May 24, 2012 - The Western Producer

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THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012

VOL. 89 | NO. 21 | $3.75







Tragedy spurs town to action Community supports victims’ families | Seeding bee is ‘a way of farmers giving flowers’ BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

MOSSLEIGH, Alta. — One of Mossleigh’s primary landmarks is owned by the man the community now mourns. Eric Donovan, 38, who died May 12 in a plane crash along with his 11-year-old son, Wade, and his

friend and pilot Denny Loree, 59, owned the northernmost of three old grain elevators that are the town’s landmarks on Highway 23. Donovan had recently put new siding on the fading elevator, replacing the flaking Parrish and Heimbecker paint with the colours of his trucking firm, EDT. On May 16, Donovan’s family,

friends and neighbours gathered on three quarters southwest of town to finish seeding the crop he had started. Six air seeders, two semis and several tandems stirred the dust under a deep blue sky showing only a few high clouds. With the wind light at about four knots,itwouldhavebeenaperfectday

for Loree to fly his Piper Cherokee. The farmer loved flying and did it often. On the day he died, he was helping Donovan by flying to St. Brieux, Sask., home of Bourgault Industries, to pick up a part for Donovan’s seeder. Wade was along for the ride. SEE TRAGEDY SPURS ACTION, P 3

Animal welfare concerns growing Fast food chains and supermarkets may incite push to open housing


Opposition to sow stalls appears to have reached a tipping point in North America. McDonald’s, Burger King, Tim Hortons, Wendy’s and Safeway have all announced plans in the last four months to eventually buy pork only from farms with open housing systems. The corporate decisions represent a victory for animal welfare organizations in Canada and the United States, which have called for an abolition of sow stalls for more than a decade. SEE ANIMAL WELFARE CONCERNS, P 2



Nathan Weber helps fill a cart with fertilizer as he and other neighbours of Eric and Wade Donovan, and Denny Loree, who were killed in a May 12 plane crash, prepare to seed 600 acres of canola on Donovan’s land near Mossleigh, Alta. | BARB GLEN PHOTO

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MAY 24, 2012 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4




Animal welfare concerns If sow gestation stalls have indeed reached a point of no return, then leaders of Canada’s livestock industry will need to ask themselves a difficult question: should they work more closely with animal welfare advocates in the future or should they continue to fight their campaigns from a distance? Cam Dahl, general manager of Manitoba Beef Producers, said it’s critical to engage the public in conversations about animal welfare. But there’s a big difference between those concerned about animals and those determined to eliminate animal agriculture. “We can’t let the activists be the only ones that are having a conversation with the majority of the public,” said Dahl. “That vast majority in the middle, who we call consumers, are starting to care a lot more about issues like this. That question, where does my food come from, is being asked a lot more frequently.” Dahl said the decision by fast food restaurants and grocery stores to buy pork only from open housing systems is simply their response to consumers. “They’re not doing that out of a feeling of benefiting the greater world. They’re doing it because they think their customers want it.” John Maaskant, an Ontario chicken producer and former chair of the Ontario Farm Animal Council, has a similar view, but he thinks activists get these results through intimidation and threats of bad publicity. He thinks companies are more concerned about image and market share than they are about animal welfare. He added that producers need to meet with food companies and other customers to explain their production methods and choices. “Promoting good animal welfare and continual improvement of animal welfare, based upon the best available information … is very, very important for us to be involved in.” Melissa Matlow of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) in Toronto admits she is an animal welfare activist and a vegetarian. However, that doesn’t mean she dreams of a day when all Canadians are vegans and all slaughter plants are closed. “I don’t advocate others to follow my lead. I’m very happy with people just being conscientious eaters,” said Matlow, campaigns manager with




Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather

Promoting good animal welfare and continual improvement of animal welfare, based upon the best available information … is very, very important for us to be involved in.



the WSPA. She said the divide between animal welfare advocates and livestock producers is overstated. “I think our viewpoints become more polarized in the media because it makes a great story,” she said. “We might have a different definition of what good welfare is, but the intentions are still the same.” Matlow may believe it’s acceptable for Canadians to eat animal protein as long as sows are raised in open housing and chickens aren’t overcrowded, but many vegetarians don’t take that laissez faire approach to meat. Last fall, the Toronto Vegetarian Association ran ads in the city’s subway cars with the image of a Jack Russell terrier and a baby pig and the tag line, “why love one and eat the other?” The WSPA encourages people to eat less meat because it believes the level of global meat consumption is unsustainable, but Matlow said consumers should pay more for meat from livestock producers who farm in a manner that’s kinder to animals. Premiums for humane animal protein are an attractive concept, but Canada’s livestock industry needs to protect itself from downside risk, said Allan Preston, former Manitoba Agriculture assistant deputy minister, veterinarian and operator of a mixed farm near Hamiota, Man. “In an ideal world, you’d like to be able to capture the premium that might be there in the supply chain, by doing A, B, C and D. “But, in actual fact, sometimes it’s more a matter of avoiding the discrimination or the loss of markets by not doing it,” he said. “I’m growing increasingly concerned that we’ll see non-tariff trade barriers based on animal welfare standards.”

84 41 36 9 86 10 12 25 87

Molecular sponge: A chemist creates molecular sponges from straw to absorb toxins and produce biofuel. See page 18. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


» RESEARCH CUTS: The fed» » »

eral government is cutting a popular pesticide application research program. 5 PESTICIDE BAN: A supporter of a cosmetic pesticide ban in Manitoba questions public support for such a ban. 16 WATER USE: Farmers must produce more with less water as demands grow on the nonrenewable resource. 17 VITERRA DEAL: Agrium is confident the federal government will OK its bid to buy Viterra’s retail network. 19

» HAND OFF: Ottawa appears



Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537

» »

poised to hand over hazard control and quality compliance to industry. 20 ONE YEAR LATER: Livestock producers on the edge of Lake Manitoba still cope with last year’s flooding. 26 SPECIAL REPORT: Can livestock producers and animal welfare advocates find room to meet in the middle? 28 HOLY BATMAN: The arrival of a disease that wipes out entire bat populations is bad news for prairie farmers. 33


» WHEAT FUTURES: Farmers aren’t in any »

rush to hedge their wheat and durum. 6 POTASH SALES: China is expected to raise potash imports to boost corn yields. 8

» DIRECT SALES: Buying directly from a farm

is one of the hottest food trends. 21 ON THE FARM: Farming in Toronto’s shadow comes with challenges. 25


» DUAL FUEL: Engines that burn both diesel »

and natural gas have arrived. 77 DON’T SPLIT: Researchers find no yield benefit to split nitrogen applications. 78


» HORSE EDUCATORS: These trainers help »



10 11 11 7 85 24 23

Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589



Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch Perspectives on Management A Prairie Practice TEAM Living Tips

riders find harmony with their horses. 79 BISON STATUS: U.S. Wood bison are now threatened rather than endangered. 80



» LEGUMEX WALKER: The world economic

The European Union ambassador to Canada is Matthias Brinkmann. His name was misspelled in a page 1 story in the May 3 issue.


crisis hurts profits at Legumex Walker. 84 SMALL FARMING: Interest in small-scale farming is increasing, supporters say. 85

Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 Canada Post Agreement Number 40069240 SEE INSIDE BACK COVER FOR ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION TELEPHONE NUMBERS

Antique Tractor Pull & Display Evraz Place, Regina, SK, Canada A Production of

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Tragedy spurs town into action As they neared St. Brieux, the plane collided with another plane flown by Eric and Joy Jackson of Regina. No one survived. “Because it was the weekend, they thought it would be faster to fly up and get them,” said Reno Bexte, a long-time friend of both Donovan and Loree, who works at P & H in Mossleigh. Inside the crop services centre, a chair in the coffee area is overturned. It’s the chair Donovan used to sit in almost every morning, wearing the sandals he favoured in both winter and summer. His chair faced the door, so he could visit with everyone who came in. What was he like? Every friend and neighbour has the same response to that question: a smile. “He was a practical joker. He was in here every day,” said P & H general manager Monty Beagle. “He was loud and fun and animated,” added Donovan’s neighbour, Nathan Weber, as he filled tanks with fertilizer before last week’s seeding bee began. “Put him in a room of people, he was really a lot of fun.” Besides farming, Donovan was a baseball and hockey coach, member of the Lions Club and drove the bus when local teams needed a hand. Loree had similar qualities. Flying was his passion, as was farming on land he owned near both Nanton and Mossleigh. “Denny enjoyed everybody,” said Beagle, who is also a private pilot. “He was a people person. They were great guys, both of them.” Beagle shakes his head as he ponders the crash. He has since checked the statistics for midair collisions — 29 in the last 50 years. Odds against such an accident are astronomical, he said. Loree’s plane took off that fateful day from the small grass strip just outside P & H. Bexte recalled that one of the two men suggested they stop for coffee but then decided against it. Those 10 minutes would have made all the difference, he said, with tears in his eyes. The local Lions Club plans to set up a trust fund for Donovan’s other three children: Scott, 10, Drew, 6, and Charlotte, 4. The club will also help Donovan’s wife, Bobby, with seed and sod for the area around their recently built farm home. Back in the field, Ken Weber wrestled the auger beneath another truckload of fertilizer and thought about lost friends. “We own a piece of equipment together,” he said about Donovan. “He’s always been a good neighbour. You needed help, he was there. I’m glad to be able to help today.” Loree also had farmland adjoining Weber’s. “It was tough yesterday to see his outfit going,” said Weber, noting Loree’s cousin came out to finish seeding one field. Loree leaves behind his wife, Joan, and son, Mackenzie. Reese Risdon of Strathmore was in the field with his seeder, having just finished his own seeding and helping out another farmer. “Eric was just the kind of guy who would do this for someone else,” Risdon said.

James Palin, left, and Reese Risdon load canola into Risdon’s seeder. The two, along with other friends and neighbours of Eric Donovan, his son, Wade, and Denny Loree, who were killed in a May 12 plane crash, seeded 600 acres of canola on Donovan’s land near Mossleigh, Alta., May 16.

Denny would be the first guy to give you a hand. That’s why he was with Eric, flying him, because Eric needed a hand and that’s who Denny was. IAN DONOVAN COUSIN

Gregg Percival, who helped organize the bee along with Donovan’s cousin, Ian, attended college at the same time as Loree. “I don’t think you could ask for a nicer guy. He did it all and he did it all right,” as both a farmer and a pilot, said Percival. Ian Donovan farmed with Eric until about eight years ago. The two men were close, sometimes mistaken for brothers. The new MLA for Little Bow, who was sworn into office May 15, said he was not surprised at the turnout for the seeding bee. “That’s just what the community is here,” he said. “It’s kind of a way of farmers giving flowers. You don’t know what else to do, other than you’ve got the equipment and you know how to get in, and it’s just one less thing for his wife to worry about.” Ian Donovan’s voice grows husky as he talks about his cousin and his friend. “Denny would be the first guy to give you a hand. That’s why he was with Eric, flying him, because Eric needed a hand and that’s who Denny was.” Loree’s memorial ser vice was scheduled for May 17 at Nanton’s Lancaster Museum, a fitting venue for a pilot. Donovan’s service was held May 18 in Aldersyde.

LEFT: Ian Donovan prepares to help finish seeding his cousin’s canola crop. He is the Wildrose MLA for Little Bow and organized the seeding bee. BELOW: Six air seeders, two semi trucks and numerous tandems were put to work. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS







Ag groups pleased with new meat inspection rules BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Dave Johnstone of Provost and District Fire and Rescue spreads water while Ed Raab seeds wheat in his field. Strong winds fanned a brush pile that spread to the field Raab was planting May 11. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


UN slams Canada’s food policy Hunger in the midst of plenty | UN official says Canada will face ‘tough questions’ BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

The United Nations’ top official on food security issues has condemned Canada for pursuing an export-oriented agricultural policy while millions of Canadians do not have secure access to food. Olivier De Schutter, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, told a May 16 Ottawa news conference that after more than a week in Canada, he concluded the country has a serious human rights problem that it will have to answer for at the UN. He spent his time in Canada meeting food security advocates, local food supporters, First Nations leaders, food bank officials and the National Farmers Union. De Schutter called for Canada to develop a national food strategy under the leadership of the health minister that emphasizes local food, smaller farms and more emphasis on feeding Canada’s hungry. He criticized Canadian minimum wage, tax and social policy for favouring the rich over the poor. As well, he noted that as many as 900,000 Canadian families use food banks every year. “This is a country where inequalities are increasing and in which the top 10 percent of the population are 10 times more affluent on average than the bottom 10 percent,” said the Belgian academic and local food advocate. “This is a country in which taxes and benefits reduce inequality much less than in most (rich) countries. Today we have a large number of Canadians who are unacceptably too poor to feed themselves decently.” Canada is the first developed country De Schutter has visited to prepare a report dur-

We consider ourselves the food basket of the world but we can’t feed ourselves. MALCOLM ALLEN NDP AGRICULTURE CRITIC

ing his four years on the job. He said he will present his report to the UN later this year, where it will be reviewed by various human rights committees that monitor agreements Canada has signed. “Canada shall face some tough questions, I’m expecting, at the end of 2012 or early 2013 in that context.” Canadian local food advocates quickly embraced the UN report as a call to action for a national food strategy that addresses domestic poverty and hunger. “We need a food policy that says no one goes hungry,” Food Secure Canada executive director Diana Bronson told a May 16 news conference. “We live in Canada. Kids should not be going to school hungry. It’s as simple as that.” Opposition agriculture critic Malcolm Allen quickly embraced the report as a call for a national food strategy based on local needs. “We consider ourselves the food basket of the world but we can’t feed ourselves,” said the NDP MP. Conservative government ministers were quick to dismiss the validity of the report. Immigration minister Jason Kenney said De Schutter should butt out and visit countries where there is real starvation. Health minister Leona Aglukkag, the only

minister to meet the UN envoy, said his recommendations on how to improve food availability in aboriginal and Innu communities were out of bounds. “What I said yesterday was that I was very insulted by the UN rapporteur coming to Canada to study aboriginal people, Inuit, and not come to the Arctic, and to write a report on what is best for me as an aboriginal person from Canada’s Arctic is insulting,” she said in the House of Commons May 17. De Schutter said part of the problem is Canada’s agriculture and trade promotion policies of the past 50 years. “I have heard many concerns about the way agriculture policies have been shaped since the Second World War,” he told the Ottawa news conference. “The result of the shifts that have been encouraged over the years has been that more efforts have gone into promoting export agriculture and boosting the ability of Canada to be competitive on global markets … but much less energy has been put into promoting local food systems,” he said. Local food systems are good, he added, because they contribute to healthy communities, help small farmers and the environment and give urban consumers access to healthy food choices.

Canadians will not be eating road kill if proposed new meat inspection regulations are implemented, government and industry sources say. Federal NDP agriculture critic Malcolm Allen raised the specter of road kill consumption in a May 15 news release. He suggested plans to allow on-farm slaughter of food animals, carcass transport to processing facilities and then entry into the food chain would be dangerous to human health. “First the Conservatives will let private inspectors monitor meat, and now they’re essentially allowing road kill-ready meat into the food supply,” Allen said in an NDP release. Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz called the remarks “wildly irresponsible.” The exchange prompted several agriculture groups to also respond. “It’s not true,” said John Masswohl, director of government and international relations with the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association He said in a May 17 interview that the proposed change would provide another option to livestock producers faced with losses from an injured or wild animal whose condition would not affect meat quality. “We just see it as a win-win scenario. It’s a win in terms of treating the animal properly and not transporting an injured animal. It’s certainly an improvement for the farmer if they choose that that’s the option that works best for their situation, and would have zero impact on food safety.” He said the new regulation would apply in rare cases of on-farm animal injury or distress, and such animals would have to be inspected by a veterinarian before death to ensure food safety. “It certainly isn’t a way to circumvent anything. Your preference certainly would be to send a live, healthy animal for regular slaughter as opposed to dealing in this very inefficient way.” Wally Smith, president of Dairy Farmers of Canada, said his group also favours the regulatory change, which complies with the dairy industry’s new code of practice. “There are instances where, in rare and exceptional cases, I think this policy change would serve us well,” Smith said. He cited a case where a B.C. dairy barn collapsed under snow, resulting in numerous animals too injured to humanely transport yet viable for beef. “This actually streamlines that kind of situation.” The Canadian Federation of Agriculture also issued a news release supporting the proposed changes. However, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), the union that represents federal veterinarians working for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, said the regulatory changes would risk food safety at the same time as budget-cutting measures will see the loss of CFIA veterinarians and food inspectors. “With these changes, there is a greater risk that diseased animals will enter the food chain without timely examination by independent government professionals who are specifically trained for this job,” said PIPSC president Gary Corbett. He said private veterinarians may be predisposed to approve an animal owned by the producer who pays them. As well, they do not have the specialized training of CFIA inspectors. As well, he said animals killed on a farm could be transported up to two hours, without refrigeration, to a processing plant. Masswohl said he had no information on rule change proposals regarding refrigeration but expected there will be opportunity to clarify details before changes are made. “We’re certainly supportive of having a reasoned, fact-based policy debate on this or any other issue,” said Masswohl.





Budget cuts chop spray research funds BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

Agriculture Canada appears ready to cut the pesticide application technology program at its research centre in Saskatoon. Sources within the department have indicated that the program and manager Tom Wolf’s position would be eliminated “on or about April 11,” but no official announcement had been made as of May 17. The news comes as the federal government launches comprehensive budget cutting to reduce the deficit. “Farmers across Canada are divided on many issues in agriculture, but the one issue we all agree on being important is research,” Grain Growers of Canada president Stephen Vandervalk said in a news release. “One example of going the wrong direction is the apparent elimination of (the) pesticide application technology expert. We (farmers) go over our fields pre-season, once or twice in season, and sometimes post-season, making spraying one of our most labour intensive and costly operations on our farm. “There is tremendous support from farmers for this important research work. Not only does it save us money but helps us ensure we are not over applying pesticides in an era when the environment is such a sensitive topic.” Gary McCrea, a farmer and owner of Ag Shield Manufacturing in Benito Man., was blunt in his assessment of the cut. “I think it’s a dumb move. As more producers switch to zero till and direct seeding, spraying becomes more critical,” said McCrea. “Tom is a good resource for producers and his group produces top quality work. They help farmers do their spraying properly, which is critical because we rely on chemicals to protect our crops. “It’s one thing to have the best application technology, but you have to know how to use it. That’s where Tom really excelled.” Bob Wyma, sales manager for Wilger Industries, was caught by surprise when informed of the move. “Can you tell me why there has been no statement or explanation? We’ve heard absolutely nothing,” he said. “This doesn’t affect just Tom and his staff. This is going to have a tremendous impact on farmers. There has been extremely high uptake on the information he’s provided over the years.” Wyma said Wolf would test new technology and provide a non-partisan, third-party evaluation. “That has been very important for all of us in providing the best possible spray technology for producers.” Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz said in an e-mail that his department is changing the way it does business so it can better match what the industry needs to address challenges and maximize opportunities. “We will be focusing on areas where we can have the greatest impact for the sector and support the best balance in the roles for the public and private sectors,” he said. “The decision to move out of spray technology is one example of where industry can take on leadership in applied agricultural research.”


Robert Cake unloads anhydrous ammonia at the Crop Production Services facility near Wakaw, Sask., May 16. Cake is a seasonal driver for Westcan and will be heading back to his Newfoundland home next month. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


Buyers eye shelter belt centre Indian Head centre for sale | Interested parties visit while government looks for agreement BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

INDIAN HEAD, Sask. — Four interested parties have already arranged to visit the Prairie Shelterbelt Centre in Indian Head as the federal government looks for a buyer for the tree production and distribution facility. Ottawa wants a purchase agreement or partnership in place by Aug. 31. Henry de Gooijer, manager of Agriculture Canada’s Agroforestry Development Centre, told a May 16 public meeting attended by about 175 people that interest has come from commercial nurseries, First Nations and non-profit organizations. An employee buying group is another possibility. Others, which he described as “tire kickers and even a few vultures,” have also had questions about the site. De Gooijer said the site visits will give potential purchasers a better understanding of the facilities but wouldn’t provide specific details. “Three of those groups or parties are at the stage of initiating analysis of a business case,” he said. All are looking at a cost-recovery or profit model. The centre has provided free trees to farmers and rural landowners for 111 years. It costs the federal government $3 million annually, including salaries. Assistant deputy minister Jamshed Merchant said the money is only a small part of Treasur y Board’s decision. The agriculture department was

The federal government says the time is right to step out of the business of providing trees to farmers and will look to private industry to continue operations of its shelter belt centre. | FILE PHOTO asked to cut 10 percent of its overall budget, or about $250 million per year, as part of a government-wide effort to cut the federal deficit. It will maintain agroforestry research at Indian Head. Merchant said the government, which wants to decrease its footprint, looked at whether the shelter belt program was an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. “The time is right for the federal government to step out of the business of providing free trees,” he told

the meeting. “This decision is not at all based on the quality of work being done.” Providing trees was critical during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, said Merchant, who began his career as a soil conservationist. The free trees were incentive for farmers to spend the time and money to establish them and keep them growing. “Over time it became a real question: is this an appropriate role for the government of Canada to be in?” he said.

Lorne Scott, reeve of the Rural Municipality of Indian Head and a former provincial environment minister, said government should have looked beyond economics to the other benefits of shelter belts. For example, species at risk such as ferruginous hawks use the trees. “If we look at birds as a whole, two out of three species are declining and three out of four here on the Prairies are declining,” he said. Carbon sequestration, wildlife plantings and controlling erosion are other important benefits of trees. “This is a broad based public service that can only be delivered by the government,” he said to loud applause from the crowd. Bruce Neill, a former shelterbelt centre manager, said the government should have looked at a compromise rather than cut the centre completely. He said 80 families have been affected. “The decision has been made to terminate (the centre) and to take all the savings out of this one area,” he said. Merchant said it isn’t yet known if the agroforestry staff will remain at the location south of the TransCanada Highway or move to the Indian Head Experimental Farm north of the highway at the town’s eastern boundary. The federal public works department will look after the sale of the buildings, land, equipment and other assets. The federal government will stop funding and operating the shelter by Dec. 31, 2013, regardless of whether a buyer or partner is found by the deadline.




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M A RKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 9 34-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN


Wheat risk management on hold Higher prices possible as weather becomes an issue BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Kansas farmers wonder what yields they will see when the winter wheat harvest begins in the next week or two. Hot, dry, windy weather is starving the crop of moisture as its heads fill. Dry weather in southern Russia and parts of Australia are also a concern. | FILE PHOTO DROUGHT | U.S. WHEAT YIELDS

Heat, wind scorches Kansas crop Rain below average | Kansas winter wheat crop dying as heat, high winds sap soil moisture CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — The promise of a bumper U.S. hard red winter wheat crop is eroding by the hour as heat and high winds sap soil of needed moisture. Harvest is slated to begin in Kansas late this month, about three weeks earlier than normal. However, fields where once bountiful bushels were predicted now contain only shriveled kernels on parched plants. “A lot of the wheat that looked like 60 bushel (an acre) wheat looks like maybe 20 (bu. per acre) now,” said Dean Stoskopf, a grower in central Kansas. “The wheat is literally dying. It’s turning colours. It is turn-

ing white instead of that nice golden tan.” An industry tour of Kansas the first week of May pegged the state’s average yield at a record 49.1 bu. per acre and put the crop at 403.7 million bu. On May 10, the U.S. Department of Agriculture pegged Kansas winter wheat production at 387 million bu. However, farmers now say the state will be lucky to harvest 325 to 350 million bu. Some fields are so poor that farmers are cutting them for hay and giving up on a grain harvest, wheat experts said. Kansas state climatologist Mary

Knapp said hot and windy conditions were hitting the wheat at a particularly bad time, when normally mild temperatures and good moisture help wheat heads plump up with grain. Temperatures rose to 35 C May 16 and were 27 to 32 C May 17. High winds were making conditions worse. Rainfall so far this month has been only seven millimetres, about 12 percent of normal, according to Knapp. “A lot of the winter wheat producers are in a real critical point of development,” said Knapp. Despite the disappointment,

farmers still see this year’s harvest better than last summer’s droughthit crop that tallied a mere 276.5 million bu.



Producers haven’t hedged most of this year’s wheat and durum crop, but analysts and market advisers aren’t too worried. They think wheat prices are likely to rise in coming months, and farmers who wanted to hedge have probably already done so. “We’re holding off on any new crop contracting, but we’ve got our clients where we need them to be,” said Derek Squair of Agri-Trend Marketing. “We feel things are pretty volatile now, especially on the quality side, and the basis is still pretty wide.” The wheat contracting system in Western Canada is still primitive, with most grain elevator contracts apparently directly connected to individual commercial sales. If a company makes a sale, it will offer farmers contract prices to get the required amount, quality and protein levels, but it will not want to take any more. Companies will also reduce prices to discourage unwanted deliveries. “If they get any sort of volume, their price will drop by 50 cents over night,” said Squair. “It’s not very liquid, and once they’re full they don’t want any more.” These contracts are priced relative to the price on the day when the company made the sale to the end user. That contract price might vary little over a number of days despite the daily variations of the futures market. Brenda Tjaden Lepp of FarmLink Marketing Solutions has noticed the same phenomenon. “On any given day, (grain companies are) either in the market or not in the market, depending on their position,” said Tjaden Lepp. “All this stuff is going to change every day.” That means farmers need to monitor elevator bids daily if they are thinking of selling. Prices can rise or fall quickly and don’t necessarily match the futures price. Charlie Pearson of Alberta Agriculture said most grain companies are offering contracts for specified grades and protein levels of wheat, but farmers can also try to negotiate prices for what they are most likely to produce. “There may be a bit of room for negotiation,” said Pearson. “It may not be the official specificaCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE






Dry weather saps world wheat prospects Highs are in the low 30s C and the two week forecast is for below normal rainfall.



the reduced supply in the Black Sea area with wheat from central Russia. Australia

Russia and Ukraine tion, but at least some companies might look at some contracts for a different grade than their posted one.” Tjaden Lepp said she has backed off selling wheat because most of her clients sold about 25 percent during the winter at higher prices. As well, there is substantial production risk now and there is a good chance of a rally this summer. “We’ve been keeping back another bullet ahead of harvest in case we get a rally,” she said. Squair said his company had earlier recommended using put options if farmers wanted to move higher than 25 percent sold, which was attractive when prices were higher during the winter. At the time, prices were offering a net margin of $70 per acre, so farmers could buy a put option equivalent to about $10 per acre that would protect them from a slide in prices but wouldn’t expose them to production risk. “Let’s spend $10 of that today on a put option and protect $60 of net margin and go to 50 percent sold,” Squair said about his winter recommendations. Tjaden Lepp and Squair are now recommending that farmers wait and see. Weather worries in Kansas and Russia are providing reason to be mildly bullish. FOR A RELATED STORY, SEE PAGE 8




ry weather is becoming a concern in several parts of the world. It was a getting a little dry in northern Iowa as this was written May 18, and private forecaster T-Storm Weather LLC was forecasting above normal temperatures for Iowa, Illinois and Indiana, the heartland of the U.S. Midwest. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s forecast of a national average of 166 bushels per acre for corn is a record and well above the normal trend. The USDA noted the benefits of early seeding to yield prospects, but that optimistic forecast will have to be reined in if the heat and dryness continue into June and July. However, the main action last week was in wheat markets. Chicago December wheat futures rose 14 percent on dry weather in key production regions, the biggest weekly gain in 16 years. That strength was made more impressive by the fact that the anxiety over the eurozone’s debt problems pressured most other commodities lower. However, we must remember it is only May, which is a little early to be writing off crops, even winter seeded ones. Still, the wheat market looks better than it did a few weeks ago.

Kansas The winter wheat crop has headed and is turning colour, three weeks ahead of normal because of an unusually warm spring. Just a couple of weeks ago an industry tour of the state presented an optimistic yield forecast, but it has been dry since then and the condition has deteriorated. The tour two weeks ago pegged the Kansas crop at 11 million tonnes, but now estimates are falling to 8.8 to 9.5 million tonnes.

Areas around the Black Sea have suffered from hot, dry weather in recent weeks. Ukraine’s production had already suffered because of weather problems in the winter, and Bloomberg reports that the recent hot, dry weather threatens 30 percent of the remaining crop. The USDA already forecasts that Ukraine will produce only 13 million tonnes of wheat in the new crop year compared to a bumper 22.1 million in 2011-12. Ukraine received some rain last week, but it didn’t reach into Russia. Russia’s Institute for Agricultural Market Studies cut its all-crop outlook to 91 million tonnes from 93 million because of the wheat crop’s reduction to 54 million from 56 million tonnes. A Russian government spokesperson said it would likely cut its outlook in a week or so. The USDA’s current forecast for Russian wheat production is 56 million tonnes, similar to last year’s crop. However, drought reduced the crop to 41.5 million tonnes in 2010-11. That drought was widespread, reaching into Siberia. This year’s dryness is focused in the area east of the Black Sea, which traditionally provides most of the country’s exports. Analysis group SovEcon also noted that subsidized rail rates that helped move grain west from Siberia will end in June, making it difficult to backfill

Farmers Down Under are seeding their winter crop. April moisture in Western Australia, the country’s largest wheat producer, was below normal and May has also been dry. A spokesperson with CBH, the state’s largest grain handler, told Bloomberg that farmers will wait for showers before resuming seeding. Acreage could be reduced if rain does not come or arrives too late. Meanwhile, the Australian Oilseeds Federation said that a lack of rain is also a problem on the east side of the country, in New South Wales and Victoria. Canola emergence is spotty. This caused the federation to take a conservative view of 2012 canola production, forecasting it at 2.965 million tonnes, down from last year’s 3.185 million despite an increase in seeded area. The federation is more pessimistic than other forecasters. The USDA pegged Australian canola output at a record 3.25 million tonnes, while the Commonwealth Bank of Australia sees 3.2 million tonnes. Some weather forecasters believe the current neutral situation in the Pacific Ocean will rapidly shift into an El Nino, and that usually brings dry weather to Australia. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.


Meal demand, tight supply supports oilseed prices Corn oil supply rising | Shifts in grain supply increase meal demand BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Soybean prices that for years were propped up by strong global oilseed demand are now deriving strength from another commodity. “The meal market is just on fire,” said Pete Meyer, agricultural commodities analyst with PIRA Energy Group. High corn prices and prospects of a short wheat crop in Russia and other Black Sea countries is creating huge demand for the feed ingredient and the soybeans from which it is made. “The meal component of beans is driving this thing nuts. There are guys out there that just can’t get enough meal,” Meyer said. That makes him optimistic that soybean prices could move higher than $15 per bushel, lending continued strength to canola and other oilseeds. However, his optimism is dampened when he looks at the spread between soy oil and soy meal prices. “There just isn’t the demand out there for the oil as much as there is for the feed content of a crushed bean,” he said.

With less feed wheat available, livestock producers are using more soybean meal in their rations. | FILE PHOTO “It doesn’t seem like the consumer demand for vegetable oil is there like it was two years ago.” He can’t figure out what’s behind the slumping demand for soy oil, other than the surging popularity of corn oil. Meyer said the chief executive officer of Smithfield Foods recently told him that feeding distillers grain to livestock is a challenge. That has prompted corn ethanol manufacturers to invest in technol-

ogy that squeezes oil out of the DD Gs, which has become an extremely profitable venture. “Corn oil is making the rounds here pretty hard in the U.S. and you’re going to see more and more of that,” said Meyer. Some ethanol plants are making a 300 percent return on their investment in one year. “These guys are going to be all over it,” he said. Meyer said soybean supplies are

going to be tight until the next South American harvest next spring. “The crop in Brazil and Argentina is definitely smaller than what people are saying and they’re definitely going to run out,” he said. Drew Burke, chief financial officer of Bunge, confirmed that during a presentation he gave to investors attending BMO Capital Markets’ 2012 Farm to Market Conference. He believes Brazil only has enough product to crush into oil and export as seed until August, while it normally would supply markets until well into the U.S. harvest. “That means the U.S. is going to have to pick up a big part of the world demand starting in the October period through March.” The United States will then sell out of product toward the end of March, before the South American harvest in April-May. Supply is going to be tight, which is why the world needs big soybean crops from Brazil and Argentina in 2012-13. Burke is confident that will happen. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is forecasting 55 million tonnes of production in Argentina and another 78 million tonnes in Brazil for a total of 133 million tonnes, 24 percent higher than the estimate for the 2011-12 crop. Meyer has spoken to Brazilian

farmers who intend to plant soybeans from lot line to lot line this fall. “There is no question that there’s going to be big beans,” he said.


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Canadian potash may ease China corn shortage PotashCorp. | Company expects both China and India to increase potash imports BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The growing gap between China’s corn needs and its domestic production could be narrowed if growers applied more potash, says PotashCorp. And that appears to be happening. China imported 1.9 million tonnes of the nutrient during the first quarter of 2012, and sales have been brisk in the second quarter. “The Chinese know they need to catch up after a few years of falling behind on their potash application,” PotashCorp. president Bill Doyle told investors attending BMO Capital Markets’ 2012 Farm to Market Conference. Chinese farmers have been applying significant amounts of nitrogen to their corn crops but skimping on potash. Doyle said there is a big opportunity for China to boost yields for a key commodity that is increasingly in short supply. One of the burning questions in the grain industry is how much corn China will import in 2012-13. That is expected to have a big impact on corn and other crop prices. Industry estimates range from a low of two million tonnes to a high of 12.5 million. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is forecasting seven million tonnes, up from five million tonnes in 2011-12. China’s future corn imports could depend on its potash imports. Doyle anticipates continued good movement of the commodity to China during the second half of 2012 as growers address soil nutrient deficiencies. “Are they going to import potash or are they going to import corn? I say both,” he said. Farmers could also benefit from increased potash use in India, where Doyle said the ratio of nitrogen to potash application is out of whack. “This is one of the key reasons (India’s) yields are approximately one-quarter of those achieved in the United States,” he told investors. India’s potash purchases have dropped in each of the last two years. The country’s growers had been making progress on their nitrogento-potash ratio, getting it down as low

as 4.7 to one in 2010. Last year the ratio jumped to higher than six to one, primarily because of a delay in potash contract negotiations. This year Doyle estimates it will fall somewhere in the range of 6.5 to 6.8 to one. “That’s going to affect yields in India,” he said. A short crop would put more inflationary pressure on food prices, which is a politically sensitive issue in India. “It’s a lot more efficient to import potash than it is to import food,” said Doyle. India is the main reason why global potash consumption has dropped below the long-term trend of three percent annual growth during the last couple of years. “We think 2013 is going to be a big rebound year in potash in India because they just can’t keep doing what they’re doing, and they know that,” he said. Another factor behind slumping potash sales is the “destocking” practices of dealers, who are increasingly afraid of getting caught holding high-priced product if markets drop. Dealers acted cautiously in early 2012, reducing their inventories to the point that it caused a North American fertilizer shortage. “Demand has picked up significantly in the second quarter and we expect that will carry into the second half of the year,” said Doyle. He believes there will be plenty of fall demand for potash in North America, despite a U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast of a record 14.8 million tonne corn crop in 201213 based on yields of 166 bushels per acre. A large corn crop could decrease prices, which could in turn reduce corn acres next year and lower demand for potash. “I think the USDA has this set up for perfection at the moment,” said Doyle. The fortunes of the U.S. corn crop depend heavily on June rain. Doyle said the USDA predicted an average yield of 164 bu. in 2010, but it came in at 152 bu. Even if U.S. growers har vest a record crop and corn prices fall to $4

PotashCorp. president Bill Doyle says it is more efficient to import potash than import food, so the company is anticipating a rebound in demand. | FILE PHOTO per bu., he said, it would still be profitable for growers to spend money on fertilizer for next year’s crop. Doyle anticipates a rebound in global potash demand starting next year. History shows growth may even exceed the trend line for the next few years as growers compensate for two years of nutrient neglect. PotashCorp. has been gearing up for increased global food and fertilizer demand. In 2003, it embarked on a massive $9.7 billion expansion and debottlenecking project at all six of its Canadian potash mines. Three-quarters of the capital has been spent and five of the nine projects are complete. Most of the projects will be complete by the end of the year. Operational capacity will balloon to 17.1 million tonnes of annual potash production, up from 10.11 million tonnes when the project started. Doyle has heard of 62 other potential potash mine projects considered around the world. “We see no more than a handful of those coming to being,” he said. He is tired of hearing about new potash mines that will be up and running by 2015. “It is humorous to me at the very least because it’s just not possible.” Doyle said brownfield, or expansion, projects typically take more than seven years to complete, while greenfield, or new mine, construc-

IMPORT CORN OR POTASH? China’s corn imports exploded the past two years. Traditionally a corn exporter, the Asian giant is having trouble keeping up with demand despite rising domestic production. The U.S. Grains Council believes there is potential for Chinese corn imports to grow to 10 to 30 million tonnes over the next several years. However, the need to import might be offset if China can increase its corn yields. Potash Corp. notes China’s nitrogen to potash consumption ratio is well off the the level needed for optimum yields. If China raised potash application levels to scientifically recommended rates, it would double or triple the country’s potash needs. Potash Corp. suggests it is cheaper to import potash than corn. China’s potash growth potential (million tonnes, KCl equivalent) 30

China’s corn imports (000 tonnes) 2003/04 2 2004/05 2


2005/06 62


2006/07 16


2007/08 41


2008/09 47


2009/10 1,296

0 #2 #3 potential*




5,000 (f)

* based on Fertecon nitrogen consumption forecast in 2020


7,000 (f)

Potential forecasts: #1 - N:K ratio 5:1; #2 - N:K ratio 3:1; #3 - N:K ratio 2:1

Source: Fertecon, Potash Corp.; USDA | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC

tion is far more daunting. It takes three years just to put a shaft in the ground. “We don’t see a lot of these talkedabout projects coming to fruition,” he told investors. Another factor working against new projects is Saskatchewan’s

superheated economy. The price of steel, concrete, copper and labour are all on the rise. “Between 2013 and 2015, Western Canada is going to have a big labour crunch. You’re going to see a lot of inflation on the labour side,” said Doyle.

’90 (f)= forecast

’00 ’10(f) #1


New crop buying should soon breathe life into ICE wheat futures BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Canada’s wheat market isn’t necessarily in trouble, says a senior Canadian grain company executive. New crop wheat contracting is sluggish and the use of ICE Futures Canada’s spring wheat and durum contracts is negligible, but Keith Bruch, vice-president of operations at Paterson GlobalFoods, said it’s more a reflection of commercial conditions that are on the verge of

changing. “It’s been relatively quiet,” Bruch said. “We’ve got buyers who are bearish and waiting for the crop to develop and values to develop.” Bruch said most overseas wheat and durum buyers purchase only two to three months before they need supplies to arrive, so most commercial activity has been with old crop supplies. New Japanese wheat tenders will soon be announced, which will

begin the real new crop commercial marketing year. “That’s when we’ll see the true open market start to trade,” said Bruch. Canadian grain companies generally haven’t been taking long or short positions on new crop wheat, so they have not been aggressively buying or selling wheat w ithout making matching buys or sells on the other side. Wheat values are twitchy and no one wants to be overexposed. “The market’s very volatile. The

protein values are very volatile. The spreads are volatile. So there’s considerable risk with taking sizeable positions,” said Bruch. Farmers are also antsy about locking in prices in new crop wheat and durum contracts when there are still many unanswered questions about the future of prairie grain marketing. “We have producers who are waiting for some clarity as to the crop size and quality, on grade spread values,” Bruch said. “Also, I think everybody is waiting

for arrangements between grain companies and the wheat board on pool deliveries.” As well, the lack of trading in ICE Futures Canada’s new spring wheat and durum contracts isn’t necessarily a sign that they won’t work. Without commercial activity to hedge, the basis for most trading hasn’t existed. “There hasn’t been a huge amount of action anywhere on the Canadian cash side. It’s only a small part of the Canadian crop that’s been traded, so there’s still time,” said Bruch.








The U.S. cattle on feed report May 18 had a bigger April placement decline than expected. Cattle on feed May 1 were 11.482 million, down one percent from last year. The trade expected an increase of 0.3 percent. April placements fell 15 percent from a year ago versus a 12 percent average decline expected by analysts polled by Reuters. The market also expected to find support from a higher-thanexpected marketing figure of 1.815 million. The trade expected 1.778 million.



Buying for U.S. Memorial Day weekend cookouts caused hog prices to jump higher. Slow farmer deliveries also supported hog values. As well, the weaker loonie is helping prices in Canada. Iowa-southern Minnesota live hogs rose to $64 US per hundredweight May 18, up from $57.50-$58 May 11. U.S. pork carcass cut-out values were $81.48, up from $80.55 May 11. The U.S. federal weekly slaughter was estimated at 2.12 million, up from 2.09 million the previous week.

The Canadian Bison Association said grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were $3.65-$3.90 Cdn per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers were $3.60-$3.90. Slaughter cows and bulls averaged $2.40-$2.60.

Beaver Hill Auction in Tofield, Alta., reported 618 sheep and 368 goats sold May 14. Wool lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $230-$255 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $210-$240, 86-105 lb. were $170-$210 and 106 lb. and heavier were $145-$169. Wool rams were $65-$81 per cwt. Cull ewes were $56-$70 and bred ewes were $250-$320 per head. Hair lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $220-$250 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $207-$235, 86-105 lb. were $170$210 and 106 lb. and heavier were $140-$168. Hair rams were $65-$80 per cwt. Cull ewes were $64-$79. Good kid goats lighter than 50 lb. were $235-$280. Those heavier than 50 lb. were $225-$300 per cwt. Nannies were $63-$85 per cwt. Billies were $50-$147.50. Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 1,206 sheep and lambs and 72 goats traded May 14. All classes of sheep, lambs and goats sold actively at steady prices.

markets now trade for 17 hours. CME said it was working with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to implement the new hours. The CFTC will perform a required 10-business-day review of the change. CME’s plan is a response to rival ICE’s launch of 22-hour electronic trading in five major grains. The longer hours appealed to many funds and big traders eager

for greater market access and the chance to trade on key government reports. But CME’s core agricultural constituents criticized the plan. Grain firms are worried that the expanded hours will increase volatility by keeping markets open when monthly U.S. Department of Agriculture crop reports are released early in the morning. USDA officials say they are considering whether to change the time of crop report releases.

While other commodities fell on global economic uncertainty last week, stable U.S. cut-out values and strong retail beef movement supported cattle prices. The weaker loonie helped lift Canadian prices. Canadian packers appeared eager to acquire cattle ahead of the holiday-shortened week. The Canfax fed steer average was $112.22 per hundredweight, up 63 cents, and the heifer average was $111.35, up 50 cents. Dressed sales were $188-$190 delivered. Market-ready supplies remain relatively current. Canadian cattle sold to the United States were priced on the five-state average and cash-to-grid deals. Volume sold totalled 20,952, down 19 percent from the previous week. Weekly fed exports to May 5 totalled 6,701 down 28 percent from the previous week. Larger market ready supplies coming down the pipeline will likely keep a cap on fed prices.

COWS STRONGER D1, D2 slaughter cow prices rose almost $1 per cwt. and D3 cows climbed $1.50. Non-fed volumes at auction continue to make up a significant portion of the weekly market offering. Rail prices rose slightly and traded from $150-$155 per cwt. Fleshy D4 cows saw some discounting while lean cows traded higher on good demand.

Stronger beef prices and demand for holiday cookouts lifted fed cattle prices. Butcher bull prices were up 29 cents per cwt. this week with an average price of $90.56 per cwt. Cow marketings should be steady to slightly larger for the rest of May, but strong North American grind demand will support prices.

FEEDERS SLIGHTLY STRONGER Feeder cattle prices generally rose 36 cents per cwt. Strong feed grain prices appear to have capped light stocker prices, and 500-700 pound feeders fell $1-$2. Feeders 600-700 lb. were steady, while those heavier than 700 lb. rose $1-$2.50. Auction volume was down 10 percent at 18,080 head. Weekly exports to May 5 were up 22 percent. American interest in Canadian feeders is expected to rise.

BISON UNCHANGED This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at



CME on 21 hour trading

The U.S. Choice cutout rose $1 and Select climbed almost $2. The Montreal wholesale market for delivery this week was steady at $210-$212. Weekly Canadian cutouts to May 11 saw the AAA/AA spread seasonally tighten. AAA was $187.54, up $1.93 and AA was $188.14, up $3.73.

CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — CME Group says its revised plan to expand electronic trading for grain to 21 hours a day will start June 4. CME, which owns the Chicago Board of Trade, pared back its plan to 21 hours from the originally planned 22 hours in response to criticism from U.S. grain groups. It plans to close at 2 p.m. Chicago time and reopen at 5 p.m. The


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Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail:



Producing livestock involves educating consumers


he time is long past when farmers and ranchers could write off activists working against animal agriculture as members of the lunatic fringe. Livestock producers today have largely acknowledged threats to their livelihood and ability to contribute to the food supply. Now action must follow that acknowledgement. Recent announcements by fast food companies and grocery stores show that farmer and rancher assurances to “trust us” in matters of animal handling are no longer enough to satisfy consumers who think farm animal care should be similar to pet care. That’s not a criticism of either livestock producers’ defence or consumers’ opinions. It’s simply the new reality. And it means that producers have to engage the public in conversation about animal agriculture at every possible opportunity. Think back to news coverage about McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King announcements to seek pork from farms that don’t use gestation stalls. Did it include information about the advantages of these stalls? Did producers too easily cede ground to companies that make decisions based on market share and public relations rather than animal care and welfare? U.S.-based animal agriculture advocates Kevin Murphy and Mike Smith think the livestock industry is wrongly giving up its social licence to produce food. “The day that gestation crates and battery cages disappear from barns will be only the beginning,” they wrote on the Truth in Food website. “The attack will only pivot to the next question of morality deemed unacceptably old-fashioned by HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) and its moral allies.” Murphy and Smith also criticize agriculture’s reliance on science to explain and defend production practices, saying many consumers are scientifically illiterate and not interested in being educated. Telling people to educate themselves only alienates them by trivializing their

thoughts and opinions. However, science cannot and should not be ignored in any discussion about livestock production and animal welfare. New codes of practice for livestock are vital to agriculture’s ability to explain its practices and hold producers to account should they fail to provide adequate care. The content of these codes should be widely publicized, in plain language, and producers must be able to comply with and explain them. It is easy for any of us to become confused by conflicting information and misinformation. Science is the basis of animal agriculture, but on its own it won’t sway consumer opinion that’s based on the latest animal abuse video or “wellness” ads that say brown eggs from freerange hens are healthier. The discussion about animal agriculture has shifted to morals and values. The New York Times recently ran an essay contest on “why it is ethical to eat meat.” The question wouldn’t have been asked 50 years ago, when people were more closely associated with food sources and familiar with agricultural practices. The NYT contest was widely criticized, but it showed the depth of emotion that now surrounds consumer attitudes toward animal agriculture. So what is the appropriate livestock producer response to it all? It’s talk. It’s action. It’s engaging people in conversation, through social media and in print. There are physical, economic, moral and ethical reasons to produce meat and eat meat. Producers need to think about those reasons and then be prepared to explain them. Any time. All the time. “If you’re not at the table, you’re part of the meal,” says John Maaskant, former chair of Ontario Farm Animal Council. “If we don’t deal with this threat, this problem, this difficulty, our livelihoods are at stake. So it’s not like we have a choice here.” Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.


An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language. MARTIN BUBER PHILOSOPHER

Two fox kits stick near home, a den under an old wooden bin on the Pady farm near Edenwold, Sask. They venture out when momma fox goes hunting. | CHERYL PADY PHOTO


Right to food a matter of government commitment to reduce poverty NATIONAL VIEW



hen a young reporter began to cover the prairie grain industry some decades ago, he was quickly introduced to a funny and accurate description. Grain was 13 percent protein and 87 percent politics. So it is with food policy these days. Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations special rapporteur on the right to food, was in Canada last week

to report on and condemn the dismal and embarrassing fact that in a country as cash and food rich as Canada, as many as three million struggle to have access to adequate nutritious food. The Conservative government was quick to dismiss the Belgian’s visit, weighted as it was to meetings with local food advocates, small farm representatives, food bank executives and poor remote First Nations communities, as a political visit intended to fulfill a pre-determined agenda. To his credit, De Schutter quickly and happily confirmed the political nature of his decision to make Canada the first developed nation to be investigated. “Of course the right to food is about politics,” he told an Ottawa news con-

ference. “It is a matter of principle and political will.” Indeed, that is true. While poverty is relative and hunger is a complex issue, world governments have never made the commitment to back up their laudable promises to fight hunger with concrete plans and funding. The existence of hunger and food insecurity, while often a complicated issue, ultimately is a political decision. A war on hunger or poverty simply has never been as sexy as a war on drugs, terrorists or whatever. Later, De Schutter affirmed that his bias is toward local production and programs to help the poor receive adequate affordable food rather than agriculture that promotes exports to countries that can afford to buy it. However, he said his role was not to

condemn but to expose, hoping that Canadians will rise up when they see the evidence of food insecurity in a land of plenty. “The purpose of the mission was to provide Canada with a picture of itself,” he said. “My role is to help countries identify blank spots in public policy, areas that they would prefer to ignore because it is more comfortable to do business as usual. I am a mirror.” He expects his criticisms of Canada’s policy bias toward larger farms and an export-oriented agricultural policy will produce probing questions for Canada’s representatives at the United Nations. Undoubtedly it will and it should. De Schutter’s report was impressive, given his short time in Canada. He grasped quickly some history, the

complexity of federal-provincial relations and Canadian policy. However, his analysis would have been more credible if he had not been so much a captive of one side of the food argument — the small farm, local food, anti-Conservative side. As an example, his main farmer meeting was with the National Farmers Union and from that meeting, he included criticisms of the end of the CWB monopoly and what he said was a weakening of Canadian Grain Commission inspection standards. Of course, those changes have not yet been produced and that interpretation is just one side of the argument. Still, De Schutter’s report should get Canadians thinking about food insecurity in a nation of plenty. Sadly, it probably won’t.





Where art thou strong and viable CWB?

Summer forecast is anyone’s guess



o here we are, a little more than 60 days from the end of the orderly marketing of wheat and barley in Western Canada. When July ends, so do the marketing advantages of the real Canadian Wheat Board. Of course, those that have made careers of mindlessly bashing the board at every turn are pleased. But what about the rest of us? You know, the majority? Despite the endless hype from federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz and the long line of grain companies that pledged to play nice with a voluntary board, only one company has signed a handling agreement with the board at the time of writing. In July of last year, the farmer-led CWB sent a letter to Ritz outlining six points that we needed the government to think about if it was serious about trying to maintain some kind of voluntary board. Those six points included: • Government willingness to be the initial owner of a new entity that has a share capital structure. Under the circumstances, and in view of the short time frames, a new entity would be unable to become operational under any other ownership structure. • An appropriate exit strategy would have to be put in place to enable the government to divest its shares in a new entity in due course. • Government willingness to ensure regulated access to country and

Farmers who support the Canadian Wheat Board should fight back by supporting groups opposed to its elimination, says Friends of the CWB chair Stewart Wells. | FILE PHOTO port terminals to ensure competitively priced access to these facilities with service levels that would enable third parties to compete effectively. • Government willingness to provide a new entity regulator y authority to direct its own grain to port terminals of its choosing. Our concerns didn’t come out of thin air. They came after years of planning and looking at different options under which the CWB could continue to operate and add value for

prairie farmers. The minister’s response to the issues we raised in the points above? After a delay of several weeks, the minister rejected these issues with one sentence in a return letter saying that our issues “appear inconsistent with an open and competitive grain market.” Instead of acting responsibly, the government then went on to publicly insult the elected directors as individuals, the staff and CWB as an organization.

And, on Oct. 18, the minister illegally introduced legislation that ended any elected farmer oversight and control of the CWB. As for the minister’s creation, the Conservative Wheat Board, it is the opposite of strong and viable. The recent announcement that the new temporary board would cut its staff by more than three-quarters shows just how untrue the minister’s statements have been. No asset-less, start-up grain company is strong or viable when it has to rely 100 percent on its competitors for its day to day operations. Organizations like the Friends of the CWB, the Canadian Wheat Board Alliance, the Producer Car Shippers of Canada, the former elected directors, the National Farmers Union and others are fighting back. In 2007, the Harper government tried to illegally remove barley from the jurisdiction of the CWB. The Friends of the CWB and the CWB itself forced the issue into federal court and prevailed. A peer-reviewed analysis by U.S.based economists that had access to the CWB books showed that our court action has put an extra $428 million dollars into the pockets of western Canadian farmers since 2007. We did it then and we can do it now. Don’t settle for less. Support the Friends of the CWB and settle for more. Wells is a former farmer-elected member of the C WB board and current chair of Friends of the CWB.


Plan ahead, stay informed to reduce risks HURSH ON AG



t’s a volatile and unpredictable world. For agriculture, that means there’s big money to be made or lost. In recent years, grain prices have shown the ability to rise rapidly and fall back even faster, but the input side of the business is also volatile. Just look at fertilizer prices. Urea, 46-0-0, has increased by roughly $300 a tonne in the past couple months. If you waited until just before seeding to buy, you’re faced with a price tag in the $900 a tonne range. Failing to buy early has been a costly mistake this year. On some large operations, the price difference adds up to more than $100,000. The

cost of extra on-farm fertilizer storage could have been paid almost entirely by this one-time price rise. Fertilizer has long been prone to price gyrations, but a 50 percent increase just before seeding is amazing. Of course, hindsight always has perfect vision. Buying early isn’t always the best choice. In the late summer and fall of 2008, many analysts were predicting a continued rise in fertilizer prices that were already record high. If you didn’t buy now, the price was going to be even higher in a few months, if you could get any at all. Some producers bought highpriced fertilizer but didn’t lock in the correspondingly high new crop prices that were also available, particularly on canola. When grain and oilseed prices dropped, fertilizer eventually followed. Trying to be proactive and ahead of the curve proved costly if you didn’t have both sides of the equation covered. We used to think nitrogen was closely correlated to the price of natural gas, its main feedstock. In recent times, we’ve learned that

fertilizer supply and demand governs the price irrespective of manufacturing costs. To a lesser extent, this is also true for gasoline and diesel. And we should no longer take the supply of anything for granted. As a major oil producing and exporting nation, it’s logical to assume that we’ll never have a domestic petroleum shortage. However, in the past six months, diesel has sometimes been rationed at card lock stations. A diesel shortage has never been widespread at seeding or harvest, but a problem at a refinery or some other hiccup in the supply chain could leave farmers scrambling during the growing season. Despite modern communications and worldwide trade, there seems to be more shortages of the common items needed to run a farm. For instance, it can be difficult and timeconsuming to get certain sizes of farm implement tires. And it’s dangerous to assume that a particular herbicide, fungicide or inoculant is going to be readily available just when you want it. Recent years have seen product shortages of

everything from Reglone to glyphosate. It’s a global economy with every event having far-reaching ramifications. Major international companies crash and burn, nations teeter on the brink of bankruptcy and political unrest disrupts trading patterns. On top of this, superimpose natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Traditionally, we’ve worried about grain prices too low to cover our costs of production. In the future, we may have to decipher the ramifications of crop prices that occasionally spike to dizzying heights. While that may sound like farmer utopia, sky-high grain prices cause all sorts of ripple effects that create winners and losers. The only safe prediction about the future is that volatility will continue and probably increase. Planning ahead and keeping an ear to the ground has never been more important. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at




he long-range summer forecasts are coming out, like the lilacs on the trees, but I don’t know how much faith to put in them. Remember last winter’s forecast? It was supposed to be nasty, cold, brutish and long. It was actually fairly nice (unless you grow winter wheat), warm, dry and relatively short. Everyone asked, how did they get it so wrong? Turns out it was largely that the unusually high jet stream fended off Arctic air flow and La Nina did not entirely do her cooling job. Whatever it was, pretty much all the forecasts were off by a spectacular margin. So, here we go with summer forecasts, sprinkled liberally with salt. Are we awaiting a hot summer? AccuWeather came out with its Canadian forecast May 14, with half of British Columbia, all three prairie provinces, most of Ontario and the north under a big above-normal umbrella. “Based on current and past surface observations, analogs and computer model data, indications are strongest for a very warm to hot summer across the southern Prairies,” wrote forecast author Brett Anderson. If you look at Environment Canada’s temperature anomaly outlook map, about 90 percent of the country is painted bright red, signifying above normal temperatures for June through August. David Phillips, Environment Canada’s senior meteorologist, has been commenting on the upcoming summer weather even though the official forecast is not yet out. “It’s almost a crapshoot, in a way,” Phillips told The Daily Brew. “I certainly wouldn’t plan an outdoor wedding based on the seasonal forecast. This is not a done deal.” However, in late April, Drew Lerner of World Weather Inc. described quite a different scenario to Western Producer reporter Sean Pratt. “I actually did a couple of studies and they both come up with the same general solution that it will not be a hot summer. There will be a tendency for cooler than usual conditions to occur,” he said. Lerner’s view is backed up by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Meanwhile, the Farmer’s Almanac is calling for near normal summer rainfall (as are most forecasts) with the hottest temperatures (big surprise) in early to mid July and August and late August. So, take your pick of the forecasts. Just be sure to take it with salt.





Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.

To the Editor:

Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

The April 26 column titled “Canola’s success big headache for other crops,” by Kevin Hursh, may lead one to assume that success of canola diminishes the importance of other crops grown in Saskatchewan, which is not the case. Saskatchewan farmers grow canola, as well as cereals, other oilseeds and pulse crops, relying on the success of all commodities to be profitable. Profitability results from improved agronomic practices, higher prices and genetics. It is a combination of increased profitability and recent

weather patterns in non-traditional canola grow ing areas that has expanded acres. According to crop insurance data there are few Saskatchewan farmers implementing continuous canola and although tightened rotations are occurring, four year rotations are still common in all soil zones. With respect to disease, weed and insect pressures, there is research investment in agronomy to provide farmers with the tools to reduce pest pressures and information on production risks associated with tightened rotations. Hursh emphasized the importance of levies and this is certainly the case with canola. The achievements of the canola industry are the result of for-

ward-thinking producers who built a basis for success through levies from canola grown and sold in Saskatchewan. These dollars have allowed producer organizations to fund research p ro g ra m s, p rov i d e e d u c a t i o n through extension activities and build substantial international and domestic markets for canola products. Producers have also developed strong relationships with members along the supply chain, resulting in one voice on issues that impact the entire industry. At a time when we are seeing increased prices across all agricultural commodities, increased land values and a vibrant processing sec-

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tor, we should take pride. We should be celebrating this success and realize that at the end of the day, the strength of the entire agriculture sector is based on sound practices and the inspiration and perspiration of all farmers. Brett Halstead, Chair, SaskCanola, Nokomis, Sask.

PROBLEM DITCHING To the Editor: For over seven years we have been struggling with our neighbours, our municipality and provincial government bodies to find a solution to a problem that keeps getting worse every year. And the worst part is no one seems to care or is willing to do anything to stop it. Since the summer of 2005, I have dealt with the effects of unlawful drainage and the large amount of drainage waters flooding my land. A lot of the land around our farm — marginal land full of sloughs — is being bought up and drained with heavy equipment even though this land is swampy and is only good as pasture land. My neighbours are draining the water off their land as fast as possible with no regard for what happens to anyone downstream. They have no permits, they’re not willing to discuss the repercussions of their actions, and the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority doesn’t enforce the law. These farmers are breaking the law by draining 28 quarter sections illegally on to me and they are not held accountable. Why is that? It’s illegal to drain water without a permit, so why isn’t the government putting a stop to it? I filed a complaint in the spring of 2011 with the SWA, the government department responsible for protecting water resources. They tell me it could take years before anything is done and to try and work it out with my neighbours. Last fall the heavy equipment was working again doing more drainage and SWA still did nothing. I’m losing more and more acres every year. I haven’t seeded some areas of my land in almost five years. I’m worried about all the contaminants that are arrived with the runoff due to drainage and flooding and how it will affect the three wells on my property. I’m worried about the health of my family. I know of wells in other rural municipalities that can no longer be used because of this kind of contamination…. This land has been in my family for multiple generations and the problem has never been this bad. Increased drainage has only made it worse. I’m fed up. And where’s the provincial watershed authority? They should be shutting these drainage works down. They’re illegal. All I want is for the drainage to stop; for the flooding to stop; and for these farmers to have a regard for the law that was put in place to protect the landowners in this province from dealing with the issues I have for almost a decade. I just want my farm back…. Peter and Barbara Onofreychuk, MacNutt, Sask.





To the Editor:

Unlocking adoption records will relieve pain, unravel mysteries

Allowing the wolf to guard the sheep would be unthinkable. For the Conservatives to close the door on public debate to genetically modified alfalfa for fear that “the mere discussion of resistance to genetically modified products will drive away industry investment” is also unthinkable. (WP, April 19, page 43) The Liberals and NDP put forward a motion for a moratorium on GM alfalfa before the last election but the minority Conservatives delayed a vote so a vote was never held. GM alfalfa has been approved for safety (eating and growing) but requires variety registration before it can be legally sold as seed in Canada. The company (Monsanto) needs to apply for variety registration and has not yet done so. Our majority Conservative government has effectively locked up the sheep, the citizens they govern, and given the wolf, industry investors, licence to do as they please. The wolf will fatten at the irreversible expense of the sheep. Recently, a motion for public debate was brought forward by a Liberal MP; the Conservative chair of the House of Commons agriculture committee adjourned a meeting before the motion was voted on. This is not democracy. The moratorium has never been place d o n t he a p p rova l of GM alfalfa. Further public debate and biotechnology study is not being allowed. The now majority Conservative government are clandestinely considering this important decision in secret. Non-partisan and non-corporately funded and controlled scientists and institutions must carry out research. Results from these unbiased scientists and studies must then be publicly debated; the scientists must not be gagged or muffled. Decisions that may have long-term negative ramifications for all of us must not be made in secret. These decisions could impact our food security, export markets as witnessed by the EU’s resistance to “low level presence of GMOs” and most devastating will be the effect on our local rural agrarian economies. What can we, as voting, thinking, caring and concerned citizens, do to ensure that democracy is honoured and served?




t hurts when officials make decisions on your behalf. Wo m e n w h o gav e b i r t h i n Homes for Unwed Mothers, shelters for unwed pregnant women that existed from the 1940s to the 1980s, had all their decisions made for them even before the child was born. Many were never allowed to see the

baby and had to sign papers giving their infants up for adoption. I remember, not only because I was one of those babies, but also because, as a new candidate for ordination in 1965, I was taken to visit one of those homes. It was with condescending pride the director told us about the home’s policy. “It is best for everyone,” she declared. As a teenager, I wanted to find out about my family history but was told all those records were destroyed. Can you imagine a government agency destroying records? Later, a friend knowledgeable in the workings of children’s welfare ways told me bluntly, “your (adoption) parents were very good to you. That’s all you need to know.”


I was then in my 30s. How gullible of us to simply absorb the information government officials gave us in those days. It was a slick way of covering for families embarrassed over what they called illegitimate births. Without any desire to judge my adoptive parents, I wanted to learn

J. L. Chalmers, Claresholm, Alta.

WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? Is there an issue that has you fired up? A viewpoint you disagree with? Write a letter to the Editor. We want to hear your opinion.

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about my own history. What medical things should I know? Was there anyone who looked like me, or sounded like me? Could I begin to understand my genetic makeup? It took years of sleuthing before I could put the story together. I finally found siblings who gave me a picture and memento of my mother. I began to understand my craving for Ukrainian sausage and the beauty I saw in Ukrainian embroidery. When words excuse the truth, too many people get hurt. The fact that my mother could never talk about her first pregnancy speaks to her pain. Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian





Environmental protection has cost: ranchers, farmers Conservation plan | Fair compensation sought for conservation measures BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Producers attending a recent meeting of the federal government’s e nv i ro n m e n t c o m m i t t e e s a i d healthy soil, air and water are important to them, but they want the public to know that taking care of those resources does not come for free. They urged members on the committee to push for fair compensation and recognition for ecosystem protection. The federal environment committee toured Canada to listen to groups that use the land. The committee met with energy company representatives and agriculture groups in Calgary May 17. The final results will be merged into recommendations on a national conservation plan that was first proposed last year in the speech from the throne. Ranchers said the symbiotic relationship between graziers and wildlife habitat protection is often overlooked. “To survive as a cattleman, you have to be a very good businessperson,” said rancher Bob Jamieson of southeastern British Columbia. “You also have to be a very good ecologist, because we are not ranchers, we are grass managers. If you don’t manage that grass, you lose the basis of your business.” “What is good for the ecosystem and the land is what is profitable for me,” added rancher Doug Sawyer from Pine Lake, Alta. Submissions by Alberta Beef Producers and the Western Stock Growers Association (WSGA) said that balance is necessary in a national conservation plan. It should preserve important natural areas and ecosystems while ensuring that balance is maintained between the benefits to society and the environment and the financial well-being of those living on the land. As well, significant land purchases or the removal of land from production should not be allowed to be a requirement for adhering to the national plan. The plan needs to clearly identify


priorities and thresholds of areas to be conserved, said ABP manager Rich Smith. ABP also wants a fair representation of key stakeholders from government, industry and the public when setting priorities, rather than allowing narrow interest groups to have too much influence on decisions, said Smith. Rancher Norm Ward of the WSGA advised the government to involve people who live and work closely with the land when making decisions. Decisions from a centralized group or large committees are not

always workable. He said landowners assume the economic burden of protecting the environment on behalf of all Canadians, whether they are in the resource sector, agriculture or recreation. “Consumers of ecosystem services have to realize these are not free,” said Ward, who ranches near Granum, Alta. Stephen Vandervalk, Alberta vicepresident of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association and president of Grain Growers of Canada, said the proposed plan must recognize that better technology and evolving scientific knowledge keep agriculture sustainable and help the environment. “To be profitable, we have to make sure the ground is better this year than it was last year.” Grain farmers have switched to minimum tillage to prevent erosion and lower use of fossil fuel. GPS and precision farming have also lowered their use of farm chemicals, he said.


New Ag Canada technology expands markets for oats BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

Canadian oats will be used in skin care and health products under a new licensing agreement between the federal government and an Alberta biotech company. The licensing agreement will help Ceapro use Canadian oats to create beauty and skin products. Agriculture Canada scientist William Collins discovered 25 years ago that avenanthramides are naturally occurring polyphenols with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties, which explain why oatmeal baths are soothing to itchy skin.

The molecules are found only in oats and only in small quantities, which has previously limited their commercial application. The new technology increases the levels of molecules that can be extracted. “We are very excited that Agriculture Canada has determined that Ceapro has the ability to rapidly commercialize this technology,” said David Fielder, Ceapro’s chief scientific officer. “It will be a game changer for Ceapro, putting us in a position to produce the much larger volumes needed to supply new markets and attract the right partners.”







Program tells alfalfa growers when to cut Status report | Samples will be taken across the province twice weekly and data posted on a website BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Mark Pals of Caroline, Alta., and Peter Rafuse of Winfield, Alta., check fences for Sleepy Spring Ranch of Winfield. |

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A Manitoba Forage Council program that helps alfalfa growers pinpoint the optimum time to cut their crop is now underway in the province. The Green Gold project disseminates a status report on the progress and maturity of Manitoba’s alfalfa crop to forage growers, dairy farmers and cattle producers. Interested farmers can access the information on the forage council website or receive an e-mail of the reports. The reports begin after the May long weekend and usually run until t h e m i d d l e o f Ju n e, s a i d Jo h n McGregor, program co-ordinator. “We put together a summar y report, twice a week, up till first cut (of alfalfa),” he said. McGregor and two colleagues take alfalfa samples across the province and submit them to a lab for testing. Dairy farmers require alfalfa with a relative feed value (RFV) of 150 or higher, and the program is designed to identify the proper time to cut the crop to achieve that level. “Depending on the year, the time when the alfalfa reaches that optimu m s t a g e c a n v a r y ( by t h re e weeks),” McGregor said. Farmers use reports from their region to make a decision about cutting. “A farmer, by looking at our reports … can say the alfalfa will be ready for c u t t i n g at t h i s o p t i mu m s t a g e around this date,” McGregor said. “They’ll know that a week or 10 days in advance so they can start getting ready.” Beef and sheep producers can also use the information to decide when to cut their crops to achieve a particular RFV. The Green Gold program is funded by Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, FeedRite Grunthal, Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd./ Marc Hutlet Seeds Ltd., Northstar Seed Ltd., Southeastern Farm Equipment, BrettYoung, Central Testing Lab and Niverville Credit Union. Cutting remains a few weeks away, but McGregor is concerned about this year’s alfalfa crop. The crop was 10 to 11 inches tall before the May long weekend and slightly ahead of normal. However, a warm March followed by a cool April has altered plant development. “The main stems that have come up are short, but I’m seeing a lot of new growth coming in from the bottom,” he said. “Because of this … there will be a lot of leaves in there and therefore the RFV will be fairly high, given that we’ve got a short crop.” For more information, contact McGregor at





Man. farmers worry pesticide ban will hike weed spread Control begins in urban areas | The development of invasive weeds often starts in urban gardens and spreads to farmers’ fields BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

An environmentalist lobbying for a cosmetic pesticide ban in Manitoba isn’t convinced most provincial residents want a ban on lawn and garden chemicals. Amanda Kinden, manager of the organic lawn care educational project for the Manitoba Eco-Network, said people in the province want parks, lawns and school grounds to look green and well kept. Most think herbicides are needed to achieve a tidy look, so unless there is definitive

proof that pesticides are a risk to human health, Manitobans will probably oppose a ban, Kinden said. “Probably, people would see it as more work and a problem rather than a benefit to them,” she said. In February, conservation minister Gord Mackintosh said he wanted to introduce legislation to ban cosmetic pesticides. However, he also said the province would consult with interested parties to develop a madein-Manitoba policy before implementing the ban. A spokesperson for the minister said details of the consultation process

will be announced in the next few weeks. Regulatory changes prompted by consultation could be introduced in the legislature’s fall session. Keystone Agricultural Producers, the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) and the Manitoba Weed Supervisors Association have denounced the proposed ban. Despite the backlash and the lack of widespread public support, Kinden said Manitoba will eventually ban cosmetic pesticides. “Given that we are one of the last provinces that doesn’t have a cosmetic pesticide ban, one will be likely.

Whether it’s next year or in a couple of years, I feel it’s going to happen.” However, many Manitoba farmers believe a ban will affect their livelihoods. As an example, producers in the Rural Municipality of MacDonald are already frustrated because communities in the RM don’t manage weeds properly, said Doug Dobrowolski, AMM president and a grain producer near Domain, Man. “Farmers that farm around the schoolyard are all mad because nobody is spraying the dandelions and the weeds are all blowing into their fields… You’re seeing this right

across the landscape.” John Johnston of Hartney, Man., president of the Manitoba Weed Supervisors Association, said killing invasive species with pesticides inside communities is a key part of a larger strategy to control weeds. A lot of the urban areas can be a sinkhole for the development of invasive weeds,” he said. “Common tansy, purple loosestrife, oxeye daisy, they’re all escaped ornamentals…. So if they’re not controlled in the urban areas and the smaller communities, they quickly become a seed bank to spread (the species).”


Trade deal blamed for Canada’s resource dependency BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Canada’s growing dependence on exports of raw commodities is helping develop a deepening trade deficit, critics say, despite its aggressive free trade negotiating agenda. Council of Canadians (CoC) trade campaigner Stuart Trew recently told the House of Commons international trade committee that free trade deals do not help Canada’s trade record.

He said deals that have already been signed have worsened Canada’s trade balance because they open the door for shipment of raw or barely processed agricultural and resource commodities abroad while opening up Canadian markets to higher value manufactured product imports. “Like the United States, Canada has tended to pursue trade liberalization as an end in itself,” Trew told the committee, which is studying a pot-

ential Canada-Japan trade deal. “Our export priorities are often very similar to the U.S. — grains, meat, fish, other agricultural products — and like the U.S., Canadian trade deals have focused narrowly on reinforcing existing trade patterns, which does nothing to improve the valueadded content of our exports.” He said agricultural exporters that have appeared at the committee to praise the potential of a Canada-Japan deal are “limited vested

interest groups.” Trew said the CoC wants Canada to adhere to a statement from a group of trade-skeptical U.S. organizations, including R-CALF, which calls for “balanced trade,” time limits on trade deals and excluding foreign companies from bidding on local government procurement deals. Later, Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAWU) economist Jim Stanford told MPs that trade deals have made Canada increasingly depen-

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dent on resource trade. E xporting raw resources and importing high-value processed and manufactured products is “a losing proposition for Canada in the long run,” said Stanford. Any deal with Japan would follow the same pattern. CAWU opposes a deal with Japan because it says it will lead to more Japanese cars shipped to the Canadian market but no real reciprocal opening for Canadian cars in Japan.





Tapping into water needs Demand rising | Ways must be found to do more with less to avoid an ecological disaster CALGARY BUREAU

Farmers are going to be pressed with the problem of how to produce more food to feed the growing world population, while also finding ways to obtain more water from renewable sources. Here, a crew assembles an irrigation system. | FILE PHOTO

About one-third of global food production depends on non-renewable ground water. That is not sustainable, said Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute in Oakland, California, during the Water in a World of Seven Billion conference in Calgary May 9-12. “We are going to have to figure out how to move to sustainable food production with renewable water resources, and that is a problem when we are running into peak constraints on non-renewable water,” he said. Fossil ground water is non-renewable. It is found in California’s Central Valley, the Ogallala Aquifer of the U.S. Great Plains, Libya, the north China plains and central India. The Ogallala serves a large food producing area, and policy makers are encouraging farmers to switch from irrigation to relying on precipitation as ground water levels are drawn down. Water can be renewed, but no more is available for the season once it has all been withdrawn from a river or lake. This is known as peak renewable water. The concept has encouraged users to reduce withdrawals without losing productivity in agriculture, power generation, industry and municipal use. Withdrawals have slowed in the last 30 years, although the human population continues to swell. The practice of water productivity, where more is done with less, has gained traction. “In the United States today, we use less water in total than we used in 1980 on a per capita basis,” Gleick said. If water withdrawal had continued at the rate scientists predicted 30 years ago, the United States would have required an additional 800 cubic kilometres to satisfy its current demand. “I don’t know where we would have found it in the United States.” Water productivity is sometimes associated with economics rather than conservation. For example, the American steel industry used 200 tons of water to make a ton of steel in the 1930s, which had fallen to 20 to 30 tons by the 1980s. By 2002, an efficient manufacturer required two to three tons of water to produce a ton of steel. This was the result of new waste

water discharge and treatment standards that were introduced in the 1980s. It was cheaper for the steel industry to generate less waste water. Farmers are also figuring out how to grow more food with less water because it cuts input costs. Nevertheless new sources of water are needed. Building a new dam or pumping another aquifer was once the answer to match demand with traditional sources of supply. If it ran out, water was transferred from elsewhere. Finding new sources of water requires creativity. Some jurisdictions in southern California treat waste water to high standards and return it to recharge ground water or restore inflow needs for local streams. It also provides surface water for industrial processes. Other jurisdictions are building large underground cisterns to capture excess rainfall for landscaping and flushing toilets. Climate change and its impact on water supply must be considered along with environmental degradation. The problem is that no one fully understands the risks to humans from ecosystem degradation. Total global water withdrawals are not well known to project future demand. Groundwater reserves are also not well known. “We don’t know where we are in terms of water use. We don’t know how much the world has and we do not know the key components of the hydrologic cycle or the world’s water balance,” said Gleick. “We don’t know how much ecosystems need for minimum maintenance.” Water conservation and research must continue. “There are human, ecological and environmental costs to doing nothing.” The human impact on the environment has far reaching effects on the water cycle. “As our use of water starts to grow as we use more and more, the economic value we get out of that water starts to grow, but the ecological value starts to drop,” Gleick said. More water may be withdrawn for industrial purposes, but the fish may start to die as stream flows drop or pollution increases. “There comes a point where the


next unit of water we use causes more harm than it provides benefit, and the total value starts to go down.”

Gleick said it is time to design modern water management policies, clarify institutional roles and update

water laws around the world. Some legislation is 100 years old and was written when needs were different.


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Molecular sponge absorbs toxins, produces biofuel Lee Wilson of the University of Saskatchewan’s chemistry department is creating what he calls a molecular sponge. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO

University of Saskatchewan | Cost effective way to produce biofuel using polysaccharides BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM


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Lee Wilson thinks he has found a cost effective way to help produce biofuel using wheat straw. In a lab at the University of Saskatchewan, the chemist and his team of graduate students have developed various types of what Wilson terms “molecular sponges.” Some sponges are designed to take specific impurities out of water, such as pesticides. Others can remove toxins from water used in the oilsands. Still another sponge separates ethanol and water to make cellulosic ethanol. “It’s a game changer for parts of the agro economy,” he said. Wilson’s sponges comprise building blocks of components in plant materials that can be isolated and further modified to form different molecular sponge materials. In other words, they can be customized for the job. “With our material, it’s a purely physical process,” he said. “We’re not adding any chemicals in. The polysaccharides that we’ve engineered are not soluble in water. It’s like a powder you sprinkle in but it doesn’t dissolve. You can regenerate that back again just by filtering it off. It’s basically a green chemistry approach.” Biomaterials like straw are known to have an affinity for chemical separations. Wilson described a “wow moment” three years ago when he recognized what the bioactive component was in wheat straw. Having access to that component in its purified form helped him build a better sorbent material. He said wheat straw has three or four to one separation ability. “Our materials had a 60 to 1 separation. It jumped up to a factor of 15 and that was the first go around. We need to optimize this. We’re hoping that if we can boost this up to 100 to 1 or more, (it) would be great, but even as it stands now is exciting,” he said. “What it means is what was previously an energy intensive chemical separation using distillation, we can now do spontaneously at room temperature.” Ron Kehrig of Enterprise Saskatchewan isn’t familiar with Wilson’s technology, but he said doing something else at the energy intensive part of the distillation stage would be good if it reduces energy consumption. “Anything that can be done to reduce the energy consumption in the dehydration of ethanol would be something that the industry would obviously take a look at very seriously and would improve the energy balance of the entire ethanol plant,” he said.

Anything that can be done to reduce the energy consumption in the dehydration of ethanol would be something that the industry would obviously take a look at very seriously and would improve the energy balance of the entire ethanol plant. RON KEHRIG ENTERPRISE SASKATCHEWAN

Wilson said the process is done without chemicals because the sponges are not dissolving in water. They stay put as a solid device. Dirty sponges can be washed and reused. Companies and government have become interested. “It’s beyond theoretical because we have results that show,” he said. “We’ve been able to pull pesticide residues out of water down to low enough levels that if you had a contaminated drinking water supply you could really use a system like this to wash out all the pesticides and have clean drinking water.” Wilson said the technology is well suited for producing cellulosic ethanol, which has traditionally relied upon distillation. While conventional techniques work, he questions whether they are economically feasible. “The commercial value of ethanol production is not all that high because the energy inputs are quite high that go along with it.” He said the advantage of molecular sponge material is that the process is done at room temperature without distillation. “My personal feeling is that’s the way to go but it requires a retooling how the refining actually happens. The nature of the industrial process has to be completely redesigned.” He said using the molecular sponge technology to make biofuel could result in a 50 to 90 percent saving in energy and perhaps more. “It’s a huge processing saving,” he said. More lab related research needs to be done, but Wilson and his team are working with engineers and companies to carry it along the chain of development. “We need to develop the process so that it can be implemented into a flow system, so there’s engineering and there’s more optimization in terms of the material development,” he said. “If we can capitalize on the success we’ve already achieved, I think you’ll probably hear some really big things in the next year or two.”






Agrium confident of Viterra buy 258 crop input stores | It will also get a stake in an Alberta nitrogen facility BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Agrium Inc. does not foresee anything getting in the way of its purchase of Viterra’s retail network. “(It’s) our latest attempt at growing and we will succeed in this one,� Agrium president Mike Wilson told investors attending BMO Capital Markets’ 2012 Farm to Market Conference. One investor asked Wilson about the Informa Economics report commissioned by the Saskatchewan government that raised concerns about Agrium’s deal with Glencore International. The proposed deal would see Agrium acquire 232 of Viterra’s 258 crop input stores and its 34 percent stake in an Alberta nitrogen manufacturing facility. “We’ve looked at (the report). We don’t feel it’s going to cause us any concern,� said Wilson. “They seem to be more focused on investment and jobs staying in the province.� Wilson said the final decision on the deal’s foreign investment and competition aspects rests with the federal government rather than the provinces. He expects Glencore to close its deal to buy Viterra in June or July. It will take a little longer for Agrium’s purchase to achieve regulatory approval. “We’ll likely be towards the late third quarter or fourth quarter before we close,� said Wilson. The Viterra purchase would add to Agrium’s already impressive global collection of crop input stores. The company is about four times larger than its biggest retail competitor. It has 25 percent of the Australian market, 20 percent of Argentina and less than 20 percent of the North American market. A g r i u m’s re t a i l s a l e s i n 2 0 1 1 eclipsed its entire revenue stream in 2006. Its seed sales topped $1 billion for the first time and the company sold $700 million of its Loveland brand of chemicals, which represented 20 percent of chemical sales. The Loveland line accounted for 40 percent of the margins in the chemical segment. Agrium acquired 17 companies with 35 retail outlets in 2011 and added another seven companies with 14 farm centres in the first quarter of 2012. If the purchase of the Viterra assets are approved, Agrium would own 53 percent of Canada’s ammonia production capacity and 49 percent of its urea production capacity. Wilson said its nitrogen fertilizer facilities give the company a significant competitive advantage because of cheap natural gas prices in North America and the proximity to the U.S. corn crop. “To get into these markets, our competitors have huge freight penalties and we capitalize on that and we set our pricing based on that.� Wilson expects natural gas prices to remain low for “quite a long time� in North America. One investor asked him how long it will be before Agrium faces increased competition from new nitrogen fertilizer projects.

Most of the world’s new manufacturing plants were built in the Middle East and North Africa over the last 10 years, but capital is definitely shifting to North America. A number of fertilizer companies are expanding or building new plants, including Agrium. Wilson thinks it will likely be five to seven years before those new facilities are built, but he said world nitrogen demand is expanding by two to three million tonnes per year. He expects demand to remain strong as long as corn remains higher than $3.50 per bushel, which provides growers with their historic average margins using today’s seed, fertilizer and chemical prices. Agrium is in the process of expanding its annual potash production to three million tonnes from two million tonnes. Wilson knows of 45 to 50 companies wanting to get into the potash business, but

the barriers to entry are huge. He anticipates that the brownfield, or expansion, projects will happen, but they shouldn’t have too big an impact on potash supply and demand dynamics. Most of the greenfield, or new construction, projects will never occur, he added, because companies are “choking� on the massive capital costs and the length of time required to build new plants. Another investor asked Wilson about the recent trend for fertilizer dealers to completely deplete their stocks before buying new supplies. “It’s amazing how skittish everybody is in the world,� said Wilson. He expects that trend to continue, which will create more volatility in the fertilizer market. Farmers and retailers are scared to take a position on fertilizer in case they are stung like many were in 2008, he added.

Toby the calf thanks her handler, Brianne Wheat, with a wet kiss, after receiving a reward of fresh grass for standing still in the chute during grooming. Wheat and her calf were preparing for 4-H Achievement Day on the Wheat farm in Vermilion, Alta. | ROBYN WHEAT PHOTO

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Government shifts roles of agricultural inspectors Government a compliance watchdog | Industry associations will be responsible for certifying products for effectiveness BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Federal government agricultural inspectors will soon spend more of their time auditing and less time performing physical inspections. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency delivers 14 inspection programs related to food safety, plant and crop production and animal health. Each has its own enforcement, verification and inspection methods and looks at risk management differently.

According to CFIA documents circulated through newly struck industry committees over the past three weeks, the government intends to put industry in charge of its own hazard control and quality compliance programs, while government will provide “oversight verification through audit.” The CFIA is introducing a standardized “outcome-based inspection approach” system and plans to have a draft process in place for review by the end of the summer. Kristian Stephans of the Canadian

Fertilizer Institute (CFI) sits on one of four fertilizer and crop nutrients committees: safety, efficacy and quality, labelling, definitions and exemptions. “We are in the early stages of this process, and the government has told us it is withdrawing from quality and efficacy,” he said. The CFI is providing the 27 committee members with administrative support during the eight months of regulatory review. It also represents the fertilizer industry with four members, one per committee.

Greg Northey of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture said he feels CFI’s leadership has been good. Labelling, product definitions, standards, regulations and registration requirements are all cited as being outdated and creating impediments to business that increase costs and slow the adoption of new products by the Canadian marketplace. The government said it plans to strengthen regulatory controls for product safety, environmental stewardship and consumer protection. It also said that a shortage of staff

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and financial resources has resulted in some fertilizer and crop supplement products being available in Canada for the past year without being registered, which creates an unfair playing field for companies that adhere to the regulations. It said in documents that the new system would most likely hand over to industry associations the responsibility for certifying products’ contents and effectiveness. At the moment, anyone marketing crop products in Canada must provide proof of product efficacy in the regional market where they are sold. Fertilizer quality is tested regularly to ensure its content meets manufacturers’ claims. Under the proposed changes, organizations such as the CFI might be considered as gatekeepers and certifiers, while the government would ensure public and environmental safety and could take a role in ensuring compliance with new regulations administered by industry. “We are moving from a marketplace where all products met regulatory requirements for quality, and farmers knew that if a product was registered for sale it did what the seller said it would,” said Richard Phillips of Grain Growers of Canada, who represents farmers on the review group. “We are moving to a buyer beware system. For farmers, we are hoping to get some things on the table that will help them in the new marketplace….” Business might not change much for larger manufacturers and retailers and for high quality dealers, other than lowering some costs for testing new products. However, the government has indicated there might be increased cost recovery fees in some parts of the system. Phillips said reputable companies will belong to associations and will likely police themselves, but others might avoid those industry certifications. “There will be good and bad to this. Faster availability of new tools and products that meet market niches will be advantages.” He said the government needs to ensure that affordable product testing of less than $100 for nutrients is available to farmers. Committee members still haven’t discussed the rumored on-farm storage regulations that are expected to be introduced as a part of the Modernization of the Fertilizers Regulations process. “That might be voluntary too, but it could be anhydrous ammonia standards,” Phillips said. “If the dealer knows you don’t handle the product properly they won’t sell to you. It relies on everyone looking over each other’s shoulders.” He said the process will likely involve standards such as storage next to riparian areas and waterways. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency will review its act next year. It is a much more modern act, already containing outcome-based elements and acceptance of information from other jurisdictions. However, its fee structure hasn’t been reviewed since the 1990s so it will likely see increases.




TAKING CARE OF NEW MOMS Providing ready-made meals and snacks helps parents caring for their new arrivals. | Page 23



Dementia cases a ticking time bomb BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Attractive displays when selling direct from the farm engage customers who want to be entertained while shopping for farm products. Customers are willing to come throughout the year and enjoy the changing seasons. Offering a wide variety of products creates interest and people are apt to buy more. | FILE PHOTO DIRECT MARKETING | TRENDS AND TIPS

Smart marketing strategies help boost farm sales Promoting how-to | Consumers want to be fed and entertained BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Buying directly from a farm to get fresh, local products is one of the hottest trends among foodies. “Fifteen years ago, local wasn’t really hip,” said Kerry Engel of Alberta Agriculture. The president of the North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association, who is monitoring trends in direct farm sales, shared tips to get more customers to the farm in a special session May 9. As more people seek local foods and choose to support local producers, they are also learning to accept the seasonality of foods. She said local food and direct marketing carry certain expectations among customers who want to be fed and entertained. “We are seeing many different ways where

farms are looking for ways to fill your tummy,” she said. People are more concerned about their health as the incidence of diabetes, heart disease and obesity rises. “What we are eating is practically killing us,” Engel said. Consumers are looking for foods that are fat-free, gluten-free or that contain less sugar, she said. There are new ways to approach the customer looking for new foods, including setting up an on-farm bakery or cafe so people can select from a menu of items grown and prepared on the farm. Shoppers may also want to watch food prepared or take cooking lessons from a professional. “Fifteen years ago, we would have laughed about a chef and a farmer working together,” Engel said. The farmer can offer activities like tours, haunted houses in the fall or planned events like birthday parties or weddings. Children’s activities are important because they often influence their parents to spend more.

More are using social media to promote the farm and let customers know when food is in season or when special events are planned. Regularly updated pictures and videos can provide a broader view of what is going on and what there is to do once visitors arrive at the farm. “They provide regular updates so customers don’t forget about you,” Engel said. Social media also helps farmers stay in touch and share ideas.

MARKETING TIPS • erect roadside signs to direct consumers to the farm • themed decorations, food, gifts and activities on site enhance the country ambience and prolong the visitor’s stay • greet visitors and offer information about the farm’s history and connection to the community • join an association to stay in touch with other direct marketers,

Rising numbers of people affected by dementia and increasing costs associated with caring for them have set off alarm bells throughout the world. The World Health Organization recently called on public health authorities to make dementia a priority. It released a report last month estimating one new case every four seconds and identifying dementia as a “ticking time bomb.” In Canada, the Alzheimer Society, which serves as an umbrella organization for all dementias, knows all about the impending explosion. The society’s Rising Tide report, released in 2010, estimated the number of Canadians with Alzheimer’s, the most common type, and other dementias will double to 1.1 million within a generation. The cost for caring for them will go up 10 times to $153 billion from $15 billion. In Saskatchewan, Joanne Bracken is watching the numbers and hoping the province can handle them. The chief executive officer of the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan said the province’s senior population is growing. “There is still this myth and misconception that what’s happening to people is just a normal part of aging, and dementia is not a normal part of aging,” she said. “People need to pay attention to the warning signs and to get help.” The baby boomers started turning 65 in 2011. “We don’t have a lot of time to prepare for this. It’s already upon us.” After age 65, the chance of developing a dementia doubles every five years. After age 85, one in three people has a dementia. “We have this huge demographic of people over the age of 85 and we don’t have a plan of how we’re going to address this situation,” Bracken said. Eight countries have developed national strategies to deal with it, but Canada isn’t among them. The society educates and supports patients and caregivers. It funds re-search such as the link between depression and Alzheimer’s through the $1 million research chair in partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation and its First Link program that follows newly diagnosed patients. It relies on private and corporate donations and extensive fundraising to get things done. Governments provide less than three percent of its budget. Bracken said although Saskatchewan piloted the First Link program in Canada, and other governments are now announcing funding to implement it, the province is falling behind in funding support for people with dementia. “In 2008, family members provided nine million hours of unpaid care to support people living with dementia and by 2038, we’re saying that’s going to go up to 30 million hours a year. That’s just in Saskatchewan.” There is already a shortage of long-term care beds and the Alzheimer Society is forecasting a shortage 11 times greater. Bracken said about half of people with dementia live in long-term care. “But when you look at the statistics in long-term care, it’s probably be-tween 68 and 100 percent of all residents have a dementia of some type.” People are beginning to ask what they can do to lower their risk, and the answer is similar to what they can do to prevent other diseases: healthy diet, exercise and reducing stress. Progression of the disease can also be slowed through exercise. Brain health is a concept that people are thinking about with all the focus on concussions and hockey injuries. And while many say dementia runs in the family, that likely isn’t true.



Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory in Alberta co-ordinated a bird banding event in early May. The first week of banding netted 325 birds of 13 species. | Les Dunford photos


bird banding CLOCKWISE, FROM TOP LEFT: A Savannah sparrow is prepared for banding at Canada’s northernmost migration monitoring station, one of 25 banding stations in the country. Each band number is recorded before the bird is released back into the wild. A black and white adult male warbler is held firmly in place by the bander. A yellow warbler was one of numerous species banded. As well as netting the birds, the banders also do a count. On April 19, they had counted about 12,000 birds of various species. Bander Richard Krikun examines the catch of the day, a male American kestrel, the first that has been banded at this site. Assistant bander Nicole Linfoot holds the bird before banding. A yellow rumped warbler is eager to take flight. The netted birds are checked for identity, sex, weight, age and condition, with some tail feathers removed for further research regarding health. Data from recovered bands provides information on the distribution and movements of bird species, their relative abundance, annual productivity, life span and causes of death.

WHAT IS BIRD BANDING? • Bird banding first began in Canada early in the 20th century, but it wasn’t until 1916-17 that the federal government began to administer bird banding. • Banding is used to help scientists study bird migration patterns, determine populations of various species and study the impacts of pollution and other risks. • Bands come in different colours and sizes. Each thin metal band has a unique identification number that allows for records to be made of each bird’s species, age, sex, location and other details. • About 900 banders put bands and markers on more than 300,000 migratory birds in Canada every year. • The most common marked bird in North America is the mallard — more than seven million have been marked since 1908. • You can report banded birds to 1-800-327-BAND or visit www. Source: Environment Canada





New mothers welcome nutritious, easy-to-handle meals TEAM RESOURCES


Gifts are appreciated but check for food preferences and allergies first


ew moms need healthy food to help them regain their energy and produce milk for their babies. Welcome the new baby by bringing over a basket of fresh, washed fruit, prepared vegetables or buns. Freezer meals like salmon gratin or beef barley soup will also be appreciated. Meals for new moms We are celebrating the addition of a fourth granddaughter. As I reflected on her birth, I was reminded that there are many mothers and grandmothers who are grieving the loss of a child or grandchild. This makes the family moments that we spend together precious. As I have watched our children become parents, I realize that new moms need to be mothered. They need to be fed, nurtured and loved just as much as they need to be feeding, nurturing and loving their new little ones. Breast milk is the recommended best food for the new infant. To produce the milk and boost mom’s energy, she needs to be eating a healthy diet. Eating and drinking nutrient-rich foods at regular intervals throughout the day and night helps the new mom regain her strength and energy. Supplying pre-made meals for new parents is a way to help nurture the new mom. Prior to making the food, you may want to check with family about food preferences and/or allergies. For a breast-feeding mom, spicy foods, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and other brassica family vegetables,

and onions, garlic and other allium family members can upset the baby so it is best to limit or avoid them. Include a list of the ingredients or the recipe. If you have omitted the spices, indicate this also so they can season it to their tastes. Also include on the package any cooking or reheating instructions that will be needed to prepare the food.

SALMON GRATIN Salmon is a great food for a new mom. Salmon is loaded with a type of fat called DHA, which is crucial to the development of the baby’s nervous system. All breast milk contains DHA but it increases when the mother has more in her diet. Some studies suggest that DHA may also play a role in preventing postpartum depression. 2 small Yukon Gold potatoes 1 tsp. oil 5 mL 1/2 onion, sliced (omit if making for nursing mom) 1/2 tsp. salt 2 mL 1/2 tsp. pepper 2 mL 1 c. portobello 250 mL mushrooms, sliced 1 c. frozen broccoli, 250 mL cut up (or substitute frozen green peas or peas & carrots) 2 frozen salmon fillets 1/4 c. Gruyere or 60 mL cheddar cheese, grated Prick potatoes all over with a fork and microwave on high until tender, about three minutes. Cool and slice thinly. Set aside. In a large non-stick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Cook the onion until golden, about five minutes. Stir in salt, pepper and mushrooms. Cook until no liquid remains, about five minutes. Cool completely. Arrange sliced potatoes in a greased five by eight inch (12 x 20 cm) freezer proof and oven safe baking dish. Top with the broccoli or peas and carrots, mushroom and onion mixture. Place the frozen salmon fillet on top. Sprinkle with cheese, cover with foil, label with the cooking instructions and freeze. Bake uncovered in a preheated 400 F

Barley soup and salmon gratin are delicious and healthy meals for nursing mothers. | (200 C) oven until the cheese is golden, salmon flakes with a fork and vegetables are tender, about 35 minutes from frozen or 25 minutes if baking from fresh. Let stand five minutes before serving. This recipe can easily be increased for a larger family. Adapted from Inspired.

BEEF BARLEY SOUP This is a basic soup recipe with no onions or seasoning. For a new mom, the lean beef provides protein and iron. Pot barley is considered a whole grain so it provides fibre, protein, vitamins, minerals and some iron. It is also essential for the new mom to increase her fluids. 1 lb. 1 c. 1 c. 1 carton

lean ground beef 500 g pot barley 250 mL carrots, diced 250 mL beef broth 900 mL

1- 20 oz. 1 qt. 1 carton 1 c.

can of consomme 284 mL water 1L beef broth 900 mL frozen peas 250 mL season to taste

Brown the ground meat lightly. Measure and sort the barley for small stones, then rinse with water and add to the meat. Add the carrots, broth, consomme and water. Stir and heat to a boil. Turn heat down and simmer for one hour. Add additional carton of broth and frozen peas, heat and serve or cool and put in containers to freeze. Leave one inch (2 cm) head space at the top of the container. Label and freeze. When serving, add extra broth or water if the barley has absorbed most of the liquid.


new mom and most dads enjoy fresh homemade buns. Send along cheddar cheese for the buns or as a healthy snack. Bags of washed and chopped carrots and celery are handy for meals or snack time. It seems like a new mom is always hungry, even at night. A batch of healthy blueberry bran or orange cranberry bran muffins is an easy snack that can be eaten while nursing the baby. If your time is limited, pick up a variety of fruits, wash and make a fruit basket, or a case of flavoured water to encourage the mom to drink more water. Be encouraging and supportive of the new parents as they adjust to the responsibilities and demands of a new baby at home.

Ideal accompaniments Buns are good with soup. Whole grain buns provide extra fibre for the

Betty Ann Deobald is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact:


Humans unable to regenerate brain damaged cells HEALTH CLINIC

to being his old self again? Do brain cells ever grow back?



A friend’s son was in a car accident about five years ago. He was badly brain damaged and unconscious for two weeks. He is able to walk and talk, but now has a volatile, quick temper. He was easygoing before the accident. He does not seem like the same person. Will he ever get back

Although it is possible for people with severe brain damage to improve for as long as 10 years after the accident, the chances are that your friend’s son will never be back to his old self. Sometimes the injured individual becomes a completely different person, apart from his or her physical appearance. A quick temper is a common feature of damage to the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. The frontal lobe plays a key role in higher mental functions such as motivation, planning, socially appropriate behaviour and speech.

Damage to this area makes it difficult for the patient to return to a job that involves complex interaction with people. Slow and partial improvement is not due to the damaged cells regenerating, but new connections can be formed, and other parts of the brain can be gradually trained to take over some of the functions of the damaged parts. There are only a few small parts of the brain where there are new nerve cells being formed. Generally speaking, the central nervous system cells that you are born with have to last a lifetime. Brain cells have long tentacles or connections that they make from one cell to the other. They are what


winter and warm spring in most parts of the country. Pollen levels from trees such as birches and poplars are worse than usual, so keep antihistamines close and consider a visit to an allergy specialist to do patch testing to determine what you are allergic to. Avoiding the source of the problem is the best solution, but if it affects your eyes when you go outside, wear sunglasses even on a cloudy day. When you come back home, wash your face and eyes with plain water. Pollens often collect in the eyebrows. Check the current pollen count on internet weather sites.

The allergy season began earlier than usual this year due to the mild

Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact:

enable you to move, speak and have thoughts and memories. Neuroscientists believe that the reason that brain cells in humans do not repair themselves is because we have not evolved this ability. In prehistoric times, if you had a severe enough head injury to be unconscious, you would most likely die. Nobel prize winner Roger Sperry proved that some animals, including frogs, goldfish and salamanders, are able to regenerate their nervous system but that’s not the case for humans.





Settling estate takes time A PRAIRIE PRACTICE



I am one of the beneficiaries in my uncle’s estate. He died over a year ago and I still haven’t got the money I am entitled to under the will. Why do estates take so long?


Jan Shaw of Cardale, Man., chooses bedding plants for her flower gardens at Trestle Greenhouse in Rivers, Man. | JOAN AIREY PHOTO


The process of settling an estate can take a long time for many reasons. When an individual dies, it


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is up to the executor to act as the legal representative of the deceased. In most cases, he will take the will to a law office and the lawyer will assist in settling the estate. If there was no will or no surviving executor or those named are not able to do the job, an administrator must be appointed by application to the court. The job of the executor/administrator is to determine what assets the deceased person had, make sure all the debts and taxes are paid and distribute net assets to beneficiaries named in the will. If there was a spouse or dependent children that were not adequately provided for in the will, the finalization of an estate is delayed and an application is made on their behalf. The executor and lawyer determine the assets and debts, then letters probate may need to be applied for. The executor makes application for them to the Court of Queen’s Bench for the court’s formal confirmation that the will presented and the executor presenting it are the true will and executor of the deceased. With the court sealed letters probate, any institution such as a bank or land registry system may deal with that executor and follow the will’s instructions on the disposition of the deceased person’s property. Letters probate is always required where the person who died held land in his name. Also, banks and other financial institutions will require them where there are significant deposits in their institutions. Generally, the law office will help the executor to determine the assets owned by the deceased and their value at date of death. Letters are sent to each bank where they held accounts, pension and insurance companies, government departments regarding Old Age Security or Canada Pension Plan benefits and other entities in which the deceased might have invested money or be owed money. Debts have to be determined and paid. If the deceased was in active business at the time of death, a notice to creditors posted in the local paper alerts creditors to submit their bills. Without taking this step, the executor could be personally liable for unpaid debts. All income tax for the deceased must be paid. The final tax returns are prepared, usually with the assistance of an accountant, and after the notices of assessments are received, most executors will request a tax clearance certificate from Canada Revenue Agency, which certifies that all amounts for which the deceased was liable have been paid. If the executor does not get this certificate, he can be liable for any unpaid tax the deceased person owed. This step of requesting the certificate does not take place until the tax returns have been completed and t h e n o t i c e s o f a s s e s s m e nt a re received, so it is late in the settlement of the estate. It can be many months before that final certificate arrives. This article is presented for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The views expressed are solely those of the author and should not be attributed to McDougall Gauley LLP. Contact: g.wartman@





Rush hour farming Farming in the Greater Toronto Area | Land values, wildlife, traffic pose challenges for farm couple BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

CAMPBELLVILLE, Ont. — One of the problems of being a commercial farmer living in the shadow of metropolitan Toronto is crop-destroying wildlife. Toronto commuters have also been buying land in Peter Lambrick’s area west of Toronto, building big country homes and renting out the remaining land to local farmers. It drives land prices out of the reach of farmers looking to expand. And because of the sensibilities of the urban arrivals into the rich farming countryside on the edge of the Greater Toronto Area, wildlife sightings are welcome and eradication not allowed. “We really see an influx of deer, turkeys, raccoons, geese all around,” says Lambrick. “It’s nothing for us to lose 12 rows of corn to wildlife and there really is nothing we can do about it.” But for this 61-year-old immigrant from England who has farmed in the area for almost 40 years and rents 800 acres to grow a variety of crops, supplemented by custom work on farms in the neighbourhood, the biggest hassle is the traffic. His farm is near Milton, Canada’s fastest growing community as more Torontonians move west for cheaper land and the cache of country living. The highway that runs past his farmhouse and that connects him to

Urban areas and major highways entwine tightly with farmland in the Greater Toronto Area. This map shows areas near Campbellville, Ont., about 60 kilometres southwest of Toronto. | GOOGLE MAP IMAGE Peter and Liz Lambrick encourage urban and rural residents to work together to ensure the future of local farms. | BARRY WILSON PHOTO other pieces of land he owns or works as a custom operator is an increasingly clogged commuter road. “There are times when I have to wait forever to get my machinery onto the road to get to another field,” he said. “And it scares the hell out of me to see what some people do around my equipment, the risks they take to pass.” On the other hand, all those commuters are potential customers. Liz Lambrick, who emigrated from England to marry Peter last decade, sells vegetables and garlic products from a roadside stand. “The real seller is her garlic fudge,” Peter said. Tomatoes, sweet corn and other vegetables from Liz’s garden also are on offer.

But the real income mainstay for the farm is soybeans and in particular identity preserved soybeans. Grains and oilseeds are part of the rotation and custom work on fields often owned by city workers with land leased out also is a key part of the farm business plan. Selling straw to local strawberry farms is part of the revenue stream as well as a seed cleaning business. “You have to be creative, do what you can,” said Peter. He has quit marketing wheat through the voluntar y Ontario Wheat Board because it doesn’t provide the service he can get from private grain handling companies. He said the possibility of expanding his land base is limited by the eco-

nomics of local land prices. “At present, a lot of land is being moved but at prices you just can’t justify for production.” Lambrick Farms Enterprises experiences both the problems and the opportunities of trying to exist near Toronto. High land prices, urban rules about rural living and regulations about land use and farming practices are a constant challenge. “But I like to be positive and the advantage of farming here close to the GTA is that we are so close to such a massive market,” said Peter. There are farmers’ markets, roadside stands and a wide array of marketing opportunities. He has been a leader in a project to

encourage governments, planners, processors, municipalities, consumers and farmers within the heavily populated and fertile southwest Ontario Golden Horseshoe to work together to ensure the future of the local farm and food industry. “We need to attract the next generation of farmers here because there is a future in the food industry within the GTA,” said Lambrick. The action plan produced for the future of agriculture within the shadow of Canada’s largest city includes incentives for new farmers and for immigrants with farming background to have access to land where crops can be produced to satisfy the food needs of an increasingly ethnic population.


Help son by listening SPEAKING OF LIFE



A few weeks ago, my oldest son signed on to see a counsellor through his employment assistance program. My son has struggled for survival ever since his father’s death 16 years ago. He was six years old when his dad died, too young to be able to make any sense out of it and too vulnerable not to feel deeply about his loss. He still needs to work some things out. My son likes the counsellor and attends regularly, but the counselling itself does not seem to be helping him much. He is still far too impulsive and self-destructive. I would like this counselling to help my son and I would like to do what I can to support it. What do you suggest that I do?


The magic of counselling is listening. For years, counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists have been saying that each of us has a story to tell. The problem is that story might be hidden in some dark recess of the mind and only comes to light

with considerable effort. The fact your son is willing to continue with his counselling even though neither he nor you have seen much progress tells me that he is going to a good counsellor who is willing to be patient and listen to him. The magic of listening does not immediately transcend into new and more healthy behaviour. It takes time. Along the way, your son will begin to understand that it might be possible for him to change, not be so impulsive and become less selfdestructive. These are new ideas for him. He needs to be more comfortable with the fact he can control himself before he will start to assume that responsibility. Your part is to be as honest with him as you can be. When he asks you to tell him more about his dad’s death, take the time to make sure he has the facts. At six years old, he probably did not understand as clearly what was going on as he will now if you give him the information he needs. You also need to let him know how proud you are that he has managed to survive these difficulties in his life. The more he understands how much you admire him, the more likely he is to embrace the changes he is talking about in his counselling. Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@


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One year later: toll of 2011 flood evident A year after Manitoba’s floods, the water still has not completely receded. Even in areas where the water has returned to more normal levels, pastures are far from recovered. | Ed White photos FAR LEFT: A dog walks through a flooded pasture beside Lake Manitoba, but little grass will grow this year and it can’t support cattle. The lake is still above the pre-flood level. LEFT: A clamshell sits atop what should be lush, green, pasture. BELOW: The grass isn’t what is making this pasture green. A green scum covers fields that were covered by water for much of the past year.


Flood’s hard legacy carries on one year later BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

SIGLUNES, Man. — Arnthor Jonnason looks across a pleasant beach on the shores of Lake Manitoba and sighs. “It’s a wasteland,” he says matterof-factly. He bends down and picks up a handful of what could be sand but then holds up a ball of earth trailing a thick tangle of grass roots — dead roots. This is not meant to be a beach. It only looks like a beach because the grass that has covered it for as long as people have lived here was killed by a massive flood that covered tens of thousands of acres around Lake Manitoba from last May until the middle of the winter. The lake is still a few feet higher than it should be and is only slowly draining. Fo r t h i s s e a s o n , m o s t o f t h e

drowned pastures won’t produce enough grass to support cattle, and drowned hayland won’t produce a crop. Some elevated patches of pasture and hayland survived in some fields, but too little to be of use. That means many cattle producers have had to break up their herds and move them to where they can find pastures to rent. Many are still having to buy hay. That has been the situation since last spring, when the flood hit and panic consumed the area. Jonnason has brought his cows home for calving, but plans to ship them out again to new rented pastures, where he will probably have to hire help to watch them. He’ll also have to buy 1,000 to 1,500 bales of hay that his own hayland would normally produce. He’s wondering who’s going to pay for this, and so are farmers around Lake Manitoba, Dog Lake and other areas that the Manitoba government intentionally flooded last year.

Dog Lake farmer Caron Clarke isn’t as badly off as Jonnason, losing only a half section of hayland, including a small pasture. However, that half section is needed for her cows, and rehabilitating the flooded and drowned land won’t be easy. Clarke, a board member of Manitoba Beef Producers, said farmers who need to re-seed large acreages to grass generally don’t own large equipment because they normally reseed only small acreages each year. The situation is worse for producers who have native pastures and hayland. That land has never been broken, so it is strewn with rocks and obstacles. Clarke worries the provincial government may fail to compensate for production losses and rehabilitation costs this year, even though the government caused the flood. “It was a decision of the provincial government to channel that water

into Lake Manitoba instead of down the Assiniboine,” said Clarke. “It was a decision the government made and they should compensate the people who were sacrificed.” The Lake Manitoba flood resulted when the bloated Assiniboine River was redirected north from Portage la Prairie to stop massive flooding between Portage and Winnipeg. The water poured into Lake Manitoba, but the lake only has a restricted outflow. As a result, lake levels rose higher than ever before recorded and poured over pastures around the lake. Many government programs were implemented last year to deal with the flooding, including production loss compensation for farmers, but this year the government has been unclear about how much of the ongoing expenses it will cover. Clarke hopes the government accepts its responsibility and helps farmers recover.

Arnthor Jonnason refers to his pasture as a wasteland. | ED WHITE PHOTO

“It’s all bulrushes and muskrat houses,” said Clarke, looking out at one of her hay fields.


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SPECIAL REPORT Searching for common ground | With more and more restaurant and grocery chains demanding that meat

producers follow certain animal welfare measures, it appears that advocates are gaining the upper hand in defining

Farmers, activists tussle to guide public conscience How can farmers compete with activists? | Focus on animal welfare, advise livestock experts BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU


he calf, resting near a roadside fence while its mother was grazing, looked abandoned. So a passer-by loaded the 80-pound Charolais into her Lexus SUV, took it back to her garage and attempted to nurse it with formula and a turkey baster. Eventually she took the weakening calf to a veterinarian, where she learned all had been fine before she intervened. The calf ’s mother had been nearby. This true story was recounted at The 2006 incident occurred at the Middle Tennessee State University Farm. And it’s just the sort of event that should alert Canadian livestock producers to the need for a public conversation, said Manitoba Beef Producers general manager Cam Dahl. “I think that’s what happens when people are only getting information from the activist side,” he said. “If that’s the only source of information for somebody, they don’t know our story. We need to be engaging the public in a conversation and let them know what is being done.” But terminology is important when producers consider those who criticize animal production practices, he added. Those he calls activists are people who want to eliminate animal agriculture. People concerned about animal welfare are a far larger group, and the one producers need to reach.


John Maaskant, a chicken farmer and former chair of the Ontario Farm Animal Council, makes a similar distinction when asked about the possibility of a dialogue between livestock producers and activists. “We have animal rights activists that basically threaten our food system because they are abolitionists,” he said.

“On the other hand, we have people concerned about animal welfare. They don’t tend to be activists in the same sense. We need to make sure we understand that there’s a difference.” Maaskant said animal activists are not that concerned about animal welfare. As proof, he points to their successful elimination of the horse slaughter industry in the United States that resulted in hundreds of horses being starved, abandoned a n d t ra n s p o r t e d w h e n s i c k o r injured. “None of that is of concern to the animal rights people. They won that one.” Ed Pajor, a professor of animal behaviour and welfare at the University of Calgary’s veterinary school, said the rise in consumer concerns about animal welfare in food animals over the last 10 to 15 years relates directly to their unfamiliarity with agriculture. In many urban lives, animals have moved from possessions to members of the family. “The closest relationship they have with animals, and in some cases the only relationship they have with animals, is the relationship they have with their pet, and that does create certain expectations,” said Pajor. The specifics of stocking density and livestock housing may be lost to them because they have no context. “But they do have a sense that causing pain and suffering to animals might be a bad thing, and is a bad thing, and if there’s ways it can be controlled, it should be done.” Pajor, Dahl and Maaskant agreed producers need to focus on the latter group of people rather than to the extreme groups whose positions are entrenched. “How does the guy at the end of the gravel road respond to the latest advertisement from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals),” asked Dahl. “We have to make sure the consumers aren’t just hearing from PETA. They have to hear from us, too.” And that means taking ever y opportunity to talk about their operations and explain the reasons behind common agricultural practice. Dahl said farmers are credible in the public eye and their views carry considerable weight. CONTINUED ON PAGE 30


how livestock should be raised. Western Producer reporters Robert Arnason and Barb Glen investigate whether animal





Activists push for change welfare promoters and livestock producers are two solitudes or if there is common ground and room for discussion.

Handle with care | Consumers want to know the meat they buy in the store has come from a farm where the animal was treated well BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU




INNIPEG — As she leaned forward in her chair, coffee cup clasped in two hands, Vicki Burns listened to a question about her career with the Winnipeg Humane Society. Burns, who was the bane of Manitoba hog farmers during the 1990s and the 2000s for her tireless efforts to ban sow stalls, leaned back and paused a couple of seconds inside a Winnipeg baker y before she answered the question: are you an extremist? No, she responded, with a slight shake of the head, explaining she grew up in a middle class home in Winnipeg with middle class values. She also led a normal life as an adult, working as a social worker for two decades before serving as Winnipeg Humane Society executive director for 14 years. “I’ve never chained myself to the legislature,” she said. “I think that (extremist) is an easy label for people to (use) so they don’t actually have to pay attention.” Burns left her position with the humane society several years ago, but dozens of livestock producers in Manitoba still think of her as an enemy of animal agriculture. However, Burns, who remains involved in animal issues as president of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, isn’t troubled by her notoriety. “If farmers want to be mad at me, that’s fine,” she said. “But try and listen to some of the things I’m saying…. It’s important for us to have animal agriculture in Canada, but it’s important we listen to signals from consumers around the world and start doing it in a way that is more sustainable.” Burns’ journey to become either an animal welfare advocate or enemy of livestock agriculture, depending on who you ask, began in the 1990s when she applied for a job she knew little about. Trained as a social worker, Burns spent the 1970s and 1980s assisting people with developmental challenges. That segment of her career helped define her approach to people and society. “Respect was a very big issue in that field. It was important to treat everybody, no matter what their intellectual abilities, with respect,” she said. “A lot of the work in my whole working career has revolved around respect. Respect for individuals, respect for the environment, respect for the needs of animals.” Bill McDonald, who replaced Burns at the Winnipeg Humane Society, described her as a person with quiet passions. “She brought the passion to the table about the concern for different animals, but in my opinion she was reasonable about it at all times,” he said, noting Burns also led campaigns against pregnant mares’ urine barns in Manitoba. “She might have been labelled as a radical or an activist … but I never saw that.”

Vicki Burns, president of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, says it is important to listen to consumer concerns and implement sustainable animal practices worldwide. | ROBERT ARNASON PHOTO


Searching for a career change in the 1990s, Burns applied for the position of executive director of the Winnipeg Humane Society because she loved cats and dogs. “I had no idea about the rest of the world of animals,” she said. “I didn’t have a clue about the hog industry, or anything.” Soon after she took her new job, Burns starting getting calls from Manitobans concerned about sow stalls. The province’s hog industry was booming in the late 1980s and early 1990s as new barns popped up across the landscape. To educate herself, Burns talked to Manitoba Pork Council representatives and animal science professors at the University of Manitoba. She also visited several hog barns to get a first-hand look at sow stalls. After seeing the sows, which were unable to turn around in their confined stalls, Burns was convinced this wasn’t the right way to raise livestock. “I just had this really strong sense that what we were doing to farm animals … I just didn’t feel it was right,” said Burns, who locks eyes with her conversation partner to drive home a point. “And we, as a society, were allowing this to happen.” Different path, similar result Melissa Matlow’s career as an animal welfare advocate was solidified after she witnessed what she perceived to be animal abuse inside a slaughterhouse in Ontario.

Matlow, campaigns manager for humane and sustainable agriculture for the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) in Toronto, was touring a hog plant in the late 1990s when she saw a downer pig. A piece of machinery was dragging the pig across the floor, but the plant tour guide assured Matlow it was dead. When the visit was nearly over, Matlow saw the pig move and she realized it was alive. Slaughterhouse staff whisked her out of the area, but the experience hardened the views of a young woman who was already questioning the ethics of the livestock industry. Like most kids, Matlow was fascinated by animals as a child. Her parents grew up on farms: her father near Winnipegosis, Man., and her mother near Tamworth, Ont. Her curiosity about farm animals led her to the University of Guelph, where she studied environmental science and then completed a masters degree in industrialized agriculture. “I was exposed to the agricultural courses (at Guelph) … and the new research coming out of the farm animal welfare (program),” said Matlow, who grew up in St. Catharine’s, Ont., and now lives in Toronto. While at university, Matlow made a point of visiting farms and slaughter plants in Ontario to broaden her perspective beyond the internet and the classroom. “I really do believe it’s all about hearing the different sides of an argument … finding consensus and moving forward together. It’s a philosophy I believe in and take to my work at WSPA,” said Matlow, who graduated in the late 1990s and began working for the WSPA in 2005. In her work with the WSPA, Matlow has written or helped produce several reports condemning practices in the livestock sector, including a paper this spring looking at the hidden costs of industrialized animal agriculture in Canada. CONTINUED ON PAGE 31






ANIMAL ADVOCATE GROUPS Dozens of non-governmental organizations advocate for improved farm animal welfare in Canada. The organizations include:

However, Pajor suggests part of consumer distrust with animal production lies in disillusionment when they learn modern farm operations do not resemble the Old MacDonald farm of song and colouring book. “People have an expectation of how animals are supposed to be raised,” said Pajor. “When that image doesn’t really reflect reality, you lose a lot of trust.” That’s when it becomes easier for animal activists to gain sympathy and support from consumers, adding to their coffers and enabling them to marshal campaigns. Maaskant believes some of these groups, which began in the 1970s, had good initial intentions, but fundraising has now become a greater goal than animal welfare. People who donate to animal activist groups believe they are helping animal welfare, said Maaskant. These are the people producers need to reach. But how? Pajor said social media is a good tool. Websites, blogs and videos are helping producers connect with people interested in their products and how animals are raised. Farm animal care groups across the country also provide resources to producers interested in better

• Animal Alliance of Canada • Animal Advocate Society • Animal Defense League of Canada • Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada • Animal Justice Canada • Canadian Federation of Humane Societies • Canadian Farm Animal Care Trust • Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals • Canadian Horse Defense Coalition

This is one of a series of billboards running to help build consumer confidence in the livestock industry by showing the strong link between producers and their animals. | FACS PHOTO explaining their work to consumers. Numerous organizations in the United States, among them the Animal Agriculture Alliance, the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) and Protect the Harvest are all designed to present agriculture’s side of animal agriculture and counter activist claims. “As farmers and ranchers, we’ve raised pretty much everything. Except our voices,” reads the USFRA website.

“For too long the voice of farmers and ranchers has often been missing in the conversation about where food in America comes from. That changes now.” Producer openness is another important aspect, said Maaskant. Throwing open the doors of the farm operation to the public is not often practical because of efficiency and biosecurity reasons. However, Maaskant said producers

If that information (on livestock production) is based on fact, I think agriculture will be fine. If we do this right, it’s an opportunity, not a threat. CAM DAHL MANITOBA BEEF PRODUCERS GENERAL MANAGER

should be willing if people want to visit farms to see the source of their food. Animal agriculture practices have changed for the better over time and producers should be ready to explain it. “I think it’s something we can be proud of and something we can talk about. I’m not ashamed to show anybody what I do,” he said. “We tell each other, ‘if I can’t show anybody what I do, then I’d better look at what I’m doing.’ ” Dahl said he has a lot of confidence in consumers’ ability to sort through various messages about animal agriculture. Given reliable information, he added, they can make an informed decision. “If that information is based on fact, I think agriculture will be fine. If we do this right, it’s an opportunity, not a threat.

• Canadians for Animal Welfare Reform • Canadians for the Ethical Treatment of Farm Animals • • Council of Canadians • David Suzuki Foundation • Earthsave Canada • • Liberation BC • Niagara Animal Defense League • SPCA • • Toronto Vegetarian Association • Winnipeg Humane Society, Vancouver Humane Society and other Humane Societies • World Society for the Protection of Animals



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Updated code of practice coming for industry BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU


s consumers become more interested in how their food is produced, it becomes more important for producers to explain their practices. So says University of Calgary animal welfare professor Ed Pajor. He serves on a committee developing a new code of practice for beef cattle, which was last updated in 1991. It’s a process that began in November 2010 and is scheduled to be complete by next April. New codes of practice are also planned for the dairy, horse, hog, sheep and poultry industries. The codes are intended as blueprints for proper animal care and handling, covering food and water, housing and best practices for procedures such as dehorning, castration, tail docking and shipping. Pajor said continuation of the social licence granted to livestock producers will depend in part on how they embrace the new codes of practice. “What we’re really talking about is consumers being able to trust producers that they are doing the right thing, and that producers have a way of demonstrating that,” said Pajor. Jackie Wepruk, general manager of

the National Farm Animal Care Council, said public and producer input is now being sought into the code of practice process. “The code development committees actively work with the animal welfare advocates, but if the notion is to eliminate animal agriculture, that perspective is not one that we generally include on the code development committees because that’s a completely different discussion,” she said. However, Wepruk sees value in bringing diverse groups to the table to discuss animal welfare. The code committee includes producers, veterinarians, researchers, humane societies, government representatives and officials from restaurant and food companies. Ontario chicken producer John Maaskant supports the development of new codes, but he also notes livestock producers have a good record o f a n i m a l c a re t h a t i s s e l d o m acknowledged. “The OSPCA (Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) deals with about 14,000 complaints a year. Of that, not even one percent is farm related. And of that one percent, even less are actually situations that they have to deal with,” said Maaskant.



» CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 Matlow’s father, Peter, supports his daughter’s decision to dedicate her career to animal welfare, even though he grew up on a farm with cows, poultry and other livestock. He’s particularly proud of how she advocates for animals. “She has an outgoing personality,” he said. “She doesn’t argue with (others) but presents her scientific facts … in a persuasive way.” Matlow may believe in listening to all sides of an issue, but she chose to change livestock agriculture by working with non-governmental organizations rather than taking a job within the industry. “I see the need to push things further along. I’ve been impatient with change. (It’s) too slow for me…. Yeah, I’m an activist,” she said, with a laugh. Nonetheless, an activist is not the same as an extremist, Matlow said. “No. Absolutely not. I don’t see how ensuring that (animals) are well looked after and highly respected, as they are raised for food … is extreme. It’s something that most Canadians care about and most farmers care about it too.” Vegetarian? Besides the extremist label, Burns and Matlow are familiar with the other stereotype associated with animal welfare advocates, that they’re all vegetarians who want everyone to stop eating meat. Certainly, there are groups pushing veganism or vegetarianism, Burns


and never ate meat again.” Despite their advocacy for ethical treatment of livestock, both women said they wouldn’t eat meat even if animals were raised humanely. In Burns’ case, she lost interest in eating meat over the last decade. Matlow hasn’t touched meat since the day she threw out her sandwich, so becoming a carnivore again would be difficult. How have things changed?

Activists lobbied the Manitoba government to ban sow stalls, voicing concerns that the animals had no room to move or turn around. | COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY / EGEBJERG INTERNATIONAL PHOTO said, but the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies advocates for alternative production systems rather than the abolition of animal agriculture. Similarly, the WSPA isn’t anti-meat, Matlow said. It encourages consumers and producers to make what it calls humane and sustainable choices, such as free-run eggs. Yet on its website, the WSPA says the current rate of meat consumption in Canada and around the world is environmentally and socially

unsustainable. “Canadians are among the highest meat consumers in the world,” Matlow said. “It’s an uncomfortable topic. But it’s something we have to discuss.” When asked about their eating habits, both women said they are vegetarians. Burns said she became a vegetarian after visiting hog barns in Manitoba. “I still cook ham for my family at Easter…. My kids eat meat. I’ve never tried to promote it. I think it’s a very personal decision.”

Matlow became a vegetarian on a fateful day in Grade 12. As part of a class assignment, she invited an animal welfare activist to speak to her class. Matlow was expecting the guest to speak about testing cosmetics on rabbits and related issues. Instead, the speaker shared troubling information about the treatment of farm animals. “That was my first time being exposed to farm animal welfare problems. I had a meat sandwich in my lunch that day. I just threw it out

Burns said it was an uphill task when she began talking to the public about sow stalls in the 1990s. Most Canadians had lost their connection to the farm, and livestock care was not on their minds. But after two decades of animal welfare protests, newspaper editorials and YouTube videos on the topic, many North Americans now want to know how their pork chop was produced. “Ask any minister of agriculture and they typically tell you they receive more letters on the treatment on animals … than any other issue in their portfolio,” Matlow said. Barring a career change, it’s possible Matlow will continue to fight for progressive livestock practices for many more decades. Burns’ career isn’t over, but she now understands why she fought for more ethical treatment of farm animals. “I’ve realized what motivates me the most, is knowing that I’m doing something to decrease suffering, whether it’s humans or animals. Some people are going to think that’s sappy. But it’s the truth.”


Toronto pro-vegan ad campaign provokes frank discussion Posters compare pets, livestock | Consumers asked to rethink choices BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU


bout one million commuters ride Toronto’s subway each day, so it’s a safe bet a few of them are now vegetarians thanks to provocative ads posted inside the subway cars last fall and this winter. The ads, sponsored by the Toronto Vegetarian Association, included an image of a puppy and a piglet with the tagline — “Why love one but eat the other?” The other images in the public awareness campaign featured the same question with photos of a Labrador retriever and a calf, and a kitten and a chick. Toronto Vegetarian Association executive director David Alexander said the organization isn’t pressuring Canadians to eat chickpeas instead of chicken. Rather, the ads were designed to initiate a dialogue. “It was a good campaign. It was something that got (people) thinking about these issues. It didn’t necessarily convert them, but it started a conversation,” he said. Alexander said the ads also encouraged consumers to question why they eat what they eat. “Consider what choosing a steak means for a cow or choosing bacon means for a pig.” Lisa Kramer, a University of Toronto finance professor who is a vegan



LOVE one but EATthe other er

Just like the animal we call “best friend”, cows Cows are smart and curious animals who enjoy are loving, sensitive, and full of personality.

Cows are incredibly affectionate and protective mothers who frantically bellow and search for their babies for days and even weeks after their calves are taken away.

intellectual challenges and sometimes even jump with excitement upon solving a problem.

These gentle giants are deeply loyal to their families and human companions and mourn the death of those they love.

Yet most of Canada’s 13 million cows raised for beef live their short lives on barren, muddy feedlots containing up to 40,000 cows and endure branding, castration, and dehorning without anaesthetic. To keep milk production high,

This is one of a series of posters aimed at Toronto commuters. |



and one of the driving forces behind the campaign, agreed that the ads were designed to provoke thought about food choices. Furthermore, every vegetarian and vegan in Canada isn’t on a crusade to

terminate the consumption of meat, she said. “It’s difficult to talk about any large group with a single set of descriptors,” she said. “Every individual vegetarian has their own reason for

not eating meat.” She said it would be a positive outcome if a number of Torontonians now eat humanely raised livestock because of the ads. “Personally I’m a vegan and I would like it if more people chose

not to eat animals. But I think any step people take towards reducing animal suffering is a step towards progress. I’m not going to judge people for doing less than I’ve decided to do. I wasn’t born pristine. I used to eat meat myself.”


Burrowing Owl

Piping Plover

Loggerhead Shrike

Small-flowered Sand-verbana


Reporting sightings helps to determine the population size and distribution of species at risk. Information is NEVER without permission.

Funding available for habitat enhancement projects: native grass seeding, wildlife-friendly fencing, and water development sites. For more information, please contact Nature Saskatchewan at (306) 780-9833.






Maple Leaf Foods executive SaskTel users face calls for innovation funding new roaming fees Industry support | Dollars needed to support hog industry, says McAlpine Out-of-province calls | Crown corporation’s BY BARRY WILSON about why the industry is responding Still, Maple Leaf Foods has commit- 4G customers alerted of ‘billing correction’ OTTAWA BUREAU

A senior Maple Leaf Foods executive says government savings from reduced farm support payments over the next five years should be redirected to research and industry support. Rory McAlpine, the company’s vice-president for government and industry relations, told the House of Commons agriculture committee last week that the next five-year Growing Forward farm policy should put more emphasis on research, food safety and trade. “In Growing Forward two, we hope that strong commodity prices will allow rebalancing in favour of more support for science innovation, food safety, animal health, international trade and environmental protection,” he said. In particular, he said the government should find money to help the hog industry respond to retailer and consumer demand to convert hog operations from gestation stalls to open housing. “I believe there needs to be a program,” said McAlpine when pressed

to complaints about sow crates and why the government should support the conversion. “This is a huge cost, particularly for small producers, and there is a very logical public policy reason why some government assistance to get us there would be very helpful and make it to a point where we can make it almost a competitive advantage for the Canadian industry,” he said. McAlpine did not say how much support should be offered to the hog industry to convert to open housing, and no MP asked the question. He also argued that the next farm policy framework should provide more money for research. Ottawa’s support for hog industry research projects aimed at shortterm goals is welcome, he said. “But we see an erosion of publicly funded agri-food research in Canada and under-funding of meat and livestock compared to the crop sector.” He said the Canadian livestock industry has gone through upheaval in recent years, mainly because of cost increases, a market price slump and a strong Canadian dollar.


ted to spend $560 million by 2014 on system upgrades and consolidation to meet market demands, said McAlpine. Brian Read, XL Foods vice-president for government and industry relations, told the committee that Canada had a trade deficit in beef products with the United States last year. “It happened last year for the first time in my short meat career,” he said. Read also said the beef industry round table system started by Ottawa in 2003 in the aftermath of the BSE crisis has been useful. It allows producers, processors and further processors to talk and understand each other’s business better “so they know that we’re not always ripping them off.” However, he said that does not change the basic packing industry business model. “We do try to buy the livestock as cheap as possible and we try to sell the meat for the most money we can get for it,” he said. “That’s business and we try to stay in business to make money.”



SaskTel is alerting its cellular customers of a forthcoming “billing correction” that could see their tab grow while travelling outside of Saskatchewan. Effective June 11, long distance charges will be applied to cellular customers for incoming calls on their wireless devices while roaming within Canada. Long distance charges apply if users are out of the province and exceed the minutes allotted for outof-province roaming in their service plan. The move affects 100,000 customers on the crown corporation’s 4G network, launched in 2010. “It’s not changes that we’re making to our plans or anything like that,” said SaskTel spokesperson Michelle Englot. “It’s charges that customers were not being billed for that they should have been billed for that fell outside of their current plans.” The rest of SaskTel’s customers are on its older CDMA network and

WOULDA or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. Always read and follow label directions. Prosaro® is a registered trademark of Bayer. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada.

have always been charged for incoming calls while roaming. Customers on the newer 4G network have ducked those fees because of “a few billing issues” related to the launch of the 4G network, said Englot. “So rather than hold off on launching our network, we decided to live with these charges because they weren’t significant,” said Englot. “ T h e y ’ re b a s i c a l l y c a l l s t hat would’ve been outside of customers’ calling plans. For the most part, people know what’s included in their plans and what is included in their plans meets all of their calling needs.” She said another “correction” is yet to come for incoming calls while roaming internationally. The changes are only for voice calls and won’t affect a user’s data service plan while travelling between provinces. “When it all boils down to it, that’s the most important thing, for people to understand what plan they’re on and what’s included in their plan,” said Englot.






Bat disease may threaten prairie crops White nose syndrome | Manitoba wildlife officials mindful of potential outbreak after disease appears in four provinces BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Wildlife officials in Manitoba are worried that a disease killing bats in Eastern Canada will soon arrive in Manitoba. White nose syndrome could have serious consequences for crop production in the province, said Bill Watkins, provincial conservation zoologist. The small mammals eat a host of insects that destroy crops, such as beetles, crickets, moths, grasshoppers and midges. “Collectively, they eat a lot of insects,” Watkins said. “There are some statistics available that suggest a bat will eat its own weight, every night, in insects.” A paper published last year in the journal Science attempted to estimate the bats’ economic contribution to crop production in North America. Assuming a single little brown bat consumes four to eight grams of insects per night, one million bats would consume 660 to 1,320 tonnes of insects during the growing season. Overall, bats are worth $3.7 to $53 billion a year to U.S. agriculture, the paper noted. Using a median figure, the authors said bats likely save American farmers $23 billion in

White nose syndrome has killed millions of bats in the United States. | GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO PHOTO annual pesticide costs. Those figures are rough estimates, but there is no doubt that bats provide a valuable ecological service in North America. As a result, a white nose syndrome outbreak in Manitoba caves will affect farmers because those bats spread across the province in the summer to feed on insects. White nose syndrome first appeared in the eastern United States in 2006, when dead bats were discovered in caves around Albany,

New York. The disease killed more than 90 percent of bats in infected caves, essentially wiping out entire colonies. “The vulnerable (bat) species seem to be the ones that collect and hibernate. It spreads from bat to bat because they are all clustered very closely,” Watkins said. Biologists have since detected the disease inside bat caves in 16 U.S. states and four Canadian provinces. “Since then, it has spread widely throughout the New England states, into the Midwest, the Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario,” Watkins said. “The nearest known location (to Manitoba) right now is just on the other side of Lake Superior, the northeast shore.” A cave in New Brunswick had 6,000 bats in 2010 before the disease arrived. By 2012, only five bats remained in the cave and all five were infected with white nose syndrome. The disease was named after the white fungus that grows by the bat’s nose. The fungus develops on the bat’s skin and for reasons that biologists don’t entirely understand, it causes the mammals to wake up during hibernation. “The details are still confusing,” Watkins said. “But it appears the bats are arousing frequently during the

winter and using up what little fat stores they have.” According to U.S. estimates, white nose syndrome has killed five to six million bats across the U.S., said Ted Leighton, executive director of the Canadian Co-operative Wildlife Health Centre in Saskatoon. Canadian biologists don’t know how many bats have died from the disease because many caves aren’t monitored and others aren’t accessible. However, biologists are finding dead bats outside caves in Canada, which is a clear sign of the disease. “Most of the time (in Canada), what we detect is bats flying during the day in late winter, when they should still be hibernating,” Leighton said. “That’s a marker of the disease because they’ve run out of fat stores and they’re starving.” The wildlife centre, university biologists and provincial wildlife specialists in Canada have formed a group to tackle white nose syndrome. It has borrowed a U.S. management plan for white nose syndrome and adapted it for Canada. “Canada’s wildlife directors have agreed it’s an appropriate plan, but it’s not funded,” Leighton said. The U.S. government is funding cave monitoring and research to study white nose syndrome, and

BAT FACTS • three species of bats, the little brown bat, northern long eared bat and big brown bat, hibernate inside caves in Manitoba • white nose syndrome was first detected in Canada in winter of 2009-10 in caves in Ontario and Quebec • the disease, a fungus that grows on bat’s skin, causes the mammals to wake up more frequently during hibernation. Consequently, the bats starve to death over the winter Source: Staff research

Leighton said federal funding is also needed in Canada. “Right now, we really don’t have the funds to properly monitor this disease,” he said. “That’s why we don’t know as much about this in Canada as we’d like to.” The Manitoba government is asking explorers to stay out of bat caves because humans may be spreading the disease from colony to colony. Anyone who knows of a site in the province where bats fly in and out of an opening in the ground should alert a conservation officer or another government representative.

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Savvy marketing essential for niche producers Value-added ventures | Growers find ways to spark consumer interest with unique products and production methods BY JEFFREY CARTER FREELANCE WRITER

Jan and Harold Schooley hope their small lavender acreage will complement apple sales and other enterprises at their Ontario farm. | JEFFREY CARTER PHOTOS

SIMCOE, Ont. — Specialty crops are providing a growing number of Ontario farmers with niche market opportunities. Jan and Harold Schooley at Apple Hill Lavender are among a small group of farmers in the province producing lavender. The Schooleys, who farm near Simcoe, say it’s a high-value crop that requires marketing savvy. They plan to pull traffic from a busy highway to their farm with their purple field and a silo to match. “If you’re living in Toronto surrounded with cement all the time, getting out to a place like this is just


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wonderful,” Jan said. “Lavender contains an essential oil. It has a calming effect on people.” The Schooleys plan to sell dried lavender and oil distilled from the plant’s flowers. They feel the crop is a nice complement to their apple production and to their daughter’s Raging Bowl Pottery business on the farm. They grow 8,500 plants on their three and a half acres and last year produced five litres of oil. Jan said the oil is worth $1.25 to $2 per millilitre in Ontario. They also plan to earn income by charging a fee for garden tours and special events. The Schooleys have spent several thousand dollars on their lavender investment. The plants cost 50 cents each and they have bought a stem distiller and plan to build a retail shop. A considerable amount of work is involved. The crop is hand harvested, and the distilling processes, carried out in 18-kilogram batches, takes about 11 days. Lavender is native to the Mediterranean and is produced on an industrial scale in Bulgaria and France. Just a few kilometres from the Schooleys, Jason and Jackie Ryder and their neighbours, Ed and Sandy DeHooghe, are breathing new life into an old niche market. They recently bought Dennis Horseradish, which has been operating in the Delhi-area for the past half century. Jason Ryder said there are only two horseradish producers in Ontario. Lounsbury Foods, which produces the Cedarvale brand, is larger but Ryder plans to expand his market in Ontario and Western Canada under the company’s Stallion brand. “A lot of people who use it are 40-plus in age,” he said. “I want the younger generation to know there’s more to horseradish than the traditional uses for it.” In many Canadian homes, horseradish is simply used as a condiment to accompany roast beef or steak. Ryder said it can also be used on hamburgers, other meat and potatoes, add zest to salads and as a key

ingredient in making Caesar salad. Along with marketing horseradish and several horseradish blends, Ryder and his partners have started marketing the crown portion of the root as a fresh product. It’s sold through retailers in Toronto. It has less heat than the smaller root sections when peeled and shredded, and is especially popular among in Canada’s Jewish community. The crop is planted in a similar manner to potatoes in late April or early May using new-growth sections of the root. About half is harvested in the fall and the remainder in early spring. “We have control from when the seed goes into the ground to when it’s put into jars,” he said. “It’s one of those crops that’s not hard to grow.” White asparagus is another unique crop in the Delhi-Simcoe area. Peter and Leesa Janssen are the only farmers in Ontario, and perhaps all of Canada, growing the crop using traditional European methods and cultivar on four acres. White asparagus varieties have a thick skin that must be peeled away before cooking. “It’s totally different. With the white asparagus soup, I’m telling you, it’s like walking into heaven. It’s creamier and it’s sweeter,” Leesa said. The crop requires considerable labour. It is planted on level ground but special equipment imported from Europe is used two to three times per season to create and maintain hills into which the asparagus spears grow. Plastic that is black on one side and white on the other cover the hills. The black faces upward in cooler weather to absorb heat, while the white is used to reflect it when it’s warm. Workers harvest the crop by looking for cracks in the soil, reaching into the earth and removing the spears using a special knife. From there, the vegetables are washed and packed. Customers buy it at the Janssens’ farm during the asparagus season, but Toronto restaurants are the main market.

Markusson New Holland of Regina Emerald Park, SK.............................800-819-2583

Camrose Farm Equipment Ltd. Camrose, AB....................................780-672-9136

Moody’s Equipment Kindersley, Perdue, Unity, Saskatoon, SK ........................306-463-2335

Vanee Farm Centre Inc. Lethbridge, AB .................................403-327-1100

Lazar Equipment Ltd. Meadow Lake, SK............................306-236-5222

Linden Agri-Centre Linden, AB .......................................403-546-3814

Novlan Bros Sales Paradise Hill, SK ..............................306-344-4448

Hammer New Holland Red Deer, Edmonton, Westlock, Barrhead, AB .............310-HAMR (4267)

E. Bourassa & Sons Radville, Pangman, Assiniboia, Weyburn, Estevan, SK ......................877-474-2491

Tri-Ag Implements Ltd. Wainwright, St. Paul, Consort, AB .....780-842-4408

John Bob Farm Equipment Tisdale, Outlook, SK .........................306-873-4588


Jason Ryder hopes to expand horseradish sales in Western Canada. Horseradish root is popular during Passover.





Orchardists learn best ways to help environment Irrigation, nitrogen use | Researchers examine production practices that retain carbon in the soil or send it to the plants BY TERRY EDWARDS FREELANCE WRITER

KELOWNA, B.C. — British Columbia researchers are studying how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving irrigation and fertilizer practices on Okanagan orchards and Fraser Valley berry farms. “The investigations … will improve our understanding and help increase yields, while still reducing agriculture’s environmental footprint in the Okanagan,” said Miriam Grant, the University of British Columbia’s viceprovost and dean of research. Soil microbiologists Melanie Jones and Louise Nelson and hydro geologist Craig Nichol will examine the long-term greenhouse gas fluxes (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) from three ongoing research trials of grapes, raspberries and apples in response to varying irrigation and fertilization practices. “My part of the project is looking at the soil micro-organisms (bacteria) that are involved in the nitrogen cycle,” said Nelson. “In particular, we’re going to be looking at the nitrifying and denitrifying populations, both of which can contribute to nitrous oxide emissions.” Nelson will look at the activity of two different soil populations that can contribute to nitrous oxide, and examine the effects of different types of irrigation and different nitrogen fertilizer applications. She said agriculture is a major source of nitrous oxide, contributing 70 percent of the nitrous oxide in greenhouse gas emissions. “Nitrous oxide is 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide in its ability to retain heat, so it’s a very potent greenhouse gas. What we want to do is figure out which practices will minimize the amount of nitrous oxide emitted. At the end, hopefully we’ll be able to say to the farmer, your best bet if you’re interested in growing a good crop but keeping greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum would be to use this type of irrigation system and you should apply your nitrogen this way.” The researchers will analyze soil samples and measure greenhouse gases at apple and grape plots in Summerland and raspberry plots in Agassiz. Jones will study isotopes of carbon

Craig Nichols and Melanie Jones are part of a research team from the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, investigating how irrigation and fertilization practices affect greenhouse gas emissions. | TERRY EDWARDS PHOTO from soil samples to determine what portion of the carbon dioxide coming out of the soil is being emitted from old soil carbon and what portion is from new carbon. New carbon is carbon that the plant has recently photosynthesized, converted to sugars, sent to the roots and released as carbon dioxide. However, some of the other carbon in the soil, known as old carbon, is sequestered unless microbes break it down or it is released by agricultural practices. “Basically, we would like to find production practices that encourage more carbon to stay in the soil: more carbon being taken in through photosynthesis, being sent down to the roots and staying in the soil, either in dead roots or as organic matter, rather than it being respired back out again,” Jones said. Carbon occurs in slightly different weights, also known as isotopes. By measuring those differences, researchers can determine if the carbon dioxide that’s being respired by the soil is coming from carbon dioxide that the plant has just photosynthesized or from carbon sequestered in the soil. Nichol’s group will measure greenhouse gas emissions with two types


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of devices installed at the research locations. One is a set of automated Plexiglas chambers that will run continuously and monitor carbon dioxide fluxes across the ground surface using sensors and sophisticated computer software. Samples are collected manually from smaller chambers for nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide readings. “Each experiment is designed to be testing different types of irrigation,

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different types of fertilization and different types of surface cover of mulch or compost,” Nichol said. “We’ll have anywhere between one and four chambers in each plot to cover parts of a row or next to a dripper or in the alleyway between rows, so we may have somewhere between 100 or 150 with each site.” Jones said the project, which received $1.2 million from Agriculture Canada, is in response to a global concern about greenhouse

gas emissions. She said agriculture may not be as an intensive a contributor as major industrial complexes, but it still needs to be studied. “Because agriculture occurs over such a large part of the landscape, it has the potential to have an influence. The water use part is key as well,” she said. “The end product that we have promised to the government, that the government demands as part of this program, is that we will recommend best practices for orchardists and berry producers that will maximize both efficient practices and reduction of greenhouse gases, the carbon sequestration and the reduction of the nitrous oxide together with the efficient use of water.” Researchers from New Zealand are also involved in the project, examining carbon sequestration and determining how to sequester more carbon in the soil and release less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. “The people from New Zealand have this very sophisticated technique that they are going to be bringing here for us and working with us,” Nelson said. Jones, who is the lead researcher on the Canadian team, said this project presents a unique opportunity for her scientists. “There’s so much opportunity for advancement if we work with scientists in other disciplines. As a soil microbiologist, I had never worked on a project together with an expert in gas emissions and so that’s what really excites me.”

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COMING EVENTS May 26: Candle Lake MS Walk, Waskateena Beach, Candle Lake, Sask. (Lana Rossmo, 306-929-4699, May 31-June 3: Saskatchewan High School Rodeo Associations provincial finals rodeo, OK Corral, Martensville, Sask. (Ray or Noreen Kneeland, 306933-1018, June 5-7: International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, Saskatoon (, June 8: Livestock Marketers of Saskatchewan Traceability and Herd Health Series, Prairie Livestock, Moosomin (Rett Parks, 306-735-7813) June 12-16: Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada convention, Mary Winspear Centre, Sidney, B.C. (, Brenda Devauld, 250-567-9705, June 13-14: Saskatchewan Pasture School, U of S, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan Forage Council, 306867-8126, June 14-15: UCVM Beef Cattle Conference, Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre, Calgary (403-2107309,, June 16-17: Saskatchewan Working Teamsters Association field day, Campbell Farm, Bjorkdale, Sask. (Niall Campbell, 306-886-2050, June 20-22: Western Canada Farm Progress Show, Evraz Place, Regina (306-781-9200, farmshow@ June 24-25: Farming For Profit? Heritage Inn and Schmitz Barn, Moose Jaw, Sask. (Katrina Funk, 306-225-2079,; Andrew Schmitz, 352-392-1845, ext. 415, June 26: Western Beef Development Centre field day, Termuende Research Ranch, Lanigan, Sask. (Brenda Freistadt, 306-682-2555, ext. 246,, July 10: Manitoba Oat Growers Association meeting and crop tour, Canad Inns, Portage La Prairie, Man. (306-530-8545, July 10-11: Farm Leadership Council Leaders in Growth Workshop, Regina (888-569-4566, July 18-22: Westerner Days Fair and Exposition, Westerner Park, Red Deer (403-343-7800, askus@westerner., For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.

MONSANTO DONATES TO GROWING PROJECTS Monsanto has donated $60,000 worth of farm inputs to community growing projects for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. A typical project involves a group of people working together to farm a common plot of land. After harvest, the production is donated to the foodgrains bank for use in overseas food aid and agricultural development projects managed by its 15 member agencies. Monsanto Canada area sales managers and their teams in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario went through the list of growing projects provided by the foodgrains bank to co-ordinate access to Genuity Roundup Ready technology, Roundup brand

agricultural herbicides, DeKalb seed and other Monsanto products for use in 86 community growing projects. Thirty-one projects are in Ontario and the others are on the Prairies. Last year, the foodgrains bank approved 116 projects worth $44 million in 36 countries to help more than two million people. This year, it is committing an additional $3.1 million of aid to several East African countries, along with $6.7 million for countries in the Sahel region of Africa where a food crisis is looming. LETHBRIDGE WATER RESEARCHER WINS AWARD Joseph Rasmussen, a University of Lethbridge biological sciences professor, is the recipient of the 2012 Ingrid Speaker Medal for Distinguished Research, Scholarship or Performance. The director of the U of L water institute’s research papers have been published in numerous academic journals and he is considered a pioneer in using stable isotopes to characterize food web systems. He was appointed to Environment Canada’s national oilsands review panel in 2011. UPCOMING WORKSHOP TO EXPLAIN BUSINESS PLANS


Help is available for the sometimes daunting and confusing process of writing a business plan. The Roadmap for Success workshop for start-up entrepreneurs will answer questions and provides an introduction on how to develop a business plan. The workshop will be held in Grande Prairie, Alta., June 6. Registration is $45 and includes a workbook. The sessions will be conducted by business advisers who have a solid understanding of the financial aspects of running a business. Register online or by calling Jennifer Hughes, marketing co-ordinator with Alberta Women Entrepreneurs at 780-422-7786. WEBSITE OFFERS CONSUMER TREND INFORMATION








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Alberta food producers and processors can find information about consumer trends through the Alberta Food Consumer View, which is posted to Alberta Agriculture’s website by the competitiveness and market analysis branch. The website includes retail sales values for perishable and dry grocery food categories: dry grocery, fresh produce, fresh and cured meat, frozen food, dairy and refrigerated and baked goods. The information will be useful to: • identify business opportunities • capture value-added product development prospects • develop more effective marketing strategies • reduce some of the risk associated with product innovations • proactively respond to consumer needs


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ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS Registrations are now accepted for the Alternative Land Use Services Growing a Healthier Environment workshop and tour scheduled for Vermilion, Alta., June 19-21. Register online or by calling the County of Vermilion River at 780846-2244.





Ecojustice files lawsuit seeking sage-grouse’s protection Bird numbers plummet in Canada | Energy, infrastructure blamed for greater sage-grouse demise since 1988 BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Organizations concerned about the future of the greater sage-grouse are stepping up their pressure on Ottawa to save the endangered species. Ecojustice filed a lawsuit against the federal environment minister in February to force Peter Kent to recommend emergency protection for the birds. A provision in the Species At Risk Act provides for this action. With no word by May 17, the organization planned to ask the court to intervene. Melissa Gorrie, a lawyer for the notfor-profit organization, said the government will not even say whether Kent has made a decision on the request, let alone what the decision is. She said officials cite cabinet confidentiality. “This is a ministerial decision,” she said. “It’s a statutory duty he’s required to comply with.” About 90 percent of the Canadian population of sage-grouse, known for the males’ elaborate courtship dance, died off between 1988 and 2006. Energy and infrastructure development have destroyed critical habitat the birds need to survive. The species was listed as endan-

90 %

OF CANADA’S SAGEGROUSE POPULATION DIED BETWEEN 1988 AND 2006 gered in 1998 but population continues to decline. This year’s count is still underway, but in 2011 there were only 13 males in Alberta and 35 in Saskatchewan’s Grasslands National Park, which is considered the only viable population in Canada. The lawsuit filed on behalf of the Alberta Wilderness Association, the Wilderness Committee, Nature Saskatchewan and Grassland Naturalists seeks to prevent extinction. Mark Boyce, a sage-grouse expert from the University of Alberta, said the federal government has developed a recovery plan but never implemented anything on the ground. He said the legislation allows Ottawa to push the provinces to do something if they fail to provide adequate conservation measures for critical habitat. “The provincial government in

Alberta clearly has not done anything to protect critical habitat for sage-grouse, so therefore the federal government ought to be mandating that it happen or actually intervene according to the Species at Risk Act,” Boyce said. However, he doesn’t expect that to happen. Meanwhile, he said the efforts that Montana and Alberta officials have taken to move birds from the state to the province aren’t likely to work. About 40 birds were recently captured and relocated. The real issue is habitat, Boyce said, and the habitat to ensure the bird’s survival doesn’t exist. “Bringing some up from Montana to die doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me,” he said. “There has to be habitat for them in the first place, and it’s the loss of habitat that’s resulted in the loss of the birds.” The sage-grouse might survive for a few months, he said, but the effect of the move will only be temporary. The birds might have stood a chance if an effort had been made to increase habitat by removing oil wells and planting sage brush, he added. “Montana doesn’t have that many birds to be able to spare them for such a fruitless effort.”

Endangered bird experts say the greater sage-grouse might have stood a better chance of survival if an effort had been made to increase habitat by removing oil wells and planting sage brush. | FILE PHOTO

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South Koreans head to countryside Government incentives | Stress and competition for jobs is driving many to a slower paced, but less profitable life M U N G Y E O N G, S o u t h Ko r e a (Reuters) — A year ago, South Korean executive Chung Man-gyoo spent weekdays driving his Hyundai Grandeur sedan through the jammed streets of Seoul to his suburban office. On the weekends he drove it to the golf course. Now, the 53-year-old fills the rear seat of the same black car with tools and fertilizer for his one-acre farm. His golf clubs lie unused except when his wife swings them to chase stray cats away from their house. “I don’t miss life in the city at all,� said Chung, who used to work for an electronics company that supplied components to Samsung Electronics.

Chung, one of the growing number of South Koreans moving back to the countryside, lives in Mungyeong, a small farming town in the eastern hills, where it takes an hour by car to get to the nearest train station. “My wife misses the pizza delivery sometimes,� joked Chung, as he sat on his porch in a short-sleeved shirt, sipping juice made from the berry bushes he now tends. “I now wake up in the morning with pleasure. I also have more time to be with my wife and talk with her. Our relationship has never been closer.� The Asian Development Bank estimates that Asia’s urban population will rise by 1.1 billion people by 2030

to account for 55 percent of the region’s total population, up from 40 percent in 2005. South Korea is a notable exception. Large numbers of people migrated to Korean cities in the 1970s and 1980s as the country industrialized and job opportunities grew quickly. Their children got access to education and then stayed on in the cities. As South Korea made the leap from poverty to rich nation status in a generation, it turned into Asia’s most

urbanized country, apart from city states such as Singapore. More than half its 50 million people live in or near Seoul. The capital has eight times the population density of New York City and three times that of Tokyo. But according to government statistics, 10,503 families left Korean cities in 2011 to take up farming, more than double the number in 2010. For many, the constant need to compete for jobs, promotion and space in the city was just not worth it.

“Every day, I woke up, went to work and then drank with friends and coworkers. I began asking myself, ‘what am I doing,’ “ said Yoon Woo Jin, 32, who quit his real estate job a month ago and plans to move to the countryside with his wife. Korea’s activist government, which, hand in hand with big business, drove the rapid industrialization of the 1970s to create what is now the world’s 13th largest economy, wants to breathe life back into rural communities.

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Chung Man-gyoo takes a quick break while working at his berry farm in Mungyeong, about 220 kilometres southeast of Seoul, April 4. Chung is part of a growing number of South Koreans moving back to the country. | REUTERS/KIM HONG-JI PHOTO


If you want to make a lot of money, you should stay in the city. You have to leave your greed behind. CHUNG MAN-GYOO SOUTH KOREAN FARMER

“We plan to increase the number of households moving back to 20,000 by providing support in the form of tax benefits and financial aid,” said agriculture minister Suh Kyu-young. The ministry said people want to move “to live a life worthy of human dignity” in a country where the average worker puts in 2,200 hours per year, the highest in the developed world, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Yoon was one of 52 people between 26 and 60 who attended a recent government-backed class in Seoul run by a voluntar y body called Refarm, where professors and those who have made a successful transition teach the next generation of hopefuls. The government has touted the success of some of those who have opted for country life, dubbing farming a “Blue Ocean” of potential and wealth, where incomes of more than $88,000 a year can be made. One such success story is Suh Jeong-deok, a former head researcher for Hanwha Chemical Corp., whose earnings place him in the top 1.42 percent of farm incomes, based on government data.

But it was ill-health and a hypercompetitive school system, which sees even pre-school children packed into crammed schools in a bid to get a head start, that made Suh, the father of two teenage girls, opt out. Around 72 percent of elementary, middle and high-school students have extra tutoring, according to Statistics Korea. Stress and the country’s “exam hell” have made suicide the leading cause of death for young people aged 15 to 24, claiming 13 lives out of every 100,000, government data shows. “My wife used to push our children in elementary school,” said 49-yearold Suh, who has been farming cucumbers for the past three years. “Instead of forcing our children to reach our expectations, we decided to lower our bar.” Leaving the city does have its downside. Farm incomes are generally markedly lower, averaging 28,000 won a year, according to government data, against the average city income of 36,000 won. Many farming families rely on government handouts to survive, with agricultural subsidies accounting for 45 percent of farmer’s incomes, according to the OECD, more than double what is paid to farmers in the European Union. “Our students believe in ‘voluntary poverty,’ meaning that one must sacrifice wealth in order to be closer to nature,” said Park Yong-bum, the head of Refarm. The last time Koreans moved back to the countryside in similar numbers to today was during the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s,


Cost of high protein feed hurts EU pig producers AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands (Reuters) — Europe’s pig farmers are struggling to maintain production, caught between a slide in pork prices and a rise in the cost of protein-rich soybean meal and rapeseed meal used in compound feed. The price of soybean meal has surged nearly 40 percent this year. Along with rapeseed meal it is used as the main source of protein in compound feed. “There is very strong demand for spot contracts, which means that the industry is not well covered,” one trader said. “Demand will remain strong as there is no alternative. You need your proteins.” T h e E U h i g h p ro t e i n ( h i p ro ) soymeal spot contract was quoted at $524 a tonne US f.o.b. Rotterdam versus $383 in January. Argentine hipro was quoted at $518 a tonne, up from $377 in January. Rapeseed meal spot contracts were quoted at $320 a tonne, up from $243 in January. Droughts in South American key growing areas, along with strong demand from China, the world’s largest importer of soybeans, have boosted prices of soybeans and other oilseeds. At the same time, pig farming in Germany, the country’s largest livestock sector, is suffering as meat processing companies bowed to pressure from retailers and accepted a five cent price cut per kilo live animal weight.


when thousands lost their jobs and looked to their hometowns for support. However, they flocked back to the cities and factories as soon as the crisis was over and industrial Korea started to boom again. This time it looks to be different. A report by the Korea Rural Economics Institute found that only seven percent of those who went to the countr yside said they were unhappy with farm life, despite the lower incomes. Kim Jeong Seop, a researcher at the institute, said many of the farms being taken up by the former city dwellers are small, and perhaps uneconomical, in a country where a typical rice farmer needs at least 16 acres to earn the kind of income levels seen in the city. Just 7.4 percent of those migrating to the countryside own seven acres or more, Kim said. As well, life will become more difficult as Korea liberalizes its agricultural imports. The country has already signed a series of free trade agreements with the United States and European Union and others are due to follow. “It’s going to be harder to make a living from farming, and our government is encouraging people to go farm. The government is sending contradictory signals,” he said. Chung used to earn $78,000 a year in the city. His income as a farmer last year was $17,000. But he said it was worth it. “If you want to make a lot of money, you should stay in the city,” he said. “ You have to leave your greed behind.”


Rising demand ups Deere forecast Agricultural manufacturing | Record high farm income is boosting equipment sales (Reuters) — Deere & Co. has posted higher quarterly earnings and sales that topped estimates and raised its full-year profit outlook on rising global demand for farm equipment. The farm sector is booming on higher worldwide food demand and as biofuels help drive up crop production. Companies like Deere are benefiting from record-high farm income that is spurring farmers to update their equipment. “Deere is hitting on all cylinders,” said Gary Bradshaw, portfolio manager at Hodges Capital in Dallas. Sales increased by double digits in the agriculture, and construction and forestry equipment divisions during the quarter. “Trying to feed everyone, and with more folks going into the middle class that want to eat more meat and protein, you need to feed more cattle and hogs and plant more corn, milo and wheat,” Bradshaw said. With commodities prices up, farmers’ “pockets are full and they

tend to run and buy more equipment.” The world’s largest farm equipment maker said fiscal secondquarter net income rose to $1.056 billion, or $2.61 per share, from $904.3 million, or $2.12 a share, a year ago. The results topped the average estimate of $2.53. Net sales of equipment operations rose to $9.4 billion from $8.33 billion a year earlier. Worldwide net sales and revenues increased 12 percent to $10.01 billion in the quarter, above the average estimate of $9.7 billion. The company also raised its forecast for 2012 net income to about $3.35 billion from $3.275 billion.


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High protein soymeal contracts have gone from $383 per tonne in January to $524 in April. | FILE PHOTO “The significant fall is an affront to pig farmers who are currently struggling with the impact of ever-rising feed costs,” said Franz-Josef Moellers, vice-president of the German Farmers Association. The double impact of high feed prices and falling pork prices was something which “pig farmers will not be able to survive for much longer,” he said. Europe’s livestock sector has been in decline over the past few years as farmers suffered from high feed costs and the expenses associated with ensuring higher standards of animal care.


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China rejects U.S. pork BEIJING, China — China’s quarantine bureau rejected a consignment of U.S. pork after tests found traces of a banned drug in meat shipments totalling 103.5 tonnes. There was no threat of broader retaliatory measures. The March shipments of frozen

pork meat and pig parts were found to contain ractopamine, which is banned in China, but is used in some countries, including the United States, as a feed additive to make meat leaner. In December, the bureau rejected entry of 23.5 tonnes of U.S. pork for the same reason. If a rash of such cases were to be found over time, China could in theory impose more restrictive barriers to U.S. imports, but the amounts involved are tiny compared with its overall import volume and imports also help Beijing moderate domes-

tic food inflation. A slowdown in pork purchases by China, the world’s biggest producer and consumer of the meat, could add pressure on U.S. hog futures prices. WORLD TRADE

Restraint philosophy may hit farm spending WASHINGTON, D.C. (Reuters) — Pressure around the world to cut


government spending and accelerate economic growth has improved the environment for talks about reducing farm subsidies, one of the most sensitive areas of trade, a top U.S. official said. “I do think the overall economic situation in all of our countries puts us in a better position to have a more thoughtful conversation about farming support than we have (had) in a very long time,” U.S. trade representative Ron Kirk said in remarks at the U.S. State Department. Farm support programs are on the agenda in the proposed TransPacific Partnership agreement covering the United States and eight other countries in the Asia-Pacific. U.S. dairy and sugar producers, in particular, are concerned their government programs could suffer from a deal in those talks. Canada is trying to gain entry into TPP discussions, but the supplymanaged sector, which includes dairy and poultry, have expressed similar concerns. WORLD PRODUCTION

Rain helps, but rapeseed still low


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Japanese trading house Itochu Corp., which buys, stores, sells and ships crops in the United States. AGRIBUSINESS

Japanese company in line to buy Gavilon TOKYO, Japan (Reuters) — Marubeni Corp. is in advanced talks to buy American grain and energy trader Gavilon for about $5.2 billion US including debt, a source close to the deal said, as Japanese trading houses continue an overseas buying spree to secure grain supplies. Japan’s five big trading houses have been spending billions of dollars in recent years to buy natural resources on the back of a strong yen and a decade-long commodities boom. Concerns about China grabbing more of the world’s food supply have led them to expand in farm commodities, particularly in the United States and Canada. As well as securing domestic supplies, they are looking to position themselves to supply China’s growing demand. HEALTH

HAMBURG, Germany (Reuters) — Rain has helped rapeseed crops in the top European Union producers France, Germany and Britain but the EU is still likely to face a smaller crop of its most important oilseed this year, analysts and traders said. “Rain has helped the German, French and British crops after a very dry period,” one rapeseed trader said. “But I think it is more a case of stopping reductions in crop forecasts rather than changing the overall outlook of a smaller crop.” A bitter cold snap in much of Europe in February and March damaged rapeseed in several countries and plants were further weakened by dryness in March and early April. Rapeseed is the main oilseed for EU vegetable oil output and is also a key biodiesel ingredient. The EU’s 2012 rapeseed crop may fall to a six-year low of 18.21 million tonnes from 19.1 million tonnes in 2011, German oilseeds analysts Oil World said. AGRIBUSINESS

U.S., Japanese farm co-ops unite CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — The biggest farm co-operatives in the United States and Japan are joining forces to improve delivery of U.S. wheat and barley to the biggest buyer, the latest sign of growing competitive pressure and supply anxiety in the global grain market. China’s fast-growing appetite for imported grain and foodstuffs has fuelled concerns about the availability of global food supplies, with some firms shifting to favour longterm deals over spot buying. At the same time, several major takeovers or deals among the world’s leading grain merchants have stoked interest among Asian companies to get a bigger foothold in key markets. Marubeni Corp. is the leading contender to buy American grain trader Gavilon. Minnesota-based CHS Inc., owned by farmers and ranchers across the United States, will own 51 percent of a joint venture with Japan’s Zen-Noh. The joint venture, called CZL Inc., will primarily supply wheat and barley grown in the United States, Canada and Australia to Japan. The deal gives Zen-Noh a stronger base in the United States, where it already runs a joint venture with

Food manufacturers and lawmakers feel multiple strategies are necessary to lower obesity rates. | FILE PHOTO

Report embraces obesity initiative NEW YORK, N.Y. (Reuters) — America’s obesity epidemic is so deeply rooted that it will take dramatic and systemic measures, from overhauling farm policies and zoning laws to possibly introducing a soda tax, to fix it, the influential Institute of Medicine has said. In a 478 page report, the IOM refutes the idea that obesity is largely the result of a lack of willpower on the part of individuals. It embraces policy proposals that have met with stiff resistance from the food industry and lawmakers, arguing that multiple strategies will be needed to make the U.S. environment less “obesogenic.” The IOM, part of the Washington-based National Academies, offers advice to the government and others on health issues. Its report was released at the Weight of the Nation conference, a three-day meeting hosted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



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Tributes/Memoriams ...............0100 Announcements ...................... 0200 COMMUNITY CALENDAR British Columbia ................... 0310 Alberta...................................0320 Saskatchewan ......................0330 Manitoba ...............................0340 Airplanes ................................. 0400 Alarms & Security Systems .... 0500 ANTIQUES Antique Auctions .................. 0701 Antique Equipment ...............0703 Antique Vehicles ...................0705 Antique Miscellaneous ......... 0710 Arenas ..................................... 0800 Auction Sales .......................... 0900 Auction Schools ...................... 0950 AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto Service & Repairs ......... 1050 Auto & Truck Parts ................ 1100 Buses ..................................... 1300 Cars .......................................1400 Trailers Grain Trailers ...................... 1505 Livestock Trailers .................1510 Misc. Trailers ........................ 1515 Trucks 2007 & Newer ......................1597 2000 - 2006 .......................1600 1999 & Older....................... 1665 Four Wheel Drive ................ 1670 Grain Trucks .........................1675 Semi Trucks ..........................1677 Specialized Trucks .............. 1680 Sport Utilities.......................1682 Various ................................ 1685 Vans ....................................... 1700 Vehicles Wanted ....................1705 BEEKEEPING Honey Bees ........................... 2010 Cutter Bees............................2020 Bee Equipment & Supplies ... 2025 Belting ......................................2200 Bio Diesel & Equipment...........2300 Books & Magazines ..................2400 BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Concrete Repair & Coatings ................................ 2504 Doors & Windows ................. 2505 Electrical & Plumbing ............2510 Lumber .................................. 2520 Roofing .................................. 2550 Supplies ................................ 2570 Buildings .................................. 2601 Building Movers ....................... 2602 Business Opportunities ...........2800 BUSINESS SERVICES Consulting ............................. 2901 Financial & Legal .................. 2902 Insurance & Investments...... 2903 Butcher’s Supplies .................. 3000 Chemicals................................. 3150 Clothing: Drygoods & Workwear ...........3170 Collectibles ..............................3200 Compressors ............................3300 Computers................................3400 CONTRACTING Custom Baling ....................... 3510 Custom Combining ............... 3520 Custom Feeding .....................3525 Custom Seeding .....................3527 Custom Silage ....................... 3530 Custom Spraying...................3540 Custom Trucking ................... 3550 Custom Tub Grinding .............3555 Custom Work .........................3560 Construction Equipment..........3600 Dairy Equipment ...................... 3685 Diesel Engines..........................3700 Educational ..............................3800 Electrical Motors...................... 3825 Electrical Equipment ............... 3828 Engines.....................................3850 Farm Buildings ........................ 4000 Bins .......................................4003 Storage/Containers...............4005 FARM MACHINERY Aeration ................................ 4103

Conveyors ............................. 4106 Equipment Monitors ............. 4109 Fertilizer Equipment .............. 4112 Grain Augers ..........................4115 Grain Carts .............................4118 Grain Cleaners ....................... 4121 Grain Dryers ...........................4124 Grain Elevators ......................4127 Grain Testers ......................... 4130 Grain Vacuums .......................4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ............... 4139 Mower Conditioners ............4142 Swathers ............................. 4145 Swather Accessories ........... 4148 H&H Various.........................4151 Combines Belarus .................................4157 Case/IH ............................... 4160 CI ..........................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ............... 4166 Deutz ................................... 4169 Ford/NH ................................4172 Gleaner .................................4175 John Deere ............................4178 Massey Ferguson..................4181 Python ................................. 4184 Versatile ...............................4187 White ................................... 4190 Various .................................4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers................ 4199 Combine Pickups ................ 4202 Misc. Accessories ................ 4205 Hydraulics .............................4208 Parts & Accessories ............... 4211 Salvage .................................4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ............................4217 Repairs .................................. 4220 Rockpickers ............................4223 Snowblowers & Snowplows .......................... 4226 Silage Equipment .................. 4229 Special Equipment.................4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ......................... 4238 SP Sprayers ..........................4241 Spraying Various................. 4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .............................. 4250 Air Seeders .......................... 4253 Harrows & Packers .............. 4256 Seeding Various .................. 4259 Tillage Equipment ............... 4262 Tillage & Seeding Various .............................. 4265 Tractors Agco Agco ....................................4274 Allis/Deutz..........................4277 White .................................4280 Belarus ................................ 4283 Case/IH ............................... 4286 Steiger ............................... 4289 Caterpillar ........................... 4292 John Deere ........................... 4295 Kubota ................................. 4298 Massey Ferguson................. 4301 New Holland ........................4304 Ford ................................... 4307 Versatile ............................ 4310 Universal ..............................4313 Zetor .................................... 4316 Various Tractors .................. 4319 Loaders & Dozers ...................4322 Miscellaneous ....................... 4325 Wanted .................................. 4328 Fencing .................................... 4400 Financing/Leasing ...................4450 Firewood .................................. 4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ...........4500 Food Products .......................... 4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ...............4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ........ 4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing ............4605 Fur Farming .............................. 4675 Generators ................................4725 GPS ........................................... 4730 Green Energy.............................4775

Health Care .............................. 4810 Health Foods ............................ 4825 Heating & Air Conditioning....................4850 Hides, Furs, & Leathers ...........4880 Hobbies & Handicrafts ............4885 Household Items......................4890 Iron & Steel ..............................4960 Irrigation Equipment ...............4980 LANDSCAPING Greenhouses .........................4985 Lawn & Garden .....................4988 Nursery & Gardening Supplies ............4990 LIVESTOCK Cattle Auction Sales ......................5005 Black Angus ......................... 5010 Red Angus ........................... 5015 Belgian Blue ........................5030 Blonde d’Aquitaine ............. 5035 Brahman ..............................5040 Brangus ............................... 5042 Braunvieh ............................ 5047 Brown Swiss ........................5049 BueLingo ............................. 5052 Charolais ............................. 5055 Dexter ..................................5065 Excellerator ......................... 5067 Galloway .............................5070 Gelbvieh .............................. 5075 Guernsey .............................5080 Hereford ............................. 5090 Highland ..............................5095 Holstein ............................... 5100 Jersey ................................... 5105 Limousin............................... 5115 Lowline .................................5118 Luing.....................................5120 Maine-Anjou .........................5125 Miniature............................. 5130 Murray Grey .........................5135 Piedmontese ....................... 5160 Pinzgauer .............................5165 Red Poll ................................ 5175 Salers....................................5185 Santa Gertrudis ................... 5188 Shaver Beefblend.................5195 Shorthorn ............................5200 Simmental ........................... 5205 South Devon .........................5210 Speckle Park.........................5215 Tarentaise ........................... 5220 Texas Longhorn ....................5225 Wagyu.................................. 5230 Welsh Black ..........................5235 Cattle Various ..................... 5240 Cattle Wanted ..................... 5245 Cattle Events & Seminars ....5247 Horses Auction Sales ...................... 5305 American Saddlebred ......... 5310 Appaloosa ............................5315 Arabian ................................ 5320 Belgian .................................5325 Canadian ..............................5327 Clydesdale ........................... 5330 Donkeys ................................5335 Haflinger ............................. 5345 Miniature............................. 5365 Morgan .................................5375 Mules ...................................5380 Norwegian Fjord ................. 5385 Paint ....................................5390 Palomino ............................. 5395 Percheron ............................5400 Peruvian ..............................5405 Ponies..................................5408 Quarter Horse ......................5415 Shetland .............................. 5420 Sport Horses ....................... 5424 Standardbred ......................5430 Tennessee Walker ............... 5445 Thoroughbred .....................5450 Welsh ................................... 5455 Horses Various ....................5460 Horses Wanted .................... 5465 Horse Events, Seminars ...... 5467 Horse Hauling .....................5469 Harness & Vehicles ............. 5470 Saddles.................................5475

Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505 Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Bison (Buffalo) .....................5755 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162 Campers & Trailers ............... 6164

Golf Cars ................................ 6165 Motor Homes......................... 6166 Motorcycles ............................6167 Snowmobiles ........................ 6168 Refrigeration ............................ 6180 RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ........... 6210 Vacation Accommodations ... 6245 Restaurant Supplies ................ 6320 Sausage Equipment .................6340 Sawmills...................................6360 Scales .......................................6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ..................................6404 Corn .................................... 6406 Durum..................................6407 Oats ..................................... 6410 Rye....................................... 6413 Triticale ............................... 6416 Wheat .................................. 6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa .................................. 6425 Annual Forage ..................... 6428 Clover .................................. 6431 Grass Seeds ...........................6434 Oilseeds Canola ................................6440 Flax ......................................6443 Pulse Crops Beans ...................................6449 Chickpeas ............................ 6452 Lentil ................................... 6455 Peas .....................................6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ......................6464 Mustard ............................... 6467 Potatoes ..............................6470 Sunflower ............................ 6473 Other Specialty Crops ......... 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ......................... 6482 Forage Seeds .........................6485 Grass Seeds ...........................6488 Oilseeds ................................ 6491 Pulse Crops ...........................6494 Various .................................. 6497 Organic Seed ...........See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain .............................6505 Hay & Straw .......................... 6510 Pellets & Concentrates ..........6515 Fertilizer ................................6530 Feed Wanted .........................6540 Seed Wanted ......................... 6542 Sewing Machines ..................... 6710 Sharpening Services .................6725 Sporting Goods ........................ 6825 Outfitters............................... 6827 Stamps & Coins ........................6850 Swap......................................... 6875 Tanks ........................................ 6925 Tarpaulins ................................ 6975 Tenders..................................... 7025 Tickets ...................................... 7027 Tires .........................................7050 Tools ......................................... 7070 Travel........................................ 7095 Water Pumps............................ 7150 Water Treatment ......................7200 Welding .................................... 7250 Well Drilling .............................7300 Winches....................................7400 CAREERS Career Training ........................8001 Child Care.................................8002 Construction ........................... 8004 Domestic Services .................. 8008 Farm / Ranch ............................ 8016 Forestry / Logging .................... 8018 Help Wanted ............................8024 Management ............................ 8025 Mining ...................................... 8027 Oilfield .....................................8030 Professional ............................. 8032 Sales / Marketing .................... 8040 Trades / Technical ....................8044 Truck Drivers ............................8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ...............................8050

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1960 CESSNA 180-C, 5562 TTSN, 421 SMOH, prop 30 SN, EDO 2870, 2 sets of skis, New: tires, windscreen, Selkirk int., headliner, glare screen. Excellent performe r. O n e ow n e r l a s t 3 0 ye a r s . E m a i l 403-485-2791, Vulcan AB MUST SELL: 1969 Piper Cherokee. Full IFR panel, ILS, DME, dual Nav/Coms, dual ADF, XPDR, GPS, intercoms, good radios, $35,000 firm. Serious buyers only. Phone for info. 306-445-3690, Battleford, SK.


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2008 AIRTRIKE w/20 hrs,. Suzuki 13BB 90+ HP, Profi 14 meter wing, cruise 40-75 MPH w/elec. in flight adjustment, tundra tires, always in hangar, wife nagging (not included), $18,500. Call 604-414-7395, Powell River, BC.

MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine parts, propellers, C23 new surplus parts. 204-324-6088, Altona, MB. BRAND NEW STEEL garage package, 28x32’, 10’ straight walls, 9x12’ O/H door opening. 306-373-1122, 306-221-3230, Saskatoon, SK. 1977 PA-18-160 PIPER Super Cub, most Alaskan mods, 2400 TTAF, 450 SMOH, $79,000. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC.

150 SUPER CUB on floats CG-HKT PA18, always hangared, A1 shape, only 400 hrs. Complete with everything, $85,000 OBO. CHAMPION 7ECA and 7EC w/C90 82 Call 250-397-2427, Forest Grove, BC. SMOH, total restoration, radio, mode C, intercom, new tires, Cleveland brakes, Scott 1976 CARDINAL RG II IFR 1840 TT, 24 tailwheel, strobe, wheelpants, $35,000. SMOH, 24 on new 3-blade Hartzell, Apollo 780-826-3684, radio stack, hangared, blue and white. Pics available. Abbotsford, BC., 604-309-4692. Bonnyville, AB.

21stA nnu al

All M a ke s W e lco m e !


W ESTLOCK AG SOCIETY GROUNDS S a turd a y & S un d a y

Jun e 2 & 3, 2012

ADM IS S ION : $10 Ad ults Child ren u n d er 12 F RE E F E AT URING: C OC KS H UTT & Tra cto rs C o -o p

F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n ca ll 7 80-349-5 212 o r W ES TLOC K AB, 7 80-307 -697 1 Sp onsored b y the Vin ta ge Tra cto r & M a ch in e ry C lub

Canada’s Farm Progress Show

1947 PA-11 Cub Special, 2250 TT, always shedded, skis, radio, shoulder harness, well maintained, very clean, $39,000. For pics call: 403-746-3679, Eckville, AB.

Fre e P a n ca ke Bre a kfa s t S te a m En gin e s Tra cto r P ulls Fie ld D e m o ’s Blin d R a cin g S lo w R a cin g P a ra d e o f Tra cto rs @ 2P M Ea ch D a y F ree Ca m p in g o n the Gro u n d s

No Ho o k-Up s G ro un d s Ope n Frid a y, Jun e 1, 2012

1962 CESSNA 172, 180 HP, CS prop, on condition, TTSN 3723, engine 2508 SMOH, prop 364, float attachments, very clean plane, well maintained. A must to see. $35,000. 250-573-3551, Kamloops, BC.

1986 PELICAN CLUB Ultralight, 2 seater, enclosed cockpit, EA81 Subaru with 3 blade prop, heater, radio, intercom with 2 headsets, elec. start, always hangared, c/w dolly and skis. Will consider partial trade on Harley Davidson motorcycle. LACOMBE FLY-IN BREAKFAST, rain or 306-946-3303, Watrous, SK. shine, Sunday, June 3rd, 7:00 AM until noon. Come and join us for our 50th anniversary! Airport Advisor 122.8. Contact Mike 403-350-8215. 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive annual complete, sacrifice $80,000. Phone Rick Wildfong 306-734-2345 or 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. 2003 DIAMOND DA20-C1; 2006 Diamond DA20-C1 w/GNS 430 and GTX 327 transponder. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. 1956 CESSNA 172, 3200 TTAF, 2100 TTAE, $26,500, runs and flies great. Calgary, AB. 403-819-1504. 1959 CESSNA 180 w/wheels, skis, 2960 EDO floats, propeller 0 time, new battery WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calvand new C of A, excellent condition. ing/ foaling barn cameras, video surveil306-768-2594, Carrot River, SK. lance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, 1970 BEECHCRAFT SIERRA, 1600 TT, 630 combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. SMOH, new Garmin Com and transponder, M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 406 ELT, annual May/12, $47,900 OBO. 403-616-6610, 403-227-2790 Innisfail AB 1969 CITABRIA 7GCBC. 775 TTSN, wheels, skis and floats. Phone: 306-768-2612 or 306-768-2548, Carrot River, SK. 1976 PIPER PA-23-250 Aztec “F� Turbo, 3135 TTAF, 773 TSO, Garmin GNS 530, full De-Ice. Call John Hopkinson & Assoc. UNRESERVED ANTIQUE AUCTION, June 16 and 17, 9:00 AM, Redwater 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. Site. Collector tractors and vehicles; 1300 HANGAR DOORS with overhead roller die cast toy tractors; antiques and coltrack, 39.7�Wx12’ H. Offers. 306-373-1122, lectibles. for full listing online. 306-221-3230, Saskatoon, SK.

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ACROSS 1. Producer of Slumdog Millionaire 8. She starred in Holy Man 9. The ___ Knight 10. Film starring Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones 12. The Thomas Crown ___ 13. Canadian who is a member of the Nerd Herd on Chuck 15. LaRue who is on CSI: Miami 16. Don who produced Beauty and the Beast 17. Kim who was on Lipstick Jungle 18. The Hand That Rocks the ___ 21. Susan who was in The Towering Inferno 23. Danny who starred in Angels in the Outfield 27. ___ American Haunting 28. Former TV drama about a fictional Toronto news station 29. Film Angelina Jolie starred in 30. Morris who starred in The Best Man 33. Desk ___ 34. Morales who was in La Bamba 36. My Super ___-Girlfriend 37. Canadian who was awarded the Academy Juvenile Award in 1938

DOWN 1. Film Kristen Stewart starred in (with The) 2. Film Julie Andrews starred in with Colin Firth 3. Luke’s last name in Star Wars 4. Film produced and starred in by Ice Cube 5. The Final ___ 6. Film starring Will Ferrell 7. ___ Delivery 11. He starred in How Stella Got Her Groove Back 14. Gail’s character on Hot Properties 19. Sherilyn who starred in Boxing Helena 20. The ___ of War 22. Tom Cruise’s wife 24. Initials of the actor who played Jennifer Lopez’s father in Angel Eyes 25. Film starring John Malkovich and Kate Nelligan 26. ___ and Company 31. Jonah ___ 32. The Ballad of the ___ CafÊ 35. The ___ Vinci Code


GIGANTIC TOY AUCTION, Saturday June 9, Nisku Recreation Centre, 606-18th Ave, Nisku, AB, (next to Edmonton airport). Viewing at 8:30AM, Auction at 10AM. Over 1500 pieces including: Large amount of die cast military trucks, tanks, field guns, rocket launchers, planes, soldiers and accessories. Farm machinery, construction equipment, ships, planes, trains, cars and trucks. Action figures, made by Dinky; Meccano; Corgi; Britains; Solido; Matchbox; Ertl; Tootsie Toy; Lionel; Marx; Lone Star; Cresent and others! Many are mint and boxed, very old and rare tin toys. Military medals and more! Pictures and catalogue available on-line at: or e-mail: a l l r i t e a u c t i o n s @ s y b a n . n e t Phone 780-374-3864. Auctioneer: Doug Kennedy 780-679-4142. Lic. #194638. Ad is subject to additions and deletions. DAVID DUERKSEN, formerly of Killarney, MB. Outstanding lifetime collection of over 500 die cast farm toys (many Ertl toys). Complete dispersal auction, Saturday, June 16th, 10:00AM, Killarney Shamrock Centre, Killarney, MB. Features: many makes of tractors, farm implements and some collector cars, farm related replicas. Plus much more, many in original boxes. This is one of the most varied and largest collections we have ever sold. For more information contact: David Duerksen 604-852-9082. Murray Rankin Auctions Killarney, MB. 204-534-7401. See website for pictures:

FORDSON SUPER MAJOR diesel tractor with FEL, McCormick Deering W6 tractor with dozer blade, Farmall IHC 766 tractor; Hart Parr Oliver 80 tractor. Farm Equip. Auction for Terry Dreger, Sat., June 16, 2012, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. JD MODEL G Row Crop tractor w/hyd., S/N #28278, good running condition, $4500 OBO. 306-752-9253, Melfort, SK.


FORD 8N TRACTOR w/5’ rotary mower, 3 JD MODEL G TRICYCLE, S/N #24819, PTH, exc . cond., $3500. Call Henry good 38� tires and rims, not running, 306-726-2261, Southey, SK. $1200. 604-794-7139, Chilliwack, BC. ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranteed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. MASSEY FERGUSON 44 GAS tractor, hyd. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, P T O , r u n s g o o d , $ 1 1 0 0 O B O . 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. TRACTORS FOR SALE: JD 60 and 70 row crop wide front axle; Case D industrial; 2 BAC Case; SC Case; Fordson; Oliver 28-44; Oliver 80 industrial; IHC W30; Allis Chalmers WD. PT COMBINES: Cockshut 422; JD 25; Allis Chalmers; MH 17. 204-546-2661, Grandview, MB. JD A, 1948 and JD B, 1949, both hyds., PTO, rockshaft, Rollamatic front, new paint, good tires, both run good; AR unstyled, 1937, good tires, PTO, painted, new fenders, runs good; Case DC4, narrow front, have wide front axles, good tires, hyd., PTO, runs good; Case LA, clutch is stuck but runs, tires fair, PTO, hyd. Can deliver. 204-725-8244, Brandon, MB. 1927 1527 Model D JD, $3200; 1929 1527 Model D JD, $2500; 1938 Model G JD, $3500; Wallis 20-30, $3500; MH 20-30, $1700; McCormick Deering 1530, $1500; Int. Cub, $2000; 1922 Crossmotor Case 12-20, restored, $10,000; Crossmotor Case 12-20, $5000; Crossmotor Case 15-27, $4500; Crossmotor Case 18-32, $4000. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC. OLIVER 88 STD. TRACTOR, excellent tires, hyds., c/w covers, runs good, asking $2500. 306-898-2343, Bredenbury, SK.

RESTORED FARMALL A, C and H; Massey Harris 22 and 81; also have unrestored Massey 30 and 102; Cockshutt 30; MMU a n d r a r e L e a d e r. A l l w i l l r u n . 306-233-7305, Cudworth, SK.

1952 JD MODEL A, partially restored, seized, picture available. Asking $1800 OBO. 780-989-1818, Edmonton, AB. W6-TA; DC4 Case; 656 International Special with loader. All tractors run good. Phone: 403-843-0097, Rimbey, AB. JD 60 2WD tractor. Dean Allen and Floyd Krell Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. Call Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 1946 GMC 3 ton, motor seized, good Brandford B&H, always stored inside. Phone eves. 306-867-9928, Outlook, SK.

1966 CHRYSLER WINDSOR all original. low mileage, excellent condition. 306-731-3627, Lumsden, SK.

JOHN DEERE 1957 420 crawler with 5 rollers and factory 3 PTH including centre link plus PTO, in great running condition. $5600. Kelowna, BC. 250-862-7782 TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New W A N T E D : A N T I Q U E T R A C T O R S , parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, reprotrucks, farm equipment, and garden duction parts, antiques and classic. Westtractors for display at Canada’s Farm ern Canada Steiner dealer. Don Ellingson, Progress Show, June 20-22, 2012. If 1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB. or E-mail: you would like to participate please call Lynda 306-781-9212, Regina, SK. WANTED TO BUY: One Sickle mower for BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, bro- Farmall cub tractor, hand lift. Phone: chures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton 250-827-3209, Fort St. John, BC. AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. VARIOUS TRACTORS: Model A1H, CIH, 350IH and 1530IH. All will run. TRACTOR COLLECTION for sale: Cock- 306-783-8193, Yorkton, SK. shutt 20 and 20 Deluxe, JD’s 420 Hi-crop (rare), 420 N, 430 TW, M, MTW, MTN, LA, MICHIGAN 75A, 4 WD loader, bucket and BW and 2 H’s. 403-660-8588, Calgary, AB. forks, Waukesha gas engine, runs good, $6000. 306-292-5994, McDowall, SK. ERIK OVERBYE ESTATE Farm Auction Sale, June 15th, 10:30 AM, Lake Alma, SK. Incl. these antiques: JD stationery engine, E103R, farm built forage w/tools, 100 lb. anvil, 2- leg vices, wall mounted drill w/bits, metal tire shrinker, 1927 Challenge windmill, 1965 MM diesel tractor w/Duz-All FEL runs well. 306-869-7111. VERY OLD HERCULES 4 cyl. motor unit, turns free, $600; High wheel wagon, vg, $1500. 306-332-5821, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. UNSTYLED JD AR PARTS, 2 heads, 3 WANTED: HORSE DRAWN plows, discs or hoods, complete radiator, front shutters, other horse drawn equipment. Phone oil pump, flywheels. 204-326-6529 or 519-323-2019, leave a message. 204-326-7873, Steinbach, MB. Email: 1952 MODEL AR JD tractor, S/N #280664, pwiebe@steinbach/ runs good, real nice shape, asking $4500. 306-756-2340, 306-631-1251, Caron, SK. ENGINE SEIZED UP IN STORAGE? 90+% success freeing up stuck and frozen 1944 FARMALL M with DuAll loader, runpistons, $19.95 + S&H/kit. 100% guaran- ning condition, shedded, $3000 OBO. teed. 780-662-2061, Tofield, AB.

1943 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, good condition; 1926 Nash truck. Call 204-546-2661, Grandview, MB. 1940’S? FARGO and Ford trucks; 1952 Int. L130; 9N Ford and 70 JD dsl. tractors; D8 2U Cat. 306-468-2385, Canwood, SK. 1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK.

1931 MODEL A Ford 2 door or pickup in running condition. Phone 204-532-2290, Binscarth, MB.

1921 CHEV 490 pickup after market conversion, $7000. Partial frame-up restoration. New: valves, guides, tires, instruments, wiring harness. Correct SK license plate and year plate, spare parts, etc. 306-386-1215, 1934 INT. TRUCK, $3500; 1929 Chev AutoTrac, $2500; 35 stationery engines. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC. 1928 CHEV COUPE, partially restored, new wood, 1928 Chev Sedan plus 2 parts cars, many new parts. $5000 OBO. 306-948-7292, 306-948-2704, Biggar, SK.

ARTIFICIAL ICE PLANT, used 60 TR, 2 carrier comps, on steel frame. Prewired control panel 575/3/60. Good for arena, curling rink or combination, avail. immediately $30,000 OBO. 306-846-2203 Dinsmore, SK

Regina 24/ 7 O N LIN E BID D IN G


REGINA, SASK. Loc a tion : M c D ou g a ll Te m p ora ry Com p ou n d O ffic e : Hw y #1 Ea s t, N orth S e rvic e Rd . Em e ra ld P a rk , S K 2005 Peterb ilt 379 Gra vel T ru ck; 2011 Ca n ca d e T rid em Gra vel T ra iler; 2012 16’ PJ Ca r Ha u ler (As New ); 2009 Po la ris As s a u lt 800; (3) 1998 L o d e K in g 53’ T rid em High Bo y T ra ilers ; Po la ris 6x6 Big Bo s s AT V; 1994 GM C S in gle Axle Bu cket T ru ck; 2006 Bo b ca t S 220 S kid s teer; F o rd 8000 Ca rgo T ru ck; JD430 Dies el T ra cto r w /All Atta chm en ts ; Over 200 4 Ba r Du ra fo rm s , 10 Ca ges , Co rn ers , E tc; Gym W eight E q u ip m en t; E a s y K leen M a gn u m Go ld S tea m W a s her; Am co ra ire S p lit T yp e Air Co n d itio n er & Hea t Pu m p ; NE W Artica M o d el K F R35W -GX1B Air Co n d itio n er & Hea t Pu m p ; Pa llets o f Cha rco a l/Red Pa vin g S to n e; (22) Ca n va s Prin ts & M UCH M ORE!! L is tin g S u b ject to Deletio n s .

P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193 L IC.#31448 0

WANTED: GLASS TELEPHONE and telegraph insulators. Top prices paid for one or a thousand. No clear glass. Contact Jim at 403-240-3199 or Calgary, AB.

EDMONTON GUN SHOW and Sale, Sat. and Sun., May 26-27, at the Edmonton Aviation Society Hangar, 11410 Kingsway Ave. Saturday: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Sunday: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Admission $7. Sales WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales bro- tables available. Call John 780-455-5036 chures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, or email Saskatoon, SK.

5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w .grea tpla in sa u ctio n m w w w .glo b a la u ctio n gu id m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9

PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale May 26, 9:00 AM. PBR, 1 0 5 - 7 1 s t S t . We s t , S a s k at o o n , S K . , 306-931-7666.


PAT HOUDE Elm Creek, MB Friday June 8th, 2012 at 1 pm DST SALE INCLUDES: • 1997 JD 7210 MFD w/3 pth, JD 740 loader w/bucket & grapple, 13,000 hours ($6000 work order in 2011) • 1981 JD 4240 w/Leon 707 loader, 7150 hours • 1979 JD 4430 w/7000 hours • 1970 JD 4020 w/high lift loader • New Idea 4865 round baler (nice) • Buhler 12 wheel V rake • Kuhn GA 4120 TH Master drive 16’ rotary rake • 1993 Milco Steel 8’ x 28’ gooseneck stock trailer w/3 divider gates • Trail King 30’ tandem wheel gooseneck flat deck w/full tilt deck • 1992 Custom Coach 28’ 5th wheel travel trailer (fully loaded) • Plus much more.



POLAR-BEAR RUG. Great item for your cabin. Sale and transfer is subject to permit as required by law. Sell or trade for guns. Hugh 306-463-3304, Kindersley, SK.

(3 06 -778 -6 009 or ce ll 3 06 -741-8 440) Ca b ri, SK

1929 MODEL A convertible, all redone, $30,000. Comes with 45 Wurlitzer jukebox. Ph eves: 250-860-5375, Kelowna, BC.

*94 F o rd 8970 F W A, 4700 hrs , *Vers a tile 555, 5794 hrs *87 JD 7720 T ita n 11 Co m b in e, 4100 hrs *S eed in g & T illa ge *76 F o rd 600 gra in tru ck *76 F o rd 750 Â gra in tru ck *An tiq u e E q u ip . *Gu n s

Supporting BC


NELSON’S AUCTION SERVICE, Sat, June 2nd, 2012, 9:00 AM. Robert K Campbell Estate Farm Dispersal, Wiseton, SK. Directions from Wiseton: 1 mile east and 5 miles north. JD 4010 tractor; Minneapolis Moline Wheatland G 1000 tractor; Cockshutt 1750 tractor w/FEL; Massey Harris 444 tractor; IHC 3T truck 14x8’ steel B&H; 510 MF combine; White 601 swather; Doepker 2 yard scraper; Case 20’ deep tillage cult.; JD rough cut mower; 1997 Chev 2500 ext cab 6.5L diesel truck; 1993 Ford Ranger Super cab XLD; 1983 Ford Ranger reg cab; 1973 Plymouth Fury III - collectors car; Over 16 campers and trailers including; 1979 Chev camperized van; 1980 Dodge camperized van; Richardson 8’x42’ mobile trailer; Three 100 lb propane tanks; 6’ telephone poles; Large ass’t of guns; Huge ass’t antiques; Household; Tools and hardware and much more. Items too numerous to list, for a more complete listing and pictures see or call 306-944-4320. Two auction sale rings will run throughout the day for this huge auction. Do not miss this auction! PL# 911669.


ATTENTION: HUNTERS, SNOWMOBILERS AND SPORTSMEN. Property auction online: mobile home and butcher house, on 65x133’ lot in Bertwell, SK. RM of Hudson Bay #394. Located 37 kms to Hudson Bay or 23 kms east of Weekes, SK. Bidding now open, closes June 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM. See for details and terms and conditions. Call Harvey Balicki, 306-922-6171 or 306-961-7553, CASH PAID FOR womens clothing, foot- Prince Albert, SK. PL #915694. wear and accessories, 1940 to 1970, in good cond. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK.

HUGE GARAGE SALE, 25 Vanier Place, Melfort, SK., June 1st and 2nd, 9:00 AM. Many Antiques, Collectibles, Treasures.

N EXT SALE S ATUR DAY, 9:00 AM JUNE 2 , 2 012

FARM AUCTION FOR McNABB ESSERY FARMS INC., Jack McNabb and Terryl Essery of Tyner, SK., Tuesday, June 12 at 10:00 AM sharp!! Directions: from the Jct. of Hwys. 44 and 342, between Eston and Elrose at Plato Corner, follow Hwy. 342 South to Tyner, SK., then go 1-3/4 miles south. Watch for signs. Partial listing. COMBINES: 1996 NH TR98; 1992 NH TR96. TRACTORS: 1998 NH 9482; Case 2290. AIR SEEDER: Bourgault 8800 32’ w/Bourgault 3165 3-compartment TBH tank; TRUCKS: 1987 Kenworth W900. GRAIN TRAILER: 1994 Lode-King 44’ tridem w/3-compartments and Sur-Lok roll tarp. Plus grain truck, collectable trucks, antique equipment, lawn and garden, shop tools and equipment, etc. For a complete listing and more info call Hodgins Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075 or visit our website PL#915407


1966 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 2 door hardtop car for restoration. Large Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 23, 2012 Estevan, SK. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

CREAM SEPARATOR, stainless steel, exc, cond., $250. 306-752-2234, Melfort, SK.

IRENE KULOVANY and ESTATE OF LAWRENCE KULOVANY, Sunday, June 3, 2012, 10:00 AM, SN Boreen Hall, Esterhazy, SK. Contact 306-745-3701. Acreage Equipment: 2007 JD 3320 FWA diesel tractor, SN LV3320H232935, cab, 3 cyl. dsl., FWA, powershift, 3 PTH, hydro, PTO w/JD 300 CX FEL, 150 hrs, mint. Attachments, sold separately, mint: JD front mount snowblower; JD 60� rototiller; JD 60� finishing mower. 2005 JD LTR 180 riding lawnmower, hydro, 38� auto unload bagger, mint; JD SX95 mower, 38� w/bagger; yard estate sprayer; fertilizer spreader; toboggan; Trailrite 8x10 trailer, mint. 2002 Bombardier Quad Traxter XT, 4 WD, 3100 miles, real nice; loading ramp; mini rototiller; gas grass whip; plus more. Plus shop, compressors, saws, garden tools, wrenches, grinders, live traps, etc., household, antiques and 10 guns. Irene is moving. This is an excellent mint quality acreage sale. Everything is very clean and above average condition. This should be an excellent sale. For updated listing and pics PL915851

Tue s da y Jun e 12th 2012 - 10:00 a .m .

(403) 527 -21 48 “ Think Auction� (403) 527 -281 4 For com plete d eta ils check our w ebsite w w w .schlenkera

Since 1943

Ross Taylor Auction Service 204-877-3834 For photos and full listing Pl # 909917


Dispersal Sale for Ray & Vi Young

Saturday June 16, 10am Œ 83 Mile House, BC


DIRECTIONS: The sale will be held at The Cardale Rink on the west edge of the town of Cardale, MB. Cardale is located on highway #355 north west of Brandon, MB. FOR COMPLETE LIST WITH PICTURES VISIT THIS SALE FEATURES *JD 9400 4wd 425hp w/3800hrs showing *IH 4386 4wd 230 HP w/3895hrs showing *MF 2775 2wd w/4500hrs showing *Buhler 895 FEL w/ Fork & Bucket *JD 1010 w/ 6’ Woods belly mounted mower *IHC Farmall M w/ 8’ JD mounted mower *JD 9600 Combine w/4400 eng hrs showing, 3500 sep hrs showing *25’ JD 925 St/Cut head w/4 wheel transport *IH 1480 sp combine w/4100hrs showing *25’ MacDon 9250 swather w/2400hrs showing *30’ JD 2360 swather (gas) w/3600hrs showing *48’ Bourgault 8800 air seeder w/Bourgault 3165 air tank *2010 16’ Frontier (Kellough made) off set disc w/18â€? blades (like new has done less than 150 acres *31 ½â€™ IHC 490 tandem disc *82’ Vicon 3810LT pt Sprayer w/800 gal Tank, chem mix tank *39’ IHC 5500 tillage w/ NH3 Kit *1989 48’CaseIH 310 disc seeders (3 – 16’s) very nice condition *Ford 700 s/a w/16’ Cancade grain box SAFETIED *GMC 6000 s/a w/12’ grain box *Vermeer 605 Super J rd baler *16’ JD 1600A moco *Brandt 5000 grain vac (like new only 54 hours showing) *13â€?x70’ Brandt swing hopper auger *8â€?x46’ Farm King auger w/18hp Kohler *14’ Brandt drill fill *50’ diameter temporary bin ring w/tarp *Coral Panels (10’ & 12’) *Cattle Oiler *Round Bale Feeder *Portable Trough. FOR MORE INFO CONTACT Terry McTavish 204-365-0041


1-800-483-5856 •

Not responsible for errors in description. Subject to additions or deletions. Property owners and Fraser Auction Service not responsible for any accidents. GST & PST where applicable. Terms: Cash or cheque. NOTE: cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of credit.



a u c tions s u m m e r 2012

S eller C o n ta ct(s):G a ry & M a rg Ba rg en 3 06 -3 4 2-4 24 5 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):M icha el Hig g s3 06 -4 4 5 -5 000

Ga r y & M a rg Ba rg en

Ju n e 4 th -11:30 a .m .-M ed stea d ,S K

Au ctio n Da y Sched u le:11:30 a .m .Sho p To o lsa n d M isc.Fa rm Su pply 1 p.m .Live In tern et Bid d in g o n M a jo rEq u ipm en t Directio n s:Fro m M ed stea d go 1/2 m ile n o rth,5 m ilesea st,2.5 m ilesso u th,& 1/4 m ile ea st O R fro m Glen bu sh go 1/2 m ile so u th,2 m ilesea st,& 1.5 m ilesn o rth (ya rd o n ea st sid e) O R fro m hw y #4 (9km n o rth o fAq u a d eo tu rn o ff)ta ke Ca n yo n Ro a d 23 km ea st,2 m ilesn o rth,2 m ilesea st,& 1.5 m ilesn o rth. H i-Lights Include: TRAC TO RS -1983 JD 4850 2w d tra cto r,193 pto hp,po w ershift tra n s,1000 pto ,15.6-16.1-4 rib fr, 24.5-32rr,10,614 hrs sho w in g,Co m plete tra n sm issio n jo b @ 9900 hrs;1964 JD 3020 2w d tra cto r w /JD 46 FEL; Sho p bu ilt 11’d o zerbla d e;C O M BIN ES -1982 JD 7721 p/t co m bin e w /JD 212 p/u hea d er;JD 7701 p/t co m bin e fo r pa rts;S W ATHERS -1988 Ca se IH 4000 s/p 19.5’sw a ther,UIIp/u reel;M F #35 21’p/t sw a ther;S EEDIN G & TILLAG E -Bo u rga u lt Vibra m a sterCo m m a n d er26-30 28.5’a irseed erw /Bo u rga u lt 2155 ta n k;Bo u rga u lt 4000 28’ pa ckerba r;JD 21’d o u ble d isc press d rill;M o rris 535 35’d eep tilla ge cu ltiva to r;Bo u rga u lt 534-42 36’cu ltiva to r (exten sio n s to 40’);Degelm a n R570 grd d rive ro ckpicker;G RAIN HAN DLIN G & S TO RAG E –W estfield TF80-51

gra in a u ger,27hp K o hler,hyd m o ver& lift;W estfield 7”x 46’gra in a u ger;Go o d selectio n o fsteelgra in bin s o n w o o d flo o rs;S PRAY IN G - Geo rge W hite t/a field spra yer;HAY IN G & LIVES TO C K - NH 311 sq ba ler; HEAVY TRUC K S -1979 W hite Freightlin erca bo vert/a gra in tru ck,400 Cu m m in s,9 spd ;1971 Fo rd 500 s/a gra in tru ck,330-V8,4+2 tra n s,14’steelbo x;LIG HT TRUC K S & C ARS -1969 Fo rd F350 2w d tru ck,352-V8,4 spd ,9’w o o d en bo x;ATV’S ,RV’S & BO ATS -1990 Terry Reso rt 21’t/a ho lid a y ca m per;O THER M IS C EQ UIP – Sho p eq u ipm en t;a n d m o re. Pa rtia l listin g o n ly.

S eller C o n ta ct(s):Terry & Ju d y Ta m ke,3 06 -4 92-4 6 90 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):K im K ra m er,3 06 -4 4 5 -5 000

Held in Con ju n ction w ith th e La rr y & N orm a Ta m ke Au ction

Terr y & Ju d y Ta m ke

Ju n e 5 th – 9:00 a .m .-Du n d u rn ,S K

Au ctio n Da y Sched u le:9 a m Sho p To o ls& M isc fa rm su pply;12 n o o n M a jo rEq u ipm en t w ith In tern et Bid d in g fo llo w ed by gra in bin s& fa n s Directio n s:Held a t the La rry Ta m ke fa rm ya rd lo ca ted :Fro m Du n d u rn go 12km No rth o n Hw y#11 to the Strehlo w ro a d then 7 km ea st a n d 1 km n o rth O R Fro m Sa ska to o n go 16.5 km so u th o f Gra ssw o o d service a rea to the Strehlo w ro a d then 7 km ea st a n d 1 km n o rth O R Fro m the w est sid e o fCla vet a t Pra irie Steelgo 11km so u th,3.7 km w est a n d 1 km n o rth. H i-Lights Include:TRAC TO RS -1991 Ca se IH 7110 M FW D tra cto rw /130 pto hp,d u a lpto ,Po w ershift tra n s,5394 hrs sho w in g;1990 Fo rd 7710 M FW D tra cto r& Leo n 700 FEL w /3pth,86 pto hp,d u a lra n ge std tra n s,d u a lpt o ,FEL w /bu cket,gra pple fo rk ba le fo rk,4822 hrs sho w in g;C O M BIN ES - 1986 Ca se IH 1660 s/p co m bin e & Ca se IH 1015 p/u hea d er,3145 hrs sho w in g (25% d o w n sa le d a y);1992 Ca se IH 1010 25’str cu t hea d er & Tra il-Tech tra n spo rt (25% d o w n sa le d a y);S W ATHERS -1993 Ca se IH 8820 25’s/p sw a ther w /d ieselen gin e,UIIp/u reel (25% d o w n sa le d a y);S EEDIN G & TILLAG E -Bo u rga u lt 26-30 Co m m a n d er28’a irseed er& Bo u rga u lt 2115 to w behin d a ir ta n k;Bo u rga u lt W TP 28-32 ha rro w pa cker d ra w ba r;M o rris M a gn u m 29’d eep tilla ge cu ltiva to r; Flexico ilSystem 80 70’ha rro w ba r;M F 730 20’ta n d em d isc;No ble 21’bla d e;Va lm a r1600 gra n u la ra pplica to r; G RAIN HAN DLIN G & S TO RAG E -W estfield M K 100-51 10” x 51’gra in a u ger;Sa ku n d ia k HD7-37 7”x37’gra in

a u ger w /16hp K o hler,W hea thea rt m o ver & bin sw eep;G o o d selectio n o fg ra in b in s,m o st w /ho p p ers; S PRAY IN G - Flexico il System 60 75’ field spra yer; Geo rge W hite 60’ field spra yer;Vertec tru ck m o u n t spra yer;HAY IN G & LIVES TO C K -2007 New Id ea 4865 ro u n d ba ler;1994 NH 116 16’ha y bin e;Ro llite 30’ self-u n lo a d in g go o sen eck ha y tra iler;3 pth 2 w heelha y ra ke;Ba le K in g Series IIIba le pro cesso r;M F 3 pth ro ta ry m o w er; 3 pth po st ho le a u ger; G o o d selectio n o f livesto ck ha n d lin g & feed in g eq u ip m en t HEAVY TRUC K S -1979 Fo rd F700 s/a gra in tru ck w /370-4V V8,Aliso n 4 spd a u to ,LUX 15’steelbo x,52,909 km sho w in g;1968 Chevro let 50 s/a gra in tru ck;TRAILERS - 1993 Ra w hid e 20’go o se n eck sto ck tra iler, O THER M IS C EQ UIP – Sho p eq u ipm en t,to o lsa n d m o re;AN TIQ UES ;a n d m o re. Pa rtia l listin g o n ly.

S eller C o n ta ct(s):La rry & N o rm a Ta m ke 3 06 -93 1-005 3 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):K im K ra m er o r N eil K ra m er 3 06 -4 4 5 -5 000

Held in Con ju n ction w ith th e Terr y & Ju d y Ta m ke Au ction

La rr y & N orm a Ta m ke

Ju n e 5 th – 9:00 a .m .-Du n d u rn ,S K

Au ctio n Da y Sched u le:9 a m Sho p To o ls& M isc fa rm su pply;12 n o o n M a jo rEq u ipm en t w ith In tern et Bid d in g fo llo w ed by gra in bin s& fa n s. Directio n s:Held a t the La rry Ta m ke fa rm ya rd lo ca tio n -fro m Du n d u rn go 12km No rth o n Hw y#11 to the Strehlo w ro a d then 7 km ea st a n d 1 km n o rth O R Fro m Sa ska to o n go 16.5 km so u th o f Gra ssw o o d service a rea to the Strehlo w ro a d then 7 km ea st a n d 1 km n o rth O R Fro m the w est sid e o fCla vet a t Pra irie Steelgo 11km so u th,3.7 km w est a n d 1 km n o rth. H i-Lights Include: TRAC TO RS -1995 Ca se IH 9230 4w d tra cto r w /235 en g Hp,Po w ershift,pto ,4131 hrs sho w in g; 1980 In tern a tio n a l1086 2w d tra cto rw /131 pto Hp,to rq u e a m plifiertra n s,d u a lpto ,6931 hrs sho w in g;IH Su per W 6 Sta n d a rd a n tiq u e tra cto r;Fo rd so n 9N a n tiq u e tra cto r;Leo n 707 FEL w /bu cket;C O M BIN ES & AC C ES S O RIES - 1996 Ca se IH 2166 sp co m bin e & Ca se IH 1015 p/u hea d er, Sw a th M a ster p/u , specia lty ro to r, cho pper, sprea d ers,1873 thr/2459 en g hrs sho w in g (25% d o w n sa le d a y);1993 Ca se IH 1020 25’flex hea d er(25% d o w n sa le d a y);In tern a tio n a l810 str cu t hea d er;S W ATHERS -1990 Ca se IH 6000 24’sp sw a ther w /ga s en g,UIIp/u reel,1534 hrs sho w in g;S EEDIN G & TILLAG E -Bo u rga u lt 536-42 40’a irseed er& Bo u rga u lt 2155 IIto w behin d a ir ta n k,Du tch In d u stries pa ckers,liq u id fertilizer a tta ch,Bo u rga u lt ha rro w s;M o rris M a gn u m CP731 34’d eep tilla ge cu ltiva to r;Flexico ilSystem 92 60’ha rro w pa cker ba r;2 -Ho ld O n 20 to n liq u id fertilizer ta n ks;Ho ld O n Appro x 1600 ga lHD fertilizer ta n k;M elro e 201 24’press d rills;selectio n o f o ther m isc tilla ge eq u ip;G RAIN

HAN DLIN G & S TO RAG E -W estfield M K 100-51 10”x51’pto a u ger;Sa ku n d ia k HD7-1400 7”x45’gra in a u ger w /W hea thea rt hyd m o ver,lift & sw eep,16 hp K o hler;Bra n d t 7”x37’gra in a u ger;Bra n d t 7”x35’gra in a u ger; G o o d selectio n o f g ra in b in s, m o st w /ho p p ers; S PRAY IN G - Flexico il System 60 80’ field spra yer; N AVIG ATIO N AL EQ UIPM EN T - Fa rm er GPS sytem to u se w ith La pto p co m pu ter;HEAVY TRUC K S - 1975 GM C 6000 Series s/a gra in tru ck w /350 V8,4+2,15’steelbo x,81,455 km sho w in g;1975 Chevro let C60 Cheyen n e s/a gra in tru ck w /350 V8,4+2,14’W esteelsteelbo x,48,399 m iles sho w in g;1968 Fo rd 600 s/a gra in tru ck w /V8,4 spd ,12’w o o d en bo x,102,594 m ilessho w in g;LIG HT TRUC K S & C ARS -1983 GM C Sierra Cla ssic 1/2 to n ;1940’s Fo rd d u a lly tru ck;TAN K S ;O THER M IS C EQ UIP – Sho p eq u ip,to o ls a n d m o re. Pa rtia l listin g o n ly.

S eller C o n ta ct(s):Ro n & Bev K o rn see 3 06 -3 75 -74 3 1 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):Brya n S o m erville 3 06 -96 7-2818

K orn see Fa rm sLtd .-Ron & Bev K orn see

Ju n e 6 th -10:00 a m

-La ca d en a ,S K

Au ctio n Da y Sched u le:10 a .m .Sho p to o ls,m isc.fa rm eq u ipm en t,& ho u seho ld .1 p.m .Live In tern et Bid d in g o n M a jo rEq u ipm en t fo llo w ed by Gra in Bin s. Directio n s:Betw een K yle & Elro se o n Hw y #4 ta ke Sa n ctu a ry grid 9 m ilesw est,2 m ilesn o rth,1 3/4 m ilesw est o rfro m La ca d en a go 4 m ilesn o rth o n Hw y #342 to sto p sign then ea st 3 1/4 m ileso rfro m Tyn ero n Hw y #342 go 8 1/4 m ilesea st. H i-Lights Include:TRAC TO RS -1997 JD 9100 4w d tra cto r,260 en g hp,24 spd tra n s,w irin g fo rJD Au to tra c,3343 hrs sho w in g (25% d o w n sa le d a y);2006 JD 7520 M FW D tra cto r w /741 JD FEL self levelin g,125 pto hp,In fin itely Va ria ble tra n s,3ph,d u a lpto ,w irin g fo rJD Au to tra c,2033 hrs sho w in g;1963 JD 4010 2w d tra cto rw /Allied 580 FEL,540 pto ,6908 hrs sho w in g;C O M BIN ES -1996 JD 9500 sp co m bin e w /14’JD p/u ta ble & p/u ,d u a lra n ge cylin d er,sprea d er & cho pper,1552T/2160M hrs sho w in g,(25% d o w n sa le d a y);1999 Ho n ey-Bee SP30 str cu t hea d er(25% d o w n sa le d a y);S EEDIN G & TILLAG E -1996 Flexi-Co il820 35’a irseed er,K ha rt ru bberca pped o n ro w pa ckin g w heels (25% d o w n sa le d a y);1996 Flexi-Co il1720 to w behin d a irta n k (25% d o w n sa le d a y);1996 Flexi-Co il35’3 ba rtin e ha rro w s w /m o u n tin g bra ckets;JD 610 35” hd cu ltiva to r;JD 1900 2X 15’d iscers;G RAIN HAN DLIN G & S TO RAG E – G o o d selectio n o fg ra in b in s,m o stw /ho p p ers;2007 Sa ku n d ia k HD8-1600 8”x51’ gra in a u ger,30 hp K o hler,Ha w es m o ver,elec clu tch,hyd w in ch,W hea thea rt d ra g;2007 Sa ku n d ia k SLM O -102200 10”x70 a u ger; Sa ku n d ia k 6”x37” seed trea tin g a u ger; S PRAY IN G - Flexi-Co il 65 103’ gro u n d spra yer;

N AVIG ATIO N AL EQ UIPM EN T - 2-JD Un iversa l Au to Tra c Steerin g gu id a n ce system s;HEAVY TRUC K S 1995 Chev To pkick s/a tru ck,366 V8,5X 2 tra n s,16’Ultra celbo x,31821km ;1975 Do d ge 700 s/a tru ck,360 V8,5x2 tra n s,14’Un ivisio n bo x,68314 m iles;1974 GM C 6000 s/a tru ck,350 V8,4+2 tra n s,14’steelbo x, 70460 m iles;LIG HT TRUC K S & C ARS - 1995 Fo rd F150 4x4 reg ca b tru ck,302 V8,a u to ,224731km ;1956 Chevro let 1430 2w d 1 to n tru ck,6cylm o to r,4 spd tra n s,32021 m iles;TRAILERS -2004 Tra iltech 18’t/a ca r ha u ler,6000 lb a xles;LAW N & G ARDEN -1994 K u bo ta B7100HST M FW D tra cto r,16hp d iesel,hyd ro sta tic,3 pth,484 hrs;K u bo ta 60” 3 pth fin ishin g m o w er;5’3 pth cu ltiva to r;K u bo ta 48” Ro to -Tiller;Allied 5’3 pth bla d e;JD 307 Gyra m o r 6’gyro m o w er;o ther ya rd eq u ip m en t;ATV’s,RV’s & BO ATS -1977 Y a m a ha 125 En d u ro m o to rbike;1976 Su zu ki400 m o to rbike;AN TIQ UES ;HO US EHO LD;O THER M IS C EQ UIP – Ta n ks, sho p eq u ipm en t,to o lsa n d m o re. Pa rtia l listin g o n ly.

S eller C o n ta ct(s):W a yn e & S u sa n W hitfield 3 06 -93 2-4 6 3 2 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):Brya n S o m erville 3 06 -96 7-2818

W a yn e & Su sa n W h itfield

Ju n e 7th – 10:00 a m

-Do d sla n d ,S K

Au ctio n Da y Sched u le:10 a .m .Sho p To o lsa n d M isc.Fa rm Su pply 1 p.m .Live In tern et Bid d in g o n M a jo rEq u ipm en t Directio n s:Fro m Do d sla n d go 1 m ile w est o n Hw y #31,n o rth sid e o fHw y. H i-Lights Include: TRAC TO RS -1993 Versa tile 876 4w d tra cto r,280 hp LT10 Cu m m in s,12 spd sta n d a rd ,5573 hrs sho w in g;1982 JD 4440 2w d tra cto r,130 hp,16 spd Q u a d ra n ge,d u a lpto ,8192 hrs sho w in g;Sa to h S-650G 2w d ga s tra cto r,25hp,3 pth,1643 hrs sho w in g;S W ATHERS - Ca se IH 730 30’p/t sw a ther;1998 Pra irie Sta r 4600 36’ p/t sw a ther; S EEDIN G & TILLAG E - Bo u rga u lt 8800 32’ a ir seed er w /Bo u rga u lt 2115 Specia l a ir ca rt; Rite-W a y RHP400 45’hpb;Bla n cha rd Hyd ra Lift 50’hpb;M o rris CP743 41’d eep tilla ge cu ltiva to r;In t ern a tio n a l 475 14’d isc ha rro w ;Ro ck-O -M a tic reeltype ro ck picker;G RAIN HAN DLIN G & S TO RAG E -Sa ku n d ia k HD8 1400 a u ger w /W hea thea rt m o ver, 25 hp,W hea thea rt d ra g, electric clu tch, 232 hrs; Sa ku n d ia k HD7-1400 a u ger

w /W hea thea rt m o ver, 20 hp O n a n ,W hea thea rt d ra g, hyd w in ch; Bra n d t 6” en d ga te d rill fill; Briggs & Stra tto n 18 hp m o to r; S PRAY IN G - Bo u rga u lt 850 Cen tu rio n 3 85’ s/a field spra yer; N AVIG ATIO N AL EQ UIPM EN T - O u tba ck 360 gu id a n ce system w /S2 m a ppin g;HEAVY TRUC K S - 1985 Chev 70 s/a gra in tru ck,366 V8,5+ 2 tra n s,15’Un ivisio n steelbo x,53,132 km sho w in g;1967 GM C 950 s/a gra in tru ck,327 V8, 4+2 tra n s,14’w o o d bo x,68,553 m iles sho w in g;TRAILERS - Ho m ebu ilt 18’ta n d em bu m per hitch tra iler; LAW N & G ARDEN -JD RX 63 30”rid in g m o w er;g o o d selectio n o f3 p th eq u ip m en t;O THER M IS C EQ UIP HC 8’X 48’co n ta in eru n it;Sho p eq u ipm en t,to o lsa n d m o re. Pa rtia l listin g o n ly.

S eller C o n ta ct(s):Da le & Do n n a K em p to n 3 06 -5 24 -4 4 3 2 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):M icha el Hig g s3 06 -4 4 5 -5 000

Da le & Don n a K em pton

Ju n e 8th – 10:00 a m

-S em a n s,S K

Au ctio n Da y Sched u le:10 a .m .Sho p To o lsa n d M isc.Fa rm Su pply Fo llo w ed by Ho u seho ld Item s12 p.m .Live In tern et Bid d in g o n M a jo rEq u ipm en t Fo llo w ed by Gra in Bin s Directio n s:Fro m the m a in in tersectio n n o rth o fSem a n sta ke Ca rd iga n Ro a d 1.5 m ilesn o rth,ya rd o n w est sid e. H i-Lights Include: TRAC TO RS - 1989 JD 8560 4w d tra cto r,235 en g hp,12F/4R Syn chro tra n s,6536 hrs sho w in g; 1969 JD 4520 2w d tra cto rw /JD 148 FEL,8 spd tra n s,9200 hrs sho w in g;JD R 2w d a n tiq u e tra cto rw /d iesel;JD R 2w d a n tiq u e tra cto rw /d iesel;C O M BIN ES -1996 JD 9500 s/p co m bin e w /D 914 p/u hea d er,2446 thr/3452 en g hrs sho w in g (25% d o w n sa le d a y);JD 925F 25’strcu t flex hea d er;JD 230 30’strcu t hea d er;S W ATHERS -1982 JD 2320 25’s/p sw a ther,UIIp/u reel;S EEDIN G & TILLAG E - Bo u rga u lt FH 536-40 40’a ir seed er w /Bo u rga u lt 2155 ca rt;Flexico ilSystem 95 50’ha rro w /pa ckerspra yer;Flexico ilSystem 82 60’ha rro w /spra yer;Leo n A-320 grd d rive ro ckpicker;Degelm a n R570S grd d rive ro ckpicker;G RAIN HAN DLIN G & S TO RAG E - Sa ku n d ia k HD101800 a u ger;Sa ku n d ia k HD7-37 gra in a u ger;Sa ku n d ia k HD7-1400 gra in a u ger;W hea thea rt 10” tra n sfer a u ger;

G o o d selectio n o fg ra in b in s,m a n y w /ho p p ersS PRAY IN G -1987 M elro e 220 Spra Co u pe s/p 50’4 w heel spra yer,1680 hrs sho w in g;1984 M elro e 115 Spra Co u pe s/p 50’field spra yer& AG Shield 60’bo o m s,1678 hrsho w in g;HEAVY TRUC K S -1999 Freightlin erCen tu ry Cla ssic t/a highw a y tra cto r,475 hp Detro it 60,10 spd M erito rtra n s;1969 Do d ge 800 t/a gra in tru ck;1986 In tern a tio n a lS2500 t/a gra in tru ck,466 d iesel,13 spd ,Ultra -Cel 19’steel bo x;1979 In tern a tio n a l 1724 s/a gra in tru ck;TRAILERS - 1994 Lo d e K in g Lo a d Ha n d ler 38’t/a gra in tra iler;O THER M IS C EQ UIP;S ELEC TIO N O F HO US EHO LD ITEM S ;C O N S IG N M EN T FRO M G ETTIS FARM S LTD – 3 06 -5 24 -4 4 24 - 2009 Akro n T180 gra in extra cto r,o n ly u sed fo r 16 ba gs; Fru eha u f28ft.t/a En d Du m p Tra iler;a n d m o re. Pa rtia l listin g o n ly.

IM PO RTAN T N O TICE: Thislistin g iso n ly a g u id e a n d in n o w a y a g u a ra n tee o fsize,d escrip tio n o r yea r. Plea se in sp ecta ll eq u ip m en tto yo u r o w n sa tisfa ctio n . C o m p lete term sa n d co n d itio n sa re a va ila b le a tb id d er reg istra tio n .

F am ily O w ned & O perated - 3 G enerations S trong

1.800.5 29.995 8 •S K PL #914 6 18 •AB PL #206 95 9

S E E M O RE @


Many Hills Land & Cattle Inc. (Potter Family) Gull Lake, Sk. (306) 672-4123 or (306) 672-7214 or (306) 575-7706

WED., MAY 30 - 10:00 am. 1 mile N. of Gull Lake on #37 Hwy. 2010 Case IH Puma 140 MFWD diesel Tractor w/FEL, grapple fork, 747 hrs. *1998 Case MX135 Maxxum MFWD diesel Tractor w/FEL, grapple fork *1992 Case IH Magnum 7120 MFWD diesel Tractor w/FEL *1982 IH 3688 diesel Tractor *1982 Versatile 835 4WD diesel Tractor *1978 JD 4240 diesel Tractor w/FEL *Case DC 4 Gas Tractor *Outback Series 3 GPS *1987 IH S1710 4-ton Grain Truck *Stocktrailer *5thW Bale Trailer *14’ Alum. Boat, Trailer, motor *2010 JD 568 Rd. Baler *NH 1475 & NH H1750 Hydroswing Haybines *V-wheel Rake *Post Pounder *Bale Processor *Kuhn Knight Feed Wagon, Digital Scale, like new *Roller Mill *Lg. Selection of Livestock Supplies (Posts, Feeders, Panels) *High Hog System *Bins *32’ IH 300 Discer *Rockpicker *IH 7200 Drill Wheel Assembly *Augers *3 Pt. Ht. Equip. *Wind Generators Terry Winter (306) 622-4816 -1987 25 ft. Case IH #725 pto Swather Eileen Haakenson (306) 672-3246 -1976 Ford #500 2-ton Grain Truck.

LARRY & JOANNE PETERSON Piapot, Sk. (306) 558-4704 or (306) 558-7007

SAT., JUNE 2 - 10:00 am. 8 miles E. of Piapot on #1 Hwy., 12 miles S. on Sidewood #614 Grid Road, 1 mile E., 1 mile S., 1 1/2 miles E. 1983 JD 4450 diesel Tractor w/FEL *1980 Case 2290 diesel Tractor *1964 JD 3020 diesel Tractor w/FEL *1963 Cockshutt 1600 diesel Tractor w/FEL *Ford 9N Tractor *60’ Summers Harrow Draw Bar *29’ Morris 525 Cult. *36’ Morris B3 Rodweeder *28’ JD 655 Air Seeder *22’ IH 55 Cult. *9’ Land Leveller *36” Custom built Tree Spade *3 Pt. Ht. Equip. *1986 IHC 1660 axial flow SP diesel Combine, Case IH 1015 pick up table w/Swathmaster Pick-Up *1990 25’ IH 1010 Straight Cut Header/trailer *18’ MF 655 SP Swather *8’ Swath roller *Swath turner *200 Alf. Bales. *2007 16’ NH 1475 hydroswing Haybine *JD 535 Rd. Baler *Solar powered Water Pump *Cattle Squeeze *JD 336 Sq. Baler *Post Pounder *1976 Chev C60 3-ton Truck, 46,600 miles *1964 Chev 50 3-ton Truck, 41,709 miles *1981 Chev 4x4 Truck w/Hydra Deck, propane, tool boxes *Flatdeck Trailer *1928 Nash Coupe Car *2006 Polaris 500 Sportsman 4-wheeler *Bins Brent Weiss (306) 558-4401 -1998 New Idea 4865 Rd. Baler *Panels.

JACK & ELAINE JANZEN Coronach, Sk. (306) 267-2366

MON., JUNE 4 - 12:00 Noon 2 miles W. of Coronach on Gravel Road 1974 JD 4630 diesel Tractor *MM U Gas Tractor *1976 Ford Louisville 8000 Gravel Truck *1975 IH 1600 3-ton Grain Truck *1976 Dodge 700 3-ton Grain Truck *45’ Fruehauf Highboy Flatbed Trailer *28’ IH 7200 Hoe Drills *21’ Versatile Noble 2000 Hoe Drills *31’ MF Cult. *36’ Morris B3 Rodweeder *Bins *1981 IH 1480 Axial Flow SP Combine w/IH 810 pickup table w/12’ Super 8 pickup *1978 IH 1440 Axial Flow SP Combine w/IH 810 pickup table w/Sund pickup *11’ Victory Pick-up *25’ IH 1010 Straight Cut Header/trailer *30’ Case IH 730 pto Swather *21’ IH pto Swather *14’ Hesston 1014 Hydroswing Haybine *Linden Post Pounder *MF 124 Sq. Baler *Arctic Cat 440 Panther Skidoo.

D2 Dechaine Enterprises Ltd. (David & Jocelyne Dechaine) Rockglen, Sk. (306) 476-2459 or (306) 476-7510

TUES., JUNE 5 - 10:30 am. 1 mile SW of Rockglen on #2 Hwy., 9 1/2 miles S. on South Hill Road, 5 miles E., 1 mile S. 2002 Case IH Maxxum MX120 MFWA diesel Tractor w/FEL *1980 Panther ST325 Steiger 4WD diesel Tractor *Case David Brown 995 diesel Tractor, 3 pt. ht. w/FEL *MH 44 Gas Tractor *1975 White Freightliner Tandem Grain Truck *Bale Deck fits Freightliner Truck *1973 Dodge 600 3-ton Grain Truck *1968 Fargo 700 3-ton Grain truck *1952 Fargo 2-ton Truck *1957 Chev 1700 3-ton truck *1940s Dodge 2-ton Truck *Stocktrailer *B-Train High Boy Flat Deck Trailers, 26’ Lead Trailer, 28’ Pup Trailer *40’ Bourgault FH536-42 Air Seeder *51’ Degelman 5000 Cult. *51’ Honeybee Deadrod *Bourgault Distribution Seeding System *36’ Anderson Cult. *16’ IH 300 Discer *7-Bottom MM Plow *52’ Blue Heart Truck Sprayer *Grain Cleaners *Carter Cleaning Mill *Kirschman Disc Drills *NH 664 Rd. Baler *18’ NH 2550 SP Haybine *Highline Bale Processor *McKee Bale Wagon *Linden Post Pounder *Shaver Post Pounder *High Hog Cattle Squeeze *NH Manure Spreader *2 NH Side Delivery Rakes *Livestock Supplies (Ties, Panels, Troughs) *1982 NH TR95 SP diesel Combine, NH 970 pickup table w/JD 3-roller pickup *30’ NH 970 Straight Cut Header *25’ Honeybee Draper Header, U2 Pickup reel *Grain Vac.

BDL Farms Ltd. (Darrell, Lorrie & Bryan Martindale) Glasnevin, Sk. (306) 268-2167 or (306) 459-2823, (306) 459-7583 or (306) 459-7673

THUR., JUNE 7 - at 10:00 am. 38 miles E. of Assiniboia on #13 Hwy., 1/4 mile N. 1981 Versatile 875 4WD diesel Tractor *1982 Versatile 835 4WD diesel Tractor *1989 White 120 diesel Tractor w/FEL *1979 MF 2745 diesel Tractor *Cockshutt 1850 diesel Tractor w/Snowblower *Cockshutt 1850 diesel Tractor w/FEL *1982 Mack Econodyne Tandem diesel Grain Truck, Cancade Super Box 2 Grain & Silage steel box *1972 GMC 5-ton Tandem Grain Truck *1980 Chev Custom Deluxe 30 1-ton Dually Service Truck *1974 GMC 5000 2-ton Grain Truck *1995 Chev 2500 3/4 ton 4x4 Truck *Flatbed Trailer *2 Stocktrailers *1994 Western Star Hwy. Tractor *1998 Wilson DWH-400 Pace Setter Super B Alum. Grain Trailers *2001 39’ Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill *90’ Rogator 854 SP Sprayer *50’ Spray Coupe 220 SP Sprayer *60’ Flexicoil System 95 Harrow Packer Drawbar *53’ Friggstad Cult. *45’ MM CP643 Cult. *41’ CCIL 204 Cult. *2 Degelman Rockpickers *Leon Rockpicker *45’ CCIL G-100 Discers *Prafco Band It w/tank *36’ B3 Rodweeder *Rock Digger *NH 855 Rd. Baler *12’ Hesston 1014 Hydroswing Haybine *Silver Lake Post Pounder *2008 30’ Case IH WD1203 SP diesel Swather *1997 Case IH 2188 SP diesel Combine w/Case IH 1015 pickup table w/Super 7 pickup *1997 Case IH 2188 SP diesel Combine w/Case IH 1015 pickup table w/14’ Case IH pickup *30’ Case IH 1010 Straight Cut Header w/trailer *1995 36’ MacDon 960 Straight Cut Draper Header, own transport *30’ Header Trailer *Grain Vac *2009 51’x8” Wheatheart Grain Auger w/mover, bin sweep *60’ x10” Brandt pto Grain Auger *FK Swath Roller *Koender Swath Roller *Tremble Easy Guide 250 GPS System w/Antenna Kit *2004 Polaris 400 4WD ATV Cash or Cheque w/Letter of Guarantee.


SWITZER AUCTION (306) 773-4200 Sk. Lic. 914494 Ab. Lic. 313086 Swift Current, Sk.

Sa t.,Ju n e 2/ 12 1 0:00a .m . 1 08 Hw y. 2 S., Sim p s o n , SK.

M erlin Fed ers p iel, a p p r o x. 1 7 a cr es w ith 2 0 40 s q . ft. ho u s e, co n ten ts an d m an y g o o d a n tiq u es & co llectib les .

W ed .,Ju n e 6 / 12 1 0:00a .m . 3 m . E. o f Im p eria l, SK.

Fa rm s a le f o r Ba rry & D a len e Gu s ta f s o n & Co n s ign o rs . JD 42 3 0 & JD 40 1 0 tr a cto r s , 1 9 9 7 M F81 2 0 FW A tr a cto r w / 2 3 40 hr s ., 2 -1 3 5 W hite tr a cto r, 1 9 84 M F86 0 co m b in e, fu ll lin e o feq u ip m en t.

Sa t.,Ju n e 9 / 12 1 0:00a .m .

D EE ZEE FAR M S LTD . W a w a n es a , M B.


Tue s ., Jun e 12th , 11:00 a .m . D S T. 121⁄2 m ile s s o uth Bra n d o n , M B., 12 m ile s e a s t.

Su n .,Ju n e 10/ 12 1 2:00p .m . Stra s b o u rg, SK.

H o u s eho ld s a le f o r Flo yd Cyn thia P iep er.


Sa t.,Ju n e 16 / 12 1 0:00a .m . ½ m . W . o f Da vid s o n , SK.

An n u a l Ya rd Sa le. 1 9 9 3 JD 5 3 5 b a ler, 1 9 9 6 7 x2 0 ’ N o r b er t s to ck tr a iler, n ew m eta l flo o r, 1 9 9 8 81 ⁄2 x2 4’ g o o s en eck fla td eck, 1 9 9 3 Lo d e Kin g tr ia xle g r a in tr a iler, 1 9 80 IH45 86 4W D tr a cto r p lu s m u ch m o r e.

Sa t.,Ju n e 23/ 12 1 0:00a .m . 7 m . E. o f Elb o w , Sk.

Fa rm s a le f o r L eo n a rd & D o reen Krets ch. 1 9 83 Ca s e 2 3 9 0 , Ca s e 7 3 0 , IH1 2 0 6 , Ca s e 9 0 0 , Ca s e 5 0 0 , M a s s ey 44, Ca s e LA & M cCo r m ick W -D 6 tr a cto r s , Ga lio n g r a d er, 1 8 p a s s en g er s cho o l b u s B o m b a r d ier, 1 9 46 W illys Jeep , 1954 TD 9 In ter n a tio n a l ca t, 1 9 7 2 N o r d ic 399 s kid o o , fu ll lin e o f eq u ip m en t a n d s ho p to o ls .

Su n .,Ju n e 24/ 12 1 0:00a .m . SE co rn er o f Sta lw a rt, SK.

D w a yn e Silzer. Fu ll lin e o f n ew & u s ed s ho p to o ls . 8 p er s o n La zy-B o y Lim ited Ed itio n ho t tu b . See w w w .m a n za u ctio n .co m f o r in f o .

M A NZ’ S A UC TIONEER ING S ER VIC E, D A VID S ON, S K. 3 0 6 - 56 7- 29 9 0


S a le D a te : M a y 26, 2012 @ 1:30 P M

6 52 ho u rs

1302 ho u rs

38 10 ho u rs

1 m . S., ¾ m . E. o f L o reb u rn , SK.

Fa rm s a le f o r Ro n & Ca m M cL ella n d . 1 9 9 0 Ca s e 7 1 3 0 & 1 9 9 2 Ca s e 7 1 2 0 tr a cto r s , fu ll lin e o feq u ip m en t.

City of Re gin a Sp rin g Eq uip m e n t Auction

2004 JD 9420 d ies el 4W D, 4 s p o o l hyd ., 24 s p eed tra n s ., Delu xe Ca b , Green S ta r Rea d y, F ires to n e 710 X R42 ra d ia l d u a ls , o n ly 1302 hrs . 1997 JD 8100 d ies el M F W D Ro w Cro p tra cto r, 3 S CV, 3 p t., 16 s p d . P/s hift tra n s ., Delu xe Ca b , 3 P.T .O. s izes , 18.4 X 46 ra d ia l d u a ls , 3810 hrs . 2007 JD Un ivers a l a u to tra c s ys tem 2600 T o u ch Pa d d is p la y. 2006 JD 9760 S T S Co m b in e, w /2006 J.D. 615 P p icku p hea d er w /Delu xe hea d er co n tro l, Bu llet ro to r, ha rves t m o n ito r w /yield & m o is tu re, fin e cu t s /cho p p er, Green S ta r Rea d y, 652 thres hin g ho u rs , w ired fo r GPS , im m a cu la te. 2006 JD 930D Dra p er hea d er w /30 ft. d ra p er cu ttin g, 30 ft. p o ly tin e p ick-u p reel, in tegra l ro a d tra n s p o rt w /light p kg. 2004 Prem ier 2952 S .P. 30 ft. W in d ro w er, w /Prem ier 972-30 ft. p o ly tin e p ick-u p reel, w /hyd . fo r & a ft tilt, Cu m m in s en gin e, Hi & L o w hyd ro s ta tic tra n s ., ju s t 328 m a chin e hrs .-Prem iu m . Degelm a n 40 ft. la n d ro ller. Jo hn Deere M o d el 3450- 7x16” p lo u gh. S pe c ia l No te : Pa ym en t term s o ffered o n Co m b in e, Dra p er hea d er a n d W in d ro w er. JD M o d el 650 Gra in Ca rt w /S hu r-lo ck ro ll ta rp , 1000 PT O, la rge u n lo a d a u ger. 1998 Peterb u ilt M o d el 385 T a n d em T ru ck, Ca t C10-335 hp . en gin e, 10 s p d . tra n s ., w /M id la n d Un ib o d y 19ft.x81⁄2ft. b o x, S a ftied . 1996 W es tern S ta r highw a y tra cto r, Ca t 3406 en gin e, 18 s p d . Ro a d Ra n ger tra n s ., S a ftied . 1995 L o d e K in g 40 ft. ho p p er gra in tra iler, w /S hu r-lo ck ro ll ta rp -like n ew , S a ftied , o n ly u s ed a s fa rm tra iler. J.D. 1650-51ft. chis el p lo u gh, 5 p lex w /Degelm a n 4 ro w m o u n ted ha rro w . Ra ven a ccu -flo NH3 kit w /Co ld F lo -5 m a n ifo ld o u tlet. JD M o d el 370-36 ft. S w in ger d is c. Plu s fu ll lin e p rem iu m fa rm eq u ip . M o s t s hed d ed , to ta lly s erviced & co m p letely rea d y fo r yo u r o p era tio n . F o r in fo rm a tio n p lea s e ca ll D o n Za ch a n o w ich , 204-824-2445 w w w .m ra n kin a uctio n s .co m o r w w w .ro s s ta ylo ra uctio n .co m M UR R AY R AN KIN AUC TION S 204-5 34-7 401 ROSS TAYLOR AUCTION SERVICE R o s s 204-5 22-5 35 6 | Bro ck 204-5 22-6396


FAR M AUCTION for P etrie Fa rm s Ltd . (Jim , M a vis & Da nny P etrie) ofCha uvin, Alb erta

M ONDAY JUNE 4, 2 012 AT 10:00 AM S ale Located: 4 m iles North of Chau v in then 1 m ile Eas tor 3 m iles W es tof Highw ay 17 on TW P Rd.44-0 Co n ta ct#780- 858- 392 5 o r780- 842 - 0996

TR ACTO R : 1980 Vers a tile 555 4w d TR UCKS : 1981 G M C 7000 81⁄2 x16 S teel Box 66,165 k m . 1974 IHC 1600 Loa d s ta r 16ft. W ood Box. 1995 Dod g e Ra m 1500 4x4 M O TO R HO M E: 1993 29ft. Du tchm a n M otorhom e Ford 350 C ha s s is H AR V ES TIN G AN D H AY IN G : 1982 JD 6620 Tu rbo Dies el S P Com bin e. 1990 JD 535 Rou n d Ba ler. 21ft. C a s eIH 721 PTO S w a ther U IIPick u p Reel. 1991 NH 116 Ha ybin e LIV ES TO CK EQ UIPM EN T: 920 Jiffy Ba le Proces s or c/ w G ra in Ta n k . 1989 16ft. Berg en S tock Tra iler. 359 NH M ix M ill PBF. 175 bu s . Ra n chers W eld in g Porta ble C reep Feed er c/ w Pa n els . LIV ES TO CK HAN DLIN G : HiHog Ha n d lin g Eq u ip m en t. Free S ta n d in g Pa n els , ca lfs helter, w in d brea k s . M ACHIN ER Y : 28ft. JD 655 A ir S eed er c/ w Va lm a r 1620 A p p lica tor. 72ft. Flexicoil M od el 50 S p ra yer. 46ft. W es tern Ha rrow Pa ck er Ba r. 16ft. M orris TD80 Dou ble Dis c 23in . Bla d es . 21ft. M orris Cu ltiva tor. 28ft. Frig s ta d Cu ltiva tor. 24ft. Vers a tile Bru s h S p ra yer BIN S . AUG ER S . Y AR D. S HO P Co n sign ed Item s: S hu r-Lift M od el LG -25A Drill Pres s Force 14in .x4ft. O p en En d M eta l La the. Force M od el 30 M illin g M a chin e. 6500 W a tt Ya m a ha G en era tor. 20ft. Vers a tile 400 S P S w a ther. AN TIQ UE & HO US EHO LD: Doll Ca rria g e, Da is y Chu rn . M eta l Chu rn . S a d Iron s & Trivets . C a bba g e C u tter. H a n d Pa in ted (Ros em a llin g ) S m a ll d ecora tive cha ir. 6ft. S how Ca s e w ith G la s s top . 3 d ra w er d res s er. W ood en Rock in g Hors e. A ccord ia n . Picn ic Ta ble & Cha irs . W ood Chip p er. Plu s m u ch m ore.

S a le m a na ged a nd cond ucted b y P ATTON AUCTIONS M a jor, S a s k., 306- 8 38 - 435 6 or vis itus on line: w w w.a uctions a les .ca or vis itour w eb s ite: w w w.p a ttona uctions .ca S K Lic . #914527 AB Lic . #190527

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Large Equip. Yard Auction, Saturday, June 23, 2012, 10:00 AM at the Estevan Motor Speedway on the Shand Access Road East Side of Estevan, Sask. Watch for signs! Up for auction 20’x50’ insulated and lined shop for removal before Oct. 31, 2012. Up for auction JD 4240 2WD tractor, JD 8440 4WD tractor, JD 8430 4WD tractor, JD 4010 2WD dsl. tractor with Case 70 FEL, JD 401-C 2WD industrial tractor, Versatile 700 4WD tractor w/12’ dozer blade and rear mount Allied 895 loader, Case 1370 2WD tractor w/clamp-on duals, Belarus 611 2WD dsl. tractor w/PTO, Gleaner L-2 SP combine, Gleaner 24’ straight cut header, MF 24’ 9024 combine header, Versatile 20’ PT swather with MacDon PU reel, Koenders Poly swath roller, Case 8465 Round baler, MF #12 square baler and stooker, MF 124 square baler, 5 bundles 1x8-8’ windbreak slabs, 4 Ritchie livestock water bowls, 2007 Polaris Ranger 4WD side by side quad w/332 hours, hard top canopy’s to fit Polaris Rangers, 2 place snowmobile trailer, 1966 Oldsmobile Cutlass 2 dr. hardtop car, 1959 4 door Impala 4 door for restoration, 1981 Cargostar single axle grain truck w/Allison auto, 1995 Chev ext. cab shortbox pickup, 1995 Ford 150 4WD truck, 1998 Ford F150 4WD ext. cab pickup, 1994 Ford F150 4WD ext. cab, 1993 Chev 2WD pickup, 1993 Freightliner single axle 24’ delivery van with ramp, 1985 IHC delivery van with 466 engine, 1986 3 ton gravel truck, 1967 Dodge one ton dually w/steel B&H, 1974 GMC 5000 grain truck w/steel B&H, Farm King 7-46 grain auger w/Onan engine, Sakundiak 6-33 grain auger, Westfield 7-33 auger w/13 HP Honda engine, Sakundiak 6-36 grain auger, 28’ JD 655 air seeder, 33’ Allis Chalmers 2600 D Double Disc, 35’ IH 55 chisel plow cult., 27’ IH Vibra cult., 12’ acreage cult., Rock-O-Matic rockpicker, 12’ rock rake PTO drive, Land Pride 3 PTH 5’ finishing mower, cement mixer, Leon FEL, 100 Barrel tri-axle pup trailer, 2002 tilt 24’ trailer flat deck trailer w/7000 lbs. winch, Well site mobile rig shack w/10x32 living quarters, shopbuilt 20’ hi-boy flatdeck trailer, Arnold Bros storage reefer van, enclosed B-train storage trailers with fuel storage and parts shelving, tandem axle dolly convertor, Rhino aluminum tub ATV trailer, Alum. jet ski lift, Cub Cadet zero turn RZT lawn mower with 40 hours, Eagle gas engine air compressor, slip tanks, 1250 gal. poly water tanks, alum. ladders and step ladders, Metal Industries 1500 bu. hopper bottom bin. For complete printable sale bill, photos and video visit Join us o n F a c e b o o k . M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 306-487-7815, 306-421-2928. PL311962

Lo c a tio n : S t. Jo hn s & 6th Ave – C ity Y a rd V ie w in g: Frid a y M a y 25 12 PM – 3 PM & S a tu rd a y M a y 26 9 AM - S a le Tim e . In clu d in g: 2- 2005 F o rd E 450 Dies el Bu s ; 2003 F o rd E 450 CNG Bu s ; 2001 F o rd E 350 Va n ; 2001 Do d ge Ra m 1500 4x4; 2001 Chev F u ll S ize Va n ; 1999 Do d ge 1500 1/2 to n ; 1999 F o rd F 350 (n o b o x); 1999 Chev 2500 E xt Ca b ; 1997 Chev K 2500; 1997 F o rd F 350 1 T o n (ca b & cha s s is ); 2-1996 fo rd F 150; 1996 F o rd F 250; 1995 GM M C 2500; 1995 Chevro let 2500 4x4; 1994 F o rd F 150; 2-1993 GM C 1500; 2-2004 PJ T ra il 601 - DGS T ra iler; 1979 Cra ig Utility T ra iler; 1984 F o rt Ga ry 16,000-18,000 GVW ; 2009 F ro n tier RC1072 m o w er w /3p t hitch; 2-2005 Jo hn Deere L X5 M o w er w /3p thitch; 3-2003 Jo hn Deere S a n d T ra p Dres s er; 1997 IHC 2654 T a n d em Axle Du m p T ru ck; 2-1999 T ra ckles s M T 5T D; 1991 IHC 4600 Va cu u m L itter Picker; 1993 IHC 5 T o n S in gle Axle; 3-W a ter S ho rin g Ca ges & M UCH M ORE !

Ch e ck W e b s ite for Full Lis tin g & Ph otos ! L is tin g S u b jectto Deletio n s .



HALF DIAMOND 33 Quarter Horses Production Sale, High River AG grounds. 60 plus head of saddle horses plus upcoming 2 year olds, yearlings and a few brood mares AQHA registered w/excellent bloodlines going back to King Fritz, Tuf N Busy, Three Bars, Pico Chex, Imp Chex and more. Sat. June 09, 2012, preview 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, sale to follow. For pictures and pedigrees go to Northern Horse, go to upcoming sales, click on Half Diamond 33.

UN RES ERV ED AUCTIO N C lo s e -Ou tfo r La ke s id e C o n s tru c tio n Ltd . - Re g G e rs pa c he r o fW a ts o n , S K

• Thu rs Ju n e 7 @ 9:00 a .m . S HARP !• Pa rtia l Listin g In clu d es: HYDR AULIC EXCAVATOR S • 2008 JD 240DLC • 1997 H ita chi EX230 • 1997 JD 792D • W HEEL LOADER • 1993 Ca t928F • 1985 Ca s e W 24 • 1970 C a s e W 30 • S KID S TEER LOADER • 1995 C a s e 1840 • LOADER BACKHOE • 2005 C a s e 420D • CR AW LER DOZER • JD 850D • GR ADER • JD 770 • TR ACTOR • M F 4840 • Ca s e 1370 • GR AVEL TR UCKS • 1992 Ford L9000 • 1989 KW T600 • 1976 Ford 8000 • M IXER TR UCKS • 2006 IH • 1995 M a ck E7-350 • 1995 Ford L-8000 • IH • TR UCKS • IH C Fla t Deck • IH C Fire Tru ck • 2005 C hev 4W D S U V w / W in ch • 1986 Ford • VACUUM TANK TR UCK • 1982 Ford Hyd ro Va c • HIGHW AY TR ACTOR S • 2002 Freig htlin er FLD C en tu ry • 1997 Volvo U n ibu n k • 1994 Ford L-9000 A erom a x • Volvo Ta n d em A xle • 1990 Freig htlin er FDL120 U n ibu n k • LIGHT TR UCKS • 1992 Dod g e 3/ 4 Ton • GR AVEL TR AILER S • 1982 Deca p • A rn es • 1989 A rn es • 1984 M erm ot • LOW BOY TR AILER S • Peerles s Red com • W illock T/ A • TR AILER S • 1999 G rea t Da n e • CR US HER • Pion eerVE46 • BATCH P LANT & P R OP ER TY •



1-8 00-6 6 7-2075 h o d gin s a uctio n e e rs .co m

S K PL #915407 AB PL # 180827






BIDDING CLOSES DAILY - NOON 8 29 51S T S TREET EAS T, S AS K ATOON 2005 CA T267B S k id s teer; 2005 JCB8017 Tra ck hoe; 2005 Bobca t 331G Tra ck hoe; 2005 Bobca t 322G Tra ck hoe; 2004 CA S E430 S k id s teer; 2012 Blu e Dia m on d H140 Hyd . Ha m m er/S k id S teer M ou n t 3; 710 JD Ya rd Tra ctor; 2x40’ S em i S tora g e; 2x20’ S teel Tru ck Box UNUS ED: 2011 Ves a tech 72” Rock Bu ck et; 2012 Blu e Dia m on d Extrem e Du ty 72” G ra p p le Bu ck et; 2012 Blu e Dia m on d 1500 Extrem e A u g er/S k id S teer M ou n t, 2011 Floor S a w ; 2011 4 S k id S teer Tires 10x16.5; 2011 Ju m p in g Ja ck 6.9Hp – Ra m m er Ta m p er. Plu s n u m erou s u s ed a tta chm en ts & in d u s tria l p ieces . V ehicles & O ther: 1991 W es tern S ta r S em i Tru ck ; 2008 Chrys ler; 2005 Dod g e Ra m 1500; 1994 G M C S u bu rba n ; G M C Tru ck p lu s John Bea n Tire Ba la n cer, New Jew ellery & CollectorCu rren cy & M UCH M O RE!


G RAN D O P EN IN G - N EW LO CATIO N S ATURDAY, JUN E 2 – 9 :30AM 3350 ID YLW YLD D RIV E N O RTH M O N THLY AG & IN D US TRIAL S ATURDAY, JUN E 16 – 9 :30AM See w eb site for p hotos,term s, c ond itions & exc lusions w w w .m cdouga lla uction .com P hon e : (306 ) 6 52-4334 Lic #318116

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm and Livestock Equip. Auction for Peter Cozac 306-727-4889, Friday, June 15, 2012, 10:00 AM at Sintaluta, SK. Directions from Sintaluta 2 miles North, 3 miles East and 1-1/2 miles North. Watch for signs!! JD 4250 2WD tractor w/JD 720 FEL and grapple fork, MF 750 combine w/3803 hrs, 2007 Honda Foreman w/only 945 kms, 24’ IH 4000 SP swather w/UII PU header, 32’ 2007 Norbert gooseneck tandem dual axle flat deck trailer w/beavertail and ramps, 435 round baler, JD 346 square baler, 14’ Case/IH 1590 haybine, JD STX lawn tractor, Allied bale elevator, 1986 Ford Lariat F-250 XLT dsl. super cab pickup, 1971 Ford 500 grain truck w/33,000 miles, Glendale 22’ tandem axle gooseneck stock trailer, 26’ PJ gooseneck flatdeck trailer w/ramps, Hi-Hog maternity pen, Powder River calf tipping chute, Morand squeeze chute, Hi-Hog gates, 40 bu. creep feeder, Ritchie water bowls, branding iron pot w/torch and tank, grooming equipment, chute, blower, combs, etc., Ritchie water bowls, branding iron w/torch and tank, fence posts, steel fence posts, bundle of slabs, rolls of barb wire, rolls of barb wire, calf scale, plastic and wood feed troughs, 1250 gal. water trough, JD Trailfire snow machine, Westward Quad sprayer, snow sled trailer, Explorer utility trailer, Inland 3 PTH snowblower double auger, 225 bu. grain cart, IH 24’ cultivator, Cockshutt 12’ cultivator, 60’ Flexi-Coil System 82 harrow packers, Danhauser 3 PTH 8” auger, bucket mounted hyd. post hole auger, Brandt 8” auger w/new 11 HP eng., Sakundiak 6-37 auger w/Briggs eng., Brandt hyd. drill fill, 8x10 garden shed, temporary grain rings w/tarps, 1250 gal. poly water tank, 100 gal. slip tank, Wolfpac 270 AC/DC portable welder, Monarch water pump, OTC 25 ton hyd. press, Poulan chain saw, Coleman portable air compressor. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. Join us on Facebook. For sale bill, video and photos PL311962

DI SPERSAL AUCTION Jun e 9 th : 100 Ca n ola Cre s ., Cut Kn ife , SK 9 :00a m

BATTLE RIVER ASPH ALT EQUIPM EN T LTD. L ik e u s o n Fa ceb o o k


100 CAN OL A CRES , Cu t K n ife, S K 13,750 s q. ft. co m b in a tio n o ffice & s ervice s ho p. Zo n ed : Co m m ercia l The s ite is fin is hed w ith gra vel ya rd & co n crete s id ew a lk s . Bu iltin 19 8 6 a n d res id es o n 6 L o ts


AB Lic #3 1923 0 S K Lic #3 2853 7

o n W eb s ite: w w w .s crib n ern m

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a premium Farm Equipment Auction for Dean Allen and the Estate of Floyd Krell, Thursday, June 14, 2012 at 10:00 AM. Directions from Benson, Sask., 2 miles North on Hwy. 47 and 8-3/4 miles West on 705 Grid and 1/2 mile North. Live internet bidding at JD 9100 4WD tractor w/2065 hrs, Ford Versatile 846 Designation 6 4WD tractor w/3478 hrs, JD 6400 2WD tractor w/580 hrs, JD 4020 2WD tractor w/Leon FEL, JD 60 2WD tractor, Case 970 2WD tractor w/4243 hrs, JD 9400 SP combine w/713 threshing hrs, 30’ JD 930 straight cut header, 21’ Case/IH 721 swather, 30’ JD 9350 disc drills, Case/IH 2- 14’ 7200 hoe drills w/factory transport, Case/IH 3- 12’ 6200 disc drills w/factory transport, 2010 Kubota BX2360 diesel 4WD yard tractor w/only 81 hrs, 2010 Land Pride 3 PTH 50” rototiller, Leon 8’ 6-way dozer w/tilt and angle, Farm King 960B 3 PTH snowblower, Farm King trailer type mower, JD Gator TS 4x2 w/328 hrs, Yard Man LT 1238 lawn tractor, Yamaha 4WD Kodiak 400 quad, Honda 250 Big Red ATC, 2001 Ford F-150 ext. cab 4x4 truck with only 33,300 kms, 1986 IH S1600 tandem tag axle dsl. grain truck with 57,000 kms, 1975 Chev C-65 grain truck with 29,300 miles, 2004 Chev Silverado 1500 ext. cab 2WD pickup, 1987 Ford F-800 grain truck w/24,900 kms, 1956 Chev one ton step side truck, 1947 one ton step side grain truck w/B&H, 1992 Chev Silverado 1500 regular cab 2WD pickup, 2004 Buick Century Limited 4 door car w/48,885 kms, Versatile 400 20’ SP swather, NH 109 28’ PT swather, Co-op 428 swather, Cushion Air 5000 grain vac, Sakundiak 7-45 PTO auger, Sakundiak 7-45 auger w/Kawasaki engine, Pool 7-45 auger w/Kohler engine, Brandt 6-37 auger, hyd. drill fill, 40’ JD 610 cultivator, 41’ Friggstad DT cultivator w/Degelman harrows, Morris 36’ rodweeder, Cockshutt 247 14’ cult., Cockshutt 15’ discer, 40’ diamond harrows, Highline 50’ wingup packer drawbar, 50’ Wilcar tine harrow sprayer, 14’ White cultivator, RockO-Matic rockpicker, NH 268 sq. baler, NH 357 mixmill, JD 410 round baler, Summers truck mount sprayer, 1000 gal. poly water tank, 200 gal. poly water tank, quantity of 2’ poly water hose, oak sideboard, Singer sewing machine, steamer and dome top trunks, cream separators, ice cream make, crocks, plus many more hidden treasures, Chicago drill press, portable air compressor, portable air compressor, ext. ladders, battery chargers, hand tools, plus much more! for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.

LACKEY AUCTIONEERS ANNOUNCE the Eric Overbye Estate and Guests Farm and Livestock Equipment Auction, Friday, June 15 at 10:30 AM. Located 2 miles South of Lake Alma, SK on Range Road 2172A and 2 miles West. Tractors: 4640 JD tractor w/duals, 6856 hrs; 1070 Case tractor w/duals, 6313 hrs; 3130 JD tractor, cab (farm built), FEL and bale fork (farm built), 6040 hrs; 670 MM tractor w/FEL (Duz-All), 5917 hrs; 1997 Valmet #8450, 1 owner, 4250 hrs, FWA HD, 3 PTH, Delta 24 spd. shuttle shift quad hyds, 1000/540 PTO, 140 HP, remote hyd. and PTO control, 20.8x38 tires, AC, heated seat and foot heat; 1991 Belarus #7011, 3497 hrs, 3 PTH hitch, V8 engine, 100 hrs on 24.5x30 new tires (problem w/tires call Lance 306-447-4512); 1984 Belarus #7011, 3522 hrs, 28.1R26 inside and 18.4x38 duals, setup for air seeder w/flow meter, dedicated hyd. line and triple hyd. PTO and AC; 1984 Belarus #7110, 3490 hrs, PTO 28.1R26 single tires (engine very good, trans slips and needs repair). Trucks and Bale Trailer: 1980 Chev V8 Scottsdale 366 steel B&H, 40,525 kms; 1988 F250 Ford XLT Lariat 3/4 ton 4x4, 202,691 kms; 1967 GMC 940 2 ton w/wood box and flat bed, 66, 161 kms; 1971 IH 1700 Loadstar grain truck, 16’ B&H and bale rails (carries 9 bales), pintle hitch, 392 engine; 30’ pintle hitch bale trailer w/wood deck and bale rails (15 bale pulled by IH 1700), triple axle (was licensed); WW Stock Trailer 16’, nice shape; 1973 Chevy C-50 steel B&H, 45,000 miles, plumbed for drill fill, 350 V8, 4 spd., 9:00x20 tires; 1994 Plymouth van; 1985 Plymouth Caravelle, 67,756 kms. Combines and Swathers: JD 6601 PT combine w/Sund PU; 1984 Gleaner L-3 hydro SP combine, 158 HP, 4110 eng. hrs, 13’ Melroe #388 hyd. PU, chopper, cab, and AC; 24’ Gleaner rigid str. header; Versatile 400 SP swather sliding table cab, AC, rubber canvas Versatile 400; Versatile 400 SP swather sliding table, rubber canvas; Model 10 Versatile PT swather, 20’; 24’ PT Versatile swather for parts. Baler and Livestock: 2002 Hesston #856A computer controlled programmable round baler, 6x6 hard core, only 2816 bales; NH square baler 271; Vermeer 605G round baler; NH 9’ mower; NH 7’ mower; MF side delivery rake; NH haybine 495, 12’; Birch Creek squeeze chute; WW stock trailer 16’, nice shape; Stock/utility trailer 6’x10’ (farm built); 2 Lewis cattle oilers; Mineral/ salt feeder; Corral panels; 4 round bale feeders; JD #54 manure spreader; Dearborne 3 PTH 2 bottom disc plough; 98x10 calf shacks (mini quonset); Nifty pellet feed dispenser; 3 PTH post hole digger; 3 PTH bale/pallet lift; Peerless 500/ 24” mixmill; 100 bu. self-load and unload. Seeding and Tillage: JD 9350 hoe drill w/packers, 30; JD hoe drill w/packers, 14’; CCIL discer 15’ w/packers; Ezee-On HD double disc, 14; 2- Case cultivators w/harrows, 27’ and 33’; Case cult; JD cult. 12’; Tine harrows hyd., 60’; Farm King swath roller; Degelman grnd drive picker; Leon hyd. rockpicker; 24’ Belarus tandem offset disc, 28” orig. spade blades, 3 PTH or std. hitch; 41’ CCIL 302 DT cultivator w/harrows and 18” shovels; 42’ Versatile Noble hoe drills w/auto transport and hyd. hitch lift; 45’ Flexi-Coil #Y-407 harrow packer 5-bar tine harrow, P20 and big wheel; 45’ (3x15 factory hitched) G-100 discers, seeding att. and hyds; 45’ (3x15 factory hitched) G-100 discers, hyds., no seeding att; 30’ (2x15 factory hitched) G-100 discers w/seeding att. and hyd; 18’ G-100 CCIL; Crown reel rockpicker, hydraulic drive; Rock-O-Matic 546 PTO picker. Augers: HD 7-1200 Sakundiak, almost new; Versatile 6”x35’ w/B&S motor; Westfield 606-31 w/Kohler 12 HP motor; 5” pencil auger w/elec. motor, 15’ on wheels farm built; 4” pencil auger w/elec. motor, 12’. Misc: Standard fanning mill; Allied snowplow, 2 PTH; Flexi-Coil post pounder, trailer type; Collectable 1960’s Snow Cruiser; Tip-Mix cement mixer, 3 PTH. Shop: Lincoln welder, 180amp. Antiques: JD stationary engine #E103R. See full list o f s h o p a n d a n t i q u e s a n d m o r e at Lackey Auctioneers, bonded and insured. PL #914582. Weyburn, SK. 306-842-1516. FARM AUCTION, John and Edith Krawec and Paul Krawec, Prince Albert, SK. Location: 13 kms east of Prince Albert on Hwy #302. Date: Saturday, June 2, 2012 at 10:00 AM. Tractors and FEL, Ford FW 30 FWD, 5540 original hrs, 1980, quad hyd, 20.8x38, bottom of end redone at 4800 hrs; Case 2290, 1983, 3641 original hrs, powershift, LPTO, purchased new. Trucks: 1978 IHC 1800 HD Loadstar, 29748 orig. km, 404 V8, 5&2 trans w/Grainmaster 8-1/2x16’ box w/roll tarp; 1981 Dodge D150, 318 V8 auto. Combine: IHC 1460 SP, chopper, 2321 hrs, several new parts; MF 510. Swather: IHC 4000 SP, 1981, 19-1/2’. Discs: Case DOT 31, 25’, HD tandem disc, vg. Cultivators: Flexi-Coil 200 27-1/2’, vg; Morris 16’ DT. Augers: Westfield 707, 7x36, 16 Kohler; Sakundiak HD 8-1600 w/20 Twin Kohler, vg; Versatile 7x40 w/16 B&S. Seed Drill: JD 9350 20’ hoe drill; IHC 620, 36’ and factory transport. Harrow Packerbar and Harrows: Flexi-Coil endtow 55’ packerbar; Flexi-Coil 60’ hyd. Plow: Case 6x16 on rubber, vg. Rodweeder: Morris B-3-36. Misc: Miller Thunderboldt 225 amp welder. Several misc. items. Paul Krawec: Tractors: Case/IH 2294, 1986, 5202 hrs, new computer, Eagle- ground speed sensor, dual speed LPTO, 18.4x38 duals new inside. Truck: 1976 IHC Cargo Star 1710 C/O, shows 54,967 miles, 404 V8, 5&2 w/14’ B&H. Cultivators: Bourgault Commander 26-30, 26’ tine harrows, vg; Friggstad 24’. Disc: Bushog #1445, 20’, HD tandem disc, good. Combines: CCIL 9600 PTO, 1980; 2- IHC 715 SP cab and chopper, 1- parts. Swather: MF 775, 1982, 18’ SP w/cab. Drills: IHC 510, 12’ end wheel; Melroe 202, 24’ (3x8) w/steel press wheels and fert. att; 24’ 2 wheel drill transport. Auger: Brandt 7x40 w/Kohler 16 HP magnum. Rodweeder: Morris B3-36 w/tine harrows. Breaking Plow: McCormick, hyd. Grain Dryer: Moridge 360 bu. recirculating. Conducted by: Balicki Auctions, Prince Albert, SK. phone 306-922-6171 or 306-961-7553 PL #915694.

ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a House for Removal and Grain Storage Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, 3:00 PM, Benson, SK. Directions from Benson, SK., 3 miles North on Hwy. 47 and 3 miles East. Watch for signs!! Open House, Sunday, June 10, 2012. 3 bdrm bungalow, approx. 1132 sq. ft. with 2x6 construction. House must be moved before October 1, 2012. Also selling 3 Westeel Rosco 3500 bu. hopper bottom bins, 2 Westeel Rosco 2200 bu. hopper bottom bins, Behlin 3200 bu. hopper bottom bin w/aeration, harvest hopper, 2000 bu. hopper bin, aeration fans. Visit for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.

SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park New and used parts available for 3 tonhighway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-800-667-3023. DL #914394

2006 FORD F450, 4x2, 48 pass. bus, diesel engine inoperable. $2,000. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. SCHOOL BUSES: 1991- 2001, 36 to 66 pass., $2600 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074.

1985 CADILLAC ELDORADO Biarritz, fully loaded, last year made, exc. cond., remote start, PL, power trunk, complete new sound system, Bluetooth and Sirius radio, many dollars spent, $9000 OBO. 306-370-1603, Dalmeny, SK. 1986 LINCOLN TOWNCAR, 4 dr., no rust, all new tires, $1500 OBO. 204-742-3738, Ethelbert, MB. 2005 BUICK ALLURE w/On Star, 30,000 kms, immaculate cond., fully detailed, ofMACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm fers. 306-693-9885 eves, Moose Jaw, SK. Equip. Auction for Terry and Bhupinder 2005 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF, 4 dr., auto, exc. Dreger, 306-335-2512, Saturday, June 16, cond., new tires/windshield, 173,000 kms, 2012, 10:00 AM. Directions from Lemberg, $8500 OBO. 306-538-2130, Kennedy, SK. SK. from West side of Lemberg go 4 miles North and 11/2 miles West. Watch for signs! JD 4630 2WD tractor, Fordson Super Major diesel tractor w/FEL, McCormick Deering W6 tractor w/dozer blade, Farmall IHC 766 tractor; Hart Parr Oliver 80 tractor, JD L110 lawn tractor, Cub Cadet tractor w/mower and dozer, Turf Trac lawn 2004 LODE-KING SUPER B, all aluminum tractor, IH 1460 SP combine with 2507 grain bulkers. Call 306-648-7766, Gravelengine hrs, IH 4000 SP swather with 20’ bourg, SK. MacDon PU header, 30’ JD 590 PT swather, 1968 IH Loadstar 1600 grain truck, 1993 WARREN ALUMINUM TANDEM 1940 1 ton grain truck w/wood box, 1992 FEED/SEED auger trailer, 9 compartChev 20 van, 70’ Inland Terminator I field ment, with pump and controls, asking sprayer w/800 gal. poly tank, 14’ Miller $25,000. 306-224-4272, Winthorst, SK. offset disc, Flexi-Coil 60’ tine harrows, Coop G-100 18’ discer, Co-op G-100 18’ discer, Co-op G-100 12’ discer for parts, IH trailer type sickle mower, JD 227 rotary NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 mower, poly drum swath roller, 2- Chief years body and paint experience. We do Westland 2300 bu. bins on wood floor, 2- metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to Chief Westland 1900 bu. bins on wood daycab conversions. Sandblasting and floor, Chore-Time 10 ton galvanized hop- paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. per bin, Baldor 3 HP aeration fan, Sakundi- Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop ak 8-47 auger w/Wheatheart mover and shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. binsweep, Allied 6-27 auger w/electric m o t o r, S c o o p A S e c o n d 6 - 3 0 a u g e r 2011 CASTLETON SUPER B grain trailers, w/electric motor, Fruehauf 500 bu. alum. two sets for sale, alum. wheels, 11R22.5 grain wagon end dump with PTO, galva- tires, fenders, air gauges, LED lights. nized 100 bu. hopper wagon, 2000 and $70,000/set. 403-546-4190, Linden, AB. 500 gal. fuel tanks and pumps, 6- 40’ Chore-Time chicken feeders, 6- 40’ chicken 2011 WILSON HOPPER, 2 spd. trap openwater troughs, 4- 100’ Chore-Time chicken er, 43’, 84” high, 102” wide, Super Single feeders, 4- 100’ watering troughs, quantity Michelin tires, alum. wheels, inflation sysof chicken brooders, older chicken barn for tem on tires, air ride, new tarp, alum. sub removal, Karcher 1750 gas powered pres- frame, $32,000 (can change tires to tansure washer, JD T105C line trimmer, De- d e m ) ; 2 0 0 7 M e r r i t t C a t t l e l i n e r, troit drill press, Comet chop saw, Testrite 53x102x106, triple axle, air brakes, air bandsaw, bolt bins, antique Vulcan black- susp., 295/75R22.5 tires, nose decking smith anvil, Forever fanning mill, bob- dog house, belly cleanouts, $46,000; 2006 sleigh, one-way disc, walking plow, har- Wilson hopper, 41’, 78” high, 96” wide, alness plus many more hidden treasures! um. wheels, SS back, air ride, $26,000; Visit for 2006 Timpte hopper, 40’, 78” high, 96” sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook wide, ag hopper, alum. wheels, SS back ala n d Tw i t t e r. M a c k A u c t i o n C o . um. sub frame, $26,000; 2006 Wilson hop306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. per, 41’, 78” high, 96” wide, sub frames, SS back, new brakes and drums, good tires, $28,000; 2008 Wilson ag hopper, 40’, 66” high, 96” wide, air ride, plumbing for seed augers, 24 alum. wheels, good tires and INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF Auctioneer- brakes, $28,000. Phone 204-736-4854, ing, correspondence courses available, 204-226-7289, Stettler, MB. Can deliver. 1-800-465-7578, Go to: 2010 WILSON Super B bulker, alum. sub frame, 22.5 rubber on alum. rims, Michel’s tarps, good rubber, $75,000. OBO. Call 306-585-2550, Regina, SK. SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS, Weyburn, SK, 306-842-2641. Used car and truck parts, light to heavy. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals.

NEW NEVILLE 3 AXLE 45’, 3 chutes, $42,000; 2 axle, 38’, AR, 78” sides, $32,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

1979 FRUEHAUF GRAIN trailer, tandem axle, new tarp, safetied, $10,000 OBO. WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all 204-937-7194, Roblin, MB. models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: RETIRING: 2006 INT. 9900 highway tracWrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and tor, new rubber, recent safety, 665,000 others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, mi., 18 spd., 46 rears, $42,000 OBO; 2010 buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, Castleton super B grain trailers, like new rubber, exc. cond., $56,000 OBO; 2007 mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. Castleton grain trailers, new rubber, new WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. roll tarps, $14,000 spent on UC, $51,000 Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, OBO. 204-734-8355, Swan River, MB. Churchbridge, SK. SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailK-B TRUCK PARTS. Older, heavy truck ers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use insalvage parts for all makes and models. dustrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. for added rust protection. Quality workWRECKING USED VOLVO trucks: Misc. ax- manship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting les and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. suspension axles. 306-539-4642 Regina SK WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost. TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton, gas and diesel engines, 4 and 5 spd transmissions, single and 2 speed axles, 13’-16’ B&H’s, LARGE SELECTION OF hoppers. Steel, aluand many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky minum and multiple lengths in stock! Lake, SK, 1-877-585-2300. Check us out at: or TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in call for pricing at: 1-800-242-5030. Vander obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought Haag’s has five locations to serve you including Sioux Falls, South Dakota. for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM 2006 CASTLETON 36’ tandem axle open 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, end grain trailer, 76” side walls. Esterhazy, 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. AB. 306-745-2415 or 306-745-7168.


2009 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers, white, lift axles, alum. slopes, new 5th wheel, tires 80%, tarps 1 yr old, fresh safety March 2012, good clean unit, $73,500 OBO. 403-443-0108, Three Hills, AB.

16’ WAGON MASTER gooseneck horse trailer, sandblasted, primed, painted, new floor, fenders, lights, smaller tack room front and back, redone ready to go. 306-889-4246, Tisdale, SK. 2007 MILLCOSTEEL TRI-AXLE ground load stock trailer, 53’x8’, exc. cond. Wanted: 30’ alum. tri-axle livestock trailer and 20’ horse combo. 306-893-2714 Maidstone SK 2006 WILSON TRI-AXLE cattleliner, air ride, alum. wheels, new tires and safetied. Great shape, $46,500 OBO. Call 306-297-7470, Shaunavon, SK. 2007 FEATHERLITE 8411 20’ stock combo, immaculate shape. 780-763-2424, Vermilion, AB. GLENDALE 22’ tandem axle gooseneck stock trailer. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 PL 311962. MR. B’s TRAILER SALES, Norberts and Rainbow, lease to own. Ph. 306-773-8688, Swift Current, SK. 2012 BISON TRAIL HAND 3H, full LQ, $27,995. Not a typo! Saddle racks, awning and more! Stock #1841. A must see. 1-866-346-3148 or 2006 EXISS 4-horse angle haul, front change room, rear tack, good clean unit, $19,000. 403-443-0108, Three Hills, AB. 2008 EXISS ALUMINUM 20’x7’x7’ stock trailer for sale, purchased new in 2011 and has been very lightly used, in like new condition. 403-638-4142, Sundre, AB. NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 20’, $13,900; 18’, $11,700; 16’, $10,900. Call 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. 2001 BARRETT 53’ tri-axle, well maintained, will sell with new safety, $20,000 OBO. 306-768-2790, Carrot River, SK. 50’ FREUHAUF STRAIGHT LINER, good tires, current safety. Phone 403-579-2407 or 403-740-4837 (cell), Endiang, AB. 2013 FEATHERLITE 8117-0020, all aluminum, center gate, 6’7” wide, $13,900. Stock #DC125028. Unbeatable selection on Featherlite at Allan Dale in Red Deer. 1-866-346-3148 or

La c o m b e AB Pho n e :

403-7 82-47 7 4

Fa x: 403-7 82-6493

32’ 2007 NORBERT gooseneck tandem dual axle flat deck trailer w/beavertail and ramps. Peter Cozac Farm Equip. Auction Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962


FEATUR ED TR AILER S & TR UCKS • N ew M a n a c S tep Deck Tro m b o n e 51’- 71’ • N ew V ikin g 53’ TR IS tep Decks, Tw o AirliftAxles • N ew V ikin g 48’ T/A S tep Decks • N ew V ikin g 50 To n Equ ipm en t Tra ilerBV T & Flip R a m ps • 04 R o a d Bo ss T/A 30’ S pra yer Tra ilerPin tle Hitch • 2 012 Dra ke 40’ Ta n d em Ho pper G ra in Tra ilerc/w Ta rp • 00 S co n a 50’ 16 W heelerFlo a t • 07 Led w ellT/A M a chin ery Tra iler • 2 - N ew V ikin g 48’ TriAxle Alu m in u m Co m b o Hi-Bo ys • 79 Chev C70 w /16’ G ra in Bo x Ho ist& Ta rp, 67,000 km • 96 R eitn o u er48’ Ta n d em Alu m in u m S tep Deck • 04 R a ja 35’ S tep Deck Equ ip Tra ilerw ith Hyd ra u lic Ta il • 87 B- Tra in 30’- 30’ w /Ba le R a ck • S in gle - Lo n g o rS ho rtTo n gu es • 2 8’ to 53’ S to ra ge & FreightV a n s S ta rtin g a t$1,500 • 06 XL Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 95 IHC S in gle Axle Tra cto r • 03 XL Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 06 BW S Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 1996 Ken tu cky 48’ Fu rn itu re V a n • 2 002 G rea tDa n e 48’ R eeferV a n


WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited. 40’ OILFIELD FLOATS, clean straight trailers, two available at $4500 each as is. 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. 1988 TRAILMOBILE EQUIPMENT trailer, 24’ deck, tri-axle, pintle hitch, 21 ton, $10,000. 306-302-9067, Big River, SK. NEW TRIDEM MUVALL single drop, 10’ wide, ext’s to 15’, 20,000 lb. winch, hyd. tail; 53’ and 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; 53’, 48’ and 45’ tridem and tandem highboys, all steel and combos; Super B and B-train highboys; Tandem and S/A converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers, 48’ w/side doors; tandem lowboy. Dodsland, SK. 306-356-4550. DL#905231.

WE HAVE 15 GMC pickups from $8900, example 2008 Sierra SLE Crew, $18,955. Call Hoss at 1-800-667-4414. DL #909250.

1 Ton C&C, Medium Duty Trucks

26’ PJ GOOSENECK flat deck trailer with ramps. Peter Cozac Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

Trailer Sales And Rentals

2006 MAC END DUMP tandem alum trailer, $28,000; 2011 Gravhaul end dump triple axle alum., $42,000; 2012 Midland end dump triple axle, front/rear axle lift, alum. wheels, tires good as new, $52,000; 2005 Travis triple axle 39’ belly dump, alum., $42,000; 2007 tri-axle crude oil tanker, $52,000; 2007 Merritt tri-axle cattleliner, $46,000. Can deliver. Peter 204-226-7289, Stanford, MB.


Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers

GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beavertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK. 2008 MIDLAND XL3000 tri-axle end dump gravel trailer, asphalt overhang, exc. cond, $46,500 plus GST. Many others available. Call Wes 204-266-1685, Beausejour, MB.

Call for a quote Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y!

ALS O AV AILABLE S tep Decks, HiBo ys, Freight V a n s, Sto ra ge Un its a n d Jo b site Tra ilers & M o re

2002 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, day cab, C12 Cat, 10 spd., air ride, air cond., premium, no rust, Calif. truck only $34,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2003 IHC 4400 C&C, new body style, tandem, 466 Allison auto, low miles, long WB, $33,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027, Ituna, SK. DL #910885.

2013 Kenworth T370 350HP Diesel, Allison Auto, fully loaded, air suspension, 8.5’ x 20’ x 65” CIM utracel box, hoist, electric tarp, remote controls......................$139,995 2009 GMC Topkick Tandem C8500 7.8L Isuzu diesel, allison auto, loaded, 8.5’ x 20’ x 60” CIM Ultra Cel Box + hoist, electric roll tarp, remote endgate + hoist, pintle hitch, Victory Red 2 in stock; 1 with 14,646KM; 1 with 23,320KM, Victory Red .... $103,995 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 HD (1 Ton), 2WD, C+C, 6.0L v8, auto, locking rear axle, brake controller, ACT dual rear wheels, 161.5” W.B., dual tanks, 13,200# GVW white. MSRP $40,710................SALE $32,995

2007 CHEV 1500 ext. cab, 4x4, new style body, new tires and brakes, 128,000 kms, exc. Must See! Best offer. 780-672-6500, 306-357-4603, Wiseton, SK.

2006 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, 475 HP, 18 speed AutoShift with clutch, new 20’ grain box, aluminum wheels. Call 1-888-326-8789, Steinbach, MB. Visit: 2006 IH 9200, AutoShift w/clutch, 475 ISX Cummins, BH&T; 1991 Western Star, 60 Series Detroit, 20’x64” CIM ultracel, silage gate, 15 spd., 11x24.5 tires (near new), pintle hitch, $9000 workorder 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231.

2012 GMC 3500 (1 Ton) 4WD, reg cab. C+C, 4x4, reg cab C+C, 6.6L duramax diesel, allison auto, loaded, white MSRP $59,080. . . . . .SALE Price $49,995

HEAVY DUTY Dodge Ram 3500, turOver 400 new 2012 GMC Sport UNUSED 2012 BWS EZ-2-LOAD 27’ end 2007 diesel Cummins, silver in colour, Utilities, Cars, 1/2 Ton, 3/4 Ton + dump tandem air ride, elec. tarp, 11R22.5 bo 151,537 kms. 403-843-6832, Rimbey, AB. radials. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. 1 Tons with gas & diesel engines are Discounted To SELL NOW! 1975 WILLOCK TANDEM axle drop low- 2008 DODGE 3500 dsl., 1 ton, 116,000 W EBS ITE boy, WB suspension, 7’ neck, 20x9’ deck, kms, black, $5000 in extras, new Michelin Financing as Low As 0% tires and custom rims, stored inside, w w w .la co m b etra ilers a les .co m 3 ’ 6 ” b e ave r t a i l , s a fe t i e d , $ 1 8 , 5 0 0 . On Select Models O.A.C. $38,500. Clayton Rooks 403-818-8615, 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. Nobleford, AB. 2007 LODE TRAIL 20’ EQUIPMENT WATROUS MAINLINE T R A I L E R , d ove t a i l , fo l d u p r a m p s , WANTED TANDEM AXLE end dump gravel 2008 FORD 250 4x4 King Ranch truck for (2) 7000 lb axles, new tires, $3500. trailer, must be safetied in good condition. sale, 110,000 kms. 306-634-9911, Este- MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. 306-768-7077, Arborfield, SK. 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK. van, SK. HIGHWAY #2 EAST – WATROUS, SK TANDEM DUALS FLATDECK 5th wheel, 32’, 2008 FORD SD F-350, King Ranch, crew 306-946-3336 many extras. Also will custom build to cab, 4x4, 170,000 kms., new Michelin’s, your specs. 306-859-4800, Beechy, SK. stainless running boards, very good cond., $28,000. 204-847-2079, Foxwarren, MB. DL#907173 DUMP TRAILER- Great for landscaping. NEW RAM CUMMINS diesel crewcab 4x4, 8’x50”, 5200 lb. axle, LED lights, 2 cu. yd. $48,888, buy for 0 down at $286 biweekly. 1965 FORD F600 tandem, 360 V8, 4+2, capacity. Only $4,550. Call us at Flaman 15’ steel box, 48,538 miles showing. 1-800-667-4414. DL #909250 Trailers, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121. Phone: 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. 1988 TALBERT hydraulic detach lowboy 1972 CHEV C40, 6 cyl., 12’ box, 26,000 2012 MIDLAND END DUMP gravel trailer, trailer, tri-axle, air ride. 306-745-2415 or 2003 FORD DIESEL, red, 1 ton, 165,000 orig. miles. Langham, SK. 306-283-4747, tandem, air ride, steel wheels, new tires, kms, stored inside, custom rims and 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429. 306-745-7168, Esterhazy, SK. Michel’s vinyl tarp, 4000 kms., road ready, wheels, full load, leather, $23,000. Clayton PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and $41,000 OBO. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Rooks 403-818-8615, Nobleford, AB. bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, 2004 DODGE 2500 Larimie 4x4 crewcab, TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who auto., 5.9L Cummins, 312,000 kms, full 1977 CHEV C65 gas, 12,300 mass, plus 306-957-2033, demand the best.” Agassiz - Precision - load, leather int, spray box and more. Ask- drill fill, 8” hyd. grain and fertilizer augers Rainbow (open and enclosed cargo) trail- ing $19,000. 306-242-6434, Saskatoon, SK with in-box fert. hopper, 366 motor, low ers. Stock and horse trailers. mileage, wood box, shedded, excellent 1 - 8 5 5 - 2 5 5 - 0 1 9 9 , M o o s e J a w, S K . 2005 FORD F350 XL Super Duty, 6L dsl., condition. Retired. Phone 780-724-2390 auto, AC, dually, 11’ steel flatdeck, 88,000 farm at Elk Point, AB. or 780-436-3311. excellent cond., new MB safety, 28’ HIGHBOYS, spring ride, w/wo single or kms, 1979 CHEVY C60 T/A, new leaf springs all tandem axle converters. 306-356-4550, $9500. 204-999-6581, Winnipeg, MB. around, shocks and brakes also, $17,000. Dodsland SK. DL #905231. 2005 GMC, extended cab, 1/2 ton, 4x4, to- 306-554-8119, Wishart, SK. 24’ GOOSENECK TRI-AXLE, 21,000 lbs., tally loaded including leather and heated 1981 CARGOSTAR single axle grain truck $6490. Bumper pull tandem equipment: seats, no taxes to pay, $9500. For more in- with Allison auto, 1974 GMC 5000 grain 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., formation call 306-563-5399, Canora, SK. truck w/steel B&H. Large Equip. Auction, Saturday, June 23, 2012, Estevan, Sask. 2005 TRAIL KING aluminum end dump, air $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2650. Factory diVisit for ride, 3 axle, 36’, vg condition, sealed gate, rect. 1-888-792-6283. electric tarp. New brakes, drums and 1985 TRAIL KING 50’ tridem, single drop, 1990 FORD 250, 7.3 diesel, 4WD, 5 speed, sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or cams, tires 85%, MB. safety, $41,500. Can hyd. tilt and winch, slide outs, Sask. safety, long box, extended cab, 294,000 kms., 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. $27,000. 306-463-2796, Kindersley, SK. $5000. 306-296-7636, Frontier, SK. 1985 FORD F700 grain truck, 8.2 Detroit DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers 1998 TRAILMOBILE 48’ tandem hi-boy, 1990 White/GM Volvo, SA, Cummins eng., diesel, 5&2, 47,000 miles, safetied. Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. air ride w/bale racks, in exc. cond., good rubber, certified w/45’ hi-boy trailer, 204-755-2910, Beausejour, MB. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. $12,000. 306-768-2790, Carrot River, SK. 1986 IH S1600 tandem tag axle diesel $14,000 for all. 403-788-2046, Mirror, AB grain truck with 57,000 kms, 1975 Chev 1992 HIJET MINI truck, new motor, 2012 C-65 grain truck with 29,300 miles. Dean safety, $5000 OBO. 306-984-4729 or Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, FULL LINE WILSON DEALER 306-984-7658, Leoville, SK. June 14, 2012 Benson, Sask. area. Visit TRAILER SALES & RENTAL for sale WESTERN CANADA'S ONLY 1999 F150 XL Supercab 4x4, 82,000 kms, bill, video and photos. 306-421-2928 or FULL LINE MUV-ALL DEALER $7500 OBO. 306-948-2187, Biggar, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 DIESEL 1982 CHEV 6.2, auto, air, Arizona 1987 FORD F-800 grain truck w/24,900 Financing Available, Competitive Rates O.A.C. truck, no winter use, exc. cond, 35 MPG. kms. Dean Allen and Floyd Krell Estate LIVESTOCK Must see. 306-357-4603, Wiseton, SK. Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 2013 WILSON GROUNDLOAD ...ON ORDER 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. Visit EQUIPMENT for sale 2012 MUV- ALL DOUBLE bill, video and photos. Mack Auction Co. 2001 FORD F-150 extended cab, 4x4 truck 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. DROP & HDG...................................... ON ORDER with only 33,300 kms. Dean Allen Farm COME SEE US AT THE WESTERN CANADA Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 1987 GMC 7000 tandem, 427 gas, air FARM PROGRESS SHOW 2012, Benson, SK. area. Mack Auction Co. brakes, Western Industries 19.5’x8’x48”, 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. View 138,000 kms., one owner. 306-961-7355, JUNE 20-22, 2012 for sale Prince Albert, SK. LOT E GRAIN bill, video and photos. PL 311962. 1998 CH MACK, 350 Mack motor, 13 spd, 2013 WILSON TANDEMS ............... IN STOCK LOT E 2003 FORD F250, 4x4, 7.3 diesel, ext. new Cancade 20’ B&H, new paint job. Runs 2013 WILSON TRIDEM .................... IN STOCK cab w/lift kit, good shape, $8949.50. Call very nice and looks sharp, asking $36,000. 2 & 3 HOPPERS Bow Island, AB. Call 403-952-0524 for 306-330-9114, Golden Prairie, SK. more details and pictures. 2013 WILSON SUPER B........................................ LOT D LOT F 2004 OR 2006 SLT quad cab diesel 4x4, STARTING AT ... $89,980.00 (IN STOCK) WE ARE your choice, $17,950. 1-800-667-4414 USED GRAIN HERE DL #909250. 2011 CASTLETON SUPER B ....... $69,980.00 2010 WILSON SUPER B................ $77,980.00 2005 DODGE 3500 SLT Dually, 4x4, 5.9 Cummins, auto, 4 dr. Quad Cab, longbox 2008 DOEPKER SUPER B............. $52,500.00 DECKS TANDEM AXLE PINTLE HITCH GRAIN DUMP NEW WILSON STEP & FLAT DECKS TANDEM w/canopy, loaded, remote start, 5th wheel, GPS, Bluetooth, many more extras, TRAILER (2 AVAILABLE) ....... $15,000.00 & TRIDEM ..................................ON ORDER $26,000 OBO. 306-370-1603, Dalmeny, SK GOOSENECKS GRAVEL NEW WILSON 20’ & 30’.................... IN STOCK 2013 CROSS COUNTRY TRIDEM END DUMP 2011 FORD DIESEL F250 XL, ext. cab, 6.7L, only 17,500 kms, deluxe tow pkg., NEW WILSON 24’ ............................ON ORDER & BELLY DUMP ........................ON ORDER 5th wheel hitch pkg., factory trailer brakes controller, rear air bags, longbox, $34,000. 2- 2002 FREIGHTLINER FL112’s, heavy VARIETY OF USED GRAIN AVAILABLE duty C&C’s, Cummins ISM 335 HP, Allison 306-221-3240, Saskatoon, SK. RENTALS AVAILABLE HD4560P, rear axle 46,000 lbs., front axle NEW 12 RAM LARAMIE Crew, Dually, 4x4, 20,000 lbs., 191” WB, back of cab to centre Cummins, $57,897. 0 down, $327 bi-wkly. of tandem 13’7”, back of cab to end of Phone 1-800-667-4414, f r a m e 1 8 ’ . C a l l Pe t e r a t A m t r u c k DL #909250. 1-866-511-0007 or Moose Jaw (877) 999-7402 Saskatoon (866) 278-2636 NEW 2012 RAM 3500 crewcab, dsl., 4x4, 2000 IH 4700, 466 diesel, Allison auto, $52,000. Hendrys Chrysler, 306-528-2171, no rust, w/new 16’ box pkg., $36,500. Brian Griffin, Harvey Van De Sype, John Carle Danny Tataryn | Cell: 306-260-4209 Nokomis, SK. DL #907140. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.



2002 FREIGHTLINER 120 Columbia w/20’ ultracel B&H pkg., air ride, AC, no rust California truck, cert., ready to go, $57,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.

1 more 2012 Chev HD, C+C, 4x4 with 6.0L auto MSRP $44,655. . . . . .SALE Price $36,995

Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB

*2/'(1 :(67

20’ CARGO TRAILER V front, good condition, low miles, $6500. Call 306-373-2167, Saskatoon, SK.

2004 VIDIR BIN MOVING TRAILER, fully self-contained hydraulic system, handles 38’ bin height, elec. brakes, tandem axle. 519-625-1550, Shakespeare, ON.

2- USED TRAILTECH gooseneck combine/ sprayer trailers, 2- 20,000 lb. axles, slide1996 MOND DROP DECK 53’ tridem, air outs, 28’ decking, reduced to clear, r i d e , s a f e t i e d , $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . P h o n e $12,900. Call Wendell at Flaman Sales Ltd., 1-888-235-2626, 306-726-7652, 204-373-2723, Ridgeville, MB. Southey, SK.

2006 KENWORTH T800, AUTOSHIFT 10 spd., new B&H, ISM Cummins, very clean truck; Also, available trucks w/ISX Cummins and no box. 204-673-2382 Melita MB 2007 MACK VISION, 460 Mack eng., 480 HP, 10 spd., AutoShift, 20’ B&H, new paint, rear controls, safetied, exc. tires, $68,500. 2007 Freightliner, 450 HP Mercedes, 10 spd., AutoShift w/clutch, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, A/T/C, Jakes, 12/40 axles, alum. wheels, $68,500; 2003 IH 9200, Cat 400 HP, 18 spd., new 18’ BH&T, rear controls, $51,500; 2001 Western Star, ISX Cummins, 10 spd., 19-1/2’ BH&T, rear controls, $49,500; 2010 36’ grain trailer, air ride, alum. wheels, new cond., $33,500. All trucks safetied. Trades accepted. Arborfield, SK. 306-276-7518, 306-862-1575 or 306-767-2616. DL #906768. ATTENTION FARMERS: 20 tandems in stock, automatics and standards, Cancade boxes, $40,000 and up. Highway tractors a l s o i n s t o c k . Ye l l o w h e a d S a l e s 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. DL #916328 AUTOMATICS, AUTOMATICS, 2005 to 2006 FL Columbias, new 20’ B&H, $50,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK.

AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #327784. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. PARTING OUT: 1983 GMC 7000, single 2 speed axle 366, 5 speed. Phone 306-845-3119, Livelong, SK. S1900 IHC, 20’ B&H, 5 spd. auto, 11-22 tires, $27,000. 306-782-2738, Yorkton, SK. WANTED: 3 TON TRUCK, low kms, must be in good to excellent condition. Call 306-922-8405, Prince Albert, SK.

Ag Ex Pavilion

Agribition Bldg

8000 - 8208

8209 - 8216



- 82



8300 - 8332 8400 - 8432 8500 - 8515 8517 - 8530 8600 - 8616



2006 LODE-KING PRESTIGE, Super B, 22.5 rubber at 75%, just repainted by Lode-King, clean and safetied, $52,500; 2011 Lode-King tridem, alum. wheels, lift axles, 90% virgin Michelins, dual cranks, $45,000; 2008 Timpte, tandem, 40’, 22.5 rubber at 70%, alum. wheels, SS back, commercial hoppers, $29,000; 2005 Wilson tandem, 40’ alum. wheel, 22.5 rubber at 70%, $27,500; 27’ Fruehauf alum. gravel trailer, spring susp., steel frame, $19,000; 1999 Wilson tridem, all alum. wheels, air ride, vg cond.; 2010 Doepker Super B’s. Call T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., Ken 204-362-0116, Winkler, MB. NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tandem 38’; 2008 Lode-King Super B’s; 2005 Lode-King alum., alum. budds, air ride; 1996 alum. Lode-King Super B, alum. budds, air ride; 1997 Doepker Super B and 1998 Castleton, air ride; 1990 Doepker tandem grain trailers; 1992 Doepker 31’ tridem; 1992 tandem 29’, new paint, air ride; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, cert.; Tandem axle 18’ pony pups, BH&T. Phone 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL# 905231,



2008 DOEPKER SUPER B bulker, great shape with new safety. Also in stock, 2013 Super B grain trailers; 2013 Doepker Super B flats in stock. Various models of Lowboys, 50-70 ton arriving soon; Also used grain trailers arriving daily, many colors to choose from. 1-800-665-6317. More info. available at:




Public Parking

QUALITY USED/CLEARANCE Trailers. Large selection of enclosed, flatdecks and dumps. Continental Cargo enclosed trailer, 7x14 plus 2’ v-nose, screwed side, spring axle, serviced and ready to go, $5,500. Call F l a m a n Tr a i l e r s i n S a s k a t o o n , S K . 1-888-435-2626 or visit 1994 JDH TRUSSMASTER, 36’ extends to 52’, tandem axle, self-contained, power pack hyds, new SK safety, vg cond. for year, $12,000. 306-292-5994 McDowall SK 1999 MIDLAND END dump, tandem, fresh safety, $22,000. 306-641-4946, Yorkton, SK. DOUBLE DROP LOWBEDS: Tandems, triaxles, detachables, 30-60 ton, $10,000 to $35,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.


Golden West Trailer Sales & Rentals



3 8 ,000

2008 K EN W ORTH T-6 6 0

IS M 410 HP, 13 E a to n Ultra S hift, 12 & 40’s , 66” m id ro o fs leep er, Alu m in u m w heels , New Drive tires , GPS d is p la y, 1,100,000 km s

Re gin a , S K 1-800-667-0466 S a s ka to o n , S K 1-888-242-7988


1983 PETERBILT 400 HP, Cummins 15 spd. trans, spring ride, new paint job (last year), road ready w/new Sask safety, new tires, clutch and brakes, vg condition, $22,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324,


2000 IHC 9900i, 739,000 kms, Cat 3406E, 4 7 5 H P, 1 8 s p d . , 1 4 / 4 6 , f u l l l o c k s , $29,900; 2007 Peterbilt 379, new 20’ grain box, C13 Cat, 10 spd., Jake, cruise, 80% rubber, alum. wheels, $59,500. 2008 Kenworth T800, 550 HP ISX, 14/46, 18 spd., 4-way lockers, dash GPS, 4.10 ratio, 22.5 at 70% on alum. rims, recent engine work with warranty; 2008 Volvo 630, D16 Volvo at 530 HP, only 627,000 kms, 14/46, 4-way lockers, 13 spd., new 22.5 rubber, all options, Volvo warranty, absolutely immaculate; 2007 Freightliner Classic flat top, C15 Cat, 475, 18 spd., 12 Super 40’s, full lockers, new 22.5 virgin Michelins on alum. rims, 3.90 ratio, black and beautiful, $57,500; 2006 Freightliner Columbia, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 3 pedal AutoShift, 14/46 lockers, new 22.5 rubber, alum. wheels, 4.11 ratio, 1.1M kms, $42,500; 2006 IH 9900i, ISX Cummins, 455 HP, 13 spd., 12/40, alum. wheels, Jake, cruise, Eagle interior, $32,000. Call T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., Ken 204-362-0116, Winkler, MB.

1997 PETERBILT CUMMINS diesel, 12 speed Ultrashift, air ride, safetied, premiu m U. S. t r a c t o r, n o r u s t , $ 2 8 , 5 0 0 . 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 1997 WESTERN STAR 450 Cat, 15 spd., s l e e p e r, v e r y g o o d , s a f e t i e d . 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. 1997 WESTERN STAR, 550 HP Cat, 18 spd., removable bunk, wet kit, $19,950 OBO. 1995 Freightliner FLD120, 60 Series Detroit, 18 spd., 4-way lockers, new injec- 2005 MACK, 870,000 kms, 18 spd., 46 tors and rebuilt head, wet kit, $18,500 rears, new safety, exc. cond., $36,500. Call OBO. Will consider stepdeck trailer on 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. trade. 306-476-7747, Rockglen, SK. 2005 VOLVO 630, 465 HP, Volvo D12, 18 1999 FREIGHTLINER, N14 Cummins, 460 spd, 46 rears, 4.10 ratio, recent safety, HP, 18 spd., fresh safety, 11x24.5 alumi- 24.5 alum. wheels, 825,000 kms, $39,000. num rims, air ride, asking $16,000; 1990 306-741-7737, Stewart Valley, SK. Rotec Jeep, air ride, 275x22.5 tires, fresh safety, very nice cond., asking $16,000. 2006 PETERBILT 379L, red, 70” standup Call Don 306-889-4259 or 306-865-7417 bunk, fridge, leather int., 570,000 miles, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 3-way diff locks, alum. (cell), Prairie River, SK. rims, full stainless fenders, 6” stacks, 1 1999 KW T800 C12 Cat, 9 spd., air ride, year drivetrain warranty remaining, 250” 714,000 miles, clean U.S. no rust, $28,500. WB, rubber over 50%, $67,000 OBO. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 306-692-1999, Moose Jaw, SK. 2000 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, C12 Cat, 2006 PETERBILT 386, C13, 13 spd., 13 spd., 3-way lockers, 42” bunk, next to 9 9 0 , 0 0 0 k m s , n i c e , o n l y $ 4 3 , 9 0 0 . new rubber, wet kit, fresh safety, $22,500 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. w/wet kit, or $20,000 without. Phone Blaine at 306-621-9751 or Justin at 306-521-0207, Yorkton, SK. 2001 FREIGHTLINER CST120, Series 60 Detroit, 430 HP, 10 spd., wet kit, $19,000; 1996 FLD120, flat-top sleeper, Cummins 370 HP, 13 spd., $10,000. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. 2002 INTERNATIONAL 9900i, 475 Cat, 72” bunk, new 22.5 tires, alum. wheels, fresh safety. 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. 2004 T800 KENWORTH, single turbo Cat, 46 rears, 750,000 kms. Call 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB.

2006 T800 KENWORTH, 756,000 kms, 475 HP, Cat C15, 3.55 rear ratio, new alum. 22.5 rims, tires Michelin at 80%, 40,000 rears, 13 spd. Ultra Shift, full poly fenders, $63,000. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 2007 FREIGHTLINER CST120, 450 HP Mercedes, TA, sleeper, auto, newly safetied, very clean, 1.2M kms, $31,000. Will take trade. 1999 MACK CH613 daycab, Mack 6 cyl., 9 spd., manual, 247,000 kms, nice shape, $29,000. 306-291-4043, Saskatoon, SK.

2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 73” m id -ris e bu n k w ith cou ch, 599,109 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95,000 2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 73” m id -ris e bu n k w ith tw o bed s , 650,752 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,000 2009 M a c k G ra in Tru c k , 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hift, A S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, n ew Ca n ca d e g ra in box, 651,000 k m . . $80,000 2009 M a c k D a y Ca b , 445 HP M a ck M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, 727,262 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B. 70” con d o bu n k s , 612,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,000 4-2008 IH P roS ta r, 425 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 10 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 226” W B, 800k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2007 Ke n w orth W 900L, 565 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12 fron t46 rea r, 4:10 g ea rra tio, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 905,317 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 244” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 906,719 k m . . . . $49,000 2007 IH 9900I, 500 HP IS X Cu m m in s , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:70 g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 830,233 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $49,000 2007 IH 9400I, 530 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 13 s p , 12/ 46, 3:90 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 230 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 811,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2007 IH 9200I, 425 HP Ca tC13, 12 s p A u tos hiftM eritor, 12/ 40, 3:42 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 220 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 432,845 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 450 HP M erced es , 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , m id -ris e bu n k , 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 2007 Ke n w orth T800, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 10 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,000 2005 IH 9400I, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 3;90 g ea rs , 236” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 1.5M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,000 2004 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Ca tC15, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 1.5M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 2003 IH 7400, 260 HP DT466, 10 s p , 16,000 lbs . fron t, 40,000 lbs . rea r, 224” W B, 4:11 g ea rs , d ou ble fra m e, 254,149 k m , w etk it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,000 2001 S te rlin g , 430 HP Ca tC12, 15 s p , 12/ 40, rem ova ble fla t-top bu n k . . . . $18,000 1999 Ke n w orth T800, 460 HP Cu m m in s N14, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 48” fla t-top bu n k , n ot s a ftied , ru n s g ood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000 d lr# 0122. P h. 204-6 85-2222, M a c G re g or M B. To vie w p ic tu re s of ou r in ve n tory vis it w w w .tita n tru c k s a le s .c om

2008 PETERBILT 388, 520 Case, 475 ISX, 18 spd., near new rubber, 3:90 ratio, exc. cond., $72,000. 204-243-2453, High Bluff, MB. 2008 T-660 KENWORTH, Cat 475, Super 40’s, 775,000 kms; 2007 and 2005 IHC 9900i’s, 18 spd.; 2005 Pete, Cat, 18 spd., clean; 2003 W-900L KW, Cat, recent work orders; 2002 T-800 KW, M-11 Cummins, 10 spd.; 2001 Western Star, 4964, N-14 Cummins, 13 spd; 1999 IH Cat, 18 spd.; 2001 Mack, CH613, 42” bunk, 18 spd. Eaton, 460 motor, alum. rims; 1996 Volvo 425, 13 spd; 1997 and 1992 379 Pete’s, 18 spd, Cat. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231.

GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale or rent, weekly/ monthly/ seasonally, w/wo driver. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK. 306-795-7779 or 306-537-2027, email: 1996 PETERBILT TRACTOR unit, 500 Cummins engine, tires 80%, w/2010 triple axle end dump gravel trailer, good running condition, certified, asking $70,000 OBO. 306-781-4458, Pilot Butte, SK. 1960 FARGO 700 series gravel truck, 14’ box, tag axle, 5&2 transmission, air brakes, $3500. 306-289-4208, St. Benedict, SK. 1987 FORD LOUISVILLE FIRETRUCK, ideal for small town or community, carrying 1700 gal., equipped with hoses and reel, emergency lighting, $40,000. 204-243-2453, High Bluff, MB. 2001 IH 4700 dump truck, 466 engine, Allison auto., disc brakes, exc. California no rust truck, only 149,000 miles, $24,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.

2005 STERLING TANDEM gravel truck, 16’ box and tarp, 343,536 kms, fresh safety and service, Fuller trans., air ride cab, fuel efficient 450 HP Mercedes eng., engine brake, solid truck, $55,000. Offers considered. 403-826-8161, 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. 1993 FREIGHTLINER single axle 24’ delivery van with ramp. Large Equip. Auction, Saturday, June 23, 2012, Estevan, Sask. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chassis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE and Range Rider canopies and service caps. Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871. GRAVEL, 2002 IH SA diesel, 11’ dump, hydraulic brakes, $26,000. BUCKET TRUCK, FL diesel, SA, auto, $16,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. 2005 AUTOMATIC DAYCAB, tandem LWB Freightliner, 430 HP, takes 20’ B&H or 24’ flat, $31,000 306-563-8765 Canora SK 2001 MACK TRUCK w/2007 JBS 17’ manure spreader, w/twin vertical beaters, field ready c/w Trimble GPS for accurate ap p l i c at i o n o f m a nu r e o r c o m p o s t , $75,000. Would consider partial trade for skidsteer. Andy 403-443-1535, Trochu, AB. 2005 INTERNATIONAL GRAVEL truck, model 7600, only 273,000 kms., like new, c/w tridem pup, fresh safety, $110,000. 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK. 1997 IH 9400, 430 Detroit, 10 spd., 5 year old 15’ gravel box, new clutch, injectors, A/C, pindle plate, 24.5 aluminum buds; 2000 FL-80, Cummins, 6 spd., 24’ van body w/power tailgate. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. BEEKEEPER SPECIAL: 1989 6000 GMC low profile, rebuilt 366 engine and 5 spd. trans, new cab and distributor, 22.5” front, 19.5” rear, 20’ steel deck, hooks, smoker box, and 2- 8’ underbed boxes, dual stepside tanks, HD front bumper, HD front and rear hooks, HD rear hitch, plug-ins and brake control, many new parts, and complete 13 years of service records, $12,000 OBO. Yves Garez Honey Inc, 306-862-5979, 306-862-7700, Nipawin, SK 1979 FORD 9000 CEMENT TRUCK, 36,640 miles, 855 Cummins rebuilt 2,000 kms ago, 4/5 trans., pumps new on motor and hyd. pump, new shoots, new leaf springs, 8 yd. cement truck, 425-65R22.570%, 11R24.5- 60% avg., $12,000. Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.

2009 PETERBILT 386, 390 ratio, Cummins engine, 242” WB, 18 spd., 811,000 k m s , $ 6 5 , 0 0 0 . F i n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 2006 YUKON DENALI, loaded, leather, 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. Nav, DVD, 194,000 hwy kms, vg cond, askDAYCAB: 2003 FLD120 Freightliner, ing $18,500. 306-652-5171, Saskatoon, SK N14 Cummins, 640,000 kms, 14 fronts, 46 2010 DODGE JOURNEY R/T, like new, no rears, 13 speed trans., excellent cond. smoking, no pets, regular dealership main306-752-2873, 306-752-4692, Melfort, SK tained. Purchased from Denham Dodge, Lloydminster. Only 18,600 kms, fully loaded, 5 pass., leather, DVD, backup camera, AW D, at Tu r t l e fo r d , S K . C a l l M e r l e 306-845-2202 or Treena 306-845-9190.



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197 5 FOR D LOUIS VILLE M o d el 750, T a n d em (ta g a xle), 20’ Gra in b o x & ho is t w /s eed fu n n el d ivid er in gra in b o x, en gin e lo w ho u rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,000 OB O 1/2 TON 1965 C H EV LON G BOX (n o tru n n in g), green 6CY L . . OP EN TO OFFERS 1/2 TON 197 7 C H EV LON G BOX (n o tru n n in g), ta n 6CY L . . . . . . OP EN TO OFFERS M c Le a n , S K . 3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H)

o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t

CAN-AM TRUCK EXPORT LTD., Delisle, SK, 1-800-938-3323. 1998 FL80, 8.3 Cummins, 10 spd. 23 rear, $14,000; 1998 CH Mack 460, 18 spd., 40 rears, 18 front, only 209,000 kms w/21’ deck, and 300 Hiab crane, like new, $60,000; 2002 F600 Ford, 8’ deck, RV hauler, 5.9 Cummins, 6 spd., hyd. brakes, $15,000; 2004 Sterling, 300 Mercedes Benz engine, Allison auto w/15’ roll off deck, only 150,000 kms, $32,000; 2000 Western Star sleeper truck, C15 Cat, new inframe, 18-46, 4-way locks, $36,000; 2004 IHC 4200 w/365 Allison auto, w/16’ reefer unit, $30,000; 2000 IHC DT 466, 6 spd., w/24’ van tailgate loader, $13,000; 1998 Mack DM, 350 Mack, 12-40, w/6.5 ton Pitman crane, $24,000; 1979 740A grader, $17,000; 2004 KW 600, 475 Cat, 13-40, clean truck, $38,000; 1991 KW T450, 3176 Cat, 18-40, spring susp. w/15’ alum. box, pintle hitch, new safety, $26,000; 1999 IHC Paystar w/9 yd. cement mixer, $18,000; 2006 IHC 4400, DT 466, 6 spd., 24’ van and tailgate loader, clean loaded up truck, $32,000; 1999 IHC 9200, 60 Series, 13 spd., 40 rears, $15,000; 1998 Fliner Century, 60 Series, 13 spd., 40 rears, $15,000; 1998 IHC 9200, 60 Series, 13 spd., 40 rears, $15,000; 1994 FLD120, 40” bunk, Series 60, 13-40, new inframe 2009, $15,000; 1998 GM 7500 cabover, 3176 Cat, auto, w/22’ van unit, $12,500; 1999 Freightliner Classic N14, 18 fronts, 46 rears, wet kit, $18,000; 2001 Volvo cabover, Cummins 325 HP, Allison auto, will take 20’ box, $18,000; 1985 IHC 1954 w/Hydro-Vac unit, only 58,000 kms, $24,000; Gen sets ava i l a b l e . F i n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e OAC . for other listings. DL #910420.

100 HONEY BEE COLONIES, singles, doubles. What do you need? I would like to run less hives this year. Regina, SK area 306-545-6715 eves., 300 OVER WINTERED colonies, honey supers, feeder pails, etc. 306-323-4337, Archerwill, SK. 150 HONEY BEE hives for sale. Contact Derek 306-277-2042 or Dorian 306-873-0557, Ridgedale, SK.

LEAFCUTTER BEE EQUIPMENT: Stripper, roller, strapper, shelters, hatching trays, metal corners and cloth for blocks. For info. Call Grant 306-829-4320 week days or 306-469-4893 weekends, Big River, SK.

Low E ✔Argon ✔No Charge ✔ Sealed Picture Windows .........From $99.99 Horizontal/Vertical Gliders......From $129.99 Casement Windows...............From $225.99 Basement Awning Windows. .From $163.80 Storm Doors .........................From $159.99 Steel Insulated Door Units.........From $149.99 Patio Door Units ....................From $549.99 Garden Door Units ................From $799.99

VINYL SIDING • Popular Profile 99 • Good Colors! $



TOUR BOAT FOR SALE: Lake Diefenbaker, Dept. Of Transport licensed, Marine Vessel, Betty Lou tour boat, liquor license, 40 person, $189,000. Truck/trailer avail. Riverhurst, SK.

PUTS MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS. Successful Meat Processing/Butchering Business for sale. Full line of new/completely refurbished meat cutting/processing single phase equip, recipes, complete cusBurron Lumber tomer/supplier list. 5 days onsite training 306-652-0343, Saskatoon, SK in our facility, 5 days training in your facility, 1 year prof. dev. support for you and staff. $157,500. Further info. Joe or Heather, 780-682-2122, Winfield, AB. DIMENSIONAL HARDWOOD lumber, quarter cut Oak, Elm, Black Walnut, Hickory, Edge Grain Fir, quarter cut Cherry. Lim- DIESEL INJECTION SERVICE company for ited quantity. Inventory at 511- 3rd Street, sale. Hartridge 1100 test stand injector Davidson, SK. 403-318-7589 (AB cell). tester. Tools to repair Bosch, Simms and injector pumps. Lots of new parts. CEDAR AND PINE LOG CABIN LOGS, Roosa Sidings. T&G V joint paneling. Fir flooring, Phone 780-465-2200, Edmonton, AB. beams, special orders. Rouck Bros, Lumby, BC. 1-800-960-3388, ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. • 1st Grade Sq. • Matching Accessories Available!!!


CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, churches, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing. For info. call 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK.

TWO AUTOMOTIVE 14’wx10’hx29’l spray booths c/w stacks; one 20,000 CFM dual speed Engineered Air make-up system. To be moved. New cost $90,000. Offers. 780-608-3608, Camrose, AB. 30x80x16 HEATED SHOP to be moved. Metal siding and roof, 2- 12x16’ overhead doors with electric openers, gas overhead radiant heater. Located in Wynyard, SK. $35,000. More info call 306-813-7292. 20’x50’ INSULATED and lined shop for removal before Oct. 31. Large Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 23, 2012, Estevan, SK. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 STEEL BUILDINGS 33-1/3 to 50% off. Complete for assembly, ex: 20x24, reg. $6792, disc. $5660 (quantity 1); 50x100, reg. $42,500, disc. $29,000 (quantity 2). C a l l f o r o t h e r s , S o u r c e # 1 M W, 1-800-964-8335.

PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK.

POLISURROUNDS 690 and 385 with nests. 7 5 p o l y s h e l t e r s , v a r i o u s m a ke s . 204-435-2253, Miami, MB. GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new and existing farms and businesses. 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. OWN YOUR OWN Business. Looking for 168 METAL FRAMED bee shelters, holds online trainers. Flexible hrs, work from 14-15 nesting boxes, $110/ea.; Tarps also home. Free information and training. available. 306-873-4876 or 306-873-7555, Tisdale, SK. MOTEL- THREE HILLS, AB: 26 units, owner suite, will train, reduced, $724,900; Motel- Coaldale, AB., 14 units, restaur a n t , t av e r n , l o u n g e , o n H w y # 3 , $734,950; Hotel- Trochu, AB with tavern USED BELTING, 12” to 54” wide for feed- and VLT’s; Gravel Pit - Crossfield, AB. ers and conveyors, 30” wide by 3/4” Priced to sell. Bruce McIntosh, Re/Max thick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, Landan, 403-256-3888, Calgary, AB. 780-842-2491 anytime, Wainwright, AB.

TAKE OUT PIZZA BUSINESS in a superbly built main street building. Very good business, fully equipped, owner retiring. Pine View Realty Ltd. 1-888-0760-2300, The Pas, MB. For photos and more info see or you can email us at BUMPER TO BUMPER store available on Main St., Spiritwood, SK. Busy trading area, lots of opportunity to expand, turnkey operation. Owner getting ready to retire. Call Bob 306-883-7817.

SEEKING MATURE COUPLE to manage a newly renovated general store and takeout restaurant in the Peace Country of Alberta. Experience with food preparation and retail management would be an asset. Onsite accommodation is available. We are flexible with salary options according to experience. We are also open to investment options as a rent-to-own, or outright purchase. The store is set in a thriving mixed agriculture and oilfield community with a k-12 school and a recreation complex with artificial ice, both located across the road. Please include three work references. Email applications or proposals to or mail to Box 68, Silver Valley, AB. T0H 3E0, attn: Allan. Evening phone calls only please 780-864-8283. LOMOND COMMUNITY RESTAURANT Association is seeking applications for the immediate leasing of their building to someone to operate a full service restaurant. Contact Marj at 403-792-2447 or Glenn at 403-792-3696, Lomond, AB. INTERESTED IN BUYING or selling a car wash, gas station, convenience store or bottle depot? Contact Sheryl Lewkiw, 403-701-2029 Discover Real Estate Ltd. We have over 300 clients looking for your business! Current listings: Truck wash, Lube and 2nd floor condo, Macklin, SK. $1.15M; Car wash, 4 bays, Medicine Hat, $1.28M. For more info see COMMERCIAL SIGN BUSINESS for sale serving southern Sask. CSA approved sign manufacturer. Installation and service provider for various national and local businesses. Includes inventory, customer list, trucks and equipment. $389,000. Building available for lease. Serious inquiries only. Email or fax 306-525-3533, Regina, SK. RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE for lease in motor inn, located in large town on major highway. Fully equipped. Fax Rod or Ivy at: 306-882-4201, Rosetown, SK.

USED MINE BELTING: Various lengths, 3/8” thick. Call 306-429-2036, Glenavon, SK.

FOR SALE CHEAP! 2 semis, GMC, Freightliner. Trade-ins accepted. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429 Langham SK

1987 KENWORTH W900 tractor set up for building moving, 425 Cat, 15 and 4 spd. trans., 46 rears with 2 spds., two winches, runs excellent, not safetied, $9,500. 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. PRICES REDUCED! K&L EQUIPMENT AND AUTO: 2000 Sterling, day cab, S/A tractor, 300 HP Cat, 7 spd., safetied, low miles, $12,900; 2006 F650 S/A tractor, Cummins dsl., 7 spd., hyd. brakes, 11’ deck w/5th wheel attach, low miles, fresh safety, $22,900; 2000 IHC 9100 daycab tractor, 350 HP Cummins, 10 spd., safetied, only 630,000 miles, $16,900; 2003 Mack, 475 HP, 18 spd., 48” flat-top bunk, double walkers, fresh safety, 1.4 kms, $19,900; 1996 22’ aluminum end dump trailer grain or gravel, safetied, $18,900; K&L Equipment and Auto, Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027, Ituna, SK. DL #910885.

1 To n D o d ge D ua lly w /20’ d b l. a xle go o s en eck tra iler, $12,000 OB O

3 To n C h e v, 5 s p d ., NEW Cu m m in s 3 yrs . o ld , en gin e, a p p ro x. 350,000 km s , $30,000 OB O M c Le a n , S K . 3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H)

o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t

2001 IH 4900 tandem w/21’ deck and ramps, 466 diesel, Allison auto, 62,000 miles, premium Calif. truck without rust, only $38,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK

100% SOLIDS EPOXY COATINGS Shops garages, basements. Starting at $2 per ft. New and old concrete. Lifetime solution. Installed with full warranty. 1-855-CFI-SASK (234-7275).

BOOMING BUSINESS in Assiniboia, SK. 3000 sq. ft. car/truck wash with water vending. Completely upgraded and renovated. Low maintenance. $650,000 OBO. 306-640-8569. TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. Located on 3 acres with great location on highway. Great customer base! Selling due to health concerns. Serious inquiries only please! Call 306-232-4767. WAKAW, SK. COMMERCIAL/ Residential/ farmland properties for sale. Call 306-233-7405. SASKATCHEWAN OUTFITTING AND resort property sales. Whitetail, bear, waterfowl and fishing. Alan Vogt Rescom Realty PA Ltd. 306-961-0994, Prince Albert, SK.

ANITA EHMAN MEDIATION And Consulting Services, C MED. Extensive experience in farmer/lender cases. Confidential, professional service. Regina, SK, 306-761-8081,

NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says no? If yes to above three call 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Regina, SK. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020.


PUTS MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS. Successful Meat Processing/Butchering Business for sale. Full line of new/completely refurbished meat cutting/processing single phase equip, recipes, complete customer/supplier list. 5 days onsite training in our facility, 5 days training in your facility, 1 year prof. dev. support for you and staff. $157,500. Further info. Joe or Heather, 780-682-2122, Winfield, AB.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

2006 SULLAIR, 425 CFM, portable air compressor, 4694 hrs, $17,500. Financing available. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB.

CUSTOM LARGE SQUARE BALING. Green Ridge Farms Ltd. Now booking, cutting, raking, baling and stacking. Modern equipment, reasonable rates, great service. Mark 306-570-5454, Canora, SK

WANTED: CUSTOM COMBINER for approx. 5000 acres on large grain farm. Call for details 306-287-8062, Watson, SK.

BOOK YOUR SEEDING acres today, all areas. 306-935-2117, Milden, SK.

ALLAN DAIRY is taking bookings for the 2012 silage season. All crops. Will travel. 204-371-1367 or 204-371-7302, Manitoba. KSW CUSTOM CHOPPING, JD SP chopper, live bottom trucks, 20 yrs. experience, reasonable rates. For all your alfalfa cereal and corn silage needs call Kevin 306-947-2812, 306-221-9807, Hepburn SK

CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Haul farm equip. and swathers. Sheldon’s Hauling 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, with 2 trucks and trailers, 34 bales per trailer. Call 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK.

PRAIRIE CUSTOM FARMING LTD. Serving Alberta and western Saskatchewan with over 10 years of custom farming experience. Call and book your 2012 liquid manure hauling and silage. Silage service includes: Swathing, chopping, hauling, bagging, and packing. All of our equipment is current and reliable with the ability to handle large jobs. Contact Barry Hofstra at: or 780-361-9736, Millet, AB. EARTH MOVING AND EXCAVATING: Core Rock and Dirt Inc. We do sewer and water installation, supply aggregate, dig basements, clear brush, place and compact any material that is needed for the job. Any type of equipment work we do the job safely to ensure your satisfaction. For free quotes and information call 306-961-4945, Prince Albert, SK and area.

w w w .fa rm pa in tin


8 30 H o chela ga S t. E., M o o s e Ja w , S K . S 6 H 0R1 Em a il: jim w illia m s o n 73@ gm a m

4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and bobcat services. Metal siding and roofs. Will do any kind of work. 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith SK, PASTURE PIPELINE SYSTEMS. We can do complete installation of your shallow buried pipeline and water trough systems. Call Howard Ganske, Cartwright, MB, 204-529-2464, BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. BRUSH MULCHING ENVIRO-FRIENDLY land clearing, fence lines, ditch cleaning, fire break protection, under brush cleaning, etc. Contracting: fencing, corrals and farm buildings. Serving Sask. and Alberta. Reasonable rates. Phone 306-480-9160, North Battleford, SK. Email: or visit us at C U S T O M C AT T L E P R O C E S S I N G . 306-948-8057, Biggar, SK.

EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini excavators. Visit for more details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone 1-888-708-3739, Prince Albert, SK. NEW HEAVY DUTY V-DITCHERS now available. Quick Drain Sales, 306-682-4520 or cell 306-231-7318, Muenster, SK. TWO TEREX 3305 ridged frame trucks for sale, lots of extra parts, $50,000/ea. 306-634-9911, Estevan, SK.


1998 JD 744E payloader, 5 yd. tooth bucket, excellent condition, ready to go to work, asking $38,000. 403-556-0282, 1-877-447-4274 (toll free), Olds, AB. JD 544E PAYLOADER, 2-3/4 yd. bucket, quick attach., 3rd value, pallet forks, $45,000. 306-398-7789, 306-398-2721, Cut Knife, SK. LOW HOURED CATERPILLAR and other heavy equipment. Crawlers, loaders, excavators and trucks. 815-239-2309, Illinois. WA N T E D, G R AV E L T R A I L E R S A N D LOW BED: Belly dump w/triple axle, air ride, cross gate dump, 11R24.5 tires; End dump w/triple or tandem axle, air ride; 50 ton double drop, hyd. detach, beavertail, air ride, 24’ deck. Phone 204-271-2336. 2003 D7R SERIES II CAT w/SU blade and ripper. Motor/torque done 1000 hrs., ago, $175,000. 306-845-3407, Turtle Lake, SK. 1996 CAT 416B loader/backhoe, 8892 hrs., 4x4, extend-a-hoe, full cab w/heat, 24” digging bucket, excellent condition, $29,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. WA450-2 KOMATSU LOADER, Michelin tires, A/C, $36,000; Cat D6D, SN 4X896, c/w Carco 50 winch and new rails, $27,000. 306-278-2048 or 306-230-6644, Porcupine Plain, SK. 1987 10 MAN CAMP, 2 side by side, 12x54’ units, $19,500; 125 KW Genset, S/N #4B13394, w/Cat 3304 engine, $12,500; 2500 gal. heated water shack, $12,500. Rod 780-918-1499, Leduc, AB. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yards, exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, custom conversions available. Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd, 306-231-7318 or 306-682-4520, Muenster, SK. 2007 BOBCAT S185, CAH, gold package, tooth bucket, 1450 hrs., mint shape, $26,900. 306-231-5866, Humboldt, SK. JD 544E WHEEL LOADER, cab, 2 1/2 yard bucket, 17.5x25 tires, good condition, 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: crawler tractors, graders, rock trucks, wheel loader, truck flatdeck, excavators, pipeline crawler, misc. Ph. 780-919-5463, Edmonton, AB.

2012 YANUSH ENTERPRISES pull dozer, 14’; Also, building custom sizes. Call John 84” CASE SKIDSTEER digging buckets, at 306-876-4989, Goodeve, SK. have two. 403-669-1469 cell, Langdon, AB. GRADALL XL5200 TELESCOPIC excavaROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades tor, 31” tracks, 70” bucket, $35,000 FOB. and bearings, 24” to 42” notched disc Plum Coulee, MB. 204-795-9192. blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 1989 TREE BANDIT 1900 wood chipper, 400 Cummins, has cab, conveyor and 1 9 6 9 A L L I S C H A L M E R S HD11 and 19”, $75,000; Quantity of 100 curb gutHD11EP crawler tractor for sale. Call crane, ter cement forms; quantity of curb cement Trevor 204-242-2783, Manitou, MB. forms; Tulsa hyd. winch, 20T, $2000; Cat headache rack; 2.5 meter MeriCrusher stump grinder, $900; 2.5 meter FAE head, $20,000. Call Al Dunlop at 780-349-0448, Westlock, AB. 2007 580 SUPER M Series II extend-ahoe, 4x4, 2500 hrs., $55,000. 306-641-4946, Yorkton, SK

PARTING OUT: Daritek double 8 parallel parlor w/milk meters, 3” milklines and receiver group, Bender wash system, 7.5 HP lobe vac., pump, etc.; Also 2008 Delaval FIAT ALLIS 545B PAYLOADER, recent 18” DIGGING bucket, 2” pins 12” to center, 4000 gal. milk tank and compressor. engine overhaul, grapple, cab w/heat. 8” spread, for rubber tire backhoe. Phone 403-740-5488, Stettler, AB. 403-669-1469 cell, Langdon, AB. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. CAT IT28G LOADER, bucket, forks, 3rd 2003 CAT 928 WHEEL LOADER, 13,000 COMPLETE Milking Parlour Dispersal. va l ve , e x c . c o n d . , s e r v i c e r e c o r d s . hrs., 3rd valve, 2 3/4 yard bucket, tires All equipment less than 10 years old. 60%, vg condition, $62,000. 780-963-0641 P h o n e R o s e g a t e D a i r y F a r m 780-990-9604, Edmonton, AB. 604-826-1822, Abbottsford, BC. or 780-203-9593, Stony Plain, AB. 1992 PETERBILT 377 gravel truck, 400 Cat, 15 spd., 16’ box, plumbed for pup, SOLID DEAL: over the tire rubber tracks AGRI METAL 525 Super Cart; (6) DeLaval heavy specs, vg, safetied. 306-338-2674, for skidsteer, $2900. 306-561-7733, Ke- Milk Master milking machines; Alpha Laval Accublend stationary TMR mixer w/scale; naston, SK. Kuroki, SK. (6) Wacota milk meters; 1000 gal. Mueller 1996 PETERBILT TRACTOR unit, 500 Cummilk tank; Mueller cooler; DeLaval milk mins engine, tires 80%, w/2010 triple axle pump. Phone 306-781-2509, Regina, SK. end dump gravel trailer, good running condition, certified, asking $70,000 OBO. 306-781-4458, Pilot Butte, SK. D6 CAT diesel engine, good condition, $4000. 306-244-8503, Saskatoon, SK. 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, RegiCONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and na, SK tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at

3- CAT 325 LC Excavators thumb, clean GEARBOX, NEW SURPLUS, 80,000” lbs. out bucket, dig bucket, cab and engine torque, have six. Phone 403-669-1469, guarding, AC, 4000-5000 hrs, asking Langdon, AB. $120,000 ea. 403-350-5293, Lacombe, AB. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, Dozo l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . ers, Loaders, Compactors, etc. Conquest 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. Equipment, 306 483 2500, Oxbow, SK. NEW EQUIPMENT FOR sale or rent: 30 SCHULTE XH1000 10’ rotary mower. yard surge bin, 36”x75’ radial stacking con- 306-435-2266, Moosomin, SK. veyors and portable feeder. Call Dave at Hikon Industries Ltd. 306-244-4533 or 2008 KOMATSU CK35 track skidsteer, 325 hrs, AC, heater, Hyflo, vertical lift. email Saskatoon, SK. 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK. WANTED: D6B Caterpillar parts. Call eves WANTED: LARGE INDUSTRIAL rototiller 306-648-2473, Gravelbourg, SK. for land breaking, PT or SP, any condition. Phone 403-333-8462. WHEEL LOADERS: 1997 CAT 928G, AC c a b, n ew t i r e s , c o u p l e r, Au t o S h i f t , $52,900; 2004 KOMATSU WA250-5, 3rd valve, aux hyd, quick coupler bucket, 7800 hrs, $72,000; 1992 JD 544E, quick coupler bucket; 1990 JD 544E, 3rd valve, aux hyd, 4-in-1 bucket, new tires. LOADER BACKHOES: 4- CASE 580SM’s, years 2002, 2004 and 2006 all w/cab, extend-ahoe, 4WD, good rubber, $33,900 to N E W 1 0 ’ A N D 1 2 ’ B I G D O G B OX $42,000; 3- DEER 310G’s, 2004, all SCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, avail. in 24’’ w/cab, extend-a-hoe, 4WD, exc. rubber, and 42” high back. Starting at $3500. Also aux hyd, 3200 hrs, $39,900. S K I D new B.I.L. box scrapers and centre pivot STEERS: 2010 CAT 252B III, cab, 2 spd, up to 20’. Wholesale pricing to western 275 hrs; 2- 2007 BOBCAT S205’s, 1 has provinces. or call 975 hrs, 1 w/1500 hrs; 2004 BOBCAT 204-871-1175 or 1-866-862-8304. S185 w/2200 hrs; 2004 BOBCAT S175, hrs; 2006 BOBCAT S250 w/1900 ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull w/475 2- 2006 S300’s. All have cabs w/difbehind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ hrs; ferent options, starting at $22,900. blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterpris- 204-256-2098, es, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Hum- Treherne, MB. boldt, SK, CAT 936E LOADER, 3 yard bucket, Quik BUCKET 3 YARD, new, BOE, reasonable. coupler, 3rd valve, reasonable, service 780-990-9604, Edmonton, AB. records. 780-990-9604, Edmonton, AB.

FOUR CAT 463 cable pull scrapers to choose from. F.O.B. Plum Coulee, MB., 204-325-2550.

2006 NH LT185B skidsteer, dsl., cab with heat, 2200 hrs., $22,000; 2004 ASV RC50 skidsteer, dsl., 1306 hrs., cab, bucket, fork, $17,000. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK.

CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 leave message, Humboldt, SK.

THREE 621 CAT Motorscrapers, 23H Series, canopy, $25,000 each. 204-795-9192, CUSTOM GRAVEL CRUSHING. Have a Plum Coulee, MB. complete spread for all your crushing needs. Call to arrange a site visit and TELEHANDLER: 2003 Manitou MLT 633 LS, 5800 hrs, ideal for feedlot. Conquest quote. 306-961-2777, Prince Albert, SK. Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK CAT 621 B MOTORSCRAPER 45P02894, recent eng. work, CAH, $38,000 OBO; Cat HAVE IRON WILL travel. Custom dirt D8N Dozer, single shank ripper 9TC04601, work, contracting, basements, all concrete CAH, recent trans. work, $55,000 OBO. work, cat work, excavating, gravel, crush- 306-534-2095, Spy Hill, SK. ing, developments, dugouts, hauling, low- 1979 D6D CAT, ROPS, powershift, hyd. bedding anywhere in Canada. One call and angle dozer, cab, Hyster winch, undercarriwe c a n d o i t a l l ! 3 0 6 - 7 6 4 - 1 0 2 3 o r age 90%, vg cond. Phone 306-737-0137, 306-961-2777, Prince Albert, SK. 306-545-1927, Regina, SK. TWIN VALLEY FEED LOT CLEANING: CASE 680 BACKHOE, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, Track skidsteer and track excavator, 1000 cab with heat, very clean, runs excellent. bu. vertical beater manure spreaders. Will 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. travel. Ron 204-362-0820, Morden, MB. BUCKET 3 YARD, new, BOE, reasonable. FROESE CUSTOM SWATHING, M150 V o l v o q u i c k c h a n g e l u g g i n g . MacDon swathers w/30’ header attach. 780-990-9604, Edmonton, AB. and GPS. Will swath grain and canola. In ON HAND: 19 skidsteers, 12 backhoes, 9 AB and SK. 403-952-4422, Bow Island, AB. telescopic lifts, 17 loaders, 2 crawlers, 3 REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ excavators, 3 graders, 2 Ditch Witches. $1900; 160x60x14’ $2700; 180x60x14’ Website: or phone $3100; 200x60x14’ $3500. Saskatoon, SK, 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. Phone: 306-222-8054. D-6-R CAT Series II LGP, less than RANCHOIL CONTRACTING LTD. has 3 2006 hrs. on UC, quad rails, S-dozer w/tilt, vertical beater truck mounted manure 1000 cab and new paint, 6670 hrs., spreaders and JD wheel loader for hire in $150,000. canopy, 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. NW SK. and NE AB. For all your corral cleaning needs please call David or Joanna HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt TRACK CHAINS for Case 1150D, 1150E, crawlers; D8H Cat parts. Call EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Beaver for years of trouble-free service. Lever 1155E 306-675-4884, Kelliher, SK. dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. Phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. BRUSH MULCHING, fence line and land clearing. Reasonable rates. Call 306-212-7896, Rosthern, SK. area. CUSTOM HAYING: Looking to take hay on shares or buy standing, up to 800 acres, anywhere within 250 kms of Mannville, AB. 780-581-8328 or 780-763-0084. CUSTOM BALING, $12./bale, 1200 lb. bales. Custom mowing w/16’ haybine, $16./acre. Call Eric 306-858-2333 or 306-858-7507, Lucky Lake, SK. A.C.S. MOBILE PRESSURE WASHING. Buildings, heavy equipment, etc. Saskatoon and surrounding area. 306-380-7999. MAGILL FARM & FIELD SERVICES is now booking swathing acres for the 2012 cropping season. Late model MacDon swathers. For all your swathing needs email: or call Ivor at 403-894-5400, Lethbridge, AB. TURBO CORRAL CLEANING. Two trucks with spreaders and Cat. Reasonable rates. 306-228-2466, 306-228-8355, Unity, SK. NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat w/rubber tracks, vertical beater spreaders. Custom fencing. 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK.

TRUCKS, LOADERS, TRAILERS and FORKLIFTS: 3 Doepker 1998-2004 double drop RGN tandem axle trailers, ext. to 14’; Single axle 48’ Doepker dropdeck alum. combo; 1990 644E JD loader; 1990 L70 Michigan loader w/grapple and forks; Five 1-3 ton service trucks; Three single axle T300 KW, LWB; 1999 Freightliner FLD 120 gravel truck; 2002 Ford F750 garbage packer; Int. 4900 double bucket truck; 1998 Peterbilt tandem axle daycab tractor; 1994 T800 KW, LWB; 1994 T450 KW, 24’ deck; Hiab 215-5X crane; 2004 Top Kick 550 GMC service truck, crane and hyd. tailgate; JD 2002 250 skidsteer. Other equipment and trucks available. Call Bud or Teeny at Venture Farms, Cudworth, SK. Call: 306-256-3301, 306-221-2166 or 306-222-7127. TRACK EXCAVATORS: 2003 Hitachi ZX 270LC c/w hyd. thumb, cat walks, window guard, WB quick attach, 2 buckets, POS, air shutoff, 8700 hrs; 2005 Link Belt 330 LX, c/w hyd. thumb; 2008 NH L170 skidsteer; 2005 Cat 950G Series II wheel loader; 2006 Case 430 skidsteer, 1200 hrs. 780-361-7322, Edmonton, AB. CASE W14 wheel loader, well maintained, $17,500; Case 450 crawler dozer, 6 way blade, $17,500; Cat 931 crawler loader, $13,500. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. 1982 26’ TANDEM tilt deck trailer w/beavertail, heavy duty 16” I-beam frame, 25,000 lb. axles, new brakes/air pots, new 1000x15 tires and spare, toolbox, March 2012 safety, excellent condition, $18,000. 306-874-2194, Naicam, SK.

2007 BOBCAT VR723 VERSAHANDLER 23’ reach, 7000lb lift. 3,465 hrs. $44,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515,

USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.

REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 18’ DECK with HIAB picker plus PTO plus 12/24v 5.9L Cummins; GM Duramax. Othp u m p , $ 4 9 0 0 . C a l l 3 0 6 - 2 3 1 - 8 1 1 1 , er new, used, and Reman diesel engines Humboldt, SK. available. Call 204-532-2187, 8 AM to 5:30 PM Mon. to Fri. Thickett Engine RebuildD7G POWERSHIFT; UH-122 trackhoe; Cat ing, Binscarth, MB. 631 scraper; Komatsu WA320-1 loader; B o m a g B W 1 7 0 P D v i b r a t o r p a c ke r ; 6.7 CUMMINS ENGINE from 2008 Dodge, 306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. complete w/pump, turbo, injectors, elecSCHULTE 8.5 YD. PT scraper/earth mov- tronic control module, $8000. Call Duane er, green-newer style, 1 owner, good cond. at 306-825-2394, Lloydminster, SK. $11,000 OBO. 403-882-2239, Castor, AB. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines EXCAVATOR, 160 link belt, 36” bucket, and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 4400 hrs., 16 ton, $42,000; WHEEL 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. LOADERS: IH 515, 1-1/2 yd, one owner, $25,000; L70C Volvo, 2-1/2 yd., $48,000; SCISSORLIFT, Skyjack 40’, $12,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. WANTED: D3C CATERPILLAR cab; Interna- FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL tional 466 turbo diesel engine, complete. motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of Call 403-638-2232, Sundre, AB. pumps, generators, phase converters, etc. 1985 CATERPILLAR 235, good U/C, Espar Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306diesel heater, 44” digging bucket, $23,000. 873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 306-865-2524, Hudson Bay, SK. Ave., Tisdale, SK. C AT 9 2 0 W H E E L L OA D E R , b u c ke t , CAT HYD. PULL SCRAPERS: 463, 435, 17.5x25 tires, aux. hyd., cab, heater, good 621, 80, 70, and 60, all very good cond., r e c e n t c o n v e r s i o n . C a n d e l i v e r. condition. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB. LAND PRIDE BACKHOE, BH1560, independent PTO, hyd. pump, used only 1 SKIDSTEERS: BOBCAT S150, S220, T190, time, $6,000. Call Gerald 306-489-2018, 863, Cat 277B. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 306-485-7399 cell, Alameda, SK.

Your source for new,used, aftermarket and rebuilt Cat parts. OEM Dealers for Prime-Tech Mulchers and Hyundai Excavator’s and Wheel Loaders. Let us source ALL your heavy equipment parts. Regardless of manufacturer. Our new web site is under construction at check it out.

TOLL FREE:1 877-413-1774



POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody.



Westrum Lumber

1-866-974-7678 FREE QUOTE



Rouleau, SK

w w w .skyw aygrainsystem HU TCHIN SO N G rain Pum ps LA M BTO N Bucket Elevators LA M BTO N Drag Conveyors (Seed Com patible Conveyors) Rail Load-O ut System s Pulse Crop Equipm ent W ESTEEL G rain Bins SU KU P A eration & Bins G rain G uard Bins and A eration

Es te va n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 3 4-5111 M cLe a n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 9 9 -728 4 Tis da le , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-8 73 -443 8

w w w .w ood-coun #1 G R AD E H IG H TEN S ILE



29 g u . G a lva n ized Ultra Vic. M eta l Cla d d in g 8’, 10’, 12’ & 16’.


W HILE QUANTITIES LAST Fen ce Po sts & Ba rb w ire Now In S tock ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~

AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK.

Building Supplies & Contracting

FAR M BUILD IN G S : • Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 5 0 x 100 – 18’ tre a te d 6x6 po s tb ld g. c/w 20x16 R16 s teel in s u la ted o verhea d d o o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,209.85 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.

#1 M ETAL C LAD D IN G M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~

Shops & Pole Sheds Post & Stick Frame Building Riding Arenas D airy, H og, & C hicken Barns


N ew

1- 8 77- 5 2 5 - 2 002

w w w .pio n eero n es m


S TR AIGHT W ALL 40’ X 60’ X 16’ Rig id fra m e bu ild in g a va ila ble for s m a ll reta il ou tlets to la rg e in d u s tria l fa cilities . This s ize for on ly $29,418.

Straight Wall Steel Buildings • Competitively priced • Great appearance • Design and size flexibility • Permanence with non-combustible materials • Load requirements to fit your needs • A finished look with grey primed beams • Multiple frame designs and configurations • Fast construction • Quality, professional workmanship

ALP INE 32 ’ X 5 0’ X 18 ’ In clu d es fra m ed op en in g for 14x14 overhea d & 4’x7’, s ervice d oor, excellen t s hop or s tora g e bu ild in g , com es w ith fou n d a tion d ra w in g s & m a n u a ls , d elivered to m os ta rea s . O n ly $15,500.

BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ diameter, 34’ high, with or without floors. Call Lorne 306-468-7916, Canwood, SK.

GOOD USED BINS: (2) 1700 bu. Westeel bins, w/1 Caldwell aeration fan; (1) 2000 bu. Butler bin; (1) 3300 bu. Butler bin. All with wood floors that will need replacing. Prices negotiable. Call 306-497-2710, Blaine Lake, SK.

Introducing Zak’s Pre-Engineered Laminated Post!

See us for competitive prices and efficient service!


USED 4500-7500 BUSHEL steel grain bins, c/w fans, steel skids and hoppers. 306-230-2723. Colonsay, SK.

Hague, SK P: 306-225-2288 F: 306-225-4438

Quality Workmanship Material & Service Leading Suppliers & Contractors of: • • • •

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ $ $ IN C R E A S E S AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L t d . $ $ S t . La za r e, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

BEHLEN GRAIN BINS for sale. Three 11,300 bu. on 21’ concrete floors; Six 5700 bu. on 19’ concrete floors, all w/aeration and 3 ph power, 60¢/bu. 306-469-2178 or 306-469-7731, Big River, SK.

w w w .go o do m

Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds

1-800-665-0470 S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 O lds O ffice 403-586-0311 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822

TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/SAKUNDIAK BINS. Book now for best prices. Example all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450; SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.




available from:

Zipperlock Building Company (2005) Inc. Box 699, Raymore, SK S0A 3J0 Sales: 306-631-8550 Office: 306-692-1948 Fax: 306-746-5713 Email:


26/(5 6$6. 3+ )$;

Email: or

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888

%22. 12: 72 6(&85( 35,&,1* '(/,9(5< /($6( <285 %,16 83 72 <($5 7(506 $9$,/$%/(


%8< ',5(&7 IURP WKH 0$18)$&785(5 $// +233(5 %,1 &20%2 6 ,1&/8'( 7+(6( 67$1'$5' )($785(6 8167,))(1(' 6,'(:$// 3$1(/6 :$// 522) /$''(56 5(027( /,' 23(1(56 6$)(7< ),// 6$)(7< 5,1* 5$&. 3,1,21 *$7(6 0$1 +2/( $&&(66 ,1 &21(

-6% &21(6 $5( 6$1'%/$67(' 3529,',1* $ 683(5,25 3$,17 ),1,6+




c/ w Roofa n d W a ll La d d ers , A u to Lid O p en ers , S a ftifils , Roof M a n hole, Recta n g u la r Door, In terior S w in g In Doora n d G ra in S hield .


5 Rin g s - 3027Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,448.00 6 Rin g s - 3594Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 ,495.00 7 Rin g s - 4159Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,86 8.00

18’D ia . -

5 Rin g s - 4412Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 ,46 1.00 6 Rin g s - 5226Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,880.00 7 Rin g s - 6040Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,46 8.00

21’D ia . -

5 Rin g s - 6076Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,6 76 .00 6 Rin g s - 7186Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,491.00 7 Rin g s - 8294Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,6 6 8.00

24’D ia . -

5 Rin g s - 8029Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,048.00 6 Rin g s - 9478Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,108.00 7 Rin g s - 10,923Bu . . . . . . . . . $13,408.00







&86720 &21(6 $9$,/$%/( )25 635,1*









5($'< 72 6+,3 &5(:6 $9$,/$%/(

Also Ava ila b le: S teelFlo o rs, U- Po u rCo n crete Fo rm s, Circle Kin g Au gerS ystem s, Aera tio n , La b o u ra n d Lea sin g!

FO R M O R E IN FO R M ATIO N O FFICE: (306)782 - 3300 CELL: (306)62 1- 5304 (306)62 1- 302 5 EM AIL: a tla sb in s@ ho tm a m W EBS ITE: w w w .a tla sb u ild in gs.n et



CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK.

Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters Temp Cables

CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now avail. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837.


14’Hopper 8 Leg H/Duty ..............$2,4 50 14’Hopper 7 Leg S/Duty ..............$2,325 SKID BASE & AERAT IO N EX T RA C HARG E

Authorized Dealer

TWO CHIEF WESTLAND 2300 bu. bins on wood floor, 2- Chief Westland 1900 bu. BIN FOR SALE: 2100 bushels. Call for pric- bins on wood floor, Chore-Time 10 ton ing. Phone. 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK. galvanized hopper bin, Baldor 3 HP aeration fan. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry Dreger, Saturday, June 16, 2012, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.







New & Used Available

GRAIN BAG EXTRACTORS- 9108 grain extractors for sale starting at $14,900. Reengineered auger drill, field ready! Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.

Call Mike


STEEL HOPPER BINS: 1650 bu., $3500; LARGE DIAMETER GRAIN bin repair. 2- 3500 bu., $7000 ea; 3- 2250 bu., $5500 Quadra Development Corp., Rocanville, SK. ea. 306-372-4520, Luseland, SK. 1-800-249-2708. WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919. YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. Spring bag nd bagger promo on now! BAUMLE BIN CRANE comes with extra jig, a1-800-803-8346. $8500 OBO. 780-352-3012, Camrose, AB.


“Saskatchewan Owned Manufacturer of Grain Bins” 5 YR STANDARD WARRANTY


PRAIRIE STEEL FARMWEST AG 306-933-1141 306-789-0606





• Fla tBo tto m & Ho ppe rG ra in Bin Te c hn o lo gy • M o s tOptio n s Are S ta n d a rd Equ ipm e n tOn Ou rBin s !



• Re pla c e yo u ro ld flo o rs a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u s he ls c a pa c ity to yo u r e xis tin g b in s . • No m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . Ou rpa te n te d JTL d o o ris gu a ra n te e d to m a ke yo u s m ile e ve rytim e yo u u s e it!


AFFORDABL E AL L S TEEL L IQUID FERTIL IZER TAN K S . Ava ila b le in Cu s to m s izes u p to 122,000 ga llo n ca pa city.

S a s k a tchew a n /Alb erta 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 S o u th/Ea s tS a s k a tchew a n , M a n ito b a & U.S .A., 1-306 -224-208 8


Pio n eerCo -o p S w iftCu rren t|Tu rtlefo rd |Ha ffo rd S hellb ro o k |Prin ce Alb ert|L a n d is Ro s eto w n |Tu ga s k e |S o u thla n d Co -o p As s in ib o ia M ed icin e Ha t

GRAING ROWERS Crown Shred & Recycling is now accepting Grain Bags delivered to our Regina and Prince Albert locations. We will pay $30.00 per metric tonne to our customer. For pricing per bag and product deliveryc onditions, please visit our website at

CUSTOM BIN MOVING SASK. ONLY. Up to 21’ diameter. 306-220-7915, Marty, Blaine Lake, SK. WINTER STOCK: 6- 3500 bu. Behlen bin/ hopper combos, $9995 FOB Regina, SK. Ask for Len 306-789-2444. USED COMMERCIAL bucket elevators, conveyors, scales, grain dryers, cleaning equip. and used bins. Various locations in SK and AB. 780-247-0101.



GRAINBIN DIRECT 306-373-4919

LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.

Regina 225, 6th Ave. East PrinceA lbert 460 – 40th St. East


Saskatoon, SK

Phone: 306-373-4919

s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca

w w w

FOUR 4200 bushel bins for sale; one 600 bushel bin. Call for pricing. 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK. 10 USED 2250 BU. WESTEEL ROSCO bins on new SDL hopper cones, 2x4x4 skid 220 ladder, openers, $6000 each; Aeration a d d $ 5 9 5 . Tr u c k i n g av a i l a b l e . P h 306-324-4441, SDL, Margo, SK. BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. MERIDIAN GRAIN MAX 4000 bins and fert. bins are in stock and ready for immediate delivery. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 306-934-2121, or visit WESTEEL BINS, 4 used 3005 steel bins, approx 10,000bu/ea $10,000/ea. Full floor aeration, 28” 10 HP fans. 306-536-3433 Regina SK.

Yorkton S K

BEHLEN HOP P ER COM BO S P ECIALS Pa ck a g e of(2)-10,000Bu Com bo- $50,000.00 or$2 .50PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-9000Bu Com bo-$46,000.00 or$2 .55PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-7200Bu Com bo-$37,000.00 or$2 .56PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-6200Bu Com bo-$32 ,000.00 or$2 .58PerBu

S AKUNDIAK HOP P ER COM BO S P ECIALS Pa ck a g e of(3)-3400Bu Com bo- $2 7,000.00 or$2 .64PerBu Pa ck a g e of(3)-5000Bu Com bo-$37,600.00 or$2 .51PerBu Allco m b o s c/w Au to Lid O pen ers, La d d ers, S kid s a n d La b o u r. Freight,A irS ys tem s and Leas ing A v ailable.


R M 99 C a le d o n ia (S o uth o f C o rrin e ) Ho pper w /Air 6x4000b u Behlin Ho p p er w ith Air 6x 2000b u W es teel Ho p p er b in s w ith Air 2x1500b u Bu tler Ho p p er w ith Air 2x2000b u T w is ter Ho p p er w ith Air 2x2000b u ChiefW es tla n d Ho p p er w ith Air Ho pper w /o u t Air 1x3000b u T w is ter Ho p p er Fla t Bo tto m w /Air 1x 4000b u Gra in Va u ltw ith Air 3x6000b u W es teel 3x3000b u ChiefW es tla n d 2x7000b u W es teel w ith Air 1x 3500b u Behlin w ith Air 3x7500b u T w is ter w ith Air Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air R M 15 6 In d ia n H e a d (Ea s to f In d ia n H e a d ) Ho pper w /o u t Air 9x3300b u S m o o th W a ll Ba d er Ho p p er b in s R M R us s e ll M B. (W e s to f R us s e l, M B) Ho pper w /o u t Air 1x3600b u ho p p er b in Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air 4x 4000b u Behlin 2x1350b u W es teel 3x2000b u Behlin 1x2000b u Behlin R M 186 Ab e rn a th y (S o uth o f Ba lca rre s ) Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air 2x4000b u Bu tler 1x2000b u 4x1350b u R M 338 La ke s id e (Quill La ke , S K) Ho pper w /o u t Air 2x3000b u Ho p p er b in 2x1350b u Ho p p er b in 1x1500b u Ho p p er b in Fla t Bo tto m w /Air 2x8000b u S q u a re PitAera tio n 6x5300b u S q u a re PitAera tio n R M 121 M o o s o m in (Lo ca te d N o rth o f M o o s o m in ) Ho pper w /Air 1x2500b u Ho p p er b in T w in Air Ho pper w /o u t Air 1x1500b u S m o o th W a ll Ho p p er 1x1000b u S m o o th W a ll Ho p p er Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air 15x3000b u F la t 1x1500b u F la t 2x2000b u F la t R M 15 1 R o ca n ville (lo ca te d W e s to f R o ca n ville ) Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air 7x4000b u S a ku n d ia k 3x2500b u 2x2000b u 1x1500b u **Acceptin g Rea s o n a b le Offers ** **Bin s s ize s a re e s tim a te d ** **S o m e Ae ra tio n fa n s a va ila b le b u t w ill b e s o ld s e pa ra te ly** Fo r in fo rm a tio n a n d pic tu re s p h on e Tim @ 3 06 -53 0-759 3 or e m a il: tim @ h cive n ture s .ca BIN MOVERS. Lil Truck Hauling Ltd. Good rates, call for more information. Merle or Fred 306-338-8288, 306-338-3921. LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK.

M & K WELDING Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld 14’ HOPPER CONE up to 2000 bu. bin with 8x4 skid, 7 legs


Em a il: s a les @m kw eld

18-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 5000 bu.) with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs


Only$ 11,065.00

19’ HOPPER CONE up to 4000 bu. bin with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs

21-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 6800 bu.) with double 8x4 skid, 14 legs


Only$ 15,080.00

40’ STORAGE UNITS, solid, all steel, rodent and weatherproof storage container with lockable double doors and natural air vents, offers instant storage and ground level access, highly secure. Ideal for storage of farm equip., commercial and industrial goods. Will deliver. 1-866-676-6686. BINS FOR SALE: 2700 bushels each. Call for pricing. Phone: 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales 2- NEW WESTEEL 3010’s; 1- 2408 and and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 2108. All bins new and complete, stored 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738. inside. Can deliver. 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB. KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346

BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new Inc. Phone a n d u s e d s e a c o n t a i n e r s , a l l s i z e s . 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. 2011 BATCO 1845 conveyor, with elec. 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale motor mounting kit and wind guards. Reg. in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, $19,225, Demo Special $15,250. Phone 1-866-517-8335. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. LOOKING FOR a floater or tender? Call me 306-933-0436. first. 30 years experience. Loral parts, new and used. 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB.

In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d S a s ka tchew a n ’s n u m b er o n e s o u rce fo r New , Us ed a n d M o d ified S ea Co n ta in ers . Recycle, Reu s e, Rein ven t S hip p in g co n ta in ers ca n b e a d a p ted to a va riety o f u s es a n d ca n p ro vid e a n in exp en s ive a n d flexib le s o lu tio n to m a n y s to ra ge p ro b lem s .

FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gallon tanks avail. Contact your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit 2010 VALMAR 7600 PT floater, multi-bin applicator w/separate canola and fertilizer metering, oversized tires, roll tarp, PTO driveshaft, $58,000 OBO. Call Jeff at 306-322-7604, Rose Valley, SK. 30’ HIGHBOY TRAILER, $3600. 3- 1250 gal. plastic tanks available. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK.

AtBo n d In d u s tria l w e ca n co n vertyo u rco n ta in erfo r a lm o s ta n y u s e like S to ra ge F a cilities , W o rk S ho p s , T o o l Crib s , S ite Offices , Go lfCa rt S to ra ge, Ou tfitterS ha cks etc.

FLX 3010 FLOATER, 3725 hrs, 66x43x25 tires, very good cond., asking $155,500. 780-522-7983 cell, Ruthilda, SK. USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 to 6 ton, 10 ton tender $2500. 1-866-938-8537

Yo u n a m e it w e ca n d o it. Perfect po rta b le s ecu re w ea ther pro o f s to ra ge fo r the fa rm , a crea ge o r b u s in es s . Ca ll to d a y & tu rn yo u r s to ra ge id ea in to rea lity.

B on d In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d

Ph. 306.373.2236 fx. 306-373-0364

NUTRISTORE LIQUID FERTILIZER storage. Glass lined tanks up to 14,000 tonnes. Contact Daryl 306-933-3366, Saskatoon, SK, or

w w w .b on din e m a il joe @ b on din 20’ AND 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, 306-781-2600. SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK, TWO 1250 gal. NH3 tanks, cert. Feb. 2012, new paint, will deliver within 300 kms of Tisdale, $12,250. Can be viewed at Tisdale. Call Jason 306-768-3456 or Warren 306-768-3476, Carrot River, SK. TITAN 4375 FLEX air floater, Cat power, automatic transmission, $37,500. 306-563-6651, Canora, SK.

O ther Skid Sizes Available.

Phone and ask about“SpecialPricing” for H opper cones w ith Sakundiak bin packages. Prices subjectto change – Q uantities are Lim ited.





HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l 306-757-2828, Regina, SK.

D ARM AN I G RAIN S TO RAG E 1-86 6 -6 6 5-6 6 77 One Phone Call = One Best Price GUARANTEED Design


Unique Features


Direct To Customers


Lease at 3.95%


Self Unloading Trailers

Set up

Trained crews w/pickers


5 year bin/20 year floor


1 year Set-up


If a n y co m petito rtries. W ellBea ttheir price G UARAN TEED !

G RAIN BIN S S TEEL FLO O RS AERATIO N Fla tb ottom w /S teel floor a nd Air (4300-20,000b ushels) Hop p er b ins w /s kid a nd Air (4750b ushel) La rge Dia m eter Bins w ith Unloa d a nd Full floor Aera tion Aeration Fans (3 hp –10 HP) Temp monitoring Systems Steel bin floors (14-30` in diameter)



Now offering Temporary Storage up to 60,000 bushel bins N O BO DY BEATS O UR PR ICES If a n y co m petito rtries, w e’llb ea ttheirprice b y 10% . G u a ra n teed .*

1999 LORAL, 4x4, ‘One of a kind’, DT530 auto, AirMax 5 bed, $71,000. Choteau, M o n t a n a . 4 0 6 - 4 6 6 - 5 3 5 6 . We b s i t e : FOR ALL YOUR




1 800 667 8800 1989 TERRAGATOR 1603T, 5300 hrs. Cat 3208 eng. new approx. 2000 hrs. ago, Eaton tranny, 1600 gal. tank, 80’ boom, 2 lines, 1 at 30” centers and 1 at 60”, new rear tires last spring, Outback GPS, $16,000. 306-744-7722, Bredenbury, SK.



Full Bin Alarm For your Safety and Convenience

Never Spill Spout Inc. !NEW MODEL! “NO SNAG SPOUT”! Available now! Includes Flex Spouts Installation in 15 Min.

3 days delivery to your farm

2008 CASE 4020, 330 HP, auto, 70’ flex air, 2000 hrs., reduced to $178,000; 2006 Loral 6300 w/DT 570 auto, AirMax 1000 bed, 2200 hrs., $126,000; 2002 Loral 400 HP, auto, AirMax 1000, 3600 hrs., $96,000; 4x4 1999 Loral, AirMax 5 bed, $71,000; 1999 AgChem, 70’ booms, $68,000; 1997 AgChem, 70’ booms, $38,000; 1996 Loral AirMax 5 bed w/chemical bins, 8700 hrs., $36,500; 1996 Mertz 2 bin w/chemical bins, $37,000; 2001 Case 3 wheeler, 70’ booms, $67,000; 1999 Loral w/Super 10 spd., 3020 new leader spinner bed, $43,000; 25 ton Raymond verticle tender bed, no trailer, $26,500; 18 ton Simonson tender w/vertical auger, $14,500; 16 ton Tyler tender w/back auger, $9500; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender, 40 HP, new auger, $18,500; 5 ton Tyler blender, 40 HP, $7500; 1978 1500 gallon NH3 twin pack w/CRN number, $15,500. Northwest largest used selection of fertilizer equipment. Choteau, MT, 406-466-5356.

*Alarm sounds when bin is full *No batteries needed *Light - convenient to move auger to different bin at night. *Available for 10, 13 and 16 inch augers

(Value Priced from $515 to $560+ shipping) - Over 2500 Spouts sold in Canada, USA and New Zealand - Proven Design Since 2003!

If you don’t like it send it back after harvest for a refund - Enclosed Sensor

1-866-860-6086 John and Angelika Gehrer Niverville, MB

SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS. Largest and sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Ni- quietest single phase dryer in the industry. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. pawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. Moridge parts also avail. Grant Services SALE: WHEATHEART AUGERS: BH 8x41 Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK. w/mover, clutch, 27 HP motor, reg. $12,780, cash $11,100; BH 8x51 with mover, clutch and 30 HP, reg. $13,500, cash $11,750; BH 10x41 with mover, clutch and 35 HP Vanguard, reg. $14,300, cash $12,500. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

AUGERS: NEW and USED. Wheatheart, Westfield, Sakundiak augers, Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. New and used. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666.





2009 BRANDT 13X110 HP AUGER, exc. condition, 110ft auger, swing away hopper. $25,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at:

REPLACEMENT FLIGHTING FOR augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.

1 800 667 8800

Rosetown Flighting Supply 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK

45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e o r c a l l N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , $6,700; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection 1-888-435-2626. used gravity wagons 250-750 bu. Used grain carts 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537, $ J&M GRAIN CARTS- Order now for sumOB O mer delivery! Choose your options and get your choice of colour. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit

8 ,000

10” X 70’ PTO DRIVE BRANDT GRAIN AUGER w /s w in g a w a y tra y M c Le a n , S K .

BRENT 1084 AVALANCHE cart, scale, new tarp, near new tires, lo bush, walking tand e m , s h e d d e d . P o s s i b l e d e l i v e r y. 701-897-0099, Garrison, ND. 2010 DEGELMAN 1150 shuttle cart, PTO drive, adjustable unload auger, as new condition. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB.

3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) CLEARANCE on all in stock 2011 J&M Grain carts. Tarp and scale options o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS: Hawes SP kits and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and diesel. Call Brian “The Auger Guy” 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. USED BATCO conveyors- check out this 90’ 1590 conveyor, swing away, only one year old! $24,385. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626.

USED COMMERCIAL bucket elevators, conveyors, scales, grain dryers, cleaning equip. and used bins. Various locations in SK and AB. 780-247-0101. GRAIN STABILIZER, roaster, blender. 1 ton capacity, 9000 pounds per hr. Call George at 204-272-9099, Winnipeg, MB. FARM FAN CFAB 270 natural gas grain dryer, new outer canola screens last summer, good shape. 204-745-3117, Carman, MB. NEW GSI GRAIN dryers. Propane/Natural Gas, canola screens, 1 or 3 phase, simple and accurate. Also some used grain dryers and DMC blower systems available. Call Vince Zettler, 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB. NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price savings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . 204-242-3300,

available. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.

DEMO UNITS: Two 1150 J&M grain carts. Specially priced at $44,000 ea. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121. 2009 BRENT 882 grain cart, PTO, tarp, $38,000; 1997 Bourgault 1100 bushel grain cart, w/new tarp, PTO, $27,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS. Innovative Hawes Agro auger movers, elec. clutches, bin sweeps, reversible gearboxes and all makes of engines. Call Bob at Hawes Industries, toll free 1-888-755-5575, your CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of #1 auger dealer in Canada, for great cash commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. prices. Regina, Saskatoon, Semans. NEW DESIGN! Wheatheart’s new R series auger is faster and stronger. Improved features include: higher capacity, larger bearings and a smooth, quiet operation. Come see this new auger at your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.

GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 306-764-2325. For all your grain drying needs! We are the GT grain dryer parts distributor. FARM FAN AB8 grain dryer, 2300 hrs, good condition. Phone 204-242-2050, Manitou, MB.

BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444. 2008 MASSEY FERGUSON 1839 in-line square baler, fewer than 20,000 bales, $15,900 OBO. 306-781-2509, Regina, SK.

6610 HAY MACERATOR, used 4 years, $12,900; Hesston 4595 square BALER, $11,900; 2 Case/IH 8545 square balers, $6900 each; 2 NH 258 hyd. side delivery RAKES with double rake hitch, $3500. 604-531-5869, 604-308-0547, Surrey, BC JD 435 ROUND BALER, JD 346 sq. baler and 14’ Case/IH 1590 haybine. Farm Equipment Auction for Peter Cozac, Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

2004 JD 567 round baler, 1000 PTO, m e ga w i d e P U, n e t w r ap , $ 2 1 , 5 0 0 . 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. HESSTON 514 ROUND baler, excellent condition, 540/1000 PTO. 306-548-4700, Sturgis, SK. VERMEER 605F ROUND baler, c/w wide NH 1034 bale wagon, 104 bales w/single outside belts, $500. 780-914-4553 or unload, shedded, exc. cond., $8000 OBO. 780-374-2404 780-678-6800 Daysland, AB 780-878-0005, Hay Lakes, AB. 1998 CASE/IH 8465 round baler, autotie, always shedded, excellent shape, $8000. 204-322-5350, Marquette, MB. 1993 CASE/IH 8465 round baler, 1000 PTO, always shedded, $8000. 306-842-5093, 306-861-4847 Weyburn SK 568 JOHN DEERE, 2009, surface wrap, Mega Wide, Mega Tooth, high moisture kit, hyd. PU, Bale Trak Pro, only 6500 bales, like new, $32,500. 306-345-2171, 306-533-0062, Stoney Beach, SK. BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. 2003 NH BB960 big square baler, large 1000 PTO, 19,653 bales, 667 hrs., bale monitor, very clean, $43,000. Vanderhoof, BC. 250-567-0557. 2004 JD 564, net wrap, wide PU, 8800 bales, shedded, very good condition, $23,000 OBO. 306-625-7464, Ponteix, SK.

NH 664 ROUND baler, auto tie, $8900 OBO; NH 688 round baler, auto tie, $8900 OBO. Calll Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 2001 JD 567 round baler, mega wide with kicker, under 10,000 bales, good condition Phone 306-862-5207, Nipawin, SK. JD 24T SMALL square baler, very good, USED COMMERCIAL bucket elevators, $1250. 306-648-2901, Gravelbourg, SK. conveyors, scales, grain dryers, cleaning equip. and used bins. Various locations in 2000 4865 NEW IDEA round baler, 5x6 bale, hyd. reverse pickup, 2 arm elec. tie, SK and AB. 780-247-0101. shedded, field ready. Swift Current, SK. Darwin 306-773-8181 or 306-750-7650. JD 348 SQUARE BALER, only 2000 REM 2500HD GRAIN VAC, great machine, bales; Frontier rotary rake, only done 60 controls dust and bugs, $13,000. Call acres. 403-728-8200, Spruce View, AB. 306-962-7016, Eston, SK. 2008 JD 568 MegaPlus baler, w/net wrap CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accesso- and flotation tires; 2009 22 wheel NH Vries. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. rake w/kicker wheels. 306-297-3329, 306-741-7183, Swift Current, SK. USED REM Grain Vac, model 2700, two to NEW PREMIUM BALER Net Wrap: 64” or choose from, $16,900 each. Call Flaman 67” in 8000’ lengths. Call Ryan for details Sales in Saskatoon, 306-934-2121 or at 403-608-8259, Strathmore, AB. 1-888-435-2626. ANDERSON RB9000 SILEAGE bale wrapper, shedded, remote steer, $14,000 OBO. 306-647-2459,306-641-7759,Theodore SK. 2001 NEW HOLLAND 688 Auto-Wrap 5x6 hardcore baler, 1000 PTO, hyd. PU, bale kicker, stored inside, good condition, 2006 AGCO HESSTON 956A baler w/moni- $14,000 OBO. 306-759-2741, Eyebrow, SK. tor, approx. 1000 bales made, like new, always shedded. Sold cattle. 306-661-7251, 2007 NH BR780A round baler, only used one season, done 800 bales. Golden Prairie, SK. 306-741-9541, Swift Current, SK. 2009 NH BR7090 BALER, wide PU, like new, $22,000; Also 855 NH baler, taking 2007 RBX 563, bale command, mega wide PU, excellent condition. offers. 306-459-2731, Pangman, SK. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. HAUKAAS QP10 BALE hauler- quick and gentle, move 1000 bales a day. Field ready 1992 CASE IH 8465 baler w/hyd., 540 at $21,900. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon PTO, hyd. PU, bale kicker, 5x6 hard core, auto-tie, well maint., some new parts, field today 1-888-435-2626. ready, $5,900.403-343-0683, Red Deer AB. 2003 JOHN DEERE 567, twine wrap, mega wide, c/w all options, always shedded, NEW HOLLAND 853 round baler, new Greenlight 2010, not used 2011, ready to chains and pickup (rebuilt last year), go, $17,000. Call or leave message at $3500. 204-722-2023, McAuley, MB. 306-847-4450, Liberty, SK. JD 535 BALER, 1000 PTO, bale kicker, dual 2007 MASSEY HESSTON round baler twine arm, stored indoors, vg cond., 2656A, Auto-Wrap, Auto-Moisture, made $6500. JD 530 baler, 1000 PTO, stored inonly 2240 bales, twine wrap, asking doors, vg cond., $4500. 306-762-2122, Vi$21,000. 306-666-3035, Maple Creek, SK. bank, SK.

U N R E S E RV E D AU C T I O N , M AY 3 1 , 10:30 AM, Chipman, AB, Estate of Jim Smyth, ph. 780-363-3901. Hesston Agco 9330 mower conditioner, 274 hrs, c/w 18’ 9125 header; Hesston 8400 windrower, 2754 hrs, c/w 16’ hay header; Hesston 8100 windrower, 3707 hrs, c/w 16’ hay h e a d e r. V i e w f u l l l i s t i n g o n l i n e

FOR SALE 2009 Case/IH discbine, DC 162, 16’, new cond. field ready, less than 750 acres cut. 306-747-8221, Shellbrook, SK. NH 1441 DISC mower conditioner, 15’, $15,900 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 2008 JD 956 Moco rotary mower conditioner, 14’6” cutting width, steel rolls, 1000 PTO, hyd. tilt, 31x13.5 high floatation tires, only 500 acres, mint condition, $29,500 OBO. Phone 403-779-2408 or 306-724-4451, Youngstown, AB.

2002 PREMIER 2940 swather c/w 30’ MacDon header and UII PU reel, 21.5x16.5 front and 16.5x16.1 rear tires, 3180 hrs., $44,000. Call Bob for pics. at 780-679-7680, Ferintosh, AB. 742 CCIL, 35’ 5000 Atco table; 742 CCIL w/42’ table, 1300 hrs. $35,000 for both OBO. 306-287-3785, Watson, SK.

4700 VERSATILE SWATHER 25’, CAH, 2004 MACDON 16’ haybine, only used 3 single swath, Roto-Shear, 2570 hrs., good seasons, under 1000 acres on this mint cond., $14,000. 204-476-6275, Eden, MB. machine, half price of new $21,000. 24’ IH 4000 SP swather with UII PU head306-735-2645, Whitewood, SK. er. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928, WDX 1202 SP haybine with 14’ sickle 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 head, 365 hrs, always shedded, $60,000. 2011 MACDON D50 35’ swather header, 204-252-2128, Rossendale, MB. w/transport, fore/aft, used 2500 acres, JOHN DEERE 990 14’ disc mower header, exc. cond. 306-398-4714, 306-398-7713, fits JD 4990 SP swather. 403-443-2162, Cut Knife, SK. 403-443-9495, Three Hills, AB. 1989 MF 200 30’ w/PU reel, rotor sheers. 1995 NH 116 hydra swing haybine, 16’, New power wheel this season and late last rubber Chevron rollers, 1000 PTO, VG, season. New reel drive and canvass drive $7000. 306-648-8337, Gravelbourg, SK. motor 2 yrs. ago. New hyd. pump a year ago. Lift cylinders 3 years ago. Asking 2008 NH H8040 HAYBINE 16’, 400 hrs., $16,000 but will take offers. Email like new, $85,000 OBO. 306-825-2440, for pictures. Call 780-872-6461 cell, Lloydminster, SK. Mike at 204-568-4456, Decker, MB. SELLING 2000 MACDON 5010 mower con- 1992 PT SWATHER 8230 30’, 1000 PTO, ditioner, 14’, 2100 acres only, original approx. 9000 acres, used very little since owner, steel rollers, in very good cond. 1996, shedded, $15,500; 1986 SP swather 306-492-4642, Clavet, SK. 4000, gas, 24.5’ PU reel, batt reel, shed2005 HESSTON 9260, c/w 15’ 9070 disc ded, $9500. 403-684-3686, Blackie, AB. header, 25’ 5200 draper, with fore and aft, Can email pics: triple delivery, PU reels, approx. 2000 hrs., vg cond. $62,000. 780-963-0641 or 2001 PRAIRIE STAR 4940 swather, nonturbo w/MacDon 30’ 972 header, split PU 780-203-9593, Stony Plain, AB. reel, triple delivery, 1850 eng. hrs, asking 2004 HESSTON 1365 DISCBINE, 15’ 3” hy- $54,000. 306-647-2344, Theodore, SK. draswing, metal crimpers, field ready. Call Darwin 306-773-8181 or 306-750-7650, 2010 JD A400 swather, 30’ Honeybee header, 60 hrs., new condition; 2009 JD Swift Current, SK. 4895, 30’ header, 650 hrs., always shed2004 HESSTON 8020 hay hdr., 16’, great ded. Call 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. cond, can fit CIH 8860 windrower $10,000 IH 4000 SP swather with 20’ MacDon PU OBO. 306-424-2720, Montmartre, SK. header. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry NEW HOLLAND 2216 mower condition- Dreger, Saturday, June 16, 2012 Lemberg, er, w/adapter for NH 9030, excellent cond, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit Phone $5500. 780-672-6062, Camrose, AB. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack 2003 HESSTON 1275 16’ mower condi- Auction Co. PL 311962. tioner, low acres, exc. condition, $16,500 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 2005 HESSTON 9260, c/w 15’ 9070 disc header, 25’ 5200 draper, with fore and aft, HESSTON 1160, 14’ haybine, 540 PTO, triple delivery, PU reels, approx. 2000 hrs., field ready, mint condition, $9500 OBO. vg cond. $62,000. 780-963-0641 or 306-961-8060, Shellbrook, SK. 780-203-9593, Stony Plain, AB. 956 14.4’ DISCBINE, 2002, hydraswing. 2010 CIH 1903, 36’, roller, $128,000; 2010 306-232-4705, Hague, SK. CIH 1203 36’, $115,000; H Pro (MD) 8140, NH 495 HAYBINE, 12’, good cond., field 30’, $69,900; MD150, 35’, $114,000; WW ready, c/w end transport, $3250 OBO. (MD) 9200, 30’, $43,500; 3 CIH 730, 30’, PTO, $3500; CIH 736, 36’, PT; CIH 8240 204-856-9385, Portage la Prairie, MB. 35’, $7000; 2010 CIH WD1203, 36’, 1994 NH 116 14’ Hydro Swing haybine, $111,500; 2008 JD 4895, 30’, $89,000. rubber rollers, 540 PTO, very good, $7500. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, 306-648-2901, Gravelbourg, SK. Humboldt, SK. 2003 1475 NH haybine, 16’, 1 owner, 8000 1984 MF 885 w/21’ grain header and PU acres, 1000 PTO, shedded, exc. cond., reel. Canvases, reel, knife and tires very $19,990 OBO. Phone 306-467-2108, good condition, 14’ MacDon hay header, 306-467-4820, Duck Lake, SK, 2780 hrs., 4 cyl. JD diesel eng. (w/approx. NH 2331 DISCBINE HEADER, fits NH 400 hrs. since total rebuild), $10,500. TV-140/TV-145/T-6070 bi-directional 306-893-4726, Maidstone, SK. tractors, 400 acres on unit, asking $25,000 Pics. avail. on request. Athabasca, AB. 780-212-1430,

WANTED: MACDON 150 swather with a D60 header. Call Dale at 306-277-4609, Ridgedale, SK.

FULL-BIN SUPER SENSOR Never Clim b A B in A ga in

Equip yo ur a uge r to s e n s e w h e n th e b in is full. 2 ye a r w a rra n ty. Ca ll Brow n le e s Truckin g In c. Un ity, SK

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98 w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o m USED WHEATHEART AUGERS, various sizes. Great deals like a 10x41 with 34 HP diesel motor and mover kit, excellent cond., $13,500. Ph Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626.

HART UNIFLOW 32 PK-4 indent w/aspirator; Silverline AS-10T air and screen dust collection system; hyd. drive, variable spd. augers and conveyor legs; Katolight 40kW genset, 3 phase electric motors, 110V plug-ins, fully self-contained, 300-500 bu/hr., screens for wheat, barley, oats, peas, canary. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, or call 204-857-8403.

DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in (2) BIN SWEEPS, One is a Super 8, almost W e s t e r n C a n a d a . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , 306-946-7923, Young, SK. new. 306-922-8149, Prince Albert, SK. GRAIN CLEANING SCREENS and frames SAKUNDIAK AUGERS in stock. Variety of for all makes and models of grain cleaners. 2011 models still available in 8” and 10” Housing Western Canada’s largest insizes and lengths. Used 12”x72’ Sakundiak ventory of perforated material, we’ll set SLM/D, $14,900; 1- 2008 12”x78’ Sakundi- your cleaner up to your recommendation. ak SLM/D, $15,900; 1-10”x72’ Sakundiak Ask us about bucket elevators and accesSLM/D, $6500; 1-2008 TL 10-1200, sories too! Call Flaman Grain Cleaning $3500; Convey-All conveyors available. All t o l l f r e e 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 3 5 - 2 6 2 6 . We b s i t e units have leasing options. Call Dale, Main- way Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-567-3285, 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 7 2 9 9 c e l l , D av i d s o n , S K , CARTER DISC CLEANER, link aero cleaner, and rotary cleaner. Call 306-283-4747 or 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.cb

2009 CIH WD 1203 SWATHER with 30’ header. Excellent condition. $79,900. 1-800-667-4515, 2002 MACDON 8152 with 30/972 header, single knife drive, with fore/aft, hyd. tilt 2002 INLAND V-RAKE, will rake 2-14” cylinder, 1608 eng. hrs, 1410 header hrs. swaths together, like new, low usage, $7500. 204-657-2319, Fork River, MB. 306-436-7720, Milestone, SK.

Q uick P ick B ale C arrier

QUICKER, STRONGER and Better Bales

(306) 355-2718 See video at



2008 N H C X 8080, 417 thra s hin g hrs , 350 HP, 330 b u ., $210,000 OB O

2011 9120, duals, 250 hrs., $335,000; 2009 9120 Magna cut, $279,000; 2006 8 0 1 0 t o p p e r, $ 1 9 9 , 0 0 0 ; 8 0 1 0 S M $183,000; 2388, AFX, Y&M, big top, $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; 2 3 8 8 A F X , Y & M , t o p p e r, $128,000; 2388 hopper ext. $99,000; 2188 exceller, Mav, Swathmaster, $76,000; 2188, exceller, Swathmaster, topper, $65,000; 1997 2188 AFX, Swath Master, topper, $66,500; 1666 Rake-Up, 2656 eng. hrs., $33,000; 1680, shedded, $17,500; IH 1480, 210 HP, $11,900. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.


2000 JD 9650W, only 1,457 sep. hrs., auto header height control, dial-a-speed, chaff spreader, chopper, hopper topper, 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, JD 914 PU header, always shedded, excellent condition, $119,000. Call Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB.

P ra irie S ta r Turb o 4930, S w a ther M a cDo n 960 hea d er, 36’w /ro to s hea rs , s in gle kn ife, p ick u p reels , cro p lifters , n ew p la n eta ries , n ew w o b b le b o x, $5 0,000 OB O D e ge lm a n S ign a ture 6000 R o ckpicke r, 3 Ba tt, PT O Drive $6,000 OB O TR /TX Ad a pte r fo r S w a th e r H e a d e r to T R o rT X co m b in es , $5 ,5 00 OB O Fa rm Kin g 10’ S te e l S w a th R o lle r, $ 1,200 OB O M o is ture Te s te r, eleva to r typ e w ith s ca le, $7 00 M c Le a n , S K . 3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H)

o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t

2009 JD 9870 STS, 4 WD, 566 hrs., 650/85R38’s with duals, CM with 5 spd. reverse, chopper with powercast tailboard, IMS, shedded, $210,000 US. 1989 CIH 1010 25’ HEADER pick-up reel, 320-848-2496 or 320-894-6560, Fairfax, hyd fore-aft, $ 8,900. Trades welcome, Minnesota. financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 2000 JD 9650W, 2800 sep. hrs., $29,000 See video at: in recent work orders, $89,900 OBO. IH 815 GAS, excellent condition when last 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. used, shedded, best offer. 204-937-7427, Roblin, MB. IH 1460 SP combine with 2507 engine hours. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry Dreger, Saturday, June 16, 2012 Lemberg, SK. area. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

LEXION SERVICE: Have your combine serviced before harvest, no high dealer prices, machines can be picked up and delivered. Years of Lexion experience. 306-935-2117, Milden, SK.

MATADOR #7900 SWATH inverter, hyd. d r i ve , $ 4 3 2 5 . C a l l 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , 306-946-7923, Young, SK.

MUST SELL ONE: 2005 JD 9660 STS combines c/w 915 headers, both loaded including large augers. One has touch set and 30.5x32 singles, the other has contour master, 20.8x38 duals. Your choice $105,000. Call Bob for Pics. at 780-679-7680, Ferintosh, AB.

1-800-667-7421 2009 MACDON FD70, 40’, JD or Lexion a d a p t e r, v e r y n i c e , $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, 2008 JD 630F flex platform w/PU reel, full 403-312-5113, located Viscount, SK. Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom refinger, 60 Series, stubble lights, poly skid builds available. Competitive warranty. plates, automatic header height sensing, Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red auto reel spd. control, stone protection Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732. guard platform, hydra flex, low hrs., $27,500. Ph. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. TOP $$$ PAID for scrap batteries. Call 2009 630D DRAPER header, $42,000. 306-761-1688, Regina, SK. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. 850 UNIVERSAL tractor for parts, reasonably priced. Phone: 306-466-4428, 306-466-7817, Leask, SK. SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge inventory new and used tractor parts. 1-888-676-4847. SMALL AD, BIG SAVINGS, BEST PRICES. Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, Allan, SK. RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most 1-888-676-4847. makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK, 2008 IH 2020 35’ FLEX HEADER, Excellent shape, $28,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at:

2005 CIH 36’ 2062 Flex, Fits Case IH 7010/8010/7120/8120/9120. Also fits: CR960/970/9060/9070. $35,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-6674515. See video at:

NH 971 COMBINE HEADER, good shape, 24’, w/transport trailer, priced to sell, 2003 NH 94C, 42’ straight cut draper $3500. Bob 306-883-7817, Spiritwood, SK. header, PU reel, factory transport, double knife drive, hyd. fore/aft, $32,000. 306-647-2344, Theodore, SK.

1999 TR99 LT, Rake-Up, $55,000; 2008 CR SUPER 1049 NH bale wagon, 160 bales, 9070, Swathmaster, yield and moisture, field ready, new back tires, $12,000 OBO; Redekop, field tracker. Hergott Farm Grain Chief 300 bu. batch grain dryer, E q u i p m e n t , y o u r C I H D e a l e r, $2500. Call 204-773-2805, Russell, MB. 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK MILLER PRO SET 1150 and 2150 rotary 2003 NH CX860, 1550 hrs, Swathmaster rake, $11,000. Phone 306-225-4678, cell PU, exc. cond., big rubber, yield and mois306-232-3462, Hague, SK. ture, header tilt, shedded, MAV chopper, 2006 JD 7400 forage harvester with hay offers. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. header, 2200 hrs. Phone 204-522-6333, 2010 NH-CR 9090, fully equipped w/AuMelita, MB. toSteer, cruise, leather pkg. 620x70R42 factory duals, deluxe chopper and under 300 sep. hrs. 306-287-7707, Quill Lake, SK 2007 CR9070, 20.8x42 duals, loaded, 360 threshing hrs; 2000 SP36 HoneyBee draper header, gauge wheels, hyd. fore and aft, split reel, steel teeth. Ph Arch Equipment, 306-867-7252, Outlook, SK.

1998 36’ HONEYBEE draper header, fore/aft, UII PU reel, NH TR adapter. 306-625-7775, Ponteix, SK.

UPDATE YOUR JD 9600/9610 COMBINES Buddy seats $150; reel fore & aft $950; airride seat $750 & up; Dial-a-Matic header height $650; 2-spd cylinder kit $2,750; 4WD kit $9,400 less trade; rear wheel upgrade, 16.9-26 new or used; dual kits $9,800 less trade; wooden walker block upgrade $55 each; single-point hookups in stock; lots of new parts in stock! 1-800-667-4515. www. 2008 JD 9870 STS, duals; 2006 JD 9760 GLEANER L-2 SP combine, also Gleaner 24’ STS; JD 9760, yield and moisture. Phone straight cut header. Large Equip. Auction, Hergott Farm Equipment, your Case/IH Saturday, June 23, 2012, Estevan, Sask. Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 2007 JD 9660WTS, only 528 sep. hrs., auto header height control, auto reel 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 speed control, hyd. fore/aft, grain loss 2007 GLEANER A85, new in 2008, 657 monitor, rock trap, 21’6” unloading auger, eng. hrs., 493 sep. hrs, Mav straw chopper, hopper topper. Just been Greenlighted! autolube, 20.8x42 radial duals, Field Star Excellent shape! $169,900. Call Jordan II mapping and yield monitor, all factory 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. updates, c/w Gleaner 4200-16 PU header, PU. 24 months interest free. FOR SALE: NH discbine 1432; Buhler 10 Swathmaster Dennis at 204-759-2527, Shoal Lake, wheel rake; Mole Hill leveler. All exc. cond. Call MB. Trades welcome. w w w. b u y a n d s e l l f a r m m a c h i n e r y. c o m 204-564-2540, Shellmouth, MB. 1999 NH 1431 DISCBINE, 13’ cut, excellent condition, $20,000. 204-585-2178 (af- 1998 JD 9610 Maximizer w/2480 hrs., c/w 914 PU, fine cut chopper, always shedded, ter 8 or weekends), Sandy Lake, MB. $70,000. Also available 930 flex header. 2001 NEW HOLLAND baler 688, not used 306-843-3132, Wilkie, SK. last 3 years, very nice, always shedded, bought new. Used on 100 head farm, FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance ap$14,000. 204-657-2319, Fork River, MB. peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 2011 JD 9770, Premier cab, 615 PU, small CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes grains concave, Contour-Master, 22.5’ auand models. Call the combine superstore. ger, duals, 55 engine hrs., like new. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. 204-467-2109 (after 8 PM), Stonewall, MB. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. JD 9400 SP combine w/only 713 threshing hrs, that is correct only 713 threshing hrs. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.


2004 MACDON D50/IH 36’ 2042, with fore/aft, pick up reel & new canvas. $36,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at:

(Ap p ra isa l & Lea sing p ossib le)

IN STOCK FLEX headers w/PU reels, poly STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very skids, years 2000 and up, full fingered. affordable new and used parts available, 1993 JD 930 flex, $7950; 1995 JD 922 made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 flex, $5900; 2000 JD 930 flex, recondiAGRICULTURAL PARTS STO RE tioned, $17,900; 2006 JD 635 flex, single point, looks like new, $27,900; 2000 JD 925 flex, real nice, $15,900; 2007 JD 630 H ydra ulic Pa rts flex, single point, beautiful platform, & D oin g H ydra ulic R e p a ir $28,900. Over 20 platforms in stock, all makes. All prices OBO. Header trailers also Ca ll NODGE Firs t available. Call Gary 204-326-7000, SteinSwift Current, SK bach, MB. • S e e d Bo o ts & Tips • Pic ku p Be lts SOLD THE FARM: 2003 Honeybee 36’ & Te e th • Air S e e d e r Ho s e w / J D a d ap t e r, p e a a u g e r, s h e d d e d . • Pa c ke rW he e l C a ps • Ele va to r C ha in s 306-297-6205, 306-297-7978, Admiral, SK & S pro c ke ts • Nic ho ls S ho ve ls • Fe e d e r C ha in s 2004 36’ FLEX Crary air head w/Cat 460 • Ha rro w Tin e s & S pro c ke ts adapter, dual knives and dual fans, • Ba le r Be lts • C o m b in e pa rts $18,500. 306-266-4977, Glentworth, SK. • Ha yin g & Ha rve s t • C a n va s Pa rts & S u pplie s 1991 NEW HOLLAND 971 30’ straight cut • Tra c to r Pa rts header w/Hart Carter PU reel, transport, w w w .n od gem fg.c om $8000. 306-968-2947, Marengo, SK.

30’ JD 930 straight cut header. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa l va ge I nc.

Specia lizing In N ew, Used & Reb uiltAgricultura l And C onstruction Pa rts Call Today

1-877-527-7278 M edicine Ha t, AB . NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at:

B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling

2004 973 25’ draper header, PU reel w/metal fingers, c/w 801 MacDon bi-diWRECKING CASE 2090 and for parts. A.E. rectional adapter, under 3000 acres on m a c h i n e , s h e d d e d . M i n t ! $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 . 1998 AND 2004 HONEYBEE’S, Case/IH Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, adapters, all options, shedded, $22,000 SK, 306-449-2255. 204-866-4261, Anola, MB. and $30,000. 306-723-4203, Cupar, SK.

2000 MD 972 25’ HEADER Triple delivery. JD adapter available. $13,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515,

HONEYBEE SP36 (Gleaner ADP.), $20,900; 2 MD 974 36’ flex, $49,900 each; CIH 1010, 30’, w/PU reel, $7400; CIH 1020 30’ flex header, $11,900; CIH 2052 36’ draper, $45,500; MacDon 973, 35’, CIH adapter, $39,900; JD 635, 35’, $57,000; CIH 1010, 30’ w/transport, $8500; CIH 1020 30’ flex, HFA, poly skid, $13,500; MD D60 35’ w/JD kit, $56,000; Two MD 974 36’ w/CIH kit, $49,900 each; JD 635 35’ ext. auger, transport, $54,500. Phone Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.

S EXS M ITH US ED FARM P ARTS LTD . S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa m Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs . Plu s M u ch M o re!

1-8 00-340-119 2

2005 JD 635F HEADER new knife, guards and auger. $26,800. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515, Financing available.

Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g

1997 CTS JD combine, 2391 threshing hrs., deluxe cab, big top c/w extension (300 bu.), Sunnybrook cyl. and beater, fine cut chopper, extra long auger, 30.5x32 and 23x28 tires, 914 PU header, $60,000; 2002 MacDon 30’ draper header, PU reel, hyd. fore and aft, shedded, well maintained. No rocks! $25,000. 780-837-8047, Falher, AB.

2010 40’ MACDON FD70/CIH 2162 FLEX HEADER Adapters available for all makes, excellent condition $59,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. See video at: 2006 JD 630 30’ flex header, 50 Series hookup, stubble lights, poly skid plates, auto header height sensing. $25,000. 306-854-2053, 306-533-3202, Elbow, SK.

1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB New Used & Re-man parts Tractors Combines Swathers

L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. BRAND NEW SET of KUCHAR Helical RASP BARS for 9650 or 9750 JD com- 1985 MF 785 SP swather, 18’, no cab, 6 bine, excellent for Strongfield Durum. Best cyl. Chrysler. 306-839-2304, Pierceland, offer. 306-375-2951, Kyle, SK. SK. E-mail:

1994 JD 9600, 2200 sep. hrs., fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, 914 PU header, large engine, always shedded, $60,000 OBO. 780-608-6555, Camrose, AB.

2009 JD 9870 STS 4 WD, 613 hrs., 1997 CIH 1020 30’ FLEX HEADER New 1996 JD 9600, 2416 sep. hrs, 914 PU 20.8x42’s w/duals, CM w/5 spd. reverse, pick up reel, knife and guards, hyd fore & h e a d e r, l o n g a u g e r, c h a f f s p r e a d e r, SLS, chopper w/powercast tailboard, shedded, $205,000 US. 320-848-2496 or aft, $15,800. Trades welcome, financing $55,000. 306-224-2023, Windthorst, SK. 320-894-6560, Fairfax, Minnesota. available. 1-800-667-4515. See video at: LIKE NEW: 1996 JD 9400 w/914 header, hydro., grain loss monitor, only 1600 hrs. 2009 CASE/IH 7088, 420 sep. hrs, 14’ Call 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK. Swathmaster PU, chopper, Pro 600 yield and moisture monitor, Redlighted at deal- 1996 JD 9500, 2492 sep. hrs., 3272 eng. ership, immaculate condition, $190,000. hrs., new Titan tires, $14,000 Greenlight done. Redekop spreader, 230 header and 204-735-2321, Starbuck, MB. transport. 403-393-0219 or 403-833-2190, 2007 JD 635 flex w/CWS air bar, A-1, Burdett, AB. $33,900; 4 wheeler header trailer, $3900. 2007 9860 STS PREMIUM, 694 hrs., 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. bullet rotor, mapping, long auger, 615 PU, 900 rice tires, shedded, extras, exc. cond. $209,000. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. JD 7720 HYDRO w/reverser, 212 PU, new 24.5x32 Firestone tires, all new belts, new feeder chain, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, $10,000 OBO. 306-228-7335, Unity, SK. NEW 30.5L-32 16 PLY, $2195; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 WANTED: 6601 JD PT combine, prefer 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply $498. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. shedded; Also any type of combine for NEED MACDON HEADERS? 36’ MD963 $36,900; 36’ MD974 $35,800; 25’ MD972 1-800-667-4515. scrap metal. 403-363-9839, Brooks, AB. $13,900; 25’ MD960 $12,900; 36’ MD960, 2004 CASE/IH 8010, duals, tank exten- 1998 JD CTS II, 2000 sep. hrs., loaded, $11,900. Adapters available. We want your sion, long auger, lat. tilt, PU head, 4 WD, GreenStar, P914 PU, shedded, field ready. trades. Financing available. 1-800-667$125,000. 306-882-3347, Rosetown, SK. 4515. 306-695-2623, Indian Head, SK.

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.

CALL TO DAY ! JD 635 draper header, dual knife drive, gauge wheels; JD 930 draper header, dual knife drive, gauge wheels. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. 2005 JD 635F, Contour, fore/aft, good poly and fingers, $22,000; 2005 CASE/IH 2020, 35’, tracker, fore/aft, good cond, $21,500; 2004 CASE/IH 1020, 30’, fore/aft, $18,000; 1997 CASE/IH 1020, 30’, fore/aft, $13,000; 2001 JD 930F, 30’, fore/aft, $14,000. 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB.

S AV E $$

Disc Blade Cultivator Shovel Harrow Tine • Shovels, Chisels, Furrower • Disc Blades 18’’ to 32’’

Smooth & Notched. • Coulter Blades • Harrow Spring Tines 3/8 - 5/8. • Seeding Knives and Openers. • Drill Recappers • Baler Belting, All Styles & Sizes

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2005 974 MACDON 30’ FLEX DRAPER HEADER new canvas, reel bushings and reel fingers w/ JD 9400-9610 CTS adapter. $35,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at:

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PROTECT MORE ACRES PER HOUR New Guardian™ sprayers from New Holland allow you to take full control of your spraying schedule. With the industry’s highest horsepower, largest tank size, smoothest suspension, highest ground clearance and tightest turning radius, Guardian sprayers quickly protect more of your acres per hour for maximum productivity. THREE FRONT BOOM MODELS FROM 240 TO 365 HP TWO REAR BOOM MODELS - 240 TO 275 HP BOOM WIDTHS UP TO 120 FEET TANK SIZES UP TO 1,600 GALLONS QUIET, ROOMY, COMFORTABLE CAB ©2010 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.



2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010 NH CX8080 ALL C/W 76C SWATHMASTERS, AS LOW AS 360 HRS


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PORTABLE EZ-PILOT PRODUCTIVITY Reduce header overlap and operator fatigue and increase your overall self-propelled windrower harvesting efficiency when you install the affordable NEW EZ-Pilot™ semi-integrated auto-guidance system from New Holland. The clean, sleek steering motor works with the windrower’s original steering column. It does NOT restrict visibility and allows you to use all tilt/telescoping functions. The EZ-Pilot™ steering actuator can be removed easily and installed on other tractors and other self-propelled machines. T3 TERRAIN COMPENSATION IMMEDIATELY ADJUSTS FOR SLOPES AND ROUGH TERRAIN HIGHER-TORQUE MOTOR STEERS SP MACHINES WITH HIGHER ACCURACY SIMPLE PLUG-AND-PLAY INSTALLATION FM-750™ OR FM-1000™ MONITOR ©2010 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.

2012 VERSATILE 535






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AVAILABLE 16’, 35.5’ & 42.5’


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2012 NH T7.235


5YR LEASE ONLY $10,540 S/A OR $35.14/HR OAC






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250 HP, 1000 GAL, 100’ BOOMS, AUTO-BOOM, ACCU-BOOM, SMART-TRAX & MORE, 380/90R 46 X4 & 2-520/38 REAR FLOATERS, 425 HRS, EXC COND






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2006 NH TS125A PLUS





2012 NH SP275.R




130 PTO HP, 18/4 POWERSHIFT, 20.8X42, 3 REMOTES,540/1000 PTO, 9400 HRS, GOOD COND. SPECIAL














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Emerald ........................................ 306-527-5091 Derrick .......................................... 306-537-3848 Cory .............................................. 306-539-2526 Gary .............................................. 306-550-4644 Jeff ............................................... 306-526-7083




2006 JD 1820 53’



All Used Combines/Platforms Are 0% Interest for 2 Years or Low Rate Lease!

2006 JD 4920



SEEDING 10 NH P2070, 70’, 10” w/430 bu cart .......................................................$231,300 (R) 08 JD 1830, 61’, 10” spac, dble sht, 4x22”steel ........................................ $77,800 (M) 07 Seedmaster 50-12TXB, Bourg Air Pac ................................................ $139,800 (M) 06 JD 1820, 53’, 10” spac, 4x22” steel press whls, all run ........................ $56,200 (S) 04 JD 1820, 61’, 10” spac, w/JD 1910-340 bu, dble sht ........................... $94,400 (M) 03 JD 1820, 52’10”, DS air pkg,4x22” Steel whls ...................................... $41,800 (R) 94 Flex-Coil 5000, 57’,12”spac,3.5” Stl Packers .................................... $29,500 (MM)

COMBINES 11 JD 9870 STS, 123 hrs, 520/85R42 dual, hi-cap feed ...........................$380,014 (R) (2) 10 JD 9870, 499 hrs up, duals, heavy duty final dr, .....................$331,500 up (MJ) 09 JD 9870 STS, 497 hrs, 520/85R42 dual, premier ............................. $311,800 (MM) (7) 08 JD 9870 STS, 437 hrs up, wide sprdr,...................$275,700 up (M,MM,MJ,S,W) 07 JD 9860 STS, 670 hrs, 800/70R38, w/615 pu ..................................... $271,100 (M) (13) 09 JD 9770 STS, 325 hrs up,premier cabs .......... $266,500 up (A,M,MM,RM,S,W) (3) 08 JD 9770 STS, 589 hrs up , premier ca .................................. $243,400 up (M,S) 06 JD 9760 STS, 1561 hrs, 800R38,no contour .................................... $186,500 (MM) (5) 05 JD 9760 STS, 1301 hrs up, sprdr, 800/65R32 ....................$166,600 up (M,MM) (5) 04 JD 9760 STS, 1173 hrs up, sprdr,chop, ........................ $147,500 up (R,RM,S,W) (2) 03 JD 9750 STS, 1933 hrs, 900/60x32, chop, ch/s ..............................$144,000 (R) (2) 01 JD9750 STS, 1964 hrs up, sprdr, chop ............................... $111,900 up (MM,S) (3) 11 JD 9670 STS, 268 hrs up, 480/70R30 ................................... $304,900 up (A,M) 10 JD 9670 STS,230hrs, premier cab ...............................................$283,000 up (MJ) 07 JD 9660 STS, 755 hrs, deluxe cab, 800/65R32, sprdr,chop .................$212,000 (R) (3) 06 JD 9660 STS, 969 hrs up, chop,ch/s,heavy duty..............$186,900 up (R,RM,S) 05 JD 9660W, 2176 hrs, 800/65R32, deluxe hdr ctrls,........................$118,400 up (M) 03 JD 9650 STS, 2122 hrs, 800/65R32, Maurer Big top ....................... $137,700 (MM) 09 JD 9570S, 374 hrs, 800/65R32, chop, sprdr ....................................... $220,700 (W) (2) 98 JD 9610, 2200 hrs up, 20’ aug, 30.5x32 ..................................$72,600 up (MM) 07 Cat 590R, 950 hrs, 500/85R24, P524-14’ precision .............................$253,400 (R) 05 Cat 570R, 1080 hrs, 500/85R24, w/Lexion P524-14’ ....................... $144,000 (MM) (3) 97 JD CTS, 1810 hrs up, dial spd, chopper ...................................$52,300 up (A,M) 96 JD CTS, 2884 hrs, dam, 30.5x32, dual range cyl ................................... $56,900 (S) 94, 95 JD CTS combines, chop, 30.5x32................................................. $54,500 (M,S) 94 JD 9500, 2210 hrs, 30.5X32, 2-’aug,dial spd, f/a,.................................. $53,900 (R) 94 CIH 1688, 2803 hrs,w/1015-12 PU, Kirby Chaff .................................. $45,800 (MJ) 90 JD 9500, 2224 hrs, new 24.5x32, 14.9x24,20’ ................................... $29,200 (MJ)

SPRAYERS 11 JD 4830, 650 hrs, 100’, 20” nozz, ........................................................$288,300 (A) 10 JD 4830, 656 hrs, 100’, swath pro, 380/90R46....................................$303,100 (A) 09 JD 4830, 1360 hrs, 100’ ,20”spac, 1000 gal tnk................................. $253,000 (M) 09 JD 4930, 927 hrs, 120’, 20”spac, swath ctrl, sf1auto ....................... $324,700 (MJ) (2) 08 JD 4930, 1323 hrs up,120’, 20”spac .................................... $275,500 up (R,W) 06 JD 4920, 1853 hrs, 120’,620/70R46, 20” spac, Raven........................ $260,500 (M) 06 JD 4920, 1469 hrs, 90’, 15” nozz, 380/105R50 ...................................$221,500 (R) 03 Brandt, QF1500, 90’, 20” spac, 800 gal, wind cones .......................... $13,500 (RM) 02 Flexi-C oil S67XL, 90’, chem hand, dble combo,foam........................... $21,800 (M)

HAYING EQUIPMENT 08 JD 568, 13,500 bales, megawide, pushbar ......................................... $25,800 (MJ) (4) 05 JD 567, 6000 bales up, push bars, hyd pu...............................$17,400 up (A,M) (4) 03 JD 567, push bars, hyd pu lift ...........................................$18,000 up (M,MM,S) 01 JD 567, hyd pu, push bars,sur wrap ...................................................... $23,000 (A) 97 & 98 JD 566, 31x13.5, push bar, hyd pu lift ....................................$11,700 up (M) 99 Hess 565A, 1000 pto, kicker, hyd pu lift,................................................. $9,100 (M) 97 JD 556, 15,400 bales, 540 pto, 31x13.5 8 pr, dble twine ......................... $9,300 (A) 95 JD 535, 540 hookup, dble twine wrap, converge whls .......................... $13,000 (R) (5) 11 JD D450, 74 hrs up, w/ JD 635 draper, ........................... $167,000 up (R,RM,W) 11 MacDon D60,40’ MDS/DKD header, slow spd trans ........................... $64,400 (MM) 10 JD A400, 315 hrs, hydro, w/896 19’ aug hay ......................................... $93,500 (R) 09 HoneyBee WS30, UII 5 batt, dble swath, single knife ........................... $41,500 (W) 07 HoneyBee WS30, 5 batt UII PU, dble swath, dble knife ....................... $41,000 (MJ) 96 HoneyBee SP25 windrower, dble swath, dble knife.............................. $20,200 (M) 07 JD 4895 Wdr, 934 hrs, w/07 HB WS30 & 05 JD 896-14’hay .................. $98,000 (R) 04 JD 896,14’ auger header fits 4895 ................................................................... CALL

2010 JD 9430



2008 JD 9870 STS



(2) 03 JD 895,18’ wdr, hyd var reel spd, tall crop divid.............................. $17,700 (M) 05 MacDon 2952i, w/972 30’ Hdr, 815 hrs, dble knife ........................... $96,900 (MM) 03 MacDon 2952, w/972 30’ Hdr, 1362 hrs, 16.5x16.1 whls .................. $84,900 (MM) 02 MacDon 2950,w/972 30’ Hdr, gauge whls, ........................................ $76,100 (MM) 01 MacDon 9352, 3635 hrs, w/36’ 972 hdr, F K swath roller ...................... $76,500 (A) 00 MacDon 2950 w/972 25’ & 02, MacDon 2950, w/30’ ............................ $51,900 (R) 96 MacDon 9300, w/960 36’ drape & 910-14’ hay .................................. $53,300 (MJ) 96 MacDon 960- 36’ drape, trans gauge whls, f/a .................................. $17,700 (MJ) 85 MacDon 7000 Wdr, 2600 hrs, w/30’ draper, w/21’ Hay plat ................ $17,600 (RM) 88 MacDon 7000 Wdr, w/960 -30’ hdr, Cummins diesel ......................... $34,700 (MM)

TRACTORS 11 JD 9630T, 360 hrs, 36” trk belt, deluxe comfort pkg .......................... $403,500 (W) (2) 09 JD 9630, 1355 hrs up, diff lock, 800/70R38 pkg ...............$315,000 up (M,MM) (2) 09 JD 9530, 1355 hrs up , diff lock,800/70R38 .................... $294,900 up (MM,W) 10 JD 9430, 1772 hrs, diff lock, 710/70R42,.................................... $282,000 up (RM) 09 JD 9430, 1649 hrs, diff lock, 710/70R38, del comfort ..................... $283,785 (MM) 08 JD 9530T, deluxe cab, 1000 pto ..........................................................$304,900 (R) 07 JD 9620, 2150 hrs, 800/70R38, diff lock, Greenstar ............................$261,200 (S) 06 JD 7420, 4764 hrs, MFWD, 18.4-38 ....................................................... $78,900 (R) 03 JD 7320, 4960 hrs, MFWD, w/741 ldr .................................................... $66,900 (R) 04 JD 7220,3908hrs, MFWD, w/741 ldr .................................................. $76,700 (MM) (3) JD 7130, 323 hrs up, MFWD, 18.4R38 ...........................................$89,500 up (RM) 08 JD 6430, 4636 hrs, w/673 ldr, MFWD, 18.4R38...................................... $80,500 (R) 08 JD 6230 MFWD, 990 hrs, MFWD, w/673 ldr ........................................... $58,000 (R) 01 JD 7410, 8650 hrs, w/740 ldr, MFWD, 18.4-38 ...................................... $59,900 (A) 98 JD 9200, 4333 hrs, diff lock, 650/65R42 .............................................$111,000 (S) 97 JD 9400, 6752 hrs, diff lock, 710/70R38, 4 hyd ...................................$117,000 (S) 96 NH 7635, 3075 hrs, 16.9x34, 540/1000, 3 pt, ldr .................................. $37,100 (W) 80 CIH 2090, 7169 hrs, 23.1/34, 540/1000, 110hp ..................................... $12,500 (S) 79 JD 4640, 7858 hrs, 20.8x38, 16F/6R................................................... $23,300 (MJ) 75 JD 4230, 12155 hrs, 2 hyds, 725 ldr, new 18.4x34 ............................... $18,600 (M) 63 JD 4010, w/loader, 540 pto, cab .............................................................. $6,200 (R)

PLATFORMS 11 JD 640 draper, dual dr, skid shoes ........................................................ $80,300 (M) (10) 11 JD 635F, auger composite fingers ............................................... $56,900 (MJ) (4) 10 JD 635F, AWS air reel.............................................................$52,800 up (A,MJ) (9) 09 JD 635F, air reel, good knife, long guards.......................$43,300 up (MJ,MM,R) (6) 08 JD 635F, auger composite fingers, .................................$37,800 up (MM,MJ,R) 07 JD 635F, hdr height sense, stub lights, auger comp fingers ............... $34,700 (MJ) (4) 04 JD 635F, HH sensing, stub lights. ................................ $27,200 up (A,MJ,R,RM) 09 JD 630F, 1537 hrs, auger comp fingers .............................................. $39,500 (MJ) (3) 10 JD 635D, poly tine pu reel, road trans w/lites................ $65,600 up (MJ,MM,W) (3) 09 JD 635D, poly tine pu reel, skid shoes................................$62,400 up (MJ,RM) (2) 09 JD 630D, single knife, skid shoes .................................................. $51,800 (RM) (11) 09 MacDon FD 70, 35 & 40, slow spd trans..........................$73,000 up (A,M,MJ) (2) 10 MacDon FD70, 40, dble knife...............................................$74,200 up (M,MM) 08 MacDon D50, 30, Cat 20 adapt, pea auger f/a .................................... $55,400 (RM) 06 MacDon 974-30’, 5 batt plas finger pu reel, skid shoes ........................ $49,500 (R) 05 MacDon 974, 30’,w/873 adapt,cross aug, gauge whls ...................... $40,200 (MM) (2) 05 MacDon 973, 36 pu reel, ........................................................$48,500 up (M,W) 03 MacDon 972, 60 series hookup ............................................................ $37,100 (W) 00 MacDon 972, 30’,f/a, PU steel fingers, gauge whls .............................. $24,200 (M) (5) 05 MacDon 963, variety of options ........................................ $42,000 up (M,RM,S) (2) 03 MacDon 962, (30’&36’), gauge whls ...........................................$30,200 (A,RM) 93, 97 & 2000 MacDon 960 hdrs .................................... starting at $5,900 (MM,R,W) (2) 09 HoneyBee SP36, (1w/ single knife,2 dble) ...........................$51,000 up (M,RM) 07 HoneyBee WS36, single knife,f/a ....................................................... $37,700 (MM) 05 HoneyBee WS30, UII pu reel, single knife ............................................. $29,500 (W) 08 HoneyBee SP36, UII 6 batt plast,end strut gauge whls....................... $51,650 (MJ) 06 HoneyBee SP36, f/a, pea auger, 50 series hookup ................................ $51,900 (A) 05 HoneyBee SP36, dble knife,UII split reel, upper cross .......................... $49,400 (M) 03 HonyBee SP36,fits 60 series, dble knife dr, pea auger ...................... $42,800 (MM) 02 HoneyBee SP36,one 9600 hoookup, & 9610......................................... $34,700 (M) 01 HoneyBee SP36,new knife bar, rollers, bearing, UII split reel ............... $38,200 (M) 07 HoneyBee SP30, CIH Adapt, UII pu ...................................................... $41,500 (MJ) (2) 05 HoneyBee SP30, gauge whls, Hart cart pu reel, f/a .......................... $33,900 (R) 04 HoneyBee SP30, f.a, pea auger, trans gauge whls ................................ $35,900 (A)

2011 JD D450



Assiniboia, SK

306-642-3366 (A)

Montmartre, SK

306-424-2212 (MM)

Moose Jaw, SK

306-692-2371 (MJ)

Mossbank, SK

306-354-2411 (M)

Raymore, SK

306-746-2110 (RM)

Emerald Park/Regina, SK

306-721-5050 (R)

Southey, SK

306-726-2155 (S)

Weyburn, SK

306-842-4686 (W)

















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NEVER LOOK BACK! Step into the productivity of a new Guardian™ front boom sprayer from New Holland and you won’t turn back. With the boom in front, you have a complete unobstructed view of every nozzle. This outstanding visibility means you can run the boom closer to the ground to control drift. Spray is delivered into the crop before the first tires go over it, eliminating the potential for dust to neutralize the spray. Start achieving a new level of spraying freedom and productivity. THE HIGHEST HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE – UP TO 365 HP THE LARGEST TANK SIZES – UP TO 1,600 GALLONS THE HIGHEST CROP CLEARANCE – SIX FEET THE TIGHTEST TURNING – 15-FOOT TURNING RADIUS THE SMOOTHEST SUSPENSION – 20 INCHES OF TRAVEL ©2011 CNH America LC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.

U S E D E QU I P M E N T USED SPRAYERS APACHE 790, ‘99, KK21415A .........................$67,000 K BOURG QF1500, ‘01, KK21703D ....................$12,800 K BOURG 1450, ‘99, 120’, 1250G, DISC MARKER, RAVEN CONT, PN2839B ............................................$18,000 P BOURG 1850, ‘97, 100’ WINDSCREEN, 2 TANKS (1600 & 250), DISC MARKER, FOAM MARKER (PEACOCK), AUTO RATE/AUTO FOLD, HN2775C .........................$17,950 H FLEXI SYS67, ‘01, 80’, D NOZ, BODIES, 850 GAL, ACE PUMP, AUTO RATE, HF2425A .........................$14,760 H MILLER G75, ‘10, 1200 GAL TANK, 120’ BOOMS, 3 WAYS, ULTRAGLIDE, ELEC. ADJ, 380 R90/46 TIRES, N21884A ................................................... $219,000 K MILLER 4240, ‘10, 100’, 1200 POLY, RAVEN GPS, KK21601A ................................................. $284,000 K NH SF550, ‘01, 90’, 500 GAL POLY, RAVEN CONT, PRESSURE WASH, BOSCH LIGHT BAR, 12.4-38 SKINNYS, FLOATS, KK21602A ......................................$88,000 K NH SP275, ‘12, 120’, 1200G SS, FULL LOAD RAVEN GPS, DUALS, DIVIDERS, N21753A ...................... $340,000 K NH SP365F, ‘12, N21754A .............CALL FOR DETAILS K SPRAY AIR 3600-110TS, KK21557B..............$25,000 K SPRA-COUPE 3630, ‘96, 60’, 300G, LEADING DIV, KK21571C ....................................................$35,000 K SPRA-COUPE 3640, ‘97, N21998A .....................................CALL FOR DETAILS K SPRA- COUPE 4650, ‘05, 80’, 400 G, HITCH, S21921A ......................................................$78,500 K SPRA-COUPE 4650, ‘05, 80’ 400G, DUALS, OUTBACK GPS, N21758A ..............................................$85,000 K WILMAR 745, C21729A..................................$45,000 K

USED TRACTORS DEUTZ DX160, ‘82, 18.4X38D, 2 HYDS., HC2494 ........................................................$11,500 H FORD 8630, ‘91, HC2899 ..............CALL FOR DETAILS H

MF 396, ‘95, CLW LOADER, FWA, CAB, EZEE ON LDR, SPEAR, N21708A ..........................................$31,000 K MF 1105, W/LEON 707 LDR, 24.5X32 REAR, 11.00X16 FRT, 2 HYD, HN2395B ...................................$13,900 H NH 8160, ‘99, HC2898 ...................CALL FOR DETAILS H NH 8670, ‘94, HN2989C .................................$45,975 H NH TT75, ‘09, PTO, 3 PT, ROPS LIGHTS, CIRC. HEATER, 7.5X16.9 FRT, 16.9X30 REAR, N21668A........$21,000 K NH TM190, DUALS, 4 HYD, GRAPPLE LDR QUICK 790, MIDMOUNT, JOY STICK, DLX AIR SEAT W/HEAT, PN2630A ......................................................$96,000 P NH TV140, ‘99, LDR, GRAP, 105 PTO, 3 HYD, 3 PT, S21962B ......................................................$55,000 K NH TV145, ‘04, PN2744A ..............................$104,000 P NH TV6070, PN2747A...................................$115,000 P NH 9030, ‘97 W/FWA, E/E 3PT & HYDS, 3/4” COUPLER, C/E 3PT, 7414 LDR, GRAPPLE, SNOW BUCKET, HOME BUILT PALLET, N21786B ...............................$62,500 K NH T9060, PTO, INTEL, 800R38, WEIGHT PKG, DLX CAB, DIFF LOCK, PTO, PN2843A ...........CALL FOR DETAILS P NH T9060, ‘09, DELUXE CAB, 800/70R38 173 R1W, MONITOR MOUNT, BACK UP ALARM, MEGA-FLOW HYDS., HN3027A ....................................... $285,000 H NH T9060, ‘09, DLX CAB, 800/70R38 173 R1W, INSTRUCT, MONITOR MOUNT,BACK UP ALARM,MEGAFLOW HYD, HN2906A ................................ $285,000 H VERS 1150, REBUILT ENG & TRANS, 800 TIRES, 450 HP, 8 SPD, ATOM JET PUMP, C21627 .....................$75,000 K

HAYING CASE RBX562, ‘03,PN2501B..........................$13,500 P HESSTON 514, ‘94 HN2011B............................$6,800 H HESSTON 5580, ‘84, 540 PTO, ELECTRIC TIE, CROP WHEELS, N20007B .........................................$2,600 K JD 567, ‘03, KK21703C ..................................$25,000 K NH 660, ‘94, LACED, AUTO WRAP, N21497B ......$9,500 K NH 660, ‘94, 1000 PTO, PN2178B...................$11,000 P

NH BR770, ‘03 5X5, 540 PTO, AUTO WRAP, HN2013A ......................................................$13,900 H NH BR780, ‘03 1000 PTO, LACED, PN2180A ......................................................$15,500 P NH BR780, ‘04, BALE COMMAND, 1000 PTO, ENDLESS, HYD PU, TWINE, PN2315A .............................$21,500 P NH BR780, ‘05, WIDE PU, AUTOWRAP, ENDLESS, N21400A ......................................................$19,500 K NH BR780A, ‘06, 1000 PTO, HYD PU, LACED, PN2672A ......................................................$21,000 P NH BR7090, ‘08, AUTO TIE, EXTRA SWEEP PU, HC2886 ........................................................$28,800 H VERS 605M, ‘07 XSWEEP PU, HYD BALE EJECT, NET & TWINE WRAP, FLOTATION TIRES, HN2764A ......................................................$18,900 H CASE 8380, ‘90, N20548B .............................$13,000 K NH 1475, ‘05, W/ 18HS NH YR:2005, HN2768A ......................................................$25,900 H

SWATHERS CASE WDX1203, ‘08, W/ 36’ WIND CASE HDR, W/ BOURG SWATH, ROLLER, HW2986A ...................................CALL CASE 4000, ‘81, 24’ HDR PU REEL, HYD CANVAS DR, HYD PUMP FOR ROTO, SHEER, W21839C ...............$8,900 K CASE 8820, ‘94,,16’ HAY HDR, 25’ DRAPER HDR, UII PU REEL, DBL KNIFE DR, GAUGE WHLS, DS, PN2573D ......................................................$33,500 P CI 742, ‘84, W/ 742 HDR, HB ADAPTER, W21838A .....................................................$19,000 K HESSTON 8100, ‘92, 25’ P/U REEL, DSA, GAUGE WLS, SWATH ROLLER, UII PU REEL, W21192B........$26,500 K JD2360, ‘86, HYDRO TRANS, 30’, UII PU REEL, PW2706B .....................................................$23,500 P JD 4895, ‘08C/W 36’ HB HEADER, DBL KNIFE DR, SPLIT REEL, TRANS GAUGE WHLS, HW2995A .........$98,900 H MD M150, ‘09, W/ MD D50 HDR, W21859A .....................................................$96,000 K

MD M150, ‘10, ROTOR SHEARS, FREEFORM HYD SWATHROLLER, TRANS, WGHT KIT, DBL CANVAS DR, SINGLE KNIFE, PW2900A ........................................$134,000 P MD M150, ‘11, 35” HDR, DBL KNIFE, 6 SPLIT PU REEL, ROTO SHEERS, ROLLERS, WINCH, END FINGERS, SLOW SPEED, PW2910A .......................................$160,000 P MD 4920, ‘97, W/ 960 MD HDR, 25 ‘ PU REEL, W21836B .....................................................$37,000 K MD 4930, ‘96, TURBO 2 SPEED, 21.5X16.1 F, 9.5X14 R, W/ 25’ MD 960 HDR, HN2525A .....................$39,500 H MD 9430, ‘08 W/ 5200 HDR, TILT FORE/AFT, W21863B .....................................................$89,000 K MD 9250, ‘01, 25 ‘, DS, PU REEL, MD 972 HDR, PW2902B .....................................................$65,000 P MF 220, ‘96, W/ 30’ HDR, UII PU REEL, DS, W21839A .....................................................$40,500 K MF 9420, ‘04, 30’ MF HDR ‘04, ROTOSHEARS, 18.4X26 DIAMOND TREAD, SINGLE KNIFE DR, PW2707A .....................................................$71,500 P NH HW325, ‘05, W/ 36’ HB HDR, P/U REEL, FORE/AFT SNGL REEL, HN2771A...................................$88,000 H NH HW325, ‘06. W/ 30’HB HDR, AIR SUSPENSION, 18.4R26 TIRES, FORKED REAR TIRES, FORE/AFT, ROTO SHEERS, S21945A ........................................$81,000 K NH HW325, ‘07, W/ NH HB0036 36’ HDR,DLX CAB AIR RIDE W/ SHOCKS, HDR-FORE/AFT, UII P/U REEL, DBL KNIFE DRIVE, W21823A ................................$87,000 K NH H8040, ‘08, DLX CAB, W/NH HB 36’ HDR, HN2949A ......................................................$89,900 H VERS 4700, ‘88, 25’, MACDON P/U REEL, HYDRO, W/ 4025 VE HDR, W21529B ...............................$16,500 K WW 7000, ‘86, 36’, BAT REEL, HS2556A.........$14,900 H PS 4920, ‘98, MD972 HDR 30’ DSA, P/U REEL STEEL TEETH, 21.5X16.1 F, 9.5X14 R, WEIGHT PKG, W21196B .....................................................$53,000 K WHITE 6400, ‘84, 1759 HRS, 13.6X24 TIRES, 25’ MACDON PU REEL, GAS ENGINE, PN2398B ..........$17,000 P

HWY. #3, KINISTINO, SK — Bill, David H, Jim, Kelly SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO — Jay, David J., 306-864-7603


HWY. #5, HUMBOLDT, SK — Paul, Tyler


235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron


Check out our website at





DEGELMAN 6000 ROCKPICKER, PTO drive, good condition, $10,500 OBO. 780-522-7983 cell, Ruthilda, SK. ROCKPICKER, GOOD CONDITION. Will trade for livestock or? 306-753-2842, 306-753-8069, Macklin, SK.


ROCK-O-MATIC 7’ hydump rockpicker, like new, not used for many yrs., $1200. 306-842-5093, 306-861-4847 Weyburn SK



Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.

METEOR 108” DOUBLE auger snowblower, 1 y e a r o l d , l i k e n e w, $ 5 5 0 0 . 403-728-8200, Spruce View, AB.

S I D E WA L L T I R E S , b i a s w i r e f r e e , available for spring or fall. Phone Murray Hutton 780-314-8201, Millet, AB. COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, tapered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. 1999 JD 6750 Forage Harvester, redone blades, blower and spout liner last year, 60,000 OBO. 204-365-7186, Hamiota, MB 2007 HESSTON CHOPPER 7500, very good; 10 ton 6-wheel, high dump wagon; Brand new Farm Aid 560 on IH truck, auto; Peterbilt, auto, very low miles, 20’ silage box. Call 306-432-4803, Lipton, SK.

DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 2005 FP240 forage harvester, stored inside, good condition, field ready, $22,000. 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON 306-232-3462, 306-225-4678, Hague, SK. W RECKIN G TRACTO RS , S W ATHERS , BALERS , CO M BIN ES


YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. 2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no PU reel, 1910 hrs., $145,000 OBO. 403-684-3540, Brandt, AB.

RITCHIE BROS. UNRESERVED PUBLIC Auction, Geertruda Albers and The Estate of Joseph Albers, Rolling Hills, Alberta on June 15, 2012, 10:30 AM. Includes: 2009 Great Plains 3000 30’ double disc seed drill, 2003 Picket A80222AE 8-row one step ahead bean cutter, 2007 Hardi NP1100 100’ high clearance sprayer, JD 856 row crop cultivator and more! Eric 403-362-0859, visit PL 303043. Dealer for Logan potato boxes, conveyors and Tristeel Mfg. potato polishers, tote fillers, washline equip. Largest inventory of used potato equip. Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB.

DEGELMAN 7700 SUPER PICKER, c/w hyd. drive and hyd. hitch, $13,000 OBO. 780-352-3012, Camrose, AB.

QUICK-FOLD BRANDT, 110’, high clearance, 1250 gal. tank, rate controller, 1000 PTO pump, double nozzles, $4800 OBO. 306-658-4307, 306-951-7077, Landis, SK.

1989 TERRAGATOR 1603T, 5300 hrs. Cat 3208 eng. new approx. 2000 hrs ago, Eaton tranny, 1600 gal. tank, 80’ boom, 2 lines, 1 at 30” centers and 1 at 60”, new rear tires last spring, Outback GPS, BOURGAULT 1450, 100’, 1200 gal. tank, $16,000. 306-744-7722, Bredenbury, SK. tripple nozzle bodies, chem. fill, foam markers, hyd. pump, quick autofold, auto- 1997 SPRA-COUPE 3630, 1542 hrs., 70’ rate controller, fence row nozzle, low booms, 4 cyl. diesel, $37,000 OBO. acres, exc. cond. Asking $10,500 OBO. 780-699-6957, Fort Saskatchewan, AB. 306-527-9897, 306-592-4534, Canora, SK. 1995 PATRIOT WIDE TRACK, 4100 hrs., 1997 FLEXI-COIL 65 100’, disc markers, 175 HP JD, SS 700 gal., downdraft air curhyd. pump, $7000 OBO. 306-323-2142, tain, EnvizioPro, Raven 450, SmartSteer, 6 306-322-7789 cell, Rose Valley, SK. valve sectional SmartBoom, 2 sets of tires, 2008 SRX 160 sprayer, 1600 gal., susp. $68,000. 306-268-4371, Bengough, SK. boom, 100’, autorate, triple body nozzles, SPRA-COUPE 220 61’, hyd. boom, rate exc. cond., $43,500. 2008 SRX 160, 1350 controller, air ride seat, Volkswagen eng, gal. wheel boom sprayer, 134’, autorate, 1700 hrs., extra field lights, trimble GPS windguards, markers, dual body nozzles, light bar, $13,500 OBO. 306-648-7761, DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers $43,500. 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK. Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. Gravelbourg, SK. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. SET NEW 800-65-32R Michelin, 10 stud, t o f i t r o g a t o r ; s e t u s e d M i c h e l i n FOUR 12.4x24 ARMSTRONG Titan 8 ply 650-65-38, 10 stud, to fit Case, off 4410, sprayer tires, 60-70% tread left, $300 ea. will fit other models. 306-457-8044, Kis- 306-424-7773, Kendal, SK. bey, SK. NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for JD 4710, 4720, and 4730, $15,000/set. 2001 ROGATOR 854, 800 gal. SS tank, 90’, 9 0 0 / 5 0 R 4 2 M i c h e l i n fo r 4 9 3 0 J D, Envizio Pro w/Raven AutoSteer, air ride 650/65R38 for JD 4830; 650S for Case cab, 2 sets tires, 4500 hrs, $80,000. 4420. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. 403-994-7754, Olds, AB. NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply $498. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, 1994 ROGATOR 5.9 Cummins, 4162 hrs., rebuilt head, four new 385x85R34 Firestone tires, 2 sets of nozzles, 4.4 and 7 . 5 g a l . , 6 8 ’ b o o m , fo a m m a r ke r. 780-875-8238, Lloydminster, AB.

Ph: 306-859-1200

2008 BOURGAULT 5710 air hoe drill, 47’, 10” spacing, 3/4 openers, 3/4 side wing, Pattison variable rate liquid 500 gal. Alpine kit, 3.5 rubber packers; Bourgault 6350 air cart, single fan, 591 monitor, 3 compartment tank metering w/liquid 2400 gal. tank., dual walking axles, 18R42 tires, with 440 Raven monitor. Seeded 2012 crop, vg working cond. always shedded, $170,000 OBO. Can deliver 204-743-2324 IHC 6200 DISC DRILL, 28’, w/grass seed attachment, rubber packers, rolling hill cultivators, good shape, $12,000. 780-674-3360, leave msg. Barrhead, AB. 47’ BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, single shoot c/w 6350 air tank, 3 compartment, double shoot, variable spd., tank has done 3000 acres. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob Davidson, Drumheller, 403-823-0746

2007 BRANDT SP 400, 1600 gal. and 200 gal. rinse tank, 100’ booms, 480x80R46 tires, loaded sprayer, AutoBooms, 2 sets of nozzles, hyd. ride, all the bells and whistles, mint cond., $42,000. Can deliver., 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

1996 WILLMAR 6400 SPRAYER, 4 cyl. JD turbo diesel, 80’ booms come with triple nozzle adapters. 2,790 hrs. 600 gal poly tank. $32,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-445-15.Watch video at:

2001 NH SF550 sprayer, equivalent to Rogator 554, 2300 hrs., 5.9 Cummins, 660 gal. SS tank, 90’ booms, pressure washer, chem. inductor, EZ-Steer, EZ-Boom, mapping, triple nozzle bodies w/5 and 10 gal. 1997 MELROE 220 Spra-Coupe, 60’, Raven tips, 2 sets of tires 23.1x26 and 9.5R44, rate control, A/C, TurboTrac, foam mark- exc. cond., will deliver, Minnedosa, MB. ers, 1093 hrs, vg cond., asking $16,000 204-763-8896. OBO. 306-768-3468, Carrot River, SK. 1996 WILMAR 765HT, 75’, 3300 hrs., c/w Trailtech trailer, will separate, $42,500. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. AG SHIELD AUTOFOLD, 90’ boom mounted Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Perdue, SK. on heavy cart w/1500 gal. Flexi-Coil tank, Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut wash wand, chem. tank, fresh water tank, 1996 SPRA-COUPE 3630, 60’ w/triple nozKnife, SK. tank wash, Red Ball, cart manufactured to zles, 2900 hrs., always shedded, asking pull 40’ air drill. 204-539-2848, Benito, MB. SET NEW 800-65-32R Michelin, 10 stud, $28,500. 306-782-5843, Yorkton, SK. to fit ro gator; set used Michelin 83’ BOURGAULT CENTURION III 850 650-65-38, 10 stud, to fit Case, off 4410, 2002 APACHE 859, 90’ boom, 850 gal., sprayer, wind curtains, 5 and 10 gal. noz1658 hrs., 6.8L JD diesel, upgraded front will fit other models. 306-457-8044, Kiszles, 830 gal. tank, done approx. 9000 acres, $9500. 403-684-3686, Blackie, AB. 1994 20’ DELTA SPRAYER TRAILER 20,000 axle, new tires, Outback GPS, $85,000 bey, SK. lbs, electric brakes, tandem axle with du- firm. 306-862-1420, Zenon Park, SK. Can email pics: BRAND NEW NORAC AUTOBOOM, 3 senals, $5,900. Other trailers available. Trades sors, can be used with any make of sprayBRANDT SB4000 PT, 100’ suspended welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combine- 2005 JD 4720 sprayer, 1480 hrs., good er. Phone 306-383-2915, Rose Valley, SK. condition. 780-877-2326, 780-877-2339, boom, 1600 gal. US tank, rinse tank, Ra- Edberg, AB. ven controller, Norac boom height, chem NEW DUALS to fit Miller/NH sprayers, handler, wind cones, triple nozzle bodies, 220 SPRA-COUPE, 1380 hours, electric 380/90 R46 tires, rims, spools and bolts, booms, 51’, foam, extra tires, $8000. 2009 JD 4930, 1200 gal., 120’ boom, SS $8900. 780-632-9899, Ranfurly, AB. 5 section plumbing, frost kit, 380/85Rx46 tank and plumbing, chem. inductor, 2 sets tires, exc. cond., $42,000; 30.5Rx32 tires 306-631-7262, Moose Jaw, SK. on rims avail; FLEXI-COIL 65 100’, wind 1064 ROGATOR, 90’, Raven guidance, Ac- tires, 5 sensor AutoHeight control, full GPS curtains, hyd. pump, double nozzle, foam cuboom, 1000 gal. SS tank, 2 sets tires w/swath control, 500 hrs., $285,000 marker, 800 Imp. gal., good cond., $4300. available, farmer owned, 2088 hrs. Winni- OBO. 780-837-5243, Donnelly, AB. 204-635-2625, 204-268-5539, Stead, MB. peg, MB. 204-632-5334, 204-981-4291. 2007 ROGATOR 1074 SS, 1192 eng. hrs., FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 62 100’ sprayer, 800 SPRA-COUPE 220, 1996, 1200 hours, ra- approx. 800 spray hours, stainless tank, gal. tank, hyd. pump, auto fold, vg cond., dio, w/special nozzles, GPS mapping, dual educator, foam marker, Raven light bar, 2 FOR SALE: 1996 Bourgault 3225 air tank, 3 tanks, load/unload auger, tires good, $3800 OBO. 306-231-7856, St. Gregor, SK. tires, incl. chem. and water pump combo sets of tires, shedded heated shop. $15,000. Phone Murray 306-463-9691 or 306-937-2857, Battleford, SK. LATE MODEL FLEXI-COIL 65, 800 gal. for auto filling, belly pan for desiccating, 306-968-2921 (after 6 PM), Marengo, SK. tank, 100’ booms, $7500. 306-423-5983, crop dividers, tow bar, shedded, exc. cond, NEW TRAILTECH SPRAYER TRAILERS in CASE/IH CONCORD 4012, w/3400 tank, $18,000. 306-231-2222, Watson, SK. 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. stock now. Haul up to 2000 gal. of water 340 bu. 2 compartment single shoot, 1997 BOURGAULT 1850, 1600 gal. tank, 2001 JD 4710, 90’ booms, 800 gal. tank, and your sprayer. Available in gooseneck edge-on shanks, liquid kit, 600 gal. tank, disc and foam marker, wind screens, hyd. 1290 hrs., two sets tires, Outback S2 with and pintle. Call Wendell at Flaman Sales $32,500. Neil 306-753-7901, Macklin, SK. pump, autofold, double nozzle, Accepting E-drive, UC4 Norac height control, 3-way Ltd., 1-888-235-2626, 306-726-7652, ONE LEFT! NEW Flexi-Coil mech. drive Southey, SK. reasonable offers. 306-753-3330, Macklin, nozzle. 306-277-4609, Ridgedale, SK. 4350 TBH, black. Cam-Don Motors Ltd. SK, for info/pics. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. “The Air Bubble Jet FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 67 100’, 800 gal., 1997 BOURGAULT 5710 w/4250 air cart, consistently produces droplets Raven 440 rate controller, wind screens, 54’, MRB, 9.8” spacing, 3.5” rubber that are 200-550 microns in hyd. pump, new style tank, exc., $13,500 p a c ke r s , N H 3 k i t , 3 t a n k m e t e r i n g , size. Too big to drift - too OBO. 306-648-7761, Gravelbourg, SK. $ 25 rear tow hitch, single fan, 8” auger 11 small to run off.” w / a i r s e e d e r h o p p e r, $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 . 1994 JETSTREAM “go like hell” SPRAYER, 306-921-8772, St. Brieux, SK. 60’, yellow tank, twin line, foam markers, NEW! Drift occurs when droplets are smaller than 200 microns. Standard sprayer half round fenders, air induction nozzles, FLEXI-COIL 5000, 45’, 12” spacing, VR nozzles drift because they produce droplets that are 50-300 micron in size shedded, $3950. 306-594-2708, Hyas, SK. 3450 air cart TBT, 3” rubber packers. with a large percentage under 200. With a droplet range of 200-550 microns, $ 95 403-888-6993, Swalwell, AB. 2003 FLEX-COIL 67XL, suspended boom, the Air Bubble Jet has 90% less drift than standard nozzles. 90’, 1250 gal. tank, double nozzle body, 1996 42’ BOURGAULT 5700 w/3225 tank, autorate, foam marker, always shedded, Run off occurs with big droplets - 600 microns and over. Depending on the 7.5” spacing, single shoot, steel packers $27,000. 306-476-7248, Fife Lake, SK. w/new 491 deluxe monitors, $21,000. manufacturer, other low drift nozzles produce droplets that range in size from 306-638-4595, Bethune, SK. 250-1000 microns. That is why run off can be a problem. With a droplet size 2005 NH SF115, 100’ sprayer, 1250 gal. tank, autorate, windscreens, 100 gal. fresh of 200-550 microns, your chemical stays on the plant when applied with the GEN 300/49 OPENERS, 1” wide, fits JD water tank, dual body nozzles, chemical indrills or 47° shanks, set of 72, $3000 OBO. Air Bubble Jet. duction tank, Rinex boom section control306-460-4060, Kindersley, SK. ler. 780-808-7156, Paradise Valley, AB. New Twin Air Bubble Jet. With the twin cap, you can use 2-5 gallon nozzles rather than 1-10 gallon nozzles. The advantage is you get over twice as 1998 HARMON 833, 83’, 1000 PTO pump, many droplets per square inch for superior coverage. wind screens, low drift nozzles and markers, $4000 OBO. 306-587-2739, Cabri, SK. Air Bubble jet nozzles operate at 30-45 psi and have an overall range of 20-90 psi.They can be used BOURGAULT 850 90’, dual nozzles, chem to apply fungicides, insecticides and herbicides to any crop including potatoes and pulse crops. fill, 830 gal. tank, new hyd. pump in 2011. Ag Canada tested. 306-864-7922, Melfort, SK.

WANTED TO BUY: Degelman 7200 rockpicker. 701-897-0099, Garrison, ND. BOURGAULT 1850, 120’ boom, new 1600 NEW 320 SCHULTE jumbo rockpicker for Imp. gal. tank, 5 and 10 gal. nozzles, autofold, $7500. 204-657-2319, Fork River, MB sale. 403-545-2580, Bow Island, AB.

‘BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTION’ 1996 Flexi-Coil 5000, 57’ w/Flexi 4350 cart, $88,000; 2001 5710, 54’, double s h o o t , N H 3 , r u b b e r p a c ke r s , M R B , $99,000; 2002 Bourgault 5710 40’, double shoot, 3” rubber, $49,000; 2001 5710, 64’, 9.8” spacing, MRB’s, 3.5” rubber packers, w/2001 5440 air tank, $115,000; 2003 Bourgault 5710, 54’, double shoot, 3” rubber, $89,000; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5” steel, $59,000; 2000 Bourgault 5710, 64’, new 5-1/2” pneumatic packers, double shoot, $109,000; 2001 Bourgault 5440, double shoot, $58,000; Flexi-Coil 800/1610, 33’, $19,500; New 54’ Bourgault 8810 cult.; 2010 Bourgault 6000 90’ mid-harrow w/3225 Valmar; 2010 6000 90’ mid-harrow; 2006 Bourgault 5710, 54’, rubber packers, NH3 kit; 2006 3310, 55’, 10” spacing, MRB’s; 2010 5710, 74’, 5.5” packers; 2010 Bourgault 5810, 62’, double shoot, 5.5” packers 2011 3310/6550, 10” spacing, double shoot, w/6550 air cart with Zynx; 84’ Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow. Call for pricing. RD Ag Central, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK. 1995 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 51’, 9”, 3.5” steel, side band, Atom-Jet, double shoot, c/w 1720 TBH and third tank, $45,900. CamDon Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

SPRAYTEST REMOTE BOOM CONTROL Use handheld remote to select and turn on individual boom section for nozzle checks. Easy install with harness to plug in to your sprayer. Models for up to 16 sections.

PATRIOT XL 1995, 3560 hrs., 750 gal. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS tank, 90’ boom, 9.5x42 and 16.9x38 tires, We also specialize in: Crop insurance ap$40,000. 204-648-7129, Grandview, MB. peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; operator issues; Equipment mal2002 APACHE 859, 90’ boom, 850 gal., Custom function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call RICHARDTON 1200, 700 and 770 hi-dump 1658 hrs., 6.8L JD diesel, upgraded front Back-Track Investigations for assistance wagons; Several forage wagons, JD 3970 axle, new tires, Outback GPS, $85,000 regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. harvester. firm. 306-862-1420, Zenon Park, SK. Phone: 866-938-8537. MELROE SPRA-COUPE 215 52’, 4 wheel, 2000 SPRA-COUPE 3640, 2046 hrs., 60’ booms, triple nozzle bodies, joystick con$8900. Call 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. trols, AC, Midtech autorate, Trimble Auto2005 JD 4720, 2000 engine hrs., 90’ Steer, $45,000. 306-962-7368 Eston, SK. 2011 SCHULTE 30’ mower for sale, like boom, 800 gal. poly tank, foam markers, fence row nozzle, hyd. tread adjust, 2 sets new. Call 403-545-2580, Bow Island, AB. of tires, JD SF1 AutoTrac, 2600 display a n d S w at h C o n t r o l P r o , $ 1 6 5 , 0 0 0 . 306-921-8772, St. Brieux, SK.

AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battleford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. MURPHY SALVAGE: new, used, rebuilt parts for tractors, combines, swather, tillage and misc. machinery. Always buying. Website: Phone 1-877-858-2728, Deleau, MB. LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured 1999 FLEXI-COIL XL67, 1250 gal. tank, 130’ boom, wind curtains, dual nozzle bodparts for most farm tractors and combines. ies, rinse tank, chem. handler, autorate G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors controller, foam marker, $13,500 OBO. only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. Phone 306-965-2747, Coleville, SK. SALVAGE TRACTOR ARRIVALS, Ford 2002 BRANDT QF1500, 80’, hyd. pump, au8340, 8210, 7710, 7610, 7600, 6600, torate, 1000 US gal, chem. handler, air in5000, 4000, 3000, 1720, 800, 8N, Super duction nozzles, foam marker, exc. cond., Major, County. IH 8940, 5488, 885, 784, $15,000. 306-675-4932, Kelliher, SK. 844, 574, 624, B275. MF 8120, 3165, 35. Nuffield 10/60, 4/65. JD 7700, 3140. Vol- BLANCHARD 500 auto fold, 64’, 500 gal. vo 650, 810. Case 1690, 1394, 1190. 2255 tank, chemical mix and fill tank, PTO and 66L loaders. Ph. 306-228-3011, Unity, pump, Raven 200 cab mounted spray control console, boom markers, low acres, SK. $ 2 5 0 0 O B O . E m a i l p i c s av a i l a b l e . COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and 306-882-2110, Rosetown, SK. used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. 2002 FLEXI-COIL SPRAYER 67XL, 104 ft., Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, 1250 gal. tank, autorate, hyd. pump, dual Borden, SK. nozzles, windscreens, asking $12,000. 306-324-2063, Margo, SK. We buy machinery.

Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www.; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new,used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734.


CONCORD 3212 w/2300 tank, 32’, 12” spacing, 230 bu., 3 compartment tank, single shoot, $28,500 OBO. Call Neil at 306-753-2892, Macklin, SK. 5710 BOURGAULT AIR drill with midrow banders, 6450 TBH tank, Flexi-Coil 67XL 100’ sprayer with autorate. 403-312-4202, Linden, AB. 51’ FLEXI-COIL 3450 tank, double shoot, monitors, steel packers. 306-693-2310, Moose Jaw, SK. CONSERVAPAK 56’, 440 tank, exc. cond. Phone 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK. 1996 BOURGAULT 5710, 42’, 12” spacing, 3” paired row, heavy shanks, double shoot, steel packers, 4350 cart w/dual fans, deluxe monitor, new semi hopper, low acres, $65,000. 306-463-2796, Choiceland, SK. 2 BOURGAULT 5710 40’, MRB’s, NH3, 3225 tank from $77,500; Bourgault 5710 47’, MRB’S, DS, NH3, $69,900. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’, 9” spacing, rubber press, double fan, double shoot, 3rd tank, A-1, $57,900. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. 1996 MORRIS MAXIM 34’, 240 tank, single shoot, 3.5” packers, 10” spacing, exc. cond., $31,000. 306-831-9649, Elrose, SK. 2011 BOURGAULT 3310-55 air drill, 54’, 12” spacing, double shoot, side band Bourgault knives, all-run blockage monitors, c/w 2011 Bourgault 6700 air tank, w/Topc o n m o n i t o r, 2 0 0 0 a c r e s a s n e w, $310,000. 306-536-0891, Weyburn, SK. CASE/IH CONCORD ATX5010, 50’, 10” spacing, exc. cond., w/Case/IH 2300 tank, 1” Atom Jet or 3-1/2” Dutch openers. Lots o f m a i n t e n a n c e d o n e l a s t 2 ye a r s , $39,900. 204-391-1011, Elie, MB. MORRIS MAXIM 49’, 7.5” spacing, 1” carbide tips, 1-1/4” rubber packers, 6180 TBT w/3rd tank, field ready, $20,000 OBO. 306-476-2700 306-476-7723 Rockglen, SK




Murray Purvis Brandon, MB. 204-724-4519 | Gary Moffat Lethbridge, AB. 403-330-9085

BART’S TRANSPORT INC. Specializing in towing air drills. Saskatchewan/ Alberta only. 306-441-4316, North Battleford. FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, 40’ w/1720 TBH cart, blockage monitors, 3-1/2” steel packers, 3-1/2” spoons, 9-1/2” spacing, field ready, $38,000. Richmound, SK. 306-669-2165, 306-662-8113.

Find New & Used SeedMaster air drills at



1998 34’ MORRIS MAXIM air drill, 7180 BOURGAULT 4350 air tank, approx. 1997, bu. tank, single shoot, $33,000. Everett 277 monitor, 10” load auger, high output fan, rear hitch, turf tires, very good, Sanderson 306-831-7194, Rosetown, SK. $29,000. Lloyd Sproule, 403-627-2764, 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB.

FLEXI-COIL 5000 39’ w/2320, $45,000; Bourgault 8810 60’, 3” row packers, w/5540 tank, $118,000; Bourgault 8800 36’, liquid packers, 3195 tank, $28,900; Bourgault 2155, $6600; Bourgault 3165, $8700. Hergott Farm Equipment, 1986 JD 655 28’ air seeder, Peacock preci- 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. sion seeder attachments w/5” paired row o p e n e r s a n d p a c k e r w h e e l s . 35’ FLEXI-COIL 700, 12” spacing, single shoot, 3-bar harrows, no tank, $3800 OBO. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. MORRIS CONCEPT 2000, 42’ air seeder, 9” spacing, 7180 air tank, single shoot, good FLEXI-COIL 1610 PLUS, TBH double shoot condition, $21,000 OBO. 306-893-4479, 5-run, shedded, field ready, $7000. Kirriemuir, AB, 403-552-3753, 780-753-0353. Waseca, SK.

2009 BOURGAULT 3310 Paralink hoe drill, 6550 air cart 55’, 12” space, mid row banders, 1” hoses, 1” carbide tips, walking axle option. Tank c/w 591 monitor and 900 metric tires. Field ready! $240,000. Clint 306-354-7488 306-354-2835 Mossbank SK 2004 JD 1820/1910 41’ air drill, 10” space, double shoot, 5” Dutch low draft openers, 4” rubber packers, 3 compartment 350 bu. BOURGAULT 3165 HYDRAULIC fan, tank, paddle auger, c/w monitor and cano- $ 6 5 0 0 . C a l l 3 0 6 - 2 3 1 - 9 9 3 7 o r la roller, serviced/ field ready, needs noth- 306-231-6675, Humboldt, SK. ing! 403-901-3024, Standard, AB. 2007 BOURGAULT 9400 air seeder, 60’, 12” SPARE TIRES, 72 packer tires from Seed- spacing, Bourgault 4350 tank, 2002, rear master drill, will fit many other brands. hitch, 600 lb. trips, 1-1/4” shanks, knockon Bourgault 14” shovels, single shoot, Asking $40 ea. 306-492-4627 Dundurn, SK high output fan, deep lug tires on tank, FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill 39’, 9” sp, 1720 277 monitor, Norac UC3 depth control, 10” TBH tank, dual front castor wheels, single load auger, secondary blockage monitor, shoot dry, DS liquid, 350 gal. attached liq- 3-bar extra HD JD mounted harrows, high uid tank, 2,000 gal. liquid caddy, $55,000 output fan, excellent, $109,000. Call Lloyd OBO. 306-587-7685, Swift Current, SK. Sproule 403-627-2764, 403-627-7363, FLEXI-COIL 57’ 5000, 9” spacing, rubber Pincher Creek, AB. press, $25,900; 2320 TBH tank, $15,900. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, ONE PASS SEEDING, 31’ Model 731 Morris cultivator w/Pasco air tank, SS meterNorth Battleford, SK. ing, Technotill seeding boots, Atom Jet 2240 FLEXI-COIL TANK, TBT, $19,500; openers and anhydrous kit all updated, 2320 Flexi-Coil tank, TBT, no roller, $9500. $7500 OBO. 306-937-2880, 306-441-5010, 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. Battleford, SK. FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, 40’, 1720 TBH cart, blockage monitors, 3-1/2” rubber packers, Flexi-Coil openers, 10” spacing, harrows, field ready, $38,000. Richmound, SK. 306-669-2165, 306-662-8113. 2009 NH SD 440, 39’, 10” spacing, Dutch low draft openers, with NH SC 430 variable rate cart, very good condition, unit only s e e d e d 5 6 0 0 a c r e s , $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. 403-443-0108, Three Hills, AB. 40’ FLEXI-COIL 6000 disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot w/2320 air tank, good condition. 780-645-5374, 780-645-8188, St. Paul, AB.

53’ 1997 MORRIS 9000, 7240 tank, 9” spacing, 4-row harrows, single shoot, knock-ons, $35,000 OBO. 306-272-4774 or 306-272-4817, Leslie, SK. JD 33’ MODEL 610 w/777 air tank, 160 bu., with hyd. winged packer bar; Morris 37’ Model 8900 w/130 bu. air tank, also w/hyd. wing packer; Morris CP 731 with Flexi-Coil 110 air tank; JD 610 40’ w/dutch openers and gang packers. Yorkton, SK 306-621-5136 days, 306-782-7749 eves. 1988 BOURGAULT 528-34, 32’, 4 bar, knock-on, 1620 Valmar w/1994 Bourgault 3195 tank c/w rear hitch, $19,900, CamDon Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK

41’ FLEXI-COIL 800, 1720 TBT cart, 3.5” WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820, 25’-35’ or liquid DS Dutch low draft openers, 12” 50’-60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, space, mtd. harrows, 4” shank mtd. packers, $15,000. 306-381-3617, Asquith, SK. AB.

MORRIS CONCEPT 2000, 42’ air seeder, S/N 2380003808, 9.5” spacing, 3.5” poly packers, liquid fert. kit, Bourgault knockon knives, or will sell as cultivator without air pack. 306-882-3317, Rosetown, SK. 1997 EZEE-ON 28’ 10” spacing, 175 bu tank, rubber packers, harrows, $30,000 OBO; 1994 Ezee-On 24’, 10” spacing, 175 bu tank, rubber packers, harrows, $17,500 OBO; CCIL 23’ cult. w/110 bu Flexi-Coil tank, $9500 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000. Steinbach, MB. BOURGAULT 8810 air seeder, 3225 Bourgault air tank, 35’, 10” spacing, 1” shanks, 330 lb. trips, knock-on Bourgault knives, single shoot, granular distribution with 3rd tank extra on 3225, 4-bar HD harrows, quick attach w/poly packers, excellent, $32,000. 403-627-2764, 403-627-7363, Lloyd Sproule, Pincher Creek, AB.

M a k e tha t sim p le link to you r Seed Ta nk a nd Sem iTra iler. C heck u s ou t a t: w w w .a irseed erhop p M C /V isa Accep ted

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Air Seeder Rate and Blockage Monitor


42’ IHC 7200 hoe drill, great shape, cleaned and oiled every year, extra parts included, 3 custom made tarps, lots of factory modifications, Atom-Jet points, $8000 OBO. 306-323-4873, Naicam, SK. 1998 57’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 7.2” spacing, 2.5” rubber, 3/4” Atom Jet openers, factory markers, drill is tight, used mostly in conventional till operations, $35,000 OBO. 204-657-2319, Fork River, MB. MORRIS 310, 20’ hoe drill, transport separate, $750. Phone 306-225-4678, cell 306-232-3462, Hague, SK. JD 9350 DISC DRILLS, Case/IH 2- 14’ 7200 hoe drills w/factory transport, Case/IH 3- 12’ 6200 disc drills w/factory transport. Dean Allen and Floyd Krell Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962 30’ MORRIS M310 hoe drill, factory mover, steel packers, hard surfaced points, extra set of new shoes, good condition, asking $4500 OBO. Call 306-231-8337, Leroy, SK. 40’ 9450 JD hoe drills w/mover, rubber packers, exc. cond., always shedded, $18,000. Call 780-373-2161, Bawlf, AB. 8-12 EDWARDS NO TILL hoe drill 28’, factory fertilizer and transport, recap packer wheels, carbide tips on openers. $3500 OBO. 306-268-4345, Bengough, SK.

2001 BOURGAULT 4250 air seeder tank, c/w single shoot manifold to suit 40’ air seeder. All hoses are included! 2 bin tank total 250 bu., hyd. loading auger. Excellent shape! $19,900. Call Jordan anytime, 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 2002 BOURGAULT 8810 40’, 2009 MRB’s, Independent poly packers, harrows, Raven NH3 w/440 controller, new tires, $47,000. 403-599-2108, Milo, AB. BOURGAULT 3195 air tank, single shoot, shedded, mint condition. 306-728-2113 or 306-728-9539, Melville, SK. 28’ IH 7200 HOE DRILLS with factory BOURGAULT FH528-32, 28’ w/harrows, transport, nice condition. 306-266-4222, 2115 tank, hyd. drive w/loading auger. Fir Mountain, SK. 306-893-7499, Maidstone, SK. BOURGAULT 2155 TANK, hydraulic drive, condition, $2850. Call 780-877-2425, Th e Air se e d e r H op p e r good Edberg, AB.

MODIFIED 40’ JD 665 4 bar floating hitch cult., new 16” McKay knock-on sweeps, Beeline applicator, 250 bu. grain cart, 8” loading auger, new seed meters, newer hyd. drive fan, seed monitors, Degelman harrows, Bourgault packer bar, absolutely field ready, many spare parts, $16,000 OBO. 306-857-4500, Strongfield, SK. JD 40’ 610 seeding tool, Flexi-Coil 1720 TBH tank, 12” spacing, knock-on sweeps, Valmar, $24,000 OBO. 306-796-7441 leave message, Central Butte, SK.


USED RITE-WAY LANDROLLER, 55’, 5 section, asking $39,000. Hibbard Equipment Ltd., 306-969-2133, Minton, SK. PHOENIX HARROWS, Model H14, 42’, used $9000. Call Dave. Phone: 204-534-7531, Minto, MB. GATES HE AVY HARROW, 2007, 104’, $29,500; new Gates 72’ heavy harrow, hyd. tine angle, chrome tips, $36,500. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.

BOURGAULT FH 424-28 w/2115 tank, extended to 169 bu., new cross auger, shaft monitor, clutch and 3/4” openers (used one season), 7” fill auger, w/liquid k i t , f i e l d r e a d y, $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 f i r m . 204-967-2009, Kelwood, MB. JD 610 seeding tool 41’, 12” spacing, Dutch Super Eagle 1720 openers. K-Hart 3” gang mounted packers, granular small seeds kit, Agtron 160 rate and blockage monitor, 787 TBH tank, DS new rollers, fi n e a n d c o a r s e , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. P h . 306-463-3225, Kindersley, SK. BOURGAULT 8800 33’, Bourgault 3195 tank, 8” spacing, quick detach harrows and packers, 1” seed boots, chrome banding boots, 2” spoons, shovels, mounted Valmar granular kit. 306-864-7922 Melfort SK BOURGAULT 8800 40’ cultivator, air pack, granular kit and 3 bar harrows. Ph Norman 306-682-3726, Humboldt, SK. JD 787 AIR SEEDER TANK, TBH, rear hitch, 170 bu. w/JD Valmar, exc. shape, $10,500 OBO. Trade grain or JD tractors. Conquest, SK. 403-350-1795 or 306-856-4709. BOURGAULT AIR SEEDER tank, Model 2115 Special, vg condition, $1500 OBO. 306-246-4679, Hafford, SK.

JD 455 FOLD-UP 35’ drill, $37,000; 2-30’ box drills, $36,000/ea. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. WANTED: PRESS DRILL 28’ to 32’, must have grass seed attachment and in exc. cond. 204-339-4624, East St. Paul, MB. THREE 15’ MF 360 discers, all piggyback style, $3600. Call Fred evenings 306-228-2862, Unity, SK. (2) 14’ IHC 620 DRILLS, w/factory trans., drill fill tank, 2 compartments. 306-922-8149, Prince Albert, SK. 2- 15’ MF 360 discers, 20” blades, grey wheels, Martin hitch, $2800 OBO. Email pics avail. 306-882-2110, Rosetown, SK. 18’ MF 360 DISCER w/packers; Kirschmann 20’ press drill, extra parts w/24’ carrier; Fork rock picker, field ready. Martensville, SK. 306-931-2826 or 306-290-4920.

BUSH HOG TANDEM DISC 19-1/2’, mud scrapers, nice shape. 306-266-4222, Fir Mountain, SK. VERTICAL TILLAGE Attachments. Convert your chisel plow into a vertical tillage tool quickly and economically. Warms and aerates soil. Manages high residue farming. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or see more details at 42’ Eze e On dis c m ode l 8 700 LTF, De m o 2011 m o d el. No tched b la d es o n fro n t, s m o o th o n b a ck. On ly u s ed 1000 a cres . New ca s h p rice $97,500. Buy this d em o for $84,500. F o r p ics em a il: p hil.fla m a n @ fla m a n .co m Fla m a n Sa le s Ltd, 1-888-235 -2626 o r 306-7 26-4403, S o u they, S K .


Fle xi-C o il 5 3’ h a rro w d ra w b a r w /ha rro w s , $1,200 OB O 42’ C a s e IH 7 200 h o e d rill w /ea gle b ea ks , fa cto ry tra n s p o rt, $2,000 OB O Kirs ch m a n 24’ 3-s e ctio n d b l. d is c d rill w /s teel p a cker w heels , Open to Offers IH 28, 2-s ectio n d b l. d is c d rill w /ru b b er co vered w heels , Open to Offers C a s e 900 Tra cto r, Open to Offers M c Le a n , S K .

3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t

COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD #1610-$135.; #610 (Black) - $180.; WISHEK 14’ DISC, $16,000; Phoenix har- #1600-$90.; #100-$45.; Morris 7 series rows, H14, H17; Summers 70’ heavy har- M a g n u m $ 1 3 5 . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 o r r ow, $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 ; D M I r i p p e r, 5 s h a n k 306-946-7923, Young, SK. $10,900; 7 shank $12,900; Melroe auto reset plows, 7-18, 8-18. Ph: 866-938-8537. MORRIS CP 745 Magnum II, w/harrows; Morris 8900 35’ w/anhydrous kit; Morris CP 743-47’ Magnum I; Morris 731-35’ Magnum II; Morris CP 725-29’ Magnum I. 1997 AGCOSTAR 8360, N14 Cummins, 360 306-621-5136 days or 306-782-7749 eves, HP, 18 spd., 20.8x42 duals, 4 remotes, Yorkton, SK. shedded, 3760 hrs., great, $65,000 OBO. BOURGAULT 9200 chisel plow, 42’, har- 306-948-2896, Biggar, SK. r o w s , a i r k i t , n ew t o w h i t c h . C a l l 204-672-0016, Dauphin, MB. 32’ EZEE-ON 4600 DISC, $49,900. ALLIS CHALMERS 7000, 3251 hours, 3 Phone 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. s p e e d p owe r s h i f t , e x c e l l e n t s h ap e . 306-631-7181, Courval, SK. JOHN DEERE 1650 cultivator, 50’ w/1 year o l d H o n ey B e e d e a d r o d , $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 o r 9 1 5 0 F WA , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , d u a l s , $10,000 w/o deadrod. 306-472-5798 540/1000 PTO, green, A/C, air ride seat. 306-548-4700, Sturgis, SK. home or 306-472-7880 cell, Lafleche, SK. KVERNELAND MODEL D PT PLOW, 4 1981 7020 AC tractor, good 18.4x38 tires, bottom, 16”, c/w coulters, auto reset, 12 spd. powershift, dual PTO, $5750 OBO. good condition, $7500 OBO. 780-723-2646 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. Edson, AB. 1985 DEUTZ 6.3, 9000 hrs, 3 hyds., dual FARM KING/ EZEE-ON deep tiller 2011, PTO, CAHR, with Allied loader. Phone low acres, 48’, 650 trips, 4 bar harrows, 306-233-8200, Cudworth, SK. $49,500. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. 1987 DEUTZ 7085, FWA, open station, 85 AERATOR AEROWAY 15’ C-Flex for sale, HP, 3 PTH, 5900 hrs., Allied 794 FEL, l o w a c r e s , l i ke n ew, $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. $17,000. Ph. 204-525-4521, Minitonas MB. Visit: 780-524-2987, Valleyview, AB. CO-OP 33’ CULTIVATOR, wide blade type, mint condition, $5600 OBO. 306-834-8100, Major, SK. WHITE 2-110, 4800 hours, excellent shape. 306-631-7181, Courval, SK. WISHEK HEAVY DISCS- 1,000 lbs. per foot. These are the heaviest discs on the 1985 WHITE 4-270 tractor, 270-300 HP, market! Call Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, PTO, 4 spd. PS, 4300 hrs., asking $26,500. 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626, or visit 204-322-5483, 204-461-0854, Warren, MB

WA N T E D : 2 F I E L D C U LT I VATO R S w/harrows, 45’ to 60’. Bob 780-923-2984, 2009 CIH 485STX, 2000 hrs., PTO, high 780-264-0821, Edmonton, AB. flo hydraulics, 710x42 tires, mint cond. 2010 SALFORD RTS vertical disc, 41’, 2012 Call 306-231-9937 or 306-231-6675, factory update, new bearings in discs. Humboldt, SK. 306-383-2920, Quill Lake, SK. 2003 STX 450Q, 9925 hrs., belts- 80%, trans., recent Redseal, quad hyds., WANTED: HESSTON 2410 disc 40’ or 50’. new o a d e d , p o w e r s h i f t , $ 8 5 , 0 0 0 O B O. Call 306-266-4630, Wood Mountain, SK, l780-841-1496, Fort Vermilion, AB. email: 2008 CASE/IH MX 215, 1100 hrs., 3 33’ ALLIS CHALMERS 2600 D double disc. PTO’s, 4 hyd’s., 3 PTH, rear duals, full OutWANTED: USED LOMBARDINI diesel Large Equip. Auction, Saturday, June 23, back S3 AutoSteer, $129,500; 2007 Magm o t o r, used for Concord air tanks. 2012, Estevan, SK. For sale bill and photos num 245, same specs, no GPS, $135,000. visit Phone 780-376-3577, Daysland, AB. 204-638-7730, email: 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack AIR RIDE CAB KIT for Case/IH quad tracAuction Co. PL 311962. tors, rides like a Cadillac . Call Milt BOURGAULT CULTIVATOR FH528-34, 306-229-1693, Hepburn, SK. w/tine harrows and new shovels. Phone 306-563-6376, Canora, SK. KELLO-BILT 8’ TO 16’ OFFSET DISCS c/w oilbath bearings, 26” to 36” blades. The Successful Farmers Choice. 1-888-500-2646 TWO 50’ CULTIVATORS, excellent condition, 1998 820 Flexi-Coils. $15,000 each. Ph: 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK.

24’ IH 620 PRESS DRILL, rubber packers, w/transport, $1400; ROCKPICKER, hyd. drive, new tires, exc. cond., $1000; 2- hyd. DRILL FILLS, new fittings and hoses, $400 each; 1952 D2 CATERPILLAR, no blade. 306-466-4441, Leask, SK. FARM KING HEAVY DUTY field discs are now available at Flaman Sales from 14’ to 42’ widths. Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-0435-2626 BOURGAULT COMMANDER cultivator 3438, 36’, 3 row tine harrows. 1994 CONCORD 4710-47’, c/w 1999 model Bourgault 4350 tank, single shoot has dual 306-654-4614, Prud’homme, SK. shoot option. Dutch low draft series openers, 3.5” paired row, used 1 yr. Packer tires very good, c/w 4 spares. Misc. spare parts, $42,500. Call Bill 306-537-3899 or 306-543-7875 Bill/ Robert, Regina, SK.

41 FARM LAND COULTERS w/mounting 1984 IH 6588, 2+2, 5240 hrs, 23.1x30 brackets, $8000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip singles, 1000 PTO, triple hyd. valves, Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. w/motor valve, original owner, $18,500 30’ JD 9350 disc drills. Dean Allen Farm OBO. 306-764-8076, 306-981-6692, Prince Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, Albert, SK. 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Mack Auction 1997 CASE STEIGER 9390, 6420 hours, Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit almost new 520/85Rx42 triples, 4 hyds., for sale 24 spd., weights, very good, $96,000. bill, video and photos. PL 311962. 204-635-2625, 204-268-5539, Stead, MB. WANTED: HESSTON 2410 disc 40’ or 50’. 1985 RED CASE 4494, powershift, duals, Call 306-266-4630, Wood Mountain, SK, PTO, rebuilt fuel pump, vg cond., 8033 hrs, email: $18,000. 306-744-7663, Saltcoats, SK.


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242 Robin Cres. Saskatoon, SK Canada S7L 7C2 Ph 306-934-0640 Fx 306-668-7666 Email:

FLEXI-COIL 70’, harrow packers, P-30 green frame, $5500 OBO. 306-858-2412 Beechy, SK. or ROTARY HARROW BAR, Brandt 70’, folds up like harrow bar, good condition. 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. FLEXI-COIL 50’ heavy harrow, with 2055 Valmar, good condition. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 72’ BERGEN HEAVY harrow w/240 Valmar, all new hoses, harrow teeth like new, available immediately. Call for pricing. 204-522-0926, Medora, MB. 8’ EMPIRE ULTRAPACKER w/Valmar and heavy harrows, used very little, like new condition. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. 2001 42’ AGRITECH landroller, $20,000. 306-463-2796, Kindersley, SK. 50’ HARROW BAR, Bush Hog, tines excellent, hyd. lift folds behind, $1200 OBO. 306-862-2833, Nipawin, SK. 2001 BOURGAULT 4000 40’ coil packer, hyd. fold and lift, Very nice shape! $6900. Call 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 1997 RITE-WAY 41’ land roller, hyd. fold and lift. Excellent cond! $19,900. Call anytime, 403-627-9300. Pincher Creek AB

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1979 CASE/IH 2670 powershift, needs 1988 CASE 9170, 24.5x30 duals, 5300 hrs., hyd. pump, otherwise good, $3000; 1984 powershift, $55,000 OBO. 306-524-4960, Massey 2745, 5000 hrs., V8, 24 spd, 150 Semans, SK. HP, duals, powershift, good shape, clutch won’t release, motor needs to be split, $5000. 204-722-2023, McAuley, MB. 2005 McCORMICK MTX 125, MFWD, SELLING BY UNRESERVED AUCTION, 5300 hrs., FEL c/w grapple and bale fork, Sat., June 2, Ron Kordyban, Morinville, $42,500 OBO. 306-236-6916 evenings, AB, ph. 780-720-1744. STEIGER TIGER ST450 TRACTOR, 450 HP, 2618 orig. hrs, Meadow Lake, SK. orig. owner. Sells at 1:00 P.M. sharp. View 1992 CASE/IH 9280, 375 HP, Trelleborg full listing 750x38 duals next to new, Raven AutoSteer 12 spd. std., 7300 hrs, vg shape, 1979 STEIGER (FORD FW-30), 7300 hrs., 20 spd. standard, new 20.8xR38, PTO, $70,000. 306-335-2811, Lemberg, SK. $19,000. 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK. 2011 CASE/IH 125 Maximum Value, FWA, never used, 1 year warranty left, $73,000. 1976 STEIGER ST210 Wildcat, 3208 motor w/5 speed, 18.4x34 tires not in good 306-441-5040, North Battleford, SK. s h ap e . S e l l i n g a s u n i t . $ 1 0 0 0 O B O. 1981 CASE 4890, 4WD, 300 HP, power- 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. shift, 30.5Lx32 singles, tires 80%, PTO, 4 hyds., 6420 org. hrs. Bottom end and powershift done. Contact Bob 780-755-2115, or 780-842-7836, Edgerton, AB. 1997 CAT 75D, 2200 hrs., original owner, LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We 330 HP, 30� tracks, 4 hyd. PTO, stump buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD, FWA pans, rad. guard, radar, excellent conditractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have tion. Selling at auction June 21, 2012, Ryr e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . croft, AB. Go to: for pictures and internet bidding informa306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. tion. Contact Jeff Weaver at 780-864-7750 CASE 4694, 4WD, 7945 hrs., 20.8x34 duals or the owner at 780-864-8283. very good, powershift, PTO, $21,000. 1994 75C, 12’, 6-WAY LEON DOZER 306-843-3317, Wilkie, SK. BLADE, 325 HP, powershift, 36� tracks, 4 1982 CASE 4890, 6600 hrs, new tires, big hyds., 5300 hrs, fresh service, shedded, 1000 PTO, good condition. Call Sheldon at $75,000. 306-463-2796, Kindersley, SK. 306-747-7807, Shellbrook, SK. 1994 CASE/IH 9280, 375 HP, manual trans., 20.8Rx42 DT 710 duals, $56,000. WANTED: 1970’s JD 6030 tractor, need 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St. Louis SK not be running. 204-766-2643. 2594 CASE, 24 spd. trans., 8500 hrs., vg cond., DT 710 radial duals, $19,000. Mark JD 8650, 16 spd. powershift, 4 hyd., 20.8x38 duals, new clutch, PTO, good Perkins 780-842-4831, Wainwright, AB. cond., $28,500.306-861-4592 Weyburn SK 1979 CASE 2470, 4 WD, recent rebuilt eng. and powershift, always shedded, very good condition, 6561 hrs. Asking $14,000 OBO. 780-632-1600, Vegreville, AB. 1976 IHC 1566 dsl., 160 HP, good cond., 7150 hrs, duals w/vg inside tires, saddle tanks, $7000. 306-744-7663, Saltcoats, SK PRICE REDUCED: 1992 Case/IH Magnum 7110 w/1284 org. hrs. Shedded, duals, premium condition. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429 Langham SK CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; Plus other makes and models. Call the Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB CIH 5250, MFWD, cab with air, heat, loader, joystick, bale spear, good tires, runs excellent. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. 1990 CASE/IH 7140, 198 HP, MFWD, 3 remotes, 1000 PTO, 6875 hrs., new rubber 420/85R28 and 520/85R42 singles, $39,500 or $45,500 w/JD Starfire AutoSteering system. 204-955-5562 Rosser MB

CASE/IH 8920, 5000 hrs, MFWD, 3 remotes, 540/1000 PTO, with guidance, always shedded, $67,500. 403-795-7186, Lethbridge, AB. TWO 2470’s for sale. One w/PTO, 4 hyds., motor needs crankshaft, One with good motor, 2 hyds., no PTO. Combined 8 brand new tires. 306-421-1469, Estevan, SK. CASE/IH 784 UTILITY, 65 HP, 3 PTH, CIH 200 loader, $9900 OBO. Call: Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 970 2WD TRACTOR w/4243 hours. Dean Allen and Floyd Krell Estate Farm Equip. Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. for sale bill, video and photos. Call Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

CASE MX110, loader and grapple, MFWD, 3 PTH, 7000 hrs, $35,000 OBO. INT. 684, loader and 3 PTH, exc. cond., $14,500 OBO. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB.

1999 JD 7810 MFWD, c/w 740 JD FEL JD 2750 INDUSTRIAL w/cab, 3 hyds., and bucket, 3 PTH, flotation rubber, 6579 L P TO , g o o d s t r a i g h t u n i t , 7 5 H P. 306-961-7553, Prince Albert, SK. hrs. Call 780-518-0135, Beaverlodge, AB. 1989 JD 3155 cab, air, htr, FWA, JD 740 ldr, grapple, joystick, 7200 hrs., $38,500 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 2003 JD 7810, MFWD, 4500 hrs., power quad w/LH reverser, JD 840 loader, grapple fork and joystick, excellent condition. Financing available. 780-674-5516 or 780-305-7152, Barrhead, AB.

1979 JOHN DEERE 4640 Quad 16 transmission, triple hydraulics, 18.4-38 + new 24.5-32 duals. 9,500 hrs, $ 21,300. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800667-4515. 1992 JD 8560, 24 spd., 4 hyd., 5500 hrs., 18.4x38 duals, well maintained, $53,900. 306-949-8407, Parry, SK. 1979 4440 JD, 7245 hrs. duals, quad. shift, tires like new, two hyd., 795 Buhler FEL, 3 point hitch, but doesn’t have arms. Asking $25,000 OBO. 306-424-2336, Kendal, SK. 1994 JD 6400 cab, air, htr, FWA, JD 640 ldr, 7’ bucket, 5200 hrs., one owner, $39,500 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 2010 GAS w/36A loader, good working cond. and 3010 gas w/dual loader, extra nice cond. Both yr. 1963, start and run good, all new tires. $13,000 for both OBO. 306-782-4288, Yorkton, SK.

1982 4640 JD TRACTOR 8,644 hrs., 1000 PTO. Nice chore tractor. $17,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at: FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2006 JD 9320, 1961 JOHN DEERE 4010 w/cab, runs used 1400 hrs., field ready, $169,900. good, clutch and injection pump replaced, 780-955-2364, 780-554-4736, Leduc, AB. $5000 OBO. 306-530-1909, Rouleau, SK. JD 8960, 24.5x32 tires, 375 HP, excellent cond., $69,500 OBO. Phone 403-823-1894, WRECKING FOR PARTS: 4430 JD, c/w very good running engine and excellent Drumheller, AB. sheet metal, 18.4x34 tires and duals. 2010 JD 7330, 98 hrs., factory warranty to 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. Dec. 2012, MFWD, air, heat, 20 spd. trans., 3 PTH, drawbar, 3 hyd., loader ready c/w 2000 JD 9400, 4350 hrs, 5 hyds., 24 spd. joystick, shuttle shift, $95,000 OBO. Phone trans, tow cable, Greenlight, 20.8R42 triples, $135,000. 306-596-0262, Rouleau, SK. 306-775-1564, Regina, SK. JD 7800, MFWD, 9700 hrs., under JD 9100 4WD tractor w/2065 hrs, JD 6400 1993 hrs. on rebuilt motor, 19 spd. power 2WD tractor w/580 hrs, JD 4020 2WD 1000 shift, 740 loader w/grapple, 20.8x38 rears, tractor w/Leon FEL. Dean Allen Farm $45,000. 403-728-3884, Spruce View, AB. Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Mack Auction 1998 JOHN DEERE 9400, 4000 hrs., like Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit new, loaded up, weight package, shedded, for sale $120,000. 306-681-9030, Moose Jaw, SK. bill, video and photos. PL 311962. 2- JD 158 LOADERS, $4250 each; JD WANTED: JOHN DEERE 4650 TRACTOR, 148 LOADER, $3600. Call 403-308-1238, w/FWA, low hrs. and in good condition. Taber, AB. Phone 780-672-3755, Camrose, AB. JD 4250 2WD tractor with JD 720 FEL and 2006 JD 7720, with 746 self-levelling grapple fork. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment loader and grapple, front fenders, 3 hyds., Auction, Friday, June 15, 2012 Sintaluta, power quad trans., new front tires, 5600 SK. area. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, hrs. Located at Swan River, MB. Phone 306-487-7815. PL311962. For sale bill and photos 204-734-8821 cell, or 403-758-3509. JD 7130, premium cab, high spd. trans., 741 loader, 3 PTH, 1130 hrs., like new cond, $94,000; JD 4450, 140 PTO HP, 7800 hrs., exc. cond, asking $27,500; JD 5105, 2008, 40 PTO HP, 252 hrs., 3 PTH, $15,500. 403-330-9558, Lethbridge, AB. 1993 JD 8560, 24 spd., diff lock, 4 hyds, return line, PTO, 6400 hrs, Firestone rubber at 40%, asking $54,500. P hone 306-531-3050, Regina, SK.

1997 9300 4WD, PTO, AutoSteer, 24 spd., deluxe cab, 6100 hrs., $92,500 OBO. 306-867-7409, Conquest, SK. 2008 JD 6430 premium, MFWD, IVT, 40 kms/hr., 3 PTH, LHR, Michelin tires, warranty, 1900 hrs., shedded, very clean, $64,500. 306-276-2080, Nipawin, SK. 1998 JD 7810 MFWD, 740 self-levelling loader, 7500 hrs., very good condition, $70,000. 306-577-9020, Wawota, SK. 2004 9320, POWERSHIFT JD AutoSteer, nearly new 710x38, 7200 hrs., $118,500. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. 1993 JD 8770, 2420 ORIG. HRS., 24 spd., 20.8x38 rubber, 4-way Degelman blade, $90,000 OBO. Serious inquiries only. 306-272-4382, Foam Lake, SK. JD 4630 2WD tractor. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry Dreger, Sat., June 16, 2012, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 1982 JD 8640, 9700 hrs., 50 series engine, 20.8x38 Firestone 75%, PTO, diff. lock, shedded, very nice shape, $25,000. Phone 306-682-3474 or 306-231-8794. Fulda, SK.

2000 FORD TM125, FWA, 95 PTO HP, 4950 hrs., 3 PTH, loader/grapple, exc. cond. Phone: 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. 1950 FORD 8N, side distributor, runs well, good working condition, new paint. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. FORD 8670, 9000 hrs., 8 new tires, powershift, 3 PTH, 4 hyd. outlets, transmission rebuilt, $45,000. 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK.

1995 7700 FWA JD TRACTOR, powershift, JD 740 self leveling F.E.L. $39,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515, 1980 4440, 20.8x38 duals, 7900 hrs., 726 loader like new, clean and solid, in exc. condition, $25,000. 306-741-7737, Stewart Valley, SK.

1986 JD 8650, 3 pt. hitch, PTO, 1500 hrs. on overhaul, good rubber, 18.4x38 tires, overall nice condition, c/w 10’ blade, $29,900. 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB.

1992 4960, MFWD, 6920 hrs., 3 hyds., 20.8x42 radial duals, 280 loader and grapple, $59,500. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. 1968 JD 4020, synchro-range, very straight and original w/factory cab, Leon 700 loader w/QA bucket, forks and prongs $12,000 firm. 204-937-7427, Roblin, MB. NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply $498. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, RETIRED: CASE 425 STX, 20x42 triples, high flow hyd., 12 spd. std. w/hi-low powershift, 530 hrs., bought new in 2003. 306-542-4462, Kamsack, SK. 2004 CASE MXU125, FWA, 3530 hrs, LX156 loader, 7’ bucket w/grapple, 3 PTH, mint cond., shedded, $67,000 OBO. 306-735-4430, Whitewood, SK. 2006 MX255 CASE/IH Magnum, MFD, duals, 255 HP, 2200 hrs., $120,000. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. CASE 1370 2WD tractor with clamp-on duals. Large Equipment Auction, Saturday, June 23, 2012, Estevan, Sask. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1984 IH 5488, MFWD, 20.8R38 duals, new 18.4x26 fronts, 3 hyds., return line, 1000 PTO, front weights, 6390 hrs., recent eng. rebuild. 306-752-4020, 306-921-9209, Melfort, SK.


JD 5225 cab, air, heater, FWA, 3 PTH, JD 563 loader, 200 hours, like new, $47,990 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 8760 JD, 20-38 radials, quad range trans., shedded, $52,000. Phone 306-782-2738, Yorkton, SK. 1994 JD 8570, 24 spd., 4 remotes, diff. lock, 20.8x38, 5565 hrs., always been shedded, Outback, Autotrac, $58,000 OBO. 306-424-7773, 306-424-2739, Kendal, SK. 1979 JD 4840, Leon loader, duals, lots of weights, powershift, 5 hyds., rebuilt engine, clutch and hyd. pump, 8800 hrs., $25,000. 780-307-1564, Barrhead, AB. 1990 4255 MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, rubber 90%, 4200 hrs, immaculate. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK.

FORD VERSATILE 846 Designation 6 4WD tractor w/3478 hrs. Dean Allen and Floyd Krell Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. Call Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815, PL 311962. 2000 JD 7410, 4 WD w/loader and grapple, exc. cond.; 1980 JD 4240, powershift, 1984 VERSATILE 895, 6300 hrs., new 20.8x38 rubber, low hours. 403-504-9607, tires. Call Arch Equipment 306-867-7252, Outlook, SK. Medicine Hat, AB. VERSATILE TRACTOR WANTED: 895, 935, 945, 950, 955, or 975. 780-923-2984, 780-264-0821, Edmonton, AB. 1980 VERSATILE 835, approx. 5600 hrs., bottom end and all wheels done, tires 70%, 5th hyd. for fan, $25,000 OBO. 306-524-4932 evenings, Semans, SK. 1979 VERSATILE 835, under 7000 hrs., tires 65%, shedded, good condition, $20,000 OBO. 306-227-5217 (cell) or 306-644-2166, Loreburn, SK. LAST ONE! 2012 Versatile 535, powershift, 800 duals, last of the pre-emission en2007 JD 7420 loaded tractor, IVT trans., gines. We need good trades. Cam-Don 2090 hrs., 135 HP, MFWD, fenders, JD 741 Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. SL loader w/grapple, 3 SCVs, pass. seat JD, elec. single lever joystick, 540/1000 1980 VERSATILE 935, approx. 5200 hrs., PTO, LH reverser, 3 PTH, premium cab, duals, 4 inside tires are brand new, CumGoodyear 20.8R38 rear tires, $99,900 mins 855, 280 HP, 4 hyds., std. trans., askOBO. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. ing $14,000. 780-645-5475, Elk Point, AB. 1985 VERSATILE 856, 7000 hrs., tires very 1980 JD 4640, FWA, 14.9xR46 rear duals, g o o d , p l u m b e d f o r o r b i t m o t o r. 80%, 3 PTH, 3 hyd., 10,500 hrs., $23,000. 306-582-2045, Vanguard, SK. 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK. RETIRED: 2008 VERS. 535, 12 spd., 210 JD 4440 w/158 JD loader and grapple, hrs.; 2008 Bourgault 6450 tank, all shed3500 eng. hrs., good shape, $22,000 OBO. ded. 306-445-5642, North Battleford, SK 780-573-4437, Bonnyville, AB. 2003 VERSATILE/BUHLER 2360, 4WD, HP, 4 hyd., cw/return line, 20.8x42 1973 JD 4430, 1200 hrs. on rebuilt motor, 360 duals, only 1660 hrs., original (7000 total hrs.) good paint, cab, 3 PTH, Firestone owner, $129,000, OBO. 306-658-4307 or shedded, $9,000. 204-866-4261, Anola MB 306-951-7077, Landis, SK. JOHN DEERE 70, diesel, pop motor, good 2004 2375 BUHLER/ Versatile 4 WD, 375 tires, running; JD 820, diesel, pop motor, HP, powershift, 20.8x42 tires, $120,000. really good running condition. Call James Also 4000 Leon 14’ blade available. A.E. 403-845-5193, Rocky Mountain House, AB. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, JD 830 RESTORED, always shedded, Storthoaks, SK. $13,500; 730 diesel, popstart restored, VERSATILE 1156, 500 HP, 30.5x32 duals, $12,500; 1928 JD D, repainted, $4500. diff. lock, 5 remotes, 7345 hrs., vg cond., Call George 780-689-7373, Athabasca, AB. $68,500 OBO. 204-857-2096, Portage, MB JD 1994 7700, MFWD, power quad, triple 1993 VERSATILE 946, 6850 hours, new rahyd, FEL like new, very clean. Barrhead, dial tires, AtomJet hyds., excellent. AB, 780-674-5516, 780-305-7152. 306-948-3713, Biggar, SK. 2007 JD 7730, MFWD, 4600 hrs, 746 1991 946 FORD VERSATILE and 1978 875 loader and grapple, rear wt. pkg., 3 PTH, 3 Versatile. 306-862-2533, 306-862-5969, hyds., Greenstar ready, wide metric tires, Nipawin, SK. fenders, mirrors, optional HID lights, $97,500 OBO. Call Rob 403-933-5448, WRECKING FOR PARTS: 160 Versatile bi-directional c/w Versatile loader and 403-608-1116, Calgary, AB. grapple. Call 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. 1981 JD 4440, 18.4x38 radial tires, very good; 1994 JD 7700, FWA, 20.8x38 radial 1981 VERSATILE 1150, POWERSHIFT, totires, 3 hyds., shows very good. Can supply tally rebuilt 600 hrs. ago, new tires, exc. cond., $69,000. 306-536-3870, Regina, SK. loaders. 780-398-2554, Waskatenau, AB. 1975 VERSATILE 800, 4 WD, 18.4x38 duals, 3 hyds. plus return line, $9500. 306-554-2901, Wynyard, SK. 2010 KUBOTA BX2360 diesel 4WD yard tractor w/only 81 hrs. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Mack Auction GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit #1 place to purchase late model combine for sale and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. bill, video and photos. PL 311962. Toll free 888-327-6767.

1983 MF 2805, 20.8x38 triples, 190 HP, PTO, powershift, $13,000. 306-735-2936, 306-735-7742, Whitewood, SK. DELUXE MF 35, exc. cond., c/w 6’ flail mower, good tires. Phone 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK.

1997 JD 9100, 4 WD, 4766 hrs, 24 spd. Power Sync, 4 hyds outlets, 20.8x38 tires, new on front, Outback GPS and AutoSteer, $80,000 OBO. Speers, SK, 306-246-4556, 306-246-4962.

EZEE-ON 101 LOADER, 8’ bucket, no grapple, good shape, includes mount, $5500 OBO. 403-637-0170, Cremona, AB. ALLIED 580 FEL quick detach, $2000. Call 780-914-4553 or 780-878-0005, Hay Lakes, AB. EZEE-ON 100 LOADER w/6’ bucket, w/wo Case submounts, $2500 OBO; (2) Degelman dozer mounts for 1070 Case and 1466 IH. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. UNIVERSAL FIT 3000 LB. pallet forks, also fits 3PTH (bales), $795. Cam Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. LEON 8’ 6-WAY dozer with tilt and angle. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK area. for sale bill, video and photos. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL311962. LEON 747 HIGH lift loader, good cond., off of Cockshutt 1850 FWA, $2750 OBO. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. CASE 24B 4x4, 2.5 yard 123 HP loader, shedded, $18,900. Will deal. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. CASE 450 TORQUE CONVERTER dozer, freshly painted, $5000. 780-465-2220, Edmonton, AB. 2003 CAT 928 WHEEL LOADER, 13,000 hrs., 3rd valve, 2 3/4 yard bucket, tires 60%, vg condition, $62,000. 780-963-0641 or 780-203-9593, Stony Plain, AB. MOUNTING BRACKETS for newer JD loaders for sale. Complete with 3 function joystick. 306-795-2800, Ituna, SK. GOOD USED SET of Cat rails and 24� pads for Komatsu D7-E, F or G; Used set of rails and 24� pads for Komatsu D-85, per set $5200.; set of D6 High track rails, 24� pads, like new, 40 links, $8600. Can be delivered. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

C udm oreB ros. Meridian Hopper Bins FarmK ing Augers Sakundiak Augers AugerM overs Honda & Kohler Engines Rainbow Trailers Farm King Grain Vac Poly Tanks & Pumps

204-873-2395 Crystal City, MB WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610, 7’ SCHULTE MOWER, 3 PTH, good cond., $4500. Call Henry 403-545-6065, 403-548-0125, Bow Island, AB. DON’T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! Best selection of tow ropes and straps in Canada. For tractors up to 600 HP. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit 1974 1135 MASSEY tractor, w/big singles, good rubber, $8500; 1976 400 Versatile 18’ swather w/PU reel, $3000; 1965 3 ton GMC, cabover grain truck, wood box w/rollup tarp, 409, 5&2 trans, 900x20 tires, rubber good shape, $3000; 1975 Ford 1/2 ton Supercab, 460 V8, auto, w/2 fuel tanks- 100 gal. w/elec. pump, 50 gal. w/hand pump, $1800. 306-865-7808, Hudson Bay, SK.


1984 MF 4840, 20.8x38 duals, 7690 hrs., 4 remotes + Atom Jet remote for hyd. fan, good condition, asking $25,000. Call 306-231-8337, Leroy, SK.

2004 NH TG210, MFWD, w/ALO Quickie 990 FEL w/grapple, 3500 hrs, Super Steer, 3 PTH, 540/1000 PTO, powershift, 20.8-42 duals, 5 hyds, fully loaded, $90,000 OBO. JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD; JD Call 403-308-5150, Wrentham, AB. 8110 MFD, JD 6420 MFD, all low hours, 2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3 PTH, c a n b e e q u i p p e d w i t h l o a d e r s . grapple, manure tines, 800 hrs., like new. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. 1985 4250 MFWD, quad, rubber- 90%, exc. shape. Loader available. 306-744-8113, 1999 NH 8670, FWA, ALOE loader with bucket/grapple, joystick controls, 6500 Saltcoats, SK. hrs, vg cond. 204-525-3319 Minitonas, MB 1997 JD 8400, 4021 hrs, 4 new tires, 3 PTH, FWA, $84,000; 1990 JD 4955, 9752 2006 NH TN75DA 73 HP tractor, FWA, 33 hrs, 3 PTH, powershift, FWA, $36,500; LA loader, cab, air, 3 PTH, 471 hrs. 1987 JD 4450, 7200 hrs, powershift, 3 306-487-7920, Midale, SK. PTH, FWA, $39,500. 306-231-3993, Hum- 1995 NH 9680, 7400 hrs., rebuilt transmisboldt, SK. sion, triple 20.8x42 tires, excellent shape. JD 8430 w/9325 hrs., 1000 hrs. on rebuilt Call Sheldon 306-747-7807, Shellbrook, SK motor, all new interior 1 yr. ago, new AC 2011 NH T6020, 90 PTO HP, FWA, CAHR, and heater condenser, have work orders 72 hrs., QA loader, warranty until Oct./14, available. Four inside tires, new four out- $69,900. 250-938-0974, Armstrong, BC. side tires about 75%, 3 SCV’s w/Pioneer tips, new batteries last fall. 1000 PTO, ask- 2002 TV140, 3200 hrs., 3 remote hyds., i n g $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 O B O. C o n t a c t Te r e n c e both cab and engine end, plus high flow, 2 drawbars, loader with grapple, 3 PTH cab 306-768-7256, Carrot River, SK. end, shedded. Mint! $55,000. 2002 JD 9520 4 WD, 3300 hrs., AutoSteer 204-866-4261, Anola, MB. ready, 800 metrics, $175,000 OBO. Hudson Bay, SK. 306-865-7694, 306-865-3790 TM140 MFWD, 1150 hrs., 46LB loader, manual transmission, as new, $65,000. 1973 JD 4030, cab, quad trans, 10,000 Vanderhoof, BC. 250-567-0557. hrs, 18.4x34, c/w jobber 3 PTH, $13,000 OBO. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB.

DO YOU NEED a FWA tractor with loader 90 HP to 130 HP for less $$$? Call 306-231-5939, Saskatoon, SK.



RITE 4 WD 470-750 HP, new and rebuilt; W6 tractor, running; 50 MF, diesel, running. 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. 2006 JCB 8250 tractor, 3000 hrs., 260 HP, CVT trans, 65 KPH top speed, full suspension front and rear, ABS brakes, dual rear PTO, rear 3 PTH, 4 rear remotes, front 3 PTH, 2 front remotes, brand new rubber all around. Deluxe cab with AC, heat and radio. Very clean! $129,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. ONE McCORMICK MXT 150 tractor for sale, 790 hrs. 306-634-9911, Estevan, SK.

2010 JCB 8250 tractor with 2000 hrs., 260 HP, fully loaded, Trelleberg tires, vg condition, asking $140,000. Call Merlin Scott 204-835-2087, McCreary, MB. FORD F800, 3 PTH, like new tires, $3500; UNIVERSAL 60 HP tractor, FWA, runs, 4 Ford 9N, 3 PTH, runs nice, $2000 OBO. Call WD works, 3 PTH, loader, mechanics speGary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. cial, $3500. Gary 204-326-7000, bach, MB.

COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD #1610-$135.; #610 (Black) - $180.; #1600-$90.; #100-$45.; Morris 7 series Magnum $135. 306-259-4923 or 306-946-7923, Young, SK. ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Degelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. IHC 6200 DISC DRILLS, 36’, with factory transport. Swift Current, SK. Darwin 306-773-8181 or 306-750-7650. 1063 BALE WAGON, great working condition, can haul 2 to 3 loads per hour, $10,000 OBO. 403-350-1706 Lacombe, AB. KOENDERS 8’ SWATH rollers, $990; Farm King 7’ 3 pt. hitch rotary cutter, $1950; Harmon 746 picker, $2900. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. WANTED: UNDER 7’ disc mower/conditioner. 250-386-9411 ext. 224, Victoria, BC. Email:


SOLD FARM: 1996 JD 9500, 2492/3272 hrs., new Titan tires, $14,000 Greenlight done, Redekop spreader, 930 header and transport; 1993 Freightliner tandem, B&H, 425 Cat; 1984 Versatile 875, good 20.8x38 tires, $30,000; 40’ CCIL cult.; 40’ Blanchard harrow packer; 24’ Versatile swather; 18’ Versatile 400; 28’ Int. 7200 drills w/mover; 28’ IH cult.; 42’ Victory blade; 1979 Chev 3 ton truck; 1980 Chev T/A grain truck. 403-393-0219, 403-833-2190, Burdett, AB.


COLOR BACK PAINT RENEWER, Restores faded machinery and paint to a new look in minutes. No rubbing or polishing required. Just spray on and your equipment will look like new for years to come. Thousands of satisfied users for over 20 years. See your local John Deere dealer or call toll free 1-800-445-3840. SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg.,

MF DISCERS 2-15’, Martin hitch, grey wheels, Avadex boxes, blades worn, good cond., $1,000; 1985 Flexi-Coil harrows, 70’ w/tank, fair cond., $900; Flexi-Coil 45’ harrows/packer, 15� tires, end tow transport, good, $900. 306-788-4502, Marquis, SK.

VARIETY OF USED tractors: Valtra 6550, 110 HP, new ldr, $52,000; Valtra 8150, 135 HP, ldr, $60,000; Valtra T190, 210 HP, ldr, as new, $120,000; Valtra T191A, 210 H P, l d r, $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 ; F o r d T W 5 , M F D, $19,000; Case 7130, MFD, $40,000; Case 1070, Allied ldr, $16,000. Used JF forage harvesters: two used 1355s, used 1350s from $46,000 to $35,000; Used Kverneland 339W 12’ discbine, $11,000. Used Degelman 14’ dozer blade, Model 46/57, like new for large MFD, $12,000; M&W Model P2000 Dynamometer, $4500; 1994 Ford 350 Handibus, equipped as a service shop, mechanic’s special, $3000; Two JF 3-row corn head, new $4000; 2004 GM extended cab, 6L gas, 2500 HD, new tires; 2.5 meter MeriCrusher, in pieces, $900; 2.5 meter FAE head, $20,000. Dealer close out. Call Al Dunlop at 780-349-0448, Westlock, AB.

FOR TENDER: RM of Insinger No. 275. Phone 306-647-2422. Email: 1968 Case 530 tractor w/JD 606 Gymar mower; 1999 Schulte XH 1500 rotary mower; 2005 Schulte flex arm; 1993 IHC gravel truck; 2001 GMC 1 YARD LAND scraper for 60 HP tractor, Sierra truck. Please submit your sealed tenders to: RM of Insinger #275, Box 179, $4800. 306-728-8373, Melville, SK. Insinger, SK. S0A 1L0. By June 12, 2012 1991 BRANDT SPRAYER, 86’, tandem, 800 by 12:00 PM. The highest or any tender gal. tank, windcones, hyd. pump or power may not necessarily be accepted. shaft, $1800; 36’ JD Vibrashank cultivator w/Degelman harrows, $1800; 68’ Rite- FOR SALE: QUALITY farm equipment and WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, Way spring harrows, $800; JD 200 stacker trucks, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. 403-357-9192 or 403-358-0456, Tees, AB. and mover. 306-367-4620, Middle Lake SK

G O O D D EAL S ... AN D A G O O D D EAL M O R E 4W D TR A C TO R S 2011 JD 9630T 36� tracks, pto 29 hrs...................................................$405,000 (R E) 2010 JD 9630T 36� tracks, pto 965 hrs.................................................$356,000 (A V) 2010 JD 9630T 36� tracks, pto 350 hrs.................................................$374,000 (A V) 2010 JD 9630T 36� tracks, pto 338 hrs.................................................$374,000 (A V) 2009 JD 9630T 36� tracks, pto 1066 hrs...............................................$329,000 (ES) 2010 JD 9530T 36� tracks, dlx cab 635 hrs.................................................$319,000 (R A ) 2W D - M FW D TR A C TO R S 2009 B uhler 2145 M FW D , Loader 1500 hrs...............................................$115,000 (R A ) 1978 JD 4640 quad, duals 7600 hrs.......$22,000 (A ) 2010 JD 6430 prem ium cab, 3 pt, 673 FEL 730 hrs...................................................$88,000 (R E) C O M B IN ES (24 m onths interest free) 2008-2011 JD 9870 STS various options 52-900 hrs................................................11 in stock 2008-2011 JD 9770 STS V arious options 213-600 hrs................................................9 in stock 2008 JD 9670 STS 900 tires, pow er cast, Picup hdr, 625 hrs.........................................$245,000 (O X) 2004-2007 JD 9860 STS various options 900-1600 hrs..............................................7 in stock 2004-2007 JD 9760 STS V arious options 900-1600 hrs..............................................7 in stock 2004 JD 9660 STS 30.5x32, hopper ext 1408 hrs...............................................$150,000 (R A ) 2006 JD 9660 STS 30.5x32, touchset 835 hrs.................................................$195,000 (R E) 2000 JD 9750 STS 520x38 duals 2919 hrs.................................................$110,000 (A ) 2000 JD 9650 STS 20.8X 38 duals, 914P 1880 hrs...............................................$132,500 (R E) 2001 JD 9650 w alkers, dlx hdr cntls, hopper ext, 3028 hrs.................................................$89,000 (R A ) 2005 C IH 2388 pickup, loaded, 1650 hrs...............................................$152,000 (R E) 1999 JD 9610, 30.5x32, chopper, c/s 2695 hrs.................................................$72,000 (R A ) 1997 JD C TS 30.5x32, hopper cover, 1983 hrs....................................................$64,500 (E) 1997 JD C TS 30.5x32, chopper 1578 hrs...................................................$69,000 (A ) 1992-1997 JD 9600, severalunits 3000 hrs up.............................................$45-$62,000 1993 JD 9500, 30.5x32 tires, 914 pickup 3055 hrs...................................................$44,000 (O ) 1990 JD 9400, pickup, 3267 hrs..............$39,000 (O ) C O M B IN E PLA TFO R M S 2001 Precision 16’w /rakeup pickup....$16,500 (A ) JD 224, 24’rigid..........................................$4,900 (O ) 1993-1999 JD 930, 30’rigid, bat & pickup reels available..........................................$5,500 & up (A ) 2005 JD 930D , 30’draper, bat reel, transport..................................................$32,000 (A ) 1990 JD 925F, 25’flex .................................$9,500 (O ) 1997 JD 930F, 30’flex, H FN A ..................$17,000 (A ) 2002 JD 930F, 30’flex, H FN A ................$20,000 (R A ) 2004 JD 635F, 35’flex, A W S air reel......$36,000 (A ) 2004 JD 635F, 35’flex ............................$31,000 (R A ) 2006 JD 635F, 35’flex ............................$33,000 (R A ) 2008 JD 635F, 35’flex, excellent............$37,000 (A ) 2009 JD 635F, 35’flex ...............................$38,000 (A ) 2009 JD 635D , 35’draper, crop auger, H FN A ........................................................$55,000 (E) 2010 JD 640D , 40’draper, never used........C all(A ) 1999 N ew H olland 973, flex, crary air reel...........................................$22,500 (E) 2005 C IH 2042, 30’draper, 2388 adapter...........................................$42,000 (O ) 2000 H oneyB ee SP30, 30’draper, JD 50 adapter.........................................$29,000 (A ) 2004 H oneyB ee SP30, 30’draper, crop auger, C IH 2388 adapter..................................$33,000 (R E) 2004 H oneyB ee SP42, 42’draper, crop auger, JD 70 adapter.......................................$39,000 (R E) 2005 H oneyB ee SP36, 36’draper, C IH 2388 adapter....................................................$35,000 (A ) 2008 H oneyB ee SP36, 36’draper, JD 60 adapter.......................................$53,500 (R E) 2009 M acdon FD 70, 40’flex draper, JD 70 adapter.........................................$68,000 (A ) 2009 M acdon D 60, 40’draper, JD 60 adapter...............................................C all(O ) 2005 M acdon 973, 36’draper, JD 60 adapter.........................................$39,500 (O ) 2005 M acdon 972, 30’draper, JD 60 adapter.......................................$39,000 (R E) 2002 M acdon 972, 30’draper, JD 60 adapter.......................................$36,500 (R E) 2000 M acdon 972, 30’draper, JD 50 adapter.........................................$32,000 (A ) 2007 M acdon 963, 36’draper, bat reels, JD 60 adapter..................................................$40,000 (R E)

1996 M acdon 960, 36’draper, bat reel, JD adapter....................................................$18,500 (A ) 1996 M acdon 960, 36’draper, pickup reel, transport..................................................$23,000 (E) 1998 M acdon 960, 36’draper, pickup reel, crop auger........................................................$25,000 (E) 1993 M acdon 960, 30’draper.................$16,900 (A ) G R A IN H A N D LIN G EQ U IPM EN T 2010 B randt 20X110 C onveyor w /2021 transfer auger........................................................$45,000 (A ) 2009 B randt 13x70XL grain auger.........$15,000 (A ) 2008 B randt 15x85 conveyor/1515LP ....$22,500 (A ) 2008 B randt 13x90H P grain auger......$24,700 (ES) 2005 B randt 13x90XL grain auger.......$15,000 (ES) 2006 Farm King 16x104 grain auger......$32,000 (A ) 2008 Farm King 13x85 grain auger........$18,900 (O ) Farm King 13x85 grain auger.................$10,500 (E) Farm King 10x70 grain auger.................$8,500 (ES) Farm King 13x70 grain auger.................$11,500 (A ) 2006 Farm King 13x70 grain auger.....$12,500 (R A ) Sakundiak 10x2200 grain auger.............$4,500 (O ) 2002 B randt 4500 grain vac....................$9,950 (R E) Kongskilde 500 grain vac.........................$6,000 (E) 2005 R em 2100 grain vac.........................$14,500 (E) Kinze 800 bus grain cart, PTO , tarp.......$14,900(A ) SPR A Y ER S 2007 JD 4930, R aven auto boom , 1831 hrs.................................................$240,000 (A ) 2006 JD 4920, 2361 hrs..........................$220,000 (A ) 2006 JD 4920, 1768 hrs........................$237,000 (R E) 2002 A pache 790, 96,’1445 hrs............$76,000 (O X) 1995 R ogator 854, 3200 hrs.....................$83,900 (A ) 1994 Tyler Patriot XL, 75’boom , 750 gal 3161 hrs.................................................$45,000 (ES) M ISC ELLA N EO U S EQ U IPM EN T 12’D egelm an 4400 B ulldozer.................$4,500 (O ) 14’Leon Q 9000 B ulldozer, 6 w ay, JD 9000 tractor.....................................$18,500 (R E) H A Y IN G EQ U IPM EN T 2008 JD 568 rd baler, m ega w ide pickup...............................$28,000 (R E) 2001JD 567 rd baler, m ega tooth pickup..........................$16,900 (A )(R E) 2003 JD 567 rd baler, surface w rap.......$22,000 (E) 1992 JD 535 rd baler, hyd pu, push bar..$9,500 (O ) 2008 C IH R B 564 rd baler, m esh w rap...$23,000 (O ) 2002 C IH R B X561 rd baler, 2 choices.............................................$9,500 (E) (O ) 2004 C IH R B X562 rd baler, surface w rap........................................$16,000 (R A ) 1999 N ew Idea, rd baler, 5x5 bale........$5,000 (R A ) 2000 JD 1600A m ow er conditioner......$11,900 (R E) 2002 H esston 1275, m ow er conditioner$13,500 (E) 2002 JD 9463 pt hitch m ow er conditioner..............................$18,500 (R E) 2002 M acdon 922, auger platform ......$22,000 (R E) SP W IN D R O W ER S 2009 JD 4895, 36’H oneybee header 264 hrs....................................................$130,000 (E) 2008 JD 4895, 36’H oneyB ee header, 626 hrs....................................................$125,000 (E) 2003 Prairie Star 4940, 30’972 header, 876 hrs......................................................$89,000 (E) 1996 Prairie Star 4930, 30’960 header 1465 hrs.........................................................C all(O ) 2000 C ase 8825, 30’header, 986 hrs....$47,500 (R E) M assey Ferguson 9420, 30’& 18’headers.................................$76,000 (R A ) M assey Ferguson 220 cab, 30’header.............................................$41,700 (R E) 2009 M acdon M 150, 35’, D 60 header, Free Form R oller...................................$131,000 (E) 2005 M acdon 2952i, 36’, 973 header...$99,500 (R E) 2005 M acdon 2940, 30’, 963 header....$76,000 (R E) 1997 W estw ard 3000, 30’, pto, pickup reel, canola sheer.............................................$8,500 (A ) SEED IN G (24 m os interest free) 61’JD 1830, 10� spg, 430tbh, 2008 .......$129,000 (A ) 61’JD 1820, 10� spg, 430 bu., 1910 tbh. 2006 ..........................................................$98,000 (A ) 60’JD 1820, 10’spg, 350 bus 1900 tbh cart.........................................$60,000 (R A ) 52’(X2) JD 1820, 10� spg, 340 bu 1910 tbh...........................$65,000 & 69,000 (A ) (R A ) 54’JD 1820, 10� spg, ss, 3� rubr pkrs, no tank .....................................................$50,000 (A ) 42’B ourgault 5710, 12’spg, 4300 cart...$50,000 (E) 42’B ourgault 5710, 12�spg, N H 3 shank M R B ’s, steelpkrs...............................................$50,000 (R E) 50’Flexicoil7500, 10� spg, 3450 TB T tank .......................................$49,000 (R A ) 40’Flexicoil6000, 10� spg, 3450 TB T tank .......................................$53,000 (R A ) 45’Flexicoil5000, 10� spg, 2340 TB H cart.$49,500 49’(X2) M orris M axum 12� spg, D /S, TB H cart...............................$29,000-45,000 (R E)(E) 40’JD 737 air drill, 230b 787 cart...........$32,000 (A )

WANTED: COCKSHUTT/OLIVER 2050, 2150 or 2155, will consider any condition, running or not; NEEDED: Power range transmission and 1000 PTO, prefer 2 WD, no cab. Phone 204-748-1461, Virden, MB. Email:

Fin a n c in g and L ea sin g R egin a , S K 3 0 6 -3 47-0 774 o r To ll F ree a t 1-8 6 6 -8 9 9 -9 9 6 5




• Ca n Yo u Affo rd N o t To Up gra d e Eq uip m en t? • Avo id Ta x P ro b lem s • L ea s in g Jus t M a kes S en s e! • M in im um In ves tm en ts


SPRING SALE: Bulk spruce wood pellets, $130/tonne, FOB pellet plant, Swan River, MB. Bags and mini bulks also available. Call for a quote 204-734-0572.

BIRCH, SPRUCE, TAMARAK split in semi load lots, self unloading truck and trailer. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK.

WASHED OAK 9 piece dining room set. Table (plus leaf) and 6 chairs, buffet and hutch. Chairs need new upholstery. $650. Evenings 306-242-0858, Saskatoon, SK.

BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer.

LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high CUSTOM FIREWOOD PROCESSING, cut quality generator systems. Quality diesel and split up to 22� lengths. 306-538-4487, generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven WANTED: TREE MOVER, truck or trailer Kennedy, SK. alternators, automatic / manual switch mounted. 403-886-4285, Red Deer, AB. FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading gear, and commercial duty Sommers PowWANTED: USED PTO driven rock rake. truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. ermaster and Sommers / Winco portable generators and home standby packages. 204-638-8443, Dauphin, MB. Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. 75+ years of reliable service. Contact WANTED AN OLDER 40’ land roller, will SEMI LOADS OF FIREWOOD for sale. Sommers Motor Generator Sales for all consider homemade. 306-355-2289 or cell Foulston Wood Products. Spiritwood, SK. y o u r g e n e r a t o r r e q u i r e m e n t s a t 1-800-690-2396 306-883-2241, 306-441-2644. 306-681-7305, Mortlach, SK. Online: WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly trac250 KVA KATOLIGHT, like new, Cumtors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor mins engine, Robonic transfer switch, 3 Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. KEET’S FISH FARM has 3� to 8� Rainbow phase; 100 KVA, older unit, good cond., WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS. Will pay top Tr o u t fo r s p r i n g s t o c k i n g . C a l l fo r also has Square D Contactor type transfer switch. 306-773-3807, 306-773-3808, ext. dollar and pick from anywhere. Cupar, SK. availability 306-260-0288, Saskatoon, SK. 707, Swift Current, SK. Email: or Phone BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy di306-723-4875. rect, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK. NEW AND USED Outback STS, S3 mapping units. Baseline and AutoSteer units. Trades ONE TIME FENCING, sucker rod fence welcome. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. posts for sale. 1-877-542-4979 AB or SK 1-888-252-7911. CUSTOM FENCING with rubber track Morooka, or self-propelled Heavy Hitter 628 TIMBERJACK FELLER BUNCHER, 24� pounder. Contact Parkside Farm & Ranch, saw, very good condition, $60,000. K e n n e d y, S K . 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 7 1 - 4 4 8 7 o r 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC. 306-577-7694, SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26� to 120�. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen 1988 ELECTRIC FORKLIFT 4000 lb, 14’ ph/fax: 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. reach, 4’ forward ext. c/w charger. $4950 HI-LITE MFG. Selling Ezee-roll wire roll- no GST. 780-608-3608, Camrose, AB. er. Call Wes at 306-984-7861 or email: 1991 LULL ML10K telescopic handler, 10,000 lb. lift cap to 28’, aux. hyd. to fork carriage, full cab enclosure, c/w 2 sets of PRESSURE TREATED FENCE posts; Second quick attach forks, exc. shape, $22,000. cut slabs; Lumber; Rails. Delivered price. Jordan 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB 306-764-3035, Prince Albert, SK. CAT FORK LIFT, 14’, 11,000 lbs, cab, proCUSTOM FENCING. Will travel. Taking pane, runs and looks good, $14,900. bookings for spring. Call 306-329-4493, 306-220-2191, Saskatoon, SK. or 306-221-8806, Asquith, SK. 1999 CASE 586G forklift, 4 WD, shuttle USED 8’ GAME fencing, 21 strand 6� spac- shift, ROP’s 6000 lb. lift capacity, 3 stage ing; 300 6-8�, 12’ posts approx. 4 miles mast, 30’ reach, $28,000. A. E. Chicoine Farm Equip, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK worth. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK.

JK CUSTOM FENCING: We build wire fence or corrals. Call Jeb at 306-961-8246 or 306-749-3440, Birch Hills, SK.

1999 924F CAT FORKLIFT, w/lumber forks, 84� cradle, lift capacity 14’6�, ideal for lumber reloading, $36,000. SKYJACK SJ7027 4x4 SCISSORLIFT, factory reconditioned, $15,000. Financing available. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. UNIVERSAL FIT 3000 LB. pallet forks, also fits 3PTH (bales), $795. Cam Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

CUSTOM FENCING AND corral building, no job too big or too small. 306-699-7450, FORKLIFTS: JCB 940 8000 lbs; JCB 930, 6000 lbs; Eagle pitcher R80. Conquest 306-699-2327, Qu’Appelle, SK. Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. MILLS CUSTOM FENCING, all terrain. Will travel. Taking bookings. Earl Grey, SK, 306-726-7550, 306-939-2057. SPEEDRITE ELECTRIC FENCERS and accessories. 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK. 5 x 1 0 P O RTA B L E C O R R A L PA N E L S starting at $55. 403-226-1722, 1-866-5178335, Calgary, AB,

Forklifts and Parts New and Used All makes and models

CUSTOM FENCING SPECIALIZING in barbwire, corrals, hitensil. Will travel. Call 306-931-3397 or 306-381-7358.

Ph Marie @ 1 888 440 2700 or e mail

DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, JD, Deutz. We also build custom gensets. We currently have special pricing on new 90 KW Perkins units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471, Winnipeg, MB. NEW AND USED PTO driven alternators, ready to go; Also, used portable 20kW diesel, trailer mounted irrigation units. Please call 1-888-300-3535, Airdrie, AB.


SPRING SALE: Bulk spruce wood pellets, $130/tonne, FOB pellet plant, Swan River, MB. Bags and mini bulks also available. Call for a quote 204-734-0572.

TEXAS GATES and 4.5, 7 and 8-5/8� pipe fo r s a l e , f u l l l e n g t h s a n d c u t o f f s . 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. USED OIL WELL TUBE: 1.66 O.D. $19; 2 inch, $25; 2-7/8� $31; 3-1/2� $39; 22 ft. 3/4� Co Rod, $5. 1-888-792-6283.

240 PIECES 6�x40’ ringlock; 110 pieces 6�x30’ ringlock; 6�x40’ and 6�x30’ alum. pipe. Contact Central Water and Equipment Services Ltd. 306-975-1999, Saskatoon, SK. View by appointment only. IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8�, 4 cyl. dsl or PTO, 600-1000 gal/min, very efficient. Also buying oilfield pipe and casing. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB. TRAVELING GUN, Rainbow traveler irrigation system w/105CS rain gun, 660’ of 6� rubber hose. Will irrigate 1324’ long s t r i p e by 3 3 0 ’ w i d e i n o n e s e t t i n g w/F6-100 Bauer PTO pump, 550 gpm at 85 lbs. pressure, $7000. Would consider selling separate. 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new and used equipment. 31 years in business. Outlook, SK Call 306-867-9606. HOME OF REINKE ELECTROGATOR II. Reinke centre pivots, Reinke laterals, Reinke genuine parts. Can design to your needs. Trades welcome. 306-858-7351 Lucky Lake, SK. NEW, USED IRRIGATION systems, pivots and pumps, gas, diesel and electric, mainline, wheelmoves, irrigation travelers, Bauer parts. New-Way Irrigation, your Alberta Zimmatic dealer, 1-800-561-4608. THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving water? Pumping units, 6� to 10� alum. pipe; Also Wanted: 6� to 10� pipe. Call Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years of experience, not a Dealer. Email: WESTERN IRRIGATION, large supply of used irrigation equipment: pumps, pipes, motors and 2 used travelling big guns. We buy and sell used irrigation equipment. Call 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK.

ECI Steel Inc.

BISON FENCING 10’, 8’, 7’ posts pressure treated, 10-60-12 paigewire fencing. Call 204-746-0462, Winnipeg, MB. TREATED POSTS, 12’, 6�-10�, 8’ elk wire, elk handling pens, 8’ wire gates, sliders, gates, and corners, hyd. elk squeeze, all exc. cond. 306-532-4750, Langbank, SK.

N.A.P.S. SOLAR STORE offers solar panels, windmills, components or complete solar systems and energy efficient appliances. 780-835-3682, 1-866-835-6277, Fairview, AB., or check out:

HOT WATER BOILERS, Lochinvar model CBN-0745, 745,000 btu, nat. gas, used 3 seasons, c/w 1200 litres of -35°C antifreeze, flue piping and stacking stand, $1200/ea. 403-861-1671, Bonnyville, AB.

SOS CUSTOM FENCING. Timely, top quality agricultural fencing solutions. Will travel. To book call Stacey 306-696-7697 or e-mail:

N E LSO N M O T OR S & E QU IPM E NT A vonlea, Sask. R adville, Sask. (306) 868-2022 (306) 869-3000 Estevan, Sask. R edvers, Sask. (306) 634-6422 (306) 452-3418 O xbow , Sask.(306) 483-5115 W ebsite:w w w .nelsonm

L& M

NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB.

Prince Albert, SK. Hwy 3 & 48th St. E. Large Quantities of Commercial Tubing for Sale

BLOWOUT PRICING 1 x 1 x 100 x 24’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.58/ft 11â „4 x 11â „4 x 100 x 24’ . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.76/ft 11â „4 x 11â „4 x 125 x 24’ . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.91/ft 11â „2 x 11â „2 x 100 x 24’ . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.92/ft 2 x 1 x 100 x 24’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.94/ft 2 x 2 x 100 x 24’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $1.3 2/ft 2 x 2 x 125 x 24’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $1.56/ft 2 x 2 x 188 x 20’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $1.99/ft 4 x 2 x 188 x 20’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $3 .16/ft 4 x 2 x 250 x 20’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $4.05/ft 6 x 3 x 125.........................Bund le Pric e - $2.85/ft 14ga 4 x 8 Alu m in u m C he c ke r Pla te . . . . . .$79.00/e a Many Other Sizes Available In qu ire fo r Be s tPric in g



8N FORD in good shape, runs nice, c/w mower, double disc, cultivator, plow, $4500 firm. 306-421-1469, Estevan, SK.

MIDNITE OIL CATTLE CO. has on offer semen tested yearling bulls for sale. Call 306-734-2850, 306-734-7675, Craik, SK. YEARLING AND 2 YR. OLD Black Angus bulls. Semen tested, vet inspected, fully guaranteed. Gerlei Angus 306-424-2332, 306-424-7676, Montmartre, SK 45 YEARLING BLACK ANGUS bulls, excellent quality, $2000-2500; And some 2-4 yr. old bulls, 204-835-2087, McCreary, MB. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK.

KUBOTA 4WD COMPACT tractor, 763 hrs., model B7100, hydrostatic drive, turf tires, 16HP diesel, live PTO; Land Pride 58” rotary tiller, model RTA1558; Land Pride 60” mower, model FD2560. All 1993 models. Phone 306-834-7579, Major, SK. FOR SALE: CASE 446 garden tractor with 2 YEAR OLD BULLS Complete listing and mower and rototiller, gd. cond., $2500 video at Tom OBO. 306-473-2612, Willowbunch, SK. Blacklock, 306-668-2125, Grandora, SK. JOHN DEERE X595 diesel tractor, w/52” YEARLING BLACK BULLS. Canadian bloodmower and tiller, only 83 original hrs., lines. 306-877-2014, 306-877-4402, Du$15,000. 306-642-3189, Assiniboia, SK. buc, SK. TS44 VERMEER TREE SPADE on 1977 BLACK ANGUS BULLS sired by Bismarck, D o d g e 6 0 0 t r u c k , e x c e l l e n t s h ap e , Game Day sons of Right Time and OCC $22,000. Phone 306-723-4964, Cupar, SK. Legacy. Also Black/Red Carrier sons of RESTORED FORD 8N tractor, recond. mo- Density and Juneau. Semen tested and tor, new tires and rims, c/w attachments, guaranteed. Delivery available. Deposit will hold until spring. Jeffrey Isaac asking $5000. 306-858-7103, Birsay, SK. 306-768-2223. Carrot River, SK. SHELTERBELT TREES. Poplars 3’-4’ tall, WINDY WILLOWS Reg. Black Angus bulls, Spruce and Pine 1’ tall, all in 1 gal. pots. performance tested, semen tested, guar$7 each, min. 200/order. In Saskatoon, anteed, many suitable for heifers, delivery SK. Can ship anywhere. 1-877-995-5253. available. 306-677-2507 or 306-677-7544, 2010 LAND PRIDE 3 PTH 50” rototiller. Hodgeville, SK. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, 200 ANGUS 1st calf heifer pairs ready to Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, Sask. go after June 15. Moderate framed ranch area. Visit raised blacks, BWF and BBF w/black or red f o r s a l e b i l l , v i d e o a n d p h o t o s . calves at side. Call early for details 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack 306-355-2265, Mortlach, SK. Auction Co. PL 311962. BLACK ANGUS 2 yr. old and yearling bulls JD L110 LAWN TRACTOR, Cub Cadet trac- for sale, good selection. Nordal Angus, tor with mower and dozer, Turf Trac lawn Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. tractor. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry Dreger, Saturday, June 16, 2012, Lem- PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling berg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Phone Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. Auction Co. PL 311962. MANTEI FARMS yearling Angus bulls for 2006 JD 4115 4x4 utility tractor, only 46 sale. Performance and semen tested, hrs., 60” mulcher/mower, 3 PTH, like new, guaranteed. 306-634-4454, Estevan, SK. $17,800 OBO. 403-346-8202, Red Deer, AB EXCELLENT GROUP OF BLACK ANGUS DEINES 1800 Riding lawnmower, 50” deck, heifers w/calf onside, all lightweight lifts up for cleaning, 329 hrs., like new, calves unassisted, strong mothers, great starting herd, 13 black baldies and 40 $5500. 306-763-5055, Prince Albert, SK. straight black, $2600/pair. Luke, Livelong, CIH 245 DIESEL tractor, FWA, 3 PTH, 540 SK., ph 306-845-3966 or 306-845-7480. PTO, FEL, $7500. CIH 60” PTO mower, BLACK ANGUS 2 yr. old and yearling bulls $300. 306-963-2703, Imperial, SK. for sale, good selection. Nordal Angus, Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. BLACK ANGUS YEARLING and 2 yr. olds. Will keep until spring. 306-997-4917, ask for Colin, Borden, SK. PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS yearling bulls for sale out of well known, proven sires going back to Kodiak, Tiger, Pioneer, Rachis, Net Worth and Final Answer. Call for more info. 780-986-9088, Leduc, AB.


BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. SASKATOON LIVESTOCK SALES 306-287-3900, SASKATOON,SK. 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. 9 GOOD QUALITY 2 year old Black Angus SELLING: bulls for sale by private treaty. All semen 17 Black Angus Bulls tested. Call Herb Friesen at 306-363-2203, 306-360-7465, Drake, SK. 14 Red Angus Bulls WHEELER’S STOCK FARM has quality bulls 3 Charolais Bulls for sale. Calving ease and performance 17 Hereford Bulls bulls for every budget. Semen tested and ready to go. 306-931-8471, 306-230-3582, 2 Simmental Bulls 306-382-9324, 306-260-7336, Saskatoon. T BAR C CATTLE CO. LTD. 2 YR. OLD BULLS, easy calving for your 306-933-4200 heifers, stout and rugged for your cow herd. Everblack Angus, Ernest Gibson, M DOUBLE B LIVESTOCK 780-853-2422, Vermilion, AB. 306-931-0088 2 YR. OLD Black Angus bulls. 2 yr. old View catalogue online @ Black Maine cross Angus bulls. We have heifer bulls from OCC Emblazon performance from BC Eagle Eye. Semen tested. LAST CHANCE ALL-BREEDS BULL Sale We deliver. 403-325-1245, Strathmore, AB Tuesday, May 29, 12:00 Noon, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. 165 Reg. QUIET TOP QUALITY 2 and 1 year old and semen tested yearling and 2 yr. old black and red Angus purebred bulls. Reabulls: Charolais, Simmental, Red and Black s o n a b l e p r i c e s . S p r u c e A c r e s , Angus, Hereford, Limousin, Maine-Anjou, 306-272-7841 or 306-272-4451, Foam Shorthorn, South Devon. Catalogue online Lake, SK. at or call Johnstone Auction Mart to have one mailed, 306-693-4715. PL #914447. RED AND BLACK ANGUS 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Light to moderate birthweights, O N E S TO P quiet dispositions, performance data available. Semen tested and delivered. CATTLE FIN AN CIN G Half brothers and sisters are Agribition BC, ALBER TA, S AS K. Commercial Champions. Shawn and Patty Smith, 306-484-4591, Nokomis, SK. “ Fa rm e rs He lping Fa rm e rs ” KENRAY RANCH PRIVATE TREATY Bull Sale. Registered Red and Black yearling bulls for heifers and cows. Semen and performance tested. Delivery is available. Call LIV ESTO C K C O - O P Ray at 306-452-3876, 306-452-7447, or Bred cow program ! Sheldon at 306-452-7545, Redvers, SK. Feeder Program ! PUREBRED BULLS- 6 Red Angus Toll Free 1-8 66-8 48 -6669 VIRGIN two year olds, calving ease, performance, No Res triction s ; Pu rcha s e a n d longevity, some heifer bulls. Call Paul 403-378-4881, Royal Anchor Red Angus, m a rk etin g - You rchoice Rosemary, AB. w w w.foothills lives


Roc k y M ou n ta in Hou s e , AB BLACK AND RED ANGUS 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Light to moderate birthweights, quiet dispositions, performance data available. Semen tested and delivered. Half brothers and sisters are Agribition Commercial Champions. Shawn and Patty Smith, 306-484-4591, Nokomis, SK. REG. 2 YR. OLD RED ANGUS BULLS sound, strong performance, REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS bulls for structurally exceptional pedigrees. Sell with sale by private treaty. Top quality genet- papers and maternal breeders guarantee. $2500 ics, virgin 2 year olds, $2900 to $4800; and up. Call 306-525-2509. Located at Yearlings, $2600 to $4500 OBO. For com- Prairie River, SK plete listings visit Semen tested, full vaccination program. HOWE RED ANGUS: Yearling and 2 yr. P i c k u p a n d s ave ! Vo l u m e d i s c o u n t . old bulls for sale. Semen tested and guar306-460-8520, Kindersley, SK. a n t e e d . C a l l M i ke 3 0 6 - 6 3 1 - 8 7 7 9 o r REGISTERED BULLS, 2 yr. olds, very quiet, 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. semen tested, ready to go. Van Len Angus, RED ANGUS 2 yr. old and yearling bulls for phone Brent Lensen, 306-220-4531 or sale, good selection. Nordal Angus, Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. 306-242-7547, Vanscoy, SK.


SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Red and Black Angus yearling and two yr. old bulls for sale. ROP, semen and ultrasound tested. Keith 306-454-2730, Shane 306-454-2688, Ceylon, SK. KC CATTLE CO. has top quality AI-sired yearling Red Angus bulls. Phone 306-290-8431, Saskatoon, SK. View online at:

2 YEAR OLD and yearling bulls. Semen TOP PERFORMANCE HEREFORD bulls tested and delivered. Guy Sampson, for sale. View at 306-567-4207, Davidson, SK. phone 306-743-5105, Langenburg, SK. REGISTERED CHAROLAIS BULLS, white, 2 YEAR OLD Horned Hereford bulls for calving ease, growthy and very quiet. Se- sale, fully guaranteed. Delivery available. men test and deliver. Qualman Charolais, Call T Bar K Ranch, Wawota, SK, Kevin 306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK. 306-739-2944 or 306-577-9861. JOHNER STOCK FARM BULLS, polled Hereford and Black Angus, 2 year olds and yearlings. David 306-893-2714 or Justin 306-248-1305, Maidstone, SK.

BULLS FOR SALE: Purebred Red Angus and RA Simmental hybrids. Call 780-582-2254, Forrestburg, AB. WINDY WILLOWS Reg. Red Angus bulls, performance tested, semen tested, guaranteed, many suitable for heifers, delivery available. 306-677-2507 or 306-677-7544, Hodgeville, SK. REGISTERED RED ANGUS yearling bulls, semen tested, calving ease, guaranteed breeders. Little de Ranch 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK

HOLMES FARM HAS Polled Hereford 2 yr. old and yearling bulls for sale. Jay Holmes, 306-524-2762, 306-746-7170, Semans, SK QUALITY POLLED HEREFORD bulls, yearlings, 2 year olds, and 2 proven 3 year olds. Deposit holds until needed. Brian CHAROLAIS HERDSIRE, easy keeping, Longworth 306-656-4542, Harris, SK. sound, semen tested, igenity tested, reREGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD bulls for sonably priced. 306-276-5976, Love, SK. sale, semen tested. Phone Harold or Tim TWO POLLED 2 yr. old Charolais bulls, low Strauch, 306-677-2580, Shamrock, SK birthweight; also yearling Charolais bulls. Will semen test and deliver. Layne and Paula Evans, 306-252-2246, Kenaston, SK. POLLED PUREBRED 2 yr. old and yearling bulls, some Red Factor. Kings Polled Charolais, 306-435-7116, 306-645-4383 or 306-645-2955, Rocanville, SK.

RED FACTOR CHAROLAIS BULLS, yearlings and two yr. olds, red, white and tans. Wheatheart Charolais, 306-882-6444, DKF RED AND BLACK ANGUS BULLS at Rosetown, SK the DKF Ranch. Quality heifer and cow REGISTERED CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 yr. bulls. Also consigning to Johnstone’s, olds and yearlings, polled and horned, Moose Jaw, Last Chance Bull Sale, Tues. some red. Quiet bulls. Hand fed but not May 29th. Agent for solar and wind water overfed. Bulls available privately at the systems and Allen Leigh calving cameras. f a r m . C a l l W i l f, C o u ga r H i l l R a n c h , Dwayne or Scott Fettes, 306-969-4506, 306-728-2800, 306-730-8722, Melville, SK Gladmar, SK. CHAROLAIS BULLS. YearREG. RED ANGUS yearling bulls, $1400. PUREBRED and 1 dark red 2 year old. (2 yr. old is Phone Lorne Wyss 306-839-4706 or lings an ideal heifer bull). Bulls are thick, hairy, 306-839-2038, Pierceland, SK. good footed, semen tested and delivered. Call Stephen 306-279-2033, Creek’s Edge BULLS: 1 AND 2 years, red or black, reasonable prices. Tom Ward 306-668-4333, Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK. View bulls at: Clark Ward 306-931-3824, Saskatoon, SK. RED ANGUS BULLS on moderate grow- RED AND WHITE yearling Charolais bulls, ing ration. Performance info. available. delivered when needed, $2000-2500. Call Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills Dennis 306-322-4636, Rose Valley, SK. Angus, 306-342-4407, Glaslyn, SK. 2 YEAR OLD AND YEARLING bulls, polled, 4 YR. OLD REG. herdsire for sale, 90 lb. horned, White and red factor. Semen testbirthweight, $2500. Phone 306-873-9016, ed, delivered and guaranteed. Prairie Gold Charolais, 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK. Sylvania, SK. REGISTERED RED ANGUS yearling bulls to PUREBRED CHAROLAIS YEARLING and suit your needs, calving ease, perfor- two yr old bulls. These bulls have quiet mance, excellent daughters, good tem- disposition, mostly polled and are white, perament. All bulls will be semen tested, tan and red. Delivery is available. Bar H delivery can be arranged. Flat Lake Red Charolais, Grenfell, SK. Call: Kevin Haylock Angus, Neilburg, SK. 306-823-4592 or 3 0 6 - 6 9 7 - 2 9 0 1 o r L aw r e n c e H ay l o c k 306-697-2988 Email 2 YEAR OLD and yearling bulls for sale. RED FACTOR BULLS, yearlings and 2 year Semen tested and delivered. Call Guy olds, red, white and tans. 306-931-8069, Saskatoon, SK. Sampson, Davidson, SK., 306-567-4207. REGISTERED YEARLING RED Angus bull, WHITECAP CHAROLAIS YEARLING bulls 81 lb. birthweight. Wilmo Ranch, Pense, for sale, semen tested and guaranteed. Call Mike 306-631-8779 or 306-691-5011, SK. 306-345-2046. Moose Jaw, SK. REGISTERED RED ANGUS bulls for sale, AI sired, 2 and 3 year olds, hay fed. PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 year olds and yearlings. Polled and horned. Whites 1-877-742-2077, Calder, SK. and tans. Semen tested and can be kept YEO’S RED ANGUS YEARLING bulls for until you need them. Mutrie Farms, Glenasale, semen tested. Call Gary and Dianne von, SK., call Richard 306-429-2711. 306-873-5662, Tisdale, SK. 2 YEAR OLD and yearling polled bulls, red 4 YEAR OLD Red Angus herd sire, used on and white, guaranteed. Call Crossman purebred herd, excellent producer, avail. Charolais, 306-882-3163, Rosetown, SK. July 1st. Little de Ranch, 306-845-2406, D&L PLEWIS CHAROLAIS have 2 yr. old Turtleford, SK. bulls w/some French influence. Polled, REGISTERED YEARLING BULLS. Easy easy calving, good hair coats and semen calving, semen tested, vet inspected, tested. Call Darwin at 306-773-8181, guaranteed breeders, delivered. B-elle 306-750-7650, Swift Current, SK. Red Angus, 306-845-2557, Turtleford, SK. Email: YEARLING AND 2 year old AI sons of Fully DEXTERS COW/CALF pairs, yearling heifLoaded, Goldbar King and Sakic. Ready to ers, 1 and 2 year old bulls. 403-845-5763, work. 306-773-6633, Swift Current, SK. Rocky Mountain House, AB. QUALITY REG. RED and Black Angus 2 yr. old bulls. Easy calving, guaranteed breeders, performance data avail., semen tested, delivery avail. Wolf Willow Angus PUREBRED YEARLING and 2 year old bulls. Purebred and cross bred heifers. Phone 204-821-5108, Rossburn, MB. 306-587-2739, Cabri, SK. RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaran- PUREBRED YEARLING GALLOWAY bulls, teed breeders, delivery available. Website: $ 1 8 0 0 . P h o n e 8 0 7 - 4 8 6 - 3 6 2 2 o r Ph 306-287-3900, 807-486-3382, Devlin, ON. 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. REG. RED ANGUS yearling bulls, semen tested, excellent heifer bulls, good temperament; Also reg. heifers. Sundown Red Angus, Saskatoon, SK, 306-978-1569 EXCELLENT QUALITY YEARLING Red Angus bulls. ROP tested. Will semen test and deliver. Will sell w/wo all risk insurance. Dudragne Red Angus, 306-625-3787, 306-625-3730, Ponteix, SK.

FOR SALE OR RENT: Red, black and fullblood Simmental bulls. A.I. breeding, semen tested, reasonable prices. Phone Dale 780-853-2223, Vermilion, AB. SIMMENTAL BULLS, moderatre birthweights, lots of performance, very good genetics. Four D Ranch, 306-342-4208, Glaslyn, SK. SELLING YEARLING BULLS, red factor and Simmental cross Red Angus. McVicar S t o c k F a r m s L t d . , C o l o n s a y, S K . 306-255-2799 or 306-255-7551. FULL FLECKVIEH BULLS, mostly polled, also Fleckvieh cross Red Angus hybrids. Curtis Mattson 306-944-4220 Meacham SK 2 YEARLING BULLS, good performance, moderate birth weights. Green Spruce Simmental, 306-467-4975, Duck Lake, SK. PUREBRED YEARLING RED bulls, semen tested. North Creek Simmental, 306-997-4427, 306-230-3123, Borden, SK.

YEARLING RED South Devon bull, $2000; M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S 2 yr. old red South Devon/Angus bull, NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. To- $ 2 3 0 0 . D i a m o n d M S o u t h D e vo n s tal Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York 403-566-2467, Duchess, AB. 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. TWO OF OUR best red bulls sell May 29, REGISTERED BULL from Lietben Tee Off, 2012 at the Last Chance Bull Sale, Moose (Oct. 2011); 8 registered calves from Jaw, SK. View: We have bulls for sale at the ranch priced 2010-2011. 306-225-4385, Hague, SK. from $2000. High Chapparal Ranch, FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. 306-336-2666, Lipton, SK. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. LOW BIRTHWEIGHT YEARLING and 2 yr. old speckle park bulls. Wilf Sunderland, Paradise Valley, AB, 780-745-2694. RED AND BLACK polled 2 yr. old Limousin ONE 3 YR. old and one 15 month old reg. bulls, good selection. Nordal Limousin, b u l l s ; 3 c o m m e r c i a l ye a r l i n g b u l l s . 306-782-7403, Willowbrook, SK. Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. SPRINGER BROS. LIMOUSIN have 2 year A FEW YEARLING BULLS, (1) meaty black old and yearling red and black bulls for a n d ( 1 ) 2 y e a r o l d . V i ew t h e m at sale. For details call Merv 306-272-4817, Par Ranch, Phone 306-823-4794 or 780-205-0719 (cell), Ernie 306-272-4774, Leslie, SK. 780-205-1668 (cell), Neilburg, SK. LIMOUSIN BULLS, yearling and 2 yr. old bulls available. Ron Wedrick 306-672-7072, Gull Lake, SK. REG. TEXAS LONGHORN BULLS available RED AND BLACK polled 2 yr. old Limousin in solid black, red and colored. Have good bulls, good selection. Nordal Limousin, supply of strong yearling and 2 yr. olds. All Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. classes of reg. stock also available. Call GOOD SELECTION of stout yearling and 2 Dean at 403-391-6043, Stauffer, AB. year old red and black Limousin bulls, ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association good disposition and calving ease. Qually- 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. T Limousin, Rose Valley, SK, 306-322-4755 or 306-322-7554. REG. TEXAS LONGHORN bulls. Ensure easy FOR SALE: STOUT yearling Limousin bulls, calving season. Call Daryl 306-296-4712, polled, horned, red, black. Quiet bulls with or Bob 306-297-3298, Shaunavon, SK. great performance. Short Grass Limousin, ONE RED SPOTTED or one straight dark 306-773-7196, Swift Current, SK. red two year old virgin longhorn bulls. Big LEACH FARMS HAS: Polled yearling and framed and quiet. $1500 each. Phone Cliff, 2 year old bulls. Red or black. Guaranteed 780-388-3324, Buck Lake, AB or email: and delivered. Phone 306-338-2805 or 306-338-2745, Wadena, SK.

BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB.

PUREBRED VIRGIN 2 year old red and red/white Maine-Anjou bulls. Semen tested. Performance info. available. Contact Falloon’s Maine-Anjou, Carman and Laura Falloon, 204-842-5180, Birtle, MB.

3 PUREBRED BULLS for sale. 22 purebred cow calf pairs for sale, some registered. 306-960-8956, Meath Park, SK. 2011 WELSH BLACK HEIFERS, PB and crossbreds, forage raised w/no chemicals or grain. Can be sold open or bred Welsh black. Delivery available. 780-864-3150, Email: Spirit River, AB. REG. WELSH BLACK BULLS, polled, forage raised no grain or chemicals. Delivery available. 780-864-3150, Email: Spirit River, AB.

MAINE-ANJOU BULLS for sale. Purebred and halfblood black yearling bulls. Semen tested and guaranteed. Rocky Lane Farms, C U S T O M C AT T L E P R O C E S S I N G . Alex and Mary-Ann Jensen, 403-368-2114, 306-948-8057, Biggar, SK. 403-742-9835, Rumsay, AB. HERD DISPERSAL: Approx. 100 black, BWF BEST SELECTION OF MAINE-ANJOU bulls. and red cow/calf pairs. avail. May 15th, B r e e d e r s i n c e 1 9 7 0 . V i ew we b s i t e : $2300/pair. 306-634-4330, Estevan, SK. Gary Graham, 18 BLACK ANGUS cows, most w/black 306-823-3432, Marsden, SK. baldy calves, all shots, good quality. CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. 306-283-4687, Langham, SK. Power, performance and profit. For info on HERD DISPERSAL APPROXIMATELY 70 Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, Cal- cow calf pairs, w/Angus calves at side. gary, AB. or Have pasture and bulls if interested. $2100 per pair. 306-728-5159, Melville, SK.

GELBVIEH YEARLING and 2 yr. olds. Will RED POLL BULLS, 2 reg. yearlings; 1- 2 keep until spring. 306-997-4917, ask for yr. old, easy calving, naturally polled Colin, Borden, SK. calves. 780-892-3447, Wabamun, AB. POLLED YEARLING GELBVIEH BULLS for sale, from our 33 year breeding program. Semen evaluations to be done in March. Winders Gelbvieh 780-672-9950, TOP QUALITY POLLED Salers bulls, moderate birthweights. Hauser Cattle Co., Camrose, AB. 306-748-2417, Neudorf, SK. REG. PUREBRED yearling Red Angus bulls POLLED YEARLING GELBVIEH bulls and for heifers and cows. Maple Ridge Acres. Red Angus Gelbvieh cross. Birthweight QUIET, EASY CALVING Reg. purebred red Les Saunders, 306-997-4507, Borden, SK, from 72 lbs. Wayne at Selin’s Gelbvieh and black yearling bulls. Elderberry Farm Salers, 306-747-3302, Parkside, SK. 306-793-4568, Stockholm, SK. ARM RIVER RED ANGUS is celebrating 25 years supplying Angus bulls to western KNUDSON FARMS has red and black polled POLLED SALER BULLS, red or black, Canada’s beef industry. We have yearlings yearling and 2 year old bulls. For details quiet, easy calving. Call Brad Dunn 306-459-7612, Ogema, SK. for sale. 306-567-4702. Davidson, SK. call James 306-322-4682, Archerwill, SK.

CATTLE FINANCING available for feeder cattle and bred heifers/cows. Competitive interest rates. Call Marjorie Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK. 5- MAINE CROSS ANGUS heifers, replacement quality, home raised ready to breed. Ken Clark 306-736-8322, Kipling, SK. email:

RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g

fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers a n d b la d es . N EW RK PURE gro o m in g p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e

30 QUIET SALERS bulls, 1 and 2 yr. olds; 50 Salers yearling heifers. The best bulls and heifers out of 210 Salers cows. 8 Sal1-8 00-440-26 9 4. ers sires. 25 yrs. of breeding Salers! Delivery available. Can keep until needed. w w w .rka n im a lsu m 780-924-2464 or 780-982-2472 Alberta Beach, AB 100 COW/CALF PAIRS, all one owner and quite, calves Simmental and Charolais, cows mostly tans, weighing 1400 to 1500 lbs., avg. age approx. 7 yrs., no horns, sell 2 YEAR OLD and yearling Shorthorn bulls, in 25 head lots. 306-542-3374 Kamsack SK reds and roans. Richard Moellenbeck, 300 REPLACEMENT HEIFER: Reds, blacks 306-287-3420, Englefeld, SK. and tans, 800 lbs. Phone 306-934-5169 or SHORTHORNS FOR ALL the right reasons. 306-220-1945, Saskatoon, SK. Check out why and who at 306-577-4664, COWHERD FOR SALE: 45 black and 5 red Carlyle, SK. with March/April calves, $2000/pair. YEARLING BULLS FOR SALE, affordably 306-728-3991, 306-730-8111, Melville, SK p r i c e d . F o r m o r e i n fo p h o n e G l e n n 25 COW/CALF PAIRS, calves Black Angus 306-997-4537, Borden, SK. 2-3 mos. old, cows commercial and avg. 5th calver, $2400/pair. Ph 306-843-3132, YEARLING SHORTHORN BULLS, reds and Wilkie, SK. TWO YEAR OLD BELGIAN BLUE cross CHOICE OF 3 PUREBRED Hereford bulls, roans, all polled; Also open replacement virgin bulls for sale, $3000/each. born March 8- April 10th, very quiet. heifers. Greenlane Shorthorns, Balcarres, 150 COW/CALF pairs for sale. Call Jason SK. 306-333-2180 (Alf) or 334-2546 (Les). at 306-435-6910, Moosomin, SK. 306-252-2277, Hanley, SK. 403-556-7454, Olds, AB. 12 OPEN PUREBRED Red Angus heifers. PUREBRED YEARLING RED bulls. Semen Call Pasquia Red Angus, 306-768-2966, tested. EPD’s and pictures avail. Double JL Carrot River, SK. Gelbvieh, KJL Gelbvieh, 306-846-4733, Dinsmore, SK. S- RED ANGUS has reg. yearling bulls for sale. Large framed cow bulls and low BW heifer bulls. Jack Sambrook, Milestone, SK. 306-436-4556. 2 YR. OLD HEREFORD BULLS horned and PUREBRED RED ANGUS 2 year olds and dehorned. Fully guaranteed. Will deliver yearlings. Red Angus/ Simm. yearlings. Good selection. Little Red Deer Hereford Developed on moderate growing ration. Farm. Call Wilf 403-318-4791, Innisfail, AB Triple H Red Angus, 306-723-4832, 2 YEAR OLD AND YEARLING polled Here306-726-7671 cell, Cupar, SK. ford bulls for sale. Select now and we’ll WHEELER’S STOCK FARM has quality bulls keep until you need them. Imperial, SK. for sale. Calving ease and performance Phone 306-963-2414 or 306-963-7880. bulls for every budget. Semen tested and ready to go. 306-931-8471, 306-230-3582, YEARLING POLLED HEREFORD bulls and 306-382-9324, 306-260-7336, Saskatoon. commercial females. Call Wally, Killarney, MB., 204-523-8713, cell 204-534-8204, or view:


30 SIMMENTAL HEIFERS, good quality, home raised, ready to breed. McVicar Stock Farms, phone 306-255-2799, or cell 306-255-7551, Colonsay, SK. 20 YOUNG COW/CALF pairs, tans, reds, blacks, w/2-5 wk. old calves. Ted Penner, 306-548-5474, 306-621-1082, Sturgis, SK. 115 BLACK PAIRS PACKAGE, April born, includes 21 black heifers, bred to FAV Final Answer. A really nice, easy fleshing, medium frame, quiet cow herd. Your grass/ bulls or mine. Joe Moore, Swan River, MB. 204-281-1885. YEARLING AND 2 year old Black Angus bulls, $2500 each. 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK. REPLACEMENT HEIFERS for sale, Red Angus/ Simmental cross, excellent quality from reputation cattle. Phone Monty at: 306-266-4222, Fir Mountain, SK. HERD DISPERSAL: cow/calf pairs for sale, Charolais cross Red Angus. Ph. 306-752-3862, Melfort, SK. 20 COW/CALF PAIRS, $1850/ea; 10 heifers $1250/ea; Also 2 mature bulls, 1 Charolais and 1 Red Angus, $2200/ea. Call 306-621-8951, Willowbrook, SK. BLACK AND RED Angus pairs for sale, 4 to 10 yrs. old, started calving April 1st, $1800/pr. 306-622-2076, Tompkins, SK. 150 OPEN REPLACEMENT heifers, reds/blacks, 650-700 lbs., Phizer Gold vaccinated. No horns, no implants, $1050/each. 204-966-3868, Birnie, MB.

WANTED: COW/CALF PAIRS. Call Lorne Davey 306-843-7606, Wilkie, SK. WA N T E D : R E D ROA N o r b l u e r o a n cow/calf pairs, must be reasonably priced. 306-734-2970, Chamberlain, SK. WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK.

35th ANNUAL and the Final Edition of Shamrock Quarter Horse Breeders Sale, August 6th. Accepting guest consignments until June 15th. 306-677-2589, 306-690-3029 Shamrock, SK. Entry forms at 3RD ANNUAL RAFTER A RANCH Horse Sale, May 26, 2012. Sale time: 1:00 PM. Preview from 10 AM - 12 PM. Strathclair Fair Grounds, Strathclair, MB. Entry deadline is April 15, 2012. Contact Jason and Kelly Airey at 204-365-2442 or 204-365-0394. Entry forms, catalogues, online video at: HORSE SALE, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Thursday, June 7. Tack sells: 2:00 PM. Horses sell: 4:00 PM. All classes of horses accepted. 306-693-4715, PL#914447. RANCH COUNTRY HORSE SALE INC. Maple Creek, SK. Accepting 1) Broke horse consignments for Sat, Sept. 8th, 2) Entries for Ranch Horse Competition for Friday, Sept. 7th. Entry deadline June 30th. Contact Tanya Parsonage at: 306-662-5081, online forms: www.northernhorse/ranchcountry


7 YEAR OLD RED ROAN reg. QH gelding, approx. 15.1 HH, lots of pep no buck, very cowy. 6 yrs in feedlot, some pasture roping, lots of heart, vg for shoeing, clipping and hauling, good to catch, $7000 firm. 780-806-6341, Hughenden, AB. TOP END WELL bred QH’s, yearlings, geldings, mares, 10 yr. old stallion, 2 yr. old stallion. Reasonably priced. Olson Quarter Horses, Dundurn, SK. Don 306-492-2180. 3 QH GELDINGS, 1 ranchhorse, 1 ranch prospect, 1 2D barrel horse. Reasonable prices. 306-357-4713, Wiseton, SK. 2 CHESTNUT GELDINGS, full brothers, ride them, drive them, excellent both ways, quiet, $2800. 306-862-4989, Nipawin, SK. FOR SALE OR TRADE: QH geldings, 1-5 yrs., also broodmares and a stallion. Will trade for whatever or consider all options. 306-296-4530, 306-296-4706, Frontier, SK 6 YEAR OLD REGISTERED sorrel mare, broke to harness, parades, sleigh/wagon rides. 780-349-2497, Westlock, AB. 6 YEAR OLD broke sorrel QH mare, 15.1 HH, good to ride and work around, good solid bone and foot, would make good ranch horse. Steakin Six, Kits Moon Shadow and On the Money Red bloodlines, $3000 OBO. 306-745-3438, Esterhazy, SK.

WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. TEAM FOR SALE: Percheron / QH mares, black, well matched, well broke to drive, one has had some riding, 16 HH, asking $5000. 780-847-2569, Tulliby Lake, AB. STANDING FOR SERVICE: Reg. Black Percheron stallion, good temperament and easy to handle; PB Black Arabian stallion, quiet and easy to handle. 306-329-4695, Grandora, SK. 21 YR. OLD sorrel gelding, 16 HH, very dependable, quiet, suitable for beginners, up to date for shots and deworming, good with other horses and farrier, $2000. 306-283-4577, Langham, SK.

SEVERAL PAINT PONY mares, some w/spring foals; also 2 Paint pony stallions. 306-752-3712, Melfort, SK. 3 YEAR OLD registered Paint stallion, blue roan breeding. 780-853-2223, Vermilion, AB.

7 YEAR OLD BLUE ROAN stallion, 17 HH, 1 8 7 5 l b s . , g o o d p a s t u r e b r e e d e r. 204-564-2279, Inglis, MB. 3 YEAR OLD Reg. Percheron stallion. Black with a few white hair. Ph: 204-748-1109 or 204-851-0904, Virden, MB.

10 YEAR OLD gelding, very athletic, good for endurance, excellent mind and gate. $3500. 250-379-2711, Armstrong, BC.

IRON CROSS RANCH selling 8 reg. ranch horses in various stages of training. Phone Cody 1-866-317-8520, Veteran, AB.

SAGEBRUSH TRAIL RIDES. Writing-OnStone. Register: June 29th. Ride- June 30th, July 1, 2, 3rd. Earl Westergreen 403-529-7597, Les O’Hara 403-867-2360. CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary Johnston, Email 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB.

RESTORED WOOD WHEELED WAGON w/new 60 bu. grain box. 403-783-2330 (evenings), 403-704-9109 cell, Ponoka, AB THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, Langham, SK. FIFTH WHEEL PEOPLE hauler, rear side entry handy for seniors. Cash or trade for broke Haflingers, Icelanders, Welsh or similar ponies not over 54”. 306-373-1275, Saskatoon, SK. ask for Ken.

3 YEAR OLD Purewoods breeding bull for sale. 306-961-9241, 306-929-2335, Prince Albert, SK. TOP QUALITY semen tested 2 and 3 year old Plains breeding bulls. MFL Ranches, 403-747-2500, Alix, AB.

SADDLES: GREAT WEST, highback, Hamley, Kenway, F. Eamor, Riley McCormick. MATURE REINDEER BULLS for sale. Call Phone: 403-969-9809, AB. Jim or Connie, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK., 306-332-3955.

CANDIAC AUCTION MART Sheep, Lamb and Goat Sale, Sunday, June 10th, starting at 1:00 PM, Candiac, SK. Livestock must be prebooked and at stockyards on Saturday. 306-424-2967 or 306-539-4090.

MOUFLON SHEEP, three 2 year old rams, one 1 year old ram, one 1 year old ewe. 306-432-2022 evenings, Dysart, SK.

NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB.


WANTED PUREBRED SOUTHDOWN ram. 403-558-2202, Okotoks, AB.

HERD DISPERSAL: 2 mature mares, proven breeders and 2 junior fillies, halter broke. All animals are registered. Phone SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers 780-991-6035, Leduc, AB. extension, marketing services and a full line of sheep and goat supplies. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. RAMSAY PONY RIDES have for sale wellbroke kids horses from pony to saddle horse sizes. Also weanling colts. Some horses and ponies also broke to drive. All broke horses sold with a written guarantee. Also new and used riding saddles. BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 306-386-2490, 306-386-2213, Cochin, SK. years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. $$$. Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Alder Flats, AB. BERKSHIRE, TAMWORTH CHESTIER white 9 YR. OLD grey gelding, Arab cross, rides boars and gilts. Also cross breed bred gilts. and drives, placed 2nd in 2010 Int. CDE, Nationwide delivery at cost. Ph Troy at St. Claude, MB, 204-379-2004, 204-828-3317, $4500 OBO. 403-601-6007, High River, AB. 204-750-1493, 204-750-2759. WANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest HORSES, HORSES, HORSES. All makes and $$$. models for sale for various skill levels. Over 50 animals to choose from, minis to heavies, pets to ropers, we have a horse for you. Call for details 306-960-4166 or 306-961-2777, Prince Albert, SK.

CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse Sale, Sat., June 2nd. Tack at 10:30, Horses at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of colts must have a completed EID. Go to the website to WANTED: DRAFT SUB horse preferably get the form. For more info contact red roan. Willing to trade well matched 306-424-2967. young unbroken Draft cross geldings. SASKATOON ALL BREED Horse & Tack 780-674-5061, Barrhead, AB. Sale, July 10. Tack 1:00 p.m. Horses to follow. Open to broke horses (halter or riding). Sale conducted at OK Corral, Martensville, Sask. To consign call Frederick 306-227-9505 RIDING LESSONS: All ages, 6 years and up. JE Ranch, Holdfast, SK. Contact Michelle 306-488-4408. FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call 1 s t A N N U A L C A N A D I A N C L A S S I C CERTIFIED Miniature Horse Sale, Saturday June 2, Jacob at: 306-488-4408. 2012, 1:00PM at Johnstone Auction Mart, PEERS AG SOCIETY 1st Annual Family Moose Jaw, SK. Featuring: 45 Registered Fair, June 23rd-24th, 2012 at the McLeod Miniature Horses. Catalogue available on- Valley Grounds. Open horse pull competiline only at: For tion. For info call Bill at 780-693-2674 or Jiggs 780-693-2403, 780-524-8802 (cell). more info. call 306-693-4715. PL# 914447 Lots of camping. Peers, AB. 8 YEAR OLD grey Registered Paint mare, 30 days professional training, rode occasionally since, $1600 OBO. 306-338-2710, Hendon, SK.

GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers of leather and nylon harness. Custom saddles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. Call 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB.

PHEASANTS AND WILD TURKEYS. Gamebird netting. Dirt Willy Gamebird Farm and Hatchery, 780-922-6080, Ardrossan, AB. CHECK OUT for new 2012 breed listings. New Cornish Grazers, ideal for free range roasters. Call 204-773-2562, Russell, MB.

CARFIO HATCHERY. Pheasants; Wild turkeys; Guinea Fowl; Partridges; Bobwhites; Jumbo Quails; Ducks; Geese; Broiler chicks; Bantams and lar ge Heritage breeds. 1-877-441-0368,

ANDRES TRUCKING. Call us for a quote today. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, SK. BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger Provencher, or 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned bison company and enjoy the benefits. TOP PRICES for grain finished bison. Phone Pieter at Carmen Creek Bison 403-215-2321, Calgary, AB. E-mail: ALBERTA BISON RANCH has personally picked 2010 Pure Plains breeding bulls and heifers, available now. Phone: Neil at 780-284-0347, Mayerthorpe, AB. EXTREME DUTY BISON PANELS, 7x30’, 2-7/8” tubing. No mig welding (arc). No welded/ spliced rod. All saddle joints. Call 780-975-4020, Gibbons, AB. 65- 2011 BULL CALVES, 30- 2011 heifer calves. Call Harold 306-725-4228, Last Mtn Foothills Bison Ranch, Strasbourg, SK. 3 PLAINS BISON 3 yr. old breeding bulls, fed hay and some grain, not pushed, $2700/ea. Crocusview Farm Ltd., Kenton, MB, 204-838-2426 or 204-748-5794 (cell). Email: NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. LARGE SELECTION OF Bison breeding stock. Both females and bulls. Wood cross and pure Wood; Some stock originating in Whitehorse, YT available; Also approx. 300 calves from 2011. Phone Ryan at 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. WANTED: CULL BISON cows and bulls for slaughter. Call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, 306-363-2117 ext. 111, Drake, SK.

ELK VALLEY RANCHES have quality semen tested 2 year old bison breeding bulls for sale. 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB. TOP CUT, semen tested 2 year old bull, 2 , 3 , 4 a n d 8 y e a r o l d g e l d i n g s , HEAVY WOODEN WAGON, good condition Yukon and XY bloodlines, not pushed, Palominos and Buckskins. 306-345-2555, with a completely rebuilt grain box, $3500. naturally fed, will keep until June 1st, 306-536-9210, Belle Plaine, SK. 2012. 306-536-9817, Francis, SK. Phone 306-549-4911, Hafford, SK.

Executive Royal Inn, Leduc, Alberta To consign to this sale Contact: Gordon Musgrove 403-363-1729 or Mark Stewart 403-357-9833

Toll Free 1-866-304-4664 PRODUCER OWNED Canadian Prairie Bison is paying TOP DOLLAR FOR ELK to supply our growing markets. Give Roger a call before you sell, 306-468-2316.

AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No electricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882, NEW-WAY PUMP AND power supplies, SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 applicators, spreader bars, draghose and years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. reels. Call New-Way at 403-223-3591 or Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to Alfons Poppe 403-795-4196, Taber, AB. run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Apollo Ma- BEAM SCALE for weighing groups of catchine, 306-242-9884 or 1-877-255-0187, tle, up to 30 yearlings, c/w loading chute, $25,250 OBO. 306-823-3441, Neilburg, SK. FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. H-1000 HAYBUSTER TUB GRINDER, clean, good condition. 403-588-0958, Alix, AB. YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For your livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346. PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now available with a neck extender. Phone 306-796-4508, email: website: GRAIN TROUGHS, 30’ c/w skids, made of conveyor belting and pipe, $700/each. 306-538-4685, Kennedy, SK. 8x12 CATTLE GROUP SCALE, certified and legal for trade, $10,800 OBO. 204-745-8114, Carman, MB.

ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of elk. Ph Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or email USED 8’ GAME fencing, 21 strand 6” spacing; 300 6-8”, 12’ posts approx. 4 miles worth. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. 9 BULLS, 2 to 9 years; 5 bred cows, 2 to 10 years and 5 calves. Call 306-825-4037, Lloydminster, SK. CASH PAID FOR hard antler. Call Marty, 403-393-2950, Puppy Love Pet Products H E AV Y D U T Y 2 4 ’ PA N E L S , W I N D BREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and Inc., Fort MacLeod, AB. more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, or ELK EQUIP., GATES, POSTS. Calving email Rimbey, AB. box; Sorting circle; Box iron framed gates with wire or plywood; Pressure treated NET WRAP! NET Wrap! Net Wrap! Top sharpened posts, 5” to 6”, tops 12’ and 14’. quality wrap, great pricing, free delivery. C a l l t o d a y t o s e c u r e y o u r o r d e r. 306-893-7140, Maidstone, SK. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: AWAPCO is a proven leader in elk meat sales. If you BALE SHREDDER, excellent shape, $5500. have elk to supply to market, give AWAP- 306-728-8373, Melville, SK. CO a call today. Current price $7.50/kg HIGHLINE 6800 BALE processor; 12’x6’ hot hanging, no marketing fees. Non- tandem stock trailer; 566 JD baler, always members welcome. shedded; IHC 350 utility tractor, LPTO, or call 780-980-7589. hyd. All in very good condition. 306-682-3055, Humboldt, SK. HI-HOG MATERNITY PEN, Powder River LAMANCHA DAIRY GOATS, 1 to 4 yrs. in calf tipping chute, Morand squeeze chute, milk. Christopher Lake, SK. eves/wknds, Hi-Hog gates, 40 bu. creep feeder, Ritchie 306-982-3785, weekdays 306-314-9048. water bowls, branding iron pot w/torch and tank, grooming equipment, chute, email: blower, combs, etc., Ritchie water bowls, branding iron w/torch and tank, fence posts, steel fence posts, bundle of slabs, rolls of barb wire, rolls of barb wire, calf scale, plastic and wood feed troughs. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, OSTRICH: 1 MALE, 2 females, 4 to 6 yrs.; June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit 75 egg Nykobi incubator w/36 egg Nykobi for sale incubator (for parts); 24 egg hatcher; 6 bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or heat lamps; 2 months feed, $13,000 OBO 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 pkg. price. 403-285-1624, Calgary, AB. GREG’S WELDING- 30’ free standing heavy duty fence panels and windbreaks; Also calf shelters and custom gates, etc. Delivery avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK. PEARSON BISON SQUEEZE, like new, $4500; Hi-Hog bison tub, $5000. Phone 403-747-2500, Alix, AB. PAYSEN BISON SQUEEZE with crowding gate and holding pen, hardly used, $8000. Brownlee, SK. Call Terry at 306-681-7264 or 306-759-2645.

ATTENTION LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS: 5 bar panels, 30’; 30’ windbreak panels; 30’ silage bunks; 30’ all steel grain troughs; 30’ bale shredder bunks; 20’ Texas gates and round bale feeders. Weld on and bolt on clamps for sucker rod and pipe, 3/4” to 3-1/2”. We will build equipment to your specifications. Delivery available. Authorized dealer for feed box, pellet and grain feeders. We also handle a complete line of wood and steel fence posts and rough cut lumber. An authorized dealer for Sakundiak grain bins, we manufacture hopper cones. Ph: 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No heat or power required. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. KUHN 3150, new knives top and bottom augers, 540 PTO, scale, exc . cond., $19,500 OBO. 204-745-8114 Carman, MB. MACK R600 MCKEE manure spreader, hyd. drive. Ph. 403-552-3753 or 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB.

2011 LUCKNOW 4 auger HD TMR, mixer feeder wagon, model 900. New, never used. Tandem axle, loaded, hyd. raise and lower discharge chute, scale. Can deliver $55,000. Cypress River, MB. 204-743-2324

1985 IHC 1900 TRUCK w/Harsh 515, scaled, 4 augers, mixing box, 250 hrs. on rebuilt Detroit 466 diesel eng., ideal main or back-up feed truck, $21,000 OBO. 403-650-7741. Priddis, AB. STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windbreaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. 54” RUBBER BELTING, comes in 300’ or 29’ rolls; Texas gates made from oilfield material for sale. Call Blaine 306-782-6022, 306-621-9751 Yorkton, SK. ROSKAMP ROLLERMILL 20”, 15 HP, 3 phase 208 volt, $9000. Call 306-662-3456, Maple Creek, SK.

MORAND INDUSTRIES SHAVINGS: Manufactured from kiln dried Pine. Highly compressed 4’x4’x4’ bales that hold 325 cu. ft. each. Makes premium quality bedding for large and small animals and poultry. Low dust, very soft and absorbent. Size, 3/4” and under. Call for truck load quotes. Wholesale prices direct from the plant. Can ship anywhere up to 60 bales per load. Call Tony 250-372-1494 or Ron 250-804-3305, Chase, BC, or web:

WHEATHEART heavy hitter post pounder, exc. cond. Has post hugger attachment, PTO driven, home built wire unroller and tool box. 306-260-0094, Langham, SK. CATTLE SQUEEZE, Hi-Hog headgate, right hand delivery and joined dual door palpation cage, $1800 OBO. Call: 306-642-4003, Assiniboia, SK.

80 IDEAS, plus layouts, for low cost onem a n c at t l e c o r r a l s , 1 5 0 d i a g r a m s . HI-HOG CALF TIPPING table; Two 4-wheel lick tanks, used once. Call 306-456-2660, Weyburn, SK

Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!




2002 956 JD MoCo, flail, hyd. tilt, good cond., $21,000; 1992 535 JD baler, auto kicker, hyd. PU, belts resized to full length, chain guard, oiler, fire ext., $10,500; stock trailer, 6-1/2’x20’, 5th wheel ball hitch, side door, good shape, $6500; 8’x16’ flatdeck, triple house trailer axles, new tires, rear ramps, $1800; Hi-Hog maternity pen, self catch headgate, $2300; Hi-Ho g squeeze chute w/exts., self catch headgate, $4000; round bale feeders, $150 each; rect. feeder, feeds 40 animals, $850; 3- 8’x16’ tin sheeted calf shelters, $650 ea; 2- infrared heaters, $140 ea; 6-bulb heat lamp, thermostat controlled, $75; 1/2 a bundle new 6’x8’ treated posts; Dr. Franks calf puller, chains, handles, and snare, $200; livestock prod, $100. Call Delmer 306-548-4653 days, 306-548-4764 eves, Danbury, SK.

WANTED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY: HRS wheat and durum. Call Growers International today 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK.

6 COMMERCIAL COIN operated Maytag WASHERS, front load, excellent working condition, good for campground or fishing camp, slight smoke damage, $600 each. 306-541-3952, Regina Beach, SK. STONE SPLITTING MAUL, 2 trowels, 3 hods, 2 trimming hammers, sand screen, brick hammer, brick lines, and more, $350. 306-577-2381 eves, Kenosee Lake, SK.

ORGANIC SEED: yellow blossom sweet clover; Single and double cut red clover; alfalfa; Timothy; Oxley II cicer milk vetch. F r e e d e l i ve r y o n l a r g e r q u a n t i t i e s . 306-863-2900, Star City, SK.

YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER seed, cert. organic, cleaned, bagged. Borden, SK, 306-652-7095, 306-961-7122 cell WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2

USED MIDLAND 70-1337 VHF 2-way radios, 1 yr. warranty, small, exc. shape, $250. New Vertex radios. Antennas and radio repairs. Glenn, Future 12 SUITE APARTMENT BLOCK, Leader, Communications, 306-949-3000, Regina. SK. Sale Price $669,000. Call Greg Belof 306-525-3344, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd.,

CERT. ORGANIC GOLDEN flax seed, wheat and millet. 306-287-3388, Watson, SK. email:

HAY AND GRASS bales, flax, wheat and barley straw, 4x4 and 3x4 bales, delivery available. 403-223-8164, 403-382-0068, Taber, AB.

FOR POST-EMERGENCE WEED management- Harriston 60’ tine weeder, excellent EXPERT REPAIRS to all stringed instru- condition; Also 20’ and 15’ JD 400 rotary ments. Best selection of new and vintage hoes. 306-382-9024, Saskatoon, SK. guitars in the Province. World class guitar maker. Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney ORGANIC OATS, red lentils and wheat. Ave., Regina, SK. 306-522-6348, website: Germ 96%, all cleaned. 306-931-2826, 306-290-4920, Martensville, SK. NODRICKS SEEDS, has organic and conventional forage/grass seeds for your spring planting. Custom blends available. Organic custom cleaning available. Phone 306-873-2345, Tisdale, SK. Or email: PRO-CERT ORGANIC SYSTEMS Royalty free organic certifier. Family owned, experienced, affordable. Phone 306-382-1299 WANTED: ORGANIC CALVES, stockers or email Saskatoon SK. from 600- 900 lbs. Also producers rememCANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA ber to certify cows and calves for 2012. Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity Kelley 306-767-2640, Clem 306-862-7416, for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ted 519-868-8445, Zenon Park, SK. Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK,, ORGANIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION of Manitoba Cooperative (OPAM) Nonprofit, member owned organic certification body. Certifying producers, processor and brokers since 1988, Miniota, MB. Contact 204-567-3745,

SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER The only way it works! In-person interviews June 1st to 3rd, Yorkton, Saskatoon and Regina. Membership $700 plus taxes. 18 years experience. Have matched thouECOCERT CANADA organic certification sands of people! Camelot Introductions, for producers, processors and brokers. Call or call the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, 204-888-1529 to book your appointSK, email: ment with an award winning Matchmaker!

AVAILABLE BACHELORETTES Attractive brunette 38, divorced with two children, 5’8”, 131 lbs., nonsmoker, social drinker, had a long distance relationship for some time, then had not had very many opportunities to meet a decent man. Looking for someone who is tall, caring, enjoys the outdoors, fishing, camping, getting away. Would love to travel all over Alaska. I’m adventurous. I will give anything a try once. I love horses, but haven’t rode for a very long time. I enjoy cooking, reading, love to ski- would love to have a week in France or Italy on the slopes. I like the finer things in life, but the simple things pull at my heart strings. Matchmakers Select 1-888-916-2824. Rural, country, ranch, remote, agriculture, small towns, permanent relationships, only financially secure, honest, genuine, sincere introductions, customized memberships, thorough screening process, guaranteed service. Website:

MOLE HILL LEVELERS- Explode mole hills in your fields. Attaches to any cultivator or chisel plow. Low HP requirements. $89 per unit. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. RODENATOR ALBERTA LTD. The gophers, moles, badgers, etc. are back. We offer the only BOSS OF THE BURROW that not only eliminates the pests with one concussive blast, but also destroy the burrow so they won’t be back. Order yours today. Bob at 403-620-4038, High River, AB. BEST GOPHER POISON! Gopher doom by Poulin’s Pest Control, 25 lb. pail for $114.99. 1-888-768-5467, GT2006 GOPHER TRAPS by Lees Trapworks Ltd. See them in action at $17 each. Call 306-677-7441, Swift Current, SK.

ADVANCE NOTICE Hay Salvage July 8 remains important date

CKC REG. GERMAN Shepherd stud for sale. Working line, 3 yr. old proven breeder (puppies 1 wk old). Excellent with kids, farm raised, obedient, Pedigree available. 306-753-2667, Macklin, SK. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPPIES, Registered, microchipped, vet checked, 1st shots, $1200. 780-723-3128 Edson, AB. CKC REG. GERMAN Shepherd pups, exc. working bloodlines, fantastic pedigrees, big square and strong, extremely intelligent, farm raised w/kids and all animals, tattooed, first shots, reference available on past litters, ready June. 306-753-2667, Macklin, SK.

Ditch mowing begins June 7 Between June 7 and July 15, farmers and ranchers are reminded that Ministry contractors will be mowing a four-metre wide strip only on the shoulders of heavily-travelled highways. These include highways 1, 7, 11, 16, 39, along with portions of highways 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 55.) Other highways won’t receive a shoulder cut during this period, but some highway intersections may receive a full ditch cut. From July 15 until fall, contractors will continue mowing in the right-of-way, which will include the entire width along all four-lane highways. All other highways will receive a shoulder cut. Additional mowing may be conducted near interchanges, railway crossings, tourism facilities, approaches and as required for visibility and for control of weeds and brush. Hay salvage opportunities and the progress of contracted mowers are weather dependent. For more information, please contact your nearest Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure office at: Southern Region:

Central Region:

Carlyle Weyburn Regina Moose Jaw Swift Current

Yorkton Wynyard Saskatoon Kindersley North Battleford

453-3453 848-2435 787-4911 694-3711 778-8362


Tisdale Prince Albert Meadow Lake La Ronge

878-8826 953-2735 236-7650 425-4494




Job 1117 ..................$198,367.00

SALE PRICE $186,000 00


REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS: 1 black tri male; 1 black tri female; 3 blue merle males. Some with blue eyes. From working parents, mom is blue merle and dad is red tri. Great with children, other dogs and even cats. Pictures available on request. Pups born April 10, ready to go June 09 after first set of shots at 8 weeks old. Email: or call 306-567-8548, Bladworth, SK. KUVASZ/PYRANEES PUPPIES born January 8th, 3 males and 5 females, farm raised. 403-502-9470, Medicine Hat, AB. BORN FEB. 25th, 3 male Blue Heeler Border Collie puppies, from good working parents. 306-386-1268, North Battleford, SK. REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE pups, Sire UK import, top working bloodlines, excellent cattle dogs, quality stock for over 35 years. 780-941-3843, New Sarepta, AB. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS for sale, first shots, vet check. Call 306-553-2244, Swift Current, SK.

Northern Region: 786-1658 554-5430 933-5306 463-5504 446-7778

39 SUITE APARTMENT BLOCK, Estevan, SK. Sale price $7,215,000. Contact Greg Belof 306-525-3344, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd.

ELEGANT COUNTRY HOME near Vernon, BC. 4 bdrm, 6 bath, 3 car att. garage. Good well and septic, heating and AC is forced PELICAN LAKE waterfront cabins, lakelots, RV sites. Fay 204-537-2270 DESIGNER DOG- BEAGLMATION pups, air and heat pump, near many lakes, large homes, year round. (Beagle cross Dalmatian), ready to go, workshop, $799,900. Ph 250-547-7997. shots UTD, white/black spots, $400. Great kids pet. 306-468-4545, Debden, SK. 995 ACRES! Two separate adjoined District INSULATED AND HEATED for 4 season Lots. East Kootenay, Kikimun Creek, Koo- use, 421 Mistusinne Crescent, Mistusinne canusa Lake, BC area. Make an offer. Par- Beach, SK., 4 miles S of Elbow on DiefenGERMAN SHEPARD PUPS, ready to go May tial trades. 403-892-1253. Come see baker Lake, $284,500. Open kitchen/living 24th, $800. 306-887-4333, Kinistino, SK. room, 3 bdrms., 4 pc. bath, attach garage Email: w/direct entrance (could be additional livWANTED: CHESAPEAKE PUP, prefer male, HORSE PARADISE for sale, $1,385,000. ing area). Fridge, stove, freezer, beds, linens and many other items included. Nego37.5 acres East of Vernon, BC. Very private good home, 60 acres, an adult Chesapeake for a buddy. 204-623-5262, The Pas, MB. 2849 sq. ft. state of the art custom built tiable items are a 17.5’ Playtime boat with post and beam house. 3 bay heated shop/ Volvo inboard motor and a Honda 300 4x4 or email 2 car attached garage, 4-stall horse barn ATV. Call Ron Thompson 306-221-8112, SABLE LASSIE COLLIES crossed with red w/heated tack room, auto water bowls, Royal LePage Saskatoon Real Estate to arand while Border Collie pups, born Febru- shelters, irrigation, hay barn. Stunning val- range to see this terrific property. ary 29th, $150 ea. 306-228-3582, Unity SK ley views. Call Russell Armstrong, Realtor, AKBASH/PYRANEES puppies for sale. C e n t u r y 2 1 E xe c u t i ve s R e a l t y L t d . , LAKEVIEW, BRAND NEW at Hitchcock Good livestock guardians. Glendon, AB. 7 7 8 - 9 3 0 - 0 1 1 5 , V e r n o n , B C , Bay, Lake Diefenbaker, SK., 1440 square ft., titled, AC, 2 bath, 2 bdrm. on main, 2 1-800-645-2719. decks, $289,900. Call 306-573-4800. SHUSWAP COUNTRY ESTATES. Mfd. homes starting at $69,900. Retire with GREEN LAKE, SK, Fishing Lodge subdiviAUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG PUPS, exc. us… on time… on budget. 250-835-2366 sion, 2 lots with 16x80’ beautiful mobile cow dogs, from reg. working parents, Salmon home, like new, fully furnished, woodready to go June 8th. 306-386-2471, Arm, BC. stove, many extras, 24x28’ double garage. North Battleford, SK. Excellent fishing. Must be seen. $289,000 OBO. Phone 306-832-2191. MAREMMA/ KUVASZ CROSS pups, born Feb. 15, very attentive, good for predator FULLY SERVICED BUILDING LOT with 90’ control, $200. 780-939-4872 Morinville AB frontage on York Lake only 5 minutes from BONIFIED WORKING STOCK DOGS, reg. Yorkton, SK. The lot is .413 acres situated Australian Kelpie pups, sire Australian im- 2.7 ACRES COMMERCIAL property with in Maple Grove Estates which is an upscale port. Parents work at Community Pasture. 3300 sq. ft. heated shop located at Wyn- residential area. Call 306-783-3070 or Also started cow dogs and stock dog train- yard, SK. For more info ph 306-813-7292. email i n g ava i l a b l e . Wat k i n s o n C ow d o g s , 306-692-2573, Moose Jaw, SK. TIRED OF PULLING A TRAILER? AmBORDER COLLIE PUPS ready to go, out of brose Trailer Court, Emma Lake, SK. 1991 working parents. Guaranteed working Citation Supreme 5th wheel 32’, AC, new dogs. 306-553-2213, Swift Current, SK. roof, 12x24’ raised deck w/railing, fridge, barbeque, 1300 gal. water tank, pressure RED AND WHITE Border Collie pups, system, 8x12’ sleep shack, furnished. from working parents, ready to go, $450 Leased lot on quiet cresc. Power included. each. 306-587-7169 or 306-773-3476, Very good neighbors. $30,000. Lease paid Success, SK. for 2012. Call 306-554-2067.

Hay along highways in Saskatchewan is available for free salvage by farmers and ranchers. Producers may cut hay anytime during the spring or summer months, with landowners or lessees nearest/adjacent to the ditch having the first option to cut or bale this material prior to July 8. After July 8, anyone may cut and bale the hay without permission from the nearby landowner, provided salvage operations haven’t been initiated. The hay must be cut at a uniform height, leaving a neat appearance and bales of hay must be placed no less than eight metres away from the shoulder of the highway. Bales must be removed by August 8 and if any are left after that date, in a location deemed to be hazardous to motorists, they may be removed by the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure.

49 ACRES, 2380 sq. ft., 4 bdrm home, B l a c k C r e e k , Va n c o u ve r I s l a n d , B C , $699,000. Ron Shann, Royal Lepage Advance, 1-888-286-1932. Photos and tour

CENTRAL WATER & EQUIPMENT Services Ltd. Portable Pump and Pipeline Sales, Service and Rentals. Local phone: 306-975-1999, Fax: 306-975-7175, Toll free 1-800-561-7867.

ASPEN WWW.WARMANHOMES.CA THE Job 1061 ...................$149,982.00

Please call for details $ 00 TOLL-FREE 1-866-933-9595 SALE PRICE 139,900






starting at



/sq. ft.

HOMES & COTTAGES starting at



/sq. ft.

Hague, SK Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438 PHIL’S IRRIGATION SALES, pump, traveling guns, pipe. Can design and install. Call 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK.

YOUR WAY, THE RIGHT WAY, ZAK’S GUARANTEES IT!! *Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included



REGINA HOUSE AND property for sale. By unreserved public auction, Sunday, June 10, 2012. Contents sell at 10:00 AM, house and property sell at 12:00 noon. Address, 345 McIntyre Street, Regina. For details go to or call Brad at 306-551-9411 or Ken at 306-695-0121 PL #314604.

HOUSE BOAT FOR SALE: Lake Diefenbaker, enjoy lakefront views w/no taxes, no grass to cut. 1800 sq. ft. houseboat w/trailer, $189,000. Riverhurst, SK. or 306-353-4603.

2 LOTS TOGETHER, one serviced for mobile home, 3/4 of an hour east of Saskatoon, SK. on Hwy. 16. Nicely treed, clean town. $15,000 for both. 306-593-7089 or 306-593-2272. LOOKING FOR RETIRED couple to rent fully furnished, 2 bedroom, character home. Double lot, garage, first floor laundry, privacy fence, energy efficient. Call 815-239-2309, Hafford, SK.

RTM HOMES by SWANSON BUILDERS. Come see our show homes for sale. Call 306-493-3089, Saskatoon, SK. area. Visit us at: or email to: 1960, 3 BDRM house to be moved from farmyard, $20,000 OBO. Phone Dennis at 306-739-2923, Wawota, SK.

LOG HOMES, custom built, hand crafted, Pike Lake, SK. Phone 306-493-2448 or CEDAR LOG HOME to move off site, 1462 sq. ft. 3 bedroom bungalow with at306-222-6558, tached garage, hardwood floors, side-byRADISSON, SK., 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 1950’s side fridge, ceramic top slide-in stove, 2 bungalow, 1225 sq. ft. New energy effi- drawer dishwasher, front load washer and cient furnace, demand hot water heater, dryer, high efficiency furnace and AC, new shingles, windows, doors. Appliances in- overhead garage door and opener all included. 50x132 lot with single garage and cluded. 306-944-2708, Viscount, SK. shed. Well cared for. 306-827-2077. BRAND NEW 2012 16’x76’ mobile home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fridge, stove, dishwasher, $62,900. available immediately. 306-741-6254, Swift Current, SK. BRAND NEW single wide homes available now at awesome pricing. These homes are 16x76 and are manufactured by one of the leading modular builders in North America. CSA certified and available for immediTO BE MOVED: 1960, 1100 sq. ft., 2 bdrm, ate delivery. We have 7 different homes small office/storage room, large entrance, priced from $71,500 to $76,000 (FOB Reoak cabinets, renovated 2003, asking gina). Pricing does not include taxes, site set up or delivery from Regina, SK. Take $22,000. 306-225-4437, Hague, SK. advantage of this special pricing as these units will go fast. Call 306-539-1027 for more details and floor plans.



DELFSF k O c o M t All S 25% O


HOMES Independently Distributed By







• 1532 sq. ft. • 3 bedroom s • m ain floor laundry • corner jetted tub • w alk in pantry • dorm er w indow s

Ask Us Abou t Cu stom Hom es




(306)652-5322 2505 Ave. C. N orth, Saskatoon

1-877-6 6 5-6 6 6 0

Ca llUs To d a y O rV isitw w w .jhho m m

MUST SEE! Open floor plan w/vaulted ceiling, raised panel maple kitchen. Large entrance w/walk in closet. Large 2 car attached garage w/storage rooms, insulated and finished. House to be moved from its current location near Warman, SK. Call 306-382-3768,

NEW AFFORDABLE HOMES. GO TO 2000 SRI MODULAR on 7 acres or to be moved, 1440 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., 2 bath, large country kitchen, new dishwasher, range, gas fireplace and flooring, vaulted ceilings, open, w/master suite, c/w 16x16 and 10x25 decks. Phone 403-304-2414, Markerville, AB. MLS# 324699. TO BE MOVED older 2 bdrm. mobile home, fridge/ stove, needs some roof and floor repairs, good for cabin, $2000 OBO. 306-446-2939, 306-441-9190 at Metoa, SK 1991 WINALTA 16’ wide to be moved. 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Bright updated kitchen with skylight, new stainless appliances, HE washer/dryer. Updated flooring, lighting, plumbing, blinds, brand new furnace, roof 4 yrs old. With/wo 12x12 porch w/built-in pantry and 10’ wide covered deck, $60,000 O B O . Pe n h o l d , A B . 4 0 3 - 3 5 2 - 7 2 7 0 , 403-304-8938, SHERWOOD MODULAR HOMES, SRI factory built, 16’, 20’, 22’, sectionals. Full set-up and service in house. Phone Regina 1-866-838-7744. Estevan 1-877-378-7744. BRAND NEW 2012, 16’x76’ mobile home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fridge, stove, diswasher, $72,900 available immediately. Located in Weyburn, SK., 306-741-7188. SAM’S MOBILE HOMES. We buy used mobile homes. Get the lowest prices on new modular homes, save 1000’s of $$$. 16x80 starting at $62,900, 20x80’ starting at $85,900 plus freight and tax. 306-781-4130, Pilot Butte, SK. CRAIG’S HOME SALES. 20x76 moduline homes, 2 floor plans, starting at $99,900. Sale ends June 1st. 1-855-380-2266 (toll free), 2010 MODULAR HOME TO MOVE, 1520 sq. ft., deluxe pkg, gourmet kitchen, skylight, vaulted ceilings, open concept, 3 bdrm, 2 baths, master suite, Jacuzzi tub, large walk-in closet. 306-367-4925, Middle Lake, SK. MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK. WANTED TO PURCHASE: good used 14’ and 16’ wide mobile homes. Call Bob at 306-249-2222 or 306-220-4670.

CANDLEWOOD HOMES: Ready-to-move 1490 sq. ft. home features: deck w/porch roof, James Hardie siding, 6/12 roof and ceiling, 3 bedroom, open living area, master walk-in closet and bath, $136,500 plus taxes and delivery. Taking orders for summ e r d e l i ve r i e s . Ke n Pe n n e r, P h o n e : 204-327-5575, fax: 204-327-5505, cell: 701-330-3372,, Halbstadt, MB.

HOUSE FOR SALE in Mesa, AZ. 3444 North Tuscany Circle. Located in the beautiful gated community of Las Sendas. 2451 sq. ft. 2 storey w/pool and hot tub. Built in 1999. For more info call 306-487-7993 or email



BC CARIBOO RANCHES FOR SALE: Reedy Lake Ranch, 250 head w/pivot irrigation, 1142 acres, $1,650,000; North Quesnel Ranch, 300+ head, 2193 acres, $1,499,000; South Quesnel cattle hay ranch, fronts Fraser river, 399 acres, pivot irrigation, $1,399,000; South Quesnel cattle ranch, 125+ head, 856 acres, $1,130,000; Bobkat Ranch, 82+ head, 409 acres, large range, lucrative home based pet crematorium business, $995,858; Brookwood Ranch 100+ head, timber, 1096 acres, $790,000. Ph Bob Granholm Cariboo Ranch Specialist, 250-249-0004. ReMax Center City Realty, Prince George, BC.


F o r s a le in Alb erta Co u n ty o f M o u n ta in View . E xcellen tcro p la n d . On the co rn er o f2A Am era d a Ro a d . No ro a d b a n d s . Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c.

BROILER FARM W/WO QUOTA, central AB, located within 60 kms of Edmonton. Farm has 6 barns with a total of 161,600 sq. ft., Other buildings incl: 22,000 sq. ft. shop, 600 sq. ft. generator shed, 2,100 sq. ft. office w/shop, 2,560 sq. ft. manure storage shed w/16’ high ceilings. Two resiLOTS FOR SALE in the Town of Carragana, dences on property, main house is 2,400 SK. $6000/each. Phone: 306-634-4343 or sq. ft. 2 storey w/fully finished basement, 2nd residence is 900 sq. ft. bungalow 306-421-7602. w/fully finished basement which sits on 65 acres. Full list of equipment negotiable with sale. For more info on this fantastic opportunity please contact Rick Weiss 780-312-6131 SNOWBIRDS DELIGHT! Live comfortably in Scottsdale, Arizona, for $16,900. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fully furnished mobile home for sale in seniors complex. Owner need only be 55 yrs. or older. Access to clubhouse, pools and hot tubs. Call 306-426-2528.

BC RANCH, $990,000. Cattle, horses, hay. 45 minutes from Kamloops on approx. 245 acres, 2 water licenses, approx. 125 irrigated/cultivatable. 1200 sq. ft. house, several outbuildings, heated shop, outdoor riding arena. Russell Armstrong, Realtor, Century 21 Executives Realty Ltd., Vernon, BC, 778-930-0115. FARMLAND: ROSE PRAIRIE, BC, 207 acres. Good for hunting moose, elk and deer. Put on your dream cabin for pleasure. Ph 250-261-8039,


FOR S AL E BY TEN DER T he fo llo w in g la ke fro n tp ro p erty is o ffered fo r s a le b y ten d er: - Lo c a te d a tM in is tikw a n La ke , S a s ka tc he w a n . Blo ck K , Pla n 102088111 (S u rfa ce Pa rcel #166145654) Fea tures: - Ap p ro xim a tely 1.089 a cres o f la kefro n t p ro p erty in Jo hn s o n ’s Res o rt - In clu d es 2560 s q u a re fo o t ho m e, 1250 s q u a re fo o t s ho p a n d a ll p erm a n en tim p ro vem en ts . T he s a le w ill b e free a n d clea r o fen cu m b ra n ces . T en d ers m u s tb e a cco m p a n ied b y a certified cheq u e o r b a n k d ra ft p a ya b le to “ Po lites ki S trilchu k M ilen – In T ru s t� fo r 5% o fthe to ta l a m o u n to fthe ten d er. T he s a le w ill n o t b e s u b ject to GS T . Pro p erty ta xes w ill b e a d ju s ted a s o f the clo s in g d a te. T he s a le w ill clo s e 30 d a ys a fter the s u cces s fu l b id ha s b een a ccep ted . T he highes t o r a n y ten d er n o t n eces s a rily a ccep ted . Dep o s its o f u n s u cces s fu l ten d erers w ill b e retu rn ed . If a s u cces s fu l ten d erer d o es n o t co m p lete the p u rcha s e a fter a ccep ta n ce o f the ten d er, the d ep o s it s ha ll b e fo rfeited . For further p a rtic ula rs,p lea se c onta c t Pa ul Posp isil a t 306-837-4731 (o ffice) o r 306837-7210 (cell) o r b y em a il: p o s p is il@ s a s ktel.n et. T en d ers a re to b e s u b m itted in a s ea led en velo p e a n d a re to b e m a rked “ TEN DERS – POS PIS IL M IN IS TIK W AN PROPERTY – FIL E # 21754-1 L FP� Te n d e rs w ill c lo s e a t12:00 o ’c lo c k n o o n o n Ju n e 11, 2012, a n d w ill b e re c e ive d b y: Po lite s ki S trilc hu k M ile n S o lic ito rs fo r the V e n d o rs PO Bo x 20 (5009 – 47 S tre e t) Llo yd m in s te r, AB/S K S 9V 0X 9

NEW TRIPLE M 20x76, damaged in fire, $29,900. Phone for information 587-434-8525, Estevan, SK.


RIVERFRONT LAND FOR SALE: One block of riverfront farm/recreational land in the RM of Canwood, SK. This land consists of 7 full and partial quarters. Sturgeon River runs along land. Land is fenced, excellent for self-sustaining pasture. Excellent road access. Borders Prince Albert National Park. With a mile and a half of riverfront it’s perfect for recreational hunting of various large game. Fishing and water sport is minutes away at popular lakes. Utilities close for possible subdivision and development. Asking $320,000. Call 306-468-7030

TO BE MOVED, 1983 house trailer, 900 sq. ft. with a 340 sq. ft. addition built in 2009, has 3 bedrooms, 2x6 walls, asphalt shingles, new windows and doors, vinyl siding, ceramic tile, hardwood and laminate flooring, bathroom and kitchen have been renovated, new water heater last summer, comes with stove, dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer, great condition. Email for more details and ATTENTION: HUNTERS, SNOWMOBILERS AND SPORTSMEN. Property auction onpictures. 306-741-0267, Swift Current, SK. line: mobile home and butcher house, on 1980 MADCO 16’x72’, new exterior, many 65x133’ lot in Bertwell, SK. RM of Hudson upgrades, exc. cond., $27,000. Located Bay #394. Located 37 kms to Hudson Bay near Wainwright, AB. 855-380-2266 or 23 kms east of Weekes, SK. Bidding now open, closes June 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM. See for deIN MILLET, AB. mobile home park. Half tails and terms and conditions. Call Harvey price of new, $10,000 down, $40,000 at Balicki, 306-922-6171 or 306-961-7553, 5 % , $ 3 5 0 / m o n t h , f i v e y e a r t e r m . Prince Albert, SK. PL #915694. 1-888-709-0884. BRIGHTSAND LAKE, SK. 5 acres lake view, $150,000 OBO; 25 acres 1/4 mile lakefront, $750,000 OBO. 306-845-3177.

36X60 BUILDING, READY to move. Well insulated, inside fibreglass walls, wired. In excellent condition. Ph Joe 306-298-2068, Val Marie, SK.



TO BE MOVED: 2008 Ultra modular home 1520 sq. ft. (20x76’) c/w skirting, new furnace, AC, 7 appliances, vaulted ceilings, upgraded walls, jet tub, built-in theatre room, window coverings, $105,000 OBO. 780-888-7204 at Sedgewick, AB

SCENIC SECLUDED RANCH LAND, approx. 960 deeded acres. Bordered by Frase r R i ve r at C r e s c e n t S p u r, B C . C a l l 403-845-6568 or 403-846-5114. LARGE RANCH FOR SALE in Northeast BC. Approx. 8756 acres in one block. 3000 acres under cultivation. More info and photos at Call Rick 250-262-1954, Fort St. John, BC. MERANGO MORGAN HORSES Farm. Centrally located 30 acres in the Shuswap with hwy. exposure. Well kept 2300 sq. ft. home, serviced RV site, serviced manufactured home site, barn, equipment shed, workshop and more. Call Bev at: 250-833-6953 or for more info. visit: CUSTOM LOG HOME w/suite, Greenwood, BC, $529,000. Water lic., gravity feed, outbuildings, fenced, well, 70 view acres. Info/pics 250-445-6642,

ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: HANNA: 5 quarters, home, barn, heated shop, storage shed, corrals, 320 acres native grass, 294 acres cultivated, 170 acres hay. More land available MLSÂŽ (#1880, Nathan). ROLLING HILLS: Irrigated land, 3 pivots, nice row crop land, all in one block. (#1884, Ben). BROOKS: Very nice row crop farm on paved road, newer pivots, surface revenue. (#1867, Ben.) HANNA: 3300 acres, 2389.29 acres is deeded land and 959 acres lease land. (#1850, Barry Lowe). ROLLING HILLS: Excellent land with 2 valley pivots, home, quonset. (#1856, Matt). BROOKS: Nice irrigated farm, 313 acres, 2 Zimmatic pivots, home, $21,000 surface lease revenue. (#1873, Ben). COMPEER: 2000+ acres farmland, 10 quarters deeded, 4-1/2 quarters grazing lease, 14 spring-fed dugouts, fenced, annual oil revenue approx. $50,000. (#1832, Barry Lowe). OYEN: 2 sections deeded land, one section: 183 acres, borders Hwy #9; other section has yardsite with power to property. (#1814, Stan). BROOKS: Irrigated cash crop farm, 1146 acres deeded, possibly up to 1951 acres lease, good soil, beautiful home, 3 other homes, large shop, 3 huge hay storage buildings, full line of equipment. (#1756, Ben). SK: 34,500 acre ranch, 5 miles river frontage, organic farm status, 1000 cow ranch, 2000 acres farmland, 471 acres irrigation, 3 modern homes, corrals, etc. (#1853, Ben) Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Sign a t u re S e r v i c e , 1-866-345-3414, 5650 ACRE RANCH in South Central Alberta, 1760 deeded and 3890 leased. Fenced and cross fenced w/dugouts in each pasture. 1700 acres sewn to hay, $50,000 yearly surface rights. For more information call 403-807-7485.


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1) DELUXE RECREATIONAL 160 acres, log home, two cabins, log shop and barn, revenue, gravel deposits, two creeks, Clearwater River frontage, west of Caroline, must see. 2) Deluxe 700 cow/calf ranch, spring water, land all attached, surface lease revenue, gravel deposits, great yardsite, private and exclusive. 3) Have active buyer for Alberta land. Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, Spruce Grove, AB, 780-991-1180. NICE HORSE FARM for sale , MLS #CA320706, or call 403-728-8200, Spruce View, AB. LOOKING TO CASH RENT pivot irrigated land for forage production prefer Strathmore/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consider all areas; Also want to CASH RENT DRY LAND for alfalfa production east of Hwy. #21, north of Hwy #1. Will consider buying established alfalfa stands as well. Long term lease preferably. 403-507-8660. SELF-SUFFICIENT COW/CALF RANCH close to Calgary, AB. Approx. 10,280 acres, (2000 acres tame hay). Year round grazing, ample rainfall and mild winters. Approx. 1100 head cow/calf cap., abundant water supply, well equipped 5400 sq. ft. industrial shop, 2 large storage shops (6000 and 3200 sq. ft.), calving barn and heated horse barn, large feeding and handling facilities, 4-wire fencing, Texas gates. 3900 sq. ft. executive home w/1120 sq. ft. triple garage, 2 newer homes w/full basements and garages. Considerable oil, gas and lease revenues. Ph 403-308-4200. 169 ACRES, new small log cabin, new barn, new 4200 sq. ft. shop, fresh water line, subdivided, all equip. in shop incl., $650,000. 403-818-8615, Nobleford, AB. RECREATIONAL 174 ACRES w/6 bedroom awesome family home. 2 shops, barn. Highway 16 frontage at Niton Junction Alberta. $425,000. 780-795-3765, email:

H AY L A N D F O R R E N T: N E a n d SE-34-32-W2nd, RM of Enniskillen. Phone: 306-483-2398, Oxbow, SK. 120 ACRES: 100 acres in hayland, located 4 miles from Big River, SK, $75,000. Phone 306-302-9067. HAVE CASH BUYER for large grain operation, 8,000 to 10,000 acres, complete with buildings and possibly equipment. Call 403-894-5588. SOUTH CENTRAL SASK: 225-250 cow/calf hard grass ranch for sale. In the big muddy area, very unique property w/endless tourism opportunities. 306-969-4705 FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, Buying or Selling, Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty. RM OF SPIRITWOOD No. 496: 3 quarters of deeded pasture w/treated post and 3-4 wires. Plus possibility to lease parts of 27 quarters of adjoining crown lease land, approx. 4000 acres all in a block w/3 wire treated post fence and water throughout pasture, adjoins 4 miles of grid road. Good hunting and fishing in immediate area. As well as some harvestable timber. MLS ÂŽ427619. For further info. or viewing phone Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. 160 ACRES, 1/2 trees and 1/2 grassland, good building site or pasture, close to all services, 13 miles west of Prince Albert, SK., asking $150,000. 306-922-8215 eves. SEEKING CULTIVATED LAND by Ontario farmer. Open to leasing back. Email: Ph. 416-254-3908. BEAUTIFUL 160 ACRE building site: 8.5 miles NW of Regina, SK. 100 acres valley, 60 acres pasture or crop land. Natural springs, city water and power close by. SE-25-18-22-W2. Call 306-924-3046. No realtors please. RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section w/wo yard, adjacent to Canora, SK. Also 3 more quarters available nearby. 306-651-1041.




Nea r Ba ro n s S W -14-12-24-W 4. 150 a cres w a ter rights , 130 u n d er p vi o t. Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c.



RM PROGRESS. . . . . . . 2 q trs . . . $150,000 RM KINDERSLEY. . . . 2 q trs . . . $200,000 RM KINDERSLEY. . . . 4 q trs . . . $8 00,000 12,000 SQ FT co m m ercia l b u ild in g o n 1.57 a cres o n # 7 Highw a y (fo rm erly Ca n a d ia n T ire) . . . . . . . $6 9 9 ,000 C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y

3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7

G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K

w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m THE UNDERSIGNED WILL accept offers for the purchase of: SE-9-53-26-W2, RM of Lakeland #521. All offers must be submitted in writing to the undersigned on or before June 15, 2012 at Noon, accompanied by a certified cheque in favour of Concentra Trust, for 10% of the offer. All tenders will be opened at the address listed below at Saskatoon on June 15, 2012. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Sale subject to all beneficiaries’ approval and subject to receiving probate. Unsuccessful applicants will have their deposits refunded without interest. Sealed envelopes containing tenders must be clearly marked “Tender re: Frances McLeod Estate� and sent by Registered mail or courier or delivered to the undersigned. Concentra Trust, 333, 3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2M2. RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 4471 feet of river frontage, estimated to have 300,000 yards of gravel. 528 acres of grazing land. All fenced. Pump house (insulated and heated) w/6 watering troughs. Priced as an investment property because of the river frontage and gravel. Seller will sell any portion or all as a package. MLSŽ 425102. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800,


GOOD CROP PRODUCTION L AN D IN S AS K ATCHEW AN AN D AL BERTA FOR CAS H BUYERS . Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. EXCELLENT GRAINLAND, with room for expansion. Phone: 306-593-4518. LOOKING FOR AN AFFORDABLE place with peace and privacy. MLSÂŽ 419197. Call David 306-548-2266, Re/Max Blue Chip Realty,



tha tco u l d a cco m m o d a te 600-1000 co w /ca lf p a irs . Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. LAND FOR RENT: two quarters in RM #274 Good Lake, one quarter in RM #275 Insinger and one quarter in RM #276 Foam Lake. 403-782-6428, Lacombe, AB. RANCH WITH GOOD Aggregate income. Phone: 306-531-8720, Lipton, SK. Email: WANTED: RANCHES, FARMS (good grain land). Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK. YORKTON, SK. FARMLAND, 3 quarters hay and pasture. Corrals adequate for 900 head of cattle. 2 bedroom bungalow. Call Lorie 250-585-6770 or 250-713-2488. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

R E A L TY C O R P .

MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and FOR SALE OR CASH RENT IN RM #100 o r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . ELMSTHORPE. Not seeded in 2011, 1-877-269-9990. mostly summerfallow. Been doing green manure plow downs, buffer strips in place. WANTED: LAND TO RENT in Viscount, 100 kms southwest of Regina and southColonsay, Meacham, SK. area. Phone Kim west of Avonlea. 10 quarters in one block, at 306-255-7601. medium to high assessed, vg land. 1300 acres cultivated, 300 acres natural grass, pasture and yards, flat to gently rolling, some no stones, some sloughs, hay in dry To Whom it May Concern years. Partially fenced, 3 dugouts, dam, Re: Farmland sale to Sask Farms Ltd (Doug Rue) major spring, 280’ well, 2 yards, 1 w/hipWe contacted Doug Rue through an ad in our local barn 44x26 w/2 leans built on sides. Other paper, and from the time that contact was made things home quarter has Fleetwood Sandpointe happened very quickly. He made a trip out to our farm house trailer 14x68, Fairford steel quonset to look at it and signed an Option that day for the 44x80 w/double steel doors both sides, on price we had asked for. The deal was completed, with dirt floor. 12,000. bushel steel bins, wood our land being sold to a third party who have been floors. N I C E S C E N I C M A N I C U R E D very fair and easy to deal with, giving us time to have YARDS. Total assessment $491,200. Highour auction sale and to clean out the yard and house. est or any tender not necessarily accepted. We would recommend Doug Rue Submit all offers in writing only to: Wayne and his company to anyone who is Costron, 3908 Princess Dr., Regina, SK. interested in selling. S4S 0E7, 306-586-8866. SASKATCHEWAN LAND FOR SALE: SWIFT CURRENT: Rolling 100 cow ranch, year round springs, good winter shelter. (#1738, Gordon). PANGMAN: 7 quarters S IN G LE TO LAR G E all touching, 740 acres cultivated, lots of BLKS OF LAN D . water, home, quonset, pole barns, etc. (#1826, Gordon). NIPAWIN: 480 acres, P R EM IUM P R IC ES P AID home, private location, 20 mins. W ITH QUIC K P AYM EN T. character to Sask.’s best recreational fishing area. (#1767, Elmer). STRASBOURG: 640 acres good assessed land, all land is ready for spring seeding, dugout. (1842, Elmer) Ab erd een . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1⠄4’ s 1 Have cash buyers for 6,000 - 10,000 Ben go u gh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ⠄4’ s 1 acres of good cultivated farmland. Farm & Ben s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ⠄4’ s Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Bethu n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⠄4’ s Real Estate Signature Service, website Bla in e L a k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 a cres or phone 1 Bru n o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ⠄4’ s 1-866-345-3414. Cu pa r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⠄4’ s SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER: 800 Da vid s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1⠄4’ s 1 acres with buildings adjacent to South Ea s ten d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ⠄4’ s 1 Sask. river, very unique scenic property. Elfro s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ⠄4’ s 1 Exclusive listing. John Cave, Edge Realty. Em era ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ⠄4’ s 306-773-7379, Fo a m L a k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1⠄4’ s 1 Gren fell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ⠄4’ s HORSE PROPERTY, 60 acres, 6 miles from 1 Swift Current, SK. 1360 sq. ft. bungalow K elliher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ⠄4’ s 1 (1960), recently renovated w/3 bdrms., 1 Ha rw a rd en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ⠄4’ s bath up, finished basement w/large family L a k e Alm a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1⠄4’ s 1 room and additional bed/bath, office, L es to ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ⠄4’ s 1 60x120’ indoor riding arena with attached, M a rcelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ⠄4’ s insulated barn w/4 box stalls, tack room, 1 M o o s e Ja w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ⠄4’ s washroom and viewing area. 2 shelters N o k o m is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1⠄4’ s 24x56’, hay shed 30x60’, 4 water bowls, 1 Ogem a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 ⠄4’ s electric fence and cross fenced, additional Pa n gm a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1⠄4’ s buildings $799,000. Call 306-773-1601. Prin ce Alb ert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1⠄4’ s Pu n n ichy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⠄4’ s S a s k a to o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⠄4’ s S em a n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1⠄4’ s INVESTORS AND FARMERS: 17 quarS im ps o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a cres ters, 2690 acres, 2120 cult., 80 tramped, V is co u n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⠄4’ s 490 bush and pasture, 2 yard sites w/buildings, good drinking water. Also 18 W a d en a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1⠄4’ s 1 acres yard and buildings. Phone for webW a k a w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ⠄4’ s 1 site 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. W a tro u s /Yo u n g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ⠄4’ s M o b ile Ho m e Pa rk 1 FARM S FO R S ALE: W eyb u rn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ⠄4’ s 2390 ow n ed a cres p lu s 4464 Crow n Ca ll DOUG lea s e in RM ofA lon s a . Bea u tifu l 1700 s q ftbi-level hom e. Exten s ive corra llin g a n d In d oorp roces s in g a rea . Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca A s king Price: 1,675,000.00 ACREAGES FOR SALE: SE-09-36-09-W2, 575 a cre m ixed fa rm /recrea tion 14.99 Acres, 2016 sq. ft. ranch style bunp rop erty. 240 a ra ble a cres . 1 m ile galow, 1.5 miles from Lintlaw, SK. Asking from Rid in g M ou n ta in Na tion a l Pa rk $239,000, a must see! SW-11-36-9-W2, w ith u n s p oiled Crow n la n d in betw een . 10.32 acres, lots of extras! Located in the Deceivin g 2-s torey hom e. Perfectfor Parklands, asking $265,000. Brian Geck 306-327-8230, Centra Realty Group Ltd. the a vid ou td oors m a n . A s king Price: $749,900.00 RM OF INVERMAY: 1/4 section w/yardsite, 4 bdrm. house, new roof/furnace, For deta ils on th es e,a n d oth er barn, outbuildings, dugout. Potential orproperties ca ll: ganic. 306-592-2023, S a n d y D on a ld , Roya l Le P a g e LAND AUCTION, Thursday, June 14, 12 M artin L ib erty Realty, PM sharp!! Featuring 2 parcels of recreaBra n d on , M B (2 04) 72 4 5743 o r tional land located in the RM of Cote a m d @ m ym ts.n et #271. Land borders Duck Mountain Provincial Park and Forest and is great for GOOD CATTLE FARM, 1120 deeded acres hunting, power sports and other activities. in the RM of Grahamdale and Northern AfFor more info call Hodgins Auctioneers at fairs, 1199 acres crown land avail. Good 1-800-667-2075 or visit our website pasture and wooded areas. Machine shops, PL 915407 calf barns, barns, corrals, grain bins, varisheds and older home, etc. Arnold HilRM OF LAIRD south end, 4 quarters - 1 ous block, 1 quarter along river, six 53.3 acre lyer, 204-659-5788, St. Martin, MB. subdivisions in place, 5 dugouts, 1 holds RANCH NEAR EDDYSTONE: Can run 12,000,000 gallons. Excellent investment 350+ head. 1359 deeded and 3422 leased property. 306-283-4105, Saskatoon, SK. acres. 2191 sq. ft. bungalow built in 2004 w/double attached garage. Various outRM CORMAN PARK 8 quarters north of buildings. Call Karen Goraluk, SalesperSaskatoon in a block. Re/Max North Coun- son, NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate. try, Don Dyck, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK 204-937-8357 or 204-773-6797. Roblin, MB. REDUCED: RM LEASK, 320 acres farmland, river access, natural bush, draws and springs, fenced. Don Dyck Re/Max North Country, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK. BISON PASTURE AVAILABLE. 1 section RM OF CANWOOD #494, 160 acres pas- N o r t h o f Tu r t l e fo r d , S K . E x c e l l e n t ture, 57 acres tame grass, rest native, fence/water. Call 780-975-4020. some bush and good building sites. PASTURE FOR RENT: 4 quarters, $1.00 per NE-3-53-6-W3rd. Large dugout, electric cow/calf pair per day, min. 30 head per fence. 306-724-4903, Debden, SK. quarter. 306-867-8597, Saskatoon, SK.



3 06 -9 55-226 6

Q u ick Clo su re – N o Co m m issio n

We Are Pleased To Announce The Following Recent Sales


CENTRAL BUTTE 158 ACRES - owned by Kent Stewart PREECEVILLE 473 ACRES - owned by Wayne & Valerie Mastrachuk BROADVIEW 126 ACRES - owned by Larry, Ronald & Norma Fleece WOLSELEY 104 ACRES - owned by Cascade Farms Ltd. c/o John Van Hierden


C A L L U S TO D A Y! Sa s ka tch e w a n ’ s Fa rm & Ra n ch Sp e cia lis ts ™ 100 Regis tered S a les S o Fa rThis Yea r.

3 06 -56 9 -3 3 8 0

“N ow representing purchasers from across Canada, and around the w orld!�

To view full color fea tu re s heets for a ll of our C U R R EN T L IS TIN G S a nd virtua l to urs of s elected properties ,vis it our w ebs ite a t:

w w nerea

306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro



REN TERS W AN TED w w w .m a xcro

PASTURE FOR RENT: 130 cow/calf pairs or 200 yearlings. Good fences, lots of water. Located 10 miles SW of Sonningdale, SK. Call 306-948-7843. PASTURE FOR RENT: Well supervised pasture available for 15 pairs. Rates comparable to community rates. Don’t sell your investment because pasture is scarce, place them where they will be well looked after. Call 306-742-4566, Calder, SK. FOUR QUARTERS PASTURE for rent, good grass, lots of water, unsupervised, RM#97. 306-245-3301, Tyvan, SK. 3-1/2 QUARTERS PASTURELAND for rent south of Perdue, SK, NE-15-35-12-W3, NW-14-35-12-W3, NE-14-35-12-W3 (partial), SE-23-35-12-W3, $5000. Call Fred 306-948-2410.

THREE 40 ACRE parcels, to be sold as one. 10 minutes northwest of Regina. One parcel is serviced with a shop. Great investment property at $899,000. 306-731-2311 LUMSDEN/ REGINA, SK. ACREAGE, new home, $350,000. Phone 306-536-5055. COLONSAY, SK. AREA ACREAGE for sale. 1470 sq. ft. 5 bdrm, 3 bath, mint bungalow, double garage, sits on 40 acres of rolling land. City water, shed/shop, manicured yard. New hardwoods, windows, doors, shingles, $439,000 MLS. Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty, Tom Neufeld, 306-260-7838. 18.74 ACRES off paved Hwy. #264. 1232 sq. ft. w/full finished basement, 3 bdrms w/Master featuring 3 piece ensuite, 2-1/2 baths, wood and elec. heat, deck and hot tub, private well, septic and field. 3 steel buildings, including 1 w/concrete floor, heat and insulated. Also wood and canvas buildings all built since 1998. Landscaped yard, fruit trees, garden and perennials, approx. 13 acres of alfalfa. Price reduced to $328,000. 204-859-2437, Rossburn, MB

3 QUARTERS PASTURELAND for rent in the Mayfair, SK area, near community pastures, $1500/quarter. Cell: 306-441-5396. SUPERVISED GRAZING AVAILABLE for 80 yearlings or 40 pairs. Leonard Pigott 306-432-4583, Dysart, SK. (2) PASTURES SUITABLE FOR approx. 100 pairs, 1 suits 30 pair, 1 suits 70 pair. 20 ACRES OF raw land near Elkton, AB. 45 306-278-2196, Porcupine Plain, SK. min. drive from either side of Calgary, SUPERVISED PASTURE for rent, 50- 100 $385,000 OBO. 403-638-2232, Sundre, AB. cow/calf pairs. Lots of grass, water, good WELL MANICURED 11.5 ACREAGE with corrals. 306-386-7713, North Battleford SK small creek, 2 wells, 2 dugouts, all spring HAVE PASTURE FOR 150-200 head of pairs fed, 4 bdrm. home, barn, chicken house, 2 or yearlings. Can take cow/calf pairs on quonsets, double car garage, large garden payment. Call 306-948-7291, Biggar, SK. shed and shop. Well treed, maintained yard. Assiniboia, SK. area. 306-642-3553. PASTURE FOR RENT: fenced in spacious grazing land with multiple water sources. ONLINE ONLY REAL ESTATE AUCTION, Able to hold maximum of 600-700 head of opens Monday, June 18 and closes Sunday cattle, available immediately. Located 8 June 24. Approx. 1196 sq. ft. log home on miles north of Kisbey, SK at RedThunder- 3.63 acres with detached 3 car garage Ranch. For more info 306-209-6222. w/work area. Appliances included. LocatPASTURE FOR RENT for 20-30 cow/calf ed North of Shellbrook, SK. Open House on Sunday, June 10th and Sunday, June pair. Phone 306-253-4501, Aberdeen, SK. 17th from 2 PM to 4 PM. For more info call SUPERVISED GRAZING available for the H o d g i n s A u c t i o n e e r s I n c . a t 2012 season. Grassers and breeding stock 1-800-667-2075 or visit our website 45¢/day, calves $25/season, breeding PL#915407 program avail., $40/head. Hazel Dell ComDON AND DOREEN MITCHEL AUCTION, munity Pasture, 306-325-4438, Okla, SK. Saturday, June 2, 2012, 10:00 AM. 5 miles PASTURE FOR RENT, 6 quarters, cross west on Hwy. 15 truck route of Bredenbufenced, all new fence, for 120 yearlings or ry, SK. Contact Kal 306-744-2945 eves. 60 pairs. 306-427-4923, Shell Lake, SK. ACREAGE: PT SW-01-23-02-2, 20 acres, south of the lake in RM 213 Saltcoats, taxes $56.56. House, buildings, and property on a beautiful setting along Cut Arm SEEKING CHRISTIAN INVESTOR to Creek. House approx. 28x40, 1100 sq. ft. mortgage mixed farm in NE Sask. Can uti- New addition of living room, bdrm, was lize at least $1,000,000. For range free, added 4 yrs ago, 2 bdrms, bathroom, upmilk fed organic mixed farm. Milk, eggs, stairs. Large kitchen w/oak cabinets, linobeef, hogs, roaster chickens, turkeys, leum flooring. Partially finished block geese, ducks, goats and sheep. Federally basement and added porch. Oil heat. With inspected to contribute to the upcoming attached 14x24 single car garage. All storfood shortage happening right now. I let age sheds included. 1250 steel bin, barn, myself get financially weakened and em- and approx. 22x30 converted shop. Excelbarassed by the matrimonial act. But high lent acreage for ownership or revenue. Apin experience and spirit. Ex-dairy farmer/ prox. 30 miles from Esterhazy mine. Ownlivestock dealer, going to get a life and uti- er selling due to health reasons and has lize my skill and traits. If interested please first right of refusal to accept or reject last call 587-896-0234, 6-8 PM, Calgary, AB. bid. Viewing May 19, 2012, 1:00-3:00 PM, SW SASK. RANCH family looking to expand and all day sale day. Call 306-744-2945 for operation with knowledge, ability and extra viewing. 20% down and balance in 30 drive to operate. Looking for someone or days. Sold right after the equipment. group interested in investing in land to Plus acreage equipment, tractors, wagons, help us expand. Please reply to: Box 5604, cultivators, augers, vehicles, horse equip., yard, shop, household, etc. This is a beauWestern Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 tiful setting for an acreage. Machinery will sell first, acreage immediately after. Visit: for updated listing and pictures. PL #915851. HOME QUARTER, 160 acres, 10 minutes from booming Moosomin, SK, near pot- 80 ACRE HORSE/CATTLE operation, just ash/oil and gas, etc. 50+ acres of hay- outside Sherwood Park, AB. Featuring: land, the rest seeded to grass. Lots bush, freshly renovated 1650+ sq. ft. bungalow, plenty of water. Cute, solid, potential 4 attach. 4 car garage (heated, insulated, bdrm home ready to reno. Propane heat. 3 plumbing), 40x60 quonset (workshop, wells on site. Top of the Pipestone Valley. paddocks, concrete floor), hay shed $135,000. 110x45, numerous corrals and related fa306-435-2324 or 306-579-9049. cilities. 3-1/2 hrs. from Ft. McMurray. ELK POINT, AB. Over 7 acres with lovely $794,900. Contact Colin Sloan, CIR Realty, h o u s e , ap p r a i s e d b e l o w $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 , for virtual tour 403-251-9611. $100,000 down, balance at 5%, $1500/ BLADWORTH, SK, 17 acres, 1900 sq. ft. month, 5 year term. 1-888-709-0884. 1-1/2 storey house, addition 1982, 26x30’ ONE QUARTER, About 100 acres pasture or garage, 52x80’ Behlen quonset, 22x60’ grain, beautiful yard with 1700 sq. ft. wooden quonset, 12x34’ wooden bin, house. 2-1/2 miles from St. Brieux, SK. 14x28’ storage building. 15 acres fenced Barn, cattle shelter, corrals, heated shop, 6 pasture, corrals w/open faced shelters, steel bins, 50x100’ shed. 306-275-2007. watering bowl. Phone 306-561-7733. FARM SALES WORLDWIDE MARKETING

GRAIN/BEEF FARM Beautiful farm capable of 200 cow/calf pairs. 1177 total acres split between crop land and pasture. Potential to assume crown land. $749,000 G1900

GRAIN/BEEF FARM Farm has one yard site and 1424 acres. Option to purchase a larger unit totalling 3800 acres of mixed grain and pasture. Near Glenella. $956,000 G3217

GRAIN/BEEF FARM 1206 acre grain/beef farm. Near Glenella, the main yard is set up with cattle shelters and other facilities. $725,000 G3218



#KN 0=HA


HALF SECTION, comes with complete set of buildings. Cow/calf operation. Phone: 780-727-2919, Evansburg, AB area.


BEEF FARM Great property for bison, elk or cattle with excellent game fencing and handling facility. 317 total acres. Near McKague $490,000 B3287

DAIRY FARM 150 cow dairy. 145 acres of land. Very modern barn with excellent double parlour, attached to 80 stall free stall area D3293

BISON FARM 10 quarters in a block south east of Regina. Yard features Bison corrals, cattle shelter, heated workshop and storage. Room to expand. B2756


Glen 306.873.6788 Sheldon: 204.371.5131

Sheldon, Stacey, Dolf or Junior



CAMEO, MODEL F32RIK3, 3 slides, rear island kitchen, computer desk, freestanding table, many more extras, $18,900; Presidential Model 30SCD, 2 slides, rear living 1985 HONDA TRX 4 wheeler for sale. room, freestanding table, walnut cabinets, 306-634-9911, Estevan, SK. day/night shades, $18,900. Can send pics. 306-877-2120, 306-745-8046, Dubuc, SK. 2010 SUZUKI 400 4x4 quad in excellent shape, runs great, only 800 kms, auto, CUSTOM COACH LEGACY Model, 31’ green, $5500. 306-861-3986, Weyburn, SK with slide, completely loaded, $17,000. ATV WAGONS. Whether for farm, hunt- 306-741-9541, Swift Current, SK. ing, or playing, great for all activities. 2005 INNSBRUCK 30’ 5th wheel w/single Made from 14 gauge checkerplate with slideout. Separate back bdrm w/bunks. walking beam axles. 6’ long and same Built-in microwave, 3 gas burner stove/ovwidth as most quads, painted black, $1700 en, 3-way fridge and double kitchen sinks. ea. 306-483-2288, Equipped w/cable plug-in for TV and a Oxbow, SK. CD/radio with multiple speakers throughJD GATOR TS 4x2 with 328 hours, Yamaha out. Lots of storage, sleeping areas and in 4WD Kodiak 400 quad, Honda 250 Big Red excellent cond., $18,000. 780-800-7064 or ATC. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Gibbons, AB. Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK area. 2012 KEYSTONE LAREDO 316RL, 5th Visit for wheel trailer, never used, $31,900. sale bill, video and photos. 306-421-2928 204-346-4434, Vita, MB. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 2005 KEYSTONE 29.5’ trailer, Jack and 2007 HONDA FOREMAN with only 945 Jill bunks, queen, air, awning, large slide, kms. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment Auc- $12,900. 306-463-3376, Kindersley, SK. tion, Friday, June 15, 2012 Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit 2009 DENALI 330XRV 35’ 5th wheel toy for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or hauler. Immaculate 5th wheel with side 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 entry garage access. 3 slide-outs, free standing table/chair set, TV/DVD, queen FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS bed in full size bdrm, kitchen island, loft We also specialize in: Crop insurance ap- bed above garage w/French door access peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; to garage, electric awning, $37,000. Custom operator issues; Equipment mal- 306-962-4126, Eston, SK. function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 1999 TRIPLE E EMPRESS 37’ motor home, loaded, Freightliner chassis, 300 mint condition. A must see! $64,900 AFFORDABLE FAMILY BOATS for sale. For Cat, details go to or call OBO. 306-747-2943, Christopher Lake, SK. 306-227-9754, Delisle, SK. 1977 PACE ARROW, 26’, shedded, 42,000 loaded, $7950 firm. 306-383-2867, 13’ 6” CLASSIC SPORT boat, Oak decks, 50 miles, HP Mercury engine, heavy duty trailer. Al Quill Lake, SK. Zielke 306-873-4302, Tisdale, SK. 2011 FOREST RIVER FORESTER, 31’, 18’ AQUASTAR, open front, convertible Class C motor home, Ford V10 power, top, tarp, tandem trailer, completely re- Model 3121DS, 9800 kms, like new, built 135 HP Mercury outboard motor, $59,800. 204-346-4434, Vita, MB. $6900 OBO. 306-228-3062, Unity, SK. 2007 FLEETWOOD REVOLUTION LE diesel 2006 PRINCE CRAFT 24’ pontoon boat, full pusher, 40’, 39,000 kms., loaded w/openclosure 115 HP Mercury, 4-stroke, tions. Full wall and bedroom slides, 400 HP Cat eng., 7.5 Onan generator, autow/trailer. 306-487-7920, Midale, SK. fold satellite, auto level, etc., no pets or 1981 BLUE FIN, 16’ alum. fishing boat, smoking, mint condition, $170,000. 90 HP Johnson outboard, elec. trolling 780-745-2498, Rivercourse, AB. motor, convertible top and tarp, c/w trailer (new tires/bearings), very good cond., 2002 FORD XL Pleasure Way E-350 Super Duty, air, roof air, TV, microwave, king $6500 firm. 306-658-2098, Landis, SK. b e d , 7 6 , 0 0 0 k m s , e x c e l l e n t s h ap e , $36,000. 306-374-5689, Saskatoon, SK. 2007 JAYCO DESIGNER 5th wheel, model #34RLQS, 4 slides w/awnings, electric awning, fireplace, 2 tv’s, king size bed, Mor/ryde pinbox and suspension, leather recliners, electric jacks, heated tanks, satellite, A/C, C/V, exc. cond. $36,000 OBO. 306-792-4785, 306-621-5155, Canora, SK. 2003 TERRY LITE 5th wheel, 24.5’, 1/2 ton, towable, excellent condition, $12,500 OBO. 306-729-4556, Regina Beach, SK. 2005 SPRINGDALE 29’ w/double slideout, AC, and all amenities, asking $16,900. 306-937-2616 306-441-8852 Battleford SK 1996 SIERRA 27’ fifth wheel, sleeps 6, AC, furnace, 3 way fridge, microwave, radio, aw n i n g . L o c at e d at J a c k fi s h L a ke . 306-374-0604, Saskatoon, SK. 2005 CORSAIR TRUCK camper, 10’8”, large 3-way fridge, stove, furnace, 3 pc. bath, queen bed, slide-out table, swing about shelf, counter ext., elec. jacks, awning, $15,000. 306-883-2583, Spiritwood, SK. 2009 TOPAZ 30’ fifth wheel, 2 slides, queen bed, one owner, used 1 winter, exc. condition. 306-692-4592, Moose Jaw, SK. 1996 KUSTOM COACH 27-1/2’, centre kitchen, sleeps 6, good condition, $6500. 306-873-4245, Tisdale, SK. 2008 JAYCO EAGLE 32.5’ travel trailer, 2 slides-out, hardwall, electric jack and awning, AC, sleeps 4, $25,000. 306-625-3790, 306-625-7663, Ponteix, SK. 2001 TERRY 30’ 5th wheel camper trailer, 2 slides, clean. 306-859-4800, Beechy, SK. 2005 SPRINTER LA 27’ fifth wheel w/large double slide, fiberglass ext., AC, all amenities, always shedded, excellent condition, $17,500 OBO. 306-287-3125, 306-287-8025 cell, Watson, SK. 1994 RUSTLER, Travelaire 5th wheel, 29’, hardwall, rubber top, super slide, $9500. 306-782-5838, 306-621-7292, Yorkton, SK 2006 ROCKWOOD 5TH wheel trailer, 2 slide-outs , exc. cond., only used 10 times, $21,500; 2005 Dodge 2500 w/5th wheel attachment. Will sell as one unit or separately. Call 306-753-2183, Macklin, SK.

2 WEEK, 1 BEDROOM timeshare unit in Royal Aloha Vacation Club, 3 year carry forward privileges. $1222 annual fees paid for 2012. Maui booked Jan. 7 to Feb. 4, 2013. Eight different locations. Visit for club details. Only $4000. 306-373-3327 with any questions.

SUNDRE High Yielding Grain or Forage For the nearest grower visit:

CERT. AC ELSA and LILLIAN, sawfly resistant. Pratchler Seeds 306-682-3317, 306-682-2983, Muenster, SK. CERTIFIED #1 Harvest, CDC Go, AC Andrew, AC Sadash, AC Unity, Goodeve, CDC Utmost, and Shaw. Call Hetland Seeds, Naicam, SK. 306-874-5694, or visit: CERT. #1 GOODEVE VB; CDC Utmost VB; Harvest; CDC Teal; AC Sadash; AC Vista. Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. 403-556-2609 FDN., REG., and CERT. NEWDALE, AC M e t c a l f e . C a l l Tr a w i n S e e d s , TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. PALM SPRINGS AREA home for sale by Canadian owner. 2006 2700 sq. ft. 4 bdrm and den, 4-1/2 baths, three car garage, GRAZING AND SILAGE corn seed. Friendly CERT. ALFALFAS AND GRASSES, free many upgrades in gated community. Acres Seed Farm 306-744-2332, Saltcoats, delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB, 1-888-204-1000. Home is in excellent condition. Phone: SK. 780-993-3976, Vegreville, AB. CERTIFIED #1 ALGONQUIN, 92% germ., $2.70/lb., $2.60/lb. for mini bulks. Call Rob 306-759-2700, Phil 306-759-2076, C E RT. S T R O N G F I E L D , CDC Verona. Eyebrow, SK. WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, Pa l m i e r S e e d F a r m s 3 0 6 - 4 7 2 - 3 7 2 2 , eight models, options and accessories., Lafleche, SK. 1-877-866-0667. CERT. STRONGFIELD DURUM. Craswell CERTIFIED #1 CARLTON brome. Fenton Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money C E R T I F I E D S T R O N G F I E L D D U RU M . and save money. In stock, ready to ship. L y n w o o d M i l l e r, A v o n l e a , S K . Starting at $1195. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 306-868-7880. 168. CERT. CDC VERONA durum wheat, high 2009 LT40 WOODMEISER band mill, 92 germ., no Graminearum. Jason, Prelate, hrs, shedded, $15,000 or will consider par- SK., 306-628-8127, CERT. SW WIZZARD and Foremost canola, tial trades. 403-845-4791, Rocky Mountain $2.25/lb.; Cert. Synergy Polish canola = House, AB. 85 days. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, R E G . , C E RT I F I E D M U S TA N G o at s . Melfort, SK. Phone 306-744-7722, Bredenbury, SK. WE CARRY ALL VARIETIES of canola. For details, call Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK, ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different AC MORGAN, JORDAN. Fdn., Reg., and 306-874-5694, ways to weigh bales and livestock; Plat- Cert. available. Terre Bonne Seed Farm CERT. OPEN POLLINATED RUGBY RR, form scales for industrial use as well, non- 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. electric, no balances or cables (no weigh CDC BOYER, CERTIFIED, 96% germina- conventional Eagle. Pratchler Seeds like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, tion, early maturity. Call: Doug Stoll 306-682-3317 306-682-2983 Muenster, SK North Battleford, SK. 306-493-2534, Delisle, SK. HYBRID AND OPEN-POLLINATED canola BEAM SCALE for weighing groups of cat- FDN., REG., AND CERT. AC Morgan and varieties at great prices. Fenton Seeds, tle, up to 30 yearlings, c/w loading chute, baler oats Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. $25,250 OBO. 306-823-3441, Neilburg, SK. Melfort, SK. GRAIN CART SCALES. Order now for ear- CERTIFIED #1 AC MORGAN, 99% germ. ly season discount. Typical 750 bu. grain Lepp Seeds 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. cart, $3150. Ph 204-871-1175 or toll free 1-866-862-8304, 70’ SCALE, 6 load cells, asking $25,000. 306-726-7938, Southey, SK.


AC MUSTANG High Yielding Grain or Forage

USED COMMERCIAL bucket elevators, conveyors, scales, grain dryers, cleaning For the nearest grower visit: equip. and used bins. Various locations in SK and AB. 780-247-0101. 10x14 PLATFORM SCALE, $12,500.; 403-556-2609 8x10 scale deck, $8,500. Ask about our Farm Progress Show specials. Check out CERTIFIED #1 Leggett, AC Morgan, Triacour website at or tor and Mustang. Call Hetland Seeds at 2008 NATIONAL TROPICAL LX 39’ call 204-871-1175 or 1-866-862-8304. Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694 or visit: Class A diesel motorhome. Excellent condition, 4 slides, 65,000 kms, oak cabinets, 4 door fridge w/ice maker, 2 sofasCERT., REG. CDC BOYER and JORDAN. make into beds, dinette, washer/dryer Pratchler Seeds 306-682-3317, combo, 3 TVs, auto satellite dish, auto. 306-682-2983, Muenster, SK. a w n i n g s , g e n s e t , p e t / s m o ke f r e e , CERT. TRIACTOR, excellent quality. Call $125,000. 306-272-3883, Foam Lake, SK. Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Northland 1995 TRIPLE E Class A 29’, Chev 454, fuel Seeds Inc. Margo, SK. injected, queen bed, gen., central vac, tow FDN AND CERT. #1 PINNACLE; Leggett. hitch, therm. windows, driver’s door, storArdell Seeds, 306-668-4415, Vanscoy, SK. age, $17,000. 306-283-4298 Saskatoon SK CERT. #1 CDC Orrin, Leggett. Fenton 2008 MANDALAY 43A, 425 HP Cummins Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. Freightliner chassis, tag axle, triple slide, 27,500 miles, exc. cond. No smoking, no pets. Loaded: 1-1/2 baths, King bed, oasis hot water heat, flat screen TV’s, washer/dryer, dishwasher, 10 KW Onan, heated basement, satellite system, and more options. 306-383-2847 eves., Quill Lake, SK.


EARLY, HIGH YIELDING SYNTHETIC HYBRIDS $ 16 to $18/acre seed cost No Contract Required 403-556-2609

CERT. #1 CDC Impala Clearfield lentils Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. REG. CDC IMVINCIBLE CL small green lentil; CDC Impower, large green lentil. Call Blaine Sudom 306-868-7613, 306-868-4620, Avonlea, SK. REG. and CERT. CDC IMAX red lentils, high germ., low disease. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK. CERT. CDC DAZIL and CDC Maxim CL; CDC Redcliff and CDC Redcoat. Reds. Fast Seed Farm, Kindersley, SK. 306-463-3626. CERT. CDC MAXIM CL and fdn., cert. CDC Redberry lentils. Craswell Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236.

CDC MEADOW yellow peas, excellent quality, low disease. Sopatyk Seed Farms, Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. GREEN IS THE COLOR Registered and Certified CDC Striker, CDC Patrick green peas. Volume discounts. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK. YELLOW PEA SPECIAL: CDC Meadow peas. 306-693-9500 or 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK. CERT. #1 CDC Meadow; CDC Prosper; CDC Acer (Maple); Camry (Green). Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. CERTIFIED #1 Treasure, CDC Meadow and CDC Patrick. Hetland Seeds, Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694, CDC MEADOW and CUTLASS yellow, reg. and cert.; Espace green peas. All 2008 and 2009 crop, exc. Terre Bonne Seeds 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. WESTERN GRAIN certified seed available: CDC Meadow, CDC Striker, CDC Patrick, CDC Pluto, CDC Tetris. Common maple peas. Other varieties on request. Ph. 306-445-4022, 306-441-6699, or email North Battleford, SK,

BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: CANTATE CERT. HIGHEST YIELDING variety. Hansen Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK. 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679.

CERTIFIED #1 Andante. Call Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694.

POLISH CANOLA, CERT. NOI AC Sun- CERTIFIED ANDANTE yellow mustard and b e a m , A C S - C 7 . S e i d l e S e e d F a r m , Centennial brown mustard. Greenshields Seeds, Semans, SK, 306-524-2155 (W), 306-342-4377 306-342-4497 Medstead SK 306-524-4339 (H). BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties CERTIFIED CDC SORREL flax, good germ. of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. C a l l R e g a t 3 0 6 - 4 8 3 - 5 0 5 2 o r Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB. 306-483-8790, Oxbow, SK. CERT. CUTLASS ORIENTAL and yellow in bulk or 25 kg bags. Bailey Brothers CDC SORREL FLAX, registered and cert. mini 403-633-9999, Seeds, 306-935-4702, Milden, SK. Tilley, AB. CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types CERTIFIED #1 CDC Sorrel. Call Hetland of mustard for seed or processing. Color Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694. sorting available. Also looking for low g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. REG. PRAIRIE SAPPHIRE, high germ., very good quality seed grown on virgin flax land. Call Jason 306-628-8127, Prelate, SK. For the nearest grower visit: CERTIFIED PRAIRIE GRAND Flax. Call FORAGE BLEND. Beefmaster 7- 25 kg bags, Greenshields Seeds, 306-524-2155 (W), blended mix of Algonquin alfalfa 0.285T, 306-524-4339 (H), Semans, SK. smooth bromegrass 0.143T, sweet clover 403-556-2609 CERT. #1 CDC Sorrel. Call Fenton Seeds, 0.048T. Ready to be picked up and planted, 15% off original price. Land rented, no Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. l o n g e r h ave u s e fo r s e e d . C a l l REG, CERT. CDC SORREL, Vimy. Palmier 306-338-8553 for details, Wadena, SK. Seed Farms,, TYNDAL SPRING TRITICALE, registered TILLAGE RADISH® SEED. Friendly Acres and certified. 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB. 306-472-3722, Lafleche, SK. Seed Farm. Call 306-744-2332 to find local CDC SORREL, BETHUNE. Fdn., Reg., and retailer. available. Terre Bonne Seed Farm radish.html 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK.

AC JUNIPER High Yield, Early, Stands Well 2004 Holiday Rambler Ambassador, 38’ 330 HP, 3 slides, 11,000m, $SOLD; 1999 Tiffin Allegro Bus 35’ 300 Cat, 1 slide, 59,000m, $45,900; 1996 Fleetwood Pace Arrow 33P Ford, 37,000m, $16,900. Financing available for SK residents. Ph: 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, Saskatoon, SK. Open Tues. to Sat., 8:30 to 5 PM, DL #326237. 2001 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Endeavor 40’, two sliders, 330 HP Cummins, 7.5 KW dsl gen., 64,500 miles, Roadmaster chassis, hardwood floors, satellite, 2 TV’s, exc. $58,000. 204-325-2550, Plum Coulee, MB

CERTIFIED #1 CDC COPELAND, AC YAMAHA 550 DUAL purpose motorcycle, M E T C A L F E , 98% germ. Lepp Seeds approx. 10 yrs. old, red/white, $1000 work 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. order, $3000. 306-728-8373, Melville, SK. 2007 KAWASAKI 1600 Nomad, 8700 kms, mint, offers. 204-867-5568, Minnedosa MB

PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK.


New High Yielder Large Heavy Kernels For the nearest grower visit: 403-556-2609

PARTS FOR VINTAGE snowmobiles, 1990 and older. Call Don at 780-755-2258, CERT. #1 AC Newdale, 2 row; Legacy, 6 r o w. F e n t o n S e e d s , T i s d a l e , S K . Wainwright, AB. 306-873-5438. FDN., REG., CERT. #1 CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, CDC Cowboy, AC Ranger. Ardell Seeds, 306-668-4415, Vanscoy, SK. 2005 CHALLENGER 5th wheel, 29RKP, high profile, double slide in living area, large slide and queen bed in bedroom, also queen hide-a-bed, day/night shades, remote control thermostat, in-floor ducted heat, AC, electric and propane water heater, washer/dryer hookups, TV, DVD, new awning in 2011, lots of storage, asking $21,500. We will deliver. Carrot River, SK. Call 306-768-3476.

REG. AND CERTIFIED CDC MEREDITH new malt barley, very high germination, 0 disease. Contracts needed. Call for details. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK.

Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment

ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003.

2012 INFINITY 3250RL Absolutely amazing, triple slide and loaded with many options! $57,800, Stock #CC661177. Visit or 1-866-346-3148. 2 0 1 0 JAY C O 3 2 ’ 5 t h w h e e l , m o d e l 321RLMS, full wall 27’ slide and double slide, fully loaded, excellent condition, 3 OCEANFRONT, PARKSVILLE, BC, 2 bdrm years left on transferable warranty, condo, awesome view, sandy beach, golf, $50,000. Phone 306-761-0763, Regina, SK pool. 250-949-6702,

Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - m CERTIFIED #1 CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, Newdale, Legacy, Stellar, Celebration and Sundre. Call Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694, or visit: CERT. CDC COPELAND, AC Metcalfe; cert., reg. CDC Meridith. Pratchler Seeds 306-682-3317, 306-682-2983 Muenster SK

CERTIFIED AC SHAW, VB, highest yielding midge tolerant wheat. Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. CERTIFIED AC UNITY, VB, midge tolerant variety, 99% germ., Sopatyk Seeds. Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. CERT. LILLIAN WHEAT, good quality. Reisner Seed Farm, Limerick, SK. 306-263-2139. CERT. LILLIAN, Waskada, VB Utmost, VB Unity spring wheat. Palmier Seed Farms 306-472-3722,, Lafleche, SK. CERT. #1 UNITY VB, midge tolerant variety, Wascada, AC Barrie, 99% germ. Lepp Seeds 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. WESTERN GRAIN has available in certified seed: Wheat- Unity, Waskada, Stettler. Barley- CDC Meredith. Flax- CDC Sorrel. B o o k e a r ly ! 3 0 6 - 4 4 5 - 4 0 2 2 o r e m a i l North Battleford, SK. BEWS AGROW LTD: certified AC Lillian, AC Strongfield. Call Brent or Ken 306-967-2440, Eatonia, SK. CERT. CDC UTMOST VB and cert. Lillian wheat. Craswell Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. NEW SHAW VB midge resistant wheat (highest yielding and midge resistance); Unity VB; Osler; Splendor. Fdn., Reg., and C e r t . ava i l a b l e . Te r r e B o n n e S e e d s 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. WASKADA CERTIFIED, 95% germ. Doug Stoll 306-493-2534, Delisle, SK. FDN., REG., CERT. #1 SHAW VB; CDC Utmost VB; Unity VB; Goodeve VB, Carberry; Verona Durum. Ardell Seeds, Vanscoy, SK. 306-668-4415.

OATS FOR SALE: 99% germ., $5/bu. cleaned or $4/bu. uncleaned. Phone 306-867-8249, Outlook, SK. WANTED: 3000 BU. high protein HRSW. Will pickup at your bin. Call 403-651-0272, Strathmore, AB. COMMON SEED OATS, cleaned, 93% germ. CERT. IMIGREEN, Imax, and Maxim, very nice sample, 900 bu, $5.50. Montmargood quality. Reisner Seed Farm, Lime- tre, SK. 306-424-2271, 306-424-7761 cell. rick, SK. 306-263-2139. COMMON OAT SEED, cleaned, high REG., CERT. CDC GREENLAND, CDC quality $5.50/bu.; Common bin run oats, Improve, large green; CDC Maxim, red. vg for seed. Early order discounts for oats Pa l m i e r S e e d F a r m s 3 0 6 - 4 7 2 - 3 7 2 2 , by March 31; COMMON HRS WHEAT, Lafleche, SK. cleaned, high quality. Call Warren at SPRING SPECIAL: Cert. CDC Impower. 306-861-6866, Weyburn, SK. New Clearfield large green lentils w/better COMMON #1 HIGH yielding seed oats, seed coat color. 306-694-2981, Moose 99% germ. Lepp Seeds 306-254-4243, Jaw, SK. Hepburn, SK. CERTIFIED CDC IMVINCIBLE, Clearfield small green lentil; CDC IMAX, high germ, low disease. Sopatyk Seed Farms. Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. SPRING SPECIAL: Cert. CDC Imvincible, Greenland and Imax lentils. Call 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK.

GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED

LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at:

TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED and common #1 forage seeds. Periodic delivery to many locations. Call Richard Walcer 306-752-3983 anytime. If no answer messages left will receive replies. Melfort, SK. TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK. COMMON #1 GRASSES, legumes, blends. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK.




MILLET SEED: German Golden Foxtail; Red Proso; Crown Proso. All cleaned and bagged. Excellent producers in swath graze, silage or bale. Call Greg Tanner, 306-457-2816, Stoughton, SK. GOOD SUPPLY OF MOST alfalfas, clovers and grasses. Will blend hay and pasture M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES blends to suit your needs. Call Hetland Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694. Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712 WILL SUPPLY LOW-COUMARIN YB sweet WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, clover seed to improve soil structure, add peas, green or damaged canola. Phone nitrogen, for fast-growing silage, or as le- Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. gume in hay blend. Meadow brome and various alfalfas also available Pre-inoculating, blending, delivery. FARMERS, RANCHERS 204-372-6614, Fisher Branch, MB.


COMMON SWEET CLOVER; single and double cut red clover; alsike; creeping and taproot alfalfa; sainfoin; prefoil; smooth brome, meadow brome, crested wheat, timothy; cicer milk vetch. Also organic. Other grasses, call for info. Free blending, pasture mixes. Free delivery on larger orders. 306-863-2900, Star City, SK. ALFALFA CLOVER GRASSES, Custom hay and pasture blends, delivery possible depending on quantity purchased and distance. For fast, friendly service call Thomson Seeds, toll free at: 1-877-781-8189, Alexander MB. Y E L L O W B L O S S O M S W E E T C L OVE R , cleaned and bagged. 306-652-7095, 306-961-7122, Borden, SK. ALFALFAS/ CLOVERS/ GRASSES, hay blends and pasture blends. Custom blends no charge. Free delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB, 1-888-204-1000. Visit us at COMMON #1 ALFALFA multi-foliate tapr o o t , h i g h g e r m . , l ow we e d c o u n t . 306-682-4362, Humboldt, SK. FULL LINE OF FORAGE seeds. Phone Tom, Williamson’s Seeds, 306-582-6009, Pambrun, SK.

H I G H Y I E L D I N G C A N A RY S E E D , cleaned, priced to sell. 306-466-2014, 306-260-4626 located near Leask, SK. COMMON #1 Meadow Brome, Smooth brome, Timothy, Crested wheat, Yellow clover, Cicer Milkvetch, Alfalfa. Also have Certified seed. Grower Direct. Blending and delivery available. Competitive prices. Call Siklenka Seeds, 306-342-4290, 306-342-2189, Glaslyn, SK. ALFALFA CLOVER GRASSES, Custom hay and pasture blends, delivery possible depending on quantity purchased and distance. For fast, friendly service call Thomson Seeds, toll free at: 1-877-781-8189, Alexander MB.

CONVENTIONAL ARGENTINE CANOLA, 99% germ., 93% vigor. Battleford, SK. Phone 1-877-312-2839. 17 (25 kg) bags of Reward treated canola seed, $110 per bag. Call 306-369-7762, Bruno, SK.

BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. email:

CANARY SEED, 90% germ., 37¢/lb., 403-861-1671, Aberdeen, SK. CLEANED GREEN LENTILS for sale, 98% germ., disease free; Tame Buckwheat seed cleaned. 306-867-8597, Saskatoon, SK


B uying Feed G rain B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7

John Su therla nd


BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER


WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.


N ow B uyin g O a ts! AL L GRAD ES

Com petitive Ra tes

SweetGrass CONTRACTING Linden, AB

P ro m pt P a ym en t

D AV E K O EH N 4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0 L i nd en , AB

Western Commodities Inc.


EXCELLENT QUALITY EXCELLENT pricing. Alfalfa grass blend, 1600# JD 568 net wrapped, put up dry, pick up or delivery available, have lots, need to sell some, let’s make a deal! 306-961-2777, P.A., SK. SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, g r e e n fe e d , g r a s s , s t r aw. D e l i ve r e d . 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 2011 ALFALFA MIX, 1150 lbs., $25 each; 2011 2nd cut alfalfa, $35 each; 2010 alfalf a m i x , $ 1 2 e a c h . Wey b u r n , S K . 306-842-3532, 306-861-1827. 500 LARGE BALES, 2011, 2nd cut alfalfa, just baled, fairly green underneath, weathered on top. Perfect for tub grinding. Will deliver. Call 306-948-7291, Biggar, SK. 3 0 0 A L FA L FA / B RO M E RO U N D b a l e s , $40/bale for good quality 1500 or 1800 lbs.; $30/bale for more mature 1500 lbs. 306-329-4664, Asquith, SK.

DUST FREE HIGH quality flood irrigated grass hay, average 1400-1500 lbs. Murray w w w .w es tern co m m o d ities .ca Evans, 306-492-4810, Dundurn, SK. & p ro vid e u s w ith yo u r e-m a il GREAT HORSE HAY, no dust, no mold, a d d res s to receive o u r w eekly tested, round bales. Phone Ken Qualman, e-m a il, w ith p ricin g in d ica tio n s 306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK. a n d m a rkettren d s . BUYING PURE ALFALFA STANDING for 2 0 1 2 h a r ve s t , d r y l a n d o r i r r i gat e d . 403-507-8660 or 403-994-0042, Olds, AB. WANTED FEED/ OFF-GRADE LENTILS or pulses and other heated, tough grains ALFALFA AND ALFALFA/GRASS mix round or screenings. Prairie Wide Grain, 306- bales, net wrapped, G&G Walkeden, Tribune, SK. 306-681-6849 or 306-681-7782. 230-8101, 306-716-2297, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED: ALFALFA HAY large square COMPETITIVE PRICES on your heat- bales. Will buy all qualities including with ed/green and spring thrashed Canola and rain. Priced according to quality, in SouthFlax. Prompt movement and payment. Pre- ern Alberta. Call 1-800-291-1432. fer product 80-100% damaged. Call Darcy LARGE ROUND BALES, alfalfa and alfalfa/ at 403-894-4394, Lethbridge, AB. brome, tested. 306-463-3132, Kindersley, SK. 60 ACRES OF standing alfalfa for sale, North of Borden, SK. Would consider long term lease. 306-256-3951, Cudworth, SK. 250 ACRES STANDING hay, alfalfa/grass mix at Viceroy, SK. Call 306-268-4468.

FOR SALE BY TENDER: Wadena Wetland Outfitters Ltd. Outfitting business situated in Wadena, SK., Canada. (a list of assets held by corporation will be provided to interested buyers). Outfitting waterfowl upland game license currently held in Zones 40, 38, 36, 34, and 32 in the Province of SK. Purchaser must make application for outfitting license to the province of SK. Tender conditional upon purchaser qualifying for outfitting license. Interested inquiries to be forwarded to Marquette Law Office, Box 699, Wadena, SK. S0A 4J0. Ph. 306-338-2554 or Tenders close noon June 29th, 2012. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders must be accompanied by a 10% non refundable deposit by Certified Cheque payable in Canadian Funds to Marquette Law Office.

1-8 77-6 9 5-6 46 1






2 MICHELIN X Snow Plus tires, 17.5Rx25, 50% wear, c/w (split) rim. Used on a Volvo 740B grader, $1250/ea. or $2500 OBO. for both. Prefer to sell as set. RM of Lakeview #337, Wadena, SK, 306-338-2341, email:

AGRICULTURE TOURS Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d

~ January/February 2013

K en ya /Ta n za n ia

~ January 2013

S o u th Am erica

~ February 2013

Co s ta Rica

~ February 2013

In d ia

~ February 2013 Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.

Se le ct Holida ys

1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m LOBSTICK TRAVEL & TOURS: Alaska tour, June 11, ocean view $3998, balcony $4547; Cossack/Ukraine June 26, $5308.46, Poland, ext $2300; Maritimes Sept. 21 bus/fly option, $4300; Host Fest Sept 25; Mediterranean Oct. 23 outside cab, $5176.19, balcony $5576.19; Branson Nov. 4, $1499; Panama Canal Nov. 21st; Hawaiian Island Cruise Jan. 10; Arizona Jan. 21; Texas Feb. 1. Come live your dreams with us! 306-763-7415, 306-752-3830. View:

USED TIRES, 26.5 R25 Bridgestone, Michelin, Good Year, 40% - 20%, good for scraper or loader; 23.5 R25 off a loader; FREEFORM TANKS: Good variety of sizes 20.5 R25 still have 20% - 40 % tread left. in stock. Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd. Prices vary, can deliver, $1200 OBO. Dale 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299, David- 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. son, SK. UKRAINE TOUR- Fully escorted, all incluFIBERGLASS SEPTIC TANKS- Various sizes s i v e - $ 3 8 9 5 . C a l l C A A Tr a v e l , available, starting from 250 gal. up to 306-446-0344 at North Battleford, SK. 34,000 gal. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit TWO 5000 GAL. steel fuel tanks, w/pump, used for fertilizer or fuel, $5000. Theodore, SK. 306-647-2459, 306-641-7759.

SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK.

NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $419; 16.9-28 12 ply, $498. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515,

TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! Manufacture and repair of all tarps and covers. Ph. Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskatoon, S K . w w w. c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343.

MONARCH PUMP with International V8 propane engine, 1700 gpm, runs well, $6000 OBO. 306-835-2085, Quinton, SK. WATERMASTER FLOATING PUMPS on sale now at Flaman Sales. Only $2,095 and comes with 400 feet of hose. See your n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e t o d ay o r c a l l 1-888-435-2626.

TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. MAKE COMBINE TIRES BIGGER Convert rears to new radial 16.9-26 tires, $ 1,250 & rims, $380; fronts to 900/65R32 or 35.5-32 for $3,950/side, all radials. We want your trades. 1-800-667-4515. 103 -3240 Id ylw yld Dr. N . FORM ERLY

NEW SRS CRISAFULLI PTO water pumps. Available in 8”, 12”, 16” and 24”, PTO, elec. or engine driven available. These pumps can move up to 18,000 GPM. We have 16” PTO 15,000 GPM in stock, ready to deliver. For more information call your SK dealer T.J. Markusson Agro Ltd. Foam Lake, SK. 306-272-4545 or 306-272-7225 See

9 3 3 -1115 TIRE & W HEEL



PRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT LTD., High River, AB. ( Servicing BC. AB. SK. and MB. Oxydate and ionize single tap to whole house to commercial BRAND NEW JERICHO TIRE MACHINE units. No salt, no chlorine, no chemicals. $2995. Clamps up to 24” rim, parts warNEW DUALS to fit Miller/NH sprayers, r a n t y ava i l a b l e . C o n t a c t B - L i n e at Custom built and guaranteed. Now with water softening and scale control capa380/90 R46 tires, rims, spools and bolts, 780-458-7619, St. Albert, AB. bilities. Ph or email for info and free quote. $8900. 780-632-9899, Ranfurly, AB. 403-620-4038. 8- 20.8x42” GOODYEAR DT710 radial tractor tires, not on rims, $400 each. ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED Pure Water. 403-502-7981, Bow Island, AB. New scientific technology in Canada, guarALFALFA GRASS ROUND BALES, 1400 antee 99% pure water. No salts, no chemilbs., no rain, good quality, $35/bale. Clacals, no chlorine. Phone 306-867-9461. vet, SK. 306-343-0589. Distributor for BC, AB, MB, SK. New, used and retreads. SMALL SQUARE BALES, alfalfa/grass, good Call us, you’ll be glad you did! quality, sheltered, $3 to $4.50 per bale. Phone 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK.


We’ve got ‘em all.

LARGE ROUND alfalfa and alfalfa brome bales, 1st and 2nd cut, 1200 lbs., excellent quality. 306-736-2277, Kipling, SK. HAY AND GRASS bales, flax, wheat and barley straw, 4x4 and 3x4 bales, delivery available. 403-223-8164 or 403-382-0068, Taber, AB. 200 ALFALFA/BROME large round netwrap bales, 2011 crop, $18/ton. Will contract 150 acres standing 2012 crop. 306-537-8584, Weyburn, SK area. HAY FOR SALE, 1250 alfalfa or grass mix round netwrap bales, no rain. Straw also. Alan Coutts 306-463-8423, Alsask, SK.

BUYING PURE ALFALFA STANDING AND BIG BALES. Pure alfalfa wanted standing or put up in big bales for 2012 harvest and beyond. Dryland or irrigated. Full custom work and trucking available. WESTCAN FEED & GRAIN 403-634-1559 or 403-394-6967. Email: or Priced at your b in. LARGE ALFALFA/BROME round bales for TRITICALE FOR SALE: 5000 bushels. Call: sale, approx. 300 bales, near Balgonie, SK. 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. Ph 306-771-2923 or 306-535-0922 cell. HAY FOR SALE: 1st and 2nd cut 2010 Saskatoon and 2011 alfalfa bales, good quality, bale BEST PRICES FO R 306-374-1968 scale on site. 306-725-4563 Strasbourg SK HEATED O R HI G H LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buy200 DAIRY QUALITY, large round, 2nd cut G REEN CANO LA. ers and sellers of all types of feed grain Alfalfa bales; Also, 150 large round 1st cut. and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, 306-232-4985, Rosthern, SK. A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc. Nipawin, SK. BUYING: FEED GRAINS, all types of screenings, damaged canola. Quick payment. Call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at WANTED HEATED CANOLA, phone Merv Wilde Bros. Ag Trading 1-877-752-0115 or G RA IN M A RKETIN G at J & K Agro 306-834-5140, or 403-752-0115, Raymond, Alberta or Lacom be A B. w w 306-228-7306, Unity, SK. email:





FEED GRAINS WANTED: Wheat, Barley NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently and Durum; Also Oats, Peas and Flax. Prepurchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and mium prices, FOB farm. Prompt payment. milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. Stan Yaskiw, Birtle, MB, 1-866-290-7113.

1074 ROGATOR TIRES, set of 4 tires and rims, 23.1x30 Titan w/70% tread, $6300 OBO. 306-794-2025, 306-728-1030, Grayson, SK.

ROCKPICKER, GOOD CONDITION. Will trade for livestock or? 306-753-2842, 306-753-8069, Macklin, SK.

Vis it o u r w eb s ite @


WANTED: BUYING ALL grades of oats. Send sample to Newco Grain Ltd., Box 717, Coaldale, AB., T1M 1M6. Call 1-800-661-2312. LETHBRIDGE FEEDLOT COMPANY looking for feed barley call Roxanne at 1-800-710-8803

WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness or Dave Lea at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. Email

OUTFITTING ALLOCATIONS, northwest SK, Zone 73, 24 White-tail, 24 bear, upland and migratory birds, asking $75,000. 780-389-4108 leave message, Thorsby, AB


1-877-814-8473. Winnipeg, MB.

Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM. WORRIED ABOUT TIRE FREIGHT COSTS? DON’T BE! Buy new tires from Combine World & pay no more than $19/sm., $49/ med.,$79/lg. tire for shipping anywhere in Western Canada! New 18.4-34 12 PLY $ 687; 23.1-26 12 PLY $1,154; 16.9-28 12 PLY $498; 11.00-16 12 PLY $199. More sizes available. 1-800-667-4515. www.

AGRICULTURAL AND COMMERCIAL machining and welding services available. Call Mark at 306-541-4422, Regina, SK.

HAYTER DRILLING LTD. Over 50 yrs in NEW 75 TON LARSON air/hydraulic shop groundwater industry specializing in 5” press, $4500. 306-375-2271, Kyle, SK. 30” wells. Premium quality materials used 50 TON SCOTCHMAN IRONWORKER, 5 in new construction. Old well servicing and ye a r s o l d , $ 7 0 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 2 4 0 8 o r rehab. New equipment and experienced crews. 1-888-239-1658, Watrous, SK. 306-367-4306, Middle Lake, SK.

Progressive Yard Works Ltd. 1-306-244-6911 3423 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK


• Above ground & below ground • Sectional in-door water tanks • Sewage holding and two-compartment • 150 gallons to 10,000 gallons • Ask us about our easy burial “drop and go” 1000 gallon tanks

Visit our website at:

WATER WELLS, Heron Drilling Ltd. specializing in water wells, E-logging, sandscreens and gravel pack. Government grants available. Drilling, boring, cleaning. Call us. 49 yrs. experience. 306-752-4322, fax 306-752-7399, Melfort, SK. STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well construction and servicing, exploration and geotechnical drilling. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211



MASSAGE THERAPY TRAINING. The Western College in Regina, SK offers a stay at home program in Massage Therapy where you only come into Regina for the hands on training one weekend per month. The vast majority of the study is done at home and in your home community. Our Distance Education Program is a fully recognized competency equivalent for you to become a registered therapist with a selection of governing bodies in and outside of the province. If you have an interest in a new career in health care where you are your own boss, contact us and we can provide you with all the information you need to get started into a very rewarding profession. Information Night Dates: November 15th, 2011; January 17th, 2012; March 13th, 2012; May 15th, 2012 and June 12th 2012. Website: or E-mail: ARE YOU GOING to get better and older or just older? If you’re unhappy with your life, then it’s time to make a change. Lakeland College has more than 50 credit programs to choose from- some take only months to complete, others take a few years. Visit the college’s website for information on the Vermilion and Lloydminster campus programs, plus online and off-site options. Become older and wiser. Start classes this fall at Lakeland College. 780-853-8400.

CUSTOM HARVESTING CREW, looking for truckers, combine/grain cart operators, starting in Oklahoma into northern Alberta. Must be drug free, no criminal record, Class 1 preferred (full-time work available) or call 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB.

ASSISTANT FARM MANAGER Creekstone Farms is a diverse grain operation located 9.5 km north of Strathmore, Alberta. Together with the feedlot, research and trucking operation it offers an exciting work environment. We are currently seeking an individual with farm experience and the desire to join a hard working team. This individual will assist in a wide range of activities related to seeding, movement of grain and harvesting. These will include planting, fertilizing, cultivating, spraying, handling agriculture fertilizers and chemicals, and harvesting. We offer competitive wages, benefits, job training, accommodations, meals and advancement opportunities.

Fax 403-934-4594

U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and FARM LABOURERS WANTED: Includes air brakes. One on one driving instructions. room and board, other jobs may include 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK. carpentry and construction, will train. Edmonton, AB. 780-902-2108, 780-920-7360 FARM EMPLOYEE WANTED for central SK. grain/leafcutter bee operation. Applicant must be dependable and able to work independently, have a Class 1A licence and be able to operate and trouble shoot large equipment. Wages $18 to $22/hr., housing provided. or EXPERIENCED DOZER / TEREX motor 306-963-2693, Imperial, SK. scraper and excavator operators required for work around Regina, SK area. Room RANCH POSITION, MD OF RANCHand board provided. Valid driver’s licence LAND, Hwy 22, foothills of AB. Require required. Call Graham 306-536-8725 or good horsemanship skills, experience with email resume to: cattle handling, health management, calving, fencing, haying equipment, basic machinery and mechanical ability. Non-smoker. Must have two usable ranch horses. wage $2500 plus home/utilities, RANCH HELP WANTED on a quickly ex- Monthly start June 01. Send resume including panding ranch in northern AB, year round. to personal info and job history and at least 3 Housing available. Call Neil 780-814-4113 references to: Nelson Creek Ranch, Rycroft, AB or email Chain Lakes, AB. MATURE COUPLE WANTED: For Brooks, AB ranch, capable of running pivots, hay- TRACTOR ROTARY MOWER operator and ing, calving, feeding, mechanical/mainte- general farm work, $14+/hr, seasonal nance of farming equip. and machinery. full-time. Fax/ph 780-986-3685, Leduc, AB Previous farm/ranch experience required. Must have Class 5 licence and strong Eng- KEJA FARMS is looking for a farm lish skills. Horsemanship skills beneficial. equip. operator, welder, machinist, Must be reliable. New house provided on plasma table operator, salesman for ranch. Competitive wages depending on full time year round employment. Top exp. Fax resume, references and driver’s wages will be paid for Class 1A license and abstract: 403-362-0411, ph. 403-362-2976 farm equip. experience. Accomm. avail. Call Jason 306-642-3315, Assiniboia, SK.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Concrete related work. Cribbing, placing and finishing of concrete. Foreman and laborers required. Fax resume to: 306-482-3472, phone 306-483-7338, Carnduff, SK.

PEN RIDERS WANTED: Our large, modern feedlots require an experienced, knowledgeable and motivated Pen Rider to work in clean facilities in beautiful Southern Alberta. Work alongside excellent teams and people, potential for career growth and opportunity. For more info p l e a s e c o n t a c t D a r r e n Va n R a ay at 403-738-4528, fax 403-738-4435, email

WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke 306-469-7741, Big River, SK.

LARGE COW/CALF OPERATION requires full-time cowboys for calving and treating cows on grass. Must be able to ride and rope. Wages negotiable. Call Mike FARM HAND WANTED, Macklin, SK. area. 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. Duties include operating and maintaining SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. large farm machinery and livestock equip- Applicants should have previous farm exment. General farm duties for mixed farm, perience and mechanical ability. Duties grain and cattle farm background an asset, incl. operation of machinery, including $16/hr. depending on experience. Contact Tractors, truck driving and other farm B r i a n o r Pat K i d d w / r e s u m e by f a x equipment, as well as general farm laborer 306-753-3325, duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experior phone 306-753-2099. ence. Contact Wade Feland at FULL-TIME FARM HELPER required year 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. round for mixed cow/calf farm. Duties in- BACKGROUND/PASTURE OPERATION near clude feeding, calving, grain hauling, etc. Bethune, SK. has 2 positions available for Experience an asset, but not necessary. self-motivated cowboys. Full-time, year Board and room avail. 780-768-2125, Two round employment. Job includes pasture Hills, AB. work in summer and feedlot work in winFEED TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED for ter. Owned horses and tack preferred. No large feedlot w/well maintained equip- green horses allowed. Must have valid ment. Duties will include feeding cattle driver’s license. Competitive salary, group w/feedmill and feed equipment mainte- insurance benefits, housing nearby. Fax renance. Benefits include disability insurance sume to 306-638-3150 or contact Kristen and health coverage. Competitive wages or Philip at 306-638-3151. w/long term employment. Must be able to PREVOST HARVESTING is now accepting work Sundays. Contact Darren Van Raay at applications for the 2012 harvest season. 4 0 3 - 3 8 2 - 8 8 8 1 , o r f a x r e s u m e t o Combine driver’s with Class 1A needed. 403-738-4435, Some experience necessary. All applicants HELP WANTED ON DAIRY FARM, full- must be United States admissible. Must or part-time, dairy and maintenance work. have valid passport Class 1A drivers license is preferred, but not necessary. 306-493-8201, 306-493-7631, Delisle, SK. Farming background is an asset. Call CENTRAL ALBERTA WORK on large 306-322-4757, cell: 306-322-7100 or fax cow/calf and grain operation. Assisting resume to: 306-322-4754, Rose Valley, SK. with day to day farm operations incl: feeding, fencing, sileaging, harvesting, han- PROGRESSIVE RANCH North of Cranbrook, dling cattle and calving. Mechanical skills, BC is seeking a highly motivated full-time class 1 license and welding experience an employee. Clean driver’s license required asset. Wages based on experience. Fax re- and Class 1 an asset. Applicant must be sume with references to 780-376-0000 or hard working and versatile in all aspects of cattle ranching. Benefits and lodging are call 780-376-2241 for more info. provided. Wages negotiated based on exHERDSPERSON, GENERAL LABOUR wanted perience. Please send letters and resumes for 120 cow dairy farm, experience pre- to: PO Box 6841, Station D, Calgary, AB, ferred, will train, full-time/part-time, to T2P 2E9 or fax to: 403-264-7455. Call start ASAP. Contact Bill 204-268-0110, 403-232-6252 for more information. Anola, MB. KLATT HARVESTING is now looking for GRAIN FARM at Milden, SK is seeking sea- combine and truck drivers for the 2012 US sonal employees. 1A license an asset. and Cdn. harvest. All applicants must have Must be able to operate large equipment. farm experience, pass dot drug testing and Competitive negotiable wage. Fax resume have no criminal record. Class 1 drivers or to 306-935-2201 or call Graham at ability to obtain Class 1 will be given pref306-935-4523 or 306-831-7514. erence but combine and cart operators ALLAN DAIRY CUSTOM SILAGE is look- don’t necessarily need Class 1. Travel the ing for operators for the 2012 silage sea- US, an experience you can obtain no other way! Email resume to son. 204-371-1367, 204-346-0571, MB. or fax 403-867-2751, Foremost, AB. Visit WANTED: EXPERIENCED FARM HELP our website at: for the 2012 seeding/ harvest season. Wages negotiable with experience. Please SEASONAL TO FULL-TIME help required on f a x r e s u m e 3 0 6 - 9 4 9 - 2 1 8 5 , c a l l 3000 acre grain and 100 cow operation. Self motivated, interested in mechanics. 306-536-5706 cell, Regina, SK. Presently 4 employees. Prefer a family CRESTVIEW ORGANIC FARMS in Assini- person. 306-748-2876, Neudorf, SK. boia is looking for 3 herdsmen/women for full-time employment to recognize and THUNDER VALLEY RANCH has 2 positions treat animal illness, check pens, formulate available. RANCH MANAGER to manage feeding programs and farm duties. Salary 3000 acre ranch with 600 head beef, 200 $16/hr. Must have specialized education head elk. Must have at least 2 yrs. ranch or or at least 4 yrs. experience. Contact livestock production courses from a secondary college; HORSE TRAINER required Dwayne at 306-642-4096. experienced in training working cowhorses STRATHMORE AREA FARM and ranch is and jumpers. Must be an accredited trainseeking a self-motivated, mechanically in- er. Email clined employee for machinery mainte- or call 403-630-3240, Winfield, AB nance and operation. $18-$25/hr. Class 1 preferred. Email: RANCH AND FARM REQUIRES exp. help to Call Paul at: 403-325-0118 or fax resume work w/cattle and machinery. Room and board possible. 403-350-4089 Innisfail AB. to: 403-901-1550.

SOUTHERN BC COW/CALF operation looking for full-time cowboy. Must have good horsemanship and herd health knowledge, attention to detail and good observation skills. Preference given to someone who can shoe, rope and start colts. Duties will include riding, fencing and processing. Hourly wage and benefits. Accomodations for a single person, can be arranged for a couple. 250-558-7288, Coldstream, BC. Send resume to:

FARM CAREER: Full-time, long term position on a medium sized organic grain farm in Blaine Lake, SK. area. Must have farm or trucking background, 1A an asset. Large modern machinery with GPS. Dental and RRSP packages. Most weekends off, except during seeding and harvest. FULL-TIME EXPERIENCED ranch hand. Flexible winter hours. Competitive hourly Competitive wages, house and benefits or monthly salary. Positive happy work enprovided. 403-577-3553, 403-577-2424, vironment. Try us, you’ll be happy you did! Consort, AB. Fax 403-577-3130. Email resume to: Phone 306-497-7720 for more information OLDS, AB. FEEDLOT requires employee FARM WORKER required on grain farm for equipment operation and maintenance near Wiseton, SK. Starting April. Ability to operate farming machinery and a clean to start ASAP. Cattle experience an asset. Separate home and acreage supplied. Top drivers abstract an asset. Housing providwages and benefits. ed, wage $23/hr. Call 306-227-2902 or FULL-TIME SELF MOTIVATED farm hand 306-357-2151, email: wanted. Competitive wages and house or fax resume 403-556-7625. provided. Day to day farm operations including: feedlot, fencing, field work, maintenance and operation of equipment, livestock handling. (AIing and fitting would be an asset but not required). Located on Hwy. 16 in central BC. Contact Tanya at 250-845-8474. FARM HELP? FARM WORK? We can help you find an employee or find a good ag related job. Contact Agri employment at Call 403-732-4295 for job vacancies or help with employment




HELP WANTED ON RANCH in southern AB. starting June 1st. Duties include: fencing, machinery work, haying and maintenance. Welding and machinery experience an asset. Accommodation provided. Please send resumes or inquiries to: or phone 403-646-2955.


WANTED: PERSON FOR immediate fulltime farming operation. Must be able to operate large equipment and have a valid driver’s license. Wages negotiable accordi n g t o e x p e r i e n c e . B e n e fi t p a c k a g e available. Fax resume to 306-656-2042 or phone 306-656-4465, Tessier, SK. 2 FULL-TIME PERMANENT POSITIONS available on large potato/grain/cattle farm in SW MB. 1st Position: Responsible for the operation and maintenance of equipment required for potato and grain production; 2nd Position: Relates to all duties involved in the management of a cow/calf herd. Modern Case/NH equip., good working atmosphere. Competitive wages. Complete benefits package. Housing avail. Call 204-834-2257, fax resume 204-834-2072, Wellwood, MB. or email SEASONAL TO FULL-TIME help required on mixed farming operation in Provost, AB. Ability to operate large air drills, high clearance sprayer, cattle experience and Class 3 license an asset. Wage range from $18-24/hr. Fax resume to 780-753-6597.

C&K Herm a n Fa rm s Ltd . ow ns a nd op era tes a gra in fa rm north of Sw ift Current in the Leina n d istric t. W e a re a ha rd w orking esta b lished b usiness b uilt on honesty a nd integrity, striving for effic ienc y a nd p rofessiona lism . Rem a ining true to our va lues a nd b usiness m od el, w e b elieve tha t our p eop le HERMAN FARMS LTD. rem a in the d riving forc e b ehind our suc c ess. We are recruiting the following: EQUIP M EN T OP ER ATOR T his is a fu ll tim e p o s itio n w hich w ill co n s is to f: • Op era tin g a ll s eed in g eq u ip m en t, s p ra yers , a n d ha rves teq u ip m en t • Rep a ir a n d m a in ten a n ce o fthe eq u ip m en t • 1A licen s e w ill b e n eed ed . G EN ER AL FAR M LABOUR ER T his ca n b e a fu ll tim e, p a rttim e, o r s ea s o n a l p o s itio n . Du ties ca n a n d m a y in clu d e: • Op era tin g fa rm m a chin ery • W eld in g a n d fa b rica tio n • Y a rd w o rk • M is c. fa rm d u ties For more information please contact C H AD H ER M AN (306) 7 41-7 7 43 | (306) 7 7 3-37 5 0 fa x | h e rm a n fa rm s @ s a s kte l.n e t

FENCING COMPANY LOOKING for laborers to work in Peace Country, AB. for the 2012 fencing season (May to about Nov.). Must like working outdoors and have clean drivers license. Experience is an asset but not necessary. Accommodation is available. Send resume to: or phone Lianne at 780-351-2091.

AGRIVENTURE=Adventure+Agriculture! Live and work in Europe, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, or Japan on agricultural and horticultural operations, ages: 18-30, 4-12 month programs, 1-888-598-4415, ARE YOU GOING to get better and older or just older? If you’re unhappy with your life, then it’s time to make a change. Lakeland College has more than 50 credit programs to choose from- some take only months to complete, others take a few years. Visit the college’s website for information on the Vermilion and Lloydminster campus programs, plus online and off-site options. Become older and wiser. Start classes this fall at Lakeland College. 780-853-8400. GRAVEL CRUSHING PERSONNEL for gravel crushing in the Wainwright area. $22.50/hr. 685762 Alberta Ltd., Phone: 780-209-3973. RM OF MORRIS #312, Young, SK. invites applications for Motor Grader Operator, full-time seasonal. Application deadline Monday, June 4, 5:00 PM. Submit resume detailing qualifications held, experience, wage expected and 3 references. To start immediately. Only those to be interviewed will be contacted. Fax resume to: 306-259-2225, email:

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION: Sunny Alberta, 1 hour from Calgary. Year round position available June 1st on mixed grain and cow/calf operation with modern well maintained equipment. Separate acreage with home and barn available. Class 1 driver’s license preferred but will train right candidate. Wages $40-50,000. Excellent long term position for young couple looking to embrace rural life. Send resume to: Phone or fax 403-677-2296. DAIRY FARM requires afternoon milker, wages $15-$25/hr depending upon experience. Approx. 20-25 hrs./wk. Must have valid drivers license. Duties include: milking, cleaning, animal care and misc. tasks. 306-259-4881, 306-946-9513, Young, SK. FARM LABOUR REQUIRED mid-summer to late autumn, experience with large-scale farm equipment required. Wages $12.50 to $17.50 per hour, depending on qualifications. Email or fax to 306-955-7116, Plenty, SK. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: EQUIPAJL FARMS is seeking full-time help to MENT/ MOWER OPERATOR. Expected operate and maintain modern farm and work term until Nov. 1st, 2012. Duties inconstruction equipment. Year round work clude mowing road allowances, cutting including general shop and yard mainte- trees, erecting signs, grader training and nance. Must be mechanically inclined. operation, assisting other employees, and Benefits, RRSP plan and competitive wage. any other tasks requested by Council. Fax or email resume to 780-723-6245, Please state expected wage. Benefits packr g a j l f a r m s @ x p l o r n e t . c o m P h o n e age available. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. 780-723-6244, Niton Junction, AB. F o r m o r e i n fo r m at i o n p l e a s e c a l l : LARGE GRAIN FARM east of Yorkton, SK is 306-874-5732. Lowell Prefontaine, Adminhiring immediately for the 2012 growing istrator, RM of Pleasantdale #398, Box 70, season. Must be mechanically inclined, Naicam, SK. S0K 2Z0. and able to work unsupervised when needed. Class 5 license is mandatory, but EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Welclwould prefer Class 1A. We pay top wages ean Land Services has an immediate and benefits for the right individuals. Jobs opening for an experienced foreman in the include operating farm equipment as well Lloydminster, area. Responsible for the as hauling seed and fertilizer with semis. supervision of reclamation crews, light There’s the possibility of full-time employ- construction and mulching. Must have all ment for the right person. Call Dennis required safety tickets. Fax 780-875-6334. 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 5 1 7 3 . S e n d r e s u m e s t o : TWO EXPERIENCED COOKS required, Fax 306-273-4743 time year round, shift work, $12-$15/hr., yrs. experience preparing meals in resRANCH HAND, RANCH COUPLE, OR 2taurants and/or culinary degree. Apply at FAMILY for purebred/commercial Black Sam’s Steak House at 212 Winnipeg St., Angus cow/calf operation near Duchess, Manitou Beach, or fax: 306-946-2489 or AB. Seeking open minded, self motivated email: person(s). Needs experience in irrigation, haying, mechanical ability. Purebred experience, weighing/tagging calves, record S HIP P ER / R EC EIVER keeping, heat detecting and A.I. would be w a nted fo r L u m ber H a rdw a re sto re an asset. Housing available in a family orientated area. Please call/email in M cL ea n,SK .(W o o d C o u ntry). 403-362-0672 or To sta rtim m edia tely. FARM HELP WANTED for seeding/harSta rting w a ge $14-$20/hr. vest, summer employment available if B enefits,bo nu ses a nd o ther wanted. Farming experience/retired farmco nsidera tio ns er welcome. Accommodations provided if A pply to : needed. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK.

gra ntw ilso n@ sa o r by fa x: 306-699-2979 GRADER/EQUIPMENT OPERATOR: The RM of Stonehenge No. 73 is accepting applications until June 1, 2012 for the position of seasonal grader/equipment operator with duties to commence on or before July 3, 2012. Resumes should clearly state experience, education, references and any other pertinent information. Please forward to: RM of Stonehenge No. 73, Box 129, Limerick, SK. S0H 2P0. 306-263-2020, fax: 306-263-2013, email: Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. TWO PERMANENT FULL-TIME positions available at County Fresh Farms Greenhouses, Cypress County, AB. Job includes daily picking and pruning of vegetable plants, heavy lifting in a hot and humid environment. $9.40/hr, 10 hrs a day, 7 days a week. HELP WANTED ON grain farm, 1A asset, full-time, seasonal, to start immediately. 306-697-3339, Grenfell, SK. LOOKING FOR FARM worker on 100 cow dairy farm. Must have experience milking cows, feeding and other chores. Email resume to: or fax to: 306-597-4730, Togo, SK.


Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o LOOKING FOR FULL TIME farm help on dairy farm in Westlock, AB. $15/hr., housing available. Contact Van Dijk Dairy Ltd. at 780-307-3641 or 780-307-3450, email: hvandijk1@

PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s

PARTS PERSO N . Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).

Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WITH Welclean Land Services: general labourers, tractor operators, backhoe operator, fencers, Class 1 drivers, Lloydminster AB area. Fax resume to: 780-875-6334 or email to: LILLY AND ROSE Seed Processors, at Lemberg, SK. is looking for hard working, reliable person to assist in operating our seed cleaning plant. Full-time, will train, starting $15/hr. Contact Chuck/Marion 306-335-2280; fax resume 306-335-2281. EXPERIENCED 627 SCRAPER OPERATOR and Class 1A driver required for gravel hauling. Ph. 306-463-7572, 306-463-3184, or fax 306-463-3197, Kindersley, SK.

LA RONGE WILD RICE CORPORATION seeking Plant Manager. Duties include: Overseeing all aspects of the wild rice plant operation; Overseeing accurate recording of proper records; Curing and processing; Grading and storage of finished wild rice; Day to day operations including hiring, scheduling, supervision; Reporting to the LRWRC Management; Year end report to shareholders. Qualifications: Willing to learn all aspects of processing wild rice (training and mentorship provided); Good physical condition (long work hrs during harvest); Strong work ethic with leadership skills; Must be bondable; Additional assets: Office/computer knowledge, ability to prepare reports; Experience working with Northern people. Wages: Negotiable. Deadline June 15. Submit applications with education, experience and 2 references to: Lynn Riese, Chairman, La Ronge Wild Rice Corporation and Management Committee, Box 510, La Ronge, SK, S0J 1L0. E-mail: Fax 306-425-5575, phone 306-425-2314.


SEEKING MATURE COUPLE to manage a newly renovated country general store with take-out restaurant. This is a full time year round position. Experience with food preparation and retail sales would be an asset. The store is set in the heart of a thriving mixed farming and oilfield community with a k-12 school and a recreation complex with artificial ice. Onsite accommodation is available. Salary is negotiable. We are also open to proposals of part ownership, rent-to-own or purchase. We require a minimum of 3 work references. Email or phone 780-864-8283, evening calls only please, or mail to Allan Ritchie, Box #68, Silver Valley, AB. T0H 3E0. PULSELINK LTD. SEEKING Operations Manager. Pulselink Ltd. operates 3 legume processing plants. Our main products consist of red and green lentils plus a modern red lentil splitting plant. The operations manager’s duties will include, but are not limited to: Supervise plant staff efficiently and safely to achieve the companies objectives; Grain processing, including bagged packaging and rail bulk loading; Inbound and outbound road and rail logistics; Small repairs and maintenance of an effective Maintenance Program. Experience: Minimum 2 years (flexible if demonstrate strong contributing assets). Applicants must have: Knowledge and understanding of grain processing, mechanical aptitude and excellent organizational skills. Pulselink offers a competitive compensation package including comprehensive benefits and pension plan. Wage/Salary: DUE. Location: Zealandia, SK. Apply with resume by fax: 306-882-3668 or email: S C H RO E D E R B RO S. I M P L E M E N T S i n Chamberlain, SK. is looking for a service manager. This is a full time position with competitive wages and benefits. Duties include: Booking equipment in for repairs and PDI’s; Managing warranty claims; Closing off work orders; Scheduling equipment pick-up and delivery. Salary negotiable depending on experience. Fax resume to 306-638-4633.

SERVICE RIG DRILLER for work in Lloydminster, SK/AB area. Must have 1 year experience and possess the following qualifications: Valid Class 1A drivers license, TDG, Whimis, First Aid/ CPR, H2S, Fall Protection for rig workers, Well Servicing B.O.P. and G.O.D.I. $34-$37/hr. depending on experience, 40 hrs. per week, time and 1/2 after 8 hrs. per day. Scheduled days off, group benefits from day one. Apply in person at 5214 - 62 St., Lloydminster, AB. or email resume to:

Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473

W/FIVE SEISMIC REQUIRES DRILLERS, and DRILLERS HELPERS for seismic work in Western Canada. You need to be physically fit, able to work long hours in varying weather conditions, be committed to safety and able to pass a drug test. Driver’s license and First Aid required. Drillers need current Blasters Certificate. Email resume to: or fax to: 780-960-0755

If you share our passion for quality at every level – in the work we do, in the products we sell, and the people we work with – then Viterra is the place for you.


DAVY CROCKETTS OILFIELD SERVICES Ltd. is immediately seeking trainee Power Tong Operators. Experienced power tong operators will be given preference; Thread Inspection Technician (min. 3 yrs. experience required); Shop Hand. Must be willing to reside in the Valleyview/ Grande Prairie, AB and surrounding area. Must have clean drivers license w/abstract and H2S. Please fax resume with 3 references to 780-957-3072 or call 780-957-3101.

CLASS 1 DRIVER, to haul crude oil in the Provost/Hardisty area. Good wages and benefits. Current driver’s abstract, oilfield tickets and resume. Provost, AB, fax HD TRUCK MECHANIC required for 780-753-3092, phone 780-753-0086. small trucking company in Lloydminster, TRAIL-X EXPRESS immediately requires AB area. License an asset but not neces- 1 ton diesel trucks and load and tows to sary. Competitive wages based on experi- haul RV’s, full-time employment with top ence and qualifications; Also looking for rates. Must be able to enter the US. Email Mechanic’s Helper. Please call John or Gin- Toll free 1-866-585-6770, ette at 780-846-0002 or fax resume to visit 780-846-0005. CLASS 1 DRIVER wanted for fluid haul in AB. Looking for an ambitious individual that can work independently. H2S and first aid tickets required. Previous fluid experience preferred but willing to train. Trucks based at ElkPoint, AB. Contact Rocky at CLASS 1A CANADA/US Equine hauler. 780-614-7250 or Team drivers for Canada/US. Elliot Equine CLASS 1A DRIVERS WANTED for CanaTransport is a recognized leader in the da/USA to haul SP farm machinery, overtransportation and logistics of delivering sized load experience an asset. Benefit customized equine transportation. Qualifi- plan avail. Fax resume to 306-776-2382. cations: Class 1 license, commercial driv- More info. call 306-776-2349, Rouleau, SK. er’s abstract (no greater than 30 days old), minimum of 5+ yrs. driving livestock ex- LEASED OPERATORS REQUIRED for RV perience an asset, knowledge of HOS/DOT transport with 1 ton pickup or 3 ton deck regulations, professional in appearance truck, US/Canada. Ph Dealers Choice over 25 yrs. old, equine experience a must, Transport 780-939-2119, Morinville, AB. Canadian passport, team drivers/drivers SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediatewilling to work as part of a team. All quali- ly requires Leased Operators with new fied commercial drivers are encouraged to model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks, email current resumes and drivers abstract tractors; Also Company Drivers. Transs to: We thank all porting RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. interested candidates who apply and show Clean abstract required. Competitive rates. interest in our organization, however only Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733. those being considered will be contacted 1A DRIVERS WANTED to haul oil and prodirectly for an interview. Join our team! duced water in Flaxcombe, SK. area. Need DRIVER NEEDED for Canada/US run H2S live, First Aid and CPR tickets Can from Saskatoon area to Fargo, ND with provide housing. Call Pat 306-460-6024. 2007 W900L and tandem grain trailer, ex- Fax 306-856-2077. cellent equipment. Phone Byron 701-648-9733 or Stewart 701-339-8072, A VERY BUSY south central Alberta livestock hauling company is looking for a office 306-466-4466, Leask, SK. Lease Operator to haul cattle. Must have their own truck and livestock experience a must, 98% Alberta miles. Home most nights depending on where home is. If you’re looking for a change and want to be a p a r t o f a g r e at t e a m , c a l l M e r v 403-948-7776, Airdrie, AB.

Quality ingredients start with quality people. Head Miller

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MAC’S OILFIELD SERVICES LTD. is looking for VAC TRUCK DRIVERS in Bonnyville, AB. area. Up to date safety tickets are required, standard First Aid, H2S, and a driver’s abstract. Top wages will be paid for experienced operators. Fax resume to 780-573-1216 or call 780-812-1380. CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVER with tank truck experience needed for SE Sask., hauling crude oil. Based out of Regina, SK. Clean abstract and resume required. Will train above average individuals. 5 days on, 5 off. Long term positions. Fax resume and abstract to: 306-245-3222, Weyburn, SK. RANCHOIL CONTRACTING LTD. requires Class 1 driver, for corral cleaning season. Please call 306-238-4800, or fax resume to 306-238-4801, Goodsoil, SK. BDM TRUCKING LTD., Tessier, SK. is seeking Owner Operators and Company Drivers to haul livestock in Canada and US. Company Driver’s wage starts at $0.40 per driving mile. Owner/Operators start at $2.40 a loaded mile, $1.35 empty. Also great benefits included. Ph. 306-260-9027 or fax resume and abstract to 306-656-2042. WANTED: OWNER OPERATORS for grain and fertilizer hauling, based in Kenaston, SK. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-252-2004 or 306-567-8377.

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HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC Russell Redi Mix Concrete, Russell, MB. A well established construction company requires a Heavy Equipment Mechanic to perform skilled tasks in the mechanical repair and maintenance of semi tractors, trailers, heavy trucks, earth moving, and related construction equipment. Applicant must possess the ability to work independently in a busy environment. Overtime as required. Must have a valid drivers license. Personal tools required. This is a full time position with a competitive hourly wage, benefits including health coverage and retirement plan. Benefits are available upon completion of RRMC probationary period. Interested applicants to contact Ivy Brown, Human Resource Dept. at RRMC, forward your resume with qualifications by email, or mail to address noted. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Box 545 Russell, MB. R0J-1W0

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Seeding frenzy The annual rite of farmers | Farmers are lifting, pulling, pushing, calibrating, greasing and just generally busy as usual this time of year, as seeding is in full swing across the Prairies.

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Wesley Antonchuk, of Royal Park, Alta., uses an electric grease gun on a heavy duty disc on a farm near Chipman, Alta. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO

Mike Puech checks out the quality of the hard red spring wheat his brother, Rene, is seeding on the family’s land, 13 kilometres southwest of St. Walburg, Sask., May 10. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO Out on the land near Unity, Sask., May 11. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO

It looks like Carl Ogrodnick’s seeding equipment is in front of his tractor, but he’s just turning around while finishing up a field of wheat near Vegreville, Alta. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO

Edward McCaffrey lifts the auger back in place on the seed tank with help from his son, Brent, south of Vawn, Sask., May 10. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO




IT’S ALL ABOUT TIMING, OR IS IT? Some producers prefer to apply nitrogen fertilizer in two separate applications, at seeding time and after emergence. Is it worth it? | Page 78

P ROD U CT ION E D I TO R: M I C H A E L RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 30 6-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM

Hanmer Seeds at Govan, Sask., is the Soucy dealer for Saskatchewan. The trailer tracks transfer from air carts to anhydrous carts and to grain carts. |



Tracks made for tractor without altering design Different approach | Website explains unique track engineering BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

Soucy International had something to say when it launched a new website recently. The rubber track manufacturer from Drummondville, Que., wanted to explain to farmers how its engineers design special track sets and hardware for specific tractors. There’s no such thing as one-sizefits-all at Soucy when it comes to tractors, said marketing manager Vincent Cabana-Vaudrin. He said the simple bolt-on kit for mounting rubber tracks is fine for combines, sprayers, trailers, air seeder carts and all-terrain vehicles but not when it comes to tractors. “We custom tailor our track systems for tractors. The real challenge is to keep the vehicle integrity and not put unnecessary stress on the axles,” said Cabana-Vaudrin. “Our engineers study each new tractor very carefully to adapt our track to that specific machine.


That’s why we launched this new website. We want to educate potential customers about how we develop our technology to match their machines.” Each new tractor model is shipped to the Soucy shop, where they have a sophisticated three-dimensional scanner. Engineers scan the entire machine and enter the data into their computer. Armed with information about how the implement is designed, the engineers then create a bracket system that Cabana-Vaudrin said is made for that particular tractor. The tracks must mount without any modification to the tractor. The whole kit must go on and off without torches or welding equipment. “I think we are the only company that goes through this detailed process to match tracks to the machine. We want perfect compatibility without modifying the tractor,” he said. “Other companies have bolt-on systems for tractors. They carry a

Compatibility is so important. Our engineers do a tremendous amount of research to adapt our tracks to each specific tractor. VINCENT CABANA-VAUDRIN SOUCY INTERNATIONAL

limited number of tracks they say will fit any tractor. But some of them have to move major components such as the fuel tank. Bolt-on is ideal for other implements, but it’s completely different for tractors because of the enormous load and steering.” Cabana-Vaudrin said Soucy develops the rubber track components so the finished product looks like it came directly from the tractor manufacturer. “Compatibility is so important. Our engineers do a tremendous amount of research to adapt our tracks to each specific tractor.” He said Soucy systems are not yet

The rule at Soucy is that the track system must never alter the host tractor. That means Soucy engineers are not allowed to use a bolt-on system that simply matches up wheel bolt patterns, according to Soucy’s Vincent Cabana-Vaudrin. | SOUCY PHOTO available for every power unit sold in Canada. The old website gave farmers the impression that Soucy could ship a set of rubber tracks overnight for any tractor or implement. However, he said the company doesn’t ship a set of tracks until it knows for sure the kit is right for the implement. As well, it hasn’t yet touched on all the drive-wheel combinations available in Canada. “However, farmers can go to the new website and enter their specific implement to see if we have the appropriate kit. We study the market and develop track systems for the tractor models with the biggest sales potential.” The website also includes a video showing the three-dimensional scanner that Soucy engineers use to analyze each new farm implement coming through the shop doors.

Cabana-Vaudrin said there is one other reason for the new website. “Competition in this market is getting stronger and stronger each year. Two years ago when I went to farm shows, there was our company and maybe one other company with rubber tracks. But now I go to a trade show and there’s maybe four or five or six other companies selling rubber tracks. So we needed a new website to show that we do things differently.” Rocky Mountain Dealerships’ 39 prairie dealerships will carry Soucy rubber tracks for the western Canadian market. Rocky Mountain is represented by Hi-Way Service in Alberta, Hanmer Seeds is Saskatchewan and Miller Equipment in Manitoba. For more information, contact Soucy at 819-474-6665 or visit www.

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Nutrient removal app now on smart phones BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU


3-D scan on the right track Custom track mounting design created from three dimensional drawing BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

Designing a track mounting system using a 3-D scanner is more efficient than crawling under the tractor with a tape measure and pad of paper. It’s like science fiction come to life for Soucy engineers, who annually design hundreds of new track mounting systems for agricultural, military, construction, mining, logging and recreational vehicles. Engineers who gather information for a new track mounting design methodically survey every relevant component of the tractor with their Creaform MetraSCAN 3-D scanner. The scanner projects a laser beam onto the surface of the target object, said Louis-Etienne BouchardPouliot of Creaform in Quebec City. The laser beam bounces back to a camera integrated into the hand held MetraSCAN and gives the computer a precise image of the component and where it’s situated on the tractor. “Collecting 3-D data is the easy part. Companies have been doing that for years,” said BouchardPouliot. “What makes our system unique is the fact that we can reference all the components and their relationship to each other. We do this with an accuracy down to 0.002 (two

Soucy’s track systems designer Branislav Nanac runs a three dimensional scanner over the chassis of a new tractor model. Because the data is collected in 3-D, it provides the computer with a complete picture of the tractor so engineers can design a track mounting system that will not have a negative impact on the structural integrity of the tractor. | SOUCY PHOTOS thousandths) of an inch over the entire tractor chassis. Then we feed it all into a computer that puts the whole picture together and makes it ready for CAD (computer aided design).” Bouchard-Pouliot said the 3-D operator slowly walks around a new tractor scanning every nut, bolt, hose, casting curve and seam weld. “You hold the scanner in your hand and use the same pace and hand control as if you were spray painting with an aerosol can, gently sweeping left to right and sometimes up and down to get good coverage. Our 3-D scanners are intended to be hand held.” He said clients like the portability of the hand held scanners. “Some other companies make 3-D scanners that must be permanently installed in a lab. Our equipment fits in a shipping case so we can take it where we want.” For example, if Versatile wanted a custom-designed track mounting system, Soucy could conceivably fly to Winnipeg with its scanner rather than have a 50,000 pound tractor shipped to Quebec. Bouchard-Pouliot said Soucy engineers could climb all over the tractor and create a three dimensional drawing on the screen that would probably be just about identical to the factory blueprints where the tractor was built.

However, Soucy is only concerned with the chassis, drive line, axles, wheels, tires and hubs. Its 3-D scans are limited to parts relating to a rubber track conversion. “The software is very complex. It accepts all this data from the scanner and references the location of even the smallest part to the overall picture,” he said. “It gives Soucy guys a large picture of the tractor chassis and tells them, ‘this is my frame, this is my differential, these are my hubs.’ ” Engineers load views of the components into their CAD so they can zoom in, rotate the image, run simulated tests and do it all in real time. Information shown on the Creaform computer screen will have the exact same dimension as the original equipment manufacturer blueprints, which means Soucy engineers get the track mounting kit right the first time. A handheld 3-D camera like the one Soucy uses costs $52,000 plus another $33,000 for the accompanying hardware and software. Creaform has 17 3-D scanners on the market, with prices ranging from $30,000 to $100,000. It also has 3-D scanners in full colour. The company is relatively young, selling its first 3-D scanner in 2005. For more information, call 418833-4446 or visit www.creaform3d. com.

The Mosaic Nutrient Removal program that many farmers use to determine fertilizer requirements is now available as a free app for smart phones. The software, based on hundreds of thousands of soil samples, tells a farmer how many units of each nutrient are extracted from the soil for each unit of crop removed from the field, said Kyle Freeman, manager of new product development at Mosaic. Fertility specialists had been developing nutrient removal formulas using conventional paper charts long before they had access to modern computer technology. “The data that agronomists and farmers use today was developed by the International Plant Nutrition Institute,” said Freeman. The Institute is an independent third party group funded by the fertilizer industry. “Their research data is openly available to everyone in the industry, so the nutrient removal tables are not exclusive to Mosaic.” The free Nutrient Removal App is available for Android and Apple platforms and covers the 36 most popular crops grown in North America, including those common on the Prairies. It’s the same program that’s on Mosaic’s Back-to-Basics website. It’s also the same information available on other websites from competing fertilizer companies, Freeman said. “Every time you haul a bushel of crop off the field, you need to know how much of each nutrient went along with that crop. So yield is the only factor you need to punch into the program,” he said. “The tables are based solely on yield. It doesn’t consider weather or pests or any other mitigating factors. It’s purely yield-based. For example, if you harvest a 50 bushel bean crop, you need to figure out how much nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium you’ve removed.” Freeman said farmers often concentrate too much on nitrogen and overlook the importance of other nutrients. “That’s because nitrogen has the most dramatic impact,” he said. “It’s the most expensive nutrient and it’s the one nutrient that lets the farmer actually see the dollar return when he’s driving the combine.” Freeman said the extra attention given to nitrogen is one of the main reasons Mosaic made the Nutrient Removal program available as a portable app. The other reason for the app shows up in soil tests. “There was a major soil survey in 2010 showing a significant reduction in the amounts of P and K in the ground,” he said. “Yields were going up, along with fertilizer rates going up. But the balance was slipping. Farmers were extracting more than they were putting back into the soil. Soil can provide only so many nutrient units naturally.” Freeman said farmers should be more aware of the removal of all


Crop Life Magazine selected the Mosaic Nutrient Removal App as the best new app for agriculture in 2012. nutrients. The Nutrient Removal table tells the farmer that “if you’re pulling off X number of bushels, then you’re also removing Y number of nutrients, not just nitrogen.” He said the app is the first version the company has put together. The site will be updated on a regular basis as more data becomes available. Crop yields will continue to rise as better varieties become available, fertilizer use improves and farming practices in general improve. “With that in mind, we expect to make the app more geographic specific, but we’re not quite at that point yet,” he said. “I did a lot of work on the GreenSeeker, so I know how important regionalized calibration can be.” Freeman, who was part of the Oklahoma State University team that developed the GreenSeeker, knows it needs careful calibration down to narrow bands of soil and climatic conditions. Soil scientists are now developing GreenSeeker calibrations that apply to different soil types, but Freeman doesn’t think the Nutrient Removal program will be that precise. “It will probably be regionalized to the level of the northern Great Plains, which includes the three prairie provinces.” Freeman said the data was already in table format, as displayed in Backto-Basics. “Obviously we can’t put a whole table on a small screen, but in table format, it easier to edit so the user sees only the column he needs to see for each crop. “You enter the crop. Enter your target yield and suddenly there it is on your screen. Once you’ve downloaded it, you no longer need an internet connection to run the program.” Farmers using the app can access data from their truck, tractor, fertilizer dealer or coffee shop. Freeman said 40 percent of crop yield can be attributed to what agronomists call the 4 Rs: • right source of fertilizer • right rate • right place • right time For a free copy of the app, go to or visit the App Store or the Android Market.





Dual fuel engines on the way Natural gas and diesel mix | No immediate plans to use in agricultural machinery

ABOVE: Cummins plans to revamp the QSK50 series engines next year. | CUMMINS PHOTO

LEFT: Cummins engineer Nick Ciavarro, right, says the company has no immediate plans for natural gas dual fuel engines in the smaller displacement sizes used in agriculture and trucking. | RON LYSENG PHOTO


The Earth’s long overlooked abundance of natural gas is finally being tapped as an economical replacement for diesel. As awareness of the availability and everyday potential for the fuel grows, more companies are exploring ways to insert it into the world’s energy mainstream. One of the innovators is Cummins, which just announced that its highhorsepower, big-block V configuration engines will soon be able to run on a dual fuel ratio of 70:30, with up to 70 percent natural gas blended with diesel in some situations. The lineup includes engines from 800 to 3,500 h.p. The QSK50 series are the first Cummins engines to get the dual fuel makeover. Production of these dual fuel engines will begin next year and will be Tier 2 aimed at the oil and gas industry. Other dual fuel QSK50 engines will meet the Tier 4 Final standards as they go into production. Dual fuel engines function with a single integrated control system that makes a seamless transition between two fuels. The default fuel will always be straight diesel. The alternate fuel is liquid, low pressure natural gas. The control system automatically selects the best fuel ratio when the operator decides to go into the dual fuel mode. Cummins said dual fuel engines will run a ratio of about 50:50 in most situations. The dual fuel system will also be made available as a retrofit on existing QSK engines. Cummins said dual fuel engines will go into the gas and oil patches first because of the immediate proximity of natural gas, which can go from the well head directly into onsite diesel engines that power the operations. “In the oil and gas industry, variable-speed pressure pumping applications traditionally consume a lot of fuel due to the rugged duty cycle,” a Cummins news release said. “These customers can expect to see significant fuel savings from the Cummins dual fuel solution.” Nick Ciavarro, industrial application engineer at Cummins, said in an e-mail the company’s first focus is on large commercial engines with displacements greater than 20 litres. “As far as power and emissions, there are no published data sheets or horsepower ratings yet,” he said. “And while dual fuel is interesting and exciting, there’s just not a lot of applicability for most ag machines in the near future.”

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Long-term field trials show there is no yield benefit on the Prairies to splitting nitrogen applications, as compared to side banding nitrogen only at seeding. |



No yield boost with split application: nitrogen trials 25 years of data | Ag Canada researchers conclude there is no benefit to top dressing post emergence BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

A soil fertility expert has found that split applications of nitrogen do not

increase crop yields compared to applying nitrogen only at seeding. Cindy Grant’s findings are based on 25 years of field studies, yet some prairie producers still believe that

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holding back nitrogen at seeding and applying the remainder after crop emergence boosts yields. “I think it’s a misconception that they (growers) increase yield by doing split applications, that you’re spoon feeding the crop and all this,” Grant said from her office at Agriculture Canada’s Brandon Research Centre. “There are a lot of areas (in the world) where it will be beneficial. It’s just not necessarily here (on the Prairies).” Grant has studied this topic multiple times in the past two and a half decades. She conducted field trials on split nitrogen applications for one of her first research projects at the Brandon centre and is now helping to write another paper based on recent field trials of split applications. In the study, the researchers came to the same conclusion they did in the past: there are no yield benefits compared to side banding nitrogen at seeding. “We essentially had no circumstances where we had higher yields by doing that (split applications),” she said. Even though there are enough papers on this topic to fill a shelf in an Ag Canada office, growers continue to play around with split applications because they can, said John Heard, Manitoba Agriculture’s soil fertility specialist. “Certainly it’s not the norm for people to be doing this … (but) the reason farmers are liking to try this now is because many of them have their own applicators that apply liquid fertilizer,” he said. “They’re not waiting for custom operators, so maybe they can do their timing a bit better.” As well, farmers who immigrated to Western Canada in the last couple of decades might be splitting their nitrogen application because it’s a normal practice in Europe. The practice works there because of a wet growing season that lasts 150 days or longer, which means nitrogen losses are the norm. “On the Prairies, we have 95 to 100 days, that type of growing season,” said Grant said, who also noted it’s drier in Western Canada. “There’s less time for those losses to occur before the crop really needs that nitrogen.”

When the equipment changes and the technology changes, you want to re-evaluate things to see if you can take new technology and use it in a better way, fertilize smarter. CINDY GRANT AGRICULTURE CANADA

Unless soil conditions are extremely wet, like last spring in parts of Western Canada, banded nitrogen will still be there when the crop needs it, said Heard. Some European immigrant farmers have learned that top dressing isn’t practical on the Prairies, he added. “John, we’re not in Germany anymore,” some farmers have told Heard. “Things just grow too fast here.” Though the science is fairly clear, Grant and others continue to study split application of nitrogen because fertility specialists are constantly seeking the ideal way to fertilize a crop. “As researchers we keeping looking at this because, hey, maybe we can do better,” Grant said. “When the equipment changes and the technology changes, you want to re-evaluate things to see if you can take new technology and use it in a better way, fertilize smarter.” Farmers shouldn’t use a split application if the intent is to boost yields, but it is a risk management tool, Grant said. If the soil is too dry or too wet and yield potential is limited, canola growers might want to hold back nitrogen at seeding and wait to see if conditions improve before top dressing post emergence. “If people are risk averse and are in that situation, maybe there might be a benefit,” Grant said. Dan Orchard, a Canola Council of Canada agronomist from southcentral Alberta, said growers should consider top dressing only in specific circumstances. “Top dressing nitrogen, in my opinion, only has two applications: either the weather conditions have improved such that the yield potential has increased since seeding time, or you just couldn’t access product or

TOP DRESSING TIPS FOR CANOLA: • top dressing of nitrogen should be done before the six leaf stage, about a month after emergence • dry or liquid products can be used, such as urea, blends of urea and ammonium sulfate, dribble band UAN, urea treated with Agrotain (to limit volatilization) and UAN treated with Agrotain • about a half inch of rain is needed to dissolve the product, whether liquid or dry • foliar application of nitrogen while applying a herbicide isn’t effective because it’s not possible to deliver sufficient nitrogen without damaging the plants • research has shown that canola can absorb up to seven pounds of nitrogen per acre, per day • anecdotal evidence has shown that top dressing after hail does help canola recover, but those stories haven’t been validated by third party research Sources: Canola Council of Canada, Manitoba Agriculture and Alberta Canola Producers Commission

put enough on at seeding time.” Nonetheless, with canola trading higher than $12 a bushel, 2012 isn’t a good year to scrimp on nitrogen, Orchard said. After looking at a few nitrogen rate calculators, he found it makes economic sense to apply 120 to 130 pounds of nitrogen per acre, even if urea costs $900 per tonne. “Although fertilizer prices are high, so is the canola price,” he said. “So it doesn’t look like cutting back on nitrogen is going to be a good idea this year.”




THE POWER OF ENZYMES New enzyme products have been developed to aid the digestion of cereal grain and plant protein in piglet and chick diets. . | Page 81

L IV ES T O CK ED I TO R: B A R B G L EN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403- 942- 2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER: @BARBGL E N


Equine educators never stop learning Red Deer’s Mane Event clinic | Couple teaches relaxation, harmony and balance for rider and horse BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

RED DEER — Michael and Tiffany Richardson consider themselves horsemanship educators rather than trainers. “I am a student of the horse, and that has allowed me some wonderful opportunities,” Michael said after a horsemanship clinic at the Mane Event held in Red Deer April 27-29. “We never stop learning and that is why we don’t call ourselves trainers. We educate.” The couple teaches relaxation, harmony and balance for rider and horse. Harmony and balance are especially important for Michael, who has been a paraplegic since 1986 after a Jeep rollover. He had to develop a new perspective about the world around him, which came partly from therapeutic riding that started five weeks after his accident. “Life is precious and you have to make the most of every minute. That drove me to take what I experienced as an ambulatory person. I am not going to let my perspective define who I am.” The Richardsons, who are based at Hico, Texas, own eight horses and offer riding lessons and training at their arena. They also travel the continent conducting horsemanship clinics to help both the disabled and able-bodied rider. Tiffany works with young people while Michael works with riders who have had problems. “We get a lot of people who have pursued other programs and for whatever reason it hasn’t work for them,” he said. Added Tiffany: “We get a lot of last resorts.” She said people often tell them the horse will be shipped for slaughter if it cannot be fixed. “We will bring the horse around, but our program requires that the rider be involved, whereas a lot of people take the horse for 30 days and then bring the rider in,” she said. “Most of the issues we run into, it is rider-horse combination.” Part of the training uses a skeletal model to show students what is happening to their spines, pelvises, hips and thighs when they ride. Michael admitted it took him seven years to figure that out, and now it is the core of his teaching methods. He was hurt from the sternum area down, which means he cannot use his abdominal muscles or grip with his legs. He had to find new ways to continue riding. Early on, his therapist told him not to forget how to walk. “You can ask people how they walk and they can’t tell you. It is such an

innate thing,” he said. People don’t think about how to walk, but he has had to break down each movement. He then applies that mechanical knowledge to build harmony between the horse and rider, in which the person moves the hips and spine in a way that is similar to walking. “You want to mirror the horse and let the horse mirror you. If you don’t see a good reflection, it is up to you to change it,” he said. Sore hips, knees and back after dismounting mean there is tension from not sitting properly. Tiffany said his methods helped her. As a competitive eventing and dressage rider, she was developing physical problems. “I was sore every time I got off the horse. If I am sore, I know I was doing something wrong,” she said. This knowledge took time to develop. After his accident, Michael was a competitive para-athlete but he had an accident in which he burned the tops of his thighs. That injury slowed down his time and he missed making the Olympic team by a fraction of a second. He decided to go back to school in Illinois and study psychology in

ABOVE: Michael Richardson explains the importance of harmony and balance between rider and horse, using a skeletal model to show students what is happening to their spines, hips and legs when they ride. LEFT: Michael and Tiffany Richardson of Texas, left, travel North America to teach riding skills. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTOS

1992. He discovered the equine management program by accident and met Tiffany in his first class. She eventually earned a degree in business management. They married 10 years ago and moved to Texas. Besides working with riders and their horses, Michael is also involved in saddle design. He has had several serious injuries since his first accident, and his sad-

dle must provide back support and comfort. His most recent saddle provides back support at 70 degrees so that he does not lose his balance. The saddle, which keeps evolving, must also work for the horse so that it can wear it and carry the rider comfortably. “We have very narrow parameters in what we can work with,” he said. Michael urges his clients to get

comfortable with riding before they buy a special saddle and horse. The Richardsons have also shared their knowledge on a 13 week television show called The Gift of the Horse on RFD TV, an agriculture network in t h e U n i t e d St at e s. It ha s b e e n renewed for another 13 weeks. “My desire is to keep doing whatever makes a difference. If that takes us pursuing other things, I am open to that,” he said.




CAN YOU SPOT THE DIFFERENCE? The Canadian Bison Association’s pedigree committee has set out criteria to help producers distinguish between Plains and Wood bison:


highest point is centred over front legs

sharp cape demarcation

PLAINS BISON at rest, the tip of the tail does not reach the hocks

Frontal hair display is a mat of dense hair standing in an “afro” style

penis sheath and tuft welldeveloped Beard is large, bell-shaped and pendulous

throat latch is equal to or below chin level

ventral neck mane hair is long and may reach below the knee

highest point well forward of front legs

chaps are large, thick and pendulous no cape demarcation

WOOD BISON at rest, the tip of the tail reaches the hocks

frontal hair display is in long forelock strands

beard is thin and pointed throat latch above chin level

ventral neck mane hair very short, does not reach the knee

chaps are rudimentary, usually short

penis sheath and tuft poorly developed WES OLSON ILLUSTRATIONS


Wood bison designation changed Can be exported to U.S. | New genetics welcomed as breeders seek to improve herds BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Wood bison now have the same designation in the United States as they do in Canada, which means more opportunities for Canadian bison producers to sell stock to their American counterparts. Terr y Kremeniuk, executive director of the Canadian Bison Association (CBA), said the new U.S. listing for Wood bison as threatened instead of endangered will allow the U.S. to import them under a special permit process called the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) permit. Animals designated as endangered cannot be exported except for special cases such as research or for zoos. “Now you’ll be able to ship Wood bison into the U.S. with a CITES permit, so it just gives the producers in the U.S. access to another pool of genetics,” Kremeniuk said.

There has always been interest in Wood bison among American bison producers because virtually all bison in the United States, except some in Alaska, are the Plains type. “Anytime you would see a WoodPlains cross at a sale, there was a lot of interest in it because there was some of that hybrid vigour. I expect there will be some people looking for that.” In a news release from the U.S.based National Bison Association (NBA), executive director Dave Carter said his group views the change as a step toward the ultimate removal of Wood bison from the endangered or threatened list. “The down-listing is a positive first step in recognizing the recovery of Wood bison,” said Carter. “We think that Fish and Wildlife needs to take the next step and fully removed (sic) Wood bison from the list.” Last year, the NBA and the CBA filed a joint comment to the U.S.

federal register urging that Wood bison be delisted. There were an estimated 11,000 Wood bison in Canada as of 2008 in domestic and free-ranging herds. A notice in the U.S. federal register, which accompanied the recent listing announcement, said there were 4,414 Wood bison in seven free-range Canadian herds as of 2008, and numbers were either stable or increasing. “Therefore we have determined that the Wood bison no longer meets the definition of endangered under the Endangered Species Act,” the notice read. However, U.S. Fish and Wildlife said it retained the designation of threatened because threats to the wild Wood bison herds in Canada include loss of habitat through agricultural expansion and the presence of tuberculosis and brucellosis. Kremeniuk said this was a reference to disease issues in bison near Wood Buffalo National Park.

The U.S. notice said diseases in the Wood bison herd constrain growth “and regulatory mechanisms are inadequate to prevent disease transmission within Canada.” There are also concerns in some circles about the crossbreeding of Plains and Wood bison to the point that no purity remains in either type. “There will always be people who want to raise pure Wood bison and the other group that will want to raise Plains bison. It’s no different in some respects than what you see in the cattle industry,” said Kremeniuk. Wood bison tend to be larger than Plains bison and have a larger cape and more pronounced, forward shoulder hump. Plains bison have longer and fuller beards and longer, shaggier hair on their forelegs. There are an estimated 400,000 Plains bison in the U.S. and Canada, more than 95 percent of them privately owned.

Federal gov’t to relax meat packing rules BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

The federal government is proposing to relax meat packing plant regulations to make compliance less expensive and to make it easier for provincially registered plants to seek federal registration. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency says food safety standards would not be affected. “Pursuing the proposed amendments would provide greater flexibility to federally registered establishments in how they might meet regulatory requirements while removing some redundant and overly prescriptive non-food safety requirements currently constituting irritants to the sector,” the CFIA said. The regulatory changes are partly a response to a 2011 decision by federal and provincial agriculture ministers to look for ways to allow provincially registered packing plants to export product across provincial boundaries. The rules now allow cross-border trade, nationally or internationally, only from federally regulated plants. It first appeared that the ministers were suggesting rules that would allow inter-provincial exports from provincial plants but not out of the country. The Canadian Meat Council, which represents more than 700 federally registered plants, objected and the CFIA compromise is to make it easier to qualify as a federally registered plant but not to set up two tiers. “CFIA had the option to do plants that are just inter-provincial but their decision was to have just one federal system and we agree with that,” said Ron Davidson, the council’s government and media relations director. Still, the council has raised issues with the CFIA about the proposals, including whether foreign countries that buy Canadian meat products agree with the proposed changes. “We have asked for quite a number of clarifications, elaborations and assurances,” said Davidson. “We have not said we accept or oppose them. We seek information.” The proposed changes would allow processing of game for the hunter in federal plants and change rules about the space needed to separate the handling of edible and inedible products. Still, the CFIA said upgrading to federal status could cost up to $1 million per provincial plant .

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Better enzymes, more benefits Improves livestock digestion | New formulas break down fibre faster BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Adding enzymes to pig and poultry diets is not new, but advanced forms are improving digestion and reducing the need for antibiotics. Canadian Bio-Systems of Calgary recently released two new products: Superzyme-CS and Superzyme-W. Superzyme-CS is an enzyme supplement for diets that include proteins from soybean, canola, peas and grain such as barley, wheat and corn. Superzyme-W is designed for use in feed where 70 percent or more of the diet is cereal grain or plant protein sources. Bogdan Slominski, a nutritional biochemist from the University of Manitoba, has worked with Canadian Bio-Systems to develop new products for poultry and piglet diets. Pigs lack the necessary enzymes to digest certain fibres that have a high level of viscosity. They may not get the full feed value or develop intestinal upset or scours

from certain feed. Enzymes can lessen that risk. “Enzymes have been used for quite some time. This is nothing new,” Slominski said. “We are trying to develop more diversified carbohydrate type of preparations to effectively hydrolyze (break down) certain indigestible components in feed ingredients.” Enzymes are biologically active proteins that speed up chemical and biological reactions. “Various products were used to reduce the viscosity in the gut, which was caused by certain polysaccharides in wheat or rye,” he said. Polysaccharides include starch, cellulose and glycogen. Chickens that eat wheat, barley or rye or animal protein supplements s u c h a s f i s h m e a l may re q u i re enzymes to improve digestion. These feeds can be highly viscous and may impair nutrient digestion while at the same time feeding bacteria. Carbohydrate enzymes improve digestion and nutrient absorption and prevent the growth of bacteria in

the ileum. Enzymes include products such as phytase, which selectively breaks down the bonds that hold phosphorus to phytate. This increases digestibility of the nutrient and reduces the need for added dietary inorganic phosphorus. Products such as xylanase, betaglucanase, cellulase and carbohydrase break down the indigestible fibre components within pig diets. Slominski and his colleagues have also added enzymes to improve the digestibility of dried distillers grain. Broilers could receive 10 percent DDGs in a normal feed mix, but that could increase to 15 percent with added enzymes. “If you use enzymes for wheat or corn, why not use them for DDGs,” he said. Another research program uses enzyme technology in ethanol plants. It usually takes about two days to convert starch to ethanol, but adding certain enzymes reduces the grain’s fibre content and accelerates the fermentation process.

Celebrating 100 years of students at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. The Centennial Column is a weekly feature highlighting the history and present successes of the college.

Beef cattle at the University of Saskatchewan research feedlot.

Meeting Consumer Demand for Beef


Vaccines prevent horse fatalities ANIMAL HEALTH



ith the lengthening of days and promise of warmer weather, it’s the time of year to formulate and implement an appropriate vaccination program for horses before mosquito and horse competition seasons. Most horse owners are familiar with the three-way vaccine, which is designed to protect horses against eastern and western equine encephalomyelitis viruses and tetanus. Mosquitoes transmit the two viruses to horses and people. Tetanus is caused by a bacteria found in soil. It causes infection in open wounds and other skin defects. We all know how accident-prone horses can be. Even small nicks and scratches can permit the bacteria access to the body and the chance to multiply. This bacteria causes toxins that make muscles stiffen. It is difficult and expensive to treat, although most cases are fatal. West Nile Virus has become a standard component to most horse owners’ vaccination protocol. They should read the vaccine labels carefully to ensure this important pathogen is included. Not all horses need vaccination against strangles. Horses that have limited contact with strange horses are at lower risk. They may not leave their homes, are in isolated herds with no new horses being introduced

Centennial Column

Horses at risk for strangles include those that travel to horse competitions, live in boarding stables or live with horses that travel and have contact with other horses. | FILE PHOTO or live alone. The bacteria that causes strangles is transmitted by direct contact or contaminated objects such as bits, water buckets and snot rags. It is no longer valid to infect horses with strangles while they are young in an attempt to prevent severe disease later on and protect them for life. Vaccination and reduced exposure are the best ways to prevent this disease. Equine influenza and equine herpes virus vaccines should also be added to the vaccine plan for horses that have increased contact with other horses. Horses should be routinely vaccinated for rabies because it is a universally fatal disease and can also kill people. Contact between horses and rabid animals often goes unnoticed until clinical rabies develops.

Your veterinarian may recommend vaccination against anthrax and Potomac horse fever depending on your area and risk. Intranasal vaccinations can be tricky to administer and require a bit of finesse, but generally they promote better local immune responses, which translates into better protection. Injectable vaccinations stimulate antibodies in the blood stream, which is important for viruses such as West Nile and rabies. Intranasal vaccines stimulate antibodies on the surface of the inner nasal passages, which is where pathogens such as strangles gain access. Having the protection where it is needed can stop clinical disease in its tracks. Most vaccines need to be kept cool before administration. Always change needles between horses. Intranasal vaccines must never be injected because it can cause severe, sometimes fatal reactions. If your veterinarian is sedating your horse for other routine care such as dental floating or sheath cleaning, it is also a great opportunity to administer vaccines. Alternatively, prepare for intranasal vaccination by desensitizing the horse to having the inside of its nostrils touched by first using your fingers and then the plastic tubing from the vaccine delivery system. Incorporate food rewards. Then draw up the vaccine, place the tube in the nostril and slowly push the plunger. Follow with a treat. Injectable vaccines should be given in the neck muscle. Preparation and training will allow you to administer intranasal and injectable vaccines in subsequent years. Dr. Jamie Rothenburger is a veterinary pathology resident at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.

Beef cattle for meat production have been important in western Canada since the 1880s. Beef consumption increased in Canada and the USA after World War 2, and surplus grain became available. Before the 1950s there were a few small farm feedlots for finishing beef cattle for market. These rations did not contain more than 40 to 50 per cent grain. In 1964 the Department of Animal Science built a research feedlot with support from the Saskatchewan beef producers, the Provincial Government and the University of Saskatchewan. The purpose was to develop high grain finishing rations that would see cattle to market at 16 months of age. As part of this initiative a section was added to determine growth potential of bulls with a view to identify sires of faster growing steers. This Record of Performance Station (ROP) continued to operate until 1990. Professor Hugh Nicholson was hired to manage and supervise research in the Feedlot, the ROP Station and the accompanying Feedmill. One of the first research trials in the feedlot was carried out to settle the debate about the comparative merits of cattle, and barley from the northern and southern agricultural regions of the province. It was suggested by some that cattle fed barley from the grey wooded and degraded black soil areas in the north did not perform as well when fed barley grown in the south. No differences in rate of gain or carcass grade were found due to either source of barley or source of cattle. Rate of gain averaged only 1.15 kilograms per day. The ration consisted of 80 per cent steam rolled barley and 20 per cent slough hay plus minerals and Vitamin A. Other early trials evaluated various methods of processing barley, response to rapeseed meal and other protein supplements. One unique feature of the feedlot and Bull Test Station was the use of 20 per cent porosity fence around the Feedlot perimeter. This design was developed by Professor Eric Moysey in the Dept of Agricultural Engineering using wind tunnel measurements. This design prevented snow accumulation in the pens and reduced air velocity inside the pens to a distance of six times the height of the fence. This design has been adopted world-wide.

Seed Hawk congratulates the College of Agriculture and Bioresources on 100 years of research and teaching excellence.





Improved awareness of consumer demands needed Understanding retail needs | Farmers seek ways to get more of their products onto grocers’ shelves BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Grocery retailers are committed to buying products from local farmers, but producers need to be educated about what stores need, says a Retail Council of Canada executive. David Wilkes, senior vice-president of the council’s grocery division, told the Senate agriculture committee last week that the “largest challenge” for retailers is to make sure farmers know what is expected of them. “I think (the main challenge is) the ability to educate local producers as to what the requirements of the grocery industry are, to (explain) that the customer now is demanding fresh strawberries on a year-round basis,” Wilkes told Manitoba senator Don Plett. He said farmers need to understand that consumer demands are not negotiable anymore. Farm witnesses at parliamentary committees have repeatedly complained that local supermarket chains do not make space available on their shelves for local produce. Farmers’ market representatives have argued that their growing success comes in part from poor treatment by supermarket chains of

Keep Sclerotinia at bay.

local produce. There have been tales about rules that require local produce to be sent to a retail chain warehouse hundreds of kilometres away only to be sent back and labelled as local. Wilkes said retailers are doing their best to promote local produce and to work with local farmers, but there are limitations. “All our members have a locally grown-first procurement policy so if there is a supply available from a Canadian grower, it will be the one that gets the nod,” he said. “We have an ability for local growers to deliver directly to the stores so that you do not have to ship from your producing area to a (distribution centre) miles away and back to that same store.” However, he said farmers must understand the requirements that a retail store faces. It is not enough for a farmer to have product and want to sell it to a local store. “We have a variety of programs where members will work with local growers to explain procurement standards, most notable among them food safety, making sure people understand what the expectations of the retail community are to maintain food safety and working with those growers to ensure that


they have the right practices and husbandry techniques to ensure they are met,” said Wilkes. He said members of the retail council also work with provincial governments to implement buy local policies. “We have a number of programs where we are supporting locally raised or corn-fed beef that respond to Canadians’ desire to purchase locally and from the people they live beside,” he said. However, he complained that some government regulations make it more difficult for retailers to meet demand for local produce. There is a rule that “local” can only be applied to a product produced within 50 kilometres. “In a market as wide as Canada, this is very restrictive.” He said differing labelling standards among the provinces are also a burden on the retail sector. In Quebec, the origin of every vegetable on a vegetable platter must be noted on a label. Across the border in Ontario, labeling rules are more lax. “In some cases, the cost of complying with the labelling is more than the cost of producing the product that they are looking to sell to our members,” Wilkes said.

Grocery retailers say farmers should better understand consumer demands, such as food safety and quality, as well as the concept that many consumers expect seasonal fruits and vegetables year round. | FILE PHOTO

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1.00% 4/16 4/23 4/30


0.980 4/16 4/23 4/30

5/14 5/18

Bank of Canada 5-yr rate


5/14 5/18

May 18

A G F IN ANC E E D I TO R : D ’ A RC E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R: @ D AR CE MCMILLAN

AG STOCKS FOR MAY 14-18 Stock markets slumped on concerns that global growth will suffer from the eurozone’s problems and signs of a slowing U.S. recovery. For the week, the S&P/TSX composite index fell 3.5 percent, the Dow fell 3.5 percent, the S&P 500 dropped 4.3 percent and the Nasdaq fell 5.3 percent. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.



ADM Alliance Grain Bunge Ltd. ConAgra Foods Legumex Walker Viterra Inc. W.I.T.


CLOSE LAST WK 31.82 10.92 59.78 25.11 6.50 15.95 13.32

32.85 11.88 63.18 25.74 7.01 15.96 13.32



Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 48.09 0.12 18.10 8.98 10.57

48.09 0.12 18.36 8.50 11.90


Construction of Legumex Walker’s Pacific Coast Canola plant in Washington is on budget and on schedule. |



Grain firm grapples with volatility Leadership transition | Pulse business struggles but Legumex Walker expands into new areas BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

One of the pioneers of the pulse and special crops industry is exiting the business. Dave Walker has retired as chair of Legumex Walker Inc., one of Canada’s largest pulse processing firms. His replacement is Bruce Scherr, chair and chief executive officer of Informa Economics Inc. Walker spent nearly three decades in the special crops business building Walker Seeds into one of Canada’s leading special crops firms. “With the combination of Walker Seeds and Roy Legumex Group and our transition to a public company complete, I now look forward to the next phase in my life and the opportunity to spend more time with family and devote more attention to my farming and investment interests,” said Walker in a news release.

Legumex Walker president Joel Horn thanked Walker for his leaders h i p d u r i n g a c o n f e re n c e c a l l announcing the company’s first quarter results for 2012. It was another disappointing quarter for the newly formed public corporation. “There’s no doubt that the global market situation for special crops is still a difficult one. Volatility and political instability in some of our traditional markets persist,” Horn told investment analysts. Buyers are reluctant to purchase in that environment, but Horn thinks that attitude is about to change. “People need to eat and we are told that inventories are being depleted. Buyers will come back to the market,” he said. Sales for the first quarter of 2012 were $65.8 million, up from $62.4 million during the fourth quarter of 2011. Earnings before income, taxes,

depreciation and amortization were $2.2 million, down from EBITDA of $2.7 million in the last quarter of 2011. The company’s newly acquired bean and sunflower seed processing assets in Minnesota contributed $4.3 million in sales for the quarter. “We have barely begun to see the contribution of the acquisition of the St. Hilaire and Anderson assets,” said Horn. He said he was proud of the company’s ability to squeeze profit out of disappointing revenues. Legumex Walker realized $6.2 million of gross margin on its Canadian operations, representing 10.1 percent of sales. “Our financial results reflect our success in maintaining consistent gross margins and sales amidst the continuing industry head winds, a testament to the underlying strength of our special crops business,” said Horn.

Some of the head winds have been caused by increased competition from emerging pulse producing countries. The company is combating that new competition through a strategy of global diversification. It recently acquired a bean processing facility in Tianjin, China. “The addition of our processing capabilities in China means that we are now the competition that we previously faced,” said Horn. Construction of the company’s Pacific Coast Canola plant in Warden, Washington, is on budget and on schedule to begin operations early next year. “We just finished the first forward purchases of canola seed for the fall crop,” said Horn. The canola was bought from growers in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Only a small fraction of the company’s anticipated needs for the first 12 months of operation have been bought.


BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods


CLOSE LAST WK 0.11 29.37 11.66 17.86 20.20 5.50 19.12

0.16 29.11 11.92 18.16 19.80 5.40 19.58



AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 38.56 5.69 88.68 38.56 73.19 9.93

43.85 5.49 95.50 44.01 79.07 10.31



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

CLOSE LAST WK 78.01 72.05 64.27 29.45 47.97 0.53 69.89 46.47 39.45 63.72

83.56 75.40 68.07 32.15 51.57 0.49 72.45 48.93 41.00 67.06





CLOSE LAST WK 80.65 74.11

81.02 73.38

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, investment advisor with CIBC Wood Gundy in Calgary, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Member of CIPF and IIROC. Listed stock prices come from Thompson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Morrison can be reached at 800-332-1407.


Equipment maker expects big U.S. corn crop to hike sales WINNIPEG (Reuters) — Ag Growth International Inc., a Winnipeg-based portable grain handling equipment maker, has reported a 13 percent rise in quarterly profit on strong demand. The company, which makes grain handling equipment, storage bins and belt conveyors under the names

Batco, Twister, Westfield and Keho, said it expects a strong corn planting season in the United States to drive demand for its portable grain handling equipment. “Demand for our portable handling equipment is very strong as corn planting in the U.S. is forecast to be the

highest since 1937 and farmers in Western Canada are expected to seed approximately eight million more acres of land than in 2011,” said chief executive officer Gary Anderson. However, Ag Growth said North American sales may not match last year’s levels.

Net income for the first quarter rose to $5.3 million from $4.7 million a year ago. North American sales of commercial handling equipment also rose, the company said. Trade sales increased 10 percent to $72.3 million.







Interest in small-scale farming increasing Return to organic, local food | Small farmers can capitalize on the trend, says the co-ordinator of a farm mentorship program BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Interest in sustainable, organic and small-scale farming is growing, says Sharon Taylor, co-ordinator of the Manitoba Farm Mentorship Program. However, she admits that progress can be difficult to gauge. Her program, a product of the Organic Food Council of Manitoba, offers training and networking opportunities for new and aspiring f a r m e r s, ma n y o f w h o m d o n ’ t come from an agricultural background. Wes Huyghe met that description when he started farming two years ago. The beginnings of his two-acre vegetable farm in that province are shown in the documentary film To Make a Farm.

“There’s a renaissance for the small farmer movement,” Huyghe said. Taylor agreed. While the numbers are small, she said the Manitoba mentorship program has seen an increase in participants each year since its inception in 2009. Eight participants from another of its programs have started farms, she added. She said her program is one of several available to sustainable and organic farmers, who make up two percent of all operators in Statistics Canada’s 2011 Census of Agriculture. Tim Shultz, who has a seven-acre market garden in Osage, Sask., said he’s seen three new community supported agriculture farms this season in the Regina-Moose Jaw area. “I see a lot of opportunity for it. There’s a real turn to local foods and


natural and organic foods,” he said. “The small farmer has the most to gain on that.” The recently released census data shows a continued trend: Canadian farms are getting bigger and farmers are getting older. While total greenhouse area in the country has expanded, Statistics

Canada reports a decrease in the total area of field vegetables in every province except Nova Scotia, including an 18.8 percent decrease in Alberta to 10,716 acres. Total vegetable area in Manitoba fell 8.4 percent to 5,169 acres and in Saskatchewan it fell 5.9 percent to 765 acres. “It does clash with what we’re experiencing in terms of the interest and the numbers of people wanting to get started into farming,” said Taylor. Statistics Canada cites the strong Canadian dollar, increasing imports and the closure of processing plants as factors in these declines. Taylor said many new small-scale farmers might not be included in the census because they don’t yet gross the $10,000 required to file a farm tax return. While gross farm receipts have

grown since 2006, the census data also shows significant declines in the number of farms reporting incomes in every bracket below $100,000. Taylor said the efforts of groups such as Food Security Canada, which has developed its own sustainable local food strategy and made a presentation to the House of Commons agriculture committee in February, are a source of optimism for the sector. “That wave of interest in improving the situation in Canada and improving the supports and services that are available for new farmers ... is more an indication to me that there is a renaissance and that there is an increasing interest in farming and doing things on a smaller scale than those numbers sort of indicate to me,” said Taylor.


Fixed costs: managing expenses to maximize returns PERSPECTIVES ON MANAGEMENT



armers should think about how to better manage their fixed costs to achieve a better bottom line result. Costs, or expenses, associated with running a farm are often recorded as variable and fixed. Variable expenses can be further categorized as being production and operating expenses. The goal is to maximize profit or net income. This is achieved by increasing revenue, decreasing expenses or a combination of the two. This leads to a question: Does it really matter how the expenses are recorded? After all, the bottom line results are what count. Expenses, regardless of how they are recorded, are an investment in the business. As with any investment, it is expected that there will be a return. The task is to determine how the investment (in this case, the expenses) can be managed so as to maximize the return or profit. The adage that you can’t manage what you can’t measure is why it matters how expenses are recorded. Fixed costs Production expenses such as fertilizer, chemical, seed and crop insurance and operating expenses, such as fuel, repairs, custom work and wages, vary with production. Fixed costs are referred to as business expenses that do not directly fluctuate with increases or decreases in production. They are often re-

ferred to as overhead. Typical examples include interest, amortization (or depreciation), utilities, professional fees, management salaries, rent and property taxes. They are fixed in the sense that you have to make interest payments or pay rent and property taxes even if you have no production. Not that long ago, I travelled to England and visited farm management consultants. Crop production in certain areas there is intensive. One consultant said that some farmers think of their fixed costs as being more variable than their variable costs. That might seem confusing, but the rationale was that because of the need to drive yield, farmers had limited ability to adjust fertilizers and chemicals. They believed they had more control in managing their fixed costs and therefore improve their net incomes. Production in Canada has different considerations than England, albeit with the same need to optimize yield. The thinking around managing fixed costs does have applications here though. Amortization, or depreciation, is a real cost. It is a non-cash cost. It is supposed to represent the cost of the annual wear and tear on buildings and equipment. There are two ways to manage this cost. Farmers and accountants often use tax (capital cost allowance) rates, which can be 10 to 30 percent, depending on the asset. An option is to use a lower amortization rate for management purposes, which more closely represents the annual cost of ownership and thus results in a more realistic net income. The other option is to either not own or share in the ownership of operating assets. This obviously reduces the fixed amortization cost. Interest expenses can be managed by either not borrowing as much money, or selecting variable or fixed rates. Management salaries can also be adjusted. If the objective is to

increase net income, taking less from the business in management salaries is an option, although there can be tax strategy implications. These ideas look at how fixed costs could be reduced as tactics to increase net income. Another option is to keep fixed costs at their current values and increase the productive asset base.

This spreads the existing fixed costs over more productive units, lowering t h e a m o u nt p e r u n i t a n d t hu s increasing net income. The challenge here is to increase the productive base without increasing, or at the least only minimally increasing fixed costs. The most important message here is to encourage farmers to think

about how their fixed costs can be better managed so as to achieve a better bottom line result. In all likelihood, some combination of the above may be required. Terry Betker is a farm management consultant based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He can be reached at 204.782.8200 or terry.


Grain farmers Does this company owe you money? As of May 11, 2012, Newco Grain Ltd. of Coaldale, Alberta is no longer licensed by the Canadian Grain Commission. If you are owed money, contact the Canadian Grain Commission.

1-800-853-6705 or (204) 983-2770 TTY: 1-866-317- 4289 Stay informed. Get updates by email or RSS feed about changes to grain company licences. To subscribe, visit the Canadian Grain Commission web site.




CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta

GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Grade A

Live May 11-17

Previous May 4-10

Year ago

Rail May 11-17

Previous May 4-10

111.85-113.00 110.19-121.19 n/a 100.00-105.25

110.50-113.25 108.79-121.79 n/a 100.00-104.25

101.59 105.44 n/a n/a

186.50-187.85 193.00-195.00 n/a n/a

185.00-188.00 191.00-194.00 185.00-185.25 n/a

112.00 103.97-117.63 n/a 95.00-103.50

111.00-113.25 104.29-115.47 n/a 95.00-102.75

100.90 106.76 n/a n/a

187.00-187.85 192.00-194.00 187.00 n/a

185.00-186.75 190.00-193.00 185.25 n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$170 $165 $160 $155 $150 4/16 4/23 4/30


5/14 5/18

Saskatchewan $165


Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Roy Legumex, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Walker Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Barley (Oct.) $240 $220 $200 $180 $160 4/16 4/23 4/30


5/14 5/18


5/14 5/18

Durum (Oct.) $285 $280 $275

$150 $145 4/16 4/23 4/30

Feeder Cattle ($/cwt) 5/7

5/14 5/18

Manitoba $165 $160 $155 $150 $145 4/16 4/23 4/30


5/14 5/18

Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $165

Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400

Cattle Slaughter





115-128 122-141 132-159 144-167 157-173 165-188

no sales 120-137 132-147 144-162 155-178 165-186

118-131 125-140 137-153 150-167 160-175 170-188

Report not available -

115-130 120-140 127-147 139-157 146-177 no sales

112-130 120-135 128-145 135-155 145-168 150-175

116-130 124-140 131-147 140-158 152-169 160-180

Report not available Canfax

$160 $155

Average Carcass Weight

$150 $145 4/16 4/23 4/30


5/14 5/18

May 12/12 867 812 671 1011


Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $150 $145 $140

May 14/11 830 756 679 1021

YTD 12 880 826 676 1013

YTD 11 847 782 676 1030

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)

$135 $130 4/16 4/23 4/30


5/14 5/18

Manitoba $155 $150 $145 $140 $135 4/16 4/23 4/30


5/14 5/18

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) Steers National n/a Kansas n/a Nebraska n/a Nebraska (dressed) n/a Feeders No. 1 (700-799 lb) South Dakota Billings Dodge City

Heifers n/a n/a n/a n/a

Steers n/a n/a 147-150

Trend n/a n/a +2/+4

Cash Futures -14.14 n/a -10.59

Close May 18 Live Cattle Jun 119.53 Aug 121.93 Oct 126.30 Dec 128.60 Feb 130.03 Feeder Cattle May 151.30 Aug 160.70 Sep 161.73 Oct 162.88 Nov 163.48

-6.26 n/a -3.57

Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 709.8 +3 Non-fed 133.7 -1 Total beef 843.4 +2

Exports % from 2011 218,994 (1) -6.9 71,955 (1) + 74.6 63,931 (3) +12.4 82,628 (3) +6.7 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 13,443 (2) -18.0 54,588 (4) -0.4 73,932 (4) + 4.4

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to May 5/12 (2) to Mar. 31/12 (3) to Mar. 31/12 (4) to May 12/12


Agriculture Canada

115.15 117.70 122.60 125.50 127.10

+4.38 +4.23 +3.70 +3.10 +2.93

104.98 107.10 113.58 116.83 117.90

149.70 157.48 158.63 160.00 160.58

+1.60 +3.22 +3.10 +2.88 +2.90

125.45 125.75 127.08 128.13 128.75

Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $155 $150 $145

This wk Last wk Yr. ago 210-212 210-212 194-196 Canfax

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) May 11 Previous Base rail (index 100) 3.45 3.45 Index range 102.36 106.19-106.56 Range off base 3.51 3.66-3.67 Feeder lambs 1.60-2.25 1.60-2.25 Sheep (live) 0.50-0.60 0.50-0.60 SunGold Meats

May 14 2.45-2.90 2.33-2.51 2.26-2.31 1.80-2.32 1.87-2.05 1.75-2.50 0.85-0.95 0.80-0.95 75-120

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

2.49-2.89 2.31-2.55 2.26-2.36 2.07-2.33 1.62-1.98 1.75-2.50 0.85-0.95 0.85-0.95 75-120

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

May 21 1.55-1.90 1.50-1.70 1.45-1.80 0.55

Wool, new crop Wool, old crop Hair, new crop Fed sheep

$140 $135 4/16 4/23 4/30


Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)

$150 $145 $140 $135 4/16 4/23 4/30

(1) to May 5/12 5/7

(2) to Mar. 31/12

Canada 7,472,067 7,456,116 + 0.2

To date 2012 To date 2011 % change 12/11

Fed. inspections only U.S. 40,406,348 39,798,995 + 1.5 Agriculture Canada

Export 297,511 (1) 83,629 (2) 289,383 (2)

143.59 149.35

Man. Que.

152.00 147.94 *incl. wt. premiums

% from 2011 -15.1 + 9.8 +3.6

Import n/a 72,308 (3) 77,492 (3)

(3) to May 12/12

% from 2011 n/a +6.7 + 0.6 Agriculture Canada

$160 $155 $150 5/7

5/14 5/18

Jun Ju1 Aug Oct

Close May 18 87.43 88.58 88.90 81.40

Close May 11 85.30 85.15 85.65 79.15

Trend +2.13 +3.43 +3.25 +2.25

Year ago 91.98 92.33 93.50 86.50

Dec Feb Apr May

EXCHANGE RATE: MAY 18 $1 Cdn. = $1.0164 U.S. $1 U.S. = $0.9839 Cdn.

Close May 18 79.18 80.90 82.50 86.50

Trend +2.60 +2.82 +2.60 +2.00

Year ago 84.10 85.35 86.30 90.00

May 18 Avg. May 14 24.50-26.00 25.00 25.38 15.00-18.00 17.30 17.30 22.50-24.50 23.17 23.83 30.50-34.00 31.94 31.38 15.00-18.00 16.50 16.50 17.25-20.00 18.88 19.03 14.00-16.00 14.90 14.90 8.50-12.00 10.58 10.58 9.80-10.00 9.97 9.97 8.40-9.25 8.66 8.66 8.30-8.55 8.46 8.46 8.25-8.50 8.42 8.42 3.50-5.50 4.83 4.83 36.75-37.75 37.25 36.13 30.75-31.75 31.08 31.36 25.75-26.75 26.25 26.30 26.00-27.50 26.66 26.97 26.10-27.50 27.22 27.22 30.90-32.50 32.10 32.10 22.30-23.50 23.20 23.20 22.30-23.50 23.20 23.20

Cash Prices

Canola (cash - July) No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)

$680 $660

May 16 May 9 Year Ago n/a 172.13 184.38 n/a 166.46 150.98 25.65 26.90 35.50

$620 $600 4/13 4/20 4/27



No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator

$15 $10

$0 $-5 4/13 4/20 4/27


5/11 5/18

Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $255 $250 $245 $240 $235 4/13 4/20 4/27


5/11 5/18

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $580 $570 $560 $550 $540 4/13 4/20 4/27

n/a 5/4

5/11 5/18

W. Barley (cash - July) $260 $255


Basis: $15

$240 4/13 4/20 4/27


5/11 5/18

Canola, western barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Corn (July) $720 $690 $660 $630 $600 4/16 4/23 4/30


5/14 5/18

$1550 $1500 $1450 $1400 5/7

U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)

5/11 5/18

Canola (basis - July)

5/14 5/18

Oats (July) $360 $350 $340

May 17 7.57 6.99 6.88 5.52 4.20

Grain Futures May 18 May 14 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Jul 613.20 594.40 +18.80 Nov 562.60 554.80 +7.80 Jan 566.10 558.10 +8.00 Mar 568.80 561.50 +7.30 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 245.00 242.00 +3.00 Dec 250.00 247.00 +3.00 Mar 259.00 256.00 +3.00 May 262.00 259.00 +3.00 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 275.60 275.60 0.00 Dec 280.10 280.10 0.00 Mar 286.70 286.70 0.00 May 290.70 290.70 0.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Oct 184.00 184.00 0.00 Dec 189.00 189.00 0.00 Mar 192.00 192.00 0.00 Wpg ICE Western Barley ($/tonne) Jul 237.00 237.00 0.00 Oct 210.00 216.00 -6.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 6.9525 5.9825 +0.9700 Dec 7.2000 6.3525 +0.8475 Mar 7.3300 6.5725 +0.7575 May 7.3925 6.6675 +0.7250 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Jul 3.4000 3.2850 +0.1150 Dec 3.5000 3.3750 +0.1250 Mar 3.5325 3.4175 +0.1150 May 3.5325 3.4575 +0.0750 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Jul 14.0500 13.8700 +0.1800 Nov 12.8800 12.9475 -0.0675 Jan 12.8600 12.9400 -0.0800 Mar 12.5950 12.6900 -0.0950 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Jul 6.3550 5.8300 +0.5250 Dec 5.3700 5.0550 +0.3150 Mar 5.4650 5.1700 +0.2950 May 5.5700 5.2575 +0.3125 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 7.9200 7.2575 +0.6625 Dec 7.9000 7.3425 +0.5575 Mar 7.9275 7.4300 +0.4975 May 7.9675 7.5350 +0.4325 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 7.3875 6.5500 +0.8375 Mar 7.5075 6.6950 +0.8125 May 7.5725 6.7900 +0.7825

Year ago 577.10 583.30 590.50 594.90 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 205.00 205.00 8.0650 8.9300 9.2050 9.2750 3.6400 3.7550 3.8700 3.9500 13.8025 13.5050 13.5875 13.6100 7.5950 6.6650 6.7675 6.8375 9.9975 9.8125 9.8350 9.8100 9.6775 9.7725 9.7375

$330 $320 4/16 4/23 4/30

Close May 11 76.58 78.08 79.90 84.50

Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)

Cash Prices

$1350 4/16 4/23 4/30

Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)


5/14 5/18

Soybeans (July)

Index 100 hogs $/ckg

5/14 5/18


$145 4/16 4/23 4/30

To May 12

Hogs / Pork Trade



Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

5/14 5/18


$230 4/16 4/23 4/30


Hog Slaughter

Alta. Sask.



Fixed contract $/ckg

Jun 10-Jun 23 Jun 24-Jul 07 Jul 08-Jul 21 Jul 22-Aug 04 Aug 05-Aug 18 Aug 19-Sep 01 Sep 02-Sep 15 Sep 16-Sep 29 Sep 30-Oct 13 Oct 14-Oct 27 Oct 28-Nov 10



HOGS Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. May 17 May 18 155.54-158.34 155.08-157.89 151.80-160.04 151.34-159.16 159.57-160.04 158.69-159.16 159.10-161.77 158.22-160.94 158.50-161.31 157.66-160.47 150.06-151.94 150.21-151.09 149.60-149.60 149.74-149.74 149.60-149.60 149.74-149.74 147.77-149.64 148.05-149.93 142.61-143.55 142.88-143.82 136.52-139.80 137.53-140.82

Milling Wheat (Oct.)


Close Trend Year May 11 ago

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.

$265 4/16 4/23 4/30


Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)


Cattle / Beef Trade


To May 12 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2012 1,023,770 11,571,137 To date 2011 1,039,788 12,165,453 % Change 12/11 -1.5 -4.9



Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb

Pulse and Special Crops

ICE Futures Canada


5/14 5/18

Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (July) $840 $810 $780 $750 $720 4/16 4/23 4/30


5/14 5/18

Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To tonnes) May 13 Wheat 353.9 Durum 62.4 Oats 19.9 Barley 13.1 Flax 21.3 Canola 180.3 Peas 73.8 Canola crush 124.1

To May 6 420.4 167.3 13.3 14.3 0.3 152.9 33.3 117.0

Total to date 11116.3 3031.9 973.7 1004.5 212.9 7325.9 1410.7 5417.0

Last year 9199.1 2642.3 849.2 1179.6 265.2 5627.2 2113.2 4812.1


THIS WEEK’S TEMPERATURE FORECAST May 24-30 (averages are in °C)


THIS WEEK’S PRECIPITATION FORECAST May 24-30 (averages are in mm)

Much above normal

Above normal



Prince George

Prince George Normal







Saskatoon Regina

Below normal



Saskatoon Regina



Much below normal

The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)




Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard



last week High Low

last week since April 1 mm mm %

30.6 25.9 28.3 27.5 26.9 28.2 24.4 23.8 23.0 25.2 22.8 30.2 27.9 26.3 28.3 29.9 24.8 28.1

0.0 2.4 9.4 0.3 0.0 2.2 10.2 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 1.6 0.0 0.0

3.1 3.2 5.8 4.0 7.3 1.7 1.2 -0.7 0.3 1.8 0.3 -0.4 4.5 4.0 4.0 -0.7 4.8 0.0


101.2 103.2 56.5 89.5 108.8 65.9 41.6 42.1 46.7 60.4 80.8 81.4 91.8 90.6 111.1 78.5 106.5 98.7

208 189 109 167 252 137 94 89 102 133 166 163 184 196 239 177 215 206

last week High Low Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

28.5 25.9 22.7 24.8 25.7 18.6 20.3 29.1 23.1 27.9 27.8 18.8 24.9 25.0 28.2 24.4

5.4 2.7 5.5 3.3 2.7 -5.1 -0.5 6.4 4.3 7.4 5.9 -4.7 4.7 1.8 0.5 5.9



last week since April 1 mm mm % 0.6 2.0 12.1 3.3 1.4 0.0 10.2 2.8 10.3 2.6 5.4 0.0 0.0 2.6 3.6 1.6

71.2 109.4 57.7 94.9 62.9 40.4 43.0 86.7 68.2 61.7 60.9 47.2 37.1 89.3 85.9 41.6

151 191 137 215 128 112 128 151 142 135 92 133 51 164 123 97


last week High Low Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

29.8 27.1 28.6 32.2 30.8 29.9 25.7 29.6

last week since April 1 mm mm %

2.4 2.4 0.0 4.2 2.9 3.4 2.6 -0.4

0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9

71.4 52.4 34.4 67.7 38.2 53.5 73.1 56.4

121 92 61 113 59 84 129 93

5.0 -1.8 4.7 3.4 -2.0

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 4.0

32.0 49.3 29.1 44.7 61.4

60 130 108 96 115

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

27.0 18.6 30.4 29.3 20.6

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.:





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