VOL. 90 | NO. 28 | $3.75
Like gold in the field, so far Good crop, great prices | Growers advised to market ‘significant portion’ of crops this year BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Canadian grain farmers are sitting on an above average crop at a time when prices are nearing and in some cases exceeding record levels. “Now you have to strategize how to take advantage of that,” said Neil Townsend, director of CWB Market Research. His advice is for growers to market a significant portion of their anticipated production in 2012 and 2013.
At the beginning of this week, Minneapolis wheat was at $9.22 per bushel for the 2012 crop and $8.70 for the December 2013 contract. “How many times have we sat down and looked forward two Decembers and seen ($8.70) wheat?” said Townsend. “In 2013, I would give serious thought to pricing your first 10, 12, 14 bushels (per acre). Trust me, a lot of American farmers are doing exactly that.” The price rally that wheat and
other crops are experiencing stems from a severe drought in the U.S. Midwest, which grows 80 percent of the country’s corn and soybeans. “One word sums it up pretty well, which is ‘catastrophe,’ ” said Dan Basse, president of AgResource Company, an agricultural advisory firm based in Chicago. It is shaping up to be the fifth or sixth worst drought on record in that country. Forty percent of U.S. corn and soybean crops are rated good to
excellent compared to 69 and 66 percent, respectively, a year ago. Spring wheat is in much better shape with 66 percent falling in the good to excellent category versus 73 percent a year ago. “We believe U.S. corn yields will fall at least 20 percent. That’s the biggest yield decline since the 1988 drought when we had yields in that crop year fall 30 percent,” said Basse. SEE LIKE GOLD IN THE FIELD, PAGE 2
Ottawa may cut $2 billion from farm program BY BARRY WILSON & KAREN BRIERE OTTAWA, REGINA BUREAUS
Ottawa and the provinces are nearing a deal in principle that will sharply cut farm income support in the next five-year agricultural program. The result could be more than $2 billion in spending cuts over five years for Ottawa and the provinces combined — approximately $1.2 billion in lower payments for Ottawa alone. The federal government proposed three alternatives to provincial and territorial ministers. The most drastic was the eligibility threshold for when farmers receive an Agri-Stability payment from 85 percent of their historical average income to 50 percent. SEE OTTAWA MAY CUT, PAGE 3
This corn crop is coming up OK but elsewhere in the U.S. it is not, which is driving up prices for Canadian crops. | MICHAEL RAINE PHOTO
The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240; Registration No. 10676
JULY 12, 2012 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4
INSIDE THIS WEEK REGULAR FEATURES Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather
Farm of the future: A model at the recent World Pork Expo envisioned what a farm might look like in 2050. See page 33. | ED WHITE PHOTO
Gold in the field, so far AgResource is forecasting an average corn yield of 140 bu. per acre, which is well below the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s initial estimate of 166 bu. Basse fears the yield potential will soon drop to 132 bu. if weather conditions don’t improve in a hurry. Soybean prices established a new all-time high June 9, while corn prices started this week 14 cents below the record high of $8 per bu. set one year ago. “The market is doing its job in trying to send the message that we need to change biofuel policies or there’s going to be tremendous liquidation of the U.S. livestock herd,” said Basse. The U.S. ethanol industry will consume an estimated five billion bu. of corn, or about 43 percent of this year’s anticipated crop, unless the federal government steps in. Basse expects the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will eventually reduce the federal ethanol mandate by 20 to 25 percent, but corn prices may have to rise as high as $9 per bu. before politicians respond. That would help douse the fire in grain markets, as will what is expected to be massive corn and soybean plantings in Latin America this fall. “Historically speaking, when you have droughts in a significant producer like Russia or the United States, we make a high spike in price and then we decline in values for 18 to 24 months, and I don’t see why this should be any different than that,” said Basse. Townsend agreed that the market will remain bullish for a while yet before it turns south. “The ball is in demand’s court now,” he said. Buyers held off on making purchases this spring because analysts were telling them there was a huge U.S. corn crop coming that would drive prices down. “A lot of them are not as covered as they should be,” said Townsend. He believes the next two to five weeks could be interesting as buyers attempt to cover the shortfall. Basse said the world is increasingly counting on Canada to fill the supply void caused by drought in the United States and smaller than expected crops in the European Union and the Black Sea region. Canadian growers appear to be doing their part, according to Statis-
I can say that probably 90 percent of Western Canada is either better or much better than normal. When we see this kind of colouring, it’s an indication that the vegetation is doing extremely well. GORDON REICHERT STATISTICS CANADA
tics Canada’s latest satellite map of crop and pasture vegetation on the Prairies. The map compares vegetative growth for June 2-8 to normal growing conditions for the same period between 1987 and 2011. “I can say that probably 90 percent of Western Canada is either better or much better than normal,” said Gordon Reichert, a senior scientific adviser with Statistics Canada. The map is almost entirely green or dark green. “When we see this kind of colouring, it’s an indication that the vegetation is doing extremely well,” said Reichert. A good rule of thumb is that better vegetative cover results in higher crop yields. Statistics Canada will issue its first yield estimates for spring wheat, durum, barley and canola based on the satellite maps July 23. Townsend is already pencilling in higher yields for the two largest crops grown in Western Canada. He is forecasting a 40 bu. per acre average for hard red spring wheat and a 35 bu. canola crop, up from their respective trends of 37. 5 bu. and 32 bu. “We’re anticipating some pretty healthy yields,” he said. However, Townsend doesn’t expect that to result in a burdensome supply of spring wheat because of the amount of acres eaten up by canola. He is forecasting 15.3 million tonnes of spring wheat, a 600,000 tonne increase over last year’s harvest. “The world can easily absorb that,” he said. Basse said things couldn’t be shaping up much better for Canadian grain farmers as they reach the midway point of the growing season. “They have the benefit of having a big crop potential with a big price,” he said.
» HAIL REPORT: Hail claims
» STATUS OF BIRDS: Grassland
» » »
are double what they usually are in Saskatchewan at this time of year. 4 LONG MIGRATION: Monarch butterflies are being seen much further north and west in Alberta this year. 15 ED TYRCHINIEWICZ: An ag economist joins Manitoba’s agricultural hall of fame. 18 BATTERY PAINT: Scientists develop a paint that can store and deliver electricity similar to a battery. 24 BISON CULL: An Alberta bison producer wants the province to cull diseased animals in the North. 25
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bird species are declining on the Prairies and in danger of further loss. 26 TRADE DECISION: The head of the WTO warns that the concept of multilateral trade is at a crossroads. 31 AGRIRECOVERY: Ontario fruit growers hope to access a federal program after being hit by a crop disaster. 70 POWER LINE: Alberta landowners continue to fight a proposed power line. 72 STAMPEDE ART: Artists, both young and old, make their mark during the Calgary Stampede. 74
84 35 32 9 86 10 12 23 87
COLUMNS Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch The Bottom Line Animal Health TEAM Living Tips Health Clinic
10 11 11 8 85 82 21 21
CONTACTS Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401
» BUMPER SPUDS: Potato growers in »
Canada and the United States are expected to grow a bumper crop this year. 7 CATTLE MARKET: The Canadian cattle feeder market remains positive, despite drought and falling prices in the U.S. 8
» MAKING JAM: A local food initiative »
evolves into a business that makes jam, jelly and pickles out of local produce. 22 ON THE FARM: This Saskatchewan family leaves the city for the countryside to raise goats and make cheese. 23
» DRILL REVIEW: A new air drill features »
independent parallel linkage without hydraulics. 75 FARMSIGHT: John Deere announces a new service that helps producers better use the data that their equipment collects. 76
» HERD SIZE: Researchers are trying to »
determine if there is an ideal herd size for cattle producers. 79 SHEEP TECH: A sheep feedlot owner from Alberta goes high-tech in an attempt to keep the operation running smoothly. 81
» GRAIN TRADE: Activity in the grain trade
is heating up as Western Canada prepares for life without the CWB single desk. Existing companies are trying to expand their market share while new companies look for a way in. 84
Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 Canada Post Agreement Number 40069240 SEE INSIDE BACK COVER FOR ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION TELEPHONE NUMBERS
Ottawa may cut farm supports Most provinces rejected the 50 percent threshold at an unannounced meeting of ministers in Toronto July 6, according to a provincial source. But the second option — reducing the triggers threshold from 85 percent to 70 percent — would save the provincial and federal treasuries almost as much as $2.2 billion. S ome provincial delegations believe the 70 percent option will be federal agricultural minister Gerry Ritz’s compromise position. Final decisions are supposed to be taken at a ministers’ meeting in Whitehorse in September. The new programs take effect April 1, 2013. Provincial opponents of the proposed cuts have argued it will simply force more farm support costs onto provincial only programs such as Ontario’s Risk Management Program. “This simply would gut Agri-Stability,” said a provincial official close to the negotiations. “It is an attempt to use high commodity prices and government restraint to gut a program.” Ministers have decided to keep public information on the negotiations vague until a deal is reached. Asked about Agri-Stability cut proposals, Ritz’s office issued a statement indicating that the Growing Forward 2 programs will emphasize support for disaster, as well as investments in innovation and competitiveness. Strengthened income support for market fluctuations was not included in the list of federal priorities. “Governments are currently looking at ways to ensure agricultural programming is helping the sector become more competitive over the longer term,” said the statement from Ritz’s office. “The next multi-year framework agreement continues to be discussed among federal, provincial and territorial governments with no decisions having yet been taken.” After the Toronto meeting, Ontario minister Ted McMeekin said ministers agreed the next generation of programs must be flexible, while details of any agreement must be transparent and include farmer input. McMeekin is under intense pressure from Ontario farmers to save Agri-Stability levels and to include their income insurance Risk Management Program in the next suite of programs. He has little chance of winning that battle. Saskatchewan minister Lyle Stewart, attending his first ministerial meeting since his appointment in May, said the issue is more complicated than AgriStability threshold levels. “I’d have to say (if choosing) between 70 and 50 on the face of it we’d choose 70,” he said in an interview. “But it’s going to depend a little bit on how the program will work in the end, too. If the savings are going to be roughly equal, with 70 or 50 percent, there’s obviously going to be some differences in the way the programs pay out.” Stewart said the federal government has suggested it could make more money available for crop insurance, research, market development and irrigation infrastructure if it saves money by changing the trigger. He said that could mitigate some of the risk of the change.
Jack Robson drives the tractor while his grandson, John, takes the helm in the truck as the two cut silage near Deleau, Man. | DIANE WINTERS PHOTO
Manitoba producers want inter-provincial flood plan
Natural gas better than diesel for machinery
Assiniboine River floods fields | Affected producers seek assistance
Low prices make natural gas a sustainable option
More than 40,000 acres of cropland are under water in Manitoba’s Assiniboine River Valley because the provincial government isn’t working with Saskatchewan officials on water management, says a farmer from Griswold, Man. Stan Cochrane, president of the Assiniboine Valley Producers Association, said 1,500 acres of cropland on his farm are covered in Assiniboine River water because too much water is flowing into Manitoba from Saskatchewan. The association represents 75 farmers between Brandon and the Shellmouth Reservoir near Russell, Man. In June, the Manitoba government was forced to release more water from the reservoir because of excess rain in the Assiniboine River watershed this spring. As a result, more than 40,000 acres of farmland in the valley downstream of the dam are now flooded, Cochrane said. “We’re looking at millions of dollars here,” he said. “With the price of crops, there are farmers losing a million dollars.” Keystone Agricultural Producers president Doug Chorney said the Manitoba government doesn’t properly consider the interests of farmers in its management of the Shellmouth Reservoir.
“This past year is a classic case…. Drought from July 2011 to April 2012 meant that water was held back in reserve all last fall and winter to ensure adequate levels for recreation purposes come summer,” he said in a statement. “But then it rained in the spring and water was dumped from the reservoir, right after farmers had seeded. We’re talking about livelihoods being destroyed over and over again.” This will be the third consecutive year that a significant portion of Cochrane’s cropland has been flooded by high water on the Assiniboine River. He said he and other producers in the valley are frustrated by the lack of government response. “Right now, they (don’t) care (that they) flood out a few farmers,” he said. “As soon as they flood the city (Brandon) out, they’ll be a little more concerned.” For its part, the province maintains it did consult with producers about water levels in the reservoir this spring. It said it suggested at a June 5 meeting with producers who sit on the Shellmouth Reservoir Regulation Liaison Committee that it should increase the outflow in early June. That way, there would be less water in the reservoir if June rain increased flows into the body of water known as Lake of the Prairies. However, a provincial spokesperson said the committee rejected that proposal, which meant the province
had to increase outflows when June rain came because the reservoir was at or over capacity. While affected producers and the province have different versions of what happened this spring, Cochrane said the overarching issue is that too much water is entering the reservoir from Saskatchewan. “They (Saskatchewan officials) are draining so much water into the (Assiniboine River) valley that there’s nothing held back anymore. As soon as it rains, it runs in,” he said. “It’s mostly a Saskatchewan water management story. The water in Manitoba is managed reasonably well.” KAP and producers in the Assiniboine River Valley want the Manitoba government to form an inter-provincial body with Saskatchewan to regulate water flows between the two provinces. Cochrane said all Manitobans should be concerned about water flowing into the province from the west. “The floods that we had last year cost the Manitoba government a billion dollars. Where did all the water come from? It came from Saskatchewan. Why wouldn’t the Manitoba government be going after Saskatchewan and saying, ‘we can’t afford to take all your water and drain all your land.’ ” Cochrane and other members of the Assiniboine Valley Producers Association plan to meet Manitoba government representatives this week to share their concerns.
MOOSE JAW, Sask. — Natural gas motors would make farming more efficient and sustainable by lowering production costs and carbon emissions, says former Saskatchewan premier Grant Devine. He predicts a shift to natural gas motors in vehicles of all types over the next few years as the world looks for ways to enhance food security and decrease its dependence on oil. A food secure world needs to be a more efficient world, he said, and fuel savings are key. Natural gas has dropped below $2 per gigajoule while oil prices have generally continued to rise. “I can see no theoretical economic justification for natural gas to track oil anymore,” he told the Farming For Profit conference in Moose Jaw. Devine still ranches and has had interests in energy companies, including a natural gas company in Alberta that shut down its wells because the price is too low. He sees natural gas taking over from diesel the way diesel took over from gasoline in the 1960s and 1970s. “We have no end of natural gas,” he said. Motors that use the fuel emit 30 percent less carbon than regular engines, he said. As the world looks for cleaner energy and more food, the application in agriculture is a natural fit. “I think in the next five years you’re going to see natural gas in a lot more motors, not only in trucks but in large engines and with capacity of 500 horsepower,” Devine said.
Green proves a good sign of crop health BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Gerald Galbraith, of Houston, B.C., heads out onto the track after rounding the barrels with his pony chuck wagons at the chuck wagon races held July 5-8 in Rycroft, Alta. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO
Hail claims already double in Sask. ‘Snowed under’ | Claim numbers are also higher in southern Alberta and Manitoba BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
Saskatchewan hail claims are already double the usual number for this time of year, says the Canadian Crop Hail Association. About 2,200 claims had been filed by the middle of last week, and CCHA chair Murray Bantle of Co-operative Hail Insurance Co. in Regina said July 6 that he expected many more. “We’re snowed under,” he said. “For this early in the year, we’re up quite a bit.” Southern Alberta and Manitoba have also seen higher claim numbers as widespread storms moved across
the Prairies in late June and early July. Alberta was reporting 600 claims last week while Manitoba was near 500. A number of isolated storms since mid-June have affected all provinces, but the June 26 storm that swept from Consul in southwestern Saskatchewan to the east and as far north as Preeceville, Sask., was among the largest. Alberta reported significant hail damage July 1 in a line from Bowden to north of Trochu and from Didsbury to Munson. In Manitoba, the largest storm so far was July 4 in the south, affecting crops near Tilston, Lyleton, Deloraine, Boissevain, Mather, Cartwright, Killarney and Snowflake.
D a mag e ha s b e e n re p o r te d a s extremely severe. Bantle said in many cases it is too soon to know how much crops have been affected. Many adjusters will defer their assessments and go back to see if crops rebounded. However, he said hail would have a significant effect on maturing crops in another two weeks. Co-op Hail maps every storm on a grid, and Bantle said it is interesting to see how hail hits. “Hail hits and it lifts and it goes and it may take miles to build up again.” One crop can be pounded into the dirt yet 50 metres away another crop is virtually untouched.
There are places that are so-called hail alleys and there are places that almost never see hail. Bantle said these are the areas where producers usually buy coverage. The premiums for coverage in places that are hit frequently by hail will be higher, but producers know the odds are good they will need the insurance, he said. On the other hand, the rates are low enough in places where hail is infrequent that insurance is affordable. “To me, hail is your greatest risk,” Bantle said. “We have drought, we have frost, we have insects.… Let’s face it, hail is every year. You just don’t know where it’s going to be.”
BRETON, Alta. — If your crop is the same colour as a John Deere tractor, chances are it’s healthy, says University of Alberta researcher Dick Puurveen. It was a combination of a love of photography and new developments in technology that sent Puur veen on his quest to see if colour could be a measurement of plant health. “I wanted to know if there was a correlation between photography and GreenSeeker technology as a visual indicator of plant health,” said Puurveen. He particularly wanted to know if the wavy histogram lines on the back of his digital camera could tell him the same information as a more expensive GreenSeeker variable rate nitrogen sensor. “I’ve always been intrigued by photography,” said Puurveen, who used the historic University of Alberta Breton plots for his research. The camera histogram shows tonal distribution of an image categorizing the picture into pixel groups. Using a combination of GreenSeeker variable rate technology and his digital camera to measure the plant colour, Puurveen showed colour could be a good measurement of plant health. “The green of a John Deere is indicative of a very healthy plant,” said Puurveen. “If your plants aren’t looking like your tractor, what’s wrong?” While colour can tell farmers if their plants are healthy, it can’t tell them what’s wrong if the plant is not dark green. Puurveen said the colour of a plant is a function of type, variety and the environment, but it could also be hail damage, herbicide damage, water deficiency, weed infestation or disease. “Farmers can use intuition and knowledge of the field to determine why there are a number of differences across their fields,” he said.
Cattle producers upset over short notice of pasture closures BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
It could be weeks before Saskatchewan and Manitoba cattle producers who use federal pastures know which five will transfer to each province next year. Those affected won’t have much time to make alternative grazing arrangements for 2013, acknowledged the federal bureaucrat in charge of the divestiture. “Time is getting short in terms of identifying pastures,” Alan Parkinson said. “Producers are probably going to get jammed because it’s quite likely we’re not going to be able to tell pro-
ducers their pasture is closing till late July, early August.” A producer at Parkinson’s presentation said he couldn’t plan to buy a chute or ear tags when he didn’t know if he’d be able to keep his cattle. He asked if Ottawa had “any appreciation for how bad you’ve screwed the cattle industry in this province.” The federal government announced in April it would gradually transfer management of its 85 pastures to the provinces. Sixty of them are in Saskatchewan. Five in Saskatchewan and five in Manitoba are to be transferred next year. The June 15 deadline to identify the first 10 came and went without an announcement.
Parkinson said June 22 that he thought the governments were close to agreement, but there was still no word by July 6. An e-mail from Agriculture Canada said only that discussions were ongoing. Saskatchewan has thrown a wrinkle into the process by forming an advisory committee to help the agriculture minister decide what to do with the pastures after they are transferred, Parkinson said. The province wants to sell the pastures but hasn’t yet determined to whom and for how much. It already operates 52 pastures of its own. In Manitoba, where 24 pastures are affected, Manitoba Beef Producers
and the chairs of pasture patron advisory committees have formed a steering committee to come up with a plan to keep the land available for grazing. The government has said it isn’t interested in operating a pasture program. MBP has suggested a producer association to manage all the pastures. It also wants patrons to have first right of refusal on the land if it is sold. Parkinson said that would be up to the provinces. He also said the average pasture would be worth $12 to $15 million if kept in agricultural use. Oil and gas holdings on the land would increase the value.
Although many of the questions asked during a Regina seminar at Canada’s Farm Progress Show held last month would have been better put to the province, Parkinson said all feedback would be shared. “We’re asking them, as they think about the next step in terms of what they’re going to do with the land after the pastures are divested to them, that they start to (deal with) some of these concerns,” he said. Parkinson also said the approximately 3,000 bulls in the pasture program would be maintained for now and that issues such as invasive weeds would be dealt with as long as the federal government administers the land.
Conditions favour sclerotinia spread High moisture | Drying days will help lower risk BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Wet weather across much of the Prairies could create ideal conditions for the spread of sclerotinia, a fungal disease that affects canola and pulse crops and thrives under moist, humid conditions. With frequent rain across much of the West and ample soil moisture, conditions are favourable for the development of spore producing apothecia, small mushroom-like fungi that signal the potential for the yield-robbing infection. Abundant soil moisture before and during flowering are key factors in determining sclerotinia risk. An unusually wet June combined with intermittent thunderstorms throughout early July could result in higher-than-normal infection rates. “It’s a really weather dependent disease,” said Faye Dokken Bouchard, plant disease expert with Saskatchewan Agriculture. “We almost always see a little bit of it but definitely in hotter, drier years we see a lot less of it than we do in wet years.” According to Dokken Bouchard, drying weather over the next week or two could limit infection rates and reduce the need for fungicide applications. A dry soil surface and a moisturefree environment on the lower leaves and stems of canola plants should eliminate the risk of infection. To infect plants, sclerotia bodies
must have enough moisture to produce apothecia, small, tan-coloured growths shaped like golf tees. Wet conditions in the two weeks leading up to flowering are usually conducive to apothecia growth and spore production. Later, when canola plants begin flowering and dropping petals, wet conditions on the lower canopy will allow the falling petals to stick to the damp lower leaves and stems of the canola plant. Those decaying petals, combined with the presence of spore producing apothecia and wet humid conditions in the plant canopy, create an ideal environment for sclerotinia infection. According to Derwyn Hammond, resource manager with the Canola Council of Canada, farmers in high risk areas should consider fungicide treatment if the lower leaves in flowering canola crop remain wet for most of the day. “I heard a really good analogy last week … that if (the legs of) your pants are wet at 9 a.m. when you’re walking through your canola, there’s probably some risk of infection,” said Hammond. “But if they’re still wet in the middle of the afternoon, then you’re almost certainly at higher risk of sclerotinia infection occurring because that means that those lower leaves are staying wet throughout most of the day….” In addition to weather, production history is important when assessing sclerotinia risk.
Farmers should monitor their canola crops to ensure sclerotinia doesn’t cut into yields. | Prairie producers, particularly those in parts of Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan, are coming off two wet production years where sclerotinia infection was heavier than normal. In many regions, infection rates were very high in 2010 and above normal again in 2011. “We probably have had enough moisture in some areas so … it’s important for people to get out there and scout…,” Dokken Bouchard said. According to Hammond, producers should assess soil moisture conditions before plants flower, monitor the ground for apothecia, and determine whether canopy conditions are conducive to infection after the crop begins to flower. “You’re not really looking for the
disease at this point, you’re just looking to assess your crop for the risk of infection at a field level,” Hammond said. “The thing that you can scout for is the presence of those apothecia….” A field that has not produced canola for five or more years is much less likely to become heavily infected than a field that has produced canola in the past year or two. Calculating an economic threshold for fungicide application can also be a challenge. But with canola prices at their current levels, the economic threshold for applying fungicides will be relatively low this year, added Hammond. A potential yield loss of one or two bushels per acre might be enough to warrant a fungicide application.
In heavily infected canola crops, sclerotinia can easily reduce yield potential by 10 to 20 percent, he added. If growers are uncertain about potential yield losses, they can consider split or half-rate fungicide applications, where fungicide is applied in two passes at a lower application rate According to Hammond, split rate applications can be effective under the right circumstances: • the risk of infection is only moderate at the early flowering stage and growers want the chance to spray again if the risk of infection increases as the crop approaches 50 percent bloom • if crop development is uneven and the flowering period is likely to last longer than usual.
Pilot project tests fencing options Swath grazing | Producer uses new fencing technique to keep wildlife out BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
BONANZA, Alta. — With a herd of 75 wild elk and a smattering of deer and moose wandering through the bush north of his farm, Bill Wilson thought his days of swath grazing and bale grazing were over. However, a new fencing technique has allowed Wilson to once again inexpensively graze his cattle without wildlife eating most of the winter feed. “Now it’s an option for me to do,” said Wilson, who farms east of Bonanza in Alberta’s Peace River region. There isn’t just one three dimensional fence design, said Talon Johnson with the Peace River Forage Association of British Columbia.
“Every producer has tried something different,” he said. A pilot project has helped producers try a variety of fencing techniques to create three-dimensional fences to keep wildlife away from bale yards, grain bags, winter feeding, and for Wilson, entire quarter sections. Three-dimensional fencing is a second fence, often electric, beside an existing fence. The second fence makes the wildlife stop and think before leaping over, under or through it. It creates height, depth and width and produces a three dimensional effect. The eyes on the sides of elk, deer and moose heads give them poor depth perception and make them more reluctant to leap over objects. Wilson has two three dimensional fence designs.
He added a three-wire electric fence about one metre inside an existing barbed wire perimeter fence. The top wire is 54 inches above the ground. When building a new perimeter fence, Wilson built a two-wire electric fence and then added a three wire electric fence about a metre inside the perimeter to create the three-dimensional effect. Wilson doesn’t know if the fence would be a deterrent for elk running from hunters, but the combination of electric and three dimensional fencing has stopped grazing wildlife from going inside the pasture. “It does seem to work.” Last winter, Wilson was able to graze swathed perennial forage without continually chasing away wildlife.
The addition of a second fence creates the illusion of three dimensions, keeping wildlife out of the field. Bill Wilson, of Bonanza, Alta., has been able to return to swath grazing his cattle during the winter. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO
Winter wheat? Visit for a retailer near you.
M A RKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN
Buyers fear higher wheat prices Corn pushes up wheat | International buyers worry they will pay more but quality will suffer STORIES BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
The roaring rally in crop prices has Canadian farmers smiling, but it’s creating a lot of furrowed brows and worried looks on overseas buyers’ faces. They fear they might not be able to get the quality crops they need if frantic competitors snap up corn alternatives such as wheat. “ The demand for wheat from Argentina that comes from Europe or other countries will increase (because of droughts in the U.S. Midwest and the Black Sea Region), so I think the price will go up,” said Marcio Cunha de Paiva, a wheat product-focused research and development co-ordinator with Bunge in Brazil. Brazil often gets most of its wheat imports from neighbouring Argentina, but might have to broaden its search this year. “Now you have to be open to look at the other markets — Canadian, Russian — to see what price and the quality, because I think the quantity of Argentine wheat will decrease (as foreign buyers compete for Argentina’s wheat).” Malaysian miller Noor Hafiza Abdul said her company, Seberang Flour Mill, is worried that quality wheat will get sucked into the vacuum created by the shrinking corn crops. “Of course everybody is talking about price, but quality is the main concern because the money is asking for the quality,” said Abdul. “We can have the wheat, but (it is) high in price and the quality is not there.” Peter Park, assistant manager of the Korea Flour Mills Industrial Association, said his organization’s members know the corn rally will pull wheat prices higher, even if the world has lots of wheat. “Their prices are well-connected,” said Park.“Eventually the world wheat price will be influenced.” Park, Abdul and de Paiva were interviewed during the Canadian International Grains Institute’s International Grain Industry program, where they and 12 other participants from 11 countries learned some of the intricacies of Canadian grain quality and grading and how the grain system operates. They were busy throughout the 10-day program, but all had kept apprised of the drought disaster striking the U.S. Midwest and the problems in the Black Sea region. With continued dryness forecast for the U.S. Midwest and the former Soviet Union estimating substantial production losses, many analysts expected the rally to continue.
Peter Park of South Korea, left, Marcio Cunha de Paiva of Brazil and Noor Hafiza Abdul of Malaysia are worried that the crop problems in the Northern Hemisphere will mean high prices and low quantities of quality wheat for buyers. | ED WHITE PHOTO
MID-JUNE: $5 PER BU. JULY 9: $7.30
MID-JUNE: $7.50 PER BU. JULY 9: $9.22
Buyers hope Canada will continue to offer quality Wheat importers from around the world hope that Canada’s move to an open wheat market will not hurt this country’s reputation for providing consistent quality. Foreign wheat industry officials attending the Canadian International Grains Institute’s International Grain Industry program this week are aware of the huge changes occurring in the Canadian grain system. It worried them but also offered hopes for cheaper prices for Canadian grain. “What we hope is that we will have better prices to negotiate,” said Marcio Cunha de Paiva of Brazil. “But our (main) concern is the quality.” Peter Park of South Korea agreed. “From a buyer’s perspective, there will be some merits and some (disadvantages). What is good is that there will be more competition. We can choose to buy from which company. The competition makes the prices lower, theoretically.” All three laughed at Park’s use of the term “theoretically.” Noor Hafiza Abdul of Malaysia said her great worry was that prices might look better but that quality would drop. She said her company is “having a problem” with Australian wheat shipments since the Australian Wheat Board lost its monopoly. “The quality is totally different from the specifications. It has become worse,” said Abdul. For example, instead of uniform Australian wheat shipments, a 400 tonne shipment in 20 containers might now contain a variety of protein levels. If the contract specifies 11 percent protein, “they will give us 10 and 12 (and think that) we get 11. It’s very difficult to do the blending. I wonder how the Canadian Wheat Board, the Canadian Grain Commission, will sustain this quality now. This is a very big question for us.” Park said he hoped the Canadian grain industry and government officials can successfully revamp the grain system without losing the consistent quality his millers rely upon. “I hope we can adapt to the issues and changes rapidly.”
I wonder how the Canadian Wheat Board, the Canadian Grain Commission, will sustain this quality now. This is a very big question for us. NOOR HAFIZA ABDUL MALAYSIAN GRAIN BUYER
Strong price sparks record Man. corn area BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
An increase in seeded acres and good weather is expected to produce a big Canadian potato harvest this year, enough to supply processors that ran short last year because of the small crop. | FILE PHOTO
Bigger market to absorb potato increase Good weather so far | Potato demand rebounding from recession BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
Potato industry watchers expect production to jump significantly in Canada and the United States this year, barring a bizarre weather event. That’s because acreage may be five percent higher than last year, and the 2012 crop could produce bumper yields. “All indications we would have is that the potential is pretty good for a larger crop than what has been received in the last couple of years,” said Kevin MacIsaac, general manager of United Potato Growers of Canada. The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its potato acreage estimates July 11, after The Western Producer’s deadline, but Bruce Huffaker of North American Potato Market News had earlier predicted acreage in Canada and the U.S. would rise by two to five percent from last year. MacIsaac agreed that a five percent acreage gain is feasible. “I think that’s a realistic number.” Statistics Canada will release theCanadian potato acreage estimate July 20, he added. Acres have increased on both sides of the border, partly because North American potato processors contracted more production this year. The processors need the extra potatoes to meet demand for french fries and other potato products, MacIsaac said. “There probably is some excess acres, but that’s fine. In one side of the equation there are additional markets this year, particularly on the processing side,” he said from his
office in Prince Edward Island. Potato and french fry demand shrunk in the U.S following the 200809 U.S. recession because fewer Americans had disposable income to eat in restaurants, MacIsaac said. However, that trend is starting to reverse, and potato processors are also seeing demand from other parts of the world. “We’re seeing a return to more traditional market share … and the U.S. has seen an increase in (french fry) export potential to the Asian countries,” MacIsaac said. “So instead of cutting back like they’ve done in other years, they (processors) have returned to normal or slightly increased their volume requirement.” In Manitoba, McCain’s and Simplot have increased their contracted potato acres by five percent, said Brian Wilson, a potato specialist with the provincial agriculture department. Manitoba growers didn’t produce enough potatoes to satisfy processor needs last year because spring flooding and a hot, dry summer restricted acreage and crop yields in the province. Manitoba potato growers have averaged 280 hundredweight per acre over the last five years, but last year they averaged only 240 cwt. per acre. Overall production in the province was 17.5 million cwt., down 8.5 percent from the 19 million cwt. produced in 2010. Consequently, McCain’s french fry plant in Carberry, Man., and the Simplot and McCain plants in Portage la Prairie had to cut back on production last year or import potatoes.
8.5% “When they (yields) go less than you expect, than you’re short of supply,” Wilson said. “(In 2011,) we had acres that were lost because of flooding and we definitely had a crop that was lower (in acreage) than farmers had planned on putting in.” Nonetheless, a potato shortage is unlikely in Manitoba this year because the crop is ahead of schedule and yield potential is high. Favourable conditions in the spring allowed growers to plant earlier than usual. As a result, potato plants in Manitoba were flowering in early July and crop progress is ahead of schedule. “We’re definitely one to two weeks ahead of normal, as far as crop maturity,” Wilson said. “That’s really significant because potatoes are a long season crop.”
The story is similar in Idaho, Wisconsin, Washington and Colorado, the major U.S. potato growing states, where crops are ahead of schedule and yield potential is robust. “Crops (were) planted very early in the U.S., so that always gives you better potential for yield,” MacIsaac said. As well, Canadian yields should return to normal compared to last year, when New Brunswick growers were dealing with excess moisture, the Ontario potato crop lacked moisture and the Manitoba crop was hammered by a wet spring, dry summer and an early frost, MacIsaac said. “Right now the potential is good for our crop to return to what we would call a trend line yield.” A bumper crop is good news for growers of french fr y potatoes because they have a contract with processors, but producers of fresh potatoes in the U.S. are worried about falling prices. U.S. potato sellers are still trying to move old stocks of potatoes into the market, which has caused a price crunch because harvest of the new crop will begin in mid-July in Washington state. “There are considerable volumes of potatoes in the U.S. yet to be marketed of the old crop,” MacIsaac said. “That’s what is different from Canada. We will clean up our (old) product much earlier because we had less to ship.” Huffaker said fresh potato prices in Idaho have dropped 50 percent since April. Potato buyers can now buy a 50 pound bale of potatoes for $4 to $4.50.
Manitoba will likely shatter a 30-year-old record for corn acres this year, but provincial observers aren’t convinced the crop will reach projected figures from Statistics Canada. In its June 27 estimate of field crops, Statistics Canada noted that grain corn acres would hit 300,000 in Manitoba, easily surpassing the previous high of 225,000 acres set in 1981. The estimate is based on phone surveys of producers, which were conducted before June 7. Morgan Cott, a research agronomist with the Manitoba Corn Growers Association, said the Statistics Canada estimate caught the local corn industry off guard. “It sounds high. It’s higher than we were expecting it to be,” she said, noting the association was anticipating 250,000 acres of corn in Manitoba. “I think it’s definitely possible to be over 250,000.” The Statistics Canada number also surprised Myron Krahn, who farms near Carman, Man., and is vicepresident of the corn growers association. The estimate may change after better data emerges later in the growing season, but Krahn said the gains may be a sign of things to come for Manitoba’s corn industry. More producers are growing corn because it makes more economic sense than other cereal crops in the rotation, said Krahn, who planted 500 acres of corn on his 2,000 acre farm this spring. “In relation to oats or wheat, even though those prices aren’t terrible either, corn just pencils out to be that much better.” In comparison to spring wheat, for instance, Chicago corn in early July was trading at $6.75 per bushel, while Minneapolis Grain Exchange wheat was trading $9 per bu. Despite the $2.25 per bu. difference in price, corn has a massive yield advantage over wheat. “It used to be, when I was younger, that if we hit 100 bu. that was a bumper crop,” Krahn said. “But now you expect a minimum of a 100 bu. per acre and we have top yields around 140.” In the Carman area, most growers normally achieve yields of 100 to 130 bu. per acre. As well, corn growers don’t have the headache of quality and downgrading when they deliver their crop. “Quality isn’t as critical as a milling wheat,” Krahn said. “There’s no quality issues if you’re sending it to Husky for ethanol.” Cott thinks new growers are driving up acreage. “I think it’s just trying to get into that special crops thing. To be not the standard cereal/oilseed (producer).” Krahn said more producers may be convinced to grow corn if acres reach 300,000 and yields hit 130 bu. or higher this fall. “Corn is a bit of a sexy crop,” he said. “If the yields come and the neighbours are getting those yields, it’s too tempting for a producer not to expand his acres.”
Big Canadian crop, great prices; who could ask for more? MARKET WATCH
anola futures have climbed strongly since June, but the rise is nothing like the rally in soybean prices. That crop touched a record high July 9 and looks set to climb higher if the U.S. drought continues. Canola trails partly because there is no drought in Western Canada and partly because the main driver of the soybean rally is rising soy meal values rather than rising soy oil. Between June 1 and July 6, November canola rallied 9.7 percent while November soybeans climbed 17.2 percent. December soy oil rose nine percent while December soy meal soared 24.7 percent. Remember, soybeans are only 20 percent oil and 80 percent meal while canola is closer to a 40-60 oilmeal split. Soy meal is used in a wider variety of livestock feed situations than canola meal. The boost that soy meal has given to soybeans has created a price gap with canola that is making the latter more attractive, says oilseed analyst Oil World. That will likely cause some buyers, China foremost among them, to import more canola. Oil World sees particularly large exports of Canadian canola to China in the second half of 2012. Great prices and strong demand — could Canadian farmers ask for much more?
Canola acres are higher than expected and production is estimated to be near 16-16.5 million tonnes. | Oil World said last week that Canada’s canola crop could rise to 16.20 million tonnes, significantly more than Agriculture Canada’s or the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s forecasts, which at The Western Producer’s deadline July 9 had not been updated to reflect the larger canola acreage in the Statistics Canada seeding report. A crop of 15.78 million tonnes is produced by slotting the new seeded acreage number, with an adjustment for acres actually harvested,
into Ag Canada’s yield forecast of 33.37 bu. an acre. However, crops are generally in good condition so the near record yield from 2010, just shy of 35 bu. per acre, is within reach. That would produce a crop of 16.54 million tonnes, so Oil World’s forecast seems reasonable. The bigger Canadian crop is the main reason for an expanded global canola-rapeseed crop, said Oil World. It predicts that the world rapeseed-
canola crop will be 61.6 million tonnes this year, up from 59.59 million last year. It expects global consumption will be 61.2 million tonnes, leading to a slight increase in year-end stocks, but that should not be a problem so long as the U.S. soybean crop is in trouble. While canola prices are well supported, there are risks that could pressure them back down: • a sudden transition to a cooler, wetter trend in the Midwest. The
critical month for soybean yield is August • a worsening of the eurozone debt crisis • China’s economy slowing even more and making a hard landing As well, South American farmers are expected to seed a huge soybean crop a few months from now, and a transition to an El Nino could lead to good moisture in Brazil and Argentina. However, that production won’t be harvested until next March.
U.S. drought not yet hurting Canadian cattle prices BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Industry analysts continue their positive outlook for the Canadian feeder cattle market, despite a widespread drought in the United States that has corn prices soaring and feeder cattle futures falling. The worst drought in the central U.S. in 25 years is slashing corn yields and drying up pastures. With no sign of a reprieve and grass getting drier, cow-calf producers are hoping to ship cattle to feedlots. However, feedlots, burdened with rising corn prices, are not eager to fill up their pens. Chicago August feeder futures that had climbed to more than $161 US per hundredweight in early June have been falling and were trading around $144.50 July 9. However, Canadian cattle producers are enjoying more favourable grazing conditions and forage supplies this summer. While feed barley prices in Western Canada have increased, the market isn’t facing the same pressures as in the U.S. As recently as late May, when she
Cattle rancher Gary Price watches his herd as they seek shade in 40 C heat on his ranch in Blooming Grove, Texas. Intense dry heat in the U.S. last week fried pastures and slashed corn yields. | REUTERS PHOTO spoke to Saskatchewan Stock Growers, Cattle Trends Inc. president Anne Dunford was forecasting higher demand and prices for Canadian cattle. While conditions in the U.S. have
c h a n g e d s i n c e t h e n , D u n f o rd remains cautiously optimistic. “We can’t forget that our prices are still driven out of the U.S. market. To say that the market is lower in Canada, that’s not the case. But it’s
because we’re hardly moving anything right now because conditions are good,” she said. “It’s a (feeder) market that’s not being tested much. There’s still lots of unknowns as we head into fall.” Western Canada’s cattle industry will watch the U.S. drought’s effect on Canadian feed barley prices, which tend to follow corn prices, she said. “We’ve got potential higher feed costs than we were anticipating, even with a larger barley crop, according to StatsCan,” she said. Cash barley prices in Lethbridge, which had fallen to average $219 per tonne in mid-June, had risen to $231 by July 6, pressured up by rising corn. Canfax reported July 6 that Canadian feedlots are reporting big losses on feeding cattle as grain prices rise. Brian Perillat, senior market analyst at Canfax, said as well as affecting feed prices, the U.S. drought might also result in fewer feeders being exported. “We were potentially going to see a lot more exports of feeder cattle out of Canada,” he said. “One of the maybe somewhat posi-
tive parts of this is Canada might maintain its competitiveness in terms of feeding cattle here. It could keep more feeder cattle in Canada, which is good for our feedlots and processing sector to utilize as much of our infrastructure as possible.” Both analysts said current conditions indicate the Canadian cattle industry will continue to move toward herd expansion. While not predicting a boom, they said domestic demand should stay strong. “There has been some forward pricing of feeder cattle through the year. I think producers have been proactive to these higher prices in some cases. Depending on what you have or haven’t done, you may just be patient through this period of time to see what all comes to fruition as we head into fall,” said Dunford. “At the same time, I think if you wanted to go out and do some pricing into for, say, delivering yearling grass cattle, I do think there’s opportunities to pre-price cattle for August and September for delivery at steady prices, no lower than they have been.”
Russian floods cause minimal disruption, crop losses MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) — Crop damage from deadly floods that hit Russia’s Black Sea coast last weekend is likely to be limited and shipping disruptions should be shortlived, SovEcon said July 9. “It looks like the flood hasn’t affected any significant acreage. People are talking about (25,000 to 50,000 acres) max imum,” said Andrei Sizov Jr., SovEcon’s managing director. “As per shipments, (it) looks like everything is going to be back to nor-
mal within the current week.” The area around Krymsk, the town hardest hit by the flooding, is not a significant producer of agricultural commodities, said Dmitry Rylko, managing director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies. “The Krymsk area has never been distinguished by grain or oilseed production,” Rylko said. “They grow vegetables there.” He said he was considering a downgrade to his harvest forecast because the protracted rain in Russia’s south
that began in late May could result in decreased yields. Rylko and a trader at a Russian grain exporter said the two terminals at the Black Sea port of Novorossiisk, which briefly suspended operations because of storms, were unable to take in grain anyway because elevators were already full. “Intake of grain stopped last week,” the trader said. Export delays are expected because of damage to road and railways, but will have only a delayed impact on
6.2 million tonnes LESS THAN LAST YEAR shipments as loadings proceed, which draws down current port stocks, and new deliveries are held up, the trader added.
Analysts in June cut their estimates for Russia’s wheat crop. SovEcon pegs the crop at 50 million tonnes, down from last year’s 56.2 million.
packages of feeders through electronic sales or private treaty should command a market premium. Special anniversary and Stampede auction sales should boost volumes. Feeder prices are anticipated steady to lower.
from $193.92. Montreal wholesale for delivery this week was steady at $210-$212 per cwt. Canadian steer carcass weights are record large for this time of year. Steer carcasses were generally 40–50 lb. higher than 2011 through the first part of June. Carcass weights tend to bottom in June, and if this hold true in 2012 the low could be 850 lb., almost 40 lb. higher than the five-year average.
CANFAX REPORT FEEDER COSTS JUMP Cattle feeders reported huge losses as grain prices rallied. That encouraged fed cattle to be marketed before they were fully finished. Steers averaged $109.32, up 96 cents, and heifers averaged $108.97, up 70 cents. Alberta rail prices were $180-$183 for steers and $180-$182.25 for heifers. Interest from U.S. buyers was soft and few if any cash cattle were exported. A considerable number of feedlots carried cattle over for the second week, causing inventories to build a little. The Alberta fed cash-to-futures basis weakened slightly to -$11.64. Weekly fed cattle exports to June 23 fell 11 percent to 5,260 head. Weekly western Canadian fed slaughter to June 30 fell three percent to 35,880 head. Market-ready volumes are expected to tighten in the next few weeks. Uncertain summer beef demand could curb packer interest despite manageable fed numbers.
COW PRICES LOWER Western Canadian weekly cow slaughter volumes were relatively consistent over the past eight weeks, ranging from 4,100 to 4,650 head. Packer inventories have increased, making it hard for prices to rise.
Rising grain prices because of the U.S. drought will likely cap feeder prices. Auction volume fell last week, but cow prices fell 25-75 cents per hundredweight. D1, D2 cows ranged $75-$86 to average $80.38 and D3 cows ranged $65-$78 to average $71.88. Rail grade prices were $149-$154. Butcher bulls were steady. Demand for high-yielding bulls remains strong. Weekly exports to June 23 totalled 4,621, down 12 percent. Select young cows and heiferettes are commanding a premium as buyers look to retain and expose females.
FEW FEEDERS AVAILABLE The feeder market was lightly tested. Rising grain prices because of the U.S. drought will likely cap feeder prices. As well, drying pastures in the United States are forcing feeders into feedlots, but Canfax thinks tight feeder supply in Canada will prevent sharp price declines. The Canfax average steer price last week fell $2.28 per cwt. and heifers fell $1.15. However, prices in Canada fell less
Falling pork prices and widening packer operating losses pressured U.S. hog cash prices lower. T h e Ju l y 4 h o l i d a y m i d w e e k reduced packer demand for hogs. The sweltering heat in the U.S. Midwest slowed hog weight gain. Iowa-southern Minnesota hog traded at $72.50 US per cwt. July 6, down from $74.50 June 29. U.S. pork carcass cut-out values fell to $90.13 July 6, down from $95.43 June 29. Because of the July 4 holiday, the U.S. federal weekly slaughter was estimated at 1.76 million, down from 1.999 million the previous week. Although the U.S. breeding herd was up in the June 1 quarterly hogs and pigs report that was issued June 29, traders focused on the September-November farrowing intentions, which was down one percent from last year. That supported futures in 2013.
Inventory and demand appear in balance. Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were $3.65-$3.90 per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers were $3.65-$3.90. Animals outside the desirable weight range and parameters may be discounted. Slaughter cows and bulls ranged from $1.60-$2.50. In the live market, heifers born in 2011 were $2-$2.30 per lb. and bulls were $2.20-$2.40. Bulls and heifers born in 2010 were $1.90-$2.
SHEEP, LAMBS DOWN Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 859 sheep and lambs and 27 goats traded July 3. All classes of lambs sold on a dull demand: heavy lambs down by $8-$10 cwt. and light lambs $15$20 cwt. lower. Sheep and goats sold steady.
than the futures market would indicate. The week’s 750 and 850 pound cash-to-futures basis closed at the strongest levels this year. Sale volumes were too light to establish an accurate price trend for British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Some commercial auction facilities have closed for the summer while others are holding sales on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. Alberta auction volume totalled 6,405, down 66 percent from the previous week. Feeder exports to June 23 totalled 2,678, up 14 percent from the previous week. Load lots are increasingly difficult to assemble with varying quality and light volumes in each weight class. The convenience of buying uniform
BEEF PRICES FALL Moving into the summer doldrums, U.S. cut-out values fell $2.50$4.50 last week on light demand and moderate offering. Extreme heat in the U.S. slowed demand for grilling cuts. Canadian cut-out values for the week ending June 29 were steady to $2 lower. The AAA cutout rose to $197.95 per cwt., up from $197.61 the previous week. AA cutouts fell to $191.55, down
This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at
Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail:
Value of trade authority evident in COOL decision
recent World Trade Organization ruling against American country-of-origin labelling should serve up a big ol’ helping of “I-told-youso” justice for Canadian cattle and hog producers. It should also serve as a reminder of the importance of rulesbased trade agreements. The WTO issued its final ruling June 29 on a decision that was originally released last November, which the United States then appealed. The final decision made it clear that mandatory country-of-origin labels place foreign competitors at an unfair disadvantage in the U.S. market. The U.S. has 15 months to comply by changing the rules. No further WTO appeals are possible. The decision should come as no surprise to the Americans. Rumblings from within their own country should have tipped off lawmakers that the regulations were destined to fail. American packing companies and national beef and pork lobby groups have stated for years that the labelling rules were unfair because of additional costs they thrust onto processors. Packers were forced to ensure that meat from outside the U.S. was handled separately, on different processing lines or on different dates to ensure imported meat was not mixed with American home-grown product. Rather than incur the added costs of complying with the requirements, some packers simply stayed away from buying Canadian product. Last week’s decision should demonstrate to all Canadian exporters the importance of having structured trading rules, and an institution to hear and enforce complaints. Yes, it took years to resolve and it was costly, but the expense would have been far greater if there were no means of challenging the U.S. law. The Canadian Pork Council, for example, estimated COOL provisions cost the pork industry $1.4 billion in lost U.S. exports since 2008. Without a structured agreement in place and a third party organization to hear complaints, those losses would
almost certainly continue for much longer. It is difficult to say precisely where the COOL dispute would be at now were it not for the WTO, but one has to doubt whether it would even be on the U.S. government’s radar screen. The decision also coincided with U.S. and Canada acceptance into the TransPacific Partnership trade agreement with Asian nations. As a nation keen on convincing others that it would follow the terms of any agreement the TPP talks might produce, the U.S. might want to settle its COOL ledger without further fuss. It will hopefully want to be seen as a willing trading partner rather than one that reneges on its agreements. Countries that depend heavily on exports, as Canada does, must be especially vigilant in defending their interests abroad. As a middle power with little muscle to respond to unfair practices on its own, Canada must have faith that other nations respect the rule of law. WTO agreements and other multi-national and two-nation arrangements are critical to this country’s long-term health. Agreements like the W TO become especially necessary during times of recession, when some nations withdraw into protectionist practices in a misguided attempt to defend their home industries. Protectionist measures ultimately have more to do with politics — politicians wanting to be seen to be taking action — than sound economic policy. The question now is how long will it take the U.S. to comply with the WTO ruling and what will be its next step? Voluntary labels maybe? Whatever the U.S. decides, we shouldn’t hold our breath for immediate action. Most people would be surprised if anything happened before the November presidential vote. But this decision at least enables us to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Our biggest job is to ensure the power system is reliable for everybody in Alberta, whether that is big industry, the corner store or a farm or your house.
I think we have a very good chance of proving the social and economic impact would be too great and Alberta economy will suffer because of it.
Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.
Rift between developing and developed countries seen as root of WTO stalemate NATIONAL VIEW
s his term as director general of the World Trade Organization winds down, Pascal Lamy has reflected on why a Doha Round deal was not clinched on his watch. And despite all the attention paid over the years to contentious agricultural issues that always are perceived to be at the core of negotiation breakdown, they do not make his top 10 list.
Over the years and in an interview several years ago, Lamy pointed to agricultural tensions between export interests and sensitive product protection as one of those lingering issues that takes up much WTO oxygen. But in a recent speech in Berlin, Lamy argued that the failure to close a WTO Doha Round deal after more than a decade of effort reflects a much broader and deeper malaise, nothing less than a decline in global international co-operation. At the core, he said, is the fact that there is suspicion between developed and developing countries. The current WTO Doha Round is premised on the fact that while rich industrialized countries should deeply cut subsidies and protection, developing countries should be giv-
en some slack while they “catch up.” But in the decade since Doha was launched, many “developing” countries like India, China and Brazil have soared economically and now are highly competitive in world markets. Developed countries question whether these low-cost competitors should get special consideration in a trade-liberalizing deal. Developing country negotiators resent the question. There is nothing original in that opinion, but Lamy’s analysis of why WTO talks are at a stalemate should give agricultural export enthusiasts in Canada, New Zealand and Australia some pause. To listen to them over the years of lobbying and swarming at W TO negotiations, a key blocking point to a deal is agricultural protectionism,
with Canada’s supply management system at the head of the list of irritants. If only Canada would abandon protection for dairy, poultry and egg producers, it would restore the country’s trade negotiation reputation, negotiating stalemates would end and the sun would once again rise in the east. In reality, the W TO quagmire always has been much more complicated than that. It is true that agricultural policy conflict has often been a factor in some of the spectacular trade negotiation collapses — Montreal in 1988, Brussels in 1990, Seattle in 1999 and Cancun in 2003. But it also is true that behind the visible agricultural tensions have been many other deep and broad disagreements on issues as wide
ranging as intellectual property protection, financial services and manufactured goods. Agriculture, while visible and politically sensitive, is a small piece on a much broader screen. The idea that lack of access to a Canadian dairy and poultry valueadded market worth hundreds of millions of dollars is thwarting a deal that would open trillion dollar markets has always stretched credibility. Lamy, a former European Union bureaucrat who paid his dues defending Europe’s own soiled laundry of agricultural protectionism, has put the current stalemate in a broader context. It is worth remembering the next time that the Canadian dairy cow is fingered for holding the world’s economy hostage.
Farmers used as bait in Fisheries Act
Community improvement funds welcome
griculture minister Gerry Ritz and fisheries minister Keith Ashfield seem to be using farmers as bait to get the public to swallow the changes to the Fisheries Act included in the omnibus Budget Implementation Act (Bill C-38). They have stretched credibility to the breaking point by suggesting that the federal government is abandoning protection of fish habitat so that farmers don’t have to deal with red tape when they maintain their irrigation ditches. I’m sure that like me, many farmers resent the implication that we are not interested in being good stewards of the water on the land we manage, which is essential for healthy livestock and wholesome crops. Now that Bill C-38 has passed, the fisheries minister will be able to allow exemptions to current habitat protection provisions by listing works, undertakings and activities that would be automatically exempt and by listing certain Canadian fisheries waters that would no longer be protected. The minister or cabinet will also be able to delegate their authority to permit harm to fish habitat to third parties. This is an invitation to industry lobbyists to push for automatic exemptions for their projects or to get third-party regulator status. The act will later be amended to remove habitat protection altogether. Only fish that are part of a commercial, recreational or aboriginal fishery will be protected, and only from being killed outright. It will be OK to damage, stunt or
Amendments to the Fisheries Act will open doors to megaprojects rather than eliminate red tape for farmers who are already willing to protect fish and wildlife habitat. | FILE PHOTO deform them. Anyone with a bit of sense knows that you need little fish to get big fish. Consequently, by not protecting spawning grounds or small, noncommercial species such as minnows, there is a real risk that even the seemingly protected commercial fisheries will be seriously damaged as a result of this legislation. Farm ditches and irrigation channels contain water that flows into natural water bodies, so they do form part of the larger watershed, and it makes sense to take good care of them. According to the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) website archives, there have been no charges or convictions of farmers because of improper maintenance of irrigation channels or drainage ditches. Farmers are clearly willing to com-
ply with habitat protection requirements. The government could make DFO’s activities more farmer friendly by providing more support for farmers and fisheries. It could allocate money to help cover the cost of stream-side improvements, give courses on how to better manage riskier operations and reward farmers who invent new ways to protect water on their farms. These measures could easily be taken without changing the law. There is no conflict between farming successfully and protecting fish. What the changes to the Fisheries Act will do is speed up approval of megaprojects such as the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline. It will allow construction and any future spills to damage or destroy spawning grounds and feeding areas in the 600
rivers and streams the pipeline will cross to bring crude from the Alberta oilsands to the British Columbia coast for shipping to Asia. Eliminating red tape for farmers is not the purpose of the Fisheries Act amendments. The proposed change is designed to benefit a few industry shareholders for a short time. As a farmer, I will not be used to justify their actions. The streams, lakes, rivers and oceans and the fish that live in them were here before we were born, and it is our duty as farmers, citizens and human beings to protect the health of our water bodies for future generations. Jan Slomp manages a 65 cow dairy farm near Rimbey, Alta., and serves on the board of directors of the National Farmers Union.
Get references, check reputation before selling grain HURSH ON AG
he concern in his voice was palpable. He had been waiting weeks for payment on a load of canaryseed and every time he phoned the company to inquire, he got the runaround. He was worried that he was never going to see his $20,000. Luckily, it was only one load. “ Ne v e r d e a l t w i t h t h i s b u y e r before,” admitted the producer. “But their price was a touch better than the company I normally deal with, plus they were paying the trucking. Now, I wish that I’d never dealt with them.” Canaryseed is one of the few crops
not covered by the Canadian Grain Commission’s licensing and bonding provisions. While bonding doesn’t guarantee full payment and collecting is a long process if a buyer becomes insolvent, the provisions do provide some piece of mind. Bonding is likely to be replaced with a form of insurance coverage in upcoming changes to the Canada Grain Act, but whether the crop is canaryseed, lentils, field peas, chickpeas, beans, oats, canola or mustard, producers have to put a lot of trust in buyers for fair grading, accurate weights and timely payment. After Aug. 1, you can add wheat, durum and barley to this list. In the end, this canaryseed producer did finally get his money, but it was a bad experience and he’ll be more careful next time. So how do you protect yourself? Do you just deal with the big, wellknown companies or companies with which you have experience? It’s great to have a competitive marketplace with numerous buyers, but
before you deal with a buyer you don’t know, ask around. Talk to other producers. Farmers are generally happy to provide a straight forward assessment. If a buyer is bad news, they’ll tell you. In this case, a few inquiries would have revealed a buyer with a questionable reputation. Obviously, though, the buyer is still in business so someone is selling him product. A contract typically stipulates how quickly payment is to be made. For instance, it may say that the cheque will be sent within 10 business days following delivery. Unfortunately, there’s little recourse if payment takes much longer. And if a company won’t live up to its contractual commitment for payment timing, it makes you wonder about other aspects of its business. A more common problem is failure to take delivery. Let’s say a producer signs a contract selling lentils, and delivery is supposed to occur before Dec. 1. Five months past the deadline, the lentils are still sitting on the farm.
In this case, the farmer still has possession of the product, but the market price may have dropped well below the contract value. Personally, I do a lot of my specialty crop sales through a broker. The broker should know who is paying the best price as well as which companies are meeting their contractual obligations. It’s bad business for the broker to line you up with a buyer who’s trouble. A broker can’t force buyer performance, but the broker likes to see both parties end up satisfied. A good broker should also be among the first to smell trouble if a buyer is running into financial trouble. I’m happy to cut a buyer a bit of slack as long as he is upfront and keeps the lines of communication open. He can run into transportation bottlenecks and have sales go sour. But there are buyers I won’t deal with no matter what sort of price they’re offering. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at
have been known to publicly complain about the low level of funding provided to rural communities. It’s one of those broken record things, like whining about the weather or cuts to federal agriculture funding. I therefore feel it is incumbent upon me to positively note that the St e p h e n Ha r p e r g ov e r n m e nt, through Western Economic Diversification, is offering $46.2 million over two years for the new Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund. It is part of a national program totalling $150 million, which will be delivered through regional agencies. The fund supports repairs and improvements on a cost-shared basis to existing community infrastructure if it is open and accessible to the public. This is, of course, entirely reasonable and exactly what governments should be doing: supporting public infrastructure, even at the community centre or town rink level. This is where people gather, which is socially healthy, or exercise, which is physically healthy. You always have to consider the long-term, intangible benefits. Even though CIIF seems like a good idea, I didn’t promise not to whine about insufficient funding at all. While $150 million is nothing to sneeze at, I still wonder at the fairly puny amounts doled out to infrastructure support. If you break it down, the western portion of $46.2 million will be spread out among communities in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, which amounts to about $11.5 million per province, or slightly less than $6 million per funding year — although I doubt it will work out evenly. These funding things are often based on provincial or regional populations. For context, the southern Ontario CIIF allocation is $49.6 million — more than applied to all four western provinces together. How many roofs can you partially replace this year for $6 million? Mine cost $6,000, and it just covers my bungalow. The craziest thing about this fund, though, is the fast-approaching deadline of Aug. 2. If your local, regional or First Nation government wants to apply, it better hurry. Since this is a federal program, I suspect there is paperwork involved. The project must be completed by March 31, 2014. If you want a little piece of this small but tasty pie, you better get your skates on.
Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.
To the Editor:
Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.
and the fact that there are sick days worked into a contract is because once as long as a worker was still breathing, they were expected to be at work. These gains were made at great expense by our forefathers and foremothers and must be safeguarded at all costs. Remember, all organized labour and marketing boards must be eliminated to comply with the new Pacific free trade agreement Harper wants so desperately to sign. People must be reminded there is always a method to his madness.
(Prime Minister Stephen) Harper has started his second attack on labour. The first was legislated back to work and pensions. Now the second phase is to convince the general public that all government workers are slothful, lazy freeloaders who only use sick days to take a holiday. Government workers are the easiest to attack because they are paid with taxpayers’ dollars, therefore the general public feels a proprietary interest. It is easy to misrepresent statistics, to read what you want them to read,
Jean H. Sloan, Lloydminster, Sask.
OPEN OR CLOSED? To the Editor: What counts when it comes to sow stalls? (WP online June 12). So what is the truth of the matter? No, I am no expert in that either, but I would ask Ed White, the author, this one question. If he were to imagine putting himself in the same scene as the open or closed stalls, which stall feature would he prefer to spend a lifetime in? Would it be No. 1 or No. 2? Personally, I will place my vote on the Hutterite Eagle Creek Colony method and their experience of raising hogs. And they have accredited
that the animals are healthier (re: WP Feb. 9). That result alone is good enough for me. And if that is not convincing enough, “a righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel” (Proverbs 12:10). John Fefchak, Virden, Man.
POSITIVE CHANGE To the Editor: In 1950, my husband and I started getting The Western Producer newspaper, which we enjoyed very much. My husband passed away over 26 years ago, but I am still getting The Western Producer. It is a very interesting paper. I was very surprised to see that everything is in colour now, which makes it more exciting. What a change in 62 years. I just love it. Thank you very much for a very nice paper. Olga Babyn, Derwent, Alta.
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Re: WP story June 21, Supply management ‘a problem,’ says former Liberal MP (Martha Hall Findlay, former Liberal MP, trade critic and leadership candidate). It is quite obvious, after her defeat in her own riding in the 2011 election, which must have been very humiliating, Martha Hall Findlay is seeking recognition by making noise or waves regarding supply management. When she stated that four litres of milk costs $9.60 in Canada ($2.40 per litre), she is misleading the consumer. It makes one wonder where she is really getting her data. If all her research and publications are as misleading, she would make a poor candidate for leadership in any party. The facts are milk in Canada is $1.45 per litre, cheaper than $1.65 per litre in New Zealand and $1.55 per litre in Australia. She is asking the politicians and bureaucrats to step up to the plate to help her bat. Maybe other politicians have a better knowledge of how important it is to keep supply management in place to protect our ongoing supply of fresh food. Before publishing these misleading facts, Martha should have contacted Statistics Canada on what the average Canadian spends his o r h e r m o n e y . Ve r y l i t t l e g o e s toward their grocery bill (see July 9 Maclean’s). Going back not too many years, ever y far mer had a cow, some chickens, turkeys, etc., to feed the family. How much of this do we see now? It is cheaper to get it off the shelves. If Martha would have any knowledge of agriculture, she would recognize the importance of the people who supply our food. If she would have done research on what it costs in capital investment to build an operation to keep supplying
us with fresh food, she would not have been so eager to get recognition at the expense of supply management. Last, but not least, hoping it will never happen, but should we ever experience what is happening to other parts of the world where the grocery shelves are empty and no restocking supply to be had, then the importance of the people who supply our food chain would be recognized.
Churches must evolve with population SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES
P. J. Hofer, Moose Jaw, Sask.
Heavy rains July 3 flattened cereal crops near Altamont Man. For crop conditions throughout the Prairies, see our crop report on pages 16, 17. | JEANNETTE GREAVES PHOTO JOYCE SASSE
To the Editor: Should we be getting ready for the next depression? Around the last part of June in 1946 at a Regina Board of Trade noon meeting, held at the Hotel Saskatchewan, a gentleman (I wish that I could remember his name) came from New York City and gave a speech (about) what it was like in the Great Depression from 1929 to 1939 in New York City, as well as his prediction for the future. He started off by saying that in the early 1920s, he got interested in gold and when the depression hit he had some gold bricks in a safety deposit box in the bank and over 580 $20 gold pieces at home in his safe. Then the banks were closed because the government did not want to have a run on the banks. While the banks were closed, he and his family ran short on some food items. He went to his safe and took out 22 $20 gold pieces. Nobody would take his $20 gold piece for what he had purchased. They all wanted to know what he could do for them to pay for the groceries. Experiencing that, he soon realized that having so much gold was not the best thing to have. He went on to say that the next depression will be a lot longer and far worse, because it will involve all the countries in the world and it is going to start out with three countries bordering the north shores of the Mediterranean (what about right now with Spain, Italy and Greece) and that this depression shall last for 50 years starting sometime in 60 to 65 years from now (1946), which brings us to sometime between 2010 and 2015. Are we on the brink of this longer depression? Should we be taking heed of what was forecasted in June of 1946? Douglas Chalmers, Victoria, B.C.
Got something to say? We’re listening. What did you think of this week’s issue? We welcome your letters to the editor. Send them in by email to newsroom@ or mail it to the address on the weather page.
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Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2012 Monsanto Canada, Inc.
People are seeking different ways to worship and serve their rural communities
God, don’t let our church close because disillusioned people drift away to other challenges,” Jim Taylor pleads in his Lament For An Aging Congre gation (from Ever yday Psalms). “Don’t let our church die.” From across the land that lament is heard in these times of transition. Generations ago, churches were built by young families wanting to have a spiritual centre in their community. Evidence of vitality and hope was everywhere. Since then, there have been ebbs and flows of support as circumstances and commitments change, but always with a faithful core who seek ways to make adjustments so their community of the faithful can continue. Many congregations are again on the precipice of searching for new ways to worship and serve the community. In some rural areas the demographics of population change has made closure inevitable. Other communities are looking for how they might organize themselves and where they might find professional leadership and secure funds. The leadership team in my home c o n g re gat i o n i s w o rk i n g w i t h denominational advisers to see how they might move ahead. Meanwhile, the Rural Church Movement, through its extensive international network, is seeking out stories of what is being tried elsewhere. The church is a living entity, and rural culture is constantly evolving. Circle-M lies at the heart of this movement. In some denominations, learning circles bring a cross section of individuals together to explore presuppositions and visions, to assess the community’s willingness to make changes and to “try something different.” In seminaries, students are bringing professional training together with field experience. Local parishioners talk with them about what is helpful and what more they might try. A new generation of theological understandings and spiritual nurture unfolds. We live in challenging and exciting times. The God who promised to be with us always keeps that promise.
Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian
Bison cull urged in national park BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Diseased bison will continue to show up in northern Alberta unless the diseased Wood Buffalo National Park herd is killed and the park restocked with disease-free animals, said the past chair of the Alberta Bison Producers. “The bottom line is someday we’ve got to recognize that the herd in the p a rk h a s t o b e d e s t roy e d a n d replaced with disease free animals. That’s a 20 to 25 year project,” said Marv Moore, a Debolt area bison producer. Two bison from the Wentzel Lake bison herd, outside the national park boundaries, recently tested positive for brucellosis and a third bison continues to be tested. Brucellosis and tuberculosis have been part of the Wood Buffalo National Park herds for years. The bison contracted the diseases from cattle during the 1920s at what is now CFB Wainwright, when they were crossed with cattle to create beefalos. The bison thought to be healthy, were then transferred to the northern park. There are two diseased bison herds in North America. One belongs to the U.S. government at Yellowstone National Park. The Canadian government manages the second herd at Wood Buffalo National Park. “All the rest of us are disease free by way of government laws in both countries,” said Moore during a recent bison meeting. Concern that the bison will stray farther from their park and infect northern Alberta cattle herds and d i s e a s e - f re e b i s o n h e rd s h a s prompted provincial government officials to continually monitor the wandering herds through surveillance flights. “We want to make every effort to prevent contamination from happening,” said Dave Ealey, spokesperson from Alberta’s Environment and Sustainable Resource Development department. The province plans to remove all free-ranging wood bison near private agricultural land around Fort Vermilion, La Crete and within 10 kilometres of Highway 35. Ealey said one of the diseased bison was shot by a northern hunter and samples sent to a laboratory. Provincial officials then shot and sampled four wood bison from the Wabasca herd near Harper Creek and seven bison from the Wentzel Lake herd in the Caribou Mountains Wildland Provincial Park. None of the animals tested positive for tuberculosis. In the Northwest Territories, anthrax is believed to have killed 128 bison northwest of Fort Providence, prompting the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to issue an anthrax emergency response plan. Anthrax is a naturally occurring disease in the soil. Animals that die of anthrax shed the bacteria. The most common way of infection is ingesting the spores while grazing. Other bison disease outbreaks have occurred in the same area.
Jose Javier Aza Martinez of Irapuato, Mexico cultivates between rows of cucumbers at Bridgeview Gardens market garden along the Shaftsbury Trail west of Peace River, Alta. About 27 of the market garden’s 50 acres are planted to strawberries. The rest is seeded to vegetables, including cucumbers. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO
Mild winter credited for low beehive losses BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
Most prairie residents were delighted by this year’s mild winter, but b e e k e e p e r s w e re p a r t i c u l a r l y pleased because only 15 percent of their hives failed to make it through the winter. Results aren’t finalized yet, but preliminary figures indicate that 16 percent of hives were lost in Manitoba, 15 percent in Saskatchewan and 15 percent in Alberta. Those over-wintering losses are much lower than previous years, particularly in Manitoba, where beekeepers have averaged 30 percent losses over the last five years. “This is more reminiscent of longterm winter losses, which were generally assumed to be around 15 percent,” said Rheal Lafreniere, Manitoba’s provincial apiarist. “(It’s) down substantially from last year, for sure, when it was around 34 percent.” A combination of factors helped the bees survive the winter, including mite and disease control, but Lafre-
niere said weather likely had the largest influence. After reviewing beekeeper surveys, Lafreniere noticed that only a few hives died from starvation over the winter. “We did get a very nice fall, so bees were able to provision their hives very well,” he said. “And spring came early, so the bees were able to fly (early) … and the stress level from their winter was relieved by having the spring come a little earlier.” The bees also benefited from warm temperatures at key periods in the fall. Most beekeepers on the Prairies now use Apivar to control varroa mites. To effectively kill the mites, the bees must be active to distribute the chemical throughout the hive. “So in that nice fall, the (bee) activity was high for a long time period,” Lafreniere said. In Alberta, overwintering losses in 2011-12 were roughly half of the losses in 2010-11, when 29 percent of beehives didn’t survive the winter, said Medhat Nasr, Alberta’s provincial apiculturist.
Although the mild winter helped, Nasr said a surveillance program for mites and disease is also part of the story. Since 2008, when 44 percent of beehives in the province died over the winter, Alberta beekeepers have carefully monitored mite and disease levels in the spring and fall. “Most beekeepers, right now, have adopted this surveillance of mites and nosema,” Nasr said. “So they are able to determine (infestation) and respond in time.” Four beekeepers in the Peace River region had overwintering losses of 75 percent, but Nasr said those exceptions are easily explained. “The treatment system for nosema failed in these operations. So it’s good when you know what is the cause of winterkill.” Minimal hive losses should help beekeepers reinvigorate the industry. When colonies die, beekeepers must split their active hives and spend more time and energy rebuilding bee populations. “When you start getting 30 percent
winter losses, it’s almost an unsustainable number,” Lafreniere said. “You’ll see the overall numbers in the province start to diminish if you have to replace 30 percent of the colonies.” More bees foraging for pollen and nectar aids the financial bottom line because more bees usually means more honey production and more revenue. Although the decrease in overwintering losses is welcome news, Canada’s bee industry must remain vigilant. Bee experts need to continue their work on superior genetics and other approaches to protect colony health for the long run. Apivar is the only product that is effective at killing mites, while only one agent, fumagillin, can control nosema. “If the mites develop resistance to it, we don’t have a replacement,” Nasr said. “We don’t have any backup for any treatment…. Fumagillin, we don’t have a replacement for it.” The Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists is expected to release official statistics on overwintering losses later this month.
Alberta beekeeper says hive thief cunning and well-equipped BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Bill Termeer believes the person who stole $60,000 worth of honey, hives, frames and bees from his Peace River area farm has to be someone in the industry. “I believe it has to be a neighbouring beekeeper,” said Termeer of Sexsmith, Alta. The hives were stolen from eight remote locations near Wanham and
Teepee Creek over a three to four week period. “These are difficult to find. It’s got to be someone who knew where they were.” Unlike stealing other livestock, only a commercial beekeeper with the proper clothes, hat, gloves and smoker would know how to remove the frames, he said. Termeer said the thief removed the inside frames full of honey, the queen and the brood and stuck empty
frames back in, which is why it took longer to discover the theft. The hives should be “boiling with bees” during the summer. Instead, the hives were barely active. Termeer has taken pollen samples from the replacement frames to be analyzed to find anything that might stand out. Results from the lab analysis will be forwarded to the RCMP. Termeer said he suspects the thief is someone who had high winter death losses or may be in financial difficulty
and can’t afford to replace the bees after winter. “It had to have been someone out there desperate.” Termeer was born into a beekeeping family. He moved from central Alberta to the Peace River area in 1996 with 600 hives and has expanded to a 3,000 hive operation. He has met almost all the beekeepers in the province. “We know each other. We talk to each other. It’s pretty hard to understand.”
DID YOU KNOW: • The Monarch butterfly has the longest and largest insect migration in North America and can travel up to 8,000 kilometres each year, but individual butterflies do not make the round trip from Mexico to southern Canada. The cycle takes place over four generations, and only the fourth generation will make the migration to Mexico.
This is the actual size of an adult female Monarch butterfly. | FILE PHOTO
• Female Monarchs lay several hundred eggs in the spring. Eggs hatch into larvae (caterpillars), then enter the pupa phase (cocoons), then go through metamorphosis to become an adult butterfly. The full cycle takes about 30 days. • Monarch caterpillars rely on milkweed as a main food source, while adult butterflies feed on nectar.
• Monarchs are poisonous, thanks to a compound in milkweed that builds up in the insect’s system, giving it a strong defence against predators. The Viceroy butterfly has evolved to mimic the Monarch’s signature patterned wings — the only difference is that the Viceroy butterfly has a distinct semi-circular vein on the underside of its hind wing — and so predators leave the Viceroy alone. • To distinguish a male and female Monarch, check for a black spot on the hind wings over a vein. Males have these spots, females don’t. • The average wingspan is 93 to 105 mm (3.6 to 4.1 inches). Source:
Monarch butterflies ride the winds northward BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Never in Canada’s 145 years have monarch butterflies travelled so far north and west into Alberta. Uncommonly strong easterly winds have blown the insects farther north and west than they can get on their own. “This is a once every 10 years, at best, phenomenon. The large numbers that we saw this year, I don’t think anybody (has seen) in living memory,” said Felix Sperling, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Alberta who specializes in the study of butterfly evolutionary biology. Sperling estimates they number in
the thousands. The Saskatoon to Edmonton corridor has been the route that the largest number has taken to reach Alberta, he added. Before this year, monarchs had never been recorded further north than Lac La Biche, which occurred in 1977. Monarchs were recently spotted at Fort Assiniboine, about 160 km northwest of Edmonton. “That’s the farthest northwest that I’m aware of this year,” Sperling said. Monarch butterflies are probably the most well-known butterfly in North America. Not only are they famous for their majestically patterned wingspan with black-orangewhite colours, but they are also known for the massive migrations
they take throughout the continent. Beginning life as eggs and hatching as larvae, monarchs depend on milkweed plants, which the larvae eat. Larvae become juicy and colourful caterpillars before entering the pupa stage and then emerge as gloriously coloured adults. Their distinctive pattern advises predators that they are foul tasting. “There are not a whole lot of natural predators because they’re distasteful. Their main mortality is weather,” said Sperling. Monarchs are much tougher than most butterflies, but recent torrential rains and burly winds have taken their toll. “Some of the ones that are here now
in early July are ragged as hell. They’re not long for this world,” he said. The butterflies are born to fly, but constant flapping damages their wings. “They flap their wings long enough and it’s like a flag. It starts to fray at the edges,” he said. After spending several months in central Mexico, broods of Monarchs begin the trek north to southern Texas. Their offspring will make it as far as Kansas or Iowa. From there the next generation will head for northern Michigan or somewhere in the upper Midwest. It’s that generation that has made it to Alberta, about 3,000 km. The prairie generation that will
head back to Mexico is now in the early larvae stage attached to milkweed plants. Come August, adult monarchs will begin their instinctual journey to central Mexico, where they will lay their eggs. It’s a 6,000 km trip from Edmonton. Monarchs typically live less than two months in ideal conditions. Larvae produced on the Prairies, assisted by thermals, can fly all the way to central Mexico and can live up to eight months. “What takes three and four generations to make it north only takes one generation to go south,” said Sperling. “It’s one of those things that if you want to live fast you die young. If you want to live slow, you die old.”
IT COULDN’T BEE ANY BETTER. HARVEST PERFORMANCE YOU CAN COUNT ON. With our new innovative features, harvest efficiency just became that much better. Honey Bee headers continue to set the standard for smooth, efficient harvesting with the lowest profile cutterbar in the industry, new-style gauge wheels with eight inches of float, and the new “Raptor” series draper. Heavier duty drive shafts and a redesigned hydraulic system increase knife power and reduce oil temperatures by up to 100° F. Check out the revamped Honey Bee product line.
MANITOBA SOUTHWEST A severe storm in early July dumped 25 to 100 millimetres of rain on the region, causing crop lodging and isolated hail and wind damage. Some cereal and canola crops are suffering from excess moisture. Sunflower crops are progressing well, thanks to temperatures near 30 C in late June and early July. Haying is underway and producers are reporting average yields. Pastures are rated as good. CENTRAL A July 4 hailstorm levelled crops near Snowflake near the U.S. border. Twenty-five to 100 mm of rain fell during the storm, with the highest amounts south of Highway 3. Winter wheat is progressing rapidly. The crop is in the soft dough stage and producers may soon apply pre-harvest glyphosate. Soybeans are flowering and benefiting from the warm weather. Most canola fields have been sprayed for sclerotinia. Producers have reported flower loss due to temperatures in the high 20s and low 30s. NORTHWEST Excess moisture has drowned
Heavy rains in June have created many wet potholes in Saskatchewan. Here a duck enjoys the water in the middle of a canola field southwest of Saskatoon. | D’ARCE MCMILLAN PHOTO out patches of late seeded canola fields, which are progressing poorly. Overall, the canola crop is rated as average. Cereal crops are doing better and have recovered from yellowing. Flea beetle and cutworm pressure was high earlier in the season, but the insect threat is now diminished.
Haying operations are underway and yields are reported as average. Pasture conditions are improving. EASTERN Spring wheat is in the heading to flowering stage and is transitioning to the milk stage. Fungicide applications
for fusarium are basically complete. Canola is flowering and most advanced crops are beginning to fill pods. Certain corn crops are exhibiting heat stress from the high temperatures. Plant leaves are rolling to conserve moisture. Overall, grain corn crop is in good condition.
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INTERLAKE Warm and moist weather in early July has helped crops move rapidly through the development stages. Soybeans are flowering and have recovered from iron chlorosis stress earlier in the growing season. With warm weather, producers hope
NEWS soybean plants will grow taller. If so, it will allow pods to form higher on the plants and facilitate an easier harvest. Alfalfa weevils are damaging hay crops. Some producers are reporting hay yields below average, particularly in the Rural Municipality of Armstrong.
SASKATCHEWAN Crops in Saskatchewan are progressing nicely despite wild weather that affected much of the province again last week, including strong winds, hail, heavy thunderstorms and tornadoes in some parts of the province. According to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s most recent crop report, the majority of crops are at their normal stages of development for this time of year. As of July 2, 61 percent of fall cereals were in the heading stage and 61 percent of the spring cereals were in the jointed to shot-blade stage. About 50 percent of canola and mustard crops were in the rosette stage and 24 percent in the flowering stage. Pulse and flax were also progressing normally. Saskatchewan livestock producers are making decent progress with haying and silage despite unsettled weather. As of July 2, 12 percent of the hay crop had been cut, and baling was underway in many parts of the province. Eighty-nine percent of the Saskatchewan hay crop was rated as good to excellent in quality. Across the province, topsoil moisture on cropland was rated as 27 percent surplus, 72 percent adequate and one percent short. Some areas continued to struggle
with excess soil moisture, which is stressing crops and hampering spraying operations.
Lake, Macklin, Marengo, Perdue, Hanley, Outlook and Conquest. NORTH
SOUTH Warm moist conditions helped advance crops, but many areas continued to experience wild weather. Strong winds affected the Moose Jaw, Grenfell, Indian Head, Moosomin and Vibank areas, causing damage to buildings and shelterbelts. Pastures are in excellent condition and water for livestock on pasture is abundant in most areas. Cropland moisture is adequate, although surplus moisture in some areas is delaying spraying operations and causing crop damage. Despite ample rainfall in most regions, lack of moisture in others is affecting crop development. Haying is in full swing with excellent yields and quality reported. CENTRAL Wet field conditions have delayed weed and disease control through much of central Saskatchewan. Crop conditions are variable, but warm weather is needed to advance crops. Hay crops and pastures are rated as excellent. Moisture on pastures is ample to excessive in most areas. Cropland is wet. Weather woes continued to plague crop development and caused significant damage to farmyards, buildings and shelterbelts. Damage to grain bins was common. Thunderstorms delivered heavy rain to many communities, including Goodeve, Ituna, Stockholm, Kamsack, Foam
Many areas of Saskatchewan’s northern grainbelt received more rain in late June and early July, causing more crop damage and further affecting crop development. Soil conditions are wet in many regions and crops look poor, particularly canola in some parts of the northeast. Producers need warm, sunny weather to dry fields and advance crops. Soil moisture conditions in the northwest were generally more favourable with topsoil moisture on cropland rated as 13 percent surplus and 87 percent adequate as of July 2. Hay crops throughout northern Saskatchewan were rated as 100 percent excellent. Pastures are also in excellent condition in most areas. Many communities received heavy doses of rain between June 26 and July 2, including Codette (69 mm), Nipawin (50 mm), Kinistino (62 mm), Birch Hills (52 mm) and Prince Albert (65 mm). Haying and spraying operations are underway, but progress is hampered by wet conditions.
ALBERTA SOUTH Soil moisture is good throughout the region, although moisture is rated excessive in the Brooks-Taber areas, where crops are still recovering from a wide swath of hail in June.
All crops are rated as good to excellent. A period of warm, dry weather is needed because crop development is about a week behind. Spring cereals are entering the flag leaf stage, most of the canola is flowering and winter cereals are in late head emergence. The first cut of dryland and irrigation hay has started, which is a significant delay from historical averages. CENTRAL Soil moisture is good throughout the region, with nearly all areas rated good to excellent. Most counties are reporting excessive moisture, with the worst being the west portion of the area, which is reporting 10 to 20 percent excessive. Crop condition ratings are exceptionally high. Spring cereals are in the early stem elongation stage, canola has started flowering and winter cereals are in early head emergence. Hot weather is needed to bring crops along. Hay and pasture conditions are good to excellent. Significant damage is still being assessed from hail and wind damage that was reported July 1-2 from Olds to Drumheller, including a tornado reported near Didsbury. This is peak hail season for this region and weather warnings have been issued almost every day. NORTHEAST Moisture conditions are a little drier in this region. Crop conditions are variable but remain very good, with most crops rating in the high
good to excellent condition. Spring cereals are in the early stem elongation stage and canola is starting to flower. Hay and pasture conditions have improved and haying has started. NORTHWEST Soil conditions are starting to decline because of dryness, although crops remain strong and healthy. Crop development is lagging with spring cereals in the early stem elongation stage and canola just approaching the rosette stage. Hay and pasture is good to excellent but no haying is reported in the region. PEACE Soil moisture ratings have improved significantly and crops are considered good to excellent. Haying has just started and the return of hot, sunny weather will mean plenty of cutting and baling over the next week. Most canola is heading into bloom. Heavy showers across most pockets of the Peace were welcome. Farmers worried expected hot weather will limit yield just as canola is heading into bloom. Some fusarium infection has been found in peas. Some disease has been detected in winter wheat, but crops generally are looking good. Spring seeded wheat and barley are heading into the flag leaf stage and taking advantage of rain and hot weather. Some grasshoppers are appearing, but crops may stay ahead of the grasshoppers if good growth continues.
TIMING IS EVERYTHING. ROUNDUP TRANSORB® HC HERBICIDE. Preharvest is the best time to control perennial weeds such as Canada thistle, quackgrass, and sowthistle. But, it’s important to get the timing of your application just right to be effective. For tips on how to better assess weed and crop staging, and how to effectively apply Roundup Transorb® HC herbicide, go to
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Professor taught real life agriculture Linking classroom to field | Ed Tyrchniewicz shared real world experiences with his students BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
Growing up on a farm on the outskirts of Winnipeg in the 1940s and 1950s, Ed Tyrchniewicz knew he wanted to have a career in agriculture. But like most people in their late teens, Tyrchniewicz had no idea what he would do for a career or how agriculture would fit into his life. That is, until he took a certain class at the University of Manitoba. “We had a really fascinating guy, I
thought he was really old, he must have been at least 40, teaching a course in agricultural economics. I’d never heard of anything like that before,” said Tyrchniewicz, who lives in Winnipeg and was raised in what is now the non-existent town of Prairie Grove. “It was really, really intriguing because he tied into things that were happening in the real world.” That course set Tyrchniewicz on a path that led to a career as professor and head of agricultural economics at the University of Manitoba, chair
of multiple commissions on national and provincial agricultural issues and ultimately induction into the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame in 2012. Tyrchniewicz became a member of the Hall of Fame at a ceremony in Portage la Prairie July 12. Joining him as the newest members of the elite club were Wilf Chegwin, Edward Hudek, Herb Lapp and Hayden Tolton. During his decades of work at the U of M and as dean of agriculture and forestry at the University of Alberta,
Tyrchniewicz remembered the lesson he learned from that first agricultural economics class: to teach and motivate students an educator must link the classroom to events and issues in the real world. “It comes back to relating to what is going on in agriculture to what one does in agriculture,” said Tyrchniewicz, who is semi-retired and holds the position of senior scholar in agribusiness at the U of M. “I had way too many instructors along the way who were (only) teaching their body of knowledge. They couldn’t have given a sweet tweet whether it was going to be used by anybody.” Brian Oleson, a professor in agribusiness and ag economics at the U of M who nominated Tyrchniewicz for a spot in the hall of fame, said Dr. Ed, his informal title at the university, had plenty of real world knowledge to share with his students. During his more than 40 year career, Tyrchniewicz frequently stepped outside of the university grounds to engage in public policy related to agriculture. He chaired commissions on livestock sustainability in Manitoba and participated in provincial and national inquiries that shaped agricultural policy related to livestock, grain handling, transportation and natural resource management. He also took assignments overseas and influenced agricultural policy in Ukraine, Bangladesh, Thailand, Kenya, India and China. As an example of his work, Tyrch-
Ed Tyrchniewicz sees being inducted into the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame as recognition of his work for rural people. | FILE PHOTO niewicz was director of research for a royal commission on rail line abandonment. The topic wasn’t popular with rural citizens or farmers at the time, but Tyrchniewicz took the view that it is better to engage in change than have change forced upon you. “If you don’t start having a say in driving this, rather than saying no, no, no, it’s going to be done to you by somebody else,” he said. “A lot of the stuff I’ve been involved in is how do you adapt to change.” During his lengthy career, Tyrchniewicz was elected fellow of the Agricultural Institute of Canada and fellow of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society. Still, Tyrchniewicz said being a member of the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame is unique. “The hall of fame is a very different kind of award. It focuses on what have you done for rural people. What have you done for the agricultural sector?” he said. “It’s a recognition from a much broader group than simply one’s professional colleagues and peers.”
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Hall of Fame inductees’ work recognized ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
Other inductees of the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame in 2012: • Wilf Chegwin of Shoal Lake, Man., who died in 2010, was one of the first people in Manitoba to import Simmental cattle from France. He served as director for the Canadian and Manitoba Simmental associations and showed Simmental and Limousin cattle at shows from Toronto to Calgary. • Edward Hudek, raised on a farm near Hafford, Sask., worked for the Manitoba agriculture department from 1956-81. He served as chief agricultural engineer, deputy minister and special adviser to the minister. He was also chair of the Farm Machinery Board, chair and manager of the Manitoba Water Services Board and chair of the Milk Control Board. • Herb Lapp, who was born in Alameda, Sask., and died in 2006, was an agricultural engineer who worked for the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration and became a professor of
agricultural engineering at the University of Manitoba. His research included experiments in field tillage, seeding methods and alternate energy sources. He co-ordinated a project to determine the feasibility of producing energy from the anaerobic digestion of animal manure. This research gained international recognition and led to the production and use of ethanol as a fuel in North America. • Hayden Tolton grew up on the family farm near Otterburne, Man. He started his career as an ag rep in Holland with the Manitoba agriculture department, eventually becoming research director with the Manitoba Crop Insurance Corp. His main focus was to improve the accuracy and dependability of crop production and management records as the base for establishing insurance premiums. This data bank became the main source of reliable, multiyear crop production and management information. His methodology is still used today. Source: Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame
SAY CHEESE A city couple moves to the farm and sets up a goat cheese operation. | Page 23
Mutated gene linked to Parkinson’s Discovery could lead to early detection, new drugs BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Head injuries are common in amateur hockey leagues and can have a serious effect on athletes at all levels of competition. |
Minor sports, major injuries Concussions common in hockey | Amateur leagues should implement awareness, prevention BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Amateur sports groups, including minor hockey leagues and local soccer associations, should be doing more to promote awareness and prevention of head injuries, says a leading expert. Failure to do so will lead to more injuries among Canadian children and could also expose minor sports organizations to costly liabilities. “I think we need to review our standards for protection, and I think we have to review the rules of the game for our amateur athletes,” said David Mulder, head of thoracic surgery at Montreal’s McGill University. “I think the liability issue is going to come front and centre for concussions and for all injuries.” Mulder, who grew up in Eston, Sask., now serves as the chief physician for the National Hockey League’s Montreal Canadiens. He said research, education and preventive programming are keys to reducing head injuries in professional and amateur hockey. He also said North American hockey organizations that are serious about reducing concussions should:
• adopt International Ice Hockey Federation rules • eliminate fighting • conduct studies to determine if new, hard-shelled protective equipment such as shoulder pads and elbow pads are contributing to head injuries Head injuries common Mulder said concussions generate the most attention when a high profile professional athlete is injured. However, head injuries are also common in amateur leagues and can have a serious effect on athletes at all levels of competition. Professional leagues, most notably the NHL, have taken steps to reduce the prevalence and severity of head injuries. However, in some cases amateur leagues have been less proactive. Children involved in minor sports often mature at different ages, so size discrepancies can increase the risk of injury among smaller players. In addition, most minor or amateur leagues don’t have standardized return-to-play protocols, such as the ones adopted by the NHL. Players who suffer concussions in
Dr. David Mulder is calling for a review of rules for amateur athletes. | IAN CHANG PHOTO the NHL must be symptom-free before returning to play and must also pass a series of graduated tests without experiencing headaches, dizziness, nausea and other telltale symptoms. Mulder said professional sports leagues are becoming more aware of the impact that head injuries can have on a athlete’s long-term health. However, the medical profession still has trouble diagnosing concus-
sions accurately and determining exactly when it is safe for an athlete to return to the playing field. “We do our best,” he said. “We rest them until they’re asymptomatic and we put them through their graded return-toplay programs … which I think is a very positive development for the NHL. It’s not perfect but I think its better than nothing.” Liability for the long-term wellbeing of athletes is emerging as a key concern for professional and amateur sports leagues. A class-action lawsuit launched recently by former players in the National Football League suggests that professional leagues can be held financially liable for longterm health risks that stem from sports-related head injuries. Amateur leagues could reduce their liability by taking a proactive approach to reducing head injuries and by implementing programs aimed at education, awareness and prevention. Mulder, a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Medicine, was in Saskatoon last week to speak at the college’s 27th annual reunion conference.
Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan have helped identify a genetic abnormality linked to Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Ali Rajput, a Parkinson’s expert at the university, was part of an international team that discovered the link between a mutated version of the DNAJC13 gene and most forms of the degenerative brain disease. Rajput called the discovery a major step that could lead to early detection and the development of new drugs that prevent or delay the disease’s progression. “It opens up the door much wider than we’ve ever had,” said Rajput, who has been studying Parkinson’s for 45 years. “Right now, we detect the disease when about 50 percent of the cells are dead … in an area of the brain called black substance or substantial nigra. “We want to be able to detect it when one percent of the cells are dead or five percent or 10 percent. At that point, people are functioning normally so if we can detect it at that point, then we (can try to) … find drugs that will … delay progress.” Discovery of the genetic link began years ago when Rajput identified Mennonite families that had unusually high incidence of Parkinson’s disease. Rajput worked with the families, conducted post-mortem studies and determined that all affected family members were suffering from the same form of the disease. He then teamed up with University of British Columbia geneticist Matthew Farrer, who identified a consistent genetic abnormality in the affected family members. In one extended Mennonite family from Saskatchewan, 13 of 57 members family members were diagnosed with the disease. The unselfish commitment of the family is remarkable, said Rajput. “They went out of their way on every conceivable manner to help solve this mystery.” Added Farrer: “A breakthrough like this would not be possible without their involvement and support.” Farrer’s team released its findings last month at the 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Dublin, Ireland. Rajput said researchers will now develop an animal model to learn more about the disease, its progression and potential treatments. He is also seeking organ donors who are willing to donate healthy brains, which will serve as controls in related Parkinson’s research.
Decorative objects add colour, excitement to landscape IN THE COUNTRY GARDEN
lthough I think plant material should be the focus in any garden, decorative objects can contribute to the garden’s mood and add interest and colour. But what decorative objects are suitable for display in a garden? A couple of large objects such as willow chairs, large implement wheels, old wooden wheelbarrows, large concrete birdbaths and large rocks will command attention and be obvious focal points. Large items must be in scale with the rest of the garden and suit its mood. A willow chair is more suited to an informal garden, while a Grecian statue is a better fit for a formal space. Small items with a common theme can contribute to the mood of the garden, but too many such objects are apt to create a cluttered look. Decorative objects, particularly the smaller ones, might look best tucked in among the plants so that they are not initially obvious and are discovered individually as they peek out from under the leaves. A dreary spot where nothing seems to grow, such as under a large spruce tree or in a shady back corner of the garden, will benefit from the addition of a brightly coloured object. A cobalt blue chair, a sparkling gazing ball or a brightly coloured ceramic figurine will create a bright focal point in an otherwise nondescript location. A large ceramic container overflowing with colourful plants might also serve this purpose. Unity will be achieved if all the objects in any one area of the garden have something in common, whether it is the theme or the material from which they are made. For example, a grouping of smaller objects might all be bird figurines or the objects might all be made of wood. Many landscapes contain xeriscaped areas covered with river rock or bark chips. A couple of large decorative containers of plants will add colour and interest to such a space.
Alternatively, a couple of large rocks or two or three larger pieces of driftwood might be all that is needed. The simplicity of the arrangement is more striking than it would be if cluttered with a lot of additional small objects. Decorative objects also can also fill empty spaces in the garden. I often add a rock or other decorative object between plants where there is an unusually large empty space, perhaps because a plant has died. These objects can be easily removed during the growing season if plant material does fill the gap. They can then be placed elsewhere or stored away until needed again. Of course, sometimes we gardeners like to have a bit of fun with our gardens and add an item or two just to elicit a chuckle from visitors. There is nothing wrong with that: gardening should be fun, after all, or why do it?
TOP: An old wooden wheelbarrow holds containers of ornamental grasses. ABOVE: One shrub and a piece of driftwood create a vignette in a xeriscaped area. LEFT: An old implement seat sits against a wooden container of oxalis. The leaf colour echoes the rusty brown of the seat.
Albert Parsons has a diploma in horticulture from Guelph University. He operates a garden design/landscape consultation business from his home in Minnedosa, Man. Contact:
With all this blogging going on, has writing gone to the dogs? THE MORE THINGS CHANGE …
ell, that’s depressing. I have a blog on a site called Wordpress, where ever y day there is a blurb along the lines of: “ The best of 329,820 bloggers, 754,441 new posts, 467,400 comments, & 156,067,071 words posted today on” One hundred fifty-six million, sixtyseven thousand and seventy-one words. In one day. That might be more than Steven King has written in his lifetime. I said “might.” What I derive from those numbers,
and why it’s depressing, is that while everyone and their dog is writing a blog, who the hell is left to read them? Wait. “Everyone and their dog” is an exaggeration. Some breeds are too stupid to write a coherent paragraph (basset hound, bulldog), while others often vie for spots on the New York Times bestseller list (poodle, border collie). Few people realize that most of John Grisham’s books were ghostwritten by his Labrador retriever Sparkles.
At any rate, with 156,067,071 words added every day on this one publishing platform, of which there are many, and with all the other words added to all the non-blog websites, of which there are millions, one wonders: If Shakespeare were alive today and asked on his blog, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” who would take note? Who would be moved? Gwendolyn the chowchow can barely get through the comics page. Walmsley Momma’s Boy the whippet is too busy chasing
rabbits and King Tut’s Baker’s Dozen the toy poodle is off on his own bloody book tour. Dan Quayle, George H.W. Bush’s idiot savant vice-president, prophesied that “the future will be better tomorrow.” I don’t know about better, but there sure is a lot more of it. Michael Gillgannon is the former news editor of The Western Producer and managing editor of Western People. Contact: humour@
Summer busts with flavours from the garden TEAM RESOURCES FILE PHOTO
wait all year for the fresh tastes of summer. Besides drinking water, eating fresh fruit and vegetables is an exceptional way to avoid summer dehydration. Every part of our body performs better when it is well watered. Our skin and hair look more radiant, our joints move easier, our vital organs run smoothly and we think more clearly. One of the pleasures of summer is to be able to indulge in a shell filled with fresh peas right off the plant or to pop a ripe red raspberry into your mouth that was hanging from a cane. Eating fresh produce from your garden gives you a boost of vitamins and healthy fibre.
WATERMELON RASPBERRY SALAD 1 large head romaine 2L lettuce, cut or torn 1 1/2 c. seedless 1 inch 375 mL watermelon chunks 1 c. quartered 250 mL cucumber slices 1 small to medium red onion, sliced and split into rings 1 c. fresh firm 250 mL raspberries Combine lettuce, watermelon, cucumber and red onion in a salad bowl. Let sit and prepare the dressing. Dressing: 1/2 c. 1/4 c. 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1/4 c. 2 tbsp. 1/4 c. 5
oil vinegar sesame seeds poppy seeds sugar honey orange juice fresh raspberries
125 mL 60 mL 15 mL 15 mL 60 mL 30 mL 60 mL 5
Combine ingredients in a blender until well mixed. If you’re short of time, try substituting one cup (250 mL) of Kraft rasp-
Lemon raspberry pie is a refreshing dessert that freezes well for carefree summer days. | berry poppy seed dressing. Add the raspberries to the lettuce mixture and toss. Pour the desired amount of dressing over the salad and toss gently. Serve immediately. Note: you can also leave the dressing on the side if people want to add their own dressing or if you are not serving the dish immediately. Substitute spinach for lettuce if desired.
BARBECUE CAN-STUFFED CHICKEN Roasting chicken with a half-full beverage can leaves it moist and tender. Throw on baked potatoes and serve with a side of the above salad or fresh picked unshelled peas.
Mix the first four ingredients together. Open the can and remove half of the liquid. Place the prepared chicken over the can and place on the heated barbecue, using the legs of the chicken to make it stand with the can inside. Turn off the burner that is directly under the chicken. In approximately one hour, baste the chicken with barbecue sauce and continue to grill for 20 or 30 more minutes or until juices run clear when cut with a knife. Chicken should read 180 C (350 F) on a meat thermometer when complete. Remove the chicken from the grill and wait 10 to 15 minutes until carving.
LEMON RASPBERRY PIE 1 tsp. 1/2 tsp. 1/2 tsp. 1/4 tsp. 1/8 tsp. 4 lb. 1 can
garlic seasoning 5 mL paprika 2 mL black pepper 2 mL dried thyme leaves 1 mL cayenne pepper .5 mL chicken 1.8 kg beer, Dr. Pepper 355 mL or soda vodka cooler 1/2 c. barbecue sauce 125 mL Heat the barbecue to medium-high.
This light dessert is refreshing. The lemon and fresh raspberry mix is a match like no other. 2-1/2 c. 1/2 c. 1 1/2 c. 1 pkg. 1 pkg.
graham crumbs 625 mL butter, melted 125 mL boiling water 375 mL lemon jelly powder 85 g cream cheese, 125 g
softened 3/4 c. frozen lemonade 250 mL concentrate, thawed 3 c. thawed whipped 750 mL topping or whipped cream 2 c. fresh raspberries 500 mL Mix graham crumbs and butter and press onto the bottom of two nine-inch pie plates. Add boiling water to jelly powder in small bowl and stir until completely dissolved. Cool and set for 15 minutes. In the meantime, beat cream cheese in large bowl until creamy. Then add the lemonade concentrate until thoroughly combined. Stir in whipped topping and berries. Pour over the crusts. Refrigerate the pies for a minimum of four hours or until firm. You can also freeze the pies for up to one week before thawing to serve. Garnish with extra fresh raspberries and serve. Source:
Jodie Mirosovsky is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact:
Who doesn’t want to feel and look their best over the summer season? While eating right and being active should lead to lean and muscular bodies, many of us plateau and do not reach our weight and health goals. Some of the factors linked to our overweight population include eating large servings, food allergies, blood sugar or consuming the wrong types of food. However, scientists now believe that hormone disrupting chemicals called obesogens could be instructing our bodies to store extra fat. Unfortunately, we are exposed to them every day. Obesogens are found in food packaging, household products such as cookware and in personal care products. They trick our bodies into processing food and chemicals abnormally, causing our fine tuned systems to start storing fat and reprogramming healthy cells. There are ways to stop the attacks on our systems: • Look for BPA (Bisphenol-A) free products on labels or at least limit your exposure by avoiding plastics such as disposable water bottles and sports water bottles. • Store food in glass containers rather than plastic. • Watch your packaging. Obesogens have been found in some microwave popcorn bags and in the lining of some canned food. Look for shrink wrap and plastic bags that are labelled BPA free. • When choosing cook pots and bake ware, look for products that are PFOA-free (perfluorooctanoic acid) and try not to microwave plastic. • Check labels on personal care products before using them on your skin and avoid anything that contains parabens and phthalates. Skin absorbs everything you put on it. • When using products to scent the home, try to use natural instead of synthetic fragrance. Source: Environmental Protection Agency and David Suzuki Foundation,
Types of skin infections can range from mild to fatal HEALTH CLINIC
How can you tell if you have a serious skin infection that needs antibiotic treatment? For example how can you tell if you have flesh-eating disease and need to go to the hospital? What are the signs of different types of skin infection?
Skin infections can be divided into three main types: bacterial, viral and fungal. Bacterial infections are the most common and are caused by either Staphylococcus aureus or a certain variety of Streptococcus. These infections range from minor boils or acne to potentially life threatening diseases if they are due to an antibiotic resistant super bug such as MRSA or VRSA. Boils generally require no special treatment and most burst and clear up on their own. Occasionally, they may be severe enough to need minor surgery to let out the pus. Impetigo is an infectious rash that generally affects about one percent
of children and is mostly found on the face and extremities. It is simple to treat with antibiotic ointments such as Polysporin. Streptococcal skin infections generally require treatment with oral antibiotics. Erysipelas is a tender, well-defined, dark red and hardened area on the face or legs. It is most common in young children and the elderly. Cellulitis may be due to either bacteria or both. The patient will have a warm, red, tender and swollen area of skin with ill-defined borders that expands rapidly. It is often accompanied by other symptoms such as swollen lymph glands and occasion-
ally bacteremia-blood infection. There could be a fever. Both these conditions require oral or even intravenous antibiotics and warm compresses. Necrotizing fasciitis or flesh-eating disease is a rare infection of the connective tissues under the skin. Most patients have a mixed infection with groups B or C streptococci or S. pyogenes. It is generally preceded by an injury to the skin from a scratch, cut or surgery. It begins as a warm, red, and tender area that spreads rapidly in all directions. Within 48 to 72 hours, the affected skin becomes dark in colour and
large blisters appear. This is a surgical emergency, which requires immediate removal of the affected area, maybe even amputation of a limb. Even with treatment, as many as 70 percent of patients will die. Viral infections that present as a rash include shingles and chickenpox. Fungal infections may be due to ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot or yeast infections. Antibiotics do not work in these instances. The patients will require specific antifungal or antiviral medications. Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact:
Local food project evolves into business Preserving produce | Partners hope to find ways to increase efficiency BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
EASYFORD, Alta. — After three years of working with a local food group, Margarita Pischke has learned most people like eating local jams, jellies and pickles. They’re just not always keen on making them. Instead, Pischke and two friends have turned their love of making jams, jellies and pickles into a business. “People understand the value of local growers, but don’t have the time or inclination to do it themselves,” said Pischke of the 100 km Kitchen Company. Three years ago, Pischke was hired to work with the 100 km Kitchen Party, an economic development project started by Brazeau County in 2009 to promote local food. The group organized kitchen classes and distributed 70,000 copies of the booklet Eat Local Goodness to homes in the area. Only 22 food growers within 100 kilometres of Drayton Valley were listed in the directory in the first year, but it increased to 50 by the third year. “It made a great impact,” said Pischke.
Margarita Pischke of the 100 km Kitchen Company, stirs a pot of soup in the Easyford Community Centre kitchen. This is where Pischke and her partners turn local food into jams, jellies, pickles and chutneys. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO
People understand the value of local growers, but don’t have the time or inclination to do it themselves. MARGARITA PISCHKE 100 KM KITCHEN COMPANY
The group held canning and cooking courses using food from local growers. These kitchen parties, held in community halls, made 900 jars of jams, jellies and preserves in their first year, 1,800 in the second year and 2,500 by the third. Despite the enthusiasm of some members, there wasn’t enough interest to carry on the 100 km Kitchen Party. Pischke and four others didn’t want to let the party die and started the first step in turning the party into a co-op. Paperwork and other roadblocks prompted the organizers to drop the co-op idea, and Pischke, Kathryn Pratt and Patricia Pischke created the 100 km Kitchen Company, their own business that cans local produce and sells it at farmers’ markets and local
stores. “We’re feeling pretty confident,” Pischke said. It was at one of the farmers’ markets that Pischke met an old bachelor who wanted to know if they had any horseradish jelly. The man showed her a tattered recipe of his horse-radish jelly and Pischke made a copy. The original recipe had a “small mountain of sugar,” which they reduced. Horseradish jelly has now become one of the company’s best sellers as a glaze on chops and barbecued meat. Pischke said apples are their biggest gift and curse. Every fall, baskets of apples turn up and they diligently turn them into jars of jelly. Last year, they rented the Easyford Community Hall kitchen for 40 days. In the future, the trio opes to make their canning more efficient to help boost profits. “The profits aren’t super at this point,” said Pischke. The women eventually hope to make the company a full-time business for themselves. Ninety-five percent of their produce is now obtained locally. Forty percent of their sales are from gift baskets in Drayton Valley’s booming oil economy.
1 2 3
ZUCCHINI RELISH 10 cups ground or grated zucchini 4 cups ground or grated onion 5 tbsp. coarse salt Put into a large container, and let stand over night. Rinse well in cold water and drain. In kettle put: 2 ¼ cups vinegar 4 ½ cups sugar ½ tsp. pepper 2 tbsp. celery seed
1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 chopped
nutmeg dry mustard turmeric cornstarch red pepper for colour (grinding makes it too small) 1 chopped green pepper Bring to boil and simmer for 30 minutes or until desired consistency. Stir occasionally. Bottle and seal. Water bath for 10 minutes. Makes seven pints.
DILL PICKLES Boil: 12 cups 1 cup 6 cups
water pickling salt vinegar
This covers 8-10 pounds of cucumbers in about 8 quarts.
Wash cucumbers and soak in ice and water for 3 hours. Drain and pack in jars with a sprig (head) of dill and qarlic (optional). Cover with boiling brine and seal immediately. Water bath for 10 minutes to confirm seal.
Cheese makers eager to expand product line Nigerian Dwarf goat cheese | Couple produce fresh cheese but are interested in producing feta and aged cheese BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
L ANG, Sask. — Two-year-old Blythe Waddell-Holtom easily handles the livestock on her family’s farm. She carts a squirming Nigerian Dwarf goat kid around until it slides down and kicks out of her grasp, scampering off to join some others. It’s the kind of thing that could occupy a toddler for a while. But the goats have a more important job here. They are how Blythe’s
James Holtom holds two of the Nigerian Dwarf goat kids born at SalayView Farms near Lang, Sask.
parents, Marin Waddell and James Holtom, are establishing themselves as farmers and cheese makers. Waddell and Holtom were living in Regina and working as a community planner and an electrical engineer, respectively, before spending their honeymoon in France in 2006. While eating the many types of cheese available, they realized there was no local cheese production back home in Saskatchewan. They came back with a plan to become farmers. “No one who knows me was particularly surprised,” laughed Waddell. She grew up in Langley, B.C., near many dairies and cheese producers. She also worked part-time in a veterinary clinic during school. It was a different reaction from Holtom’s Saskatoon family. “My family was shocked,” he said. “My dad was really concerned that we were going to be selling cheese.” They began looking for property and four years ago found two quarters with a decent house and a reasonable price tag about an hour south of the city. It already had corrals and outbuildings and room for a new building with a milking parlour and cheese-making floor. They rent out some of the land for hay and are fencing some for their goats. The cheese building was built in the summer of 2010 and by August 2011 the first cheese was for sale at the Regina Farmers’ Market. Waddell said she already considers herself a farmer because she stays home with Blythe, looks after the
People say, ‘I hate goat cheese,’ but we’re selling everything we’re making right now. JAMES HOLTOM SALAYVIEW FARMS
goats and makes the cheese. Holtom helps as much as he can with milking and maintenance but still makes the daily commute to his job at SaskPower. “We don’t make enough (from the cheese) to not work off the farm,” he said. The couple isn’t sure when that might change. A baby boy, Robert, joined the family at SalayView Farms June 20. Salay is the Michif word for sun and a nod to Holtom’s Metis heritage. “Our five year goal is to have everything paid off. I’ll stay working for those five years,” said Holtom. “Last year we had set up costs. We’ll have ongoing fencing costs. I expect we’ll make money this year but all of that will go back into paying off debt.” A community futures loan helped get the business going. They milk 19 goats out of 60 in total, plus some larger LaManchas brought in to top up production until the Nigerian herd is established. The optimum number will be 40 does with kids. Waddell has been learning as she goes. There are no other goat farms nearby and only one other Nigerian Dwarf breeder in the province. “Our vet in Weyburn has been awe-
some,” she said. They chose the breed because the goats are about half the size of other dair y goats and they prefer the flavour of the milk. “It has a higher butterfat content so it makes better cheese,” Waddell said. Half the goats are milked at 4:30 a.m. and half are milked at 6 p.m. The milk goes into a 200-litre bulk tank, which is small by cattle dairy standards but large enough for SalayView. The couple wants to start by making cheese just once a week. Milking
more goats would mean more cheese making. Waddell attended a week-long course at the Western Dairy Centre in the United States to learn how to make cheese. It begins in their Canadian Food Inspection Agency-approved facility, which is also subject to a yearly inspection from the regional health authority. The operation is considered a food processing facility rather than a dairy. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
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Offer available through July 31, 2012, while supplies last. See your Case IH dealer for details. Offer subject to cancellation at any time at CNH America LLC’s sole discretion. Discounts vary by model Offer good only on retail orders for 2013 model year equipment. The pre-order pricing does not apply to a distributor’s current inventory, but only to new pre-order units. Offer not available on prior orders placed by customer. ©2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
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Marin Waddell, left, and her daughter, Blythe, check on the Nigerian Dwarf kids in the barn. The dog is one of several goat guardians on the farm. | KAREN BRIERE PHOTOS
may be required. Offer good through July 31, 2012. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. This transaction will be unconditionally interest free. Canadian Example: 0% per annum for 48 months: Based on a retail contract date of June 15, 2012 with a suggested retail price on a new Case IH WD1903 Windrower with DH362 Draper Head of C$206,195.00, customer provides a down payment of C$39,844.40 and finances the balance of C$159,377.60 at 0% per annum for 48 months. There will be 47 equal monthly payments of C$3,320.37 each, with the first due on July 15, 2011 and one final payment of C$3,320.21 due on June 15, 2015. The total amount payable will be C$199,222.00, which includes finance charges of $0.00. Taxes, freight, set-up, installation, delivery, additional options or attachments and miscellaneous dealer charges are not included in suggested retail price or in these offers. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. ** Offer available through July 31, 2012, while supplies last. See your Case IH dealer for details. Offer subject to cancellation at any time at CNH America LLC’s sole discretion. Offer good only on retail orders for 2012 model year Case IH SP Windrower. Discounts vary by model. The pre-order pricing does not apply to a dealer’s current inventory, but only to new pre-order units. Pre-order pricing example shown is based on the pricing for a WD1903 Windrower with DH362 Draper Head with a suggested list price value of C$206,195.00. Taxes, freight, set-up, installation, delivery, additional options or attachments and miscellaneous dealer charges are not included in suggested list price or in this offer. Offer not available on prior orders placed by customer.
All rights reserved. CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.
Blythe Waddell-Holtom clutches a dwarf goat. | KAREN BRIERE PHOTO
The process takes two days, followed by a day of cleaning. The milk is transferred from the bulk tank to a pasteurization vat and heated to 63 C for 30 minutes. Running cold water through the inner walls of the tank then cools the milk to 23 C. At that point, the starter culture is added and the mixture is left to sit for six hours. Waddell then adds a vegetarian coagulant to make her cheese suitable for those who prefer that diet. “Most cheese isn’t actually vegetarian,” she said, because the rennet used to coagulate milk contains enzymes from a cow’s stomach. The milk then sits for 12 hours to coagulate. The next morning she scoops the curds into drain bags and hangs them for another 12 hours to drain the whey. Salt and spices are added
and the cheese is packaged and labelled to meet federal requirements. SalayView Farms sells plain, chive and herbs de Provence fresh goat cheese, or chevre, in 100 gram packages that keep for about a month in the fridge. Waddell said she may one day produce aged cheeses, which require more steps in the process and caring for the cheese as it ages, but for now she will focus on fresh. In addition to the farmers’ market, the cheese is also available at Regina’s Italian Star Deli and Orange Boot Bakery. Their success has been gratifying to them and their skeptics. They said some locals thought they were crazy but are happily surprised at the couple’s perseverance and success. The farm has several dogs, including Great Pyrenees to help keep coyotes at bay, and some laying hens.
Other livestock isn’t on the agenda yet. They will eventually sell some of their stock to keep the herd at a consistent size. Some goats will likely become pets or provide milk to acreage owners who want their own goat milk. However, the rareness of the breed means there is a market for breeding stock. Waddell and Holtom shipped their first goats from Victoria by airplane in dog kennels. Interest in the cheese has extended to several chefs from Saskatoon restaurants. Waddell is considering adding a feta cheese to the production line. Holtom expects it will sell as well as the other types. Offering samples to potential buyers at the market has resulted in a 90 percent purchase rate. “People say, ‘I hate goat cheese,’ but we’re selling everything we’re making right now,” he said.
Scientists develop spray-on battery
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LONDON, U.K. (Reuters) — Scientists in the United States have developed a paint that can store and deliver electrical power just like a battery. Traditional lithium-ion batteries power most portable electronics. They are already pretty compact but limited to rectangular or cylindrical blocks. Researchers at Rice University in Houston, Texas, have come up with a technique to break down each element of the traditional battery and incorporate it into a liquid that can be spray-painted in layers on virtually any surface. “This means traditional packaging for batteries has given way to a much more flexible approach that allows all kinds of new design and integration possibilities for storage devices,” said Pulickel Ajayan, who leads the team on the project. The rechargeable battery is made from spray-painted layers, with each representing the components of a traditional battery: two current collectors, a cathode, an anode and a polymer separator in the middle. The paint layers were airbrushed onto ceramics, glass and stainless steel, and on diverse shapes such as the curved surface of a ceramic mug, to test how well they bond. One limitation of the technology is in the use of difficult-to-handle liquid electrolytes and the need for a dry and oxygen-free environment when making the new device. Researchers are looking for components that would allow construction in the open air for a more efficient production process and greater commercial viability. Neelam Singh, who worked on the project, believes the technology could be integrated with solar cells to give any surface a stand-alone energy capture and storage capability. The device was tested using nine bathroom tiles coated with the paint and connected to each other. When they were charged, the batteries powered a set of light-emitting diodes for six hours, providing a steady 2.4 volts.
Outgoing minister had ag development focus BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
International development minister Bev Oda, controversy-prone but also effective in giving agriculture and food a higher Canadian aid profile, is resigning from cabinet and Parliament. She will be replaced by Toronto MP Julian Fantino, presently associate minister of national defence. Over almost five years in the job, she committed billions of dollars of Canada’s aid budget to food aid and agricultural development The 67-year-old MP from a rural riding east of Toronto was elected in 2004 as part of the first wave of Ontario MPs that eventually gave Conservative leader Stephen Harper a minority government in 2006 and a majority in 2011. Oda served as minister responsible for international development and the Canadian International Development Agency since 2007. During her time, Canada’s aid spending was more concentrated on select countries of Canadian interest, and in the 2012 deficit-fighting budget, CIDA and international development were targeted for hundreds of millions of dollars in future cuts. Critics saw it as a sign of her weakness. They criticized her for narrowing the country focus of Canadian aid. But Oda also won praise from some aid agencies for concentrating aid on food and agricultural development as a way to reduce the need for international handouts. She also led the government effort to improve maternal and child health as well as politically directing the CIDA response to disasters in Haiti, Pakistan and East Africa. During several interviews, she insisted the key to helping the poorest of the poor was through agricultural development and provision of nutritious food. Under Oda, Canada won World Food Program and Food and Agriculture Organization accolades for being one of the first developed food exporting countries to “untie” food aid, separating Canada’s help from the requirement that food be supplied from Canadian surplus stocks. Instead, money would be available to purchase food locally or wherever it was the best bargain for the aid program. And she renewed an agreement to make the Winnipeg-based Canadian Foodgrains Bank the primary private sector funnel for CIDA food aid help outside international organizations. However, Oda also was gaffe-prone and opposition MPs have been calling for her dismissal from cabinet for months. Although her career was in broadcasting, she was a poor performer in the House of Commons and the cut-and-thrust of debate and question period. She created controversy when she altered a document in order to deny $7 million in funding to churchbased aid organization Kairos that the Israel-friendly Conservatives thought was too pro-Palestine. She made it worse by at first denying she was the one who directed that the money be denied, only to recant. She was prone to high living at taxpayer expense, including limousine rides and in a recent example, a stay at the up-scale Savoy Hotel in Lon-
don with $16 orange juice when cheaper accommodation had been booked. Oda announced July 3 that she will resign from cabinet and the House of
Commons July 31. Opposition parties cheered and the fiscally conservative Canadian Taxpayers Federation took one last swipe by calculating that after eight
years in Parliament, six in cabinet, she will qualify for a pension of more than $52,000 and will receive more than $700,000 by the time she turns 80.
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Piping plovers, far left, sage grouse and burrowing owls are on Canada’s birds of concern list. | FILE PHOTOS BIRDS | POPULATION REPORT
Fewer birds sing on Canadian Prairies
• Canada has billions of birds in about 450 regularly occurring native species
Some species up, some down | Conservation efforts have resulted in more falcons and bald eagles BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
A first-time report on the state of Canadian bird populations confirms that grassland bird species, including greater sage grouse and burrowing owls, are declining on the Prairies and in danger of further loss. Forty-four percent of Canadian bird species are declining and 33 percent are increasing. Overall numbers have declined about 12 percent since the 1970s. On the Prairies, grassland bird populations have shrunk by an average of 40 percent since 1970, according to a Bird Studies Canada report entitled The State of Canada’s Birds 2012. Most prairie waterfowl continue to hold their own. “It was the first time we’d actually tried to gather all these disparate data sets together and look at all birds,” said Dick Cannings, senior project officer with Bird Studies Canada. “We assume with the grassland birds, most of the problems seem to be just a steady loss of habitat and habitat quality. A lot of the really large areas of grassland have been cut up for roads for oil and gas exploration.”
Habitat loss for grassland species is also a factor in the United States and Mexico, where the birds migrate, Cannings added. “It’s mainly a habitat issue, from various angles. That’s pretty much across the board what the problem for grassland birds is.” The June report indicates bird numbers are heavily influenced by human activity, which helps some species and hinders others. Migratory shore birds and aerial insectivores have also declined in the past 40 years, by 40 percent on average and up to 90 percent in some species, the report said. However, conservation efforts have increased the number of peregrine falcons, ospreys and bald eagles that were once in severe decline. The report had this summary about the prairie situation: “Grassland birds are in trouble. Since 1970, populations on the Canadian Prairies have declined by almost 40 percent on average. “Historical population declines were likely even larger as much native grassland habitat was lost prior to the start of bird monitoring in 1970.” Dave Howenter, national manager for wetland and waterfowl research with Ducks Unlimited Canada, was
on the steering committee for the report. He said he is encouraged by waterfowl numbers that show an increase among some species. Ruddy ducks and gadwalls are up 50 and 70 percent, respectively, after years of decline in the 1980s. “It is generally good news,” said Howenter. “Like all of these kind of reports that lump all bird groups together, some of the devil is in the details.” Howenter said ducks have responded to recent wet conditions on the Canadian and U.S. Prairies and have seen several consecutive high production years. However, he is cautious in his enthusiasm. “The information shows that wetlands are still being lost across all three prairie provinces. I think there’s certainly a lot more discussion of that now, on whether that’s a good idea or not, but the fact remains that wetlands continue to be lost.” Howenter said Ducks Unlimited is “anxiously awaiting” results of the most recent federal census of agriculture to see if farmers are converting more wetlands to cultivation because of higher commodity prices. Preservation of native grasslands is
also key to maintaining species, said Cannings. The report specifically mentions the benefits of livestock grazing for bird habitat, and Cannings said the public should monitor land use decisions to ensure native grasslands are maintained. Recent moves by the federal government to turn community pastures over to the provinces will bear watching to ensure bird habitat is not reduced, he said. People can also help birds by observation, Cannings added. The health of birds can inform them about the health of their own environment. “Birds just happen to be the best group of animals for us to monitor. They’re brightly coloured, easy to identify, there’s lots of different kinds so they cover all sorts of different habitats and niches. “They are active during the day, they sing loudly … they’re very conspicuous compared with things like mice and insects and worms.” Cannings, a biologist, has been monitoring grassland birds for more than a decade and helped assemble data for the report. It contained few surprises for him. Raised in Penticton, B.C., he said he has always been interested in grassland species. “One of the iconic birds of those grasslands is the western meadow lark. … It’s still nice to hear those meadowlarks singing, but knowing that there’s only half the number there was 40 years ago is very concerning to me, so it sort of makes it personal.”
• 66 species are endangered, threatened or of special concern • since 1970, 44 percent of species have lower populations, 33 percent have increased and 23 percent have shown little change • grassland birds, aerial insectivores and shore bird numbers are declining • waterfowl, raptors and colonial seabirds are increasing • since 2001, the number of at-risk species has increased but some species have recovered from previous declines • the highest proportions of at-risk species are in the lower Great Lakes, the West Coast, the mountains and the Prairies • only 22 percent of Canadian bird species spend the whole year in Canada. Most migrate to the United States, Central America and Mexico Source: State of Canada’s Birds 2012
BIRDS OF CONSERVATION CONCERN: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Greater sage grouse Burrowing owl Loggerhead shrike Sprague’s pipit Wood thrush Piping plover Ivory gull Whooping crane Common nighthawk Eastern whip-poor-will Chimney swift Barn swallow Olive-sided flycatcher
Source: State of Canada’s Birds 2012
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Note: All batteries listed are priced with exchange of old battery core. An additional core charge will be added to the price if an old battery core is not provided at the time of purchase. BCI: Battery Council International, the trade association for the lead-acid battery industry CCA: Cold Crank Amps
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Elimination of bison commission ends voluntary checkoff BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
The Greaves family celebrated Canada Day in the field making silage bales on their farm near Deerwood, Man. | JEANNETTE GREAVES PHOTO
A $3 checkoff for every bison sold and slaughtered in Alberta ceased to exist as of June 30. The Bison Producers of Alberta board agreed in March to dissolve as a commission and instead become an association. Without commission status, the group can no longer collect a slaughter and sale levy. Like other checkoffs in Alberta, the BPA version was fully refundable, which reduced the amount collected and made budgeting difficult. Nor was there a standard point of sale for bison that allowed easy collection of the checkoff. Former BPA chair Marvin Moore said earlier this year that it was difficult to convince people to voluntarily submit the checkoff.
Last year, $11,000 was collected from a potential $80,000. BPA office manager Linda Sautner said the move from commission to association is not expected to substantially change operations. It will continue sending newsletters to its approximately 240 members, promote bison at trade shows and lobby government when needed. Membership fees will rise to $125 from $75 next year to help fund activities. Sautner said there are 60,000 bison in Alberta, which is down from a high of 100,000 in 1995. Low prices and fallout from the BSE crisis reduced the number of producers. Prices are now rising, and the remaining producers are retaining heifers and trying to expand herds to supply what appears to be a growing market.
Global co-operation in ‘precarious state’ WTO leader warning | World leaders should base strategies on new economic conditions, he says BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
The top international trade bureaucrat is warning that the world is in a dangerous period with international co-operation declining on the trade, environment and financial fronts. World Trade Organization director general Pascal Lamy said the WTO should rethink its mandate in the Doha Round of negotiations, which have stalled since 2008. Lamy, who will retire soon, said in a speech to an economic forum in Europe that the stalemate at WTO talks after more than a decade of negotiation is a symbol of the malaise. He said there has been a dramatic change in world economies, including an explosion in the economic significance of developing countries since the last WTO negotiation was launched in 2001. As a result, leaders need to consider “a reconfiguration, rethink and adjustment of traditional multilateral co-operation, including in the WTO.” He said poor world economic performance and financial crises in some countries increase the pressures for protectionism while a lack of agreement on other issues, including climate change action, leads to tensions within the international system of co-operation. “In the last couple of years, a worrying attitude has emerged toward multilateralism,” said Lamy. “In stark contrast to the calls for greater and improved international regulatory coherence that dominated the headlines during the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, international co-operation has slumped to an ever-more precarious state.” Things have gotten so bad that in some eyes, an international meeting
that does not break down in acrimony “can be considered an important achievement for multilateralism,” he said at a forum in Berlin. “I believe that multilateralism is at a crossroads.… Either it advances in the spirit of shared values and enhanced co-operation or we will face a retreat from multilateralism at our own peril.” Despite the belief in some circles that agriculture and high supply management tariffs are at the core of the stalemate at WTO talks, Lamy said the bigger problem is the changing balance between developed and developing countries. “While new economic and political trends have emerged, the rules governing multilateral co-operation have not kept pace with (global) changes,” he said. “In fact, we are to a large extent living on the global rules created in the 1990s, the last period of active global governance.” When the 2001 Doha Development Round r ules were wr itten, the assumption was that while developed economies should make significant concessions over “disciplines” on subsidies and import controls, developing countries should be held to less rigorous rules because they need to catch up. Since then, booming developing economies such as Brazil, China and India have become major competitive exporters. “For some, emerging economies have attained a level of development that warrants greater reciprocity of obligations,” Lamy said. “For others, the income gap with the advanced countries renders equality of disciplines unfair. The inability to find a new balance in the multilateral trading system has so far made it impossible to conclude the Doha Round.”
A new CR Series Twin Rotor® combine cuts downtime as it maximizes daily crop throughput by up to 10%. All-new Dynamic Stone Protection automatically directs stones into a dedicated trap, where they can be emptied just once a day so you can harvest without stopping. It also accelerates crop to improve throughput and doesn’t need additional power to operate. Take that extra productivity to the bank. There’s no stopping the new CR combine with Dynamic Stone Protection. See one today.
Camrose Farm Equipment Ltd. Camrose, AB ..............................780-672-9136 Vanee Farm Centre Inc. Lethbridge, AB ...........................403-327-1100 Linden Agri-Centre Linden, AB..................................403-546-3814 Moody’s Equipment Lloydminster, Calgary, High River, Olds, AB ...................306-825-6141 Rocky Mountain Equipment Red Deer, Edmonton, Westlock, Barrhead, AB ...... 310-HAMR (4267) Tri-Ag Implements Ltd. Wainwright, St. Paul, Consort, AB................................780-842-4408
Markusson New Holland of Regina Emerald Park, SK .......................800-819-2583 Lazar Equipment Ltd. Meadow Lake, SK ......................306-236-5222 Novlan Bros Sales Paradise Hill, SK ........................306-344-4448 E. Bourassa & Sons Radville, Pangman, Assiniboia, Weyburn, Estevan, SK ...............877-474-2491 Moody’s Equipment Saskatoon, Kindersley, Perdue, Unity, SK .......................306-934-4686 John Bob Farm Equipment Tisdale, Outlook, SK ..................306-873-4588
© 2011 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
Fireworks light up the rural sky at Weedon, near Calgary July 1 as a RV Park hosted a 15 minute fireworks display. | PATRICK PRICE PHOTO
COMING EVENTS July 17-21: North American Belgian Championship, Keystone Centre, Brandon (Brenda Hunter, 204-7643789, July 18: Melfort Field Day, Melfort Research Station, Melfort (Cecil Vera, 306-752-2776, ext 229, cecil.vera@ July 18-21: North American Fruit Explorers conference, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon (306966-7286, nafexsaskatoon2012/home) July 18-22: Westerner Days Fair and Exposition, Westerner Park, Red Deer (403-343-7800, askus@westerner., July 18-22: Agricultural Awareness during Westerner Days, Westerner Park, Red Deer (403-343-7800,, www. July 21: Manitoba Hereford Association field day, RSK Farms, Brandon (Rae and Stephanie Kopeechuk, 204-7634459 or Andrew and Tiara Kopeechuk, 204-573-9529, rskfarms@hotmail. com, July 22: World Hereford conference, Brandon Research Centre, Brandon (Ron Kristjansson, 204-578-3601,; Hushton Block, 204-578-3602, hushton., Andrew Kopeechuk, 204-578-3618, andrew.kopeechuk@, July 23: Ecological and Organic Farming Systems field day, Carman, Man. (204-474-6077, outreach/naturalagriculture) July 24: Indian Head Crop Management, Indian Head Research Farm, Indian
Head, Sask. (Guy Lafond, 306-6955220,; Danny Petty, 306-695-4200, dpetty.iharf@ July 24-26: Great Plains Windbreak Renovation and Innovation conference, International Peace Garden, Manitoba/North Dakota border (Tricia Pollock, tricia.; Rich Straight,; 402-4375178 ext 4024, renovation.htm) July 25-26: Provincial Pasture Tour in Eastern Manitoba (Kathy Wintoniw, 204-346-6080, mbforagecouncil. July 25-28: International Bison Conference, Loews Le Concorde, Quebec City, Que. (819-340-0422 or 306-522-4762, July 26: Sunflower Field Day, Indian Head Research Farm, Indian Head, Sask. (Bill May, 306-695-5225, July 28-29: Pioneer Acres Museum heritage and horses demonstrations and exhibits, Irricana, Alta. (403935-4357; For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.
MAILBOX Funnell School 100th birthday celebration: July 15, five kilometres northwest of Breton, Alta. Potluck dinner 1 p.m., horseshoes, games and other activities to follow. Spread the word to relatives and friends to join us.
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EQUINE OAT RESEARCH BOARD The Equine Feed Oat Project has appointed six experts on equine nutrition and oats to serve on its advisory board: • Dr. Nathaniel White II, professor of surgery at Virginia Tech’s Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center • Lori Warren, University of Florida, Department of Animal Sciences • Mary Beth Gordon, Land O’Lakes Purina, director of equine research and new product development • Emily Lamprecht, Cargill, technology lead, consumer nutrition • Brian Rossnagel, University of Saskatchewan’s agriculture college • Bill Wilton, Prairie Oat Growers Association president The feed oat project is an initiative of the Prairie Oat Growers Association, which represents 20,000 Canadian oat growers. Its mandate is to commission the scientific research necessary to prove the nutritional benefits of feeding oats to horses to better educate horse owners about feed purchase decisions. NEW DIRECTORS JOIN CIGI BOARD
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Three new directors have joined the Canadian International Grain Institute board. They will fill two positions previously occupied by CWB representatives and one vacant director at large position. The new directors are LeRon Torrie of Grassy Lake, Alta., Randy Johner
of Midale, Sask., and Jim Wilson of Darlingford, Man. Ward Weisensel, a CIGI board director, will act in an advisory capacity during the transition. Other current board directors are Murdoch Mackay of the Canadian Grain Commission, Susie Miller of Agriculture Canada and Henry Van Ankum, a farmer from Ontario in a “director at large” position. CANADA AND B.C. HELP FRUIT INDUSTRY MAKE WAVES The federal and British Columbia governments will invest more than $120,000 in NuWave Research Inc. to develop a new raspberry drying process. The company will develop and demonstrate Mobile Continuous Microwave Drying (CVMD) protocols for commercial-scale production at its Burnaby pilot plant and at Lally Farms. Research results will help growers generate new products, incorporate new technology, establish best practices and reduce the amount of energy used to freeze and store raspberries. The project may eventually benefit growers interested in adapting the CVMD process for apples, grapes and other fruit. NuWave Research Inc.’s technology offers the potential to change the dynamics of food stabilization and distribution. Food can be dehydrated at the point of harvest without damaging the nutrients, and stored and shipped at a fraction of the cost. These products can then provide the original nutritional value in a crispy snack. Funding for the project is provided under the Canada-British Columbia Growing Forward agreement.
Energy, livestock, crops linked in future farm concept Sustainable cycle | Farms would produce power, recycle water and have zero net carbon emissions BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
DES MOINES, Iowa — Furrowed brows, sharp dealing and skepticism are seen at many of the trade shows that thousands attend every year. However, a display at the recent World Pork Expo in Des Moines seemed to make most farmers and their kids break into smiles. “Cool,” said Cole Igo, a boy from Marshall, Missouri, as he looked over the Farm of the Future display. “What’s that?” asked his sister, Ashlyn, pointing to curling lines of processing equipment that feed additives manufacturer Alltech thinks might be on the sustainable farm of 2050. The Farm of the Future display is a big model of one possible way a farm could be designed so that it would have almost zero net carbon emissions, produce its own energy, recycle all the water it uses and create a virtuous circle in which crop and livestock production support each other and every other aspect of the farm. It begins with solar and wind generating systems that produce all the power the farm would need. That energy is then put into crop and livestock production, which produces and uses byproducts that are used in ethanol production and other forms of fermentation. The process ends in algae production that uses and produces energy and food products and feeds fish. Or vice versa. Or in a bunch of different orders. The concept of the Farm of the Future is a sustainable cycle that doesn’t have a beginning or end, but which rotates inputs and outputs to produce sustainable food products. “It’s our vision of farming in 2050,” said Mike McNeil, Alltech’s North American trade show manager, as he spent the day talking to show-goers about the model. “In theory, nothing gets wasted here.”
This is how one company imagines how a carbon-neutral, fully sustainable farm could look in 2050. Cole, left, and Ashley Igo of Marshall, Missouri, check out the Farm of the Future display. | ED WHITE PHOTO Lots of farmers, kids and reporters stopped to stoop and look down on the large display, showing the same interest that dioramas attract in museums. For many, it was just fun to look down at the shiny, lights-blinking model and imagine a different sort of farm than the one with which they are familiar. But for others, this is a hard-nosed scientific suggestion, and they want to know, and challenge, the concept. “People that know a lot about this pepper us with questions,” said McNeil. “Sometimes they stump us.” This particular concept of a sustainable farm depends greatly on biofermentation, which makes sense considering that Alltech was founded by an Irish expert in distilling who moved to Kentucky in 1980 to get into the bourbon whiskey business. “He was messing around with yeast and ended up making animal feed out of it,” said McNeil.
Code needs producer input BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Cattle producers can provide input into the new beef code of practice through an on-line survey. It is the second survey undertaken by the National Farm Animal Care Council as it works toward completing a new code in April 2013. The first survey explored general attitudes toward beef cattle and handling practices. The current one is designed to learn producers’ routine management practices such as branding, dehorning and castration. Ryder Lee of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association said the code, which will replace one developed in 1991, should be relevant and practical for cattle producers. Jackie Wepruk, general manager of
animal care council, emphasized the importance of producer input. “We want to ensure that producers are aware that the code is being updated and also able to provide their input into what’s important to them when it comes to the care and handling of their animals,” she said. The survey is confidential and can be found at The new code will include information and recommendations on: • on-farm shelter and housing • feed and water access • pasture inspection including feed and water availability, fencing and shelter • weaning • herd management facilities • herd health including treatment for illness, transport and humane euthanization of the sick or injured.
An attractive model is fun to look at, but McNeil thinks the Farm of the Future display is also popular because it sees a positive, sustainable
future for an industry that is often grappling with problems, criticisms and challenging issues. This model sees a world in which
farms produce food and energy, protect land and water and support themselves in a 2050 world of nine billion people.
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Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505 Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Bison (Buffalo) .....................5755 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162 Campers & Trailers ............... 6164
Golf Cars ................................ 6165 Motor Homes......................... 6166 Motorcycles ............................6167 Snowmobiles ........................ 6168 Refrigeration ............................ 6180 RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ........... 6210 Vacation Accommodations ... 6245 Restaurant Supplies ................ 6320 Sausage Equipment .................6340 Sawmills...................................6360 Scales .......................................6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ..................................6404 Corn .................................... 6406 Durum..................................6407 Oats ..................................... 6410 Rye....................................... 6413 Triticale ............................... 6416 Wheat .................................. 6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa .................................. 6425 Annual Forage ..................... 6428 Clover .................................. 6431 Grass Seeds ...........................6434 Oilseeds Canola ................................6440 Flax ......................................6443 Pulse Crops Beans ...................................6449 Chickpeas ............................ 6452 Lentil ................................... 6455 Peas .....................................6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ......................6464 Mustard ............................... 6467 Potatoes ..............................6470 Sunflower ............................ 6473 Other Specialty Crops ......... 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ......................... 6482 Forage Seeds .........................6485 Grass Seeds ...........................6488 Oilseeds ................................ 6491 Pulse Crops ...........................6494 Various .................................. 6497 Organic Seed ...........See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain .............................6505 Hay & Straw .......................... 6510 Pellets & Concentrates ..........6515 Fertilizer ................................6530 Feed Wanted .........................6540 Seed Wanted ......................... 6542 Sewing Machines ..................... 6710 Sharpening Services .................6725 Sporting Goods ........................ 6825 Outfitters............................... 6827 Stamps & Coins ........................6850 Swap......................................... 6875 Tanks ........................................ 6925 Tarpaulins ................................ 6975 Tenders..................................... 7025 Tickets ...................................... 7027 Tires .........................................7050 Tools ......................................... 7070 Travel........................................ 7095 Water Pumps............................ 7150 Water Treatment ......................7200 Welding .................................... 7250 Well Drilling .............................7300 Winches....................................7400 CAREERS Career Training ........................8001 Child Care.................................8002 Construction ........................... 8004 Domestic Services .................. 8008 Farm / Ranch ............................ 8016 Forestry / Logging .................... 8018 Help Wanted ............................8024 Management ............................ 8025 Mining ...................................... 8027 Oilfield .....................................8030 Professional ............................. 8032 Sales / Marketing .................... 8040 Trades / Technical ....................8044 Truck Drivers ............................8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ...............................8050
KITFOX LITE, 160 TTAF hrs, 70 hours on Rotax 447 w/Powerfin composite prop, BRS chute, tundra tires, folding wings for CARBON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION easy storage. Special C of A. Can also be weekend, August 9-12, Carbon, AB. Pa- Registered as ultralight, AME maintained. rade, community meals, free entertain- Easy to fly. 250-417-2904, Cranbrook, BC ment, kids zone, photo walk, murder mystery scenes, Aaron Lines on Saturday. 1962 COMANCHE 250, good aircraft, Tickets on sale now. Phone 403-572-3244 don’t fly enough, $59,900 OBO. Trades? David Clark H10-60 and bag, $300 OBO. or visit website: MX11 Com 760 LED flipflop, spare, w/tray, $900 OBO. 250-426-5118, 250-421-1484.
CESSNA 172G SKYHAWK (1966), $35,500 OBO, no damage history, complete logs and manuals, maint. history, TTAF 5915, Cont. O-300, 945 SMOH, Sensenich 74DC0-56 620 TTSN, Horton STOL, S-Tec 50 autopilot, KR86 ADF, 4 place int., KI209 VOR_LOC and GS, KT76A Mode C, KMA24 audio panel, KX155 TSO’D NAV/COMM, EI digital EGT CHT and R-1 prec RPM, electric flaps. All AD’s up to date, full set of window and wing covers, much more! Fresh annual. 204-648-4970, Grandview, MB. 1975 C182P, 2725 TT, new leather int., long range tanks, hangared, $89,500. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. 2003 DIAMOND DA20-C1; 2006 Diamond DA20-C1 w/GNS 430 and GTX 327 transponder. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. TAYLORCRAFT BC12D float attach kit, not certified. Boissevain, MB. Can ship. $1200. 204-215-0080. 1975 CITABRIA 7GCBC, 150 HP w/flaps, 1200 TT, 700 STOH, new metal spar wings exc., extensive annual w/many new or OH parts, $75,000. 403-948-2125, Airdrie, AB
1974 CESSNA SKYLANE, 1100 TT, 0 new prop, fresh C of A, STOL kit, speed kit, Ballistic parachute, original, immaculate, no damage, always hangared. 306-553-2227, Swift Current, SK.
1987 SYLVAIRE BUSHMASTER II, basic Ultralights, Rotax 503, SCSI, 48HP, 90 hrs. SMOH, 420 hrs. TTAF, 2 seats, side by side, basic VHF instruments, 3 gal./hr., $16,500. 204-768-2455, Ashern, MB.
WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 1968 CITABRIA 7ECA, 1490 TT, floats, 403-616-6610, wheels, restoration with new Ceconite, new radio, built in inter com in 2007, $49,600. Interested in trade for wheeled aircraft. 306-425-3257, La Ronge, SK. Email
1975 GRUMMAN AA5 TRAVELLER C-GHYU, prop inspection due 2016, TTA 2400 hrs., SMOH 335 hrs., IFR equipped, Garman GPS III pilot, high compression engine, STC, canopy and wing covers, Fresh C of A with Sale. 10 hrs. PPL training, conversion training or towards a rating. $39,750. Les AIRPLANE HANGAR, located at CYXE Little at 403-548-6636, or email him at MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine Saskatoon, 1470 sq. ft. (42x35’), concrete Medicine Hat, AB. parts, propellers, C23 new surplus parts. floor, Diamond aviation bi-fold door, fin204-324-6088, Altona, MB. ished and heated. Asking $89,900. For de- MUST SELL: 1969 Piper Cherokee. Full IFR panel, ILS, DME, dual Nav/Coms, dual CHAMPION 7ECA and 7EC w/C90 82 tails and pics call/text: 306-717-0709. ADF, XPDR, GPS, intercoms, good radios, SMOH, total restoration, radio, mode C, in1962 PIPER CHEROKEE, PA28-160, recent annual inspection, $30,000 firm. tercom, new tires, Cleveland brakes, Scott 2021 TTSN, 1185 SMOH, Mode C, good ra- 306-445-3690, Battleford, SK. tailwheel, strobe, wheelpants, $35,000. dios, 4 place intercom, COA done April 780-826-3684, 2012, $30,000. 780-826-4751, Bonnyville, 1970 PA39, turbo twin Comanche, CR, Bonnyville, AB. 4580 TT, new paint/int., NDH, rare airAB. Email: craft. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. PIPER 28 CHEROKEE 140, 1966, new radi1975 CESSNA 172M, TTSN 2829.4 hrs., als, 720 transponder mode C, GPS 296, all eng. 1642.0 hrs., new 100 hr. inspection. ACROSPORT I PROJECT, 160 HP, 350 TT, Garmin, new 2008. Fresh annual May single seat, needs completion and assem- 2012, TTAF 6330 hrs., ETT 2200 hrs., all $40,000. 780-417-6699, Edmonton, AB. bly, major repairs done. Trade for C90-8F l o g b o o k s , N D H . 2 0 4 - 7 6 9 - 2 2 1 0 , 1947 PA-11 Cub Special, 2250 TT, al- engine, $10,500. 403-948-2125 Airdrie, AB 204-741-0054, Elgin, MB. ways shedded, skis, radio, shoulder harness, well maintained, very clean, $32,000. 108-3 STINSON currently on EDO 44-2425 CESSNA 140, all metal air frame, recent floats with wheels and federal A-2500A engine top end overhaul, paint 8 out of 10, For pics call: 403-746-3679, Eckville, AB. skis, engine Continental 0-470-J, 377:20 rubber, c/w skis. Ph. 306-747-3755 or 1976 PIPER PA-23-250 Aztec “F” Turbo, SMOH propeller, McCauly 2A34C50 22:05 new 3135 TTAF, 773 TSO, Garmin GNS 530, full SMOH, total A/F time 2739:15. Lac du 306-468-2878, Shellbrook, SK. De-Ice. Call John Hopkinson & Assoc. Bonnet, MB. 204-756-2636, 204-785-3227, CHINOOK ADVANCED ULTRALIGHT, Rotax 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. 204-345-8032. 582, dual controls, cab/heater, $9000. 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, 1966 CITABRIA 7GCAA, red and white, B.Creech, 306-825-6666, Lloydminster, SK. engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive new factory wings in 2001, new cylinders annual complete, sacrifice $80,000. Phone in 2007, 1540 TT, 360 CH, intercom, David R i c k W i l d f o n g 3 0 6 - 7 3 4 - 2 3 4 5 o r Clark headsets, hangared. 306-868-4707, Avonlea, SK. 306-734-7721, Craik, SK.
LARGE ANTIQUE AND COLLECTIBLE AUCTION including approx. 400 tobacco tins. Saturday, July 21 at 10:00 AM, Busby Community Centre, Busby, AB. From Westlock 23 kms S on Hwy 44, 3 kms W on Sec. Hwy 651. Check website for listing and pictures. Terms: cash or cheque. No buyer’s premium. Werkman’s Auction Service. P h o n e Pe t e 7 8 0 - 6 7 4 - 5 7 2 9 o r M e l 780-674-2499, KILLARNEY HARVEST 34th ANNUAL Antique and Collector Auction, Saturday, August 4th, 9:30 AM in Shamrock Centre, Killarney, MB. Features: Outstanding 1/4 cut oak furniture, beautiful estate glassware and lamps, plus other unique antiques and collectables. Full listing and many pictures Murray Rankin Auctions 204-534-7401, Killarney, MB. Ross Taylor Auction Service, Reston, MB.
BOB AND ARLENE ANDERSON, MacGregor, MB., Antique and Collector Equipment Auction Sale, Monday, July 30th at 10:00 AM. 1 mile west of MacGregor, 1 mile south. Feature large cast “J.I.Case” eagle 4.5’ high, excellent; Antique tractors, attachments and crawler; Antique and collector cars and parts; Antique and collector farm machinery, stationary steam engines, boilers and related parts, also collector tools and toys; Farm and shop tools. We are selling all Anderson’s antiques and machine collectable, many rare and interesting items. Contact Bob and Arlene Anderson 204-685-2137. For full listings and pictures go to or, or, call Murray Rankin Auctions at 204-534-7401, Killarney, MB. or, call R o s s Ta y l o r A u c t i o n S e r v i c e at 204-877-3834, Reston, MB.
LARGE UNRESERVED QUALITY Antique Auction Monday, August 6th, 9:30 AM, Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. Visit for many pictures. Phone 306-332-5382. PL #1-914399.
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ACROSS 1. She played Silk Spectre II in the film Watchmen (2 words) 8. The Seven Year ___ 9. Film starring James Caan 10. The ___ of My Affection 13. He played Captain Rynning on the former TV series 26 Men 14. Lady for ___ 15. ___ Bravo 16. She was the voice of Ava, a Pacific Western Bear, in Dr. Dolittle 2 ( 2 words) 19. Notting ___ 20. Young’s co-star on the former TV series Window on Main Street 22. Character once played by Canadian actor Jay Silverheels 23. ___ Men 24. A Simple ___ 26. War film starring Alan Ladd 27. Darryl F. Zanuck’s birthplace 29. Blake’s character on Gossip Girl 30. ___ Cars 33. The ___man (former western program starring Chuck Connors) 35. TV sitcom starring Malcolm-Jamal Warner that lasted only one season (3 words) 36. Ramona and Beezus actor 37. Do ___ Disturb
DOWN 1. Film based on the fairy tale Snow White (2 words) 2. Taylor Lautner’s co-star in Abduction (2 words) 3. Canadian actor who was in Battle: Los Angeles (2 words) 4. Director and producer of Full Metal Jacket 5. Film starring Gene Autry (2 words) 6. Beverly Hills ___ 7. Film that tells the story of Alexis, a young figure skater (2 words) 11. Mister ___ (he was a talking horse on TV) 12. Zachery ___ Bryan 17. ___ Girls 18. The Man ___ Be King ( 2 words) 21. Film starring Canadian actor Michael Cera (2 words) 25. Kate or Rock 28. Film and television producer Spelling 29. ___ Brothers 31. Penn or Connery 32. A ___ Good Men 34. Letters from ___ Jima
WANTED: MINNEAPOLIS 708; Fuel injection pump for Perkins diesel or Fordson major longhorn; Also need new rebuilt or very good head for 382 MH (model 55 or 555) gas engine. Not a wheeler/dealer, going to a good home. 403-350-3440. JD MODEL 40U tractor w/rototiller. 1936 Cat 22, gas, electric start. 204-726-9414, Brandon, MB. 1946 CASE S tractor, restored with new paint, runs perfect, $2400 OBO. Call 306-792-4704, Springside, SK. JD 730 DIESEL with pup start, restored and professionally painted, $10,000. Swift Current, SK, 306-741-6911. STEAM TRACTION ENGINE, duplex pump; 2” internal flue cutter; 1 1/2 - 2 1/2, 3 - 5, HP IHC water cooled engines; Hardie vertical double 2 piston water pump, driven by water cooled engine. 306-773-5165, Swift Current, SK. THREE IHC TRACTORS, W4 and W6, restored; Also W9 gas, as is. About 1950 Models. Ph. 780-755-3763, Edgerton, AB. 1945 JD H tractor, running, $3500 OBO. 780-352-2818, 780-361-7947, Gwynne, AB JD MODEL R for parts or could be rebuilt, 18x26 tires. 306-567-4682, 306-567-7967, Davidson, SK. CO-OP E5 GAS tractor; Co-op E2 tractor, good condition, best offer. 204-766-2643. 1952 JD 5020 tractor, running, always shedded; Stook loader; Square bale loader; Hand crank sheaf cutter; Two Fresno scrapers; 40’ square bale loader. Located near Kincaid, SK. Phone 306-648-2544. JD 110 GARDEN TRACTOR with mower and rototiller (restored), $2500. Located in Swift Current, SK, 306-741-6911. MASSEY 30, SANDBLASTED, engine rebuilt, ready to paint and reassemble. Phone 306-935-2258, Milden, SK. I H W 6 S TA N D A R D , s t u c k , $ 5 0 0 . 306-464-4710, Lang, SK.
TWO GOOD RUNNING 1955 Farmall Cubs JD 830, diesel, good working condition, and attachments, $3400 for both. Pictures pup motor, good 20.8x34 rear radial tires, available. 250-862-7782, Kelowna, BC. dual hyd, PTO, power steering, cab, front and rear wheel weights. 306-728-2800 or BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, bro- 306-730-8722, Melville, SK. chures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton 1930 CASE MODEL C tractor, on rubber, AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. stuck, $500. Contact Roland Chicoine, 1952 MH 30 tractor, running, $1200; 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 1952 JD AR styled tractor, seized motor, OLDER 3 PTH ATTACHMENTS for Ferguson $1000. 306-728-7073, Melville, SK. tractors, plow, harrow, transfer bucket, 194? TD45 INTERNATIONAL Caterpillar, p u l l b l a d e , r o u g h c u t f l a i l m o we r. c o m p l e t e , o f fe r s . Way n e N i c k a s o n 306-742-4565, MacNutt, SK. 306-357-4636, Wiseton, SK. 44 MASSEY, 503 IHC SP combine, #10 1964 DODGE 500, w/hoist, $500; 1951 Massey baler, 16’ Massey discer w/packFord F5, w/hoist, $500; 1946 International ers, Allied grain auger 6”x32’, Massey 16’ K 3 2 7 4 9 , $ 4 0 0 . C a l l 7 8 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 2 0 1 , swather. 306-254-4323, Dalmeny, SK. 780-679-5606, Ryley, AB. A LARGE COLLECTION (approx. 60) variNEW TRACTOR PARTS and engine re- ous stationary engines up for sale, most in build kits. 150,000 parts available. Great running order. 780-402-9436, La Glace,AB. quotes. Service and owners manuals, and decals. Our 38th year. 1-800-481-1353. JIM’S CLASSIC CORNER, a selling service 1946 FARMALL A, restored, good condi- for classic and antique automobiles, tion, $3500 OBO. Call 780-339-3972 trucks, boats. 204-997-4636, Winnipeg MB Tomahawk, AB. 1966 US MERCURY Parklane, loaded, TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New needs some finishing, $3500 OBO. Fort parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, repro- Qu’Appelle, SK, 306-332-5459, email duction parts, antiques and classic. West- ern Canada m.e. MILLER tire dealer and STEINER dealer. Phone Don Ellingson,. COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION, July 20 and 1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB. or email 21, 2012. All Indoors - Credit Union Event Plex, Evraz Place, Regina, SK. Now ing consignments. David 306-693-4411, ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaran- 306-631-7207 or Bob 306-690-6263, teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. Country Boy Ent. Inc . PL #318206. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. 1952 CHEVROLET 1500 truck, box and WANTED: JD 55 Series 3 or 4 bottom hoist, fair tires, running condition. plow. 250-808-4240, Kelowna, BC. 403-823-3713, Drumheller, AB. FERGUSON 20, 3 PTH, good condition; MH WANTED: Box in good condition for a 1953 44, high arch, good; McCormick W4, good International 100 pick-up truck. Call Doug condition. 306-784-2953, Main Centre, SK. 403-934-3394,
OLD MOTORCYCLES OR Parts Wanted, any condition, size or make. 1979 or older. Will pickup, pay cash. Call Wes 403-936-5572 anytime, Calgary, AB. 1976 MERCURY GRAND Marquis sedan, fully loaded, 75,025 orig. miles, 1 owner, show quality. All reasonable offers considered. 306-296-4527 eves., Frontier, SK.
1978 LINCOLN MARK V, 2 door, vinyl hardtop, fully loaded, excellent shape, 135,000 kms, always shedded, $3000. 306-949-8237, Regina, SK.
ROD IN PROGRESS: 1937 Chrysler Imperial coupe. New 2x4 tube frame c/w Mustang II front end, Ford 9” rear end (posi) tubbed for 16” tires, 4 wheel disc brakes, Dodge 5.7 Hemi (35,000 miles), 4 spd. auto tranny, under floor master cylinder, new firewall, 2 power electric leather bucket seats (black). Body has had paint stripped, new hidden door hinges, door handles removed, brake pedal installed. Full set of photography documentation of build. Call 306-653-5381, Saskatoon, SK. 1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. 1930 FORD MODEL A Sports Coupe, 2 Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. door, rumble seat, green, soft top, all original, $21,900. Phone: 306-381-7241, 1974 CORVETTE STINGRAY, big block 454, 306-220-4454, Saskatoon, SK. 4 speed. Very recent rebuild on all. A real 1963 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE 2 door showcar. Selling for appraised value hardtop, 394 auto, V8, buckets, console, $28,900. Swift Current, SK, 306-741-6911. power windows, runs and drives nice, 1960 CHEV IMPALA, 2 dr. hardtop, good $5,500. 306-865-4166, Hudson Bay, SK. cond., older restoration, $29,000. Cran1950 MERCURY MONARCH Sport sedan, brook, BC, 250-426-5118, 250-421-1484. suicide doors, all original, new upholstery, recent paint in white w/blue bottom. Very 1956 IHC S1700, runs good, hoist, woodgood driver, orig. 255 flathead and manual en box, $2000 OBO. 306-227-0036, trans, 6 volt electric fan added for parades, 306-654-2116, Prudhomme, SK. radial tires, 6 volt elec. fuel pump, $9000 OBO. 780-675-5002 eves, Athabasca, AB. 3 Model A eng. and trans.; Model T parts; WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales broWanted: 26-27 T coupe bodies/open cars. chures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. Saskatoon, SK. WATROUS FUN RUN AUTO SHOW AND CASH PAID FOR womens clothing, footSHINE, July 28/12. Jason 306-946-3336, wear and accessories, 1940 to 1970, in Watrous, SK., good cond. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK. 1953 GMC 9430 grain truck, B&H, good WANTED: GLASS TELEPHONE and teleshape, $4900 OBO. Bob 403-934-4081, graph insulators. Top prices paid for one or a thousand. No clear glass. Contact Jim WANTED: COCKSHUTT 50, years 1950 1978 LINCOLN MARK V, 60,000 kms, grey, Mossleigh, AB. to 1954, gas, in good running order. 460 motor, stored inside, mint condition. 1979 GMC pickup w/454 motor; 1974 at 403-240-3199 or Calgary, AB. 306-487-7920, Midale, SK. 780-645-3503, St. Paul, AB. Ford pickup. 306-254-4323, Dalmeny, SK.
a u c tions
WOOD BURNING STOVE and space heater; brass fire extinguishers; 2 iron wheels 4’; discs; machinery memorabilia; power poles. 306-931-1184, Clavet, SK. VINTAGE POWER MACHINES 32nd Annual Threshing Festival, July 21st and 22nd at the VPM site, 10 kms SW of Prince Albert on Hwy 11. Saturday is Family Day and will also include celebrating the RM of Prince Alberts 100th Anniversary. Free admission on Saturday. All venues open- threshing, blacksmithing, horseshoeing, sawmilling demos. Museum, silent auction, farm animals, clowns, magician, music, concession, ice cream, stationary’s, old equipment, etc. Sunday is Vintage Tractor pulls with all venues also open. Parking at site. WANTED: 300 EDISON cylinder grampohones, 100’s of Red Wing and salt glazed stoneware crocks, Aladdin lamps. Send pictures, prices, quantity and location to PO Box 277, Myrham, AB. T0B 3K0.
ARTIFICIAL ICE PLANT, used 60 TR, 2 carrier comps, on steel frame. Prewired control panel 575/3/60. Good for arena, curling rink or combination, avail. immediately $30,000 OBO. 306-846-2203 Dinsmore, SK
M ON . JULY 23, 2012 -11 A.M . CHECK w w w .m cin en m FOR FURTHER IN FO.
s u m m e r 2012
S eller C o n ta ct(s):Ra ym o n d Pa rker 780-84 6 -2011 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):K im K ra m er o r Bren d a n K ra m er 3 06 -4 4 5 -5 000
Parke r Farm in g (K itsco ty)Ltd .-Raym o n d Parke r,Do n ald Parke r & Do ro th y Parke r
Ju ly 19th -9:00 a .m .-K itsco ty,AB
Directio n s:Fro m K itsco ty go 6 m ilesso u th o n Hw y#897,then 1 m ile ea st o n Tw sp Rd #494 a n d 1 m ile n o rth o n Rg Rd #30 O R Fro m the so u th sid e o fLlo yd m in stera t the ju n ctio n o fHw y#17 a n d 12th Street (Tw sp Rd #494)go 12 m ilesw est o n Tw sp Rd #494 a n d 1 m ile n o rth o n Rg Rd #30. H i-Lights Include: TRAC TO RS -2003 JD 9420 4W D tra cto r,425 HP,Po w ershift 18F/6R,1912 hrs sho w in g;1991 JD 8960 4W D tra cto r,370 en g HP,Cu m m in s 855,9528 hrs sho w in g;1982 JD 8450 4W D tra cto r,225 en g HP,Q u a d rg tra n s, 1000 pto ,7505 hrs sho w in g;1993 JD 7600 M FW D tra cto r,112 pto HP,Po w ershift tra n s 19F/7R,d u a lpto ,12,748 hrs sho w in g; 1977 JD 4430 2W D tra cto r & JD 158 FEL, 125 pto HP, Po w ershift tra n s, 13,292 hrs; C O M BIN ES & AC C ES S O RIES -2007 JD 9760 s/p co m bin e & JD 615 p/u hea d er,Bu llet Ro to r,cho pper/sprea d er,332 thr/500 en g hrs sho w in g;2007 JD 9760 s/p co m bin e & JD 615 p/u hea d er,Bu llet Ro to r,cho pper/sprea d er,po w erca st ta ilbo a rd s, 356 thr/535 en g hrs sho w in g;2 - 2008 JD 930D 30’d ra per hea d ers S W ATHERS - 1994 Pra irie Sta r 4900 25’s/p sw a ther,M a cDo n 960 hea d er w /DSA,M a cDo n p/u reel,Cu m m in s tu rbo d iesel,2685 hrs sho w in g;1990 Versa tile 4750 25’s/p sw a ther,M a cDo n p/u reel,DSA,d iesel,2652 hrs sho w in g;Versa tile 400 18’s/p sw a ther S EEDIN G & TILLAG E -2006 JD 1895 40’n o -tilld isc d rill& JD 1910 to w behin d a irta n k;Flexi-co il800 56’HD cu ltiva t o r;Flexi-co il 400 59’cu ltiva to r& Va lm a r3220 a pplica to r;JD 1610 43’cu ltiva to r;JD 1610 41’cu ltiva to r;Bla n cha rd Hyd ra lift 60’ ha rro w pa cker ba r;Ro ck-o -m a tic TM 20 ro ck ra ke;G RAIN AUG ERS - M C-Co n tin u o u s 600B 10 gra in d ryer;W estfield M K 130-71 plu s 13”x71’a u ger; W estfield M K 130-61 13”x61’ a u ger;W estfield 10”x60’ a u ger;W estfield J207-31 6”x31’ a u ger;W estfield W 60-36 6”x36” a u ger; go o d selectio n o f ho ppered gra in bin s;S PRAY IN G - 2007 JD 4720 sp spra yer,90’bo o m s,800 US ga llo n po ly ta n k,GS2 2600 d ispla y,Sta rFire ITC receiver,Green sta r d ispla y,No ra c UC4 to ta lco n tro lbo o m co n tro l,384 hrs sho w in g;4 - Firesto n e Ra d ia lAllTra ctio n 23 520/85R38 20.8R38 spra yer tires & rim s;Chem Ha n d lerII& Ho n d a GX 160 5.5 hp m o to r;Vertec 96’p/t field spra yer;HAY IN G & LIVES TO C K -Leo n M 425 SilverSprea d t/a m a n u re sprea d er;JD 566
ro u n d ba ler;NH 278 sq u a re ba ler;NH 890 p/t fo ra ge ha rvester;Richa rd to n 1400 m u lti-pu rpo se d u m p w a go n ; Highlin e 6800 ba le pro cesso r;1982 NH 359 m ix m ill;Ren n -Cu pit #24 ro llerm ill;Go o d selectio n o fo t herm isc livesto ck rela ted item s;IN DUS TRIAL -2007 NH W 110TC w heello a d er,110 n et HP/119 gro ss HP,tu rbo d iesel, Po w ershift tra n s,JRB q u ick a tta ch,8ft/2 ya rd bu cket,636 hrs sho w in g;K o m a tsu D60A cra w lerd o zer;Eversm a n 600 p/t hyd scra perTo w n erW D 32A-2 HD d o u ble d isc;HEAVY TRUC K S -2001 M a ck CX 613 t/a gra in tru ck,E7427 d iesel,Ea to n Fu llerAu to tra n s,CIM Ultra cel19’x60”x8’6”bo x;1990 GM C 7000 Sierra Cla ssic t/a gra in tru ck, 427 V8,5+4 tra n s,VM M 19’6”x8’x60” steelbo x,127,036 km sho w in g;1984 GM C 7000 Sierra Cla ssic t/a gra in tru ck,427 V8,5+4 tra n s,18’x8’x60” steelbo x,183,626 km sho w in g;1981 In tern a tio n a lS1954 t/a tru ck w / Green Sla d es self-u n lo a d in g ba le d eck,466 d iesel,a u to tra n s,ba le d eck ca pa city 17 to ta l(12 bo tto m /5 to p), 67,943 km sho w in g;1984 M a ck M H613 ca bo ver M a xi-gla s t/a Highw a y Tra cto r,M 600 m o to r,a ir rid e LIG HT TRUC K S & C ARS -2000 Fo rd F150 X L 4x4 1/2 to n tru ck,Trito n V8,117,532 km sho w in g;1989 Fo rd F-150 2w d reg ca b lo n g bo x tru ck 302 V8,a u to ,66,537 km sho w in g TRAILERS -1992 Lo d e K in g B tra in gra in tra ilers;16’ sto ck tra iler;ATV’S ,RV’S & BO ATS -K u bo ta RTV900 4w d u tility vehicle,d iesel,po w er steerin g,3 ra n ge (him ed -lo w ),246 hrs sho w in g TAN K S ;O THER M IS C EQ UIP -Lg selectio n o fsho p eq u ipm en t,to o ls a n d m isc fa rm su pply;5 a n tiq u e o ilbo w sers;a sst o fo therm isc fa rm rela ted a n tiq u es;a n d m o re. Pa r tia l listin g o n ly.
S eller C o n ta ct(s):Elm er Ayers4 03 -6 5 1-6 3 93 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):Bren d a n K ra m er o r S a m S o m erville 3 06 -4 4 5 -5 000
Elm e r Aye r s
Ju ly 23 rd
-10:00 a .m .-Lu cky La ke,S K
Directio n s:Fro m Lu cky La ke go 6 m ilesSo u th o n #646 O R Fro m the Ea st sid e o fBeechy ta ke #737 a n d go 11 1/2 m ilesEa st,then go 1/4 m ile No rth o n #646. H i-Lights Include: TRAC TO RS -2006 JD 9120 4W D tra cto rw /280 en g hp,24spd PS tra n s,1207hrs sho w in g;1999 JD 8300 M FW D tra cto rw /200 pto hp,16spd PS tra n s,2506hrs sho w in g;1975 JD 4430 2W D tra cto rw /125 pto hp,q u a d rg tra n s,3pth,9031hrs sho w in g;1979 Ca se 4690 4W D tra cto rw /220 pto hp,PS tra n s,4721hrs sho w in g;1980 Ca se 4490 4W D tra cto r& Leo n 12’d o zerbla d e w /175 pto hp,PS tra n s,5302hrs sho w in g;1967 M F 1100 2W D tra cto r& EzeeO n FEL, 4515hrs sho w in g; 1949 JD R a n tiq u e d iesel tra cto r; M in n ea po lis M o lin e U a n tiq u e ga s tra cto r; C O M BIN ES & AC C ES S O RIES -2004 Ca se IH 2388 sp co m bin e & Ca se IH 2015 p/u hd r,Sw a thm a sterp/u ,AFX ro to r, sprea d ers,868en g/668thr hrs sho w in g;1994 Ca se IH 1688 sp co m bin e & Ca se IH 1015 13’p/u hd r,Ca se p/u , Specia lty ro to r,2263en g hrs sho w in g;Ca se IH 1010 str cu t hea d er,u sed o n Ca se IH 2388;Ca se IH 1010 str cu t hea d er,u sed o n Ca se IH 1688 S W ATHERS -1999 Pra irie Sta r4920 sp sw a ther& M a cDo n 960 25’hd rw /Cu m m in s d iesel,p/u reel,DSA,1811hrs sho w in g;S EEDIN G & TILLAG E - Flexico il5000 39.5’a ir d rill& Flexico il1720 to w behin d ta n k;Flexico il5000 33.5’a ird rill& Flexico il1720 to w behin d ta n k;M o rris CP-743 45’cu ltiva to r;Steiger1614 14’brea kin g d isc;K In d u stries RJK 2 30’la n d ro ller;G RAIN HAN DLIN G & S TO RAG E -Bu hler/Fa rm K in g 1060 10”x60’m ech gra in a u ger;Sa ku n d ia k HD7-1400 7”x45’gra in a u ger & W hea thea rt lift/m o ver;W hea thea rt hyd d r Su per Sw eep;5 -W esteel4900 bu ho pperbin s;2 -Go ebel4900 bu ho pperbin s;2 -Tw ister3850 bu ho pperbin s;3 - Tw ister3950 bu bin s S PRAY IN G -Bra n d t Q F1000 80’p/t spra yer; Flexico il65 100’p/t spra yer;N AVIG ATIO N AL EQ UIP -Trim ble EZ-Gu id e 250 Lightba rGu id a n ce System Versio n 1.00;HEAVY TRUC K S -1997 W estern Sta r4964FX t/a gra in tru ck w /Ca t 3406 E,18spd tra n s,20’x8’6”x60” bo x;1984 Fo rd F800 t/a gra in tru ck w /429-4V,Ea to n 5+2 tra n s,Lu x 8’6”x20’x48”
bo x,64,877km sho w in g; 1980 Chevro let 80 Bru in ta g a xle gra in tru ck w /Detro it 6V92, 5+2tra n s,M id la n d 8’6”x20’x54” bo x;1981 In tern a tio n a lS1700 s/a gra in tru ck w /404 V8,5+2 tra n s,Ca n ca d e 15’bo x,44,921km sho w in g;1971 Fo rd 700 s/a gra in tru ck w /361 V8,5+2 tra n s,15’Stro n g bo x,59,344m isho w in g;1975 Fo rd 600 s/a gra in tru ck V8,5+2 tra n s,16’bo x;1965 Do d ge 500 s/a gra in tru ck w /318 V8,4+2 tra n s,12’bo x LIG HT TRUC K S & C ARS -2006 To yo ta Tu n d ra Lim ited 4W D crew ca b tru ck ifo rce 470 V8,a u to ,hea ted lea ther,po w er sea ts,164,951km sho w in g;1989 Fo rd F150 Cu sto m 2W D 1/2 to n reg ca b tru ck;1978 Fo rd F350 Ra n ger X LT 2W D 1 to n crew ca b tru ck;1976 Fo rd F250 Cu sto m 2W D 3/4 to n reg ca b tru ck;TRAILERS -1989 Cu sto m Bu ilt 16’t/a ca rha u ler;LAW N & G ARDEN -2001 JD 4400 HST M FW D tra cto r& JD 430 FEL w /30 pto hp,35 en g hp, Hyd ro tra n s,3pth,sn o w bu cket,jo ystick ctl,JD 72”m id m o u n t m o w er,460hrs sho w in g,W illsella s a co m plete u n it;Rhin o 3pth ro u gh cu t m o w er;La n d Prid e RTA1550 3pth ro to tiller;M F 138 3pth cu ltiva to r;3pth esta te spra yer;Cra ftsm a n 944.609941 ga rd en tra cto r w /K o hler Pro 24hp V-tw in ,Au to tra n s,50” belly m t m o w er; Cra ftsm a n L10 la w n tra cto r; ATV’S , RV’S & BO ATS - 1985 Fo rd Eco n o lin e 350X L Va n gu a rd W M F26D m o to rho m e w /460 V8,a u to ,82,780km sho w in g;1977 Va n gu a rd P11SC 11’tru ck ca m per;Clu b Ca rDS go lfca rt; O THER M IS C EQ UIP -2008 Hu ge L Steel1000 ga llo n (4540L)sin gle w a llfu elta n k & Tu thillHD 15 gpm pu m p o therta n ks;S HO P TO O LS & M IS C FARM S UPPLY ;a n d m o re. Pa r tia l listin g o n ly.
S eller C o n ta ct(s):K a ren Bo yko Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):K im K ra m er 3 06 -4 4 5 -5 000
Jo h n Lap sh in o ff Estate
Ju ly 24 th -10:00 a .m .-Bla in e La ke,S K
Au ctio n Da y Sched u le:10 a m Sho p to o ls& m isc;fo llo w ed by Ho u seho ld & m isc.;12 n o o n Live In tern et Bid d in g begin n in g w ith Rea lEsta te fo llo w ed by fa rm eq u ipm en t a n d gra in bin s. Directio n s:Fro m K ryd o rgo 1 m ile ea st o n Hw y #40 then 2.25 m ilesn o rth a n d then .5 m ile w est in to ya rd . H i-Lights Include: REAL ES TATE - 1/2 sectio n o f gra in a n d pa stu re/gra ss la n d w est o f Bla in e La ke.NW 35-44-8-W 3: Assessm en t:44,600;To ta lAcres:160;Cu lt Acres:125 (seed ed to gra ss)Fen ced a n d cro ss fen ced – fen ce is a 3 w ire a n d in go o d co n d itio n ;Y a rd site fea tu res a 1971 3 bed ro o m 11380 s.f.bu n ga lo w ,sm a llga ra ge/sho p,o ther m in o r o u tbu ild in gs a n d a la rge 45 x 80 ba rn w ith co rra ls. NE35-44-8-W 3:Assessm en t:64,700;To ta la cres:160;Cu lt a cres: 135;Cro pped a cres:+/-95 a cres;Gra ss a cres:+/-40 a cres;Fen ced a n d cro ss fen ced – fen ce is a 3 w ire a n d in go o d co n d itio n .TRAC TO RS - 1982 Ca se 4490 4w d tra cto r w /175 pto Hp,po w ershift tra n s,7214 hrs sho w in g;1979 In tern a tio n a l986 2w d tra cto r & Ezee-O n 2080-90 FEL,4595 hrs sho w in g;1973 In tern a tio n a l1066 2w d t ra cto r & Ezee-O n 120 FEL;In tern a tio n a lW D9 a n tiq u e tra cto r;C O M BIN ES & AC C ES S O RIES -1980 In tern a tio n a l1440 s/p co m bin e & IH 810-13 p/u hea d er,2977 hrs sho w in g S W ATHERS -1979 Versa tile 400 20’s/p sw a ther;S EEDIN G & TILLAG E - Ca se IH 7200 28’ ho e d rill; In tern a tio n a l 24’ ta n d em d isc; M o rris M a gn u m 25’ cu ltiva to r; Co -o p
Im plem en ts 179 30’cu ltiva to r;In tern a tio n a l620 16’press d rills;G RAIN HAN DLIN G & S TO RAG E – 2 -W esteel Ro sco 1800 bu ho pperbin s;W esteelRo sco 2100 bu bin ;ChiefW estla n d 1600 bu bin ;Bra n d t 750 7”x50’gra in a u ger;Sa ku n d ia k HD6 6”x37’gra in a u ger;HAY IN G & LIVES TO C K -W hea thea rt FEL m o u n t hyd .po st ho le a u ger;Hessto n 5800 ro u n d ba ler;NH 357 m ix m ill;selectio n o flivesto ck ha n d lin g eq u ip;HEAVY TRUC K S Fo rd 600 s/a gra in tru ck;In tern a tio n a l1600 Lo a d sta rsin gle a xle gra in tru ck;LIG HT TRUC K S & C ARS -1989 GM C 2500 SLX Sierra 2w d pick-u p tru ck;Fo rd F150 X LT 2w d pick-u p tru ck;TRAILERS -1993 Ra in bo w 6’x 12’ fla t d eck ca r ha u ler tra iler;Un ivisio n pu sh-o ff ba le w a go n ;Ro a d Ru n n er go o se n eck sto ck tra iler;TAN K S ; S HO P EQ UIPM EN T,TO O LS & M IS C FARM S UPPLY ;g o o d selectio n o ffirea rm re-lo a d in g eq u ip m en t & su p p ly;a n d m o re. Pa r tia l listin g o n ly.
IM PORTAN T N OTICE: Thislistin g iso n ly a g u id e a n d in n o w a y a g u a ra n tee o fsize,d escrip tio n o r yea r. Plea se in sp ecta ll eq u ip m en tto yo u r o w n sa tisfa ctio n . C o m p lete term sa n d co n d itio n sa re a va ila b le a tb id d er reg istra tio n .
F am ily O w ned & O perated - 3 G enerations S trong
1.800.5 29.995 8 •S K PL #914 6 18 •AB PL #206 95 9
S E E M O RE @
ACREAGE AUCTION, Ernie and Eileen Rodenbour, Sat. July 21 at 10 AM, Teulon, MB. Contact: 204-886-3438. 49 Dodge step side 1/2 ton, restored and safetied; Case IH 985, cab, 3 PH, FEL, 7000 hrs.; Case IH 485, 3 PH, FEL, 1700 hrs.; full line acreage equip.; yard; tools; antiques. Stuart McSherry, phone 204-467-1858 or 204-886-7027.
EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION, Kelliher, SK., Wednesday, August 1, 2012 and Farm Auction for Peter Daradich and Guest Consignors, Cupar, SK. on Monday, August 13, 2012. To see full listing at or to consign call Brad at 306-551-9411 or Robert at 306-795-7387. PL #309790.
5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w .grea tpla in sa u ctio n w w w .glo b a la u ctio n gu id m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9
‘UPCOMING SALES’ Sat., Aug. 11, 2012 – 20TH
Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012
,17(51(7 21/< $8&7,21
@ Lanigan, SK
Friday, Aug. 17, 2012
23(1,1* 021'$< -8/< &/26,1* 021'$< -8/<
MIKE & VI KASPER FARM DISPERSAL @ Colonsay, SK For more information visit our website:
PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale July 28, 9:00 AM. PBR, 1 0 5 - 7 1 s t S t . We s t , S a s k at o o n , S K . , 306-931-7666.
RAY DUNSMORE: Sunday, July 22nd, 2012, 11 AM. 5 North, 1 West, 1/2 North of Rocanville, SK. Contact: 306-645-2039. Acreage Machinery: 1975 Deutz D7206 tractor: 2400hrs., hyd., PTO, diesel, 72 HP, one owner, excellent; Schulte F10 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; rotary mower: PTO, mulcher blades, mint; Leon 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; blade (red), adjustable frame; Leon stone digger; Turf power 12.5 HP riding lawn mower: 42â&#x20AC;? deck. Recreation and Yard: 1997 6 shooter power parachute: Rotex 503 CC, 52 HP, fully serviced, new fuel lines, oil, skis and extra steering rod, mint; 1996 Polaris 300, one owner: 2WD chain drive, excellent; Vehicles: 1981 Chev Impala: 235,000 miles, 350 V8 auto, like new rubber, radio cassette, 6-way seat, one owner, mint; 1972 Ford 1/2 ton: 302 V8 auto, like new rubber, very straight and clean, showing some rust; 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; aluminum boat, 10 HP Evanrude motor, mint. Combine: JD 45 SP combine: shedded, running; Guns: Savage 22 octagon barrel 22 repeater; Kooey 22 bolt repeater, B24 scope; Kooey 22 cal. semi auto.; Remington 870 wing master, 12 gauge pump shotgun; Remington 721 270 bolt K25 weaver scope; plus ammo, hunting knives, etc. Plus a good assortment of antiques, shop, household, etc. Note: Ray sold the farm. His machinery, vehicles, yard, rec equipment are excellent to mint condition. The power parachute is something else!!! Visit: for updated listing and pictures. MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD., Farm Equipment and Land Auction, R&C Quenett, Sat. July 28 at 10 AM, Teulon, MB. 1 mile south on Hwy. #7 then West on 415, 6 miles then 3 miles North on Rd. 3E. 480 Acres, all 1 block w/6 separate 80 acre titles. Photos and details on website. Also selling: JD 4020 w/FEL; JD 310 backhoe loader; JD 630; trucks; trailers; haying equip.; livestock equip.; farm misc. Stuart McSherry, 204-467-1858 or 204-886-7027
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equipment Auction for Ron Carriere on Saturday, August 11, 2012, 10:00 AM. Directions from Estevan, Sask. go 15 miles North on Hwy. #47. JD 8560 4WD tractor w/4850 hrs, Case 2290 2WD tractor with Allied 894 FEL, JD AR antique tractor, Fordson 2WD tractor w/PTO and 3 PTH, Case LA 2WD tractor, Case/IH 1680 SP combine, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Case 1010 straight cut header, Versatile 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PT swather, Koenders poly drum swath roller, 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Bourgault 8800 air seeder w/Bourgault 2155 air tank, 41â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Case/IH 5600 cult. w/Degelman harrows, IH 300 discers, Flexi-Coil 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tine harrows, Degelman 570-S ground drive rockpicker, Rite-Way rock rake, Rock-O-Matic rockpicker, Behlin 6500 bu. hopper bottom bin, Westeel 2200 and 200 bu. hopper bottom bins, Westeel Rosco 3900 and 3300 bu. bins on cement, Stor King 70 ton fertilizer hopper bin, Flaman 7.5 HP aeration fan, Grain Guard 3HP aeration fan, Sakundiak 7-41 auger w/Kohler eng. and bin sweep, Sakundiak 10-60 swing auger, Brandt 6-35 auger, Versatile 7-40 auger w/Briggs eng., trailer mounted grain vac, 2000 Dodge Clubcab 1500 4x4 truck, 1987 Dodge 250 truck regular cab with flat deck, 1978 Ford F-700 tag axle grain truck w/63,500 kms, 1974 Dodge 600 single axle grain truck, 1992 Blue Hills 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; gooseneck stock trailer, Highline Bale Pro 7000 bale processor, NH 660 Auto-Wrap round baler, NH 490 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hay rake, Gehl 120 grinder mixer, IH side delivery hay rake, JD 54 manure spreader, trailer type post pounder, Miami Welding 600 bu. self feeder, portable 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; corral panels and windbreak panels, quantity of gates and panels, round bale feeders, roping and Western saddles, new single driving harness, trailer mounted grain roller, NH sq. baler, complete line of shop equipment. for complete printable sale bill, photos and video. Join us on Facebook. Mack Auction Co. 306-487-7815 or 306-421-2928. PL311962.
ZOMOSNY SALE 11:00 am, July 15, 2012 Lorne Ave. South, Saskatoon, SK From the German Concordia Club, west on Cartwright Ave (1 Km) to Haliburton Ave. Then south 1 Km to sale site.
â&#x20AC;˘ Case IH 4240 mfwd tractor with CIH 2255 loader with bucket, 3 pt hitch, 104 hp â&#x20AC;˘ John Deere 3320 E-Hydrostatic, mfwd, JD300x loader with bucket, 3 pt hitch, 33hp 1150 hours showing - SN# 1v3320h133545 â&#x20AC;˘ 3 pt hitch mower - SN# wm05414 â&#x20AC;˘ John Deere Gator CX, new cover and bush guard, Kawasaki powered, 360 hrs showing - SN# FE290D767232 â&#x20AC;˘ John Deere I-Match 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tiller - SN# LV0665B020073 â&#x20AC;˘ Sprayer, 3 pt hitch â&#x20AC;˘ John Deere Pallet Forks 850x600 for 300x loader - SN# FAP12F001450 â&#x20AC;˘ Stan Hay Seeder/ vegetable carrot row seeder 3 pt hitch â&#x20AC;˘ Duerr wood chipper, 8 hp, commercial duty â&#x20AC;˘ Market garden irrigation equipment; sprinkler heads on lengths of pipe 2â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, hose, pump â&#x20AC;˘ concrete mixer.
INDUSTRIAL APPLIANCES â&#x20AC;˘ Industrial oven â&#x20AC;˘ large Hobart mixer with 2 bowls â&#x20AC;˘ Harmon pellet stove â&#x20AC;˘ Moffat 3 layer industrial oven â&#x20AC;˘ industrial counter with stainless steel back splash â&#x20AC;˘ metal racking cabinet, with door, on wheels â&#x20AC;˘ stainless steel counter/table â&#x20AC;˘ Biro meat saw â&#x20AC;˘ Cronox Bakery Storage Racks â&#x20AC;˘ glass and metal patio furniture set â&#x20AC;˘ Cuisine stainless steel outdoor kitchen set, sink,grill, cutting tray.
S a t., July 14th 2012 @ 9:00 AM
View in g: F ri, Ju ly 13th 12p m -4p m & S a le Da y fro m 8a m S a le Ord er: 9 :00 AM S a lva ge Vehicles 9 :30 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; T o o ls , S m a lls & Office E q u ip m en t/F u rn itu re 11:00 AM Ca ta lo gu e Item s 12:00 PM As s o rted T rees & S hru b s This S a le Fea tu rin g: â&#x20AC;&#x153; NE W â&#x20AC;? W in kle Bla ck 73â&#x20AC;? W x 68â&#x20AC;? T a ll x 22â&#x20AC;? Deep Ro llin g T o o l Ches t& Ca b in ets 5th W heel Hitch; 40 Ga llo n F u el T a n k, Co m es W ith 12 Vo lt E lectric Pu m p W o o d L a the 55 L b s Ba g Of Certified W hea t Gra s s / S m o o th Bro m e Gra s s & Alfa lfa S im p licity Ga rd en T iller w / 7hp E n gin e 2â&#x20AC;? W a ter Pu m p w / Briggs 7hp M o to r Co m m ercia l S a n d Bla s tin g Ca ge o n legs NE W 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;w x 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;h New Ga ra ge Do o r w / Rem o te Du a l W heel S w in g Ba ck Bo a t T ra iler Ja ck (New ) As s o rted PVC W in d o w s ; Ba n d in g M a chin e Ho n d a E B2200X Po rta b le Gen era to r; High Pres s u re F lo o r W a s hers ; K a rcher Pres s u re W a s hers & M UCH M ORE !
W ed .,Au g.1/ 12 1 0:00a .m . 3 m . W . o f Ken a s to n , Sk. o n Hw y. 1 5, then 3/ 4 m . S. Fa rm & H o u s eho ld Au ctio n f o r Jo hn & V irgin ia N o rd lee. Ca s e 1 0 7 0 & 449 0 tr a cto r, M F1 0 1 0 3 cyl. D ies el tr a cto r, 1 9 84 D o d g e 1 / 2 to n , 1 9 7 3 D o d g e 3 to n , M F885 SP s w a ther, 1 9 86 Ca s eIH 3 6 5 0 s o ft co r e b a ler, co m p lete lin e o f eq u ip m en t, to o ls & s ho p item s p lu s ho u s eho ld & a n tiq u es , 1 80 0 b u s h. Ho p p er b in , 2 0 0 0 b u s h. T w is ter b in o n w o o d , (7 ) 1 6 5 0 b u s h. B in s o n cem en t, (2 ) 1 3 5 0 b u s h. B in s o n cem en t p lu s m u ch m o r e.
Hw y #3 Ea s t, Tis d a le , S K .
 Full a n d P a rtia l Fa rm D is pe rs a ls ; C o m b in e s ; S w a th e rs ; G ra in trucks ; H a rve s tEquipm e n t; In d us tria l; C a rs ; Trucks ; ATVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ; R Vâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & M o re
M A NZâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A UC TIONEER ING S ER VIC E, D A VID S ON, S K. 3 0 6 -56 7-2 9 9 0
Ralph Nakoneshny
Lanigan, SK â&#x20AC;˘ Thursday, July 19, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 10 am
See w w w .m a n za u ctio n .co m f o r in f o .
Manager: Telephone: 306.244.5527 Tracey Verishine Text: 306.280.1329 Auctioneer: Email: Anne Klassen License #312881
E M E RAL D PARK , S AS K . Lo c a tio n : HIG HW AY #1 S TORAG E Hw y #1 Ea s t, No rth S e rvic e Ro a d
75$&7256 z 7(/(+$1'/(5 %$&.+2( 6.,' 67((5 /2$'(56 z &20%,1(6 )/(; +($'6 z &+233,1* &251 +($'6 67$1'$5' &251 +($'6 z -' 3ODQWHU [ Âľ z $,5 '5,//6 1(: 6$/)25' ',6& 5,33(5 -' ',6& 5,33(56 025( +$< (48,30(17 3,(&(6 z 02:(56 *5$9,7< %2;(6 z -' 1+ $33/,&$725 -' /3 /$1' 3/$1( z $//2:$< 67$/. &+233(56 z 612:%/2:(56 1(: -' & 02:(5 '(&. /$:1 *$5'(1 3,(&(6
Toll Free Anytime 1-866-873-5488 PH: 306-873-5488 TISDALE, SASK. PL #912715
1994 CASE 7230
From LANIGAN, SK, go 1.6 km (1 mile) East on Hwy 16, then 12.9 km (8 miles) North. East side of road.
1994 Case IH 7230 MFWD Tractor â&#x20AC;˘ 1962 Massey Ferguson Super 90 2WD Tractor â&#x20AC;˘ 1997 New Holland TR98 â&#x20AC;˘ 1984 New Holland TR85 Combine â&#x20AC;˘ 1995 Hesston 8100 25 Ft Swather â&#x20AC;˘ White 6200 21 Ft Swather â&#x20AC;˘ 1967 Chevrolet 40 S/A Grain Truck â&#x20AC;˘ 1985 GMC 7000 S/A Grain Truck â&#x20AC;˘ Ashland 80D 8 Cy Pull Scraper â&#x20AC;˘ 1996 Bourgault 8800 32 Ft Air Seeder â&#x20AC;˘ Bourgault VM26-30 30 Ft Cultivator â&#x20AC;˘ CCIL 204 27 Ft Cultivator â&#x20AC;˘ Bourgault 850 Centurion III 83 Ft Field Sprayer â&#x20AC;˘ Versatile 3000 68 Ft Field Sprayer â&#x20AC;˘ Leon Rock Picker â&#x20AC;˘ Trail-Rite FB100 100Âą Tonne Epoxy Lined Hopper Bin â&#x20AC;˘ Trail-Rite FB53 54Âą Tonne Epoxy Lined Hopper Bin â&#x20AC;˘ 2- Westeel 4750Âą Bushel 18 Ft x 5 Ring Hopper Bin...AND MUCH MORE!
For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: Ralph Nakoneshny: 306.365.4616 (h), FOR MORE INFORMATION: 306.365.0151 (c), Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 Toll Free: 1.800.491.4494
PHONE 780.777.7771 FAX 780.469.5081
1.877.257.SOLD (7653)
24/ 7 O N LIN E BID D IN G
BIDS CLOSE: JULY 16 @ 12PM Em e ra ld Pa rk, SASK.
1963 M a s s ey 90 W R; 2001 Jeep Gra n d Chero kee L a red o 4x4; 2012 Ho m eb u ilt 12x8 T ra iler (n ew ); 1999 M ercu ry M ys tiq u e L S ; S tep L a d d ers ; Ca t RT 100 T eleha n d ler; R/T Hi L ift F o rklift; Y a m a ha Bra vo S n o w m o b ile; 2013 S o u thla n d Ro ll Off E n clo s ed Ca rgo Bo x; 2008 F o rd F 350 XL S u p er Du ty 4x4 Crew Ca b Deck T ru ck; 2005 F o rd F 550 XL S u p er Du ty 4x4 Picker T ru ck; 2006 F o rd F 550 XL S u p er Du ty 4x4 Picker T ru ck; Za m b o n i Ice Res u rfa cer; S lid e In W eld in g Deck; 2005 GM C 2500 HD; 2008 Chev Cu b e Va n ; Jin m a 404 F a rm T ra cto r; Du m p Bo x; As s o rted S izes OfCha in L in k Ga tes & M UCH M ORE . REAL ES TATE-1411 M cCa rthy Blvd . Regin a , S K Fleet Dis pers a l Fo r V iterra In clu d in g: 1985 In tern a tio n a l F -9370; 1992 K en w o rth T 600; 1988 W es tern S ta r; 1987 W es tern S ta r; 1965 Ca n Ca r; 3-1997 No ra cs ; 1993 M o n d ; 1994 M o n d ; 1986 As p en ; 1988 K en w o rth T 600A; 1995 GM C T o p kick; 2000 F reightlin er; 1995 S trick Co rp T ra ilers ; 1975 An d ers o n Highb o y T ra iler. Check Ou tT he W eb s ite F o r M o re Deta ils ! L is tin g S u b jectto Deletio n s
P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193
W W W .M CD O UG ALLBAY.CO M L IC.#31448 0
SUPREME AUCTION SERVICES will conduct a Farm Equipment 10:00 AM on Monday, July 23, 1 mile west of Kronau, SK. on #33 highway. Tractors: 1998 Case/IH 9330 4WD w/2070 hrs.; 1986 Case/IH 2096 2WD, 3654 hrs.; 1984 Case 2394, 4024 hrs.; Case DC-4, not running; Case Model L, not running; Kubota B6200 diesel, 2WD, 988 hrs. Trucks: 1993 Kenworth W900L TA grain truck, Cat 3406, 18 spd., budds; 1990 Ford F700 SA grain truck, dsl. eng., 75,049 kms; 1966 Ford F600 SA grain truck, 33,282 miles, 1 owner; 1951 IHC L-130 1 ton w/B&H, not running. Harvesting: 1990 Case/IH combine 1660 SP, 2897 hrs; 1992 MacDon 960 25’ draper header, PU reel; 2000 Prairie Star 25’ SP swather, 972 MacDon header, 90’ sprayer attachment, 16.5Lx16.1 rear tires, 1729 hrs; White 501 24’ PTO swather; Shop built header transport; Poly swath roller; 25’ batt reel; 24.5’ batt reel; Sakundiak HD-7-1400 grain auger, Honda 20 HP, Electric winch; Sakundiak HD-7-1600 grain auger, Kohler 27 HP, Electric winch; Conveyair 300 PTO grain vac, 1000 PTO. Seeding and Tillage: Bourgault 8800 32’, Single shoot air seeder c/w 2130 air pac, hyd drive; Degelman 7645 45’, Land roller; Renn-Vertec 50’ harrow packer bar; Morris HR-36 rodweeder c/w harrows; RoloFlex 24’ DT cult. c/w harrows; Leon 28’, DT cult. c/w harrows; 30’ MF 36 discers; Versatile 3000 80’ field sprayer; Tri-Dan 500 fertilizer spreader; 70 Flexi-Coil hyd. harrow bar; 30’ Bush-Hog tandem disc; IHC 100 Discall; 45’ Flexi-Coil hangup tine harrow bar; Beline 4224 40’ trailer mounted chemical applicator; CFE 246 DT 12’ cult; Westfield 2 compartment seed tote tank c/w hyd. drill fills; 12 Volt drill fill; auger mount seed treater. Yard and Misc.: Yamaha gas powered golf cart; Schulte 1500 15’ rotary mower; Douglas 3 PTH 50” finishing mower; Speedco 3 PTH post hole auger; Kohler twin cyl, 23 HP engine; 1300 gal poly water tank; 1250 gal. poly water tank; 1000 gal. fuel tank on skids with 110 Volt pump; 500 gal. fuel tank on skids with 110 Volt pump; Labtronics 919 grain moisture tester; Eagle 60 gal. upright air compressor; Century 120 mig welder; Forney 180 amp welder; Bandsaw; 36” lathe; Snow fence; Electric cream separator; Vega manual cream separator; Assortment of misc. household articles. Much much more! Live internet bidding available with Bidspotter. For details go to or call Brad Stenberg 306-551-9411 or Ken McDonald 306-695-0121. PL #314604.
Small engine & repair shop dispersal; 1995 Jeep YJ; S IG A res ta u ra n t eq u ip m en t - g a m in g cha irs - s cru bbin g floor m a chin es /p a d s - office s u rp lu s . Ca rp etrolls … New Item s A d d ed Da ily!
2005 JCB8017 Tra ck hoe; 2007 Ca s e 430 S k id s teer, a tta chm en ts & M ore.
70% OFF CUS TOM DRAPERIES HOM E DÉCOR, Plu s S p orts Fig u rin es , Ha rd w ood , New Kitchen s /Fu rn itu re & M ore! 15% b uyer’s fee a p p lic a b le.
Cons ignm ents W elcom e!
See w eb site for p hotos,term s,c ond itions & exc lusions w w w .Sa s ka toon .M cDouga llAuction .com P hon e : (306 ) 6 52-4334 Lic #318116
2008 DODGE TRUCK BOXES: 2008 Dodge long box dually, red w/sprayed in box liner, tailgate decent, $2500; 2008 Dodge 3/4 ton long box, white, clean, tailgate nice, $1500. 306-821-0260, Lloydminster, SK. TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton, gas and diesel engines, 4 and 5 spd transmissions, single and 2 speed axles, 13’-16’ B&H’s, and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK, 1-877-585-2300.
JULY 20 & 21, 2012
VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK.
Cred itUnion EventP lex Evra z P la ce – R egina , S K.
WRECKING 1993 Dodge Cummins, 4x4, new pump, brakes, eng., transfer case and rearend good. Trans. and body shot. Sold as unit, $2900 OBO. Abernethy, SK. 306-335-2777, 306-924-4217.
N O-RES ERV E V EHICL ES • 41 Pa c ka rd 120 4 Dr. S e d a n • 3 6 Pa c ka rd 4 Dr. S e d a n • 3 9 In d ia n S c o u t Ju n io r M o to rc yc le • 67 S kyla rk 2 Dr. HT • 50 S tu d e b a ke r 1 To n Tru c k • 84 Bo m b a rd ie r lltis S n o w m o b ile & Tra ile r • 02 La n d ro ve r 4 d r. • 80 Lin c o ln M a rk V l 4 Dr. S e d a n • 79 Po rc he 911 C o u pe • 66 To ro n a d o 2 Dr. • 3 1 Fo rd M o d e l A Pic k Up • 60 M o n tc a lm C u s to m 2 Dr HT • 2012 S te a lth 24’ En c lo s e d Tra ile r • 90 Lin c o ln S ign a tu re S e rie s G o ld C a rd C a r • 66 Be e tle 2 Dr HT • 89 C o rve tte C 4 C o n ve rtib le • 69 C a m a ro C o n ve rtib le • 57 Be l Air C o n ve rtib le • 63 C o rve tte S plit W in d o w C o u pe • 57 C he v 2 Do o r Po s t • 69 C o rve tte C o u pe • 95 Be n tly C o n tin e n ta l R • 56 Fo rd V ic to ria • 83 C he v C 10 1/2 To n • 77 AM C Je e p J-10 Pic k Up • 70 C a m a ro Z28 - 2 Dr C o u pe • 2000 Pro w le r C o n ve rtib le & M a tc hin g Tra ile r • 75 T-Bird 2 Dr HT. • 70 C he v C 10 1/2 To n •72 C he v C he ye n n e S u pe r • 61 Triu m ph He ra ld C o n ve rtib le • 97 Eld o ra d o C o n ve rtib le • 97 C a m a ro Z28 C o u pe • 56 Fo rd F100/150 Pic k Up • 61 Ha rle y FL C u s to m C ru is e r • 3 6 Do d ge 100 Pic k Up C u s to m Ho t Ro d • 68 Ne w po rt C u s to m 4 Do o r • 84 Ho n d a G o ld w in g As pe n c a d e C ru is e r • 79 M a rk V 2 Dr. HT • 69 Be e tle 2 Dr HT. • 76 Fo rd C a m pe r S pe c ia l C re w C a b Tru c k • 63 Fo rd 861 Po w e rm a s te r Tra c to r • 69 Arlb e rg S n o w m o b ile • 2006 Ha rle y S ho ve l He a d C u s to m C ho ppe r • 71 M u s ta n g C o n ve rtib le • 71 C he ve lle M a lib u
K ram e r’sBig Bid Barn -N o r th Battle fo rd ,SK
Thu rsd a y Ju ly 26 th – 8:00 a .m . A La rge Au ction fea tu rin g H a rvest Equ ip, H a yin g & Livestock Equ ip,Tra ctors, Spra yers,Tru cks, Tra ilers,Seed in g & Tilla ge,In d u stria l Equ ip,Veh icles, La w n & G a rd en , R V’s,ATV’s,N ew Sh op Tools & Equ ip, a n d m ore.
• 28 Fo rd A Ro a d s te r 1/4 To n C o n ve rtib le • 68 K 10 1/2 To n 4x4 S ho rtb o x • 50 Bo m b a rd ie r S n o w m o b ile • 2010 Ho m e b u ilt C ru is e r M o to rc yc le • 74 C a m a ro 2n d G e n e ra tio n • 72 El C a m in o S S Trib u te • 57 Be l Air 4 Dr. • 74 C ha lle n ge r C o u pe • 07 C ro w n Live 23 ’ S S Bo a t & Tra ile r. • 59 T-Bird C o n ve rtib le
Ad m is s io n : $15 .00 (w ris tb a n d go o d fo r b o th d a ys ) C h ild re n 14 & Un d e r: Fre e Bid d e rs N um b e r: $20.00 Cheq ues W ill Be Ac c ep ted W ith An Irrevoc a b le Ba nk Letter Of Cred it
NOW ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS DON’T DELAY CONSIGN TODAY! Da vid : (306) 693- 4411 (306) 631- 72 07 Bob : (306) 690- 62 63 w w w.thecollectorca rgroup .com COUNTR Y BOY ENT. INC. P L#318 2 06
SUPREME AUCTION SERVICES will conduct a Farm Equipment Auction for Steve and Marguerite Kowbel at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, July 24, 10 miles south of Regina on #6 Hwy. and 2 miles east on #306. Watch for signs. Tractors: 1977 JD 4430 c/w JD 158 loader, 6800 hrs; 2007 Kubota BX 1850 4WD, w/loader, belly mower, 3 PTH, 322 hrs, Kubota 50” tiller, misc. garden tractor attachments; Deutz 9006 dsl. tractor; JD 110 garden tractor. TRUCKS: 1992 Chev Topkick SA, Cat diesel, 15’ steel B&H; 1953 GMC 9500, B&H, not running; 1970’s Ford tow truck, for parts. HARVESTING: Gleaner L-3 SP combine, Melroe PU, chaff spreader, chopper SN: LG26334H, shows 2400 hrs; MF 850 SP combine, Melroe PU and spreader ;1976 JD 800 SP 18’ swather; Steel swath roller; Flax buncher; IHC #75, 25’ PTO swather; Brandt 7x30 grain auger w/16 HP Kohler; Wheatheart 8x52 grain auger w/25 HP Subaru, mover, like new; Brandt 6x30 grain auger; Brandt 7x40 grain auger. Other Equipment and Yard Items: Great Northern 80’ 400 gal. sprayer/windscreens; Brandt Quickfold 90’ sprayer, 1000 gal. tank, windscreens; 50’ hyd. tine harrow bar; B2-24 rodweeder; Ford 3 PTH sickle mower; Candace 8’ dozer blade; Diamond fertilizer tank; 1250 gal. Poly tank; JD 1900 24’ discers; 4 wheel farm wagon; JD 68 riding mower; Bearcat wood chipper; 150 gal. slip tank w/12 Volt pump; 8 HP, JD 1032 snowblower; 10’ Lippi land leveler; Allied 72” snowblower; fuel tanks; 3- 1400 bu. Butler steel bins on wood floors; Westeel 3300 bu. steel bin on wood floor and much more! Equipment has been well cared for with major pieces shedded. for details or call Brad Stenberg 306-551-9411, Ken McDonald 306-695-0121. PL 314604.
*Ca llforFlyer*
2010 CORNHUSKER hopper trailer, 80” side walls, 42’ long, A/R new 285.75 R24.5 tires, brakes and drums, MB safety, alum rims vg cond. LED lighting. Cypress River, MB. Phone 204-743-2324. Can deliver.
2007 WILSON SUPER B grain trailers, asking $62,500 OBO. Last safety done Mar 31, 2012. Lazer alignment on all axles done by Quality Tire, Regina, new wear disks installed and aligned. Very well maintained, Michel’s tarps, dual cranks, 22.5 rubber, all alum. rims. Call Russell Runge, 306-695-7755, Indian Head, SK.
To co n sig n call
1.800.5 29.995 8 Co n sig n m e n t De ad lin e – Ju ly 17th
S E E M O RE @
F am ily O w ned & O perated - 3 G enerations S trong •S K PL #914 6 18 •AB PL #206 95 9
ARRIVING SOON, NEW D&B open end 38’ grain trailers, $35,995; Also new 38’ alum. Timpte. Call Neil for details. Humboldt, SK. 306-231-8300. 2004 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers, fresh safety. Phone 306-873-4969, Tisdale, SK. 2008 DOEPKER SUPER B, 24.5 rubber, steel rims, flat fenders, fresh safety. Maymont, SK. 306-481-6667 cell, 306-389-4602.
2008 WILSON SUPER B Grain Trailers, $68,900 OBO, vg cond, well maintained, Lazer alignment on all axles done by Quality Tire, Regina. New bushings and wear disks, all new shocks. Brakes in good shape. Brand new Michel’s tarp on pup, dual cranks, 22.5 rubber. Please call Russell Runge, 306-695-7755, Indian Head SK NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tandem; 2011 Doepker Super B, lift axles, near new; 2011 Wilson Super B, alum. wheels, like new; 2009 Lode-King Super B’s; 2005 and 1996 Super B Lode-King alum., alum. budds, air ride; 1997 Doepker Super B and 1998 Castleton, air ride; 2001 tridem Lode-King air ride; 2001 tridem Lode-King, air ride, 3 hopper; 1992 Doepker 31’ tridem; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, certified; 18’ TA pony pup, BH&T, $15,000. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL# 905231, Southern Industrial is the proud supplier and service shop for Neville Built trailers.
K-B TRUCK PARTS. Older, heavy truck salvage parts for all makes and models. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323.
PINTLE HITCH GRAIN pup trailers (2), tandem axles, tarps in great shape both black, 600+ bu., one w/Western box, the other w/Cancade box and silage endgate, side delivery augers available for both as well as rear pintle hitches, units have been pulled together, $16,000 each or both at $30,000. 306-694-0883, Moose Jaw, SK. 2005 LODE-KING SUPER Bs, open ends, new rubber, fresh safety, $50,000. Millhouse Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK.
1990 DOEPKER 28’ lead, 32’ pup, new tarps, no rust, together with 1995 Western Star 525 Cat, 18 spd., 4 way locks, $44,000 for the unit. Ferintosh, AB. Phone Bob at 780-679-7680. SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use industrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat for added rust protection. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK.
SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. DL #914394 WRECKING USED VOLVO trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642 Regina SK
Trailers In Stock: • 38.5’ tandem on air, 78” high side, side chutes, loaded.............$34,500 • 45’ Tri-Axle, 78” high sides, 2 hopper, air ride................$42,500 New Trailers Arriving Daily! Call for quotes.
53’ Equipment Trailer
2009 LODE-KING SUPER B, air ride, alum. wheels, stainless fenders, silver and green, $63,000 OBO. 403-308-1196, Nobleford AB 1984 GOERTZEN GRAIN trailer, 28’ with auger in bottom of trailer, $5500 OBO. 403-664-2191, Oyen, AB. 2010 WILSON SUPER B grain bulkers, 11R22.5 tires, lift axles, Michel’s tarp, exc. cond. 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK. 2009 LODE-KING, AHE, 285,000 kms, powder coated steel, 24.5 tires with 75% rubber, nice shape, fresh safety, $66,500. Trailers in Regina. Clayton 306-740-8704 or, Dallas 306-740-8710, Gerald, SK.
5’ Beaver Tail and 5’ Ramps.
Call Today for your Equipment Trailer Needs.
306-842-2422 Hwy. Jct. 13 & 39 Weyburn, SK
SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS, Weyburn, SK, 306-842-2641. Used car and truck parts, light to heavy. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals.
NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK.
WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost.
WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.
Se e fo r listin g & p h o to s. Up d ate d Daily!
2009 VW JETTA Highline TDI, leather, sunroof, Bluetooth, 65,000 kms., 50+mpg, $21,000, no tax. 306-458-2642, Midale, SK
WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, 2005 LODE KING Super B grain trailers, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. 22.5, 80% rubber, current safety, gd. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in cond., $48,000. 204-281-2260, Benito, MB. obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought 2004 DOEPKER 40’ grain trailer, open for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. ends, never winter driven, always shedded, like new cond. 306-576-2171, Wishart, SK. LODE KING alum. Super B grain trail2000 CORBEIL 48 passenger, 307,000 1998 alum. wheels, tires 50%, located in Viskms, good condition, currently safetied. er, count, SK. $25,000 OBO, 403-312-5113. 306-452-3996, Bellegarde, SK. SCHOOL BUSES: 1991-2001, 36 to 66 2008 DOEPKER SUPER B, good shape, pass., $2600 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky rims and tires 80%. 2005 Doepker Super B alum., very clean, 1 owner, good shape, Lake, SK, 1-877-585-2300, DL# 320074. new safety and good rubber. 2013 Doepker Super B’s in stock and lots of colors to pick from. Many more used and new trail1975 MERCURY METEOR Montcalm, red, 2 ers arriving daily. Great summer pricing. door, mint condition. For details call after In stock, 2013 Doepker end dumps. New line of Lowboys 35 to 100 tons now 6:00 PM, 306-478-2461, Mankota, SK. available for your specialty heavy hauling 2008 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Signature needs. 1-800-665-6317. Please visit our Ltd., 51,000 kms, metallic silver, Michelin website: tires, loaded except sunroof and NAV, smoke free, senior owned, shedded, 2004 DEOPKER TANDEM axle, 36’, air ride, always shedded, farm use only, exc. cond., $19,900. Call Norm 780-490-8857. $30,000 OBO. 403-312-0229, Blackie, AB. 2009 GRAND MARQUIS, white ext., beige leather int., loaded, w/warranty, WANTED: SUPER B grain trailer for farm mint cond., 50,000 orig. kms. Redvers, SK. use in good condition. Len 204-324-6298, 306-453-3879, or Ryan 306-453-6741. Altona, MB.
2007 WILSON 3 axle hopper grain trailer, new electric tarp, 2 hopper LED lights, 84” sidewalls, 51’ long, 102” wide, new MB. safety, spread 50-50-68, rear 1 lifting axle, very good cond., can deliver, $38,000. Phone 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.
2004 LODE-KING Super B grain trailer, tires 65%, brakes and drums 85%, all alum. 11R24.5 rims, tires steel side walls, alum. slopes, air ride, vg cond., inside load lights, LED lights, will safety MB. and SK., $54,500. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 2006 TIMPTE HOPPER, 40x96x72, alum. wheels, stainless back, air ride, alum. sub frame, $26,000; 2007 WILSON hopper, 38Lx78Hx102W, air ride, Ag hopper, alum. w h e e l s , $ 2 8 , 5 0 0 . C a n d e l i v e r. 204-736-4854, 204-226-7289, Sanford, MB. NEW NEVILLE 3 AXLE 45’, 3 chutes, $42,000; 2 axle, 38’, air ride, 78” sides, $32,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 2008 WILSON ALUMINUM grain trailers, 41’x96”x78”, air ride, alum. wheels, air ride, ag hoppers, air gauges, 11.225 Michelins, $28,000. Four to choose from. Dugald, MB. 1-800-665-0800.
2010 KIEFER GENESIS demo 3 horse angle haul trailer w/4’ dressing room. Darin 204-526-7407, Cypress River, MB. DL 4143 MR. B’s TRAILER SALES, Norberts and Rainbow, lease to own. Ph. 306-773-8688, Swift Current, SK. 2007 MILLCOSTEEL TRI-AXLE ground load stock trailer, 53’x8’, exc. cond.; Wanted: 30’ alum. tri-axle livestock trailer and 20’ horse combo. 306-893-2714 Maidstone SK 2002 20’ BERGEN cattle trailer, recently painted; Highline 7000 hay processor. 306-368-2494, Lake Lenore, SK. NEW AND USED MERRITT aluminum stock trailers. Call Darin 204-526-7407, Cypress River, MB. DL #4143.
26’ STOCK TRAILER, 20’ deck, totally rebuilt, new frame, new cross members, new fenders, new floor, new wiring and lights, new jack. Sandblasted complete. Primed with epoxy primer, Endura top coat, new alum. checker plate trim. Phone Norms Sandblasting & Paint 306-272-4407, Foam Lake, SK. 2013 FEATHERLITE 8117-0020, all aluminum, center gate, 6’7” wide, $13,900. Stock #DC125028. Unbeatable selection on Featherlite at Allan Dale in Red Deer. 1-866-346-3148 or WWW.DESERTSALES.CA Trailers/Bins Westeel hopper bottom bins. Serving AB, BC and SK. Wilson, Norbert, gooseneck, stock and ground loads. Horse / stock, cargo / flatdeck, dump, oilfield, all in stock. 1-888-641-4508, Bassano, AB. 1992 BLUE HILLS 20’ gooseneck stock trailer. Ron Carriere Farm Equip. Auction Saturday, August 11, 2012, Estevan, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
2003 SWATHER TRANSPORT TRAILER. Full carry, Bergen style, manufactured by Tw o H i l l T r a i l e r s , $ 6 5 0 0 O B O . 780-312-4236, Wetaskiwin, AB. NEW TRIDEM MUVALL single drop, 10’ wide, ext’s to 15’, 20,000 lb. winch, hyd. tail; 53’ and 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; 1991 Trail King machinery trailer, hyd. tail; 27’ S/A highboys; 53’, 48’ and 45’ tridem and tandem highboys, all steel and combos; Super B and B-train highboys; Tandem and S/A converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers, 48’ w/side doors; tandem lowboy. Dodsland, SK. 306-356-4550. DL#905231. DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. T R I - A X L E D E TA C H A B L E F L I P a x l e , $28,000; Pintle hitch: tandem axle, duals, air brakes, $10,000; Super B flats: 98 Doepker, $16,000. 306-563-8765, Canora. 2012 TANDEM AXLE pintle hitch trailer, 25’, 20,000 lbs., flip down ramps, $8,900; 2006 enclosed gooseneck cargo trailer, 40’, used very little, $14,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027, Ituna, SK. DL #910885. 2000 53’ LODE-KING, AIR RIDE, HIGHBOY. Will make good trailer for hauling bales, etc., around the farm. 2 units for sale, $9900 each. Decks good, brakes, air ride, and lights working but make take s o m e w o r k t o s a fe t y. C a l l M a r v i n 403-945-9882, Airdrie, AB. 2008 LORNES TRI-AXLE gravel trailer, Sask safetied, $47,000 306-865-4141, Hudson Bay, SK. 24’ GOOSENECK Tridem 21000 lbs, $6990; Bumper pull tandem equip: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs, $2650. Factory direct. 888-792-6283 QUALITY USED/CLEARANCE Trailers. Large selection of enclosed, flatdecks and dumps. Good as new alum. utility trailer, front rock guard, jack, torsion axle. Only $2,000. Call Flaman Trailers in Saskatoon, SK. 1-888-435-2626, or 6 - 1997 48’ HI-BOYS, priced from $2,500 to $8,500 (cheap ones as is, good ones Sask. certified); 1995 Lode-King 48’ triaxle combo flatdeck, Sask. certified, $9,500; 2005 Lode-King Super B grain trailers, Sask. certified, $38,500; 2000 Doeper Super B grain trailers, $31,500; 1998 Talbert 48’ stepdeck, Sask. certified, $15,000; 1998 Manac 52’ tandem stepdeck, Sask certified, $15,000; 2002 Trailtech tandem pintle combine/sprayer trailer, $16,500; 1998 Eager Beaver 20 ton float trailer, $16,500. 1-888-457-5918, Davidson, SK. DL #312974. 1996 MUVALL 48’ double drop equipment trailer c/w pullouts to 13’, 1122.5 low profile. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. 2000 LODE-KING ALUM. steel combo tandem 48’ stepdeck, air ride susp., extendable wide load lights, removable bale rails, 2 load bunks, toolbox, tires 80% tread, mint. 306-260-0094, Langham, SK. 28’ HIGHBOYS, spring ride, w/wo single or tandem axle converters. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. 1988 TRAILMOBILE EQUIPMENT trailer, 24’ deck, tri-axle, pintle hitch, 21 ton, $10,000. 306-302-9067, Big River, SK. WANTED: 40’-45’ HIGHBOY trailer in good condition for farm use. Ph. 306-423-5748, Wakaw, SK. 2011 LOADLINE TRIDEM belly dump gravel trailer, alum. wheels, lift axles, vibrator, elec tarp, $52,900 780-307-4662 Clyde AB
L ACO M BE TR AIL ER SAL ES& R EN TAL S La c o m b e AB Pho n e :
FEATUR ED TR AILER S & TR UCKS • 1979 Chev C70 w /16’ G ra in Bo x Ho ist& Ta rp, 67,000 km • 2 8’ to 53’ S to ra ge & FreightV a n s S ta rtin g a t$1,500 • S in gle & Ta n d em - Lo n g o rS ho rt To n gu e Co n verterDo llys • 2 - 05 M a n a c 48’ T/A S tep Decks • 2 - 97 W a b a sh 48’ TR IS tep Decks • N ew M a n a c S tep Deck Tro m b o n e 51’- 71’ • 2 013 TR ITro m b o n e HIBo y 53’- 91’ • N ew V ikin g 53’ TR IS tep Decks, Tw o AirliftAxles • N ew V ikin g 48’ T/A S tep Decks • 2 012 Dra ke 40’ Ta n d em Ho pper G ra in Tra ilerc/w Ta rp • 2 - N ew V ikin g 48’ TriAxle Alu m in u m Co m b o Hi-Bo ys • 2 001 Tra il-Eze 48’ TIA Equ ipm en t Tra iler • 2 006 XL Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 2 006 BW S Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 2 004 R a ja 35’ S tep Deck Equ ip Tra ilerw ith Hyd ra u lic Ta il • 2 004 R o a d Bo ss T/A 30’ S pra yer Tra ilerPin tle Hitch • 2 003 XL Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 2 006 Utility R eeferV a n 53’ TR I • 2 000 S co n a 50’ 16 W heelerFlo a t • 2 007 Led w ell48’ Hyd ra u lic Equ ipm en tTra iler • 2 001 Ken tu cky 53’ TIA Fu rn itu re Van • 1996 Ken tu cky 48’ Fu rn itu re V a n • 1995 IHC S in gle Axle Tra cto r • 1987 B- Tra in 30’- 30’ w /Ba le R a ck
1975 WILLOCK TANDEM axle drop lowboy, WB suspension, 7’ neck, 20x9’ deck, 3 ’ 6 ” b e ave r t a i l , s a fe t i e d , $ 1 8 , 5 0 0 . 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB.
NEW 2012 RAM LARAMIE crew, dually, 4x4, Cummins, $57,897. 0 down, $327 biweekly. 1-800-667-4414, DL #909250.
GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beavertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK. 2008 DODGE 4x4 quad cab, only 65,000 45 MISC. SEMI TRAILER HIGHBOYS. kms, powertrain warranty to Sept/12. Full Fits heavy haul trailers with beavertails. 8 trailer pkg w/trailer mirrors, boxliner, box stepdecks/ double drops. Pictures and cover, dark red w/THX trim. power: winp r i c e s v i e w : w w w. t r a i l e r g u y. c a dows, doors, mirrors, A/T/C, keyless entry, $19,900. 403-932-9884, Cochrane, AB. 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/ Saskatoon, SK. 2008 FORD 250 4x4 King Ranch truck for COMPONENTS FOR TRAILERS, Build, sale, very clean interior, 110,000 kms. Repair and Manufacture. Free freight. See 306-634-9911, Estevan, SK. “The Book 2011” page 165. DL Parts For 2008 FORD F250 DIESEL, 4x4, two tone Trailers, 1-877-529-2239, grey, 5th wheel hitch, job box, extra fuel PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and tank, custom box cover, 100,000 kms, imbumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now maculate, $33,500 OBO. 306-374-9204, o w n t h e b e s t . H o f f a r t S e r v i c e s , 306-221-3231, Saskatoon, SK. 306-957-2033, 2010 FORD F350, Harley Davidson model, crew cab, short box, diesel, fully loaded, 6” lift kit, 37x13.5x20 tires, 37,000 kms., $55,000; 2009 Ford F350, Harley Davidson model, crew cab, short box, diesel, fully loaded, 6” lift kit, 37x13.5-20 tires, 115,000 kms. $45,000; 2006 Ford F350, Trailer Sales And Rentals crew cab, diesel, 4x4, fully loaded, 82,000 kms., $26,500. Millhouse Farms, Cut Knife, SK. 306-398-4079 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 PICKUP LT Visit our website at: 4x4, w/warranty until Feb./14 or 160,000 kms. Currently only 87,094 kms, 5.3L flex fuel V8, HD cooling pkg, spray-in boxliner, WILSON GOOSENECKS & CATTLE LINERS Bluetooth. 306-321-2323, Saskatoon, SK. NEW 2010 FORD F-150 Platinum SuperCrew, fully loaded, only 200 kms! Phone 306-497-2544, after 8 pm. Blaine Lake, SK.
WE HAVE 15 GMC pickups from $8900, example 2008 Sierra SLE Crew, $18,955. Call Hoss at 1-800-667-4414. DL #909250.
S tep Deck s , Hi Bo ys , Freight V a n s , S to ra ge Un its a n d Jo b s ite Tra ilers & M o re
W EBS ITE w w w .la co m b etra ilers a les .co m
Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers
Call for a quote
W e will m a tc h c om petitor pric ing spec for spec Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y!
2003 MANAC 48’ stepdeck, steel with outside alum. rims, new paint, MB. Safety, strap winch, new brakes, drums, tires 90%, vg cond., $19,000. Can deliver. Call 1997 ASPEN HYD. DETACH tri-axle is 8.6 2 0 4 - 7 4 3 - 2 3 2 4 , C y p r e s s R i v e r, M B . wide, tires 97%, air ride, steel rims, 60” axle spacing, 24’ well, new MB safety, Honda pump, vg cond., new paint, WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing $54,000. 204-743-2324 Cypress River, MB. in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine KNIGHT GRAVEL TRAILER 30’, single Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited. point suspension, aluminum box. 2008 GRAVHAUL TRI-AXLE end dump, 306-717-6450, Saskatoon, SK. steel tailgate, new ram, tires 80%, Michel’s 1997 FORD XLT F350, 4x4, quad cab, longtarp, factory updates on frame, excellent box, 7.3L diesel, auto, 128,000 orig. miles, shape, $45,000 OBO. Call 780-205-4296, show condition, loaded, tow package, Lloydminster, AB. many custom features, $13,500. 778-549-5124, Riverhurst, SK. TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who demand the best.” Agassiz - Precision - 2007 DODGE DIESEL 4x4, SLT pkg., tow 1999 FORD XLT 150 SUPERCAB 4x4, Rainbow (open and enclosed cargo) trail- pkg., Command Start, Bluetooth, auto, 198,000 kms, $4500 OBO. 306-366-4810, e r s . S t o c k a n d h o r s e t r a i l e r s . spray-in boxliner, 167,000 kms, $27,900 306-231-7054, Englefeld, SK. 1 - 8 5 5 - 2 5 5 - 0 1 9 9 , M o o s e J a w, S K . OBO. 780-387-1573, Millet, AB. WANTED GMC TRUCK, 1996 or 2007 DODGE LARAMIE 3500 dsl., single thereabouts, gas, 3/4 ton , low miles. 306-344-4453, Paradise Hill, SK. axle, 5.9 Cummins, 4x4 Quad Cab, leather, 2008 ARNE’S end dump, 28’, TA, brand new: brakes, drums, tires, safetied w/tarp, A/T/C, 170,000 kms. New: front end, only hauled road gravel and asphalt, brake, tires. Hitch rails incl. 306-361-5029, 306-955-4717, Saskatoon, SK. $40,000. 306-921-5230, Melfort, SK. 08 RAM, CUMMINS dsl, dually, quad 4x4, 6 spd., $31,875 PST paid. 1-800-667-4414 DL#909250
Financing Available, Competitive Rates O.A.C. GOOSENECKS NEW WILSON 30’ ..................................IN STOCK NEW WILSON 24’ ................................ON ORDER LIVESTOCK 2013 WILSON GROUNDLOAD .......ON ORDER 2011 WILSON GROUNDLOAD .......$49,000.00 EQUIPMENT 2012 MUV-ALL HDG...............................$66,980.00 2013 MUV-ALL 5370SFTD.....CALL FOR PRICE DECKS NEW WILSON STEP & FLAT DECKS TANDEM & TRIDEM ......................................ON ORDER 2013 WILSON 53’ TANDEM ..............IN STOCK GRAVEL 2013 TECUMSEH TRIDEM END DUMP ..................................... IN STOCK 2009 TECUMSEH TRIDEM END DUMP ...................................$43,000.00 2012 USED TECUMSEH TRIDEM END DUMP .........................CALL FOR PRICE
Golden West Trailer Sales & Rentals CHECK US OUT AT
Brian Griffin, Harvey Van De Sype, John Carle
2006 INTERNATIONAL 9400i 435 HP Cummins ISX Engine, 10 Speed Eaton Autoshift Transmission, New 20’x64” Cancade Grain Box, Remote Hoist and Endgate Controls, Fleet Maintained Southern Truck.
Saskatoon (866) 278-2636 Danny Tataryn | Cell: 306-260-4209
1996 FORD F-150 XL, reg. cab, 4x4, A/T/C, 5L eng., auto, longbox, new tires, shocks and brakes, 342,000 kms, $3200 OBO. 306-278-3095, Porcupine Plain, SK. 2000 GMC 3500 Series, 1 ton dually, gas, 4x4, 130,000 kms, fully loaded, Supercab, C&C, exc. shape, $5000. 780-914-4553, 780-878-0005, Hay Lakes, AB. 2001 DODGE 1 ton, 4x4, 5.9 5 spd., dual w/deck, 320,000 kms.; 2002 Dodge 1 ton, 4x4, 5.9 5 spd., dual w/deck, 260,000 kms. Call Duff, 403-692-6008, Calgary, AB. 2001 FORD F250 - Lariat extended cab, white, 7.3L diesel, 232,000 kms., vg cond. $10,250 OBO. 306-861-7500, Kronau, SK. 2005 CHEV DURAMAX diesel, dually, $18,975. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. DL #909250 2006 QUADCAB HD 2500 SLT DIESEL, good clean truck, $21,500. 204-727-0925 or 204-726-9414, Brandon, MB. 2007 CHEV CLASSIC DIESEL 2500, ext. cab, shortbox, black, 179,000 kms, above avg. cond., $19,900; 2005 Chev diesel, ext. cab, longbox, good cond., 265,000 kms, $16,900; 2003 Chev diesel, ext. cab, shortbox, 336,000 kms, $9900; 2004 Chev Duramax 2500, reg. cab w/9’ tool body, $12,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Ituna, SK. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027. DL #910885. 2008 GMC 4x4 Crew $18,955. 8 more GM 4x4’s in stock. DL #909250 Phone Hoss at 1-800-667-4414 2008 RAM LARAMIE Mega Cab, diesel, $34,970 plus GST at 1-800-667-4414. DL #909250.
2013 Kenworth T370 350HP Diesel, Allison Auto, fully loaded, air suspension, 8.5’ x 20’ x 65” CIM utracel box, hoist, electric tarp, remote controls......................$139,995 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 HD (1 Ton), 2WD, C+C, 6.0L V8, auto, locking rear axle, brake controller, ACT dual rear wheels, 161.5” W.B., dual tanks, 13,200# GVW white. MSRP $40,710................SALE $32,995 1 more 2012 Chev HD, C+C, 4x4 with 6.0L auto MSRP $44,655. . . . . .SALE Price $36,995
CALL ABOUT THESE OTHER FINE UNITS: • Automatic, Autoshift and Ultrashift. • Grain and Silage boxes. • Self Loading Bale Deck trucks. • DAKOTA Aluminum Grain Hopper Trailers.
1965 FORD F600 tandem, 360 V8, 4+2, 2004 CHEV 2500 HD LS 4x4 crewcab Dur- 15’ steel box, 48,538 miles showing. max dsl., 280,000 kms, red, extremely well Phone: 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, maintained. Set up for cruising or hauling. 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. Too many extras to list. Asking $17,500, 1972 CHEV C40, 6 cyl., 12’ box, 26,000 306-246-4848, 306-527-3760, Mayfair, SK orig. miles. Langham, SK. 306-283-4747, 2000 CHEV SILVERADO Z71 1500, 4x4, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429. ext. cab, 5.4L, 263,000 kms, white, runs 1972 GMC TRUCK, 15’ wood B&H, 427 eng, exc., very well maintained. Asking $6,900. 5&2 trans., air brakes, approx. 70,000 orig. 306-246-4848, 306-527-3760, Mayfair, SK. miles. 403-312-4202, Linden, AB. 2001 DODGE 3/4 ton, reg. cab, 4x4, 465,000 kms, manual 5 spd, clutch redone 1973 IHC 1800 LOADSTAR, tandem, B&H, 2 yrs. ago, new alternator w/fifth wheel 4 new tires, ideal for water or fuel truck. $3300. 306-663-5748, Weyakwin Lake, SK. hitch, $6000 OBO. 780-336-6378, Irma, AB IHC GRAIN TRUCK, only 15,000 2004 FORD F250 Supercab, Powerstroke, 1974 box needs replacing, $2000. 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 k m s , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , miles, 306-254-4323, Dalmeny, SK. $10,000. 306-963-2736, Imperial, SK. 1975 FORD 700, 36,571 original kms, 2004 SILVERADO 2500 HD, LT, Duramax, loaded, new tires, leather, only 116,000 16’ B&H, 360 engine, horizontal roll tarp, very clean! Asking $7500. Swift Current, kms, $24,000. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. SK. 306-773-9733 or cell: 306-774-5669. ARIZONA TRUCK: 2006 Chev ext. cab, 4x4, immaculate with $5000 of extras. 1977 FORD 8000 tandem, 18’ box, 671 engine, $10,800. 306-842-5710 evenings, Must see! 780-679-5775, Camrose, AB. Weyburn, SK. 1967 DODGE 2 ton, not running, good box and hoist, and good transmission. Odessa, SK., 306-762-4723. 1991 GMC SIERRA Z71, 4 WD, regular cab, runs well, needs tranny, approx. 300,000 kms, alum. rims, $1250 OBO. Bernie 204-825-8558, St. Leon, MB. 1995 DODGE 3500 dually, 5.9 Cummins, 5 spd. trans. Engine covers, brakes, transmission, rear springs all redone. New drive tires, needs body work, $5500. 306-254-4255, Dalmeny, SK.
Moose Jaw (877) 999-7402
(Medicine Hat, Alberta)
Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB
GRAIN 2013 WILSON TANDEMS ................... IN STOCK 2013 WILSON TRIDEM ........................ IN STOCK 2 & 3 HOPPERS 2013 WILSON SUPER B........................................ STARTING AT ............$89,980.00 (IN STOCK) USED GRAIN 2012 WILSON TRIDEM ......................$44,980.00 2011 CASTLETON SUPER B ............$69,980.00 2010 WILSON SUPER B...........CALL FOR PRICE 2010 CASTLETON SUPER B ............................... (VERY CLEAN) .............................$59,900.00 2009 WILSON SUPER B’s ..................$68,980.00 2008 DOEPKER SUPER B..................$52,500.00 TANDEM AXLE PINTLE HITCH GRAIN DUMP TRAILER (2 AVAILABLE) ............$15,000.00 2005 LODEKING ALUMINUM SUPER B .........................................$49,000.00 1987 TIMPTE 40’ TANDEM ..............$16,980.00
1 Ton C&C, Medium Duty Trucks
2012 GMC 3500 (1 Ton) 4WD, reg cab. C+C, 4x4, reg cab C+C, 6.6L duramax diesel, allison auto, loaded, white MSRP $59,080. . . . . .SALE Price $49,995 2012 Chev 3500HD (1 Ton C&C), 2WD, Duramax Diesel, Auto, Loaded, MSRP $55,215. . . . . .SALE Price $45,995
Pre-Owned Medium Duty 2000 GMC Topkick Tandem, 3126 Cat (275 HP), Allison Auto, A/C, 8 1/ 2x20’x60” Ultracel box, hoist, roll tarp, grey, 118,264 km.....................$69,995 Over 400 new 2012 GMC Sport Utilities, Cars, 1/2 Ton, 3/4 Ton + 1 Tons with gas & diesel engines are Discounted To SELL NOW! Good selection of 2012 GMC 1 Ton Crew, Big Dooleys, and 1 Ton Crew L.W.B. Single rear wheels with Duramax Diesels! Financing as Low As 0% On Select Models O.A.C.
306-946-3336 DL#907173
1979 CHEVY C60 T/A, new leaf springs all around, shocks and brakes, 19’ Western Ind. grain box and Michel’s sidewinder tarp, $15,000. 306-554-8119, Wishart, SK. 1984 CHEV 35 series 1 ton w/duals, steel B&H, plumped for hydraulics, no rust, shedded, 37,100. kms. 306-567-3042, 20’ GRAIN BOXES: Starting at $14,500, Davidson, SK. includes mounting, hoist, roll tarp, many features. Call Berg’s Prep and Paint, 1989 FORD 8000 diesel, cabover, Western other Industries box, electric tarp, new rubber, 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB. Nordic hoist, 73,000 kms., $39,000 OBO. 2002 FREIGHTLINER 120 Columbia 306-843-7744, Wilkie, SK. w/20’ Ultracel B&H pkg., air ride, AC, no 1991 FREIGHTLINER, 425B Cat,.20’ Can- rust California truck, certified, ready to go, cade, roll tarp, good rubber. 403-393-0219 $57,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. or 403-833-2190. 2005 CIM SILAGE box, 8-1/2x48x22 c/w 1995 IH 9200 Eagle, Cat engine, 15 spd. grain, silage endgate. Never hauled a load trans., 829,900 kms., 20’ Cancade B&H of silage, good condition, $11,995. Can new in 2003, 64” side walls w/rear air con- supply hoist. Call Neil for details. Humtrols, new recap tires on rear axles. Stor- boldt, SK. 306-231-8300. thoaks, SK, 306-449-2412. 2005 IHC 7500, DT530, 340 HP, 10 spd., 1996 IHC 4900 C&C, 466 w/Allison auto, 612,000 kms., full warranty on IHC re12/40 axles, 170,000 kms, $16,900. K&L manufactured engine until November, Equipment and Auto, call Ladimer cert., $58,900; 2005 IHC 8600, ISM 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027, Ituna, Cummins, 330 HP, 10 spd., new tires and clutch, 688,000 kms., cert., $55,900. Both SK. DL #910885. w i t h n e w 2 0 ’ x 6 5 ” C I M B H & T. 1996 KENWORTH W900, 455 Cat, 15 spd. 306-256-3569, 306-230-4393, Reaser t r a n s . c / w 1 9 ’ B & H , $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 . Truck Sales, Cudworth, SK, DL#917908. 306-230-6879, Vanscoy, SK. 2006 IH 9200, AutoShift w/clutch, 475 1997 PETE 385 tandem, Cummins, 10 ISX Cummins, BH&T; 1991 Western Star, speed, new Ultracel grain pkg., AC, low 60 Series Detroit, 20’x64” CIM ultracel, similes, only $55,000. 306-948-8522, Wa- lage gate, 15 spd., 11x24.5 tires (near trous, SK. new), pintle hitch, $9000 work order; 2002 1998 MACK CH613 midland unibody box, T800 Kenworth, M11 Cummins , new 20’ 19x8.5x6, 350 eng., 10 spd., 22.5 tires at BH&T, 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL 90%, 490,000 kms. 204-265-3316 or #905231. 204-268-5552, Beausejour, MB. 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL120, tandem, 470 Detroit, 10 spd., air ride, AC, 20’ Ultracel box pkg., no rust, California truck, $57,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2000 IH 4700, 466 diesel, Allison auto, no rust, w/new 16’ box package, $36,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2001 KENWORTH W900 w/20’ alum. grain box, tarp, 430 HP, 10 spd., dual exhaust, premium US no rust truck, only $65,000. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.
2006 KENWORTH T800, AUTOSHIFT 10 spd., new B&H, ISM Cummins, very clean truck; Also, avail. trucks w/ISX Cummins and no box. 204-673-2382 Melita MB
NeuStar Manufacturing 1470 Willson Place Winnipeg, Manitoba 1-204-478-7827
2007 INTERNATIONAL 9200, Cat 430 HP, 10 spd Eaton Ultrashift, 20’ Cancade grainbox, 6 to choose from in various colors, $67,500; 2006 International 9200, Cat 430 HP, 10 spd. Eaton Ultrashift, 20’ Cancade grainbox, $63,500; 2001 International 9100, Cat 410 HP, 10 spd. manual, 20’ Cancade grainbox, $48,500. 1-888-457-5918, Davidson, SK. DL #312974 AUTOMATIC: 2005 FL Columbia, 430 HP, 12 spd. auto., new B&H and roll tarp, $52,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.
AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #327784. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices.
2002 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, flattop sleeper, 500 Detroit, 18 speed, 46 rears, fresh Sask. safety, $23,500. Call Richard 306-325-2021 or 306-547-7680, Lintlaw, SK. DL# 304675. 2002 INT. 9900i, 475 Cat, 72” bunk, new 22.5 tires, alum. wheels, fresh safety, $26,500. 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. 2003 MACK CH613 E7-460 engine, 18 spd. Eaton trans., 12,000 lbs. front, 46,000 lbs. rear, 24.5 tires, wet kit, fresh safety, rubber good shape, new motor from the bottom up, Nov./11, no miles, asking $40,000; 1998 Midland tandem axle end dump trailer, suspension done Sept./11, new floor Jan./11, electric tarp Feb./11, 24.5 tires, needs safety, asking $20,000. 306-735-2399, Whitewood, SK. 2005 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, flattop sleeper, 500 Detroit, 15 spd., Super 40 rears, fresh Sask. safety, $27,500. Call Richard, 306-325-2021 or 306-547-7680, Lintlaw, SK. DL # 304675. 2006 PETERBILT 379L, red, 70” standup bunk, fridge, leather int., 570,000 miles, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 3-way diff locks, alum. rims, full stainless fenders, 6” stacks, 1 year drivetrain warranty remaining, 250” WB, rubber over 50%, $64,500 OBO. 306-692-1999, Moose Jaw, SK. 2006 PETERBILT 386, C13, 13 spd., 990,000 kms, nice, only $43,900. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. 2006 VOLVO, 485 HP, 13 spd., 40 rears, lockers, heaters, 11x24.5 on alum., vg cond., $32,500. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK
HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: 2008 Kenworth W900L, Cummins 455 HP, 13 spd., $68,500; 2007 Freightliner Classic, Cat 475 HP, 13 spd., $37,500; 2007 International 9900, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd., $34,500; 2007 International 9200, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd. Ultrashift, $38,500; 2004 Peterbilt 379, Cat 475 HP, 13 spd., $32,500; 2006 International 9900, Cummins 525 HP, 13 spd., $36,500; 2005 Kenworth T800, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd, $28,500; 1996 International 9200, Detroit 365 HP, 10 spd., $13,000. Daycabs: 2008 Paystar 5900, Cummins 550 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, 428,000 kms, $74,000; 2007 International 9900, Cummins 500 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, $44,500; 2005 International 8600, Cat 430 HP, 10 spd., 324,000 kms, $32,500; 2007 International 9200, Cummins 475 HP, 13 spd., 46 rears, wet kit, $44,500. Specialty trucks: 1997 Freightliner FLD112 tandem, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ van body, hydraulic lift gate, $16,500; 1994 International 9200, Cat 350 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd. tilt and load deck w/winch, $28,000; 1995 Volvo, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd. tilt and load deck, $22,500; 1998 Ford F650, Cummins 190 HP, Allison 4 spd. auto, 16’ deck, $16,500; 2002 Sterling Acterra, Cat 300 HP, 9 spd., 24’ van body, $16,500. 1-888-457-5918, Davidson, SK. DL #312974.
1992 IHC GRAVEL TRUCK, 10 yard gravel box, asking price $15,000. RM of Insinger #275, 306-647-2422, Insinger, SK.
W IN D O W S !W IN D O W S !
See our Showroom for the best selection & savings in Sask.
2007 YUKON DENALI, 175,000 kms, exc. cond., fully loaded, $20,000 OBO. Bjorkdale, SK. 306-886-2073 or 306-873-8526.
1 To n D o d ge D ua lly $8,000 OB
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Burron Lumber
3 To n C h e v, 5 s p d ., 60,000 km s o n NEW Cu m m in s en gin e, a p p ro x.
LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE: Thriving business in a small town in central AB. Computer system, security cameras, plus other security system etc. For more information call 780-879-0003 or
306-652-0343, Saskatoon, SK
SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and 350,000 km s , $30,000 OB O equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chasM c Le a n , S K . sis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE PARTING OUT: 1983 GMC 7000, single 2 and Range Rider canopies and service 3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) speed axle 366, 5 speed. Phone caps. o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t 306-845-3119, Livelong, SK. 2007 FREIGHTLINER CST120, 450 HP Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871. Mercedes, TA, sleeper, auto, newly safetied, very clean, 1.2M kms, $31,000. Will PRICES REDUCED! 2000 Sterling, day cab, S/A tractor, 300 HP Cat, 7 spd., safetake trade. 306-291-4043, Saskatoon, SK. tied, low miles, $12,900; 2006 F650 S/A tractor, Cummins dsl., 7 spd., hyd. brakes, 11’ deck w/5th wheel attach, low miles, fresh safety, $22,900; 2000 IHC 9100 daycab tractor, 350 HP Cummins, 10 spd., safetied, only 630,000 miles, $16,900; 2003 Mack, 475 HP, 18 spd., 48” flat-top bunk, double walkers, fresh safety, 1.4 kms, $19,900; 1996 22’ aluminum end dump trailer grain or gravel, safetied, $18,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Itu- 197 5 FOR D LOUIS VILLE M o d el 750, na, SK. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris T a n d em (ta g a xle), 20’ Gra in b o x & ho is t 306-537-2027. DL #910885. w /s eed fu n n el d ivid er in gra in b o x, en gin e $ 2001 FORD F350 w/12’ landscape dump, lo w ho u rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 OB O 2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 7.3 diesel, auto, $12,900; 2002 IHC 4200 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , M c Le a n , S K . S/A w/10’ gravel dump, 444E diesel, auto, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 73” m id -ris e 2008 ARNE’S TANDEM end dump gravel $13,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Itu- 3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) bu n k w ith tw o bed s , 650,752 k m . $90,000 o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t trailer, excellent condition. 306-278-7880, na, SK. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 2009 Fre ig htlin e r M 2-106 D u m p 306-537-2027. DL #910885. Porcupine Plain, SK. tru c k , 330 HP Cu m m in s IS C, 8LL tra n s , 1994 IH 4900 18’ flatdeck w/hoist, 466 18,000 fron t46,000 rea r, 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 2008 T-660 KENWORTH, Cat 475, Super 2007 ADVANCE 100 BARREL STEEL diesel, very good condition, only $28,500. 4:89 g ea rs , 20,000 p u s hera xle, 40’s, 775,000 kms; 2007 and 2005 IHC TANK, 406 crude spec., coated, vg cond., 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 18’ Leg a ce box, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 9900i’s, 18 spd.; 2002 and 2004 T800 KW, c/w rear floater tires and rims, 4” Bowie 227,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 daycab, Cat and ISX Cummins, 18 spd., pump, pintle hitch, needs truck. Call Rick 1997 PETE T300 tandem, Cat diesel, Allison auto., AC, 165,000 miles, excellent 2009 M a c k G ra in Tru c k , 445 HP M P8, 46’s and lockers; 2005 Volvo daycab 475 at 204-851-1000, Elkhorn, MB. cond., $38,500, C&C, $60,000 w/20’ Ultra10 s p A u tos hift, A S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” ISX, 18 spd., low kms; 2003 W-900L KW, a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, n ew Cat, recent work orders; 2002 T-800 KW, 1979 FORD 9000 CEMENT TRUCK, cel box pkg, 306-948-8522, Watrous, SK. Ca n ca d e g ra in box, 651,000 k m . . $80,000 M-11 Cummins, 10 spd.; 2001 Western 36,640 miles, 855 Cummins rebuilt 2,000 2001 FREIGHTLINER FL80 tandem, furStar, 4964, N-14 Cummins, 13 spd; 1999 kms ago, 4/5 trans., pumps new on motor niture van, 30’ w/side doors and rear barn 2-2009 M a c k D a y Ca b , 445 HP M a ck IH Cat, 18 spd.; 2001 Mack, CH613, 42” and hyd. pump, new shoots, new leaf doors, 3126 Cat, 10 spd., air ride, AC, vg, M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, bunk, 18 spd. Eaton, 460 motor, alum. springs, 8 yd. cement truck, 425-65R22.5- only $32,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, rims; 1996 Volvo 425, 13 spd.; 1997 and 70%, 11R24.5- 60% avg., $12,000. Jordan 727,262 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 1 9 9 2 3 7 9 P e t e ’ s , 1 8 s p d . , C a t . anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, 445 HP M P8, 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. 1998 IH 4900 w/McKee 600 manure 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B. 70” spreader, exc.; 1981 IH 1900 w/McKee con d o bu n k s , 612,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,000 600 manure spreader. 780-842-2909, 780-842-7812, Wainwright, AB 3-2008 IH P roS ta r, 425 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 10 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 1995 FORD F800, c/w 550 Farm Aid feed 3:73 g ea rs , 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 226” W B, box, 7.3L diesel, Allison automatic, first 800k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 $12,000 takes it. Phone 306-692-9668, WANTED: LEAF CUTTER bee boxes, must 2-2007 Ke n w orth W 900L, 565 HP be wood, will pay good money for good Moose Jaw, SK. Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12 fron t46 rea r, quality boxes, anywhere on the prairies. 4:10 g ea rra tio, 24.5” a lloy w heels , DUMP TRUCK: 2003 IH 4900, SA, 466 403-363-7327, Rosemary, AB. 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , eng., hyd. brakes, $23,000; Single axle: 905,317 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 C&C 03 FL80, Cat, 9 spd., 12 and 23 axle. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 244” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 1997 IH 9400, 430 Detroit, 10 spd., 5 year 22.5” a lloy w heels , 906,719 k m . . . . $49,000 old 15’ gravel box, new clutch, injectors, USED BELTING, 12” to 54” wide for feed2007 IH 9900I, 500 HP IS X Cu m m in s , AC, pintle plate, 24.5 alum. budds; 2000 ers and conveyors, 30” wide by 3/4” 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:70 g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy 2010 PETERBILT 388, 600 HP, 46 rears, FL-80, Cummins, 6 spd., 24’ van body with thick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, w heels , 244” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , full 4-way lockers, double frame, Platinum power tailgate. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, 780-842-2491 anytime, Wainwright, AB. 830,233 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,000 interior, in-dash GPS, HD susp. wet kit, SK. DL#905231. 2007 IH 9200I, 425 HP Ca tC13, 12 s p $91,000 OBO.; Also 2010 386 w/low miles. A u tos hiftM eritor, 12/ 40, 3:42 g ea rs , Can deliver. Peter 204-226-7289, Sanford, IH 1850 w/15’ van, DT466, near new condition, only 34,000 kms; 2 fire engines 22.5” w heels , 220 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , MB. or view: with 100’ ladders; 20 other fire engines, 432,845 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 some being parted out; 1979 Western Star 2-2006 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Ca t w/8V92 $5000; Kenworth w/Detroit 6-71, C15, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” only 94,000 miles, $5000. 204-667-2867, CEDAR AND PINE LOG Cabins, sidings, W B, 70” m id -ris e bu n k , 1.3M k m . $55,000 fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. paneling, decking, Fir and Hemlock floor2006 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Ca tC15, ing, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros., 18 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 2002 IHC TANDEM gravel truck, new B&H 1-800-960-3388, Lumby BC 3:90 g ea rs , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , and tires, rollup tarp, nice truck, $39,000 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 OBO. Bob 403-934-4081, Mossleigh, AB. O.S.B. ODD SIZE Specials, 8’x24’ panels; 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900FA, d a y ca b, 19/32 $95; 23/32 $108; 4’x12’x1-1/8, 450 HP M erced es M BE4000, 10 s p $33; 4’x8’ sheets; 5/8” $14, 3/4” $17; 7/8” A u tos hift3 Ped a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , $20; 1-1/4 $32. 306-237-4748, Perdue, SK 244” W B, 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,000 3- 1998 IHC 4900 C&C’s, DT 530, 275 HP, PINE AND POPLAR: 1” and 2” V-joint, ship2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 450 HP Allison auto, 16 front, 40 rears, 230” WB, lap, log siding, etc. Phone 306-862-5088, M erced es , 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5 tires all new, $28,000. Will take 20’ Nipawin, SK. 22.5” a lloy w heels , m id -ris e bu n k , grain box! Can-Am Truck Export Ltd, 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 DIMENSIONAL HARDWOOD lumber, 1-800-938-3323, Delisle, SK. DL #910420 2003 IH 7400, 260 HP DT466, 10 s p , quarter cut Oak, Elm, Black Walnut, Hicko16,000 lbs . fron t, 40,000 lbs . rea r, 224” W B, ry, Edge Grain Fir, quarter cut Cherry. Lim4:11 g ea rs , d ou ble fra m e, 254,149 k m , ited quantity. Inventory at 511- 3rd Street, w etk it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,000 Davidson, SK. 403-318-7589 (AB cell). REIMER MOBILE MIXER / Volumetric d lr# 0122. Mixer Truck. 10 yard mobile mixer, mount- ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” P h. 204-6 85-2222, M a c G re g or M B. ed on 2002 Volvo truck, total recondition boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, To vie w p ic tu re s of ou r in ve n tory in 2010, 375 HP, Cummins 15 spd. trans., 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. vis it w w w .tita n tru c k s a le s .c om front tire 425/65/R.22.5, rear 11R.22.5, Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 90% tire remaining, new MB safety, truck 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, 1996 FREIGHTLINER, 18 spd., with is job ready, exc. working cond., $98,000. 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. sleeper, $13,000. Call 306-821-6044, Can deliver. 204-526-0321, Cypress River, Lloydminster, SK. ATTN FARMERS/GRAVEL HAULERS: 2004 MB. 1998 FREIGHTLINER, N14 Cummins, 525 Mack Granite CV713 daycab, 460 HP, 18 2007 GMC 5500 4x4 truck, w/6.6 DuraHP, 18 spd., 46 rears, $27,500. Call spd. Eaton Fuller, full lockers, new SK. max diesel engine, Allison auto., Wilson RE-ROOFING AND SIDING Service. We do safety, only 629,000 kms, $39,500. cattle trailer, 32’ long x 7’9” inside, will all types of buildings. Fully insured. Will 250-547-8993, Lumby, BC. travel. Ph 306-361-5112, Saskatoon, SK. 306-242-2508, consider selling separately. 306-445-9312 1999 F112 FREIGHTLINER C&C, just CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exflipped, 300,000 kms, fresh cert., $26,500. DAY CABS: 2005 Sterling, 400 HP, tan- or 306-480-2036, North Battleford, SK. dem, $26,000; 1999 IH 9400, 475 HP, 14 GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale posed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Danny Spence, Speers, SK. 306-246-4632. and 46’s, 15 spd., $16,000. 306-563-8765. or rent, weekly/ monthly/ seasonally, Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church1999 MACK DAYCAB CH613, w/2003 36’ MACK E6-350 ENGINE and trans., fits up w/wo driver. K&L Equipment, Regina, es, pig barns, commercial, arch rib buildRanco anvil, end dump trailer, $52,000 to 1994 truck, $12,000 work order spent SK. 306-795-7779 or 306-537-2027, ing and residential roofing. For info. call 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. OBO. Will separate. Can finance. Supply on engine in last 6 years; 10 yard alum. email: hauling contract. 306-291-4043, Saska- gravel box. 306-445-9867, Battleford, SK. toon, SK. FOR TENDER: 1999 Freightliner tandem RECENT TRADES: 1999 610 Volvo, flat fuel truck FL80, 3126 Cat engine, 10 spd. 2001 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, 515 De- top sleeper, 460, 13 spd. Fuller trans, fresh Eaton’s trans., 1994 16,800 litre fuel tank. FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS and troit, 48” flattop sleeper, new clutch, fresh Sask. safety, vg cond., $21,000. 2005 9900 Submit tenders to: Hazenmore Co-op Box 30’ panels, made from 2-3/8” oilfield pipe. rebuilt and safety, $18,000. 306-921-5230, IHC 500, 13 spd., fresh safety, $36,995. 116, Hazenmore, SK. SON 1C0. Info call Can build other things. 204-851-6423, Melfort, SK. Call Neil for details 306-231-8300, Hum- Larry at 306-264-5111, 306-264-5122. 204-845-2188, 204-851-6714, Elkhorn,MB. Tender close July 20, 2012 CINDER BLOCKS - CONCRETE and wood 2001 FREIGHTLINER XL, 72” flat top, C12 boldt, SK. DL 906884. CAT, 430 HP, dark blue, 6” straights, 265” T800 KENWORTH, 2004, 700,000 kms, 1984 MACK TANDEM gravel truck, 350, 12 chip block, takes screws and nailing, lightWB, dint in sleeper, $16,500 OBO, located single turbo Cat, 18 spd., 46 rear ends, s p e e d , n i c e 1 5 ’ b o x a n d h o i s t . er than concrete, have R value, size 306-631-7054, Moose Jaw, SK. 1’x2’x6” or 8”. 780-636-3972, St. Paul, AB. in Viscount, SK., 403-312-5113. new safety, $49,000. Call 780-990-8412.
WORK FROM HOME. Part-time or fulltime. No selling or parties. No inventory. No risk. or call 780-418-1684.
FREE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, as owners are retiring after 17 years in the auto business. All you have to do is lease the building and property for $3,000 per month and your in business. Great location and high traffic in this city. Ph Len in Swift Current, SK. Phone 306-773-9868.
PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. MAD MOVERS BUILDING moving, 40 years experience, Bonded, based near Madison, family owned by Jim Code and Jason TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Fully Striemer, call 306-962-2206, Eston, SK. equipped restaurant in 3 year old building in central AB. Close to lake properties and industrial areas. Great customer base. Call 780-621-8434, Tomahawk, AB. OKANAGAN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Coffee Shop for sale in medical professional building in sunny Kelowna, BC. State of the art coffee making equipment. Established clientele and catering. One block from Okanagan Lake beach. Currently operated Monday to Friday, but potential for 7 days a week operation. Owner retiring, owner will train. 250-712-1263 or Email: GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new and existing farms and businesses. 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. JOIN ONE of Western Canada’s fastest growing tire chains today! TreadPro Tire Centres is always looking for new members. TreadPro offers group controlled distribution through our five warehouses located in BC, AB, and SK. Exclusive brands and pricing for each TreadPro Dealer, 24/7 access to online ordering backed up with sales desk support. Our marketing strategies are developed for the specific needs of Western Canadian Dealers. Signage, displays, vehicle identification, group uniforms also important for visual impact and recognition are affordable with the support of the TreadPro Group. Product and sales training arranged according to your needs. Exclusive territory protection, reinforced with individual territory managers and home office support. Find out more about the unique features of the TreadPro group today. Our team will be happy to arrange a personal meeting with you to further discuss how TreadPro is the right fit. Contact 1-888-860-7793 or go online to
PRIME BUSINESS in the Northwestern part of Saskatchewan. Industrial services and sale. Excl #167. Dorothy Lehman 306-446-8800, Re/Max of the Battlefords North Battleford, SK. COMMERCIAL SIGN BUSINESS for sale serving southern Sask. CSA approved sign manufacturer. Installation and service provider for various national and local businesses. Includes inventory, customer list, trucks and equipment. $389,000. Building available for lease. Serious inquiries only. Email or fax 306-525-3533, Regina, SK.
BOOMING BUSINESS in Assiniboia, SK. 3000 sq. ft. car/truck wash with water vending. Completely upgraded, renovated. Low maintenance. Reduced $599,900 OBO. 306-640-8569.
DOG AND CAT BORDERING Kennel near Medicine Hat, AB. New building, 32 luxury kennels supplied by Mason Co. Extensive outdoor fencing for easy care. Lots of trees w/newer home (2008) plus 2nd for staff or added revenue. RunTURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! residence creek on 60 acres, 7 kms from city. New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for ning sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. Large client list. 403-529-1876. Located on 3 acres with great location on ALBERTA BUSINESSES FOR SALE: highway. Great customer base! Selling due Motels, Three Hills, Trochu and Coaldale; to health concerns. Serious inquiries Gravel Pits, Crossfield, N. of Cochrane; only please! Call 306-232-4767. Development Land, Calgary, Langdon, Ardrie; Farmland, Calgary and Crossfield; Rural Hotels, taverns, VLTs, rooms, offsales. Bruce McIntosh, ReMax Landon, 403-256-3888, or visit WAKAW, SK. COMMERCIAL/ Residential/ farmland properties for sale. Call 306-233-7405. RESTAURANT/EQUIPMENT FOR SALE in Vermilion, AB, (5030-49th Ave). 2380 sq ft, walk-in cooler, freezer, full line of china, cutlery and assorted related chattels, A/C, water conditioning system. Lots of street parking plus on site parking. Built 1988. Lot 75’x120’. MLS#46496. Call for a viewing or more info, toll free 1-866-262-1649, website: STABLE, PROFITABLE CUSTOM seed cleaning establishment located on primary highway with loyal satisfied clientele. Exc. returns with abundant upside potential. Training included. Call 306-259-4982, 306-946-7446 cell, Young, SK. FOR SALE BY RETIRING OWNER: Logging and sawmill operation in Bissett, MB. Includes: 11 acres property; 750 cord (1875 cu. meters) yearly government soft wood quota; sawmill; planer; feller buncher; 3 skidders; slasher; dozer and misc. equipment. Property has electricity w/good road adjacent and access to sewer and water. Bissett is a gold mine town in the middle of hunting and fishing paradise, $350,000. For more info. 204-635-2625 or 204-268-5539 (cell). LOOKING FOR A new home based business? We are looking for distributors for all areas for one of the fastest growing companies in Canada. Fantastic income opportunity and growth potential! Join a dynamic team and be part of a new healthy lifestyle and wellness movement! This has already changed our lives, what are you waiting for? For more info call: Sandra at 780-808-1767 or check out the website at You’ll be glad you did! COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE: Quaint, friendly cafe, special coffees, home cooked meals, fully equipped, patio seats 48 inside, located on busy street in Assiniboia, SK. For more details call Big Sky Real Estate Ltd., 1-866-850-4444.
OWN YOUR OWN Business. Looking for online trainers. Flexible hrs, work from home. Free information and training.
ANITA EHMAN MEDIATION And Consulting Services, C MED. Extensive experience in farmer/lender cases. Confidential, professional service. Regina, SK, 306-761-8081,
FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Regina, SK.
NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says no? If yes to above three call 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020.
WWW.EHAIL.CA Crop Hail Insurance Compare lowest prices & all options. Call 888-539-2485 WWW.EHAIL.CA
BUIT CUSTOMER SERVICES for manure hauling. 3 trucks, Bunning vertical beaters, G P S , a n d w e i g h s c a l e o n l o a d e r. 403-588-1146, Blackfalds, AB. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1900; 160x60x14’ $2700; 180x60x14’ $3100; 200x60x14’ $3500. Saskatoon, SK, Phone: 306-222-8054. FROESE CUSTOM SWATHING, M150 MacDon swathers w/30’ header attach. and GPS. Will swath grain and canola. In AB and SK. 403-952-4422, Bow Island, AB. MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, stumps, carriganas, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly mulching. Call today! 306-933-2950. Visit: CUSTOM BALING, $12./bale, 1200 lb. bales. Custom mowing w/16’ haybine, $16./acre. Call Eric 306-858-2333 or 306-858-7507, Lucky Lake, SK.
TONY’S MOBILE WELDING will do welding jobs around Regina, SK. area. 306-537-5769. NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and USED KINGS CHOICE 250 lb. SS Smoker, v e r t i c a l b e a t e r s p r e a d e r s . P h o n e humidity controlled, $20,500. Call Vern, 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. 306-781-2830, 306-536-5330, Regina, SK.
FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.
CUSTOM LARGE SQUARE BALING. Green Ridge Farms Ltd. Now booking, cutting, raking, baling and stacking. Modern equipment, reasonable rates, great service. Mark 306-570-5454, Canora, SK
WANTED: CUSTOM COMBINER for approx. 7000 acres on large grain farm. Call for details 306-287-8062, Watson, SK.
C U STO M SW ATH ING F la t R o ck F a r m s
30 6-5 36-5 1 1 8
JD 260 SKIDSTEER, 2500 hrs, asking $14,000. 604-826-6482 Abbotsford, BC. HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK MACK E6-350 ENGINE and trans., fits up to 1994 truck, $12,000 work order spent on engine in last 6 yrs.; 10 yard alum. gravel box. 306-445-9867, Battleford, SK. 1999 ELGIN PELICAN street sweeper, 20,000 miles, $14,900; 2005 Johnson s t r e e t s we e p e r w i t h 1 1 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , $29,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Ituna, SK. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027. DL #910885. 2000 VOLVO 240 hyd. excavator, hyd. thumb, two buckets, vg cond., 780-284-5500, Edmonton, AB.
WANTED: CUSTOM COMBINER for approx. 5,000 to 12,000 acres on large grain farm with great facilities. Land is well grouped this year and consecutively. Call Sam for details 306-873-9868, Tisdale, SK. FIELD HARVESTING LTD. is looking for acres in southern Sask, Alberta and Peace Country. 2 JD combines with MacDon 2006 HITACHI 200 excavator; 2001 FD70 headers, pickup heads, and grain Western Star semi; 2000 50 ton 10’ wide hauling. Call 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. lowbed; One tandem end dump. 204-648-4902, Gilbert Plains, MB. TO BE SOLD by auction, August 18, Maidstone, SK. 10:00 AM: 2005 Cat 236B skidKSW CUSTOM CHOPPING, JD SP chop- steer, 500 hrs.; 2011 Melroe Lt313 trenchper, live bottom trucks, 20 yrs. experience, er unused to fit a skidsteer; Terex TS14B reasonable rates. For all your alfalfa cereal w/2 rebuilt trannys; 2006 DominatorLand a n d c o r n s i l a g e n e e d s c a l l K e v i n Pride 15’ rotory mower; 1997 Case 580 306-947-2812, 306-221-9807, Hepburn SK Super2 backhoe; two JD 4020 powershift UNRUH FARM SERVICES custom chop- tractors with FELs, plus large selection of ping grasses, cereals, corn. Will travel. Call shop tools and trucks. For more informaWarren 204-662-4494 or 204-851-1751, tion call Roy Davis at 306-893-7721, or go to for full listing Cromer, MB. and photos. Cal Donald Auctioneering ERW CUSTOM SILAGING for alfalfa and PL#907045 cereal crops at reasonable rates. To book 2006 NH LT185B skidsteer, dsl., cab with call 306-370-0776, Hague, SK. heat, 2200 hrs., $22,000; 2004 ASV RC50 FEITSMA SERVICES is booking for 2012! skidsteer, dsl., 1306 hrs., cab, bucket, fork, New reliable equipment. Both trucks and $17,000. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. high speed tractors w/high floatation CAT 46A D8 equipped for bush, powerchain-out trailers are available. Referenc- shift, pup start, undercarriage 85%. Call es available upon request. Call Jason Jim Lynch at 306-722-7770, Osage, SK. 306-381-7689, Hague, SK. OMEGA 20, 1982 crane, 80’ boom, CUSTOM SILAGING AVAILABLE: For grass P&H cert., $36,500. Danny Spence, and cereal crops. 10 and 12’ baggers current available. Reasonable rates. Call Josh at Speers, SK. Ph: 306-246-4632. 2001 CAT 312C excavator, 2 buckets, hyd. 306-529-1959, Davin, SK. thumb, $34,500; Mechanic’s Special: Cat ALLAN DAIRY is taking bookings for the 14 and 12 graders, $7500 for both; JD 2012 silage season. All crops. Will travel. 490D excavator, 2 buckets, hyd. thumb, 204-371-1367 or 204-371-7302, Manitoba. $16,500. 250-547-8993, Lumby, BC CUSTOM SILAGING for alfalfa, cereal and 2001 JD 750 CRAWLER, 6-way dozer, c o r n c r o p s . B o o k n o w. C a l l B e n wide pads and winch, very low hours. 306-744-7678, Saltcoats, SK. 780-284-5500, Westlock, AB. GILBRAITH FARM SERVICES now taking W R E C K I N G 1 9 6 8 D 7 E c r a w l e r, S N bookings for 2012 silage season. Claas for- #48A10609, power shift trans., tilt, scrapager, trucks, mowing, swathing, packing er winch, new reman turbo, glow plug and bagging services available. Call Peter heads. 204-326-3109, Steinbach, MB. 204-379-2843, 204-745-0092, St. Claude, D6D Cat angle dozer, dual tilt, Carco 50 MB. Check us out on Facebook! winch, 300 hrs. on new rails, good running condition, $27,500 OBO. 306-278-2048, 306-230-6644, Porcupine Plain, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, with 2 trucks RADIATOR CORE- rebuilt and cleaned for and trailers, 34 bales per trailer. Call 7G Cat. Still in crate. Contact Jim Lynch at 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. 306-722-7770, Osage, SK. D6R-XW 2001 6-way, complete history file, UC 70%, $165,000. Phone Ron 780-842-1908, 780-842-2195, WainBRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective wright, AB, way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk 1989 JD 544E payloader, 4-1/2 yard Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Al- bucket, 20.5x25 tires 50%+, $39,500 OBO. 780-307-4662, Clyde, AB. bert, SK. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and bobcat services. Metal siding and roofs. Will do any kind of work. 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith SK, RANCHOIL CONTRACTING LTD. has 3 vertical beater truck mounted manure spreaders and JD wheel loader for hire in NW SK. and NE AB. For all your corral cleaning needs please call David or Joanna 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. TURBO CORRAL CLEANING. Two trucks with spreaders and Cat. Reasonable rates. 306-228-2466, 306-228-8355, Unity, SK. MAGILL FARM & FIELD SERVICES is now booking swathing acres for the 2012 cropping season. Late model MacDon swathers. For all your swathing needs email: or call Ivor at 403-894-5400, Lethbridge, AB.
LOW LOW PRICES, Partial listing, over 700 pieces of equipment and attachments in our Winnipeg and Hwy No. 1 yards. 20 crawlers, loaders and tractors; 7 skidsteers; 2 walk behind Toro Dingo’s; 85 skidsteer attachments; sweepers and attachments; 2 Case 580C 2 WD backhoe loader; Backhoe attachments; 4 post pounders; 20 rakes for Crawlers, loaders and excavators; 150 buckets for loaders, tractors and excavators; Ditch bank mower and others; 12 water pumps from 2” to 10”; 5 tree chippers; 60 light plants from 3 to 193 kw; 15 fire engines; 3 fire engines w/100’ ladders; Kenworth and Western Star pair, $9500; 35 forklifts and over 50 sets of pallet forks; 400 new and used hyd. cylinders; 700 pieces of new corrated galv. metal sheets; IH 1850 truck w/34,000 kms, only $9500; large manlift 80’ reach; 5 to 40 ton Peterbilt cranes; 150 new and used const. and farm tires; 1/2” cable (used) 10,000’ only, $0.59/ft; 14 and 18 yd. Reynolds and Icon hyd. scrapers; New 12 volt inline fuel pumps, 36-PM only $59/ea; New 12 volt tractor lights, $19; New HD 3 PH top links, only $99. Ph. 204-667-2867, fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.
12’ 6-WAY MINI PULL DOZERS; 8’ to 14’ tilt land levelers. 403-312-4202, Linden, AB. CAT D6B, SN 1134, standard shift w/Johnson bar and hyd. angle dozer, good undercarriage, pup start. Tractor in good shape, ready to work, $15,000 OBO. 204-669-9626, Winnipeg, MB.
2006 D-6-R CAT Series II LGP, less than 1000 hrs. on UC, quad rails, S-dozer w/tilt, cab and canopy, new paint, 6670 hrs., $150,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB.
CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at 2006 TELEHANDLER DIECI/DEGELMAN 4WD, 6000 lb. lift, 21’ reach, 900 hrs., ROPS, forks, asking $31,500; 2006 Thomas skidsteer 153, 1240 hrs., asking $13,900. Call 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.
PARTING OUT: 1969 Cat D8H crawler dozer, powershift, 16’ dozer. Battleford, SK., Garry 306-441-1648, 306-937-7368. CAT 936E LOADER, 3 yard bucket, Quik coupler, 3rd valve, reasonable, service records. 780-990-9604, Edmonton, AB. THREE 621 CAT Motorscrapers, 23H Series, canopy, $25,000 each. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. 2005 CAT 950G Series II wheel loader; 2008 Case 580 Super M Series III back hoe; 2008 Case 450 skidsteer; 2006 Hitachi ZX270 LC hyd. excavator, 2 buckets; 2006 325DL hyd. excavator, 2 buckets; 2004 Cat 325CL hyd. excavator, 2 buckets; 2001 Cat 420D 4x4 extend-a-hoe loader backhoe. 780-361-7322, Edmonton, AB.
EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini excavators. Visit for more details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone 1-888-708-3739, Prince Albert, SK. TWO TEREX 3305 ridged frame trucks for sale, lots of extra parts, $50,000/ea. 306-634-9911, Estevan, SK.
CAT IT28G LOADER, quick change, bucket, forks, 3rd valve, exc. cond., service records. 780-990-9604, Edmonton, AB.
3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. 1986 KENWORTH TANDEM HT740 Detroit diesel, 6V92TA, Allison auto, 74,500 kms, 2180 hrs. 780-852-8685, Jasper, AB. DIESEL AND GAS ENGINES for tractors, combines and swathers. JD, IH, Perkins, Cat, Ford. Early and late models. One year w a r r a n t y. P h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 . 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regina, SK
1996 CAT 416B loader/backhoe, 8892 hrs., 4x4, extend-a-hoe, full cab w/heat, 24” digging bucket, excellent condition, $26,900. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. CASE 450 CRAWLER dozer, 6 way blade, $17,500; Cat 931 crawler loader, $13,500. Minitonas, MB. 204-525-4521
REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 24v 5.9L Cummins, $7500 installed; GM Duramax - Ford 6.0L, $8500 installed. Other new, used, and Reman. diesel engines available. Call 204-532-2187, 8 AM to 5:30 PM Mon. to Fri., Thickett Engine Rebuild- WANTED: MINNEAPOLIS 708; Fuel injection pump for Perkins diesel or Fordson ing, Binscarth, MB. major longhorn; Also need new rebuilt or USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Spe- very good head for 382 MH (model 55 or cializing in Cummins, have all makes, large 555) gas engine. Not a wheeler/dealer, inventory of parts, repowering is our spe- going to a good home. 403-227-4071. cialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.
FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK.
PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase CAT 621 HYDRAULIC pull scraper, vg motors, on single phase. 204-800-1859. cond., $31,000; also Brandt 5000EX grain CAT 972G wheel loader, 2001, S/N vac, $12,500. 306-730-0300, Grayson, SK. #7LS00409, 26.5x25 tires, 15,000 hrs., $ 9 5 , 0 0 0 F. O . B . P l u m C o u l e e , M B . LOW HOURED CATERPILLAR and other heavy equipment. Crawlers, loaders, exca204-795-9192. vators and trucks. 815-239-2309, Illinois. BUCKET 3 YARD LOADER, new/unused, BOE, reasonable. Call Ken 780-990-9604, 1991 CHAMPION 720 grader, Cummins eng., 8 spd. powershift, 14’ mold board, Edmonton, AB. snow wing, 9,000 hrs, $30,000; 41’ Carelift telehandler, 5.9 Cummins, 3 spd. auto, $21,000. Terry 306-554-8220, Dafoe, SK.
G RAI N H AND LI NG & STO RAG E w w w .skyw aygrainsystem HU TCHIN SO N G rain Pum ps LA M BTO N Bucket Elevators LA M BTO N Drag Conveyors (Seed Com patible Conveyors) Rail Load-O ut System s Pulse Crop Equipm ent W ESTEEL G rain Bins SU KU P A eration & Bins G rain G uard Bins and A eration
18’ DECK WITH HIAB picker plus PTO, plus pump, $4900. Call 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, custom conversions avail. Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd, 306-231-7318,306-682-4520,Muenster SK. 1976 D5 CAT, 12,877 hrs, 10’ blade, 3 spd. powershift, good running condition, asking $20,000. 204-746-5165, St. Jean, MB.
N E W 1 0 ’ A N D 1 2 ’ B I G D O G B OX SCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, avail. in 24’’ and 42” high back. Starting at $3600. Also new B.I.L. box scrapers and centre pivot up to 20’. Wholesale pricing to western provinces. or call CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 204-871-1175 or 1-866-862-8304. 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. TELEHANDLER: 2003 Manitou MLT 633 LS, 5800 hrs, ideal for feedlot. Conquest JD 772CH, 2004, AWD, 14’ MB, 17.5 tires, ripper, 7750 hrs., $95,000. Ripper (new), Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK fits Cat 140M. 403-291-1010, Calgary, AB. GRADALL XL5200 Telescopic excavator, 31” tracks, 70” bucket, $35,000 F.O.B. 2003 CAT 928 WHEEL LOADER, 13,000 hrs., 3rd valve, 2 3/4 yard bucket, tires 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. 60%, vg condition, $62,000. 780-963-0641 SKIDSTEERS: BOBCAT S220, Cat 277B. or 780-203-9593, Stony Plain, AB. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, OxCAT HYD. PULL SCRAPERS: 463, 435, bow, SK. 621, 80, 70, and 60, all very good cond., EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, Doz- r e c e n t c o n v e r s i o n . C a n d e l i v e r. ers, Loaders, Compactors, etc. Conquest 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB. Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. WHEEL LOADERS: 1997 CAT 928G, AC ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull c a b, n ew t i r e s , c o u p l e r, Au t o S h i f t , behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ $52,900; 2004 KOMATSU WA250-5, 3rd blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterpris- valve, aux hyd, quick coupler bucket, 7800 es, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Hum- hrs, $59,900; 1992 JD 544E, quick coupler bucket, $35,500; 1990 JD 544E, 3rd boldt, SK, valve, aux hyd, 4-in-1 bucket, new tires, 2004 CATERPILLAR 226B-2 skidsteer, exc. $35,500. LOADER BACKHOES: Four cond. all around, $14,500. 204-727-0925 CASE 580SM’s, years 2002, 2004 and or 204-726-9414, Brandon, MB. 2006 all w/cab, extend-a-hoe, 4WD, good CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model rubber, $31,500 to $40,000; Three DEER D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, 310G’s, 2004, all w/cab, extend-a-hoe, hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 4WD, exc. rubber, aux hyd, 3200 hrs, $39,900. 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. leave message, Humboldt, SK. DOEPKER 32’ TRIDEM gravel trailer, elec. tarp, new safety, new brakes; Cat 966H FOUR CAT 463 cable pull scrapers to choose from. F.O.B. Plum Coulee, MB., loader, scale. 403-837-2343, Calgary, AB. 204-325-2550. STEEL SERVICE TOOL BOX, for 1/2 ton, 3/4 or 1 ton truck, 6 compartments. 79” wide, 8’ long. Good shape, $1000 OBO. 204-669-9626, Winnipeg, MB. 1990 CASE 580K extend-a-hoe, 6300 hrs., good condition, $22,500 OBO. 306-287-4119, 306-231-8173 Englefeld SK
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CUMMINS 99 HP diesel engine, brand new, never run. Mounted on factory rails w/factory rad. and intercooler. Perfect replacement for the engine in your swather or as a power unit. Paid over $16,500, Asking $9500 OBO. 306-381-8839, email:
WISCONSIN MOTOR PARTS for VG4D: Crank shaft, heads, fly wheel, starter, manifold and carb, $1000 OBO. 204-669-9626, Winnipeg, MB.
DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB.
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ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings, 24” to 42” notched disc YANUSH ENTERPRISES custom built blades. pull dozers, various sizes. Call John at 306-876-4989, 306-728-9535, Goodeve SK 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. CAT D7, hyd. angle dozer sweeps, canopy, and ripper, excellent condition. Delivery Your source for new,used, aftermarket and rebuilt available. 780-284-5500, Westlock, AB. Cat parts. OEM Dealers for Prime-Tech Mulchers and CASE 680 BACKHOE, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, cab with heat, very clean, runs excellent. Hyundai Excavator’s and Wheel Loaders. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK.
Let us source ALL your heavy equipment parts. Regardless of manufacturer.
1994 D4 CATERPILLAR Series III, LGP, 6-way dozer, cab and heater, powershift trans, 4200 hrs, UC estimated at 60%. R i c h a r d Po r t e r 3 0 6 - 8 6 4 - 7 7 4 9 c e l l , 306-864-2522, Kinistino, SK. D7E HH STANDARD and winch; Also one D7 rebuilt engine. Phone 780-322-2535, Peace River, AB. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40 yards: Caterpillar, AC/LaPlant, LeTourneau, etc. pull-type and direct mount available; Bucyrus Erie 20 yard cable, $5000; pull-type motor grader, $14,900; tires available. Phone 204-822-3797, Morden, MB.
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See us for competitive prices and efficient service!
AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, For the customer that prefers quality. convex and rigid frame straight walls, 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskahog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins toon and northwest Behlen Distributor, and hoppers. Construction and concrete Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Osler, SK. Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK.
1-866-974-7678 FREE QUOTE
SLIDING DOORS FOR Behlin Curvet building. Call: 306-771-2527, Edenwold, SK.
A ls o S pecia lizing in NU-FORM
EX CELLENT FOR B A RNS & COM M ERCIA L B UILDINGS â&#x20AC;˘ In s u la te d â&#x20AC;˘ Bright â&#x20AC;˘ Ea s y to C le a n â&#x20AC;˘ No thin g to Ro t
Buildin g Com p a n y (2005) In c.
O rde r N O W for 2012 Cons tru c tion
3 h/>d3/E3,KhZ^3dK3>4^d343>/& d/D
â&#x20AC;˘ H igh P ro file â&#x20AC;˘ B ig O verh ea d Do o rs â&#x20AC;˘ Eq uip m en t â&#x20AC;˘ Gra in â&#x20AC;˘ F ertilizer â&#x20AC;˘ P o ta to es â&#x20AC;˘ S h o p s
1-888-6 92-5515 D errick - Cell
306 -6 31-8550
w w w .z ip p e rloc k .c om
CAL L : 3 06 229 3 749
E -m a il: d ia m o n d co n crete@ s a s k tel.n et
Factory To Farm Grain Storage Galvanized â&#x20AC;˘ Flat Floor â&#x20AC;˘ Hopper Bins Smooth Walls â&#x20AC;˘ Fertilizer â&#x20AC;˘ Grain â&#x20AC;˘ Feed Aeration â&#x20AC;˘ Rockets â&#x20AC;˘ Fans â&#x20AC;˘ Heaters Temp Cables Authorized Dealer
Saskatoon, SK
Phone: 306-373-4919
BIN MOVERS. Lil Truck Hauling Ltd. Good rates, call for more information. Merle or Fred 306-338-8288, 306-338-3921. LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK.
Canadian Built Insurance Certified Bin Anchors
PH:306-445-5562 WINTER STOCK: 6- 3500 bu. Behlen bin/ hopper combos, $9995 FOB Regina, SK. Ask for Len 306-789-2444.
14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hopper 8 Leg H/Duty ..............$2,4 50 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hopper 7 Leg S/Duty ..............$2,325 SKID BASE & AERAT IO N EX T RA C HARG E
306-324-4441 M ARG O ,SASK.
YOUNGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EQUIPMENT INC. Spring bag a n d b a g g e r p r o m o o n n o w ! WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer 1-800-803-8346. bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.
Es te va n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 3 4-5111 M cLe a n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 9 9 -728 4 Tis da le , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-8 73 -443 8
w w w .w ood-coun FAR M BUILD IN G S :
â&#x20AC;˘ Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e â&#x20AC;˘ Po s tBu ild in gs â&#x20AC;˘ En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs
C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 60x120 - 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tre a te d 6x6 po s tb ld g. c/w 42x20 b ifo ld d o o r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,330.64 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.
M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~
%22. 12: 72 6(&85( 35,&,1* '(/,9(5< /($6( <285 %,16 83 72 <($5 7(506 $9$,/$%/(
29 g u . G a lva n ized Ultra Vic. M eta l Cla d d in g 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ $ $ IN C R E A S E S AS K ABO UT O $UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT 0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Grain Bin Direct
Fen ce Po sts & Ba rb w ire
FOUR 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; STEEL grain rings, 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; walls, w/tarps, wall anchors, edge coverings, hardware, used 1 season, excellent cond., $1500 ea. OBO. 306-576-2111, Wishart SK
$// +233(5 %,1 &20%2 6 ,1&/8'( 7+(6( 67$1'$5' )($785(6 8167,))(1(' 6,'(:$// 3$1(/6 :$// 522) /$''(56 5(027( /,' 23(1(56 6$)(7< ),// 6$)(7< 5,1* 5$&. 3,1,21 *$7(6 0$1 +2/( $&&(66 ,1 &21(
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5($'< 72 6+,3 &5(:6 $9$,/$%/(
w w w .go o do m
Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds
1-800-665-0470 S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 O lds O ffice 403-586-0311 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822
BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; diameter, 34â&#x20AC;&#x2122; high, with or without floors. Call Lorne 306-468-7916, Canwood, SK. 8 1615 FRIESEN FERTILIZER BINS. All excellent cond; No skids. 4 have aeration and fan, $10,000 for non-air bins, $11,000 for others; 2- 1350 bu. Trail-Rite hopper bins c/w aeration and fan, no skid, $4000 each. Can send pics. 306-631-7099, Moose Jaw, SK. Email 3150 BEHLEN; 3100 Butler; 3750 WesteelRosco; 1950 Metel Industries; 2 - 1650 Metel Industries; 3 - 1650 Friesens w/air; 1850 Stor King; 3000 Westeel-Rosco on cone. 204-855-2167, Griswold, MB. BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. APPROX. 2000 BU. Westeel Rosco bin on Westeel Rosco hopper. 306-752-3820, 306-921-9920, Melfort, SK.
â&#x20AC;˘ 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; GRAIN BAGGER M ODEL AV AIL ABL E â&#x20AC;˘ 16 â&#x20AC;? (10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; M ODEL ) & 20â&#x20AC;? (12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;) FIL L IN G AUGER â&#x20AC;˘ UP TO 550 BU./ M IN . CAPACITY New La rger Ca pa city 30â&#x20AC;? Gra in Conveyor A va ila b le for 2012
REN N M ill Cen ter In c.
(403) 78 4-3518
w w w .ren n m m
FIVE 3300 BU. Westeel Rosco bins, must 10 USED 2250 BU. WESTEEL ROSCO be removed off concrete. $3300/ea. Ph: bins on new SDL hopper cones, 2x4x4 skid 306-843-3315, 306-843-7853, Wilkie, SK. 220 ladder, openers, $6000 each; Aeration USED LARGE GRAIN bin hydraulic jack set. a d d $ 5 9 5 . Tr u c k i n g av a i l a b l e . P h 306-324-4441, SDL, Margo, SK. 306-759-2572, Eyebrow, SK.
Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld
Em a il: s a les @m kw eld
14’ HOPPER CONE up to 2000 bu. bin with 8x4 skid, 7 legs
18-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 5000 bu.) with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs
Only $11,065.00
19’ HOPPER CONE up to 4000 bu. bin with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs
24-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 9000 bu.) with double 8x4 skid, 16 legs
Only $19,295.00 O ther Skid Sizes Available.
GRAIN BIN LADDERS 90”, $50 each, fits BEHLIN 6500 BUSHEL hopper bottom bin, m o s t g r a i n b i n s . A s k f o r L e n Westeel 2200 and 200 bushel hopper bot306-789-2444, Regina, SK. tom bins, Westeel Rosco 3900 and 3300 bushel bins on cement, Stor King 70 ton CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types fertilizer hopper bin. Ron Carriere Farm up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Equipment Auction, Saturday, August 11, Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 2 0 1 2 , E s t e v a n , S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. for sale CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 avail. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. USED 50 TON fertilizer bin, $5800. 306-472-3000, Lafleche, SK. WESTEEL ROSCO BINS no floors: 6- 1650 bu. $1500 each; 1- 3300 bu. $3000. FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper 306-252-2227, Kenaston, SK. cone and steel floor requirements contact: TWO WESTEEL BINS, 4400 bu., no floor, Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: $2000 each. Call 306-287-8062, Watson, 1-888-304-2837. SK. 4 USED WESTEEL DOORS, 1980’s, 2 tier, ASSORTED STEEL GRAIN bins, w/wood $250. each. 306-658-4579, 306-843-7046, floors, 1 wood hopper bin, 2000-5000 bu., Wilkie, SK. $1/per bushel. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, SK. Email:
W e m ake H opper Cones for allm akes of bins. Also SteelFloors & Skid Packs.
2700 BUSHEL 3 compartment railcar, w/3 HP aeration fan and railroad tie base, $1800. 306-638-4507, 306-535-7117, Bethune, SK.
2009 PRO GRAIN bagger, w/hopper, used t w i c e , a l w ay s s h e d d e d , e x c . c o n d . , 306-259-2004, Watrous, SK.
Prices subjectto change – Q uantities are Lim ited.
• Fla tBo tto m & Ho ppe rG ra in Bin Te c hn o lo gy • M o s tOptio n s Are S ta n d a rd Equ ipm e n tOn Ou rBin s !
• Re pla c e yo u ro ld flo o rs a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u s he ls c a pa c ity to yo u r e xis tin g b in s . • No m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . Ou rpa te n te d JTL d o o r is gu a ra n te e d to m a ke yo u s m ile e ve rytim e yo u u s e it!
S a s k a tchew a n /Alb erta 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 S tettler, AB 1-78 0-8 72-49 43 S o u th/Ea s tS a s k a tchew a n , M a n ito b a & U.S .A., 1-306 -224-208 8
Ava ila b le in Cu s to m s izes u p to 122,000 ga llo n ca pa city.
Pio n eerCo -o p S w iftCu rren t|Tu rtlefo rd |Ha ffo rd S hellb ro o k |Prin ce Alb ert|L a n d is Ro s eto w n |Tu ga s k e |S o u thla n d Co -o p As s in ib o ia M ed icin e Ha t|Dru m heller|V ird en
s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca
w w w N E IL BU RG , S A S K ATCH E W A N
306-934-1414 (5) 5742 BU. BEHLEN grain tanks, $1./bu. L o c a t e d n e a r L l o y d m i n s t e r, A B . 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB.
Unique Features
BBB BIN CONSTRUCTION- Erections, extensions and repairs in SK. Fully insured. 306-716-3122, Eston, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. CUSTOM BIN MOVING SASK. ONLY. Up to 21’ diameter. 306-220-7915, Marty, Blaine Lake, SK.
NOB OD Y B EATS OUR P RICES If a n y co m petito rtries - W e w illBea t theirprice G UARAN TEED !
Direct To Customers
Lease at 3.95%
Self Unloading Trailers
Set up
Trained crews w/pickers
5 year bin/20 year floor
1 year Set-up
Yo rk to n S K - S ervic ing Alb
BEHLEN HOP P ER COM BO S P ECIALS Pa ck a g e of(2)-10,000Bu Com bo- $50,000.00 or$2 .50PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-9000Bu Com bo-$46,000.00 or$2 .55PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-7200Bu Com bo-$37,000.00 or$2 .56PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-6200Bu Com bo-$32 ,000.00 or$2 .58PerBu
S AKUNDIAK HOP P ER COM BO S P ECIALS Pa ck a g e of(3)-3400Bu Com bo- $2 7,000.00 or$2 .64PerBu Pa ck a g e of(3)-5000Bu Com bo-$37,600.00 or$2 .51PerBu Allco m b o s c/w Au to Lid O pen ers, La d d ers, S kid s a n d La b o u r. Freight,A irS ys tem s and Leas ing A v ailable.
TWO HOPPER BOTTOM BINS, Weninger (Westeel) high profile, smooth wall, 102 tonne, roof and wall ladders, aeration tubes, triple 4x4 skids, roof inspection lids, lid openers. 306-586-0265, Langbank, SK.
D ARM AN I G RAIN S TO RAG E 1-86 6 -6 6 5-6 6 77 One Phone Call = One Best Price GUARANTEED Design
TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/SAKUNDIAK Quality GRAINBAGS BINS. Book now for best prices. Example all prices include skid, ladders to ground, 9’, 10’ and 12’. manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. Have dealers in Saskatchewan. $10,450; SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We Call 403-994-7207 manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know or 780-206-4666 what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well ex- ceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of BEHLEN GRAIN BINS. 3- 11,300 bu. on 21’ bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services concrete floors; 6- 5700 bu. on 19’ concrete floors, all with aeration and 3 phase Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK. power, .60¢ per bushel. 306-469-2178 or TWO MERIDIAN HOPPER BINS, 3415 306-469-7731, Big River, SK. bu., 15” air tubes, $9400 each; two Behlen LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stockbins, 2911 bu., to be taken off concrete. ing dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid $2900 each. 306-530-7993, Pense, SK. Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. FIVE 2400 BU. BUTLER bins on cement, MERIDIAN GRAIN MAX 4000 and 5300 $2000 each. 403-634-1373, Enchant, AB. bu. bins are in stock and ready for immediate delivery. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 306-934-2121, or visit NEW V-BIN AND GOEBEL bin dealer, fertierta , S a s ka tc hew a n & M a nitob a lizer, grain, feed, sand bins available, see us at 306-537-6241, Sedley, SK.
Fla tb ottom w / S teel floor a nd Air (4300-20,000 bushels) Hop p er b ins w / s kid a nd Air (4750 bushel) La rge Dia m eter Bins w ith Unloa d a nd Full floor Aera tion Aeration Fans (3 hp –10 HP) Temp monitoring Systems Steel bin floors (14-30` in diameter)
w w w .Ca llBertF orSu ku p.c om
8” BIN SWEEP for 36’ bin; Hopper skids for 27’ Bridgeview cones; Remote bin lids, 22” and 27” dia; Approx. 1000’ 4.5” lay flat used water hose. Timothy 204-764-0532, Decker, MB. 12,500 BU. TWISTER BIN, 4000 bu. and 1650 bu., Westeel flat bottoms. Phone 306-424-7668, Montmartre, SK. GRAIN BINS: 2200-4750 bu., hoppered, some w/air tubes; 1500-2700 bu. flat bottoms; 2 hoppered fert. bins. Phone for details and prices 306-921-7277, Melfort, SK. GRAIN BAG EXTRACTORS- 9108 grain extractors for sale starting at $14,900. Reengineered auger drill, field ready! Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. 3500 BUSHEL BEHLIN hopper bottom, w/aeration insert, steel skids, $6200. Located Sedley, SK. Call 306-771-4209. GRAIN BINS 1350 to 2600 bu., 14 to 19’ diameter, some with floor. You pick and move .50¢/bu. 306-730-9814, Neudorf,SK. BINS FOR SALE: 5- 4000 bu. Westeel; 4-2900 bu. Behlen; 4- 3300 bu. Westeel; 2- 2500 bu. Westeel; 1- 3300 bu. Twister. .50¢/bu. Call Dave 306-354-7369 or Mike 306-354-7822, Mossbank, SK. USED 9’ MAINERO grain bagger with hopper, $16,995. Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626
O u rPrice
Check O u t
S u ku p 2 407 Un stiffen ed Bin s
20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. 306-933-0436.
(10,62 8 b u shels)
$9,990.00 Delivered W ithin 100 m iles o f S a ska to o n o rR egin a
n ly !
Do es n o tin clu d e a flo o r, o rerectio n . Pa cka ge in clu d es a n o u tsid e la d d er, rem o te lid o pen era n d a n a u gerchu te in d o o r. These a re u n stiffen ed b in s tha ta re b etterb y d esign fo rsteelflo o rs. S teelFlo o rs a va ila b le. S pecia lPu rcha se. O ffergo o d w hile sto ck la sts. S u b jectto cha n ge w itho u tn o tice. Alw a ys rea d the sm a llprin to n so m e co m petito r’s a d vertisem en ts.
Now offering Temporary Storage up to 60,000 bushel bins
C a ll BERT S a les Inc . (306) 664- 2378
HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l 306-757-2828, Regina, SK. USED SEA/STEEL Storage Containers for sale. 20’, 40’, 40’ HC, 48’ HC, etc. Guaranteed wind, water and rodent proof. Ask about modifications and accessories for your container (ramps, electrical kits, new paint, etc.) Call Bond Industrial Direct, 306-373-2236, 306-221-9630, Saskatoon, SK. SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK,
bushel pkg:
• • • • • • •
Ladder/Inspection hole LevAlert fill indicator 2-Mushroom Vents 12 leg Hopper Double 8x4” skid Manhole 6’-7000 Rocket aeration
14’ Cone with 8 legs and 8x4 skid
’ WR Sale on 14’ and 19 rs n tie hoppers, extentio es ag ck pa ll fi and door
Dwayne Enterprises Box 46 • Beatty, SK S0J 0C0 • Ph: 306-752-4445 Fax: 306-752-5574 •
+ setup and delivery (can be arranged)
• • • •
Call for all other DE hopper bin packages from 4000-19000 bushels! DE retrofit hopper bottoms from 9-27’ any brand bin Grain Guard Products (rockets, fans, heaters...) Bin Anchors Aeration socks
bushel pkg:
• • • • • • •
40’ STORAGE UNITS, solid, all steel, rodent and weatherproof storage container with lockable double doors and natural air vents, offers instant storage and ground level access, highly secure. Ideal for storage of farm equip., commercial and industrial goods. Will deliver. 1-866-676-6686. 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335.
Ladder/Inspection hole LevAlert fill indicator 2-Mushroom Vents 12 leg Hopper Double 8x4” skid Manhole V-Trough aeration
+ setup and delivery (can be arranged)
BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new and used sea containers, all sizes. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK.
EDWARDS GRAIN GUARD Helfer system from 4000 bu. Westeel. Phone 306-551-7434, Regina, SK. KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346 KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738.
2011 BATCO 1845 conveyor, with elec. motor mounting kit and wind guards. Reg. $19,225, Demo Special $15,250. Phone 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and leasing available. 1-866-746-2666.
2004 LOR-AL 6300 floater, AirMax 1000, 70’ booms, 3170 hrs., DT530, Allison auto, electric tarp, Midtech controller, Trimble CFX750 with EZ Pilot, $108,000. 250-263-4263, Fort St.John, BC. 50’ RITE-WAY BAR, liquid injection spoke wheel, 800 gal. tank w/John Blue pump. 40’ Dutch coulter liquid bar, offers. 306-642-3225 306-640-7149 Assiniboia SK 1997 LORAL FERTILIZER floater, Airmax 5, excellent condition. Phone 306-383-3599, Quill Lake, SK. FOR ALL YOUR
SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. SALE: WHEATHEART AUGERS: BH 8x51 w/mover, clutch and 30 HP, reg. $13,500, cash $11,750; BH 10x41 w/mover, clutch and 35 HP Vanguard, reg. $14,300, cash $12,500. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. 2005 FARM KING 13x85 grain auger, c/w hyd. swing auger, good condition, $10,000. 306-536-0891, Weyburn, SK. USED AUGERS, Check out our selection of used augers, like this 10”x36’ Wheatheart auger with diesel engine, $13,400. P h o n e F l a m a n S a l e s i n S a s k at o o n , 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626. S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.cb
8 ,000
10” X 70’ PTO DRIVE BRANDT GRAIN AUGER w /s w in g a w a y tra y M c Le a n , S K .
3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t BRANDT 13x70 AUGER, hydraulic lift on swing-away, used for grain only, very good condition. 306-338-2196, Wadena, SK. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS: Hawes SP kits and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and diesel. Call Brian “The Auger Guy” 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. Full Bin Alarm For your Safety and Convenience
Never Spill Spout Inc. !NEW MODEL! “NO SNAG SPOUT”!
Available now! Includes Flex Spouts Installation in 15 Min.
SPREADER/TENDER MAKES AND MODELS 3 days delivery to your farm
1 800 667 8800 USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 to 8 ton, 10 ton tender $2500. 1-866-938-8537 VERTICAL FERTILIZER TANK, 12,500 Imp. gal., stainless valves and sight gauge. 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK. FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gallon tanks avail. Contact your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit TERRAGATOR 50’ FERTILIZER spreader, excellent cond., $15,000. 306-693-2660, 306-681-9030, Moose Jaw, SK.
USED BATCO conveyors- model 2085 with swing away for $20,995 or a 90’ belt conveyor swing away for $24,385. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626.
• Po s itio n gra in a u ger o r co n veyo r in to b in rem o tely; N EW b y yo u rs elf. PRODUCT • Po w erfu l m a gn ets to a d here to gra in & co m b in e a u gers , co n veyo rs , etc. • Ca m era is w a terpro o f & co lo r w ith a u d io . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll
Brow n le e s Truckin g In c. Un ity, S K
306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98
*Alarm sounds when bin is full *No batteries needed *Light - convenient to move auger to different bin at night. *Available for 10, 13 and 16 inch augers
(Value Priced from $515 to $560+ shipping) - Over 2500 Spouts sold in Canada, USA
If you don’t like it and New Zealand send it back after - Proven Design Since 2003! harvest for a refund - Enclosed Sensor
1-866-860-6086 John and Angelika Gehrer Niverville, MB
NEW DESIGN! Wheatheart’s new R series auger is faster and stronger. Improved features include: higher capacity, larger bearings and a smooth, quiet operation. Come see this new auger at your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. 2001 SPRA-AIRE AUGER Model #4061, complete, excellent working order, asking $ 5 9 0 0 O B O. C a n d e l i ve r. C a l l We s 403-936-5572 anytime, Calgary, AB. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS. Innovative Hawes Agro auger movers, elec. clutches, bin sweeps, reversible gearboxes and all makes of engines. Call Bob at Hawes Industries, toll free 1-888-755-5575, your #1 auger dealer in Canada, for great cash prices. Regina, Saskatoon, Semans. THE HOPPER, THE LUMP BUSTER, ava i l a b l e at A s s i n i b o i a , S K . , p h o n e 306-642-3460
SAKUNDIAK AUGERS in stock. Variety of 2011 models still available in 8” and 10” sizes and lengths. Used 12”x72’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $14,900; 1- 2008 12”x78’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $15,900; 1-10”x72’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $6500; 1-2008 TL 10-1200, $3500; Convey-All conveyors available. All units have leasing options. Call Dale, Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-567-3285, 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 7 2 9 9 c e l l , D av i d s o n , S K ,
REPLACEMENT FLIGHTING FOR augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.
Rosetown Flighting Supply 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK
CIMBRIA DELTA MODEL 108 Super Cleaner, right hand model with center clean product discharge. Purchased new in 2000 and has seen approx. 15 million bu. of usage. Unit to be sold as is, shipping the responsibility of the purchaser. Tendered bid to be received by mail or in person by July 13, 2012. Three Hills & District Seed Plant reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids. For any further info. please contact Greg Andrews at 403-443-5464. Box 1235, Three Hills, AB. T0M 2A0. GRAIN CLEANING SCREENS and frames for all makes and models of grain cleaners. Housing Western Canada’s largest inventory of perforated material, we’ll set your cleaner up to your recommendation. Ask us about bucket elevators and accessories too! Call Flaman Grain Cleaning t o l l f r e e 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 3 5 - 2 6 2 6 . We b s i t e
45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.
1594 BRANDT CART, used 2 seasons, tarp, scale, 900 rubber, asking $82,500. HART UNIFLOW 32 PK-4 indent w/aspiraCall 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. tor; Silverline AS-10T air and screen dust CLEARANCE on all in stock 2011 J&M collection system; hyd. drive, variable spd. Grain carts. Tarp and scale options augers and conveyor legs; Katolight 40kW available. See your nearest Flaman store genset, 3 phase electric motors, 110V or call 1-888-435-2626. plug-ins, fully self-contained, 300-500 2011 KILLBROS Model 1950 1100 bu. cart, bu/hr., screens for wheat, barley, oats, scale, 900 Trelleborg tires, stored inside. peas, canary. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. Will trade for trackhoe. 306-752-3777, USED SEED CLEANERS: LMC model 601 306-921-6697, Melfort, SK. Destoner, 400 bu. per hour, $16,780; LMC DEGELMAN SHUTTLECART 800, tarp, both model 401 Gravity, 100 bu. per hour, large and small PTO shafts, good shape, $14,000; LMC Marc 500 Gravity, $40,000; Clipper 668-2-4, $38,500; Carter Day #3 $23,000. Ph. 403-485-8116, Vulcan, AB. Indent, $1800 each; Carter 6 roll Grader, 2010 BRENT 880 grain cart, c/w both hyd. $3000; Superior T4A Indent, $1200; and PTO drive, always shedded, like new. Northland large Grader drum $3500; Cart306-273-4301, Canora, SK. er Day 6 cyl. Indent, complete rebuild, $26,000. Steven 800-667-6924, Saskatoon J&M GRAIN CARTS- Order now to get your choice of options and pick your favorite colour. Now with the new Side Shooter, for a much farther reach! See your nearest Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626 2010 GSI 116 grain dryer, c/w propane tank, $50,000. 780-818-9414, Edmonton, or visit AB. 2010 DEGELMAN 1150 shuttle cart, PTO drive, adjustable unload auger, as new GSI 114 GRAIN DRYER, canola screens, propane, automatic batch/continuous condition. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. flow, excellent condition, $25,000 OBO. UNVERFERTH 7000, 750 bushel, VG, 204-745-0208, Haywood, MB. green, $24,000 OBO. 306-563-8482, FARM FAN AB120 AutoBatch grain dryer, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. natural gas/propane, canola screen. Ph: USED GRAIN CARTS: 450-1050 bushel. 306-725-7908, 306-484-4612, Govan, SK. Large selection. Excellent prices. New and used gravity wagons. 1-866-938-8537. 2009 BRENT 882 grain cart, PTO, tarp, $38,000; 1997 Bourgault 1100 bushel grain cart, w/new tarp, PTO, $27,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , $6,700; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection used gravity wagons 250-750 bu. Used grain carts 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537, 2004 BOURGAULT 1100 grain cart, new flighting, spare tire, exc. cond.; 12 bottoms 3700 JD plough, unused for 15 yrs. Call Romeo at 780-624-2166, Isidore, AB. 1991 BRENT UNVERFERTH grain wagon, 650 bu., like new, $15,000. 306-693-2660, 306-681-9030, Moose Jaw, SK.
FARM FANS GRAIN DRYER AB190 w/canola screen, low hrs, c/w augers, electric motors, and wiring. Phone 204-476-6024 or evenings 204-368-2421, Arden, MB.
NEW SUKUP GRAIN dryers, propane/NG, 2005 BOURGAULT 750, 800 tires, roll tarp, canola screens, 1 or 3 phase. Also some choice of PTO or hyd. motor, $32,000. used dryers available. Call Vince Zettler, 306-921-5402, 306-275-2296, St. Brieux 204-998-9915, BALZER 1250 TANDEM axle, Michel’s tarp, SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS. Largest and scales, 24” auger, 2 way rotating spout, quietest single phase dryer in the industry. joystick controlled, fire tank c/w pump Over 34 years experience in grain drying. and hose, all the options. $60,000. Call Moridge parts also avail. Grant Services Craig 306-530-7993, Pense, SK. Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK. 2010 J&M 875 grain cart, PTO, 30.5x32 NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price t i r e s , t a r p , l i k e n e w, $ 2 9 , 5 0 0 . savings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep 403-578-3308, Coronation, AB. fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . 2010 BRENT 1594 grain cart, c/w weigh 204-242-3300, scale, green in color, used 1 season, shedded, as new, $91,000. 306-536-0891, FARM FAN AB180A, LPG and nat. gas, sing l e p h a s e , 2 5 0 0 h r s , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. Weyburn, SK. 306-231-7218, Middle Lake, SK.
1 800 667 8800 AUGERS: NEW and USED. Wheatheart, Westfield, Sakundiak augers, Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. New and used. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666.
GRAINAIRTUBES AERATION BOOSTER • The Ae ra tio n Bo o s te r in c re a s e s the e ffic ie n c y o fe xis tin g a e ra tio n s ys te m s . • The pe rfo ra te d tu b e e a s e s a ir m o ve m e n tthro u gh the b in ’s pe a k. • Pro vid e s b e tte r a ir m o ve m e n t, re d u c in g d ryin g tim e a n d c u ttin g e le c tric ity c o s ts • S a ve s fa rm e rs tim e a n d m o n e y!
VENT-A-LID • No ha s s le b in ve n tila tio n . • 10” ho le re le a s e s he a t a n d m o is tu re . • C o m pa tib le w ith m o s tlid s & o pe n e rs . • Pre ve n ts pige o n pro b le m s . • Elim in a te s b in lid m a n a ge m e n t. • M a ke s yo u r life e a s ie r
CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.
CANAD IAN TAR P AUL IN M AN UFACTURERS L TD. SASKATOON, SK. Pho n e: (3 06 ) 9 3 3 -23 43 F a x: (3 06 ) 9 3 1-1003
T o ll F ree: 1-8 8 8 -226 -8 277 | W e b s ite : w w w .ca n ta rp .com
GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 306-764-2325. For all your grain drying needs! We are the GT grain dryer parts distributor. CLEAN SEED in your own yard. 26x24x25’ building, c/w seed cleaning equipment. For more information call 306-749-2745, LARGEST SUPPLIER of bucket elevator 306-961-7444 cell, Birch Hills SK. buckets and accessories in Western Cana1996 LMC GRAVITY table w/ small, medi- da. Call Sever’s Mechanical Services at um and large decks, $25,000 OBO. Phone 1-800-665-0847, Winnipeg, MB. For all Glen or Aaron 403-578-3810, Coronation, your bucket elevator upgrades and reAB. placement buckets. DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and NEW AG DUTY bucket elevators, 10-20’ Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, discharge height, 100-600 bu/hr. c/w or call tor, gearbox, buckets and hardware. Start204-857-8403. ing at $2195. 1000-10,000 bu/hr. caUSED F721 CARTER Day air and screen pacities also avail. Call Sever’s Mechanical cleaner w/o screens, $6000 OBO; 3 re- S e r v i c e s I n c . , W i n n i p e g , M B . a t pairable elevation legs w/4” cups, $2000 1-800-665-0847, email: ea. OBO. 780-322-3858, Nampa, AB. Email for pricing. ALUMINUM SIDING FOR grain elevators 200 BPH BUCKET elevator, 12’, $1000. called Manitoba Siding. Call 204-835-2493 Email: or call: or 204-647-2493, McCreary, MB. 306-249-2824, Unity, SK. 5” WALINGA GRAIN BLOWER SYSTEM DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, complete, c/w Walinga ultraveyor blower great for pulse crops, best selection in unit, airlock, 5” alum., 90 and 45 degree W e s t e r n C a n a d a . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , elbows, clamps and couplers. Bought in 306-946-7923, Young, SK. 2009. Call 306-231-9020, Humboldt, SK.
565A HESSTON 5x6 baler, large tires and kicker, good condition. 306-436-4526, Milestone, SK. REMAN LARGE SQUARE bale stacker, picks and stacks 3’ to 4’x8’ bales, stack and hauls 24-3x8 bales, $14,500. 306-773-2503, 306-741-9784, Swift Current, SK.
556 JD 5x5 ROUND BALER, bale ramp, 2008 BRANDT 5000 EX grain vac, good shedded, good condition, $9000; 336 JD cond., $16,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip- small square baler, bale turner, shedded, ment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. good condition, hardly used last 15 years, 2010 REM 2700D self-contained grain $2500. 306-625-3701, Ponteix, SK. vac mounted on a 2010 Trailtech P2 Pros- 1981 NH 851 BALER, recent chain, oiler, 2 pector 18’ bumper hitch flatdeck trailer, twine hyd. tie, shedded, excellent cond. PTO grain vac w/hoses, powered by a fully $1000. 306-424-2271, Montmartre, SK. enclosed Deutz 2012 series, 130 HP, 4 cyl. diesel engine w/electric start and 40 gal. JOHN DEERE HYDRASWING 1600 haybine, fuel tank (engine does not have to be run- 16’, 1000 PTO, rubber on rubber rollers, gd ning to operate the hydraulic system), unit shape, $5500. 306-668-9912, Saskatoon is rated at 6000 bushel/hour. Trailer has 2004 HESSTON 956 round baler, twine and 2- 6000 lb. axles, 15” tires, electric brakes mesh wrap, $12,000 OBO. 306-421-0679, (1 year warranty remaining trailer), 176 Estevan, SK. hrs on grain vac. For sale by auction, July 2 6 t h , N o r t h B a t t l e f o r d , S K C a l l NH 660 ROUND baler, bale command, ex306-445-5000, cellent condition, shedded, 12,369 bales, $7900. 306-948-2906, Biggar, SK. for details. PL #914618. BRANDT 5000 EX grain vac., new in 2008, 852 NH round baler, AutoWrap, new apron low hrs., excellent condition, shedded, chain, oiler, shedded, good condition. $18,500. 306-728-9033, Melville, SK. $3500 OBO. 306-967-2770, Leader, SK. CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accesso- 2003 HESSTON 956A baler, MegaWide PU, ries. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. mesh wrap/twine with Valmar applicator, fully automatic, shedded, good condition WANTED: SUCTION HOSE for 614F Walin- 306-969-4403 evenings, Gladmar, SK. ga grain vac. 250-630-2617, Prespatou, 2009 NH BR7090 BALER, wide PU, BC. ready to go, $22,000; Also 855 NH baler, taking offers. 306-459-2731, Pangman, SK NEW HOLLAND 116 haybine, new rollers; 535 JD round baler; 8 bale Morris hay hiker. 306-467-4973, Duck Lake, SK. NEW IDEA 4855 round baler, electric tie, JD 567 round baler, silage and mega wide, very good shape. Phone: 306-788-4819, all but wrap, purchased Nov. 2005, not 306-630-5451, Marquis, SK. used in 2010, 2011, done only approx. 1 1 0 0 b a l e s , e x c e l l e n t s h a p e . NH 575 SQUARE BALER, always shedded; NH 1033 bale wagon. Both exc. cond. Best 204-937-7562, Roblin, MB offer. 306-638-4931, Bethune, SK 2010 JD 568 baler, mega wide pickup, large tires, netwrap and twine, 7500 bales. VERMEER 555XL round baler, shedded, vg cond., extra belts, $8500. Call Sam Sold cows. Langham, SK, 306-260-0097. 306-898-2343, Bredenbury, SK. NH 575 SQUARE BALER, low bales, always shedded, exc. cond., $8000 firm. Duck 4865 NEW IDEA, electric tie, field ready. Phone 306-374-7788, Saskatoon, SK. Lake, SK, 306-467-4834, 306-212-7097. CASE RS561 ROUND BALER, stored in- HAUKAAS QP10 BALE hauler- quick and s i d e , r e a l n i c e s h a p e , $ 8 9 0 0 . gentle, move 1000 bales a day. Field ready at $21,900. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 306-748-2525, 306-728-8209, Neudorf, SK today 1-888-435-2626. NH 311 SQUARE BALER, excellent shape, stored inside, less than 3000 bales, $7500. BALER NET WRAP: New premium 64” or 67” in 8000’ lengths. Will deliver to AB. 306-748-2525, 306-728-8209 Neudorf, SK. and SK. Call Ryan for details at JD 567 HARD core baler, loaded, w/sur- 403-608-8259, Strathmore, AB. face wrap, hyd. lift, MegaWide PU, mint cond., shedded. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. NH hayliner 320, new knotters ,Wic square bale shredder like new. Info. or pics. Call $ 306-675-2122, Lipton SK. CNT. 2002 567 ROUND baler for sale, net wrap, silage kit, $17,400. Phone: 306-625-3674, Ca ll K evin o r Ro n Ponteix, SK. YOUNG’S EQUIPM ENT INC. 1997 HESSTON 4590, mint cond., always shedded, frequent Greenlight service. TOLL FREE: 1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46 306-528-4422, 306-528-7833, Nokomis SK
JIFFY 714 RAKES Summer 16 ,700 Special
BR780A, 2006, net wrap, twine, mega pickup, big tires, stored inside, less than 1000 bales. 403-654-0228, Hays, AB. 2004 HESSTON 4760 3x3x8 square baler, done 18,000 bales, Asking $28,000. 306-744-2762, 306-744-7779, Salcoats SK JD 566 ROUND BALER, good shape, $9500 OBO. Phone 306-252-2227, Kenaston, SK. 2002 CASE/IH RBX561, hard core baler, 1000 PTO, autowrap, new belts, silage kit, moisture monitor, shedded, exc. $14,000 OBO. 306-792-4704, Springside, SK. NEW HOLLAND 660, $7900; 855, $3900; New Idea 486, $3300; Vermeer 504C, $1400. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, North Battleford, SK.
E arly Book ing Program ! Netw rap -H igh qu a lity,im ported from G erm a ny 67 ’’startin g at$215 64’’startin g at$210 8000ft.rollsalso available! Sila ge B a lew ra p - startin g at$84
Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666 w w na dia nh a ya ndsila
w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o m 2006 BRANDT 10x70 PTO drive, low profile swing away auger. 403-638-0660, Madden, AB. SAKUNDIAK SWING AUGER SALE: New 10x72, reg. $15,500, cash $12,900; 12x72, reg. $21,300, cash $17,500; 12x79 reg., $23,050, cash $18,900. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.
1200 BUSHEL/HR. galvanized bucket elevator, 32’ high, single discharge, ladder w/safety cage, service platform, 3HP, 3 phase motor. Completely assembled w/belting and cups installed, w/6” down spout. Call Martin 780-220-8144, Legal, AB
JD 510 ROUND baler, exc. shape, $4000; Tri-Haul self-unloading 9 round bale mover, $4000. 306-484-4433, Strasbourg, SK. NH 660 AUTO-WRAP round baler. Ron Carriere Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, August 11, 2012 Estevan, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 2011 JD 568 round baler, mega wide PU, large tires, hyd. PU, bale kicker, auto chain o i l e r, m o i s t u r e t e s t e r, 1 1 0 0 b a l e s , $32,900. 403-391-9779, Red Deer, AB. 1982 JD 430 BALER, hyd. PU, gauge wheels, big tires, belts replaced, asking $2500 OBO. 306-452-3956, Redvers, SK. 1033 NEW HOLLAND bale wagons, field ready. 306-882-3141, Rosetown, SK.
w w w .yo un gs e quipm e n m
NH 1034 bale wagon, 104 bales w/single unload, shedded, exc. cond., $7000 OBO. 780-374-2404 780-678-6800 Daysland, AB 2001 JD 567 round baler, mega wide with kicker, under 10,000 bales, good condition Phone 306-862-5207, Nipawin, SK. FOR SALE JD 566 round baler, very good condition, field ready, $10,000. 403-362-6682, Tilley, AB. 2009 JD 568 BALER, net wrap, mega wide, big tires, hyd. PU, on-board moisture tester, shedded, 13,000 bales, excellent condition, $23,750. Call 306-946-9659, or 306-259-4923, Young, SK. 2002 RBX 561 Case/IH baler, exc. cond., $12,000; 2006 RBX 563 Case/IH baler, field ready, $25,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. CASE/IH ROUND BALER, model 3650, $3500. 780-373-2675, Bawlf, AB. JD 336 SQ. BALER, well maintained, always stored inside, original owner, $4500 OBO. Call 403-804-3202, Strathmore, AB. 2007 NH baler BR780A, Auto-Wrap, hyd. PU, $20,500; 2009 MF 1476 hydraswing haybine, $25,500. Low hours on both units. Call 306-249-0717, Saskatoon, SK. 566 JD BALER, always shedded; Highline 6800 bale processor; 12’x6’ tandem stock t r a i l e r, a l l i n ve r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n . 306-682-3055, Humboldt, SK. CLAAS 46 ROULAND silage baler. 336 JD s q u a r e b a l e r, m i n t c o n d i t i o n . 306-225-4601, 306-222-5055, Hague, SK. 1998 NEW HOLLAND 664 baler, like new condition, $7000 OBO. 306-693-3947 after 6:00 PM, Caron, SK. NH BALE WAGON, model 1069 SP, 1980, a s k i n g $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 O B O. R a d i s s o n , S K , 306-827-4620 or 306-827-7743. BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444.
Q uick P ick B ale C arrier
QUICKER, STRONGER and Better Bales
(306) 355-2718 See video at
2006 AGCO HESSTON 956A baler with ROUND BALERS: Ford 551, Gehl 1500, monitor, done approx. 1000 bales, like H e s s t o n 5 5 0 0 , $ 7 5 0 f o r c h o i c e . n ew, a l w ay s s h e d d e d . S o l d c at t l e . 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 306-661-7251, Golden Prairie, SK. HESSTON 4720 medium square bale accuNH 853 BALER, premium unit, $3500. Call m u l a t o r, g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 9 0 0 0 . 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000, St. Louis, 204-728-4784, Brandon, MB. SK. VERMEER 605XL round baler, shedded, JD 567 baler with kicker, double twine arm exc. condition, $10,900. 306-781-4613, and deluxe monitor, exc. cond., shedded in Regina, SK. the off season. Price to sell. Call Rob at NH 664 baler, autowrap, new belts, pickup 780-254-0224, Bruce, AB. recently redone, includes $500 of spare 2 JD 568’S, 2010 w/9000 bales, 2011 w/0 parts, $7500. 306-882-4081, Rosetown SK bales, big tires, loaded except net wrap. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. NH 688 BALER, Auto-Wrap, excellent cond., endless belts, $9500. St. Louis, SK. Call 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000. BR 780 New Holland Baler, like new, 4000 bales, quit farming due to health. For more info. call 306-304-1162, Goodsoil, SK. 2007 RBX 563 BALER, 1 owner, only done approx. 600 bales, asking $20,000. 306-682-3499, Fulda, SK. 2004 RBX 562, autowrap, mega wide PU, low acres, mint cond., $11,500 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. NEW IDEA 4865 round balers, 2001 and 2002, new bottom belts, stored inside. Call 306-493-2638, Delisle, SK. NH 664 ROUND BALER, very good shape, shedded, 540 shaft, $7,500. Super 1049 NH bale wagon, 160 bales, good shape, $10,000. 306-372-4679, Luseland, SK. 2007 JD 567 baler, netwrap and twine, MegaWide PU, 6200 bales, exc. cond; 566 J D b a l e r, g o o d c o n d i t i o n . P h o n e 306-726-2151, Southey, SK. 1997 VERMEER 505 Super I, Equalfill monitor, 540 PTO, autotie, hyd. lift, gathering wheels, has made under 5000 bales. $8000. 306-287-4104, Engelfeld, SK. NH 1049 SP bale wagon, excellent cond.; NH 1033 PT bale wagon, (105 bales). Phone 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. 535 JD BALER, 5x6 hard core, bale kicker, d u a l t w i n e a r m , h y d . P U, $ 7 0 0 0 . 306-465-2601, Yellowgrass, SK. 1999 JD 335 round baler; 2001 Jiffy bale shredder; 2005 Lewis cattle oiler. Clayton Thompson, Elrose, SK. 306-378-2935.
2005 JD 4895, 105 HP, 1790 hrs., c/w 18’ 895 header, steel crimper, $62,500. Wayne at 306-648-2880, Gravelbourg, SK. NH 2300 16’ hay header with frame to fit bi-directional 9030 or TV series, $14,000. 306-365-3438, Guernsey, SK. 2000 NH 1441, disc, rubber rolls, 15’, sale $13,750; NH 415, disc, rubber rolls, 10’, as is, sale $4950. Call Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 2004 MACDON 5020 16’, steel rollers, great cond., field ready. $14,500 OBO. 306-441-6923, Whitkow, SK. 1996 MACDON MOWER conditioner 920, $8000. 306-398-2780, Baldwinton, SK. NH 114, 14’ haybine, 540 PTO, new tires, field ready, $3500 OBO. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 116 NEW HOLLAND, 14’ for sale, $7000 OBO. 306-622-2240, Tompkins, SK. 2001 NH 648, Silage Special, ramps, 4x5, sale $7750; 2001 NH 688, tandem wheels, ramps, 5x6, sale $7750; 2001 JD 567, std. PU, monitor, push bar, 5x6, sale $14,750; 1998 NH 664, auto tie, ramp, 5x6, shows nice, sale $8750; 1996 NH 664, autotie, ramp, 5x6, sale $7750. Call: Gary Reimer 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 2004 HESSTON 8020 hay hdr., 16’, great cond, can fit CIH 8860 windrower $10,000 OBO. 306-424-2720, Montmartre, SK.
2005 HESSTON 9260, c/w 15’ 9070 disc header, 25’ 5200 draper, with fore and aft, triple delivery, PU reels, approx. 2000 hrs., very good cond. $62,000. 780-963-0641 or 780-203-9593, Stony Plain, AB. 2004 HESSTON 1275 16’ mower conditioner, $12,000 OBO. Phone 306-421-0679, Estevan, SK. 2002 HESSTON 856A round baler, extra wide PU, only baled 4500 bales, shedded, 2002 16’ SCX100 Case/IH PT hay condiexc. cond. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395 tioner, excellent condition, $16,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, or, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. Storthoaks, SK. JD 330 ROUND BALER, 4x4 bales, good 2003 NH 1475 16’, 1000 PTO, new shape, $3500. 306-723-4655, Cupar, SK. knives, rubber rollers, $16,500 OBO. 1994 VERMEER 605 Super J very reliable 306-463-3225, Kindersley, SK. hard core round baler, 540 PTO, gathering wheels, auto-tie, $5000. 306-648-3583, NEW HOLLAND 499, HYDROSWING, 12’ cut, good rollers, $5000. 780-789-2104, Bateman, SK. Thorsby, AB. JOHN DEERE 346 square baler, 540 PTO, 5’ PU, new rubber, nice shape, $3500. 1994 HESSTON 8100 w/Cummins diesel and 1998 Case/IH auger header in nice 306-353-4830, Riverhurst, SK. c o n d i t i o n , 2 0 0 0 h r s . $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 O B O. 2007 MF HESSTON Series 2656A, Auto- 403-625-2177, Claresholm, AB. Cycle 5x6 hard core baler, w/short crop kit, moisture tester installed. Will bale be- 945 JOHN DEERE Moco discbine, very nice hind a rotothrash combine. Only 3616 low acres, totally serviced, ready to work. bales made, shedded, exc. cond, $22,000 306-961-6499, Prince Albert, SK. OBO. 306-209-6446, 306-538-2230, Ken- NEW HOLLAND H7450, 14’ MowMax, 600 nedy, SK. acres cut in all, selling due to health. For 1033 BALE WAGON, $3250 OBO; 1510 Vic- more info. 306-304-1162, Goodsoil, SK. on round baler, 1000 PTO, chain oiler, $2500 OBO. 306-445-7878, North Battle- 16’ JD MOWER conditioner/haybine, sickle drive, model 1216, bought new in July ford, SK. 2007. 306-369-2708, Bruno, SK. SILAGE SPECIAL JD COVEREDGE, netwrap or twine, 2007 #582 (#854), Silage Spe- 2006 JD 946 13.5’ MoCo, impeller, hyd. cial w/14 spring loaded serrated knives for t i l t , l ow a c r e s , v g c o n d . , $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 . dense pack option, reverser, 4’ wide x5’ 306-749-2477 leave msg, Birch Hills, SK. dia., shedded and JD inspected. GR 2000 CIH SC416 McCo 16’, 1000 PTO, new 204-534-7843, Killarney, MB. knives and batts, shedded, exc. $14,000 2003 NH BR780 auto tie, sold cattle in OBO. 306-792-4704, Springside, SK. 2007, hardly used, exc. shape, shedded, 2009 JD 4995, 315 eng. hrs., 285 header $15,499. 306-497-2825, Blaine Lake, SK. hrs., like new, 14’ disc, flail conditioner, 2008 BB 940A baler, 241 hrs., 7676 bales, large tires. 403-845-0707, Caroline, AB. automatic oil and greaser, packer cutter, 1999 MACDON 920, 18’ auger header, low tandems, acid and roller chute, $65,000 acres, good condition. $15,500. Phone US. Contact Butch 320-259-3400. Email 306-831 8560, Rosetown, SK. for pictures and I will forward them. Clearwater, MN. 2004 CASE/IH 18’ hay conditioner, one owner, shedded, excellent shape, $16,500. NH 1049 BALEWAGON; JD 336 square 306-345-2523, Stony Beach, SK. baler; Versatile 400 15’ windrower with c r i m p e r, s h e d d e d , f i e l d r e a d y . NH 114 HAYBINE, used very little since total rebuild, new front auger, new rubber 306-545-6100, Lumsden, SK. rollers, bearings, sprockets, chains. $4500. NH BALE WAGON #1069, 1979, air, one Ron at 306-896-2337 or 306-745-7550, owner, 160 bales per load, $25,000 OBO. Churchbridge, SK. 306-692-1512, Moose Jaw, SK. 1998 HESSTON 4910 sq. baler c/w 1000 2009 MACDON A30D, 18’ hay header, P T O , g o o d c o n d . , $ 1 9 , 5 0 0 O B O . used one season, low acres, like new, $30,000 OBO. 306-245-3301, Tyvan, SK. 306-682-4520,306-231-7318,Muenster,SK. 2001, 2004, JD 567 balers, 1000 PTO, NH 415 DISCBINE, field ready, $6500. MegaWide, new chains, stored inside, very 780-672-6688, Bittern Lake, AB. good, net wrap; 1475 NH haybine 18’, NH 9’ HAYBINE, approx. 1980, works fine, 1000 PTO, good. Call 403-308-4200, n o l o n g e r n e e d e d , $ 1 1 0 0 O B O . 306-726-7455, Arrowwood, AB. 306-781-3317, 306-861-7500, Kronau, SK. NH HAYBINE 1475 w/2300; NH Inverter NH 114 HAYBINE, 14’, or Vermeer 605J 166; NH round baler 664; Highline 7000 round baler, both good, $3000/ea or trade processor. 306-368-2494, Lake Lenore, SK. for round hay bales. Phone: 306-763-1540, ROUND BALE WRAPPER WANTED: mobile Spruce Home, SK. or stationary, okay if repairs needed. Used 2000 HESSTON 1270 14’ haybine, dual on small acreage. 1-877-945-8282. knife, 540 PTO, premium condition, $9200. NH BB 960, 3x4 square baler, 6000 bales, 306-648-3583, Bateman, SK. always shedded, $50,000. 250-702-7392, 2011 JD 956 mower conditioner, cutting Belle Plaine, SK. width 14.6’, impeller conditioner, hyd., tilt HESSTON 550 ROUND baler for sale, for header. Reason for selling- sold cows. 306-260-0094, Langham, SK. $3500 OBO. 306-622-2240, Tompkins, SK. BRAND NEW MF 1839 square baler for NH 116 14’ haybine, good condition, sale. Approx. done 500 bales. 1/4 turn $5400. 306-748-2849, Neudorf, SK. chute. 780-645-2263, St. Paul, AB. 2008 NH H8040 HAYBINE 16’, 400 hrs., JD 535 BALER, bale kicker, hyd. PU, shed- l i ke n e w, $ 7 8 , 0 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 8 2 5 - 2 4 4 0 , ded, vg condition, $10,000. 306-748-2847, 780-872-6461 cell, Lloydminster, SK. 306-748-2849, Neudorf, SK. NH 1475 18’ haybine, 1000 PTO, 1 owner, 855 NH ROUND baler, 540 PTO, good field ready, $11,500. Ph. 306-874-5401, working cond., $5000 OBO. 306-280-8224 Naicam, SK. or, 306-270-8508, Middle Lake, SK. 1982 NEW HOLLAND 114 haybine, new 2008 MORRIS 1400 bale hiker, low hrs, steel crimpers 2 seasons ago and new hyd. like new, $21,000. Wayne 306-369-2271, m o t o r 1 s e a s o n a g o , $ 3 , 0 0 0 O B O. 306-642-4280, Assiniboia, SK. Bruno, SK.
NEW IDEA 540 PTO 14’ hydraswing hay- 730 IH 30” SWATHER, new PU reel, exc. bine, rubber rollers, field ready, $5500. Big cond., always stored inside, $4500. Call River, SK. 306-469-2027 or 306-479-7070. Rob 306-630-9838, Brownlee, SK. SCHULTE 26’ ROTARY MOWER with 1981 VERSATILE 400, cab/air, 20’ batt double mulching blades, low acres, always reel, vg canvasses, good to vg condition, shedded, excellent condition, $23,900. n e e d s w h e e l b e a r i n g d o n e , $ 2 0 0 0 . 780-336-6378, Irma, AB. 306-728-9033, Melville, SK. NH 415 DISCBINE, 12’, low acres, good 1984 22’ 4400 Versatile swather, w/Keer condition. 780-877-2339, 780-877-2326, Shear, equalizer, and batt reel, exc. cond., Edberg, AB. shedded, asking $6000. Call Frank at 306-893-4527, Maidstone, SK. 1976 JD 800 21’, batt reel, regularly ser1996 PRAIRIE STAR (MacDon), 3400 hrs, viced, good tires, $1900; MF 35 24’ PT, 25’ 960 header, $28,500 OBO. Have a trail- good cond $500 306-788-4502 Marquis SK er too! 780-312-4236, Wetaskiwin, AB. 1984 NH MODEL 1100, 21’ table, Perkins CASE/IH 721 PT swather w/MacDon PU diesel, 1825 hrs.; Also Smith-Roles 3 wheel swather transport. $9000 for both. reel, $3800. 204-638-8443, Dauphin, MB. 306-275-2249, St. Brieux, SK. 2003 SWATHER TRANSPORT TRAILER. Full carry, Bergen style, manufactured by WESTWARD 7000 30’ swather, PU reels, Tw o H i l l T r a i l e r s , $ 6 5 0 0 O B O . new canvas, new knife, 1450 hrs., shedded, $32,000. 306-742-4779, MacNutt, SK. 780-312-4236, Wetaskiwin, AB. 8152 MACDON 2003, 539/690 hrs, 25’, 2004 MACDON 2952i, 30’, PU reel, Keer 972 header, triple delivery, 2 spd. turbo, Shears, 2 spd. trans., large tires, $70,000 500 metric tires, always shedded, exc. OBO. Bjorkdale, SK. 306-886-2073 or cond., w/swath roller, $68,000 OBO. Mar- 306-873-8526. quette, MB, 204-461-0610, 204-375-6653. VERSATILE 4700, CUMMINS engine, 18’ 1987 CO-OP 722 26’ or 22’ headers, PU header, PU reels, many new parts, $8000. reels, AC, approx. 2000 hours, always 780-789-2104, Thorsby, AB. shedded, $15,000. Waskatenau, AB. RETIRING: 2005 MF 9420, 770 hrs, 25’, 780-233-3380. PU reel, gauge wheels, Roto-Shears, triple JD 30’ 590 PT swather, always shedded, delivery, $65,000. 780-777-4153, Fort Sask., AB. $4200. 780-608-7363, Daysland, AB. 2005/2006 (622HRS/647HRS) Case WDX 2011 MACDON M205 w/2012 35’ D60D 1202 25’ swathers, dual knife drive, PU header, showing 6700 acres. Asking reels, tilt. One unit with dual roto shears. $138,000. Call 308-750-2396, Innisfail, AB Located at Madden, AB. 403-638-0660 or 2012 MACDON M205 c/w 40’ MacDon D60 header, double knife drive, zero PREMIER 2952, large tires front and rear, hours. 306-537-9636, Riceton, SK. 1440 eng. hrs., 1047 cutterbar hrs., 30’ 1998 MF 220 w/22’ double swather, UII 972 header, split PU reel, new canvas, val- PU reel, 2609 hrs., 18.4x16.1 front tires, ley system gage wheels, slow speed mover 9 . 5 L x 1 5 r e a r t i r e s , $ 3 4 , 9 0 0 O B O . k i t , t r i p l e d e l i v e r y, $ 6 8 , 0 0 0 O B O . 403-901-3711, 403-644-2283, Standard. 306-548-4357, 306-547-7235, Sturgis, SK. 590 JD 36’ PT swather, wide swath open- 2006 WESTWARD 9352i, 25’ swather, ing, always shedded, field ready, $4900 972 Harvest header, 2 spd. DS, tilt, shedded, 767 eng. hrs, exc. cond., $85,000. OBO. Bob 403-934-4081, Mossleigh, AB. Phone 306-378-2793, Elrose, SK. 2011 MACDON M205, c/w 40’ MacDon D60 header, double knife drive, free form 2005 HESSTON 9260, c/w 15’ 9070 disc hyd. lift swath roller, Greenstar AutoSteer header, 25’ 5200 draper, with fore and aft, r e a d y, s h e d d e d , 1 0 9 h r s , a s n e w, triple delivery, PU reels, approx. 2000 hrs., very good cond. $62,000. 780-963-0641 or $152,000. 306-536-0891, Weyburn, SK. 780-203-9593, Stony Plain, AB. WESTWARD 7000 SWATHER, 30’, diesel, pickup reel, double swath, 3100 hours, 2005 JD 4895, 36’ double knife drive, Roto-Shears, gauge wheels, wired for ATU $15,000. 306-483-7367, Glen Ewen, SK. AutoSteer, 1294 hrs, always shedded, 2000 CASE/IH 8860 swather, diesel, 25’ $69,000. 306-682-2278, 306-231-7900, h e a d e r, 1 2 6 6 h r s , $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 O B O . Humboldt, SK. 780-920-9339, Myrnam, AB. 1981 NH 1090, 21’, UII PU reel, 2 seasons 1998 WESTWARD PREMIER PT swather, on new knife, guard and canvas, stored in30’, batt reel, low acres, asking $5000. side, $3500. 306-883-2543, Spiritwood, SK Phone 204-746-5165, St. Jean, MB. CASE/IH 736 PTO swather, 36’ with split 1999 PREMIER (MacDon) 2930, 2 spd. tur- reel, $4500 OBO. 403-326-2237, Cereal, bo, 3260 hrs, w/2003 972 25’ double AB. s w a t h h e a d e r, 1 4 3 0 h r s , $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 . WANTED: 2002-2007 MACDON Premier 403-485-8116, Vulcan, AB. Westward swather/tractor unit only, CASE IH 8820 25’, 2365 hrs., UII PU reel, w/500-70R24 drive tires and low hours. good condition. Phone 306-488-4683 Pen- Phone 204-773-2868, Russell, MB. zance, SK. WESTWARD 9000 30’ turbo, 2 spd., large 2009 JD 4895, 550 hrs., w/25’ twin swath rear tires, double canvass drive, $37,000 Honeybee header, PU reel, transport, exc. OBO. 306-314-9142, Prince Albert, SK. shape. 780-877-2513, Ferintosh, AB. IHC 925 PULL TYPE swather, field ready, PMI 722 (MASSEY 200) 1994, 22’ grain $2000. 306-782-4366, Yorkton, SK. header, 16’ hay header, 3650 hrs., good condition, $18,900 OBO. 306-220-6885, WESTWARD 25’ PTO swather, MacDon PU reels, new canvasses, $5000. Delisle, SK. 306-567-3042, Davidson, SK. 1990 JD 590-30’ PT windrower, $4900. 1997 MASSEY FERGUSEN 220, w/25’ 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. header, 1450 hrs., Shumacher cutting bar, 15’ VERSATILE 400, hydrostatic, runs shedded, well maintained, 1 owner. good, asking $1500. 306-275-2354, St. 204-825-2782, Mariapolis, MB. Brieux, SK. MF 885 30’ SP swather, diesel, w/PU reel, PRE-HARVEST BLOWOUT. Case/IH 736 air seat, knife and guards in good shape. 36’ PT, batt reel, $2900; CCIL 26’ PT, batt $16,500 OBO. 306-567-4740, Davidson, SK reel, $1900. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 1993 MF 200, 22’ double swather, UII anytime, North Battleford, SK. reel, 18.4x16.1 front tires, 9.5Lx15 rear 1999 WESTWARD 9200 w/30’ 962 header PU 4809 hrs., $19,900 OBO. Standard, a n d p - a u g e r, 1 5 6 2 h r s . , $ 4 9 , 0 0 0 . tires, AB. 403-644-2283 or 403-901-3711. 306-230-6879, Vanscoy, SK. SALE: JOHN DEERE 800 swather; also 2010 JD A400 swather w/30’ Honeybee FOR Brandt grain loader. Evenings hdr, 60 hrs., new condition; 2009 JD 4895, 7-35’ 306-336-2355, Lipton, SK. 30’ header, 650 hrs., always shedded. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. 2000 MACDON 3000 PT 30’ PUR, 1 owner, CCIL 722, 22’ double swath, diesel engine, $9,500 OBO. Rama, SK., 306-563-8482, Honey Bee knife, good condition, $14,500. 306-782-2586. Phone 780-877-2425, Edberg, AB. CASE/IH 736 PTO swather, 36’, w/split VERS 400 15’, MacDon PU reel, no canvas, batt reel, crop lifters, not used for 12 $1500; WESTWARD 25’ 7000, UII PU ye a r s , a l w ay s s h e d d e d , v g , $ 4 0 0 0 . reel, 1688 hrs., $15,000. 306-335-2777, 306-689-2513, Abbey, SK. 306-924-4217, Abernethy, SK. 1983 MF 885, 30’ DSA, UII PU reels, 720 8230 CIH PTO swather, shedded, good hrs, absolutely mint, $20,000 OBO. cond. Asking $5,000 OBO. 204-747-3065, 306-795-2734, 306-795-7644, Ituna, SK. Deloraine, MB. or email 2001 MACDON 30’ PT, PU reel, big knife 1993 CASE IH 8820, UII pickup reel, rear drive, low acres, shedded; Versatile 4700 hitch, Rotoshear, good tires. Phone diesel, 30’, PU reel, AC. 306-648-3216, 306-755-2053, cell. 306-228-8533, Tramp- 306-650-7835, Gravelbourg, SK. ing Lake, SK. 230 INTERNATIONAL SP 16’, gas swather CASE/IH 8230 PT 30’, batt reel, recondi- w/crimper, new canvas, and new knife, gd t i o n e d , f i e l d r e a d y, $ 4 5 0 0 O B O . shape, $1800. 306-668-9912, Saskatoon. 306-795-2734, 306-795-7644, Ituna, SK. 4400 VERSATILE 18’ hydrostatic gas 2006 WESTWARD 9352i swather, 30’ swather, batt and PU reels, lots of extra 972 header, 379 hrs., mint, new knife, header parts, vg condition. 780-674-1799, 780-785-3481, Sangudo, AB. $89,500. 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. 1999 WESTWARD 9200, w/30’ 972 head- 1986 JD 2360 30’ swather, UII PU reels, er, 1874 hrs., field ready. 306-921-5402, gas, 2250 hrs., $12,000. 306-925-2245 or 306-485-8770, Glen Ewen, SK. 306-275-2296, St. Brieux, SK. CASE 4000 19’ header, new canvas, wob- 25’ AND 30’ PT MacDon swathers, w/PU ble box, spare 4000, lots of spare parts, all reels, field ready. Phone 306-726-2151, Southey, SK. for $3000. 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK. 885 MASSEY SP swather, 30’ and 21’ header and mover, new HoneyBee knife system and canvas, $12,000. 36’ Case/IH PT swather, new guards, $3,000. Luseland, SK. 306-372-4679. 8240 35’ PULL TYPE swather, knife in good shape. $5000 OBO. Call 306-567-4740, Davidson, SK. 1997 MACDON PREMIER 2920; 1998, 962 header, 30’, 2000 eng. hrs, new guards, knife, canvases, power wheels, large rubber, good cond. 306-675-6110 Kelliher, SK 1996 PRAIRIE STAR 4920 w/960 25’ header, 1414 hrs., good cond., shedded, $39,500 OBO. 306-742-4771, Calder, SK.
2006 36’ MASSEY 9220, 18.4x28 tires, hyd. tilt, PU reel, with fore/aft, large back wheels, mtd. swath roller, always shedded. Exc. cond, $72,000. Also 36’ JD Premier PT, batt reel, 2002, used very little, shedded, $4800. Phone: 306-453-2828 or 306-577-7580, Carlyle, SK.
USED SWATHERS & HEADERS SWATHERS 2001 Premier 2952 w/30 ft 972SK............................$66,900 2001 Premier 2950 turbo w/25 ft 972SK............................$53,900 1999 Prairie Star 4930 Turbo w/30ft 962.................................$48,900 1999 Premier 2930 turbo w/25ft 972SK.............................$48,900 2001 MF 220XL w/25ft header...$47,900 1994 Westward 9000 w/2000 30ft 972DK........................................$47,500 1994 Premier 2900 turbo w/30ft 960.................................$42,900 1995 Westward 9000 w/30ft 960 hdr...........................$36,900 1986 John Deere 2360 gas w/25ft hdr PU reel......................$16,900 1985 IHC 4000 w/24.5 hdr, UII reel.......................................$10,900 1989 Westward 7000 gas w/25ft hdr PU reel........................$8,950 HEADERS 2011 MacDon FD70 35ft w/JD Adapter.............................$72,900 2005 MacDon 973 36ft draper Header.......................................$42,500 2004 John Deere 635F 35ft flex. $29,500 2009 MacDon CA20 adapter for 60-70 series JD combine......................$18,900 PULL TYPES 2000 Prairie Star 4600 36 ft PTO. $4,500 1991 Case IH 730 30 ft pto..........$4,500 Call Ron or Mark at
M O TO RS 1979
L T D.
Rosenort, MB
1-866-746-8441 2000 WESTWARD 9350, hydraulic tilt, fore&aft., single knife drive, 3116/2367 hrs., very good condition. 306-456-2749, or 306-861-2013, Oungre, SK. 1997 MACDON PREMIER PT swather, 30’ w/batt reel, $3200 OBO; 24.5’ batt reel, $100. 306-424-2690, Montmartre, SK.
JD 671 11’ side delivery rake, always shedded, very good condition. Call 306-338-2927, Wadena, SK. NH 664 ROUND baler; NH 116 haybine. 306-642-5766, 306-642-8392, Assiniboia, SK. NH 3PN corn row header for FP240 or FP230 forage harvester, exc. cond., $9500 OBO. 403-332-1329, Lethbridge, AB. MATADOR 7900 WINDROW inverter, exc. cond. Call 306-963-2523, 306-963-7442, Imperial, SK.
Toll Fre e : 1-8 6 6 -8 42-48 03 CONTINUOUS FEED HEADER AUGERS * Cro ps tha t a re hea vy, light, ta n gled o r lo d ged w ill n o lo n ger b e a pro b lem fin gers a re in serted a lo n g the en tire len gth o f the a u gerfo ra very co n sisten t, fa ster feed in g, sm o o ther flo w o f cro p. These a u gers w illea sily pick u p m a n y va rieties o f cro ps. * Alla u gers a re b u ilt to O EM specs a n d a re m a d e w ith a hea vier ga u ge co n stru ctio n .
1550 Hw y. 39 Ea s t, W eyb urn, S K MESOLPA (VICON) 3 PTH 8 wheel rake, all new teeth/ bearings, $2500; MF 7’ 3 PH mower $700 403-934-4407 Strathmore AB FOR SALE: 2001 JD 3975 forage harvester, good shape, shedded, $15,000. Phone: 306-327-5325, Kelvington, SK. NH 1063 PT BALE WAGON, 162 bales, good condition, shedded, $10,000 OBO. 306-577-8824 cell, Wawota, SK. 14’ JD MODEL 1424 hydraswing haybine, gauge wheels, HoneyBee knife, exc., asking $4500 OBO. 306-238-4509, Goodsoil. FRONTIER MC12-16 16’ haybine; 8220 CIH 25’ swather, UII PU reel; CIH auto 8465 round baler; Bale King 880 Vortex processor; 12’ gooseneck cattle trailer. 306-963-2736, Imperial, SK. BALE WAGON 1069, very good condition, 160 bales, retrofitted with 5.9 Cummins, $24,000. 780-220-4677, Leduc, AB. NH 1033 BALE WAGON, 104 bale capacity, good condition, shedded. Lloydminster, AB. 780-875-6323 or 780-871-2905. NH SUPER 1049 SP bale wagon, hauls 160 bales, in good condition. 306-497-2917, Blaine Lake, SK. 256 NH HAY RAKE, exc. cond., $650 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. KIRCHNER HAY FLUFFER, hydraulic drive, $1800. 403-664-2191, Oyen, AB.
1993 CASE/IH 8820, 25’ double swath swather, 2587 hrs, UII PU reel, dual knife drive, good canvases, header height control, CAHR, extra new parts, $25,000 OBO. 306-487-7353, Lampman, SK. 2360 JOHN DEERE 25’ swather w/PU reel, gd. cond., 2588 hrs., $11,500. Kelvington, 2009 FRONTIER 1212C hay rake, low SK. Call 306-338-2827 or 306-327-7658. acres, like new condition, $12,000. Call: MF 885 SWATHER 25’, MacDon PU reel, 306-749-2477 leave msg., Birch Hills, SK. triple delivery, CAHR, 2705 hrs., exc. NH 56 AND NH 55 rakes, NH 56 needs cond., $15,900. 306-233-7305, Cudworth gear box bearings, both have new tines, 2010 CIH 1903, 36’, roller, $128,000; 2008 double rake hitch, $1000. Will sell seperCIH 1203 30’, $95,000; 2010 IH 1203 36’, ate. Doug 403-934-3394, Strathmore, AB. $115,000; JD 1203 36’, $119,900; 2011 CIH 1203 36’, $119,500; 2011 CIH 1203 E arly Book ing Program ! 36’, $129,000; H Pro (MD) 8140, 30’, Netw rap -H igh qu a lity,im ported from G erm a ny $69,900; MD150, 35’, $114,000; WW (MD) 67 ’’startin g at$215 9200, 30’, $43,500; 2008 JD 4895, 30’, $89,000; CIH 730, 30’, PTO, call; CIH 736, 64’’startin g at$210 3 6 ’ , P T. H e r g o t t F a r m E q u i p m e n t 8000ft.rollsalso available! 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. Sila ge B a lew ra p - startin g at$84 1982 VERSATILE 4400 22’ SP swather, pickup reel, $3900 OBO. 204-638-0911, Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666 Dauphin, MB. w w na dia nh a ya ndsila
C U STO M SW ATH ING F la t R o ck F a r m s
30 6-5 36-5 1 1 8
NH 7460 DISCBINE, only cut 1000 acres. shedded, high stubble kit, c/w new parts; NH HT154 16 wheel rake, single side open kit; JD 535 round baler, shedded, good cond., c/w parts. Gone out of cattle. Ross Barlow, 306-567-3207, Davidson, SK. 1033 NH PT BALE WAGON, used very little, $5500 OBO. Call 403-804-3202, Strathmore, AB.
CO-OP 722, 30’ MacDon PU reels, mtd. swath roller, air ride seat, 1546 hrs. $19,500. 306-725-7820, Strasbourg, SK. 2000 PRAIRIE STAR MacDon 25’ 972 Harvest draper header, 1275 header hrs, large tires 16.5x16.1, always shedded, $57,000 OBO. 780-835-1070, Fairview, AB. 2008 NH 8040 36’, single reel, dbl. knife, Roto-Shear, new canvases, stored inside. 306-752-3777, 306-921-6697, Melfort, SK.
1985 MASSEY 30’ DRAPER HEADER, dual sliding aprons, UII PU reel, Series #2943, c/w 2 Roto-Shears, $2500 OBO. Fits all MacDon swathers. 306-695-3420 or 306-695-7783, Indian Head, SK. FARM KING SWATH roller on wheels and long hitch, 89” wide, $1000. Call Rob at 306-630-9838 Brownlee, SK.
NEW HOLLAND 1063 PT bale wagon, 160 8’ SWATH ROLLER in excellent condition. bales, automatic tie. Phone 403-223-8544, 306-642-5766, 306-642-8392, Assiniboia, Taber, AB. H E AV Y D U T Y F U L L L O A D 5 wheel SK. S W AT H E R C A R R I E R , $ 2 5 0 0 O B O. MACDON 940 DUAL auger, 16’ header, c/w 306-944-4431, 306-944-4448 Watrous, SK PU reel, $5500 OBO; HoneyBee 21’ header, 2007 MACDON M200, 30’, D60-D header, c/w UII PU reel, excellent, $7500 OBO. AutoSteer, hyd. tilt for/aft, 2000 eng. hrs., 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. $99,000. 306-962-3934, Eston, SK. SWATH ROLLER, ATTACHES under swather 2006 MF 9420, Cummins engine, 1249 hrs, power unit. Call: 306-771-2527, Edenwold, 1994 BELARUS 8400, 1792 hrs, 400 acres on new PU, $3600. 306-779-0016, 30’ 5200 draper, Schumacher knife, 2007 SK. Gray, SK. 9125 18’ hay header, hyd. tilt, steel rollers, always shedded, $79,900 OBO. Call Ryan 16’ HEADER w/PU reel and hay crimper to fit Case/IH 5000 swather. Bill Reynolds, 780-787-2195 Mannville, AB. Kerrobert, 306-834-2885 or 306-834-8338 2003 MACDON 8140 HarvestPro, 25’, 972 CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes w/PU reel, canola auger, 1380/1061 hrs. 2- ROTO-SHEARS w/HOSES, like new, and models. Call the combine superstore. Always shedded, exc. cond. Pritchard Bros. $1500. Phone 306-648-3570 after 6 PM, Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. Gravelbourg, SK. 204-526-7169,204-526-7170,Treherne,MB Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB.
1998 CASE/IH 2388, 2000 rotor hrs, specialty rotor w/accelerator, chopper, tank extensions, 2004 2015 header platform w/Rake-Up PU, field ready, exc. cond., asking $70,000. 306-327-7527, Rose Valley, SK. 2002 2388, 2663 eng. hrs, 1860 rotor hrs. 2010 30’ 2020 flex header, PU reels, full finger auger. 2001 36’ HoneyBee draper header, PU reels. All exc. cond. and field ready. 306-741-7012, Swift Current, SK. 2008 8010 COMBINE w/20.8x42 duals, 550 thrashing hrs, Outback Auto Steer, c/w 16’ PU and 36’ HoneyBee straight cut header with pea auger. 403-502-6332, Schuler, AB. 1986 1680, WELL MAINTAINED, 2950 hrs., chopper, Kirby chaff spreader, airfoil sieve, Melroe 388 PU, rock trap, $5000 service Aug. 2011, field ready, $24,000 OBO. 306-381-6046, Yorkton, SK. 1993 CASE/IH 1688, 2800 eng. hrs, AFX rotor, chopper, chaff spreader, Victory Super 8, field ready, $45,000 OBO. Phone 306-795-2734, 306-795-7644, Ituna, SK. 2008 CASE/IH 8010 with PU header, loaded, 965 threshing hours, mint condition, $215,000 OBO. North Battleford, SK. 306-441-9798. 1990 CIH 1682 PT, Rake-Up PU, one season on tires, several replaced parts, needs some work. 306-642-4025, Assiniboia SK. CASE/IH 1680 SP combine. Ron Carriere Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, August 11, 2012, Estevan, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
CASE 1666 COMBINE, 2197 hrs, w/1015 PU, 1010 25’ header, UII reels. 30’ Massey swather #613. 306-962-4978, Eston, SK. 1660 CI COMBINE, 3900 hrs., lots of new parts, good condition, Kirby spreader, 1015 header w/Rake-Up. Asking $14,500. 306-892-2158, Meota, SK.
2006 2388 CASE combine, 560 rotor hrs, 14’ Swathmaster pickup, AFX rotor, also 2010 35’ 2152 draper header, loaded pea auger, fore/aft, transport. 306-452-7870 or 306-452-7549, Antler, SK. 2005 IH 2388, 2128 rotor hrs., 2015 header, AFX rotor, topper and chopper, rock trap, long auger, 2 spd. hydro, all monitors incl. Y&M, radial duals, 540x65R24 rear tires, heavy axle, $122,000. 204-824-2406, Wawanesa, MB. RETIRING 2006 CASE/IH 8010 w/hopper extension, Pro600 monitor, lateral tilt, chopper, Swathmaster PU, may take a trade, $209,000. Call evenings 306-934-6703, Saskatoon, SK. 1984 1480 CASE/IH combine, 4247 engine hrs., 12’ Rake-Up pickup, good shape, always shedded, $10,000. Wayne Nickason 306-357-4636, Wiseton, SK. 1660 CASEIH w/1015 PU header, chopper, chaff spreader, 3959 hrs., gd cond., shedded, $14,000. 306-338-2676, Kelvington 1688 CASE/IH combine, only 1850 sep. hours, SP rotor w/Accellerator kit, fresh Greenlight, always shedded, too many upgrades and new parts to list. $45,000 OBO. Call: 204-365-7254, Strathclair, MB.
2011 9120, duals, $347,000; 2009 9120 Magna cut, $279,000; 2011 8120, duals, $352,000; 2006 8010, $210,000; 2006 8 0 1 0 t o p p e r, $ 1 9 9 , 0 0 0 ; 8 0 1 0 S M $183,000; 2388, AFX, Y&M, big top, $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; 2 3 8 8 A F X , Y & M , t o p p e r, $128,000; 2388 hopper ext. $99,000; 2388 AFX, $129,000; 2188 exceller, Mav, Swathmaster, $76,000; 2188, exceller, Swathmaster, topper, $65,000; 1666 Rake-Up, 2656 eng. hrs., $33,000; 1680, shedded, $17,500; IH 1480, 210 HP, $11,900. Call Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2001 CASE/IH 2388 with 1147 sep. hrs., Y&M, chopper, hopper topper, 2015 Swathmaster PU, specialty rotor w/AFX kit. Annual dealer inspections and repair records available. Premium low hour machine, $110,000; Two Case/IH 1010 30’ headers also available. 1 batt reel, 1 PU reel. 204-546-3075, Grandview, MB.
2002 CAT 450, mint, one owner and always shedded, 737 threshing hrs, auto contour, cebis, long unload auger, 3-D sieve, 2 spd. cyl., chaff spreader, moisture and quantimeter. 25’ header available, $100,000. 204-385-3649, 204-856-3282, Gladstone, MB. CAT CONCAVES, 3 of 6.5 mm x 40 mm; 3 o f 1 2 m m x 4 0 m m , l i k e n e w. 306-373-2568, Saskatoon, SK.
LOW HOUR COMBINES: 2006 CR970, 1070 hrs., $139,000; 2003 CR960, 970 hrs., $119,000; 1998 TX66, 1900 hrs., $28,000 and 1996 TX66, 2800 hrs., $24,000; four TR97, $24,000 each. All combines c/w PU headers. 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK. 1997 NH TR98 w/PU header, 1186 thrashing hrs., fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, recent rebuild; 1999 30’ 971 straight cut header w/PU reel, two sets of lifters, Bergen header transport. Quit farming. 306-873-8662 leave message, Tisdale, SK.
1996 JD 9600, 2070 sep. hrs, 914 header, 30.5x32 rice tires, always shedded, field ready. JD 925 straight cut header, PU reel fore/aft, w/Elmer’s transport trailer. Plum Coulee, MB. 204-325-0537, 204-829-3924. 1991 9600 JD combine, w/new engine, new drive coupler and clutches for threshing drive system, excellent shape, field ready. 306-741-7012, Swift Current, SK. 1994 JD 9600, 3873 eng. hrs, 2753 threshing hrs, 914 PU header, 2 spd. cyl., straw c h o p p e r, c h a f f s p r e a d e r, $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 306-962-4554, 306-962-7757, Eston, SK.
1985 CASE 1480, 3900 hrs., 1015 header, $9500; 1980 1460, 3100 hrs., new feeder and elevator chains, $6500. Both shedded, field ready. 306-795-2749, Ituna, SK.
2006 CASE 8010 AFX, 1084 thresh hrs., 2016 header with lat tilt, tank ext., pro 600, Y&M, fine cut chopper, HID lights, all upgrades, nice shape. 403-638-0660, Madden, AB. CASE/IH 1688, with 4100 hrs., no 2005 CIH 8010, 2630 hrs., 4 WD, 4 spool 1993 straw spreaders, Kirby chaff hydro. straw chopper, spreader, 600 Pro chopper, spreader, 1015 PU, shedded, field ready. monitor, bin extensions, 30’ flex header, $30,000. 306-634-4343 or 306-421-7602, $165,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. Macoun, SK. 2003 2388 CASE/IH w/2016 header, $140,000. 2009 7120 Case/IH, w/2016 2001 CASE/IH 2388 w/2575 sep. hrs., header, call for pricing. 2010 7120 $49,000; 1996 Case/IH 2188 w/2761 sep Case/IH, duals, 2016 header, $265,000. hrs., $38,000. Both come with 1015 PU 2010 8120 Case/IH, duals, 2016 header, header, always been shedded. Melville, SK. 250 hrs, $324,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm 306-641-5609. E q u i p m e n t L t d . , S t o r t h o a k s , S K , 1987 1680 CIH, 3195 engine hrs., good 306-449-2255. shape, shedded, $18,000 OBO. Phone: 1995 CASE/IH 2188, 2178 eng. hrs, 1679 306-726-4570, Southey, SK. sep. hrs, specialty rotor with acceller, chopper, chaff spreader, Victory Super 8, 1994 CASE/IH 1688, 3500 hrs., w/1015 f i e l d r e a d y, $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 O B O . P h o n e PU, Specialty rotor, reverser, stone trap, straw chopper, grain loss monitor, long 306-795-2734, 306-795-7644, Ituna, SK. auger, exc. cond., field ready, $38,000 SELLING MY BABIES: 1995 and 1996 OBO. 306-725-7232 cell, Strasbourg, SK. 2188’s, heavy clay, no stones, no peas, exceptional maintenance, lots of upgrades, 1981 1460, 3900 eng. hrs., Westward PU, low hrs, each c/w 3 heads. Best you will good tires, regular maintenance, shedded, 306-228-4502, 306-228-7930, Unity, SK find. Call Ed 204-299-6465, Starbuck, MB. 1997 CASE 2188, 1015 header, standard 1995 CASE 2188 combine, 1015 Swathrotor w/Accellor, 2890 eng. hrs., 2400 ro- master PU, field ready, touch screen yield tor hrs., shedded, $65,000; 1997 1010 moisture monitor, always shedded, chopheader, 30’, PU reel, lifters w/Bergen per, Kirby spreader, extended auger, well h e a d e r h a u l e r, s h e d d e d , $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 . maintained, asking $47,000 OBO. Estevan, SK., 306-421-7566. 306-453-2808, Carlyle, SK. CASE 1682 PT, internal chopper, spreader, done 2000 acres since $11,000 work o r d e r, r u n s e x c e l l e n t , $ 7 0 0 0 O B O. 403-741-6860, Stettler, AB. 1993 CASE/IH 1680, 1993, Cummins diesel, specialty rotor, long auger, approx. 2705 eng. hrs, straw chopper, rock trap, hopper topper. Well maintained and very reliable, shedded, asking $33,000 OBO. 204-744-2501 204-825-0001 Somerset MB CASE/IH 1688 COMBINE, 1993, 3386 engine hrs., specialty rotor w/accelerator, chopper, chaff spreader, hyd. fore/aft, well maintained, always stored inside, field r e a d y, $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 . N i p a w i n , S K . 306-862-4100 or 306-862-7956. 2004 CIH 2388, 1796 rotor hrs., AFX rotor, Strawmaster PU, hopper extension, field tracker, large work order, $140,000. 306-847-4413, 306-963-7755, Liberty, SK. 2- 2588’s, 2007 and 2008, loaded, duals on 2008, low hrs. Phone 306-642-3079, Viceroy, SK. LOW HOURS, 2006 8010, 629 rotor hrs., Pro600 monitor, Swathmaster PU, field ready, $199,500. Retired. 306-598-2195, cell: 306-231-6242, Annaheim, SK. CIH 1682, Melroe 388 PU, less than 75 hrs. on rebuild gearbox, also rebuilt monitor control box, $4500. 306-445-9992, 306-446-0423, North Battleford, SK. 2008 CASE 2588, 2015 PU, 478/594 hrs., yield and moisture, Pro 600 monitor, rice tires, heavy soil machine, $189,000. 204-981-5366, 204-735-2886 Starbuck MB LATE MODEL 1680, 2950 HRS, Cummins, crossflow, long shoe and auger, 300 hrs. on AFX rotor, lots of new parts and service, $23,500 OBO. Ph: 306-699-2442, McLean, SK. MACDON 973 25’ header c/w MacDon 873 adapter for CIH adapter $26,000. Phone Jerry 250-262-9091, Taylor, BC.
N o tus e d in 2011, Fa rm re n te d o ut
2008 N H C X 8080
417 thra s hin g hrs , 350 HP, 330 b u .
195 ,000
(Ap p ra isa l & Lea sing p ossib le) TR /TX Ad a pte r fo r S w a th e r H e a d e r to T R o rT X co m b in es , $5 ,5 00 OB O
2010 JD 9670 STS, 480 hrs. ContourMaster, 18.4x42 w/duals, 18.4x26 rears, chopper, JD tank extension, $189,500 US. 320-848-2496 or 320-894-6560, Fairfax, Minnesota. 2000 JD 9650W, only 1,457 sep. hrs., auto header height control, dial-a-speed, chaff spreader, chopper, hopper topper, 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, JD 914 PU header, always shedded, excellent condition, $119,000. Call Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 1993 JD 9500, w/JD 914 PU, 3705 sep. hrs., 2 spd. cyl., long unloading auger, chaff spreader, Redekop chopper, excellent condition, always shedded, $41,000. 306-648-7721, Gravelbourg, SK.
M c Le a n , S K .
1996 TX66, 1690 sep. hrs. PU, chopper, chaff spreader, $50,000 OBO; Also 1990 MacDon 960 30’ harvest header, PU reel, new cutter bar, with adapter for NH TX66, $20,000. Both always shedded. 204-467-5638, Rosser, MB. 1 9 9 7 T R 9 8 N H w / S t r aw m a s t e r P U, $43,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. 1999 TR99 LT, Rake-Up, $55,000; 2008 CR 9070, Swathmaster, yield and moisture, Redekop, field tracker. Hergott Farm E q u i p m e n t , y o u r C I H D e a l e r, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK
1991 JD 9600, 3370 sep. hrs., 914 PU, chaff spreader, long auger, Sunnybrook cyl. and straw beater, new 30.5-32 drive tires, always shedded and well maintained, very nice cond., $52,500. 204-743-2149 or 204-526-7805, Cypress River, MB. 1997 JD 9600 4 WD combine, only 2000 sep. hrs., very good condition, c/w 30’ flex header. Best offer. Call 204-766-2643. 1982 JD 7720 w/212 PU header, chopper, rice tires, always shedded, exc. cond.; also 2010 NH-CR 9090, 320 sep. hrs., Intel- 224 rigid header and 224 flex header, li-Cruise, spd. rate control, auto-guidance, $22,000 OBO. 204-746-2818, Morris, MB. Terrain Tracer, deluxe cab w/leather seats, Opti-Clean system, HID full lighting pkg., 1997 JD 9600 Anniversary Edition, c/w 27’ unloading auger, 620x70R42 factory 914 PU, REM chaff spreader, 2681 sep., duals. 306-287-7707 days, 306-383-2508 3912 eng. hrs., extensive Greenlight done winter 2012. 204-365-0966 Shoal Lake MB after 8:00 PM, Quill Lake, SK. JD 7720 Titan II, w/212 PU header, 2003 NH CX860, 1550 hrs, Swathmaster 1985 engine hours, many new parts, PU, exc. cond., big rubber, yield and mois- 4074 $15,000. 306-642-5728, Crane Valley, SK. ture, header tilt, shedded, MAV chopper, offers. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. 2000 JD 9650W, 1770 sep. hrs., Greenstar 1988 TR96, extra good shape, new rub ready, yield and moisture monitor, chaff bars, rotor balance and more, Swathmas- spreader, fine cut chopper, big top hopper, ter PU, Redekop chopper, halogen lights, long auger, exc. shape, always shedded, $19,000; 1984 TR95, extra good shape, $120,000. 780-385-0069, Killam, AB. field ready, Rake-Up PU, lots of new parts, 1986 7720 TITAN II, 4460 hours, 212 halogen lights, $14,000. 306-824-2108, pickup, shedded, excellent tires, $11,000. 306-280-6193, Rabbit Lake, SK. 403-782-4712, Lacombe, AB. 1994 9600, 3200 separator hrs., 914 PU, chaff spreader, always shedded, regularly 2007 GLEANER A85, new in 2008, 657 Greenlighted, vg cond., $50,000 OBO. eng. hrs., 493 sep. hrs, Mav straw chopper, 204-937-7362, Roblin, MB. autolube, 20.8x42 radial duals, Field Star 1984 JD 7720 SP combine, 4500 hrs, hyII mapping and yield monitor, all factory dro reverser, vg cond., $8500 workorder; updates, c/w Gleaner 4200-16 PU header, also 7721 PT combine, w/lots of extra Swathmaster PU. 24 months interest free. p a r t s , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 O B O f o r b o t h . Call Dennis at 204-759-2527, Shoal Lake, 306-630-8760, 306-394-4211, Courval, SK. MB. Trades welcome. 1997 9600, loaded, c/w 914 PU, long auL3 GLEANER GREEN stripe model, hydro, ger, fine cut chopper, JD chaff spreader, RWA, PU header and 22’ straight cut head- new 800/65R32 Michelin’s, exc. cond., er, 2400 engine hours, exc. cond., always shedded. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. shedded, asking $20,000. 204-268-5418, Beausejour, MB. RETIRING: 2009 JD 9870 STS, 435 rotor hrs., long auger, hopper extension, R72, 2002, 1224 rotor hours, $90,000. power cast chopper, yield and moisture, Phone 306-295-4062 or 306-295-7012, G r e e n l i g h t i n s p e c t i o n , $ 2 6 0 , 0 0 0 . Frontier, SK. 780-777-4153, Fort Sask., AB. GLEANER L3, HYDROSTATIC, late model, 1986 7721 TITAN 2, chaff spreader, chopgreen stripe, large rubber, 24’ straight cut per w/new knives, feeder reverser, field header, Rake-Up PU w/metal teeth, recon- ready, $7500. 306-725-7820, Strasbourg. ditioned chopper, dual spreaders, machine mostly done straight cutting, 2160 hrs, 1997 9600 4WD, loaded, c/w 914 PU, high good condition, asking $15,000. Macoun, enertia cyl., JD chaff spreader, long auger, new 900/65R32 Michelin’s, exc. cond., SK, 306-634-4608, 306-421-0221. shedded. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB.
1997 TX66 SUNNYBROOK cylinder and concave, 14’ Rake-Up PU, 2034 sep. hrs., HH, auto reel spd., chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, header reverser, new clean grain chain. 780-927-3385, Fort Vermilion, AB. TR 86 c/w PU header and 21’ flex header, 1997 R72, M11 Cummins, specialty rotor, good cond. Call Ed Cavers, 204-825-2456, new Rodondo chopper, Rake-up PU, 1682 sep. hrs., asking $70,000; 1994 R72, L10 204-825-8097, Pilot Mound, MB. Cummins, specialty rotor, twin spreaders, TWINS- TWO 1984 TR95 combines, 3600 Westward PU, 2289 sep. hrs., asking e n g i n e h r s , r e c e n t r e b u i l d , c h o p - $60,000; 2- 530 30’ flex headers, PU reel, per/spreaders, always shedded, real nice. poly, Schumacher knives, asking $14,000; 306-338-3294, Wadena, SK. 330 30’ rigid header, asking $4000; 2- 30’ TWO TR86, 1 w/Cat eng. (1383 sep.) and carriers. Willing to make package deal. Ford engine (2156 sep. hrs.), $14,000 ea. Also may consider 4 WD tractor in trade. Call Rob 204-735-2852 or 204-981-0885, 780-662-3002, 780-915-1358, Tofield, AB. Starbuck, MB. 2003 NH CX840, deluxe cab, yield/mois- LARGE CAPACITY GLEANER C-62, Cumture, 1666 threshing hrs., always shedded, mins engine, PU header and 36’ straight lots of recent work, exc. cond., $105,000 cut draper header, new concaves, rub bars OBO. 306-365-7283, Lockwood, SK. and feeder chains, 1 owner, shedded, field (2) NH TR70’s w/PU headers. (1) 3208 Cat ready. 306-634-4456, Estevan, SK. hydro., 1450 hrs; (1) Ford eng., variable 2008 GLEANER R75, 680 sep. hrs., 4200 speed, 1927 hrs. Both good shape, always PU header, Swathmaster PU, 14”unloading shedded. 780-878-3851, New Sarepta, AB. auger,$198,000.306-230-6879,Vancoy,SK. TWO NEW HOLLAND TR98 w/2200 and 2005 R65 w/4200 pickup, 1056 engine 2600 eng. hrs., fine cut chopper, Swath- hours, 823 separator, exc. cond., must sell, master PU, chaff spreader, asking $41,000 never seen a pulse crop. $140,000 OBO. OBO. 306-929-2068, Prince Albert, SK. Waseca, SK. Call Craig at 780-205-2590. NEW HOLLAND, 2500 hrs., Victory pick up, GLEANER R70, 2272 engine hrs, 1533 chaff spreader, good condition, $17,500. sep. hrs, Sunnybrook rotor and concaves, 306-782-4366, Yorkton, SK. Super 8 PU, $19,500 OBO. 780-994-3225, 1993 TR96 SN #554554, 2261 hrs., Wetaskiwin, AB. $25,000; 1995 TR97 SN #557227, 2097 h r s . , $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 . B o t h f i e l d r e a d y. 306-548-4754, Canora, SK. JD 9650 STS w/914 PU, 1961 threshing 2009 CR9060, 720 thr. hrs., SwathMaster hrs, heavy land, never rocks, grain and PU, Y&M monitors, lateral tilt, Mav. chop- yield loss monitor, long auger, hyd. fore per, 900 tires, Michel’s elec. topper, asking and aft, 800 metrics, $105,000. Milestone, $179,000. 204-683-2562, St.Lazarre, MB. SK. 306-436-7727.
2000 9650W, 2148 eng., 1566 sep., 914 PU, yield and moisture, Crary hopper topper and cover, new fine cut chopper and knives, chaff spreader, Greenlight, always shedded, field ready. 306-441-2691, 306-892-4313, Meota, SK. 2007 9860 STS PREMIUM, 694 hrs., bullet rotor, mapping, long auger, 615 PU, 900 tires, shedded, extras, exc. cond. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. 6601 AND 106 JOHN Deere PT combines, good tires, take em both for $1750. Please c a l l S a m a n d l e av e a m e s s a g e a t 306-898-2343, Bredenbury, SK. 1992 9600, loaded, c/w 914 PU, long auger, extensive work orders, good cond., shedded. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. 2001 JD 9650 STS, 914 header, 3339 engine hrs., 2481 separator hrs., $75,000. 306-424-2726, Montmartre, SK. TWO 2007 JOHN DEERE 9760 SP combines and JD 615 PU headers, for sale by auction, Parker, July 19, Kitscoty, AB., visit for details, or call 306-445-5000, PL#914618. 2003 JD 9750, 12.5L engine, Canadian Special, 1700 sep. hrs., A-1, $115,000. Len 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. 2 - 1989 JD 9600 combines, 1 - 1993 JD 9600 combine, all with or without 14’ PU. 306-882-3317, Rosetown, SK.
3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t
NEW PARTS FOR TR97 combine: rub bars, concaves/wires, sprockets, lots more, sold combine. 306-796-7656 or 306-395-2587 Chaplin, SK.
JD 9610, 2253 sep. hrs., 2973 eng. hrs., sep. rebuild at 1872 hrs. ($27,000 in parts), dual spd. cyl., 914 PU header, 930 straight cut c/w new PU reel, new feeder chain, shedded, $89,000. 403-545-6468, 403-527-1258, Bow Island, AB.
2002 JD 9750 STS, 2200 threshing hrs., $112,000; 2003 9760 STS, 2000 hrs., $ 1 3 7 , 0 0 0 . 9 1 4 p i c k u p s av a i l a b l e . 306-861-9930, Weyburn SK 1998 JD 9610 MAXIMIZER w/2480 hrs., c/w 914 PU, fine cut chopper, always shedded, $70,000. Also available 930 flex header. 306-843-3132, Wilkie, SK. JD 7720 SP combine, c/w PU header, well maintained, $14,500 OBO. Call 403-804-3202, Strathmore, AB. 1998 JD 9610, 2500 sep. hrs, data center, chaff spreader, various new belts, ready to harvest. 306-327-7660, Kelvington, SK.
1985 JD 8820 TITAN II, 4872 hrs, SN#611149, 2 spd. cyl., header height control, chaff spreader, straw chopper, 7 b e l t P U, l o n g a u g e r, b l o c k h e at e r. 306-468-2771, Debden, SK. 2004 JD 9760 STS combine, 847 sep. hrs., long auger, yield, grain loss and moisture monitors, auto. header heigth control, incab concave adjustments, always shedded, premium condition, $175,000. Retiring. 780-632-2554, Vegreville, AB. 2- GOODYEAR 900/65R32 Special Sure Grip TD8 tires, rims, and 4” axle spacers, taken off JD 9870 combine, vg condition. 204-736-2951, Domain, MB. JD 9650 STS, 9750 STS, 9760 STS. Regina, SK. 306-543-8746.
2009 JD 9870 STS 4 WD, 613 hrs., 20.8x42’s w/duals, CM w/5 spd. reverse, SLS, chopper w/powercast tailboard, shedded, $205,000 US. 320-848-2496 or 320-894-6560, Fairfax, Minnesota. 1997 JOHN DEERE 9600 with 914 header and fine cut chopper, 2652 and 2022 hrs., Feb. 2012 Greenlight, vg cond., shedded, $70,000. Call 306-338-2827 or 306-327-7658, Kelvington, SK.
1994 JD 9600, 3500 sep. hrs, 4700 eng. hrs, chopper and spreader, well maintained, good condition, $35,000; 1999 MacDon 962 draper header 30’, c/w 871 JD adapter, PU reels and transport, $17,000, or both for $50,000; JD 924 flex header, PU reels, large auger, tilt kit, $5500. 306-476-2712, Rockglen, SK. 2006 JD 9760 STS, bullet rotor, 950 sep. hrs., fully loaded, exc. condition. JD 615 PU platform like new, $185,000; JD 936D draper header, PU reel with upper cross auger. 403-344-2160, Aden, AB. 1997 JD 9600, 2300 sep. hrs, new bubble auger and return elevator chain, vg cond., $65,000 OBO. 306-478-7040, Mankota, SK. 1996 JD 9600, Greenlighted, 2716 sep. hrs., 914 pickup, AutoSteer, yield and moisture. 306-625-3674, Ponteix, SK. 1990 9500 COMBINE, 2320 sep. hrs., 3025 eng. hrs., 212 PU header, 925 rigid header, 925F flex header, and header transports, always shedded, vg cond., $75,000 for all. May separate if combine sells first. Call Scout Lake, SK, 306-642-3552. 2004 JD 9760, eng. 969 hrs, thresher 647 hrs, high speed unload, shedded, JD Performax done, vg condition. 204-328-7441, 204-724-7949, Rivers, MB. JD 7720 COMBINE, SP, hydro., c/w reverser, 12’ PU, chopper, $17,000 OBO. 306-283-4745, Langham, SK. 2004 JD 9760, 2400 sep. hrs., recent Greenlight done, field ready, asking $112,000; 2007 615 PU head may be available. Call 306-421-2308, Torquay, SK. TWO 2009 9770 STS combines, 660-670 thrashing hrs., 520/85-38 duals, fine cut choppers, Contour-Master, long auger, yield and moisture, 615 Pus, one PU used only one year 2011 model, fresh Greenlight. GPS, AutoSteer and yield mapping are available for extra charge. $230,000. Unit w/new PUB $235,000. 306-693-2024, or 306-681-8197, Moose Jaw, SK.
1997 JD 9600 c/w JD 914 PU, Greenlighted every year for past 6 yrs., have all records. 2780 sep. hrs, auto header height, Dial-A-Speed, fore/aft, grain loss monitor, data center, long unloading auger, dual 1978 JD 7700 HYDRO chopper, good run- cyl. spd., new PU belts and chrome rub ning cond., 212 PU, 3400 eng. hrs., $5000. bars, chaff spreader, many new parts, $57,000. 306-654-7657, Prud’homme, SK. 403-854-2189, Hanna, AB.
2005 JD 9660 STS, c/w 914P and MD 960 36’ draper headers, dual wheels, Contour Master, optional, large diameter auger, yield and moisture, $115,000. Ferintosh, AB. Call Bob 780-679-7680. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.
2002 JD 9650, 2,235 hours, $25,000 work order done, loaded w/Greenstar, $89,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. See video at:
JD 6601 COMBINE with chopper and chaff spreader, good condition, $1500. Located in SE Sask. Phone 306-483-8103. 2003 9650 JD STS, loaded, w/Greenlight, updated to 9750 power, Y&M, Precision feed accel., many new parts, 914 PU, new 800 metric tires, shedded, field ready, exc. cond. Can email pics., $97,500 OBO. 204-746-4500, Kenton Penner, Morris, MB. 1999 9610, 1260 sep./ 1630 eng. hrs., 914 PU, exc cond., stored inside, $102,000. 403-854-3946, 403-857-8899, Hanna, AB
2007 JD 9660WTS, only 528 sep. hrs., auto header height control, auto reel speed control, hyd. fore/aft, grain loss monitor, rock trap, 21’6” unloading auger, hopper topper. Just been Greenlighted! Excellent shape! $169,900. Call Jordan USED COMBINES. Why go to auction? 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 2010 JD 9870, JD 615P, dual wheels, 332 1998 JD CTS II, 2000 sep. hrs., loaded, sep. hrs., fully equipped, one owner, shedGreenStar, P914 PU, shedded, field ready. ded, like new, $285,000. Warranty. Financing available. Delivery available. Greenlight 306-695-2623, Indian Head, SK. check done. Call Dwayne Murray at D. B. 1986 JD 7721 Titan II, 212 PU, 2 spd. cyl- Murray Ltd., Melita, MB, 1-800-805-0495, inder, new rasp bars and concave, always cell 204-522-0142. shedded, asking $9500. Can arrange deliv1998 JD 9610 MAXIMIZER, 2470 eng. ery. Call Darcy at 403-641-4578, Gem, AB. hrs., 1790 sep. hrs., recent engine rebuild, J O H N D E E R E 3 0 ’ b at t r e e l . P h o n e : 1 owner, 914 PU, fine cut chopper, chaff 306-771-2527, Edenwold, SK. spreader, always shedded, $95,000 OBO. 306-769-4165, 768-7125, Carrot River, SK. 7720 HYDRO, field ready, airfoil, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, 2 spd. cylinder, 1995 9600, 3338 sep. hrs., 914 pickup, longer auger, chaff spreader, new rub $15,000 OBO. 306-842-4596, Weyburn, SK bars and concave, $56,000. 1996 JD 9600, gone over every winter in 204-649-2288, Pierson, MB. shop, good condition, chaff spreader, 914 header, etc., $50,000 0BO. 306-960-3483 2009 JD 9770 STS, 4 WD, 736 hours, Contour Master w/Hi-torque reverser, or 306-749-3159, Birch Hills, SK. 20.8x42 w/duals, 28Lx26 rears, chopper, JD PEA CONCAVES 50 Series, like new. J D t a n k e x t e n s i o n , $ 1 8 2 , 5 0 0 U S . Sell or trade on 60 Series pea concaves. 320-848-2496 or 320-894-6560, Fairfax, 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK. Minnesota.
2002 JD 9750 STS, 2870 eng. hrs, 2064 sep. hrs, yield and moisture monitor, long unload auger, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Precision and Rake-Up PU header, hopper roll over tarp, AutoSteer w/o monitor and globe, Greenlight March, 2011; 2000 JD 9750 STS, 3343 eng. hrs., 2409 sep. hrs, yield and moisture monitor, long unload auger, JD 914 PU header, hopper rollover tarp, AutoSteer w/o monitor and globe, Greenlighted March, 2011. 306-263-4944, Limerick, SK. 2001 9650 STS, c/w 914 PU, 2000 sep. hrs., field ready, $88,500; Also, 2005 630 flex header, $21,000. Phone 306-948-3949 or 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. USED COMBINE SALE, one of a kind, 2005 JD 9760 STS, JD 914P, 1046 separator hours, fully equipped, AutoTrack valve, new 900/60-32 Trelleborg tires, Greenlight done, $169,000. Financing available. Call Sales Dept., D.B. Murray Ltd., Melita, MB 1-800-805-0495 or 204-522-3341. 1987 JD 7721 Titan II PT combine, 212 PU, 2 spd. cylinder, hopper tarp, shedded, c/w Redekop chaff blower, REM chaff wagon. 306-697-3238, Grenfell, SK. 2004 JD 9760, 1369 sep. hrs., 615 PU, exc. cond., Precision Parts feed accelerator, field ready, shedded, $148,500 OBO; 2003 JD 9750, 1507 sep. hrs., duals, large hopper, long auger, 914 PU, Precision Parts feed accelerator, vg cond., shedded, $134,500 OBO. 306-548-4357, 306-547-7235, Sturgis, SK. 1995 JD 9600 w/914 PU, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, Sunnybrook cylinder, 3774 eng. hrs., 2698 sep. hrs., $57,500. 204-564-2345, 204-937-7052, Inglis, MB. JD PT 7721 combine, good PU and chopper; Also 2 CIH PT 730 and 721 swathers, 1 w/PU reel. 306-489-4548, Alameda, SK. 1998 JD 9610 Maximizer, 914 PU, chaff spreader, auto height control, double knife chopper, 1980 sep. hrs, 2800 eng. hrs, exc. cond., asking $85,000 OBO. Murray 204-372-6051, Fisher Branch, MB. 1986 JD 8820 Titan II, 5100 eng. hrs., 925 straight cut header w/PU reels and trailer, 214 header w/914 PU. $28,000 for all. Call 306-594-2896, Norquay, SK. 1984 JD 7720, 212 PU, 930 flex header, chopper, chaff spreader, 4700 engine hours, Greenlighted, always shedded. 306-567-7721, Bladworth, SK. 1984 JD 8820, 3200 hrs.; 1979 JD 8820, 5100 hrs., both have approx. 100 hours on new concave rasp bars, sieve and many other parts. $11,000 each OBO. Wawota, SK. 306-575-8312 2008 JD 9870 STS, duals; 2006 JD 9760 STS; JD 9760, yield and moisture. Phone Hergott Farm Equipment, your Case/IH Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.
1987 MF 850 combine, big engine, victory PU, shedded, exc. cond., 1779 hrs. showing. 306-567-3042, Davidson, SK. 1993 MF 8570, rotor, Crary chaff spreader, 2413 eng. hrs, 1237 sep. hrs, shedded, exc. cond., $55,000 OBO. 780-920-9339, Myrnam, AB. MF 750 COMBINE, good tires, in good cond., $3500 OBO. Call 306-476-7898, Rockglen, SK. 860 MF COMBINE, Ser #1746020158, approx. 2700 eng. hrs., gd. cond., draper and 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; straight cut header, field ready, $13,000. 403-362-6682, Tilley, AB.
1984 860 V8 hydro, hyd. reverser, AC, heater, 1800 hrs, chopper and chaff s p r e a d e r, l o n g u n l o a d i n g a u g e r. 306-231-2222, Watson, SK. 1987 MF 850, 2365 hrs., intercooled eng., standard trans, Sund PU, ext. auger, straw spreaders, $5000. 306-375-2313, Kyle, SK. WANTED: MF 8780, low hours or Premium 8570 combine. 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. 1991 MF 8460, 2400 hrs., Model 9550, 13â&#x20AC;&#x2122; header, Rake-Up PU, chopper, one owner, Serial #194241, $25,000. 403-854-3161, Hanna, AB. 1985 MF 860, V8 hydro, long auger, 2500 hrs., $6500 OBO; 1980 MF 760, V8 hydro, 3400 hrs., $3500 OBO; MF 9024 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s t r a i g h t c u t h e a d e r, $ 2 6 0 0 O B O . 204-638-0911, Dauphin, MB.
1991 MF 8570 combine, 2845 hrs., concave rub bars, feeder chain within last 200 hrs., new rotor bearing, Rake-Up, PU, shedded, not used last three years $26,000 OBO. 306-698-2397, Wolseley, SK MF 851â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and 852â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s PT combines for sale. One for parts, 3 in running order, asking $400-$750 OBO. Call Robert, Redvers, SK. 306-452-3393 or 306-452-3956 after 6PM. WANTED 860 MF combine, good working condition, not more than 100 miles from Paradise Hill, SK. 306-344-4453. 1997 MF 8570, w/Sund PU, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MF 9700 s t r a i g h t c u t h e a d e r, 1 2 3 4 h r s . 306-658-4556, Landis, SK. 1987 MF 860 std., c/w wide pickup, long auger, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; straight cut header and new trailer, approx. 2400 hrs., always shedded, exc. shape. 403-740-5996, Castor, AB. 1981 860 MF combine, 3000 hrs, Melroe 3 8 8 P U, c h o p p e r, we l l m a i n t a i n e d . 306-736-2757 leave msg., Kipling, SK. 850 MASSEY COMBINE, pickup, straw chopper, 3491 hrs., shedded, reason for selling- downsized and have two, $7000; 1033 NH bale wagon, holds 105, $2500. 306-682-3293, Humboldt, SK. 1985 MF 860 6 cyl. std., 3616 hrs., RakeUp, chopper, chaff storm, shedded, excellent condition, $5500. 306-424-2271, Montmartre, SK. 2011 MASSEY FERGUSON 9895, low hours, Mav chopper, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Swathmaster PU, warranty. 403-588-0766, Three Hills, AB. MF 9690, 1070 eng. hrs, 760 sep. hrs, exc. shape, $150,000. 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper, Agco 5 1 0 0 , 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; A g c o 8 0 0 0 flex header. 306-846-2130 306-867-4167 Dinsmore SK 1980 MF 750 combine, silver cab, 2300 hrs., var. spd. trans., running cond., best offer. Doug 403-934-3394, Strathmore,AB. 1982 MASSEY 850 combine with 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; straight cut header, always shedded, $5000. Call 306-739-2646, Wawota, SK.
1984 8920, 2730 hrs; 1980 8700, 2560 hrs; 918 quick cut w/Hart Carter; all shedded. Also 8650. 306-258-4600, Vonda, SK.
CHOICE OF 2 shedded 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HoneyBee headers, TR adapters, pea augers, $26,000. 306-873-2841, Tisdale, SK. 2009 JD 635F w/PU reel, fore/aft, spare knife, header height sensing in rigid, exc. cond., $29,000. 204-791-0011, St Francois Xavier, MB. RETIRING: 2009 JD 635 draper header, double knife drive, pea auger, full skid plates, excellent, $58,000. 780-777-4153, Fort Sask., AB. 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MACDON 960, w/JD adapter and transport, PU reel, gauge wheels, stored inside, $12,900; JD 224 w/transport, stored inside, $3000. 306-472-5719, Lafleche, SK.
2005 CIH 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2062 FLEX, same as Macdon 974, fits CIH 1460-2588, $37,800. Other CIH/CR combine adapters available. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515.
2003 MACDON 972 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PU reel, Case 88 series adapter, shedded, field ready, $27,000 OBO. 306-421-7566, Estevan, SK. 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HONEYBEE w/PU reel, transport, pea auger, gauge wheels, JD 9600 and 60 Series adaptor, always shedded. Gravelbourg, SK. 306-648-2945. HONEYBEE 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DOUBLE KNIVES, single UII PU reel, 2008 pea auger, JD adapter good cond.; 230 JD batt reel w/transport 914 PU header. 403-393-0219, 403-833-2190. JD 230 c/w UII PU reel, vg, $8500; JD 925 flex header c/w PU reel; JD 630 flex header. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. 1993 MACDON 960 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; swather header, triple delivery, PU reel, very straight, no dents, excellent condition, $12,500 OBO. 403-741-6860 Stettler, AB. CASE/IH 1020 FLEX header, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; pickup reel, skid plates, fore and aft. Phone: 306-483-5034, Oxbow, SK. HONEYBEE 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HEADER, w/NH combine adapter for TX66. Will fit others. UII PU reel, hyd. fore and aft, poly skid plates, gauge wheels, factory transport, very good condition, always shedded, $29,500 OBO. 780-853-0821 cell, Vermilion, AB. 2008 JD 936D, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper header, single point hook up, hyd. fore/aft, always shedded, exc. cond., $38,000. 780-878-1550, Camrose, AB.
BRAND NEW 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PW7 PICKUP HEADER comes w/ Swathmaster pickup, in stock. JD 615 replacement $ 25,800, CIH 2016 replacement $ 26,800, NH 9070 $ 26,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515.
1.780.875.4471 1.780.645.4437 1.780.853.5361
Crop Residue Management
1-866-733-3567 1997 TO 2002 CIH 1020 flex platforms, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, reconditioned, sale $9950$14,900; 2007 CIH 2020 flex platforms, 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, sale $24,900; 1990 to 1995 JD 925, 930 flex platforms, steel pts., poly skids, sale $6900; 1996 to 1999 JD 925, 930 flex platforms, poly pts, reconditioned, new PU teeth, poly skids, cutter bar, mint, sale $12,900; 2000 to 2003 JD 925, 930 flex platforms, F/F auger, PU reel, poly skids, sale $13,900 to $17,900; 2007 JD 630 hydra flex platforms, reconditioned, like new, sale $28,900; 2004 JD 635 hydra flex platform, reconditioned, sale $24,900. Install a JD flex platform on your combine any make. We make adapter kits. Delivery anywhere in Western Canada. Call Gary Reimer 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB,
2007 JD 635 HydraFlex, CWS air bar, A-1 condition, $34,900; 4 wheel header trailer, $3900; CIH 883, 8 row, 30â&#x20AC;? corn head, good condition, $5900. Delivery available. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB.
6 29 to $1049
M a n u fa ctu red fo r a ll-co m b in es a n d a ll ho pper exten s io n s
2003 JD 930F, 50/60/70 spline shaft drive, fore/aft reel, premium condition, stored inside, $$20,500. 204-785-3626, East Selkirk, MB. CASE/IH 1020 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex header, PU reels, for/aft, $8500 OBO. 780-674-1358, Barrhead, AB.
H ydra ulic Pa rts & D oin g H ydra ulic R e p a ir
Ca ll NODGE Firs t
Swift Current, SK
â&#x20AC;˘ Pic ku p Be lts & Te e th â&#x20AC;˘ Ele va to r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts â&#x20AC;˘ Fe e d e r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts â&#x20AC;˘ C o m b in e pa rts â&#x20AC;˘ C a n va s â&#x20AC;˘ Tra c to r Pa rts w w w .n od gem fg.c om
â&#x20AC;˘ S e e d Bo o ts & Tips â&#x20AC;˘ Air S e e d e r Ho s e â&#x20AC;˘ Pa c ke rW he e l C a ps â&#x20AC;˘ Nic ho ls S ho ve ls â&#x20AC;˘ Ha rro w Tin e s â&#x20AC;˘ Ba le r Be lts â&#x20AC;˘ Ha yin g & Ha rve s t Pa rts & S u pplie s
BRAND NEW HONEYBEE SP40 HEADER in stock, HHC, double knife drive, light kit, new style factory transport, $64,800. Adapters to most combines available. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. See video at:
SIDE PANELS to fit Case 9120 or 7120 combines. Best offer. Includes shipping. 701-370-2150 cell, Crystal City, MB.
WANTED: CHAFF SAVER with cyclone for JD 9500 or 9600. Call 204-548-2248, Gilbert Plains, MB. HARVEST CHAFFER SCREENS, 200 acres, JD 95/9400, and Case/IH 1050 com36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MACDON 973 and 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MacDon 972 with fits JD 70 Series adapters, hyd. fore/aft, poly bines, $650 OBO. 403-641-4578, Gem, AB. skids, stored inside, good drapers, knife 2009 REDEKOP CHAFF BLOWER and cyguards, reel fingers, 973- $29,000, 972- clone off a 9600 JD, excellent condition, $27,000. Call Ron 204-941-0045 or $3250. 306-699-2689, Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK. 204-322-5638, Rosser, MB. COMBINE all comFLEX HEADS: JD 925, $6500; JD 930, bines - all extensions - for less money call $7500; Case/IH 1020, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $6000; 820, 204-436-2335, Elm Creek, MB. $2000; 1015 PU header. 1-866-938-8537. CHAFF WAGON AND good Redekopp blow2004 MACDON 974 header 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, JD er to fit approx. 50â&#x20AC;? combine, $1200. adapter, upper cross auger, PU reel, one 780-755-2550 or 780-806-8712, Edgerton. owner, always shedded, excellent cond., Redekop chopper model #3250 for IH 80 $39,500. 306-648-7721, Gravelbourg, SK. or 88 series combine, $1000. HONEYBEE SP36 (Gleaner ADP.), $20,900; 306-464-4710, Lang, SK. CIH 1010, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, w/PU reel, $7400; CIH 1020 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex header, $11,900; CIH 2052 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper, $45,500; MacDon 973, 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, CIH adapter, $39,900; JD 635, 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $57,000; For Over 30 Years CIH 1010, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/transport, $8500; CIH 1020 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex, HFA, poly skid, $13,500; MD D60 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/JD kit, $56,000; Two MD 974 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/CIH kit, $49,900 each; JD 635 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ext. auger, transport, $54,500. Ph Hergott Farm Equip 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. For a Noticeable Improvement
1993 JD 930R-30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, header with pickup reel, $7900. 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. VERMILION
Seedbed Preparation Simplified.
NEW TRACTOR PARTS and engine reJD 914P, low acres, AHHC, $13,900 OBO. build kits. 150,000 parts available. Great quotes. Service and owners manuals, and JD 635F 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex w/wo air reel; JD 930F 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. decals. Our 38th year. 1-800-481-1353. 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex w/wo air reel; JD 930 rigid header. JD 212 PICKUP with table, nearly new 306-882-3317, Rosetown, SK. belts. 306-784-2953, Main Centre, SK. STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very 2002 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MACDON 972 HEADER, Cat affordable new and used parts available, adapter, PU reel, hyd. fore&aft., pea auger made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 and vine lifters, always shedded, $32,500. 306-228-7970, 306-228-7997, Unity, SK. AXCELLER KITS, speciality rotors, Ma- ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, keeff, and feeder reverser kits for Case/IH Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom recombines. Call 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. builds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red BERGEN HEADER TRANSPORT, will trans- Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732. port flex or canvas header up to 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, c/w torsion axles, two saddles and header bar, $2750. 306-551-7434, Regina, SK.
2006 JD 630 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex header, 50 Series hookup, stubble lights, poly skid plates, auto header height sensing, $25,000. 306-854-2053, 306-533-3202, Elbow, SK.
2004 973 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper header, PU reel w/metal fingers, c/w 801 MacDon bi-directional adapter, under 3000 acres on machine, shedded. Mint! $16,000. 204-866-4261, Anola, MB.
see our equipment at
Precision Seeding
HONEYBEE 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, fore/aft, UII reel, newer canvas, twin reel drive, $17,500. Frontier, SK. 306-295-4062 or 306-295-7012.
2009 MACDON FD70 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex draper header, unit off Cat Lexion pkg., vg working cond., mobile transport wheels, adapters avail. for JD, Case, IH, NH, $58,000. Can 2001 JD 930F flex header, fair condition, deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. $13,500 OBO. 306-478-7040, Mankota, SK. 2005 JD 635F, Contour, fore/aft, good 2003 CASE IH 1052 draper head, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, low poly and fingers, $19,500; 3 - CASE/IH acres, $33,000 OBO. 306-563-8482, 1020 headers, 1997, 2002 and 2004, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. starting at $13,000. 204-256-2098, Tre- 971 NH 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; straight cut header, PU reel, herne, MB. good shape, always shedded. Marwayne, FD70 MACDON ADAPTER for Case/IH AB., 780-847-2619, 780-871-4815. combine, $1650. 306-692-4047, Moose COMPLETE SET (10) wear plates for 930 Jaw, SK. JD rigid header, heavy, 3/16â&#x20AC;? thick, asking NH 960 PEA HEADER, 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/Sund PU, $2800. Call Anton 306-267-4411, cell: good cond. Call Ed Cavers 204-825-2456, 306-267-7556, Coronach, SK. 204-825-8097, Pilot Mound, MB. WANTED: TR ADAPTER for MacDon 960 2005 JD 635F and 2005 JD 630F flex header. 306-246-4251, Mayfair, SK. headers, PU reels, good cond., $20,000. 1991 NEW HOLLAND 971 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; straight cut and $22,000. 306-682-4520, Muenster, SK. header w/Hart Carter PU reel, transport, CIH 1020 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex header with PU reels, $8000. 306-968-2947, Marengo, SK. fore and aft with transport, $13,500. 2009 JD 635D draper header, exc. cond., 306-896-2817, Churchbridge, SK. factory transport PU reel, $49,000 OBO. JD 930 FLEX poly skid, pickup reel, with 403-979-2999, Seven Persons, AB. transport, ser. #930F646235, $10,000. 2002 NH 94C (HoneyBee), 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, AFX/CR/CX Kipling, SK, 306-736-7366. adaptor, shedded, $34,000 OBO. Rama, 2 CASE/IH MACDON flex draper head- SK, 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. ers 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Phone 306-642-3079, ViceJOHN DEERE 925 flex header with transroy, SK. port, $10,600 OBO. Call 780-352-2818, 1994 MACDON 960, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/PU reel, 3 780-361-7947, Gwynne, AB. wheel transport, JD 9600 adapter, low acres, always shedded, exc. cond. $15,500. 2009 MACDON D60 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; header with JD adapter, $55,000. Phone 306-861-9930, 306-217-0314, Bredenbury, SK. Weyburn SK 2005 HONEYBEE SP-30 header, PU reel, pea auger, gauge wheels, always shedded, JD 930D PU reel, for/aft, transport, exc. JD 50 and 60 series hookup, vg cond., cond., low acres, $35,000. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. $32,500 OBO. 306-723-4799, Cupar, SK.
1992 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MACDON header, Gleaner adapter, including transport, vg cond., $14,000. 306-584-3731, Moose Jaw, SK. MACDON ADAPTER for 960 MacDon header, to fit IHC combine, vg cond., $4000. 306-246-4251, Mayfair, SK. JD 635 draper header, dual knife drive, gauge wheels; JD 930 draper header, dual 1998 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HONEYBEE draper header, knife drive, gauge wheels. 204-851-0745, fore/aft, UII PU reel, NH TR adapter. 306-625-7775, Ponteix, SK. Elkhorn, MB. 2003 CIH 1010 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; header, w/PU reel, 2002 JOHN DEERE F930 flex header, with $7500; 2004 CIH 1020 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex, $16,000. new transport trailer, $19,500 complete. 306-773-8705, Wymark, SK. 306-847-4413, 306-963-7755, Liberty, SK. 2 JD HEADERS-2001 930R and 1996 930F, GLEANER 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PU reel and carrier, $9800; PU reels, for/aft, poly, AutoHeight, exc. 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MacDon PU reel, $1800. Pro Ag Sales, cond., always shedded, $18,000 for both. 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. 204-746-4141, St. Jean Baptist, MB. 2006 MACDON 974 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex header, single JD 224 RIGID straight cut header, 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, point hookup, was on 9750 STS, fore and field ready, $2500. Call 403-854-2189, aft, gauge wheels, pea auger, $41,500. 306-759-2733, Eyebrow, SK. Hanna, AB. 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JD 220 straight cut header, PU reels, 1020 CASE/IH 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex header, done less than 1000 acres, mint condition. $1500. 780-994-3225, Wetaskiwin, AB. 306-795-3482, Ituna, SK. WANTED: 230 JD straight cut header, in reasonable condition. Call 306-257-3689, 2009 630D DRAPER header, $42,000. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. Allan, SK. CASE/IH 1010 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, forward/aft PU reels, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PEA AUGER for HoneyBee header, exc. cond., shedded, $7500; JD 456 round like new, $3000. 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. baler, $6500. 780-672-6062, Camrose, AB. 2003 MACDON 872 combine adapter, excellent condition, came off a TR combine, $4000 OBO. 403-741-6860, Stettler, AB. MACDON ADAPTER 960 for JD 9600, $2500 OBO. 204-223-6193, Lorette, MB.
2008 JD 635F header, mint condition, fully 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CASE 1010 straight cut header. Ron loaded, $27,500 OBO. Call: 204-424-5632, Carriere Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, La Broquerie, MB. August 11, 2012, Estevan, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or EASY HARVEST SYSTEM S LTD 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 * used combine headers - all WANTED: MF 9122 flex header in good cond. Ben 306-297-2942, Shaunavon, SK. makes - all sizes * new EHR PU reels IH 1015 PICKUP header, mostly new belts, * used Draper Headers $5000 OBO. 306-335-2777, 306-924-4217, Abernethy, SK. * PU reel updates: to rebuild Hart Carter reels MACDON 973-36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, with 873 JD combine adaptor, 2007, loaded, $44,500; MACDON P hone 78 0- 8 75 - 8 5 05 960-36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1989, with combine adaptor Llo yd m in ster, Alta . $7900. 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. Em a il: ra b en o it@ m csn (2) HONEYBEE SP30 hdrs, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, fore&aft, Fa x: 780- 875- 8567 PU reel, fits NH or Case/IH, $22,000/ea. 2009 NH 94C, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, double knife, AFX/ OBO. Phone 403-588-9497, Bashaw, AB. CR/CX adaptor. Unused, $49,900 OBO. 230/930 STRAIGHT CUT rigid headers, 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. starting from $5750. Phone: Bernie MACDON 963 HEADER, batt reel, 2004 204-825-8558, St. Leon, MB. model, 88 series Case adapter, field ready, MACDON 974 FLEX DRAPER 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, JD $21,000 OBO, transport. 306-421-7566, 70/60 series adapter, single point hook Estevan, SK. up, split reel, pea auger, fore/aft, hyd. tilt, 1993 MACDON 960, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PU reels, NH TR new poly skids, new canvas, Schumacher adaptor, only used on cereals, good condi- knife, slow spd. transport package, always shedded. Asking $42,000 OBO. Bob at tion. 306-666-3075, Fox Valley, SK. 780-608-7363, Daysland, AB. 2001 MACDON 972 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; header w/MacDon 8 7 2 a d ap t e r fo r G l e a n e r c o m b i n e , THREE 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HONEYBEE headers w/PU reels, JD adapters, $14,900 to $22,900; two $25,000. 306-230-6879, Vanscoy, SK. CaseIH 1010, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; headers, batt reel, $5900 2000 JD 930F flexhead, Crary air reel, po- each; IH 810 header, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, PU reel, $4900; ly, full finger auger, single pt. hyd. hookup, 22.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; NH 973 flex header w/PU reel, shedded, $15,900. Altona, 204-324-7658 $5700; two JD 914 PU headers, $8900 each. 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK.
RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK.
NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-6674515.
in combine performance we manufacture Feeder Chains, Conventional Concaves, Rotary Concaves, Air Foil Chaffers, and Plastic Louvered Sieves. For the Dealer nearest you
HARVEST SERVICES LTD. 1-800-667-2601
Check Us Out!
JD - $2299.00 N H - $1825.00 C IH/HES S - $2350.00
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Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et
Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs .
Plu s M u ch M o re!
8661 4686 - $325.00 9806 931 - $131.00 T R- 96- 99 - 772.00 T X 66 - $1275.00 $
B ALER TW INE 28,000 10 + $30.95 40,000 10 + $44.00
Dealer Inquiries Welcome Ph:800-525-8189 Ph:306-244-2068 Fax:306-244-9699 2835B Cleveland Ave. Saskatoon,Sask
w w w
IHC 4166 TRACTOR for parts, dual wheels all around, engine seized due to weather, offers. Donald 306-868-7705, Avonlea, SK. DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON WRECKING CASE 2090 for parts. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255.
1-8 00-340-119 2 Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g JOHN DEERE PT 7721 combine for parts. Call 306-784-2953, Main Centre, SK. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battleford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. We buy machinery.
M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa lva ge Inc.
GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734.
Specia lizing In N ew, Used & Reb uiltAgricultura l And C onstruction Pa rts Call Today
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.
1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB New Used & Re-man parts M edicine Ha t, AB .
B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling
LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, We sell new, used and remanufactured please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, parts for most farm tractors and combines. 306-946-7923, Young, SK. G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. Tractors Combines Swathers
Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.
Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www.; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new, used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service. SALVAGE TRACTOR ARRIVALS, Ford 8340, 8210, 7710, 7610, 7600, 6600, 5000, 4000, 3000, 1720, 800, 8N, Super Major, County. IH 8940, 5488, 885, 784, 844, 574, 624, B275. MF 8120, 3165, 35. Nuffield 10/60, 4/65. JD 7700, 3140. Volvo 650, 810. Case 1690, 1394, 1190. 2255 and 66L loaders. Ph. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK. TOP $$$ PAID for scrap batteries. Call 306-761-1688, Regina, SK. IHC 915 COMBINE not running, selling for WRECKING: VERSATILE 400 swathers; parts, taking offers? Call Donald at 2394 Case tractor; 7721 JD combine. 306-255-7614, Colonsay, SK. 306-868-7705, Avonlea, SK.
John Deere Model 530 -535 3 ply Diamond top laced with alligator lacing Complete Set - $2189.00 • New Holland Model 660-664-668 3 ply mini rough top laced with alligator lacing Complete Set - $1689.00 Case IH/Hesston model 8460/8560/560/565 3 Ply Chevron w/alligator lacing
Complete Set - $2,289.00
Com plete s ets form os tm akes ...Call forpricing • B u lk B eltin g M os t Sizes • En dles s B elts Too
1999 JD 6750 Forage Harvester, redone 1995 844 ROGATOR sprayer, 90’ booms, 2 blades, blower and spout liner last year, sets of tires, 23.1x26 and brand new 230/9.5x48. Raven rate control, foam Dealer for Logan pota- 60,000 OBO. 204-365-7186, Hamiota, MB to boxes, conveyors and Tristeel Mfg. po- 2004 NH FX60 FORAGE HARVESTER, 4 marker, triple nozzles, 4500 hrs., asking tato polishers, tote fillers, washline equip. WD, 2370 engine hrs., 1663 cutting hrs.; $50,000. Lipton, SK. 306-336-2508. Largest inventory of used potato equip. NH 346W hay header. Located at Taber, 2012 VERSATILE SX275, 120’, demonstraDave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB. tor. Great leasing program. Cam-Don MoAB. Phone 204-522-6333. tors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2009 CASE IH FXH300 forage harvester, w/2006 Westward 700 high dump wagon, 1996 WILMAR 765 SE, 90’, 600 gal., new SCHULTE JUMBO 320 rock picker, excel- used only 1500 acres, has metal alert, s p r ay p u m p , wo r k s e x c e l l e n t , G P S, lent condition, $9500. 780-679-7795, wide pickup, tandem walking axles, always $34,000 OBO. 306-948-2906, Biggar, SK. shedded, excellent condition, $49,900. Camrose, AB. 2001 SPRA-COUPE 4640, 80’, 3-way Phone 306-331-7385, Lipton, SK. nozzles, 2 sets of tires, w/wo full GPS, NEW 320 SCHULTE jumbo rockpicker for NH 2115 HARVESTER, hay and 6R corn- (AutoSteer and AccuBoom), 2400 hrs. sale. 403-545-2580, Bow Island, AB. head, 4WD, $35,000; RICHARDTON 1200, 306-577-9193 cell, Wawota, SK. 700 and 770 hi-dump wagons; JD 3970 harvester. Call 204-857-8403, Portage La 1996 TRAILTECH sprayer trailer, tandem duals, c/w 600 gal. water tank, 8.5’ wide, 2006 CLAAS 870 forage harvester, 1085 Prairie, MB. $6900. Cam-Don Motors, 306-237-4212, eng. hrs, 855 harvesting hrs, rock-stopper, Perdue, SK. spout camera, 1 owner, near new cond. 2000 FL80 Freightliner feed truck, c/w 575 2001 NH SF550 sprayer, equivalent to 2011 SCHULTE 30’ mower for sale, like Rogator 554, 2300 hrs., 5.9 Cummins, 660 Harsh mixer. 306-342-4447, Glaslyn, SK. new. Call 403-545-2580, Bow Island, AB. gal. SS tank, 90’ booms, pressure washer, 700 JIFFY HYDUMP, very nice shape. chem. inductor, EZ-Steer, EZ-Boom, map403-588-0958, Alix, AB. ping, triple nozzle bodies w/5 and 10 gal. tips, 2 sets of tires 23.1x26 and 9.5R44, RICHARDSON HIGH DUMP silage wagexc. cond. Will deliver. Minnedosa, MB., on, good condition, $3500 OBO. Call 204-763-8896. 306-423-5983,306-960-3000, St.Louis, SK. 2011 NH FR9050 forage harvester, brand JETSTREAM SPRAYER, 60’, foam markers, new, full 2 yr. warranty. Kirriemuir, AB. good condition, shedded, $4500 OBO. 403-552-3753, 780-753-0353. Phone 306-873-5483, Tisdale, SK. 8 ’ S I L O P R E S S X P I I f o r s a l e . 120’ 65XL FLEXI-COIL sprayer, with 1200 306-654-2171, Prud’homme, SK. gal. tank; 96’ 62 Flexi-Coil with 800 gal. 2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no PU, tank. 306-882-3317, Rosetown, SK. 1910 hrs., $145,000 OBO. 403-684-3540, 2008 SRX 160, 1350 gal. wheel boom Brant, AB. sprayer, 134’, autorate, windguards, markNEW HOLLAND FP240 forage cutter, e r s , d u a l n o z z l e s , $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . 2005, bought new, well maintained, in 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK. good shape, $29,500 OBO. Call Mike BLANCHARD SPRAYER 66’, 500 gal., hyd. 7 8 0 - 7 7 7 - 5 3 6 4 , L e d u c , A B o r e m a i l : a n d P T O p u m p , $ 9 5 0 . P h o n e ‘94 WILLMAR 765HT 80’ booms, Mid-Tech rate control, 3,947 hrs, $29,900. Trades 306-567-3128, Bladworth, SK. welcome. Financing available. 1-800-6672007 CLAAS FORAGE HARVESTER 850 GE 2003 BRANDT QF2500, 120’, hyd. pump, 4515. with 380 HD header, exc. cond., 1672 1500 gal. tank, foam marker, exc. cond., 2008 JD 4730 sprayer w/1300 hrs., c/w cutter head hrs, new knives, new shear $11,000. 306-424-2271, Montmartre, SK. AutoTrac, BoomTrac Pro, seven section bar, ready to work, $190,000 OBO. Phone Ryan at 250-219-0778, Dawson Creek, BC. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 60, wind screens, auto shutoff, hyd. tread adjust, 5 sensor marker, 830 gal. tank. 306-467-4973, Duck height control, dual rears, exc. cond., 2004 JF 1350 SILAGE CUTTER, done Lake, SK. $198,000; Tridekon dividers available. 3000 acres, $37,500; Jiffy 700 Hydump. 306-344-7410, Paradise Hill, SK. 403-323-2349, Bashaw, AB. 2008 AG SHIELD 100’ PT High Clearance 2008 CASE 3320 at 90’, 1170 hrs; 2003 JD sprayer. Excellent cond., always shedded, CASE/IH 8750 forage harvester, $12,900; 4710 at 90’, 2800 hrs; 2005 SPX 4410 at Supreme 900 mix wagon, $47,900. Pro Ag $35,000. 306-628-3306, Mendham, SK. 100’, 1750 hrs. 306-543-8746, Regina, SK, Sales, 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. BOURGAULT 1460, 1250 gal., autorate, $14,900; Bourgault 850 III, 96’, curtains, 1990 JD 5730 forage harvester, SP unit autorate, very nice, $7900; Bourgault 850 2000 AG-CHEM Rogator 854, 4570 hrs., SS with PU, excellent condition, low time en- III, 83’, curtains, $4500. Hergott Farm tank, new tires, 100’ boom, Raven monigine, ready for work. 306-587-2388 (H) or Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. tor, $64,000. 204-648-7129 Grandview MB 306-741-2006 (C), Cabri, SK. TERRAGATOR 90’ APACHE spray boom, SS MH 9500 AG BAG silage bagger, 6 cyl. 1993 FLEXI-COIL 65, 80’, rate control, tank, autorate controller, auto trans., new Cummins, 250’ cables, 11’ tunnel, new windscreens, double nozzle, v.g. $6900. Cummins engine, $15,000. 306-693-2660, conveyor belt, w/(3) 200’ bags, $45,000 Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK 306-681-9030, Moose Jaw, SK. firm. 204-759-2710, Shoal Lake, MB. FLEXI-COIL 65 PT sprayer, 90’, autofold, 2001 ROGATOR 854, 800 gal. SS tank, 90’, autorate, chem tank, rinse tank, end noz2003 NH SP 230 forage harvester, 29P PU, Envizio Pro with Raven AutoSteer, air ride used only 3 seasons, c/w set of new zles, windscreens, disc markers, 800 gal., cab, two sets of tires, 4500 hrs, $77,000. knives, good condition, asking $19,000. new hyd. pump, and newer tires, $5000 403-994-7754, Olds, AB. OBO. 204-836-2838, 204-825-8180, Mari306-329-4780, 306-371-7382, Asquith, SK. apolis, MB. NEW TRAILTECH SPRAYER TRAILERS in T U B E L I N E BA L E W R A P P E R fo r s a l e . 2006 FLEXI-COIL 67XL, 134’ wheel boom, stock now. Haul up to 2000 gal. of water 780-349-2591, Westlock, AB. hyd. fold, rate control, 18.4x38, bar tread, and your sprayer. Available in gooseneck YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your rinse tank, chem. tank, foam markers, v.g., and pintle. Call Wendell at Flaman Sales silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron $24,900. Cam-Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Ltd., 1-888-235-2626, 306-726-7652, Southey, SK. Perdue, SK. toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. 2004 BRANDT SB4000, 90’ suspended SPRA-COUPE MODEL 220, 52’, 4 wheel, boom sprayer, shedded, 1600 US gal. tank, rear dual wheels, 750 hrs., foam marker, 5 and 10 gal. nozzles, Raven boom height Outback GPS, tow bar, asking $14,500. control, wind cones, chem. handler, Micro 306-962-4518, Eston, SK. Trak variable rate controller, foam marker kit, 380/85Rx46 tires, Outback S and 360 ROGATOR 854, big and small tires, GPS and mapping unit included. Asking $55,500. 306-563-6651, Canora, SK. $32,000. 306-640-8112 or 306-263-4600, NEW TRAILTECH SPRAYER trailers now in Assiniboia, SK. stock. Haul up to 2000 gal. of water and 2007 FLEXI-COIL 68XL, 134’ boom, 1650 your sprayer together. Avail. in gooseneck US gal., triple nozzles, autorate, Auto- and pintle hitch. Ph Al, Flaman Sales, Sas2006 CLAAS 870 SPEEDSTAR w/380 HD Boom, stored inside. The cleanest machine katoon 306-934-2121, 1-888-435-2626. PU and 8 row Kemper corn head, fully you’ll find, great condition. $39,000. LIKE NEW SET of 100 JD nozzles, 3 gal. loaded and just rebuilt, Mercedes engine 306-584-5050, Regina, SK. and 10 gallon, $500 each set. w/2480 hrs. on cutter head, Steinbauer power/fuel chip, spout camera, spout ex- FAST 100’ BOOM, 800 gal. side mount 306-472-7704, Lafleche, SK. tensions, rock stopper, autolube, rear tank, all plumbing included, field ready. 2000 AG CHEM rogator 854, 4590 hrs., weights, $199,000. For more info and pic- 204-388-4613, Niverville, MB. 800 gal. SS tank, 2 sets of tires, runs extures call 780-914-2768, Leduc, AB. FLEXI-COIL 65 SPRAYER, 90’ boom, 800 cellent, 60/90’ booms, Raven monitor, tank, good condition, $4000. $67,900 OBO. Ph Bernie 204-825-8558, St. E arly Book ing Program ! gallon Leon, MB. 204-683-2267, St. Lazare, MB. Sila ge B a lew ra p startin g at$84 2001 FLEXI-COIL MODEL 67XL, 100’, 1250 2010 ROGATOR 1184, 97 eng. hrs, 100’, Sila ge C overs gal. tank, wind screens, disc markers, au- 1100 gal. SS tank, Viper Pro, Smartraxx, -32 feetto 120 feetw ide,a ny length torate, triple nozzle, asking $12,500. AccuBoom, AutoBoom, HID lights, 3” front inside load, fence row, hyd. adj. axles. 306-962-4518, Eston, SK. 306-527-8843, 306-737-8286, Regina, SK. Phone:403-994-7 207
or 7 80-206-4666
w w na dia nh a ya ndsila
1994 MELROE SPRA-COUPE 220, 1150 hrs, SILAGE PLASTIC: New black/white pit GPS Outback, Raven control, 60’ hyd. covers. All sizes and thicknesses avail. Will b o o m , 2 s e t s o f t i r e s , $ 9 5 0 0 . deliver to AB. and SK. Call Ryan for best 306-873-2268, Tisdale, SK. prices at 403-608-8259, Strathmore, AB. 2006 AG CHEM rogator 1074, 2900 hrs., NH FP 240 forage harvester 29PW PU 1080 gal. SS tank, 60/100’ booms, Raven h e a d e r, p u r c h a s e d n ew 2 0 0 8 , o n ly 5 0 0 0 m o n i t o r, Au t o S t e e r m a p p i n g chopped 800 acres, always shedded, like equipped, 4 new floaters, 4 air ride crop new. Located at Swan River, MB. Call dividers available, 2 new skinny tires, runs excellent, field ready, $136,900. Bernie 403-758-3509 res., or 204-734-0541 cell 204-825-8558, St. Leon, MB. COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, ta- 8500 WILMAR AIR RIDE, AutoSteer, 90’ pered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage booms, loaded, only 850 hours, like new, $112,000. 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK. gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. 1-800-667-6700 306-948-5335 Box 1496 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
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FYFE P A R TS w w w .fyfepa rts .com
Ph: 306-859-1200
2000 WILMAR 8200, 8.3 Cummins, high clearance sprayer, 2300 hrs., 90’ booms, 800 gal. SS tank, easy guide and steer, $65,000. 306-631-6684, Moose Jaw, SK. 2007 JD 4720 SP sprayer, 90’ booms, 800 US gal. poly tank, 320x90R46 tires, 5 nozzle bodies, GS2 2600 display, StarFire ITC reciever, Greenstar display, Norac UC4 total control boom control, 384 hrs. showing, for sale by auction, Parker, July 19, Kitscoty, AB., call 306-445-5000 or visit PL#914618 FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.
DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. TRIDEKON CROP SAVERS set of four with quick detach brackets, $4,000 OBO. 306-482-7931, Gainsborough, SK. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK. GEORGE WHITE TRUCK mount sprayer, 250 gal., 40’, 3 section controller. Phone 306-935-2258, Milden, SK. NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for JD 4710, 4720, and 4730. 9 0 0 / 5 0 R 4 2 Michelin for 4930 JD, 650/65R38 for JD 4830; 650S for Case 4420. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK.
2011 BOURGAULT 3310-55 air drill, 54’, 12” spacing, double shoot, side band Bourgault knives, all-run blockage monitors, c/w 2011 Bourgault 6700 air tank, w/Topc o n m o n i t o r, 3 0 0 0 a c r e s a s n e w, $290,000. Available with 2003 Challenger MT865, 36” belts, PTO, 5 hyds, GPS, 4800 hours, premium unit, $180,000. 306-536-0891, Weyburn, SK. 40’ FLEXI-COIL 6000 disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot w/2320 air tank, good condition. 780-645-5374, 780-645-8188, St. Paul, AB. 2010 BOURGAULT 5710, 74’, 9.8” spacing, w/Dutch knives and 6700 ST tank, loaded, $252,000. Millhouse Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 1994 MORRIS MAXIM 34’ air drill, 3-1/2” rubber packers, Gen openers, 10” spacing, 6180 double shoot tank, drill single shoot right now, works fine, wanting to upgrade. $27,000 OBO. 306-692-7048 Moose Jaw SK 2012 SEEDMASTER 66’, lift kit, complete blockage monitors, will take newer 51’ Flexi-Coil 10” spacing on trade. Rob 306-630-9838,306-759-2689, Brownlee SK SEMI PNEUMATIC TIRES 4.50-8. Will fit 3320 PHD, 3310 PHD, Seed Hawk. Used 1/2 season from 3710 Bourgault. $50/tire US. New cost $75 US. 406-367-9321, 406-263-7980 cell, Glasgow, Montana. 2009 BOURGAULT 3310, 55’, 10” spacing, MRB’s, 2” tips, 4.8 pneumatic packer tire, single shoot, walking axles, rear dual tires, exc. cond. 306-675-6110, Kelliher, SK. CASE/IH CONCORD ATX5010, 50’, 10” spacing, exc. cond., w/Case/IH 2300 tank, 3-1/2” Dutch openers. Lots of maintenance done last 2 years, $34,900. Elie, MB, 204-391-1011, 2000 FLEXI-COIL 7500 50’ air drill, Slim Jim, $15,000. Call Moose Jaw, SK., 306-693-2660, 306-681-9030.
“The Air Bubble Jet consistently produces droplets that are 200-550 microns in size. Too big to drift - too $ 25 11 small to run off.”
Drift occurs when droplets are smaller than 200 microns. Standard sprayer nozzles drift because they produce droplets that are 50-300 micron in size with a large percentage under 200. With a droplet range of 200-550 microns, the Air Bubble Jet has 90% less drift than standard nozzles.
$ 95
Run off occurs with big droplets - 600 microns and over. Depending on the manufacturer, other low drift nozzles produce droplets that range in size from 250-1000 microns. That is why run off can be a problem. With a droplet size of 200-550 microns, your chemical stays on the plant when applied with the Air Bubble Jet.
Rub Bars, Concaves, Cages, Rotor Cones, Vane Kits, Walkers, Feeder Chains, front drums and sprockets, augers, auger troughs, top chaffers and bottom sieves, (air foil and standard), shoe frames.
SPRAYTEST REMOTE BOOM CONTROL Use handheld remote to select and turn on individual boom section for nozzle checks. Easy install with harness to plug in to your sprayer. Models for up to 16 sections.
1997 HAGIE 284 High Clearance sprayer, 800 gal., 90’ booms, AutoBoom, Outback GPS, double body w/air bubble jet nozzles, excellent condition, $55,000. Call Derreck 306-229-6161, Cudworth, SK.
• All makes and models • Outlasts & Outperforms all others • Universal Concave that saves you time & money • Increase Capacity, Improve Thrashing, and Save Grain
MAXIMIZE YOUR COMBINES POTENTIAL!!! 1 1/2 Miles WEST of Biggar, SK on Hiway #14
New Twin Air Bubble Jet. With the twin cap, you can use 2-5 gallon nozzles rather than 1-10 gallon nozzles. The advantage is you get over twice as many droplets per square inch for superior coverage. Air Bubble jet nozzles operate at 30-45 psi and have an overall range of 20-90 psi.They can be used to apply fungicides, insecticides and herbicides to any crop including potatoes and pulse crops. Ag Canada tested.
Murray Purvis Brandon, MB. 204-724-4519 | Gary Moffat Lethbridge, AB. 403-330-9085
FLEXI-COIL 8000 AIR DRILL, 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Barton disc openers, double shoot w/1720 TBT tank, rebuilt 2000 acres ago, shedded, exc. cond., $25,000 OBO. Phone 780-623-2649, Lac La Biche, AB. 2008 SEED HAWK 64â&#x20AC;&#x2122; seed drill, 12â&#x20AC;? spacing, new fertilizer openers; 2008 SEED HAWK 400 bu. TBH air cart, mechanical drive, on-board 800 gal. liquid fertilizer tank. Manifolds and hoses for second liquid fertilizer tank, $190,000 OBO. 780-837-1313, Falher, AB.
2008 BOURGAULT 5710 air hoe drill, 47â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3/4 openers, 3/4 side wing, Pattison variable rate liquid 500 gal. Alpine kit, 3.5 rubber packers; Bourgault 6350 air cart, single fan, 591 monitor, 3 compartment tank metering w/liquid 2400 gal. tank., dual walking axles, 18R42 tires, with 440 Raven monitor. Seeded 2012 crop, vg working cond. always shedded, $164,000 OBO. Can deliver 204-743-2324
2010 BOURGAULT 65â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 3310, single shoot, MRBs, 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, 2010 6550 w/duals, 3 tank, single fan, 591 monitor, canola bag lift, Agtron blockage monitors, seeded 10,000 acres total. $259,000. Call 306-776-2238, 306-529-7574 Rouleau, SK â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTIONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2002 Bourgault 5710, 54â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, MRB, steel packers, w/5350, $119,000; 1998 Bourgault 54â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5710, MRB, rubber packers, w/4300 DS tank, $99,000; Bourgault 5710, 54â&#x20AC;&#x2122; single shoot, rubber packers, $75,000; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel, $59,000; 2010 Bourgault 6000 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; mid harrow, w/3225 Valmar, $49,000; 2010 6000 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; mid harrow, $36,000; 2010 5710, 74â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 5.5â&#x20AC;? packers, $195,000; 2010 Bourgault 5810, 62â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, DS, 5.5â&#x20AC;? packers, $185,000; 84â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow, $32,500; 1990 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Flexi-Coil S82 harrow bar, $6500. RD Ag Central, Bourgault Sales, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK.
9 AND 11 SHANK BlueJet subsoiler, w/auto reset shanks, baskets, fall points, starting at $46,900. Call for details, 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. 41â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JD 1610 CULTIVATOR, 1655 Valmar, new Morris harrows never used, new shove l s a n d t i r e s , ve r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $10,500. 306-561-7780, Davidson, SK. 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ALTEEN BIG G disc, offset tandem, $14,000. 780-754-2391, Irma, AB. 53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MELCAM CULTIVATOR, $4500; 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Int. cultivator with double treader, $4500; 48â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Morris cult. w/harrows, $3500; Bush Hog tandem disc, 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $4500. 306-693-2660, 306-681-9030, Moose Jaw, SK. 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ROME OFFSET double disc plow. Phone 306-380-9914, 306-237-4897, Sonningdale, SK. 2004 EZEE-ON 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HD tandem disc, real clean, $20,000; 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ezee-On tandem disc, $5000. Lyle at 306-246-2141, Mayfair, SK. BOURGAULT 536-42 CULTIVATOR, 230 lb. trips, 3 bar harrows w/new teeth, $3500 firm. 306-548-4344, Sturgis, SK. KELLO-BILT 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; TO 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; OFFSET DISCS c/w oilbath bearings, 26â&#x20AC;? to 36â&#x20AC;? blades. The Successful Farmers Choice. 1-888-500-2646 WANTED: 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DEEP TILLAGE cultivator in good shape. 306-378-4007, Elrose, SK. 272 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; WHITE DISC with front notched blades and cushion gangs, excellent, field ready, $17,000 OBO. Ph 780-798-2280, Plamondon, AB. HUTCHMASTER 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ROCK flex disc, $9500; Phoenix harrows, H14, H17; Summers 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; heavy harrow, $15,000; DMI ripper, 5 shank, $10,900; 7 shank, $12,900; Melroe auto reset plows, 7-18, 8-18. Phone 1-866-938-8537.
8015 COOP IMPLEMENTS, 65 HP diesel WRECKING FOR PARTS: 2290 Case, c/w w/cab, FEL and 3 PTH, exc. cond., fully vg PS, excellent sheet metal, vg 18.4x38 serviced, ideal for acreage and haying. tires and duals. Call 1-877-564-8734. 306-961-6499, Prince Albert, SK. 1979 IH 1486, 145 HP, 1000 PTO, 20.8-38 duals, AC, heat, 3414 hrs, $16,000 OBO. 780-920-9339, Myrnam, AB. ALLIS 7000, 3 spd. power shift, stadium 1986 CASE 4894, duals, PTO, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Degellights, exc. cond., $9500. 306-394-4901, man blade, 8400 hrs, plumbed for Outback or 306-631-7181, Courval, SK. AutoSteer, had since new, $33,000. Phone 1987 DEUTZ 7085, FWA, open station, 85 780-375-2443, Kelsey, AB. HP, 3 PTH, 5900 hrs., Allied 794 FEL, CASE 2290 2WD tractor w/Allied 894 FEL, $17,000. Ph. 204-525-4521, Minitonas MB. also Case LA 2WD tractor. Ron Carriere Visit: Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, August 11, 2012, Estevan, Sask. area. Visit ALLIS 7580, large single wheels 30.5x32, for sale runs good, bottom end done. Phone: bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or 780-545-5353, Elk Point, AB. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1976 IH 1066, 5580 hrs., 1800 eng. hrs., duals, 4 spd. gear drive, $8500. 403-820-5146, Craigmyle, AB. 1997 CASE/IH 9330 4WD tractor, 2050 hrs., PTO, 4 hyd., 12 spd. PS, ground spd. sensor, $74,500 OBO. 306-374-7057, 306-221-2150, Saskatoon, SK. IH 434, gas, 38HP, 3PTH, 1 hyd. control, good rubber, PS, great yard tractor, $3500 OBO. 306-372-4507, Luseland, SK. 1980 CIH 4890, totally redone, exc. cond., $20,000; 1980 CIH 4490, totally redone, $16,000; 1978 IHC 1066, $8000. Moose â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;82 WHITE 2-110 MFWD FEL, dual PTO, Jaw, SK. 306-693-2660, 306-681-9030. 3 hyd., 6,735 hrs, $15,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 2001 CASE MX120, self-levelling L655 loader, grapple, MFWD, 3 PTH, 6200 hrs. 204-734-4379, Swan River, MB. WHITE 2-50, 50 HP, 3 pt. loader, new 2011 STEIGER 350HD, PTO, factory clutch, front tires and PS, excellent me- warranty, powershift, diff. locks, 710R38 chanicals. $8950. Phone: Lake Audy, MB. duals- 80% plus, 4 hydraulics, 55 gpm 204-848-2715, 204-848-0116. pump, deluxe cab, AutoSteer ready, 1600 WHITE 2-110, excellent shape, new rubber hrs., $187,000. 204-851-0582, Virden, MB. all around, $14,500. Call 306-631-7181, or CASE MX110, loader and grapple, MFWD, 306-394-4901, Courval, SK. 3 PTH, 7000 hrs, $35,000 OBO. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. 1980 CASE 2290 tractor, 3600 hrs., runs 1981 2090 CASE tractor, and 530 5x6 great, newer tires, air seat, duals, $15,500. John Deere baler, $13,000 for the pair. Sold farm. 403-529-1876 Medicine Hat, AB Phone: John 306-945-7791, Hepburn, SK. CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; AIR RIDE CAB KIT for Case/IH quad trac- Plus other makes and models. Call the tors, rides like a Cadillac . Call Milt Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB 306-229-1693, Hepburn, SK. 1984 CASE 4994, 4900 hrs., PTO, power shift, AutoSteer, vg cond., $46,000. 306-921-5402, 306-275-2296, St. Brieux
2001 BOURGAULT 4250 air seeder tank, c/w single shoot manifold to suit 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; air seeder. All hoses are included! 2 bin tank total 250 bu., hyd. loading auger. Excellent shape! $19,900. Call Jordan anytime, 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 8800 BOURGAULT w/4300 tank, new tires, new secondary hoses, new shanks and bushings, poly packers, chem kit, exc. JD 1610 CHISEL PLOW, 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 3 bar harrows, 2006 JD 1820/1910, 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; spacing, 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; cond. Rob 306-630-9838, 306-759-2689, good condition, $10,000. 306-548-4344, Sturgis, SK. rubber packers, 3-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dutch low draft Brownlee, SK. paired row openers, primary blockage on GATES HEAVY HARROW, 72â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, hydraulic anWANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; or seed and fert., 430 bu. TBH tank, DS, powgle, chrome tips, demo unit, $33,000; new er calibration, variable rate, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; auger, 4 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, units available as well, all sizes. Call AB. rollers, 710/70R38 rubber, drill and cart 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. shedded since new, 17,280 acres on unit, BOURGAULT 2155 air seeder tank, 155 $115,000 OBO. 403-325-0345, Hussar, AB. bu. grain tank, w/rear hitch, good cond., JD 1900 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DISCER, 2x18â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, exc. cond., ready to go, $3800 for both. FLEXI-COIL 5000 33â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, TBH, Agtron, mark- $7000. 204-683-2267, St. Lazare, MB. 306-861-4592, Langbank, SK. ers, splitter valve, packer caps and bear- 2011 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SEEDMASTER, w/Smart hitch, ings, scrapers, manifold update, dual cas- 3450 mechanical drive Flexi-Coil air cart, 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; BOURGAULT 8810, 330 lb trip, liquid tors. 306-642-4025, Assiniboia SK. w/completely new metering system, kit, no cracks, no bends, vg cond., very low chains and tank seals (work order avail). acres, knock-on clips, shovels and spikes, RETIRING: 2006 NH SD440A 58â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 12â&#x20AC;? Also c/w 5 metering rolls plus parts to $39,000. 204-385-3649, 204-856-3282, spacing, 550 lb. trip, 5.5â&#x20AC;? rubber packers, make up 2 more, and new hyd. fan motor, Gladstone, MB. 2000 acres on Stealth openers, SC430 $139,000. Chris 306-718-7238, Cupar, SK. WANTED: PULL-TYPE 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ROTOVATOR. variable rate, TBH cart. 780-777-4153, 1986 JD 655 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Peacock precision attach- Phone 306-398-2626, Cut Knife, SK. Fort Sask., AB. ments w/5â&#x20AC;? paired row openers and pack- 1990 FLEXI-COIL 300A, 32â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 12â&#x20AC;? spacing, 2006 JD 1895 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; no-till disc drill and JD er wheels. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. harrows, air pkg., $5900. Cam-Don Motors 1910 TBH air tank, 10â&#x20AC;? spacing, single PRICE REDUCED: 1992 CIH Magnum shoot, tank w/340 bu. cap 3 compt tank WANTED: JD 655 AIR TANK, in good or 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 120/70/150, single hyd. fan, 21.5-16.1 frt, premium condition. 780-662-2617, To- CULTIVATORS: Morris 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;; JD 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;; Morris 7110, 1284 original hours, shedded, duals, 30.5-32 rr. For sale by auction, Parker, field, AB. 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. All with good shovels. 306-478-2798, premium condition. Call 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429 Langham SK July 19, Kitscoty, AB. Call 306-445-5000 or 306-478-7550, Mankota, SK. visit for details. CASE 830 COMFORT King, Robin FEL, all PL #914618. 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Eze e On dis c m ode l 8 700 LTF, De m o new rubber. 306-493-2638, Delisle, SK. 1997 RITE-WAY 41â&#x20AC;&#x2122; land roller, hyd. 2011 m o d el. No tched b la d es o n fro n t, 2004 JD 1820/1910 41â&#x20AC;&#x2122; air drill, 10â&#x20AC;? space, fold and lift, excellent cond., $19,900. Call RETIRING: 2009 CIH 535 HD, 773 hrs, PS, double shoot, 5â&#x20AC;? Dutch low draft openers, anytime, 403-627-9300. Pincher Creek AB s m o o th o n b a ck. On ly u s ed 1000 a cres . 5 hyd., diff. lock, 2 aux. hyd., weights, de4â&#x20AC;? rubber packers, 3 compartment 350 bu. New ca s h p rice $97,500. luxe cab, Trimble 252, AutoSteer, PRO tank, paddle auger, c/w monitor and cano- 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122; WRANGLER MORRIS packer/harrow Buy t his d em o f or $84,500. 600, HID lights, 800/70R38 duals, la roller, serviced/ field ready, needs noth- P30 packers, new tines, $10,000 OBO. $257,500. 780-777-4153, Fort Sask., AB. F o r p ics em a il: p hil.fla m a n @ fla m a n .co m 780-920-9339, Myrnam, AB. ing! $95,000. 403-901-3024, Standard, AB. 4586 IH 4 WD tractor, 20.8x38 tires, runs Fla m a n Sa le s Ltd , 1-888-235 -2626 DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR 2012 BOURGAULT 7200, 84â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, heavy hargood, $8000 OBO. 306-395-2668, o r 306-7 26-4403, S o u they, S K . drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta row, brand new, loaded, $48,000; 2011 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob David- Bourgault 7200, 84â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, heavy harrow, slight- RHINO TANDEM DISC F90, 8â&#x20AC;? spacing, 1996 9350 CASE STEIGER, 3100 hrs., ly u s e d , $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 . M i l l h o u s e F a r m s son, Drumheller, 403-823-0746 19.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide, floatation tires all around, good one owner, shedded, standard 310 HP 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. cond. 306-961-4682, Prince Albert, SK. 2008 MORRIS CONTOUR air drill 47â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Series Cummins, c/w Degelman 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; blade, 8, 370 TBT plus 3rd tank, 450 bu. total, 12â&#x20AC;? 2002 PHOENIX ROTARY harrows, 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HD $90,000 OBO. Field ready, exc. cond. spacing, blockage monitors, shedded, exc. 1 7 , $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . C a l l M o o s e J a w, S K . 306-228-3693 or 306-228-7991, Unity, SK 306-693-2660, 306-681-9030. cond. 780-835-2236, Fairview, AB. IHC 966, 18.4X38 duals, dual PTO, runs 72â&#x20AC;&#x2122; BERGEN heavy harrow. Located in Visgood, 3 new tires, $5000. Phone FLEXI-COIL 6000 air drill, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; with mark- count, SK. Phone 403-312-5113. COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD 306-342-4277, Glenbush, SK. ers, 1000 acres on new disc, 2340 Flexi#1610-$135.; #610 (Black) $180.; Coil TBT tank, shedded, very nice cond. PHOENIX ROTARY HARROW, model 817, #1600-$90.; #100-$45.; Morris 7 series 1996 CIH 7220, MFWD, 5560 hrs, 3 PTH, Call Steve 780-206-0049 or 780-674-3029, $14,000. Jerry 250-262-9091, Taylor, BC. M a g n u m $ 1 3 5 . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 o r 1000/540 PTO, front weights, 18 spd. Barhead, AB. powershift, 3 remotes, 18.4R42 rear duals, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. 14.9R30 front, great shape, $54,000. 2007 SEED HAWK 84â&#x20AC;&#x2122; seed drill, 12â&#x20AC;? 204-724-7019, Forrest, MB. spacing; 2011 BOURGAULT 6700ST TBH 2010 NH P1050 TBT air cart, mech. meter, air cart, duals, 4 tank metering, full var. double shoot, 10â&#x20AC;? auger, only used for 435 QUAD TRAC, 30â&#x20AC;? tracks, 1500 hrs., rate, X20 monitor, 15â&#x20AC;? deluxe conveyor, 5000 acres. 306-929-2068. Prince Albert. diff. locks, shedded, nice, asking $219,000. $330,000 OBO. 780-837-1313, Falher, AB. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. WANTED: JD 787 air cart. Must be 230 5710 BOURGAULT AIR drill w/MRBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 6450 bushels and in good shape. Cart only. 1997 AGCOSTAR 8360, N14 Cummins, 360 STX375Q, 435 and 535. 306-543-8746, TBH tank, Flexi-Coil 67XL 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; sprayer with 306-533-4891, Gray, SK. HP, 18 spd., 20.8x42 duals, 4 remotes, Regina, SK. autorate. 403-312-4202, Linden, AB. 3760 hrs., great, $65,000 OBO. 870 CASE, in great shape, runs good, good WANTED: FLEXI-COIL hydraulic power shedded, rubber. Phone 780-645-2263, St. Paul, AB. pack for air seeder. 780-645-5374, 306-948-2896, Biggar, SK. 780-645-8188, St. Paul, AB. DUTCH INDUSTRIES OPENERS, 80 complete bodies to fit Bourgault paralink drills, 3320 or 3310, universal series 4310 granual tube 4305, and left and right openers 9DU\ WKH 0$;, URWDU\ KDUURZÂśV WLQH DQJOH IURP R WR DQ 2819 and 2821. Also 81 semi pneumatic 4â&#x20AC;? DJJUHVVLYH R RQ WKH JR IURP \RXU WUDFWRU FDE WR DGMXVW WR packer tires. Call 306-691-5284 eves, Moose Jaw, SK. FKDQJLQJ Âż HOG FRQGLWLRQV SOLD 2012 K-HART air drill, 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, double shoot, MRBs, c/w 430 bu. NH P1060 air cart, $215,000. Will consider trades. Call *HW ULG RI ZHHGV GU\ ZHW VSRWV LQ Âż HOG EHIRUH SODQWLQJ 306-587-7531, Cabri, SK. FARM KING HEAVY DUTY field discs are OHYHO VPDOO ULGJHV RU ODUJH OXPSV Âż OO LQ FUDFNV UHMXYHQDWH 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; BOURGAULT 8800 air seeder with now available at Flaman Sales. Model SDVWXUH DQG KD\ Âż HOGV Bourgault 2155 air tank. Ron Carriere Farm 1225-15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; offset disc with T215 bearings Equipment Auction, Saturday, August 11, and upgrade options. $24,734. Visit your n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e o r c a l l 2012, Estevan, Sask. area. Visit :LWK SDWHQWHG )25:$5'70 for sale 1-888-435-2626. XQIROGLQJ V\VWHP bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or NEW 2012 JD 2410 61â&#x20AC;&#x2122; chisel plow, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 c/w AccuDepth and JD heavy harrows, FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 9â&#x20AC;? spacing, rubber $80,000. Phone 306-873-2268, Tisdale, SK press, double fan, double shoot, 3rd tank, WISHEK HEAVY DISCS- 1,000 lbs. per A-1, $57,900. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. foot. These are the heaviest discs on the 2012 BOURGAULT 6700 ST air tank, fully market! Call Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, loaded, duals, $150,000. 306-398-4079, 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626, or visit Millhouse Farms Inc., Cut Knife, SK. 23â&#x20AC;&#x2122; TANDEM offset disc. JD 787 230 bu. TBT and 787 TBH 170 bu. HUTCHMASTER w/3rd tank, dual castors, blockage. Both 306-483-5034, Oxbow, SK. units very clean c/w all components to 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 225 KELLO offset disc, 26â&#x20AC;? notched hook together as one unit. $32,000. blades, oil bath bearings, 1 yr. old, exc. 306-429-2770, Glenavon, SK. Call Steven 306-731-7235, Earl Grey, SK.
LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD, FWA tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. 2290 CASE w/FEL, new rear tires, 400 hrs on redone powershift, $16,000. Maple Creek, SK, 306-558-4444, 306-558-7133.
STEVEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. WANTED: 1970â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s JD 6030 tractor, need not be running. 204-766-2643. 1958 JD 530 row crop, Roll-O-Matic, S/N 5301300, restored, new tires, $15,000. 1959 JD 630 row crop, single front tire, rare, S/N 6304946, restored, new tires, $11,000. 780-619-0212, Edmonton, AB. BEN PETERS JD TRACTORS LTD. 7810 MFWD, power quad, LHR, 3 PTH, new tires, low hrs; 2- 7710 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3 PTH, new tires, low hrs; 7710 MFWD, PQ, RHS, 3 PTH, vg rubber, low hrs; 4650 MFWD, 15 spd; 4455 MFWD, 3 PTH, 15 spd; 4455 MFWD, 3 PTH, 15 spd; 4250 MFWD, 3 PTH, 15 spd; 2- 2950â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s MFWD, 3 PTH; 4240 quad, 3 PTH; 2755 MFWD, 3 PTH, w/245 FEL; 2555 MFWD, 3 PTH w/245 FEL; 2555 CAH, 3 PTH, 4600 hrs, w/146 FEL. All tractors can be sold with new or used loaders. Call Mitch Rouire 204-828-3628 shop, 204-750-2459 cell, Roseisle, MB. JD 3140, 148 loader, joystick, 3 PTH, new paint and tires. JD 2550, 146 loader, joys t i c k , 3 P T H , n ew p a i n t a n d t i r e s . 306-795-2800, Ituna, SK. 1969 4020, 7800 hrs., vg tires, second owner, good running tractor, $9500. 306-783-4407, 306-641-9104, Yorkton, SK WANTED: JOHN DEERE 158 front end loader. Call Walter at 306-238-2178 or 306-238-2176, Goodsoil, SK. 1983 JD 4250 quad, CAHR, dual hyd and PTO, factory duals, newer inside tires, good condition, 10,300 hrs., $22,500 OBO. 306-699-2442, McLean, SK. 2120 JD TRACTOR, loader, 3 PTH, 7-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 3 pt. cult., 6-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PT rotary mower, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 3 PTH blade, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dual stage hyd. chute snowblower 306-933-3999, Saskatoon, SK. JD 7400, MFWD, 740 loader, grapple, new tires, new seat, 7500 hrs, 1 owner, $42,500. 780-367-2483, Willingdon, AB. JD 4955 MFWD, 1991, 11,500 hrs, 3 PTH, front weights, good mechanical condition and well maintained, 20.8x42 duals, $39,500. 306-548-4344, Sturgis, SK. 1988 4450, MFWD, 3 PTH, powershift, 4500 hrs.; 1990 4455, MFWD, 3 PTH, powershift, 4800 hrs. Both Greenlighted, immaculate. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK.
1997 JD 8400, 4021 hrs, 4 new tires, 3 PTH, FWA, $84,000. Phone 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK. 2003 JOHN DEERE 9420 4WD tractor, 425 HP, powershift 18F/6R, 4 hyd. and return line, Firestone radials 710/R42 duals, RR weight pkg, JD AutoTrac universal steering 1912 hrs. showing, for sale by auc1983 ST470 STEIGER TIGER tractor, vg kit, Parker, July 19, Kitscoty, AB., call cond., 55 gal. hyd. pump, diff lock, tion, 3 0 6 - 4 4 5 - 5 0 0 0 fo r d e t a i l s , o r v i s i t $71,000. 403-505-9524, Ponoka, AB. PL#914618 (2) JD 158 LOADERS, $4250 each; JD 3130 tractor 2WD, 3PTH, $12,500; JD 2007 JD 7630, 1750 hrs., 746 loader/ 2130 tractor w/loader, 3PTH, $12,500; grapple, also 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bucket, bale spear, 3 PTH, JD 2555 tractor, w/cab, loader, 3PTH, exc. condition, $129,000. 306-921-5935, $14,500. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. Melfort, SK. Email: JD 4850 FWA, 3 hyds. Outback ready, g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 O B O. P h . 204-539-2529, 204-734-8080, Durban, MB JD 8560 4WD tractor with 4850 hours. Ron Carriere Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, August 11, 2012, Estevan, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1967 JD 4020, 3 PTH, live 540/1000 PTO, $5950. Ph. 306-867-7848, Outlook, SK. 1991 JD 4755, MFWD, 15 spd. powershift, duals, 9300 hrs, well maintained, 910 Leon l o a d e r n o t i n c l u d e d , $ 4 7 , 0 0 0 O B O. 780-312-4236, Wetaskiwin, AB.
1985 4250 MFWD, quad, rubber 90%, exc. shape, loader available; 1990 4255 MFWD, PS, 3 PTH, rubber 90%, 4200 hrs, immaculate. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK.
JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD; JD 8110 MFD, JD 6420 MFD, all low hours, can be equipped with loaders. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 1976 JD 4430, 8882 hrs, Beline saddle tanks, duals, new AC pump, always shedded, $20,000. 306-776-2530, Rouleau, SK.
1998 JD 7810 MFWD, 740 self-levelling loader, 7500 hrs., Greenlighted, vg cond. 306-577-9020, 306-577-2574, Wawota, SK JOHN DEERE 70, diesel, pop motor, good tires, running; JD 820, diesel, pop motor, really good running condition. Call James 403-845-5193, Rocky Mountain House, AB.
1994 JD 6400, CAH, MFWD, PQ with RH rev, 3 PTH, JD 640 ldr, 5200 hrs., one owner, sale $37,750; 2008 NH T6040 Elite, CAH, MFWD, LH rev, 3 PTH, NH 840 TL ldr, 2440 hrs., one owner, sale $64,750. Call Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. JD 8450, 4850, 4650, 4630, 4255 MFD w/loader, 2950 MFD w/loader, 2130. Will take JD tractors in trade that need work. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. 1988 JD 4650, powershift w/168 loader and grapple, joystick, only 5800 hrs., very clean. 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB.
1996 JD 8870, 4800 hrs, tires- 80%, Greenlighted yearly, 4 hyds., GreenStar ready, 12 spd., weights, chipped to 420+ HP, excellent condition, $93,000 OBO. Call Jon at 306-230-2736, Assiniboia, SK. JD 4455, 1991, mechanical FWA, 6900 hrs., 280 loader, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bucket, dual PTO, 3 hyds., powershift, 20.8 tires 80%, gd solid clean unit. 780-208-4808, Two Hills, AB. JD 7810 MFD, LHR, c/w 740 loader, 3 PTH, exc. cond., $63,000. Call 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB.
2001 JD 8210 MFWD, 2950 hrs., powershift. Would make good grain cart tractor. Phone 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 2008 JD 6430, Premium Model, IVT 40 kms/hr, LHR, 3 PTH, command centre, 1900 hrs., Michelin tires, shedded, very clean, warranty, $64,500; 1985 JD 4050 2WD, 6000 hrs., 15 spd PS, 3 function joystick, 3 PTH. 306-276-2080, Nipawin, SK. 1978 JD 4440, 9000 hrs., factory duals, JD 1994 7700, MFWD, power quad, triple 1 0 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; D e g e l m a n b l a d e . $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 . hyd, very clean, $35,500. Barrhead, AB, 306-536-1896, Pense, SK. 780-674-5516, 780-305-7152. 2007 JD 7730, MFWD, 4600 hrs, 746 JD 4450, powershift, 6000 hrs, 3 PTH, no loader and grapple, rear wt. pkg., 3 PTH, 3 arms, w/Leon 808 loader, exc. shape. hyds., Greenstar ready, wide metric tires, 306-849-4726, Sheho, SK. fenders, mirrors, optional HID lights, $97,500 OBO. Call Rob 403-933-5448, WANTED: JOHN DEERE 8570 or 8770 4WD tractor, low hrs., prefer 4 hyds. and 24 403-608-1116, Calgary, AB. spd. trans. 780-768-0007, Two Hills, AB. 1981 JD 4440, good running condition, factory duals, never used as a loader trac- JD 2955 TRACTOR, 4 WD, 95 HP, excellent condition, $17,000 OBO. Phone tor, $20,500. 306-862-9393, Nipawin, SK. 604-826-6482, Abbotsford, BC. WANTED: 4020 CLUTCH side kick panel, engine shields; Have 2 cylinder tractors for 2000 JD 6410 w/640 FEL, grapple, 4300 hrs., $49,500. 780-307-4662, Clyde, AB. sale also. 306-731-3599, Craven, SK. JD 4955, FWA, 7000 hours, recent work order good condition, $50,000. 306-329-4400, 306-227-4393, Asquith, SK. 4630 TRACTOR w/5700 original hrs., tires are excellent, has powershift. Paint is excellent, tractor in showroom condition, $25,000. 403-502-6332, Schuler, AB.
JD 4440, exceptionally clean, quad shift, JD 4320, 8000 hrs with JD 148 loader and $24,500 OBO. Call 403-804-3202, Strath- grapple fork, good rubber, good shape, $15,000. 306-692-1010, Moose Jaw, SK. more, AB.
2002 JD 6920S, 155 HP, 4000 hrs., 751 loader, front link/suspension, dual Michelin tires 90%, GPS/Isobus ready, $85,000. 780-954-2005,780-283-2005,Westlock,AB. 1969 JD 4020, synchro-trans., 23.1x30 tires, c/w Leon loader; JD 2120 diesel, c / w J D 4 8 l o a d e r, n o 3 P T H . 780-352-3012, Gwynne, AB.
RITE 4 WD, 350-750 HP, 20 spd. auto trans, new or rebuilt; 20-40 HP tractors also. Call 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. NEW 2012, 97 HP, 4 WD LS tractor, CAH, AM/FM CD stereo. Self leveling loader, hilow power shuttle, 40 spd. trans, push button independent PTO 540/750/1000 RPM, 3 sets remotes, 5 year warranty. The Tractor Company, Osler, SK, 306-239-2262.
ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Degelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. ROCK-O-MATIC ROCKPICKER, PTO; Also Rock-O-Matic land leveler. 306-642-5766, 306-642-8392, Assiniboia, SK. 600/65 R28 RIW as new, slight face cut, $1300; Koenders 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; swath roller, $990; Trail-Rite 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tapered roller, $290. Hergott Farm Equip 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 1989 FORD 846; 1987 Gleaner R60; 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Morris 6180 Maxim air drill; 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Westward 3000 PT swather; 1987 Westfield MK 10-51 grain auger. Located near Weyburn, SK. Phone 403-863-5594. Info and photos email:
2004 VALTRA 8150 tractor, 130 HP, FWA, B7610, 24 HP diesel hydro, 3 PTH, c/w Ku- c/w Quicke loader and grapple, 5 hyds., 3 bota loader, 750 hrs, $10,000 or $11,500 PTH, 80% rubber, 3100 hrs., good cond. 780-623-7913, Lac La Biche, AB. or email: w/JD tiller. 306-554-2901, Wynyard, SK. KUBOTA L3430 MFD cab, loader, hydro. trans., L4 tires, 3 PT, like new, 35 hrs. Call 2005 McCORMICK MTX 125, MFWD, 5300 hrs., FEL c/w grapple, bale fork, 3 Ken, 780-990-9604, Edmonton, AB. PTH, $40,000 OBO. Call 306-236-6916 evenings, Meadow Lake, SK. MF 135 LATE 1960â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s collectorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tractor, 3 PTH, new tires, rebuilt, real nice shape, $9500. Can send pics. 306-748-2525, 306-728-8209, Neudorf, SK. MF 285 tractor with MF 246 FEL, all in good operating condition. Phone 306-245-3407, Francis, SK. 2006 MF 7495, FWA, CVT trans., loader and grapple, 2500 hrs., $89,000. Cam-Don Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.
SK 1-888-435-2626 AB 1-800-352-6264
MF 8120, 130 HP, 540/1000 PTO, 1900 orig. hrs., tires 80%, stored in heated shop, no loader, $56,500 OBO. Downsizing. 403-285-9855, Calgary, AB. WANTED: OLD MF 1130 tractors, in good running cond. 1130, 1135, 1150, 1155. Call Ben 306-297-2942, Shaunavon, SK. MF 1085 TRACTOR, cab, new tires, EzeeOn quick attach loader. Call 306-648-3216, 306-650-7835, Gravelbourg, SK. 2004 5460 MASSEY 2WD, CAHR, 3 PTH, 1600 hrs, 105 HP, $34,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. 1994 MASSEY FERGUSON 3140 MFWD, 4400 hrs., 115 PTO HP, 3PTH, CAHR, 540 and 1000 PTO, good radial tires 50%, 16F 16R trans. w/manual shuttle, 2 hyds., clamp on duals, nice shape all around, DO YOU NEED a FWA tractor with loader $27,500. Scott 204-748-2813, Virden, MB. 90 HP to 130 HP for less $$$? Call 306-231-5939, Saskatoon, SK. GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your 2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3 PTH, #1 place to purchase late model combine grapple, manure tines, 800 hrs., like new. and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. Toll free 888-327-6767. NEW HOLLAND TM125 MFWD w/Ezee-On self-levelling loader, LHR, 24 spd. 3 PTH, 5200 hours, $38,000. Kelly 780-675-4664, 780-689-7822 cell. CATERPILLAR D7G, new idlers, new rear 2010 NH T7040 180 HP, 1600 hrs., drive sprockets, ripper, angle and tilt MFWD, Auto Command, 860TL loader, blade, good condition. 204-734-2239 leave w/grapple and manure forks, joystick, 3 msg., Swan River, MB. hyds., deluxe cab, OH reverser, 1000/540 PTO, fenders, pallet forks, bale spear, EZ- 2003 910 LEON LOADER, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bucket, grapSteer, EZ-Guide 500, $135,000. Call: ple, pallet forks, all quick attach., joystick, like new. Brackets to fit JD 50, 55, 60 se306-749-2477 leave msg., Birch Hills, SK. ries tractors. 780-312-4236 Wetaskiwin AB 2003 NH TG285, 5500 hrs., new front t i r e s 6 0 0 / 7 0 - 3 0 , n e w b a c k t i r e s EZEE-ON FEL, new 72â&#x20AC;? bucket, mounting 710/70-42, $90,000. Call 306-231-3993, for a Massey 90, $1000; 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dozer, $1000. Phone 306-464-4710, Lang, SK. Humboldt, SK. or 2000 FORD TM125, FWA, 95 PTO HP, 4950 hrs., 3 PTH, loader/grapple, exc. cond. Phone: 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. 2002 TV140, 3200 hrs., 3 remote hyds., both cab and engine end, plus high flow, 2 drawbars, loader with grapple, 3 PTH cab end, shedded. Mint! $55,000. 204-866-4261, Anola, MB.
ALLIED 580 FEL quick detach, $1500. Call 780-914-4553 or 780-878-0005, Hay Lakes, AB. JD 148 FEL, fits most models, premium, v e r y l i t t l e w e a r, $ 5 2 0 0 O B O . C a l l 403-804-3202, Strathmore, AB. J D 8 4 0 L O A D E R w/new 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bucket, mounts for 7000 series tractors, excellent shape. 780-398-2554, Waskatenau, AB. 2007 NEW HOLLAND W110TC wheel loader, 110 net HP, 119 gross HP, turbo diesel, power shift trans., front aux. hyd. hook up, 17.5x25 tires (12 ply), JRB quick attach, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 2 yard bucket, 636 hrs. showing, for sale by auction, Parker, July 19, Kitscoty, AB., call 306-445-5000 for details, or visit PL#914618
1995 FORD 9030 bi-directional cab end 3 PTH, tractor is a complete ground up rebuild. Engine, recond hydro, new rims, paint, decals, centre pins, bushings, injectors, etc. c/w loader and grapple fork. $42,000 OBO. Can also supply snowplow. Call Neil for details. Humboldt, SK. 306-231-8300. JD 148 LOADER, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bucket- excellent, (2 top pins show wear), $3125. Can deliver. 306-946-9669, 306-259-4923, Young, SK. JOHN DEERE 265 self-levelling loader, c/w bucket, joy stick, Manneheim mounts, vg cond.; John Deere dozer for JD 30-40 series, 4 WD. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB.
1969 NH 995 combine, always shedded, vg cond.; 2 - 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 150 IHC hoe drills; 75â&#x20AC;&#x2122; field sprayer. 403-676-2121, Oyen, AB. DEGELMAN 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PTO rock rake; 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; homemade land roller, 42â&#x20AC;? diameter, made to use water for weight; ten P30 Flexi-Coil packers. 306-929-4945, Meath Park, SK. 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 360 MF discer on Martin hitch. Call 403-548-5758, 306-662-2814, Golden Prairie, SK. WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610, FRIGGSTAD 33â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DT, 12â&#x20AC;? spacing, 3 bar harrows, $4200 OBO; AtCo style camp trailer, 13x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, kitchen, bath, bdrm., propane, wood and oil heat, triple axle, $5500 OBO; All steel port. circular sawmill, 48â&#x20AC;? blade, $5500 OBO. 204-638-0911, Dauphin, MB.
FARM MACHINERY 306-873-4181
2003 M F 220 X L S w athe r,30Ft. H e ade r/D ouble S w a th, P ic kup R e e l, 742.7 H rs.................$ 47,000.00 1998 JD 9510 C om bine ,S ep-1835 hrs./Eng-2685 hrs., D ia l-a -m a tic / C ontour M a s te r/S v brook C ylinde r/ 914 H e ade r.......................$ 66,000.00 1998 JD 930 Fle x H e ade r (for C ontour M a s te r).......$ 10,500.00 1997 JD 7810 M FW D T ractor (D ua lW he e ls )W /3 P T H itch/P T O / 3 H ydraulics, Leon Loade r, 3463 H rs ...........................$ 62,500.00 1988 Ford 8000 FullT ande m 6.8 litre T urbo, Inte rcooled 20Ft B H T , 304,563 K ilom e te rs ..........$ 18,000.00 346 JD SQUARE baler; 1033 NH bale wagon; 6200 SP swather, w/18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; UII PU reel; 1981 Holidaire trailer, 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Semans, SK. 306-524-4921, cell: 306-746-7170. NH 717 SILAGE harvester; JD 95 combine; IHC 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SP swather; IHC 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; press drill; Renn grain roller; 5 row fanning mill. 306-236-5070, Meadow Lake, SK. RIMS OFF CAT combine to fit 30.5x32 tires, $1200 OBO for pair. 204-523-7449, cell: 204-523-6222, Killarney, MB. DOUGLAS GYRO MOWER, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 3 PTH, like new, $1000. 306-464-4710, Lang, SK.
WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: PULL-TYPE 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ROTOVATOR. Phone 306-398-2626, Cut Knife, SK. WANTED: JD 3 PTH to fit JD 4230. Ph. 306-567-3287 or 306-567-7477. Please AIR SEEDER DRILL FILL: Last stock tank leave message if no answer. of the year, 780 bu. total capacity, 12 gauge steel hoppers, 8â&#x20AC;? unload augers, WANTED: Older and newer tractors, in hook to your wet kit and load seed and fer- running condition or for parts. Goods Used tilizer at the same time, was $17,500, now Tractor Parts, 1-877-564-8734. only $13,500. 204-746-8260, Morris, MB. WANTED: GOOD USED grain box and hoist, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; with 54 to 60â&#x20AC;? sides. 306-299-4477, Robsart, SK. WANTED: FARMHAND OR AJAX stack mover with wood beams, shape not important. 306-266-4211, Wood Mountain, SK. WEIGH WAGON for on site testing of seed plots and trials. 204-746-8260, Morris, MB, SUMMERS SUPERCHISEL 2003, 54â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 700 lb. trips. Comes with Raven SuperCooler for NH3, dutch knives, and new NH3 manifolds, 3-bar heavy harrow, field ready, $45,000. 204-523-3340, Killarney, MB. SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., 2005 JD 9620 4WD, 2200 hrs., $210,000 OBO; 2009 MF 9430 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; swather, 1000 hrs., $75,000 OBO; 2009 NH 74C 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex header w/AWS air reel, $34,000 OBO. All exc. cond. 306-759-7708, Eyebrow, SK.
VXEMHFW WR DYDLODELOLW\ IH 5288 TRACTOR w/duals, $15,000; Westfield 61â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PTO auger, $3500; Houle 4450 gal. liquid manure tank, PTO spreading, $20,000; 1976 Int. 3 ton, steel B&H, rollup tarp, $3000. 306-228-4213 Unity SK JOHN DEERE 3 POINT hitch blade, heavy duty hyd. tilt and turn, asking $1900. Phone 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, SK.
2003 CAT 928 WHEEL LOADER, 13,000 hrs., 3rd valve, 2 3/4 yard bucket, tires 60%, vg condition, $62,000. 780-963-0641 or 780-203-9593, Stony Plain, AB. 2000 FORD TM125, FWA, 95 PTO HP, 4950 CASE 24B 4x4, 2.5 yard 123 HP loader, hrs., 3 PTH, loader/ grapple, excellent s h e d d e d , $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . W i l l d e a l . condition. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. JD 344 loader w/grapple, rebuilt hydrostatic drive, low hrs, exc. cond. 403-552-3753 780-753-0353 Kirriemuir AB
1991 FORD 976 tractor, 400 HP, 4 hyd., 24.5x32 duals-20%, c/w 3 spare tires at 30%, 11,300 hrs., trans. rebuilt at 8650, articulation pins replaced at 9750, valve and injectors set this spring by Cummins, all oil changes this spring. Second owners of tractor, purchased in 1997. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let hrs. fool you, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a workhorse and still runs great. Cheap horsepower for the air drill, $30,000 OBO. 780-398-2736, Thorhild, AB.
2002 BOBCAT 753, open cab, 2250 hrs., exc. cond., $13,900 OBO plus taxes. Call Ladimer at 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK.
COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD #1610-$135.; #610 (Black) - $180.; #1600-$90.; #100-$45.; Morris 7 series Magnum $135. 306-259-4923 or 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WHITE 9720 COMBINE for parts or repair, $3000; 280 SP swather, 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $2500; 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; FORD 8670, 9000 hrs., 8 new tires, pow- UII, PU reel, $1200; Cat 3208 NA engine, ershift, 3 PTH, 4 hyd. outlets, transmission $1200. 306-222-6021, Lucky Lake, SK. rebuilt, $45,000. 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK.
DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! Best selection of tow ropes and straps in Canada. For tractors up to 600 HP. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit FOR SALE: 4494 CIH 4WD tractor; 8900 White combine; CIH PTO swather; 3 fuel tanks, 300 and 500 gal.; misc. equip. 306-242-3631, Saskatoon, SK. 2007 JD CX15, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; single wing rotary mower, 540 PTO, 5 wheels, front/rear chains, new blades, stump jumper, new tubs, exc. cond, ready to work $9500+ GST OBO. 780-808-3141, Lloydminster, AB JOHN DEERE 3 POINT hitch blade, heavy duty hyd. tilt and turn, asking $1600. Phone 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, SK.
We now offer Woods Equipment Companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top-quality agricultural and grounds maintenance attachments. Woods is a leader in the design, development, and manufacture of orignal, attachment solutions. With over 60 years in the industry Woods continues our tradition of innovation and quality with a full line of attachments for agriculture, landscaping and grounds maintenance.
Rear Blades Box Scrapers Grading Scrapers Landscape Rakes Power Rakes Disc Harrows Tillers Pulverizers Seeders Aerators Post Hole Diggers Snow Blowers Chippers / Shredders Stump Grinders Loaders Backhoes Rotary Cutters BatwingÂŽ Cutters Flail Shredders Finish Mowers Zero-Turn Mowers
WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS. Will pay top dollar and pick from anywhere. Cupar, SK. Email: or Phone 306-723-4875. 30 - 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PT SWATHER, must have PU reel and be in excellent condition. Phone 306-456-2660, Weyburn, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. LOOKING TO SELL your farm equipment, trucks, etc.? Auction Time is a timed auction service offered through a well respected auction company. For more detail call 403-548-1315, Medicine Hat, AB. WANTED: DEEP TILLAGE Model 1600 JD cultivator; Rockpicker for big rocks; Medium duty Ezee-On or Bourgault cultivator. Not more than 100 miles from Paradise Hill, SK., 306-344-4453.
COMBINE ROLL TARPS for most makes and models. Tarps for Maurer and Crary hopper toppers. 204-746-8260, Morris, MB. RETIRED: 2008 VERS. 535, 12 spd, 210 FOR SALE: QUALITY farm equipment and hrs; 2008 Bourgault 6450 tank, all shed- trucks, 403-357-9192 or 403-358-0456, Tees, AB. ded. 306-445-5642, North Battleford, SK.
HI-LITE MFG. Selling Ezee-roll wire roller. Call Wes at 306-984-7861 or email: MILLS CUSTOM FENCING, all terrain. Will travel. Taking bookings. Earl Grey, SK, 306-726-7550, 306-939-2057. CUSTOM FENCING AND corral building, no job too big or too small. 306-699-7450, 306-699-2327, Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK. SPEEDRITE ELECTRIC FENCERS and accessories. 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK. CUSTOM FENCING SPECIALIZING in barbwire, corrals, hitensil. Will travel. Call 306-931-3397 or 306-381-7358. JK CUSTOM FENCING: We build wire fence or corrals. Call Jeb at 306-961-8246 or 306-749-3440, Birch Hills, SK. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. 5 x 1 0 P O RTA B L E C O R R A L PA N E L S starting at $55. 403-226-1722, 1-866-5178335, Calgary, AB, CUSTOM BARBWIRE FENCING. Will travel within 200 mile radius from Two Hills, AB. For info. call John 780-603-0023.
R egin a , S K 3 0 6 -3 47-0 774 o r To ll F ree a t 1-8 6 6 -8 9 9 -9 9 6 5
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
S p ra yin g Eq uip m en t H a yin g Eq uip m en t H a rves tin g Eq uip m en t Gra in Tra ilers H o p p er B in s
BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer. FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. CUSTOM FIREWOOD PROCESSING, cut and split up to 22â&#x20AC;? lengths. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. BIRCH, SPRUCE, TAMARAK split in semi load lots, self unloading truck and trailer. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK.
40 CORDS, $60/cord; Plus 300 Poplar sawing logs, 7â&#x20AC;? to 20â&#x20AC;? widths, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; to 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long. 306-883-3290, Spiritwood, SK.
BEVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.
New and Used All makes and models
Ph Marie @ 1 888 440 2700 or e mail FORKLIFTS: JCB 940 8000 lbs; JCB 930, 6000 lbs; Eagle pitcher R80. Conquest Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.
LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high quality generator systems. Quality diesel generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven alternators, automatic / manual switch gear, and commercial duty Sommers Powermaster and Sommers / Winco portable generators and home standby packages. 75+ years of reliable service. Contact Sommers Motor Generator Sales for all your generator requirements at 1-800-690-2396 Online: NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. ONAN 30 KW PTO generator, 200 amp., switch also available. 306-654-2171, Prudâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;homme, SK. GEN SETS: 2- 1000 KW, natural gas gen. sets, low hours; 2- 600 KW diesel gen. sets, low hours; 1- 400 KW Volvo gen set, 170 hrs; 1- new 415 KW JD 480V. Please call 1-888-300-3535, Airdrie, AB.
Applies to all new Woods equipment. Additional ďŹ nancing rates are available Stop by for complete details on Woods retail ďŹ nancing programs
Our locations are Radville - 1-877-474-2491 Weyburn - 1-877- 474-2491 Pangman - 1-877-474-2471 Estevan - 1-877-474-2495 Assiniboia - 1-877-474-2456
Fin a n c in g and L ea sin g
ESTATE SALE: 1999 NH 688 round baler, auto wrap, 1000 rpm, excellent condition, $15,000; MF 850 combine w/Strawstorm chopper, $7500; 1986 Case 2394 tractor, 24 speed powershift, new inside tires, $19,000. 306-576-2207, Elfros, SK. USED EQUIPMENT- CLEARANCE. Beaver 49 planer, pineapple table, conveyors, trim saws, green chains, 48â&#x20AC;? Stenner bandsaw, infeeds and outfeeds, lots of misc. mill equipment. If you need something not ONE TIME FENCING, sucker rod fence listed call because we probably have it. posts for sale. 1-877-542-4979 AB or SK Moen Lumber Sales Ltd. 780-447-1014, 1-888-252-7911. Edmonton, AB., CUSTOM FENCING with rubber track Morooka, or self-propelled Heavy Hitter pounder. Contact Parkside Farm & Ranch, K e n n e d y, S K . 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 7 1 - 4 4 8 7 o r 306-577-7694, SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire BARREL AND FORKLIFT, 12 volt, best offer. and all accessories for installation. Heights 306-965-2504, 306-463-8385, Coleville, from 26â&#x20AC;? to 120â&#x20AC;?. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, SK. sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen ph/fax: 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. CUSTOM FENCING. Will travel. Taking bookings. Call Josh 306-221-8806 or 306-329-4493, Asquith, SK. BISON FENCING 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, posts pressure treated, 10-60-12 page wire fencing. Call Forklifts and Parts 204-746-0462, Winnipeg, MB.
THROUGH MAY 31, 2012 VERSATILE 836, 5300 hrs., rebuilt powershift, PTO, vg radial tires, grain cart ready, vg cond. 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. 875 VERSATILE with Atom Jet hyd., $25,000. 306-921-7277, Melfort, SK. 1985 VERSATILE 836, 12 spd. powershift, P TO , 8 5 0 0 h o u r s , $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 . J a s o n 204-365-0173, Dropmore, MB.
L& M
NEW AND USED PTO driven alternators, ready to go; Also, used portable 20kW diesel, trailer mounted irrigation units. Please call 1-888-300-3535, Airdrie, AB.
DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, JD, Deutz. We also build custom gensets. We currently have special pricing on new 90 KW Perkins units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471, Winnipeg, MB.
ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. Sale, Sat., August 4th. Tack at 10:30, es at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of colts must have a completed EID. Go to the website to get the form. For more info contact 50 BLACK FIRST calvers with April calves 306-424-2967. at s i d e , c a n p a s t u r e t i l N ove m b e r, SASKATOON ALL BREED Horse & Tack $2300/pair. 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK. Sale, August 28. Tack 1:00 p.m. Horses to 64 COW/CALF PAIRS, mostly Red and follow. Open to broke horses (halter or ridBlack Angus/Gelbvieh, April 15 started ing). Sale conducted at OK Corral, Marcalving, solid group of cows; $2,000 a tensville, SK. To consign call Frederick pair. 3 Gelbvieh bulls to sell with cows. 306-227-9505 Leave a message for Rick at 306-427-4950, Shell Lake, SK. KC CATTLE CO. has top quality AI-sired DEXTERS COW/CALF pairs, yearling heif- 19 COW/CALF PAIRS, and 1 polled REG. MAMMOTH DONKEYS including one y e a r l i n g R e d A n g u s b u l l s . P h o n e ers, 1 and 2 year old bulls. 403-845-5763, C h a r o l a i s b u l l , p a c k a g e $ 4 2 , 0 0 0 . J e n n e t w i t h y o u n g f o a l a t s i d e . 306-290-8431, Saskatoon, SK. View online Rocky Mountain House, AB. 204-535-2141, Baldur, MB. Can be seen on 306-424-2717, Francis, SK. at: for sale page: RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g YEARLING AND 2 year old AI sons of Fully Loaded, Goldbar King and Sakic. Ready to KNUDSON FARMS has red and black polled fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers work. 306-773-6633, Swift Current, SK. a n d b la d es . yearling and 2 year old bulls. For details 2 YR. OLD John mule, quiet and well hanN EW RK PURE gro o m in g 2 YEAR OLD and yearling bulls for sale. call James 306-322-4682, Archerwill, SK. dled, $600. Call Merle 306-845-2202 at p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. Semen tested and delivered. Call Guy POLLED YEARLING GELBVIEH bulls and Turtleford, SK. Sampson, Davidson, SK., 306-567-4207. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e Red Angus Gelbvieh cross. Birthweight TEAM OF BELIGAN cross mules, broke to from 72 lbs. Wayne at Selinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gelbvieh 1-8 00-440-26 9 4. drive, 5 and 6 years old, 1500+ lbs., askHOWE RED ANGUS: Yearling and 2 yr. 306-793-4568, Stockholm, SK. old bulls for sale. Semen tested and guarw w w .rka n im a lsu m ing $6000. 204-425-3933, Steinbach, MB. a n t e e d . C a l l M i ke 3 0 6 - 6 3 1 - 8 7 7 9 o r 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Red and Black REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD bulls for young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, SEVERAL PAINT PONY mares, some Angus yearling and two yr. old bulls for sale, semen tested. Phone Harold or Tim Swift Current, SK. w/spring foals; also 2 Paint pony stallions. sale. ROP, semen and ultrasound tested. Strauch, 306-677-2580, Shamrock, SK 40 REPLACEMENT HEIFERS, blacks, reds, 306-752-3712, Melfort, SK. Keith 306-454-2730, Shane 306-454-2688, QUALITY POLLED HEREFORD bulls, year- tans, 725-825 lbs., $1075/ea. Prefer to Ceylon, SK. lings, 2 year olds, and 2 proven 3 year sell as group. 306-783-0284, Yorkton, SK. RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings olds. Deposit holds until needed. Brian CATTLE FINANCING available for feedTEAM OF BLACK Percheron, well matched and two year olds, semen tested, guaran- Longworth 306-656-4542, Harris, SK. er cattle and bred heifers/cows. Comteed breeders, delivery available. Website: PUREBRED REGISTERED, 10 cow/calf petitive interest rates. Call Marjorie and broke, 16 HH, $2500; 1 black Ph 306-287-3900, pairs, horns off. Selling for health reasons. Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance on cross, 14 HH, drives double, single and ride, $1200. 306-228-2921, Unity, SK. 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. 306-796-4410, Central Butte, SK. REG. RED ANGUS yearling bulls, semen tested, excellent heifer bulls, good temperament; Also reg. heifers. Sundown SPOTS AVAILABLE for training, 30 plus FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For 10 Red Angus, Saskatoon, SK, 306-978-1569 in the round pen and the arena. If Cows and quota needed. We buy all class- bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Proces- years you want a solid foundation on your colt or LOVELAND RED ANGUS has bulls of all es of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. filly or just want a tune up on your horse ages, large selection, semen tested. An- Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. for the summer, this is the place for you. drew Mandziak, 306-795-2710, Goodeve. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. REGISTERED RED ANGUS yearling bulls, M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S For info and training rates please call semen tested, calving ease, guaranteed NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. To1-866-317-8520. breeders. Little de Ranch 306-845-2406, tal Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York GRADE QUARTER HORSE, well broke, Turtleford, SK. 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. 4TH ANNUAL PRAIRIE HARVEST Horse $1500. 306-329-4381, Asquith, SK. YEOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S RED ANGUS YEARLING bulls for Sale, Sunday, August 26, 2012, 1:00 PM at IRON CROSS RANCH selling 8 reg. ranch sale, semen tested. Call Garry and Dianne Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. horses in various stages of training. 306-873-5662, Tisdale, SK. SPRINGER BROS. LIMOUSIN have 2 year We are accepting entries for quality REG. PUREBRED yearling Red Angus bulls old and yearling red and black bulls for ranch/pleasure/show geldings and mares, Phone Cody 1-866-317-8520, Veteran, AB. for heifers and cows. Maple Ridge Acres. sale. For details call Merv 306-272-4817, well started younger geldings and mares, TOP END WELL bred QHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, yearlings, geldbrood mares, yearlings and 2 yr. olds, and Les Saunders, 306-997-4507, Borden, SK, Ernie 306-272-4774, Leslie, SK. teamsâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;registered or grade. Entries online: ings, mares, 10 yr. old stallion, 2 yr. old RED ANGUS 2 yr. old and yearling bulls for GOOD SELECTION of stout yearling and 2 and are due July stallion. Reasonably priced. Olson Quarter sale, good selection. Nordal Angus, Rob year old red and black Limousin bulls, 16. For more info. call Scott Johnstone Horses, Dundurn, SK. Don 306-492-2180. good disposition and calving ease. Qually- (auctioneer) 306-631-0767 or Glen Gabel Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. T Limousin, Rose Valley, SK, 306-322-4755 (consultant/marketing) 306-536-1927. PL 2 AND 4 YR. old bay mares, great pedigree, quiet and ready to start riding, $600 BULLS: 1 AND 2 years, red or black, rea- or 306-322-7554. #914447. and $800. 306-845-2202, Turtleford, SK. sonable prices. Tom Ward 306-668-4333, RED AND BLACK polled 2 yr. old Limousin Clark Ward 306-931-3824, Saskatoon, SK. FLYING S RANCH Summer YEARLINGS 2, 3 and 4 year olds, black, bulls, good selection. Nordal Limousin, SINCLAIRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Spectacular Production Sale. August 11th, grey, red and blue roans. Priced reaONE WELL BRED 14 month old Red Angus Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. 2012 at 2:00PM at the ranch, 10.5 miles s o n a b l e . C l i f f a n d B o n n i e C l a r ke , bull. 306-764-7886, Prince Albert, SK. East of Spruce Lake, SK. Featuring: Broke 306-776-2310, Rouleau, SK. horses, brood mares and 2012 foals. AQHA Bloodlines of Shinning Spark, Hollywood REG. 2 YR. old blue roan QH gelding, sadBIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. Jac 86, Barry Pine, Poco Bueno. APHA dled and lunged; reg. 2 yr. old red roan REGISTERED CHAROLAIS BULLS, white, Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, Bloodlines of Mardelle Dixon, Prairie Gold, mare, saddled, lunged and been on her calving ease, growthy and very quiet. Se- Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red Mighty Awesome and Mr. Norfleet. Palo- back. Both quiet dispositions and good men test and deliver. Qualman Charolais, fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 minoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Buckskinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Black Overoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Red looking horses, asking $2000 each nego306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK. Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. D u n â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s . V i ew c at a l o g u e i n c o l o r at : tiable. 780-806-6341, Hughenden, AB. or RED FACTOR BULLS, yearlings and 2 year Phone 306-845-4440. olds, red, white and tans. 306-931-8069, Saskatoon, SK. PUREBRED VIRGIN 2 year old red and 2 6 t h A N N U A L R O C K I N G W FA L L SHETLAND PONIES, harness trained, sinSTILL HAVE 4 - 2 year old bulls and a good red/white Maine-Anjou bulls. Will semen HORSE SALE. Sept. 1st, Keystone Centre, gle and teams. Bamford Pony Farm, La Riselection of yearlings, polled, horned, test. Performance info. available. Contact Brandon, MB. Trainer challenge competi- viere, MB, 204-242-2369, 204-825-7830. white and red factor. Semen tested, deliv- Falloonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Maine-Anjou, Carman and Laura tion and Performance Horse Preview, August 31st. Catalogue deadline July 15th. ered and guaranteed. Prairie Gold Charo- Falloon, 204-842-5180, Birtle, MB. lais, 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK. CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. For more info call: 204-325-7237 or email: Held in conjunc- SHIRE HORSES FOR sale, 2 mares and 1 2 YEAR OLD and yearling bulls. Semen Power, performance and profit. For info on tion with Northern Lights Barrel Racing Fa- stud, 10 to 11 years old. Call for informatested and delivered. Guy Sampson, Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, Cal- turity. tion 204-655-3247, Sifton, MB. gary, AB. or 306-567-4207, Davidson, SK.
WHITECAP CHAROLAIS YEARLING bulls for sale, semen tested and guaranteed. Call Mike 306-631-8779 or 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. YEARLING AND 2 YR. OLD Black Angus POLLED PUREBRED 2 yr. old and yearling bulls. Semen tested, vet inspected, fully bulls, some Red Factor. Kings Polled guaranteed. Gerlei Angus 306-424-2332, Charolais, 306-435-7116, 306-645-4383 or 306-645-2955, Rocanville, SK. HOME OF REINKE ELECTROGATOR II. 306-424-7676, Montmartre, SK. Reinke centre pivots, Reinke laterals, Reinke genuine parts. Can design to your 5 GOOD QUALITY 2 year old Black Angus BULL PROBLEMS? Need a bull ph Perrot needs. Trades welcome. 306-858-7351 bulls for sale by private treaty. All semen Martin Charolais can help. Bulls semen t e s t e d . C a l l H e r b F r i e s e n a t tested and del. John 306-874-5496 at NaiLucky Lake, SK. cam SK 306-363-2203, 306-360-7465, Drake, SK. THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving water? Pumping units, 6â&#x20AC;? to 10â&#x20AC;? alum. pipe; Also Wanted: 6â&#x20AC;? to 10â&#x20AC;? pipe. Call Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years of experience, not a Dealer. Email:
G R E E N H O U S E F R A M E ap p r o x i m at e ly 300x300â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, near Medicine Hat, AB. Must be moved from property, $40,000. Call 403-527-6128 or 403-581-8543.
JD 755 GARDEN tractor, 60â&#x20AC;? mower, FEL, tiller, 3 cyl. diesel, 3 PTH, hydrostatic drive, rear and mid PTO, 1250 hrs., very clean tractor. Make offer. 306-739-2135, Moosomin, SK. DEINES 1800KT zero turn mower, 60â&#x20AC;? deck, 18 HP, 750 hrs, very good condition, $3500 OBO. 306-771-2776, Balgonie, SK. NEW AND USED Outback STS, S3 mapping units. Baseline and AutoSteer units. Trades welcome. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK.
N.A.P.S. SOLAR STORE offers solar panels, windmills, components or complete solar systems and energy efficient appliances. 780-835-3682, 1-866-835-6277, Fairview, AB., or check out:
GOT A POND PROBLEM ? W E HAVE THE SOLUTION Blu e po n d d ye , C la rifie rs Ae ra to rs , Fo u n ta in s , Alge e c o n tro l pro d u c ts , w in d m ills & m u c h m o re FREE S hipping on s elec t ord ers
Ac ke n b e rry Po
n d Pro S u pplies Pho n e: 78 0-8 78 -38 39 w w w .a cken b errytro u tfa rm s .co m w w w .p o n d p ro .ca
8N FORD, c/w mower, plow, cultivator, HYPERBARIC OXYGEN CHAMBER for sale, FEL, new rubber, runs good, $4500. Call l o c at e d i n S a s k at o o n , S K . P i c t u r e s 306-493-2638, Delisle, SK. available, call 306-978-2905. 8N FORD TRACTOR, 3 PTH, new battery and new carb. kit, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 3 PTH cultivator, good running condition, $2500 OBO. 204-655-3362, 204-638-1744, Sifton, MB. 6 YEAR OLD Legend coal boiler w/auto feed, was used to heat a 10,000 sq. ft. shop w/or without 2,000 bu. hopper bin. Call Ladimer at 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. or for pics
TS44 VERMEER TREE SPADE on 1977 D o d g e 6 0 0 t r u c k , e x c e l l e n t s h ap e , $20,000. Phone 306-723-4964, Cupar, SK.
JD 72â&#x20AC;? MID-MOUNT MOWER to fit 400 series tractors; 3-pt. hitch cement mixer, 1 b a g c a p a c i t y, h y d . d u m p . P h o n e ALL CANADIAN Coal and wood pellet hy- 306-795-2800, Ituna, SK. dronic heaters. Save up to 70% on your h e at i n g b i l l . N ova M e t a l Te c h L t d . , 7 8 0 - 9 2 2 - 2 4 8 0 , S h e r wo o d Pa r k , A B . WWW.NOUTILITYBILLS.COM - indoor coal, grain, multi-fuel, gas, oil, pellet and propane fired boilers, fireplaces, furnaces and stoves. Outdoor EPA and conventional wood boilers, coal / multi-fuel boilers. Chimney, heat exchangers, parts, piping, pumps, etc. Athabasca, AB, 780-628-4835.
REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS BULLS for sale by private treaty. Top quality genetics. Yearlings, $2600-$4500 OBO. Semen tested, full vaccination program. Pickup save! Volume discount. 306-460-8520, Kindersley, SK. For complete listings visit
PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK.
BLACK ANGUS 2 yr. old and yearling bulls for sale, good selection. Nordal Angus, USED OIL WELL TUBE: 1.66 O.D. $19; 2 Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. inch, $25; 2-7/8â&#x20AC;? $31; 3-1/2â&#x20AC;? $39; 22 ft. 2 YR. OLD Black Angus bulls. 2 yr. old 3/4â&#x20AC;? Co Rod, $5. 1-888-792-6283. Black Maine cross Angus bulls; Heifer bulls. Semen tested, ready to go, we deliv3/4â&#x20AC;? SUCKER RODS, $5 each, 2 3/8â&#x20AC;? oil- er. Sharpley Angus, 403-325-1245, Strathfield tubing at $27 each, truckload quan- more, AB. tities only. 306-861-1280, Weyburn, SK. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside PB CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 yr olds and yearAngus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, lings. Whites and tans. Mutrie Farms, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. Glenavon, SK. Call: Richard 306-429-2711. IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8â&#x20AC;?, MIDNITE OIL CATTLE CO. has on offer 4 cyl. dsl or PTO, 600-1000 gal/min, very semen tested yearling bulls for sale. Call efficient. Also buying oilfield pipe and cas- 306-734-2850, 306-734-7675, Craik, SK. ing. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB. YEARLING ANGUS BULLS sired by Connealy Impression, DM Upward 2W. Call David IRRIGATION/WATER PUMP: High vol- McLean, 306-455-2503, Arcola, SK. ume JD 4045, diesel w/Berkeley pump, low hrs, 1500 GPM capacity at 60 PSI, ask- RED AND BLACK Angus 2 yr. old bulls, semen tested, vaccinated, Dectomax, ready ing $6500. 778-549-5124, Riverhurst, SK. to go. Call 403-556-2725, 403-559-7104, RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic piv- Olds, AB. ots/Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new 45 YEARLING BLACK ANGUS bulls, exand used equipment. 31 years in business. cellent quality, $2000-2500; And some 2-4 Outlook, SK yr. old bulls, 204-835-2087, McCreary, MB. Call 306-867-9606. TOP QUALITY YEARLING Black Angus for sale. Argwen Angus Ranch, David WESTERN IRRIGATION, large supply of bulls used irrigation equipment: 1/2 mile used Pope, 403-886-4742, Penhold, AB. 6â&#x20AC;? pipe, 1000â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 4â&#x20AC;?, two PTO pumps, used BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Yeartraveling big gun, 60 HP electric pumping lings and two year olds, semen tested, unit, Berkeley B4 pump; 60 HP electric guaranteed breeders, delivery available. motor, used Lockwood pivot for parts. 306-287-3900, 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK. 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.
OPTIMIZE HYBRID VIGOR in your herd. Yearling and 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Bender Shorthorns, 306-748-2876, Neudorf, SK.
PUREBRED YEARLING RED bulls, semen tested. North Creek Simmental, 306-997-4427, 306-230-3123, Borden, SK. Check our website again for more facts and more to come. 306-893-2974, Waseca, SK. OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE complete small purebred Speckle Park herd. Legecy, Chibri, and Red Neck Breeding. Call 306-550-2686, Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK.
20 ROPING STEERS, last years calves, roped off once. Phone 204-425-3933, Steinbach, MB.
4x2x125 x24â&#x20AC;&#x2122;.............Bun d le P rice - $2.09 4x2x188x20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;..........Bun d le P rice - $3.03/ft Full Prim e - M TR Ava ila b le - S p otRusting Please call Travis for details.
Ph: (306) 922-3000 Cell: (306) 940-7107
&KHFN 2XW 7KH 6WDPSHGH 2I 6DYLQJV Bar T5 is a proud partner of the Calgary Stampede and would like to congratulate them on their 100 year Anniversary. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to many more years of continued support and success.
)8// 6(59,&( 6+23 5(17$/6
Now Servicing RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Construction Trailers, Horse Trailers, Goosenecks & 5th Wheels
Located on the Cowboy Trail 10 Miles S.W. of Calgary on Hwy #22 at 274th Ave
3$77(1 32//,77 Performance Horse & Production Sale
6XQGD\ $XJXVW WK DW SP Preview at 10:00 am Â&#x2021; 5RSH 5DQFK +RUVHV Â&#x2021; <HDUOLQJ )LOOLHV &ROWV Â&#x2021; /RWV RI &RORU 5RDQV *UH\V %XFNVNLQ %ODFN
Prince Albert, SK. Hwy 3 & 48th St. E.
REG. TEXAS LONGHORN BULLS available in solid black, red and colored. Have good supply of strong yearling and 2 yr. olds. All classes of reg. stock also available. Call Dean at 403-391-6043, Stauffer, AB.
ECI Steel Inc.
12ft x 5.5 H Galvanated Corral Panels
F E N C E P O S T P IP E F O R S A LE â&#x20AC;˘ 7100 Fe e t
â&#x20AC;˘ 4.500â&#x20AC;? O .D . x .188 W a ll
â&#x20AC;˘ L en gths: 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; - 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
â&#x20AC;˘ W eight: 8.56#/ ft.
P RICE @ $1.00/ FT
A W P IP E & S T E E L S A LE S LT D .
Call Arnie @ Ph: (306) 955-3091 Cell: (306) 230-4892 STOCKED AT CAM ROSE ALBERTA YARD
Also available 3â&#x20AC;? to 6â&#x20AC;? Pipe & 42â&#x20AC;? Land Roller Pipe Inquire about delivery to your area
Proud to have supplied the horses used in the Mane Event Trainers Challenge in Red Deer
â&#x20AC;˘ Annual Production Sale Sept 6, 2012 Thorsby, AB Selling approx 40 foals, 25 mares â&#x20AC;˘ Breeding Rope, Ranch, Reining & Recreation Prospects â&#x20AC;˘ Bloodlines include - Bueno Chex, Blueboy Quincy
Ponoka, Alberta â&#x20AC;˘ (403) 783-9835 â&#x20AC;˘
Hurry in all units selling fast! Act now and save!
o r t s A
780-5our67Web-4site:202 Visit
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Joe Knobloch
2001 FREIGHTLINER FL120 Winch Tractor STOCK #L-6631
2005 CAT D5G 6 way blade, winch, pro-heat, mulcher hydraulics
40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Quad slide-outs
ONLY 50,000 KM
2007 GMC C5500
Step Deck Tandem Axle Trailer
W/ Amco Veba Picker & Deck
STOCK #L-6605
STOCK #L-6688
2005 PETERBILT 378
ONLY 40,000 KM
2006 GMC C5500
Winch Tractor
W/ Heila Picker & Deck
STOCK #L-6624
STOCK #L-6752
2007 FORD F550
23â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Class C Motorhome, 1 slide
Dump Box
STOCK #L-6581
STOCK #L-6609
MANY MAKES AND MODELS OF SKID STEERS 400 HP, Triple slide-outs, only 28,000 miles
STOCK #L-6623
Booster Trailer
STOCK #L-5838
3($&( &28175<Âś6
2009 RAY FAB
c/w 36â&#x20AC;? Digging Bucket & 72â&#x20AC;? Churchblade
Sale Price $45,000
FERTILIZER & GRAIN MAX BINS â&#x20AC;&#x153;Limited Availability - Call Todayâ&#x20AC;?
w/2005 Brutus 11â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bed, 2005 Maxlift Cobra 4400 ob 2 sec 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; crane, Vmac Predatair 60 cfm air comp, w/ hyd, PTO, waste oil, pump tank. STOCK # L-6676
Options Available â&#x20AC;˘ Hydraulic Drive â&#x20AC;˘ Scale Kits â&#x20AC;˘ Camera Kit â&#x20AC;˘ Available in Red or Green
750, 875, 1000, 1150, 1325,1500 BU. MODELS
Protect your investment with Meridian powder coated, smooth-wall bins. Check out to see the newest evolution of storage to fit all your on-farm needs.
Nisku (Edmonton)
â&#x20AC;˘ 2012 model now in The Pro Bagger allows unloading from a grain cart, tandem truck or Super B.
(780) 955-3400
1-888-883-8081 (403) 317-7200
(306) 783-1689
(306) 435-4143
Prince Albert
Medicine Hat
(306) 934-2121
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(403) 526-4426
Mon.- Fri., 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Home Centre
South Railway Street West P.O. Box 1000, Warman, Sask. S0H 4B0
Ph: 306-933-4950 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4990
Reg. $183,509 — SALE PRICE
Mt. Blanchard
Great Prices, Even Better Service
5W^M Q\ \W \PM TISM \PQ[ []UUMZ Size 16 ft. Walls
Materials Material & Labour (Coloured Walls) Built on Site
Size 16 ft. Walls
Materials Material & Labour (Coloured Walls) Built on Site
PACKAGES INCLUDE: •29 Gauge #1 Colored Metal Walls and Galvalume Roof •1 Large Sliding Door •1 Steel Walk-In Door OPTIONS: •Other Sizes and Wall Heights Available •Windows •Overhead Door
.93/lin. ft.
Reg. $198,367 — SALE PRICE
While supplies last
2x10-12’ ................... $10.56 2x10-16’ ................... $14.08 2x8-12’. ...................... $8.45 2x8-16’ ..................... $11.26 2x6-12’. ...................... $6.33 2x6-16’ ....................... $7.66
Wedgewood blue Soffit & Facia Material
2 profiles and several colors to choose from! In Stock Quantities Only!
Reg. $14.59
609e/396s Hrs, Auger 24’ Unloading, cast cyl & chaff blowers
Yield & Moisture Monitor, Auger 24’ Unloading, Lighting HID, 20.8R42 duals, 790CP-15 pick up.
New Holland CX8080
Holland $254,000 2011New CX8080 CASH
1733e1340s Hrs, 2 Spd Rtrs, Dlx Cab, Y&M Mon, 14’ 76C Hdr
-8 4%=7 83 40%2 %,)%(
$ 112,000 CASH Holland 2004 New CR960
IH 2003 Case 2388
When you order select New Holland tractors and equipment EARLY, you not only get them built your way, you also SAVE BIG! In fact, The earlier you buy, the better the deal*. Order select New Holland equipment NOW and take advantage of these Built My Way benefits: MODELS FACTORY-BUILT TO YOUR REQUEST THE VERY LATEST PRODUCTIVITY-BOOSTING INNOVATIONS THE BEST FINANCIAL PACKAGE
468e/331s Hrs, 21’ Unload Aug, SM Color Disp, CR Style Chpr $
New Holland CX8080
36’, 800 hrs
972-36’ windrower, 1602 hrs, large rear tires $
New Holland 9070
Specialty rotor, Y&M, 1015 Swathmaster P/U, Redikopp chopper rotor, Auto header height, grain loss monitors, hopper extension, 3022E/2364S
Y&M, 1015 Swathmaster P/U, new cone, rub bars, feeder chain, elevator chain, seive bushings, 4206E/3201S Case IH 2388
893e/618s hrs, 20.8R42 Duals, 16ft 76C RU/PU, Dlx Chpr
Case IH WDX1202
MD 2950
0% FOR 30 MONTHS AND NO PAYMENTS UNTIL 2013 ON USED COMBINES NH 2011 CX8080 315/250 .. $254,000 CASH NH 2010 CX8070 254/171 .. $216,000 CASH NH 2009 CX8080 779/492 .. $190,000 CASH NH 2009 CX8080 680/525 .. $190,000 CASH NH 2009 CX8080 680525.... $190,000 CASH NH 2009 CX8080 468/331 .. $194,000 CASH NH 2008 CX8080 703/506 .. $177,000 CASH NH 2008 CX8080 735/535 .. $177,000 CASH NH 2008 CR9070 893/618 .. $208,000 CASH NH 2005 CR970 1727/1387...$124,000 CASH NH 2004 CR940 1685/1250...$114,000 CASH NH 2004 CR960 1733/1340....$112,000 CASH NH 1998 TR98 1877/1424 ............. $62,000 NH 1997 TR98 2200 .............$45,000 CASH NH 1997 TR98 1614/1993 ...$45,000 CASH NH 1996 TR98 3434/2708 ...$31,000 CASH NH 1995 TR97 3500 .............$29,000 CASH NH 1995 TR97 2611/1885 ...$34,000 CASH NH 1994 TR97 2503 .............$31,000 CASH
NH 1998 TX66 2531/1888 ...$48,000 CASH NH 1994 TX66 3703/2961 ............. $25,000 NH 1984 TR85 3084 ....................... $12,900 CIH 2004 2388 2809/2106 ............ $94,900 CIH 2003 2388 3022/2364 ..$77,000 CASH CIH 1999 2388 4206/3201 ..$54,000 CASH
JD 1997 925F .................................. $12,500 NH 2006 94C-36 ............................. $45,000 NH 1998 994-30 TR/TX .................. $35,900 NH 1997 971-30 ............................. $10,000 NH 1997 971-30FT ......................... $11,500 NH 1994 971-20FT ........................... $9,900 JD 2000 994-30 JD AD .................. $29,900 NH 2008 94C-36 CR/CX.................. $46,500 NH 1998 994-30 CR/CX .................. $28,000
Highline 1997 6600 .......................... $5,500 AH 1999 555S ................................... $9,900 CIH 2007 RBX563 ........................... $16,900 CIH 2004 RBX562 ........................... $13,900
CIH 8465A.......................................... $7,500 JD 2001 557 .................................... $12,500 NH 2006 BR780A ............................ $17,500 NH 2006 BR780A ............................ $29,500 NH 2005 BR780............................... $16,500 NH 2005 BR780............................... $12,267 NH 2005 BR780............................... $17,000 NH 2005 BR780............................... $16,000 NH 2001 688 ................................... $11,900 NH 2000 688 ................................... $10,900 NH 1997 664 ..................................... $9,250 NH 1979 846 ..................................... $1,500 VM 2007 605M................................ $20,900 VM 2001 605XL............................... $12,900 CIH 1998 8750 .................................. $5,800 CIH 2008 SCX100............................ $32,000 JD 1996 1600A ................................. $5,000 MB 2003 5020 ................................ $11,900 NH 2006 1475 ................................. $19,088 NH 1996 1475 ................................. $12,900 RCHTN 1976 1200............................. $6,500
* Check with your local New Holland dealer for timing.
Ph: 306-783-8511 Fax: 306-782-5595 ©2012 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
Ph: 306-746-2911 Fax: 306-746-2919
Ph: 306-946-3301 Fax: 306-946-2613
4-H7460 Discbines, 2-H7450 Discbines, 1-1400 Hay Hiker, 2-HT154 Wheel Rakes, 6-BR7090 Balers
Get the most out of every hay season with round balers that deliver the highest capacity in the industry — the NEW BR7000 Series Roll-Belt™ round balers from New Holland. The proven combination of rolls and belts forms uniform, dense bales in any crop from dry hay to silage to corn stalks. And, BR7000 balers pack more of your valuable crop into every bale with these added features: XTRASWEEP™ PICKUPS ARE THE WIDEST IN THE INDUSTRY TO GET EVERY BIT OF CROP CROPCUTTER™ OPTION PUTS MORE CROP IN EVERY BALE FOR MAXIMUM DENSITY AND FEWER BALES TO TRANSPORT AND STORE EDGEWRAP™ OPTION PROVIDES OVER-THE-EDGE WRAPPING FOR MORE PROTECTION AND EASIER HANDLING ©2010 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC
2008 NH CR9070
2009 NH CX8080
1997 NH TR98
2003 NH SP30 Header
2005 HoneyBee SP30 Header
2005 HoneyBee SP36 Header
2004 HoneyBee SP39 Header
2003 HoneyBee SP42 Header
2008 JD 936D Header
2011 NH H8040
2005 NH HW325
2007 NH HW325
1997 Prairie Star 4920 W/ 960 MD HDR 97, 25 FT PU REEL. #W21836B. KINISTINO.
856 Hesston Round Baler
2003 JD 567 Round Baler
2008 NH BR7090
HWY. #3, KINISTINO, SK — Bill, David H, Jim, Kelly SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO — Jay, David J., 306-864-7603
306-864-3667 HWY. #5, HUMBOLDT, SK — Paul, Tyler
306-682-9920 235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron
Check out our website at
EQUIPMENT RENTALS â&#x20AC;&#x153; It Makes Sense To RENT!â&#x20AC;?
ved Appro ugh l To Renta
Western Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Largest AG Rental Dealer Network ALBERTA NORTH
For Occasional Use Equipment Equipment Available
BARRHEAD Ray Agro & Petroleum (780) 674-2146 CAMROSE Drever Agencies (780) 672-2572 CAROLINE Clearwater Trading Co. (403)722-2378 CARSTAIRS Koch Fuels (403) 337-0009 CORONATION Coronation Bulk Fuels (403) 578-3551 DAWSON CREEK Tower Valley Farms (250) 759-4587 EDMONTON Flaman Sales/Yellowhead (780) 474-2222 FAIRVIEW Dunvegan Fab & Welding (780) 835-4530 FALHER/GIROUXVILLE Smoky River Equipment Rentals (780) 323-3342 GRANDE PRAIRIE Keddieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rentals (780) 532-4888 GRASSLAND Hwy 63 Equipment Rentals (780) 212-7931 HARDISTY Hardisty Bulk Sales (780)- 888-3555 LaCRETE / HIGH LEVEL Henry U. Driedger (780) 926-6468 HIGH PRAIRIE Rollâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;n The Hay Rentals (780)523-1405 INNISFAIL Clubb Construction (403) 227-2711 LLOYDMINISTER Headon Rentals (780) 879-8900 MORINVILLE Michiel/Ina Verheul (780) 265-2437 NISKU Frank Flaman Sales 1-800-352-6264 PONOKA Wills Welding (403) 783-3733 RIMBEY Action Auto (403) 843-3030 THORHILD RYLEY Evans Sales & Rentals Inc. Mike Bonham Ag Rentals (780) 349-1500 (780) 446-2684 THREE HILLS SMOKY LAKE Golden View Fabricating Ltd. Koch Fuel Products Ltd. (403) 443-5770 (780) 656-3575 VEGREVILLE ST. PAUL Royal Park Rentals Northern Source Rentals (587) 280-2474 (780) 646-0774 VERMILION STETTLER RAM Holdings Ltd. Koch Fuels (780) 853-1908 (403) 742-5300 WARBURG STONY PLAIN Lorne & Sharon Lawrence Ray Agro & Petroleum Ltd. (780) 789-2117 (780) 963-2078 WESTASKIWIN SUNDRE Wetaskiwin Bulk Sales Koch Fuel Products Inc. (780) 352-7191 (403) 638-4930
tâ&#x20AC;? n e R o T e s n e S s e k a â&#x20AC;&#x153;It M *No Capital Outlay *100% Write Off
*No Depreciation *Easy to Book
sWishek Discs sHarrows sManure Spreaders s2OTAry Mowers s2ock Pickers s2ock Rakes sPro Grain Baggers sPro Grain Extractors sLeon Landscrapers s"rillon Grass Seeders sHay Floats s2%- Grain Vacs sPost Pounders sSovema 12 Wheel Rakes sHaukaas Baler Carriers sTree Spades sConveyors sWater Pumps sTrailers *All equipment may not be available in all locations
Grow Your Business FLAMAN RENTAL Franchise opportunities are available for more information Sask/Man call Parrish Kondra, 1-888-435-2626 Or Alberta Ken Barlott 1-800-352-6264 ALBERTA / SOUTH ACADIA VALLEY Acadia Valley Rentals (403) 664-8296 BROOKS BRK Rentals (403) 362-4655 CARDSTON Taurus Salt (403) 653-4495 FOREMOST W Buis Holdings Ltd. (403) 867-2436 FORT MACLEOD Mo Boots Ag Mechanics (403) 795-2645 LETHBRIDGE Flaman Sales (403) 317-7200
MANITOBA LOMOND Phillips Fertilizer (403) 792-3600 MEDICINE HAT Flaman Sales & Rentals 1-855-535-2636 MILK RIVER Bellew Water Hauling (UFA) (403) 647-3790 NANTON Nanton Rentals (403) 646-2433 STRATHMORE Sharpley Angus (403) 533-2355 TABER GSL Rentals (403) 223-5380
$867,1 0DU 'HH (QWHUSULVHV %5$1'21 0DU 'HH (QWHUSULVHV &$50$1 7UL 6WDU $J 6HUYLFH '$83+,1 %UHQGRQQ +ROGLQJV 0(/,7$ 0DU 'HH (QWHUSULVHV 025'(1 ,NH )ULHVHQ
1((3$:$ 0DU 'HH (QWHUSULVHV 3257$*( OD 35$,5,( 0DU 'HH (QWHUSULVHV 5(6721 0DU 'HH (QWHUSULVHV 5866(// %UHQGRQQ +ROGLQJV 6:$1 5,9(5 )ODPDQ 5HQWDOV 9,5'(1 0DU 'HH (QWHUSULVHV
SASKATCHEWAN ASSINIBOIA B&A Petroleum (306) 642-4621 BIRSAY/LUCKY LAKE Triple D&P Farms (306) 858-7642 BLAINE LAKE Blair Industrial (306) 497-2670 BRUNO Horizon Fertilizer (306) 369-2830 CANORA Brendonn Holdings (306) 563-6426 CUTKNIFE B&D Rentals (306) 398-8000 CUDWORTH Horizon Fertilizers (306) 256-2300 EATONIA G-Macâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ag Team Inc. (306) 967-2211 ESTEVAN Johnson Bros. Equip. Rentals (306) 421-0280 HUMBOLDT Horizon Fertilizers (306) 682-2574 KINDERSLEY G-Macâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ag Team Inc. (306) 463-4622 LEADER G-Macâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ag Team Inc. (306) 628-3886 LLOYDMINSTER Headon Rentals (780) 870-8900 MAPLE CREEK B&A Petroleum (306) 662-2262 MARENGO G-Macâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ag Team Inc. (306) 968-2262 MOOSOMIN )ODPDQ 6DOHV PLENTY * 0DFŇ&#x2039;V $J 7HDP ,QF PRINCE ALBERT )ODPDQ 6DOHV SASKATOON )ODPDQ 6DOHV SOUTHEY )ODPDQ 6DOHV SWIFT CURRENT % $ 3HWUROHXP TISDALE 7LVGDOH )LUH )ORRG TURTLEFORD 'HO /HVOLH 1RUGHOO UNITY % ' 5HQWDOV WINDTHORST $QGUHV ,QF WYNYARD . 5HQWDOV YORKTON )ODPDQ 6DOHV
EQUIPMENT DEALS ‘02 JD 9650 2,235 hrs., $25,000 work order done, loaded w/ Greenstar............
20 min. E of Saskatoon on Hwy. 16
Numerous pictures available on our website -
’82 WHITE 2-110 MFWD
80’ booms, Mid-Tech rate control, 3,947 hrs.................
FEL, dual PTO, 3 hyd., 6,735 hrs..................
HHC, light kit, double-knife-drive, in stock ...................
8:00 AM-5:00 PM
NEW 16’ PW7 PICKUP HEADERS w/ Swathmaster pickup, in stock. JD 615 replacement .............. $25,800 CIH 2016 replacement ........... $26,800 NH 9070 ................................ $26,800
8:00 AM-2:30 PM
‘07 CIH 2020 35’ FLEX
‘04 NH BR780
Double-knife drive, full-finger auger, excellent shape .......
Xtra Sweep pickup 1,000 PTO, good belts, great baler ......
‘05 JD 635F
HHC, fore & aft. Add $5,800 for optional Crary air reel ...
CIH 4000/ 5000.................... $1,495
MACDON OLD STYLE MacDon headers & swathers .............. $1,448 MacDon wobble box arm . $165 MacDon wobble box pulley. $255
JD 200/900 ................. $ JD wobble box arm ..... $ $ JD wobble box pulley ..
995 195 255
MACDON NEW STYLE MacDon headers and swathers CIH 1042/1052/1062 $1,695 MacDon wobble box arm ............ $213 MacDon wobble box pulley........... $389
CIH 1010/1020
Convert old style to new style. Pulley & arm included................... $2,297
Pulley, mount & arm included................... $1,550
NEW & USED PARTS • 1 YEAR WARRANTY FACTORY DIRECT – NO MIDDLEMEN 20.8-38 12 ply ..................................$866 23.1-26 12 ply .............................. $1,154 18.4-38 12 ply ................................. $783 520/85R38 Firestone 23 deg ......... $1,985 18.4-30 12 ply ..................................$593 520/85R42 Alliance ....................... $1,980 16.9-28 12 ply ..................................$558 710/70/R38 Firestone ................... $3,280 14.9-24 12 ply .................................$356 20.5-25 20 ply .............................. $1,496 30.5-32 16 ply .............................. $2,195 11.00-16 12 ply ................................ $199 MORE SIZES IN STOCK. RIMS ALSO AVAILABLE
NEW REDEKOP CHOPPERS JD 9600/10, 9750/60 STS tight knife rotor upgrade kit ...... $4,100 TR95-TR99 ............................... $8,900 CIH 88 series ............................ $9,350 CR960/9060 ............................. $9,000
We Want Your Trades! USED PICKUP HEADERS ‘00 CIH 2015 w/ pickup ............................... $17,800 ‘02 JD 13’ Precision w/ Rake-up............................. $11,900 ‘95 NH 971 ............................... $3,800 ‘95 CIH 1015 new paint, rebuilt auger ............................. $3,980
Crary chaff spreader, JD/CIH/NH, dual disk.....$2,495 JD/CIH auger extension ................................. $895
JD STS kit, c/w 20.8-38 tires................... $13,880 JD 9400-9600/10/CTS/CTSII kit, c/w new 20.8-38 tires ............ $11,880 New clamp-on dual kits, fit any machine, c/w new tires, spacers and hardware ........................... $4,300
CIH header lift cylinder .................................. $555 JD steering arm spindle ................................ $650 Hopper extensions JD/CIH/NH ..................... $1,795 CIH 1460-2388 front rotor bearing holder ..... $295 CIH long shoe sieve rail ................................. $295
Other tire/rim sizes also available.
USED STRAWCHOPPERS 8,800 $ CIH 80/88 ........................... 3,750 TR96-99 $ fine cut ................................ 1,750 $ TX66.................................. 3,000 Cat $ 460W................................. 2,900 Redekop MAV $ fits NH CR combines ..........
CIH 80/88 Series ........................ 4,310 JD STS 70 Series........................ $5,145 JD 9600/10 fine-cut .................. $3,845 JD 9400/9500 fine-cut .............. $3,495
HEADER ADAPTERS 4,900 1,500 980 1,500 1,900
John Deere to $ MacDon 962/972............... MacDon FD70 $ to MF9690 .......................... CIH 1460-2588 to $ Honeybee SP25/30/36 .............. TR/TX Series to $ Pre-96 Honeybee ................ MacDon TV140 to $ MacDon 960 .......................
3,750 $ TR70-95 1-speed RHS............. 1,250 $ CIH 80 series 2-speed ............. 2,750 $ CIH 40/60 series ...................... 1,500 TR89-99 2-speed ....................
USED ENGINES Cummins 8.3L .......................... $6,900 Cat 3208 .................................. $3,750 Perkins 640 .............................. $5,000 JD 7.6L..................................... $6,550 Ford 7.8L .................................. $6,000 Genesis 7.5L ............................ $7,500
USED CHAFF SPREADERS Crary fits TR95-99, $ single disk .......................... 1,280 Agri-Tech fits CIH 80/88, $ self-contained.................... 2,500 Vittetoe fits JD9600, $ dual disk............................. 1,500 Dutch fits MF8560, $ single disk .......................... 1,250 Kirby fits CIH 1680, $ single disk .......................... 1,250
USED KITS 4WD kit w/ tires JD9400-9610/STS/CTS/CTSII .....$8,500 TR96-98 bubble-up auger kit ................................... $1,250 CIH 1480-2388 cross flow fan kit ... $1,275 Reel fore & aft kit ........................... $950 JD 9400-9610/CTS/CTSII 2-spd. Cylinder Kit ................................. $2,750 TR 95-99 complete fan kit .............. $950
IN STOCK Hart Carter UII 25’................$5,300 ........... $6,830 30’................$5,900 ........... $7,900 36’................ $7,900 ........... $8,900
2009 Bourgault 5710 54’, 10”Sp, MRB, 3.5”Stl Pkr, 5350 Tank ...................................... $139,800 1995 Flexi-Coil 5000 57’, 9”Sp, 3.5” Stl Pkr, Atom Jet, D/S .......................................... $36,900 1999 Flexi-Coil 3450 340bu, TBH, Var Rate, Flex Control ............................................. $44,800
2007 Degelman 3100 Rh Disc, 31x15.5-15 Tires, Hyd Defl, Knife Kit...................... $17,500 2002 Highline 7000HD 1000 rpm PTO, Small Tires, Hyd. Deflector ................................$7,500
You’ve worked hard all season and now it’s time to harvest the savings! We are offering 0% FINANCING or CASH BACK on just about every Model Year 2012 tractor and hay and forage equipment from New Holland. You’ll increase your productivity and reap model year end savings. Don’t wait! Offer ends September 30, 2012. Stop by today or visit for complete details.
*For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Capital Canada Ltd. See your New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. CNH Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. Down payment may be required. Not all customers or applicants may qualify. Offer good through September 30, 2012 at participating New Holland dealers in Canada. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.
2002 JD 567 Megatooth, Bale Push Bar........................................... $17,900 2009 MF 2756A Auto Cycle, 14Lx16.1Tires, Hyd PU Lift ............................................... $30,700 2006 NH BR780A B/C, Xtra Sweep, Hyd PU Lift ............................................... $17,500 2005 Case RBX562 Net, Wide P/U, Hyd P/U Lift ............................................. $21,900 1998 NH 664 Bale Command, Standard Pickup, Twine Wrap, 540rpm PTO, Shedded ......................................................$9,900 1993 Case 8480 5’x6’ Soft Core ...............$6,900 2006 NH BR780A AW, SS Pickup, 1000rpm, Hyd PU Lift ............................................... $20,900 1998 Hesston 565A Auto Wrap ............ $11,750 2003 NH BR780 BC, Xtra Sweep p/u...... $16,500 2005 Hesston 956 Hyd Tie, Bale Kicker, Wide Pickup............................................. $20,900 2003 NH BR780 A/W, Reg P/U, 1000pto, Auto Oiler ............................................................ $14,900 2007 JD 568 Net/Twine, Mega Pu, Endless belts ........................................... $29,900 2000 NH 688 Autowrap, Hyd PU Lift, 1000PTO ................................................... $12,900 2003 Vermeer 605XL Accubale Twine Wrap ........................................................... $16,702 2008 NH BR7090 Auto Wrap, Xtra Sweep p/u, 1000 pto .......................................... $29,500 1998 Case 8465 Hyd Tie, 1000pto ..........$8,900 2000 NH 575 14”x18”Square, Hydr Tension ........................................... $11,500
TEAM UP AND GET MORE DONE. New Holland has teamed with RAM Truck to give you one SUPER offer. Get $1,000 consumer bonus cash allowance on a RAM Truck when you purchase any eligible New Holland tractor, combine, sprayer or haytool—and that’s AFTER you make your best deal on both the New Holland product and your best deal on the RAM truck, including all current programs and incentives. Now, that’s TEAM savings! See us for the full list of eligible New Holland tractors and equipment and eligible Ram trucks.
*This offer applies to new 2011 & 2012 Ram 1500/2500/3500 Pickups, 2011 & 2012 Ram 3500/4500/5500 Chassis Cab models and 2012 Ram Cargo Vans after the purchase of select new, New Holland equipment from an authorized New Holland dealer. Offer good through December 31, 2012. See your New Holland dealer for a complete list of eligible equipment. Limit: One $1,000 rebate per eligible New Holland product purchased. This offer can be used in addition to all other eligible retail offers that are available at the time of purchase or lease. Customer must provide proof of New Holland product purchase (Dealer Sales Agreement for new, New Holland product) at time of truck sale or lease. If the New Holland product is purchased in a business name and the vehicle is purchased in an individual’s name, customer must provide proof of ownership interest in the business. Customer must take delivery of an eligible 2011 Ram by Feb. 1, 2012. Offer only available to legal residents of the US and Canada, and is not available to governmental entities or their employees. CNH America LLC may modify the terms of this offer at any time. Bonus Cash will be deducted from the negotiated purchase or lease price of the truck after taxes. © 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. Ram is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. Any trademarks referred to herein, in association with the goods and/or services of companies other than CNH America LLC, are the property of those respective companies.
2009 Case 9120 ........................................ $283,000 2009 JD 9870STS 615 Header, Duals, Contourmaster .................................... $320,000 2007 NH CR9070 14’ SM PU, Duals, Dlx Chpr, Compressor .......................................... $225,000 2011 NH CR9080 15’P/U, Dlx Chpr, Duals, HID Lights ...................................................... $360,000 1997 JD CTS JD Pu, 30.5 Tires, GPS, Chaff Spreader ....................................... $69,000 1991 NH TX36 14’ S8 Pu, Chopper ....... $20,000 2008 Case 8010 16’ Belt PU, 900 Tires, Long Auger Y&M ................................ $240,000 2004 NH CR970 4’ SM, Duals, Dlx Chpr, Y&M, Dlx Cab ....................................... $189,000 2008 NH CR9060 14’ SM Pickup, 800 Tires, Dlx Chopper ................................................. $209,000 2003 NH CR970 16’ Rakeup, 900 Tires, Chopper, Long Auger ....................... $179,900 1999 NH TR99 14’ SM, MAV Chpr, Hopper Topper ....................................... $83,900 2005 JD 9760 914 PU Hdr., 800 Tires, Hpr Ext., FC Chpr ................................ $148,500 1980 NH TR85 3208 Cat, 4spd Vari Drive, Chpr, Melroe P/U ......................................$5,900 2004 NH CR970 14’ R/U, 900 Tires, Dlx Cab, Long Auger ........................................... $174,900 1994 NH TX66 S8 Pickup, Chpr, Chaff Sprd, Hopper Cvr............................................... $35,900 2000 JD 9650W 914 PU, Conventional, Y&M, Chpr, Chaff Sprd..................................... $88,900 2009 NH CR9060 14’ SM, 800 Tires, Dlx Chpr, Dlx Cab, Y&M ........................................ $230,000 2010 NH CR9060 900 Tires, Dlx Chopper, Abrasive Pea Concave ...................... $227,000 2011 NH CR9070 16’ SM, 900 Tires, Dlx Chpr ................................................. $292,900 2005 NH CR960 14’ SM P/U, Dlx Chpr, 800 Tires, Dlx Cab........................................ $159,000 2008 NH CX8080 14’ SM PU, Cast Cyl, 800 Tires ................................................. $219,000
1996 NH TR98 14’ Pickup Hdr, Redekop, Topper ....................................................... $35,000 2009 NH CR9080 16’ SM, Duals, Dlx Chopper, Long Auger ............... $279,000 1990 NH TR96 R/U Pickup, EST, Long Auger, Chpr, Chaff Sprd..................................... $16,900
1995 Case 8750 Vert Spout Ext, Hyd Tongue ................................................$6,500 2000 NH FP230 Metalert, 29P P/U Hdr, Tandem ..................................................... $11,900 2003 NH 790 w/890W Pickup Head ...... $13,900
2010 Akron EXG300 540 PTO, 10’ Extractor............................................. $34,600 1997 Unverferth 760 750bu, Hyd Drive, Tarp ............................................................. $23,500 1996 Morris SHUTTLE 650bu, PTO, Tarp, 24.5x32 Tires............................................ $16,900 2000 Parker 710 Parker 700bu, Tarp, PTO & Hyd.............................................................. $18,900 2007 REM Mfg 2500.................................. $15,000
1995 JD 925F 25’ Flex Auger, PUR, Transp, Lifters ............................................................$9,000 2005 NH 94C 36’ Draper, CR/CX Adap, UII PUR, Auger, F/A ............................... $39,900 2002 Honey Bee SP25 25’, PUR, Hyd F/A, CR Adapter, Transport ......................... $36,900 2008 Honey Bee SP36 36’ PUR, CR/CX, Hyd FA, Transp/guage Whl ................ $52,000 2004 NH 94C 36’ Draper, Single Knife, PUR, Trans ................................................. $42,900 1997 Honey Bee SP30 30’ Draper, CR/CX Adap, PUR, Auger Guage Whl .......... $24,900 2006 MacDon 974 36’ Flex, Split PUR, Transport, Hyd F/A................................ $47,900 2009 Case 2020 35’ Auger, PUR, Hyd F/A ..................................................... $35,900 2006 NH 88C 36’ Flex, CR/CX, PUR, AHHC.......................................................... $59,900 2007 Case 4555 45’ Flexdraper, PUR, Hyd F/A .................................................... $59,900 2008 NH 74C 35’ Flex Auger, Air Reel, CR/CX Mount .......................................... $38,900 2005 NH 94C 36’ Draper, PUR, CR/CX, Dbl Knife, Transp, Auger ..................... $49,900 2004 NH 94C 42’ Draper, PUR, Guage Whl, Auger ......................................................... $44,900 1990 NH 971 30’ Auger Header, Bat Reel.........................................................$3,900 2006 NH 94C 42’, CR Adapter, UII PUR ....................................................... $55,000
1995 NH 2214 14’ Header for Bi-Di ........$9,900 1988 Case 8370 14’ Sickle, Steel/Rubr Conditioner..........................$7,500 2006 NH HS16 16’ Header, Dual knife, Rubber Rolls ............................................ $12,900
1990 Versatile 4750 22’ SS, SK, Diesel, Cab, Shedded ................................................... $15,000 1998 MacDon 4930 25’ DS, PUR, Turbo .......................................................... $41,000 2010 MF 9635 25’, PUR, 16’ Disc, 2Spd Turbo Diesel .............................. $14,2000 2005 NH HW325 120hp, Shedded ...... $59,700 1996 MF 220 25’ DSA, PUR ...................... $32,900 1986 IH 4000 25’ Single, PUR, Gas ...........$7,900 1992 MacDon 4600 30’ PT, Bat Reel, 1000Pto ........................................................$5,900 1986 Case 730 30’ pt, Bat Reel, 540 Pto .........................................................$3,000 1995 MacDon 2900 25’ D/S, PUR, Diesel.......................................................... $79,800 2008 Hesston 9430 30’ DS, Guage Whl, Keersheers, Mtd Roller ........................ $86,900 1995 MacDon 4900 25’ 960 Hdr, PUR. $34,800 2009 NH H8060....................... 30’SS, DK, PUR, Cab/Axle Susp, XAuger ....................... $91,900
2011 CIH 9120 (SA) lateral tilt, adj steering axle, powerplus cvt fdr.............................................$315,000 2011 CIH 8120 (SA) adj steering axle, lateral tilt, powerplus cvt fdr.............................................$298,000 2010 CIH 8120 (SA) 900 tires, lateral tilt, 2016 pu...$288,000 2009 CIH 9120 (SC) touch screen, adj steering axle, stn fdr face, self level cleaning.....................$279,500 2010 CIH 8120 (SC) 330 hrs, sml tube rotor, fine cut chopper, HID lights........................................$275,000 2011 CIH 7120 (SC) duals, GPS, hyd hopper, fine cut chopper, diff lock...........................................................$255,000 2009 CIH 7120 (SC) 643 hrs, 900 singles, EZ steer guidance, michels hopper................................$239,900 2010 CIH 7120 (SC) 600 hrs, lat tilt w/stone, fine cut
chopper, accuguide................................................. 2008 CIH 7010 (SC) 1418hrs, lat tilt, 24ft unload auger......$200,000 2009 CIH 7088 (SC) 1000hrs, 800 singles, AFX rotor, chopper, PRO600............................................................$200,000 2006 CIH 8010 (SA) deluxe cab, yield & moisture, lat tilt...$195,000 2008 CIH 7010 (ES) deluxe cab, duals, lat tilt, adj steer axle, sgl speed hydro & diff..................$194,000 2008 CIH 2588 (SC) AF2588 grain corn, AFX std wear, 21ft unload auger..........................................$190,000 2009 CIH 6088 (SC) 606Rhrs, yielf & moisture, auto crop...$189,900 2009 CIH 7088 (LL) 895 hrs, AFX rotor, straw chopper, unload auger 24ft............................................$188,000 2005 CIH 2388 (SA) yield & moisture, 2015 pu.......$156,900 2006 CIH 2388 (SC) 1700hrs, AFX rotor, chopper, Y & M...$149,000 2004 CIH 2366 (SC) 1015 pu, no chopper, stnd rotor...$110,000 2000 CIH 2388 (ES) 1015 pu, chopper, hopper tarp, rock trap, specialty rotor..................................$90,000 1996 CIH 2188 (SC) 2700hrs, long auger, hopper topper...$55,900 1993 CIH 1666 (SC) 3000hrs, 810 IH pick-up........$29,000
1991 CIH 1680 (LL) pick up header, chopper....$20,250 2000 Flexicoil S85 Harrow (SC) 50ft, tines 60%..$18,900 1981 CIH 1480 (SC) 1015 IH pick-up, shedded...$14,900 1983 CIH 1460 (SC) 3500hrs...........................$12,900
2WD Tractors 2010 JD 8270R (SA) 42” duals, 3pt hitch, ivt tans, 5 yr warranty..................................................................$189,000 2011 Puma 185 (SA) cab suspension, PTO, 3 PT hitch...$135,000 2009 McCormick TTX230 (SC) semi-powershift, 6 front weights, degleman blade, 4 way..............................$105,000
2007 Buhler (SC) 4595hrs, MFD, loader.................. 2004 CIH MX255 (SA) duals, 3pt hitch, PTO, new tires..$79,000 2003 Massey Ferguson 8270 (SA) duals, MFD.....$75,500 2003 NH TM190 (SA) singles, MFWD, PTO....................$65,000 1996 CIH 7230 (SC) front wheel seals, allied self leveling, loader, grapple............................................................................$49,900 1992 CIH 7140 (SC) Duals, MFD, degelman blade..$49,900 2008 Case Farmall 45 (SC) HST transmission, rear remote..$23,900 2008 Case Farmall 35 (SC) 200hrs, HST transmission, AG tires, LX340 loader, mid mnt PTO...............................$22,500 1978 CIH 970 (SC) 18.4x38 tires, 2 HYDS, cab.............$7,900 4WD Tractors 2011 CIH STX550 (SC) deluxe cab, quadtrac, PTO, high capbar with diff lock................................................$395,000 2010 CIH STX535 (SA) std quadtrac, luxury cab, 1000rpm IND PTO, hi cap hydr pump.................$357,000 2011 CIH STX450 (SC) full autoguidance, weight pkg...$315,900 2011 CIH STX485 (SC) 400hrs, deluxe cab, high cap hyd pump...$299,000 2009 CIH STX535 (SC) luxury cab, 36” tracks, 4 remotes, auto guidance .........................................................$290,000 2004 CIH STX500 (SA) 4000hrs, 36” tracks, 5 hyds, HID
lights, diff locks........................................................ 2008 CIH STX435 (SA) deluxe cab, no PTO, high cap pump ...$170,000 2002 CIH STX450 (SA) luxury cab, hi cap pump...$155,000 1991 Ford 876 (SC) 20.8 duals...............................$45,000
SWATHERS 2010 CIH WD1903 (SA) delux cab, air suspension, DHX362
SPRAYERS 2008 CIH 3320 (SA) 100ft boom, aim command, viper pro, 2sets nozzles, 320&650 tires........................$189,900 2007 CIH 3320 (SC) 1800hrs, 100ft boom, aim command.SOLD 2003 CIH 3150 (ES) 90ft, 750 gal tank, 2 sets of tires..$102,000 2003 Apache 859 (SC) 90ft boom, accutrak, 5 way nozzles, 850 gal tank, JD engine.........................$98,900 2000 Spray Air 3200 (SC) suspended boom, foam, 90ft..$14,900 1987 Spra-coupe 220 (SC) 60ft, 220 gallon tank..........$10,900
header, center delivery........................................... SOLD
2009 CIH WD1203 (SC) cab suspension, hyd F&A, double knife, gauge wheels.................................................$115,000 2009 CIH WD1203 (SC) 500hrs, cab & rear suspension,
2010 36ft header................................................ SOLD 2009 CIH WD1203 (SA) cab & rear axle suspension, cold start, DHX362 header...............................................$100,100 2006 CIH WDX1202 (SA) upgrde cab, HYD header tilt, DHX362 header..................................................$85,000
1998 CIH 8870 (SC) 1743hrs, PU, 30ft header.SOLD 1995 Westward 9300 (ES) 30ft, 960 header.......$39,000
Saskatoon (306) 934-3555 800-667-9761
Swift Current (306) 773-2951 800-219-8867
2008 Seed Hawk 60-12 (SA) TBT JD1910, no quick pin, 2000 gal TBH liquid..............................$185,000 2009 NH Drill (LL) 60ft, 10” spacing, 550lbs trips, 3 1/2” steel packers, 430 bush....................$172,900 2007 Seed Hawk (SA) 10” spac, dbl shoot, dutch openers....$169,000 2008 CIH ATX700 (SC) 70ft, 10” spacing, 4.5” steel packers, 3430 TBT cart...................................................$135,000 2007 Seed Hawk 65-10 (SA) dbl shoot, blockage,dual castors..$125,000 2000 Flexicoil 5000 (SA) 57ft, 9” spacing, double shoot
liquid, 2340 tank...................................................... 1999 Bourgault 5710 Drill (ES) 12” spacing, D/S, MRB’s, 3 1/2” steel packers, 4350 TBH cart.............................$85,000
2003 Bourgault 5720 (LL) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, MRB... 2001 Flexicoil 5000 (SA) 39ft, 12” spacing, 5.5” rubber press....$69,900 1996 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, 3 1/2” steel packers...$67,900
SOLD 1997 Bourgault 8810 (SA) 40ft, 9.8” spac, steel packers, S/S..SOLD 2002 Bourgault 5710 (SA) 40ft, 9.8” spac, MRB, steel packers..
1998 CIH 5010 (SA) 50ft, 10” spac, 3.5” s/p, 2320 tank...$34,900
HEADERS 2010 CIH 2152 (SC) 40ft, AFX adapt, transport, knife drive...$59,900 2004 CIH 2052 (ES) 36ft draper, AFX adapt, HYD PU reel ...$59,500 2010 JD Hydraflex (SC) 35ft, air reel ................................$57,900 2007 CIH 2162 (ES) 40’5 bat dual reel, auto header height..$55,000 2007 Honeybee SP40 (SC) 40ft, PU, AFX adpt, trasnport..$49,900 2007 CIH 2042 (ES) 30ft, pea auger, PU reel, transport......$45,000
2010 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, PU reel, 2388 adapter.. 2009 Honeybee SP36 (SC) PU reel, hyd fore & aft, pea auger, JD adapter, transport.....................................$44,900 2010 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, 3” knife, PU reel............$44,900 2004 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, PU reel, hyd fore & aft, AFX adpt...$39,000 2004 CIH 2062 (SC) 30ft, cross auger, slow speed transport..$38,000 2009 NH 74C (SC) 35ft, PU, air reel........................$34,900 2002 Macdon 972 (SA) 36ft, PU, 8010 adaptor.........$29,500 2003 Honeybee SP36 (SC) 36ft, UII PU, transport, 2355 adpt..$29,000 2005 JD 635 (SA) 35ft, PU, flex................................$29,000
2010 CIH 2016 (SC) 16ft swathmaster............. 2001 Honeybee SP30 (SC) 30ft, PU, transport......$24,300 2007 CIH 2015 (LL) 14ft, mount adpt 2100 & 2300...$21,000 1998 Macdon 962 (SC) 36ft, transport, 2388 adapter...$20,250 2001 CIH 1020 (SC) 30ft, new poly last year.........$17,900 2003 CIH 1010 (SC) 30ft, batt reel, HYD F&A, trailer...$15,900 2003 JD 930F (SA) 30ft flex, PU, new knife............$15,000 2001 CIH 2015 (SC) rake up pick up.....................$12,000 1994 CIH 1010 (ES) 30ft, batt reel, transport........$12,000 1986 CIH 1015 (SC) Melroe Pickup..........................$7,500 1997 CIH 1015 (SC) rake-up pick up.......................$9,500
Lloydminster (306) 825-3434 800-535-0520
Estevan (306) 634-4788 866-659-5866
w w w . r e d h e a d e q u i p m e n t . c a
USED EQUIPMENT HARVESTING A86 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09, 520/85R42, 495 hrs ..................................... $239,900 R76 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09 w/4200 hdr, loaded ....................................... $239,000 R66 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10, 16.9x26 rear tires, 900/60R32 frt, 247 hrs .... $229,000 2 - R75, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;08, 635 hrs & up .......................................... $199,500 R75 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;03 w/4000 hdr, Rakeup, 14â&#x20AC;? auger, yield & moisture, loaded,1249 hrs ........................................ $125,000 R75 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;03, SM pu, hi-wire sep grate, E-Z close stone trap, chrm helical bars, 1435 hrs .............................. $119,900 R65, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;05 ..................................................................... $119,900 R65, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;04 ..................................................................... $129,900 R65, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;03, 14â&#x20AC;? unload, hi-wire sep grate, fine cut chpr, hyd straw sprdr, 1906 hrs................................. $100,000 R62, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;01, 30.5 rubber, fine cut chpr, hyd sprdr, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Swathmaster approx. 1600 hrs ................................... $89,000 R62, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;00, SM pu, fine cut chpr, elec concave adj ........... $69,900 C62, w/4000 hdr .......................................................... $65,000 Case 1680 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;91, rebuilt, w/Rake-up pu........................... $27,900 MF 9795 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10, 350 bu, adj strng axle, CL8 beacon lt, bin sensor deck ext 145â&#x20AC;? tread, HID lt, hella, elec adj, 28Lx26 R1, adj, FS 900/60R32 R1W, Mav chpr ......... $269,000 3 - MF 9795 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09, heavy duty axle, 28Lx26 rear, 18.4R42 duals, Y&M, airfoil chaffer, Redekop Mav chpr, HID lights, add. hyd outlet .............................................. $229,000
SWATHERS CI 742, 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ................................................................... $19,500 MF 9435 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, loaded, auto steer, 75 hrs .............. $119,000 MF 9435 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 514 hrs, loaded ............................. $119,000 MF 9430 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;11, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 100 hrs, auto steer, loaded ............ $119,000 MF 9430 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 400 hrs, loaded ............................. $105,000
MF 9420 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;05 w/5200 hdr, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;..................................... $69,500 MF 220 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;96, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ........................................................... $34,900 2 - Macdon M150 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10, w/35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; D50 hdr, trspt, 600 metric, Trimble AS, 209 & 221 hrs ............................ $139,500 NH H8040, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dbl knife drive, 608 hrs ............... $119,000 NH HW325 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;05, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 1150 hrs, loaded ......................... $79,500
STRAIGHT CUT HEADERS 2 - HB SP36 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10........................................ Starting @ $64,900 HB SP30 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09, sng knife, UII, hdr tilt, cross auger, detach trspt, Case 2388 adptr, fore/aft ....................... $54,900 HB SP30 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;05, UII reel, sngl knife dr, detach trspt, cross auger, Gleaner adapt, low block ........................ $44,900 HB SP30 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;04, UII reel, Glr adptr, pea auger, detach. trspt ........................................................................... $34,900 2 - HB SP30, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;02........................................................... $29,900 HB SP25 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;08, UII reel, poly on skid, detach. trspt., pea auger, transport canvass ............................................. $39,900 Agro 327 .......................................................................$4,900
SPRAYERS/GRAIN CARTS Bourg Centurion III 850 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;94...........................................$6,900 Brent 1394 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;08, scale, tarp, walking axles .................... $59,900
TRACTORS AgcoStar 8425 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;98 ...................................................... $99,000 Fendt 712V â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09, CVT, loaded, approx 1001 hrs .......... $149,900 Fendt 412 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;05, w/460 ldr, 2563 hrs .............................. $89,900 Fendt 926 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;02, frt 3pt & PTO, 3000 hrs ...................... $159,000 MF 7480 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10, w/965 ldr.............................................. $108,000 MF 5480 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;08, w/ldr, 1250 hrs ....................................... $89,900 MF 5475 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10, w/965 ldr................................................ $76,500
For a complete listing visit our website
MF 2805 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;83, 20.8x38 duals, 18.4x16.1 front............... $14,900 NH 9060 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;08, 492 hrs ................................................. $279,900 NH 9882 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;97, 20.8R42 duals, Radar & Perf mon, 5054 hrs .................................................................. $109,000 2 - NH 9880 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;94, call, 6500 & 6771 hrs .... Starting @ $89,900
HAY EQUIPMENT Case IH 8465 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;98, 5x6, auto......................................... $15,000 Case IH 8730 Forage Harvester ....................................$7,200 Hesston 956 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;03, 5x6 .................................................. $24,900 Highline 7000 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;01 ..........................................................$7,900 MacDon A40-D Hay Header ........................................... CALL NH 900 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;99 Forage Harvester .................................... $12,900 NI 4865 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;97, hyd .......................................................... $12,900
TILLAGE Bourgault FH536-40 ................................................... $19,900 2 - Bourgault 6550 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10.............................................. $129,900 Bourgault 5350 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;00, 2 tank meter, NH3 line, RTH ........ $32,900 Bourgault 135 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;96, load/unload, hydraulic fan ...............$8,900 Bourgault 2115, load/unload..........................................$4,500 5 - Bourgault 3310 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10 & â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09, 55â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 65â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 75â&#x20AC;&#x2122;..............................................Starting @ $199,000 3 - Bourgault 5710 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;06 -â&#x20AC;&#x2122;98, Call............. Starting @ $44,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;97, 57â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 3/4â&#x20AC;? carbide, 3.5â&#x20AC;? steel pkrs.. $29,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;95, 57â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 7â&#x20AC;? sp, 3â&#x20AC;? stl pkr, sng sht ........ $34,900 Flexi-Coil 3450, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;97, load/unload ................................. $34,900 Flexi-Coil 2320, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;98, semi hopper, sng fan ................... $19,900 Flexi-Coil 1610 Plus, load/unload, tow hitch................ $11,900 Bourgault 7400, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; .......................................................$6,900 IHC 496, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;82 disc, 32â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ................................................... $27,900
Greg Shabaga
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REGISTERED GRAY PERCHERON stallion, 18â&#x20AC;? WESTERN and English flat saddle, vari12 yrs. old, $2500; Sorrel Belgian stallion, ous saddle pads, 3 tiered port. iron saddle 7 yrs. old, $1500. Both EVA tested and rack $750/all. 306-244-1954 Saskatoon SK vaccinated. 204-937-3835, San Clara, MB. WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. PRAIRIE ALL BREEDS Ram Sale, Sept. TEAM OF SUFFOLK/PUNCH geldings, well 8, 2012, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose matched and broke. Phone 306-492-4621, Jaw, SK. Entries open until Aug. 01. Entry Dundurn, SK. form online at:, 306-693-4715, TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. or PL# 914447 Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Alder Flats, AB.
WANTED: FREE YOUNGER Standardbred gentle, sound, off track okay. Will give a forever home. 306-842-8007 Weyburn, SK.
CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary Johnston, SELLING DORPER RAMS, herdsires and Email commercial rams. Join the change to Dorpers. Call Ram H Breeders 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB. 403-932-3135, Cochrane, AB. RIDING LESSONS: All ages, 6 years and up. JE Ranch, Holdfast, SK. Contact Michelle 306-488-4408. DORSET EWE LAMBS for sale: 40 Dorset CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call cross sheep, plus 1 ram. 306-273-4248 or Jacob at: 306-488-4408. 306-621-4428, Yorkton, SK.
APPROX. 60 EWES ages 1 to 4, Ewes all sired by either Dorset or North Country Cheviot ram. They make vg mothers and have healthy, strong, hardy lambs. This is GOOD QUALITY ALPACAS for sale. Please a closed flock. 403-935-4757, Kathyrn, AB. v i s i t w w w. t i g e r l i ly r a n c h . c a o r c a l l 306-397-2993, Edam, SK.
ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. of elk. Ph Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, We manufacture an extensive line of cattle AB or email handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowdATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: AWAPCO ing tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, is a proven leader in elk meat sales. If you gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison have elk to supply to market, give AWAP- equipment, Texas gates, steel water CO a call today. Current price $7.50/kg troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors hot hanging, no marketing fees. Non- for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro members welcome. electric branders and twine cutters. Our or call 780-980-7589. squeeze chutes and headgates are now with a neck extender. Phone NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for available email: over 15 years, is looking for Elk. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you 306-796-4508, website: have them, we want them.â&#x20AC;? Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaran- WANTED: SELF-CATCHING HEADGATE or teed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, chute; Wanted: approx. 1000 bu. steel Winnipeg, MB. hopper bin. 306-252-3015, Kenaston, SK.
SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers ANDRES TRUCKING. Call us for a extension, marketing services and a full quote today. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . SK. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger Provencher, or BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest bison company and enjoy the benefits. $$$. 20 BISON HEIFERS for sale. For more info. BISON SORTING PENS for sale, 6x8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/ easy roll doors, professionally built by phone: 204-447-3332, St. Rose, MB. Hard Rock Game Ranch. 403-526-4051, Medicine Hat, AB. NOW AVAILABLE. Registered Purebred 4 PURE WOOD BULLS, 2 and 3 years old, Berkshire semen. Call Magnum Swine Ge- semen tested, Beaver Creek bloodlines, netics at 1-888-553-4844. Live breeding not pushed, grass fed. Excellent for cross animals coming soon! Call or visit: breeding, big frames that will result in calves that will produce. Arctic Bison WANTED: new or used roller mill used for rolling grain. Phone: 306-747-2909, cell Ranch 204-623-1954, The Pas, MB. 780-674-5135, Barrhead, AB. 306-981-2766, Mayview, SK. WANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, all SEMEN TESTED 2 yr. old Plains breeding MACK R600 MCKEE manure spreader, hyd. bulls, 1300 to 1400 lbs. MFL Ranches, sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest drive. Ph. 403-552-3753 or 780-753-0353, 403-747-2500, Alix, AB. $$$. Kirriemuir, AB. WEANLING YORKSHIRE PIGS, ready to go, NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for 2007 SUPREME 600T, TMR, twin screw, $60. 306-329-4381, Asquith, SK. over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, scales, RH discharge, hay ring, used very grain or grass fed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you have them, we BERKSHIRE, TAMWORTH CHESTIER white want them.â&#x20AC;? Make your final call with little, $45,000. 780-789-2104, Thorsby, AB boars and gilts. Also cross breed bred gilts. Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt Nationwide delivery at cost. Ph Troy at St. payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. Claude, MB, 204-379-2004, 204-828-3317, 204-750-1493, 204-750-2759.
THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and REG. SUFFOLK RAM lambs and ewe lambs. repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, All vaccinated with 8-way and Caseous. Most sired by the All Canada Classic SuLangham, SK. preme Champion, $500 and up each. GEORGEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers 780-348-5790, Clyde, AB. of leather and nylon harness. Custom sadWEEK OLD ready to lay Browns or dles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. 25 RAMBOUILLET CROSS Suffolk ewe 19 Pick up mid-October in Russell, Call lambs, average 80 lbs., $220 each. Whites. MB or Moosomin, SK. Call 204-773-2562 403-331-1394, Shaughnessy, AB. 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB. to book orders.
ATTENTION LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS: 5 bar panels, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;; 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; windbreak panels; 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; silage bunks; 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; all steel grain troughs; 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bale shredder bunks; 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Texas gates and round bale feeders. Weld on and bolt on clamps for sucker rod and pipe, 3/4â&#x20AC;? to 3-1/2â&#x20AC;?. We will build equipment to your specifications. Delivery available. Authorized dealer for feed box, pellet and grain feeders. We also handle a complete line of wood and steel fence posts and rough cut lumber. An authorized dealer for Sakundiak grain bins, we manufacture hopper cones. Ph: 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No heat or power required. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. 358 NH GRINDER mixer, vg cond., gear box rebuilt, $3500. Gary at 306-896-2640, or 306-621-1959, Churchbridge, SK. YOUNGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EQUIPMENT INC. For your livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346. STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; portable windbreaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. 2010 FARM AID 560 feed wagon, like new cond, $30,000. 306-887-2103, Weldon, SK
WANTED: CARMEN CREEK Gourmet Meats and High Plains Bison are purchasing calves, yearlings and finished slaughter bison year round. Prompt Payment. Advance deposits and long term contracts are available. For more information contact: or: or call: 303-962-0044.
CARFIO HATCHERY. Pheasants; Wild turkeys; Guinea Fowl; Partridges; Bobwhites; Jumbo Quails; Ducks; Geese; Broiler chicks; Bantams and lar ge Heritage breeds. 1-877-441-0368, MATURE REINDEER BULLS for sale. Call H-1000 HAYBUSTER TUB GRINDER, Jim or Connie, Fort Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK., clean, good condition. 403-588-0958, Alix, 306-332-3955. AB. WANTED: ENERGETIC WORKING partner to work with existing White-tail deer ranch. Must be self-motivated and passionate about working with White-tail deer. Excellent deer facility and handling shoots already in place. Open to ideas on 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 3 PTH AUGER for leveling sawdust in growth and future developments. If you poultry barn, $1000; 1/2 ton 3 PTH grain a r e i n t e r e s t e d p l e a s e c o n t a c t J i m , hopper for chick starter grain, $1000. 306-332-3955, Fort 780-987-2044, Spruce Grove, AB. Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK.
2- NH 791 manure spreaders, 1981 and 1982, tandem axles, good condition, $5000 ea. OBO. 306-675-6110, Kelliher, SK MORRIS 800 HAY HIKER, good condition, 8 bales, $3500. Call 306-424-2271, 306-424-7761, Montmartre, SK.
HEATERS, PAN FEEDERS, feed tanks, scales , chicken slats, nipple drinkers, bell drinkers, Cumberland single belt nests, medicators. 780-636-3972, St. Paul, AB.
Be there for the 13th Annual Sale Where tradition rides on! Ruzicka Ranch â&#x20AC;˘ D&G Ranching â&#x20AC;˘ Dixon Ranch
MORAND INDUSTRIES Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind! 80 IDEAS, plus layouts, for low cost onem a n c at t l e c o r r a l s , 1 5 0 d i a g r a m s .
BRANDT 2007 BALE COMMANDER VSF-X, REDEKOP CHAFF BLOWER and wagon, well equipped, next to new. 306-369-2708, like new condition, fits JD 7721 combine, Bruno, SK. $5000 OBO. 204-724-7019, Forrest, MB.
Saturday, September 8, 2012 53339 Highway 21 Sherwood Park, AB Canada T8A 4V1
D&G Ranching Gordon & Dorothy Dixon 403.883.2353
Ruzicka Ranch Greg & Lynn Ruzicka 780.336.2224 Danny & Carolyn VanCleave 780.336.4090
Dixon Ranch Cody & Becky Dixon 403.883.2721
Working Hats - Don Weller
Stock #T2208
Your Source for new and used trailers in Western Canada CAM CLARK TRAILERS Bay 1, 925 Veterans Blvd NE Airdrie, AB T4A 2G6 Tel: 1-403-948-6660 Toll Free: 1-888-948-6660 2012 Exiss Event STC20 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Gooseneck Trailer. YOUR PRICE $16,999
A natural, drug-free, non-invasive way to help with pain, diseases & general well being. The iMRS Fauna replicates the natural magnetic ďŹ eld of the earth, making it one of the most effective, robust & portable systems
Fine western entertainment for conventions, campďŹ res and everything in between.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dorisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s poetry blazes with brilliant wit and sparkles with an infectious love of the west. On stage and on the page, she represents the best of the best in cowboy poetry today.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Margo Metegrano,
216 1st St. Cochrane, AB
Executive Royal Inn - Leduc, AB
Selection of Hesston Commemorative Belt Buckles 23 - Trophy Bulls 9 - Herd Sire Prospects (2 & 3 Year olds) 9 - Slick Young Bulls 3 - 2012 Bull Calves 6 - 2010 Heifers Top Genetics 14 - 2011 Heifers 10 - Straws Billabong Semen
Toll Free: 1-866-304-4664 Email: Gordon Musgrove: 403-363-1729 Mark Stewart: 403-357-9833
Thursday August 9, 2012
Watch for more info and updates.
iMRS Fauna assists to: â&#x20AC;˘ Improve performance â&#x20AC;˘ Speed up recovery â&#x20AC;˘ Promote bone healing â&#x20AC;˘ Prevent injury â&#x20AC;˘ Increase circulation â&#x20AC;˘ and more Please contact B.J. Lafond at 780-293-3193 for more information.
iMRS Fauna for Equine Health
2012 EXISS
Phone: 780-719-2740
H E AV Y D U T Y 2 4 ’ PA N E L S , W I N D BREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, or email Rimbey, AB. SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Apollo Machine, 306-242-9884 or 1-877-255-0187, PAYSEN CALF TIP table, like new. Phone 306-374-7788, Saskatoon, SK. GREG’S WELDING: 30’ freestanding heavy duty fence panels and windbreaks; Also calf shelters and custom gates, etc. Delivery avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK TEXAS GATES and 4.5, 7 and 8-5/8” pipe fo r s a l e , f u l l l e n g t h s a n d c u t o f f s . 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. NORHEIM RANCHING HAS Red Rhino selfunloading hay trailers. Phone 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK.
AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No electricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882,
GOOD MEN are hard to come by - or are they? Ladies receive free membership by Call Cheryl at 1-877-247-4399.
REG. BORDER COLLIE pups, 8 wks. old, first shots, dewormed, off good working parents, $250. Lee Suteau 306-237-4754, Sonningdale, SK.
AVAILABLE BACHELORETTE. At 53, starting again was a bit daunting. I am very financially secure. I have several commercial and domestic properties. I have two business and live on my farm and lease most of the land. I am 5’9”, slim, 138 lbs. I watch what I eat, enjoy cooking, but do not have many to cook for now except when my children with their significant others come over for family get togethers. My divorce was difficult and I am finally at a stage in my life where I have peace and time to myself. I would like to do some traveling, enjoy collecting art, the theater, plays, live music, skiing. I have a cabin that I thoroughly enjoy during the summer, however, the kids mainly use it for their recreation. I am quiet and can be reserved. I enjoy music, country and classical. I prefer a mature man who can be reserved, but also knows what it takes to be successful. I love dogs and have three on the property. I used to ride, but haven’t had horses since the children were little. I would like to meet a man who is like me and would appreciate a second chance at love. Call Matchmakers Select 1-888-916-2824. Specializing in farm, ranch, rural, remote, isolated communities. Thorough screening process, customized memberships, guaranteed service Est. 12 yrs. Must be seeking a permanent relationship and be financially secure.
PROBLEMS WITH RODENTS OR MICE? Rodents Odor Free can help you prevent all this. Prevent spread of Hanta Virus- Allergen Free! Go to to contact a Dealer near you. FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ RODENATOR ALBERTA LTD. The goand 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; phers, moles, badgers, etc. are back. We Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feed- offer the only BOSS OF THE BURROW ers; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will that not only eliminates the pests with one custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. concussive blast, but also destroy the burSOLID DEAL: over the tire rubber tracks row so they won’t be back. Order yours tofor skidsteer, $2900. Phone 306-561-7733, day. Bob at 403-620-4038, High River, AB. Kenaston, SK. GT2006 GOPHER TRAPS by Lees TrapNET WRAP! NET Wrap! Net Wrap! Top w o r k s L t d . S e e t h e m i n a c t i o n a t quality wrap, great pricing, free delivery. $17 each. Call C a l l t o d a y t o s e c u r e y o u r o r d e r. 306-677-7441, Swift Current, SK. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK.
BORDER COLLIE PUP, 15 mos., raised by the Gonnet’s from Outlook, SK. Sire, Taff CBCA Dam, Dot CBCA 4075, ready to work. 2.7 ACRES COMMERCIAL property with Jarret Nadeau 306-867-7025, Outlook, SK 3300 sq. ft. heated shop located at WynPUREBRED BLUE HEALER, beautiful pup- yard, SK. For more info ph 306-813-7292. pies born May 09, first shots and dewormed, $200. 306-466-4774, Leask, SK. SASKATOON Ideal for students who want to aquire equity rather than pay thousands in rent. A fully upgraded 1166 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2 bathroom 1983 mobile home on CENTRAL WATER & EQUIPMENT Services bus route to U of S and SIAST. 5 appliancLtd. Portable Pump and Pipeline Sales, es, large porch and deck, move-in ready. Service and Rentals. $74,900. 306-270-9160, Saskatoon, SK. Local phone: 306-975-1999, Fax: 306-975-7175, Toll free 1-800-561-7867.
TO BE MOVED: 1-1/2 storey house in the Wakaw, SK area, 775 sq. ft. on main, 2 bdrms., 1 full bath. Taking offers. E-mail for more info/pics. Call 306-233-5254, leave message.
MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK. FOR SALE: Cozy 3 bedroom home w/new ATCO SIERRA 14X64 2 bedroom mobile 22’x28 garage and a huge private back home, to be moved, $8000 OBO. Phone: yard. Includes fridge, range, dishwasher, 306-726-4570, Southey, SK. washer and dryer. Located in quiet neigh- CRAIG’S HOME SALES. 20x76 moduline borhood in Flin Flon, MB. 12’x14’ shed. homes, 2 floor plans, starting at $99,900. Lots of updates to home, was $125,000, Sale ends Sept 1st. 1-855-380-2266 (toll reduced to $115,000. Call 204-687-4275. free), TO BE MOVED: 1951 home w/200 sq. ft. 12X54 HOUSE TRAILER, electric heat, furaddition, total 1100, 3 bedroom, 1 bath- nished, reasonably good condition, clean, room, solid framework, offers, Saskatoon, g o o d f o r l a k e , $ 6 0 0 0 . P h o n e SK. 306-682-3082. 306-642-4916, Assiniboia, SK. RTM HOMES by SWANSON BUILDERS. BRAND NEW single wide homes available Come see our show homes for sale. Call now at awesome pricing. These homes are 306-493-3089, Saskatoon, SK. area. Visit 16x76 and are manufactured by one of the us at: or leading modular builders in North America. CSA certified and available for immediemail to: ate delivery. We have 7 different homes 2 LOTS TOGETHER, one serviced for mo- priced from $71,500 to $76,000 (FOB Rebile home, 3/4 of an hour east of Saska- gina). Pricing does not include taxes, site toon, SK. on Hwy. 16. Nicely treed, clean set up or delivery from Regina, SK. Take town. $15,000 for both. 306-593-7089 or advantage of this special pricing as these 306-593-2272. units will go fast. Call 306-539-1027 for more details and floor plans. 5 BEDROOM HOUSE: 3 bdrms up, 2 bdrms down, seperate entrances and baths, gar- SHERWOOD MODULAR HOMES, SRI age. House in Swift Current, SK. Will trade factory built, 16’, 20’, 22’, sectionals. Full for smaller house in other location plus set-up and service in house. Phone Regina 1-866-838-7744. Estevan 1-877-378-7744. cash. 306-773-4483 evenings.
3 SERVICED LAKEVIEW lots, $105,000 to KERROBERT, SK., 2 STOREY house, 1700 $160,000; 1462 sq. ft. winterized cabin, sq. ft., 5 appliances, garage, large garden, NG, electric, well, phone. All at beautiful $69,000. 780-993-8488, Edmonton, AB. Weyakwin Lake, SK. Ph 306-663-5748.
2”- $295.00 3”- $335.00 Edm onton
BEAUTIFUL PARK LIKE PROPERTY, prime location, many development options, borders Manitoba’s National Park near Wasagaming, zoned commercial, has 2 large newer winterized cottages, 1 upgraded cottage, laundry room and tool shed, $628,900. Phone 204-857-2791.
USED MIDLAND 70-1337 VHF 2-way radios, 1 yr. warranty, small, exc. shape, $250. New Vertex radios. Antennas and radio repairs. Glenn, Future Communications, 306-949-3000, Regina.
2004 SRI MOBILE HOME, bought new in 2005. 16’x76’, 3 bdrm., 1.5 bath, jacuzzi tub, front living room, all appliances, c/w 12’x20’ deck, priced to sell at $70,000 OBO 780-205-2334, Lloydminster, SK. 1984 MOBILE HOME 16x74, 3 bedroom, all appliances, new furnace, AC, $45,000 OBO. 780-205-1119, Lloydminster, AB.
CUSTOM BUILT WATERFRONT HOME, panoramic views of Wekusko Lake, a quality masterpiece, outdoor living in your front yard, great potential. Pine View Realty Ltd., phone 1-888-760-2300, or email, The Pas, MB. Photos and more info at
GREEN LAKE, SK, Fishing Lodge subdivision, 2 lots with 16x80’ beautiful mobile home, like new, fully furnished, woodstove, many extras, 24x28’ double garage. Excellent fishing. Must be seen. $289,000 OBO. Phone 306-832-2191.
DEEDED LAKEFRONT PRIVATE lot on Diefenbaker Lake at Hitchcock Bay, 3 bedroom open beam cottage w/4 car garage, natural gas fireplace, potable and summer water. Phone for pictures. Ron or Judy at BIG GAME CERTIFIED GUIDE AREA, 403-581-1346, Medicine Hat, AB. southeast BC, 600+ sq. miles, $510,000. TURTLE LAKE, SOUTH BAY, 3 lots, side by Trades? Call 250-421-1484. Retiring. side, to be sold as unit. Power, well, septic RANCH WITH 1088 acres, (300 acres in tank, w/telephone and gas at property GERMAN SHEPARD PUPS, ready to go May grass hay, produces 1 cut/yr). Large yard line. Cabin, boat house, pontoon boat, de24th, $600. 306-887-4333, Kinistino, SK. w/4 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath home. Calving barn tached guest room, “nature lounge”, Email: and quonset. Only 1 hr from Kelowna, BC $375,000. 306-626-3535, 306-750-9900, Success, SK Email CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER CKC and 1 hr to Osoyoos. Call 250-484-5676. reg’d, excellent pedigrees, large, gentle, SHUSWAP COUNTRY ESTATES. Mfd. TURTLE LAKE, SK., Kopps Cove, Coon intelligent, superb Retrievers. Take home homes starting at $69,900. Retire with Ave., 3 bdrm. 14x72’ mobile home, only July 30. Vet certificate and 1st shots. us… on time… on budget. 250-835-2366 steps from lake and park, very nice setting. $850. Don 780-921-2407, Bon Accord, AB. Salmon Lot, appliances and furnishings incl. Ph 306-373-5878, 306-382-9356. CKC REG. GERMAN Shepherd pups, exc. Arm, BC. working bloodlines, big square and strong, extremely intelligent, farm raised w/kids and all animals, tattooed, first shots, reference available on past litters. Ready to go. 306-753-2667, Macklin, SK.
1980 MADCO 16’x72’, new exterior, many upgrades, excellent cond., $27,000. Located near Wainwright, AB. 855-380-2266
HOUSE AND LOT in Elstow, SK, approx. 1200 sq. ft. mobile w/lot and foundation, water and sewer. Mobile to be moved onto foundation. MLS price - $95,000. Bert at Sutton Group, Saskatoon, 306-221-2892.
PELICAN LAKE waterfront cabins, lakehomes, lots, RV sites. Fay 204-537-2270 SERVICED LOT 50x120’, in town of Strasyear round. bourg, SK., 211 Blackstock St. Phone 306-775-1578. 1/3 ACRE VACANT lot, Blind Bay on Shuswap Lake, BC, $85,000. Phone HOUSE AND LOT, 1035 sq. ft. in Plunkett, 306-982-2171 or email SK. Close to potash mines. Quiet village on Hwy. #16, approx. 50 miles East of SaskaLOTS FOR SALE, in the resort village of toon. MLS price $54.900. Bert at Sutton Saskatchewan Beach, on Last Mountain Group, Saskatoon, 306-221-2892. Lake, 25 min. north of Regina, SK., gas, power, telephone to property line, all lots LOG HOMES, custom built, hand crafted, are 100’ wide by 135’ to 200’ deep and Pike Lake, SK. Phone 306-493-2448 or start at $35,000. Call 306-729-2426. 306-222-6558,
LAKEVIEW, BRAND NEW home at Hitchcock Bay, Lake Diefenbaker, SK., 1440 sq ft., titled, AC, 2 bath, 2 bdrm. on main, 2 decks, $273,900. Call 306-573-4800.
CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK,,
WANTED: ORGANIC CALVES, stockers from 600- 900 lbs. Also producers remember to certify cows and calves for 2012. Kelley 306-767-2640, Clem 306-862-7416, Ted 519-868-8445, Zenon Park, SK.
13.15 PICTURESQUE ACRES in beautiful Armstrong Spallumcheen Valley, set up for horses and/or business w/highway access, a 92x30’ shop w/16’ covered wings, 3 plus stall barn w/heated tack rm and hay storage, spectacular custom built 5 bdrm, 5 bath family home w/all the added extras, plus it has a carriage house and a second suite for added income, $1,050,000. For full details on this outstanding property, contact Mike Beck at 250-307-1600, email MLS®10048857, VantageOne Realty, Vernon, BC.
KUVASZ/PYRANEES PUPPIES born January 8th, 4 females, farm raised. 403-502-9470, Medicine Hat, AB. 30 ACRES in the Shuswap w/hwy exposure. 2 bdrm home, serviced mobile home BORDER COLLIE PUPS, out of excellent pad, horse barn, equip. shed, workshop working parents. $250, pups guaranteed. and more.Visit Over 20 years breeding. Pam McIntyre 204-365-0372, Strathclair, MB.
2011 LUCKNOW 4 auger HD TMR, mixer feeder wagon, model 900. New, never used. Tandem axle, loaded, hyd. raise and lower discharge chute, scale. Can deliver $55,000. Cypress River, MB. 204-743-2324
RW ORGANIC LTD. currently looking for all grades of wheat, immediate pickup. Also offering fall contracts. 306-354-2660, Mossbank, SK. NEW CROP CONTRACTS available for hard red spring wheat, Aug. to Dec. delivery. Growers International 306-652-4529 or 306-653-5512, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2
BONIFIED WORKING STOCK DOGS, reg. Australian Kelpie pups, sire Australian import. Parents work at Community Pasture. Also started cow dogs and stock dog traini n g ava i l a b l e . Wat k i n s o n C ow d o g s , 306-692-2573, Moose Jaw, SK.
READY TO MOVE HOMES, 1490 sq. ft., $136,000 plus tax and delivery. CSA approved. Contact Ken Penner 701-330-3372, 204-327-5575, Altona, MB, NEW AFFORDABLE HOMES. GO TO NEW RTM CABIN, 24x32’ 2 bdrms, loft, 2x6’, green tin roof, PVC windows, interior done in pine and poplar, $56,900. Pics. available. 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. CANDLEWOOD HOMES: Ready-to-move 1490 sq. ft. home features: deck w/porch roof, James Hardie siding, 6/12 roof and ceiling, 3 bedroom, open living area, master walk-in closet and bath, $136,500 plus taxes and delivery. Taking orders for summ e r d e l i ve r i e s . Ke n Pe n n e r, P h o n e : 204-327-5575, fax: 204-327-5505, cell: 701-330-3372,, Halbstadt, MB. 1960, 3 BDRM house to be moved from farmyard, $20,000 OBO. Phone Dennis at 306-739-2923, Wawota, SK.
starting at
/sq. ft.
HOMES & COTTAGES starting at
/sq. ft.
Hague, SK Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438
YOUR WAY, THE RIGHT WAY, ZAK’S GUARANTEES IT!! *Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included
CAIRNS TERRIER- (Mother)/ Shih Tzu(Father) cross pups, born May 7th, $400 each. 306-842-1501, Weyburn, SK.
GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, ready to go. Phone Ed 306-272-3848, leave message if not in. Foam Lake, SK. FOUR PB BLUE HEELER pups, 6 months old, shots, dewormed, great cattle dogs 74 YEAR OLD lady looking for male com- and kid friendly. 780-349-6028, Busby, AB. panionship and for travel. Approx. same age, in good health. Box 2001, c/o West- GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS for sale, black, ern Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4. tan and sable, ready July 5th, will have first shots. 4 males and 4 females, $500 each. Kincaid, SK, 306-264-3834. GREAT DANE PUPPIES, various colours, SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER vet check, shots, warranty, $700-$1000 The only way it works! In-person inter- each, will ship. 306-468-4545, Debden, SK. views Aug. 9 to 11th, Yorkton, Saskatoon and Regina. Membership $700 plus taxes. 18 years experience. Have matched thousands of people! Camelot Introductions, GOOD WORKING BRED Blue Heeler pups, or call r e a dy t o g o Au g u s t 1 s t , r e fe r e n c e s 204-888-1529 to book your appoint- available, first shots, wormed, $300. 306-492-2447, 306-290-3339, Clavet, SK. ment with an award winning Matchmaker!
B AT T L E F O R D • 1132 sq. ft. • Optionalvaulted ceiling • Triple pane w indow s • 3 large bedroom s • Great value for your dollar
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Are you planning to build a home in 2012. Wood Country will build you a RTM or a custom built home on site to meet your requirements. Wood Country prides itself on building top quality homes with a high level of customer satisfaction since its inception in 1980.
C all L eigh at 306 -6 9 9 -7284 M cL ean , S as k. Ce rtifie d Hom e Builde r
TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW, cottage roof, new shingles, siding, windows, eves troughs and laminated flooring, w/fridge and stove, $25,000 OBO. 306-547-2926, or cell 306-547-9498, Preeceville, SK.
AUCTION SATURDAY JULY 28th, Nipawin, SK. area. 2 quarters of recreational land w/cedar log home close to Tobin Lake, Wally and Arnold Paidel estate. Check website for complete listing and terms. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers, 306-873-5488. DL #912715. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Lot #10, Tamarack Estates, 6.45 acres nestled between Bearcat Mountain and the Virginia Hills of Pinkham Creek, near Rexford, MT. Semi parked out backing onto national forest reserve. Power and telephone available at entrance to property. Circular driveway delivers you to your choice of building sites. 15 min. from Lake Koocanusa, RVs welcome, spacious and well suited for multi-family gatherings or dwellings. Wildlife in abundance with privacy and 1000s of acres of forestry to explore. Pictures and directions available on request. Asking $95,000 USD. Motivated and open to all offers. For further info. email: or call: 403-274-8123 or 403-813-1394.
GREAT 230 HEAD CATTLE RANCH, low operating costs, 828 acres, 5 titles, 240 acres of tame hayland, flood irrigated, 230 head, 7 month range permit adjacent to deeded lands, older 3 bdrm house, 1 bath, ample outbuildings. Located 1 1/2 hours southwest of Williams Lake. Court Smith, 250-302-1176 at Cariboo Team Realty, WATER LICENSE. 71 acres, log home w/ suite, timber cultivated land, outbuildings, fenced, drilled well and more. Info/pics at 250-445-6642 or
635 ACRES in Lone Prairie, BC. Scenic mountain valley community, 300 acres hay, 335 acres tree grazing/bush with 1 mile of creek. 1368 sq. ft. home w/recent renos, shop, barn, corrals. Lakes, rivers, skiing closeby. Outdoor enthusiasts dream. Currently operates as cow/calf ranch. Adjacent ranch land avail. Second home site established. Economy thriving in nearby Chetwynd, $635,000. Larry Peterson at or phone 250-787-7618 or 250-262-7125.
TURNKEY CUSTOM FARMING operation in east central Saskatchewan. 3600 acres of farmland near Foam Lake, SK within a 6 mile radius. 76,860 bushels of storage inF o r s a le in Alb erta Co u n ty o f 82% hopper bins. Opportunity for M o u n ta in View . E xcellen tcro p la n d . cluded, 25 to 35%+ return. 900 acres leased until On the co rn er o f2A Am era d a Ro a d . 2013, balance custom. Flexibility to continue current semi-passive approach to No ro a d b a n d s . farming - custom and lease or restructure Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 to individual needs. Huge upsides in land and crop appreciation and infill purchasing M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. of farms that come up for sale by locals. LOOKING TO CASH RENT pivot irrigated $4,000,000. Call Darren at 403-607-6046. land for forage production prefer Strathmore/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consider all areas; Also want to CASH RENT DRY LAND for alfalfa production east of Hwy. #21, north of Hwy #1. Will consider GOOD CROP PRODUCTION buying established alfalfa stands as well. L AN D IN S AS K ATCHEW AN Long term lease preferably. 403-507-8660. AN D AL BERTA
5650 ACRE RANCH in South Central Alberta, 1760 deeded and 3890 leased. Fenced Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 and cross fenced w/dugouts in each pasM a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. ture. 1700 acres sewn to hay, $50,000 yearly surface rights. For more information 2560 ACRE RANCH: Located in RM #193. call 403-807-7485. Home quarter and 15 quarters of grazing, hay land. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 1) GREAT PRODUCING PROPERTY: 306-773-7379. 2080 acres, fertile soil, all fenced, all properties attached, approx. 90% open. Seeded to grass, could be cropped, good water, creeks, dugout, wells. Yardsite, buildings and home. Views Snipe Lake. Great fishing and hunting. Three properties together in Sunset House area. 2) 5280 acre ranch, cattle or bison. Deeded and Crown lease land. Surface lease revenue. Two very good homes and ranch buildings. Lots of water, borders secluded lake, Smoky Lake area. 3) Deluxe Recreational 160 acres, log home, two cabins, log shop and barn, revenue, gravel deposits, two creeks, Clearwater River frontage, west of Caroline. Must see! Call Don Jarrett, Realty Ex- BREATH TAKING QUARTER section 1 mile ecutives Leading, Spruce Grove, AB, south of Tobin Lake, completely set up for game farm, 125 acres fully fenced, heated 780-991-1180. shop and barns with handling facilities, 2152 sq. ft. show room quality house w/natural gas fireplace, dbl. attached garage. More land available, elk not included. Contact Linda Swehla at 306-862-4800, MLS#413472 Nea r Ba ro n s S W -14-12-24-W 4., Re/Max Nipawin
IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE 150 a cres w a ter rights , 130 u n d er p ivo t.
TWO Q UARTERS in RM of Glenside, SE-24-40-13-W3, 108 acres cultivated, 52 waste acres, assessed value $33,000; Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 NE-24-40-13-W3, 65 acres cultivated, 94 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. a c r e s p a s t u r e / h ay, a s s e s s e d va l u e 169 ACRES, new small log cabin, new $32,400. For Sale by auction, July 31, barn, new 4200 sq. ft. shop, fresh water Sonningdale, SK. Call 306-445-5000 or visline, subdivided, all equip. in shop incl.; it: PL#914518 966 Cat loader; 2 end dump trailers-1 triaxle, 1 tandem; 1994 Peterbilt Sleeper wet EXCELLENT GRAINLAND, small or large kit, all equip. safetied, $650,000. Noble- parcels. Ready to retire and looking for offers. Phone: 306-593-4518. ford, AB. 403-818-8615, 702-762-8246. ONTARIO FARMER SEEKING cultivated land in SK. or MB., large acreage preferred. Phone Joelle at 416-254-3908. 640 ACRES for SALE/LEASE, between Lang and Milestone, SK. south of Hwy 39. Flat topography, good producing land, oil activity in the area, assess. $60,000/quarter, asking $1300/acre. Ph 778-885-6513 RAN CH IN S AS K ATCHEW AN or
SASKATCHEWAN GRAIN FARMS: If you are looking for quality grain farms, please call John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., I have approximately 20,000 acres of grain land for sale in various sizes. 306-773-7379,, Swift Current, SK.
ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: TABER: Nice modern broiler farm, 278 acres, 2011 Valley corner pivot, home, quonset, office building, equipment shed, 4 barns, no quota included. State of the art operation. (#1879, Chris/Blaine). BROOKS: Very nice irrigated crop farm, home, heated shop, large quonset, grain storage, pivots, surface revenue. (#1892, Ben). HANNA: 5 quarters, home, barn, heated shop, storage shed, corrals, 320 acres native grass, 294 acres cultivated, 170 acres hay. More land available MLS® (#1880, Nathan). ROLLING HILLS: Irrigated land, 3 pivots, nice row crop land, all in one block. (#1884, Ben). BROOKS: Very nice row crop farm on paved road, newer pivots, surface revenue. (#1867, Ben.) ROLLING HILLS: Excellent land with 2 valley pivots, home, quonset. (#1856, Matt). BROOKS: Nice irrigated farm, 313 acres, 2 Zimmatic pivots, home, $21,000 surface lease revenue. (#1873, Ben). COMPEER: 2000+ acres farmland, 10 quarters deeded, 4-1/2 quarters grazing lease, 14 spring-fed dugouts, fenced, annual oil revenue approx. $50,000. (#1832, Barry Lowe). BROOKS: Irrigated cash crop farm, 1146 acres deeded, possibly up to 1951 acres lease, good soil, beautiful home, 3 other homes, large shop, 3 huge hay storage buildings, full line of equipment. (#1756, Ben). Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, or phone 1-866-345-3414. 3300 ACRES, 5 deeded quarters, balance is a lease and runs lengthways with the Little Smokey River, great pasture, hunting and fishing, over 600 acres of tame grass, lots of water, completely fenced and cross fenced, approx. 2000 sq. ft. log home, w/lots of new improvements, $1,200,000. For info call 780-524-3174, Valleyview, AB. WE ARE ON the quest for a dairy farm to rent/lease to own. We are a young couple looking to get into our own dairy farm in Alberta only. Please contact Jeroen at 403-341-9035.
1. Home 1⁄4 S E 26 -49 -4 W 3M and adjacent 1⁄4 S W 26 -49 -4 W 3M : 320 total acreage/100 acres cultivated/70 acres hay/remainder pasture: 1100 sq ft home with beautiful treed yard site two 30’ prairie wells; one 411’ Hatfield Aquifer well (60 gallons a minute); new corals, older Barn, cross fenced new 40’ x 80’ Quonset w/ 18’ x 20’ door. 2. N E 23-49 -4 W 3M : 160 total acreage/145 acres cultivated: 30’ prairie well w/ water trough; electric fence. 3. N W 23-49 -4 W 3M : 160 total acreage/53 acres cultivated cross fenced. 4. S W 23-49 -4 W 3M : 160 total acreage/95 acres cultivated; new fence in 2007; two dug outs. 5. S E 12-49 -4 W 3: 149 total acreage/105 acres cultivated. 6 . N E 22-49 -4 W 3M : 160 total acreage/70 acres tame hay/90 acres native pasture. 7. N E 26 -49 -4 W 3M : 160 acres native bush pasture; fenced and one dugout. 8 . S W 34-49 -4 & S E 33-49 -4 W 3M : 318 total acreage/100 acres native pasture; 14’ x 16’ log Cabin built in 2004; Shell River runs through; GREAT RECREATIONAL PROPERTY. 9 . S E 6 -50-4 W 3M & N E 31-49 -4 W 3M & S W 32-49 -4 W 3M : 479 total acreage; all connected and cross fenced; access to Shell River and Tee Pee Creek; POTENTIAL FOR GRAVEL SALES. 10. SE - 40 acre Parcel of 32-49-4 W3M along grid road: GREAT FOR ACREAGE. TERM S : 1. All bids must be in writing and submitted by registered mail or delivered personally in a sealed envelope to the Saskatoon Office of McDougall Gauley LLP by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the 1st day of August, 2012 at the following address: 701 Bro a d w a y Aven u e S a s k a to o n , S K S 7N 1B3 Attention: Cra ig Frith 2. The Lands may be sold as separate parcels and at separate sales. Bids can be made on individual parcels or on any combination of parcels; 3. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified cheque, solicitor’s trust cheque or bank draft payable to McDougall Gauley LLP in the amount of Ten (10%) percent of the bid; 4. Within 15 days of the successful bid being accepted, the successful bidder shall provide either: (a ) The balance of the purchase price; or (b ) Payment of a sum equal to the difference between the balance of the purchase price and any mortgage financing, together with an unconditional and unequivocal letter of credit from a recognized financial institution to finance within 15 days of the commitment, the successful bidder’s purchase of the land for the price stated in the bid; 5. If the successful bidder does not complete the purchase on the terms and within the time specified, the deposit will be forfeited. 6 . The successful bidder will be required to sign an Agreement for Sale in the form provided by McDougall Gauley LLP and preapproved by the Seller, with the closing date to be no later than 30 days following the date of the acceptance of the successful bid 7. The lands shall be sold subject to taxes as accrue due after December 31, 2011. 8 . The highest or any bid many not necessarily be accepted in the sole discretion of the Seller. CON TACT: Craig Frith cfrith@ m cd o u ga llga u m - 306 -6 6 5-5432 or Colleen Grieman cgriem a n @ m cd o u ga llga u m - 306 -6 6 5-5413
LAND FOR SALE OR CASH RENT: RM 347, Biggar, SK. Part of NW-26-35-13-W3; p a r t o f S W- 2 6 - 3 5 - 1 3 - W 3 ; P a r t o f SE-26-35-13-W3. Total approximately 280 acres cultivated and 307 acres deeded. Inquire to: Box 301, Black Diamond, AB, T0L 0H0 or E-mail:
Q u ick Clo su re – N o Co m m issio n
306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro
RM OF PARKDALE: 30.80 acres 7-1/2 miles NE of Glaslyn. 1300 sq. ft. 3+2 bdrm 1+1 bath home. There are many recent upgrades. 30x60 cement block shop with two 12x14 doors. Good open pasture and some fairly heavy bush. A well for water supply. Lar ge sheltered yard MLS® 435085; RM OF PARKDALE: 17.55 acres, Lot C at the very East end of the lake. It does have a fairly large hill which overlooks most of the lake. This is a very quiet and peaceful area, with a great golf course. 5 minutes from Glaslyn, 50 minutes from North Battleford. Lloyd Ledinski, RE/MAX of the Battleford 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. RM OF MAYFIELD #406: 480 acres of approx. 338 cultivated, balance is excellent pastures and river valleys. Parts of 1 quarter runs along the river hills. Great big game and bird hunting, 35 acres in tame hay. Approx. 30 miles to North Battleford and 50 to Saskatoon on divided highway. MLS®431356. Call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK. 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512.
RM KINDERSLEY 2 q trs . . . . . . . $13 7,000 RM W INSLOW 1 q tr w /ho m e & b u ild in gs . . . . $26 4,000 RM W INSLOW 20 a cres w /ho m e & b ld gs . . . . $3 15,000 RM KINDERSLEY. 1 q tr. . . . . . . . $205,000 12,000 SQ FT co m m ercia l b u ild in g o n 1.57 a cres o n # 7 Highw a y (fo rm erly Ca n a d ia n T ire) . . . . . . . $6 9 9 ,000 C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y
3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7
G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K
w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 4471 feet of river frontage, estimated to have 300,000 yards of gravel. 528 acres of grazing land. All fenced. Pump house (insulated and heated) w/6 watering troughs. Priced as an investment property because of the river frontage and gravel. Seller will sell any portion or all as a package. MLS® 425102. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800, RM OF MEDSTEAD- 2.5 miles north of Medstead. Quarter section, 2 storey family home 4 bdrm., 3 bath, custom built with 2x6 construction, double attached garage, maple hardwood floors, fireplace, mature landscaped yard, outdoor swimming pool, 135 cult. acres all seeded to a hay mixture. MLS ®426144. Ph Shawna Schira-Kroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-1625, North Battleford, SK.
tha tco u ld a cco m m o d a te 600-1000 co w /ca lfp a irs . Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c.
SASKATCHEWAN GRAIN FARMS: 2 large grain farms for sale. 3200 acres with surface lease, full set of buildings. 5760 acres with full set of buildings. Exclusive listing. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379
FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. RM OF MAPLE CREEK 160 acres of native SASKATCHEWAN LAND FOR SALE: pasture. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., PANGMAN: Good farmland, 280 acres 306-773-7379, cultivated. (#1833, Gordon). NIPAWIN: 480 acres, character home, private loca- 160 ACRES FENCED, 12 kms. west of Sastion, 20 mins. to Sask.’s best recreational katoon, can be subdivided, 40x60’ heated fishing area. (#1767, Elmer). Have cash shop, lots of water. Call and leave a mesbuyers for 6,000 - 10,000 acres of good sage at 306-384-4512. cultivated farmland. Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, 1-866-345-3414, 4180 ACRES FARMLAND in Southern SK., RM CLAYTON #333. 10 quarters, 2 yard- all in one block, excellent water, w/river, sites, house, buildings, cattle facilities, dugouts and well. Abundant grass, some fences, lots of water, in high producing cultivated, priced very reasonable. Contact area, $1,500,000; 5 additional quarters Harry Sheppard, Sutton Group Results Realty, Regina, SK. avail, $700,000. 306-594-2919 Norquay SK or 306-530-8035. RM CANWOOD #494, 4 quarters, grain, pasture and hay, lots of water, on school RM OF KEY WEST #70, accepting offering bus route. 400 acres cult., power on 2 until August 7, 2012, for the sale of 2 sites. House, 2 large garages, grain stor- quarters of farmland, located 3-1/2 miles age on home quarter. Fair market value, NW of Ogema, SK. SW-5-8-22-W2nd, 159 asking $400,000 for buildings and land. cult. acres, assess. 53,500; NE-5-8-22-W2, 141 cult. acres, assess. 46,400. Highest or More info 306-747-2775, Shellbrook, SK. any offer not necessarily accepted. Bob RM OF LAIRD, 4 quarters in one block, Dunn, Box 190, Ogema, SK. S0C 1Y0. assessment 65,000/qtr., exc. investment Phone 306-459-2707. property. 306-283-4105, Saskatoon, SK. COLONSAY, SK. AREA ACREAGE. 1470 FARM FOR SALE in RM of Canwood, SK. sq. ft. 5 bdrm, 3 bath, mint bungalow, 320 acres, 260 acres cultivated, 60 acres double garage, on 40 acres of rolling land. of bush and timber. 1998 16x80’ SIR mo- City water, shed/shop, manicured yard. bile home, gas heat, 1220 sq. ft., 12x24’ New hardwoods, windows, doors, shingles, lean-to w/2 bdrms, 40x80’ quonset, 32x64’ $395,000 MLS. Coldwell Banker ResCom workshop, 32x48’ barn, w/entertainment Realty, Tom Neufeld, 306-260-7838. centre in loft. Lots of good water, asking $450,000 or open to offers. Contact Ray at MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and or lease your mineral rights. 306-468-2028 or email: 1-877-269-9990. SASKATCHEWAN GRAIN FARM: 5760 acres with full set of buildings. John Cave, RM PRAIRIEDALE #321, Smiley, SK. 150 E d g e R e a l t y L t d . 3 0 6 - 7 7 3 - 7 3 7 9 , acres, oil leases, water, on pavement, house, buildings, $240,000. 306-838-0055
RM #382, N half of SW 12-39-28, W of 3rd, 60 acres tame hay, 20 acres native HOUSE AND ACREAGE FOR SALE- 250 grass, gas well revenue. 306-753-9149, acres, Trail, BC. Stunning views, river Macklin, SK. views, exceptional growing abilities, 2128 160 ACRES, 1/2 trees and 1/2 grassland, sq. ft. home, development potential, moti- good building site or pasture, close to all vated sellers, $2,400,000. Chris Hauk, services, 13 miles west of Prince Albert, 6 0 4 - 6 8 4 - 8 8 4 4 e x t . 7 0 9 o r c e l l : SK., asking $150,000. 306-922-8215 eves. 778-245-4285, Klein Group, Royal LePage City Centre. FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, Buying or LARGE RANCH FOR SALE in Northeast Selling, Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, BC. Approx. 8756 acres in one block. 3000 Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty. acres under cultivation. More info and photos at Call Rick 250-262-1954, Fort St. John, BC.
30 MINUTES FROM Calgary, 160 acres, fully fenced native pasture, seasonal creek/irrigation canal. Asking $432,000. MLS C3519685, call Verlin 403-852-6459, Discover Real Estate Ltd., Beiseker, AB.
RM OF MEDSTEAD- Half section farmland 16x28’ barn w/6 stalls, corral system surrounding barn, 24x32’ shop w/dirt floor, several other outbuildings, quarters are fenced, cross fenced, all cult. acres seeded to pasture grass. 5 bdrm., 2 bath 4 level split home, attached single garage, MLS ®431980. Ph Shawna Schira-Kroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-1625, North Battleford, SK. LAND FOR SALE: 1440 acres of farmland in Assiniboia, SK. c/w brand new 2200 sq. ft. bungalow, new workshop insulated and heated 28x36, large storage barn 40x180, grains, well treed yardsite, new well - lots of water 25 GPM, full line of equipment available. For more details call Big Sky Real Estate Ltd., 1-866-850-4444. 120 ACRES: 100 acres in hayland, located 4 miles from Big River, SK, $75,000. Phone 306-302-9067.
INVESTORS AND FARMERS: 17 quarters, 2690 acres, 2120 cult., 80 tramped, 490 bush and pasture, 2 yard sites w/buildings, good drinking water. Also 18 acres yard and buildings. Phone for website 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. PASTURELAND- 2100 ACRES, located just north of #16 hwy. on #50 hwy. Year round access, good fence. Alonsa ranch with picture book yard, borders #50 hwy. 204-239-6086, Portage la Prairie, MB. QUARTER SECTION near Inglis, MB. Mix of pasture, water and bush. 900 sq. ft. dwelling completely renovated. Various outbuildings, well sheltered yard, garden. Asessippi Ski and Lake of the Prairies minutes away. Karen Goralak Salesperson. 204-773-6797, 204-937-8357, NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate, Roblin, MB.
C O R P.
For the m ost VALU E & EXPO SU RE that you deserve w hen selling your farm or ranch property,contact one of our Farm & Ranch Specialists today! BOB LANE - Regina (306) 569-3380 MORLEY FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask.
(306) 741-2393
MARK FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask.
(306) 784-7844
ED BEUTLER - Yorkton/Whitewood
(306) 620-7260
JASON BEUTLER - Yorkton/Estevan
(306) 735-7811
GARTH HENDRY - Moose Jaw/South Central
(306) 631-0802
JEFF HEGLAND - Saskatoon/North Battleford
(306) 270-9050
JASON SELINGER - Weyburn/Qu’Appelle
(306) 861-1750
DOUG JENSEN - Melville/Raymore
(306) 621-9955
STAN HALL - Davidson/Strasbourg/Humboldt
(306) 725-7826
MORWENNA SUTTER - Melfort/Wadena
(306) 327-7129
MURRAY MURDOCH - Outlook/Rosetown
(306) 858-8000
DARRELL HERAUF - Dairy/Poultry
(306) 527-9636
DALE MURDOCH - Kindersley/Unity
(306) 430-7747
S a s ka tchew a n’s Fa rm & Ra nch S pecia lis ts ™ 128 Regis tered S a les s o fa r this yea r.
Ph : 3 06 -56 9 -3 3 8 0
“Now representing purchasers from across Canada, and around the w orld!”
Visitour w ebsite at:
2390 ow n ed a cres p lu s 4464 Crow n lea s e in RM ofA lon s a . Bea u tifu l 1700 s q ftbi-level hom e. Exten s ive corra llin g a n d In d oorp roces s in g a rea . A s king Price: 1,675,000.00 575 a cre m ixed fa rm / recrea tion p rop erty. 240 a ra ble a cres . 1 m ile from Rid in g M ou n ta in Na tion a l Pa rk w ith u n s p oiled Crow n la n d in betw een . Deceivin g 2-s torey hom e. Perfectfor the a vid ou td oors m a n . A s king Price: $749,900.00 For deta ils on th es e,a n d oth er properties ca ll: S a n d y D on a ld , Roya l Le P a g e M artin L ib erty Realty, Bra n d on , M B (2 04) 72 4 5743 o r a m d @ m ym ts.n et 1/2 SECTION SANDY loam soil, 285 cult., good house, 1600 sq. ft. insulated shop, some granaries, South Central MB, $320,000. 204-571-0928, 204-856-7722, Brandon.
LAND FOR RENT, 23 quarters, 22 currently native and seeded grass, 1 is cultivated, willing to rent for pasture or convert back to crop land, located in RM of Walpole #92 in SE SK., 306-435-7223. PASTURELAND FOR RENT, can carry up to 300 yearlings or 200 pairs, managed pasture, you buy salt and medication, I will maintain herd and fence, 12 miles north of Drayton Valley, AB. 780-542-1894. MULCHING - TREES; BRUSH; Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at:
w w nerea
to view currentlis tings a nd virtua l tours
FARMLAND WANTED near Richmound, SK. Call 403-928-7740.
FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 2006 ARCTIC CAT 500, auto, 4x4, w/windshield, winch, hand warmers, Mud Bug tires and utility box. Call for price. 306-540-7677, Lumsden, SK.
URGENT SALE! 21 acres within 40 min. from downtown Calgary, AB. 1700 sq. ft. bungalow, two double garages, large quonset, riding arena, water rights. MLS #C3511951 or call 403-681-8320. _listings.html Beautiful 35 1 7’ Tr iu m ph S por ts m a n acre river front property at the Petrofka 1 70 F is h in g Boa t Bridge. 1644 sq. ft. bungalow nestled amongst mature landscaping. Currently a progressive Apple Orchard with processing/ retail area with acres available for market garden or to develop your dream business. Great value priced opportunity with highway frontage, $789,900. MLS® 410521. Ed Bobiash, Re/Max Saskatoon, SK., 306-222-7770. 2 MILES NORTH of Nobleford, AB., 3 acres, serviced, mountain views, $65,000. Call 702-762-8246, 403-818-8615. ALBERTA ACREAGE, 7.6 acres. Ideal for H as only been used once. an aspiring writer seeking a secluded environment. Located adjacent the community Com es w ith a 70 HP Su zu ki of Edgerton, AB. and within an hour’s drive ou tboa rd m otor, fish finder, a nd of 2 major cities, Wainwright and Lloydsw iv el sea ts w ith m ou nts a tthe minster. Five bdrm home provides 1700 fronta nd ba ck of the boa t. sq. ft. of spacious living accommodations There is a liv ew ell bu iltin to the for multi-generation family. Also, a roomy w a tercra ft, a nd itsits on a work studio (separate building) located ga lv a nized steel tra iler. on-site for a self-employed individual wanting to establish a home based busiLocated in Saskatoon, call ness. Price: $239,900. Call 306-795-7519. M a rk a t 306-370-1337 17 ACRES East of Camrose, AB. 1700 sq.ft. home, large cold storage, 2 wells, dugout, 24’.6” HI TECH aluminum boat, 8’.6”, well treed, $280,000. 780-373-2510. canopy windshield, 150 HP Honda, triple 28 ACRES, 8 miles west of Harris, SK on axle trailer w/fifth wheel hitch, $25,000 Marriott Rd. All hay, 3 quarters fenced, F.O.B. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. good dugout, underground power and phone, on school bus route. Will consider 201 2 Tr iu m ph 1 9 1 offers. 306-656-4435 or 306-831-7840. 1 9 ’ F is h in g C r a ft LUMSDEN/ REGINA, SK. ACREAGE, new home, $350,000. Phone 306-536-5055.
BRAN D N EW 19’ FIS HIN G BOAT BLO W I N G OUT AT C OS T! GORGEOUS COUNTRY HOME only 15 minutes North of Dauphin, MB on a paved highway. This country residence includes 18.98 acres with a spacious 3 bdrm, 1632 sq. ft. bungalow. Features: workshop, small barn, loafing shed, corrals and many more pluses, $289,000. Contact us at: 204-444-2126.
•M ercu ry 150 HP ou tboa rd m otor •Fishfinder •Sw im pla tform w /la dder •CD Stereo •Ba tteries fortrolling m otor •Liv ew ell •Ba itw ell •Rod holders
1996 VANGUARD 22’ fifth wheel, sleeps 6, queen bed, 3 piece bath, fridge, stove with oven, microwave, newer AC, new battery, and rear scissor jacks, 2 propane tanks, awning, $8,000. Call 306-883-2847, 306-883-7309 cell, Mildred, SK.
CERISE RED PROSO COMMON MILLET a n d c o m m o n C row n m i l l e t s e e d , $0.40/lb., 90% + germ., 0% Fusarium Graminearum, makes great cattle feed, swath grazed, silage, dry and silage bales, drought tolerant, very high in protein and energy. Delivered in 50 lb. bags at nearest points in SK. and AB. Call Reynald at Millet King Seed of Canada Inc., St. Claude, MB., 204-379-2987, 204-526-2719 leave msg, cell and text 204-794-8550, all calls returned. Visit email Over 2000 satisfied producers and our 9th year in business.
2001 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Endeavor 40’, two sliders, 330 HP Cummins, 7.5 KW dsl. gen., 64,500 miles, Roadmaster chassis, hardwood floors, satellite, 2 TV’s, exc. $58,000. 204-325-2550, Plum Coulee, MB 2001 MONACO EXECUTIVE, 45’, 500 HP Cummins Pusher, 68,000 miles, $135,000. 780-417-6699, Sherwood Park, AB. 1999 Tiffin Allegro Bus 35, slide, 275 CAT, 59,000m, $42,900; 2004 Safari Zanzibar 40’ 400 HP Cummins, 2 slides, 45,000m $74,900. Financing available for SK residents. 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, Saskatoon, SK. Open Tues to Sat, 8:30 to 5 PM, DL #326237.
ALFALFA CLOVER GRASSES, Custom hay and pasture blends, delivery possible depending on quantity purchased and distance. For fast, friendly service call Thomson Seeds, toll free at: 1-877-781-8189, Alexander MB.
2006 TRIPLE E COMMANDER, A3202FB 70,000 kms, clean, no pets, non-smoker, stored indoors, several options, $65,000 firm. 204-322-5696, Grosse Isle, MB. 2007 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Scepter 40 PDQ, quad slide, Class A, diesel coach, auto sat. dish, Roadmaster chassis, loaded, 1 owner, always in heated shop, 41,212 miles. Selling at Unreserved Auction, July 23, Dalemead, AB. 403-485-8123. 2007 ALPHA 37’, 12,600 miles, 300 HP Cat, two slides, heat pump furnace w/AC, all the extras, one owner, stored inside. Immaculate cond. Sacrifice price $89,500. 604-538-9422, Surrey, BC.
Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment
WANTED D am aged C anola C ontact the Seed D ivision at M ILLIG A N B IO TEC H
Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - m
or visit
w w w .m illiga n biote c h .c om
2007 BAY STAR 32’ motorhome, 2 slides, sleeps 6, V10 Ford motor, 11,000 miles. Phone 306-476-2362, Rockglen, SK.
BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty 1 9 8 8 D O D G E P L E A S U R E WAY van, CERT. RADIANT WINTER WHEAT, whole- Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. fridge, stove, AC, toilet, sleeps 2, hitch, av- sale quantities available. Mercer Seeds Ltd email: erage 16.2 MPG, nice shape, asking 403-327-9736, Lethbridge, AB. $13,000. 306-573-4602, Birsay, SK. 1995 TRIPLE E Commander 34’, 230 turbo charged Cummins dsl., Allison 4 spd., 130,000 kms. 306-842-2621, Weyburn, SK
Box 144, M edora , M B. R0M 1K0 Ph: 204-665-2384
A ls o Buying Tritica le Brow n & Yellow Fla x Yellow & M a ple Pea s Fa ba Bea ns & O rga nic G ra ins Fa rm Picku p Av a ila ble CG C Licensed a nd Bonded Ca ll Ca l V a nda ele the “Rye G uy” Toda y!
C allM ark in Saskatoon at
306-370-1337 150 XLT DELTACRAFT, 75 HP Evinrude, t i l t , t a r p , n i c e s h ap e . C a l l J o h n at 306-654-2096, Prudhomme, SK.
39 ACRES, 1 mile West of Maple Creek, SK on Hwy. 271. Ranch style home, 10 yrs. old. Landscaped yard, well treed. 34’x112’ metal clad shop/storage, lined and insulated. Corrals, and 2 metal clad cattle sheds, 24x30’ metal clad building, 20’x28’ metal clad hip roof barn. 306-662-5048. 43 ACRES, 22 kms SW of Mossbank, SK. Bungalow, approx. 1900 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 baths, quonset, double + garage, walking path, power outlets for parking trailers, on school bus route, $244,900. Call Brenda McLash, Realty Executives MJ, 306-630-5700, LESS THAN 10 min. from Saskatoon, U of S, $572,000! Beautiful setting, 10 acres with lots of natural bush and planted trees. Large bungalow with vaulted ceiling, skylights, fireplace, appliances, incl. central air, central vac, jetted tub and has City water. Basement is finished and direct entrance to 28x32’ insulated garage. There is a chain link dog run, shelters, pastures w/automatic watering for horses. Ph Ron Thompson 306-221-8112, Royal LePage Saskatoon Real Estate, Saskatoon, SK. 50 ACRES PRIME LAND, 5 miles south of Hudson Bay, SK. Located partly on a sand ridge beside the Etomomi River with a creek running through it. Currently has 50 garden plots rented out, $155,000 OBO. 306-865-2050, 10 ACRES w/6 yr old 1950 sq ft bungalow, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, hardwood, tile flooring, high efficient furnace and wood fireplace. Attached double heated garage, 2 sheds, all fenced. One mile from golf course and town of Sedgewick, 45 min. east of Camrose, AB. $389,000 OBO. 780-385-8580. Email:
2011 TIMBERRIDGE 27.5’ trailer, fully l o a d e d , l i k e n e w. P h o n e B o b 306-883-7817, Spiritwood, SK. FOR SALE: 2009 YAMAHA 700 Grizzly IPT 2002 CEDAR CREEK 32’ fifth wheel, double rims, $2000 in recent repairs/tune ups, s l i d e , a l l o p t i o n s , u s e d ve r y l i t t l e . 204-534-7911, Boissevain, MB. exc. shape. 306-463-3667, Kindersley, SK. 1996 HONDA TRX300, 4x4, 5 spd. manual 2012 INFINITY 3250RL Absolutely amaztrans, new brakes, exc. cond. Call Richard ing, triple slide and loaded with many options! $57,800, Stock #CC661177. Visit 306-944-4252, Viscount, SK. or 1-866-346-3148. 1985 HONDA TRX 125, 4 wheeler, new 16’ CASITA TRAILER, fully equipped, vg tires. 306-634-9911, Estevan, SK. cond., lightweight, $13,500 OBO. CranATV TRAILER- 6x12 steel utility trailer, brook, BC, 250-426-5118, 250-421-1484. wood deck, 3500 lb. axle, flat folding gate. 5x10 for $1,695. Call us today at Flaman 2003 TERRY LITE 5th wheel, 24.5’, 1/2 Trailers, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121. ton, towable, excellent condition, $12,500 OBO. 306-729-4556, Regina Beach, SK.
Priced at your b in.
WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.
1-877-641-2798 LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK. WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness or Dave Lea at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. Email WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.
TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 1 9 8 3 H O N DA G O L D W I N G To u r i n g , 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. 136,000 mi., 1100 CC, saddle bags, Asking $4100. 306-663-5748, Weyakwin Lake, SK. CERTIFIED #1 ALGONQUIN, 92% germ., $2.70/lb., $2.60/lb. for mini bulks. Call Rob 306-759-2700, Phil 306-759-2076, Eyebrow, SK. PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: CERT. ALFALFAS AND GRASSES, free delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. MB, 1-888-204-1000. 2010 POLARIS 600 Rush, 562 miles, rode once this winter, new battery, electric start. Asking $9400. Ph 306-663-5748, Weyakwin Lake, SK.
2008 45’ JEANNEAU 45DS sailboat, w/assumable easy access slip, downtown Vancouver, BC, $320,000. 306-536-5055. FIG TREE BED & BREAKFAST, Vancouver area Coquitlam, BC. Special weekly rates. Phone 604-464-4024. See website For reservations 2006 KEYSTONE MONTANA 3400RL 5th email wheel trailer with Arctic Insulation package in exc. cond., 4 slides, new propane ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. tanks and battery. Can deliver. Call Con- Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of rad, 204-648-4970, Grandview, MB. Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 2004 LAREDO 33’ fifth wheel, 2 slides, U 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. shaped kitchen, central vac, new tires, All homes come complete with garage, DVD, TV, AC, nonsmoking, no pets, clean. covered deck and landscaping. Land lease 306-933-4683, 306-221-0473 days, or fees include $1 million clubhouse, large in306-933-2417 evenings, Vanscoy, SK. door lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup TRIPLE E TOPAZ Touring Edition 30.5’ and reduced golf fees. For information call 5th wheel, exc. cond., low miles. Loaded 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003. w/double and single slides, queen bed, separate bathroom, large kitchen with FOR RENT monthly from now until Jan. pantry, table/chairs, hide-a-bed sofa, 2 re- 1st, 2013. Park Model at Sands RV and cliners, 2 TV’s, cable, dish, antenna ready, Golf Course at Desert Hot Springs, CA. near new tires, AC, “fantastic fans” and Arizona room, large deck, storage shed, awning. Deluxe oak trim, winter package. W/D, Canadian satellite TV, backs on to a Pics available. 306-421-1458, Torquay SK. wash, renovated 2011, all new furniture. owner re price at 403-742-4065 or 1998 TRIPLE E TOPAZ Touring Edition, Contact 30’, very low kms, $11,000 OBO; Also 2005 403-742-9568, Stettler, AB. Cardinal 34’, great for snowbirds, $27,500. Jim Lynch at 306-722-7770 Osage, SK. 27’ ALJO 5th wheel trailer, exc. cond., l e a s e d l o t , 1 0 3 C a n d l e L a ke G o l f WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, Course, SK. Maintenance free large deck. eight models, options and accessories. Sun from noon until set, $18,800. Close to 1-877-866-0667. all amenities. 306-717-6240. 2012 RIDGELINE 36REQ. Absolutely SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumamazing, no options missed! Hot water on ber any dimension, anytime. Make money demand, 4 slide outs, 8 year extended pro- and save money. In stock, ready to ship. tection plan included, stock #4466, Starting at $997. 1-800-566-6899 ext. $47,900. for more info 168. or call: 1-866-346-3148. 1997 24.5’ PROWLER 5th wheel, air, awning, rear kitchen, tub/shower, exc. cond., $9000. 306-726-2250, Southey, SK. GRAIN CART SCALES. Order now for earCUSTOM COACH LEGACY Model, 1997, ly season discount. Typical 750 bu. grain 31’ 5th wheel w/slide, completely loaded, c a r t , $ 3 1 5 0 . P h o n e t o l l f r e e 1-866-862-8304, $13,000. 306-741-9541, Swift Current, SK
GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED
LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at:
BUYING : HEATED OATS AND LIGHT OATS M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712 Western Commodities Inc.
BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email:
w w w .w es tern co m m o d ities .ca & p ro vid e u s w ith yo u r e-m a il a d d res s to receive o u r w eekly e-m a il, w ith p ricin g in d ica tio n s a n d m a rkettren d s .
BUYING: FEED GRAINS, all types of screenings, damaged canola. Quick payment. Call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at Wilde Bros. Ag Trading 1-877-752-0115 or 403-752-0115, Raymond, Alberta or email:
FARMERS, RANCHERS SEED PROCESSORS BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER
1-888-516-8845 GRAIN MARKETING HEADQUARTERS 10 years serving producers! Wanted: All grains in any condition. On farm pricing. Quick payment assured. Double Z Ag Sales, Weyburn, SK. 306-842-2406. FEED GRAINS WANTED: Wheat, Barley and Durum; Also Oats, Peas and Flax. Premium prices, FOB farm. Prompt payment. Stan Yaskiw, Birtle, MB, 1-866-290-7113. WANTED FEED/ OFF-GRADE LENTILS or pulses and other heated, tough grains or screenings. Prairie Wide Grain, 306230-8101, 306-716-2297, Saskatoon, SK.
1-8 77-6 9 5-6 46 1
CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types of mustard for seed or processing. Color PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY at Picture sorting available. Also looking for low Butte, AB is looking for feed barley. Call g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g Roxanne at 1-800-710-8803 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB. purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB.
TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED and common #1 forage seeds. Periodic delivery to many locations. Call Richard Walcer 10x14 PLATFORM SCALE, $12,500.; 306-752-3983 anytime. If no answer mes8x10 scale deck, $8500. Ask about our sages left will receive replies. Melfort, SK. Farm Progress Show specials. Check out our website at or TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses call 1-866-862-8304. and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary 70’ SCALE, 6 load cells, asking $25,000. Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. 306-726-7938, Southey, SK. ALFALFA CLOVER GRASSES, Custom ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different hay and pasture blends, delivery possible ways to weigh bales and livestock; Plat- depending on quantity purchased and disform scales for industrial use as well, non- tance. For fast, friendly service call Thomelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh son Seeds, toll free at: 1-877-781-8189, like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, Alexander MB. North Battleford, SK. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line 11X34’ PLATFORM SCALE on four load of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson cells, c/w monitor, $12,000 OBO. Wayne 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking 306-324-4235, 306-632-2858, Margo, SK. Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK.
N ow B uyin g O a ts! AL L GRAD ES
Com petitive Ra tes
SweetGrass CONTRACTING Linden, AB
P ro m pt P a ym en t
D AV E K O EH N 4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0 L in d en , AB
A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc.
W estern Canada’s Largest Producer of Ethanol Buying W inter W heat, Soft W heat, CPS, D urum and Corn CG C Licensed and Bonded Prom pt paym ent D irect D eposit A vailable For M ore Inform ation C ontact: Lloydm inster, Saskatchew an 1-877-217-7426 M innedosa, M anitoba 1-877-217-7425
M other N ature’s Fuel
TRITICALE FOR SALE, 5000 bu., $6 per bu. Call 306-283-4747, Langham, SK.
B uying Feed G rain B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded
Lacom be A B.
w w
Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7
John Su therla nd
CUSTOM BALE HAULING, with 2 trucks and trailers, 34 bales per trailer. Call 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. BUYING PURE ALFALFA STANDING AND BIG BALES. Pure alfalfa wanted standing or put up in big bales for 2012 harvest and beyond. Dryland or irrigated. Full custom work and trucking available. 403-634-1559 or 403-394-6967. Email: or 2010 ALFALFA CRESTED WHEAT MIX round bales, good condition, $20/bale. Contact Bryce 403-866-6937, Hilda, AB. LOADING AND HAULING of large round and square bales, 3-5 truck trains available. For bookings in your area call 204-729-7297, Brandon, MB. STANDING HAY approx. 320 acres for sale. Call Walter 306-453-6010, Carlyle, SK. ALFALFA, ALFALFA/ GRASS and grass big round bales, 2011 crop. Feed test available, $50/ton; Also 2012 crop, $65/ton. Call 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. SMALL SQUARE HAY BALES, alfalfa and alfalfa/ grass. Taking orders for 2012 crop. Call 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. MAGNUM FABRICATING LTD, good quality hay for sale. Visa/Mastercard accepted. 306-662-2198, Maple Creek, SK., 600 LARGE ROUND bales, approx. 1500 lbs. last years hay, $50/bale in yard, trucking also avail. 306-466-2261, Leask, SK.
AGRICULTURE TOURS Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d
~ January/February 2013
K en ya /Ta n za n ia
~ January 2013
Co s ta Rica
~ January 2013 NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $419; 16.9-28 12 ply, $498. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, OVER 200 AG and construction tires, new and used. Phone: 204-667-2867, fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. FOUR 320/80R46 SPRAYER tires and wheels on 8 bolt rims; Four new 20.8x38 sprayer tires and wheels, 10 bolt rims; Two 35.5x32R2 combine tires and 10 bolt wheels, new cond.; Complete set 20.8x42 triples- 80% from JD tractor, c/w all hardware; JD combine rims 27x32; 28Lx26 tires and rims for JD 4 WD combine. Best offer. Call 204-766-2643.
FEED BARLEY, WHEAT, RYE, TRITICALE and ALL TYPES OF SCREENINGS! Also AGENTS for Chickpeas, Lentils, Field Peas COMPETITIVE! PROMPT PAYMENT! Swift Current, SK Toll Free: 1-877-360-0727 E-Mail:
CGC L icen s ed & Bo n d ed
SMALL SQUARE HAY, mixed and alfalfa. Close to Regina, SK. Call 306-539-6123. 250 ACRES STANDING grass hay, intermediate wheat grass, near Dundurn, SK. Call 306-492-2621. SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, g r e e n fe e d , g r a s s , s t r aw. D e l i ve r e d . 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 2012 ALFALFA ROUND bales, 1000 plus, top quality. For more information contact Trent at 403-664-3704, Oyen, AB.
New, used and retreads. Call us, you’ll be glad you did!
EXC. MIXED STANDING HAY for sale. Also 120 acres of pasture for grazing or baling. 306-868-4634, E.H. Tice, Truax, SK. STANDING CROP, brome upland grass, some alfalfa, approx. 150 acres, $25/ton. C a l l M i ke 3 0 6 - 7 6 2 - 2 0 7 0 o r B i l l 306-762-2208, Vibank, SK. ALFALFA AND ALFALFA/GRASS mix round bales, net wrapped, G&G Walkeden, Tribune, SK. 306-861-6849 or 306-861-7782. 250 ACRES of standing alfalfa/brome for sale, in the Swift Current, SK. area. Would consider long term lease. 306-773-1918. GREAT HORSE HAY, no dust, no mold, tested, round bales. Phone Ken Qualman, 306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK.
WANTED: SASK. FARMLAND BEAR TAGS Winnipeg, MB. in Zone 54 and 53. 306-883-2960, SpiritHours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM. wood, SK. or email WELL ESTABLISHED HUNTING outfit for (8) 20.8R38 GOODYEAR DynaTorque, apsale in North Western Alberta. For info call proximately 40%, $400/ea. 306-459-2814, 780-998-4976 or email: Ogema, SK. HUNTING GUIDE/ HELPER NEEDED. Hunting ranch needs helper for 2012 season. Will do some guiding and learn ropes. Glaslyn, SK. area. Employment mid Aug.Dec. 1st inclusive. Steve 250-459-7772. 103 -3240 Id ylw yld Dr. N . FORM ERLY
ISO 9001 :2008 Appro ved • U L C a ppro ved • Skid P a c ka g e a va ila b le • Sin g le a n d d o u b le w a ll a va ila b le Available at Magnum Fabricating & our dealers
w w w .m a g n u m fa brica tin g .com
M AGN UM F ABR ICATIN G LTD . M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198
SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK.
9 3 3 -1115
• PAS S EN GER, L IGHT TRUCK , S EM I, AGRICUL TURE, CON S TRUCTION • M ECHAN ICAL & AL IGN M EN T FOR CAR, BUS RV , TRUCK & TRAIL ER • TIRES /W HEEL S & CUS TOM DUAL & TRIPL E K ITS • TIRE V UL CAN IZIN G • 24 HOUR M OBIL E TRUCK S FOR ON S ITE W ORK 14 11-225 semi tires, good tread; 16 11-24-5 semi tires, good tread; 12 11-245 LoPro tires, $80/ea. Call Neil for details. Humboldt, SK. 306-231-8300. WANTED: NEW OR USED 2- 700x20 or 650x20 tires with tubes. 306-776-2239, Rouleau, SK.
1981 WHACHOEN LATHE, 20.5x80”, 15 HP, 220 volt, including all misc. accessories, $4900. 780-307-4662, Clyde, AB. RADIAL ARM DRILL, Asquith Archdale, Model P30320, 12” dia. column, 5’ arm, power feed on quill, 16 rpm choices (from 40-2040), 8 feedrate choices (from .002-.040 per revolution), 24”x36” box table, #5 Moores taper in spindle, vg working cond., $8500. Selling because bought larger equipment. 306-873-5437, Tisdale, SK. Email: HYDRAULIC PRESS BRAKE, 110 ton Promecam RG-103 press brake, 10’ long, includes: foot treadle, 4-way V die, straight punch and gooseneck punch, $12,000. Smith Industries Ltd., 306-373-7622, Saskatoon, SK.
TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! Manufacture and repair of all tarps and covers. Ph. Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskatoon, S K . S e e : w w w. c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l : 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343. TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian 130 ACRES STANDING alfalfa grass for company. We carry aeration socks. We sale. Bales must be removed within a week now carry electric chute openers for grain LISKE TRAVEL LTD., Wetaskiwin, AB. after you cut and bale. Hayland located trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. Come and join us Jan 31- Feb 17/2013, 18 just 5 miles west of Dalmeny Hwy on Aucdays on a once in a lifetime Wildlife Safari tion Mart Road. Call for details in Kenya and Tanzania plus a 3 night stay 306-229-7924, Saskatoon, SK. on the Tropical Island of Zanzibar. Tour HAY WANTED: 2010-2011 or 2012 new NEW HANKOOK DWOI’s, 16 ply, 11R24.5, cost- $5869 pp + taxes. Call for air quote crop. Large square bales only (3x3 or 3x4). b l o w o u t p r i c e $ 4 5 0 e a c h ! P h o n e 1-888-627-2779. May use air miles. See Pure alfalfa or alfalfa/brome mix. Call 306-497-2544 after 8 PM, Blaine Lake, SK. our website for info: Wayne, 519-374-1109 or 519-364-4036. BIAS PLY TIRES 8- 20.8x42, with good NORSK HOSTFEST BUS TOURS Sept. LARGE SQUARE 3x4 durum straw bales, sidewalls, approx. 20% tread, used for 24-28 and Sept. 26-30th. VIP seats and $15 per bale. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, snow plowing, $650 OBO. 780-853-0821, motel in Minot. Call L.A. Tours Inc., Birch SK. Vermilion, AB. Hills, SK., 306-749-3521 for a brochure. WANTED HAYLAND TO RENT: alfalfa or alfalfa grass mix. Ideally crop share in SW SK. or AB. Call 1-800-291-1432. Progressive Yard Works Ltd. HAY FOR SALE, 1250 alfalfa or grass mix 1-306-244-6911 3423 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK round netwrap bales, no rain. Straw also. Alan Coutts 306-463-8423, Alsask, SK. 400 LARGE ALFALFA bales, hard core, 1500+ lbs. 306-436-4526, Milestone, SK.
E arly Book ing Program !
Netw rap -H igh qu a lity,im ported from G erm a ny 67 ’’startin g at$215 64’’startin g at$210 8000ft.rollsalso available! Sila ge B a lew ra p - startin g at$84
Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666 w w na dia nh a ya ndsila STANDING HAY up to 6 quarters, priced by the ton. 2 quarters, mostly alfalfa. 2 quarters, mixture (alfalfa, bromegrass, crusted wheat). 2 quarters, alfalfa. Located north of Mazenod, SK. Call Dan or Juanita at 306-648-2811, 306-227-5961. WANTED: ALFALFA HAY large square bales. Will buy all qualities including with rain. Priced according to quality, in Southern Alberta. Call 1-800-291-1432.
• • • •
Se le ct Holida ys
1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m
We’ve got ‘em all. 1-877-814-8473.
5000 IMPERIAL GALLON fuel tank, vertical on skids; 500 gal. diesel tank w/stand; 300 gal. gas tank w/stand. 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK. FIBERGLASS SEPTIC TANKS- Various sizes available, starting from 250 gal. up to 34,000 gal. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit
In d ia
~ February 2013 Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.
S o u th Am erica
~ February 2013
Above ground & below ground • Sectional in-door water tanks Sewage holding and two-compartment 150 gallons to 10,000 gallons Ask us about our easy burial “drop and go” 1000 gallon tanks
Visit our website at:
U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.
FULL-TIME PERMANENT RANCH help required at Sturgeon River Ranch, Rockyford, AB. We are presently looking for a full-time employee who is self-motivated, mechanically inclined and has a good knowledge of cow/calf operations. Experience with irrigation is an asset, as well as a Class 3 driver’s license. We provide our employee and family with a 2011 3 bdrm. mobile home if required. Wages negotiable upon exp. Please email resume to: or fax 403-533-3775 or call Warren at cell: 403-325-7580.
HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for late model Cat motor scrapers (cushion ride) and dozers for road construction work. Camp job. Competitive wages plus R&B. Valid drivers license required. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction & Transport Co. Inc, Box 100, WANTED: EXPERIENCED HELP on a large Arborfield, SK SOE 0A0. Fax 306-769-8844 grain farm in Manning, AB. Looking for apEmail: plicants with mechanical background, exp. running large farm equipment and a class 1 license. Fax resume to: 780-836-2911 or email to: REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN road construction company seeks experienced Heavy FULL-TIME PERMANENT WORKER Equipment Operators for dozers, scrapers, required on mixed farm/ranch operation. rock trucks, excavator and grader. Please Experience w/cattle and machinery refax resume to 306-789-0504. For further quired. Class 3 license an asset. Housing w/yard available. Family welcome. Wage info contact 306-789-5608. negotiable depending on experience. Phone: 403-575-0214, Veteran, AB, email:
EXPERIENCED LIVE-IN CAREGIVER is RANCH HAND WANTED: Must have experil o o k i n g t o c a r e fo r a s e n i o r. C a l l ence riding horses and young colts. We run a bison feedlot, a 450 cow/calf opera306-551-7300. tion and a well established AQHA breeding and training program. Room and board available. 780-808-1592 or 780-808-5903, NEW SRS CRISAFULLI PTO water pumps. Lloydminster, AB. Available in 8”, 12”, 16” and 24”, PTO, elec. or engine driven available. These pumps NORENDA CONSTRUCTION a farm and can move up to 18,000 GPM. We have 16” construction business in Gerald, SK. is PTO 15,000 GPM in stock, ready to deliver. BROADACRE: LARGE GRAIN farm located looking for 2 Farm Labourers. Will assist in For more information call your SK dealer in south SK. is seeking experienced Truck the seeding, spraying, harvesting operaT.J. Markusson Agro Ltd. Foam Lake, SK. Drivers and Machine Operators. Seasonal tions along with general day to day farm 306-272-4545 or 306-272-7225 See a n d p e r m a n e n t f u l l - t i m e p o s i t i o n s tasks. Must be able to operate large equip. available. $16-$25/hr. depending on ex- Farm experience an asset. Room and perience. Accommodations available. Driv- board avail. Home every night. Unlimited er’s license required and Class 1A an asset. hours. Wages $17.00/hr start. Ph Dallas Email/fax resume: 306-740-8710 or Clayton 306-740-8704. 306-382-3337 or visit TRUCK DRIVERS (Class 1 or 3) ROY HARVESTING now hiring for the RAINWATER HARVESTING AND storm wa- WANTED: and Swather Operators for custom silage 2012 harvest. Need truck drivers and comter mitigation, including: site evaluation, season in Peace area from July to bine operators. Call Chuck 306-642-0055, custom drawings, potable roofing prod- October. Phone Country or Chris 306-642-0076, Glentworth, SK. ucts, tanks, on-demand pumps, filter ar- Dawson Creek, BC. Ryan at 250-219-0778, FARM LABOURER REQUIRED for mediray, water sterilization, infiltration, downspout filters, eavestroughing. Online store FARM RESTORATION. Seeking hard work- um sized grain farm, in the Unity, SK area. with customer support and contracting ing couple to restore a small heritage farm Must have a valid driver’s license. Class 1A services. in southwest BC Gulf Islands. Live on the and farm experience is an asset. Competi306-585-7221, Regina, SK. ocean and restore one of the longest run- tive wages. Call 306-228-3912. ning farms to its former greatness. Ener- RANCH HAND WANTED in central Sask. ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED Pure Water. getic, dependable, self-motivated, non- Cattle and horse experience a must. Some New scientific technology in Canada, guar- smokers in good health. Small scale fruit haying, no farming. Seasonal but could be antee 99% pure water. No salts, no chemi- and vegetables, practical approach but or- full-time for right person. Room and board cals, no chlorine. Phone 306-867-9461. ganic when practical. Handyman and car- provided. 306-939-4480, Earl Grey, SK. pentry skills a plus. Housing accommodaDistributor for BC, AB, MB, SK. tions provided. Long term commitment. SASK/MANITOBA CHAROLAIS ASSOC. is PRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT LTD., High Please send resume with references to requiring a part-time Charolais Fieldman for Sask/Man. Duties include promoting River, AB. ( Servicing Charolais at auctions marts, feedlots, trade BC. AB. SK. and MB. Oxydate and ionize single tap to whole house to commercial LAKE CITY FARMS, medium grain farm fairs, field days and other agricultural located Davidson, Leroy, and Imperial, events. For more information call Orland units. No salt, no chlorine, no chemicals. Custom built and guaranteed. Now with SK. Looking for seasonal and permanent Walker, 306-865-3953 or mail resumes to water softening and scale control capa- employees. Must have driver’s license. PO Box 235, Hudson Bay, SK. S0E 0Y0. bilities. Ph or email for info and free quote. Class 1A an asset. Work is mostly operating farm machinery but welding and car- FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE WANTED for 5000 403-620-4038. pentry skills will be utilized. Contact acre grain farm in Young, SK area. Must be Graham 306-963-7651, or email resume motivated, able to work independently and PETWA WATER TREATMENT system, ultra to: contribute to a positive atmosphere. Famiviolet c/w 300 gal. tank, softener, $3000 lies welcome. Duties are operating all farm OPERATORS NEEDED for large grain machinery, including high clearance sprayOBO. 306-947-2080, Hepburn, SK. farm in east central AB. Excellent wages. er, 1A license an asset, wages competitive, Equipment operators and truck drivers. housing allowance negotiable. Fax resume Mechanical ability an asset. Accommoda- with references to: 306-259-2058. Email: tion and vehicle available. RV hookups. c h r i s a n d a i m e e @ s a s k t e l . n e t o r c a l l Phone 403-575-0069 or 403-578-3386, 306-259-2057, cell. 306-917-7388. COMPLETE WELDING AND MACHINING FULL-TIME PERMANENT EXPERIENCED shop equipment: welders, lathes, milling machine, tooling hyd. press brake, band- LARGE GRAIN FARM requires experienced ranch hand required. Competitive wages, saws, hand tools, forklift and more. Swift Truck Driver and is able to operate large full benefits, house and yard. Ph Consort, farm equipment for harvest. Wages A B . , 4 0 3 - 5 7 7 - 2 4 2 4 , 4 0 3 - 5 7 8 - 8 5 0 8 , Current, SK. 306-773-7695, 306-741-1939. $ 2 0 - $ 2 5 / h o u r. S t a r t i n g Au g u s t 1 s t . 403-577-3553. Please fax resume to: 306-457-3243, phone 306-457-7128, Stoughton, SK. KEJA FARMS is looking for a farm equip. operator, welder, machinist, FULL-TIME YEAR ROUND position on grain plasma table operator, salesman for farm. $50,000$60,000 plus benefits per WATER WELLS, Heron Drilling Ltd. spefull-time year round employment. Top cializing in water wells, E-logging, sand- year depending upon experience. Must wages will be paid for Class 1A license and screens and gravel pack. Government have 1A and experience operating large farm equipment experience. Accomm. grants available. Drilling, boring, cleaning. farm equip. 306-497-7720, Blaine Lake, SK avail. Jason 306-642-3315, Assiniboia, SK Call us. 49 yrs. experience. 306-752-4322, fax 306-752-7399, Melfort, SK. HAYTER DRILLING LTD. Over 50 yrs in groundwater industry specializing in 5” 30” wells. Premium quality materials used in new construction. Old well servicing and rehab. New equipment and experienced crews. 1-888-239-1658, Watrous, SK. STAUBER DRILLING INC. Environmental, Geotechnical, Geothermal, Water well drilling and servicing. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211 DOMINION DRILLING, 5” water wells, government grants available up to 50% of well, will be gravel packed, e-logged and screened, 25 yrs. experience drilling in SK. Email: call 306-874-5559, fax 306-874-2451, or cell 306-874-7653, Pleasantdale, SK.
FULL-TIME POSITION on a modern 250 cow DAIRY FARM east of Blackfalds, AB. Must be able to milk and operate equipment. Fax resumes to 403-885-4822 or email
CUSTOM HARVEST CREW NEEDED. Gallagherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Precision Harvesting is hiring Combine Operators and Truck Drivers, starting mid-July until November. Farm experience an asset. Must be admissible to USA. Email or fax resume, references and driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s abstract to 1-888-528-2650 or LARGE PROGRESSIVE FARM East of Regi- or call na, looking for seasonal and full-time Shawn 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB. help. Equipment operators, truck drivers, labourers apply. 1A an asset, but not necessary, will train the right applicants. Tyler TOP WAGES PAID for full-time perma306-533-8834 or Trent: 306-540-5275. nent positions and harvest help on grain farm, 45 miles NW of Saskatoon, SK. Call 306-220-6660 or 306-497-2817. REQUIRED FULL-TIME PERMANENT WORKER on our broiler breeder poultry farm near Calgary, AB. Duties included FULL-TIME, Self-motivated, mechanically gathering eggs from conveyor belts, barn inclined individual required immediately walk throughs, barn cleaning and some on large family farm near Donnelly, AB. outside jobs like helping with harvesting Duties of this year round position include equipment repair and maintenance, asetc. For more info call 403-946-4960. sembling new farm equipment, operate high tech farm equipment. Class 1 an asFULL/PART-TIME GUY/GAL required for set, but will train. Must be able to work inhorse and cattle ranch, physically fit and dependently and have good problem solvreliable with ability to run modern haying ing skills. Wages $50,000 to 70,000/yr equipment and tractors. 306-731-2821, depending on experience. Fax or email reLumsden, SK. sume to Chinook Mesa Farm. Phone: 780-837-1084, fax: 780-925-3710, email: RANCH POSITION FOR COUPLE. Looking to hire Ranch Manager under share crop arrangement for our Cariboo Ranch. Per- GRAIN FARM IN GRENFELL-NEUDORF sons must have cattle management and area looking for part-time or full-time opcare skills and expertise, horse training, erator. Above average wages with benefit vetting and care background and skills. p a c k a g e a n d v e r y n i c e h o u s i n g . Farm machinery and equipment operation- 306-730-9814, Neudorf, SK. al abilities with welding skills, and farming and haying experience, skills and competence. Prefer couple who have or who FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on mixed want to build own cattle herd and develop farm operation, Innisfail (central AB.). with us a solid cattle business. Reply with House and utilities included. Scheduled resume to: time off. 403-357-8487, 403-227-6667.
i:06 3& 5)& MAIN FACTOR 5)"5 .",&4 64 46$$&44'6- "5 8)"5 8& %0 w Join the Team at Predator Drilling where we work together as a crew and have state of the art rigs! Predator Drilling is Western Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premiere drilling contractor based in Red Deer. We deliver outstanding results and are a leading service provider in Oil Sands Delineation, Preset Drilling Shallow Horizontal Oil and Gas Well Drilling. We are actively recruiting:
t DRILLERS t %&33*$, )"/%4 t .0503 )"/%4
Successful candidates must be H2S Alive certiďŹ ed and have standard ďŹ rst aid certiďŹ cation. Preference will be given to those enrolled in the apprenticeship program. 1SFEBUPS %SJMMJOH PGGFST GVMM $"0%$ SBUFT HFOFSPVT beneďŹ ts and a retention bonus program. Candidates interested in joining our team should email or fax their resume to: "UUFOUJPO "OESFB #VUMFS &NBJM BCVUMFS!QSFEBUPSESJMMJOH DPN '"9
JOIN A LARGE cutting edge grain farm. Operate modern, high tech. equipment with our team for the harvest season. If you are flexible and independent with experience in farm equipment operation, maintenance and repairs, we want to talk to you! Class 1 licence preferred but not required. Starting wage is $20/hr, based on experience. Meals and housing available. There are tons of great experiences to be had in scenic Peace River, Alberta! Email or fax your resume today! fax: 780-353-2885 YEAR ROUND WORK. Must be able to work with equipment and cattle. Class 1A driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license preferred. Experienced horse rider to work with cattle. Living quarters supplied. References required. Starting ASAP. 780-888-3780, Hardisty, AB LARGE SW SASK. grain farm looking for TRUCK DRIVERS for harvest. Need Class 1A license. Housing provided. $16-$25/hr. depending on experience. Contact Terry Mitchell 306-293-7706, email resume to Bracken, SK.
CENTRAL AB. FT permanent or seasonal, large modern grain farm, must have experience, be equipment/operations ready, mechanical, Class 1 w/progressive attitude. We strive for excellence and enjoyable work environment. Off farm housing available, competitive wage based on experience. Fax resume to 403-364-2004, email to or phone Barry 403-364-2129, Delia, AB. CENTRAL ALBERTA WORK on large cow/calf and grain operation. Assisting with day to day farm operations including: feeding, fencing, sileaging, harvesting, and cattle handling. Mechanical skills, Class 1 license and welding experience an asset. Wages based on experience. Fax resume with references to 780-376-0000 or call 780-376-2241 for more info. CHRISTIAN GRAIN FARMER needs fulltime worker w/class 1A for harvest, Sundays off. 306-692-4047, Moose Jaw, SK.
LOOKING FOR FULL and part-time chicken catchers, willing to work night/early morning shifts. Moving assist. avail. Immediate openings, benefits. Contact Mike 403-848-1478, Red Deer, AB. BLUE HILLS PROCESSORS (2003) LTD. located in Avonlea, SK is accepting applications to fill a full-time permanent position as warehouse and shipping personnel. BHPL is one of Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading special crops processors handling all pulse crops. Duties may include but are not limited to loading railcars, containers, and trucks with both bagged and bulk product; misc. outdoor tasks; maintaining a clean and safe workplace. Prior experience is preferred but not required. We offer competitive wages and an excellent benefit pkg. Both male and female applicants are encouraged to submit their resume with references to Mr. Ray Briggs, General Manager, in person or email:
WIDOWED FARM WIFE, 57 yrs. old wants to work on a farm, cook, clean and harvest SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. help. 306-542-3033. Kamsack, SK. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties FARM HELP REQUIRED in east central AB. incl. operation of machinery, including Reliable person with interest and experiTractors, truck driving and other farm ence with livestock. Housing, utilities and equipment, as well as general farm laborer appliances supplied. Wages based on exduties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experi- perience. Please fax resume w/references e n c e . C o n t a c t W a d e F e l a n d a t to 403-552-2359, Altario, AB. or email 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. LARGE SOUTHEAST SASK. grain farm hiring full time and seasonal help. Experienced help w/Class 1A license starting at $24/hr, housing included. 306-634-4758 or
PROGRESSIVE RANCH North of Cranbrook, BC. is seeking a highly motivated full-time employee. Clean driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license required and Class 1 an asset. Applicant must be hard working and versatile in all aspects of cattle ranching. Benefits and lodging are provided. Wages negotiated based on experience. Please send letters and resumes to: PO Box 6841, Station D, Calgary, AB, SEASONAL TO FULL-TIME help required T2P 2E9 or fax to: 403-264-7455. Call on mixed farming operation in Provost, AB. 403-232-6252 for more info. for silaging and harvest and feedlot work. Wage range from $20-25/hr. Start immed i a t e l y. F a x o r e m a i l r e s u m e t o : CENTRAL AB ELK ranch seeks Ranch Supervisor w/min. 3 yrs. experience working 780-753-6597, with ranched elk. Basic welding knowledge COMBINE OPERATORS WANTED for 2012 an asset. Fax resume to 780-490-1070. Australian wheat harvest, September to Qualified applicants will be contacted. January. Case equipment, good wage, food and accommodation supplied. Must STRATHMORE AREA FARM and ranch is h a v e c o m b i n e e x p e r i e n c e . E m a i l seeking a self-motivated, mechanically for more info. clined employee for machinery maintenance and operation. $18-$25/hr. Class 1 preferred. Email: Call Paul at: 403-325-0118 or fax resume to: 403-901-1550. PREVOST HARVESTING is now hiring Combine Drivers. Prefer Class 1A, but not FEEDLOT IN CENTRAL AB is looking for necessary. Farming background an asset. Feed Truck Operator. Must have Class 3 Must be US admissible with valid passport. with air, experience an asset, and meEmail resume to: chanically inclined. Duties include: feedor call 306-322-7100. ing, machinery and facility maintenance. 10 days on, 4 off schedule. Please fax reWANTED: EXP. RIDER, male or female to sume to 403-638-3908, ph 403-638-4165, advance started young horses and to start email Sundre, AB. some colts. Riding facility and living quarters on location. Period of employment from June to Sept. Also have other rider onsite. For more info ph. 780-724-2358 email: AJL FARMS is seeking full-time help to operate and maintain modern farm and construction equipment. Year round work including general shop, yard maintenance and some cattle work. Must be mechanically inclined. Benefits, RRSP plan and competitive wage, $18- $23/hr. Phone 780-723-6244. Fax or email resume to: 780-723-6245, Niton Junction, AB. GRAIN FARM LOCATED near Wilcox, SK. hiring for 2012 harvest season, starting immediately. $22-30/hr., depending on experience. Possibility of full-time employment. 306-776-2496.
FEEDLOT FOREMAN: Ideal candidate must have understanding of farm and feedlot operations, computer skills, animal health, bunk management, machinery operation and maintenance experience, Class 3 license, clean driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s abstract and min. 2 years experience as a foreman or other supervisory farm related position. Competitive wages negotiable based on experience. Send resume to: or fax 403-638-3908, ph. 403-638-4165. Only qualified applicants will be notified. RM GARDEN RIVER 490 is currently accepting applications for Maintenance/ Experienced Grader Operator. This is a casual part-time operator that could lead to full-time. Duties will include, but not limited to: rock picking, sign maintenance, ditch mowing, road maintenance and various other duties. Applicant must have valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, operator experience. Salary commensurate with experience. Anyone interested in this position may apply by sending a resume and salary expected to: RM Garden River 490, Box 70, Meath Park, SK., S0J 1T0, phone 306-929-2020, fax 306-929-2281, email: Applications will be accepted until 3:00 PM, Monday, July 9, 2012. The RM wishes to thank all who applied however, only those individuals with interviews will be contacted.
h a s a n im m e dia te full tim e p os ition for a
Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for
YARD STAFF e m p loye e .
T his pos ition requires : â&#x20AC;˘ W e ldin g Exp e rie n ce â&#x20AC;˘ Ab ility to Op e ra te a Bob ca t â&#x20AC;˘ Ab ility to Drive a Ta n de m Truck â&#x20AC;˘ Ca ttle Ha n dlin g Skills â&#x20AC;˘ Ge n e ra l Kn ow le dge of Ca ttle â&#x20AC;˘ Pe op le Skills T his pos ition offers a full b enefitpa c ka ge. Plea se fo rw a rd resu m e via Fa x 1- 306- 382 - 8319 o rem a il m .fleu ry@ yo u rlin . S a s k a to o n L ives to ck S a les L td . is lo ca ted 6 m iles w es t o f S a s k a to o n o n Highw a y #14.
(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o
Territory Sales Manager (N. AB & SK)
Ag Growth International (AGI) is a leading international agricultural equipment manufacturer with some of the most recognized grain storage, handling and conditioning brands in the industry. There is currently one position available for a results driven and customer oriented Territory Sales Manager.
The successful candidate will report directly to the Director of Canadian Sales and will be responsible for generating sales and ensuring customer satisfaction. This is a hands-on position interacting with all divisions of the organization. Responsibilities include overall customer and product support through; handling of customer inquiries, generating customer feedback and communicating product needs, resolving customer issues/complaints and product demonstrations. In addition, building and presenting business cases for new dealers, preparing sales/market reports, farm show organization and attendance and diligent follow-up and continual feedback are critical. We offer a competitive compensation and beneďŹ ts package, professional development and opportunities for career advancement. Please forward cover letter, resume and salary expectations to: or AGI - Human Resources 198 Commerce Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 0Z6
QUALIFICATIONS: â&#x20AC;˘ 3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 years sales related experience with an understanding of the agricultural industry â&#x20AC;˘ Effective oral and written communication skills â&#x20AC;˘ A professional attitude, positive approach to conďŹ&#x201A;ict and exceptional time management skills â&#x20AC;˘ Computer skills with working knowledge of MS Office including database management and electronic communications are crucial â&#x20AC;˘ A willingness to travel â&#x20AC;˘ Territory includes: Edmonton/Northern Alberta & Saskatchewan
A Commitment to Growing H A N D L I N G | STO R I N G | CO N D I T I O N I N G | S O LU T I O N S
HUNTING GUIDES REQUIRED. Established hunting operation is adding to our Pro staff of big game hunting guides. We offer a full slate of spring and fall work. Moose, goat, bear and deer. No experience necessary. Will train the right person. Good wages and health plan available. Please fax resume 250-964-4232 or email View w w w. d o m e c r e e ko u t fi t t e r s . c o m a n d Contact Mark for details 250-320-8880, 250-964-4241, Prince George, BC.
APARTMENT MANAGER to operate 36 suite apartment in Wainwright, AB. Duties include: cleaning of common area, outside maintenance, dealing with tenants, performing minor repairs, and organizing contractors for repairs and maintenance. Suitable for couple. For more info call 780-842-9172 or fax resume to 780-842-6321,
LOADERMAN REQUIRED for log haul in North central Alberta, $20/load rate, includes accommodation. Must be experiEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, FULL-TIME enced, have a pickup and grease gun. Fax and seasonal people to assist us in operat- contact numbers to 780-675-9206. ing a large modern grain farm. This is a great opportunity for those interested in AUSTRALIA / NEW ZEALAND dairy, beef, agriculture. Preference given to experi- sheep, crop enterprises have opportunities ence, Class 1 driver’s license is an asset, for applicants aged 18-30 to live and work wages based on experience, range $12-20 d o w n u n d e r. A p p l y n o w ! P h o n e : per hour. Apply to: Galvin Farms Ltd., 1-888-598-4415, 204-748-8332, Virden, MB. SEEKING MOTIVATED INDIVIDUAL to LOOKING FOR A GREAT opportunity to join work on maintenance crew truck. Coma family owned and operated company petitive wages and health benefits. Experithat has a fun and friendly environment, ence an asset, but will train. H2S and first J&H Builders Warehouse is looking for aid tickets required. Criminal record check you, we offer competitive wages, dis- at our request. Fax resume: 403-552-2350 counts on building materials and benefits. or email to: Email resume to, 306-652-5322, Saskatoon, SK.
CO PELAN D SEED S LTD . Ros etow n , S K Is looking for a G E N E RA L L A BO U RE R a n d a p ers on w ith a 1A D RIV E RS L IC E N S E . Both positions are fulltim e and w e have a benefits package as w ell. O ur facility is located 20 m inutes south ofRosetow n,SK . For m ore inform ation contact: Bo b a t 3 06-3 7 8 -2 2 8 6 S end resu m es to em a il: co pela nd.seeds@ sa sk Fa x:3 06-3 7 8 -2 3 66 M a iling a ddress: Bo x 1 1 50,Ro seto w n,S K S 0L 2 V0
PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s
PARTS PERSO N . Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).
Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333.
LONG HAUL SEMI DRIVERS AND OWNER/OPERATORS REQUIRED to haul RVs and general freight. Drivers paid 40¢/running mile+pick/drop/border. O/O paid 85% of gross revenue. Benefits, Company fuel cards and subsidized insurance. Must valid passport and be able to cross VISA TRUCK RENTALS has been supply- have Call Jeremy at 1-800-867-6233. ing light duty vehicles to the industrial border. markets for 40 years. We are presently ac- cepting applications for Automotive Techs P&K FARM TRUCKING has openings for for our Grande Prairie, AB. service facility. experienced 1A Super B grain haulers to Journeyman positions, 2nd, 3rd apprentice haul in SK. MB, and AB. Competitive wages available. Must have valid driver’s license, and benefits. For more info. call Dallas references, and transportation. We rig, re- 306-531-4641, Odessa, SK. pair, and recondition our own fleet of trucks as well as those of our lease cus- P&K FARM TRUCKING looking for leased t o m e r s . P l e a s e c o n t a c t D a r r i n a t operators to haul grain and fertilizer in SK. MB, and AB. Must have truck and Super B 780-532-0636 for interview. trailers. For more info. call Dallas 306-531-4641, Odessa, SK. FULL-TIME POSITION for 4th year apprentice or Journeyman mechanic at a central AB farm equipment dealership. Benefits, competitive wages. Bryan 403-318-4101 or Wayne 403-318-4102, Eckville, AB.
Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473
NORENDA CONSTRUCTION a farm and construction business is looking for 2 Truck Drivers to haul grain and gravel with Super Bs. Must have valid 1A license. Room and board available. Home every night. Unlimited hours. $20.50/hr. Call D a l l a s at 3 0 6 - 7 4 0 - 8 7 1 0 o r C l ay t o n 306-740-8704, Gerald, SK. WANTED: CLASS 1 DRIVERS with end dump experience and Class 3 drivers for corral cleaning. Fax resume and driver’s abstract to 780-582-2365 or call Liz at 780-582-2260, Heisler, AB.
WANTED: OWNER OPERATORS for grain and fertilizer hauling, based in Kenaston, SK. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-252-2004 or 306-567-8377. 5 LEASED OPERATORS REQUIRED for RV transport with 1 ton pickup or 3 ton deck truck, US/Canada. Ph Dealers Choice Transport 780-939-2119, Morinville, AB.
CLASS 1A TRUCK Drivers needed to run water truck in Fort McMurray, AB area, starting immediately. Water hauling experience would be an asset. Current 1A, First Aid, CPR, TDG, H2S, Confined Space. Drivers abstract and references required. Applicants must be willing to travel and live in camp setting. Phone: 306-937-7427, SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediate- 306-441-0603 for more information. ly requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks, tractors; Also Company Drivers. Transporting RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. A VERY BUSY south central Alberta liveClean abstract required. Competitive rates. stock hauling company is looking for a Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733. Lease Operator to haul cattle. Must have their own truck and livestock experience a CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVER with tank must, 98% Alberta miles. Home most truck experience needed for SE Sask., nights depending on where home is. If hauling crude oil. Based out of Regina, SK. you’re looking for a change and want to be Clean abstract and resume required. Will a p a r t o f a g r e at t e a m , c a l l M e r v train above average individuals. 5 days on, 403-948-7776, Airdrie, AB. 5 off. Long term positions. Fax resume and abstract to: 306-245-3222, Weyburn, SK.
SLAUGHTERER/ BUTCHER/ MANUFACTURER of European deli meats wanted. Permanent position, starting Aug 01. Trade school. Minimum 5 yrs. experience. Fax resume 250-394-4440, Redstone, BC.
HD TRUCK MECHANIC required for small trucking company in Lloydminster, AB area. License an asset but not necessary. Competitive wages based on experience and qualifications; Also looking for Mechanic’s Helper. Please call John or Ginette at 780-846-0002 or fax resume to 780-846-0005.
C L AS S ON E TRUC K DRI VERS Fort N els on, BC / Chetw ynd, BC Fort S t. John, BC / D a w s on Creek, BC La Pra irie W orks is a div ersified a nd grow ing fu ll-serv ice contra ctor. W ith ov er 25 yea rs of opera ting experience in W estern Ca na da , core bu siness a rea s inclu de on a nd off highw a y ha u ling, roa d a nd bridge m a intena nce, roa d constru ction, ea rthw orks, oilfield serv ices, m ine contra cting a nd site serv ices. W e cu rrently ha v e openings for Cla ss O ne Driv ers to expa nd ou r tea m of tra nsporta tion a nd logistics professiona ls. Idea l ca ndida tes w ill fu lfill the follow ing criteria : •Dem onstra ted initia tiv e w ith sou nd w ork ethic •Flexibility to a ccom m oda te a fterhou rca ll-ou ts •Com pu terskills considered a n a sset •Va lid driv er’s license a nd clea n driv er’s a bstra ct •Applica ble certifica tion La Pra irie W orks offers com petitiv e com pensa tion pa cka ges. P lease forw ard your resum e and current (w ithin 30 days) drivers abstract to: H u m a n Resou rces Em a il: ca reers@ la pra iriegrou Fa x (403)767-9932 Thank you for your w ritten response. O nly those persons selected for interview shallbe contacted.
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Critics lack understanding of system: CFA
The recent barrage of supply management cr iticism is either ill informed or ideologically driven, says the leader of Canada’s largest farm organization, which represents supply management agencies. Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said the flurry of negative studies and media stories about the drawbacks of the dairy, poultry and egg marketing systems is misplaced. “I would say in many cases the critics just don’t understand how the system works,” Bonnett said. “I would say also that a part of it is ideological, people who just don’t like to see anything but a theoretical model of free trade that doesn’t really exist.” However, he said farmers must fight back against the intense coverage of criticisms from economists, think-tanks, academics and media that argue supply management gouges consumers and thwarts trade deals. Despite the critics, political support remains strong. “There is a reason that we have strong political support and it is because politicians realize the system works,” said Bonnett. “But we have to do a better job of educating the public about how the system also works for them despite the negative propaganda about consumers being the losers.” The CFA counts among its members the supply managed dairy, chicken, turkey and egg sectors that rely on production controls to target production to domestic demand, set prices and impose high tariffs to control imports. The universal political support for supply management on Parliament Hill was fractured recently when former Liberal MP and trade critic Martha Hall Findlay called for phasing out the system. She is expected to be a candidate in the Liberal party leadership race that will kick off this summer and end early next year. It would make the long-standing Liberal support for supply management a key point of debate in the leadership contest. She argued in a study published by the University of Calgary that supply management creates trade problems for Canada but is also regressive policy that penalizes poor Canadian families the most. She also said many of her former political colleagues support that view and consider it inappropriate policy but are afraid of the political repercussions of saying it. Bonnett said the argument that Canadians pay more because of supply management “is simply not true.” A highly concentrated retail sector sets dairy product prices, he said. The farmer share of the dairy or poultry dollar is a small part of the consumer price. He said the lack of volatility and a reliable supply in the Canadian dairy market is good for consumers. “We have decades of experience, and the Canadian portion of income spent on food remains one of the lowest in the world,” he said.
A pilot lost control of a helicopter July 4 while spraying fields near Silverton, Man., east of Russell. The Bell 206 Jet Ranger was destroyed in the accident but the pilot walked away from the crash with only minor injuries. | RCMP PHOTO
Fruit growers seek disaster money A late spring frost damaged tree blossoms BY JEFFREY CARTER FREELANCE WRITER
LONDON, Ont. — Ontario fruit growers are one step closer to receiving AgriRecovery dollars. Brian Gilroy, chair of Ontario Apple Producers, said provincial agriculture minister Ted McMeeken has announced that an AgriRecovery assessment will be conducted. “We’re confident an AgriRecovery file is being looked at thoroughly. We know that a disaster took place,” Gilroy said. Farmers growing apples, cherries, pears, nectarines, plums and other tree fruits were blindsided by unusual weather this year. A warm spell in March broke tree dormancy and then nighttime temperatures fell well below the freezing point in April. Trees bloomed but at the centre of the blossoms were black points. Yield potential has been reduced by 80 to 100 percent in most growing areas. “I’ve got about 10 percent of my normal apple crop, and much of that will have a frost lick on it,” Gilroy said. “It’s an extra kiss from Mother Nature.” A frost lick is a discolouration on the skin of the apple. Phil Tregunno, chair of the Ontario Tender Fruit Producers, said the situation is better for peach and grape growers. While individual circumstances vary widely, a 70 percent peach crop is forecast for the province. The grapes are in good shape.
Tree fruit growers are not the only Ontario farmers hurt by adverse weather conditions. This field of seed corn near Windsor is a writeoff. | JEFFREY CARTER PHOTO
AgriRecovery is funded on a 60-40 basis by the federal and provincial governments. It’s described by the federal government as a disaster relief program that may be implem e nt e d t o p rov i d e a s s i s t a n c e beyond what’s available through other programs such as crop insur-
ance, AgriStability, AgriInvest and Ontario’s Self Directed Risk Management Program. Farmers hit by floods in Saskatchewan and Manitoba have tapped into AgriRecovery in the past. So did 13 apple growers at the southern tip of Ontario’s Georgian Bay in Beaver
Valley, who were hit by a tornado in 2009. The extent of damage to Ontario’s fruit crops has been known for several weeks. Gilroy said the programs available to the industry tend to be complex, and he isn’t surprised that a decision on AgriRecovery is taking time. Gilroy said hardest hit are farmers who are relatively new to the industry and heavily indebted and larger orchard owners who rely on their enterprise for most of their income and who try to replace trees in their orchard annually. “This is what society needs to understand: a lot of the food produced in Canada is produced by people who have off-farm income in order to earn an adequate income for themselves,” he said. Tregunno said growers would much rather have a bumper harvest, even with AgriRecovery in place. “It’s just to make sure people don’t go out of business or dig too deep a hole for themselves.” At his farm near Meaford, Gilroy said he’s already spent $500 per acre to control disease and insects in his 20 acre apple orchard. Maintenance is important for the following year’s crop. He said he will harvest around 100 bins of apples this year, compared to a normal harvest of more than 1,000 bins. The farmgate value of apples varies widely, from as little as $50 a bin to more than $500, depending on quality and variety. Field crops in many parts of Ontario are looking good but there have been problems. Near Windsor, a handful of farmers suffered 100 percent damage to their corn and processing tomatoes as the result of a 20-minute hailstorm.
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Energy line opponents target proposed route Others question necessity | Some producers say the plan affects their ability to make a living STORIES BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Grant Budgeon could have nine sets of mega towers crossing seven quarters of his Crossfield-area farm if a proposed electrical transmission line goes ahead. He is among hundreds of Alberta landowners protesting a series of high power transmission lines proposed for the next few years. Many argue the deal to put in the lines is already over, and their final stand is designed to influence the route of the Western Alberta Transmission Line (WATL) project. If the company is allowed to build its preferred route, Budgeon calculates nearly 600 landowners would be affected. “It is unfortunate because this is putting Albertans against Albertans,” he said. He said he and other farmers would prefer the routes run along fence lines so they are less intrusive instead of crossing through the middle of fields and in some instances, close to people’s homes. The project is one of several 500 kilovolt power lines the Alberta government designated as critical under its 2009 Electric Statutes Amendment Act, also called Bill 50. AltaLink, the province’s largest electricity transmitter, wants to build a 350 kilometre high voltage direct current line between the Genesee substation west of Edmonton and the Langdon substation east of Calgary, as well as associated converter stations. The preferred route parallels 220 kilometres of existing transmission lines west of Highway 2. Alberta Utilities Commission public hearings are underway until the end of July to review AltaLink’s application. Most of the landowner presentations want the company to take the route less travelled. Gary Edward said any hope of expansion for his farm is dashed if the preferred line crosses over his dairy farm near Crossfield. He has
lived there since 1978, but power lines and pipeline rights of way prohibit him from expanding or gaining full market resale value. Up to three sets of towers could run diagonally across a quarter section, he told the utilities commission at a recent hearing in Didsbury. “It may sound selfish, but I think trespassing by our province’s utilities should be shared by more than just a few. The philosophy of corridors is a killer for landowners when trespassing affects people’s ability to make a living. It affects their way of life and I think we need to take another look at it.” The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), which plans the province’s energy needs, said upgrades are needed to meet future growth. The projects have been controversial almost from Day 1. The construction plans created such conflicts that the province forced all involved to start the process over from scratch. The privacy commissioner found the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) guilty in 2007 of illegally hiring private investigators to spy on Rimbey area landowners opposed to the construction of a 500kilovolt transmission line. The EUB was dismantled and the AUC was created and accepted a March 2011 application to build the WATL line. Last November, the Heartland Transmission Project was approved. It is a 500-kilovolt, double-circuit transmission line with an associated substation and an 18 km, 240-kilovolt transmission connection. It would extend 65 km from south Edmonton to Fort Saskatchewan. Landowners sued to stop the Heartland line. The Alberta Court of Appeal has agreed to hear the case, which argues there was political interference in the AUC process and that the commission failed to consider the social and economic impacts of the line. It is expected to be heard in September. Colleen Boddez, president of the
AltaLink plans to build a 350 kilometre long voltage transmission line that crosses farmland. |
I think we have a very good chance of proving the social and economic impact would be too great and the Alberta economy will suffer because of it. COLLEEN BODDEZ ALBERTA LANDOWNERS COUNCIL
Alberta Landowners Council, helped fund the appeal through a website and public meetings. The council is pegging its hopes on the appeal to stop all the lines. “I think we have a very good chance of proving the social and economic impact would be too great and the Alberta economy will suffer because of it,” Boddez said. “We wished we had been able to adjourn the WATL and EATL (East Alberta Transmission Line) with that
request, but that didn’t happen.” The AUC ruled it would continue its hearings, even though one proposal is now before the courts. Landowners are compensated for towers placed on their property, but many argue it is not adequate. Boddez said landowners are told to sign and grant the right of way or get nothing later. The province has tried to address such disputes by forming the Critical Transmission Review Committee last December. In its report released in February, it supported the need to expand the transmission grid and recommended that the two high voltage lines between the Edmonton and Calgary regions proceed. The University of Calgary’s school of public policy disputed the official cost of the lines and said cheaper alternatives should be explored. “The proposed two HVDC lines are inefficient because system reliability
and supply adequacy can be maintained at significantly lower resource costs to Albertans through other means,” said economist Jeffrey Church and engineer John MacCormack, when presenting the report. Church and MacCormack recommended that an independent commission be responsible for transmission grid regulations. They argued that the legislation pays inadequate attention to costs of inefficient overbuilding and the consequence of higher than necessary electricity costs for Alberta consumers. However, they did not condemn the proposal for more electricity. “We do not conclude that any north-south reinforcement of the transmission grid is inefficient or not required. We do not conclude that a generation-only solution is optimal. A mix of generation and transmission expansion may be optimal,” they said.
Population growth creates challenges for Alberta power The United Nations estimates 1.3 billion people lack access to electricity and another billion do not have reliable service. But in energy rich Alberta, people expect the lights to turn on when they flip a switch. “Our biggest job is to ensure the power system is reliable for everybody in Alberta, whether that is big industry, the corner store or a farm or your house,” said Scott Schreiner, director of external engagement with AltaLink, the province’s largest electricity transmission company. It owns and operates 12,000 kilometres of the province’s power lines and 300 substations, which provide power to 85 percent of Albertans.
AltaLink has applications before the Alberta Utilities Commission to build more high voltage transmission lines. Hearings are underway for the Western Alberta Transmission Line, which AltaLink hoped to be operating three years ago. If approved by the end of this year, AltaLink could start building it in 2013 and running it by April 2015. Alberta’s Electric System Operator,
which analyzes the need for power, says the province’s power consumption more than doubled in 20 years of rapid economic growth from 33 million megawatt hours in 1987 to 69 million in 2007. “The need is pretty clear as far back as 2004, and we need to get moving on these projects to continue having a reliable system and that we are getting the best economy out of the sys-
tem we do have,” said Schreiner. “In 2011, we actually imported 30 times more power than we exported.” AltaLink has two proposed routes to run the new high voltage lines from near Edmonton to Calgary. The company prefers to run them beside existing transmitters west of Highway 2 rather than east of the highway. The preferred route has less agriculture impact.
33 million
69 million
“It has a lower environmental impact because it doesn’t fragment the landscape by building a transmission line where one doesn’t already exist,” Schreiner said. The old 240 KV lines will continue to move power. “Instead of being the backbone for the big system lines, they become the support lines that feed central and southern Alberta,” he said. The WATL line should provide power for the next 60 years at least. AltaLink purchases the rights of way from land owners at market value and needs about 11 acres on a quarter section. It also pays compensation of $1,200 per tower per year to landowners for the inconvenience of having to farm around them.
Landowners feel powerless in fight against energy company BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
The expansion of Alberta’s electrical generation system is a boondoggle that is going ahead even though economists and landowners question the need and the costs to taxpayers, says a Calgary area rancher. Bob Church, a retired University of Calgary scientist, already has parallel lines running across his family’s ranch north of Calgary. He questions the need for upgrades. He said alternative energy is gaining traction and companies like Enmax are opting for cheaper, cleaner, gas fired plants rather than coal powered systems that are a part of the large scale proposals to expand the power grid. “These lines are going to be redundant by about 2025,” he said. As a home owner in Calgary, he compares his monthly power bills from Enmax with those from his rural property and has seen regular increases in distribution charges, even though power companies say the increases to pay for these lines will only be about $3 per month. He anticipates increases of $30 per month plus all other costs added to a utility bill. “Calgarians own Enmax and they will be paying $1 billion for the new gas fired plant, which is cheaper, but they will also be charged more on their bills for the distribution charge to ship power around this province. We have no say on that at all,” he said. Hearings to discuss the lines, land use and property rights have been ongoing and the government has since decided to appoint a land ombudsman. “They basically had no real recommendations (other) than to have a land ombudsman who would report to the minister. That is no answer at all,” Church said. “All of us who put comments in now get registered mail from AltaLink, which basically says, ‘we don’t agree with any of this.’ ” AltaLink is Alberta’s largest independent electricity provider and would handle most of the proposed expansion. Its majority shareholder is SNC Lavalin, an engineering and construction firm. The transmission lines are going ahead because the previous provincial government passed the Electric Statutes Amendment Act, or Bill 50, which designated certain lines as critical for the public good. As soon as it passed, cabinet approved $16.7 billion in new power line construction. Hearings are underway to determine their routes. “These lines never had a needs assessment, so Bill 50 just pushed it forward, whether it was going to be good for Alberta’s economy or not,” said Colleen Boddez, president of the Alberta Landowners Council. The group formed to protest the lines and helped fund a legal action against a line proposed for the Edmonton area. The Alberta Court of Appeal hears the case in September. “This whole infrastructure is pointing repeatedly for export power to the United States,” she said. The Alberta Electric System Operator has proposed expansion to meet Alberta’s power demands. In a report
These lines never had a needs assessment, so Bill 50 just pushed it forward, whether it was going to be good for Alberta’s economy or not. COLLEEN BODDEZ ALBERTA LANDOWNERS COUNCIL
released in June it identified four major projects and 53 projects in all. The cost estimate for projects
anticipated to be in service by 2020 is $13.5 billion. This plan would increase the electric bill for an average residential consumer using 600 kilowatt hours per month by $11 per month over the next 10 years. The transmission portion of the total delivered energy cost to consumers is 10 to 20 percent for residential customers and 20 to 40 percent for end use industrial customers. Residential consumers pay energy, retail, distribution and transmission costs. Industrial consumers pay energy and transmission costs.
Landowners in the path of the proposed power line have met to discuss strategies to pressure changes. Colours on this map indicate landowners who are opposed to the current route. | FILE PHOTO
THIS IS NOT A HAMMER NEW HOLLAND DEALERSHIP. No it isn’t, but it is an ad for everything Hammer New Holland stands for. Things like honesty, integrity and helping you get the job done. It’s also an ad for service and going the extra mile when you need us. And above all, it’s an ad to let you know that none of those things are going away because we’ve got a new name and logo. That’s because, even though the name on the sign is going to change, the values that made us who we are won’t.
Introducing the new Rocky Mountain Equipment.
Bison — and their bones — spark creativity Animals inspire | Bar U Ranch gives artists ideas for paintings, carvings and jewelry BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Take five artists, place them on a working southern Alberta ranch and expose them to some history, archaeology and geology. The result is inspired western art in a variety of media. Since 2008, the Calgary Stampede artist ranch project has challenged artists to explore a ranch and then unveils their creations at the annual exhibition the following year. Last year, the group spent a weekend at the Bar U Ranch near Longview in the foothills, where they heard tales about the history of the area and the value of the fescue grasslands and met some local characters. This year’s artists were Dave Casey, Penny Chase, Jill Hobson, Shona Rae and Adrian Stimson, who were able to combine what they learned at the ranch and pay tribute to the Stampede centennial. For Rae and Stimson, bison provided the most inspiration. Stimson, a member of the Siksika First Nation near Calgary, is a multidisciplinary artist who features bison in his oil paintings, sculptures and stage performances. For thousands of years the Blackfoot depended on bison roaming the plains for food and clothing. “Today, the bison still provides me with a living,” he said. His featured work for the Stampede western art gallery was 101 miniature bronze bison mounted on maple blocks. Each is individually carved and molded and then cast in bronze to represent every year since the Stampede began. The extra car ving depicted a bison calf to represent the first year of the event. He also created a series of images of falling bison in oils painted on birch. He typically uses canvas but found painting on the wood suited his style of layered paint and texture. In the Blackfoot language, bison are called “inni,” pronounced “ene.” Stimson hopes to find a way to com-
ABOVE: Saskatoon artist Adrian Stimson created 101 bison to celebrate the animals and the Calgary Stampede Centennial. Most of Stimson’s paintings, sculptures and stage work pay tribute to the bison, which sustained the Blackfoot indians for thousands of years on the Prairies. Each of these bison was hand carved and then cast in bronze. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTOS LEFT: Calgary artist Shona Rae uses bone and other natural materials to make her jewelry and carvings. She collects and cures bones for carvings depicting Blackfoot mythology, including the image on the left of the buffalo bride. She was one of five artists invited to visit the Bar U Ranch near Longview, Alta., to prepare pieces for the Calgary Stampede centennial.
bine the endangered Blackfoot language with the concept of the bison, which was nearly wiped out by overhunting. A full-time artist living in Saskatoon, he was an associate curator at the city’s Mendel Art Gallery and still works as a sessional instructor at the University of Saskatchewan, where he earned a master’s degree in fine art. Recent exhibits and performances include Beyond Redemption at the Mendel Art Gallery, Photo Quai, Musee du quai branly and Unmasking at the Canadian Cultural Centre
in Paris, France, and Buffalo Boy’s Battle of Little Bighorny, Alta., at Calgary’s Mountain Standard Performance Festival in 2008. He received the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal in 2003 and the Alberta Centennial Medal in 2005 for his human rights and diversity activism. He was a tribal councillor for eight years in the 1990s but left in 1999 to study at the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary. He graduated in 2003. Shona Rae attended the college around the same time as Stimson,
but her art revolves around ceramics, goldsmithing and carving. Searching around the ranch, she found animal bones and antlers that she used to carve aboriginal myths. Her jewelry combines metal with bone to create mythical and magical style images using elk, deer, bison and cow bones. The bones are prepared by boiling for 72 hours and then dried to remove marrow and fat. To properly cure, the drying process can take three to five years but the result is a hard bone that looks like ivory that whitens over time
with images of the buffalo bride and elk women found in Blackfoot legend. She learned carving techniques from master carvers in the Arctic when she taught a jewelry course in Kujjuraappic in the autumn of 2001. She lives in Calgary and is also a musician. “I am an artist who makes jewelry for a living,” she said. “I always told my students if you truly are committed and you are very tenacious you will make a living as an artist.” The Calgary Stampede runs July 6-15.
Art scholarship helps pave way for high school student’s college plan BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Kendra Reimert always thought of art as a pleasant pastime, but her work shows she is more than a hobbyist. The Bowden Grandview High School student was this year’s first place winner with a coloured pencil drawing entered in the Calgary Stampede youth art competition. She won a $1,000 scholarship in the rural cat-
egory for her drawing of cowboy boots from a photo her cousin shot at the Stampede last summer. She completed the work in December and decided to enter it with encouragement from her high school art teacher. She has had limited art experience, and this was the first time she had entered a contest. “I needed an option class at school so I took art,” she said. She makes jewelry and hopes to turn that interest into a business
once she completes a commerce degree at Red Deer College. Reimert was raised on a dairy farm near Bowden owned by her parents, Paul and Carol, and graduated from Grade 12. She starts college in the fall. Second place went to Tyler Fedoroshyn of Springbank Community School in Springbank, Alta., and third place was Alex Ivon of the Alberta High School of Fine Arts in Okotoks, Alta.
Kendra Reimert won first place in the rural category of the Calgary Stampede youth art competition. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO
WINTER WHEAT MARCHES NORTH Farmers in Alberta’s Peace River region are switching from red fescue to winter wheat as an alternative crop. | Page 78
PROD UCT ION E D I TO R : M I C H A EL RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 30 6-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM
Air drill uses springs to manage openers Versatile says the drill is ideal for tractors that lack enough hydraulic power BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU
Versatile’s new ML air drill features independent parallel linkage without hydraulics, real time depth control and quick switch furrow profile changes for different seed sizes. Versatile engineer Sylvio Tessier says the new ML series has been on the Ezee-On drawing board for years. When Versatile bought EzeeOn, the blueprints received a shot of money and engineering expertise that brought the drill to life. “ The first thing we wanted to accomplish was to bring a solution to the problem of high hydraulic demand in parallel linkage independent openers,” Tessier said. “Some drills require that the pump be engaged at all times, and that robs horsepower that should be used to pull the drill. The oil keeps flowing, creating heat and wasting energy. We designed a purely mechanical system with parallel linkage independent openers. You don’t need a tractor with huge hydraulic capacity to operate this drill.” Tessier said a spring on each opener allows it to individually respond to the contour of the field surface. The fan still requires hydraulic power and the frame is still lifted and lowered hydraulically, but the openers are managed solely by mechanical springs. He said the drill is a good fit for producers who don’t have the necessary hydraulic power on their tractor to handle a bigger drill. “This drill doesn’t enslave you to your hydraulic pump. And two or three years down the road, you won’t be wasting time hunting down hydraulic leaks and replacing hoses and seals. It’s a very simple hydraulic system.” Most drill designers say hydraulics respond faster and provide more accurate depth control. “That’s a very nice argument, but we have two things to say to address their point,” Tessier said. “First, many of those drills have the seeding tool trip action dependent on the hydraulic cylinders. When the seeding tool goes into soft ground at the bottom of the hills or around potholes, you don’t want too much hydraulic pressure because that pushes it down too deep. “But when you go to the hard ground on the knoll, you need to hold the openers firm. As a result, the operator spends a lot of time adjusting the hydraulic pressure in the cab, up and down. “If he doesn’t ride the hydraulic control, he’ll be bouncing openers
ABOVE: Seeding tool depth is monitored by a sensor on the gauge wheel and another sensor on the opener. It tells the controller whether to increase or decrease pressure on the frame. | TREVOR JUBENVILLE, VERSATILE PHOTO
LEFT: Ezee-On’s parallel shank seed drill features a short overall distance from frame to packer and simple seed depth control. | MICHAEL RAINE PHOTO
BELOW: From the cab, the operator can dial in the desired furrow profile. | TREVOR JUBENVILLE, VERSATILE PHOTO
out of the ground on the knolls and seeding down to China in the low spots.” Tessier said the ML eliminates that problem by using an independent spring trip on each seeding tool. Only the seeding tools move when an opener hits a stone. “This allows us to be somewhat less dependent on the variability in soil resistance. It trips only when you actually hit a stone,” he said. “It does not move by encountering soil firmness, compaction or muddy conditions. It gives you the same seeding depth regardless of where you are in the field.” Tessier said the drill also features ALIVE technology (Active Level Independent Vertical Emergence), which continually senses the depth of the opener. “We have a gauge wheel with an ALIVE sensor rolling on the soil surface. Just beside, we have an opener with an identical ALIVE sensor. The software simply measures the depth difference between the two sensors. We have a continuous real time measurement of where the opener is relative to the soil surface.” Te s s i e r s a i d w h e n t h e d r i l l approaches a knoll with harder soil, the sensors tell the controller that the opener is too close to the surface. The vertical gap between the two sensing points is too small. The controller then puts more down pressure on the frame to keep the openers down at the prescribed depth. Conversely, moving into soft soil, the sensors tell the controller that the openers will go too deep and it reduc-
It does not move by encountering soil firmness, compaction or muddy conditions. It gives you the same seeding depth regardless of where you are in the field. SYLVIO TESSIER VERSATILE ENGINEER
es down pressure on the frame. The system is automatic. It is optional on three-section ML drills and standard equipment on all fivesection drills. Tessier said the company is working on a plan that would put an ALIVE system on each individual section of any of its drills. He said the ML can also switch between three furrow profile settings without forcing operators to crawl under the drill. Instead, they can select “shallow” for small seeds such as canola, “medium” for cereals and “deep” for crops such as peas. The openers operate within the parameters of one of those profiles, which the operator selects from the cab. For example, if the operator selects the shallow profile for flax, the ALIVE controller prevents the openers from dropping into the medium or deep furrow profiles. Depth control is in 1/8 inch increments, with clips on the cylinders to ensure the setting doesn’t change. The ML has four seed boot options, with a variety of single shoot spread
patterns. After-market boots are also available. Spring cushion shanks are 3.5 inches wide with full width nylon graphite bushings. The assemblies have dual springs with either 350 or 550 pound break-out force. The front caster wheels are placed inside the first row of the frame to shorten the wheelbase so the drill can follow uneven ground. Dual castors are standard on all drills bigger than 40 feet. To provide the best possible trash flow, the drill has clearance of 35 inches from the opener to the frame in the working position. The frame has 46 inches of clearance in the raised position. Packer gangs are mounted on walking beams that are independent of each other. Obstructions in front of one gang do not affect adjacent gangs. Semi-pneumatic packers are
available for wet sticky soil. Steel packers with a six-inch face are available for rocky conditions. One time-saving option is the central grease bank. Located at the front of the machine, high pressure hoses connect to each rockshaft bearing in the middle of the drill frame. The optional two-row in-frame harrows with 16 inch tines can be adjusted by the operator for angle and down force to match field conditions. For tough conditions, rock deflectors are available to prevent stones and stumps from lodging between packer wheels. The steel packers can be fitted with adjustable mud scrapers. The ML930 is the three section drill, with widths ranging from 28 feet to 40 feet. The ML950 is the five section drill, with widths from 40 feet to 70 feet.
Farmsight ‘strategy’ links farmer, machine, data | Information on field conditions, agronomy and machinery telematics is gathered to tell situation on farm BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM
DES MOINES, Iowa — Dave Everitt is excited. After 37 years of developing and marketing the world’s best known machinery, he has seen some big changes in agriculture. However, he said the technology that farmers are getting today is revolutionary. Everitt, president of John Deere’s agriculture and turf division, said strong agricultural commodity prices are supporting technology development and adoption in farm equipment, but the costs of development and turn-around times for new technologies are falling precipitously at the same time. “The industry is changing faster than ever before. We are able to deliver new tools that will make farmers more productive than they have ever been,” he said during a meeting with securities analysts and agricultural media in Des Moines, Iowa. “But wider drills and more horsepower in the tractors are reaching some natural limits.… We have a 120 foot planter, but it’s pretty hard to transport in most areas.” The machinery engineer turned executive announced at the end of June what he says is a bigger innova-
tion than a new combine. “Farmsight is a strategy, not a product,” Everitt said about Deere’s latest release,, the method that farmers will use to interact with the company’s Farmsight machinery and farm operations data platform. Farmsight is a whole enterprise approach to agricultural operations, using a combination of weather and field conditions, agronomy and financial information and remote machinery telematics that records and delivers machinery operational data both to and from equipment. Jerry Roell of Deere’s Intelligent Solutions Group heads up 500 Deere staff who use software and hardware engineering strategies called agile development. The system reviews its processes and product development targets every two months. Roell said Farmsight is based on three pillars: logistics, machine optimization and agronomy decision support. That relationship is provided wirelessly between machines, the farmer and the machinery dealership. Farm data is stored on secure remote computer servers, called the cloud. Farmers can use that data anytime, either from the farm’s office or a tractor cab using a smart phone, portable
computer or tablet. “The tools farmers consider indispensable in (North American) agriculture five years from now don’t even exist today,” he said. relies on John Deere dealers and farmers working together to take advantage of advanced automated record keeping, with farmer controlled security features that keep the data private. Everitt said Enns Brothers John Deere in southern Manitoba is a good example of what the technology change will look like for producers. The dealer has staff agronomists who help customers write field prescriptions and deal with machinery application strategies and soil sampling. He said the machinery dealer can be a trusted source when it comes to selling these services because the advice it provides isn’t related to selling seed, fertilizer or chemicals. “Their goal is to make the farmer money over the long haul and keep them as customers for the machinery and services the dealership provides,” he said. “The machinery becomes a data generator. It maps field operations and tells the story of the farm. That is the starting place for (Farmsight). MyJohnDeere is the way the farmer interacts with it.”
Dave Everitt, president of John Deere’s Americas and Australian ag divisions, says the company’s agronomists can provide the farmer with advice using data from the farmer’s machine. | MICHAEL RAINE PHOTO
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Maintaining your most important machines INSIDE MACHINES
If the operator isn’t feeling up to snuff, reaction time and judgement is impaired
t’s important to stay alert when working on machinery that could eat you up and spit you out in a fraction of a second. I was standing beside a combine once and saw the operator’s manual slowly slide off the header and into the feederhouse. I turned my head as quick as I could but the manual was already flying out the back end, in pieces. Many people who had to quit farming because of an accident are still muttering to themselves, “now why did I do that, I knew better.” And then there are those who never got the opportunity to do any muttering. So let’s talk systems maintenance. First of all, take time to eat. A farmer told me once that he had a rule that said everyone got an hour for both dinner and supper. He said his workers made fewer mistakes, made better judgment calls and were more productive, even with the machines being off for two hours a day. The food has to be nourishing. Quick trips to the fast food place for take-out burgers or chicken don’t count. It’s like putting bad fuel into the machine. And if it can’t be nourishing, consider taking food supplements. If you have a big crew, it might be good to have a nutritionist plan the meals for you. Despite all of the wonderful robotics these days, the best machinery is only as productive as the operator, especially at harvest time. You can spend a lot of money to get those last 15 minutes of capacity and efficiency out of your machinery. Ask any dealer who is selling you on it. To take advantage of your investment, you need to keep those rigs running at their best, and that starts with well trained, well supplied operators. Stock a few healthy snacks in the cab. It’s also important to get enough sleep. You might take a certain pride in being able to celebrate all night and still be able to run that big machine the next day. However, you would be surprised how much slower your reactions are the next day. When sitting on a machine where the difference between life and death is a fraction of a second, you can’t think fast enough to be safe when you haven’t had your sleep. Save the beer for a rainy day. There are companies in Japan that feed their farm staff breakfasts and have them do a half an hour of stretching exercises. They claim that their productivity goes up so much that it is well worth the extra time. Maybe it would be a good idea if you started that on your farm. Sound crazy? No crazier than the price of those new machines you are working
hard to pay for. No w t h a t y o u h av e r u n y o u r machines for 10 days straight and you’ve received a little rain, what do you do? After doing any machinery maintenance that is necessary, I suggest you take your family and go on a little trip to the park, just to relax for the day. That’s maintenance too. Let’s also think about safe cooling. When the body is either too hot or too cold, it can think of little else and is distracted from its other tasks. Heat and cold slow reactions. Some split second decisions become three and a half second decisions. You can dress for the cool weather in the fall when combining canola.
And that new combine you bought has a heated seat, doesn’t it? But what about peas and wheat in August and early September? It’s hard to dress for hot weather and be safe. You shouldn’t be wearing clothes that are too loose because they get caught in machinery. You need to cover skin to avoid abrasions, and we all wear safe footwear when working, don’t we? So to keep cool, you start by setting the air conditioning to match the 10 a.m. morning air. By lunch at 1 p.m., the outside temperature has risen to 30 C or more. The cab is pushing ice cold air at your head to keep the space at 20 C. I know of two men who were sent to
Knowledge Training Education
the hospital because of the shock of rapidly moving from their ice cold cabs, with their frozen heads, into the noon time heat. One of them didn’t come back. Divert the air to the sides of the cab and roof. The machinery engineers designed it to cool the whole space. If it isn’t keeping up, see if the system is full of dust. Blow out the system and your cab air filter and if that doesn’t fix it, call the dealer or shop and get it checked. So stay cool to be safe, but not cold. Keep coolers well stocked with water. Henry Guenter is a former service manager for Massey Ferguson. Contact:
FLC Webinars & Workshops
Don’t set the cab’s air conditioning too low because the blast of heat when leaving can be dangerous. | FILE PHOTO
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The Western Producer is our official Media Partner
Peace River farmers favour wheat over fescue BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
New Holland’s SPF sprayer has six feet of crop clearance. Tread width is hydraulically adjustable from 120 to 160 inches. The price is around $300,000, depending on size and options. | NEW HOLLAND PHOTO SPRAYERS | FRONT BOOM
New Holland debuts front boom sprayer Operator visibility | The front boom balances out the weight, providing a smoother ride BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU
With the introduction of its Guardian SPF sprayers, New Holland has joined the growing group of companies selling front boom sprayers. The concept of mounting a spray boom on the front of the sprayer is not new, dating back to the 1960s when Ray Hagie moved the booms to the front of his model 435 sprayers. Until recently, Hagie and Miller were the only companies with front booms, but that bandwagon has started loading up quickly. Producers have been slow to accept that a boom can be up front, where they can conveniently see what’s happening without cranking their necks backward. However, producers are starting to accept the idea as more front boom sprayers appear on the market. CNH got into the front boom business when it bought Miller, which included the proven Nitro design that had been a front boom sprayer from the beginning. Andrew Chase manages the Mazer
Group New Holland dealership in Roblin, Man. He has sold five of the units since the SPF was introduced. “We got one up here as a demonstrator last fall,” Chase said. “The first guy who drove it kept it. That’s how it’s been going since. We bring in a demo and the first guy who tries it buys it. Guys really like the visibility and the balanced ride. Weight distribution is 50:50. On a conventional rear boom sprayer, 70 percent of the weight is on the rear tires. “The 50:50 balance helps the ride, but it’s especially important with these wet seasons we’ve been having. Balanced weight lets you drive through a lot of spots you’d sink into with a rear boom.” A front boom has a few advantages: • the engine can move to the back so heat and noise don’t affect the operator • the tank is in the centre of the frame so the front/rear weight balance remains the same dry or full • a front boom with nozzles on the back side gives the operator a good view of what’s happening • the enhanced boom view lets the
operator run the nozzles closer to the crop and avoid impacts with obstacles • spray hits the crop before the tires do, thus reducing the dust cover on the leaves kicked up by the tires Four Guardian models, powered by Cummins diesels, range from 240 to 365 horsepower. The hydrostatic drive uses twin pumps. Front direct drive wheel motors on all models are Poclain MW units. The rear direct drive motors are Dyna Plus on the smaller size sprayers and Poclain on the bigger sprayers. Tank sizes are 1,000 to 1,600 gallons, in either poly or stainless. The rinse tank is 150 gallons. Boom widths are 90 to 120 feet. Rather than using the conventional truss style boom, the Guardian employs a mono boom design that is a long tube made of high strength steel. The tube is less of a visual impediment to the operator than a truss. Nozzles are mounted on the back side of the mono boom, giving the operator even better visual contact with the field and spray patterns. Keeping the boom level and preventing it from breaking in rough
conditions requires a parallel suspension with extra long arms. The four wheel independent suspension system has 20 inches of travel, contributing to a better boom ride and smoother ride for the operator. New Holland says the 15-foot turning radius is one of the tightest in the sprayer industry. There are 14 adjustable halogen lights for night spraying. Guardian sprayers use a singlepass cooling system. Most ag implements stack the radiators and heat exchanger cores front to back. The first exchangers to receive fresh air always benefit from this arrangement, but the air passing through the exchangers further back in the stack are already heated by the front cores. On the Guardian, the heat exchangers are arranged bottom to top rather than front to back. As a result, each exchanger core receives only fresh, cool, unobstructed air. The fan pulls all air to meet the cooling requirements in a single pass. For more information, contact Chase at 204-937-2134 or visit www.
Annual sow thistle will flower throughout the growing season and sprout any time from April to September. The latex filled pests are aggressive consumers of water and soil nutrients when uncontrolled mature plants reach more than a metre tall. Sow thistle is a host to aphids and nematodes and through them viral plant diseases. The weed thrives in sloughs and ditches, where it avoids the one control it can’t resist — steel. There are three sow thistles that look alike: spiny, perennial and annual. Spiny have waxy, dark green
leaves with purple margins and perennial have an extensive root system, compared to the annual version’s stubby tap root. Glyphosate controls sow thistles, and using higher rates ensures the pest’s demise. Dicamba, tank mixed with glyphosate, can provide residual control when used at higher rates. Bromoxynil with MCPA is effective at full rates in spring through midJune. Liberty also provides control. A wide variety of Group 4 broadleaf products is effective when the weed is small or in the spring, while others such as thifensulfuron, with trade names such as Refine, Deploy and Nimble, suppress the annual sow
Annual sow thistle thrives in sloughs and ditches. | thistle up to six inches in height. Group 2 resistance has been found
in Alberta’s spiny sow thistle populations.
RYCROFT, Alta. — Peace River farmers used to seed creeping red fescue as a way to spread out the harvest season and the risks of spring seeded crops. Low fescue prices have prompted many farmers to plant winter wheat instead. “Winter wheat has replaced fescue acres as the other crop to help spread out harvest,” said Calvin Yoder, a forage specialist with Alberta Agriculture. “We will never see the fescue acres like we had in the past.” Paul Schoorlemmer of Rycroft, Alta., said he started growing winter wheat 10 years ago to spread out the financial and harvest risk. He seeds 15 percent of his crop to winter wheat, depending on the previous year’s harvest. Peace River area farmers seeded 50,000 acres of winter wheat two years ago, but acreage dropped to 20,000 to 30,000 acres last year because of the late harvest and excess moisture. “The challenge we have is to get the crop off early enough to get it seeded back to winter wheat,” Schoorlemmer said during a tour of winter wheat and other plots on his farm. Winter wheat is seeded around the first or second week of September and harvested the following year about the same time. Schoorlemmer estimates winter wheat prices are similar to spring wheat and yields are 10 to 15 percent higher, depending on the season. This season’s winter wheat is shaping up to be a bumper crop because of good spring moisture. Ross McKenzie, an agronomist with Alberta Agriculture in Lethbridge, said he’s a big fan of winter wheat. “I’ve worked with winter wheat for 30 years. I like it. All things being equal, winter wheat has the potential to give 20 percent higher yields than spring wheat,” he told the tour group. “The first trick is to make sure there is good germination established and make sure it has a good root system.” Unlike spring wheat, winter wheat should be seeded shallow. “The target is no deeper than one inch. Treat it like canola,” said McKenzie. “Over the years the number one mistake is seeding too deep.” Farmers should also aim for 30 plants per sq. foot with adequate fertilizer. McKenzie said the most efficient way to apply fertilizer is to put the majority down during seeding. “I’m a fairly big fan of phosphorus. Twenty to 30 pounds seed placed with the wheat will help with winter survival.” Sean O’Rourke and his father, Mike, grew winter wheat in the 1980s, but came to the tour because they’re thinking about growing it again. “We’re kicking the idea around,” said Sean.
EWES AND COMPUTER VIEWS An Alberta sheep feedlot operator is using RFID tags and computer technology to improve quality and profits. | Page 81
L IV ES T O CK ED I TO R: B A R B G L EN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403- 942- 2 405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER: @BARBGLE N
Genetics firm top buyer at Holstein sale Rocky Mountain Holstein sale | Company raises champion cattle BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
COCHRANE, Alta. — A rain-free day drew the crowds to Rocky Mountain Holsteins near Cochrane for its biannual sale that welcomed international guests and consignors to the Alberta foothills. The July 5 sale featured DNA-tested, elite Holstein females and averaged $9,776 on 118 lots. The genomics test provides information on 25 traits, including milk production, butterfat and body conformation. Owned by Doug Blair, David Chalack and Glenn Hockley, the operation has reared international champions that include all-Canadian and all-American females at the 2011 World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. The top selling lot was from Morsan Farms of Ponoka, Alta. A first choice of eight females due to be born in July and August was purchased for $80,000 by Canadian Agricultural Logistics, a genetics company from Oakville, Ont. It bought three lots, including an entry from Ferme Gillette of Embrun, Ont., for $47,000 and another female for $10,000. Rocky Mountain bought the second high seller for $66,000 from the Progenesis Group in Quebec. The company also paid $28,000 for a consignment from Lookout Holsteins of Canton de Hatley, Que. The Rocky Mountain Lisa Partners sold a heifer for $50,000 to Jeff Butler
This calf consigned by Rocky Mountain Holsteins at Cochrane, Alta., sold for $50,000 to Jeff Butler and Elite Dairy Genomics of Illinois. Lexi de Jong is at the halter. The sale is held every second year offering elite dairy cattle to international buyers. This year’s event averaged $9,776 on 118 lots of live cattle and embryos. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO and Elite Dairy Genomics of Downers Grove, Illinois. Mike and Julie Duckett of Rudolph,
Wis., offered the second pick of eight females from the World Dairy Expo 2009 and 2010 supreme champion
cow. Westcoast Holsteins was the successful bidder at $30,000. Rocky Mountain also donated a
heifer with the proceeds going to the Shriners’ Hospital for Children. It was sold five times and earned $11,000.
Western Beef Development Centre searches for ‘just right’ herd size BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM
LANIGAN, Sask. — The Western Beef Development Centre is trying to find out if there is an ideal cattle herd size for producers in Western Canada. Kathy Larson, an economist with the centre, said it has been conducting an annual cost-of-production study since 2001. Finding the optimal herd size was a motivating factor of this year’s study, which looked at 30 producers across Saskatchewan. She told those attending the centre’s summer field day held June 26 at the Termuende Research Ranch near Lanigan, Sask., that the research suggests there is no optimal size. “It seems that if you continue to
increase your herd size, your costs will come down.” A report commissioned by the Farm Foundation in the United States found that the optimal herd size is 500 to 1,000 cows. Larson said that report noticed a continuing trend toward larger and fewer operations in production, processing and marketing. She said the number of feedlots in Saskatchewan with capacity of 1,000 head or more has dropped to 11 from 24 three years ago, while only two meat packers are in business in Western Canada. Studies have also found fewer farm operations with 150 cows or less, but Larson said the results are inconclusive for the province as a whole. “It’s all going to depend on where your interests are, your availability of
labour, land and capital.” The exponential rise in land values is prohibiting some producers from expanding, she added. “With land prices going up, it can really hamstring you.” Larson said the availability and cost of labour can also hinder herd expansion. Competition, particularly from the oil industr y, is putting the squeeze on finding available labour. A competitive hourly rate has risen to at least $20. The study also showed that the average cost for a herd of 150 cows or less was $744 per cow. “As you increase your production, as you increase your herd size, you’re producing more calves and you should see a point where your costs will continue to decrease,” she said.
“The biggest gain where you shaved off $100 per cow was getting in the next herd size category of 150 to 300 cows,” she said. “It just shows that there can be large gains made in being able to share those yardage costs. I just really encourage producers to figure out for yourself where’s your operation because it doesn’t necessarily mean, just because you’re large, you have low costs.” Larson said management decisions will also determine costs: • how cows are winter fed and how long the winter feeding program is • herd health regimen • bale grazing a field feeding system to keep manure and machinery costs down She said managing cost means managing quality, which should
remain a priority for producers. “Don’t think that being low cost is everything. I don’t want people to trim costs at the expense of quality.” Aaron Ivey agreed that it’s important to be a better manager than a market watcher. He also said that every operation is different. His family owns Evergreen Cattle Co. near Ituna, Sask., with a 1,200 cow-calf herd and a 2,500 head capacity feedlot. “You’ve got to be aware of your costs and where your advantages are in your operation,” he said. “With some operations, that opportunity is in more cows and some might be a cheaper cost of production. So it’s developing a system around your operation that works best and is the most cost effective.”
Study shows bison susceptible to cattle pathogen Fatal condition | Researchers are studying whether it is a different strain of the organism that infects cattle BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Mycoplasma bovis is a simple organism with devastating effects on bison. Commonly known for causing pneumonia and arthritis in feedlot cattle, it is now found in domestic bison herds. “The thing that is different and really surprised me was how many cases we discovered that was killing adult bison cows. We don’t see that in adult cattle,” said diagnostic pathologist Tom Clark, who is retired from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. “Something is amiss. Either the bison are extremely susceptible or we’ve got an organism that is quite active.” Mycoplasma bovis is considered a severe pathogen and is the most frequent cause of pneumonia, mastitis and arthritis in cattle. Animals do not look sick until their lungs are almost destroyed. They do not appear to struggle to breathe but they may develop chronic laryngitis and become thin as the disease progresses. The calf is likely to die if a cow is infected because the mother cannot support it. Veterinarian Pat Burrage of Bluffton, Alta., started a study after receiving calls from bison clients whose animals were getting sick in feedlots. Mycoplasma was diagnosed as the leading cause of death among these animals younger than 30 months. A bigger problem emerged in adult animals older than 30 months. “It seemed to us that it was a more significant condition in OTM (over 30 month) animals, meaning the cow-calf herds,” he said at a recent University of Calgary veterinary medicine conference. Necropsies showed lesions were most consistent in the lungs, where they were nearly encased in whitish spongy abscesses, and chest cavities were full of smelly soup-like green fluid.
Mycoplasma bovis is most common among adult bison cows, causing arthritis, infection in the lungs and enlarged hearts. |
It is certainly a lot different in bison than it is in cattle. It is something we didn’t see. Now we have uncovered the monster, we have to talk about it. PAT BURRAGE VETERINARIAN
“The more I looked, the more I found when I started taking these animals apart,” he said. He feared he had uncovered tuberculosis when he first started examining the dead animals. His study started in late 2010 and found 10 herds with at least one M. bovis related disease. He worked with one producer who reported 22 abortions, 13 dead cows and eight to 10 chronically sick while another 30 were not affected. “It is certainly a lot different in bison than it is in cattle,” he said. “It is something we didn’t see. Now we have uncovered the monster, we have to talk about it.” More research is needed into where it came from and how it is spread, he added. Clark said the organism is so small
that large numbers can be expelled into the air through normal breathing and coughing. “If they are in close contact, they are susceptible.” The organism does not live outside the host for long so live animal contact is the likely cause. It could also travel in the wind. “We know in equine diseases a virus can travel up to a kilometre in the wind,” said Burrage. Researchers have not seen cross contamination on farms that raise more than one species. They want to know if this is the same bug infecting cattle or if they have encountered a new strain. Mary Brown of the University of Florida, who studies mycoplasma in livestock, has also found it in alligators. “We saw a situation where we had them die in 10 days,” she said. Necropsies revealed arthritis, infection covering the lungs and enlarged hearts. She suspects bison are so susceptible because they may not have been exposed to it in the past. It may take time for them to develop resistance. “For right now, it is kind of scary seeing the parallels between the alligator and the bison.” M. bovis is a simple organism surrounded by a cell membrane with
lipid proteins that stick out from the surface. These can attach themselves to the host and feed off it. It is sensitive to changes in the environment such as heat, dessication and most disinfectants. Antibiotics such as tetracyclines, fluorquinolones and macrolides will kill it. Penicillin does not work. Some strains are more virulent than others. They are genetically distinct. Even with DNA fingerprinting, researchers don’t know how relevant a specific genetic strain is to disease severity. It is possible to have 200 infected cows and 20 different isolates, but only two will cause serious disease, said Brown. The classic way to diagnose it is with a culture, but it takes a long time to grow in the lab. This form of diagnosis is not practical if a feedlot has a suspected outbreak. Further submissions may not show the disease if nose swabs were collected because it has lodged in the tonsils. Scientists know it is a major worldwide pathogen, but it is primarily associated with intensely farmed beef and dairy cattle and calves. “The clinical presentation will differ depending on the kind of husbandry and the type of operation,” she said. “If you have a group of animals with a high level of shedding
then you are more likely to get rapid transmission.” It may appear as a form of mastitis in dairy cows, which can periodically shed the bacteria and affect others. Beef cattle may get pneumonia. She looked at 359 dairy calves from birth and found that a disease spike showed up at about 50 days of age. Animals did not show clinical disease once they were past weaning age and out on pasture. She found they may appear if they can get past the early stages, but they may not thrive. They could have chronic respiratory disease, poor weight, head tilt and ear droop. The disease could spread to the central nervous system and they would be unlikely to recover. Infected animals should be separated, and a veterinarian may recommend culling to prevent them from being carriers. She also recommended using vaccinations for respiratory illness, improving hygiene and practicing good nutrition to give the animal a fighting chance. In dairy animals, infection may come from direct contact with secretions in milk, nipples, buckets, tube feeders and bedding. FOR THE VETERINARIAN PERSPECTIVE ON M. BOVIS, SEE PAGE 82.
Rise in swine dysentery prompts biosecurity reminder BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM
The re-emergence of swine dysentery in Western Canada has officials reminding producers about the importance of biosecurity. The disease was first discovered in the 1970s, but incidents have been rare on the Prairies since the mid1990s. However, there have been 25 cases in Saskatchewan and Alberta since 2009, said John Harding of the University of Saskatchewan’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Alan Theede, research co-ordinator for the Canadian Swine Health
Board, said some of the farms appear to have a connection, such as animal transport and use of the same breeding stock. “Some don’t. Some just appear to be completely on their own and that’s making it harder to explain why that pops up,” he said. The disease, caused by brachyspira hyodysenteriae, is common in pigs from 12 to 75 kilograms and occasionally appears in sows and piglets. It targets the animal’s large intestine, causing bloody diarrhea and affecting its growth rate and feed conversion. The infection is not associated with high mortality, but it can be costly for
producers because there is no vaccine and must be treated with medication. “We talk about $7 or $8 added cost of production to get a pig to market,” said Theede. Added Harding: “Once a farm is infected, it’s typically infected forever until the farm does some sort of eradication procedure, which is possible, but it’s not the easiest disease to eradicate.” He rd s c a n c a t c h t h e d i s e a s e through the ingestion of infected feces or from carrier pigs that shed the bacteria in feces. This makes biosecurity paramount. Alberta Pork recommends that all
breeding herd purchases be tested and that all transports on the farm be cleaned, washed and disinfected. Birds, dogs, flies, mice and footwear can also be sources of contamination. “Most of the farms that are breaking down are fairly biosecure farms and yet there’s still some sort of breach occurring,” said Harding. “Be vigilant. Evaluate what you’re doing because something is not being done right.” Harding said there have been no reported cases of swine dysentery in British Columbia and Manitoba, but the disease has appeared more widespread in the U.S. Midwest and the
United Kingdom. “Why and how bloody diarrhea caused by brachyspiras has reemerged is a big question for all of us,” said Harding. He said it’s possible improved biosecurity with larger operations had reduced outbreaks or that other medications masked the disease. “It’s probably been there in a low degree for a long time, just at a subclinical level,” said Theede. “For some reason it’s flared up or been transmitted a little bit and we’ve put a lot of emphasis on it. It’s not that it’s a huge thing or that it’s out of control or anything like that.”
Ryan Albers of Acme, Alta., operates a 15,000 head lamb feedlot where he uses computerized records and individual radio frequency identification to sort and market animals. |
Sheep producer gets hand from technology Information gathering | Computers monitor weight gain, medications and withdrawal periods BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
ACME, Alta. — Ryan Albers has worked around sheep his whole life. He got his first lamb when he was six years old. But his years of experience would not be enough to manage his 15,000 head feedlot near Acme, Alta., were it not for modern technology. Albers bought the feedlot almost three years ago from the Price family, which owns Sunterra Farms. The lot was well designed and equipped with an electronic identification facility. He has since upgraded the operation. Albers and his father, Roger, who operates a feedlot near Stony Plain, buy lambs and offer custom feeding services. The computerized identification system tells them everything they need to know about the individual animals. Processors send the Albers grading
We can get feedback to the custom guys on what kind of job we are doing. RYAN ALBERS SHEEP PRODUCER
sheets to indicate how well each lamb graded, its back fat depth and weight. With traceback capabilities, the Albers can find the best lambs and continue to buy animals from the producers who provide what they seek. “We can get feedback to the custom guys on what kind of job we are doing,” he said. Albers only has one full-time and one part-time hired hand to work with the lambs, as well as manage 3,000 goats and a cull ewe grazing
program so the labour savings the technology provide are vital. Every lamb wears a yellow ear tag with an electronic chip that carries a unique number. A wand or panel reader on the right side of the handling chute activates the chip and information can be attached to the number. They can monitor weight gains and record medications and the computer will calculate how much longer the lamb should be on feed before it should be shipped to market. The computer can also calculate medication doses according to current weights and advise on withdrawal periods. Albers does not include breed information, but wants to add it in the future. Albers buys lambs that weigh in at about 80 pounds from across Western Canada. They are on feed for about 90 days and go to market at around 120 lb.
In addition, he imports lambs from the United States, which helps him compare performance. This year, he brought in 4,000 Rambouillet and Targhee. So far, the weight gains and grades on the imports have often been higher than domestic lambs. While trying to come up with the management system, Albers learned there was no computer software available specifically for sheep so it had to be designed. Considerable work was needed to develop a way that would enable computers, readers and chips to talk to one another. A feedlot was a unique situation and special software was needed, said Sue Hosforth of Alberta Agriculture. “When we started there were no software programs that he could use.” A Camrose company was contracted to write and set up the special software. “The software is the brain of all
these systems,” she said. Software developers tested various systems and rated them on, which was built exclusively for the lamb industry. A national livestock traceability program is still in the works. As the program matured, feeders, lamb buyers and processors could see the benefits. If the packer condemned lambs, for example, buyers and feeders lost the money rather than the farm of origin. “That gave the sort of mental shift we need to make traceability work,” she said. “If they are responsible for the quality of lamb that is going to market then it is not their responsibility alone. The whole lamb supply chain is responsible for quality,” Hosforth said. They are also working to improve flock business management using information collected from birth to slaughter.
Quiet time: there’s a lot to hear when you step away from the noise COWBOY LOGIC
here are plenty of modern contraptions on the ranch that make our work easier. I’m glad to have most of them, especially when they work. When they decide to quit running, it’s frustrating, but sometimes the change is an uninvited gift. Take my chainsaw, for example.
It sure is nice when it runs, making short work of cutting down trees along a fence line or doing some of my really fine “close enough” ranch carpentry. The other times, when I’m pulling the rope and cussing the machine’s makers, I’d just as soon hurl it into the stratosphere. I guess that’s the way of most two cycle motors and small engines. They make for good job security in the field of small engine repair and anger management. Sometimes, though, I believe divine intervention silences the motors for a reason. Recently, I wanted to use the chain saw to make a couple of notches and cut a couple of brace timbers for some fence corners. I fought that saw
to no avail. It didn’t so much as pop or fire even once. I walked away from the chainsaw, counted to 10, cooled down, and went home to get a hand saw, a hammer and a hatchet. I also picked up two little helpers before I returned. It was a quiet fencing activity with my two sons as I cut with the handsaw and tapped the back of the hatchet with the hammer to chisel the notches. We could all hear each other as I worked and the boys played. Without internal combustion interference, I could hear my five-yearold ask, “what did you look like when you were my age, Dad?” I told him that some of our friends and relatives have said I looked a lot like him when I was little. He smiled.
Next brace, next notch and my eight-year-old throws me a toughie. “Who do you think was stronger and more fierce, the Tyrannosaurus rex or the Spinosaurus?” I shrugged my shoulders and admitted I did not know. He commenced to filling me in on his knowledge of the subject gleaned from books, television and the school discovery fair. It was fun to ponder ancient carnivores with him as I worked in modern, quiet times. By the time I finished the braces and the visits, I was kind of glad the chainsaw didn’t start. It’s the same reason I’d rather saddle a couple of horses than hop on the four wheeler with our little girl. She’s got a lot to say when you can hear her as we ride together.
I hear the same pleasant chatter when the kids are out in the garden with their mother as they replace the work of the noisy tiller with their hands, or a hoe or a rake. These conversations with our children don’t require much from my wife and me: a couple of leading questions, an occasional affirmation and lots of smiling. Mostly we just listen. And we listen because we can hear. It’s something to think about. Turn off the four wheeler, step away from the garden tiller, hurl the chainsaw into the stratosphere and listen to the little people. Ryan Taylor is a rancher, writer and senator in the state legislature from Towner, North Dakota.
Bison bacterium baffles researchers ANIMAL HEALTH
he preliminary results are in from a bison research project examining the post mortem findings and pathogenic agents causing bison deaths in Alberta herds. Four veterinarians have examined the causes of 100 bison deaths in
herds across the province. The research group is composed of veterinarians Burrage, Clark, Lewis and Tremblay. The results have a considerable impact to the bison industry. They found increasing cases of pneumonia causing death with up to 20 to 30 percent mortality in some cases. Mycoplasma bovis (M. Bovis), the organism that causes the pneumonia, is not a virus. Like all mycoplasma, it is a bacterium without a cell wall. It is not overly responsive to antibiotics. It causes pyogranulomas, which are pus pockets, throughout the lungs, and they eventually obliterate the lungs.
In bison, especially mature animals, weight loss, respiratory problems and coughing eventually cause death. The disease can resemble tuberculosis in the way the organism acts and the lesions it causes in the body. It can also get into joints, causing lameness because of the arthritis. It also can cause abortions and mastitis in cows. The organism is not new to the bison industry. Several outbreaks have been documented in large herds in the United States and in Saskatchewan dating back to the mid to late 1990s. The disease seemed to appear, cause high death losses in all ages of
The number of bison deaths due to the mycoplasma bovis bacterium is rising and no vaccine is available. | FILE PHOTO bison and then disappear. Feeder bison, cows, bulls and in a few cases young calves still nursing are susceptible. Whether bison are in a feedlot or on the open range, the
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disease runs its course once it is introduced and in most cases disappears the next year. Treatments in the cases that were documented involved separating affected animals from the herd where possible and, in most cases, injections of the antimicrobial Draxxin. There are almost no products a p p rove d f o r u s e o n b i s o n , s o Draxxin has to be used under the direction of a veterinarian. A study is being planned for developing a w ithdrawal per iod for Draxxin and other macrolides in bison. Some producers also vaccinated their herds for common cattle respiratory organisms, but in most cases it only marginally improved the situation. There is no vaccination for mycoplasma in bison or cattle. Vaccine manufacturers say it is a hard organism from which to produce a vaccine. Half of the causes of death in bison younger than 30 months were mycoplasma, and most bison older than 30 months died or were put down because of chronic mycoplasma. The pneumonia is severe, destroying much of the lungs. When we see them at necropsy, it is no wonder antibiotics or any other form of treatment are ineffective. Veterinarians should always check the tonsillar area and larynx when conducting an autopy on bison because this can be the starting place for the mycoplasma infection. The organism has a predilection for the tonsillar area. In the Alberta study, the common denominator in most of the herds infected with mycoplasma was either introduction of bison into the herd or two herds purchased and mixed together. This causes researchers to ponder questions about how and why the mycoplasma organism is spread and if there are carrier animals. Other questions include: • How long is the incubation period? • Is there any predisposing stressor? • What makes a population so susceptible? Researchers from two Canadian veterinary schools and veterinarians from the United States have teamed up with the original four veterinarians to try to answer the questions. I believe mycoplasma is the single most significant disease affecting the North American bison industry and has a major economic impact. To help the bison industry progress, it is important to learn more about this mycoplasma syndrome. It is one of the main topics on the program of an international bison conference in Quebec City July 24-27. Roy Lewis has a veterinary practice in Westlock, Alta. and works part time as a technical services veterinarian with Merck Animal Health.
Consumer pressure a factor in use of animal painkillers Access to export or niche markets may be denied if painkillers are not administered BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
SASKATOON — An Iowa State university professor continues to explore whether there are economic and production benefits to using painkillers on beef cattle before dehorning and castration. Hans Coetzee summarized his research at the International Symposium for Beef Cattle Welfare last month. He has found reduced incidence of bovine respiratory disease in recently castrated beef cattle, but other production benefits have yet to be proven. “If producers are going to be expected to pay for analgesia (painkillers) at the time of dehorning and castration, it is reasonable for them to ask, ‘what’s in it for me?’ ” he said. However, Coetzee said animal health and performance benefits are only two aspects of using painkillers in food animals. He outlined three others:. • providing painkillers may become the cost of doing business to maintain export and domestic markets • their use may provide market access for beef to niche markets that require painkillers to be administered • use of painkillers may be necessary to maintain consumer confidence in beef production practices
As well, he said the public believes painkiller use is the right thing to do in food animals and should be used in the same way they are used for pets. He said people are often surprised to learn that painkillers aren’t used routinely before or after castration, and the realization can lead to lower confidence in food animal production. “This is probably something we need to address,” he said. “I think this is an area where we need to develop a really good offence that has something to do with analgesia.” Veterinarians are looked upon as custodians of animal welfare, yet only one in five American vets routinely uses analgesics for castration, he added. “We have a significant credibility problem if that continues to be the case.” Coetzee said eight million calves are castrated in the United States each year, and a 2008 study indicated 41 percent of producers do not castrate their bulls before sale. One in five do not castrate until the animal is more than 122 days old. Minimal use of painkillers in the U.S. is related to a shor tage of approved injectable analgesics, he said. In Canada, a drug called meloxicam is approved as an injectable,
Celebrating 100 years of students at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. The Centennial Column is a weekly feature highlighting the history and present successes of the college.
with a 20 day withdrawal time. In one U.S. study, Coetzee said cattle treated with meloxicam before dehorning showed higher average daily gains than a control group in the 10 days after the procedure. However, the study did not extend to see whether the control group caught up to the treated group in the subsequent feeding period. Another study used oral meloxicam on animals before castration upon arrival at the feedlot. Coetzee said researchers found no effect on performance, but fewer of the treated animals were pulled from the pens for treatment of BVD. Animals in the study were castrated at an older age than is commonly done, he said, so more research is needed to draw accurate conclusions.
Study focuses on rumen acidosis BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
SASKATOON — Rumen health is an animal welfare issue, say researchers, and its effects on cattle health are now being explored. Greg Penner, an assistant professor and researcher from the University of Saskatchewan, is exploring the effects of sub-acute rumen acidosis, the kind that doesn’t kill the animal but may affect its health and productivity. “Hopefully I’m going to convince you that the health of the gastrointestinal tract is critical in determining the risk of health consequences for cattle,” he told an International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare held June 5-7 in Saskatoon. Acidosis is primarily a problem in beef cattle on heavy grain finishing diets, although it can also affect cattle on lush pasture or on any high energy or highly fermentable diet. Rapid diet changes can contribute to acidosis, as can a return to feed after recovery from an illness or other semi-prolonged absence from usual rations. Penner’s research and that of other scientists show cattle can compensate for rumen acidity by adjusting their feed intake or increasing saliva production. He also said some cattle are more
Acidosis often affects beef cattle and is caused by a heavy grain or high energy diet. | FILE PHOTO resistant to acidosis. If acid production in the rumen progresses over time, the composition of the microbes in the gut changes. Normal barriers in the rumen that prevent toxins from entering the animal’s bloodstream can weaken.
Centennial Column
Absorption of fatty acids can also be impaired, affecting productivity. Cattle with sub-acute rumen acidosis can be predisposed to secondary disease such as laminitis or liver abscesses. If prolonged, the rumen could stop functioning. “I think we are in a position with our feeding systems where we really need to consider rumen health in terms of our obligation to producing healthy animals with limited compromise to animal health,” said Penner. His research now focuses on understanding the mechanisms associated with acidosis so that practical tools can be developed to control or prevent it. Reynold Bergen, science director for the Beef Cattle Research Foundation, said research on rumen acidosis is important, but the condition itself is hard to objectively measure. The research often involves fistulated cattle, which have openings created in their rumens so contents can be extracted and tested. “We do need to keep in mind that we’re lacking data on rumen pH in commercial sites where cattle might be fed more frequently and are certainly going to be influenced more by large group feeding behaviour,” said Bergen.
John G. Rayner. Photo from University of Saskatchewan Archives, A-2791.
Rayner Dairy Research and Teaching Facility The new dairy research and teaching facility under construction at the University of Saskatchewan has been named the Rayner Dairy Research and Teaching Facility in honour of John G. Rayner and his dedication to agriculture in the province. Professor Rayner moved to Saskatchewan in 1914 to take a position with the province’s Department of Agriculture. In 1918 he joined the Department of Extension at the U of S. By 1920 he was the department’s director, a position that he held until his death in 1952. His role in agricultural extension was instrumental in disseminating the modern agricultural practices of the time to Saskatchewan’s farming community. He also had a lifelong dedication to the youth of the province, being a founding member and director of Saskatchewan’s Boys’ and Girls’ Club, a forerunner to today’s 4-H Council in the province. “We’re so proud to have this unique facility coming to life here in the heart of our city campus,” said Mary Buhr, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. “The unique public viewing gallery and interpretive centre will attract our neighbours and visitors from near and far and educate them on where our food comes from, using the dairy system as a model.” “The outreach, education and dedicated use of our agricultural resources honours John Rayner’s legacy, which still resonates with the college’s ongoing mission and the university’s signature area of Agriculture: Food and Bioproducts for a sustainable future.” Buhr added that the new facility was founded on the same principles of education and outreach that John Rayner championed during his lifetime. In addition to being the home for innovative and effective teaching and research for animal health, nutrition, management and applied engineering, the Rayner Dairy Research and Teaching Facility will include a viewing gallery that will accommodate public access and education on modern dairy and agriculture systems. The facility will enhance the University’s outreach at many levels, helping connect youth to agriculture and train industry partners, while also showcasing Saskatchewan excellence to visiting delegations. Construction of the Rayner Dairy Research and Teaching Facility on the University of Saskatchewan campus (corner of Preston Ave and East Road) is well under way with completion expected early 2013.
Congratulating the College of Agriculture and Bioresources on 100 years of growing agriculture
0.980 0.970
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Bank of Canada 5-yr rate
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
July 9
A G F IN ANC E E D I TO R: D ’ A RC E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN
AG STOCKS FOR JULY 2-6 GRAIN MARKETING | NEW COMPETITORS Worries about slowing economic growth in the U.S. and China and continuing eurozone debt crisis pressured stock prices. For the week, the TSX rose 0.54 percent, Dow fell 0.84 percent, the S&P dropped 0.55 percent, and the Nasdaq edged up 0.08 percent.
New players join the grain race
Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.
Running with the big dogs | New and established players positioning to capitalize on open market
ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY Legumex Walker. TSX Viterra Inc. TSX W.I.T. OTC
CLOSE LAST WK 28.39 14.39 62.30 25.72 6.05 16.13 13.32
29.52 13.66 62.74 25.93 6.00 16.15 13.32
Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX
CLOSE LAST WK 50.55 0.10 18.96 8.15 11.69
48.09 0.10 17.99 8.15 10.62
BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods
CLOSE LAST WK 0.11 29.95 11.50 17.94 20.08 5.77 17.59
0.10 30.42 11.71 18.35 21.63 5.51 18.83
AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX
CLOSE LAST WK 44.90 5.49 84.61 39.23 80.70 8.77
45.73 5.49 84.91 38.86 80.87 8.95
Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR
CLOSE LAST WK 92.69 69.16 70.09 31.52 48.90 0.63 82.09 55.48 45.95 67.47
90.23 69.40 71.46 31.50 50.57 0.62 82.78 54.76 44.50 68.44
CLOSE LAST WK 86.05 75.03
86.10 74.72
Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, investment advisor with CIBC Wood Gundy in Calgary, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Member of CIPF and IIROC. Listed stock prices come from Thompson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Morrison can be reached at 800-332-1407.
We have not invested in any hard assets yet, but we will certainly look at that if the opportunity is right. RICK DUSEK CHS VICE-PRESIDENT OF GRAIN MARKETING
With a new grain marketing era beginning Aug. 1, companies are jockeying for position to gain a larger share of the western Canadian grain trade. Several international grain traders have recently opened or expanded operations in Canada while established Canadian Winnipeg-based c o m p a n i e s s u c h a s Pa r r i s h & Heimbecker, Paterson Grain and R i c ha rd s o n Int e r nat i o na l a re increasing capacity, acquiring new assets and building new grain handling facilities. Paterson, one of the five largest grain handling companies in Canada, opened a grain terminal at Gleichen, Alta., in late June. It’s about 100 kilometres west of Calgary. The Long Plain Terminal has storage for 42,000 tonnes, high-speed loading capabilities and a 130-car loop that allows unit trains to be loaded in about six hours with no need to break apart and reassemble trains. That development comes just weeks after Paterson announced a pair of 30,000 tonne expansions at existing elevators in Killarney, Man., and Dunmore, Alta. Canada’s second largest grain handling firm, Richardson International, is also expanding. It is in line to acquire 19 addi-
tional grain elevators in Western Canada, including five in Alberta, 10 in Saskatchewan, two in Manitoba and two in British Columbia. For more than $900 million, Richardson plans to buy those facilities from Glencore International, along with affiliated crop input centres, a 25 percent share in Vancouver’s Cascadia Terminal, another Viterra-owned export terminal at Thunder Bay, Ont., and two grain milling businesses, including Can-Oat Milling, which has oat processing plants at Portage la Prairie, Man., Martensville, Sask., and Barrhead, Alta. The plan hinges on the successful execution of Glencore’s proposed $6.1 billion takeover of Viterra, which currently ranks as Canada’s largest grain handling company. Parrish & Heimbecker, also among Canada’s top five grain handlers, is trying to acquire a 144,000 tonne grain terminal at Goderich, Ont., from publicly traded Thirdcoast Ltd. P & H is already Thirdcoast’s largest shareholder, controlling 27 percent of its shares, but it wants to buy the facility outright to ensure it has adequate storage capacity to supply wheat to its Ontario flour milling operations. P & H has offered to buy outstanding Thirdcoast shares for $155 per share,
which would value the facility at $48 million, but Thirdcoast board members have rejected the offer and are seeking buyers elsewhere. Foreign companies are also lining up for a piece of the action. Last month, U.S.-based Lansing Trade Group announced plans with Olam International, a global commodities trader based in Singapore, to form a 50-50 joint venture called Lansing Olam Canada. Olam is a huge global trader dealing in grain, food ingredients and commodities including cocoa, coffee, rice and cotton. Lansing, an 80-year-old trading company based in Kansas, owns or leases U.S. handling facilities with a c o m b i n e d s t o ra g e c a p a c i t y o f 800,000 tonnes. Lansing handled more than 15 million tonnes of grain, feed ingredients and energy products last year. Lansing Olam Canada will allow the two companies to source Canadian grains and oilseeds and supply them to international buyers, primarily in American, African and Asian markets. Lansing Olam already has a presence in Winnipeg and is setting up a new office in Hamilton, Ont. It has hired former P & H wheat trader Todd Ross to act as its director of trading. “We believe the individual company strengths of Lansing and Olam together will be able to deliver inno-
vative solutions from origin to destination for western Canadian grain customers, much like Lansing has done in Ontario since those markets were opened up to free trade,” said Bill Krueger, president of Lansing Trade Group. Other foreign companies vying for a piece of the western Canadian grain trade include CHS Inc., the largest f a r m e r- ow n e d a g r i c u l t u ra l co-operative in the United States. It deals globally in grain, food ingredients, livestock feed, crop nutrients and energy. CHS has significant grain handling assets in northern tier U.S. states, and its trade is focused heavily on spring wheat and durum, crops traditionally marketed in Canada by the CWB. CHS opened an office in Winnipeg in late 2011and hired former CWB grain trader Dwayne Lee to oversee Canadian operations. Rick Dusek, vice-president of grain marketing for CHS, said his company plans to investigate opportunities in Canada, stay close to the market and build relationships with existing players in the Canadian industry. “We have customers that are asking us to supply those commodities not only out of the U.S. but out of the entire North American market, including Canada, with these changes to the wheat board,” Dusek said. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
AGFINANCE » CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE “We see this as an opportunity to go in, build some relationships … and develop a supply chain out of Canada to complement our other supply chains out of the U.S. and even in some instances, out of the Black Sea and South America as well.” CHS announced in May that it had acquired 51 percent of CZL Ltd., a joint venture with Japanese farmer co-op Zen-Noh that will supply commodities to Japan, primarily wheat and barley. CHS was rumored to be aggressively seeking grain handling assets in Western Canada but so far has acquired none. “We have not invested in any hard assets yet, but we will certainly look at that if the opportunity is right,” Dusek said. Sources close to the grain industry say other established U.S. companies, including Bunge, Seaboard and Gavilon, are assessing opportunities in Canada or hiring new traders. Angus Trigg, director of governm e nt a n d m e d i a re l at i o n s f o r GrainCorp Ltd., one of Australia’s largest grain handling companies, said his company recently opened a new marketing office in Calgary and is exploring opportunities in the western Canadian grain market. GrainCorp already owns Canada Malting Co., which operates three malting plants in Canada. Also last month, Brazilian company Motomco Group confirmed that it had chosen Winnipeg as a base for its North American operations. The company, which makes grain quality control products, will open a
Canadian affiliate named Canada Moisture Analyzers and initially employ six to seven employees. Bill Morrissey, leader of Yes! Winnipeg, a business development team affiliated with Economic Development Winnipeg, said activity related to grain marketing, agricultural manufacturing, transportation, logistics and consulting has been busier than normal. Morrissey said the anticipated loss of more than 300 jobs at the CWB will affect the city’s economy, but new opportunities associated with the soon-to-be liberalized wheat and barley trade are attracting new companies and creating jobs. “I don’t want to undermine the concern that we have for those people who may be terminated as a result of the CWB restructuring, but we do hear a lot of very encouraging and positive comments about the … potential for growth within the agriculture sector here in Winnipeg and in Manitoba,” he said. Ross agreed that the liberalized marketing environment has generated significant business interest. “There’s a certain chunk of the grain companies out there in the world that were just not willing to work in an environment that they couldn’t control, but now that they can go out and create their own destiny, things have changed,” Ross said. “Western Canada was always a good environment before. There’s good laws in Canada, there’s good producers and there’s reliable production. Now that we can decide what and how and who we want to deal with, it’s a great place to do business.”
Crazy ideas can lead to great things THE BOTTOM LINE
n 2001, Serge Auray was watching a report on Britain’s footand-mouth outbreak, a horrific crisis in which 10 million sheep and cows were culled and then burned on pastures they once grazed. “I’m watching this and I say to my wife, ‘we can visit the moon but we can’t prevent the spread of this disease. How is this possible?’ ” recalls Auray, who owns a 140-employee cleaning company in Quebec specializing in sanitization and disinfection of institutional and industrial sites. So he set out to find a non-toxic disinfectant to use in barns to reduce disease transmission without raising food safety issues. It was a tall order, but Auray was determined. He not only succeeded, but created an opportunity to establish a new commercial crop in Canada. It took time and the opportunity will require farmers to match his determination. Auray’s research him to Sylvain
Quessy, a microbiology expert and professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Montreal. “Sylvain proposed we use a molecule called thymol,” says Auray. Thymol is found in thyme oil. The product would have to be waterbased, but oil and water don’t mix. Such challenges took five years of research to overcome and required Auray to fund a state-of-the-art lab for his new company, Laboratoire M2. But the end product surpassed all expectations. In January, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved Thymox and rated it effective against viruses such as H1N1, bacteria and fungi and it works faster than products such as Lysol or Clorox. It is also non-toxic, biodegradable and smells good. “The EPA rating is totally fabulous, it’s absolutely incredible,” says Auray. What does this mean for farmers, and what’s the lesson in Auray’s story? First, if Thymox becomes, as Auray expects, a leading biological disinfectant, he will need a lot of thyme oil. He wants to source it locally. Test plots show Quebec-grown thyme can match the quality of imports, but is it cost-competitive? Agronomic issues must be solved, such as weed control and getting an optimum level of thymol-rich oil. There’s no huge publicly funded research effort behind it, although
Ottawa provided a $65,000 grant for the test plots. That means individual farmers will have to invest time and effort in hopes of a payoff. “I need crazy people like me,” says Auray. “People who like to go outside the box, are innovative and believe in this project.” The potential is substantial. The global market for disinfectants is $18 billion a year, and green products are expected to grow to 50 percent of that within a few years. With EPA certification opening the door to global markets, Auray expects sales of Thymox, currently $1 million a year, to skyrocket. “I get calls every day from big global organizations wanting to know about our technology,” he says. “People are very concerned about the health effects of chemical products. “ The big lesson here is that there are all sorts of innovative people who get these crazy ideas and invite farmers to dream with them. Just because something is new and untested isn’t a reason to automatically dismiss it. Hooking up with innovative people with big dreams might give you a chance to ride the next big wave. Archived columns from this series are at Farm Credit Canada enables business management skill development through resources such as this column, and information and learning events available across Canada.
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CATTLE & SHEEP Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)
Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt)
Grade A
Alberta $170 $165 $160 $155 $150 6/4
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29 7/9
Saskatchewan $170 $165
Live June 29-July 5
Previous June 22-28
Year ago
Rail June 29-July 5
108.50-111.00 105.78-118.74 n/a 92.00-99.50
107.65-109.50 108.00-120.99 n/a 100.00-104.00
101.26 109.31 n/a 92.50
180.00-183.00 196.00-200.00 n/a n/a
180.50 196.00-204.00 n/a n/a
110.00 104.96-117.93 n/a 90.00-98.75
107.65-109.50 104.90-117.78 n/a 95.00-101.00
101.03 105.87 n/a 91.25
180.00-182.85 195.00-200.00 182.00 n/a
179.75-180.50 195.00-203.00 n/a n/a
Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.
$155 $150 6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Manitoba $170 $165 $160 $155 $150 6/4
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $170
Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifer 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400
Report not available -
Report not available -
122-137 128-148 140-159 150-171 162-186 170-192
Report not available -
Report not available -
Report not available -
120-138 128-143 133-158 140-165 150-175 no sales
Report not available Canfax
Average Carcass Weight
$155 $150 6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29 7/9
Steers Heifers Cows Bulls
Saskatchewan $170 $160
June 30/12 865 800 684 1050
July 2/11 815 745 686 1029
YTD 12 873 821 677 1023
YTD 11 837 772 674 1026
U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)
$140 $130 6/4
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Manitoba $170
Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed)
$140 $130 6/4
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Heifers 116.87 116.86 117.00 188.15
Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) South Dakota Billings Dodge City
Steers n/a n/a 139-140.50
Trend n/a n/a -2/-4
Cattle / Beef Trade
Cash Futures n/a n/a n/a
-11.64 n/a -6.58
Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 987.7 +3 Non-fed 167.6 -3 Total beef 1155.3 +2
Exports % from 2011 291,502 (1) -4.1 97,793 (1) + 94.3 83,210 (3) +8.8 108,142 (3) +4.0 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 8,379 (2) -6.1 78,898 (4) +1.1 104,237 (4) + 3.2
Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)
(1) to June 23/12 (2) to Apr. 30/12 (3) to Apr. 30/12 (4) to June 30/12
Agriculture Canada
Close July 6 Live Cattle Aug 119.20 Oct 123.65 Dec 127.85 Feb 130.80 Apr 133.25 Feeder Cattle Aug 146.53 Sep 150.05 Oct 152.60 Nov 154.13 Jan 155.50
Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $190 $180 $170 $160 $150 6/4
$170 $160
(1) to June 23/12
120.45 124.40 127.40 129.45 131.90
-1.25 -0.75 +0.45 +1.35 +1.35
114.65 120.20 124.55 125.90 127.05
151.45 154.40 156.23 157.05 157.75
-4.92 -4.35 -3.63 -2.92 -2.25
143.60 144.40 145.48 145.25 143.80
This wk Last wk Yr. ago 210-212 210-212 193-195
$240 6/4
Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) June 29 Previous Base rail (index 100) 3.00 3.00 Index range 100.61-106.04 101.64-105.34 Range off base 3.01-3.18 3.04-3.17 Feeder lambs 1.20-1.40 1.40-1.75 Sheep (live) 0.30-0.40 0.30-0.40 SunGold Meats
July 3 1.65-2.10 1.52-1.81 1.38-1.57 1.42-1.55 1.40-1.55 1.50-2.05 0.85-1.00 0.90-1.10 75-120
New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids
1.96-2.85 1.77-2.04 1.67-1.76 1.67-1.80 1.60-1.80 1.75-2.05 0.85-1.10 0.90-1.10 75-120
Ontario Stockyards Inc.
July 9 Wool lambs >85 lb. 1.28-1.35 Wool lambs <85 lb. 1.45 Hair lambs 1.18-1.35 Fed sheep 0.40-0.56
$320 $300
$240 6/4
Canada 10,037,445 10,013,224 + 0.2
To date 2012 To date 2011 % change 12/11
$150 7/9
Cash Prices No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)
$680 $660 $640 $600 6/1 7/6
U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)
Canola (basis - July)
No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator
$40 $30
$20 $10 6/1
6/15 6/22 6/29
Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $300 $280 $260 $240 $220 6/1
6/15 6/22 6/29
Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $540 $530 $520 $510 $500 6/1
6/15 6/22 6/29
W. Barley (cash - July) $280
Basis: $46
$270 $260
6/15 6/22 6/29
Canola, western barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.
Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)
Corn (July) $800 $740 $680 $620 $560 6/4
Agriculture Canada
n/a 184.68
Man. Que.
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Soybeans (July) 182.00 192.57
*incl. wt. premiums
$1,700 $1,600 $1,500 $1,400 6/4
% from 2011 -14.0 +5.7 +3.7
Import n/a 101,274 (3) 107,882 (3)
(3) to June 30/12
% from 2011 n/a +9.0 +5.0 Agriculture Canada
Ju1 Aug Oct Dec
Close July 6 96.23 93.30 82.25 80.30
Close June 29 96.63 94.78 82.95 80.30
Trend -0.40 -1.48 -0.70 0.00
Year ago 95.88 96.18 89.75 87.90
Feb Apr May Jun
EXCHANGE RATE: JULY 9 $1 Cdn. = $0.9793 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.0211 Cdn.
Close July 6 83.60 86.08 90.15 92.15
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Oats (July) $380 $355 $330
Trend +0.90 +1.20 +0.75 +1.15
Year ago 89.55 90.50 93.80 96.05
Grain Futures July 9 June 29 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Jul 688.00 627.10 +60.90 Nov 628.00 593.70 +34.30 Jan 631.30 597.00 +34.30 Mar 632.50 597.30 +35.20 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 300.50 279.00 +21.50 Dec 308.00 286.30 +21.70 Mar 318.00 295.30 +22.70 May 321.00 298.30 +22.70 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 309.50 275.50 +34.00 Dec 314.00 280.00 +34.00 Mar 320.60 286.60 +34.00 May 324.60 290.60 +34.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Oct 246.00 201.00 +45.00 Dec 248.70 203.70 +45.00 Mar 251.70 206.70 +45.00 Wpg ICE Western Barley ($/tonne) Jul 237.00 237.00 0.00 Oct 231.00 217.00 +14.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 8.1075 7.3900 +0.7175 Sep 8.2825 7.5725 +0.7100 Dec 8.4375 7.7675 +0.6700 Mar 8.5325 7.9100 +0.6225 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Jul 3.7475 3.3600 +0.3875 Sep 3.7775 3.3800 +0.3975 Dec 3.7950 3.4400 +0.3550 Mar 3.8350 3.4925 +0.3425 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Jul 16.6500 15.1275 +1.5225 Aug 16.0675 14.8175 +1.2500 Sep 15.7300 14.5025 +1.2275 Nov 15.4775 14.2775 +1.2000 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Jul 7.7525 6.7250 +1.0275 Sep 7.3200 6.2850 +1.0350 Dec 7.3000 6.3475 +0.9525 Mar 7.3550 6.4375 +0.9175 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 9.1400 8.6400 +0.5000 Sep 9.2675 8.4450 +0.8225 Dec 9.2200 8.5075 +0.7125 Mar 9.2700 8.5700 +0.7000 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 8.1750 7.3850 +0.7900 Sep 8.2950 7.5600 +0.7350 Dec 8.5125 7.7850 +0.7275
Year ago 576.00 561.00 569.10 576.10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 207.00 205.00 6.3600 6.3925 6.7400 7.0475 3.4600 3.4750 3.5475 3.6525 13.5250 13.4650 13.4450 13.4700 6.8150 6.4300 6.3275 6.4575 8.1450 7.9425 7.9825 8.0975 6.9200 7.1125 7.3825
$305 6/4
Close June 29 82.70 84.88 89.40 91.00
July 6 8.50 7.99 7.38 5.52 4.20
Index 100 hogs $/ckg
July 4 June 27 Year Ago 170.17 165.87 177.75 160.24 160.24 153.09 22.50 22.15 37.70
Fed. inspections only U.S. 54,339,422 53,517,720 + 1.5
July 9 Avg. June 29 19.50-24.00 20.91 23.81 13.50-15.00 14.21 15.50 18.50-20.00 19.08 20.25 23.00-27.00 24.17 27.25 13.00-16.00 13.75 14.25 13.75-18.00 16.22 16.66 13.50-14.00 13.70 13.80 9.00-12.00 10.54 9.90 9.75-10.00 9.91 10.13 7.15-8.00 7.40 7.43 7.05-7.30 7.21 7.21 8.25-8.50 8.42 8.42 4.80-5.00 4.93 4.50 34.90-36.75 35.83 37.25 30.75-31.75 31.08 31.42 24.75-26.75 25.75 26.75 23.50-24.50 24.04 25.09 26.10-27.50 27.03 27.22 30.90-32.50 32.10 32.10 22.30-23.50 23.20 23.20 22.30-23.50 23.10 23.20
Canola (cash - July)
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)
Cash Prices
Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Milling Wheat (Oct.)
To June 30
Export 415,221 (1) 107,110 (2) 387,219 (2)
(2) to Apr. 30/12
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)
Hogs / Pork Trade
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Close Trend Year June 29 ago
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29 7/9
Durum (Oct.)
Hog Slaughter
Alta. Sask.
Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)
Fixed contract $/ckg Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. July 6 July 6 167.79-168.26 167.73-168.20 158.44-164.98 158.37-164.93 150.30-150.77 150.04-150.51 150.30-150.30 150.04-150.04 150.30-150.69 150.04-150.23 144.59-148.81 144.14-148.35 142.58-143.66 142.36-143.20 138.36-139.30 138.14-139.08 137.42-139.30 137.20-139.08 143.52-143.52 143.29-143.29 139.58-139.58 139.36-139.36
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
HOGS Jul 29-Aug 11 Aug 12-Aug 25 Aug 26-Sep 08 Sep 09-Sep 22 Sep 23-Oct 06 Oct 07-Oct 20 Oct 21-Nov 03 Nov 04-Nov 17 Nov 18-Dec 01 Dec 02-Dec 15 Dec 16-Dec 29
Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.
Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.
Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)
Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb
To June 30 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2012 1,403,731 16,077,303 To date 2011 1,435,007 16,839,134 % Change 12/11 -2.2 -4.5
Steers 116.96 116.97 116.91 188.24
$160 $150
Cattle Slaughter
Feeder Cattle ($/cwt) 6/4
Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Roy Legumex, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Walker Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.
Barley (Oct.)
*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.
Pulse and Special Crops
ICE Futures Canada
Previous June 22-28
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (July) $925 $875 $825 $775 $725 6/4
6/11 6/18 6/25 6/29
Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To To tonnes) July 1 June 24 Wheat 90.9 360.5 Durum 4.7 15.5 Oats 41.3 13.8 Barley 3.0 7.9 Flax 1.8 4.4 Canola 175.7 100.0 Peas 23.2 45.1 Canola crush 133.3 132.8
Total to date 12 629.4 3 360.9 1 076.6 1 096.8 233.7 8 159.8 1 548.4 6202.7
Last year 11539.0 2953.2 928.3 1241.7 286.6 6442.2 2338.4 5564.6
EDITOR: JOANNE PAULSON MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500 The Western Producer is a weekly newspaper serving Western Canadian farmers since 1923. Published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada. ADVERTISING Classified ads: Display ads: In Saskatoon: Fax:
Ashley, left, Malorie and Amber Guenther score a good time in the wild cow milking event. The girls, who competed with their mother, Cheryl, at the Parkland Ranch Rodeo in Kelliher, Sask., June 30, finished second overall. |
Much above normal
July 12-18 (in °C)
July 12-18 (in mm)
Above normal
Churchill Normal
Edmonton Calgary
Below normal
Saskatoon Regina
Winnipeg Much below normal
Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard
31.7 27.9 30.7 29.5 29.4 32.5 27.9 26.7 26.1 28.5 28.7 29.2 30.9 27.6 28.8 32.4 28.3 27.2
0.0 23.7 1.3 15.5 6.7 0.0 9.4 9.4 48.4 11.3 12.4 13.8 7.6 9.8 0.7 0.6 20.0 7.9
8.5 12.4 6.2 10.2 7.5 4.1 6.5 11.4 10.1 8.2 11.4 9.0 9.7 10.4 7.4 5.4 13.7 11.3
222.8 229.6 199.0 209.8 268.6 209.2 170.4 207.4 229.7 211.9 263.9 194.9 243.5 281.3 282.5 209.0 289.9 266.6
139 139 124 124 200 145 111 129 137 148 163 121 153 193 188 147 170 168
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Printed with inks containing canola oil
Member, Canadian Farm Press Association
MANITOBA Temperature last week High Low
Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville
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ALBERTA Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %
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The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)
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31.0 27.2 27.6 28.6 29.1 27.9 32.5 29.5 27.9 32.8 30.9 29.0 29.1 28.2 25.1 30.7
5.9 7.4 7.1 7.9 4.9 4.8 7.9 4.4 9.5 7.1 3.9 7.0 2.8 6.7 7.6 5.6
Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %
3.4 6.4 41.3 16.6 12.1 15.0 10.2 1.0 24.3 1.4 0.8 8.5 3.2 16.5 10.7 16.5
246.1 284.1 183.8 256.8 167.1 179.9 100.5 215.7 270.7 224.2 217.8 155.2 207.2 241.1 276.5 174.7
181 158 123 170 88 116 78 142 170 170 125 108 109 121 142 108
Temperature last week High Low
Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg
30.5 29.9 31.4 30.2 32.1 32.6 28.6 31.8
Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %
10.7 12.5 12.8 10.5 15.7 14.9 12.6 12.9
25.2 1.6 2.2 19.8 22.9 1.0 2.6 4.4
180.8 213.1 168.7 164.1 160.4 139.1 265.9 197.5
102 120 93 93 81 75 143 102
7.2 5.9 8.3 6.4 4.1
1.2 9.6 10.2 6.0 14.5
182.2 176.9 124.5 158.6 219.2
129 113 148 138 137
BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George
33.0 28.4 36.2 33.6 27.8
All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.:
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