $28,900. Call 403-443-9495, Three Hills, AB. Farmer Vern Truck Sales, Vern or Ed 1996 FL80 FREIGHTLINER Tandem with 204-724-7000, 204-728-7000 Brandon, MB 20’ grain box w/hyd. silage end gate, roll 2007 IHC 9400i, 435-500 HP C-15 Cat, tarp, vg, $44,000. 306-834-7610 Major SK. 10 spd. Ultra Shift auto, Jakes, PW, PL, PM. New 20’x8.5’x64” Cancade mono-body grain box w/scissor hoist and Michel’s roll tarp, Alloy rims and tanks, very clean unit, priced at $59,995. Remote controlled chute, hoist and pintle pkg. optional. Call Farmer Vern Truck Sales, Vern or Ed 204-724-7000, 204-728-7000 Brandon, MB AUTOMATICS, AUTOMATICS, 20052006 FL Columbias, new 20’ B&H, $50,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed NeuStar Manufacturing tandems and tractor units. Contact David 1470 Willson Place 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, Winnipeg, Manitoba SK. DL #316588. 1-204-478-7827 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices.
M a cGregor M B. To view p ictures ofour inventory vis itw w w.tita ntrucks a les .com
1992 PETERBILT 357 tandem, 525 HP, Cat, 10 spd.w/4 spd. auxilary, AC, air ride, 615,000 kms, Braden winch, vg, only $24,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 1993 PETERBILT 379 tandem, 425 HP, Cat, 15 spd., air ride, AC, exc. cond., safetied, $24,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 1998 ALL MACK recently safetied, 427 HP, 18 spd., 24.5 rubber, low sleeper, $13,500. 306-548-4714, Stenen, SK.
(306) 874- 2 011
2004 IH 9200, AutoShift, 12 spd. Cummins, 385 HP, 20’, new box, elec. tarp, rear controls, alum. wheels. Ste. Anne, MB. 204-355-7169 or 780-446-0730. 2004 IHC 7600, Cat 335 HP, 13 spd., AC, air ride, 450,000 kms, new CIM BH&T, Sask. safety, $53,900. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.
2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 550 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 3:73 g ea rs , 13,200 fron t, 46,000 rea r, 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 73” bu n k , 203,955 k m $109,900 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215 W B, 70” hig h-ris e bu n k , 386,641 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 9,000 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, DA Y CA B, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B. 838,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,900 2007 Fre ig htlin e r Cla s s ic , 515 HP Detroit, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 244” W B, 64” fla t-top bu n k , 518,017 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP, M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 812,513 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP, M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 46, 3:73 g ea rs , 238” W B. 24.5” a lloy w heels , 4-w a y lock s , m id -ris e bu n k , 891,395 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,900 2007 IH 9900I, 475 HP IS X Cu m m in s , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea rs , 24.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 1,118,959 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,900 2007 IH 9900I, 475 HP, Ca tC15, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:58 g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 962,332 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,900 2007 IH 9900I, 430 HP, C13 Ca t, Bra n d n ew d rop in m otorin Feb. 2011, 10 s p A u tos hift, 12/ 40, 3:73 g ea rs , 3-w a y d iff lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 240” W B. 72” hig h ris e bu n k w ith 2 bed s . . . . . . . . . $49,900 2007 IH 9900I, Da y Ca b, 430 HP, Ca t C13, 10 s p , A u tos hift3 Ped a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 240” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,000 2007 IH 9900I, 475 HP IS X Cu m m in s , 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 3:90 g ea rs , 70” m id -ris e bu n k , 244” W B, 922,144 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2005 Fre ig htlin e r Colu m b ia D a y Ca b , 445 HP Detroit, 10 s p , A u tos hift, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 230” W B, 1,307,580 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ,900 2003 IH 7400, 260 HP DT466, 10 s p , 16,000 lbs . fron t, 40,000 lbs . rea r, 224” W B, 4:11 g ea rs , d ou ble fra m e, 254,149 k m , w ith W a lin g a g ra in box w ith PTO blow er, a n d hois t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 D e c k w ith Roll Top , Cu rta in s id e 26’ lon g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,900 d lr# 0122.
P h. 2 04- 68 5 - 2 2 2 2
w w w.cro pperm o to m
1969 IH 1600, 345 engine, 5+2, 14’ B&H, 2009 F-350 4x4, single wheel, diesel, auto- roll tarp, good 10.00x20 tires, looks and matic, 61,000 kms, leather interior, red drives great, $4700. Call 306-781-2682, exterior, bumper guard on front. Sask Tax Kronau, SK. Paid, $38,000 OBO. Call Todd Chrysler 306-542-3600. Dealer #914958. See us 1976 FORD 700, 16’ grain B&H, 350 Chev on-line: motor, $6500. 306-567-7100, Imperial, 2009 GMC SIERRA 2500 HD crewcab 4x4, SK. 6.6L Duramax, 6 spd. Allison auto., fully 1979 FORD 9000, 13 spd., Detroit, 18’ box, loaded, cloth, 56,100 kms, $41,999. Phone a s k i n g $ 2 1 , 5 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 9 6 0 - 1 4 7 8 , 306-873-2633, Tisdale, SK. DL #910416. 306-749-3165, Birch Hills, SK. 1984 IHC 1600 single axle C&C for parts. 2009 SILVERADO 2500 HD 4 WD, crew 7.3 dsl., 5 spd. trans., 2 spd. rear end, cab, 6.0L gas, 6 spd. Allison, cloth, loaded, good rubber. $2000 OBO. 306-736-8273, 187,000 kms, like new, $22,000. Elrose, Kipling, SK. SK., 306-378-2388, 1990 FORD F800 AUTOMATIC, 5 ton, NEW 2011 DODGE 2500 SLT diesel, crew, tandem axle, 34,600 kms, 429 engine on 4x4. $49,500, $0 down, $327 bi-weekly. propane, rear axle low speed gears, grain Wynyard, SK. Phone 1-800-667-4414 box 4 yrs. old, 60”Hx101”Wx20’L w/silage option, rear controls, 3 piece endgate, Michel’s roll tarp, very clean, shedded, $25,000. 780-907-3177, Edmonton, AB.
TWO 1998 51’ tandem steel alum. combo drop decks, clean, safetied; 2- 48’ Manac flat decks, air ride, safetied, $7500. Call T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., Terry 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116, Winkler, MB. For pics and info visit 1998 IMCO CHAIN floor trailer, tandem axle, great for forage or garbage, unloads 2001 GMC SIERRA 2500, extended cab, fast, current safety, $20,000. Contact Bob Duramax, 4x4, 229,000 kms., good shape, $10,500. 306-690-9479, Moose Jaw, SK. Davidson, 403-823-0746, Drumheller, AB. 2003 GMC 5500 cabover, 6 spd., 14’ flatdeck, only 150,000 kms, $6500. 780-914-8525, Leduc, AB.
GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beavertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK. 18’ LOW BOY Bumper hitch trailer, w/two 7000 lb. axles, checker plated front and fenders for stone protection. Made w/rectangular tubing versus channel iron. Like new, asking $4000. Ken’s Equipment, 403-548-7337, Redcliff, AB.
2005 FORD, DIESEL, 4x4, ext. cab, long box, 212,000 kms, Sask. safetied, $12,000. Ed’s Service 306-554-2824, Wynyard, SK.
G R AIN EQ UIPM EN T • 2 009 M a n a c 51- 71 TriAxle S tep Deck Tro m b o n e • 2 - N ew V ikin g 48’ TriAxle Ali Co m b o Hi-Bo ys • 01 Jo hn so n 8X17 R eeferV a n Bo d y • 04 R a ja 2 5’ S tep Deck Equ ip Tra ilerw ith Hyd ra u lic Ta il • 06 Tra n scra ft53’ TriAxle S tep Deck • 97 Tra ilM a x 30’ TriAxle TiltDeck Pin tle Hitch Equ ipm en tTra iler • 96 R eitn o u er48’ ta n d em Alu m in u m S tepd eck • 82 Tra n scra ft48’ T/A S tep Deck w /Ba le R a ck • 1981 Fru eha u f Ta n d em , TiltDeck • 2 8’ to 53’ S to ra ge & FreightV a n s S ta rtin g a t$1,500 • 79 Chev C70 w /16’ G ra in Bo x Ho ist& Ta rp, 67,000 km • 04 Fo rd E450 Am b u la n ce • 1980 Ca d illa c Eld o ra d o 2 Dr. R esto red , N ice
w w w.lacom
2004 DODGE 2500, 5.9 Cummins, 262 kms, rebuilt trans and rear diff., $17,999 OBO. 306-717-9907 after 6 PM, 306-244-6463 days. Saskatoon, SK.
Self Loading and Unloading Bale decks, from 10 bale units for single axles to 18 bale units for tandem and tri-drives. We will install on your truck or source a truck for you. Order with or without a pup trailer to double your hauling capacity.
1998 MACK AND 2000 Mack, 460, 13 spd., 12x40, 1100-22.5 rubber. 701-339-2323, Roblin, MB.
1999 INTERNATIONAL, CUMMINGS N11, 370 HP, 10 spd. Fuller, 40,000 rears, 12,000 front, air ride. Will hall grain trailer and what have you. $21,000 and discount of $5,000 for fender repair and yours for 1992 KENWORTH T600, N14 430 HP only $16,000. Call Resource Auto Sales at Cummins, approx. 270,000 kms on rebuild, 306-522-1777 or stop by 380 Quebec St., 13 spd., 60” removable bunk, good sound Regina, SK. for a look. truck, $17,000 OBO. 204-556-2622, 2001 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, 60 series 204-748-5520, Cromer, MB. Detroit, 1 million kms. w/recent rebuild, A F F O R DA B L E T RU C K S. C a l l L a r r y at new clutch, 18 spd, 40 rears, safetied $21,000. 306-921-5230, Melfort, SK. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. Best Selling Farm Body in Canada in Steel or Aluminum – Surprisingly competitive cost – with or without matching pup trailer.
C ustom T ruck S ales Inc.
2007 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, 515 Detroit, 3-way lockers, 70” mid-roof, 24.5 rubber, 770,000 kms, asking $58,000. Call Dave 306-536-0548, Rouleau, SK.
S a s ka to o n Regin a W in n ip eg 306-931-1911 306-569-9021 204-694-3874 DL #907370
STEEL BUILDINGS: Reduced Factory Inventory: 30x36- Reg $15,850, Now $ 1 2 , 6 0 0 3 6 x 5 8 - R e g $ 2 1 , 9 0 0 , N ow $18,800; 48x96- Reg $48,700, Now $41,900; 81x130- Reg $121,500, Now USED CONVEYOR BELT, various lengths. $103,900. Source # 1M8. 1-800-964-8335 306-896-2894 evenings, 306-896-2845, Churchbridge, SK. USED BELTING, 12” to 84” wide for feeders and conveyors, lots of 30” 1-1/8” thick for lowbeds in stock. Ph Dave, Wainwright, AB, 780-842-2491 eves/weekends.
N OW AV AIL ABL E: N EW ! 2012 K en w o rth T370, ta n d em -a xle gra in tru ck, 300hp , a u to , 14.6/40, n ew CIM gra in b o x rea d y to go N EW ! 2012 K en w o rth T8 00, E xten d ed D a y Ca b , IS X 535hp , 18 s p d , 14.6/46, 11r24.5, lo ck u p s , 205” W B rea d y to go N ew ! 2012 K en w o rth T440, T a n d em -a xle gra vel tru ck, 300hp , a u to , 16/40, n ew 15’ CIM b o x rea d y to go 2009 K en w o rth T8 00, 62” ACF b u n k, IS X 550hp , 18 s p d , 12/46, 4.10 ra tio , 11r24.5, fu ll lo ck u p s , s o m e w a rra n ty left, 748,000 km s 2008 K en w o rth W 9 00B 6 2” ACF, IS X 485hp , 18 s p d , 13.2/S u p er 40’s , 3.91, 11R22.5, d u a l exha u s t & b rea thers , 4 w a y lo ck u p s , 600,000 km s 3 left o n ly 2008 K en w o rth T8 00 EDC , IS X 485hp , 18 s p d , 12S ’40, 4.10 ra tio , 165” w b , PD & T C, lo w km s 2008 K en w o rth T8 00, 62” ACF b u n k, C15 475hp , 13 s p d , 12/46, 3.90 ra tio , 11r24.5, fu ll lo ck u p s , 797,000 km s 2008 Peterb ilt 36 7, T ri D rive D a y Ca b , IS X 485hp , a u to 18 s p d , 18/69 260” w b , PD lo ck, 477,000 km s 2008 K en w o rth T8 00, Da y Ca b , IS X 485HP, 18 S p d , 12/46, 4.30, 11R24.5, 173” W B, DBL X-L o cks , 1,117,874 km s 2007 K en w o rth T300, T a n d em -a xle ca b & cha s s is , IS C 285HP, Au to m a tic, 14.6/40 a xles , 250” w heel b a s e, 395,000 km s ** check o u t o u r w eb s ite a t: w w w .cu s to m tru ck .ca fo r o ther u n its , m o re in fo rm a tio n a n d pictu res ** COM IN G S OON : 2008 K en w o rth T8 00, 72” ACAD, C15 475HP, 18 s p d , 12/s u p er 40, 3.73, d u a l exha u s t, fu ll lo ck u p s , 675,000 km s 2005 K en w o rth T8 00 d a y ca b , IS X 475HP, 13 s p d , 12/40, 3.70, 11R24.5, 204” w b , d u a l exha u s t& b rea thers , 796,240 km s CALL FOR PRICING AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Saskatoon: 1-800-268-4222 Regina: 1-800-463-9333 Winnipeg: 1-800-850-1411 1999 VOLVO DAYCAB, 12.7 Detroit, 450-478 HP, 13 spd. Eaton trans, new rear drives aggressive rubber, very good cond., 365,000 kms, price at $16,995. Call Farme r Ve r n Tr u c k S a l e s , Ve r n o r E d 204-724-7000, 204-728-7000 Brandon, MB 2- 2005 INTERNATIONAL 9400i’s, 1 Pro-sleeper, 1 daycab, ISX Cummins, 435 HP, 10 spd. Eaton auto trans, 40,000 lb. Eaton diffs, 3.90 ratio, alum. 22.5 wheels, tires 65%, ideal for grain or gravel box, 220” WB, clean unit. 204-338-1458, St. Andrews, MB. DL #5272. 2001 VOLVO, 460 HP with 1996 Doepker tri-axle grain trailer, $35,000 for the unit. Phone 306-722-3610, Fillmore, SK. 2002 STERLING 400 Cat, 9 spd., single axle, only, $14,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.
2007 GM C W 4500, Du ra m a x 190 H. P., 4 S p d Au to m a tic, C OM PLETE W ITH ELEC TRIC HOIS T ON A UTILITY 10’ DUM P BOX 2006 V o lvo Da y Ca b , D12 435 H. P., 13 S p d ,!12 & 40’s , F u ll L o ckin g W heel Differen tia l, 11r24.5 75% , Alu m in u m F ro n ts , S teel Rea rW heels , On ly 413,000 K m ’s 2009 V o lvo V N L 6 4T, Da y Ca b s Cu m m in s IS X 485 H. P.,13 S p d , 46,000 Rea rs 165” W heel Ba s e, Rem o va b le Ro o fF a rin g, Po lis hed Alu m in u m W heels 2006 V o lvo 6 30, 61” M id Ro o fS leep er, Cu m m in s Is x 535, H.p .,18 S p d ., 46,000 Rea rs , 11r24.5 T ires , F u ll 4 W heel L o ckers , 730,000 K m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,000.00
2009 PETERBILT 389 FLATTOP, 550 Cummins ISX, 18 spd., Super 40’s, 3.90 axle ratio. Fully loaded with leather, indash GPS, full rear fenders. 500,000 kms warranty till 800,000 kms. Absolutely immaculate condition. Cory 306-717-9630, Saskatoon, SK.
NEW SHIPMENT OF used belting, various lengths and widths to 70” wide. 1993 IHC NAVISTAR feed truck, 43,000 306-933-9877, Saskatoon, SK. kms, IHC 466 eng, auto. trans, new recap tires c/w 2002 Knight 3050 feed box, commercial grade heavy augers, hyd. slide unload gate, scales both sides read out as well in the cab, 500 cu. ft. mixing capacity, 10,000 lb. rolled grain. Excellent condition! Always stored inside! $42,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” GRAVEL, 2002 IH SA diesel, 11’ dump, boards, windbreak slabs, bull rails, 4x4, hydraulic brakes, $26,000. BUCKET 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes TRUCK, FL diesel, SA, auto, $16,000. on order. Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 1” and 2” tongue and groove. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. 1995 IHC 8100 single axle, c/w truck mount, 195 NH manure spreader w/top ROUGH CUT SPRUCE: 2x6, 2x8, 1x6, 2nd beater, M11 Cummins, 9 spd. trans., good cuts and log profile siding. Big River, SK. rubber, all in good cond. Truck has not 306-469-2490. done any custom work. $25,000 OBO. CEDAR AND PINE LOG SIDING, 6” and 306-736-8273, Kipling, SK. 8” wide. Log home and cabin packages. GRAVEL DUMP TRUCK: 2001 FLD112 Wood flooring. 1-800-960-3388, Rouck Freightliner, Cummins M11, 10 spd., 15’ Bros., Lumby, BC B&H $35,000. 780-913-0097 Edmonton AB PINE AND POPLAR: 1” and 2” V-joint, shipSELF-LOADING/ UNLOADING BALE lap, log siding, etc. Phone 306-862-5088, TRUCK: 1995 Ford Aeromax L-9000, N14 Nipawin, SK. Cummins, 13 spd. trans. (new), 987,989 kms w/2002 14 bale deck, 80 grade chains QUALITY HARDWOOD lumber, quarter and upgraded sprockets, new tires; 2002 cut Oak, Elm, Black Walnut, Hickory, Edge pup with 14 bale deck, newer tires, Grain Fir. Limited quantity. Clearing at $3.95/bd.ft. Inventory at 511- 3rd Street, $65,000 OBO. 780-753-4073, Provost, AB. Davidson, SK. 403-318-7589 (AB cell.)
210’Lx75’Wx40’H coverall type shelter, dismantled because it was on leased property. Strong galvanized truss rib construction c/w end wall materials. Complete package priced half of replacement cost. Trevor 780-235-5444, Sherwood Park, AB.
PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK.
2009 W900-L KENWORTH, 300,000 kms, 525 ISX, 18 spd., lockers; 2007 IH 9900, C15 Cat, 18 spd., lockers; 2007 daycab, 379S, Pete, ISX Cummins, 46 diff, 18 spd.; 2006 W-900 Kenworth, daycab, Cat 500, 18 spd., 46 diffs.; 2005 T800 Kenworth, C15, 18 spd., 46 diffs, lockers; 2004 379 Pete, Cat motor; 2005 FreighGOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new tliner Classic, 475 Cat, Eaton AutoShift, and existing farms and businesses. w/clutch, 46 diff., lockers; 2005 IH 9200 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. daycab, 430 Cat, 10 spd., 900,000 kms; PROSPEROUS WATER PUMP Business 2002 T800 Kenworth, ISM 400, 10 spd.; for sale in Weyburn, SK situated in the 2001 and 2003 CH613 Mack, 460, 18 spd., heart of the Bakken Oilfield. Experience 46 diff, lockers; 1998 Western Star 425 not necessary, will train if required. UnlimCat, 18 spd., 46 diffs, lockers; FL80 S/A ited opportunity for the plumbing or elecvan body w/power tailgate or box or deck, Regin a , S K 1-800-667-0466 trical trades. Info: Box 2101, c/o Western Cummins diesel, 10 spd., air ride. DodsS a s ka to o n , S K 1-888-242-7988 Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4. land, SK. 306-356-4550. DL 2002 IH EAGLE 9900 ISX, 565 HP Cum- #905231. PARTNER REQUIRED for INVESTMENT mins, 18 spd., 24.5 alum, 222 WB, 3:91 ra- HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: in SASKATOON. Currently operating busitio, midrise bunk, $32,000. 306-423-5983, 2007 Peterbilt 379L, Cummins 500 HP, 18 ness, $230,000 range. Pat 306-221-7285. 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. spd., $64,500; 2006 Peterbilt 379, Cat 475 TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! HP, 18 spd., $53,500; 2006 IH 9400, CumNew state of the art, 8-bay carwash for mins 500 HP, 13 spd., 46 rears, $35,500; sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. 1999 Kenworth W900L, Detroit 500 HP, 13 Located on 3 acres with great location on spd., $25,500; 1999 IH 9900, Cat 475 HP, highway. Great customer base! Selling due 18 spd., 46 rears, $22,500; Daycabs: 2001 to health concerns. Serious inquiries 25yr. - 3 5 yr. La m in a te d International 9100, Cat 430 HP, 10 spd., only please! Call 306-232-4767. Des ign er Architectu ra l S hin gles $22,500; 2004 Kenworth T300, Cummins $ 9 9 FOR SALE OR LEASE: 6000 sq ft. restauM ILL 315 HP, 10 spd., $24,500; 2002 Sterling rant w/banquet room. Lots of potential. Acterra, Cat 300 HP, 9 spd., 24’ van body, RUN !! FR OM Contact Jane 204-937-3948, Roblin, MB. $19,500. 1-888-457-5918 at Davidson, SK. BUNDLE DL #312974. 1998 FL70 W5 T Picker, 5th wheel, air OWN YOUR OWN Business. 56 yr old lead$ 9 9 ride, 10,000 lb. picker, 400,000 kms, vg # er in health and wellness industry looking TWO 2007 PETERBILT 379. C15 Acert tires, tool boxes both sides, room for FR OM for online trainers. Flexible hrs, work from 2003 KENWORTH W900L, grey, 475 re- Cat, Proheat ice, red, 22.5 rubber, 40 welder and genset, good cond., $22,500 home. 25 yr .3 Ta b s BUNDLE built ISX Cummins, 390 rear ends, 18 spd rears. Unit 862, 63” bunk, 965,500 kms, OBO. Dan at 780-991-4484, Sangudo, AB. trans., 24.5 rubber drives 80%, steering new eng. at 647,717 kms, 13 spd., new fan E L E VATO R , B R A DW E L L , S K . Grain new, new radiator and clutch, rebuilt hub and rad., Unit 953, 70” bunk, 740,000 cleaning, drying, and storage facility with trans., rebuilt front diffs, Wabasto heater. kms, 13 spd., 3-way lock. $60,000 each established customer base, on CN main Po p u la r OBO. 204-436-2536, Fannystelle, MB. $42,000 OBO. 204-532-2408 Binscarth MB line. Serious inquiries only. 306-492-4743. Pro file! S QUAR E Go o d Co lo rs ! FOR SALE: The UPS Store #378, Leth2004 FREIGHTLINER CORNADO, heavy W900 KENWORTH 2005, shortnose, flat bridge West, AB, $159,900. Motivated sell All 1s tGra d e specs, sleeper damage on one side, top, Beacons, headache rack, Cummins ISX 475 HP , safetied, excellent, $40,000 er. Email or Pro d u ct! $15,000. 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. OBO. Must sell. 204-981-4291, phone 403-327-0003. M a tchin g 2005 COLUMBIA FREIGHTLINER DAY- 204-632-5334 leave msg, Winnipeg, MB. Acces s o ries DON’T WANT TO FACE another prairie winCAB CL120, Detroit 60 series, 470-500 HP, Ava ila b le!!! ter? Would you like to move to the sunny 12,000 front, 40,000 rear, c/w wet kit, WE BUY TRUCKS. If you have a medium Okanagan but have no job? Established or HD truck for sale for a reasonable price exc. cond., 306-752-2873, 306-752-4692, B ur r on L um b er one bay automotive repair shop and equipcall Bob 204-759-2156, Midwest Truck and 2008 CHU613 MACK PINNACLE HD, Melfort, SK. 306 -6 52-0343 , S a s ka t o o n , S K ment for sale. Turnkey operation. Box Tractor, Hwy. 16 East, Shoal Lake, MB. 485 HP, loaded, 18 spd., 12/46 , 522,000 5594, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, kms, 24.5 all alum., w/16’ new gravel box, 2005 IHC 9400, 475 HP ISX, 10 spd.; 2005 CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exIHC 990i, 450 HP ISX, 13 spd; 2004 Ster- WE CAN NOW give 2 yr. or 350,000 power tarp, air ride cab, pintle hitch ready, posed screws to leak or metal overlaps. SK, S7K 2C4. km full powertrain warranty on any $79,500 OBO 204-825-8755 Cartwright MB ling daycabs, 515 HP Detroit, 10 spd, AuIdeal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church- TRUCKERS, SERVICE OPERATORS, truck 2001 or newer!! 2007 Kenworth toshift. 306-270-6399, Saskatoon, SK. es, pig barns, commercial, arch rib build- 4500 sq. ft. shop with all the features that T800, 14/46, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 4-way ing and residential roofing. For info. call are needed for the business. Offices, 2005 KENWORTH T600, 475 ISX Cum- lockers, extra clean, safetied, $59,500; 4-post A-frame hoist, large overhead elec. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK mins, 13 spd., 12 front, 40 rears w/4 way 2007 Peterbilt 379, w/C13 Cat, 445 HP, door, air compressor, welder, numerous locks, 244 WB, A/T/C, new Sask safety. 10 spd., 244” WB, 22.5 rubber at 75%, just FORD ESCAPE XLT, loaded, $10,500. other items for a business. Located at Asking $36,900. 306-369-7605, Bruno, SK. hauled mail Winnipeg to Calgary, very 306-220-7741, Saskatoon, SK. Leask, SK., $145,000. Del Rue, clean, safetied, $36,500; 2007 FreighDL #322152 306-242-8221, Royal LePage Saskatoon SK tliner Columbia, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 14/46, TO BE MOVED, 2 1/2 storey, 24x26, DO YOU HAVE an empty barn and want 2006 PETERBILT, 550 Cat engine, in- full lockers, 1.1M kms, safetied, $48,500; 2005 Kenworth T800, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 1917 house near Springwater, SK, $5900. to raise ducks? For info. ph 780-450-6103, cludes phone, CB, fridge, Proheat and 780-504-5747, Edmonton, AB. bunk heat. Heavy spec, under 800,000 14.6/46, 22.5 on all alum., 3.9 ratio, safe- 2000 FREIGHTLINER 28’ flat deck tan- Phone 306-948-2353 anytime. tied, $49,500; 2- 2005 Kenworth T800 dem truck, Cat diesel, 8 spd., air ride, AC, kms. 403-510-0474. Calgary, AB. C13 Cat, 13 spd., 855,000 kms, 12/40, 38” no rust, California truck, 157,000 miles, flat top bunk, $37,500; 2007 Freightliner $28,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. Classic flat top, 460 Mercedes under warranty, 763,000 kms, 13 spd., 3-way lock- 2002 PETERBILT 330 24’ van truck, Cat ers, $45,000; 2003 Western Star daycab, diesel, Allison auto, low miles, no rust, lift 16/46, C15 Cat, 18 spd., $28,500; 2006 g a t e , A C , a i r r i d e , o n l y, $ 2 4 , 5 0 0 . Freightliner Columbia daycab, heavy 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. specs, 475 Cat, 18 spd., Eaton AutoShift, lockers, $47,500; 2000 Volvo, 14/46, 13 spd., 500 HP Detroit, lockers, clean, $19,900; 2002 IH 9900 flat top heavy spec w/lockers, 52”, 430/470 Detroit, 15 NEW 2011 DODGE Grand Caravan SXT spd., $26,000; 2000 Western Star 4694, plus, full Stow ‘N Go, rear air, alloys, bluemid roof, 475 Cat, 13 spd., 244” WB, clean tooth. $26,955, $0 down, $164 bi-weekly. and safetied, $29,500. T. Edkins Semi Wynyard, SK. Phone 1-800-667-4414 Straight Wall Steel Buildings Truck and Trailer Ltd., Terry 204-825-7043 or Ken 204-362-0116. For pics and more • Competitively priced info Winkler, MB. • Great appearance WANTED: AWD MINIVAN, any year, under • Design and size flexibility available from: 100,000 kms. 306-548-4733, Canora, SK. OPENING • Permanence with non-combustible $ S E E D A N D / O R C H E M I C A L TOT E S BID materials TRUCK, 1976 Chev, 6500 3 ton, 5 and 2 trans., Hiab 1165 crane, 21’ reach, 16’ • Load requirements to fit your needs B&H, tag axle, 366 motor, $18,000 com• A finished look with grey primed beams Zipperlock Building Company (2005) Inc. plete or $14,000 for crane, truck $6,000. For pictures call 306-536-0207 Francis SK. Box 699, Raymore, SK S0A 3J0 • Multiple frame designs and Sales: 306-631-8550 configurations 1997 FORD LOUISVILLE, single axle, 6 Office: 306-692-1948 Fax: 306-746-5713 spd., 8.3 Cummins w/195 NH manure WANTED: MENNIE COCOON conditioner; • Fast construction Email: spreader, double beater, well maintained, FOR SALE: Eggerman leafcutter bee har• Quality, professional workmanship $20,000 OBO. 306-424-7712, Kendal, SK. vester with tumbler. 204-534-8151, Boissevain, MB. 1991 IHC 4900 series, 466 auto, c/w Telelect Commander 5000 picker auger truck, c e r t i fi e d M a r 2 0 1 1 . $ 2 7 , 0 0 0 O B O. 780-307-5404, Waskatenau, AB.
16 19
V IN YL S ID IN G $ 95
N ew
2011 $
SprayTest ST16 - 4940 to Fit JD 4940 Sprayer with 11 Sections One ST16 - 4940 to fit a John Deere 4940 sprayer with 11 sections. Photo not exactly as illustrated.
Item #
November 10 - 21
2004 FREIGHTLINER M2, new body style, 180,000 miles, 3126 Cat, 280 HP, 7 spd., 24’ deck and HD hoist; 1999 IHC 466 dsl., 7 spd, 18’ flatdeck, low miles, safetied, above avg. cond., $16,900; 2000 Chev C8500, Cat 3126, C&C, Allison auto, PTO and hoist, just needs a box, $24,900; 2002 IHC 4400 new body style, IH 466, 6 spd., w/18’ HD deck and hoist, 370,000 miles, $21,900; Also several gravel trucks ava i l a b l e . C a l l K & L E q u i p m e n t , 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. DL #910885.
SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chassis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE and Range Rider canopies and service caps. Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871.
Spray Test Controls Inc. Box 269 Beechy, SK 306-859-1200
1999 WESTERN STAR w/600 fully hydraulic manure spreader, ready to go to work, $57,500 OBO. 306-646-7614, Maryfield, SK
• • • •
1 5 yr.w a rra nty on steel & p olyethylene fa b ric 8-1 5 d eg rees cooler in the su m m er • Ea sy to insta ll No fou nd a tion req u ired on PQ B b u ild ing s • Eng ineered 1 2oz p olyethylene fa b ric • Pow d er coa ted to la st
Ifit doesn’t say HiQ ual - it isn’t ENGINEERED TO LAST 100% C anadian M ade See W ebsite for Dealers near you
w w
1-855-HiQ UAL2 (1-855-447-8252)
FARM MORTGAGE LOANS, AB only, rates from 6.99%, short or long term, no personal guarantees, broker or lender fees. 780-669-1628. FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. WELL ESTABLISHED bulk fuel and cardlock Management Group for all your borrowing station, turnkey operation, large farm and and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, oil base. Phone Bruce at 306-861-0555, Regina, SK. Don 306-842-2329, 306-861-9564, SE SK. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too TIM HAMMOND REALTY Turn key busi- high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call ness in the busy community of Langen- us to develop a professional mediation burg, SK. located on the Yellowhead Hwy plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. close to major Potash expansion. 8,300 sq. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. ft. incl. 6 lane bowling alley w/licensed 56 seat restaurant and 64 seat meeting/ FARM BOOKKEEPING SERVICES lounge area. Building and equip. in exc. Q u in n e y Bu s in e s s S e rvic e s is n o w cond. w/many new upgrades. $350,000 a c c e ptin g n e w c lie n ts . C o n ta c tEm ily MLS 409520 Guy Shepherd 306-434-8857 Q u in n e y, C M A, AC A to d a y fo r d e ta ils ! Expe rie n c e d fa rm a c c o u n tin g ta ilo re d to METAL FABRICATING/Manufacturing s u ityo u r o pe ra tio n s n e e d s . Business in potash country in East CenPh : (3 06 ) 3 8 4-29 20 Em a il: tral SK. Have 6000 sq. ft., metal fabricatq uin n e yb us in e s s s e rvice @ s a s kte l.n e t ing equipment, contacts and existing contracts with mines and other customers, • Full c yc l eb ookkeep ing • GST & PST UlC certification for producing tanks, p roc essing • Pa yroll & T4 p rep a ra tio n C.W.B. certifications for in-shop and mo• Yea r-end w orking p a p er p rep a ra tio n bile, Pressure Piping Quality Control Manu• Existing b ookkeep ing c lea n-up al for SK. and ISNetworld approval for ex• Com p lete set-up ofc om p uterized isting customer base. Key personnel and b ookkeep ing system • AgriSta b ility employees would stay on and train for the transition. Would finance a portion. An excellent opportunity in the busiest area in NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says Canada. Fab Tec MFG Ltd, Box 219 Spy n o ? I f y e s t o a b o v e t h r e e c a l l Hill, SK. S0A 3W0 Fax: 306-534-2074 or 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB.
WILL CUSTOM WINTER bred cows. Call: EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Beaver 306-696-7870, Broadview, SK. dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. OVERWINTER YOUR COWS or pregnant Phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. heifers in Southern Alberta with its milder winters! Good facilities available. Prices BRUSH MULCHING-ENVIRO-FRIENDLY negotiable. Call 403-739-2608 for more in- land clearing, fence lines, ditch cleanformation. Enchant, AB. ing, fire break protection, under brush cleaning, etc. Contracting - fencing and WILL CUSTOM FEED approx. 150 dry corrals, farm buildings, post building concows for 2011-2012 winter. Will not calve struction c/w your color choice for steel out. 780-698-3945, Thorhild, AB. metal. Journeyman status in carpentry. Serving Saskatchewan and Alberta. Reasonable rates. 306-480-9160, North Battleford, SK. Email: TTS BALE HAULING LTD. custom round picking and hauling. Two self-loading/unloading units, 17- 34 bales. Ph. Tyson TURBO CORRAL CLEANING. Two trucks with spreaders and Cat. Reasonable rates. 306-867-4515, 306-855-2010, Glenside SK 306-228-2466, 306-228-8355, Unity, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, 17 bale self loading and stacking unit. 306-445-1484 or 306-946-7438, Saskatoon, SK.
CUSTOM HAY HAULING Sask Valley Farm Ltd. can haul your hay for you! We haul 34 round bales, on a 53’ stepdeck trailer. Competitive rates. 306-931-3268, Saskatoon, SK. ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, load and unload. 306-974-3314, Saskatoon, SK.
LOOKING TO BUY successful, established business in rural Sask. within 90 mins. of Saskatoon. Will look at grocery, hardware BANDSAW BLADES: wood, metal, meat, and all possibilities but no restaurants, ho- custom made. Steelmet Supply, Saskatels or auto repair. Serious, well financed toon, 1-800-667-3046. buyer will require financial statements. Offerings in confidence to WELL ESTABLISHED BUTCHER SHOP in the thriving community/city of Yorkton, SK. Sale includes 7 city lots, 3100 sq. ft. meat shop, all equipment, and 20x40 garage. Must sell due to health. Serious inquiries only. Call Bill 306-783-5512 or 306-782-8876 or WELL-ESTABLISHED corral and feedlot cleaning business for sale in south central SK. Complete line of well maintained equipment and extensive clientele list. Serious inquiries only to 306-484-4444, Govan, SK. THRIVING LUMBER AND HARDWARE business, situated on prime property, 5 1/2 lots with 5400 sq.ft. sales building. Great business opportunity. Does not have to be a lumber yard. In the heart of Lake Country. In business for 50 years. Time to go. Call Roland at 306-883-2072 or 306-984-2040 evenings, Spiritwood, SK. FLOOR GUARD GARAGE MAT DEALER OPPORTUNITY, areas still available. Excellent profits. 306-536-6508, Regina, SK. or WELDING, General Repair, Fabricating Shop. Servicing a large area, wholesale distributor, all equipment included, 6944 s q . f t . b u i l d i n g . E x c e l l e n t vo l u m e , $159,000. Also 1180 sq. ft. home in vg shape, $137,000 in Marcelin, SK. Del Rue, 306-242-8221, Royal LePage Saskatoon SK
FARMERS NEED FINANCIAL HELP? Go to: or call 306-757-1997. Regina, SK.
FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.
2000 H1100 TUB GRINDER mounted on 1995 KW T800, N14 Cummins (in-frame), 13 spd. Well maintained and records available. Grinder mill is upgraded, $52,500. 403-888-1237, Beiseker, AB.
SPECIALIZING IN MULCHING! LAND CLEARING! TRAILS! STUMPS! No burning, no dozing, no piles, no ripping, no hauling. Turn trees and deadfall into mulch... Save selected trees if desired. The enviro-friendly tree reduction company! (SK) 306-933-2950; (AB) 403-969-9348. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1800; 160x60x14’ $2600; 180x60x14’ $3000; 200x60x14’ $3400. Saskatoon, SK, 306-653-3473, 306-222-8054.
TROY SANDERSON HARVESTING booking harvesting acres for the 2011 season. For more info., phone Troy 306-831-9776 or fax 306-882-2300, Rosetown, SK. Email CUSTOM HARVESTER with 2- JD 9870’s and trucking. Will travel anywhere in AB/Peace Country/SK, 780-603-7640. RANCH OIL CONTRACTING LTD has 2 CUSTOM HARVESTING- Swathing, Com- vertical beater truck mounted manure bining and Grain Drying. Cereal and Spe- spreaders and JD wheel loader for hire in cialty crops. Call Murray: 306-759-2535, NW SK. and NE AB. For all your corral cleaning needs please call David or Joanna cell: 306-631-1411, Tugaske, SK 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and ROOM FOR 500 YEARLINGS near Ituna, bobcat services. Metal siding and SK. Starting in the spring. Grass is a mix of roofs. Will do any kind of work. brome, timothy, and alfalfa and there is 306-329-4485, 306-222-8197, Aslots of water. They will be rotationally quith, SK. grazed and moved when needed. I will supply the salt and mineral and manage- NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat w/rubber tracks, vertiment. Phone 403-625-0982. cal beater spreaders. Custom fencing. WANTED: UP TO 300 COWS to winter 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. with silage and grain, exper. cattleman. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective 306-641-9722, 306-782-8717, Yorkton, SK way to clear land. Four season service, WILLING TO CUSTOM feed heifers or competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk steers, reasonable rates. 204-496-3188, Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. McCreary, MB.
Art 260 Dual Loop Air Seeder Rate and Blockage Monitor ART 260 dual loop air seeder rate and blockage monitor, 12 runs system, displays your rate in seeds per acre or pounds per acre. There are two sensor loops, one for seed and one for fertilizer. The monitor uses infra-red seed flow sensors. You can have up to 120 sensors for each loop. FOB Saskatoon, SK.
Item #
853 BOBCAT skid steer, bucket, 12-16.5 tires, very good tread, $13,500. Call 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. ATTN FARMERS/ CONSTRUCTION: Repossessed Volvo LM1240 loader, 160 HP, 3 spd. auto, 3-1/4 cu. yd. tooth bucket, EROP, heater, exc. tires. 306-242-2508, pics at Financing Gord 306-934-4445, Saskatoon, SK. F O R S A L E : J D 2 0 6 6 4 4 J l o a d e r, 306-821-6044, Lloydminster, SK. JD 790 EXCAVATOR, 1988 with thumb, $24,000. 780-967-3288, Rochester, AB. 2001 CAT BACKHOE 416C, 4x4 extend-ahoe, quick change w/2 buckets, clam front bucket, 10’ post hole auger w/6” and 12” bits, 3900 hrs. 306-275-2007 St. Brieux SK CASE BACKHOE Model 680, good, 2 WD, $15,000. EXCAVATOR, Hyundai Robex 200 LC $35,000. 306-563-8765 Canora SK. ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, SK, CAT D9H, S/N 90V05973 w/cab, ripper, angle dozer, $77,500; 1987 10 man camp, 2 side by side, 12x54’ units, $27,000; 125 KW genset, S/N 4B13394, w/Cat 3303 eng $19,500; 2500 gal. heated water shack $17,500. Rod 780-918-1499, Leduc, AB. 2000 JD Model 250 skidsteer, 2750 hrs., $12,000. Call Rob Keyser, 306-723-4949, Cupar, SK.
2011 $
CAT 518 SKIDDER, angled snow blade, Extend-A-Hoe, ready to work, manual and records incl. 250-243-2025, Big Lake, BC. 1966 CAT 950 wheel loader, G.P. bucket, 20.5x25 tires, SN #58800317, $23,000. Call 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. 2005 CAT D6NLGP, 4800 hrs., new UC, 6-way blade, wired for Trimble Laser System, $120,000 FOB Illinois. Many more to choose from. Phone 815-239-2309. ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings, 24” to 42” notched disc blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. MOTOR SCRAPER, John Deere 762 elevator, good rubber, good condition, $28,000. 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK. 2004 SKYTRACK 6042, tilt carriage, 6,000 lb., 42’ reach, $28,500. Yorkton, SK. 250-431-8162.
1996 357 PETERBILT day cab, N-14, 460, 18 spd., 46RR, wet kit. Lots of work done, ready to go with safety, $25,000. Call Joe at 306-238-7650, Goodsoil, SK.
Item #
Welltraxx Ltd. Box 295 Medicine Hat, AB 1-877-981-9142
November 10 - 21
November 10 - 21
Welltraxx Software package for landowners managing oil and gas holdings Package includes a one year trial of and six hours of administrative services to set up the program for the winning bidder. is an online software program designed for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba landowners managing oil and gas holdings on their land. Benefits include email alerts as surface leases come due for rental revenues, annual income reporting and much more.....
Agtron Enterprises Inc 242 Robin Crescent Saskatoon, SK 1-800-667-0640
2005 JLG TELEHANDLER, 3082 hrs., model G6-42A, 6000 lb., 42’ reach, tilt carriage, 3 way steering, aux. hydraulics. $42,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, 1981 TEREX 7221 wheel loader, 2 yard, $18,000. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10-25 yards, excellent condition; Loader and s c r a p e r t i r e s , c u s t o m c o nv e r s i o n s available; Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd., Muenster, SK. 306-231-7318 or 306-682-4520. CAT D7E, powershift, needs motor repair, $14,000. Consider IH 4100, 4156 or others on trade. 306-749-2649, Birch Hills, SK. SCHULTE 2-1/2 yard scraper, $4500 OBO. Phone 306-759-2161, Eyebrow, SK.
2005 BR350 BOMBARDIER Snow Cat with 14’ 12-way blade, 4800 hrs., S-bar heater, snow climbing tracks, great condition, $91,000 OBO. 780-991-4484, Sangudo, AB INTRODUCING Komatsu Undercarriage Program. Komatsu offers a full range of undercarriage products for most makes and models of excavators and crawler tractors. SMS Equipment offers complete service with track press and Idler welding capabilities. Call today: 1-800-667-6672 Regina; 1-800-667-4998 Saskatoon. TS14’s, 140G, D6H, K300 packer, on job. Will consider trade, skip steers, telehandlers. Ph. 306-342-4765 eves/ weekend only, or fax 306-342-4794, North Battleford, SK. area. BACKHOE: 2002 JD 310SG extend-a- hoe 4x4, $38,000; GENIE MANLIFT: (2002) 45/25J jib 4x4, gas propane, $22,000; SCISSORLIFT: Skyjack, 45’ reach 4x4, $12,000; 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. CAT 970F 1994 6 yd, 18,000 hrs, $83,000 VOLVO G740, 2002, 16’ moldboard, 17.5 tires- 70%, front quick attach, 8700 hrs., $87,000. Ph. 403-291-1010 Calgary, AB. 1978 544 JD wheel loader, G.P. bucket, 17.5x25 tires. Call 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. N H LT 1 8 5 B S K I D S T E E R , 2 1 0 0 h r s . , $26,500. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. KOMATSU D85, hyd. dozer, multi shank ripper, heated cab, guarded and sweeps, $45,000. 780-967-3288, Rochester, AB.
1969 FRUEHAUF lowbed, safetied, 8’x18’ double drop, 30’, near new, 255/ 70R22.5 tires, Beavertail, $13,500; 1982 Loadline tandem axle hopper bottom, 11R22.5 tires, $13,500; 1978 Champion 740, 14:00x24 tires, 14’ mow board w/2’ ext., $15,000. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. SCISSORLIFT SKYJACK 45’, $12,000; F O R K L I F T, Clark 8000 lb. propane, $8,000; WHEEL LOADER, Cat 950, 3 yd., $24,000; SKIDSTEER 2006 JD 325, cab, heat, 1600 hrs, $24,000; EXCAVATOR, 2004 JCB 160 NLC, hyd. thumb, 3000 hrs, $72,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. LOADER BACKHOE, ex government, 4x4, extend-a-hoe. 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB. 1999 621C wheel loader, 3 yd. bucket, new cutting edge, AC and third valve. good cond., owner retiring. 204-476-6476, Neepawa, MB. 16 YARD GARWOOD scraper, hyd. conversion, $14,500 OBO; Set of 12 rebuilt D6D track rollers, $1200. 204-727-0925 or 204-726-9414 eves. Brandon, MB. D6B CAT and dozer, fair condition, rear GB pump, canopy, poor under carriage. Will consider trade. 306-868-4601 or 306-536-4071, Truax, SK. 1998 CAT D7RXR; 2005 CAT D6NLGP, 6W dozer, excavators; 2001 - 290 SK 290 LC CW hyd. thumb; 1996 Case 9030B; 2004 NH 4x4 loader backhoe. 780-472-2722, Edmonton, AB. JOHN DEERE 700 SCRAPER, 7 yd dump. photos at Phone 306-896-2888, Churchbridge, SK. HYD. EXCAVATOR, John Deere 200, thumb and two buckets. 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB. 1999 TEREX TS14D scraper, good condition, $52,500. Rick or Jeff 306-322-4569, Rose Valley, SK. D7G CAT 1980 w/winch, 1200 hrs. on Cat UC, 26” pads, $45,000; D4 Cat 7U w/dozer, $5000; Dika 324 breaking plow, left hand, $10,500; 12’ Towner breaking disc w/ram 24” blades, $7500; 8’ Rome, 24” blades, as new, $5000; 10’ disc offset, 20” blades; 16-wheeler Columbia trailer, $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 ; 1 9 9 6 Pe t e r b i l t w / w i n c h , $24,000; 1998 Decap tridem clam gravel trailer, $25,000; Cargo winch #80, fits D7G, $3500; D9H bush rig, 14’, $3000; 18’ piler fits D7G or D6D. Valleyview, AB, 780-524-2678 or 780-814-4233. CAT 70 HYDRAULIC SCRAPER, new Cat cutting edges, good tires, good condition, $25,500 OBO. Langenburg, SK 306-743-7980 or 306-743-2292. C AT L O A D E R 9 3 8 G , l o w h o u r s , 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB. 12 YARD TORQ/ STEIGER pull type scraper, exc. cond., new tires. 204-526-7374 or 204-526-2527, Holland, MB. N E W 1 0 ’ A N D 1 2 ’ B I G D O G B OX SCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, 24’’ high back, 42’’ available in both widths for up to 5 yd. heap capacity. Starting at $3500. Phone 204-871-1175, MacGregor, MB. HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR, 2003 Kobelko 135. 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB. BOMAG COMPACTOR, 56” drum with blade, $16,500; Ingersoll Rand compactor, $16,000. Creston, BC. 250-431-8162.
HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever 2006 1400 CHIEFTAIN, power screen, Holdings Inc, 306-682-3332, Muenster SK like new, 792 hrs., on tracks, vibrating grizzly, extra screens, $138,000. Phone WRECKING FOR PARTS: D8 13A, with hyd. nose. 780-755-2185 Edgerton, AB. 250-546-0420, Armstrong, BC.
ROTARY PHASE CONVERTERS, provides instant 3 phase power. Lowest prices guarEXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, anteed. Ideal for industrial and agricultural track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini applications, certified equipment, full warexcavators. Visit for de- ranty. 1-866-676-6686. tails, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone 306-764-2325, Prince Albert, SK. 17 YARD BUCYRUS-ERIE scraper, hyd. conversion, good condition, $25,000 OBO. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK.
R OUG H LUM BER O N $ 48 S ALE 42 O N $ S ALE P R ES S UR E TR EATED C OR R AL P OLES O N $ 49 *7 FT (4- 5 ” ) S ALE O N $ 99 *8 FT (4- 5 ” ) S ALE S TEEL C LAD D IN G
8 10
* 2” X 6 ” 16 F T * 2” X 8” 16 F T
JD “REMAN SELECT” model 6466TR-03-X engine. Completely rebuilt by John Deere factory. Fits 4440 ag. tractor. One only available. Special Net Price $10,500. Call Tom at Frontier Power Products Ltd., Calgary, AB., toll free 1-877-720-3735. REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 12/24v 5.9L Cummins; GM Duramax. Other new, used, and Reman diesel engines available. Call 204-532-2187, 8 AM to 5:30 PM Mon. to Fri. Thickett Engine Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB.
6 7
DROTT 40 EXCAVATOR, in good condition with low hrs., complete with 58” and 34” buckets. 204-748-8303 or 204-845-2436, 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Elkhorn, MB Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regi18’ DECK WITH Hiab picker plus PTO na, SK plus pump. $4900. 306-231-8111, DIESEL ENGINES, OVERHAUL kits and Humboldt, SK. parts for most makes. M&M Equipment 2003 D85E21 KOMATSU, twin tilts, bush Ltd., Regina, SK, Parts and Service, equipped, cab/air/heater, ripper, 3590 hrs 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111. mint cond. 306-272-4382, Foam Lake, SK. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines 2005 LULL 644E 42’ reach, 6000 lb., tele- and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, scopic forklift w/CAH, rotating forks. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. $31,500. Yorkton, SK. 250-431-8162 USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Spe1979 CAT 966C loader, 6900 hrs., 4.25 yd. cializing in Cummins, have all makes, large b u c k e t , p r e m i u m c o n d i t i o n . C a l l inventory of parts, repowering is our spe306-395-2588, 306-796-7350, Chaplin, SK. cialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB. WANTED: Brush cutter and/or side cutter to fit D8K for land clearing purposes. 780-928-2621, 780-926-9107, La Crete AB 1996 CASE EXCAVATOR 9050 B with hyd. PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase thumb, good undercarriage with rebuilt motors, on single phase. 204-800-1859, Mitsubishi engine 4000 hrs ago, $37,000; Winnipeg, MB. EX300 LC 1995 Hitachi, $25,000. Swift FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL Current, SK. 306-741-2251. motor sales, service and parts. Also sale ON HAND: 19 skidsteers, 12 backhoes, 9 of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of telescopic lifts, 17 loaders, 2 crawlers, 3 pumps, generators, phase converters, etc. excavators, 1 grader, 2 Ditch Witches. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306Website: or phone 873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK. 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 leave message, Humboldt, SK.
/s q . ft.
w w w .jhb u ild m
Westrum Lumber
1-888-663-9663 Rouleau, SK
HIP ROOF BARN, red metal walls, galvanized roof, 38’Wx50’Lx29’H, $7000 OBO. Phone 306-882-3347, Rosetown, SK.
Building Supplies & Contracting
Hague, SK P: 306-225-2288 F: 306-225-4438
Quality Workmanship Material & Service Leading Suppliers & Contractors of:
• • • •
Shops & Pole Sheds Post & Stick Frame Building Riding Arenas D airy, H og, & C hicken Barns
68,150 + G ST
Metal roofs. New or repair. Complete designs & engineering. Turnkey projects. Project management.
1 - 20 X 16 O H DO O R 1 - 3 X 7 PERSO NA L DO O R G UTTERS + DO WN SPO UTS
Serving all of Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia Main O ffice:403-503-9997 116,4600 104 AVE.SE 1-866-503-9997 Calgary,A lberta T2C 124 Fax:403-291-3006
E-m ailbfranssen@ im w w w .im
Brin g in yo u r b lu e prin ts o r d ra w in gs fo r a ll yo u r w in d o w s & d o o rs , in d u s tria l d o o rs a n d ga ra ge d o o r re qu ire m e n ts .
#1M ETAL C LAD D IN G M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. Phon e forp ricin g .
• Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs G a lv. roof m eta l, colored w a lls & trim s (ou ts id e corn ers , ba s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, g a ble fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Door & Lock s et. 50x100- 16’ trea ted 6x6 p os t bld g c/w 24x16 a ll s teel s lid in g d oor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 6,048.15 Phone w ith your b uild ing s ize requirem ents for a free es tim a te.
AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK.
DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB.
POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK.
BUILDING SOLUTIONS Farm & Commercial Buildings Storage Solutions
Cle a ra n c e $2.00/ LF W hile s upply las ts - teak and ros ewood dis continued colours only. Reg.Price $3.55/LF
Introducing Zak’s Pre-Engineered Laminated Post!
See us for competitive prices and efficient service!
w w w .w ood-coun TIM BER TEC H C OM P OS ITE D EC KIN G
HayS heds DairyB arns RidingAr enas Maintenance Shops
Esteva n , S K . . . . . . . 306-634- 5111 M cLea n , S K . . . . . . . 306-699- 72 84 Tisd a le, S K . . . . . . . 306-873- 4438
BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK. ONLY COMPANY IN CANADA OFFERING CONCRETE POSTS
ENGINEEREDM ETALB UILDINGS HUTCHINSON Grain Pumps LAMBTON Bucket Elevators LAMBTON Drag Conveyors (Seed Compatible Conveyors) Rail Load-Out Systems Pulse Crop Equipment WESTEEL Grain Bins SUKUP Aeration & Bins
0DQ\ PRGHOV DQG VL]HV DYDLODEOH *Square foot prices vary depending on size, model, and building code requirements with respect to snow and wind loading.
Prim arily used in agriculture, aviation,com m ercial & industrialapplication.
2505 Ave C N., S a s ka to o n , S K S 7L 6A6 Phon e 306-652-5322
Take advantage of these low, low prices while they last.
W O O D CO UN TRY WANTED: BUILDING FOR farm shop. Phone Kel 306-753-2842 or 306-753-8069, Macklin, SK.
%8,/',1* &/($5$1&( 6$/(
SILVER STREAM SHELTERS: 30x72 single steel frame cover kit, $4700; 38x100 truss, $11,900. Replacement tarps for any brand, patch kits, rope webbing and ratchets. Call 1-877-547-4738.
89¢¢/s q . ft.
FARM DUTY MOTORS, WEG elec. 14 HP, 1 phase, 230 volt, totally enclosed fan cooled, $1600. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 306-873-2881, Tisdale SK.
Call or visit our website to find out more.
SCRAPERS FOR SALE, Cat, LaPlante, Allis, LeTourneau, converted to hyd., will also do custom conversions. Looking for cable scrapers. Call Toll free 1-866-602-4093.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ $ $ IN C R E A S E S AS K ABO UT O $UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT 0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L t d . $ $ S t . La za r e, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
READY TO ASSEMBLE S Model Crown Steel building, 30’x38’, c/w all hardware, assembly instructions and drawings stamped by AB engineers. $13,500. Located near Kyle, SK. 306-375-2443. Can deliver anywhere. Kevin 403-936-8489 home, 403-807-2982 cell or:
NEW HEAVY DUTY V-DITCHERS now available. Quick Drain Sales, 306-682-4520 or cell 306-231-7318, Muenster, SK. 2001 KOBELKO SK60, excavator with thumb and blade, $22,500. Creston, BC. 250-431-8162
VEGA ELECTRIC CREAM SEPARATORS, complete and in working condition. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK.
FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody.
CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at 2011 BOBCAT S650, 2 speed, high flow hydraulics, A91 package, 75 hrs., $50,000 OBO. 306-452-7931, Redvers, SK.
NEW GENESIS ENGINES. Still in original factory crate. Available for TR99 and CX840/860/880. $9860 each. 1-800-667-4515.
Customized Design, Experienced Crews
$,5 0,/(6 UHZDUG PLOHV With your purchase of any Farm & Commercial Building *Offer valid until September 30, 2011
Toll Free: 1-877-239-0730 Web:
• Volumetrically Balanced Grain Transfer Box • 150 bu/min capacity • Optional Hydraulic Rewind Plastic Collection Spools • Larger Model 1214 Renn Grain Unloader Available Call the factory for your local dealer
RENN Mill Center Inc. RR#4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Phone: (403) 784-3518
Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage
H op p er Con es
14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Hopper 8 Leg H/Duty..............$2,450 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Hopper 7 Leg S/Duty ..............$2,325
Galvanized â&#x20AC;˘ Flat Floor â&#x20AC;˘ Hopper Bins Smooth Walls â&#x20AC;˘ Fertilizer â&#x20AC;˘ Grain â&#x20AC;˘ Feed Aeration â&#x20AC;˘ Rockets â&#x20AC;˘ Fans â&#x20AC;˘ Heaters Temp Cables Authorized Dealer
Saskatoon, SK
Phone: 306-373-4919
w w w .go o do m
YOUNGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EQ U IPM EN T IN C.
Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds
1-800-665-0470 S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 O lds O ffice 403-586-0311 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822
TWO 1100-1200 BU. Twister bins, Micada hopper bottoms, ladders, remote openers, fill indicators. One w/aeration, $3650, or w/o $3150; Two 18â&#x20AC;? bin aeration inlets, one set 18â&#x20AC;? round screens; Two Westeel Rosco bin doors, w/baffles and chutes. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK.
1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46 S TOCK IN G N EW & US ED EX TRACTORS AN D BAGGERS As k fo r K evin o r Ro n 2009 PRO GRAIN bagger, w/hopper, all updates done, like new. 306-259-2004, Watrous, SK. 2011 CHS grain bagger c/w truck unloader, asking $38,000 OBO. Only used 1 season. Ph. 780-247-0101,High Level, AB.
YEAR END BLOW-OUT- All remaining inventory of Twister bins are on sale. Flat bottom and hopper bottom, all must go! Set up crews available for this fall. See your nearest Flaman store or call BINS FOR SALE: 8 - 21â&#x20AC;&#x2122; diameter, 6800 bu. 1-888-435-2626. Sakundiak bins, c/w aeration floors for removal, $8500/each. Please phone Vigro NEW AND USED grain baggers and exat 306-885-2144, Sedley, SK. tractors; And new 9â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bags. Call 306-934-1414, Warman, SK. BEHLEN BIN/ HOPPER COMBOS: 3500 bu., 10 leg hopper and skid, unstiffened BINS FOR SALE: 2850, 2000 and 1400 grain bin, roof and side ladder. Manhole in bu. fertilizer hopper bins; 4000 bu. hopper hopper. Constructed. Leasing available. bins; 6000, 4500 and 3300 flat bottom Peterson Construction 306-789-2444, bins. Various other sizes. 306-631-8308, Regina, SK. Moose Jaw, SK. CONVEYOR STYLE GRAIN BAGGER; Also WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer hopper top bagger for sale, 306-230-0479. bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.
Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld
Em a il: s a les @m kw eld
H opper C one to fita 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;W esteelRosco (up to 2000 bu)includes 8x4 skid
$2,825.00 H opper C one to fita 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122;W esteelRosco (up to 3300 bu)includes 10x4 skid
$5,125.00 Prices subject to change. M & K W elding can also build you a custom hopper for m any m akes & sizes of bins.
SDL STEELFL OORS Hig h Profile Hop p erbottom ; S teep 36 d eg ree s lop e; d ou ble ba n d for s ecu re bin m ou n tin g ; a ll boltholes p u n ched ; leg s a re d ou ble w eld ed to both ba n d s ; w ith g u s s etp la tes ; d rip free s ea led chu te; d ia m on d d es ig n m a n hole; con tin u ou s M IG w eld ed ; S a s k a tchew a n m a d e. Ho pperCo n e Bin Bo tto m s 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hop p ercon e. . . . . . . . . . . . $2 ,2 60.00 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hop p ercon e. . . . . . . . . . . . $2 ,675.00 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; - 10â&#x20AC;? hop p ercon e. . . $3,000.00 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hop p ercon e. . . . . . . . . . . . $4,2 2 5.00 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hop p ercon e. . . . . . . . . . . . $4,550.00 S teel s k id & d elivery a va ila ble. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc. 120 - 71st St. W. Saskatoon, Sask. S7R 1A1 PH: (306) 933-0033 Fax (306) 242-3181
w w w .ros le rc on s tru c tion .c a
14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;X12â&#x20AC;? Side Wall 10 Gauge H/D. .$1,550 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122;X12â&#x20AC;? Side Wall 10 Gauge H/D. .$2,400 AERATION EXTRA CHARGE FREIGHT INCLUDED IN SOME SASK. LOCATIONS
BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new and used sea containers, all sizes. CUSTOM BIN MOVING in Saskatchewan, 306-220-1278, Saskatoon, SK. up to 21â&#x20AC;&#x2122; diameter. Marty 306-220-7915, 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; AND 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SEA CONTAINERS, for sale Blaine Lake, SK. in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stock- 1-866-517-8335. ing dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18â&#x20AC;? to 39â&#x20AC;?. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.
BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.
tin g a r b e l Ce 0
s of Y earu sin ess B
Pa cka ge o f (3) 3400 Bu Hop p erCom bos c/ w Roofa n d W a ll La d d ers , A u to Lid O p en ers , S a ftifils , Hop p ers , Dou ble 4â&#x20AC;? x 4â&#x20AC;? S k id s & Erected . Price $29,100.00 or $2.85 PerB u ** F reight, Air S ys tem s
**Buy N ow For S pring 2012**
Pa cka ge o f (2 ) 5000 Bu Hop p erCom bos c/ w Roofa n d W a ll La d d ers , A u to Lid O p en ers , S a ftifils , Hop p ers , Trip le 4â&#x20AC;? x 4â&#x20AC;? S k id s & Erected . Price $27,000.00 or $2.70 PerB u & L ea s i ng Ava ila b le**
C us to m e rs w h o purch a s e w ill h a ve th e ir n a m e e n te re d to w in th e fo llo w in g: Dra w End s:Oc tob er 31, 2011
30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; R a in b o w Trid e m Tra ile r
O ffice: 306 -782-3300 S cottâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cell: 306 -6 21-5304 T aishaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cell: 306 -6 21-3025 Em a il: a tla sb in s@ ho tm a m â&#x20AC;˘ w w w .a tla sb u ild in gs. net F orM ore In form ation P lease Call:
Prices include Grain bin, ladders, remote opener, saf-t-fil, easy access door, Steel floor and tie down anchors
1807 - 5865 Bushel - 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dia ............... $10,099 or $1.63/bushel 2105 - 5919 Bushel - 21â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dia ............... $10,099 or $1.63/bushel 2705 - 10039 Bushel - 27â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dia ............. $13,999 or $1.39/bushel
Parachutes (the ideal cover) Made of strong, tough nylon, yet light enough to enable one man to handle.
Ideal for Covering Grain Piles 1005 11th St. SE Calgary, AB T2G 3E9 To Place An Order Call: 403-265-1754
Machine & Products Ltd.
SDL HOPPER CONES. Prices starting at 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $2250; 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $2800 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-10â&#x20AC;?, $2970; 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $4100; 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $4500. All cones c/w manhole, double top band, slide gate on nylon rollers. Optional skid base, aeration, freight extra charge. 306-324-4441, Margo, SK. TWO WESTEEL ROSCO 2300 bu. hopper bins on double steel skids, w/Nordin hopper cones, easy to move. 306-536-7800, 306-443-2316, 306-781-2205, Alida, SK.
Save 20-30%
Parachute Canopies Only No Lines 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; parachute panel 28 panel parachute (24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dia.) 35 panel parachute (35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dia.) 64 panel parachute (55â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dia.) 120 panel parachute (100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dia.)
$150 $175 $275 $425 $600
Note: 120 panels chutes cover approx. 6500 square feet
SDL HYD. BIN CRANE, 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;+ lift, double winches, 8000 lb. capacity, hyd. push out wheels, $18,000. Phone 306-324-4441, cell 306-272-8383, Margo, SK.
N ew HUNDREDSS OLD Pr od uc t
CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, SK, AB, and MB, all types of bins up to 10,000 bushel, accurate estimates. Sheldonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hauling, 306-922-6079, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. SIX BUTLER 2000 bushel bins on cement, $2000 ea. 306-275-2007, 306-921-7072, St. Brieux, SK.
(remaining inventory only)
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; PARACHUTE CANOPIES â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
â&#x20AC;˘ 8 FT long â&#x20AC;˘ Steel tubing â&#x20AC;˘ Sample 8 ft. of the bin with one probe â&#x20AC;˘ Sufficient capacity for a testable sample â&#x20AC;˘ One probe gives test sample â&#x20AC;˘ Light and easy to handle â&#x20AC;˘ Delivery can be arranged â&#x20AC;˘ Tried and tested
2502 Millar Ave Saskatoon, SK Phone:1 -877-255-0187
LEASE from 4% Aeration and Aeration fans available
USED WESTEEL ROSCO bins on new SDL cones/skid base, 2250 bu., $6000; Used CHIEF WESTLAND, 2750 bu. on new SDL cone/skid, $6500; Aeration add $595. All bins with opener and ladder. Trucking available. 306-324-4441, SDL, Margo, SK.
20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; TO 53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. 306-933-0436.
RETIRED FROM FARMING: Selection of used Westeel flat bottom bins on wood floors. 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dia. have: 1- 4000 bu, 3- 3500 bu; 1- 2750 bu; In 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dia. have: 7- 1750 bu. All 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bins priced from $1.00/bu; all 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bins, priced from $1.90/bu. Custom transporters available. Hussin Seed Farms 403-936-5923, 403-680-4471, Calgary, AB.
%8< ',5(&7 IURP WKH 0$18)$&785(5
POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer 53â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK,
g ratin b e l e C 0 %R[ 2VOHU 6DVNDWFKHZDQ 6 . $ TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/ SAKUNDIAK BINS, 250 bu. to 55,000 bu. Winter booking on now for best pricing and guaranteed delivery. Example: all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up, and delivery within set radius. Behlen bin/ hopper combos: 3,500 bu. $10,450; 4,235 bu. $12,250; SPECIAL 5,000 bu. $13,500. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. Know what you are investing in. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.
s of Y earu sin ess B
Pa ck a ge o f (3) 4235 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers , S a ftifils , 8 L eg Ho p p ers , Do u b le 5â&#x20AC;? x 5â&#x20AC;? S kid s , 40 Degree S lo p es & E rected Price: $35,000 or $2.75 Per Bu.
Pa ck a ge o f (2) 6 200 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers , S a ftifils , 12 L eg Ho p p ers , T rip le 4â&#x20AC;? x 4â&#x20AC;? S kid s & E rected . Price: $33,500 or $2.70 Per Bu.
COM BOS **Buy N ow For S pring 2012** Pa ck a ge o f (2) 7200 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers , S a ftifils , 14 L eg Ho p p ers , T rip le 4â&#x20AC;? x 4â&#x20AC;? S kid s & E rected Price: $38,500 or $2.67 Per Bu.
Pa ck a ge o f (2) 9 000 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers , S a ftifils , 14 L eg Ho p p ers , Qu a d 4â&#x20AC;? x 4â&#x20AC;? S kid s & E rected Price: $48,500 or $2.69 Per Bu.
Pa ck a ge o f (2) 10,000 Bu . Ho pper Co m b o s c/w Ro o fa n d W a ll L a d d ers , Au to L id Op en ers , S a ftifils , 14 L eg Ho p p er, Qu a d 4â&#x20AC;? x 4â&#x20AC;? S kid s & E rected . Price: $53,500 or $2.67 Per Bu.
** F reight, Air S ys tem s & L ea s i ng Ava ila b le**
CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN C us to m e rs w h o purch a s e w ill h a ve th e ir 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; R a in b o w MERIDIAN GRAIN MAX 4000 and Me- extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now n a m e e n te re d to w in th e fo llo w in g: ridian fertilizer bins- now back in stock and avail. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. Trid e m Tra ile r Dr a w End s: Oc t ob er 31, 2011 ready for immediate delivery. See your n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e t o d ay o r c a l l O ffice: 306 -782-3300 LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel 306-934-2121, or visit F orM ore In form ation grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin DiS cottâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cell: 306 -6 21-5304 GREAT DEAL- 4750 BU. TWISTER BIN rect, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK. P lease Call: T aishaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cell: 306 -6 21-3025 with steel floor. Blow out price only $8,525 plus freight and set up. Only 10 left! Call 3607 WESTEEL WIDE CORE grain bin, Em a il: a tla sb in s@ ho tm a m â&#x20AC;˘ w w w .a tla sb u ild in gs. net Flaman Sales in Southey, SK. today at 2 4 , 7 5 0 b u . , b r a n d n e w, $ 1 2 , 9 0 0 . 306-726-4403. 780-872-0067, Canwood, SK. 2009 RICHIGER R10 grain bagger, w/4 O FFE RIN G YO U plastic bags, $18,500. A. E. Chicoine Farm N E E D TO RE P L A C E YO U R TH E L ATE S T IN Equipment, 306-449-2255 Storthoaks, SK. RO TTE N BIN FL O O RS ?? â&#x20AC;˘ Flat Bottom & W E HAVE THE SOLUTION! Hopper Grain Bin Technology N eilb urg, S a s ka tc h ew a n â&#x20AC;˘ Most Options Are Standard Equipment TAKE ADVANTAGE OF POST HARVEST On Our Bins! SPECIAL PRICING - CALL TODAY!
BAGGERS, BAGS EXTRACTORS For Sale or Rent Financing Available
Contact Mike
Saskatchew an:1-306-823-4888
FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837.
w w w .jtlin d us tries .c a
s a les @jtlin d us tries .c a Patent Pending
â&#x20AC;˘ Replace your old floors and add up to 1500 bushels capacity to your existing bins. â&#x20AC;˘ No more fighting with your old doors. Our patented JTL door is guaranteed to make you smile everytime you use it!
2008 BATCO 1545 conveyor w/engine a n d m o v e r, a s k i n g $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 . P h . 306-297-3122, Shaunavon, SK.
In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d S a s ka tchew a n ’s n u m b er o n e s o u rce fo r New , Us ed a n d M o d ified S ea Co n ta in ers . Recycle, Reu s e, Rein ven t S hi pp i ng co n ta in ers ca n b e a d a p ted to a va riety o f u s es a n d ca n p ro vid e a n in exp en s ive a n d flexib le s o lu tio n to m a n y s to ra ge p ro b lem s .
CONVEY-ALL CONVEYOR, PTO driven, 10” x 75’ w/transfer conveyor, good condition. $5000. 306-573-4625, Birsay, SK.
BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK.
Electric clutches & reversible gear boxes. New 10” Sakundiak augers 40’ to 60’ Kohler Engines Gas 18 - 40 HP, Diesel 40 - 50 HP Call us at 1-866-373-8448 in Saskatoon, Sask.
1 800 667 8800
N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , $6,700; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection used gravity wagons 250-750 bu. Used LOOKING FOR a floater or tender? Call me grain carts 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537, first. 30 years experience. Loral parts, new and used. 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB. NEW J&M 750-18 grain cart, 30.5x32, roll tarp, $28,500 USD. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, Minnesota. SAKUNDIAK SWING-AWAY AUGERS, HD 10-2200SLMD, 72’, Reg: $13,411; Sale: 2004 BOURGAULT 750, excellent condi$11,750. HD 12-2200SLMD, Reg: $18,975; tion, PTO or hydraulic, tarp, $26,500. Sale: $16,500. HD 12-2400SLMD, 78’, Reg: Phone 403-396-1088, Clive, AB. $20,545; Sale: $17,500. Wheatheart SA, 13x71, Reg: $21,000; Sale $17,500. Gra- 9’ 16” FARGO TRACK SYSTEM excellent for grain, liquid, or air carts, bolts directly velbourg, SK. Phone 306-648-3622. to hub, 3 yrs. old, $15,000. 204-526-5017, 45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco Field Loader Stockton, MB. 1545) c/w motor and moving kit. 6000 bu./hr., ideal for unloading hopper bins. 2010 1075 CRUSTBUSTER, big duals, Gentle handling of pulse crops, $20,700. scale, elec. tilt spout, new tarp, PTO and Call your nearest Flaman store or call hyd. drive. 204-851-1856, Reston, MB. 1-888-435-2626. 2009 882 BRENT grain cart, PTO, tarp, JOHNSON TRANSFER AUGERS: Model $38,000; 1997 Bourgault 1100 bu. grain J10-8, 10’x8”, c/w 6.5 HP Honda gas mo- cart, w/new tarp, PTO, $27,000. A. E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, tor, $2565 FOB Ogema SK. 306-459-2852. Storthoaks, SK. AU G E R S : N E W / U S E D . Wheatheart, Westfield, Sakundiak augers, Auger SP kits, Batco conveyors, Rem grain vacs, Wheatheart post pounders. New/used, DELTA 118 with closed circuit air screen good prices, leasing available. Call machine, $2500. Call Tony 306-421-2053, 1-866-746-2666. 306-634-9208, Macoun, SK. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS. Innovative CALL MINIC IND. for all your bucket eleHawes Agro auger movers, elec. clutches, vator, screw/drag and belt conveyor parts bin sweeps, reversible gearboxes and all and accessories. We specialize in stainless makes of engines. Call Bob at Hawes In- steel and mild steel for your new equipdustries, toll free 1-888-755-5575, your ment quotation requirements. Call Chris at #1 auger dealer in Canada, for great cash 204-339-1941, Winnipeg, MB. prices. Regina, Saskatoon, Semans. NEEDING A COLOR sorter? Different sizes to meet your needs. For more information, call 306-621-4560, w.r.k@sasktel.netYorkton, SK.
AtBo n d In d u s tria l w e ca n co n vertyo u rco n ta in erfo r a lm o s ta n y u s e like S to ra ge F a cilities , W o rk S ho p s , T o o l Crib s , S ite Offices , Go lfCa rt S to ra ge, Ou tfitterS ha cks etc.
USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 ton to 8 ton, 10 ton tender $2500, 16 ton tender $5900. 204-857-8403, Portage la Prairie, MB. NH3 KIT, Continental meter, hyd. on/off, 4 9-port manifolds, for 36’ cultivator, tank hitch incl., $1500. 204-467-5259, 204-981-1066, Grosse Isle, MB.
Yo u n a m e it w e ca n d o it. Perfect po rta b le s ecu re w ea ther pro o f s to ra ge fo r the fa rm , a crea ge o r b u s in es s . Ca ll to d a y & tu rn yo u r s to ra ge id ea in to rea lity.
B on d In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d Ph. 306.373.2236 fx. 306-373-0364
2008 CASE 4520, 370 HP, auto, 70’ flex air, 2000 hrs., $192,000; 2006 Case 4010, 8.3 auto, 70’ flex air, 4000 hrs., $122,000; 4x4 2002 AgChem, AirMax 1000, 2450 hrs., $104,000; 2002 Loral, 400 HP auto, 2950 hrs., AirMax 2000, $103,000; 2000 Loral, new 300 HP motor, auto, AirMax 2000, $88,000; 4x4 1999 Loral, AirMax 5 bed, $71,000; 1999 AgChem, 70’ booms, $68,000; 1997 AgChem, 70’ booms, $38,000; 1997 Loral, AirMax 5, $57,500; KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Wilmar semi tender, 2 axles, $31,000; Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. 2001 Case 3 wheeler, 70’ booms, $67,000. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales Northwest largest used selection of fertiand Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call lizer equipment 406-466-5356, Choteau, MT. 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738. KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. sales and service east central SK. and MB., gal., get yours now! Contact your nearest c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , Flaman location or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346
w w w . bon din e m a il joe @ b on din
WESTERN CANADA’S LARGEST inventory of screens and frames for most makes of grain cleaners. Also a large inventory of buckets and bolts of all sizes, for all makes of bucket elevators. Call Flaman Sales 1-888-435-2626.
SIX 15000 US gal. steel liquid tanks, 3” SS valves, serviced annually. $7500 ea. or BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain $ 4 2 , 0 0 0 t a ke s a l l . R & J F a r m s I n c . , augers, Rem grain vacs, SP kits. Del. and 306-536-7892 or Regina, SK leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. BATCO 1855 BELT conveyor, PTO, new belt, $9900. 306-825-4000, Lloydminster, SK. 2011 CONVEY-ALL, 10’x90’, PTO drive, used as demo, only conveyed 5000 bu., l i ke n e w, $ 1 7 , 5 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 4 9 3 - 3 1 6 7 , 306-493-7772, Delisle, SK.
2009 CB3200 Pattison twin cone liquid wagon, SS, ground drive John Blue pump, $31,500. R&J Farms Inc., 306-536-7892 or Regina, SK. 1985 LORAL FLOATER 466 automatic, WANTED: 8X40 AUGER w/transport and with light bar, $16,500 OBO. Phone bin sweep. 780-663-2201, Ryley, AB. 306-287-3989, Englefeld, SK. 2010 SA FLEX 13x71 Wheatheart auger w/hyd. hopper mover that extends over 15’. Unload the semi without moving it. has less than 10 hours of run time. (remaining inventory only) Auger $19,000 OBO. 306-436-7566, Regina, SK.
STOP....SHOP....COMPARE....and $ SAVE AERATION FANS - Inline Centrifugal 3 HP ---- $1,049 7 HP ---- $1,649 5 HP ---- $1,449 10 HP ---- $1,949 3 Phase Available
Save 20-30%
35’ BRANDT AUGER/ MOVER, plumbed for binsweep, asking $4700. 306-453-2015, Carlyle, SK. BUHLER SORTEX Z+1V Colour Sorter, like new! Removes ergot at 150 bu/hr. or more. Monochromatic machine comes REPLACEMENT with isolation transformer and spare parts. FLIGHTING FOR Blowout price at $67,000. Call Can-Seed augers, seed cleaning plants, Equipment today 1-800-644-8397. grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers. SUPERIOR GRAIN CLEANER shells, two number 7’s, $150 each; Portable gurney Rosetown Flighting Supply beam scale, 500 lbs. $100. 306-728-3278, 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK Melville, SK.
REMOTE CONTROL SWING auger mover, 12V DC, electric, 3-step installation. Brehon Agrisystems, 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK.
SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free 1-888-304-2837.
2011 $
Apollo Grain Probe Grain Probe, 8 feet long. Sample 8 feet of the bin with one probe; sufficient capacity for a testable sample. One probe gives test sample. The handle is bent to hook on to a ladder. Light and easy to handle with all metal construction. New Product - tried and tested. FOB Saskatoon, SK.
Item #
ROTARY GRAIN CLEANER BLOW OUT this month at Flaman Grain Cleaning and Handling. Two stage rotary cleaner scalps and sifts grain using a 2 storage cleaning process. Separate dockage, eliminate heating and save on transportation. Call Flaman Grain Cleaning today, Saskatoon, SK. 1-888-435-2626 or in Southey, SK 306-726-7667. NEW AND USED bucket elevators from 508000 bu./hr. Full line of spouting and accessories. Ph. 1-800-665-0847 for pricing. Email
IN STOCK SAKUNDIAK augers, new, 8”, 10” and 12” various lengths; 12”x72’ SLM/D, $14,900; Convey-All conveyors available. Leasing avail. Call Dale, Mainway CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-567-3285, mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 7 2 9 9 c e l l , D av i d s o n , S K . 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. CUSTOM COLOR SORTING with mobile USED AUGERS, GREAT PRICES! We units. Taking bookings now for January, have a large selection of quality, used February. 306-621-4560 Yorkton, SK. or grain augers and conveyors. Field ready Yorkton, SK. and priced to move. Used Sakundiak 7”x45’ grain auger with Robin motor, Wheatheart WANTED: SPIRAL SEPARATORS. Call mover kit and bin sweep, $4,740. Call Paul 306-228-3160, Unity, SK. today at Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, SK. 306-934-2121, or visit
700 AND 500 Kongskilde, 700 is 1000 PTO, vg shape and works great, $6500. The 500 is 540 PTO, works good, $4500. Can email pics. 306-236-5717, Meadow Lake, SK.
FOR SALE BY TENDER: One used Rem 2500 grain vac by Valley Ag Co-op. Call 306-268-2955 for details on machine. Mail or deliver sealed tenders marked “Vac Tender” to: Valley Ag Co-op, Box 488, Bengough SK, S0C 0K0. Tenders close CallCan-Seed Equipm entLtd. November 10, 2011. Highest or any tender 1-800-644-8397 for details. not necessarily accepted. Localservice w ith the m ost know ledge CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessow w w ries. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in REM 2700 GRAIN VAC, 20 hrs, like new, W e s t e r n C a n a d a . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , with warranty, extra hose and wheels. 306-672-7113, Hazlet, SK. 306-946-7923, Young, SK. CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. OLIVER 160 gravity table, 48” forever air and screen, c/w full set of screens; Also one 12’ and one 24’ bag conveyor. Phone 2005 CASE/IH RBX 562 ROUND BALER 306-675-2222, 306-795-7493, Leross, SK. always shedded, excellent condition, reguCLIPPER NG 668-2-4 New Generation air l a r p i c k u p , e l e c t r i c t i e , $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 . screen machine, reconditioned, one new 306-984-7272, Spiritwood, SK. set of screens, several used sets, $35,000. USED 2007 HAUKAAS quick pick round 406-487-2216, Scobey, Montana. bale carrier. CallBERT Sales 306-664-2378 KWIK KLEEN: 7 tube screener, $6500; 2 Saskatoon, SK. stage grain screeners, $1750 and up. 1069 SELF-PROPELLED bale wagon, Phone 1-866-938-8537 or visit us at: 160 bales, converted to a 5.9 Cummins diesel, good shape, $31,000. Leduc, AB. GARRAT 410 GRAVITY table w/wheat and Ph: 780-220-4677, fax: 780-980-1023. flax decks, 6 Carter Day indent drums. Call 2008 MF 2756A baler, done 6000 bales, Nathan at 701-453-3687, Berthold, ND. excellent, $24,900. Dale at: 306-567-3285, WANTED: PHOENIX MOBILE grain cleaner. cell 306-567-7299. Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd 306-621-4560, Yorkton, SK. Davidson, SK.
G etrid ofitw ith a BUH LER SO RTEX CO LO UR SO RTER Prices start at $85,000
BR780 2005 HYD. pickup, Bale Command $13,000 OBO. 306-221-4132, Martensville, SK. JD 567 BALER, MegaTooth PU, bale kicker, e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . C a l l R o b e r t at 306-743-7627, Langenburg, SK. 2000 NH 1475 16’ haybine, $8900; 2002 Case/IH RS 561 hard core, $6500 OBO. Minitonas, MB, 204-525-4521.
GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 306-764-2325. For all your grain drying needs! FARM FANS AB 12B, single phase, natural gas, some new parts. Phone 306-536-3870, Regina, SK. NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price savings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . 204-242-3300, GT5700 TOX-O-WIK CONTINUOUS dryer, propane, 220V, 540 PTO, good cond., $5000 OBO. 306-948-7843, Biggar, SK. NEW GSI GRAIN DRYERS: Canola screens, propane/nat. gas fired. Super efficient, reliable, easy to operate. Some on hand and ready for immediate delivery. Also some used dryers available. Call for more information. 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB. FARMFANS CMS-14E cont. grain dryer, 480 bu/hr, single phase, propane, nice shape, $9500. 204-325-8019, Winkler, MB. MC 900E GRAIN DRYER, 3 phase, 480 volt, natural gas, for rent this season, shedded, exc. cond. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS Winter program has started. Largest and quietest single phase dryer in the industry. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. Moridge parts also available. Grant Services Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK.
550 00
Ba le S pe a rs 2” X 4 ft. fo rk h e a t tre a te d w / 2 1.5” s ta b ilize r s pe a rs 18” lo n g CALL
CRAW FO RD `S W ES T 78 0. 672. 2471 BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB.
E L E VATO R , B R A DW E L L , S K . Grain cleaning, drying, and storage facility with established customer base, on CN mainline. Serious inquiries only. 306-492-4743. USED 140’ grain elevator or grain leg, $15,000; two 800 bu. bins w/heavy stand to load trucks on a scale, $15,000; Also avail. down spouting for leg, numerous 10” piping, reasonable offer. 204-267-2527, 2009 BR 7090 New Holland baler, 2800 204-871-0029, Oakville, MB. bales made, endless belts, 540 to 1000, $27,500 OBO. Exc. cond., can deliver. Ph. 2 0 4 - 7 4 3 - 2 3 2 4 , C y p r e s s R i v e r, M B . WALINGA INC. AGRI-VAC. Parts, sales and service. New and reconditioned Walinga 855 NH BALER, net wrap, 540 PTO, $2800 Agri-Vac as well as used units, parts, ac- OBO. 306-395-2668, Chaplin, SK. cessories and service for most major brands. 204-745-2951, 1995 JD 535, big tires, 1000 PTO, auto Carman, MB; 306-567-3031, Davidson, SK; dual tie, shedded, field ready, $7500; 403-279-8204, Calgary, AB. Most trades Case/IH 8480 softcore, dual tie, 1000 PTO, $3500. 306-238-4509, Goodsoil, SK. welcome.
CLEARANCE PRICES New 10’ and 13’ Farm King augers in stock, new 70’ and 85’. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK SAKUNDIAK AUGERS, used very little: HD6 - 29’, 10 HP Briggs & Stratton, $1000; 1996 HD10 - 1600 52’ MD swing auger, $5500. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. Apollo Machine 2502 Millar Ave Saskatoon, SK 306-242-9884
M AGNETIC CAM ERA PACKAGE • Po s itio n gra in a u ger o r co n veyo r in to b in rem o tely; N EW b y yo u rs elf. PRODUCT • Po w erfu l m a gn ets to a d here to gra in & co m b in e a u gers , co n veyo rs , etc. • Ca m era is w a terpro o f & co lo r w ith a u d io . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils S ee u s @ Brow n le e s Truckin g In c. Un ity, S K AgriTra de Bo o th 1541 306-228-297 1 o r Cen triu m Ice L evel. 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98
w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o m
S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.
PURCHASE - LEASE - RENT NOW Available Through CallBERT Sales
(306) 664-2378
2011 AND 2009 9120; 1666, $37,000; 1680; 1680 w/Swathmaster; IH 1480, straw and chaff chopper, hyd. reverser, CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes $11,900. Call Hergott Farm Equipment, and models. Call the combine superstore. 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB.
BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444. 2008 568 JD baler, 1000 PTO, mega wide PU, push bar, hyd. PU, no net wrap, 850 bales made, $32,000. 780-872-0067, Canwood, SK. 14 BALE INLAND picker/mover. $14,900. R&J Farms Inc., 306-536-7892 Regina, SK or 1995 JOHN DEERE 535 baler, autowrap, approx. 10,000 bales, vg condition, asking $7000. 780-872-9290, Lloydminster, SK. TRI HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND BALE MOVERS: 8’ to 29’ lengths, 6-18 bales, also excellent for feeding cattle in the field, 4 bales at time with a pickup. 1-800-505-9208.
2008 8010, duals, hopper topper, heavy concaves, fine cut chopper, full AutoSteer GPS, long auger, 695 sep. hrs, 14’ Swathmaster PU. 204-851-1856, Reston, MB. 1991 CASE/IH 1660, new Cummins engine, chopper, spreader, 13’ PU header, lots of new parts in past 2 years, $17,500. NEW WOBBLE BOXES CIH 4000/5000 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. $1495 JD 200/900 $995; MD old style 1996 CASE 2188, PU, 30’ header, 2800 $1275; MD new style $1695; NH 71C/ sep. hrs, well maintained, shedded, exc. 72C/73C74C $995, CIH 1010/1020 $1550 cond, $67,000. 780-888-2245, Hardisty AB OEM Quality. Used and rebuilt also ava i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n ew o r l d . c o m CASE/IH 2388, AFX rotor, big top hop1-800-667-4515. per, 1900 hrs, long auger, 1015 PU header, $72,000. CASE/IH 2142 30’ draper header, pea auger, transport, $48,000. Fort Vermilion, AB. 780-841-1496.
HYDRA SWINGS: 2003 Hesston 1275, 16’, like new, $19,900; Case/IH 8360 16’, $9900; JD 1380 14’, $8900. Humboldt, NH 1033 BALE WAGON, good condition, SK., call 306-231-8111. $3500. Ph. 306-231-7318, Humboldt, SK. JD 946 MOCO, 14’ haybine, 2011, used very little, $32,000. Phone 306-426-2356, Shipman, SK.
1993 1688 COMBINE, 4500 hrs., long auger, rock trap, specialty rotor, chopper, spreader, 1015 PU header, many new parts, $35,000. Lafleche, SK. Home: 306-472-5798; Cell: 306-472-7880. AGSHIELD CANOLA PUSHER, 34’, 3PTH mount, $7900. Trades Accepted, financing av a i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n e w o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515.
2003 2388, 1825 rotor hrs, AFX rotor, yield and moisture, hopper ext., 2015 PU, field ready, 1020 30’ header, PU reels. 306-289-4321, St. Benedict, SK.
2010 JD A400, 36’ HoneyBee header and roller, $109,000. Phone 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK.
Melville Lions Club
2004 36’ 1101 Case/IH swather, PU reel, transport, $65,000. A. E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. CIH 730, 30’, PTO, $3500; CIH 736, 36’, PT; 2010 CIH WD1203, 36’. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2007 WESTWARD 9352C with 30’ 972 MacDon, 255 hrs, gauge wheels, new Schumacher knife, mint condition, asking $92,000. 306-831-8717, Eston, SK. 2005 MF 9220 30’ swather, PU reel, header tilt, 700 hrs, excellent shape, $62,500. 306-734-2762, 306-567-7895, Craik, SK. 1995 WESTWARD 9000, 30’ swather, w/962 header and PU reel, new rollers, canvases and wobble box, 1900 orig. hrs, nice shape. 306-563-7965, 780-598-7770, Canora, SK. 1989 CASE/IH 6000 swather, gas, 21’, batt and PU reels, double swath w/Bergen swather transport. 306-960-5144, 306-929-2665, Meath Park, SK. JOHN DEERE 4890, very good, no header, $27,000. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. MF 9430R SWATHER, 2010, 30’, low hrs., PU reel, big tires, loaded, $95,000. 204-325-3500, 204-822-9400, Morden, MB PMI 722 (MF 200), 3650 hrs., 22’ SS grain header, 16’ hay header, good cond., $17,000 OBO. 306-493-2569, Delisle, SK. 50’ IH DUPLEX, good condition, $4500. 306-759-2104, 306-759-7883, Eyebrow, SK 2009 MF 9220, 270 hrs., UII PU reel, DS, guage wheels, header tilt, exc. condition, $69,000. 306-536-3870, Regina, SK. 1991 MF 200 swather, 30’ header, Isuzu engine, $14,900. Call 403-857-9330 cell, Hanna, AB 2002 MACDON 4952, 2 spd. turbo, 30’, 2004 972 double knife drive, fore/aft header w/transport. $49,000. 780-853-7205, Vermilion, AB. WOW! ONLY 707 HOURS! CI 722 (MF twin) 30’ DSA swather, fuel efficient dsl., joystick controls, Schumacher knife and drive, tractor unit shedded, exc. cond., $32,500. 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB.
LEXION SERVICE: Have your combine serviced during winter months, no high dealer prices, machines can be picked up and delivered. Years of Lexion experience. 306-935-2117, Milden, SK. 2006 590R, 717 sep. hrs., field ready, exc. shape, $185,000 OBO must sell; 2007 40’ flex header, 540, air reel, $41,000 OBO. 204-632-5334 or 204-981-4291, leave message, Winnipeg, MB. CAT LEXION P13 header, Rake-Up PU, less than 1500 hrs., comes from 460 Lexion, vg cond, $13,500. 306-861-4592 Weyburn SK
2009 CASE IH 8120, exc. cond., 332 rotor hrs., chopper, long auger, call Gord for details. 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB.
2007 WESTWARD 4952c, 30’ 972 MacDon, double knife, triple delivery, 425 hrs., JD AutoSteer ready, large tires, spare sickle, freeform swath roller, great shape, $87,500. 306-533-4891, Gray, SK. 2001 PRAIRIE STAR 2950 30’, 972 header, DS, double knife drive, 1000 hrs., exc. condition; 1997 PREMIER 2920, 960 header, 25’, double swath, 1545 hrs., good shape. 306-621-1631, Theodore, SK.
2004 2388, 1460 rotor hrs, AFX rotor, AFS with monitor, hopper extension, internal chopper, 2015 Swathmaster PU, excellent condition. Recent work. Asking $126,500. 306-831-8717, Eston, SK.
1994 CASE/IH 1688, nice condition, only 2600 hrs., shedded, Rake-Up PU, must sell. 306-654-7772, Prud’Homme, SK. 1460 IHC COMBINE, 3611 hrs., excellent condition, asking $5500 OBO. Phone 306-831-8474 cell, Fiske, SK.
Up To
License # LR11-0033
1st Prize
is Your Choice of 1 of 3 Packages:
in Cash and Prizes Available
age Pack
2000 LEXION 450, 1969 hrs., yield and moisture, reel spd., fore/aft, spreader, $44,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. See video at: 2005 LEXION 580R, 1592 sep. hrs., duals, Rake-Up PU, $134,900 OBO; G530 30’ header, $24,900 OBO. Both in good condition. 403-318-1793, Innisfail, AB. 2002 480R, 1500 sep. hrs, 16’ Rake-Up PU, $105,000. 306-960-1478, 306-749-3165, Birch Hills, SK.
Must be 18 years of age to purchase tickets.
Your Choice of 1 of 3 Trucks
of Retail Price Up To A Total 20 $ , 2011 F250 Super Duty 2011 GMC Sierra 2500 By: Yorkton Dodge Prizes Supplied tor Products Ltd., 2011 Dodge Ram 2500 Crew Cab 4x4 Diesel Crew Cab 4x4 Diesel SLT 4x4 Diesel Yorkton, Ochs Mo tors Ltd., Melville Retail Price $69,909.40 Retail Price $71,191.00 Retail Price $65,000.00 Melville,Melville Mo PLUS: Your Choice of 1 of 2 Trailers PLUS: Your Choice of Either a Boat or Quad w/Trailer
2011 Tracker Super Guide V16 Boat, 40 h.p. Motor and Trailer Retail Price $16,095.20
2011 Keystone Outback 282FE 2011 Wind River 275 BHS Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer Retail Price $38,000.00 Retail Price $44,945.00
John Deere Equipment Package 3720 Tractor, 300CX Loader RC2072 Lift-type Rotary Cutter, 655 Rotary Tiller59 inch Two-Stage of Snow Blower, LP1172 6 ft. Land Plane, AP13F Retail Price Up To A Total 00 Pallet ForksZ970A Commercial ZTrack, JS46 22 in. $ Mower XUV 825i, X540 Multi-Terrain Tractor By: Maple Farm Prizes Supplied Yorkton Equipment,
ge #2
a Pack
2nd Prize is Your Choice of 1 of 3 Prizes:
2011 Grizzly 550 FI Retail Price $11,440.00 Prizes Supplied By: Ochs Motor Products Ltd., Melville
2011 Polaris 600 IQ Shift Snowmobile Retail Price $10,842.70
- Nov. 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Melville Communiplex
2011 Polaris Ranger 400 4x4 UTV Retail Price $11,780.20
e #3 agkag e #3 PackPac OF E OF IZE PRIZ SH PR CASH CA
00 00 100,00As0Well As ...
10 Draws for $1,000 20 Draws for $500 50 Draws for $100 Prize
7,500 CASH
s 82 Chance to WIN
50/50 DRAW
TWO 2001 TR99 combines, 1100 sep. hrs., 1600 engine hrs., Swathmaster pickups, Redekop choppers, Crary hopper ext., maintenance records, 1 owner, always shedded, $68,000 each. 306-372-7715, 306-372-4616, Luseland, SK. TR 98, only 1285 hrs., Swathmaster, hopper topper, terrain tracer, chaff spreader, n ew c o n c ave s , r u b b a r s a n d fe e d e r chain/sprockets. stored inside, field ready, in exc. cond. 403-947-2508, Beiseker, AB. 2008 CR 9070, Swathmaster, yield and moisture, Redekop, field tracker. Hergott Farm Equipment, your Case/IH Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2007 CR9070, 20.8x42 duals, loaded, 360 threshing hrs; 2000 SP36 HoneyBee draper header, gauge wheels, hyd. fore/aft, split reel, steel teeth. Arch Equipment, 306-867-7252, Outlook, SK. 1995 TX66, 2400 hrs., chopper, chaff spreader, field ready, $27,000. Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-370-8010.
Along with this year’s Roaring Lions Lotto there is a 50/50 Progressive Draw with DEADLINE FOR TICKET SALES, MIDNIGHT, NOVEMBER 11, 2011 50% of sales going to the winner. Winner Local Calls: 728-4099 Fax Request To: 1-306-728-4096 share based on a sell out will be $100,000 Or you can get your tickets online at: Tickets are: 1 for $10 Only 3000 Tickets Sold Tickets $10000 Each 5 for $25 or 15 for $50 (Only 325 - 3 Pack Tickets) or 3 Pack of Tickets for $250.00 Tickets may be purchased multiple times. *Same Name(s) Must Appear on 3-Pack Tickets *Prizes not exactly as Illustrated and are intended for advertising purposes only.
1997 HONEYBEE SP39, 39’ header, hyd. fore&aft, PU reels, dual knife drive, fits swather or bi-directional, $9900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 2011 CIH WD1203, 36’, 50 hrs., $104,500. Has remaining factory warranty. Call Doug 204-748-5919, Brandon, MB.
YES!! I would like to WIN 1 of the 3 Main Prize Packages or any of the other Prizes. I understand that there are only 3000 tickets available and that my application will be handled on a first come first serve basis. Name ___________________________________________________ How Can We Improve Address/P.O. Box # _________________________________________ Our Lotto? Town/City __________________________________Prov. __________ Postal Code _____________Phone (_______)____________ ___________Ticket(s) @ $100.00/ticket = $_________________ ___________3 Pack Tickets @ $250.00/pack = $ ________________ Thank You ___________1 – 50/50 Ticket @ $10.00 = $ ________________ ___________5 – 50/50 Tickets @ $25.00 = $ ________________ Mail Application Forms To: ___________15 – 50/50 Tickets @ $50.00 = $ _________________ Roaring Lions Lotto P.O. Total = $ _____________ Box 754 Melville, SK. S0A 2P0 Please Charge to my ❑ VISA ❑ MASTERCARD Card #____________________________________Expiry Date____ / ____ Please make cheques payable to Roaring Lions Lotto. Do not send cash. Your ticket(s) will be sent promptly to the address indicated. Please advise us of any changes to your name and/or address. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF THE ROARING LIONS LOTTO IN MELVILLE, SASKATCHEWAN
2008 CR9070 785/1103 hrs, yield monitor, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, 4 speed hydro, bin extension. $169,000. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. TR99 NH 2001, duals, tarp, yield/moisture monitors, 971 PU header, lateral tilt, fore/aft, 2153 eng, 1836 sep. hrs, $75,000 OBO. Dan 306-692-5128, Moose Jaw, SK. 2002 NH TR99, 971 PU header, 1700 eng. hrs, 1100 sep. hrs, hopper topper, $90,000 OBO. 306-864-3343, Kinistino, SK.
1999 TX68, 1334 sep. hrs., 1735 eng. hrs., fine cut chopper, comes with Strawmaster PU header. $65,000 OBO. 780-841-1289, Fort Vermilion, AB. 1991 1680, 3200 hrs., long sieve, Cummins, field ready, $27,000. Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-370-8010.
2008 9870 STS JD combine, 600 eng. hrs., 400 rotor hrs., AutoSteer ready, Contour Master, variable spd., HD feeder chain, 520/85R38 duals, 480/70R30 rear tires, header pkg., fine cut chopper, c/w 615P 16’ 2012 PU header, 2008 630F straight cut header, 30’ machine c/w both headers, field ready. Can deliver. Total $271,000. 2006 NH CR970, 1186 hrs., Redekop 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. MAV, loaded, $139,800. Trades welcome. 1994 JD 9600, 2672 hrs, recent GreenFinancing available, 1-800-667-4515. See light, shedded, excellent, $57,000 OBO. video at: 930 available. 1982 JD 8820, 3218 hrs, n i c e s h ap e , s h e d d e d , $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 . 9 2 4 available. 306-497-3322, Blaine Lake, SK. 2007 GLEANER A85 AXIAL combine, 626 2000 JD 9650W, 2800 sep. hrs., $29,000 eng., 462 sep hrs., c/w 15’ 4200 series PU in recent work orders, $89,900 OBO. header w/16’ Swathmaster PU, 20.8x42 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. Michelin duals, auto lube, MAV straw JD 9610 1999, RWA, Sunnybrook cylinder chopper, yield and mapping. All factory (3 yrs.), 914 PU header, duals, 400 bu. updates done, $232,000. 204-759-2527, tank hopper, Greenlight, $75,000. Contact Ask for Dennis, Shoal Lake, MB. Thiessen Acres 204-325-3500, WANTED: L3 GREEN STRIPE combine. 204-822-9400, Morden, MB Phone 701-240-5737, Minot, North Dako- WANTED: 9860/ 9760 w/615P PU, preta. fer under 1000 sep. hrs. Baldwinton, SK. NEW 2009 GLEANER 7200 transverse rigid 306-398-4025, 306-441-6160. header, 30’, c/w Hart Carter PU reel, fits 1997 CTS w/212 PU head, 2150 sep. hrs, all 2, 5 and 6 series combines. Demo unit, loaded up nice, $59,000. 2001 930 flex, (approx. 400 acres), $20,995. Shoal Lake, $ 1 6 , 9 0 0 . 2 0 0 5 6 3 0 f l e x , $ 2 0 , 9 0 0 . MB. 204-759-2527, ask for Dennis. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 2 GLEANER C62 combines 1 owner ma- 2011 JD 9770, Premier cab, 615 PU, small chines, c/w PU headers, 36’ Agco draper grains concave, Contour-Master, 22.5’ auheaders, shedded, Greenlighted, field ger, duals, 55 eng. hrs., like new. Phone ready, $65,000 each OBO. 306-634-9980, 204-467-2109 (after 8PM), Stonewall, MB. Estevan SK. 2009 9770 STS, 425 hrs, premier cab, Contour-Master, heated mirrors, 20.8x42’s, chopper, $175,000 US. 320-848-2496, 2006 JD 9760 STS, bullet rotor, 850 sep. 3 2 0 - 8 9 4 - 6 5 6 0 , F a i r f a x , M i n n e s o t a . hrs, w/Precision PU, $170,000. Phone 306-726-5840, Markinch, SK. 1996 JD 9600, hopper top, long auger, 2004, 9860 STS, 1595 threshing hrs, 615 new PU belts, new front radials, chaff PU, 635 platform. 2005, 9760 STS, 1209 spreader, 914 PU, $55,000 OBO; Also, threshing hrs, 615 PU, 635 platform. 9 3 0 R h e a d e r w/transport, $ 9 5 0 0 . Phone 306-960-3483 or 306-749-2619, 780-247-0101, High Level, AB. Birch Hills, SK. 1997 CTS, 1438 sep. hrs, loaded, 914 PU, exc . cond., always shedded, asking 1993 JD 9600, hopper topper, Crary chaff spreader, DAM dual cylinder, 914 PU, $72,000 OBO. 780-398-2227, Abee, AB. shedded, 3065 sep. hrs., $49,000; Also JD 2004 9660 STS, 1100 threshing hrs., yield 925 rigid straight cut header, fore and aft, and moisture monitors, 914P PU header. excellent, c/w new Trailtech mover, $135,000. Brent 780-385-0081 or email $10,000. 780-398-2736, Thorhild, AB. Killam, AB. 2008 JD 9870; 2006 JD 9760 STS, re1984 JD 8820, turbo, chopper, 214 PU, duced, with 3 years interest free; JD 7720, harvest track variable feederhouse, airfoil $8500. Hergott Farm Equip, your Case/IH sieve, 3760 hrs, shedded, harvest ready, Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. $23,000 OBO. 780-608-3322, Ferintosh AB 2011 JD 9870 STS, 115 rotor hrs., Pro 1996 JD 9600, 2313 sep. hrs., 914 PU, drive, auto feed rate, Powercast chopper, Sunnybrook cyl. and concaves, Redekopp 2 6 ’ u n l o a d a u g e r, C o n t o u r m a s t e r, Mav chopper, new tires, asking $62,000. $328,000. 306-834-7610, 306-834-5496, 306-533-1314, Vibank, SK. Major, SK. 2005 JD 9660W, 2006 sep. hrs, 914 PU, 2007 JD 9760 STS, 950 hrs., CMI done, dual range cyl., chaff spreader, fine cut Greenstar, monitor, long auger, fine cut wide spread chopper, fresh Greenlight, chopper. 306-882-4561, Rosetown, SK. exc. cond., $125,000. 306-734-2762, SELLING USED PARTS off JD 7720 com306-567-7895, Craik, SK. bine. 204-773-2536, Russell, MB. 2005 9760 STS, touch set, high speed unload, 1500 sep. hrs. fine cut wide 1989 JD 9600, 3400 hrs., new injectors spread, variable spd. feederhouse, loaded, and feeder chain, c/w 914 PU header, 925 shedded, recent Greenlight. $147,000 OBO flex header and 222 rigid header, $40,000 OBO. 403-357-9913, Red Deer, AB. 403-882-2422 or 403-741-7217 Castor AB. 1990 JD 9500, 2217 sep. hrs., 912 PU 2 JD 8820, rebuilt, low hrs., w/Sunnybrook spd. cylinder, many new and updated concave and cyl., airfoil sieve, field ready, parts, Redekop chaff saver, 4 new tires, al- exc. Will sell or lease for custom work. ways shedded, mint cond. 204-748-8391, 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. Virden, MB. 2007 9860 STS PREMIUM, 694 hrs., 1997 9600, new Michelin tires, big engine, bullet rotor, mapping, long auger, 615 PU, long unload, 2010 Greenlight; 9500, new 900 rice tires, shedded, extras, exc. cond. Titan tires, 2011 Greenlight. Reasonable $209,000. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. offers. 403-393-0219 or 403-833-2190. 2011 JD 9770, 615 PU, 120 hrs., loaded, 2008 JD 9870 STS with 615 PU, 725 sep. duals, contour, $289,000. 306-421-0205, hrs, Contour-Master, multispeed feeder- Estevan, SK. house, fine cut chopper with power 1997 JD 9600, 3590/2581 hrs., 914 PU, tailboard, shedded, excellent condition. chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, field 204-227-5679, Warren, MB. ready, shedded, $66,000 OBO or 1999 JD 1986 JD 8820 TITAN, long auger, air foil, 9610 3639/2545 hrs., 914 PU, chaff chopper, spreader, reverser, shedded and spreader, fine cut chopper, field ready, well maintained, $20,000 OBO. Viceroy, yield and moisture, shedded, $75,000 OBO. Contact Fisher Farms Ltd., SK. 306-268-4436. 204-622-8800 office or 204-638-2700 cell JD 9600, c/w 914, loaded, extensive work or, Dauphin, MB. orders, shedded, second owner, $45,000. Phone 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. 1993 JD 9600, 3339 hrs, $49,000; 1996 JD 9600, 3053 hrs, $59,000. Both w/914 PU’s, WANTED: 1986 MF 850 OR 855, low fine cut choppers, chaff spreaders, 2 spd. hrs, shedded, premium condition. Phone cyl., long augers, exc. rubber, shedded, 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. field ready. 306-233-7305, Cudworth, SK. MASSEY 860 and 750 combines with 1998 JD CTS II, 2000 sep. hrs., loaded, s t r a i g h t c u t h e a d e r s f o r s a l e . Greenstar, P914 PU, shedded, field ready. 780-753-6788, 780-753-8650, Provost, AB 306-695-2623, Indian Head, SK. 2008 MF 9790, 0 hours, warranty Mav 1993 9600, 3477 sep. hrs, DAS, DAM, re- c h o p p e r, 1 6 ’ S w a t h m a s t e r p i c k u p . cent concave and bars, big top, well main- 403-588-0766, Three Hills, AB. tained, $34,500. 306-831-8717, Eston, SK. 1985 MF 860 6 cyl. hydro, hopper and auext., Victory PU, straw spreader, 3720 1985 7720 TITAN II, S/N 611083, hydro- ger 1985 860, 6 cyl. std., hopper ext. static, 30.5Lx32 tires- good, 212 PU table, hrs.; straw spreader, 3260 hrs.; 1980 860, 6 cyl. $10,500 OBO. 306-587-2830, Cabri SK hydro, hopper ext., straw spreader, 3780 JD 7721, PTO, complete with JD PU, h r s . , M e l r o e P U. $ 5 0 0 0 fo r c h o i c e . $3500. Ph. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. 306-759-2104, 306-759-7883, Eyebrow SK
2009 630D DRAPER header, $49,500. 3 - MASSEY 5100 36’ Draper headers, HC 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. PU reel, fore and aft, transport kit, gauge wheels, MF/JD adapter plates, single point 930 RIGID HEADER, fore and aft, crop lift- h o o k u p , s t a r t i n g a t $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . ers. 930 flex header, plastic PU reel, poly 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB. skids. Both field ready. 306-882-3384, Rosetown, SK. JD 930 STRAIGHT cut header, batt reel, TWO MACDON 872 HEADER adaptors: crop lifters, always shedded; Elmer’s head2004 w/driveline, fits CR/CX NH combine, er trailer also available. 204-526-7257, 2002 fits TX/TR NH combine. $5500 each. 204-723-2550, Holland, MB. 204-372-6056, Fisher Branch, MB. FLEX HEADS: CASE/IH 1020 25’, $6000; 30’, $8500; 30’ w/air reel, $9500; 1010 PU, $3000; 820, $2000; JD 930, needs work, $4500. Call 1-866-938-8537.
HOW ARD CONCAVE “Helping Farmers Harvest For 30 Years” Bigga r, SK. 1-8 00-6 6 7-6 700 or 3 06 -9 48 -53 3 5 Ca s e/IH, Jo hn Deere, An d M a s s ey Ro ta ry Co n ca ves M a n u fa ctu red F o r S u p erio r S tren gth a n d T hres hin g; Our Universa l S ets Do All Crop Typ es w ithout Cha nging - S a ving Tim e a nd M oney! W e Rep a ir, S tren gthen , a n d S ha rp en All Co n ca ves In crea s e Ca p a city, Im p ro ve T hres hin g, An d S a ve Gra in .
Try Ou t M a xim izer Co n ca ves . Bes t Co n ca ves An yw here W e Gu a ra n tee It! CLEARANCE 15% OFF NEW PICK-UP REELS In Stock. 25’ $4505; 30’ $5015, 36’ $5865. While supplies last. See video at 1-800-667-4515. 1995 HONEYBEE 36’ IH 88 adaptor, batt reels, new canvases, $12,500; 1986 24’ 224 JD flex, Crary air reel, new plastics, IH 88 adaptor avail, $3,500 OBO; 1994 30’ 1010 IH, batt reel, $4,000 OBO; 925 JD flex, PU reel, new skids, $4,000 OBO. 306-648-7935, Gravelbourg, SK.
2004 CIH 2016 w/16’ Rake-Up, good condition, fits CIH AFX. $19,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515
TR95-98 ROTOR GEARBOX used LHS $1250, used RHS $3390, rebuilt RHS $4390. Phone 1-800-667-4515. Check online at:
1998-8570 Massey Combine, 2135 hours shedded.........CASH $45,900 2006-9790 835 sep hours, shedded with rake pick up and chopper....................CASH $159,500 2000-8780 XP Chopper, rake pick up, 1135 hours.......CASH $94,500 2000-8780 XP Chopper rake pickup................CASH $79,500 Nick’s Service Ltd
FYFE P ARTS 2003 NH 72C 30’ flex header, hyd. fore&aft, PU reels, full finger auger, fits AFX or CR/CX combines, $27,900. Trades CIH 1010 25’ HEADER PU reel, hyd welcome, financing available. See video at: fore/aft, crop lifters, overall good cond. 1-800-667-4515. $8,900. Trades welcome, financing avail. 1-800-667-4515
2- 2020 CASE 35’ flex auger headers, 2009 and 2008. 204-632-5334 or 204-981-4291, leave msg. Winnipeg, MB. RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK, NEW MACDON 871 HEADER ADAPTER, fits Gleaner R series, shedded, never used, $12,500. 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB. JD 230, 12-row 30” sunflower, PTO, $9000; JD 220, 8-row 30” sunflower, PTO, $6000; JD 930 flex, PTO, $8500; JD 930 flex, PU reel, PTO, $9000. Thiessen Acres 204-325-3500, 204-822-9400, Morden, MB
1998 HONEYBEE SP36, 36’ header, UII PU reels, Schumacher cutting system, fits CIH 80/88 series, other adapters available $16,900. Trades welcome, financing ava i l a b l e . w w w. c o m b i n ew o r l d . c o m 1-800-667-4515 ALL MAKES OF flex heads to fit your combine. Reconditioned headers in stock. JD 925’s, JD 930’s, JD 630, JD 635, CIH 1020- 25’ and 30’, CIH 2020-35’. Price range $5900-$26,500. All prices OBO. More headers available as is and reconditioned. Call Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB 2020 CASE/IH, 35’ FF auger, poly skids, Terrain tracer, 2009, very clean, $35,900. 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. TWO 30’ 810 IHC HEADERS, fits 14-16 series, good condition. One at $3500. One at $4500. 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB. 2004 930D, PU reel, $25,000. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB.
LEXION 540, 40’ flex, AutoHeight, Terrain tracer, full finger auger, PU reel, poly skids, field ready, $28,500. 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. 24’ AGCO 400 HEADER, PU reel, fits R series, good shape, $5500. 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB. JD 925 RIGID straight cut header, exc. shape, shedded, fore and aft, c/w new Trailtech mover, excellent, $10,000. 2005 JD 635F HYDRAFLEX header, new full finger auger, knife and guards. Nice 780-398-2736, Thorhild, AB. condition, $29,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. See video at: AGCO 5000 30’ draper header, bat reel, new knife and guards. Comes with trailer. 403-548-8918, Bow Island, AB. 2008 JD 635 flex header, low stone DAM, PU reel, full finger auger, exc. cond., field ready, $33,000. Dugald, MB 204-853-7542 NH 971 30’ rigid, Crary air reel, PU reel, $7500; Cat P13 header, Rake-Up PU, less then 1500 hrs., $13,500. Both in very good condition. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK.
PRECISION JD 13’ HEADER with 14’ Rake-Up, good auger, hyd., windguard. $17,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515
2007 JD 635 HYDRAFLEX, A-1, $29,900. Len at 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. 1984 NH 970 HEADER 24’, dual knife drive, good condition. $7900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515 40’ MACDON FD70, 2008, PU reel, pea auger, fore/aft, hyd. centre link, transport, skid shoes, gauge wheels, poly, shedded, $69, 500. 306-843-7757, Wilkie, SK.
USED PICKUP REELS: 25’ MacDon for MD 960 or MD SP swathers $2880; 25’ UII for HoneyBee headers $4980; 30’ MacDon off JD 930 $3480; 21’ MacDon off MD 960 $3380. Trades welcome, financing avail. 1-800-667-4515, GLEANER 27’ HEADER Model 327, selfcontained hydraulics, rebuilt wobble box, fits N and R series, excellent shape, $4500. 403-666-2111, Bow Island, AB.
ADAPTERS FOR HONEYBEE AND MACDON in stock to fit NH, CIH, JD and Versatile bi-directional tractors, $1400-$4900. Tr a d e s w e l c o m e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 .
1991 36’ MACDON 960 with JD 9600 or 50 series adapter, PU reel, good condition, asking $12,500. 306-831-8717, Eston, SK. 1993 HONEYBEE SP42, 42’ header, UII PU reels, dual knife drive, Schumacher cutting system in good shape, fits JD combines, other adapters available, $15,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515
“ Fo rAllY o u rFa rm Pa rts”
GOODS USED TRACTOR parts. New, used, rebuilt parts for tractors, swathers. Call 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734 or fax 204-564-2054, Roblin, MB. David or Curtis. Open Monday to Saturday. Visa, MC. Email: Website: SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge inventory new and used tractor parts. 1-888-676-4847.
Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts. Dealer for Logan potato boxes, conveyors and Tristeel Mfg. potato polishers, tote fillers, washline equip. Largest inventory of used potato equip. Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB.
2010 HIGHLINE XL-78 rockpicker, high lift, used very little. Call 306-463-3023, Kindersley, SK. S C H U LT E J U M B O 3 2 0 , $ 8 9 0 0 O B O. 306-662-2016, Maple Creek, SK.
THE REAL USED FARM PARTSS UPERSTORE O ver2700 Un its forS a lva g e Tra ctors Com b in e s Sw a th e rs Dis ce rs Ba le rs
w w w .f yf e p a rts .c om
LANDA PRESSURE WASHERS, steam washers, parts washers. M&M Equipment Ltd., Parts and Service 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111, Regina, SK.
W a trou s , S a s k . Ca llJo e, Len o rDa rw in 306- 946- 2 2 2 2 Fa x 306- 946- 2 444
Ope n M o n .thru Fri., 8 a .m .-5 p.m . w w w .w a tro u s s a lva m Em a il: s a lv@ s a s kte l.n e t
CONTERRA SNOW DOZER BLADE fits all skidsteers, JD 640, 740 and also loaders. Excellent for moving snow and dirt, 96”, $3899. Call 1-877-947-2882 or view online at
2003 CATTELAC 450 mixer wagon, 4 auger, 1000 PTO, $16,500. Dairyland Agro Supply 306-242-5850, Saskatoon, SK.
Ca ll NODGE Firs t
WRECKING CASE 2090 and 2290 and for parts, 2290 motor seized. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, • S e e d Bo o ts & Tips • Pic ku p Be lts 306-449-2255. & Te e t h • Air S e e d e r Ho s e L3 GLEANER COMBINE, motor needs re• Pa c ke rW he e l C a ps • Ele va to r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts pair, new rub bars and concave, new tire, • Nic ho ls S ho ve ls • Fe e d e r C ha in s many new belts and parts to go with, • Ha rro w Tin e s & S pro c ke ts straight and PU header, sell complete, • Ba le r Be lts 2004 NEW HOLLAND FP 230 PT forage $2000. 306-846-4833, Dinsmore, SK. • C o m b in e pa rts • Ha yin g & Ha rve s t • C a n va s harvester, 3-row corn head and hay headPa rts & S u pplie s MURPHY SALVAGE: new, used, rebuilt er, elec. swing arm, approx. 150 hrs, like • Tra c to r Pa rts parts for tractors, combines, swather, till- new cond., used 2 seasons. $27,000. Can w w w .n od gem fg.c om age and misc. machinery. Always buying. deliver. Cypress River, MB. 204-743-2324. Website: Phone 1-800-667-7421 1-877-858-2728, Deleau, MB. COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, SMALL AD, BIG SAVINGS, BEST PRICES. trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, taSmith’s Tractor Wrecking, Allan, SK. pered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage 1-888-676-4847. gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron 306-946-7923, Young, SK. toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. WRECKING: 2009 ROGATOR 1286C 120’ 2004 JD 7500 forage harvester, no PU factory steel boom, loaded, 890 hrs. reel, 1910 hrs, w/wo 30’ straight cut head403-994-7754, Didsbury, AB. er, $155,000. 403-684-3540, Brandt, AB Specia lizing In N ew, Used TRACTOR SALVAGE ARRIVALS, Ford & Reb uiltAgricultura l 7610, 7710, 6600, 8340, 5000, 4000, 8N, And C onstruction Pa rts Super Major, IH 5488, 885, 784, 844, 574, 756, B275. Nuffield 4/65, 10/60. David Call Today Brown 1690, 1394, 1212. MF 95, 65, 35, 3165. JD 4010. Volvo 650, 800. Unity, SK. 1-877-527-7278 2002 SPRAY-AIR 3400, 800 gal., 90’ air Ph. 306-228-3011. booms, rinse tank, Raven autorate. COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and $12,000. 306-375-7434, Kyle, SK. M edicine Ha t, AB . used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. 2008 CASE/IH SRX160 sprayer, 1600 gal., B uying Ag & Construction Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, 120’, Raven Autoheight, shedded. $40,000 Equipm ent For D ism antling Borden, SK. OBO. 306-463-3228, Kindersley, SK. We buy machinery. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 67XL susp. boom, 90’, LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older trac- 1250 gal. tank, triple nozzle bodies, wind Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. tors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/oth- screens, rinse tank, wand wash, exc. cond. We sell new, used and remanufactured er Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battle- Call Rod at 306-463-7713, Kindersley, SK. parts for most farm tractors and combines. ford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. 1980 WILGER 460, 400 gal. SS tank, 60’ w/break away boom ends, hyd. centrifugal Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. pump, electric controls, 1300 gal. water WRECKING TRACTORS, supply tank. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. SWATHERS, BALERS, 1-866-729-9876 SYSTEM 55 FLEXI-COIL, 70’, windscreens, COMBINES 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB wheel boom, 650 gal. tank, $5900 OBO. Phone 204-851-1856, Reston, MB. New Used & Re-man parts 2006 FLEXI-COIL S67XL 120’ wheel boom, variable rate control, hyd. fold, rinse tank, combo-jets, 18.4x38 bar tires, $29,900. Tractors Combines Swathers PREECEVILLE, SASKATCHEWAN Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK 2003 FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 67XL, 90’ susp. boom, good condition, $21,000 OBO. SEXSMITH USED 306-726-4500, Southey, SK.
Swift Current, SK
M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa lva ge I nc.
THE ORIGINAL COMBINE ROLL TARP quickly roll over to protect hopper contents and prevent spoiled grain in hopper. Available for most makes and models. Maurer and Crary tarps also available. 204-746-8260, Morris, MB. NEW 30’ HART CARTER PU reel. Also, Headsight AutoHeight control system for NH CR/CX models. 306-648-3523 res. 306-648-7766 cell, Gravelbourg, SK.
IS YOUR ROTOR OUT OF BALANCE? New straw choppers c/w drive, superior design with IH factory appearance. 40/60 Series $4080. 80/88 Series $4310. 1-800-667-4515. COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES, Morris 7 Series Magnum; JD 1610, $135 ea.; JD 1610/610 (black) $180. 306-259-4923 306-946-7923, Young, SK. ENGINE KITS, ENGINE PARTS, clutches, machine shop services. Sanderson Tractor Ltd. 204-239-6448, Portage la Prairie, MB.
25’ MACDON 960, 1995, PU reel, good cond., fits NH TR/TX, $12,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515
00- 667- 98 71 • Regin a 00- 667- 3095 • S askatoon 00- 38 7- 2 768 • M an itob a 00- 2 2 2 - 65 94 • Ed m on ton
AGRICULTURAL PARTS STO RE For a ll your Se e din g, Ha yin g, Ha rve s t Pa rts a n d Acce s s orie s
#2 South Plains RD. West Emerald Park, SK.
2008 HONEYBEE PLUS, 36’, double knife, extra wide mouth, adapter for 8010, reversible knife. 204-851-1856 Reston, MB
1- 8 1- 8 1- 8 1- 8
NEW REDEKOP MAV fine-cut chopper and chaff spreader, NH TR95, 96, 97, 98, 99, $8650. Trades wanted 1-800-667-4515 STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very affordable new and used parts available, 1993 MACDON 960 36’ header, MD PU made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 reel, Empire gauge wheels, knife, guards and canvas good. Fits JD combines, other ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, adapters avail., $14,900. Trades welcome, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom refinancing available. 1-800-667-4515 builds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732. 36’ MACDON DRAPER header, PU reel, w/new bushings, $7500; Adapter for NH CHAFF SPREADERS starting at $1250, combine, $1500. Brian 204-856-6119, l o t s a v a i l a b l e . Tr a d e s w e l c o m e . 204-685-2896, MacGregor, MB. 1-800-667-4515.
FARM PARTS LTD. Sexsmith, Alta. Email: YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW, USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dismantling all major makes & models of tractors, combines, swathers, balers, forage harvesters, Plus Much More.
1-800-340-1192 Buying Farm Equipment For Dismantling. WANTED: TRACTORS, SWATHERS, and round balers for parts or in need of repair. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. WRECKING: CASE 2394 tractor; 4 Versatile 400 swathers; 7721 JD combine. Phone 306-255-7614, Colonsay, SK. G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK.
COMBINE WORLD 1-800-667-4515, 20 min. E of Saskatoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines and swathers. DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON TOP $$$ PAID for scrap batteries. Call 306-761-1688, Regina, SK. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK.
2009 JD 4730, SS tank, 100’ boom, 1455 hrs, hyd. tread adjust, all GPS equipment, Raven auto height boom, chem. enductor $172,500 OBO. 306-834-7319, Major, SK. 2000 854 ROGATOR, 2785 hrs., 90’ boom, 800 gal. SS tank, 3 way nozzles, Raven controller, Trimble easy steer. $75,000. 780-853-7205, Vermilion, AB. 2005 WILLMAR 8400 High Clearance sprayer, 90’ boom, 3 sets of nozzles, Zynx Guidance, c/w mapping and sectional control, OmniStar satellite guidance, AutoBoom, 2 sets of tires, 1650 hrs., very good condition. 306-299-4943, Consul, SK. 2010 JOHN DEERE 4730, 100’, 670 hrs., boom height and section control, GPS w/2600 display, poly, 2 sets of tires. Phone 306-536-3870, Regina, SK. 2009 CASE/IH 4420, 120’ Aim, 2 sets of tires, 1420 hrs., Viper Pro, AutoBoom shutoff, end row nozzles, deluxe cab, HD lighting, foam marker, well maintained, exc. cond., asking $235,000. Unity, SK. 306-228-7612.
2009 1286C ROGATOR, 1280 gal. tank, foam marker, rinse tank, chem inductor, 100’ boom, flood light kit, Raven Viper Pro, AccuBoom, SmarTrax AutoSteer, 2 sets of tires, 1150 hrs., drive train warranty. Leasing available. Fillmore, SK. Phone 306-722-3894 or 306-861-3268. 1997 PATRIOT 150 sprayer, c/w Trimble 500 Ezee-Steer, 5 nozzle body, 90’, only 2300 hrs, always shedded, w/Wilton trailer, $60,000 OBO. Will sell trailer separately. 306-843-7314, Wilkie, SK. 1997 HAGIE 284, 90’ boom, AutoBoom height controller, Tridcon crop dividers, new tires, new air induction tips, twin bodies, exc. cond. $75,000. Call Derrek 306-229-6161, Cudworth, SK. MILLER CONDOR A40, 100’ booms, end nozzles, Raven EnvizioPro w/SmartTrac (Autorate, AutoSteer, sectional control), floater tires for rear axle, 5 and 10 gal. 3-way swivel nozzles, 100 gal. rinse tank, 547 hrs., $159,000. 306-372-4521 or 306-372-4507, Luseland, SK. 2010 APACHE 1010, 200 hrs., big front end, 100’, dividers, AutoSteer, 1000 gal, $139,500 w/remaining factory warranty. Call Doug 204-748-5919, Brandon, MB. 2007 4720 JD, 1400 hrs., 90’ boom, very nice, $159,500, delivery available. Call 1-800-735-5846. DELTA SPRAYER TRAILER, 1994, 20’, 20,000 lbs, good condition. $5900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, HIGH CLEARANCE 750 Wilmar, 500 gal. tank, 76’ boom, 3 sets of tires, approx. 3000 hrs, $28,000. 306-247-4818 Scott SK 2008 MILLER A75, 1200 gal., 275 HP; CIH Patriot 3320, $229,000; CIH 4420, 120’; CIH 3330. Call Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2010 JD 4930, 415 hrs., Hi-Flo pump, AutoBoom height control, 2 sets tires with fenders, GS2 monitor, mint condition. Call for pricing, 204-522-0926, Medora, MB. 2005 CASE/IH 3185, 90’, 1490 hours, Raven controller, Raven GPS, AutoBoom, new 20.8 floats, excellent cond., always shedded, $125,000. 306-473-2749, 306-640-8181, Willow Bunch, SK. 2009 CASE/IH 4420, 1200 SS, 280 HP, 1350 hrs., $189,000, delivery available. Call 1-800-735-5846. 2006 WILMAR EAGLE 8500, 90’, 2400 hrs, Outback GPS, mapping, etc, extra tires, crop dividers, other options. Prince Albert, SK. 306-961-6170. JD 4700, 5715 eng. hrs., 90’ boom, fence row nozzles, triple nozzle bodies, 750 gal. poly tank, G2 AutoBoom, Lynx X20 with Prosteer AutoSteer valve and sectional boom control, spray test with remote. Well maintained, c/w 385/85R34 and 230/95R44 tires for $60,000 or $66,000 w/additional 750/65R26 Michelin floater tires. Call Clayton 306-742-4611 or 306-742-7727, Langenburg, SK. 2010 JD 4930 sprayer, loaded, 2 sets wheels, Norac, 1050 hrs., GPS equipped, $264,000. Ph. 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. 4640 SPRA-COUPE, 80’ alum. booms, auto, 2 sets of tires, dividers, 1580 hrs. Ph. 780-763-2288, Mannville, AB. 2007 JD 4830 SPRAYER, very well maintained, Hi-Flow SS plumbing, dual flow meters, 100’ boom, foamer, eductor, fence row nozzles, 320R50’s, 600R38’s both with minimal wear, GS2 screen, SF1 autotrac , Swath-pro, 2400 hrs, prochecked, field ready for 2012, $179,000. Winnipeg, MB, call 204-461-2499. 284 HAGIE 800 gal. tank, 94’ boom, 2400 hrs., AutoBoom, AutoSteer, crop dividers. $50,000 OBO. 306-864-7945, Kinistino, SK.
NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for JD 4710, 4720, and 4730. $15,000/set. Also dual kits for combines. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. 2009 FELLING sprayer trailer, Model #FT-40 S, two 25,000 lb. axles, air brakes, pintle hitch. Asking $18,000. Phone 403-575-1275, Consort, AB. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80 to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK. 1997 WILLTEN SPRAYER TRAILER. 3 - 1 0 , 0 0 0 l b . a x l e s used to haul a 4720/4830 JD, c/w a new 1350 Imp. gal. l ow p r o t a n k , $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 , C a l l J o n at 780-787-3326, Vermilion, AB.
2009 66’ SEED HAWK, 12” spacing, dual castors on wings, 30.5x32 tires on rear centre frame, seeding and fertilizer distribution system, blockage monitor on seed tower, plus liquid fert. kit, STC sectional control inc. Viper monitor, w/800 bu. Seed Hawk tank, hyd. metered drives and conveyor. $256,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 2002 JD 1820, 40’, 12” spacing, 5” rubber, PW, 1900 TBH, 340 bu., 3 compartments, variable rate cart, approx 12000 acres. Excellent. $66,900. 306-862-2387 or 306-862-2413, Nipawin, SK.
CASE/IH CONCORD ATX5010, 50’, 10” spacing, exc. cond., w/Case/IH 2300 tank or Flexi-Coil 3450, all options. Elie, MB. 204-391-1011, 1992 37’ New Noble 9000 Seed-O-Vator w/291 tank, new shovels, new hoses from distributor heads to seed boots, tank lids have been raised so capacity is 210 bu., in good cond., the perfect seeder for an or2010 NH Precision P2070, 70’, 10” spacing, ganic grower. 306-299-4915. Consul, SK. double shoot, blockage, Atom Jet, NH3 FLEXI-COIL 7500 60’, year 2000, 10” twin band openers, P1060 TBH variable spacing, DS, 4” steel, under 20,000 acres, rate cart, 306-536-3870, Regina, SK. $22,000, drill only/no tank. 306-862-2387 1996 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 51’, 12” spacing, or 306-862-2413, Nipawin, SK. double shoot, Atom Jet paired row open- 2011 JD 1890, 60’, 10” spacing, primary ers, 4” rubber packers, AgTron blockage, blockage, Mud Smith gauge wheels, air w/2003 Flexi-Coil 3450 TBH cart, $70,000. brakes, set-up for TBT tank, exc. cond., Phone 306-264-7600, Meyronne, SK. $162,500. Call 306-969-2110, Minton, SK. 2001 FLEX-COIL 5000 air drill, 9” spac- BOURGAULT 5710, 42’, 7.2”, 4300 tank, ing, steel wheels, 3450 cart, TBH, variable $49,000 OBO. SE SK., 306-563-8482, rate blockage, 2000 acres on dutch side 306-782-2586. band. Kincaid, SK. Cell: 306-264-7888; 40’ CONCORD, 2000 Concord tank, good Home: 306-264-3836. c o n d i t i o n , $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 O B O. C a l l D a n MORRIS MAXIM 39’ w/TBH, VRT 7240 306-692-5128, Moose Jaw, SK. w/3 tanks, 10” spacing, double shoot, side band w/rubber packers, good condition, 2008 CIH SDX 40’ disc drill and 3380 TBT $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . P h o n e 3 0 6 - 9 6 7 - 2 4 2 3 o r SS, var. rate, $104,000. 306-672-3711, 306-672-7616, Gull Lake, SK 306-460-8858, Eatonia, SK. 2 0 0 7 B O U R G A U LT 6 5 5 0 S T, l o a d e d , 2005 FLEXI-COIL 5000 45’, 9” spacing, $95,000. 306-960-1478, 306-749-3165, DS, paired row, Stealth openers, 3450 tank, double fan, 3-1/2” steel packers, Birch Hills, SK. grain trailer hopper, 10” auger, $78,000. 306-476-7248, 306-476-2044, Fife Lake SK 28’ NEW NOBLE AIR DRILL w/291 New Noble TBH, 7” spacing, double shoot, $10,000. 306-268-2084, Bengough, SK. 2005 JD 1910 430 bu. tank w/conveyor, 1820 60’, 10” sp, Bourgault MRB’s, $85,000 OBO. 306-648-7313, Gravelbourg, SK.
42’ 9200 BOURGAULT air drill with 3195 tank, 3 compartments. Fir Mountain, SK. Phone 306-640-7560. 42’ BOURGAULT 5710, 160 bu. air cart, 8” spacing, new knives, steel packers. Call Barry Ellis 306-243-4960, Dinsmore, SK. 1996 FLEXI-COIL air seeder, 820 cultivator, 9” spacing, 2320 TBH cart, vg cond., $33,000. 403-347-1526, Red Deer, AB. FH 536-40 BOURGAULT air seeder 36’, 8” spacing w/Bourgault 2195 air tank, hitch, $17,500 OBO. 204-636-2979, Erickson, MB
1999 BOURGAULT 4000 coil packer, 40’ width, excellent condition. $4995. 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 2011 BOURGAULT 7200, 72’, HEAVY harrows, 9/16 teeth, less than a month old. 204-851-1856, Reston, MB. LAST ONE! NEW 70’ Morris heavy harrow. Fall Clearance! Phone Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2011 DEGELMAN LR7651 land roller, 51’, used only 750 acres, mint, $35,000. Rabbit Lake, SK., 306-824-2108, 306-280-6193. BRAND NEW 50’ Phoenix Maxi harrow, rotary, autofold, $45,000 OBO. 306259-4982 or 306-946-7446, Young, SK.
FLEXI-COIL 3450 AirTank/AirCart, TBH, excellent condition, all options, variable rate and variable airflow, light package, dual fan, w/seed treater, back hitch, $32,000. Phone 204-391-1011, Elie, MB. Email: 2002 CASE/FLEXI-COIL ADX 2230 TBH air cart, vg cond., always shedded, 4 meter rollers, rear hitch with hydraulic winch. 204-227-5679, Warren, MB. TWO 2500 GAL. liquid fertilizer wagons. Both include ground driven John Blue feed pumps and Honda 160 load pumps. $12,500 ea. OBO. 780-856-3666, Amisk AB JD 9450 HOE DRILL 20’ with grass seed attachment, shedded. Phone 306-862-9692, Nipawin, SK.
30’ JOHN DEERE 9450 hoe drills, steel press wheels, Gen carbide openers, factory trans., vg cond., always shedded. $15,000 2007 SEED HAWK 50’, w/3380 Flexi-Coil OBO. 306-582-6323, Vanguard, SK. tank, $165,000 OBO. Call 306-468-7171, T W O 3 0 ’ M H 3 1 0 M o r r i s h o e d r i l l s , BART’S TRANSPORT INC. Specializing in 306-724-2225, Debden, SK. $4000/ea OBO. Phone: 306-287-4243, t o w i n g a i r d r i l l s , S K / A B o n l y. 306-287-7573, Watson, SK. 306-441-4316, North Battleford. NEW 2011 FLEXI-COIL 5000 HD, 58’, 10” FLEXI-COIL 800, 40’, 1720 tank, w/320 space, 550 lbs., 4” rubber, c/w 4350 VR, granular applicator, single or double TBT. Super Fall Pricing. Cam-Don Motors shoot, $19,500 OBO. 306-259-4982 or BOURGAULT 60’ 9400 CHISEL PLOW, exc. shape, $55,000 OBO. 204-632-5334, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 306-946-7446, Young, SK. 204-981-4291, leave msg, Winnipeg, MB. 1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 39’ 9”, w/1999 1986 JD 655 28’ air seeder, Peacock preci- 2007 AGROWPLOW APH2, 19 and two TBT 2320 tank, double shoot, Adam Jet sion seeder attachments with 5” paired shank non-inversion tillage subsoiler, 24’ openers on 9”, mud scrapers, 3.5” steel r o w o p e n e r s a n d p a c k e r w h e e l s . treatment width, all hyd. trip system, new packers, 350 lb. trips, blockage monitors, 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. tires, excellent condition, $37,500 OBO. field ready, stored inside, $46,500. Walter WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820 25’-40’ and 403-443-0608, Three Hills, AB. 306-948-4565, Rosetown, SK. area. 60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, AB. 34.5’ IHC 4900 cultivator, excellent cond., 1996 MORRIS MAXIM with 7180 TBH, 7.5” $7500 OBO. Ph 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, spacing, single shoot, steel packers, auger 1996 BOURGAULT 8800, 52’, granular kit, SK. extension for semi, good condition. splitter boots, 500 lb. trips, 3225 tank, 3rd tank, new PDM augers, 52’ WTP 4000 USED KELLO TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 12’ $40,000. 306-834-8141, Kerrobert, SK. packer, exc. cond., $42,000. Rabbit Lake, Kello 210G offset disc; 10’ Kello 250 offset 2010 JD 1870 Conserva Pak 56’, 12” spac- SK., 306-824-2108, 306-280-6193. disc; 5 Shank Kello subsoiler. Kellough’s ing, paired row openers, rear hitch, 403-347-2646, Red Deer, AB. 1910 430 bu. commodity cart TBT w/con- VALMAR 1210 AIR seeder with 12 Coulter veyor, duals and 4 meter rolls, optional Al- interchangeable seed rollers. Merritt, BC., MODEL 5000 Noble blade, 33’, hyd. trips, 250-378-4955, email $5,000 OBO. 306-834-8100, Major, SK. pine liquid kit. 306-395-2652, Chaplin, SK. 2009 BOURGAULT 3310, 48’, 10” spacing, MRB’s, double shoot, blockage monitors w/2009 Bourgault tank, 6450, ZYNK blockage, TBH, dual shoot, air kit, dual fan, 540/65/24 front tires, 900/60/ 32 rear tires, X20 monitors, 4 tank metering, 10” std. auger. Full warranty. $229,500. Sacha Chacun 204-570-1139, Brandon, MB.
2002 CONSERVA PAK, 34’, 12” spacing, with 2320 Flexi-Coil air cart. MELROE SPRA-COUPE 215 52’, 4 wheel, complete 306-563-6330, Kamsack, SK. $8900. Call 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. 30’ EZEE-ON w/poly packers and harrows, FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS 8” spacing, 2175 tank, hyd. fan, vg cond., We also specialize in: Crop insurance ap- $18,000; 34’ Great Plains, 7” spacing, 170 peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; bu. tank, very good, $7500. 306-648-3418, Custom operator issues; Equipment mal- 306-648-7518, Gravelbourg, SK. function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance 1997 BOURGAULT 8810 40’, w/3225 tank, 8” space, mid-row banders, NH3 kit, steel regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. pkrs, $46,500. 204-573-7787, Brandon, MB 2007 JD 4720, 90’, 1056 hrs., height control, GPS 2600 Display, 800 gal. SS, 2 sets 1996 HARMON 4480 air drill, 12” spacof tires. 306-695-0441, Indian Head, SK ing, w/Bourgault 195 air tank, NH3. 403-485-8189, Arrowwood, 2005 SPRA COUPE 7650, 1794 hrs., FWA, 403-534-2355, 80’, Raven Envisio Pro, AutoSteer, section AB. email control, new 320/38 fronts, 380/42 rears EZEE-ON 7500 37.5’ air drill, with ground and 620/42 rear floaters, crop dividers, drive tank, $29,900. Call 306-231-8111, triple nozzles, new bubble jet tips, premi- Humboldt, SK. um cond., $124,000. Phone 306-695-7994, RETIRING: 2004 BOURGAULT 5710, 59’, Indian Head, SK. MRB’s, 2008 TBH 6450 tank. Will sell drill 2006 3310 CASE SPRAYER, 2100 hrs, separate if first. Also 2008 Versatile 535 110’ boom, 5-way nozzle bodies, Auto- tractor. All low acres. 306-445-5642, Boom height, sectional control, 1000 gal. North Battleford, SK. SS tank, 2 sets of rubber, good shape, DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR $155,000 OBO. 306-594-7716 Norquay, SK drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alber2007 APACHE AS-1010, 1000 gal., 100’ ta and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob boom, 1500 hrs., 215 HP, AutoSteer, Ra- Davidson, Drumheller, 403-823-0746 ven Envisio-Pro, auto shut-off, AutoHeight 1994 33’ CONCORD AIR DRILL, w/2320 control, incl. floater tires, exc. cond., fully Flexi-Coil TBH air tank. Double shoot, loaded $125,000. 306-535-7708 Sedley SK Dutch paired row openers, AgTron blockage monitor, shedded, vg cond, $35,000. 306-699-2547, 306-699-2208, McLean, SK DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers 2002 MORRIS MAXIM air drill, 49’, with Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. 7300 tank, exc. cond., $40,000. Phone 306-722-3610, Fillmore, SK. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.
BOURGAULT AIR SEEDER, 38’ Commander w/Bourgault 2115 II tank; Flexi-Coil 50’ harrow packer System 95, P20’s. Phone 780-872-2832, Paradise Hill, SK. FOR SALE: JD 24’ deep tillage cultivator WINTER CASH DISCOUNTS. Start now and 14’ JD cultivator. Phone 306-283-4747 on Summers discs, Mandako rollers, plus or 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. chisel plows, vertical tillage implements, packers, heavy harrows, rockpickers, new 27 BOURGAULT MID ROW BANDERS, and used Schulte mowers. Bow Island, AB. Series I; Haukaaus Model 246 side arm markers; 60’ Herman harrow bar w/pres403-545-6340, 403-580-6889 cell. sure springs. 204-825-7166 Clearwater MB HUTCHMASTER ROLLING PLOW, 16’ offset discer, 24” heavy blades, fronts are notched, good working cond., $7200. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 225 KELLO-BILT disc, 28’, notch blades, oil b at h b e a r i n g s , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . 2002 FENDT 920 VARIO, 180 HP, CVT, 306-747-7685, Parkside, SK. only 3310 hrs., c/w Quicke Q990 FEL, 2006 22’ WISHEK disc, $47,000. Call $89,000; 2001 FENDT 926 VARIO, 260 403-556-0377, Sundre, AB. HP, 3149 hrs., c/w duals, $109,000. Both 40’ WILRICH DT with 4 bar harrows, good mint, CVT, 53 kms/hr., LHR, Michelin 710 condition, not used last 3 years, $7500. tires, front axle and cab suspension, 3 PTH, 1000 PTO, 4 hyds. Open to offers on 306-782-5636, Springside, SK. both. Phone 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. KELLO 5 SHANK subsoiler; IHC 800 12 bottom plow; 43’ Leon deep tillage; 40’ Crowfoot packer. 780-623-1008, St. Lina AB. 1980 BOURGAULT COMMANDER V.M. 2010 DEUTZ FHAR 430, (110 HP), FWA, 2630 30’ cultivator, Degelman 3 bar 315 hrs, FEL, 3 PTH, $53,000; 2009 Deutz m o u n t e d h a r r o w s . N i c e u n i t . Fhar, (85 HP), FWA, 406 hrs, FEL, 3 PTH, $43,000. 306-231-5939, Saskatoon, SK 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. MORRIS MAGNUM II CP-750 chisel plow, 1987 DEUTZ 7085, FWA, open station, 50’, 12” spacing, 3-bar harrows, asking 5900 hrs, FEL, $18,000. 204-525-4521, $18,000; Morris CP-750 chisel plow, 50’, Minitonas MB 7180 air tank/granular 3rd tank and distri- ALLIS CHALMERS 7050, late 70’s, recently bution system, knock-on sweeps, asking rebuilt engine with minimal hrs, c/w FEL $32,500; Morris Magnum CP-731, 33’ chis- (needs work). $12,000. 780-618-1864, el plow w/Valmar 3220, exc. shape, asking Peace River, AB. $10,000. Phone 306-621-5136 days or 1990 9150 DEUTZ, 150 HP, AC, FWA, A1 306-782-7749 evenings, Yorkton, SK. condition, 5500 hrs. 306-682-3347, MuenNEW 14’ AND 16’ Kello 225 offset discs in ster, SK. stock. Check our fall discounts. Earl Grey, SK. 306-731-7235. 9400 BOURGAULT CULTIVATOR 60’ with harrows, good shape. $37,000. 306-458-2566, 306-458-7772, Midale, SK. 44’ FLEXI-COIL 600 chisel plow, floating hitch, 3 section, 12” spacing, heavy centre axles, 4-bar harrows, new teeth. 780-593-3914, Minburn, AB. 41’ JD 610 floating hitch cultivator, 12” spacing, w/mounted harrows, $14,000. 306-736-2661, 306-429-2770 Glenavon SK 60’ MORRIS 760 cultivator w/2420 Valmar and Morris harrows, $3000. 306-567-4274, Davidson, SK. AUTO RESET PLOWS: Melroe 8-18, $3500; 8-16, $3000; 7-18, $3000; 7-16, $2500; JD 3600 5-18, $2500; Rippers: DMI 7 shank, $10,900; 5 shank, $8900; Sunflower 14’ disc ripper, $12,000. Portage la Prairie, MB. toll free 1-866-938-8537. KELLO-BILT 8’ TO 16’ OFFSET DISCS c/w oilbath bearings, 26” to 36” blades. The Successful Farmers Choice. 1-888-500-2646 KELLO-BILT SERIES 5000 SUBSOILER, o n e o w n e r, e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . 306-873-8662, 306-761-1914, Tisdale, SK. IHC 490 28’ TANDEM disc, notched front blades, $7500 OBO. 306-922-8155, Prince Albert, SK. 2011 SALFORD 41’ 570 RTS vertical tiller, rolling baskest, low acres, $79,000 OBO. 306-452-7743, Redvers, SK. 29’ SUNFLOWER TANDEM disc, nice shape; 47’ IH Vibrachisel cultivator, w/3 row harrows. 204-729-6803, Deloraine, MB.
1988 WHITE 2-160 Cummins, 5733 hrs, $21,000. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. 700 WHITE, FWA, c/w loader and bucket, 3 P T H , n ew r e a r t i r e s , h e at e d c a b. $14,000. 780-389-2483, 780-202-0297, Thorsby, AB. CFE 1755 w/9’ Allied blade, $7500; CFE 1755 w/Allied FEL, $6500; White 2-105 w/Ezee-On high lift loader, $13,500. 780-914-8525, Leduc, AB.
WHITE 2-50, dsl, MFWD, PS, 140 QA loader 50 HP, 3 PTH, 540 PTO new clutch, PS cyl., front rubber, exc. running cond. $12,900. 204-848-2715, Lake Audy, MB. WHITE 4-180 Field Boss, 5300 hrs. 18.4x38 duals, $3000: Also, White 4-180 4660 hrs, 23.1x34 singles, $4000. Both run and pull. Phone 306-228-2910, Unity, SK. 1988 WHITE 160, MFWD, 3050 hrs., Allied loader, vg, $45,000 OBO. Maple Creek, SK., 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586.
CASE 2594, low hrs, good rubber. Phone 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. 1976 970 CASE, 700 Leon motor, 7’ bucket 1984 MORRIS 750 Magnum, 50’, heavy good shape, rebuilt, std. shift. Muenster, trips, good condition. 306-358-4323, Den- SK. Ph. 306-231-5268 or 306-682-3068. zil, SK. 2010 485HD, 321 hours, 800 duals, full 60’ FRIGGSTAD CHISEL PLOW, 4-bar har- AutoSteer, full HID lighting, 90 gal. per rows, 12” spacing, 650 trips, very straight, minute hydraulics, locking diff., plus more. $16,000. 306-743-7622, Langenburg, SK. Asking $245,000. Will consider trades or OBO. 780-608-6131, Camrose, AB. MAGNUM 7230, MFWD, 22.8x40 duals, 5260 hrs., always shedded, vg, $55,000 OBO. 306-424-2653, Montmartre, SK. COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES, Morris 7 Series Magnum; JD 1610, $135 ea.; CIH 970, Buhler 595 loader, premium cond JD 1610/610 (black) $180. 306-259-4923 CIH 1270, Boss loader, vg cond. Open to offers. Ph. 306-366-4656, St. Gregor, SK. 306-946-7923, Young, SK.
AIR DR ILL S PECIALS AIR DR ILLS : L is t N ow 28 ’ M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith M o d el 3215 Air S eed er Ca rt: $131,574.00 $8 2,000.00 10” S p a cin g, 3.5” S teel Pa ckers , S in gle S ho o t, w ith 215 b u Air Ca rt, M echa n ica l Ra te Co n tro l 33’ M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith M o d el 3315 Air S eed er Ca rt: $148,162.00 $9 4,500.00 10” S p a cin g, 3.5” S teel Pa ckers , S in gle S ho o t, w ith 315 b u Air Ca rt, M echa n ica l Ra te Co n tro l 37’ M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith M o d el 3515 Air S eed er Ca rt: $145.989.00 $9 5,750.00 10” S p a cin g, 3.5” S teel Pa ckers , S in gle S ho o t, w ith 315 b u Air Ca rt, M echa n ica l Ra te Co n tro l 40’ Model 7550 Air Drill w ith M o del 4400 Air Seeder Cart: $195.974.00 $121,500.00 10” S p a cin g, 5” S teel Pa ckers , Do u b le S ho o t, w ith 390 b u Air Ca rt, Va ria b le Ra te Co n tro l 48 ’ DEM O M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith NE W M o d el 4400 Air S eed er Ca rt: $218,270.00 $123,700.00 10” S p a cin g; 5” S teel Pa ckers , Do u b le S ho o t, w ith 390 b u Air Ca rt, Va ria b le Ra te Co n tro l 48 ’ M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith M o d el 4400 Air S eed er Ca rt: $216,369.00 $134,500.00 10” S p a cin g; 3.5” S teel Pa ckers , Do u b le S ho o t, w ith 390 b u Air Ca rt, Va ria b le Ra te Co n tro l 6 0’ M o d el 7560 Air Drill w ith M o d el 4400 Air S eed er Ca rt: $237,323.00 $150,000.00 10” S p a cin g; 5” S teel Pa ckers , Do u b e S ho o tw ith 390 b u Air Ca rt, Va ria b le Ra te Co n tro l All Un its a re NE W , u n les s s ta ted , a n d a re in E zee-On d ea ler in ven to ry (M B/ S K / AB) a tCa s h No T ra d e p rices . Vis ityo u r E zee-On d ea ler o r ca ll the F a cto ry fo r fu ll d eta ils a n d lis to fDrills & Ca rts cu rren tly a va ila b le. Dea lers hip freight & PDIa n d yo u r cho ice o f o pen ers a re extra
(78 0) 6 32-2126
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s a les @ ezeeo n .co m
CASE 4694, 4WD, 7945 hrs., 20.8x34 duals 1978 4430 JD, 8500 hrs., Leon FEL 707, very good, powershift, PTO, $20,000. snow bucket, hyd. changed over to Pio306-843-3317, Wilkie, SK. neer, hyd. pump reworked. $16,500 OBO. 306-834-5035, 306-834-7885 Kerrobert SK LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD tractors 1997 9400, 425 HP, 4350 hrs., 710/38 for parts and rebuilding. Also have rebuilt (95%), 24 spd. cruise, 4 SCV’s, full weights, Outback, shedded, excellent shape. Phone tractors for sale. 306-784-2213 Herbert SK 306-224-4848, Corning, SK. CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; Plus other makes and models. Call the 2008 7730 MFWD with 746 loader and 4WD Super Store! Trades welcome. We grapple, deluxe cab, auto quad, 2300 hrs, excellent shape. $112,000. 780-872-0067, deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB Canwood, SK. 1086 IH, w/790 Leon high lift loader and grapple, 2 new 18.4x38 tires w/duals, 2 2010 JD 9630, 550 hrs., 5 SCV’s, 78 gpm pump, 800 metrics, attractive price. new front tires. 306-842-4072 Weyburn SK 204-522-0926, Medora, MB. CASE 2290 TRACTOR, 18.4x38 duals, powershift, 6169 hours, good shape, $10,000. JD 4850 MFWD, 20.8X38 duals, excellent condition, $39,500 OBO. Morrin, AB. 306-843-3317, 306-843-7159, Wilkie, SK. 403-823-1894. 1984 CASE 5488, 6200 hrs., 180 HP, good rubber, asking $16,000. 306-344-2058, JD 6430 PREMIUM, 3 PTH, MFWD, 2200 hrs., 2007, warranty, $64,900 OBO. Ph. 306-344-7909, Paradise Hill, SK. Robert 306-743-7627, Langenburg, SK. 2010 CIH STEIGER 385, 375 hrs., powershift, 710x70R38 duals, $191,500; 2011 1991 JD 8560, 6900 hrs., 24 spd. trans, CIH STEIGER 450, Tier 4, quadtrac, 300 1 8 . 4 x 3 8 t i r e s , t r i p l e h y d r a u l i c s . hrs., loaded, AutoSteer, $266,500; 2011 780-889-2204, Heisler, AB. CIH PUMA 125, MFD tractor w/FEL, 200 hrs., $99,500. All units have remaining fac- WRECKING FOR PARTS: 2130 JD, c/w tory warranty. Call Doug 204-748-5919, good running engine, 3 PTH; 4630 JD, c/w very good running engine, 18.4x38 duals, Brandon, MB. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. 1996 9370 CASE/IH tractor, 4700 hrs., 1980 JD 4840, 9627 hrs., 3 hyd., 8 spd. $65,000. Ph. 306-722-3610, Fillmore, SK. powershift, big 1000 PTO, 650/65R38 du2008 CIH 435 Quadtrac, 16 spd., power- als, $18,000. 306-447-2160, Lake Alma SK shift, diff. lock, 1400 hrs., farmer owned, JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD. Both excellent condition. Asking $219,000. with low hrs. and can be equipped with 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. loaders. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 1992 CASE MAGNUM 7110, 1284 org. 2008 JD 9530, 1200 hrs., premium cab, hrs., duals, in premium condition, $60,000. 1 8 s p d . p owe r s h i f t , 7 8 g p m hy d s . , Phone 306-283-4747 or 306-291-9395 or 800-70R38 duals, 7600 lb. weights, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. $235,000. 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. 986 CASE/IH tractor, in good condition, WANTED: 7800 or 4560 2 WD tractor. shedded. 306-782-7125,Yorkton, SK. Ph. 306-757-6878 after 6 PM. Craven, SK. 1993 CASE/IH 9280, 4100 hrs, exc. cond. 1985 4250, MFWD, quad, rubber 90%, c/w Phone 780-872-2832, Paradise Hill, SK. 280 loader, grapple, joystick, Greenlight1997 CIH 9350, 315 HP M11 Cummins, 4 ed, excellent. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. hydraulics., 12 speed standard, 3800 hrs., JD 4020, FEL, 6725 hrs; JD 620, gas; JD 20.8x38 duals, very clean, $72,500. 4440, 6108 hrs. 306-480-7428 leave msg, 306-726-5822, Southey, SK. Hafford, SK. 1997 MX135 CASE/IH, FEL, 3 PTH, 950 1984 JD 8650, 4 WD, 24 spd. trans., eng. h r s , s t o r e d i n s i d e , $ 6 5 , 0 0 0 . P h o n e redone 2500 hrs. ago, good rubber, 306-962-4681, Eston, SK. $25,000. Ph 306-563-5941, Canora, SK. 2 2 9 0 C A S E TRACTOR, great shape, 1983 JD 8450, $27,000 OBO. Call for de$11,500. Call for more info 306-778-2533, tails, 306-865-2075, Hudson Bay, SK. Swift Current, SK. WANTED: JOHN DEERE 216 or 214 lawn tractor, no mower. 306-644-2115, Loreburn, SK. 2007 CATERPILLAR MT 865B, excellent 2008 JD 9630, 1180 hrs., powershift, hicondition, 1000 PTO, 5 hyds., GPS, night flow hyd., deluxe cab, 520x85R46 triples, breaker lights, weight pkg. Delivery can lots of extra weights, AutoTrac ready, HID be arranged. Trades welcome. Call Gord at l i g h t i n g , e x c . c o n d . 3 0 6 - 2 2 8 - 3 6 8 4 , 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 306-228-9764, Unity, SK. 2008 MT955B, 460 HP, 700 hrs, 16 spd. 1997 7810, MFWD, 9900 hrs, 3 PTH, 60% powershift, 900 Michelin rubber, w/Auto- rear rubber, 70% front, solid clean tractor, Steer, mint. 306-634-9980, Estevan, SK. $46,500. 2002 7810, MFWD, 6500 hrs, w/740 Classic loader, joystick and grapple, 90% rear rubber, 70% front, solid clean t r a c t o r, $ 7 7 , 5 0 0 . P h o n e B l a i n e a t WANTED: JD 8850 4 WD tractor with 306-621-9751, 306-782-6022, Yorkton, SK bad motor. Phone: 403-664-0415, Oyen, JD 4010 2 hyd., new paint, seat and front AB. tires, new 12 volt starter and alternator, JD 8120 SERIEL #RW8120P011547, c/w runs well. $10,500 OBO. 306-752-9561, 8 4 0 l o a d e r, 1 0 0 0 h r s . , $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 306-921-8953, Melfort, SK. 306-793-2113, Stockholm, SK. 1984 4450, MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, rub2007 JD 7730 MFWD, IVT trans, 4 hyds, 3 ber 75%, immaculate, Greenlighted, loader PTH, dual wheels, joystick, LH reverser, JD available. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. GPS, AutoSteer, 1300 hrs, like new, 1998 JD 7810, MFWD, power quad, left$125,000 firm. 306-484-4600, Govan, SK. hand reverser, w/JD 740 loader, grapple 1986 JD 8450, PTO, always shedded, fork, joystick, 8’ silage bucket, clean unit. $27,000. 306-717-2971, Saskatoon, SK. 780-674-5516, 780-305-7152 Barrhead AB JD 8970 4 WD, 4240, 4250, 2130. All FOR SALE BY TENDER: 2004 JD 6715 FWA w/loaders and 3 PTH. Will take JD tractors with 740 Classic JD loader, 85” quick dein trade that need work. 204-466-2927, tach bucket, joystick w/3 remotes, 3 PTH, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. dual PTO, 3 hyd. remotes, air ride seat, shift, 18.4x38 rears and 13.6x28 1983 4250 QUAD, 4700 hours showing, shuttle tires, 6657 hrs., 115 HP. Serviced very good, $23,900. Phone 306-862-2413, front regularly and very well maintained. Mail 306-862-2387, Nipawin, SK. tenders to RM of Wood Creek, Box 10, 2009 JD 9430 4 WD, 1400 hrs., power- Simpson SK, S0G 4M0 or drop off at RM shift 18/6, 4 SCV, Starfire autosteer, HID office by Nov. 7 at 4 PM. Highest or any lighting, loaded, 710x70R42 90%, exc. tender not necessarily accepted. For viewcond., $237,000 OBO. 306-442-4670 or ing or more info call 306-836-2134, 3 0 6 - 9 4 6 - 7 2 8 7 o r t h e R M o f fi c e at 306-442-7758, Parry, SK. 306-836-2020. Located in Simpson, SK. 1995 8970, 4131 hrs, $87,000; 1996 8970, PTO, 4813 hrs., $93,000. Both: triples, 24 1978 JD 8430, 8900 hrs., good cond., spd weights 306-441-9320 N Battleford SK $14,000 OBO. 780-336-2556, Viking, AB.
1986 JD 8850, shedded, excellent, 5600 hrs, 1900 hrs on new engine, $45,000 OBO. 306-497-3322, Blaine Lake, SK. 1996 JD 8570 20.8x38 rubber, 12 speed, 3850 hours, excellent shape, $65,000 OBO. 306-861-1823, Oungre, SK. 4650 JD, 4700 hrs., near new Degelman 12’ 4 way blade. Unit is immaculate, $50,000. 306-476-2613, Fife Lake, SK. 1995 JD 6400, MFWD, CAHR, power quad, FEL, grapple fork, 3 PTH, approx. 3500 hrs. Premium! 306-272-4382, Foam Lake, SK. 4630 DUALS, 1000 PTO, new clutch, new hyd. pump, very good runner, $14,900 OBO. 403-580-7694, Medicine Hat, AB. 1990 4455 MFWD, powershift, rubber 65%, 3 hy d . , G r e e n l i g h t e d , i m m a c u l at e . 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 5020 JD TRACTOR with cab, motor redone. 306-642-5812, Scout Lake, SK. 1972 JD 4020, 11,420 hrs, loader, ROPS cab, shedded, good cond., $12,000 OBO. Phone 403-882-2484, Castor, AB. JD 7930 2008, 2700 hrs., c/w 12’ Degelman 4-way dozer, 3 PTH, 380/90/R54 duals, AutoTrac ready, $125,000 OBO. 403-979-2999, Seven Persons, AB. 1994 JD 7700, MFWD, 740 SL, 6069 hrs., vg, $55,000 OBO. Maple Creek, SK., 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. 1987 4650 MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, 90% rubber, very sharp. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK.
NH 2000 TV140, 2628 hrs., PTO and hyds both ends, 3 PTH, fluid in motor end tires, loader grapple, 10’ snow bucket, extra work lights, good clean body, mechanically sound, $55,900 OBO. 780-842-2400, Wainwright, AB. 2000 NH 9184 4WD, 235 HP, 3000 hrs., new Firestone 18.4x38 radials, standard trans., return line, 4 remotes, $110,000. 306-576-2111, Wishart, SK. 1998 NH 9682, 425 HP, 12 spd, 20.8x42 triples, 5308 hrs, performance monitor, excellent, $87,000. 306-648-2310, 306-648-7877, Gravelbourg, SK. 1997 NH 9882 425 HP, 3670 hours, 4 hyd. remotes with return, Firestone 710 R38 drum duals. Asking $99,000. 306-779-1294, Regina, SK. 1999 NH 9482, 4 WD, 310 HP, 3500 hrs, exc. cond. Phone 204-427-2778, Dominion City, MB. 2004 NH TN75, 840 hrs., c/w FEL, FWA, Bush Hog 962H backhoe attachment, 3 PTH, always shedded, $35,000. 306-793-4443, Stockholm, SK. 1996 NH 8970, 210 HP, MFD, powershift, w/990 Alo loader and grapple, 4700 hrs., $67,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255.
1997 8360, MFWD, 7314 loader with grapple, 7200 hrs., 18 spd. powershift with shuttle, exc. cond., asking $52,000. Phone 306-699-7215, Qu’Appelle, SK. 2006 NH 4 WD TJ430, 2350 hrs, diff. locks, mega-flow hyd., cruise control, 4 new Goodyear tires on warranty 710-R42, Iveco motor, rear weights, 16 spd. powershift, great cond., $175,000 OBO. Wanted: 3 0 0 H P, 4 W D t r a c t o r. D a v i d 2000 JD 7405, MFWD, open station, 3 306-468-7171, 306-724-2225, Debden, SK PTH, 6x16 trans. with reverser, JD 740 l o a d e r, 4 8 0 0 h o u r s . , $ 3 2 , 9 0 0 ; G a r y 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 9880 FORD TRACTOR, 6300 hrs., 20.8x42 triples, new motor, Outback AutoSteer, JD 9420T, 425 HP, 2700 hrs., GPS, 90% well maint. 306-542-4235, Kamsack, SK. 30” comoplast tracks, 16 spd. PS, exc., $169,500. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB 1998 NH 8970, FWA, 3100 hrs., 210 HP, remotes, front wheel weights, excellent 2004 9220 JD 4WD tractor, std. trans, 4condition. 306-574-4225, Lacadena, SK. 20.8x42 tires, GPS, w/AutoSteer, 3600 hrs. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 1950 FORD 8N, side distributor, runs well, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. new paint. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. JD 7600, MFWD, 19 spd. powershift trans with 40 km/hr. road gear, 1000/540 PTO, Econo 540 spd. at 1700 RPMs, 20.8x38 rear radials, c/w 740 loader, $42,000. 780-524-9322, Valleyview, AB. 2004 JD 7920, MFWD, IVT, 4 hyd., 3800 hrs., shedded, A-1, $92,900. Len 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. JD 7810 MFD, 3100 hrs, IVT trans, 741 loader, exc. cond. Phone 780-990-8412, Cherhill, AB.
1984 895 VERSATILE, 6300 hrs., new tires. Arch Equipment 306-867-7252, Outlook, SK. 2009 VERSATILE 435, FWD, 435 HP, 7.10x42 R1W drum duals, deluxe cab, HID lightning, 4 spool hyd. valve, 12 spd. standard trans., 800 hrs., $172,000. Shoal Lake, MB. 204-759-2527, ask for Dennis.
2003 MCCORMICK MTX 175, 175 HP, 1550 hrs., Quick Q990 loader/grapple, MFD, 20.8R42 radials, triple hyds., like new. Phone 403-379-3941, Bindloss, AB. 2000 VALTRA 8950 High Tech, w/980 Quickie loader, 3500 hrs, FWA, twin trac, WANTED: MF 3505 or 3525, FWA, w/wo one owner. 306-842-4072, Weyburn, SK. loader. Also TD61 or TD 62. 204-378-5543, VOLVO 800, 4200 hrs., c/w Leon dozer Riverton, MB. blade, $7900; Yanmar 2 cyl. diesel, 4 WD, $3500. Pro Ag Sale 306-441-2030 anytime. North Battleford, SK. DO YOU NEED a FWA tractor with loader 90 HP to 130 HP for less $$$? Call 306-231-5939, Saskatoon, SK. FRONT WHEEL ASSIST housing rebuilt portable line boring service. Penno’s Machining and Mfg. Ltd. 204-966-3221, Eden, MB. Check out the A&I online parts store: 2006 JCB 8250 tractor, 3000 hrs, 260 HP, CVT trans, 65 kph top spd, full suspension front and rear, ABS brakes, dual rear PTO, rear 3 PTH, 4 rear remotes, front 3 PTH, 2 front remotes, brand new rubber all 1975 MF 1085, 4238 hrs, 540 PTO, excel- around. Deluxe cab w/AC, heat and radio. lent yard tractor, $9800. Trades welcome, Very clean! $139,000. Call Jordan anytime financing available. 1-800-667-4515 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your 2- MF 1964 Super 90 diesels, new tires, #1 place to purchase late model combine excellent running condition, asking $5500 and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. Toll free 888-327-6767. each. 306-638-4569, Findlater, SK.
Meridian Model 4600 DW Fuel Tank 4600L double wall fuel tank delivered to the customer with the following accessories: Steel skid base, Fill-Rite 701 pump package including filter, meter, 20’ of Arctic hose with automatic nozzle; nozzle drip pot, tank level gauge and STD hose retractor.
The ART 100 advanced air seeder blockage monitor, 6 runs system, will monitor up to 120 runs using infra-red seed flow sensors. Fast blockage detection in 1 second or less. Blocked runs are indicated by the number of their position on the machine. You can add or remove sensors with no re-programming. FOB Saskatoon, SK.
2008 JD 5225 tractor, c/w 542 JD loader, 196 hrs, mint condition. Used around yard only. Retired. Call Al 204-422-6457 or email Ste. Anne, MB.
2004 McCORMICK MTX 135, MFWD, only 2000 hrs. 3 hyds, 540/1000 PTO, 3 PTH, Buhler loader with grapple, mint condition, $65,000 OBO. Randy 306-792-4704, Springside, SK.
Agtron Enterprises Inc 242 Robin Crescent Saskatoon, SK 1-800-667-0640
Item #
Meridian Manufacturing Group 4232 38 Street Camrose, AB 1-800-830-2467
EZEE-ON 101 LOADER with bucket and mounts, wide yolk model, $3750 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. WANTED: DEGELMAN or Leon dozer to fit Ford 9680 through Buhler 2360. Call Aaron 306-460-9488, Kindersley, SK. CASE 24B 4 WD 2.5 yd. loader, cab, $19,900. Len 204-324-6298, Altona, MB.
BestBu ys in Used Equ ipm en t Co m b in e Tr a d es 201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2009 2008 2006 2006 201 1 201 0 2009 2009 201 1 201 0 2009 2009 2007 2004 2001 1 999 1 997 1 996 1 996 1 995 1 995 1 994 1 991 2008
91 20 & 201 6 81 20 & 201 6 81 20 & 201 6 91 20 & 201 6 9870 & 61 5 81 20 & 201 6 81 20 & 201 6 801 0 & 201 6 801 0 & 201 6 801 0 & 201 6 71 20 & 201 6 71 20 & 201 6 71 20 & 201 6 71 20 & 201 6 7088 & 201 6 7088 & 201 6 7088 & 201 6 6088 & 201 6 9860 & 61 5 2388 & 201 5 2388 & 201 5 2388 21 88 & 1 01 5 21 88 & 1 01 5 21 88 & 1 01 5 21 88 & 1 01 5 21 88 & 1 01 5 1 688 & 1 01 5 1 660 & 1 01 5 M av Cho ppe r
$372,200 $321 ,4 00 $301 ,1 00 $331 ,800 $335,000 $301 ,1 00 $277,700 $234 ,900 $21 0,200 $209,200 $303,800 $289,800 $286,000 $263,1 00 $283,600 $264 ,800 $231 ,4 00 $232,800 $255,700 $1 51 ,1 00 $99,900 $76,800 $53,200 $53,200 $50,800 $56,4 00 $53,200 $37,500 $21 ,900 $5,1 00
D r a p er H ea d er s 201 0 201 0 2009 2009 2006 2006 1 999 1 996 1 995
M acd o n JD CIH CIH CIH M acd o n CIH M acd o n M acd o n
201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 2009 2006 2004 2001 1 997 1 990
FD-35’ 635D 21 62-4 0 21 52-4 0 2062-35’ 974 1 04 2-36’ 960 w /pu r 960
$74 ,900 $73,800 $79,500 $62,000 $51 ,1 00 $51 ,1 00 $25,000 $1 8,900 $9,500
F lex H ea d er s 3020-35 $4 2,700 3020-35 $51 ,500 2020-35 w /airre e l $53,4 00 2020-35 $4 2,800 2020-35 $38,600 2020-30 $29,4 00 1 020 $1 8,800 1 020 $1 8,900 1 020-30’ $23,1 00 1 020-25’ $5,300
R ig id H ea d ers & Accesso ries 2004 1 999 1 997 1 995 1 995 1 994 2008
201 1 201 1 201 1 201 1 201 1 201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 201 0 2008 1 996
201 0
1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 S35’ JD airre e l
$1 5,900 $1 5,000 $1 0,900 $7,200 $5,800 $6,300 $9,900
$385,500 $378,300 $298,900 $298,200 $268,000 $260,000 $24 8,900 $31 5,200 $268,000 $21 1 ,1 00 $24 9,000 $73,300
4W D Tr a d es Ste ig e r500Q Ste ig e r500Q Ste ig e r4 85 Ste ig e r4 85 Ste ig e r4 35 Ste ig e r385/pto Ste ig e r385 Ste ig e r4 85Q Ste ig e r4 35 Ste ig e r385 Ste ig e r535 9370
2W D Tr a d es M ag n u m 21 5
$1 4 1 ,300
2009 201 0 2006 2005 2000 1 996 1 984 1 976
CIH M ag n u m 21 5 CIH Pu m a 1 4 0 M cCo rm ick X TX 1 85 K u b o ta F2560 CIH MX 110 CIH 724 0 MF 354 5 JD 4 230
$1 34 ,1 00 $1 1 0,900 $89,31 8 $8,1 00 $4 9,900 $65,000 $1 5,200 $1 9,900
201 1 201 1 201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2008 2006 2004 2002
CIH Patrio t4 4 20 1 20’ $330,500 CIH Patrio t4 4 20 $284 ,000 CIH Patrio t4 4 20 1 00’ $31 0,700 CIH Patrio t3330 $293,4 00 CIH Patrio t4 4 20 $277,000 CIH Patrio t3330 $275,000 JD 4 930 $276,700 CIH Patrio t4 4 20 1 00’ $255,227 Apache 1 21 0 $1 4 9,000 Apache 71 0 $1 09,500 CIH 4410 $1 64 ,800 Apache 859 $79,300 W ilm ar 81 00 $56,600 NH SF1 1 5 $29,300 CIH 4 260 $1 29,000 Ro g ato r 1 254 $1 4 0,000 Apache 790 $99,900 W ilm ar 81 00 $4 7,4 00 NH SF1 1 5 $29,300 FC 67X L $21 ,800 Bran d t Q F1 500 $1 0,300 FC 67 $1 1 ,900
Sp r a yer Tr a d es
2005 2004 2002 2001 2005 2002 2000
Seed in g Tr a d es 201 1 201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2008 2006 2006 2004 2003 2000 2000 2000 1 996 1 999 1 999 1 997 1 995
Bo u r 331 0 -75’ $259,700 Bo u r 331 0 & L64 50 $24 0,800 Bo u r 571 0 & 6350 $1 59,000 Bo u r 571 0-54 $1 4 8,900 Bo u r 331 0 -65’ $1 85,800 Bo u 331 0 $21 0,200 Bo u r 64 50 $78,4 00 Bo u r 571 0-75’ & L6550$21 0,800 JD 1 820 $4 2,200 Bo u r 571 0-54 & 5350 $1 29,000 Bo u r 571 0-54 & 5350 $89,900 Bo u r 571 0-4 0 & 5300 $75,200 FC 5000-4 5’ & 2320 $39,000 Bo u r 571 0-54 $65,1 00 Bo u r 881 0 & M o rris 724 0 $4 5,200 CIH 34 50 $34 ,500 Bo u r 571 0 & 4 350 $84 ,900 Bo u r 571 0-4 0 & 3225 $4 3,600 FC 2320 $1 9,000 M o rris M axim $31 ,000
H a y a n d F o r a g e Tr a d es 201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 2009 2009 2006 1 995 1 995 1 988 201 1 201 0 201 0 201 0 2006 2000 1 981 2007 2005 1 984
1 203 & 362 $1 27,200 W D1 203 36’ $1 23,800 W D1 203 30’ $1 1 2,800 W D 1 203 & 30’ $1 06,600 W D 1 203 & 30’ $1 1 1 ,4 00 H804 0 36’ $1 02,300 HW 325 $90,1 00 8820 $26,700 200 $20,300 81 00 $20,900 HDX 1 82 $23,300 1 8HS $22,4 00 H71 50 $33,000 SCX 1 00 $8,300 9020 $1 1 ,000 625 $1 0,900 1 380 $7,900 RBX 563 $24 ,900 RBX 562 $1 7,600 BP25 $2,900
De g e lm an 1 1 50 M o rris Fie ld pro 70’
M ISC. Tr a d es $4 9,000 $21 ,800
NOW 2 LOCATIONS M ID -W ES T TRACTO R Da vids on , SK Pho n e (3 06) 567-3 074
Ra ym ore , SK Pho n e (3 06) 746-2289
AfterHo u rS a les • Kelly (306) 567- 8077 • R o n (306) 567- 72 54
AfterHo u rS a les • Bla in e (306) 746- 7574 • Al(306) 72 6- 7808
© 2007 CNH Am erica L L C. All rights res erved . Ca s e IH is a regis tered tra d em a rk o fCNH Am erica L L C. CNH Ca p ita l is a tra d em a rk o fCNH Am erica L L C. w w s m
Fin a n cin g pro vid ed b y len d in g/lea s in g/cred itca rd s /in s u ra n ce
Art 100 Advanced Air Seeder Blockage Monitor
Item #
2011 1,288 129 OPENING BID
Watermark Beach Resort Vacation Package
In the heart of Golf and Wine Country is Watermark Beach Resort - the Okanagan’s newest Resort. Fabulous Local Cuisine - and lots of golf, wine and Soft Adventure activities - Ski, Golf and sit out under the stars in the Hot Tub. Find Your Oasis. Included in the $1,288.00 package is: 2 nights in a lake view one bedroom suite with gourmet kitchen and private balcony. $100.00 credit in the Watermark Wine Bar and Patio, $50.00 Welcome Gift on arrival, 2 Watermark signature Bathrobes.
Item #
Watermark Beach Resort P.O. Box 700 - 15 Park Place Osoyoos, BC 250-495-5500
P re -Re g is te r O n lin e - Bid d in g Be g in s N ove m b e r 10, 2011 w w w .p rod u c e ra u c tion .c om
1993 CASE 580SK backhoe loader, purchased from SaskEnergy in Dec. 2006, 11,738 hrs. Trevor 306-241-5395, Saskatoon SK, L OA D E R S F O R S A L E : 2 0 0 6 K o m at s u WA320-5L, 760 hrs.; 2001 Cat IT28G, bucket, forks, 3rd valve, air shut off, new tires; 2005 Cat IT38G, bucket, forks, 3rd valve, air shut off. Call Edquip Bob 780-446-9254 or Jerry 780-915-5426, St. Albert, AB. LEON 10’ BLADE #10-20, $3600; LEON 707 FEL w/7’ bucket, exc. cond., $4200. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St Louis, SK WANTED: 14’ DOZER blade to fit 1000 Series Steiger KR1225. 306-228-3698, Unity, SK. PIPE GRAPPLES: IMAC pipe grapple for 2.5 yard loader; IMAC pipe grapple for 3 yard loader. Call Edquip Bob 780-446-9254 or Jerry 780-915-5426, St. Albert, AB. WANTED: USED LEON 808 FEL in good condition. Don’t need bucket or blade. Call 306-395-2617, Chaplin, SK. MM 670 GAS tractor, w/FEL and bale spear, no cab, $2850. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 794 QUICK ATTACH ALLIED LOADER, joystick, 7’ bucket, fits 2090 Case tractor, $4500. 204-683-2267, St. Lazare, MB. 2000 JD SKIP loader and leveling box, new tires, good condition, $25,000. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. EZEE-ON MODEL 2130 heavy loader, QA, 8’ bucket, like new, used very little, mounts to fit all JD 7000 tractors. 780-674-5516, 780-305-7152, Barrhead, AB
TELESCOPIC WHEEL LOADER Schaffer model 9330T, 130 HP, demo unit, 75 hrs, $95,000. Also new model 4360 and 2027. 1-888-746-2108, Fort MacLeod, AB., Morris, MB., JOHN DEERE 840 self-levelling loader with 9’ bucket and mounts for JD 7000 series, exc. cond, $10,000. Ph. 780-674-5516 or 780-305-7152, Barrhead, AB. DEGELMAN DOZER 6-way, 14’, NH 9682 mounts. Phone 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. D65E-6 KOMATSU w/ripper, 40% undercarriage, good shape, $23,000. 306-921-5230, Melfort, SK.
MF 235 FEL, high lift, dual cylinder, c/w ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Debale fork, exc., mounts on 2 WD easily, gelman equipment, land rollers, Straw$2500 OBO. 306-238-4509, Goodsoil, SK. master, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. RETIRED: CASE 1210 diesel tractor, 65 HP, 3 PTH, 3200 hrs., 1 owner, shedded, vg 1981 7580 ALLIS CHALMERS, runs, condition, $6500; CCIL 15’ SP swather, airdoesn’t drive, $3000 OBO; MORRIS CULT. cooled engine, shedded, $1500; Case 4 CP725 25’, good shape, $3000 OBO; MF b o t t o m p l o w, $ 4 0 0 . C a l l W i l l i a m , 852 combine, Victory PU, 1175 hrs, $1500 780-998-4577, Fort Saskatchewan, AB OBO. 306-634-2724, Macoun, SK. LEON MODEL 850 land scraper; Factory WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calv- brush guard for Degelman dozer; Computing/ foaling barn cameras, video surveil- er sprayer. Ron Wilson 306-592-2245, Bulance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, chanan, SK. combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . JOHN DEERE 1518 HD rotary mower, 15’ cut, triplex, 1000 PTO, $9500. Phone 403-616-6610, 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St.Louis, SK SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6 to 40 yards: Caterpillar, Allis Chalmers/ LaPlant, LeTourneau, etc., PT and direct mount LETOURNEAU 11 YD. PT industrial hyd. available. Cat #12 pull grader. Tires scraper, $16,500. Phone: 306-423-5983 available. 204-822-3797, Morden, MB. or 306-960-3000, St Louis, SK. DEGELMAN - PICKERS, LAND rollers, NEW IDEA #3639 manure spreader, w/2 Strawmaster, rock diggers, booked savbeaters, 390 bu; IH manure spreader w/2 i n g s . H e r g o t t F a r m E q u i p m e n t , beaters; Blanchard hydrolift, 50’, tine har- 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. row bar w/packers; Shop built hyd. post 1967 JD 4020 tractor, powershift; NH 358 pounder, new. 306-699-7109, Regina, SK. mixmill, bale feeder, loading auger, always shedded. 403-391-6485, Torrington, AB.
SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen, Smeaton, SK., ph/fax 306-426-2305. CUSTOM FENCING and corral building, no job too big or too small. 306-699-2327 or 306-699-7450, Qu’Appelle, SK.
whole yard - house, garage, shop, barn and for drying grain.
FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. CUSTOM FIREWOOD PROCESSING, max block length 22”, cut and split into rough pile. $75/cord, travel costs extra. Firewood for sale: Tamarack, Poplar and Pine. $175/cord, delivery extra. Nipawin, SK. Ph. 306-862-3086 or 306-862-7831. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer.
1 888 440 2700
WANTED: 12’ KELLO OFFSET DISC, good shape. Duncan 204-768-3206, Ashern, MB. WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS. Will pay top dollar and pick from anywhere. Cupar, SK. Email: or Phone 306-723-4875. WANTED: VERSATILE 835 tractor; 40’, deep tillage cultivator; 40’ Bourgault cultivator; Older air seeder under $7,000; Model 860 MF or JD 8820 combine. 306-344-4453, Paradise Hill, SK.
2011 $
Harvest Services Air Foil Chaffer CH1440 Harvest Services Air Foil Chaffer CH 1440 fits NH 36, 66, 68; NH CR 970, 9070; CX 8060, 8070; IH 8010, 8120, 9120. FOB Craik, SK.
Item #
Harvest Services Ltd Box 519 Craik, SK 306-734-2601
Burns coal or various other forms of fuel.
Call1for-877-695-2532 your nearest dealer
SEASONED SPRUCE SLAB firewood, one cord bundles, $67. October Special: buy one get one free. V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK.
OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE, Empyre 450, never used, warranty transferable, UNVERFERTH 275 wagon, c/w extensions, heats up to 8000 sq. ft. Saskatoon, SK. tarp, hyd. auger, $4500 OBO; 50’ Flexi-Coil Contact Pat 306-321-7372, 306-933-4285. 1994 MF 8460 combine 4463 hrs., conven- S82 tine harrow, AutoFold, excellent. Email: tional, Mercedes eng. $18,500; 1985 Case $4500 OBO. 780-352-3012, Gwynne, AB. 2390, duals, 6700 hrs., $14,300; 4700 CIH 31’ Vibra-Tiller, $2500; Bourgault Centurion II sprayer w/wind guards and foamer 800 gal. tank, $3900; 67’ Rite-Way BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy diharrows, $1200; 30’ JD 9350 Hoedrill WANTED: HIGH CLEARANCE sprayer 4640 rect, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, $2300; 2004 Ford F-350 315,000 kms S p r a - C o u p e o r A p a c h e . P h o n e Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also $9250; 65 HP 4 cyl. Mercury motor $2400 204-546-2739, Grandview, MB. available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, OBO 204-572-5250, Grandview, MB. WANTED: OLDER STYLE 16” Bergen auger. 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK. THE TRADITIONAL WAY of taking samples 306-375-2280, Kyle, SK. with a combine costs both time and money. A mini combine with the equipment of WANTED: JD 7810, low hrs, c/w FEL, 3 a big one - with its adjustable air intake, PTH; NH 1037 or 1036 bale wagon. Phone variable speed drive and interchangeable 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. concaves, the Minibatt is the ideal sam- WANTED: TR98 COMBINE with low hours. LONG OR SHORT wood (hay rack) log trailpling tool. It offers the producer highly 306-445-9933 or 306-246-4251, Mayfair, ers for sale. Call Gord 306-221-0464, Sasflexible organization during the busy har- SK. katoon, SK. vest periods. For more info call WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly trac204-312-0604, Genag Inc., Winkler, MB. tors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor 1997 CASE/IH 9370 4 WD, 5800 hrs., al- Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. ways shedded, very good shape; 1996 TR 98 with PU and spreaders, 4 WD, very WANTED: DOZER w/wo hydraulic angle good shape, shedded; 1991 8100 Hesston t o f i t 8 4 6 F o r d / Ve r s a t i l e . C a l l 25’ swather, with roller; 2002 Farm King 306-297-7274, Shaunavon, SK. auger with swing, 10x60; 1990 35’ 807 JOHN DEERE 216 or 214 lawn tractor, no d e e p t i l l e r w i t h 3 r o w m u l c h e r s . mower. 306-644-2115, Loreburn, SK. 204-389-2065, Winnipeg Beach, MB. WANTED: PTO WATER cannon. Phone FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS 306-441-4930, Delmas, SK. We also specialize in: Crop insurance apForklifts and Parts peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, New and Used Custom operator issues; Equipment mal- prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. All makes and models Back-Track Investigations for assistance WANTED: VALMAR pull type granular apregarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. p l i c a t o r. P h o n e 3 0 6 - 4 7 8 - 2 4 5 6 o r Ph Marie @ VERSATILE #10 low acre swather; Morris 306-264-7612, Mankota, SK. or e mail 36’ rodweeder; 80-14 SeedRite; Two M11 WANTED: TANDEM DISC in good cond., hoe drills; Allied 50’ diam. harrows; Co-op w/rubber tire transport, 24’ or smaller, 1998 LULL TELESCOPING forklift, 36’ 30’ harrows, box new tines to fit; 2 elec. less than 8” disc spacing. 306-532-4720, reach, $18,000. 306-435-8008, Wapella, pencil augers; 1963 MF Super 92 SP; 1956 Whitewood, SK. SK. Chev 3 ton truck, vg V8 motor; 1973 low acre IH 715 SP combine, vg, $1800. WANTED: DOZER BLADE for Steiger P325, 306-955-2036 (owner). To view call 39” frame. 403-577-2474, Sedalia, AB. 306-334-2785 - 8-8:30 AM, Abernethy, SK. WANTED: WHEEL WEIGHTS to fit 2290 USED EQUIPMENT: Brent 1082, $38,500; Case tractor. Phone 306-449-2253, Stornew Parker 739, $26,900; JD 8300, thoaks, SK. MFWD, $79,500; JD 9650W, 1700 sep. WANTED: SMALLER AIR seeder, 24’-28’, hrs, $85,900; JD 630F and 2- 635F’s. preferably set up for a one pass operation. Please visit us at or call Must be in working cond. 306-365-0105 or Shelton 701-330-7401, Carman, MB. 306-636-2996, Hamiota, MB.
Efficient heating for the
25 KW PTO generator w/shaft, $4500; 30 KW nat. gas Genset, low hrs, $5500; 400 KW Cat 379, heat exchanger cooled, $6000; 415 KW JD new, 347/600 volt, $59,000; 1000 KW Mitsubishi on trailer, BIRD WATCHERS CALL To The Far North! $95,000. 403-912-3555, Airdrie, AB. Bird stands and natural locations available. 35 KW, 3 phase, 440 volt generator, 4 cyl. Year round bird and wildlife watching. d s l . , e n c l o s e d , c / w f u e l t a n k . Tree stands, ground blinds, and natural locations available. North Western Sas306-896-2894, Churchbridge, SK. katchewan. Ron Kisslinger 306-822-2256 or email:
WANTED: OLD GALVANIZED OR TIN BATHTUB. Phone 306-665-0085, Saskatoon, SK.
NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB.
WELD YOUR OWN panels, 10’ and 12’ panels from 1 1/4” pipe, all pipe sheared to length for easy flat welding. $48/10’ flat bar panel, $54/10’ 6 bar panel, $56/12’ 5 bar panel, $63/12’ 6 bar panel. Del. avail. 780-872-0067, Canwood, SK. TUBING: 1-1/2”, 2-3/8”, 2-7/8”, 3-1/2”. Sucker rod, 3/4”, 7/8”, 1” plain or scraper type. Other pipe avail. 1-800-661-7858, 780-842-5705, Wainwright, AB.
GRAIN/PELLET BURNING STOVES, Grain Burning and Wood Burning outdoor furnaces. Prairie Fire Grain Energy, Bruno, SK. Ph. 306-369-2825.
2-7/8” OILFIELD TUBING, $30/joint, 2-3/8” dual lined tubing, $20/joint. Truckload quantities only. 306-861-1280, Weyburn, SK.
LEGEND OUTDOOR COAL furnaces, pipe OIL WELL TUBE: 2-3/8” or 2-7/8” $31, insulation, heat coils, great prices, imme- 3-1/2” $39. Rod: 3/4” $5. Delivery in diate delivery. 780-375-3739, Rosalind AB western Canada. Phone 1-888-792-6283. OUTDOOR WOOD AND COAL water furnac- 8 LENGTHS, 8”x20’ tubing, $10/ft., half es: Heatmore, Global, Firetrac, propane price. Call 306-493-3167, 306-493-7772, and nat. gas boilers. Complete line of un- Delisle, SK. derslab heating supplies, insulated pipe a n d p u m p s . I n s t a l l at i o n ava i l a b l e . 780-842-2927, Wainwright, AB. 2002 COALMAN OUTDOOR coal burning furnace, 400,000 BTU, includes water THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving manifold and circulating pumps. Call water? Pumping units, 6” to 10” alum. 306-449-2412 evenings, Storthoaks, SK. pipe; Also Wanted: 6” to 10” pipe. Call Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years COLEMAN 450,000 BTU coal boiler in a of experience, not a Dealer. Email: building on a skid plate w/2000 bu. bin at- tached. 306-445-5602, North Battleford SK HOME OF THE ELECTROGATOR II. Renke centre pivots, lateral pivots, minigators, traveling guns and new and used pumps. Can design your system and install. Phone 306-858-7351 Lucky Lake, SK.
GENERAC 175 KW generator, natural gas RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic pivfuel, winter enclosure, 277/480 V, 263 ots/ Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable amp, 3-phase, ideal stand-by unit for large irrigation, spare parts/ accessories, new operation or use for peak load applications and used equip. Custom designs to solve and keep demand rate down. Will deliver your specific irrigation needs. This is the to AB, SK or MB. $32,000. 403-357-7549, WANTED: 2- 18’ PU reels to fit 36’ Honey- Lacombe, AB. 30th Anniversary for Rain Maker. For exBee header. Ph. 306-237-4212, Perdue SK. perience you can trust call: 306-867-9606 DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, Outlook SK. 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, JD, Deutz. We also build IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8”, custom gensets. We currently have special 4 cyl. dsl, 600-1000 gal/min, very effiONE TIME FENCING, sucker rod fence pricing on new 90 KW Perkins units. Call cient. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB posts for sale. 1-877-542-4979 AB or SK for pricing 204-792-7471, Winnipeg, MB. 1-888-252-7911. WESTERN IRRIGATION LTD. your CadLOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high man travelling big gun dealer. Let us help CUSTOM FENCING with rubber track Mo- quality generator systems. Quality diesel you drain those sloughs and lagoons. We rooka, or self-propelled Heavy Hitter generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven can change solids to liquids in your lapounder. Contact Parkside Farm & Ranch, alternators, automatic / manual switch goons. We buy and sell used equipment. K e n n e d y, S K . 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 7 1 - 4 4 8 7 o r gear, and commercial duty Sommers PowCall 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK. ermaster and Sommers / Winco portable 306-577-7694, generators and Home standby packages. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. See Custom 74 years of reliable service. Contact SomW o r k . C a l l 3 0 6 - 3 2 9 - 4 4 8 5 , mers Generator Systems for all your gen306-222-8197, Asquith, SK. Email: erator requirements at 1-800-690-2396. Email: Online: 1/4” TO 1/2” used wire rope suitable for fencing; also 1/4” stainless steel available. 2000 WACKER G25 KW portable genera403-237-8575, Calgary, AB. tor, new engine in 2007, 500 hrs, 8300 hrs WANTED: CASE 446 Lawn tractor with MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. on Genset, very well maintained, $10,000 SASK. DEALER FOR Decker coal boil- good motor. 306-421-3955, Estevan, SK. ers. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. Visit us at: OBO. 306-883-2049, Spiritwood, SK. Also see section #3560 Custom Work. NEW HEAVY DUTY ROTARY MOWERS- 7’ $3299, 10’ pull type, $6299, 10’ 3 PTH, GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence $4599 (only 1 left!). Also avail. 5’ mower posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner $1265, finishing mowers and tillers. Call Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n your nearest Flaman store or call 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. 1-888-435-2626 Ideal for Heating: SPEEDRITE electric fencers and accesso• Garages ries. Protech Post Pounders. Lamb • Wood Shops Acres, 306-725-4820, • Farm Shops Bulyea, SK. • Cattle Barns 5 x 1 0 P O RTA B L E C O R R A L PA N E L S HANG ON starting at $55. 403-226-1722, 1-866-517For all your 8335, Calgary, AB, LOOKOUT STOCK FARM Black Angus disAgri-Trade Heating & Plumbing persal, November 9th, 2011. Olds Cow PalShow Specials JK CUSTOM FENCING. We build and/or ace. Olds, AB. 78 bred cows, 22 bred heifrepair barbed wire, page wire, high tensile Nov. 9, 10, 11, 12 ers, 1 Herdbull, plus semen selling. and/or corral work. Call Jeb for pricing, McMullens Refrigeration & Heating Ltd. Foundation Canadian Angus genetics. For 306-961-8246 306-749-3440 Birch Hills SK more information contact Roy Bjorklund at CLEARVIEW 209 37428 RANGE ROAD 273 2-7/8” STEEL FENCE post for game fenc780-835-1130 or Shane Castle at CastleINDUSTRIAL PARK RED DEER COUNTY, AB T4G 0A1 i n g , c u t t i n g a n d d e l i ve r y ava i l a b l e . rock Marketing at 306-741-7485. View 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. catalogue: www ww w. mcmu mull mu llen ll ens en s.
B red C ow S ale
Char,Red,Angus Cows Cows bred (reds,trans,whites) Sim m & Char. bred Red Angus. This sale is open.To consign cows call
Whitewood Livestock at 306-735-2822 For m ore inform ation please callor check our website at for m ore inform ation and pictures on this or other upcom ing cow sales. 500+ FANTASTIC FEMALES sell Dec 19, 2011, Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, SK. 50 AI’d to Final Answer; 225 Blacks, 75 BWF; 100 Simmental cross; 100 Red Angus. Ranch raised top-end heifers, 1000 to 1300 lbs. Bred for April/May calving to Angus bulls. Sale online: Call: Deer Range Farms, 306-773-7964, 306-773-9109 or 306-773-9872.
BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Year- 100 RED ANGUS BRED HEIFERS bred to lings and two year olds, semen tested, Red Angus bulls due to calve April 1st. guaranteed breeders, delivery available. 780-753-6788, 780-753-8650, Provost, AB 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.
HILL COUNTRY CLASSIC Shorthorn Sale, Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011, 1:00 PM CST at Matlock Farm, Lloydminster, SK. 30 lots. Herdsire and heifer calf prospects, bred heifers. View YouTube video and catalogue 230 RED/BLACK Angus heifers bred to PUREBRED BULLS for sale, polled, quiet, at: Contact registered Black Angus bulls. View a ‘Pen good disposition. 204-826-2661, Rapid us at: 306-825-2674. of 10’ at Farm Fair, Northlands, Edmonton, City, MB. AB. Nov. 11th and 12th. Calving: Apr/May 780-971-3794, Dixonville AB. BRED HEIFERS: 25 purebred, bred purePUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, bred heifers, replacement heifers COWS AND HEIFERS bred to polled bulls; bred; 15 purebred, bred Red Angus; 15 Red Angus/Simmental, bred Red Angus. heifer and bull calves; 1 and 2 yr. old bulls, and second calvers, A1 Service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140, Saska- horned and polled. 403-845-5763, Rocky 306-441-5915, 306-445-6221, Battleford. Mtn House, AB. toon, SK. BRED YEARLING HEIFERS on offer from Western Angus and JM Bar Cattle Co. 74 Black heifers, 23 Black Baldy heifers, 62 Red heifers. Exposed May 9th to Aug. 1st to Black Angus bulls. Asking $1750 OBO. Contact Wes 403-653-4075 or John 403-626-4486, Hill Spring, AB.
S ho w a t11:00 a .m . No ve m b e r 11, 2011 8 RED YEARLING South Devon bulls for sale. These are thick bulls with great top lines and hindquarters. Low birth weights and birth EPD’s. Buy your two year old bull this fall and we will give you a winter feeding discount. Sampson McGregor Stock Farm, Iron River, AB. Phone 780-826-7077 or
100 POLLED HEREFORD COWS, excellent quality, 1st to 5th calvers. Phone Bill at 306-736-2952, Kipling, SK.
HERD DISPERSAL: 60 commercial horned Hereford cows, calving April 1st to 12 PUREBRED BRED Black Angus cows, Black Angus and horned Hereford bulls, calving mid March, var. ages, easy calving. asking $1500 each. Call David Melnyk Sigrid Farms, 306-322-4785, Archerwill SK 306-233-4813, Domremy, SK.
FOR SALE: GROUP OF QUALITY foundation building bred heifers. Elwood Smith, Linwood Angus, Nokomis, SK. 306-528-4422. FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. COMPLETE DISPERSAL of 250 Black Angus Cows and quota needed. We buy all classand Black Angus/Hereford cross cows to es of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F FOUR GOOD QUALITY bred full blood SimO N E S TO P calf March 20th, $1400. 204-449-2020, Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. mental cows, dark red with pigment, calvPhone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. Moosehorn, MB. CATTLE FIN AN CIN G ing late January 2012. $8,000 for package, I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S firm. 306-221-9266, Saskatoon, SK. 48 BLACK ANGUS bred cows calving May M BC, ALBER TA, S AS K. NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. To1, bred to Red Angus. Efficient producers. tal Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York “ Fa rm e rs He lping Fa rm e rs ” DL Ranch, 306-532-4334, Wapella, SK. 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. 51 BLACK ANGUS and 17 Red Angus SELLING 1 HOLSTEIN heifer due to calve bred heifers due to calve April 1 to June end of April/beginning May; Also selling 1 15th. Bred to easy caving Black Angus Holstein Jersey cross. Ph. 306-239-4621 LIV ESTO C K C O - O P bulls. Approx. 1000 lb. average. Call leave message, Saskatoon, SK. Bred cow program ! 780-971-2422, Dixonville, AB SELLING 18 MONTH registered Holstein Feeder Program ! bull. Sure breeder. Ashlar, son from exc. dam, $1500. Harry Martens, Toll Free 1-8 66-8 48 -6669 COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL for D- 306-239-4902, 306-222-0322, Osler, SK. No Res triction s ; Pu rcha s e a n d Bar Angus. Sunday, Nov. 6, 1:00 PM. m a rk etin g - You rchoice Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB. Selling w w w.foothills lives 130 head of Red and Black Angus, semen and embryos. Ph 204-858-2310 or email BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. Roc k y M ou n ta in Hou s e , AB View catalogue at Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, view video at Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. SRED ANGUS has 2011 registered heifSELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside er calves for sale. Sires include Lancer, Net BRED COWS AND HEIFER calves. 90 to Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, Worth, Toast, Make My Day. Jack Sam- choose from. 780-875-1149, Lloydminster, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. brook, Milestone, SK. 306-436-4556. SK. COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL for D- Bar Angus. Sunday, Nov. 6, 1:00 PM. 50 RED ANGUS heifers, no brand, bred to Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB. Selling Red Angus, all vaccinated, bulls turned out CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU Association. 130 head of Red and Black Angus, semen June 1st. 306-395-2652, Chaplin, SK. Power, performance and profit. For info on and embryos. Ph 204-858-2310 or email Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, View catalogue at RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings gary, AB. or view video at and two year olds, semen tested, teed breeders, delivery available. Website: COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL: Includes Ph 306-287-3900, 50 purebred and fullblood cows; March 140 ‘ONE IRON’ commercial Angus cows. 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. 2010 bulls, performance and semen testClosed herd for 30 years. Bred Angus and ed; 2011 heifer and bull calves and 2011 Angus/Simmental hybrid. Productive, COMING 3 YR. old Red Angus herdsire, 4-H prospect steer calves. Breeders of quiet, and structurally sound. Ph./email son of Red Towaw Indeed 104H, calving quality Maines since 1975. Falloon’s Main403-741-2099, ease. Little D Ranch 306-845-2406, Turtle- A n j o u , C a r m a n a n d L a u r a F a l l o o n , Website: ford, SK. 204-842-5180, 204-773-0435, Birtle, MB.
THE D EC IS ION IS S TIL L B L A C K A ND W HITE! Speckle Park Wins Quality Beef at Stampede again 2011! Farm fair International Edm onton,AB
HILL COUNTRY CLASSIC Speckle Park Sale, Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011, 1:00 PM CST at Matlock Farm, Lloydminster, SK. 21 lots. 4-H steer, herdsire and heifer calf prospects and bred heifers. Contact us at: 306-825-2674. View YouTube video and catalogue at:
Agribition,Regina,SK NATIONAL SHOW & SALE a t9:00 a .m . & Na tio n a l S a le a t5:00 p.m No ve m b e r 23 , 2011 S a le c a ta lo gu e a tw w w .b u ya gro .co m THE CANADIAN SPECKLE PARK ASSOCIATION Offic e a t403 -946-463 5 w w na d ia ns p ecklep a WESTERN ELITE SPECKLE PARK SALE, Sat. Oct. 29, 2011 1:00 PM at Notta Ranch, Neilburg, SK. Offering proven cows, bred heifers, heifer calves, embryos, semen, prospect show heifers and steers. For a catalogue or more info contact Jason Goodfellow 306-893-4620 or T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. 306-220-5006. PL#116061. View catalogue online:
COMPLETE COW HERD DISPERSAL: 190 spring calvers, plus 75 fall calvers. All cows home raised, age verified, young Tarentaise cows. Prefer to sell as a herd for $1250 each or lots of 50 at $1450 each. Contact Ken 204-568-4651, Miniota, MB.
ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Assoc. 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more information. TEXAS LONGHORN Fall Select Production and Consignment Sale, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2011, 1 PM, Crossroads Centre, Oyen, AB. On offer Registered, Commercial and cross breds. Contact Ron Walker 403-548-6684, 403-528-0200, Redcliffe AB
Fancy Bred Hfr s .
S ELLIN G YO UR CATTLE IS AS EAS Y AS A P HO N E CALL • Ca ttle p u rcha s ed in fou r w es tern p rovin ces • Flexible w eig h con d ition s a n d loca tion s • O p tion ofreta in ed ow n ers hip • No herd too big ors m a ll • No tru ck in g cos ts • No com m is s ion s • No s ortin g forg en d er CALL TIM to price yo u rca ttle to d a y
Highw a y 2 1 Feed ers
180 COWS w/CALVES, high bred Simm/ 1.403.546.2 705 Ext. 8 Black Angus, 3 to 8 years old, reputation TO TA L SELLER herd. Will sell as a unit. 306-457-2935, SATISFA C TIO N IN 2 0 10 Stoughton, SK. 75 COWS, avg. 3 to 8 yrs. old, mixed breeds, $1250 gate run, bred Simmental o r R e d A n g u s . 3 0 6 - 7 4 7 - 2 7 7 6 o r 58 BRED HEIFERS: 31 Black and black BRF, 27 Red and Red Baldie and Tans. Bred 306-747-7836, Shellbrook, SK. to easy calving Angus bulls. Contact Kevin HERD DISPERSAL: Approx. 80 Charolais McCutcheon at 306-668-4200 or Frank Gecross bred cows. Due to calve March/12. rich at 306-242-0219, Saskatoon, SK. Bred to Angus and Charolais bulls. Can pasture until snowfall. Selling due to TWO HERD DISPERSALS: 90 tan red and health. 204-372-6005 leave message, black cows, 2-7 yrs. old, bred Charolais, Red and Black Angus. Calve April 1st. 55 204-739-6323 cell, Fisher Branch, MB. tan and red cows, 2-7 years old, bred 30 FANCY BLACK SIMMENTAL/ANGUS Charolais and Red Angus. Calve March 15. cross heifers due to start calving March $ 1 3 0 0 t a k e s a l l . $ 1 4 0 0 p i c k . 25th. Bred to proven calving ease Black 306-642-4949, Wood Mountain, SK. bull. Call 306-634-9957, Macoun, SK. 90 BLACK black baldy heifers, bred to PB DISPERSING COMMERCIAL HERD: 100 Black Angus bulls, bulls out June 1 to July bred cows, calving April 1. Bred Charolais, 26th, ultrasound preg. checked Sept 12th. $1250; 100 bred heifers, calving April 1, Phizer health plan. Asking $1500 ea. Bred Red and Black Angus, $1500. Hal- 306-658-4900, 306-948-7257, Landis, SK. brite, SK. 306-458-7873 or 306-458-2688. 500 BRED COWS, Red Angus/Simmental 150 BLACK and Red Angus good quality cross, ages 2-9, bred to calve in May and young bred cows. 306-773-1049, Swift June. Leaseback option available. Kerkain Current, SK. Farms, 2008 Simmental Commercial HERD REDUCTION: 15 red and black Breeder of the Year. Contact Vince StevenSimmental, good producing cows; Also 4 son at 306-297-7950, Shaunavon, SK. r e d b r e d y e a r l i n g h e i f e r s . C a l l 100 PLUS BRED HEIFERS, Simmental 306-374-7788, Saskatoon, SK. heifers bred Red Angus. Simmental/ Red 80 RED HEIFERS, 80 black heifers, 50 Angus bred Black Angus. Also major cow Bronco faced heifers, bulls out June 20, herd reduction, mainly bred Simmental. All one iron cattle. Selling to due to health asking $1300. 306-935-2058, Milden, SK. reasons. 3J Simmental Farms, Lintlaw, SK, 30 BRED HEIFERS, most Red Angus cross, 306-325-4622 res., 306-327-8005 cell. bulls out June 15, preg checked. Call Clark 125 BRED Red Angus cross heifers, bred 306-441-2550 after 4 PM, Mayfair, SK. Red Angus, good uniform bunch, vaccinat21 HAND PICKED Black Baldy heifers bred ed and ultrasounded in calf. April 10th to low birthweight bull, March and April calving date. 306-355-2700, Mortlach, SK. calving. 306-631-1282, Caron, SK. CATTLE FINANCING available for feedCOMPLETE COW HERD DISPERSAL: er cattle and bred heifers/cows. Com190 spring calvers, plus 75 fall calvers. All petitive interest rates. Call Marjorie cows home raised, age verified, young Ta- Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance rentaise cows. Prefer to sell as a herd for Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. $1250 each or lots of 50 at $1450 each. HERD DISPERSAL: 150 good quality Contact Ken 204-568-4651, Miniota, MB. Simm cross cows and heifers, 3rd generaCOMMERCIAL HERD DISPERSAL: 90 red tion cowherd, mostly blaze faced and gooand RBF cows, 40 black, BWF cows 2-7 gle-eyed, to go late fall. 30 PB all red, bred years old, to start calving April 15th bred to starting calving Feb. 1. 306-981-4567, to Red Angus bulls. 70 red and RBF heifers 306-922-8335, Shellbrook, SK. bred Red Angus, start calving March 1st. On Phizer Gold vaccination program and APPROX. 120 HEAD OF SIMMENTAL Ivomeced, preg checked. $1500 you pick HEIFERS, bred Red Angus, majority are or $1400 takes all. T Bar K Ranch, Wawota, red blaze faced and solid red, with a few tan white faced, remaining are traditional SK, Kevin 306-739-2944 or 306-577-9861. Simmental type. Due to start calving Jan 17 COW/CALF PAIRS, commercial herd, 21st. Heifers will be preg checked and can later calves, rebred Angus; 30 bred young- pasture until 1st week of Nov. $1500 or er cows, bred Angus. 306-382-3770, Sas- pick in groups of 10 for $1550. Shannon katoon, SK. at: 780-542-7630, Brad at: 780-352-1088, Drayton Valley, AB. MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. Visit us at: 250 ANGUS PAIRS, 100 bred Angus cows, 306-335-7875, Lemberg, SK. Also see section #3560 Custom Work.
8 :00 AM - 5:00 PM PH: 403 -3 8 1-3 700 | After 5:00 PM PH: 403 -3 8 1-3 78 6 o r 403 -3 8 2-9 9 9 8
1-8 00-440-26 9 4. w w w .rka n im a lsu m
WANTED: 300 cows to feed November 1 for the winter at Milden, SK. 306-935-2058 for details. WILL WINTER ANY number of cows. Lots of experience. Prefer Angus/ Angus cross. Price negotiable. 306-246-4468 Richard SK WANTED: UP TO 100 cows to winter feed and calve out in the spring. Lots of feed. 306-944-2113 for more info. Guernsay, SK.
100 RED ANGUS/SIMMENTAL cross cows. $1400/cow. Ages 3-8 years. Bred for OVERWINTER YOUR COWS or pregnant March/April calving. Call 306-743-5372, heifers in Southern Alberta with its milder leave message. Langenburg, SK. winters! Good facilities available. Prices negotiable. Call 403-739-2608 for more in40 RED, 50 tan, crossbred heifers, from formation. Enchant, AB. long established herd with numerous Agribition wins, bred June 25th to Red Angus. WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For Dave Smith 306-528-4532, Lockwood, SK. bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat ProcesHERD DISPERSAL: 150 white, tan, red sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. and black cows, bred Char., start calving end of March. $1000 each for all, U pick $1150. Will winter and calve out. Shawn Mulvena, 306-476-2536, Rockglen, SK.
C om m erc ia l C a ttle Pen S how & S a le - Fri N ov 4 S toc k Dog T ria ls – W ed N ov 2- T hu N ov 3 Ra nc h Hors e C om petition & S a le a nd 2 Yea r Old Pros pec t S how & S a le – S a t N ov 5
N ov 3 – N ov 5, 2011 Llo yd m in sterExhib itio n G ro u n d s Co n ta ct: 306- 82 5- 5571 w w w .llo yd m
HORSE SALE Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Thurs., Nov. 3. Tack sells 2:00 PM, Horses sell 4:00 PM. All classes accepted to sale time. Ph. 306-693-4715. PL #914447.
15 EXCELLENT QUALITY Black Angus cross replacement heifers from excellent milking mothers. 306-329-4382, Asquith, SK. 80 BRED COWS, Reds, RBF and RWF, bred Angus and Horned Hereford, bulls out July 15th. Full herd health, $1200 takes all, $1250 pick. 306-768-3352, Carrot River SK
CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse Sale, Sat., Nov. 5th. Tack at 10:30, Horses at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of colts must have a completed EID. Go to the website to get the form. For more info contact 306-424-2967.
36 BLACK AND Black cross heifers, bred Black Angus. 306-825-3538, Lloydminster, SK. 56 SIMMENTAL/ RED Angus cross cows, bred Simm., due to start calving end of March, 2012. 306-747-3721, Holbein, SK
REG. HAFLINGERS, silver classified stallion, 3 mares, 2 yearlings and a beautiful 2011 colt. 306-335-2947, Lemberg, SK.
24 BRITISH CROSS heifers. Excellent quality, preg checked. Erwin Lehmann, Rosthern, SK. 306-232-4712. 500 BRED COW Dispersal, $1600/head, blacks and reds, preg tested, herd health program: 8-way, Cattlemaster, Ivomec, Scourguard annually. Call 250-567-9423, Vanderhoof, BC. 35 BLACK CROSS bred heifers, bred black Angus. Pick from 50. Start calving April 1st. Farm raised, herd health program in place, $1450 gate run, $1500 u-pick. Call Ian 306-246-4544, Richard, SK. COWS FOR RENT, lease or custom feed and calve out. 306-264-3748, Gravelbourg, SK. 75 HEREFORD CROSS RED ANGUS RED BALDY bred heifers, mid April calving. All heifers are M.C. Quantock sired, bred to Red Angus heifer bulls, average birthwe i g h t 6 8 l b s . C a l l H a r v Ve r i s h i n e 306-283-4666, Langham, SK.
21st ANNUAL EDAM FALL FAIR, Oct. 28 and 29th, 2011. Friday: People’s Choice cow/calf pair (new class) 6:00 PM. Saturday: Pancake breakfast 7:00 AM. Show starts 9:30 AM. Sale to follow. Classes: Rancher’s Choice steer, prospect steer, rancher’s choice open replacement heifer, prospect heifer, pens of open heifers, bred heifers and purebred bulls. Beef on a Bun lunch 11:00 AM. Saturday night entertainment by 3 Stars Senior Hockey Team. Be sure to see the haunted house in Edam. Info: David Latendresse 306-397-2704 or Mitch Stuart 306-397-2260, Edam, SK.
FOR SALE: Draft Weanling Mules. Phone 306-453-2843, Carlyle, SK.
2002 REG. RED DUN STALLION, $2000; Herd dispersal, buggy, sleigh, harness, saddles. 204-937-8772, Roblin, MB.
10 REG. PERCHERON MARES IN FOAL, o n e r e g . b l a c k Pe r c h e r o n s t a l l i o n . 204-845-2540, Elkhorn, MB. REGISTERED PERCHERON TEAM, 11 yr. old black mares, drove in parades, wedding and sleigh rides. Used to traffic and chores. Chrome spotted parade harness available. 306-697-2931, Grenfell, SK.
100 HOME RAISED Black and Red Angus young bred cows. 204-525-2446, Minitonas, MB.
400 BRED ANGUS cows, from award winning commercial ranch, to start calving April 20. Can keep until mid November. 83- 3-5 YEAR OLD COWS. Bred to Red L e a s e b a c k o p t i o n p r e f e r r e d . Angus, 70% are Black Angus, also various 204-564-2033, Inglis, MB. others available. Bred to calve mid-April. For info call 204-851-1856, Reston, MB. RED ANGUS cross bred heifers, full herd C U S TO M C AT T L E F E E D I N G , backh e a l t h p r o g r a m , $ 1 5 0 0 . P h o n e grounding, finishing and bred cattle. 306-731-2943, Lumsden, SK. 403-631-2373, 403-994-0581, Olds, AB. HERD DISPERSAL: 180 Charolais Angus WANTED: 50 to 60 head of cows to feed cross cows, bred Charolais, will keep until for winter. Call 306-846-4834, Dinsmore, e n d o f N o v e m b e r , $ 1 3 0 0 e a . SK. 306-429-2820, Glenavon, SK. WILL WINTER COWS, backgrounding HERD DISPERSAL- Due to health. 200 also available. Call for rates. Cam 15th ANNIVERSARY Medicine Hat Exhibitan, white, red and black cows, good 306-482-3224, or Eric 306-717-8905, tion and Stampede BEEF PEN SHOW, records kept. 306-245-3311, Weyburn, SK. Carnduff, SK. December 16th and 17, 2011. Commercial and Purebred Classes, 4-H, plus a CASH added Steer Jackpot. Enter on-line at Stock Trailers or 403-527-1234.
AQHA GELDINGS, 4 yr. old buckskin started heading and heeling; 3 yr. old blue roan, trailing and roping the lead steer; 9 yr. old ranch Paint gelding. 306-962-3210, 306-962-7638, Eston, SK. REGISTERED 4 YR. OLD Grulla gelding, 15 HH, used on pasture and in feedlot, would make an excellent family ranch horse; Also Grade, 10 yr. old, Red Dun, 15.2 HH, used on pasture and feedlot. 403-701-1548, Standard, AB. CUSTOM TRAINING. Colt starting, ranch horse training, and problem horses. Also training working stock dogs. Call Rick 306-860-7537, Outlook, SK.
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Thu r N o v 3 - S im m en ta l, S p eck le Pa rk , Red A n g u s , Bla ck A n g u s w ith the S to ck a d e L a d y Heifer Ja ck po t S ho w Fri N o v 4 - Polled Hereford , Horn ed Hereford , S horthorn , Cha rola is , Lim ou s in w ith the K in g o f the Rin g Bu ll Ja ck po t & S u prem e Cha m pio n S ho w s / 888-948-6660
The simple solution to direct your grain auger or conveyor into the bin. Special magnets hold the camera onto the auger tube. This infrared camera allows up to 32 feet of visibility in the dark. FOB Unity, SK.
P ureb red S how s over 2 d a ys w ith s pecia l UFA Fea ture S how S eries :
100 COWS with Aug./Sept. calves at foot; 75 bred cows due end of Jan. and Feb. All from a closed herd w/Fleckvieh Simmental Angus influence. Starting at $1500. 306-896-2366, Langenburg, SK.
Magnetic Camera Package
Item #
2011 $
All hfrs o n c o m ple te he rd he a lth GUARAN TEED QUAL ITY S ATIS FACTION ON THES E S UPREM E FEM AL ES . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n ca ll S teve a t
fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers a n d b la d es . N EW RK PURE gro o m in g p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e
from $12,757 Fall Trailer Service
* 350 Red An gu s hfrs Bred Red An gu s Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t Bu lls Pu lled Au g 10th Price $175 0.00 Vo lu m e Dis co u n t ~ Hfrs L o ca ted in Cen tra l Alb erta ~ * 135 On e Iro n Red An gu s hfrs Bred Blk An gu s Bu lls in Ju n e 15th Bu lls Pu lled Au g.15th Price $16 5 0.00 * 140 Ho m e Ra is ed No Iro n Blk Hfrs Bred Blk An gu s Bu lls in Ju n e 15th Bu lls Pu lled Au g. 15th Price $16 5 0.00 * 200 Blk An gu s hfrs Bred Blk An gu s Bu lls in Ju n e 15th Bu lls Pu lled Au g. 15th * 200 Blk An gu s hfrs Bred Blk An gu s Bu lls in Ju ly 1s t Bu lls Pu lled Au g. 30th Price $16 5 0.00 ~ Hfrs lo ca ted in Ou tlo o k S K . ~
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30 in stock loaded stock # B1760 starting at $17,995
2012 SPORT UTILITIES 13-2012 BUICK ENCLAVES Starting at stock #C1009......$40,995 10-2012 GMC ACADIA’S Starting at stock #C1028......$34,995 4-2012 GMC ACADIA DENALI’S Starting at stock #C1053 MSRP $60,300. Sale price ..............$53,995
5-2011 CHEV TREVERSE AED’S Starting at stock #B1885.............. $33,995 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLE-1 FWD Loadedw hite................................ $26,995
4-2011 CHEV EQUINOX AWD’S Starting at stock #B1650................ $7,995 2011 GMC YUKON SLT REG WB 4WD Loaded, Sunroof DVD, Rear Camera, Black with Ebony Leather. MSRP $71,155. Sale price ........... $59,995 2011 GMC YUKON XL AWD 1500 DENALI 6.2L V8, Loaded, Sunroof, Rear DVD, Nav., with voice recognition, 3rd Row DVD, Side Blind Zone Alert, Rear Camera, White Diamond w/Ebony Leather. MSRP $83,720. Sale Price ........... $71,995
15-2011 GMC REG CAB 2WDS Starting at stock #B1791.............. $17,995 10-2011 GMC & CHEV REG CAB 4X4S Starting at stock #B1629.............. $22,995 2011 GMC SLE 1500 4WD REG. CAB S/BOX 5.3 V8, Loaded, Black with Ebony cloth. MSRP $42,675. Sale Price ........... $31,995 1 - MORE 2011 CHEV SILVERADO S/BOX 4X4 Loaded, Re d ................................. $32,495
2011 3/4 TON R/CAB 4X4 2011 CHEV SILVERADO LT 3/4T R/CAB 4X4 Duramax Diesel, Allison Auto, Loaded, Silver. MSRP $58,445. Sale Price .. $48,995
2011 CHEV & GMC 2500 H.D. EXT. CAB 4X4S
10-2011 CHEV & GMC 2500 H.D. 4WD EXT CABS Duramax Diesels. Starting at stock #B 1102 ............................... $49,995 5-2011 COLORADO AND CANYON EXTENDED CABS AND CREWCABS Starting at stock #B1666.............. $22,995
2011 EXT CAB + CREWCAB 4WDS 1500
12-2011 CHEV & GMC 1500 EXT CAB 4X4S Starting at stock #B1391.............. $25,995 70-2011 CHEV & GMC 1500 CREWCAB 4X4S Starting at stock #B1373.............. $27,995
2011 CREWCAB 1500 2WD 2011 GMC SLE 1500 2WD CREWCAB 5.3L V8, Loaded, Silver with Ebony, cloth interior ......................................... $28,995
2011 - TON CAB & CHASSIS 2WDS 2011 GMC SIERRA 3500 H.D. 2WD REG CAB & CHASSIS 6.0L V8, 6 Spd. Auto, A/C/T, PL, 161.5” WB, 84.9 C/A Dual Rear Wheels, 13,200 GVW, White ............................................ $31,995 2011 GMC SIERRA 3500 H.D. 4WD REG CAB Cab & Chassis, Duramax Diesel, Allison Auto, A/C/T, PL, Dual Rear Wheels, 13,2000 # GVW, White. 2-In Stock MSRP $56,890 Sale Price ..................................... $45,995 3 - 2011 GMC 3500 H.D. (1-TON) CAB & CHASSIS Starting at stock #B1869 ............... $32,995
2011 1-TON (H.D. 3500) CAB & CHASSIS
2011 GMC SIERRA SLE 3500 H.D. 4WD “Big Dooley Crewcab” Duramax Diesel, Loaded, White, Ebony Cloth interior. MSRP $66,820. Sale Price ........... $54,995 2-More with leather, loaded 1-white, 1-silver MSRP $66,820. Sale Price .........$59,995 2011 GMC SIERRA SLE 3500 H.D. 4WD Crewcab, SRW, L.W.B., Duramax Diesel, Loaded, White with Ebony Cloth. MSRP $67,135. Sale Price ........... $54,995 2011 CHEV SILVERADO LT 2500 H.D. EXT CAB 4X4 S.W.B., 6.0L V8, Loaded, White with Ebony Cloth. MSRP $51,915. Sale Price.. $41,995 50 - 2011 CHEV & GMC 3/4 + 1 TON 4WD CREWCAB DURAMAX Diesels. Starting at stock #B1498 .. $50,995 3-MORE WITH 6.0L V8’S Starting at stock #B1878 ............... $42,995
2011 CHEV SILVERADO 3500 H.D. REG CAB WT 6.0L V8, 6 Spd. Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, Locking Diff., 84.9” C/A, 161.5” WB, 13,200 GVW, White. 3-In Stock. MSRP $44,140. Sale Price .......... $33,995
2011 CHEV AVALANCHE LTZ 4WD CREWCAB 5.3L V-8, Loaded, 10” Alum wheels, sunroof, DVD & Nav., Rear Camera, 2 in stock, 1-black, 1-white diamond. Starting at stock #B1376, MSRP $66,650 Sale price..................................... $52,995
Rebates to Dealer
We bsite:
MON-TUES-WED-SAT – 8:30AM-6:00PM THURS-FRI – 8:30-9:00PM
Trent Werner - Yorkton 306-621-7843
Kurtis Meredith - Moosomin 306-435-7323
Suppliers of Autoboom, Norac, Spraytest, Tridekon, New Leader
2005 Apache 850
1994 Willmar 765
2004 Brandt SB4000
960 hours, 850 gal poly, 90’, Autoboom G1 height control, Outback Edrive system Located in Moosomin.
2951 hours, 600 gal poly tank, 75’ , 2 ways, TeeJet controller, 12.4-42 & 18.4-38 tires. Located in Yorkton.
1600 US gal. poly tank, 90’, Double nozzles, Wind cones, Microtrak rate control, no foamer, Educator, Hyd. driven pump, Solution strainers, 380R46 Goodyear tires Located in Yorkton.
1995 Brandt QF .......................................... $6,500 2002 FC 67 Susp. Boom ........................... $27,000 1994 Patriot XL ........................................ $43,000 2000 Rogator 854 .................................... $95,000 2006 Rogator 874 .................................. $149,000 2007 Rogator 874SS .............................. $149,000 2002 JD4710 ......................................... $128,000 2005 JD4720 ......................................... $159,000 2007 JD4720 ......................................... $168,000
2009 JD4730 ......................................... $199,000 2009 JD4730 ......................................... $205,000 2010 JD4730 ......................................... $204,500 2010 JD4730 ......................................... $210,000 2008 JD4930 ......................................... $225,000 2009 JD4930 ......................................... $249,000 2011 JD4930 ......................................... $308,000 2011 JD4930 ......................................... $309,000
CHECK OUT FOR OUR COMPLETE USED SPRAYER LINE UP We are the only dedicated John Deere Commercial Sprayer Dealer in Saskatchewan GREEN-TRAC SPRAYMASTERS GROUP OF DEALERS
MAPLE FARM EQUIPMENT Yorkton, Balcarres, Preeceville, Wynyard, Foam Lake, Moosomin, Russell
2009 CIH 9120 (SA) 900 tires, lateral tilt, 2016 pu...$329,900 2010 CIH 8120 (SA) 900 tires, lateral tilt, 2016 pu...$319,900 2008 CIH 8010 (LL) 900 tires, lateral tilt, 2016 pu....$299,000 2009 CIH 7120 (SC) 565Rhrs, AFX rotor, duals, lateral tilt, chop...$279,000 2008 JD 9770 (LL) 520 Duals, Hi Unload, Y&M, Chopper, Xenon Lights...........................................................$260,000 2008 JD 9870 (SA) Duals, Bullet Rotor 915 pu Header...$260,000 2008 CIH 7010 (SC) 400Rhrs,AFX rotor, duals, chopper...$249,000 2010 CIH 7088 (SC) ,AFX rotor, chopper,y&m, lateral tilt...$249,000 2008 CIH 7010 (SC) 1000Rhrs, AFX rotor, duals, lateral tilt, GPS..$244,900 2008 CIH 8010 (SC) lateral tilt, duals, std cut chop...$239,500 2005 JD 9760STS (ES) 920Rhrs, pu header, topper, macdon 973...$235,000 2009 CIH 6088 (ES) 500Rhrs, AFX rotor, chop, 2016pu.....$229,900 2008 CIH 7010 (SC) 900 tires, lateral tilt, 1080 rotor...$229,000 2008 CIH 2588 (LL) AFX rotor, chopper, 2015 pu header...$219,900 2007 CIH 7010 (SC) 840Rhrs, AFX rotor, chop, lateral tilt, GPS.........................................................................$210,000 2007 CIH 7010 (SC)1000Rhrs, AFX rotor, chop, lat tilt, duals...$208,000 2009 CIH 7120 (SC) 900 Tires, Lateral Tilt, Ext Wear Rotor....$199,900 2005 JD 9760 (LL) 520 Duals, Long Auger, 2033 Engine, 1435 Rotor..............................................................$191,000 2005 CIH 8010 (SC) Fine Chopper, Auto Header, Lateral Tilt...$184,900 2006 CIH 2388 (SC) 1416 eng hrs, AFX rotor, 1015 pu header...$169,000 2005 CIH 2388 (SC) 1316hrs, AFX rotor, 1015 pu header......$165,000 2004 JD 9660STS (SC) All New Sieves, Feeds Chains, Elevators, Flighting................................................$139,900 1999 CIH 2388 (SC) spec 1985 rotor, chop, 2530 eng, long auger.......................................................................$105,000 1997 CIH 2188 (SA) Dutch Spreader, Chopper, AFS, 1015 Swathmaster.............................................................$55,000 1992 CIH 1680 (LL) std rotor, kirby spreader, chop, macdon pu reel......................................................................$49,900 1994 CIH 1688 (SC) 1015 pu Header, 3800Hrs...$39,900 1990 CIH 1680 (ES) spec rotor, kirby spreader, chop, 1015 pu header.................................................................$35,500
2WD Tractors 2010 CIH Magnum 225 (SA) Guidance Ready, MFD Loader.......................................................................$149,000 2008 Puma 155 (SC) 540/1000 PTO, 3 Remotes, Loader with Grapple.....................................................................$119,500 2004 NH TG210 (LL) 3 electric remotes, 18spd powershift...........................................................................$93,500
1998 CIH MX100 (SC) 7500hrs, MFD, loader grapple....$39,000 4WD Tractors 2011 CIH STX535 (SA) Low Hours, High Cap Pump, 5 Electric Remotes......................................................$324,000 2008 CIH STX535 (SA) PTO, High Cap Pump, Duals, Autosteer..................................................................$290,000 2008 CIH STX485 (SA) 16spd Powershift, High Capacity Pump, Autoguide Ready...................................$219,000 1998 CIH 9380 (SC) 12Spd Powershift, Duals, 5100Hrs........ ..................................................................................$94,500 1984 Versatile 835 (SC) 9600hrs, 18.4X38 duals.....$25,000
HEADERS 2009 CIH 2142 (ES) 30ft, ATX Adapter, AHHC...................$55,000 2004 CIH 2062 (SC) 30ft, Cross Auger, Slow Speed Transport .................................................................$38,000 2001 CIH 1042 (SC) 30ft, pu reel, trans, F&A........$35,000 2005 JD 635 (SA) pu Reel, Flex...............................$29,000 1997 JD 930F (SA) pu Reel, Flex, Fore-aft..............$14,000 1986 CIH 1010 (SC) 30ft, Air Reel, Trailer, Extra Batt Reel..................................................................$12,500 2001 CIH 2015 (SC) Rake Up Pick Up....................$12,000 1984 CIH 1020 (SC) 30ft, pu Reel, Trailtech Transport...$11,900 1986 CIH 1015 (SC) Melroe Pickup..........................$7,500
2009 JD 4930 (SC) 800hrs, 120ft, auto steer, 5-nozzle bodies.......$269,900 2008 CIH SPX4420 (SC) 985hrs, 100ft, 1200gal tank, active suspension..................................................................$199,000
2005 JD 4720 (LL) 90ft,800gal, auto trac 2600... 2001 CIH SPX3200 (SC) 90ft booms, AIM command, 800 gal tank, 5-way nozzles...........................................................$89,500 2001 CIH 2130 (ES) 660 gal, Raven 460, 125 HP...........$80,000 2007 CIH SRX160 (SC) 134ft suspended boom, hyd
2009 CIH WD1203 (SC) Cab Suspension, Hyd F&A, Double Knife, Gauge Wheels................................................$115,000 2008 CIH WD1203 (SA) Cab Suspension, Cleat Tread, DHX Header Ready...........................................................$105,000 1997 CIH 8825 (SA) Modified Opening, Combine Tires, 80HP Eng............................................................................$39,000
5.5â&#x20AC;? rubber packers................................... 2003 Bourgault 5720 (LL) 54ft, 9.8â&#x20AC;? spacing, DS, MRBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers.........................$89,900 2000 Flexicoil 5000 Drill (ES) 57ft, 9â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers, 3450 variable rate cart.............$89,000 2004 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 40ft, 9.8â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers, MRBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 1999 3195 tank............$89,000 1999 Bourgault 5710 (ES) 54ft, 12â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers, MRBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 4350 cart.....................$85,000 2002 Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill (SC) 57ft, 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers, paired row opener, 3450 tank....$79,800 2000 Bourgault 5710 Air Drill (SA) 40ft, 9.8â&#x20AC;? spacing, MRBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers................$64,000 1998 Flexicoil 5000 (SA) 39ft, 9â&#x20AC;? spacing, liquid kit,
3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers....................................... 1999 Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill (SA) 51ft, 12â&#x20AC;?, 3.5â&#x20AC;?steel packers, 2320 TBT tank..................................$59,000 2002 Bourgault 5720 (SA) 40ft, 9.8â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers, MRBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s.......................................$59,000 1999 Flexicoil 6000 Disc Drill (SC) 30ft, new discs, 2340 TBH tank, variable rate..........................$57,500 1999 Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill (SC) 57ft, 9â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3.5â&#x20AC;? rubber packers, liquid kit, new tires........$44,900 1994 Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill (SA) 45ft, 4â&#x20AC;? rubber packers, single shoot......................................$32,000
center pump drive........................................ 2000 Flexicoil S67XL (ES) 100ft, 1200gal, two way
2007 CIH (ES) RBX563......................................$33,000 2003 CIH (ES) RBX562...........................................$19,000 2003 CIH (SC) RBX562, hard core.....................$18,500 2001 NH 688 (LL) Round baler, auto wrap.........$16,500
nozzle body...................................................... 1995 Melroe 220 Coupe....................................$9,900
''' " !% $
2009 SH72-10 (SA) 72ft, 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, dual castors, 800 tank.......................................................$289,000 2008 Seedhawk (SA) 60ft, 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, double shoot dry... 2009 NH P1060 Air Drill (LL) 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3.5â&#x20AC;?steel packers, 430bu.............................................$189,900 2005 SH63-10 (SA) 63ft, 10.5â&#x20AC;? spacing, tow between, double shoot, flexicoil 4350 tank..........................$173,900 2008 Bourgault 3310 (ES) 55ft, 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, MRBS... 2004 Morris Maxxum Drill (SC) 55ft, 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, 8425 tbh tank...............................................................$119,900 2002 Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill (SC) 57ft, 12â&#x20AC;? spacing, Atom Jet opener, 3450 tank..........................$104,900 2003 Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill (SC) 57ft, 12â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel packers, DS, 3450 tank................$104,500 2000 Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill (SA) 57ft, 9â&#x20AC;? spacing, double shoot liquid.........................................$95,900 1999 Bourgault 5710 (ES) 60ft, 12â&#x20AC;? spacing, 2001 5350 tank.......................................................$94,500 2003 Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill (SA) 39ft, 9â&#x20AC;?spacing,
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Something BIG is going on and it begins with BONANZA BUCKS. It’s like bonus cash just for buying a NEW combine or high-horsepower tractor from New Holland. But the values in Value Bonanza continue with your choice of 0% financing OR cash back. It’s all going on now, during Value Bonanza. ACT NOW! Offer ends November 30, 2011, so stop by today or visit.
CASH BACK* BONANZA BUCKS: • CR Series combines • CX Series combines • T9 Series tractors • T8 Series tractors • T7 Series tractors • T6000 Series tractors
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When you choose a New Holland P2070 Precision Hoe Drill, you get advanced seeding technology that makes it easy to achieve consistent seed depth, even over hills, terraces or gullies. A patented, true parallel link design provides over 15 inches of total travel for superior land following capability so you can achieve the ultimate in precise seed and fertilizer placement. PATENTED INDIVIDUAL OPENER ADJUSTMENT SUPERIOR TRASH FLOW AND CLEARANCE COMPACT TRANSPORT AND STORAGE IN-CAB ADJUSTABLE PACKING AND TRIP FORCE ©2011 CNH America LC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
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Up to $1,500
0% FINANCING OR CASH BACK* Something BIG is going on and it begins with BONANZA BUCKS. It’s like bonus cash just for buying a NEW combine or high-horsepower tractor from New Holland. But the values in Value Bonanza continue with your choice of 0% financing OR cash back. It’s all going on now, during Value Bonanza. ACT NOW! Offer ends November 30, 2011, so stop by today or visit
BONANZA BUCKS: • CR Series combines • CX Series combines • T9 Series tractors • T8 Series tractors • T7 Series tractors • T6000 Series tractors
0% FOR 60 MONTHS OR CASH BACK* We’re ready to give you BONANZA BUCKS — from $750 to $1,500 in bonus cash — just for buying a New Holland T4000, T5000, TD5000 or WORKMASTER™ tractor or a NEW round baler, small or large square baler, disc or sickle mower-conditioner or self-propelled windrower from New Holland. The values in Value Bonanza continue with your choice of 0% financing OR cash back in lieu of financing. It’s all going on now, during Value Bonanza. ACT NOW! Offer ends November 30, 2011, so stop by today or visit
$10,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $1,500
*For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Capital Canada Ltd. See your participating New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through November 30, 2011. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2011 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital and New Holland are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.
CASE 1390, ‘81, HN2874B ...............................$8,995 H CASE 9330, ‘98, PS, PTO, 18.4R38 D, LEON 4 WAY DOZER BLADE, N21549A ..............................$82,000 K CASE STX375, ‘02, PN2840A .......................$160,000 P DEUTZ DX160, ‘82, 18.4X38 D, 2 HYDS., HC2494 ........................................................$11,500 H FORD 1510, ‘85, HN2211A ...............................$8,500 H FORD 8630, ‘91 HC2899 ...............CALL FOR DETAILS H JD 4650, 83, HC2900 ....................CALL FOR DETAILS H JD 8640, ‘79, POWER QUAD, PTO, 50 SERIES ENGINE, UP GRADED, 20.8X38 DUALS, C21795 ...............$27,000 K MF 2775, ‘81, 3 HYDS., 1000 PTO, N20983A ......................................................$15,000 K MF 3505, ‘89, HC2901 ..................CALL FOR DETAILS H NH 8160, ‘99, HC2898 ...................CALL FOR DETAILS H NH TM190, DUALS, 4 HYD , GRAPPLE LDR QUICK 790, MIDMOUNT, JOY STICK, DLX AIR SEAT W/HEAT, PN2630A ......................................................... $96,000 NH TV145, ‘04, PN 2744A .............................$104,000 P NH TV6070, PN2747A...................................$115,000 P NH 9040, ‘08, LUX CAB, HYD LIGHTS, DIFF LOCK, AM/FM/ CD, 800 70R38 FRT & REAR, N21690A .....................................CALL FOR DETAILS K NH T9040, ‘08, 3 B 15-16”, 10” SPC, RTH, WALKING AXLES, FRT FLOTATION TIRES, N21691A .....................................CALL FOR DETAILS K NH T9040, ‘08,N21693A ................CALL FOR DETAILS P NH 9060, ‘08, LUX CAB, DIFF LOCK, N21548A ................................................... $254,000 K STEIGER LION-1000, ‘86 20.8RX42D, 55 GAL HYDRO PUMP, PS REBUILT 2 YRS AGO, 4 HYDS, N21200A ......................................................$53,000 K VERS. 276, ‘85, $12,000 REPAIRS DONE, HN2395A ......................................................$34,950 H VERS 276, ‘89 PN2791B.................................$18,000 P VERS 825, ‘77, DUALS, 20.8X38, 12 SPD STD, 6278 HRS, B21677C ......................................................$16,900 K VERS 1150, REBUILT ENG & TRANS, 800 TIRES, 450 HP, 8 SPD, ATOM JET PUMP, C21627 .....................$75,000 K
BOURG 138, PB2496D ......................................$3,000 P BOURG 2130, ‘95, RTH, PB2345B .....................$6,000 P BOURG 2155, ‘88, 1610 RITE-WAY PACKER, 40’, 3 B, 8” SPC, AIR KIT, GRAN KIT, FLOATING HITCH, PB2854B .....................................CALL FOR DETAILS P BOURG 2155H, ‘97, L/U AUG, DIAMOND TIRES, B21361B .........................................................$8900 K BOURG 3225H, ‘94, 2 T, L/U AUG, RTH, B21654B .....................................CALL FOR DETAILS K BOURG 3325, ‘96,PB2640C ...........................$12,500 P BOURG 5250, ‘01, CTM, L/U AUG, RTH, ALL WEATHER TIRES, LIGHT KIT, MECH ADJ, B21358A .........$36,000 K BOURG 5350, ‘00, CTM, MRA, SINGLE FAN, RICE TIRES REAR, LUG TIRES FRONT B21357A ...............$43,000 K BOURG 5350, ‘00, SS, 3 T, RTH, RICE TIRES, PB2832A ......................................................$43,450 P BOURG 5350, ‘02, SS, 3 T, RTH RICE TIRES, PB2833A ......................................................... $47,400 BOURG 5350, ‘02, CTM, MRA, SINGLE FAN, RICE TIRES REAR, LUG TIRES FRT, B21667A...CALL FOR DETAILS K BOURG 5350, ‘02, SS, 3 T, RTH, DIAMOND TREAD TIRES, PB2834A ......................................................$47,400 P BOURG 6350, ‘04, DS, DUAL FAN, 3 T, NEW FRONT TIRES, RTH PB2835A ...............................................$55,300 P BOURG 6350, ‘09, CRA, CTM, HITCH, 30.5 X 32, LEADING TANK, 3 T, RICE TIRES, B21672A ..CALL FOR DETAILS K BOURG 6000, ‘08, 90’, 11LX16 TIRES, B21511A ......................................................$36,000 K FLEXI 2340, ’01, TBH, DBL FAN, MECH RATE, N21507A ......................................................$26,000 K FLEXI 3450, ‘99, PB2831A ............CALL FOR DETAILS K FLEXI 4350, ‘11, PB2836A .............................$50,600 P JD 1900, ‘01, 40H, 4 B, SS, 9” SPC, B21671B .....................................CALL FOR DETAILS K MORRIS 6180, HN2369H ..............CALL FOR DETAILS H MORRIS 6300, HN2369G ..............CALL FOR DETAILS H
BOURG 3310, ‘09, SS, MRBS, 4.8 PKRS, LEADING AIR KIT, B21673A ...................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K
BOURG 3310, ‘10, PB2657A ...................................... CALL FOR DETAILS P BOURG 3310, ‘10, BO 6550 AIR TANK TRAIL, WALKING DUALS, INNER AND OUTER WING, 4.5 RND SEMI PNEUMATIC, 65’, 3/4” ATOM JET OPENER, ANHYDROUS TUBE, 4T, PB2848A................................................ $271,000 P BOURG 3310, 65’, 10” SPC, SS AIR, SERIES 25 MRB’S HYD, 3/4” CHROME TIP, 4.8” PNEUMATIC PACKER, WHLS, EDGE ON FRONT, DEL, KN HOLDER, B21677A ...................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K BOURG 3310, 65’, DS,10” SPC, 4.8 PNEUMATIC PACKER, WHEELS, DUAL CASTOR, WHEELS WALKING, EDGE ON KNIFE HOLDER, B21706A ............................ $215,000 K BOURG 5710, ‘99, 54’, 3” RUB, 330#, MRBS, 9.8” SPC, B21353A ....................................................... $72,000 K BOURG 5710, ‘99, 24’, W/MRBS NH3 RAVEN, AUTO RATE 3 1/2” STL, 3/4” OPENERS, SS, W/ BOURG 3225 AIR CART, HR2801B ............................................. $76,900 H BOURG 5710, ‘01, 54’, 9.8” SPC 330#, MRB’S, NH3 KIT, SS, 3/4” CARBIDE OPENERS, 31/2” STEEL PKRS, B21663A ...................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K BOURG 5710, ‘03, 54’, W/5440, B21350A ....... $75,000 K BOURG 5710, ‘04, 64’, MRBS, PB2601A ....................................................... $89,000 P BOURG 5710, ‘04, 59’, SERIES 25 MRBS, DS DRY, 3” CARBIDE OPENERS, 9.8”SPC., B21355A ............ $105,000 K BOURG 5710, ‘07, 54’, 9.8” SPC, 3” RUB. PKRS, SQ. SEED BOOT, SERIES 25 MRB’S, DICKIE JOHN, LAND MGR. NH3, SPEED LOCS, WALKING AXLES, B21661A ....................................................... $98,000 K BOURG 5710, 54’, PB2641A............................ $75,000 P BOURG, ‘00, 9.8” SPC, 330#, 3-1/2” STEEL PKRS, SS, ATOM JET OPENERS, PB2472B ..................... $54,000 P BOURG 7200, ‘99, 60’, NEW 9/16 TIRES, B21338B ...................................... CALL FOR DETAILS K FLEXI 5000, ‘02, 57’, ¾” OPENERS, 2 ¼” PKRS, 9” SPC, 550#, W/2340, PB2290A ............................... $75,000 P FLEXI SYS 82, 60’, 4 B, B21330B ......................$4,900 K FLEXI SYS 85, ‘97, 50’, 16.5 X 16.1 TIRES, TINES 19”21”, PB2726A ............................................... $22,000 P FLEXI SYS 85, ‘97, 70-1/2” TINES, 16.5-16.1 SOFTRAC CART TIRES, PB2829B ................................... $12,900 K
JD 737, 40’, 10” SPC, DS, 3” STEEL PKRS, 3” PC ROW STEATH OPEN, W/787 AIR SEEDER, DS, MECHANICAL RATE, B21042C ............................................. $61,000 K MORRIS MAX 2, ‘02, 60’, 10” SPC, 3 ½” STEEL PKRS, 2 TANK SYS, BLOCKAGE MON, HN2368B .................................................... $130,900 H MORRIS 71CTR, ‘10, W/MO 8650XL 2010, PAIRED ROW, DS, SEMI PNEUMATIC PACKER, 650 TBH TANK, HS2575A ..................................................... $239,900 H MORRIS CTR, ‘10, 47’, W/ MORRIS 8370XL, 09, 12” SPACING, 5.5 SEMI PNEUMATIC, MUD GUARDS , DS 10” AUG, HR2915A ............................................ $230,900 H SEED MASTER TXB, ‘07, 65’-10” SPC, DAM WHEELS ON WINGS, NH3 W/JOHN BLUE, METERING DS, 28LX26 SINGLE REAR, TIRES BOURG AIR KIT, DUAL WING CASTORS, HR2759A .......................................... $127,900 H
USED SPRAYERS BG 1850, 2000 GAL, DISC MRKR, WIND SCREENS, KK20488A ....................................................$17,950 K BG QF1500, ‘01, KK21703D ...........................$13,000 K SPRAY AIR 3600-110TS, KK21557B ....................................................$25,000 K APACHE 790, ‘99, KK21415A .........................$67,000 K FIELD HAWK, ‘07, 90’ 1200 GSS, RAVEN GPS, N21778A ................................................... $125,000 K JD 4710, ‘02, 20.8R38 FLOATS, CROP DIVIDERS, NORAC AUTO HDR, HEIGHT CONT, OUTBACK S3 GUIDANCE, C21729 .......................................CALL FOR DETAILS K MILLER A75, ‘08, 120’, 1000 GAL, KK21491A ................................................. $200,000 K MILLER G75, ‘10, SMART TRAX, ACCU BOOM, 650 FLOATS, KK21605A .....................CALL FOR DETAILS K MILLER 4240, 10, 100’, 1200 POLY, RAVEN GPS, KK21601A ....................................................284,000 K SPRA-COUPE 4655, ‘08, M21506A ................$90,000 K SPRA-COUPE 7650, ‘05, KK21396A ............ $115,000 K WILMAR 8500, KK21571B .......................... $100,000 K WILMAR 8600, ‘01, 100’, 1200 GAL, DUALS, KK21120A ................................................. $105,000 K
Hwy. #3, Kinistino 306-864-3667
Hwy. #5, Humboldt 306-682-9920
Bill ....................306-921-7544, 306-922-7544 David H ............306-921-7896, 306-887-2015 Jim ...................306-864-8003, 306-752-5949 Kelly .................306-961-4742, 306-864-3132 SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO Jay.............................................306-921-7590 Darrel ........................................306-864-7335
Paul ..................306-231-8031, 306-682-4200 Tyler .................306-231-6929, 306-682-2530
235 38th St. E., PA 306-922-2525 Brent .........................................306-232-7810 Aaron ........................................306-960-7429
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NOW $79 BiWeekly*
&251(5 2) 6$5*(17 .,1* (':$5' Â&#x2021; &$// Â&#x2021; 72// )5((
14 HORSES FOR SALE: All broke to har- THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and EXCELLENT QUALITY EWE LAMBS n e s s , s o m e w e l l m a t c h e d , q u i e t . repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, Columbia/Targee, good range wool. Also 306-742-4530, Wroxton, SK. Langham, SK. excellent quality Columbia/Targee cross Suffolk ewe lambs. 306-662-3667, Maple GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers Creek, SK. of leather and nylon harness. Custom saddles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. 50 SUFFOLK/RAMBOUILLET cross ewe H E AT E D H O R S E B O A R D I N G A N D Call lambs, very hardy, born and raised on pasTRAINING FACILITY 5 min. east of Red 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB. ture, $225 ea. 306-246-4468, Richard, SK Deer, AB. Full care boxstalls and paddocks COMPLETE SHEEP HANDLING SYSTEM: avail. All disciplines and haul-ins welcome. portable crowding tub, shearing chute, Contact Springvale Meadows Stables, panels, $2500. 306-776-2427, Rouleau, SK manager Michelle 403-347-0661. WADE SLICK FORK saddle, 15-1/2” seat, WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM 5” cantel, 3” horn, rawhide bound, $2500; HAMPSHIRE AND COMMERCIAL ewe 35 Plus years of training, showing, sales, Custom made SPURS for packer boots, lambs. Hampshire and Dorset rams. Ph Heeroma Farm 306-823-4526, Neilburg SK clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott. $100. 306-266-2069, Wood Mountain, SK. Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. CLUN forest rams, easy lambSADDLE MAKING SCHOOL. Various PUREBRED ing, excellent maternal qualities. Go to TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. courses avail. Book before December and $300. Martin Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim save. Rod 780-576-2756, Newbrook, AB. Penfold 204-722-2036 Moosomin SK area. wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Alder Flats, AB. KATAHDIN OR DORPER CROSS or Clun 8 YR. OLD jet black QH gelding, 15 HH, Forest ewes or ewe lambs. About 35 head broke to ride, $1000; 12 yr. QH Paint gelding, 15.2 HH, broke to ride, $1800; Both JOHNSTONE’S SHEEP GOAT auction for December breeding. Gerhard Penner 807-852-3703, Rainy River, ON. super quiet. 306-238-4509, Goodsoil, SK. Saturday November 12, 2011 at 1:00PM. Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. ALL CLASSES OF SHEEP and goats; Buying Now accepting all classes of sheep and all breeds. 306-978-9723 or 306-229-6147 goats - Sellers must pre-book and all con- cell. WELL BROKE AND matched team, signments must arrive the day before. grade draft, approx 1650 lbs. ea. Per- Visit: or Call WANTED FEEDER LAMBS and goats. Any size. Call Wayne at 306-883-8948, cheron preferred. Please call Steve 306-693-4715. PL #914447 Spiritwood, SK. 780-466-4418, Edmonton, AB. WANTED: QUIET, TRUSTWORTHY and easy to catch horse for young children. COMMERCIAL DORPER/DORPER CROSS 306-472-5285, LaFleche, SK. BREEDERS: The Canadian Dorper Sheep Assoc. wants to put you and potential buyers together. We’ve expanded our website to include a commercial producer listing service. $10.00 fee per year. Website get EQUINE THERAPY PROGRAMS (chiro- approx. 2000 hits/month. Mail payment practics, herbal and energy work) at May- and info to: Dave Ellison, 5997 Gardi Road, erthorpe, AB, Nov.- March./Calgary/Grand Kamloops, BC. V1S 2A1 or contact Dave at Prairie/Drayton Valley, AB and Vernon, BC 250- 828-2390. this winter. FULLBLOOD DORPER RAM, 18 months, Phone 780-621-0765. $300. Phone 306-982-3785 or CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call 306-314-9048, Christopher Lake, SK. Jacob at: 306-488-4408. YEARLING AND RAM lambs, registered and commercial for sale. Lochend Dorpers, CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary 403-932-6436, Cochrane, AB. Johnston, Email Phone: 403-359-4424, Calgary, AB.
WANTING TO BUY bull and heifer calves born Spring 2011. Call Brian at BUYING WILD BOAR for 20 years. All siz- 306-468-2878, Canwood, SK. es, highest $$$ paid. Canadian Heritage NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for Foods, Ralph or Greg at 1-877-226-1395. over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! GuaranBUYING ALL OUTSIDE raised swine, all teed prompt payment! Contact Bruce for weights and colors, paying highest $. details 514-919-4447, Winnipeg, MB. Email: Ralph 1-877-226-1395. PRODUCER OWNED Canadian Prairie Bison is paying TOP DOLLAR FOR ELK to supply our growing markets. Give Roger a call WANTED: BERKSHIRE, Tamworth and before you sell, 306-468-2316. all crosses. Paying highest $$. Canadian ELK SQUEEZE and handling system. Phone Heritage Foods. Ralph at 1-877-226-1395. 306-862-9692, Nipawin, SK.
EXPECT TO BE IMPRESSED!! Entertainment center and much more!! Stk#C2001600
“G row ing F orw ard W ith ” NORTHERN POULTRY
2000-130,000 pullets a nnua lly Long term contra cts a va ila b le Cus tom ra is e or s ell pullets for a ny s iz e la yer fa rm D elivery a nyw here in W es tern Ca na d a
Cloverbar Carriages wish to announce their retirement from the horse breeding business.
7 80-841-1060 / 7 80-841-1496 E-m a il: d a nnyf@
Offering for sale our Reg. Hackney Stallion, 2 reg. Clydesdale mares and a variety of offspring. 2 are broke to ride and drive (4 year olds), the rest being younger. Our crossbred colt from Nov. 2010 will be a great stallion prospect. All have the physical ability to adapt to any discipline - very athletic - great temperment.
Call Marilyn - 780 464 0679 or Email -
600 In Stock Tel: (403) 946-4246 or 1-877-946-9494
EXPECT TO BE IMPRESSED!! 3 Horse, 8’ Shortwall, Full LQ, A/C, Furnace, Awning, Power Jacks, Stereo & Much More!!!
Better than U.S. Pricing
TOP DOLLARS for elk delivered to Canadian Rangeland Elk, Lacombe, AB. We are looking for year round supply for our growing meat markets. No membership o r b r o ke r fe e s , p l e a s e c a l l T h o m a s 1-866-497-0078 or 1-877-844-2231. ELK VALLEY RANCHES buying all ages of elk. Phone Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or email to APPROX. 3 MILES used 8’ ELK WIRE, posts and various steel gates for sale. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. ELK-RITE HYD. SQUEEZE, and 8’ barn system. 306-640-7941, Harris, SK.
AL LENYUS ELK-RITE 2100 squeeze; elk NV modular handling facility, holds 25 cows, kept inside, $8000 for both; walk-in freezer 4’x5’6”x6’H, $1200. 306-691-0122, Moose Jaw, SK. PAYSEN BISON SQUEEZE with crowding gate and holding pen, hardly used, $8000. C a l l Te r r y a t 3 0 6 - 6 8 1 - 7 2 6 4 o r 306-759-2645, Brownlee, SK.
Cra te S ca le s ta tio n a ry & p o rta b le Pla tfo rm S ca le S evera l s izes to cho o s e fro m (n o electrics ) Ba le S ca le Ho pper Feed er w ith S ca le, 3-p t., trk. m t. o r tra iler, hyd . m o to r o r elec. Will Assist With Shipping
ELIAS S CALE 306- 445 - 2 111
North Ba ttleford , S a s k. W ebsite:w w w.elia s s ca les .com
CONTERRA ARENA RAKE for ATV’s and quads. Excellent for arena, ground and SAFE NEW LAYOUTS, +80 ways to cut shelter belt maintenance. Starting at corral costs. Free look $1995. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882 or view on-line SVEN ROLLERMILL, 8”, 5 HP, not used since rollers regrouped. WANTED: maternity pen. 306-682-3581, Humboldt, SK.
FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No heat or power required. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744.
Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!
120’ BELTING FEED trough, c/w scale and 45 bu. feed cart. $4,000 OBO; 10’ blower t o p i c k u p c h a f f p i l e s . $ 3 5 0 0 O B O. 306-834-8100, Major, SK.
Heavy Duty 24’ PANELS, WINDBREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, Rimbey, AB, or 2006 HIGHLINE BALE shredder, 8000, RH discharge, large tires, $12,000; 1981 NH 358 mix mill, good condition. $4500. 306-424-2720, Montmartre, SK.
KELLY RYAN 12’ 4 auger mix wagon, newer scale, $2500; Highline Bale Pro 6000 Plus bale shredder, $3000; 24” Bearcat roller mill, hyd. load/unloading auger, $2500. YEARLING HALF-KIKO and 2 Half Savan- 306-372-4679, Luseland, SK. nah breeding bucks. Improve vigor, hardiness, mothering, feet and parasite resis- BALE KING 880 bale processor with grain tance in your meat goat herd. Boyne Lake, t a n k , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 5 0 0 0 O B O. AB. 780-726-3570 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers a full line of goat supplies and minerals. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK.
1-800-582-4037 PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now available with a neck extender. Phone 306-796-4508, email: website:
80 DAIRY DOELINGS Saanen and Toggenburg cross ready to breed, from CAE and CL NEGATIVE herd. 780-789-0002, Warburg, AB.
300 HP 3406 CAT, powered tub grinder w/mtd New Concept rollermill, grain and minerals are metered to make a well balanced ration. 204-824-2314 Wawanesa MB
Ca ll K evin o r Ro n HI-HOG ALL STEEL bison squeeze, asking RABBIT CAGES and equipment for sale. 1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46 $4500. Cypress Ind. 250 bu. self-feeder, $2500. Tom 306-423-5339, Domremy, SK. ANDRES EXPORTS is buying all classes Phone 306-297-3122, Shaunavon, SK. of bison. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, SK. BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger Provencher, or 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned bison company and enjoy the benefits. SUNGOLD SPECIALTY MEATS. New company is seeking a continuous supply of ENGINEERED TO LAST grain fed and grass fed Bison. Randy Smith, 1-800-363-6602. 100% C anadian M ade 25 PURE WOOD BISON, complete herd dispersal. 204-236-4399, Birch River, MB. PURCHASING ALL AGES and classes of Bison. Prompt payment. Bruce, Youngstown, A llH iQ ualG enuine Brow n Livestock H andling Equipm ent is now available AB. 403-651-7972 or 403-779-2218.
This Price is not a Type-O
APPROX. 3 MILES of used 8’ ELK WIRE, posts and various steel gates for sale. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK.
STONE/BIG HORN cross ram for sale, ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages $10,000. 306-825-4037, Lloydminster, SK. of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, SHAVINGS: Manufactured from kiln dried Kitscoty, AB or Pine. Highly compressed 4’x4’x4’ bales that hold 325 cu. ft. each. Makes premium quality bedding for large and small aniMATURE REINDEER BULLS for sale. Call mals and poultry. Low dust, very soft and Jim or Connie, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK., absorbent. Size, 3/4” and under. Call for truck load quotes. Wholesale prices direct 306-332-3955. from the plant. Can ship anywhere up to 35 WHITE-TAILED DOES available for 60 bales per load. Call Tony 250-372-1494 lease on share basis. Caliber, Thunder- or Ron 250-804-3305, Chase, BC, or web: head, Redoy, Son of the Gun breeding. Also semen from 227” 4 yr. old for $75/straw or $50/straw for 20 or more PREMIUM WOOD SHAVINGS, livestock straws. 306-825-4037, Lloydminster, SK. bedding, sold by the bag, pallet, 1/2 load, full load. 306-229-5438, Saskatoon, SK. WHITETAIL BUCKS: We have about a dozen bucks for sale that will be roughly 140” to 175”. 780-205-5822, Marshall, SK SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers extension, marketing services and a full HUNT AND BREEDING STOCK, typical gel i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . netics, 200”+, High Tower offspring. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. Loessl Game Farm, Phone Dennis at 306-682-3626, 306-227-2442, Pilger, SK.
20 NORTH COUNTRY/ TEXEL EWE LAMBS, $250. 204-761-3760, Newdale, TWO HEAVY DUTY horse collars, 23” and MB. 24”, $200. Phone Bob Gaw 306-697-3547, FLOCK DISPERSAL: 700 open ewes, 2-7 Grenfell, SK. years old, crossbred with Canadian Arcott, grass lambing flock. Call John, CUSTOM MADE HORSE gear for sale in- 204-768-4533, Fairford, MB. cludes chaps, reins, head stalls, saddle bags, breast collars. Ph 306-682-6151 or CLUN FOREST RAM, lambs and ewe lambs. email M r. G ly n n B r o o k s , L e t h b r i d g e , A B . , 403-327-2242. ALBERTA CARRIAGE SUPPLY: Harness, pioneer equipment, parts and repairs. 100 OPEN BREEDING ewes, first and secw w w. a l b e r t a c a r r i a g e s u p p l y . c o m ond lambers, Cheviots/Suffolk/Katahdin EXOTIC BIRDS/SMALL ANIMAL Auction Sunday, October 30, 11:00 AM, Johnstone crosses, $275 ea. 204-842-3694, Birtle MB 403-934-9537, Calgary, AB. Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Accepting peafowl, guineas, bantams, ducks, geese, pigeons, birds, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, miniature horses/cattle, etc. Pre-booking 2012 Bison Stratus 8416MM optional, $2.62 per box. All must be in 16’ Shortwall, 4 Horse, Power before 10:00 AM. Phone 306-693-4715. PL #914447. Jacks, Hay Racks, Slide Out, Family
BUFFALO FARMER WANTS to retire. We have about 130 head looking for a new home, 5 big bulls, 80-90 cows and heifers, and this year’s calves. On pavement by Sexsmith, AB., 780-876-0999 anytime. NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt p ay m e n t ! C o n t a c t B r u c e fo r d e t a i l s 514-919-4447 Winnipeg, MB. FOR SALE: Proven Bison breeding stock. Wood Cross, Pure Wood, Pure Plains, all ages, both sexes. Kirkwall Moor Ranch and Consulting, Marshall L. Patterson D.V.M. 306-694-1759, Moose Jaw, SK.
TOP CANADIAN DOLLARS, Canadian Rangeland Bison is buying all classes of bison for our growing well established markets in North America and Europe. Why pay any broker or membership fees, we proudly process exclusively in Canada only. Prompt payment, book with Armin or Tara 1-877-844-2231, Lacombe, AB. or email us at MANUAL BISON SQUEEZE and Hi-Hog Tub for sale, $12,000 or will trade for livestock. Phone 403-556-5777, Olds, AB. WANTED: BISON COWS. If you were thinking of selling out, here’s your chance. Cash. 780-916-9032, Edmonton area, AB. BUYING ALL CLASSES of feeder bison and cows. Contact Dave 780-592-2288 or cell. 780-853-0946, Mannville, AB. 75 BRED WOOD CROSS HEIFERS, $3000/head OBO. Call Perry at Wolf Lake Ranch, 780-826-5584, Iron River, AB. HERD DISPERSAL: 6 bred cows, 5 bred heifers, 4 yearling heifers. Phone Clint 204-564-2279, Inglis, MB.
through your localPeavey M art Store throughout W estern C anada.
• H iQ u a l Feed ers • H iQ u a l Sta lls • H iQ u a l G a tes • H iQ u a l Pa nels • H iQ u a l C hu tes H iQ ualLivestock Equipm entnow available atPeavey M artstores in: AL B E R TA - C a m rose - G ra nd e Pra irie - Hig h Riv er - La com b e - Led u c - Lloyd m inster - Pea ce Riv er - Red Deer - St Pa u l - V eg rev ille - W estlock W eta sk iw in B r itish Colum b ia - Da w son C reek M ANITOB A - Sw a n Riv er SASK ATCH E W AN - Assinib oia - Estev a n - Hu m b old t Kind ersley - Lethb rid g e - M ed icine Ha t - M oose Ja w - North Ba ttleford - Prince Alb ert - Reg ina - Sa sk a toon - Stettler - Sw ift C u rrent - W eyb u rn - York ton
1-855-H iQ U AL1 (1-855-447-8251)
w w w
SOLD THE COWS, excellent equipment for sale: Luck Now 330 mixer wagon, $11,000; REM 3600R bale shredder, $6000; Hesston manure spreader, $9000; New Concept roller mill, $3000. Phone 306-597-4651, Togo, SK.
CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK,,
ECOCERT CANADA organic certification for producers, processors and brokers. Call the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, SK, email
12 V or Hydraulic drive.
PRO-CERT ORGANIC SYSTEMS Royalty free organic certifier. Family owned, experienced, affordable. Phone 306-382-1299 or email Saskatoon SK.
Options include digital scale, HD 3PTH, trailer kit and mixingaug er.
Ca ll K evin o r Ro n
Call For Your Nearest Dealer
1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46 KUHN KNIGHT 5143 Vertical Maxx mixer, used for 1 season, EZ2000V Digi-Star scale, 33x15.50-16.5 tires, 14 ply, brake/ signal lights. 306-531-5088, Vibank, SK. FEED TRUCK: 1997 INT. 4700 truck w/CATTLELAC 520 FEED MIXER, exc. condition, always shedded, $52,500. 306-778-2533, Swift Current, SK. 2001 FARM AID 430 mix wagon, 5’ elevator, digital scale, poly lined, not used since 2009, $15,000 OBO. Phone 306-675-5703 or 306-795-7499, Leross, SK. SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Apollo Machine, 306-242-9884 or 1-877-255-0187, at Saskatoon, SK. EZE-FEEDER: Today’s way to feed your livestock. 45 bu., 70 bu. and 95 bu. sizes in stock. Options include: trailer, 3PTH, scales, and more. Reimer Welding & Mfg. Call 1-877-695-2532 for your nearest Dealer. Cartwright, MB. FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK.
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, ready Sept. 27, first shots, vet checked, sable, black w/tan colors, $500 each. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPPIES, ready to go October 6th, first shots, $300. 306-939-4521, Earl Grey, SK. CAIRN TERRIER PUPS, ready to go in Nov. 4 males unspoken for. Own both parents. Require deposit to hold pup, will have first vaccine. Info. ph 306-237-9223, Perdue SK
O R G A N I C P OTATO E S a n d G A R L I C . Phone 403-952-9097, Medicine Hat, AB.
WANTED: ORGANIC hard red spring wheat and durum, for immediate d e l i v e r y. G ro w e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l , 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK.
w w w .reim erw eld ing m fg .com AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No electricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882,
SIMONSON FEED BODY 8 metric ton, $10,000 OBO. Phone 204-729-5744, Brookdale, MB. HAYBUSTER H1100E tubgrinder. Good condition, fifth wheel, 350 CAT motor, good hammers, $15,000. 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB. FARM AID 430 silage wagon, w/scales, large tires, LH discharge, vg cond.; Haybuster bale shredder; Norbert 26’ livestock t r a i l e r, t r i p l e a x l e , s t e e l f l o o r. 306-961-4682, Prince Albert, SK.
ATTENTION LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS: 5 bar panels, 30’; 30’ windbreak panels; 30’ silage bunks; 30’ all steel grain troughs; 30’ bale shredder bunks; 20’ Texas gates and round bale feeders. Weld on and bolt on clamps for sucker rod and pipe, 3/4” to 3-1/2”. Will build equipment to your specs. Delivery available. Authorized dealer for feed box, pallet and grain feeders. Also handle complete line of wood and steel fence posts and rough cut lumber. Authorized dealer for Sakundiak grain bins. We manufacture hopper cones. Phone: 306-538-4487, K e n n e d y, SK.
AVAILABLE BACHELORETTE: Country fresh, 33, 5’6, 129 lbs., hard working, old fashioned values, attractive, slim, feminine, well mannered girl with no children, never married, has a strong love of horses, the country lifestyle, cooking, non smoker, social drinker, European descent. Permanent relationship, child ok, age will depend upon attitude. Rural, farm, ranch, remote, isolated, country specialists. Single, never married, divorced, widowed, selective, picky, choosy not into the bars or online dating, ran out of options, tired of meeting the same types? Matchmakers Select 1-888-916-2824. Largest clientele base. Photos. Profiles customized memberships, thorough screening process, guaranteed service.
WANTED: ORGANIC FEED barley and milling oats for immediate delivery. Growers International 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK. SELL YOUR ORGANIC crop to 250+ buyers. Very easy! We do it for you. Only $199. Call 1-888-805-6808. FARMER DIRECT CO-OP is looking for old crop and new crop barley, flax, hemp, and lentils. Best prices for durum and high protein hard red spring. Call 306-352-2444 and send 3 lb. sample to: 1536 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK. S4P 0P5. RW ORGANIC LTD. currently looking for all grades of wheat, new and old crop. 306-354-2660, Mossbank, SK. TRADE AND EXPORT Canada Inc. now buying feed oats, flax and feed peas. Quick pay. Contact Lorna 1-877-339-1959.
TRAPS: MUSKRAT, floater and under water tunnel traps. Live traps, large (coyote) and small. Conibear traps, size small to 330. 306-459-2652, Ogema, SK.
AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG PUPS (Blue Heeler), both parents CKC Reg., excellent cow dogs, will have first shots and ready to go Nov. 10th. 306-386-2471, North Battleford, SK. REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE pups for sale. Good working well bred parents, strong and obedient. These pups will want to work. Phone 306-937-3513, Cando, SK. COLLIE/ HEELER CROSS pups. Two males, two females, $75. 403-565-2431, Empress, AB. MAREMMA/PYRENEES PUPS, exc. working parents, never lost a sheep to coyotes, $150/ea. 306-723-4775, Cupar, SK. MAREMMA/AKHBASH cross puppies, ready to go, raised with sheep/horses, $250 each. 306-246-4468, Richard, SK PYRENEES/MAREMMA CROSS pups from working parents with no losses ever. $200 ea. Phone 780-826-7443, Bonnyville, AB. PB BLUE HEELER pups, ready to go, good working parents. 780-202-0297 days, 780-389-2483 eves., Thorsby, AB. GOOD WORKING BLUE HEELER pups for sale, 7 little girls ready early December off hard working parents, 1st shots, dewormed references avail., can arrange delivery, $250. 306-492-2447, Clavet, SK.
NH 795 TA double chain manure spreader, $7250; NH 697 TA single beater manure WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, spreader, $4800. 204-525-4521, Minito- delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 888-531-4888 ext. 2. nas, MB.
KOENDERS POND PUMP, EL2 LD 1.5 120 V aerator, w/freeze kit, $650. Lloydminster, AB 780-871-1282.
7 LOVELY FRENCHIES, 4 male, 3 female pups, white w/tan, born Sept. 9, will have first shots, ready to go Oct. 28. For more info call Jean 780-221-2759, Lamont, AB. LASSIE COLLIE PUPS first shots and vet visit incl. Very good with children and other animals. 403-578-2437, Coronation, AB.
CKC REGISTERED ENGLISH SPRINGER puppies, 12 weeks old, vet checked, shots up to date, father hunts, mother obedience titled, 3 liver/white males left, $750. Phone 780-878-3590, Hay Lakes, AB. CKC REG. BLACK Lab pups, ready to go. Make great hunting/trapping companions. Working parents. Will be around 100 lbs., $600. 306-342-4217, Medstead, SK.
ALL V AR IETIES W AN TED HERITAGE PROPANE LTD. (Sask.) Servicing residential and grain drying. Friendly, quality service at the lowest price possible. Toll free 1-877-641-3232.
Com petitive farm - gate pricing HOPPER FEEDER 100+ bu. on trailer, hyd. drive, folding auger; Also 2 used 45 bu. 3 PTH or trailer mount models; Also several cattle and bale scales. Elias Scales 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windbreaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. CALL YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT Inc. for all your livestock equipment needs. Regina, SK. 1-800-803-8346, Ask for Ron or Kevin.
Visit us at AGRI-TRADE Red Deer
Nov. 9-12 Centrium Booth #1108
2005 FARM AID MIXER WAGON, like new condition, always shedded, asking $16,000. 306-778-2533, Swift Current, SK. PRECAST CEMENT FEED bunks, 10’ long, good cond., $100/ea OBO. 403-934-5862, Strathmore, AB. SILVER STREAM SHELTERS: 30x72 single steel frame cover kit, $4700; 38x100 truss, $11,900. Replacement tarps for any brand, patch kits, rope webbing and ratchets. Call 1-877-547-4738. 2008 LUCKNOW 2270 twin screw vertical mix wagon, low usage, asking $38,000. 306-224-4272, Windthorst, SK.
1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46
SING ALONG KARAOKE SYSTEM; 2 guitars w/cases: Emperdor and El Degas. Excellent cond. 306-373-2703, Saskatoon, SK.
2011 28,375
Deluxe Knotty Pine Cabin 12x24 Includes: all pre-assembled wall and roof panels, two 36x36 inch thermo pane windows, solid 36 inch entrance door installed, metal exterior Roof (color options available), all hardware for assembly and easy to follow instruction manual.
Item #
2162 Airp ortD rive S askatoon , S K S 7L 6M 6
Knotty Pine Cabins Inc. 10635 184 St Edmonton, AB 780-484-2224
REG. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, Chez bloodlines, ready to go end of Oct. More info or pictures call 204-732-2483 or email Ste. Rose, MB. CKC REG. BLACK Lab pups. Field trial lines. 30 month health guarantee, $1200. 306-747-8005, Shellbrook, SK. or email
CENTRAL WATER & EQUIPMENT Services Ltd. Portable Pump and Pipeline Sales, Service and Rentals. Local phone: 306-975-1999, Fax: 306-975-7175, Toll free 1-800-561-7867.
CKC REG. YELLOW Labrador Retriever puppies, males and females. Call Dolores 204-673-2577, Waskada, MB. CKC REG. ST. BERNARD PUPS, males and females, ready to go mid Nov., first shots, micro chipped, $1300 each. Free delivery to Edmonton, AB. Can email pics. 867-335-5192 cell, 867-668-7218 res, Whitehorse, YT.
(306) 931- 4576
WANTED: CERTIFIED ORGANIC slaughter cattle, grass/forage finished. Contact Peter Lundgard at Nature’s Way Farm, 780-338-2934, Grimshaw, AB. 10 CERTIFIED ORGANIC Angus/Galloway yearlings. Phone 780-385-2474 Killam, AB. Website:
WELD YOUR OWN panels, 10’ and 12’ panels from 1 1/4” pipe, all pipe sheared to length for easy flat welding. $48/10’ flat bar panel, $54/10’ 6 bar panel, $56/12’ 5 bar panel, $63/12’ 6 bar panel. Del. avail. 780-872-0067, Canwood, SK.
HAYBUSTER H1000 TUB GRINDER, trailer mounted, direct drive L10 Cummins motor with triple clutch, 2”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 6”, 7” screens and 1/4” grain screens and hopper. Rebuilt augers and tin work. Triple axle trailer, $49,000 OBO. Bashaw, AB, 403-788-2489 . 7000 HD HIGHLINER bale processor, like new, always shedded, $7000. Phone 306-335-2806, Lemberg, SK. BARNEY BOY SLURRY wagon, 3150 gallons, Augermatic. 306-874-5422, Naicam, SK. 430 FARM AID feed wagon for sale, used very little. Ph. 780-889-3798, Heisler, AB. SOLAR WEST portable pumping stations; MORAND livestock equipment; Portable windbreaks; Custom built panels and gates. Delivery available. 1-866-354-7655, 50 ARTEX PIVOT comfort stalls, $50 OBO. Phone 780-674-6862, Barrhead, AB. 1992 IHC 4900 feed truck, with Cattelac 450, recent work on augers and floor, exc. cond.; 3743 New Idea manure spreader, top beater, good cond. Owner retiring. 204-476-6476, Neepawa, MB.
120 BASE CAMILLO special accordian with 14 treble switches, chin switch and 6 base switches, asking $800. 306-297-3122 Shaunavon, SK.
ALASAKAN MALAMUTE PUPS, CKC reg., guaranteed health for a year, first shots, dewormed twice and tattooed, ready Dec. 1st. Call 780-723-6345 or go to Edson, AB. CKC REG. SHELTIE pups available to approved homes. Sold on CKC non breeding contract only! 306-378-7922, can view at or email LOOKING FOR nice lady in her 70’s in good Elrose, SK. health, widow ok, who would like to go south in the winter. Picture please. Reply in confidence to Box 5555, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4. ROTTWEILER PUPPIES, 1/4 Shepherd, good farm guard dogs, tails docked, dewHONEST, QUIET NATURED widow, 5’, 112 claws removed, first shots, vet checked, lbs, seeks sincere Adventist Christian gent $450. 306-627-3630, Swift Current, SK. late 60’s, early 70’s. Canadian born, good natured, loving, NS/ND. Picture please. PUREBRED ST. BERNARD pups, vet Box 2100, c/o Western Producer, Saska- checked, first shots, both parents on site. 780-986-3769, Leduc, AB. toon, SK S7K 2C4 DIVORCED, 51, PRETTY, loving, kind hearted country woman seeking honest, caring, kind hearted, financially secure, tall, handsome country man, 50-60 years of age. Would love companionship, if lucky commitment. Photo and phone number please. Box 5591, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4.
G R E AT DA N E P U P P I E S , harlequin, m e r l e , a n d b l a c k , r e a dy t o g o . P h . 306-834-5156, Kerrobert, SK. SABLE LASSIE COLLIE crossed with red and white Border Collie pups, 2 females left, $150 ea. 306-228-3582, Unity, SK.
SUGAR GLIDERS, tame, will ship, $285 each. 250-766-4823, Winfield, BC. Email PB GERMAN SHORTHAIRED Pointer pups, Love Is Possible... Camelot Introductions 8 wks, great hunting and family pets. is a successful Matchmaking Service serv- Shots, dewormed, ready to go, $350. ing MB and SK. All clients are interviewed 204-422-9356, 204-782-0817, St Anne MB in person. We have 18 years experience GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, born July and have matched 1000’s of people. In- 13th, vet checked, dewormed, asking terviews in Yorkton, Regina and Saska- $250/each, health guaranteed. Grimshaw, toon, are being held November 10th to AB. 780-625-4731. 13th. Call now to book your appointment with award winning Matchmaker. Must be GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, ready to go, 6 non-smoker and able to pass criminal weeks old. Leave message if not in. Phone check. Ed 306-272-3848, Foam Lake, SK. 204-888-1529. SCOTCH COLLIE (Lassie) puppies for sale PSYCHIC READING by Jessica. Helps in $250. Both parents are pure bred but not all problems! Call for free reading. registered. Contact Steve or Allison at 204-937-5940, 204-207-0152. Roblin, MB. 305-456-9714 or 1-888-351-2665.
USED MOTOROLA VERTEX 2-way radios. Prices start at $225. Antennas and radio repairs. Future Communications, 306-949-3000, Regina, SK.
KELOWNA .35 ACRE, beautiful view, orchard in front and back, view of lake and city of Kelowna, BC. No restrictions for building. Water, sewer. Close to Highway 33. Serious inquiries only. 780-778-9270. FOR SALE BY OWNER in pollution free Keremeos, BC. House w/basement, 2788 sq. ft., 200 amp. service, 5 bdrm, 2.5 bath, new gas furnace, 2 fireplaces. 2 car overhead door garage, large patio w/hot tub, solarium and ideal dream shop (1560 sq. ft., 1/2 bath, 100 amp., new gas furnace) on 0.4 acre lot. 413 - 2nd Ave. Inquiries phone 250-497-1192, Priced to sell at $339,000. HOUSE IN SOUTH Okanagan, 2.5 acres, panoramic lake view, 7000 sq. ft., 9 yrs. old, attached garage. Detached 1200 sq. ft. garage w/guest suite. $1,148,000. Call 250-718-0513, Kelowna, BC.
101 ACRES WITH EXECUTIVE HOME in Sorrento’s Notch Hill area of the Shuswap Lake region. See for tons of info! $1.65M. Listed by Rob McKibbon of C21 Lifestyles, MLS® 10022256. Toll free at: 1-866-463-2791
UNIQUE WESTERN BUILDING. 4470 sq. ft. building built in 1999 with a western boardwalk. Zoned commercial/industrial and would be great for retail, manufacturing or motel. Living quarters can be installed along with a business. Recently vacated. Only 45 min. east of Okotoks, AB. For more info. call 403-534-2355 or 403-333-8833. TRUCK REPAIR SHOP with large warehouse and office space on 1+ acres of land. Could be sold with tools. 701-339-2323, Roblin, MB.
SUN HILLS RESORT at Lake of the Prairies, SK, only 40 minutes East of Yorkton. Lots and cabins selling now! Starting at $42,000, fully serviced! Ph. 306-621-9680 or visit TITLED LOT AND CABIN, South Bay, Turtle Lake, SK. Nicely treed lot, 18x24 cedar 2 bdrm, fully furnished, has covered deck. Good location, $179,900. 306-653-5484.
2 REZONED RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE by live auction within the resort village of Coteau Beach on Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011, 2:00 PM. For more info. call the Mayor, Darwin McDonald at 306-573-4884.
TO BE MOVED: 2000 SQ. ft. square cedar log house, all interior walls are log, 3 bdrm., new 2008 shingles, hot water heat. 403-393-0219 or 403-833-2190.
MANITOU BEACH, SK, 1500 sq. ft. year round split level home, steps away from mineral spa. 4 bdrms, 2 baths, 2 dbl. garages, 100x124’ lot. Many upgrades, $ 2 9 9 , 9 0 0 . M L S. Re / M a x S a s k at o o n , 1-866-441-6333 or
EARLY 1900’s BUNGALOW with a couple SAM’S MOBILE HOMES: We pay top of additions, to be moved. Best offer. dollar for used mobile homes. 14’ and 16’ 306-869-3123, Radville, SK. preferred. Wanted immediately. We sell good quality used homes for great prices. 660 SQ. FT. single bdrm home, on farm lo- John Becker 306-781-4130, Pilot Butte SK cation, stucco finish, recently remodeled w/new metal roof. 70 miles west of Swift TO BE MOVED: Berkshire 14x68 plus Current, SK. 306-662-7255, 306-558-7133. 14x28 addition- large sunken living room, w/10x14 office. Owner occupied since VILLAGE OF SHELL LAKE, 12 residential new. Very well kept. Many upgrades, solid lots for sale. Contact Village Office: Email: wood trim and doors, fresh paint, some Call 306-427-2272. new flooring. Incl. 4 appliances, Energy Doctor windows, custom made blinds, liv4 SERVICED LOTS- Total size 104’x130’, ing room furniture and oak dining suite. Just over an hour south of Saskatoon and Oil furnace heat w/wood fireplace and 10 minutes from Lake Diefenbaker. All elec. heat in addition. Pictures avail. your outdoor recreation within minutes, 306-747-7890 days or 306-747-3340 $18,000 OBO. 306-291-5100 leave msg. eves., Shellbrook, SK,
NEW 1400 sq ft house in Davidson, SK, has full cement basement, 28’x30’ attached garage sitting on corner lot, close to school and downtown area, landscaped. Asking $305,000. Phone 306-567-4274. LOG HOMES, custom built, hand crafted, Pike Lake, SK. Phone 306-493-2448 or 306-222-6558, 1973 748 SQ. FT. 2 bdrm bungalow on 102x150’ corner lot, Hafford, SK., asking $60,000 OBO. 306-986-1031.
NELSON’S AUCTION SERVICE: Sat., Oct. 29th, 2011, 10 AM. Mary Anne Dunne Farm Dispersal Real Estate and Machinery Auction, Leroy, SK. House to be auctioned at 1 PM. An approx. 1000 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 1 bath bungalow w/20 acres of treed land. Vinyl siding, asphalt shingles, 15’x12’ deck, finished porch. Includes outbuildings; school house; barn; chop bin barn; cattle shelter; pump house; wood bins and a detached 2 car garage. An open house will be held Fri., Oct. 28, 2011 from 1-4 PM. Also auctioning 160 acres of farmland with 135 of those being cultivated in the RM of Leroy #339. Farm machinery will be aucOpen beam ceiling. tioned including: 2290 Case tractor; 1984 Versatile SP 4400 swather; 1978 GMC 65 $ 00 Starting at Series 3T truck; Flexi-Coil System 95 harrow packer; and System 82 harrow draw We deliver. bar; Bourgault 2115 air seeder; Model 2 Case tractor; 1928 IHC KB.5 2T truck; NH mixmill; 1983 MF combine; Kendon 10635 184 St. Edmonton, AB 357 hoppered wagon. Household items include: Hobart piano; Hotpoint range; Kenmore fridge. Many more items to be auctioned, visit our website at: web: for a full listing and pictures or call 306-944-4320. PL LAKEVIEW, BRAND NEW at Hitchcock #911669. Bay, Lake Diefenbaker, SK, 1440 sq. ft., titled, AC, 2 bath, 2 bdrm on main, more in basement. $289,900. 306-573-4800. LOOKING FOR LAKE PROPERTY in the Big River, SK area? Have lake lots available on Cowan Lake and Delaronde Lake starting at $39,000. Give Ian a call 306-469-4845 or email
12 SUITE APARTMENT BLOCK, Leader SK. Sale Price $698,000. Contact Greg Belof 306-525-3344, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd.
1650 SQ. FT. condo, 3 bdrms, 3 bthrms, two U/G parking stalls, across from Southland Mall, Regina, SK. Many new upgrades. $349,900. 306-586-4668, 306-529-3486.
NUTANA: 410 Main St., 2 bdrms, 1-1/2 $54,900, WISHART, SK., 1140 sq. ft., 3 baths, 1266 sq. ft., UG parking. Saskatoon, bdrm bungalow, 18’x32’ detached garage. 306-576-2069, SK. 306-931-0093, 306-241-3077.
MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK. THINKING ABOUT RETIREMENT? How about to southern AB, Coaldale? To a 1467 sq. ft. new modular home in a new, quiet, park on its own lot? This spacious 4 bdrm, 2 bathroom, large living room, kitchen, dining room, laundry room, w/6 appliances, fenced and landscaped. Call 403-381-7349 or 403-330-6157.
CHARACTER HOME to be moved from Elbow, SK. area. Beautifully restored 2 bdrm, 1-1/2 storey home located 18 miles from Diefenbaker Lake. Also have a treed yardsite nearby w/water, electrical and phone hookups. Call Mel or Kim for pics and pricing: 306-854-4700, 306-867-7455.
REVELSTOKE 26x42’, (1964) 3 bdrm. bungalow, 1-1/2 baths, new metal roof, needs windows, siding, flooring and paint, structurally sound, $19,900; Approx. 940 sq. ft. (1965), 2 bdrm. bungalow, vinyl siding, brand new roof, large porch, good cond., FOR SALE BY OWNER: 3 acreages, $13,900. Both located near Ituna, SK. treed. Mobile homes allowed. Located area. Can be left on site for an agreed penear Lac Ste. Anne, AB. 1-888-963-0101 or riod of time. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779. or 780-962-0101 PRICE REDUCED: 1160 sq. ft. house, 2008 MODULINE on owned lot or could be beautifully renovated with new bathroom, moved, many extras, sacrifice price. kitchen, bedroom windows and laminate 306-278-2706 or 306-278-7319, Porcu- floor. 3 bdrms, 1 bath, available immediately, price includes move but dependent pine Plain, SK upon distance from Calgary, AB. Call Wayne 403-352-8768.
MESA, ARIZONA, Park Model for sale in Val Vista Village, a 55+ outstanding 5 Star resort. 403-787-2437.
EXCEPTIONAL PARK, EXCEPTIONAL location! Mesa, AZ. 20 mins. to airport, 2 bdrms, 2 baths, carport, large attached storage. Fully furnished, ready to use. Price includes near new golf cart if sale c o m p l e t e d b y N o v. 1 5 , 2 0 1 1 . C a l l 306-955-1129 for details and pictures. Saskatoon, SK.
1985 PARK MODEL Cameo 1 bedroom, in Goodlife Park, Mesa Arizona. Phone for details, 306-856-4646, Conquest, SK.
PARK MODEL for sale, Apache Junction, AZ. Country living in a 5-star resort on HOUSE TO BE MOVED in Calgary, AB. Hwy. #60. Completely furnished, large Recently renovated 1600 sq. ft. bungalow, carport, storage shed. Priced to sell. Britannia built, 3 bdrm, 2 baths, newer: 306-782-7374, Yorkton, SK. kitchen w/granite, stainless appliances, carpet and tile. House moving at buyers cost. Available March 15, 2012, $28,000. Call 403-270-7521.
SHERWOOD MODULAR HOMES, SRI factory built, 16’, 20’, 22’, sectionals. Full set-up and service in house. Phone Regina 1-866-838-7744. Estevan 1-877-378-7744.
1979 MOBILE HOME to be moved. Incl. 3 appl., curtains, new hot water heater and new furnace motor. Located on AB hwy 14, 5 kms from AB/SK border. 780-858-3115. Email:
HOUSE FOR SALE in Mesa, AZ. 3444 North Tuscany Circle. Located in the beautiful gated community of Las Sendas. 2451 sq. ft. 2 storey w/pool and hot tub. Built in 1999. For more info call 306-487-7993 or email
Kamloops, British Columbia
123.5 Riverfront Acres $1,550,000. Dairy Road, Kamloops B.C. Spectacular riverfront property 7 minutes from Kamloops. 123.5 fenced acres with approx. 2kms of frontage along the North Thompson River. Mostly level land, incredible white sand beaches & walking/riding trails through the trees along the river. On bus route, shopping & schools nearby. 85 acres of irrigated, fertile crop land as well as 25 acres of irrigated pasture. Enjoy your private trout pond in the back meadow & beautiful mountain views. Mobile home, 6,100sf hay shed, riding arena & corrals. City irrigation, 2 water licenses. Information package available. Julieanne Puhallo-Brow n 1-250-571-0355 Best-W estRealty
SAVE 25%
Are you planning to build a home in 2011. Wood Country will build you a RTM or a custom built home on site to meet your requirements. Wood Country prides itself on building top quality homes with a high level of customer satisfaction since its inception in 1980.
C al lL eigh at 306 -6 9 9 -7284 M cL ean , S as k.
Brownlees Trucking Inc. Box 1172 Unity, SK 306-228-2971
Elevator Sprockets
Item #
(306)652-5322 2505 Ave. C. N orth, Saskatoon
1-877-6 6 5-6 6 6 0
Ca llUs To d a y O rV isitw w w .jhho m m
Lower clean and return Sprockets to fit CCIL 960 combine. FOB Swift Current, SK.
Never climb a bin again. Equips your auger to sense precisely when the bin is full. Fits any auger or conveyor. FOB Unity, SK.
Full-Bin Super Sensor
Item #
Certified Home Builder
T H E R A D V IL L E • 1616 sq. ft. • 3 large bedroom s • 2 -3/ 4 baths • Optionaldouble car garage
Ask Us Abou t Cu stom Hom es
2011 580 58 OPENING BID
Motorola PM400 25 Watt VHF Mobile Radio Motorola mobile radio, 25 watt, VHF, comes complete with 2 year manufacturer’s warranty, power cord, mounting bracket, palm microphone and user guide. Included in this package is initial radio frequency programming, Maxrad high gain or wide band antenna as well as antenna cable.
Nodge Manufacturing (88) Ltd 125 10 Ave NW Swift Current, SK 306-773-5288
Item #
GL Mobile Communications 243 South Industrial Drive Prince Albert, SK 306-922-1170
P re -Re g is te r O n lin e - Bid d in g Be g in s N ove m b e r 10, 2011 w w w .p rod u c e ra u c tion .c om
NORTH OKANAGAN, BC. 68 acres, 55 in hay located adjacent to Enderby, BC, 5 minutes from Hwy. 97A. Older farm home with 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths, storage/barn 265’x45’ with 13’9” inside clearance. Hay barn 60’x120’, metal roof and 3 box stalls. Also machine shed and equipment shed. Services incl. city water and 2 wells, nat. gas, 110 power and back-up generator. Located on paved road with great views of the farm and mountains. Email or call owners 250-838-6642.
8200 ACRE CATTLE RANCH, located in Central AB., Building site adjacent to reservoir, home to a variety of water fowl. Carrying capacity is 600 cow/calf units. Buildings include: 2 homes, heated shop, 120’ scale, machine shed, processing barn, loose housing and corrals for 5000 head. For more information call 403-807-7485. Brokers welcome. 1) DELUXE RECREATIONAL QUARTER section, log home 2 cabins, revenue, gravel deposits, Clearwater River frontage, 2 creeks, great for horses, a must see investment. 2) Approx. 1600 acre cattle property west of Edmonton. 3) Deluxe 5000 acre ranch with surface lease revenues and large gravel deposits, private and exclusive. Have buyers for grainland. Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, 780-991-1180, Spruce Grove, AB. HALF SECTION comes with complete set of buildings. Cow/calf operation. Evansburg AB. area. 780-727-2919.
TIM HAMMOND REALTY Tappen Farms Ltd. For Sale by Tender, 6 quarters NW of Springwater, SK. Total 2010 assessment $327,700 (avg. $54,447/quarter), approx. 907 cult. acs., 4x 4,800 bu. steel hopper bins. Right of first refusal on N 1/2 18-35-17W3. Closes 5:00 pm Nov. 9, 2011. Excl. listing. 306-948-5052
ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: NOBLEFORD: Home, large shop w/indoor truck wash, office, etc., 2nd shop, hay storage, corrals for 1500 head, calving barn, horse pasture, pivot irrigated. (#1757, Ben). FORT MACLEOD: River Valley Ranch! 365 acres, 2 homes, shops, quonset, bins, corrals, etc. (#1802, Ben). BROOKS: Cash crop farm (hay/canola) #1 soil, 4 homes, large shop w/storage bays, comes w/land, buildings, equipment. (#1756, Ben). SOUTHERN AB: Nice pivot farm! Full set of buildings, immaculate yard, 6 full pivot circles. (#1755, Chris). BOW ISLAND: Pivot irrigated land, quonset, grain bins. (#1700, Walt). SCANDIA: 320 acres row crop land, pivot irrigated, home, $4000 annual surface revenue. (#1684, Hans). OUTLOOK, SK: Nice irrigation farm! 13 quarters, 11 pivots, 10 pumping units, quonset, grain storage. (#1804, Ben). Call Signature Service Real Estate website w w w. c a n a d a f a r m a n d r a n c h . c o m 1-866-345-3414. LOOKING TO CASH RENT pivot irrigated land for forage production prefer Strathmore/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consider all areas; Also want to CASH RENT DRY LAND for alfalfa production east of Hwy. #21, north of Hwy #1. Long term l e a s e p r e f e r a b l y. 4 0 3 - 5 0 7 - 8 6 6 0 .
LAND FOR SALE: Chauvin, AB. Mixed farm cow/calf operation, 960 acres deeded, 460 acres crown pasture. Established farm site, treed and manicured yard, 1470 sq. ft. home, 2 large machine sheds with woodworking shop, corrals and outbuildings. SE 1/4-6-44-1-W4; yard, crop land, gas well N 1/2-6-44-1-W4; crop land, hay, gas wells W 1/2-8-44-1-W4; crop land, pasture NE 1/4-31-43-1-W4; crop land, gas well NE 1/4-7-44-1-W4; crown pasture S 1/2-7-44-1-W4; crown pasture. Will consider offers on all or parts of. Call Jim 780-842-0996. Closing date Nov 15, 2011. WANTED Small Dairy Farm, reasonably priced, in Alberta or BC. 780-292-2162. POULTRY FARM SW OF EDMONTON. 3 Email barns- 1 brand new, quota included. Lease WANTED: GOOD FARMLAND in Sask, have quota avail. Superior home on private buyers and investors. Phone B. McLash, yardsite. Great opportunity! Call Floyd, Realty Executives MJ, Moose Jaw, SK, Realty Executives Polaris, 780-446-5237. 306-630-5700. UNDER VALUED Based On Production. RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section with yard, 3900 acres grainland at $1100/acre. Two adjacent to Canora, SK. Will separate yard yards, 2400 acres avail. with one yard, from land. 306-651-1041. West of St. Paul near Spedden, AB. Floyd, MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and Realty Executives Polaris, 780-446-5237. or lease your mineral rights. 1-877-269-9990. CENTRAL ALBERTA: Seven quarters mixed farm in Heisler, AB. Home half has FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, Buying or Selling, Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, pipeline revenue. 780-889-2126. Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty.
L A N E R E A LT Y C O R P. For the m ost VALU E & EXPO SU RE that you deserve w hen selling your farm or ranch property,contact one of our Farm & Ranch Specialists today! BOB LANE - Regina (306) 569-3380 MORLEY FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask.
(306) 741-2393
MARK FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask.
(306) 784-7844
KEVIN JARRETT - North Battleford/Unity
(306) 441-4152
ED BEUTLER - Yorkton/Whitewood
(306) 620-7260
JASON BEUTLER - Yorkton/Estevan
(306) 735-7811
GARTH HENDRY - Moose Jaw/South Central
(306) 631-0802
JEFF HEGLAND - Saskatoon/Prince Albert
(306) 270-9050
JASON SELINGER - Weyburn/Qu’Appelle
(306) 861-1750
DOUG JENSEN - Melville/Raymore
(306) 621-9955
STAN HALL - Davidson/Strasbourg/Humboldt
(306) 725-7826
(306) 327-7129
MURRAY MURDOCH - Outlook/Rosetown
(306) 858-8000
DARRELL HERAUF - Dairy/Poultry
(306) 527-9636
DALE MURDOCH - West Central/Kindersley
(306) 774-6100
S a s ka tchew a n’s Fa rm & Ra nch S pecia lis ts ™
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“N ow representing purchasers from across Canada, the United K ingdom & M ainland Europe!”
Visitour w ebsite at:
w w nerea to view currentlis tings a nd virtua l tours
LOOKING FOR large and small parcels of Sask farmland. Have qualified cash buyers. Lease backs an option. Buying or selling call Harry Sheppard, Sutton Group-Results Realty, Regina, SK. 306-530-8035.
LAND FOR TENDER: SE-08-30-14-W3; SW-08-30-14-W3. Submit tenders to Box 837, Rosetown, SK, S0L 2V0 no later than November 30, 2011. Highest or any tender RM GOOD LAKE, 1200 acres mixed farm- not necessarily accepted. land, well maintained house, yard, and RM HAZEL DELL: SE-34-36-9-W2, 120 buildings, excellent water supply. Close to cultivated acres, assessed 35,000. For info Provincial park, 60 kms from Yorkton. Call phone 306-325-4443, Lintlaw, SK. 306-592-4547, Buchanan, SK. RM 368: For Sale: NE-31-38-16-W2 and GRAIN OR CATTLE LAND: 5 quarters, 4 Part SW-32-38-16-W2, 165 acres cult. fenced and one farmland, beautiful yard Joe Woloshyn, 306-872-2130, Spalding SK w/1700 sq. ft. house, 2-1/2 miles from St. Brieux, SK., barn, cattle shelter, corrals, LAND AUCTION: 6 Quarters of Land in heated shop, 50x100 shed. 306-275-2007. RM of Parkdale #498. Prime opportunity for grain farmers and cattleman to bid YOUR CHOICE: 96 acres with beautiful on 6 quarters of mixed farm land north of house and yard, up to 5 quarters of grass Glaslyn, SK. Also a nice quiet location for and hay including machinery. One hour SE country living in Saskatchewan’s beautiful of Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-365-3355. Parkland area “The Gateway to the North” FARMLAND, RM SNIPE LAKE #259, Prime recreational area for outdoorsman NE-32-27-21-W3, NW-32-27-21-W3, featuring a variety of hunting and fishing SW-29-27-21-W3, NW-20-27-21-W3, options. Features a yard site with home, NE-20-27-21-W3, NW-21-27-21-W3, shop and corrals. For auction – December SW-21-27-21-W3. Two gas wells located 1st 1:30pm Kramer Auctions Ltd, North on 2 quarters. Highest tender not neces- Battleford, SK. Call 306-445-5000 or visit sarily accepted. All tenders to be received SKPL# 914618 by Nov. 15, 2011. Send tenders to Keith RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 5280 feet of Graves, Box 338, Outlook, SK, S0L 2N0 or river frontage, estimated to have 300,000 email All other in- yards of gravel. 781 acres of grazing land. quiries phone 306-867-8609 or email. All fenced. Pump house (insulated and with 6 watering troughs. Priced as NELSON’S AUCTION SERVICE, Sat., Oct. heated) investment property because of the riv29th, 2011, 10 AM. Mary Dunne Farm Dis- an er frontage gravel. Seller will sell any persal, Leroy, SK. RM #339. 7 miles south portion or alland as a package. MLS® 393713. and 1 mile east on grid road 761. 3 bed- Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battleroom house with 20 acres to be auctioned fords, North Battleford, at 1 PM. 160 acres of farmland to be auc- www.remaxbattlefords.comSK, 306-446-8800, tioned. This auction includes farm machinery and much more. Visit our website: WANTED TO PURCHASE a grain farm or www.nelsonsauction for a full listing with farmland, prefer southeast or east central pictures, Ph: 306-944-4320, PL #911669. Sask. Phone 306-861-4592, SK.
NOTICE OF SALE BY VIRTUE of a certain Order Nisi for Sale issued out of this Court on the 07th day of June, 2011, we hereby offer for sale, by public auction, the property: DESCRIPTION OF LAND: (said lands located in R.M. of Douglas and Round Hill, Saskatchewan) 1. Surface Parcel #150264941 - (“Parcel A”) $40,000. Reference Land Description: NE Sec 33 Twp 45 Rge 13 W3 Extension 2 as described on Certificate of Title 71B07023, description 2 2. Surface Parcel #128880209 - (“Parcel B”) $22,000. Reference Land Description: NE Sec 34 Twp 45 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02607(1)A 3. Surface Parcel #128867473 - (“Parcel C”) $29,000. Reference Land Description: SW Sec 36 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02607(1)B 4. Surface Parcel #128879364 - (“ Parcel D”) $26,000. Reference Land Description: SE Sec 34 Twp 45 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02606 5. Surface Parcel #128879386 - (“Parcel E”) $18,000. Reference Land Description: SW Sec 34 Twp 45 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02606 6. Surface Parcel #128879476 - (“Parcel F”) $39,000. Reference Land Description: NW Sec 35 Twp 45 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02607(1)A 7. Surface Parcel #128878880 - (“Parcel G”) $57,000. Reference Land Description: SE Sec 27 Twp 45 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02606A 8. Surface Parcel #128871681 - (“Parcel H”) $36,000. Reference Land Description: NE Sec 02 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02607 9. Surface Parcel #128871658 - (“Parcel I”) $24,000. Reference Land Description: NW Sec 02 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02605 10. Surface Parcel #128871614 - (“Parcel J”) $33,000. Reference Land Description: SE Sec 02 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 74B04523A 11. Surface Parcel #128871636 - (“Parcel K”) $22,000. Reference Land Description: SW Sec 02 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 74B04523A 12. Surface Parcel #128871726 - (“Parcel L”) $26,000. Reference Land Description: SW Sec 03 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 74B04523A 13. Surface Parcel # 128871704 - (“Parcel M”) $26,000. Reference Land Description: SE Sec 03 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 0 as described on Certificate of Title 74B04523A 14. Surface Parcel:#129115818 - (“Parcel N”) $18,000. Reference Land Description: SE Sec 04 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 2 as described on Certificate of Title 71B07023A which describes this parcel and other parcel(s) with the same land description tied to this one 15. Surface Parcel: #128871793 - (“Parcel O”) $18,000. Reference Land Description: SE Sec 04 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 1 as described on Certificate of Title 71B07023A which describes this parcel and other
parcel(s) with the same land description tied to this one 16. Surface Parcel: #145325112 - (“Parcel P”) $21,000. Reference Land Description: SE Sec 11 Twp 46 Rge 13 W3 Extension 9 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02605, description 9 17. Surface Parcel: #145325099 - (“Parcel Q”) $21,000. Reference Land Description: Blk/Par HPlan No 101600840 Extension 8 as described on Certificate of Title 95B02605, description 8 TIME AND PLACE OF SALE: (a) Time: Tuesday, the 08th day of November, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. local time. (b) Place: Court House, 291 - 23rd Street West, Battleford, Saskatchewan. TERMS OF SALE 1. Written tenders will be received at any time up to and including 4:00 p.m. (local time) Monday, November 7, 2011, in sealed envelopes marked EX J.D. 150/11 addressed to Sheriff, Box 340, Battleford, Saskatchewan, S0M 0E0 2. Each bid shall be accompanied by cash or certified cheque, bank draft or solicitor’s trust cheque made payable to the Court of Queen’s Bench in the amount of 10% of the bid (the Deposit), and should the bid be unsuccessful, the said Deposit will be returned to the bidder. 3. The party making the successful bid will be required to pay the balance to the Sheriff, Battleford within three weeks of the date of sale. The sale is to be confirmed within one month of the sale. 4. If the purchaser(s) does not complete the purchase on the terms and within the time specified herein, due to his own neglect or default, the deposit shall be forfeited. Any forfeited deposit shall be applied in full payment of the Sheriff and Agricultural Credit Saskatchewan costs of the sale with any surplus to be paid to the Plaintiff, Farm Credit Canada. 5. The property will be sold free from all right, title and equity of redemption and possession. Shall be given to the purchaser within 20 days of the service upon the Defendant of the Order confirming sale. 6. The Plaintiff and Defendants have leave to bid at the sale. 7. Purchasers must rely on their own research and inspection of the property when preparing an offer. 8. The highest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted and any sale is subject to confirmation by the Court. 9. In the event of a dispute or uncertainty concerning the conduct of the sale, the decision of the Sheriff, or her Officer, shall be binding on all parties. 10. The Mortgaged Lands shall not individually or collectively be sold for less than 90% of the values as identified above in the description of the surface parcels. 11. Bids may be received on any one parcel, up to any seventeen parcels. If bids are submitted on more than one parcel, the bid must identify the bid being placed on each individual parcel. 12. All bids must be submitted in writing and delivered either personally (291, 23rd Street West, Battleford, Saskatchewan), or by registered mail ( P.O. Box 340, Battleford, Saskatchewan, S0M 0E0) to the Sheriff’s Office at the Judicial Centre of Battleford. 13. The Sheriff is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this advertisement.
DATED at the Town of Battleford, in the Province of Saskatchewan, this day of October 5th, 2011. Linda J. Popp, Sheriff Judicial Centre of Battleford
SOLD, SOLD, SOLD: After selling approx. 30,000 acres over the summer I need farm and ranch listings. If you are considering sale of your property please consider John Cave with Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379. RM BATTLE RIVER, 5 miles west on hwy. 16. 113 acres, mainly all natural land w/bush and rolling hills. Trailer home w/add-on- many upgrades, 12x24’ deck, detached garage, 3 door shop, coverall building. What a location for a few horses or a small animal kennel business. MLS® 410014. RM ROUND HILL, 318 acres w/ approx 265 acres of good producing grainland, 13,300 bu. hopper bin grain storage, 3 bdrm home w/basement, detached garage and other buildings. Seller will consider selling yard separate. Call Lloyd Ledinski Re/Max of the Battlefords 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK. SUTTON GROUP NORTHLAND REALTY Saskatoon have buyers for farms, need farm listings. Contact Bert at 306-221-2892 or LAKE DIEFENBAKER: 640 acres of native and tame grass with full set of buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, SK, 306-773-7379. SASK. LAND FOR SALE: MAPLE CREEK: Rare Opportunity! 300+ cow ranch, 13 deeded quarters, 10 quarters lease in native grass, home, quonset, etc. (#1742, Gordon). SWIFT CURRENT: Rolling 100 cow ranch, year round springs, good winter shelter. (#1738, Gordon). SHAUNAVON: Ten quarters in a block, 2 dugouts, one oil drilling lease, completely fenced, water for rotational grazing. (#1736, Gordon). Signature Service Real Estate 1-866-345-3414,
LTD. John C ave Y our F arm & R anch E x pert – Selling F arm s & R anches 122-12 C headle StreetW ., Sw ift C urrent, Sask (306)773-7379 or (306)750-8876 Fax:(306)773-7387 Farm jcave@ NEEDED: FARM & RANCH LAND *LAND PRICES CONTINUE TO BE STRONG* Demand for Farm & Ranch property is good. Please call ME to discuss land values in your area. FARM & RANCH LISTINGS RM 110: 480 acres grass land. SOLD RM 110: 3680 acres, 2 yards. SOLD RM 110: 1001 acres, yard. SOLD RM 110: 3360 acres, yard. SOLD RM 109/110: 4800 acres, yard. SOLD RM 109/110/139: 3520 acres, yard. SOLD RM 110: 800 acres, yard. SOLD RM 166: 320 acres, grain land. SOLD RM 70: 3360 acre grain farm. SOLD RM 10: 6400 acre Ranch. SOLD RM King George: 480 acres grain land. SOLD RM 72: 480 acres grain/hay land. SOLD RM 106: 800 acres grain land/irrigation. SOLD RM 12: 3200 acre ranch. SOLD RM 167: 59 acres, 1520 sq. ft. bungalow, Quonset, horse barn, corrals. BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER. RM 12: 1400 acres hay land. RM 43: 8300 acre ranch. RM 166: 1600 deeded acres, 160 acres pivot irrigation, 80 acres wheelmove, water rights for 51 acres. RM 166: 800 acres with buildings. RM 166: Approx. 1000 acres grain land with 8 hog barns. RM 166: 39 acre hay lot. RM 166: 320 acres, house, service buildings, irrigation. RM 136: 480 acres. Approx. 6 miles East on Airport Road. RM 135/136: 640 acres, house, shop, corrals. RM 105: Approx 865 acres. RM 225: 1400 acres native grass. RM 224: 640 acres with buildings. RM 193: 160 acres with buildings. RM 44: 960 acres pasture land. RM King George: 960 acres farm land. RM 12: 1760 acres with buildings. RM 106: 800 acres grain land. RM 166: 66 acres with 2 houses, scenic yard RM 229: 240 acres hay land. RM 229/230: 2000 acres with buildings. RM 228: 160 acres with house. TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 70 near Avonlea, SK., 8 contiguous quarters with four quarters of heavy clay. 1,136 cult. acres. Currently rented. $1,295,000 MLS 4 0 7 3 4 3 . R oy H j e l t e 3 0 6 - 7 6 1 - 1 4 9 9 BUYER WITH DEEP pockets 100 mile radius around Regina, 2000-20,000 acres grain land, 5 year lease back available. 306-789-3044, 306-536-5090, Regina, SK. RM OF SPIRITWOOD, approx. 10 acres, 1450 sq. ft. bungalow, fully developed basement w/in-floor heat. This home is energy efficient, has nat. gas f/p, full oak package, 40x50’ fully insulated and heated shop. Ideal ppty. for commercial venture or whatever purchaser wishes. Subject to RM subdivision approval. A must to view. MLS® 413684. RM LEASK, 143 acres plus a small lake from 15’- 20’ deep. Approx. 110 acres of good producing grainland. Ideal location for a new yardsite. In the heart of excellent hunting and fishing area. There are several acreage developments in the area. 1-1/2 miles off No. 12 Highway. Power and phone nearby. MLS® 413775. For further info call Lloyd at Re/Max of the Battlefords North Battleford 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. CATTLE RANCH 14 quarters in one block w/homestead, mostly seeded to grass, fenced, 1-1/2 storey house with full basement, heated 50x80’ shop, hip roof barn, tarp shelter, bins, corrals, water bowls. Lots of good well water. SE of Yorkton, SK. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. LAND FOR RENT: 1 mile S. of St. James, SK. NE-26-39-20-W2, SE-26-39-20-W2. Submit written bids to: 12 Ovington Close, Red Deer, AB. T4N 5J3. or email address: For more info. call 403-347-8194, 403-877-2550. Closing date; Monday, Oct. 31, 2011.
Fa rm s o fCa n a d a .co m
640 ACRES for sale or lease in RM of Scott #98, best producing grainland. Phone 778-885-6513, Lang, SK. Or contact by email: RM SASMAN, LIVESTOCK OPERATION, 313 acres, 2 wells, shop, barn (new metal roof on all outbuildings), plus intensive reno bungalow. 306-324-2055, Kuroki, SK. PALLISER FARMLAND MANAGEMENT is accepting tenders for the rental of the following land in R M # 4 5 7 : W1/2-14-48-15-W2; SE-01-48-15-W2; E1/2-33-47-14-W2; and NE-31-47-14-W2. RM #49: Lot 223, 224, 225, 226, 231, 238, 243, 244, 251 all in the Eastend Irrigation District. RM #166: Hay Lot 155 Rush Lake Irrigation District. RM#245: Section 8-27-09-W2. RM #184: NW-17-20-06-W2 S1/2 NE-20-20-06-W2; SW-20-20-06-W2. 3 to 5 year contracts preferred. Cash rent and/or crop/hay share will be considered. Be creative! Tenders close Oct. 31, 2011. Farmland Manager, Murray Gogel, 306-347-0846, Regina, SK. WANTED: FARMLAND in SK. Phone Mike Janostin, Realty Executives Battlefords, 306-481-5574, North Battleford, SK. Email
6 QTRS. RM K in d ers ley
ACREAGE F is ke, S K M o d ern ho m e, 32 a cres w /w ell.
2 QTRS. RM S n ip e L a ke
2 QTRS. RM K in d ers ley
ESTON 2,100 s q ftho m e w /s ho p o n 67 a cres C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y 306-463-6667 G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K
w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m 37 QUARTERS RANCHLAND, 20 minutes east of Cold Lake at Pierceland SK. Terrific land base in one block, 5 deeded and 32 lease quarters. Abundance of springs and creeks with Beaver River along South 7 quarters. Contact Wendell Johnson, 306-839-4435. 640 ACRES, Section 1-45-25-W3, RM 440 Hillsdale, taking offers until November 11, 2011. Highest offer not necessarily accepted. Phone 306-823-4578, Neilburg, SK.
Fa rm s .Tim Ha m m o n d .ca Tim Ha m m o n d Re a lty
Ro y Hjelte Fa rm S a les m a n RHjelte@ Fa rm s o fCa n a d a .co m Iha ve BUYERS w illin g to pa y PREM IUM S . Ca ll fo r d eta ils . Lo c a te d in Re gin a s e rvin g Re gin a a n d S o u the rn S a s ka tc he w a n . Bro k era ge M a in Office P.O. Bo x 1054 Bigga r, S K S OK OM O
Cell (306 ) 527-7778 Office (306 ) 76 1-149 9 Fa x (306 ) 76 1-149 9
REDUCED!!! RM #494, CANWOOD, SK. 159 acres fenced, 130 acres cropped, 2 year organic farming, house, outbuildings, well kept yard with wells. 306-468-2038. FOR SALE BY OWNER: 250 cow/calf ranch in RM 151. 11.5 quarters, 9.5 deeded, 2 lease, 1978 2 storey house w/double attached garage, metal clad barn, quonset, 2 pole sheds, 11 granaries, 7 automatic livestock waters and corrals for 400 head. Wayne 306-532-4856, Rocanville, SK. FARMS, RANCHES, ACREAGES AND DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY. Check out our website to view all of our listings: or email: for a complete list of inventory. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK. RM OF CANWOOD #494, 160 acres pasture, 57 acres tame grass, rest native grass. NE-3-53-6-W3rd. Large dugout, electric fence. 306-724-4903, Debden, SK. RM EAGLE CREEK, near Perdue, SK. Mixed farm with 14 quarters deeded, 4 leased. MLS #404541. For more info. call Mike Janostin, Realty Executives Battlefords, 306-481-5574, North Battleford, SK. RM OF PARKDALE: 640 acres set up for cattle/horses, 300 acres cult., 340 acres grass. Heated shop, quonset, barn, corrals and shelter barn, watering bowls, 8500 bu. steel bins. 1300 sq. ft. bungalow w/double attached garage. MLS 411097; RM of Reford: 155 acres estimated to have 500 to 600,000 yards of gravel. Additional adjoining 173 acres avail., 2300 sq. ft. bungalow w/double attached garage. Potential of gravel deposits. MLS 404051; RM of Grass Lake: 6000 acres of grainland. Call Wally Lorenz, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK. 306-446-8800 or visit
TIM HAMMOND REALTY Irrigated farmland near Outlook, SK. 1855 acres with approx. 1564 cult. acres, 200 pasture acres, and 91 other acres. Includes 10 quarter section pivots and 1 partial quarter pivot w/drops and spinners. Complete 4 strand barb wiring fencing on 12 parcels. Yard site w/corrals and workshops. $3,325,000 MLS# 410068 Tim Hammond 306-9485052 RM OF GREAT BEND: 1703 acres with 1503 acres of good cultivated grain land. Just north of Radisson, close proximity to the Yellowhead Hwy. Priced to sell! MLS ÂŽ394405. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK. DINSMORE FARM LAND: 2400 acres of grain and grassland. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. RANCH AND AGGREGATE: South central Sask. ranch for sale, in beautiful Touchwood Hills. 400-500 head cow/calf operation with good handling facilities, good aggregate income, rotational grazing with lots of water. Managed properly the aggregate will pay for the ranch. Call 306-531-8720 for more information RM OF WEYBURN #67: SE-25-7-15-W2nd for sale. Taking offers. 306-842-5083 at Weyburn, SK.
RM OF MEETING LAKE 163 acres approx 2 miles south east of Rabbit Lake and 1/2 mile from the Jamboree site. 136 acres cult., balance bush. A great investment. MLSÂŽ 413175. RM of GLENSIDE east of Cando, close to the Lizard Lake Community Pasture, approx. 30 acres mixed tame hay, pasture and balance quite heavy bush. A great location for hunting white tail deer. Reduced to sell. MLSÂŽ 412821. RM of MEDSTEAD, 160 acres with 130 acres cult. most seeded to tame hay, balance fairly heavy bush. Property is located approx 12 miles north of Medstead at the end of the gravel road. Older home needs lots of TLC but has character, 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; shop, heated, wired 220. Talk about peace and quiet. MLSÂŽ 413435. Call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512.
RANCH FOR 250 cow/calf pairs, 6 quarters deeded, 22 quarters leased, dugouts, shelters, barn, steel corrals, good water, home. 204-742-3269, Garland, MB.
Ca ll DOUG
3 06 -9 55-226 6
Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca WESTERN MANITOBA adjacent to Riding Mountain National Park, 81 acres bison/ elk ranch, 30 acres fenced, 20 acres hayland, remainder forest. Year round creek. 20 yr. old 1800 sq ft 4 bdrm house, 24x28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; insulated garage, 16x22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; steel shed. 1/2 hr to Clear Lake. Anticipate spring listing. Price $360,000. Phone 204-625-2798. Email FEEDLOT: 4000 HEAD capacity, includes 1040 sq. ft. house. 60,000 bu. grain storage, equipment, 6 deeded quarters. 2 miles North of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. RANCH: 8064 acres lease land, 1600 Angus cows. Crane River, MB. Call Dale 204-638-5581, Doug 204-447-2382.
HOUSE TO RENT: Saskatoon, SK. Jan, Feb, March. Mature couple, NS, no pets, fully furnished, attached garage. $1000/mth utilities included. 306373-1635 or email
INVESTORS SEED THIS fall or spring. 17 quarters, 2690 acres, 2120 cult., 80 tramped, 490 bush and pasture, 2 yardsites w/buildings, good drinking water. Also 18 acres yard and buildings. Phone. for website 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. RANCH FOR 300 cow/calf pairs, 3 quarters deeded, 15 quarters leased, dugouts, shop, shelters, barn, guest house, modern mobile home, 6 wells, good water, good hunting area close to Duck Mountain National Park. 204-263-5296, Pine River, MB. RM OF TACHE, 80 acres for sale, all cultivated, good quality farmland, $2000/acre. Phone 204-794-9957, Lorette, MB.
MULCHING - TREES; Brush; Stumps. Visit us at: Also see section #3560 Custom Work.
PURCHASE EX AM PLES Ben go u gh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Bethu n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Bla in e L a k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 a cres Cu pa r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1â &#x201E;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Da vid s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1â &#x201E;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Ea s ten d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1â &#x201E;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Elfro s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1â &#x201E;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Em era ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1â &#x201E;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Fo a m L a k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Gren fell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Ha rw a rd en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s L a k e Alm a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s L es to ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s M a rcelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s M o o s e Ja w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s N o k o m is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Ogem a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Prin ce Alb ert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s S a s k a to o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s S em a n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s S im ps o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a cres V is co u n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s W a d en a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s W a k a w W es t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s W a tro u s /Yo u n g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1â &#x201E;4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s M o b ile Ho m e Pa rk W eyb u rn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1â &#x201E;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s
*(7$:$< 581$:$< (6&$3(
WE BUY FARMLAND. Qualified buyers. No fees and no hassles. Great options to rent back. Call toll free 1-855-520-5263. email YOUNG FARMER LOOKING to buy or rent grain land within 20 mile radius of Riceton, SK. 306-738-2026.
2011 CHEROKEE 30DS, dual slide outs, electric awning, jack and stabilizers. Very nice and roomy. $24,500. 715-225-1007, ESCAPE THIS FALL to spectacular Quadra Hague, SK. Island, BC. just a 45 minute drive from the Comox Airport on Vancouver Island. GOING SOUTH? 2008 Cardinal 5th wheel, BEACHFRONT COTTAGE accommoda34RK, roomy, many cupboards. Reduced! tion overlooking the marine traffic of Dis$32,000 OBO. 306-374-9204 Saskatoon SK covery Passage. Cottages feature 2 bdrms, living room with gas fireplace, full kitchen, 2001 CEDAR CREEK 34â&#x20AC;&#x2122;7â&#x20AC;? 5th wheel, very private outdoor hot tub or indoor jetted good cond., triple slide, solar panels, new tub. Enjoy a friendly island community awning, winter pkg. 2001 DODGE RAM with an active community centre. Dis3500, Cummins turbo dsl., 6 spd. std., counted nightly, weekly and monthly black, dually, 183,000 kms, Rees 18,000 rates. Paradise awaits! For availability or lb. hitch. Will sell separately. $31,000 pkg. reservations call 1-800-665-7745. deal. 780-437-3280, Edmonton, AB. THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. S A S K ATO O N R V S U P E R S TO R E . C O M ON Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf Phone 306-978-7253, Saskatoon, SK. course community located in the heart of 2008 JAYCO EAGLE 313RKS, 2 slides, 2 Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, ACâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, electric awning, lots of storage, high 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. end finished, $27,800. 306-550-3004, All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease 306-790-9532, Regina, SK. fees include $1 million clubhouse, large inGOOD HUNTING CAMPER! 1988 Cascade door lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. 8-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; truck camper, hyd. jacks, bathroom, Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup new fridge, exc., $3500. 306-937-7719 or and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003. 306-441-7680, Battleford, SK.
WANTED: GRAIN LAND TO RENT, 25 m i l e r a d i u s o f R o u l e a u , S K . C a l l 2008 HOST 11-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; triple slide truck 306-776-2600 or camper, gen., 70 gal. water tank and every option avail., matching white F450 w/custom built hitch to pull trailer. Will separate. Jason 306-642-3315, Assiniboia, SK. RM OF ARBORFIELD #456- ACREAGE 2006 CEDAR CREEK Silverback 5th wheel, PERFECT FOR HORSE LOVERS. 15 Model 33LCDTS, excellent condition, low acres, 1-1/2, storey 1344 sq. ft., 4 bdrm. kms, 34â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 3 slides, unloaded weight 10,500, w/freshly painted interior, 12x16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; garage, extra options include fireplace, central vac, 32x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; quonset, small barn, corral, water- heated holding tanks and more. A steal at ing bowl, 12 acres pasture, partial new $27,500 + GST. 306-773-4913, Swift Curfence, large garden, fast recovery well (15 rent, SK., gpm), along highway, school bus at door, English and French schools, year round PREMIUM 10-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; KODIAK truck camper, recreation area, $157,800. 306-873-1471, always shedded. Elwood Smith, Nokomis, 306-767-2784 or SK. 306-528-4422. FIVE ACRES with 1268 sq. ft. home, renoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d up and down, beautifully landscaped and very private, in the Village of Middle Lake, SK. $230,000. 306-231-5322 for details. 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; BEAVER MONTEREY, 4 slides, AquaEmail Hot, 8000 Onan gen., cherry wood, Corion OLDER FARMYARD for sale in RM of Leroy. countertops, 32,000 miles, exc. shape, 1 3 bdrm. house, barn, corrals, 20 miles owner, $140,000 USD. Ph. 580-661-2338 from city of Humboldt and near the new or 580-821-1435, Thomas, Oklahoma. Jansen potash mine. Call 306-862-3923. 2004 Monaco DipFOR SALE 3 bdrm., 2 bath house w/sun lomat 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 330 HP, 3 slides, 31,000m, porch, double detached garage, 36x72â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $84,900; 2005 Coachmen Mirada 31â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, V10, shop (cement floor) on nicely landscaped camera, genset, sleeps 6, $21,900; 2002 17-1/2 acres nestled in Red Lodge recrea- National RV Tradewinds 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 330 HP, tion area (NW of Olds, AB.) along Hwy. 11,000m, $49,900; 1995 Damon Ultrasport #587. Ph 403-224-2699 or 403-512-4236, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ford 460, 86,000 kms, $13,900; 2003 Newmar Dutch Star 39â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 2 slides, 350 HP, email 47,000m, $74,900; 2002 Winnebago Ultimate Freedom 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 370 HP Cummins, 2 slides, 43,000m, $69,900. Financing avail. 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, Saskatoon, SK. Open Tues-Sat, 8:30-5:00, DL #32637.
FARMLAND FOR SALE: 2983 acres (approx. 2800 cult.) w/farm residence, grain storage and buildings, approx. 40 miles North of Swan River near Bellsite. TWO HOUSES ON HOME QUARTER, McKay Real Estate & Auction Co., Swan can be sold separately. Prices depend on River, 204-734-9451. acres required. 45 mins. East of LloydminFARMLAND FOR SALE in the RM of Sil- ster, SK, in the St. Walburg school district. ver Creek, Angusville MB. 3 quarters, 395 Call 306-260-4692 for more information. cult. acres. Dennis Kalynuk 204-525-4288. 43 ACRES w/BUILDINGS at Langbank/ Wapella, SK. area for sale. Call Ron McDougall 306-435-7406, Langbank, SK. RM OF SASMAN #336, 30 acres, large well treed yard w/1288 sq. ft., 3 bdrm house, 12x24 deck, detached 2 car garage, shop, barn, septic tank, nat. gas, deep well w/good water, watering bowl hydrant, cattle or horse facilities, all weather road, school bus passed door, 6-1/2 miles from Wadena, SK. Close to Fishing Lake. Located NW-27-34-12-W2. 306-338-2705.
SUMMERLAND, BC: Completely renovated 2 bedroom cottage, fully furnished, available throughout the winter, $950/mo. including all utilities. 250-497-6919 or 250-497-6059.
2004 39â&#x20AC;&#x2122; WINNEGABO JOURNEY, 330 HP Cat dsl, 2 slides on Freightliner chassis w/air ride and air brakes, Allison auto. trans., 127,000 miles, exhaust brake, Onan propane gen, rear monitor, hyd. levelers, basement, central AC, 2-dr. fridge, washer and dryer, auto. awnings, dash fans, 2 TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s satellite dish, pantry, new tires and batteries, asking $79,900. Phone 306-398-4773, cell: 306-441-0188, Cut Knife, SK.
WINTER GETAWAY: Furnished home on golf course near Cobble Hill, BC on WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, Vancouver Island. Available Nov. 1st, eight models, options and accessories. $1200/month Call: 780-853-4973 or 1-877-866-0667. email: LT-15 WOODRISER bandsaw mill w/10 LEAVE WINTER BEHIND? 1 bdrm furn. blades, seal, sharpener and set, 40 hrs. on condo on Shawigan Lake, BC, 30 mins. skids $8200. 780-797-3033, Gainford, AB. from Victoria. Avail. Nov. 1st, $850/month plus util. 250-203-4020, 250-929-4020. SAWMILLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money COME TRY SUMMERLAND, in the Okana- and save money. In stock, ready to ship. gan for the winter. Brand new cozy fur- Starting at $1195. 1-800-566-6899 ext. nished suite with itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own entrance. In 168. Rancher near the Lake. Cork floors, slate shower, gas fireplace, one bedroom plus den. Flat screen TV. All utilities, internet, cable incl. $1100 monthly. 250-494-9047, WEIGHTRONICS PLATFORM SCALE, 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 5000 lb. capacity, 2 digital readouts and 1 BEDROOM, fully furnished suite, level printer. Asking $1000 OBO. 306-757-8208, entry in log home on Alpaca Hobbyfarm in Lanigan, SK. BC. In-floor heat, w/d, approx. 1000 sq. ft., very spacious, walking distance to 10x14 PLATFORM SCALE, $12,500. Coombs, 5 mins to Qualicum. Small, quiet Used 10x14, $9500. Ph. 204-871-1175 or pets allowed. N/S. Available weekly or toll free 1-800-862-8304, MacGregor, MB. monthly. Call for details. 250-752-1417. ATTN: SNOWBIRDS- OSOYOOS, BC. Waterfront townhouse in development on lake. Hot tub, gym, 2 pools, $1,000/mo. Call Doug at 604-319-7838.
FULLY FURNISHED PARK model home at Gold Canyon, AZ, near Phoenix. One bdrm plus Arizona room. Patio overlooks golf course, view of pond and fountain. Club house with pool, hot tub, billards room, reg. dances, hikes, activities, bus trips, etc, $1900 monthly. Also weekly and bi-weekly 2009 LEISURE travel van, Free Spirit LSS, rates. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out. Oct., Nov., and Dec. 9500 mi, Mercedes Sprinter diesel, loaded, are beautiful down there! 306-744-2399. $65,000 OBO. 701-756-6433, Mohall, ND. FOR RENT: 6 bedroom house in Manzanil2003 NATIONAL TRADEWINDS MODEL lo, Mexico, inc. pool, overlooking ocean 395LTC, 8.3L Cummins, 350-400 HP, 2 from $500/wk. Available Nov. to April. large slides, leather captains and sofas, 306-270-6996, queen bed, lots of options, full body paint and graphics, 49,000 miles, $74,900. Vern 204-275-0210, Winnipeg, MB. 2005 EXPEDITION 38â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 3 slides, low kms, fully equipped, purchased new, selling due to health, open to reasonable offers. Located Regina, SK. area. 403-852-7888 or 306-731-7235.
GRAIN CART SCALES. Order now for early season discount. Typical 750 bu. grain cart, $3150. Phone 204-871-1175 or toll free 1-800-862-8304, MacGregor, MB. ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Platform scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK.
How winter in Canada should feel!
BLADWORTH, SK, 17 acres, 1900 sq. ft. 1-1/2 storey house, addition 1982, 26x30 garage, 52x80 Behlen quonset, 22x60 wooden quonset, 12x34 wooden bin, 14x28 storage building. 15 acres fenced pasture, corrals w/open faced shelters, watering bowl. Phone 306-561-7733.
SNOWBIRD SPECIAL, 2007 MANDALAY 40G, manuf. by Thor Motor Coach, Class A, 400 HP Cummins, 6 spd. Allison trans. w/Freightliner chassis, 21,000 miles, 4 slides, very spacious int., 3 flat screen LCD TVs and Blue Ray, 2 roof ACâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and quiet pack Onan gen., full body paint, very atPORCUPINE PLAIN, SK. AREA: 3 bdrm. tractive unit in and out. Also has car tow 1-1/2 bath home built in 1980. Many up- p k g . P r i c e d at $ 1 2 9 , 9 0 0 . C a l l Ve r n grades, mature yard, detached two car 204-275-0210, Winnipeg, MB. garage, quonset shop, barn and cattle shed. Great hunting and snowmobiling area, 33 kms from Greenwater Lake. Will sell as 10 acre acreage or may sell with 12 SNOWCRUISERS, 1966- 1973, 2 runquarter. 306-278-2616, 306-278-7741 cell. ning, 10 parts machines plus many parts. ACREAGE, 1380 sq. ft. bungalow, 5 bdrm, Complete pkg. 204-866-2904, Anola, MB 3 baths, 2 car garage, metal storage shed, 10.13 acres, $289,900, pics available. Call TWO 2001 YAMAHA 700 SXRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, one w/ 7400 kms., one w/5700 kms, $3,000 ea. 403-575-1195, Coronation, AB. 204-937-3290, Roblin, MB. PARTS FOR VINTAGE snowmobiles, 1990 and older. Call Don at 780-755-2258, Wainwright, AB. 2006 YAMAHA ATTAK, 1000 cc, 4 stroke, fuel injected, 4900 kms, 1-1/2â&#x20AC;?x136â&#x20AC;? track, PONTOON BOAT 2008 Crestliner 2185 exc. cond. $6500 firm. Wroxton, SK. Call Batata bay, c/w trailer, 60 HP 4-stroke Big Don 306-742-4248 or 306-742-7762. Foot outboard. Absolutely like new! $15,000. 780-892-0182, Wabamun, AB. NEW ENCLOSED SLED TRAILER- Dressed up with many standard features: white walls/ceiling, cabinet, torsion axle, fuel BRAND NEW 2010 Q4 SS Tahoe Bowrider door, treated deck. 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; three-place Summit ski boat, full covers, Bimini top, never Series for only $9,850! Call your nearest started, full warranty. Paid $26,000; Sell F l a m a n T r a i l e r s s t o r e o r c a l l 1-888-435-2626 or visit $20,000 plus tax. 250-838-7611, Mara, BC. 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; REINEL w/75 HP Mercury force motor, PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 $3000. Phone after 8 PM, 306-826-5500, to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. Marsden, SK.
FUN seniorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; games nights. STEAMY year-round hot tubs. CONVENIENT condos with kitchens & beach access. STUNNING lakefront views.
Osoyoos Winter Condo Rentals ... thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just $29
a day
Call Walnut Beach Resort for details today. 250.495.5400 4200 Lakeshore Dr . Osoyoos . BC Minimum stay 30 days. Valid to April 2012. See website for further details.
TRIFFID FLAX TESTING available at 20/20 Seed Labs Inc. Rapid turnaround. Approved by the Flax Council of Canada. Contact us at 1-877-420-2099 or
Samples Welcome In The Mail For Grading
We are looking for all grades of Lentil, Green & Yellow Peas, Canary
Grain Drying Available
Contact Helena Blaser Box 339, Cupar, SK S0G 0Y0 Phone: 306-723-4949 Fax: 306-723-4656 TOLL FREE: 1-877-438-7712
Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment
Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - m
32’ EZEE-ON 4600 DISC, $49,900. Phone 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK.
GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED
LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at:
Competitive Rates Prompt Payment Dave Koehn: 403-546-0060 Linden, AB
Priced at your bin.
• HEATED TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK. COMMON #1 GRASSES, legumes, blends. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK.
WANTED A licensed and bonded buyer, for non-food grade canola.
C ontact the Seed and M ealD ivision at M ILLIG A N B IO TEC H 1-866-388-6284 or visit
“Quality Grain finding you your best value in grain marketing.”
W e w ork w ith a ll types of gra in inclu ding hea ted ca nola .
A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc.
w w w .m illiga n biote c h .c om G RA IN M A RKETIN G
w w
Phone 1-866-824-8324 in C a lga ry, 1-877-775-2155 in Bra ndon or 1-877-777-7715 in Red D eer for a ll you r gra in m a rketing needs.
FEED GRAINS WANTED: Wheat, Barley and Durum; Also Oats, Peas and Flax. Premium prices, FOB farm. Prompt payment. Stan Yaskiw, Birtle, MB, 1-866-290-7113. NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB.
TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.
CERT. ALFALFAS AND GRASSES, free delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB, 1-888-204-1000. CANADA #1 ground cover mix, 1100 kgs. consisting of 60% HPS premium alfalfa and BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. 40% hybrid brome grass. Stellar Homes Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty 306-848-0943, Weyburn, SK. Grains Ltd.
Wheat, Barley, Oats, Green & damaged
1-877-641-2798 BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.
BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. WANTED FEED/ OFF-GRADE LENTILS 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB. or pulses and other heated, tough grains CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types or screenings. Prairie Wide Grain, 306of mustard for seed or processing. Color 230-8101, 306-716-2297, Saskatoon, SK. sorting available. Also looking for low WEST CENTRAL SASK feedlot purchasing g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g b a r l e y . P r o m p t p a y m e n t . C o n t a c t 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. 306-962-3992, Eston, SK.
WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness or Dave Lea at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. Email
Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7
Ca ll S TACEY o r JARROD fo r pricin g Bo x 424, Em ers o n , M B R0A 0L 0
204-373-2328 LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. 403-225-4679, Calgary, AB. 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK. WANTED: FEED GRAIN, all types of barley, wheat, oats, peas, etc. Prompt payment. Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.
Western Commodities Inc.
ALFALFA/ ALFALFA GRASS and sweet clover bales for sale. Excellent quality, $38-$46/ton. Call 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK.
CONVENTIONAL STRAW, big round bales, very clean, $25 each. Call 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. 2010/2011 ALFALFA, conventional and organic, 1500 lb. bales, net wrapped, hard core, John Deere baler. Will take offers. 306-370-8897, Tessier, SK.
ALFALFA/BROME and Timothy/brome hard core bales, 1500- 1550 average lbs., exc. quality. 306-547-2923, Preeceville, SK
700 ALFALFA BROME hard core, 5x6, approx. 1600 lbs., no rain, will load, $50/bale. 306-699-2512, McLean, SK.
PROM PT PAYM ENT! “In Business To Serve Western Farmers”
BUYING : HEATED OATS AND LIGHT OATS M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712
ALFALFA BALES, approx. 1200 lbs., little to no rain, $25 each. Phone 306-834-5115, 306-834-7247, Kerrobert, SK. SOLID CORE ROUND, small square: alfalfa, alfalfa grass, green feed, grass, straw. Delivered. 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. LARGE ROUND AND SMALL SQUARE, alfalfa and mixed, close to Regina, SK., Call 306-539-6123. 1000 ALFALFA/ BROME net wrapped large rd. bales, 1400 lbs., $40/ton in field. 306-528-2064, 306-528-7740 Nokomis SK.
2011 $
1 set of 4 narrow or wide Cropsavers with bolt-on (no air kit) Tridekon Cropsavers are stainless steel cones designed to reduce tramping and damage of the crop made by the sprayers tires. The Tridekon design combination of bolt-on mounting, quick attach and cone styles allows for their mounting on virtually any high clearance sprayer and pull type sprayers or tractors. FOB Neepewa, MB.
10 - 2000 lb bags 8-34-8 mini bulk 20lbs per acre does 1000 acres P-K-S Blend with micos. For further information on application call Greg at Power Rich Corp 1-800-491-8984. FOB Winnipeg, MB. Tax Exempt. Price adjustment available on other blends. Bulk pricing available.
20,000 lbs Power Pack 20 Granular Fertilizer
Item #
ALFALFA/GRASS large round bales, net wrapped. 306-456-2596, 306-861-6849, Tribune, SK
2011 $
John Su therla nd
Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products
B uying Feed G rain B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded
CERTIFIED AC Unity VB seed. Book Early to guarantee your supply. Contact Patrick 306-638-3177, Chamberlain, SK.
All Grades
Lacom be A B.
CLUBROOT TESTING of soil or plant specimens at the most experienced lab in Canada. A sensitive DNA-based diagnostic test. Contact us at 1-877-420-2099 or
Now Buying Oats!
D esi C hickpeas, Kabuli C hickpeas, C oriander & Lentils
Tel:(306) 644-4704 m elody@
Power Rich Corporation Unit B 1865 Borrows Ave Winnipeg, MB 1-800-491-8984
Item #
Tridekon RR #2 Neepewa, MB 1-866-292-6115
November 10 - 21
November 10 - 21
LARGE ROUND BALES, twine wrapped, brome/alfalfa, approximately 1300 lbs., $30/bale. Beechy, SK. 306-584-8953. ALFALFA BROME ROUND bales, excellent condition, JD 5x6 baler. Call 204-842-3613 or 204-773-6949, Birtle, MB.
ALFALFA/BROME HAY, 4x8 square, avg. 1600 lbs., no rain, tarped. Contact Jim, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK, days 306-332-6221, night 306-332-3955. 1500 LB. BROME and alfalfa bales, $45. 306-453-2953, Carlyle, SK.
HAY FOR SALE, 2000 large 4x4 sq. alfalfa bales, trucking can be arranged. 306-457-2935 evenings, Stoughton, SK. 800+ LARGE HARD CORE round bales, mixed grass, 1150 lbs., reasonable offers accepted. 306-587-2951, Cabri, SK.
$20/BALE ALFALFA/GRASS mix, 1500 lb., 5x6 hard core. 306-394-4407, Mossbank, SK. MIXED HAY AND alfalfa large round bales, 2011 crop, good quality, located near Melville, SK. $25/ea. Phone: 306-728-2982 or email: 1000 MOSTLY ALFALFA hay bales from 2010, $30/bale, 100 bale minimum. Must be paid and removed by Nov. 15. Located at Macklin, SK. Ph 306-753-3330, or email ALFALFA/GRASS hard core bales for sale. 1500 lb. bales $40 - $50/ ton. Clavet, SK. 306-270-2893 or 306-227-9750 300 ROUND STRAW bales, $20/bale. 2 year old straw bales, $15/bale. 2 year old alfalfa hay, $12/bale. 306-773-9786, Wymark, SK.
1000 BIG ROUND straw bales, $12 each. Large quantity discount. Phone 403-556-9169, Didsbury, AB. BIG ROUND ALFALFA grass hay bales. Will consider good young bred cows on trade. 306-297-2004, Gull Lake, SK. EXCELLENT QUALITY ALFALFA and/or alfalfa brome mix hay for sale. 1000 round bales at 1000 lbs. each, $25 each. Rosetown/Biggar, SK. area, 306-882-3165. 100% BROME GRASS, and brome grass and alfalfa mix, 1800 lb. round bales. 306-594-2305, Norquay, SK. 600 LARGE ROUND alfalfa bales, cut early, baled within 1 wk, vg green hay. Langham, SK. ph 306-283-4340 or 306-222-0170. APPROX. 500 ROUND hay bales for sale, approx. 1500 lbs. Custom hauling. For more info call: 306-466-2261, Leask, SK. EXCELLENT QUALITY small square bales, stored indoors, Brome/Timothy, some with Alfalfa. Weed, chem and dust free. Delivery could be arranged. 306-781-2424. Located near Regina, SK. WHEAT, OAT, BARLEY 5x6 hard core straw bales for sale. 306-220-1376, Hague, SK. GOOD QUALITY grass/alfalfa round bales, 1600 lbs., net wrapped, 2-3¢/lb. 306-946-4155, Watrous, SK.
1000 ALFALFA/BROME (2011) round hay bales, good quality, 1300- 1400 lbs. Will load for $28 per bale. 306-567-7305, 306-567-7625, Davidson, SK. BARG FARMS small square and round mixed hay bales; 200 big square second c u t a l f a l f a b a l e s . C a n d e l i v e r. 403-793-7461, Brooks, AB. T I M OT H Y A L FA L FA M I X , J D h a r d core bales, no rain, horse and dairy quality. Harv Verishine, 306-283-4666, Langham, SK. 400 ORGANIC ROUND bales, approx. 1500 lbs., brome/crested wheat/alfalfa, 2-1/2¢ per lb. OBO. 306-834-2085, Kerrobert, SK. BROME/ALFALFA HAY, 1000 lb. bales. 12.9% protein, $23/bale; 8% protein $20/bale. 306-297-6402, Admiral, SK. ALFALFA HARD CORE round bales, net wrap, approx. 1500 lbs., loading and trucking available. Standing alfalfa, by the lb. or share. Ph or fax 306-228-3727, Unity SK 800 ALFALFA/BROME 2011 round bales, approx. 1600 lbs., $25/bale. Located near Bienfait, SK. Call 306-421-0679. TOP QUALITY SMALL alfalfa bales, no dust, no mold, no rain. Stacked and covered, $3.00. Volume discounts. Saskatoon, SK, 306-975-3756.
GREENFEED FOR SALE: 300 oat round bales. Approx 1500 lbs, 2011 crop, $30/bale. 306-859-7585, Beechy, SK. BALE PICKER, 2 prong, fits in truck box, fits on 5th wheel ball or other, quick and easy, operate from cab, electric over hyd., strong and fast. Phone 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. 1000 ALFALFA/BROME mix, approx. 1600 lbs., netwrap bales, no rain. Call Sullivan Farms, 306-463-3678, Flaxcombe, SK. 250 EXCELLENT ALFALFA brome, no rain, GOOD Q UALITY A L FA L FA H AY 3 x 4 $35/round bale, 1300+. 306-656-4541, square bales, first, second and third cut, Harris, SK. approx. 500. 403-501-1837, Tilley, AB. FOR QUICK SALE: 185 alfalfa/grass 5x6 ALFALFA BROME GRASS round hard core hard core bales, 1500 lbs. 100 no rain, 85 bales, excellent feed. 108 available. light rain. 306-535-6593 leave message, at $35/bale. 306-422-8459, St. Louis, SK. Wynyard, SK. APPROX. 850 4x5 round bales, brome/al1000 ALFALFA MIX 2011 bales, twine, falfa, no rain. $16/bale. 306-725-3449, hard core, 1100 lbs., $30 each. Weyburn, 306-725-7441, Strasbourg, SK. SK. 306-842-3532, 306-861-1827. OAT STRAW 5x6 round bales for sale, 600 ALFALFA HARD core round bales aver- t w i n e w r a p p e d , $ 1 5 e a c h . P h o n e aging 1400 lbs., excellent quality, 18-20% 306-384-5194, Kenaston, SK. protein, located 70 kms SE of Swift CurWANTED: ALFALFA HAY in round or rent, SK. $40/ton. 306-677-7441. large square, will buy all qualities includSMALL SQUARE BALES alfalfa/grass mix, ing with rain. Priced according to quality, first crop $2.50 and $3.50 ea., limited sec- in Southern Alberta. 1-800-291-1432. ond crop at $4.50. 60 lb. bales, very good quality. $2.50 bales have seen rain. West 2011 TOP QUALITY- 1000 round bales, mixed and alfalfa for sale. For info. call of Saskatoon, SK. 306-242-3768. 306-421-3859, Estevan, SK. EXCELLENT HORSE QUALITY Alfal- HAY FOR SALE. 2500 alfalfa or grass mix fa/grass square bales, shedded. Pilot round netwrap bales, no rain. Straw also. Butte, SK. 306-781-4988 or 306-537-3772. Alan Coutts 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK. EXCELLENT QUALITY BROME/ALFALFA 100 ORGANIC ALFALFA round hay bales, hay, 5x6 bales, no rain, net wrap, feed test approx. 1000 lbs., $30 per bale. Phone available. Priced to sell, trucking available. 306-335-2280, Lemberg, SK. 306-260-0094, Langham, SK. SMALL SQUARE ALFALFA/grass hay bales, LARGE HARD CORE alfalfa bales, $33 and no rain, stored under cover, $3.50/bale. $23 each. 306-436-4526, Milestone, SK. 306-945-4616 306-652-0512 Waldheim SK QUALITY ALFALFA 3x4 square bales, 1st, BROME/ALFALFA 5x6 hard core bales, no 2nd, 3rd cut. Also 1st cut brome grass. rain, 1400 lb. average. $45/bale. Phone Call Luke, 403-793-1204, Brooks, AB area. 306-736-8273, Kipling, SK. 400 HARD CORE bales, alfalfa/grass, 1500 2011 ROUND HAY BALES, 400 assorted lb. net wrapped, no rain, $40/bale. with 3/4 grasses/brome and 1/4 alfalfa. 306-963-2169, 306-963-2647, Stalwart SK Half hard/ half soft core. 1600-2000 lb avg ALFALFA- TIMOTHY 500 BALES, 1500 $40-$45/bale. 306-570-4001, Cupar, SK. lbs., net wrapped, quantity and early sale RM 369: 2011 2nd cut alfalfa, 210 bales, discounts. Ethelbert, MB. Ph 204-742-3672 1600 lb., net wrapped, feed tested. 80 1st or 403-861-4832. cut also avail. 306-716-3409, Humboldt SK
290 ALFALFA BROME hard core JD big bales, no rain, $40 each. Phone 306-567-4645, Davidson, SK. ALFALFA/BROME MIX bales, approx. 1400 lbs., 400 of 2011 crop, $40/bale; 300 2010 crop, $30/bale. Located at Speers, SK. Phone 306-246-4600. GOOD QUALITY HAY, AB and BC, big rounds. Call for delivery prices. 403-758-3041, Magrath, AB. ALFALFA GRASS ROUND bales, avg. 1600 lbs., new hay, $40/ton; 1 year old hay, $25/ton. Reasonable trucking available. 306-648-7711, 306-648-7656, Gravelbourg, SK. LARGE ROUND BROME bales for sale. 10 mins. south of Saskatoon. $45/bale. 306-382-7786. 400 ROUND BALES of 2010 intermediate and crested wheat grass, baled w/no rain, net wrapped. Asking 2.5¢/lb. Dave Dryden 204-748-3359, 204-851-0730, Virden, MB.
WANTED: HAY BALES prices starting at .02¢/lb. Delivered to Wolseley/ Grenfell, SK. area feedlot. Call 306-697-3063.
WANTED TO BUY: Winter Triticale seed off the farm. Call Brock Baker 316-249-1907, Newton, Kansas.
TIRE & W HEEL 101A En glis h Cres . S a s k a to o n , S a s k . AGRICUL TURE T ires , W heels , Cu s to m Bu ild Du a l & T rip le E xten s io n s CON S TRUCTION a n d M IN IN G F o r Hea vy Du ty E q u ip m en t, T ru cks , E tc. V UL CAN IZIN G a n d M OBIL E S ERV ICE TRUCK S S a les o r S ervice ~ Ca ll 9 33-1115
CZECHOSLOVAKIAN 7.62x39 AMMO, 1120 per case on stripper clips, $275. Shipping avail. 306-266-2069, Wood Mountain, SK. GUN, LIKE NEW, 243 Weatherby Vanguard SUB MOA. Tom at 306-692-4653 wddays, 306-693-0292 eves/wknd, Moose Jaw, SK
Au s tra lia & N ew Zea la n d ~ Jan/Feb 2012
COMMERCIAL FLY-IN Fishing camp, titled lot, NE Sask., 37 black bear, 20 whitetailed, Zone 73. 306-247-4818, Scott, SK.
COMBINE DUAL KITS for JD STS 38” or FLY-IN FISH CAMP located on Reindeer 42”, new tires $14,900. New duals for any River. 10 bunks in 2 cabins. Only camp on combine, new tires, $4300. We want your 30 miles of lake. 306-325-2146 Lintlaw, SK tires and rims on trade! 1-800-667-4515.
FIBERGLASS SEPTIC TANKS- Great se300 LARGE ROUND oat green feed, lection, sizes from 750 gal. up to 20,000 w/some Alfalfa. Asking $30/ea Kelvington, gallon in stock now! Call Ed at Flaman SK. Barry at 306-338-2038, 306-327-7761. Sales in Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121 or ALMOST FREE: alfalfa/brome, hard core, visit rounds, 1000+ lbs, $10; small squares, POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gallons; Blad$ 3 . 5 0 ; s t r a w $ 2 . 0 0 . A f t e r 6 P M der tanks from 220 to 88,000 gal; Water 306-537-1045, Balgonie, SK. and liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and LARGE SQUARE BALES for sale, alfalfa double wall; Truck and storage, gas or dsl. Timothy crested wheat. 306-693-4567, Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK. Moose Jaw, SK. WATER TANK CLEAR-OUT! Transport turtle tank 350 gal., special price $325. Limited supply, so call today! Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121 or 2011 HAY, 1400-1500 lbs, net wrapped, visit no rain, 70% alfalfa, 30% brome, $40/bale, l a r g e r o r d e r s n e g o t i a b l e . D e l i ve r y available. Stony Beach, SK. 306-533-0062, 306-345-2171. TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, 400 PLUS ALFALFA hay, 2010/2011, 5x6 service, installations, repairs. Canadian h a r d c o r e s , $ 1 5 / e a . 3 0 6 - 3 2 9 - 4 4 0 0 , company. We carry aeration socks. We 306-227-4393, Asquith, SK. now carry electric chute openers for grain 500 ROUND HAY bales, good cow feed, trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. $25 per bale. 780-967-2593, Calahoo, AB. TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! ALFALFA MIX ORGANIC bales, convention- Manufacture and repair of all tarps and al price. Also year old bales. String, net covers. Call Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskaa n d p l a s t i c w r a p p e d . B e r g F a r m s t o o n , S K . w w w. c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343. 403-577-2245, 403-575-5738, Consort AB. 600 2010 NET WRAPPED alfalfa bales, SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement 1650 lbs, $25/bale; Also, 600 2011 net tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, wrapped alfalfa bales, 1750 lbs., $40/bale. 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK. Phone 306-861-1352, Weyburn, SK. ROUND ALFALFA BALES, first and second cut, no rain, clean on weeds. 403-442-2223 or 403-373-5909 Trochu AB FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be accepted for the sale of the following Artificial Ice Plant: (1) 60 ton R22 aircooled artificial ice plant, 230 volt, 3 phase power comprising of two Carrier 5H60 compressors 50 HP direct drive motors; C R A M E R L I V E S TO C K N U T R I T I O N , (1) dual circuit calcium chloride chiller screening pellets avail., summer discounts, c/w pump and surge tank; (1) dual circuit 11.5/14% protein pellets. Independent Keeprite air cooled condenser. Highest sales agent. Swift Current, SK. Doug tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders 306-539-3888, Pam 306-773-1323. close November 5, 2011. Email tenders to or mail to Stan Scribner PO Box 5 Mankota, SK S0H 2W0 LIQUID PHOSPHATE 10-34-0 for sale, approx. 20 tonne, $600/tonne. Rick or Jeff 306-322-4569, Rose Valley, SK. 19L-16.1FL (2) American Farmer impleFERTILIZER- Phosphate, Gypsum and ment tires, used on baler, like new. Compost. Phosphate and gypsum are 306-220-1376 cell, Hague, SK. OMRI approved for organic. The compost SET OF DUALS, 20.8R38, good shape. is approved for organic use by WSAD. This Phone after 8 PM, 306-826-5500, Marssoft rock phosphate is used by organic and den, SK. regular farmers with positive results. Buying this fall could be a saving to you! Con- TWO 800x70.38 TIRES for sale, good for tact Bartzen Ag Supply Ltd. 306-242-4553 duals. Offers. 403-391-6485, Torrington, AB. or email:
Wireless Driveway Alarm
Spray Test Controls Inc. Box 269 Beechy, SK 306-859-1200
Item #
LISKE TRAVEL LTD., Wetaskiwin, AB. Join us on our spring time tulip and windmill cruise April 16, 2012. 9 days. Sail Holland and Belgium waterways. Attend the Floriade Horticulture Exposition, held every decade. Visit Keukenhof gardens, Kinderdijk windmills and more. Only $3899/person dbl+taxes (Includes air from Edmonton, AB.). Add optional tour of Britain and Ireland. 15 days, land only $2999/person, dbl. Limited space. Hurry! South America cultural and agricultural tour, 20 days (Jan. 21 - Feb. 9, 2012) See it all, $7999/person dbl+taxes (air included from Edmonton). Visit our website: or call toll free: 1-888-627-2779 for all your travel needs.
RAM POWER SNARES, Conibear traps, fur handling equipment. For free catalogue email or call 306-862-4036, Nipawin, SK.
K en ya /Ta n za n ia ~ Jan 2012 Co s ta Rica ~ February 2012 S o u th Am erica ~ Feb 2012 Uk ra in e/Ro m a n ia ~ June 2012 En gla n d /S co tla n d /W a les ~ June 2012 Tours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.
Se le ct Holida ys
1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m
NEW 20.8X38 12 PLY $826; 18.4x38 12 ply $736; 24.5x32 12 ply $1749; 14.9x24 12 ply $356. Factory Direct. Tubes sold separately. More sizes available new and used. Call for pricing 1-800-667-4515.
ADVANCED PURE WATER SYSTEMS, Ecosmarte distributor, pricing for BC, AB, SK, and MB. The real thing, not a spinoff. We guarantee 99% pure water, no salts, no chemicals. We have the manpower and equipment to service your needs. 306-867-9461, or Outlook, SK.
WANTED: ONE NEW or good used triangle wheel loader tire, 17.5R25. Phone Hay Vern 204-729-7297, Brandon, MB. X-ECOSMARTE Water Systems distributor is selling new and used stock at factory wholesale prices. Well, dugout and municipal whole house systems. Standard and commercial. Call Bob at 403-620-4038 for more information.
We’ve got ‘em all.
New, used and retreads. Call us, you’ll be glad you did!
1-877-814-8473. Winnipeg, MB.
Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM.
DJ’S DRILLING LTD. Plastic casing, stainless steel screens, “E” logged test holes. 28 yrs. experience drilling all over Sask. 5 yr. warranty on materials and workmanship. 306-944-4424, 306-530-1915, Plunkett SK
HYD. MECH METAL band saw, model FOR SALE: WATER WELL drilling rig, MayDM-10, 2.5 HP 3 phase, mitre cuts, 45/60 hew 1000. Mounted on 1968 Kenworth. degree, replacement $7,000, selling 780-675-4405, Athabasca, AB. $4200. 306-423-5983, St. Louis, SK.
STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well 3 PHASE 220V BALESTRINI Micron construction and servicing, exploration Automatic Twin Table Slot Mortiser. and geotechnical drilling. Professional ser306-380-6627, Burstall, SK. vice since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211
CANADA - CUBA FARMER TOURS. Feb. 6th to 20th. All inclusive. Deductible. 7 nights 5 star, 7 nights country hotels, 3 days Varadero, 8 day farm tour, 3 days Havana. Max 28. Farmers and family members only. $3200 Cdn/ person 2 sharing plus air. Escorted by Canadian Agrologist, Wendy Holm. 604-947-2893,
HAYTER DRILLING LTD. Over 50 yrs in groundwater industry specializing in 5” 30” wells. Premium quality materials used in new construction. Old well servicing and rehab. New equipment and experienced crews. 1-888-239-1658, Watrous, SK.
2011 10,995 1,100
Multi-Pure Membrane System 2000 Gallons Per Day. Eliminates: Tannin (color), hardness, total dissolved solids, nitrates, sodium. Benefits: No need to have bottled water, eliminates water softeners, bottled water quality through-out the entire home. Installation is additional. Shipping is FOB The Water Clinic, Saskatoon, SK.
3,000 foot maximum range wireless driveway alarm. Volume control, 4 zone monitoring, 4 form “C” relay outputs, 4 doorbell tones, 12 volt DC output, battery operated transmitters. Temperature operating range: -30 F to 120 F. FOB Coalhurst, AB.
Leave a greener footprint on your farm by using a Spraytest to check and service your nozzles. No more running in and out of the cab. A handheld remote turns on individual booms one at a time from behind the sprayer. Available to fit any sprayer.
200 ALFALFA BROME hard core, 5x6, good quality, 450 small squares, excellent, hauling available. Phone 306-931-2826 or 306-290-4920 cell, Martensville, SK. ROUND ALFALFA/ GRASS hay bales, 2.5¢/lb. Phone: 204-848-2180, Onanole, MB. or email SMALL SQUARE BALES, alfalfa/grass, good quality, sheltered, $3 to $4.50 per bale. Phone 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. MIXED ALFALFA GRASS, big round bales, n o r a i n . $ 4 0 / b a l e . B oy l e , A B a r e a . 780-689-7544, 780-525-2482.
SprayTest Remote Boom Control To Fit Up To 8 Sections
Item #
Wirada Ranch Enterprises Box 882 Coalhurst, AB 403-381-4817
Item #
The Water Clinic 850-47th St. E. Saskatoon, SK 306-242-2561
P re -Re g is te r O n lin e - Bid d in g Be g in s N ove m b e r 10, 2011 w w w .p rod u c e ra u c tion .c om
CLASS 1A Truck Driver Training Ltd. Over 25 years training Saskatchewan, highest quality training available, Class 1, 3 and Air Brake Programs. Certified instructors/ examiners. Starting $79/ month OAC. Possible training in your area. Call for info 306-933-2676, Saskatoon,
PEN CHECKERS required at 15,000 head feed yard in southern Alberta. Must have 1-3 years previous experience in cattle animal health. Preference given to those with degrees and iFHARM knowledge. Must have own horses and tack. Competitive wages and health benefits offered. Email resume to or fax U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, to 403-684-3345. 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and RANCH HELP WANTED. Full-time help air brakes. One on one driving instructions. wanted for larger cow/calf and back306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK. grounding operation in eastern Alberta. Experience with cattle and machinery needed. Horsemanship and/or CDL are a bonus. Housing available. School and HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for stores are reasonably close. Good wages late model Cat equipment: Motor scrapers and a good opportunity. Send resume to (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock Ed at or Box 70, Youngtrucks, graders (with ability to trim); SER- stown, AB. T0J 3P0. VICE MECHANIC required experienced with Cat, JD, Hitachi equipment. Truck P E R M A N E N T F U L L - T I M E L I V E - I N provided. Camp jobs. Competitive wages CAREGIVER for lady with MS required for plus room and board. Valid drivers license evenings, weekends and statutory holidays required. Send resume and work referenc- Duties incl. personal care, light household es to Bryden Construction Aborfield, SK, duties and pets. Salary to be negotiated. or fax Fax 403-277-6122. Phone 403-277-6111. Calgary, AB. Email: 306-769-8844 SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties inEXPERIENCED LIVE-IN CAREGIVER is clude operation of machinery, including: looking to care for a senior. Would prefer Tractors, truck driving and other farm SK. Call 306-551-7300. equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. FULL-TIME POSITION for an experienced farm hand. Location: Cranbrook, BC. Du- BISON COW/CALF and feedlot operation ties: 110 ac. wheel line irrigation, farming, wanting a ranch hand. Must be able to opsmall and round bales, care of 9 horses erate machinery and work with animals. incl. shoeing, 3 cows and 50 chickens, Will be working with excellent facilities cutting firewood and feeding outside fur- and new modern machinery. Ideal for a nace, barn chores, servicing of fairly new young couple wanting to be in the bison machinery, maintenance of all equipment, industry. Living accommodations available. carriages, buildings, fences, yard and all Opportunity to own animals to the right other farm related work. Skills: technical, person. Wages negotiable. Serious inmechanical and repair, welding for farm quires only. Please call Ryan at Fairlight, purposes, carpentry, horsemanship (rid- SK, 306-646-7743. ing/driving), horse shoeing, care of livestock, operation of all farm machinery and DAIRY HELP WANTED: Young Farmers equipment. Accommodation: 3 bdrm. trail- of Canada is seeking full time experienced er home, large living area, porch, garden. milkers and laborers to join our team. This long term position requires a physi- Hague, SK. Fax resumes to 306-225-5558 cally fit, fully reliable person able to focus, or email plan and conduct workload without supervision. Salary $3000/month plus $560 as LARGE GRAIN FARM has opening for year benefits for accommodation. Please email round position. Housing available for famiyour resume including references to: ly or single. Grain cleaning, seeding, harvest, mechanically inclined and Class 1 an or 250-427-5650. asset. Located 20 miles south of Unity, SK. 100 COW DAIRY, Fort St. John, BC, seeks 306-228-7306 or 306-834-5140. full-time multi skilled person. Good community and housing. Phone/fax PERMANENT FULL-TIME POSITION 250-785-8177 or available on a farm feedlot, located halfway between Moose Jaw and Regina, SK, FEEDLOT AT VISCOUNT, SK. requires house supplied. Must have valid driver’s liPen Checker, full-time position. Modern cense, be mechanically inclined and physifeedlot, competitive wages, benefits pack- cally fit. Experience a necessity. Referencage, computer animal health record keep- es required. Phone Larry at 306-345-2523 ing, heated treatment building. Position or fax 306-345-2085. available immediately. Ph: 306-221-1616 or fax resume to: 306-944-4888. FARM LABOURER WANTED: Full-time permanent position with Forster Farms. EmAgriculture Exchange Opportunities ployee will assist with overall operation of (ages 19-30) Australia, New Zealand, Eu- dryland farm and cattle operation in rope, U.S. Work for and live with farm Sedgewick, AB. Valid driver’s license a families. We help get your visa and place- must, Class 1 an asset, $17/hr. Fax rement. International Rural Exchange Pro- sume to 780-384-2144, ph. 780-384-3019. gram: 306-489-4407,, CENTRAL ALBERTA FEEDLOT is looking year round full-time employee. GenBEEKEEPER’S HELPERS (4), for 2012 sea- for farm work and farm machinery operason May to September, $12-$15/hr de- eral tion. Ph 403-556-9588, fax 403-638-3908, pending on experience. Contact: Ron Alt- or Sundre, AB. house, 306-278-2747, Porcupine Plain, SK. WANTED: FARM WORKERS 1 KOROVA FEEDERS at Acme, AB seeking license, to pull Super B grain andw/Class hay trailGeneral Feedlot Help, modern facility, ers. Mostly local hauling. Also capable of competitive wages, benefit pkg. Please fax r u n n i n g f a r m e q u i p m e n t . C a l l M i ke resume to 403-546-4231. 306-469-7741, Big River, SK.
Ca ttlela n d Feed ya rd s L td .
EX P .Feed lo t W OR K ER Positions GEN ER AL FAR M D U TIES: com bining,silaging,driv ing variou s farm ing equ ipm ent, labou r. GEN ER AL FEED L OT D U TIES: general labou r,pen cleaning, hau ling feed,bu sting hay/straw . CATTL E P R OCESSOR : C ou nting,tagging,loading & u nloading liv esto ck. O ther processing du ties as requ ired.
FULL-TIME HELP WANTED on grain farm near Corning, SK. Housing close by, suitable for family. Class 1A is an asset, experience will reflect wage. Fax resume to 306-224-4546 or call 306-224-4441. HELP WANTED ON DAIRY FARM, fulltime or part-time. Phone: 306-493-8201 or 306-493-7631, Delisle, SK. LOOKING FOR FARM WORK?? Lots of opportunities! All types of farm work. Go to for all the listings. Or phone Tony at 403-732-4295.
FULL TIME EXPERIENCE and/or desire to learn. Looking for individual to operate, repair and maintain agriculture equipment and trucks. Main focus of operation is Bison production. Repair fences, barns and other buildings. Mechanical skills and farm C om petitive wages and benefits. experience beneficial. Accommodations Fa x 403- 934- 4594 can be arranged for the right individual or Em a il: p en n y@ ca ttlela n d .ca family. A1 preferred, must have clean abstract. Phone Doug at 306-231-9110 or WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to email or fax run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. 306-383-2555, Quill Lake, SK. F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke EMPLOYMENT: FEEDLOT EMPLOYEES re306-469-7741, Big River, SK. quired. Wages include beautiful acreages with mobile homes. Mechanical skills required. Fax resumes to: 403-556-6601, ph. 403-556-2807, Olds, AB. La rg e Feed lot ha s op en in g s for LIVESTOCK SUPERVISOR: This position requires a self motivated person that is EQ UIP M EN T forward thinking and can work well with staff. Good communication skills required. O P ERATO RS Hands on position requires management & FEED TRUCK of fat cattle and marketing; effective communication with cattle buyers, custom D RIV ERS feeders, in-house staff and managers; Fu lltim e, Excellen tW a g e, placement of incoming cattle; scheduling Ben efitPk g & yard maintenance; procuring personnel in Bon u s S tru ctu re. consultation and management. Salary and a detailed job description will be discussed Exp erien ce a n a s s etbu tw ill during job interview. Contact Gerard tra in the rig htin d ivid u a l. Clavelle, Goldenhill Cattle Company Ltd., Viscount, SK. Phone 306-944-4545 or cell Ap p l yto 306-221-1616. Fax resume 306-944-4888. high21hr@ hotm ail. com orF ax 403 546- 3709. FARM HELPER WANTED on mixed farm. Room and board available. Phone or fax resume to 403-631-2373, Olds, AB.
PULSELINK LTD. REQUIRES Machine Operator and Process Controllers, wage $16-18/hr. Requirements include ability to efficiently and safely operate grain processing equipment including color sorters and lentil splitting machines, grade and document processing results. Schedule is shift work and some weekends. Experience an asset, training is available. Apply by fax: 306-882-3668, email: APIARY TECHNICIANS (5 positions) NOC or mail to Pulselink Ltd., Box 130, Zealan8253 ($13.50-$16/hr.) and Beekeeper dia, SK. S0L 3N0. Helpers (5 positions) NOC 8431 ($12.50-$13.50/hr.) wanted for full-time GREENHOUSE SUPERVISOR, required at work (50+ hrs./wk.) for February 2012 Oyen Greenhouses Ltd., to lead and train until November 2012. Applicants must be workers. The successful applicant should in good physical shape and able to work have a college education in horticulture honeybees. Apiary Technicians must have with 2-3 yrs. experience in propagation 3 years experience working with bees in a and young plant management. The ability commercial apiary and have a valid drivers to read, write and understand English is licence. Beekeeper helpers will be required necessary and knowledge of Spanish to assist with day to day colony manage- would be beneficial. Starting wage is ment, extracting and processing of honey. $20.11/hr. Working days, evenings and H o n e y v i e w F a r m , R o s e d a l e , B C , weekends are required during the busy j o b s @ h o n e y v i e w f a r m . c a o r F a x season. Interested applicants can email 604-794-3085. resumes to: Fax: 403-664-2759; Mail: PO Box 358, F U L L - T I M E P O S I T I O N AVA I L A B L E Oyen, AB T0J 2J0; Or Apply in person to Pound-Maker, a large scale integrated 201-1 Ave. West, Oyen, AB. feedlot/ethanol facility is looking for GENERAL FEEDLOT HELP, operating at SERVICE W RITER REQUIRED Lanigan, SK. Successful applicants must W ell E s ta b lis hed Agricu ltu ra l Dea lers hip have a valid driver’s license, be in good in W es tCen tra l Alb erta is lo o kin g fo r a n physical health and enjoy working outHo n es t, Aggres s ive & Am b itio u s doors. Animal husbandry skills or eqpt. handling skills an asset. Excellent company SERVICE W RITER/W ARRANTY CLERK compensation plan, health benefits pkg., Agricu ltu ra l S ervice In d u s try pension plan and wages. References req’d. b a ck gro u n d a n d co m pu ter experien ce Please forward resumes to: Pound-Maker w o u ld b e a n a s s et. F u ll-T im e p o s itio n , Agventures Ltd., PO Box 519, Lanigan, SK. Ben efits (a fter 3 m o n th p erio d ). S0K 2M0. Email: Fax: 306-365-4283. Plea s e fo rw a rd Res u m es to : LARGE COW/CALF/YEARLING RANCH in east central AB looking for long term, full time employee. Applicant must have above average horsemanship and stockmanship skills, able to operate and maintain feeding equipment, fencing and welding. Experience an asset. Accommodations with utilities provided. Phone/Fax Wes Kopas 403-578-3093, Coronation, AB.
PROGRESSIVE FARM/FEEDLOT in east central Sask. is looking to hire a Farm Worker. Position provides minimum 40 hrs per week, must be able to work varied and extended hours. Farm work incl. feedlot, cow-calf and grain production. Skilled worker should be physically fit, self-starter and proficient with livestock handling and herd health. Exp. with farm equipment and Class 1A an asset. This will be a long-term and rewarding opportunity. Work starts immediately. References required. Located 7 miles southwest of Theodore, SK. Send resume to or contact 306-521-2822.
Al Yo rk
R IM BEY IM P LEM EN TS LTD . Bo x 6 18 , Rim b ey, AB T0C 2J0 Or F a x 403-8 43-3430 O r E m a il: Alyork@ rim b e yim p le m e n ts .ca PERMANENT FULL-TIME POSITION on a pure bred cow/calf operation. Must have equipment experience and a valid driver’s licence. Modern equipment. Hutterites welcome to apply. Contact Lazy S Ranch Inc., Mayerthorpe, AB. Ph: 780-785-3136, fax resume to 780-785-3503 or via email
PARTS PERSON LARGE GRAIN FARM looking for full-time employee with Class 1 and love for agriculture. Competitive wages. Call Stan 403-888-7801, Blackie, AB.
UTT/UTW/CHAINSAW OPERATORS: Ace Vegetation is preparing for fall/winter work. We need utility tree trimmers, utility tree workers and chainsaw operators. H2S, First Aid, CSTS and Class 1 license are assets. Send your resume to: ACE at 2001 8th St., Nisku, AB, T9E 7Z1, fax: 780955-9426 or Foreman positions available.
W ell E s ta b lis hed Agricu ltu ra l Dea lers hip in W es tCen tra l Alb erta is lo o kin g fo r a n Ho n es t, Aggres s ive & Am b itio u s PARTS PERSON. Agricu ltu ra l b a ck gro u n d a n d co m pu ter experien ce w o u ld b e a n a s s et. F u ll-T im e p o s itio n , Ben efits (a fter 3 m o n th p erio d ). Plea s e fo rw a rd Res u m es to : Al Yo rk
R IM BEY IM P LEM EN TS LTD . Bo x 6 18 , Rim b ey, AB T0C 2J0 Or F a x 403-8 43-3430 O r E m a il: Alyork@ rim b e yim p le m e n ts .ca
Career Opportunity Lethbridge, Alberta
Full time position is now available at
CCWG Livestock Supplies Limited
LOOKING TO HIRE full-time hand on horse/cattle ranch in southern Sask. Must have 1A license. Housing incl., families welcome. Call for details. 306-969-4411. CLEARWATER LAKE Regional Park invites applications for the following positions: Park Manager, Maintenance Supervisor, Secretary. For info. contact Karen Sander, 306-859-4804, Barb Pierce 306-375-2477. Deadline for applications: Nov. 30, 2011. Submit resumes to: Clearwater Regional Park, Box 327, Kyle, SK. S0L 1T0
Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for
(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o
EXPERIENCED BEEKEEPERS REQUIRED for the 2012 season (Feb 1 - Nov 30) in Girouxville, AB. Minimum 1 year beekeeping experience. Workers will assist in colony management, honey extraction and pollination. Wage $14.50/hr. Email resume to COOK WANTED for private lodge. Experience required. Call 306-426-2772, Meath Park, SK.
RM FOREMAN POSITION: RM of Oakdale #320 surrounds Coleville, SK, located 20 miles north of Kindersley and in the middle of a busy oilfield area. Competitive wages and full benefit package. Applicants must have strong road construction skills and exp. operating heavy machinery. Position requires strong mechanical abilities, good communication and leadership qualities. Grade 12 or GED required. Class 1A license an asset. Housing available. Further info. from Alan Burt 306-463-7717 or Gillain Lund 306-965-2281. Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2011 or until a suitable candidate is found and can be submitted to RM of Oakdale #320 Box 249 Coleville, SK S0L 0K0. Fax 306-965-2466 or email PRIME MOVER/MULCHER Operators Ace Vegetation is preparing for fall/winter work. We need Mulcher, Hydro-Ax and Posi-Track operators. Locations will be throughout Northern Alberta. H2S, First Aid, CSTS and Class 1 license are assets. Send your resume to: ACE at 2001 - 8th St., Nisku, AB, T9E 7Z1, fax: 780-955-9426 or email: Crew Leader positions available. RED ROCK NURSERY is accepting applications for Greenhouse Labourers. Duties to include: seeding, thinning, transplanting, weeding and harvesting of trees. Starting now. Wage rate $9.40 per hour, 40 to 50 hours per week, 7 days per week. Please mail resume to: Box 40046, RPO Southridge, Medicine Hat, AB, T1B 4S6.
te l: (7 80) 849 3820 fa x: (7 80) 849 5449 701-12th Ave NE , Box 23 6, S l a ve L a ke, AB TOG 2AO
S l ave La ke , Al be rta W e a re s eek in g a ca reerorien ta ted in d ivid u a l to m a n a g e a n d g row ou rS la ve La k e op era tion . The ca n d id a te m u stha ve the fo llo w in g: • Bu s in es s m a n a g em en texp erien ce • S tron g lea d ers hip a n d p eop le m a n a g em en ts k ills • Excellen ts a les a bilities a n d a p roven tra ck record • Kn ow led g e ofthe fu el in d u s try w ou ld be a n a s s et • Fleeta n d / orfleetm a in ten a n ce exp erien ce • S tron g org a n iza tion a l, p la n n in g a n d a n a lytica l s k ills W e offercom p etitive com p en s a tion a n d ben efits in clu d in g a com p a n y vehicle. Ifyou a re in teres ted in join in g a d yn a m ic tea m , p lea s e em a il you rres u m e to
in go vw @ gm a m orfa x to 780- 849- 5449
Lethbridge, AB CCWG is a national organization involved in wool marketing & retail business for livestock supplies. We offer an excellent benefit package and competitive wage with pension plan, profit sharing and career advancement opportunities. An agriculture & business training or education would be a definite asset. Please send resume in confidence to
S a xon En erg y S ervices In c. is a p rog res s ive, in n ova tive, a n d exp a n d in g in tern a tion a l la n d -ba s ed d rillin g w ell-s ervicin g com p a n y hea d q u a rtered in C a lg a ry. S a xon is com m itted to s a fety. W e ha ve es ta blis hed “ zero los s ” a s a g oa l in Hea lth, S a fety a n d En viron m en t; w e believe a n d con tin u a lly s trive to m eetthis g oa l.
Saxon is currently recruiting for the follow ing positions for a Potash Projectbased in Saskatchew an: • • • •
Driller Derrickha nd M otorha nd Floorha nd
S a xon offers com p etitive com p en s a tion a n d a com p rehen s ive ben efits p a ck a g e. In teres ted ca n d id a tes , p lea s e forw a rd you r res u m e to:
S a xo n Drillin g Ca n a d a L. P. Hu m a n R eso u rces Dept. Fa x: 403- 513- 42 55 O rb y em a ilto : CDN recru itm en t@ sa xo n m W e w is h to tha n k a ll ca n d id a tes fortheirin teres t, how ever, on ly thos e s elected fora n in terview w ill be con ta cted .
%27720 /,1( 12 &203520,6( YOU CAN’T AFFORD DOWNTIME. YOUR EQUIPMENT CAN’T EITHER. You expect a lot of yourself and the people around you. Mother Nature is your fickle friend, and your most dreaded enemy. And necessity is the mother of all invention. That’s where we come in. We’ve developed the most concentrated diesel fuel additives to keep heavy-duty equipment like yours working at the capacity you need under gruelling conditions — to give it the best performance, the highest fuel efficiency and the longest life possible. We guarantee it. Because your business is too important to trust to anything else. Visit for more information.
PERMOLEX LTD. is a unique grain processing facility that produces flour, gluten, fuel grade ethanol and livestock feed from wheat. We are a growing company and advancement is possible for the right individual. We offer a friendly, open environment that respects and supports our employees and we are currently looking for a Grain Elevator Operator. Applicant with grain experience will be given precedence and grain handling, grading, mixing knowledge is an asset. Applicant will: Have the ability to work well in a team environment and work diligently without constant supervision; Keep accurate records of all grain for protein, moisture and dockage levels; Have a proven strong work ethic, mechanical inclination with a strong troubleshooting ability; Have the ability to operate various process controls, machinery and to maintain the process or control problems; The ability to perform daily inspections within all areas of the Grain Elevator Area; Be willing to maintain daily housekeeping requirements for food safety regulations and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations; Be able to work in a fast paced environment where decisions must be made, and actions must be taken in a timely, safe and professional manner. Proof of Grade 12 is mandatory. Please forward your resume to: Permolex, Attn. Bridgette by fax to: 403-346-2662 or by email to: Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Red Deer, AB. EXPERIENCED RUBBER TIRE Trackhoe Operator with Class 1 license required. Fax resume to 780-826-4834, Bonnyville, AB. or email JOB OPPORTUNITY with Warkentin Building Movers for hard working individual with min. Class 3 air endorcement license. Competitive wages, to begin immediately. Call: Wayne 403-352-8768.
TWO GUEST SERVICE representatives required ASAP. $10.50-$12.50/hr, full-time, shift work with weekends. Register guests, handle inquiries, assign rooms, take reservations and handle checkout. Must be polite, patient, and courteous on the phone via email. Experience an asset but are willing to train. Apply to Manitou Springs and Mineral Spa, Manitou Beach, SK. at or fax 306-946-3622.
PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e A gricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lA lberta IsLook in g ForA n Hon est,A ggressive & A m bitiou s
NEED A CAREER CHANGE? Maybe something new? Concept Railing Limited is an interior railing, supply and install company. Need a Finisher/Sprayer, full-time position, Mon. to Fri. Experience an asset but not mandatory. Clean and organized are the requirements, not gender specific. Apply in person or send resume to Unit 4, 401 Pakwa Place, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 6A3, 306-664-0555
A gricu ltu ra lBa ck grou n d a n d Com pu terExperien ce W ou ld Be A n A sset. Fu ll-Tim e Position , $15 to $20 per hou r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m on th period).
Plea se Forw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tton Cou lee Ag ri Pa rts Ltd ., B ox 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 or S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333.
OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR. Outfitting company requires a self starter to manage a busy, challenging tourism based outfitting office. Professional telephone manners and customer service skills are mandatory. Must have a positive attitude, strong verbal and written communication skills, strong organizational and multitasking ability, computer skills, sense of humour and a ready smile. You should be punctual and dependable. Accommodation can be incl. on the ranch which is 40 min. SW of Calgary, AB. Please email resume and references to or call 403-933-2612 for further info.
Your search is over. The Manitoba government offers you opportunity, diversity and a rewarding career.
ECKVILLE CO-OP is looking for an AGRO CENTER MANAGER. The successful candidate must be an energetic and customer orientated person who can motivate their staff team. Preference will be given to candidates with agricultural experience and product knowledge. Salary based on experience and product knowledge. The Co-operative Retailing system also offers training and advancement locally and throughout Western Canada. Resumes may be dropped off at the Eckville Co-op Admin. email: or fax to 403-746-2104 Attention: Shawn. MAX FUEL DISTRIBUTORS LTD has openings for an Office Controller and an Operations Manager, in the Slave Lake, AB. office. Top wages and full benefit packages offered. Email or fax resumes to 780-849-5449.
OILFIELD MAINTENANCE COMPANY looking for mechanically inclined reliable individual for full time employment. Competitive wages, company benefits, H2S and first aid tickets a benefit but will send for training. Criminal record at our request. Please fax resume to 403-552-2350 or email to: Kirriemuir, AB.
MANAGER/OPERATOR REQUIRED: The Manning Co-op Seed Cleaning Plant is currently seeking to fill a non gender specific role of Plant Manager/Operator. We are offering an opportunity to work closely with the Board of Directors in offering the farming community excellence in their grain cleaning requirements. Experience and/or knowledge of the farming community is beneficial but is not required, requires a proven self starter. Hours are dependent on customer requirements. Please mail resume to: Manning Seed Cleaning Co-op, Box 840, Manning AB. T0H 2MO, Fax: 780-836-3663, (Attention: Terry Schamahorn). Or call Terry Schamahorn at 780-836-3348.
Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473
Farm Production Advisor - Livestock
Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, Ste Rose Advertisement Number: 24947 Closing Date: November 7, 2011 Salary Range: $57,120 to $73,983 per annum
Qualifications: The Farm Production Advisor – Livestock develops and delivers programming that assists primary agricultural producers make decisions regarding profitable, productive and environmentally sustainable livestock production. Using your training and experience in animal science and livestock production, your understanding of current issues and trends in the beef industry and strong communication skills, you will: provide advice on livestock production issues; work with industry to develop strategic plans and priorities for the livestock industry; research new livestock management techniques; prepare resource material; and develop and deliver training on best practices to clients and department staff. Must be a member of, or eligible for membership in, the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists at the Professional Agrologist level. Requires valid Class 5 driver’s licence, access to a vehicle for use on the job, the ability to travel throughout Manitoba and work some extended hours. For full details on this opportunity, visit
Apply to: Advertisement #24947 Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Human Resource Services 360-1395 Ellice Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3G 3P2 Phone: (204) 945-1845 Fax: (204) 948-2841 Email: Your cover letter and resumé must clearly indicate how you meet the qualifications. We thank all who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Employment Equity is a factor in selection. Applicants are requested to indicate in their covering letter or resumé if they are from any of the following groups: women, Aboriginal people, visible minorities and persons with a disability. Find out about other current job opportunities — click on the Jobs button at
People. Purpose. Progress.
ESTIM ATO R/PRO JECT M ANAG ER Pryme Concrete Construction Inc. is seeking an experienced concrete estimator to work in our Langenburg office. Q ualifications: • 5+ year’s experience in estim ating concrete construction projects • Experience in reading blueprints • A ble to m eetdeadlines • Effective com m unication and organizationalskills • Know ledge ofcom puters
To apply,please forw ard cover letter and resum e to prym e@ or contact M ichelle at 306.743.2290 for m ore inform ation.
SILVERTIP OILFIELD SERVICES based out of Manning AB is seeking full-time and part-time CLASS 1 TRUCK DRIVERS and HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS. For more information please call 780-836-3792.
CLASS 1 TRUCK DRIVERS required for hauling oil and water near Kindersley, SK. area. Scheduled days off. Wages negotiable. Oilfield tickets required, but will train. Phone 306-460-8891, fax resume with drivers abstract to 306-463-2378 or email: EXPERIENCED RUBBER TIRE Trackhoe Operator with Class 1 license required. Fax resume to 780-826-4834, Bonnyville, AB. or email
WANTED: 1A OILFIELD Fluid Haulers for DUMP TRUCK, WATER truck, winch truck, Shaunavon, SK. Competitive wages and and end dump Drivers needed in northern benefits offered. Info. ph. 306-297-3885. AB.. Fax 780-926-8821, ph. 780-247-0101. BOILER HAND LTD is looking for OperaSTABBROS TRUCKING is looking for tors with Class 3Q or better license. Must Class 1 driver to haul oil and water in have Special Oilwell Operator ticket. Can Macklin, SK area. Must have all safety tick- arrange for other tickets. Dec. 1 to March ets, willing to train. Contact: Justin at 15. Excellent wage. 780-826-5829, Conk306-753-9121 lin, AB. area,
Em ploym e nt O pportu nitie s T u n d ra Oilfield Ren ta ls L td . req u ires
• P icke r Ope ra to rs • W in ch Tra cto r D rive rs • H igh w a y D rive rs • Be d Truck D rive rs • Oilfie ld S w a m pe rs
Co m p etitive W a ges a n d Ben efits Pa cka ges
Plea s e fa x res u m e to 78 0-9 6 3-6 28 0 o r em a il: K evin @ tu n d ra o ilfield ren ta ls .co m w w w .tu n d ra o ilfield ren ta ls .co m
O p e ra tion s M a n a g e r S u n ris e Food s In tern a tion a l is s eek in g a brig ht, en erg etic O p era tion s M a n a g erforits L ake L enore,SK g ra in p roces s in g fa cility. W o rkin g a lo n gsid e the fa cility m a n a ger, the O pera tio n s M a n a gerw ill: • Prep a re s hip p in g a n d receivin g d ocu m en ts • O p era te g ra in clea n in g eq u ip m en t • Loa d / u n loa d g ra in in clu d in g ba g g in g Q u a lifica tio n s a n d skills: • Excep tion a lly ha rd w ork in g • Ba s ic com p u ters k ills • G ra in clea n in g a n d ha n d lin g exp erien ce An n u a lS a la ry: $45,000 in clu d in g a com p etitive ben efits p a ck a g e. Period ic even in g a n d w eek en d w ork is req u ired . O nly candidates cons idered w ill be contacted. Plea se em a ilo rfa x resu m e: jo b s@ su n risefo o d s. ca Fa x: 931- 6770 2 162 Airpo rtDrive S a ska to o n , S K S 7L 6M 6
WE ARE LOOKING for licensed Equipment Operator for big wheel loader and backhoe for snow removal season from October to April in a town in the Central Arctic. Applicants need to be mechanically inclined. Please send resume by email to: brunocapenterprise@gmail Travel and accommodation provided.
W e a re cu rren tly recru itin g fo ra
Bu sin essRep resen ta tive
AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN NEEDED with experience in wheel alignments and front end work, to join a family business in Grenfell, SK., operating under a large multi-location brand (Integra Tire). Work week Monday to Friday. Very competitive wages offered on ability and experience. This is an opportunity to work and live in a friendly environment with the latest equipment and tools to support your position. F o r m o r e i n fo p l e a s e c a l l D a r r e n 306-697-2856, fax/email resume to 306-697-3457,
AG MECHANIC We Wa nt Yo u ! We are looking for an
AG MECHANIC with Combine and Ag tractor experience. We are located just outside of Regina. Agco Dealership benefit package and Comparable Wages.
Nick’s Service Ltd. #2 South Plains Dr. W. Emerald Park, SK 306-781-1077
EXPERIENCED HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC. Ag, truck and trailer. Benefits, competitive wages. Permanent full-time. Call or fax Dan at Ag West Service, Moose Jaw, SK 306-692-5128, fax 306-692-5124.
fo ro u rSo u th Ea stern Sa ska tchew a n territo ry. Rep o r tin g to the Reg io n a l S a lesM a n a g er,the Bu sin ess Rep resen ta tive isa cco u n ta b le fo r m a rket d evelo pm en t a n d sa les o fco m pa n y pro d u cts,w ith a levelo fservice tha t su sta in skey cu sto m ersbu sin essrela tio n ship.W o rkin g fro m yo u rho m e o ffice, yo u w illbe a cco u n ta ble fo ra tta in in g sa lesta rgetsw ithin a d efin ed geo gra phic territo ry. The su ccessfu l ca n d id a te w ill ha ve a u n iversity d egree,o r eq u iva len t,in a gricu ltu re o rrela ted scien ce,bu sin esso rco m m erce a lo n g w ith a m in im u m o f3 – 5 yea rso fd irectly rela ted experien ce. Ad d itio n a lly,yo u p o ssessstro n g o ra la n d w ritten co m m u n ica tio n a n d presen ta tio n skills. Q u a lified ca n d id a tesa re in vited to fo rw a rd resu m esto : M a u reen Lo cke Ad m in istra tive Assista n t BAS F C a n a d a 6 00 – O n e Resea rch Ro a d W in n ip eg ,M B. R3 T 6 E3 M a u reen .Lo cke@ b a m
BOLDING HELPS YOUR AD GET NOTICED Make your classified ad the best it can be. Ask our friendly classified ad team for more information. We’ll be happy to assist you with expert advice on how to get your article sold. Place your ad on or call us at 1-800-667-7770
WORK WITH US & GROW A CAREER Glacier Media Group is growing. Check our job board regularly for the latest openings:
Arc tic Ca t S n ow M a c hin e s a n d Qu a d s
OWNER OPERATORS to pull Super B hoppers in Western Canada. Call RTK Trucking 1-877-824-3615, Nobleford, AB. DUMP TRUCK, WATER truck, winch truck, and end dump Drivers needed in northern AB.. Fax 780-926-8821, ph. 780-247-0101.
Fulltim e,BenefitPlan, C om petitive W ages.
N ICK’S S ERV ICE LTD . #2 S o u th Pla in s Dr., Em era ld Pa rk, S K 306- 781- 1077 n icksserviceltd @ sa sktel.n et HINO TRUCK SALES, Saskatoon, SK is seeking Heavy Duty Truck and Transport Apprentices to join our dealership. Opportunity to work on a variety of equipment, Mon.-Fri., 8-5 PM. Require own tools. Must be self-motivated and a team player. Benefits package and tool allowance available. Signing Bonus! Please apply with resume by fax: 306-933-2510 or email to:
WANTED: CLASS 1A DRIVER to haul oil and water in Luseland/Unity, SK area. Must have oilfield tickets. Full-time and part-time available. Daryl 306-228-2189. TRAIL-X EXPRESS immediately requires 1 ton diesel trucks to haul RV’s, full-time employment w/top rates, must be able to enter the US. Email Tollfree 1-866-585-6770, visit CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVER with tank truck experience needed for SE Sask., hauling crude oil. Based out of Regina, SK. Clean abstract and resume required. Will train above average individuals. 5 days on, 5 off. Long term positions. Fax resume/abstract to: 306-245-3222, Weyburn, SK.
R UR AL M UN ICIP AL ITY O F STAN L EY in vite s applicatio n s fo r
P UBL IC W O R K S SUP ER V ISO R The Ru ralM u n icipality is acce ptin g applicatio n s fo ra Pu b lic W o rks Su pe rvis o rto as s u m e o ve rallre s po n s ib ility o fthe Pu b lic W o rks De partm e n t. Du tie s in clu d e han d lin g alld e partm e n tals taffin g m atte rs ,re s po n d in g to co n ce rn s /co m plain ts ,pro je ct& pro g ram plan n in g ,b u d g e tin g ,s che d u lin g , an d ad m in is trative /re po rtin g fu n ctio n s . Su cce s s fu lapplican ts w illd e m o n s trate n atu ralle ad e rs hip ab ilitie s ,a s tro n g aptitu d e fo rpu b lic s e rvice ,e xce lle n t co m m u n icatio n ,o rg an izatio n al,an d pu b lic re latio n s s kills ,an d w o u ld b e u p to n e w challe n g e s . Bas ic co m pu te r kn o w le d g e ,s o m e s u rve y e d u catio n o r e xpe rie n ce ,an d he avy co n s tru ctio n o r pu b lic w o rks e xpe rie n ce w o u ld b e d e fin ite as s e ts . The RM o fStan le y o ffe rs a co m pre he n s ive b e n e fitpackag e in clu d in g a re tire m e n t plan . Re m u n e ratio n w illb e b as e d o n e xpe rie n ce an d q u alificatio n s . In te re s te d applican ts s ho u ld fo rw ard a d e taile d re s u m e w ith a m in im u m o f 3 re fe re n ce s m arke d “ P u b lic W orks Su pervisor” to : R .M .of Sta n ley,1 00 – 3 7 9 Stephen St.M ord en ,M B R 6 M 1 V 1 o r e m aile d to : rklippen stein @ rm ofsta n ley.c a Re s u m e s re ce ive d w illb e he ld in the s tricte s tco n fid e n ce . O n ly tho s e applican ts s e le cte d fo r in te rvie w s w illb e co n tacte d . De ad lin e fo r re ce ipto fapplicatio n s is 5:00pm ,N ovem b er 7 ,201 1 In q u irie s ab o u t the po s itio n can b e m ad e b y e m ailin g Rick K lippe n s te in : rklippen stein @ rm ofsta n ley.c a .
DINIUS ENTERPRISES INC. looking for long haul truck drivers Canada and USA. Must have Class 1A license with a clean abstract and 2 yrs. long haul driving experience. Valid passport and able to pass drug and alcohol test, must be 21 yrs. of age. Must be able to speak English and obtain a Canadian Class 1A license. Driving hours per day max. 13 hrs. in Canada, 11 hrs. in U.S. Vacation and holidays are per Canadian Federal Legislation. Will drive 5000- 6000 kms/week at .26¢/km. Paid unload reload and layovers, all kms paid. Call 306-773-7495, Stewart Valley, SK or email: PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY is now hiring Class 1 Drivers for livestock hauling. Competitive wages. Canada/ US loads. Fuel/ safety bonus. Must have US clearance. Call Jim at 403-732-5641 or fax resume to 403-732-4856, Picture Butte, AB. Email:
to ha u l fro m Ha n s o n L a ke, S K to S a s ka to o n , S K . Als o fro m S a s ka to o n to va ri ou s Alb erta lo ca tio n s .
3 06 -242-9 3 44
LEASE OPERATORS: SK/AB Co. looking to expand grain and fertilizer operations for December contracts. Lease operators w/wo trailers needed. Serious inquiries only. Operators based out of AB, SK, or MB. Contact 306-893-4325, Maidstone, SK. Email:
Automotive Service Technician Tisdale, SK. The successful applicant • Jo u rn eym an Techn ician preferred bu t will co n sider 3rd & 4th year appren tice. • K n o wledge o f Gen eral M o to rs pro du cts wo u ld be co n sidered an asset bu t n o t requ ired. • W ages will co m m en su rate with experien ce. • W e o ffer a great ben efit pack age an d co m pen satio n . • Bo wm an GM o ffers a fu ll lin e o f GM pro du cts, a n ew m o dern sto re an d great co m m u n ity in which to live. Call or apply in person. $ 25+ / hr. Fu ll Tim e. P erm an en t P o sitio n . In person with resume, fax or e-mail resume.
Bowmar Sales Ltd. PO Box 669, Tisdale, SK, Canada, S0E 1T0 Curtis Bowditch or Jim York Phone: (306)873-2633 Fax: (306)873-4746 E-mail:
CLASS 1 DRIVER, to haul crude oil in the Provost/Hardisty area. Good wages and benefits. Current driver’s abstract, oilfield tickets and resume. Provost, AB, fax 780-753-3092, phone 780-753-0086.
FULL-TIME CLASS 1 DRIVER WANTED, based out of Mossleigh, AB. Must have experience in grain/fertilizer Super B hauling and equipment hauling. Fax resume and current driver’s abstract to: 403-684-3353.
LOOKING FOR LEASE OPERATORS to pull company owned Cattleliners. Hauling cattle and hogs in BC and AB. Please fax resume to 250-828-6683 or phone Bob at 250-851-1255.
WANTED: 1A DRIVER, EXPERIENCED in hauling grain and fertilizer with Super B trailers. Must be able to cross US border. Ph 306-762-4516, 306-531-4641, or fax resume to 306-762-4401, Odessa, SK. OIL/WATER HAULING drivers needed in SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediate- Vermilion/Wainwright, AB area. Class 1/ ly requires Leased Operators with new 1A required, experience an asset. Positions model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks, start ASAP. Send resume, driver’s abstract tractors; Also Company Drivers. Trans- and references to Gallagher’s Precision porting RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. H a r v e s t i n g a n d T r u c k i n g , f a x Clean abstract required. Competitive rates. 888-719-1733, phone 780-853-0523 or email: Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733. Vermilion, AB.
OILFIELD TRUCK DRIVER required. Please contact Mark at 306-270-5888 for details, Cudworth, SK. LOOKING FOR DRIVERS and owner/operator’s to haul crude oil in northern Alberta. Experience an asset, valid class 1, H2S and First Aid required. Great rates, scheduled days off. Please fax resume and abstract to 780-624-8068.
Tired of your Job? Do you want to work for a company that rewards their employees? Then join the Movac Team! VACUUM AND WATER TRUCK OPERATORS Accountabilities and Responsibilities: • Provide vacuum and/or water truck services to various customers throughout Alberta and Saskatchewan • Daily inspection and preventative maintenance of equipment while in the field • Follow and complete all safety related protocol and paperwork Knowledge and Experience Required: • 3 to 5 years driving experience in off-road/remote conditions • Knowledge of the safe operation of vacuum and/or water truck and auxiliary equipment (Pump, Agitator, TPC etc) • Safety training: H2S, First Aid, TDG, WHMIS, PST/CSTS, Confined Space • Class 3 License (Air Brake) and clean drivers abstract Interested candidates please e-mail your resume, abstract and training to or fax to 403-201-3684. Movac would like to thank all applicants for their interest WANTED: OWNER OPERATORS for grain and fert. hauling, based in Kenaston, SK. Pull your own trailers or ours. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-567-8377.
MID NORTH TRANSPORT is currently accepting applications for operators to drive to and from the USA. Please fax resume 306-975-0559, or call 306-931-2678 at Saskatoon, SK.
FAVEL TRANSPORT is looking for Leased Operators to haul livestock throughout Canada and USA. We are seeking operators with a drive to succeed in a team atmosphere. As a premium livestock transporter our customer base requires reliable, honest, and dedicated service. If you fit into this class we want you on our team. We operate in the following lanes: MB. to AB. with cattle, and return back to MB. with hogs (this lane is home on weekends), run west out of SK. with cattle (must be able to pull the odd Sunday). Call Kyle Favel 1-877-803-2835 anytime.
CLASS 1A PART-TIME DRIVER for oilfield hauling in Luseland/Denzil SK area. REIMER TRUCKING is looking for an ex- must have 1st Aid, H2S tickets and clean perienced Class 1 B train driver to haul abstract. Please call Pat 306-372-4927 or bulk products in AB, BC, SK, and MB. cell 306-834-7040. Please fax resume to 403-546-2592 or call 403-546-4190, Linden, AB.
KUESTER TRUCKING LTD. Dixonville AB. now hiring drivers and lease operators for full time livestock hauling through BC, AB, SK, MB and some States. Clean drivers abstract/profile required. 780-971-3794 or Fax: 780-971-2216.
CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVERS needed to run water truck in Fort McMurray, AB area. Water hauling experience would be an asset. Current safety tickets, drivers abstract and references required. Applicants must EVEREST TRUCKING LTD. Now hiring be willing to travel and live in camp setClass 1A drivers and sub contractors to ting. Phone 306-937-7427, 306-441-0603 haul livestock in AB and SK. Fax resume for more information. and current abstract to 780-853-6872 or phone 780-853-6330, Vermilion, AB. WANTED: CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVER TO P WAG E S F O R TO P H A N D S . R. to haul crude oil for Regina, SK based French transport seeking drivers, leased company. Current safety tickets and exp. operators and a dispatcher to join their an asset but not necessary. Candidates team in the oil patch in southeast Sask. must be able to pass pre-employment Accommodations avail. Ph 306-577-1950, drug and alcohol testing. Scheduled 5 days on, 5 days off. Top industry wages. Health 306-577-8553 for more info., Forget, SK. and dental benefits. Serious applicants CLASS 1A DRIVERS WANTED for Cana- need only apply. Send current resume and da/USA to haul SP farm machinery, over- drivers abstract to fax 306-949-8160 or sized load exp. an asset, benefit plan avail. email For more Please fax resume to 306-776-2382. For info. call 306-949-8199 or 306-540-9830. more info. call 306-776-2349, Rouleau, SK.
Truck Drivers Wanted With Transall Group Of Companies
SASKATOON HOTSHOT TRANSPORTER hiring Power Units w/wo stepdecks for RV and freight hauling throughout Canada and the US, year round work, lots of miles and home time, fuel subsidies, benefits, paid plates and insurance, excellent earnings. or call 306-653-8675.
TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED immediately for fall/winter employment. Cattle truck driver for local haul and/or winch truck operator for camp job in Conklin, AB with flexible in/out schedule. Experience nece s s a r y. K e i t h o r J o a n n e E l l i o t t 780-623-7412, Bear Track Cattle Co. Ltd., Lac La Biche, AB.
RV HAULING: Saskatoon Hotshot Transporter now hiring 3/4 and 1 tons, power units w/wo stepdecks for RV and freight hauling throughout Canada and the US, year round work, lots of miles and home time, fuel subsidies, benefits, excellent earnings. 306-653-8675, Saskatoon, SK.
Biggar Transport is looking for Company Drivers & Leased Operators to pull Super B’s in their Bulk Grain and Fertilizer Division. Epp’s Trucking is looking for Company Drivers & Leased Operators to pull Super B flat decks. We offer Competitive wages and full Benefit Packages. We also offer a Signing Bonus. For more info contact Rod Pacik at 306-249-6853 or 306-381-6535
Send Resume and Drivers Abstract to: or Fax to 306-242-2077
WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Class 3A and 1A drivers, to haul water on drilling rigs. Must have all safety tickets and clean abstract. Experience preferred. Competitive wages. Fax resumes between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, 306-826-5623, Marsden, SK.
Find out about the markets every day at the close.
The Western Producer Markets Moment service provides you with a daily e-mail of crop and livestock information, sent every afternoon after markets close. It’s easy to read. It pulls information together into one simple report. It will keep you in touch with the market and help you price and sell. It only takes a moment. It’s free. Sign up at:
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PRESERVING NATURAL GRASSLANDS A B.C. ranch helps increase awareness of the benefits of range management and involving logging and environmental groups. | Page 74
L IV ES T O CK ED I TO R: B A R B G L EN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403- 942- 2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM
Cattle stay out of ring at dispersal sale Video technology makes large scale possible | Remington Land and Cattle sells 1,600 cattle over three days BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
DEL BONITA, Alta. — It was a purebred dispersal sale unique in a number of ways, not the least of which was the absence of live cattle in the ring. It might also be one of the largest purebred dispersals ever held in Alberta. Featured cattle were penned behind the sale barn for viewing, but all could be seen by video display as the lots were sold. Remington Land and Cattle, near the U.S. border, held a complete dispersal Oct. 17-19 of its approximately 1,600 purebred and half-cross cattle. Dubbed The Final Drive sale, Angus and Simmental cattle were on offer, along with half-blood crosses of the two. With that number of cattle to sell and only three days in which to do it at the ranch site, video provided the answer. “It was one of the first video sales of that magnitude,” said Gary Rairdan, cattle operations manager for Remington. Video of the animals was provided beforehand to prospective buyers online and on DVD. They could bid on sale days by phone, online or in person. Tim Lockart, owner of the Texasbased video firm Cattle in Motion, said he and his employees spent 15 days in June and September shooting video of the sale animals and another 15 days editing. “We typically get about a minute to two minutes worth of good video and then edit that down to somewhere between 20 and 40 seconds (per animal).” It amounts to more than 50 hours of video, distilled into 25 hours worth of clips shown over the course of the three-day sale. However, the technique speeds the process for large sales like this and
limits the need to disrupt the cattle. “It’s a growing deal,” Lockhart said about video technology for cattle sales. “Especially on a sale that size, it just isn’t feasible to run them all through. We do a lot of this. People use it as pre-marketing. A lot of our clients use it for that, to try to drum up potential business.” The ranch parking lot featured vehicles with licence plates from all over North America, which was reflected in the sales results. “I haven’t figured out how many states we sold to. I think we sold at least one to every province in Canada,” said Rairdan. Residents of Georgia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska were also among the buyers. Some cattle also sold to Mexico and to Australia, although Rairdan said the latter animals will remain in Canada and be flushed for embryos to be shipped overseas. Sale averages had not been calculated by Oct. 24, but Rairdan said the sale went well and prices were good. Typical of any auction, “s ome brought way more than we thought and others didn’t bring as much as we thought.” The ranch is moving to commercial cattle herds on its two ranches near Del Bonita and near Morse, Sask., in central Saskatchewan. Business manager Jodi Robertson said ranch owner Randy Remington was ready to retire from the purebred business and wanted to simplify operations. The Remington family has been in the cattle business for nearly 50 years. In his welcome within the sale catalogue to potential buyers, ranch owner Remington referred to “the next chapter” for Remington in going the commercial cattle route.
TOP, ABOVE: Cattle rest behind the auction barns at the Remington ranch near Del Bonita, Alta. A purebred dispersal sale Oct. 17-19 drew visitors from all over Canada and the United States. FAR LEFT: Tim Lockart takes bids over the internet during the sale Oct. 18. LEFT: Ringman Rod Macleod takes bids at Remington Land and Cattle’s Final Drive sale. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS
Open door helps educate on cattle ranching benefits Wildlife, native grasslands preserved | British Columbia ranch works with environmental groups and logging companies to preserve ecosystem BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
CRANBROOK, B.C. — The view from the butte from which Pine Butte Ranch takes its name features distant mountains, forest, rolling hills and grasslands. It is the type of scenery so attractive to those wishing to buy their own little piece of heaven. “We’ve had a lot of pressure from a lot of different people to sell chunks of the property to them, but we thought rather than do that, we
would try and preserve it because it’s one of the few natural grasslands left in the province,” said ranch manager Hugh McLuckie. He is responsible for 1,000 owned acres and another 10,000 in crown lease that make up the ranch owned by Ray Van Steinburg in the area between Cranbrook and Kimberley, B.C. About 160 purebred horned Hereford and 120 commercial cattle graze the property in a managed program that takes into account native grassland preservation, forestry interests access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none
and the wishes of wildlife and environmental groups. The ranch also has a deal with Nature Conservancy Canada to preserve 1,300 acres. That may sound like a lot of cooks in the same grassy kitchen, but McLuckie said it’s manageable. Getting the public to understand the benefits of cattle ranching has taken time, but success is taking hold. “I guess we’re kind of always looking to expand our horizons on what we can do to create a big picture for everybody, sort of like creating (a place) where the general public can walk out there, ride their horse or whatever, and see cattle along with wildlife and everything is good. The grass is in good shape and the wildlife’s happy and nobody’s bothering anything.” McLuckie and Van Steinburg opened the ranch to a September tour by the Pacific Northwest section of the Society for Range Management. Visitors saw the results of efforts to work in co-operation with logging companies and environmental groups. Among them was a 1,600 acre site subjected to a managed burn six years ago to eliminate smaller trees and forest in-growth. The result is deep spring pasture used this year by cattle and elk. “It’s really showing now what fire will do to restore the ecosystem,” said McLuckie. “It’s just amazing what
Pine Butte Ranch manager Hugh McLuckie says the deal with Nature Conservancy Canada will preserve native grassland. | BARB GLEN PHOTO those pastures are doing as far as productivity and grass.” Agrologist Tim Ross said the site now represents a nearly ideal open forest situation, though steady management of forest in-growth will always be necessary. He said open stands of pine seem to aid grass recovery, possibly because the needles keep cattle from grazing too closely. Pine needle abortion in cattle is a concern, but McLuckie reported no problems. Van Steinburg, who bought Pine Butte Ranch in 1952, said his grazing philosophy, though simple, has proven successful. In the early days of the ranch, sparse grass was usually depleted by midsummer, forcing him to take the cattle off the reserve and back to the home place. He advocates understanding the soil, encouraging desirable grazing species and dealing harshly with undesirable plants when they are at a vulnerable stage. “To me, that has been the secret of our whole program,” he said. The desire to preserve this piece of native grassland led him and McLuck-
Hi-Way Service Ltd. Balzac, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Taber, Bow Island, Picture Butte, High River, Milk River, Vermilion, Drumheller, Grande Prairie, Oyen, Westlock, Barrhead, Vegreville, AB ....................................................... 877-992-9903 Camrose Farm Equipment Camrose, Killam, AB ............................................ 780-672-9136 Hi Line Farm Equipment Ltd. Wetaskiwin, AB .................................................... 780-352-9244 Midwest Tractor Inc. Davidson, Raymore, SK ....................................... 306-567-3074 Hergott Farm Equipment Humboldt, SK....................................................... 306-682-2592 Ternes Sales & Service Ltd. Maple Creek, SK .................................................. 306-662-4444 Young’s Equipment Inc. Regina, Moose Jaw, Weyburn, Assiniboia, Windthorst, SK ..................................................... 306-565-2405 Redhead Equipment Swift Current, Lloydminster, Saskatoon, Estevan, SK .......................................................... 306-773-2951
You w on to mis ’t want so Kick- ur Prese off ntatio n!
ͻ Fred Gorrell
Director General, Market Access Secretariat, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
ͻ Martin Unrau
VP, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association
ͻ Cargill
hop r shop rks Works n Wo in nning n ann an Plann te Pl aster sas Dissa Disas MNP Di MN ͻ MNP o sssion Sessi Sessi o Se out eakout ea er Brreak der eed Fee ͻ F ͻ op k hop rkshop rks Work eef Wo ee fied Beef fie Veerifie V ͻ Ver T E D TH ND EN TTEND ATT AT A N! SION! SIO SESSIO T NS SES OLUTIO ESOLU RE RES
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ie to a deal with the NCC in 2006. “We kind of thought long and hard about it,” McLuckie recalled. “It seems like the St. Mary’s prairie area is sort of the epitome of what people want to move to because of the scenery that we’ve got here.” Only two percent of British Columbia’s grasslands are protected, according to the NCC, so Pine Butte Ranch signed on with 1,300 acres and a 100-year lease to continue ranching operations. With so much of the ranch connected to crown lease, public access can be frequent. But McLuckie said hunters are generally respectful and few problems are seen with horseback and all-terrain vehicle riders. “We kind of look at it as trying to educate the general public, creating a picture where ranching is doing a good service for the people that want to go out there.” The ranch also has responsibilities as a user of crown lease land, he added. “We don’t want the people that are out there to enjoy the scenery or enjoy the wildlife and birds, etc., etc., to think that we’re a problem out there.”
RD EARLY BI n– Registratio by 2 Extended OW Weeks! N 1! OCT. 21 /1
w. 2 or visit ww CALL 772.4 54 current the e se or ca mbbeef. try for tle Countr issue of Cattle ister, u need to reg ou everything yo l list of ful a d an , da the agen d Sponsors! Participants an
email: ema ma il: in info@ fo@mbb fo@ mbb bb b eef e .ca ee .
Manito Man anito t o baa Cat to Cattle tle Pr Produ oducer odu d cer cerss Asso A Ass ssocia ss ciatio tion n | 154 PA PAR A RAM R AMOUN RA A OUN UNTT R D, UN D , WIN W NIP NIPEG, IP EG, G MB. MB . R2X R2 2W3 2W W 3 P: P 204 04 4 .7 .77 7 7 2.4 4 542 5 F:: 204.774. 7 3264
Determine cause of nosebleeds to avoid horse fatality
Infections and diseases must be treated quickly to avoid permanent damage
trickle of blood from a horse’s nostril may not seem that concerning, but it can be the first indication of serious medical problems. The most life-threatening condition is a fungal infection of the carotid artery, which is a major vessel that supplies blood to the brain. A brief anatomy lesson is necessary to understand the severity of this infection. The paired carotid arteries course through an air-filled out-pouching of the eustachian tubes, which connect the mouth to the ears. These guttural pouches are located in the head at the level of the inside of the jaw on each side. In addition to the carotid artery, several other important structures travel through the guttural pouches, including a small bone that suspends the tongue and nerves.
Symptoms and treatment Clinical signs of guttural pouch fungal infection include opaque nasal discharge, nosebleeds and neurologic dysfunction (trouble swallowing or droopy face). Examination of the pouches is necessary for diagnosis and involves passing an endoscope through the nose and into the pouch. This small fibre optic camera can see fungus growing on the vessels within the pouch. Left untreated, sudden fatal bleeding can result if the fungus erodes the vessel wall. Nerve damage and bone infection can also occur. Treatment involves permanently
clamping off the vessel, which presumably stops the supply of nutrients to the fungus, effectively killing it. It also decreases the chance of a fatal bleed. Another cause of nosebleeds in horses occurs after bouts of intense exercise. Some horses experience bleeding from the airways in the lungs, which is called exerciseinduced pulmonary hemorrhage. Racehorses are most commonly affected, but any performance horse can suffer from this disease. Although not fully understood, the cause is suspected to be weakening of the smallest blood vessels from stress. Blood can be seen in the nostrils, but it is frequently swallowed and the only evidence of a problem is poor performance. Endoscope examination after exercise will show blood in the windpipe. The most common treatment is a diuretic, furosemide (Lasix), which is denoted on the racing form when a horse has been administered this drug before racing. In rare cases, blood-filled masses called ethmoid hematomas can grow at the back of the nasal passages. Intermittent nose bleeds from one or both nostrils with abnormal breathing sounds during exercise are the most commonly described clinical signs. Fatal bleeding is less of a concern with this disease. Other common causes of nosebleeds in horses include clotting access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none
Infection of the guttural pouches must be treated quickly to prevent nerve damage, bone infection or a fatal bleed. | JAMIE ROTHENBURGER PHOTO disorders, purpura hemorrhagica, which is blood vessel inflammation related to strangles infection, and equine infectious anemia, which is the disease tested for by a Coggins test. Endoscopic examination with the
horse sedated is the best option to differentiate these various causes of nosebleeds and determine the best treatment course. Jamie Rothenburger is a veterinarian practising at Crossfield, Alta.
ROBERT AND GILLES BRISSON, Notre Dame de Lourdes, MB Own an M205 Windrower with an R85 Rotary Disc Header and a D60 Draper Header
“WE CUT wheat, canola, flax, clover and hay. Having a single windrower
that can mount both draper and rotary disc headers is a big bonus for our operation. Even better, the significantly increased road and cutting speed of the M205 has reduced our travel time between the field and home.”
MacDon owners are talking… read and watch what they are saying. Visit Producers Corner and MacDon TV at (204) 885-5590
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The purpose of the guttural pouch is unknown. Speculation is that these air-filled sacs cool the blood entering the brain, especially during exercise, offering it protection from heat injury. Since evolution has selected horses to be flight animals, this adaption to enhance athleticism makes sense. Guttural pouches can also harbour the bacteria responsible for strangles long after clinical signs resolve. These carrier horses are suspected to be a source of infection to unvaccinated or naïve horses. The fungus involved in these guttural pouch infections is most commonly Aspergillis. It normally lives in dirt, but how it causes infection in horses is unknown.
Canada ahead of U.S. in animal care
Canada touted as potential leader in hunger solution
Dairy Farmers of Canada is producing a code of practice handbook to educate farmers and vets BY ALEX BINKLEY FREELANCE WRITER
OTTAWA â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Canadian farmers are well ahead of their American counterparts when it comes to animal care programs, says a dairy cattle researcher at the Agriculture Canada Research Centre in Agassiz, B.C. Jeff Rushen told the National Farm Animal Care Council conference that the programs receive lots of international exposure and are comparable to whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on in Europe. Researchers and farmers are close-
ly linked in Canada, he added, and animal welfare groups are still willing to discuss issues, unlike the antagonistic approach taken by similar groups in the United States. Ho w e v e r, Ru s h e n s a i d m o re research into welfare requirements of farm animals is needed, especially in the diverse beef cattle industry. One of the strengths of the Canadian codes is the review by independent scientists, he added, but more information is required to show how well farmers adhere to the codes. Farmers should also look for ways to
gain financially by following the codes. Ron Maynard, vice-president of Dairy Farmers of Canada and a farmer from Tyne Valley, P.E.I., said dairy farmers volunteered to take the lead in rolling out a code of practice. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We started in 2009 and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re been plugging away at it ever since.â&#x20AC;? The dairy program has produced a 65-page booklet that farmers and their veterinarians can use to review the operation, he said. DFC hopes to have a formal assessment ready by 2013.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re pulling it together now. Vets like this booklet because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a checklist,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It helps open up a discussion on why the farmer does what he does and enables the vet to check up on those actions.â&#x20AC;? Maynard said the codes must be credible and farmers have to be educated on how to use them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And they have to prove theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re using them.â&#x20AC;? If farmers grumble about the codes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;tell them theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re better of with them than something imposed by government,â&#x20AC;? he said. access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none
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University of Guelph president Alastair Summerlee began a speech to a â&#x20AC;&#x153;feeding a hungry worldâ&#x20AC;? conference last week on a sombre note. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the next hour (around the world), 200 people will die of starvation,â&#x20AC;? he said at a conference on animal agriculture sponsored by many Canadian agricultural heavy hitters including Cargill, Maple Leaf Foods and Alberta beef producers. But he quickly went positive. With land and abundant fresh water, Canada can be a major player in meeting world hunger and food needs in the next half century, said Summerlee. And animal protein will be a major part of that effort. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There will be a need to double food production in the next 30 to 50 years,â&#x20AC;? he said. Seventy percent of that increase will come from innovation and technological advances in the agricultural sector. It includes development of more efficient genetically engineered livestock. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have to think about how we create a diverse agri-food sector and that has to include people who only want to be engaged in organic farming or people who only want to be engaged in using genetically modified products,â&#x20AC;? he said in an interview after his speech. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It has to include using technology to improve the efficiency of the livestock sector. It is a conversation we have to have.â&#x20AC;? However, the Ottawa industrysponsored conference was not the place to have it. The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network was told it was not welcome. In a message from organizer Crystal Mackay at the Ontario Farm Animal Council, the anti-GMO lobby group was told it does not â&#x20AC;&#x153;meet the requirements for being an industry stakeholder who supports the Summitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s objectives.â&#x20AC;? Summerlee said he was sorry the group was barred. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think it would be useful to have a conversation and to be able to say directly that GMO, including in the livestock sector, has to be part of the solution.â&#x20AC;? Lucy Sharratt, CBAN co-ordinator, agreed on the need for the conversation. She said a University of Guelph application to approve for sale a pig genetically engineered to produce less phosphorous in its manure would be the first GMO animal in the market. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was interested in being there to hear what the industry is thinking about introduction of GM animals,â&#x20AC;? she said in an Oct. 21 interview. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is our view that it would create a crisis of confidence among consumers about pork at a time when the hog industry doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need more problems. It apparently is not a message the industry wants to hear.â&#x20AC;? She said the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;enviropigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is sold as environmentally friendly â&#x20AC;&#x153;but what they are missing is that GM is considered by most Canadians not an environmental solution but an environmental problem.â&#x20AC;? access=subscriber section=news,none,none
Throne speech targeting hog sector worries KAP NDP to expand moratorium | Pork council hopes the government will listen to farmers when drawing up water rules BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
The recently re-elected Manitoba NDP government gets praise from farm groups for some elements of its throne speech, which commits to getting education tax off of farmland and to improving provincial flood and water management. But most were alarmed to see the government once more name the hog industry as a cause of environmental problems. “They don’t seem to be backing away from that,” said Doug Chorney, president of Keystone Agricultural Producers, about a line in the speech
specifically mentioning “unsustainable hog industry practices.” Manitoba Beef Producers manager Cam Dahl was also worried by the following paragraph, which raised again the worry that farmers in general would get blamed for Lake Winnipeg’s problems. “All of agriculture has raised concerns about that,” said Dahl. The line in the speech that most worried farm groups was: “Our natural heritage is also essential to the quality of life in this province. Our government will follow through on the unanimous vote of this house to protect our water, including expanding the moratori-
Ducks Unlimited says the Manitoba flood this spring showed the importance of wetland preservation. | FILE PHOTO MANITOBA POLITICS | WETLANDS
NDP fails to address wetland preservation BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
After a spring of record flooding in Manitoba, Ducks Unlimited can’t believe the provincial government is unw illing to protect wetlands throughout the province. The organization was hoping that Manitoba’s NDP government, elected to a fourth consecutive term in early October, would finally recognize the important role that wetlands play in flood mitigation. However, the government made no mention of wetlands in its Oct. 20 throne speech outlining priorities for the 40th session of the Manitoba legislature. “We are disappointed, as will be our 19,000-plus volunteers and supporters,” says Bob Grant, Ducks Unlimited’s manager of provincial operations in Manitoba. “Given all the environmental issues that wetlands address, it is somewhat disturbing that a commitment to protecting wetlands was not a key component of the throne speech.” Nearly three million acres of Manitoba farmland went unseeded this spring because fields were underwater. In addition, dozens of cattle ranchers around Lake Manitoba were forced to move their herds because of record water levels on the lake. The provincial government spent hundreds of millions of dollars on flood mitigation in 2011 and hundreds of millions in compensation to landowners. With flooding and flood compensa-
tion dominating the headlines in Manitoba, Ducks Unlimited used the opportunity to stress the importance of wetland preservation during the provincial election campaign. “It’s really taken this flood to put some political weight behind it. People are starting to connect the dots,” Grant said. “This was a huge flood here and wetland drainage over the years (definitely) contributed to it.” Producers may have resisted the idea of preserving wetlands on farmland a decade ago, he added, but organizations such as Keystone Agricultural Producers and Manitoba Beef Producers are now on side. “KAP and us are talking the same language these days on a lot of things… (such as) incenting landowners to protect wetlands on their property.” Ducks Unlimited would like the Manitoba government to pass legislation that protects wetlands and uses financial incentives to encourage farmers to maintain wetlands. Grant said New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have developed comprehensive policies around wetlands, and Alberta is making progress on its provincial wetlands policy. The Manitoba throne speech did mention water policy. The government said it would “develop a surface-water management strategy to help deal with flooding and reduce the pollution that is killing our lakes.” Manitoba agriculture minister Stan Struthers said wetlands would be part of the conversation. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
um on unsustainable hog industry practices.” Farm groups hoped the following lines were more positive and suggesting co-operation, rather than blame. “We will work with agribusiness to find ways to protect our water and the sector’s future prosperity.” Dahl said he hoped the use of the term “agribusiness” rather than “farmers” didn’t reveal a negative outlook of the government. But he was pleased that the government directly acknowledged the problems still being caused by the floods of 2011 and recent years in the Interlake. “Perhaps there’s hope there for
comprehensive watershed management,” said Dahl. “There’s an acknowledgement that the flood isn’t ove r. We s e e o n g o i n g i m p a c t s throughout Manitoba. I see the speech as acknowledging that fact.” Chorney was pleased that the government reiterated its commitment to getting education taxes off of farmland. “We were really pleased to see that.” And he, like Dahl, was pleased that the government said that water quality protection includes “all people, in all sectors of the province,” rather than just farmers. “We’re encouraged somewhat that they say they’re going to be looking at all stakeholders, not just agriculture,”
said Chorney. “I hope they got the message from agriculture during the election that this is a big concern for us.” Karl Kynoch, chair of Manitoba Pork Council, was disappointed but not surprised by the direct public shot at hog farmers. “It’s nothing different from what they were saying in the election.” But Kynoch said he was hopeful that the premier and agriculture minister would listen to farmers’ concerns when crafting and approving regulations for the Save Lake Winnipeg Act. “The next two months will tell us a lot,” said Kynoch. access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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Equipment maker goes hiring
For the week, the TSX composite was down 1.1 percent, the Dow was up 1.3 percent, the S&P 500 was up 1.1 percent and the Nasdaq was down 1.1 percent. Quarterly corporate profit reports during the week were generally strong. Slowing Chinese economic growth pressured commodities.
300 positions to fill | Brandt Group of Companies has begun a recruitment campaign and may have to look outside the country for heavy duty mechanics and engineers SASKATOON NEWSROOM
access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none
ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY Viterra Inc. TSX W.I.T. OTC
A Saskatchewan equipment manufacturer is embarking on a major job-hiring spree. Brandt Group of Companies plans to fill more than 300 new full-time positions across Western Canada in the next 12 months. “In a time where news of job losses and layoffs seem commonplace, Brandt is bucking the trend, managing to succeed and add hundreds of quality, full-time positions to our team despite challenging economic realities,” said Brandt president Shaun Semple. The company, which is one of the 10 largest private corporations in Saskatchewan, will be filling a wide variety of positions in all five of its divisions, from engineering to administrative jobs. Brandt manufactures agricultural equipment, railway maintenance equipment, customized attachments for heavy-duty construction equipment and custom engineered products for steel mills, food processors and railways. It also operates the largest privately held John Deere dealer in the world, which distributes construction and forestry equipment across Western Canada. The new jobs represent a 21 percent increase in the company’s existing labour force of 1,400 people. Doug Simon, chief personnel officer for Brandt Tractor Ltd., estimates that 100 to 135 positions could be created at the company’s head office in Regina. The other big employer will be the tractor division, which operates 21 equipment dealerships across Western Canada. “There’s a significant number of heavy duty mechanics that we’d be looking for that would be spread throughout Western Canada in each of our locations,” said Simon. “I could probably use about 80 or 100 mechanics right now. That’s pretty significant and it seems to be
Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.
CLOSE LAST WK 28.59 22.50 57.79 25.52 10.50 13.45
27.75 22.81 59.04 25.63 10.60 13.45
Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Millstreet TSXV Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX
CLOSE LAST WK 40.12 0.11 14.56 0.13 8.40 9.15
40.12 0.11 14.75 0.13 8.45 9.33
BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods
CLOSE LAST WK 0.34 29.50 10.73 15.74 22.84 7.75 18.80
0.40 28.86 10.73 15.68 22.58 7.30 18.55
Brandt says it will have to compete with Saskatchewan’s potash mines and the oil sector to secure the labourers it requires to expand its workforce. | FILE PHOTO
picking up each week. It just keeps adding to the total.” The need for new employees in Western Canada’s equipment manufacturing business is not unique to Brandt. Jerry Engel, president of Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada, has spent much of the last two months visiting 30 of his Saskatchewan member companies. “Every one that I visited has labour issues. They need more people,” he said. One of the companies Engel spoke to needs 30 new workers. The problem is finding the skilled labour. “Labour is a huge, huge issue,” he said. Equipment manufacturers are having a tough time finding workers because the booming oil and mining industries are snapping up most of the available candidates. Engel said it’s tough for a small agricultural equipment manufacturer in rural Saskatchewan to compete with the wages and benefits offered by potash mines and the oil patch. There is also a shortage of suitable
accommodation in rural areas such as St. Brieux, Sask., and Frontier, Sask., which have equipment manufacturers. “Even though you need more help, where do you house these people?” he said. Some of his members have sought out technical solutions in the form of robotic welders and laser cutters, but they are pricey alternatives to skilled labour. Others are placing job advertisements in newspapers in Winnipeg and Toronto, but more are going further afield. “It has gotten to the point now where a lot of our members are recruiting from foreign countries,” said Engel. Simon said Brandt has launched a multi-media campaign and a website at to raise public awareness of the company’s growing employment needs. However, the recruitment effort will likely need to be augmented by a broader search. “We are also looking, if necessary, outside the country as well,” Simon said.
Engel said companies have also hired Polynesian workers, including Degelman Industries Ltd. of Regina, which has hired 80 of them. The strategy is to bring over young families who might put down roots in a community rather than single men who would be more willing to pack up after a few months and head to the oil sands in Fort McMurray, Alta. Engel said there are many frustrations associated with the labour shortage, but in some ways it is a good problem to have because it means companies have more orders than the ability to fill them. Simon said Brandt’s announcement is a good news story for the province. “This is certainly a bit of a hot spot in Canada and North America where we are hiring people. We’re not in a down mode or worrying about the instability with the rest of the economy,” he said. “It’s going to be an exciting year and a busy year and now we just have to find some people to fill all these vacant positions.”
AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX
exporters access to Viterra port facilities in South Australia. The port access provisions, known as an access undertaking, will result in greater flexibility for export shippers, incentives for early cancellati o n s of sh i p p i n g s lo t s, be t t e r exchange of information and the introduction of an auction system for selling port services beginning in mid-2012. “Viterra has been working closely
with the ACCC and WEA for more than 12 months to put in place (this plan),” said Rob Gordon, Viterra’s president of South East Asia operations.
symbol BUR. Burcon’s common shares will continue to be listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol BU. The company produces two canola protein products, Puratein and Supertein, for use as ingredients in a broad range of human food. It also makes a soy product. “Having our shares trade on Nas-
daq is a natural progression for our company,” said Johann F. Tergesen, president and chief operating officer of Burcon. He said Nasdaq is the de facto global market for innovation and technology companies such as Burcon. Archer Daniels Midland recently launched Burcon’s lead protein product, Clarisoy, in the United States.
CLOSE LAST WK 40.00 5.55 87.39 32.43 72.23 9.31
39.63 5.55 84.09 30.72 71.39 9.15
Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR
CLOSE LAST WK 77.00 70.52 62.13 27.24 45.15 0.26 74.83 58.45 49.63 61.39
76.55 71.52 62.29 27.68 45.09 0.26 74.40 57.11 51.31 60.41
CLOSE LAST WK 75.04 58.78
74.08 54.40
Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, investment advisor with CIBC Wood Gundy in Calgary, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Member of CIPF and IIROC. Listed stock prices come from Thompson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Morrison can be reached at 800-332-1407.
FINANCE NOTES VITERRA TO SHARE PORT Viterra has received accreditation to continue exporting bulk wheat from Australia for the next three years. Wheat Exports Australia renewed the company’s export certificate earlier this month after another agency — the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission — approved a company plan that gives other bulk
BURCON TO TRADE ON NASDAQ Shares of Burcon Nutrascience Corp. of Vancouver are now trading on the Nasdaq market under the
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Take steps to keep natural disaster from turning into tax disaster MONEY IN YOUR POCKET
Some tax deferral strategies must be done before the end of the year
ost people know that record spring floods hurt Manitoba’s and Saskatchewan’s agricultural economies this year, but the scale of the impact turned out to be enormous. Twenty-five percent of Manitoba’s annual crop production disappeared because three million acres didn’t get planted due to flooding and saturated soil. Cash receipts are expected to drop by at least $1 billion, which causes a $3 billion impact on other related parts of the Manitoba economy. This tax year, Manitoba and Saskatchewan producers may also be caught in a perfect tax storm related to widespread flooding.
Many, if not most, producers defer income into January as part of their regular tax planning. However, in a year like this, where many producers were flooded out, they can end up declaring nearly two years of income in one year without having the corresponding crop input expenses to offset the income. This is how it works. A producer who normally defers will end up with 2010 crop income cheques on his 2011 tax return. He could also end up with income from crop insurance, along with government support and disaster programs income. The expenses for the 2010 income were declared on the 2010 tax return and there may be few inputs in 2011 to expense against the crop insurance and other government assistance. It’s a perfect storm unless the farmer takes early year-end action to offset the problem. I recommend that farmers seek professional tax advice as soon as possible, and certainly before yearend, on how best to reduce their tax obligation due to this situation. Canada Revenue Agency-approved tax strategies are available to reduce your tax liability, but the basic ones for personal year-end tax planning are: • Defer income and capital gains until next year.
• Bring anticipated tax-deductible expenses and capital losses into this tax year. Producers who uses the cash method for reporting income also have other options to reduce their net farm income before year-end: • Prepay for farm inputs such as feed, fertilizer, chemicals and seed. You can do this if you buy the goods under a verbal or written agreement. As well, the quantity and nature of the goods must meet normal requirements, the supplier must be capable of delivering the goods, and the goods must be delivered and used in the normal course of the farm operation. • Increase cash expenses, which can be done by buying inventory as long as it doesn’t create a loss. You need to be careful with this strategy because you could end up creating a large tax liability for yourself when it comes time to sell the farm, phase out the operation or exit the business. Other tax deferral options are also available, which is why producers should seek professional tax advice as soon as possible before time runs out.
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h t y t i l i b a t Yield s cales. tips the s
g high yieldin a is a r r e it om V across VR9559G fr ellent yield c x e h it w hybrid 9G... ies. VR955 RR canola h p ra g o e g vour. ns and s in your fa all conditio le a c s e th at tips big yield th Visit seed.v
Larry Roche is a tax analyst with Farm Business Consultants Inc. Contact: fbc@fbc. ca or 800-860-7011. access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none
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Alta. takes grasslands off the market, again Request for proposals cancelled | Ranchers who use some of the land relieved by latest development BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Darren Johnston levels out a load of oats Oct. 19 before tarping it on Bruce Reimer’s farm near Colonsay, Sask. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO
The Alberta government has halted the potential sale of 16,000 acres of native grassland near Medicine Hat. A brief news release issued Oct. 19 indicated requests for proposals to buy the property for irrigated agricultural development had been cancelled “after people expressed concerns that there was no pubic input access=subscriber section=news,none,none
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into using a Request for Proposals and that there might be an impact on water and the ranching community.” Dave Ealey, spokesperson for the provincial sustainable resource development department, said public concerns about water use and availability were key to the decision. “The fact that the Alberta environment department is now the Alberta environment and water department just reinforces these priorities,” he said in an interview. It was the second time that the potential sale of the large land parcel has raised controversy. Dubbed “potatogate” because of interest by potato producer SLM Spud Farms in cultivating the grassland for potato production, the matter created protest from local graziers and environmental groups. The potato farm made a direct offer in 2010 to buy the land, sparking outcry over lack of public input and lack of open bidding on sale of crown property. This August, then-minister of sustainable resources Mel Knight issued a request for proposals for irrigated agricultural development. Any proposals were to be submitted by Oct. 31. SLM Spud Farms was expected to submit a proposal, but that is now moot. James Babe, president of the Forty Mile Grazing Association, which uses a portion of the 16,000 acre property for cattle pasture, expressed relief at the cancellation. He said fighting the potential sale has cost the association time and money. “We’re out a lot of money now. We’ve spent the better part of two and half years having meetings and we hired a consultant so he could tell us originally what our losses would be had this thing gone through in its original form. And no compensation from anyone.” Babe said the non-profit association will probably request compensation from the government for its costs. As well, he hopes it can negotiate a new five-year lease instead of the one-year lease provided by the government after it decided to offer the land for potential sale. “Our fight wasn’t really with the potato guy,” he said. “It was with the government.” Environmental groups protested the potential sale because it would have destroyed native grassland and wildlife habitat, including areas inhabited by the endangered sage grouse. Ealey said the matter has illustrated Albertans’ expectations regarding sale of public land. He also noted the South Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Council, which tabled a report to government earlier this year, included advice that must be considered. “Their advice to government has identified a number of places in the south part of province where there needs to be greater attention given to conservation, and sorting out how that regional planning works is another commitment that the government is pursuing,” Ealey said.
Wheat board reform raises check-off questions Investment dollars and crop research | Producer levies expected to be voluntary, but could include feed barley in future STORIES BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Western Canadian farmers will soon see changes to the way wheat and barley checkoffs are collected. What’s not yet clear is how those changes will be implemented or what the new levy system will look like. Garth Patterson, executive director of the Western Grains Research Foundation, said his organization will be involved in discussions with the federal government over the next few months to determine how wheat and barley checkoffs will be collected once single desk grain marketing is eliminated. It is expected that producer levies will continue to be voluntary, giving producers the opportunity to request a refund of any money withheld. It is also likely that levy collection will take place at the point of sale. “I think it will be something that everyone is comfortable with and familiar with,” Patterson said. An important component in the proposed legislation to end the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk
is a provision allowing for the collection of a producer checkoff on all sales of wheat and barley, including feed grade crops. As a single-desk grain buyer, the CWB has traditionally collected producer checkoffs on board grains, including wheat and malting barley, but not on feed barley. Patterson stopped short of saying a new checkoff on feed barley would be introduced, but he acknowledged that the opportunity to introduce such a levy exists within the proposed legislation. “We will likely see an increase in scope,” he said. “I can’t get into details yet until we have those discussions (with Ottawa), but it appears the legislation allows for the collection of the checkoff on all sales of wheat and barley so … that means, to us, more than just wheat board sales.” Voluntary producer checkoffs are a critical source of funding for research and development initiatives. The wheat board has previously acted as the primary collection agent, deducting levies from farmers’ access=subscriber section=news,none,none
CWB chair sees little value in voluntary organization There is no guarantee prairie farmers will benefit from Ottawa’s plan to establish a voluntary Canadian Wheat Board, says its chair. Speaking to reporters last week, Allen Oberg questioned the merits of a voluntary board, saying there is no assurance that profits derived from grain sales would be retained by the voluntary board or returned to farmers. Oberg acknowledged that government concessions contained in Bill C-18, including guarantees from Ottawa to cover initial prices and provide credit and preferential terms of borrowing, would improve a voluntary board’s chances of surviving in an open market. However, he stressed that the voluntary board would be run by government-appointed directors rather than farmer-elected directors, and he questioned whether profits would be siphoned off by government or returned to growers. “The concessions that government has made will increase its (the voluntary board’s) chances of survival, but I think what’s important here is the loss of value to farmers,” Oberg said. “We’re moving from an organization where all the profits, all the premiums that are gained, go directly back to farmers, (and we’re moving) to an organization that’s essentially owned by government ….” News of the voluntary board has spawned mixed reactions from the grain industry. Terry Boehm, president of the National Farmers Union, said his organization called the voluntary board a “shadow entity” that has no merit. Boehm said it is unlikely that a voluntary board would continue to operate as a viable commercial entity, given that it has no grain handling access=subscriber section=news,none,none
infrastructure and would depend on its competitors to move its grain. “The legislation does mention government guarantees for the initial prices, but at the same time, it doesn’t give the new entity any (assurance of) … access to grain handling or terminal facilities so it becomes completely dependent on what would be it’s direct competitors,” said Boehm. Richard Phillips, executive director of Grain Growers of Canada, said his organization is pleased with provisions for establishing a voluntary board. He said the GGC views voluntary pooling as an important marketing tool that can allow farmers to reduce risks by pooling a portion of their crop. Phillips said continuation of government guarantees will enhance the new board’s competitive position. “We were very pleased to see a fiveyear guarantee for their initials and their borrowing,” Phillips said. “If that had not been there, there would probably be no point in even talking about a voluntary wheat board because without access to capital, it simply could not have survived.” Phillips said the new entity, with government guarantees, stands a good chance of surviving beyond 2017 if producers continue to support the concepts of pooling and cooperative ownership. He said commercialization of the new entity in 2017 could involve some form of farmer ownership, be that a co-operative structure or other type of farmer controlled equity, to ensure that CWB assets are transferred to producers. Appointing new directors with relevant experience in the grain handling and financial industries will be critical to the new entity’s survival, he said.
final payments on wheat and malting barley. Those funds are forwarded to the WGRF, whose board manages checkoff money and decides which research initiatives should receive producer support. Some barley industry researchers say the lack of producer checkoffs for feed barley has resulted in chronic underfunding for feed barley research. They say the vast majority of barley research and barley breeding initiatives are targeted at the malting barley industry rather than the feeding industry. As a result, yield and agronomic improvements that could be bred into new barley varieties are sometimes overlooked if the cultivar does not have good brewing characteristics. The CWB currently collects checkoffs for wheat in all four western provinces, while malting barley checkoffs are collected by the board in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. In Alberta, the Alberta Barley Commission collects its own barley checkoffs on malting and feed barley varieties. In 2010, the WGRF received $6.4 million through producer checkoffs, including $5.4 from CWB wheat sales and $1 million from CWB malting barley sales.
Levy rates are set at 30 cents per tonne for wheat and 50 cents a tonne for malting barley. Patterson said the WGRF has remained neutral in the debate over whether Western Canada should retain a single desk marketing system or move to an open market structure. However, he said the foundation was pleased that proposed legislation recognizes the importance of investment in research and development. “We’re very pleased with what we’ve seen in the proposed legislation because it does allow for the continuation of a checkoff for wheat and barley research for a five–year period,” he said. “At the end of that five years, we expect to be part of a new model, whether that be a national council or (some other organization)…. The intent is to look at some kind of new … model for the wheat and barley industry and we look forward to being a part of that.” Brian Otto, a farmer from Warner,
Alta., and president of the Western Barley Growers Association, said his organization would like to see a new research and development organization that has a national mandate and representation from all sectors of the barley industry. In a recent submission to the federal working group on marketing freedom, the barley association floated the idea of establishing a national barley council that is supported by provincial commissions and producer checkoffs across the country. “The model that we want in place is a model that will work for the whole industry,” Otto said. “Ideally, the organization … put in place would involve the whole value chain in the barley industry to decide on market development and research initiatives in breeding and agronomics. We would be looking for an organization that has input from every sector of the barley industry, from producers right through to end users and processors.” Proposed amendments to CWB legislation also contain provisions for continued funding to the Canadian International for Grains Institute and the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre. They are market development agencies that promote the sale and use of Canadian grain at home and abroad.
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FAVOURITE FAMILY RECIPES It started when Judy Walter’s adult daughters asked for recipes so they could make the dishes from their childhood. It has turned into a popular cookbook for families. | Page 84
Delegates attending the Culture, Place and Identity at the Heart of Regional Development conference in St. John’s, N.L., participated in a host of sessions exploring global trends in tourism, technology and demographics. | NANCY RALPH PHOTOS REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT | STRATEGIES
Tap strengths to revitalize community Rural challenges | Developing partnerships and co-ordinating resources help create a vision for the future STORIES BY NANCY RALPH FREELANCE WRITER
ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — If you live in a small community that has seen its share of change in recent decades and is wondering about its future, don’t fret, plan. Finding ways to invigorate communities and make them prosper was explored at a regional development conference in St. John’s, N.L., Oct. 13-16.
Embracing local culture, collaborating with neighbours and policymakers and having a plan for the future were among recommended ways regions can cope with change and look forward. “Rural communities across the country have many common issues, such as migration, declining population or an aging population. These factors present a lot of challenges for rural people, who often love their community, but who realize there is a need for a new vision for the community,” said Robert Annis, incoming president of the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation, one of the conference organizers. CCRF provides a link between residents, academics, and government representatives on issues and policies. Annis, a retired director of the Rural
Development Institute of Brandon University in Manitoba, said it can be a struggle to create a vision for a community and see how to get there. Most speakers agreed that developing partnerships is key. Canadians can also learn from how other countries have coped with similar issues. Brendan O’Keeffe, an associate professor at the University of Limerick in Ireland and a conference keynote speaker, said there were many common features and desires in rural communities. “I think we begin by looking at our strengths and what we have in common,” he said. The conference allowed delegates to create networks, share experiences and strategies and exchange their know-how and skills. “There’s no major, magic solution.
I think we begin by looking at our strengths and what we have in common. BRENDAN O’KEEFFE UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK, IRELAND
It’s all the small components, and learning from each other … strategies and approaches that are appropriate,” said O’Keeffe. Understanding how to use existing strengths was another theme. Brian Arnott, who founded a cultural consulting firm called Novita, said many small Canadian communities that were once resource based are dealing with a vastly dif-
ferent economic base. “It’s a question about understanding what the issues are and understanding how to plan at the community level. It’s all about co-ordinating,” he said. Speakers encouraged delegates to let their community groups know it’s important for them to work together to create new identities for their communities.
Capitalizing on regional culture pays dividends in rural Canada Looking for ways to revitalize towns | Food festivals, tapestries and cookbooks help promote region’s identity and uniqueness ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — Innovative initiatives abound for rural communities struggling to find a new direction. During a regional development conference in St. John’s, N.L., delegates heard that many communities around the world are branding themselves by showing how they’re different and how they can offer a unique experience for residents and tourists. Candace Cochrane, director of culture and heritage for the Quebec-Labrador Foundation, offered her advice to planners and community workers. “It’s very important to get the community involved right off the bat,” she said.
In British Columbia’s Kootenay region, planners capitalize on the natural beauty. They promote how investors, who can work from anywhere via their computers, can live there and enjoy numerous outdoor activities such as skiing. Communities first have to ensure
that the proper technology is in place to make this plan work. One Icelandic sheep producer detailed how unreliable internet service keeps youth from returning to her rural area to work and live. Myriam Dalstein used a film and knitting club to promote her business and adopted home. She owns a guesthouse in rural Iceland where she celebrates “yarns and farms.” She formed a knitting club with her neighbours who sell their sweaters, mittens and hats, which gives her guests a taste of rural Icelandic handicrafts and cuisine. Dalstein uses a remodelled stable and barn on her property to hold
various cultural events, including a popular Christmas mart. Through the Labrador Straits Development Corporation in Eastern Canada, oral histories were collected and compiled onto a CD, along with songs from the community. In addition, residents compiled heritage recipes for The Pure Labrador Cookbook, a publication now in its third printing. In Conche, N.L., local women embroidered a 66 metre tapestry depicting the history of French settlers in the area. A textile arts centre has since been created to showcase more handmade textile crafts from residents.
Robert Annis of the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation said cultural diversity is invigorating many smaller communities as immigrants from around the globe move into rural Canada. In Gravelbourg, Sask., an international food festival showcases the native food of people from the various cultures living there. Sometimes, people just want that feeling of home. Rannveig Thorhallsdottir of Iceland told how the mayor of a community where she bought a summer home knocked on her door to welcome her. She has since built a company that employs many of her neighbours.
Healthy food to satisfy witches and goblins TEAM RESOURCES
all into the magic. I had not thought about this time of year as magical, but as I thought about it, it truly is. Have you ever worked hard on a warm autumn day to rake a pile of leaves, only to have the kids come and jump in it? The season is also magical due to Halloween traditions. When else is it OK to be transformed into superheroes, princesses or race car drivers? I also love the official lighting of the spooky pumpkin face. While candy is the big prize, try to remember to eat something nutritious first. Enjoy the following recipes that use convenient preparation methods and seasonal produce.
SLOW COOKER UNSLOPPY JOES Serve with fresh buns, vegetables and dip. As the Go-to Gadget contest wraps up on Oct 30, I have to give credit to my slow cooker. With a busy family and differing schedules, we could not manage warm and comforting meals without it. This recipe works well when you are rushed and is great for kids on Halloween night. The secret ingredient that promises unsloppy is oatmeal. 1 lb. lean ground beef 454 g 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1/4 c. yellow pepper 60 mL 1 stalk celery, finely sliced 1 10 oz. can sliced and drained mushrooms 1 14 oz. can beans with tomato sauce 1 14 oz. can tomato soup 1/2 c. ketchup 125 mL 2 tbsp. chili powder 30 mL 1 tbsp. brown sugar 15 mL salt, pepper and dash of cayenne to your taste 1/4 c. oatmeal 60 mL Brown the beef, onion, yellow pepper and celery in a skillet for about seven minutes to remove the pink from the meat. Transfer to a slow cooker and add the mushrooms, beans, soup, ketchup, chili powder, sugar, salt and peppers. Combine well and cook for about six hours on low or about three hours on high. Add oats and cook on high for 20 additional minutes. Turn the slow cooker to warm and serve when desired. Scoop into fresh buns just before serving.
1 tsp. 1 c. 2 c. 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 tsp.
vanilla canned pumpkin 250 mL flour 500 mL baking soda 5 mL baking powder 5 mL cinnamon 5 mL dash of nutmeg 1/2 tsp. salt 2 mL Optional: add 1 c./ 250 mL of dark chocolate chips or chopped pecans to the cookie dough for more texture. Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C). Beat the butter or margarine together with the sugars until creamed. Add the egg and vanilla and beat. Add the pumpkin, flour, soda, powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt to the creamed mixture and combine well. Add the chocolate or pecans if desired. Drop onto an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 12 minutes. Adapted from Prairie Pooches & Friends Favourite Recipes Cookbook,
PUMPKIN CRANBERRY BREAD The tart red berries make this treat unique. I often make it at the same time as the spice cookies to use up the canned pumpkin. 3 c. flour 750 mL 4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice 20 mL (or a combination of: 2 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 12 mL 1 tsp. nutmeg 5 mL 1/2 tsp. cloves 2 mL 1/4 tsp. ginger 1 mL 2 tsp. baking soda 10 mL 1 1/2 tsp. salt 7 mL 3 c. sugar 750 mL 2 c. canned pumpkin 500 mL 4 eggs 1 c. oil 250 mL 1/2 c. orange juice 125 mL 1 c. fresh or frozen 250 mL cranberries Preheat oven to 350 F (180 C). Grease and flour two loaf pans. Combine the flour, spice, soda and salt in a mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the sugar, pumpkin, eggs, oil and orange juice. Beat until well combined, then gradually add the flour mixture. Fold in the cranberries and pour into prepared pans. Bake for 60 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool and remove from the pans. Source: Glaze the above pumpkin treats with a combination of 1 c./250 mL of icing sugar, 1 tsp./ 5 mL lemon juice and 2 tbsp./ 30 mL water if desired.
CHOCOLATE ZUCCHINI BUNDT Use the zucchini that lurks in garages, basements and cold rooms after an abundant harvest. This cake is terrific for decorating for that Halloween party. Everybody loves chocolate.
Warm up with slow cooker Unsloppy Joes, left, and for dessert enjoy pumpkin cranberry bread or pumpkin spice cookies. The chocolate zucchini bundt cake batter can also be used to make muffins that can be decorated with Halloween faces. | JODIE MIROSOVSKY PHOTO Preheat oven to 350 F (180 C). Grease and flour a bundt pan. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cocoa, soda, powder, salt and cinnamon. Add the eggs and oil, mix well. Gently fold in the zucchini and nuts (if desired).
Pour into the pan. Bake for 50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool and frost with your favourite icing. Source: Variation: Make this recipe into
1 c. butter or margarine 1/2 c. white sugar 1/2 c. brown sugar 1 egg
250 mL 125 mL 125 mL
2 c. flour 2 c. sugar 3/4 c. cocoa 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 4 eggs 1 1/2 c. oil 3 c. grated zucchini Optional: 3/4 c. chopped pecans
500 mL 500 mL 175 mL 10 mL 5 mL 2 mL 5 mL
Jodie Mirosovsky is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact:
Speakers include: Jolene Brown Kevin Hursh Mike Kotelko Dwayne Beck Gary Chambers Jay Bruggencate Ric Swihart Tom Droog ...and more… Topics will include: The Top 10 Things Your Accountant Should Tell You Personal Branding Precision Ag (TelemaƟcs) Managing Community Diseases Wetlands as a Capital Asset Using Social Media in Agriculture Environmental PracƟces Succession Planning Stewardship in Agriculture ...and more...
DECEMBER 6TH & 7TH, 2011
PUMPKIN SPICE COOKIES Served with hot tea or cold milk, these cookies are a fun form of pumpkin pie. They are a great accompaniment to applesauce or canned peaches and pears.
cupcakes rather than a cake. After pouring into muffin tins, bake for 20 minutes.
AƩend the full conference for just $175.
Price includes: a conference package for both days, lunches, refreshments, tradeshow passes, and one Ɵcket to the Bayer CropScience &Farming Smarter Food, Fun, and 4-H AucƟon
More details and registraƟon available at:
403.381.5118 access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
375 mL 750 mL 175 mL
access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
Parenting combines discipline with play SPEAKING OF LIFE
ORIENTAL CABBAGE SALAD JACKLIN ANDREWS, BA, MSW 3 to 4 cups finely shredded cabbage 1 cup shredded carrots 1/2 cup thinly sliced celery 1 small red onion, thinly sliced 1/2 cup Oriental style noodles, toasted OR chow mein noodles
I really enjoy being with my wife and two small sons. One of my goals is to be a good dad and to be a better parent than my father was with me. But sometimes I am not sure of myself and I wonder what it is that I could be doing that will help me be a better dad. What do you think?
In a large salad bowl, toss together the vegetables. Break noodles into bite-size pieces and stir in. Add desired amount of dressing and toss. Garnish with sunflower seeds.
The fact that you enjoy being with your wife and boys tells me that you are already on your way to becoming a good father. But no one can be the perfect parent at all times. Parents often berate themselves because they had a moment of impatience, didn’t listen to their children’s concerns or did not know or understand what was going on with the kids. It opens the door for their children to make mistakes, but to be human also. Neither children nor parents should have to over achieve or do something special to be loved. All of us should be loved for being who we are. If you want to become a good dad, roll up your sleeves and play with your boys. Play is more than just play for children. Kids learn from play and you can have tremendous input into what they are learning. You and your boys can indulge in imaginary play. In later life, that same creativity will help them problem solve when life’s challenges present themselves. Play is one of the few places in life where children can practise their social skills. They learn about what feelings they and other people have that can help them understand and get along with others or what gets in the way of good social relationships. Playtime is there for your boys to develop some sense of emotional self-regulation. All of us have to deal with our emotions, at times controlling either excitement or anger that could otherwise get us into trouble. The more your boys can learn how to properly express their feelings and control outbursts that could potentially hurt themselves or others while opening their hearts to the affection and caring offered, the more likely it is that they will have successful relationships when they mature. I encourage you to forgive your own dad for whatever shortcomings he had. It will allow you to feel better about yourself and what a good lesson in forgiveness it could teach your two young boys.
Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@
Dressing 4 tbsp. 3 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1/8 tsp. 3 tbsp.
sugar white vinegar chicken bouillon granules pepper vegetable oil
In small saucepan, combine sugar, vinegar, chicken seasoning and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for two minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Add oil and stir until well blended. Source: At Home in the Kitchen cookbook.
Judy Walter learned to cook for crowds while growing up on a Hutterite colony near Lethbridge. She compiled family favourite recipes in her self-published cookbook. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS
Cookbook reflects passion for food Made from scratch meals | Food preparation part of growing up on Hutterite colony BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
By Canadian book standards, Judy Walter has written a bestseller. The Lethbridge, Alta., area farm woman has sold more than 6,000 copies of At Home in the Kitchen: Mennonite, Hutterite & Amish-Style Cooking, and has done a second printing of the self-published cookbook. In her tidy kitchen on a former Hutterite colony south of the city, a hedge sits between her glass doors and the fields beyond. “I’m a farmer at heart,” said Walter with a smile. Food and its preparation were a major part of her formative years growing up on a Hutterite colony. She grew to love cooking and baking, but that wasn’t on her mind when she followed her mother around the big communal kitchen. “I didn’t start out loving cooking because cooking for that many people kind of intimidated me,” said Walter. But with food so much a part of life and work, she developed the skills she used in later life in raising her two daughters. “When my girls left home and they
wanted to have all of our favourite recipes under one cover, I started putting them together. I thought, well, you know what, why don’t I try making this a profitable venture because it’s a lot of work.” Health issues and caring for aged relatives interfered with her cookbook project for a time, but eventua l l y t h e 3 0 8 -p a g e t o m e c a m e together. The result is a compilation of recipes Walter has developed and bor-
rowed over 40 years. Eleven chapters deal with appetizers, yeast breads, sweet breads and brunches, soups and sandwiches, salads, main dishes, vegetables and side dishes, pies and pastry, cakes, desserts and cookies. The recipes concentrate on food made from scratch that can be managed by novice and experienced cooks, she said. The difference between Hutterite, Mennonite and Amish cooking is minimal, she adds. It’s all “comfort food,” but basic ingredients and preparation are the common elements. Walter said many people assume this type of cooking is high in calories, but quality ingredients and portion control can keep the pounds off. “People say to me, ‘Judy, how come you’re not this big?’” said Walter, with her arms spread wide. “I love meat, potatoes and gravy, I absolutely love it. But if you eat just a small portion …. I have this wonderful metabolism, so I eat very moderately and I love salads.” She used her brother’s work crew as food tasters when selecting recipes for the book. Then it was a matter of compilation and editing, which was
no easy task. A spelling error somewhere inside, substituting “four” for “flour” still rankles. “I found it a little bit stressful because I’m a perfectionist. I wanted it to be perfect. It’s not perfect, but it’s as perfect as I can make it.” Many Amish and Mennonite cookbooks don’t have photographs, but Walter was insistent on their inclusion. But making the food for the photo shoot was a chore in itself. A planned shoot at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton National Park was scrapped due to howling winds, so she and photographer David Tanaka went to the park’s Cameron Lake instead, hauling food through the parking lot and out to lake’s edge for the shot. Walters now lives alone so her skills in cooking for large groups only get used when she visits her daughters and seven grandchildren in the United States. As well, she brings food to her brother’s seeding and harvest crews each year. Walter doesn’t know if she’ll undertake another book but her love of cooking will remain. She shares that love through a website and a blog at judy-athomeinthekitchen.blogspot. com.
Bringing food production closer to urban residents Sustainable development | Cities seen as food deserts BY CAROLYN BLACK FREELANCE WRITER
A big disconnect between city dwellers and agricultural producers could be resolved with urban agriculture, said a member of the Toronto Food Policy Council. June Komisar, an architect and professor in architectural science, explores how municipalities can find new ways for residents to create fresh, local food in the book, Carrot City: Creating Places for Urban Agriculture, co-written by Ryerson University professors Komisar, Joe Nsar and Mark Gorgolewski. “I think the lack of necessity to grow food was brought on by things like better refrigeration and better transportation. These allowed large processors to bring things in from far away and people could buy things less frequently because it would stay fresh longer,” said Komisar. She expressed concern about “food deserts” in large cities, where there are no grocery stores within walking distance. Residents can’t access fresh food and must use transportation or buy less nutritious choices from convenience stores. “Farmers’ markets and urban agriculture all around these highrise towers are seen as one possible way to mitigate some of the problems with food deserts. It doesn’t solve all the problems, but it starts to provide fresh food to people who are really far away from accessing it,” she said. Urban agriculture can transform the landscape and architecture of a city and create places for food production to take place by tucking greenhouses under highway overpasses, creating front yard vegetable gardens to maximize space and building sustainable rooftop gardens on schools and apartment buildings. “Instead of thinking of urban and agriculture as either-or, we should be thinking about it as both-and. It’s not like we can have only farmland or only housing,” Komisar said. This innovative thinking is showcased in both the book and a related travelling exhibit that presents new ideas on how to better connect cities with their food sources. “Everyone seems to be incredibly delighted with the exhibition. Our receptions are completely overflowing with people,” she said. Vancouver wants to bring it there, but funding is required to bring chicken coops, greenhouses and home composters as examples of urban agriculture. “The exhibit is hands on and we like it that way,” Komisar said. Bylaws in Saskatoon currently prohibit chickens within city limits, but British Columbia communities like Burnaby and Victoria allow backyard flocks, with some restrictions. Recently, officials passed beekeeping legislation that allowed rooftop beehives in New York City, and since then, a lucrative new industry of local honey has sprung up. Komisar said urban agriculture advocates are concerned about farmers with prime land near large cities being bought out by developers. “Their farmland is being lost, but access=subscriber section=news,none,none section=news,farmliving,none
there are some urban planners who are trying to look at having both suburban development and farmland together. For farmers who are very close to the city, it might be a very compelling idea for them. They’re sort of combining farmland and suburban development.” Prairie Crossing, a farming subdivision north of Chicago, was designed to combine land preservation, easy commuting by rail and sustainable development practices.
Authors Mark Gorgolewski, left, June Komisar and Joe Nasr share their ideas of bringing food closer to people in Carrot City: Creating Places for Urban Agriculture. | RYERSON UNIVERSITY PHOTO
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Husband-wife team shares the load Striking a balance | Building fertilizer carts adds income to grain operation BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Cathy and Wade Mowat and their daughter, Amy, take a break at their farmhouse on Oct. 21 at New Norway, Alta. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO
NEW NORWAY, Alta. — The birth of Cathy and Wade Mowat’s second child gave the young couple the pause needed to re-evaluate their farming life. Knowing that rural child care would be an issue, Cathy gave up a 16-year career as a travel agent and joined Wade full time on the farm where she learned to drive equipment and became a partner in the farming operation. “I was always passionate about my job. Now that I’m on the farm, I love
it,” said Cathy. Last year, Wade taught Cathy how to operate the sprayer. In the fall, she learned to drive the combine. This year, she did the pre-seed spraying, seeding, swathing and combining, leaving Wade to do the spraying, trucking and organizing “It’s been pretty cool this year,” she said. Wade still does the in-crop spraying as well as roughly 7,000 acres of custom spraying. At the same time the decision was made for Cathy to stay home, Wade and his brother and nephew split the farming operation, creating more access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none
Keeping it
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changes for the couple. “Before, I had the passive role taking meals to the field during harvest,” said Cathy. With Cathy now in the field, they once again had to re-evaluate their previous jobs, including harvest meals and child care. The couple hired Cathy’s mom to look after the children, Wyatt, 7, in Grade 2 and Amy, 2, during harvest. “It would have been impossible without my mom,” she said. Before getting on the combine, Cathy packs a day’s worth of food and drinks into each operator’s cooler so no one had to worry about meals in the field. “It works for us,” she said. Now that harvest is finished, Wade is able to focus on his new project of building liquid fertilizer carts. The heavy-duty mechanic built his first cart as a way of saving money and getting the right size cart for the farm. Using secondhand wheels and axles, Wade built the 48,000 gallon liquid fertilizer cart for $15,000 instead of the $42,000 new price. The project was so successful, Wade is almost finished building a second cart for another local farmer and is discussing making more with a group of farm supply dealers. With many Alberta farmers using liquid fertilizer and few manufacturers making carts, Wade believes there may be a niche market. “Here’s an opportunity where a guy can make the carts and service the market in Alberta,” said Wade, who grew up on a nearby mixed cattle and grain farm. He bought his first land with a feedlot in his final year of high school. The two carts were built in his father’s farm shop north of his home farm, but if the demand is high, there may be a chance of of setting up a larger shop on the farm. “I don’t want to get too excited about spending a lot of capital.” Wade already spends time in the farm shop building, packaging and delivering controls for natural gas compressor engines he helped design. After working on offshore oil platforms in Qatar and Louisiana, Wade was hired by Calgary’s Spartan Controls to help design the air fuel controls for retrofitting older natural gas compressor engines. Wade’s name is one of the names on the patent. “It’s actually a really good little business,” he said. “I really enjoy working in the shop.” Cathy said his hobby is tinkering and figuring out new projects, not watching television. “The cart thing came from his own desire that he wanted something that worked for the farm,” she said. With Wade now home in the winter, Wade took up hockey and curling for recreation last winter. “For me, the hockey was great exercise. At the end of the season, I felt great.” At the same time, Cathy joined the Rez City Rollers roller derby team to complement her running. When Cathy turned 40, she joined some friends and ran a 10-kilometre race in San Francisco. Since then, she’s run a half marathon in New Orleans and will fly to Dubai in December to run another half marathon.
THIS WEEK’S TEMPERATURE FORECAST Oct. 27 - Nov. 2 (averages are in °C)
THIS WEEK’S PRECIPITATION FORECAST Oct. 27 - Nov. 2 (averages are in mm)
Much above normal
Above normal
Churchill Prince George
Prince George Normal
Edmonton Calgary
Saskatoon Below normal
Saskatoon Regina
Much below normal
The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)
Temperature last week High Low Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard
17.0 14.6 15.3 17.5 17.7 18.4 16.5 13.2 14.1 17.1 15.2 16.7 16.1 16.2 16.7 17.8 12.4 13.6
-2.8 -6.3 -6.8 -4.6 -5.0 -6.5 -7.2 -5.6 -5.9 -7.0 -3.6 -5.6 -0.9 -5.1 -3.1 -9.0 -4.7 -4.6
last week since April 1 mm mm % 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 2.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 3.4 0.3
452.7 325.2 224.1 497.0 300.5 235.0 327.5 233.3 249.8 259.7 426.6 363.8 392.2 252.6 347.0 258.5 406.0 339.6
158 100 80 158 124 92 103 73 72 93 134 126 144 94 130 108 120 111
last week High Low Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville
20.3 16.5 14.0 16.9 17.5 17.8 12.8 20.3 14.6 20.4 17.3 16.8 15.2 17.2 16.5 17.6
last week since April 1 mm mm %
-8.0 -2.8 -6.2 -5.5 -8.7 -5.7 -5.9 -4.6 -3.9 -4.6 -6.1 -6.0 0.4 -3.5 0.1 -7.7
0.0 0.3 1.4 0.5 0.8 2.4 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.2 0.5 2.0 1.9 0.0
194.7 418.4 433.8 240.2 359.3 367.6 252.0 382.6 322.7 186.8 267.4 412.2 434.8 396.7 433.3 230.0
79 124 138 83 96 112 88 140 104 80 89 136 127 103 125 70
last week High Low Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage la Prairie Swan River Winnipeg
15.2 13.6 13.3 17.3 17.7 16.0 12.9 13.9
Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %
-10.9 -10.1 -5.4 -8.8 -6.9 -6.5 -9.9 -5.6
0.8 0.8 1.4 1.2 0.0 1.0 1.7 4.0
438.5 297.5 303.7 409.8 376.6 261.8 269.0 306.2
124 80 81 121 97 70 70 79
-3.9 -7.3 1.5 -1.3 -4.7
1.5 3.4 2.0 0.6 10.1
268.8 441.9 151.3 165.4 339.9
106 134 88 74 99
BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George
13.4 15.4 18.3 17.0 14.0
All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.:
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