February 2, 2012 - The Western Producer

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VOL. 90 | NO. 5 | $3.75







Soggy canola fields still salvageable Canola is resilient, so don’t count it out in flooded areas BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

BRANDON — Is a waterlogged canola field worth keeping and harvesting, or should farmers just plow it down? Results from a quick study the Canola Council of Canada conducted on saturated Manitoba fields this year suggests farmers should keep it. “I definitely would not write it off right away,” said canola council agronomist Kristen Phillips. “Canola is one of the most resilient crops that we have, and it definitely fights back and branches out.” The study found that a typical saturated field, with some parts waterlogged and higher parts just soaked, had yield reductions of 60 to 70 percent. That sounds bad, but 30 to 40 percent of a typical Manitoba crop isn’t something to throw away. Average yields appear to have been 55 bushels per acre in many parts of Manitoba. access=subscriber section=news,none,none



Researchers deliver ‘hard’ news First in Canada | Lentil and pea seeds impermeable to water, won’t germinate BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — The head of a seed germination lab says last spring’s excess water has created seed characteristics never before seen in this country: pulse seeds impermeable to water. Lentils and peas from southern Alberta are showing signs of hard

seed, said Sarah Foster of 20/20 Seed Labs in Nisku, Alta. “There is not a lot you can do about it because it is a situation where the seed coat is completely impermeable to water. Water cannot penetrate it so therefore it can’t get the germination to start,” Foster said during FarmTech 2012 held in Edmonton Jan. 24 - 26. “It is something we have


never seen before in Canada and traced it back to specific areas.” Foster said her lab has started to see a trend of hard seed from the Taber, Vauxhall, Vulcan and Enchant areas of southern Alberta, which all had excess water last spring. While most of the seed lab’s samples are from Alberta, Foster believes there would be similar results for peas and

lentils in areas with excess moisture in other parts of the Prairies. Forty-three percent of the lentil samples examined by 20/20 Seed Labs have one to five percent hard seed. Eight percent of the pea samples have one to five percent hard seed and two samples had eight to 15 percent. access=subscriber section=news,none,none



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u|xhHEEJBy00001pzYv!:; FEBRUARY 2, 2012 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Inc. Publisher, Larry Hertz Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240; Registration No. 10676

Josh Prepchuk watches as his load of wheat empties into a floor grate at the Strathmore seed cleaning plant at Strathmore, Alta. |






‘Hard’ news for seed “In that instance, the nitrogen was really lacking in that particular crop,” Foster said. Hard seed is a type of dormancy. Some types of seed, such as clover, have a naturally hard seed coat. The survival mechanism requires the rubbing action of soil and water to break the dormancy. Lower nitrogen levels have been shown to increase dormancy. Foster said farmers should take soil samples to check nitrogen levels, especially if the new crop is a high nitrogen user. Duane Ransome, member services co-ordinator with Alberta Pulse Growers, said he has never heard of hard seed in pulse crops, although he has often seen it in perennial forage seed crops. “It’s hard to believe a crop is deficient in nitrogen when it’s a pulse crop in Alberta,” he said. Producers generally use a minimum of nitrogen with pulse crops, and the plant produces the rest of its nitrogen requirements out of the air. Germination could drop to as low as 73 percent when hard seed count is added to the number of possible dead or abnormal seeds often identified in a seed germination test. “It’s imperative, especially in lentils that have a hard time competing, to get 10, 11, 12 plants per sq. foot,” Ransome said. “It is a big enough deal to make it a concern of mine.” Southern Alberta seed grower Tim Willms said he hasn’t seen hard seed in his pulse crops this year. “My germination rates are one of


Soggy fields still salvageable “A 60 percent reduction is still a 20, 25 bushel crop,” Phillips said. “That’s still a good canola crop.” Thousands of Manitoba quarter sections looked like disasters this summer, with seeded fields covered with water and unworkable by heavy machinery. Emergence after flooding was variable and plants-per-sq.-metre

counts were low. Root systems were undeveloped and plant size was typically small. However, the crops stabilized later in the season and grew to their reduced potential. This allowed farmers, who had already invested in seed, inputs and seeding, to get much better than a writeoff.


» GEARING UP: Canadian » » »

Wheat Board employees are forced to make a major adjustment. Will it work? 5 MEAL BAN: A Chinese ban on Indian oilseed meal creates opportunities for other exporters. 15 ONLINE HERBARIUM: The University of Lethbridge is putting its extensive plant collection online. 17 RESEARCH: Crop researchers in Saskatchewan qualified for $8.3 million in government funding this year. 18

» JOB CUTS: A civil service » » »

union warns of job cuts at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. 34 TERMINAL DEAL: The time was right for an independent grain handler to sell a terminal to Richardson. 35 HANDLE WITH CARE: Maintaining good livestock handling practices requires a full-time commitment. 36 PIG FEED: Feeding pigs individually formulated diets could help them grow better and save money. 37


» STRONG MARKET: Commodity prices are »

strong despite grim economic news. 6 HEDGE ROW: ICE Canada’s new contracts must start garnering interest soon. 7

» DYNAMIC ROTATION: Farmers are urged to »

mix up their rotations for better results. 20 GRAIN VAC: Strict safety regulations inspire new machinery. 23

Canola affected by flooding and saturation can survive but its potential is limited. The amount of yield reduction can be accurately forecast by assessing the size of the plant compared to normal: the smaller the plant, the smaller the yield. normal 63.0 36.5 3.0 48.8

water-stressed waterlogged -27% -67% -24% -70% -7% -68% -22% -64%

Source: Canola Council of Canada | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC


» BEEF QUALITY: Five-year reviews still iden»

tify problems with beef quality. 73 FEED EFFICIENCY: Focus on residual feed intake when measuring feed efficiency. 75

» FOREIGN WORKERS: Farmers say hiring »

Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Farm Accounts Animal Health Cowboy Logic TEAM Living Tips Health Clinic Speaking of Life

10 11 11 79 76 77 85 86 86

CONTACTS Larry Hertz, Publisher Ph: 306-665-9625 larry.hertz@producer.com Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 newsroom@producer.com Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 newsroom@producer.com Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 paul.yanko@producer.com Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 barbara.duckworth@producer.com Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 mary.macarthur@producer.com Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 barb.glen@producer.com

foreign workers is too difficult. 78 KUBOTA DEAL: A Japanese tractor giant wants to buy an overseas competitor. 80


Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 ed.white@producer.com Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 ron.lyseng@producer.com Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 robert.arnason@producer.com Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 barry.wilson@producer.com

» ON THE FARM: A small Saskatchewan farm

Canada Post Agreement Number 40069240



focuses on growing niche crops. 83 NEW TEACHING: A rural teacher develops a way to teach about residential schools. 84

Built-in sclerotinia protection. Make it easy. www.pioneer.com

78 41 40 9 8 10 12 83 87

Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 karen.briere@producer.com



Plant height (centimetres) Shoot weight (grams) Root weight (grams) Yields (bu./acre)

GrowSafe: Lakeland College has bought high-tech feed monitors for its student-managed farm. See page 26. | SUSAN HODGES PHOTO



Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather



the highest I’ve seen,” said Willms of Grassy Lake, Alta. Seed producer Jorg Klempnauer, also of Grassy Lake, said hard seed, which is sometimes called stone peas, shows up occasionally in his pea crops. Klempnauer estimated that stone peas show up in about one percent of his crop. They are from fields with poor stands and uneven germination that don’t have time to fully develop. “It is nothing that worries us,” said Klempnauer, who exports peas to Asia for snack food. Foster said producers may have to bump up their seeding rates slightly to compensate for the lower germination. Crops with high levels of hard seed shouldn’t be used as seed, even with high seeding rates, because the hard seed will just become food for pathogens in the soil. “I am sure we will be seeing more of it. It is just something people should be aware of. The good news is the levels aren’t that high.” Mark Olson, a pulse crops research agronomist with Alberta Agriculture, said he hasn’t seen pulse crops with hard seed. “It’s probably something environmental and something you deal with,” said Olson.


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Flooded Manitoba farmers blame western neighbour KAP convention | Saskatchewan farm group leader accepts partial responsibility and says stricter laws are needed on illegal drainage BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Some Manitoba farmers at the Keystone Agricultural Producers convention picked a familiar and easy target to blame for the Assiniboine River’s flood last year: Saskatchewan producers. “This is about the longest flood I’ve ever seen, this spring and summer,” George Harrison of Oak Lake told Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan president Norm Hall. “My understanding is that most of the water comes from the watershed in your province.” Instead of denying responsibility, Hall accepted that upstream farmers helped create the Assiniboine’s problems. “There’s a pile of draining that has happened in that area over the years that contributed to the flooding of Fishing Lake, that has happened to the rapid runoff that ended up flooding the whole Assiniboine system,” said Hall, who was part of a prairie farm leaders panel discussion at the convention. However, Hall said the outflow of Fishing Lake is controlled, which means it mostly lengthened the flood season rather than causing it. “That’s a controlled system,” said Hall. However, he said APAS has been pushing the Saskatchewan government to bring in watershed management, and the government finally seems willing to support it. “We have a good minister,” he said. Water issues are always controversial in Manitoba, which are at the bottom of a number of watersheds and contains heavy land that drains poorly. Downstream farmers are often incensed at upstream farmers’ drainage channels, although many downstream farmers also drain as much as they can.

The day has come where the province, KAP, conservation districts, municipalities, provinces have to start working on the watershed plan. RON KOSTYSHYN MANITOBA AGRICULTURE MINISTER

Winnipeg residents often blame farmers for flooding and water quality problems in Lake Winnipeg, while the provincial government in recent years has blamed the hog industry for some of the water woes. Many farmers point back at the city of Winnipeg, which regularly has sewer and sewage treatment overflows that go directly into the Red River. They believe the provincial government targets farmers because they are easy to pick on since the NDP is elected in urban areas. The “blame Saskatchewan” approach was seen during the flood of 2011, when the province was accused of having had faulty gauges on the Qu’Appelle River. The claim was found to be inaccurate but received much publicity. Many KAP members have called over the years for watershed management, such as what has been done on the Tobacco Creek Watershed. New agriculture minister Ron Kostyshyn seems serious about bringing that forward. “The day has come where the province, KAP, conservation districts, municipalities, provinces have to start working on the watershed plan,” said Kostyshyn, who was active with conservation district organizations before being elected to the legislature. “Someday some people will be very sorry that they designed these drains because there will be days they wish they retained some of that

water, that in dry years may not be that far away.” Hall said Saskatchewan’s enforcement system for illegal drainage is toothless and needs better legislation. “If you complain about it, they might get out to see you in two years, after all the red tape has been gone through,” said Hall, who lives in the Fishing Lake area. “The worst they’ll make me do is push in my trench. Within a few months I can open it up again, then that two-year process starts again.” Drainage is supposed to require permits, but “nobody’s doing it.”

ABOVE: Much of the land around the Assiniboine River was submerged last spring and summer, including a historical site. LEFT: Farmers along the Assiniboine River blame their flooding woes on illegal drainage in Saskatchewan. | FILE PHOTOS


Trade deal on beef sparks hope for pork producers BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Canada’s recent deal with South Korea to resume trade in Canadian beef should be an impetus to resume free trade talks that would help the pork sector, say industry players. However, there is no guarantee that will happen. So far, Ottawa has been silent on the prospect for renewed free trade talks with Korea, which were suspended more than three years ago. “The Canadian hog sector is an important part of the economy and an important export industry,” Canadian Pork Council president Jean-

Guy Vincent said. “I hope this deal, which is good for beef, will lead to a deal that will be good for us.” Jim Laws, executive director of the Canadian Meat Council, which represents federally inspected packing plants that sell to Korea, agreed. “We really want them to pick up again and I hope getting the beef irritant off the table will take that pressure off and lead to a resumption of talks,” he said. “Let’s say we are hopeful that will be the result. We are not really sure why talks have been stalled this long. We think it is time to start again if Korea is willing.”

With the Conservative government’s emphasis on trade deals, the hog industry has been baffled about why it remains mute in the face of a lobby to resume talks. There is an assumption that a dispute over automobile trade is at the root of it, but Korea’s refusal to accept Canadian beef in the wake of the 2003 BSE crisis was also a sticking point. The beef lobby, a powerful voice in Conservative Ottawa, insisted that a free trade deal without beef access would not be worth signing. That is now off the table. “Hopefully that helps and perhaps negotiations on pork were well

underway when the last session was held and they can pick that up where they left off,” said Laws. While the beef industry considers Korean market access important, the pork industry ships 10 times as much product to the Asian country. South Korea has been Canada’s second largest pork market, and last year’s outbreak of foot-and-mouth in the Korean hog herd has increased the country’s need for imports. However, free trade deals with the United States, the European Union and Chile will give those areas a tariff advantage in the Korean market if Canada does not catch up, the meat council argues.

Vincent said the federal government has to realize that while part of Canadian agriculture services the domestic market, a much larger segment depends on exports. “In our industry, export market access is one of the tools we need and Korea is very important to that,” he said. “Last year it was worth $250 million and we could lose that if we are not competitive on access. We were the second largest supplier. We could lose that. The government has to understand that and act.” THE NEW HEAD OF THE CANADIAN PORK COUNCIL SAYS THERE ARE REASONS FOR OPTIMISM, SEE PAGE 15 access=subscriber section=news,none,none






Producers miffed by Manitoba gov’t plan to ban coal Big investment | Livestock producers invested in coal heating systems for hog barns and shops BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Gathering warmth from the sun, a cat lounges on top of a round hay bale near Cayley, Alta. |


Some hog farms and Hutterite colonies in Manitoba will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars when a province-wide coal-burning ban is imposed in 2014. But Manitoba’s new agriculture minister, Ron Kostyshyn, showed no signs of backing away from the controversial move when he appeared at the Keystone Agricultural Producers convention Jan. 25. “We’re not picking on farmers,” Kostyshyn told reporters after his speech to KAP members. “It’s a slow process of trying to educate the component of the emissions of the coal.… We have a year or two before the coal becomes officially banned.” But to James Hofer, who represents Hutterite colonies on the Manitoba Pork Council, the situation doesn’t seem slow or a matter of education. Many Hutterite heating systems cost $500,000 and provide heat for hog barns, shops and homes. “Some producers are going to have to totally abandon their coal boilers and switch to natural gas,” said Hofer. “Coming up with these regulations, I don’t think they understood how many farms were burning coal, how big the impact was going to be.” The provincial government is moving against coal as part of its strategy to penalize or prevent the use of the most extreme carbon-emitting fuels. It has converted two Manitoba Hydro plants that formerly used coal. Coal became a popular energy source for many farmers when energy prices surged in the mid-2000s. With the coal fields of Estevan, Sask., only a few hours away from Manito-

You wonder if they know what drives the provincial economy and where the opportunities are. JAMES HOFER MANITOBA PORK COUNCIL

ba’s hog belt, it became attractive to install coal-burning boilers and haul in cheap coal rather than pay for expensive natural gas or other forms of energy. Installing coal-burning boilers seemed a natural choice, especially for Hutterite colonies, which often have large bulk trucks, and can work together to bring in group loads. The coal ban follows the recent imposition of a tax on coal, which farmers using coal can manage. But an outright ban will cause an expensive destruction of a lot of investment, Hofer said. “It’s going to be tough to find the money to do it.” The provincial government is offering funding that would partially offset the cost of retrofitting coal boilers to burn biomass such as flax straw, but many critics and farm leaders say few people or companies have been able to make waste-burning work well enough to be reliable. Hofer said he was disappointed to see the provincial government impose a ban rather than talk to farmers and come up with more moderate solutions. “No consultation. Just going out and doing things,” said Hofer. “You wonder if they know what drives the provincial economy and where the opportunities are.” access=subscriber section=news,none,none


Peace area growers warned to watch for midge Pest may have spread into B.C. | Sixteen fields in northern Alberta have midge damage BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — Wheat midge, the tiny orange fly that can cause thousands of dollars in damage to wheat crops, has been found for the first time in Alberta’s Peace River area. Jennifer Otani, pest management biologist with Agriculture Canada, said the insect was first detected near Fort Vermilion in the far north, but was found throughout the Peace when researchers searched for it. “Where we thought it was just going to be was around Fort Vermilion and Manning at the beginning,” Otani

told producers at the Farmtech 2012 conference in Edmonton. “It is all the way to Grande Prairie, High Prairie and McLennan. It seems like it is throughout and in very low densities.” Sixteen fields were found to have larvae and midge damage. Core soil samples also showed larvae in the soil of other fields. “They are very small insects, but they can have a big impact,” said Otani. “This is certainly a new thing we are going to have to deal with.” Wheat midge caused $40 million in damage on the Prairies in 2006. In Alberta, the traditional hot spots are in the southern part of the province.

Otani said farmers and agrologists must be vigilant in monitoring and searching for the pest. “Monitoring becomes key. It’s not at a serious stage where we need to be thinking of midge resistant varieties, but rather consider rotations and do monitoring.” Adult midge emerge from the pupae stage in late June or early July. Females lay eggs in the evening on the newly emerged wheat heads. After hatching, the small orange larvae move from the outer surface to the head to feed on the kernels. The larvae crawl off the wheat after two to three weeks and bury themselves in the soil.

Otani said farmers need to learn more about the insect to help reduce the damage that can downgrade grain. “It was fairly serious damage in a few fields.” Otani doesn’t know how it came to the Peace River area, but suspects it has slowly dispersed and moved north over the years. She said it is likely also in the British Columbia Peace, but she never had time to survey B.C. fields. Otani said she has talked to researchers in Winnipeg who found wheat midge larvae 10 years ago near Beaverlodge, Alta., but could never find it again.

Wheat midge caused $40 million in damage to prairie crops in 2006. | FILE PHOTO





Hoppers expected this spring in Alberta Grasshopper forecast | Saskatchewan, Manitoba predicted to have few troubles with grasshoppers this spring BY MARY MACARTHUR & ROBERT ARNASON CAMROSE, BRANDON BUREAUS

EDMONTON — Saskatchewan and Manitoba look safe from grasshoppers this year, according to the 2012 forecast, but Alberta farmers need to beware. “Alberta gets to be the lucky contender with grasshoppers this year,” said Jennifer Otani, an Agriculture Canada entomologist. “The forecast in Alberta has pockets with severe populations, but that depends what happens in the spring. The weather could change a lot of things and means numbers could go a lot lower or higher,” Otani told farmers at FarmTech 2012. Alberta isn’t expected to have serious infestations, but there will be pockets. The 2012 grasshopper forecast map is based on adult grasshopper counts across the province in 2011. The weather in the upcoming crop year could increase or decrease populations. Otani said each field is going to be slightly different and farmers need to pay attention, especially in tradition-

ally higher grasshopper areas. The appearance of nymphs is when farmers must decide if it’s economically viable to spray a pesticide. The nymphs are the voracious eaters that can seriously damage fields. “We really want to encourage peo-

ple to get out early looking for nymphs so it’s a little easier to control with pesticides.” Otani said she often gets calls when it seems insects “come out of nowhere” and become a problem. Monitoring fields for pests throughout the year

helps farmers deal with the pests before they become a problem. “These insect pests don’t come out of nowhere. The key is monitoring.” In Manitoba, the potential for a grasshopper infestation is almost non-existent this year because 2011

and 2010 were so wet. In hopper surveys conducted last August, 99.97 percent of the sites had very light counts, which meant zero to four hoppers per sq. metre. Manitoba Agriculture entomologist John Gavloski said grasshoppers have hit a low point in their population cycle. “We have seen low levels like this before, but we’re at a valley … in that cycle,” he said. “For it (the population) to build back up again, you would probably need a few years with favourable weather for the grasshoppers.” The situation is similar in Saskatchewan, where last year’s cool and wet spring hindered grasshopper development. Hopper counts were very light across most of the province last year. The notable exception was near Meadow Lake, where fields had severe to very severe grasshopper numbers last year. Some sites recorded more than 24 grasshoppers per sq. metre. Areas around Watrous and Kindersley also had light to moderate populations, and producers will have to watch for potential outbreaks this year.


CWB aims to retain staff, win farmers’ confidence in new era Gearing up | For decades the Canadian Wheat Board system has determined to a large degree how the western Canadian grain trade operates. But as the CWB sales monopoly appears to be ending, farm groups, grain companies and regulators are installing a new set of gears for a changed marketing machine. In this series, Winnipeg-based reporter Ed White looks at changes happening throughout Winnipeg’s grain trade, which has long served as the main base of operations for the industry. access=subscriber section=news,none,none


The mandate’s different, but there is a new mandate in a market that makes sense and creates some opportunities for us. GORD FLATEN CWB VICE-PRESIDENT OF MARKETING

ro-monopoly directors and senior managers argued strenuously for years that the Canadian Wheat Board could not survive without a monopoly. In fact, they argued that the board had no point without a monopoly. Those arguments were passionately embraced by many who saw the wheat board debate as an economic and ideological cause celebre, as a defining either/or situation of the free market versus a fair market. However, they now create a credibility and marketing challenge for the organization as it works hard with little time on a crucial new campaign: convincing farmers and its own staff that the post-monopoly CWB not only has a point but is the best option for farmers to market their crops. It won’t be an easy task, but it’s one that senior board officials like Gord Flaten have embraced. As the vice-president of marketing and sales crisscrosses the Prairies promoting the new board’s marketing options, Flaten is telling farmers to put aside the monopoly debate and simply think about whether the new offerings are something they want. “Rather than trying to relate everything to the past debate, the important thing is to look at what’s the situation now,” said Flaten in an interview during the CWB breakfast at Manitoba Ag Days in Brandon.

CWB’S 2012 PROGRAMS The Canadian Wheat Board issued a “sneak peek” summary of marketing programs planned for 2012: • Pre-harvest & harvest pools to stabilize prices and generate returns throughout the pooling period via initial, adjustment and final payments. Early payment options also available. • Futures contracts to protect prices on chosen base grades will lock in futures-based price and delivery. Payments made after basis lock-in and delivery. • Cash contracts with upfront pricing so producers can choose when to price and sell. Full payment made soon after deliveries that are made in accordance with contract terms. Source: CWB

“Is the CWB, the way we’re going to operate it, going to be a good option for farmers? Will the board’s array of short and longer-term pools, cash prices and marketing advisory services be something that farmers will want to use and actually benefit from?” Marketing advisers and analysts have usually answered those questions with “maybe” and “probably,” while farmers interviewed at Manitoba Ag Days and St. Jean Farm Days in early and mid-January seemed to

be both loyal to the board and willing to give it a shot. “I’m going to keep an open mind about using CWB 2.0,” said one farmer at Ag Days. “It depends on how they set it up,” said another. “If it has to be all-or-nothing, it’ll be a tough choice,” said a third. Most farmers said they would like to use the board and that they still trust it to put farmers first. Farm marketing adviser Brenda Tjaden Lepp said pooling and the board’s financial guarantees from the federal government give it crucial advantages. “How do you know you’re going to get paid? There are going to be lots of people coming into Western Canada wanting to sell farmers’ grain, but if you don’t know them, how can you know they will be able to pay you?” said Tjaden Lepp. “That (federal) guarantee could be very important for a lot of farmers in the new environment.” If the board ends up being the only organization offering pooling, that too could be important, she said, because it’s a simple form of risk management that could work for a portion of most farmers’ crops. A different nut to crack for senior board managers is convincing staff that the agency has a point and can survive.

Many of them were imbued with years of pro-monopoly preaching by farmer-directors and senior staff and embraced that view. Now they have to wrench their thinking into a different direction, which could be tough for those who were attracted to working for the board because of its ideology. “It’s a big change. It’s a big change for the company and therefore for the people that work for the company,” acknowledged Flaten. “The mandate’s different, but there is a new mandate in a market that makes sense and creates some opportunities for us. We have the skill sets and the experience that will allow us to do well in that new environment.” Neither of the two top men at the board, chief executive officer Ian White and chair Bruce Johnson, have been attached to ideologically focused monopoly rhetoric, so their ability to front the new non-monopoly organization does not seem hypocritical, most say. At the CWB breakfast in Brandon, half a dozen CWB farm business representatives seemed gung-ho about their new role. They have spent the winter talking to the thousands of farmers they know, who want to give the board a shot but need to be convinced the board can still do something for them.





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Trading gets off to slow start Wary buyers wait it out | More volume needed STORIES BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

The new spring wheat, durum and barley futures have stumbled out of the ICE Futures Canada exchange and made little progress. However, brokers and analysts say that’s not a surprise. New futures contracts always have trouble getting up and going, and the prairie grain industry is up in the air about so much that it isn’t surprising traders and grain companies are holding back. “At least we’ve had a few trades in everything,” said Ken Ball, a broker with Union Securities. “It’s really going to take a few months to build these contracts. It’s hard to tell in the first few days.” He won’t put his clients into the new markets until grain companies and grain buyers are actively trading the contracts. Errol Anderson of Pro Market Communications in Calgary agreed. “We aren’t willing to come forward until we see better liquidity,” said Anderson. “We don’t want to put a client at risk. I’m just waiting for the commercials to step forward and start using it.” Barley futures have traded every day since the new contract was unveiled, but the milling wheat and durum contracts are having periods when no trading occurs. The futures are based on prairie delivery points across the West, so

prices should converge to on-prairie cash prices. ICE Canada will have trouble winning over big grain companies and users even with a perfect design, said Darin Newsom of DTN. Three existing North American wheat contracts means the need for another will have to be demonstrated. “Getting them to move away from those markets is going to be difficult,” said Newsom. Some traders see the Winnipeg contracts as a useful extra opportunity to do spread trading between the wheat markets and taking advantage of discrepancies between markets. If the Winnipeg contracts are seen that way, they could increase trading in all contracts. Others see the Winnipeg contracts as an attempt to replace Minneapolis, on spring wheat at least, and therefore will more likely cannibalize existing trade than create new trade. Newsom said the biggest obstacle will be to convince the big trading companies and firms to give the new futures a try. “It’s going to be very hard to break away from the long-held belief that you need to use the Chicago, Kansas City or Minneapolis, even though it’s certainly a possibility.” Ball said he is confident the contracts will do well, if they ever get a chance. “There are probably thousands out there who would like to trade it but won’t until they can see a little bit more volume,” he said. access=subscriber section=markets,none,none

Farmers have many new options for their wheat and durum including new futures contracts at ICE Futures Canada. This load of wheat was waiting at the Viterra terminal in Saskatoon. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


Reconciling opinions on outlook for global economy Gains expected in commodity assets | Economic downturn could affect countries around the world Many markets observers might wonder how to reconcile the following three opinions on the state of the global economy. Economist Nouriel Roubini: “The outlook for the global economy in 2012 is clear, but it isn’t pretty: recession in Europe, anemic growth at best in the United States and a sharp slowdown in China and in most emerging-market economies.” Standard Chartered Bank chief economist Gerard Lyons: “The east itself is cooling down, but it’s still in pretty good shape. The western economies are still trying to get over the overhang of debt.” World markets: The S & P 500 U.S.

stocks index has been rallying since mid-December and the CRB commodities index has been doing the same. Why the strength in commodity and crop prices if there is so much grimness in the air? Most analysts say world markets have become accustomed to the lingering problems of the U.S. economy, still believe a financial meltdown can be averted in Europe and still expect China to keep gobbling up commodities and keep resource prices relatively high, including those for crops. As long as world markets believe that commodity consumption will carry on, regardless of the world’s

problems, there is a basis for strong commodity prices. But that could be cut short if Europe unravels, China hits the ground hard or the U.S. slips back into recession. Leading central bankers are sounding less relaxed about the world situation than most traders and politicians, and used last week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to make their points. “There’s a very strong view of, ‘get on with it. Get this thing done,’ ” said Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney, who has become one of the globe’s most respected central bankers. U.S. Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke reiterated that his institution would keep interest rates at record low

levels for another few years. Rather than sounding a warning bell, most markets saw this as a reason to be bullish on commodities, which should increase in value if money is allowed to be more plentiful. Famed investor and currency expert George Soros warned that the euro currency meltdown could send shockwaves across the globe, something many nations cannot afford to take. International Monetary Fund director Christine Lagarde preached the same message. “It’s not just a eurozone crisis. It’s a crisis that could have spillover effects around the world,” she said. Farmers rely on the overall com-

modities market, including metals and energy, to set the foundation for crop prices. Some estimates have pegged the non-agricultural commodity complex influence on crop prices at more than 80 percent, so whatever affects overall commodity prices is important. This year still looks bullish to Barclays Capital, the investment advisory for Barclays Bank of England, despite the world’s problems. “Commodities markets have started 2012 in encouraging fashion and although the recent rally is vulnerable to setbacks, we expect steady gains in commodity assets across the year,” said Barclays’ Commodities Weekly report. access=subscriber section=markets,none,none






Interest in new contracts essential

In its newest Pool Return Outlook, the Canadian Wheat Board lowered durum values between $2 and $11 per tonne, with the exception of No. 5 CWAD, which increased $1 per tonne. Wheat values are relatively unchanged, while malting barley values dropped $1 per tonne. Pool A feed barley is unchanged.


Cdn $ per tonne in store Vancouver or St. Lawrence

DECEMBER Pool Return Outlook 2011-12

JANUARY Pool Return Outlook 2011-12


Some kinda pic?



rairie farmers could soon benefit from two re-energized institutions that have long been at the centre of prairie crop pricing and marketing. Or they could see these institutions fade and fail and the new postmonopoly environment become decidedly less farmer-friendly. If either manages to repackage itself successfully, it could become central to how thousands of farmers price, hedge and sell their crops. I’m talking about Winnipeg’s commodity exchange, now called ICE Futures Canada, and the Canadian Wheat Board. Both have played crucial roles in revealing crop prices to prairie farmers: the exchange since 1887 and the CWB since either the First World War (early attempts) or 1935 (permanent establishment). Right now, the exchange is promoting its new futures contracts for spring wheat, durum and barley, while the CWB is telling farmers about its new suite of marketing programs. Farmers have a lot at stake here. They’ll be looking through a glass darkly at wheat prices if the exchange fails to make these new prairie-based futures work because they will have to watch U.S. futures prices, back them off to prairie locations and realities and calculate foreign exchange impacts. There are no U.S. futures for durum and barley, so for those crops they would be stuck calling elevators and being told the price. The futures seem sound in design, being based on the popular and successful canola contract, and should truly represent prairie prices, if anyone trades them. Trade of the new futures contracts has been weak, to the say the least, with only a handful traded in their first week of existence. It’s certainly not encouraging, although not necessarily unexpected because they are new-crop contracts and most futures trade is always with nearby months. Analysts and brokers have told me

The Winnipeg Commodity Exchange must attract interest in its new contracts quickly to keep them in the spotlight. | FILE PHOTO they’re not worried, yet, but at some point people need to start buying and selling these things or they will fail. Right now everyone seems to be waiting for someone else to go first. Farmers are unlikely to play much of a role here because they are tiny players and the contract size of 100 tonnes is too big for many farmers until it’s obvious there’s enough trading to allow them to get out of positions when required. The wheat board is at an earlier stage of reformation, with just bare details of its new programs available now, and a series of layoffs expected to continue as the organization skinnies itself down for a reduced role. But the outlines of its new programs are encouraging and show the board is going to fill a much-needed role: hedging and professional crop sales advisory services. Confidence factor The point of the old board was the premium it said it gained from its monopoly, but the point of the new board seems to be its ability to offer pricing and hedging services that farmers can trust. The CWB will still be working for farmers rather than shareholders, and still be selling farmers’ grain directly rather than just flipping it. As a result, its people might seem more trustworthy than the agents who work for other profit-driven companies. The board has a squad of farm business representatives who have been working with farmers for years with Producer Payment Options, so they should easily become agents of the new order. Thousands of farmers trust these people. The board has the ability to move into marketing and hedging crops

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beyond wheat, barley and durum, and it would make sense to do so. Why have one adviser for grains and one for everything else? That might seem to put the new board into conflict with private farmer advisory services and brokers, which have grown fast and developed well in recent years as farmers have become more professional with their risk management. In reality, most farmers still don’t take risk management anywhere near as seriously as they should, so rather than slicing up today’s hedging pie into smaller slices, the CWB’s role is likely to stretch the hedging pie much wider and give everyone a bigger bite. Lots of farmers distrust and dislike private sector marketing folks, whether with grain companies or marketing companies, so the CWB’s emergence as a general crop marketer probably wouldn’t steal much from anyone else and would bring a lot more people into the world of serious marketing. The CWB has longer to get its act together, at least on the advisory side if not the grain sales side, because most farmers don’t want to sign grain sales contracts when they don’t know what the premiums and discounts will be for not hitting contract specifications. That will be the situation for months, so they’ve got time to get it right. The commodity exchange, on the other hand, needs to quickly convince farmers, grain companies and speculators that its new contracts are viable and a good way to hedge price risk. It doesn’t have to do that overnight, but soon everyone’s going to want to see significant trade on a daily basis in the contract, or they will probably fade away. access=subscriber section=markets,none,none

No. 1 CWRS 14.5 No. 1 CWRS 13.5 No. 1 CWRS 12.5 No. 1 CWRS 11.5 No. 2 CWRS 13.5 No. 2 CWRS 11.5 No. 3 CWRS 13.0 No. 3 CWRS No. 4 CWRS No. 1 CWHWS 13.5 No. 1 CPSR No. 1 CPSW No. 1 CWRW 11.0 No. 3 CWRW No. 1 CWES No. 1 CWSWS Select <10.5 No. 1 CWSWS CW Feed

$313 305 271 259 299 253 274 240 217 305 238 232 241 232 275 240 233 206

$318 307 271 257 302 252 274 237 217 307 237 232 241 231 277 243 237 207

363 352 346 342 340 330 325 318 259 206

353 342 336 332 330 320 314 307 257 207

229 314 298

229 313 297

DURUM No. 1 CWAD 14.5 No. 1 CWAD 13.0 No. 1 CWAD 12.5 No. 1 CWAD 11.5 No. 2 CWAD 13.0 No. 2 CWAD 11.5 No. 3 CWAD 13.0 No. 3 CWAD No. 4 CWAD No. 5 CWAD

BARLEY No. 1 CW - Pool A Sel CW Two-Row Sel CW Six-Row

* PROs are the CWB’s estimate of crop year returns. Unusual weather and other changes in market conditions could dramatically affect the forecasts. PROs are not price guarantees and should not be confused with initial payments. Source: Canadian Wheat Board | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC


U.S. beef consumption to fall BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

SASKATOON — The United States faces a sharp decline in per capita beef consumption by consumers battered by ongoing economic woes and record retail prices. “Demand is strictly an economic measurement based on what people will pay,� said Steve Kay, editor and publisher of Cattle Buyers Weekly. High unemployment and energy prices, along with record protein prices, are affecting how people spend their food dollars. Demand is expected to be flat through most of 2012 after decent

gains last year, he said. In November, the record beef price was $4.50 per pound, up 9.5 percent year-over-year. Pork was also up 5.7 percent to $3.51 per lb. Chicken was down 1.5 percent to $1.79 per lb. Kay said prices will have to go higher because packers paid more for cattle. “They’re beginning to regret that,� he told the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Symposium. The $4.50 retail price reflects live cattle at $112 per hundredweight, he said, but live prices were around $122 just recently. Prices for all fresh beef would have to rise to $5 per lb. to fully reflect cattle at that price, he added. access=subscriber section=markets,livestock,news

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CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta


Grade A

Live Jan. 20-Jan. 26

Previous Jan. 13-Jan. 19

Year ago

114.00 119.38-126.44 n/a 104.00-108.50

115.00-115.50 117.49-128.75 n/a 102.00-108.00

103.60 101.94 n/a 92.63

190.50-191.50 200.00-206.00 189.00-191.00 n/a

189.75-191.75 198.00-202.00 n/a n/a

n/a 116.14-125.42 n/a 103.00-107.50

115.00 114.94-125.89 n/a 102.00-108.00

103.05 100.11 n/a 91.75

190.75-191.50 199.00-205.00 189.00 n/a

189.75-191.75 197.00-201.00 n/a n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$180 $170 $160 $150 n/a $140 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Saskatchewan $165

$150 1/16 1/23 1/30

Manitoba $170 $160 $150 $140 n/a


$130 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $160


Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400





115-138 130-148 140-159 150-172 165-194 180-211

117-139 122-147 138-159 145-170 155-188 172-208

120-143 Report 130-152 not 140-162 available 150-176 170-195 180-210 -

120-135 124-144 130-153 140-165 155-182 163-199

115-132 125-142 132-157 140-166 150-181 155-188

122-140 Report 131-146 not 137-159 available 147-175 155-187 168-195 Canfax


Average Carcass Weight

$145 n/a $140 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Jan. 21/12 883 819 673 1000


Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $170 $160 $150

Jan. 22/11 858 800 675 990

YTD 12 883 818 677 980

YTD 11 860 799 668 987

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)

$140 $130 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Manitoba $170 $160 $150 $140 n/a n/a $130 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice)Steers National 123.76 Kansas 123.98 Nebraska 122.00 Nebraska (dressed) 199.61

Heifers 123.94 123.98 124.00 200.00

Feeders No. 1 (700-799 lb) Steers South Dakota 145.50-166 Billings 126-138.75 Dodge City 149-151

Trend steady/+2 -2/-5 steady/firm

Cattle / Beef Trade

Cash Futures n/a -12.58 n/a -11.62 n/a -1.62 Canfax

Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 104.6 -12 Non-fed 21.3 n/c Total beef 125.9 -10 Canfax

Exports % from 2011 15,186 (1) -42.8 4,021 (1) +40.2 230,768 (3) -25.3 310,899 (3) -23.7 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 67,843 (2) +35.5 8,301 (4) -5.3 9,770 (4) -4.6

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to Jan. 14/12 (2) to Nov. 30/11 (3) to Nov. 30/11 (4) to Jan. 21/12 Agriculture Canada

$160 $155 $150 $145 $140 12/23 12/30 1/9

Close Close Jan. 27 Jan. 20 Live Cattle Feb 124.70 124.55 Apr 128.45 127.73 Jun 127.18 126.33 Aug 128.95 127.60 Oct 131.73 130.08 Feeder Cattle Mar 154.60 153.85 Apr 156.83 155.20 May 157.65 156.05 Aug 158.95 157.35 Sep 158.90 157.30

Trend Year ago +0.15 +0.72 +0.85 +1.35 +1.65

107.50 112.78 113.38 113.90 116.68

+0.75 +1.63 +1.60 +1.60 +1.60

126.23 127.28 127.55 128.50 128.60

Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)

Mar 04-Mar 17 Mar 18-Mar 31 Apr 01-Apr 14 Apr 15-Apr 28 Apr 29-May 12 May 13-May 26 May 27-Jun 09 Jun 10-Jun 23 Jun 24-Jul 07 Jul 08-Jul 21 Jul 22-Aug 04

Maple Leaf Jan. 27 147.62-149.00 149.46-149.46 150.60-152.90 156.12-159.35 168.73-169.19 171.95-171.95 169.65-171.49 171.03-173.79 167.35-173.66 173.19-173.66 172.73-173.61

$355 $350

$340 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Barley Sel. 2-row St. Law. $370 $365

$350 12/23 12/30 1/9

Wheat 1 CWRS 13.5% $420

$360 12/23 12/30 1/9

Jan. 20 Base rail (index 100) 3.75 Index range 103.91 Range off base 3.94 Feeder lambs 1.50-2.50 Sheep (live) 0.40-0.65

Previous n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SunGold Meats

Jan. 23 2.35-3.02 2.30-2.87 2.18-2.23 2.15-2.20 1.95-2.00 1.75-2.20 1.05-1.20 1.10-1.20 70-120

2.40-3.00 2.25-2.54 1.97-2.37 2.00-2.16 1.80-1.98 1.75-2.20 1.15-1.30 1.15-1.25 70-120

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Jan. 30 Wool lambs > 80 lb.1.90-2.10 Wool lambs < 80 lb. 2.30 Hair lambs 1.80-2.00 Fed sheep 0.50-0.70

1/16 1/23 1/30

Cash Prices Canola (cash - March) $525



$505 12/23 12/30 1/6

Canola (basis - March) $0 $-5 $-10 $-15 $-20 12/23 12/30 1/6

1/13 1/20 1/27

Feed Wheat (cash) $225 $220 $215 $210 $205 12/23 12/30 1/6

n/a 1/13 1/20 1/27

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $510 $505 $500 $495 12/23 12/30 1/6


Hog Slaughter

Hams Mktg. Jan. 27 147.43-148.81 149.27-149.27 150.48-152.78 156.00-159.22 168.34-168.80 171.56-171.56 169.26-171.10 170.64-173.40 166.96-173.07 172.61-173.07 172.15-173.22

To Jan. 21 Canada 1,211,132 1,234,316 -1.9

1/13 1/20 1/27

To date 2012 To date 2011 % change 12/11

Basis: $X


Fed. inspections only U.S. 6,502,896 6,469,296 +0.5

$205 $200 12/23 12/30 1/6

1/13 1/20 1/27

Canola, western barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Agriculture Canada

Index 100 hogs $/ckg Alta. Sask.

155.00 158.84

Man. Que.

159.00 161.68 *incl. wt. premiums

Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)

Export 40,487 (1) 285,921 (2) 1,054,673 (2)

Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Corn (March) $660

(1) to Jan. 14/12

(3) to Jan. 21/12

(2) to Nov. 30/11


% from 2011 -8.9 -14.9 -3.9

Import n/a 11,566 (3) 11,669 (3)

% from 2011 n/a +31.8 -28.2 Agriculture Canada

1/16 1/23 1/30

$600 $580 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Soybeans (March) $1260



1/16 1/23 1/30

Jan. 30 Jan. 23 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Mar 517.20 526.90 -9.70 May 524.10 531.60 -7.50 Jul 524.90 531.10 -6.20 Nov 502.30 507.80 -5.50 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 261.00 258.20 +2.80 Dec 266.00 265.00 +1.00 Mar 273.00 272.10 +0.90 May 276.00 275.10 +0.90 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 268.50 265.00 +3.50 Dec 273.00 271.00 +2.00 Mar 278.00 278.50 -0.50 May 282.00 282.50 -0.50 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Oct 181.00 167.60 +13.40 Dec 184.00 172.60 +11.40 Mar 185.50 175.60 +9.90 Wpg ICE Western Barley ($/tonne) Mar 212.00 212.00 0.00 May 216.00 215.00 +1.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Mar 6.4475 6.1975 +0.2500 May 6.5875 6.3775 +0.2100 Jul 6.7125 6.5425 +0.1700 Dec 7.0350 6.9225 +0.1125 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Mar 2.9200 2.9550 -0.0350 May 2.9375 2.9700 -0.0325 Jul 2.9700 3.0000 -0.0300 Dec 3.0800 3.0975 -0.0175 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Mar 11.8525 12.1750 -0.3225 May 11.9525 12.2550 -0.3025 Jul 12.0500 12.3425 -0.2925 Nov 11.9450 12.0750 -0.1300 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Mar 6.3175 6.2000 +0.1175 May 6.3775 6.2575 +0.1200 Jul 6.4125 6.2975 +0.1150 Dec 5.6475 5.5625 +0.0850 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Mar 8.1900 8.0325 +0.1575 May 8.0500 7.8600 +0.1900 Jul 7.9600 7.7850 +0.1750 Dec 7.7525 7.6200 +0.1325 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Mar 6.9750 6.7350 +0.2400 May 7.0625 6.8300 +0.2325 Dec 7.4400 7.2550 +0.1850

Year ago 603.60 612.40 617.70 572.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 194.00 200.00 8.4075 8.7075 8.8950 9.1925 3.9600 4.0425 4.0575 3.6900 14.1300 14.2325 14.2850 13.4100 6.5950 6.7000 6.7500 5.9125 9.7975 9.8800 9.9125 9.8075 9.2475 9.3575 9.6200

Canadian Exports & Crush




Jan. 20-Jan. 26 U.S. Barley PNW n/a U.S. No. 3 Yellow Corn Gulf n/a U.S. Hard Red Winter Gulf 287.89 U.S. No. 3 Amber Durum Gulf 386.17 U.S. DNS (14%) PNW 353.16 No. 1 DNS (14%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 8.11 No. 1 DNS (13%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 7.26 No. 1 Durum (13%) ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 7.85 No. 1 Malt Barley ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 5.88 No. 2 Feed Barley ($US/bu.)Montana elevator 4.20


Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)


Jan. 25 Jan. 18 Year Ago Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) 189.32 190.65 144.61 Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb) 27.00 27.75 27.60

Grain Futures 1/13 1/20 1/27


Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Jan. 30 Avg. Jan. 23 Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 26.00-27.50 27.21 27.21 Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 16.00-24.00 21.29 21.29 Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 24.00-25.00 24.70 24.70 Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 28.00-29.50 28.82 28.82 Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 15.00-20.50 19.10 19.10 Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) 15.85-17.60 16.81 16.81 Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 12.50-15.75 13.64 13.64 Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) 8.30-9.25 8.59 8.59 Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) 8.30-8.50 8.47 8.47 Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) 7.90-8.40 8.08 8.08 Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) 7.80-8.05 7.96 7.96 Maple peas ($/bu) 7.75-8.00 7.92 7.92 Feed peas ($/bu) 3.50-5.50 4.83 4.83 Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) 34.00-35.75 35.17 35.17 Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) 30.75-31.75 31.08 31.08 Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) 22.60-23.75 23.37 23.37 Canaryseed (¢/lb) 24.75-26.75 26.18 26.18 Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) 26.10-27.50 27.22 27.22 Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) 43.00-47.00 44.00 44.00 Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) 32.30-34.00 33.58 33.58 B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb) 29.90-31.50 31.10 31.10

Canadian Wheat Board



Pulse and Special Crops Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Roy Legumex, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Walker Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

International Grain Prices ($US/tonne)



New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

1/16 1/23 1/30



$145 12/23 12/30 1/9


This wk Last wk Yr. ago 209-211 208-210 190-193

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head)

Fixed contract $/ckg


n/a $140 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Barley Sel. 6-row St. Law.




$350 12/23 12/30 1/9


Hogs / Pork Trade



St. Lawrence Asking

1/16 1/23 1/30



W. Barley (cash - March)

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.




HOGS Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg)



Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)



Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb

To Jan. 21 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2012 152,802 1,834,600 To date 2011 173,251 1,909,661 % Change 12/11 -11.8 -3.9



Durum 1 AD Thunder Bay


Cattle Slaughter


n/a n/a

Rail Previous Jan. 20-Jan. 26 Jan. 13-Jan. 19

Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)

n/a n/a n/a $145 12/23 12/30 1/9

CWB Domestic Asking Prices

Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Feb Apr May Jun

Close Jan. 27 86.68 87.38 96.18 97.35

Close Jan. 20 85.33 87.05 95.45 96.53

Trend +1.35 +0.33 +0.73 +0.82

Year ago 85.75 91.63 98.25 99.43

Jul Aug Oct Dec

EXCHANGE RATE: JAN. 30 $1 Cdn. = $0.9945 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.0055 Cdn.

Close Jan. 27 97.63 97.20 87.38 83.00

Close Jan. 20 96.58 95.95 86.10 82.10

Trend +1.05 +1.25 +1.28 +0.90

Year ago 97.53 97.10 85.70 81.90

$1140 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Oats (March) $340 $320 $300 $280 $260 12/23 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

(1,000 To tonnes) Jan. 22 Wheat 240.4 Durum 39.3 Oats 13.4 Barley 8.6 Flax 2.7 Canola 139.0 Peas 22.0 Canola crush 130.0

To Jan. 15 340.9 92.3 47.5 35.7 1.3 357.2 10.8 125.0

Total to date 6411.9 1669.5 740.8 587.2 115.9 4491.2 1041.3 3142.1

Last year 5453.5 1809.6 619.3 773.2 184.9 3494.1 1241.7 2937.0




CANFAX REPORT PRODUCTION DOWN The consequences of a smaller Canadian cattle herd has been reflected in beef production for 2011. Canfax estimates total production will be 2.9 billion pounds, 14 percent lower than the previous year and the smallest level since 1995. Carcass size is the greatest difference, with a final weight of 857 lb. compared to 768 lb. in 1995. Last year, 2.93 million head were marketed compared to nearly three million 16 years ago.

cut-out values for the week ending Jan. 20 saw both AA and AAA trend $1.50 per cwt. lower than the previous week. Canadian fed slaughter was down three percent from last week at 43,269, and year-to-date volumes for the same time were down 13 percent U.S. processors are facing red ink and passed the losses on to retailers in the form of higher beef prices. Reduced slaughter volume occurred as plants scaled back hours, but buyers are looking for feedlot cattle so prices improved over last week.



The beef trade saw a slight improvement over last week. The Montreal market for next week’s delivery was up $1 from last week, trading at $209$211 per hundredweight. Canadian

Milder western weather saw bigger volumes of cattle come to town and prices surged higher by $7-$9 per cwt. over last week. Heifers were slightly lower.

WP LIVESTOCK REPORT DEMAND REMAINS STRONG Packers paid up this week and received fewer hogs at lower weights, market sources said. However, demand held strong at most locations amid slipping profit margins. Packers had their reasons for continued buying in the face of lower profit margins: the extreme bear might take margins back to break even to compensate for fewer, smaller hogs, lower cut-out values and profit margins. The average pork plant profit margin Jan. 27 was estimated at a negative $16.65 per head. Iowa-southern Minnesota live hogs traded at $66 US per hundredweight Jan. 26, up from $63 Jan. 20. The U.S. pork carcass cut-out value closed at $83.26 Jan. 26, down from $85.64 Jan. 20. The U.S. federal weekly slaughter estimate was 2.167 million, down from 2.221 million the previous week.

SHEEP, LAMBS Beaver Hill Auction in Tofield, Alta., reported 871 sheep and 118 goats sold Jan. 23. Wool lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $246-$275 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $227$258, 86-105 lb. were $195-$235 and 106 lb. and heavier were $184-$198. Wool rams were $89-$110 per cwt. Cull ewes were $85-$100 and bred ewes were $240-$300 per head. Hair lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $230-$258 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $219$250, 86-105 lb. were $180-$200 and 106 lb. and heavier were $170-$188. Hair rams were $85-$95 per cwt. Cull ewes were $90-$110. Good kid goats lighter than 50 lb. were $180-$245. Those heavier than 50 lb. were $200-$245 per cwt. Nannies were $91-$106 per cwt. Billies were $112.50-$140. Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 980 sheep and lambs and nine goats traded Jan. 23. Well-fed light lambs sold in premium ranges. Heavy lambs and goats sold steady. Sheep traded $5-$7 cwt. lower.

BISON The Canadian Bison Association said grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were $3.80-$4 per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers were $3.60-$4. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted. Slaughter cows and bulls averaged $2.40-$2.70. access=subscriber section=markets,none,none

Feedlots are restocking pens as fall yearlings head to market. Steers in the 600-800 lb. range saw the greatest demand with prices up $7.50 per cwt. compared to last week. Heifers in the 500-700 lb. range traded $9-$10 higher. Demand is expected to remain steady next week, but feedlot demand moving forward could soften if overbought cattle futures continue to be liquidated. Top-end feeder steers in the 400–500 lb. range were $175–$210 for the week ending Jan. 27, while heifers were $155–$187 per cwt. The 500–600 lb. category saw steers at $170-$195 and heifers from $147–$175 per cwt. Steers at 600–700 lb. traded at $150$176 with heifers at $132–$159 per cwt. In heavier categories, steers weighing 700–800 lb. fetched $140–$162 and heifers were $137–$159 per cwt. The 800-900 lb. range were $130-$152 and

heifers were $122-$140 per cwt. Ontario prices for all classes were $10 per cwt. lower. U.S. feeder cattle futures remain intact with March closing at $154 US per cwt. Jan. 27.

RAIL GRADE PRICES STRONGER FOR FATS Canfax fed cattle averages for the week found Alberta steers were $114 Cdn per cwt. and $190.50-$191.50 on the rail. No prices were available for live heifers and rail grade quotes were the same as steers. Ontario steers were $119-$126.44 and broke the $200 mark on the rail, selling between $200-$206 per cwt. Heifers were $116.14-$125.42 and $199-$205 for rail grade. Mo re t ha n 5 4 , 3 2 5 h e a d w e nt through federally inspected plants access=subscriber section=markets,none,none

for the week, with the AA grade out performing AAA. Steer slaughter outnumbered heifers at 29,727 head compared to 13,200. Carcasses averaged 825 lb. About 11,000 cows were killed and only 238 bulls last week. D1, D2 cows were $67-$79 per cwt. with an Alberta average of $72.63. Rail grade was strong at $138-$144 per cwt. No bull prices were available. Bred heifers were bid at $1,150$1,275 while bred cows were $1,000$1,490. This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at www.canfax.ca.





Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail: joanne.paulson@producer.com



Prudent antimicrobial use key to food safety, supply


ntibiotic: (noun) A substance capable of destroying or weakening certain micro-organisms, especially bacteria or fungi, that cause infections or infectious diseases. That sounds powerful, doesn’t it? And antibiotics are indeed powerful in protecting human health. Loss of their effectiveness because of development of bacteria resistant to their force is a matter of widespread public concern. If the drug won’t wipe out the bug, there are a limited number of other alternatives to treat infectious diseases. Of course, many of the same antibiotics used for human health reasons are also vital to livestock health and production, and they are widely used in livestock to prevent and treat illness. That wide use may also mean greater opportunity for bacteria to develop resistance. And that’s why microbial use in livestock production is under such scrutiny. The concern isn’t new, by any means. Because of it, the European Union banned the feeding of antibiotics to livestock for growth promotion back in 2006. Resistance had been closely studied before that, and has been since. But now Germany is tightening its checks on antibiotic use in livestock for any purpose, and the United States is considering more stringent rules for use of a large class of microbials called cephalosporins. Concern is clearly intensifying and that should sound a warning bell for Canadian livestock producers. Though a ban on antimicrobial use is unlikely, not to mention foolhardy in terms of animal health and welfare, there could be additional restrictions on use. It could mean more tracking and record keeping. It could mean antimicrobial availability only through veterinary prescription. The potential for higher costs is something producers must consider. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) recently called for action against abuse of antimicrobials in livestock while cautioning against restrictions that would reduce livestock numbers.

“The use of antibiotics is today essential to ensure sufficient animal production to feed the planet,” the OIE director told a news conference. “Without antibiotics, there would be supply problems of animal protein for the human population.” The acknowledgement that excessive limits on livestock antibiotic use could threaten the food supply is testament to their importance in economical production of healthy food. At an international convention in Toronto last fall, researchers agreed that prudent use of antimicrobials in human medicine and livestock production is key to curbing further development of resistant bacteria. They also agreed that the extent of the problem is unknown, so close monitoring is needed. Canada is doing its part. The Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance has been monitoring levels for at least 10 years. Various research projects are underway across Canada to explore and gauge the problem and develop appropriate responses. But livestock producers have the biggest role to play, and it goes back to that word used by international researchers: prudence. Those who use antimicrobials in cattle, hog and poultry production must ensure their use is justified, measured and defensible. Otherwise they run the risk of wide restrictions that could limit their use of antimicrobials, including those that aren’t used in human medicine. As far as the public is concerned, prophylactic use of antimicrobials in particular is poorly understood. Why provide antibiotics to animals that aren’t sick, they ask? It is up to livestock producers and their veterinarians to explain the benefits of preventing illness. Animal production methods must not threaten human health. Livestock producers know that as well as anyone. Their prudence, combined with ongoing research, is required.

When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. ~LEONARDO DA VINCI

A merlin takes off from a fence post near Blackie, Alta. | MIKE STURK PHOTO

Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none


Liberals taking over as de facto opposition party in Parliament NATIONAL VIEW



s Parliament resumed Jan. 30, Liberal MPs seemed to have an added spring in their step and they had reason. Less than nine months after their worst electoral defeat in Canadian history, falling to a poor third place with less than 19 percent of the vote, the party is experiencing something of a revival. Interim leader Bob Rae (that first

word is superfluous since Rae has no intention of being ‘interim’ but until they decide formally, we play their silly game) has been running circles around the (really) interim New Democratic Party leader Nycole Turmel and Liberal MPs have seized the opposition spotlight on many issues. Polling results show the effect, although opinion polls almost four years before the October 2015 election are about as useful as predicting the weather in 2015. On Jan. 30, Nanos Research published a poll that had the Liberals firmly in second place nationally, eight points behind the governing Conservatives but more than two percentage points ahead of the fading NDP who polled 25.2 percent. On May 2 election night, the NDP polled almost 12 percent higher than

the Liberals — 30.6 percent to 18.9 percent. In the Nanos “leadership index,” Rae had less than half the rating of prime minister Stephen Harper but more importantly, more than double the rating for Turmel who is falling as Rae soars. Lest Liberals become giddy with prospects of soon coming out of the electoral woodshed to resume their natural position of government or government-in-waiting, there are clear reasons for the turn around, at least in the short-term. Rae has been a professional politician for more than three decades and knows his way around the arena in both official languages. His disastrous run as a 1990s NDP premier of Ontario is far behind but also not an issue as long as he is not in a serious

race for the prime minister’s office. By contrast, Turmel as a rookie MP and former union leader who speaks Stéphane Dion English was thrust into the unwanted role as opposition leader when Jack Layton died. She is underwhelming. With the NDP leadership race unfolding largely under media radar, eight of the better-performing NDP MPs are out of the picture because they are leadership candidates and have lost their critic roles. Media go where the good quotes lie. Coverage implies credibility and the vicious circle begins. Few issues better illustrate how the NDP has lost its way than the fact that as the debate over the future of the Canadian Wheat Board reached its parliamentary climax late last year, opposition to Conservative plans to

end the single desk became a Liberal crusade. While it had been a natural NDP issue and critic Pat Martin had been the most effective and quotable critic with the CWB head office in his riding, by the time the issue came to a head, NDP guns largely had fallen silent. Liberals, with a spottier record on the CWB, became the champions. It was amazing to watch. The third place party with just one-third of NDP seat totals and almost no Prairie representation became the go-to CWB champions. But the Liberal advantage, now clear, may soon be exposed as a dead cat bounce. Once the NDP have a new leader in late March, the real battle for second place will start and the Liberals should not assume an easy ride.





Manitoba must lead on drainage issues

Speech abroad unlikely to impress retirees



looding was a problem last year not only in Manitoba but also in Saskatchewan. Both provinces faced enormous costs associated with lost crops, washed out roads and culverts and destroyed homes. In fact, flooding in Manitoba will cost taxpayers $1 billion in damages and flood-fighting efforts. This wasn’t the first year Manitoba was forced to deal with water issues. We’ve been plagued by a number of consecutive wet years that have affected people’s livelihoods and caused tremendous emotional stress and hardship for hardworking Manitobans. These are the people who are enduring the real costs of the flood, yet as a province, we haven’t done nearly enough in terms of implementing real solutions to this recurring issue. The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, which witnessed the devastation that flooding brought to its province, realized the ramifications of flooding on the land, and more specifically in terms of drainage and how that affects people and property downstream. As public demand for accountability in the drainage decision-making process continues to grow, SARM recently approved a resolution regarding non-permitted drainage at its midterm convention last fall. The resolution reads: “Enforcement of drainage legislation: where-

Governments must take action on unrestricted drainage and raise awareness of the effects of draining wetlands. | FILE PHOTO as municipalities and landowners are experiencing danger to infrastructure and property from nonpermitted drainage activities, which creates financial hardship for both municipalities and landowners; Be it resolved that SARM lobby the provincial government to enforce provincial land drainage legislation.” Saskatchewan leaders have taken up the cause of encouraging the enforcement of existing drainage

legislation to reduce the financial and physical effects of having more water than they can handle. Manitoba and Saskatchewan both faced unprecedented levels of flooding in 2011, and in both provinces, wetlands continue to be lost at alarming rates. The science is clear: wetland drainage makes flooding worse. Enforcing drainage regulations will not be easy or, in some cases, popular, but it is essential if we are to better

manage our surface water resources in the face of increasingly variable climate extremes. These Saskatchewan municipal leaders get it. They realize that what they are doing to the land not only affects their own province but also their neighbours to the east. They realize that what they are sending downstream, not just water but also sediment and nutrients, is causing water quality problems in many of our rivers and lakes. But most importantly, they are doing something about it. In the past, Manitoba municipalities put forward similar resolutions that resulted in increased awareness of the effects of unrestricted drainage to the government, but it’s time this issue gets back on the provincial agenda. We need to move forward in a more proactive way to raise the awareness of wetland loss and how this loss adds to our flooding woes, and put a stop to it once and for all. An independent flood review is being debated in political circles and the media. If this review does happen, it absolutely must include an evaluation of the effects of wetland drainage and degradation, and provide recommendations to protect and restore their flood-fighting capabilities. Politics aside, whether we do a review or not, we need to stop draining wetlands or our next flood will be worse.

Grant is manager of provincial operation for Ducks Unlimited Canada in Manitoba. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none


Use crop insurance ineligibility to address disease HURSH ON AG



eeding canola on canola stubble is a poor management practice. So is planting lentils on lentil stubble. There’s a simple policy adjustment by which these dangerous crop rotations could be discouraged. Don’t offer crop insurance coverage if producers are seeding canola on canola or lentils on lentils. Right now, there seems to be the greatest imperative with canola. Researchers and specialists are worried about the spread of clubroot. It is a serious problem in parts of Alberta, has been detected in Saskatchewan and could quickly spread unless there’s preventive action. Crop rotation won’t prevent the spread of clubroot to clean fields, but

it will restrict disease development within fields and perhaps limit the overall severity. Blackleg is another disease where the action plan should include crop rotation. Otherwise the blackleg resistance bred into canola varieties is more likely to break down. Within lentils, researchers have long worried about the buildup of diseases such as ascochyta and anthracnose. A great deal of producer money has been spent on the development of varieties with natural disease resistance. Ill-advised rotations put that variety investment in jeopardy. Research shows that canola and lentils typically have lower yields when grown back to back, but producers do it for economic reasons. When a crop is profitable, you want to plant more acres of it. Short canola rotations are more typical in the black soil zone, while lentils are an important cropping option for the brown and dark brown soil zones, which are drier. Lentil acreage is likely to drop this year. Since it’s no longer a shining star on the profitability chart, there’s

little reason to push the rotation. However, many analysts are predicting the highest acreage of canola ever, meaning there will be increased pressure to breach rotational guidelines. Why should crop insurance be offered on crops in cases where producers are putting themselves and their neighbours at an increased disease risk? The cost of crop insurance is heavily subsidized by the two levels of government, so it’s reasonable for the program to be used as a policy tool. Even for those who don’t subscribe to crop insurance, denying coverage would be a clear signal that dangerous agronomic practices are frowned upon. This approach was taken with chickpeas in Saskatchewan more than a decade ago when acreage was rapidly expanding. Crop insurance coverage was denied if you didn’t follow a proper rotation. Ascochyta is extremely aggressive in chickpeas, and many fields were complete writeoffs because of the disease. If memory serves, you could only grow chickpeas on the same land once in every three years if you

wanted crop insurance coverage. The policy isn’t so strict anymore because chickpea acreage has dropped, more and better fungicides are available and newer varieties have improved disease resistance. However, the experience with chickpeas proves that the rule is easy to implement. Crop insurance records show what crops are seeded on each quarter section each year. It’s relatively easy for program administrators to monitor crop rotations. Battling a clubroot problem is going to be expensive. As with most situations, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Changing crop insurance policy wouldn’t cost governments anything and yet could be one of the best preventive tools. Some producers would be upset, particularly the ones who are pushing their rotations. Governments don’t like to take flak, but that shouldn’t prevent them from doing what’s right. I welcome your feedback on this idea. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at kevin@hursh.ca. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none




here are right ways and wrong ways to do certain important things. For example, if you are going to break up with someone, it’s generally accepted that doing so face to face is significantly more respectful than, say, e-mailing. It’s also better than breaking bad news during a speech delivered on the other side of the world. Yet that was prime minister Stephen Harper’s venue —specifically, Davos, Switzerland — for telling Canadians that he is planning changes to unfunded pension support. Namely, he is intending to cut the Old Age Security program and hinting at raising the eligibility age. It’s slightly more than $500 per month but still makes a difference to many seniors, and not just those living near the poverty line, either. His point that the number of Canadians who will be applying for OAS in the next 20 years will soar is welltaken, certainly. Canadians older than 65 will number 9.3 million 20 years from now, a huge jump from 4.7 million today. Selling this to older Canadians, however, may not be as politically easy as he thinks. Those of us who are not too far away from needing OAS may remember that the former Conser vative government of Brian Mulroney tried the same thing. During the recession of the early 1980s, Mulroney proposed cutting back OAS and family allowances. His timing, of course, coming during a recession, was spectacularly bad. The policy was vigorously slammed by labour, anti-poverty and seniors groups, and caused enough backlash to force Mulroney to back down. That attempt got more publicity, but a Liberal government tried it, too. Whether Canada is heading for a double dip recession remains to be seen, and Harper is presently more popular than was Mulroney. Still, the impression that this government is planning to balance future books on the backs of seniors may not go over well. In addition, there’s that thing about delivering policy decisions from afar. I don’t know if there’s a good way to tell aging Canadians that some of their expected retirement funds will be unavailable, but outlining the policy in someone else’s country is not the best approach. Call me crazy, but how about putting it in an election campaign, or even a throne speech? This approach is tantamount to breaking up with someone by e-mail. access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none



LETTERS POLICY: Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author. Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.


OPEN FORUM Viterra alone to earn an extra $40 to $50 million a year without the CWB. That’s coming from farmers. Some are now calling Gerry’s botch up another grain company. However, it has no elevators, no agents, no delivery points, few field staff, no terminal elevators and a mandated life expectancy of five years or less. This doesn’t sound like a winning recipe. It sounds like buying shares in an ostrich farm. Leo Howse, Porcupine Plain, Sask.

To the Editor: If someone had told me the Canadian Wheat Board would have a chairman who was not a farmer, I would have said they were crazy. How could an organization which represents farmers have anyone other than a farmer as its chairman? But Gerry’s grain company is nothing like the former CWB. It has no farmer-elected directors; federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz appointed them all. Its chairman is a former grain company executive from a failed grain company. Instead of making money for farmers, Gerry’s grain company will be taking money from farmers. It is no longer the farmers’ voice in negotiating freight rates, ocean shipping, blending or even grain handling fees. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce reports that it expects access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none

to not ask farmers in a plebiscite about the future of the CWB also is therefore a false argument. The right to sell my property, i.e. my own wheat, to whomever I like should not be a collective decision. It is like saying if the majority of people vote against “freedom of the press,” it would make it OK to get rid of that right. Every democracy is based on the guarantee of certain rights, which are non-negotiable. One of these rights has been taken from farmers for some purpose a long time ago, and the government is simply returning it to them. It’s the least it can do.

RIGHTS GUARANTEES To the Editor: To all people who question the legitimacy of the parliament to strip the Canadian Wheat Board of its buying monopoly, I only ask this: who is the legitimate owner of the wheat I and each individual farmer grows on his or her own land with his or her own money? If you agree with the obvious answer that the wheat I grow, on my own land with my own money, is my property, then the answer to the question of legitimacy becomes not only painfully obvious, but it begs the question on what basis is it legitimate for the CWB to have a buying monopoly in the first place. The favourite argument of the proCWB crowd that it is anti-democratic

Andreas Boersch, Elie, Man.

NEED FLOODING ANSWERS To the Editor: For thousands of Manitobans, 2011 will be remembered as the year of the flood. Unfortunately, hundreds of flood victims from around Lake Manitoba still can’t return to their homes. Complete flood clean-up and restoration could take years in some regions. Flood-related costs are expected to hit $815 million by the end of the current fiscal year, and will continue to rise. Many flood victims are growing increasingly frustrated trying to navigate the compensation system. Still

others need to know when added flood mitigation strategies will be implemented…. People deserve answers. Months ago, Manitoba’s Progressive Conservatives called for an independent inquiry into the handling and impact of the flood. Given that the flood’s size, scale, cost and severity were so great, it seems negligent not to call such an inquiry. It is needed to examine both provincial actions and resources, and to ensure compensation programs are being delivered in a fair and timely fashion. Yet the NDP government refuses to call an independent inquiry. A comprehensive look at matters such as preparedness, monitoring, communications, operation of flood control works and long-term mitigation strategies can only be good for Manitobans. We need answers on issues such as why the gates on the Shellmouth Dam promised by the NDP weren’t built. We need answers about why the Assiniboine River dikes weren’t rehabilitated well in advance of the 2011 flood. We need answers about questions related to the forecasting. We recognize many things were done right during the flood, but there is always room for improvement. While the events are still fresh in people’s minds, we need a transparent process to evaluate the actions taken and to look at alternatives. A review was done after the 1997 Red River flood and it led to some good

long-term recommendations. …As public policy makers, we have an obligation to try to minimize the effects of future floods. A public inquiry is needed now. It’s high time for the NDP government to be more open and accountable when it comes to its handling of this devastating event. Ian Wishart, MLA for Portage la Prairie, Man., and PC water stewardship critic Winnipeg, Man.

NO FREEDOM? To the Editor: Federal agriculture minister (Gerry) Ritz’s idea of democracy regarding grain marketing freedom for western Canadian farmers is, from start to finish, delusional and farcical. Farmers were never properly consulted; there were no public meetings. Ritz maintains the ludicrous idea that sending out publicly funded mailings to farmers is consultation. There was also no cost benefit analysis of this policy change. Where is this comprehensive plan, minister Ritz, and if it exists, can everyone see the benefits? If Bill C-18 really has such widespread support as Ritz continues to claim, then there should be absolutely no issue with holding a vote. But this continues to be ignored, no

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OPINION doubt because Ritz and his shadow farm groups have something to fear. With no analysis and farmer vote, how can anyone confidently conclude that this monumental change will provide an advantage to farmers?nYet this underlies Ritz’s campaign and stance. He has spread untruths throughout this debate and ultimately, he and his fellow Conservatives have taken away the democratic right from farmers. Not allowing farmers to vote on their marketing agency is un-Canadian. Canadians, and not just farmers, should be seriously asking themselves where this will stop and what’s next? Kyle Korneychuk, Pelly, Sask.

SHOWING CONTEMPT To the Editor: I am very disappointed with the attitude of Bob Bjornerud, agriculture minister of Saskatchewan, in siding with Gerry Ritz, federal agriculture minister, on the Canadian Wheat Board issue. By encouraging Ritz to proceed with the legislation and not respecting the court’s decision that producers should be allowed a vote on the mandate of the CWB shows contempt for farmers. Farmers want a vote on the CWB’s future, and Ritz is refusing. Bjornerud should know cattle farmers have an open market system to sell their cattle. Yet we are losing

cattle farmers off the land, which are losing money in their operations. No value-added slaughter plants are left in Saskatchewan. Cattle have to be shipped to other provinces. The United States has had the open market grain system from the start yet they have to depend on U.S. taxpayers to subsidize to keep their farmers financially afloat. Will governments be willing to subsidize farmers here if the open market fails, as it happens in the U.S.? Do you think those multinational

grain companies that drifted from the U.S. into Canada will look after farmers first or multinationals? As farmers, we have marketed/ priced our grain through the CWB and the open market. There is no law against me selling grain to anyone … all except export CWB grain, which will not even happen when we lose the CWB. Export grain then will have to go through the multinational companies. As farmers, we have other greater issues in agriculture: freight rates,

poor roads, service issues with the railways, but Bjornerud doesn’t seem to have time for those issues. Yet he appears to make negative comments on an institution in which farmers, not politicians, elect the directors to run the CWB on their behalf. I’m sure someday Bjornerud will be rewarded for his work against the majority of farmers’ wishes and will become our next senator. Eric Sagan, Melville, Sask.

Real life makes memories, faith more meaningful



he road to our little country church blew closed during the extreme weather of winter, so we considered alternative locations for our monthly worship services. One Sunday we met in a quonset workshop. The theme was “small can be beautiful.” We helped the children make wren houses and talked about Jesus’ fondness for the smallest creatures. Another Sunday, just before Christmas, we gathered in a barn to get in access=subscriber section=opinion,none,none

touch with the earthiness of the nativity story. The smell of the hay, the warmth generated by the livestock, the realism of our older men coming as the Three Wisemen — it was quite unforgettable. Only one young woman in our southern Saskatchewan community was Ukrainian. When we accepted her invitation to join the family for a Ukrainian Christmas eve supper, amazing things began to happen. Her mother arrived with all the paraphernalia: linens, dishes and groceries. Baba then proceeded to involve her son-in-law and grandsons in preparing for this grand event. What a bustling household. What a stir this cultural opportunity caused, both among the family and the tiny congregation. When we arrived, the young father was most generous in extending the family’s hospitality and proudly

showed us these special traditions. These unconventional worship events weren’t as controlled as when we met in church. Compressors came on at inconvenient moments. Pigs screamed when a photographer stepped in their pen. The minister was told the grace shouldn’t be too long because the food was getting cold. But each gathering had a unique richness of meaning because they connected the mysteries of the faith with the life of our community. They formed memories and meanings we shall not forget. Faith is not about what other people tell us. It is about things we understand when the Almighty makes direct contact with each person. Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian ruralchurch.net.

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Ranchers told to saddle up for good times Feeder cattle in demand | “If you’re in cow-calf, this is what you live for,” says economist BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

The future of the Canadian cattle feeding industry is bright, but it is brightest of all for cow-calf producers, says a U.S. economist. Bruce Ginn, a partner in BMI Ag Services in Kansas, recently told cattle feeders that they face short-term challenges but a positive future because of low cattle numbers driving demand. Low supplies are raising the cost of replacement animals, and risk management will be vital. “I think the long-term future for the industry is positive, but that’s with the caveat that you’ve got to get over these challenges,” he said. Ranchers, on the other hand, are looking at two or three years of high times. “The most profitable segment of the industry, given the supply-

demand situation, is absolutely the rancher, and that’s not going to change for a couple years,” Ginn said in a later interview. “If you’re in cow-calf, this is what you live for.” Cattle numbers in the United States are at their lowest point in 40 years, he said. Canadian numbers are also low. With feeders looking to fill their yards, demand for cattle will be fierce in both countries. “The United States is going to represent that giant sucking sound for feeder cattle demand, just because prices are going to be high and there’s going to be a lot of operations in the States that are going to be willing to pay a lot of money for feeder cattle from this country,” said Ginn. Drought in the southern U.S. has depleted the herd. It has been particularly severe in Texas, which has 12 percent of the country’s cattle.

Ginn expects as many as one million fewer cattle in the next inventory report. Beef demand is firm, but the real growth last year was in exports. Domestic demand exceeded production, but imports from Canada and Mexico backfilled supply. U.S. beef exports returned to 2003 levels, and Ginn projects exports of more than three billion pounds in 2012. That could rise substantially if Japan relaxes its rules to accept beef from animals younger than 30 months. Ginn said only 15 percent of available U.S. beef fits Japan’s younger than 20 months requirement, but 30 to 35 percent is younger than 30 months. “Since they need the product, guess what, they’re willing to consider changing the rule, which has no basis in science at all.” It all adds up to a positive outlook,

but feeder and packer margins will be tight until supply increases, he said. Canada’s exports of feeder and fed cattle were low this year. Resolution of the country-of-origin labelling issue could affect that, but the U.S. hasn’t yet indicated whether it plans to appeal a World Trade Organization ruling against COOL. Ginn said branded beef companies never supported COOL, and he hopes it will be rescinded. “What it’s done is increase our cost substantially,” he said. “It’s increased the complexity of our message to our consumer and basically we got no benefits from it. What should happen is they should not appeal the WTO ruling. “The government should negotiate a way to transition to a less onerous, less impactful deal on the food chain. That would be the best case for the industry.” access=subscriber section=news,none,none

Economist Bruce Ginn says the smaller U.S. herd and higher exports are good news for ranchers. | BARB GLEN PHOTO FOR A STORY ON THE DROUGHT IN THE SOUTHERN UNITED STATES, SEE PAGE 30.


Ag leaders brace for cuts in jobs, research funding in cost-cutting budget BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

With MPs back on Parliament Hill this week and the explosive Canadi-

an Wheat Board debate largely behind them, most agricultural issues will fly below the radar in the winter session. The House of Commons agricul-

ture committee will return to its lowkey hearings on the next generation of Growing Forward programs with a port not ex report expected before March. Opposition MPs will try to bring

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AGROTAIN® N stabilizer is important to help you get the most out of your nitrogen. But it’s also important to get the most acres planted in a day. As you might realize, filling up your tank with fertilizer and dragging it around the field slows down seeding. That’s exactly why you should consider getting most of your nitrogen out of the tank. Sure, a starter fertilizer with nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus is a worthwhile investment. But consider the time and effort you would save if you didn’t apply all of your nitrogen at seeding. AGROTAIN® nitrogen stabilizer makes it possible to take N out of the tank and broadcast on the surface and protect it from loss. 1. use a pre-seed nitrogen application spread ahead of planting, and 2. top-dress after planting.

Pre-seeding As Eric Oliver, an SSCA with Swift Current in Saskatchewan says, “With the higher cost of nitrogen per pound it makes sense to use AGROTAIN® stabilizer, making sure that you get the nutrients you pay for to the crop. We use AGROTAIN® stabilizer as a way to spread out our work load by applying either UAN or dry urea ahead of the grower, and by making sure he’s not losing any precious nitrogen before he can get it incorporated.” Top-dressing With Canada’s short growing season, a top-dress application of nitrogen after crop emergence has many of its own benefits too. For example, if growing conditions improve after seeding and if your crop is showing signs of nitrogen deficiency.

Either way, you still get the critical nutrition the crop needs — when the plants need it. And, it also allows you to speed up seeding by not having to stop and refill as frequently. And that helps you get the most return out of your investment. If you have a question for the Nitrogen Miser or would like more information about Stabilized Nitrogen Technology, don’t hesitate to contact me at shawn.colborn@kochind.com or 306-381-3335. Or call (866) 863-5550 for more information.


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before the committee lingering questions about life after the CWB monopoly and the effect on food safety of projected job cuts at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, but the Conservative majority will have the numbers to block those suggestions. However, agricultural issues are definitely embedded in what will be the centrepiece of the government’s parliamentary agenda for the year — presentation of the deficit-cutting 2012 budget in March. All departments have been ordered to draw up plans that would see expenditures cut five to 10 percent. That has opposition agriculture critics worried and industry leaders nervous. “I have a lot of fears about the impact this budget will have on the agriculture budget and programming,” New Democrat agriculture critic Malcolm Allen said. “I fear costs will be downloaded from government to industry and farmers. I fear that cuts at the CFIA will undermine food safety.” He said finance minister Jim Flaherty’s budget will be a reflection of agriculture minister Gerry Ritz’s clout at the cabinet table. “It is my view that he is a weak minister and I guess a test will be how well he can defend what must be defended.” Liberal critic Frank Valeriote said his biggest worry is that research


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spending will be cut. Canadian governments are already lagging other developed nations in the amount of public money invested in research, innovation and commercialization. “We are significantly under-spending and my concern is that less will be invested in research and more will be reliant on private sector investment, which is by nature short term.” Agriculture committee chair Larry Miller said cuts are coming but from his involvement in a caucus committee looking at potential savings, he expects cuts of low-priority programs and not core functions. “I don’t see anything detrimental to agriculture, but with a department that size, there surely is fat to be trimmed,” said the Conservative MP. Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said farm leaders complained the sector had been disproportionately hurt when a Liberal government tabled the last major deficit-cutting budget in 1995. “I’m hopeful that while agriculture will receive some cuts, it won’t be disproportionate this time,” he said. “Compared to 1995, I think there is a better understanding of the important role agriculture plays in the economy and in health policy.” Bob Seguin, executive director of the George Morris Centre in Guelph, Ont., lived through the federal and provincial budget cuts of the mid1990s as a senior Ontario provincial bureaucrat and has no doubt the savings can be found without cutting too deeply into necessary programs. He said it will be a matter of choices for the Conservatives. “It is doable,” he said. “It would be surprising to see major programs gutted, but do the Conservatives use this to have a serious conversation about what services don’t have to be delivered or what programs or staff positions are not necessary because of information technology or other advances?”





China bans India meal imports Chemical in soybean, canola meal | Door opens to Canadian exports BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM


A great horned owl watches for prey as a full moon rises behind it. | MIKE STURK PHOTO

China has banned imports of oilseed meal from India, creating a soybean and canola meal export opportunity in one of the world’s largest meal markets. The ban, which was implemented Jan. 1, is due to the detection of malachite green in rapeseed meal shipments from India. Malachite green is a hazardous chemical used in dyes. China warned India about the issue last June. The warning prompted India’s agriculture and commerce ministries to conduct a study in conjunction with the Solvent Extractors Association of India. The study concluded the contamination stemmed from the use of a green dye to mark jute bags containing the rapeseed meal.

India exported 344,140 tonnes of oilseed meal to China between April and December 2011, 79 percent of which was rapeseed meal. Removing India from the list of eligible exporters leaves a big void for a country that imported 2.87 million tonnes of oilseed meal in 2009-10, half of which was rapeseed meal. “Canola will certainly get a piece of that, but we’d likely see soybeans get a big piece of that as well,” said Cory McArthur, vice-president of market development with the Canola Council of Canada. Canola meal is priced higher than rapeseed meal, which makes McArthur wonder if there will be much substitution. “I don’t know how significant it necessarily will be,” he said. “Time will tell.” McArthur hasn’t yet seen a bump

in canola meal exports to China because of the ban, but the council has been doing a lot of market development work in that country. Feeding trials conducted in conjunction with China’s five largest dairy firms, which account for 75 percent of the country’s dairy production, helped convince Chinese nutritionists there are no feed intake issues with canola meal. They were skeptical because cows tend to reject bitter-tasting rapeseed meal. One company realized feed cost savings of $1 million by incorporating the ingredient in feed rations, and two companies witnessed a 0.5 to one kilogram per cow per day increase in milk production. “Our momentum certainly from a meal standpoint is strong already, so this (Indian ban) can only enhance that,” said McArthur. access=subscriber section=news,international_ag,none


New pork council chair eager to press for survival tools ership after his wife and son agreed to pick up more of the workload on the family farm.


The recently elected chair of the Canadian Pork Council says that after years of industry losses, there are reasons for hope, optimism and new young entrants. Jean-Guy Vincent’s 35-year-old son, David, is a symbol of that hope. He is part of his family hog operation near Drummondville, Que., east of Montreal and sees a future in the business. “I think young people considering the industry should be optimistic,” Vincent said. “My son has lived through the problems of the past few years and he still thinks the future is good.” Vincent said there are reasons to hope that the devastation of the past four years is behind the industry. Producers were rocked by years of losses caused by high feed costs, herd health issues, ill-placed consumer fears about swine flu being connected to pork, a strong Canadian dollar that reduced the value of exports and a government assistance program that offered little support because reference margins had been wiped out. The industry lost thousands of producers and significant production, in part through a government buy-out program. “They were very rough years and I hope it is over, but I understand the hog industry is always a challenge,” Vincent said. “Agriculture in Canada is a challenge. We have a higher cost of production because of weather and with a small inside (domestic) market, we depend on exports.” Those challenges are why Vincent, former head of the Quebec hog producers’ marketing board, said he wants the priority of his time as CPC chair to be lobbying for the tools the industry needs to survive. Even with the prospect of lower feed costs because of falling grain prices, the notoriously cyclical


industry needs help “to get over the downs.” The tools include industry and government investment, closer cooperation with processors and retailers, emphasis on expanding export markets and improvements in farm business risk management programs such as AgriStability. It also includes a pork council demand that governments renew funding for the Canadian Swine Health Board, which has worked on biosecurity issues, disease risk management strategies and research into emerging hog diseases. The four-year, $37.3 million government funding commitment to the health board expires March 31, 2013, when the current Growing Forward programs expire. The hog industry wants a renewal of that funding to be part of federal-provincial negotiations over details of the next five-year set of programs. “It is one of the tools we need. It helps producers to achieve biosecurity on the farm and that is a very important part of our future. We need that organization to keep going,” he said. Vincent has been in the Quebec farm sector for 41 years after he joined his father on his dairy and hog operation in Sainte-Séraphine, Que. Since 1985, it has been primarily a hog operation with a 40-sow operation on one farm and a second farm that finishes 1,800 hogs. The Vincents market 25,000 hogs annually. They also plant 2,000 acres in soybeans and corn, mainly to make feed for the pigs. He said he decided to accept the time-demanding pork council leadaccess=subscriber section=news,livestock,none

“There is a reason I didn’t do this until I was 62,” he said. “I guess I am semi-retired on the farm.”

His years as head of the Quebec hog board also prepared the family for the demands of the national role.

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Ticket tossed on technicality ‘I hope it’s not over’ | Alberta rancher calls for changes to trucking rules BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Bill Homans was fined $354 while hauling a neighbour’s cattle in his stock trailer. A technical error on the ticket quashed the fine but now he hopes the issue at the core of the charge will be dealt with. | BARB GLEN PHOTO

BEAVER MINES, Alta. — Most people would be delighted to beat a

traffic ticket on a technicality. Pincher Creek area rancher Bill Homans is pleased he doesn’t have to pay a $354 fine but now hopes the question of whether ranchers can

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legally haul cattle for each other can be answered. “I don’t think it’s over,” said Homans a few days after his ticket was quashed in provincial court because of an error in the date. “I hope it’s not over. I’d like to see some kind of a change in the regulations where you can help a neighbour.” Homans’ story began in October, when he used his stock trailer to help another rancher haul 13 steers to the auction market in Fort Macleod, Alta. He was stopped by an Alberta transportation officer and ticketed for “operating a commercial vehicle in a prohibited manner” and “unauthorized operation of a public vehicle (with) farm plates for commercial purposes.” At issue was the fact that he didn’t own the cattle in his trailer. However, he was following the owner of the cattle, who was driving his own truck and trailer with additional steers. The matter raised widespread concern that ranchers could no longer freely haul cattle for each other. It is common practice for them to haul small numbers of each other’s cattle for short trips if one of them doesn’t have enough trailer capacity or if timing is an issue. It’s an exchange of favours and no money is involved. Until Homans’ experience, no one realized there was any legal problem. In fact, the law does not address the legality of hauling other people’s cattle anywhere other than grazing leases. Homans said he received phone calls from all over Western Canada after his ticket was reported in the media. “There were all kinds of people from all over Alberta. I’ve heard feedback from as far away as Manitoba,” he said. Many encouraged him to fight the ticket and offered help with court costs. “We had a fellow drive in here, right up to the door, with his chequebook. I told him it wasn’t necessary.” One of the earliest phone calls came from Patrick Lannan, a lawyer from Claresholm, Alta., who took his case pro bono and represented Homans in court Jan. 18. Though the ticket was quashed, the charge can be re-issued if officials decide to do so. Lannan didn’t speculate on whether that would happen. “The issue has never been decided, at least by a court. My interpretation is, and I looked at various legislation, and I could not find out how he could be classed as a commercial vehicle as he wasn’t doing it for remuneration,” Lannan said. “Fortunately for Bill, it’s gone away but there’s still this dark cloud hanging over every rancher who participates and helps his neighbour.” After hearing about Homans’ case, members of Alberta Beef Producers passed a resolution directing the board to investigate and report on regulations regarding “goodwill” trucking of livestock. The resolution is scheduled to be dealt with at the Feb. 15 board meeting, according to an ABP spokesperson. As well, Homans discussed the issue with his MLA, Evan Berger, who is the provincial agriculture minister.





Online database brings herbarium into homes 21,000 plant specimens | University’s collection helps visitors identify plants and accepts specimens of regional flora BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

There’s no one named Herb in the University of Lethbridge herbarium. But there is something named Zygophyllaceae larrea tridentata and something else named Pinaceae pseudotsuga menziesii. And so much more. The general public will soon be able to see the university’s entire dried plant collection without leaving their home computer. Photos of 21,000 plant specimens are being digitized and will be available online, complete with scientific name, location, collection time, phenology and habitat. Though larger herbaria in Calgary and Edmonton are also planning to digitize, U of L herbarium curator John Bain said the Lethbridge collection will be the first one finished. It will then connect with other herbaria as part of an international resource. “For anybody that wants to identify a plant, the herbarium becomes a critical tool,� said Bain. Books and field guides might suffice for the layman, but access to the actual plant is important for professional botanists, consultants and people doing vegetation surveys, he added. “The digitizing of the herbarium

represents recognition that it’s an important resource and should be more accessible to people so they can make more of it.� Digitization will give the public a quick method of access, but the actual plant specimens, called vouchers, will still be available to the public, as always, by appointment. U of L instructor Joanne Golden, a botanist, is one of the people who can guide visitors in herbarium use. The dried samples are labelled and stored on campus. “They’re very fragile, so we’ll show you how to handle a stack of herbarium specimens, and yes, you’re welcome to access them,� she said as she deftly removed poplar vouchers from a grey metal filing cabinet. “We want people to access the collection. There’s no point in having a collection without it being a working collection,� she added. The technical definition of a herbarium is simply a collection of dried plants systematically arranged. The U of L collection was initiated by former curator Job Kuijt, said Bain. “He understood that having a reference collection of the local flora, for teaching and for any kind of local research, was critical,� Bain said. Kuijt asked other herbaria for duplicates within their collection, and he responded in kind with his

The University of Lethbridge’s herbarium is a resource for plant identification and comparison. The digitized herbarium can be found through the U of L library website at uleth.ca/lib. Look for resources, and then go to digitized collections. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS own duplicate samples from an extensive collection of flora from Waterton Lakes National Park. “It makes sense. You collect a lot locally and you end up with a lot of the same thing,� Bain said. “It becomes kind of like trading stamps or baseball cards. You say I’ll give you 10 of these if you give me something that I don’t have.� Kuijt’s Waterton collection is significant because of the diversity within park boundaries. Bain said

the region has great botanical interest within North America and the highest level of biodiversity in the province. The park was designated as a World Biosphere Reserve in 1979 and a World Heritage Site in 1995, largely because of that biodiversity. Golden said the herbarium continues to grow as botanists, students and those interested in regional flora provide specimens. Samples are also occasionally bequeathed to the uni-

versity. The U of L collection mostly comprises Alberta flora, but it also has vouchers from the federal agriculture department collection and some from Manitoba and other locales. Anyone can collect specimens acceptable to the herbarium, Golden added. “It does not have to be collected by a botanist. If you want to collect plants, we’ll show you how to collect them, how to press them for the maximum amount of information and we can offer you space to come and identify them.� Collectors should make notes on where and when the plant was found, the type of soil and habitat and any other information thought relevant to its identification and location. “When you press it, you try to press it so you can see the front of the leaf and the back of the leaf,� Golden said. “Press your sample with as much information as the researcher would need in order to identify a particular plant.� Golden said the university receives occasional requests to identify particular plants. The digital database may help people in these efforts, and often university botanists can identify plants from photos. She enjoys the interest people show in Alberta flora. access=subscriber section=news,none,none


Now we mean to fix it

Most of you will be very familiar with the publication pictured below. It is the 2012 Saskatchewan Seed Guide, and we are very proud of it. It contains essential information and resources to plan your upcoming crop year. It also contains an error that was not ing list contains the names of companies that were awarded licence licenc rights in and distribute ute u new crop varieties developed by Agriculture Canada. caught in our production process. On page 52, the 2011 Variety Request for Proposals has an NO PROPOSA N S Company incorrect column of data. ACCEPTED ed Spring Wheat Semican Incorporated To your right you’ll see a peel-o sticker. We’d like you to help us ring Wheat FOLLO Seed Depot BW410 Spr Canterra get you the right information in the right spot. So please, peel the ring Wheat BW425 Spr FP Genetics sticker and place it over the Company information on page 52 of GP047 Spri ean SeCan Association your 2012 Saskatchewan Seed Guide. HB122 Two White Spring Wheat SeCan Association HR174 Nav We hate to make you work for your information, but you’re not Prairie Spring Wheat FP Genetics HR177 Nav Pea Hadland Seed Farms Ltd. one to shy away from a bit of work, right? HR200 Nav ada soybean riculture Can t s Results of Ag e u a q e R ty 2011 Vaforrie Proposals nce rights in 2011 to multiply Wheatgrass


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Step 2. Turn to page 52 Step 3. Peel the above sticker Step 4. Place sticker over data on page 52 Step 5. Relax and enjoy!


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Crop research projects get record ADF funding Oilseed research gets the most money at $4.1 million BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Saskatchewan crop researchers qualified for $8.3 million in government funding through the province’s Agriculture Development Fund in 2012. It was the highest amount ever approved by the ADF in a single funding year. The money, which is usually distributed over several years, will help access=subscriber section=news,none,none

Geese near Chestermere, Alta., don’t seem to be in any hurry to make their way south. |




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pay for research that could result in higher yielding crops, better disease resistance and crops with enhanced nutritional and end-use qualities. Funding for ADF-supported programs comes from the Saskatchewan and federal governments. The two levels of government make a joint funding announcement each year, usually in early January. This year’s $8.3 million will provide support to 34 crop-related projects and will be split between research in oilseeds ($4.1 million), cereal crops ($2.3 million), pulse crops ($1.2 million), fruit and vegetables ($527,000) and other crops ($38,000). University of Saskatchewan researchers were by far the biggest beneficiaries. U of S researchers, including those at the university’s Crop Development Centre, received nearly $5.7 million. The remaining $2.6 million will be shared between researchers at the National Research Council ($710,000), Agriculture Canada ($594,000), Agrisoma Biosciences ($490,000), Linnaeus Plant Sciences ($435,000), Quantum Biosciences ($200,000) and the University of Regina ($173,000). ADF funding represents one of the major funding sources available to Saskatchewan crop researchers. Additional funding is also available through other government programs, producer check-off programs and private sector partnerships. One of the biggest individual winners in this year’s ADF announcement was U of S plant researcher Martin Reaney, whose project qualified for $732,000 in funding. Reaney’s project, entitled Processing of High Glucosinolate Cruciferous Plants, is aimed at developing a process to produce biopesticide concentrates from cruciferous plants grown in Saskatchewan. Other oilseed-related projects approved for ADF funding include: • an Agriculture Canada project aimed at identifying virulence factors that contribute to blackleg in canola • an Agrisoma project aimed at introducing new traits into carinata and developing a new industrial oilseed with improved oil characteristics that are suited to the biofuel industry • a CDC project that could lead to the development of early-maturing or northern-adapted flax varieties • an NRC project that examines clubroot resistance genes and associated markers in canola. The project could pave the way for the development of new clubroot resistant canola varieties using marker-assisted breeding SaskCanola chair Brett Halstead said government funding delivered through the ADF not only supports research but also contributes to the profitability of individual farmers. “Research is critical to the success of canola producers and we support these projects, which will help improve farmers’ profits,” he said. A complete list of projects approved for ADF funding can be found at www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/ADF.





2012 Nuffield winners named The scholarship is to help individuals carry out innovation and ideas in their industry BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Two Albertans have been selected as the 2012 recipients of the Canadian Nuffield Farming Scholarship. Brenda Schoepp of Rimbey and Ryan Bonnett of Airdrie will join Crosby Devitt of Guelph, Ont., as this year’s scholars. The Nuffield program provides $15,000 to each scholar. Schoepp is a marketing adviser and publisher of Beeflink, a weekly newsletter on beef and cattle marketing. She also coaches corporate execu-

tives in production agriculture, research and agribusiness. Schoepp and her husband own and operate a ranch near Rimbey. She plans to study the needs and successes of women in agribusiness so that she can build a Canadian mentorship model, according to a Nuffield news release. Bonnett is a marketing adviser for Farmlink Marketing Solutions, which specializes in crop marketing and sales consultation. He is originally from a grain farm near Gravelbourg, Sask. Bonnett plans to explore grain mar-

keting and production risk management around the world and use the information to develop new practices for growers in Western Canada. Devitt works for Grain Farmers of Ontario and plans to investigate grain research partnerships. Scholarships are awarded to people “who are judged to have the greatest potential to create value for themselves, their industries and their communities through the doors which will be opened and the opportunities provided,” said the news release. Applications for 2013 scholarships are due April 30. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

Cattle rancher Brenda Schoepp of Rimbey, Alta., is one of this year’s Nuffield scholarship winners. | FILE PHOTO


Construction begins on ethanol plant BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

Construction has begun on an ethanol plant beside the Growing Power Hairy Hill biorefinery in northeastern Alberta. In August, the facility plans to start buying 110,000 tonnes of wheat and triticale from local farmers for ethanol production. The 40 million litre ethanol plant will produce wet distillers grain for the adjacent 36,000 head Highland Feeders feedlot and ethanol for the Alberta market. The facility will specialize in producing ultra low-carbon fuel ethanol that exceeds the most stringent carbon standards in the world, said chief executive officer Shane Chrapko. “It’s the lowest carbon fuel on the planet.” Manure from the feedlot will feed the biodigester to produce manure fertilizer, electricity and natural gas, which will both run the facility and be sold onto the electricity grid. “We’re not using any fossil fuels in the production of electricity and renewable natural gas,” said Chrapko. Co-owner Bern Kotelko said the ethanol would be sold to local blenders in Edmonton. Because of its low carbon footprint, the ethanol could potentially be sold to jurisdictions that have stringent low carbon fuel requirements, such as California. Growing Power Hairy Hill’s $110 million biorefinery started generating electricity from manure in 2005. The plant processes cattle manure, landfill waste and slaughterhouse byproducts into electricity. About 25 tonnes of waste from the Olymel hog slaughter plant is trucked to the biodigester each day. Solid waste from Edmonton is also used. “It’s a wonderful, wonderful story in the making of energy from waste and using it in another renewable process,” said Chrapko. Construction of the ethanol plant was scheduled to begin a year ago, but was delayed because of the global economic downturn. “It took persistence in putting the final package together when everyone was pulling in their horns.” access=subscriber section=news,none,none


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BETTER DRYER EQUALS BETTER QUALITY CROP A continuous flow dryer from England is proving indispensable in dealing with wet crops. | Page 21

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Flexible rotations can benefit growers Go with the flow | Varying crops can take advantage of nutrients and moisture and avoid disease and insects BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

MINOT, N.D. — Don Tanaka could never understand why most northern Plains producers locked themselves into a fixed rotation of two or three crops. “Cropping systems that are not flexible to change will be unsustainable,” the recently retired U.S. Department of Agriculture researcher wrote in Agronomy Journal in 2007. He said this was particularly problematic because farming on the Prairies is already a risky enterprise and may become more so in the future. Instead of seeding canola-wheatcanola or another fixed rotation for the next 20 years, Tanaka argued that producers should consider a dynamic cropping rotation in which they vary their crops from year to year. That way, producers can take advantage of variable factors such as weather, soil resources, market opportunities and nutrient cycling. Mark Liebig, a USDA researcher who worked with Tanaka in Mandan, North Dakota, said this type of adaptive approach to rotation might be more challenging than a fixed rotation, but it avoids the longaccess=subscriber section=production,none,none

Farmers can benefit by keeping flexible crop rotations and changing them from year to year, according to an American researcher. | term risks associated with a simplistic rotation, such as buildup of crop disease, insects and the inevitable headache of pesticide resistance. “It (dynamic rotation) is knowledge intensive. It really is,” Liebig told the Manitoba North Dakota Zero Tillage Farmers Association workshop in Minot in January. “You almost need crop rotation support.” Nonetheless, Tanaka’s research in North Dakota has shown there are benefits to adjusting a rotation on the fly, depending on:

• how much precipitation fell during the non-growing season • what crop was planted the previous year • how that crop might affect soil moisture • what herbicides will work with a potential crop, considering the previous crop • the impact of the previous crop on soil biology • market and pricing opportunities Tanaka and his USDA colleagues conducted field experiments in the

2000s to understand the value of dynamic cropping systems. They developed a 10 by 10 plot matrix of 10 no-till crops, which allowed them to collect data on 100 plots to evaluate the influence of crop sequence on crop production. Crops included buckwheat, canola, chickpea, corn, lentil, millet, sunflower and wheat. The researchers found that dynamic cropping systems led to higher yields with less yield variability from year to year.


“Grain yield (for spring wheat) in a dynamic system was 20 and 17 percent higher, respectively, compared to three and five year rotations containing spring wheat,” Liebig wrote in a summary of the research. However, he isn’t sure how many North Dakota growers have adopted the practice. “We get asked that question all the time … (but) we don’t have a crop rotation survey,” he said. “But there’s definitely intrigue. There’s definitely interest. People are paying attention.”


Cool-warm season crops fare best in longer rotations Avoid annual rotations | A longer time period between rotations discourages weeds BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

MINOT, N.D. — An American researcher has a message for Canadian no-till famers who grow a two-crop rotation of canola and wheat: such a practice is short-sighted and stupid. Dwayne Beck, manager of the Dakota Lakes research farm in Pierre, South Dakota, told the Manitoba North Dakota Zero Tillage Farmers Association annual workshop in Minot in early January that no-till agriculture is only one component of sustainable farming. He said no-till farmers need to incorporate a smart and responsible rotation into their production system. Otherwise, there will be consequences. “No till is a tool. OK, I’m no-tilling.

But I’m no-tilling corn on corn. Or no-tilling wheat on wheat … but that’s not what Mother Nature did out there,” said Beck, who is also a plant sciences professor at South Dakota State University. “Eventually, if you do that, something is going to come along and beat you on top of the head…. You’re going to have diseases (and insects and weeds).” Randy Anderson, a U.S. Department of Agriculture research agronomist in Brookings, S.D., who has conducted research on rotations of cool and warm season crops in a notill system, said this type of rotation restricts weed seed survival and interrupts the growing cycle of cool season and warm season weeds. However, he has also determined that a rotation of two cool season crops, such as winter wheat, spring

wheat or dry pea, followed by two warm season crops, such as corn, sunflowers, chickpeas or soybeans, is much more effective at weed control than a rotation of one cool season crop and one warm season crop. Anderson said long-term rotational studies conducted in South Dakota looked at weed populations in rotations with one cool season crop followed by a warm season crop, such as winter wheat and then millet. He then compared that to weed populations in rotations with two cool season crops followed by two warm season crops. “At all locations, the rotations that had the most weeds were the one cool season and one warm season (rotation),” he said. He said the one cool season/one warm season rotation had more than

150 weeds per sq. metre, while the two cool season/two warm season rotation had 25 weeds per sq. metre. “There is a six-fold difference here, a dramatic difference in the number of weeds that a producer would have to face.” Beck said the difference is connected to weed seed survival. “There’s inherit dormancy in the seed. By taking them out two years, (it kills off the seed population).” For example, Anderson has found that 20 percent of downy brome and green foxtail seeds are alive one year after seed shed. However, less than five percent of their seeds remain alive after two years. “If you can prevent replenishment of the (weed) seed bank for a couple of years, the number of live seeds declines very rapidly,” he said.

Randy Anderson says longer rotations between cold and warm season crops improves weed control. | ROBERT ARNASON PHOTO Anderson also included two other scenarios in his study: one cool season crop followed by two warm access=subscriber section=crops,none,none section=production,none,none






Brit dryer reduces fire risk, energy use Airflow is key | Grain rides on bed of air to allow maximum circulation BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

BRANDON — A new continuous flow horizontal dryer designed for low temperature with high airflow reduces energy costs and fire risks. The Double Flow, built by the Alvan Blanch company in England, can take canola from 25 percent moisture down to nine percent in a single pass at 85 C. Sunflowers at 20 percent moisture can be taken down to nine percent in a single pass at 70 C. Feed grains typically run at 100 C to 110 C with the same dry down data, according to Nick Gaisford, who had travelled from the United Kingdom to represent Alvan Blanch at Manitoba Ag Days held in Brandon Jan. 17-19.

“The grain travels on two stationary louvered beds set on an incline,” said Gaisford. “Grain is loaded on the top bed at the front of the dryer. It runs down the incline to the far end, where it drops to the lower bed. The grain layer is inverted as it drops. Grain then runs down the second incline and returns to the front to be augered out. “Regardless of what you’re drying, you only need a single pass because you adjust the depth of the grain layer, the speed it travels, temperature at the burner and volume of air.” Gaisford said grain with higher moisture content runs at a lower speed, higher temperature and thinner layer than grain with less moisture. A hand crank at ground level adjusts the thickness of the layer. For

lightweight seeds like flax, the air volume can be turned down. Slots in the louvers are aimed down the slope to help gravity move the grain and prevent it from compacting. “The grain basically floats down the two inclines on a bed of air, allowing maximum air circulation and drying. It’s never compacted. Always loose,” he said. A chain and slat system, in which the chain speed can be automatically adjusted, pulls the top of the grain layer. Grain is moved by airflow and slats, so there’s no chance for hot spots to occur, said Gaisford. The inclined beds do not move and are not adjustable. Grain travels over them. access=subscriber section=crops,none,none section=production,none,none




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season crops and two warm season crops followed by one cool season crop. The results showed that back to back years of warm season crops followed by a cool season crop allowed warm season weeds to flourish. “Of the 67 species (of weeds), probably 60 of them were warm season weeds,” he said. “In other words, we were selecting for warm season weeds by adding more warm season crops in the sequence.” Cool season weeds dominated the two cool season crop/one warm season crop rotation, he added. As well, because it effectively kills seeds, the two and two rotation prevents one weed from turning into 100. “If you have one (weed) in year one, you have 10 in year two and 100 in year three. It seems like it takes until that third year before the explosion occurs.” Anderson has also compared notill rotations to tillage rotations. On sites naturally infested with weeds, Anderson conducted a study where the addition of weed seeds was prevented. In the first year of the study, the number of weeds that emerged on the no-till and tilled plots were similar. However, by year three, the researchers counted 33 weed seedlings in the tilled plots and only four

on the no-till plots. “In other words, the difference is eight-fold in year number three,” said Anderson, explaining that seeds die off more rapidly in no till systems. “The (most) detrimental thing you can do for seed survival is to keep those seeds on the soil surface…. Anytime you start tilling you protect the weed seeds. It’s like putting a coat around the seeds. They survive longer.”

The obvious benefit of lower weed density is less of a need to use herbicides, but Anderson stressed that while proper rotation and no-tillage are part of the weed control story, they are not the entire story. If producers really want to become less dependent on herbicides, he said, they should also employ other tactics, such as increasing the seeding rate and adjusting fertilizer placement to ensure a vibrant crop canopy that helps suppress weeds.

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» CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Cooling is not a problem, according to Gaisford. Halfway down the lower bed, fresh outside air is pulled into the lower chamber by a 20 horsepower cold air fan. As it’s directed up through the louvers, the fresh air cools the grain. This fresh air is recovered and channelled to the burners. Heat removed at the cooling section is channelled up to the main drying compartment to reduce fuel consumption. The fresh air is regulated by opening or closing the sliding doors along the bottom edges of the dryer. All fans are located inside the dryer housing to reduce noise. “The entire dryer is an airtight unit. It sits on a concrete footing or a concrete pad with a seal. We control all air entering and exiting the housing. And we direct where the air goes

within the housing. “One of the benefits is removal of dust and chaff at the far end where grain drops to the lower bed. The exhaust airflow lifts the lighter weight dust and chaff and blows it out into a collection box. There’s no need for an expensive cyclone system.” He said removal of dust and light chaff further reduces the risk of fire. The automated control system allows unsupervised operation. Safety sensors monitor for an empty feed hopper, blocked discharge, overheating of the furnace or grain, motor overload and burner malfunction. The automated phased failsafe system ensures the correct shutdown procedure is followed. Another sensor detects if there is a change in moisture levels in the grain flow. It automatically adjusts the speed of the electric motor driving the chain and slat mechanism. Data from this motor is also used in calcu-

lating the volume of grain dried over any specific time period. Two automatic pressure jet burners in the combustion chamber work together so the drying temperature is always correct throughout the full range, without changing nozzles. Gaisford said the Double Flow is suited to temperamental crops such as malting barley and seed grain that can be damaged by excess heat. The most popular Double Flow for on-farm use is the DF2200, a 1,000 bushel unit, capable of removing five points of moisture from 1,000 bushels of grain in one hour. In warm dry weather, it can also remove up to two points of moisture without burners. The Canadian contact is Larry Dorig with Dave Ross Equipment in Spirit River, Alta. The DF2200 sells for $214,000. For more information contact Dorig at 780-864-3731 or visit www. alvanblanch.com.


Double Flow dryer ideal in soggy Peace region BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

Northern Alberta’s Peace River region is well known for having canola so wet it can’t even be tested. Larry Dorig, an Alvan Blanch Canadian dealer located at Spirit River, Alta., said he only stumbled across a solution to the problem out of sheer good luck. He said his operation bought the first Double Flow dryer in Canada about eight years ago simply because it needed a dryer. access=subscriber section=crops,none,none section=production,none,none

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It’s like canola soup going into the hopper sometimes. But we bring it down to dry, nine or 10 percent, in just one pass. STEVE KRAMER CANOLA PRODUCER

“This wasn’t what I’d call good management. It was just good luck that we stumbled on these dryers.” Dorig said canola producers in the Peace who still use a tier dryer typically need to run the crop twice, and he thinks that wastes time. But the Double Flow compensates for temperature, airflow, depth of grain and speed of the grain, so it only needs a single pass. “Your bushels per hour may be less, but you only need to run the canola once, regardless of what the moisture is at the beginning. So it saves you a lot of hassle and extra grain movement. “The thing we really like is that we’ve never heard of a fire in one of these dryers. It’s low temperature at the grain and the flame is never close to the grain. “Fred (Pohr) burned his Vertec down to the ground about the time we bought our Double Flow. He needed a dryer, so he bought the same kind of Alvan Blanch dryer sight-unseen.” Pohr set up his Double Flow in 2004. The Fairview, Alta., farmer said he hasn’t had a fire or a drying problem since. There are no cereals on his farm. Pohr grows only canola, which always needs drying. “Our canola is often wet; untestable. You don’t know what the moisture is, except that you know it’s 22 percent or higher in a bad year. “In a good year, we start combining at 16 percent. It all goes through the dryer. We don’t wait for it to dry in the field. We bring it down to eight or nine percent, but it’s slow when it’s up over 22. In a good year when it’s 15 percent, we run 500 bu. per hour.” Pohr’s neighbour, Steve Kramer, said canola going into the hopper of his Double Flow is sometimes disgusting. “It’s like canola soup going into the hopper sometimes,” he said. “But we bring it down to dry, nine or 10 percent, in just one pass. “When it’s really wet, we run it only eight inches deep. In a better year at 16 percent, we run up to 12 inches deep.” Kramer admitted the dryer isn’t fast when you pour soup in the top and get nine percent canola at the bottom. Those conditions generally allow about 150 bu. per hour, but he’s happy that he ends up with a quality product. He said that in his corner of the world, drying is a necessity. Although the system is fully automated, Kramer said he still needs someone on hand to watch over things and move grain around when he wants to run 24/7. For more information contact Fred Pohr at 780-835-4559 or Steve Kramer at 780-835-0739.




Strict safety regulations inspire new machinery Grain vacs | Increased safety with lots of power and suction

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FARGO — Stricter safety regulations in the United States that govern people working in bins have prompted equipment innovations such as a grain vac capable of pulling grain 30 metres. “OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) really clamped down on the practice of people entering bins with sweeps,” said Peter Kingma of the grain handling company Walinga. “And there’s no doubt that auger driven sweeps are a major danger. So the rules now state that no person can be inside a bin while a sweep is running.” Kingma said some elevator companies and their lawyers have taken the safe road, interpreting the law to mean that a drag conveyor under the bin also exposes employees to grave danger. They keep staff out of bins when the drag conveyor is running. “Most elevators don’t have the tractor power to run a large grain vac. They need a portable grain vac with it’s own power source. So as the safest alternative, many of the large companies like Cargill are buying high-volume, self-powered grain vacs like our 7614D.” Powered by a 185 horsepower JD 6068T diesel, the big vacuum is capable of moving corn and barley at a rate of 5,000 bushels per hour, wheat at 4,500 bu. per hour and beans at 4,000 bu. per hour. While positive displacement blowers are generally known to be excellent at pushing material, pulling material is not typically thought of as

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Strict new regulations in the United States prevent people from entering bins equipped with auger driven sweeps and drag conveyors. This has prompted a new generation of self-powered grain vacs, according to Peter Kingma. | RON LYSENG PHOTO their strong point. With some of these big bins going up now, operators need 100 feet of suction. “The 7614D is a dual blower unit. It’s good on long sucks, even up to that 100 foot (30 metre) mark.” The pump is a Walinga #614 Super Chrome positive displacement blower, while the airlock is a reversible, hydraulically driven #1618 shell with 10 vane rotor stainless steel tips.

Line sizes are six and seven inches, and minimum discharge height is 14 feet. There are two inlets on the 7614D, two suction nozzles and a clean-up hose package. The truck loading kit is hydraulically raised and rotated. There are three 12 foot stainless steel delivery lines. For more information, contact Kingma at 616-877-3470 or visit www.walinga.com. access=subscriber section=crops,none,none


Camera allows for increased control CabCam innovation | Attaches to machinery using magnets and a rubber base BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

BRANDON — Being able to put the auger spout into the bin on the first try, in the dark, can save a lot of time and aggravation. That’s what Laurie Brownlee had in mind when he developed a magnetic mounting device to install a standard CabCam to the top end of a grain auger. “This lets you easily direct your auger into the bin,” Brownlee said. “The camera is infrared illuminating. It sends a you good clear image on the monitor from 32 feet in the dark. So even if you’re working in the middle of the night, you can put the spout where you want it the first time.” The camera is an off-the-shelf item, but Brownlee uses two powerful magnets attached to a flexible rubber base. They are mounted on the under side of the base and cling

securely to the steel. The camera mounts to the topside of the base, which has enough flex to match the curve of any size auger, air seeder tank or other type of flat or curved surface. “The magnets and rubber base let you quickly install the camera on any kind of metal surface,” he said. “There’s no need to build or install brackets or drill holes. Just peel it off one machine and slap it onto the next.” The camera requires 12 volt power, so it is not wireless. The power cord runs from the tractor up to the camera and another wire brings video down to the seven-inch monitor. The monitor can handle up to three cameras. Brownlee sells the package for $699, including one camera and a weatherproof bag for the monitor. For more information, contact Laurie Brownlee at 877-228-5598 or visit www.fullbinsupersensor.com.

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Laurie Brownlee explains that the powerful magnets and flexible rubber base are the main features of his magnetic camera system. | RON LYSENG PHOTO access=subscriber section=production,none,none

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Paperwork discourages ag business owners OTTAWA BUREAU

When Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett gets talking about “stupid paperwork” and stifling regulation, he will inevitably bring up farmers who mix their own feed. “The paperwork required for farmers doing their own feed is just unreal,” the Ontario farmer said. “For a lot of farmers, the regulations can be frustrating as hell.” For Greg Simpson of Simpson Seeds Inc. in Moose Jaw, it is the regulatory penalties he must face because he imports bags from Indonesia to pack with lentils that are then shipped to customers around the world. The government requires the company pay a duty to bring the bags into the country as a way to encourage purchases from a Canadian manufacturer of similar bags. Getting the duty refunded requires plenty of paperwork. Simpson, featured in a regulationcritical video produced by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, said government red tape discourages agricultural business operators. “I think it will kill the entrepreneurial spirit,” he said in the CFIB video. A federal red tape reduction commission agreed. In a sweeping midJanuary report that made recommendations throughout government, it urged Ottawa to cut unnecessary food and agriculture regulation, including in agriculture, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada. Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz embraced the proposals for deregulation, citing the planned end of the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly and its buy-back regulations next summer as an example of reducing regulation that impedes farmer business decisions. “Farming, not form filling, made Canada’s agriculture industry the powerful economic driver it is today,” he said in a news release. In releasing the report, small business minister of state Maxime Bernier embraced the idea of giving the auditor general the power to oversee regulatory reform, including a commitment that whenever a new regulation is being added, an older regulation should be eliminated. Ritz said Agriculture Canada accepts the “one-for-one” recommendation. “This will require the removal of at least one regulation each time a new one is introduced that imposes administrative burden on business.” Critics complained that the proposal to reduce regulations and what Bernier called the need to work on “the process of controlling federal regulation and its irritants” was simply a proposal to give the corporate sector more power and less public oversight. Bonnett said the critics do not understand the regulatory overburden that makes agriculture less competitive. “Canadian farmers face a myriad of regulations each day and any effort to streamline or reduce redundancy will help farmers’ bottom line.” Bonnett said health, food safety and animal welfare regulatory protections must not be compromised,



Ag buried in red tape BY BARRY WILSON


but rules for approving agricultural inputs should be harmonized when possible so Canadian farmers have access to the same tools available to foreign competitors. The CFIB said a survey of farmer members found that 67 percent reported regulatory requirements had increased in the past three years, the highest result among small business sectors. “Farmers have spoken,” said a CFIB statement. “They want governments to take immediate action and place a higher priority on cutting red tape at the farmgate.”

Shoppers seek local beef, but grading info needed BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Beef is king at the Canadian meat counter, according to retailers who talked to a University of Guelph demographic scientist in a recent survey. Tanya Mark surveyed meat managers and operators in seven grocery store chains in Eastern and Western Canada to gauge their attitudes toward beef and sales approaches. She told Lethbridge area cattle feeders Jan. 25 that chicken is the biggest threat to beef’s throne. Poultry tends to outsell beef when retailers feature it, she added. Retailers told Mark that their customers see chicken as a lean protein

choice w ith more preparation options and better opportunity for portion control. Retailers are moving to full service meat counters to provide “meal solutions” and gourmet offerings. Only five to 15 percent of beef is now sold through full-service meat counters, she said. Shoppers who do buy at the counter are more “finicky” than other consumers and like to choose the size of the cut they buy. Mark noted the following consumption trends among Canadians: • growing preference for vegetables • desire for smaller beef portions • more interest in fusion-style meals such as stir fry • Chinese immigrant preference for fish and chicken

• desire for greater food convenience and simplicity Mark said Canadians prefer “local” beef. Alberta beef is the overwhelming favourite in Western Canada, while Eastern Canada identifies with Ontario beef. The market for natural, hormonefree and grass-fed beef is small, at less than two percent of sales, Mark said. Some retailers said it’s not worth the effort to stock this type of product. However, certified organic beef does have a small but steady demand. Retailers said consumer education is needed because confusion remains about the grading system, and people are unable to tell a good steak from a poorer one just by looking at it. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

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College evaluates value of feed efficiency system LEFT: Instructor Geoff Brown demonstrates the GrowSafe technology at Lakeland College in Vermilion, Alta. The feeding trial at the college began in November and will run until April.

Most for the money | Technology determines which animals produce more beef on less feed BY SUSAN HODGES FREELANCE WRITER

VERMILION, Alta. — Research at Lakeland College in Vermilion may give livestock producers a new option when choosing stock for their herds. “The GrowSafe feeding technology measures individual feed intakes for livestock within a pen. We are the eighth facility in Alberta to install this equipment and we hope this will open the door on gauging an animal’s efficiency,” said Geoff Brown, an instructor with the college’s student managed farm. “Before we had this technology, the only way to look at intakes in cattle would be to actually figure out how much feed you were unloading into the feed bunks and then divide that by the number of head in the pen.” GrowSafe calculates individual feed intake by weighing the feed in the bunk and linking it to the animal’s radio frequency tag. “It can correlate back to that individual animal and figure out how much they are eating and in what feed bunk they are feeding.” access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none

RIGHT: Cattle coming to feed are recorded through an ear tag and software system. The information is then transmitted wirelessly to the office. | SUSAN HODGES PHOTOS

Brown told producers attending a Jan. 11 open house that this allows them to select animals based on feeding efficiencies.

The system, which costs $120,000, goes to work when an animal sticks its head into the feed bunk. It reads the animal’s ear tag and information

is sent wirelessly to the office where it is recorded. It runs 24 hours a day. “It is a very sensitive piece of equipment as it can measure bite size

down to 10 grams and takes a measurement about every three seconds. The company is tied into our system and they tap into the system every

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Alberta feedlot owners seek aid BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Alberta feedlot owners want the provincial government to help them with repair costs related to flood damage. At the Alberta Cattle Feeders Association’s annual meeting Jan. 16, chief executive officer Bryan Walton said the group has been in discussions with the province for more than a year about the issue. Extremely wet conditions in 2010 caused havoc in some feedlots when the base beneath pens was saturated and damaged by cattle and efforts to clean. Pens had to be rebuilt from the ground up in some cases. Walton said flood-related disaster day to maintain the system,” said Brown. “So we will know which animals are producing more beef with less feed, and that is a heritable trait. So we can basically look at keeping back breeding stock that are more efficient than other livestock that are on the same diets and that really should increase efficiency overall in the herd.” Students at the farm used to conduct traditional bull tests, feeding out animals for private producers and holding a sale at the end of the year. Brown said the new system was looked at as a way for the college to update its testing facility. “We really appreciate the support from GrowSafe Inc., which is a Canadian company out of Airdrie, (Alta.,) that developed this technology. They started out kind of small and the research was primarily done in Alberta, and there are now 55 research stations around the world using this system,” he said. Brown said they welcome the increased information the system provides because efficiency tracking in beef cattle hasn’t improved over the past 100 years. “When you look at other livestock species, some have made great strides in efficiency. So it is kind of a new frontier in terms of the genetic selection.” He said the college is still weighing its options with the technology. “We haven’t talked yet about what we are going to do with the equipment, specifically, whether it will be in applied research projects or going back into a commercial bull test situation,” said Brown. “There is potential, definitely, to work with producers and test the seed stock they have out there in the marketplace. We could test on the livestock to see which ones are the most efficient and could garner a premium, depending on what the end users are willing to pay for the bulls.” Brown said the college has been running a test since the system was installed in November to become familiar with the new technology. “What we did as a student-managed farm team is that we had to have some animals in just to get the system operational,” he said. “So the student-managed farm came up with a proposal to finish some steers. We are using steers Cargill has locked in for slaughter so these cattle will be finished and go to slaughter in April. That also allows us to test the waters in terms of finishing cattle, which is something we haven’t done here in quite a few years.”

assistance was available, but a payment cap meant some feedlots were not eligible. The Saskatchewan and Manitoba governments provided assistance to feedlots in those provinces, he added. “The issue is the arbitrary nature of the cap and the second (issue) is, looking at the other provinces and having some recognition that there was significant costs related to adverse weather and the fact that it happened in Alberta too,” Walton said. John Vander Hayden of Picture Butte, Alta., who has capacity for 43,000 head in his three feedlots, said costs were high to rebuild the base beneath some of his pens. “There basically should not be caps,” he said.

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Shrinking U.S. herds may send beef prices higher Retail price at record high | Drought in southern plains has dried up pasture and forced ranchers to liquidate CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Texas rancher Jim Selman is on the verge of going out of the cattle business, a victim of one of the worst droughts since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. The more than 300 cattle on his 3,000 acre ranch in Gonzales County have dwindled to seven as the verdant pastures turned into dried up brush and hay prices went through the roof. Scenes like this have become the hallmark of the once robust ranching community in Texas and to a lesser extent in Oklahoma and Kansas.

Fears that the United States will run out of cattle and suffer from a shortage in beef supplies have lit a fire under the live cattle futures market at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The size of the U.S. herd, which is already the smallest since the 1950s, is expected to shrink even further. “I will not be terribly surprised if prices head even higher,” said livestock analyst Dan Vaught of Vaught Futures Insight in Altus, Arkansas. However, he said prices will first likely retreat during the winter and spring when supplies typically rise

I don’t see prices going a whole lot higher in the short run. Margins are extremely poor for packers. DAN VAUGHT STOCK ANALYST

and also because of poor margins for beef packers. “I don’t see prices going a whole lot higher in the short run. Margins are

extremely poor for packers,” he said. Beef packers are generally swimming in red ink because the price of beef has not kept pace with the surge in cattle prices. Data shows that packers have been running losses since the middle of September. “That the wholesale beef market is flat, has stalled, to me is an important factor at this particular juncture,” said analyst Dale Durchholz of Agrivisor Services in Bloomington, Illinois. “When looking at the basic demand ingredient, prices are telling you access=subscriber section=news,none,none


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something entirely different from the supply side. Are we running on fumes?” he said, adding beef packers will begin to cut back production if losses are prolonged. Packers have been buying cattle despite heavy losses because they needed to meet previously signed contracts to deliver beef. As well, they want to protect market share by keeping production steady. However, Durchholz said these packers could give market share less importance if the losses continued. Retail beef prices hit a record high of $5.01 per pound US in December, beating the previous of $5 set in November. A key driving force behind the surge in cattle futures has been investment by index funds, which take market positions for long-term benefits, and other money managers, analysts said. “The funds will grab on the trends because they are momentum players and you had fundamentals on your side because of the declining cattle numbers,” said Joe Ocrant, president of Oak Investment Group and a registered commodity trading adviser. He said commodities funds track market trends and revise positions regularly. The net long positions held by index funds rose by more than 50 percent since May 2011. A historic drought in the southern plains that has lasted about a year is at the heart of the rally in cattle prices because the absence of pasture forced ranchers to liquidate their herd or send them to feedlots at an accelerated pace. Cattle usually feed on pasture until they are around 600 lb. before ranchers send them to feedlots, where they are fattened on a steady diet of corn until they are about 1,200 lb. and then sold to meat packers for slaughter. The lack of pasture, coupled with a surge in corn prices, which hit a record high near $8 per bushel last June, forced some ranchers to send cattle that were below 600 lb. to feedlots, shrinking the calf supply. This reduction has led feeder cattle futures to multiple record highs this month as feedlots scrambled to secure supplies. Demand for these feeders was also stoked by a recent slide in corn futures at the Chicago Board of Trade to around $6 because of more than expected U.S. supplies. “As far as cattle go, because so many of them were brought in because of the drought, there isn’t a l o t t o c h o o s e f ro m n o w ,” s a i d Ocrant. “Also, a lot of the cattle that are coming out of feedlots now are lighter weight cattle, which means we’re getting less beef from them.” In what analysts said was a sign of the shrinking supply, the USDA’s cattle on feed report on Jan. 20 showed that the number of cattle placed in feedlots fell six percent from a year ago in December, the biggest drop since May 2011. Strong beef exports to South Korea and Japan, which have fully resumed imports for the first time since the outbreak of BSE in the United States in 2003, have also been driving prices for cattle higher.





Natural pesticide protects African cattle from biting ticks Fever tea | The perennial woody shrub grows throughout southern and eastern Africa BY MARGARET EVANS FREELANCE WRITER

LINDELL BEACH, B.C. — Poor farmers in East Africa have traditionally used the leaves from a woody shrub to control fevers. They have now found that they can also help their cattle cope with ticks by soaking and pulping those leaves to produce an extract that they can spray on their livestock. Biting insects can transmit blood parasites and cause irritating wounds that lead to infection. Fever tea, also known as lemon bush, is a perennial plant that stands one to two metres high and is widespread throughout South Africa with the exception of the Western Cape and grows northward into Botswana, Swaziland, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Kenya and Zimbabwe. It grows in open veld and the bush and along forest margins. The leaves are hairy and smell of lemons when crushed, making it among the more aromatic indigenous plants in South Africa. Its flowers are small and white, blooming in dense flower heads. It is the leaves that are the most valuable to people with livestock. African producers with bigger herds control ticks, mites and flies by dipping their cattle in a commercial pesticide but this is impractical and expensive for poorer farmers with just a small number of livestock. Now, with some help from science, they can look to the fever tea shrub for a natural solution. A team from Great Britain’s University of Greenwich, working in collaboration with the University of Zimbabwe, pulped and soaked the fever tea leaves in water to produce an extract that could be sprayed on cattle. The goal was to find safer alternatives to synthetic pesticides and reduce field crop damage, stored product losses and livestock illness or mortality. Researchers experimented with varying concentrations to discover which would be the most effective application method and offer the best level of protection against bites. “The material (plant) was reportedly used by farmers in a particular way and at a vague concentration so we had an idea of the range of concentrations to test,” said Phil Stevenson, head of chemical ecology in the University of Greenwich’s agriculture, health and environment department. “We are primarily interested in validating materials that can then be promoted widely to offer small holders and poor farmers a sustainable and environmentally benign alternative to expensive and toxic pesticides.

It is already used as a green tea to re d u c e t h e s y m p t o m s o f f e v e r although, like almost anything, if consumed at very high concentrations, it can cause problems.” Fever tea, formally known as Lippia javanica, occurs as two subspecies, L. javanica and L. whiteii. The chemistry differs between the two but most people would not be able to tell them apart easily. “The differences in their chemistry are something we are working on right now,” said Stevenson. “When used at the correct dosage, Lippia javanica proved to be almost as effective as the industrial pesticides used for tick control.” He said researchers haven’t been able to identify the active ingredients that make it work as a pesticide, but most are probably essential oils. “We are working on this at the moment, looking at the water soluble chemicals,” he said. “We did this thinking that since the extract was made in water, then the compounds must be water soluble. However, in reality the essential oils will be in the water extract used to treat cattle.” Stevenson said the plant flowers almost continuously, which makes it difficult to separate the flower from the leaves. The essential oils are found in the flowers and leaves but not in the root and stems. The shrub’s leaves can be easily harvested from abundant bushes in the wild and readily grown from seed. Farmers require only the time it takes to harvest and prepare the Lippia extract as opposed to buying expensive, commercial synthetic pesticides. Further research is continuing into how best to extract the active ingredients and how to apply them to the lower parts of cattle, where the ticks attach themselves. The plant extracts appear to have no side effects on people or animals, and the solution lasts only as long as it takes to clear the animal of ticks. One rain will wash it off. The work is part of the African Dryland Alliance for Pesticidal Plant Technologies (ADAPPT) project, which is funded by the European Union and led by the University of Greenwich. Partners include the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and non-government organizations, agricultural institutes, ministries, and universities from eight African countries. Stevenson said the focus of the study is to validate and promote a locally sustainable practice for poor farmers, but production of the shrub as a commercial venture could face challenges. “The cost of registration is likely to make this uneconomical,” said Stevenson.



“It’s a perennial problem in developing plant-based pesticides. As a herbal remedy, no problem, since the regulations governing the production, sale and distribution of plants for medicinal use that a herbalist recommends you put directly into your mouth are pretty relaxed,” h e s a i d . “ How e v e r, a mat e r i a l described as a pesticide that could potentially kill people, animals and insects therefore has to undergo the same process as synthetic chemicals. It is made all the more complicated by the number of chemicals in the plant.” Stevenson said a patent has been filed in the United States to develop the essential oils as a possible application for people.

Farmers in many parts of Africa are learning to use fever tea solutions to help control biting insects on their livestock. | EMMANUEL T. NYAHANGARE, UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE PHOTO

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Drought hurts Argentina BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) — Argentine corn and soybeans have benefited from soaking rains that were expected to continue in the weeks ahead. That has revived hopes that farmers can salvage crops parched by weeks of hot, dry weather. The drought, which hit in December after months of below-average rainfall, had jacked up grain futures prices and raised concerns about global food supplies. Argentina is the second biggest exporter of corn and third largest supplier of soybeans. “The weather should continue to normalize in the weeks ahead, with more regular rainfall in eastern and central parts of the country,” the

state-run National Institute for Agricultural Technology said. But the showers arrived too late for some fields. The government said the weather has already taken a toll on 2011-12 corn yields and soybean production. It could crimp government tax revenue. WORLD MARKETS

Kazakhstan plagued by lack of rail cars ASTANA, Kazakhstan (Reuters) — Kazakhstan exported about 4.1 million tonnes of grain and flour in the four months to Dec. 31, its agriculture ministry announced recently. However, exports lagged behind forecasts for the year because of a lack of rail cars. Kazakhstan is among the world’s

top 10 wheat exporters of wheat and for the last few years has been its largest flour exporter. “According to our forecasts, the export potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2011-12 marketing year will total around 15 million tonnes,” deputy agriculture minister Muslim Umiryayev said. “To realize in full the country’s export potential of 15 million tonnes a year, it is necessary to ensure that a total of 10.2 million tonnes, including flour, and 8.7 million tonnes of grain proper, must be loaded for exports by July 1 of the current year,” the ministry said in an analytical note. An official at state-owned grain trader, the Food Contract Corp., said the country would not manage to export more than 10 million tonnes, including flour in grain equivalent, out of the potential 15 million. access=subscriber section=news,none,none



Research favourable for sunn hemp access=subscriber section=news,none,none


American government researchers at the Agricultural Research Service

in Florence, South Carolina, suggest farmers in the southeastern United States could use the tropical legume sunn hemp in their crop rotations. Scientists compared the energy content of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), another common regional summer cover crop, in 2004 and 2006. In 2004, when there was ample rainfall, the sunn hemp biomass yield exceeded 4.08 tonnes per acre, equivalent to 82.4 gigajoules of energy per acre. That’s in the ballpark with other bioenergy crops, which yield 30 to 150 gigajoules per acre. The higher heating value of sunn hemp biomass exceeded that of switchgrass, Bermuda grass, reed canarygrass, and alfalfa. And although low rain resulted in lower hemp biomass yields in 2006, sunn hemp’s higher heating value for both study years was four to five percent greater than that of cowpea. WORLD MARKETS

Russian tariff worries grain traders

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MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) — Russia’s government, which has said the country should export no more than 23 to 25 million tonnes of grain during this crop year, could consider protective duties from April, when exports are likely to hit that level, traders and analysts said. Russia’s government announced last June it would regulate exports via duties in the future as it prepared to lift a ban on grain exports imposed in the wake of a catastrophic drought in the summer of 2010. A spokesperson for prime minister Vladimir Putin said he was unaware of any plans to discuss a new duty. But European wheat futures hit a new four-month high Jan. 25, spurred by talk that Russia could impose new tariffs. BIOTECHNOLOGY

Monsanto cool on GM corn sales in France (Reuters) — U.S. biotech firm Monsanto said it does not plan to sell its genetically modified corn MON810 in France this year, nor after, even though the country’s highest court overturned a threeyear ban in November. “Monsanto considers that favourable conditions for the sale of the MON810 in France in 2012 and beyond are not in place,” the company said in a statement, adding that it had told the French authorities about its intentions. The French government said earlier this month it would uphold its ban on the insect-resistant strain of corn, despite the court’s decision to annul the ban, saying that it had not produced enough evidence that Monsanto’s MON810 posed a significant risk to health or the environment.





Virus fears halt bird flu research

Health workers pack dead chickens at a wholesale poultry market in Hong Kong in this file image from Dec. 21. Researchers have suspended bird flu studies for 60 days to allow agencies time to assess fears that a mutant virus created in the laboratory could pose a danger to the public. |

Scientists agreed to let biosecurity experts assess the risk of a mutant virus causing a pandemic NEW YORK , N.Y. (Reuters) — Researchers studying a potentially more lethal, airborne version of bird flu have suspended their studies because of concerns the mutant virus they have created could be used as a bioterrorism weapon or accidentally escape the lab. In a letter published in the journals Nature and Science in mid-January, 39 scientists defended the research as crucial to public health efforts, including surveillance programs to detect when the H5N1 influenza virus might mutate and spark a pandemic. However, they are bowing to fear that has become widespread since media reports discussed the studies in December that the engineered viruses “may escape from the laboratories,” not unlike the frightful scenario in the 1971 science fiction movie The Andromeda Strain, or possibly be used to create a bioterror weapon. Among the scientists who signed the letter were leaders of the two teams that have spearheaded the research at Erasmus Medical College in the Netherlands and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, as well as influenza experts at institutions ranging from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the University of Hong Kong. The decision to suspend research for 60 days “was (made) totally voluntarily,” said virologist Ron Fouchier of Erasmus. The pause is meant to allow global health agencies and governments to weigh the benefits of the research and agree on ways to minimize its risk. “It is the right thing to do, given the controversies in the U.S.,” Fouchier said. The U.S. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity asked Science and Nature in December to censor details of the research from the Erasmus and Wisconsin teams that was submitted for publication. Biosecurity experts fear that a form of the virus that is transmissible through airborne droplets, which the Erasmus and Wisconsin teams independently created, could spark a pandemic worse than the 1918-19 outbreak of Spanish flu, which killed up to 40 million people. “There is obviously a controversy here over the right balance between risk and benefit,” said virologist Daniel Perez of the University of Maryland, who signed the letter supporting the moratorium. “I strongly believe that this research needs to continue, but that doesn’t mean you can’t call a time out.” The researchers’ decision shifts the focus of debate from whether the studies should be made public to whether they should have been done at all, given the theoretical possibility that a highly infectious virus could be stolen or escape from a lab. Some of the studies were funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH, said the access=subscriber section=news,none,none

decision to fund the research was justified. “The proposal the investigators put forth to do this research was appropriate,” said Fauci, who was “actively involved” in the decision to call a moratorium on the research. “The value of the research is clear, as even the biosecurity board unanimously agreed.”


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Budget cuts may hit Ag Canada Think-tank predicts reduction in Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

A left-leaning Ottawa research centre is warning that impending government cuts in an expected March budget could mean the loss of hundreds of Agriculture Canada jobs and deep spending cuts. In a Jan. 23 report, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives projected that more than 600 Agriculture Canada positions could be eliminated and $220 million cut from the department’s budget over the next several years as the Conservative government looks for ways to balance the budget. Hard hit would be the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the food inspection system, said David Macdonald from the CCPA. “Inspectors’ jobs have already seen disproportionate cuts (workplace safety and food inspection), which may mean more are in the works, this despite Canada’s still-vivid memory of the 2008 listeriosis outbreak,” he wrote. Meanwhile, the agriculture union of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, which is a sponsor of the CCPA, released a report last week predicting significant food inspector cuts at the CFIA. Based on departmental projections for 2013-14, union president Bob Kingston representing CFIA inspectors said the agency is projected to lose $21 million in annual budget and 207 food safety officers and inspectors. Part of the projection was based on an end to more frequent inspections that started after the 2008 listeria outbreak, which killed more than 20 Canadians eating Maple Lead Foods products. “This looks like an exercise to make regulation cheaper, not safer or smarter,” he told a Parliament Hill news conference. “Ottawa should worry about undermining public confidence with food safety cuts because that will be bad for the industry.” Kingston said the CFIA recently started a public consultation about proposed new regulations aimed to be more efficient and less onerous f or in d us t r y , l ook i n g more at the safety of products produced rather than how they were produced. The CFIA said in a statement that the agency budget has not been cut, and while money in earlier budgets for increased inspection and listeria testing were meant to expire after several years, it doesn’t mean they will. That will be decided in future budgets, including one expected in March. “While these particular funds are expected to sunset in March 2012, no decision has been made on the renewal of these funds at this time,” said the CFIA response. “As is done with all federal programs, the CFIA is looking at ways to ensure that our resources provide consumers with the most significant food safety benefits.” Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz noted in a statement the Conservative government has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in recent access=subscriber section=news,none,none

Ottawa should worry about undermining public confidence with food safety cuts because that will be bad for the industry. BOB KINGSTON PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA

budgets to increase food inspector numbers and to improve the system. “Canadian families can be assured

that the safety of our food supply will not be affected as the agency takes on their standard review of programs and assesses what investments are needed for the future,” he said. Opposition critics jumped on the predictions of impending cuts. “Minister Ritz must act responsibly and inform Canadians how many inspectors will be cut, what reductions will occur to the frequency of inspection of food processing facilities and what plans are in place for a future food-borne crisis,” said Liberal agriculture critic Frank Valeriote.

Program urges switch to biomass SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Coal users in Manitoba are being offered funding assistance to encourage them to switch to biomass energy products. The Manitoba Biomass Energy Support Program provides $400,000 in funds to help coal users switch and to support the expansion of the biomass energy production industry. Biomass can be produced from residue such as straw, oat hulls and flax shives. The multi-year program could increase to $1.5 million later this year based on revenue expected from the emissions tax on coal that came into effect Jan. 1. The consumer support component provides grants of up to $12,000 to

coal users to help offset the price differential between coal and biomass products from Jan. 1 to March 31. The capital aspect provides grants of up to $50,000 to help biomass u s e r s a n d p ro c e s s o r s d e v e l o p renewable biomass products for use in combustion heating systems. Money will be used for infrastructure upgrades required to manufacture or consume biomass fuel, including expansion of existing facilities or development of new ones. Applicants may include farms, communities, rural business and industrial users. Grant applications must be received by March 9. Application forms are available at www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/ or Manitoba Agriculture’s Go offices. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

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Food sector gets marketing money Trade mission to Dubai | Food and Beverage Canada will get $600,000 from Ottawa BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

These Bee Maid containers are produced at the Spruce Grove plant, including the Honey Bear containers. A separate machine sprays paint on the bottles to highlight their eyes and noses. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO

SPRUCE GROVE, Alta. — Federal funding to help promote Canadian food and beverages abroad gives a real boost to Canadian companies, says a director of the Canadian Honey Council. Bernie Rousseau said the $600,000 funding would help companies such as Bee Maid Honey expand exports. “The funding program is tremendously valuable. It really helps,” said Rousseau, who recently retired from Bee Maid but still represents the

company on the Canadian Honey Council. David Anderson, parliamentary secretary to the natural resources minister, made the funding announcement at the Bee Maid facility in Spruce Grove. The money will be used to help Food and Beverage Canada lead a joint trade mission to the Gulfood Show in Dubai next month. “The investment enables us to continue to offer programs that work to maintain and develop markets around the world,” said Wendy Hindle, executive director of Food and Beverage Canada.

Canada exported $20 billion worth of food and beverages in 2010. Rousseau said Bee Maid, a western Canadian honey co-operative, wants to increase its market share with value-added products. It packs and ships more than 18 million pounds of honey a year to 30 countries. Rousseau said China is a big market for honey and the co-op hopes to sell honey to South Korea once an agricultural free trade agreement is in place. “If we get free trade on the rest of the agriculture products, the potential is unlimited there,” he said. access=subscriber section=news,none,none


Timing right for northern terminal sale BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU



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Just like the television game show, “the price was right” for the sale of Great Northern Grain Terminal’s Nampa, Alta., facility to grain giant Richardson International. Bruce Horner, chief executive officer of Great Northern Grain, said Richardson would likely have built its own terminal down the road if the smaller company didn’t sell, which would have been just one more competitor for the independently owned and operated grain terminal in Alberta’s Peace River region. Cargill is already building a facility at nearby McLennan. To remain competitive, Great Northern needed to build more storage, which meant borrowing money. “We didn’t want to borrow more money. We’re in our 60s,” Horner said about him and his partners. It takes big money to build more storage and “play the game,” he added. “We wished we could have kept at it and had it running for 150 years,” said Horner. Great Northern still operates a terminal in Killam, southeast of Edmonton, and will stay involved in its network of producer and dealer cars. With changes to the Canadian Wheat Board, Horner believes there may be opportunities on the producer car and marketing side of the business. The sale to Richardson is expected to close by Feb. 9. Winnipeg-based Richardson has invested more than $80 million in the Peace River region since 2007. The company bought crop input centres in Manning, Falher and Fairview in 2010 and is putting the final touches on a 20,000-tonne fertilizer storage shed at Rycroft. Richardson said it would add 14,000 tonnes of grain storage to the Nampa facility, add fertilizer blending facilities and double the rail car spot from 52 to 104 cars. “The Nampa facility will now give us presence in both the eastern and western parts of the region and we look forward to providing greater service to customers,” Darwin Sobkow of Richardson said in a news release. access=subscriber section=news,none,none




Maintain livestock handling equipment Avoid old habits | People working with animals need to learn how to be observant BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Temple Grandin spoke to a standing room only crowd about livestock management systems at the Lethbridge College Tiffin Conference Jan 19. | BARB GLEN PHOTO

Cattle producers may dream big after hearing Temple Grandin talk about proper animal handling, but they have to be careful not to slip back into old ways. Grandin, arguably the world’s most famous animal behaviour specialist, spoke to a standing room only crowd Jan. 19 as keynote speaker at the access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none


SCT® lifts the openers when seeded ground is encountered and shuts down metering of seed and fertilizer, resulting in reduced ground disturbance, reduced doubling up of inputs and increased yields.

SECTIONAL CONTROL TECHNOLOGY – DELIVERS WHEN YOU NEED IT A weatherman isn’t needed to tell many farmers that Mother Nature delivered one of the wettest springs on record in 2010. They saw it first-hand: seeding was delayed, acres were left under water, and when tractors could get in the fields, the results weren’t often pretty – unless they had a Seed Hawk® equipped with Sectional Control technology (SCT). “In the wet conditions we saw in spring 2010, (the SCT) worked tremendously. It works in all conditions of course, but in the wet conditions it allowed us to seed when other systems wouldn’t,” said Kent Hanmer, who farms with his family in the Govan, Saskatchewan area. “If you have a lot of wet to go around, every time you overlap you’re wasting. With the SCT, it knows exactly where it is, and it turns the seed and fertilizer on at the correct time.”

SCT is an innovative way to eliminate overlaps and save on input costs. SCT works in conjunction with GPS and autosteer to lift sections of openers when seeded ground is encountered and shut down metering of seed and fertilizer, reducing ground disturbance and doubling up of inputs. “You get uniform emergence and it seems like every seed wants to grow,” said Guy Cadrain, who operates Cadrain Farms near Leask, Saskatchewan. “Originally what drew us to Seed Hawk was the uniform emergence, but what has impressed me is the ability to seed in adverse conditions. We were able to seed a lot of wet acres this year.” SCT provides a more uniform harvest by eliminating green or lodged areas due to over-fertilized headlands. It eliminates over-fertilized areas that lodge and can plug the seeder the following year, eliminating double seeding and overlapping – effectively increasing yields. SCT automatically starts and stops at the headlands when turning, greatly improving operator ease.

“Through the Sectional Control I believe we’ve probably saved about eight and a half percent on our seed and fertilizer. This translates into about $170,000 in savings for our farm,” said Cadrain. “Sectional Control saves huge dollars on the bottom line.” Hanmer could only agree, “We feel that we saved 20 percent on input costs this spring. It’s easy math, if you use even $200 an acre, which is quite low for canola, and that drill went across 11,000 acres, 20 percent, that’s pretty huge.” The proof is in the numbers: at only $60,000 for each unit, SCT has delivered great ROI for the farmers who use it. See your local dealer or visit www.SeedHawk.com to see what it can do for you!

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Lethbridge College Tiffin Conference. “You’ve got to maintain handling. A lot of people go out and go to a seminar and they’re all gung ho, ‘we’re going to do really good cattle handling,’ and you come back a year later and they’ve slowly slipped back into bad practices,” she said. Grandin, a professor at Colorado State University, was last year named in Time magazine’s list of 100 most influential people. She has autism and has often said the condition helped her understand how animals feel and behave. She has designed livestock handling systems and packing plant facilities aimed at lowering animal stress. She is widely sought as a consultant on animal behaviour, writes widely on the subject and has written two books about humane livestock handling and animal behaviour. Grandin told her Lethbridge audience that simple things can reduce livestock stress in handling. Moving cattle calmly, without shouting, waving or using electric prods, are important parts of that, she said. “People working with animals need to learn how to be observant,” she said in an interview before her talk. “They tend to be afraid of little things we don’t notice. A chain hanging down in a chute, reflection on a chute, a piece of metal jiggling, a coat on a fence.” Producers should take advantage of cattle’s tendency to follow one another and to go back the way they came. Curved chutes, sight lines and avoidance of overcrowding can ease stress on animals and people. “Less bruises, better safety for people, you’re going to be less likely to get dark cutting meat or tough meat, better weight gain, less sickness. There’s lots of reasons for handling animals quietly and it’s one of the things that doesn’t cost anything to implement.” Grandin is an advocate of video auditing in packing plants and was instrumental in getting some major packers to use it. Cargill and JBS Swift both have cameras in their plants, including the Cargill plant in High River, Alta., she said. “Auditors back in the United States can watch in at any time and see what’s going on in the stunning chute, the unloading area and the cattle handling area, and the advantage of doing that auditing over the internet is you get rid of the problem of people acting good when they see a person there with a clipboard.” It has been 35 years since Grandin started working to improve livestock handling, and she said there has been progress. “Compared to the bad old days in the ’80s and ’70s, there has been a lot of improvement, and what I’ve seen is, the people I’d classify as excellent and good, that has really increased. “Unfortunately there’s still a bottom 10 percent that are still just as bad as they were back in the ’70s, but more and more people are getting aware of good handling.” More information on livestock handling is available on Grandin’s website at www.grandin.com.


Computerized feed system improves bottom line



New system in development stage | Feed savings could average $8 per pig BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

BANFF, Alta. —Feeding pigs individually formulated diets could help them grow better and save money, but the practice of precision feeding is not yet a reality. Canadian and Spanish scientists are working to develop a computerized feeding system that can assess how much each animal needs to eat as it grows. Agriculture Canada researcher Candido Pomar says the concept is in the early stages, but scientists already know that most pigs receive more nutrients than they need and the excess gets lost in excrement. With feed costs making up 65 to 70 percent of a hog farm’s expenses, adjusting the rations could be a saving of around $8 per pig, said Pomar, who works at the department’s research centre in Lennoxville, Que. He told the recent Banff Pork Seminar that pigs are typically raised in large groups and receive the same feed, even though nutrient requirements vary greatly among the individuals. “If you feed by the average, only half the pigs will get what they need,” said Pomar. His research has found that 82 percent of pigs receive more protein than they need for maintenance and growth. “We are feeding pigs too much protein,” he said. Tests showed that feeding pigs daily tailored diets reduced nitrogen and phosphorus intake by 25 and 29 percent, respectively. The material in their excrement was reduced by 38 percent. Precision feeding could give each animal what it needs to grow and then adjust the rations as the pig matures. “That is a change in the way we are feeding pigs,” Pomar said. “In precision feeding, we are talk-

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Most pigs receive more nutrients than they need, with the excess ending up in manure. | FILE PHOTO


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ing about nutrient requirement as a dynamic process that changes day by day. It depends what the pig is doing.” Most rations are calculated on the basis that three kilograms of protein are needed to make one kg of body protein. In Pomar’s project, the researchers needed two kg of protein to make one kg of body protein. The system identifies each pig when it puts its head into the feeder. The computer then blends two or more premixes to deliver small meals providing the right amount of nutrition. Pomar said coming up with the optimal diet is difficult, and improved measures are needed to estimate individual requirements. To do that, the study weighed pigs every two weeks, assessed body composition four times and used X-ray equipment to measure total body fat and lean ratios. He said the system must be easy to use on the farm, even though it is a complex technology. It must also be cost effective and reliable.



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What Can You Do?

You can make a generous donation to the Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board (FCWB) to help us save the CWB. Not only will the farmers experience the loss of dollars from single-desk marketing and lost sales revenue, the government is trying to expropriate without compensation the farmers assets—the $200 million Contingency Fund, 3000 hopper cars, the Winnipeg head office building and the CWB’s down payment on two lakers. Your donations will support our court challenges. Working together as farmers and urbanites we can save the CWB and preserve the democratic rights of all Canadians.

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Farmers Please Note

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More beef, lower quality can still make the grade Centennial Column Celebrating 100 years of students at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. The Centennial Column is a weekly feature highlighting the history and present successes of the college.

The Third Quarter Century

View of the experimental feedlot in the foreground and the feed mill in the background, 1968. Photo from University of Saskatchewan Archives.

The college under went a number of changes during this period. In 1963 the Department of Extension became a unit administratively separate from the college, with campus-wide extension responsibilities. The Crop Development Centre, established in 1971 as part of the Crop Science Department, was set up to expand research activities in crop breeding. The Departments of Animal Science and Poultry Science became a single unit in 1976. This was followed, in 1982, by the amalgamation of the Departments of Crop Science and Plant Ecology. The college sponsored several associate research and service facilities over this period. A number of these were operated under the direction of the Department of Animal and Poultry Science. In 1963 the department opened a beef and cattle research facility that was among the best in North America for studying problems of feedlot finishing cattle. A dairy cattle research unit, completed in 1972, provides improved cattle handling and milking techniques as well as equipment for studying a variety of management procedures. A major research facility, the Prairie Swine Centre, was opened in 1980. The Poultry Science Centre, with facilities for brooding and rearing chicks, and a barn for adult birds, was opened in 1985. The Saskatchewan Soil Testing Laboratory, established in 1966 under the direction of the Department of Soil Science, provides accurate analyses and interpretations of soil samples so that producers can make the most efficient use of fertilizers. The Crop Science Field Laboratory in Saskatoon, opened in 1972, provides facilities and land for research by the Department of Crop Science and Plant Ecology. From the early ’60s, the college stepped up its research efforts in all subject areas. Our researchers received world-wide recognition for their studies of the effects of low temperatures on dairy cattle. Several new crop varieties were licensed, including Stewart in 1963—a durum wheat that by 1969 occupied 70 percent of Saskatchewan’s durum acreage. Studies of soil quality, initiated in the mid-‘60s, documented serious soil degradation due to erosion, organic matter loss, structural deterioration and salinization. The Crop Development Centre’s legume breeding program, started in the early ‘70s, virtually created Saskatchewan’s pulse crop industry by developing hardy varieties of lentils and fababeans, along with appropriate management methods to suit Saskatchewan conditions. Vegetable weed control studies first undertaken in 1972 eventually produced effective methods of combatting weeds in potatoes, carrots, and onions. In the late ‘70s, field studies of copper deficiency in cattle produced results of great benefit to Western Canada’s cattle industry. Biotechnology research during the ‘80s promised to develop microorganisms that would produce bioinsecticides, fuels, vaccines, and even fix nitrogen for cereal grains.

Tenderness versus faster weight gain | There is a market for lower grade beef and producers must weigh the pros and cons BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

The benefits of implants on cattle weight gain are well known in the f e e d i n g i n d u s t r y , b u t i t ’s a l s o known that implants can toughen meat, making it less desirable to consumers. Those two facts don’t necessarily conflict when it comes to beef marketing, said Elanco meat scientist Sandra Gruber. There is a market for lower grade beef just as there is a market for tender steaks. “The first thing you want to do is identify what your target outcome is,� she said. “Are you producing for a branded beef company? Are you producing for somebody that just wants pounds? Obviously, we don‘t want everyone to produce just pounds because in terms of long-term beef demand, that’s really going to hurt us in the end.� Her presentation to feedlot operators in Lethbridge Jan. 25 raised few eyebrows. Many have heard the message about the effects of implants and beta agonists on beef quality, but there’s a strong incentive to use growth enhancing technology when payment is based on pounds. “What I heard today, not too much of it is new,� Picture Butte feedlot operator Leighton Kolk said after the meeting. “We’re up to date on what it does and doesn’t do, so I’m not going to change what I’m doing now. I’ll change as our customer asks us to change.� In her presentation, Gruber said implants and beta agonists work in two ways: they inhibit protein degradation in the animal or they enhance protein synthesis to increase muscle. Some can do both.

Obviously, we don‘t want everyone to produce just pounds because in terms of long-term beef demand, that’s really going to hurt us in the end. SANDRA GRUBER MEAT SCIENTIST

Either way, the effect is to increase size of rib eye. Since growth enhancing technology does not increase fat, the amount of marbling is lower relative to the muscle, making a tougher steak. “Implant cattle will always grade lower,� said Gruber. However, implant use can add $100 or more to an animal’s value. The benefit increases to $150 when combined with feed additives, dewormers and other treatments at the expensive finishing phase. On the flip side, consumers consistently rate tenderness as a primary measure of a good beef-eating experience. Tenderness is influenced by marbling, and marbling is directly related to how beef is graded. Top grades have heavier marbling and bring a premium price, particularly in branded programs such as Certified Angus Beef. Gruber said new research shows marbling is a lifetime event for an animal rather than a result achieved in the final phases of feeding and finishing. “We can impact marbling throughout an animal’s lifetime,� she said, but there is an upper limit determined by the animal’s genotype. Research shows animal health is

directly related to marbling ability. Cattle that never had to be treated had much higher marbling scores, while cattle with two hospital visits were more likely to grade AA or select. There’s a tradeoff between meat quality and weight enhanced by implants. By comparing carcass grading to production methods, Gruber said researchers learn more about the effects of implants and beta agonists so that their use can be managed. “The best thing to do is just to be moderate,� said Gruber. “We can still use growth promotant technologies without being as aggressive as we can be. As producers, there’s different combinations, different products that we can use to help moderate or balance the benefit that we get from production efficiency without long-term beef demand detriment.� Kolk said he manages implant use and feed with the help of a veterinarian and nutritionist and with an eye on packer needs. “We assess what we do twice a year. We assess it with our veterinarian and nutritionist, and also the plants that we sell to, so we modify them at least twice a year.� access=subscriber section=news,none,none


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Ag research spending should double: Bill Gates Battling malnutrition | Reduced spending on aid, research and development in tough economy considered short-sighted BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reuters) — The world needs to at least double its spending on agricultural research if it is to produce reliable crops and improve the lives of the one billion people who battle starvation every day, says Bill Gates. A day before flying to Davos, Switzerland, to meet political and business leaders, the billionaire businessperson and philanthropist said he was concerned the austerity drive in Europe could lead to a fall in foreign aid spending, setting back the fight against poverty, hunger and disease. While acknowledging the difficulties that policy makers in the richer world face at a time of slumping growth, the world’s second wealthiest man said now was the time to invest in research and development. “The big choice is whether the crisis in the rich-country governments will cause them to stop increasing the aid that’s been so key to reducing disease, improving food availability for the poorest, and bringing down the number who suffer from AIDS or malaria or malnutrition,” Gates said. He said it was shocking, shortsighted and potentially dangerous to spend only $3 billion a year to improve the seven most important staple crops on which the poor depend. “The number should easily be double what it is,” Gates said of research spending while underlining there had been an increase in investment by the private sector. “Capitalism always has a challenge that research is not funded as well as it should be,” he said. “That is, that the innovator can’t capture enough of the benefit to society. So they tend to be risk averse, and that’s why basic research, medical basic research, agriculture basic research, has to be funded by governments.” European governments have been among the most generous in providing aid — more than half the world’s aid spending comes from European or EU-level budgets — but there is no guarantee it will go on rising during the economic downturn. Europe’s aim is to raise its aid spending to 0.7 percent of gross domestic product by 2015. Some countries are lagging and nations such as Italy are not best placed to hit the target. That in turn can have a direct impact on improving the lives of the one billion people — 15 percent of the global population — who are living in poverty and hunger. “If you don’t fund $300 a year, you can’t put a person on AIDS drugs. If you don’t buy a bed net, then there’s additional children who die of malaria. If you don’t fund the agricultural system, you leave these billion that wake up every day wondering if they’re going to get enough food,” said Gates. “The benefit of this money is in a league of its own compared to other government spending.” There can also be a payoff in terms of security and cost-saving elsewhere in richer countries’ budgets. Poverty, disease and hunger frequently go hand in hand with political instability and the geopolitical access=subscriber section=news,none,none

insecurity that can foster. “The national security and economic opportunity benefits of helping these countries out is quite significant,” said Gates, who gave up day-to-day running of Microsoft in 2000 and set up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife. “It’s a huge cost when you have instability. You’ve got to look at upping defence budgets and the human cost that creates, and so we need to be able to justify this not only on a humanitarian ground, although that alone should be enough. But we need to be

If you don’t fund the agricultural system, you leave these billion that wake up everyday wondering if they’re going to get enough food. BILL GATES BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION

able to tell the story of where it stands in terms of security and economic development as well.”

With a fortune estimated at $56 billion while also heading one of the world’s most generous foundations, Gates straddles the gap between the globe’s super-rich and those battling to survive. “Capitalism has done a fantastic job,” he said. “The state of the world 300 years ago versus where we are today, you’ve got to certainly say that capitalism was one of the elements that came into that : scientific understanding, reduction in violence. “We have some pretty dramatic

understanding that capitalism can provide food and access to information at really phenomenal levels, and that’s why it’s a little disappointing why the equity element has lagged as much as it has,” he said, referring to the fact many basic needs are not being met. “But it’s about tuning societal expectations and aid policies far more than going back to the basic mechanism that inspires people to try new things... Overall those innovations are changing lives at a faster rate today than ever before.”

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COMING EVENTS Victoria Inn, Winnipeg (Kelly Tole, 204-736-2517, lmb@landscape manitoba.com, www.landscapemb. com) Feb. 15-17: Western Barley Growers Association convention, Deerfoot Inn and Casino, Calgary (403-912-3998, wbga@wbga.org) Feb. 17-19: Saskatchewan Equine Expo, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon (306-9317149, www.saskatoonex.com) Feb. 21-22: Western Canadian Holistic Management Conference, Gallagher Centre, Yorkton, Sask. (Sask. Ministry of Agriculture, 306-786-1531) Feb. 28-March 1: National Invasive Species Forum, Ottawa (Barry Gibbs, 403-558-0144 or 403-850-5977, aipc.executivedirector@gmail.com) Feb. 29-March 2: AgExpo, Exhibition Park, Lethbridge (403-328-4491, events@exhibitionpark.ca) March 1: Manitoba Special Crops

A t h RO e sk I g Ta abo ua gTe ut ra am nt ee

Feb. 1-9: FLC-CIGI online biodiesel workshop Feb. 1-2: Manitoba Swine Seminar, Victoria Inn Hotel and Conference Centre, Winnipeg (Dallas Ballance, 204-475-8585, dallas@ goodwinballance.ca, www. manitobaswineseminar.ca) Feb. 2: Dairy Farmers of Canada Dairy Policy Conference, Fairmont Chateau Laurier, Ottawa (613-236-9997, elizabeth.west@dfc-plc.ca) Feb. 2: Managing Success seminar, Manitou Springs Hotel, Watrous, Sask. (306-946-3220) Feb. 7-March 8: FLC online intermediate Managing Risk workshop Feb. 9-10: University of Manitoba Transport Institute, Supply Chain Connections conference, Delta Winnipeg Hotel, Winnipeg (www. umti.ca) Feb. 14-15: The Manitoba Green Show,

AG NOTES Production Day, Keystone Centre, Brandon (Man. Pulse Growers, 204745-6488, 866-226-9442) March 8-10: Peace Country Classic AgriShow, Evergreen Park, Grande Prairie, Alta. (Denise, 780-532-3279, denise@ evergreenpark.ca) March 17: South West Regional 4-H public speeches, Legion Hall, Maple Creek, Sask. (Debbie Bauer, 306-662-2458, hdbauer@sasktel.net) March 20-22: Canadian Beef School workshop, A Look Under the Hide, Olds College, Olds, Alta. (Olds College, 800-661-6537, ext. 4677) March 28: Contract Law for Personnel in the Energy Industry, University of Calgary, Calgary (Sue Parsons, 403220-3200, sparsons@ucalgary.ca, www.cirl.ca) For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

BIN FULL OF REASONS WINNER ANNOUNCED Wade Simpson now has more bin space on his southwestern Manitoba farm. He was named the Manitoba winner of the Bin Full of Reasons challenge during Manitoba Ag Days in Brandon and will receive a 4,100 bushel hopper-mounted grain bin from Behlen Industries. The challenge, sponsored by Ducks Unlimited Canada, Bayer CropScience and Behlen Industries, asked farmers to provide submissions explaining how winter wheat is important for conservation on their farm, whether it be conservation of labour, equipment or the environment. The contest received more than 200 entrants from across the Prairies, with the most coming from Saskatchewan. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

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Fifteen Canadian barley producers are being honored under the Elite Barley grower recognition program for their excellence in producing malt barley in 2011. Elite Barley is an industry led effort overseen by the malting barley value chain. The goal is to celebrate the best production techniques, but also to shine a spotlight on the value of malt and malt barley production to agriculture and the Canadian economy. Growers nominated for 2011 are: • Brian Bromberg, Gull Lake, Sask • Terry Hunt, Gull Lake , Sask. • Jack Kuntz, Balgonie, Sask. • John Germs, Saskatoon • Vern Neill, Kelliher, Sask. • Frank Hamel, Olds, Alta. • Gerard Neill, Morrin, Alta. • Ken Hughes , Gull Lake, Sask. • Warren Morris, Kerrobert, Sask. • Cadieux Farms , Letellier, Man. • Chris and Bob Izyk, Blackie, Alta. • Francois Messier, Saskatoon • Mike Vavrek, Sexsmith, Alta. • Rodney F. Koch, Edenwold, Sask. • Wade Koch, Edenwold, Sask.

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A four-day grain marketing course will be held in three Alberta locations this winter. The basic level course will help producers more fully understand basis, futures, options, contracts and strategies for grain marketing. Primary instructor is farm marketing adviser Neil Blue. Registration is $500 per person, plus GST, which includes course materials and lunches. The course will be held in Lloydminster Feb. 13-16, Leduc March 5-8 and an expanded version in Forestburg March 12-14, 16, 19 and 23. For more information, contact Blue at 780-853-6929. To register, contact the Alberta Canola Producers Commission office at 800-551-6652 or visit www.canola.ab.ca.


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The From Farm to Finish conference, planned for Olds College in Olds, Alta., Feb. 16, will present ideas and opportunities for running a ranching business. Participants will discover new ways to manage livestock, explore options for marketing product and learn about the challenges and achievements of successful ranchers. Registration deadline is Feb. 10. For more information, contact Ken Lewis, Red Deer County, at 403-342-8653 or email klewis@ rdcounty.ca

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Travis Greenbank from Wawota, was named the Saskatchewan winner at the Western Canadian Crop Production Show in Saskatoon and Matthew Stanford of Coaldale, was named the Alberta winner at Farm Tech in Edmonton Jan. 23.


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Canada’s malt barley industry represented nearly $300 million in farmgate receipts in 2010, but it is substantially higher when the value added benefits of brewing and malting activity are considered. For more information, visit www. elitebarley.com.



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Tributes/Memoriams ...............0100 Announcements ...................... 0200 COMMUNITY CALENDAR British Columbia ................... 0310 Alberta...................................0320 Saskatchewan ......................0330 Manitoba ...............................0340 Airplanes ................................. 0400 Alarms & Security Systems .... 0500 ANTIQUES Antique Auctions .................. 0701 Antique Equipment ...............0703 Antique Vehicles ...................0705 Antique Miscellaneous ......... 0710 Arenas ..................................... 0800 Auction Sales .......................... 0900 Auction Schools ...................... 0950 AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto Service & Repairs ......... 1050 Auto & Truck Parts ................ 1100 Buses ..................................... 1300 Cars .......................................1400 Trailers Grain Trailers ...................... 1505 Livestock Trailers .................1510 Misc. Trailers ........................ 1515 Trucks 2007 & Newer ......................1597 2000 - 2006 .......................1600 1999 & Older....................... 1665 Four Wheel Drive ................ 1670 Grain Trucks .........................1675 Semi Trucks ..........................1677 Specialized Trucks .............. 1680 Sport Utilities.......................1682 Various ................................ 1685 Vans ....................................... 1700 Vehicles Wanted ....................1705 BEEKEEPING Honey Bees ........................... 2010 Cutter Bees............................2020 Bee Equipment & Supplies ... 2025 Belting ......................................2200 Bio Diesel & Equipment...........2300 Books & Magazines ..................2400 BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Concrete Repair & Coatings ................................ 2504 Doors & Windows ................. 2505 Electrical & Plumbing ............2510 Lumber .................................. 2520 Roofing .................................. 2550 Supplies ................................ 2570 Buildings .................................. 2601 Building Movers ....................... 2602 Business Opportunities ...........2800 BUSINESS SERVICES Consulting ............................. 2901 Financial & Legal .................. 2902 Insurance & Investments...... 2903 Butcher’s Supplies .................. 3000 Chemicals................................. 3150 Clothing: Drygoods & Workwear ...........3170 Collectibles ..............................3200 Compressors ............................3300 Computers................................3400 CONTRACTING Custom Baling ....................... 3510 Custom Combining ............... 3520 Custom Feeding .....................3525 Custom Seeding .....................3527 Custom Silage ....................... 3530 Custom Spraying...................3540 Custom Trucking ................... 3550 Custom Tub Grinding .............3555 Custom Work .........................3560 Construction Equipment..........3600 Dairy Equipment ...................... 3685 Diesel Engines..........................3700 Educational ..............................3800 Electrical Motors...................... 3825 Electrical Equipment ............... 3828 Engines.....................................3850 Farm Buildings ........................ 4000 Bins .......................................4003 Storage/Containers...............4005 FARM MACHINERY Aeration ................................ 4103

Conveyors ............................. 4106 Equipment Monitors ............. 4109 Fertilizer Equipment .............. 4112 Grain Augers ..........................4115 Grain Carts .............................4118 Grain Cleaners ....................... 4121 Grain Dryers ...........................4124 Grain Elevators ......................4127 Grain Testers ......................... 4130 Grain Vacuums .......................4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ............... 4139 Mower Conditioners ............4142 Swathers ............................. 4145 Swather Accessories ........... 4148 H&H Various.........................4151 Combines Belarus .................................4157 Case/IH ............................... 4160 CI ..........................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ............... 4166 Deutz ................................... 4169 Ford/NH ................................4172 Gleaner .................................4175 John Deere ............................4178 Massey Ferguson..................4181 Python ................................. 4184 Versatile ...............................4187 White ................................... 4190 Various .................................4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers................ 4199 Combine Pickups ................ 4202 Misc. Accessories ................ 4205 Hydraulics .............................4208 Parts & Accessories ............... 4211 Salvage .................................4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ............................4217 Repairs .................................. 4220 Rockpickers ............................4223 Snowblowers & Snowplows .......................... 4226 Silage Equipment .................. 4229 Special Equipment.................4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ......................... 4238 SP Sprayers ..........................4241 Spraying Various................. 4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .............................. 4250 Air Seeders .......................... 4253 Harrows & Packers .............. 4256 Seeding Various .................. 4259 Tillage Equipment ............... 4262 Tillage & Seeding Various .............................. 4265 Tractors Agco Agco ....................................4274 Allis/Deutz..........................4277 White .................................4280 Belarus ................................ 4283 Case/IH ............................... 4286 Steiger ............................... 4289 Caterpillar ........................... 4292 John Deere ........................... 4295 Kubota ................................. 4298 Massey Ferguson................. 4301 New Holland ........................4304 Ford ................................... 4307 Versatile ............................ 4310 Universal ..............................4313 Zetor .................................... 4316 Various Tractors .................. 4319 Loaders & Dozers ...................4322 Miscellaneous ....................... 4325 Wanted .................................. 4328 Fencing .................................... 4400 Financing/Leasing ...................4450 Firewood .................................. 4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ...........4500 Food Products .......................... 4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ...............4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ........ 4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing ............4605 Fur Farming .............................. 4675 Generators ................................4725 GPS ........................................... 4730 Green Energy.............................4775

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Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505 Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Bison (Buffalo) .....................5755 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162 Campers & Trailers ............... 6164

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Attend Lakeland College’s Ag-Citing 2012, Friday, March 16. Learn about our agricultural sciences programs, tour the campus, chat with alumni and instructors. To RSVP contact Rachel: 1-800-661-6490 at ext. 8579.

CCA TOWN HALL MEETING February 9, 2012, 2:30 PM at the community hall in Pipestone, MB. Beef producers, come and get a first-hand account of the many initiatives the CCA is involved in on your behalf and the progress we are making toward improving industry competitiveness for the long term. Learn more and RSVP at w w w. c a t t l e . c a / t o w n h a l l o r c a l l 403-275-8558. Meetings sponsored by Farm Credit Canada.

AERIAL SPRAY OPERATION FOR SALE 1976 Agtruck 4561TTAF, VG’s, STOL, Satloc, Crophawk. CofA, No damage, Lots of extras. Complete tri-axle mix trailer w/1250 gal. water and 500 gal. fuel tanks and pumps, chem handler III, 48’ storage trailer, loading dock, 2- 1650 gal. water tanks, 1000 gal. fuel tank, chem. pump, t o o l s , s p a r e p a r t s a n d s a fe t y e q p t . $120,000. Will sell separate or all together Call Troy 306-327-8600, Kelvington, SK. Email: t.rex75@hotmail.com NEED YOUR CESSNA thrush air tractor wings rebuilt? Phone 204-362-0406, Morden, MB.

1976 PIPER PA-23-250 Aztec “F”, 3135 TTAF, 773 TSO, Garmin GNS 530, full DeIce. Call John Hopkinson & Assoc. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. 1969 CESSNA 150 H, TTSN 3845.8 hrs., SMOH 1000.3 hrs., C of A due May, 2012, good glass and paint, good int., 2 new door panels incl, wheelpants, cowl blanket, shoulder harness. All AD’s done. $23,000. Good avionics. 204-845-2418, Elkhorn, MB

TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, reproWIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calv- duction parts, antiques and classic. Westing/ foaling barn cameras, video surveil- ern Canada Steiner dealer. Don Ellingson, lance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, 1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB. combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. MOLINE JETSTAR 3, gas, 3 PTH, loader, M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . bucket, manure fork, tire chains, good 1946 J3 CUB, TT 2142, 494 hrs on 65 HP, 403-616-6610, www.FAAsecurity.com cond., $7200. 204-848-2254, Onanole, MB. damage to right wing, good fabric on rest, LOOKING FOR AN AIRCRAFT? We have good tires, skylight. 204-845-2418, Elk- extensive experience importing aircraft WANTED: EARLY 30’s Toro sickle mower horn, MB. since 1978. We will help you find and imtractor w/Model A engine or Chev engine. port the aircraft you’re looking for. Thomas Call 403-256-1211, Dewinton, AB. Aircraft Maintenance, Edmonton, AB., 20 HP RUSTON OIL elevator engine, 90% 780-451-5473, bert@thomasaviation.com rebuilt on big homemade cart. SN MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine ALLIS CHALMERS W.F. tractor, $2500; C.Y.No.336255, asking $8000. Surrey, BC. parts, satisfaction guaranteed. Altona, MB, Minneapolis UTS, $1500; Ford N8, $2000; Tony at 604-575-6234, carton@telus.net 204-324-6088. Old grain tanks, rebuilt boxes, $1500 each. 70 STATIONERY ENGINES, magneto’s, th L o o k i n g fo r t w i n e fo r o l d b i n d e r s . igniters and other parts. 306-697-2723, February LYCOMING 0-320E2A chrome cylinder, 403-534-2482, Arrowwood, AB. Grenfell, SK. carol697@yahoo.com certified tag, c/w piston and rings, valves and gasket set. Ready to install, $1000. WANTED: 2 MAN CHAINSAWS, also the WANTED: JD M for restoration, running 306-445-3690. North Battleford, SK. Email: old heavy weights. Complete but need not or not. Call 204-724-3188, Wawanesa, MB. hanso@sasktel.net run. Any make. 204-749-2118, Miami, MB. 1969 CHEROKEE 140, 4464 TT, 450 SMOH, very nice and clean, always hangared, up to date service, 4-place intercom, 5” GPS. 204-638-1571, Dauphin, MB, mjvanb@goinet.ca

1974 CITABRIA 7GCBC, 1570 TTSN, 150 HP, new radio and XPDR in 2003, NDH, always hangared, 2nd owner since new, excellent condition, $39,000. Call Charlie at 306-257-3800 (work), 306-221-3800 (cell), Allan, SK.






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1961 CHAMP 7HC converted to 7GC, TT 1325.2, Lycoming 0-290-D2, 135 HP, very strong motor, SMOH 1395.2, I-com radio and 2 place intercom, new tires, very good fabric, good glass, Sensenich 74 DM-0-52, $28,000. 204-845-2418, Elkhorn, MB. 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive annual complete, $90,000 firm. Phone Rick Wildfong 306-734-2345 or 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. 2003 DIAMOND DA20-C1; 2006 Diamond DA20-C1. w/GNS 430 and GTX 327 transponder. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB.

LOOKING FOR a MH 555 GAS TRACTOR. Was purchased at a farm auction in Taber, AB in early 1980’s. Anyone knowing its whereabouts or have any info on it email jturuk@shaw.ca or call 403-427-0057.

ANTIQUE TRACTORS: Large assortment of JD’s: 620, R’s, D’s, G’s, 80. 50 to choose from. 204-522-8140, Melita, MB.

2 1948 BOLENS RIDEMASTERS: 1 with moldboard plow, cult., disc. 1 w/rare front 1952 U MINNEAPOLIS, big fenders, pul- mount sickle mower. Ground up restoraley, hand clutch, good tires, needs paint, tion, $1900 each. 403-226-0429, Calgary, AB. Email: ancientgrease@gmail.com runs good. 306-883-2727, Spiritwood, SK. ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaran- WANTED FOR PARTS: JD 65 PT combine, teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. feeder chain and drive belt. Phone John Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, 780-354-8499, Beaverlodge, AB. or email: jandmbaird@xplornet.com Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. 1954 FORD JUBILEE NAA, vg condition, JD BR, $12,000; JD AR, $8000, both good tires, c/w 6’ blade. Other tractors completely restored. 306-332-2536, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. available. 403-382-0158, Lethbridge, AB.

FEDERAL A2500A skis w/170 rigging, BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, bro- WANTED: OLIVER HG 42 (Cletrac) or OC3 good shape. Phone 306-922-3417 or chures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton Crawler or parts Crawler. 403-548-6637, 306-960-4637, Sprucehome, SK. Medicine Hat, AB. AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432.

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ACROSS 1. Canadian who has the lead role on Revenge 8. ___ & Emma 9. She was known for her role as Dr. Samantha Waters on Profiler 10. Eight ___ 11. William H. Macy’s wife 13. The Book of ___ 14. David Clarke’s daughter on Revenge 15. Sensei and adoptive father of the Ninja Turtles 16. ___ Wednesday 17. Once ___ a Time (TV series) 18. Christensen who was in Swimfan 19. Roberts’ co-star in Pretty Woman 20. To ___, With Love 22. “Just the facts, ___” (Dragnet’s catchphrase) 23. Dolores ___ Rio 24. The Last ___ (mockumentary starring John Candy and Eugene Levy) 25. ___ De Laurentiis 27. Blue ___ 30. Silverstone who starred in The Crush 31. Anywhere ___ Here 33. Initials of the actress who was in White Nights 34. Jaye’s role in The Crying Game 35. Freida who was in Slumdog Millionaire

37. ___ Ann McLerie 38. Location of the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company DOWN 1. She had the lead role on Harper’s Island 2. She plays a shopping addict in Confessions of a Shopaholic 3. He played The Beast on Angel 4. Swedish cinematographer 5. Up in the ___ 6. She once played girl detective Nancy Drew 7. Film starring Robert Young (with The) 12. Shields and ___ (mime team) 21. Jamie Lynn ___ (star of Zoey 101) 23. Parton who starred in Straight Talk 26. Rusty ___ (unseen truck driver in Joyride) 28. Initials of a singer who had his own TV show 29. The Man in the ___ Mask 32. The Englishman Who Went ___ Hill But Came Down a Mountain 33. Canadian who played opposite Klugman on Quincy, M.E. 34. Initials of an actress who was on A Different World 36. Initials of the actress who played Maggie Sheffield on The Nanny



COCKSHUTT 1650 w/Ezee-On loader with bucket, blade and pallet forks, fair cond. for age. 1550 Cockshutt for parts. $4500 for both OBO on either (will sell separate). Malcolm 306-270-6600, Hague, SK. 1956 FORD 600 with 3 PTH cultivator, PTO, $3500; Early 1940’s MF #30 row crop, rebuilt motor, painted, $2600. 306-642-3888, Assiniboia, SK. 1937 JD MODEL BR, complete and in good condition, in heated garage, $5200. Pics available. 250-428-4758, Creston, BC. WA4 WAGNER 4 WD engine runs very good. Open to offers. 204-736-4207, 204-981-7516, Brunkild, MB. WANTED: COCKSHUTT TRACTORS, especially 50, 570 super and 20, running or not, equipment, brochures, manuals and memorabilia. We pick up at your farm. Jim Harkness, RR4, Harriston, ON., N0G 1Z0, 519-338-3946, fax: 519-338-2756. 1950 DAVID BRADLEY TRI-TRAC restored, blade, $3000 OBO. 403-226-0429, Calgary, AB. Email: ancientgrease@gmail.com

1957 MERCURY 2 ton truck, exc. cond., asking $1800. 306-946-3806, Watrous, SK. 1965 CADILLAC DE VILLE, 2 door hard top, excellent body, very good interior, driveable but needs trans. seals. Asking $6000. 204-859-2437, Rossburn, MB. WANTED: ORIGINAL ELECTRIC windshield wiper motor for 1929 Model A Ford. Ph. eves. 780-542-5136, Drayton Valley AB WANTED: 1970-1973 FIREBIRD or Trans AM, any condition. 306-862-8518, Choiceland, SK. 1965 SPORT FURY, 2 dr. hard top, 3 spd. auto, 318 wide block, buckets, console, $5000. Keith 306-532-4892, Wapella, SK. 1984 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88, dsl., 2 dr. hardtop, no rust, never winter driven, exc. running cond., $4000 OBO. 204-766-2643. 1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. www.sterlingoldcarsandtrucks.com


Fe b . 13th -19th



Saskatchew an Auctioneers Association 38th AnnualConvention, FEBRUARY 10 & 11,2012 D elta H otelRegina

2325 Preston Ave.S. SASK ATO O N BORDER CITY COLLECTOR SHOW, Lloydminster, SK-AB, March 10-11, 2012. Featuring antiques, farm toys, dolls and who knows what else? Mark your calendar now. We’re celebrating our 20th year with more space available for exhibitors in the recently renovated Stockade Convention Centre. For info contact Don at 306-825-3584 or Brad at 780-846-2977. For doll info call Deb at 780-875-8485.

A nnualG eneralM eeting and Convention presenting: Baxter Black, cow boy poet and hum orist. February 10, 2012 D elta H otel, Regina. Saturday Breakfast CallSAA office at: 306-441-2265 fax:306-445-2258 for m ore info: Em ail:saskauctioneers@ xplornet.com

PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign SKATING RINK ICE LEVELERS. 4- 3 PTH now. Next sale February 25, 9:00 AM. units from $500 and up, 2- self propelled PBR, 105-71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., units. 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, www.pbrauctions.com 306-931-7666. Winnipeg, MB. SUPREME AUCTION SERVICES will aucUSED ZAMBONI AND Olympia ice resurf- tion the RM office building (Qu’Appelle ers for sale. Parts, sales and service. street) and the RM shop (10th Ave.) in the 403-830-8603, 403-271-9793, Calgary, AB town of Qu’Appelle for the RM of South Qu’Appelle on Thursday March 8th at 7:30 PM at the seniors center, Qu’Appelle, SK. Contact Ken McDonald 306-695-0121 or Brad Stenberg 306-551-9411. PL# 314604 www.supremeauctions.ca HUGE FARM TOY AUCTION: Friday Feb. 10th, Legion Hall, Yorkton, SK. Doors open 4 PM, auction starts at 6 PM. Pictures and info. at: www.jakz.ca or ph: 306-641-5850

WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK.

N EXT SALE S ATUR DAY, 9:00 AM AP R IL 7, 2 012 G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w . grea tpla in sa u ctio n eers.co m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9

ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, Piapot SHELDON’S HAULING, Haul all farm Lions Club 13th Annual Show and Sale at equipment, air drills and swathers. Maple Creek Armories, Maple Creek, SK. 306-961-9699 Prince Albert SK Feb. 4 and 5th. Info. ph/fax 306-558-4802

Meeting the Need for

SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park New and used parts available for 3 tonhighway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-800-667-3023. www.saskatoontruckparts.ca DL #914394 TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton; Gas and diesel engines; 4 and 5 speed trans.; single and 2 speed axles; B&H, 13’-18’; and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300.



Foodst Security


in the 21 Century A public lecture by

Dr. Hans-Joachim Braun


2010 TIMPTE GRAIN trailer, 102”W 84”H, 48’ long, 3 axle, air ride, 11R22.5, alum. rims, new drums, rear lifting axle, three unloading shoots, 3 hopper, third hopper at rear axle, exc. cond, new MB safety, $52,000 OBO. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 2006 36’ CASTLETON tandem axle open end grain trailer, 76” side walls. Esterhazy, SK. 306-745-2415 or 306-745-7168. SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use industrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat for added rust protection. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK.



• 24.5 tires on aluminum • safetied Oct. 2011 • round fenders • auto greaser • dual cranks • load lights • color blue and white

Price $63,900.00 plus GST. Lacombe AB. Ph. 1-403-782-7803 or Cell 1-403-350-8777 2010 CANCADE DAKOTA CONVEYOR Tridem trailer, two hopper split four ways. Used for one season, fully loaded. Works great for loading air seeder, conveyor removable for rest of season. 306-231-9020, Humboldt, SK. 2009 CANCADE DAKOTA, tri-axle, 3 hopper, safetied until August, farm use only, $42,500. 204-842-3617, Birtle, MB. 1-2007 WILSON SUPER B; 1-2004 LodeKing Super B, steel combo. Both grain bulkers. 306-648-7766, Gravelborg, SK. 2009 LODE-KING PRESTIGE trailers. Ex- 2001 LODE-KING ALUM. Super B, alum. cellent shape. Call 306-494-7131, Kerro- rims, new rubber, air ride, exc. condition, $48,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB. bert, SK.

24/ 7 O


In d ivid u al Closin g D ates & T im es REG IN A, S K:


2009 CASE STEIGER 535HD w/545 Hrs. Degelman 16’ 6-Way Dozer Blade Kello-Bilt 325HD 12’ Single Offset Disk 2000 JD 9750 STS Combine w/1408 Sep. Hrs. 2009 JD 4895 25” SP Swather 545 Cutting Hrs. 2004 JD 1820 41’ Air Drill w/Flexicoil 3850 Tow Behind Tank

HODGINS AUCTIONEERS 1-800-667-2075 hodginsauctoneers.com

Bid s C los e Every M ond a y a t N oon! 2008 No rb ert24’ L ives to ck T ra iler; 2009 No rb ert28’ F la t Deck T ra iler; Jo hn Deere Ga rd en T ra cto r L A100; 2007 Chev Ava la n che; 1995 W a n d erer W a go n b y T ho r 34’ T o y Ha u ler; S kid S teer Bu cket; 2003 K ia S o ren to S UV; 2004 GM C E n vo y (T o ta l L o s s ) & M u ch, M u ch M ORE !

On lin e Even t – V a len tin e’s S pecia l – Un res erved Jew ellery – Bid s Clo s e Feb 13th

S AS KATO O N , S K: Bid s C los e Every T ues d a y a t N oon! S a d d les & T a ck even t - 14 n ew & u s ed s a d d les ; New -16HP Gen S ets ; flu x w ire w eld er; d u el m ig w eld er; 800/900 gen era to rs ; a rc w eld er; p a lletja cks etc.; to rq u e w ren ches ; fu ll s u p p ly o fn ew in d u s tria l s ho p to o ls .

N EX T AG & IN DUS TRIAL AUCTION : S ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 – 9 :30AM . F ea tu rin g 2005 JD 317 S kid S teer L o a d er; 1975 Chev C60 Du m p s ter (b o th s u b jectto F eb . 14 red em p tio n d a te) 1998 JD Go lfCo u rs e Ga to r; K eeto n a Co b o rn S heer; T o ro Ro ta ry Deck M o w er; 1999 F o rd F 350 T ru ck; & m o re!

“ N EW




P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193

P H: TER R Y (306) 341-0363 OFFICE: (306) 65 2 -4334

L IC.#31448 0

L IC: #318 116

An En viron m e n ta l Agri-b u s in e s s S ym p os iu m for FAR M P R OD U CER S M a rc h 1, 20 12

S AS K ATOON P R AIR IEL AN D P AR K M edia S pons ors :


Thursday, February 2, 2012

College of Agriculture and Bioresources

2011 CORN HUSKER grain trailer, 11R22.5, aluminum rims, 84” side walls, 102” wide, 43’ long. Loaded, hopper vibrators, like new condition, $35,000. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

w w w.M cDo u ga llAu ctio n .co m

Dr. Hans-Joachim Braun is the Director of the Global Wheat Program at CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre. CIMMYT’s Global Wheat Program develops and distributes wheat germplasm to more than 180 co-operators in over 100 countries. Dr. Braun has contributed to the development and release of 44 winter wheat varieties and has received the Chinese Friendship Award for contribution to wheat improvement in Gansu Province.

7 p.m. Room 107 Physics Building 116 Science Place University of Saskatchewan

2005 MACK CH 613 parting out, good run- 1994 LINCOLN SIGNATURE, all leather, ning E7 series engine. Many other parts loaded, 270,000 kms, good cond, asking available. 780-847-3048, Marwayane, AB. $2500 OBO. 306-342-4528, 306-441-5127, Cochin, SK. SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS, Weyburn, SK, 306-842-2641. Used car and 1998 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, new tires, truck parts, light to heavy. We buy scrap brakes, wipers and serpentine belt. Runs very well, 200,000 kms, blue w/black iniron and non-ferrous metals. terior, 4 spd. auto. $2,000. 306-690-5131 VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM Moose Jaw, SK. 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, 2005 BUICK ALLURE w/On Star, 30,000 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. kms, immaculate cond, asking $25,000 WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all OBO. 306-693-9885, Moose Jaw, SK. models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: junkman.2010@hotmail.com Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. 2007 LODE-KING SUPER B Prestige, alum. WRECKING 1993 Dodge Cummins, 4x4, wheels inside and out, auto greasers, new pump, brakes, engine, transfer case $57,500. 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. and rearend good. Trans. and body shot. Sold as unit, $3500 OBO. Abernethy, SK. 1999 CANCADE TRI-AXLE grain trailer w / 1 0 ” u n l o a d a u g e r, $ 1 8 , 5 0 0 O B O. 306-335-2777, 306-924-4217. 204-556-2455, Cromer, MB. 4” ROPER PUMP, with all PTO attach- 1997 DOEPKER SUPER B, closed end, ments and PTO for 18 spd. trans, 3 yrs. s p r i n g r i d e , l ow k m s , g r e at s h ap e , old, $2000. 403-335-9719, Didsbury, AB. $30,000. 403-647-7391, Milk River, AB. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in NEW 2012 TANDEM and tri-axle trailers, obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought 2 and 3 hopper, air ride, $25,000 up. for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 NEW 2012 tandem axle air ride, 38’ open tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. end, 80” sides, air gauges, tarp, warranty, Also large selection of Cummins diesel $32,000. 780-913-0097, Edmonton, AB. motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary- NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tan1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We dem 38’; 2012 Wilson tridem, demo; 2006 Doepker Super B’s, air ride; 1996 alum. have everything, almost. Lode-King Super B, alum. budds, air ride; WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. 1996 Doepker Super B, air ride; 2004 and Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, 1990 tandem grain trailers; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, cert.; Tandem Churchbridge, SK. a x l e 1 8 ’ p o n y p u p s , B H & T. P h o n e ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used 3 0 6 - 3 5 6 - 4 5 5 0 , D o d s l a n d , S K . D L # heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel mo- 905231, www.rbisk.ca tors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 2002 DOEPKER SUPER B, 11R24.5 tires, Hendrickson susp., air ride with guages, 1-800-938-3323. fresh MB. safety, alum. slopes, $39,500 WRECKING USED VOLVO trucks: Misc. ax- Call Ken 204-364-2358, Arborg, MB. les and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer 2008 DOEPKER SUPER B Bulker, great suspension axles. 306-539-4642 Regina SK shape with new safety. Also in stock, 2012 2007 22’ VAN BODY c/w power tailgate, Super B grain trailers; 2012 Doepker Super excellent condition, $3100. 306-244-3753 B flats and drop decks w/beavertail flip ramps in stock. Many more used and new or 306-281-5865, Saskatoon, SK. 2012 trailers arriving daily, many colors to choose from. 1-800-665-6317 More details avail. at www.macarthurtruck.com SCHOOL BUSES, 20 to 72 pass., 1991 2005 LODE-KING SUPER B, all steel and up, $2500 and up. Phoenix Auto, open end grain trailers, new rubber, paint excellent, fresh safety, $50,000. Millhouse 306-858-2300, Lucky Lake, SK. DL 320074 Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 2006 FORD F450, 4x2, 24 passenger bus, d i e s e l e n g i n e i n o p e r a b l e . $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 2010 DOEPKER 36’, air ride, 24.5 rubber, fenders, load lights, less than 10,000 kms. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. 306-592-4524 306-563-8144 Buchanan SK 2009 TIMPTE 40’ tandem axle grain trailer, 11R24.5 tires, 22,000 original kms, fresh safety, mint condition, $34,000 OBO. 306-865-7694, Hudson Bay, SK.

• L is ten to ca s e s tu d ies o n Co n s ervin g, Ha rn es s in g a n d Pro d u cin g a ltern a tive en ergy. • N etw o rk in g s es s io n s a n d in d u s try d is pla ys . C hec k outw w w .go Co-hos ted b y:

in ggreen gro w in ggreen .in fo

for c om plete event d eta ils .


2004 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers. safetied until Sept/12, 24.5 rubber, new: tarps, dual cranks, bearings and sprockets on all 4 hoppers. exc condition. $48,000 plus GST. 306-587-7909, Pennant, SK


COMPONENTS FOR TRAILERS, Build, Repair and Manufacture. Free freight. See “The Book 2011� page 165. DL Parts For Trailers, 1-877-529-2239, www.dlparts.ca

2- NEW 2012 TIMPTE, alum. tridem grain trailers, 45’, 2 hoppers, air ride, alum. wheels, weights, 11,500 lbs., 11-24-5 tires. Feb./March delivery, $49,995. Also recent trade: 2009 Doepker 3 hopper tridem, farmer owned, vg cond., $43,000. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 2009 DOEPKER GRAIN trailers, white and red, safetied in Sept. 2011. Dual cranks, lift axles, load lights, extra light pkg., half round fenders, $75,500 OBO. 403-820-2857, Drumheller, AB.

END DUMP tri-axle gravel trailer. 2010 Techumse (cross country), crank roll tarp, vibrator, LED lights, new safety, exc. cond. $47,500. 306-421-3482, Bienfait, SK. WANTED: 40’ TANDEM aluminum grain 1999 DOEPKER SUPER B flatdeck trailer, trailer in excellent condition for $20,000 or new tires, air ride. Phone 204-825-7886, Manitou, MB. best. 306-675-4450, Ituna, SK. 2001 DOEPKER SUPER B, steel sides, alum. slopes, open end, air ride, good shape, $45,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB.

2009 DURALITE 20’ alum. gooseneck, like new, hauled horses only, 3000 miles total, asking $15,000, no tax. Phone Brent 306-232-7810, Rosthern, SK. 2009 WILSON 53’ tri-axle, deep back end, partial board kit, exc. cond. 306-741-1459, Swift Current, SK.

NEW 24x7’ MERRITT stock with rolling front divider. Call Darin 204-526-7407, Cypress River, MB. DL #4143. MR. B’s TRAILER SALES, Norberts and Rainbow, lease to own. Ph. 306-773-8688, Swift Current, SK. TRAIL KING 7x18’ gooseneck cattle trailer, 2 yr. old floor, good shape, $2500. 204-847-2262, Foxwarren, MB. 1997 SUNDOWNER GOOSENECK stock trailer, 6.5’ high, 20’ bed, asking $8500. 306-782-7241, Rokeby, SK. 20’ NEW FEATHERLITE 8117 alum. stock trailer. 7000 axles, center gate, slider rear door, stock #0221, $13,400. Allan Dale Industries in Red Deer, 1-866-346-3148, or www.allandale.com 2002 MERRITT TRI-AXLE cattleliner, air ride suspension, good condition. Call 403-795-2850 for details, Coaldale, AB.

TOPGUN TRAILER SALES Custom built “For those who demand the best.� Agassiz trailers (enclosed) and Precision trailers (open cargo). 1-855-255-0199, Moose Jaw, SK. www.topguntrailersales.ca

L ACO M BE TR AIL ER SAL ES & R EN TAL S La co m b e AB Pho n e: 403- 782 - 4774 Fa x: 403- 782 - 6493

ALS O AV AILABLE S tep Decks, HiBo ys, Freight V a n s, Sto ra ge Un its a n d Jo b site Tra ilers & M o re


USED MUV-ALL TRAILER, 4860’ model, $24,900. Contact Maple Farm Equipment, 306-783-9459, Yorkton, SK. AFFORDABLE TRAILERS. Call Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

GRAIN 2012 W IL SO N TAND E M S.................................. STARTING AT..........$3 9,995 .00 (In Sto ck) 2012 W IL SO N TRID E M ...................................... STARTING AT..........$5 1,980.00 (In Sto ck) 2012 W IL SO N SU PE R B..................................... STARTING AT..........$89,980.00 (In Sto ck) USED GRAIN 2008 W IL SO N SU PE R B.............$6 5 ,980.00 2004 CASTL E TO N SU PE R B.....$4 3 ,980.00 2004 L O D E K ING SU PE R B........$3 9,900.00 2009 W IL SO N TAND E M 1998 W IL SO N TRIAX L E .............$27,900.00 VARIETY OF U SED G RAIN AVAILABLE REN TALS AVAILABLE

FEATUR ED TR AILER S & TR UCKS • 2 011 V ikin g S in gle Dro p 9 W id e • 03 M a n a c 53’ Ta n d em FreightV a n • 2 012 Dra ke 40’ Ta n d em Ho pper G ra in Tra ilerc/w Ta rp • 00 S co n a 50’ 16 W heelerFlo a t • 2 - 01 W ilso n T/A 48’ Alu m Co m b o S tep Decks • 07 Led w ellT/A M a chin ery Tra iler • 06 Tra n scra ft53’ TriAxle S tep Deck • 2 - N ew V ikin g 48’ TriAxle Alu m in u m Co m b o Hi-Bo ys • 97 Tra ilM a x 30’ TriAxle TiltDeck Pin tle Hitch Equ ipm en tTra iler • 79 Chev C70 w /16’ G ra in Bo x Ho ist& Ta rp, 67,000 km • 96 R eitn o u er48’ ta n d em Alu m in u m S tep Deck • 04 R a ja 35’ S tep Deck Equ ip Tra ilerw ith Hyd ra u lic Ta il • 82 Tra n scra ft48’ T/A S tep Deck w /Ba le R a ck • 1981 Fru eha u f Ta n d em , TiltDeck • S in gle & Ta n d em Co n verterDo llies - Lo n g o rS ho rtTo n gu es • 2 8’ to 53’ S to ra ge & FreightV a n s S ta rtin g a t$1,500 • 04 Fo rd E450 Am b u la n ce • 06 XL Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 95 IHC S in gle Axle Tra cto r • 03 XL Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 06 BW S Do u b le Dro p Deta ch

w w w.lacom betrailersales.com

INT. TRUCK w/TANDEM FEED Trailer. Was used as a tender unit. Fills air drill c a r t q u i c k l y, $ 2 3 , 0 0 0 O B O . C a l l 780-499-5990 cell, Legal, AB.

1996 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLT loaded, PW, PL, PM, power seats, etc., good shape, new trans, good tires, $4500 OBO. Call Jon at 306-230-2736, Assiniboia, SK. 1997 GMC, 4x4, 6.5 dsl, ext. cab, shortbox, leather seats, c/w 5 Michelin tires, good mileage. 306-382-1241, Saskatoon, SK 1999 FORD F-250 Lariat, 4x4, 7.3 diesel, auto. Call 306-542-4498 or 306-542-7325, Kamsack, SK.

GOOSEN ECK S 2012 W IL SO N 24’..........................IN STOC K LIV ESTOCK 2013 W IL SO N GRO U ND L O AD ON ORD ER EQUIPM EN T 2012 M U V-AL L D O U BL E & SINGL E D RO PS & H D G ..........IN STOC K 2004 M U VAL L 5370SF TD ........$4 4 ,900.00 DECK S 2012 W IL SO N STE P & F L AT D E CK S, TAND E M ,TRID E M & BE AVE RTAIL ..............................AVAILABLE

1990 ARNIES TRI-AXLE single drop low- 1995 DODGE 2500, 4x4, 5 spd., 5th wheel bed, $25,000. 204-532-2231, Binscarth, h i t c h , b r a ke c o n t r o l , $ 8 0 0 0 O B O . MB. 306-445-5485, Battleford, SK. WANTED: F250-350 crew cab, diesel, 4x4, manual trans., engine condition unimportant. 306-862-9249, Nipawin, SK.

Golden W estTra iler Sa les & Renta ls

RPM Automotive Sundre: 1-888-638-4525 sales@kieferbuiltcanada.com Automan Trailers Prince Albert: 1-800-252-0840 automan@kieferbuiltcanada.com Smyl RV: St. Paul: 1-800-522-4105 smyl@kieferbuiltcanada.com F.M. Trailer World Vulcan, AB: 1-877-205-1999 stacey@kieferbuiltcanada.com Strathmore, AB: 403-934-6833 holly@kieferbuiltcanada.com

M oose Ja w (877) 999-7402

Bria n Griffin, Ha rv ey V a n D e Sype, John Ca rle

Sa sk a toon (866) 278-2636

D a nny Ta ta ryn |Cell: 306-260-4209





DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.

2008 SUPER B GRAIN TRAILER Very Good Condition

t UJSFT PO BMVNJOVN t TBGFUJFE 0DU t SPVOE GFOEFST t BVUP HSFBTFS t EVBM DSBOLT t MPBE MJHIUT t DPMPS CMVF BOE XIJUF Price $63,900.00 plus GST. Lacombe AB. Ph. 1-403-782-7803 or Cell 1-403-350-8777


All Units W ork R ea dy!

Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers


Automatic, Autoshift and Ultrashift. Grain and Silage boxes. Self Loading Bale Deck trucks. DAKOTA Aluminum Grain Hopper Trailers.

2007 KENWORTH T2000, 475 HP Cummins, 13 spd., 1.1 million kms, 22.5 tires, new paint, new rubber, pintle hitch ready, rear hoist controls, 20’x68� high box w/Michel’s tarp, air ride, cab, Jake, cruise, elec. windows, mirrors, etc. $52,500 OBO. 204-825-7560, Cartwright, MB. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices.


2003 F-250 XLT, 4x4 supercab, long box, V10 auto, 115,000 kms, vg, $16,900. CamDon Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

2005 DODGE DSL. Cummins 2500, 4x4, SLT, quad cab, 4 dr., auto trans, trailer pkg., fully loaded, exc. cond., like new, 170,000 kms, $23,000 OBO. 306-725-4280, Strasbourg, SK.

2001 IHC 4900, DT530, 300 HP, 10 spd., alum. wheels, 176,000 miles, West coast truck, fresh Sask. safety. New CIM BH&T, $46,900. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

2006 FORD F-150 XLT, 4x4 Super Crew, 1 owner, 5.4, remote start, tow pkg., box liner and cover w/lock, 183,000 kms, very good cond. 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK.

2003 FREIGHTLINER FL80 tandem, 7 spd., Cat diesel, air ride, 20’ ultracel BH&T, low miles, US rust free truck, $57,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2006 FREIGHTLINER CORONADO, 515 HP Detroit, 13 spd., lockers; 2005 IHC 9400, 10 spd., 450 HP Cummins ISX; 2005 IHC 9200, 450 HP Cummins ISX w/Eaton 3 pedal AutoShift. All with new CIM B&H and tarps. Call 306-270-6399, Saskatoon, SK. DL #316542. 2006 IH 9200, AutoShift w/clutch, 475 ISX Cummins, w/BH&T; 2004 Mack Vision 460, 18 spd., new 20’ B&H, with elec. tarp; 1997 Mack CH 613, 400, 18 spd., alum. b u d d s , w i t h n ew 2 0 ’ B H & T. P h o n e 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca

2006 FORD F350 Lariat dually, crewcab, longbox, loaded with many extras incl. new rubber, 136,000 kms, $25,000. 306-421-6346, Estevan, SK.

AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #316588. www.davidstrucks.com

Trailer Sales And Rentals


ATTENTION: READY FOR sale/lease, 2007 Wilson Brute 48’ alum. combo stepdeck, sliding front axle, ratchets, new 22.5 rubber, $26,900. 306-242-2508, Saskatoon, SK. www.saskwestfinancial.com Financing info Gord 306-934-4445. 2005 TRI-AXLE SCISSOR neck trailer, kicker roll, flip over roll, LED lights, exc. cond., new rubber, only hauled skid shacks, $63,500 OBO. Can deliver. 250-803-4140 or 250-463-4444, BC.

2005 Peterbilt 378, Ultrashift Transmission

2011 F350 SUPER DUTY XLT, 6.7 dsl., $42,000; 2009 F350 Super Duty Lariat, 6.4 diesel, $26,000; 2008 F350 Super Duty Lariat, 6.4 dsl., $25,000; 2007 F350 Super www.automatictruck.com Duty Lariat, 6.0 diesel, $19,500. All trucks rawlyn@automatictruck.com are crewcabs, shortbox, 4x4. All have been through shop and ready to go. Financing 1979 GMC 7000, 16’, CIM box, tarp, 427 available. Warranty on all trucks. Call Neil V8, HD 5+2 trans., 10.00x20, air brakes, $8500. 780-753-6969, Hayter, AB. 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. NEW 2011 DODGE 2500 diesel crewcab 1985 MACK w/20’ ultracel box, w/seed Laramie, longbox, 4x4, retail $65,515.00, funnel box divider, engine needs work. n o w $ 5 0 , 9 9 5 . H e n d r y s C h r y s l e r, 306-232-4921, Rosthern, SK. 306-528-2171, Nokomis, SK. DL #907140. 1988 IHC 2500, S/A, L10 Cummins, 10 Jake, 2005 18’ CBI box, Michel’s tarp, NEW 2011 SILVERADO 3500 4 WD spd., hoist and endgate, exc. cond., Crewcab LTZ Dually, 6L Duramax dsl., remote $23,000. 403-337-2815, Carstairs, AB. black, fully loaded, includes Navigation, XM radio, Command Start and much more, 1996 FREIGHTLINER FL80, tandem, 3000 kms, $60,500 OBO. 306-873-7830, auto trans, Cat diesel, 2010 19’ Neustar Porcupine Plain, SK. bmnhorn@yahoo.ca B H & T, p l a s t i c f e n d e r s , $ 4 8 , 0 0 0 . 306-773-7941, Wymark, SK. 1998 FREIGHTLINER FL80, single axle w/Courtney Berg 8’x16’x60� BH&T, 8.3 2006 F-350 LARIAT Superduty, crew cab, Cummins, 9 spd. trans, pintle hitch. Excelshort box, diesel, auto, 4x4, 165,000 kms lent all around. 306-247-2049, Scott, SK. dark blue. Fully loaded except sunroof, Well Maintained, good shape. Recent dealer work with warranty. Asking $18,900 OBO. 403-654-5935, Enchant, AB.

Visit our website at:

Give us a call, you’ll be glad you did!

(M edicine H at, A lberta)

2006 KENWORTH T800, AUTOSHIFT 10 spd., new B&H, ISM Cummins, very clean truck; Also, available trucks w/ISX Cummins and no box. 204-673-2382 Melita MB

2006 & 2007 International 9200 & 9400 Grain Trucks, Autoshift Transmission

2007 DODGE 3500 HD dually, crewcab, 4x4, 6.7 Cummins dsl, 6 spd manual, Laramie, loaded, heated leather, sunroof, chrome pkg, Jake brake, all new tires, trailer pkg., 174,927 kms, mint condition, SK truck, $28,000 or will consider truck on trade. 204-564-2527, Shellmouth, MB.

2010 DODGE RAM quad cab 4x4, Eco eng., 98,000 kms, nice, $19,500. Trades. 306-291-6909, Saskatoon, SK.

www.andrestrailer.com We Take Trades


2008 TRIDEM CANUCK gravel trailer, rebuilt. New Endura plastic paint, tires 80%, new main cylinder and 5th wheel plate, new front neck, $45,750 OBO. 204-825-7560 Cartwright, MB.

2008 DODGE RAM 1500, crew cab, 4x4, 5.7 litre hemi, tow package, new windshield, excellent condition, 160,000 kms, $13,500. 306-452-7201, Wauchope, SK.

CH ECK U S O U T AT w w w .go ld en w esttra iler.co m 2006 CARGOMATE 20’ enclosed car hauler, 5000 lb. axles, side door, rear ramp door, Fina ncing Av a ila ble, black w/wo inside mtd. 8000 lb. winch, Com p etitiv e Ra tes O.A.C. very low miles, like new. 306-666-4807, Golden Prairie, SK. NEW FELLING 100,000 LB. GVW tri-axle air ride, step deck trailer. Would make NEW ARC FAB PLATFORM trailers in ideal NH3 trailer or tender trailer, asking stock, 30’, 36’, 38’, 40’ w/woe dolly $24,500 OBO. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. wheels. Dealer inquiries welcome. Call Gary at 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB, UNUSED 2012 BWS 27’ end dump tandem www.reimerfarmequipment.com air ride, elec. tarp, 11R22.5 radials. Trades GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. welcome. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Bea- NEW TRIDEM MUVALL single drop, 10’ vertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or wide, ext’s to 15’, 20,000 lb. winch, hyd. triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built tail; 53’ and 48’ tridem and tandem stepfrom 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. decks; 53’, 48’ and 45’ tridem and tandem Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, high boys, all steel and combos; Super B Central Butte, SK. and B-train high boys; Tandem and S/A 3200 GAL. ALUM. tandem axle pup water converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailtanker, pintle hitch, air brakes, good 22.5 ers, 48’ w/side doors; Tandem lowboy; tires, c/w mtd. chem handler w/2� Honda Tandem tanker, 6000 gal. Dodsland, SK. 306-356-4550 www.rbisk.ca DL#905231 pump. 306-666-4807, Golden Prairie, SK.

24’ GOOSENECK TRI-AXLE, 21,000 lbs., $6490. Bumper pull tandem equipment: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2650. Factory direct. 1-888-792-6283. WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Kiefer Stock Horse Trailers Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited. PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and Aluminum & Steel bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, www.precisiontrailer.com

WRECKING 1993 Dodge Cummins, 4x4, new pump, brakes, engine, transfer case and rearend good. Trans. and body shot. Sold as unit, $3500 OBO. Abernethy, SK. HEAVY DUTY OILFIELD trailer. Fully insu- 306-335-2777, 306-924-4217. lated, heated, 3-phase power, great onsite storage. 403-947-3767, Beiseker, AB.

2005 IH 9400 w/IFX Cummins 10 spd Autoshift, 12’s and 40’s, A/C, Jake, cruise, alum. wheels, 20’ BH&T, very nice truck, $57,500; 2007 Freightliner, 450 HP Mercedes, 10 spd., Autoshift w/clutch, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, A/T/C, jakes, 12/40 axles, alum. wheels, $68,500; 2001 Mack 460 HP Mack engine, 10 spd., Autoshift w/clutch, A/T/C, alum. wheels, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, 8 new rear tires, $53,500; 2003 IH 9200, Cat 400 HP, 18 spd., new 18’ BH&T, rear controls, $51,500; 2001 Western Star, ISX Cummins, 10 spd., 19-1/2’ BH&T, rear controls, $49,500; 1998 IH 9200, N14 Cummins, 460 HP, 13 s p d . , n ew 2 0 ’ B H & T, r e a r c o n t r o l s , $46,500; 2010 36’ grain trailer, air ride, alum. wheels, new cond., $33,500. All trucks safetied. Trades accepted. Arborfield, SK. Ph 306-276-7518, 306-862-1575 or 306-767-2616. DL #906768.

2005 GMC SIERRA LSE 3500 HD, 6.6 Duramax diesel, long box, dual climate control, power everything, very clean. 209,000 kms. $20,000 OBO. 403-651-0346, Chestermere Lake, AB

SELLING: 1975 FORD 350 Custom one ton, 390 engine, 4 spd. trans., 59,513 orig. miles, front tow bar, rear tow pkg., new rims, tires, carb, etc. $5000 OBO. Ph or text 403-323-8733, Camrose, AB.

3 FOR SALE! 2001 Freightliner FLD120 double bunk, 550 HP, C15 Cat, 18 spd., f r e s h s a fe t y a l l d o n e , $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 w a s $21,900. 1993 Freightliner FL120, 9 spd., Cummins L10E, fresh safety, was $15,900, now $12,900. 1979 Old School Freightliner COE8164, 13’ box, 13 spd., fresh safety. Lots of chrome/ alum. and lots of it, was $13,900 now $10,900. All prices negotiable. 306-522-7771, Regina, SK.




8 5,000 OBO

2010 K EN W ORTH T-6 00 Call for a quote Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y! Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB QUALITY USED/CLEARANCE TRAILERS Enclosed, flatdecks, dumps. Used 18’ Trailtech CEL260 flatdeck, slide in ramps, slipper spring suspension, 2- 6000 lb. electric braking axles. Phone Flaman Trailers in Saskatoon 1-888-235-2626 or visit website www.flaman.com/trailers

Cu m m in s IS X 500, 13 s p d , 12 & 40’s 495,000 km , F in a n ce rep o .


Re gin a , S K 1-800-667-0466 S a s ka to o n , S K 1-888-242-7988 NeuStar Manufacturing 1470 Willson Place Winnipeg, Manitoba 1-204-478-7827

1990 FREIGHTLINER 120, day cab, 18 spd., 46 rears, wet kit, 425 Cat, $8000; 1998 Freightliner 120, Integral sleeper, 18 spd., 46 rears, 550 Cat, air ride, $13,000. 204-532-2231, Binscarth, MB. 1992 PETERBILT 357 tandem, 525 HP, Cat, 10 spd.w/4 spd. auxilary, AC, air ride, 615,000 kms, Braden winch, vg, only $24,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. A F F O R DA B L E T RU C K S. C a l l L a r r y at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.



for prices or ask for a Dealer near you! “ Flexible Financing Terms available OAC” See all inventory and product details at



Shown w/optional silage extentions & aluminum body & rims.

35 foot, triaxle, air ride, hyd gate, hoist stabilizer, tapered tub body.


Self Loading and Unloading Bale decks, from 10 bale units for single axles to 18 bale units for tandem and tri-drives. We will install on your truck or source a truck for you. Order with or without a pup trailer to double your hauling capacity.

3-2009 M a c k CXU6 31, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B. 70” con d o bu n k s , 651,000 – 784,000 k m . . . $49,900 2007 IH 9900I, 475 HP IS X Cu m m in s , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea rs , 24.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 1,118,959 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,900 2006 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Ca tC15, 18 s p , Ca n a d ia n Cla s s in terior, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:55 g ea rs , 244” W B. 70” m id -ris e bu n k , 1,201,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,000 2006 IH 9400I, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 3:90 g ea rs , 236” W B. 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 1,239,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2007 Ke n w orth T800, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 10 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B . . . . . . $50,000 2006 IH 9900I, 475 HP Ca t, 13 s p , 12/ 46, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 4:11 g ea rs , 4-w a y lock s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 2003 IH 7400, 260 HP DT466, 10 s p , 16,000 lbs . fron t, 40,000 lbs . rea r, 224” W B, 4:11 g ea rs , d ou ble fra m e, 254,149 k m , w ith W a lin g a g ra in box w ith PTO blow er, a n d hois t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 d lr# 0122.

P h. 2 04- 68 5 - 2 2 2 2

M a cGregor M B. To view p ictures ofour inventory vis itw w w.tita ntrucks a les .com

Best Selling Farm Body in Canada in Steel or Aluminum – Surprisingly competitive cost – with or without matching pup trailer. 1994 FREIGHTLINER, 3406 Cat motor, $14,000 spent on engine, new front tires, $13,000 OBO. 403-823-1894, Morin, AB. 2001 FREIGHTLINER FLD120, ISM Cummins engine, 10 spd. trans, 40,000 rears, high rise cab, safetied, $10,000. 306-931-2678, Saskatoon, SK. 2001 FREIGHTLINER, rebuilt engine, Super B specs, 46 rears, 4 way lockers, 18 spd., Detroit 60 series engine 500 HP, new safety, 1.3m kms. $29,500. 306-327-8227, Kelvington, SK. 2001 INTERNATIONAL 9200, 430-470 Detroit w/Eaton auto shift, new tires w/full senders, good shape, well maintained, $20,500. 306-642-3315, Assiniboia, SK. 2002 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, day cab, C12 Cat, 10 speed, air ride, air cond., premium, no rust, Calif. truck only $34,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2002 INTERNATIONAL 9900i, 475 Cat, 72” bunk, new tires, fresh safety; Also 2007 LODE-KING Super B Prestige with a u t o g r e a s e r, a l u m i n u m w h e e l s . 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. 2002 STERLING 400 Cat, 9 spd., single axle, only, $14,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2003 IH 9400i, Cummins 435, 72” bunk, 13 spd., 40 rears, 1.15M kms, $23,000. 306-424-2690, Montmartre, SK. 2004 W900L KENWORTH, 830,000 kms, 550 HP, 18 speed, just did safety. Melfort, SK. 306-752-5052 or 306-921-9954.

2005 FREIGHTLINER Columbia, 25,000 kms on new Mercedez motor, 18 spd., Super 40’s, 740,000 kms, new rubber, w/sleeper, $47,000; 2000 STERLING w/3406 Cat eng, 18 spd., 40,000 diffs, sleeper, $18,000. 250-426-2113 between 8 and 5 PM; 250-424-5592 eves, Cranbrook, BC 2005 IHC 9900, 450 HP Cummins ISX, 13 spd., mid-rise bunk, 1.1 kms; 2005 IHC 9200, 450 HP Cummins ISX, 10 spd. Eaton 3 pedal AutoShift, mid-rise bunk, 1.3 kms. 306-270-6399 Saskatoon, SK. DL #316542 2007 AND 2005 IHC9900i’s, 18 spd’s; 2006 IH 9200 day cab and bunk, 10 spd., Eaton Autoshift w/clutch, 475 ISX Cummins; 2005 Peter, Cat, 18 spd., clean; 2003 W-900L KW, Cat, recent work orders; 2004 IH 9400, Cat, 18 spd.; 2003 Mack CH613, Super 40’s, 4-way lock, 460, 18 spd., also 2001 w/40 diffs; 2002 T-800 KW, M-11 Cummins, 10 spd.; 2001 Western Star, 4964, N-14 Cummins, 13 spd.; 1999 IH Cat, 18 spd.; 1996 Volvo 425, 13 spd. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. www.rbisk.ca DL #905231.

2007 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, 515 Detroit, 3-way lockers, 70” mid-roof, 24.5 rubber, 770,000 kms, asking $58,000. Call Dave 306-536-0548, Rouleau, SK. 2007 WESTERN STAR 4900FA, 550 Cat, 18 spd., 46 rears, 63” highrise bunk, bunk and eng. Espar heaters, injectors done at 795,000 kms, all new brakes, 851,000 kms. Selling w/2007 WILSON SUPER B fully enclosed, dual openers, vented hoppers, load lights, most tires new, all in exc. shape. Complete unit for $135,000. 403-308-6642, 403-345-4763, Coaldale AB FOR SALE BY TENDER: 1997 FL70 2005 COLUMBIA FREIGHTLINER CL120 Freightliner, single axle, 3126 Cat engine, Daycab, 515 Detroit, 12 fronts, 40 rears, 13,186 hrs., 347,253 kms, tires 11R22.5, 10 spd. trans., wet kit, excellent cond. good shape. Disc brakes, AC/cruise con306-752-2873, 306-752-4692, Melfort, SK trol, last safety date: Feb. 3, 2011. Tender open until Feb. 15, 2012 at 5 PM. Please send tenders in sealed envelope addressed to The Rockglen Co-op Board of Directors, Freightliner Tender, Box 117, Rockglen, S a s ka to o n Regin a W in n ip eg SK. S0H 3R0. Highest tender not neces306-931-1911 306-569-9021 204-694-3874 sarily accepted. DL #907370 MILK HAULING TRUCKS and tankers, curN EW AN D US ED GRAIN & GRAV EL TRUCK S rent MVI, in nice condition: 2000 Western FOR S AL E Star $25,000; 2006 Western Star $50,000; 1990 Ford tank, 15,000 litres, $27,000; 1988 Abby A train, 38,000 litres, $30,000; 1987 Brenner, 24,000 litres, $19,500; 2000 Westmark B Train, 44,000 litres, $70,000. 250-830-7596, Black Creek, BC.

C ustom T ruck S ales Inc.

N OW AV AIL ABL E: 2007 K en w o rth T8 00S H Da y Ca b , 430HP C13, 13 s p d , 12/40 a xles , 3.70 ra tio , 11R22.5 tires , 160” W B, 3 w a y lo cks , 743,821 km s 2009 K en w o rth T6 6 0 Da y Ca b , 485HP IS X, 18 S p d , 12/40 a xles , 3.90 ra tio , 11R22.5 tires , 181” W B, 651,203 km s 2009 K en w o rth W 9 00L Da y Ca b , IS X 485HP, 18 s p d , 13.246 a xles , 3.73 ra tio , 224” W B, 4 w a y lo ck u p s , d u a l exha u s t/b rea thers , 880,000 km s 2 Ava ila b le-2009 M a ck Da y Ca b , M P8 45HP, 13 s p d , 12/40 a xles , lo ck u p s , 657,000-676,000 km s 2005 K en w o rth T8 00 Da y Ca b , IS X 475HP, 13 s p d , 12/40 a xles , 3.90 ra tio , 204” W B, 797,000 km s , d u a l exha u s t/b rea thers , m o o s e b u m p er 2003 Freightlin er FL 8 0 Ta n d em Ca b & Cha s s is , 250HP Ca t, 9 S p d , 12/40, 250” W B, 254,000 m iles COM IN G S OON : 2007 K en w o rth T8 00 72” ACFT b u n k , C15 CAT , 18 S p eed Au to , 12/46 a xles , 4.10 ra tio , 232” W B, 917,000 km s Us ed Gra vel Tru ck s , ta n d em -a xle, 1986 K en w o rth C510, 1990 IHC 4900, 6- 2001 F reightlin er F L 80, 1996 a n d 1997 M a ck CH613. Un its a rrivin g n o w ! 8 S p d s ta n d a rd s w ith b o xes ! CALL FOR PRICING AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Saskatoon: 1-800-268-4222 Regina: 1-800-463-9333 Winnipeg: 1-800-850-1411



2000 VOLVO ROLL off truck, low mileage, safetied, 4 bins like new, pkg. price, STEEL BUILDING SALE. Inventory discount $49,000. Winnipeg, MB. Ph 204-667-2867, sale. 30x40’, 42x80’, 100x100’. Erection available. Must sell, Will deal. 40 year fax: 204-667-2932. paint. Source # 1NW. 1-866-609-4621. 1967 THIBAULT FIRE TRUCK, Class A pumper, 840 gal./min. Hail pump, 750 gal. MUST SELL! NEW, never constructed, tank, new rubber, manual electric, 6 cyl. TORO steel straight wall steel building. Wakashaw engine. Send written tenders to 32’Wx60’Lx18’H with 16’x14’ overhead garVillage of McLean, Box 56, McLean, SK. age door opening. Incl. 6 skylights and S0G 3E0 or villageofmclean@sasktel.net blue prints w/pkg. Reduced from $29,500; by Noon Feb. 8, 2012. Highest or any ten- Now $27,500. Jan Martin 306-374-2733 der not necessarily accepted. Call Dan work or 306-260-9560 cell, Saskatoon, SK. 306-529-8194. CONCRETE MIXER TRUCKS: 1976 Mack DM 600 and 1974 Mack RL685LS, 235 Mack engines with Maxitorque trans, new PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, 11:22.5 rear tires, good 445x22.5 steering licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. tires, 8 yard Yaeger hyd. drive mixers with Moving all types and sizes of buildings. power lift chute and 3 chute extensions, Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. in-cab mixer controls. Both units with cur- www.privebuildingmovers.com rent Sask. safety inspections and presently in use. Price per unit: $12,500. Indian Head, SK, 306-695-3887 or 306-695-7815. 2003 STERLING TANDEM dump truck, 345,000 kms, fresh safety and service, rebuilt 13 spd. Fuller trans, air ride cab, fuel efficient Mercedes engine, engine brake, solid truck, $65,000 OBO, offers considered. 403-826-8161, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK.

1 9 9 8 G M C J I M M Y , l i ke n ew, o n ly 180,000 kms., routinely serviced, silver in color. $4700. 306-737-3064, Regina, SK. 2003 FORD EXPEDITION Eddie Bower Edition, 150,000 kms, fully loaded, $12,000. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. 2011 FORD ESCAPE LIMITED, 4X4, V6, leather, 11,000 kms! $29,900. Cam-Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. NEW 2011 DODGE Durango, 4x4, 32 MPG, 283 HP, $35,995. Buy for 0 down, $210 biweekly. www.thoens.com Wynyard, SK. Phone 1-800-667-4414.

2008 E-250 FORD ext. cargo van, only 28,000 miles, 5.4 gas eng., new MB safety, vg cond., cage behind seat, AC, heat, elec. windows, tow hitch, $16,000 OBO. Can deliver. Phone 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. www.cypresstrucksandequipment.com

PACKAGE BEES and queens from West Au s t r a l i a . T h e o n ly m i t e f r e e b e e s available. March, April, and May delivery throughout Canada. 306-534-2014(B), 306-534-4462(H), moesplace@sasktel.net Spy Hill, SK. RETIREMENT SALE: Available June 2012! Ready for production. Approx. 100 beehives in good equipment, a limited number of nucs, Approx. 350 full depth supers with white comb, 50 frame Maxant extractor, wax melter, Ford F250 4x4 Super Duty w/hyd tailgate, etc. Contact Larry Richardson 306-374-8130, Saskatoon, SK. Email: beez@sasktel.net

WANTED: USED BEE equipment (3” nests, trays, racks, puncher, cell breaker/tumbler); Also looking for alfalfa to place leafcutters on. 403-654-5935. POLISURROUNDS 690 and 385 with nests. 7 5 p o l i s h e l t e r s , va r i o u s m a ke s . 204-435-2253, Miami, MB. WILL DO STYRO block cocoon removal. Maurice Wildeman 306-365-4395, 306-365-7802, Lanigan, SK.

GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new and existing farms and businesses. 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. FURNITURE BUSINESS in growing AB town. Est. business, 50 minutes to Calgary, 30 minutes to Red Deer. Great location! Professionally set up. Buy at inventory cost. Call Dave at 403-556-3992. BROOKS BUSINESS: FRAMEWAYS. Supplies and services, includes all equipment and stock. Well established, great location. Ideal opportunity to add photo services to successful frame shop. Call Brian 403-793-4233, Royal LePage Community Realty, 403-362-9700, Brooks, AB. THRIVING BUTCHER SHOP for sale. Excellent turn-key operation. Large client base. Price reduced! Owners retiring and can’t keep up with this busy business. Excellent health and inspection record. For more info. phone 780-339-3968, Tomahawk, AB. MOTEL, THREE HILLS, AB- 26 units, Owner’s suite. Owner will train. Priced to sell, $774,900; MOTEL- COALDALE, AB., 14 units, restaurant, tavern, lounge, on Hwy #3, $877,000; Hotel- Trochu, AB with tavern and VLT’s. Bruce McIntosh, Re/Max Landan, 403-837-2343, Calgary, AB. PROFITABLE GRAVEL Truck Operation in Regina, SK. Newer equipment. Nice facilities. Retiring. $225,000. 306-536-5055. MEAT SHOP FOR SALE: Very busy custom cutting, sausage making meat shop. Call 306-441-7569 or 306-445-6652 for more information. Battleford, SK. COMPLETE HAY HAULING business, incl. loader w/engine heater, 4 truck trains, w/spare semi. Complete customer list throughout SK. and MB. Plus flax haul. 204-729-7297. WELL ESTABLISHED FRANCHISED Auto and Ag. Parts Business, w/short line equipment in South central Saskatchewan. 1 million+ in sales. Serious inquiries only. Please reply to Box 5558, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for motivated owner operator/entrepreneur in the portable toilet business, offering turnkey operations including equipment, supplies and training, administration etc., financial arrangements. Call 1-877-664-5005 ask for Carter. WORK FROM HOME. Looking for motivated person to help promote wellness company and its ecofriendly products. No selling or stocking inventory. Will provide the training and tools needed to get started. Visit: www.connectingfromhome.com/wendy for more information.

COMMERCIAL SIGN BUSINESS for sale serving southern Sask. CSA approved sign manufacturer. Installation and service provider for various national and local businesses. Includes inventory, customer list, trucks and equipment. $389,000. Building available for lease. Serious inquiries only. Email signbiz4sale@hotmail.ca or fax 306-525-3533, Regina, SK. WELL-ESTABLISHED corral and feedlot cleaning business for sale in south central SK. Complete line of well maintained equipment and extensive clientele list. Serious inquiries only to USED BELTING, 12” to 84” wide for feed- 306-484-4444, Govan, SK. ers and conveyors, lots of 30” 1-1/8” WELL ESTABLISHED GRAIN BIN moving thick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, operation. Come complete with all the reTRI-DRIVE, 1999 Paystar 5000, N14, 18 780-842-2491 anytime, Wainwright, AB. lated equipment. Excellent contacts. Will spd, 448,000 kms, long frame, good cond, train. Phone 306-338-8288. $49,500. 403-345-3156, Coaldale, AB. U P G R A D E D H OT E L , Bowsman, MB, $375,000. Phone Mac at 204-238-4949 for more information.

2008 MACK PINNACLE, 613 CHU, w/16’ gravel box, power tarp, 24.5 tires, 18 spd, eng. heater, 12 front, 46 rears, 480 HP, pintle hitch ready, 525,000 kms, loaded, $69,500. 204-825-7560, Cartwright, MB. SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chassis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE and Range Rider canopies and service caps. www.northtownmotors.com Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871. OVER 20 FIRE Engines and five ladder trucks in stock. Just out of service in work ready condition. One special foamer truck, near new condition, wrecking six trucks of various makes and models. Winnipeg, MB. Ph. 204-667-2867, fax: 204-667-2932. 1999 IHC 2674 tandem axle, c/w Cattelac 820 feed mixer box, very clean, $42,500. Phone: 403-746-3354, Stirling, AB.

DIMENSIONAL HARDWOOD lumber, quarter cut Oak, Elm, Black Walnut, Hickory, Edge Grain Fir, quarter cut Cherry. Limited quantity. Inventory at 511- 3rd Street, Davidson, SK. 403-318-7589 (AB cell.) ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. CEDAR AND PINE LOG CABIN LOGS, Sidings. T&G V joint paneling. Fir flooring, beams, special orders. Rouck Bros, Lumby, BC. 1-800-960-3388, rouckbros.com PINE AND POPLAR: 1” and 2” V-joint, shiplap, log siding, etc. Phone 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK.

CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, churches, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing. For info. call 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK

BOOMING BUSINESS in Assiniboia, SK. 3000 sq. ft. car/truck wash with water vending. Completely upgraded and renovated. Low maintenance. $650,000 OBO. 306-640-8569. LIVESTOCK AND HAY Hauling business for sale, B.C. and AB. Call 250-567-2851 or 250-567-8689 for info, Vanderhoof, BC. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS welding and light fabricating. Unique patented product. Mainly agricultural. Owned for 26 years, still room for growth. Markets in Canada and USA. $195,000 plus inventory at cost. 50x70’ shop on 157’x370’ lot, $295,000. Retiring. North Battleford, SK. 306-446-4462, prairiepines@yahoo.com WELL ESTABLISHED AG BUSINESS, supplement your income with seasonal work, owner retiring, serious inquiries only. Reply to: Box 5560, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4. OWN YOUR OWN Business. 56 yr old leader in health and wellness industry looking for online trainers. Flexible hrs, work from home. www.123excelyourlife.com

380 CEMENT ORNAMENT MOLDS: planters, fountains, bird baths, statues, tables, benches, variety of animals incl. large to small deer, production equip. and shelving, $65,000. Mike or Heather 306-768-2574, Carrot River, SK.

NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says no? If yes to above three call 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Regina, SK.


Presented by


1 1% 5T EY RMR. RRS P, T F S A, RIF





CONTACT ALAN ~ 780-982-6805

www.millstonedevelopmentcorporation.com This advertisement does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy securities, which is being made under an Offering memorandum. Investors must receive and read a confidential Offering Memorandum prior to subscribing. Only qualified investors may purchase.

MEAT CUTTING FACILITY- to be moved. 40’x30’x12’ walls. On cement slab. Tin siding. New shingles. 20x30’ cutting room. 22x20’ cooler w/rails. 8x20’ walk-in freezer. Complete with all equipment including Butcherboy 2 HP band saw and 5 HP grinder. Asking $60,000. Dale 204-734-0620 or John 204-734-3365, Birch River, MB. RETAIL MEAT SCALE, SL9000 Tech, 15”x10” platform, thermo printer, great working cond., $1100; Track scale, Toled o 2 2 1 2 , 5 0 0 l b . c a p a c i t y, $ 9 0 0 . 250-847-2861, Smithers, BC. BANDSAW BLADES: wood, metal, meat, custom made. Steelmet Supply, Saskatoon, 1-800-667-3046. 220 SINGLE PHASE Hobart bandsaw w/stainless steel roll top. 306-748-2839, Neudorf, SK.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and bobcat services. Metal siding and roofs. Will do any kind of work. 306-329-4485, 306-222-8197, Asquith, SK. fortywhitetails@yahoo.ca 650 JD DOZER, new unit ready for work with operator and truck to move it if needed. Wide pad machine. Call Gord at 780-878-3515 or 780-910-2120 AB. info@coredrilling.ca NORTHERN BRUSH MULCHING Can clear all fence lines, brush, trees or unwanted bush. Competitive rates. Call Reuben 306-467-2422, Duck Lake, SK. CUSTOM ELECTRONIC DESIGN. Automation, control systems, web enabling, and design for manufacture. Contact Radical Electronics at 306-384-8777 or visit www.radicalelectronics.com FREE IRON AND steel scrap removal from farm yards. 403-363-3736, Brooks, AB. EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Beaver dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. Phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. WE FIX FARM EQUIPMENT and brake jobs on vehicles. 2 miles north of Ponteix, SK. 306-625-8014, 403-363-9621.

1979 INTERNATIONAL TD 20 SERIES E crawler, canopy, recent work good cond. $35,000 OBO 306-744-2256, Saltcoats, SK. ALLIS CHALMERS D grader, running condition. 306-648-8061, Gravelbourg, SK. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. 1972 TAYLOR W-30-W0M forklift, 30,000 lb. capacity, mast type 14’, lift height 188”, 8’ carriage width, 8’ forks, Detroit diesel, 4700 hrs. Unit is fully operational and can be tested at any time. $25,000. 306-483-5055, Oxbow, SK. 2009 HYUNDAI HL740-7A wheel loader S/N #LF0710084, CAHR, 2.5 yd. bucket, 3rd valve hyd. quick attach bucket, 20.5x25 radial tires, 785 hrs., $99,000; 2005 VOLVO L90E wheel loader, S/N #L90EV66850, CAHR, 3.5 yd. bucket, quick attach bucket, 7500 hrs., $105,000. 306-531-8720, Lipton, SK. 18’ DECK WITH Hiab picker plus PTO plus pump, $4900. 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. PARTING OUT OVER 20 graders. 2- JD 770A; 1- A/C M100, Cat 112 and 212; 2Cat 12E; 4- Champ 562; -4 Champ 600; 4Champ 720; 2- Champ 740; 1- Wabco 777; 2- A/C Model D; 1- Austin Weston; 1- Galion T-600C. Phone: 204-667-2867, fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yards, excellent condition; Loader and s c r a p e r t i r e s , c u s t o m c o nv e r s i o n s available; Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd., Muenster, SK. 306-231-7318 or 306-682-4520. 1981 TITAN 3000 wheel loader, 8 cyl. Cummins, 250 HP, 5 yd. bucket, nice shape, ideal for farm use, $29,000 OBO. 306-567-7080, Craig, SK. 2001 HITACHI 230LC-5 excavator, c/w WBM quick attach, hyd. thumb, w/60” cleanup bucket. Service records from new, $70,000. 306-736-7855, Kipling, SK. MILLER PINTLE HITCH tilt deck trailer, w/dual tires and tandem axle, air brakes, electric lift on hitch and steel toolbox on front, $7000. 306-594-2628, Norquay, SK. ON HAND: 19 skidsteers, 12 backhoes, 9 telescopic lifts, 17 loaders, 2 crawlers, 3 excavators, 1 grader, 2 Ditch Witches. Website: www.kmksales.com or phone 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK.

TIM’S TOWING: Heavy and light towing, boosting and recovery, scrap removal. CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, 306-269-7556, Foam Lake, SK. hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 leave message, Humboldt, SK. TRACK EXCAVATORS: 2005 Link Belt, 330 TAYLOR’S TUB GRINDING, running an L X , c / w hy d . t h u m b ; 2 0 0 3 H i t a c h i H1100 E haybuster. Simpson, SK. Call EX270LC, c/w hyd. thumb; 1995 Cat 325L, c/w hyd. thumb; 2004 Case 580SM Series Dean 306-963-2264 or 306-946-8530 cell. II 4x4, loader backhoe; 2008 NH L170 JIM’S TUB GRINDING, H-1100 Haybuster skidsteer. 780-361-7322, Edmonton, AB with 400 HP, serving Sask. 306-334-2232, 1981 CASE W20B wheel loader, well mainBalcarres. tained, $23,500. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. www.waltersequipment.com TONY’S MOBILE WELDING will do welding jobs around Regina, SK. area. 306-537-5769. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. www.borysiukcontracting.ca NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat w/rubber tracks, vertical beater spreaders. Custom fencing. 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. BUSH CLEARING and dugouts. Dozer and trackhoe combo. Perfect winter for it, minimal snow and frozen ground. Serving southern SK. Vos Industries 306-529-1875

RED SEAL JOURNEYMAN MILLWRIGHT. Specializes in hydraulics, agri and commercial. Also do all kinds of mechanical work, plus welding. Excellent service and even better rates. Shop on farm, 17 miles north of Shellbrook, SK. Will do service calls. Email shanemcaleese@hotmail.com Call anytime 306-747-3086, 306-714-7072 REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1800; 160x60x14’ $2600; 180x60x14’ $3000; 200x60x14’ $3400. Saskatoon, SK, 306-653-3473, 306-222-8054. MULCHING - TREES, brush, stumps, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly mulching. Visit www.maverickconstruction.ca

CASE EXCAVATOR: 2005 CX210, air, heat, pattern selector, w/quick attach, dig and clean-out bucket, 5400 hrs., exc. cond. Call Brent at 306-629-7778, Herbert, SK. 2005 KOMATSU WA250-5 tool carrier, 5300 hrs., quick coupler, 3.0 yard bucket, forks, 3rd valve, 50% tires, very clean. Call Jerry Ryan 780-915-5426, St Albert, AB. JD 892D EXCAVATOR for parts, S/N FF892060062172; D9H dozers S/N 90V07604, w/ripper $60,000, S/N 90V08627 w/winch $30,000. 2- D8H dozers: S/N 46A15864, S/N 46A11699, $22,000 ea. 204-532-2231, Binscarth, MB. WANTED: PARTS for Ford 5550 backhoe. Call 403-642-2055, Warner, AB. LOWBED 40 TON Willock, new tires, deck and wiring. Good condition. 306-276-2393 or 306-276-7757, White Fox, SK. REYNOLDS HYD. 14 YD. SCRAPER, tractor mount; Cat 463; Cat 80 flat bowl; Cat 70 flat bowl; 2- Cat 60 flat and round bowl; B.E. 8-11 yard, only $5000. Hundreds of hyd. cylinders. Large stock of used scraper and loader tires. 10- Sheepsfoot packers SP and PT. 5- 11 and 13 wheel PT Wablee packers. Central Canada’s largest wreckers of older construction equipment. New and used parts for most makes of heavy equip. 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings, 24” to 42” notched disc blades. www.kelloughenterprises.com 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB.


1998 CAT 426C BACKHOE, 4WD, cab, extend-a-hoe, auxiliary hydraulics, quickconnect for rear bucket, 1250 lb counterweight, AC/heater, 5533 hrs. $38,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK CAT D8H, angle blade, direct elec. start, powershift, fair UC, drawbar, $18,000. Call 780-349-0587, Westlock, AB. WANTED: D7E OR D7G caterpillar. Prefer double tilt. 306-839-4438 or 306-839-7710, Pierceland, SK. 2005 JCB 535-125 telehandler, 1640 hrs., 8000 lbs. to 40’ max lift height, 4x4, 4 wheel selectable steering, powershift trans., front stabilizers, aux. hyd., full cab w/heat, very nice! $61,900. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. CAT HYD. EXCAVATOR 322-BL, hyd. thumb, 60� cleanup bucket, 42� dig bucket, Cat walk. 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB. 3 CAT D2 Crawlers, hyd. A dozer, tow winch, PTO assembly, sold as a pkg., $12,900; Cat 931 Crawler loader; Cat D4C Crawler w/A dozer; Cat 977 20A Crawler, loaded; Cat D6B Crawler w/front and rear dozer blades; Cat 933 42A Series Crawler; Cat D4-7U w/Cat A dozer; Cat D7 oil clutch, A hyd. dozer and rake; Cat D7E 48A Crawler w/75 dozer, new rails and cutting edges. Central Canada’s largest wrecker of industrial equipment. Ph: 204-667-2867, fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. 1996 CAT 416B loader/backhoe, 8892 hrs., 4x4, extend-a-hoe, full cab w/heat, 24� digging bucket, excellent condition, $29,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS: Available. Call us with your needs, Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. TELEHANDLER: 2003 Manitou MLT 633 LS, 5800 hrs, cab, heat, AC. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK SCRAPERS FOR SALE, Cat, LaPlante, Allis, LeTourneau, converted to hyd., will also do custom conversions. Looking for cable scrapers. Call toll free 1-866-602-4093. CASE 550, LGP, 6-way dozer, winch, low hrs., Phone 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB. 950 CAT WHEEL LOADER, 1966, bucket, recent work order sleeves, pistons, bearing and heads, 20.5x25 tires, $21,000; 853 Bobcat, bucket, vg, 12x16.5 tires, recent reman engine, $12,500; 3- 621 Cat motorscrapers, 23H Series, canopy, $25,000 each; 1975 Willock tandem axle drop Low-Boy, WB suspension, 7’ neck, 20’x9’ deck, 3’6� beavertail, safetied, $18,500; 1996 Fruehauf lowbed, safetied, 8’x18’ double drop deck, 30 ton, near new 255x70R22.5 tires, beavertail, $13,500. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini excavators. Visit www.glenmor.cc for more details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone 1-888-708-3739, Prince Albert, SK. NEW HEAVY DUTY V-DITCHERS now available. Quick Drain Sales, 306-682-4520 or cell 306-231-7318, Muenster, SK. RM OF BONE CREEK No. 108 will be accepting tender bids for the purchase of one used Triple S Industries TD2000 Ridge Mulcher, approx. 15 years old. To be sold in as is condition. Interested individuals are responsible to inspect the mulcher to determine its condition. The highest tender, or any tender, will not necessarily be accepted. Tenders must be received in the municipal office on or before March 20, 2012. Please submit tender documents to: Ridge Mulcher Tender, RM Bone Creek No. 108, Box 459, Shaunavon, SK. S0N 2M0. For more info call 306-297-2570. SKIDSTEER: 2000 Bobcat 863, 3880 hrs, cab with heat; Also two S150’s. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.


N E W 1 0 ’ A N D 1 2 ’ B I G D O G B OX SCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, 24’’ high back, 42’’ available in both widths for up to 5 yd. heap capacity. Starting at $3500. Larger sizes up to 20’ also avail. Call for pricing. Phone 204-871-1175, MacGregor, MB. 2003 CASE 75XT, 2761 hrs., 57 HP, hand controls, auxiliary hydraulics, quick attach bucket and pallet forks, rubber- 60%. Nice shape! $13,900. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, Dozers, Loaders, Compactors, etc. Conquest Equipment, 306 483 2500, Oxbow, SK. CAT D6D, EXCELLENT condition comes with angle dozer and winch. 780-307-5948, Rochester, AB. JCB 214 LOADER/BACKHOE, 2004, excellent condition, low hrs. 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB.

REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM WANTED: 400 FORD MOTOR to fit a 1976 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 Ford F-350 auto transmission. Phone installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 306-576-2283, Wishart, SK. 12/24v 5.9L Cummins; GM Duramax. Other new, used, and Reman diesel engines available. Call 204-532-2187, 8 AM to 5:30 PM Mon. to Fri. Thickett Engine Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regina, SK


Booking Deadline March 2, 2012

D ie se l En g in e s Re ady to G O !



2005 CASE 850K LGP dozer, 3200 hrs., 6-way dozer, winch, full brush canopy, $90,000. 780-712-0368, Edson, AB.


19 ,8 8 5

7 8 0 -6 7 2 -6 8 6 8

2007 CASE 580M 4x4 Extend-a-boom hoe, 620 hrs., c/w 3 buckets (frost, finishing, digging), $85,000 780-712-0368 Edson AB CAT D9H, S/N 90V05973 w/cab, ripper, angle dozer, $77,500; 1987 10 man camp, 2 side by side, 12x54’ units, $27,000; 125 KW genset, S/N 4B13394, w/Cat 3303 eng $19,500; 2500 gal. heated water shack $17,500. Rod 780-918-1499, Leduc, AB. WANTED: TD 45 Volvo engine in good shape. Call 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. CASE W14C WHEEL LOADER, 6-590 Cummins, 1 3/4 yd. bucket, joystick controls, $30,000. 306-594-2628, Norquay, SK CAT 966H, 962H LOADERS, w/scales, low hrs., financing OAC. Cedar Rapids wash plant, 4 conveyors, stacker, genset, priced to sell. 403-837-2343, Calgary, AB. NEW PORTABLE TOILET SALES for Five Peaks Technologies products. Call 5 Peaks Distributors (Western Canada) Inc ., www.5peaksdistributors.ca Toll free: 877-664-5005, Cell: 403-680-0752 sales@5peaksdistributors.ca 1982 740 CHAMPION GRADER, good operating condition, c/w service manual and extra parts, $22,500; Massey forklift, 6000 lb., presently using, $6250. 306-939-4554 or 306-731-7235, Earl Grey, SK. WANTED: GENERAL PURPOSE loader bucket, 94-98�, 2 to 2.5 yd. capacity. 306-862-8518, Choiceland, SK.

Size (WxL)


W e a re yo u r IPD CAT Dis trib u to r Kuntz & Company Inc. Trucks • Parts • Diesel Injection • Service Jct. o f Hw ys 13 & 2 1 E m a il: o n tra ck@ o n tra ckin c.n e t w w w .o n tra ckin c.n e t

POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. HIP ROOF BARN, red metal walls, galvanized roof, 38’Wx50’Lx29’H, $5000 OBO. Phone 306-882-2971, Rosetown, SK.

DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL www.starlinesales.com motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ pumps, generators, phase converters, etc. $ $ Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306- $ $ 873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 $ $ Ave., Tisdale, SK. www.tismtrrewind.com $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ ROTARY PHASE CONVERTERS, provides $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM instant 3 phase power. Lowest prices guar- $ $ 2 anteed. Ideal for industrial and agricultural $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . . . 49¢ ft applications, certified equip., full warranty. $ $ 1-866-676-6686. www.phase-quest.com


NEW GENESIS ENGINES. Still in original factory crate. Available for TR99 and CX840/860/880. $9860 each. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com FOR SALE: 2 Ford 300 natural gas engines, o n e w i t h 1 5 K W g e n e r a t o r. C a l l 403-548-9347, Bow Island, AB.

WANTED: FLAT TOP milk tank, 500+ gal. capacity. 306-682-3717, Humboldt, SK. 2008, 4000 gal. milk tank and complete dbl. 8 parallel parlor c/w meters and takeoffs, etc. John 403-740-5488, Stettler, AB.

JD 404 TURBO taken out of 7720 JD combine, complete, $3000; IHC motor to be taken out of 1480 IHC combine, complete, running, $2500. 204-773-2536, Russell MB DIESEL ENGINES, OVERHAUL kits and parts for most makes. M&M Equipment Ltd., Regina, SK, Parts and Service, 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111. WANTED: TD 45 Volvo engine in good shape. Call 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.

CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at www.conterraindustries.com F O R PA R T S : 1 9 6 5 C AT H D - 1 6 - D . 306-792-2272 evenings, Springside, SK.

BEAT THE P RICE $ $ $ $ IN C R E A S E S AS K ABO UT O $UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT 0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t . La za r e, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

W O O D CO UN TRY Esteva n , S K . . . . . . . 306-634- 5111 M cLea n , S K . . . . . . . 306-699- 72 84 Tisd a le, S K . . . . . . . 306-873- 4438

32X40 32X48 32X56 32X64 40X40 40X48 40X56 40X64 48X56 48X64 48X72 48X80 48X96 60X72 60X80 60X88 60X96 60X104

Wall Height 16’ $8,899.00 $9,799.00 $10,899.00 $11,999.00 $10,349.00 $11,449.00 $12,649.00 $14,099.00 $14,549.00 $15,999.00 $17,199.00 $18,599.00 $21,349.00 $22,899.00 $24,749.00 $26,449.00 $27,999.00 $30,049.00

Post Building Estimate Includes:* • 4 ply 2x6 Laminated Posts 8’ On Center on Buildings Up To 48’ Wide • 4 ply 2x6 Laminated Posts 4’ On Center on 60’ Wide Building • Engineered Farm Truss 4’ On Center • 29 Gauge Tuff Rib Galvanized Roof Metal & Ridge Cap • 29 Gauge Tuff Rib Color Wall Metal & Flashings • 2x6 Spruce #2 & Better Wall Strap 2’ On Center • 2x6 PWF Bottom Row Strap • 2x4 Spruce #2 & Better Roof Strap 2’ On Center • One Walk Door with Lockset Post Building Estimate Does Not Include: Overhead Door- Please call for pricing Slider Door- See slider door price list

w w w .w ood-coun try.com

C olored roof m eta l, colored w a lls & trim s (ou ts id e corn ers , ba s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, g a ble fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Doora n d Lock s et. 60x120-16’ trea ted 6x6 p os t bld g . c/ w 24x16 a ll s teel s lid in g d oor. . . $34,62 6.36 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.

32X40 32X48 32X56 32X64 40X40 40X48 40X56 40X64 48X56 48X64 48X72 48X80 48X96 60X72 60X80 60X88 60X96 60X104

Wall Height 16’ $8,099.00 $8,949.00 $9,799.00 $10,899.00 $9,549.00 $10,449.00 $11,649.00 $13,049.00 $13,499.00 $14,999.00 $16,499.00 $17,449.00 $19,949.00 $19,399.00 $20,949.00 $22,699.00 $23,949.00 $25,549.00

Labor to Build $6,130.00 $6,750.00 $7,940.00 $8,040.00 $8,040.00 $8,040.00 $8,040.00 $8,580.00 $9,010.00 $10,300.00 $11,580.00 $12,870.00 $15,440.00 $14,920.00 $16,560.00 $18,220.00 $19,880.00 $21,540.00

Stick Frame Estimate Includes:* • 2x6 Spruce #2 & Better Studs 24� On Center • Engineered Farm Truss 4’ On Center • 29 Gauge Tuff Rib Galvanized Roof Metal & Ridge Cap • 29 Gauge Tuff Rib Color Wall Metal & Flashings • 1x4 Spruce Wall Strap 2’ On Center • 2x4 Spruce #2 & Better Roof Strap 2’ On Center • One Passage Door with Lockset Stick Frame Estimate Does Not Include: Overhead Door- Please call for pricing Slider Door- See slider door price list Concrete Foundation Double Slider Door Includes:* Double End Truss Slider Door Hardware Necessary Flashings

Door Height Size Width

16’ 20’ 24’

12’ $1,249.00 $1,299.00 $1,549.00

14’ $1,299.00 $1,349.00 $1,599.00

16’ $1,349.00 $1,399.00 $1,649.00

*Booking Deadline: March 2, 2012 **Delivery, Mileage and Taxes Extra ***Other Wall Heights Available

Brin g in yo u r b lu e prin ts o r d ra w in gs fo r a ll yo u r w in d o w s & d o o rs , in d u s tria l d o o rs a n d ga ra ge d o o r re qu ire m e n ts .



M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. Phon e forp ricin g .

Size (WxL)

Double Slider Doors


• Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs


Labor to Build $6,930.00 $7,550.00 $8,680.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $9,380.00 $9,810.00 $11,090.00 $12,380.00 $13,670.00 $16,240.00 $16,410.00 $18,060.00 $19,720.00 $21,380.00 $24,520.00

HEAD OFFICE: Hague, SK Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438 www.zaksbuilding.com

Your way, the right way, Zak’s guarantees it!!




SILVER STREAM SHELTERS: 30x72 single steel frame cover kit, $4700; 38x100 truss, $11,900. Replacement tarps for any brand, patch kits, rope webbing and ratchets. Call 1-877-547-4738.




FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody.


WANTED: CUMMINS 855 and Detroit diesel V8 71 for parts. 306-735-2939, Whitewood, SK.

AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK.

INTRODUCING Komatsu Undercarriage Program. Komatsu offers a full range of undercarriage products for most makes and models of excavators and crawler tractors. SMS Equipment offers complete service with track press and Idler welding capabilities. Call today: 1-800-667-6672, Regina; 1-800-667-4998, Saskatoon. 2003 D85E21 KOMATSU, twin tilts, bush equipped, cab/air/heater, ripper, 4200 hrs mint cond. 306-272-4382, Foam Lake, SK. ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, SK, www.cwenterprises.ca

BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK.





BAGGERS, BAGS EXTRACTORS For Sale or Rent Financing Available

Contact Mike w w w .go o do n.co m

Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds

1-800-665-0470 S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 O lds O ffice 403-586-0311 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822 G RAI N H AND LI NG & STO RAG E w w w .skyw aygrainsystem s.com HU TCHIN SO N G rain Pum ps LA M BTO N Bucket Elevators LA M BTO N Drag Conveyors (Seed Com patible Conveyors) Rail Load-O ut System s Pulse Crop Equipm ent W ESTEEL G rain Bins SU KU P A eration & Bins G rain G uard Bins and A eration

Westrum Lumber


1-888-663-9663 Rouleau, SK



Attic Insulation People

Celebrating over 30 years of maintaining very, very high standards in service, quality & workmanship. Thousands of satisfied customers. Owner Operated. Do It Right, Call Pioneer.


1-8 0 0 -9 79 -2 9 9 3

w w w.m s cs teel.com

in fo@ m s cs teel.com

Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters Temp Cables Authorized Dealer

Saskatoon, SK

Phone: 306-373-4919 grainbindirect.com

CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, SK, AB, and MB, all types of bins up to 10,000 bushel, accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-922-6079, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK.


14’Hopper 8 Leg H/Duty ..............$2,4 50 14’Hopper 7 Leg S/Duty ..............$2,325 SKID BASE & AERAT IO N EX T RA C HARG E


14’X12” Side Wall10 G auge H/D..$1 ,550 19’X12” Side Wall10 G auge H/D..$2,4 00 AERAT IO N EX T RA C HARG E FREIG H T IN CLU DED IN SO M E SA SK . LO CATIO N S

GRAIN BAG EXTRACTORS new and refurbished for sale or for rent. Refurbished units starting at $14,900. Call us today for a free on farm demo. Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, 1-888-435-2626 or www.flaman.com

SDL HOPPER CONES. Prices starting at 14’, $2250; 15’, $2800 15’-10”, $2970; 18’ $4100; 19’ $4500. All cones c/w manhole, double top band, slide gate on nylon rollers. Optional skid base, aeration, freight extra charge. 306-324-4441, Margo, SK.

NEW BIN DESIGN- Twister has a new Wide Corr bin design: 4” corrugated sheets give you more vertical strength. Bin capacity now up to 73,090 bu. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 for more info.

BINS, LEGS and various feed mill equip. LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel for sale. For more info. please call grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Di204-638-5840, Dauphin, MB. rect, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK. INVENTORY BLOW-OUT. All remaining 2004 WESTEEL MAGNUM L. 72 ton cap, 2011 inventory of Twister bins are on sale. no rust, $12,500. Also, 70 tons of 28-0-0 Flat bottom and hopper bottom, all must fert. in bin. Can be sold as pkg. Call Jon go! Set up crews available for next spring. 306-230-2736, Assiniboia, SK. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now avail. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.com

ALL STEEL BUILDINGS up to 40% OFF! 25 W X 30 L 32 W X 58 L 40 W X 60 L 47 W X 80 L

$ 5,998* $12,900* $15,900* $20,645*

*One end wall included



14`- 1025 18`- $1895 $



MERIDIAN GRAIN MAX 4000 and Meridian fertilizer bins- now back in stock and ready for immediate delivery. See your n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e t o d ay o r c a l l 306-934-2121, or visit www.flaman.com


SDL HYD. BIN CRANE, 40’+ lift, double winches, 8000 lb. capacity, hyd. push out wheels, $18,000; SDL 45’+ lift bin crane, equipped the same $21,000. Margo, SK. Ph 306-324-4441 or cell 306-272-8383.

LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.

As k fo r K evin o r Ro n



Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld ing.ca

Em a il: s a les @ m kw eld ing.ca

Hopper Cone to fit a 19’ Westeel Rosco (up to 3300 bu) includes 10x4 skid

Hopper Cone to fit a 14’ Westeel Rosco (up to 2000 bu) includes 8x4 skid



Hopper Cone to fit 18’ Butler (up to 3400 bu) includes 10 x 4 skid

Hopper Cone to fit a 19’ Westeel Rosco (up to 4000 bu) includes 12x4 skid








O FFE RIN G YO U TH E L ATE S T IN • Flat Bottom & Hopper Grain Bin N eilb urg, S a s ka tc h ew a n Technology • Most Options Are Sales:S a s ka tc h ew a n /Alb erta 1-306-823-4888 Standard Equipment S outh /E a s tern S a s ka tc h ew a n , M a n itob a & U .S .A., 1-306-224-2088 On Our Bins!



s a les @jtlin d us tries .c a

w w w .jtlin d us tries .c a


• Replace your old floors and add up to 1500 bushels capacity to your existing bins. • No more fighting with your old doors. Our patented JTL door is guaranteed to make you smile everytime you use it!

Available in C ustom sizes up to 122,000 gallon capacity.




Save up to 35%

From cement or our competition Made to fit any size of bin 1-866-665-6677 www. darmani.ca hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com

HURRY BEFORE THE DOOR CLOSES ON THIS SALE! Call or visit our website to find out more.

GRAIN RING, 65,000 bu., 4’ tall, 90’ wide; Also, Kello-Bilt 15’ deep ripper. Phone 403-315-9213, Burdette, AB.




FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837.

O ther Skid Sizes Available. Phone and ask about“SpecialPricing” for H opper cones w ith Sakundiak bin packages. Prices subjectto change – Q uantities are Lim ited.

BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.


N EED Y O UR PR E- EN G IN EER ED S TEEL BUILDIN G ER ECTED? W e s erv ice W es tern Canada. Profes s ional crew s . A ll Brands . Excellentreferences .

BIG BINS - Concrete, erection and repair. Call 1-800-2492708, Quadra Development Corp, Rocanville, SK.

BINS FOR SALE: 6000, 4500, 4000, 3300, and 3000 bu. bins on new wooden flat bottom floors. 306-631-8308, Moose Jaw, SK



POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 FOR SALE: AKRON E180T GRAIN BAG bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer extractors. Craig or Aaron 306-682-5888 or 306-231-9937 Humboldt, SK. Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK.

SAKUNDIAK WINTER BOOKING. 30’ diameter and larger. Save $$$ until February 17, 2012. Call Brian “The Auger Guy” 204-724-6197, Souris, MB.

1-866-974-7678 FREE QUOTE




TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/SAKUNDIAK BINS. Winter booking on now for best pricing. Example all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450; SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.


WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.



343 ĂůŝĚŽŶ3>ĞĂƐĞ3tŝůů͗

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For further information call 1.877.956.0082 www.calidon.ca

CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARKUSSON NEW HOLLAND Emerald Park, SK 1-800-819-2583 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824 NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466

PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. 306-452-3444 ROBERTSON IMPLEMENTS (1988) LTD. Shaunavon, SK, 306-297-4131 Swift Current, SK 306-773-4948 SCHROEDER BROS. Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 TWEED FARM EQUIPMENT Devil’s Lake, ND 701-662-7522 Medora, MB 204-665-2260 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, 1-888-354-3620

Email: craigyeager@grainbagscanada.com or aaronyeager@grainbagscanada.com

HAT AGRI-SERVICE Medicine Hat, AB 403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 Dunmore, AB,403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 1-888-644-5463 HAMMER NEW HOLLAND Westlock, AB 780-349-2588 1-877-456-3276 HOULDER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Falher, AB, 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, 1-800-746-4691 KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 TROCHU MOTORS LTD. Trochu, AB 403-442-3866, 1-888-336-3866 E. BOURASSA & SONS: Assinniboia 1-877-474-2456 Estevan 1-877-474-2495 Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Radville 1-877-474-2450 Weyburn 1-877-474-2491

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888




WHEATLAND MODEL 1615 fertilizer bins, 1- 2008 and 4- 2009, 3265 bu. or 108 MT, 4 with air, all on 16’ skids. For other options call Graham at 306-935-4523, 306-831-7514 cell, Milden, SK.

20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. www.g-airservices.ca 306-933-0436.

In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d S a s ka tchew a n ’s n u m b er o n e s o u rce fo r New , Us ed a n d M o d ified S ea Co n ta in ers . Recycle, Reu s e, Rein ven t

20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. www.magnatesteel.com

S hip p in g co n ta in ers ca n b e a d a p ted to a va riety o f u s es a n d ca n p ro vid e a n in exp en s ive a n d flexib le s o lu tio n to m a n y s to ra ge p ro b lem s .

SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK, thecontainerguy.ca



AtBo n d In d u s tria l w e ca n co n vertyo u rco n ta in erfo r a lm o s ta n y u s e like S to ra ge F a cilities , W o rk S ho p s , T o o l Crib s , S ite Offices , Go lfCa rt S to ra ge, Ou tfitterS ha cks etc.


Yo u n a m e it w e ca n d o it. Perfect po rta b le s ecu re w ea ther pro o f s to ra ge fo r the fa rm , a crea ge o r b u s in es s .

19’ HAUL ALL drill fill, approx. 250 bu. grain and 6 tonne fertilizer compartments. New fertilizer auger flighting 2 seasons ago, some rust on bottom of fertilizer compartment, good shape. $2500 OBO. 306-945-2074 306-232-7860 Waldheim SK

SAKUNDIAK NEW STOCK arriving soon! Variety of 2011 models still available in 8” and 10” sizes and lengths. 1- used 12”x72’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $14,900; 1- used Wheatheart 8”x51’ c/w engine and mover, $ 8 , 9 0 0 ; a l s o C o nve y - A l l c o nve y o r s available. All units have leasing options. TWIN 1750 AMMONIA unit on 1989 8000 Call Dale, Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd. Ford, NEW CERTIFICATION, Blackmer 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299 cell, Davidpump with scale, $32,000; 1994 F7000 son, SK, www.mainwayfarmequipment.ca Blackmer w/meter, single 2500, $24,000; Flexi-Coil 300B 41’ Raven, harrows, carbon MICHEL’S 8’ GRAIN augers with wireless knives, $9000. 403-472-1944, Beiseker, AB remote to fit 2000 Lode-King tandem grain trailer. Asking $2500 for both OBO. Call 1992 LORAL MAGNUM IV, centre mount 306-948-3450, Biggar, SK. cab, 5280 hrs., new oil coolers, new monitors and AutoSteer, great shape, $38,000. S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : 204-372-6863, Fisher Branch, MB. swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. NH3 WAGON w/TWIN 800 gallon tanks. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. Large tires on offset axles, $5500 OBO. 780-499-5990 cell, Legal, AB. RENN 1214 grain bag unloader, 10’ and 12’ bags, 3 years old, $32,000. Call Glenn, LOOKING FOR a floater or tender? Call me 406-850-0922, Opheim, Montana first. 30 years experience. Loral parts, new and used. 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB. SALE: WHEATHEART AUGERS: BH 8x41 w/mover, clutch, 27 HP motor, reg. $12,780, cash $11,100; BH 8x46 with mover, clutch, 27 HP Kohler, reg. $13,200, cash $11,500; BH 8x51 with mover, clutch and 30 HP, reg. $13,500, cash $11,750; BH 10x41 with mover, clutch and 35 HP Vanguard, reg. $14,300, cash $12,500. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

Ca ll to d a y & tu rn yo u r s to ra ge id ea in to rea lity.

B on d In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d


Ph. 306.373.2236 fx. 306-373-0364

2008 CASE 4020, 330 HP, auto, 70’ flex air, 2000 hrs., $192,000; 4x4 2002 AgChem, AirMax 1000, 2450 hrs., $104,000; 2002 Loral 400 HP, auto, AirMax 1000, 4400 hrs., $94,500; 2002 Loral, 400 HP auto, AirMax 2000 twin bin, 70’ booms, 2950 hrs., $104,000; 4x4 1999 Loral, AirMax 5 bed, $71,000; 1999 AgChem, 70’ booms, $68,000; 1997 AgChem, 70’ booms, $38,000; 1997 Loral, AirMax 5, $57,500; 1996 Loral AirMax 5 bed w/chemical bins, 8700 hrs., $33,500; 1996 Mertz 2 bin w/chemical bins, $37,000; Wilmar semi tender, 2 axles, $31,500; 2001 Case 3 wheeler, 70’ booms, $67,000; 1999 Loral w/Super 10 spd., 3020 new leader spinner bed, $43,000; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender, 40 HP, $17,500; 5 ton Tyler blender, 40 BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new HP, $7500. Northwest largest used seleca n d u s e d s e a c o n t a i n e r s , a l l s i z e s . tion of fertilizer equipment 406-466-5356, 306-220-1278, Saskatoon, SK. www.fertilizerequipment.net Choteau, MT.

w w w .b on din d.com e m a il joe @ b on din d.com


REN N M ill Cen ter In c.


(403) 78 4-3518

w w w .ren n m ill.co m ATLAS BUILD IN G S YS TEM S & S ALES LTD

D is trib utor For B EHLEN Ind us tries LP

Winter Special


Prices m a y cha n ge w itho u tn o tice d u e to flu ctu a tin g s teel price, la b o u r, freight, etc. L ea s in g a va ila b le.



ck a ck a ck a ck a ck a

g g g g g

e of(2)-10,000Bu Com bo- $51,800.00 or$2 .59PerBu e of(2)-9000Bu Com bo-$47,100.00 or$2 .61PerBu e of(2)-7200Bu Com bo-$37,800.00 or$2 .62 PerBu e of(2)-6200Bu Com bo-$32 ,800.00 or$2 .64PerBu e of(3)-4235Bu Com bo-$33,900.00 or$2 .66PerBu

S AKUNDIAK HOP P ER COM BO S P ECIALS Pa ck a g e of(3)-3400Bu Com bo-$2 7,800.00 or$2 .72 PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-5000Bu Com bo-$2 6,100.00 or$2 .61PerBu Allco m b o s c/w Au to Lid O pen ers, La d d ers, S kid s a n d La b o u r. Freight,A irS ys tem s and Leas ing A v ailable.




FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gal., get yours now! Contact your nearest Flaman location or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com WANTED: LIQUID EQUIPMENT, good tanks, cart, pumps, etc. for seeding and KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales storage. 306-768-2991, Carrot River, SK. and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738. FOR ALL YOUR KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346 KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. KEHOE 3Y BRANCH duct system for 19’ flat bottom bin, $350. Phone 306-642-3888, Assiniboia, SK.

2011 BATCO 1845 conveyor, with elec. motor mounting kit and wind guards. Reg. $19,225, Demo Special $15,250; 2085 Batco conveyor with updated gear boxes, hyd. swing, good condition, $18,000. Phone 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.




Fa x: 306 -782-3392

M o n d a y- Frid a y 9:00 a m to 5:00 pm

Alte rn a tive O ff ic e : 306 -782-2425 S c ott: 306 -6 21-5304 Ta is ha : 306 -6 21-3025 Em a il: a tla s b in s @hotm a il.c om P lea s e vis it ou r w ebs ite for u pda ted pricin g & s pecia ls :

w w w .a tla s b u ild in g s .n e t






USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 ton to 8 ton, 10 ton tender $2500, 16 ton tender $5900. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com 204-857-8403, Portage la Prairie, MB.

Rosetown Flighting Supply 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK www.flightingsupply.com

RETIRING: 13”x70’ Wheatheart auger, hydraulic mover, $11,500. 306-934-6703 eves, Saskatoon, SK. DIESEL GRAIN AUGER ENGINES. Great for 10” and 12” augers. Caterpillar, Perkins, 40% off. Rob 306-222-6035, Saskatoon SK. 2007 FARM KING 13x70 swing auger, hyd. mover, like new, $14,000; 2003 Buhler Farm King 10x36 auger, Wheatheart mover, 15 HP single phase motor, $8,000. Both one owner. Phone Glenn 306-272-7123, eagleagri@sasktel.net Foam Lake, SK. WHEATHEART 10” TRANSFER auger with 3 HP Honda; Sekundiak 12”x72’ swing auger; Sekundiak 10”x40’ auger. 306-771-2527, Edenwold, SK.

CONTROLLER FOR CO-OP Chinook air tank, new never used. $500. 204-736-4207, 204-981-7516, Brunkild, MB.

FARMERS WANTED CHANGE and Wheatheart delivered! The new R series auger is faster, stronger and larger. Improved features include: higher capacity, larger bearings, smooth, quiet operation and a larger gearbox on the 10” model. Come 2008 PATTISON CB2150 TBH wagon, 2150 Imp. gal., cone bottom. Hydraulic driven 10”X60 BRANDT AUGER and a 7”x46 Farm see this new auger at your nearest Flaman Sales or call 1-888-435-2626. product pump. 5.5 Honda 2” fill pump, al- King auger. 204-546-3154, Grandview, MB. ways shedded and good shape. 306-567-7493, Craik, SK. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin VALMAR 6600 PTO fertilizer spreader sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Ni- 2009 BRENT 782 cart, hyd. or PTO, tarp, w/2nd metering system, large tires, 60’ pawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. used 1 year, $32,000. 306-577-7990, booms. 204-483-2004, Souris, MB. 306-453-6737, Carlyle, SK.


FEBRUARY SPECIALS “Store More, Pay Less” FLAT BOTTOM BINS from $1.17/bushel (Includes Bin, Air and Steel floor)

HOPPER BOTTOM BIN 4700 Bushel $10,999 (Includes Bin, Hopper and Skid Foundation)


DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in We s t e r n C a n a d a . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , 306-946-7923, Young, SK. TWO CARTER DAY 612 graders, excellent condition, $7500 each. 403-634-1731 or 403-222-2258, Wrentham, AB. 588 CRIPPIN screen machine w/brush cleaners, good cond. Asking $7500 Wrentham, AB. 403-634-1731 or 403-222-2258.

SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS: Hawes SP kits and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and diesel. Call Brian “The Auger Guy” 204-724-6197, Souris, MB.

augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.

75’ D&R CONVEYOR, drive over, 13” belt, end drive PTO. For more info. phone Joe AU G E R S : N E W / U S E D . Wheatheart, 306-353-4415, Riverhurst, SK. Westfield, Sakundiak augers, Auger SP BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain kits, Batco conveyors, Rem grain vacs, augers, Rem grain vacs, SP kits. Del. and Wheatheart post pounders. New/used, good prices, leasing available. Call leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. 1-866-746-2666. BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. www.masterindustries.ca Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK.


CALL MINIC IND. for all your bucket elevator, screw/drag and belt conveyor parts and accessories. We specialize in stainless steel and mild steel for your new equipment quotation requirements. Call Chris at 204-339-1941, Winnipeg, MB. FREE COLOUR SORTER DEMO- Flaman Grain Cleaning and Handling is offering you the chance to bring us your dirty sample of grain and let us show you what a SATAKE colour sorter can do for you. Call us today in Saskatoon at 306-934-2121 and book your appointment! FOREVER SIMON DAY MOBILE grain cleaner, fully self-contained on fully enclosed trailer. 306-736-2445, Kipling, SK.

GRAIN CLEANING SCREEN and frames for all makes and models of grain cleaners. Housing Western Canada’s largest inventory of perforated material, we will set 1 800 667 8800 your cleaner up to your recommendation. Also, ask us about bucket elevators and www.nuvisionindustries.ca accessories Call Flaman Grain Cleaning, SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS. Innovative 1-888-435-2626. Hawes Agro auger movers, elec. clutches, bin sweeps, reversible gearboxes and all makes of engines. Call Bob at Hawes Industries, toll free 1-888-755-5575, your NEW GSI GRAIN DRYERS: Canola screens, #1 auger dealer in Canada, for great cash propane/nat. gas fired. Efficient, reliable prices. Regina, Saskatoon, Semans. and easy to operate. Significant early or2008 WHEATHEART BH 8x51’, mover, der discount pricing now in effect. Call for clutch, 27 HP Kohler, exc. cond., well for more information. 204-998-9915, Altamaintained, $8400. 306-429-2704, Glena- mont, MB. www.vzgrain.com von, SK.

1 800 667 8800


C a ll for quote

O ff ic e : 306 -782-3300

Call us at 1-866-373-8448 in Saskatoon, Sask. www.hawesagro.com

CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. LMC MARK IV gravity with air suction deck cover; #6 precision grader (Carter Day); 8 way - 6” Behlen distributor; 8 way - 8” Sullivan Strong distributor; 10,000 bu./hr overhead bulk weigh scale; 3,000 bu./hr. overhead bulk weigh scale and support tower. 306-398-4714, Cut Knife, SK. HART UNIFLOW INDENT, double stack of 3 w/aspirator, $4500. 403-304-0529, Red Deer, AB.


B e h le n Curve t s For M ore In f orm a tion :

Electric clutches & reversible gear boxes. New 10” Sakundiak augers 40’ to 60’ Kohler Engines Gas 18 - 40 HP, Diesel 40 - 50 HP

CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. LARGE SELECTION of dual screen rotary screeners and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. 204-857-8403, Portage la Prairie, www.zettlerfarmequipment.com GJESDAL 5-IN-1, 50 bushels/hr, w/extra screens, exc. cond. 306-867-8453, Glenside, SK.


• Po s itio n gra in a u ger o r co n veyo r in to b in rem o tely; N EW b y yo u rs elf. PRODUCT • Po w erfu l m a gn ets to a d here to gra in & co m b in e a u gers , co n veyo rs , etc. • Ca m era is w a terpro o f & co lo r w ith a u d io . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll

Brow n le e s Truckin g I nc. Un ity, S K

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98

w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m 45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. www.flaman.com 2009 FARM KING 13x70 swing away grain a u g e r, e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . P h o n e 306-563-4462, Canora, SK.

GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 306-764-2325. For all your grain drying needs! www.glenmor.cc We are the GT grain dryer parts distributor. SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS Winter program has started. Largest and quietest single phase dryer in the industry. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. Moridge parts also available. Grant Services Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK. WANTED: G-T GRAIN dryer 500 plus bu. Phone Ken 780-836-5308, Manning, AB. NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price savings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . 204-242-3300, www.fvoth.com SMALL CONTINUOUS MODEL DriAll grain dryer, very nice condition, priced to sell. 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK.

MOTOMCO MODEL 919, moisture meter and scale. All grain charts. Exc. cond. $550 OBO. 306-873-4160, Tisdale SK.

2008 BRANDT 5000 EX grain vac, good cond., $16,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255.

REM 2700HD grain vac, great machine, controls dust and bugs, $13,000. Call 306-962-7016, Eston, SK. CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. 2011 J&M 875-18, tarp, 30.5x32’s, only www.starlinesales.com 2000 acres use, mint, $33,500. 780-376-3577, Daysland, AB. 2008 BRENT 1080 grain cart. Scale; 900 60R38 Trelleborg tires; hyd. spout; PTO; 20” auger, $36,000. 306-231-9020, Humboldt, SK.

1997 JD 556 ROUND BALER (located near 2004 BOURGAULT 1100 grain cart, new Moose Jaw, SK) $9500. Has produced less flighting, spare tire, exc. cond., asking than 2000 bales and has been in storage since 2004. Call Dan 250-858-7665. $39,000. 780-624-2166, Isidore, AB. J&M 750 bushel gravity grain wagon, 1997 HESSTON 4570 small square baler, green, asking $12,000 OBO. 306-755-2084 very good condition. 204-248-2488, Notre Dame, MB. Tramping Lake, SK. N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , 1997 JD 566 ROUND BALER, double twine $6,700; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection arm, shedded, excellent condition. Phone used gravity wagons 250-750 bu. Used 306-487-2868, Lampman, SK. grain carts 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537, HESSTON 4720, 5 medium square bale www.zettlerfarmequipment.com accumulator, $10,000 or will sell with 2 0 0 5 H e s s t o n 4 7 6 0 b a l e r, $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 . 2009 BRENT 882 grain cart, PTO, tarp, 204-728-4784, Brandon, MB. $38,000; 1997 Bourgault 1100 bushel grain cart, w/new tarp, PTO, $27,000. A.E. 2002 TUBELINE AUTOMATIC bale wrapChicoine Farm Equipment 306-449-2255, per, Model 5500, exc. shape, $15,500. Storthoaks, SK. 403-888-3356, Acme, AB.


2011 9120, duals, 205 hrs., $349,000; 2010 9120, FC, SM $324,000; 2009 9120 Magna cut, $279,000; 8010 topper, $199,000; 2388, AFX, Y&M, big top, $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; 2 3 8 8 A F X , Y & M , t o p p e r, $129,000; 2388 AFX, Y&M, $110,000; 2388 hopper ext. $99,000; 2188 exceller, Mav, Swathmaster, $76,000; 2188, exceller, Swathmaster, topper, $65,000; 1997 2188 AFX, Rake-Up, topper, $69,000; 2188 AFX, sm topper, $65,000; 2188 sm, Y&M, $66,500; 1666 Rake-Up, 2656 eng. hrs., $37,000; 1680, shedded, $17,500; IH WANTED: SMALL ROUND BALER, good 1480, 210 HP, $11,900; JD 9870 STS; 2cond., 400-500 lb. bales, reasonably JD 9860’s; NH CR9070. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. priced. 403-540-9894, Strathmore, AB. 2009 2150 HESSTON Series 3x3 large sq. baler, always shedded, total bales 2500, used 2 seasons, asking $65,000 Cdn. OBO. 1982 1069 NH dsl. bale wagon, c/w 1028S Mil-Stak 3x3 loader arm, 354 Perkins eng. w/redone fuel system last season, always shedded, paint and rubber in good cond., AC/CD stereo in cab, very nice wagon, well maintained, ready to go to work, asking $45,000 Cdn. OBO. Contact Steve Dryden at 204-838-2352, Virden, MB, or email: sdryden@rfnow.com

BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. 2006 590R, 717 sep. hrs., field ready, exc. Call now 1-866-443-7444. shape, $170,000 OBO, local combine; 2007 2005 NH 585, 16”x22” SP baler, low 40’ flex header, 540, air reel, $41,000 OBO. hours; 2002 BB960 NH 3’x4’ baler. Call 204-632-5334 or 204-981-4291, leave message, Winnipeg, MB. Bruce, 403-664-0004, Acadia Valley, AB. 855 NH ROUND BALER, net wrap, good condition, $2500. 306-681-7610 or 306-395-2668, Chaplin, SK.


1989 JD 9501 pull type combine, Rake-Up 2010 JD 9870 STS, Premier cab, 800-38 P U , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 . and 28L-26 Firestone tires, HD feeding 306-946-2804, Watrous, SK. pkg., high ware threshing and unloading, 26’ unloading auger, Pro-Drive w/Auto2010 9770 STS, 520 engine hrs, 433 sep. feed, GS 3000 screen w/AutoTrac, 615P hrs, large and small concaves, 26’ auger, h e a d e r, $ 2 7 5 , 0 0 0 d e l i ve r e d . P h o n e 6 1 5 P P U, a s k i n g $ 2 3 6 , 0 0 0 O B O . 403-818-2816, Calgary, AB. 204-215-0999, Boissevain, MB. 1998 JD CTS II, 2000 sep. hrs., loaded, 2011 JD 9770, Premier cab, 615 PU, small GreenStar, P914 PU, shedded, field ready. grains concave, Contour-Master, 22.5’ au- 306-695-2623, Indian Head, SK. g e r, d u a l s , 5 5 e n g . h r s . , l i ke n ew. 2002 JD 9650, 2147 sep. hrs., Deluxe cab 204-467-2109 (after 8 PM), Stonewall, MB. w/ClimaTrak, grain loss monitor, Auto 2009 JD 9870 STS, 4 WD, 613 hours, header height control, Dial-A-speed, straw Contour-Master, premier cab, self-levelling chopper, Redekop chaff blower, JD 914 PU shoe, 20.8x42’s, 5 spd. reverser, power header, always shedded and Greenlighted c a s t t a i l b o a r d . $ 2 2 5 , 0 0 0 U S . every year! Exc. shape! $119,000. Jordan 320-848-2496, www.ms-diversified.com anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. Fairfax, Minnesota. 1997 CTS JD combine, 2391 threshing hrs., deluxe cab, big top c/w extension 8560 w/MELROE 388, strong 190 HP, zero (300 bu.), Sunnybrook cyl. and beater, fine oil consumption, recent elevator and feecut chopper, extra long auger, 30.5x32 and derchains, and rotor work, $12,000. Field 23x28 tires, 914 PU header, $60,000; 2002 ready. 306-937-2832, Battleford, SK. MacDon 30’ draper header, PU reel, hyd. fore and aft, shedded, well maintained. No rocks! $25,000. 780-837-8047, Falher, AB.

BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB.

JD 530 MOWER conditioner, only done 200 acres; JD 348 square baler, only 2000 2006 NH CR970, 1186 hrs., Redekop bales; Frontier rotary rake, only done 120 MAV, loaded, $119,800. Trades welcome. acres. 403-728-8200, Spruce View, AB. Financing available, 1-800-667-4515. See 2006 CIH 18’ haybine; 2008 Recon 300 video at: www.combineworld.com 2010 JD 9770 STS, 355 hrs, Contourcrimper; 2008 Jiffy 12 wheel rake; 2006 Master, self-levelling shoe, chopper, 2 6 ’ S c h u l t e m o w e r. C a l l B r u c e , 20.8x42’s w/duals, $210,000 US. Fairfax, 403-664-0004, Acadia Valley, AB. Minnesota, 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560 www.ms-diversified.com MACDON 741 HAY CONDITIONER, new, never used. Will fit all 972 headers. Will 2007 9860 STS PREMIUM, 694 hrs., help with freight, $3500. 705-647-7701, bullet rotor, mapping, long auger, 615 PU, New Liskeard, ON. 900 rice tires, shedded, extras, exc. cond. $209,000. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. 1998 JD 9610 4371/3116 hrs., new chrome bars, always kept inside, very well 1982 IH 4000, cab, cooler, PU reel, recent maintained, will be sold field ready, tires, transport available, shedded; 1992 $69,000. Call Doug 306-778-6131 days, Case 30’ PT, PU reel, new knife and 306-627-3677 evenings, Neville, SK. guards, shedded. Will hold both till spring. Lyle at 306-567-7618, Davidson, SK. 2008 NH CR9070 COMBINE, field ready, 1997 9600, 914 header, 2528 sep./3335 785 hrs., headers available, $169,000. eng. hrs., hopper topper, chaff spreader, 25’ 2004 WESTWARD 9352i, 2 spd., 1200 Trades welcome, financing available. R e d e ko p c h a f f s ave r s y s t e m ava i l . 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395 Langham SK hrs, DS, single knife, 2 rotor shears, hyd. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com f r e e f o r m r o l l e r, e x c e l l e n t s h a p e . 1994 TR97 NH, concave and rotors rebuilt, 2009 JD 9870 STS, w/615 PU, 580 rotor 306-460-8858, 306-967-2423, Eatonia, SK. completely checked over, field ready. 30’ hrs, $8500 Greenlight completed, single WANTED: PU REELS for 15’ 400 Versatile Honeybee header, PU reel comes w/com- 900/600 tires, never harvested lentils, swather. 306-699-7242 or 306-536-6189, bine or can be purchased without. Offers. Harvest Smart and Pro-Drive options, ask306-962-7560, Eston, SK. ing $249,500. 403-371-3635, McLean, SK. 403-946-5957, Crossfield, AB. 2008 CR 9070, Swathmaster, yield and 2010 JD A400, 36’ HoneyBee header and m o i s t u r e , R e d e ko p , f i e l d t r a c ke r, 1994 JD 9600, 3400 sep. hrs., excellent roller, $109,000. Phone 306-421-0205, $217,000. Hergott Farm Equipment, your tires, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper. InEstevan, SK. jectors done, new rub bars, 914 PU w/new CIH Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK belts, auto header height, shedded, 2001 2010 CIH 1903, 36’, roller, $128,000; 2007 2009 NH CR9060, 722/943 hrs., loaded, full finger 930 flex header, $57,000. Will Premier 2952, 30’, vg, $97,800; WW 9352, c/w Michel’s electric topper, $175,000 separate. 306-243-4208 or 306-867-7102, 30’, DSA, $84,500; CIH 730, 30’, PTO, w/16’ Swathmaster header, $155,000 Macrorie, SK. $3500; CIH 736, 36’, PT; 2010 CIH without. 204-683-2562, St. Lazare, MB. 1998 JD 9610, 2500 sep hrs., 3600 eng., WD1203, 36’. Hergott Farm Equipment 2007 CR9070, 20.8x42 duals, loaded, 360 greenlight, data center, 914 PU, $65,000 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. threshing hrs; 2000 SP36 HoneyBee draper OBO. 306-774-4725, Hodgeville, SK. 2008 M150 PREMIER, 1150 hrs., c/w D60 header, gauge wheels, hyd. fore/aft, split 35’ header 900 hrs., two left at $92,000. r e e l , s t e e l t e e t h . A r c h E q u i p m e n t , 2- 2008 9870 STS, 503 sep. hrs., duals, long auger, powercast tail board, warranty, 306-867-7252, Outlook, SK. Trucking avail. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. c / w 6 1 5 P U h e a d e r, H D l i f t r a m s . $249,000 ea or both for $480,000. 7802010 MF 9430, 540 hrs, 36’, GPS, duals, 204-0391, 780-786-2867 Mayerthorpe, AB. swath roller, $90,000. 306-231-3993, www.versluistrading.com Humboldt, SK. 2002 JD 9650, 2279 sep. hrs., deluxe cab TWO 2010 JD 9870’s STS w/JD 615 PU, w/ClimaTrak, grain loss monitor, yield and loaded, 20.8 duals, like new, extended 1998 MACDON 2950, 2 spd. turbo, 30’ 960 moisture monitor, Auto header height con- warranty. 1 w/274 eng. hrs, 193 sep. hrs header, 2 Keer Shears, new canvas, trol, Dial-A-Speed, straw chopper, Rede- and 1 w/244 eng. hrs. and 168 sep. hrs. $46,000; 2001 Premier 1900, 30’ PT, new kop chaff blower, JD 914 pickup header, 306-536-0890, Yellow Grass, SK. canvas, $7500. Both one owner. Ph. Glenn always shedded, Greenlighted every year! 306-272-7123, eagleagri@sasktel.net Excellent shape! $119,000. Jordan anytime 2008 JD 9870 STS, duals, $269,000; 2006 JD 9760 STS, $179,000; JD 9760, Y&M, Foam Lake, SK. 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. $169,900 with 3 yrs. interest free. Hergott 1985 7720 TITAN II, 3835 engine hrs., Farm Equipment, your Case/IH Dealer, 214 pickup, airfoil sieve, good condition, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. $19,500. 780-386-2340, Kinsella, AB. 2001 JD 9650 STS, 1920 rotor hrs., rubHAY CRIMPER for sale off a IHC 4000 swather, 1 rubber and 1 steel roller, vg 1982 JD 6620, bought new 1985, one ber 800-65R32, 18.4.26. Asking $89,000. owner, chopper, chaff spreader, $5000 on 306-759-2070, Eyebrow, SK. shape, $1500. Ph: 780 336-6378, Irma, AB recent Greenlight, 2260 eng hrs., premium c o n d i t i o n , 1 9 8 6 2 2 2 r i g i d h e a d e r, 2006 9660 STS, Contour-Master, 1230 hrs, 1984 220 flex header, all shedded, no PU bullet rotor, high speed unloading auger, head, $32,500 OBO. Header trailers avail. $138,000 OBO. 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK. 2006 JD 7400 forage harvester with hay Phone 204-771-2169, Grosse Isle, MB. 2010 JD 9770 STS, 491 sep. hours., header, 2200 hours. Call 204-522-6333, 2011 9870 STS, duals, long auger, deliv- Contour-Master w/high torque variable Melita, MB. ered mid Oct., only 60 hrs, special spd. feeder house, high cap. lift cylinders, $325,000 or will trade for Case/IH 8120 or 22’ perforated high cap. unloading auger, 2 0 1 1 N H B R 7 0 9 0 R O U N D B A L E R , 9120. 250-787-7383, Charlie Lake, BC. chopper, HD final drives, 800/70R38 tires$30,000 firm; 2009 (purchased new in 80%, small grain and corn/bean concaves 2011) NH HS7150 14’ HAYBINE, mint, 1997 JD 9600, 914 PU, 2520 sep., loaded, included! Just been Greenlighted! Full ma$30,000 firm. Both done only 800 acres. recent Greenlight, always shedded, one chine warranty till May 2/13 or 1500 eng. Travis or Lori 306-342-4862, Glaslyn, SK. owner, $69,500. Ph. Glenn 306-272-7123, hrs. Excellent shape! $239,750. Ph Jordan eagleagri@sasktel.net Foam Lake, SK. anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. BALE WAGON 12 ton self-unloading c/w McKee stack and move, $3000. Call Ron 2011 JD 9870 STS, 115 rotor hrs., Pro 2000 JD 9650W, 2800 sep. hrs., $29,000 306-384-4512, Saskatoon, SK. drive, auto feed rate, Powercast chopper, in recent work orders, $89,900 OBO. 2 6 ’ u n l o a d a u g e r, C o n t o u r - M a s t e r, 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. MACDON 741 HAY conditioner to fit Mac- $328,000. 306-834-7610, Major, SK. 2003 JD 9650 STS, w/914 PU, 1440 roDon 972 header or equiv.; 40’ Piecelander tor hrs, moisture and yield monitors, well roller; 26’ Schulte 5026 mower. All low maintained, shedded, very good condition, acres. 250-843-7359, 250-782-0220, Dawasking $98,500. 403-371-3635, son Creek, BC. 403-946-5957, Crossfield, AB. HAYBINE /DISCBINE, 1340 Hesston, asking $12,000, selling farm. 780-387-4048, Millet, AB.

2005 JD 9660 STS, c/w 914P pickup, HHC, rock trap, fine cut chopper, big auger, green star, yield and moisture, touch-set, CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes 800/65R32 tires, 1772 hrs. Harvest ready. 2010 JD 9670 STS, 600 hrs, Contour Master, premier cab, 20.8x38’s, chopper, and models. Call the combine superstore. $110,000. Ph 780-679-7680, Ferintosh, AB $195,000. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. 2011 9770 STS, 440 engine hrs., 325 Fairfax Minnesota www.ms-diversified.com Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. sep. hrs., fully loaded, reduced to sell RETIRING: 2006 8010 Case/IH combine, $240,000 firm. Will CMI certify to pur- 2011 JD 9770, 615 PU, 120 hrs., loaded, duals, contour, $289,000. 306-421-0205, 590 rotor hrs., 2016 header, loaded, exc. chaser. 306-948-7535, Bigger, SK. cond., $210,000. 25% down, balance July 1998 JD 9610, approx. 2500 sep. hrs, 914 Estevan, SK. 1, 2012. 306-934-6703 eves, Saskatoon SK PU, chaff spreader, data center, shedded. JD 8820, rebuilt, low hours., Sunnybrook Phone 306-327-4980, Kelvington, SK. concave and cyl, airfoil sieve, field ready, 1991 1660 IH COMBINE, extremely well excellent 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, taken care of. Cummins engine, rocktrap, JD 9650 STS w/914 PU, 1961 thrashing Austin, MB. hyd. reel, fore&aft (add $4000 for header hrs., heavy land, never rocks, grain and and PU), $15,800. Trades welcome. Fi- yield loss monitor, long auger, hyd. fore 1998 9610, 2700 sep. hrs, chopper, chafn a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 . and aft, 800 metrics, $110,000. Milestone, fer, duals, many new parts, good condiSK. 306-436-7727, 306-436-7757. www.combineworld.com tion. 306-773-8705, Wymark, SK.

ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732.

SALVAGE TRACTOR ARRIVALS, Ford 7710, 7610, 7600, 6600, 5000, 8210, 8340, 4000, 8N, Super Major, County. IH 5488, 885, 784, 844, 574, 756, B275. 1995 MACDON 960 25’ HEADER, PU Nuffield 4/65, 10/60. David Brown 1690, reel, c/w JD/MF/CIH adapters, $12,900. 1394, 1210, 885. MF 95, 65, 35, 3165. JD Trades welcome, financing available. 4010. Volvo 650, 800. Ph. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK. www.britishtractor.com 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com MACDON CA20 JD adapter kit, $2500. Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 403-312-5113, located in Viscount, SK. 2009 MACDON D60, 40’, fore&aft., 15” 1-866-729-9876 gauge wheels, 2 sickles, float optimizer, 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB $50,000. 403-818-2816, Calgary, AB. www.harvestsalvage.ca MACDON HEADERS: 2009 40’ D60, CNH adaptor, $55,500; 1997 36’ 960. Both New Used & Re-man parts shedded. 2010 42’ header trailer, delivery available. 780-376-3577, Daysland, AB. Tractors Combines Swathers 2010 FD70 MACDON, 35’, Case adaptor, SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge loaded, pea auger, low acres, mint. Phone inventory new and used tractor parts. 306-932-2306, Plenty, SK. 1-888-676-4847. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battleford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, 306-946-7923, Young, SK.

TWO 2009 NH (Honey Bee) 94C 30’ draper headers, NH CR/CX combine adapter, UII PU reel, hyd. fore/aft, poly skid plates, hyd. pitch control, auto height sensors, gauge wheels, factory transport. Each header has done approx. 1200 acres, like new condition, asking $35,500 each. Phone Ken at 306-536-5490, Regina, SK.

MF 9230 HEADER, good knife, auger and floor. Fits 8570/8780 combines, $8900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com



2010 MACDON 40’ FD70 header, never used, c/w JD adapter and transport, $78,500 306-441-5040 North Battleford SK


1-888-327-6767 www.gcparts.com

2009 36’ HONEYBEE HEADER, hyd. reel, for&aft, factory transport, dual knife, new canvas w/PU reel fingers, nylon skid shoes and 9/10 NH or CIH adapters (others available), $43,800. Trades welcome, Fin a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 , www.combineworld.com 2008 JD 936D 36’ draper header, skid plates, fore and aft, new knife, always shedded, excellent condition, $40,000. 780-878-1550, Camrose, AB. CIH 1010, 30’, w/PU reel, $7900; CIH 1020 30’ flex header, $11,900; CIH 2052 35’ draper, $45,500; MacDon 973, 35’, CIH adapter, $39,900; JD 930, 30’, $5900. Call Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 30’ ELMERS PICKUP mounted on JD header, $15,000. For more info. call Joe 306-353-4415, Riverhurst, SK. 2008 615 JD PU header, shedded, exc. cond., $18,000 OBO. Ph. 306-355-2250, Mortlach, SK.

1993 HONEYBEE SP42 HEADER, UII PU reels, dual knife drive, Schumacher cutting system good, fits JD combines, other adapters available, $15,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. Watch video at: www.combineworld.com 1-800-557-4515 2006 MACDON 973 36’ with 873 Lexion adapter, fore/aft reel, slow speed trans., upper cross auger, skid shoes, PU reel. New in 2007, $35,000 OBO. 403-888-7255, Acme, AB. 3- 2011 635F flex heads and 2- 2011 635D Draper heads, very low acres, like new. Call Ron at 204-272-5070 or 204-626-3283, Sperling, MB.

Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts. GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734.

MEDICINE HAT TRACTOR Salvage Inc. Specializing in new, used, and rebuilt agricultural and construction parts. Buying ag and construction equipment for dismant l i n g . C a l l t o d ay 1 - 8 7 7 - 5 2 7 - 7 2 7 8 , 2002 MACDON 962 HEADER 36’, www.mhtractor.ca Medicine Hat, AB. MacDon split reel, factory transport, fits Cat 450, 455, 470, 475 combines and JD G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors S T S 7 7 2 0 , 8 8 2 0 , 9 5 0 0 , 9 6 0 0 , C T S only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. www.combineworld.com 1-800-667-4515

LANDA PRESSURE WASHERS, steam washers, parts washers. M&M Equipment Ltd., Parts and Service 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111, Regina, SK. 2005 JD 635F HYDRAFLEX HEADER, new full finger auger, knife and guards. Nice condition, $29,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. Watch video at: www.combineworld.com 1-800-667-4515 1995 JD 930R rigid header, new knife and sections, batt reel, $6,000. 306-745-6140, Esterhazy, SK. RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK, www.straightcutheaders.com

S EXS M ITH US ED FARM P ARTS LTD . S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa rts.co m Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs . Plu s M u ch M o re!

1-8 00-340-119 2

NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES, Morris 7 Series Magnum; JD 1610, $135 ea.; JD 1610/610 (black) $180. 306-259-4923 306-946-7923, Young, SK. AIR SEEDER FANS, hyd. and/or PTO drive, $275- $875. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very 36’ MACDON PU REEL, for 962/972/960 affordable new and used parts available, MacDon header. Excellent shape with made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 new teeth, fingers and bushings, $5960. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 2000 JD 930 FLEX PLATFORM, PU reel, 1- 8 00- 667- 98 71 • Regin a full finger auger (FF), polyskids, recondi1- 8 00- 667- 3095 • S askatoon tioned, $17,900; 2006 JD 635 Flex, PU 1- 8 00- 38 7- 2 768 • M an itob a reel, FF auger, polyskids, single point, looks like new, $27,900; 2000 JD 925 Flex, 1- 8 00- 2 2 2 - 65 94 • Ed m on ton PU reel, FF auger, polyskids, real nice, “ Fo rAllY o u rFa rm Pa rts” $15,900; 2007 JD 630 Flex, PU reel, FF auger, polyskids, single point, beautiful platw w w .f yf e p a rts .c om form, $28,900; Over 20 platforms in stock. Many more coming in. All makes. Call Gary ENGINE KITS, ENGINE PARTS, clutches, a t 2 0 4 - 3 2 6 - 7 0 0 0 , S t e i n b a c h , M B , machine shop services. Sanderson Tractor Ltd. 204-239-6448, Portage la Prairie, MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com


Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g SMALL AD, BIG SAVINGS, BEST PRICES. Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, Allan, SK. 1-888-676-4847. LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured parts for most farm tractors and combines. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. MURPHY SALVAGE: new, used, rebuilt parts for tractors, combines, swather, tillage and misc. machinery. Always buying. Website: www.murphysalvage.com Phone 1-877-858-2728, Deleau, MB. W RECKIN G TRACTO RS , S W ATHERS , BALERS , CO M BIN ES




1 9 9 7 F L E X I - C O I L S YS T E M 6 5 1 0 0 ’ , w/wind screen, PTO pump, foam marker, extra nozzles, excellent, $10,000. 204-847-0000, 204-842-3616, Birtle, MB. 2002 FLEXI-COIL 67XL susp. boom, 90’, 850 gal. tank, autorate, triple nozzles, dual whls, $17,000. 306-726-7716, Southey, SK 2004 NH SF115, 134’, 1250 gal. tank, rinse tank, chem. tank, wind screens, disc markers, $16,000. 403-634-1373, Enchant, AB.

COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. www.comb-tracsalvage.com We buy machinery.

CONTERRA SNOW DOZER BLADE fits all skidsteers, JD 640, 740 and also loaders. Excellent for moving snow and dirt, 96”, $3899. Call 1-877-947-2882 or view online at www.conterraindustries.com TORO WALK BEHIND SNOWBLOWER, $900; Several new Cub Cadet snowblowers; Ariens 10-32 walk behind snowblower, $800. 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, COMBINE WORLD 1-800-667-4515, Winnipeg, MB. www.combineworld.com 20 minutes East of Saskatoon, SK. on Highway #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late 2005 NH FP 240 FORAGE CUTTER, model combines and swathers. good shape, well maintained, knives and shear bar replaced recently, new roller chains and blower liner, 15,000 tonnes cut, pulled behind 185 HP tractor, original THE REAL USED FARM owner, $30,000 OBO. Mike 780-777-5364, PARTSS UPERSTORE mike.ohlmann@gmail.com Leduc, AB. O ver2700 Un its forS a lva g e YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron Tra ctors Com b in e s toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. Sw a th e rs Dis ce rs Ba le rs BJM SILAGE MIXER wagon, new inside skin, new augers, and scale only 2 yrs. old, asking $4000. 1994 NH 900 silage cutter, w/Richardton hydump wagon, asking W a trou s , S a s k . $10,500. 306-782-7241, Rokeby, SK. Ca llJo e, Len o rDa rw in

WATROUS SALVAGE 306- 946- 2 2 2 2 Fa x 306- 946- 2 444 Ope n M o n .thru Fri., 8 a .m .-5 p.m . w w w .w a tro u s s a lva ge.co m Em a il: s a lv@ s a s kte l.n e t

COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, tapered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. 2010 REEVES 855 Inline large square/round bale wrapper. Will wrap both, self-contained, fully automated, used very little. 403-323-0217, Big Valley, AB FARM AID SILAGE feed wagon w/scale, 350 cu. ft., works great, $4500. 403-888-3356, Acme, AB.

gallantsales.com Dealer for Logan potato boxes, conveyors and Tristeel Mfg. potato polishers, tote fillers, washline equip. Largest inventory of used potato equip. 12R 22” ALLOWAY BAND SPRAYER, 3 hollow cone nozzles per row, $5000 OBO. Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB. Phone Joe 306-353-4415, Riverhurst, SK. DEGELMAN SIGNATURE 6000 reel picker, 2003, hyd. drive, new tires, $15,000. RiteWay reel picker, 1986, hyd. drive, tandem axle, $4000. Degelman fork picker, $1500. All units are one owner. Phone Glenn A G S H I E L D C L E A N u s e d s p r a y e r s . 306-272-7123, eagleagri@sasktel.net 2009 134’ floating boom solid shields, 3-way nozzles, 1500 US gal., GFS (autoFoam Lake, SK. matic height control), autorate, foamer, $48,700. 2005 90’ floating boom solid shields, 2-way nozzles, 1000 US gal., GFS, autorate, foamer, $23,300. Prices OBO. Pictures available at sales@agshield.com. Ag Shield, Benito, MB, 1-800-561-0132. 1997 BOURGAULT 950, 100’, 2 tanks (833 gal. and 125 gal.), wind screens, $18,000. Phone 306-497-2551, Blaine Lake, SK. DEGELMAN SUPER PICKER II, Model RP-7700, reconditioned, PTO driven, hyd. swing hitch, harden teeth, field ready. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

FARM KING 3 PTH snowblower w/single auger, 85” wide, $800. Call 306-457-7511, Creelman, SK. CLEAR-OUT on remaining inventory of Farm King and Schulte snowblowers. Sizes range from 60” to 117”. Limited quantities. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com JD FRONT MOUNT 59” snowblower, fits JD 3120 to 3720, and most JD compact utility tractors, used only 4 hours, $4500 OBO. 306-243-4811, Outlook, SK.

BRANDT HC QUICK FOLD PT sprayer, 1000 US gal. poly tank, 96’, hyd. drive, 3-way nozzle bodies, wind cones. 403-545-2331 or 403-330-8042, Bow Island, AB. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 67XL susp. boom, 90’, 1250 gal. tank, triple nozzle bodies, wind screens, rinse tank, wand wash, exc. cond. Call Rod at 306-463-7713, Kindersley, SK. BRANDT QF 1500 90’, 800 gal. tank, new hyd. pump, double nozzle bodies, foam marker. 306-263-4513, 306-640-9074, Limerick, SK.

SPRAYTEST REMOTE BOOM CONTROL Use handheld remote to select and turn on individual boom section for nozzle checks. Easy install with harness to plug in to your sprayer. Models for up to 16 sections. Ph: 306-859-1200 spraytest@sasktel.net

www.spraytest.com 2006 APACHE 1010, 398 hrs total, 1000 gal., 100’ booms, autorate, Rinex auto shutoff, AutoBoom height, Outback GPS c/w AutoSteer, Sharpshooter pulse system. 306-666-4807, Golden Prairie, SK. 2004 CASE SPX 4410, 1600 hrs, AutoSteer and mapping, Norac AutoBoom, AIM command, active susp., fence row nozzles, always shedded, $175,000. 403-647-7391, Milk River, AB. 2004 CASE 3200, AIM, Outback AutoSteering, 1300 hrs, $128,000. 306-577-7990, 306-453-6737, Carlyle, SK. ADD an Attention Getter to your classified ad for a great price! Call the Western Producer Classifieds 1-800-667-7770 2009 1286C ROGATOR, 1150 hrs, 1280 gal. tank, rinse tank, chem inductor, 100’ boom, flood light kit, Raven Viper Pro, AccuBoom, SmarTrax AutoSteer, 2 sets of tires, drive train warranty for 2000 hrs or until June 2013, $200,000. Fillmore, SK. Phone 306-722-3894 or 306-861-3268. 2001 APACHE 890 Plus, 200 HP Cummins engine, 6 spd. auto Funk trans., 1018 hrs., 100’ boom, Trimble 500 AutoSteer, Raven autorate, foam marker, 850 gal. tank, 4 Tridekon crop dividers, 2 sets of rear tires, $95,000 OBO. 403-934-4243, 403-934-4244, Strathmore, AB. 2001 JD 4710, 800 gal, 90’, 3522 hrs., 2 sets of tires, loaded w/Outback GPS, 3” fill, hyd. tread adjust. $115,000. 306-327-8227, Kelvington, SK. 2009 APACHE AS-1010, 672 hrs, 100’ boom, 1000 gal. tank, field ready. Call or text for details. 306-380-8818, Viceroy, SK 1998 SPRA-COUPE 3640, 70’, 1160 hrs., shedded, new dividers, foam marker, good cond, $44,900. 780-608-0556 Camrose AB 1997 LODE-KING sprayer trailer, double drop, 3000 gal. water, chem handler and chemical lock-up cage, $23,000 OBO. Phone 306-333-2244, Abernethy, SK. 1982 HAGIE 647 high clearance 4 WD, diesel, 80’ updated boom, 500 gal, MT flow control, Outback guidance, new nozzles, $9000 OBO. 204-529-2104, Mather, MB. 1995 TYLER PATRIOT XL 90’ booms, 750 gal. tank, JD 4 cyl. diesel engine, 3200 hrs, $42,000. 306-726-4326, Southey, SK.

2011 CIH 4420 SPRAYER, 120’, 1200 gal. SS tank, 800 hrs, 1 yr. warranty remaining, every option available incl. reversible engine fan, Viper Pro GPS, HID lighting all around, leather interior, 710 float tires, 380 narrow tires, 2012 Redlight insp. and service, field ready, $290,000 OBO. 306-331-7385, 306-675-5703, Lipton, SK 2006 MILLER NITRO 3275, Cummins 6.7L QSB engine, 100’ boom, 1400 gal. SS tank, 1 9 4 0 h r s , $ 1 3 9 , 0 0 0 U S. C a l l To d d 605-226-0695, Aberdeen, SD.

2009 ROGATOR 1286, 940 hrs., Cat C9, Raven Viper Pro, AutoBoom, Raven GPS and AutoSteer, 24.5/32 and 380/46 tires, 100’ booms, 5-tip nozzles, other options. $240,000 OBO. Phone 306-333-2244, Abernethy, SK 2006 WILMAR EAGLE 8500, 90’, 2400 hrs, Outback GPS, mapping, etc, extra tires, crop dividers, other options. Prince Albert, SK. 306-961-6170. 2010 JOHN DEERE 4730, 100’, 745 hrs., boom height and section control, GPS w/2600 display, poly, 2 sets of tires. 306-536-3870, Regina, SK. WANTED: JD 4730 or 4830 sprayer, new or low hrs. Phone/fax 306-283-4747 or 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. 1999 JD 4700, 2200 hrs., exc. cond, SS tank, 2 sets of tires, weight pkg, GPS, Auto Steer, foam, boom valves, wheel covers, fence row nozzles, Thompson strainer, extra lights, hyd. tread adj, Norac, fenders, trace control, 3 sets nozzles, $110,000. 780-352-0643, Millet, AB. 2009 ROGATOR 1084 Raven Smart Trax, Viper Pro, Auto and AccuBoom, 2 sets of tires, 120’ or 100’ boom, remote for checking nozzles, vg condition, 1850 hrs. Asking $169,000. 306-843-7465, Wilkie, SK. 1996 XL 45’ TRIDEM step deck, air ride. Onboard 3000 gal. water tank and onboard chem. handler II, c/w ramps. Fits any sized SP sprayer, asking $40,000. 780-837-5243, Donnelly, AB. MILLER CONDOR A75, w/103’ Spray-Air boom, 1200 gallon tank, mechanical drive, auto boom, AccuBoom, auto steer, 2 sets of tires, 1275 hrs. Randy, 306-365-4212 or 306-365-8386, Guernsey, SK. 2002 CIH SPX 2130 sprayer, 2 sets of wheels/ tires (brand new). 80’ boom with True Boom, EZ guide 500 with Ag Leader mapping. Tridekon crop dividers. Active suspension, 1900 hrs. Asking $85,000. 780-753-6581, 780-753-6029, Hayter, AB 2001 JD 4710, 90’ booms, 2167 hrs, fully equipped, farmer owned, $150,000 OBO. Ph. 306-768-2975, 306-768-2979, Carrot River, SK. 2006 JD 4720, 2 sets tires, 1800 hrs, SS tank, 90’ booms, asking $137,000 OBO. 204-526-2040, Bruxelles, MB. 1998 JD 4700 sprayer, 2787 hrs., 90’ boom, 750 poly tank, 2 sets of tires, foamer, good cond., $85,000. 306-967-2541, 306-628-7808 cell, Leader, SK. CIH 4420, 120’, $254,000; 2010 JD 4830, 230 hrs., $249,000; 2008 Miller A75, 1200 gal., 275 HP, $159,900; Willmar 6400, 4 WD, $39,000. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. MELROE SPRA-COUPE 215 52’, 4 wheel, $8900. Call 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. 1992 MELROE 230 High Clearance 70’, foam marker, floatation tires, 2 sets of tires, low hours, $16,000. 306-946-2727, Watrous, SK. 2007 APACHE AS-1010, 1000 gal., 100’ boom, 1500 hrs, 215 HP, AutoSteer, Raven Envisio-Pro, auto shut-off, AutoHeight control, incl. floater tires, exc. cond., fully loaded $125,000. 306-535-7708 Sedley SK 2009 JD 4830, 450 eng. hrs., loaded, AMS, 2 sets of tires, HID lighting, $265,000. 306-441-9320, North Battleford, SK. 2010 JD 4930, Hi flow pump, SS plumbing, 2 sets tires, deluxe cab, boom track 5, JD star fire 1, Swath Pro, excellent condition, low hrs. Phone 306-278-2452 or 306-278-7396, Porcupine Plain, SK. 2000 WILMAR 6400 XPLORER, 1435 hrs., 80’ boom, 600 gal. tank, 12-4-42 tires, air ride with on-board air compressor, Midtech rate controller, foam marker, vg condition; pintle hitch trailer also available. Ph. 306-873-8334, Tisdale, SK. APACHE AS1000, good condition, 1375 hrs., 90’ booms, Outback AutoSteer, AutoBoom, auto shutoff, 1000 gal tank, chem handler, rinse tank, triple nozzle bodies, HID work lights, $99,000. 204-734-8502, 204-734-0837, Durban, MB.

BRANDT SB4000 100’, 1600 gal. tank, wind cones, frost kit, rinse water tank kit, 1 yr. old UC4+ AutoBoom, monitor, accumulators, serviced, field ready, $26,900 2009 JD 4930, 1200 gal., 120’ boom, SS tank and plumbing, chem. inductor, 2 sets OBO. 403-485-8198, Arrowwood, AB. tires, 5 sensor Auto-Height control, full 2006 NEW HOLLAND SF110, 90’ suspend- GPS w/swath control, 500 hrs., $290,000 ed boom, triple nozzles, induction tank, OBO. 780-837-5243, Donnelly, AB. 850 Imperial gal. tank, autorate, exc cond. 2007 ROGATOR 1074SS, 1300 hrs., 2 sets DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers 306-487-2868. Lampman, SK. o f t i r e s , 1 0 0 ’ b o o m s , $ 1 5 9 , 0 0 0 . Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. 306-441-9320, North Battleford, SK. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.

Make The Connection


IN S TALLED ON M AN Y S PRAYER BRAN DS AN D M ODELS Apa c he | Bra n d t| C a s e IH | G re gs o n | H a rd i | Jo hn D e e re | Ro ga to r | S pra C o u pe ~ 3000-7000 series | Top Air




(Roga tor664 w ith 120ftb oom s.)

449 000 *

NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for JD 4710, 4720, and 4730, $15,000/set. 9 0 0 / 5 0 R 4 2 M i c h e l i n fo r 4 9 3 0 J D, 650/65R38 for JD 4830. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. SUPER SPONGE CONTACT weed wiper, 30’, folding cart, $1500. Can be pulled with quad. 403-888-3356, Acme, AB. CHEM HANDLER I, 2 years old, $750. Phone 306-731-3250, Bulyea, SK. JOHN DEERE 1820 air drill, 61’, 10” spacing. Call 403-664-2028, Oyen, AB. 33’ CASE/CONCORD 3310 drill (red) c/w Flexi-Coil 2320 TBH tank, double shoot, 10” spacing, 3-bar harrows, complete unit always shedded, exc. cond., $44,900. 780-608-0556, Camrose, AB. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK.

FLEXI-COIL 7500 60’, year 2000, 10” spacing, DS, 4” steel, under 20,000 acres, $22,000, drill only/no tank. 306-862-2387 or 306-862-2413, Nipawin, SK. FLEXI-COIL 5000 40’, 2.5” Stealth paired row openers, double shoot, 3.5” packers recapped, recent packer bearings, 1720 cart, double shoot, recent fan replaced, fine and course rollers, mostly shedded, very good condition, $39,000. Call Lyle at 306-567-7618, Davidson, SK. 1999 FLEXI-COIL 7500, 50’ w/2340 TBH variable rate tank, 10” spacing, steel packers, single shoot, $42,000. 306-266-4889, Fir Mountain, SK. 1996 OR 1998 FLEXI-COIL 5000 45’, 12” spacing, double shoot, 2320 TBT cart, Atom Jet openers, 3-1/2” capped steel packers, Haukaas markers, $50,000 each. Call 306-442-4505, Weyburn, SK. 2008 MORRIS MAXIM III 60’, double shoot, Atom Jet side band openers, 450 bu. tank, low acres. 306-278-2518, Porcupine Plain, SK. 2010 JD 1870 Conserva Pak 56’, 12” spacing, paired row openers, rear hitch, 1910 430 bu. commodity cart TBT w/conveyor, duals and 4 meter rolls, optional Alpine liquid kit. Mint condition! 306-395-2652, Chaplin, SK. 1994 HARMON 3680 w/3100 cart, 36’, 8” spacing, single shoot, liquid manifolds, 1.5” openers, 2.5” steel packers. Cart: 250 bu., 2 compartments, double shoot capable, $18,500. 306-731-3250, Bulyea, SK. 2003 40’ MORRIS MAXIM II and 7300 tank, 10” spacing, single shoot, 3” carbide spread tip, 4” steel packers. Asking $50,000; 1989 1010 header batt reel, $6000. 306-796-4466, Central Butte, SK. JD 737, 10” spacing 40’, JD 1900 cart, 3 tanks, 340 bu., double shoot. Lynwood Miller, Avonlea, SK. 306-868-7880. FLEXI-COIL 40’ 820, 9” spacing, packer wheels and harrows, 2320 TBH tank, $34,900. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, North Battleford, SK. 52 SEEDMASTER PACKER wheels for sale, $45/ea. OBO. Phone: 306-654-4905, Prud’Homme, SK. VICON 40’ air drill, 160 bu. Vicon tank, 9” spacing, 3/4” carbide Dutch openers, onshank packers, liquid kit, new hoses and tires, $13,500. 306-795-2749, Ituna, SK

Case IH PHD800 and ATX700 Owners

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JD 1820 AIR drill, 52’, 10” spacing, 4” pneumatic, 8 run single shoot, TBH, $45,000. 306-743-7622, Langenberg, SK. 2006 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 58’, 10” spacing, triple shoot, NH3, 440 bu. TBH cart, 1 season on packer bearings and boot tips, exc. $125,000. 780-608-0653, Strome, AB. 2007 NH SD440 (Flexi-Coil 5000 HD) drill 58’, 10” centres, 550 trip, double shoot, 4-1/2” steel, dual castors, Stealth carbide/paired row, twin primary blockage c/w SC430 (430 bu.) tow behind cart. One owner, excellent cond., stored inside, $129,500. 403-936-5797, Calgary, AB. 2001 CONSERVA PAK 40’, 12” spacing, hyd. trip. 1999 Morris 7300 variable rate TBT, hyd. drive, w/third tank, shedded, $69,000. 306-824-2182, Rabbit Lake, SK. 2006 SEED HAWK, 48-10 w/on board 2500 gal. liquid tank, c/w 4350 Bourgault air tank; 1997 MORRIS MAXIM 3910 air drill, 6240 air cart, single shoot w/side band liquid. 306-457-7332, Stoughton, SK. JD 1870 (Conservapac) 56’, 12” spacing, Flexi-Coil 4350 4 tank special, new cond., $174,900; Flexi-Coil 57’ 5000, 9” spacing, rubber press, $29,900; 2320 TBH tank, $15,900; JD 41’ 1820 air drill w/1910 tank, $64,900. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, North Battleford, SK.

2003 57’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 2320 TBT tank w/TBH 1250 liquid cart, exc. cond. Call Moe 306-472-7990, Lafleche, SK. 1998 BOURGAULT 5710, 34’, 9.8” spacing, 3” rubber packers, speed locks and liquid kit, c/w 1994 2155 air tank- always shedded. 306-228-2554 eves, Unity, SK. 2004 MORRIS MAXIM II 40’, 10” spacing, 4” steel, single shoot w/liquid 8336 TBH tank with 3000 gal. US liquid tank, Bourgault wing type carbide tips with liquid t u b e s , A g t r o n b l o c k a g e m o n i t o r. 306-847-4413, 306-963-7755, Liberty, SK. WANTED: SALFORD AIR DRILL. 306-768-2991, Carrot River, SK. EZEE-ON 48’ 7550, steel packers, dual shoot, Dutch carbide openers, w/2005 Ezee-On 4350 cart, 3 comp., exc. cond., $50,000. 780-872-2832, Paradise Hill, SK FLEXI-COIL 5000 27’, 7.2” spacing, single shoot, carbide tip 3/4” opener, steel packers, 1110 TBT cart, meter box rebuilt 3 yrs. ago, coarse and fine rollers, some new hoses, always shedded, original owner, $30,000. Phone 306-384-1024 or 306-290-3678, Asquith, SK. DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob Davidson, Drumheller, 403-823-0746 5710 1998 33’, 12” space, midros shank, 3.5” steel Raven, NH3 kit, c/w 1997 1720 Flexi-Coil TBT, both in exc. cond., $55,000. 306-332-8098, Balcarres, SK.

1997 BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, 40’, 9.8” spacing, 3.5” steel packers (fresh recap), c/w 1998 3225 tank. 306-778-6976, 306-553-2253, Swift Current, SK. 1999 BOURGAULT 5710 64’, 9.8” spacing, 3” Atom Jet single shoot openers, 4.5” steel packers, primary blockage, granular pkg., c/w 2004 5440 cart, 3 tank meter, CRA, 30.5-32 Rice tires, single fan. Very clean well maintained unit, $79,000. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. CONCORD/CASE ATX5010, red, 50’, Case 2300, 230 bu tank, DS, 1” AtomJet or 3.5” dutch paired row openers, liquid fert. kit, good cond., $45,000. 204-391-1011, Elie, MB. Email: pro_terra@hotmail.com 2010 NH Precision P2070, 70’, 10” spacing, double shoot, blockage, Atom Jet, NH3 twin band openers, P1060 TBH variable rate cart. 306-536-3870, Regina, SK


2- 2011 SEED HAWK 8412 84’ air drills, 12” spacing, semi pneumatic packers, 800 bu. 4 comp. TBH tank, Sectional Control technology, dbl. hyd. fan, 10” load conveyor, 30.5L32 duals. 306-776-2397 or visit www.rbauction.com Regina, SK. FLEXI-COIL 5000, 33’, 12” spacing, 2320 air tank, double shoot paired row, Dutch low draft openers, 550 lb. trips, 5.5” rubber packers. 2320 has 3rd tank and many parts replaced. 403-784-2586, Clive, AB. 1998 JD 1820 40’, 10” spacing, 3-1/2” steel, single shoot, carbide tip knives, c/w 1997 JD 787 230 bu. TBH tank. 306-648-2720, Gravelbourg, SK.

2010 CASE/IH 800 Precision drill, 60’, 10” spacing, Dutch openers, liquid kit, 3430 WANTED: 30’ OLDER style double shoot TBH variable rate cart, $195,000 OBO. disc air drill, complete with cart, 7 to 9” spacing. 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. Phone 780-663-2492, Ryley, AB. 34’ MORRIS NEVER pin zero till drill, c/w 2005 BOURGAULT 5725 air coulter drill, Morris 8336 tank w/3rd tank, good shape, 54’ on 9.8” space, MRB series 25, 3” semipneumatic packer wheels, primary block$47,500 OBO. 780-689-9688, Boyle, AB. age sensors, auto clutch switch, 2005 54’ BOURGAULT 5710 w/4350 dual Bourgault 6550ST air seeder, dual fans, 4 shoot cart, 9.8” spacing w/paired row tank metering, deluxe auger, 591 monitor, stealth openers, 3.5” packers, 450 lb. trips 900 rear tires. 306-689-2735, Lancer, SK. w/NH3. $52,500. 403-485-8116 Vulcan AB 2008 BOURGAULT 3310 PHD, 48’, 12” FLEXI-COIL 1720, TBT, air tank, double spacing, 1” opener w/Alpine and liquid shoot, stored inside, exc. cond., $16,000 side band, AgTron blockage on all runs, OBO. 403-652-1896 eves, High River, AB. 4.5” pneumatic pkrs, 6350 TBH cart, single 2 drives, 591 controller, low acres. 1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57.5’, 12” spacing shoot, w/NH3 Mid Row, NH3 kit- 2 yrs. old 306-623-4222, 306-628-8338, Sceptre, SK w/1997 2320 tank, good shape, $40,000. JD 1895, 1910 tank TBH w/conveyor, low 306-746-4626, Raymore, SK. acres, always shedded. Call 306-967-2534 or text 306-460-8555, Eatonia, SK. BOURGAULT 3310, 65’, 10” spacing, MRB’s, V-style packing tires, $175,000. 1996 52’ BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, 7” 306-648-3675, Gravelbourg, SK. spacing, 2004 Bourgault 5350 air tank, sin2004 5710 BOURGAULT, 60’ mid-row anhy. gle shoot, rear hitch, always shedded, and dry, Raven autorate, 9.8” spacing, rub- $40,000 OBO. 701-720-0159, Minot, ND. ber packers, 2004- 5350 Bourgault tank, 2000 49’ MORRIS MAXIM, 12” spacing, dual shoot, one owner, done 12,000 acres, paired row, new tires, new openers, heavy $99,000. Phone Glenn at 306-272-7123, shanks, $34,000. Phone 306-726-4617 or eagleagri@sasktel.net Foam Lake, SK. 306-725-4869, Southey, SK. 2007 FLEXI-COIL 5000 HD, 58’, 10” 2010 BOURGAULT 5710, 74’, 9.8” spacspacing, 4” rubber, double shoot, 3-1/2” ing, w/3” Dutch paired row dual shoot low draft double shoot openers, TBH 4350, knives, 3-1/2” packers, w/6700 tank, dual 430 bu., VR air cart, primary blockage, fans, loaded w/rear hitch. Millhouse Farms $120,000. 780-360-5375, Wetaskiwin, AB. 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 2 0 0 2 C O N S E R VA PA K 5 6 ’ , a s k i n g NEW MORRIS CONTOUR 1, 61’, 12” spac$70,000. 780-603-3455, Vegreville, AB ing, DS, 8370 w/80 bu., 3rd tank, TBT air MORRIS 54’ CONCEPT 2000, 7300 and cart, cash price $230,000. Hibbard Equip240 bu. nitrogen carts, Mid-rows, K-Hart ment 306-969-2133, Minton, SK. packers, Quik-Tach, harrows, $50,000. 2005 29’ MORRIS Maxim II, double shoot 306-547-8064, Stenen, SK. (Atom Jets), TBT 7240 air tank; 2002 40’ 1994 3310 CONCORD air drill, 340 bu. TBH Morris Maxim II w/Dutch openers, TBT cart w/third tank, diesel motor, liquid fer- 2002 Bandit liquid fertilizer caddy 2035, tilizer kit, Agtron blockage monitors, mark- and TBH 7030 air cart. WANTED: 47’-50’ ers, good cond. $29,000. 306- 642-3225, Bourgault or Morris air drill, double shoot w/air tank. 306-373-9140, 306-270-6627, 306-640-7149, Assiniboia, SK. Saskatoon, SK. 2009 FLEXI-COIL 5000 HD 45’, 10”, 550, 3.5 steel, double shoot, c/w 2006 430 TBT HARMON 2880 AIR DRILL 28’, 180 bu. mech. $149,000. Will separate. Cam-Don Morris tank, steel packers, $20,000 OBO. 306-882-3278, Fiske, SK. Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. CONCORD 48-12-4R w/440 bu. refurbished Concord cart, Phoenix harrows, radial packer tires, 4” carbide stealth openers, Agtron monitors, 10” auger w/air seeder hopper, $59,000. Call Jared at 306-631-0053, Moose Jaw, SK.

RETIRING: 2000 4812 Seed Hawk air drill, c/w blockage monitors, 350 bu. Ezee-On BOURGAULT 5710 40’, 9.8” spacing, mid tank, double shoot granular. $85,000. row banders, double shoot, carbide open- 306-934-6703 eves, Saskatoon, SK. ers, 3” steel packers, 5350 Bourgault tank, JD 1820, 41’ double shoot 3.5” Gen, 10” $68,000. 306-344-4568, St Walburg, SK spacing, 4” recap steel, 1910 430 bu. TBH 1999 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 33’, double shoot, w/conveyor, variable rate, 20.8x38 duals, Atom Jets, 4” press, 3450 TBH, $63,000. $70,000. 403-635-0774, Ft. Macleod, AB. May separate. Phone 306-563-8482 or 2009 JD AIR hoe drill, 34’, 8” spacing, 1” 306-782-2586, Yorkton, SK. carbide tips, single shoot, 2009 JD 1910 1998 29’ MORRIS MAXIM air drill, double commodity cart, 195 bu., TBT, main manishoot, paired row, 12” spacing w/3-1/2” fold blockage, variable rate, very good steel packers c/w 1998 7180 tank, addi- cond., $90,000. Ph. 403-577-2277 or cell tional 3rd tank, fan ran by Kohler engine 403-575-1114, Consort, AB. (tank always stored inside), $35,000. 2006 BOURGAULT 5710 40’, 9.8” spacing, 306-501-2469, Balgonie, SK. w/450 trips, 3” rubber packers, Bourgault 36’ CONCORD AIR drill, c/w 2000 200 bu. 6350 air cart. 780-753-2952, Provost, AB. TBH tank, dual run liquid kit, good cond., 2002 FLEXI-COIL 5000 33’, 9” spacing, $18,500. 306-642-3445, Assiniboia, SK. 2340 tank, carbide tips, 3” spread double 1996 EZEE-ON 3500 36’ w/1997 Ezee- shoot, Stealth openers, 4” steel packers, On 3175 air tank, ground driven, 175 bu., e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 O B O. 2” knock-on spoons, new hoses, c/w 403-642-2363, Warner, AB. packers and harrows, $18,000 OBO. JD 1820 w/1900 cart, 270 bu., 45’, 10” 306-475-2786, 306-640-8074 Ormiston SK spacing, dual casters, single shoot, 2002 MORRIS MAXIM II, 35’, 10” spacing, $45,000. 403-634-1373, Enchant, AB. double shoot paired row, Edge-On shanks, 3.5” steel packers, mud scrapers, rock de- 1993 SEED HAWK 3910, $35,000; 1996 JD flectors, w/787 JD 230 bu. cart, $45,000. 737 30’ air drill w/777 JD 160 bu. tank, $22,000. Eatonia, SK. Terry 306-720-0390 780-525-2877, Grassland, AB. or Mitch 306-460-6146. 2 BOURGAULT 6550 tanks for auction: 2009 Bourgault 6550 ST TBH w/dual fans, 2005 MORRIS MAXIM III, 40’, 10” spachyd. bag lift, 4 camera pkg., NH3 plumb- ing, DS paired row, Edge-On shanks, Gen ing, W20 monitor, dual tires and more; tips, heavy trips, large rubber packers, 2008 Bourgault 6550 ST TBH w/dual fans, mud scrapers, rock deflectors, Flexi-Coil hyd. bag lift, 4 camera pkg., NH3 plumb- manifolds and Morris distribution. Less ing, X20 monitor, dual tires and more. than 7000 acres (bought new in 2007). Meier Bros Auction April 4th Ridgedale, $44,000 OBO. 403-860-4019, Irricana, AB. SK, Kramer Auctions Ltd. 306-445-5000 3225 BOURGAULT AIR TANK, hitch, www.kramerauction.com PL#914618. shedded, 3rd tank, excellent, $17,500. 2011 CASE/IH ATX700, 70’, 4” rubber 306-233-7305, Cudworth, SK. packers, 10” spacing, single shoot, w/3580 tank, 580 bu., 900 metric tires, asking 1991 CASE/IH 8500 air hoe drill, 33’, $229,000. 306-463-3815, 306-463-7866, Atom Jet points, new tires and tank. 306-335-2756, Lemberg, SK. Flaxcombe, SK. JD 1850 DISC DRILL, set up with mid row FOR SALE: 44’ JD 730 drill, 7-1/2” spacing, banding, 787 TBT cart, 1500 gal. liquid c/w 787 tank, single shoot, unit shedded, cart. Machine is in great shape and works $24,000. Please call: 204-825-8495 or excellent. $47,500 for entire unit. Will sep- 204-873-2487, Morden, MB. arate. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. 2003 BOURGAULT 5710, 54’, 9.8” spacing, 1830 JD 40’ air drill, double shoot, Atom MRB’s, 3.5” steel packers, w/5440 double Jet openers, 10” spacing, only 2500 acres, shoot cart, low acres, $99,000 OBO. 306-923-2021, Torquay, SK. excellent. 306-229-4319, Warman, SK

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2003 MORRIS MAX II, 40’, 10” spacing, 4” steel, single shoot, 7180 tank, shank type NH3 kit, approx. 12,000 acres. Excellent, $58,900. Nipawin, SK. 306-862-2387 or 306-862-2413. 2 BOURGAULT 3310 drills for auction: 2009 Bourgault 3310, 65 PHD 65’ Paralink hoe drill w/MRB 25, 10” spacing, QDA, 3 section NH3 control and 3 Raven fast valves, V packer wheels; 2008 Bourgault 3310 65 PHD 65’ Paralink hoe drill w/MRB 25, 10” spacing, Dickey John Nitrolator, V packer wheels. Meier Bros Auction, April 4th 2012, Ridgedale, SK. PL#914618 Kramer Auctions Ltd. 306-445-5000 www.kramerauction.com 1999 HARMON 4480 air drill, w/3100 TBH, 9.6” spacing, carbide openers, paired row w/4” V packers, $30,000 OBO. 306-826-5665, Marsden, SK.

‘BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTION’ 1996 Flexi-Coil 5000, 57’ w/Flexi 4350 cart, $88,000; 2001 5710, 54’, double s h o o t , N H 3 , r u b b e r p a c ke r s , M R B , $99,000; 2002 Bourgault 5710 40’, double shoot, 3” rubber, $49,000; 2001 5710, 64’, 9.8” spacing, MRB’s, 3.5” rubber packers, w/2001 5440 air tank, $115,000; 2003 Bourgault 5710, 54’, double shoot, 3” rubber, $89,000; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5” steel, $59,000; 2000 Bourgault 5710, 64’, new 5-1/2” pneumatic packers, double shoot, $109,000; 2001 Bourgault 5440, double shoot, $58,000; Flexi-Coil 800/1610, 33’, $19,500; New 54’ Bourgault 8810 cult.; 2010 Bourgault 6000 90’ mid-harrow w/3225 Valmar; 2010 6000 90’ mid-harrow; 2006 Bourgault 5710, 54’, rubber packers, NH3 kit; 2006 3310, 55’, 10” spacing, MRB’s; 2010 5710, 74’, 5.5” packers; 2010 Bourgault 5810, 62’, double shoot, 5.5” packers 2011 3310/6550, 10” spacing, double shoot, w/6550 air cart with Zynx; 84’ Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow. Call for pricing. RD Ag Central, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK.

1993 JD 787, TBH 610, 35’, 12” spacing, Degelman 3-bar harrows, all-run monitor, broadcast kit, shedded, $22,000. 306-753-2833, Macklin, SK. 1989 41’ 665 air seeder, 10” spacing, onrow packers, Flexi-Coil hyd. fan, also 2nd c a r t w / f a n a n d l o a d e r, $ 8 5 0 0 . 306-296-4731, 306-294-4909, Frontier, SK

1996 BOURGAULT 8800, 28’, granular kit, harrows, Bourgault wedges, 2115 air cart, shedded. $20,000 OBO. 306-749-2752, Birch Hills, SK. BOURGAULT 3225 AIR cart, vg condition, $15,000 OBO. Phone: 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK.

1996 JD 787 TBH 230 bu. tank, 320 3rd tank, good shape, set up as 4-run, $20,000 OBO. 306-476-2715, Fife Lake, SK. BOURGAULT 2115 SEEDER air tank, $4500. Phone 306-883-2877, 306-883-2669, 306-883-8028 cell, Spiritwood, SK.

BRAND NEW 50’ Rite-Way Maxi (Phoenix) harrow, rotary, autofold, $43,800 OBO. 306-259-4982, 306-946-7446, Young, SK. 50’ OF FLEXI-COIL HEAVY HARROWS, 5/8 tines. 780-386-2220, 780-888-1278, Lougheed, AB. 60’ FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95 harrow packer unit, good condition. 306-398-4714, Cut Knife, SK. MORRIS HEAVY HARROW 50’, low acres, $23,000 OBO. Phone: 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. NEW AND USED Rollers, tow behind, wing up, 5-plex units, all sizes. 403-545-6340, 403-580-6889 cell, Bow Island, AB. WELD-ON HEAT TREATED harrow teeth, 3/8”, 1/2”, 9/16” diameter, $2.80 for 1/2”. G.B. Mfg. Ltd, 306-273-4235, Yorkton, SK.

WANTED: 40’ OF BOURGAULT harrows to fit 8800 or 8810 cultivator. 780-896-2152, Andrew, AB. 1998 NEW NOBLE 9000 Seed-O-Vator 37.3’, triple shoot, 1998 Seed-O-Vator 250 TBH tank, ground driven rod w/7” spacing, on-row packing, $11,000 OBO. 306-476-2715, Fife Lake, SK. 2001 CASE CONCORD, 5010, 340 bu. cart, run monitoring, 5.5” packer tires, Fargo air monitor, closing discs, Edge-On s h a n k s , 5 5 0 l b. t r i p , w i t h o p e n e r s , $49,700. 204-761-5145, Rivers, MB. 1995 BOURGAULT 28’, 8” spacing, liquid kit and hitch, 130 bu. tank, K-Hart packers, 1 year old liquid knives, $19,000. 306-698-2563, Wolseley, SK. 1998 BOURGAULT 4300 air cart, S/S, 2TM, mint, $28,000 OBO. Phone: 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. 32’ BOURGAULT air seeder, 8” spacing, 135 bu. seed cart, Atom Jet boots, rebuilt packers, c/w liquid fert. kit, 1300 gal. liquid cart, Honda pump. 306-259-4990, 306-946-6424, Young, SK. BOURGAULT FH 2428, 24’, 8” spacing, harrows with 2115 tank, unload auger. 2005 RITE-WAY 7168 heavy harrow. 68’, 204-859-0075, Rossburn, MB. low acres, $33,000 OBO. 306-563-8482, 8810 BOURGAULT 40’, 8” space, MRB, NH3 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. kit, Raven, steel packers, 3/4” carbide openers. Asking $26,900. 204-573-7787, Brandon, MB. 1986 VERSATILE 2200 DRILLS, 42’ 8” FLEXI-COIL 800, 40’, 1720 tank, w/320 spacing, fertilizer solid shank with Gen pin granular applicator, single or double on point, factory transport, $6,000 shoot, premium condition, $19,000 OBO. 306-476-2715, Fife Lake, SK. 306-259-4982, 306-946-7446, Young, SK. JD 9450 20’ hoe drill, 7” spacing, gen 50’ FLEXI-COIL 400, 7” spacing, mulch- o p e n e r s , s t e e l p a c ke r s , s h e d d e d . ers, new shovels, 2320 TBH w/high flota- 403-546-4089, 403-369-4089, Linden, AB. tion Trelleborgs, $19,000; 44’ JD 730 2007 JD 1590 No-Till seed drill, 15’, 7.5” double disc, 230 bu. 787 TBT, $18,500; 41’ spacing, fert./grain box w/agitator, grass JD 1060 w/1610 Flexi-Coil, $9500. May seed box, markers, done approx 4000 sell units separate. Case/IH 2300 cart, acres. 403-782-1009, Lacombe, AB. TBH, $8500. Can deliver. MacGregor MB, FLEXI-COIL 39’ 5000, 9”, c/w 3450 mech. call Brian 204-685-2896, 204-856-6119. cart, 550 lb, 3” rubber, 2320 TBH, double 3225 BOURGAULT AIR TANK, 1997, winch, shoot, $65,000. Cam-Don Motors Ltd. r e a r h i t c h . $ 1 1 , 5 0 0 . C a l l D w i g h t 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK 204-573-7787, Brandon, MB.


Wireless ART Air Seeder Rate and Blockage Monitor

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Use your Google ® Android ® Phone to keep track of our air seeder operation with an ‘App’. (Windows Phone, Apple and Blackberry ‘App’s are in development) No wires to the cab means quicker startups, and no worries about towing the seeder with the monitor harness! The WIRELESS ART works with today’s large single Shoot and Double Shoot seeding systems. Up to 240 runs can be monitored on double shoot systems (separate seed and fertilizer runs). Use the WIRELESS ART to confirm your calibration for seed and fertilizer rates using the Seed Rate Wizard. Seeds per acre (or pounds per acre) and Fertilizer pounds per acre are displayed. 242 Robin Cres. Saskatoon, SK Canada S7L 7C2 Ph 306-934-0640 Fx 306-668-7666 Email: sales@agtron.com www.agtron.com

JD 1910, 270 bu. TBT air cart, 710 metrics, conveyor w/telescopic downspout, like new, used only for seed, has never seen fertilizer. Ph. 204-744-2279 Altamont, MB.

BOURGAULT 8800, 32’ w/2155 TBH tank, hoe openers, poly packers and 4-bar harrows, new tires on tank, asking $24,000. 306-376-4503, Meacham, SK.

FLEXI-COIL 6000 40’, 10” spacing, double shoot, c/w TBH NH FC230 tank, with 3rd 2005 BOURGAULT 6350 S/S, 2TM, rear tank, variable rate, all new discs, $72,000 hitch, $49,000 OBO. Phone: 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. OBO. 780-614-0787, St. Vincent, AB.

“No” to strips Know your rates

FLEXI-COIL 110, TBH, hyd. or engine fan drive, rear hitch, 33’ Morris Magnum cult., Poirier openers like new, liquid kit, $12,500 OBO. 306-445-5485 Battleford, SK


WANTED: 56’ or (2-28’) CIH 6200 press drills, w/rubber press, factory transport; 50’ Bourgault Vibra-Master cult., 4 row, 8” spacing. 306-272-3958, Foam Lake, SK JD DISC DRILL #9350, 30’, with hydraulic mover, $2500. 403-394-4214, Taber, AB. ATOM JET TRIPLE shoot maxquip openers, done 7000 acres, lots of life left, off a 47’ 5710 Bourgault. Can email pictures. 403-333-8182, Acme, AB. FOR SALE: HAYBUSTER zero-till drills, 10’, 14’; Two 10’ w/double disc bander, great shape, stored inside; 20’ Haybuster 1000 air drill w/liquid fertilizer attachment Wa n t e d : H ay b u s t e r d r i l l s fo r p a r t s . 403-627-5429, Pincher Creek, AB. 1997 BOURGAULT 3225 air tank, rear hitch, excellent condition, $15,000. 306-328-4721, Bankend, SK. 2000 CASE/IH 3400 air tank, 8” auger, large 23.1x26 tires, exc. cond., $17,900. Would consider grain truck or other interesting trades. 403-644-3808, Standard, AB VISIT OUT WEBSITE www.vwmfg.com. See our new products for spring 2012. Our full carbide-triple shoot-paired row openers have fertilizer between seed rows and slightly below. We also have 1/4” SS liquid fertilizer lines delivering fertilizer to seed rows. Available for all paralink-C shank and edge on. Please watch our website for updates. Thank you for visiting our website. VW Mfg., Dunmore, AB. 403-528-3350. WANTED: Massey 360 discer with Martin hitch, must be in very good shape. 306-478-2658, Mankota, SK. 35’ OF K-HART gang packers, $3000 OBO. 780-674-7944, Neerlandia, AB. 1996 CONCORD 3503 air tank, 3 compartments and meters, 350 bu. split 30%, 40%, 30%, single shoot. Hydraulic fan, $20,000. Willing to trade for 3400 2 compartment tank. Phone 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. 1991 7200 CASE/IH hoe drills, 42’, always shedded except last 2 yrs., 900 acres on new Eagle Beaks. Excellent shape, field r e a d y, $ 8 0 0 0 O B O. 3 0 6 - 9 4 5 - 2 0 7 4 , 306-232-7860, Waldheim, SK. 56’ IHC 7200 hoe drills, near new Alcoa carbide openers, $6000 OBO. Wanted: owner’s manual for a 75/55 Prasco super seeder; control box for a 1655 Valmar. 306-294-7015, Climax, SK. 9450 JD HOE DRILLS 40’, factory transport. Ph 306-382-0764 or 306-222-2193, Saskatoon, SK.

WISHEK HEAVY DISCS- 1,000 lbs. per foot. These are the heaviest discs on the market! Order now for spring delivery. Call Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626, or visit www.flaman.com

WINTER CASH DISCOUNTS start now on Summers discs, wing-up rollers, 5-plex rollers, chisel plows, heavy harrows, vertical tillage implements, packer bars, rockpickers. 403-545-6340, 403-580-6889 cell, Bow Island, AB. www.summersmfg.com



JD 610 seeding tool, floating hitch cult., 38’, c/w 4 bar harrows, carbide banding knives, $9500. 403-936-5797, Calgary, AB. DEGELMAN 3000 CULTIVATOR, 35.5’, c/w harrows and spare parts, $6900 OBO. 204-773-3113, 204-773-0308, Russell, MB. FLEXI-COIL 800 FLOATING hitch, 41’, 9” spacing, 4-bar harrows, $12,000. Glenn 306-272-7123, eagleagri@sasktel.net Foam Lake, SK. WISHEK DISC 14’, $16,000; 18’, $18,000; Kewannee 16’ breaking disc, $20,000; Summers 70’ heavy harrow, $15,000; Phoenix harrows, $13,000; DMI 7 shank ripper, $12,900; 5 shank, $10,900; Howard rototiller, $5000. Call 1-866-938-8537. 42’ EZEE-ON DEEP Tillage, 4-bar harrows, original owner, $24,000 OBO. Phone: 403-746-5494, 403-746-3945, Eckville, AB 26’ WISHEK DISC for sale, Model 842. 306-273-4644, 306-621-6673, Rhein, SK.

MASSEY HARRIS 820 31’ tandem disc, exc. K E L L O U G H DISC 250, off set, 10’, cond., 20”-22” blades, tandem wheels notched front and rears, very good, $15,000; E-ZEE On disc 1201, off set, 26” throughout. 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. notched fronts, smooth rears, like new2011 SALFORD RPS 570, 41’ cultivator done only 40 acres, $16,000. Delivery w/HD main frame axles w/truck tires, 600 available. 250-567-2607, Vanderhoof, BC. l b. we i g h t k i t s , $ 6 8 , 5 0 0 . C a l l To d d KELLO-BILT 8’ TO 16’ OFFSET DISCS 605-226-0695, Aberdeen, SD. c/w oilbath bearings, 26” to 36” blades. The Successful Farmers Choice. 1993 BOURGAULT 8800 cultivator, 48’, 1-888-500-2646 www.kelloughs.com w/quick change shovels on 8” spacings, 4 row harrows and poly packers. Plumbed for NH3. 204-548-2592 or 204-634-2592, Gilbert Plains, MB. HAUKAAS MARKERS for up to 60’, comFARM KING HEAVY DUTY field discs are plete. $400. 204-736-4207, 204-981-7516, now available at Flaman Sales, from 14’ to Brunkild, MB. 42’ widths. Book now for spring delivery! Visit your nearest Flaman store or call BOURGAULT 5720, 40’10”, 1999, MRB’s, 1-888-435-2626. double shoot dry, 2.5” steel packers, 9” spacing, asking $32,000. 1991 32’, 610 JD 28’ 272 WHITE FIELD DISC, cushion air seeder, 8” spacing, 777 tank, 110 bu., gang, exc, cond., asking $15,000 OBO. asking $13,000. 306-228-4528, Unity, SK. Phone 780-967-2138, Onoway, AB. 23’ HUTCHMASTER DISC; 33’ 8000 New 32’ EZEE-ON 4600 DISC, $49,900. Noble chisel plough; 52’ Rite-Way wing Phone 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. 17’ WISHEK MODEL Y2000 heavy braking type packer bar, P20’s; Bourgault 4250 air 24’ KRAUSE FOLD-UP disc, $4500 OBO. disc., 950 lbs/disc. excellent condition, tank; 52’ of 8” space poly packers for Bour$32,000. 306-476-2500, Rockglen, SK. 780-674-7944, Westlock, AB. gault cult. 204-546-3154, Grandview, MB.

1988 CASE/IH 7130, 4900 hrs., MFD, duals, $38,000 OBO. To be picked up in Raymore, SK. 204-352-4037. CASE/IH ST 385 QUAD, 2011. Two to choose from. 30” Camoplast tracks, diff. locks., high cap. pump, HID lighting, Nav II/ 262 receiver, high cap. drawbar. One c/w 1000 PTO. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 1980 2290 CASE tractor, 5800 hrs, powershift redone at 4100 hrs, $10,500. 1979 2290 Case tractor, 8200 hrs, w/Allied FEL, powershift done at 7800 hrs, $18,000. 306-558-4444, 306-558-7133. 1982 CASE 4490, 6100 hrs., 14’ Degelman blade, good condition, $20,000. 306-785-4716, Cadillac, SK. COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES, Morris 7 Series Magnum; JD 1610, $135 ea.; 1997 9370 4100 hrs., 12 spd. std., JD 1610/610 (black) $180. 306-259-4923 20.8xR42 duals, Redlighted in 2010, four hyds., with return. Always shedded, excel306-946-7923, Young, SK. lent condition, a must see. $79,000 OBO. 403-350-4203, Penhold, AB.

1987 DEUTZ 7085, FWA, open station, 85 HP, 3 PTH, 5900 hrs., Allied 794 FEL, $18,000. Ph. 204-525-4521, Minitonas MB. Visit: www.waltersequipment.com

Paired Row Granular for P2070

Side Band Liquid for P2060

BTT brings you openers specifically designed for both the New Holland P2070 and P2060 drills. Choose between Liquid or Granular in either Paired Row or Side Band configurations. Single shoot seeding knives are also available.

Visit a participating New Holland or BTT Dealer for more information

1975 WHITE 1370, FWA, 3PTH, FEL, 4500 hrs, new clutch, shedded, vg, $15,200. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK SUPER 670 MM, gas, FEL, $2500; Wanted 1650 Cockshutt for parts. 306-681-7610 or 306-395-2668, Chaplin, SK. 1977 WHITE 2-135, 3793 hrs., 18.4x38 duals, dual PTO, very good condition, $15,000. 403-381-0578, Lethbridge, AB. 1979 2-105 WHITE w/Allied loader, reasonable price. 306-549-4011, Hafford, SK.

100 HRS. ONLY, 2011 CASE 435 quad trac, fully loaded, warranty, sight glasses on bogies, $295,000; DEGELMAN 7900 14’ 6-way blade, $22,000; CAT 80 scraper in excellent condition, $28,000. Rick Paull 204-851-1000, Elkhorn, MB. 2006 MXU135, 3614 HRS, MFWD, diff lock, left hand shuttle shift, cab suspension, hi/low powershift. LX750 heavy duty loader, self-levelling, joystick, softride. $59,000. Call 306-231-9020, Humboldt, SK RETIRING: 1981 2390 Case, 4500 hrs., new engine, $14,500. 306-934-6703 eves, Saskatoon, SK. 2010 CIH 535 HD, 300 hrs., powershift, 800x38 tires, big pump, Pro 600 w/AutoSteer, front cast weights, diff. locks, vg condition. 204-825-2641, Pilot Mound, MB CASE 2594, low hrs., like new Michelins, very clean. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB.


4690 CANADIAN EDITION, all new valves and injection system, 4 hyd outlets, PTO, 20.8x34 duals, excellent. 306-296-4909 or 306-296-4731, Frontier, SK.

Light Tillage Weed Control Stubble Mulching Prepare a perfect seedbed

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CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; Plus other makes and models. Call the Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB CASE/IH ST 385 QUAD, 2011, 323 hrs, 30” Camoplast tracks, diff locks, high cap. pump, HID lighting, Nav II 262 receiver. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 1984 2294, new powershift, hyd. seat, duals 80%. Wanted: 150-180 HP FWA; Also wanted 70-80’ System 82, w/good teeth. 306-497-7748, Blaine Lake, SK. 1998 CIH 9390, 5200 hrs., 20.8R-42 Firestone triples, rubber 65%, 72 cast wts, 12 spd., Outback S2 AutoSteer, 4 SCV’s with 1 split to make 5, new batteries in 2011, $100,000. 306-463-9041, Kindersley, SK 2010 485 STX for sale, PTO, loaded, GPS, low hours. Phone: 306-642-3487, Assiniboia, SK. 2005 IHC STX 450 Quadtrac, 5421 hrs., big hyd. pump, new lathe springs, air seeder return line, 30” tracks approx 80%, $160,000; 2003 STX 375, 6100 hrs., new 30.5Lx32 tires, no duals, 4 hyds., big pump and air seeder return line, $85,000; 2000 IHC 9370, 8 new 710xR70 Firestone radials, 7150 hrs., big pump, 4 hyds. with air seeder return line, $65,000, 204-871-0925 MacGregor, MB. CASE IH 885 72 PTO HP, 2 WD, Ezee-On FEL w/joystick, 3 PTH, 2 rear remotes, 8 forward, 4 reverse trans., 540x1000 PTO, bale spear on bucket, asking $9999. Phone 306-763-3434 or 306-981-6789, Prince Albert, SK. rrroping@sasktel.net 3594 CASE IH, MFD, duals, 1000 PTO, triple hyd., 185 HP. 204-859-0075, Rossburn, MB. 1995 CASE/IH 9280, Goodyear radials at 90%, triples, EZ-Steer 500, recent workorders, good condition, $70,000 OBO. 306-889-4263, Mistatim, SK. 1998 9370, 3800 hrs, 20.8x42 radials, 24 spd. trans, Atom Jet, w/2005 Degelman 7200, 16’ 6-way blade, $105,000 OBO. Phone 780-663-2492, Ryley, AB. WANTED: Case 870 and Case 2294 with weak or blown engine. 306-395-2668 or 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 2000 CASE 9370, 4 WD, 4260 hrs, powershift, 20.8x42 duals, suitcase weights. 306-648-2720, Gravelbourg, SK. 2000 CASE/IH MX200 FWA, 2627 hrs., 4 hyds., 3 PTO’s, shedded, $78,500. May deal on 4WD 250-300 HP. 306-487-3173, Lampman, SK. 1998 MX135 MFWD, 5500 hrs, tires are good, 3 PTH, 3 hyd. outlets, Ezee-On 2105 loader/grapple w/joystick, $52,000 OBO. 780 336-6378, Irma, AB. 1985 CASE 2294, 154 HP, 8500 hrs., duals. never winter driven, never had a loader dual PTO, bottom end re-done, asking $16,000. 306-476-2713, Willow Bunch, SK. LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have rebuilt tractors for sale. 306-784-2213 Herbert SK 2009 CIH 485STX, 2000 hrs., PTO, high flo hydraulics, 710x42 tires, mint cond. Call 306-231-9937 or 306-231-6675, Humboldt, SK. INTERNATIONAL 244 FWA, 30 HP, 850 h r s , w / n ewe r L e o n l o a d e r, $ 7 0 0 0 . 204-546-1004, Grandview, MB.

2000 8970 FORD New Holland, FWA, 5987 hrs., $54,000 OBO; 1996 8560 Ford New Holland, FWA, 6732 hrs., loader c/w grapple bucket, 3 PTH, bale fork $35,000 OBO; 1984 4490 Case 6194 hrs., $17,500 OBO. All units in excellent running condition and shedded. 403-888-5445, 403-888-5446, Strathmore, AB.

STEIGER ST250 COUGAR, 3306 engine, 4 hyds., 14’ dozer blade, w/14’ wing blade. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK.

2007 MT865B CAT, 36” tracks, PTO, powershift, front weights, mid weights, autosteer, 510 HP, not a scraper tractor, 2200 hrs., very nice condition, $249,000. Call Kyle 204-642-2168, Arborg, MB. CH75 CAT CHALLENGER, w/8650 hrs., 325 HP, 2 new 25” Camoplast tracks, plus $24,000 in recent workorders. Asking $62,500. 780-258-0095, Smoky Lake, AB. 1990 CAT CHALLENGER 65, c/w 1000 PTO digital dash display, 24” tracks at 60%, new batteries, 3306 Cat engine, 290 HP, 10 speed powershift, Greenstar ready, air seeder return line. Unit is in exc. cond., completely serviced, field ready, c/w parts, overhaul manuals and numerous caterpillar filters, $57,500 OBO. Call Paul 780-645-6696, Lafond, AB.

2005 JD 7920, MFWD, 4250 hrs, IVT trans, c/w 746 loader, 9’ bucket and grapple, 650/42 tires, very clean condition. 306-342-4447, Glaslyn, SK. RARE: 1970 4020, 45 original hrs., powershift, 3 PTH, very straight and original, exc. shape, c/w near new 148 loader, grapple, joystick. Greenlighted. Sat in shed most of life. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 2006 JD 7820, MFWD, power quad, 3 hyd, 540/1000, 746 loader w/5 tine grapple, 3950 hrs, Degelman 46/57 12’ blade, asking $123,900. Phone 780-842-0068, Czar, AB. Email: moecharl@gmail.com 1975 JOHN DEERE 2130, 146 loader, 3 PTH, runs good, $9900 OBO. Phone 204-573-0181, Forrest, MB. 2130 JD TRACTOR, w/146 FEL, 540/1000 PTO, $9500 OBO. 306-232-4808, Hague, SK. JD 8970 4 WD, 8450, 4450, 4030, 2130. All with loaders and 3 PTH. Will take JD tractors in trade that need work. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. JD 7330, 115 hrs., w/741 self-leveling loader, Meteor 108” double auger snowblower, Horst HLA 4000 10’ snow blade, $120,000. 403-728-8200, Spruce View AB. 1997 J D 9 2 0 0 , 3717 hrs., 24 spd., 20.8x42 duals, excellent condition, $85,000. Ph 204-568-4593, Miniota, MB. 1995 JD 8100, MFWD, 4604 hrs, always shedded. 306-694-5507, Moose Jaw, SK.

1983 4450 JD tractor, powershift, 8000 h r s , ve r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 . 306-577-7990, 306-453-6737, Carlyle, SK. 4020 JOHN DEERE with 148 FEL, 7500 hours, excellent condition. 204-634-2508, Pierson, MB. 2002 JD 9520T, 3700 hrs., 30” tracks, integrated AutoSteer, 4 remotes, 20 weights, fresh Greenlight Jan 2012, exc. shape. $155,000. 204-761-8702, Rivers, MB. 1995 8770, 5100 hrs., 24 spd., 20.8x38, AutoTrac ready, 3 hydraulics, $69,000. 306-753-2833, Macklin, SK. JOHN DEERE 4955, 3700 original hrs., shedded, 20.8-42 rears, fenders, full set of weights, 3 hyd., mint condition, $64,000. 403-586-1659, Crossfield, AB. JD 2755 TRACTOR w/JD loader and grapple, 2 WD, 9025 hrs., exc. shape. 306291-9395, 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. 1990 4455 MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, rubber 90%, 4200 hrs, immaculate. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. BEN PETERS JD TRACTORS Ltd. c/o Mitch Rouire, Box 72, Roseisle, MB, R0G 1V0. 204-828-3628 (shop), 204-750-2459 (cell). FOR SALE: 4455, MFWD, 3PTH, 15 spd, w/wo FEL; (2) 4250, MFWD, 3PTH, 15 spd; 2950, MFWD, 3PTH, w/260 self levelling FEL; 4640, 3PTH, 3 hyd’s; 4440, quad, 3PTH; 2555, CAH, 3PTH, 4600 hrs w/146 FEL; 3140, 3PTH, new paint and tires, hi/low shift, mint; 1830, 3PTH. We also have loaders, buckets and grapples to fit JD tractors. 2007 JD 9630, 1273 hrs., full weight pkg., HID lites, 4 hyds., AutoSteer, one owner, always stored inside, mint condition, $255,000 OBO. 780-365-2447, 780-995-9966, Andrew, AB 1986 JD 4450, quad range trans., 4324 hrs., with JD 148 loader, bucket, tines and grapple. New front tires, new batteries, duals (new inner tires). Exc. shape. Asking $36,000. 306-640-9709, Assiniboia, SK. JOHN DEERE 4840, 1100 hrs. on new engine, new interior, factory duals, recent new tires, new paint, $24,500 OBO. 403-783-8018, Ponoka, AB. 1995 JD 8970, 6700 hrs, triple 20.8x42 tires (inside 8 are new), approx. 100 hrs. since new: Fuel pump, fan clutch and oil cooler, $80,000. Phone Rick Wildfong 306-734-2345 or 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD; JD 8110 MFD, all low hours, can be equipped with loaders; J D 6 4 2 0 with loader. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 2000 9400, 3515 hrs, 24 spd., diff. lock, 710x42 tires 70%, exc. cond., $130,000. 306-642-4833 306-642-7658 Assiniboia SK 2010 JD 9630T, 650 hrs., PTO, like new. 306-536-0890, Yellow Grass, SK. 2007 JD 9620T, 36” tracks, Xenon HID light package, weight pkg, AutoTrac ready, 1228 hrs. Asking $219,000; 2008 JD 9530, 800x70R38 Firestone duals, 1872 hrs., one owner. Asking $210,000. 306-641-4890, 306-641-5814, Yorkton, SK.

FIN AL CLEAR AN CE - AIR DR ILLS AIR DR ILLS & AIR S EEDER CAR TS : L is t N ow 28 ’- M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith M o d el 3215 Air S eed er Ca rt: $131,574.00 $8 2,000.00 10” S p a cin g, 3.5” S teel Pa ckers , S in gle S ho o t, w ith 215 b u Air Ca rt, M echa n ica l Ra te Co n tro l (On e left a va ila b le) 33’ - M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith M o d el 3315 Air S eed er Ca rt: $148,162.00 $9 4,500.00 10” S p a cin g, 3.5” S teel Pa ckers , S in gle S ho o t, w ith 315 b u Air Ca rt, M echa n ica l Ra te Co n tro l (On e left a va ila b le) 37’ - M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith M o d el 3315 Air S eed er Ca rt: $145.989.00 $9 5,500.00 10” S p a cin g, 3.5” S teel Pa ckers , S in gle S ho o t, w ith 315 b u Air Ca rt, M echa n ica l Ra te Co n tro l (On e left a va ila b le) S OL D 48 ’ - DEM O M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith N EW M o d el 4400 Air S eed er Ca rt: $218,270.00 $123,700.00 10” S p a cin g; 5” S teel Pa ckers , Do u b le S ho o t, w ith 390 b u Air Ca rt, Va ria b le Ra te Co n tro l (On e left a va ila b le) 48 ’ - M o d el 7550 Air Drill w ith M o d el 4400 Air S eed er Ca rt: $216,369.00 $134,500.00 10” S p a cin g; 3.5” S teel Pa ckers , Do u b le S ho o t, w ith 390 b u Air Ca rt, Va ria b le Ra te Co n tro l (Three Tw o left a va ila b le) 6 0’ - M o d el 7560 Air Drill w ith M o d el 4400 Air S eed er Ca rt: $237,323.00 $150,000.00 10” S p a cin g; 5” S teel Pa ckers , Do u b le S ho o tw ith 390 b u Air Ca rt, Va ria b le Ra te Co n tro l (Three left a va ila b le) M o d el 3315 Air S eed er Ca rt; 315 b u ; 6-Ru n ; M echa n ica l Ra te Co n tro l; $74,117.00 $53,500.00 T o w Behin d (Three a va ila b le) All Un its a re NE W , u n les s s ta ted , a n d a re in E zee-On d ea ler in ven to ry (M B/ S K / AB) a tCa s h No T ra d e p rices . Vis ityo u r E zee-On d ea ler o r ca ll the F a cto ry fo r fu ll d eta ils a n d lis to fa ll Drills & Ca rts cu rren tly a va ila b le. Dea lers hip freight & PDIa n d yo u r cho ice o f o pen ers a re extra .

(78 0) 6 32-2126

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JD 7410 MFWD w/740 loader/grapple, 3 PTH, LH shuttle, 20.8x38 rear tires, 7300 hrs, $49,900. 403-854-0230, Hanna, AB. 1997 JD 5300 with 520 loader, 1698 hrs, 55 HP, original owner, premium unit. Pall e t fo r k s a l s o av a i l a b l e . $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . 403-572-3667, Carbon, AB. 1997 JD 9400 4 WD, 24 spd. trans., diff lock, 710x70x38 Firestone duals at 65%, weights front and back, 5500 hrs., in very good condition, $97,000. 204-746-5354, Morris, MB. or rick@rick1.net WANTED: 400 HP or larger 4 WD tractor. Ph. 306-642-3487, Assiniboia, SK. 1995 JD 8770, 300 HP, 5450 hrs, tires 90%, 12 spd. synchro, 3 hyds, extra hyd. return, e-drive plumbed, exc. cond., 306-623-4222, 306-628-8338, Sceptre, SK 2001 JD 9400, 710x42, 24 spd., 4200 hrs., GPS, recent Greenlight, $120,000 OBO. 306-774-4725, Hodgeville, SK. JD 7810 MFD, 5000 hours, IVT trans., 741 loader, excellent condition. Phone 780-990-8412, Cherhill, AB. 1997 JD 9400, 710x38 Titan duals at 65%, 24 spd. trans, 4 SCV, 10,000 lb. weights, GreenStar ready, 8000 hrs, just Greenlighted and excellent condition, asking $92,500 OBO. Call 306-869-3287 home; 306-869-7932 cell, Radville, SK. 1991 JD 4955 MFWD, 42� duals, front weights, powershift, good condition, $55,000. 403-854-0230, Hanna, AB. JD 3140, LOW, LOW ORIGINAL HOURS, c/w cab, JD FEL, used very little, premium unit, $19,500 OBO. 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. J O H N D E E R E 8 4 5 0 , P TO, 8 3 0 0 h r s , 18.4x38 tires, excellent condition. 306-335-2756, Lemberg, SK. 2001 JD 7610, MFWD, power quad, LHR, w/JD 740 loader, grapple fork and joystick, shedded, 6300 hrs. 306-248-3920, 780-872-3797, St. Walburg, SK. JD 4440, 8000 hrs, 500 on rebuilt engine, FEL w/bucket and grapple, joystick control, 20.8x38 rears (3 yrs. old), asking $28,000 OBO. Phone Terry 306-594-7580 or 306-594-2608 evenings, Hyas, SK. 2008 JD 9530, 1200 hrs., premium cab, 1 8 s p d . p owe r s h i f t , 7 8 g p m hy d s . , 800-70R38 duals, 7600 lb. weights, $235,000. 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK.

2010 JD 9330, 24 spd., 7.10R42, 840 hrs, like new, $216,000; 1991 JD 4255 c/w JD 158 loader, grapple, and joystick, 8015 hrs, new 18.4x38 duals, one owner, $36,500; 1986 JD 1650 MFWD, open station, ROPS, 1950 hrs, Leon FEL, $17,500. Phone Glenn 306-272-7123, Foam Lake, SK., eagleagri@sasktel.net WRECKING: JD 4020 FOR PARTS, c/w complete overhauled engine, good sheet metal, 21.1x30 tires; Also wrecking 2-135 White; 130/06 Deutz, good running eng; 1855 Cockshutt for parts. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.


1992 4960, MFWD, 6920 hrs, 3 hyds., 256 VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL c/w FEL 20.8x42 radial duals, 280 loader and grap- quick att. bucket and forks, 3 remotes, rec e n t m o t o r ove r h a u l , 2 n ew t i r e s , ple, $64,000. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. $15,000. 306-648-3514, 306-648-7273, GREENSTAR 2600 DISPLAY with SF1 Gravelbourg, SK. unlock, used for two years, $6500. Call 2009 400 HP Versatile, 710x38 rubber, 306-231-9020, Humboldt, SK. rear wgts, deluxe cab, perf. monitor, less 1995 JD 6400, MFWD, 3PTH, self-levelling than 250 hrs. 306-776-2295, Rouleau, SK. l o a d e r, g r a p p l e f o r k , 3 5 0 0 h r s . WANTED: 400 HP or larger 4 WD tractor. 306-272-4382, Foam Lake, SK. Phone: 306-642-3487, Assiniboia, SK. 1996 JD 8970, PTO, 4813 hrs., triples, 24 spd., weights, $93,000. 306-441-9320, FORD VERSATILE 976, 6800 hours, new inside 24.5x32 tires, $55,000. North Battleford, SK. 306-442-4505, Weyburn, SK. 1995 JD 8970, 4131 hrs., triples, 24 spd, weights, $87,000. 306-441-9320, North 1988 VERSATILE 276-2, 8025 hrs, 3PTH, Battleford, SK. hitch at both ends, FEL, $22,500. Iron River, AB. 780-812-1892 or 780-826-4452.

1982 JD 1040 w/cab, 3 PTH, JD 175 l o a d e r, $ 1 2 , 9 0 0 O B O . C a l l G a r y 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com 4430 JD w/148 loader, grapple, and joys t i c k , 1 0 , 5 0 0 h r s , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 . P h o n e MASSEY 1085 TRACTOR, w/cab, MF 246 FEL, approx. 5000 hrs, good shape, $8500 306-634-4454, Estevan, SK. OBO. 204-847-2262, Foxwarren, MB. 1996 8570, 3965 hrs., 24 spd., 18.4R-38s, shedded, int. and ext. both exc. cond. 1997 MASSEY 8160, FWA, Dyna shift, 3000 hrs., 80% rubber, $48,000 OBO. $64,000. 306-682-4188, Muenster, SK. 306-628-4154, Leader, SK. 2004 9220 JD 4WD tractor, std. trans., 20.8x42 tires, GPS, w/AutoSteer, 3600 2003 MASSEY 8270, FWA, 18 spd powerhrs., $136,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip- shift, 200 HP, 3760 hrs., 20.8xR46 tires. 306-397-2653, Edam, SK. ment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 1986 JD 4450, 15 spd powershift, 6806 MF 4880, 320+ HP, 20.8x38 radials, like hrs., excellent shape, $32,500 OBO. new, recent complete engine overhaul w/workorder, high volume 3/4� hyd. cou306-728-8428, 306-728-8952, Melville, SK plers, return line, exc. cond. Pics available. 2004 JD 7320, MFWD, 3 PTH, JD 740 Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd, 306-445-5516, loader, joystick, 7’ bucket, LH reverser, 306-441-7851, North Battleford, SK. 16x16 partial powershift trans., 3820 hrs. Free shipping in MB or SK, $67,900 OBO. Call Gary at 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB, www.reimerfarmequipment.com 1997 NH 9882, 4300 hrs., 710x38 duals, Outback AutoSteer, recently rebuilt engine 1995 JD 7200, MFWD, 3 PTH, JD 740, and transmission, $95,000. 306-287-8487, joystick, 7’ bucket, grapple, high hours but 306-383-7191, Quill Lake, SK. excellent shape. Free shipping in MB or SK, $42,900 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Stein- 1994 NH 9680, 4 WD, 855 cu. in. Cumbach, MB, www.reimerfarmequipment.com mins, 12 spd. std., high flow hyd. update, Outback AutoSteer hyds. plumped in, 3960 JD 8960, 24.5x32 tires, exc. cond., hrs., exc. cond., 20.8R42 duals, shedded, $73,000 OBO. Phone 403-823-1894, $70,000. Delivery may be available. Drumhelle, AB. 306-460-8487, Netherhill, SK. 1983 JD 8450, $27,000 OBO. For details 1994 FORD NH 9480, 4380 hrs, 20.8/42 call 306-865-2075, Hudson Bay, SK. new Jan. 2009, hyflow hyd., 350 HP, shed1996 8770, 5080 hrs, 20.8R42 60%, 4 ded, 12 spd. trans, no PTO, $68,000. hyds., PTO, return line, field cruise, 403-901-5018, Gleichen, AB. $76,000 OBO. 306-867-7073, Outlook, SK. 1998 NH 9682, 425 HP, 12 spd, 20.8x42 1987 JD 8200 FWA, 5900 hrs, new inside triples, 5308 hrs, performance monitor, duals, 3 PTH, 4 remotes, all the options, Trimble 500 AutoSteer, exc., $87,000. Gravelbourg SK. 306-648-2310, 306-648-7877 $79,000. 306-445-5531, Denholm, SK. 2003 JD 8220, FWA, 2400 hrs., 3 PTH, big 2007 NH TV145 w/84LB loader and graptires, $103,000; 1980 JD 4440, 6500 hrs., ple, 2660 hrs., front and rear PTO, 3 PTH, 3 PTH, $28,500. 306-231-3993, Humboldt, engine end wheel weights, front and rear diff. locks; Also avail. Leon quick attach 9’ SK. Visit: www.versluistrading.com blade for same. 403-556-0316, Olds, AB.

)$50 (48,30(17 $9$,/$%/( VHULRXV LQTXLULHV RQO\






2WKHU [ %DO]HU &DUWV [ &DVH ,+ 63; 6SUD\HU &DVH ,+ 0DJQXP 3XPD 7UDFWRUV 3OXV 08&+ 025( 7+,6 ,6 127 $1 2))(5 72 6(//

SELLING ON BEHALF of Carl Moffatt: 1998 Agco Allis 9735 tractor, FWA, 3886 hrs., $35,000; 21’ CI 203 HD cult., $1000; 29’ CI 179 field cult. $1000; 2-10’ Melroe 204 press drills, $2000; CI 622 22’ PTO swather, $500; 1981 CI 550 21’ swather, $1500; 2- CI 9600 PTO combines, $2000 ea; 2-15’ G100 CI discers, $500; 60’ Inland 5 bar tine harrow bar, $2500. All machinery in exc. cond. Barry 306-441-1259, North Battleford R670 DEGLEMAN STONE PICKER and a 14’ Degleman rock rake. 204-546-3154, Grandview, MB.

D8 CATERPILLAR; Model 60 elevating grader; TR95 NH; 56’ harrow packer drawbar; Bourgault 40’ cult. w/air seeder tank; 1983 835 VERSATILE, 5888 hrs, 18.4x38 1300 gal. sprayer; 2005 Dodge dsl. truck triples, new air ride seat, 4 hyds., Atom Jet w/25,000 miles; more misc. machinery. hyd. for air seeder. 403-784-2586 Clive AB 306-842-6123, Weyburn, SK. 1984 895 VERSATILE, 6300 hrs., new 1997 CASE/IH 9370, 4 WD, 5300 hrs, altires. Arch Equipment 306-867-7252, Out- ways shedded, very good shape; 1996 NH look, SK. TR98, 4x4, 2600 hrs; 1990 8100 Hesston 1 9 8 2 V E R S AT I L E 8 3 5 , 5 6 0 0 h r s . , 25’ swather, w/canola auger and mounted 18.4x38 duals 90%, vg cond. Rick Wildfong roller. 204-389-2065, Winnipeg Beach, MB 306-734-2345 or 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. WANTED: 6 GREEN DROP liquid fertilizer, 9 hole distribution pots. Phone: 306-654-4905, Prud’Homme, SK. BIG BUD KT500, S/N 7610 KTA1150, 550 WANTED: GOOD USED small single axle H P, 1 3 s p d . F u l l e r, 4 n ew M i c h e l i n manure spreader, any brand. Phone Myles 800/65R32 tires, $65,000 OBO. High River 306-745-6140, Esterhazy, SK. AB. eaajones@gmail.com 403-542-9465. ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New De2006 MCCORMICK 185, 4400 hrs. new gelman equipment, land rollers, StrawQuickie loader, front 3 PTH, front PTO, master, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer $69,500. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. #1 place to purchase late model combine IHC 28’ HOE drill, good cond, $2000; Yardand tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. works riding lawn mower, 20 HP, 46� cut, www.gcparts.com Toll free 888-327-6767. like new, $1500. 306-228-2934, Unity, SK. DO YOU NEED a FWA tractor with loader 1 7 5 D E G L E M A N S T R A W T I N E S , 90 HP to 130 HP for less $$$? Call 9/16x17�, $15/ea. Phone 306-861-0177, 306-231-5939, Saskatoon, SK. Weyburn, SK. 2006 JCB 8250 tractor, 3000 hrs., 260 BLANCHARD 8�x50’ PTO auger, $1300; 24’ HP, CVT trans., 65 kph top speed, full sus- M a c D o n p i c k u p r e e l , $ 8 5 0 . C a l l pension front and rear, ABS brakes, dual 306-457-7511, Creelman, SK. rear PTO, rear 3 PTH, 4 rear remotes, front 3 PTH, 2 front remotes, brand new rubber FRONT WHEEL Assist housing rebuilt, all around. Deluxe cab with AC, heat and portable line boring service, table augers radio. Very clean! $139,000. Call Jordan and concave rebuilt. Penno’s Machining anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. and Mfg. Ltd. 204-966-3221, online parts store www.pennosmachining.com ROTARY SCREEN FOR 86 series IH tractor $50 OBO; 4- 4’ P-20 Flexi-Coil packers $25 ea; 4- 4’ Crowfoot packers $25 ea; 15 bale s t o o ke r a n d fo r k $ 2 5 0 O B O . 3 0 6 945-2074, 306-232-7860 Waldheim SK

RETIRING. 1981 JD 8640, 4 WD tractor, approx. 9000 hrs, new 50 series eng., 4 wheel diff lock, triple hyds., PTO, AC/heat, clean, $20,000; 1993 Case/IH 1680 combine, approx. 2800 hrs, Cummins power, specialty rotor, chopper, hopper topper, 1015 PU, exc., reliable, $35,000; 1989 Freightliner FL112 semi truck, 3406 Cat, 13 spd. trans, air ride susp. and air ride cab, sleeper, vg Michelin rubber, diff lock, very clean, $15,000; 1985 Ford L9000 feed truck, tandem axle, Rayman alum. feed body, 12 tonne 4 comp., Cummins power, large front tires, good for fert. or seed tender, $15,000; 1985 Ford L8000 tandem grain truck, 20’ Cancade box, roll tarp, diff lock, 3208 Cat, 13 spd. trans, new PTO pump, mechanically sound, needs paint, $15,000; Ezee-On 33’ air drill, double shoot, Model 2175 bu. cart, TBH, hyd. fan drive, 8� spacing, excellent, low acres, $35,000; 1989 CI 722 swather, approx. 1900 hrs, 25’, UII PU reel, Isuzu diesel, joystick control, good canvas, AC/heat, $15,000; 1981 JD 2750 tractor, 2 WD, new motor, c/w Allied FEL, joystick control, PTO, 3 PTH, new rubber, new clutch, new starter, $19,000; Farm King MD swingaway auger, 60’, low profile hopper, hyd. hopper mover, $4,000; 4 misc. augers, 5 HP elec., 30-40’, $500 each; Snowblower Farm King 8’, 3 PTH, double auger, hyd. chute, $1800. Prices negotiable. Call Claude 204-744-2501 204-825-0001 Somerset MB USED EQUIPMENT: 1995 JD tractor 8300, MFWD, 3 PTH, powershift, less than 5800 hrs, $77,500; Brand new 2011 Parker 739 grain cart w/tarp, SALE PRICE $24,900; 2004 JD 630F, SALE PRICE $20,500; 2004 JD 635F, SALE PRICE $23,900. Please visit www.genag.com or call Shelton Kehler 701-330-7401 or Tom Wiebe 204-312-0604, Winkler, MB.

WANTED: 50’- 72’ heavy harrow; 30’ SP windrower; 40’- 45’ landroller. Yorkton, SK. Phone 306-563-8482 or 306-782-2586. WANTED: 56’ or (2-28’) CIH 6200 press drills, w/rubber press, factory transport; 50’ Bourgault Vibra-Master cult., 4 row, 8� spacing. 306-272-3958, Foam Lake, SK WANTED: 4 WD tractor, 300 HP plus, good working condition, low hrs., shedded if possible. No junkers please. Box 5557, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 WANTED: G-T GRAIN DRYER, 500 plus bushel. Ken 780-836-5308, Manning, AB

BestBu ys in Used Equ ipm en t

RETIRING: 1998 FORD NH 9682, 5000 hrs, duals, exc. shape, $83,900. 306-934-6703 eves, Saskatoon, SK.

Co m b in e Tr a d es

1996 9682, 3614 hrs., 20.8x42 duals, Outback AutoSteer ready, front/rear weights, axle seals and bearings done last spring, s h e d d e d , e x c . c o n d . $ 9 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. GRADALL EXCAVATOR 4x4 diesel, as 306-478-2939, Ferland, SK. new $17,000. Call Wayne at 2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3PTH, grap- 604-308-5502, Langley, BC. ple, manure tines, 800 hrs., like new. Dave HIGH LIFT LEON loader with 6’ bucket. 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. Model 790?. $3,000 OBO. 306-395-2668 WANTED: 400 HP or larger 4 WD tractor. or 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. Phone: 306-642-3487, Assiniboia, SK. JD 280 SL loader, 8’ bucket and teeth, with 1996 NH 9482, 4250 hrs., high cap. hyd. JD grapple, loader mounts off JD 4450, pump, 20.8x42 duals, always shedded, p r o fe s s i o n a l ly p a i n t e d 1 y e a r a g o . asking $67,500. Brett 306-658-4734, 204-855-2409, Oak Lake, MB. 306-843-7192, Wilkie, SK. LEON 16’ 6-way quick attach blade, 2000 NH 9184 4 WD, 235 HP, 2900 hrs., mounts for Series 9000 JD FWD tractor. new Firestone 18.4x38 radials, std. trans., 403-227-2371, Innisfail, AB. return line, 4 remotes, always shedded, DEGELMAN 6-WAY DOZER, 14’, mounts for $80,000 OBO. 306-576-2111, Wishart, SK. Case 9150-9350 series. 403-394-4401, 9682 NH 4760 hrs., 710x38 duals, hi flow Lethbridge, AB. hyd. pump, 4 remotes, exc. cond., $88,500 1998 KOMATSU WA-250, Cummins 5.9, OBO. 306-621-1631, Yorkton, SK. 3rd valve, grapple fork, Ag tires, $40,000 OBO. 403-588-1146, Blackfalds, AB. D E G E L M A N D O Z E R 4 - WAY, 1 4 ’ , h a s 1998 8970, 210 HP, FWA, front weights, 4 mounts for JD 8650. Call 403-394-4401, remotes, duals on rear, 3100 hrs, excellent Lethbridge, AB. condition. 306-375-7600, Lacadena, SK. 1973 HOUGH 90, FEL, ROP’s canopy, dsl., 1997 FORD 8770, 18 spd. powershift, su- 4 yard bucket, running, all lights working, per steer, 4 hyds., 3 PTH, PTO, 14.9x46 new windshield and glass, ready to work, duals, FWA, nice clean tractor, 5800 hrs. $20,000 OBO. 780-349-2698, Westlock, AB $55,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. WANTED: DOZER BLADE to fit 946 Ford/ FORD 8670, 9000 hrs., 8 new tires, pow- Versatile, Leon or Degelman, all types conershift, 3 PTH, 4 hyd. outlets, transmission sidered. 780-675-3541, Athabasca, AB. rebuilt, $51,500. www.versluistrading.com 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK. DEGELMAN- PICKERS, LANDROLLERS, 1990 FORD VERSATILE 946, 20.8x42� du- Strawmaster, rock diggers, booked savals, good rubber, good cond., $39,000. i n g s . H e r g o t t F a r m E q u i p m e n t , 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 306-743-7622, Langenberg, SK. 1982 VERSATILE 1150, 470 HP, 8 spd. NEW MODEL 2530 Leon 12’ hyd. blade, standard, 6500 hrs, recent clutch and front with mount for JD 7800 Series tractor. diff, 5 hyd., air seeder return line, 30.5x32 Reg. $16,923, Winter Special: $13,538. tires w/35% tread left, no cracks, dual C o n t a c t D a r y l a t A l l We s t S a l e s , 306-882-2283 Rosetown, SK. chrome stacks. 306-563-5268, Canora, SK. WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610, www.FAAsecurity.com KOENDERS 8’ swath rollers, $990; Trailmaster 30’ gooseneck, $7500. Hergott Farm Equip. 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. REDEKOP CHAFF SAVER system (Cyclone), drops chaff on top of straw for baling. Came off JD 9600. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. JD 750 NO-TILL disc drills 30’ double box, good condition; JD 945 13’ discbine mower conditioner with flails; JD 2360 diesel swather with 960 30’ MacDon header. Phone 306-325-4340, Lintlaw, SK.

201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 2009 2008 2006 2006 201 1 201 0 2009 2009 201 1 201 0 2009 2009 2004 2003 2001 1 999 1 997 1 996 1 996 1 995 1 995 1 994 1 991 2008


91 20 & 201 6 81 20 & 201 6 81 20 & 201 6 91 20 & 201 6 81 20 & 201 6 801 0 & 201 6 801 0 & 201 6 801 0 & 201 6 71 20 & 201 6 71 20 & 201 6 71 20 & 201 6 71 20 & 201 6 7088 & 201 6 7088 & 201 6 7088 & 201 6 6088 & 201 6 2388 & 201 5 2388 & 201 5 2388 & 201 5 2388 21 88 & 1 01 5 21 88 & 1 01 5 21 88 & 1 01 5 21 88 & 1 01 5 21 88 & 1 01 5 1 688 & 1 01 5 1 660 & 1 01 5 M av Cho ppe r

201 1 201 0 2009 2009 2006 2006 1 999 1 996 1 995

M acd o n M acd o n CIH CIH CIH M acd o n CIH M acd o n M acd o n


D r a p er H ea d er s FD70-4 0’ FD-35’ 21 62-4 0 21 52-4 0 2062-35’ 974 1 04 2-36’ 960 w /pu r 960

$88,900 $74 ,900 $79,500 $62,000 $51 ,1 00 $4 9,000 $25,000 $1 8,900 $9,500


F lex H ea d er s 201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 2009 2006 2004 2001 1 997 1 990


3020-35 $4 2,700 3020-35 w /air $51 ,500 2020-35 w /airre e l $53,4 00 2020-35 $4 2,800 2020-35 $38,600 2020-30 $29,4 00 1 020 $1 8,800 1 020 $1 8,900 1 020-30’ $23,1 00 1 020-25’ $5,300



201 1 201 1 201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 201 0 1 996


201 0


201 1 201 1 201 1 201 1 201 0 2009 2006 2004 2002 2005 2002 2001

CIH Patrio t4 4 20 1 20’ $330,500 CIH Patrio t4 4 20 $284 ,000 CIH Patrio t4 4 20 1 00’ $31 0,700 CIH Patrio t3330 $293,4 00 JD 4 930 $276,700 CIH Patrio t4 4 20 1 00’ $255,227 Apache 71 0 $1 09,500 CIH 4410 $1 64 ,800 Apache 859 $79,300 NH SF1 1 5 $29,300 Ro g ato r 1 254 $1 4 0,000 Apache 790 $99,900 W ilm ar 81 00 $4 7,4 00 NH SF1 1 5 $29,300 FC 67X L $21 ,800 Bran d t Q F1 500 $1 0,300 FC 67 $1 1 ,900

2005 2002 2000

2000 2000 1 996 1 999 1 999 1 997 1 995

Bo u r 331 0 -75’ $259,700 Bo u r 331 0 & L64 50 $24 0,800 Bo u r 571 0 & 6350 $1 59,000 Bo u r 571 0-54 $1 4 8,900 Bo u r 331 0 -65’ $1 85,800 Bo u 331 0 $21 0,200 Bo u r 64 50 $78,4 00 Bo u r 571 0-75’ & L6550$21 0,800 JD 1 820 $4 2,200 Bo u r 571 0-54 & 5350 $1 29,000 Bo u r 571 0-54 & 5350 $89,900 Bo u r 571 0-4 0 & 5300 $75,200 FC 5000-4 5’ & 2320 $39,000 Bo u r 571 0-54 $65,1 00 Bo u r 881 0 & M o rris 724 0 $4 5,200 CIH 34 50 $34 ,500 Bo u r 571 0 & 4 350 $84 ,900 Bo u r 571 0-4 0 & 3225 $4 3,600 FC 2320 $1 9,000 M o rris M axim $31 ,000




1 203 & 362 $1 27,200 W D1 203 36’ $1 23,800 W D1 203 30’ $1 1 2,800 W D 1 203 & 30’ $1 06,600 W D 1 203 & 30’ $1 1 1 ,4 00 H804 0 36’ $1 02,300 HW 325 $90,1 00 8820 $26,700 200 $20,300 81 00 $20,900 HDX 1 82 $23,300 1 8HS $22,4 00 H71 50 $33,000 SCX 1 00 $8,300 9020 $1 1 ,000 625 $1 0,900 1 380 $7,900 RBX 563 $24 ,900 RBX 562 $1 7,600 BP25 $2,900

De g e lm an 1 1 50

Da vids on , SK Pho n e (3 06) 567-3 074

$4 9,000

Ra ym ore , SK Pho n e (3 06) 746-2289

AfterHo u rS a les • Bla in e (306) 746- 7574 • Al(306) 72 6- 7808 • Dw a yn e Hu b er72 5- 7183 Š 2007 CNH Am erica L L C. All rights res erved . Ca s e IH is a regis tered tra d em a rk o fCNH Am erica L L C. CNH Ca p ita l is a tra d em a rk o fCNH Am erica L L C. w w w.ca s eih.co m

AfterHo u rS a les • Kelly (306) 567- 8077 • R o n (306) 567- 72 54

len d in g/lea s in g/cred itca rd s /in s u ra n ce


M ISC. Tr a d es


Fin a n cin g pro vid ed b y


H a y a n d F o r a g e Tr a d es


$1 4 1 ,300


Seed in g Tr a d es 201 1 201 0 201 0 201 0 2009 2008 2006 2006 2004 2003 2000

$378,300 $268,000 $260,000 $24 8,900 $31 5,200 $268,000 $21 1 ,1 00 $73,300

2W D Tr a d es

$1 34 ,1 00 $1 1 0,900 $89,31 8 $8,1 00 $4 9,900 $1 5,200 $1 9,900

Sp r a yer Tr a d es


4W D Tr a d es

M ag n u m 21 5

CIH M ag n u m 21 5 CIH Pu m a 1 4 0 M cCo rm ick X TX 1 85 K u b o ta F2560 CIH MX 110 MF 354 5 JD 4 230

$1 5,900 $1 5,000 $7,200 $5,800 $6,300 $9,900

1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 S35’ JD airre e l Ste ig e r500Q Ste ig e r4 35 Ste ig e r385/pto Ste ig e r385 Ste ig e r4 85Q Ste ig e r4 35 Ste ig e r385 9370

2009 201 0 2006 2005 2000 1 984 1 976

201 1 201 1 201 0 201 0 2009 2009 2006 1 995 1 995 1 988 201 1 201 0 201 0 201 0 2006 2000 1 981 2007 2005 1 984

R ig id H ea d ers & Accesso ries 2004 1 999 1 995 1 995 1 994 2008

SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., www.luckemanufacturing.com WANTED: FEL to fit 7600 Ford tractor. 306-276-5770, White Fox, SK. 1997 JD 9600, only 2000 sep. hrs; 1972 JD 4620; 1982 IHC 5088. All field ready and OBO. 204-766-2643.

$372,200 $321 ,4 00 $301 ,1 00 $331 ,800 $301 ,1 00 $234 ,900 $21 0,200 $209,200 $303,800 $289,800 $286,000 $263,1 00 $283,600 $264 ,800 $231 ,4 00 $232,800 $1 51 ,1 00 $1 4 4 ,900 $99,900 $76,800 $53,200 $53,200 $50,800 $56,4 00 $53,200 $37,500 $21 ,900 $5,1 00







1995 D5H Long Track 20” Pads, 6 way blade STOCK # L-6654

2006 Ford F450 XLT 4x4 Service Truck w/2005 Brutus 11 ft. bed, 2005 Maxlift Cobra 4400 ob 2 sec 16 ft. crane, Vmac Predatair 60 cfm air comp, w/hyd, PTO, waste oil, pump tank. STOCK # L-6676

2005 PETERBILT 378

Winch Tractor STOCK # L-6631

Like New 2003



Step Deck Tandem Axle Trailer STOCK # L-6605

STOCK # L-6540




Hp Cat C9 Engine, 6 Spd Allison Transmission and Dynomax Tag Axle. Luxury Home



Diesel, Automatic, 42533 KMS. Brown exterior & beige leather interior. STOCK# L-6553

Winch Tractor STOCK # L-6624

Winch Tractor STOCK # L-5978A



2001 Freightliner 2005 Country Coach Allure 470 FL120 470 42’ w/ 4 Slides and only 30,000 M, 400


2000 PETERBILT 378

Joe Knobloch

c/w 36” Digging Bucket & 72” Churchblade L-5838

2007 FORD F550 XLT PRESSURE TRUCK c/w Brand New 3000 L Northech 2 comp. tank



2007 GMC DIESEL DUALLY w/AMCO VEBA picker, only 40,000 km. STOCK# L-6688

w/2011 Lazer Inox 2.8 cu m S/S 2 comp’t tank, Cat triplex pump, 5000 PSI, Roper 3 in. hyd. pump, TC250300, digital read out, low meter. STOCK # L-6677

2009 RAY FAB Booster Trailer Stock # L-6623

Only 40,000 KMS


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2009 JD 9630T 1066 hrs., 36” tracks, PTO, Front weights. (E).


349,000 2008 JD 9530 1900 hrs 78 gpm pump, duals, power shift, dlx cab. (E)


272,000 1975 JD 4630 Duals, 3 SCVs, partial power shift. (RE)


17,000 2007 JD 4930 SPRAYER


1835 hrs, 2 sets of tires, 1200 gal, 120’ s/s boom. (A)

240,000 2009 BUHLER 2145 MFWD, loader, 1500 hrs. (RA)


115,000 2010 JD Z925A ZERO-TURN MOWER


50 hrs, 54” Mulch-onDemand, 14 bus bagger w/pwr flow. (A)


4 WD TRACTORS 2010 JD 9630T, 36” tracks, PTO ,338 hrs ..................................$374,000 2009 JD 9630T, 36” tracks, dlx cab, 635 hrs ............................$325,000 2009 JD 9630T, 36” tracks, pto, 1066 hrs .................................$349,000 2010 JD 9530T, 36” tracks, dlx cab, 635 hrs ............................$329,000 2008 JD 9530, duals, 78 gpm, act seat, 1127 hrs .....................$272,000

(A) (A) (E) (RA) (E)

2 WD - MFWD TRACTORS 2009 Buhler 2145 MFWD, loader, 1500 hrs ...............................$115,000 1980 JD 4640, quad, singles, 9700 hrs .......................................$19,000 1978 JD 4640, quad, duals 7600 hrs ..........................................$22,000 1975 JD 4630, quad, 20.8x38 duals ............................................$17,000 2010 JD 6430, premium cab, 3 pt, 673 FEL, 730 hrs...................$88,000 2006 JD 6615, MFWD, loader, 3217 hrs .......................................$72,500 1995 JD 7400, cab, 2WD, loader, 9762 hrs ..................................$31,000

(RA) (O) (RA) (RE) (RE) (RA) (RA)

COMBINES (24 MONTHS INTEREST FREE) 2008-2011 JD 9870 STS, various options, 52-900 hrs ....... 12 IN STOCK 2008-2011 JD 9770 STS, various options, 213-600 hrs ..... 15 IN STOCK 2008 JD 9670 STS, 900 tires, power cast, pu hdr, 625 hrs .......$245,000 2004-2007 JD 9860 STS, various options, 900-1600 hrs ..... 7 IN STOCK 2004-2007 JD 9760 STS, various options, 900-1600 hrs ..... 7 IN STOCK 2004 JD 9660 STS, 30.5x32, hopper ext, 1408 hrs....................$150,000 2006 JD 9660 STS, 30.5x32, touchset, 835 hrs .........................$195,000 2000 JD 9750 STS, 520x38 duals, 2919 hrs ..............................$110,000 2000 JD 9650 STS, 20.8X38 duals, 914P, 1880 hrs ...................$132,500 2001 JD 9650, walkers, dlx hdr cntls, hopper ext, 3028 hrs ......$89,000 2005 CIH 2388 , pickup, loaded, 1650 hrs .................................$152,000 1999 JD 9610, 30.5x32, chopper, c/s, 2695 hrs ..........................$72,000 1997 JD CTS, 30.5x32, hopper cover, 1983 hrs...........................$64,500 1997 JD CTS, 30.5x32, chopper, 1578 hrs ...................................$69,000 1992-1997 JD 9600,several units, 3000 hrs up ........... $45,000-$62,000 1993 JD 9500, 30.5x32 tires, 914 pickup, 3055 hrs ....................$44,000 1990 JD 9400, pickup, 3267 hrs ..................................................$39,000

(O) (RA) (RE) (A) (RE) (RA) (RE) (RA) (E) (A) (O) (O)

COMBINE PLATFORMS 2001 Precision 16’ w/Rakeup pickup .........................................$16,500 JD 224, 24’ rigid .............................................................................$4,900 1993-1999 JD 930, 30’ rigid, bat & pickup reels avail ........ $5,500 & up 2005 JD 930D, 30’ draper, bat reel, transport .............................$32,000 1990 JD 925F, 25’ flex ....................................................................$9,500 1997 JD 930F, 30’ flex,HFNA ........................................................$17,000 2002 JD 930F, 30’ flex,HFNA ........................................................$20,000 2004 JD 635F, 35’ flex,AWS air reel.............................................$36,000 2004 JD 635F, 35’ flex ..................................................................$31,000 2006 JD 635F, 35’ flex ..................................................................$33,000 2008 JD 635F, 35’ flex, excellent .................................................$37,000 2009 JD 635F, 35’ flex ..................................................................$38,000 2009 JD 635D, 35’ draper, crop auger, HFNA ..............................$55,000 2010 JD 640D, 40’ draper, never used ............................................ CALL 1999 New Holland 973, flex, Crary air reel .................................$22,500 2005 CIH 2042, 30’ draper, 2388 adapter ....................................$42,000 2000 HoneyBee SP30, 30’ draper, JD 50 adapter .......................$29,000 2004 HoneyBee SP30, 30’ draper, crop auger, CIH 2388 adapt ..$33,000 2004 HoneyBee SP42, 42’ draper, crop auger, JD 70 adapt .......$39,000 2005 HoneyBee SP36, 36’ draper, CIH 2388 adapter ..................$35,000 2008 HoneyBee SP36, 36’ draper, JD 60 adapter .......................$53,500 2011 Macdon FD 70, 45’ flex draper, JD 70 adapter, new ..........$89,000 2010 Macdon FD 70, 40’ flex draper, JD 70 adapter...................$74,000 2009 Macdon FD 70, 40’ flex draper, JD 70 adapter...................$68,000 2009 Macdon D60, 40’ draper, JD 60 adapter................................. CALL 2005 Macdon 973, 36’ draper, JD 60 adapter .............................$36,500 2005 Macdon 972, 30’ draper, JD 60 adapter .............................$39,000 2002 Macdon 972, 30’ draper, JD 60 adapter .............................$36,500 2000 Macdon 972, 30’ draper, JD 50 adapter .............................$32,000 2007 Macdon 963, 36’ draper, bat reels, JD 60 adapter .............$40,000 1996 Macdon 960, 36’ draper, bat reel, JD adapter....................$18,500 1996 Macdon 960, 36’ draper, pickup reel, transport ................$23,000 1998 Macdon 960, 36’ draper, pickup reel, crop auger ..............$25,000 1993 Macdon 960, 30’ draper......................................................$16,900

(A) (O) (A) (A) (O) (A) (RA) (A) (RA) (RA) (A) (A) (E) (A) (E) (O) (A) (RE) (RE) (A) (RE) (A) (A) (A) (O) (E) (RE) (RE) (A) (RE) (A) (E) (E) (A)

GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT 2010 Brandt 20X110 Conveyor w/2021 transfer auger .................. CALL 2008 Brandt 15x85 Conveyor, 1515 LP........................................$24,500 2006 Brandt 13x90 Grain Auger ..................................................$17,500 2006 Farm King 16x104 Grain Auger ..........................................$32,000 Farm King 13x85 Grain Auger .....................................................$10,500 Farm King 10x70 Grain Auger .......................................................$6,000

(A) (A) (A) (A) (E) (O)

Farm King 13x70 Grain Auger .....................................................$11,500 2006 Farm King 13x70 Grain Auger ............................................$12,500 2000 Farm King 13x70 Grain Auger ..............................................$7,500 Sakundiak 10x2200 Grain Auger ..................................................$4,500 Sakundiak 10x2200 Grain Auger ..................................................$5,500 2004 Brandt 5000 Grain Vac........................................................$12,500 2002 Brandt 4500 Grain Vac..........................................................$9,950 Kongskilde 500 Grain Vac .............................................................$6,000 2005 Rem 2100 Grain Vac ...........................................................$14,500

(A) (RA) (RE) (O) (E) (RE) (RE) (E) (E)


SPRAYERS 1998 JD 4700, 4000 hrs ...............................................................$96,000 2010 JD 4930, 1092 hrs .............................................................$309,000 2007 JD 4930, Raven auto boom, 1831 hrs ..............................$240,000 2005 JD 4720, 1450 hrs .............................................................$188,900 2006 JD 4720, 1533 hrs .............................................................$194,000 2007 JD 4720, 1209 hrs .............................................................$182,000 2009 JD 4730, 1330 hrs .............................................................$211,000 2009 JD 4830, 1296 hrs .............................................................$243,900 2006 JD 4920, 2361 hrs .............................................................$220,000 2006 JD 4920, 1768 hrs .............................................................$237,000 1997 Ag-Shield, SB 80’, 800 gal ..................................................$14,900 1998 Flexi-Coil S67XL, pull type, 130’, 1200 gal ........................$16,500 2002 Apache 790, 96’, 1445 hrs ..................................................$76,000 2005 CIH SPX3150, 90’, 1700 hrs ..............................................$105,000 1996 Spray Coupe 3640, 950 hrs..................................................... CALL

(RE) (O) (A) (A) (RA) (E) (A) (A) (A) (RE) (RE) (A) (O) (RE) (RA)

RICK MUIR 306-861-5347

JARET NELSON 306-868-7700

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 1995 Highline XL6084 Rockpicker ................................................$9,500

RICK ARNESON 306-536-7111


HAYING EQUIPMENT 2008 JD 568 Round Baler, mega wide pickup ............................$28,000 (RE) 2001 JD 567 Round Baler, mega tooth pickup............................$16,900 (A,RE) 2003 JD 567 Round Baler, surface wrap .....................................$22,000 (E) 2005 JD 567 Round Baler, mega wide pickup ............................$22,000 (O) 1992 JD 535 rRound Baler, hyd pu, push bar ...............................$9,500 (O) 2006 NH BR780 Round Baler, wide pickup .................................$12,000 (RA) 2008 CIH RB564 Round Baler, mesh wrap ..................................$23,000 (O) 2002 CIH RBX561 Round Baler, 2 choices.....................................$9,500 (E,O) 2004 CIH RBX562 Round Baler, surface wrap.............................$16,000 (RA) 1999 New Idea Round Baler, 5x5 bale...........................................$5,000 (RA) 2000 JD 1600A Mower Conditioner.............................................$11,900 (RE) 2002 Hesston 1275 Mower Conditioner ......................................$13,500 (E) 2002 JD 946 3 pt hitch Mower Conditioner ................................$18,500 (RE) 2002 Macdon 922 Auger Platform ..............................................$22,000 (RE)

MARLYN STEVENS 306-868-7755

JEFF ENGLE 306-577-7815

SP WINDROWERS 2009 JD A400, 36’ HB header, FF roller, 407 hrs .......................$130,000 2010 MF 9430, 36’ & 18’ headers, 400 hrs................................$112,000 2009 JD 4895, 36’ HoneyBee header, 264 hrs...........................$130,000 2008 JD 4895, new 36’ HoneyBee header, 400 hrs ...................$110,000 2003 Prairie Star 4940, 30’ 972 header, 876 hrs .........................$89,000 2000 Case 8825, 30’ header, 986 hrs ..........................................$47,500 Massey Ferguson 9420, 30’ & 18’ headers ..................................... CALL Massey Ferguson 220, cab, 30’ header.......................................$41,700 2009 Macdon M150, 35’ D60 header............................................... CALL 2005 Macdon 2952i, 973 platform .................................................. CALL 1997 Westward 3000, 30’, pto, pickup reel, canola sheer............$8,500

CURTIS KILBACK 306-452-7700

(A) (E) (A) (E) (RE) (RA) (RE) (E) (RE) (A)

BLAINE MOLSTAD 306-421-3539

SEEDING EQUIPMENT 61’ JD 1830, 10” spg, 430b TBH, duals, 2010 ...........................$162,000 (A) 61’ JD 1830, 10” spg, 430 TBH, duals, 2009 .............................$149,000 (A) 61’ JD 1830, 10” spg, 430 TBH, 2008 ........................................$129,000 (A) 61’ JD 1830, 10” spg, 430 bu 1910 TBH, 2007 ..........................$115,000 (A) 61’ JD 1820, 10” spg, 430 bu 1910 TBH, 2006 ..........................$105,000 (A) 52’ JD 1820, 10” spg, 340 bu 1910 TBH ......................................$83,000 (A) 54’ JD 1820, 10” spg, ss, 3” rubber pkrs, no tank......................$54,000 (A) 42’ JD 1820, 10” spg,ss, 3” rubber pkrs, 2320 tbh cart .............$48,000 (A) 42’ Bourgault 5710, 12” spg, 4300 cart ......................................$55,000 (E) 42’ Bourgault 5710, 12” spg,NH3 shank MRBs, steel pkrs ........$50,000 (RE) 42’ Bourgault 5710, 9.8” spg, MRBs, 5350 cart ..........................$83,000 (A) 47’ Bourgault 5710, 9.8” spg, L5350 tank ..................................$89,000 (RA) 57’ Flexi-Coil 5000, 9” spg, 3450 cart, premium ........................$80,000 (A) 50’ Flexi-Coil 7500, 12” spg, 3450 TBT tank ...............................$65,000 (RA) 41’ Flexi-Coil 800 Airseeder, 12” spg, 1610 TBH tank ................$12,500 (RE) 47’ Concord 4710, 9” spg, ss, AS 300 TBH tank .........................$39,000 (A) 49’ (X2) Morris Maxim, 12” spg, D/S, TBH cart ............. $30,000-50,000 (E,RE) 40’ Bourgault FH36-40, less cart, gran kit ..................................$19,500 (RE) 36’ Bourgault 8800, 3225 air cart ...............................................$22,500 (RE)


Avonlea, SK — (306) 868-2022 • Radville, SK — (306) 869-3000 Oxbow, SK — (306) 483-5115 • Estevan, SK — (306) 634-6422 Redvers, SK — (306) 452-3418

BOB KOSIOR 306-483-8557

ALF TIDE 306-421-9397

CALVIN BILL 306-421-3607


RANDY KOSIOR 306-483-8595



& SAVE $500 Spring is coming, and we want you to HITCH UP & SAVE! Buy a dependable WORKMASTER™ Series tractor from New Holland now and get a coupon for $500 off matching New Holland hay and forage equipment. The coupon is good until June 30, 2012 and you can choose from: • Roll-Belt™ round balers • Small square balers • Pull-type bale wagons

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But hurry! Pre-Season Savings ends March 31, 2012, and so does your chance to HITCH UP & SAVE, so stop by today for complete details. *For agricultural use. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Capital Canada Ltd. See your New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. CNH Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. Down payment may be required. Not all customers or applicants may qualify. Offer good through March 31, 2012 at participating New Holland dealers in Canada. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.

U S E D E QU I P M E N T USED TRACTORS CASE 1390, ‘81, HN2874B ......................... $8,995 H CASE 7140, ‘90, FWA, 18.4X26 FRT, 20.8R42 REAR, INTEGRAL AUTO STEER, S2 OUTBACK, N21651B ................................................ $49,950 H CASE STX375, ‘02, PN2840A ................. $160,000 P DEUTZ DX160, ‘82, 18.4X38 D, 2 HYDS., HC2494 .................................................. $11,500 H FORD 8630, ‘91 HC2899 ......... CALL FOR DETAILS H JD 9520, ‘02, 450 HP, W/PS.800/70R38 D, 4 HYD, 800R38 TIRES, PS, AUTOGUIDANCE/STEERING, LOSS MONITOR, HN2820A ............................. $173,900 H MF 396, ‘95, CLW LOADER, FWA, CAB, EZEE ON LDR, SPEAR, N21708A ................... CALL FOR DETAILS K MF 1105, W/LEON 707 LDR, 24.5X32 REAR, 11.00X16 FRT, 2 HYD, HN2395B ............. $13,900 H NH 8160, ‘99, HC2898 ............. CALL FOR DETAILS H NH 8670, ‘94, HN2989C ........................... $43,990 H NH TT75, ‘09, PTO, 3 PT, ROPS LIGHTS, CIRCULATION HEATER, 7.5X16.9 FRT, 16.9X30 REAR, N21668A ................................................ $21,000 K NH TM190, DUALS, 4 HYD , GRAPPLE LDR QUICK 790, MIDMOUNT, JOY STICK, DLX AIR SEAT W/HEAT, PN2630A ................................................ $96,000 P NH TV145, ‘04, PN 2744A ....................... $104,000 P NH TV145, ‘06, N21907A .......................... $85,000 K NH TV6070, PN2747A............................. $115,000 P NH TG285, 16.9X30 FRT, 20.8X42 REAR D, 4 HYD, 3 PT, PTO, PN2913A ................................. $122,500 P NH 9682, ‘97, 20.8R42 FRONT, 20.5R42 REAR, SHORTTRED, PERF. MON EZEE GUIDE 500 EZEE STEER, N21913A .................................... $86,000 K NH T9040, ‘08, DLX CAB, HYD LIGHTS, DIFF LOCK, AM/FM/CD, 800 70R38 FRT & REAR, N21690A .............................................. $235,000 K

NH T9060, ‘08, DLX CAB, DIFF LOCK, N21548A .............................................. $254,000 K NH T9060, ‘09, DELUXE CAB, 800/70R38 173 R1W, MONITOR MOUNT, BACK UP ALARM, MEGA-FLOW HYDS., HN3027A................................... $285,000 H VERS 1150, REBUILT ENG & TRANS, 800 TIRES, 450 HP, 8 SPD, ATOM JET PUMP, C21627 ...... $75,000 K


BOURG 2130, ‘95, RTH, PB2345B ................$6,000 P BOURG 2155, ‘88, 1610 RITE-WAY PACKER, 40’, 3 B, 8” SPC, AIR KIT, GRAN KIT, FLOATING HITCH, PB2854B ................................CALL FOR DETAILS P BOURG 2155H, ‘97, L/U AUG, DIAMOND TIRES, B21361B ...................................................$7,900 K BOURG 4300, ‘97, CTM, DS, RICE TIRES, HOMEMADE 4TH TANK, FOR INNOCULANT, B21674C .. $32,000 K BOURG 5350, ‘00, SS, 3 T, RTH, RICE TIRES, PB2832A ................................................ $43,450 P BOURG 5350, ‘02, SS, 3 T, RTH RICE TIRES, PB2833A ................................................ $47,400 P BOURG 5350, ‘02, SS, 3 T, RTH, DIAMOND TREAD TIRES, PB2834A...................................... $47,400 P BOURG 5350, DS, CTM, MAN RATE ADJ, 491 MON, 30.5X32 DIAMOND TREAD, PB2609A ................................CALL FOR DETAILS P BOURG 6000, ‘08, 90’, 11LX16 TIRES, B21511A ................................................ $33,000 K FLEXI 2340, ’01, TBH, DBL FAN, MECH RATE, N21507A ................................................ $26,000 K FLEXI 3450, ‘99, PB2831A ....................... $40,500 K JD 1900, ‘01, 4 B, SS, 9” SPC, B21671B... $78,000 K


BOURG 3310, ‘09, SS, MRBS, 4.8 PKRS, LEADING AIR KIT, B21673A ........................................ $174,000 K

BOURG 3310, ‘10, PB2657A ................... $217,000 P BOURG 3310, ‘10, BO 6550 AIR TANK TRAIL, WALKING DUALS, INNER AND OUTER WING, 4.5 RND SEMI PNEUMATIC, 65’, 3/4” ATOM JET OPENER, ANHYDROUS TUBE, 4T, PB2848A ................... $271,000 P BOURG 3310, ‘10, PB2852A .....CALL FOR DETAILS P BOURG 5710, ‘96,W/2155 AIR SEEDER, B21666B ................................................ $45,000 K BOURG 5710, ‘99, 330#, 3 1/2” STEEL, 9.8” SPC, REBUILD, 3” CARBIDE TIPS, MRBS, UPDATED WIDE PIVOT, SS AIR TANK, B21677D................. $46,000 K BOURG 5710, ‘99, 24’, W/MRBS NH3 RAVEN, AUTO RATE 3 1/2” STL, 3/4” OPENERS, SS, W/ BOURG 3225 AIR CART, HR2801B ....................... $76,900 H BOURG 5710, ‘01, 54’, 9.8” SPC 330#, MRB’S, NH3 KIT, SS, 3/4” CARBIDE OPENERS, 31/2” STEEL PKRS, B21663A ................................................ $68,000 K BOURG 5710, ‘03, 54’, 54’,230 TRIP, 3” RUBBER, 9.8 SPC, DS, DRY SERIES, 20 MRBS,CARBIDE, SCRAPERS, 1” CARBIDE VERTICAL, BOURG OPENERS, B21350A ................................................ $72,000 K BOURG 5710, ‘04, 64’, MRBS, PB2601A ................................................ $89,000 P BOURG 5710, 54’, PB2641A ..................... $75,000 P BOURG 5710, ‘05, 3 1/2 STEEL, 450#, 9.8” SPC, DS, MRBS, 47’ 3/4” SPEED LOC OPENERS, B21785A ................................................ $63,500 K BOURG 5710, ‘10, 64’, 3 1/2” STEEL PACKER, DBL CASTER, MRB’S, 9.8” SPACING, 330 TRIP, S.S, B21782A .............................................. $138,000 K BOURG 5710, 54’, 9.8” SPC, SS AIR KIT, SERIES 20 MRBS NH3, 3 1/2” STEEL PKRS, 3” OPENERS CARBIDE, 330# B21355B .............................. $57,500 K FLEXI 5000, ‘02, 57’, ¾” OPENERS, 2 ¼” PKRS, 9” SPC, 550#, W/2340, PB2290A................. $75,000 P FLEXI SYS 82, 60’, 4 B, B21330B ................$4,900 K

HWY. #3, KINISTINO, SK — Bill, David H, Jim, Kelly SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO — Jay, Darrel HWY. #5, HUMBOLDT, SK — Paul, Tyler 235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron


JD 737, 40’, 10” SPC, DS, 3” STEEL PKRS, 3” PC ROW STEATH OPEN, W/787 AIR SEEDER, DS, MECHANICAL RATE, B21042C....................................... $61,000 K JD 1800, 03, W/ 1910 JD AIRCART, HR2925A .............................................. $115,000 H MORRIS MAX II, ‘02, W/2002 MORRIS 7300, TBT, DS, 4 1/2 STEEL PKRS, ATOM JET SIDE BAND, HF2672A ................................................ $68,900 H MORRIS MAX II, ‘02, 60’, 10” SPC, 3 ½” STEEL PKRS, BLOCKAGE MON, HN2368B..................... $69,950 H MORRIS MAX II, ‘04, 60’, 10” SPC, LIQUID KIT, ATOM JET OPENERS, 4” PKRS, W/ 8370 MOR TANK, SS, REAR HITCH, B21706C ............................ $94,000 K MORRIS MAX II, ‘02L 49’ MAX2 AIRDRIL XKA, 5850, 10” SPC, 3 1/2 STEEL PKRS, SS, ATOM JET BOOTS C/W MORRIS 7300 TBT, HR2981A ........... $58,500 H SEEDMASTER TXB, ‘07, 65’-10” SPC, DAM WHEELS ON WINGS, NH3 W/JOHN BLUE, METERING DS, 28LX26 SINGLE REAR, TIRES BOURG AIR KIT, DUAL WING CASTORS, HR2759A .................... $127,900 H

USED SPRAYERS APACHE 790, ‘99, KK21415A ................... $67,000 K BG QF1500, ‘01, KK21703D ..................... $12,800 K FIELD HAWK, ‘07, 90’ 1200 GSS, RAVEN GPS, N21778A .............................................. $125,000 K MILLER G75, ‘10, 1200 GAL TANK, 120’ BOOMS, 3 WAYS, ULTRAGLIDE, ELEC. ADJ, 380 R90/46 TIRES, N21884A .............................................. $219,000 K MILLER 4240, 10, 100’, 1200 POLY, RAVEN GPS, KK21601A ............................................ $284,000 K SPRAY AIR 3600-110TS, KK21557B........ $25,000 K WILMAR 765, C21729A............................ $45,000 K WILMAR 8500, KK21571B ..................... $100,000 K

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LOOKING FOR: HARROW packer bar. Phone 306-542-4498 or 306-542-7325, Kamsack, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED: JUMPSTART CANOLA SEED treater. Phone Glenn 306-272-7123, Foam Lake, SK, eagleagri@sasktel.net WANTED: 35’ DT chisel plow with floating hitch, preferably 4 bar harrow, in good condition. 780-674-4225, Barrhead, AB. WANTED: RUBBERS ON press wheels off 100 IHC press drill. Phone 204-773-2868, Russell, MB. WANTED: FLEXI-COIL S82 harrows, 8800 Bourgault direct seed 5 series tank: Wante d : L at e m o d e l 3 t o n g r a i n t r u c k . 306-782-6769, Yorkton, SK. WANTED: JD 535 OR 635 MoCo with impellers, good used or demo. 780-679-7693, Camrose, AB. WANTED: old drill fill for 3 ton truck. Also 38’ Vibramaster Bourgault cultivator and old gas 3/4 ton truck. 306-344-4453, Paradise Hill, SK. WANTED: NEW HOLLAND 105 bale truck mounted retriever. Call 306-221-0734, Dundurn, SK. WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 3450, 3850 and 2320 TBH tanks. Call 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. WANTED: HAYBUSTER 1000 or 8000 seed drill, 16’ to 24’. 780-636-3310, Vilna, AB. PURCHASE OR TRADE: 40’ Bourgault quick attach harrows for 8” spacing gang poly packers. 403-664-2172, Oyen, AB. WA N T E D : 10,000 GAL./minute PTO pump. 306-768-2991, Carrot River, SK. WANTED: MANUAL TIRE CHANGER; 125, 135, or 170 Gehl mixmill, must be exc. cond. Rod 306-944-4905, Plunkett, SK. WANTED: OLDER 10’ ROTOTILLER. Phone 306-272-4639, Foam Lake, SK. WANTED: 1970’s JD 6030 tractor, need not be running. 204-766-2643. WANTED: JD 4730 or 4830 sprayer, new or low hrs. Phone/fax 306-283-4747 or 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. WANTED: Valmar 245 PT applicator. 306-478-2611, Mankota, SK. WANTED: USED 7’ or 8’ JD gyro mower, reasonably good condition. 403-742-9568, Stettler, AB. WANTED: JD 7810, low hrs., c/w FEL, 3 PTH; NH 1037 or 1036 bale wagon. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB.


1x42 Hakki Pike Firewood Processor, cut up to 17” diameter logs, 3 second cycle, hydraulic joystick controls, PTO powered. 306-742-2055, Calder, SK. CUSTOM FIREWOOD PROCESSING, max block length 22”, cut and split into rough pile. $75/cord, travel costs extra. Firewood for sale: Tamarack, Poplar and Pine. $175/cord, delivery extra. Nipawin, SK. Ph. 306-862-3086 or 306-862-7831. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Cut, split seasoned Poplar and Jack Pine. Custom ordering and delivery available. 306-862-8425, 306-862-9157, Nipawin, SK

240 PIECES 6”x40’ ringlock; 110 pieces 6”x30’ ringlock; 6”x40’ and 6”x30’ alum. pipe. Contact Central Water and Equipment Services Ltd. 306-975-1999, Saskatoon, SK. View by appointment only. RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic pivots/ Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable irrigation, spare parts/ accessories, new and used equip. Custom designs to solve your specific irrigation needs. For experience you can trust call: 306-867-9606 Outlook SK. www.rainmaker-irrigation.com THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving water? Pumping units, 6” to 10” alum. pipe; Also Wanted: 6” to 10” pipe. Call Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years of experience, not a Dealer. Email: dfpickerell@shaw.ca

KEET’S FISH FARM has 3” to 8” Rainbow Trout for spring stocking. Please contact Collin Keet at 306-260-0288. View website at: www.keetsfishfarm.com Saskatoon, SK. BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

F667 CLARK SKIDDER, excellent condition, extensive work done on complete machine w/work orders available, c/w grapple and winch, tires are 90% rear, 80% front. Contact Ron at 306-922-4588 days, or 306-764-7889 nights, Prince Albert, SK.

LIKE NEW 7-1/2’, 3 PTH tandem disc, $1950 OBO. 306-291-8082, Delisle, SK. YARD AND GARDEN air-cooled eng. parts stock. Over $14,000 in retail value. Some NEW AND USED Outback STS, S3 mapping tools, used engines and parts included, units. Baseline and AutoSteer units. Trades $3000 OBO. 306-836-2083, Simpson, SK. welcome. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK.

N.A.P.S. SOLAR STORE offers solar panels, windmills, components or complete solar systems and energy efficient appliances. 780-835-3682, 1-866-835-6277, Fairview, AB., or check out: www.solar-store.com

GOOD NEWS! Heart disease can be prevented and even reversed. Based on Nobel Prize winning science. Ph 1-888-544-2560, www.windygate4life.com

Forklifts and Parts New and Used All makes and models Ph Marie @ 1 888 440 2700 or e mail meade@capitalindustrial.ca

LENNOX 110,000 BTU OIL fired furnace, six yrs old, $800 worth of new parts, 2-1/2 ton air conditioning system, taking offers. 306-836-2059, Simpson, SK.

USED OIL WELL TUBE: 1.66 O.D. $19; 2 inch, $25; 2-7/8” $31; 3-1/2” $39; 22 ft. 3/4” Co Rod, $5. 1-888-792-6283. WANTED: 40”-48” and 20”-24” steel pipe, minimum .125 wall. Call 306-768-2991, Carrot River, SK.


FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. BIRCH FIREWOOD: Cut, split, seasoned. $180 per 1/2 cord picked up. Delivery available. 306-945-7791, 306-945-7792 at Hepburn, SK. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer.

DIAMOND M RANCH Second Annual Bull and Female Sale, 38 top red and black Simmental 2 yr. old bulls; 15 fancy Simmental/Angus cross open heifers. Sunday, Feb. 12th, 2012, 1 PM at the ranch. Estevan, SK. Phone: 306-421-1915, email: diamondmranch@sasktel.net



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HOME OF REINKE ELECTROGATOR II. Reinke centre pivots, Reinke laterals, Reinke genuine parts. Can design to your needs. Call 306-858-7351 Lucky Lake, SK. WANTED: THREE COMPLETE spans of 5-9/16” pipe off 1981 Zimmatic pivot. 403-652-1896 eves, High River, AB.

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Roc k y M ou n ta in Hou s e , AB

WESTERN IRRIGATION LTD. All yourneeds in irrigation equipment. Call 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK. WA N T E D : 10,000 GAL./minute PTO pump. 306-768-2991, Carrot River, SK.

ECI Steel Inc.


75 YEARLING AND 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Semen tested and delivered in the spring. Bob Jensen, Leader, SK. 306-967-2770. MADER RANCHES, Pearson Simmentals and Diamond T Cattle Co. 23rd Annual Bullpower Sale, Friday, Feb. 17, 2012, Olds, AB. 90 polled, red and black Simmental, Salers, and Angus bulls. Also 8 Simmental heifers. Easy calving bulls for heifers, high performance bulls for cows, 85 lb. average birth weight, gaining almost 4 lbs. per day. 75% sell from $2000 to $3500. Free wintering until April 1st, delivery assistance, 2/3 down option. You can watch and bid online at: www.liveauctions.tv Free catalogue or view at: www.maderranches.com Randy 403-337-2928, Carstairs, AB.

RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Website: skinnerfarmsangus.com Ph 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. REGISTERED YEARLING BULLS. Easy calving, semen tested, vet inspected, guaranteed breeders, delivered. B-elle Red Angus, 306-845-2557, Turtleford, SK. Email: evandglen@littleloon.ca WARDS RED ANGUS and BENLOCK Farms Annual Bull Sale, March 3rd, 2012, SLS Saskatoon, SK. Starting 2:00 PM Red and Black yearling and fall yearlings plus Black 2 yr. olds. For more info. call Clarke 306-931-3824, Tom 306-668-2125. View catalogue online www.buyagro.com

SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside DOUBLE BAR D FARMS BEST OF BOTH Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, WORLDS Annual Bull and Female Sale, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. March 26th at the farm, 1 PM, Grenfell, BRED HEIFERS and bred cows for sale, SK. Offering 150 head of Simmental and preg checked, calving from April until July. Red Angus bulls and females. Call Ken Ph 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006 website: 306-697-7204, 306-697-2474 or Richard 306-697-7298, 306-697-3038. To view skinnerfarmsangus.com Englefeld, SK. catalogue: www.transconlivestock.com or MUST SELL: Pine Drive Big Sky and Rito www.doublebardsimmental.com 2100 GDAR semen, $25 per dose, volume RED ANGUS BULLS on moderate growdiscount. 403-771-2696, Priddis, AB. ing ration. Performance info available. EARLY SUNSET RANCH 2012. “Only The Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills Good Ones Sell.” Bull and Female Sale on Angus, 306-342-4407, Glaslyn, SK. February 24th, 1:30 PM at the farm at Edam, SK. Offering: 72 lots. 28 Angus yearling bulls, 2 Angus 2 year olds, 17 Simmental yearling bulls, 17 Angus open heifers, 8 Simmental open heifers. Call Jim PUREBRED BELGIAN BLUE bulls. Not Grant 306-397-2541, Rob Holowaychuk, papered. Great for commercial herds. Call OBI, 780-916-2628. View catalogue at for more info 403-882-2276, Castor, AB. johannf@wildroseinternet.ca www.cattlemanagement.ca


WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high quality generator systems. Quality diesel generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven alternators, automatic / manual switch and commercial duty Sommers Pow5 x 1 0 P O RTA B L E C O R R A L PA N E L S gear, and Sommers / Winco portable starting at $55. 403-226-1722, 1-866-517- ermaster generators and home standby packages. 8335, Calgary, AB, magnatesteel.com 75+ years of reliable service. Contact CUSTOM FENCING and corral building, no Sommers Motor Generator Sales for all job too big or too small. Phone your generator requirements at 1-800-690-2396 sales@sommersgen.com 306-699-7450, Qu’Appelle, SK. Online: www.sommersgen.com GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. FREE STANDING PANELS for sale: 30’ 5 b a r p a n e l s m a d e w i t h 2 , 7 / 8 ” p i p e , DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, $425/panel. 204-642-3026, Arborg, MB. 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, JD, Deutz. We also build CUSTOM FENCING. Will travel. Taking custom gensets. We currently have special bookings for spring. Call 306-329-4493, pricing on new 90 KW Perkins units. Call or 306-221-8806, Asquith, SK. for pricing 204-792-7471, Winnipeg, MB. SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen, Smeaton, SK., ph/fax 306-426-2305. 1/4” TO 1/2” used WIRE ROPE suitable for fencing; Also 1/4” stainless steel available. 403-237-8575, Calgary, AB. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. See Custom Work. Call 306-329-4485, 306-222-8197, Asquith, SK. Email: fortywhitetails@yahoo.ca STANDARD AND CUSTOM steel perimeter fencing for oil and gas wells. Facilities and structures. Call Colette at Wagner’s Fabricating Inc., 403-527-7214, various locations.

PUREBRED RED ANGUS HEIFERS, AI’d to Hitch, Mar-Apr calving; Also 2 yr old bulls, suitable for cows; Heifer bulls also available. Y-Coulee, Frenchman’s Butts, SK 306-344-4993 (eves) 780-205-2283 (days)

Prince Albert, SK. Hwy 3 & 48th St. E. Large Quantities of Commercial Tubing for Sale

CHAPMAN CATTLE CO. 100% ‘ForageDeveloped’ Bull Sale. Angus and Red Angus 2 yr. old bulls, Thursday, Feb. 16th 2012, 1:00 PM, Stettler Auction Mart, Stettler, AB. Silas Chapman 403-741-2099 or Shane Castle 306-741-7485. Visit www.chapmancattle.com for more info or to request a catalogue online.

BLOWOUT PRICING 1 x 1 x 100 x 24’ - .............Bund le Pric e - $0.58/ft 11⁄2 x 11⁄2 x 100 x 24’ - .......Bund le Pric e - $0.92/ft 2 x 2 x 125 x 24’ - .............Bund le Pric e - $1.56/ft 2 x 2 x 250 x 20’ -..............Bund le Pric e - $2.43 /ft 4 x 4 x 125 x 40’ G a lv. ........Bund le Pric e - $2.51/ft 2.3 6 x 1.57 x 083 x 21’ - . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.78/ft 3 1⁄2 x 2 x 125 x 60’ - . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $1.70/ft 4 x 2 x 125 x 40’ - .............Bund le Pric e - $1.86/ft 5 x 2 x 125 x 40’ - .............Bund le Pric e - $2.19/ft 6 x 2 x 125 x 24’ - .............Bund le Pric e - $2.52/ft 81⁄2 x 2 x 110 x 66’ - . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $2.96/ft Many Other Sizes Available In qu ire fo r Be s tPric in g


OLE FARMS 7TH Annual Family Day Sale: 140 top Red and Black Angus 2 yr. old bulls, 50 young Red and Black Angus bred cows, 100 commercial Black Angus bred heifers. Monday, February 20, 2012, 1:00 PM at the farm. Athabasca AB. Phone 780-675-4664. Web: www.olefarms.com


18 TH ANNUAL “BACK TO THE BASICS” BULL SALE Mick & Deb Trefiak Feb. 11, 2012, 1:30 PM (MST) Lunch at noon • 42- Horned Hereford Bulls • 70- Black Angus Bulls • 25- Red Angus Bulls • 14- Purebred Black Angus Open Yearling Heifers Approx. 100 Commercial Heifers Breds & Open Call Mick 780-842-8835 cell 780-755-2224 RR 1, Edgerton, AB T0B 1K0 Catalogue www.BuyAgro.com Email: mick.mjt.ca

34th Annual

Bull & Heifer SALE SATURDAY APRIL 14, 2012 1:00 pm on the farm 12 miles west of Souris, MB CONTACT: Blaine Canning 204-858-2475 Michael Canning 204-858-2457 or visit website at www.prairielaneangus.com

200 ANGUS REPLACEMENT quality heifers, 600 lbs., 306-768-2419, Carrot River, SK. BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. skinnerfarmsangus.com 306-287-3900, PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS. Wide 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. selection of yearling bulls and some 2 yr. 17TH ANNUAL Cattleman’s Connection olds. Thick topped, hairy, good footed Bull Sale, March 2, 2012, 1 PM, Heartland bulls with excellent disposition, white and Livestock, Brandon, MB. Selling 75 yearling tan. Call Stephen 306-279-2033, Creek’s Black Angus bulls. For catalogue or more Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK. info call Brookmore Angus, Jack Hart, View bulls at www.creeksedgecharolais.ca 204-476-2607 or 204-476-6696. Email brookmoreangus@mts.net Sales Manage- REGISTERED CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 yr. ment Doug Henderson 403-350-8541 or olds and yearlings, polled and horned, some red. Quiet bulls. Hand fed but not 403-782-3888. overfed. 40 plus bulls available privately at 4- TWO YEAR old bulls, yearling bulls, 5 the farm. Call Wilf, Cougar Hill Ranch, yearling red bulls, 10 black registered 306-728-2800, 306-730-8722, Melville, SK 2 0 1 1 h e i fe r s . C a n a d i a n b l o o d l i n e s . 306-877-2014, 306-877-4402, Dubuc, SK. HEJ CHAROLAIS BULL SALE is Friday, February 24th, 1 PM, Innisfail Auction www.belmoralangus.com Mart. Offering 49 red, white and tan, powBLACK ANGUS BULLS on moderate erful yearling bulls. Wintering and delivery growing ration. Performance info available available. All bulls semen tested. For cataAdrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills logues or info contact the Rasmussens Angus, 306-342-4407, Glaslyn SK. 403-227-2824 or T Bar C Cattle Co. WARDS RED ANGUS and BENLOCK 306-933-4200, PL #116061, View the Farms Annual Bull Sale, March 3rd, catalogue on-line at www.buyagro.com 2012, SLS Saskatoon, SK. Starting 2:00 PM REGISTERED POLLED YEARLING bulls. Red and Black yearling and fall yearlings Performance and semen tested. Guaranplus Black 2 yr. olds. For more info. call teed breeders. Will keep until May, Clarke 306-931-3824, Tom 306-668-2125. $2000-$2500. Charrow Charolais, MarView catalogue online www.buyagro.com shall, SK. 306-387-8011 or 780-872-1966. NEED A BULL? Come to our Bull Sale, Feb. 10, 2:00 PM CST. Selling quality 10 REGISTERED POLLED yearling heifers, ready to work horned Hereford and $1200/ea. Charrow Charolais, Marshall, Black Angus bulls. Cal 306-398-7343 SK. 306-387-8011 or 780-872-1966. or Rick 306-823-3993, Cut Knife, SK. BECK FARMS/ McCOY CATTLE CO. 3rd GOOD SELECTION OF high quality 2 year Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 PM, Sat., Feb. 25, old purebred Black Angus bulls for sale. Optimum Genetics, Regina, SK. Selling 100 David or Pat 306-963-2639, Imperial, SK. Charolais, Hereford, Gelbvieh yearlings, 2 yr. old bulls. Free wintering, volume buyer 20 BLACK ANGUS heifers, 2nd calvers, discounts offered. www.mccoycattle.com bred to Black Angus bulls, exposed June Wade 306-436-4564, Chad 306-436-2086. 20th. 306-662-2036, Maple Creek, SK PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. 25 BLACK YEARLING HEIFERS, bred to Black Angus, to calve late March or April. Phone Earle at 306-997-4917, Borden, SK.

BRED HEIFERS and bred cows for sale, preg checked, calving from April until July. Ph 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006 website: RAWES RANCHES LTD. 29th ANNUAL skinnerfarmsangus.com Englefeld, SK. Performance Tested Charolais Bull Sale, SOUTH VIEW RANCH has for sale 65 Red Tuesday Feb., 21, 2012, 12:30 at the and Black Angus bred heifers due to start ranch, Strome, AB. On offer: 112- 2 year calving March 20; Also 70 young Red and olds. Calving Ease, Performance, LonBlack Angus cows. Shane 306-454-2688 or gevity. All built into one Superior Package! View bulls online: www.rawesranches.com Keith 306-454-2730, Ceylon, SK. Call for a catalog, 780-376-2241. REGISTERED PUREBRED Red Angus heifers and cows. Proven calving ease and performance. Bulls turned out July 1st. Royal Anchor Red Angus, Rosemary, AB. DEXTERS BRED COWS, heifer and bull 403-378-4881, www.rarangus.eidnet.org calves, 1 and 2 year old bulls. REGISTERED RED ANGUS yearling bulls, 403-845-5763, Rocky Mountain House, AB. semen tested, calving ease, guaranteed breeders. Little de Ranch, 306-845-2406, PUREBRED POLLED 4 yr. old bull, asking $2500. 780-986-9319, Leduc, AB. Turtleford SK. REGISTERED OPEN HEIFERS, have too many replacements. Too good to ship. Will let up to 15 go. Moderate, deep, thick hair, very maternal. B-elle Red Angus, GENUINE GENETICS Galloway Bull Sale, phone 306-845-2557, Turtleford, SK. March 31st, 2012, Red Deer, AB. Contact: Russell Horvey 403-749-2780. Email: evandglen@littleloon.ca



13TH ANNUAL MID-WEST Horned Hereford Sale, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012, Lloydminster Exhibition Grounds, Lloydminster, SK, at 1:00 PM MST. On offer: 40 two yr. old bulls; 7 purebred heifers; 27 bred commercial heifers. For catalogues or more info contact: Lanni Bristow 780-943-2236; Todd Bygrove 306-825-3577; Mike Newman 306-825-2701 or David Mitchell 306-893-2838. BANNERLANE HEREFORDS 13th Annual Sale, Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 1:00 PM CST (12 MST), at the farm, Livelong, SK, (heated sale barn). With guest Garrett Ranch. On offer: 30 coming 2 year old bulls, semen tested; 30 bred commercial heifers, preg. checked; 5 bred reg. heifers, 31 open first cross heifers, BWF, buckskin, Simmental cross. One feature registered heifer calf. Join us for dinner at Noon. Free delivery within 300 miles. For catalogue call Rob Bannerman, 306-845-2764 or v i ew w w w. h e r e fo r d . c a We s G a r r e t t , 306-658-4535; Bill Bannerman, BLACK ANGUS AND GELBVIEH bulls, 2 yr. 306-845-2445. olds and yearlings, will keep until spring. Phone Earle at 306-997-4917, Borden, SK. DAVIDSON GELBVIEH/ LONESOME DOVE RANCH 23rd Annual Bull Sale on Saturday, March 3/2012, 1:00 PM CST Heartland Livestock Yards, Swift Current, SK. Complimentary lunch 11:00 AM. Presale viewing hospitality, Friday, March 2nd Selling 75+ PB yearling bulls, red or black. Performance semen tested. Catalogue and video www.davidsongelbvieh.com Vernon/ Eileen 306-625-3755, 306-625-7863; Ross/Tara 306-625-3513, 306-625-7045, Ponteix, SK.

SASKATOON GELVIEH BULL AND FEMALE SALE Friday, March 23rd, Saskatoon Livestock Sales. Call for catalogue or video 306-865-2929, 306-785-4714 or 780-581-4510 www.gelbviehworld.com POLLED YEARLING GELBVIEH BULLS for sale, from our 33 year breeding program. Semen evaluations to be done in March. Winders Gelbvieh 780-672-9950, Camrose, AB. BECK FARMS/ McCOY CATTLE CO. 3rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 PM, Sat., Feb. 25, Optimum Genetics, Regina, SK. Selling 100 Charolais, Hereford, Gelbvieh yearlings, 2 yr. old bulls. Free wintering, volume buyer discounts offered. www.mccoycattle.com Wade 306-436-4564, Chad 306-436-2086.

COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE of bred cows, bred heifers and calves. Delivery available. 807-220-1938 cell, 807-938-0009 evenings, Dryden, ON.

3RD ANNUAL BATTLE RIVER Shorthorn Bull and Female Sale, Saturday, March 10 at 1:00 PM at VJV Auction Market, Ponoka, AB. Selling a top selection of 2 yr. old and yearling Shorthorn bulls and a select group of open yearling heifers. For info contact Ken Hehr 403-783-4350, Kirk Seaborn 403-729-2267 or Don Savage Auctions 4 0 3 - 9 4 8 - 3 5 2 0 . C at a l o g u e o n l i n e at www.donsavageauctions.com

BROOK’S SIMMENTAL PRIVATE Treaty Bull Sale, polled fullblood yearlings bulls, first come first served. Catalogue can be viewed www.wix.com/brookssimmen tal/polled_fullblood Call Konrad 306-845-2834, Turtleford, SK.

BU LL & FEM A LE SA LE 5 0 re d & b la ck pure b re d s im m e n ta l b ulls & 15 re pla ce m e n th e ife rs FEBRUARY 29 TH @ 1:00 PM S a s ka to o n L ives to ck S a les fo r ca ta lo gu e

SELLING 17 MONTH old Holstein Reg. bull. Dam V.G., sire Ashlar, sure breeder, $1500. Harry Martens, Ph: 306-239-4902, cell: 306-222-0322, Osler, SK. M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. Total Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620.

w w w .tra n s con live s tock.com o r ca ll D AVE a t: 306-27 0-2893


O n Th e Fa rm A t Rus s ell, M B.

P h 204-773-6275 All2 Yr O lds Red & Black Angus Red & Black Sim m entals View & Bid O n Line

w w w .m js im m en ta la n gus .c om SPRINGER BROS. LIMOUSIN have 2 yr. old and yearling bulls for sale. Also, pick of entire herd of cows, your choice of red or black. For details call Merv 306-272-4817, Ernie 306-272-4774, Leslie, SK. YEARLING AND TWO year old polled Limousin bulls for sale. Red or black. Free delivery. Call Rhett Jones, Jones Cattle Co., V&V FARMS 11th Annual Gelbvieh Bull 306-629-3200, 306-629-7878, Morse, SK. and Female Sale, Friday, March 16, 1:00 PM at the farm, Redcliff, AB. Complimen- CIRCLE T LIMOUSIN Performance tested, tary lunch at 11:30. Free delivery. Selling red, polled yearling and 2 yr. old bulls, yearling Gelbvieh bulls and open purebred leading genetics, semen tested, guaranheifers. Red and black genetics on offer. teed. Delivery available. Estevan, SK., HarGuest Consignor: Towerview Ranch. For vey Tedford, 306-634-8536, Darryl Tedinfo contact: Vern and Vivienne Pancoast ford 306-634-4621, circletlimousin.com 403-548-6678 or Don Savage Auctions 4 0 3 - 9 4 8 - 3 5 2 0 . C at a l o g u e o n l i n e at GOOD SELECTION of stout yearling and 2 yr. old red and black Limousin bulls, good www.donsavageauctions.com disposition and calving ease; Also bred heifers. Qually-T Limousin, Rose Valley SK, TWIN BRIDGE FARMS 1st GELBVIEH 306-322-4755 or 306-322-7554. Bull Sale, Monday, March 19, 2012, 1:00 PM at the Silver Sage Community Corrals, POLLED RED AND BLACK Limousin bulls Brooks, AB. Selling 50 yearling and 2 yr. for sale. Pick them out now, delivery in the old Gelbvieh bulls. Red and black genetics spring. Top quality bulls. Debbie and on offer. Guest consignors Jen-Ty Gelb- Rocky, Payne Livestock 306-825-4056, vieh and Keriness Cattle Co. For info. con- Lloydminster, SK. tact: Ron and Carol Birch and Family, 403-792-2123 or 403-485-5518 or Don Savage Auctions 403-948-3520. Catalogue online at www.donsavageauctions.com 40 PB LOWLINE bred and open females, very docile, excellent beef quality, very easy calving, approx. 80 to choose from. Circle S Stock Farm, 306-468-2820, 306-468-7720, Canwood, SK. MISTY VALLEY FARMS 36th Annual Production Sale of horned Herefords. BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. Wednesday February 8th, 2012 at the Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, ranch, 1:00 PM MST. On offer: 50 coming Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red 2 yr. old bulls; 36 bred registered heifers; fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 65 bred commercial Hereford heifers. Bulls Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. are semen tested and pelvis measured. Heifers are pregnancy tested. Misty Valley Farms, RR #1 Maidstone, SK., S0M 1M0. Phone Harold Odden at 306-893-2783 or SOLID BLACK or solid red polled Maine AnMaurice Odden at 306-893-2737. jou bulls, two year olds and yearlings by prominent leading sires. For more info call NEED A BULL? Come to our Bull Sale, 519-845-3590, Wyoming, ON. Feb. 10, 2:00 PM CST. Selling quality ready to work horned Hereford and CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU Association. Black Angus bulls. Cal 306-398-7343 Power, performance and profit. For info on or Rick 306-823-3993, Cut Knife, SK. Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, Calgary, AB. or www.maine-anjou.ca

YEARLING SIMMENTAL BULLS: Red and Black, moderate birth weights, lots of perf o r m a n c e . B i l l o r V i r g i n i a Pe t e r s 306-237-9506, Perdue, SK.

ASHWORTH FARM AND RANCH and Guest 9th Annual Bull Sale, Monday, March 5th, 1:00 PM at the farm, 8 miles South of Oungre, SK. Hwy #35, 2-1/2 miles East. Guest consignor Tessier Simmentals offering 60 red and black Simmental bulls. For catalogue or more info call Kelly Ashworth 306-456-2749, 306-861-2013; Duane or C o l i n Te s s i e r 3 0 6 - 9 6 9 - 4 5 0 7 , 306-869-7914 or Bouchard Livestock 403-946-4999. View catalogue online at www.bouchardlivestock.com

2009 SIMMENTAL BULL, RBF, calving ease son of Winchester, 80 lbs BW, $3000. 306-276-5753, White Fox, SK.

QUALITY REGISTERED Red and Black thick South Devon bulls with outstandng disposition, semen tested, halter broke. H i g h C h ap p a r a l R a n c h , L i p t o n , S K . 306-336-2666.

COW/CALF PAIRS for sale, mixed breeds, WILL BUY GOOD quality 700 lb. bull calves 1 week to 8 weeks old, $1500/pr calves. Call Daron Priest, 306-825-7756, OBO. 306-383-2917, Rose Valley, SK. 306-821-7736, Lloydminster, SK. WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. WOULD LIKE TO LEASE bred cows to calve 20 HOME RAISED F1 Simmental Angus April and May for 5-7 yrs. Will offer 30% and Simmental heifers bred Red Angus. guaranteed calf crop. Call for details S t a r t c a l v i n g M a r c h 1 . E x c e l l e n t 306-554-3198, Dafoe, SK. 6- RED 2 yr. old South Devon bulls, with quality. 306-747-8192 or 306-763-2964, great top lines and hindquarters. Low birth Shellbrook, SK. weights and birth EPD’s. Buy your 2 yr. old bull by the end of February and get a win- 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, ter feeding discount. Sampson McGregor young bred cows. Call: 306-773-1049, S t o c k F a r m , I r o n R i ve r, A B . P h o n e Swift Current, SK. 780-826-7077 or sms@xplornet.com 10th ANNUAL WESTERN HORSE SALES Unlimited, May 4th-5th, Saskatoon Livestock Sales, SK. Now accepting entries, deadline March 1st. For info, visit: www.pedersenhorses.com 306-436-4515 LOW BIRTH WEIGHT YEARLING and 2 yr. old speckle park bulls for sale. Semen testCANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse ed. Will keep until April 15th. Wilf SunderSale, Sat., Feb. 4th. Tack at 10:30, Horses land, Paradise Valley, AB, 780-745-2694. at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of colts must have a completed EID. Go to the website candiacauctionmart.com to get the form. For more info contact ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Assoc. 306-424-2967. 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more information. www.albertatexaslonghorn.com COZY CAPS! Ear protection for newborn calves! Ph. 306-577-4664, 306-739-2924, TEAM OF GELDINGS, 7 and 9 years old. Carlyle, SK. gerrybettywyatt@gmail.com Well broke, will separate, $3000 OBO. Ph. HERD DISPERSAL: 100 red and black CATTLE FINANCING available for feed- 204-838-2020, 204-851-2912, Kenton, MB. cows, to calve mid April 2012, bred black er cattle and bred heifers/cows. ComSimmental, your pick $1500. Stoughton, petitive interest rates. Call Marjorie SK, 306-457-2939 or 306-457-7889. Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance FOR SALE: Mammoth and Mammoth cross 60-70 BLACK ANGUS cows, bred Black Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. donkeys, $500 each. Phone 204-434-6132, Angus, 2nd calvers, with bulls July 1st, 50 BLACK ANGUS cows, $1400 ea; 11 red Steinbach, MB. start calving April 2012. Moosomin, SK. and tan, $1300 ea. Bred Black Angus for area. Phone 204-362-4218. April/May calving. Phone 306-327-5772 or 60 BRED HEIFERS, Shorthorn Hereford 306-327-8025, Kelvington, SK. cross, start calving April 20th, $1500 each. GOOD YOUNG BRED Simmental cross 6 YR. OLD black Percheron team, 17 HH, 1 1 gelding, used for chores/ sleigh 306-232-5212 306-232-7725 Rosthern, SK cows for sale. Call 306-984-4606 evenings, mare, rides, $4250. 204-742-3697, Dauphin, MB. 10 OPEN SIMMENTAL AND Simmental Leoville, SK. Red/Angus cross heifers, pick from 20. 87 QUALITY HOME Raised bred heifers TEAM OF BLACK Percheron geldings, Rising 4 year olds, $4000 for the team. Phone 306-762-4723, Odessa, SK. 39 blacks, 37 reds, 11 RBF. Bulls turned 306-528-4431, Nokomis, SK. 60 BRED COWS, complete herd, mixed out July 15 for 60 days. Full herd health protocol. Ivomec and Scourbos vaccina- 6 REGISTERED PERCHERON MARES for breed. 306-752-4447, Melfort, SK. tions. Call Howard 306-222-5271 or Brad sale, 4 to 7 yrs. old, tallest mares are 18 65 RED ANGUS cross cows. March/April 306-222-8853, Watrous, SK. HH. Call 403-388-9758, Claresholm, AB. calving, bred Hereford/Black Angus. Will p r e g c h e c k p r i o r t o b e i n g s o l d . ONE IRON RANCHER HEIFERS: Black Angus and BBF. Bred June 14 to light birth $1450/cow. 204-734-0307, Bowsman, MB. Black bulls. Looking good. Ph. Jerry Chanig REGISTERED WELSH STUD pony, 8 yrs. 62 COWS and heifers, mostly big young 306-478-2658, Mankota, SK. old, excellent bloodlines, $1250. Call Charolais. Take all for $1500. No dealers 403-388-9758, Claresholm, AB. please; 1 coming two Red Angus bull. HOME RAISED SIMMENTAL cross heifers, 30 blacks, 20 tans, 15 reds. Excellent 306-344-4453, Paradise Hill, SK. q u a l i t y, b u l l s t u r n e d o u t J u ly 1 s t . 35 FANCY red/black Simm./Angus cross 306-563-6278, 306-563-7161, Canora, SK 2 GOOD GELDINGS, feedlot and ranch open heifers out of leading herdsires- Skor Simmentals and Hamilton Angus Farms. 200 GOOD BLACK BRED HEIFERS - All broke, done it all, with papers, 8 to 10 800-950 lbs., born Feb./11, $1450 for pick one herd, home raised, preg. checked and years old. 403-929-0281, Picture Butte, AB Ivomec’d, $1400. Email for photos: HORSES FOR SALE OR TRADE for older or $1400 for all. 403-854-9117, Hanna, AB. tetrb@hotmail.com Phone Bernard at: bred cows. Broodmares to weanlings 70 YOUNG BRED COWS, mostly Blacks, 306-984-7272, Spiritwood, SK. available for trade. All breeds of cows conbred Black, start calving Mar. 15th most will calve in Apr, preg checked, Ivomeced, 20 FULLBLOOD MAINE heifers; 21 half sidered. For info call 306-784-2771, Swift Herd Health Program, all home raised. Call blood Maine/Angus heifers; 21 Angus heif- Current, SK. e r s . A n g u s b u l l o u t J u n e 1 5 t h . WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM Brook at 306-383-2942, Quill Lake, SK. 306-476-2252, Rockglen, SK. 35 Plus years of training, showing, sales, HERD DISPERSAL: 110 young Tarentaise lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott. cows, home raised, calving April and May, 110 GOOD QUALITY bred heifers for sale, clinics, $1450 for choice; 30 fall calving pairs, b r e d t o e a s y c a l v i n g A n g u s b u l l s , Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. $1550 for choice; 20 fall calving bred heif- $1400/ea. Start calving April 10th, 2012. HORSES FOR SALE: We have kids poers; 130 feeder calves, approx. 500 lbs., 780-835-3528, Fairview, AB. nies, saddle horses, teams. We guarantee $775 ea. Ken 204-568-4651, Miniota, MB. all our horses. 306-834-2965 or 306-834-8281, Kerrobert, SK. HERD DISPERSAL: 25 bred Black Angus HORSES WANTED: We pay top prices for cross cows, 2-6 years old, Ivomec’d and preg checked, bred to Black Angus bull, NATURAL RAISED HEIFERS (preferable) horses, according to grade, delivered or start calving April 1st. 306-764-8635, or steers under 30 months, free of hor- pickup. Kerrobert, SK. 306-834-2965, mones, antibiotics and never had grain. 306-834-8281. Spruce Home, SK. Looking for early maturing, easy fleshing, moderate frame British cattle. RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g 403-242-5530, Calgary, AB. 50 BLACK BRED heifers bred black and 50 Char cross heifers, bred Hereford. D5 Ranch Ltd., Donald Kaufmann, Ceylon, SK, 306-969-4004.

fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers a n d b la d es . N EW RK PURE gro o m in g p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e

1-8 00-440-26 9 4. w w w .rka n im a lsu pplies.co m 18 ANGUS CROSS bred heifers to calve end of March, preg. tested, Ivomeced, $1400 ea. 204-686-2343, 204-686-2334, Tilston, MB.

15 GOOD QUALITY Red Angus/ Simmental c r o s s b r e d c ow s , $ 1 4 5 0 e a c h O B O. 306-883-2669, BLACK AND RED South Devon bulls, year- 3 0 6 - 8 8 3 - 2 8 2 5 , lings, and 2 yr. old; also Angus/South Dev- 306-883-8028 cell, Spiritwood, SK. on cross bulls. 403-566-2467, Duchess, 500 COW HERD for sale in February only. AB., dmrranching@gmail.com Can calve and pasture. Call 306-432-4803, BEST SELECTION OF MAINE-ANJOU bulls. Lipton, SK. B r e e d e r s i n c e 1 9 7 0 . V i ew we b s i t e : PUREBRED AND FULLBLOOD BULLS, 1 www.manitoumaineanjou.ca Gary Graham, and 2 yr. olds, North American registry. Ph BRED HEIFERS, start calving April 25th. 306-468-2636, Canwood, SK. after 7 PM, 780-724-4242, Elk Point, AB 306-823-3432, Marsden, SK.

Jaz Poco Goldun Blue QUIET, EASY CALVING Reg. purebred red and black yearling bulls. Elderberry Farm Salers, 306-747-3302, Parkside, SK. 8TH ANNUAL RANCH READY Bull Sale. 50 ranch raised Hereford bulls, March 22, 1:00 PM. New sale location: Heartland, Swift Current, SK. Catalogue online at www.braunranch.com Contact Craig Braun 306-297-2132 or Donnie Gillespie 306-627-3584.

SALERS BULLS AND FEMALES, red or black, polled from Canada’s top performance herd. Our goal is to provide genetics to make your herd more profitable! Call Ken at Sweetland Super Six Salers, 204-762-5512, Lundar, MB.

POLLED POLLED POLLED - Salers bulls REGISTERED HORNED HEREFORD bred for sale. Call Spruce Grove Salers, Yorkton, cows and bred heifers for sale. Start calv- SK, 306-782-9554 or 306-621-1060. ing April 1st. 403-337-3766, Carstairs, AB. 2 YEAR OLD AND YEARLING polled Hereford bulls for sale. Select now and we’ll keep until you need them. Imperial, SK. Phone 306-963-2414 or 306-963-7880. www.crittendenbros.com BECK FARMS/ McCOY CATTLE CO. 3rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 PM, Sat., Feb. 25, Optimum Genetics, Regina, SK. Selling 100 Charolais, Hereford, Gelbvieh yearlings, 2 yr. old bulls. Free wintering, volume buyer discounts offered. www.mccoycattle.com Wade 306-436-4564, Chad 306-436-2086. WHO’S YOUR DADDY’S 9th Annual Bull Sale will be selling 50 Shorthorn bulls (2 yr EAST CENTRAL BULL SALE, March olds and yearlings) on April 5, 2012 at the 16th at Dryland Cattle Trading, Veteran, Saskatoon Livestock Sales. Call Richard AB. 40 Horned and Polled Herefords from Moellenbeck 306-287-3420; Carl Lehmann 12 contributors. 403-676-2086 or email: 306-232-5212 or Scot Muri 306-553-2244 View: www.bellmfarms.com diamondt@netago.ca for catalogues.

1994 AQHA Grulla Stallion By Little Steel Dust (Grandson of Poco Bueno) and of a mare by Pocos Gray Comet (Grandson of Poco Bueno) Homozygous Dun - ALL his foals WILL be red dun, dun or grulla, regardless of the dam’s color! 2012 Stallion Fee: $950 Standing At: Burwash Equine Services Ltd 403-242-1913 www.eslvet.ca Search for Jaz Poco Goldun Blue for periodic exclusive Facebook offers

WANTED: 12 to 15 bred Charolais cross cows, second or third calvers. Preferably CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call April calving. 306-946-7557, Simpson, SK. Jacob at: 306-488-4408.

Circle Bar Gray Gun Circle Bar Gray Gun is sired by Playgun who is the Equi-Stat #9 Leading Cutting Sire and an NRCHA Leading Sire, siring the earners of over $6,900,000

Pepinics Master Pepinics Master’s performing offspring have earned $550,000 in cutting, working cowhorse, reining & barrel racing (Equi-Stat)

Ed & Connie Masson Cadogan, AB Phone: 780-857-2254 Email: ranchboss@myterraranch.com www.myterraranch.com

Ima Bootscootin Lena 2004 ApHC Registered Stallion Canadian Supreme Nominated LTE $15,860 Breeding Fees: $1,000 plus $250 booking fee Mare Care: $8/day wet; $6/day dry Live Foal Guarantee

Giberson Performance Horses

Owned By: Ryan Smith Champion, AB Canada 403-634-0042 / 403-897-3787 championauctions@gmail.com

DESERT’S PURE GOLD Imported American Saddlebred Palomino Stallion 2012 Stud Fee: $800 Syndicated Share: $500 Standing near Strathmore, AB For more information call Christine 403-318-5872


Nev Giberson RR #4; Innisfail, AB 403-357-4888 email: n.giberson@xplornet.com www.gibersonperformancehorses.com

Sandy Ridge Stallion Station

A Classic Guy Palomino son of Frenchmans Guy For more info: Doug & Carol Schaffer Bassano, AB 403-641-2511



TAKE YOUR HORSEMANSHIP skills from good to job-ready with Lakeland College’s Western Ranch and Cow Horse program. You’ll work with your horse every day and you’ll also learn about livestock diseases, beef production, rope handling and horse care. Learn more at Ag-Citing 2012 on March 16 at the Vermilion campus. Phone Rachel 1-800-661-6490, ext. 8579 or visit www.lakelandcollege.ca RANCH ROPING CLINIC: Feb. 18th-19th, w/Scott Sapergia, Canadian Champion. All levels accepted. CRRA competition Feb. 20th. 306-731-2943, Lumsden, SK. CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary Johnston, www.canadianfarrierschool.ca Email gary@canadianfarrierschool.ca Phone: 403-359-4424, Calgary, AB.

THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, Langham, SK. GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers of leather and nylon harness. Custom saddles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. www.georgesharnessandsaddlery.com Call 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB.

DEAN LATIMER WESTERN saddle, 15” seat, good condition, $1400. 306-729-4900, Buena Vista, SK. 1969 F. EAMOR padded roper, Model 120, 15.5”, good shape, $1700 OBO. 403-746-3712, Eckville, AB.

SHEEP AND GOAT SALE: Saturday, February 11, 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Accepting all classes of sheep and goats. Sheep ID tags and pre-booking mandatory. Ph 306-693-4715 Visit: www.johnstoneauction.ca PL 914447

RAMBOUILLET EWES 4-6 yrs old and ewe lambs. Call Roger Britnell, 306-243-4215, Macrorie, SK. DISPERSAL: 47 BRED ewes, Suffolk/Arcott/Dorset cross, 2 to 4 yrs, due to lamb March 27th, 2012; also 2 PB Dorset rams, $275 each. 403-883-2289, Donalda, AB. 20 NORTHCOUNTRY CROSS Suffolk ewe lambs. Exposed to ram, to lamb mid April. 306-648-3568, Gravelbourg, SK. C A N A D I A N C O - O P E R AT I V E W O O L Growers, buying wool. For nearest wool collection depot or livestock supplies catalogue, 1-800-567-3693, www.wool.ca


35 DORPER CROSS ewe lambs for sale. BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison 306-697-7808, Grenfell, SK. is looking to contract grain finished bison for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger Provencher, roger@cdnbison.com or 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned SHEEP SHEARING COURSE, Leslieville, AB. bison company and enjoy the benefits. March 2 and 3, 9 AM to 4 PM. Cost $250+ MANY BONE BISON CO-OP is a gov’t GST. Ph Jacquie to register 403-729-3067. backed livestock loan guarantee program. Finance is avail. for bred or feeder bison. Call Tricia 306-885-2241. Also ask about the gov’t interest rebate for feeders. For Sask. Residents only. Sedley, SK. SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers BISON AUCTION, Sweetheart Bison extension, marketing services and a full Auction, February 15th at 11:00 AM. l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . We currently have over 200 head of great 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. breeding stock and feeders from reputable consignors. Consign your bison to this auction and maximize your return! Pen space still available! Call Brendan today to book your orders or register to bid online. Kramer Auctions Ltd, North Battleford, SK 306-445-5000. SKLD#116400. BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 HERD DISPERSAL 35 head consisting of years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest 15 4-9 yr old cows, 10 2 yr olds, and 10 $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com calves. 403-580-8016, Acadia Valley, AB. 30 BRED 3 year old cows, your pick out of 100. 306-745-3344 cell, or 306-745-7452, Esterhazy, SK. BERKSHIRE, TAMWORTH CHESTER White boars and gilts. Nationwide delivery at WANTED TO RENT: pasture with fence cost. Troy 204-379-2004, 204-828-3317, s u i t a b l e f o r b i s o n . P h o n e R y a n 204-750-1493, 204-750-2759, St. Claude, 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. MB. 21 BRED COWS, $2000/each; 17 bred h e i fe r s , $ 2 5 0 0 / e a c h . M F L R a n c h e s , WANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, 403-747-2500, Alix, AB. all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com 2-MATURE BISON BULLS, 2002 and 2003. Handling facilities and equipment MANURE PIT DIGESTER. Natural liquid available. 204-638-2472, Grandview, MB. manure pit management product. Control harmful gases and foaming. No pit crust QUALITY BULLS, CALVES and exposed prevents fly breeding and rodent travel. cows, quiet herd. Reference available. Less pit agitation with better cleanout. 250-489-4786, Fort Steele, BC. Move available nutrients for your crops. 10 BRED HEIFERS, $2500 each. Phone Safe to handle and store. Cost effective B u f f a l o F l at s R a n c h 7 8 0 - 3 8 8 - 2 3 9 7 , program. Call 519-749-5488 or email: 780-621-7883, Buck Lake, AB. mosburgerfarms@hotmail.com Bright, ON PURCHASING ALL AGES and classes of BiSELLING: SERVICEABLE YORKSHIRE, Du- son. Prompt payment. Bruce, Youngstown, roc and cross boars. Brian Braumberger AB. 403-651-7972 or 403-779-2218. 306-336-2763, Lipton, SK. ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or elkvalley@xplornet.com 8- 2011 BULL calves for sale. Phone Big Medicine Bison Ranch, 306-948-2808, Rosetown, SK. WANTED: CHICKEN NESTING boxes with NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for rollaways. Phone: 306-537-2441, Craven, over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, SK. grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. WANTED: 2011 BUFFALO heifer calves to feed, for free. You own them, we feed them for free! 306-551-2834, Melville, SK. ANDRES TRUCKING. Call us for a quote today. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, SK.

Animals benefit tremendously from the power of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). As they do not suffer from the so-called placebo effect, you can observe instant results virtually every time. MediConsult is the worldwide leader of PEMF devices for home use. Please consult BJ Lafond for Enerpuls® Rentals The Enerpuls® assists to: s Improve performance s Promote bone healing s Increase circulation

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W a tc h w w w .gw a c o u n try.c o m fo r c a ta lo g a n d o n lin e b id d in g d e ta ils .

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TOP DOLLARS for elk delivered to Canadian Rangeland Elk, Lacombe, AB. We are looking for year round supply for our growing meat markets. No membership o r b r o ke r fe e s , p l e a s e c a l l T h o m a s 1-866-497-0078. PRODUCER OWNED Canadian Prairie Bison is paying TOP DOLLAR FOR ELK to supply our growing markets. Give Roger a call before you sell, 306-468-2316. ELK BREEDING STOCK Sales, yearling Jinnocks, bred cows, limited supply, top end genetics. Call Bob at 780-836-2689, Manning, AB.

40 CASHMERE DOES bred Kiko. $250 each. 204-854-2574, Pipestone, MB. GOAT/ SHEEP SALE Saturday, February 11, 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Accepting all classes of sheep and goats. Sheep ID tags and preb o o k i n g m a n d at o r y. 3 0 6 - 6 9 3 - 4 7 1 5 . www.johnstoneauction.ca PL #914447.

250 RED ANGUS AND Red Angus cross, plus 250 Black Angus replacement heifers. No implants, all vaccinations, approx. 800 lbs. Your pick at steer price. Ph Blaine 306-782-6022, 306-621-9751, Yorkton, SK

MATURE REINDEER BULLS for sale. Call FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak Jim or Connie, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK., panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ 306-332-3955. and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you SOLAR WEST portable pumping stations; have them, we want them.” Make your fi- MORAND livestock equipment; Portable nal call with Northfork for pricing! Guaran- windbreaks; Custom built panels and teed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, gates. Delivery available. 1-866-354-7655, http://ajlivestock.mystarband.net Winnipeg, MB. WANTED TO RENT: pasture with fence NORSOL CONTROLS, Model DWR-F-1A, 5 s u i t a b l e f o r b i s o n . P h o n e R y a n only; Model CVS-12H, 15 only; Model DVS-23HA, 2 only; Model PMV-1, 2 only; 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. Model WR-P-1A-2, 1 only. No reasonable ELK VALLEY RANCHES buying all ages of offer refused. Call Joe 780-837-8120, elk. Phone Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, 780-837-2920, 780-837-8360, ext. 121 or 151, Falher, AB. AB or email to elkvalley@xplornet.com

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ANIMAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGY 2 year diploma since 1974. Training with large & small animals!! On-site working farm. aht@gprc.ab.ca 1-888-999-7882 Fairview, AB


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FEBRUARY EXTRAVAGANZA PREVIEWS for Saturday & Sunday Horses will start at 8am on Saturday The Order Will Be: 1. Trail Class 2. Cutting 3. Reining 4. Team Roping Saturday Sale Starts at Noon s Sunday Sale Starts at 8am.

2012 Exiss STK16 BP $12,757 Winter Trailer Service


“Where we have been in business for over 50 years!” For more information visit hermistonhorsesale.com or call Tyler Morgan, Horse Sale Manager (509) 830-2320

HIGHLINE BP 8000 SHREDDER, R-hand discharge, big tires, like new, $13,000. 306-768-3483, Carrot River, SK. BALE KING BALE SHREDDERS: 3000 for $7000 or 3110 for $10,500. Excellent s h ap e . W i l l i n g t o t r a d e fo r c at t l e . 403-308-4200, Arrowwood, AB. GALLAGHER WEIGH SYSTEM, like new animal weighing and data collection system. Includes TSI indicator and Supur HD hydraulic squeeze chute loadbars. Ph 780-385-8866, Viking, AB. 430 FARM AID mixer wagon w/scale. $12,000. Located near Indian Head, SK. Phone 306-335-2771. BRANDT BALE SHREDDER in working c o n d . , $ 4 0 0 0 O B O. 7 8 0 - 3 5 2 - 4 3 8 8 , 780-387-6356 cell, Falun, AB. 2007 LUCKNOW M2260 vertical mixer feed wagon, twin screw and scale, $32,000 OBO. 306-531-8720, Lipton, SK. HAYBUSTER H1000, rebuilt L10 Cummins eng. 300 HP, 500 hrs now. New: triple disc 14” PTO, augers, chains, sprockets, bearings, new floor and walls in discharge auger housing, new: conveyor belt, Duratech electronic governor etc. Mounted on HD triple axle trailer, c/w all screens and grain hopper, $48,000. Paul 780-877-2161 res, 780-608-7527 cell, Meeting Creek, AB CALL YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT Inc. for all your livestock equipment needs. Regina, SK. 1-800-803-8346, Ask for Ron or Kevin. Heavy Duty 24’ PANELS, WINDBREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, Rimbey, AB, or jchof@platinum.ca FEED TRUCK: 1997 INT. 4700 truck w/CATTLELAC 520 FEED MIXER, exc. condition, always shedded, $52,500. 306-778-2533, Swift Current, SK.


12 V or Hydraulic drive. Options include digital scale, HD 3PTH, trailer kit and mixinga uger.

Call For Your Nearest Dealer


w w w .reim erw eld ing m fg .com ATTENTION LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS: 5 bar panels, 30’; 30’ windbreak panels; 30’ silage bunks; 30’ all steel grain troughs; 30’ bale shredder bunks; 20’ Texas gates and round bale feeders. Weld on and bolt on clamps for sucker rod and pipe, 3/4” to 3-1/2”. Will build equipment to your specs. Delivery available. Authorized dealer for feed box, pellet and grain feeders. Also handle complete line of wood and steel fence posts and rough cut lumber. Authorized dealer for Sakundiak grain bins. We manufacture hopper cones. Phone: 306-538-4487, K e n n e d y, SK. www.parksidefarmandranch.com ROLLER MILLS, new and rebuilt for sale. Call 306-682-4347, 306-231-3439 cell, Humboldt, SK. FREEDSTANDING 21’ CORRAL PANELS, large variety of styles and weights for cattle, horse, bison, sheep, goats, mini horses. Prices $149, $159, $179, $199, $219, $239, $269, $289. Also 5.5’, 7’, 10’ light weight in a variety of styles and heights. Plus non climbing goat panels. Lots of heavier weight 10’ panels in a variety of pipe sizes and heights. Windbreak frames, $399. www.affordablebarns.com Jack Taylor, days or evenings, 1-866-500-2276.

SHAVINGS: Manufactured from kiln dried Pine. Highly compressed 4’x4’x4’ bales that hold 325 cu. ft. each. Makes premium quality bedding for large and small animals and poultry. Low dust, very soft and absorbent. Size, 3/4” and under. Call for truck load quotes. Wholesale prices direct from the plant. Can ship anywhere up to 60 bales per load. Call Tony 250-372-1494 or Ron 250-804-3305, Chase, BC, or web: www.britewood.ca


24’ WINDBREAK PANELS and 24’ regular panels made from oilfield pipe; Also new rubber belting, 54” wide in 300 or 29’ rolls. Ph. Blaine 306-782-6022 or 306-621-9751 Yorkton, SK. NDE 402 VERTICAL MIXER, new gearbox and new load cells with scale, good working condition. 306-697-7883, Grenfell, SK. 2003 3100 BALE KING shredder, RH discharge, hyd. chute, fine cut option, shedded since new, low bale count, $7700. 306-739-2897, 306-577-8365, Wawota, SK

www.camclarktrailers.com / 888-948-6660

EVERSPREAD 2009 HD manure spreader, 675 bu. tri-axle, used 160 HP tractor to run it. 1000 PTO, hyd. chain driven, exc. working cond., field ready, 425 11R22.5 truck tires, $39,500 OBO. Can deliver. 2 0 4 - 7 4 3 - 2 3 2 4 , C y p r e s s R i v e r, M B . www.cypresstruckandequipment.com NEW HEAVY 5 bar 12’ cattle panels with 1994 IHC, single axle, c/w 490-14 rotopins attached. Call Colette 403-527-7214, m i x f e e d b o x i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n . 403-795-2850 for details, Coaldale, AB. various locations. FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free SILVER STREAM SHELTERS: 30x72 sinsolution to livestock watering. No heat or gle steel frame cover kit, $4700; 38x100 power required. Prevents backwash. truss, $11,900. Replacement tarps for any Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. brand, patch kits, rope webbing and ratchets. Call 1-877-547-4738. www.frostfreenosepumps.com HAYBUSTER 2650 round bale processor. Quit dairy, used 50 bales or less, $11,900. 780-940-0549, Leduc, AB. WANTED: HYDRAULIC CATTLE SQUEEZE. 306-768-2991, Carrot River, SK. GRAIN TROUGHS, 30’ c/w skids, made of conveyor belting and pipe, $700. 306-538-4685, Kennedy, SK. BALE PROCESSOR REM 3600R, new condition, $7000. Ron 306-384-4512, SaskaSAFE NEW ONE-MAN corral designs plus toon, SK. 80 ideas to save costs and labor, 120 diaPORTABLE WINDBREAKS, $550 for 30’ grams, free look. OneManCorrals.com or $400 for 25’ portable fence panels. All made from 2-7/8” drill stem. We deliver RENN FEED MIXER 1316, 4 auger, good cond. Have brackets etc. to convert to an anywhere. 306-581-9217, Lumsden, SK. electric driven stationary unit. $8500 OBO. 1993 IHC NAVISTAR feed truck, 43,000 780-499-5990 cell, Legal, AB. kms, IHC 466 eng., auto trans., new recap tires c/w 2002 Knight 3050 feed box, com- MOLE HILL DESTROYER INC. 40’ demo mercial grade heavy augers, hyd. slide un- unit, series 4 jumbo, $24,000; 60’ used, load gate, scales both sides read out as series 3 jumbo, $21,000. Call Stewart well in the cab, 500 cu. ft. mixing capacity, 306-542-7325, 306-542-4498 Kamsack, SK 10,000 lb. rolled grain. Excellent condition! LAYDEN FEED GRINDING AND MIXING Always stored inside! $42,000. Call Jordan SYSTEM, 20 HP hammermill, one ton anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. horizontal batch mixer with load cells and EQUIPMENT FOR SWINE BARN for sale. Micro ingredient scale system, scale readConcrete and plastic pen dividers; con- out with control panel. Open to offers. crete feeders; concrete and plastic floor 780-385-8866, Viking, AB. slats; farrowing crates. Call 403-742-6548 SILAGE BUNKS, 4’x20’ long, $500/ea. Have or 403-740-3226, Stettler, AB. 9 of them. Call 306-421-1915, Estevan, SK.


SOLD CATTLE. Highline 6600 bale process o r, g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 4 0 0 0 O B O . 306-258-4530, Vonda, SK.





EQ U IPM EN T IN C. Ca ll K evin o r Ro n

1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46

AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No elecNEW HI-HOG SQUEEZE chute w/neck ex- tricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 tender; New Hi-Hog portable loading chute ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . w/transport. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. 1-888-731-8882, www.kellnsolar.com www.parksidefarmandranch.com HIGHLINE 7000 HD BALE PROCESSOR, SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 1000 PTO, used 800 bales, for large or years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. small bales, floatation tires, knife, $9250 Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to OBO. 780-723-2646, Edson, AB. run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Apollo Ma- 2001 HIGHLINE 7000 bale processor, chine, 306-242-9884 or 1-877-255-0187, good condition. $6,000 OBO. Phone 306-487-2868, Lampman, SK. www.apollomachineandproducts.com


MORAND CALVING PEN $1800, electric calf warming box $50, calf squeeze $50, Frost free nose pump $150. Clayton Farms, Calgary, AB. clayfarm@abnet.ca or 403-999-4453.


WANTED: ORGANIC hard red spring wheat and durum, for immediate d e l i v e r y . G ro w e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l , 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK.

IRISH WOLFHOUND/GREYHOUND cross puppies, 5 months old. Great predator control, friendly disposition, good w/kids, $300. 780-927-3797, Ft. Vermilion, AB.

WANTED: ORGANIC FEED - wheat, barley, rye, oats and milling oats for immediate delivery. Growers International 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK. ORGANIC FLAX STRAW open (large round) bales. Two locations near Saskatoon, SK. Call 306-382-1299, 306-382-9024.

BORDER COLLIE PUPS, vet checked, 1st vaccinations, $175/each. 306-695-2396, Indian Head, SK. WATKINSON COWDOG PUPS from years of selective breeding with grit, brains and looks. Parents work at Community Pasture. Also started Cowdogs. Moose Jaw, SK. Watkinson Cowdogs - 306-692-2573.

HAY AND GRASS bales, flax, wheat and barley straw, 4x4 and 3x4 bales, delivery available. 403-223-8164 or 403-382-0068, Taber, AB. CONTERRA ARENA RAKE for ATV’s and quads. Excellent for arena, ground and shelter belt maintenance. Starting at $1995. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882 or view on-line www.conterraindustries.com HARSH 350 FEED mix cart, $6,000; Roorda feed cart, $2000; Haybuster 256+2 bale shredder, $6000; NH 500 bu. spreader, $8,000; Meyers 550 spreader, $11,900; 12’ truck feed body, $1500; Henke 36” roller mill, $5000. Call 1-866-938-8537.

ORGANIC SEED: cert. Vimy flax, yellow peas, high yield feed barley, large green lentils, high germ. and 0 disease. 306-259-4982, 306-946-7446, Young, SK. TRADE AND EXPORT Canada Inc. now buying feed oats, flax and feed peas. Quick pay. Contact Lorna 1-877-339-1959. M&M ORGANIC MARKETING is buying: feed wheat, feed flax, organic oats (milling and feed), feed peas, soy beans, feed barley. 204-379-2451, St. Claude, MB. WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2

MORAND INDUSTRIES Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!

AVAILABLE BACHELORETTE: Energy to boot, this single parent is 47, 5’6”, 150 lbs. with a pretty smile, long hair and the energy of girl half her age. I have a catering business, employees, customers and three teenage daughters. I also live on my family farm and have the rest of the land leased. I am busy. I don’t have time to find a man. I want a man in my life. With all this estrogen around me, I need a man to balance everything. I am always on the go except when I relax on my front porch in the summertime. Our house is almost 100 yrs. old and I’ve completely remodeled, refurbished and redecorated. I have a wonderful place by the sea in Mexico me and the girls like to go to. I want a man who is a farmer, has kids, is a big kid himself, and wants to have a fun and interesting companion in his life. Boring I am not that’s for sure. Matchmakers Select 1-888-916-2824. Rural, remote, small towns, isolated communities and villages. Face to face matchmaking 11 yrs. est. Canada/US. www.selectintroductions.com

STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windbreaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. 2007 LUCKNOW M2260 vertical mixer feed SINCERE, SINGLE, SECURE, Attractive wagon, twin screw and scale, $32,000 male. SK farmer/rancher, German roots. OBO. 306-531-8720, Lipton, SK. Seeks single female, around 28 years, who loves God, children, nature, horses, dogs and farm life. Love, family, lifetime relationships/partnership/matrimony offered. Regina area preferred. All letters answered. Box 5561, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4. ATTRACTIVE BI MALE WIDOWER. Seeks others any age or race. Will only entertain in my own home south of #1 Hwy, SK. Reply to Box 2005, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4. WWF MID 60’s, looking for country style companion, likes the farm life, livestock, country music, dancing, traveling, quiet 2011 LUCK NOW 4 auger HD TMR, mixer times. Box 5003, c/o Western Producer, REG. GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, ready feeder wagon, model 900. New, never 2310 Millar Ave, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4. March 14th. Vet checked. 306-287-4063, used. Tandem axle, loaded, hyd. raise and Englefeld, SK. k.d.altermatt@bogend.ca lower discharge chute, scale. Can deliver SWM ESTABLISHED, financially secure $61,500. Cypress River, MB. 204-743-2324 farmer, fit, NS, SD, 5’11”, 195 lbs. I’m car- SHELTIES AVAILABLE 2 male pups, curing, kind hearted, active, enjoy golfing, rent on vaccinations, registered and fully www.cypresstrucksandequipment.com camping, dining out and all outdoor ac- guaranteed. Also have 2 older retired show PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. tivities. Looking for fit, honest lady under dogs for adoption, they are altered and We manufacture an extensive line of cattle 61 yrs w/similar interests. Please reply l o o k i n g f o r l o v i n g h o m e s . C a l l handling and feeding equipment including w/photo (if avail.) and ph. number. Box 306-378-7922, Elrose, SK. squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowd- 2006, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, BLACK NEWFOUNDLAND PUPS, from reging tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, SK. S7K 2C4. istered parents, c/w shots and deworming, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison $600. Watson, SK. Maggie 306-287-3181, equipment, Texas gates, steel water (cell) 306-287-8807. troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro CKC REGISTERED ST. BERNARD PUPS, electric branders and twine cutters. Our IT’S NOT EASY Being Single. Love Is 2 females left, born Sept. 18th. All shots, squeeze chutes and headgates are now Possible... Camelot Introductions is a micro chipped, $800 each. Free delivery available with a neck extender. Phone successful Matchmaking Service serving t o E d m o n t o n , A B . C a n e m a i l p i c s . 306-796-4508, email: ple@sasktel.net MB and SK. All clients are interviewed in 867-335-5192 (cell), 867-668-7218 (res), person. We have 18 years experience and Whitehorse, YT. hurlburtei@gmail.com website: www.paysen.com have matched 1000’s of people. InterFARM KING STRAW shredder, asking views in Regina and Saskatoon are being UKC REG. AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIER $8000; Farmhand 120 bu. feed mixer, held March 2nd to 4th. Call now to book pups, 4 males, 2 females, first shots, vet $1000. 306-782-7241, Rokeby, SK. your appointment with award winning checked, asking $800, available now. Matchmaker: 204-888-1529. Must be 403-664-2265, 403-664-0671, Oyen, AB. non-smoker and able to pass criminal check. www.camelotintroductions.com COUNTRY INTRODUCTIONS meeting 3 YR. OLD female ST. BERNARD, $400. down to earth country people like yourself. Call for website. 306-822-2085, La Loche, Call 1-877-247-4399. SK. WANTED: Smaller mule deer or white tailed deer sheds. Call 306-937-3677, Bat- PSYCHIC READING by Jessica. Helps in BLOODHOUND PUPS: 2 black/tan males tleford, SK. all problems! Call for free reading. Call born Nov. 5/11, first shots, vet check 305-335-9490. done. Farm raised at Milestone, SK. Well socialized with other animals and children. $ 5 0 0 . C a l l 3 0 6 - 4 3 6 - 2 1 7 1 d ay s , o r 306-436-4649 evenings and weekends. CHOCOLATE LAB PUPPIES, Vet checked, first shots, $350. 306-962-4436, 306-962-7568, Eston, SK. ECOCERT CANADA organic certification WOLF CROSS PUPPIES, 2 males, 4 fefor producers, processors and brokers. Call males, ready to go, vaccinated and vet the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, checked. 780-383-3805, Warspite, AB. SK, email rusty.plamondon@ecocert.com

SHAMROCK SEEDS (2006) LTD ORGANIC 2012 NEW CROP CONTRACTING • Large Green Lentils • Small Green Lentils • French Green Lentils

• Beluga Lentils • Whole Green Peas • Brown Flaxseed

Accepting updates on old crop balances: organic peas, lentils and flax. Prompt payment, timely deliveries. Please contact Tanya @ 306-249-4151 or email:info@shamrockseeds.com for pricing and delivery information. Shamrock Seeds is a licensed and bonded Grain Dealer centrally located in Saskatoon, SK.

On your lake lot, acreage, guest house, office space, hunting cabin & much more.

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2000 SQ. FT. prefab home in gated, golfing community, Palm Desert, California, $79,000, consider offers. 306-260-4059, Saskatoon, SK. myrna306@gmail.com ONE BEDROOM HOME to be moved in Whitefox, SK. Approximately 700 square feet. Asking $18,000. Submit bid to jasonskulmoski @gmail.com

COONHOUND PUPS, black and tan for sale, ready to go, $100. 306-773-9092 Stewart Valley, SK. BLUE HEELER PUPS, 6 ready to go for January 31. 306-753-2259, Macklin, SK. REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE pups, black and white, aggressive working stock, first shots. 780-846-2643, Kitscoty, AB.



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POTENTIAL POTENTIAL! 28 plus acres, year round creek, timber, pasture, fruit and berries, 2820’ floor space, totally renovated home, in-law suite, guest house, barns, $739,000. 250-832-9969, Salmon Arm, BC. mtaylor@polargeek.com

LOG HOMES, custom built, hand crafted, Pike Lake, SK. Phone 306-493-2448 or 306-222-6558, backcountry@yourlink.ca

TO BE MOVED: 2008 SRI 1284 sq ft mobile home, w/matching 16x14’ shed, 3 bdrms., 2 full baths, oak cabinets, appliances, insulated skirting, immaculate condition. St. Walburg, SK. area. Asking $89,000. Call 306-248-3205. MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK.


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4 ACRES WITH SHOP: Located on service road. Adjacent to #1 highway, West side of Grenfell, SK. Phone 306-697-2436 or 306-891-8799 for more information. SUPREME AUCTION SERVICES will auction the RM office building (Qu’Appelle street) and the RM shop (10th Ave.) in the town of Qu’Appelle for the RM of South Qu’Appelle on Thursday March 8th at 7:30 PM at the seniors center, Qu’Appelle, SK. Contact Ken McDonald 306-695-0121 or Brad Stenberg 306-551-9411. PL# 314604 www.supremeauctions.ca NORTH BATTLEFORD, SK. Commercial lots, total of 3/4 acre. Outstanding location on corner of hwy #4 North and Ring Road. Highest traffic count in the city. Frontage on 3 sides, surrounded by Tim Hortons, Sobeys, Co-Op mall and Ford dealership. Serious inquiries only. Call 306-446-1398.

12 SUITE APARTMENT BLOCK, southwest SK. Sale Price $669,000. Contact BEAUTIFUL LASSIE COLLIE pups, 11 wks., Greg Belof 306-525-3344, NAI Commero l d , r a i s e d o u t s i d e , $ 2 0 0 e a c h . cial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. or email 306-858-2517, Lucky Lake, SK. gregb@naisask.com CHESAPEAKE RETRIEVER PUPS, born DELISLE, SK, 4.5 acres, industrial 5000 sq. June 7, 2011. 3 females. Great hunting ft. building, 300 amp power, included is companions, good with kids, $100 ea. cement batch plant, taxes $1900 yearly. 780-658-3984, 780-603-0626, Viking, AB. Located across golf course. Price 2 FEMALE ST. BERNARD pups, first and $399,000. 306-493-2222. second shots, dewormed and vet checked, born Aug. 29, 2011. Have both parents to view. Jolene 403-882-2421, Castor, AB. PELICAN LAKE SW, MB. cabins for sale, TO GIVE AWAY to a good home 2 female lakefront building lots, lake view RV sites, pups, sable Lassie Collies crossed w/red cabin rentals. Call Fay 204-537-2270. and white Border Collie. Born Aug. 3/11. www.pelicanlakeriviera.ca Can email pics. 306-228-3582, Unity, SK.

ORGANIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION of Manitoba Cooperative (OPAM) Nonprofit, member owned organic certification body. Certifying producers, processor and brokers since 1988, Miniota, MB. Contact 204-567-3745, info@opam-mb.com



17 ACRES LAKESHORE property on Burns Lake, BC. 10 minutes from town. Shared 1400’ grass runway, 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom home w/carport and garage, detached 24x32 shop, asking $495,000. Call for 2009 LINDAL CEDAR HOME backing on to more info or pictures, 250-692-4330. regional park golf course and overlooking Wakaw Lake, SK. 780-679-5640. VICTORIA, BC. SENIORS PARADISE: Spacious two bdrm. condo with all furnishings, next door to all amenities, bus line, short minutes to Inner Harbor. $229,000 OBO. Phone 250-381-9215. LAC DES ISLES beautiful well treed, titled 2 acre lot, $85,000 OBO. (Trades for partial payment); Two 5 acre lots, side by side, $180,000/ea. Golf 10 min. drive. Adjacent to Meadow Lake Provincial Park. Can email pics. 306-221-0081 cell, or 306-373-4808. Email: loiselh@msn.com


PRO-CERT ORGANIC SYSTEMS Royalty free organic certifier. Family owned, experienced, affordable. Phone 306-382-1299 or email info@pro-cert.org Saskatoon SK.

Prefa b

HOUSE TO BE MOVED from Holden, AB. area. Approx. 1100 sq. ft., older 3 bdrm bungalow, $15,000 OBO. To be moved off by May 2012. Buyer responsible for all associated moving costs. Call for more info Prices and pics 780-632-1161 or 780-688-2147. Starting At 5 BEDROOM, 2007 bungalow, 1365 sq. ft., open concept, gas fireplace, huge cedar deck w/hot tub, dbl. att. garage, RV parking, corner lot. 5021- 58th Street, Daysland, AB. 780-374-0245.

IRISH WOLFHOUND GREYHOUND cross pups, 6 wks old, first shots, $200 ea. 306-742-4565, MacNutt, SK.


CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK, rbaumann@ocia.org, www.ocia.org

E njoy Y our

BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG PUPS, Beautiful, ready to go Feb. 15th, first shots, dewclaws removed, vet checked, $1000 each. 403-787-2880, Hussar, AB. Email: info@beardoginn.com

REG. BORDER COLLIE pups from Champion working stock dogs. Tattooed and first vaccinations. Born December 4, $600. GREAT OPPORTUNITY! Year round cabin 306-492-2148, Clavet, SK. in Ramsey Bay at Weyakwin Lake, SK. 3 BORDER COLLIE PUPS, from working par- bdrm. w/guest house. 1 row back from ents. Born Nov. 26/11, first shots, $300. lake, double attached garage, lots of wildCalgary, AB. Contact Brenda 403-651-6142 life and fishing, $180,000. Adam Schmalz, blwinder@hotmail.com Schmalz Real Estate®, 306-981-5341.


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2008 SRI MOBILE HOME, 20 x 76, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open concept. Warranty remaining, c/w skirting package and 2 decks. 780-209-3973, Wainwright, AB. SHERWOOD MODULAR HOMES, SRI factory built, 16’, 20’, 22’, sectionals. Full TWIN CREEK RANCH, Cache Creek, BC set-up and service in house. Phone Regina Located in upper Hat Creek, 30 minutes 1-866-838-7744. Estevan 1-877-378-7744. from Cache Creek, 160 deeded acres, 130 under irrigation, 1500 acre grazing lease, 135 head grazing license. Year round creek large ponds. House and 3 guest cabHOUSE TO BE MOVED from Hanna, AB. and Large barn and corrals, $995,000. Call area by May 2012. Approx. 1430 sq. ft., ins. Kelly Adamski, Re/Max Golden Country older 3 bdrm bungalow, $15,000 OBO. 1-800-557-7355, www.goldencounrty.ca Buyer responsible for all associated mov- or e-mail: remaxashcroft@telus.net ing costs. 403-854-2291, 403-854-6654. 660 SQ. FT., 1 bdrm stucco house to be BEAUTIFUL SOUTH OKANAGAN Ranch moved from farm, Maple Creek, SK. New 20 min. to Penticton, 20 min. to Apex Ski metal roof and recently remodeled, new Resort, 10 min. to Twin Lake Golf Resort. oak cabinets, flooring and bathroom, 212 acres deeded, 170 acres irrigated hay, $22,000. 306-558-4444, 306-558-7133. large beautiful Alpine grazing license attached, 578 AUM. Trout stream running NEW RTM CABIN, 24x32’ 2 bdrms, loft, through property, pristine plentiful water. 2x6’, green tin roof, PVC windows, interior 1700 sq. ft. home, 80x50x16’ insulated done in pine and poplar, $59,900. Pics. shop with living quarters, 36x80’ machine available. 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. shed, 50x36’ horse barn w/heated tack room, plus numerous top quality outbuildings, corrals and wells. Deeded property on both sides of Hwy. 3A. Excellent location for farmgate sales. Wonderful opportunity, $1.75 million. Penticton, BC. 403-715-3515 or 403-634-8070. HEADING SOUTH- Enjoy Mesa’s premier park 20 mins. from airport. Refurbished mobile home with Arizona room. 2 bathrooms and located close to pool area. Only $20,000. Call for pictures. Phone Wayne or BLACK CANYON RANCH, Ashcroft, BC. Peggy 306-221-3710, Saskatoon, SK. Located 8 kms. from Ashcroft and is one of HOUSE FOR SALE in Mesa, AZ. 3444 North the area’s most spectacular ranches. Tuscany Circle. Located in the beautiful Known for it’s quality horse breeding, this gated community of Las Sendas. 2451 sq. property was built for the equestrian enft. 2 storey w/pool and hot tub. Built in thusiast. 320 acres total, 220 acres irrigat1999. For more info call 306-487-7993 or ed, 50 acres in pasture, all fenced and cross fenced. 19 stall mare bar, wash rack, email lisaag@signaldirect.ca indoor arena, office building and 3 residences make this a complete package. Property could also lend itself as a dairy farm as well, $1,999,000. Call Kelly Adamski 1-800-557-7355 for information, email: remaxashcroft@telus.net Re/Max Golden GREAT GETAWAY: Quarter section of Country Ltd. www.goldencountry.ca bush and pasture, 1152 sq. ft., 5 bdrm low maintenance cabin. NW-20-24-27-W1 CUSTOM LOG HOME w/suite, Greenwood, near Inglis, MB. Immediate possession. BC, $529,000. Water lic., gravity feed, out$175,000. Karen Goraluk, Salesperson, buildings, fenced, well, 70 view acres. In204-773-6797, 204-937-8357, Northstar fo/pics 250-445-6642, lbfolvik@telus.net Ins. & Real Estate, www.north-star.ca



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RM OF DUFFERIN #190: Accepting offers to purchase NE-14-20-26-W2 and NW-14-20-26-W2. Both quarters are cert. organic since 2000 crop year (Pro-Cert). Tenders to close midnight Feb. 24, 2012. Buyer is responsible to pay GST, if applicable. Highest or any tender not necessariALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: HANNA: ly accepted. Please mail tenders to: Dan 3300 acres of which 2389.29 acres is de- Hager, 8068 West Coast Road, Sooke, BC. eded land and 959 acres is lease land. V9Z 1C9. Phone 250-858-7665. (#1850, Barry Lowe). ST. PAUL: Great FOR SALE: Taking tenders on SE 34-23-02 mixed farm with crop and cattle, lots of W3 RM 223. The highest or any offer to buildings, surface lease revenue, good purchase may not necessarily be accepted. rainfall area. (#1819, Ben). OYEN: 2 sec- Purchaser’s must rely on their own retions deeded land: one section: 183 acres, search and inspection of property when borders Hwy #9; other section has yard- preparing an offer. Contact information site w/power to property. (#1814 Stan). 306-759-7708. HANNA: 4000 sq. ft. home, 160 acres w/1 mile of lake frontage, shop, corrals, turn- QUARTER NEAR TOBIN LAKE, completely key business with two 640 sq. ft. fully fur- set up as game farm, 30x40’ heated shop, nished cabins. (#1811, Barry Lowe). BOW 40x60’ barn, 2152 sq. ft. gorgeous 3 bdrm. ISLAND: One section pivot irrigated land, home. Additional quarter also available. pole barn, $2,500 gas revenue. (#1576, L i n d a S w e h l a , R e / M a x N i p a w i n , Walt). BROOKS: Cash crop farm (hay/ca- 306-862-4800 remax.nipawin@sasktel.net nola) #1 soil, 4 homes, large shop with MLS#413472. storage bays, comes w/land, buildings, equip. (#1756, Ben). SK: 34,500 acre ranch, 5 miles river frontage, organic farm status, 1000 cow ranch, 2000 acres farmland, 471 acres irrigation, 3 modern LOOKING FOR LAND to cash rent or purhomes, corrals, etc. (#1853, Ben). Farm chase along Hwy. 32 between Abbey and & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Swift Current. Would prefer Cabri area. R e a l E s t a t e S i g n a t u r e S e r v i c e , Large or small parcels considered. For www.canadafarmandranch.com or phone more info please call: Path Head Farms Ltd., 306-587-7531, Cabri, SK. 1-866-345-3414. SOUTH PEACE COUNTRY: Certified organic land for sale, 135 acres mixed hay, 25 acres in heavy Aspen bush. Full line of older equipment also for sale. Two additional quarters available in the future. 780-356-2352, Valhalla Centre, AB.

LOOKING TO CASH RENT pivot irrigated land for forage production prefer Strathmore/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consider all areas; Also want to CASH RENT DRY LAND for alfalfa production east of Hwy. #21, north of Hwy #1. Will consider buying established alfalfa stands as well. Long term lease preferably. 403-507-8660. bschmitt@barr-ag.com

PEACE RIVER NE, 200 plus cow/calf pairs; BC border 500-600 cow/calf pairs; GRIMSHAW with 100 cow/calf pairs; FORT ST. JOHN, 300 plus cow/calf pairs; Central PEACE, 400-450 cow/calf pairs; DAWSON CREEK, 500 cow/calf pairs; CHETWYND, 1000-1200 cow/calf pairs. Call: Albert Dallaire at Royal LePage Casey Realty, 780-625-6767, Peace River, AB.

80 ACRES IRRIGATED, 1800 sq. ft. house, corrals, shelter and grain storage. $750,000. 403-308-3578, 403-331-8577, TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 436 DougPicture Butte, AB. las near Mayfair, SK. 476 acres with FARMLAND NEAR BEISEKER, AB 152 acres approx. 35 cult. acres, 280 tame grass with option to purchase adjoining 151 acres and 161 bush/pasture acres. Total assessment $135,900 (avg. acres. Mostly 2H soil. MLS #C3495880. 2011 Call Verlin Rau, Discover Real Estate Ltd., $45,700/quarter). Yard incl. 750 sq. ft. bungalow, shop, pole shed, 3 open front 403-852-6459, Beiseker, AB. shelters and corrals. Asking $320,000. K e v i n J a r r e t t 306-441-4152 MLS GOV’T PASTURE LEASE, 1532 acres, 295 AUM, $7000 gas royalties, $190,000. #417361 http://Arthur.TimHammond Phone 780-405-1924, Lac La Biche, AB. JUST LISTED LEOVILLE AREA, 7 deeded Email: grandell@monarchins.com quarters w/350 acres of tame hay, balance natural and bush pasture. Adjoining 4 90 ACRES with two titles. One 6 acre and Crown lease quarters all in a block and one 85 acre, all new services, mobile joining the big river. Fair cattle handling home, outbuildings, 15 miles from Stet- system and fences. Lots of water. Gartler, AB on pavement. $270,000. Phone: age/shop 32x64, half insulated and ce403-742-1030, 403-340-9280. ment floor, balance dirt floor. Well kept family home. Excellent hunting and 1) 1600 ACRE RANCH, great yardsite, west older Many amazing views from this of Edmonton. 2) Deluxe recreational 160 fishing. property the spruce and poplar forest, acres, log home, 2 cabins, log shop and the river with and rolling hills. MLS® 421014. barn, revenue, gravel deposits, 2 creeks, For viewing call Ledinski, Re/Max of Clearwater River frontage, west of Caro- the Battlefords,Lloyd North Battleford, SK, line, must see. 3) Deluxe 700 cow/calf www.remaxbattlefords.com ranch, spring water, land all attached, sur- or 306-441-0512. I am in 306-446-8800 need of grain face lease revenue, gravel deposits, great and pastureland in all of my trading areas. yardsite, private and exclusive. 4) Have active buyer for Alberta land. Don Jarrett, TIM HAMMOND REALTY 877 acres with Realty Executives Leading, Spruce Grove, 700 cultivated acres NW of Springwater AB, 780-991-1180. SK. Total 2011 assessment $230,072 (avg. $41,971/quarter), 1 x 2,700 bu. steel bin, FLAGSTAFF COUNTY Central Alberta Tenant has Right of First Refusal. Asking Seven quarters mixed farm near Heisler, $640,000. Kevin Jarrett 306-441-4152 AB. Home half has pipeline revenue. Phone http://Atkinson.TimHammond.ca MLS 780-889-2126. #417570. HALF SECTION, comes with complete set LAND FOR RENT. Due to other business of buildings. Cow/calf operation. Phone: interests any or all of approx. 1200 acres 780-727-2919, Evansburg, AB area. cult. land is available in the Aylesbury, SK. district. Call Cliff Luther 306-734-2997. 4 QUARTERS FARMLAND, northern AB, 05-14-110-14-SE and SW, 05-13-110-17- 1 QUARTER SECTION in Meath Park, SK. area, NW-15-51-23-W2, assessed at NW and SW. 780-926-2119, Highlevel, AB $53,800, presently in hay. 306-763-4846. CENTRAL ALBERTA FARMS, acreages, businesses (all sizes). Information avail. FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, Buying or on request! Central Agencies Camrose Ltd. Selling, Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty. 4870-51 St. Camrose, AB. 780-672-4491. RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section with yard, UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES, 134 acres, adjacent to Canora, SK. Will separate yard 20 min. from Edmonton Int. Airport, prop- from land. 306-651-1041. erty borders small lake. Treed yardsite, includes well maintained buildings, 1392 sq. HAVE CASH BUYER. Want 25-40 quarft. bungalow, mobile home, 2 barns (1 ters in Regina/Moose Jaw, SK. area. Asheated), 2 quonsets (1 heated), cattle sessed value approx. 65,000. B. McLash, Realty Executives MJ, 306-630-5700. shed, bins. 780-387-4461, Millet, AB.


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RM OF PADDOCKWOOD NO. 520: 7 quarters in a block, 715 acres cultivated. Property borders Provincial forest, 30 min. to Prince Albert, 20 min. to Candle Lake. Call 306-961-4632 for more information. 2 QUARTERS FARMLAND, w/yardsite and 3 bdrm 1200 sq. ft. bungalow, power, water, nat. gas. 306-748-2839, Neudorf, SK. FARMS, RANCHES, ACREAGES AND DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY. Check out our website to view all of our listings: www.remaxbattlefords.com or email: r.manegre@sasktel.net for a complete list of inventory. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK.

YOUNG FARMER LOOKING TO RENT LAND in RM of Grandview #349 or RM of Reford #379. Phone 306-658-4860, PURSUANT TO COURT Order, the following 306-948-7807, Biggar, SK. land located in the RM of Browning #034 will be offered for sale by tender, under TIM HAMMOND REALTY Irrigated farmthe direction of LAYH & ASSOCIATES, land near Outlook, SK. 1855 acres with Box 250, Langenburg, SK. S0A 2A0 Ph: approx. 1564 cult. acres, 200 pasture 3 0 6 - 7 4 3 - 5 5 2 0 : L a n d d e s c r i p t i o n s : acres, and 91 other acres. Includes 10 SE26-05-05-W2 Ext. 0; SW26-05-05-W2, quarter section pivots and 1 partial quarter Ext. 0. Purchasers are responsible for in- pivot with drops and spinners. Complete 4 spection of the land; Purchasers are re- strand barb wiring fencing on 12 parcels. sponsible for 2012 property taxes; The Yard site with corrals and work shops. sale shall be subject to confirmation by the M L S $ 3 , 3 2 5 , 0 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 9 4 8 - 5 0 5 2 Court of Queen’s Bench; A minimum de- http://Irrigation.TimHammond.ca posit of 10% must accompany each tender, as a certified cheque payable to Layh & As- LAKE DIEFENBAKER: 640 acres of native sociates. The balance of the purchase and tame grass with full set of buildings. price shall be paid to Layh & Associates John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, within 21 days after confirmation of the SK, 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com sale by Court Order. All tenders must show WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE or cash rent the land subject to the tender and the ten- farmland in RM GRANDVIEW #349. Call der price. Bids shall be submitted to 306-260-4446. Layh & Associates, by registered mail or personal delivery at the address below by WANTED TO RENT OR purchase farmland 4:00 PM, February 13, 2012: Layh & in RM’s or 281, 251, 252 or adjoining. All Associates, Box 250, Langenburg, replies kept in confidence. Box 5562, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 Saskatchewan, S0A 2A0.


Ready In 60 Days!*

JUST LISTED: RM of Spiritwood. What an opportunity for someone to purchase a 1532 sq. ft. home w/full basement. Lots of hickory cabinets. 28x28’ heated attached garage w/9’ ceiling. Outdoor wood burning heater w/electric back-up. Situated on 320 acres (fully fenced) of which approx. 30 acres are open. Located approx. 12.5 miles NE of Spiritwood in the heart of great hunting and fishing. MLS® 418802. Call Lloyd Ledinski for more info or viewing, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Batt l e fo r d , S K 3 0 6 - 4 4 6 - 8 8 0 0 o r 3 0 6 441-0512 www.remaxbattlefords.com


(306)652-5322 2505 Ave. C. N orth, Saskatoon

1-877-6 6 5-6 6 6 0

Ca llUs To d a y O rV isitw w w .jhho m es.co m

FOR LEASE: 10 quarters, 1350 cultivatable acres, between Leross and Bankend, SK, on #35 N. 19 hopper bins and farm house. 587-718-0196, columquinn@hotmail.com RM OF GREAT BEND: 1703 acres with 1503 acres of good cultivated grain land. Just north of Radisson, close proximity to the Yellowhead Hwy. Priced to sell! MLS ®394405. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK. www.remaxbattlefords.com LAND FOR SALE: RM of Torch River. Close to lakes and hunting, on paved highway. NE25-52-20-W2, NW19-52-19-W2. Phone: 306-343-0288, Saskatoon, SK.

Hello Doug, as a follow up to our recent sale of land in Saskatchewan I would like to offer our sincere “Thanks” for getting us a more than fair price. You are a man of your word through the entire transaction, with follow up and kept all promises which were all verbal by phone. Considering I never met you in person this was a very smooth transaction. You can use my name as a reference any time! ~ Barry Kluz




Ab erd een . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1⁄4’ s Ben go u gh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1⁄4’ s Ben s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⁄4’ s Bethu n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⁄4’ s Bla in e L a k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 a cres Bru n o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1⁄4’ s Cu pa r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⁄4’ s Da vid s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1⁄4’ s Ea s ten d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⁄4’ s Elfro s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1⁄4’ s Em era ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1⁄4’ s Fo a m L a k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1⁄4’ s Gren fell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1⁄4’ s Ha rw a rd en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1⁄4’ s L a k e Alm a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1⁄4’ s L es to ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1⁄4’ s M a rcelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1⁄4’ s M o o s e Ja w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1⁄4’ s N o k o m is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1⁄4’ s Ogem a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 1⁄4’ s Pa n gm a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1⁄4’ s Prin ce Alb ert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1⁄4’ s Pu n n ichy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⁄4’ s S a s k a to o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⁄4’ s S em a n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1⁄4’ s S im ps o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a cres V is co u n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⁄4’ s W a d en a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1⁄4’ s W a k a w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⁄4’ s W a tro u s /Yo u n g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1⁄4’ s M o b ile Ho m e Pa rk W eyb u rn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1⁄4’ s

Ca ll DOUG

3 06 -9 55-226 6

Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca To whom it may concern: This reference is related to my dealing with Doug in the sale of my 160 acres of farm land in the RM of Emerald which encompasses the hamlets of Wishart Sask. and Bankend Sask. Doug, heard my land was for sale and made me an acceptable offer. He then proceeded to follow up on the offer with a proposal to sell the land within 30 days and the proposal was acceptable to my lawyer and me. The land was sold and the deal went through and the money was deposited in my bank. This was all done in a professional and business like manner. Following the transaction Doug called to see if all was well. My experience was certainly satisfactory and as a result I would recommend Doug as a sales person. ~ Henry D.

EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Opportunity! 1 mile West of Saskatoon, SK City limits. 125 cultivated acres presently farmed. Call MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and 306-343-9337, 306-384-5116. or lease your mineral rights. RM OF HOODOO- Offers being accepted 1-877-269-9990. cndfree@telusplanet.net on a 3 quarter block adjacent to Hwy. #2. FOR SALE: 162 acres of farmland near S W- 3 2 - 4 3 - 2 6 - W 2 ; S E - 3 2 - 4 3 - 2 6 - W 2 ; Canwood, SK. Phone 306-468-2665 after NW-29-43-26-W2. Offers to be submitted 6:00 PM. judybischler@yahoo.ca to Land for Sale, 3 Mitchell St., Saskatoon, SK. S7H 3E9. Highest or any offer not nec- SOLD, SOLD, SOLD: After selling approx. e s s a r i l y a c c e p t e d . I n q u i r i e s c a l l : 30,000 acres over the summer I need farm 306-374-6915 or 306-373-3277. and ranch listings. If you are considering sale of your property please consider John RM OF BAYNE #371, 500.49 acres, Cave with Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379. 351 acres cult., 428.91 acres adjacent to Hamlet of Dana. $285,600. Exclusive. Call IRRIGATION SWIFT CURRENT, SK area, James Schinkel, Tim Hammond Realty, 2 quarters w/2 pivots, rebuilt Valley pivots 306-231-7077. Tri-drive. Chem fallow, ready to go. Phone Russ 250-808-3605. 110 ACRES HIGH FENCED pasture, along with 140 acres farmland, plus 45 FOR CASH RENT: 7 quarter sections grain acres hayland. To be sold as one package. land, RM of Sutton #103. 306-693-7396, Moose Jaw, SK. 306-843-3315, 306-843-7853, Wilkie, SK.


R E A L TY C O R P .

We Are Pleased To Announce The Following Recent Sales

SOLD! CHURCHBRIDGE 4683 ACRES - owned by Warren & Carla Kaeding, Denis & Diann Putland, Bernard & Gerald Rusnak, Myron H. & Myron T. Ivanochko, Gordon Biley, Roger & Phyllis Kaeding DOMREMY 955 ACRES - owned by Lawrence & Luisa Godin EMPRESS, AB 4836 ACRES - owned by Randy & Everett O’Connor STRASBOURG 477 ACRES - owned by Brett Olson LANCER 3521 ACRES - owned by Hubert Farms Ltd. c/o Karl Hubert MOOSOMIN 158 ACRES - owned by Geoffrey & Denise Rutledge and Walter Weigelmann BROADVIEW 158 ACRES - owned by Norval Fockler and Donna & Brent Middleton BREDENBURY 320 ACRES - owned by Daniel & Louise Dorrance RAYMORE 316 ACRES - owned by Gordon & Patricia Goldfinch YORKTON 149 ACRES - owned by Mark Drehr STRASBOURG 160 ACRES - owned by Ludwig Kropf WADENA 159 ACRES - owned by Andrew & Edward Andronowich


C A L L U S TO D A Y! Sa s ka tch e w a n ’s Fa rm & Ra n ch Sp e cia lis ts ™ 299 Regis tered S a les in 2011.

3 06 -56 9 -3 3 8 0

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FOR SALE BY TENDER: SW-32-27-19-W3, RM Snipe Lake #259, 160 acres assessed 55,600. Submit written tenders c/o Land Tender, Box 159, Macrorie, SK, S0L 2E0. Possession date January 1, 2013. A 10% deposit is due upon acceptance of the successful bidder plus a letter of confirmation of financing or funds available from financial institution by September 1, 2012, with a balance due November 1, 2012. Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted, and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Tenders accepted until midnight March 15, 2012. For further info call 306-962-4623 or 306-882-3881. SASK. LAND FOR SALE: MAPLE CREEK: Rare Opportunity! 300+ cow ranch, 13 deeded quarters, 10 quarters lease in native grass, home, quonset, etc. (#1742, Gordon). SWIFT CURRENT: Rolling 100 cow ranch, year round springs, good winter shelter. (#1738, Gordon). FOAM LAKE: 4 quarters in a block. (#1810, Barry Palik). STRASBOURG: 640 acres good assessed land, all land ready for spring seeding, dugout. (#1842, Elmer). PANGMAN: 5 quarters all touching, 460 acres cult., lots of water, home, quonset, pole barns, etc. (#1826, Gordon). Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, 1-866-345-3414, www.canadafarmsandranch.com RM OF GREAT BEND, NW 28-39-10 W3rd, old barn on land, 110 seeded and remainder in pasture, fenced and cross fenced. 306-893-2665, Maidstone, SK. RM 256: 640 acres of tame hay/grass. John Cave, Edge Realty, 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. RANCH AND AGGREGATE: South central SK. ranch for sale in beautiful Touchwood Hills. 400-500 head cow/calf operation with good handling facilities, good aggregate income, rotational grazing with lots of water. Managed properly, the aggregate will pay for the ranch. Call 306-531-8720. LAND AUCTION: Supreme Auction Services will sell NE-05-18-14-W2nd in the RM of South Qu’Appelle No. 157 at 7:30 PM, Wednesday, February 15th at the Senior Hall, Qu’Appelle, SK. PL #314604. Ken McDonald 306-695-0121, Brad Stenberg 306-551-9411, www.supremeauctions.ca FOR SALE BY TENDER. S-1/207-25-11-W3, RM of King George No. 256. Pastureland, approx. 320 acres. Sealed tenders will be accepted by the solicitors for the vendors until 4:30 PM on Friday, March 2, 2012, at the following address: Woloshyn & Company, Barristers & Solicitors, #200, 111 - 2nd Ave. South, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 1K6, Attention: G. Bruce McDonald. Tenders must be for a specific price and must be for both quarter sections, accompanied by a bank draft or cert. cheque made payable to Woloshyn & Company for 10% of the tender amount as a deposit, which will be returned to the Purchaser if the tender is not accepted and/or the sale is not completed. The balance of the purchase price will be payable according to the terms and conditions contained in any subsequent Offer to Purchase. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.


R.M. OF LAIRD. Good access, $72,000 as- LAND FOR RENT. The Public Guardian sessment, full cultivation. Don Dyck, and Trustee of Saskatchewan as official Re/Max North Country, 306-221-1684. administrator for The Estate of Joseph Williamson, will accept cash rent bids on WANTED TO PURCHASE a grain farm or the following: SW-6-18-12-W2, RM of farmland, prefer southeast or east central Indian Head #156. Sealed bids, clearly Sask. Phone 306-861-4592, SK. marked “Williamson Tender�, should be received in our office by Monday, Feb. 13, ACCEPTING OFFERS TO purchase NW and 2012. The highest or any bid not necesNE-23-24-22-W2. 309 acres (285 cult). sarily accepted. For further info phone 13,100 bu. grain storage (6600 hoppered, R y a n B a t e s a t 3 0 6 - 7 8 7 - 8 1 1 5 , 6500 flat bottom, 10,500 aeration). Power ryan.bates@gov.sk.ca Public Guardian and located at the bin yard. Land is adjacent to Trustee of Saskatchewan, 100 - 1871 the Town of Strasbourg, close to Last Smith Street, Regina, SK S4P 4W4, fax Mountain Lake, 45 minute drive North of 306-787-5065. Regina. Tenders close midnight February 29th, 2012. Highest or any tender not nec- RM ABERDEEN LAND. 3 quarter sections essarily accepted. Mail tender to Box 458, west of Aberdeen, 1 with pivot irrigation, Strasbourg, SK. S0G 4V0, 306-725-3702 or 2 adjoining with good assessment. Call email: s.r.frizzell@sasktel.net D o n D y c k , R e / M a x N o r t h C o u n t r y, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK. PALLISER FARMLAND MANAGEMENT is accepting tenders for the rental of the following land in, RM #49: 30Q uarter NE-13-06-21-W3, Lot 223, 224, 225, 226A and 231; NE-14-06-21-W3, Lot 238; Sections SE-23-06-21-W3, Lot 243 and 251; SW-24-06-21-W3, Lot 244. RM #166: SE-18-17-10-W3 comprising Hay Lot #155. 3-5 year contracts preferred. Cash rent and/or crop share will be considered. be creative! Tenders close February 29th, In R.M. #99 & R.M. #71 2012. For more information call Farmland N EW L IS TIN G S Manager, Murray Gogel at 306-347-0846, Email: murray@palliserfarmland.ca To request further inform ation:


FARM LAND FOR RENT R .M .# 68 79 343 277 350 77 12 & 43 340 & 341 307 276 70 106 228 99 4 310 5

A R EA W eyburn Eastend St.D enis Leross Kerrobert A dm iral R ockglen H um boldt Elfros Foam Lake O gem a V anguard Kyle M ilestone B ienfait Lanigan Estevan

# O F Q T RS 12 4 6 4.5 5 4 10.5 4 3 3 4.4 5 13 8 3 3 2

To request inform ation please em ail:

saskland4rent@ gm ail.com O R fax:306-790-7121 H arry Sheppard Sutton G roup - R esults R ealty R egina, SK

FARM FOR SALE: Near Osler, SK. Located NW5-40-4-W3, farm is 130 cultivated acres with 30 acre yard, comes with 1000 sq. ft. bungalow house, 40x60 heated shop, 40x80 cold quonset storage, 24,000 bushels of bin space, corral space with 5 water bowls and small pasture. Farm has Saskatoon water. All offers to be submitted to: McDougall Gauley, Barristers and Solicitors, PO Box 638, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 3L7, Attention: Ray Wiebe. Deadline for submitting an offer shall be March 2, 2012. The purchaser shall be required to pay a deposit of 10% to McDougall Gauley within 7 days of the acceptance of any off e r. F o r v i e w i n g c o n t a c t B r a d a t 306-220-7199. The highest or any offer need not be accepted.

Em ail:harry@ sheppardrealty.ca or C all:306-530-8035 H arry Sheppard - R ealtor Specializing in Farm Land Sales & Property M anagem ent Sutton G roup - R esults R ealty R egina, SK

FOR SALE BY TENDER, Parcel C Plan 101648831 Extension 113, Being a portion of the NE-25-38-5-W3rd, R.M. of Corman Park #344. Sealed tenders will be received by the law firm, Kloppenburg & Kloppenburg, in its capacity as solicitors to the estate of the late Robert Leslie Steve (the “Seller�), up until 4:00 PM. on Friday, February 17, 2012. Tenders must be in sealed envelopes, plainly marked “Tender Enclosed�, and accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the offer. Make cheque payable to: Kloppenburg & Kloppenburg in trust. Tenders must be for balance of cash on closing on or before March 15, 2012. Tenders received after 4:00 on Friday, February 17, 2012, regardless of date of post mark, will not receive consideration and will be returned unopened. The Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and the highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The acceptance of any tender will be conditional upon: The execution of a formal Purchase and Sale Agreement prepared by Kloppenburg & Kloppenburg. For tender forms and other info, please contact Cheryl Kloppenburg at: Kloppenburg & Kloppenburg, Barristers & Solicitors, 123 2nd Avenue South 603 Princeton Tower, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 7E6. Ph. 306-665-7600, fax 306-665-7800, email clk@kloppenburg.ca

RM W INSLOW . . . . . . . . . 1 q tr. . . . . $220,000 WAKAW EAST, close to Wakaw Lake, SK, RM PROGRESS. . . . . . . 2 q trs . . . $150,000 1274 sq. ft. bungalow, built 1976, exc. cond., garden area, fruit trees, 40x80 steel RM NEW COM BE. . . . . . 2 q trs . . . $520,000 quonset, heated 14x20 workshop, good RM KINDERSLEY. . . . 2 q trs . . . $200,000 hunting and fishing, greenhouse, 1 mile off hwy #41, $320,000; WAKAW EAST, 1 RM KINDERSLEY. . . . 4 q trs . . . $8 00,000 mile to Wakaw Lake, High assessed land. RM KINDERSLEY. . . . 2 q trs . . . $29 5,000 good yard site, 1740/2 sq. ft. home, 5 RM SNIPE LAKE. . . . . . 2 q trs . . . $3 50,000 bdrm, very well kept, good water, 18x22 heated shop, garden area, excellent hobby 12,000 SQ FT co m m ercia l b u ild in g farm, recreation area, good hunting and o n 1.57 a cres o n # 7 Highw a y fishing, $255,000. Del Rue, 306-242-8221, SALE OR RENT: RM Willner NE 26-26-3 (fo rm erly Ca n a d ia n T ire) . . . . . . . $6 9 9 ,000 Royal LePage, Saskatoon, SK. W3rd and W 1/2 31-26-2 W3rd, 1/2 sumC a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM #92 near merfallow. $412,800; RM Bjorkdale SE Moosomin. 1280 acres w/610 cult. acres, 36-44-10 W2nd and SW 30-44-9 W2nd, 3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7 $271,200. 306-922-0115. 625 TG/pasture acres, 45 other acres and oil surface lease. Total 2011 assess. G ro up W e s tR e a lty $334,700 (avg. assess. $41,837/qtr). 1180 41 QUARTERS SW SASK 3000 acres culKin d e rs le y, S K sq. ft. bungalow (1983), 4 bdrm, 2 bath, tivated, balance native grass. Good water includes 12,850 bu. bins and livestock fa- and fence with full calving facilities for 200 w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m h e a d . F o r m o r e i n f o c o n t a c t cilities (100 head). Asking $1,120,000. Call A l e x M o r r o w 3 0 6 - 3 3 2 - 4 1 6 1 M L S bjrfarms@gmail.com or 306-625-3759, TIM HAMMOND REALTY- FOR RENT Ponteix, SK. #420278. http://Shire.TimHammond.ca near Truax/Avonlea, 32 quarters in RM SALE BY TENDER prime farmland Plato, RM KELVINGTON near Round Lake one #100. 14 quarters cult., (approx. 1700 SK. area, NW 1/4 36-24-18-W3, NE 1/4 quarter of land w/house, 30x60’ shop acres), 18 quarters seeded grass/alfalfa 01-25-18-W3, SE 1/4 01-25-18-W3, NE w/tools and mig welder, older barn, 80 (13 being fenced), 5 quarters seeded for1/4 12-25-18-W3, NE 1/4 14-25-18-W3, acres pasture w/new fence, 80 acres alfal- age. Nice block, total assessment over NW-1/4 14-25-18-W3. 956 acres, 4 steel fa 1 yr. old, c/w 1995 Ford tractor, FWA, $1M. Call Roy Hjelte 306-761-1499 bebins, water well, power, phone available. 95 HP, lots of extras. Great hunting area, fore Feb. 8 deadline. Tenders certified 5% cheque payable to: r i g h t b e s i d e R o u t e 6 6 , $ 2 2 5 , 0 0 0 . TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 063 Moose Ignatiuk Law Offices in Trust, 902- 4th St., 306-272-7715, Kelvington, SK. Mountain, 3 quarters of productive grainEstevan SK., S4A 0W3, ph 306-634-6477, RM WINSLOW #319. Accepting offers land with oil surface lease south of Carlyle, fax 306-634-8744 by February 17, 2012. for cash rental: S-1/2-3-32-19-W3, 320 427 cult. acres, total assessment $138,000 SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER: Approx. cultivated acres, E-1/2-4-32-19-W3, 280 (avg. $46,000/qtr). Additional 7 quarters 60 acres adjacent to river. Large bunga- cult. acres, SW-1/4-12-32-20-W3, 160 with buildings available. Asking $450,000. low, quonset, horse barn, corrals. Very cult. acres. Written tenders accepted until Exclusive. Guy Shepherd 306-434-8857 Scenic. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. February 29, 2012. Highest or any tender http://Brown.TimHammond.ca 3 0 6 - 7 7 3 - 7 3 7 9 , S w i f t C u r r e n t , S K . not necessarily accepted. Mail tenders to: P.O. Box 241, Plenty, SK. S0L 2R0. www.farmsask.com


AUCTION- 3 QUARTER sections of farmland, SE-17-25-7-W2, RM of Garry #245, yardsite with power and gravel deposit; NE-17-25-7-W2, RM of Garry #245; NW19-25-6-W2, RM of Orkney #244. Brian Procyshen Farm Equipment Auction on Saturday, April 21, 2012. Yorkton, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill, photos and video. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. SELLING/ BUYING all sizes of Sask. farmland. Serious buyers, lease back options possible. Confidentiality assured. For more info or questions call David Kalynowski, Century 21 Fusion, 306-222-6796, dkalynowski@gmail.com

640 ACRES for sale or lease in RM of Scott #98, best producing grainland, $698,000. Phone 778-885-6513, or contact by email: gagdhaliwal@hotmail.com RM EDENWOLD 158 S-1/2-27-20-17-W2 near town of Edenwold. 93,300 assess., 210 acres cult./ 75 acres pasture w/spring fed water. 2500 bus. steel bin. Organic certified since 2010. MLS ÂŽ415385 and ÂŽ415389. Herman Moellman, Re/Max Crown Real Estate Ltd. Regina, SK, 306-791-7681. hmoellman@remax.net

Ph (3 06 ) 5 84 -3 6 4 0 Fa x (3 06 ) 5 84 -3 6 4 3 in fo @ m a xcro p .ca

FARM LAN D W AN TED Q UICK CLO SIN G! N O CO M M ISSIO N ! La n d forren t in RM 70 ,10 0 ,40 ,185,275,276 ,246 HIRIN G FARM M AN AGER

BlackburnMotors.ca 2005 Safari Cheetah, 40’, 350 HP, 3 slides, 25,000m, $86,900; 2005 Tiffin Allegro Bus, 40’, 3 slides, 400 HP Cummins, 38,000m, $109,900; 2003 Newmar Dutch Star, 39’, 2 slides, 350 HP, 47,000m, $69,900. Financing avail. 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, Saskatoon, SK. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 8:30 to 5 PM, DL #236237. SNOWBIRD SPECIAL!!! 2012 Ridgeline 34RLT. Triple slide, hot water on demand, open concept, winterized and much more! Stock #4467, $58,000, MSRP $89,864. A l l a n D a l e I n d u s t r i e s i n R e d D e e r. 1-866-346-3148 or www.allandale.com 2001 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Endeavor, 40’, two sliders, 330 HP Cummins, 7.5 KW diesel generator, 64,500 miles, Roadmaster chassis, hardwood floors, satellite, two TV’s, exc. cond. $65,000. 204-325-2550, Plum Coulee, MB.

YAMAHA 550 DUAL purpose motorcycle, approx. 10 yrs. old, red/white, $1000 work order, $3000. 306-728-8373, Melville, SK.

SUPERVISED PASTURE WANTED for 150+ c o w s . P h o n e Ke l 3 0 6 - 7 5 3 - 2 8 4 2 o r 306-753-8069, Macklin, SK. WANTED TO RENT: pasture with fence suitable for bison. Phone Ryan 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. PASTURE FOR RENT for 200 yearlings or 100 pairs, crossfenced, good water, checked daily. 306-256-7087 Cudworth SK

37 QUARTERS RANCHLAND, 20 minutes east of Cold Lake at Pierceland SK. Terrific land base in one block, 5 deeded and 32 lease quarters. Abundance of springs and creeks with Beaver River along South 7 quarters. Contact Wendell Johnson, LOOKING FOR PASTURE to rent or lease. Can be long or short term. Would like it to 306-839-4435. be within 100 miles of Vermilion, AB. RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 5280 feet of Please contact: 780-853-2461. river frontage, estimated to have 300,000 yards of gravel. 781 acres of grazing land. All fenced. Pump house (insulated and heated) with 6 watering troughs. Priced as PURE ALFALFA HAYLAND WANTED in an investment property because of the riv- Sask. for 2012 season and longer. Up to er frontage and gravel. Seller will sell any 20% grass mixes and under 5 yr. stands. portion or all as a package. MLSŽ 393713. Different contract options available. Great Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battle- rotation options and extra cash flow. Reffords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800, e r e n c e s a v a i l a b l e . C a l l K e v i n www.remaxbattlefords.com 519-272-5383 or Joe at 519-276-0603. TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM 187 North FARMLAND WANTED TO rent or buy in Qu’Appelle, SK. Incredible view of Echo RM’s 218 or 219. Phone 306-939-4565 or Lake, 724 acres with approx. 503 cultivat- 306-537-1539. ed acres, total 2011 assessment $275,400 (avg. $60,889/quarter). Yard incl. 6,900 WANTED TO RENT OR purchase farmland bu. grain storage, metal quonset and 3 in RM’s of 281, 251, 252 or adjoining. All phase power. Asking $1,100,000 MLS replies kept in confidence. Box 5556, c/o #417842. Kevin Jarrett 306-441-4152 Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 http://QuAppelle.TimHammond.ca I HAVE BUYERS: 1) For land in the RM’s HIGHLY ASSESSED GRAIN LAND: 800 of Blaine Lake, Redberry, Leask, Shellacres in RM 230 being sold by tender. For brook, Bayne, Hoodoo, Duck Lake, Langdetails please call John Cave, Edge Realty ham, Conquest, Sovereign, Harris, Milden, Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. Vicount, Ivergordon, 3 lakes, St. Louis and www.farmsask.com Bruno areas; 2) Ranch land capable of handling 100-400 cow/calf pairs; 3) Natural pasture in SK; 4) Bush land. Phone Bill Nesteroff 306-497-2668 ReMax Saskatoon INVESTORS AND FARMERS: 17 quar- or email: billnesteroff@sasktel.net ters, 2690 acres, 2120 cult., 80 tramped, 490 bush and pasture, 2 yard sites w/buildings, good drinking water. Also 18 acres yard and buildings. Phone for web- TURNER VALLEY, AB, 55 acres, grass and trees, fenced and cross fenced, 2 dugouts, site 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. no buildings, 2 wells, power and gas on 500 COW MANITOBA Ranch for lease. property, 55 kms from Calgary. $450,000. Please send replies to: Box 5559, c/o alfe06@gmail.com Call 403-253-2664. Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 40 ACRES w/30’x40’ house; 42’x72’ shop, RM OF LAWRENCE: Native/tame hay all metal inside/out, 12� insulation; 22’x32’ and pasture. Sheltered yardsite includes a fuel shed for storage, 16’ walls; 2 wells, 2 newer bungalow, shop and misc. buildings. watering bowls, good corrals. Also one Close to town and school. 204-732-2409, quarter for pasture, hay, crossfenced, big dugout. Will sell 40 acres separate. SpiritRorketon, MB. wood, SK. 306-824-4908 or 306-841-7337. 480 ACRES NEAR RUSSELL, MB. Mixed farm, 912 sq. ft. bungalow, mostly fenced, TREED SIX ACRES, next to Canwood, SK. workshop, cattle shelter, private yard, Golf Course. $49,900. Ph. 250-833-0515. $245,000. More land available nearby. 150 ACRES, central MB, bordering Sask, Karen Goraluk, Salesperson 204-773-6797, water and power, house old time. Asking 204-937-8357, Northstar Insurance & Real $93,000. 604-989-4515, Gibsons, BC. Estate, www.north-star.ca SK, 10 acres with 1230 sq. ft. FEEDLOT: 4000 HEAD capacity, includes CANORA, shop, sheds, outbuildings, nat. 1040 sq. ft. house. 60,000 bu. grain stor- bungalow, gas, underground power. 306-651-1041. age, equipment, 6 deeded quarters. 2 miles North of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. SELLING BY OWNER charming upgraded RANCH: 8064 acres lease land, 1600 An- character home on 40 acres. Set up for gus cows. Crane River, MB. Call Dale livestock. Info. 306-342-2023, Glaslyn, SK. 204-638-5581, Doug 204-447-2382. RANCH FOR 250 cow/calf pairs, 6 quarters deeded, 673 cultivated; 22 quarters crown lease, 274 cultivated. Crossfenced, 5 miles new fence, dugouts, shelters, barn, steel corrals, 9400 bu. steel grain storage, good water, home. 204-742-3269, Garland, MB. 2008 POLARIS RANGER, 1880 kms, spare tires, exc. cond., $7900 OBO. 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK. PASTURE WANTED: 2012 grazing season, cow/calf or yearlings. Call 403-552-3753, Kirriemuir, AB. S A S K ATO O N R V S U P E R S TO R E . C O M SUPERVISED PASTURE for 2012 grazing Phone 306-978-7253, Saskatoon, SK. season, cow/calf or yearlings. Ituna, SK. FOR SALE OR trade 2008 Host 11.5’ triple area. Call 306-795-2726 or 306-795-7442. slide truck camper c/w generator, Satellite TV, convection microwave, fully loaded, 70 gal. water tank. Will also sell 2008 F450 w/matching paint scheme. Call Jason 306-642-3315, Assiniboia, SK.

CLEAN- MINT- SHOWROOM condition, 1985 JAG 440, electric, 770 orig. miles, top and bottom engine redone at 700 miles, asking $2500 OBO; Mint 1995 EXT 580, carb, 690 orig. miles, $5000 OBO; 8x12’ tilt trailer, $1200 OBO. Star City, SK.. 306-863-2603, 306-921-7688. PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. NEW AND USED SNOWMOBILE PARTS. We stock crankshafts, cylinders, clutches, stators, flywheels, pistons, gasket sets and much more. Cylinder reboring and crank shaft repair. Glen’s Small Engine Centre, Lloydminster, SK., 306-825-3100. SAVE $1,000 on a NashCar Rage enclosed snowmobile trailer- alum. construction, Advantech flooring, stone guard, LEDs, white in colour. Only $9,750! Serial #87073 Other great deals available. Visit Flaman Trailers in Saskatoon or call 1-888-435-2626 www.flamantrailers.com 1980 BOMBARDIER SKI-DOO Elite model twin track complete w/cover and trailer, plus complete portable ice fishing shack. 306-586-6248, Regina, SK. PARTS FOR VINTAGE snowmobiles, 1990 and older. Call Don at 780-755-2258, Wainwright, AB. OLDER JD SNOWMOBILE, $900. Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. 3 SNOWMOBILES: 2009 Yahama Phazer MTX, orange/blk., 2000 kms, $6500; 2010 Yahama Nytro MTX 153 supercharged, $15,500; 2012 Yahama Nytro MTX 153, new, 0 miles, $12,500. All in excellent condition. 306-260-8447, Saskatoon, SK.

BLUE MOON OCEANSIDE CONDOS has “Snowbird Specials� for fall and winter. Please call 1-877-753-7888, website www.bluemooncondos.com or email info@bluemooncondos.com


2005 JAYCO FIBREGLASS 301RLS 5th wheel, 2 slides, fully loaded, $21,500; 1985 11.5’ Vanguard truck camper with bathroom, $2500. Both in good condition. 306-626-3550, Pennant, SK.

 N W -22-34-19-W 2 (138 C ultiva ted A cres ) FM A $49,000 N E-22-34-19-W 2 (136 C ultiva ted A cres ) FM A $44,100 (R .M . of L eR oy N o. 339) Ten d ers on eith er or b oth p a rcels m u s t b e receiv ed b efore 4:00 P .M ., F eb ru a ry 24, 2012 5% D ep os it requ ired on a ccep ta n ce. Ba la n ce p a ya b le w ith in 30 d a ys . F or m ore in form a tion , con ta ct th e u n d ers ign ed . H igh es t or a n y offer n ot n eces s a rily a ccep ted .  B E H IE L ,W IL L & B IE M A N S B a r r ister s & Solic itor s 602 - 9th Str eet, P .O .Box 878 H u m b old t, Sa s k a t ch ew a n S0K 2A 0 A TTEN TIO N : A A R O N B EH IEL Telep h on e:306-682-264 2 (So licito rs/A gents fo rV endo r.)

www.dwein.ca RM of Harris, 12 quarters adjoining, 8 dugouts with creek running through, excellent fences with 1/2 mile to be constructed and exceptional grass. Power is in place, good road access. $759,900. MLS Century 21 Fusion, Dwein Trask 306-221-1035.

2VR\RRV %& 40’ WINNEBAGO TOUR 207, Freightliner chassis, 400 Cummins, 6 speed Allison trans, Onan diesel generator, 17,000 miles, 4 slides, top of the line coach, $120,000. Selling due to health. 403-335-3270 403-586-1928 Didsbury, AB

Em ail:rtelford@ cam rose.ca w w w.cam rose.ca

Ray Telford

Economic Development Officer

2006 VANGUARD KODIAK motor home, 28’ 9�, single axle, AC, 1 slide, Ford 6.8L V10 FI eng., auto trans, PW, door locks and mirrors, roof-top air, AC, central heat, power awning, living area, sink, stovetop, oven, microwave, TV antenna, fridge, freezer, toilet, shower, storage comp., Toshiba TV, Memorex DVD player, Onan gen., o u t s i d e s h o w e r, h i t c h r e c e i v e r, LT225/75R16 tires, 26,599 miles, reduced $44,900. Will consider trade. Morris, MB. 204-746-6605, cell 204-325-2496.

ZDWHUPDUNEHDFKUHVRUW FRP ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003. SKIING AT PANORAMA, BC. Private cabin sleeps 12. Only 3 minutes walk to main lift. Reasonable rates. For bookings call Eva at: 780-853-0653.


CORN SEED, $25/ACRE, open pollinated WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, varieties, lower N required, early 2250eight models, options and accessories. 2350 CHU’s, 7- 9’ tall, high yield and nutri1-877-866-0667. www.woodmizer.ca tion, for silage, grazing and grain. Delivery SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lum- available. 204-723-2831, Austin, MB. ber any dimension, anytime. Make money and save money. In stock, ready to ship. Starting at $1195. 1-800-566-6899 ext. CERT. CDC VERONA and AC Strongfield 168. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/168 Durum wheat. Very high quality seed, high germ., no Graminearum. Geiger Farms Ltd, Leader, SK, call Tim 306-628-7896, 520-350-1090, or tgeiger@sasktel.net GRAIN CART SCALES. Order now for ear- CERTIFIED #1 AC STRONGFIELD and AC ly season discount. Typical 750 bu. grain E U R O S T A R . W i e n s S e e d F a r m cart, $3150. Ph 204-871-1175 or toll free 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. 1-800-862-8304, MacGregor, MB. CERTIFIED #1 CDC Verona Durum. High DOMINION TRUCK SCALE for sale, in germination, volume discounts. Fast Seed working condition, from 1970. Phone: Farm Ltd., Kindersley, SK. 306-463-3626. 306-537-2441, Craven, SK. CERT. STRONGFIELD DURUM. Craswell ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. ways to weigh bales and livestock; Plat- C E R T I F I E D S T R O N G F I E L D D U RU M . form scales for industrial use as well, non- L y n w o o d M i l l e r, A v o n l e a , S K . electric, no balances or cables (no weigh 306-868-7880. like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. www.eliasscales.com AC STRONGFIELD, Cert. #1, strong with excellent protein. Nakonechny 10x14 PLATFORM SCALE, $12,500. yielder Used 10x14’, $9500. Ph. 204-871-1175 or Seeds 306-932-4409, Ruthilda, SK. CERTIFIED CDC VERONA and Certified AC toll free 1-800-862-8304, MacGregor, MB. Strongfield. Fraser Farms, Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0475, email: foc@sasktel.net CERT. CDC VERONA DURUM, high germ. Discount if picked up before Feb. 15. Call Jason 306-628-8127, Prelate, SK, www.jagfarms.com REGISTERED and CERTIFIED VERONA 306-395-2652, Chaplin, SK. C E RT. S T R O N G F I E L D , CDC Verona. Pa l m i e r S e e d F a r m s 3 0 6 - 4 7 2 - 3 7 2 2 , moe.anita@sasktel.net, Lafleche, SK. CERTIFIED CDC VERONA durum. 403-633-9999, www.fabianseedfarms.com Tilley, AB.

Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment

Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - ex.co m CERTIFIED AC METCALF and CDC Meredith. Fraser Farms, Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0475, email: foc@sasktel.net REG/CERT AC METCALF, Cert. CDC Meredith and Cert. CDC Copeland. Excellent quality. Early booking and volume discounts avail. Northland Seeds Inc. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. CERT. #1 AC Newdale, 2 row; Legacy, 6 r o w. F e n t o n S e e d s , T i s d a l e , S K . 306-873-5438. REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AC Metcalfe, 97% germination. Ennis Seeds, Glenavon, SK, 306-429-2793.

UNITY VB CERTIFIED, 95% germination; CERT. AND REG. Sorrel flax. Phone FredeWaskada cert., 95% germ. Doug Stoll rick Seeds at Watson, SK., 306-287-3977. 306-493-2534, Delisle, SK. CERTIFIED PRAIRIE Grand Flax, GreenCERT. LILLIAN, Waskada, VB Utmost, VB s h i e l d s S e e d s , 3 0 6 - 5 2 4 - 2 1 5 5 ( W ) , Unity spring wheat. Palmier Seed Farms 306-524-4339 (W), Semans, SK. 306-472-3722, moe.anita@sasktel.net, REG., CERT. FP 2214 PRAIRIE SAPPHIRE Lafleche, SK. flax, high germ. Discount if picked up beCERTIFIED AC UNITY and Certified AC fore Feb. 15. Call Jason 306-628-8127 Carberry. Fraser Farms, Pambrun, SK. www.jagfarms.com Prelate, SK. 306-741-0475, email: foc@sasktel.net C E RT I F I E D C D C S O R R E L f l a x s e e d , FOUNDATION, REGISTERED, AND/or cer- $24/bu. Discounts available. VISA and MC tified Unity VB, CDC Utmost VB, Carberry accepted. Visit: www.LLseeds.ca for deand Sadash. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake tails. Phone 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. Lenore, SK. Phone 306-368-2602 or email: FOUNDATION, REGISTERED AND/or certikb.berscheid@sasktel.net. fied CDC Sorrel, CDC Bethune. Berscheid CERTIFIED UNITY Midge resistant, Stet- B r o s S e e d s , L a k e L e n o r e , S K . tler. Greenshields Seeds. Semans, SK. 306-368-2602, kb.berscheid@sasktel.net 306-524-2155(W), 306-524-4339(H). CERTIFIED CDC BETHUNE. Fraser Farms, HARVEST RS WHEAT, Certified and Reg.; Pambrun, SK. Phone 306-741-0475, email: Utmost (VB) wheat, midge tolerant. foc@sasktel.net Phone Frederick Seeds at Watson, SK, CERTIFIED Taurus, Sorrel, Scorpion 306-287-3977. available. Va n B u rc k S e e d s CERTIFIED SADASH WHEAT for sale. Call 306-863-4377 Star City, SK. 306-395-2652, Chaplin, SK. REG/CERT. CDC SORREL. Excellent CERT. #1 AC GOODEVE VB and CDC Ut- quality. Early booking and volume dismost VB, midge tolerant wheat, 99% germ. counts available. Northland Seeds Inc. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. M&M Seeds, 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK. CERT. #1 SHAW VB; CDC Utmost VB; REG, CERT. CDC SORREL, Vimy. Palmier Unity VB; Goodeve VB, Carberry; Verona Seed Farms, moe.anita@sasktel.net, D u r u m . A r d e l l S e e d s , Va n s c oy, S K . 306-472-3722, Lafleche, SK. 306-668-4415. CDC SORREL, BETHUNE. Fdn., Reg., and CERT. #1 GOODEVE VB; CDC Utmost VB; Cert. available. Terre Bonne Seed Farm 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. Harvest; CDC Teal; AC Sadash; AC Vista. Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. REGISTERED AND CERTIFIED AC Stettler and Alvena wheat. Mount Forest Seed Farms 306-921-7234, Melfort, SK.

NEW SHAW VB midge resistant wheat (highest yielding and midge resistance); Unity VB; Osler; and Splendor. Fdn., Reg., and Cert. available. Terre Bonne Seeds 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. CERT. AC SADASH soft wheat, top variety AC MORGAN, JORDAN. Fdn., Reg., and fo r e t h a n o l p r o d u c t i o n . T i l l e y, A B . CDC IMAX CL, Reg., Cert. #1, larger red, excellent for splitting. CDC Maxim CL, Cert. available. Terre Bonne Seed Farm 403-633-9999, www.fabianseedfarms.com Reg., Cert., exc. performer. Nakonechny 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. Seeds 306-932-4409, Ruthilda, SK. CERT. #1 PINNACLE; Leggett. Ardell CERT. CDC MAXIM CL and fdn., cert. CDC Seeds, 306-668-4415, Vanscoy, SK. Redberry lentils. Craswell Seeds Ltd., CERT TRIACTOR. Excellent quality. Early Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. booking and volume discounts available. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Northland TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass SEED SPECIAL: Cert. CDC Imvincible and seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse Imax lentils. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, Seeds Inc. Margo, SK. SK. CERT. LEGGETT OATS; Cert. and Reg. Orrin 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. oats. Phone Frederick Seeds at Watson, CERT. ALFALFAS AND GRASSES, free SIMPSON SEEDS INC. has the newest SK, 306-287-3977. delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, lentil varieties such as CERTIFIED CDC Imvincible, CDC Dazil, CDC Redcliff, CDC CERT. CDC BALER OAT, forage oat; Cert. MB, 1-888-204-1000. www.dyckseeds.com Ruby and the exclusive to ssi CDC Iberina Leggett milling oat seed. High germ and with a Production contract. Also we have vigor. Wagon Wheel Seed Corp, Churchmany favorite varieties from past years. bridge, SK, 306-896-2236. Call us at 306-693-9402, Moose Jaw, SK. CERTIFIED #1 CARLTON brome. Fenton CDC BOYER, CERT., 96% germination, Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. CERT. GREENLAND and ROULEAU lentils. early maturity. Doug Stoll 306-493-2534, Phone 306-395-2652, Chaplin, SK. Delisle, SK. REG., CERT. CDC GREENLAND, CDC CERT. #1 CDC Orrin, Leggett. Fenton Improve, large green; CDC Maxim, red. Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. Pa l m i e r S e e d F a r m s 3 0 6 - 4 7 2 - 3 7 2 2 , moe.anita@sasktel.net Lafleche, SK. REGISTERED, CERTIFIED CDC Boyer, early maturing, 97% germ.; Jordan, 96% germ. HYBRID AND OPEN-POLLINATED canola CDC IMPOWER CL, Reg. and Cert. #1, Ennis Seeds, Glenavon, SK, 306-429-2793. varieties at great prices. Fenton Seeds, 98% germ, limited supply. Nakonechny Seeds 306-932-4409, Ruthilda, SK. FOUNDATION, REGISTERED AND/or certi- Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. fied CDC Orrin and CDC Weaver. Berscheid CERT. CDC DAZIL and CDC Maxim CL; CDC Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. Phone CERTIFIED FOREMOST conventional, Rug- Redcliff and CDC Redcoat. Reds. Fast Seed by Round-up ready, Canterra canola varie306-368-2602, kb.berscheid@sasktel.net ties. Greenshields Seeds, Semans, SK, Farm, Kindersley, SK. 306-463-3626. REGISTERED, CERTIFIED and Common AC 306-524-2155(W), 306-524-4339 (H). SEED SPECIAL: Cert. CDC Impower. New Morgan oat seed. Mount Forest Seed Clearfield large green lentils w/better seed Farms, 306-921-7234, Melfort, SK. coat color. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK. CERT. #1 CDC Sorrel. Call Fenton Seeds, CERTIFIED CDC Maxim, CDC Improve, CDC Imigreen lentils, all clearfield varieTisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. ties. Great condition, high germination. TYNDAL SPRING TRITICALE, registered CDC SORREL FLAX, reg. and cert. Phone Discounts available. VISA and MC acceptand certified. 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB. 403-633-9999, www.fabianseedfarms.com ed. Visit: www.LLseeds.ca for details. www.fabianseedfarms.com Tilley, AB. Phone 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. CERTIFIED TYNDAL. Fraser Farms, Pambrun, SK. Phone 306-741-0475, email: foc@sasktel.net

CERT. #1 CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, CERT. #1 AC UNITY VB and AC LILLIAN, CDC Cowboy, AC Ranger. Ardell Seeds, Call Wiens Seed Farm 306-377-2002, 306-668-4415, Vanscoy, SK. Herschel, SK. CDC AUSTENSON 2-row feed barley, reg. CERTIFIED #1 UNITY, Waskada, Lillian and cert. 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB. wheat. 306-497-2800, 306-290-7816, www.fabianseedfarms.com Blaine Lake, SK. REGISTERED AND CERTIFIED AC Metcalfe CERT. UNITY VB, Midget tolerant. Exceland CDC Copeland barley. Mount Forest lent quality. Early booking and volume disSeed Farms, 306-921-7234, Melfort, SK. counts available. Northland Seeds Inc. Call Oscar or Lee, 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. CERTIFIED COPELAND, Metcalfe, Newdale, Legacy, Tradition, Cowboy, Meredith, WESTERN GRAIN has available in certified McGwire available. Van Burck Seeds, seed: Wheat- Unity, Waskada, Sadash, Stettler. Barley- CDC Meredith. Flax306-863-4377, Star City, SK. CDC Sorrel. Book early! 306-445-4022 or FOUNDATION, REGISTERED AND/or certi- email vicki@westerngrain.com North Batfied AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland, CDC tleford, SK. www.westerngrain.com Meredith, CDC Kindersley, Newdale and Legacy. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Le- AC ANDREW, Reg. and Cert. #1, 96% nore, SK. Phone 306-368-2602 or email: germ, proven malt and ethanol acceptance, high yielder. Nakonechny Seeds kb.berscheid@sasktel.net 306-932-4409, Ruthilda, SK. REG. AND CERTIFIED CDC MEREDITH new malt barley, very high germination, 0 AC CARBERRY, Reg. and Cert. #1, 98% disease. Contracts needed. Call for details. germ, excellent yield and disease pkg., Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, short strong straw, limited quantity. Book early! Nakonechny Seeds 306-932-4409, 306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK. Ruthilda, SK. NEW CDC MEREDITH, AC Metcalfe, and CERTIFIED Utmost, Goodeve, Harvest, Robust. Fdn., Reg., and Cert. available. Carberry, Muchmore, Pasteur, Splendor Terre Bonne Seed Farm 306-752-4810, a v a i l a b l e . V a n B u r c k S e e d s 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. 306-863-4377, Star City, SK. CERTIFIED CDC COPELAND malting bar- CERTIFIED AC Unity VB seed. Book Early ley, $11.00/bu. Discounts available. VISA to guarantee your supply. Contact Patrick and MC accepted. Visit our website: 306-638-3177, Chamberlain, SK. www.LLseeds.ca for details. Phone REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AC Unity-Waska306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. da VB midge resistant wheat. Highest CERT. NEWDALE BARLEY; Cert. and Reg. yielding variety, $12.50/bu. Discounts Metcalfe barley; Cert. and Reg. Copeland available. VISA and MC accepted. Visit: barley. Phone Frederick Seeds at Watson, w w w. L L s e e d s . c a fo r d e t a i l s . P h o n e SK., 306-287-3977. 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. CERTIFIED METCALFE. Greenshields REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AC Elsa, 98% Seeds. Semans, SK., 306-524-2155(W), germination. Ennis Seeds, Glenavon, SK, 306-524-4339(H). 306-429-2793. CERT. #1 CDC COPELAND and Newdale, CERT. CDC UTMOST VB and cert. Lillian 2 row malting, 99% germ. Call: M&M wheat. Craswell Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, Seeds, 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK. SK, 306-725-3236. CERTIFIED #1 COPELAND barley, 99% C E R T I F I E D A C S T E T T L E R H R S W. germ. 306-497-2800, 306-290,7816. 403-633-9999, www.fabianseedfarms.com Tilley, AB. Blaine Lake, SK.

CERT. GREENLAND LENTIL, 98% germ., 0% disease. Hansen Seeds Yellow Grass, SK. 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679.

GrainEx International Ltd.


JumpStart your hybrid canola ®

Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: www.grainex.net REG. CDC IMVINCIBLE CL small green lentil. Call Blaine Sudom 306-868-7613, 306-868-4620, Avonlea, SK. CERT. #1 CDC Impala Clearfield lentils Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. CERTIFIED CDC GREENLAND, CDC Maxim and CDC Redcoat. Fraser Farms, Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0475, email: foc@sasktel.net

YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER tailings, approx 4000 lbs, in totes, .30¢/lb. 306-270-6600 (leave message), Hague, SK

GOLDEN FLAX SEED, 99% germ., 94% vigor. Call 306-728-3217, Melville, SK.

NON-GMO CANOLA SEED for sale, germ. 97%, vigor 93%, $1/lb. Phone Norm 204-328-7185, Rivers, MB. CONVENTIONAL ARGENTINE CANOLA, 99% germ., 93% vigor. Battleford, SK. Phone 1-877-312-2839.


A licensed and bonded buyer, for non-food grade canola. C ontact the Seed and M ealD ivision at

CDC GOLDEN, Cert. #1, excellent quality, good yield, standability and preferred size, l i m i t e d s u p p ly. N a ko n e c h ny S e e d s 306-932-4409, Ruthilda, SK. REG/CERT. CDC SAGE, Cert. CDC Golden. Excellent quality. Early booking and volume discounts available. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Northland Seeds Inc. Margo, SK. WESTERN GRAIN certified seed available: CDC Meadow, CDC Striker, CDC Patrick, CDC Pluto, CDC Tetris. Common maple peas. Other varieties on request. Ph. 306-445-4022, 306-441-6699, or email vicki@westerngrain.com North Battleford, SK, www.westerngrain.com SEED SPECIAL: Certified CDC Pluto. New high yielding green pea with very good bleaching resistance and good green color intensity. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK.

GREEN IS THE COLOR Registered and Certified CDC Striker, CDC Patrick green peas. Volume discounts. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK.

WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness or Dave Lea at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. Email info@marketplacecommodities.com WEST CENTRAL SASK. feedlot purchasing b a r l ey . Prompt payment. Contact 306-962-3992, Eston, SK. WANTED FEED/ OFF-GRADE LENTILS or pulses and other heated, tough grains or screenings. Prairie Wide Grain, 306230-8101, 306-716-2297, Saskatoon, SK.



delivers 6% more yield!* Maximize your returns with InVigor® hybrid canola.

BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net FDN/REG/CERT CDC TOGO. Excellent quality. Early booking and volume discounts available. Northland Seeds Inc. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. CDC BASTIA, Cert. #1, limited supply. CDC Maria, Cert. #1. Nakonechny Seeds 306-932-4409, Ruthilda, SK.

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*155 independent large-plot research trials, conducted by farmers over 17 years, show JumpStart delivers an average 6% more yield in canola. ® JumpStart is a registered trademark of Novozymes A/S. InVigor ® is a registered trademark of Bayer. All rights reserved. 11108 12.11

TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. COMMON #1 GRASSES, legumes, blends. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK.

M ILLIG A N B IO TEC H 1-866-388-6284 CERT. #1 CDC Meadow; CDC Prosper; or visit CDC Acer (Maple); Camry (Green). Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. w w w .m illiga n biote c h .c om CERTIFIED Meadow, Bronco, Admiral, 40-10 Silage, Leroy, Samson Mfat, Patrick, Sage, Espace (contract), Rocket (contract) a v a i l a b l e . V a n B u r c k S e e d s LARGE GREEN LENTIL seed, .28¢/lb. bin 306-863-4377, Star City, SK. run. tdfarms@hotmail.com Moose Jaw, SK C E RT I F I E D TRE ASURE AND Patrick, LARGE GREEN LENTILS, 94% germination, Greenshields Seeds, 306-524-2155 (W), 90% vigor, no disease, cleaned, Clearfield 306-524-4339, Semans, SK. confirmed. 306-789-9857, 306-442-7442, CERT. CDC PATRICK green peas, high Pangman, SK. germ. and vigor. Wagon Wheel Seed Corp. BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all Churchbridge, SK, 306-896-2236. grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. CERT. #1 CDC MEADOW and Treasure Grains yellow peas, 99% germ. Call M&M Seeds, email: nsgl@sasktel.net LARGE GREEN LENTILS, cleaned, clearfield 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK. 92% germ. 306-421-0761, Radville, REGISTERED, CERTIFIED CDC Patrick ready, green pea. Stands up great, mildew resist- SK. ant and retains color! $13.50/bu. Discounts available. VISA and MC accepted. visit our website: www.LLseeds.ca for deLESS FUSARIUM more bottom line. tails. Phone 306-731-2843 Lumsden, SK. Wheat seed available. Suitable for ethanol FOUNDATION, REGISTERED, AND/or cer- production, livestock feed. Western Feed tified CDC Striker, CDC Patrick, CDC Mead- G r a i n D e v e l o p m e n t C o - o p L t d , ow and CDC Treasure. Berscheid Bros 1-877-250-1552, www.wfgd.ca Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net

Independent large-plot trials show JumpStart®


GROWN FROM FDN., high germ., cleaned milling oat, $5/bu. Fort Vermilion, AB. 780-841-1496.



TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED SEED. All the new varieties: CDC Imvincible, CDC Imigreen, French green CDC Peridot as well all the reds CDC Dazil, CDC Redcliff, CDC Ruby, CDC Imax. Get it before its gone. Call 306-693-9402, Moose Jaw, SK. or email jamie@simpsonseeds.com REG. and CERT. CDC IMAX red lentils, high germ., low disease. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK. CERT. #1 CDC GREENLAND. Wiens Seed BUYING RED AND GREEN LENTILS, all Farm, 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty CDC INVINCIBLE SMALL green lentils, Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. registered. Lynwood Miller, Avonlea, SK. email: nsgl@sasktel.net 306-868-7880.

© 2011 Novozymes. 2011-31173-01

CERT. #1 AC METCALFE. Wiens Seed Farm 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK.


CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types of mustard for seed or processing. Color sorting available. Also looking for low g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.


306-374-1968 Western Commodities Inc.





CERTIFIED ANDANTE yellow mustard and Centennial brown mustard. Greenshields westerncommodities.ca Seeds, Semans, SK, 306-524-2155 (W), 306-524-4339 (H). “In Business To Serve Western Farmers” BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties CONVENTIONAL AND ROUND UP ready of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. grazing corn. CanaMaize Seed, E-mail: info@canamaize.com 1-877-262-4046. Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB.



B uying Feed G rain B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7

John Su therla nd

GRAIN WANTED: BUYING ALL grades of oats. Send sample to Newco Grain Ltd., Box 717, Coaldale, AB., T1M 1M6. Call 1-800-661-2312. www.newcograin.com



WANTED: FEED BARLEY, 48 lbs. plus. ROUND ALFALFA BALES, approx. 1200 Phone Larry Hagerty, Stony Beach, SK. l b s . , l i t t l e t o n o r a i n , $ 3 0 . C a l l 306-345-2523. 306-494-7131, Kerrobert, SK. FEED GRAINS WANTED: Wheat, Barley LARGE ROUND ALFALFA brome; alfalfa and and Durum; Also Oats, Peas and Flax. Pre- crested wheat; and alfalfa. 1500 lbs. ea. mium prices, FOB farm. Prompt payment. 2010/ 2011. 306-463-3132, Kindersley, SK Stan Yaskiw, Birtle, MB, 1-866-290-7113. HORSE QUALITY small squares grass or 2nd cut alfalfa for sale. 306-221-0734, FARMERS, RANCHERS Dundurn, SK.


BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED

2011 ALFALFA/ BROME, 1000, 1160 lb. bales, feed tested, 91 RFV, 56 TDN, 16 CP, $35/bale. 306-355-2250, Mortlach, SK. 400 ALFALFA/BROME 5X6 JD bales, net wrapped, $36/ea. loaded. Delivery av a i l a b l e . P h o n e 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 o r 306-946-7923, Young, SK. 4x4 SQUARE hay bales, exc. quality, 90% alfalfa and 50/50 mixes. 30 miles from US border. 306-642-5812, Scout Lake, SK. 250 EXCELLENT ALFALFA brome, no rain, $35/round bale, 1300+. 306-656-4541, Harris, SK.

STANDING FORAGE 100 acres of cattleman’s mix hay and 600 acres alfalfa. Ph/fax: 306-228-3727, Unity, SK. 1-888-516-8845 4X5 HARD CORE irrigated alfalfa brome bales, first cut $25, 2nd cut no rain $35. 306-867-8411, Outlook, SK. • OATS • WHEAT ALFALFA HARD CORE round bales, net • BARLEY • PEAS wrap, approx. 1500 lbs., loading and truckwww.wilburellis.com ing available. Standing alfalfa, by the lb. or share. Ph or fax 306-228-3727, Unity SK SECOND CUT ALFALFA hay, feed tested, NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently dairy quality. Mike, 306-631-8779 or purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. • HEATED • DISEASED ALFALFA AND BROME 400 soft core twine wrapped bales, approx. 1400 lbs., feed tested, $15 each OBO. 306-456-2497, Weyburn, SK. EXCELLENT QUALITY ALFALFA and/or al- LARGE ROUND AND SMALL SQUARE, falfa brome mix hay for sale. 1000 round alfalfa and mixed, close to Regina, SK. bales at 1000 lbs. each, $25 each. Rose- Call 306-539-6123. • FROZEN • HAILED town/Biggar, SK. area, 306-882-3165. ALFALFA/ GRASS round bales, twine, “ON FARM PICKUP” 355- 1200/1300 lb. hard core alfalfa/ 1400 lbs., no rain. 780-875-7051, LloydTimothy/brome bales; 200- no rain, $35, minster, AB. WESTCAN FEED & GRAIN 155- slight rain, $25; 200 (2010)- 900 lbs., 125 w/no rain, $20; 75 w/rain, $15. GOOD QUALITY HAY, AB and BC, big Phone 306-921-6995 or 306-275-4911. r o u n d s . C a l l f o r d e l i v e r y p r i c e s . 403-758-3041, Magrath, AB. len@tillagetools.com St. Brieux, SK. JD HARD CORE alfalfa or alfalfa/ brome SASK HAY Small square alfalfa mix BEST PRICES FO R grass/brome bundled into large bales of timothy mix. Call 306-542-8382, Pelly, SK. 21, not touched by hand until you feed. HEATED O R HIG H 3000 ROUND NET wrapped alfalfa, alfal- You pick up or we can arrange delivery. fa/brome bales, $35/ton, 1350 lbs., loadMike 306-640-9506, Willow Bunch, SK. G REEN CANO LA. ed, good to excellent shape, 2010 crop. A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc. Also 3000 round net wrapped alfalfa, alfal- HAY FOR SALE. 2500 alfalfa or grass mix fa/brome bales, $45/ton, 1400 lbs., load- round netwrap bales, no rain. Straw also. e d , e x c e l l e n t s h a p e , 2 0 1 1 c r o p . Alan Coutts 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK. 306-834-2960, Kerrobert, SK. 350 ALFALFA/BROME round bales, approx. 2011 ALFALFA MIX round bales, 1150 lbs., 1200 lbs., 2010 crop year, $10/bale. Call G RA IN M A RKETIN G $25 each; also 2010 bales, $12 each. Wey- Bill after 6 PM, 306-656-4547, Harris, SK. Lacom be A B. w w w.eisses.ca burn, SK. 306-842-3532, 306-861-1827. HAY AND GRASS bales, flax, wheat and straw, 4x4 and 3x4 bales, delivery 1-888-882-7803 HAY FOR SALE: Pure alfalfa and alfalfa barley grass mix bales, 800 medium squares and available. 403-223-8164 or 403-382-0068, 800 5x6 rounds, no rain, feed analysis Taber, AB. available. Call Murray Faubert, Marengo, 2010/2011 ALFALFA and alfalfa mix bales. SK before 6 pm 306-463-9691; after 6 PM, Approx 1000 avail. $27/2011, $22/2010. 306-968-2921. 306-933-0655 306-270-3703 Saskatoon Sk Com petitive Ra tes P ro m pt P a ym en t SOLID CORE ROUND, small square: alfalfa, ALFALFA BROME LARGE round bales, 400 alfalfa grass, green feed, grass, straw. De- 5x6 bales, 75% alfalfa 14% protein, livered. 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. $35/ea, take all $3250; 300 2010 bales D AV E K O EH N 14.3% protein, take all $20/ea. Call 4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0 350 LARGE ROUND hay bales, net wrapped 306-856-2013, Conquest, SK. CONTRACTING for sale. 306-961-4682, Prince Albert, SK. L i nd en , AB Linden, AB GOOD QUALITY ALFALFA/ grass 700 CERTIFIED ORGANIC alfalfa / Timo- 500 round bales, 1600 lbs. 403-664-2430, LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buy- thy /brome bales, approx. 1300 lbs., baled 403-528-9482, Oyen, AB. ers and sellers of all types of feed grain with NH 664, $50 per bale. 780-356-2352, 2500 MEDIUM SQUARE Timothy hay bales, and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, 780-831-5116, Valhalla Centre, AB. quality, stored in hay shed; Also 400 Nipawin, SK. SMALL SQUARE HAY bales, horse quality, horse round alfalfa/Timothy mix bales. alfalfa mix, $2 each, 200 or more, $1 each. big Phone 204-372-6937, Fisher Branch, MB. 306-934-0092 Saskatoon, SK.




GREEN CANOLA 1-877-250-5252

N ow B uyin g O a ts!

APPROX. 700 to 800 4x5 alfalfa/brome mix round bales, no rain, $14 ea. or $12 COMBINE TIRES, Two 24.5x32 diamond each takes them all. 306-725-3449, tread; One 23.1x30 8 ply. All mounted on 306-725-7441, Strasbourg, SK. MF 860 rims. 204-546-2299 Grandview MB 2 GOODYEAR RADIAL TIRES for sale. 900/65R32 Special Sure Grip T08- 95% HORSE TRAINER - RANCH HAND tread left. Will sell for 1/2 of new price!!! PASTURE MANAGER. These are a few RYE WANTED. Top $$ paid for good Call 306-861-0177, Weyburn, SK. careers you’re ready for after completing quality rye high and low falling number. the 1 year Western Ranch and Cow Horse References available. 204-764-2450, program at Lakeland College. Phone RaHamiota, MB. chel at: 1-800-661-6490, ext. 8579 or visit www.lakelandcollege.ca RADIAL ARM DRILL, Asquith Archdale, Model P30320, 12” diameter column, 5’ U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, arm, power feed on quill, 16 RPM choices 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and RAM POWER SNARES, Conibear traps, (from 40-2040), 8 feedrate choices (from air brakes. One on one driving instructions. fur handling equipment. For free catalogue .002-.040 per revolution), 24”x36” box ta- 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK. email kdgordon@sasktel.net or call ble, #5 Moores taper in spindle, very good working condition, $8500. Selling because 306-862-4036, Nipawin, SK. bought larger equipment. 306-873-5437 GOT COYOTES? I’m interested in purchas- Email: irvingmachine@xplornet.com ing all wild furs throughout SK. Contact for TITAN CLEAN ENERGY PROJECTS is lookp r i c e s a n d p i c k u p d e t a i l s . P h o n e 1981 GURUTZPE 32”x120” metal lathe, ing for part-time and full-time Heavy 306-889-2070, text 306-865-0027 or email 10” spindle bore, 2-four jaw chucks, taper Equipment Operators for our Craik, SK. madtrapper@hotmail.ca Must have fur li- attachment, steady rest, multifix tool post site and temporary project locations. Excence or treaty number. DL# 88600973. and cross slide has been converted to ball perience with loaders, skidsteers, and/or screw, 220V/480V 3 PH motor. Asking excavators. No phone calls please. Please $39,500; Brand new 2011 MODERN metal apply by fax or email: 306-343-7067, lathe, 18”x60” with 3-1/8” spindle bore, hr@titan-projects.com AB OUTFITTING TAGS for sale, 4 elk tags, c/w 3 jaw, 4 jaw, steady rest, follower 12 MD tags, 4 WT tags. Near Sundre, AB. rest, taper attach, quick change tool post and face plate, 220V 3 PH motor. Asking For more info. call 403-838-2383, Shawn. $9800, new price $17,000; Universal horiOUTFITTING CAMP FOR SALE, Zone 62: zontal #5 CINCINNATI mill w/vertical 16 bear, 23 White-tailed deer, 8 moose head, runs excellent, just ran out of space. tags, 1 out-camp, incl. log cabins, pontoon Very heavy machine, 50 HP, 220V/480V, 3 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE REQUIRED on pediboat, stands, diesel generator, etc. Locat- P H m o t o r, A s k i n g $ 4 5 0 0 . C a l l C o r y greed seed/grain farm near Govan, SK. ed in northern Sask. Serious inquiries only. 306-483-2376, 306-483-7053, Oxbow, SK Job would include: Working in seed clean306-547-5524, Preeceville, SK. TOS LATHE MODEL SN50C, 20” swing, 80” ing plant; Trucking; Operating and mainFLY-IN FISHING AND BEAR HUNTING centres, 28” in gap, 24 spd 22-2000 RPM, taining all farm equipment. Good work lodge, 72 miles NE of Buffalo Narrows, SK, 2” spindle bore, D1-6 camlock spindle, ethic, mechanical skills and 1A license an turnkey operation. If you have always inch metric threading, 7.5 HP, 12” 3 jaw asset. Wages dependant on experience. wanted your own outfitting business this is chuck, steady rest, follow rest, 4-way tool- Relocation assistance available. Apply with the one for you. Owner financing available. post, 4-way rapid traverse, taper attach- resume to: Kevin Yauck, Box 323, Govan, S0G 1Z0. Phone 306-484-4555 or 306-867-7725. ment, SN 450200910714. Very good work- SK, ing condition, $12,000. More pictures email: yauckseedfarm@sasktel.net available on request. Reason for selling: FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY bought larger equipment. 306-873-5437 for experienced farmhand near Elk Point, or Email: irvingmachine@xplornet.com AB. Duties include handling and calving of POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gallons; Bladder tanks from 220 to 88,000 gal; Water MOVING SALE: Red roll away tool kit 250 cow/calf herd, fencing, field work, opand liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and w/tools, $2500; Delta miter saw w/table, erating and maintaining farm machinery. double wall; Truck and storage, gas or dsl. $350; Work bench, $75; Weslo Tread mill, Vehicle is provided for farm usage and lodging provided as part of wage package. Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK. $375. 306-230-3979, Saskatoon, SK. A current resume, references and valid driver’s license are required. We are looking for a long-term relationship with future b e n e fi t s r e s u l t i n g . F a x r e s u m e t o : 780-724-3202, or phone 780-645-8356. SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, LOBSTICK TRAVEL & TOURS. Victoria, 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK. April 15; Alaska, June 11; Cossack with BROADACRE: LARGE GRAIN farm located Ukraine/ Poland, ext, June 26; Hostfest, Ituna, SK. is seeking experienced Truck TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, Sept.; Maritimes, Sept.; Branson, Nov.; Drivers and Machine Operators. Seasonal service, installations, repairs. Canadian Churchill/ Australia. Phone 306-763-7415, a n d p e r m a n e n t f u l l - t i m e p o s i t i o n s available. Farm experience essential, drivcompany. We carry aeration socks. We 306-752-3830, info@lobsticktravel.com er’s license required and Class 1A an asset. now carry electric chute openers for grain Email/fax resume careers@broadacre.ca trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. 306-382-3337, visit broadacre.ca

AGRICULTURE TOURS Uk ra in e/Ro m a n ia ~ June 2012

MANY LARGE SCRAPER TIRES for sale, $200 each. 204-532-2231, Binscarth, MB.

~ Call for details


M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712

“Quality Grain finding you your best value in grain marketing.” W e w ork w i th a ll types of gra in inclu ding hea ted ca nola . Phone 1-866-824-8324 in C a lga ry, 1-877-775-2155 in Bra ndon or 1-877-777-7715 in Red D eer for a ll you r gra i nm a rketing needs.

WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.

1-877-641-2798 BUYING ALL TYPES of Feed Grains, Screenings and Off-Spec Canola. Payment is quick! Please call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at Wilde Bros. Ag Trading, Raymond, AB. Phone 1-877-752-0115 or email: wildebrosagtrading@gmail.com

2011 TOP QUALITY- 1000 round bales, mixed and alfalfa for sale. For info. call 306-421-3859, Estevan, SK. BIG ROUND MIXED hay bales, no rain, $30 ea. loaded. Also, small square hay and straw bales, no rain. 15 kms SE of Saskatoon, SK. 306-955-1497, 306-229-9097. ALFALFA/BROME HAY, 4x8 square, avg. 1600 lbs., no rain, tarped. Contact Jim, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK, days 306-332-6221, night 306-332-3955. ALFALFA- TIMOTHY 500 bales, 1500 lbs., net wrapped, quantity discount. Ethelbert, MB. Call 204-742-3672 or 403-288-7168. 600+ NEW ALFALFA/MEADOW Brome round bales, quality hay. Your choice of 1500 or 1800 lbs., $40/bale. Easy access off hwy #14. 306-329-4664, Asquith, SK. SMALL SQUARE BALES, alfalfa/grass, good quality, sheltered, $3 to $4.50 per bale. Phone 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. HIGH QUALITY, ALFALFA/GRASS mix, round bales, net wrapped, 1500 lbs., feed tested, $40/ton. Phone cell. 306-642-7584, Assiniboia, SK. FLAX STRAW open (large round) bales. Two locations near Saskatoon, SK. Call 306-382-1299, 306-382-9024. GRASS/ALFALFA MIXED BALES. Contact Steve Dryden at 204-838-2352, Virden, MB. or email: sdryden@rfnow.com TOP QUALITY small square second cut hay, excellent horse hay. 306-773-6996, Swift Current, SK. LARGE QUANTITY OF Alfalfa and Alfalfa Brome mix hay for sale, only 500 left. Phone 780-872-2832, Paradise Hill, SK. 5.5’x5’ HARD CORE wheat straw bales, $13 each. 204-847-2262, Foxwarren, MB.

2011 HAY, 1400-1500 lbs, net wrapped, no rain, 70% alfalfa, 30% brome, $30/bale, l a r g e r o r d e r s n e g o t i a b l e . D e l i ve r y available. Stony Beach, SK. 306-533-0062, 306-345-2171. 1100 LB. ALFALFA and slough grass bales, all in stacks, reach to go, $25. Assiniboia, SK., ph 306-642-7959, 306-642-3696.

WANTED: FEED GRAIN, all types of bar- HAY AND STRAW for sale. Dairy quality, ley, wheat, oats, peas, etc. Prompt pay- feeder hay, and grass hay, 3x4 square bales. 403-633-8835, Brooks, AB. ment. Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.

~ June 2012

Eu ro pea n Cru is es 2012



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ADVANCED PURE WATER SYSTEMS, the newest scientific technology in water purification. No salts, no chemicals, no chlorine. Ecosmarte friendly, 99% pure water. Call 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK. Email derdallreg@hotmail.com Website: www.ecosmarte.com

FULL-TIME EXPERIENCE and/or desire to learn. Looking for individual to operate, repair and maintain agriculture equip. and trucks. Main focus of operation is Bison production. Repair fences, barns and other buildings. Mechanical skills and farm experience beneficial. Accommodations can be arranged for the right individual or family. A1 preferred, must have clean abstract. P h o n e D o u g at 3 0 6 - 2 3 1 - 9 1 1 0 , f a x : 306-383-2555, Quill Lake, SK. or email quillcreek@sasktel.net


SMALL SQUARE mixed hay bales. Can deliver in SK. and AB. w/self-unloading semi; Also 114 second cut round bales. Barg Farms, 403-793-7461, Brooks, AB. 380 BROME/CRESTED WHEAT grass 1300 lbs. round bales for sale, $20/bale. 306-727-4408, Sintaluta, SK. 1ST AND 2ND cut alfalfa/grass bales, straight alfalfa, grass, and straw bales. Will deliver. Call 306-948-7291, Biggar, SK. 5X4 ROUND HARD CORE Alfalfa and Alfalfa/grass bales, 2011 is $20 and 2010 is $10; Also 2010 small squares, $1.25/ea. Phone 306-726-4569, Southey, SK. SILAGE ALFALFA BALES and dry hay for sale, excellent dairy feed. 306-278-2903, 306-278-7988 cell, Porcupine Plain, SK. 700 ALFALFA/BROME 2011 round bales, approx. 1600 lbs., $25/bale. Located near Bienfait, SK. Call 306-421-0679. 320 BROME ALFALFA BALES, 1200 lbs., no rain, good quality, can load, $25/bale. Vanscoy, SK. 306-668-4215 306-222-8489 DRY ALFALFA MIX large sq. bales, approx. 1500 lbs. Tarped immediately after baling, n o r a i n . F o r a g e a n a ly s i s ava i l a b l e . 306-596-9920, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. EXCELLENT HORSE FEED hard core round bales, no rain, alfalfa/Timothy brome mix. 403-616-4667, Cochrane, AB. LARGE STRAW BALES and hay bales, mesh wrapped. Phone 306-283-4747 or 306-220-0429, Langham, SK.

WANTED: RELIABLE PERSON for cattle/farming operation. Permanent and seasonal employment available. Must have valid drivers license. Single/family accommodations. 403-577-2243, Consort, AB. Fax: 403-577-2263, Cell: 403-575-0712. FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE REQUIRED on a grain farm. Duties include operating and maintaining farm machinery, hauling grain and general farm duties. Previous farm experience required. Wage based on experience. Housing available. Stephen Leisle Morse, SK., call 306-629-3553.

TIRE & W HEEL 101A En glis h Cres . S a s k a to o n , S a s k . AGRICUL TURE T ires , W heels , Cu s to m Bu ild Du a l & T rip le E xten s io n s CON S TRUCTION a n d M IN IN G F o r Hea vy Du ty E q u ip m en t, T ru cks , E tc. V UL CAN IZIN G a n d M OBIL E S ERV ICE TRUCK S S a les o r S ervice ~ Ca ll 9 33-1115 2- GOODYEAR RICE TIRES, 28Lx26, tread excellent, $1600 each; 8- Titan 18.4x34’s. 306-642-3225, Assiniboia, SK. MICHELIN XTLA 20.5 R25 new loader tires, excellent tires for all season. Excellent winter tires. $10,500 for all 4. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River. MB.

PORTABLE REVERSE OSMOSIS machine, heavy duty trailer, heated, insulated, ready FARM MANAGER WANTED for 10,000 to work. 3-phase power. 403-947-3767, acre modern grain farm in Indian Head, SK. Successful applicant should be skilled Beiseker, AB. at: Creating and executing crop plans and PRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT LTD., High budgets. Managing supplier relationships. River, AB. (www.myclfree.com) Servicing Hiring, training, and managing farm emBC. AB. SK. and MB. Oxydate and ionize ployees. Operating and maintaining farm single tap to whole house to commercial equipment. Have strong understanding of units. No salt, no chlorine, no chemicals. agrology for spraying crop. Have or be Custom built and guaranteed. Now with willing to get a Class 1A license and able water softening and scale control capa- to work and co-ordinate with corporate ofbilities. Ph or email for info and free quote. fice. Farm offers good work environment and competitive wages, including a bene403-620-4038. prairieswater@gmail.com fits plan. Send resume to Tim Graham at tim@hciventures.ca or call 306-530-7593.

TIRE CHAINS to fit 20.8x38 rubber, like new. 306-429-2704, Glenavon, SK. SET OF 8 GOOD USED tractor tires, 20.8x42 Goodyear radials, $450/per tire or $400/ea takes all. Terry 306-594-7580 or 306-594-2608 evenings, Hyas, SK.

FARM EMPLOYMENT! We can help find you a good employee or find you a good Ag related job. Ag Employ Alberta, email tkok@xplornet.com or ph. 403-732-4295. LOOKING FOR person or persons to look after farm yard on occasion which includes horses, dogs; in exchange for mostly furnished newer dwelling on farm yard. More interested in long term arrangement. Must be non-smoker and not lack ambition. Drayton Valley, AB area. Fax resumes to: 780-542-6467 or email: wyakin@telus.net

Se le ct Holida ys

NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply $783; 24.5-32 14 ply $ 1749; 14.9-24 OAT STRAW BALES, baled with JD 567 12 ply $356; 16.9-28 12 ply $498. Factory baler; also tame hay bales. 204-234-5411, direct. More sizes available new and used. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com Oakburn, MB. RM 369: 2011 2nd cut alfalfa, 210 bales, 1850 lb, net wrapped, protein 19.5%, RFV 135. 306-716-3409, Humboldt, SK. LARGE, ROUND HARD CORE hay and straw bales for sale, mesh wrapped. Phone: 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. New, used and retreads. 1000 ALFALFA/BROME mix, approx. 1600 Call us, you’ll be glad you did! lbs., netwrap bales, no rain. Call Sullivan Farms, 306-463-3678, Flaxcombe, SK. PURE ALFALFA, alfalfa/grass, brome/wild 1-877-814-8473. grass round bales, 2011/2012. Feed Winnipeg, MB. analysis done, hard core, 1200-1300 lbs each and put up dry. Clavet, SK. Phone Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM. 306-931-4597 (leave message).

DRIVE CLYDES in BC Fort Steele Heritage town is looking for Teamsters for June to Sept. 2012. Applicant must be able to work with the public and enjoy talking with p e o p l e . P l e a s e fo r w a r d r e s u m e t o tyler.setzer@fortsteele.bc.ca or fax to 250-489-2624.

HAYTER DRILLING LTD. Over 50 yrs in groundwater industry specializing in 5” 30” wells. Premium quality materials used in new construction. Old well servicing and New equipment and experienced SAVE UP TO $4800. 10- 520/85R46’s, rehab. Firestone Radial DT 23, new, $2200 each. crews. 1-888-239-1658, Watrous, SK. C a l l D a r r e n 2 0 4 - 7 2 7 - 7 9 3 8 o r G r e g STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well 204-573-7866, Brandon, MB. construction and servicing, exploration WANTED: 20.8X34 TRACTOR tires. Phone and geotechnical drilling. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 204-773-2868, Russell, MB. 1-800-919-9211 info@stauberdrilling.com DURUM STRAW, 3x4 squares, $15. Deliv- WANTED: GOOD USED Continental STL3 ery available. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, 26.5R25 tires. 306-768-2991, Carrot River, FOR SALE: WATER WELL drilling rig, Mayhew 1000. 780-675-4405, Athabasca, AB. SK. SK. or email: bforge@sasktel.net

KLATT HARVESTING is now looking for combine and truck drivers for the 2012 US and Cdn. harvest. All applicants must have farm experience, pass dot drug testing and have no criminal record. Class 1 drivers or ability to obtain Class 1 will be given preference but combine and cart operators don’t necessarily need Class 1. Travel the US, an experience you can obtain no other way! Email resume to klattk@hotmail.com or fax 403-867-2751, Foremost, AB. Visit our website at: klattfarms.synthasite.com FARM LABOURERS WANTED: Includes room and board, other jobs may include carpentry and construction, will train. 780902-2108, 780-920-7360, Edmonton, AB.


LOOKING FOR HELP on a cattle and sheep farm in the Silver Valley/Peace Country area, AB. Full time. Housing available. Wages negotiable according to experience. Call Laurie 780-864-0329 for more details. WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. ROWLAND SEEDS, one of the largest farm family businesses in southern Alberta, is looking for full-time employees for farming operations as Farm Labourer. Competitive salary depending on experience. The candidate must understand and operate the farm business operations, maintain farm machinery and equipment, and have good mechanical skills. Ph: 403-223-8164 or email: info@rowlandseeds.com

FULL TIME EXPERIENCED ranch hand required for cow/calf ranch and backgrounding operations in East Central AB. (Consort). Farm knowledge and/or cattle handling ability an asset. Salary based on experience. Housing (on site) w/utilities included and vehicle provided, for business purposes. Benefits package available. If interested please submit resume to: marcr@netago.ca or call: 403-577-3553 or 403-578-8508.

ROWLAND SEEDS, one of the largest farm family businesses in southern Alberta, is looking for full-time employees for farming operations as Farm Manager. Competitive salary depending on experience. The candidate must understand and operate the farm business operations, maintain farm machinery and equipment, and have good mechcnical skills. Ph: 403-223-8164 EQUIPMENT OPERATORS REQUIRED or Email: info@rowlandseeds.com for spring seeding operations. We run new and late model equipment and offer top FULL-TIME FARM FEEDLOT position pay. Will provide room and board. Majority available on farm located halfway between of work is 1 hour east of Saskatoon, SK. Moose Jaw and Regina, SK. House supContact Lee 306-867-3046, 306-962-3992. plied. Must have valid driver’s license, be Email: lthansen@xplornet.com mechanically inclined and physically fit. STRATHMORE AREA FARM and ranch is Experience a necessity. References reseeking a self-motivated, mechanically in- quired. Phone Larry at 306-345-2523 or clined employee for machinery mainte- fax 306-345-2085. nance and operation. $18-$25/hr. Class 1 preferred. Email: damenpm@xplornet.ca COW/CALF OPERATION is hiring for cow Call Paul at: 403-325-0118 or fax resume herd care and management. Calving thru to weaning. Long term position avail. for to: 403-901-1550. the right person. 403-363-4074, Brooks AB 70 HEAD DAIRY FARM looking for herdsperson/farm labourer. Wage based on ex- GRAIN FARM REQUIRES mechanically inperience. Housing available. Send resumes clined, organized, full-time employee. to: swissdreamfarm@hotmail.com or call Class 1 license an asset. Some cattle work Ray at 204-724-5503, Wawanesa, MB. may be required periodically. Housing available. May lead to partial management LARGE COW/CALF RANCH and back- position. 780-608-0653, Strome, AB. grounding operation requires full-time cowboys/ pencheckers. Wages negotiable. MANAGER WANTED for large mixed Call Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. ranch and grain operation. Successful canWANTED: FARM WORKERS with Class 1 didate duties include for but not limited license to pull Super B grain and hay trail- to: employee management, day to day opers. Mostly local hauling. Also capable of eration of cow/calf and grain production. r u n n i n g f a r m e q u i p m e n t . C a l l M i ke Contact smacewen@hergott.com or fax 306-653-5859, Saskatoon, SK area. 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. FEEDLOT IN WEST central AB requires fulltime personnel. Must have cattle health and machinery operation exp. Must be a team player and able to work flexible hours incl. some weekends. Must have a valid drivers licence. Competitive wages, health benefits, RSP and housing avail. on site at low rates. Phone 780-725-2430 fax resume 780-723-6245 Niton Junction, AB. WANTED SEASONAL FULL-TIME HELP on grain farm near Fillmore, SK., April 15 to Oct. 30. Duties include operating farm equipment as well as general farm work. Housing available. Wage $15 to $20/hr depending on experience. Fax resume to 306-722-3780 or call 306-861-2195. FULL-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE on large, mixed farm. Duties include feeding and handling of livestock, fencing, field work, maintenance, and other farming activities. Vehicle for farm use and accommodation provided. For more info please call 780-745-2540, Paradise Valley, AB. FULL-TIME Employment for Irrigation Farm, lots of hours in busy season. Class 1 preferred, experience an asset. Make $5000/mth, depends on experience. Sundays off, in a great community. References required. Want a reliable, energetic, keen individual. 403-654-2734, Vauxhall, AB. LARGE FARM WITH metal manufacturing shop looking for full-time help. Duties range from driving farm equipment to welding and machining. Wages vary upon experience. Call Jason 306-642-3315, Assiniboia, SK.


EXPERIENCED, HARD WORKING farm and ranch couple for mixed cattle/grain operation in Southern AB. Permanent full-time employment offered to one party and parttime casual to the other. Duties include maintenance and operation of farm equipment and working cattle. Class 1 driver preferred. Ultimate goal of long term employment w/opportunity to aid in management decisions. Ideal candidates should be community oriented, willing to live in rural Alberta and must love the farm life. On site accommodation provided. Salaries based on experience. Serious inquiries only. Call 403-664-7151, Acadia Valley, AB. or email niwaranch@netago.ca

AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY FULL-TIME permanent position on mixed farm near Provost, AB. Experience and Class 3 an asset but will train non-smoking, energetic, enthusiastic and positive applicants. Duties incl. operating and maintaining farm equipment, working w/cows and completing daily feedlot and farm chores. Inquire about on-farm housing. Email resume and references to bhawken@xplornet.com or fax 780-753-2701. Ph Brad 780-753-0665.

SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties include operation of machinery, including: Tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, ND.

W e re qu ire e xpe rie n c e d d e pe n d a b le , pro fe s s io n a l gu id e s to le a d 5-d a y b a c kc o u n try ho rs e b a c k pa c ka ge s in to the S o u th G ho s tre gio n , W e s to fC o c hra n e , AB. Requ irem en ts : • Gu id es w ill p o s s es s excellen tho rs em a n s hip a n d co m m u n ica tio n s kills , n eces s a ry to p ro vid e b a s ic in s tru ctio n to o u r clien ts . • 3 to 5 yea rs b a ckco u n try gu id in g exp erien ce in m o u n ta in o u s terra in w ill b e req u ired . • Cu rren tF irs tAid Certifica te in clu d in g CPR. • F a rrier s kills w o u ld b e co n s id ered a n a s s et. Pa y a n d Ben efi ts : W e offer c om p etitive ra tes ofp a y c om m ensura te to q ua lific a tions a nd exp erienc e. Som e living a c c om m od a tion is a va ila b le. Res u m es to : T he Ra n ch M a n a ger L a zy H T ra il Co . L td . PO Bo x 1840, Co chra n e, Alb erta . T 4C 1B7 T el: 403 851 0074 F a x: 403 392 3630 E m a il:ho rs ea n d rid er@ la zyhtra ilco .co m

PASTURE RIDER REQUIRED, south of Cypress Hills, in Consul, SK, April until late October. Applicant must provide own working horses. Ability to identify and doctor sick cattle on range. Haying experience and valid driver’s license required. Fax resumes with 3 references to 306-299-4918 or call 306-662-8943 for more info. SEEDING OPERATORS REQUIRED in Western Australia. Are you looking for an agricultural adventure in Australia? Like to earn some good money whilst broadening your experience? We are recruiting for our seeding period commencing April 25 2012. If you have a farming background and can operate broadacre cropping equipment, we have a range of well paid positions available. You must be aged between 18-30 and qualify for a Working Holiday Visa to Australia. For more info email andrew@thejobshop.com.au

Em ploym entOpportunity


W e thank you for your applications,how ever only those candidates selected for interview w illbe contacted.

YOUNG, AGGRESSIVE FARMER looking to FARMHAND WANTED for 8000 acres grain work on grain farm operation in Sasfarm. Must have Class 1A license. Wage katchewan. For more info please call Kevin GENERAL FARM WORKERS req’d. Equip- dependant upon experience. Possible year at 519-272-5383. ment operating, maintenance, yard and round work. Fax resume to 306-948-3413 bldg. maintenance, cleaning, etc. $16/hr. or call 306-948-3450, Biggar, SK. Farm exp. and valid Driver’s License req’d. Class 1 an asset. Fax resume to Dechant FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT to help operate large cow/calf and backgrounding opera- HORSEBACK GUIDES, PACKERS and Farms Ltd., 780-836-7701, Manning, AB. tion in Southern SK. Applicant must have Backcountry cooks for seasonal employFULL-TIME MECHANIC/RANCH HAND exp w/cattle, Class 1A license and me- ment, Jasper, AB. Call 780-865-4021. position available on a very large ranch in chanical skills. 306-520-8161, Regina, SK. SUNTERRA MEATS, TROCHU, AB. is southern AB. This individual will have primary responsibility for maintenance of FULL-TIME HELP WANTED on grain farm looking for a Maintenance Technician to ranch equipment and facilities. Additional near Corning, SK. Housing close by, join their maintenance team at their responsibilities will include cattle work suitable for family. Class 1A is an asset, slaughter facility. Successful candidate from both horseback and foot. Must be a experience will reflect wage. Fax resume needs to be mechanically inclined. Plumbing, electrical and welding experience esteam player. Excellent benefits and hous- to 306-224-4546 or call 306-224-4441. sential. Preference for journeyman classifiing provided. Wage dependant on experication. Accommodations may be available, ence. Phone: Deseret Ranches moving allowance provided. Starting wage 403-634-6451 for details or email resume: of $20-$35/hr. depending on experience, dbevans@ari-slc.com group benefits after 3 months. For more SEMI-RETIRED PERSON WANTED to help info. contact Trish at 403-442-4202 or on mixed farm. Nonsmoker. Housing supsend resume to: trish.hyshka@sunterra.ca plied. Drumheller, AB. Ph 403-823-9977. RANCH HELP: Position available on 700 cow/calf ranch, near Duchess, AB. Calving, feeding, doctoring, irrigating and haying, etc. Irrigation and mechanical skills an asset. Housing available. Contact Jackie at 403-378-4466 or 403-793-7345 or email: gorkay@eidnet.org

EQUIPMENT OPERATORS FARM/FEEDLOT WORKERS CALVING HELP Westwood Land & Cattle Ltd. is a large mixed farming and ranching operation located at Moosomin, SK. We are currently seeking aggressive experienced individuals for both seasonal and full-time positions. • applicants must have some equipment and/or livestock experience. • must have valid driver’s licence (Class 1A a definite asset). • must be reliable and willing to work long hours and weekends. • wages based on experience plus benefits.

PRO D UCT SPECIAL IST Bu hler Indu stries Inc., a lea ding a nd grow ing m a nu fa ctu rer of fa rm equ ip m ent, is cu rrently a ccep ting a p p lica tions for a P rodu c t Spec ia list,loca ted in V egrev ille,AB. As a Produ ct Sp ecia list,you w ill be resp onsible for p rov iding ou r dea ler netw ork w ith technica l a ssista nce a nd serv ice inform a tion for a ll p recision Seeding & Tilla ge Equ ip m ent. You w ill a ssist w ith serv ice tra ining a nd tra v el to m eet w ith dea lers a nd a ttend fa rm show s. In a ddition you w ill lia ise w ith the Engineering, Serv ice, Produ ction a nd Qu a lity dep a rtm ents,a s w ell a s su p p liers. The su ccessfu l ca ndida te w ill ha v e a m inim u m of 3-5 yea rs m echa nica l ex p erience w ith fa rm equ ip m ent a nd know ledge of electrica l, hydra u lic a nd m echa nica l system s. Ex cellent com m u nica tion a nd decision-m a king skills in com bina tion w ith the a bility to m u lti-ta sk in a fa st p a ced env ironm ent a re essentia l. Good com p u ter skills. M u st be w illing to tra v el u p to 25% of the tim e,dep ending on tim e of yea r. W e offer com p etitiv e sa la ry a nd benefits. Plea se forw a rd you rresu m e in con fiden ce to: M ic hele Sta n ley,B.Com ,CP C - R ec ru itm en t Offic er Bu hler In du stries In c . 1260 Cla ren c e Av en u e W in n ipeg,M B R 3T 1T2 F a x to: (204) 654-2503 Em a il: m sta n ley@ bu hler.c om Tha n k you foryou rin terest,how ever, on ly those selected fora n in terview w ill be con ta cted.

Please submit resume or contact: Kevin Woods • 306-435-7313 (cell); 306-435-4833 (fax) k.woods2@rfnow.com

Join ou r large,progressive farm ing operation! Hickory Corner Fa rm s is a grow ing fou rth genera tion m ix ed fa m ily fa rm looking for:


in Briercrest,SK. This position requ ri es a ha rd w orkin g in dividu a l w ho w ill be in volved in co-m a n a gem en tofa ll fa rm ni g pra ctices from seedin g a n d ha rvestto w ni ter equ ipm en tm a i nten a n ce a n d gra ni ni ven tory m a n a gem en t.


in Du nkirk,SK. This position requ ri es a ha rd w orkin g in dividu a l w ho w ill be in volved in co-m a n a gem en tofa ll ra n chin g pra ctices from ca lvin g a n d feedin g to pa stu re m a n a gem en ta n d ridin g. Ou rphilosophy is to com bin e ou rstron g w ork ethic ,edu ca ti on a n d ex perien ce to m a x im ize on the al testopportu n ti ei s in techn ology a n d produ cts.W e a re dedica ted to the grow th ofou rfa rm bu sin ess a n d ou rpeople to en su re ol n g-term su ccess. Fora com plete job description plea se em a il u s a t hickorycornerfa rm s@ sa sktel.net or ca ll Tyler a t (306) 630-9185.

S a xon En erg y S ervices In c. is a p rog res s ive, in n ova tive, a n d exp a n d in g in tern a tion a l la n d -ba s ed d rillin g w ell-s ervicin g com p a n y hea d q u a rtered in C a lg a ry. S a xon is com m itted to s a fety. W e ha ve es ta blis hed “ zero los s ” a s a g oa l in Hea lth, S a fety a n d En viron m en t; w e believe a n d con tin u a lly s trive to m eetthis g oa l.

Saxon is currently recruiting for the follow ing positions for a Potash Projectbased in Saskatchew an: • • • •

Driller Derrickha nd M otorha nd Floorha nd

S a xon offers com p etitive com p en s a tion a n d a com p rehen s ive ben efits p a ck a g e. In teres ted ca n d id a tes , p lea s e forw a rd you r res u m e to:

S a xo n Drillin g Ca n a d a L. P. Hu m a n R eso u rces Dept. Fa x: 403- 513- 42 55 O rb y em a ilto : CDN recru itm en t@ sa xo n services.co m W e w is h to tha n k a ll ca n d id a tes fortheirin teres t, how ever, on ly thos e s elected fora n in terview w ill be con ta cted .

GET PAID UP to $720 or more per week for mailing our postcards! Exclusive dealership available. Mail to: National Homeworkers Assoc., 1450W, 7th Ave., Dept GRAIN ELEVATOR MANAGER WANTED 8954, Eugene, Oregon, 97402. by FW COBS, Loreburn, SK. This position is responsible for operating and maintaining the grain handling facility. This position will oversee and perform daily operations such as assuring proper grain storage, operating grain handling and processing equipment (grain cleaning equip., hammer mill, weighing, loading, unloading) and blending grain for proper loading. The applicant should be self-motivated, ready to perform manual labor, works well EARN $75,000 PER YEAR PART-TIME on their own and is mechanically inclined. in the livestock or equipment appraisal Will train the right applicant. Salary negobusiness. Agricultural background re- tiable according to experience. email to quired. Classroom or home study courses info@fwcobs.com Ph 1-888-531-4888 available. Phone toll free 1-800-488-7570, ext. 2 or fax resume to 1-866-738-9883. ROBLIN AUTO BODY is currently looking for a Motor Vehicle Body Repairer (metal RM OF WAVERLEY #44 EQUIPMENT and paint). Looking for someone who is Operators Required. 1.) Full-time, year mature, reliable and has a positive atti- round Foreman/Grader Operator, 2.) F/T tude. Competitive wages and benefits seasonal Grader Operator. 3.) Full-time available. Please send resume by email to seasonal Mower Operator/General Labourr o b l i n a u t o b o dy @ m t s . n e t o r b y f a x er. Approximate start date April 1, 2012. 204-937-8203 atten. Kaleigh, Roblin, MB Please submit resumes stating work experience, references and salary expectations TEMP. FULL-TIME BEEKEEPER ASSISTANT. by March 7, 2012 to: Box 70 Glentworth, Includes heavy lifting, must have valid SK. S0H 1V0, or fax to 306-266-2077. For drivers license. Starting April til October. more information call 306-266-4920. Email resume nsplettfam@agapemail.com or fax 204-966-3566, Eden, MB.


For our 4000 a cre Contem pora ry Gra in Fa rm , w e a re look ing for a s elf-m otiva ted experienced fa rm la b ourer. E xp erien ce in a ll fa rm a ctivities in clu d in g d rivin g tru cks , tra cto rs a n d u s in g o ther fa rm eq u ip m en ta n a s s et. Other d u ties w o u ld b e m a chin ery a n d b u ild in g m a in ten a n ce w ith a s s o cia ted ya rd a n d fa rm w o rk. Y o u m u s tb e a b le to w o rk o n yo u r o w n w ith lim ited s u p ervis io n . W o u ld b e w illin g to tra in . A va lid Driver’s L icen s e is req u ired . T he p o s itio n ca n b e fu ll tim e o r s ea s o n a l (n ego tia b le). 8 ho u r d a y u n les s o therw is e d icta ted b y s ea s o n o r w ea ther. S o m e w eeken d w o rk is req u ired . W a ges $15-$25/hr d ep en d in g o n exp erien ce a n d a b ilities . S en d 3 referen ces .



Birtle , M a n ito b a (204) 842-5 25 2 o r (204) 7 96-1400 RM OF COLONSAY No. 342 will be accepting applications for Seasonal Equipment Operator. Experience operating grader, tractor, mower and 1A license would be an asset. Position will start spring 2012. Please submit resume with driver’s abstract by February 3, 2012 to: RM of Colonsay, Box 130, Colonsay, SK, S0K 0Z0. Phone 306-255-2233, fax 306-255-2291, email rm342@sasktel.net FULL-TIME OPERATOR and Seasonal Maintenance Person. Duties: grading, mowing, road maintenance, equip. repairs and other as assigned. Pension and benefits available. Resumes to include driver’s abstract, previous experience and references. Wage negotiable. Experience preferred but will train. Send resumes to: RM of Wellington No. 97, Box 1390, Weyburn, SK. S4H 3J9. Fax 306-842-5601, Email rm97@sasktel.net Deadline: Feb 15, 2012. PASTURE MANAGER required for Southwest Sheep Grazing Co-op, Tompkins, SK. Full time employment from April 15 to October 15, 2012. Must supply ATV, working dogs, guard dogs. Housing and utilities provided. Self motivated person to tend 3200 ewes daily. Send application with wage expectations, 3 references to: SSGC, Box 844, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0. Fax: 306-672-3401 or glrtoney@hotmail.com Only successful applicants will be contacted for an interview. Applications must be s u b m i t t e d by F e b 2 1 , 2 0 1 2 . P h o n e 306-672-3695 or 403-654-0132.

NEEDED! CARETAKER FOR 2012 Park season at Cabri Regional Park. Caretaker is responsible for maintenance of all park equipment, garbage disposal, sites, roads, grass and all other duties required by Cabri Regional Park Board. Candidate must be mechanically inclined and self-motivated to work independently. Please email resumes to: cabriregionalpark@gmail.com or call: 306-587-7755. BEEKEEPERS AND FARM OPERATORS WANTED for 2012 season. 2 positions available. Experience necessary. Wages $12.95/hr. Fax 306-937-2095. Battleford, SK. Email Stuart at: stuhoney@yahoo.com


Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o CLEARWATER LAKE Regional Park invites applications for the following positions: Park Manager and secretary. For information contact Karen Sander 306-859-4804 or Barb Pierce 306-375-2477. Deadline for applications: Feb. 15th, 2012. Submit resumes to: Clearwater Regional Park, Box 327, Kyle, SK, S0L 1T0.

Saskatchew an’s Southeast John Deere Dealership has three great career opportunities

PRO DUCT SPECIALIST (tw o p osition s w ith M ultip le L oca tion s)

N M E is excited to offer a successful applicant a new position at the dealership.This position w illprovide a consulting service and an expertise for the sale and supportofallJohn Deere products both internally and externally. Provide directcustom er supportand consulting w ith value added services and m achine optim ization. Supports dealership value-added services by sharing expertise, training em ployees, and supporting solution execution. Serves as the internal and external dealership technical specialist relative to all precision farm ing products offered and supported by dealership.

SERVICE M ANAG ER (E ste va n L oca tion )

N M E is looking for a candidate to m anage the service departm entof a John Deere A g and consum er products dealership. C andidate m ust have good com m unications skills, technical know ledge on tractors, com bines, sm all engines as w ellas com puter skills.John Deere experience preferred.

PARTS CO UNTER SALESPERSO N (R e d ve r s L oca tion )

N M E requires a full tim e parts-person/shipper receiver, duties include load and unload freight, unpack, sortand bin parts, looking up and picking parts for service technicians, m ust have valid drivers license, com puter and A g experience preferred,good com m unication skills are an asset. Please reply to avonlea@nelsonm otors.com or call306-868-2022 attention M arlyn Stevens



PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s

PARTS PERSO N . Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).

Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF THREE LAKES No. 400 is accepting applications for a Mower Operator/General Laborer for the 2012 season. The duties will include operating a tractor and rotary mower to cut municipal road ditches and general laborer duties related to the operation of the municipality when required. The anticipated term for the position is approximately May 1 to October/Nov. Please submit your resume to: RM of Three Lakes No. 400, PO Box 100, Middle Lake, SK. S0K 2X0. Phone 306-367-2172; Fax 306-367-2011, email rm400@sasktel.net

CLEARWATER LAKE Regional Park invites applications for a store manager. For information on the store contract contact Karen Sander 306-859-4804 or Barb Pierce 306-375-2477. Deadline for applications: Feb. 15th, 2012. Submit resumes to: Clearwater Regional Park, Box 327, Kyle, SK, S0L 1T0. BEEKEEPERS AND BEEKEEPER helpers required for 2012 season. Apiary Technician, starting at $13.33/hr., 3+ yrs experience. Apiary Worker, starting at $11.04/hr., min. 1 yr. experience. Apiary Harvesters (7 positions), starting at $10.07/hr., no exper. required, will train. Seasonal full-time employment - April to October. Hilbert Honey Co. Ltd., ph. 306-682-3717, fax 306-682-3096, hilberthoney@gmail.com Humboldt, SK.

Grader Operator/General Labourer The R uralM unicipality of Longlaketon N o.219 invites applications for the position of seasonal FullTim e G rader O perator/G eneral Labourer for the 2012 season. The successful applicant m ust hold a valid driver’s license and provide a copy w ith your resum e. D uties include but not lim ited to: G rading, M ow ing, R oad M aintenance, Equipm ent R epairs, installing culverts and signs and shopw ork.A pplicants should have or be prepared to obtain a Pow er M obile Equipm ent (PM E) course. S ubm it resum es stating experience, expected salary and tw o references to: R M of Longlaketon N 0.219 B ox 100, EarlG rey, Sask.SO G 1J O em ail:rm 219@ sasktel.net by M arch 1, 2012

M oose Jaw,SK Is looking for3 Perm anent Fu ll T im e T R U C K & T R A IL E R M E C H A N IC S D escription : • T ruck & T railerrepairs and m aintenance.C anada’s only full line W ilson dealer. • Som e tools required / C lass 1A an asset,but not a m ust. • Benefit Package after3 m onths. • A bility to work well with oth ers. • W ork with m inim um supervision. Education : • T ruck,T railerC ertification an asset, willing to train. Salary based on experien ce. Fax,E-m ail,M ailordrop offresum e to: A nd rew N agel G O L D E N W E ST T R A IL E R 1802 Stadacona Street W est M oose Jaw,SK S6H 6S4 Fax:306-694-0607 E -m ail:and rew@ gold enwt.com WE ARE EXPANDING across AB and SK with our products. We are looking for sales people with good people skills, self motivated, honest and reliable. You will need a pickup, trailer and a tractor for loading and unloading. For more info. call 250-690-7431 or cell 250-567-8731, ask for Ron or write: Box 117, Fort Fraser, BC V0J 1N0. Email farmgate@bcgroup.net

Lo o kin g fo ra n Excitin g Ca reerO ppo rtu n ity? SG S THE W O R LD’S LEADIN G IN S PECTIO N , TES TIN G , V ER IFICATIO N AN D CER TIFICATIO N CO M PAN Y IS LO O KIN G FO R

SALES AGRONOMIST REQUIRED, GJ Chemical Co. Ltd. in Altona MB is looking for a full time Agronomist/salesperson. We are a full service retail dealing in: Seed, seed treatment, seed and pest management chemicals, liquid fertilizers, custom application by air and ground, crop planning, crop scouting, and soil sampling. Duties will include: Crop planning, crop scouting, pest management recommendations; Providing services and products to our customers; Developing relationships with our current and new customers; Day to day operations at retail as needed. Must be willing to learn all aspects of this retail. Experience in agronomy/retail is an asset but we are willing to train and assist an individual that shows interest in making this line of work a career and has some background in agriculture. (ie. farm background or Diploma or Degree in Agriculture). We will provide a competitive salary and benefits. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please send resume to: GJ Chemical Co. Ltd, Box 1648, Altona, MB. ROG OBO, Attention Ted.


S h a u na vo n

CO - O P

H OM E & A GRO C ENTRE is s eek in g a q u a lity in d ivid u a l to fill the p os ition of

HO M E AN D AGRO M AN AGER Plea s e a p p ly w ith res u m e to GEOFF ANDER S ON G en era l M a n a g er P.O . Box 880 S ha u n a von , S K S 0N 2M 0 Phon e: (306) 297-2624 orEm a il: gm .s ha una voncoop @s a s ktel.net


For our 4000 a cre Contem pora ry Gra in Fa rm w ith currentequipm ent, w e a re look ing for a s elf m otiva ted experienced pers on to help run our fa rm . E xp erien ce in a ll fa rm a ctivities in clu d in g s eed in g, s p ra yin g, ha rves tin g, etc is req u ired . M echa n ica l a p titu d e a n d w eld in g s kills co n s id ered a s s ets . Ap p lica n ts s ho u ld ha ve go o d co m m u n ica tio n s kills a n d b e a b le to m a n a ge o n e o r m o re em p lo yees . A va lid Driver’s licen s e is req u ired . 8 hr d a y excep tfo r va ria tio n s d icta ted b y s ea s o n a n d w ea ther. W eeken d s o ffexcep tw hen fa rm w o rk d icta tes o therw is e. Po s itio n ca n b e fu ll o r s ea s o n a l (n ego tia b le). W a ges $20 - $30/hr. W e w o u ld co n s id er, fo r the rightem p lo yee, help in gettin g s ta rted fa rm in g o r a co -fa rm in g a rra n gem en tif yo u ha ve a fa rm . S en d 3 referen ces .

w w w .sgs.co m /ca reers S G S is a n Em p loym en tEq u ity Em p loyer

Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: info@bulldogenergyservices.com Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473

ROYAL WELL SERVICING Ltd., Lloydminster, AB is currently accepting applications for Journeyman or Apprentice Heavy Duty Technicians. Duties will consist of maintaining a fleet of Detroit/Cat powered service rigs and related equipment. Work schedule will consist of 8 to 10 hrs./day w/overtime after 8 hrs, 5 days/wk. Group benefits available from day 1. Above industry average wages to the right individual. Please fax or email resumes to: 780-871-6908 or royalwel@telus.net Only successful applicants will be contacted for interview. ROYAL WELL SERVICING Ltd., Lloydminster, AB is currently accepting applications for the positions of Slant Service Rig Drillers and Derrick-hands in the Lloydminster, SK.AB region. Group benefits available from day 1. Above industry average wages w i t h a d va n c e m e n t t h r o u g h t r a i n i n g achieved. Scheduled days off working with new “state of the art” equipment. Please fax or email resumes to 780-871-6908 or dpolinsk@telus.net Only successful applicants will be contacted for interview. ROYAL WELL SERVICING Ltd., Lloydminster, AB is currently accepting applications for the positions for service rig floor-hands for work in the Lloydminster, SK/AB region. Applicants must possess a minimum of 6 months floor-hand experience, have a valid drivers license and hold First Aid, H2S Alive, Fall Protection, GODI and TDG training certification. Starting wage @$27.00/hr with advancement through training achieved. Scheduled days off and group benefits available from day 1. Please fax or email resumes to 780-871-6908 or royalwel@telus.net Only successful applicants will be contacted for interview.

Birtle , M a n ito b a (204) 842-5 25 2 o r (204) 7 96-1400


Seeking mature individual with genuine concern for animal welfare to fill central Alberta position working out of our Innisfail office.

Please send resume to:

Alberta SPCA 10806 124 St. Edmonton AB T5M 0H3 780.447.4748 orfa x ore mail kdean@albertaspca.org y F ebru ary 6th execdir@albertaspca.org N o p ho n e calls p lease.

O n ly those selected for an in terv iew w illbe con tacted.

Salary $30-$40/hr depending on experience.

• Schedu led da ys off • Benefits • Com petitiv e w a ges Fax resum e,drivers abstract to (780)875-2894 or em ail:doug@sandpipertruck.com EQUIPMENT OPERATORS, CLASS 1 drivers, laborers and mechanics required for construction. Above average wages and benefits. Fax resume to 403-664-3356. East Central Alberta.

ROSS AG a JD Dealership is currently looking for an agricultural, lawn and garden Equipment Salesman. Applicants must possess strong computer skills, be energetic, self-motivated and have a clean driving record. Excellent benefit package. Please email resume: roger@rossag.com Fax 780-837-2085 Attention Roger, or mail PO Box 57, Falher, AB. T0H 1M0. LOOKING FOR A challenge? Horse Country and Hearts of the Country are two unique Manitoba magazines that share similar demographics but are unique in their editorial mandates. Publishers are looking for an experienced Advertising Sales Representative. The ideal candidate must have proven experience in print advertising sales; an accurate knowledge of a rural Canadian audience or come from a rural or farming background; database experience, high-speed internet, and a strong desire to match clients and campaigns. Candidates must have good communication skills, be independent, creative, honest, dependable and excited about the potential in both magazines. Commission with advancement opportunities. Forward resumes to contact@horsecountry.ca Winnipeg area MB 204-372-6121. SALES/ SERVICE LEADER. ACE is a leading vegetation management service provider with projects throughout western Canada. The position requires working w/petroleum industry clients. Individuals will have strong interpersonal skills, a sense of humor and be able to communicate effectively. A background in the use of MS Office and vegetation management is an asset. Strong service and sales background is essential. This position will cover Central AB. 2001- 8th Street, Nisku, AB T9E 7Z1. Fax resumes to 1-877-955-9426 or email to acemail@acevegetation.com

Heavy Duty M echanic

Duties consist of enforcement of animal welfare legislation including investigation, documentation, and court appearances. Knowledge of livestock and companion animals essential, with prior education or experience with a recognized law enforcement agency a must. Successful candidate will have excellent verbal and written communication skills, outstanding work ethic, be physically fit, eligible for Alberta Justice Peace Officer Appointment & hold a valid driver’s license with good driving record.





This p os ition w ill be a k ey p os ition w ithin the S G S A g ricu ltu ra l S ervices Divis ion by d eliverin g a com p rehen s ive p ortfolio ofa g ron om ic s ervices to ben efitfa rm cu s tom ers . This p os ition w ill be in teg ra l to crea tin g S G S ’s A g ron om y bu s in es s in the w es tern Provin ces ofCa n a d a . This p os ition w ill a ls o s u p ervis e a field s ervices tea m .

Plea s e referto ou rw ebs ite forcom p lete p os ition a n d a p p lica tion d eta ils :

requ ires

Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed


Crop a n d Fie ld S e rvic e s S u p e rvis or (P ra irie s Ba s e d ) (S a s k a toon )

Req u ired Q u a lifica tion s : • A g ricu ltu re rela ted d eg ree/ d ip lom a / certifica te • CCA (Certified Crop A d vis or) orthe a bility to com p lete the cou rs e a n d ha ve d es ig n a tion is req u ired • P.A g . (Profes s ion a l A g rolog is t) orthe a bility to a cq u ire the d es ig n a tion is req u ired . • S om e field a n d in d u s try exp erien ce (a tlea s ton e yea ror p reviou s rela ted s u m m erp os ition s ). • A cts w ith p rofes s ion a lis m a ta ll tim e w hen rep res en tin g the bu s in es s to clien ts , p eers a n d em p loyees . • Cu s tom erS ervice exp erien ce • S tron g techn ica l a n d org a n iza tion s k ills . • S tron g in terp ers on a l s k ills a n d the a bility to n etw ork w ithin the A g com m u n ity a n d in tern a l p ers on n el. • M u s tbe a ble to rea d , u n d ers ta n d a n d follow w ork in s tru ction s in a s a fe, a ccu ra te a n d tim ely m a n n er. • In term ed ia te k n ow led g e ofa n d fa m ilia rity w ith cu rren t techn ica l a g ron om y a p p lica tion a n d othercom p u ter com p eten cies . • S u p ervis ory exp erien ce is a n a s s et. • S a les rela ted exp erien ce is a n a s s et. • M echa n ica l/ Fa brica tion k n ow led g e is a n a s s et. • Proven a bility to m a n a g e a n d coord in a te m u ltip le p rojects in a fa s t-p a ced , hig hly p rofes s ion a l en viron m en t. • Ca n d id a tes m u s td em on s tra te excellen tverba l a n d w ritten com m u n ica tion s k ills in clu d in g g ra m m a ra n d com p os ition . • A bility to w ork w ell w ith others & in d ep en d en tly. • Proven tim e m a n a g em en ts k ills a n d a s tron g a tten tion to d eta il. • W ork s w ell u n d erp res s u re. • En s u res fu ll com p lia n ce w ith the com p a n y’s Hea lth & S a fety, Cod e ofIn teg rity, a n d Profes s ion a l Con d u ctp olicies .


ISO LATIO N Equ ipm entServ ices Inc. a n expa nding O il Serv ice Com pa ny is seeking qu a lity Hea v y Du ty M echa nic. 3rd or4 th yea ra pprentices w ith prev iou s exp. w ith Pickers a nd Hydra u lics orsim ila rindu stry.

Experience preferred. Class 3 driver’s License applicants preferred. A current driver’s abstract req’d. Valid H2S and AB/BC First Aid Tickets Preferred.


•Exc. H ou rly W a ges •N orthern A llow a nce Progra m •Excellent Benefit Pla n a nd Tra vel Expenses. •Retirem ent Pla n •L u cra tive Yea r End Profit S ha ring •C hristm a s bonu s Fa x or em a il you r res u m e a nd driv er’s a bs tra ctto: Fa x: (780)513-6018 Em a il: g.a lla rd@ isola tionequ ipm ent.com or drop by 12925-97 B S t. G ra nde Pra irie A B. T8V 6K1

Is expanding and looking for som e new people to join the team for our Saskatoon location. W e offer an excellent salary and great benefits. Truck/Tra iler M echa nics a nd W elders D escription: - D ay to day inspection, m aintenance, and installation ofvarious equipm ent including satellites - W ork in a team environm ent to keep allQ -Line equipm ent running properly Q ualifications: - M echanically m inded - H ard w orker as w ellas neat and organized - Experience in related field a definite asset To apply please em ailor fax your resum e to:

H R @ qlinetrucking.com or306-242-9470 M ur r a y’s Fa r m Sup p lies A Shortlin e Eq u ipm en t Dea lers hip n ow a cceptin g a pplica tion s forRu s s ell Store

M ECH A N IC/SERV ICE TECH N ICIA N S In d ivid u als w illb e re s po n s ib le fo rthe s e t-u p an d pre paratio n o ffarm e q u ipm e n t s o ld b y the d e ale rs hip. In d ivid u als w illb e re q u ire d to d o s e rvice an d m ain te n an ce o n a w id e varie ty o f farm m achin e ry. M u rray’s Farm Su pplie s has b e e n in b u s in e s s fo r28 ye ars an d o pe rate s tw o d e ale rs hips in Sho alLake ,M B an d Ru s s e llM B. The id ea l c a n d id a te w ill ha ve: • G o o d kn o w le d g e o ffarm m achin e ry • Co m ple te s e t o fto o ls to pe rfo rm b as ic re pairs • O rg an izatio n alan d co m m u n icatio n s kills • V alid d rive r’s lice n s e ,Clas s Io rIIIa d e fin ite as s e t • Jo u rn e ym an ,3rd /4 th le ve lpape rs a d e fin ite as s e t • Ab ility to w o rk s o m e e ve n in g s an d w e e ke n d s w he n re q u ire d . • Po te n tialfo rSe rvice M an ag e r M u rray’s Farm Su pplie s o ffe rs a co m pe titive co m pe n s atio n packag e s an d an e xce lle n tg ro u p b e n e fitpackag e . As w e llb o th lo catio n s have n e w s ho ps w ith e xce lle n t w o rkin g co n d itio n s . This w illb e a g re at o ppo rtu n ity fo rthe rig ht in d ivid u al. Tha nk you foryourinterest, how everonly those considered forthe interview w ill be conta cted. Plea se a pply to: M u rra y’s F a rm Su pplies Box 6 7 0 R u ssell,M B R 0J 1 W 0 Atten tion :Corrie O r em a ilto c ka ed in g@ m u rra ysfa rm su pplies.c a O r fa x:204 - 7 7 3 - 7 87 6 w w w .ru ssellm b .c om


BODYMAN/ PAINTER REQUIRED for truck repair and fabrication shop located in the foothills of central AB. 5 days/week. Steady year round work. Close to hunting, fishing and the mountains. Family owned business where you are not a number. Completive wages depending upon experience. Call 403-638-3934, fax resume to 403-638-3734, Sundre, AB.

OWNER/OPERATOR WANTED: Small company. Full time, year round. Western Canada/Northwest USA. Fax resume to: 306-769-8809, call 306-862-8625 for info. SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediately requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks, tractors; Also Company Drivers. Transporting RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. Clean abstract required. Competitive rates. Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733. MID NORTH TRANSPORT is currently accepting applications for operators to drive to and from the USA; Also drivers to pull Super B’s, SK and AB. Please fax resume 306-975-0559 or call 306-931-2678, Saskatoon, SK. LARGE MIXED FARMING OPERATION requires Class 1 driver. Located in central and West central Sask. May also consider a lease operator as well. Contact Lee 306-867-3046 or 306-962-3992. Email: lthansen@xplornet.com

TRAIL-X EXPRESS immediately requires 1 ton diesel trucks and load & tows to haul RV’s, full-time employment with top rates. Must be able to enter the US. Email steve@trailx.ca Toll free 1-866-585-6770, visit www.trailx.ca Truck Driver/General Labourer The R uralM unicipality of Longlaketon N o.219 invites applications for the position of seasonal FullTim e Truck D river/G eneral Labourer for the 2012 season. The successful applicant m ust hold a valid 1A driver’s license and provide a copy w ith your resum e. Successful applicants m ay be required to do other w ork and position is not lim ited to truck driving only. A pplicants should have or be prepared to obtain a Pow er M obile Equipm ent (PM E) course. S ubm it resum es stating experience, expected salary and tw o references to: R M of Longlaketon N 0.219 B ox 100, EarlG rey, Sask.SO G 1JO em ail:rm 219@ sasktel.net by M arch 1, 2012


P&K FARM TRUCKING has openings for experienced 1A Super B grain haulers to haul in SK. MB, and AB. Competitve wages and benefits. For more info. call Keith 306-537-8457, Odessa, SK. CLASS 1 OILFIELD DRIVERS NEEDED. Home every night - 9 on, 3 off shift, assigned truck, no two week holdback on pay, $85,000+ per year. Bill McColman Oilfield Hauling, Brooks, AB. Phone: 403-362-6707 or fax: 403-362-7822, email: tps0@telus.net TITAN CLEAN ENERGY PROJECTS is looking for part-time and full-time Class 1A Drivers to transport heavy equipment and materials to and from our Craik, SK. site and throughout the province. No phone calls please. Please apply by email/fax: hr@titan-projects.com 306-343-7067. RV HAULING: Saskatoon Hotshot Transporter now hiring 3/4 and 1 tons, for RV hauling throughout Canada and the US. Year round work, lots of miles and home time, fuel subsidies, benefits, excellent earnings. 306-653-8675, Saskatoon, SK. www.saskatoonhotshot.com

1A DRIVER WANTED TO haul oil and produced water in Flaxcombe, SK. area. Can provide housing. Call Pat 306-460-6024, REIMER TRUCKING is looking for experi- fax 306-856-2077. enced Class 1 truck drivers. Please call: 403-546-4190 - or fax resume to: 403-546-2592, Linden, AB.

GROWING SOUTHERN AB trucking company urgently requires CLASS 1 DRIVERS. We require 2 yrs. experience in deck work, clean drivers abstract and drug testing. Applicants should be prepared for extended periods away from home, and be able to enter into the US. We offer competitive wages (approx. $56,000 yearly paid on mileage rate), medical/ dental benefits, late model trucks and equipment and a safe, close knit team environment to work in. Please fax resume to 403-945-3613 or email Stew at stew@marlowesmithtrucking.com Lethbridge, AB.

AL’S CUSTOM WORK, looking for leased operators, Super B bulkers, hauling grain, fertilizer. etc. Year round employment in MAC’S OILFIELD SERVICES LTD. is look- SK, MB and AB. Competitive rates. Phone ing for VAC TRUCK DRIVERS in Bonny- 306-648-3523, Gravelbourg, SK. or email: ville, AB. area. Up to date safety tickets are als.custom@sasktel.net required, standard First Aid, H2S, and a driver’s abstract. Top wages will be paid SPEEDWAY MOVING SYSTEMS requires for experienced operators. Fax resume to Owner Operators for our 1 ton and 3 ton 780-573-1216 or call 780-812-1380. fleets to transport RV’s throughout North America. We offer competitive rates and PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY is now hir- Co. fuel cards. Paid twice monthly- direct ing Class 1 Drivers for livestock hauling. deposit. Must have clean abstract and Competitive wages. Canada/ US loads. ability to cross border. 1-866-736-6483. Fuel/ safety bonus. Must have US clear- www.speedwaymovingsystems.com ance. Call Jim at 403-732-5641 or fax resume to 403-732-4856, Picture Butte, AB. LEASED OPERATORS REQUIRED for RB Email: bgm5@telus.net Transport, with 1 ton pickup or 3 ton deck truck, US/Canada. Dealers Choice Trans- GOSHAWK FARMS of Eaglesham, AB. is currently seeking Class 1 Drivers. Miniport 780-939-2119, Morinville, AB. mum 3 yrs. Super B experience. Applicants must be clean, personable and have good aptitude for work. Local and Edmonton area fertilizer and grain hauling. Occasional deck work and machinery hauling. Fax resume and abstract to 780-359-2083.

CLL Water Hauling

Is currently seeking drivers for full time and part time positions. Must have 1A or 3A driver’s license and a good drivers abstract. Excellent wages and a full benefit package. To apply, call Matt 306-441-5962 fax resume 780-875-2586 or email to:


Highw a y M a intena nce P os itions Loca tion : Northern A B a n d BC W e a re s eek in g en thu s ia s tic, en erg etic, s k illed p ers on n el to com p lim en t a n d exp a n d ou r H ig hw a y M a in ten a n ce Tea m . If you en joy op era tin g in a tea m en viron m en t, w hile w ork in g on a va riety of cha llen g in g , ha n d s -on p rojects , you m a y be the p ers on (s ) w e a re look in g for. • • • •

Hig hw a y M a in ten a n ce S u p ervis or(s ) (S a la ry Pos ition s ) Hig hw a y M a in ten a n ce W ork ers M otorG ra d erO p era tors Eq u ip m en tO p era tors / S n ow Plow Drivers (W ork in g ou tofthe S tea m boa tw ork ca m p , tra ilerp rovid ed )

Ca n d id a tes w ith a p roven tra ck record , com bin ed w ith a p p lica ble ed u ca tion a n d field exp erien ce in hig hw a y m a in ten a n ce or con s tru ction w ou ld be p referred . Fu n ction a l com p u ters k ills a n d op era tin g k n ow led g e ofM icros oft O ffice s oftw a re a re a ls o a s s ets . Com p a n y-s u p p lied a ccom m od a tion s a n d Northern Livin g A llow a n ces a re fea tu res ofs elected “ n orthern / rem ote field ” p os tin g s .

L a Pra irie W orks is a m em b er of the L a Pra irie Group of C om pa nies . W e ow n a nd opera te a fra c - s a nd /liquid s s tora ge a nd d is trib ution fa c ility in Da w s on C reek, BC . Opera tions a re und erw a y a nd w e a re s eeking outs trong c a nd id a tes for the follow ing full- tim e pos itions .

Pe a ce Rive r Re gion :

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Pro d u cts Term in a l S u pervis o r - Previo u s s u p ervis o ry exp erien ce req u ired . Ra il / s to ra ge/ d is trib u tio n b a ckgro u n d p referred .

Term in a l Pla n t Opera to r - Previo u s exp erien ce w ith b u lk m a teria l ha n d lin g, s ilo s to ra ge, ra il a n d tru ck d is trib u tio n p referred . W o rkin g a t heights m a y b e req u ired fro m tim e to tim e.

Cla s s 1 Drivers - S ilica s a n d / fra c-liq u id s ha u lin g in to the M o n tn ey a n d Ho rn River Ba s in (M u s tp o s s es s a va lid Cla s s 1 w Air a n d a clea n d rivers a b s tra ct).

Pla n t Fa cility L a b o u rers - Previo u s la b o u r exp erien ce in a p la n t / s to ra ge

fa cility w o u ld b e a n a s s et. A va lid cla s s 5 d river’s licen s e is req u ired . W o rkin g a t heights m a y b e req u ired fro m tim e to tim e.

Plea s e in d ica te you r p referen ce for a n u rba n , ru ra l, or “ n orthern / rem ote field ” p os tin g w ithin ou rPea ce Riverreg ion op era tion s .

Dis pa tcher(s ) - Previo u s Dis p a tch exp erien ce a n d kn o w led ge o fco m p u ter-b a s ed

La Pra irie offers top w a g es , ben efits , a n d s a fety p erform a n ce in cen tives for fu ll-tim e, p erm a n en tp os ition s .

La Pra irie W o rks o ffe rs c o m pe titive a n d c o m pre he n s ive w a ge a n d b e n e fits pa c ka ge s . C u rre n tC S TS a n d S ta n d a rd Firs tAid C e rtific a tio n s a re c o n s id e re d a n a s s e t.

Forw a rd you rres u m e to: M a n a gero f Hu m a n R eso u rces La Pra irie G ro u p o f Co m pa n ies Fa x: (403) 767- 9932 Em a il: ca reers@ la pra iriegro u p.co m

WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Class 3A and 1A drivers, to haul water on drilling rigs. Must have all safety tickets and clean abstract. Experience preferred. Competitive wages. Fax resumes between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, 306-826-5623, Marsden, SK. SWF WANTS EMPLOYMENT with accommodations for herself, 1 horse and 1 cat. DRIVER NEEDED FOR Canada/US run Have experience with horses, elder care from Saskatoon area to Fargo, ND with and domestic chores. 403-548-1705, 2007 W900L and tandem grain trailer, ex- Medicine Hat, AB. cellent equipment. Phone Byron 701-648-9733 or Stewart 701-339-8072, EXPERIENCED COWBOY SEEKING ranch, office 306-466-4466, Leask, SK. horse training or lease riding work, full P&K FARM TRUCKING looking for leased time or part-time. Call 403-715-8973. operators to haul grain and fertilizer in SK. MB, and AB. Must have truck and Super B MALE WITH REFERENCES seeks to housetrailers. For more info. call Dallas sit. Will look after small animals. Phone for details, 204-476-1014, Neepawa, MB. 306-531-4641, Odessa, SK.

d is p a tch s o ftw a re a re a s s ets .

PL EAS E DIRECT YOUR RES UM E TO: M a n a ger: H.R./S a fety & L o s s Co n tro l L a Pra irie Gro u p o f Co m pa n ies Fa x: 403-76 7-9 9 32 • Em a il: ca reers @ la pra iriegro u p.co m W eb s ite: http://w w w .la pra iriegro u p.co m /


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Lower meat consumption seen among food trends Social pressures, obesity control may reduce domestic demand BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

MISTY MORNING WORK | at the Viterra elevator in Saskatoon Jan. 20. |

A driver unloads his load of wheat


Canadian livestock producers look with enthusiasm to burgeoning markets in Asia and the developing world, where rising incomes are expected to prompt more demand for meat. However, David Hughes, professor emeritus of food marketing with Imperial College in London, England, thinks hopes pinned on emerging markets have as many challenges as opportunities. Nor do global trends favour major market increases in domestic markets or those in developed countries. Hughes, an expert in global food industry issues, told the recent Lethbridge College Tiffin Conference that trends in Canada and developed countries include: • lower meat consumption as populations age • reduced consumption of fast food • increasing social pressures against access=subscriber section=news,none,none





A food expert says a growing Asian population may increase demand for food imports. | FILE PHOTO meat consumption • more interest in control of obesity, which could affect meat consumption • more interest in antibiotic-free, hormone-free meat • giant grocery stores losing market share to smaller outlets • more online ordering of groceries Trends in developing countries include: • most population growth will occur in Asia and Africa • six of the fastest growing economies are in Africa, where food distribution is poor • growing Asian meat demand is mostly for pork • Asian culture is “vegetable-centricâ€? and not “meat-centricâ€? • many Asian dishes involve thinly sliced meat with sauce, so taste and tenderness are not major concerns Hughes said producers shouldn’t forget about markets in developed countries, where most of the wealth resides. However, he views Canada and the United States as declining markets, where population growth is slow and baby boomers are aging and eating less meat. He said North Americans are likely to gravitate toward lower priced product and more white meats but will be willing to pay a premium for high-end smaller portions of red meat. “I see this in many, many markets,â€?

Hughes said. Attention to sustainability and environmental protection as it relates to meat production is also a trend. “I just see this catching on around the world.� Convenience stores owned by supermarket chains are gaining market share from the super-sized grocery stores. Hughes said consumers are doing fewer big shopping trips and instead buy more on a day-today basis. In England, online ordering is increasing and will make up half of all grocery shopping by 2020. Consumers will place orders from computers or mobile devices and then either pick them up or have them delivered. “What you buy will depend on how much trust you have in the retailer,� said Hughes. Hughes’ statistics show rising pork prices and a major increase in the amount of pork consumed in Asia. That might be a warning call to beef producers, who see their meat as a premium product that should earn premium prices in Asia. “If you’re in premium meat, what’s your story? Because it’s going to have to be a really good story to make people pay more for it,� Hughes said. “We need a stronger story for Canada.� One of those stories could involve traceability and safety because Chinese shoppers in particular are concerned about food safety.



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Cargill expands beef storage BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Cargill’s beef slaughter plant in High River, Alta., is upgrading its facilities to increase boxed beef storage and use its own waste products to produce electricity. Steve Molitor of Cargill said the plant can store 45,000 boxes of beef but produces 35,000 boxes daily. That has required it to ship and store boxed beef in Calgary. New facilities will be able to store 80,000 more boxes, said Molitor. That will reduce costs in shipping product

to another facility for distribution and reduce fuel consumption in refrigerated trailer units that now sit on site as additional storage. The new facility is expected to be running by April, Molitor said. Cargill is also building a fluidized bed boiler at the plant, which will burn specified risk material, (animal parts believed to be the main vectors for BSE spread), manure and other wastes to produce electricity for plant operations. The High River plant is one of two in Canada and 10 in North America operated by Cargill. access=subscriber section=news,none,none





Secret to parasite resistance found in African sheep Mapping genome | Identifying traits that increase tolerance to infection can help determine best breeding combinations BY MARGARET EVANS FREELANCE WRITER

LINDELL BEACH, B.C. — Scientists have discovered genetic resistance to a parasite nematode that infects sheep. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the International Livestock Research Instit u t e ( I L R I ) i n Ke n ya d e t e c t e d quantitative trait loci (QTL) genetic locations on chromosomes for resistance to gastrointestinal nematode parasites while studying a double-backcross population of African native sheep. The parasites are common in tropical regions and cause significant economic and production losses every year. Infected sheep can suffer from diarrhea, anemia, weight loss, bottle jaw and sometimes death. According to the USDA, researchers mapped the regions of the genome that control resistance to gastrointestinal nematode parasites in a sheep population bred by ILRI and comprising two breeds. One was Red Maasai, which was tolerant of the parasite, and the other was Dorper, which was susceptible to it. “There is a noticeable difference on average between certain breeds raised in a similar environment,” said USDA geneticist Tad Sonstegard. “ This difference is especially noticeable in more humid, tropical regions between locally adapted sheep and introduced, non-native breeds from more temperate climates. “This difference between breeds to parasite challenge in tropical regions can also be observed in cattle and goats. One could hypothesize that the difference is due to years of natural selection of locally adapted livestock because at several times long ago they were also introduced through human trading from the domestication centres. “Crossbreeding is a short-term solution to improve production and resist parasitic disease in tropical regions however this is not a sustainable solution.” Th e re d s t o ma ch wo r m, a l so known as the wire worm or barber’s pole worm, is a common parasite to ruminant animals. Adult worms feed on the blood, and females may lay more than 10,000 eggs a day, which are then expelled from the animal through feces. After hatching, the larvae molt several times and become infectious to animals when they graze on grass. Once ingested into the stomach, they start the process all over again. The infection in sheep, called Haemonchosis after the parasite’s scientific name Haemonchus contortus, causes significant economic losses for farmers around the world, especially those in warm, humid climates. Anthelminthics are used as a deterrent, but the parasites are developing a resistance against these chemicals. Selecting animals in a breeding program that are more tolerant of infection may be a solution. Researchers started the breeding program 10 years ago to create a resource population for mapping regions of the sheep genome that conaccess=subscriber section=news,none,none

trol resistance to the G1 nematode. “We created a population where we had the grandparents that were either purebred Dorper sheep or purebred Red Maasai,” said Sonstegard. “Six hybrid rams were bred to either Red Maasai ewes or Dorper ewes. The resulting progeny were either three-quarter Red Maasai or three-quarter Dorper. That’s the double-backcross.” They then selected 10 percent of the animals exhibiting the worst of the traits and 10 percent of those showing the best resistance against parasites. From them they genotyped

those animals and looked at the QTL within the families using an analysis that would look for how it was segregating in the sire clan. Researchers were looking for what was inherited from a sire to clarify what was providing a better resistance to the parasite. Blood packedcell volume and fecal egg count, which are indicators of parasites, were collected for three months from more than 1,060 lambs that grazed on parasite-infected pastures. The scientists selected lambs for genotyping based on parasite indicators. They detected significant QTL

for average fecal egg count and packed-cell volume on chromosomes 3, 6, 14 and 22. Studies are continuing and focusing on genotyping the same animals using the OvineSNP50. “With the SNP chip analysis, we can examine 40,000 to 50,000 markers instead of (just) 200,” said Sonstegard. “We are analyzing the same animals using this genotyping platform, which should give a much higher resolution map of the locations affecting parasite tolerance. We would hope to use this information to compare to other African sheep

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breeds to find common signatures of natural selection in the genome between breeds. These are the regions that can then be tracked using SNP tools during development of new synthetic breeds that are sustainable in the typical extensive production conditions of a nation with a developing economy.” The aim is to identify some of the genes that can increase tolerance to parasite infection or assess the best genetic combination of Dorper and Red Maasai breeds so that production can be increased and livestock can remain healthy.

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Growing up country ABOVE: Britney McAvoy, holds her daughter, Dallas, as she waves to a calf at the McAvoy Charolais Farm at Arelee, Sask., Jan. 25. FAR RIGHT: Willow pulls Dallas on the sled as Britney encourages the two. RIGHT: A 10-day-old calf is nuzzled by a pair of cows. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTOS

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LOW RFI DELIVERS MORE FOR MONEY Cattle with low residual feed intake are more profitable. A lot of time has been spent studying feed efficiency, but significantly less time has gone into improving maintenance requirements. | Page 75

L IV ES T O CK ED I TO R: B A R B G L EN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403- 942- 2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM


Packers slow to adopt new grading technology

A 2005 beef audit showed tenderness, consistency and marbling scores have not changed much in 15 years. A new beef audit is still under analysis, but meat scientists say the beef industry must make changes to compete with pork and poultry in consumer markets. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


Beef industry must keep pace Inconsistent quality haunts market | Scientists say computerized technology may help STORIES BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

D E N V E R , C o l o. — T h e b e e f industry needs continuous improvement, says a meat scientist from Colorado State University. Daryl Tatum told the International Livestock Congress in Denver that quality audits conducted in the United States since 1991 show that beef has improved in some areas, but five year reviews still identify problems with carcass weights and consistency. The first audit said beef was too fat, too tough and too inconsistent to compete with pork and poultry. “There was a strong message to improve the marbling and product quality in that regard,” he said.

The 2005 audit found tenderness, consistency and marbling scores had not changed much in 15 years. The most recent audit is still being analyzed. Tatum said computerized grading technology has also improved beef quality. It has been used in many U.S. plants since 2005 as way to sort cattle. Three years ago, they started combining the computer results with U.S. Department of Agriculture grades. Regional differences in quality grades was a common complaint in t h e 2 0 0 5 a u d i t . In s t r u m e n t s reduced the inconsistenc y of human assessments. “We saw a fairly significant improvement in consistency in application of grades,” Tatum said.

The U.S. grades Prime, Choice and Select are based on marbling scores and yield grade. During the height of the recession in 2008, more Choice grade meat ended up in retail rather than restaurants because people were eating out less. Consumer expectations increased and more retail outlets have moved away from offering Select. However, Derek Vote with beef technical services at JBS Inc. in Greeley, Colorado, said less Choice beef is available as the national herd shrinks, which leaves the U.S. industry looking for a market for Select, the leanest of the categories. JBS produces beef for programs that demand certain grades and aging times. Less than one-third of the beef

that grades Select is considered to have acceptable eating quality. Studies are underway to improve the grade, which may require aging beyond 14 days so it can be offered as an affordable alternative to Choice, said Vote. Increasing carcass weights is another area of concern. A university study conducted from 2008-10 found that 68 percent of cattle fit into the desirable size ranges. However, these were groups of cattle rather than individuals. A large database may estimate each feedlot pen has only two percent heavyweights when in reality half the cattle in a single pen may be oversized. “Are we doing a good job of managing variability? I would say not,” Tatum said.

Canadian beef packing plants have been slower to adopt instrument grading than those in the United States, but limited results show improvements in assessing beef quality. XL Lakeside at Brooks, Alta., is the only plant using the technology as a grading aid so consistency cannot be compared until more companies adopt it, said Cindy Delaloye, manager of the Canadian Beef Grading Agency. “The graders are very happy with it. Their variability has been removed in respect to the marbling assessment,” she said. “No two humans see something exactly the same. If I could get that between plants, I could remove some of the variability among the plants.” Computer vision grading technology allows multiple measurements of yield and quality grade parameters to be made more quickly than would be possible using manual approaches. The computerized cameras take an image, digitize it and produce results on rib eye sizes, quality grades and red meat yield. Canadian cattle typically grade AA or AAA. More than 50 percent achieves AAA and 42 percent grades AA, which has the same marbling requirements as Select. Canada has not had any difficulty selling this grade. Canada Safeway and Real Canadian Superstore offer it, while Costco has a large AAA program and Sobey’s offers Sterling Silver, a highly marbled product. “Every grade has a place in the marketplace, but the people have to know which one they are buying and how to cook it appropr iately,” Delaloye said. Marbling assessments are based on the average amount, size and distribution of fat deposits in the rib eye. A prediction of lean yield is also made when a carcass qualifies for Canada Prime or any of the Canada A grades. Lean yield is not dressing percentage. access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none


access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none

Maturity Muscling


Rib eye muscle Marbling Fat colour & texture Fat measure

Canada Canada Prime A, AA, AAA youthful good to excellent with some deficiencies firm, bright red A- trace slightly abundant AA- slight AAA - small firm, white or amber 2 mm or more

Source: Cdn Beef Grading Agency | WP GRAPHIC





Check-off hike destined for research, trade promotion First hike since 1987 | The Saskatchewan ag minister will have to approve the beef producers’ resolution for a check-off increase BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

SASKATOON — Saskatchewan beef producers have voted to double the provincial refundable checkoff to $2 per head, hoping to stem a tide of red ink. The checkoff has been $1 since 1987, and raising it would put the province on par with British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick. Those in favour of the resolution put forward at the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association annual gen-

eral meeting said funding research and lobbying government costs money. At least part of the increase is to cover escalating assessments from the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. The assessment has risen from $209,954 in 2004 to an estimated $693,659 in 2012, according to information presented at the meeting. The percentage of the province’s contribution to the CCA budget was 17 in 2004 and an estimated 19.5 percent this year. CCA president Travis Toews said there were a lot of expectations

placed on CCA after BSE was discovered in Canada in 2003. In particular, costs for lobbying and legal advice rose. Past-president Brad Wildeman said Alberta and Saskatchewan carried the load through the years immediately following BSE’s discovery, and there is no doubt some provinces have struggled to meet their assessments. The SCA checkoff collected $2.58 million in the fiscal year ending July 31, 2011. The association also received $4.94 million from the Saskatchewan agriculture ministry,

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representing the balance of money accrued when the province administered the levy. “In reality, the checkoff we estimate going forward will be anywhere from $2.2 million to $2.6 million,” said SCA director and finance committee member Bill Jameson. However, he estimated the SCA would be out of money in seven years at the current rate of spending if the checkoff remained $1 per head. The 2011-12 budget projects revenue of $2.3 million and expenses of $2.9 million for a loss of $632,000. About $300,000 is earmarked for access=subscriber section=news,livestock,none

industry research and development funding and $1.8 million for national policy and trade advocacy, including the CCA and the national checkoff. One producer asked how much the SCA is losing because of uncollected checkoffs. Jameson said the issue has been identified but not quantified. The committee recently met with agriculture ministry officials to discuss the problem. “We’ve established a game plan for auditing dealers,” Jameson told the meeting. “I think there might be some misunderstanding on what cattle are deemed to need to pay checkoff and which aren’t. There is some slippage. We think it might be in the neighbourhood of 10 to 15 percent, but we’re not sure.” Director David Stuart said there are other ways the association can miss out on collecting checkoffs. For example, more retained ownership means cattle aren’t going through the market several times before heading to the feedlot. He said there are also issues the SCA will have to deal with on behalf of producers, such as animal welfare. “We’re trying to work for the producers and it’s costing us money,” he said. Another producer noted that cattle moving into Alberta from Saskatchewan are already paying $3. In those situations, Alberta Beef Producers sends $1 to the national checkoff, $1 back to Saskatchewan and keeps $1. Agriculture minister Bob Bjornerud, who would ultimately approve a check-off increase after the AgriFood Council passes an authorization order, said the SCA has been asked to do its work with less money. “I’ll certainly look at this,” he said in an interview. “We’re behind Alberta and Manitoba, so I think that also creates the need to be on a level playing field with our neighbouring provinces.” Bjornerud said no producer wants to pay more checkoff, but the SCA represents every producer and requires money to do its job properly. Producers who don’t agree with what the SCA is doing can ask for a refund. As well, all producers have the opportunity for input at the fall district meetings. A resolution that would have limited the SCA to spending 25 percent of its budget on administration and operation was tabled until the next annual meeting. The minister said it was a good sign that some producers questioned how the SCA is operating because it means they want the association to be accountable.


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Low RFI delivers more for money Cost efficient feed use | Animals with low residual feed intake are more profitable BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Cattle producers have tried to improve animal feed efficiency for years, and for good reason. Fifty-five to 70 percent of a cow-calf operation’s cost of production is associated with feed, bedding and pasture, while 65 to 75 percent of total dietary energy costs in breeding cows are required just for maintenance. Despite attention on improving feed efficiency, some studies show that cattle maintenance requirements have increased rather than decreased, said John Basarab of Alberta Agriculture. “We have done nothing in lowering the maintenance ratio of our cows.” The beef cattle genetics researcher told Lethbridge College’s annual Tiffin Conference Jan. 19 that residual feed intake (RFI) is a better benchmark to obtain feed efficiency gains. RFI is feed intake adjusted for differences in production and body size. Animals with a low RFI eat less but attain the same production, body weight and growth of their high RFI counterparts, Basarab said. Feed costs are reduced in these efficient cattle, but quality and quantity are not compromised. His studies indicate that progeny from a herd of 100 cows bred using RFI efficient bulls can save $2,200 per animal in feed costs over three years. The low RFI trait is 35 to 40 percent heritable, he added. Selecting for the trait is a matter of monitoring bull test results and using low RFI bulls. “Efficient bulls exist. Unfortunately, there’s high demand,” Basarab said. “All the bulls that are tested at Olds College are already grabbed up by Deseret Ranches and Beef Booster.” However, the Simmental, Angus and Hereford breeds are developing initiatives to test bulls for RFI, which will likely help meet future demand. Basarab’s research involved crossbreds, but he said all cattle breeds have potential to improve RFI. Studies have tried to determine how RFI affects other beef characteristics. They found that low RFI cattle produce less heat, which lowers their feed maintenance requirements. They also have 15 to 30 percent lower methane emissions. Low RFI had no effect on bull fertility or carcass quality. On the cow access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none

A lot of time has been spent studying feed efficiency, but significantly less time has gone into improving cattle maintenance requirements. This bull was taking its turn at the feeder on the Greaves farm near Deerwood, Man., Jan. 22. | JEANNETTE GREAVES PHOTO side, studies showed no effect on age of puberty, pregnancy rate, calving pattern, calving ease or weaning rates. Low RFI cows had lower calf mortality than those with high RFI. Studies on eight- to 10-month-old replacement heifers showed no measurable weight differences, but low RFI animals lost less body fat when put on swath grazing over winter as they matured. “Those efficient cattle are more adaptable. They’re less stress susceptible,” said Basarab. His studies show that selection for low RFI will: • have no effect on growth body size or slaughter weight • improve feed to gain ratio by 10 to 15 percent • reduce net energy required for maintenance • reduce methane production by 20 to 30 percent • have no effect on carcass yield and quality grade • have a positive effect on body fatness A low RFI could mean a feed cost savings of five to 10 cents per day in feeder cattle and eight to 15 cents per day for cows. Though feed cost savings are perhaps the most exciting part the research, Basarab said the methane reduction seen in low RFI cattle is also significant because of concerns about greenhouse gas production. “It could become a trade barrier,” he said. “There has been pressure from a carbon footprint environmental sustainability (standpoint) from importing beef from Brazil. Brazil has a very high carbon footprint, around 36 kilograms of CO2 per kilogram of beef produced.” Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions from beef production is far lower, he added. It is half that of Japan, and Brazil’s rate is higher than Japan’s. “The other thing about it is reducing greenhouse gases means improved efficiency, so it s a win-win,” Basarab

said. “Also, within Alberta, we’re the only jurisdiction almost within North America where you can buy and sell carbon credits in agricul-


ture. There already is a GHG protocol on residual feed intake. You could get extra dollars, not many, but extra dollars.”


A proven reduction in greenhouse gas emissions could also improve the image of beef cattle production, he said.





Colostrum, vaccination program best prevention for scours ANIMAL HEALTH



e all know the important role that adequate colostrum intake plays in preventing neonatal enteric diseases and respiratory and other pathogens in a calf’s life. Colostrum is the epitome of a nutraceutical: a nutritional supplement acting as a therapeutic agent. Vaccination of the dam before colostrum develops in its udder will enhance the protection against diseases as long as the colostrum is taken in time and of adequate quantity and quality. We strive for 1.5 to two litres in the first six hours of life. It should be supplemented in the case of twins, bad udders, lack of colostrom or if there is any other reason to believe the calf has not received adequate amounts. Our clinic used to supply frozen colostrum from well managed dairies that implemented a scours vaccination program. Good commercial dried colostrum products are also available. Vaccination is not an excuse to stop using other sound management practices such as calving in a new area, cleaning out the manure from last year and allowing it to dry, and using creep areas where calves can escape the weather or stress of the herd. New and improved We have come a long way since the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization developed the first scours vaccine, Vicogen, in the early 1980s. It offered protection against E. coli. Newer scours vaccinations have seen several developmental changes since then. Vaccines were developed for the rota and corona viruses and then more strains were added, clostridium perfringens being the most recent. Newer adjuvants allow for a longer development of immunity, which means vaccines can be given much earlier for longer-lasting protection. It’s no longer necessary to rebooster the last fifth of the herd if calving becomes spread out. Vaccinating at least four weeks before calving allows an adequate immune response from the cow in time to produce colostrum. Immunoglobulins, which are proteins that offer protection against disease, begin concentrating in the udder five weeks before birth, which is why you want to vaccinate before this time. The vaccines now on the market have subtle differences, such as syringability, dose size and route of administration. For example, only one is approved for subcutaneous use. Vaccination for scours is an excellent biosecurity measure — a management tool in a bottle. As with all vaccination programs, other preventive measures cannot be ignored. All diseases emerge from access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none

a combination of the number of organisms present, the immune status and stress on the calf. Stress comes in the form of inclement weather, overcrowding, a concurrent disease or a hyper mother. Calves will get sick if the concentration of infectious organisms becomes too high, no matter how good a farm’s vaccination history, so preventing the first case is critical. One sick calf can spread millions of organisms in a short period of time. Keeping the first case separate from other calves is important. The use of disinfectants in boot dips and changing coveralls goes a long way to minimizing spread. I insist on different esophageal

feeders for sick calves because tubing can easily spread organisms from one calf to another. When treating several sick calves, disinfect the feeder between calves because it is foolhardy to transmit more organisms to an already compromised calf. Immune status starts by insuring the colostrum the calf receives is of the highest quality. Good dam nutrition leading up to calving, including trace minerals and vitamins such as vitamin E and selenium, help ensure the birth of a lively calf and the consumption of good quality colostrum. A scours vaccination program greatly improves protection against scours and is an important man-

agement tool. S ma l l e r h e rd s s h o u l d n o t b e exempt from vaccinating. Cows may be fatter and have more calving issues, which stresses the newborns and leads to scours. Likewise, the large late calving herds of the May-July fall calving season are also susceptible to scours, even though cows calve on grass and are spread out with little contact with each other. That’s because it is difficult to monitor colostrum consumption when the cows and calves are out in the pasture. As well, hyperthermia is a major stressor in hot weather. Dehydration occurs faster because daily fluid needs rise this time of year. Days-old

calves are susceptible to hyperthermia, and scours can be the result. Clinical cases are not seen as fast and more deaths result. Most mixed animal practices on the Prairies used to have space dedicated to isolation or scour wards. The advent of scours vaccination, when combined with better management, has meant most of these scour wards sit vacant. This is a great testimony to how far veterinarians, producers and pharmaceutical companies have come in preventing this dreaded economic disease. Roy Lewis is a veterinarian practising in Westlock, Alta.

Q: What are my options now? Q: Should I be planning already? Q: What does this mean for me? Q: Will marketing wheat be just like marketing canola? Q: Who’s going to help me through this process? Q: Is August 2012 the real end date? Q: How will I manage the transition? Q: Where can I voice my opinion? Q: Does my opinion count? Q: Who can I call if I have questions? Q: Can I survive in a competitive market? Q: How will I sell my wheat? Q: How will I sell my barley? Q: What role will the ICE Futures play? Q: What will happen with the foreign exchange? Q: How will premiums and discounts be applied to my wheat? Q: What will happen to the Canadian Grain Commission? Q: What is the new base grade? Q: Am I going to need more storage? Q: How is rail transportation going to work? Q: How can I access the US price? Q: Will the quality of my wheat continue to be controlled? Q: How will I know the quality of the wheat, durum or barley I’m delivering? Q: Who will my wheat be sold to? Q: Will the CWB still be a valid option for selling my barley and wheat? Q: How am I going to move my grain? Q: What is a good basis? Q: Am I expected to know about international trade? Q: Will everyone else know more than I do? Q: How long will this process take? Q: Are grain companies going to build more storage? Q: How will this impact price? Q: Who can I trust?





Ranching more fun when cattle price puts profit into pants COWBOY LOGIC


Making money to save for a rainy day makes work feel less like work


he past year had its ups and downs, but luckily for the family, one of the ups has

been the cattle market. Having just sold last year’s calves and having close to 20 years of cattle markets to compare since I came back to the ranch after college, I can say I much prefer selling into an up market than a down market. Watching the markets is a nerve wracking pastime. When the market is going up, you wonder when it will start going down. When the market is down, you wonder if it will ever start moving back up. If you sell your calves or your corn or your baseball cards when it’s down, you kick yourself for not selling before it went down or for not waiting longer in case it would move back up.

If you sell when they’re up, you question whether you got enough of the up. My watching of the calf market is a little less intense as of last week, when our calves got on the truck and went down the road. A guy hates to admit it sometimes, but I’m pretty darn satisfied with the price this year. D o n ’ t g e t m e w ro n g , I’ m n o t apologizing for the price. Once I paid the feed bill, ordered another load of diesel and settled up the operating note and the tractor payment, I figured the good price was justified. It felt good to pay the bills and have a chunk left over to head into the next

year. It’s nice to be ahead of the game. I remember lots of years when that wasn’t the case. I distinctly remember the 62 cent steers and 56 cent heifers I sold a couple years after I borrowed the money to buy my cows in the mid1990s. They were maybe 550 pounds and didn’t generate many dollars for a highly leveraged young guy just starting out. So now we need to make it last. We basically get one cheque, and aside from some cull cows and off-farm income from writing these lucrative columns and such, it has to get us through an entire year. But with this year’s prices, I think we can do it. Every family gets to go through the access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none

exercise of making ends meet, whether the paycheque comes once a year or once a month. Sometimes, it’s like the poster I saw years ago: “Just when I made ends meet, somebody moved the ends.” The wages might go up, but the apartment rent goes up more. Health insurance, day care, the car payment, it all has to come from somewhere and balance out. There is satisfaction when the credits and debits come together. Head out the door to work each morning, come home to your family in the evening and know that the sweat or the skill you traded for the day’s dollars put supper on the table for the family. I tried to explain to our kids when we got the cattle cheque how this all works. I told them there might even be enough to put a little away so they could go to college someday. The five-year-old told me college was too expensive; he’d rather we buy a toy instead. He was right about college being expensive, and realizing that at the age of five probably means he might do well in college someday, but his cuteness and cleverness wouldn’t get me to invest his future in a junky plastic toy today. Here’s hoping the cattle markets, and paycheques up and down the line, are high enough to even consider putting something away for college. Soon enough, the little beneficiaries will learn it’s a better investment than toys and games. Ryan Taylor is a rancher, writer and senator in the state legislature from Towner, North Dakota.



U.S. widens test for E. coli strains in ground beef BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

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SASKATOON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture will begin testing March 5 for six E. coli strains that aren’t 0157:H7 serotypes. The agency announced last fall it would begin testing for 026, 0103, 045, 0111, 0121 and 0145. Raw ground beef, its components and tenderized steaks that test positive for these strains will not be sold for public consumption. The Centre for Disease Control says these strains are responsible for more than 100,000 food-borne illnesses each year. Steve Kay, editor and publisher of Cattle Buyers Weekly, said recently the USDA has estimated the cost of the testing program at $10 million, but the industry has pegged it at $173 to $323 million. He said there are questions about how long the product will be held after testing because technology hasn’t been developed to do rapid testing. The meat would have to be held longer and therefore have a shorter shelf life, he said. As well, he said there is the possibility of trade action by Canada, Australia and New Zealand. access=subscriber section=livestock,none,none
















1.10% 12/16 12/30 1/9

0.935 12/16 12/30 1/9

1/16 1/23 1/30

Bank of Canada 5-yr rate

1/16 1/23 1/30

Jan. 30

A G F IN ANC E E D I TO R: D ’ A RC E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM

AG STOCKS FOR JAN. 23-27 It was a flat week in world stock markets, which are still sitting atop a powerful sustained rally that began in October. For the week, the Toronto Stock Exchange composite rose .6 percent. The Dow fell .5 percent, the S&P 500 was up .2 percent and the Nasdaq was up 1.1 percent. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.



ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY Legumex Walker. TSX Viterra Inc. TSX W.I.T. OTC

CLOSE LAST WK 29.82 19.06 57.83 26.71 6.96 10.25 13.32

30.04 19.60 58.61 27.06 6.45 10.33 13.32



Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 41.48 0.08 15.95 8.41 9.05

41.48 0.10 15.56 8.58 8.90


Bles-Wold Dairy employee Carlos Manriquez bottle feeds a newborn calf at Lacombe, Alta. Hiring foreign labour can be a challenging experience for producers. | FILE PHOTO


BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods


CLOSE LAST WK 0.17 29.03 10.92 17.00 22.92 6.00 18.80

0.18 29.25 10.80 17.03 22.93 6.40 19.20



Easing the farm labour crunch

AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

Foreign workers | Alberta commodity groups and government hope to speed hiring process BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

BANFF, Alta. — Farmers who try to hire foreign labourers through Canadian immigration often become entangled in red tape. Alberta commodity groups have been working with the provincial and federal governments to streamline the process but it might take up to six months to meet changing requirements and paperwork. Todd Eastman, a beekeeper from Clyde, Alta., started the process last September to hire Filipinos, many of whom worked at his northern Alberta apiary before on a seasonal basis. As of Jan. 25, he was still waiting for work permits to be approved in the embassy in Manila, but he needs his staff to start work Feb. 1. “I am probably looking at another six weeks for them to come,” he said. While it is fairly easy to hire staff from Mexico, the Caribbean and British Commonwealth countries, it is more challenging to deal with the Philippines. Part of the slowdown starts in Manila, where paperwork can take up to four months because of the high worldwide demand for work permits for Filipinos. Eastman hires Filipinos because

they owned hives at home and speak English well. The initial step in the process is to request a labour market opinion (LMO) from Service Canada so that the job is first offered to Canadians. If the LMO finds no Canadians want the job, applications are forwarded to Immigration Canada. “The big reality is nobody really wants to work in agriculture. It is a tough sell,” said Mark Chambers with Sunterra Farms. Canada’s unemployment rate as of Jan. 6 was 7.5 percent, while the rate in Alberta is around five percent. It’s been government policy since 2008 that Canadians should get first chance at jobs. “Even with the increase in unemployment rates, we were still having trouble getting workers,” Chambers said. “Agriculture is not really perceived as a career. We do a poor job of promoting it.” Eastman said the labour shortage was so serious in 2006-2007 that it drastically affected his family owned apiary. The farm would not have grown as it has in the last five years without his Filipino staff, he added. “They call it the Alberta advantage, but for agriculture it is almost the Alberta disadvantage because there are a lot of other sectors, especially in

the rural areas, that draw out the workers into the oil and gas industry or pipeline work,” Eastman said. Farm leaders have been meeting with Service Canada to streamline the process by writing specific job descriptions for skilled and unskilled workers, as well as established wage grids. In some cases, said Chambers, the government demanded higher wages than sectors could afford. The wage grid may indicate that a worker is paid $13 per hour, but the employer must also provide housing, pay the return flight and provide benefits like private health insurance. “In reality it is a $19 to $20 per hour burden on the company and we continue to demonstrate that Canadians don’t want these jobs so they force us to use temporary foreign workers to help supplement the work shortages,” Eastman said. A new federal immigration policy p a s s e d l a s t Ap r i l a d d e d m o re demands that employers are still trying to understand. At the same time, the government is scrutinizing the entire process to ensure the workers are needed and treated fairly. Seasonal workers may stay in Canada for only a specified time, even if they could find work with another farm. Job sharing sounds feasible but

current policies make it difficult. “As soon as another employer wants to share an employee, we have to go through the whole process again,” said Eastman. “Before that employee can come work for you, you have to demonstrate for a two week advertising period that no Canadians are available for this job and you have to apply for labour market opinions.” They must also change the work permit conditions with Immigration Canada in Vegreville, Alta. “Right now it is almost impossible to share,” he said. Alberta Agriculture and commodity groups have conducted a study to assess the province’s farm labour needs. The survey report will completed in March and be used to help guide labour needs and programming in Alberta, said Al Dooley of Alberta Agriculture. Statistics Canada reports 306,200 people are employed in Canada’s agricultural sector, while 50,000 of Alberta’s 2.1 million employed people were involved in that sector in the last quarter of 2011. Citizenship and Immigration Canada reported 182,000 temporary foreign workers arrived in the country last year, which included nearly 24,000 seasonal agricultural workers.


CLOSE LAST WK 52.59 5.45 111.28 46.38 87.99 11.45

50.51 5.46 105.64 44.45 87.04 11.11



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

CLOSE LAST WK 81.04 80.19 70.88 33.46 50.72 0.49 80.53 56.56 47.58 62.29

81.00 75.80 69.50 33.39 49.42 0.47 80.05 55.01 45.24 62.12





CLOSE LAST WK 76.30 71.49

79.68 71.56

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, investment advisor with CIBC Wood Gundy in Calgary, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Member of CIPF and IIROC. Listed stock prices come from Thompson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Morrison can be reached at 800-332-1407.

BASF on move HAMBURG, Germany (Reuters) — BASF is transferring its research into crops with genetically modified organisms from Germany to the United States and other countries. BASF Plant Science, its biotech unit, will be moved from Limburgerhof in Germany, to Raleigh, North Carolina. The company said its biotech research and development activities would be concentrated mainly in Raleigh. access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none





Shareholder loan account makes a good retirement tool FARM ACCOUNTS


Making deposits into your shareholder account at a low tax rate can save thousands of dollars in the future


arming corporations have been a growing phenomenon on the Prairies. Lured by the low corporate tax rate on the first $500,000 of taxable farming income, farmers have been quick to transfer machinery, equipment and commodity ownership to a corporate entity while keeping their farmland in their personal names. The farming company captures all income and expenditures relating to the farm business. To compensate for the use of the personally held farmland, the company pays the farmer and his spouse rental payments equal to the interest paid on any farmland loans plus the

municipal property tax expense. When the couple decides to retire, the retirement plan is three-fold: • the last harvested crop, hopefully a big one, is sold within the farming company • the farmland will be sold to a third party, which will allow for the retiring couple to each claim their respective $750,000 capital gains exemption • while the shares of the farming company could also be sold outright, it is probably more likely that an auctioneer will be called in to disperse all of the remaining machinery, equipment and moveable bins.

Tax consequences • because farmers use the cash method to report income for tax purposes, the cash receipts from the sale of the last harvested crop will have to be included in the farm company’s income for tax purposes • the sale of farmland will be largely tax-free because of the farmers’ available capital gains exemption • there could be additional costs associated with the sale of the farmland, specifically the Old Age Security claw back and Alternative Minimum Taxes at the federal and provincial levels • the auction sale will trigger “recap-

ture,” which is the amount by which the auction sale proceeds exceed the remaining pooled tax value or undepreciated capital cost allowance. This recapture is included in the farm company’s income for tax purposes. In short, the farming company’s income will be at record levels. There will be no offsetting input costs because they would have been deducted in the previous year. So we are left with sale proceeds in the company that have to be paid out to the shareholders as dividends or salaries at high tax rates. access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none


is the only “ CClearfield complete lentil system. ‘Soup to nuts’ as we say in my business..

Claire’s impressive farming know-how should come as no surprise given the clientele at her diner. Today’s hot topic: The Clearfield® Production System for lentils. It combines the best varieties—the only herbicide-tolerant ones available — with herbicides that are unrivalled in weed control and crop safety. Topped off with market-leading fungicides, it’s the best way to grow lentils. And for Claire, sharing that info is the best way to earn tips. Visit agsolutions.ca/lentils or your BASF retailer and get a few good tips for yourself.

Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; Clearfield and the unique Clearfield symbol are registered trade-marks of BASF Agrochemical Products B.V.; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. © 2012 BASF Canada Inc.




In my experience, these “catchup” management salaries or bonuses result in some regret as to why more remuneration wasn’t paid out of the farming company in the earlier years. For example, if the farming company paid a final dividend of $500,000, then the tax bill would be $125,000. Let’s assume this same farmer had recorded a $50,000 dividend in each of the 10 years before his retirement. The annual tax would be approxi-

mately $3,300, and the dividend would accumulate each year in his shareholder loan account. After 10 years, the shareholder loan account would be $500,000 and the total tax paid $33,000. Contrasting this to the previous example, the total tax savings is $92,000, which is significant tax savings generated by simply using up the lower individual tax brackets that are available. Farmers, not unlike other business owners, have a strong aversion to taxes of any kind. This aside, the lower individual tax rates are available only once. They

AGFINANCE cannot be re-visited if you decide not to take advantage of them. The message is a simple one: don’t forget about your available individual tax credits when it comes to corporate tax planning. Your shareholder loan account is your tax-paid bank account within your company. Why not start making deposits at low tax rates?

Tractor maker says agriculture sector is doing well

Allyn Tastad, certified general accountant, is a partner with Hounjet Tastad Harpham in Saskatoon. Contact: 306-653-5100.

OSAKA, Japan (Reuters) — Japan’s leading tractor maker is in talks to buy an overseas farm equipment manufacturer in a deal that could


Purchase plan shows Kubota’s optimism access=subscriber section=ag_finance,none,none

It’s the canola herbicide you’ve been wishing for.

It’s no wonder farmers are just itching to get their hands on this. New ARES™ herbicide is an integral part of the enhanced Clearfield® Production System for canola. It controls all the weeds other systems get plus the ones they don’t, including tough weeds like lamb’s quarters, wild buckwheat and cleavers. And with its user-friendly, liquid formulation, it’s bound to be on most canola farmers’ wish lists this year. Visit your BASF retailer or agsolutions.ca/ARES for more details.

Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; ARES is a trade-mark, and Clearfield and the unique Clearfield symbol are registered trade-marks of BASF Agrochemical Products B.V.; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. © 2012 BASF Canada Inc.

top $2.6 billion. Kubota Corp. president Yasuo Masumoto said he hoped a decision on the deal would be reached by autumn, adding this was one of several possible acquisition targets. “Despite the financial crisis, agriculture, unlike other industries, is doing well,” he said. Kubota’s overtures abroad are the latest sign that Japanese companies are looking overseas for ways to expand beyond a stagnant home market and take advantage of the yen’s near historical highs against the U.S. dollar and euro. Japanese mergers and acquisitions increased by more than a third last year to $181 billion, the most since 2005, with much of that rise due to companies seeking acquisitions overseas. Kubota, valued at $11.5 billion, aims to generate 70 to 80 percent of its sales overseas within five years, Masumoto said. It is now below 50 percent. The company is looking to boost sales overseas, particularly of equipment for wheat production, gaining from its experience in building machinery for rice planting and harvesting in Japan. Analysts said Kubota, which began as a foundry in 1890, wants to extend its business in Europe, Africa and Latin America. Based on the size of the deal signaled by Masumoto, they said closely held European tractor makers Same Deutz-Fahr and Claas Group could be among potential targets. German farm machinery maker Claas had sales of $4.28 billion last year, predominantly in Europe. Founded in Italy, Same Deutz-Fahr’s brands include Lamborghini tractors. In Latin America, Kubota may be eyeing up brands owned by bigger rivals such as Deere & Co, CNH Global NV and Agco Corp., the analysts said. Agco last month completed its $928 million acquisition of grain storage systems maker GSI Holdings. “It clearly makes sense for these guys (Kubota) to do more business overseas, and if they can grow through M&A, I think the market would see that as possibly a good move,” said Graeme McDonald, an analyst at Citigroup Global Markets in Tokyo. Kubota said last month it would buy Norwegian farm machinery maker Kverneland through a public offer. By Jan. 20, it had acquired 79 percent of the company’s shares for $219 million. As of the end of September, Kubota had net cash of around $1.1 billion, according to its latest quarterly filing. There is grow ing pressure to increase mechanization in farming in the world’s emerging economies, with the global population expected to balloon 30 percent by 2050, doubling the planet’s food needs. Chinese premier Wen Jiabao this month urged his nation’s farms to modernize to ensure supply kept up with demand.





B.C. fruit growers struggle with recovery strategies Revenues good for cherries, bad for apples | New BCFGA president vows to get money into producer hands BY TERRY EDWARDS FREELANCE WRITER

KELOWNA, B.C. — The outgoing president of the B.C. Fruit Growers’ Association stressed the positive in his final report to members. It’s a message some orchardists are finding difficult to embrace. “The past three years, while more profitable for cherries and other tree fruits, have been most challenging for the apple industry,” Joe Sardinha said in Kelowna Jan. 27. Average returns to growers for apples in 2008, 2009 and 2010 were 15.3 cents per pound, while the cost of production is estimated at 22.6 cents per lb. “Absent is the cyclical nature of our business, where brief downturns were met with strong recovery years,” Sardinha said. “Needless to say, the current suite of business risk programs, poorly designed to deal with prolonged downturns, have not provided tangible financial relief for growers as losses have continued to accumulate.” Sardinha admitted that the BCFGA executive has struggled with the question of how the industry can recover. Provincial agriculture minister Don McRae had little good news to offer growers except for money to improve packing house infrastructure. The association suggested last year in a Tree Fruit Industry Task Force report that government money be used to buy property where packing houses owned by the Okanagan Tree Fruit Co-operative have closed or will be closing. The idea was rejected. The report also recommended: • modernizing packing plant and cold storage infrastructure to reduce costs • supporting a new replant program • allocating money to the Tree Fruit Industry Development Fund • promoting health benefits of fresh fruit • supporting export opportunities • assisting small lot producers • modernizing the Water Act and developing a new Water Sustainability Act • reviewing the effect of the carbon tax on producers • minimizing regulatory burden for pest management products • determining if the Columbia River Treaty 2014 review process could benefit agriculture. “There was discussion of a replant program and the renewal of a tree fruit industry development plan,” McRae said. “These are both areas I believe have many possibilities. While I don’t have the dollars today, I will work very hard in my ministry to see if this can be explored. We need to make sure that the industry is supported.” The national Apple Working Group and the provincial fruit growers association propose establishing a national apple research and promotion agency that would be funded by a levy on apple production. Delegates voted in favour of supporting a provincial Apple Research and Promotion Agency. The association also demanded that the province support agriculture sectors affected by the Columbia River Treaty. access=subscriber section=news,none,none

The treaty, signed in 1964, controls water flow of the Columbia River from B.C. to Washington state’s Columbia Basin and resulted in massive expansion of tree fruit and vegetable production in Washington. Since 2014 is the first date that a 10-year notice to cancel or change the treaty can be issued, the province has initiated a review process to study the treaty’s possible continuation, renegotiation or termination. “ This review may provide an opportunity to develop a new provincial revenue stream that could be





used to provide support to B.C. agriculture,” said the Tree Fruit Industry Working Group report.

The fruit growers association suggested that $9.25 million of the total annual treaty funds ($200 to $300

million) be invested in the tree fruit, potato and vegetable sectors affected by the treaty. Newly elected president Kirpal Boparai said his first priority is to get money into the pockets of growers. “The growers are working very hard and the last few years the funds haven’t been there. I want to make sure I do some research and see how we get those funds.” The association’s budget showed a loss of $38,215 last year and is projecting a $17,800 loss this year. The president’s annual honorarium was halved from $20,000 to $10,000.


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REVISITING INDIAN RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS A new educational initiative for schools is helping students better understand the past experience of young aboriginals in government run schools. | Page 84




Researchers shed new light on juvenile arthritis

Juvenile arthritis is one of the most common childhood diseases.

Models developed | The relationship between physical activity and pain was examined

• Damage to joint cartilage and bone leading to joint deformity and impaired use


Collaborative research into juvenile arthritis is shedding new light on traditional beliefs about the disease. Susan Tupper and Tracey WilsonGerwing of the University of Saskatchewan pediatrics department are combining their research to help children with arthritis manage their pain. From their studies, other researchers will have tools to develop treatments for the disease. The two were recently recognized at the Canadian Arthritis Network annual scientific conference in Quebec City. The U of S pediatrics department won two of the four categories for poster presentations at the conference, where more than 170 abstracts from across Canada were presented. While the majority of posters related to adult rheumatology, both of these projects focus on the childhood form of the disease. About one in 1,000 children has arthritis. Studies show there’s a higher prevalence of the disease and chronic pain conditions among girls compared to boys. Tupper tracked changes in juvenile arthritis patients’ pain throughout the day and assessed how it is affected by different levels of physical activity. Wilson-Gerwing has developed the first-ever model for the study of juvenile arthritis and pediatric inflammatory pain caused by arthritis. Tupper won the clinical health services category for her study examining how pain changes during the day for juvenile arthritis patients. Her research also looked for the relationship between pain and physical activity as well as pain and mood. “Generally for boys and girls, pain tends to be worse in the morning. It drops down in the afternoon for both. For girls, it goes back up in the evening but for boys, it keeps on dropping throughout the day,” she said. Tupper collaborated with researchers in the department of computer science at the university to develop an electronic pain diary for the IPod Touch. A group of 32 children eight to 17 years of age and suffering with arthritis or chronic pain were enrolled from rural and urban Saskatchewan. Seven times a day over four days, an alarm would sound reminding the children to answer a series of questions. The children’s reports of their pain and mood were captured on the IPod.

Participants’ physical activity was also monitored by motion sensors. The study showed pain increased with too much or too little activity. That relationship between activity and pain was an important area to study, Tupper says. “I looked at how sedentary they were. If they were sitting around quite a bit, they tended to have more pain. If they were vigorously active, they also had more pain. When they were lightly active, they tended to feel a little bit better,” she said. Tupper said children with arthritis and chronic pain are getting even less activity than the normal population. “They tend to be an extremely sedentary group. We w a nt t o re c o m m e n d physical activity for them but it’s painful for them. The more physically active they are over the long run, the healthier they are, the better bone health they have, the stronger their muscles are and they have less pain when they are more physically active.” The results from her study may help youth cope with arthritis by allowing them to plan activities to coincide with times when their pain should be lower. Wilson-Gerwing won the inflammation and immunology category. Her study demonstrates that juveniles and adults respond differently to arthritis. “Until now, basic science research into arthritis interventions have treated children and adults with arthritis the same,” she said. “Children are still growing and active. Adults have a different set of issues surrounding their arthritis and they tend to be a little bit less active,” she says. By inducing arthritis in rodents, Wilson-Gerwing found differences by age groups and in how much bone is affected and how much pain and swelling they have. “It was quite shocking to see the differences between what happens in an adult (animal) and what happened in these younger animals,” she said. Her work provides a model for testing the effectiveness of arthritis treatments in juveniles. It has implications for how juvenile arthritis is treated and how young patients will manage their pain.

Symptoms: • Pain, swelling, tenderness and stiffness of joints, causing limited range of motion • Joint shortening, which results from holding a painful joint in a flexed position for an extended period

• Altered growth of bone and joints, which can lead to a short stature Cause • The cause of most forms of juvenile arthritis is unknown, but it is not contagious and there is no evidence that foods, toxins, allergies or vitamin deficiencies play a role. Diagnosis • There is no single test to diagnose juvenile arthritis. A diagnosis is based on a complete medical history and careful medical examination. Evaluation by a pediatric rheumatologist is often required. • Blood and urine tests are often needed to assist in diagnosis.

• X-rays or magnetic resonance images may be needed to check for signs of joint or organ involvement. Managing juvenile arthritis • The primary treatment goals are to control swelling, relieve pain, prevent joint damage and maximize functional abilities.

• Treatment plans include medication, physical activity, physical therapy, education, eye care, dental care and proper nutrition. • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the first line of medication used to help control pain and inflammation. Anti-rheumatic drugs such as methotrexate are often used in conjunction with NSAIDs to reduce the risk of bone and cartilage damage. •

Corticosteroids such as prednisone can relieve inflammation.

Drugs called Biologic Response Modifiers inhibit harmful proteins called cytokines. BRMs must be injected under the skin or iven intravenously. Source: www.arthritis.org

University of Saskatchewan researchers Tracey WilsonGerwing and Susan Tupper collaborated on studies to help juvenile arthritis sufferers. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO





Family farm focuses on revenue, niche crops Adopting a different approach | Advantages and challenges running a 2,000 acre operation in Saskatchewan BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

HERS CHEL , Sask.— Tim and Lavonne Wiens are bucking the bigger-is-better trend in agriculture. The couple operates a 2,000 acre grain farm near Herschel, Sask., surrounded by a Hutterite colony, a large corporate farm and other big operations. “We’re one little bird in a great big flock here,” said Tim. That necessitates a different approach to the business. “Because I’m a small farmer, I have to maximize returns from all my acres,” he said. Larger farms use economies of scale to reduce their per acre costs. The Wiens farm focuses on the revenue side of the business by producing niche crops wherever possible. All of the canola planted on the farm is specialty canola. The couple has also been growing rapeseed for the past 15 years. They receive a price premium for both crops. Ti m s a i d t h e re i s m o re w o rk involved in growing identity preserved crops but it isn’t too onerous. And he likes some of the provisions in the contracts like on-farm pickup and act of God clauses. They also grow wheat and large green lentils and are considering getting into peas and malt barley production this spring. Lavonne is happy the farm has downsized from the days when it was a 3,000 to 4,000 acre operation. They are no longer renting land. It is owned by them or Tim’s mother. “I like that we’ve cut back. It’s not quite so stressed,” she said. “I know we can make it with 2,000 acres. We do very well for what we have.” Tim said the farm has benefited from good succession planning, low debt levels and lessons learned in the 1980s and 1990s when grain prices were depressed. “The margins were thin and we really learned to have sharp pencils then,” he said. There are some challenges running a small operation. It’s tough to find a 300 h.p. tractor, a small air drill equipped with the latest technology or a combine the size he needs. “On the other side, at harvest time we can rest easy knowing that I don’t have 20,000 acres that are going to be

rained on tonight.” Tim grew up in the Herschel area. His dad bought the land where their home is situated in the mid-1970s. He moved to Winnipeg after completing an electronics course and got a job with CTV working in the mobile electronics truck where he spent weekends helping broadcast Winnipeg Jets and Blue Bombers games. In his spare time, he would go on motorbike rides with his buddies throughout rural Manitoba. “I was the guy in the back saying, ‘oh, that’s a nice crop,’” he said. The call of the land got the better of him and in 1984, he started part-time farming with his dad and going to school. By 1988, he had his diploma from the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Agriculture. He met Lavonne in Saskatoon. The couple married in 1988 and had three boys who are now 18, 20 and 22 and have all left home. Lavonne grew up on a tiny mixed farm near Cudworth, Sask., with five brothers and four sisters. “There were lots of boys, and girls weren’t allowed to participate (in the farm) at that time,” she said. Times have changed. Lavonne has a certificate in agricultural production from the University of Saskatchewan, operates the sprayer, drives the combine and is starting to do the books. And there is one other job she does. “I’m the president of the company,” she said. That throws bankers for a loop. They tend to push papers in Tim’s direction for a signature and he has to inform them that he’s only the secretary of the company. Tim has another title. He has been a director of the Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission for the past eight years. It has allowed him to see another side of the business, one involving trade barriers, genetically modified crop submissions, variety development and market promotion. One of his favorite experiences as a director has been attending the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, an event that attracts 300,000 visitors a year. Tim loves manning the commission’s booth at the show. “It really gives us an opportunity to talk to our customer, which is the person who walks into the grocery store in downtown Toronto and says, ‘I need a vegetable oil. What am I going to pick?’”

Lavonne and Tim Wiens operate a grain farm near Herschel, Sask. |



Closing gender gap seen key in food security fight and improving quality of life Reducing poverty in Third World | Food security strategy focuses on production groups helping small farmers LONDON, U.K. (Reuters) — A policy aimed at ensuring future security of food supplies must centre around the world’s 500 million small producers, many of whom are women who farm less than five acres of land, said a United Nations official. “Unless they are at the centre of the future strategies for food security, we will not get it right,” said David Nabarro, the UN Secretary-General’s special representative for Food Security and Nutrition. Nabarro said the food security chal-

lenge was about ensuring access as well as expanding production over the coming years. “Our main concern right now is with the very unequal access to the food, which is already being produced. Although there is enough food to go around right now, over 900 million people are chronically hungry,” he said at an event organized to coincide with a Chatham House conference on Food Security. Ann Tutwiler, deputy directorgeneral (for knowledge) at the UN’s

Food and Agriculture Organization, told the conference that improving the productivity of women farmers was a key goal. She said that studies in Burkina Faso showed women small farmers had access to fewer inputs such as fertilizers, resulting in an average drop in yields for sorghum, for example, of 41 percent. “If we narrow that (gender) gap, we can help more than 100 million people out of poverty and hunger,” said Shenggen Fan of the International

Food Policy Research Institute. Fan said about two billion people were affected by “hidden hunger” because they don’t get the micronutrients they need. This can damage health and mental development. “Business as usual is not enough. New technologies are needed and they have to be smallholder friendly, environmentally friendly and gender friendly,” he said. UN’s Nabarro said small farmers were “the most important actors” in determining the ways in which water,

land and energy were available for future generations. “They can prove to be very effective as custodians of the environment. They can also, if they are not helped, have a negative impact on the environment,” he said. Nabarro said small farmers were able to improve production if they are helped to organize into groups such as co-operatives. Michael Nkonu of Fairtrade Africa said investment in production organizations was a key priority. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none




Teacher turns new page on native studies in schools Project of Heart | Textbooks fell short in their coverage BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The Project of Heart educational toolkit focuses on the Indian residential school experience and includes an art collection of wooden tiles. | PROJECT OF HEART PHOTO

A Project of Heart initiative that netted a teacher national attention started with one student. Sylvia Smith, along with her Grade 10 class, was studying residential schools. For at least one student, the history of the institutions and their lasting impact on Aboriginals in Canada was new. Finding the textbook inadequate, Smith said the student delved further access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none

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into the topic, uncovering the history of assimilation and physical, sexual and emotional abuse. The student was appalled, said Smith. “History for many students is a pretty boring subject and I guess I found out pretty quickly that it’s not boring if you bring out the stuff that’s never been taught before,” she said. The 63 words in the textbook weren’t enough but before she could address this in the classroom, the well travelled history and native studies teacher from Allan, Sask., had to go back to school herself. “The invisibility of indigenous people, coming from that sort of farming background where it’s pretty European-Canadian, it didn’t hit the radar,” said Smith. “I was terribly embarrassed. I couldn’t believe that I could’ve missed this. I know my family didn’t tell me much, but neither did my teachers and neither did my university.” With that impetus, Smith, with guidance from University of Regina faculty where she’s doing graduate work, set about creating Project of Heart, a hands-on and interactive education toolkit designed to engage students “in a deeper exploration of indigenous traditions in Canada and the history of Indian residential schools.” It’s a project for which Smith was awarded the 2011 Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Teaching in December. Educational resources already exist, such as the Treaty Kit that looks at the treaty relationship between First Nations and Canada, but Smith’s project specifically addresses residential schools, combining several disciplines and connecting students/participants with the Aboriginal community. Participants learn more about residential schools before conducting further research into a specific school. There’s also an art component involving small wooden tiles. Elders or survivors are also active participants, interacting with the group. Since undertaking the project in 2007, more than 50 schools and community groups across the country have taken part. The project was also featured at an event held by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. “It is hoped that POH will impact on the hearts and minds of those who know little about the devastating effect of the residential school experience on generations of people and will move us from knowledge to action,” according to the Project of Heart website. “It really resonated w ith me, because I realized how ignorant I was,” said Smith. “I’ve been teaching history for 20 years and I didn’t know any of this stuff.”




Enjoy tropical flavours after vacation is just a memory TEAM RESOURCES



ur lives are bombarded by full schedules and to-do lists. We are quick to fill in any holes in the agendas of our lives, instead of just having down time. To slow down and relax, our family rang in the new year on vacation in Maui. It was wonderful waking up to a day with no plans other than casual visits, snorkelling, a swim in the ocean and the odd cocktail. We did not feel guilty about spending time in the lounge chairs, sleeping in or reading a book. The flower scented moist air and consistent temperatures make tropical vacations heaven, but our prairie winters do offer the most vivid and colourful sunsets and a snowy wonderland. My daughter, Jada, noted that while Hawaiian children can build sand castles all year, they can’t build a snow man or make snow angels. We all agree that getting away was worth every penny. There are some wonderful things that we brought home, including new food experiences. One restaurant catering to tourists combined flavours of the islands with typical North American fare. Sauced meats, combined with unlimited fresh fruit and spicy side dishes, made dining fun and colourful.

TERIYAKI CHICKEN BAKE This sweet sauce makes a familiar chicken dish exciting. Serve with fruit juice laced club soda or lemonade and fresh fruit kabobs. 4 to 6 2 tbsp. 2 tbsp. 1 c. 1 c. 1/2 c. 1 tbsp. 1 tsp. 1/4 tsp.

boneless chicken breasts cornstarch 30 mL cold water 30 mL sugar 250 mL soya sauce 250 mL vinegar 125 mL honey 15 mL ground ginger 5 mL garlic 1 mL seasoning/powder or fresh chopped 1/2 tsp. black pepper 2 mL

In a saucepan, combine the cornstarch, water, sugar, soya sauce, vinegar, honey, ginger, garlic and pepper. Simmer until the mixture bubbles and the sauce thickens. Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C). Place chicken pieces in a nine x 13 inch (22 x 33 cm) baking dish. Pour the prepared sauce over the chicken. Bake for 45 to 60 minutes or until juices run clear. Serve in a fresh bun as a burger dressed with lettuce and mayonnaise or alone with side dishes. This dish can also be prepared in the slow cooker. Prepare the sauce as above, place the chicken in the crock pot, pour sauce over the meat and cook on low for about seven hours or on high for four hours. Serves four.

SPICY POTATO WEDGES This side dish is a great accompaniment to the above chicken dish.

4 large russet potatoes 1/4 c. olive or vegetable 60 mL oil 2 tsp. paprika 10 mL 2 tsp. chili powder 10 mL 1 tsp. seasoning salt 5 mL Cut potatoes into wedges either peeled or with skin. In a small mixing bowl, combine the oil and spices. Coat the potato wedges with the oil mixture and place on a baking pan for 30 to 35 minutes at 400 F (200 C). Sprinkle with salt, pepper and additional seasoning salt when complete. Serve with condiments of your choice. Serves four.

PINEAPPLE ANGEL CAKE Pineapple, once considered an exotic fruit, symbolizes hospitality. Native to South America, not Hawaii, the pineapple was introduced to the islands by captain James Cook in the mid-1700s. Cultivation of the fruit was established in the 1880s and James Dole began canning pineapple in 1903, which by 1921 was Hawaii’s largest industry. The state now only produces about 10 percent of the world’s pineapple. To experience the refreshing flavour of fresh or canned pineapple, try this light, delicious dessert. 1 angel food cake mix 1 20 oz. can crushed 567 g pineapple with the juice whipped topping Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C). In a large mixing bowl, combine the cake mix with the pineapple. Beat on low for one minute until thoroughly combined. Pour the batter into a tube pan, cut the batter with a knife and bake for approximately 30 to 35 minutes. Turn the pan upside down to cool so that it does not fall.

It can also be baked in a prepared nine x 13 inch (22 x 33 cm) pan. The baking time may be reduced to 25 to 30 minutes. When cool, top with whipped topping and garnish with sliced strawberries or fresh pineapple. Source: homecooking.about.com, weightwatchers.ca.

OATMEAL COCONUT COOKIES 1 c. butter or 250 mL margarine 1 c. sugar 250 mL 1 c. brown sugar, 250 mL packed firmly 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 5 mL 1 1/2 c. flour 375 mL 1 tsp. baking soda 5 mL 1 tsp. baking powder 5 mL pinch of salt 2 c. oats 500 mL 2 c. rice cereal 500 mL 1 c. shredded coconut 250 mL 1 c. finely chopped 250 mL nuts, such as macadamia or pecans, optional 1/2 c. chocolate chips, 125 mL, optional Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C). In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugars. Beat in the eggs, then stir in the vanilla. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Blend with the creamed mixture. Gently fold in the oats, rice cereal, coconut and nuts and chips if desired. Roll the batter into one inch balls and place on cookie sheets. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Makes about five dozen. Jodie Mirosovsky is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact: team@producer.com.

Add coconut or a slice of fresh pineapple to main dishes, cookies or cake. | JODIE MIROSOVSKY PHOTOS

IS COCONUT A NUT OR A FRUIT? • The most accepted theory is that coconut is classified as a dry drupe. A drupe is a fruit with a hard stony covering enclosing the seed, like a peach or olive. • While it is possible to be allergic to coconut, the cross reactivity for those with tree nut allergies is rare. Specific tests can determine if a person is allergic to coconut. • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration classified coconut as a nut in 2006. The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network does not recognize coconut as a nut, thus the confusion.







Consider being kids’ friend rather than stepdad

Migraine, stomach disorder link




Three years ago, our son married a woman who has two children, eight and 11 years old. The children’s natural father disappeared years ago. Our son has tried to step in to give the children the father that they have never had but it has been tough. The

kids are defiant, rude and insulting. I have told our son to lay down the law and demand the respect he deserves but he is reluctant to do so. He keeps on putting up with it. Do you think that he is right?


I am concerned about the defiance and abuse I see in some young people. Something needs to be done to help them better control themselves. But we should try to understand what the world looks like to children caught in the 21st century during their developmental years. The biggest problem for many children is that the world is remarkably insecure.

About 40 percent of all marriages ends in divorce. The high divorce rate means that a number of child re n f i n d t h e m s e l v e s m ov i n g between parents’ houses and sometimes unsure about where they should be. Unless their parents make a concerted effort, the children are likely to struggle with insecurity. They do not like those feelings and rebel, often by being rude to their elders. It gets even more frightening for children who may face subsequent marital breakups. Your son might be more successful if he forgets about trying to parent them and sells himself as a good friend. A friend listens to children

when they are perturbed by something, offers unconditional love and support and encourages innovative activities. Mom can be the parent. She can create the rules and reward and punish the children. Your son can support and encourage his wife but he should not try to displace her. Appreciate the value of your son’s friendship with the children. All of us need friends and being a friend to children gives them the opportunity to learn how to get along with others and be confident in a community. Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ producer.com. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none

Wins! New Nodulator ® XL

2011 yield trials prove it.

Nodulator ® XL features a new, highly efficient and more active strain of rhizobia, helping to pump up yields by 3% to 8% in peas and lentils.* 2011 yield results are proving it. In 12 head-to-head field-scale trials in peas, conducted by independent co-operators in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Nodulator ® XL won 92% of the time, out-yielding our competitor’s product by an average of 1.6 bu./ac. or 3.25%! And our small plot trials show even higher yield increases in lentils. 2011 Nodulator® XL Performance Summary - Peas 60.0


+ 3% = 1.6 bu./ac.

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Yield (bu./ac.)









I have had migraines for years and also a tendency to an upset stomach. Are the two related in any way? A friend thought they might be. She had treatment for a stomach ulcer and her migraine disappeared.


There is a condition known as abdominal migraines where arteries supplying blood to the intestines can go into spasm, in much the same way as the blood vessels in your head do when you have a migraine headache. However, there is now research that indicates that there may be a connection that causes both stomach disorders and migraine headaches. An article in the November 2011 edition of Archives of Medical Science explores antibody levels known as IgG and IgM for the bacterium H. pylori in the blood of patients known to be migraine sufferers. This organism lives in the stomach and is the same bacterium that causes many stomach ulcers. Some cases of migraine were related to a women’s menstrual cycle but some had high levels of the H. pylori antibodies. As many as 75 percent of these women also had gastrointestinal symptoms, mainly gastric acid reflux. There was a significant difference between these patients and the control group. Previous studies have shown that treating migraine suffers with antibiotics for H. pylori infection has cured their migraine. Consult your doctor about testing to see if you are harbouring these bacteria.






Summary of 12 field-scale trials conducted during the 2011 growing season in Alberta and Saskatchewan Complete trial data available at NodulatorXL.com

Please visit NodulatorXL.com for all the details.

* Source: Independently generated field data from 87 station years (peas) and 84 station years (lentils). Station years = # of trials X # of years. Nodulator® and XLerated Performance. Accelerated Yield.™ are trademarks or registered trademark used under license by Becker Underwood Canada Ltd. The Becker Underwood logo is a trademark of Becker Underwood, Inc. and is licensed to Becker UnderwoodCanada Ltd.

Good footwear is important when walking on icy ground. Boots should fit properly and soles should be thick and non-slip. The type that looks like car tires is the best. The fashionable mukluk-like boots are good in snow but often the soles do not provide enough grip for ice. You can also buy ice grippers that attach to the boot but they should be removed when walking on smooth surfaces. For greater security, use a cane, or if you already use a cane, upgrade to a walking frame. You can also buy an ice pick end from the local drug store to attach to a cane. It can be flipped back when in a store or mall. Buy hip protector pads that attach to a belt or pants. A bulky, quilted or padded jacket long enough to cover your hips can also help cushion a fall. Try not to save yourself when falling by putting out your hand. Emergency rooms are full of broken wrists in icy weather. Let yourself go flat and slide if possible to help spread the load over a greater area. Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact: health@producer.com. access=subscriber section=farmliving,none,none


THIS WEEK’S TEMPERATURE FORECAST Feb. 2 - 8 (averages are in °C)


THIS WEEK’S PRECIPITATION FORECAST Feb. 2 - 8 (averages are in mm)

Much above normal

Above normal

Churchill Prince George

Churchill Prince George


Edmonton Calgary





Saskatoon Regina

Below normal



Saskatoon Regina



Much below normal

The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)



Temperature last week High Low Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

5.8 4.4 5.9 6.9 5.1 11.2 1.2 -0.6 -2.4 2.8 -0.3 4.2 8.3 4.0 7.6 11.0 2.9 1.9

-18.4 -23.5 -13.6 -21.8 -15.5 -10.7 -23.9 -23.3 -27.8 -19.0 -25.6 -22.1 -14.8 -19.6 -16.0 -23.2 -21.2 -23.8




last week since Nov. 1 mm mm % 0.7 1.1 0.0 7.5 0.6 2.3 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.7 0.6 0.7 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.3

15.1 30.4 19.1 45.2 46.0 19.4 13.0 23.8 29.0 15.4 41.0 22.0 28.5 11.4 35.3 20.7 20.0 19.3

31 51 31 83 108 34 23 41 46 29 72 44 58 23 72 44 34 36

last week High Low Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

10.1 9.3 2.4 4.6 2.8 3.6 -7.2 11.2 2.0 11.1 7.9 1.8 5.2 6.1 10.1 2.4

-12.3 -11.7 -16.6 -13.7 -11.9 -14.7 -28.5 -12.3 -12.5 -8.6 -10.8 -14.4 -7.2 -10.8 -10.7 -13.6



last week since Nov. 1 mm mm % 0.1 0.3 3.7 1.3 2.2 10.0 4.3 0.4 0.0 1.2 2.8 12.9 3.4 0.8 0.3 1.9

15.5 32.9 38.8 27.4 44.6 54.7 59.4 15.6 2.0 35.0 35.1 53.7 89.7 37.6 44.7 31.2

last week High Low Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage la Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

33 73 67 53 71 66 83 28 3 73 53 78 100 64 64 53

3.8 3.7 1.0 6.9 3.7 3.9 0.4 1.1

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

-22.5 -24.1 -23.8 -24.6 -20.7 -21.2 -26.0 -21.5

2.3 0.0 0.0 3.1 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.9

32.9 23.0 17.8 10.1 9.2 31.4 36.6 22.2

54 35 27 16 13 44 54 32

-11.4 -14.2 -6.1 -8.4 -10.3

6.8 22.6 2.5 7.3 6.8

99.1 105.9 34.6 35.1 125.2

68 130 41 30 76

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

6.0 1.7 9.9 6.1 4.2

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: www.agr.gc.ca/drought. Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca






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