October 18, 2012 - The Western Producer

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VOL. 90 | NO. 42 | $3.75







Prairie farmers hope for rain Soil moisture levels inadequate in many areas BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM



Beating the old record by 41 combines, a Guinness World Record was achieved when 249 combines harvested for more than five minutes in a field of oats near Dalmeny, Sask., Oct. 6. The event was called Harvest For Kids and organized by Children’s Camps International. FOR A RELATED STORY, SEE PAGE 28. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


Markets chaotic over XL closure Plant still closed | Producers holding animals, shipping to the U.S. while prices weaken BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Uncertainty will rule the cattle markets as long as the XL Foods cattle slaughter plant in Brooks, Alta., remains closed. “The uncertainty around this thing is driving everybody nuts,” said Martin Unrau, president of the Canadian

Cattlemen’s Association and a producer from Manitoba. Cargill Meat Solutions at High River, Alta., has increased production, but many producers are holding onto animals, while more cows and fat cattle are being exported to the United States. However, U.S. packers may need time to adjust their processing lines because they must segregate Cana-

dian cattle under country-of-origin labelling laws. They will want guarantees of steady, consistent volume before they make such a move. Weakening prices are discouraging producers from doing anything until they see a return to normalcy. “We have had lots of hurdles over time. It is tough out there and there is


a lot of red ink out there, but prices haven’t fallen off anywhere like they have during BSE,” said Canfax market analyst Brian Perillat. “Hopefully, looking back on this, it will be just a bump in the road rather than a dramatic, changing event,” he said. SEE MARKETS CHAOTIC, PAGE 2


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u|xhHEEJBy00001pzYv/:# OCTOBER 18, 2012 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240; Registration No. 10676

The thing that prairie farmers feared the most just a few short weeks ago has now ascended to the top of their wish list. With this year’s harvest all but complete, growers are looking skyward and hoping for a prolonged, prairiewide soaker. Precipitation has been scarce or non-existent across much of Western Canada this fall. In many areas, fields are rock hard, pastures are parched and winter cereal crops are struggling to take root. In its latest crop report, released Oct. 11, Saskatchewan Agriculture reported topsoil moisture on cropland at two percent surplus, 36 percent adequate, 41 percent short and 21 percent very short. Provincial pastures and hayland are facing similar conditions with 38 percent of total acres short of moisture and 25 percent very short.




Markets chaotic No one anticipated the situation worsening when the first recalls were announced Sept. 16 after E. coli O157:H7 was detected in beef originating from the XL plant in Brooks Alta. Limited information from the owners of XL and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency gave rise to speculation about the impacts on markets and consumer confidence in beef. “If we can get past this thing of not knowing what is going on, everybody can adjust their management and we can move forward and find some way to get that plant opened up and get some confidence back,” Unrau said. The situation may have received more attention than it deserved and lessons need to be learned from this episode, he added. “We don’t need an inquiry, but we definitely need to look at how this was handled and find some way of ensuring things don’t drag on this long if this happens again,” he said. Western sales have slowed in the last week with fewer cows and feeders showing up for sale at auction markets. Cow prices are down about 15 cents per pound, or $200 per head, and feedlots are holding cattle back, which is creating a backlog. Fat cattle can wait a few weeks, but

it becomes costly feeding and maintaining them. However, grades may actually improve with more AAA because the animals are getting fat. At the same time, some animals are on feed additives that require timely marketing to achieve the full benefit of the growth promotants, said Perillat. Profits were already elusive this year for the feeding sector and packers. “There were a lot of losses in the feedlot sector and this is just extending those losses,” he said. XL Foods’ operating licence was temporarily suspended Sept. 27 and more than 1,800 products from across Canada, the United States and Hong Kong have been recalled. Some workers were allowed into the plant Oct. 10 to process carcasses that had been there for nearly three weeks. All meat was tested for the presence of E. coli and ruled safe. CFIA inspectors are scrutinizing the process and have told the company what is expected to ensure food safety in the future. “We have already advised the company that its documented food safety plans are acceptable and that previously identified maintenance and sanitation issues have been addressed,” said the agency in a statement Oct. 12.

Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather

Building a cattle plant: Discontent is rising in Manitoba over a cattle checkoff that has produced few results. See page 16. | FILE PHOTO


» MEGA-FARMS: An Alberta » » »

producer says it’s not easy farming next to a modern mega-farm. 4 CO-OPS WANT IN: The co-operative movement wants a seat at the world economic table. 14 HAY EAST: Western Canadian hay has arrived in the drought-stricken East, but more is needed. 20 COMBINE RECORD: Farmers set a record by running 249 combines on a 200 acre oat field near Saskatoon. 28

» SOCIAL PLANTS: Researchers » » »

learn that plants are less competitive when growing with their relatives. 34 RE-APPOINTMENTS: Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz sticks with the familiar in recent re-appointments. 36 FERTILIZER PLANT: An Indian company plans to build a nitrogen fertilizer plant in Quebec. 37 TPP IS OFFICIAL: Canada has officially joined the TransPacific Partnership trade talks. 38

» SOUTHERN CROP: South America appears

Hoping for rain across Prairies 1 line, so I think we’re probably going to see … (fewer) acres of winter wheat and fall rye this year than what we’ve had in the past.” In Manitoba, winter cereals got a poor start in many areas, said Pam de Rocquigny, spokesperson for Manitoba Agriculture. Rain and snow over the past few weeks have helped crop development, but it remains to be seen how the province’s winter crops will fare. “With the drier conditions, a lot of (winter) crops were sitting in dry soils and weren’t doing too much in terms of either germinating or emerging,” she said. “Obviously the recent precipitation has helped that. “It (winter wheat) is obviously not going to be as advanced as perhaps we’d like to see it going into the winter but what effect that will have remains to be seen. We’ll just have to wait and see what Mother Nature throws at it over the winter months.”


poised to produce a bumper crop.

» GRAIN STORAGE: On-farm grain storage provides better marketing options.

6 8

are increasing in popularity. 21 JERK FISH: A fisherman from Lake Winnipeg creates his own food product. 22


» EAGLE-EYE: A small remote airplane can be »

an alternative to satellite imaging. 86 BIG BOOM: A company builds a 132 foot spray boom out of aluminum. 88


» BIG SKY: Canada’s major packers may be »

eyeing a troubled hog barn network. 92 FIT TO SHIP: It’s important that transported livestock be fit to travel. 93


Canola that stands Pioneer® brand 45H31 is a high performing canola hybrid with great at standability and harvestability. It is available exclusively from your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales rep. Ask about this year’s yield results!

» LAND PRICES: Prairie land prices surged in »

10 11 11 9 99 96 24

CONTACTS Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 newsroom@producer.com Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 michael.raine@producer.com Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 newsroom@producer.com Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401

Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 barbara.duckworth@producer.com Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 mary.macarthur@producer.com

» TAKING HOME EC: Home economics classes »

Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch Money in Your Pocket Cowboy Logic TEAM Living Tips

Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 paul.yanko@producer.com


Information that accompanied a photo and in a pull-out quote on pages 36, 37 of the Oct. 11 issue, should have identified the greenhouse in Medicine Hat, Alta., as County Fresh Farms. The information in the story was correct.


98 47 30 9 102 10 12 23 103




“That’s probably what everyone is focusing on now is moisture,” said Grant McLean, provincial cropping specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture. Dry conditions in Alberta were perfect for harvest, but the lack of moisture has hampered fall work and delayed emergence of recently planted winter crops, including winter wheat and fall rye. James Wright, a risk management specialist with Alberta Agriculture, said some parts of the province have received moderate amounts of rainfall over the past two to three weeks. However, many areas are still extremely dry, he added. “Some areas are very dry, especially down south where they haven’t really had any moisture for most of the summer period, other than a few showers and some hailstones,” Wright said. “That’s where most of our summer crop is seeded, is below that Highway




the first half of this year. 98 AWARD WINNER: A website connects land owners with prospective renters. 99

Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 barb.glen@producer.com Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 karen.briere@producer.com Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 ed.white@producer.com Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 ron.lyseng@producer.com Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 robert.arnason@producer.com Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 barry.wilson@producer.com Canada Post Agreement Number 40069240 SEE INSIDE BACK COVER FOR ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION TELEPHONE NUMBERS





XL report will be made public, says gov’t BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz has promised that once the dust settles on the E. coli scare at XL Foods, the events will be examined and the report made public. “As part of our government’s response to the (Sheila) Weatherill report (on the 2008 listeria food poisoning crisis), an expert advisory committee was established some time ago,” Ritz said in the House of Commons Oct. 15. “That particular committee, along with CFIA, will completely review this, and that report will be public.”

Consumers are losing confidence in the beef on store shelves and it is hurting cattle ranchers who offer a safe product and did nothing wrong. FRANK VALERIOTE LIBERAL AGRICULTURE CRITIC

Buses that ordinarily bring workers to the plant remained parked at XL Foods in Brooks, Alta., Oct. 10. |



CFIA continues tests at XL Foods Layoffs, recalls issued | No timeline given on when plant will resume full operations BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Partial operations at the XL Foods beef processing plant in Brooks, Alta., were scheduled to resume Oct. 16 after a chaotic weekend of employee layoffs and recalls. XL management issued layoff notices to 2,000 employees Oct.13 and then recalled 800 of them Oct. 14 in a turn of events that suggested conflict between XL and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The CFIA temporarily revoked the plant’s operating licence Sept. 27 after discovery of E. coli O157:H7 in some of its beef products triggered the recall of more than one million kilograms of meat. Two weeks later, the CFIA authorized partial operation of the plant to assess whether a list of improvements and protocol changes had been made. XL paid its 2,200 employees for a 32-hour work week for the first two weeks of closure while CFIA inspectors examined the plant and made requests for upgrades to food safety systems. But XL issued layoff notices Oct. 13, saying the CFIA could not provide “a definitive timeline” for reopening the plant. The move halted CFIA plans to process 5,100


carcasses inside the plant and test them for contamination. On Oct. 14, XL issued recall notices to 800 of its employees, whom it said in a news release were “key to XL Foods efforts to satisfy the conditions of the temporary licence to demonstrate the implementation of enhanced protocols.” Calls to XL Foods Oct. 15 were greeted with a voice recording with directives to company news releases. The labour situation has caused turmoil for the employees and the town of Brooks, population 14,000, where XL is the largest employer. “I think they may have tried to call the CFIA’s bluff, and put pressure on them to give them opening, and CFIA didn’t back down,” said Doug O’Halloran, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 401, which represents most of

the XL workers. “It’s just a daily kerfuffle of mistakes and bad management,” he said. “I just can’t understand the management decision that lays 2,000 people off one day and then calls back 800 the next day. It’s just ludicrous.” The federally inspected plant is one of the largest in Canada, responsible for an estimated 40 percent of beef cattle slaughter in the West. Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz issued a statement Oct. 14 reiterating his stance that the plant will not reopen until all safety issues have been addressed. Alberta agriculture minister Verlyn Olson discussed the situation with town officials in Brooks last weekend and said at a news conference that he had also talked with XL Foods co-chief executive officer Brian Nilsson. “We need the plant to be open to get the necessary processing and testing done to put CFIA in a position to re-certify the plant,” Olson said he told Nilsson. Wildrose party leader Danielle Smith said Oct. 14 the serious nature of the plant closure requires political co-operation.

“There are big challenges to overcome, but with all parties working together, we believe passing inspection and getting workers back to work by next week is possible,” said Smith. “Getting the XL Foods plant back in production is the first step to rebuilding consumer and industry confidence.” The Alberta Liberal party called for a federal review of what it called “the tainted meat scandal”, noting the U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to conduct its own audit of CFIA food safety protocols. “Albertans deserve to know why action was only taken once the Americans blew the whistle, and why it was delayed,” said leader Raj Sherman. “I want to know if there was some sort of ‘shoot, shovel and shut up’ interference being run.” The call for a review echoed a similar demand issued Oct. 10 by Local 401 and the Alberta Federation of Labour. There was no word on when the plant will reopen as of press time for this issue Oct. 15. The CFIA has said it will not allow beef to be shipped from the XL plant until it is confident food safety controls are in place and working.

It is a food safety advisory committee with industry and government representatives and chaired by former Canadian Food Inspection Agency president Ron Doering. Ritz made the announcement while under intense pressure throughout question period in the House of Commons to justify the performance of the government and the CFIA in the XL food scare. NDP leader Thomas Mulcair said there is “still no accountability” 42 days after American inspectors discovered E. coli and after 15 confirmed consumer illnesses from the incident. He said cattle producers, consumers and packing plant workers are paying the price for government incompetence. “When will the minister of agriculture and agri-food take responsibility and resign?” Ritz ignored demands to resign and insisted the government has added resources to the CFIA that opposition MPs opposed in budget votes. He repeatedly rejected opposition claims that funds to the CFIA have been cut during government restraint, even though spending documents tabled in Parliament project a cut. Finally, late in question period, Liberal agriculture critic Frank Valeriote rose. “Sadly, consumers are losing confidence in the beef on store shelves and it is hurting cattle ranchers who offer a safe product and did nothing wrong,” he said. “Since the current government’s current system clearly failed, will the minister finally acknowledge that we need an immediate independent and comprehensive CFIA resource audit to better equip our inspectors in order to prevent further damage to our food supply chain?” Ritz’s response, a promise of an internal review that will be made public, did not address the opposition call for an audit of CFIA staff to determine if there really are 700 new inspectors as the government claims and if so, where they work.




When your neighbour is a mega-farm MEGA-PROBLEMS | This is the third instalment in a series of stories exploring the trend toward megafarms across Western Canada and what it means to the farmers who work the fields. BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Alan Brecka blames his mega-farm neighbours for preventing him from expanding his modest grain farm. The 32-year-old got into the business 10 years ago, renting 320 acres near Picture Butte, Alta., from his father. He now rents two sections from his father and owns another, farming a total of 1,920 acres. His goal is to expand the operation to 3,000 acres, but that appears to be an unrealistic objective. Brecka can’t afford the local prices of $2,200 per acre for dry land or more than $1 million a quarter for irrigated land with a pivot. “I can’t pencil in much more than $1,300 to $1,400 (an acre),” he said. Brecka claims land prices have been inflated by his mega-farm neighbours. He has to bid against two Hutterite colonies and a number of feedlots such as Cor Van Raay Farms. However, the large operations say they are just as handcuffed by escalating farmland values as is Brecka and haven’t been expanding their operations. Brecka said he’s up against unfair competition. He said that the Van Raay operation is using millions of dollars in government subsidy money to buy farmland, which it received as compensation for damage to its feedlot business stemming from the BSE crisis. “All these guys got this huge payout and they managed to expand and get bigger,” he said. “These mega-farms seem to want to farm everything.” Darren Van Raay, president of Cor Van Raay Farms, said the family operation he runs with his three sisters consists of 11,000 acres of crops and a 25,000-head feedlot. “I don’t know if we’re a mega-farm. I think we’re probably an average size,” he said. According to Statistics Canada, the average Alberta farm size was 1,168 acres in 2011. Van Raay can sympathize with the plight of a young farmer trying to expand his operation given today’s high land prices, but he’s not willing to shoulder the blame. He recently bought four quarters near Brecka but that was a personal purchase. The company hasn’t been active in the land market for six or seven years. “Seems like since BSE I can count the amount of acres that I’ve bought on my hand, almost,” said Van Raay. His father, Cor Van Raay, acquired

most of the land in the 1990s when the dollar was weak and the cattle business was strong. Not much farmland hits the market these days and when it does, Van Raay said he has a tough time bidding against the Hutterite colonies and other buyers. A competing feedlot recently sold

five quarters of irrigated land to a British Columbia greenhouse for in excess of $1 million per quarter. “I’m actually in the same boat (as Brecka). Some of the prices for land, even for us, are getting astronomical,” he said. George Wurz, manager of the Albion Ridge Hutterite Colony near

Picture Butte, can’t believe what has happened to real estate values in the area. Ten years ago, the colony could buy a quarter section for about $400,000. Today, the same land is worth up to $700,000. “We didn’t drive it up ourselves. The farmer comes along and he

wants that kind of money. We have to pay it. We can’t do nothing,” he said. “I don’t know who drives it up. (We) just about can’t afford it now.” The colony owns 8,600 acres and rents another 5,000. “We haven’t bought land for 10 years now. If any land comes up for sale, bang, it’s gone,” said Wurz. Van Raay said his operation needs farmland to supply feed to the feedlot and to spread manure. “So if there is a piece across the road from me for sale, I am going to be pretty aggressive on that just because I can save money in the long run on manure costs,” he said. Brecka said escalating land costs are only one of the downsides of living next to a mega-farm. “There seems to be no neighbourly interactions anymore. When you look to a mega-farm, it’s all go, go, go,” he said. “You don’t know who’s running the tractor. You don’t stop to talk to them anymore because they got to go.” Brecka said Van Raay employs a lot of Mexican Mennonites, who he said are standoffish. “The community aspect is all gone. They don’t curl. They don’t play hockey. They don’t come to social functions. What they do is they stick to themselves and that’s about it.” Van Raay estimates 20 percent of the farm’s 50 employees are Mexican and a number of those are Mexican Mennonites. He agreed that he doesn’t see them at the rinks, but they attend local fairs and patronize restaurants, hardware stores and other businesses. “They’re just generally a little quieter people. They don’t go to the bar,” said Van Raay. He would happily employ more local kids if they were willing to do the same work and put in the same long hours, but there is a shortage of that type of labour. “At the end of the day, I need somebody to drive a tractor and I need somebody to work in the feedlots,” said Van Raay. He said feedlots tend to be a lightning rod for criticism, but a lot of the BSE money his farm received bolstered feeder cattle prices and kept hundreds of local cow-calf producers in business. Van Raay contends towns like Picture Butte wouldn’t be the communities they are today without the economic activity generated by area feedlots. He denied the allegation that the company has gone on a post-BSE spending spree with government money. “Without that money, we wouldn’t have been around,” he said. “It hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park, to be honest, since then.” Van Raay said more feedlots are selling land than buying land and those that are buying are increasingly growing cash crops such as canola rather than feed crops because there’s more money in grain farming than the cattle business.





A Canadian National Railway maintenance crew works on the rail line crossing Highway 43 at Rockfort Bridge, Alta., as they keep the line in prime condition. The agriculture industry, like many others in Western Canada, depends on the tracks to be in good condition to move products to market. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO



Not a banner harvest, but still decent

New levies proposed for wheat, barley

Wheat quality good | Some problems with disease, mould found as final crops are harvested STORIES BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

This year’s grain harvest may not have been as big as some prairie producers had initially hoped, but it appears to have come off in reasonably good condition. According to preliminary figures from the Canadian Grain Commission’s harvest sample program, wheat, lentils, flax and canola all came off in fairly good shape. As of last week, nearly 80 percent of the red spring wheat samples submitted to the program qualified for the top two grades. Twylla McKendry, program manager of analytical services with the commission, said grain quality analysts had reviewed 3,091 samples of western red spring wheat as of Oct 11. Of those submissions, 1,370 samples (44.3 percent) graded No. 1 and 1,095 samples (35.4 percent) graded No. 2. Another 436 samples (14 percent) graded No. 3. “(Some) samples are downgrading because of fusarium, midge and mildew,” said McKendry. “But overall, wheat quality was pretty good.” The quality of flax, lentils and canola also appears to be average or better. Early-harvested flax came off in excellent shape, with mean oil content of 44.3 percent and 91 out of 91 samples grading No. 1. Lentils, including green and red varieties, are also grading well. Out of 202 lentil samples received by the commission, roughly 93 percent were graded No. 1 or No. 2. Roughly 87 percent of the canola samples made the top grade. More details on grain quality from this year’s sample program can be viewed on the grain commission’s website at www.grainscanada. gc.ca/index-eng.htm. Western Canada’s harvest is now down to the short strokes, with all but a few thousand acres to be combined. The harvest season started early

Mother Nature delivered outstanding harvest weather to most of the province’s growers this year, with good drying conditions, warm temperatures and little moisture. | FILE PHOTO in Manitoba, had few interruptions and wrapped up quickly, said Pam de Rocquigny, a spokesperson for Manitoba Agriculture. As of last week, the vast majority of the province’s crops had been harvested, with the exception of a few remaining fields of sunflowers and corn. “Crop quality was good,” de Rocquigny said. “I think those hot, dry conditions that we saw during the harvest period definitely helped in terms of

retaining the quality of that crop and getting it off in a timely fashion.” In Saskatchewan and Alberta, harvest is down to less than one percent of total seeded acreage. Grant McLean, crop management specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture, said Mother Nature delivered outstanding harvest weather to most of the province’s growers this year, with good drying conditions, warm temperatures and little moisture. In most years, the province’s agriculture ministry issues weekly crop

reports and harvest updates until late October or early November, McLean said. This year, the last report of the season was scheduled for release Oct. 18. “The harvest season itself was very good,” McLean said. “The only frustration for many producers were the high winds that damaged this year’s canola crop when we still had more than 50 percent of the acres out there. The canola crop in particular faced many challenges throughout the season, but that wind was probably the most frustrating.… It really hit those acres pretty hard.” In Alber ta, many grain and oilseed producers were disappointed with actual yields at harvest time after coddling what appeared to be a bumper crop. James Wright, risk analyst with Alberta Agriculture, said grain and oilseed growers who were hoping for bumper yields received an unexpected surprise when they started combining. “Basically, we’re looking at an average to just slightly above average crop,” Wright said. “I think a lot of guys were a bit disappointed because their crops looked so good … but when they actually went into it and started combining, it just didn’t yield up (like they expected).” Wright said crop quality in most areas of Alberta was good with the exception of canola, which had higher-than-normal greenseed counts in many regions. According to estimates from Alberta Agriculture, only 81 percent of the province’s canola crop will grade No. 1 this year. About 94 percent of the province’s hard red spring wheat and 99 percent of durum will fall into the top three grades. Eighty percent of Alberta’s barley should grade 1CW or higher, the province said.

Saskatchewan’s cereal grain producers could soon see fundamental change to how wheat and barley levies are collected. The changes could also mean a significant increase in the amount of money that is collected annually through producer checkoffs. Saskatchewan agriculture minister Lyle Stewart announced Oct. 12 that two interim committees have been formed to oversee the creation of permanent wheat and barley commissions in the province. The commissions are expected to be running by August 2013. Once they are established, the commissions will have the authority to set and administer provincial levies on all wheat and barley grown in the province. The interim committees announced last week will act as an interim board of directors for the proposed commissions, until formal director elections are held within the next 12 to 18 months. Wheat growers Gerrid Gust, David Marit, Norm Hall, Joan Heath and Cherilyn Nagel were named to the interim wheat committee. Bill Cooper, Bill Copeland, Todd Lewis, Tom Hewson and Dennis Fuglerud will sit on the barley committee. The timelines to establish the commissions are tight but manageable, Steward said. “It is a bit (ambitious) but I believe it can be done and I think the folks on these committees think they can get the work done in that time,” he said. The interim committees held their inaugural planning meetings earlier this month. Norm Hall, a wheat committee member who also serves as president of Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan, said the major issues will be the size of the levies and division of the funds between research and promotion and administration.






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Brazil could harvest a record soybean crop in early 2013, surpassing the United States as the world’s largest producer and exporter. Farmers are now seeding in Brazil and Argentina and with acreage up and good rain expected, bumper crops are expected. | REUTERS PHOTO SOYBEANS | WORLD SUPPLIES

Big South American soy crop needed Good weather so far | U.S. corn, soybean supplies expected to be tight, raising the need for big crops in Brazil and Argentina BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The markets are counting on South American farmers to produce bumper corn and soybean crops, and growing conditions appear to be cooperating, says a weather expert. “What I’m looking at, at the moment, is a relatively normal pattern. We’ll see periods of dryness, we’ll see periods of rain, but it should all come out as being a generally favourable production year,” said Drew Lerner, president of World Weather Inc. Grain and oilseed markets are antsy coming off a disappointing U.S. harvest, in which drought drastically

reduced corn and soybean yields. Markets are relying on a big South Amer ican crop to meet global demand when the United States runs out of supply. The U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts that Brazil will, for the first time, supplant the U.S. as the world’s largest producer and exporter of soybeans. It estimates 81 million tonnes of Brazilian soybean production and 37.4 million tonnes of exports in 2012-13. Argentina is the bigger player in corn markets. The USDA forecasts 28 million tonnes of production and 18.5 million tonnes of exports, which would make Argentina the second largest exporter of the crop behind the U.S.

Lerner has read market commentary from analysts who are already fretting about hot and dry conditions in Brazil. He said Brazilian farmers traditionally start planting their crops in midto-late October, but some growers have bumped up seeding into September in an effort to get more acres in the ground. “The whole reason why they didn’t plant in September before is because it wasn’t always a good month of rain,” said Lerner. “Sure enough, September was hot and dry and that got some people thinking Brazil was in for a crop wreck. Everyone got all bent out of shape.” Fears were heightened by reports

that El Nino had stalled. Australia’s weather office last week said sea temperature changes associated with El Nino have suddenly stopped. Lerner read one analysis stating that would lead to drought in South America. “El Ninos in South America make it rain a lot. It’s just really wet,” he said. “If you don’t have El Nino, it doesn’t mean you’re going to have a dryness problem. It just means it’s not going to rain excessively.” Lerner said the diminishing El Nino means other weather patterns will control what happens in South America and he sees things shaping up nicely. “We are expecting to see a normal

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evolution in rainfall across Brazil,” he said. Rain is expected to pick up in late October and early November as moisture systems that develop in the Amazon River basin bring relief to the southern portion of the country. “I feel very confident that the moisture will eventually be there, but I’ve been telling people that we won’t see widespread generalized rains until we get to November,” said Lerner. His forecast calls for a dryness trend developing in northern Argentina in December and January but that is primarily cotton growing country. The rest of Argentina is expected to receive timely rain throughout the corn and soybean growing season.





Rain improves U.S. winter wheat prospects USDA forecasts 55.7 million acres | Rain across Kansas is ‘a godsend’ for crops struggling with extreme drought conditions BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Much of Kansas received 25 to 50 millimetres of rainfall last weekend, which is fantastic news for the state’s winter wheat crop, said a spokesperson for the Kansas Wheat Commission. Topsoil and subsoil moisture in Kansas, the largest winter wheat producing state, was rated as short or very short before the rainstorm, and winter wheat was struggling to emerge from the ground. “There’s a pretty good swath of the state that got half an inch to up to two inches,” said Bill Spiegel, communications director with the Kansas Wheat Commission. “Where we’re at in the wheat planting (progress)… being close to 90 percent complete, man, it’s a godsend.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Drought Monitor website rated conditions in Kansas as extreme exceptional drought in the second week of October, before the rain. For instance, U.S. National Weather Service statistics show that 270 mm of rain fell on Kansas City from April 1 to Oct. 10. In a normal year, Kansas City receives 700 mm of rain in that period. So 25 to 50 mm of rain is helpful, but dryness remains a concern, Spiegel said. “I don’t think we can call this a drought buster by any stretch. We’re still mired in some of the worst drought conditions in umpteen decades.” On Oct. 15, the USDA reported that 71 percent of the national winter wheat crop had been planted, spot on the five year average. However, due to the dry conditions germination has been spotty. The USDA says 36 percent of the crop had emerged, down from the five year average of 44 percent. However, the emergence problem is largely in Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana and Colorado. Kansas emergence was close to the five-year average. Hard red winter wheat acreage in Kansas last year rebounded slightly

American farmers seeding winter wheat welcomed rain last weekend after enduring months of drought. More rain will be needed to help with germination and establishment before the crop goes into winter dormancy. | FILE PHOTO from 2010, when growers planted 8.4 million acres, the lowest amount in the state since the 1950s. Kansas producers planted 9.5 million acres of winter wheat in 2011, and that number may rise this fall, said Aaron Harries, marketing director for the Kansas Wheat Commission. “My expectation would be that we would have at least a slight increase in planted acres,” he noted. The USDA’s, supply and demand report released Oct. 11 estimated total U.S. wheat acres at 55.7 million for 2012-13. In comparison, U.S. farmers planted 54.4 million acres in 2011-12 and 53.6 million in 2010-11.

Hard red winter plantings are estimated at 30 million acres. The first official USDA estimate of the new winter wheat crop area comes out in January. In spite of the dry soil conditions, Kansas growers will probably plant more wheat this fall because prices are strong, Harries said. The crop insurance rate for hard red winter wheat this year in the United States was set at $8.78 per bushel. “They set that based off the commodity prices. So, yeah, that’s a fairly high number,” Harries said. Wheat futures for July 2013 on the Kansas City Board of Trade were trading

around $8.70 per bu. in mid-October. Oklahoma producers seeded 5.5 million acres of winter wheat last year, but it’s hard to know if acreage will be slightly up or down this fall, said Mark Hodges, executive director of Plains Grains, a non-profit wheat marketing organization in Stillwater, Okla. The drought in Oklahoma hasn’t been quite as severe as Kansas, but subsoil moisture is extremely poor in many parts of the state, Hodges said. The USDA rated the northern portion of Oklahoma as an exceptional drought in the second week of October and a large chunk of the state as an extreme drought.

“Last year, the drought wasn’t as extensive as it is this year, as far as area of coverage,” Hodges said. “Last year it didn’t cover eastern Colorado, Nebraska, northern Kansas like it has this year.” Oklahoma received extremely timely rains last October and November, which allowed growers to harvest a “pretty good” wheat crop this summer, Hodges said. “But we still don’t have any subsoil moisture,” he added. “(Rain in November) would be extremely helpful, but historically that is not the normal pattern. It might be a long shot to hope that is what happens.”


Markets can readily consume extra U.S. soybeans BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Keith Menzie was one of the first people to see the new U.S. soybean production estimate, and it was a huge relief. The U.S. Department of Agriculture employee’s job is to take the number provided by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), go into a locked room with his committee and hash out a balance sheet for the USDA’s monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. The October number made a lot more sense than September’s, when NASS reduced the average soybean yield to 35.3 bushels per acre from earlier estimates of 40.5 bu. That dramatic yield decline gave him a scant 2.63 billion bu. of soybeans to work with. Menzie was forced to slot in only about one bil-

lion bu. of exports, which made no sense given the sales data he was seeing. Soybeans were flying out the door, suggesting the export number in the September WASDE report should have been much higher, but he simply didn’t have the beans to justify it. Even with his reduced export total, it meant the U.S. would have sold 70 to 80 percent of its exportable soybean supply by the end of September. “That’s completely unprecedented. Usually, you’ve sold about 40 percent of what you’re going to export by the end of September,” said the chief oilseeds analyst with the USDA’s World Agricultural Outlook Board. So he was relieved when NASS increased beginning stocks and harvested acreage and ratcheted up the average yield to 37.8 bu. per acre for the 2012-13 crop when it delivered the numbers to the lock-up at 2 a.m. Oct. 11.

“I had 265 million additional bushels to figure out what to do with this month that I didn’t know I had last month,” said Menzie. “As an analyst, the world fits together better for me now because the sales data was just getting to be hard to deal with.” Soybean prices had dropped before the release of the Oct. 11 WASDE report because markets knew the crop was going to get bigger due to favourable late-season rains. Menzie got even more beans than he bargained for. “That was a little bit of a nice surprise actually, although it was a lot more work because I wasn’t expecting quite that many bushels,” he said. Despite the bigger crop, the November soybean futures contract initially jumped by 25 cents a bu. to $15.49 in the wake of the report as investors learned the newfound production

would be offset by Menzie’s increases in exports and domestic crush. The contract fell by the same amount the following day on news that the weekly export program was smaller than anticipated. More soybeans to work with allowed Menzie to boost his soybean export forecast by 20 percent to 1.27 billion bu.

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On-farm grain storage gives farmers options Grain marketing improves | Demise of CWB single desk prompts farmers’ desire to store grain longer BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Increased on-farm storage is giving farmers more marketing options for their grain, say industry officials. Derek Johnson, sales manager of Twister and Grain Guard bins, said there is a trend toward bigger and better storage. “We’re really seeing that transition now, not only to more on-farm storage but more segregated storage for specialty crops and for niche crops and also more large grain bin storage,” he said. Andre Grainger, president of Westeel, said there are a number of reasons for the move toward more on-farm storage. The dissolution of the CWB’s single desk for wheat and barley has had a big impact on sales. Under the monopoly, growers knew what value they were going to get for their wheat and barley. “It doesn’t matter if I wait one month or six months to deliver it, it’s still going to be the same price for this year,” Grainger said, referring to the price pool under the C WB monopoly. Under the open market, growers are equipping themselves with the ability to hold their grain longer to wait for a potential price rally. Grainger also said bins and aeration equipment have become more sophisticated, which allows farmers to keep grain longer without it spoiling. As well, grain farming has been more lucrative the last few years so growers are able to make capital investments on their farms. Westeel sells a lot of 18-foot diameter bins that can store 3,500 bushels of grain. They retail for $10,000 to $12,000. However, there is also a trend toward farmers buying much larger bins. Johnson said a common size on large farms is 48 feet in diameter and nine rings tall, which can hold 55,000 bu. of grain. Johnson estimates a typical farm

Marketing experts are advising farmers to increase on-farm grain storage. |


can now store three quarters of its annual grain production for up to one full year. “Because of that, (growers) can hold (grain) on farm longer and wait for certain premiums in the marketplace before they sell it,” he said. “Now they’ve got the opportunity to explore all options.” D e r e k S q u a i r, p r e s i d e n t o f Agri-Trend Marketing Inc., advises his clients to have enough bins to store their entire harvest because it gives them more marketing clout. He estimates there has been a 25 percent increase in on-farm storage capacity in the past five to 10 years, not only through more and bigger bins but also through the widespread adoption of storage bags.

grain until February would cost a grower $9 per tonne. Adequate storage also eliminates the headaches of having to deliver grain during harvest, when a large operation may have 20 people working on combines, trucks and augers. “You don’t have time to be hauling grain to the elevator,” said Squair. Alberta Agriculture has produced a document on the pluses and minuses of storing grain. The benefits include avoiding selling grain when prices are at their seasonal lows and basis is widest, avoiding harvest disruptions and lineups at the elevator and helping manage income for tax purposes. The minuses include extra grain handling, increased risk of spoilage,

Squair said the market has been telling growers to build more storage by having a $9 to $10 per tonne carry between futures months. “The market in the last three years has paid a lot for storage.” He said growers will almost always get better prices and basis levels if they wait for a few months instead of marketing their grain straight off the combine. This year might be an anomaly because of the short North American crop and prospects for a huge South American crop early in 2013. Canola basis levels can often improve $40 per tonne for growers who wait until February to sell rather than delivering in September. Storage costs typically amount to $1.80 per tonne per month, so keeping the

theft and fire, an inability to deliver for immediate payment, incurring storage costs and having to deliver during difficult weather. Storage costs include building and maintaining the bins, the opportunity cost of receiving money earlier and using it to pay down debt or invest and the impact of changing basis levels on cash prices. Costs can vary widely depending on a farmer’s circumstances. For instance, they may range from $1.25 per tonne per month for a farmer who is debt-free to $10 per tonne per month for somebody who is financing credit card debt. Johnson said more farmers are also buying bins with aerators, which also increase costs.


India’s subsidy on imported pulses will help its impoverished Increased demand for Canadian pulses expected | Pulses are expensive items for India’s poor, while the country expects a small crop BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

India has doubled its subsidy on imported pulses that are supplied to poor people through the public distribution system. The new subsidy amounts to 37 cents per kilogram of imported pulses. It will be in place until March 31, 2013. The government will decide early in the new year whether it will be extended. Raghavan Sampathkumar, an international market promotion consultant with Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, said it is a big incentive for India’s poor because pulses are one of the most expensive items in their family budgets.

The move was prompted by an expected pulse shortage. India’s food minister is “slightly worried” about kharif (summer) pulse production. India’s department of agriculture estimates kharif pulse production at 5.26 million tonnes, which would be 15 percent below last year’s output and 25 percent below the government’s target. Sampathkumar said doubling the distribution subsidy is a way for the government to keep food price inflation in check. However, there is some doubt whether the subsidy will have its intended impact because the program is fraught with corruption and bribery. Last year, the government unearthed a $223 million scam

related to the subsidy. Sampathkumar thinks the subsidy combined with the strengthening Indian rupee should lead to brisk activity from Indian traders and increased demand for Canadian pulses. Chuck Penner, analyst with LeftField Commodity Research, is more reserved. He said the subsidy applies only to certain states. “I don’t know that it’s going to have a large impact on demand. It will probably have some, but I don’t know how much,” he said. Penner said the rupee has appreciated by six to seven percent against the U.S. dollar over the past two to three weeks, which could have a bigger impact on demand.

“It makes pulses that much more affordable in the country for them to bring them in,” he said. However, he has the sense that India has already bought enough peas and lentils to meet its needs for awhile. “Right now, I don’t think they’re really actively seeking pulses.” Sampathkumar said India’s monsoon season started weak but finished strong, propping up prospects for the rabi (winter) crop, which produces the majority of the country’s annual pulse harvest. The rabi chickpea prospects appear to be good, which will likely keep a cap on demand for Canadian yellow peas. Penner said the late season rains

have enabled Indian farmers to get an early start on their rabi chickpea crop, planting it in ground that wasn’t seeded during the kharif season. “The earlier you get planted the better your odds are of a good crop, just like in Saskatchewan,” he said. Sampathkumar expects to see good demand for Canadian red lentils in the next two to three months because of rising prices for that crop in India. On the flip side, pigeon pea prices have decreased because of the government forecast for a four percent increase in kharif production of that crop and plenty of supply available from Myanmar and Africa. That will make it harder for Canadian green lentils to remain competitive in that market.


With XL Foods still closed last week, fed cattle prices remained under p re s s u re a n d c a rc a s s w e i g h t s climbed. Steers were 904 pounds in the week ending Oct. 6, up from 894 lb. the previous week and 898 lb. last year at the same time. Feedlots aggressively marketed large lots of fed cattle midweek at prices mostly steady to $1 per hundredweight lower than the previous week. Steers averaged $106.34 live for the week, down eight cents, and heifers averaged $105.05, down $1.38. Most of the dressed trade was around $178 per cwt. delivered. Not all cattle offered were sold, and there was carry over. A few formula-priced cattle sold to American buyers, and Saskatchewan saw light cash trade at a terminal market. Total weekly sale volume of 15,832 head was up 15 percent but three percent down from last year. The Alberta cash-to-futures basis widened by $1 to -$16.41. Weekly exports to Sept. 29 were 8,618 head, down nine percent from the previous week. The market will not improve until XL is back to full production. Feedlots and packers were in a faceoff in the United States. Feeders are facing losses of $150-$200 per head and holding out for higher bids.

The steer and heifer average price fell 17 to 20 cents per cwt. With the exception of 300 to 400 pound heifers, all classes of feeders are now trading below year-ago levels. Prices are the lowest of the year and feeding losses have some producers unwilling to take on the financial risk associated with finishing cattle. Short-keep feeders fell $2-$3 last week while mid-weight heifers were steady. Feeders 900 lb. and heavier have fallen $5.50-$6.75 per cwt. over the past two weeks. Reports of cleanup pens of yearlings trading through commercial auction facilities pressured prices. Demand for calves remains strong while light stockers have been trending steady to lower. There is a $18.62 spread between steers weighing 450 lb. at $171.79 per cwt. and those weighing 550 lb at $153.17. It is the widest spread this year. Auction volumes totalled 24,071, up 30 percent from the previous week. Feeder exports to Sept. 29 were 1,784, up 423 from the previous week. Auction volumes are anticipated to increase now because of cooler fall weather and receding grass reserves.

Sellers of non-fed cattle have slowed sales in hope of better prices ahead. Competition from U.S. packers and Canadian producers speculating on feeder cows added modest price support last week. Butcher cows traded generally 25 cents per cwt. higher with D1, D2 cows at $60-$65, averaging $64, and D3s at $50-$65, averaging $56.80. Rail grade cows were $130-$135, up $2. The average bull price rose for the first time in 14 weeks. Weekly exports to Sept. 29 were 5,547, up nine percent from the previous week.

U.S. BEEF STEADY U.S. cut-out values were steady with Choice at $191.31 US and Select at $177.32. Carcass weights in the U.S. are at record highs and are allowing packers to slow slaughter. Slaughter last week was 628,000, down 3.4 percent from last year’s 650,000. Retail beef business is mostly humdrum, but the reduced slaughter levels have helped firm prices. Canadian cut-out values were unavailable because of insufficient data due to XL Foods being unable to participate in the weekly boxed beef survey.

Market focus shifts to demand MARKET WATCH


High prices didn’t kill demand, but prospects for more rallies are limited


he rally following the U.S. Department of Agriculture supply and demand report Oct. 11 was a one day wonder. There might be some minor revisions to grain supply in future reports, particularly in wheat, but the USDA October report marks the point where the narrative in the market shifts from a supply focus to a concentration on demand. Here are a few of the USDA’s numbers. It pegged the U.S. corn crop at 10.7 billion bushels, above analysts’ average pre-report estimate. However, the USDA also reduced its corn carry-in amount, reducing the total amount available and keeping its domestic demand fairly steady. The net result was a forecast for year-end stocks of only 619 million

bu., less than what traders expected. It was a similar story in soybeans, with the USDA increasing the crop estimate but reducing the year-end stocks forecast because it thinks the market will easily absorb a slight increase in U.S production. Essentially, the USDA said that there is still good demand despite high grain prices. The next day, the department reported weekly export figures that showed almost no corn exports. There was also talk that American livestock feeders had signed a deal to import Argentine corn. So the market thinking shifted. There might be good demand at high prices as the USDA indicated, but the sky is not the limit. If prices get too high, demand for American corn will fall off and foreign corn will come into the country. The story in soybeans, and for canola prices because of the close connection between the two oilseeds, will also be demand. U.S. soybeans are the only game in town until the South American crop is harvested next year. China will buy and the price will be supported. If demand increases significantly, the price could rally by a dollar or so but then retreat again. Downward pressure will mount if, as it appears now, Brazil and Argentina harvest record breaking crops. In wheat, the story is not all about demand. There is still a supply story

in the deteriorating condition of the Australian crop. The USDA lowered its Australian forecast three million tonnes to 23 million, but that is likely generous. The department’s 11.5 million tonne forecast for Argentine wheat might also be high. Investment bank Goldman Sachs estimates the Australian crop at 21 million tonnes. The Buenos Aires grains exchange last week pegged the Argentine wheat crop at 10.12 million tonnes, noting that excess rain in key growing area had flooded fields. The USDA lowered world ending stocks to 173 million tonnes from the September forecast of 176.71tonnes, and in future reports might have to lower production and ending stocks again. Stocks at the end of 2011-12 were 198.17 million tonnes. Exports from the Black Sea region are expected to fall off in November as the exportable surplus runs out. The prospects from Australia and Argentina are dimming a little as buyers look for alternative sources of supply, meaning North American wheat producers should see good demand for their grain. But again, optimism must be tempered with evidence of a slowing global economy that will weigh on all commodity markets. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.

This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at www.canfax.ca.

WP LIVESTOCK REPORT CASH HOGS STEADY Improving pork prices and packer margins kept U.S. cash hog prices steady. Chicago hog futures rose for the fifth consecutive week, climbing 1.8 percent. Retail features associated with National Pork Month in October are helping demand. U.S. pork exports to the end of August were running nine percent ahead of last year, but in August alone they were down about three percent from the same month last year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture expects U.S. pork production will be up 2.4 percent this year and down 1.3 percent next year. The average live weight barrow and gilt in the week ending Oct. 5 was 271.3 pounds, up 2.1 lb. from the previous week but down 1.4 lb. from the same time last year. Iowa-southern Minnesota hogs spent the week between $60 and $61 US per hundredweight and ended at that level Oct. 12, steady with the close Oct. 5.






The U.S. composite pork carcass cut-out value was $87.03 Oct. 12, up from $84.27 Oct. 5. U.S. slaughter for the week rose to 2.396 million, up from 2.355 million the previous week and up from 2.318 million a year ago.

BISON STEADY The Canadian Bison Association said grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were $3.60-$3.90 per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers were $3.50-$3.80. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted. Slaughter cows and bulls ranged from $1.60-2.50. In the live market, yearlings ranged from $1.80-$2.10 depending on quality.

LAMBS EDGE HIGHER Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 916 sheep and lambs and 30 goats traded Oct. 9. All lambs sold steady to slightly higher. Sheep and goats sold steady.

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Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail: joanne.paulson@producer.com



Questions, concerns at XL show need for inquiry


he fallout from the largest beef recall in Canadian history continues with signs of confusion emanating from decision makers overseeing the XL Foods beef plant in Brooks, Alta. At press time, the plant remained closed. But last week’s layoff of 2,000 workers, then the recall of 800 just a day later, sends a loud and clear message that all is not well. Even if food safety tests currently being conducted at the Brooks slaughter plant come back clean, and beef from the factory started to move to the public again, we should not consider the matter closed. A public inquiry presents the public with the best chance of finding answers to key questions about the XL situation in particular and the beef processing industry as a whole. Among the questions to be answered are what happened, when, and how the Canadian food safety system rates in protecting public safety. To date, 12 human cases of E. coli O157:H7 illnesses have been tracked to the XL plant. In the early days of the outbreak, serious questions arose about XL Foods failing to provide timely information to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The first positive tests for E. coli contamination in Canadian beef were reported in the United States Sept. 4, but the recalls were not initiated in Canada until Sept. 16. The CFIA blames XL for delays in passing along information. Although legislation is now before Parliament designed to close this loophole, accountability failings of this magnitude must be laid bare. Officials and the public need to know how it happened. The situation at XL itself, and whether it was adhering to proper food handling protocols, is key information for the inquiry to assess, but the lessons learned would have far-reaching implications for the broader industry as well. Questions to address are many. Were proper protocols followed? What went wrong and what can be done to ensure

mistakes are not repeated? And broader still are serious questions about plant size. Is a beef processing plant that slaughters 4,000 cattle per day too large to allow for adequate safety controls? Is the line speed too fast? How many employees are optimal at key points in the production chain? Were the 40 inspectors and six veterinarians at the plant enough? Are there enough inspectors properly situated on the floor at critical points? How could they be better deployed? Are there equipment issues that can be addressed in new ways with new technologies? Canada produces far more beef than it can consume domestically. That makes size efficiencies critical if Canadian processors are to compete against large companies in the U.S. A public inquiry that includes a review and analysis of industry practices may offer much-needed solutions. For one, is there a production sweet spot where plant efficiencies, output and food safety meet? In addition, concentration of ownership in the Canadian beef slaughter industry has never been properly studied. Two companies, XL and Cargill, own almost all of Canada’s beef slaughter capacity. This is not to suggest we set up a witch hunt commission designed to condemn Canada’s beef processing sector, which has served millions of people safely for decades. But today’s extensive distribution networks and the potential that creates for massive food safety issues have not been adequately researched and discussed. Nor has the contention by some that smaller plants are inherently safer. The XL Foods incident shouldn’t be viewed as a singular event. We must seize the chance to improve, condemn or confirm the safety of our beef processing system. Public confidence and a healthy processing sector to serve western Canadian producers may well depend on it. Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.


Lots of meaty issues for Commons ag committee to tackle — if it wanted to NATIONAL VIEW



s it finishes (yawn) its long awaited report on the agricultural value chain, the House of Commons agriculture committee is looking for a new purpose. There are many relevant issues to take up with a concise set of focused hearings and a report produced before the issue is history, but here is a modest proposal for the hardworking MPs on the committee.

How is the Canadian Food Inspection Agency doing, does it have the right mandate, does it have enough funding and staffing, is there too much public, political and media attention on inspectors on the food line and not enough on the processes CFIA administers? Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz has promised a review of the sorry XL episode through his internally appointed food safety advisory committee, vowing its report will be made public. That falls far short of what is necessary as consumers hear wild claims from union accusers and political opponents and questionable defences from government defenders like Ritz. So more light needs to be shone on this issue of food safety for the sake of the 33 million consumers who do not live on the farm.

First, I would recommend a rather public review by the fictional Food System Crisis Management Communications Committee (FSCMCC) about how not to handle a food safety crisis. It might be called the Nilsson/ Ritz/CFIA paradigm of what not to do. Secondly, I would suggest the Commons agriculture committee dedicate itself to this issue, quickly and decisively. Conservative members, set aside your government ass-covering tendency; opposition members, forget exaggerated attacks about Ritz being indifferent to food safety or food inspection being turned over to the companies and bore down on the facts. The opposition in the House of Commons is calling for Ritz to resign. That is not going to happen.

The opposition is calling for Ritz to call an open-ended public inquiry into the XL episode and the government culpability in the affair. That is not going to happen. But there is a parliamentary body that actually could conduct a public inquiry. It is called the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and it has the full power to call witnesses, to compel witnesses to appear, to demand documents and reach whatever conclusions it wants with a demand that the government respond within 45 days. Who knew? So here are the questions it could demand of witnesses: • Is our food safety system robust and credible or is it flawed? • What are the CFIA staffing levels, where are the inspectors, are they

front line, have government cuts hurt, are companies self-regulating and can consumers really count on CFIA inspections to guarantee safe food on the shelves? • Should the CFIA, which has a role of both inspecting and promoting Canadian food safety, be part of Agriculture Canada or Health Canada? Is there a conflict now? The Conservatives argue that new food safety legislation is the answer. From a consumer listening to wildly divergent claims including union allegations of unsafe and dirty plants and workers pushed too hard to ensure proper handling, new legislation is not reassuring. The Commons agriculture committee could set aside its partisan divisions and bore into this. If it wanted to.





GF2 reshapes public policy, but at a cost

Communication a rural hightech headache



armers and the general public should be seriously pondering the long-term effects of the federal-provincial-territorial Whitehorse agreement on Growing Forward 2 signed last month. As producers get over the initial shock of the obvious — the realization that the government consultation process was nothing more than window dressing, that the new AgriStability program is only going to provide half the protection as the present one, and that AgriInvest has been chopped by one-third — a picture is beginning to emerge in my mind of what the future may hold. Primary production is a risky business — but an absolutely necessary one — and governments in the past have long recognized this. Even the most astute farmer cannot prepare for the consequences of bad weather, commodity price drops, or trade issues — and government programming has evolved over the years to try and mitigate the effects of these problems so that food production in our country could remain strong. I am concerned about what will happen when the current high grain prices cycle back down (as they always do), or when floods, drought or the effects of climate change threaten to put many producers out of business. I fear there will be no effective backstop that will keep farmers in the business of producing food.Business risk management programming was that backstop. But now, governments have decided that BRM programs, AgriStability in particular, mask market signals and

FARM DEBT OVER THE YEARS Canadian farm debt has risen by more than 105 percent since 1998. Outstanding farm debt ($billions): 1998 33.895 2000 38.819 2002 43.855 2004 48.900 2006 52.288 2008 59.090 2010 65.484 2011 69.616 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Source: Statistics Canada | WP GRAPHICS

inhibit innovation. The new Growing Forward 2 framework, with its undefined plan to drive innovation and competitiveness at the cost of less BRM support, fails to explain how innovation and competitiveness could serve an industry experiencing distress. Investing in research and development that farmers might not be able to adopt due to financial uncertainty doesn’t get the industry further ahead. Instead, we could be looking at a decline in primary agricultural production that may well leave Canadians wondering how to access a safe,

secure food supply. Some industry observers would have the public believe that farmers were getting rich on AgriStability — buying up land, new machinery, and new buildings — and making more money than most other Canadians. In fact, it is the need to remain competitive in an ever-changing marketplace that has necessitated an i n c re a s e i n f a r m s c a l e a n d a n embracing of new technology and productivity, which require significant investment by farmers. Suggesting that this somehow makes them rich shows a lack of understanding of

primary production; suggesting this can be done through AgriStability is quite preposterous. Canadian farm debt numbers speak loudly to this issue of farmer investment. Farm debt has risen to more than $66 billion, according to Statistics Canada 2010 data. Anyone who has been enrolled in AgriStability can tell you that when qualifying for a payment, there is no financial flexibility to start expanding the farm. It is usually a case of survival to the next production cycle and a hope of restoring profitability. Furthermore, consecutive years of declining margins, as has happened before in crop production and is happening now in livestock production, gives farmers almost no protection, let alone allowing for unnecessary expenditures.Producers and farm groups knew that revisions were coming to the AgriStability program, and we were hoping that we could work with governments to make it more effective for us and more palatable for them. Our young farmers were counting on a commitment to these principles. Instead, they got a gutted program that is about nothing more than pulling supports in the interest of budget cutting. Farmers and all Canadians need assurances that public policy will reflect the critical importance of food production and food producers in this country. A safe, secure food supply and the one-in-eight jobs linked to the agrifood industry are riding on it. Doug Chorney is president of Keystone Agricultural Producers. This article has been edited for length.


Ranking crops by profitability yields surprises HURSH ON AG


Net returns haven’t turned out the way many people expected last spring


here are some surprises in the profitability of this year’s crops. Flax is more profitable than canola, and lentil returns are in the basement along with barley and oats. Every farm has different numbers: different yields, different costs and often a different selling price. But if you use aggregate numbers, it’s possible to rank crops according to profitability.

The Saskatchewan agriculture ministry publishes a crop planning guide each January. It has well-reasoned costing estimates for a wide variety of cropping choices, from fertilizer to land investment. Costs from the dark brown soil zone were used to perform this profitability comparison. Statistics Canada recently released new crop production estimates. While yields vary from one province to another, let’s use average Saskatchewan yields since we’re using Saskatchewan expense numbers. Crop prices can vary dramatically from one day to the next, but I tried to use reasonable assumptions based on information from buyers and brokers. According to Statistics Canada, the average yield of canola in Saskatchewan was only 25 bushels per acre this year. Assuming a price of $13.50 per bushel picked up on the farm and subtracting total rotational expenses of $268 an acre, you’re left with a return of roughly $70 an acre. The average yield of flax in the prov-

ince is estimated at 21.6 bu. per acre. Assuming a price of $14.25 per bu. and total expenses of $199 an acre, the return is $109 an acre. Although the gross return from flax is lower than canola, expenses are also lower, leading to a larger net return. Some producers have long claimed that they can make more money with flax than canola. This year, the numbers for Saskatchewan indicate that is indeed the case. The big equalizer is the disappointing canola yield. Canola profitability would pull ahead of flax if canola yields were three or four bu. better. While canola is still one of the top crops for profitability, lentils have gone from one of the most profitable to one of the least lucrative. Statistics Canada pegs average lentil yields at 1,296 pounds per acre. Assuming a price of 20 cents a lb. and subtracting production costs of $230 an acre leaves a return of just $29 an acre. That’s in the same bottom tier as barley and oats. Barley yielded an average of 49.2 bu. per acre and feed barley picked up on

the farm in Saskatchewan is worth about $5.20 per bu. Some areas are higher and some lower, depending on freight costs. Meanwhile, oats averaged 76.2 bu. per acre and the price assumption is $3.25 per bu. With costs at $231 an acre for barley and $221 an acre for oats, these crops come out with net returns of $25 to $27 an acre. It’s interesting to note that field peas are more profitable than lentils this year. With an average yield of 28.7 bu. per acre and assuming a price of $8.25, the net return pencils in at $56 an acre. If you look at spring wheat (35.1 bu. per acre) and durum (33.9 bu. per acre) and assume a price for both of around $8 per bu., the net return for durum is $41 an acre while spring wheat is $55. That’s respectable compared to the other options. All the crops are money makers, but net returns haven’t turned out the way most expected in the spring. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at kevin@hursh.ca.




always think I’m funny when demonstrating how I use my cellphone at the cabin. I stand on one foot, lean waaay out to the right, and pretend to scream into the device while precariously perching on the edge of the deck. I admit I’m over-dramatizing the situation somewhat, but not by much. Sometimes, all the leaning and perching and screaming does exactly fiddly. If there’s no reception, there’s no reception. Having no cellphone reception was not funny at all in southeastern Manitoba recently, when people were fleeing wildfires but could not call for help. The Rural Municipality of Piney, by all news and political accounts, has had bad or even non-existent service for years. A CBC story noted that Manitoba emergency experts have warned about the poor cellular coverage for over a decade, if you can imagine. This reminds me of a story told by a student at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, where I once worked. Not having his permission to repeat this, I will explain that he hailed from a tiny, mountainous, poor country in the middle of the Asian continent. Every person in every village had a cellphone. It was cheap, and it worked. The student, quite rightly, laughed at the expensive Canadian cellphone scene, with elusive range outside the main cities. Even in the cities, coverage can be interesting. Try using certain providers from your basement, and good luck. Then, of course, there is the quite remarkable situation SaskTel finds itself in. While it suddenly received a reprieve, it looked for a while like SaskTel would be abandoning its high-speed service to about 8,000 rural customers. Wireless service was to be discontinued by the end of 2012 because of a reallocation of broadband spect r u m by In d u s t r y Ca na d a a n d replaced by more expensive and less nimble service that also required the purchase of new hardware. SaskTel now has until March 31, 2014, to solve its rural wireless issues. Sadly, I’m a bit of a tech idiot and cannot offer brilliant solutions. But greater minds than mine must solve Canada’s high-tech problems. Governments talk ceaselessly about innovation, modern economies, better productivity and treating its rural citizens like real citizens. Between policy and industry regulation, it’s time they walk the talk or stop squawking about Canada being a nation connected to this century.





Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.

To the Editor:

Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

Re: Time to increase farmland ownership transparency (WP editorial Sept. 27) The problem: Older Saskatchewan farmers, having worked hard all their lives, are retiring in comfort by selling their land to buyers from outside Saskatchewan for more money than they expected. Young ambitious Saskatchewan farmers, armed with solid agronomic knowledge and complex farm equipment, find themselves with extra cash they didn’t have to use to buy farmland, negotiating leases with the new outside investors who know lit-

tle about farming and are eager to do business with local expert tenants like them. They also chuckle a little knowing that, eventually, the Bank of Canada will stop printing money and let interest rates go to the free market level at which point land prices will fall and they will pick up lots of bargains. The solution: Forget the free market. Outside buyers must transparently show the government where they got all that money that they’re too willing to hand over to those happy sellers. If it turns out that any of that money came from “outside,” then the deal’s off. This will force those greedy oldsters to sell their land to the smaller pool of

young “inside” people, and then their retirement won’t be so comfortable. The Western Producer seems to feel very strongly about “outside” money (bad) vs. “inside” money (good). But what should one of your heroic young farmers do when an outsider wants to trade a pile of cash in advance for his future piles of wheat? Won’t he then be holding evil “outside” money that he is barred from using to buy dear Saskatchewan land? Or is the “outside” money only off-limits if it comes from a bread factory owner in Hong Kong and not Alberta? “But, dear reader,” you might respond, “you sound crazy. The born

and raised Saskatchewan farmer is always free to buy all the Saskatchewan land he wants no matter how he gets the money. Even if rich Albertan investors buy every last acre in the province, that is perfectly OK. But if that Hong Kong bread factory owner lays claim to more than 10 acres, then the long arm of the law must intervene. Can’t you see how wise this law is? Can’t you see how wise it is not to let buyers and sellers alone?” No, I can’t. Here’s my crazy idea: laissez-faire. Arthur Krolman, CFA, Calgary, Alta.

BIG MISTAKE To the Editor: Selling Alberta’s natural resources (oil and gas) to communist China would be an enormous mistake, larger than (former prime ministerPierre) Trudeau’s National Energy Program. A better idea would be for Nexen Oil Inc. of Calgary to sell shares to Alberta citizens, as the Social Credit party proposes. This would retain Canadian ownership, as well as the continuation of Alberta in Confederation. We would also have severe problems with our American friends if foreign communists owned property in Alberta. Ed Storsuk, St. George, Man.


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Re: Wal-Mart in fields searching for greener farming ideas (WP, Sept. 6), coupled with (columnist) Randall Denley’s Stop feeling sorry for the farmers (Ottawa Citizen, Aug. 16) and Why do farmers have special deals? (Edmonton Journal, Aug. 18). Wal-Mart (U.S.) and Denley (Ottawa) will solve farmers’ problems — Wal-Mart, by “using its commercial muscle” to get flour and wheat products to their shelves more efficiently; Denley, by assuring us farmers “get nearly 100 percent coverage” crop insurance payouts, and that the federal government is “still interested in spending lots of money” on us. Despite (Robert) Kaplan (Wal-Mart sustainability manager) admitting that he had never even “seen a wheat field before” prior to their “greener farming ideas” venture, Wal-Mart will show farmers how to reduce use of fertilizer and “improve logistics” to inject “efficiency into the generations old practices of U.S. farmers,” and to “eliminate 20 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions — by the end of 2015.” Denley claims farmers, “an effective lobby group,” have the “political clout” to access billions of Canadians’ tax dollars, to get “nearly 100 percent coverage” crop insurance payouts. Denley quips that existing farm support programs give “new meaning to the term cash crop,” which I suppose might be true for former MLA (Ray) Danyluk, an Elk Point farmer, who apparently claimed $1.3 million in




payouts over 10 consecutive years while sitting in the legislature; e.g. $700,000 in AFSC payouts on $101,000 premiums in a four year period. As Wal-Mart, with its “ruthless efficiency,â€? rides to farmers’ rescue by targeting fertilizer use and wheat fields, and Denley proclaims continued (100 percent) crop protection payouts, farmers can rest assured that they are in good hands. Wal-Mart’s further simplistic solutions include Wal-Mart as “an expert in transportationâ€? being able to “find empty trucksâ€? to ship farmer produce more cheaply. With these sorts of news-breaking good news stories, farmers can rest easy — and the Producer might shortly run out of topics for future editions. Marion Leithead, Bawlf, Alta.


Snow falls on a late blooming canola field south of Sylvan Lake, Alta. A day’s worth of light snow on Oct. 10 gave way to sunshine and unseasonably warm temperatures last week. | RANDY FIEDLER PHOTO


Farm auctions cause trauma

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or many people, a farm auction is so painful they can’t bring themselves to talk about it. Yet what better way to downsize equipment and household goods and get ready to move from the land? Equipment that has been carefully maintained has got the farmer through year after year of planting and reaping. Its owner feels a certain connectedness, but outside auctiongoers are only interested in who can grab the lowest bid. Household items that carry memories from relatives long since gone, or of the table made in the 1930s from the packing crate that the stove came in — these associations are of little significance to others. How wonderful to have neighbours lend their support in the cleaning and organizing. To have the ladies serve their hamburgers and homemade pies, to have the oldsters sit together offering their affirmation that what you are doing is right and good all means so much. Far m auctions can be sacred moments as they mark endings and changes in the community. Hopefully a new family will come, but too often the place is left empty as this piece of land is added to what is already there. There are memories that make us smile — like the lady who wanted the calendar on the kitchen wall. It was of Christ the good shepherd. Her husband was a sheepherder and she knew he would like that picture. Of course mom gave it to her. At the end of the day, the retiring family take their helpful neighbours to town for dinner at the restaurant — this by way of saying thanks. Everyone is exhausted physically and spiritually, but tomorrow will come. And tomorrow we will get on with the rest of our lives. Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian ruralchurch.net.


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Southern Alberta dam marks 20th birthday Oldman River Dam | Three rivers flow through dam and downstream to Alberta’s irrigation district BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

PINCHER CREEK, Alta. — The Oldman River Dam would cost $900 million it if were built today. Now celebrating its 20th anniversary of full operation, the dam cost $353 million in 1986 dollars, the year construction began on the project. The reservoir and dam trap water flow from three rivers — the Oldman, the Castle and the Crowsnest. With a capacity of 400,000 acre feet, or 495 million cubic metres, the earth-filled dam is the largest of its kind in Alberta, said operations supervisor Robert Plante, who gave an overview of operations Oct. 12 to a tour organized by the Lethbridgebased Oldman Watershed Council. Sixty-five percent of annual watershed accumulation flows through this river valley from mid May to mid July, said Plante. Capturing the water allows it to be used by downstream irrigation districts during the growing season. “The idea was to impound the water when it was not needed and use that water when it was needed most, July through September, irrigation time,” said Plante. The Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District is a primary user of water released from the reservoir. It sup-

The Oldman River Dam began full operation 20 years ago and has a water reservoir of 400,000 acre feet. | FILE PHOTO

plies 220,000 acres of farmland with irrigation water. Downstream municipalities and cities also use the water, and interprovincial agreements require a certain amount to pass into Saskatchewan. Plante said the Oldman dam has three main components: spillway,

earth-filled dam and diversion tunnels. Power generation through one of the tunnels is managed by Atco, an Alberta utility company. The company generates 32 megawatts of hydro power from 60 cubic metres per second of flow through one tunnel, said Plante. The other tunnel has 100 cubic

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metres of capacity, for a combined 160 cubic metres per second if both tunnels are running wide open. The spillway comes into use if more water than that must be released downstream. It can pass up to 8,400 cubic metres per second at full bore. Water release and storage are dictated by the amount of snow pack in

the nearby mountains each year, said Plante. Rainfall plays a major role in accumulations, but it is unpredictable. Operators will start filling the reservoir early in years of low snow pack to ensure enough capacity for downstream users in summer. However, major rainfall in spring can wreak havoc with those plans. “No matter what you do, you’re going to be wrong because you can’t predict rain and you can’t predict how much,” said Plante. There are also specific mandates on water release, he added. “We cannot pass at any time more water out than what’s flowing in. We have to operate as if we were never here.” As well, he said under no circumstances should the dam create flooding. Outflow should equal inflow, which is constantly monitored. The minimum flow requirement in winter is 6.5 cubic metres per second, and Plante said flow is nearing that now. That rate is required from November to March. In the remaining months, a percentage of natural flow is required to pass through. The dam has an expected lifespan of 200 years, said Plante. Various technological instruments monitor pore pressure in the dam and seepage in the abutments.



Growing pains | Co-ops require more than member financing: official OTTAWA BUREAU

QUEBEC CIT Y — The billionmember worldwide co-operative movement must reconsider funding sources as co-ops look for financing to fuel the growth they need, says a groundbreaking international study. But it will be a delicate balance for co-ops between continuing to serve the needs of their members and their social economy values, while making investment returns attractive enough for outside money interests. “Within the co-operative movement, there is an increasing prioritization on access to capital,” Chris Harvey, global financial services sector leader for financial service firm Deloitte, told an international cooperatives summit held here Oct. 11. “This has become increasingly significant and difficult for cooperatives since the financial crisis (2008-09).” He presented a report “Funding the Future,” commissioned by the first international co-ops summit, that warned the traditional co-operative financing model of depending on member equity and investment plus debt financing no longer is sufficient or viable. “The co-operative business model, while offering the advantages of access to member financing and often impressive customer loyalty,



Time to rethink co-ops: study BY BARRY WILSON


introduces a number of challenges in an uncertain, highly regulated economic environment,” said the report. “Co-operatives must be true to their mission as they seek to achieve the greater financial flexibility needed to drive growth and compete successfully.” The Deloitte study included a survey of senior officials at 36 large coops around the world. Eighty-seven percent said they expected to have difficulty in the future finding funds for growth and half said they “expect to use nontraditional instruments to meet their financing needs.” The report said money funds that are nervous about low-returning investments since the financial meltdown are a particular problem for financial co-ops. Many co-op leaders said they are uncertain about being able to deal with another financial crisis. “The concern is especially prevalent in the capital-intensive agricultural sector and the financial marketdependent banking and insurance sectors.” Yet Harvey said the larger co-ops, which are anxious to grow and compete, have no option but to begin considering how to engage with nonco-operative capital funds, whether it is through more creative debt financing arrangements or develop-

ment of a way to allow outside investors to buy shares without compromising the positions of loyal members. “There comes a point in the growth of every co-operative when your members can no longer fund the growth needed or are not willing to do so,” he told a news conference after presenting his report to the summit, which attracted 2,000 delegates from around the world. “This really is one of the most critical and toughest issues facing the movement.” It is an issue that Canadian cooperatives have struggled with for years. Part of their proposed solution has been to lobby for a co-op investment tax credit to attract funds. Harvey said one of the most promising and innovative proposals is to develop a system of “hybrid shares” that could attract outside investors and co-op members alike. But it would be a delicate balance between the traditional investor expectation of strong and rapid return on investment and the traditional co-op philosophy of lower returns but long-term services to members and society. “It will require education, including making the argument that shorttermism hasn’t served capitalism all that well,” said Harvey.

Leaders look to improve movement’s influence BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

QUEBEC CITY — International co-operative sector leaders met with managers of the world economy in Tokyo last weekend to demand some respect and a voice for their movement. At a meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, International Co-operative Alliance president Dame Pauline Green made a pitch for a co-operative seat at world financial tables. “We are seeking a seat at the table,” she told an Oct. 11 news conference during the first international cooperatives summit in Quebec City. “We are an important part of the global economy and yet at the moment, our voice is totally missing.” However, a statement from the IMF/World Bank meeting Oct. 13 made no reference to the co-op movement or the call for a seat at future meetings. “There is a need to secure a sustained recovery from the crisis,” said an IMF statement from the meeting. “The implementation of credible medium-term fiscal consolidation plans remains critical in many advanced economies. Fiscal policy should be appropriately calibrated to be as growth-friendly as possible.”

Green said the focus on traditional government financial instruments that stimulate traditional market forces ignores the huge potential of the co-operative movement. “Co-operatives are a viable solution to some of the world’s economic problems,” she said. At the end of the co-operative summit, a co-op declaration was issued to buttress the argument that the sector should be recognized as a significant world economic player. It said the global co-operative sector generates close to $2 trillion in revenues and employs 100 million people, but receives little respect from managers of the world economy. “It is undeniable that considered as a whole, co-operative and mutual businesses represent a social, human and economic powerhouse,” said the declaration. “But efforts must be made to ensure they gain greater political clout. Important decisions are being made around the world with no consideration of the co-operative movement’s distinctiveness.” During the end-of-summit news conference, Desjardins Group president Monique Leroux said the summit and the declaration created momentum for the movement. “It is time to claim our rightful place as an economic force,” she said.





MCEC urges producer patience despite delays Cattle slaughter | Producers losing confidence in council’s ability to expand processing in province Western Producer Brandon reporter Robert Arnason looks at the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council and the growing producer frustration over its inability to bring a cattle slaughter plant to the province. The report continues on pages 17-19. Manitoba Beef Producers voted almost 12 months ago to end a checkoff that funds the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council, which is mandated to expand beef processing in the province. Cattle producers in Manitoba have grown increasingly frustrated with the checkoff since that resolution was passed in November, said MBP general manager Cam Dahl. He said many producers have lost confidence in MCEC and don’t believe the council will ever build a 250 to 500 head per day slaughter p l a nt i n Wi n n i p e g , w h i c h ha s remained on the drawing board since 2008. However, the resolution and the related negative opinions represent a small faction of Manitoba cattle producers, said a MCEC spokesperson “From our point of view, this is not the time to circle the wagons and start firing inward. This is a project that will be good for the industry,” said Adam Dooley, communications manager for MCEC and ProNatur,

the name of the proposed slaughter plant. MCEC, which is funded by a voluntary $2 per head levy and matching funds from the province, bought a former Maple Leaf Foods hog plant in Winnipeg in 2008. It plans to turn the site into a processing plant that will produce halal and kosher beef. It was scheduled to open in 2010, b u t M C E C s t i l l h a s n ’ t b ro k e n ground. It hasn’t found individuals or companies willing to invest in the $40 million plant. Given the delay, producer frustration is understandable, Dooley said. “We never expected it ourselves to take this long.” Ho w e v e r, h e s a i d p ro d u c e r s shouldn’t give up on the Winnipeg plant because Manitoba desperately needs a federally inspected beef processor. “I think we can all agree there are many things that the industry needs. One of the most important is, without a doubt, local beef slaughter capacity.”

Manitoba cattle producers earn $130 less per fed steer than ranchers in Alberta because of transportation and marketing costs, he added. Dooley insisted that ProNatur is economically sound. “We have multiple customers that have signed a letter of intent. One customer has signed a letter of intent to take 100 percent of the production from this plant. So if anyone is doubting the viability of this plant, or whether there is actual market demand for it, that should answer the question.” Construction may begin shortly if MCEC finalizes a couple of deals with potential investors, he added. Dooley said MCEC statistics indicate Manitoba cattle producers do support the council: only 15 percent of Manitoba’s 8,700 cattle producers requested a check-off refund in 2010. However, the statistics also indicate that MCEC refunds 30 to 40 percent of the checkoff each year. “What that tells us is that there are some large individual operations that are requesting refunds,” Dooley said. “But the vast majority of producers are not.” Kelly Penner, a rancher from Douglas, Man., was president of the proposed beef slaughter plant in the late 2000s when the project was known as Keystone Processors. Penner said Manitoba needs a beef processor, but

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Plans for a beef processing plant, which at one time was expected to open in Winnipeg in 2010, have stalled. | FILE PHOTO ProNatur is flawed because the provincial government is running the project. Private enterprise and cattle producers with expertise in the slaughter trade have little or no say in the proposed plant. Barry Todd, Manitoba’s deputy agriculture minster, is chair of MCEC. However, Dooley said portraying MCEC and ProNatur in that light is inaccurate. “Let me be categorical: this is not a provincial government project and it never has been.” Producers have also criticized

MCEC for its levy refund policies. People in Manitoba’s beef industry said council staff have obstructed the refund process over the last year by removing the refund form from the MCEC website and making the paperwork difficult for producers seeking a refund. “We have no knowledge, whatsoever, of any website interruption,” Dooley said. “We take the refund system very, very seriously. And from our point of view, there is no truth to these accusations that we’re deliberately obstructing refunds.”





Producers tire of cattle plant promises ‘Enough is enough’ | Producers say they are tired of seeing checkoff money go to waste BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

As far as Jim Murray is concerned, the likelihood of a cattle slaughter plant being built in Winnipeg is about the same as Manitoba replacing Mexico as the most popular winter holiday destination in North America. “My opinion is that they’ll never kill an animal. They’ll never build a plant where they will kill an animal,” said Murray, a cattle producer from Portage la Prairie, Man. The “they” in Murray’s comment is the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council (MCEC), an organization with the mandate of expanding cattle slaughter in Manitoba. From 2006 to the end of 2011, cattle producers in the province have contributed approximately $5 million in check-off dollars to MCEC. But after six years of paying a levy of $2 per head on every animal they sell, many, or possibly most cattle ranchers in the province, feel the same way as Murray. In fact, MCEC checkoff has become

Producers are not likely to see a Manitoba cattle slaughter plant buying cattle at auction anytime soon, according to many cattle producers. | FILE PHOTO a running joke among cattle producers. Many call it the “Rosann tax” — a reference to Manitoba’s former agriculture minister Rosann Wowchuk, one of the chief architects of the council. While some producers openly mock MCEC, others that once supported it have lost faith because the council has failed to deliver a long-promised

slaughter plant in Winnipeg. “They might as well close their doors…. It’s gone (on) for six years and they haven’t done anything,” Murray said. Supported by the $2 producer levy and a matching $2 levy from Manitoba taxpayers, the council was supposed to finance the construction of new plants, or the expansion of exist-

ing slaughter facilities in the province. The Manitoba government created the council in 2006 as a response to BSE and the related crisis in the Canadian cattle industry. Manitoba didn’t have a federally inspected cattle slaughter plant and MCEC set out to fill that void. More than a year after its inception, the council invested in its first and

what would become its most controversial project. In 2007, MCEC committed $1.2 million to the proponents of Natural Prairie Beef, a group of Manitoba cattle producers who wanted to build a slaughter plant for animals raised without growth hormones and minimal antibiotics. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

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In July 2008, Natural Prairie Beef announced it had purchased a former Maple Leaf Foods hog processing plant in Winnipeg, with the intent of refitting it for beef slaughter. MCEC committed an additional $1.2 million to support the purchase, increasing its investment in Natural Prairie Beef to $2.4 million. The leaders of MCEC and Natural Prairie said the converted facility would be a federally inspected plant called Keystone Processors, which would process 250 to 500 head of cattle per day by 2010. The odds of Natural Prairie Beef succeeding increased in summer 2009 when the federal government announced a $50 million loan program to increase slaughter capacity in regions, like Manitoba, that lacked federally inspected facilities. But the plans began to go off the

rails in the fall of 2009 when Barry Todd, Manitoba’s deputy agriculture minister, became chair of MCEC, said Kelly Penner, the former president and chief executive officer of Natural Prairie Beef. “That was the signal that this thing wasn’t going to make it,” said Penner, a cattle producer from Douglas, Man. The council was supposed operate at arm’s length from government and the appointees who initially managed MCEC knew their role was to support private enterprise, not to run the show, Penner said. Only a few days after Todd took over as chair, Ottawa announced a loan of $10 million to help build the $30 million Keystone Processors plant. As well, MCEC committed an additional $7.5 million to the plant. With that kind of taxpayer and producer dollars at stake, the provincial government wanted more control over the project, which is why the

deputy minister of agriculture slid into the role of MCEC chair. Once that happened, Keystone Processors was no longer a partnership between Natural Prairie Beef and MCEC. It became a provincial government project, Penner said. “It turned so political after that $10 million announcement,” he said. “We (Natural Prairie) had the respect of both levels of government because it was viewed as a private entity…. Then all of the sudden the MCEC steps in and (starts to) manage it.” The Western Producer requested an inter view with Todd regarding MCEC but he wasn’t immediately available. Not long after Todd’s appointment, Penner resigned from Natural Prairie Beef and Keystone Processors. His feeling that the project would unravel came to fruition in July 2011. Citing deficiencies in the business plan, the federal government pulled

It’s ridiculous…. There is absolutely nothing to show what they’re taking our money for. (This summer) I happened to drive past where their proposed plant is supposed to be. It’s just a parking lot. There’s nothing there.” DON WINNICKY MANITOBA PRODUCER

its $10 million loan to Keystone Processors. Shelly Glover, a Conservative MP from Winnipeg, said the original plan was to renovate the Maple Leaf Foods hog plant. However, the leaders of Keystone Processors demolished the facility and planned to build from scratch.

Despite the loss of the loan, the MCEC vowed to press on and began seeking replacement investors in the slaughter plant project, which was renamed ProNatur in the fall of 2011. The rebranding hasn’t helped because Manitoba cattle producers have grown weary of MCEC’s familiar refrain: that it continues to search for investors and it might break ground on the new plant in 30 to 90 days. “It’s ridiculous…. There is absolutely nothing to show what they’re taking our money for,” said Don Winnicky, a cattle rancher from Piney, Man. “(This summer) I happened to drive past where their proposed plant is supposed to be. It’s just a parking lot. There’s nothing there.” This summer, producers in southeastern Manitoba suffered through extremely dry conditions and dozens will have to buy hay to feed their animals this winter. Consequently, cattle farmers in Winnicky’s area are particularly irritated that they are contributing $2 per head to an entity that has accomplished nothing in six years instead of spending that money on feed, Winnicky said. For his part, Penner has moved on from his days leading Natural Prairie Beef, as he just opened a meat and deli shop in Winnipeg. Yet, given the XL Foods recall, it’s obvious to Penner that Manitoba’s cattle industry needs a sizable slaughter plant located within the province. Manitoba needs a slaughterhouse that can handle 10 percent of the province’s cattle herd because producers need a marketing option besides Alberta or the U.S., he noted. Regardless, the plant can’t remain a proposal forever. Either build it or shut down MCEC, Penner said. “The producers have no problem with a check off… if they see results. But enough is enough already.”


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2006 to Dec. 31, 2011: Manitoba cattle producers contributed, via a $2 per head check off, approximately $5 million to MCEC. Manitoba taxpayers contributed about $5.4 million to MCEC, through a matching levy and start-up funding. MCEC spent approximately $2.87 million from 2006 to the end of 2011 on operating costs. 2007-2008: MCEC invested $2.4 million into Keystone Processors, a proposed slaughter plant in Winnipeg 2009: MCEC committed an additional $7.5 million to the plant 2009: the six appointees to the MCEC board of directors received $42,000 in compensation, an average of $7,000 each 2011: MCEC’s three employees were paid $240,000 in salaries and benefits 2011: the council spent $95,000 on advertising and promotion 2011: MCEC announced an investment of $920,000 in Plains Processors to expand an existing cattle slaughter plant in Carman, Man., and bring it up to federal standards. That project is still on hold 2011: MCEC announced an investment of $560,000 in Country Meat & Sausage in Blumenort, Man. The money will pay for an expansion so the plant can slaughter both hogs and cattle. The expansion is proceeding Sources: MCEC annual reports and staff research





Cattle producers question viability of slaughter plant Cart in front of horse | Cattle groups and producers say the industry must rebuild numbers before a plant is feasible BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Less than two weeks after the XL Foods beef recall, the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council announced it may soon break ground on $40 million slaughter plant in Winnipeg. Assuming MCEC finalizes a couple of financial deals this fall, construction will begin shortly on a 250 to 500 head per day plant specializing in halal and kosher beef, the spokesperson told a Winnipeg radio station in early October. While MCEC is still touting its slaughter plant, a project that has been stuck in neutral since 2008, leaders of Manitoba’s beef industry aren’t convinced the province needs a plant right now. “It’s not that we’re saying there shouldn’t be processing in Manitoba,” said Cam Dahl, Manitoba Beef Producers general manager. “But there are some things that need to be done first in order to ensure that the production chain is viable.”

the Manitoba Beef Producers passed a resolution to end the MCEC checkoff. Cattle producers opposed to the $2 levy argued that MCEC had accomplished nothing since its inception and they were sick of the council wasting their check-off dollars. Despite the opposition, the MCEC has said the resolution isn’t valid because most cattle producers support MCEC. In a 2011 news release justifying that claim, the council said only 15 percent of cattle farms asked for a

check-off refund in 2010. However, according to the MCEC annual reports, the council returned 37 percent of the levy to cattle producers in 2009. In 2010 it refunded 32 percent of the levy and 31 percent of the checkoff in 2011. On an anecdotal level, it’s hard to find a farmer who supports MCEC, said Jim Murray, a beef producer from Portage la Prairie. “I haven’t talked to one (producer) who is happy with it (MCEC). And I spend a lot of time in the auction marts. I don’t know where they get

their information that everybody is happy with it.” Producers say the percentage of returned levy would probably increase if the six appointees to MCEC’s board and the organization’s three employees made it easier for them to get their money back. Several people in Manitoba’s cattle industry said they have concerns about MCEC’s refund process. It removed the refund application from its website for several months

and the council sent the wrong application forms to producers, forcing cattle producers to ask for a refund more than once. As well, a couple of producers said it can take six to 12 months to get a refund from MCEC. While many cattle producers have lost faith in MCEC over its policies, lack of communication and unfilled promises, the more significant question is whether Manitoba’s cattle industry is ready for a 250 to 500 head per day plant, or if it is economically viable in the long run.

Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Fall District Meetings The SCA encourages all producers to attend their meeting to voice their perspective on industry issues. This is one of your opportunities to bring forward resolutions.


Ray Armbruster, a rancher from Rossburn, Man., and president of MBP, reiterated Dahl’s comments. He said the province’s beef industry must address other challenges before a large slaughter plant is constructed. For instance, Manitoba needs to rebuild its cattle herd. As of July 2011, according to Statistics Canada, the provincial cow herd was 499,000, the lowest level since 1994. “Sometimes you can’t force these things in. You have to build a vigorous, robust industry (first),” Armbruster said. “Our backgrounding and feeding industry needs to improve in Manitoba. Those things have to be in place to have a cattle supply to support a facility.” Further, the subject of MCEC and the voluntary $2 per head checkoff that funds the organization is a controversial topic among cattle producers in Manitoba. The levy will definitely be discussed, at length, during cattle producer meetings this fall across Manitoba, Dahl said. At its 2011 annual general meeting,

As well, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association will provide an update from the national perspective. A representative from the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency will be in attendance and available to answer any producer questions.

District Director



Carlyle Memorial Hall, 111 Main St., Carlyle, SK Brock Community Hall, Brock, SK Heritage Inn – Jubilee A, 1590 Main St. N, Moose Jaw, SK Turtleford Community Centre, Birk St., Turtleford, SK St. George’s Parish Hall, 325 6th Ave. E, Assiniboia, SK Prince Albert Exhibition Board Room, Exhibition Drive & 6th Ave. E, Prince Albert, SK Ashley Park Community Association, 900 Lorne St. E, Swift Current, SK Tisdale Recplex – Hanover Room, 800 101st St., Tisdale, SK Piapot Legion Hall, McDonald St., Piapot, SK Gallagher Centre, 455 Broadway St. W, Yorkton, SK Manitou Springs Hotel, Manitou Room, Manitou Beach, SK

7 2 9b 3a 9a 3b 8 4 5 6

I haven’t talked to one (producer) who is happy with it (MCEC). And I spend a lot of time in the auction marts. I don’t know where they get their information that everybody is happy with it. JIM MURRAY PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE CATTLE PRODUCER

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Farmer wins award for container design



Lids on the stackable baskets improve food safety BY JEFFREY CARTER FREELANCE WRITER

DRESDEN, Ont. – An Ontario farmer drew on his long experience in the tender fruit industry to design and market what he feels is a superior retail container. Phil Short is not alone in his assessment. He was presented with the top Agri-Food Innovation Award worth $75,000 by Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty on Oct. 4. The plastic baskets come with a lid and a handle and are now being used by Loblaw Companies Ltd. in Ontario and nationally. “I know Loblaws is extremely pleased. It’s increased their sales and decreased their shrink,” Short said. “It took me 40 years being in the business to realize what packaging needed to be.” Short says his patented design has several advantages. The clear plastic allows consumers to see what they’re buying. They have flip-up handles for convenience. They’re built to withstand being stacked four-high in retail displays and they’re a good fit for retailers looking to reduce labour costs. Once the baskets are packed and the lid snapped on top, the produce

inside is not touched by a human hand until the consumer takes it home — a key food safety consideration for retailers, Short said. The lids prevent consumers from taking produce from one basket to top up another. They also prevent fruit from falling out. The lids also serve to maintain moisture levels in the fruit and Short said they help keep it in good shape for about seven days longer than other containers. “The extension of the shelf life is something we discovered as we went along.” The baskets were designed for tender fruit, including peaches, nectarines, plums and cherries, and they’re now being sold to growers in British Columbia. Short said he’s also developed a market for packaging greenhouse peppers and cherry tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, potatoes and other produce. Short said some of the prize money will offset development costs. “We put a lot into it and our investment costs have not been recovered as yet.” Short operates a fruit farm near St. Catharines. He is president of NBF Produce, a Niagara-area shipper/ dealer, and is president of Vortex Packaging Niagara Inc.

Workers harvest vegetables in a field near Oliver, B.C., Sept. 25. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO


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More needed | Farmers plead for more help from Ottawa BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

The first shipment of prairie hay made it to drought-affected eastern Ontario Oct. 9 with a promise of more to come but quantities are much less than farmers need. “It really is just a drop in the bucket,” Glenn Buck of the Mennonite Disaster Service Ontario unit said Oct. 10. “People need to realize how big this problem is.” This week, 30 large bales of hay arrived in Cobden, northwest of Ottawa. Glenn said another 200 bales are in the pipeline to be shipped from hayrich prairie areas to hay-deficient Ontario areas where livestock farmers started to feed winter hay in the summer because of the lack of pasture. “It is a moving target but the need clearly is far greater than the commitment so far,” said Buck. Farmers north of Saskatoon organized the Oct. 9 shipment. Some planned shipments are also from northern Alberta. The Hay East campaign is a western response to the outpouring of support from eastern Canadian producers a decade ago in the Hay West campaign for drought-ravaged prairie cattle farmers. However, Buck said this effort lacks a crucial area of support. In 2002, the federal Liberal government supported the effort and paid the costs of moving hay by rail from east to west. This time, the federal Conservative

government has not made a commitment to the effort. The Mennonite Disaster Service paid the freight for the first shipments. “But we have a very small pot of money for this,” said Buck. He s a i d a l o b by o f Ca na d i a n National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway to transport the hay for free drew the response that they will contribute if the federal government does. Ontario Federation of Agriculture president Mark Wales said that federal support this time is caught up in negotiations about when and how AgriRecovery can kick in to cover some of the transportation costs. “There is much more AgriRecovery can do but if (agriculture minister) Gerry Ritz wants a good day he can go to Renfrew and announce he is cutting a cheque so we can get ahead of the curve on this,” he said. Farmers estimate about 45,000 round bales are needed to keep the Ontario cattle herd through the winter. In the Hay West project a decade ago, 58,000 round bales were sent west by Christmas. “We would like to see the same timeline this time,” he said. But Wales said Ontario farmers appreciate western support. “Ontario farmers are grateful for the show of support from our western neighbours and for the support of hay, cash and in-kind donations that have begun to come in.”




SAVOUR PRAIRIE FLAVOURS Enjoying the local bounty is a special part of fall. There are a number of prairie inspired cookbooks to help with menu planning. | Page 27




Practical courses teach life skills

Home ec classes make the ‘cool’ list

Hands-on classes a hit | Saskatchewan curriculum requires applied arts courses for all students STORIES BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Practical, hands-on classes such as home economics and industrial arts are back in vogue. Not that they ever disappeared from school curricula, but their popularity is soaring as high school students look to trades-based careers. Many school divisions cut their practical and applied arts (PAA) programming in the 1990s, said Gord Heidel, PAA co-ordinator for Saskatchewan’s education ministry. “There was this mentality that everybody was going to go to university,” he said. However, the province’s booming economy and demand for trades people has changed that mindset. From commercial cooking to welding to fashion design to agriculture, PAA classes are in demand. Forty classes are offered under the PAA umbrella in Saskatchewan. Not all are offered everywhere; each school division has to consider its facilities and available expertise. Christine Thompson, who teaches home economics to students in middle years in Swift Current, Sask., said basic cooking and sewing skills are taught to all students. It’s not like the old days when girls took home ec and boys took shop class, she added. Most students at this level are starting from scratch. “There are very few kids that come in with a lot of experience,” she said. Members of organizations such as 4-H have done some cooking and sewing, but there is less time for this type of teaching at home because most families have two working parents. Heidel said these important life skills are critical to students’ success both in school and as adults. Hands-on learning also suits some students better than sitting in a lecture-style class. Students generally select PAA classes that fit with their personal interests, such as auto body or carpentry. “The kids who choose those electives thrive in those classes,” he said. “That, for some kids, might be the

Marnie Gutscher, home economics teacher at Swift Current Composite High School, instructs students in the fine art of fondant work during a cake decorating session. | SARAH GALVIN PHOTO difference between them carrying on through Grade 12 and not (graduating).” It can also lead to a career. The Saskatchewan curriculum requires that all Grade 7 to 9 students take 150 hours of PAA classes. After Grade 9, two PAA electives are required. Heidel, who was hired by the ministry a year ago after 18 years as an auto body teacher, has been studying PAA curricula across Canada.

He is looking for ways to share ideas and resources, as well as how the different provinces’ curricula fit together. For example, electrical standards are fairly close across the country so classes in that area should be similar. Heidel will also be updating curricula, but he said any changes are at least a year away. The clothing, textiles and fashion design curriculum was last updated in 2000, while the food studies cur-

riculum was established in 1999. He said at a pace of updating three out of 40 classes per year, there will always be some that are at least a decade out of date. While the basics of cooking might not change, trends and palates do. He said immigration and television cooking shows have exposed people to ethnic food and preparation methods that go beyond the basic meat-and-potatoes cooking of 30 years.



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Quilting isn’t just Grandma’s hobby any more, while cake decorating has become more than just a pastime. Saskatchewan home economists and home economics teachers are happy about the resurgence of the home arts. A recent conference attended by 80 members of the associations that represent both groups saw an influx of younger attendees, said home economics teacher and conference organizer Christine Thompson. She said popular television shows and magazines and media focus on food and fashion likely get some of the credit for the renewed interest. For example, cupcakes have been a foodie trend for a few years and have led to entire stores offering elaborately decorated mini cakes. “Quilting is a huge industry,” said Thompson. “There are classes and retreats.” Students have seen all this happen and want to participate, she added. What was once perhaps considered “lame” is now cool. Some school cooking classes feature iron chef competitions, while Agriculture in the Classroom has offered a two-part competition for high school students that involved planning and preparing a meal using chicken as the main ingredient. Project-based learning engages a different part of the brain and can help lead to success in other classes as well as careers. “The kids, they love doing it,” Thompson said. “It’s so exciting for them to build a project, something they can use or take home.” Teachers are awaiting the development of new curriculum that will update the classes they teach. Thompson said classes change with the times. Microwave cooking was once cutting edge but is no longer emphasized during lab work. However, basic skills such as measuring and safety will always be included. “There is more emphasis on nutrition all the way through,” she said. “We want them to focus on the best healthiest options.”

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Young fisherman reels in big catch with Jerk Fish New product development | Rural Manitoban seeks to increase his return on walleye caught in Lake Winnipeg BY KAREN MORRISON SASKATOON NEWSROOM

GIMLI, Man. — Manitoba fisherman Chris Dalman smelled an opportunity when a shipment of specialty fish bound for Gimli’s Icelandic Festival was confiscated at the port. He decided to try dehydrating the walleye he catches and selling it to a community that loves its hardfiskur. The result was Jerk Fish, which is now available in peppered, seasoned and traditional flavours in grocery stores throughout the Manitoba Interlake. “Everyone liked it and it went over well,” said Dalman, who is of Icelandic descent. “The Icelandic like cod and are used to a pungent fish flavour.” Demand has since outstripped supply for the one-person company, which uses Dalman’s double car garage in Arnes, Man., for processing and packaging. He said smaller fish work best, noting how a freshly caught 340 gram fish dries down to 70 grams. He sells Jerk Fish to stores for $8.33, which then resell it for around $13. During the warmer months, Dalman can be found in his small boat on Lake Winnipeg catching fish for about six hours a day. Once home, the day’s catch is processed for fresh fish markets or dried for Jerk Fish. In the early days of the business, that meant 18 to 20 hour days and processing 100 bags a day. “I’ve slowed down a bit,” said Dalman, who once travelled to multiple

farmers’ markets each week but now focuses on his “hot spots” and selling to stores with strong hard fish sales. Private fresh fish sales allow him to earn twice as much as wholesale, and adding value with Jerk Fish allows him to earn five times that amount, he said. “If I had to buy this fish, it wouldn’t be worth it. The only reason it’s profitable to me is that I fish it,” he said. Although a food product, fish does not qualify for grants available from Agriculture Canada. Consequently, he turned to Community Futures East Interlake for $45,000 in loans to refurbish his garage, buy equipment, conduct product development and develop packaging and labels. He would like to eventually sell to hunting and fishing stores or supply the Minnesota Vikings football stadium because of its association with the Icelandic culture. He said Jerk Fish is a good fit with outdoor enthusiasts and travellers. “It’s a quick easy snack, popular with truckers,” he said, citing its 80 percent protein content. For now, he’s moving ahead cautiously. “I don’t want to go too fast,” said Dalman. He fell in love with fishing after working as a tree planter in British Columbia. He worked as a fisherman’s helper for two years, as required, before getting his commercial fishing licence and gradually building up

his fish quota to 18,000 pounds. Dalman said it is difficult for an independent to break into commercial fishing in the family-dominated industry of the Interlake, where quotas now sell for as much as $5.50 per pound. The phosphorus concerning sunbathers and cottage owners is a boon to fishermen like Dalman, who said the nutrient load is keeping fish numbers high. He works at ice breaking, dredging and ice fishing in the winter to supplement his seasonal fishing income and support his two preschoolers and wife, Kyla. MLA Peter Bjornson, Manitoba’s minister responsible for entrepreneurship, training and trade, has tasted the product, which resembles a toned down variety of the hard fish he grew up with as part of an Icelan-

TOP: Chris Dalman created a toned down version of a much loved Icelandic hard fish product. | KAREN MORRISON PHOTO ABOVE: Dalman spends about six hours daily fishing on Lake Winnipeg for the walleye used in Jerk Fish. | GLENDA MELSTED PHOTO LEFT: Jerk Fish is available in three flavours. | KAREN MORRISON PHOTO dic family in Gimli. “It’s something we’ve been eating a version of for centuries as Icelandic people,” Bjornson said. “The original hard fish is admittedly an acquired taste, but when you do what Chris has done, it’s a great product.” Bjornson sees market potential in the health benefits. “What he’s done with it is pretty innovative and it’s a matter of selling that product to the right market and finding that market and expanding that market,” he said. Bjornson said there are few valueadded fish products from Manitoba, but noted the potential is great for

Manitoba’s commercial and recreational fishing industry, which has a net worth of $80 million annually. His department has appointed a trade specialist to look at markets for Manitoba fish outside of Canada. He said provincial programs are available to entrepreneurs to assist with market and product development, commercialization and certification. Organizations such as the Canadian Youth Business Foundation also lend support. There are also trade shows and food fairs, including Food Fight in Brandon, which is a showcase and competition held each spring for new Manitoba products.





Ill family member precipitates switch to organic Seeking specialty markets | Farmers must meet a long list of requirements before an organic dairy is certified BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

WETASKIWIN, Alta. — The decision to switch their dairy farm to organic from conventional was easy for Arnold and Jeannette Van Os. An ill family member who explored alternative treatment helped give the couple the push they needed to try something different when Alberta Milk looked for dairy producers interested in organic milk production. “The switch was a little harder than the decision,” said Arnold, sitting at a long wooden kitchen table after morning milking. Farmers must meet a long list of requirements before an organic dairy is certified. No fertilizer and pesticides are allowed on the fields for three years and the cattle must be fed only organic feed for a year before certification. A combination of little rain and not enough hay land has made buying high quality organic feed difficult, said Arnold, but he hopes that additional land he recently purchased will help ensure a good supply of organic dairy feed. Arnold estimated he lost 25 percent of his milk production when he switched to organic, which he blames on poorer quality feed. The Van Oses are just one of 10 organic dairies in the province supplying nine million litres of organic milk a year for processing. About half the milk is sold under the organic label and the rest is added to the conventional milk system. “I see a growing trend to organic, but it’s still growing and there are a few hiccups,” said Arnold. Two organic processors operated in Alberta when the Van Oses began producing organic milk: Saputo and Saxby Foods, a cake manufacturer that entered the organic milk market. However, Saxby has since gone out of business, leaving Saputo as the only organic milk processor. Arnold hopes increased marketing and advertising will increase the market for organic milk so that it eventually becomes large enough to

use all the organic milk produced in the province. The Van Os farm is one of six dairies in Alberta using Jersey milk cows. The family bought an older dairy farm when they emigrated from Holland 13 years ago. The started by milking the more traditional Holsteins, but switched to Jerseys because they fit better into their older milking barns. As well, farmers at that time were paid based on milk components. The 180 Jersey milk cows produce less milk, but the payments were higher because of higher fat content. The payment system has since been changed, but Arnold still believes it was a good move to switch to Jersey cattle. “We really started to like the breed. Their attitude is different,” said Arnold, who often gets calls from acreage owners who want to buy a Jersey cow for their own farm. The bull calves are kept until about three months and sold to people who want roping calves. “I can’t keep up. I could have double the numbers. I have no problem selling them,” he said. The couple believes they made the right decision to move their family from Holland to Alberta. A friend had recently returned to Holland from Canada and was excited about the opportunities. The idea turned to reality, especially when Jeannette became excited about the move. “When we looked to the future, we saw more opportunity here,” she said. “It was a challenge, something new. I wanted a better future for our family.” Two of the family’s nine children, aged two to 24, help in the family farm. “It’s such a different culture here. It’s much more relaxed,” said Arnold. “In Holland, you have to do things a certain way, act a certain way. Most people live for the neighbors. Here you can be yourself.” Added Jeannette: “Overall, it’s better.” The family filled a container with their belongings when they moved, including a box of wooden shoes,

Arnold and Jeannette Van Os of Wetaskiwin, Alta., moved to Canada from Holland 13 years ago for a better life for their family, including their daughter, Nakaiah. The family has nine children, including two who help maintain the organic Jersey dairy herd. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS

which they couldn’t live without. Arnold is a director with Alberta Milk, the province’s milk marketing agency. For him, it’s a way to meet

other dairy farmers, keep up with industry trends and give back to the industry. “I really like the variety off the farm,”

he said. “It’s a way to meet other people, share experiences and move the industry forward.”


Change in diet worth trying to resolve health concerns HEALTH CLINIC



I have had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome for several years. Recently, I read that going on a gluten-free diet might help my aches and pains. Do you think it is worth trying? I don’t have any intestinal symptoms.


You have nothing to lose if it doesn’t work, except that a gluten-free diet does cost more than other food. It is becoming much easier to purchase crackers, bread, pasta, cereal and cookies made with gluten-free flour. Most grocery stores now have a special shelf for these products and there are bakeries that specialize in them also. It is becoming fashionable for people to go on this diet, because they believe it is generally more healthy. However, most gluten-free baked goods are made with refined white rice flour and may be lacking in fibre as well as vitamin B and iron, which are added to bread and cereal. There is a difference between people who have celiac disease and non-

celiac gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that runs in families. Eating gluten contained in wheat, barley and rye products causes the wavy protrusions in the small intestine known as villi to die off, leaving the inside of the bowel smooth. Food goes straight through and is not properly digested. Diarrhea and stomach cramps are symptoms. There may also be a skin rash called dermatitis herpetiformis, which can sometimes be confused with psoriasis. About one percent of the population suffers from celiac disease. It is also more common in people of northern European descent. However, another six percent of the population have also been identified with

non-celiac gluten sensitivity. You may be one of these people. It is now considered a separate clinical condition and symptoms may include chronic fatigue, weight loss and joint pains or arthritis. In these cases, biopsies of the small intestine show no abnormalities and it does not appear to be an autoimmune disorder. There is no specific test for nonceliac gluten sensitivity at this time. Try a gluten-free diet for about six months and see if you feel better. Eggs and eyes Your mother used to tell you to eat your carrots so you could see in the dark, but now it seems that eating

eggs is good for eyesight as well. Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in this country, partly due to our increased life expectancy. Eggs contain a substance called lutein, which helps prevent this eye disease. It is related to the carotenoids found in carrots. Eggs are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins such as folic acid. People once avoided eggs due to cholesterol and heart disease concerns. If you stick to one egg a day on average, you will have no increased risk of heart attack or stroke, and your eyes will thank you. Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact: health@producer.com.





Women celebrate eight decades as ‘persons’ in Canada TEAM RESOURCES


Isolation and lack of opportunities for prairie women were once prevalent “We are not here to beg for a favour, but to obtain simple justice. Have we not the brains to think? Hands to work? Hearts to feel? And lives to live?” — Nellie McClung


was in university in in the 1960s during the Burn the Bra era. Later, the Status of Women Action Committee was formed. It was a time of wanting equality in life and work, claiming ownership of our own

bodies and thinking we could change the world. I had little awareness of the brave and tenacious women ahead of me like my grandmother, Florence Hooper. She graduated from Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin, in 1909 with a Bachelor of Arts. My g ra n d m o t h e r h a s a l w ay s intrigued me, having known her only through her university and teaching pictures and her personal scrapbook of poems and clippings. She died when my father was 20 years old. It’s difficult for me to piece together the puzzle of why she was so fortunate to attend university. My father thinks it’s because she wanted to. Her family was not wealthy but was devout. Like the Ivy League colleges established by the Puritans, Carroll College was created by the Presbyterians. She worked as a teacher in both Canada and the United States. After marrying, she was active in the church and community and served as the local correspondent to the Regina Leader-Post.

The Famous Five, which included Nellie McClung, above, Emily Murphy, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Irene Parlby and Louise McKinney, are immortalized for their efforts in furthering women’s rights in Canada in a sculpture on Parliament Hill. | REUTERS PHOTO I wonder what her thoughts were on the women’s movement of the time. Voting but Still not a Person


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Vanee Farm Centre Inc. Lethbridge, AB ................................................... 403-327-1100 Rocky Mountain Equipment Red Deer, Edmonton, Barrhead, Westlock, Camrose, AB .............................. 310-HAMR (4267) Bill’s Farm Supplies Stettler, AB ......................................................... 403-742-8327 Tri-Ag Implements Ltd Wainwright, St. Paul, Consort, AB ..................... 780-842-4408 Novlan Bros. Sales Partnership Paradise Hill, SK ................................................ 306-344-4448 Raymore New Holland Raymore, SK ...................................................... 306-746-2911 John Bob Farm Equipment Tisdale, SK ......................................................... 306-873-4588 Watrous New Holland Watrous, SK ....................................................... 306-946-3301 Yorkton New Holland Yorkton, SK ........................................................ 306-783-8511 &1+ $PHULFD //& 1HZ +ROODQG LV D UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUN RI &1+ $PHULFD //&

Women’s suffrage was not unique to Canada and the United States. The isolation and lack of opportunities for women were almost universal. Women came to a young Canada from their own countries, hoping for improved lives in their new world. The suffragette movement struggled in Canada and around the world. With the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 and the enlistment of men in the armed forces, women entered the work force in unprecedented numbers and their role in the country’s economy could no longer be ignored. On Jan. 28, 1916, Manitoba became the first province in Canada to allow women to be elected to the Legislature. A series of measures between 1917 and 1919 declared the women of Manitoba were citizens, persons and human beings. By 1925, women could vote provincially everywhere except Quebec, where 15 more years would pass before the right was granted. Women are Persons On Oct. 18, 1928, the Privy Council of Britain declared “women are persons.” Until then, a British ruling of 1876 declared that women were persons in matters of pain and penalties, but not persons in matters of rights and privileges. In 1929, after two years of legal debate, Canada’s highest court of appeal declared that the word person included both women and men. Five Alberta women, who became known as the Famous Five, had brought the case before the courts in 1927. Being a Person is Not Enough By the early 1900s, some women in Canada had made a place for themselves in newspapers, and through the printed page, these women acquired an audience. Lillian Beynon was hired as women’s columnist for the Weekly Free Press and Prairie Farmer. Francis Beynon later became woman’s editor of the Grain Growers’ Guide. Nellie McClung was a novelist. Cora Hind became a familiar figure

Florence Hooper poses in her classroom, after earning a university degree in 1909. | SARAH GALVIN PHOTOS in the rural areas, well aware of farmers’ problems in financing their operations and marketing their crops. She initially signed her articles with E.C. Hind to hide her female identity. Women had a place to share and get reassurance from others in The Western Producer’s Mainly for Women pages in the 1930s. Christa Scowby’s master’s thesis, Divine Discontent: Women, Identity and The Western Producer, reported that Mainly For Women played a vital role in recognizing the importance of community work to the physical and emotional well-being of farm women and the strength of the farming community.

Sarah Galvin is a home economist, teacher and farmers’ market vendor at Swift Current, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact: team@producer.com.

What are your special holiday traditions? Does your family do something special to celebrate Christmas that you would like to share with Western Producer readers? A selection of 300-400 word stories describing your holiday traditions will be published in The Western Producer in December. Send stories and photos by Dec. 3 to newsroom@ producer.com or Farm Living, The Western Producer, Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4.





Parents have to make some but not all decisions for pre-teen SPEAKING OF LIFE



My 12-year-old has always stubbornly refused to attend to personal hygiene. She is driving us bonkers. She won’t brush her teeth. She won’t wash. She won’t wear deodorant. She won’t shower or wash her hair or generally be clean. Could it be a control thing?

I have to literally stand next to her and go through the list of personal care duties. And she gets angry with me, but if I don’t nag at her, she does not do any of it. I know in the big picture I should calm down and worry about the big stuff. But being bullied would be devastating for her fragile selfesteem if the mean girls target her in her class because she smells. I do not want her to give them ammunition. What can I do?


You are having a perplexing problem with your young girl. This has probably evolved into a power struggle between the two of you, but I am not sure that you have to

back down. Neither do I believe that you have to perpetuate it. You might do better if you explore what is going on with your daughter before you challenge what needs to be corrected. Your daughter is 12 and that puts her at the end of preadolescence. It is noted for growth spurts, the beginning of sexual maturity and changes in peer group relationships, academic expectations and family relationships. During this time, parents expect more responsible behaviour. Some children handle this period of their lives better than others. Perhaps your daughter is not handling it well and is making some bad decisions.

I believe that you need to be proactive. You need to make some decisions for her, but not all of them. When you try to do too much, you are susceptible to nagging and lose credibility. You would probably do better to pick your battles. What would happen if you and your daughter sat down when the two of you are not arguing with each other and made a commitment to her to try to back off from the list of complaints you outlined in your note to me? You are, however, going to insist that she have a proper and complete shower at night before bedtime. That shower has to happen every night. If need be, you will nag her to get into the shower.

It is her choice. She can either hop into the shower or put up with your interference until she does. My guess is that if you follow through on this, some of your other concerns will rectify themselves. Be patient. The escape from preadolescence does not happen overnight. It takes time. The more you can listen to your daughter as she gets challenged during this moment in her life, the more likely it is that she will continue to grow and mature into a responsible woman.

Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ producer.com.


Cover speaks volumes THE MORE THINGS CHANGE …



almost always judge a book by its cover. The more raised lettering and metallic colors it has, the better. And a holographic image or two doesn’t hurt, either. Hey, those eyes are following me. Some books play up the author’s name to the point that the title is incidental. Here’s another Stephen King book. Didn’t he release one last week? This title looks familiar. Maybe I’ve already read it. Let’s see … evil incarnate, hellspawn, creepy things that go bump, gorp, squelch in the night … no, never seen it before. I also like books with lots of pages and fairly small type. If you’re spending a hefty sum for a paperback, you might as well get one that will keep you occupied for a while. The blurbs on the cover are important. I always read them because it’s important to know what Gaylord Wilmott of the Delaware Times Herald Picayune Examiner thought of a book. Usually his analysis is along the lines of, “Fantastic! Demonic! Riveting! Buy this book! Now!” If the book has been on the New York Times bestseller list, well, that’s enough reason right there to buy it. New Yorkers are cool, so if a book makes it on their list, that makes me cool by association. Torontonians aren’t as cool as New Yorkers, so the book list in the Globe and Mail doesn’t have quite the cachet as the one in the Times. Cachet is a word I picked up reading book reviews.

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Prairie cookbooks highlight regional specialties BY AMY JO EHMAN FREELANCE WRITER

The potatoes are in cold storage, the sour cherries are frozen and the beef is at the butcher to be cut and wrapped. Another prairie harvest season is coming to a close. It’s the perfect time to sit down with a book that celebrates the local bounty and feeds a growing curiosity in prairie food from farm to fork. “The interest is huge on the Prairies, even moreso, I find, than in Ontario,” said C. J. Katz, Reginabased author of Taste: Seasonal Dishes from a Prairie Table. “We’re a whole lot more than wheat,” said Katz, who admits she held that old stereotype before moving to Saskatchewan from Ontario 10 years ago with her husband and two sons. Reluctant to relocate at first, she became captivated and shared her discoveries with readers of her online magazine Savour Life. “I was seeing it through new eyes and I think that I helped some people who had been here a long time to see their province through different eyes as well,” she said. Katz relates a story about Saskatchewan senator Pamela Wallin, a former journalist and diplomat, who gave a ringing endorsement of her book. Yet, Wallin wanted to know why there was a picture of fiddleheads on the cover. “She didn’t realize we have fiddleheads here, but of course we do,” said

Recipes using prairie fruit include cherry spareribs, plum pizza and apple soup. | AMY JO EHMAN PHOTO Katz, who noted other surprises like wild culinary mushrooms, fresh water fisheries and prairie cherries. “People are surprised to learn how many fruits are grown on the Prairies,” said Getty Stewart of Winnipeg, author of The Prairie Fruit Cookbook released earlier this year. The cookbook features 11 prairie fruits from apples to grapes, with information on picking, preserving and preparing creative recipes such

as plum pizza, saskatoon berry salsa and apple soup. “Our fruits are so versatile. They sometimes have more of that tart flavour (compared to B.C. fruit), but that’s what makes our fruit so unique and so versatile,” she said. “You can go savoury or you can go sweet. You’re not stuck with just desserts.” Stewart grew up on a farm at Nesbitt, Man., where her family collected wild and orchard fruit. When she

started a family of her own in Winnipeg, she was struck by how much fruit grew in the city and how much of it went to waste. Three years ago, she started a harvesting co-op called Fruit Share that allows volunteers to pick unharvested fruit and share it with homeowners and food charities. This year, volunteers picked 9,000 pounds of fruit. Yet, she said many didn’t know what to do with it. “Unlike a lot of farm families who pass that tradition on, many of our volunteers didn’t have that background. But they are really curious,” said Stewart. It joins a new crop of single-issue cookbooks, including the Gravelbourg Mustard Cookbook, which elevates mustard from its niche as only a condiment, and Cooking with Cherries From the Prairies, a collection of recipes and folklore compiled by the University of Saskatchewan’s fruit program, where these hardy prairie cherries were developed through selective cross-breeding. “Most people think cherry pie and that’s it, but there’s so much more you can do with these cherries,” said Loretta Bors, one of the Cherries authors. She said some of the keenest customers are producers who are marketing locally-grown fruit and hope to encourage customers to think outside the pie. It includes recipes such as cherry spareribs, cherry biryani and Hungarian sour cherry soup.

Even the Company’s Coming cookbook empire joined the local food bandwagon this year by launching the Canada Cooks Series, including the The Canadian Prairie Cookbook featuring prairie ingredients for busy home cooks, a sign of the growing interest in tapping the local foodshed. “The term foodshed refers to any specific geographic region and the food thereof, from the farmer who produced it though the distribution system to the consumer’s plate,” said Dee Hobsbawn-Smith, author of Foodshed: An Edible Alberta Alphabet. “In my mind, the producers are the bedrock of it.” From asparagus to zizania (the genus of wild rice), Foodshed covers the ground of regional food and the farmers who produce it, focusing on being a small, independent farmer selling directly to customers. A professional chef, HobsbawnSmith began sourcing local food and collecting stories when she had her own restaurant in Calgary and later as the food columnist in the Calgary Herald. Already the author of three cookbooks, she decided this book would have few recipes and focus on the farmers instead. “These farmers do it not for the money, but because they believe in it. They do it for the rural lifestyle,” she said. “A lot of them have second jobs to underwrite the fact that they are raising our food, which I think is a terrible reflection on the importance of food and lack thereof in our culture.”

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Harvest For Kids 249 combines | Proceeds from Saskatchewan record breaking event support childrens’ camp programs in the developing world



askatchewan farmers now hold the world record for the most combines harvesting on a single field at the same time. Harvest For Kids, organizers of the record setting event, set out to beat the record of 208 combines set in Ireland last July. It prepared 249 swaths on a 200 acre oat field 25 kilometres north of Saskatoon. By the time the siren sounded for the combines to begin, not only did every swath have a combine lined up on it, there were even a couple extra combines. It marks the fourth time the record has been passed between Irish and Canadian farmers: In 2010 at Winkler, Man., 200 combines took to one field; in Ireland in 2009, 175 combines were recorded in one field, and in 2006, an event in Westlock, Alta., unofficially broke the previous record with 100 combines. The co-ordinator of the Saskatchewan event, Wendell Andres, said he was thrilled. “It’s more than a little bit of a rivalry,” he said. “What they did in Ireland was actually a really good thing and we don’t want to take that away from them, but we wanted to show them that Saskatchewan farmers can do it also.” Shawn Fisher, sales manager of Moody’s Equipment, a New Holland dealer in Saskatoon that brought 16 combines to the event, said an estimated $50 to $75 million worth of machinery took to the field for the event. However, it wasn’t only the big and expensive combines that interested the spectators. “You actually see the bigger part of the crowd is over in the part of the field with the old-time threshing and old combines — that’s where the interest is,” Fisher said. The 1957 Cockshutt 428 Deluxe, which hasn’t missed a harvest since it was new, was among the older combines that many spectators watched. Its owner, Jack Klassen, a

62-year-old organic farmer from north of Shell Lake, Sask., started running the machine when he was nine years old. “I think a lot of farmers had one of them at one time, and so a lot of folks came up and wanted to sit on it and tell stories,” Klassen said. “I was a little bit concerned about the swath. I was supposed to have a 15-foot swath and I ended up getting a 25-foot swath, which is a really big load for the machine. I went really slowly. I certainly wasn’t done first, but I did get the job done.” In the mile long line of 187 combines sitting side by side on the east end of the field were two Case 80-10 machines owned and driven by Dennis and Joyce Goetz from Radisson, Sask. The couple still had about three days of combine work to complete their own harvest, but they decided to set that aside so they could come help their neighbours at the event. “At first we were only going to bring one of them, but then we thought, ‘no, we’ll bring both of them …’ That’s how people in Saskatchewan do it — you help out however you can, especially if you’re helping kids.” Dwane Sekundiak of Saskatoon watched the combines with his daughter and grandchildren, and called it a once in a lifetime event. “Farmers in Saskatchewan are like the Rider fans — they just love it,” he said. “I’d sooner hook a baler behind a tractor and drive around a field than pull a trailer to the southern states. That’s a vacation to me.” Christian country band High Valley proved a popular attraction. Brad Rempel, one of the three brothers that make up the band, said combining is nothing new to the family from La Crete, Alta. “The whole province of Saskatchewan is known for farming, and this has proven it today that they have taken this seriously and want to be the world record holders,” he said. The Harvest for Kids event was originally going to be held on a 300 acre oat field owned by Chad

TOP: A new world record of 249 combines harvesting on the same field at the same time was set at the Harvest for Kids, held Oct. 6 near Saskatoon. ABOVE: The crowd watches as combines from the west side of the field finish their swaths. The combines from the east side of the field continue to work. | ROBIN BOOKER PHOTOS Doerksen. However, 500 millimetres of rain fell on the crop through the summer, Doerksen said, so they were forced to move the event to Brent Baerg’s farm. Harvest For Kids raises money for Children’s Camps International by taking the proceeds of a crop, which is produced with donations of land,

inputs, machinery, and work by sponsors. Children’s Camps International is a non-profit organization that supports children camping programs in the developing world. Wendell Andres, the regional director of Children’s Camp International in Saskatchewan, said

since the program began in 2003 it has helped more than 900,000 children to go to camp. ”Our focus is to empower churches in other countries to use camp as a tool for evangelism,” Andres said. “It’s an opportunity for us to give them hope, where there isn’t necessarily a lot of hope.”





CWD experts lament loss of targeted hunt Program eliminated in 2009 | Deer would be shot within a 10-kilometre radius of a positive case of CWD to control its spread BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

Chronic wasting disease in wild deer has spread faster since Alberta government staff stopped their targeted hunts four years ago, says a provincial disease specialist. “I believe we have the evidence that the control program was effective in the years when we delivered it,” said Margo Pybus of Alberta’s Fish and Wildlife disease unit. “The rate of spread was less and the rate of increase within the population was less. Under the current program, yes it’s spreading both geographically and spreading numerically. The proportion of animals that are infected is increasing each year.” Thirty-three deer tested positive for the brain wasting disease last fall, bringing the total to 127 wild deer that have tested positive since it was first detected in Alberta in 2005. CWD is believed to have entered the province from Saskatchewan as deer moved through river valleys between the provinces. Pybus said it continues to spread into Alberta. An additional three wildlife management units, or hunting areas, were added this year, requiring hunters to submit the heads of deer shot in those areas. Hunters must now submit heads from deer shot in 33 WMU areas along the Saskatchewan border and in the Battle and Red Deer river valleys. “That is where we believe the disease is heading. What we try to do is get out in front of it, ideally start to get more samples from that area. We may not find the disease this year, but we might find it next year if indeed it is spreading up the watershed,” said Pybus. “It’s contingent upon us to know at least where the disease is, to know where it’s spreading and how fast it’s getting there, what the implications may be for our deer populations. The disease will continue to just spread up these two watersheds in particular, will spill over into other watersheds and eventually you will see it insidiously march across the province and we’ll have CWD show up in areas further and further west each year.” Before 2009, fish and wildlife staff would shoot deer within a 10-kilometre radius of where a positive wild deer had been discovered in an effort to control the spread and keep it at a stable and low level. Doug Butler, hunting chair of Alberta Fish and Game, said they would like to see a return to more targeted methods to control the spread of CWD in wild deer. The disease needs to be controlled with a combination of increased monitoring, more hunting tags and targeted kills after a deer tests positive. “We want to hold it at bay until more is known,” said Butler, who sat on government CWD manage-


We know that it is continuing to expand and from a wildlife management perspective we don’t know what the ultimate implications of CWD in deer populations in our ecosystems is likely to be. MARGO PYBUS ALBERTA FISH AND WILDLIFE DISEASE UNIT

ment groups before they were disbanded. “Something has to be done. Doing nothing is unacceptable.” He said officials don’t want a return to the scorched earth policy the fish and wildlife department used to control the deer around a positive case. Instead, they would like to see a more modest number of deer killed following a positive discovery rather than wildlife staff shooting deer from helicopters and burying them in pits. “Monitoring it doesn’t do any good if there is no action on a positive,” said Butler. Opponents of targeted hunts didn’t believe they were effective, arguing that killing deer within an area would create a vacuum that deer from other areas would fill. Pybus said their studies show deer are social animals and don’t leave their social groups for areas of lowdeer density. “It isn’t part of their behaviour.” Herman Bulten, chair of the Alberta Elk Commission, said his organization’s position hasn’t changed and is still opposed to killing deer in a known CWD area. “We don’t believe it’s a useful tool to halt the spread of CWD,” said Bulten. He said deer scatter faster and farther than if they are left alone. “Is that a good use of resources? CWD is not a disease that spreads like wildfire. It spreads slowly,” he said. Instead, Bulten said his organization wants the Alberta government to put extra money into a University of Saskatchewan research program that is developing a vaccine to halt the disease. “They are crying for funding,” said Bulten. Pybus said there is no indication the government plans to bring back the control program. Even without a targeted hunt, he believes a con-

tinuing surveillance program is important. More than 48,000 wild deer have been tested for CWD since 1998. “I think it’s essential we maintain some handle on what this disease is doing on the landscape,” he said. “We know that it is continuing to expand and from a wildlife management perspective we don’t know what the ultimate implications of CWD in deer populations in our ecosystems is likely to be. It’s a new element. This is an invasive, exotic disease.”





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COMING EVENTS Oct. 20-21: Low stress livestock handling clinic, Brandon (Register, 204-4832153, www.mbforagecouncil.mb.ca) Oct. 21: Al Oeming’s fall classic auction, Polar Park, Edmonton (Al Oeming, 780-922-3013, questions@ aloemingauctions.com, www. aloemingauctions.com) Manitoba Sheep Association district meetings (204-421-9434, mb@ mbsheep.ca): Oct. 25: Southwest, Veva’s Restaurant, Boissevain Nov. 3: Northwest, Parkland Crossing, Dauphin Nov. 8: Central, Golden Age Club, Notre Dame de Lourdes Nov. 13: East, Superstore, Steinbach Nov. 15: West, Go Office, Hamiota Nov. 24: Interlake, Warren Memorial Hall, Warren

AG NOTES Oct. 26-27: Lakeland College open house, Vermilion, Alta., and Lloydminster campuses (www.lakelandcollege.ca/ open-house) Oct. 27-28: Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association winter show, Chilliwack Heritage Park, Chilliwack, B.C. (www. fvpfa.org) Manitoba Beef Producers district meetings (800-772-0458, info@ mbbeef.ca): Oct. 29: District 13, Royal Canadian Legion, Gilbert Plains Oct. 30: District 12, Westlake Community Centre, Eddystone Nov. 1: District 4, Ukrainian Home of Vita Hall, Vita Nov. 2: District 3, Memorial Hall, Carman Nov. 5: District 11, Royal Canadian Legion, Ashern Nov. 6: District 10, Bifrost

Community Centre, Arborg Nov. 7: District 9, South Interlake Ag Society, Stonewall Nov. 8: District 5, Memorial Hall, Carberry Nov. 9: District 14, Community Hall, Durban Nov. 12: District 6, Royal Canadian Legion, Oak Lake Nov. 13: District 1, Community Hall, Medora Nov. 14: District 8, Community Centre, Gladstone Nov. 15: District 2, Royal Canadian Legion, Pilot Mound Nov. 16: District 7, United Church, Birtle

SASK. 4-H AGE CHANGES Saskatchewan 4-H members can now belong to clubs until age 25. The age span to belong is now six to 25 years. The initiative is an attempt to standardize the 4-H age across Canada while improving recruitment and retention. It’s also to create a smoother transition of 4-Hers from members to leaders. This new age group of 22 to 25 year olds is called Future Leaders. Possible roles of this new age group could include supporting existing clubs, promoting agriculture and exploring career opportunities/networking. 4-H members in this new age category can remain in their home clubs or form Future Leaders clubs. 4-H Saskatchewan is piloting the new Future Leaders age group in 2012-13 to help provide direction to

For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.

other 4-H organizations in Canada. The Saskatchewan 4-H Council serves about 3,600 members and more than 1,000 leaders. PULSE DAYS REGISTRATION Early registration is open for Pulse Days 2013, planned for Saskatoon on Jan. 7-8. Admission costs are now half-price for Saskatchewan residents at $25 and are $50 for people living outside the province. The deadline for early registration is Dec. 18. Organized by the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, this year’s conference agenda focuses on helping pulse growers become more strategic and competitive in their overall operations, in areas such as marketing, selling, agronomy, human resources and agronomy. For a detailed Pulse Days 2013 agenda go to www.saskpulse.com. ALBERTA CANOLA COMMISSION SEEKS NOMINATIONS Alberta canola producers wishing to become directors have until Oct. 31 to get their nominations in for the Alberta Canola Producers Commission. This year, nominations are required for Regions 3, 6, 9, and 12. Elected directors represent canola producers in their regions for threeyear terms. The positions can go to anyone who has paid the ACPC a service charge on canola sold since Aug. 1, 2010, is an eligible producer and can stand for election as a director. An eligible producer can be an individual, corporation, partnership or organization. Eligible producers must produce canola within the defined region to be nominated, but do not have to reside in the region. For detailed descriptions about the ACPC regions where elections are being held, visit canola.ab.ca/ about_regions.aspx or call the ACPC office at 800-551-6652.

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NEW FLAX WEBSITE The Manitoba Flax Growers Association has launched a new website at www.mfga.ca. The site is designed to improve economic returns and agronomic benefits to Manitoba flax growers through research, promotion and communication. Features of the new site include current flax prices, selling production and tax credits and other flax information resources. PROMOTIONAL FUNDING The British Columbia government has announced $2 million to boost promotion of local farmers and food processors. Organizations or businesses can apply for matching funds to promote their products through social media or web campaigns, in-store advertising, traditional advertising and other methods. The Investment Agricultural Foundation is administering $1.5 million and the B.C. Agriculture Council will administer $500,000. Individual farmers are not eligible. The money will be allocated to organizations that represent farmers such as the B.C. Association of Farmers’ Markets. The initiative comes from the B.C. Jobs Plan Agrifood Strategy, which aims to develop B.C.’s agrifood sector. The goal of the new strategy is to create $14 billion per year in agrifood revenue by 2017.





Alberta feed ration expert selected for award Order of Excellence | Lethbridge Research Centre scientist helped develop the feedlot industry in southern Alberta BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Robert Hironaka still recalls a phone call from a 300-head feedlot operator who was having problems with bloating animals. He was treating 20 head per day for the problem, and needed advice. Hironaka, a scientist at the Lethbridge Research Centre, had done extensive work on feed rations and feedlot economics, and he quickly identified the issue. “He was making his grain too fine. I said ‘well look, you’ve got an auger. Drill a hole in the topside of the auger, put a garden hose attachment on it, and run the barley up’.” Three days later, the bloat problems had disappeared. And Hironaka had once again proven his reputation for developing a system of tempering feed grains to reduce fine particles in feed rations and improve feedlot efficiency. On Oct. 17 Hironaka, 84, will receive the Alberta Order of Excellence for his work in research, in academia and in community volunteer work. Brian Freeze, research manager at the Agriculture Canada Lethbridge Research Centre, describes Hironaka as a mentor and a researcher who helped develop southern Alberta’s feedlot industry into a major economic driver. Freeze said when Hironaka began his research at the centre in 1959, feedlots were small, with 100 to 500 head. By the time he retired in 1991, feedlots of 20,000 were common. “One of the initial problems of feeding barley in the late 1970s and early 80s was the fine particles and dust associated with barley,” said Freeze.


El Nino less likely as weather cools SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) — The chance of an El Nino weather pattern has declined in the past two weeks, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said last week, but the east coast of Australia is likely to stay dry for the rest of the year as a result of a warmer than average Indian Ocean, threatening greater crop loss. Pacific Ocean temperatures have cooled during the last two weeks, the weather bureau said. Other indicators used to predict an El Nino weather pattern have remained near neutral since late July. “This is one of the more unusual events that anyone of us has seen,” said Andrew Watkins, manager of climate prediction at the bureau’s National Climate Centre. “We saw things barreling up (in) late August and early September, and we would normally have expected things to settle down, but instead it did a U-turn and headed away from what would normally would have happened.”

“Dr. Hironaka is credited with developing the currently used system of tempering barley, i.e. adding water to barley and allowing it to soak before mixing it with barley silage and feeding it.” As well, Hironaka was at the forefront of devising digestible rations from a variety of feeds to minimize cost and maximize efficiency. Working with economists including Freeze and Bernie Sonntag, Hironaka devised financial risk management strategies that allowed operations to feed cattle longer, if neces-


sary, so they could take advantage of better prices. “His contribution was to develop and refine the feedlot finishing system in Alberta focused on barley and barley silage,” said Freeze.

His work helped feedlots develop profitable finishing systems. Hironaka was born on a farm near Raymond and attended Olds College of Agriculture, the University of Alberta and the University of Lethbridge. He was a member of the U of L senate and served as chancellor from 1995-99. He is also known in southern Alberta as one of the founders of the Nikka Yuko Japanese Gardens, which continue to be a major tourism draw. He recalls busy times of managing the finances of garden construction

as a volunteer while also working as a researcher, but the results were worth it. Hironaka has visited many gardens in Japan and says Nikka Yuko rivals those, largely because of its “borrowed view” next to Henderson Lake. “A Japanese garden is something that you feel,” he says. Hironaka will receive his provincial award in the company of recipients that include Reform Party founder Preston Manning, ATCO and Spruce Meadows founder Ron Southern and five others.

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Emerald ash borer coming to Manitoba Trees targeted | Pest is on the move from Minnesota BY JEFFREY CARTER FREELANCE WRITER

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LONDON, Ont. — The emerald ash borer which has killed an estimated 50 to 100 million trees in Eastern Canada and the United States is expected to soon arrive in Manitoba from neighbouring Minnesota. It’s been identified in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region, according to Martha Barwinsky, the City of Winnipeg’s forester. The southern half of the province is home to a large population of native green and black ash trees. Ash is also a tree of choice in Manitoba’s urban centres. Mother Nature and research scientists in Canada and the U.S. are fighting back. “Some of the native parasitoids are now up to 40 to 50 per cent parasitism on the EAB on some sites,” said Taylor Scarr, entomologist with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Unfortunately, that’s still not enough to stop trees from being killed and the pest from spreading further. In the U.S., parasitic wasps imported from Asia have been released. One species attacks the larvae, while the other two target the eggs. While it’s not known if their numbers will increase in North America to a level at which effective control of the EAB is achieved, it’s been determined that all three wasps successfully overwinter here. Scarr said the Canadian Forest Service and Ministry of Natural Resources is considering releasing the wasps in Ontario. Researchers have also discovered fungal organisms that will kill the EAB. The challenge is to develop a way to inoculate large numbers of EAB. One approach is to inoculate males, wh ich ca n th en mate w ith th e females to spread the fungus, Scarr said. The challenge is to find the right fungal species, one which allows the males to live long enough to reach the females. Chemical products have been developed to control the EAB but the cost, if many trees are involved, is generally deemed prohibitive. In addition, applications must be repeated every one or two years to keep the pest at bay. In Ontario and Quebec, a product based on the oil from the neem tree – TreeAzin — has been approved since 2008. Confidor, a neonicotinoid insecticide, received conditional approval last year. Scarr, Barwinsky and others familiar with the EAB spoke at the annual Canadian Urban Forest Conference in London on Oct. 3. The EAB was first identified in the Detroit-Windsor area in 2002 but was likely present for several years before.






Students revive U of S rodeo club Big turnout | Hosting a successful event puts student group on solid ground BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

After a successful debut, the organizers of a revived rodeo club at the University of Saskatchewan say they’ll ride again. Last month’s event, hosted at Martensville’s OK Corral, was the first rodeo competition hosted under the U of S banner in 20 years, said Shelby Clemens, president of the on-campus group. Or so she’s been told. “It’s all word of mouth,” said the second-year student from Lumsden, Sask. “That’s the number we got.” When she arrived at the university, the rodeo club she found was similarly informal. Students had travelled out of province in recent years to compete at Canadian Intercollegiate Rodeo Association events, but Clemens saw undeveloped potential for the club, one of four teams on the university’s Stockman and Rodeo club. “I went looking to join a rodeo club, but found that the rodeo side to it had sort of died off,” said the animal sciences student. “There was one maybe two people who had gone (to events) in the last two years and there just wasn’t really anything happening with that.” A partnership with a former high school competitor, Katie Dutchak, led to a springtime meeting to gauge interest. A positive turnout — Clemens estimated 20 people — was encouraging. “We’ve probably quadrupled the number of members this year. We’re just trying to get back out there and give ourselves a better name,” said Brittany Jordet, president of the Stockman’s club. The group decided to host its own event to raise awareness of the club, drawing upon the interests and backgrounds of students, many of whom come from rural communities across the Prairies. “We knew it was going to be big, but we were surprised how big it got in our first year,” said Dutchak. “We knew there was potential and we knew that this would grow and this would be really big, we just were really thrown back by how quickly it exploded.” After four months of planning — the two spearheaded efforts to attract competitors and sponsors, book a band, and acquire a liquor licence — the event was an unqualified success. With over 100 students from Western Canadian universities and technical schools— including 15 from the U of S — competing in ten events over two days, the turnout far exceeded hopes, said organizers. A f e w h u n d re d m o re w a l k e d through the doors of the event, making it one of the largest college rodeos in Western Canada. “We’re really happy with that. Our first year, nobody really knew what to expect,” said Clemens. “It was hard to get people out and it

was hard to get sponsors that would get on board with such a new idea.” With the event under the belts, the club is keeping an eye to the future. Members will continue to travel together to events in Alberta and their intention is to make the rodeo an event. There’s talk of eventually adding another event in the spring.

A farmer east of Grande Prairie, Alta., takes advantage of a nice lead into the Thanksgiving weekend to apply anhydrous to a field on Oct. 5. While most farmers in the Peace Country are finished harvest, there are some in the Mayerthorpe/Sangudo area, closer to Edmonton, who still have crops that need to be dealt with. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO

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Experts seek to improve plants’ ability to capitalize on beneficial organisms Tapping the presence of helpful fungi could reduce the need for soil inputs BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Research is shedding new light on a relationship that exists between most plants and some beneficial organisms in the soil. Biologists are interested in the nature of that partnership and how it affects plants growing in the wild, while other researchers are looking to exploit it, allowing producers to grow crops with fewer inputs. McMaster University biologist Susan Dudley is examining the growth of a weed, but she said the work could also have implications for farmers. Dudley, who is attempting to determine if plants can recognize their relatives, studied the relationship between the weed and mycorrhizal fungi. The benefits of the fungi are welldocumented but aren’t exploited in high-input agriculture. The fungi provides the plant with pathogen protection and nutrients, particularly phosphorus, in exchange for carbohydrates. In a competitive environment, it’s possible for neighbouring plants to benefit from a blossoming fungal network without making the same sacrifices. The researcher ’s greenhouse experiments examined the plant’s social environment, showing how a ragweed plant recognizes its kin and behaves unselfishly, or “altruistically,” as lead author Amanda File describes recently in the journal PLOS ONE. Ragweed was grown with seeds from the same plant as well as with “stranger” seeds. When grown with “strangers,” the fungal network was smaller and the group observed greater root lesions. Among kin, there was more fungi, which resulted in a greater cost to the plants but also greater benefits. “We see differences in traits when plants are grown with their siblings compared to strangers,” said Dudey. “The differences we see are evidence of plants being less competitive with their relatives.” Theory suggests that the same thing occurs in other plant systems, she said. “By understanding what helps increase productivity in wild plants, where they’re under intense natural selection, then we might be able to come up with ideas about how we can increase productivity in crop plants,” said Dudley. “Evolutionary biologists are talking about fitness, but fitness is very similar to yield. The amount of carbon a plant can store in a tuber, like a potato, or the number of seeds and the size of the seeds made, we call that fitness, but producers will call that yield. So we have very similar interests.” Danny Singh, a durum wheat breeder with Agriculture Canada in Swift Current, Sask., said there is potential for large-scale, commercial farms to make better use of these organisms. He’s studying the compatibility of durum wheat genotypes with mycorrhizal fungi and looking for plants that can capitalize on their presence

and possibly require lower phosphorus input. His efforts have identified how some durum varieties have a greater mycorrhizal dependency. “What we are looking for are plants that have a better association,” he said. “So they aren’t dependent, but in the right conditions they are better placed and they are more strategic in how they utilize (it).” A commercial mycorrhizal product, Myke Pro, is available as an inoculant, but it is used for garden

plants. Singh’s goal is to identify cultivars that make the best use of what’s already in the soil. “Some of our work is showing that Strongfield, for example, seems to be a good choice for that,” he said. “More work needs to be done to test it against a range of different species and strains because as you can imagine in the soil, there’s a lot of different microorganisms. In researching them, you look at one on one and then you keep adding things. We’re taking small steps.”

A migrating yellow-rumped warbler feeds on insects in a backyard birch tree in High River, Alta. | MIKE STURK PHOTO

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Hot weather triggers early cattle births Early delivery may produce smaller calves BY MARGARET EVANS FREELANCE WRITER

LINDELL BEACH, B.C. — Excessive summer heat may affect more than crops and the water supply. It can be detrimental for pregnant beef cows giving birth in temperatures of 32 C or more and can trigger the early onset of birth. The research findings by animal scientists at Oklahoma State Univer-

sity’s division of agricultural sciences and Natural Resources found that cows may calve four days earlier than normal when exposed to extreme heat. In many mammals, the fetus triggers the onset of birth when natural processes come together. But the studies have shown that high temperature can speed this up during the last two weeks of gestation. “We propose that greater ambient

Studies show hot weather can reduce a cow’s gestation period by four days. | temperature results in greater body temperatures of the dam and calf, and this initiates the cascade of endocrine events that cause parturition earlier,” said Bob Wettemann, Oklahoma State University’s regents p ro f e s s o r a n d a n i ma l s c i e n c e researcher. “In other words, the greater tem-

perature influences the time clock that initiates birth.” Earlier this year, Wettemann was named the 2012 recipient of the American Society of Animal Science’s Animal Management Award, which is presented to scientists who make significant contributions to research in animal behaviour, envi-

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ronmental science, economics, or other aspects of biological or production management. Under high heat conditions, it is critical that newborn calves find shade immediately or they can die, said Wettemann. “It is amazing how cows and calves find shade to decrease radiant energy during hot days.” The slightly earlier onset of birth is not necessarily a bad thing because it can have beneficial consequences for the cow, especially if it had been mated to a bull whose genetics favoured lower birth weights. These factors should combine for an easier birth with a healthy calf on the ground. Given the warnings about global warming and the trend toward hotter, drier summers, some producers are looking at changing to bulls that produce smaller calves or calves with lower birth weights to try to offset birthing problems. “Many producers select bulls with expected progeny differences (EPD) that identify animals with lighter birth weight,” said Wettemann. “Selection for lighter birth weights has resulted in bulls that produce offspring that have shorter gestations.” It is important to use bulls that produce smaller calves when bred with heifers that are smaller or not fully developed. Not only does summer heat affect the gestation of cows but drought has an impact on spring calves as well. “The body condition score of the cows (when calves were weaned in August) was about one score less compared with normal,” said Wettemann. “ This is ver y typical in many drought areas. It will have a major effect on spring calving cows. They will be thinner, have less body energy stores at calving, resulting in a longer interval from calving to the onset of ovarian function.” This means cows will breed later or will not initiate estrous cycles and become pregnant. Pregnancy rates will be reduced the following spring. Cows will become pregnant later in the breeding season, resulting in fewer, lighter calves to be weaned the following year. The two calving seasons in Oklahoma are February-April and September-October. Fall calving is common in the southern U.S. and for those producers with calving seasons, one third have cows that calve in the fall. Wettemann said that cold weather in January and February is a greater problem for survival of calves. Wettemann said that even though ranchers have not experienced greater mortality with late summer calving, producers may need to change their herd management practices or reduce the number of cows that calve during the heat of summer, given the additional stresses placed on the cow and fetus coupled with the critical need for shade.






Familiar faces head ag organizations Gerry Ritz appointments | Three members of the CWB board were also reappointed BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz, faced with the need to make significant appointments to organizations under his political control, has chosen to stick with the familiar. In appointments this week to Farm Credit Canada, the Canadian Grain Commission and the CWB, Ritz stayed loyal to those he knows. Greg Stewart was re-appointed president of FCC until the middle of 2014 after more than five years on the job. Ritz said Stewart has presided over record FCC earnings and a sharp spike in the value of the FCC loan portfolio. However, the 18-month appointment instead of a longer term indicates that there will be a changing of the guard at the top of FCC in 2014. At the grain commission, Ritz announced the three-year reappointment of former Saskatchewan Reform MP Elwin Hermanson as CGC chief commissioner.

the free-market view of Ritz and his supportive appointees. An application to have the issue reviewed by the Supreme Court is expected to be heard this winter after a Federal Appeal Court judge ruled that the federal government was acting within its rights to end the CWB monopoly.

Canada geese take flight from a slough just east of Sexsmith, Alta., Oct. 2. The geese, along with other migratory birds, will soon be heading to warmer wintering grounds. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO


It means that Hermanson will preside over implementation of Canadian Grain Act amendments that are expected in Parliament this winter and will change CGC powers and functions. The amendments will increase farmer cost-recovery fees to make the CGC more self-sufficient. Hermanson was first appointed by Ritz in 2008. Hermanson was his MP in the 1990s when Ritz worked in his constituency office. The agriculture minister also announced Oct.10 that he is reappointing three members of the CWB board of directors — chair Bruce Johnson, Alberta producer Ken Motiuk and former Manitoba Conservative agriculture minister Glen Findlay. When the government eliminated the CWB single desk last summer, it also ended the provision that the board be majority-controlled by farmer-elected directors. Ritz now controls the board and appoints directors who support the end of the CWB monopoly. “In this new era of marketing freedom, farmers will continue to count on these individuals for their forward-looking leadership and commitment to growing a prosperous future for western Canadian farmers,” Ritz said in the announcement of the director re-appointments. Farmers who support the CWB single desk and who are determined to take the issue to the Supreme Court of Canada beg to differ about

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Indian nitrogen firm’s plan for Quebec raises concern IFFCO and La Coop also plan to build facilities, raising fears of a supply glut WINNIPEG (Reuters) — The Indian Farmers Fertilizer Co-operative, one of India’s largest fertilizer makers, plans to build a $1.2 billion nitrogen plant in Eastern Canada with a Canadian partner. IFFCO and La Coop federee announced earlier this month that they plan to begin construction in Quebec in two years, provided they can raise the remaining 45 percent of

the capital cost and pending a feasibility study. They hope to start producing urea in 2017. The project is the latest in a series of announced plans for additional nitrogen capacity in North America. High crop prices support demand and new technology is unlocking the key ingredient natural gas from shale rock. IFFCO and La Coop will face stiff

competition from Norway’s Yara International ASA and Canada’s Agrium Inc., both of which plan to expand nitrogen production. A surplus of nitrogen production is unlikely in the near term, considering that the United States is a net importer of the fertilizer, said Claude Lafleur, chief executive officer of La Coop. “The (crop) production in North

Nitrogen fertilizer plants in North America may be getting competition soon if an Indian company is successful in its plans to build a plant in Quebec. | FILE PHOTO America is increasing also, and corn needs a lot of nitrogen,” Lafleur said. “At the end of the day, if everybody goes and builds new facilities, it could

lead to a glut, but we don’t see that in the next 10 years.” The U.S. imports more than twothirds of its urea production, but North America would quickly have a surplus if all the rumoured projects became reality, said David Asbridge, president of NPK Fertilizer Advisory Services.

Even if we have three, possibly four new plants in North America in the next five years, that’s going to be a little pricedepressing. DAVID ASBRIDGE NPK FERTILIZER ADVISORY SERVICES

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“Even if we have three, possibly four new plants in North America in the next five years, that’s going to be a little price-depressing,” he said. IFFCO operates five fertilizer production plants in India and holds interests in plants in Oman, Jordan and Senegal. It said it chose the site at Becancour, Que., for its access to a port, railway and pipeline for natural gas, which is a key input in nitrogen production. Urea is the most widely used fertilizer in India, especially for growing rice, wheat, sugar cane and cotton. Urea consumption in India was 29 million tonnes in 2011-12 compared to 28.2 million tonnnes a year earlier. India imported 7.83 million tonnes of urea in 2011-12 compared to 6.6 million the previous year. The plant would produce up to 1.2 million tonnes of urea a year, to be split evenly between IFFCO and La Coop. IFFCO will hold one-quarter of the equity, with La Coop holding 12 percent and the Quebec government investing 18 percent, Lafleur said. The remaining 45 percent equity has yet to be raised, he said. FNA Fertilizer Limited Partnership is also raising capital for a proposed nitrogen fertilizer plant in Saskatchewan. La Coop federee, a 90-year-old agriculture-based co-operative based in Montreal, also has investments in livestock production, meat processing and grain marketing. It plans to sell its share of urea production from the plant to farmers in Quebec and the northeastern United States through its 175 stores. The partners plan to draw natural gas by established pipeline from Western Canada to supply the plant. A Quebec site still makes the most sense because IFFCO can easily export urea via the St. Lawrence Seaway and La Coop can sell the fertilizer to eastern farmers, Lafleur said.






Canada formally joins Pacific trade talks

EU proposes freeze on ag spending in next budget

Ag exporters pleased | However, Canada’s supply managed sectors worry it will open doors to imports BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

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Canada has formally joined negotiations to create a Pacific region trade liberalization deal, joining nine other countries that have been negotiating for several years. Trade minister Ed Fast said the invitation to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks is a chance to increase trade into “fast-growing markets throughout the Asia-Pacific region.” Canadian agricultural exporters quickly embraced the announce-

ment as good for their sectors. “The TPP presents a unique opportunity for an ambitious regional trade deal that addresses market access and non-tariff issues for agri-food sectors around the Pacific Rim,” Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance executive director Kathleen Sullivan said in a CAFTA statement after the announcement. She said Canadian farmers want TPP negotiators to be “ambitious and creative” to forge a wide-ranging trade deal. Grain Growers of Canada president

Stephen Vandervalk called it “an agreement between like-minded countries, making it a real opportunity to facilitate trade with like-minded partners.” However, for Canada’s supply managed sectors, some of those “likeminded partners” are intent on seeing the TPP as a negotiation that will finally allow their dairy and poultry exporters to have greater access to the Canadian market. The Conservative government insists it will defend supply management protections in the talks, but the

negotiations represent the latest challenge for the sector. Mexico was also accepted as a TPP negotiating country. Other countries at the table are the United States, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Peru, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam. Canada says the TPP would open markets to economies worth more than $20 trillion. The prospect that Japan could join in coming years makes it more attractive. A deal in TPP talks is not expected for years.

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PARIS, France (Reuters) — Germany and France have endorsed a European Commission proposal for a nominal freeze in agricultural spending at 2013 levels from 2014 to 2020. Germany is the largest contributor to the European Union’s budget and France the largest beneficiary of farm subsidies under the Common Agriculture Policy, which consumes 40 percent of the bloc’s total budget. The agriculture ministers of the two countries, Ilse Aigner and Stephane Le Foll, met in Berlin in early October. “They (the ministers) support the commission’s proposal to maintain the agricultural budget to the nominal level of 2013 for the period 20142020,” a statement said. Officials hope to conclude negotiations on the EU’s next long-term budget, worth almost $1.3 trillion over seven years, by the end of this year with EU leaders due to discuss the issue at a Nov. 22-23 summit in Brussels. The joint statement stressed the CAP’s importance for growth, employment, environment and innovation in Europe’s rural areas as well as for maintaining global food production, and noted that farm spending was already facing a real-terms decline as part of the EC’s proposals. Aigner and Le Foll opposed calls from some countries to cut direct payments to farmers, which make up the largest part of the CAP budget at $50 billion a year out of a total of $70 billion. Countries calling for a cut in direct subsidies include Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands. Cyprus, which holds the EU presidency and thus leads talks on the budget, has said cuts to all areas of the EU budget are inevitable. Paris and Berlin would be prepared to see a convergence of direct payment levels between member states, provided it was reasonable and gradual, the statement said. Most farmers in former communist EU member countries receive less than the EU average. The ministers also agreed on the need to maintain EU sugar quotas until 2020, in contrast to the commission’s proposal to end production quotas and minimum beet prices from 2015. The commission’s proposal was designed to boost production and avoid sugar shortages on the European market, while allowing an increase in EU sugar exports. The ministers supported the commission’s proposals to make onethird of direct payments conditional on farmers meeting new environmental criteria, although they argued for less prescriptive rules than those proposed by the EC. “They call for a more efficient implementation at administrative level and asked the commission to demonstrate the necessary flexibility to ensure a pragmatic application,” the statement said. A joint working group had been set up to look into the matter.





Westeel takes grain storage abroad Markets opening up | Company hopes to build storage infrastructure BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

WINNIPEG — There are agricultural statistics that grab your attention and other stats that grab you by the throat. The annual crop loss in India falls into the throat category. “The minister of agriculture of India claims they lose 22 percent of everything they crop. So they grow 400 million tonnes of crop every year and they lose 88 million tonnes through rot, contamination and animals,” said Colin Osborne, president of Vicwest, which owns Westeel grain bins. “To put that in perspective, Canada only grows about 72 million (tonnes per year).” The shocking statistic is one reason why Westeel decided several years ago to market its steel storage bins around the globe, Osborne said during a speech at a business networking conference in Winnipeg in midOctober. Westeel, which sells 8,000 grain silos per year and has 60 percent market share in Canada, could have focused solely on the North American market for years to come. However, company leaders concluded the firm couldn’t pass up the incredible opportunities outside of North America. “If you went to Russia, you wouldn’t see bag storage (of grain), but you would see storage on the ground or under a metal roof. So, they have crop losses of 10 to 15 percent,” he said. “In Canada crop losses are one percent or less.” After jumping into the global marketplace, Westeel managers quickly identified certain countries where they could establish a foothold, including France, Germany, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia. In France, for instance, Westeel learned that metal storage wasn’t

commonly practiced and farmers have sufficient land and resources to invest in superior grain storage. “(In France), there was a lot of onground storage and a lot of square building storage,” Osborne said. “There are many farms that are 100 hectares (250 acres) and there are agribusiness people that operate large farm co-ops.” In Kazakhstan and Russia, individual farmers don’t have the money to buy out their neighbours and expand their farms, Osborne said. However, agribusiness firms and private equity companies are buying out landowners and establishing large scale farms, so those companies will spend money on steel grain bins. North Africa and the Middle East might become a massive market for Westeel in the future, Osborne said. Millers and grain processors need high volume bins to store local and imported grain to hedge against price volatility. Vicwest had multiple orders in North Africa before the Arab Spring destabilized the region. “Algeria, Nigeria, Morocco, Iran … we’re trying to build up agriculture storage infrastructure. Then, of course, the world kind of fell apart,” Osborne said in an interview following his speech. “Most of North Africa and parts of the Middle East will be fantastic markets when they settle down (politically).” Osborne said crop losses will likely remain a quandary in India for many years because a typical farm is less than eight acres and farmers barely have enough cash to survive. However, the world is short of food and many countries suffer grain losses of 10, 15 or 20 percent, so Osborne thinks governments and global aid organizations will eventually make food storage a priority. “I think there will be a time when


VICWEST FACTS: • Vicwest describes itself as a manufacturer of exterior building products, including metal roofing, siding, decking, insulated metal panels and architectural panels • Vicwest operates 18 manufacturing plants and employs 1,200 people • It is among the top five largest grain storage companies in the world. GSI and Brock of the United States are No. 1 and 2 in the world. Kepler Weber of Brazil and Symaga of Spain are similar in size • Its products are sold in 30 countries • Company revenues in 2011 were $417 million • Westeel is a division of Vicwest

Westeel is eyeing opportunities in Russia, Africa and Europe to market its storage bins to prevent crop losses from rot and contamination. | FILE PHOTO

governments step up … to fund it because it is the low hanging fruit,” he said. “The UN did a study in Afghanistan before the war broke out. They put tiny little silos on donkeys and took them out to the farm community. They improved crop yield by 15 percent.” Vicwest may be pursuing global opportunities, but the firm isn’t

ignoring its roots, Osborne said. In September, the company signed a deal with the FWS Group, a Winnipeg designer and builder of residential and commercial properties, to construct Westeel storage systems in Western Canada. Randy Roller, FWS vice-president and general manager, said the partnership will help his company in the post-CWB era.

“With the recent changes in Canadian grain marketing, we believe there will be a significant shift to how grain will be stored and handled throughout Western Canada,” Roller said. “By offering a premier steel storage option to our concrete slipform designs, we will increase the ability to meet our clients ever changing requirements.”









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Poland only bright spot among dismal European harvest Weather slashes yields | While many Eastern European countries saw corn production cut in half, Poland’s crop is up a million tonnes over 2011 SOFIA, Bulgaria — Sizzling temperatures and lack of rain have scorched corn crops across Eastern Europe, further reducing global supplies already hit by the worst drought in the United States in 50 years. Heat waves and lack of moisture in the corn producing countries of Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria were the main reasons why the European Union’s crop monitoring unit cut its outlook for average EU corn yields to 2.45 tonnes per acre. Corn harvests are almost half done in Eastern Europe’s major producing countries, and crops are estimated to be down 40 to 50 percent from last

year’s abundant yield, with Poland being the only exception. Analyst Strategie Grains also cut its EU corn outlook to 53.5 million tonnes in September, down 4.3 million on last month’s estimate and 19 percent lower than last year’s bumper crop. The smaller crops will be enough to meet the domestic needs of the Eastern European countries, but exports are likely to be limited. Romania, which was the EU’s second largest corn producer in 2011 after France, sees its crop dropping significantly from last year’s 11.5 million tonnes, with grain analysts forecasting that its 2012 yields will be cut

in half to one tonne per acre. “We don’t compare it with 2011, which was an exceptional year, with large production. This year’s estimations have shown there will be important losses for maize,” said agriculture minister Daniel Constantin. One of the worst droughts to hit Hungary in 20 years slashed yields, and its corn crop is expected to be 43 to 50 percent lower from a year ago, the Hungarian farm ministry said. “On the basis of the data available so far, the final crop can be estimated with great certainty, this can come in at about 4.4 to 4.5 million tonnes.” The crop will be enough to meet

Hungary’s domestic needs, but the ministry did not expect much of the crop to be available for exports. Ukraine, which increased the area seeded to corn by 28 percent to 11 million acres in 2012, is likely to harvest 21 million tonnes because of poor weather. The country harvested a record 22.7 million tonnes in 2011 and exported a record 14 million tonnes. Exports are expected to be about 12.6 million tonnes in 2012-13, the Kievbased ProAgro consultancy said. In Bulgaria, extensive heat and drought cut corn yields in half, reducing the crop to 1.2 million

tonnes from 2.2 million harvested in 2011, said Angel Vukadinov, chair of the grain producers union. “The maize is almost taken in, but our worst fears have materialized. The yields are significantly lower,” he said. Poland is the only Eastern European country to see a better corn crop this year. Its corn acreage increased 62 percent because farmers had to replant damaged wheat sowings in the spring and weather has been favourable since. Poland is to expected to harvest 3.5 million tonnes of corn compared to 2.4 million a year ago, officials said.


‘Brutally dry’ fall threatens winter wheat

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CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Drought conditions in the United States grew even worse in early October as historic drought conditions crept north and threatened new winter wheat planting in several states. September was the driest in 118 years of U.S. record keeping for North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana and was the third-driest September for Nebraska and Oregon, said Mark Svoboda, a climatologist with the University of Nebraska’s National Drought Mitigation Center. Farmers trying to plant the nation’s new winter wheat crop are struggling over whether it is worthwhile to plant into bone-dry soil in those states, said Svoboda. “We had a brutally dry September. There is a lot of concern now about no moisture,” Svoboda said. “A lot of folks are holding off and wondering if they should even plant winter wheat and plant spring wheat instead.” Sixty-nine percent of the U.S. winter wheat area is suffering from some level of drought, Svoboda said. Roughly 63.55 percent of the contiguous United States was under at least moderate drought as of Oct. 9, down from 64.58 percent a week earlier, according to the Drought Monitor, a weekly compilation of data gathered by federal and academic scientists. However, the portion of the United States under “exceptional” drought, which is the most dire classification, rose to 6.18 percent, up from 6.07 percent a week earlier. In the High Plains, which includes Nebraska and the Dakotas, severe or worse drought levels covered 87.58 percent of the region, up from 87.51 percent the previous week. An estimated 28.24 percent of the region was in the worst level of drought, up from 27.91 percent a week earlier. In Kansas, a top wheat growing state, drought levels improved slightly over the last week. Extreme drought, the second-worst level of drought, expanded to 95.70 percent of the state, up from 93.25 percent a week ago, though the worst level of drought was at 44.63 percent, down from 44.73 percent.





Nigerian farmers sue oil firm over damages THE HAGUE, The Netherlands (Reuters) — Four Nigerian villagers took Royal Dutch Shell to court Oct. 11 in a landmark pollution case that campaigners said could open the door to more compensation claims against international companies. The fishermen and farmers, together with the Friends of the Earth campaign group, accuse the oil company of polluting land and waterways around their homes in the Niger Delta region of Africa’s top energy producer. Shell has denied responsibility, saying the leaks were caused by sabotage. The villagers launched their claim in a civil court in The Hague, where Shell has its joint global headquarters. It is the first time a Dutch-registered company has been sued in a Dutch court for offences allegedly carried out by a foreign subsidiary. Friends of the Earth said the claim, if successful, could open up a new way for plaintiffs to take on multinationals, by suing their parent companies in their home countries. The villagers, who appeared in court, want unspecified damages, saying Shell and other corporations were responsible for pollution from three oil spills between 2004 and 2007. “My community is a ghost land as a

result of the devastation. We had good vegetation. Today, people have respiratory problems and are getting sick,” said one of the plaintiffs, Eric Doo, from the Goi community, which lives between two pipelines. “Shell is aware of the whole devastation. I want them to pay compensation, to clean up the pollution so we can grow our crops and fish again.” Shell says the pollution was caused by thieves breaking into pipelines to steal the oil, and believes it has played its part in cleaning it up. “The matter has been resolved as far as we are concerned and we do not properly understand why Friends of the Earth has submitted the case,” said Allard Castelein, Shell’s vice-president for environment. The biggest pollution problem in the Niger Delta is caused by thieves who steal oil from Shell’s installations, he said. Around 150,000 barrels of oil are stolen every day in the Delta, worth $6 billion a year. Friends of the Earth said other companies could face similar claims in European Union cities if it won the case. “It opens up a range of possibilities for people from poor countries to use the legal system to seek compensation from companies,” said Geert Ritsema,

Chief Fidelis Oguru, right, a representative of fishermen and farmers from Nigeria, sits in a court in The Hague Oct. 11. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell is defending its environmental record in the Niger Delta as it faces a lawsuit that may set a precedent for damage claims related to the activities of international companies. | REUTERS/MICHAEL KOOREN PHOTO

international affairs co-ordinator for the environmental group. The Nigerians’ lawyer, Channa Samkalden, told the court Shell had failed to maintain pipelines, clean up leaks and prevent pollution. “It was insufficient maintenance, not sabotage, that was responsible for the leaks.... Shell did not operate as a conscientious oil company,” she said. With 31 million inhabitants, the

Niger Delta is one of the world’s most important wetland and coastal marine ecosystems. It is an important source of food for the poor, rural population. Last year, the United Nations said in a report the government and multinational oil companies, particularly Shell, were responsible for 50 years of oil pollution that had devastated the Ogoniland region, part of the Niger Delta.

The government and oil firms have pledged to clean up the region and other parts of the delta, but residents say they have seen little action. Shell Petroleum Development Co . is the largest oil and gas company in Nigeria, with production capacity of more than one million barrels of oil equivalent per day. Three judges are expected to deliver their verdict on the Hague case in the new year.

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Oxfam urges large-scale land investment freeze WASHINGTON, D.C. (Reuters) — Global development group Oxfam has called on the World Bank to suspend financing for large-scale land acquisitions to ensure that its practices do not encourage foreign land grabs in developing countries. Oxfam urged Jim Yong Kim, the lender’s new president, to announce a six-month moratorium on land investments by the bank at meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Tokyo. But senior bank officials said it would be a mistake to suspend the World Bank’s involvement at a time when global food prices are rising and there is growing interest by foreign investors in buying farmland in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The 2008-2009 global food price crisis prompted a scramble for land in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and widespread fears of land grabbing. Madagascar’s president was toppled in 2009 after he negotiated a deal with South Korea’s Daewoo Logistics to lease half the island’s arable land to grow food and ship it to Asia. The World Bank has long argued that Africa needs more investments in agriculture that would not only help modernize farming practices but also create jobs and new markets for local farmers. The lender has boosted its investment in agriculture to $9.5 billion a year from $2.5 billion annually in 2008. Oxfam said the World Bank was in a unique position as both a financier, through its private-sector lending arm the International Finance Corp., and adviser to developing countries to ensure land deals are transparent and not forcing local communities off land

Activists, representing investors, ride toy excavators and bulldozers on a large map featuring pictures of food in the shape of the African continent during a protest against investors whom the protestors say are taking Africa’s land and food. The photo opportunity was organized near a venue of the IMF and World Bank meetings in Tokyo Oct. 10. | REUTERS KIM KYUNG-HOON PHOTO they have farmed for generations. According to Oxfam, more than 60 percent of investments in agricultural land by foreign investors between 2000 and 2010 were in developing countries with serious hunger problems.

“The bank can set an example to investors and government that could help put a stop to these human rights abuses and ensure that investors genuinely help boost development in some of the poorest communities,” Jeremy Hobbs, Oxfam’s executive

director, said. Juergen Voegele, director of the World Bank’s Agriculture and Rural Development Department, said the bank could be more effective by remaining involved while helping governments address the problem.

“We do not believe that Oxfam’s call for a moratorium on World Bank Group-related investments is an appropriate course of action at this point, particularly not at a time of rapidly rising and very volatile food prices,” Voegele told Reuters.

NEWS “We certainly do not believe this will help reduce instances of abusive practices that are out there; we do know that, because it would clearly target the wrong stakeholders and the wrong audiences,” he added. “We are the ones who are doing everything we can to improve these poor practices”. Oxfam said, however, a moratorium would give the World Bank time to “put its own house in order” and send a clear signal to governments and investors it would not tolerate land grabbing. It said the World Bank should insist on more transparency in land deals to limit abuses, ensure communities are informed so they can accept or refuse projects; and make sure land rights are protected. Many deals are government to government and there are questions whether investors pay fair prices. Voegele said over the past two years the World Bank had worked with foreign agencies and governments to draft voluntary guidelines on land investments. “Just like Oxfam we are concerned these practices are not transparent and they are sometimes hurting poor farmers. Almost 90 percent of what we do is helping smallholders get access to markets and increase productivity,” he added. Contrary to reports that China was leading the rush for land in developing countries, Voegele said investors from the United States, Canada and Europe were also scooping up land abroad. “Two or three years ago we found there was a lot more hype than actual action on the ground. Now that is changing a little bit, but at that time a very significant number of those deals were speculative deals -- an announcement but nothing happened,” he added. “Speculative land investment is something neither the bank nor the IFC supports because it does not help anybody.”




Gov’t, banks help African farmers with finances, education programs Farmers reluctant to borrow | Organizations teaching business skills, providing loan guarantees JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (Reuters) — African agriculture has a big investment problem: lots of private equity interest but few opportunities because most farms and companies are too small to absorb the cash or provide attractive returns. Only one-third of the continent’s 1.5 billion acres of arable land is under cultivation and large quantities of water are untapped, making it the last great agricultural frontier. Soaring grain prices and global food inflation are spurring investor interest in African farming, trends that are also eating into household income on the world’s poorest continent and threatening food riots such as those seen in 2008. The stakes are high in a region where agriculture still accounts for one-third of gross domestic product but remains undeveloped and rainfed, with most farms tilled by peasants for subsistence instead of sale. “What Africa has going for itself is that it has the land availability and space to grow agricultural production in a much more significant manner,” said Joseph Rohm, a portfolio manager at Investec Asset Management, which oversees $3 billion in Africa. African agriculture attracted $102 million in private equity investment in the first six months of 2012, compared with $54 million in 2011,

The private sector needs to see a viable business opportunity from the agriculture sector, and the agriculture actors need to practice their operations as a business. NIXON BUGO FINANCING OFFICER

according to the U.S.-based Emerging Markets Private Equity Association. Some of that was by Standard Chartered, which spent $74 million earlier this year on a minority stake in grain and fertilizer trader Export Trading Group and another $20 million for an indirect stake in Zimbabwe’s horticultural firm Ariston. The targets are either too small or too early in their development and are grappling with price and weather risks, which makes deals scarce, said Peter Baird, Standard Chartered’s head of private equity for Africa. “It’s hard to either acquire existing assets or to cobble together investible opportunities,” he said. Many investors would rather put their money in the food chain rather than actual farming, said Daniel Broby, chief investment officer at specialist frontier market investment manager Silk Invest. The fund’s private equity arm is looking at a second closing for its $150 million African Food Fund by

2013 and has already invested in an Ethiopian biscuit manufacturer and a Nigerian fast food chain. Standard Bank’s head of agriculture in Africa Mohit Arora said seven economies with top agricultural potential need at least $25 billion in public and private spending over the next three to eight years to expand the sector. Ethiopia requires $11 billion until 2020. However, a significant portion of the total private funds raised for the region remained idle last year. “While the investors have gone out and raised quite a lot of money, putting that money to use is another thing,” Arora said. Operating in Africa comes with unique challenges, such as opaque land rights, fragmented land in some areas, lack of skills and poor or nonexistent infrastructure. Even when there is ready financing, small farmers are reluctant to borrow because many are financially illiterate, cannot write up

business plans or are put off by high interest rates. Small farmers make up 70 percent of agricultural activity on the continent. To address this, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is guaranteeing commercial bank loans for agriculture and teaching farmers how to run their farms like enterprises. The organization, which is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has made available $17 million in guarantees that has enabled banks to lend another $160 million. Some governments are now catching up and providing similar incentives. Nigeria is offering commercial banks $500 million to unlock $3 billion. In Tanzania, where AGRA’s $2 million in guarantees to the National Microfinance Bank led to $10 million in loans, corn yields on some farms have tripled to 1.8 tonnes per acre. “The private sector needs to see a viable business opportunity from the agriculture sector, and the agriculture actors need to practice their operations as a business,” said Nixon Bugo, an innovative financing officer at AGRA. African governments are allocating more budget resources to farming, but the amounts are still woefully low and the outlook for Africa’s hungry millions remains precarious.





One in eight worldwide goes hungry: UN report Numbers ‘unacceptable’ | Report lists biofuel demand, as well as rising costs and drought, as contributing factors ROME, Italy (Reuters) — One out of every eight people in the world is chronically undernourished, the United Nations’ food agencies said last week, and aid groups warned that rising food prices could reverse gains in the fight against hunger. In a report on food insecurity, the UN agencies said 868 million people were hungry in 2010-12, or about 12.5 percent of the world’s population, down more sharply than previously estimated from about 1 billion, or 18.6 percent in 1990-92. The new figures, based on a revised

calculation method and more up-todate data, are lower than the last estimates for recent years that pegged the number of hungry people at 925 million in 2010 and 1.02 billion in 2009. “That is better news than we have had in the past, but it still means that one person in every eight goes hungry. That is unacceptable, especially when we live in a world of plenty,” said Jose Graziano da Silva, director general of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). “Most of the progress in hunger

reduction was made until 2006, as food price levels continued to decline. With the rise in food prices and the economic crisis that followed, there have been many fewer advances,” he warned. Food prices have risen over the past few months, fuelled by drought in the United States, Russia and other major grain exporters, and FAO expects prices to remain close to levels reached during the 2008 food crisis. But Graziano da Silva said the world can still achieve the Millenni-

um Development Goal to halve the prevalence of undernourishment in the developing world by 2015. The goal is one of a series of targets adopted by world leaders at the United Nations in 2000 to slash poverty, hunger and disease in poor countries by 2015. Economic recovery, especially in the agriculture sector, will be crucial for sustained hunger reduction, according to the report by FAO, the World Food Program (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

“Agricultural growth involving smallholders, especially women, will be most effective in reducing extreme poverty and hunger when it generates employment for the poor,” the agencies said. They said factors holding up progress include growing biofuel demand, financial speculation in food commodity markets and inefficiencies in food supply and distribution which lead to almost a third of total production being wasted. Luca Chinotti from aid agency Oxfam said lack of political action to tackle high food prices, gender inequality, land grabs and climate change risked reversing past gains in the fight against hunger. “The fact that ... more than the population of the U.S., Europe and Canada are hungry in a world which produces enough for everyone to eat is the biggest scandal of our time,” he said. He suggested building up food reserves as a buffer to high prices and introducing protection programs for those most at risk of hunger. The Committee on World Food Security, an intergovernmental body, was set to meet in Rome on Oct. 16, after Western Producer deadlines, when a ministerial meeting will discuss high food prices.


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India can offer quality wheat, says minister NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) — India can supply Iran with high quality wheat if Tehran decides to finalize purchasing negotiations hampered for months by concerns over a fungal disease, farm minister Sharad Pawar said. Pawar’s comments come as an Indian delegation is visiting Iran, aiming to clinch a deal to export about 2.5 million tonnes of wheat at around $300 a tonne free on board (FOB). India is the world’s second biggest wheat producer, and any purchase by Iran will help to meet payments for Iranian oil and fix an imbalance in trade in favour of Tehran. “Our effort is to export quality wheat from states like Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, which are free from karnal bunt,” Pawar said at the annual Economic Editors Conference. Karnal bunt is a fungal disease that deteriorates the quality of wheat. India is Iran’s second-biggest oil customer after China but western sanctions aimed at choking off funding for Iran’s controversial nuclear program have made payments for crude imports difficult. A record output has left India with plenty of wheat.


Brazil plants more soybeans in wake of U.S. drought Prices drive growth | Production could exceed 80 million tonnes, outpacing U.S. growers SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) — Brazil should produce a record soybean crop that may be up to 25 percent larger than last season’s as farmers plant more in reaction to high prices caused by the drought in the United States, the government said. Soybean output should be between 80 million and 82.8 million tonnes as yields return to normal after dry weather damaged Brazil’s 2011-12 crop, the government said. Productivity should increase 14.3 percent to 2.23 tonnes per acre compared to 1.07 tonnes per acre last season. Brazil’s area planted with soybeans should increase to 68 million acres from last year’s 62 million acres, supply agency Conab said in its first crop report of the season. “This growth is due to excellent prices seen in the 2011-12 season that broke historic records due to the drop in production in the main producing countries,” the agency said in reference to the worst U.S. drought in more than half a century. Brazil has been the world’s No. 2 soybean grower in recent years but will likely surpass the United States in oilseed production this season. The U.S. Department of Agriculture expects Brazil to produce 81 million tonnes of soybeans compared to 72 million tonnes in the dry United States. “As long as the climate co-operates in Brazil, we will have a better harvest than anyone and overtake the United States in soybean production,” said Safras e Mercado analyst Luiz Fernando Gutierrez in the southern city of Porto Alegre. Safras forecasts an 82.3-million-tonne crop. The U.S. harvest is turning out to be a

bit better than analysts originally expected, causing soy prices in Chicago to fall 11 percent in three weeks. But global supplies will likely be tight until expected bumper crops from Brazil and neighbouring Argentina are ready for export in January or February. Conab said it expects nearly half of Brazil’s soybean crop or 38.25 million tonnes to be crushed in Brazil, with an estimated 36.25 million tonnes destined for export. Brazil will likely export 31.25 million tonnes of the 2011-12 crop, Conab said. The agency expects end-of-season stocks to quadruple by this time next year to about 4.3 million tonnes, up from about 946,000 tonnes in stock last month. That means Brazilian ranchers shouldn’t have to import livestock feed like they did after a drought caused a local grain shortage this year. Conab said Brazil’s corn crop would be between 71.9 million and 73.2 million tonnes, compared with 72.6 million tonnes in 2011-12.


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Streamlining helps Cargill bounce back in first quarter Drought may hurt bottom line | Grain handling volumes are expected to be lower than previous predictions CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Cargill Inc. says its quarterly earnings have risen strongly, boosted by all five main business segments, but cautioned the impact of the worst U.S. drought in a half century was still unfolding. It reported net earnings of $975 million for the first quarter of fiscal 2013 ended Aug. 31, compared to $236 million for the same quarter a year ago. The profit compared with $73 million for the March-May quarter, its lowest quarterly earnings since 1991. Revenues for the first quarter

dipped to $33.8 billion from $34.6 billion a year earlier, the company said in a statement. Greg Page, Cargill’s chief executive officer, said the improved performance was the result of the broad reach of its operations into most major areas of the world’s food production systems. However, he warned that the full effects of drought and other weatherrelated crop damage were still working through the supply chain and would challenge food processors, livestock feeders and exporters in the months ahead.

By investing steadily, we’ve been able to significantly boost the breadth and depth of the products and services we offer our customers. GREG PAGE CARGILL CEO

Cargill, which is one of the world’s largest privately held corporations, said quarterly results were balanced, with improved earnings across all

five business segments. There were no significant losses in any one business unit and results benefited from efforts in the past 12 months to lower costs, streamline work flows and reassess capital spending. “By investing steadily, we’ve been able to significantly boost the breadth and depth of the products and services we offer our customers,” Page said. “And that has strengthened the balance, diversification and resilience we strive for in our business.” He said Cargill has spent $8.1 billion on supply chain investments in

the last two years. The company said the drought in the United States, the largest exporter of corn, soybeans and wheat and other food products, will continue to present challenges, but crop damage in other areas, notably the Black Sea region in Europe, will do the same. “Cargill’s North American grain handling volumes for exports are anticipated to be lower than predrought expectations, and it may be a challenging year for the company’s animal protein businesses globally,” the company said in a written statement.

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Tributes/Memoriams ...............0100 Announcements ...................... 0200 COMMUNITY CALENDAR British Columbia ................... 0310 Alberta...................................0320 Saskatchewan ......................0330 Manitoba ...............................0340 Airplanes ................................. 0400 Alarms & Security Systems .... 0500 ANTIQUES Antique Auctions .................. 0701 Antique Equipment ...............0703 Antique Vehicles ...................0705 Antique Miscellaneous ......... 0710 Arenas ..................................... 0800 Auction Sales .......................... 0900 Auction Schools ...................... 0950 AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto Service & Repairs ......... 1050 Auto & Truck Parts ................ 1100 Buses ..................................... 1300 Cars .......................................1400 Trailers Grain Trailers ...................... 1505 Livestock Trailers .................1510 Misc. Trailers ........................ 1515 Trucks 2007 & Newer ......................1597 2000 - 2006 .......................1600 1999 & Older....................... 1665 Four Wheel Drive ................ 1670 Grain Trucks .........................1675 Semi Trucks ..........................1677 Specialized Trucks .............. 1680 Sport Utilities.......................1682 Various ................................ 1685 Vans ....................................... 1700 Vehicles Wanted ....................1705 BEEKEEPING Honey Bees ........................... 2010 Cutter Bees............................2020 Bee Equipment & Supplies ... 2025 Belting ......................................2200 Bio Diesel & Equipment...........2300 Books & Magazines ..................2400 BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Concrete Repair & Coatings ................................ 2504 Doors & Windows ................. 2505 Electrical & Plumbing ............2510 Lumber .................................. 2520 Roofing .................................. 2550 Supplies ................................ 2570 Buildings .................................. 2601 Building Movers ....................... 2602 Business Opportunities ...........2800 BUSINESS SERVICES Consulting ............................. 2901 Financial & Legal .................. 2902 Insurance & Investments...... 2903 Butcher’s Supplies .................. 3000 Chemicals................................. 3150 Clothing: Drygoods & Workwear ...........3170 Collectibles ..............................3200 Compressors ............................3300 Computers................................3400 CONTRACTING Custom Baling ....................... 3510 Custom Combining ............... 3520 Custom Feeding .....................3525 Custom Seeding .....................3527 Custom Silage ....................... 3530 Custom Spraying...................3540 Custom Trucking ................... 3550 Custom Tub Grinding .............3555 Custom Work .........................3560 Construction Equipment..........3600 Dairy Equipment ...................... 3685 Diesel Engines..........................3700 Educational ..............................3800 Electrical Motors...................... 3825 Electrical Equipment ............... 3828 Engines.....................................3850 Farm Buildings ........................ 4000 Bins .......................................4003 Storage/Containers...............4005 FARM MACHINERY Aeration ................................ 4103

Conveyors ............................. 4106 Equipment Monitors ............. 4109 Fertilizer Equipment .............. 4112 Grain Augers ..........................4115 Grain Carts .............................4118 Grain Cleaners ....................... 4121 Grain Dryers ...........................4124 Grain Elevators ......................4127 Grain Testers ......................... 4130 Grain Vacuums .......................4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ............... 4139 Mower Conditioners ............4142 Swathers ............................. 4145 Swather Accessories ........... 4148 H&H Various.........................4151 Combines Belarus .................................4157 Case/IH ............................... 4160 CI ..........................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ............... 4166 Deutz ................................... 4169 Ford/NH ................................4172 Gleaner .................................4175 John Deere ............................4178 Massey Ferguson..................4181 Python ................................. 4184 Versatile ...............................4187 White ................................... 4190 Various .................................4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers................ 4199 Combine Pickups ................ 4202 Misc. Accessories ................ 4205 Hydraulics .............................4208 Parts & Accessories ............... 4211 Salvage .................................4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ............................4217 Repairs .................................. 4220 Rockpickers ............................4223 Snowblowers & Snowplows .......................... 4226 Silage Equipment .................. 4229 Special Equipment.................4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ......................... 4238 SP Sprayers ..........................4241 Spraying Various................. 4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .............................. 4250 Air Seeders .......................... 4253 Harrows & Packers .............. 4256 Seeding Various .................. 4259 Tillage Equipment ............... 4262 Tillage & Seeding Various .............................. 4265 Tractors Agco Agco ....................................4274 Allis/Deutz..........................4277 White .................................4280 Belarus ................................ 4283 Case/IH ............................... 4286 Steiger ............................... 4289 Caterpillar ........................... 4292 John Deere ........................... 4295 Kubota ................................. 4298 Massey Ferguson................. 4301 New Holland ........................4304 Ford ................................... 4307 Versatile ............................ 4310 Universal ..............................4313 Zetor .................................... 4316 Various Tractors .................. 4319 Loaders & Dozers ...................4322 Miscellaneous ....................... 4325 Wanted .................................. 4328 Fencing .................................... 4400 Financing/Leasing ...................4450 Firewood .................................. 4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ...........4500 Food Products .......................... 4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ...............4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ........ 4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing ............4605 Fur Farming .............................. 4675 Generators ................................4725 GPS ........................................... 4730 Green Energy.............................4775

Health Care .............................. 4810 Health Foods ............................ 4825 Heating & Air Conditioning....................4850 Hides, Furs, & Leathers ...........4880 Hobbies & Handicrafts ............4885 Household Items......................4890 Iron & Steel ..............................4960 Irrigation Equipment ...............4980 LANDSCAPING Greenhouses .........................4985 Lawn & Garden .....................4988 Nursery & Gardening Supplies ............4990 LIVESTOCK Cattle Auction Sales ......................5005 Black Angus ......................... 5010 Red Angus ........................... 5015 Belgian Blue ........................5030 Blonde d’Aquitaine ............. 5035 Brahman ..............................5040 Brangus ............................... 5042 Braunvieh ............................ 5047 Brown Swiss ........................5049 BueLingo ............................. 5052 Charolais ............................. 5055 Dexter ..................................5065 Excellerator ......................... 5067 Galloway .............................5070 Gelbvieh .............................. 5075 Guernsey .............................5080 Hereford ............................. 5090 Highland ..............................5095 Holstein ............................... 5100 Jersey ................................... 5105 Limousin............................... 5115 Lowline .................................5118 Luing.....................................5120 Maine-Anjou .........................5125 Miniature............................. 5130 Murray Grey .........................5135 Piedmontese ....................... 5160 Pinzgauer .............................5165 Red Poll ................................ 5175 Salers....................................5185 Santa Gertrudis ................... 5188 Shaver Beefblend.................5195 Shorthorn ............................5200 Simmental ........................... 5205 South Devon .........................5210 Speckle Park.........................5215 Tarentaise ........................... 5220 Texas Longhorn ....................5225 Wagyu.................................. 5230 Welsh Black ..........................5235 Cattle Various ..................... 5240 Cattle Wanted ..................... 5245 Cattle Events & Seminars ....5247 Horses Auction Sales ...................... 5305 American Saddlebred ......... 5310 Appaloosa ............................5315 Arabian ................................ 5320 Belgian .................................5325 Canadian ..............................5327 Clydesdale ........................... 5330 Donkeys ................................5335 Haflinger ............................. 5345 Miniature............................. 5365 Morgan .................................5375 Mules ...................................5380 Norwegian Fjord ................. 5385 Paint ....................................5390 Palomino ............................. 5395 Percheron ............................5400 Peruvian ..............................5405 Ponies..................................5408 Quarter Horse ......................5415 Shetland .............................. 5420 Sport Horses ....................... 5424 Standardbred ......................5430 Tennessee Walker ............... 5445 Thoroughbred .....................5450 Welsh ................................... 5455 Horses Various ....................5460 Horses Wanted .................... 5465 Horse Events, Seminars ...... 5467 Horse Hauling .....................5469 Harness & Vehicles ............. 5470 Saddles.................................5475

Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505 Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Bison (Buffalo) .....................5755 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162 Campers & Trailers ............... 6164

Golf Cars ................................ 6165 Motor Homes......................... 6166 Motorcycles ............................6167 Snowmobiles ........................ 6168 Refrigeration ............................ 6180 RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ........... 6210 Vacation Accommodations ... 6245 Restaurant Supplies ................ 6320 Sausage Equipment .................6340 Sawmills...................................6360 Scales .......................................6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ..................................6404 Corn .................................... 6406 Durum..................................6407 Oats ..................................... 6410 Rye....................................... 6413 Triticale ............................... 6416 Wheat .................................. 6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa .................................. 6425 Annual Forage ..................... 6428 Clover .................................. 6431 Grass Seeds ...........................6434 Oilseeds Canola ................................6440 Flax ......................................6443 Pulse Crops Beans ...................................6449 Chickpeas ............................ 6452 Lentil ................................... 6455 Peas .....................................6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ......................6464 Mustard ............................... 6467 Potatoes ..............................6470 Sunflower ............................ 6473 Other Specialty Crops ......... 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ......................... 6482 Forage Seeds .........................6485 Grass Seeds ...........................6488 Oilseeds ................................ 6491 Pulse Crops ...........................6494 Various .................................. 6497 Organic Seed ...........See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain .............................6505 Hay & Straw .......................... 6510 Pellets & Concentrates ..........6515 Fertilizer ................................6530 Feed Wanted .........................6540 Seed Wanted ......................... 6542 Sewing Machines ..................... 6710 Sharpening Services .................6725 Sporting Goods ........................ 6825 Outfitters............................... 6827 Stamps & Coins ........................6850 Swap......................................... 6875 Tanks ........................................ 6925 Tarpaulins ................................ 6975 Tenders..................................... 7025 Tickets ...................................... 7027 Tires .........................................7050 Tools ......................................... 7070 Travel........................................ 7095 Water Pumps............................ 7150 Water Treatment ......................7200 Welding .................................... 7250 Well Drilling .............................7300 Winches....................................7400 CAREERS Career Training ........................8001 Child Care.................................8002 Construction ........................... 8004 Domestic Services .................. 8008 Farm / Ranch ............................ 8016 Forestry / Logging .................... 8018 Help Wanted ............................8024 Management ............................ 8025 Mining ...................................... 8027 Oilfield .....................................8030 Professional ............................. 8032 Sales / Marketing .................... 8040 Trades / Technical ....................8044 Truck Drivers ............................8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ...............................8050

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STINSON PARTS: wings, fuselage, horizontal stabilizer, elevators, nose bowl, top cowl, etc. 250-991-7958, Quesnel, BC. 1978 CESSNA A188B agtruck, 3940 TTAF, IO520D 680 STOH, 1330 TTSN, 3 blade prop, 530 SOH Dec. 2009, Satloc Bantam new 2011, many extras. NMDH always hangared, well equipped spray plane. Dan 306-625-3922, 306-625-7505, Ponteix, SK. LYCOMING TI0-540-A2C wide deck eng., 1461 SM0H, good logs, being sold firewall forward, prop strike. Engine has been dial checked, $11,500. Call 519-866-5959. www.skyview-enterprises.ca MERLIN STOL, 0-200, 315 SMOH 90-95 TAS, 40 stall VHF, Mode C, new fabric and glass, hangared, $26,000 negotiable. 403-255-6998, Calgary, AB. LOOKING FOR: CESSNA 182 or 185, on wheels, in good condition. 204-325-6231 days, 204-325-4665 eves., Winkler, MB. 1962 COMANCHE 250, good aircraft, don’t fly enough, $61,150 OBO. Trades? David Clark H10-60 and bag, $250 OBO. MX11 Com 760 LED flipflop, spare, w/tray, $800 OBO. 250-426-5118, 250-421-1484. 1976 CESSNA 172M Skyhawk II, 4151 TTSN, 2151 SMOH, fresh annual, Horton STOL kit, long range tanks, auto pilot, dual Nav/Com, Garmin GPS, DME, ADF, XPDR Mode C, same owner since 1979, hangared. 306-946-3894, Watrous, SK. 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive annual complete, sacrifice $80,000. Phone Rick Wildfong 306-734-2345 or 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine parts, propellers, C23 new surplus parts. 204-324-6088, Altona, MB.

STINSON 108-3, 1374 TTAF, 361 TTE SMOH, 165 HP, H.C. Franklin, Nav Mode C, 406 ELT, Cleveland wheels and brakes, Scott TW, fabric 2003 hangared since, C of A June 2012, $30,000 OBO. 204-781-3544, Dufresne, MB. FOR SALE: 1967 Cessna 150G, located in Kleefeld, MB. TTSN 3960 hrs., completely rebuilt 0-200 in 2004 w/600 hrs., $26,000 OBO. gary.martens@ad.umanitoba.ca or phone 204-474-6097. 1966 PIPER 28 CHEROKEE 140, new radials, 720 transponder mode C, GPS 296, all Garmin, new 2008. Fresh annual May 2012, TTAF 6330 hrs., ETT 2200 hrs., all log books, NDHl, $25,000 OBO. 204-769-2210, 204-741-0054, Elgin, MB. PIPER NAVAJO/ CHIEFAIN parts including av i o n i c s a n d i n s t r u m e n t s . P h o n e : 519-866-5959. Parts are photographed and priced at: www.skyview-enterprises.ca NEED YOUR CESSNA thrush air tractor wings rebuilt? Phone 204-362-0406, Morden, MB. 165 FRANKLIN ENGINE for sale, firewall foreward c/w prop and running condition, with log books, $3000. 780-812-1813, Ardmore, AB. 1977 PA-18-160 PIPER Super Cub, most Alaskan mods, 2400 TTAF, 450 SMOH, etc. $75,000 OBO. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC 1972 CESSNA 150L, TTSN 1400 hrs., 0-320 Lycoming 150 HP, TT 900 hrs., LR tanks, intercom push to talk, tow hook, always hangared, $42,000. 306-255-2611, 306-280-3231, Colonsay, SK. STINSON 108-3 AF, 2365 TT, engine 165 Franklin TT 998, 88 STOH, recovered 2005, float kit, engine parts, wheel pants, 2 props, $30,000. 250-991-7958 Quesnel BC

WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610, www.FAAsecurity.com

ANTIQUE SALE, Oct. 26-27, D-Company Armouries, 9005 101 St., Grande Prairie, AB. Great selection of furniture, jewellery, coins, stamps, toys and dolls, fine glass and china, vintage stove restoration, rustic and country collectibles and more. Show hours Friday, Oct. 26, 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Saturday, Oct. 27th 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Admission $3. For bookings or information call 780-987-2071.

WANTED: CAB FOR a UDLX Minneapolis Moline Comfort tractor or complete tractor for parts. 780-755-2326 or 780-806-9887, Edgerton, AB. 8N FORD TRACTOR, good condition, $2000. Call Kelly at 306-587-2916 or 306-741-2065 (cell), Cabri, SK. TRACTORS FOR SALE: JD’s 420 Hi-crop (rare), M, MTW, MTN, BW, 2 H’s, Cockshutt 20. 403-660-8588, Calgary, AB. ANTIQUE JOHN DEERE tractors - D and AR, both have hydraulics, PTO and new paint, fully restored and in good running order. For more info. call 204-546-2663. Located in Gilbert Plains, MB.

1923 MASSEY ENGINE, 6 HP, restored; IHC engine, 2 1/2 HP, restored; 1940 JD A, row crop styled; 1956 JD 420 C, dozer and winch; 1949 Massey 44, restored; 1950 JD AR styled, restored; IHC No. 9 horse mower; 1978 VW convertible, restored. Call 250-305-7409, 150 Mile House, BC.

LOST INTEREST: 1948 Harry Ferguson w/bucket; 1950 Harry Ferguson; 1955 Ford 600; 1943 JD AR; 1954 Ford Jubilee; 1948 8N, V8 Funk conversion, extra parts and paint. 403-382-0158, Lethbridge, AB.

1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. www.sterlingoldcarsandtrucks.com

JOHN DEERE A, runs good, tin good, dull 1958 EDSEL RANGER Model 958A, hardpaint, $3500; John Deere 1010, $2000 top. Auction, Wed., October 24, Bruno, SK. www.schapansky.com Bruce Schapansky OLIVER 88 STD. TRACTOR, hyd., live PTO, OBO. 306-747-3694, Shellbrook, SK. Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488. DL#912715. exc. tires, side curtains, runs good, asking ALLIS CHALMERS WD45, vg cond, new en$2500. 306-898-2343, Bredenbury, SK. gine, clutch, tires, hyd. pump, $4799, w/7’ RESTORED FORD CARS for sale: 1928 MCCORMICK-DEERING THRESHING outfit: sickle mower. 403-704-3996, Rimbey, AB. AR Roadster, 1929 Roadster and 1929 1957 threshing machine 28x46, threshed Cabriolet. 204-764-2642, Hamiota, MB. only 400 acres; 10’ power binder, very OLIVER 88 STD. dsl., $2400; Oliver 88, good cond; 1946 W-6 tractor, good cond. gas rowcrop, 13x38, $1600; Oliver 770 JIM’S CLASSIC CORNER, a selling service All used in 2011. 306-563-3047 Canora, SK c/w F10 Farmhand loader, $1000. All mid for classic and antique automobiles, trucks, boats. 204-997-4636, Winnipeg MB 1950’s. 780-416-1684, Sherwood Park, AB. BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, bro1925-1930 REO SPEEDWAGON chures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton FORD JUBILEE, MH Pacer, MH 44 Row WANTED: complete or for parts. Contact Hector at AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. Crop, Minneapolis 445, Cockshut 30, 3 780-674-4820, Busby, AB. heel Farmall C., MH 50 dsl. ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaran- w 1956 INTERNATIONAL S100 pickup. Good teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. restoration vehicle. 403-362-3278, Brooks, Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, AB. or email: karen_r@telus.net Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. 1966 R190 IH tandem cement truck, origi1960’S CO-OP 570, orig., shedded, vg nal, close to running. 306-372-4616, cond.; 1966 AC D21 w/FEL, fair, running; 306-372-7715, Luseland, SK. 1 9 7 1 M a s s ey 1 1 5 0 , r u n n i n g , g o o d . 306-372-4616, 306-372-7715, Luseland SK WANTED: 1971 or 1972 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4, fleet side and auto. 403-863-2079 cell TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New Okotoks, AB. parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, reproduction parts, antiques and classic. Western Canada m.e. MILLER tire dealer and STEINER dealer. Phone Don Ellingson,. MUSEUM TRAINING COURSES in wheel1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB. or email wrighting, blacksmithing, buggy seat uptunerite@telusplanet.net holstery and sculptural beadwork. Western JD 730 TRACTOR, diesel, restored, pop 1928 DURANT M2 COUPE, 2 door, Development Museum Curatorial Centre, motor, excellent, $8500. Call George brown, soft top, all original, $30,000. 2935 Lorne Ave 306-934-1400, Saskatoon, 306-631-6117, 306-394-2036, Coderre, SK 780-689-7373, Athabasca, AB. SK. www.wdm.ca/trainingcourses.htm JUBILEE FORD and 8N Ford tractors, both 1928 MODEL A Ford tudour, excellent run- WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brop a i n t e d a n d r e s t o r e d . P h o n e n i n g c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 O B O . chures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, 403-443-0535, Three Hills, AB. 403-504-1095, Medicine Hat, AB. Saskatoon, SK.

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ACROSS 1. Beth Behrs’s co-star on 2 Broke Girls (2 words) 8. Sheriff in B. J. and the Bear 9. Film directed by David Cronenberg (2 words) 11. Last film William Holden appeared in 12. ___ for Mayor 13. One of the Corleone brothers in The Godfather 14. Michael of The Waltons 15. Ralph’s last name on Happy Days 16. Winger or Messing 17. Composer who wrote the film score for The Spanish Gardner 18. ___ Love Song (2 words) 19. ___ Haw 20. Pee-___ Big Adventure 23. Fantastic ___ 24. Cassavetes co-star in Too Late Blues 26. Initials of the actor who was married to Joan Fontaine 27. Actor Hunter 28. She starred in The Third Man 30. Tooth ___ 32. Yours, Mine and ___ 34. Robert ___ Niro 35. My ___ Is Earl 36. Initials of the actress who played Caroline Holden on Baywatch

37. Film starring Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn (2 words) DOWN 1. Film starring Orlando Bloom (3 words) 2. Film starring Angelina Jolie and Ethan Hawke (2 words) 3. Film starring Ralph Fiennes and Julianne Moore (4 words) (with The) 4. She plays Lacey on Anger Management (2 words) 5. Film starring Jack Black (2 words) 6. Film for which Ian McKellen received a Best Actor nomination (3 words) 7. Film which featured Robby the Robot (2 words) 10. He played Scrum in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 21. Former medical television series 22. ___face 25. Film written and directed by James Cameron (with The) 26. ___ Valentine 27. All ___ Up 29. He played Inspector Clouseau’s superior in the Pink Panther films 31. Babylon ___ 33. Richardson who is a regular in the films of Alex Cox




O c t. 22n d – 28th M ARK ET M ALL

2325 Preston Ave.S. SASK ATO O N


FARM TOY/ COLLECTORS, Regina’s Annual Show/Sale. Featuring: Farm toys, USED ZAMBONI AND Olympia ice resurfparts, antique; Dinky toys; Nascars; model ers for sale. Parts, sales and service. trains; crafts; semi trucks/automobiles, in 403-830-8603, 403-271-9793, Calgary, AB all scales. Plus crafts/collectibles on 2nd floor. Saturday, October 20, 10- 5, Sunday, Oct. 21, 10- 4. Held at St. Basil Parish Centre, 1717 Toronto St., off Sask. Drive between Winnipeg and Broad Street.

CASH PAID FOR womens clothing, footwear and accessories, 1940 to 1970, in PLATFORM SCALE, set of weights; 100 lb. bean scale; Kerosene mantel lantern; $275 good cond. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK. firm. 306-693-2615, Moose Jaw, SK. PAYING CASH FOR a junker Boler trailer, I need parts. Please call 403-860-1445, Calgary, AB.

4 QUARTERS, RM Orkney, sold by Auction, Unreserved on Oct. 27th at the Yorkton Auction Centre. For more info call Paul Moore 306-272-8311, Yorkton, SK.

a u c tions f a ll 2012

S E E M O RE @

FALL CO N SIGN M EN T EQ UIPM EN T AUCTIO N -K ra m er ’sBig Bid Ba rn Thursd a y,Octo b er 25 th,2012 -10:00 AM CO N SIGN N O W !ITEM S BEIN G ADDED DAILY ! S ee u pda ted list & pictu reson ou rw ebsite Pa rtia lListin g O n ly – M ore item sa dded da ily.IN D U STRIAL -1996 John D eere 750 C cra w ler d ozer TRAILERS – 2010 D u ra lite Alu m in u m 106’L x 92’W tru ck D eck ;2011 Ca rgo Pro Alu m in u m 5.5’x12’u tility tra iler; 2010 N orbert’s D ou ble Tilt 2 pla ce sn ow m obile tra iler;2-2011 Sn oPro 10’Alu m in u m 2 pla ce tiltin g sn ow m obile tra iler;1993 F ea therlite 7’x24’ 5th w heelstock tra iler;1998 In tersta te 8.5x20’en closed ca rgo/restroom tra ilerLIG HT TRU C K S & C ARS – 2005 ChevroletSilvera d o crew ca b 4x4; 2004 ChevroletSilvera d o reg ca b 2w d tru ck ;2000 ChryslerNeon 4 d oor ca r;2003 F ord F ocu s 4 d oor ca r;2008 Chevrolet 8’d u a lly tru ck box; 1994 Chevrolet 2500 3⁄4 ton 4x4 su bu rba n G RAIN HAN D LIN G & STO RAG E – 2010 W estfield TF *x51 gra in a u ger w /m over k it, 30hp K ohler G O O D SELEC TIO N O F LIVESTO C K RELATED EQ U IPM EN T; ATV’S RV’S BOATS – 2-2012 BL AD E Sid e x Sid e U TV’s; 2010 Su zu k i Q u a d ;2009 Su zu k iQ u a d LAW N & G ARD EN – 1990 John D eere 1070 2w d tra ctor & JD 72” m id -m ou n t m ow er;selection of 3ph eq u ipm en t BU ILD IN G S & G ATES – 2-30’x65’x15’ high ceilin g d ou ble d oored stora ge bu ild in g (NE W );3 -20’x30’x12’com m ercia lstora ge ca n opy;3 – 20’x40’4 sid ed com m ercia lpa rty ten ts;2 – 16’x22’m a rq u ee even tten ts; SELEC TIO N O F N EW SHO P BEN C HES & C ABIN ETS;200 Len g ths o f D rill Stem ; LU M BER, PO STS & RAILS (N EW & U SED ) LARG E SELEC TION OF PAVIN G & LAN D SC APIN G STON ES.

CO M PLETE FARM AUCTIO N -Iva n An d rosoff Octo b er 29th,2012 -10:00AM -Bla in e La ke,S K Seller C o n ta ct(s):Iva n An d ro so ff,3 06 -4 97-25 5 1 Auctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):Bren d a n K ra m er,3 06 -4 4 5 -5 000 Au ction D a y Sched u le:10:00AM -M isc F a rm Su pply follow ed by An tiq u es 12:00n oon – L a n d L ea se Au ction ,M a jorE q u ipm en t& L ive In tern etBid d in g follow ed by Gra in Bin s D irection s:F rom K ryd oron H w y #40 go 2.5 m iles N orthea st,then 1.5 m iles N orth or from Bla in e L a k e go 6.5 m iles Sou thw est,then 1.5 m iles N orth Hi-Lites In clu de:LAN D LEASE AU C TIO N –1200 a cres of Prim e F a rm la n d in RM #434 & RM #435, 3yrlea se TRAC TO RS -1983 John D eere 8850 4w d ,7451hrs show in g;1983 Ca se 4690 4w d ,5677hrs show in g;C O M BIN ES & AC C ESSO RIES -1984 John D eere 8820 Tu rbo,+/-4500 hou rs;John D eere 224 24’stra ight cu t flex hea d er & hea d er tra n sport;SW ATHERS -2005 M a ssey F ergu son 9420 25’ s/p,865hrs show in g;SEED IN G & TILLAG E - F lexicoil820 40’a ir d rill& F lexicoil2340 tow behin d ta n k ; F lexicoil System 95 50’ ha rrow pa ck er ba r;Versa tile/E zeeO n 600 31’ ta n d em d isc G RAIN N HAN D LIN G - W estfield TR-100-61 m ech gra in a u ger; Con vey Air 3000 5” gra in va c; G RAIN STO RAG E - 3 - W estco W esteelTw in Air 70 ton fertilizer bin s;4 - W esteel4750 bu shelbin s;4 W esteel3850 bu shelbin s bolted ;Good Selection of otherbin s;SPRAY IN G -1996 Bou rga u lt950 s/ a 100’spra yer;HEAVY TRU C K S - 1974 F ord F 700 s/a gra in tru ck ;1974 F ord F 700 s/a gra in tru ck ; LIG HT TRU C K S -1974 F ord 250 2w d tru ck ;1984 F ord T-Bird 2 d oorca r;LAW N & G ARD EN -1996 John D eere 455 ga rd en tra ctor, 998hrs show in g; ATV’S, RV’S BOATS - Su zu k i M 15 50cc m otorbik e;OTHER M ISC EQ U IPM EN T;a n d m o re.Pa r tia l listin g o n ly.

F am ily O w ned & O perated - 3 G enerations S trong

1.800.5 29.995 8 •SK PL #914 6 18 •AB PL #206 95 9 IM PO RTAN T N O TICE:Thislistin g iso n ly a g uid e a n d in n o w a y a g ua ra n tee o fsize,d escrip tio n o r yea r. Plea se in sp ecta ll eq uip m en tto yo ur o w n sa tisfa ctio n . C o m p lete term sa n d co n d itio n sa re a va ila b le a tb id d er reg istra tio n .



PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale October 27, 9:00 AM. PBR, 105- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., www.pbrauctions.com 306-931-7666.

GUN AND SPORTSMAN AUCTION: Oct. 27th at 10:00 AM. Firearms, militaria, ammo, weaponry and more! Unreserved! No buyers fee! 1235 - 1 Ave, Wainwright, AB., Scribner Auction 780-842-5666. Details: www.scribnernet.com





R EG & JUD Y LAKN ES S Frid a y, Octo b e r 26th @ 10 AM G OVAN , S AS K.

UN RES ERV ED P UBLIC AUCTIO N TUES DAY , O CTO BER 30, 2 012 8:00 a .m . 932 0 – 52 S treetS E., CALG AR Y S ellin g on b ehalfofS ervice Alb erta, F ortisAlb erta, O kotoks Ren tals, & other con sign ors.

5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w .grea tpla in sa u ctio n eers.ca w w w .glo b a la u ctio n gu id e.co m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9

O w ner’s Phone: 306 -4 84 -4 352 or 306 -7 25-7 6 01 (cell)

Pa rtia lListin g: O ILFIELD: M orook a IVITra ck ed S eis m ic Record er. CR AW LER DO ZER : 2004 Deere 950C Lt. M O TO R G R ADER S : Cha m p ion 736A ; Cha m p ion 740A . W HEEL LO ADER : 2005 Ca t 420D 4x4 Exten d a hoe. W HEEL LO ADER : 2006 Ca t 908 A rticu la tin g . S KID S TEER S : Ca s e 60XT; Ca s e 1845. HYD. EXCAV ATO R S : (2) Bobca t 442-C’s ; Da ew oo S L200W -V; Kobelco S K007 M in i; M its u bis hi M M 35 M in i; Ya n m a r YB151UZ M in i. G R AV EL TR UCKS : 2005 S terlin g LT7500. TAN K TR UCKS : 2002 M a ck CH613 w / Ha m m s S teel 100 BBL; (2) 2001 M a ck CH613 w / Ha m m s S teel 100 BBL. TR UCK TR ACTO R S : 2008 Freig htlin er Ca s ca d ia ; (2) 2007 Volvo VNM 64T63 T/ A ’s ; 2006 Freig htlin er Colu m bia CCL12; (3) 2006 & (3) 2005 Freig htlin er FCL112’s ; 2006 Peterbilt379 T/ A ’s ; 2006 Peterbilt 387 T/ A ; (3) 2005 Freig htlin er FLC120’s ; 2005 Peterbilt 379 Req u ires En g in e Rep a ir; IHC 9200’ Volvo T/ A w / W eba s to. S ER V ICE & LIG HT TR UCKS : 2008 Ford F350 S / D S ervice; 2004 Ford F350 S u p erDu ty 4x4 S ervice; 2008 Dod g e 2500 4x4 Q u a d ; 2008 Dod g e Ra m 2500 Ext Ca b; 2008 Ford F350 C&C; 2005 G M C 2500; (2) 2004 Ford F250 4x4’s . R ECR EATIO N : 2006 Pola ris W id e Tra k LX S n ow m obile; New Un u s ed 250cc S n obik e/ Dirt Bik e Con vers ion ; (2) Pola ris S n ow m obiles ; (6) G olfCa rs . TR EN CHER : Verm eerV8550 Tren cher. UTILITY & M AIN TEN AN CE: 2006 A q u a Divers ities S elfCon ta in ed 30 G PM W a ter Trea tm en t S ys tem ; 2006 S ep rotech S elf Con ta in ed Rota tin g Biolog ica l Con ta ctorA erobic S ew a g e Trea tm en tPla n t; John s ton S treetS w eep er; Pow er Bos s & Ten n a n t Rid e O n S w eep ers ; G ra vely S n ow Blow ers . TR AILER S : 2011 Ren n S L1700 17’ Tria xle G ra vel Pu p ; 2005 S con a Tria xle 40 Ton S cis s or Neck ; Tria xle G oos en eck Fla t Deck Tra iler; Fru eha u f T/ A En d Du m p ; T/ A Dem olition Tra iler; (2) 2012 S ou thla n d 8’ S / A Ba ll Hitch Du m p Tra ilers ; (2) 2013 S ou thla n d Roll O ff En clos ed Ca rg o Boxes ; Tra ilm obile 46’ T/ A Deck ; T/ A Eq u ip m en t Tra iler; (4) M a n a c 34IA T 34’ B Tra in Lea d In s u la ted Dry Va n s ; La rg e Q u a n tity of A s s orted S izes S tora g e Con ta in ers . TR ACTO R S & FAR M : Ku bota B6000 M FW D Tra ctor c/ w Loa d er & Tiller; Ku bota ZL1-245 M FW D Tra ctor. EM ER G EN CY V EHICLES : In tern a tion a l Ca rg o S ta r 1950B Fire Tru ck ; Ford 800 Pu m p er; Ford E350 A m bu la n ce. G EN ER ATO R S & CO M PR ES S O R S : S ta m ford 145 KW En clos ed S k id M ou n ted G en era tor; S ta m ford 150 KW En clos ed S k id M ou n ted G en era tor; 30 KW G en era tor; G a rd n er Den ver 150 CFM ; Lin coln Horizon ta l Com p res s or. FO R KLIFTS & PLATFO R M S : 2006 G en ie G TH 844 4x4 Teleha n d ler; G en ie 2660 4x4 S cis s orLift; G en ie G R12 M a n lift; JLG 450A S eries II 4x4 45’ M a n lift; (2) S k y Ja ck 3220 S cis s or Lifts . M EDIUM DUTY : 2002 IHC 4300 Va n Bod y; Freig htlin er CO E S / A Va n Bod y; Ford Deck Tru ck c/ w A tla s Pick er32’ w / Tw o Dea d S ection s ; W es tern S ta r4964-2 T/ A C&C; Freig htlin erFL70 S / A C&C. O FFICE & CAM P: (6) New 20’In s u la ted O ffice/ Livin g Q u a rters ; 2006 67 Pers on Ca n a d ia n A lp in e S k i Tea m Tra in in g Fa cility; A tco 10’x32’ S k id M ou n ted O ffice; A tco 8’x24’ T/ A O ffice. O FF S ITE: Ha ll Dou ble Cha irlift; 30 ft x 60 ft Ca r S tora g e M a n a g em en tS ys tem ; (7) S u p erior9 ftx 14 ft4 Pos tHyd Ca rHois ts .

Directio n s: Fro m the to w n o f G o va n 1 m ile S o u th o n Hw y #2 0, then 4 m iles W esto n grid . NO TE: In ca s e ofba d w ea thera u ction w ill be held in m a chin e s hed . IN TER N ET BIDDIN G W ILL BE AV AILABLE W ITH LIV EBLO CK AUCTIO N S IN TER N ATIO N AL.

TR ACTOR S * 1979 835 Vers a tile*1985 JD 4250*1976 JD 4430*1949 JD A *AIR S EEDER * 1996 Bou rg a u lt 8800, 40ft c/ w Bou rg a u lt 3195 a ir ta n k , 25% d ow n ba la n ce before A p ril 1s t/13 *COM BINE* 1996 JD 9600, 2568 s ep hrs 25% d ow n ba la n ce before A u g u s t1s t/13 *HEADER * JD 930, 30ft *GR AIN TR UCKS * 1980 IH 1824, W I15ftbox w / hois t*1975 IH Loa d S ta r 1600, 15ft In d . S a les s teel box w / hois t *GR AIN CAR T* 2011 Bren t 882, roll ta rp , 800 BU, 25% d ow n ba la n ce before A u g u s t 1s t/13 *S W ATHER * 1986 C a s e IH 930, 30ft *S P R AYER * Flexicoil S ys tem 50, 60ft s p ra yer *HAR R OW S * M orris 56ft *TANDEM DIS K* Ezee-on 30ft *CULTIVATOR * M orris CT-743 *AUGER S * 2010 S a k u n d ia k HD8x1400 w / Ha w es A g ro S P m over, 1999 S a k u n d ia k HD8x1400, c/ w S P m overk it, S a k u n d ia k 7x41 c/ w S P m overk it*TR AILER * Cu s tom bu ilt18ftfla td eck tra iler*OTHER FAR M EQUIP M ENT* Ritew a y 46ftha rrow p a ck erba r, P-20 p a ck ers *Ritew a y hyd d rive rock p ick er *1200 g a l p oly w a ter ta n k *200 g a l p oly d rin k in g w a ter ta n k *5.5 HP 2” ba n jo p u m p *S NOW BLOW ER * Fa rm Kin g 8ft *ATV’S & S NOW W M OBILES * Ya m a ha M oto 4 q u a d *1979 El Tig re 5000*Ya m a ha G P 440 *LAW N & GAR DEN* JD F525 m ow er, 48” d eck , 1034 hrs *5ft g yro m ow er*M IS CELLANEOUS * La rg e q ty ofs hop & fa rm m is c.

BODNARUS AUCTIONEERING. FALL Leask Antique and Collectibles Auction Sale, Saturday October 27th, 2012 at 9:00 AM. Coins sell at 11:00 AM. Leask Lion’s Hall, Leask, SK. Gas pumps; Signs; Collector Toys; Lamps; Tins; Clocks; Manuals; Antique furniture; Horse related. Numerous antiques and collectibles. Plus huge selection of coins. For more information 1-877-494-2437 or 306-227-9505. Website: www.bodnarusauctioneering.com PL #318200. McSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD. Huge Gun Auction, Sat., Oct. 20 at 9:30 AM, Stonewall, #12 Patterson Drive. Approx. 300 guns. 22s; shotguns; rifles; modern and vintage; military; handguns restricted and prohibited. Over 20,000 round of ammo; military; collectibles; compound bows; hunting access; gun parts; gun and military books; Ducks Unlimited prints; mounts; web for growing list; 400 plus pics. Stuart McSherry 204-467-1858 or 204-886-7027, www.mcsherryauction.com


S UN D AY OC TOBER 28TH @ 9 A.M . Hw y 3 E a s t, T is d a le, S K .

C H EC K W EBS ITE FOR TER M S AN D C ON D ITION S ! Toll Fre e 1-866-873-5488

For a com p rehen s ive brochu re p lea s e ca ll Ca n a d ia n Pu b lic Au ctio n Ltd . 4032 69- 6600 o r 800- 786- 0857. Ho m e Pa ge a tw w w .ca n a d ia n pu b lica u ctio n .co m G .S .T. a p p lies . A 10% ha n d lin g fee a p p lies to ea ch lot s ellin g for $5,000.00 or les s , a 2.5% ha n d in g fee a p p lies to ea ch lots ellin g g rea tertha t$5,000.00 w ith a ca p of$1,000.00 p erlot. Live In tern etBid d in g w w w.ca n a d ia n p u blica u ction .com a ll in tern etp u rcha s es a re s u bject to a n in tern et bu yer’s fee & a d ep os it m a y be req u ired d ep en d in g on you rp u rcha s e his tory. Au ctio n Licen se # 2 002 78, AM V IC Licen se # 2 002 79.


a u c tion


f a ll 2012

Inc. PL #912715



Com plete Fa rm Au ction -B & V AcresLtd .(Bob & V ern a N u n w eiler & K u r tisN u n w eiler)

N o vem b er 1st,2012 -9 a .m .-Elro se,S K 3 -2011 JD 9870’s,lo w hrs

LARGE CLEAN FARM EQUIPMENT Retirement Auction Date: Thurs., Oct. 25, 2012, 10:00 AM. Location: From Hannah, ND. 1-3/4 miles W.- From Calvin, ND- 8 miles N., 9-1/4 E.- From Crystal City, MB. approx. 11 South, 9-1/4 E.- Signs posted. O w n e r s : L a r r y a n d L i n d a Tr e l e ave n 701-370-8994 or 701-283-5229. Auctioneer’s Note: Meticulously maintained equip., see website. Tractors, Payloader: 9682 NH, 4 WD, 6132 hrs.; JD 8650, 4 WD, 6225 hrs.; 900 Versatile, 4 WD, 6677 hrs.; JD 8450, 4 WD, PTO, 9820 hrs.; JD 4450, MFD, powershift, 6995 hrs.; JD 4240, powershift, 4692 hrs.; JD 4020, 3 PTH, powershift; JD 5303 utility w/loader, 878 hrs.; IHC 1206, 3 PTH, 8107 hrs.; Hough H65 payloader, 3961 hrs. Semi, Trucks and Grain Carts: 2002 Peterbuilt; 42’ Timpte; 1979 and 1977 Chevy tandems; Frontier 750 grain cart; J&M 525 grain cart; (2) 450 gravity wagons; 260 gravity wagon; 125 gravity wagon. Combines, Swathers, Headers and Header Trailers: 1996 JD 9600 combine, RWD, 2559 hrs.; (2) JD 8820 combines, highly maintained; 25’ MacDon 9350 diesel swather, 890 hrs.; (2) 25’ PT swathers; JD 914 pickup head; JD 925 flex; 2- JD 25’ heads; JD 853 all crop; JD 22’ head; JD 912 head; 4- 30’ header trailers. Tillage and Scrapers: 2008 60’ WilRich cult.; JD 512 7 shank 17.5’ ripper disc; JD 43’ 2410 chisel; 70’ Super harrow; 32’ Krause disc, cushion; 45’ Flexi-Coil HD cult.; 39’ WilRich chisel; 45’ coil packer; 42’ Flexi-Coil weeder packer; Buhler 3 PTH 8’ disc; Cat 10 to 12 yd. scraper; 3 to 4 yd. scraper; other older tillage. Planting and Row Crop Equip: 45’ Case/IH air seeder; 4- JD Model 71 planters; 30’ rotary hoe. Grain Vacs and Spraying Equip: 66’ Hardi HC 950 high wheel sprayer; 1500 tank, trailer, pump, etc.; Handlair 560 vac; Nuero vac. Vehicles and Pickups: 2- 1992 Buicks; 1987 VW Gold car, 34,000 miles; 1992 Olds car; 1977 Chevy 3/4 ton pickup w/new 454; 1976 Chevy 4x4 pickup. Grain Dryer, Hopper Bins and Augers: Farm Fans 350 A B auto batch dryer; 3 big hopper bins; many exc. augers. Vintage: 1947 IHC H; IHC M; 1941 JD H; JD A; 1960 Chevy pickup; 1954 Chevy w/hoist; 1946 Chevy w/hoist; 1946 Chevy 3/4 ton pickup w/hoist. Backhoe and Misc. F a r m E q u i p : Kelly 3 PTH backhoe; (2) 1000 propane NH3 tanks; Haybuster rock rake; Woods 3 PTH mower; McKee 3 PTH blower; (2) Otto rockpickers; 3 PTH rock nabber; 7’ 3 PTH PTO tiller; 10’ canola roller; 3 PTH Ag Krane; much more. Also selling 13 guns, lawn garden and yard equipment. Many brand new tires, tools and misc. Your North Central North Dakota Auction Leader. Dakota Auctioneers, Larry Swenson, 525 Main St., Cando, ND, 58324. 7 0 1 - 9 6 8 - 4 2 2 4 . L i c . # 5 0 8 . We b s i t e www.midwestauctions.com/dakota or www.globalauctionguide.com

Seller C o n ta ct(s):K urtisN un w eiler 3 06 -3 78-7723 Auctio n C o o rd in a to r(s):Brya n So m erville 3 06 -4 6 3 -783 5 o r Sa m So m erville 3 06 -4 6 3 -784 4

Au ction D a y Sched u le:9 a m Shop tools,eq u ipm en t& m isc.fa rm su pply;10:30 a m L ive In tern etBid d in g sta rtin g w ith M a jorE q u ipm en tfollow ed by hou se a n d gra in bin s. D irection s:F rom H w y#4 betw een Rosetow n & E lrose ta k e the W in d y Pla in s roa d 5 m iles ea sta n d 1 m ile n orth.W in d y Pla in s roa d is loca ted a pprox 27.5 k m sou th of Rosetow n a n d 12.3k m n orth of E lrose.

**M O ST M AJO R EQ UIPM EN T CAN BE PURCHASED 25 % DO W N O N SALE DAY ** Hi-LitesIn clu d e:TRAC TO RS -2011 John D eere 9630T tra ck ,530 en g hp,18/6 pow ershifttra n s, D elu xe ca b & com fortpa ck a ge,1000 pto,D elu xe Com fortTra ck Va lu e pa ck a ge,36” tra ck ,Ra d a r, F ield Vision X en on L ightin g,71.6 hrs show in g;2011 John D eere 9630 4w d ,530 en g hp,18/6 pow ershift tra n s,D elu xe ca b & com fort pa ck a ge,800/70R38 Ra d ia l d u a ls,F ield Vision X en on 2 -2011 JD 96 3 0’s,like n ew L ightin g,fu llw eight pk g,9.4 hrs show in g;2010 Bu hlerVersa tile 400 4w d ,400 en g hp,std 12/4 tra n s,1000 pto,O u tba ck STS gu id a n ce,710/70R38 d u a ls,984 hrs show in g;2006 John D eere 7520 M F W D w /JD 741 F E L , 125 pto hp, 16f/16r Pow erQ u a d , 3 pt hitch, d u a l pto, 1177 hrs show in g;1997 John D eere 8200 M F W D ,180 pto hp,16/4 pow ershift tra n s,5769 hrs show in g; D egelm a n 46/57 14’4 w a y hyd d ozer bla d e;F ron tier pa llet fork s C O M BIN ES & HEAD ERS 2011 John D eere 9870 STS s/p,Bu llet Rotor,Prem ier ca b,Com m a n d Cen ter con trols,Con tou r M a ster F eed erhou se,520/85R42 frt d u a ls,thr-194/en g-279 hrs show in g;2011 John D eere 9870 STS s/p,Bu lletRotor,Prem ierca b,Com m a n d Cen tercon trols,Con tou rM a sterF eed erhou se,520/ 85R42 frt d u a ls, thr-204/en g-306 hrs show in g; 2011 John D eere 9870 STS s/p, Bu llet Rotor, Prem ier ca b,Com m a n d Cen ter con trols,Con tou r M a ster F eed erhou se,520/85R42 frt d u a ls,thr198/en g-285 hrs show in g;3-2011 M a cD on F D 70 40’F lex D ra perstra ightcu thea d ers;2009 John D eere 615P p/u hea d er;2007 John D eere 615P p/u hea d erSW ATHERS -2005 Pra irie Sta r4952i s/p w /2005 M a cD on 972-30’hea d er,705 hrs show in g SPRAY IN G - 2012 John D eere 4940 120’ sp spra yer,Boom Tra c Pro-5 sen sorsystem ,F ield Vision 0hou rs lightin g,Ra d a rspeed sen sor,fen ce row n ozzles,380/105R50 tires,N ew n ever been in field ,w illha ve ba la n ce of fa ctory rem a in in g w a rra n ty; John D eere N ew Set of 4 20.8x42 spra yer tires SEED IN G & TILLAG E – 2-2012 2012 JD 4 94 0 sp ra yer,0 hrs. Bou rga u lt3320-76PH D 76’Pa ra L in k H oe D rills,New ,n o a cres on m a chin es fu llw a rra n ty to n ew pu rcha ser;2-2012 Bou rga u lt6700ST a irca rts,Topcon X 20 m on itor,D T820 650/75R34 Good Y ea r d u a ls,d u a lfa n s;2011 D egelm a n L R8000 80’la n d roller;2011 Va lm a r 5500 gra n u la r sprea d er; 2011 U SC ST seed trea ter;6 -H old O n 2750 ga lfertilizerta n k s HEAVY TRU C K S -2006 K en w orth W 900L ta n d em a xle highw a y tra ctor,475 hp C15 Ca tplu s chip,18 spd tra n s,Su per40 rea ren d s, 2012 sa fety,635,967 k m /10,442 hrs show in g;2006 M a ck Vision 2 CX N613 ta n d em a xle highw a y 2-2012 Bo urg a ult3 3 20-76 PHD ’s,n ew,n ever used tra ctor,480 hp,12 spd a u to-shift,40,000 lb rea rs,795,621 k m /12,647 hrs show in g;2006 M a ck CH N613 ta n d em a xle highw a y tra ctor,460 hp,18 spd tra n s,46000 lb rea rs,731,165 k m show in g/ 14,824 hrs;1978 M a ck RL 600L ta n d em a xle w a ter tru ck ;1972 F ord L ou isville 880 ta n d em a xle gra veltru ck TRAILERS -2008 W ilson Pa cesetterSu perB gra in tra iler;2011 W ilson Pa cesetter45’ triple a xle gra in tra iler;2010 W ilson Pa cesetter 45’trid em gra in tra iler;1997 Ad va n ce TC306 trid em w a ter ta n k er; 2010 M TI Ca rha u ler 29’ en closed tra iler; 2011 L oa d Tra il 24’ ta n d em 2-2012 Bo urg a ult6 700ST’s,n ew,n ever used fla td eck ;1250 ga lK yle W eld in g ta n k on ta n d em a xle tra ilerG RAIN BIN S & AERATIO N FAN S –

A L ARGE SE L E CTIO N O F GRAIN bin s & fa n s see d eta iled list on ou r w ebsite G RAIN HAN D LIN G & STO RAG E -2011 U n verferth Bren t2096 gra in ca rt,2000 bu ,pto d r,sca le,24”a u ger,steer-a ble in lin e ta n d em 900/60R38 ru bber,hyd ra u lica lly cu shion ed ton gu e, 1,000 bu ./m in u n loa d spd , Roll-Rite electric roll ta rp; 2011 Rem 2700 gra in va cu u m , 18.1 hrs show in g; 2011 F a rm K in g 16104 16” x 104’gra in a u gerw /exten d a ble Rod on o X ten d sw in g hopper;2005 Bra n d t1390 13” x 90’sw in g a u ger;2009 W hea thea rt BH 1041 10” x 41’gra in a u ger,3 cylD a iha tsu d iesel,hyd m over/lift,126 hrs show in g;2010 W hea thea rt BH 851 8” x 51’gra in a u ger,3 cylD a iha tsu d iesel, hyd m over/lift/sw eep;2009 Bra n d tGra in Belt1585 15”x 85’con veyorbelt,38 hp K ohler,E Z tra ck m over;2004 Bra n d t Gra in Belt 95-110’con veyor belt,pto d rive;2011 Ba tco 1545 15” x 45’belt con veyor,3 cyld iesel,hyd m over/lift,55 hrs show in g;2008 Bra n d tGra in Belt1545 15” x 45’belt con veyor,30 hp K ohler,hyd m over/lift;2004 Bra n d t Gra in Belt 1545 15” x 45’con veyor belt,27 hp K ohler Com m a n d Pro,E Z tra ck m over,hyd lift w in ch;2004 Bra n d t Gra in Belt 2012L P hyd tra n sfer con veyor, hyd m over; 2009 Bra n d t Gra in Belt 1515L P gra in tra n sfer con veyor; 2008 Bra n d t d rive-over tra n sfer con veyor LIG HT TRU C K S - 2009 F ord F 350 Su per D u ty K in g Ra n ch 4w d crew ca b,6.4 litertu rbo V8 Pow erStrok e d iesel,E d ge chip,a u to tra n s,fu llloa d ,100,795 k m ; 2008 F ord F 350 Su per D u ty L a ria t 4w d crew ca b, 6.4 liter tu rbo V8 Pow er Strok e d iesel, D PF d elete k it,E d ge chip,a u to tra n s,fu llloa d ,140,651 k m show in g;2004 Chevrolet 3500 LT 4w d crew ca b service,D u ra m a x d iesel,Allison a u to tra n s,Tra iltech d eck w /400 ga ld iesel/75ga lga s/25 ga lw a ter;2004 D od ge 2500 2w d crew ca b,Cu m m in s d iesel,a u to tra n s;1998 D od ge 1500 4w d regu la rca b w /L ilD u m perhyd box,360 V8 M a gn u m ,a u to, w /8’L ilD u m perbox w /electric over hyd ra u lic lift, w ired & m ou n ts for JD Green sta r; 1988 Chevrolet 2500 3+3 crew ca b tru ck AN TIQ U E VEHIC LES - 1953 Chevrolet 2 ton fla td eck d u a lw heeltru ck ,5 w in d ow ca b,6 cyl,4 speed tra n s,profession a lly restored ,m ostly origin a l,Co n sig n ed b y Glen Hill(306)831-7642 1953 Chevrolet 2 ton d u a lw heeltru ck ,6 cyl,4 speed tra n s,w ood box & hoist,Co n sig n ed b y Glen Hill (306)831-7642 In tern a tion a l L 130 1 ton ; 1975 Chev 350 V8, a u to; 1966 L in coln Tow n ca r ca r; 1964 L in coln Tow n ca r ca r; 1950 Chev tru ck ; 1963 Chev tru ck Y ARD M AIN TAN EN C E -2008 John D eere 2520 M F W D ya rd tra ctorw /JD 200 CX F E L ,26.5 en g hp 3 cyl Y a n m a r d iesel,249 hrs show in g;John D eere iM a tch 3 pt hitch q u ick a tta chm en t w /pa llet fork s; John D eere 47 q u ick hitch sn ow blow er;John D eere 72” m ow er;Roa d Boss 3 pt hitch boxbla d e gra d er;2007 Bu sh H og 12715L 15’w in g type m ow er;John D eere 655 3 pt hitch rototiller;John D eere 50 2 w heeltilt ga rd en w a gon ATV’S - 2006 Y a m a ha Grizzly 660 fou r w heeler 860 m iles show in g,HO U SE TO BE M OVED - 24’x 30’sin gle story 2 bed room hou se propa n e forced a ir hea t & propa n e w a ter hea ter,m eta lroof,vin ylsid in g.** H ou se to be m oved by Au gu st 1,2013 *** Pa r tia l listin g o n ly.

IM PO RTAN T N O TICE:Thislistin g iso n ly a g uid e a n d in n o w a y a g ua ra n tee o fsize,d escrip tio n o r yea r. Plea se in sp ecta ll eq uip m en tto yo ur o w n sa tisfa ctio n . C o m p lete term sa n d co n d itio n sa re a va ila b le a tb id d er reg istra tio n .

F am ily O w ned & O perated - 3 G enerations S trong

1.800.5 29.995 8 •SK PL #914 6 18 •AB PL #206 95 9

2011 U n ver fer th Bren t2096

G rea tlin e-up o ftrucksa n d tra ilers

3 -2011 M a cD o n FD 70 4 0’s

2 -La te M o d el Fo rd F3 5 0’s

S E E M O RE @





LARGE ACREAGE AND ORCHARD Equip. Auction for Irene Cymbalisty and the Estate of Joe Cymbalisty on Sunday, October 28th, starting at 9:30 AM. Kamsack, SK. Located 2 miles west and 1/2 mile south. JD 5020; Task Master 38 HP w/3 PTH, FWA and FEL; 2004 Bombardier 4x4 quad; assortment of 3 PTH equip.; rototillers; gyro mower, blade and cultivators; 4x4 quad towable equipment; Quadivator 58” grooming mower; 44” cult.; 44” tandem disc; other orchard related equip.; assortment of riding lawn tractors; 17’ Crestliner boat w/25 HP Mercury; Atlas 10’ enclosed alum. trailer; large selection of shop tools; misc. items; meat processing equip.; meat band saws; grinders; scales; hooks; cooling unit condenser and compressor; complete household with second ring at 12 Noon. Check web page for full listing and pics. Auctioneer/Manager: Milo Mahlum, Lic #909385. Contact 306-338-2233, www.frontierauction.com


H UBER T & JER R Y S C H W AR K W e d n e s d a y, Octo b e r 24 @ 10 AM BR UN O, S AS K. Hu b ert 306 -36 9 -226 6 or cell 306 -36 9 -7 7 6 6 Jerry 306 -36 9 -4 1 03 or cell 306 -36 9 -7 7 55

Directio n s: Fro m the ra ilw a y tra cks in the to w n o f Bru n o , 1¼ m iles ea sto n grid . NO TE: In ca s e ofba d w ea thera u ction w ill be held in m a chin e s hed . IN TER N ET BIDDIN G W ILL BE AV AILABLE W ITH LIV EBLO CK AUCTIO N S IN TER N ATIO N AL.



OTHER ON-LINE ITEM S: 2008 Fleetw ood

Q u a n tu m 325 Tra iler; M a ck CS 300P Tru ck ; 2003 S tin g ra y S X220 Boa t; 1985 Chev Fron tierM otorhom e; Pa vin g S ton es ; Collector S p orts ca rd s & Fig u rin es & M u ch M ore!

FAS T – EAS Y – FUN ...

Bid from the c onvenienc e of your b usiness,hom e or p hone 24/7!


In clu d in g DJ EQUIPM EN T DIS PERS AL See w eb site for p hotos,term s,c ond itions & exc lusions w w w .Sa s ka toon .M cDouga llAuction .com P hon e : (306 ) 6 52-4334 Lic #318116

*LAND* 1 Q u a rter of la n d , 157 cu ltiva ted a cres , R.M of H ood o, La n d Loca tion N W 22-40-25-W 2, 2012 crop w a s C a n ola , res eed ed to w in ter w hea t, 75lbs of N H 3, 40lbs (20 a ctu a l) p hos p ha te *TR ACTOR S * 2010 Vers a tile 435 Ra ven Hyd a u to s teer, 910 hrs , 25% Dow n , Ba la n ce before A p ril 1s t/ 13* 1990 Deu tz-A llis 9190 M FW D 5506hrs *DOZER BLADE* Deg elm a n m od el 12-46-57, 12ft,* 4-w a y *COM BINE* 2009 M F 9795, 632 en g hrs , 484 s ep hrs , 25% Dow n , Ba la n ce before A u g u s t 1s t/ 13 *HEADER * 2005 Hon eyBee m od el S T-36, 30ft, 25% Dow n , before A u g u s t 1s t/13 *GR AIN TR UCKS * 1992 Freig htlin er, L10 Cu m m in s en g *1974 Ford 8000, 3126 Ca ten g ., Ultra cell 20ftbox & hois t, 1970 Chev ca bover, V8 en g *HIGHW AY TR ACTOR * 1986 Peterbilt C la s s ic 359, 3406-B C a t En g ., 940,989k m n u m bered tru ck , #283 of 359 u n its m a d e. rebu ilt en g 130,000 k m s a g o (com p lete in fra m e) *S UP ER B GR AIN TR AILER * 2007 Doep k er, a ir rid e *S W ATHER * 2008 M F 9430, 30ft, 440 hrs , 25% Dow n , Ba la n ce before A u g 1s t/13 *AIR DR ILL* 2012 Bou rg a u lt3320, p a ra lin k 50ftM .R.B, eq u ip p ed for NH3 w / Ra ven A ccu fl ow S u p er Cooler c/ w Bou rg 6350 ta n k 25% Dow n , Ba la n ce Du e A p ril 1s t/13* JD 655, 28ft *HIGH CLEAR ANCE S P R AYER * 2011 Ca s e IH Pa triot 3230, 400 hrs , 100 ft, a u to s teer, Ra ven con trol boom s , 25% Dow n , Ba la n ce before A p ril 1s t/13 *GR AIN CAR T* 2010 J & M M od el 875 hyd s lid er, 875 BU, 25% Dow n , Ba la n ce Du e A u g 1s t/13 *S P R AYER TR AILER * 2008 Tra iltech, c/ w 2000 g a l ta n k , p u m p s *S W ATHER TR ANS P OR T* Berg en 4W N1 *GR AIN BAGGER * M a d e in Vis cou n t *GR AIN BAG EXTR ACTOR * 2010 Loftn es s M od el G BU *S CR AP ER * Ca terp illa r 70, 16 ya rd *TR AILER * Tra iltech 16ft ca r ha u ler, bea ver ta ils *R OCK P ICKER * 2012 Deg elm a n 7200 S ig n a tu re *R OCK HOOK* H yd , c/ w a tta chm en t for V-d itchin g *HEAVY HAR R OW BAR * 2011 Ritew a y m od el 8100, 55ft, (d on e a p p rox 2400 a cres ) *TANDEM DIS K* Ezee-O n 1225, 14ft *CULTIVATOR * Bou rg a u lt 9400, 40ft N H 3 *NH3 TANK*1800 g a l *AUGER S *W es tfield M K140-71, S a k u n d ia k 10x39, S a k u n d ia k HD7x41, Bra n d t 845 *COLLECTOR CAR * 1958 Ed s el Ra n g er m od el 958A , 4 d rha rd top , n eed s res torin g bu tru n s , S N 958A K58-175799 *W ELDER * Lin coln m od el S 8-200-1163, 200 A M P *3P TH EQUIP M ENT* 3 ba rM TH, 6ft, 2 - 3PTH bla d es (8ft& 6ft) *OTHER FAR M EQUIP M ENT* Bu ck et m ou n t 1 ba g cem en t m ixer, hyd d rive,2000 g a l bla ck recta n g le w a ter ta n k ,1000 g a l g a lva n ized W es teel w a ter ta n k , Ba tco belt con veyor a u g er, 8 x 12 ft fl a t d eck w / hea d a che ra ck , Ba le w a g on *M IS CELLANEOUS * Q ty of ra ilw a y ties , Telep hon e p oles , Fu el ta n k s ta n d s ,1000 g a l p oly w a ter ta n k , 3 - s lip ta n k s , S m a ll u tility tra iler, Rotoca r m od el 7-27 5.5ftrototiller, Leg vis e, Q ty of10ftx 200 10ftx 150 g ra in ba g s , M is c g ra in a u g eren g in es , Cra fts m a n 5600 w a ttg en era tor, M eta l tool ches t ca bin et, Ja cu zzi hyd coil, S hop bu ilt p rop a n e g rid d le, p lu s a la rg e q ty of fa rm & s hop m is c.



Vie w in g & Bid d in g Ope n s Oct19, 2012 Vie w in g: Oct19 – Oct31 8AM to 4:30P M , C lo s e d W e e ke n d s

Bid s C lo s e : Oct31, 2012, s ta rtin g a t12P M

L is tin g to In clu d e: Jo hn Deere 330 T ra ck Ho e; Jo hn Deere 892 T ra ckho e; Ca t 225 T ra ckho e; Jo hn Deere 595 Ru b b er T ire Ho e; Gra d a ll G660C W heel E xca va to r p lu s 41” Diggin g Bu cket & M o w er Deck; Jo hn Deere 650 Bu lld o zer; Arn es 40-T o n L o w Bo y; 24’ T a n d em Du a l Axle Pin tle Hitch E q u ip m en t T ra iler; 16-T o n T ilt Deck T ra iler; 10’ x 20’ S kid M o u n ted T o o l Crib (w / Gen era to r); 2- 40’ S ea Ca n s (1 a s n ew !); 2- 20’ S ea Ca n s ; W o b b ly Pa cker; 3- Bo m a g Do u b le Dru m W a lk Behin d Ro llers ; Am erica n 395 Dra glin e (S o ld Offs ite); 1994 In tern a tio n a l L o a d s ta r Picker T ru ck; 1994 GM C T o p K ick Gra vel T ru ck; 1990 Vo lvo Gra vel T ru ck; 1992 In tern a tio n a l Gra vel T ru ck; 1993 F o rd Gra vel T ru ck; Va n Bo d y S em i T ra ilers ; 1988 F o rd Gra vel T ru ck; 2 Ho rs e T ra iler; 1995 F o rd F 250; 1996 F o rd F 250; Bu ckets ; 28’ Go o s en eck E n clo s ed T ra iler; 2000 F reightlin er F L 80 Va n Bo d y T ru ck; 1994 GM C S /A Bu cket T ru ck; 21998 L o d ekin g 53’ T ria xle S em i Deck T ra ilers , K elly Cres s w ell 2000AL S kid M o u n ted L in e Pa in ter, S a lva ge (T o b e S o ld Off-S ite): Jo hn Deere 792 T ra ckho e; Hita chi 270 T ra ckho e; 1991 Vo lvo Du m p T ru ck & M UCH M ORE !

NELSON’S AUCTION SERVICE: 20th Annual Fall Auction Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, 9:00 a.m., Meacham SK. Directions from Saskatoon: 39 miles E on Hwy. #5 and 2 miles S on Hwy #2. Tractors: Case 970 Agri King; 1984 Versatile 555; 1982 2390 Case; Farm Equip: 1995 NH Haybine, WW cattle squeeze; Hesston 5500 round baler; Rite-Way bale shredder; 2010 PJ 5th wheel flat deck trailer; Wesfield tote tank; Tractor mount snowblower; Shop hoist and much more; Lawn tractors/equipment: Craftsman DYT 4000, 1998 Sears Craftsman, SprayTec System; Vehicles: Trucks: 2006 Ford F150 XLT, 2005 Chev Silverado LT; 2003 Chev Avalanche; 2001 Dodge Ram 1T Cummins dsl, 1992 GMC Sierra 3/4 ton, 1991 GMC SLE 1/2 ton, 1974 Chev Custom vans and SUVs: 2007 Chev Uplander LS; 2006 Chev Trailblazer; 2003 Chev Blazer; 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Cars: 2004 Chev Impala; 2002 Chev Impala; 2001 Olds Intrigue GL; 2000 Pontiac Bonneville; SNOW PLANE (home built); Pumps; Pressure washers; Air compressors; Tampers; Shop tools and equip., Tool cabinets; power tools; water bowls and tanks; corral panels/ gates; Yard gates; snow fence; party tents; storage buildings; tires; large amount of planed lumber; vending machines; so much more. For a complete listing visit our website: www.nelsonsauction.com or call: 306-944-4320. PL #911669.


This is where you’ll findit.

The home of Canadian agriculture online.

& Gerry Schneider Assedo Farms Ltd. Bernie

Odessa, SK • Wednesday, October 24, 2012 • 10 am

Gue s t Con s ign m e n ts W e lcom e Ca ll Rile y 8 00-26 3 -419 3 For full lis tin g, de ta ils & p h otos : w w w .M cDouga llBa y.com




The Estate of David Verigin


2– 2011 NEW HOLLAND CR9070

2– NEW HOLLAND H8060 36 FT

2008 NEW HOLLAND T8030 & 2009 NEW HOLLAND T5060

Veregin, SK • Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 • 10 am

2– 2006 JOHN DEERE 9860STS

1 OF 2– 2008 JOHN DEERE 4895 30 FT


From VEREGIN, SK, go 3.2 km (2 miles) North, then 2.4 km (1.5 miles) West.


2003 John Deere 9520 4WD • 1988 John Deere 8650 4WD • 2011 John Deere 6430 MFWD • 1975 John Deere 4630 2WD • 2- 2006 John Deere 9860STS • 2008 John Deere 930D 30 Ft Draper Header • 1996 John Deere 930 30 Ft Rigid Header • 1982 Western Star 4864 T/A Grain Truck • 2- 2008 John Deere 4895 30 Ft Swather • 1994 Prairie Star 4600 25 Ft Swather • 2009 Trailtech 20 Ft T/A Trailer • 2003 Bourgault 8810 60 Ft Air Drill • 2002 Bourgault 5350 Tow-Behind Air Tank • 2004 John Deere 1820 52 Ft Air Drill • 2009 Kello-Bilt 225DOW 29 Ft Tandem Disc • Melroe 923 8 Bottom • Melroe 903 8 Bottom Plow • Flexi-Coil 95 50 Ft Harrow Packer • 1998 John Deere 566 Round Baler...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: Murray Verigin: 306.590.7007 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Tim Verigin: 306.542.8280 (c)

306.542.4353 (h) timverigin@hotmail.com Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 800.491.4494



From ODESSA, SK, go 6.3 km (4 miles) West to the intersection of Hwy 35 & 48, then 2.4 km (1.5 miles) South, then 0.8 km (0.5 mile) East.


2010 New Holland T9060HD 4WD • 2008 New Holland T8030 MFWD • 2009 New Holland T5060 MFWD • (2) 2011 New Holland CR9070 • (2) 2010 New Holland 94C 36 Ft Draper • (2) 2010 New Holland H8060 36 Ft • 2001 Peterbilt 359 Sleeper T/A • 1999 Peterbilt 379 Sleeper T/A • 1998 Kenworth W900 Sleeper T/A • 1981 Peterbilt 359 T/A • International 200 S/A Winch Truck • 1998 GMC 1500 Extended Cab 4x4 • Chevrolet Silverado 10 Suburban • 1993 Cadillac 32V Northstar Sedan Car • 2007 Lode King Prestige 28 Ft Super B • 2003 Doepker 28 Ft Super B • 1995 Lode King 28 Ft Super B • 1988 Komatsu WA250 Wheel Loader • 2010 Leon 1700 17 Cy Pull Scraper • 2009 New Holland P2060 70 Ft Air Drill • 2010 Miller Nitro 4240HT 100 Ft High Clearance Sprayer • 2010 Unverferth Xtreme 1015 1015± Bushel Grain Cart • Large Qty of Grain Bins • Landscape Equipment...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: Bernie Schneider: 306.536.7785 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Gerry Schneider: 306.536.3385

Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Luke Fritshaw: 306.260.2189 Toll Free: 1.800.491.4494




REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION Equip. Auction, Verner’s Construction, Kuroki, SK, Saturday, October 27th, 10:00 AM. Directions: From the West Kuroki Access on Hwy #5 - 1/2 mile South. Featuring: Real Estate: 40’x80’ straight wall steel engineered building on concrete floor, insulated, lined with metal, nat. gas radiant heat, supplemental wood heater, on 3 acre parcel of land. Camp Trailer: Atco cook shack trailer. Motor Grader: LW motor grader. Tractor: Case 930, 2WD. Loader Backhoe: Ford 4500. Light Trucks: 1997 GMC 1500. Trailers: ATV Trailers; House Trailers; 4-wheel farm wagon. Rockpicker: 3 bat. Lawn and Garden: John Deere 300 riding tractor; PT estate sprayer; Honda UM17 lawnmower. Recreational Vehicle: Honda 3-wheel trike; Polaris Indy Trail Deluxe snowmobile; JD Sport Fire snowmobile; 5’ blade for quad. Shop Equipment: Lincoln SAE 400 welder; MK Model KWL-2 metal lathe machine; Modern Tool Limited HD bench grinder; Jet Model HVW-18D HD Metal cutting band saw; Devilbiss 5050 HD air compressor. Too many items to list. Plus tanks and misc. items. For complete equipment list, terms of auction, photos, complete descriptions and more info visit www.hodginsauctioneers.com or call 1-800-667-2075 Hodgins Auctioneers Inc., SK. PL #915407, AB. PL #180827.

ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323.

SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. www.saskatoontruckparts.ca DL #914394 TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton, gas and diesel engines, 4 and 5 spd. transmissions, single and 2 speed axles, 13’-16’ B&H’s, and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. WRECKING 1989 FORD L9000, good front end and cab; 1983 3 ton IHC, V8 diesel, 5 spd., single axle; Volvo trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. K-B TRUCK PARTS. Older, heavy truck salvage parts for all makes and models. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.

SCHOOL BUSES: 1985 to 2001, 36 to 66 pass., $2100 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK, 1-877-585-2300. DL#320074.

USED SCHOOL BUSES: 1992 to 2001’s. 36-72 pass. units. $2500 to $11,500. For more info. phone 306-783-6745, Yorkton, SK. or www.rillingbus.com

5.9 CUMMINS w/Allison auto trans, in school bus, can be driven, low kms, $3500; 7.3 Ford diesel out of an 2001 F350, 96,000 kms, $2600; 7.3 Ford diesel out of school bus, 140-160,000 kms, $900; 6.9 Ford diesel out of school bus, 170,000 kms, $600; 9’ service body off a 2000 one ton, $900. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, K&L Equipment, Ituna, SK., DL #910885.

NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tandem; 2009 Castleton tandem; 2006 Super B Lode-Kings alum., alum. budds, air ride; 1998 Castleton, air ride; 1994 Castleton tridem, air ride; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, cert.; 18’ TA pony pup, BH&T, $15,000. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231, www.rbisk.ca 2004 DOEPKER SUPER B’s, 24.5 rubber, in NEVILLE (NEW) TANDEM grain trailer, good condition. Perfect for farm use. steel trailer, with gator hyde protection, ladders, cat walks, tarp, air ride, $33,500. $30,000 OBO. 306-492-2217, Bradwell, SK. Call 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.

NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. Southern Industrial is the proud supplier and service shop for Neville Built trailers.

Trailers In Stock: • 38.5’ tandem on air, 78” high side, side chutes, loaded.............$35,500 • 45’ Tri-Axle, 78” high sides, 2 hopper, air ride................$43,500 New Trailers Arriving Daily! Call for quotes.

53’ Sprayer Trailer 5’ Beaver Tail and 5’ Ramps.



Call Today for your Equipment Trailer Needs.

1994 BUICK LeSABRE LTD, 4 door, loaded, exc. cond., no rust, 183,000 kms, asking 306-842-2422 $2900. 306-334-2216, Balcarres, SK. www.southernindustrial.ca 2003 BUICK PARK AVENUE ULTRA, loaded, Hwy. Jct. 13 & 39 141,000 kms, new brakes, good condition, Weyburn, SK $5900. 403-948-7674, Airdrie, AB. 2004 TOYOTA MATRIX, red, auto., air, 2008 TIMPTE tri-axle trailer, 2 hoppers, air WANTED: CAB FOR 1985 GMC 7000 series, 147,000 kms., new brakes, one lady own- ride, alum wheels, current safety, $34,000 with tilt hood. 306-243-4810, Macrorie SK. OBO. 306-297-7470, Shaunavon, SK. er. Call 306-931-6810, Warman, SK. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in 2005 VOLKSWAGON PASSAT, made in 2010 DOEPKER SUPER B’s, 22.5 rubber, air obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought Germany, 1.8L turbo, 4 cyl., 4 dr, sunroof, ride, flat fenders, open end, fresh safety. for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. leather int, new tires, 161,000 kms, fuel 306-441-4954, Maymont, SK. SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located records avail, very clean, asking $15,900 2007 DOEPKER, air ride, Super B. Auction, Weyburn, SK., 306-842-2641. Used car OBO. 403-381-4817, Coalhurst, AB. Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, SK. Bruce parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We Schapansky Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488, buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. www.schapansky.com DL #912715. WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 NEW 2013 EMERALD 38’, open end design, tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. steel grain trailer, tandem, air ride, Also large selection of Cummins diesel 11x24x5 tires, dual chutes, load lights, tow motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone NEW NEVILLE 3 axle 45’, 3 chutes, hooks, in stock now, $35,000 plus tax. Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary- $42,000; 2 axle, 38’, air ride, 78” sides, Take trades. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Hum1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We $32,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. boldt, SK. DL#906884. have everything, almost. 2- SUPER B HOPPERS, Doepkers, 1999 and 2010 LODEKING Prestige SB, air ride, WRECKING: 1995 FORD E350, 7.3 dsl, 2000, air ride. New corn husker, alum. tri- 24.5, white with black trim, load lights, vinear new HD trans. Call Pro Ag Sales, axle, 2 hopper, air ride. Also truck tractors bator brkts., roll tarps, LED lights, low 306-441-2030 anytime North Battleford SK in stock. Yellowhead Sales 306-783-2899, mileage. Call 306-771-4281, Balgonie, SK. WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all Yorkton, SK. DL #916328. 2000 LODE-KING TRI-AXLE, fresh Sask. models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trail- safety, $25,800. Call Bob at 306-831-9099, or email: junkman.2010@hotmail.com ers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use in- Rosetown, SK. Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and dustrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, for added rust protection. Quality work- 2004 LODE-KING open end Super Bs, new buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, manship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting Michelin rubber, fresh safety, $55,000. Cut Knife, SK. Millhouse Farms, 306-398-4079. mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK.



2007 NORBERT’S 3 horse angle trailer, alum. wheels, safetied, priced to sell, $12,000 OBO. Murray 1-800-440-3522 between 8 AM and 6 PM, Brandon, MB. 1989 48’ MERRITT POT, $12,000 workord e r, o n l y u s e d 2 0 0 0 m i l e s s i n c e . 306-429-2791, Glenavon, SK. 1996 BERGEN 16’ gooseneck trailer, new brakes, hubs and bearings, $4500. Battleford, SK. 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719. 1997 MILLCO STEEL cattle trailer 53,’ ground loader, air ride, safetied, $20,000 OBO. 204-385-3646, Austin, MB. 2006 WILSON TRI-AXLE cattleliner, exc. condition. 403-795-2850, Coaldale, AB.

NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 20’, $13,900; 18’, $11,900. Call 306-445-5562, END DUMP GRAVEL TRAILERS: 2006 Delmas, SK. Arnes 3 axle, air ride; 2005 Midland 3 axle, air ride; 2000 Arnes 3 axle, air ride; 1990 1991 MILLCO STEEL 18’ gooseneck cattle Custom alum. end dump 3 axle; 1978 Rave trailer, 7000 lb. axles, good 10 ply tires. alum. end dump; 3 axle all trailer, ready to Call Mike 306-220-2265, Grandora, SK. go. Call for more info or ph. 204-743-2324 2004 SUNDOWNER 4H-727 slant load Sier- www.cypresstrucksandequipment.com at ra LQ gooseneck, 7000 lb. 8 hole axle, air Cypress River, MB. ride suspension, feed door, 8’ wide x7’6” SS nose wrap, stainless corrugated lower side skin, outside tie rings, loading lights, living quarters loaded, king bed, large freezer/fridge, Corian countertops, lots of storage, glass door shower, lighted closets, A&E elec. awning, RV BBQ, Onan 4000 watt gas generator. 306-741-1678, Swift Current, SK. WWW.DESERTSALES.CA Trailers/Bins Westeel hopper bottom bins. Serving AB, BC and SK. Wilson, Norbert, gooseneck, stock and ground loads. Horse / stock, cargo / flatdeck, dump, oilfield, all in stock. 1-888-641-4508, Bassano, AB. 2006 WILSON, 32Lx8-1/2’Wx7’H, king pin hitch, double deck, removable deck for pigs or cattle, good shape. 403-934-2033, Strathmore, AB. 2002 MERRITT TRI-AXLE cattle trailer, air ride, alum. wheels, hog rail and winter kit. Excellent cond., w/current safety, $27,500 OBO. 306-297-7470, Shaunavon, SK. RAY’S TRAILERS AND TRACTORS from Camrose, AB. a dealer for Wilson stock trailers, as well as dump, utility, cargo, flatdecks, etc. We are an authorized Kioti tractor dealer. Call 780-679-8989. 2008 SUNDOWNER 727 3-horse trailer, front and rear tack, shows as new. SS pkg., $ 1 4 , 9 9 5 . We n d e l l 3 0 6 - 7 2 6 - 4 4 0 3 o r 306-726-7652, Southey, SK. WYLEE 2 HORSE trailer, good condition, always shedded; 10 new 4x16 wire mesh panels. 306-435-2118, Moosomin, SK. 1975 CHAMBERLAIN 45’ cattle liner, $7500. 306-961-2621, Prince Albert, SK.

TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who demand the best.” Agassiz - Precision (open and enclosed car go) trailers. 1 - 8 5 5 - 2 5 5 - 0 1 9 9 , M o o s e J a w, S K . www.topguntrailersales.ca COMPONENTS FOR TRAILERS, Build, Repair and Manufacture. Free freight. See “The Book 2011” page 165. DL Parts For Trailers, 1-877-529-2239, www.dlparts.ca SMALL TRUCKING COMPANY selling everything: 48’ reefer vans, asphalt tankers all sizes, 53’ drop deck, 5th wheel Jayco camper, salvage from wrecked 1989 Kenworth w/425 Cat engine. Filters, tires, r i m s , t o o m a ny p a r t s t o l i s t . C a l l 306-782-7546, Yorkton, SK. 1995 THRU-WAY SUPER B, 28-30’ w/hay extensions front and back, side rails, selfadjusting slacks and bud wheels. Call 204-729-7297, Brandon, MB.


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50 MISC. SEMI TRAILER HI-BOYS. Six heavy haul trailers with beavertails. Six stepdecks/double drops, 5 gravel trailers. 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. Pics and prices view at: www.trailerguy.ca 28’ HI-BOYS, spring ride, tandem axle converters. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca 2003 TRAIL-EZE double drop equipment hauling trailer, 50,000 lbs., hyd. beaver tail, pull outs, winch, $31,500. Call Dennis, 306-435-3301, Moosomin, SK.



Ca llu s to llfree to d a y a t1- 800- 667- 2 075 to see ho w Ho d gin s ca n w o rk fo ryo u !!!

30’ TRAILTECH TRI-AXLE trailer, beaver- WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing tail w/loading ramps, farm use only. in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine 306-457-2935 after 6 PM, Stoughton, SK. Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited. BID NOW: 2008 FLEETWOOD Quantum 2008 DOEPKER detachable neck machinery 325 trailer. Bids close Tuesday, Oct. 23, trailer, 8’6” wide, extends to 12’6”, tri-axle, N o o n . 3 0 6 - 6 5 2 - 4 3 3 4 . P L # 3 1 8 1 1 6 . 3-axle flip, pull out lights, rear strobes, good condition, $57,000. 780-305-3547, www.SaskatoonMcDougallAuction.com Westlock AB. COMBINE TRAILER. Traitech pintle hitch tandem axle, open front hitch for newer 14’ RENN PUP GRAVEL trailer, pull behind combines, good tires and condition, truck, farm tractor, $3500. 306-768-2827, $12,500 OBO. 780-203-7957, Leduc, AB. 306-768-7888, Carrot River, SK. WINTER IS COMING! Save big on last 53’ AND 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; year’s stock of sled trailers, both enclosed 1991 Trail King machinery trailer, hyd. tail; and flatdeck. NashCar 2 place enclosed 53’ and 48’ tridem and tandem hi-boys, all sled trailer, all aluminum, Advantec floor, steel and combos; Super B hiboys; Tandem 2990 lb. axle. Only $6550. Availability and and S/A converter with drop hitch; 53’-28’ pricing vary by dealership. Sale ends soon! van trailers; B-train salvage trailers, TanVisit your nearest Flaman Trailers or call dem lowboy 306-356-4550. Dodsland, 1-888-435-2626, or visit www.flaman.com SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca FOUR OLDER GRAVEL END DUMPS, GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. great for farm use, $6000 to $11,000. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Bea306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. vertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or www.trailerguy.ca triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK.

Call for a quote

W e will m a tc h c om petitor pric ing spec for spec Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y! Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB

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Financing Available, Competitive Rates O.A.C. LIVESTOCK 2007 WILSON 402 CATTLELINER..........................$43,000 GRAIN 2 - 2006 WILSON 402 CATTLELINER’S ................$41,000 2013 WILSON TANDEMS ..................................... IN STOCK 2003 MERRITT TRIDEM CATTLE/HOG ................$26,000 GOOSENECKS 2013 WILSON TRIDEM .......................................... IN STOCK 2 & 3 HOPPERS NEW WILSON 20’ & 24’.......................................... IN STOCK EQUIPMENT 2013 WILSON SUPER B......................................... IN STOCK 2013 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE HYD BT ......CALL FOR PRICE USED GRAIN 2010 WILSON SUPER B...........................CALL FOR PRICE 2009 COTTRELL HYDRAULIC CAR TRAILER ............................$62,000 2010 WILSON 2 HOPPER TRIDEM ........................$39,500 COMING SOON - 2009 2010 CASTELTON SUPER B ..................CALL FOR PRICE MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE BT .........................2 AVAILABLE 2-2009 WILSON TANDEMS ...................CALL FOR PRICE 2003 REEFER UTILITY VAN ...................CALL FOR PRICE DECKS 2009 WILSON 3 HOPPER REAR TRIDEM ............$39,900 2009 WILSON SUPER B’S .........................................$68,980 NEW WILSON STEP & FLAT DECKS TANDEM & TRIDEM ...................................ON ORDER TANDEM AXLE PINTLE HITCH GRAIN DUMP TRAILER .................................................$15,000 2013 WILSON 53’ TANDEM ................................ IN STOCK 2005 WILSON CFD-900 ............................................$18,500 2010 CASTLETON OPEN END TANDEM W/SIDE CHUTES ...............................................$31,500 2002 WILSON PREMIER 48’ TANDEM DROP DECK........................................................... IN STOCK 2009 TIMPTE TANDEM .............................................$33,980 1997 GREAT DANE FLATDECK...............................$13,750 2005 LODEKING ALUMINUM SUPER B ..............$49,000 GRAVEL 2005 LODEKING PRESTIGE SUPER B...................$45,980 2013 TECUMSEH TRIDEM END DUMP ........... IN STOCK RENTALS AVAILABLE

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N ow S e llin g

All Al um i nu m 14,000# GVW R, 2013 E BY L o w Pro Deck Un d erT a n d em , 20’x82” , E lectric Bra kes , Bu m p er Hitch, 4 Co u n ter S u n k D Rin gs

2013 E BY Deck Over, Bu m p er Hitch, All Al um i nu m , 20’x 82” Deck Betw een W heels , 14,000 GVW R, T ru ck Bo d y S id e Ra ils , 4 Co u n ter S u n k D Rin gs , S ta ke Po ckets , An d Ru b Ra il Ru b b erT o rs i on S u s p en s i on , Hi nged Rea r Ra m p s .

D ecks 2013 F ellin g F T 50 T iltT a g 2013 F ellin g F T 50 T iltAir Ra m p s 2013 F ellin g 48’ S tep Bea verta il 2013 F ellin g 53’ T ri- Bea verta il 2013 F ellin g 53’ T ri Deta cha b le eq u i pm en ttra iler, a lu m p u l l o-u ts

Live s toc k Tra ile rs 2013 E BY Gro u n d L o a d 53-2 Alu m 2012 E BY Bu ll Rid e 53-3 L in er

G oos e n e c k Tra ile rs 2013 E BY 2013 E BY 2013 E BY co m in g 2013 E BY

M a verick 20’ 2-7K S la tS id e W ra n gler 22’ 2-7K S la tS id e M a verick 30’ 3-7K S la tS id e


1994 HI-BOY 45’ tandem, excellent cond., 1967 DODGE 400, B&H, 81,000 miles, mo$7900. 306-795-7779, K&L Equipment t o r n e e d s t u n e - u p , a s k i n g $ 1 8 0 0 . and Auto, Ituna, SK. DL #910885. 306-382-1241, Saskatoon, SK. HAUSER GOOSENECK TRAILERS. Self- 1991 DODGE CUMMINS, 2 WD, longbox, unloading, round or square bales. Featur- reg. cab, brand new injection pump, 35-40 ing 2 trailers in 1: HD gooseneck use or MPG, runs and drives great, ready to go, bale transporter, mechanical side unload- $4000 OBO. Open to trades. Please call ing. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. 780-678-6129, 780-375-3780 Rosalind, AB 1-888-939-4444, www.hausers.ca DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. 1991 WHITE GM, Cummins engine, 10 SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. spd., good condition, c/w 45’ highboy with TANDEM AXLE LOWBOY w/safety; A-train hay rack. 403-788-2046, Mirror, AB. alum. tankers, exc. cond. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca 1996 6.5L DIESEL, GMC 4x4, 205,000 maroon, well maintained, leather, ARNES 20’ ALUMINUM tandem end kms, excellent shape, $8500 OBO. d u m p , u s e d f o r s i l a g e , $ 5 5 0 0 . loaded, 306-678-4506, 403-928-2607, Hazlet, SK. 306-961-2621, Prince Albert, SK. DODGE DUALLY one ton, rebuilt 1998 VOLVO 13 spd. trans., new 24.5 rub- 1996 transfer case, rebuilt fuel pump, ber, full locker, w/wet kit, fresh safety, trans., tires, 5th wheel hitch, $5000 in work asking $16,500; 2007 Midland TA tub style new orders, $7900. 403-350-0392, Lacombe AB gravel trailer, it has new electric tarp o p e n e r a n d c u r r e n t s a fe t y, a s k i n g 1997 DODGE 1 ton, 5.9 Cummins, 5 spd. $34,400. 306-231-7536, Watson, SK. trans., cert., exc. shape, 16’ enclosed van, new in 2006 box with hardwood floor, TRI HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND trailer pkg., $11,800 OBO. 306-384-8635, BALE MOVERS: 8’ to 29’ lengths, 6-18 306-381-5151, Saskatoon, SK. bales, also excellent for feeding cattle in the field, 4 bales at time with a pickup. 1998 BLUE DODGE 4x4 2500, ext. cab, 24V diesel, auto, 6’ box, 197,000 kms, 1-800-505-9208. www.LiftOffTriHaul.com $13,500. 306-541-3838, Lewvan, SK.

2007 DODGE 3500 SLT dually, 5.9 Cummins, 165,000 kms, mostly highway, exhaust brakes, good tires, excellent cond., $29,500. 306-729-4070, Regina Beach, SK. 2007 GMC 5500 4x4 2 ton truck, w/6.6L Duramax diesel engine, 6 spd. Allison auto trans, has steel deck w/wood floor, toolboxes, and more, 68,000 orig. kms. 306-445-9312 or 306-480-2036, North Battleford, SK. 2007 GMC SIERRA SLT Z28, white, heated leather, chrome boards and rails, locking Tonneau cover, loaded, 169,600 kms, $12,900 OBO. 306-430-7555, Fiske, SK. 2009 F150 LARIAT, 95,600 kms, loaded, leather int., rear view camera, max. towing pkg., power everything, box cover, Command Start, exc. cond., asking $27,500 OBO. 780-872-5254, Lloydminster, AB. 2011 RAM DUALLY Laramie crewcab, 4x4, $35,999. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. 2011 SUPER DUTY Lariat F350, 6.7 diesel, crewcab, shortbox, 4x4, fully loaded, $39,900 plus tax. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. DL #906884.

1999 DODGE DUALLY, longbox, ext. cab, 5.9 Cummins, 5 spd., power seats, PW, PDL, AC. 306-763-1919, Prince Albert, SK. 2005 CHEV DIESEL, ext. cab, longbox, good cond., 265,000 kms, $16,900; 2003 Chev diesel, ext. cab, shortbox, 336,000 kms, $9900; 2004 Chev Duramax 2500, reg. cab w/9’ tool body, $12,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Ituna, SK. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027. DL #910885. 2005 FORD F350 Super Duty, 4x4 dsl., crewcab, longbox, Lariat, full load, sunroof, leather, 6” lift kit, air bags, overload, 5th wheel hitch, never chipped, 2 sets of rims 18” and 20”, 230,000 kms, $16,900 OBO. Lots of extras. Please call 780-678-6129, 780-375-3780 Rosalind, AB 2007 3500 DODGE Ram, 5.9 Cummins diesel, new trans., quad cab w/Laramie pkg., Command Start, A/T/C. New front end, brakes and tires. Call 306-361-5029 or 306-955-4717, Saskatoon, SK. 2007 GMC REGULAR cab, long box, DuraMax, new style, 106,000 kms., $18,900. K&L Equipment, 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK., DL #910885.

2009 Va n gu a rd 53 x 102 C a ll fo rAva ila b ility a n d P ricin g Fin a n ce R e po ’s Acce ptin g Offe rs

Regina - 1-800-667-0466 Keefe HallCell- 306-535-2420 w w w .saskvolvo.com

2012 RAM 1500 SLT HEMI, cloth, buckets, like new, 3500 kms, $31,500, tax paid. Call 306-237-9127, Perdue, SK. D.L#909069 2012 RAM LARAMIE quadcab, 4x4, 6 - 1997 48’ hi-boys, priced from $2500 to $35,975. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. $8500 (cheap ones as is, good ones Sask. www.thoens.com DL #909250. certified); 1995 Lode-King 48’ tri-axle combo flatdeck, Sask. certified, $9500; 2005 Lode-King Super B grain trailers, Sask. certified, $38,500; 2000 Doepker Su- 2001 DODGE DUALLY diesel, Quad Cab, per B grain trailers, $31,500; 1998 Talbert 4x4, under $10,000. 1-800-667-4414,Wyn48’ stepdeck, Sask. certified, $15,000; yard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. 2 0 0 2 Tr a i l t e c h t a n d e m p i n t l e c o m bine/sprayer trailer, $16,500; 1998 Eager 2003 DODGE 2500 LARAMIE, 4x4, 5.9 dieBeaver 20 ton float trailer, $16,500. Call sel, 6 spd., 5th wheel hitch, 217,000 kms., 306-567-7262, www.hodginshtc.com $21,000. PST paid. 306-228-3172, Unity Davidson, SK. DL #312974. 2004 DODGE 3500 dsl., Laramie dually crewcab, 4x4, 201 kms, black and chrome, 1994 FORD L9000, N14 Cummins, 10 spd., $19,500 OBO. 306-859-4820, Beechy, SK. c/w 35 ton lowbed w/beavertail and 2004 SIERRA CHEVY Supercab, 4.8 V8, ramps, $22,000. Call 204-766-2643. chrome wheels and rails, box tarp, exc. cond., 130,000 kms, $8500, Moose Jaw, PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and SK. 306-693-3423, 306-631-7171. bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now o w n t h e b e s t . H o f f a r t S e r v i c e s , 2006 F150 SUPERCAB, RWD, 5.4 Triton, 6.5’ box, fully loaded, new rubber, new 306-957-2033, www.precisiontrailer.com spark plugs, 141,500 kms, $10,900 OBO. 24’ GOOSENECK Tridem 21000 lbs, $7890; 306-955-5755, 306-290-5865, Saskatoon. Bumper pull tandem lowboy: 18’, 14,000 2006 JEEP LIBERTY, common rail diesel, lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 68,000 original miles, California vehicle, 7 0 0 0 l b s , $ 2 6 5 0 . F a c t o r y d i r e c t . new tires, ready for winter, $14,000. 888-792-6283 www.monarchtrailers.com 306-749-3232, Birch Hills, SK.





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2013 Kenworth T440 370 HP Diesel, Allison Auto, fully loaded, 8.5’x20’x65” CIM Ultracel box, hoist, electric tarp, remote controls, white MSRP $183,268...........SALE..$149,995 2000 GMC Topkick C8500 Tandem, 3126 Cat diesel (300 HP), 10 spd. Manual trans., A/C, tilt wheel, dual step tnaks, Bostrum air seat, 8 1⁄2’x20’x57” grain box, roll tarp, 300,081 kms, clean $49,995 2012 GMC 3500 (1 Ton) 4WD, reg cab. C+C, 4x4, reg cab C+C, 6.6L duramax diesel, allison auto, loaded, white MSRP $59,080. . . .SALE Price...$49,995 2007 Freightliner Columbia Tandem Daycab, 435 HP Mercedes Diesel, 12 spd. Meritor auto. Trans., loaded, 12/40 axles, white, cab & chassis, 1 with 5 the wheel hitch, 3 in stock, call for prices!!

Pre-Owned Medium Duty 1999 GMC C7500 Topkick, 427 V8, 5& 2, 12 ft, White, 118,063 kms.....$14,995 Over 400 new 2012 GMC Sport Utilities, Cars, 1/2 Ton, 3/4 Ton + 1 Tons with gas & diesel engines are Discounted To SELL NOW! Good selection of 2012 GMC 1 Ton Crew, Big Dooleys, and 1 Ton Crew L.W.B. Single rear wheels with Duramax Diesels! Financing as Low As 0% On Select Models O.A.C.



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2008 DODGE 2500, 122,000 kms for $28,000. Have all types of trucks, all Sask. safetied. 306-463-8888, Dodsland, SK. www.diamonddholdings.ca DL #909463. 2008 GMC 4x4 Crew $18,955. 8 more GM 4x4’s in stock. DL #909250. Phone Hoss at 1-800-667-4414 www.thoens.com 2 0 0 8 R A M D I E S E L , Q u a d C a b, 4 x 4 , $25,975. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. 2010 GMC SIERRA GFX Z71, X-cab, black, PST paid, $27,985. 1-800-667-4414, www.thoens.com Wynyard. DL #909250. 2011 RAM CREW SLT dually diesel 4x4, $43,500. PST paid. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. NEW 12 RAM crew, diesel, 4x4, $48,400, $4000 down, lease $623/mo. DL #909250 www.thoens.com Ph 1-800-667-4414. NEW 2012 RAM hemi SXT, Quad Cab, 4x4, $27,986. 0 down $163/biweekly. Phone 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 4 1 4 , Wy ny a r d , S K . www.thoens.com DL #909250. WE HAVE 15 GMC pickups from $8900, example 2008 Sierra SLE Crew, $18,955. Call Hoss at 1-800-667-4414. www.thoens.com DL #909250.

2000 GMC TOPKICK C8500 tandem, 114,000 kms, 2126 CAT, 6 spd. Allison auto, AC, 20’ ultracel box, 60” sides, Michel’s roll tarp, fresh paint job, always shedded, 2- 2010 386’s, BLOW OUT SALE, MUST $66,000. 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK. SELL. Heavy 18 spd., only 140,000 kms, 2001 KENWORTH W900 w/20’ alum. 475 Cummins, lockers, leather interior, grain box, tarp, 430 HP, 10 spd., dual ex- GPS in dash, 70” bunks, tri pack heater, AC haust, premium US no rust truck, only and battery charger to reduce idling time. Call Peter for pricing 204-226-7289, San$65,000. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. ford, MB., www.vermilliontrucks.com 2007 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, 515 Detroit, 13 spd, $59,900; 2004 Mack Vision, 2001 STERLING 9513, C12, 10 spd., sleep350 HP, 10 spd, $52,900; 2001 Freightlin- er, $17,500; 2003 Freightliner FLD120, er FLD 120, C-15 Cat, 435 HP, 10 spd, new N14, 15 spd., sleeper, $20,000; 2005 IHC tires, $45,500; 2000 Mack CH613, 460 HP, 9900, ISX 500, 13 spd., $34,500. Call Neil 18 spd, $39,900. All trucks have new CIM 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. DL 906884. Ultracell II BH&T and are safetied. Call 2002 INT. 9900i, 475 Cat, 72” bunk, 22.5 Reaser Truck Sales, 306-256-3569 or tires, alum. wheels, fresh safety, $26,500. 306-230-4393, Cudworth, SK. DL#917908. 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. 2007 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, Detroit 2002 KENWORTH W900B, 18 spd., ISK 450 HP, Eaton 10 spd. UltraShift, 20’ Can- Cummins, 42.5 rubber, fresh safety. Maycade grain box, $67,500; 2005 Int. 9400, mont, SK., 306-441-4954. bct@sasktel.net Cat 430 HP, Eaton 10 spd. UltraShift, 20’ C a n c a d e g r a i n b o x , $ 6 2 , 5 0 0 . C a l l 2005 MACK CH613, 686,000 kms, 460 HP, 306-567-7262, www.hodginshtc.com 13 spd, 38,000 lb. Eaton rears, new safety, $45,000. 403-654-0132, Vauxhall, AB. Davidson, SK. DL #312974. 2007 IH 9200, w/Eaton Ultrashift, Cummins, new 20’ BH&T; 1991 Peterbilt, 60 Detroit, 430, 18 spd., 20’ BH&T, w/pindle and 20’ tandem pup; 1997 FL80, diesel, S/A, with new 16’ BH&T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca

2006 IH 9400i, 527 miles, 13 speed, Cummins ISX, 14F46Rx24.5T, 4.1 gear, excellent cond. 306-771-4281, Balgonie, SK. 2007 DOEPKER SUPER B, good shape, rims and tires 80%. 2013 Doepker Super B’s in stock and lots of colors to pick from. Many more used and new trailers arriving daily. Great harvest specials. In stock, 2013 Doepker end dumps. New line of Lowboys 35 to 100 tons now available for your specialty heavy hauling needs. Please visit our ATTENTION FARMERS: 18 tandem grain website at www.macarthurtruck.com trucks in stock, standards and automatics, 1-800-665-6317. new Cancade boxes. Yellowhead Sales 2007 FREIGHTLINER CST120, Mercedes 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. DL #916328. OM460, 12.8 liter, 6 cyl., 460 HP, eng. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for brake, Eaton Fuller 12 spd., auto., air ride, grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD front air susp., rear 40,000 lbs., Condo combination grain and silage boxes, pup sleeper, alum. wheels, A/S 5th wheel, new trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, tires, $29,500. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. PREMIUM 9200 INTERNATIONAL tandem grain truck, 10L, 350 HP, brand new B&H, Jon Brandt truck, won’t find better, $37,500 OBO. 204-773-2338, Russell, MB. WANTED: Ford Louisville or Sterling grain truck, must be clean, rust free with low kms. Ph: 204-222-8785, Winnipeg, MB.


1986 PETERBILT CLASSIC 359, 283 of 359 built. Auction, Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, SK. www.schapansky.com Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488. DL #912715.


2000 KENWORTH T800, 475 reman. Cat eng., 18 spd. 46’s w/double lockers, 244 WB, 11r24.5 rubber, less than a 1,000,000 kms, $27,500. 403-350-0392, Lacombe AB

2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 73” m id -ris e bu n k w ith tw o bed s , 650,752 k m . $85,000 2010 Ke n w orth T370, 300 HP Pa ca r PX-6, 6 s p , 10,000 fron t20,000 rea r, 3:55 g ea rs , 200” W B, d iff. lock , 202,336 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 4-2009 P e te rb ilt 386 , 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, m id -ris e bu n k , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:55 g ea rs , 500,000 k m . . . $49,000 2009 Fre ig htlin e r M 2-106 D u m p tru c k , 330 HP Cu m m in s IS C, 8LL tra n s , 18,000 fron t46,000 rea r, 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 4:89 g ea rs , 20,000 p u s hera xle, 18’ Leg a ce box, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 227,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 2009 M a c k D a y Ca b , 445 HP M a ck M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, 727,262 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B. 70” con d o bu n k s , 612,000 k m . . . . . $54,000 3-2008 IH P roS ta r, 425 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 10 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 226” W B, 800k m .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2007 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Ca tC15, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 244” W B, 70” m id -ris e bu n k , 1,142,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 0,000 2007 P e te rb ilt 379, 475 HP Ca tC15, 18 s p , 12/ 46, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 240” W B, 63” bu n k , 1.1KM $59,000 3-2007 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 10 s p , 12/ 40, 36” fla t-top bu n k . . . . . $39,000 2007 IH 9400I, 500 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 18 s p , 14/ 46, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 221” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 874,229 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 244” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 906,719 k m . . . . $46 ,000 2007 IH 9200I, 425 HP Ca tC13, 12 s p A u tos hiftM eritor, 12/ 40, 3:42 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 220 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 432,845 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2007 Fre ig htlin e r Colu m b ia , 450 HP M erced es M BE4000, 13 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:90 g ea rs , 228” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 862,071 k m . . . $28,000 2006 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 13 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea rs , 238” W B, 1,127,668 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2006 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Ca tC15, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 3:90 g ea rs , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900FA, d a y ca b, 450 HP M erced es M BE4000, 10 s p A u tos hift3 Ped a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . $38,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 450 HP M erced es , 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , m id -ris e bu n k , 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 2005 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” w heels , 208” W B, 36” fla ttop bu n k , 1,160,839 k m . . . $39,000 d lr# 0122.

2000 MACK TRUCK, 427 HP Mack engine, 18 speed, sleeper bunk, wet kit, headache rack, $15,000. 306-435-3301, Moosomin

P h. 204-6 85-2222, M a c G re g or M B. To vie w p ic tu re s of ou r in ve n tory vis it w w w .tita n tru c k s a le s .c om

(Medicine Hat, Alberta) 2006 INTERNATIONAL 9400i 435 HP Cummins ISX Engine, 10 Speed Eaton Autoshift Transmission, New 20’x64” Cancade Grain Box, Remote Hoist and Endgate Controls, Fleet Maintained Southern Truck.


CALL ABOUT THESE OTHER FINE UNITS: • Automatic, Autoshift and Ultrashift. • Grain and Silage boxes. • Self Loading Bale Deck trucks. • DAKOTA Aluminum Grain Hopper Trailers.


1992 IHC PLOW/sander truck, 10’ belly plow, rear hyd. spinner, Cummins N14, 400+ HP, 15 spd., 514,000 kms, cert. and ready for work. 306-522-7771, Regina, SK. DL #317129. 1995 MACK CH613, 400 HP, 13 spd. Eaton, 3:90 rear ratio, 60% tires, ProHeat, wet kit, new heads, new injectors, clutch, $16,000 OBO. Cell. 306-535-7957, Regina, SK. 1996 FREIGHTLINER DETROIT FL120, $12,000 OBO. Phone 306-821-6044, Lloydminster, SK.

www.automatictruck.com rawlyn@automatictruck.com

20’ GRAIN BOX NeuStar Manufacturing 1470 Willson Place Winnipeg, Manitoba 1-204-478-7827

2005 PETERBILT 379, Cat C15 motor, 18 spd., 244” WB, 1.5M kms, fresh safety, $49,900 OBO. Call Calibre Truck Sales 204-571-1651, Brandon, MB. DL #4515.

2010 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, 450 HP, DD 15, 18 spd. AutoShift, 385/22.5 front tires, 1100/24.5 rear tires, 24’ CIM grain box, Michel’s elec. tarp, Brehon remote hoist and endgate control, lots of shine, 9018 kms. 306-231-8060, Englefeld, SK.


1977 CHEV C65, 3 ton, 16’ steel box, single axle, 5+2 trans., 54,000 kms, 454 motor, Michels tarp, $3750 OBO. Bankend, 1971 FORD 900, w/534 V8 eng., 13 spd. SK. 306-763-1047. trans, full tandem, 20’ steel B&H, roll tarp, 1979 FORD N700 grain truck, 8x16’ B&H, new battery and starter, good cond., 3 2 , 0 0 0 o r i g i n a l m i l e s , $ 6 5 0 0 . $11,500. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 780-955-2364, 780-554-4736, Leduc, AB. 1974 DODGE FARGO 500, 14’ box, 25,000 1980 WESTERN STAR grain truck, 6V 92 orig. miles, exc. cond., shedded, safetied. Detroit low hrs., 13 spd., 20’ steel box, $6500. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB. Nordic hoist, c/w silage gates, $19,000. 1975 CHEV C60 grain truck w/roll tarp, 780-853-7205, Vermilion, AB. 33,300 miles, 4&2, great shape. Langham, 1987 INT. TANDEM, 5 spd. Allison auto, SK., call 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395. 466 diesel, ultracel newer 20’ box, electric 1975 FORD 700 Louisville, all steel B&H, r o l l t a r p , n e w r u b b e r, $ 3 8 , 0 0 0 . roll tarp, exc. cond., $6500. 306-861-4592, 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK. Weyburn, SK. 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL120, tandem, 1978 FORD LOUISVILLE, Cat 3208, 5+2, 470 Detroit, 10 spd., air ride, AC, 20’ Ultra16’ BH&T, excellent condition, $12,500. cel box pkg., no rust, California truck, 403-644-2235, Standard, AB. $57,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.


1988 VOLVO TANDEM, 3406 Cat, 15 spd., truck in good cond., bent frame, 21’ steel silage box, 70”Hx8.5’Wx21’L. Box new in 2006, used 1 yr., roll tarp, 35 ton harsh hoist, air controls, $17,000 OBO. Complete or will separate box and hoist. 403-631-2373, 403-994-0581, Olds, AB.

1997 TRUCK/TRAILER T600, 470 HP Detroit, 1995 Doepker Super B, air ride, power openers and tarps, farm truck last 12 y r s . F o r p i c s o r i n fo c a l l o r t e x t 780-405-8638, Fort Saskatchewan, AB. Email: d_bruce_peters@hotmail.com

1998 VOLVO 13 spd. trans., new 24.5 rubber, full locker, w/wet kit, fresh safety, asking $16,500; 2007 Midland TA tub style gravel trailer, it has new electric tarp o p e n e r a n d c u r r e n t s a fe t y, a s k i n g $34,400. 306-231-7536, Watson, SK.



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2007 INTERNATIONAL 9400i 6x4, Cat C15, 475 HP, 12,000/40,000, 18 speed Eaton Fuller O/D, air brakes, 72” high rise sleeper cab, good condition, 999,000 kms. Contact: Barb or Tom 204-745-6747 ext. 117, Carmen, MB. 2007 KENWORTH T600 Daycab tractor, C13 Cat, 430 HP, 18 spd., super 40 rears w/4 way locks, new 11R24.5 steer tires, new recaps on rear, 195” wheel base. New Alberta safety, $56,000. delivery available. Ask for Jeff 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. 2007 MACK CHN, 487 engine, 18 spd. Eaton trans, 46,000 Meritor full lock rear ends, new rubber, new turbo, high ratio rear ends, excellent shape, perfect short haul truck, no emissions, $55,000. 780-210-5670, St. Paul, AB. 2007 PETERBILT 378, 500 HP, C15 Cat, 63” bunk, 12,000 fronts, 46,000 rears. 7 to choose from. Still have warranty. $65,000 each. 403-852-4452, Calgary, AB.

2005 DODGE DURANGO, red, 147,000 kms, PW, PDL, PS, leather interior, heated seats. Mint! 403-742-4867, Stettler, AB. READY TO GO! 1988 Kenworth T600, fresh safety, good tires, AC, new wet kit, drives and runs awesome. Resource Auto, 401 Albert St, Regina, SK. Call Dezi Jones 306-522-7771, for more info or financing.

2007 YUKON DANALI, fully loaded, exc. shape, $19,500 OBO. Call 306-886-2073, TRUCK FOR SALE: 2000 to 2008, all tan- 306-873-8526, Bjorkdale, SK. dem. 250-421-2113, 250-424-5592 eves, Cranbrook, BC. 2008 JEEP LIBERTY sport, $15,975. PST paid. www.thoens.com 1-800-667-4414, US MILITARY AMERICAN GENERAL truck Wynyard, SK. DL #909250. tractors, 855 Cummins engine NA, 50,000 lb. diffs, 6x6 drive, approx. 20,000-30,000 2012 JEEP LIBERTY Sport, 4x4, $21,975. miles, asking $25,000 OBO. Please contact www.thoens.com 1-800-667-4414, WynWayne 306-536-1214, Scott 306-536-3268 yard, SK. DL #909250. Regina, SK.

MIX ON SITE mobile concrete mixer, on 2007 IHC 7500 chassis, HT570 310 HP 2007 VOLVO 300 DAYCAB, 365 HP, 10 spd. Allison automatic, A/C, Cruise, 43,000 auto shift, alum. rims, Webasto heater, kms., 2800 hrs. w/2007 Reimer mixer, cert., $24,500. 780-878-1479, Camrose AB very good cond., $125,000. 306-634-7276, Turnbull Excavating Ltd. Estevan, SK. 2008 PETERBILT 388, 520 Case, 475 ISX, 18 spd., near new rubber, 3:90 ratio, exc. cond., $72,000. 204-243-2453, High Bluff, MB. 2001 INT. 4000 series fuel truck c/w 2200 gal. tank, pump meter, hose, rebuilt 466 engine. Ph 780-753-8909, Provost, AB.

2010 PETERBILT 388, 625 HP, 46 rears, full 4-way lockers, double frame, Platinum interior, in-dash GPS, HD susp. wet kit, call for price; Also 2010 386 w/low miles. Can deliver. Peter 204-226-7289, Sanford, MB. or view: www.vermilliontrucks.com 2012 PETE 389, ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 46’s, 4-way lock, 60,000 kms; 2008 T-660 Kenworth, Cat 475, Super 40’s, 670,000 kms.; 2007 IHC 9900i, 18 spd.; 2006 Pete 379, 18 spd., 46 diff., lockers, 960,000 kms; 2007 Freightliner daycab, 60 Series Detroit, 13 spd., Eaton UltraShift; 2006 IH 9200 Eaton UltraShift, 430 Cat, 900,000 kms; 2002 T800 KW, 18 spd., 46 diff., 4-way lock; 2003 Freightliner Classic, Cat, 18 spd., new rubber; 2003 W-900L KW, Cat, recent work orders; 2000 W900 KW, 18 spd., Cat, very clean; 2000 Freightliner Classic, 475 Cat, 18 spd.; 2001 Western Star, 4964, N-14 Cummins, 13 spd.; 1999 Pete, Cat, 13 spd., very clean: 1999 IH Cat, 18 spd.; 1996 Volvo 425, 13 spd., new d i f f. 3 0 6 - 3 5 6 - 4 5 5 0 , D o d s l a n d , S K . DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca

2007 DODGE NITRO SXT, 4x4, $13,988. www.thoens.com 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. DL #909250.

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1994 IH 4900 18’ flatdeck w/hoist, 466 diesel, very good condition, only $28,500. PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. CAN-AM TRUCK EXPORT LTD., Delisle, SK, Moving all types and sizes of buildings. 1-800-938-3323. 1999 Fliner Century, 60 Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. Detroit, 13 spd., 40 rears, w/40” sleeper, www.privebuildingmovers.com $14,000; 1998 IHC 9200, 60 Detroit, 13 spd., 40 rears, w/40” sleeper, $13,000; New 18’ equipment trailer, 14,000 lb. capacity, tilt deck, $8500; 2007 F550 XLT, 4x4, 6.0L dsl., auto, 264,000 kms, equipped with 060-3 Hiab crane, $32,000; GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new 2006 Sterling 9500, Mercedes Benz, Alli- and existing farms and businesses. son auto, 40 rears w/4-way locks, 15’ 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. gravel box, only 80,000 kms, $52,000; 2003 IHC Eagle, ISX Cummins, 13 spd., 40 rears, new wet kit, air ride, 3-way locks, $28,000; 2004 KW T300, ISC 285 HP Cummins, auto, 36,500 GVW, only 406,000 kms, $24,000; 1999 Lode-King drop deck 53’ tridem, air ride, $22,000; 1985 Grove 308, 8 ton crane, 2600 hrs, $24,000; 1978 Grove 17-1/2 ton carry deck crane, $26,000; Cat VC110, 11,000 lb. forklift, $12,000; 1998 FL80, 8.3 Cummins, 10 spd. 23 rear, $14,000; 1998 CH Mack 460, 18 spd., 40 rears, 18 front, only 209,000 kms w/21’ deck, and 300 Hiab crane, like new, $50,000; 2004 Sterling, 300 Mercedes Benz engine, Allison auto w/15’ roll off BOOMING BUSINESS in Assiniboia, SK. deck, only 150,000 kms, $32,000; 2004 3000 sq. ft. car/truck wash with water IHC 4200 w/365 Allison auto, w/16’ reefer vending. Completely upgraded, renovated. unit, $30,000; 2004 KW 600, 475 Cat, Low maintenance. Reduced $599,900 OBO. 13-40, clean truck, $34,000; 2006 IHC 306-640-8569. 4400, DT 466, 6 spd., 24’ van and tailgate loader, clean loaded up truck, $32,000; TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! 1985 IHC 1954 w/Hydro-Vac unit, only New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for 58,000 kms, $24,000; Gen sets available. sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. Financing available OAC. For other listings Located on 3 acres with great location on highway. Great customer base! Selling due www.can-amtruck.com DL #910420. to health concerns. Serious inquiries only please! Call 306-232-4767.

2006 KENWORTH T800, Cat C15, 13 spd. Ultrashift, 790,000 kms, 40,000 rears, full poly fenders, c/w new 50 gal. wet kit, 10 new tires, new SK safety, exc. cond., ready to go; 2000 Arnes tri-axle end dump gravel trailer, tires/brakes 95%, air ride, rebuilt cylinder, new rear susp. bushing, 8 new tires, Mash tarp, MB safety, ready to go. Would like to sell unit as a set, first come 2012 GRAND CARAVAN, full Stow ‘n Go first serve, $85,000. 204-743-2324, 29G, $22,888. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, www.cypresstrucksandequipment.com at SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. Cypress River, MB. PRICES REDUCED! Allison Auto, 2008 Freightliner M2, C&C, tag axle, Cummins engine, LWB, will take 20’ box, $24,900; Allison Auto, 2008 Freightliner M2, C&C, SA, 12 fronts, 21 rears, LWB, $19,900; 2000 IHC 9100, daycab, C&C, 350 HP Cummins, 10 spd., safetied, only 360,000 miles, $16,900; 2003 Mack, 475 HP, 18 spd., 48” flat-top bunk, double lockers, fresh safety, 1.4 kms, $19,900; 1996 22’ alum. end dump trailer, grain or gravel, safetied, $14,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Ituna, SK., Ladimer 306-795-7779 or Chris 306-537-2027. DL #910885. 2008 IH/C DURASTAR 4400 S/A, DT 570 engine, 10 spd. Eaton trans., air ride, fresh safety, full load w/eng. brake, 101,000 kms., lease return, very nice, tires near new, $41,900. More trucks available at w w w. s t o c k m a n s t r a d i n g c o . c o m 403-357-9192 or, 403-358-0456, Tees, AB.

LINTLAW, 4 ACRES, school with gym, good shape, many applications. On #11 Hwy., in Craik, Bar and Grill, turnkey, housing available. Vanguard, starter bar and grill, reasonable housing avail., vendor may carry, for sale or lease. Investment Opportunity in Balken oil play area. Industrial building and land with national lease in place. On #39 Hwy. in small town, 7300 sq. ft. building on 2 acres, great for truckers. 93 acres development land 7 miles north on #11 Hwy. near SasLEAFCUTTER LARVAE in nest and/or katoon. SOLD: Leland Hotel, Wolseley, loose cell, Wolf and Plastifab nests. See SK, good volume, liquor vendor, food and our website for details grevefarms.com rooms. Yellow Grass, 2700 sq. ft. restaurant lounge near Weyburn, potential for Reg Greve, Lanigan, SK. 306-528-4610. confectionary, liquor sales. Near larger city, motel, food and beverage business on #1 Hwy. Regina, large volume liquor outlet with bar, food and some room income are available. Ph. Brian Tiefenbach 306-536-3269 or 306-525-3344 at NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. OWN YOUR OWN Business. Looking for online trainers. Flexible hrs, work from home. Free information and training. www.123excelyourlife.com

SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chassis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE and Range Rider canopies and service USED BELTING, 12” to 54” wide for feedBAILIFF SEIZURE: Repossessed 2005 Pe- caps. www.northtownmotors.com ers and conveyors, 30” wide by 3/4” terbilt 379L, Cat C-15, 475/550 HP, 18 Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871. thick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, spd, 3-way lockers, cold A/C, 12/super 40, 780-842-2491 anytime, Wainwright, AB. 1986 MACK S/A, good shape, recent vehi3.55 gears, central grease system, VIP Bostrum leather interior, all new 22.5 rub- cle inspection, 5th wheel, deck, cupboards, ber, odometer reads 673,158 kms, new Espar heater, Lincoln welder #350 dsl. Sask. safety. For bidding instructions and w/remote. $21,500. Retiring. Fort St. more photos please fax 306-665-9033 or John, BC. 250-785-3117, 250-262-1456. email saskwestfinancial@sasktel.net 1984 CHEV WITH 1600 US gallon SS tank, HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: plus wet kit, $8500. 403-644-2235, Stan2007 International 9900, Cat 430 HP, 13 dard, AB. O.S.B. ODD SIZE Specials, 8’x24’ panels; spd., $34,500; 2007 International 9200, 19/32 $95; 23/32 $108; 4’x12’x1-1/8, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd. UltraShift, $38,500; 1997 IH 9400, 430 Detroit, 10 spd., 5 year $33; 4’x8’ sheets; 5/8” $14, 3/4” $17; 7/8” 2006 International 9900, Cummins 525 old 15’ gravel box, new clutch, injectors, $20; 1-1/4 $32. 306-237-4748, Perdue, SK AC, pintle plate, 24.5 alum. budds; 2000 HP, 13 spd., $36,500; 2005 Kenworth T800, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd., $28,500; 1996 FL-80, Cummins, 6 spd., 24’ van body with ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” International 9200, Detroit 365 HP, 10 power tailgate. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, spd., $13,000. Daycabs: 2008 Paystar SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. 5900, Cummins 550 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 428,000 kms, $74,000; 2007 International 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, 9900, Cummins 500 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. $44,500; 2007 International 9200, Cummins 475 HP, 13 spd., 46 rears, wet kit, PINE, POPLAR AND BIRCH: 1” and 2” V$44,500. Specialty trucks: 1997 Freightjoint, shiplap, log siding, 1”x8” and 1”x10” liner FLD112 tandem, Cummins 370 HP, boards. Phone 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. 10 spd., 24’ van body, hyd. lift gate, $16,500; 1994 International 9200, Cat 350 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd tilt and load deck w/winch, $28,000; 1995 Volvo, Cummins CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no ex370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd tilt and load deck, $22,500; 1998 Ford F650, Cummins 190 1999 STERLING SELF-LOAD/UNLOAD bale posed screws to leak or metal overlaps. HP, Allison 4 spd. auto, 16’ deck, $16,500; truck, 17 bale deck, 18 spd., 425 Cat, Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church2002 Sterling Acterra, Cat 300 HP, 9 spd., 700,000 kms, many recent updates, exc., es, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing; also available 24’ van body, $16,500. 306-567-7262, $78,500. 306-230-9692, Sonningdale, SK. in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. Davidson, SK. www.hodginshtc.com DL 1990 PETE, 3406 Cat, 13 spd., w/17 bale #312974. self-load/unload deck, new suspension, TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Retriever c/w work. 306-228-2804, Unity, SK. transport hitch, hydraulic power pack, adjustable vertical mass and remote hyd. GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS and connectors, removable drawbar, 12,000 lb. or rent, weekly/ monthly/ seasonally, 30’ panels, made from 2-3/8” oilfield pipe; hitch weight, 35,000 lbs. towing weight, w/wo driver. K&L Equipment, Regina, square bale feeders, any size. Can build total weight 1,740 lbs. 306-586-1603 at SK. 306-795-7779 or 306-537-2027, other things. Elkhorn, MB. 204-851-6423, email: ladimer@sasktel.net 204-845-2188, 204-851-6714. Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com

SMALL MANUFACTURING SHOP and residence. 40 years of operation with established product line. Owner retiring. Turnkey operation. 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK.



Starts: FRI. OCT. 26th Closes: WED. OCT. 31st Commercial/Industrial Building on 1.50 +/- Acres. Along Hwy #16 (Yellowhead Route). 1965 sq. ft Shop w/Living Quarters Plus 1411 sq. ft. Building c/w Batch Plant & 1273 sq. ft. Water & Utility Room Area, 45 tonne Silo Included. CHECK INTERNET FOR COMPLETE LISTING & PHOTOS!! Call Hodgins Auctioneers Inc. for more information Phone: 1-800-667-2075 Website: www.hodginsauctioneers.com

SK PL# 915407 AB PL#180827 LUCRATIVE BUS CHARTER/Tour company, Saskatoon, SK. Great family business, $375,000. Write for more details to Box 2006, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4.

TIM HAMMOND REALTY -Johns Nursery and Market Gardens, located northeast of Prince Albert. This very well established 3rd generation tree nursery and landscaping business presents an incredible business opportunity with phenomenal returns. Including business contracts and contacts, 51.48 acres with greenhouses, buildings, improvements, irrigation equipment, mechanical equipment, inventory and growing supplies. Seller is willing to train. Asking $2,500,000. MLS #426273 http://JohnsNursery.TimHammond.ca 306-948-5052 LAMPLIGHTER MOTEL, Three Hills, AB. 26 rooms, owner suite, price reduced, will train; COALDALE, AB. MOTEL, 15 rooms, restaurant, lounge, tavern, main hwy, Court Order Sale; TROCHU HOTEL, 10 rooms, 4 VLT’s, tavern, price reduced, $390,000; GRAVEL PIT, CROSSFIELD, AB., half section farmland, creek, mobile home, 2 shops; GRAVEL PIT, North of Cochrane, AB. $3M Tonne, farmland, creek, residence, shop; RESTAURANT WITH PROPERTY, Innisfail, AB., priced to sell. Call Bruce McIntosh, Re/Max Landan, 403-256-3888, www.brucemcintosh.ca MANUFACTURING BUSINESS welding and light fabricating. Unique patented product. Mainly agricultural. Peak sales from Sept. to March. Owned for 27 years, still room for growth. Moveable anywhere. World is your market, $195,000 + inventory at cost. 50x70’ shop on 157x370’ lot, $295,000. Can be a turnkey operation or addition to an existing business. Must sell for health reasons. 306-446-4462, North Battleford, SK. prairiepines@yahoo.com TIM HAMMOND REALTY Ultra Sports in Unity, SK is a well established 22 year old business. Product lines include: hockey, baseball, bikes, fishing, hunting, ammunition, golfing equipment and a variety of clothing and footwear. Sales are solid and consistent. Asking $360,000 with 6500 sq. ft. building on Main Street. MLS#445169 Call: Tim Hammond 306-948-5052 http://UltraSports.TimHammond.ca

CONVENIENCE STORE in the resort village of Manitou Beach, SK on two lots and 1020 sq. ft. bldg. For more info: 306-946-2318. THRIVING FARM AND ranch supply business in Paradise Hill, SK., modern building on 38 acres, Hwy frontage, incredible opportunity for expansion or diversification, owners retiring, video at www.mgtv.ca. Call Vern McClelland or Brian Kimmel, ReMax of Lloydminster, 780-808-2700, MLS 47638. DO YOU HAVE an empty barn and want to raise ducks? For info ph 780-450-6103, 780-504-5747, Edmonton, AB. JOIN ONE of Western Canada’s fastest growing tire chains today! TreadPro Tire Centres is always looking for new members. TreadPro offers group controlled distribution through our 5 warehouses located in BC, AB, and SK. Exclusive brands and pricing for each TreadPro Dealer, 24/7 access to online ordering backed up with sales desk support. Our marketing strategies are developed for the specific needs of Western Canadian Dealers. Signage, displays, vehicle identification, group uniforms also important for visual impact and recognition are affordable with the support of the TreadPro Group. Product and sales training arranged according to your needs. Exclusive territory protection, reinforced with individual territory managers and home office support. Find out more about the unique features of the TreadPro group today. Our team will be happy to arrange a personal meeting with you to further discuss how TreadPro is the right fit. Contact 1-888-860-7793 or go online to www.treadpro.ca

ANITA EHMAN MEDIATION And Consulting Services, C MED. Extensive experience in farmer/lender cases. Confidential, professional service. Regina, SK, 306-761-8081, ehmanlaf@sasktel.net FARMERS NEED FINANCIAL HELP? Go to: www.bobstocks.ca or call 306-757-1997. Regina, SK. POSITIVE YIELD FINANCIAL INC. Corporate Farm Income Tax is our field. If you want help setting up your farm corp or you are looking for a new tax preparer please contact us at 306-450-1569 or email us at adam@positiveyieldfinancial.com Based in Regina, SK.

FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Regina, SK. NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says no? If yes to above three call 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. PRIVATE MORTGAGE FUNDS available for commercial and agricultural properties. Bad credit and difficult situations welcome. Toll free: 1-877-995-1829. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020.

2000 SQ. FT. moveable complete meat shop, built on 3 trailer frames. Can be moved and set up in days, turnkey operation, priced to move. 250-367-7658, Trail.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

CUSTOM SWATHING/BALING, JD balers. 2010, ‘11 and ‘12 hay. Beef and dairy quality also. Al 306-463-8423, Alsask, SK.

FIELD HARVESTING LTD. is looking for acres in Sask, Alberta and Peace Country. Two JD combines with MacDon FD70 headers, pickup heads, and grain hauling. Call Jordon at 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. CUSTOM HARVESTING - SWATHING and COMBINING, 36’ HoneyBee. Cereal and Specialty crops. Call Murray at: 306-631-1411, 306-759-2535, Tugaske, SK

TTS BALE HAULING LTD. custom round picking and hauling. Two self-loading/unloading units, 17- 34 bales. Ph. Tyson 306-867-4515, 306-855-2010, Glenside SK SELF-LOADING/UNLOADING round bale truck. Max. capacity 34 bales. Custom hauling anywhere in AB. or SK. Call Bernd, Bales on Wheels, Ardrossan, AB, 403-795-7997 or 780-922-4743. CUSTOM BALE HAULING self-loading and stacking 17 bales. Fast, effective and e c o n o m i c a l . B o o k n o w, w i l l t r ave l . 306-946-7438, Saskatoon, SK. SELF-LOAD/ UNLOAD BALE truck, 34 bale capacity, SK or MB. Call: 306-435-7865, Moosomin, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, with 2 trucks and trailers, 34 bales per trailer. Call 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, small o r l a r g e l o a d s . Tr av e l a n y w h e r e . 306-382-0785, Vanscoy, SK.

FORESTRY BRUSH MULCHING. Fast, effective brush and tree clearing. Call 306-212-7896 or 306-232-4244. WE DO CUSTOM SCRAPER WORK. If you need landscaping, dugouts or leveling for new buildings or bins, our Cat 627 can do the job and we do travel. The rate for this scraper is $200/hr. plus fuel. Call Werner 780-336-6164, Strome, AB. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1900; 160x60x14’ $2700; 180x60x14’ $3100; 200x60x14’ $3500. Saskatoon, SK, Phone: 306-222-8054. BUIT CUSTOMER SERVICES for manure hauling. Three trucks, Bunning vertical beaters, GPS and weigh scale on loader. Will travel. 403-588-1146, Blackfalds, AB. CUSTOM SILAGING and corral cleaning. Reasonable rates. JD chopper with kernel processor and inoculant applicator. Two semi units w/34’ trailers w/live bottom floors. Rubber tired loader with onboard scale and printer. Covering AB. and SK. Call Brian at Supreme Agri Service for bookings. 403-580-7148, Medicine Hat, AB MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, stumps, carriganas, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly mulching. Call today! 306-933-2950. Visit: www.maverickconstruction.ca RANCHOIL CONTRACTING LTD. has 3 vertical beater truck mounted manure spreaders and JD wheel loader for hire in NW SK. and NE AB. For all your corral cleaning needs please call David or Joanna 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. Phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. www.borysiukcontracting.ca 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and bobcat services. Metal siding and roofs. Will do any kind of work. 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith SK, 4tcontractorsinc@sasktel.net NORTHERN BRUSH MULCHING. Can clear all fence lines, brush, trees or unwanted bush. Competitive rates. Call Reuben 306-467-2422, Duck Lake, SK. NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and vertical beater spreaders. Phone 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK.

CAT D7E, S/N 47A00197, std. trans, good motor, overhauled pup motor, track rails are wore, rollers good, brush canopy, runs good, $12,000. 306-969-4427, Gladmar SK 2004 KOBELCO SK290 LC hyd. excavator; 2005 Komatsu PC270LC-7L, hyd. excavator; 2006 330D hyd. excavator; 2005 CAT 950G Ser. II wheel loader; 2008 Case 450 skidsteer. 780-361-7322, Edmonton, AB.

RURAL HOTEL, Lintlaw, SK, beverage room WEYBURN INLAND TERMINAL SHARES EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, dozseats 66, new furnace, roof and ext. paint, Good investment pays dividends. Contact ers, loaders, compactors, etc. Conquest reduced to $40,000. Ph Ron 780-205-4545 Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 306-869-7322 (Cell), Radville, SK.



ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, SK, www.cwenterprises.ca 2001 NH DC100 DOZER, 6 way blade, 2 barrel, 3 shank ripper, Cummins, hydro. trans., joystick controls, 3500 hrs., UC 90%, nice machine, $34,000. Carrot River, SK. 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888. 1993 KOMATSU LOADER, WA450-2, 2007 JD 450 hydraulic excavator, 4400 5-1/2 yd. bucket, XHA 26.5x25 40%, buck- hours, excellent condition. 780-284-5500, et pins new, clean tight loader, $69,000. Edmonton, AB. 306-752-2873, 306-752-4692, Melfort, SK. CAT D5M 6 way dozer, wide pad, heated cab, winch, very good condition. Phone 2006 CATERPILLAR SKIDSTEER, 620 hrs, 780-284-5500, Edmonton, Alta. AC, hyd. quick tach, 82 HP, 2950 lbs at CAT 2001 924G wheel loader, QC bucket, 50%, exc. cond., $36,900. 780-875-7051 20.5x25 tires, ATC, aux. hyd., good cond. Lloydminster, AB. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 leave message, Humboldt, SK. N E W 1 0 ’ A N D 1 2 ’ B I G D O G B OX SNOW TIME AGAIN! 6- large snowblowSCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, avail. in 24’’ ers, 2 WD and 4 WD; Over 20 snow blades and 42� high back. Starting at $3600. Also from 7’ to 14’ wide; 7- V-type blades off new B.I.L. box scrapers and centre pivot graders; Parting out over 20 graders; 6up to 20’. Wholesale pricing to western holder and trackless units w/blowers and provinces. www.triplestarmfg.com or call various attachments, blowers and brooms for many other units. Large stock of buck204-871-1175 or 1-866-862-8304. ets, blades, and construction and farm 1985 D-85-E-18 KOMATSU, 75 hrs. on reREDUCED PRICES MUST SELL NOW! tires, 100’s of other units being parted out. built motor/trans/torque, new UC, 26� 1987 Michigan L320 loader, 400 HP, 9 New arrivals daily. 2 yards over 50 acres. pads, twin tilt angle dozer, ripper cab, air, yard; 1993 Terex 2566B 6x6 rock truck 25 Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, heat, full canopy, exc. cond., warranty, ton capacity; 1986 and 1989 Case 1085B Winnipeg, MB. $105,000. Consider trade. Can deliver. excavators, Cummins dsl.; 1979 Champion 204-526-0321, Cypress River, MB. 740 std. trans., 6-71; 1989 Champion 740, powershift, L10 Cummins; 1994 Ford F700 2 WD, with drill and compressor; GD 450 a i r c o m p r e s s o r. 2 0 4 - 6 6 7 - 2 8 6 7 , f a x 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK 2003 ATLAS COPCO 185CFM compressor, 995 hours, JD engine, vg, $8500; Also ‘06 GENIE Z45/25 ARTICULATING BOOMLIFT - 45’, 4x4, Deutz 3 cyl diesel, CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and large blasting pot. Carrot River, SK. 48hp, 1,347 hrs., max. load 500 lbs, $36,800. 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888. Trades welcome. Financing available. tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com floating manufactures over 150 attacho l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . VOLVO 2004 G730B, push block, ripper Conterra ments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. and scare fire shanks, low profile cab, at www.conterraindustries.com Trimble GPS equipped, 14’ blade, 14’ blade accumulators, air, radio, 7800 hrs. Work E X C AVATO R S : For Rent/Sale: John 240D or 270D’s. Call Conquest Your source for new,used, ready, $85,000; Also snow equipment for Deere Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. sale. 306-441-1806, North Battleford, SK.

aftermarket and rebuilt Cat parts. OEM Dealers for Prime-Tech Mulchers and Hyundai Excavator’s and Wheel Loaders.

TOLL FREE: 1 877-413-1774 Email: info@terrateam.ca


CAT D7G, w/WINCH, ropes w/sweeps and guarded, bush ready, twin tilts, $37,000. 780-284-5500, Edmonton, AB. USED PARTS FOR TS-14 Terex motor scraper. Other parts available. Phone: 306-752-3968, Melfort, SK. 1997 GROVE TTS870B, 70 ton hyd. truck crane, Anti Two, Pat, $248,000. Will rent. 250-260-0217, Lumby, BC. OVER 80 POWER UNITS IN STOCK, tested and work ready. From 3.5 to 193 Kw, gas and diesel. Many units parted out. Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. FIAT ALLIS 645B payloader, cab with heat, shows 6260 hrs., $15,000. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40 yards: Caterpillar, AC/LaPlant, LeTourneau, etc. pull-type and direct mount available; Bucyrus Erie 20 yard cable, $5000; pull-type motor grader, $14,900; tires available. Phone 204-822-3797, Morden, MB. 2006 VOLVO G740B motor grader, exc. cond., 7000 hrs, 16’ moldboard, new radial tires, snow wing included, $120,000. 306-742-4305, MacNutt, SK. COMPACTION EQUIPMENT: 5 Sheepsfoot PT packers; 4 SP vibratory compactors; 7 SP walk behind vibratory compactors. Ph 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932. Winnipeg, MB. 1996 624G JD wheel loader, QA 3.5 yard bucket and forks, rebuilt JD engine, new 20.5R25 front tires, very good tight machine, $52,000. Carrot River, SK. Phone 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888.

UN RES ERV ED P UBLIC AUCTIO N TUES DAY , O CTO BER 30, 2 012 8:00 a .m . 932 0 – 52 S treetS E., CALG AR Y S ellin g on b ehalfofS ervice Alb erta, F ortisAlb erta, O kotoks Ren tals, & other con sign ors. Fo rFu rtherDeta ils S ee “ Au ctio n � S ectio n o f this Pa per For a com p rehen s ive brochu re p lea s e ca ll Ca n a d ia n Pu b lic Au ctio n Ltd . 4032 69- 6600 o r 800- 786- 0857. Ho m e Pa ge a tw w w .ca n a d ia n pu b lica u ctio n .co m G .S .T. a p p lies . A 10% ha n d lin g fee a p p lies to ea ch lot s ellin g for $5,000.00 or les s , a 2.5% ha n d in g fee a p p lies to ea ch lots ellin g g rea tertha t$5,000.00 w ith a ca p of$1,000.00 p erlot. Live In tern etBid d in g w w w.ca n a d ia n p u blica u ction .com a ll in tern etp u rcha s es a re s u bject to a n in tern et bu yer’s fee & a d ep os it m a y be req u ired d ep en d in g on you rp u rcha s e his tory. Au ctio n Licen se # 2 002 78, AM V IC Licen se # 2 002 79.

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Quality Products Made Easy Post Frame construction provides distinctive design benefits as construction flexibility and structural efficiency provide various options for agricultural, commercial and residential applications. Phone: (855) 773-3648 Fax: (866) 270-6142 info@prairiepostframe.ca www.prairiepostframe.ca

IntegrityPostStructures.com STEEL FARM BUILDING PACKAGES. 40x80x18’- $27,000; 50x100x18’- $38,000; 60x100x18’- $45,000; 30x16 sliding doors$3000. Winter bookings for spring delivery. www.prairiesteel.com Prairie Steel, Clavet, SK. 1-888-398-7150. AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK.

130X32’ BARN, plywood with tin siding, DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes good cond., to be moved. 306-773-6871, ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any Swift Current, SK. length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz HIP ROOF BARN to be moved, 44’x50’, 27’ high, all metal clad, red walls, galvinized roof, $5000. 306-882-3347, Rosetown, SK.


Reduced Prices...just in time for FALL! 25 W X 26 L 32 W X 50 L 40 W X 54 L 47 W X 80 L

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*One end wall included

Duck for cover in a Pioneer Steel Building Hurry...this is a limited time offer!

2008 BOBCAT S185, 1303 hrs, 2 spd., dual control, aux. hyds, dirt bucket, premium condition, $26,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

REDUCED TO CLEAR NOW: 10 yd. Leon hyd. scraper w/wo laser level, like new cond.; 14 yd. Reynolds hyd. scraper tractor mount; 2- 18 yd. Icon hyd. scraper tractor ATTACHMENTS: SKIDSTEER, pallet forks mounts. In business over 50 years and 50 hay spears, augers, buckets. Conquest acres of older machines and attachments. Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. Large stock of new and used parts for most makes and models of heavy equipment. Low prices. Central Canada’s largest wreckers of older construction equipment. Salvage of all types. Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.

CAT HYD. PULL SCRAPERS: 463, 435, 621, 80, 70, and 60, all very good cond., r e c e n t c o n v e r s i o n . C a n d e l i v e r. 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB. JD 690 ELC HYD. EXCAVATOR, c/w hyd. thumb, Cat walks, new UC, exc. cond. 780-284-5500, Westlock, AB. 1950’S D7 17A, standard trans., cable lift, good undercarriage, rebuilt clutch. Needs pup motor or conversion to 12V, $15,000 OBO. 306-468-2807, Canwood, SK. THOMAS 153 SKIDSTEER, 1140 hours, D7 CAT, powershift trans., 75% undercarri- good rubber, foot controls, $13,900. Call age, brush canopy, good cond., $37,500. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. Call 204-867-7291, Minnedosa, MB. CHAMPION 720A GRADER, articulating EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, model, 12’ MB, blade and tires good, Detrack loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini troit eng., scarcifier, 1 owner, rare unit in excavators. Visit www.glenmor.cc for more gd cond., starts and runs good, ready to details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone w o r k $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . 4 0 3 - 3 5 7 - 9 1 9 2 o r, 1-888-708-3739, Prince Albert, SK. 403-358-0456, Tees, AB. 2001 VOLVO 240 hyd. excavator, hyd. thumb, two buckets, very good condition, WHEEL LOADERS/ DOZER FOR SALE. 2006 JD 544J, 2003 JD TC54H, 2000 Ko780-284-5500, Edmonton, AB. matsu WA320-3, 2006 Komatsu D61PX-15. VOLVO L180 LOADER, 1994, 5 1/4 yard, Forks, quick couplers, pipe grapples, tires. 70% tires, quick attach, no bucket, Edquip Ltd., Sales/Rentals/Trades, Jerry 780-915-5426 or Bob 780-446-9254. $46,000. 403-291-1010, Calgary, AB. CATERPILLAR 70, 16 yard pull scraper, TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Featuring Lever Enterprise hyd. change-up. Auction, ICON Landoll, 1632 grader, 1205 carryall Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, SK. Bruce box scraper, and 821 scraper, in stock. Call Schapansky Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488. 306-586-1603, www.tristarfarms.com at DL #912715. www.schapansky.com Regina, SK.

Leading the industry in quality post frame construction

USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.

CASE 450 CRAWLER dozer, 6-way blade, $17,500; Cat 931 crawler loader, $13,500. www.waltersequipment.com Minitonas, MB. 204-525-4521

CARBIDE GRADER BLADES, 4’ curved blades, 4 sets for 16’ moldboard, 3/4� punch. 780-870-2356, Lloydminster, AB. JD 644B PAYLOADER, shows 8750 hrs., c a b , h e a t , g o o d r u n n e r, $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 . 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK.

FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK. www.tismtrrewind.com

Call or visit our website to ďŹ nd out more. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 24v 5.9L Cummins, $7500 installed; GM Duramax Ford 6.0L, $8500 installed. Other new, used, and Reman. diesel engines avail. Can ship or install. Call 204-532-2187, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Mon. to Fri., Thickett Engine Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB. 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regina, SK



/2:(67 35,&(6

BcTT[ A^[[ 5^a\TS c^ 2DBC>< ;4=6C7B

1994 D3C LGP Cat, full canopy, 6-way blade, good UC, clean, runs and works well, 24� pads, $27,500. Warranty, can deliver. 204-526-0321, Cypress River, MB. D4 CAT, w/HYD. dozer, $7500; JD 410 backhoe, w/bucket and hoe, $15,500; Doepker tandem gravel trailer, $12,000. 14’ D9-D8 brush rake, $3000; 25’ D9-D8 dozer, $10,000; 12’ Rome disc, w/hyd, $7500. D98 turbo $600 - D9G turbo $600; D98 rad $800 - D9G rad $800; 10’ tower breaking disc; 8’ Rome offset w/new blades $3500; D9 dozer stumping cutting edge $7500; D9G cargo winch #80 $3500; 4 bottom Dika plow $12,000. Phone: 780-524-2678, cell: 780-814-4233, Valleyview, AB.

DETROIT DIESEL 671 inline 6, c/w clutch assembly, running condition, out of 740 Champion grader, $2500 OBO. Located in Ponteix, SK. Call Rick at 306-625-7695.

DIESEL AND GAS ENGINES for tractors, combines and swathers. JD, IH, Perkins, Cat, Ford. Early and late models. One year w a r r a n t y. P h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 . www.combineworld.com TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Agriculture diesel solutions. HP increase, increased fuel economy, quick install/removal. 30 satisfaction guarantee. 306-586-1603, KOMATSU D37P CRAWLER, canopy, 6-way day blade; Standard crankshaft and block for a Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com 471 Detroit eng. 306-397-2533, Vawn, SK.





1975 JD 401-C loader backhoe, 4970 hrs., good working condition, $11,000 OBO. Phone 306-628-8020, Prelate, SK.


LIFTS AND CRANES- Low, Low Prices. Linkbelt LS98 dragline with 1-1/2 yd bucket; Droh 40B Cruz air excavator w/4-53 Det. diesel; New and used buckets, many types; JLG 80’ manlift; 6 scissor lifts up to 52’; 2 telescopic forklifts up to 40’ reach; 15 forklifts, propane gas, diesel, up to 10 ton capacity; New and used pallet forks over 50 sets in stock! Ph 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.


HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, custom conversions avail. Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd, 306-231-7318,306-682-4520,Muenster SK. WANTED: LAND BREAKING equipment: plow, heavy disc, root picker, mulcher. 780-928-2621, 780-926-9107, La Crete AB ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings; 24� to 36� notched disc blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com









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$17,9 00 CNT. Ca ll K evin o r Ro n

YOUNG’S EQUIPM ENT INC. 1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46

w w w .yo un gs e quipm e n t.co m FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837. WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919. CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK.


M C LEAN LOC ATION G a lv. M e ta l 7 - 12 ’8� , 2 - 18’6� , 2 - 17’9� , 2 - 17’, 2 - 16’3� , 2 - 15’6� , 2 - 14’9� , 2 - 14’, 2 1 - 10’, 19 - 16’

.6 0 s q . ft. ¢

Building Supplies & Contracting

$// +233(5 %,1 &20%2 6 ,1&/8'( 7+(6( 67$1'$5' )($785(6

-6% &21(6 $5( 6$1'%/$67(' 3529,',1* $ 683(5,25 3$,17 ),1,6+

10’ M o d el w ith ho p p er & co n veyo r

C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 40x60 - 16’ tre a te d 6x6 po s tb ld g c/w 20x14 R16 s teel in s u la ted o verhea d d o o r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17 ,5 17 .5 0 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.

/($6( <285 %,16 83 72 <($5 7(506 $9$,/$%/(

8167,))(1(' 6,'(:$// 3$1(/6 :$// 522) /$''(56 5(027( /,' 23(1(56 6$)(7< ),// 6$)(7< 5,1* 5$&. 3,1,21 *$7(6 0$1 +2/( $&&(66 ,1 &21(



34,141 Bushel Capacity

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Quality Workmanship Material & Service Leading Suppliers & Contractors of: • • • •

CALL 1- 866- 665- 6677 a n d sa ve $1000’s O f d o lla rs b y D EALIN G D IR EC T P LA N AH EAD A N D SA V E !


Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld ing.ca

Em a il: s a les @ m kw eld ing.ca

14’ HOPPER CONE up to 2000 bu. bin with 8x4 skid, 7 legs

18-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 5000 bu.) with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs


Only$ 11,065.00

19’ HOPPER CONE up to 4000 bu. bin with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs

21-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 6800 bu.) with double 8x4 skid, 14 legs


Only$ 15,080.00 O ther Skid Sizes Available.

W e m ake H opper Cones for allm akes of bins. Also SteelFloors & Skid Packs. Prices subjectto change – Q uantities are Lim ited.Prices do not included freightor set-up.Trucking Available for AB,SK & M B



• Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs

42’ x 7 Bin Special

Because it pays to PLAN ahead!

M & K WELDING PORTABLE GRAIN RINGS made of steel. New 20 gauge wide-corr steel sheets 48�H. Sizes from 3650 bu., $2072 to 83,000 bu., $11,447 including hardware. All sizes in stock. All rings 4’H. Best quality available. Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps avail. for all sizes. All tarps in stock. Complete packages include freight to any major point in Western Canada. Overnight delivery to most major points in Western Canada. Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. For all pricing, details, pictures visit our website: www.willwood.ca BIN/ TANK MOVING. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, SK. 8- 1615 FRIESEN fert./grain bins, exc. cond., 3200 bu., Epoxy coated c/w skid, $10,000 ea. 306-631-7099 Moose Jaw, SK.

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Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds


FOUR 10,000 BUSHEL crop circles. 403-635-4911, Picture Butte, AB.


S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 O lds O ffice 403-586-0311 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822


NEW AND USED grain baggers and extractors available for sale or rent. Call Mike at 306-934-1414, Warman, SK.

4,000 - 40,000


OLD INVENTORY BLOW-OUT- Twister old stock, dissembled: (1) 22-6 steel floor, 6570 bu. bin, 1 left! $10,500; (1) 22-8 steel floor, 8545 bu. bin, 1 left! $13,399; (1) 22-6 flat bottom 6570 bu. bin, 1 left! Great deal, only $8199 w/free use of bin crane. Set up/delivery extra. Can be set up immediately. Call Flaman Sales, Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626.


Y End Panels Y Many fabric options available Y Main Covers Y Various colours Y Door Panels Y Flame retardant

$ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H I G H TEN S I LE R OOFI N G & S I D I N G $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ AS K ABO UT O $UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT 0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/SAKUNDIAK BINS. Book now for best prices. Example all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450; SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.

Shops & Pole Sheds Post & Stick Frame Building Riding Arenas D airy, H og, & C hicken Barns

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H A R V E ST SP E C IA L S U N ST IF F E N E D G R A IN B IN P A C K A G E S 2105 BIN S - $6 ,26 5 6 000 Bu s . = $1.04/ Bu s he l 2705 BIN S - $8,975 10050 Bu s . = $.88/ Bu s he l


P R IC E IN C L U D E S G rain b in steel p kg , R em o te o p en er, Saf-t-fil le v el in dicato r, E asy access do o r w /n o tie ro d b races.



CALL 1- 866- 665- 6677 a n d sa ve $1000’s O f d o lla rs b y D EALIN G D IR EC T




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S TR AIGHT W ALL 40’ X 60’ X 16’ Rig id fra m e bu ild in g a va ila ble for s m a ll reta il ou tlets to la rg e in d u s tria l fa cilities . This s ize for on ly $29,418.

ALP INE 32 ’ X 5 0’ X 18 ’ In clu d es fra m ed op en in g for 14x14 overhea d & 4’x7’, s ervice d oor, excellen t s hop or s tora g e bu ild in g , com es w ith fou n d a tion d ra w in g s & m a n u a ls , d elivered to m os ta rea s . O n ly $15,500.



REN N M ill Cen ter In c.


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WESTEEL EXTENSION PARTS for 14’ and 19’ standard corrugation bins. All new parts. In stock and competitive pricing. Willwood Industries 1-866-781-9560. Get details and prices at: www.willwood.ca STEEL GRAIN 3700 bu., bins w/wood floors; 1 wood hopper bin. $3700/bin. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, SK. Email: bforge@sasktel.net

TEMPORARY GRAIN BINS, selected 3/8” fir plywood with all holes drilled. Wood sizes from 1750 bu., $431 to 11,700 bu., $852 including hardware. All sizes in stock. All rings 4’ high. Best quality avail. Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps available for all sizes. All tarps in stock. Complete packages include freight to any major point in Western Canada. Overnight delivery to most major points in Western Canada. Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. For pricing, details, pics: www.willwood.ca



S ecu re yo u rs w ith s m a ll d ep o s it.

Ca ll K evin o r Ro n

BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. STEEL BINS: 3- 1350 bu., $500 ea; 21650 bu., $1000 ea; 1- 2000 bu., $1500. Neil 306-554-2009 days, 306-554-2043 eves., Wynyard, SK.



1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46


w w w .yo un gs e quipm e n t.co m

• 8 FT long • Steel tubing • Sample 8 ft. of the bin with one probe • Sufficient capacity for a testable sample • One probe gives test sample • Light and easy to handle • Delivery can be arranged • Tried and tested


N ew Pr od uc t

**EASY**FAST **INEXPENSIVE Dealer Inquires Welcome


Machine & Products Ltd.


LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK.

2502 Millar Ave Saskatoon, SK Phone:1 -877-255-0187

Grain Bin Direct

GRAIN BAGGER, 2008 Mainero Model 2230, 9’, hopper extension. Call for details, 306-287-8062, Watson, SK. TWO BUTLER BINS, 1350 bushel, wood floor, fair condition, $1000/ea or $1500 for both. 306-763-1047, Bankend, SK.

Factory To Farm Grain Storage Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters Temp Cables Authorized Dealer

Saskatoon, SK

Phone: 306-373-4919 grainbindirect.com

GRAIN BINS: 3500 bu. Behlen bin/hopper combo, 10 leg hopper and skid, roof and side ladder, safety fill, constructed, $10,195 FOB Regina, SK. Leasing available. Peterson Construction 306-789-2444. CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz TWISTER BINS- 18’ to 21’ diameter hopper bin, on welded cones. Available for immediate set up. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626 or Prince Albert 1-888-352-6267 or www.flaman.com


GRAIN BAG EXTRACTORS- 9108 grain extractors for sale starting at $14,900. Reengineered auger drill, field ready! Visit 2007 BANDIT LIQUID caddy, 1750 gallon. y o u r n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e o r c a l l One year old John Blue pump w/2” Honda pump, like new. Ph Patrick 306-638-3177, 1-888-435-2626. Chamberlain, SK.


14’Hopper 8 Leg H/Duty ..............$2,4 50 14’Hopper 7 Leg S/Duty ..............$2,325 SKID BASE & AERAT IO N EX T RA C HARG E



20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. www.magnatesteel.com USED SEA/STEEL Storage Containers for sale. 20’, 40’, 40’ HC, 48’ HC, etc. Guaranteed wind, water and rodent proof. Ask about modifications and accessories for your container (ramps, electrical kits, new paint, etc.) Call Bond Industrial Direct, 306-373-2236, 306-221-9630, Saskatoon, SK. joe@bondind.com www.bondind.com 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. www.g-airservices.ca 306-933-0436.

This is m y BiggestS a le o f the Y ea r. Check ito u t! Pro d u cta n d crew s a va ila b le n o w fo rfa llw o rk.

C a ll BERT S a les Inc . (306) 664- 2378 NOW ON!

• Fla tBo tto m & Ho ppe rG ra in Bin Te c hn o lo gy • M o s tOptio n s Are S ta n d a rd Equ ipm e n tOn Ou rBin s !

& S a ve!


AFFORDABL E AL L S TEEL L IQUID FERTIL IZER TAN K S . Ava ila b le in Cu s to m s izes u p to 122,000 ga llo n ca pa city. FLOORS AVAILAB LE AT THES E P ARTICIP ATING CO-OP RETAILS

Pio n eerCo -o p S w iftCu rren t|Tu rtlefo rd |Ha ffo rd S hellb ro o k |Prin ce Alb ert|L a n d is Ro s eto w n |Tu ga s k e |S o u thla n d Co -o p As s in ib o ia M ed icin e Ha t|Dru m heller|V ird en



40’ STORAGE UNITS, solid, all steel, rodent and weatherproof storage container with lockable double doors and natural air vents, offers instant storage and ground level access, highly secure. Ideal for storage of farm equip., commercial and industrial goods. Will deliver. 1-866-676-6686. www.containeraccess.com 40’ STANDARD SEA CONTAINERS for sale, guaranteed wind, water and rodent proof. Five in stock for $3650. Ph Bond Industrial Direct Incorporated today while supply lasts. 306-373-2236, 306-221-9630, Saskatoon, SK. email: joe@bondind.com

FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gallon tanks avail. Contact your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 to 9 ton, 10 ton tender $2500. 1-866-938-8537 www.zettlerfarmequipment.com

AUGERS: NEW and USED. Wheatheart, Westfield, Sakundiak augers, Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. New and used. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666.

FULL-BIN SUPER SENSOR Never Clim b A B in A ga in

Equip yo ur a uge r to s e n s e w h e n th e b in is full. 2 ye a r w a rra n ty. Ca ll Brow n le e s Truckin g In c. Un ity, SK

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98 w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m

NEW “R” SERIES Wheatheart Augers: R 8x41, 27 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,075, sale $12,250; R 8x51, 30 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,907, sale $12,750; R 10x41, 35 HP Vanguard, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $15,530, sale $13,240. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l 306-757-2828, Regina, SK.

REPLACEMENT FLIGHTING FOR augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.

Rosetown Flighting Supply 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK

L EA S IN G A V A IL A B L E S a s k a tchew a n /Alb erta 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 S tettler, AB 1-78 0-8 72-49 43 “ The Pea ce Co u n try” 1-8 77-6 9 7-7444 o r1-775-770-49 44 S o u th/Ea s tS a s k a tchew a n , M a n ito b a & U.S .A., 1-306 -224-208 8

s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca

w w w .jtlindustries.ca N E IL BU RG, S AS K ATCH E W AN

DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, www.zettlerfarmequipment.com or call 204-857-8403.



1 800 667 8800

www.nuvisionindustries.ca 1385 FARM KING auger, 2009, hyd. mover and winch, steering, exc. cond., $13,000 OBO. 204-871-1175, MacGregor, MB.

KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346 KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346.

HART UNIFLOW 32 PK-4 indent w/aspirator; Silverline AS-10T air and screen dust collection system; hyd. drive, variable spd. augers and conveyor legs; Katolight 40kW genset, 3 phase electric motors, 110V plug-ins, fully self-contained, 300-500 bu/hr., screens for wheat, barley, oats, peas, canary. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK.

1 800 667 8800

USED AUGERS- Check out our selection of used augers, like this 10”x41’ Wheatheart auger with 35 HP gas engine for $11,400. Ph Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626.

TO S ER VE YOU BETTER N OW M AN UFAC TUR IN G FLOOR S AT N EILBUR G & W IN D TH OR S T, S K AS W ELL AS S TETTLER , AB • Re pla c e yo u ro ld flo o rs a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u s he ls c a pa c ity to yo u r e xis tin g b in s . • No m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . Ou rpa te n te d JTL d o o r is gu a ra n te e d to m a ke yo u s m ile e ve rytim e yo u u s e it!




TWIN 1000 NH3 tanks, mounted on lowprofile cart. Recent safetied, $12,500 firm. 780-842-8917, 780-755-2280 Edgerton AB

P OS T H AR VES T “ S P EC IALS B ook Tod a y




LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction 20’ AND 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, FOUR 2911 BU. Behlen bins for sale. 306-781-2600. 306-788-4501, Marquis, SK. 2008 CASE 4020, 330 HP, auto, 70’ flex air, 2000 hrs., reduced to $168,000; 2006 LoPOLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 ral 6300 w/DT 570 auto, AirMax 1000 bed, bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer 2200 hrs., $126,000; 2005 Loral, w/large Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. Cat motor, auto, AirMax 1000, 2600 hrs., $104,000; 4x4 1999 Loral, AirMax 5 bed, hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com $71,000; 1999 Loral, w/AirMax 5 bed, hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com 5700 hrs, $51,000; 1999 AgChem, 70’ hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com booms, $68,000; 1997 AgChem, 70’ MERIDIAN GRAIN MAX 4000 and 5300 booms, $38,000; 1996 Loral AirMax 5 bed bu. bins are in stock and ready for immediw/chemical bins, 8700 hrs., $36,500; 1996 ate delivery. See your nearest Flaman Mertz 2 bin w/chemical bins, $37,000; store today or call 306-934-2121, or visit 2001 Case 3 wheeler, 70’ booms, $67,000; www.flaman.com BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new 1994 GMC w/new leader 2020 bed, $34,500; 16 ton Tyler tender w/back aua n d u s e d s e a c o n t a i n e r s , a l l s i z e s . CUSTOM BIN MOVING SASK. ONLY. ger, $9500; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender Up to 21’ diameter. www.1240rednex.com 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. with scale, 40 HP, new auger, $18,500; 5 306-220-7915, Marty, Blaine Lake, SK. SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’- ton Tyler blender, 40 HP, $7500; 10 pro53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For pane trucks in test date with 2800-3000 inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, gal. tanks, w/hose reels, pumps and meSaskatoon, SK, thecontainerguy.ca ters from $26,000 to $33,000. Northwest largest used selection of fertilizer equipment. 406-466-5356, Choteau, MT. For more equipment and photos view www.fertilizerequipment.net

Fla tflo o ra n d ho pperb in s, A era tio n Fa n s, G ra in Dryers, B u cketEleva to rs, Co n veyo rs

PORTABLE GRAIN CLEANING SYSTEM. Clipper Super 298DH, SN 30433 and Carter SA 5, SN 182, mounted on a Prairie gooseneck tandem trailer (1991) and 1973 Chevrolet C60 truck with Kohler generator for portable power. Also have Clipper 248BD mill SN 22155, very nice condition. Call for more info 701-862-3113, ask for John or Gary. Can email pics. Parshall, ND. FOREVER, 2 IDEAL indents, new roll shell #20, hyd. augers, over 20 screens, Cart Day aspirator, timed auger for grain input, 220 elec. motors, on semi trailer, fully self contained, 200 bu./hr., $32,500 OBO. Ph. 306-378-2904, 306-831-7668, Elrose, SK.


HOPPER BINS FOR SALE. 2700, 3300, 3500, and 4200 bu. bins, some epoxy lined, all with skids. Grant 306-746-7336, 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, Semans, SK

w w w .Ca llBertF orSu ku p.c om Check O u tO u rCu rren tS a le Flyer


USED BATCO 1545FL conveyor w/30 HP SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available eng., $13,500. Flaman Sales in Saskatoon with self-propelled mover kits and bin 1-888-435-2626, or visit www.flaman.com sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and NEW DESIGN! Wheatheart’s new R series auger is faster and stronger. Improved leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. features include: higher capacity, larger BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” bearings and a smooth, quiet operation. and 10” end units available; Transfer con- Come see this new auger at your nearest veyors and bag conveyors or will custom Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. www.masterindustries.ca Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK.

USED SEED CLEANERS: Crippen 688 air screen 400 bu. per hr., $25,000; Bisco B8 Indent 400 bu. per hour, $12,000; LMC Model 401 gravity, 100 bu. per hour, $8000; Clipper 668 air screen, $25,000; Carter 6 roll grader $3000; Superior T4A 45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader Indent 300 bu. per hour, $3500; Northland 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 Trommel Dockage cleaner, $1200. Steven bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. 800-667-6924, Saskatoon, SK. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your GOT ERGOT? Flaman Grain Cleaning has n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e o r c a l l Satake colour sorters in stock now to help 1-888-435-2626. you combat unwanted grain like degrading S A K U N D I A K H A R V E S T C A S H - I N ergot. With capacities ranging from 10 to EVENT: $1000 rebate on new swingaway 30 tonne/hr., we have a sorter for you. augers. Used 12”x72’ Sakundiak SLM/D, Call 1-888-435-2626 today for pricing, or $14,900; One 2008 12”x78’ Sakundiak to book an appointment for a demo. SLM/D, $15,900; Convey-All conveyors www.flamangraincleaning.com available. All units have leasing options. Call Dale, Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd. 688 CRIPPEN Cleaner w/1 set of screens, 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299, Davidson, 3 air separations; Separately #90 Forsberg gravity table, w/2 decks; Universal P leg, SK, www.mainwayfarmequipment.ca 25’ long. 701-547-3742, Fessenden, ND. REMOTE CONTROL SWING AUGER MOVERS; Endgate and hoist systems; CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of Trailer chute openers; Wireless full bin commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services alarms; Digital wireless cameras; Portable 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. combine. Doing it right... keeping you safe... by remote control. Call Brehon Agri- USED SORTEX Colour Sorter for sale. 90000 series bio-chromatic. Machine cursystems at: 306-933-2633, Saskatoon, SK. rently has 2 chutes, capable of expansion 2001 SPRA-AIRE AUGER Model #4061, with a third, c/w laptop for programming. complete, excellent working order, asking $39,000. www.flamangraincleaning.com $ 5 9 0 0 O B O. C a n d e l i ve r. C a l l We s C a l l F l a m a n G r a i n C l e a n i n g t o d ay. 403-936-5572 anytime, Calgary, AB. 1-888-435-2626. CALL MINIC IND. for all your bucket elevator, screw/drag and belt conveyor parts and accessories. We specialize in stainless steel and mild steel for your new equipNEW HEADING! Place your ad in the ment quotation requirements. Call Chris at Western Producer Classifieds. Our ex- 204-339-1941, Winnipeg, MB. perienced staff are waiting to help you. OFFERING FOR SALE: one Cimbria Delta Call 1-800-667-7770 today! model 108 super cleaner, right hand model with centre clean product discharge, purchased new in 2000, has seen approxi2012 BRENT 1082, 1000 bu. plus, 900 mately 15 million bushels but well mainmetrics, 20” auger, hyd. spout, tarp, PTO. tained, unit to be sold as is where located Used for one canola field, like brand new, at the Three Hills Seed Plant with shipping must sell. 306-338-8078, Quill Lake, SK. the responsibility of the purchaser. Asking 2 0 1 0 J & M 8 7 5 g r a i n c a r t . Au c t i o n , $35,000 OBO. For more information please Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, SK. Bruce contact Greg Andrews at 403-443-5464, Schapansky Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488, Three Hills, AB. www.schapansky.com DL #912715. COMPLETE LINE OF CLEANING EQUIP6500 UNVERFERTH, exc. cond., $12,900. MENT w/holding tanks. Can clean: alfalfa, 700 A&L grain cart, hyd. drive, good sweet clover, red clover, Timothy, caraway cond., $11,900; 472 Brent, exc. cond., seed, buckwheat, all cereal grains, peas, $11,700. 204-529-2091, 204-529-2046, lentils. All in exc. cond., can be moved. Cartwright, MB. Will help remove. $55,000 OBO complete N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , unit. Call 780-645-2341, St. Paul, AB. $7,100; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection KWIK KLEEN grain cleaner Model 572, used gravity wagons 250-750 bu. Used hyd. drive, 1 set of slotted screens, grain carts 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537, 3/4”x3/16”, $5500 OBO. 403-588-2936. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com Vegreville, AB. 2009 BRENT 1194 grain cart, 20.8x38 tires, tandem walking axle, tarp, non cus- DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, tom machines, exc. cond., $54,000 OBO. great for pulse crops, best selection in L l oy d S p r o u l e , P i n c h e r C r e e k , A B . Western Canada. Phone 306-259-4923 or 306-946-7923, Young, SK. 403-627-7363 or 403-627-2764. 2012 BRENT 1194, 1100 bu., scale, tarp, WANTED: SEED CLEANING equipment, walking tandem, like new. 780-603-7640, 200/400 bu. per hr. screen and indents. Bruce, AB. 204-776-2047, 204-534-7458, Minto, MB. 2000 KINZIE 840, large 1000 PTO, good shape, easily handled by 130 HP tractor. $20,000. 403-698-6186, Calgary, AB. TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Kinze grain cart. New advanced grain cart design, low profile, 750 bu/min. unload capacity, 900, 1100, 1300, 1500 bu., horizontal/vertical auger adjust., tracks and wheels. Regina, SK. 306-586-1603. www.tristarfarms.com USED GRAIN CARTS: 450-1050 bushel. Large selection. Excellent prices. New and used gravity wagons. 1-866-938-8537. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com 2008 BALZAR grain cart, 1500 bu capacity, with 26” auger, $65,000. Ph Flaman Sales GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince in Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121 or Albert, SK., 1-888-708-3739. For all your grain drying needs! www.glenmor.cc We 1-888-435-2626. are the GT grain dryer parts distributor.


S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.

FARM KING AUGERS, 13x70 and 10x70. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales P h o n e C a m - D o n M o t o r s L t d . , and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS: Hawes SP kits and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and diesel. Call Brian “The Auger Guy” 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. BATCO 2085 SWING conveyor, totally refurbished, ready to go. Reduced to GRAIN AUGER: 60’X10”, PTO, works well. Phone 780-753-6498, Provost, AB. $29,900. 306-726-4403, Southey, SK

WANTED TO RENT: smaller mobile seed cleaner (100-200 bu./hr), w/European equip if possible. 780-662-2617 Tofield AB WANTED: 100 BU/hr., Gjesdal 5 in 1 grain cleaner, in decent shape, screens and if possible on a trailer. Call 306-547-8337 anytime, Preeceville, SK. KIPP KELLY 300 gravity table, 7-1/2 HP motor, $5000; 22 SG Uniflo less aspirator plus extra roll, great for parts $1500. MacDonald, MB. 204-274-2727, 204-856-9617. CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK.

SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS. Largest and quietest single phase dryer in the industry. CSA approved. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. Moridge parts also avail. Grant Services Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK. NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price savings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . 204-242-3300, www.fvoth.com SUPERB SQ20D dryer, single phase, continuous flow or automated batch, high capacity, quiet fan, CSA approved, 405 bu., demo, 87 hrs., $65,000. 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK.



NEW SUKUP GRAIN dryers, propane, natural gas, canola screens, 1 or 3 phase. In stock and available for immediate delivery; a l s o s o m e u s e d d r y e r s av a i l a b l e . 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB.

LARGEST SUPPLIER of bucket elevator buckets and accessories in Western Canada. Call Sever’s Mechanical Services at 1-800-665-0847, Winnipeg, MB. For all 2002 CASE LBX 431S big square baler, 3x4 your bucket elevator upgrades and re- bales, $30,000. Phone 780-674-6096, placement buckets. 780-674-8105, Barrhead, AB. CONVEY YOUR GRAIN with a bucket ele- NH 660, $6900; 855, $2900; New Idea vator from Flaman Grain Cleaning today. 486, $2300; JD 510, $2900. Call Pro Ag Large selection of belts, buckets, and ac- Sales, 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. cessories in stock. Service crews available NH 650 AUTO-WRAP round baler, vg cond; for booking. Call 1-888-435-2626 or visit 1976 NH 1049 SP square bale picker, alwww.flamangraincleaning.com ways shedded. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin MB ALUMINUM SIDING FOR- grain elevators called Manitoba Siding. Call 204-835-2493 or 204-647-2493. Fax 204-835-2494, McCreary, MB. ELEVATOR IN LAMPMAN, SK. 150,000 bu., 2 steel legs, grain cleaner, pea cleaner, 50’ scale, active rail line. 306-487-7993.

CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. 2012 MORRIS 1400 bale wagons in stock. www.starlinesales.biz Lease for only $2983. semi-annual OAC. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1998 JOHN DEERE 566 baler, always shedded. 780-336-2224, Viking, AB.



1996 MF 220, 26’ DSA (1999), Schumacher drive, UII, new front tires, canvas, guards 2 yrs. ago, 2060 hrs, $30,000. 780-608-9297, Rosalind, AB. 330 VERSATILE 18’ SP swather, runs good, $1000 OBO; 25’ NH PT swather, $1000 BALE SPEARS, high quality imported OBO. 306-944-4572, Viscount, SK. from Italy, 27� and 49�, free shipping, ex- 2000 CASE/IH 8825 HP 25’, DSA, c e l l e n t p r i c i n g . C a l l n o w t o l l f r e e weights, rear hitch, Keer-Shear, UII PU 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. reel, excellent condition. 306-283-4747, HAUKAAS QP10 BALE hauler- quick and 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. gentle, move 1000 bales a day. Field ready at $21,900. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon today 1-888-435-2626.


HAUSER ROUND BALE TRANSPORTS, 7-17 bales, side unloading, starting at $6500. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. 1-888-939-4444, www.hausers.ca 2009 NH BR7090 baler, 5500 bales, autowrap, wide PU, new belts and bearings, $20,000. 306-442-4705, Pangman, SK.


M150 PREMIER 2009, 259 header hrs., big tires, hyd. tilt, hyd. lift swath roller, 35’ D60S MacDon 2009, PU reel, transport kit, $104,000; CA20 JD adapter for above., $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 o r, b o t h f o r $ 1 1 4 , 0 0 0 . 306-923-2221, Torquay, SK. 2005 JD 4895, two swathers w/approx. 800 header hrs., 30’ HoneyBee headers, c/w attached free form roller. Very clean. $65,000. 204-523-3340, Killarney, MB. 2011 CIH WD 1203 36’ $119,000; 2010 IH 1203 36’, $106,000; CIH 736, 36’, PT, $1500 as is; Hesston 8100 25’ $26,000; Prairie Star (MD) 4930, 30’, $49,900; Prarie Star (MD) 4930 30’, $48,900; MacDon H.Pro 8152i 36’, $79,900. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2008 MF 9430, 30’. Auction, Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488. DL 912715. www.schapansky.com MACDON PRAIRIE STAR 4952 w/25’ 972 header, double knife, hyd. deck shift, 1250 engine hrs., 1050 cutting hrs., good cond., $63,000 OBO. Call Mike 780-777-5364, Leduc, AB. mike.ohlmann@gmail.com 2005 PRAIRIESTAR 4940, c/w 30’ 972, double knive, header transport, only 400 hrs, $79,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

USED HAUKAAS Quick Pick Bale Carts. Callbert Sales Inc., 306-664-2378, Saskatoon, SK. NEW IDEA 4865 round baler, no dents or welds, good belts and tires, $3750 OBO: Hesston 5500 round baler, $1000 OBO 306-681-7610, 306-395-2668, Chaplin, SK. BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444. 2004 HIGHLINE 1400 BALE WAGON, self-loading/unloading, carries 14 large round bales, $17,000 OBO or take bred cows/ heifers on trade. Ph 306-258-4615, 306-381-4286, St. Denis, SK. 1998 HESSTON 4910 sq. baler c/w 1000 PTO, good cond., $17,500 OBO. Muenster, SK. 306-682-4520, 306-231-7318.

LEASE A NEW HAUKAAS Quick Pick Bale Cart now. Don’t pay ‘till the cows come home! Callbert Sales Inc., 306-664-2378, Saskatoon, SK.

415 NH DISCBINE, good condition, $6500. 403-650-8369, Longview, AB.

2007 MACDON PREMIER 2952, 30’, 580 660 NH ROUND BALER, good condition, hrs, 972 header, dbl. knife drive, exc., $6000. 403-650-8369, Longview, AB. $89,500. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB.

1682 PT, IH PU, good rubber, operating condition, $6000 OBO. 306-699-2214, Qu’Appelle, SK. SELLING USED COMBINE parts off IHC 1480. Call J M Salvage, 204-773-2536, Russell, MB. 1998 2388, HOPPER TOPPER, specialty rotor, 2015 PU head, one owner, stored inside, 2950 rotor hrs., $55,000 OBO. Phone 306-628-8020, Prelate, SK. 2003 2388 CASE/IH w/2016 header, $135,000; 2010 8120 Case/IH, duals, 2016 header, 250 hrs, $314,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. 2001 CIH 2388, 2360 sep. hrs., hopper top, AFX rotor, Swathmaster PU, excellent condition, $82,500 OBO. 204-523-7469, 204-534-8115, Killarney, MB. 1987 CASE 1680, 4500 hrs., air flow sieve, field ready, $17,000 OBO. 403-934-8449, 403-934-7858, Rockyford, AB. PROBLEMS W/SPLINE DRIVE ON HYDRO We can save big $$. We have new lubricated and hardened couplers and improved pump input spline shafts. All combines from 1440 thru 2388 have this problem. Call Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca IF YOU OWN a 1688/2188/2388 you should know we have forward direction hydro hose improved assembly. Big $$ saving- our price $399.24, represents $400 saving and it’s a better hose assembly. Call Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca 1996 CIH 2166, specialty rotor, internal chopper, 1900 threshing hours., with 1015 PU header, annual dealer inspections, $65,000. 306-640-7915, Assiniboia, SK. 2- 2009 CASE 8120, approx. 1300 eng. hrs., 1100 sep. hrs., duals, lateral tilt, ext. wear rotors, electric mirrors, fine cut chopper, 3016 PU. $215,000 per machine. Call Aaron 403-485-8327, Champion, AB. 1997 CIH 2188, 2746 sep. hrs., auto HHC, chopper, chaff spreader, rock trap, long auger, top ext., 1015 PU header or RakeUp PU, exc. cond., field ready, $39,500 or $ 3 7 , 0 0 0 w i t h o u t h e a d e r. F i n a n c i n g available. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. NOW IS THE TIME to check the hydro pump drive hub and splined input shaft. We have lubricated splined drive hubs for all models 1440 thru 2388. Exchange reman and tested hydros in stock. Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca

2009 CHALLENGER SP115C 30’ swather, 869 hrs., Roto-Shears, crop lifters, reel, fore/aft, exc. cond., $85,000 OBO. Call 204-529-2106, Cartwright, MB. JD 4890 30’ HoneyBee SP30 header, RotoShear, exc. cond., $47,500. Financing available. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 2320 JD 21’ w/MacDon PU reels, cab, air, 1660 1987, 4100 hrs, 1015 Melroe PU heater, radio, gas motor, good cond., header, stored inside, field ready, specialty $5000. Call 306-835-2285, Punnichy, SK. rotor, well maintained, $12,500 OBO. Ph. 1998 PREMIER 1900 30’ PT SWATHER, 306-378-2904, 306-831-7668, Elrose, SK. w/PU reels, c/w hitch spring assist, exc. 2006 CASE 8010 AFX, 1084 threshing c o n d . , $ 4 5 0 0 ; 1 9 8 9 J D 2 3 6 0 3 0 ’ hrs., 2016 header with lateral tilt, tank SWATHER, w/PU reel, diesel engine, exc. ext., pro 600, Y&M, fine cut chopper, HID cond., $18,500. 204-746-2573, Morris, MB. lights, all upgrades, nice shape, $180,000. MACDON 9300, 3000 hours, 14’ haybine 403-638-0660, Olds, AB. header, very good condition, $25,000, fi- 2006 2388 AFX, c/w 2010 35’ 2020 flex nancing avail 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. header, header transport, $180,000 pkg. 2008 MASSEY 9225 SP swather, 25’ DS Both in excellent cond., More info ph 5200 header, 430 hrs, deluxe cab with 306-678-4506, 403-928-2607, Hazlet, SK. buddy seat, AC, CD, roller hitch, shedded, mint, has only cut canola, $68,900. 403-526-1288, Medicine Hat, AB. 2006 CAT LEXION 590, 832 sep. hrs., inRETIRING: 2005 MF 9420, 770 hrs, 25’, s p e c t e d , $ 1 6 5 , 0 0 0 . 2 0 4 - 6 3 2 - 5 3 3 4 , PU reel, gauge wheels, Roto-Shears, triple 204-981-4291, Winnipeg, MB. del., $63,000. 780-777-4153, Fort Sask, AB 2003 CHALLENGER 660 combine w/1660 sep. hrs., PU head and 30’ flex head available, $22,000 spent this year, shedMILLER PRO SET 1150 and 2150 rotary ded and field ready. Fraser Farms Ltd., rake, $10,000. Phone 306-225-4678, cell Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0475. 306-232-3462, Hague, SK. MOST OF YOUR HYDRAULIC hoses are 2003 MORRIS 1400 hay hiker, $16,500. metric. We have the best metric hydraulic hose program in the industry. Hydratec Phone 306-463-3631, Kindersley, SK. Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. 2005 BOURGAULT 1650 bale wagon, www.hydratec.ca holds 16 round bales, $22,000. Phone: NEED HYDROSTATIC TRANS. UNITS. 403-588-1146, Blackfalds, AB. Pump and motors in stock. Call us with 1987 NH 358 mixmill, exc. cond., asking your name plate info. Hydratec Hydraulics $5000. Reasonable offers considered. St. 1-800-667-7712, www.hydratec.ca Pe t e r ’ s A b b ey F a r m , M u e n s t e r, S K . 306-682-1789, 306-231-7040. 1995 New Idea 4665 baler, $6500; MF MacDon 36’ swather, $2500. Contact 2002 TR99, 2025 eng., 1575 sep. hours, Redekop chopper, long auger, dual rotor 306-969-4701, Minton, SK. speed, $88,000 OBO. Ph 780-608-4387, Daysland, AB. or ntspiller@gmail.com 2001 NH TR99, 2022 eng. hrs, hopper topper, chaff spreader, stored indoors, 14’ PU, long auger. 30’ straight cut header available separately. 204-479-6665, St. Francois Xavier, MB. REDEKOPP MAV chopper assembly for NH 2 0 0 5 C I H 8 0 1 0 , 4 WD, front tires TR9 series combine, 2008 model, exc. 1250-45-32 means 45� wide, rear tires cond., $6500. Call 204-766-2643. 28Lx26 means 28� wide, apparently will go 2004 CR960, 1335 thresher hours, always as far as a track machine, 4 spd. hyd. shedded, $50,000 work order, price trans., straw chopper and spreaders, Pro $122,000. 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK. 600 monitor, bin ext., 2630 hrs, c/w 2052 30’ draper header, $165,000. Can email 2006 CX860, 1450 hrs., $126,500; 2005 pictures. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. CX860, 1500 hrs., $117,500. Both good CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes condition and field ready. 780-672-7340, and models. Call the combine superstore. 780-878-1479, Camrose, AB. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. 1992 TR96, FORD motor, 2231 threshing Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. hrs., new tires, many new parts, vg cond., 2008 CASE 2588, 2015 PU, 478/594 $25,000 or trade on bred cows, heifers or hrs., yield and moisture, Pro 600 monitor, heifer calves. 306-863-4177, Star City, SK. rice tires, heavy soil machine, $180,000 1998 TR98, 1550 threshing hrs., rebuilt open to offers. Phone 204-981-5366, rotors, new concaves, new feeder chain 204-735-2886, Starbuck, MB. and sprockets, long auger, electronic stone REDUCED 2011 9120, duals, $310,000; t r a p , s h e d d e d . 7 8 0 - 3 5 2 - 3 1 7 9 , 2009 9120 Magna cut, $255,000; 2009 780-361-6879, Wetaskiwin, A.B 8120, $262,000; 2009 8120, 347 hrs, $267,000; 2008 8010, $218,000; 2006 8010 topper, $192,000; 2388 AFX, Y&M, topper, $109,000; 2388 hopper ext. $95,000; 2388 AFX, $110,000; 2002 2388 AFX, $94,000; 1982 IH 1480, $9900; 1984 1480, hyd., reverser, 210 HP, $10,900. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 1993 CIH 1688, new AFX rotor, rock trap, long auger, hopper ext., chopper, Redekop chopper, exc. cond., $27,500 or $22,500 2003 CR960, 1600 threshing hrs., comwithout Redekop; CIH 1688, chopper, long plete overhaul by New Holland Jan. 2012, auger, needs some repair, $12,500. mint cond., never seen a rain drop. Retiring 780-753-0711, Macklin, SK. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK.

1998 R62, 1277 hrs., large rubber, heavy planataries, Victory PU, 30’ straight table, PU and batt reels, header transport, $79,000. Quit farming. 306-842-0646, Weyburn, SK. Email nastfarm@sasktel.net 1998 R62 W/PU, 2700 separator hours, original owner, $57,000 recent work order, exc. cond., $49,000; Also 30’ rigid and 24’ flex headers. 306-948-9870, Biggar, SK. GLEANER BALDWIN “E� combine with new hyd. pump and new replacement knives. 306-962-4491, 306-463-8362, Eston, SK. R62 GLEANER 1953 sep hrs., Swathmaster PU, solid rotor, lowered feeder house, all new feeder chains and sep. components at 1700 hrs., all work done by JL’s Mobile. $55,000 OBO. 780-806-9993, Irma, AB. 1995 HONEYBEE 30’ header, Gleaner adaptor, pea auger, UII PU reel, new knife, rebuilt wobble box, new canvasses, vg cond., $19,900 OBO. 306-948-9870, Handel, SK.

‘91 JD 9600, 2 spd. cyl., FC chopper, hopper ext’n., w/ 914 header, $39,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 1986 JD 7721 combine, air foil sieve, straw chopper, always shedded. Call: 780-336-2224, Viking, AB.

2007 JD 9660WTS, only 528 sep. hrs., auto header height control, auto reel speed control, hyd. fore/aft, grain loss monitor, rock trap, 21’6� unloading auger, GLEANER R72, 1837 engine hrs, shedded, hopper topper. Just been Greenlighted! PU header and 24’ straight cut header. Call Excellent shape! $169,900. Call Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. Barry 780-632-9756, Vegreville, AB. JD 7720, TURBO combine, JD 925 header, 25’, JD 214 7 belt PU, chaff spreader, exc. $20,000. 306-961-4200, Prince Albert, SK. 2004 JD 9760 STS, c/w 2005 Precision PU, duals, high capacity unloading auger 1996 JOHN DEERE 9600, 1704 sep. hrs., with extension for wider straight cut head- shedded, $65,000. Phone 306-398-7790, ers, Y&M, hopper topper. Greenlighted Cut Knife, SK. every season, 2352 eng., 1664 sep. Great shape! $136,500 OBO. 306-743-7657 or 2001 9650 STS, 914 PU, 1405 sep. hrs., Howard concaves, new thrashing ele306-743-7679, Langenburg, SK. ments, Greenlighted every year, more op2008 9870, 800/70R38, 28L26, Big Top, tions, exc. cond., $105,000 OBO. For more Contour-Master, MacDon PU, $205,000; d e t a i l s c a l l c e l l : 3 0 6 - 8 4 3 - 7 3 1 4 o r 2005 9760, 800/70R38, MacDon PU 306-843-2294 home, Wilkie, SK. $105,000. 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. 2010 JD 9770 STS, 430 hrs., Pro Drives, 2006 JD 9760 STS, 1480 hrs., Perfor- Contour-Master w/Hi-Torque reverser, maxed, $32,000 workorder w/615 PU, 20.8x42 duals, Maurer extension, chopper, $234,500 US; 2009 JD 9770 STS, 543 800-38 rubber, 780-221-3980 Leduc, AB. hrs., Premier Cab, Contour-Master w/HiTHREE 1987 JD 8820, 914 PU header, long Torque reverser, 20.8x42 duals, JD extenaugers, yearly inspection records by for- s i o n , c h o p p e r, $ 2 1 4 , 5 0 0 U S . C a l l mer JD mechanic, very well maint, exc. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. running cond. 306-937-2857, Battleford SK www.ms-diversified.com 2007 JD 9860 STS, $149,500, 914P PU, long auger, bullet rotor, 1270 sep. hrs., Y&M, harvestsmart, touch set, powertrain 2010 JD 9770, GPS, Contour-Master, 560 warranty. 306-923-2277, Torquay, SK. hrs., exc. cond., $270,000; 2007 D936 straight cut header, $35,000. Or both 1987 JD 7721 Titan II PT, mint shape c/w older 7721 for parts, new parts as well. $300,000. 403-371-7100, Dalemead, AB. Phone 306-662-3312, Maple Creek, SK. 9600 JD, 2300 sep. hours, very clean, asking $50,000. interest free until July, 2013. JD 9610, c/w PU header, dual range, preContact David or John at 306-445-9897, mium cond., shedded, low hrs, $91,000 306-441-6882 or, 306-441-8617, North OBO. 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. Battleford, SK. THREE 1998 JD 9610’s, one very low hrs. 2- 2009 JD 9770 STS, 539 and 506 hrs., Call for more information on all three Contour-Masters w/Hi-Torque reversers, combines. 306-937-2857, Battleford, SK. 20.8x42 duals, bin extensions, choppers, REDUCED 2008 JD 9870 STS, duals, $205,000 ea. US. www.ms-diversified.com $239,000; JD 9600 CTS, $55,000. Call Her320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. gott Farm Equipment your Case/IH DealNOW LOOKING FOR 2013: JD 9500 or er, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 9510 combine, low sep. and engine hours. THEY DIDN’T WANT us to get our hands 306-243-4322, Macrorie, SK. on cores to remanufacture for 9500/9600 2002 JD 9750, 2435 sep. hrs., Contour- CTS Hydro drives, but we’ve got them. We Master, duals, 914 PU, 200 hrs. on con- offer for JD from 6600 thru current CTS c a v e s , g o o d s h a p e , $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 . combines all remanufactured Hydros. All in stock and all parts. Hydratec Hydraulics 306-575-8312, Wawota, SK. 1-800-667-7712, Regina. www.hydratec.ca 2011 JD 9870, big duals, Contour-Master, ProDrive, 615 PU, 250 hrs., long auger, 1998 JD 9610 MAXIMIZER w/2550 hrs., c/w 914 PU, fine cut chopper, always hopper topper. 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. shedded, $70,000. Also available 930 flex 2004 JD 9660 STS, c/w 1312 Precision header. Call 306-843-3132, Wilkie, SK. PU, 1348 eg. hrs, 929 sep. hrs, fine cut chopper, yield/moisture, rock trap, touch 2011 JD 9870 STS, with 615P header, set, fine concave, fore/aft, Greenlighted at Premier cab, HD feed pkg., 26’ unload au1312 hrs, front tires 800-65R32, back ger, $270,000. 403-818-2816, Calgary, AB. 18.4R26, always shedded, $139,900 OBO. 2011 9870 STS, with 615P, Contour-Mas306-272-7300, Foam Lake, SK. ter, power tailboard, duals, optional 2630 2010 JD 9770, 597 sep. hrs., 615 PU, Con- Grainstar. 306-541-3838, Lewvan, SK. tour-Master, duals, HID lighting, 26’ auger. $264,000. 306-923-2221, Torquay, SK. TWO SHEDDED and field ready JD 9600 combines: 1996 w/3000 sep. hrs.; 1997 w/3520 sep. hrs. $85,000 spent on Greenlight in last two yrs. Also pickup heads, 36’ Honey Bee headers, 30’ flex headers and chaff collectors avail. Fraser Farms Ltd., Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0240. 7720 TITAN II, rice tires, well maintained, $15,000; 4700 VERSATILE SP swather, good in mud, $11,000. 1-866-507-3369, 204-735-2313. 2005 9860, BULLET rotor, 1190 sep. hrs., c/w 615 PU; 2003 9750 STS, 2100 sep. h r s . , C o n t o u r - M a s t e r, V i c t o r y P U. $114,000. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB.

1998 MF 8680, 1330 sep. hrs., 1800 eng. hours, excellent condition, $50,000. 780-632-9858, Two Hills, AB. 2009 MF 9795. Auction on Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488. DL #912715 www.schapansky.com 2004 MF 9690, 1000 eng. hrs., 688 threshing hrs., $150,000; 2009 HoneyBee header, 36’, gauge wheels and pea auger, $50,000. Both exc. shape. 306-375-7848, 306-574-4547, Lacadena, SK. MF 860, exc. cond., good rubber and belts, SN 1746-14790, Melroe PU, 3500 hrs, straw chopper, 354 Perkins turbo dsl. eng., $7500 OBO. 306-763-1047, Bankend, SK. 1984 MF 850, 372 cu. in., variable spd. trans, 1457 hrs, very clean, always shedded, 378-10 Melroe PU, field ready, $9500 OBO. 306-788-4502, Marquis, SK. SELLING USED COMBINE parts off MF 8 6 0 ’ s a n d o l d e r. J M S a l v a g e , 204-773-2536, Russell, MB.

1986 7721 TITAN II, 2 spd. cyl., Dial-AMatic header, chopper, Greenlighted 800 acres ago, tires changed, stored inside. Yo u w o n ’ t f i n d a b e t t e r o n e . P h . 780-926-1191, Kenaston, SK. 2 - 1989 JD 9600 combines, 1 - 1993 JD 9600 combine, all with or without 14’ PU. 306-882-3317, Rosetown, SK. 2- 2010 JD 9870, loaded, approx. 670 sep. hrs., duals, Michel’s covers, long augers, power tailboard. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK JETCO ENT. INC. Experienced equipment 2000 JD 9650W, only 1,457 sep. hrs., hauling and towing. AB, SK, MB. Call auto header height control, dial-a-speed, 780-888-1122, Lougheed, AB. chaff spreader, chopper, hopper topper, 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, JD 914 PU header, always shedded, excellent condition, $119,000. Call Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 2004 JD 9860, duals, chopper, loaded, 1950 sep. hrs, $140,000 US; 2004 JD 2005 LEXION F540 MaxFlex header, S/N 9860, duals, chopper, loaded, 1340 sep. 44100235, PU reel, AWS air system, LH hrs, $170,000. 701-897-0099 Garrison ND Laser pilot mast, fore/aft, contour bands, one new wobble box, vg cond., $38,500. 2007 JD 9760 STS, 1592 hrs, Premier Can deliver. 204-623-4357, The Pas, MB. Cab, Contour-Master w/Hi-Torque reverser, 20.8x42 duals, Bin extension, chopper, 2007 CAT LEXION F540 maxi flex 40’ flex $134,500 US. www.ms-diversified.com header with Crary air reel, exc. condition. 204-632-5334 204-981-4291 Winnipeg MB 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN.


2-JD 2010 640D DRAPER HEADERS. Great shape, dual PU reel, dual knife drive, factory transport kit, brand new upper cross auger kit installed in 2012, works great for straight cut canola and peas. Increase combine capacity over a 30’ or 35’ header! $58,500 OBO. 306-743-7657 or 306-743-7679, Langenburg, SK. 30’ HART CARTER new PU reel; Headsight header leveling system for NH CR, used 6 hrs. like new. 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg



RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most 2005 MACDON MD974 FLEX DRAPER makes and sizes; Also header transports. HEADER With STS hook-up, pea auger, fore/ Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, aft, new canvas, hyd tilt tansport.$39,800. SK. www.straightcutheaders.com Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800JD 635F HYDRAFLEX, poly, single series 667-4515. www.combineworld.com hookup, fore/aft, exc., $20,000 OBO. 2006 MACDON 973, 36’ cross auger, 204-981-4291 204-632-5334 Winnipeg MB fore/aft, transport, JD 60/70 adapter, 2012 DEMONSTRATOR FD70, 35’ cross au- $41,900. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., ger and transport. JD and AGCO face 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. plates available. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 2005 HONEYBEE ST-30 w/MF adapter. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. Auction, Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, 3- 2008 JD 635F hydroflex headers, full S K . B r u c e S c h ap a n s k y Au c t i o n e e r s finger auger, PU reel, fore/aft, header 1-866-873-5488, www.schapansky.com height sensors, used very little, field ready. DL #912715. 306-426-7616, Snowden, SK. 2005 JD 635F, $14,900, hydro flex, full JD 922 FLEX c/w PU reel, $7500; JD 630 finger auger, single point hookup. Header flex c/w PU reel, $21,000; MacDon 940 16’ trailer avail. 306-923-2277, Torquay, SK c/w PU reel. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB.

NEED FINAL DRIVES? JD 9400-9600/CTS/ CTS II Rebuilt, $4750; Used LHS, $3250; Used RHS, $ 2,870. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com



H ydra ulic Pa rts & D oin g H ydra ulic R e p a ir

Ca ll NODGE Firs t

Swift Current, SK

• Pic ku p Be lts & Te e th • Ele va to r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts • Fe e d e r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts • C o m b in e pa rts • C a n va s • Tra c to r Pa rts w w w .n od gem fg.c om

• S e e d Bo o ts & Tips • Air S e e d e r Ho s e • Pa c ke rW he e l C a ps • Nic ho ls S ho ve ls • Ha rro w Tin e s • Ba le r Be lts • Ha yin g & Ha rve s t Pa rts & S u pplie s

1-800-667-7421 ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732. 2010 30’ Macdon D60-S - PUR, hyd. fore/aft, factory transport, fits swathers, combine adapters available, $39,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

VARIOUS PICKUPS IN STOCK - NEW 16’ Swathmaster, $13,767; ‘93 12’ Rakeup, $3,900; ‘04 16’ Rake-up, $8,950; ‘98 Swathmaster 14B, $7,480. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very affordable new and used parts available, made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769


1-888-327-6767 Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts. M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa lva ge I nc. Specia lizing In N ew, Used & Reb uiltAgricultura l And C onstruction Pa rts Call Today

2009 JD 635F, HydraFlex, low acres, hyd. fore/aft, exc. cond., $29,000. 306-923-2221, Torquay, SK.

1-877-527-7278 NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-6674515. www.combineworld.com 1994 30’ CIH 1010 - Hydraulic fore-aft, very good condition. $6,980. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2009 MACDON FD-60, 40’ cross auger, poly, transport, JD adapter, shedded, vg cond., $59,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2011 MACDON FD70, 35’, JD adapter, transport kit, low acres. 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. 2 0 0 8 C A S E H O N E Y B E E h e a d e r, 3 0 ’ , fore/aft, PU reels, cross auger, $40,000 OBO. 306-628-8020, Prelate, SK. THREE 960 MACDON 36’ headers, PU reel w/Cat adapter, exc. cond., used in 2012; 872 MacDon/Cat adapter; Two NH TX MacDon header adapters; MacDon header adapter for JD combine. Winnipeg, MB. Call 204-632-5334 or 204-981-4291.

NEED PICKUP HEADERS? ‘96 13’ NH 971, $1,680; ‘91 JD914, $4,900; ‘98 CIH 1015, $2,780; ‘97 CIH 1015, $3,980. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734. LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. SET OF TWO used upper corn sieves for We sell new, used and remanufactured Cat 585R combine, vg cond, straight, parts for most farm tractors and combines. clean, $1100. 204-623-4357, The Pas, MB. WANTED TO BUY tractors in need of reBUYING A HEADER? You should consider pair; also buying round balers and misc. an accumulator. Call us on proper applica- machinery for parting out. 306-395-2668 tion. Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712 or, 306-681-7610, Chaplin. SK. www.hydratec.ca Regina, SK. COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. www.comb-tracsalvage.com We buy machinery.

www.mhtractor.ca M edicine Ha t, AB .

B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.

2009 MACDON D60 40’ header, float optimizer, fore and aft, 6- skid plates, $45,000. 403-698-6186, Calgary, AB. 2010 FD70 MACDON 40’, fully loaded, JD adapter, $68,000. Phone 306-541-3838, Lewvan, SK.

2008 68XL FLEXI-COIL, 130’, 1500 gallon tank, AutoRate, wind screens, rinse tank, $30,000 OBO. 306-628-8020, Prelate, SK. NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our experienced staff are waiting to help you. Call 1-800-667-7770 today! 2009 JD 4730, 1950 hrs., 100’ boom, 800 gal. SS tank, GS2, 2600 monitor, Swath Control, AutoBoom, 5 sensor, 380x90x46 tires 75%, can deliver. $180,000 OBO. Call 8’ SCHULTE ROTARY snowplow for sale. 306-442-7571, Ceylon, SK. 306-788-4501, Marquis, SK. 2012 CIH 4430, 300 hrs. , 120’ boom, Viper, four sensor boom height, AutoSteer, sectional control, HID lighting, reversible fan, 320-90-46, Michelin floats, $265,000. Call Blaine at 306-823-3707, Neilburg, SK. 2011 JD 4830, 1360 hrs., 122’ K&S alum. boom, two sets of tires, dividers, fully loaded. Call 780-608-4387, Daysland, AB. ntspiller@gmail.com

www.harvestsalvage.ca New Used & Re-man parts Tractors Combines Swathers


2004 CASE SPX 4410, 1600 hrs, AutoSteer and mapping, Norac AutoBoom, AIM command, active susp., fence row nozzles, always shedded, $175,000. 403-647-7391, Milk River, AB.


RETIRING: 2009 JD 635 draper header, double knife drive, pea auger, full skid plates, excellent, $53,000. 780-777-4153, Fort Sask., AB. REDUCED: HONEYBEE SP36 (Gleaner ADP), $18,900; CIH 2052 36’ draper, $39,900; CIH 1020 30’ flex, HFA, $9,900; MD D60 35’ w/JD kit, $49,000; Two MD 974 36’ w/CIH kit, $47,000 each; MD 960 36’, (2388), $15,500. Ph Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.

ROCKPICKER: ROCK MASTER R-56, hyd. drive, $2500. 306-463-3315 Kindersley, SK TWO 60’ COMPU-SPRAY, use or part out, $2000 for both. 403-644-2235, Standard, SCHULTE GIANT 2500, 3 batt hyd. drive AB. rockpicker, mint condition, $18,500 OBO; DEGELMAN R570 rockpicker, ground FLEXI-COIL 67XL, 120’, windscreens, dual drive, throw-out clutch, exc. cond., $4500 nozzles, autorate, disc markers, exc. cond., $18,500. 306-463-3677, Netherhill, SK. OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK.


Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

COMBINE CORN HEADS IN STOCK. 1998 JD 893, poly points, 8 row, 30”, immaculate, field ready, $18,900; 1997 JD 893, poly points, 8 row, 30”, sharp head, field ready, $17,900; CIH 1083, 8 row, 30”, field ready, $12,900; JD 843, 8 row, 30”, gone through the shop, field ready, $12,900. Other makes available. Can deliver anywhere in Western Canada. Call Gary Reimer 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com

2009 FLEXI-COIL 68XL, high clearance, 120’ boom, 1600 gal., AutoHeight, 3 nozzles, autorate. 306-924-1988, Regina, SK.

5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB

S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa rts.co m

1996 36’ HONEYBEE draper header, pickup reels, Gleaner adaptor, good running solid header. 306-461-8167, Estevan, SK. GLEANER 8 ROW corn header, vg cond., Hugger, fits R and A series combines, $24,000. 204-243-2453, High Bluff, MB.

2008 SRX 160, 1350 gal. wheel boom sprayer, 134’, autorate, windguards, markers, dual nozzles, $38,000 OBO. 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK. BOURGAULT 850 III, 96’, curtains, autorate, very nice, $7900; Bourgault 850 III, 83’, curtains, $4500. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.

2006 JD 4720, 2400 hrs., 103’ boom, poly tank, foam marker, AutoSteer, Swath IH MODEL 80 SNOWBLOWER, good cond., Pro, Norac height control, 2 sets of tires, $154,000. Call 403-651-0272, Vulcan, AB. WRECKING TRACTORS: NH, Ford, Case $2500. 306-654-2013, Prud’homme, SK. David Brown, Volvo, Nuffield, County, Fiat, 2010 JD 4930 sprayer, 120’ booms, high JD, Deutz, MF and IH. 306-228-3011, flow pump, eductor, AutoBooms, slip conUnity, SK, www.britishtractor.com trol, 2 sets tires, 763 engine hrs, 275 spray hrs, loaded. 858-750-5313, Carmangay, AB DELGELMAN BLADE 7200 with silage exSELLING USED COMBINE parts off MF 860’s and older; JD 7720’s and older; IHC tensions and John Deere Mounts. Phone 2011 JD 4930 sprayer, 120’ booms, 5 noz1480, etc. J M Salvage, 204-773-2536, 306-430-4560, Kindersley, SK. zle bodies, high flow pump, eductor, 2 sets Russell, MB. REG COX 460 mixer wagon with scale, tires, 550 hrs. 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. u s e d v e r y l i t t l e . O f f e r s . P h o n e 2002 JD 9220, powershift, PTO, approx. G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors 780-592-2222, Innisfree, AB. only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. 4600 hours, 20.8x42 duals, w/wo 6-way Degelman blade. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK.

2010 CIH 2020 flex header, poly skids, double knife drive, PU reel, exc. cond., $29,500. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB.

‘08 CIH 2142 - 35’, PUR, knife & guards, factory transport, same as MacDon D50, fits JD STS/CAT 500 series, $49,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com TWO 1998 JD 925 rigid platforms with pickup reels, $9900; 1998 JD 930 flex platform w/Crary air reel, reconditioned, $14,900; 1995 CIH 1020 30’ flex platform with Crary air reel, $12,900; 2005 CIH 2020 flex platform, 30’, $21,900. Delivery anywhere in Western Canada. Call Gary Reimer 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com

2006 JD 7700 forage harvester, 645B header, 48 knives, high arch spout, Auto Lube, 717 cutter head hrs., service records avail. through our shop, field ready, exc. cond. $198,000 OBO. Lloyd Sproule, Pincher Creek, AB. 403-627-7363, 403-627-2764,


Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs .

Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www. combineworld.com; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new, used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canada’s Plu s M u ch M o re! largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service. WANTED: 1456 or 1026 IH tractor, any c o n d i t i o n . To p d o l l a r p a i d . C a l l Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t 701-240-5737, Minot, ND Fo rD ism a n tlin g DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON 306-946-7923, Young, SK. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battleford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge inventory new and used tractor parts. John Deere Model 530 -535 3 ply 1-888-676-4847. Diamond top laced with alligator lacing TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, Complete Set - $2189.00 combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. • New Holland Model 660-664-668 3 ply mini rough etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, top laced with alligator lacing 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. $ Complete Set - 1689.00

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Rub Bars, Concaves, Cages, Rotor Cones, Vane Kits, Walkers, Feeder Chains, front drums and sprockets, augers, auger troughs, top chaffers and bottom sieves, (air foil and standard), shoe frames.

gallantsales.com Largest inventory of used potato equip. Dealer for Tristeel Mfg. polishers, hybrid washers, felt dryers, tote fillers and dealer for Logan live bottom boxes, piler, conveyors, etc. Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB.


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2001 NH SF550 sprayer, equivalent to Rogator 554, 2300 hrs., 5.9 Cummins, 660 gallon SS tank, 90’ booms, pressure washer, chemical inductor, triple nozzle bodies 5 and 10 gal. tips, two sets of tires: 2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no PU, with and 9.5R44, exc. cond., $68,000. 1910 hrs., autolube, AutoSteer, spout ext., 23.1x26 Call 204-763-8896, Minnedosa, MB. service records, $130,000 OBO. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. 2007 APACHE AS 1010 90’ boom, 1000 gal. tank, full load, Outback AutoSteer, 900 NH 2115 HARVESTER, hay and 6R corn- hrs., excellent condition, farmer owned. head, 4WD, $35,000; Richardton 1200, 306-627-3627, Swift Current, SK. 700 and 770 hydump wagons; JD 3970 harvester. Call 204-857-8403, Portage la WILL TRADE OR sell JD 4720 sprayer or trade for a low hrs. JD 4730. Quill Lake, Prairie, MB. zettlerfarmequipment.com SK. 306-383-2915, 306-287-7527. COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, ta- 2010 MILLER CONDOR G75, mechanical pered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage drive, 1200 gal. tank, 120’ five section boom, three way bodies, Raven Envisio gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. Pro, SmarTrax AutoSteer, hyd. wheel adYOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your just, AccuBoom sectional control, end row silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron nozzles, UltraGlide boom control, 24.5x32 duals, 100 gal. rinse tank, boom blowouts, toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. excellent condition, field ready. $199,500. 1996 CIH 8750 forage harvester, tandem 306-535-7708, Sedley, SK. axle, 7’ PU, 3 row narrow corn head, new set of knives in box, always shedded, vg, 2008 JD 4730 sprayer, w/1300 hrs, c/w AutoTrac, BoomTrac Pro, 7 section auto $6000. 204-743-2109, Cypress River, MB. shutoff, hyd. tread adjust, 5 sensor height 2005 FP240 forage harvester, stored in- control, dual rears, exc. cond., $198,000; side, good condition, field ready, $18,000. Tridekon dividers available. 306-344-7410, 306-344-4725, Paradise Hill, SK. 306-232-3462, 306-225-4678, Hague, SK.



52&. 3,&.(5

Giving you the maximum in dollar and time advantage.




MOBILE TIRE REPAIR and Sales. Worked with tires for 4 yrs. Call for details and pricing at 306-260-7750, Domremy, SK.





1994 WILLMAR 765HT high clearance sprayer, 600 gal. tank, 80’ boom, 9.5x48 and 18.4x38 tires, Microtrak spraymate, 2 autorate, 2993 hrs, good cond., $34,000. Call 204-436-2534, Elm Creek, MB. TWO 2012 JD 4730 sprayers, approx. 465 hrs., loaded, 2 sets of tires. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. NEW TRAILTECH SPRAYER trailers now in stock. Haul up to 2000 gal. of water and your sprayer together. Avail. in gooseneck and pintle hitch. Ph Al, Flaman Sales, Saskatoon 306-934-2121, 1-888-435-2626. 2008 JD 4830, AutoTrac swath pro and boom height, 2600 display, 420 tires, 1460 s p r ay h r s . , 2 9 0 0 e n g . h r s . A s k i n g $185,000. 306-642-3772, Assiniboia, SK. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 2011 CASE 4420, fully loaded, AIM command, 120’ boom, active suspension, Raven Viper Pro controller, HID lights, two sets of tires 650/65xR38 and 380/90xR46, 3-way nozzles, leather seats, autofold boom, AutoHeight control, section control and fan reverser. Original owner and operator. 525 hrs., extended power train warranty available. $270,000. Call Aaron at 403-485-8327, Champion, AB. 1998 ROGATOR, 90’, 800 gallon, Outback steering, AutoBoom shutoff, 2 sets of tires, 5500 hrs., $50,000. 306-372-4733, Luseland, SK.


2006 60’ 5710 BOURGAULT with 2007 6550 tank, 12� spacing, MRS. Tank c/w 4 tank metering, bag lift, and duals. $162,000. 306-472-3000, Lafleche, SK. RETIRING: 2006 NH SD440A 58’, 12� spacing, 550 lb. trip, 5.5� rubber packers, 2000 acres on Stealth openers, SC430 variable rate, TBH cart. 780-777-4153, Fort Saskatchewan, AB. 30’ CROSS SLOT on Flexi-coil 6000 frame, new discs/blades, 6500 acres, $139,500. Lacombe, AB. 403-396-5714. 2011 JD 1870 Conserva Pak 40’ 12� spacing DS, c/w two sets of openers, agtron blockage monitiors, 1910 air cart, TBH, 430 bu., variable rate, 4 meter rolls, 10� auger, 8000 acres, $175,000; 2009 JD 1830 34’ 8� spacing, SS, JD blockage monitors, 1� openers, 1910 TBT, 195 bu., variable rate, 7500 acres, $85,000. 403-577-2277, 403-575-1114 Consort, AB. 2009 66’ 3310 12�, MRBs, duals, carbides, 2010 6700ST, 4 tank metering, 591 monitor, $275,000. 306-541-3838, Lewvan, SK. 55’ BOURGAULT 3310, 10� spacing, MRB’S 6450 TBH cart, 10� auger, 491 monitor, double shoot, NH3, $220,000. 306-731-2766, Craven, SK. DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob Davidson, Drumheller, 403-823-0746

2012 SEEDMASTER 80’x12� air drill, 300 bu. on-frame tank, w/UltraPro canola me2005 JD 4920, 120’ boom, 5192 hrs., ters and cameras, w/scales, fully loaded, BoomTrac, AutoTrac ready, float tires, very run block monitors, packing force sensors, good cond., $95,000 OBO. 306-497-3322, duals, c/w 2012 Nova cart, 3 compartment 780 bu. w/scales and duals. Unit in perfect Blaine Lake, SK. cond. $376,000. 306-535-7708, Regina, SK 2012 JD 4730, 600 hrs., full load, wide/ narrow rubber. Auto height/steer/shutoff, BOURGAULT AIR DRILLS, large used seSS tank, 4 yr. warranty, 100’. North Battle- lection of 3310’s and 3320’s as well as othe r m a ke s a n d m o d e l s . C a l l G o r d ford, SK. 306-445-1353, 306-441-2061. 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2011 JD 4930, 400 hrs, 2 sets tires w/fenders, Hi-flo pump, Raven AuotoBoom, GS3 34’ MORRIS, 7.5� spacing, 3/4� openers, monitor, mint condition. Call for attractive 7180 w/3rd tank, new monitor, hopper pricing. 204-522-0926, Medora, MB. boot for semi. 306-689-2660, Lancer, SK. 1995 ROGATOR 854, 90’, 800 gal., GPS, 3 1998 CONCORD 4010 red, 5 fold c/w Case sets of tires, exc. cond. $49,500. Financing 3430 var. rate tank, MRB’s, Dickey John available. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. NH3 kit, hydraulic winch on tank, blockage openers, field ready, exc. cond., 2008 TRAILTECH w/2000 gal. tank and monitors, shedded, $80,000. 204-467-8547, chem handler. Auction, Wed., October 24, always Bruno, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers 204-791-3130, Stonewall, MB. www.schapansky.com 1-866-873-5488. BOURGAULT 55’ 3310, 12� spacing, MRB’s, DL #912715. new tips, 6450 TBH cart w/deluxe fill, dual NH3, hyd. winch, $210,000 US. 2005 ROGATOR 874, 100’ boom, 800 shoot, gal. SS tank, 3623 hrs., Trimble EZ-Boom 701-897-0099, Garrison, North Dakota. shut-off, vg condition, $83,000 OBO. IF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY 150 in 2012 306-497-3322, Blaine Lake, SK. and received crop damage call Back-Track 2006 ROGATOR 1074, 1976 hrs., 100’ Investigations 1-866-882-4779. boom, SS tank, 2 sets of tires, 3� fill, EZ 2011 SEED HAWK 500 bu. seed cart, steer GPS, 4 E-Kay crop dividers, Raven $75,000; 2009 84’ Seed Hawk toolbar, 12� 4000 controller, shedded, vg, $145,000. spacing w/800 Seed Hawk cart; 2006 60’ 306-843-7613 or 306-843-2135 Wilkie, SK Seed Hawk toolbar, 12� spacing, single 2011 CASE/IH PATRIOT 3230, 100’. At shoot, liquid kit; 2001 52’ 5710 Bourgault, Auction, Wed., October 24, Bruno, SK. 12� spacing, 3 1/2 packers, dual shoot, www.schapansky.com Bruce Schapansky Bourgault tips. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488. DL#912715. WALKER 44, 1000 gal. SS tank, 2 sets 2011 AMITY 40’ single disc drill with 430 t i r e s , 9 0 ’ b o o m , p r i c e d t o s e l l . bu. variable rate cart, only 3500 acres. Dave 204-534-7531, Minto, MB. 306-483-7625, Alameda, SK. 2012 VERSATILE SX275, 120’, demonstrator. Great leasing program. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2007 4720 JD, 1600 hrs., 90’ boom, 2 sets of tires, very nice, $136,500. Delivery available. Call 1-800-735-5846, Minot, ND.

2003 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 45’, 9�, 3.5 steel, SS, c/w 2340 TBH, $89,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

EZEE-ON 2175, 105 bu. front tank, 70 bu. rear, hyd. fan, Ezee-On 550 free floating hitch 33’ cultivator, set up for liquid fertilizer, K-Hart packers, $22,000 OBO. Lebret, SK., 306-336-2730. whbill@sasktel.net

TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Blu-Jet Sub Tiller 4 penetrates soil 14�-18� deep, fractures hardpan, increases root growth and penetration. In stock: 1-5 shank, 2-7 shanks, 1-9 shank and 1-11 shank. Rolling baskets available, all w/auto rest and shear bolt protection. Call 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com RANCHER-33 HEAVY TINE harrows, 48’, 16’ tines, $7000 OBO. 306-921-7688, Star 28’ SUMMERS DISC, 25-1/2� front blades (smooth), 23� rear blades, new bearings. City, SK. Phone 306-333-4829, Abernethy, SK. DIAMOND HARROWS: 50’ Farm King, good condition. Phone 780-753-6498, Provost, MORRIS HD CULTIVATORS: 8900, 41’, w/3-bar harrows; Magnum II, 50’, w/3AB. bar harrows; Magnum II, 37’, w/3-bar har40’ PHOENIX ROTARY harrow, hyd. fold, rows; Magnum II, 35’, w/3-bar harrows; used very little, excellent for rejuvenating Magnum I, 47’, w/3-bar harrows; Magnum hay fields, $12,500 OBO. 403-823-1894, I, 33’, w/3-bar harrows; 8900, 39’, w/6180 Drumheller, AB. a i r s e e d e r t a n k . Yo r k t o n , S K , 1997 RITE-WAY 41’ land roller, hyd. 306-621-5136 days, 306-782-7749 eves. fold and lift, excellent cond., $19,900. Call 2011 HORSECH ANDERSON Joker, 25’ veranytime, 403-627-9300. Pincher Creek AB tical tillage disc; 2006 Ezee-On 4500, 29’ tandem disc. 306-426-7616, Snowden, SK.

PURCHASED NEW IN 2007 ATX 5010 with ADX 3380 tank w/double shoot, 3-row harrows, 10� auger, Atom Jet side banders, always shedded. Grant 204-771-9267 or Paul 204-461-0337, Warren, MB. 94 CONCORDE 3000, 300 bushels, 8� auger, good condition, shedded, $6500; 98 2003 BOURGAULT 5710, 59’, 9.8� spac- Case 3400, rebuilt to 450 bushels, new ing, double shoot, c/w 5440 tank, mint paint, 10� auger, exc. condition, shedded, cond., $90,000.306-946-7737,Watrous,SK. $20,000. 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. 2012 BOURGAULT 3320 XTC Paralink 50’ IHC 800 PLANTER, 12 row, 30�, full MRB w/Bourgault 6350 tank. Auction, m o n i t o r, s h e d d e d , $ 7 5 0 0 . C a l l Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, SK. 403-654-0198, Vauxhall, AB. www.schapansky.com Bruce Schapansky TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Monosem Auctioneers 1-866-873-5488. DL#912715. Precision Planters. Vacuum planters with over 30 yrs of research and development, ultra narrow row, accurate seed singulation, quality construction, long term, indi2010 BOURGAULT 8810, 50’, 10� spacing, vidual hoppers or bulk fill, plot planters to liquid kit, 1997 3195 tank, 2004 Bandit custom built 60’ models, fert. placement, 1700, exc. cond., $85,000. Can be sold liquid or dry. Call for 2012 pricing and 2013 delivery. Call 306-586-1603, Regina, separately. 306-398-7790, Cut Knife, SK. SK. www.tristarfarms.com 2004 2340 FLEXI-COIL air cart, 230 bu. TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Kinze Preci8 run var. rate, 2 comp., front tires sion Planters. History of innovation, de500x45/22.5 Trelleborg, rear 750x65R26 pendable performance, the unique edge Michelin XBIB, also avail. var. rate liquid drop vacuum system. Do more with one fert. kit, $25,900. Corey 1-866-316-5379. planter. Bulk fill, spit rows, liquid fertilizer WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820, 25’-35’ or option. 3600 Model, 32 row 15� for all your 50’-60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, corn/beans/sunflowers. Parts and service. Book now for 2013. Call 306-586-1603, AB. Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com 2011 42’ SEEDMASTER, only used two seasons, 6500 acres seeded, Flexi-Coil air cart with new metering system and tank seals, $125,000. Owner upsizing. Call: 306-718-7238, Cupar, SK. FLEXI-COIL 800 40’, 1110 air cart with Valmar, low acres. Offers. 780-592-2222, Innisfree, AB.

ELMERS TRANSFER TRACKS, 1 new set 2001 BOURGAULT 4250 air seeder left. 36� tracks with 10 bolt hub mounting. tank, c/w single shoot manifold to suit 40’ Don’t miss out on the early order pricing. air seeder. All hoses are included! 2 bin Call 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. tank total 250 bu., hyd. loading auger. Excellent shape! $19,900. Call Jordan anytime, 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 1991 FLEXI-COIL 300A, 32’, 12�, 650 trip, EZEE-ON 2175 air tank, c/w granular tank, c/w air pkg., harrows, $5500. Cam-Don load auger, complete, good condition, rea- Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. sonable, will separate. Set of 40’ packers, 8� spacing. 306-595-2180, Pelly, SK. KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs, c/w 24� to 36� notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ RAVENS MID ROW banders, mounted on tandem wing discs c/w 26� and 28� Bourgault 5710. Call 306-272-4200 or notched blades and oilbath bearings. 306-269-7757, Foam Lake, SK. www.kelloughs.com 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 1995 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 1740 tank TBT, 40’, 7.2� spacing, 3� rubber packers, 54’ CI 379 med. duty cult., 8� spacing, 230 trips, 3-bar dual arm harrows, excel2010 48’ 3310 with 6350 tank, 9.8� spac- $31,000. Call 204-825-8121, Morden, MB. lent, $12,000. 306-576-2333, Wishart, SK. ing, MRB’s, dual shoot, NH3, shedded, FLEXI-COIL 5000 45’ with 2320 TBH cart, $ 2 1 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . M i d d l e L a k e , S K . 9.2� spacing, clean unit, $37,000. Call ALTEEN 28’ TANDEM DISC, 22� blades, 2� shafts, $6000. Phone 306-567-8081, Dav306-231-7218 or 306-367-4343. 204-825-8121, Morden, MB. idson, SK. 2009 BOURGAULT 3310, 55’, 10� spacing, MRB’s, 2� tips, 4.8 pneumatic packer tire, single shoot, walking axles, rear dual tires, NETWORK WITH PROGRESSIVE NO-TILL FARMERS AT THE exc. cond. 306-675-6110, Kelliher, SK.

2001 APACHE 575, 75’, 500 gal., triple nozzle, Raven controller, 750 Trimble guidance system. $35,000. 306-358-2120, FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, 27’, w/1330 Macklin, SK. tank, 7� spacing, single shoot, 3� rubber packers, $30,000. 780-398-2365, Newbrook, AB DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers 1999 MORRIS MAXIM, 7240 tank, 40’, 10� Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. spacing, double shoot, Adam Jet openers, $42,000. 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for Caseand JD sprayers; 900/50R42 Michelin for 4930 JD; 650S for Case 4420. Call 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK.

‘BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTION’ 2002 Bourgault 5710, 54’, MRB, steel packers, w/5350, $119,000; 1998 Bourgault 54’ 5710, MRB, rubber packers, w/4300 DS tank, $99,000; Bourgault 5710, 54’ single shoot, rubber packers, $75,000; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5� steel, $59,000; 2010 Bourgault 6000 90’ mid harrow, w/3225 Valmar, $49,000; 2010 6000 90’ mid harrow, $36,000; 2010 5710, 74’, 5.5� packers, $195,000; 2010 Bourgault 5810, 62’, DS, 5.5� packers, $185,000; 84’ Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow, $32,500; 1990 70’ Flexi-Coil S82 harrow bar, $6500. RD Ag Central, Bourgault Sales, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK.

6th Annual Master Seeders Conference November 14, 2012


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RITEHEIGHT Automatic Sprayer Boom Height Ultrasonic sensors and a small controller automatically keep the booms at the correct spray height. A better job with less stress! • Easy to install Complete system • Self calibrates from just • Simple to operate $ 00 • Rugged components • No extra hydraulics Up to $500 discount • Optional back-rack control


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2010 AGROPLOW, 19 shank hyd. reset soil renovator, like new, used for 480 acres. Ph. George Sanders 204-744-2487, 204-825-7828, Altamont, MB. EZEE-ON 1201 DISC- Offset, 26� blades, done only 40 acres, as new, $14,000. Can deliver. 250-567-2607, Vanderhoof, BC. 32’ EZEE-ON 4600 DISC, $47,500. Phone 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. FARM KING HEAVY DUTY field discs, 7 year warranty. Model 1225-15’ offset disc with T215 bearings and upgrade options. $24,734. Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. 2006 NH FLEXI ST 830 deep tiller, 60’, 12� spacing, 3 bar harrow, 10,000 acres of usage, $56,500. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. 47’ CIH VIBRACHISEL cultivator, model 4700, with 3 row harrows. 204-729-6803, Deloraine, MB. CULTIVATORS: 57’ CO-OP, green; 47’ Case/IH; Friggstad 53’; 35’ Friggstad; MF 24’. All used in heavy land. Call Chris at 306-628-7840, Eatonia, SK. 34’ CIH 4700 VIBRA CHISEL cultivator, 10� spacing, excellent condition. Phone: 306-332-5279, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. WANTED: 50’ TO 60’ Bourgault 8800 or 8810. Call: 306-231-5292, Humboldt, SK. 2011 KELLO 38’ disc, exc. cond., asking $69,000 OBO. Call 780-398-2422, Thorhild, AB. TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Smart-Till vertical decompaction tool. Fractures soil more than 8� deep, 8-10 MPH suggested operating speeds, rejuvenates soil, reduces soil plow pan compaction. In stock: 220’ models, 1- 30’ model. Excellent for crop/hayland. Call 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and bearings. Parts to fit most makes and models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com FLEXI-COIL 800 CULTIVATOR, 9� spacing, good harrows. Call 306-874-2354, Naicam, SK.



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AR T 10 0 B lo c ka ge M o n ito r • Blo cke d ru n s a re in d ica te d b y n u m b e r. • S im ple “d a is y cha in â€? w irin g s ys te m . • S ta in le s s s te e l s e n s o rs .

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WANTED: JOHN DEERE coil shank cultivator, 15’ to 20’, 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. 490 IH TANDEM DISC, 30’, good cond., $3900. 30’ Vibrashank, $2500. Cartwright MB. 204-529-2091, 204-529-2046.


2004 MORRIS MAXIM II DS, 40’, 3-1/2� steel packers, 7300 tank, nice shape, $75,000. 780-814-2241 Grande Prairie AB 2008 SEED HAWK 53’, 10� sp, 397 tank plus 3rd tank, dual fans, Agtron blockage monitors, new seed/fert. knives in 2012, $150,000. 306-445-9992, 306-481-4560, 306-446-0423, North Battleford, SK.

TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Lemken high speed compact discs; Heliodors, 8 meters/26’, 10m/33’, 12m/40’; Rubin 8 meters/26’. All in stock. 306-586-1603, www.tristarfarms.com Regina, SK. 2006 22’ WISHEK disc, 25� on front discs, 26� on back, very nice shape, $50,000 OBO. 403-556-0377, Sundre, AB.

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TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Landoll 7400 Series, vertical tillage - VT Plus. The most versatile VT on the market. Perfectly sizes and mixes reissue and soil. Available in 14’-49’ working widths. In stock: 26’, 33’, 44’. Also, 6230 33’ HD disc in stock. Level everything off with Brillion Pulvinizer landroller: 34’ and 44’ in stock. Call 306-586-1603, www.tristarfarms.com at Regina, SK. 14’ KELLO-BILT DISC with recent new notched front blades and 2 new tires, good condition, $10,900. Phone Rocky Mountain Equipment 306-435-3866, Moosomin, SK.


2011 CASE/IH MAGNUM 340, 453 hrs, MFD, powershift, 3 PTH/PTO, 5 SCV’s, susp. front axle, duals front and rear, deluxe cab w/leather, 1000 lbs. ea. rear wheel weights, full set of front suitcase weights. Very clean! $209,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 1980 986 INTERNATIONAL, c/w forks and bucket, new torque and clutch, fair cond. Jim 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. 9370 CASE/IH, 6211 hrs., N14 Cummins, 24 spd. std. trans., 4 remote hyd., Trelleborg tires, plumbed for GPS, exc. cond., $71,500. 204-246-2219, Darlingford, MB.

MITCH’S TRACTOR SALES LTD. (Formerly known as Ben Peters JD tractors). 7810 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3 PTH, new tires; Two 7710’s MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3 PTH, new tires; Two 4650’s MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH, factory duals; Two 4455’s MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH; 2-4450’s MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH; 4250 MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH; 4055 MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH; 2555 MFWD, 3 PTH, w/245 FEL. All tractors can be sold with new or used loaders. Call Mitch Rouire, 204-750-2459, St. Claude, MB. 1997 JD 9400, 4 WD, 5327 hrs, powershift trans, PTO, 4 remotes w/return line, 710/70R38 duals, very nice tractor! Perfect for your grain cart! $114,500. Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 1980 4440, 7000 hrs, 18.4x38 factory duals, good condition, $23,500. Phone 306-855-2010, Glenside, SK. 1977 JD 4430, 18.4x38 factory duals, 11.00x16.00 fronts, 8530 orig. hrs., c/w 2100 Ezee-On loader, $25,000. Mervin, SK. 306-845-7700. JD 8450, 4850, 4650, 7800 SWD, 4050, 4450 MFD w/loader, 2130. Will take JD tractors in trade that need work. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB.

9170 CASE/IH, 6750 hrs., 855A Cummins, big cam, 12 spd. powershift trans., 4 remote hyd., radial tires, exc . cond., 2007 BOURGAULT 9400 60’ chisel plow $61,000. 204-246-2219, Darlingford, MB. w/JD HD mtd. 3 bar harrows, 1/2”x22” WANTED TO BUY 2094 CIH, w/blown or tines, knock-on shovels, excellent cond., we a k e n g . W i l l a l s o c o n s i d e r o t h e r $72,000 OBO; Air distribution and 4350 C a s e / I H m o d e l s . 3 0 6 - 3 9 5 - 2 6 6 8 o r, Bourgault tank avail. Lloyd 403-627-2764, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB. IH 12 BOTTOM plow; 35’-41’ Flexi-Coil 700 1982 4690 CASE tractor, 5144 hrs., recent DT plow w/harrows and air pack; 40’ crow inframe, PTO, duals, clean unit, $15,500. 306-862-5521, Nipawin, SK. foot packer. 780-623-1008, Rich Lake, AB. JD 455 30’ fold-up DD, w/grain and fert., 2007 CASE/IH 125, 750 FEL, 3210 hrs., $32,000; JD 455 35’ plain grain, $34,000; $49,900 OBO. Located in central Manitoba. SUNFLOWER 1433 32’ disc, wing type 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. $35,500. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. WANTED: 1456 or 1026 IH tractor, any JD 1610 CHISEL plow, 37’ c/w 4 bar har- c o n d i t i o n . To p d o l l a r p a i d . C a l l • JD 2520, 3 020, 4000, 4020, row; JD 655 air seeder, PTO, 28’ c/w 4 bar 701-240-5737, Minot, ND. harrow. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. 46 20, Pow e rs h ift, ‘6 9 – ‘72 IH B250 DIESEL, serial number 13619, • Ste ige r Tige r KP525, 52 BOURGAULT 3/4” bolt-on knives, used loader, 3 point hitch, runs good. Phone very little, $20/each. Call 306-752-2500, 306-276-2537, White Fox, SK. Se rie s IV ‘8 3 – ‘8 5 Melfort, SK. LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We 306-423-5983 | 306-960-3000 buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD, FWA tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have WANTED: JD TRACTOR, 120 to 160 HP, r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . MFWD, low hrs, must be in excellent cond. 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. Phone 306-291-0333, Saskatoon, SK. 2010 STX 535, 315 hrs, $275,000. 2003 1989 4955 JD, MFWD, 7600 hrs., 20.8R42 2002 AGCO DT160, FWA, 18 spd. power STX 375, 3880 hrs, $129,000. Trades? rears, very good, $45,000. 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888, Carrot River, SK. shift, LH reverser, factory duals, dual PTO, 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Yorkton, SK new front tires, 3799 hrs., completely serJD 4020, 7766 hrs., power shift v i c e d a n d f i e l d r e a d y. $ 6 1 , 9 0 0 . CASE/IH 9370 4 WD tractor, 4 hyds, 1966 540-1000 PTO, cab cooler, radio, no w w w. s t o c k m a n s t r a d i n g c o . c o m 20.8x42 duals, comes complete with Out- trans., back AutoSteer w/mapping, 3300 hrs., FEL ever, $9800. 306-736-3022, Glenavon. 403-357-9192 or, 403-358-0456, Tees, AB. nice shape. 780-753-6401, Provost, AB. JD 8640, 7150 hrs., PTO, 16 spd., 4 hyd. 8630 AGCO TRACTOR, FWA, w/loader, outlets, 20.8x34, good cond., $19,500. bucket and bale spike, new front tires, 3 CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. PTH, 6890 hrs., $22,000 OBO. Contact for Plus other makes and models. Call the more info. 403-533-2355, 403-325-1245 Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. 1994 JD 8770, 5820 hrs, Goodyear radials, Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB cell, Rockyford, AB. inside duals brand new, rear weights, 4 1997 AGCO 9695 tractor, 3200 hrs., FWA, 1950 CASE MODEL D tractor, excellent hyds., radar, decelerator button, air seat, 12 spd., very clean. Has to be seen. condition. Phone: 306-725-4901, Bulyea, 3 PH, 18 speed powershift, $55,000. $68,000. 306-862-4849, Aylsham, SK. SK. 403-396-1794, Alix, AB. 9530 TRACTOR, 1990 hrs., powershift, CASE/IH 550 QUAD, 2012 luxury cab, JD weights, 800’s, $221,000. Call 36” track, high cap. hyd., high cap. draw HID, 204-825-8121, Morden, MB. 1987 DEUTZ 7085, FWA, open station, 85 bar, diff. lock, 262 receiver, WAAF, NAV HP, 3 PTH, 5900 hrs., Allied 794 FEL, controller, HIV, elec. mirrors, cab susp., 1990 8960 JD tractor with 10,000 hrs., $17,000. Ph. 204-525-4521, Minitonas MB. tow cable. Call The Tractor Man, Gord, shedded, field ready and triples. Fraser 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. Farms Ltd., Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0240. Visit: www.waltersequipment.com WRECKING FOR PARTS: 4020 JD, c/w 7020 ALLIS TRACTOR, new cable controls, rebuilt rad, starter, hyd. pump, good sheet $6500. 403-650-8369, Longview, AB. metal, and vg powershift. 1-877-564-8734, 1971 ALLIS CHALMERS 210, 122 HP, 1986 PANTHER 1000, Cummins 855, set Roblin, MB. at 360 HP , 12 spd. powershift, AutoSteer, 20.8x38 single tires, HD FEL, $7500. 900-50R42 hub duals 70%, clean tractor, STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St Louis, SK $40,000 OBO. 204-373-2502, Emerson, MB for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 1981 DEUTZ DX160, 145 HP, $10,000 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. OBO. 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. COMPLETE PTO ASSEMBLY, fits all flat track Challengers- Models 65, 75, 85 and 1999 WHITE 8710 FWA, 200 PTO HP, 95. $25,000. Will credit $1000 for return 5500 hrs., new rad 2011, Cummins engine, of transmission end cover. IMAC 12’6” HD $51,250 OBO. 306-752-3800, Melfort, SK. power angle tilt 6-way dozer, fits all flat track Challengers, c/w all hyd. hoses, 2 hyd. junction boxes, moldboard in like new condition, c/w new cutting edge, price 1981 IHC 4586, 265 HP, 4000 original incl. front stump pan, $35,000. St. Albert, hrs., replaced transmission, new clutch AB. 780-996-7364, plodoen@shaw.ca and pressure plate, reconditioned radiator 150 hrs. ago, $15,000 spent, good to very 1977 JD8430 4WD TRACTOR - NEW 18.4 x good, 20.8x38 tires fair, field ready, 4 hyd. 30 duals, 3 hyd., 1000 PTO, JD Quadshift, outlet $11,000. Phone 403-466-9881 cell 2006 9620T, 600 hrs. on new HD Camo- 180 hp, 9,611 hrs., good cond’n., $17,800. or 403-335-9881, Olds, AB. plast, 36” tracks, 5 hyd., 1000 PTO, receiv- Trades welcome. Financing available. 4890 CASE 4 WD, PTO, decent shape, er w/2600 display, 3513 hrs., exc. cond, 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com needs motor work. Could make a good 2nd $206,000. 306-472-3000, Lafleche, SK. tractor for harrowing, etc., $9500 OBO. 1996 JD 8870, 4800 hrs., Greenlight annu- JD 4440, 5690 hrs., always shedded, new rubber, factory duals, Ezee-On loader with Wayne Nichol 204-523-7164, Killarney, MB ally, tires 75%, weights, chipped to 420 8’ blade attachment, $19,000. Located at WANTED: 2394 CASE tractor, w/FEL and HP, mint shape, one owner, $78,000. Call Choiceland, SK. Call 306-978-4619. Jon 306-230-2736, Assiniboia, SK. single tires. 306-225-4452, Hague, SK. JD 4020 w/FEL, motor overhauled, new clutch, seat, $9900. Call 306-256-7041, Cudworth, SK. 1979 JD 4440 w/148 FEL, $19,500. www.waltersequipment.com Minitonas, MB, 204-525-4521. JD 6430 PREMIUM, FWA, JD loader 673 w/grapple, 40 km w/power boost. Will take on trade: JD 6030 or 5020, Massey 2805, IHC 4068, or JD 2 cyl. tractor. 403-559-7381, Olds. AB.




JD 4230, 6200 hrs., new tires, new AC, rad and water pump, $21,000. 306-377-2028, DOZERS: For Rent/Sale: Cat D6. Pushing tree and fence lines? Conquest Equipment Herschel, SK. 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 2012 JD 9460R, 4 WD, 130 hrs, leather trim, high flow hyds. w/5 remotes, Miche- 8’ JD BUCKET plus 4 prong grapple, quick lin 710/70R42’s w/duals, weight pkg., attach, will fit 640, 740 or 840 loaders, in $264,500 US. www.ms-diversified.com vg condition. 306-597-2115, Togo, SK. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. CASE 66L w/84” bucket and grapple, 2002 JD 9520T, powershift, big 1000 PTO, Case/IH 2255 w/72” bucket, $2555 each. AutoTrac ready, 5600 hrs., front weights, 306-228-3011, Unity, SK. deluxe cab, Premier lighting, $140,000. 780-618-5538, Grimshaw, AB. JD 344 LOADER w/grapple, rebuilt hydrostatic drive, low hrs, exc. cond. JD 4630, 6000 orig. hrs., duals, $16,500; 403-552-3753 780-753-0353 Kirriemuir AB Also 710 JD backhoe, $22,500. Located at Stettler, AB. 306-617-9028, 403-340-9280. NEW JD LOADER mounts for 740 series JD 9400 4x4, very clean, power shift, 4 loader, fits 30, 40, 50 series JD tractors, valve hyds., 710x42 rubber 50%. Phone $800. 306-961-2621, Prince Albert, SK. Albert 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. JD 7610 FWD, 140 HP, w/3 PTH, dual PTO, like new rubber, approx. 4100 hrs., exc. cond., $67,500. 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB.

2006 MF 7495, 155 HP PTO, CVT, grapple and loader, 2500 hrs., $89,000. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. MF 8120, 130 HP, 540/1000 PTO, 1900 orig. hrs., tires 80%, no loader, shedded, $54,500. 403-285-9855, Calgary, AB. 2705 MF TRACTOR, 5200 hrs., motor good, transmissions needs work, $3000 OBO. 306-944-4572, Viscount, SK. 2009 MF 6465, 1940 hrs., very good, like new loader and grapple, CVT trans., cab s u s p e n s i o n , f u l ly l o a d e d , $ 7 6 , 0 0 0 . 403-937-3901, Medicine Hat, AB.

VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL USERS see our info. on our website: www.hydratec.ca for cold weather operation. 1997 BI-DIRECTIONAL 9030, $7500 spent recently, new rubber, 3 PTH, grapple fork, 7414 loader, good cond., $37,000. Call Neil at 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3 PTH, grapple, manure tines, 800 hrs., like new. Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. NH T6080, 135 PTO HP, 1700 hrs., FEL and grapple, MFWD, $82,500. 306-731-7657, Lumsden, SK. 2005 TS115 NH, MFD, loader and grapple, 115 HP, 3200 hrs, $65,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. 9682 NH, 4 WD, 4950 hrs., 400 HP, 710x38 duals, 4 remotes, always shedded, $82,000 OBO. 306-621-1631, Yorkton, SK. 1996 NH 9482, 3200 hours, always shedded, excellent condition, $85,000. 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK.

1978 FORD 6600, 72 HP diesel tractor with HD loader, 72” bucket, 3 PTH, good cond., $8500. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK. 1991 846 FORD VERSATILE, 18.4x38R duals, 1000 PTO, 15 spd. synchro, 4 hyds., 3800 hrs, shedded, exc. cond. Contact Jim 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. 2005 TJ 450, 2800 hrs., 16 spd. powershift, deluxe cab, AutoSteer, dual 710 R42’s. Call 306-921-6697, Melfort, SK.

1983 VERSATILE 835, Atom Jet, recent bearing roll and injectors, shedded, auto s t e e r, 1 1 , 0 0 0 h r s . , $ 1 9 , 0 0 0 . P h o n e 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. 2010 VERSATILE 435. At Auction on Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers, 1-866-873-5488 www.schapansky.com DL#912715. 2012 535 POWERSHIFT, 800 duals. Last of the Pre-emission engines. Super fall programs. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL HYDROS in stock- reman. 150 thru TV145. Call us 1-800-667-7712, Hydratec Hydraulics.

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630 JD, vg shape; 100.06 Deutz; 135 Massey Harris diesel w/3 PTH; 42 JD D, to be restored; 7” 40’ Pool auger w/16 HP Kohler motor. 306-722-3579, Fillmore, SK. 1010 JD CRAWLER, 8’ blade, 14” tracks, exc. cond., includes operators manual, $10,000. 204-537-2486, Wawanesa, MB. FLAX STRAW BUNCHER, 9’ wide, $2800 OBO. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK.


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2- MM 1000G tractors, $1500; MM U, gas 4 cyl., tractor w/loader, $800; 1060 Case combine, w/318 motor, $1000; 45’ Ranch King auger, w/16 HP engine, $300; 1954 Ford 2 ton truck; 1950s International KS7, 2 ton truck; 1961 International 1 ton, offers. 306-672-3024, Gull Lake, SK.

LEON 707 front end loader with 6’ bucket, $3600. Call 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. DEGLEMAN 12’ 4 way blade, model 12-46757 off 8000 series JD tractor, excellent condition, $7500. 306-241-2839 or, 306-252-2910, Kenaston, SK. JD 158 FEL with bucket, 40 series mounts, good condition. Phone 780-878-3833.

4W D TR A C TO R S 2011 JD 9630T 36” tracks, pto 110 hrs................................................$405,000 (R E) 2010 JD 9630T 36” tracks, pto 1407 hrs..............................................$359,000 (A V) 2009 JD 9630T 36” tracks, pto 1210 hrs..............................................$310,000 (ES) 2010 JD 9530T 36” tracks, dlx cab 824 hrs................................................$319,000 (R A ) 2008 JD 9630 800 tires, 3570 hrs.......$248,000 (A V) 2004 JD 9520 800/70r38 duals, 2600 hrs................................................$19,000 (A V) 2002 JD 9320 D uals, 24 spd trans, 3943 hrs..............................................$178,000 (A V) 1998 JD 9400 Triples, auto steer, 5550 hrs..............................................$130,000 (R E) 2011 C aseIH 535, Q uad trac, 750 hrs................................................$323,000 (A V) 2008 C aseIH 425, Steiger, 1950 hrs...$206,000 (ES) 2010 C hallenger M T875C track tractor, 575 hp, 1300 hrs...............................................C om ing (ES) 2W D - M FW D TR A C TO R S 1978 JD 4640 quad, duals, 7600 hrs.....$18,500 (A ) 2010 JD 6430 prem ium cab, 3 pt, 673 FEL, 650 hrs..................................................$92,500 (O X) 2005 M cC orm ick M TX135 cab, m fw d, loader, 3900 hrs................................................$65,000 (A V) 2004 JD 7520 m fw d,740 loader, 9128 hrs................................................$71,500 (R A ) 1995 JD 7700 m fw d,740 loader, 6880 hrs................................................$73,000 (R A ) C O M B IN ES (24 m onths interest free) 2009 JD 9870 STS 20.8X 42 duals, contour m aster, 733 hrs...................$260,000 (R E) 2009 JD 9870 STS 20.8x42 duals, pow ercast, 784 hrs..................................................$254,000 (A ) 2008 JD 9870 STS 20.8x38 duals, pow ercast, 721 hrs................................................$250,000 (ES) 2009 JD 9770 STS 20.8x42 dls, C M , 615 pickup, 541 hrs................................................$289,000 (ES) 2008 JD 9770 STS 20.8X 38 duals, 664 hrs................................................$235,000 (R E) 2008 JD 9770 STS 20.8x38 duals, pow ercast, 916 hrs................................................$223,000 (A V) 2007 JD 9860 STS 800/32, pow ercast, 763 hrs................................................$229,000 (A V) 2007 JD 9860 STS 20.8x42 duals, 967 hrs..................................................$218,000 (A ) 2006 JD 9860 STS 20.8x38 duals, 615 pickup, 1327 hrs..............................................$220,000 (ES) 2005 JD 9860 STS 20.8x42 duals, 1446 hrs..............................................$170,000 (ES) 2005 JD 9860 STS 20.8x42 duals, 1405 hrs................................................$178,000 (A ) 2004 JD 9860 STS 20.8x42 duals, 1250 hrs..............................................$180,000 (R E) 2007 JD 9760 STS 20.8x38 dls, pw rcast, 615 pickup,1250 hrs.........................$199,500 (ES) 2007 JD 9760 STS 20.8x42 duals, 1313 hrs..............................................$169,000 (R A ) 2006 JD 9760 STS 20.x38 duals, pow ercast TB , 1771 hrs..............................................$158,000 (R E) 2005 JD 9760 STS 800R 32, Pickup header, 1562 hrs..............................................$162,000 (ES) 2005 JD 9760 STS 20.8x42 duals, 1507 hrs..............................................$148,000 (A V) 2005 JD 9760 STS 800R 32, pickup, 1562 hrs..............................................$160,000 (O X) 2004 JD 9760 STS 20.8x38 duals, pickup 1475 hrs..............................................$166,500 (R E) 2004 JD 9660 STS 30.5x32, hopper ext, 1408 hrs..............................................$145,000 (R A ) 2005 JD 9660 STS 30.5x32, 914 pickup header, 1150 hrs..............................................$160,000 (O X) 2006 JD 9660 STS 30.5x32, touchset, 835 hrs................................................$175,000 (R E) 2002 JD 9750 STS 20.8x38 duals, 615 pickup, 2285 hrs..............................................$122,000 (ES) 2001 JD 9750 STS 800/65R 32, 2411 hrs..............................................$100,000 (A V) 2003 JD 9650 STS 914 pickup,800/32 singles, 1770 hrs..............................................$122,000 (ES) 2001 JD 9650 w alkers, dlx hdr cntls, hopper ext, 3028 hrs................................................$79,000 (A V) 1996 JD C TS pickup header, 2625 hrs................................................$45,000 (R E) 1995 JD C TS 3558 hrs...........................$40,000 (A V) 2009 C IH 7120, duals, cm , pickup (3 choices) 900hrs.................................$269,000-$290,000 (ES) 1995 C A SE 2188, pickup, chopper, 2452 hrs................................................$48,000 (R A ) 1995 C A SE 1688 Pickup, new M av chopper, 3254 hrs................................................$42,000 (R A ) 1994 JD 9600 chopper, pickup, 3786 hrs................................................$50,000 (R E) 1998 JD 9610 chopper, 2707 hrs.........$59,000 (R A ) 1987 JD 8820 chopper, pickup, 4026 hrs................................................$22,000 (O X) C O M B IN E PLA TFO R M S JD 224 24’rigid..........................................$4,500 (O ) 1994-1997 JD 930 30’rigid, bat & pickup reels available.........................................$6,500 & up (A ) 2008 JD 936D , PU R , trans....................$45,000 (A V) 1990 JD 925F, 25’flex ................................$9,500 (O ) 1997 JD 930F, 30’flex, H FN A .................$17,000 (A ) 1999 JD 930F, 30’flex , sliding drives, single point..........................................$20,000 (A V) 2004 JD 635F, 35’flex, A W S air reel.....$33,000 (A ) 2004 JD 635F, 35’flex ...........................$27,000 (R A )

2006 JD 635F, 35’flex ....................$33,000 (R A )(A V) 2008 JD 635F, 35’flex, A W S air reel, transport................................................$44,500 (A ) 1999 N ew H olland 973 flex , crary air reel..........................................$22,500 (E) 2009 JD 635D , 35’draper, crop auger, hfna, trans..............................................$61,000 (E) 2005 C IH 2042, 30’draper, 2388 adapter..........................................$38,000 (O ) 2008 H oneyB ee SP4555, 45’flex draper....$68,000 H oneyB ee SP30, 30’draper, crop auger, C IH adapter.........................................$27,000 (R A ) 2004 H oneyB ee SP42, 42’draper, crop auger, JD 70 adapter.....................................$39,000 (A V) 1999 H oneyB ee SP36, 36’draper, crop auger, transp...................................................$29,500 (R E) 2000 H oneyB ee SP36, 36’gleaner adapter................................................$28,000 (R A ) 2000 H oneyB ee SP36, 36’draper, trans, crop auger...........................................$28,000 (A V) 2005 H oneyB ee SP36, 36’draper, JD 70 adapter.....................................$39,000 (A V) 2009 M acdon D 60, 40’draper, JD 60 adapter.....................................$55,000 (O X) 2002 M acdon 972, 36’, trans , JD 60 adapter........................................$39,000 (A ) 2007 M acdon 963, 36’draper, bat reels, JD 60 adapter.................................................$38,000 (R E) 1996 M acdon 960, 36’draper, bat reel, JD adapter...................................................$14,900 (A ) 1996 M acdon 960, 36’draper, pickup reel, trans........................................................$19,000 (E) 1998 M acdon 960, 36’draper, pickup reel, trans.......................................................$20,000 (A ) 2004 M acdon 974, 30’flex draper, C ase adapter......................................$45,000 (R A ) 2005 M acdon 974, 30’flex draper, JD adapter..........................................$42,000 (O X) G R A IN H A N D LIN G EQ U IPM EN T 2007 B rent 880 grain cart, hyd drive, tarp.......................................................$36,000 (A V) B ourgault 750 grain cart, PTO , tarp..................................................$32,000 (A )(R E) 2008 B rent 1174, grain cart, tdm s, scale, tarp..............................................$50,000 (A ) 2005 B randt 13x90XL grain auger.......$15,000 (ES) 2006 Farm King 16x104 grain auger.....$29,500 (A ) Farm King 13x85 grain auger................$10,500 (E) Farm King 10x70 grain auger................$8,500 (ES) 2002 B randt 4500 grain vac...................$9,950 (R E) Kongskilde 500 grain vac........................$6,000 (E) 2005 R em 2100 grain vac........................$14,500 (E) J& M 675 grain cart, hyd drive, tarp.....$12,500 (E) SPR A Y ER S 2007 JD 4930 R aven auto boom , 2001 hrs................................................$240,000 (A ) 2006 JD 4920, 2361 hrs.........................$220,000 (A ) 2006 JD 4920, 1768 hrs.......................$237,000 (R E) 2002 A pache 790, 96’, 1445 hrs...........$76,000 (O X) 1995 R ogator 854, 3200 hrs....................$83,900 (A ) 2005 M elroe 4650 Spray coupe..........$78,200 (R E) Severalm achines not listed here.............C all(A ) M ISC ELLA N EO U S EQ U IPM EN T 12’D egelm an 4400 B ulldozer.................$4,500 (O ) 14’Leon Q 9000 B ulldozer, 6 w ay, JD 9000 tractor....................................$18,500 (R E) H A Y IN G EQ U IPM EN T (36 m os interest free) 2008 JD 568 rd baler, m ega w ide pickup..............................$28,000 (R E) 2001 JD 567 rd baler, m ega tooth pickup.............................$16,900 (R E) 2003 JD 567 rd baler, surface w rap......$22,000 (E) 2008 C IH R B 564 rd baler, m esh w rap...$23,000 (O ) 2002 C IH R B X561 rd baler........................$9,500 (O ) 2004 C IH R B X562 rd baler, surface w rap......................................$16,000 (R A ) 1999 N ew Idea rd baler 5x5 bale.........$5,000 (R A ) 2002 H esston 1275, m ow er conditioner...............................$13,500 (E) 2002 JD 946 3 pt hitch, m ow er conditioner............................$18,500 (R E) SP W IN D R O W ER S 2008 JD 4895 36’H oneyB ee header, 650 hrs................................................$115,000 (R E) 2006 JD 4895 30’H oneybee, 1680 hrs..$89,000 (O ) 2006 M acdon 2952i, 30’, 972, 800 hrs....................................................$95,000 (O ) 1997 M acdon 2930, 25’, 972 header, 3060 hrs..................................................$37,900 (O ) 2002 H eston 8250 tw o headers, 2538 hrs................................................$48,000 (R A ) 1998 M acdon 1900, 30’, pto, pickup reel.............................................$4,500 (ES) SEED IN G (24 m os interest free) 61’JD 1820, 10” spg,430 bu,1910 tbh. 2006 .........................................................$98,000 (A ) 60’JD 1820 10’spg, 350 bus, 1900 tbh cart.......................................$60,000 (R A ) 54’JD 1820 10” spg, ss, 3” rubr pk rs, no tank ...................................................$45,000 (A ) 42’B ourgault 5710, 12’spg, 4300 cart..$50,000 (E) 42’B ourgault 5710, 12”spg, N H 3 shank M R B ’s, steelpk rs.............................................$50,000 (R E) 50’Flexicoil7500, 10” spg, 3450 TB T tank.....................................$49,000 (R A ) 49’(X2) M orris M axum 12” spg, D /S, TB H cart..............................$29,000-45,000 (R E)(E)

N E LSO N M O T OR S & E QU IPM E NT A vonlea, Sask. R adville, Sask. (306) 868-2022 (306) 869-3000 Estevan, Sask. R edvers, Sask. (306) 634-6422 (306) 452-3418 O xbow , Sask.(306) 483-5115 W ebsite:w w w .nelsonm otors.com



WANTED: 90 or 100 HP Belarus tractor, running or not. 403-746-5483 Eckville, AB. WANTED: HAYBUSTER SEEDERS with double disc openers, approximately 20’, 306-662-3949, Maple Creek, SK.


a n y m a k e of tra c tor G roe n in g In d u s trie s Ltd . 888-86 6 -4203 2000 JD 9200 4WD tractor, 2576 hrs; 1998 JD 9610 SP combine, 2360 hrs; 1984 JD 4650 2WD tractor, 6250 hrs, powershift; 1988 JD 925, 25’ flex header; JD 1840 tractor, 3 PTH, Allied loader; 1993 Degelman 12’ blade. 204-764-2544 (days), 204-764-2035 (eves.), Hamiota, MB. WOODS BATWING MOWERS: 3180, 15’ $7000; 20’ $7500; 10’ $3500; 7’ $3000. JD 1518, 15’ $8500. Case/IH 12’ discbine $6900. Vermeer R23 rake $7000. Scrapers: Crown 6 yd., $5000; Fieldmaster 4 yd., $3900. 1-866-938-8537.


BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: Older and newer tractors, in running condition or for parts. Goods Used FORKLIFTS: JCB 940, 8000 lbs; JCB 930, Tractor Parts, 1-877-564-8734. 6000 lbs; Eagle Picher R80. Conquest WANTED: HARROW PACKER BAR. Phone Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 306-542-7325, Kamsack, SK. WANTED: LATE MODEL air drill, approx. 50’ with 12� spacing, prefer Seed Master with onboard seed and dry fertilizer tank. 306-739-2882, Wawota, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED: ALFALFA SEED box for 9300 series JD drill, 6� spacing, 10’ long, 20 drops. 406-264-5299, Ft. Shaw, Montana. WANTED: 2 COMPLETE shank assemblies, for Morris Magnum II deep tiller; 2 complete shank assembles for Bourgault cultivator. 204-638-8443, Dauphin, MB. FRONT END LOADER wanted for 1370 Case tractor. Phone: 306-882-3718, Rosetown, SK.

n ew , fxi ed kn ife s hred d er kit, w a lkin g a xles o n w in gs . Reta il $61,000.

M us tgo, fa ll b low out... $45,9


Fla m a n Sa le s Ltd, 1-8 8 8 -23 5-26 26 or 3 06 -726 -4403 , S o u they, S K .

ONE TIME FENCING, sucker rod fence posts for sale. 1-877-542-4979 AB or SK 1-888-252-7911. www.onetimefencing.ca GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26� to 120�. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen ph/fax 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK.

WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610, www.FAAsecurity.com CLEARANCE PRICING on LR4350 (50’) and LR4353 (53’) Rite-Way land rollers. Narrow transport, hydraulic rear wheels. Visit your n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e o r c a l l HI-LITE MFG. Selling Ezee-roll wire roll1-888-435-2626 or www.flaman.com er. Call Wes at 306-984-7861 or email: SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call weshilitemfg@sasktel.net for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., 5 x 1 0 P O RTA B L E C O R R A L PA N E L S www.luckemanufacturing.com starting at $55. 403-226-1722, 1-866-5171983 CASE 2290, powershift, 4750 hrs., 8335, Calgary, AB, magnatesteel.com has duals, rubber- vg, tractor in good EZEE-ON MODEL 2200 trailer type post cond.; 1985 Dodge 150 Royal SE, $300; JD pounder, 540 PTO, in new cond., $4500 336 baler, always stored inside, good OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. cond., $1500. 306-672-3646, Gull Lake, SK TEXAS GATES and 4.5, 7 and 8-5/8� pipe ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New De- fo r s a l e , f u l l l e n g t h s a n d c u t o f f s . gelman equipment, land rollers, Straw- 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. master, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer b l a d e s . P h o n e 3 0 6 - 9 5 7 - 4 4 0 3 , c e l l SPEEDRITE ELECTRIC FENCERS and accessories. 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK. 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. www.lambacres.ca 2010 245 PT VALMAR 50’ boom, ground drive, hyd. fan, exc. shape, farm owned, MULCHING - TREES; BRUSH; Stumps. low acres, $12,500 OB0. 306-743-7657 or Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: www.maverickconstruction.ca 306-743-7679, Langenburg, SK. 1980 CASE 4490 tractor, totally redone, CUSTOM FENCING AND corral building, no $15,000; 1978 IHC 1066 tractor, hydro- job too big or too small. 306-699-7450, static, $6000; 1979 Case payloader, yard 306-699-2327, Qu’Appelle, SK. bucket, $10,000; Flexi-Coil harrows, packers and drawbar, $7000; 2- IH 56’ press drills, $2500 ea; 45’ Sakundiak auger w/elec. wheel mover, $2300; Terragator Fi na n c i ng spreader, fert. or calcium, $15,000; 53’ and Melroe cult, $3000; 40’ M&W rotary hoe, L ea sin g 3 PTH, $5000; 4- CCL discers w/hitches, R egin a , S K $6000; 2002 Phoenix rotary harrows, 47’, like new, $13,000; Flexi-Coil 7500 air drill, 3 0 6 -3 47-0 774 o r like new, $18,000; 50’ fert. spoke wheel, To ll F ree a t 1-8 6 6 -8 9 9 -9 9 6 5 all new lines, $6000; 40’ PT hyd. motor Valmar, $1500; 40- 225 gal. caged fiber• P o rta b le P o s t H o le S he d s glass tanks, no chemical, $50 ea. Moose • U s e d Fa rm Equ ipm e n t Jaw, SK, 306-693-2660, 306-681-9030.

L& M

DON’T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! Best selection of tow ropes and straps in Canada. For tractors up to 600 HP. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com MF 15’ DISCER, exc. cond.; NH Super 55 side rake; Versatile 6�x36’ grain auger, B&S engine; 3 IH cultivators: 15’, 18’, 24’. 204-638-7511, 204-638-1095, Dauphin MB MASSEY 150 TRACTOR w/FEL, bucket, forks, 3 PTH, exc. condition. Great yard tractor. Call Bob 306-463-7965, Eston, SK. 10’ ACKRON 180T grain bag extractor, like new, $19,900; Leon 8’ dozer blade, $1200; Crawfords high dump sileage wagon, $4900; Laurier bale wagon, $13,900; Degelman 570 rockpicker, $5900; Wilrich 36’ vibrashank, $2200. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK.

• Co n s tru ctio n Equ ipm e n t • Au to m o tive Equ ipm e n t Vis it us a t: w w w .lm fin a n c in g.c o m

KOHLER ELECTRIC PLANT generator, nat. gas 35R8811 SN #215281, 35 KW, 3 phase, 43.75 KVA, 60 cycle, 120/28 volt, 1800 RPM, 121 amp per term., 24 battery volts, 92 HP, 33.9 hrs. asking $8000 OBO. 306-370-1603, Dalmeny, SK. DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, John Deere, Deutz. We also build custom gensets. We currently have special pricing on new John Deere units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471.


WESTERN IRRIGATION. Large supply of new and used irrigation equipment. 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK. 2009 CUMMINS DGCA-666115 - 50KW, 3.9L Cummins, 4 cyl. turbo, 120/240V 1-phase (can be converted to 3-phase), fully tested, ready to go. $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high quality generator systems. Quality diesel generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven alternators, automatic / manual switch gear, and commercial duty Sommers Powermaster and Sommers / Winco portable generators and home standby packages. 75+ years of reliable service. Contact Sommers Motor Generator Sales for all your generator requirements at 1-800-690-2396 sales@sommersgen.com Online: www.sommersgen.com



PACIFIC WESTERN Stainless Steel outdoor wood burning furnace, $4000. Phone: 306-675-0008, Lestock, SK.

OUTBACK 360 AUTOSTEER, off 9400 JD, hydro steering system, good cond., asking $5000. 306-487-7993, Lampman, SK. THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving water? Pumping units, 6� to 10� alum. NEW AND USED Outback STS, S3 mapping pipe; Also Wanted: 6� to 10� pipe. Call units. Baseline, AutoSteer and VSI units. Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years of experience, not a Dealer. Email: Trades welcome. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK dfpickerell@shaw.ca IRRIGATION PIPE APPROX. 1000’ of 2�, 1200’ of 3�, 1100’ of 4� alum., 65 sprinklers, gaskets, T’s, 50 HP, 3 phase pump, $5900. 306-620-6310, Yorkton, SK. N.A.P.S. SOLAR STORE offers solar panels, windmills, components or complete solar IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8�, systems and energy efficient appliances. 4 cyl. dsl or PTO, 600-1000 gal/min, very 780-835-3682, 1-866-835-6277, Fairview, efficient. Also buying oilfield pipe and casing. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB. AB., or check out: www.solar-store.com RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new *UDLQ 3HOOHW 6WRYHV and used equipment. 31 years in business. www.rainmaker-irrigation.com Outlook, SK Call 306-867-9606.


SPRUCE FOR SALE! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your shelter belt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB. or, deliver anywhere in western Canada. For details call 403-586-8733 or check out our website at www.didsburysprucefarms.com

NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our experienced staff are waiting to help you. Call 1-800-667-7770 today!

NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our experienced staff are waiting to help you. Call 1-800-667-7770 today!

ROTARY DITCHER - Available today. 30�, 42�, 60�, 72�. Works in all soil conditions wet or dry. Spreads soil evenly, no piles! Fast and efficient. Call Gilbert 204-436-2469, Fannystelle, MB.







A W P IP E & S T E E L S A LE S LT D .

Phone: 306-955-3091 Fax: 306-343-8060 Em ail: aw pipe@ sasktel.net OFFICE only (Saskatoon) STOCKIN G YARD (Cam rose AB)



MERITS SCOOTER, 4 wheel, HD, new batteries, all lights, signals, horn, w/grocery basket, $900. 306-545-1204, Regina, SK.

GRAIN/PELLET STOVES. Lowest price of the season, $2195. Limited quantities. NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from Call 306-369-2825, Bruno, SK. 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in 6 YEAR OLD Legend coal boiler w/auto feed, was used to heat a 10,000 sq. ft. stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. shop w/wo 2000 bu. hopper bin. Ladimer at 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. or for pictures GENERATORS: 20 KW to 2000 KW, low ladimer@sasktel.net hour diesel and natural gas/ propane units Abraham Generator Sales Co. Phone: 701-797-4766 or 701-371-9526, Cooperstown, ND. www.abrahamindustrial.com 3/4� SUCKER RODS, $5 each, 2 3/8� oilfield tubing at $27 each, truckload quantities only. 306-861-1280, Weyburn, SK.


FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer. F I R E W O O D : C u t a n d s p l i t , d e l i ve r y available. 306-862-7831, Nipawin, SK. SEASONED SPRUCE SLAB firewood, one cord bundles, $85, half cord bundle, $55. V&R Sawing 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK.

HOME OF REINKE ELECTROGATOR II. Reinke centre pivots, one used 2640’ Valley section pivot, 1295 Reinke pivot, one used 2600’ Zim. Can design to your needs. Trades welcome. 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK.





7,500 F T

2.375� O .D . x .125 W all


$0.37/ F T

3,600 F T

3.500� O .D . x .125 W all


$0.53/ F T

2,000 F T

3.500� O .D . x .156 W all


$0.55/ F T

23,000 F T

3.500� O .D . x .188 W all


$0.95/ F T

29,000 F T

4.500� O .D . x .125 W all


$0.82/ F T

28,000 F T

4.500� O .D . x .156 W all


$0.89/ F T

15,000 F T

4.500� O .D . x .188 W all


$0.96/ F T

9,600 F T

6.625� O .D . x .156 W all


$1.79/ F T

7,300 F T

6.625� O .D . x .188 W all


$1.80/ F T

12,000 F T

6.625� O .D . x .219 W all


$1.89/ F T

6,000 F T

12.750� O .D . x .188 W all


$6.59/ F T

4,700 F T

12.750� O .D . x .330 W all


$11.90/ F T

PLEASE CALL FOR PRICES ON : LAN D R O LLER PIPE HEAV Y W ALL PIPE iss D on’t M his Out On TPrice c Fantastings! Savi

42� O .D . x .500/ .540/ .720 W all 4.500� O .D . x .219 W all Excellen tfor 6.625� O .D . x .250 W all F en ce P osts/ P ilin g


All Prices Based on Truckload Quantities Only

Call N ow - Arnie/Bobbie Jo/Cheryl

SPRING CALVING COW Herd Dispersal for Island Lake Ranch, Inglis, MB., Saturday, October 27, 1:00 PM, on the farm 6 miles North of Inglis on PTH #592. 120 home raised commercial cows bred Red and Black Angus. View online www.chescu.com Barry Sawchuk 204-564-2228, or Chescu Auctions 204-564-2509.

ECI Steel Inc. Prince Albert, SK. Hwy 3 & 48th St. E. Large Quantities of Commercial Tubing for Sale

INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 2 x 2 x 120 Alu m in u m Tu b in g S qu a re C o rn e r...............................Bund le Pric e - $1.74/ft 3 x 2 x 250........................Bund le Pric e - $3 .20/ft 1 x 1 x 100 x 24’...............Bund le Pric e - $0.59/ft 11⠄4 x 11⠄4 x 100 x 24’. . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.76/ft 11⠄4 x 11⠄4 x 125 x 24’..........Bund le Pric e - $0.91/ft 11⠄2 x 11⠄2 x 100 x 24’..........Bund le Pric e - $0.92/ft 11⠄2 x 11⠄2 x 125 x 24’..........Bund le Pric e - $1.12/ft 2 x 2 x 100 x 24’...............Bund le Pric e - $1.3 2/ft 2 x 2 x 125 x 24’...............Bund le Pric e - $1.60/ft 2 x 2 x 250 x 20’...............Bund le Pric e - $2.43 /ft 2 x 2 x 188 x 20’...............Bund le Pric e - $1.99/ft 3 x 3 x 3 75 x 40’...............Bund le Pric e - $4.15/ft 4 x 2 x 250 x 20’...............Bund le Pric e - $4.05/ft 4 x 4 x 500........................Bund le Pric e - $9.72/ft 4 x 3 x 3 13 ........................Bund le Pric e - $5.46/ft Many Other Sizes Available Ple a s e c a ll Tra vis fo r d e ta ils





“ Fa rm e rs He lping Fa rm e rs ”



Bred cow program ! Feeder Program !

Toll Free 1-8 66-8 48 -6669 No Res triction s ; Pu rcha s e a n d m a rk etin g - You rchoice

GEIS ANGUS DISPERSAL SALE, Thursday, Dec. 13 and Friday, Dec. 14 at Nilsson Bros. Livestock, Clyde, AB. Providing endless opportunities of all Red and Black Angus genetics. Dec. 13 selling 60 long yearling bulls, herdsires, semen and embryos. Dec. 14 selling 300 cow/calf pairs, 70 bred heifers. Contacts: Brian and Kim Geis, 780-674-4225 or Rob Holowaychuk, OBI, 780-916-2628. View catalog online at www.cattlemanagement.ca to request a catalog email OBI at o.b.i@shaw.ca 21 REGISTERED HEIFERS, majority AI serviced to Cedar Ridge 1V, Krugerrrand 410H, or Iron Mountain, start calving March 15. Glennie Bros. Angus, 403-862-7578, Carnduff, SK.

w w w.foothills lives tock.ca

Roc k y M ou n ta in Hou s e , AB BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. skinnerfarmsangus.com 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.

RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Website: skinnerfarmsangus.com Ph 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. 20 PUREBRED Red Angus bred heifers. This is our entire 2011 heifer crop, good heifers, several AI bred, the rest bred to easy calving $5400 bull. Wilkinridge Stock Farm 204-373-2631, Ridgeville, MB.

REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS 1 and 2 year old bulls, starting at $2500. Call REG. RED ANGUS yearling bred heifers, 306-542-2339, Kamsack, SK. and heifer calves, October possession. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside 306-782-5805, Yorkton, SK. Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. HUSUM RANCH is downsizing, prepared to sell 25 to 30 bred cows and heifers. These are Reg. Black Angus cattle. Call 306-647-2891, Parkerview, SK. 20 BLACK ANGUS heifers, bred Angus, $1500 OBO. Phone 306-281-8224 or 306-493-2783, Delisle, SK.

FOR SALE OR TRADE, purebred Charolais heifers, to calve early. AI Kaboom and one heifer natural bred to the son of Moore’s Lariot. Don, 306-727-4927, Sintaluta, SK.


TAKE YOUR HERD to the “Next Level” with Crittenden Bros. Polled Herefords And Guests Sale Sat., Oct. 27, 1 PM, 2-1/2 miles west of Imperial SK. Featuring 20 herdsire prospects, calves and fall born yearlings. Free wintering on all bulls as well as payment terms. 65 bred females, heifer calves, cow/calf pairs and embryos. For catalogues or more info contact Howard 306-963-2414; T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. (PL #116061) at 306-933-4200 View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com C&T CATTLE CO. presents Take The Next Step Sale, Sat., Oct. 20, 5:00 PM at the Right Cross Ranch Sale Barn, Kisbey, SK. With guest consignors, Phantom Creek Livestock and McCoy Cattle Co. Selling 50 bred Polled Hereford females and open show heifers. For catalogues or more info contact Chris Lees 306-455-2605; Doug Mann 306-773-7136; Chad Nicholas 306-436-2086 or T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. (PL #116061) at 306-933-4200. View the catalogue online at www.BuyAgro.com ANL POLLED HEREFORDS and Guests Production Sale, Saturday, October 20, 12 Noon at Steelman, SK. Guest consignors Glenlees Farms, Meadow Acres and Brooks Farms. Selling 60 head, including bred females, fancy heifer calves and herd sire prospects. For a catalogue or more info. contact Karl Lischka 306-487-2670 or T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd., (PL #116061) at 306-933-4200. View the catalogue online at www.BuyAgro.com Watch and bid online at www.LiveAuctions.TV PLAN to attend Blair-Athol/Haroldson’s and Friends Sale, Sunday, Oct. 21, 1 PM at the Blair Athol farm 4 miles west, 3 miles north of Arcola. 60 Polled Herefords sell, featuring bred females, heifer calves, herdsire prospects. For catalogue or more info. contact Duncan Lees 306-455-2619; Jeff Lees 306-577-1375; Chad Wilson 306-739-2643 or T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. (PL # 116061) at 306-933-4200. View the catalogue online at www.BuyAgro.com 30 POLLED HEREFORD cows reg. and commercial, due to calve March 2013. Glennethy Farms. 204-773-3866, Russell, MB.

CHARHEAD RANCH AND DR. MELANIE ROTH, Complete Herd Dispersal Sale, Purebred Charolais herd, founded 50 years 70 ANGUS CROSS BRED HEIFERS, ago. Saturday, December 1st, 2012, 1:00 $1500 ea. OBO; 25 first calvers, bred Black PM, Whitewood Auction Mart, Whitewood, Angus, $1600 ea OBO. To start calving end SK. Selling: 50 cows, 18 bull calves, 25 heifer calves, 20 bred heifers, 3 herdsires, of March. 780-971-2422, Dixonville, AB. including 78 red animals and only 3 horned animals. For more info or to receive a catalogue please contact K&S Williamson, Melanie Roth, 306-695-2073, email ihac@sasktel.net Transcon Livestock Corp. www.transconlivestock.com M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S 403-638-9377. NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. Total Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. COWS AND HEIFERS, some fresh DEXTERS BRED COW and calf pairs, year- DAIRY some springing. 306-548-4711, Sturling heifers, 1 and 2 year old bulls. and gis, SK. SOO LINE CATTLE CO. Complete Dis- 403-845-5763, Rocky Mountain House, AB. persal and Final Bull Sale, at the ranch, FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Midale, SK. 400 heads sell, 170 cows, 80 Cows and quota needed. We buy all classbull calves, 80 heifer calves, 100 bred heifes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F ers, herdsires, semen and embryos. Justin 50 GALLOWAY ANGUS cross calves, 500 Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Morrison 306-536-4590, Roger Hardy l b. ave r a g e , 2 8 h e i fe r s , 2 2 s t e e r s . Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. 306-458-7521. Visit website or catalogue: 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK. 2- REG. HOLSTEIN bulls, 11 and 12 www.soolinecattleco.com months old, exc. dams, sired by Stardust PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling and Toystory, $1400 each. Twilight Plains bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Holsteins 306-239-4902, 306-222-0322, Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 10 REG. HEREFORD COWS, horns off, Osler, SK. bred Hereford. 306-796-4410, Central or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. Butte, SK. REGISTERED BRED Black Angus cows starting at $2000. Plus 8 replacement heif- 25 HEREFORD HEIFERS bred Red Angus. BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. 306-731-7657, Lumsden, SK. ers. Call 306-594-2904, Norquay, SK. Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB.



4H CLUB PROSPECT STEERS, from Maine cross and club calf bulls. Clark Club Calves, Kipling, SK, kbck@sasktel.net Call Ken 306-736-8322. CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. Power, performance and profit. For info on Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, Calgary, AB. or www.maine-anjou.ca

PUREBRED AND FULLBLOOD yearling bred heifers, young bred cows, preg tested, excellent quality; Three exceptional yearling bulls, delivery negotiable. Call: Olds, AB. 403-556-2290.

COMPLETE DISPERSAL, 15 purebred cows at $1800., 7 purebred heifer calves at $800. Contact Bill at Lednura Farm, 819-421-0394, Arundel, QC. PACKAGE OF SIX purebred bred heifers to start calving Feb 1st, 2013. Contact Greg Tough, 204-748-3136, Hargrave, MB.

SHORTHORNS FOR ALL the right reasons. 200 PLUS BLACK shortgrass heifers. All AI Check out why and who at 306-577-4664, bred to Right Answer and Final Answer, www.saskshorthorns.com Carlyle, SK. with easy calving Angus clean up bulls. Harry Dalke, 204-362-4101, Morden, MB. THE “ALL STAR CLASSIC” Shorthorn Sale sponsored by the Alberta Shorthorn DISPERSAL: 30 Red Angus cows and bred Assoc, Sat, October 20th at 1 PM, La- heifers and heifer calves. 306-877-2014, combe Ag Facility, Lacombe, AB. Selling Dubuc, SK. herdsire prospects, bred mature females, bred yearling heifers, calendar year heifer 40 TO 50 BLACK/ BWF bred heifers. Home calves, embryo flushes. Lunch served at raised, bred to easy calving black bulls. 11:00 AM. For further info contact Kirk April calving. Pick from 75. $1550 you Seaborn 403-729-2267 or Don Savage p i c k , $ 1 5 0 0 g a t e r u n . C a l l I a n a t Auctions 403-948-3520. Catalogue online 306-246-4544, Richard, SK. at: www.donsavageauctions.com 50 RED ANGUS CROSS bred heifers, $1650 HILL COUNTRY CLASSIC, 7th Annual for gate run, $1750 your pick, exposed Shorthorn-Speckle Park Sale. Selling 54 July 1 for two cycles. Bred to easy calving lots. Herd builder heifer calves, bred heif- polled Hereford bulls, preg. checked. Curt ers, herdsire prospects, 4H steer and pros- 306-228-3689, 306-228-9402, Unity, SK. pect heifer calf at Matlock Stock Farm, Lloydminster, SK, Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012, 40 COWS bred Red Angus, due to start 1:00 CST. Jct. 675 and 774, 1/2 mile calving first week of April. 306-889-2038, East. For more info call Creta Haydock 306-865-7344, Prairie River, SK. 306-825-2674. Catalogue and video can be 250 BLACK AND Red Angus heifers, excelviewed at www.matlockshorthorns.com lent quality, exposed to Black and Red Angus bulls June 10th to Aug. 20th. Call 306-935-2058, 306-935-4435, Milden, SK

HERD DISPERSAL: 45 young age verified home raised Tarentaise cows, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spring calvers; also 40 fall calving commercial cows. Can pasture until Oct. 31, $1450 and up. Phone Ken 204-568-4651, Miniota, MB.

HERD DISPERSAL: Approx. 70 head, red and RWF cattle. Bred heifers, first calvers, bred Red Angus. Cows bred Charolais. Bulls out June 11th, $1400 each. Rod Thomson 306-846-7771, 306-846-4307, Dinsmore, SK.

WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. CALVES OR YOUNG HEIFERS wanted from Longhorn crosses with other cattle breeds. 306-697-3308, Grenfell, SK.

THE D EC IS ION IS S TIL L B L A C K A ND W HITE! Farm fair International Edm onton,AB

S ho w a t1:00 p.m . No ve m b e r 9th, 2012


NATIONAL SHOW & SALE a t9:00 a .m . & Na tio n a l S a le a t5:00 p.m No ve m b e r 21s t, 2012 S a le c a ta lo gu e a tw w w .b u ya gro .co m THE CANADIAN SPECKLE PARK ASSOCIATION Offic e a t403 -946-463 5 w w w.ca na d ia ns p ecklep a rk.ca HILL COUNTRY CLASSIC, 7th Annual Shorthorn-Speckle Park Sale. Selling 54 lots. Herd builder heifer calves, bred heifers, herdsire prospects, 4H steer and prospect heifer calf at Matlock Stock Farm, Lloydminster, SK, Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012, 1:00 CST. Jct. 675 and 774, 1/2 mile East. For more info call Creta Haydock 306-825-2674. Catalogue and video can be viewed at www.matlockshorthorns.com THE SECOND ANNUAL WESTERN ELITE Speckle Park Sale, Mon., Oct. 22, 1 PM at Notta Ranch, Neilburg, SK. Featuring purebred heifer calves and bred females, including 20 cows from the heart of the Spots ‘N Sprouts herd. Also Speckle Park influence bred heifers, open show heifers and prospect steers. For catalogues or more info contact Jason Goodfellow 306-893-4620; John Herbert 306-893-4096 or T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. (PL#116061) at 306-933-4200 View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com SPECKLE PARK FEEDER SALE: November 7, Heartland Livestock Services, Lloydminster, SK. Ph. Doug Heath 306-821-6668 or John Herbert 306-893-4096 for more info.

ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. www.albertatexaslonghorn.com TEXAS LONGHORN AND RANCH Horse Fall Select Sale. Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Crossroads Centre, Oyen, AB. On offer: registered cattle including heifer calves, open heifers, bred heifers and cows; bulls including calves, yearlings and 2 yr. olds; ranch broke horses and reg. yearling filly; commercial cattle including Longhorn steers and crossbred cows. For info and catalogues: Ron Walker, Redcliff, AB. 403-548-6684 or 403-528-0200, walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com BRED LONGHORN CROSS Corriente cows for sale, $950. Good horn, color, and no fence crawlers. 306-441-4829, Delmas, SK. Can email pictures. OFFERING A SELECT GROUP of 2 and 3 yr. old bred cows and bred heifers. Due to start calving mid April. These are very quiet and easy to handle cows. For details and pics www.canadiantexaslonghorn.com or call 403-783-7514, Rimbey AB.

50 GALLOWAY ANGUS cross calves, 500 l b. ave r a g e , 2 8 h e i fe r s , 2 2 s t e e r s . 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK. UP FOR OFFER 22 mature cows and 5 calves, mostly purebreds, at the Western Elite Speckle Park sale at Notta Ranch, Monday, Oct. 22, 1:00 PM. View catalogue at: www.buyagro.com 306-893-4096, Neilburg, SK.

40 PUREBRED BLACK Angus cows, 15 second calvers, 18 first calvers, 40 commercial blacks and reds, 45 bred heifers, blacks and reds. 306-342-4456 Glaslyn, SK

DO YOU HAVE a fancy thick, stout, 4H club calf prospect in your corral? Call 306-421-2097, Estevan, SK.

HERD DISPERSAL: 200 + young bred DO CUSTOM CATTLE FEEDING, backcows, mostly blacks and reds. Black Angus grounding, also bred cattle. 403-631-2373, b u l l s t u r n e d o u t J u n e 1 s t . C a l l 403-994-0581, Olds, AB. 306-893-4689, Maidstone, SK. DISPERSAL HERD: 115 Charolais/ Angus cross, bred Char. and Red and Black Angus bred Black Angus. Also bulls for sale. 204-732-2664 leave msg, Rorketon, MB. 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK. 57 BRED HEIFERS, mostly reds and blacks, bulls out June 15- August 29th, $1300 ea. OBO. 306-291-1341, Saskatoon, SK.

SELECT FALL PQHB HORSE SALE, OCT. 27th, 2012. Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, SK. Preview: 1 PM - Sale 4 PM. Selling approx. 60 horses. All PQHB sale horses carry lifetime eligibility to PQHB futurities. Call 306-544-2727 for details or catalogue or online at: www.prairiehorsesale.com

SELLING HEREFORD CROSS heifers, exposed to Red Angus bull July 14, 2012. CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse Sale, Sat., Nov. 3rd. Tack at 10:30, Horses 306-932-4558, Ruthilda, SK. at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of 400 BLACK and Red bred heifers, 50 bred colts must have a completed EID. Go to Charolais heifers, 200 young bred cows. the website candiacauctionmart.com to All bred to Black bulls. 306-741-2392, get the form. For more info contact Swift Current, SK. 306-424-2967. 60 QUALITY BRED Angus heifers mostly HORSE SALE, Johnstone Auction Mart, Black but a few Red bred to calving ease Moose Jaw, Thursday, November 1, 2012. bulls. Call 306-768-2419, Carrot River, SK. Tack Sells: 2:00 PM; Horses Sell: 4:00 PM. or email dl.reimer@xplornet.ca All classes of horses accepted. 306-693-4715, www.johnstoneauction.ca 400- 3, 4, AND 5 YR. OLD ANGUS AND PL #914447. ANGUS CROSS cows, w/August/Sept. calves alongside, $1650/pr. Will sell in parcels. 403-793-5072, SE AB. and SW SK. 10 BLACK AND RED Angus cows with 9 FOR SALE: BRED reg. Clydesdales mares, calves, calves born in April. 1 Angus and 3 also 2012 reg. foals. Bruce Farquhar, BirTexas Longhorn bulls. Call 780-926-8822, tle, MB, 204-842-5113. High Level, AB. 33 BRED HEIFERS, plus 10 bred cows, all black or black brockle face. Bred right, 3 REG. HAFLINGER mares, Willo Wibo and priced right, top quality. 306-283-4687, Melroe breeding. Franklin Voth, Manitou, Langham, SK. MB. 204-242-4123. CATTLE FINANCING available for feeder cattle and bred heifers/cows. Competitive interest rates. Call Marjorie Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance TEAM OF MULES broke to drive, out of Belgium mares, 16.2 HH, heavy set, 9 and 10 Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. yrs old. 204-752-2185, Alexander, MB. 90 RED ANGUS/Simmental bred heifers, bred Red Angus, top quality. Cockburn Ranch, Jamie 306-631-6939 Briercrest, SK. 75 BLACK ANGUS and Angus/Simmental livingwaterpaintsandquarters.com Vercross cows and breds, 19 Red Angus/Sim- satile horses for sale. 306-283-4495, Langmental cows due to calf April 1st. Call ham, SK. livingwaterworks@hotmail.com 306-739-2898, Wawota, SK. BRED HEIFERS: 60 Hereford/Simmental and 30 Red Angus/Simmental, all bred WANTED: BROKE GREY Percheron geldRed Angus. 20 Black, bred Black Angus. ings, will travel. Call: 250-835-8384, SorE x p o s e d J u n e 1 t o A u g u s t 1 . rento, BC. 306-441-5915 306-445-6221 Battleford SK REGISTERED PERCHERON MARES bred to a registered Percheron stallion for sale. RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g Call for info. 204-724-2458, Brandon, MB. fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers

a n d b la d es . N EW RK PURE gro o m in g p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e

STUDS AND FILLES by bay Freckles Tip Olena; Also WM Silver Belly Tee bay roan. Foals out of Foundation bred mares. 1-8 00-440-26 9 4. 306-893-2721, Maidstone, SK. Visit www.kcquarterhorses.com 150 RED and BLACK Angus bred cows, 3 w w w .rka n im a lsu pplies.co m and 4 yrs. old, bred Black Angus. Bulls out BRED BLACK HEIFERS, bred Black An- 15 YOUNG REGISTERED Quarter Horses, June 25th. Ph 403-793-9825, Bassano, AB. gus, April 1st calving. Ph. 306-325-4316, $300 to $500 each. 306-845-2624, Spruce Lake, SK. 125 BRED RED Angus cross heifers, bred Lintlaw, SK. Red Angus, good uniform bunch, vaccinated and ultrasound in calf. Apr. 10th calving date. Call 306-355-2700, Mortlach, SK. HERD DISPERSAL: 75 Black Angus cows. Call 306-336-2639 or 306-332-7405, Lipton, SK. 150 BLACK COMPOSITE heifers, best bred heifers available. AI bred with exc. set of clean up bulls, $2000/ea. Contact Guy Johnson at www.shorelinestockfarm.com or 204-448-2101, Eddystone, MB. 24 BRED BLACK and black brockleface heifers, excellent quality, exposed to bulls June 25th to August 5th, preg tested, $1350 ea. or $30,000 for pkg. Kevin McCutcheon 306-668-4200, Saskatoon, SK INVESTORS WANTED: cow herd dispersal, 125 Red Angus and tan cows, plus 50 bred heifers, also herd bulls. Can custom fe e d o n a ye a r ly b a s i s . D a r c y Z e r r, 306-478-2618, Mankota, SK. 10 REG. HEREFORD COWS, horns off, bred Hereford. 306-796-4410, Central Butte, SK. 80 COMMERCIAL BEEF cows; 10 quarters of bush pasture w/130 open, fenced. Will t r a d e fo r l a n d i n s o u t h e r n A l b e r t a . 780-836-2580, Manning, AB. LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to winter over and calve out 6 (Feb./March) purebred heifers. Ph 306-492-3035, Dundurn, SK. 30 QUALITY BLACK Angus heifers bred to purebred Black Angus bull, vaccinated, pregnancy checked, start calving March. 306-592-4464, Buchanan, SK.

Sold my cattle ranch direct to Highway 21 Feeders. Saved enough in auction commissions to take the family to Disney. Sell direct – pay yourself!

Highway 21 Feeders Ranch Direct Cattle Purchase Flexible weigh conditions and locations – Option of retained ownership – No herd too small or big – no trucking costs – no commissions – no sorting for gender – 100% seller satisfaction in 2011. Call to name your price. Contact Brock to price your cattle. Send pictures and info to bharrington86@gmail.com 403-546-2278 ext 60



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1981 CHEV CK10, 127KM, 383 Engine................................. $19,995 2002 CHEV Silverado Crew Cab, Leather............................. $13,995 2003 FORD F250 Lariat, 226KM, 6.0L Ext Cab .................... $15,995 2005 DODGE Dakota Laramie, 112KM, Crew Cab ............... $14,444 2005 DODGE Ram 1500 4X4 Hemi Loaded Fresh Trade ..... $11,995 2006 CHEV Avalanche LT .................................................... $13,999 2006 DODGE Ram 3500 Laramie, 182KM, 5.9L, Mega Cab .... $33,995 2007 DODGE Ram 2500 SLT, 128KM, 5.7L, Mega Cab........ $24,995 2007 CADILLAC Escalade EXT 43,000 Miles Must See .... $34,995 2007 CHEV Silverado 1500 LT, 130KM, 4.8L, Reg Cab ........ $16,995 2007 CHEV Silverado 2500 LT, 166KM, 6.6L, Crew Cab ...... $32,995 2007 DODGE Ram 3500 SLT, 178KM, 6.7L, Mega Cab........ $28,995 2008 DODGE Ram 2500 SLT, 111KM, 6.7L, Crew Cab......... $31,995 2008 GMC Sierra 2500 SLE, 142KM, 6.6L, Crew Cab ........... $32,995 2008 CHEV Silverado 3500, 61KM, 606L Dually, Crew Cab .........CALL 2008 CHEV Silverado 3500 LTZ, 70KM, 6.6L Dually, Crew Cab ....CALL 2008 FORD F350 KR, 74KM, 6.4L Dually, Crew Cab............. $39,995 2008 CHEV 1500 LT, 93KM, 5.3L, Ext Cab ....................................CALL 2008 GMC Yukon Denali, Loaded, 138KM............................ $29,900 2008 DODGE Ram 2500 Mega, 6.7L................................... $31,995 2009 DODGE Ram 1500 Laramie, 59KM, 5.7L, Crew Cab ...........CALL 2010 FORD F250 XLT, 112KM, 5.4L, Ext Cab ........................ $21,995 2010 DODGE Ram 3500 Laramie, 6.7L, Crew Cab Dually ...........CALL 2010 FORD F150 Harley, 5.4L, Crew Cab............................. $34,995 2010 DODGE Ram 3500 Laramie, 69KM, 6.7L, Crew Cab ... $49,995 2010 DODGE Ram 2500, 5.7L Crew Cab, 100KM ................... $24,995 2010 GMC Sierra 2500 4X4 Loaded 111Km 6.0L ................. $26,995 2011 GMC 2 to choose from 1500 SLE, 28KM, 5.3L, Crew Cab ...CALL 2011 FORD F250 XLT 5.4L, 100KM...................................... $27,995 2011 GMC Sierra 2500, 117KM ........................................... $26,995 2011 FORD F350 4X4 Loaded 73Km Long Box 6.2L Gas ..... $32,995







USED EQUIPMENT Bourgault 6550 ‘10

Bourgault 6350 ‘08

Bourgault 6350 ‘07

Bourgault 5350 ‘00

1 of 2 available

Call for details.



Flexi-Coil 3450 ‘97

3TM, seed bag lift, RTH.


Flexi-Coil 2320 ‘98 Load/unload.




Bourgault 5710 ‘98 1 of 2



Bourgault 3310 ‘09

Semi hopper, single fan.


2 tank meter, NH3 line, RTH, brand new 3rd tank meter and rear rice tires..



Bourgault FH536-40


Bourgault 3310 1 of 8 ‘10 available ‘10, ‘09, ‘08

65’, 4.8� pneu. pkrs, MRBII.



40’ - 75’. Starting


Flexi-Coil 5000 ‘97




Flexi-Coil 5000 ‘95

available ‘05 & ‘98

Call. Starting







57’, 3/4� carbide, 3.5� steel packers.



For a complete listing visit our website

Greg Shabaga

Lyle Mack

H (306) 864-3364 C (306) 864-7776

H (306) 752-2954 C (306) 921-6844


Randy Porter

Farren Huxted

H (306) 864-2579 C (306) 864-7666

H (306) 752-3792 C (306) 864-7688

Kinistino, SK • email: awe@agworld.cc

57’, 7� space, 3� steel, single shoot, 1 owner.





All Used Combines/Platforms Are 0% Interest for 2 Years or Low Rate Lease!


2006 JD 9860 STS




2006 JD 4920

2010 JD 9430




JD 640D 40’ Draper Heads starting at...

2011 JD 1830 61’ with JD 1910 Cart

2011 JD 956 Mower Conditioner




COMBINES (4) 12 JD S670 demoed combines, 247 hrs up ..........................................$345,300 (M) 11 NH CX8080, 202 hrs, w/ NH 76C-14’ PU, Swathmaster PU ................... $265,300 (S) (2) 07 JD 9860 STS, 670 hrs up, 800/70R38 ..................................... $226,300 up (M,R) (2) 06 JD 9860 STS, 1008 hrs up, 520/85R42 ....................................... $203,100 up (R) 04 JD 9860 STS, 1854 hrs, 800/65R32,deluxe header controls ............. $164,700 (RM) 11 JD 9770 STS, 370 hrs, 20.8-38, premier cab ........................................ $301,500 (A) (2) 09 JD 9770 STS, 434 hrs up, premier cabs .............................. $259,500 up (M,RM) 07 JD 9760 STS, 1161 hrs, premier cab, 800/70R38, del header controls $203,700 (A) 06 JD 9760 STS, 1341 hrs, 800/65R32, hi cap feeding ............................. $179,600 (S) 05 JD 9760 STS, 2032 hrs, 20.8R38, air scoop ........................................$173,500 (MJ) 05 Cat 570R, 1080 hrs, 60/32 tires, w/ P514 header ................................. $109,300 (S) (3) 04 JD 9760 STS, 2082 hrs up, spreader, chop ...................... $129,500 up (M,MM,S) 03 JD 9750 STS, 1390 hrs ,800/65R32 ...................................................... $148,900 (R) (2) 01 JD9750 STS, 1964 hrs up, spreader, chop ............................$111,900 up (RM,S) (2) 01 JD 9650 STS, 2000 hrs up ,800/65R32,chaff , chop ............... $110,000 up (S,W) 00 JD 9650 STS, 2619 hrs, 800x32, fine cut chop, 20’ .................................$83,500 (S) 05 JD 9660W, 2176 hrs, 800/65R32, deluxe header controls ....................$119,500 (M) 09 JD 9570S, 374 hrs, 800/65R32, chop, spreader....................................$220,700 (W) 98 JD 9510, 2075 hrs, 24.5x32, dial spd, dual range.................................$80,500 (RM) 95 JD 9600, 3030 hrs, dial spd, 20’ aug,chaff spreader ..............................$47,400 (M) 94 JD 9600, 3424 hrs, 30.5x32 ....................................................................$59,500 (W) 94 NH TX66, 2170 hrs, 16.7x20, w/971 13’ pu head....................................$39,900 (W) 93 JD 9600, 3570 hrs, 30.5x32, chop, chaff spreader ..................................$53,400 (S) (3) 97 JD CTS, 2589 hrs up , dial spd, chopper ............................. $57,300 up (M,RM,S) 93 JD 9500, 2126 hrs, dial spd, dam, 30.5x32, chop ....................................$36,700 (A) 91 CIH 1680, 5357 hrs, 30.5-32, w/1015 PU header.....................................$21,500 (A) 89 JD 9500, 4950 hrs, dial spd,chaff spreader, 20’ .....................................$27,900 (M) 81 & 82 JD 7720, 4135 hrs up, 20’aug .................................................. $8,400 up (A,S)

SPRAYERS 09 JD 4830, 1460 hrs, 100’ , 20” spac, 1000 gal tank ...............................$237,900 (M) 11 JD 4920, 800 hrs, 120’, 20” nozzle space, 380/105R50 ....................$333,300 (MM) 09 JD 4930, 1252 hrs, 120’, 1200 gal tnl, 20” nozzle ................................ $302,200 (A) 08 JD 4930, 1744 hrs, 120’, 20” nozzle, 380/105R50 ................................$275,500 (W) 11 JD 4730, 436 hrs, 100’, 800 gal tank, swath control pro, 20” nozzle ... $249,700 (R) (2) 08 JD 4730, 667 hrs up, 100’, trac control, 1” poly plumb 20”............. $223,400 (A) 06 JD 4920, 1469 hrs, 90’,380/105R50, 15” spac .................................... $201,200 (R) 03 Brandt QF2500, 1500 gal, hyd dr, single nozzle ...................................$13,700 (MM) 96 Patriot XL,3700 hrs, 80’, 750 gal tank, foam mark .................................$49,900 (M)

HAYING EQUIPMENT 11 NH BR7090, 6048 bales,edge wrap, 1000 pto, push.............................$26,500 (MJ) 09 MacDon A30-D-16’ Moco, 1000 RPM, skid shoes....................................$29,200 (R) 08 MF 2756 baler, 5100 bales, ramp, kicker .............................................$24,000 (MM) 08 NH BR7090 baler, 7262 bales, new belts, 82” pu ....................................$23,000 (A) 08 Vermeer 605M, hyd pu lift, hyd bale ramp, 21.5x16 ............................$22,500 (MM) 06 NH BR780A, 8200 bales, hyd pu, Xtra sweep pu ..................................$15,300 (MJ) (3) 05 JD 567, 6000 bales up, push bars, hyd pu.............................$17,400 up (M, MJ) (4) 03 JD 567, push bars, hyd pu lift ........................................ $18,900 up (A,M,MM,S) 02 JD 567,4632 bales, mega wide, hyd pu ...................................................$24,000 (S) 01 JD 567, hyd pu, push bars, sur wrap .......................................................$23,000 (A) 97 JD 566, 31x13.5, push bar, hyd pu lift ....................................................$17,800 (M) 95 JD 535, 540 hookup, double twine wrap, converge wheels ....................$13,000 (R) 98 JD 466 Baler,12500 bales, converge wheels ...........................................$12,600 (S) 97 JD 546,16100 bales, double twine wrap, gauge wheels ....................... $7,900 (MJ) 12 JD D450 Windrower, w/635 JD Draper .................................................$194,000 (M) 04 JD 896,14’ auger header fits 4895 ..........................................................$16,400 (R) 92 Agco/Hesston 8100 SP Windrower w/25 Draper, diesel, double swath .. 29,300 (MJ) 83 MF 885 Windrower, w/30’ header, diesel, 18.4x16.1 ..............................$22,400 (M) 86 JD 2360, w/30’ header, gas, DS table, UII plas fingers ...........................$26,500 (M) 85 MacDon 7000 Windrower, 2600 hrs, w/30’ draper, w/21’ hay plat .......$17,600 (RM) 07 MacDon A30S Mower Conditioner, 16’ header, extra skid shoes ...........$1,700 (MM) 03 NH 1475 Mower Conditioner, w/2318 18’ header ...................................$18,200 (M)


2009 JD 9770 STS






2003 JD 9750 STS





On Selected In Stock Gators! HOT



04 Bale King Bale Process 3100, RH discharge, fine cut ..............................$12,700 (R)

SEEDING 12 Seedmaster 66-12TXB drill w/JD 1910 430 bu tank ..........................$304,100 (MJ) 06 JD 1820, 53’, 10” spac, 4x22” steel press wheels, all run.......................$56,200 (S) 05 JD 1820, 53’,10” spac, w1920 430 bu TBH .............................................$94,800 (R) 04 JD 1820, 61’, 10” spac, w/JD 1910-340 bu, double shoot ......................$94,400 (A) 03 Morris Max II 30’, 10” spac, double shoot, w/7300 tank .....................$63,100 (MM) 03 JD 1820, 52’10”, DS air pkg, 4x22” steel wheels ....................................$41,800 (R) 00 Flex 5000 57’, 10” spac, w/3450 tank ....................................................$69,200 (A) 98 Bourgault 5710, 54’, 12” spac, double shoot .......................................... $44,400 (R) 94 Flexi-Coil 5000, 39’ 10” spac, w/2320 TBH Cart ...................................$41,200 (MJ) 94 Flexi-Coil 5000, 57’,12” spac, 3.5” Stl Packers ...................................$29,500 (MM) 02 Morris Max 29’, 10” spac, w/6180 cart...................................................$38,900 (M) 97 JD 787 230 bu TBH, 4 run, single shoot ...................................................$15,500 (R)

TRACTORS (3) 12 JD 9560R, 59 hrs up, 560 HP, demo units .......................... $441,500 up (A,MJ,R) 11 JD 9630T, 846 hrs, 36” trk belt, deluxe comfort pkg ............................$399,600 (M) 09 JD 9630T, 1485 hrs, deluxe comfort pkg, HID lights ............................$333,700 (M) (2) 09 JD 9630, 769 hrs up, diff lock, 800/70R38 pkg ...................... $299,000 up (M,R) 09 JD 9530, 1425 hrs, diff lock,800/70R38 ............................................$303,900 (MM) 10 JD 9430, 1772 hrs, diff lock, 710/70R42 ........................................... $282,000 (RM) 09 JD 9430, 1785 hrs, diff lock, 710/70R38, del comfort .......................$283,785 (MM) 08 JD 9530T, 1897 hrs, deluxe cab, 1000 pto ............................................ $304,900 (R) 08 JD 9530 4WD, 2350 hrs, deluxe comfort pkg, diff lock, 800/70R38 ...$255,000 (MJ) 97 JD 9400, 6532 hrs, 710/70R38, 4 hyds, 24/6 manual shift ................$113,800 (MM) 11 JD 7430P, 1094 hrs, 520/85R38, w/741 loader .....................................$153,900 (M) 11 JD 7200R, 1104 hrs, MFWD, 710/70R38 ..............................................$187,000 (M) 10 JD 7330, 438 hrs, MFWD, 520/85R38, AutoTrac ................................... $134,000 (R) 10 JD 7330, 1791 hrs, MFWD, w/ 741 loader ............................................ $116,000 (A) 10 JD 7230P, 1245 hrs, MFWD, 480/80R42 ............................................... $108,500 (R) 11 JD 7130, 450 hrs, MFWD, 18.4R38, comfort seat .................................$89,500 (MJ) 07 CIH 165, 2500 hrs, 520/85R42, w/770 loader .....................................$100,400 (MJ) 12 JD 6140D, 158 hrs, MFWD, 18.4X38 ........................................................$72,900 (S) 09 JD 6130D, 1200 hrs, MFWD, w/673 loader ...........................................$77,000 (MJ) 02 NH TV140, 2992 hrs, 16.9x38, loader, grapple fork .................................$67,500 (M) 95 JD 8300, 6800 hrs, MFWD, 20.8x42, 4 hyds ...........................................$70,800 (M) 93 JD 8770,8124 hrs, diff lock, 4 hyd, 20.8Rx38 ..........................................$60,000 (S) 08 JD 6430,2600 hrs, MFWD, w/673 loader, 18.4R30...................................$57,300 (R) 82 JD 4440,7956 hrs, 18.4X38, 16F/6R ....................................................$25,200 (RM) 80 JD 4440,10463 hrs, 16F/rR PQ, 18.4x38 ...............................................$22,400 (MJ) 79 JD 4640, 8562 hrs, new 20.8R38, w/ 12’ Leon Dozer ...........................$24,300 (RM) 75 JD 4030, 9649 hrs, 18.4x34, w/JD 148 FEL ............................................$17,600 (M)

PLATFORMS (3) 11 JD 635F, auger composite fingers ..................................................$54,200 (MJ) (4) 10 JD 635F, AWS air reel ............................................................. $50,700 up (MJ,R) (8) 09 JD 635F, air reel, good knife, long guards.......................... $43,300 up (MM,R,W) (6) 08 JD 635F, auger composite fingers ............................... $35,200 up (MM,MJ,R,W) (2) 07 JD 635F, auger comp fingers ................................................ $31,700 up (A,MM) (2) 06 JD 635F, raised skid shoes, AWS air reel ................................$37,300 up (M,MJ) (3) 04 JD 635F, HH sensing, stub lights ...................................... $30,000 up (MJ,R,RM) 09 JD 630F, auger steel fingers .................................................................$35,700 (MJ) 09 JD 630D, full width skid shoes, single knife ........................................ $51,800 (RM) 06 JD 630F, raised skid shoes, full finger aug ..............................................$28,300 (R) 04 JD 630F, AWS air reel ..............................................................................$27,900 (R) (2) 10 JD 635D, poly tine pu reel, road trans w/lites......................$65,600 up (MJ,MM) 09 JD 635D, poly tine pu reel, skid shoes ....................................................$62,400 (W) (5) 09 MacDon FD 70, 35 & 40, slow spd trans............................. $73,000 up (A,M,MJ) 08 MacDon D60, 40’, f/a,auto height, cross auger .....................................$66,900 (M) 08 MacDon D50, 30, Cat 20 adapt, pea auger f/a ......................................$55,400 (RM) 06 MacDon 974-36’, single knife, cross aug, trans ...................................$54,800 (MJ) (4) 05 MacDon 963, variety of options ................................................ $43,100 up (M,S) Variety Of Honey Bee Headers SP30 and SP36 .....................$20,900 up (M,MJ,MM,W)

Assiniboia, SK (A) 306-642-3366 Montmartre, SK (MM) 306-424-2212 Moose Jaw, SK (MJ) 306-692-2371 Mossbank, SK (M) 306-354-2411 Raymore, SK (RM) 306-746-2110 Emerald Park/ Regina, SK (R) 306-721-5050 Southey, SK (S) 306-726-2155 Weyburn, SK (W) 306-842-4686 Don’t forget to visit





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36' x 54' x 12'




Sq Ft: 1,456 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2.5

Sq Ft: 1,612 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2

Sq Ft: 1,768 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2.5

Rendering not exactly as shown.

Rendering not exactly as shown.

Rendering not exactly as shown. Garage available but not shown Loft available but not shown

Second Floor

Second Floor

$14,900 plus tax

• • • • • • • • •

One 3' flush entry door One 18" x 12' double slider Three 4' x 3' sliding windows Material supply package 2" x 6" wall girts and roof purlins 4 ply 2" x 6" laminated post (6' on center) 2" x 8" treated skirt boards (1 row) Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel siding Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel roofing

Main Floor

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Main Floor

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• R24 wall insulation, R50 ceiling insulation • Open web floor truss system • Faucets and flooring

Cost Effective Solutions: Costs are controlled by bulk buying of materials, minimization of waste, and absence of construction site thefts. Construction scheduling of modular housing is much easier, there are no weather delays!

• • • • • • • •

4 ply 2" x 6" laminated post (6' on center) 2" x 8" treated skirt boards (1 row) 2" x 6" wall girts and roof purlins Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel siding Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel roofing One 16' x 14' overhead insulated door One 3' flush entry door Material supply package

NEW FLOOR PLANS AVAILABLE! Visit us online at www.mcdiarmidhomes.com

60' x 100' x 18'

Model 8

Model 20

Model 1

Sq Ft: 1,206 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2

Sq Ft: 1,456 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2

Sq Ft: 1,913 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2

Rendering not exactly as shown.

Rendering not exactly as shown.

Rendering not exactly as shown.

$47,100 plus tax

• • • • • • • • • •

4 ply 2" x 8" laminated post (5' on center) 2" x 8" treated skirt boards (1 row) 2" x 6" wall girts and roof purlins Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel siding Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel roofing One 24' x 16' overhead insulated door Two 3' flush entry doors One 30' x 18' double sliders with cannonball track Eight 36" x 36" sliding windows Material supply package

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Jeep Patriot

Ram 2500 HD Crew Cab 4x4 SXT Stock #M9274

38,998 224 BI-WEEKLY






Stock #M4318







Stock #M6568

Dodge Journey R/T AWD

30,957 180 BI-WEEKLY






Stock #M6105




Stock #M9249



Stock #M6817

Ram 2500 H.D.

AWD Heat

40,998 239 BI-WEEKLY


*Outdoorsman model shown










Stock #M9616

Ram 3500 H.D.

Dodge Challenger R/T

HD 4x4 Dually

Stock #M1101

52,996 322 BI-WEEKLY




Dodge Durango

HD Crew Cab 4x4 SLT


Jeep Compass Sport 4x4








2012 Dodge Ram 1500 QC 4x4 SLT M8599........................ Sale Price $26,893* or $155 Bi-weekly 2012 Dodge Ram 2500 Reg Cab SLT 4x4 M9407..............Sale Price $38,584* or $266 Bi-weekly 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee XPKG 4x4 M6456 .................Sale Price $45,576* or $267 Bi-weekly 2012 Chrysler 300 SRT8 M4704 ........................................Sale Price $51,838* or $301 Bi-weekly 2013 Chrysler 200 N1416 ...................................................Sale Price $19,966* or $117 Bi-weekly

2013 DODGE DARTS ARE HERE!! 2013 Dodge Dart N1601 ........................................................Sale Price $21,698* or $126 Bi-weekly 2013 Dodge Journey SE Canada Value Pkg N6212.........Sale Price $21,875* or $128 Bi-weekly 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Stow-N-Go N6617 ...............Sale Price $25,345* or $148 Bi-weekly 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport 4x4 N5101 ...........Sale Price $30,570* or $178 Bi-weekly 2013 Chrysler Town & Country Touring N6901 (Was $50,065) Sale Price $40,932* or $238 Bi-weekly N

Mark Walcer Fleet & Lease Manager

Gary Polishak Sales Consultant

Dave Larkins Sales Consultant

Lianne Rae Business Manager

Wayne Fast Sales Consultant

Keith Monette Sales Consultant

Phil Holmes Sales Consultant

Mike Zogheib Sales Consultant

Marla Robb Business Manager

Lyle Hamilton Sales Consultant

Danny Rhode Sales Consultant

Bill Elliott Sales Consultant

Dave Dash Sales Consultant

Wayne Harron Sales Consultant

KJ Sales Consultant

Tim Kurtenbach Fleet Sales

D City odge Aut o

Yellowhead Hwy

Kevin Strunk General Manager

Preston Ave. S.

8th St. E.

Financing Special, 4.49% Full Term Financing up to 96 months on 2012 models O.A.C. See dealer for details.

2200 8th Street East Saskatoon SK Corner of 8th & Preston • 1-888-350-1594 • 374-2120


*All prices & payments are plus taxes & fees. Selling price reflects all discounts and rebates off plus taxes & fees. Discount includes ALL rebates & discounts off in lieu low financing. Bonus Cash or n/c coupons used in all prices advertised. ***See Dodge City for details. Plus applicable taxes & fees due at signing. Vehicles not exactly as illustrated. Some exceptions should apply. **Payments bi-weekly with $0 Down plus taxes & fees. 96 month fixed rate financing. All prices include Freight & PDI. See Dealer for Details. Dealer License Number 911673






TEAM UP AND GET MORE DONE. New Holland has teamed with RAM Truck to give you one SUPER offer. Get $1,000 consumer bonus cash allowance on a RAM Truck when you purchase any eligible New Holland tractor, combine, sprayer or haytool—and that’s AFTER you make your best deal on both the New Holland product and your best deal on the RAM truck, including all current programs and incentives. Now, that’s TEAM savings! See us for the full list of eligible New Holland tractors and equipment and eligible Ram trucks.





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*This offer applies to new 2011 & 2012 Ram 1500/2500/3500 Pickups, 2011 & 2012 Ram 3500/4500/5500 Chassis Cab models and 2012 Ram Cargo Vans after the purchase of select new, New Holland equipment from an authorized New Holland dealer. Offer good through December 31, 2012. See your New Holland dealer for a complete list of eligible equipment. Limit: One $1,000 rebate per eligible New Holland product purchased. This offer can be used in addition to all other eligible retail offers that are available at the time of purchase or lease. Customer must provide proof of New Holland product purchase (Dealer Sales Agreement for new, New Holland product) at time of truck sale or lease. If the New Holland product is purchased in a business name and the vehicle is purchased in an individual’s name, customer must provide proof of ownership interest in the business. Customer must take delivery of an eligible 2011 Ram by Feb. 1, 2012. Offer only available to legal residents of the US and Canada, and is not available to governmental entities or their employees. CNH America LLC may modify the terms of this offer at any time. Bonus Cash will be deducted from the negotiated purchase or lease price of the truck after taxes. © 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. Ram is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. Any trademarks referred to herein, in association with the goods and/or services of companies other than CNH America LLC, are the property of those respective companies.



Order a Model Year 2013 New Holland air drill and cart NOW and take advantage of special incentives that reward early buyers—in addition to published offers! The earlier you buy, the better the deal*. You also get these Built My Way benefits: MODELS FACTORY-BUILT TO YOUR REQUEST THE LATEST INNOVATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS FROM NEW HOLLAND THE BEST FINANCIAL PACKAGE *Check with your local New Holland dealer for timing.





()13 86%' T4050 , 95 HP 8367 T7.210 , FW ,

A, CAB 210 E T7.270 NG HP, CVT, 85 5T , 270 EN T8.300 G HP, CV L FEL , 3 T 0 0E T9.615 , 615 E NG HP, 19/4 P.S N T9.670 G HP, 800/38’S , , SMART-T 670 ENG HP, PTO RAX, LO ADED

2, , )67 3; ;-2(6 P

40, 126H 2-NH H80 80, 225 HP 1-NH H80 PERS & DRA 30’ & 36’ ICKLE & S ’ 8 1 AVAIL HEADERS 19’ DISC C A O 0%-60 MOS




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DEMO 2011 N



ONLY $69,900 CNT

This year’s VALUE BONANZA gives you MORE SAVINGS on New Holland hay equipment. Start with 0% FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS – that’s FIVE YEARS without finance charges—then ADD CASH BACK on this new hay equipment from New Holland: s 2OLL "ELT™ Round Balers s ,ARGE 3QUARE "ALERS s 3MALL 3QUARE "ALERS s 3ELF 0ROPELLED 7INDROWERS


But hurry! The clock is ticking. See us before Value Bonanza ends on November 30, 2012. Learn more at: NHvaluebonanza.com



WE NEED MORE TRACTOR INVENTORY, WILL PAY TOP $$ FOR TRADES! 2012 NH T6.175 Class 4, MFWD, cab suspension, 3-Remotes, 16x16, auto command & much more ........... Huge Discounts Plus 2.99%-60 mo. OAC 2012 NH T7.270, 270 eng hp, 230 PTO HP, CVI, 620/42, 5 remotes, 3 pt,540/1000 PTO, J.S, leather seat, fenders, radar & more, 150 hrs ...................... $179,900 2011 NH T7.210, 165 pto/210 eng hp, auto command CVT transmission (50 kph), class 4 suspended MFWD, 112” bar axle, cab suspension, deluxe cab, auto climate control, 4 electro-hyd remotes, 540/1000 pto, 3 pt, auto-guide ready, HID lights, fenders, 3 function joystick, 520/85R42, 16.9x30,NH 855TL FEL, 95” bucket & Grapple, 150 hrs ....................... $169,900 2012 NH T8.300, 215 PTO HP, MFWD, 600/70R30 & 80/70/R38 rear, 3ptready, 540/1000 PTO, HID lights, Intellisteer & more ...................... Special $204,900 2012 NH T4050, 95hp, FWA, super steer, dlx cab, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, J.S,32/16 pwr shuttle, 16.9x24 & more, 50 hrs, 2.99%-60 mos Only........................$59,900 2012 NH TV6070, 105 PTO HP, 8 spd hydro, diff lock, 84 lb. FEL, CE 3pt &PTO, EE PTO & hyd ........... $134,800 2009 NH T6070 Elite, 120 PTO HP + 25 PTO boost, 16x16 auto shift, Class 4 MFWD, cab suspension, 4 remotes & more, 1500 hrs, one owner, premium ..............................................$84,000 (2) 2007 NH TV145, 105 PTO HP, EE&CE diff locks, CE 3pt + 540/1000PTO, 3 remotes, EE draw bar & hydraulics, New FELs avail, 3000 hrs,600/85R34 Michelin tires, wheel weights available ............. $83,900 each 2007 CIH Magnum 305, HD MFWD, 18/4 powershift, 520/46 duals, rear weights, 4 remotes, 3 pt hitch, 3200 hrs, auto-steer & more ........................... $159,900 2012 NH T6050 Plus, 16x16 auto command, 105 PTO HP, Class 4 MFWD, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, nicely equipped ......................................... Just Arriv ed 2012 NH T7.250, 200 PTO HP, FWA, CVT 50 kph, susp frt axle, cab suspension, high-cap pump, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, 520/42 duals, 4 elec remotes, J.S, HID lights & more .......................................Arriving Fall 2012 2) 2012 NH TV6070 BiDirectionals on order, various options ....................................Arriving Fall 2012 REGINA AND AREA’S NEW VERSATILE DEALER!

2.0%-24 MO. OR 3.0%-36 MO. LOW RATE LEASE ON NEW NH 4WD’S 2012 NH T9.560 HD, 560 peak HP, 16/2 P.S, 55 gpm, 800/70R38 duals, 100 LB/HP weights, auto-guidance, diff locks, PTO, luxury cab, HD drawbar,elec mirrors, 150, HID lights 3.0% ........ 3 Year Lease Avail. O.A.C. 2012 NH T9.505 HD, 505 Peak HP, 16/2 P.S, 55gpm, 800/70R38 duals, wts,dlx cab & much more .............................................. Just arriv ed 2012 NH T9.670, 670 Peak HP, 16/2 P.S, PTO, HID’s, full load w/Smar-Trax Track System ....Fall 2012 Demo Unit 2012 NH T9.615 Peak HP, 16/2 P.S, luxury cab, 57 gpm, 800/70R38 Michelin duals, diff locks, Intellisteer, PTO, weights & more, 150 hrs ..............................Save! 2012 (All new model) Versatile 550, 550 HP Cummins, 16x4 Cat P.S,800/70R38 F.S. duals, 6 remotes, electronic, 58 gpm hyd pump, 8 HID lights, dlx cab w/ leather, tow cable & more .................... Just Arrived 2012 Versatile 2375 Classic, 375 HP, 12/4 synchro, 710/70R38 duals,weights, last one ............ $185,000 2012 Versatile 375, 405 Peak HP, 12x4 synchro, 710/38 duals, wts, dlx cab,leather, auto-steer & more ................................................. $225,000 2012 Versatile 435, QSx15, 465 peak HP, 16 spd, P.S, 55 gpm, 800/for 38 duals, dlx cab, rear weight pkg, Raven Auto-Steer, HID lights, 3/4”couplers (LEASE for as low as $73/hr), 45 hrs......................... $279,000 2012 Versatile 535, 580 peak HP, Qsx-15, 16 spd cat powershift, 55 gpm hyd, Raven V-pass auto steer, Front & Rear diff locks, DLX cab with leather, Front & Rear cast weights, tow cable, HID’S, 800/65R 32 drum,duals ................... Low Rate Lease Avail. OAC 1993 Versatile 876, 280HP L-10 Cummins, 12 spd STD, 4 Remotes, 8 New 520/85R 38 Tires (Firestone), 5290 hrs, new alternator & batteries bottom end & injectors done at 3800 hrs, shedded, very nice, one owner!.................................................$57,900 2009 NH T9050, 485 HP, 16/2 P.S, dlx cab, 55 gpm, Intellisteer, 800/70R38 duals, HID lights, 720 hrs, 2x1000 + 2x500 rear wheel weights, 14 rear suitcase & frt weight pkg. ..................................... $259,900 2003 NH TJ450 HD, 16/2 p.s, mega-flow, weights, 4400 hrs, 800/38 duals +MORE! ....................... $159,900

1997 NH 9682, 360HP N-14, 20.8x42 duals, 3800 hrs, 12x4Sy nchro.........................................$84,900

GRAIN CARTS (DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE) CASH DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE - REQUEST! UNVERFERTH — CANADIAN PRICES (3) 2012 Unverferth 6225 corner auger carts, 1000 PTO, Tarp, 30.5x32, 14”Auger ...........................$33,750 2012 Unverferth 9250, 1000 bushels, 900/60R32’s, Tarps, 1000 PTO, 17”Auger .......................$47,500 2012 Unverferth 1310, 1300 plus bushel, massive 76/50 00x32 flotation tires,1000 PTO, 512 Scale Pkg, 22”Dbl auger, High Capacity................................$85,500 Just Arrived (3) 2012 Unverferth 6500 side auger cart, 1000 PTO, Tarp, 24.5x32, 14” Auger ............$29,750 Just Arrived (2) 2012 Unverferth 8250’s, 800 bushel, 1000 PTO, tarp, 30.5x32, 17” corner auger .......... $41,500 w/o scale, $45,800 w/410 scale OVERSTOCKED WITH GRAIN CARTS! HUGE YEAR END DISCOUNTS AVAIL. ON SELECT MODELS

GRAIN VACS - BAGGERS, AUGERS & EXTRACTORS GRAIN BAGGERS & EXTRACTORS 2011 Mainero 2235, 9’ Bagger .....................$16,850 NEW 2009 Mainero 2240, 10’ bagger .............$17,850 2012 Akron EX300 Extractor, extracts 9’ + can also work on 10’ Bags ..................................... $34,900 CNT GRAIN VACS - BAGGERS, AUGERS & EXTRACTORS 2007 Akron E180 Extractor 9’ - Rock Bottom Blow Out ............................... $15,500 CNT GRAIN AUGERS 2012 Buhler Y1385 TMR, 13”x85’, reverser, new tires, spout, hyd mover &winch, inc setup, w/o hyd. Winch,Starting at........................ $21,500 cash ea. (1) 2012 Sakundiak 10-2200 SLM/D, 10”x72’ Mech Swing Augers ............................. $12,900 CNT ea. (2) 2012 Sakundiak 12-2600 SLM/D, 12”x85.3’, Mech Swing HD Augers ....................................$17,800 2012 Grainmax Nu-Vision 4371, 13”x71’, winch, hyd mover included ......................................$20,900 2011 13” & 95’ NU Vision Grainmax Auger, Spout, Hopper Mover Kit, elec winch incl. ............. $26,850 CNT

*For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Capital Canada Ltd. See your participating New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through November 30, 2012. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. This transaction will be unconditionally interest free. Canada Example - 0.00% per annum for 60 months: Based on a retail contract date of October 15, 2012, with a suggested retail price on a new BR7050 Round Baler of C$22,437.80, customer provides down payment of C$4,497.80 and finances the balance of C$17,940.00 at 0.00% per annum for 60 months. There will be 60 equal monthly installment payments of C$299.00 each. The total amount payable will be C$22,437.80, which includes finance charges of $0.00. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.

GRAIN VACS 2012 Remm 27 Hundred HD Grain Vac’s, starting at..................... SPECIAL $22,900 CNT each 2012 REM 37 Hundred HD Grain Vac - Demo unit ....................................................$33,900

“NEW & USED” TILLAGE, SEEDING, LANDROLLERS & HARROWS 2012 Wolverine Dynamic Ditcher, hyd. Reverser & plastic lined chutes .................................$51,900 2012 Hurricane 26, 3pt Ditcher ...................... $8,700 (2) 2012 NH P1060’s, 430 Bushel Air Carts, variable rate, dual fan, 10”auger, 18.4x38R duals, 8 run dbl shoot, one tow-behind, one tow between .. Great Price! 2011 NH P1070, 580 Bushel TBH variable rate air cart, 8 run doubleshoot, double fan, Intelliview 3, Single 900/65R32 Front and Rear, 10” auger, field and transport lighting, 150, rear ladder folding steps and more! (Cash discounts available)........ $129,900 2012 Demo 2012 NH P2050, 46”, 10” sp, 550 lb, 4.5” steel, dual casters, double shoot .................................. SAVE 2012 NH P2070 , 70’, 10”, precision drill, flotation Tires, All run optical blkg, avail 2011 P1070, 580 bu TBH tank, V.R, dual fan, 10” auger, touchscreen Intelliview ..............................................2012 D emo 2012 Degelman 82’ 7000 Strawmaster, 5/8”x26”, hyd adj. .............................................. $51,400 CNT 2004 Mandako 40’ Landroller, 36” Drum .........$25,600

ON ORDER - TANDEM DISCS 2012 Buhler EX6650-82W, 35.5’, 26” notched front, 26” smooth rear,10.5” spacing, safety chain, 600 lbs/ft, frt & setup extra. Special ..............................$65,900 2012 Buhler EX1275 W-3710-10, 16’ heavy duty off-set disc, 30” blades,safety chain, 650 lb/ft, frt & setup included, mud scraper, list $40,000 Special .......................................... $31,400 C NT


2012 NH C238, track skid-steer loader, 3800 lb lift, 90 hp, 2 spd pilots, A/C .................................. Demo 2012 NH C232, track skid-steer loader, 3200 lb lift, 82 hp, 2 spd, pilots, A/C ...............................$65,000 2012 NH L223, 74 HP, 2300 lb lift, 2 spd pilots, A/C & much more ...........................................$46,000 2008 NH 485, cab w/htr and A/C, 2500 lb. lift, 2 spd., 84” bucket, 800 hrs .................................$33,900 2012 NH L218, 1800 lb lift, nicely equipped .....$39,900 2011 NH L225, 82hp, 2500 lb lift, 2 spd mech, hyd QA faceplate, glide ride,self level, 84” L.P. Bucket, only 70 hrs, factory warranty remaining...............$44,000 2008 NH B95.B Fully Loaded BackHoe With Pilot Controls, A/C, 4x4 and Much More! Only 175 hrs, like new ....................................................$79,900 2009 NH LB50.B Mini-Wheel Loader, 50 HP, 8386 lb. Bucket break out force, 8.25 dump height, c/w Fork&Bucket, hyd QA, 3500 hrs. Reduced ......$49,900 2009 Horst BH-600 Big Arm, SSL Backhoe, 12” bucket, hyd boom swing ................................ Only $4,499 2012 HLA 48”, 3700 lb HD Pallet Fork to fit SSL ...............................................$1,060 each NH 48” Tree Spade Shovel, SSL QA mounts ...... $1,500 Used Degelman 84” high capacity bucket, Skid Steer Loader M ounts ........................................ $1,500 1979 Sellick SL-8045, 8000 lb lift rough terrain forklift, gas, has been yard unit for 18 years ......... $9,500 obo 2012 HLA 96” High Capacity Snow Bucket for SSL ..................................................... $2,265

NEW, DEMO & USED SPRAYERS (S.P. & P.T.) 2012 NH SP240.R, Angle Drive, 250 Hp, 1000 Gallon, 100’ Booms, Accu-Boom, Auto-Boom, Envisio Pro, Smart-Trax and much more ............ Year End Savings 2012 NH SP240.R, 250 HP Mechanical, drop box, 100’ booms, 1200 gallon tank, 520/38 & 710/38, SmartTrax, Accu-boom, auto-boom, HID’s & more ...................................... 0% - 24 mos. OAC 2012 NH SP.275R, 275 HP, 1200 gallon, 120’ booms, Accu-boom, SmartTrax, Utlra-Glide auto boom, HID lights, hyd axle adj, Elec flush & rinse,380/90R 46 duals, 2012 Demo Unit ....................... Big Savings! 2012 NH SP240.F, HT, 275 hp, 1200 g tank, 100’ booms, full Raven Smart-Trax, Accu-boom, auto boom & more

Markusson New Holland of 26 Great Plains Road, Emerald Park, SK

1-800-819-2583 or 306-781-2 www.markusson.com • email derrick@markus



GET YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY COUPON 32 2); 0= ,%= 8 2, &03;3 3307 0)*8 98 46-'2+ 13 * -2% 7%

2' 1) %7 ' %7, 3% -2+ 2011 NH ' AW, 1000 P BR7090, 5’X6’ RD B TO A 18-16.5 TIR , 2.07 EXTRA-SWEE LER , P ES, ONLY $34,900 P/U, 2011 NH C H 7 150 MOW NT CONDITIO E R N HEADER, 10 ER , HS16, 16’ SICK LE 00 P ONLY $34TO,CROP DIVIDERS, ,888 CNT

74 6(-%2 % 2, +9%=)67 6 4 7 0G, 100’ 00 & 120

0 0’ P240R, 1 2- NH S P275R, 1200G, 12 00’ S 00G, 1 1-NH 275 HP, 12 , F 0 4 2 5HP, 1-NH SP 365F, 36 2-NH SP0G, 120’ 160

()13 62 89 6)28%0 6) )7 -2 & '31


1 HP T3, 620/42 2-CR9090 Z, 59LOADED DUALS, 0/42 DSP, 563 HP T4, 62 N 1-CR9090 A, ELL EQUIPPED DUALS. W HP T4, ONE HAS 2-CX8080, 400 520/42 DUALS 900/32’S , 1 HAS 0CF DRAPERS, 35’ 76 2-36’ 88C FLEX’ 740CF AUGER FLEX, VARI-FEED, 35 APER & 790CP 45’ 880CF FLEX DR ADERS HE U 15’ P/

500 OFF


SCAN ME to print your coupons.

Have you heard about New Holland Friends & Family coupons? Both you and a friend can get $500 OFF the purchase of select New Holland tractors and equipment – and that’s in addition to current Value Bonanza incentives. Don’t wait. This offer ends November 30, 2012. Call or stop by today for details or visit NHvaluebonanza.com to see all the great deals.

380/85r46 .................................... Demo & Save!! 3- 2013 NH SP365f’s, 1-SP275f, 1- sp240.R- all new cab, New Model .........................Arriving Fall 2012 2007 NH SF216 Suspended sprayer, 134’ boom, 1600 gallons, power glide, auto-boom, hyd pump pkg, axle assembly, Swivel TeeJet dbl. Nozzle body,auto rate controller, spray pipe mount pkg. ................$39,000 2007 NH SF216 suspended boom, 1600 gallon, 100’, hyd. Pump, 380/90R46,auto-rate, ultra-boom height, and more, very good cond. ................. Arriving Soon 2011 Top Air T-Tank 1600, 1600 gallon, 132’ 380/90R46 duals, Ace pump,elec command centre, fence row nozzles, Chem inductor, triple bodies, auto-boom, touch down wheels, Raven auto-rate & more .............................................$84,900 USD 1999 Apache 790 Plus, 4000 hrs, 750 gallon, 85’ SpraAir Boom,380/90R46, touch down wheels, recent work done ...................................................$49,900 2010 Miller G-40, 240 HP, 1000 gallon, 100’ boom, angle drive, power glide auto, Accu- boom, smart -trax, 380/90R 46 + 520/38 REAR + MORE! 425 hrs. Was $219,900 Reduced .......................... $209,900 2010 Miller Condor G-75, 275 Hp Mechanical, 1200 Gallon, 120’ Booms,Ultra-glide auto boom, Smarttrax, Accu-boom, Envizio Pro, hyd wheel adjustment, 3” Quick Fill, 380-90R46 Tires Plus 24.5 x 32 rear duals,L5XC cond, 900 hrs................. $199,900 Cash 11998 F/C Sys67, 100’, windscreens, hyd, single bodies, switch control Blowout ................... $6,900 CNT Set of 2 - 520/85R38 Flotation Rear Tires & Rims to fit Miller Condor A-40/G40 & NH SP 240R w/angle drive (slightly used approx. 300 hrs)..................... $6,000 2005 Rogator 1074, 275HP Cat, 1000 gallon, S.S., 100’, new Raven envisio Pro, Smart Trax and Accuboom 2012, 380/46 + 23.1x28 floaters, end nozzles, foam marker and more, 2800 hrs ................ Arriving Soon!

2009 NH BR7090, 5x6’, B.C, twine & net, extra sweep, very good cond,11,600 bales......................$30,900 2008 CIH RBX564, bale command, wide pickup, hyd P/U lift, 1000 PTO,kicker, very good, approx. 3600 bales. Reduced ........................................ $22,900 CNT BALE WAGON 2012 Buhler (inland) BM2500s Double Row Round Baler carriers 14 -5’ wide bales, Reg List $35,950 Special .......................................... $29,500 CNT HAYBINES & FORAGE (5) 2012 H7150’s w/16’ HS with 18’ HS New 2011 H7150 w/16’ HS Headers - SAVE) Starting From ............................................ $38,900 & up (2) 2012 NH H7460, 15’ 7” Discbine, Chevron Rollers ..........Big Discounts PLUS 2.9% 60 mos. OAC Complete Set of 4 Gauge Rollers to fit “HS” Headers ................................................ $1,800 1996 NH 1475, 18’ 2200, 540 PTO, good cond. - Was $13,900 Reduced.............................. $12,900 CNT 1991 NH 116, 14’, 540 PTO, Chevron rollers - Was $8,900, Reduced ............................... $6,900 CNT 1996 Hesston 1170, 16’, 1000 PTO - Was $9,900, Reduced ......................................... $8,900 CNT 2002 JD 1600A, 16’ mower cond, 540 PTO - Was $16,800 Reduced........................ $14,900 CNT 1994 CIH 8380, 16’, 1000 PTO (made by Hesston) - Was $9,900, Reduced ............................... $8,900 CNT 1989 Hesston 1160, 14’, 1000 PTO - Was $7,900, Reduced ......................................... $6,500 CNT 2008 NH FP240 P.T Forage harvester, metal alert 3, tandems, 29P Pickup, recond, new knives & shear bar, $4500 work order June 12, Was $38,900, Just Reduced ........................................ $34,900 CNT


SWATHERS NEW 2012 NH H8040, 126 HP, 2 spd, avail w/30’ or 36HB.............................................. Just Arrived 2012 NH H8080, 225 HP, cab & rear axle suspension, c/w 36’ HB header ...............................2012 Demo 2006 MacDon Premier 2952i, 108 HP< 30’ 972, DK and 922 16’ hay header, VG cond ...................... Arriving NEW Set of 2 Tires - 18.4Rx26 tires and rims to fit NHHW325/H8040/H8060 windrowers ............. $3,300

BALERS 2012 NH BR7090 Specialty pkg, B.C, twine & net, extra sweep wide,specialty pickup, laced, 1000 PTO ...........Value Bonanza 2.99% - 60 mo. Cash back 2012 NH B5070 small square balers.......... Just Arrived 2011 NH BR7090, 5’x6’, auto wrap, extra sweep, 1000 PTO ................................ 2.99% 60 mos. $34,900


Regina Ltd.

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2012 NH 419, 19’ discbine header (fits H8080) .. In Stock 2-2009 NH H8060’s, 190 Hp, Dlx cab, All options, 36’ DK Honeybee’s. LH& RH Roto Shears, Vera’s Belly Mount Roller, approx. 450 cutter hrs. Was $129,900 ea, Reduced........................... Starting @$119,900 Used Set of (2) 500/70R 24 Bar Tread Tires & Rims to fit MacDon S.P. Swathers Only ....................... $2,000 1997 C. IH 8820, cab dsl, 30; DSA, U-2, New tire all around, shedded, new canvasses in 11, 1700 EH ...............................................$32,500

NEW & USED HEADERS / MISC. 30 MONTHS INTEREST FREE OAC* ON MOST USED HEADERS (IF SOLD WITH A COMBINE) CR/CX 2012 NH 880CF 45’ draper flex tables, all new model .............................................2012 Demo (2) 2012 NH 740CF, 35’ auger flex headers(note: hyd cutterbar adjustment add $4,000)Starting at ............................................ $48,900 CNT ea. (2) 2011 NH 36’ 88C flex drapers, all options, X-Auger, Demo, Reduced ................................ $75,900 ea. 2011 Trailtech SR7000 T, 38’ header transport .........................................$4,400 each 2010 HoneyBee 30’ Pea-Auger, new ................. $3000 2008 HoneyBee 36’, Pea-Auger & mt. Kit (used) . $2,600 2007 NH 88C, 36’, DK, Hyd tilt & F/A, transport, NH CR/ CX adapter,6 Bat UII PUR , Poly, also c/w JD 60-70 Series adapter ................................. $44,900 CNT TR/TX 1999 NH 994, 30’, UII PUR, F/A, Swath option, poly, G/W, transport,TR/TX adapter, Empire Wheels .$26,900 2004 NH 94C, 30’, UII PUR (steel), F/A, poly, X-Auger, G/W,transport, Empire Wheels, V.G cond, TR/TX adapter ................................................$34,900 1998 NH 994, 30’, HCC PUR, TR/TX adapter, X-Auger ...............................................$25,900 1994 NH 971, 30’ rigid, home-built trailer, double knife, Bat reels, Reduced ............................. $8,500 CNT 1990 NH 971, 13’ Platform w/ 14’ Rakeup .... $4,500 obo 1997 NH 971, 13’ & 14’ Swathmaster .............. $6,500 CIH 2008 HoneyBee SP30, 30’, UII (plastic), F/A, Poly, GW/ Tran, CIH1480-2388 Centre Adapter Reduced ........................................ $49,000 CNT 1996 CIH 1010, 30’, Bats, F/A, no transport, Reduced Special ........................................... $7,900 CNT

2003 NH 94C, 30’, UII PUR, F/A, CIH adapter, X-Auger, Poly, SK ...............................................$37,900 JD 2008 JD 635F, 35’ Flex Auger, HCC PUR, poly, F/A, Trailtech Transport, V.G. Cond, 60-70 Series Adapter WAS $42,500 REDUCED ...................... $35,900 CNT 1998 JD 930F, 30’ Flex, HCC PUR, F/A, Poly, new 2010 Crary Air Reel in 2010, transport, shedded, one owner, low acres, Was $22,900, End of Season Clearance ....................................... $19,900 CNT 2003 Honeybee Sp 36, 36’ SK, U-II (one piece), F/A, New Poly, XAuger, G/W/ Trans, JD 60-70 Series Adapter, Was $39,900, Now ..................$33,900CNT 1997 HoneyBee SP42, 42’, F/A, UII PUR (steel), G/W transport, JD Pre 60/70 series adapter, shedded, one owner, low acres .............................. $25,900 CNT 2007 NH 94C, 30’, SK, UII PUR, F/A, G/W, transport pkg, Pea Auger, JD 9600, CTS, 50 Series adapter .......................................... $39,000 CNT 2007 NH 88C, 36’ Flex Draper, UII, Poly, AHH, DK, F/A, tilt, G/Wtransport, 60-70 JD adapter .............$44,900

NEW & USED COMBINES 30 MONTHS INTEREST FREE O.A.C. ON USED COMBINES & HEADERS SOLD WITH A COMBINE 2012 NH CR9090 T4, DSP, 620/42 duals, loaded ............................................ 2012 Demo (3) 2012 NH CR9090’s loaded, 591 HP, 620/42 duals & more, (2) are Demos ......................... Big Savings! (2) 2010 NH CR9080s, Class “9”, 523 HP, 620/42 duals, all options, Redekop Mav chopper, 699 + 735 sep hrs., exc. cond, 16’ 76C headers ....................... Arriving! 2008 NH CR9070, 463 HP, 20.8x42 duals, Y&M, Intelliview Plus II, auto-guidance ready, Redekop MAV chopper, shedded, 792 sep hrs, consignment ....................................... $199,900 2004 NH CR960, 330 hp, 20.8x42 duals, Y&M, Redekop Mav Chopper, 200714’ 76C Swathmaster, 1467 sep hrs, Reconditioned, Redu ced ......................... $149,000 2005 NH CR960, 330 hp, 300 bu, Terrain Tracer, 900/32’s, CD player, elec mirrors, dlx cab, remote adj sieves, 70 mm lift cyl, light pkg, chopper & chaff lowers, long auger, yield monitor, calmar spout, Michel’s elec tarp, out back auto steer, 1306 s. hrs, 1645 e. hrs, one owner, always shedded, fresh triple check, no pickup, consignment.........................$140,000 firm

*Offer good through November 30, 2012, at participating New Holland dealers. Coupon is in addition to any other retail offers and may be used in combination with available New Holland retail offers in effect at the time of purchase. One coupon per eligible unit. Coupon cannot be used with any other coupons. Coupon is non-transferable, does not apply to fleet, bid or rental agreements. Coupon has no cash value and cannot be redeemed in whole or part as cash. Prior purchases are not eligible. © 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.

(2) 2012 NH CX8080 DT4, 520/42 duals, loaded, cast cyl, chopper, “CR” chaff spreaders & more, 46 sep. hrs, 2012 Demo................................. Big Savings 2010 NH CX8080, 390 hp, dlx cab w/fridge HID’s cast drum cyl, Intelliview III, 900 Michelins, long auger, 14’ Swathmaster, 400 SH ............................. $259,900 2010 NH CX8080, 390 HP, dlx cab w/ fridge HID’s, cast cyl, Intelliview III,900 Michelins, long auger, 14’ Swathmaster, 475 sep hrs. ...................... $259,900 2009 NH CX8080, 390 HP, 900/60R32/600/65R28 Michellin, long auger, dlxcab, Intelliview II 10.4” touch screen, Y&M, fine cut chopper & dutchspreaders, 16’ 76C Swathmaster, 688 sep hrs, very good cond, just reconditioned ...................................... $239,000 2009 NH CX8080, 390 HP, 650 sep. hrs, chopper & chaff blower, 900’s, Y&M,76C - 14’ Belt, Recond. . $229,900 2001 CIH 2388, Specialty Rotor, 30.5x32, stone trap, L.A, hopper topper, 1015 Pickup, Internal chopper & spreaders, 2021 sep hrs, well maintained ..................................... $99,900 CNT 1998 JD CTS 2, Fully loaded, 30.5x32, hopper extension, long auger, fine cut chopper & chaff spreaders, 914 pick up, only 1665 sep hrs, same owner since 1999, always shedded, well maintained, Ex Cond ...................................................$85,900

SNOW BLOWERS 2012 NEW BUHLER 3pt. SNOW BLOWERS YEAR END CLEARANCE 2012 YC5010, 50m, 3PT, Snow Blower, , 540 PTO, blue, Was $1,950, Now .................................... $1,700 (2) 2012 Y840-4, 84”, 3pt snow blower, 540 PTO, blue, was $3,315, Now ..................................... $2,995 2012 YC960 Q-4, 96”, 3pt snow blower, 540 PTO, red, Was $4,110 E, Now .................................. $3,599 (2) 2012 YC1080, 108” Red, 3pt snow blower, 1000 PTO, inc. hyd & deflector cylinder. Retail $8,875, Now ..................................................... $6,999 (2) 2012 MK Martin, 76” SSL Snow Blower, “C” (23-26 gpm) hyd. Pump, c/w chuterotation WAS $5,895 NOW ..............................................$5,500 eac h 2008 Schulte 7400, 74” HD Snow Blower, 3pt, 540 PTO, hyd. Cyl chute rotation WAS $3,300 NOW ........ $2,899

AFTER HOURS CALL Emerald ........................................ 306-527-5091 Derrick .......................................... 306-537-3848 Cory .............................................. 306-539-2526 Gary .............................................. 306-550-4644 Jeff ............................................... 306-526-7083



BONANZA BUCKS PLUS 0% FINANCING OR CASH BACK* This year’s Value Bonanza sales event gives you MORE WAYS TO SAVE! It starts with BONANZA BUCKS – it’s like bonus cash just for buying select New Holland tractors, combines and hay equipment. And, your savings continue with 0% FINANCING or CASH BACK in lieu of financing. But hurry! The clock is ticking. See us before this offer ends on November 30, 2012.


2012 BOURGAULT 3710






2004 BOURGAULT 5710 STK #B21989A, 59’, DS, 3 1/2” STEEL PKRS, 12” SPC,W/ BO 5440 AIR TANK, 3TM, DS











2006 NH TJ480

2008 NH CR9070












2009 NH T9060







2005 NH CR970

STK #PN2871B, 1819 HRS, 1365 SEP, 370 HP, 520/85R42 FRONT, 600/65R28 REAR, HYD TRANS, MAV CHOP, 76C 14 FT SWATHM PU


2011 MACDON FD70



2003 GLEANER R75



2010 BOURGAULT 6550

STK #PB2601A, S/N: 38098AH-05, 2004 BOURGAULT 5710

2011 BOURGAULT 8810

2012 NH T9.560



2004 BOURGAULT 5710






1995 GLEANER R72




2007 NH CR9070


2009 NH T9060

2004 NH CR970

STK #PN2872B, S/N: HAJ100842, 1983 HRS, 370 HP, 1410 SEP HRS







STK #S22041A, S/N: 51-494, 9’ AND 10’ EXT.



HWY. #3, KINISTINO, SK — Bill, David H, Jim, Kelly SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO — Jay, David J., 306-864-7603


HWY. #5, HUMBOLDT, SK — Paul, Tyler, Darrell


235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron


Check out our website at www.farmworld.ca


FOR SALE: 2012 reg. AQHA foals, sired by Red Jess Flying, by Fly Jess Fly (SI 97) by Mr. Jess Perry (SI 113). Out of mares going back to Doc’s Paradise, Sonny Dee Bar, Dancin Doc, Dash For Cash. Exceptional group of colts, bred for barrels and the rodeo arena. Bruce Farquhar, Birtle, MB, 204-842-5113. DISPERSAL: REGISTERED AH’s, foundation bred, different colors, 172 head, stallions, mares, yearlings, 2 and 3 yr. olds, geldings and fillies. 40 head, 2012 foals. $350 to SELLING DORPER RAMS. Herdsires and commercial rams. Join the change to $1000. 306-345-2132, Pense, SK. Dorpers. RAM H Breeders 403-932-3135, Cochrane, AB. TEAM OF PERCHERON/ QH MARES, 12 yrs. old, black, approx. 1550 lbs. Have done: trail rides, parades, bush work, hauling round bales, sleigh rides. Each used in training younger horses, drive single and double and 4-horse hitch. Used on horse drawn cult. and mower. Have good barn manners and trailer loading. 204-238-4255 eves., Bowsman, MB. QUIET TEAM, mature Haflinger mares, 14 H H , s m a l l b u t s t r o n g . E s t e va n , S K . 306-634-5147, kjbeggs@sasktel.net THE DRAFT HORSE CONNECTION Canada’s quarterly magazine since 1995 is dedicated to giving voice to the living tradition of Canadian horse farming and logging. Enjoy teamster interviews, equipment, health care, find workshops and mentors. Share your stories and join our family. Special Christmas offer: subscription 1 year $32, receive 5 issues for the price of 4, or 2 years for $55.30 DVD’s available. Shipping free. 613-387-8287, Ruth Freeman, Box 172, Lyndhurst, ON. KOE 1NO. www.drafthorseconnection.ca 2010 CHESTNUT MARE; 2010 dun gelding; 2009 brown mare; 2008 White gelding; 2006 grullo gelding, etc. 306-295-3533, Eastend, SK. www.luckyhorseshoe.ca WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107.

WANTED: QUARTER HORSE stallion, 12 yrs. or older. Call 204-865-2417 or 204-841-4220, Minnedosa, MB. WANTED: BLACK OR SORREL mare, approx 1300 lbs. Must be broke for harness and riding. Ph 306-726-4525, Southey, SK.

CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary Johnston, www.canadianfarrierschool.ca Email gary@canadianfarrierschool.ca 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB. CAIN QUAM HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC Nov. 10 and 11, Kendal, SK. Indoor heated arena. Cain is also accepting horses for training for fall 2012. Phone: 306-424-2034 www.quamperformancehorses.com CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call Jacob at: 306-488-4408.

GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers of leather and nylon harness. Custom saddles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. www.georgesharnessandsaddlery.com Call 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB. NEW BUGGY, WAGON, sleigh, cutterwood and metal parts. Wooden wheel manufacture and restoration. Wolfe Wagons, Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-933-4763 after 6 PM weekdays. Email rwolfe@sasktel.net TWO SHOW WAGONS, one wooden and one metal, w/rubber tires, always shedded. Wilf Carter, 306-574-4202, Plato, SK. THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, Langham, SK.


EXOTIC BIRD AND SMALL ANIMAL SALE at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw on Sunday, October 28 at 11:00 AM. Accepting peafowl, guineas, bantams, ducks, geese, pigeons, birds, llamas, alpacas, hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, miniature horses, donkeys, etc. All small animals must be boxed and in yard before 10:00 AM. www.johnstoneauction.ca or phone 306-693-4715. PL #914447.

ANDRES TRUCKING. Call us for a quote today. 306-736-3454, Windthorst, DORSETT RAM LAMBS, old style, long-bod- SK. ied, thickly muscled. 306-726-4447, BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison Southey, SK. www.mcdermitranch.com is looking to contract grain finished bison 40 DORSET CROSS ewe lambs, from for a growing market in Canada, US and closed flock, $175 each OBO. Call Brenda Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger 204-523-7227, Killarney, MB. Provencher, roger@cdnbison.com or 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned bison company and enjoy the benefits. 15-20 SUFFOLK EWE lambs, asking $250 OBO; also Suffolk rams, asking $300. 306-648-3568, Gravelbourg, SK. 15- 2011 male and female bison, $2/lb. live weight; 8 really nice Plains 2010 bulls, ready to go, $2/lb. live weight. Airdrie, AB. TEXEL EWE LAMBS, can be registered, 403-948-9675, Gary 403-796-9921. large bodied, born in March. Photos can be r e q u e s t e d . H a z e l m e r e F a r m s 50 YEARLINGS, BULLS and heifers. Taking offers. Call Kevin or Judy, Trails End Bison 250-656-7651, Victoria, BC. 306-845-3056, Livelong, SK. HERD DISPERAL 29 COWS, varying in age from 3-15 years, 27 2012 calves. SnowRAMS: RAMBOUILLET DEBOUILLET and den, SK., 306-862-8490 or 306-428-2769. Targhee. Raised from large range flock. Comes from Ward Harden genetics. Please BISON HERD APPROX. 120, approx. 40 cows, various ages of young stock. call 306-476-2632, Rockglen, SK. YEARLING RAMBOUILET rams, selected 780-266-4414 cell, Onoway, AB. for growth and wool, $500 and up. Phone NILSSON BROS. INC. buying finished bison 403-327-9757, Coaldale, AB. on the rail at Lacombe, AB for Oct. delivery beyond. Fair, competitive and assured REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE YEARLING rams and ay m e n t . C a l l R i c h a r d B i n t n e r at and ram lambs, as well 10 can be regis- p306-873-3184. tered Hampshire ewe lambs. Hazelmere Farms 250-656-7651, Victoria, BC. COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL: 80 cows REG. TEXEL RAM lamb; 2- Texel cross ram and calves and breeding bulls. Neerlandia, lambs, 3/4 and 7/8; Texel cross ewe AB, 780-674-5732, cel. 780-307-4832. lambs. 250-546-6223, Armstrong, BC, UP TO 60 head of Wood Cross, Pure Wood email finlaysfarm@gmail.com breeding stock, $2000 per head. Call Dr. TWENTY YOUNG BREEDING ewes, Suffolk Marshall Patterson, 306-694-1759, Moose Jaw, SK. cross. Call 306-634-4920, Estevan, SK. 60-65 RAMBOUILET/POLYPAY cross ewes, ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages mostly young stock, ready for breeding, of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or elkvalley@xplornet.com $250 OBO. 306-246-4468, Richard, SK. THICK, GROWTHY Hampshire and Dorset BISON HERD FOR SALE: 140 bred cows, 80 ram lambs, from proven reputable flock. yearlings- male/female, 80 calves (May). 40 minutes West of Edmonton, AB. Email Heeroma’s, Neilburg, SK., 306-823-4526. for inquiries: morton_A@shaw.ca BREEDING SHEEP for sale, various breeds. Call Howard J. Smith Livestock, licensed TWO OPEN 3 year old open bison heifers for sale. Call 306-225-5700, Hague, SK. dealer, Caron, SK., 306-631-8877. 15-20 NORTH COUNTRY CHEVIOT ewe COMPLETE PLAINS BISON herd for sale, lambs, $240 OBO; also North Country ram approx. 100 head. Ample feed available if required. 306-728-9033, Melville, SK. lambs, $300. 306-648-3568, Gravelbourg. 50 SUFFOLK/ TEXEL cross ewe lambs/ NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for mature ewes, dewormed, shots, and over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, sheered, excellent mothers, give good grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we quality market lambs, ready to breed. Call want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt 204-859-2427, Russell, MB. payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. 60 RIDEAU ARCOTT lambs, 40 Rideau Arcott ewes, 4 and 5 yrs. old. Call 306-723-4803, Cupar, SK. CLUN FOREST RAM LAMBS, excellent sire WANTED: CARMEN CREEK Gourmet Meats f o r e w e l a m b s . G l y n n B r o o k s , and High Plains Bison are purchasing 403-327-2242, Lethbridge, AB. calves, yearlings and finished slaughter 60 KATAHDIN and Dorper/Katahdin ewe bison year round. Prompt Payment. Advance deposits and long term contracts lambs for sale. Ph 403-396-1794, Alix, AB. are available. For more information contact: animalsourcing@goldenbison.com or call 303-962-0044. BUYING ALL CLASSES of sheep, goats and BISON HERD REDUCTION: Spring and lambs. Howard J Smith Livestock, licensed yearling calves, young cows. Dale Thompdealer, Caron, SK. 306-631-8877. son, 306-848-0628, Weyburn, SK.

FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No heat or power required. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. www.frostfreenosepumps.com GREG’S WELDING: 30’ freestanding heavy duty fence panels and windbreaks; Also calf shelters and custom gates, etc. Delivery avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK

SOLID DEAL: over the tire rubber tracks for skidsteer, $2900. Phone 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK.

NEW AND USED roller mills, PTO or electric. Call Stan at 306-682-4347 or cell, 306-231-3439, Humbolt, SK. TWO 1984 NH 195 manure spreaders, fair condition, $6000 each OBO. Call 306-831-8329 cell, Rosetown, SK. 1996 HIGHLINE 6600, used for only 45 cows last 6 years, 2nd owner, $4900 OBO. 306-252-2842, Kenaston, SK. FOUR 30’ BUNKLINE feeders, $500 each; F e e d w a g o n , 1 8 5 b u . $ 2 2 0 0 O B O. 306-731-7657, Lumsden, SK.

FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feedWinter water problems? Solved! No elec- ers; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will tricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882, www.kellnsolar.com PEARSON PORTABLE HEADGATE, chute system. 306-242-8390, 306-222-0408, Saskatoon, SK. RENN RC12 ROLLERMILL, c/w HD 540 PTO, 6 auger undercarriage, 12” magnets, concentration hopper, always shedded, $6,000; Three 250 bu. creep feeders, $2500 each; 400 bu. creep feeder, $3500; 3- Hi-Hog Hurricane round bale feeders, $400 each; 2 triple bale feeders, $800 ea.; Double bale feeder, $400; Highline bale 2005 SUPREME 900T DUAL discharge, processor BP-8000, $12,000; 2- Lewis cat- floatation tires, $40,000. 780-674-6096, tle oilers, $1500 ea.; Koenders calf warm- 780-674-8105, Barrhead, AB. er, $250. 306-654-2013, Prud’homme, SK. STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windCOMPLETE SOLAR POWERED watering breaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ system; also included wind power genera- hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable tor for system. 204-937-3257, Roblin, MB. p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK.

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S A V E FE E D A N D L A B O U R C O S T S W IT H A N E Z E -F E E D E R W O R K IN G F O R Y O U . Mixing auger, digital scale, 3 PTH, plus many more options.

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w w w .reim erw eld ing m fg .com FEED MIXER, Renn 1316, PTO, also equipped to run electrically for stationary use, $7000 OBO. 780-499-5990, Legal, AB.

PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now available with a neck extender. Phone 306-796-4508, email: ple@sasktel.net website: www.paysen.com 1999 FORD F350 dually, w/2008 Courtney Ber g Hydra-dec . Call 306-626-3612, 306-741-5449, Success, SK. 1999 HIGHLINE 6800 BALE PRO bale processor, exc. cond., used very little, $5500 HUNT AND BREEDING STOCK, typical ge- OBO. 306-426-2163, Smeaton, SK. netics, 230+, High Tower offspring. Loessl SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers Game Farm, Dennis at 306-682-3626 or extension, marketing services and a full cell: 306-227-2442, Pilger, SK. line of sheep and goat supplies. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED: ENERGETIC WORKING partner to work with existing White-tail deer ranch. Must be self-motivated and passionate about working with White-tail deer. Excellent deer facility and handling shoots already in place. Open to ideas on growth and future developments. If you BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 a r e i n t e r e s t e d p l e a s e c o n t a c t J i m , years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest 306-332-3955, jim.whbp@sasktel.net Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com

HORSE COLLARS, all sizes, steel and aluminum horseshoes. We ship anywhere. Keddie’s, 1-800-390-6924 or keddies.com RITCHIE BROS. UNRESERVED FARM AUCTION, Leslie and Kim Just, Bruno, SK, Saturday, November 3rd at 10:00 AM. Featuring: Caboose sleigh - no caboose, heavy bobsleigh, irons for bobsleighs, horsedrawn and rubber tired wagon w/seats, leather harnesses, chrome-spotted scothtops and sleigh bells, 2 sets of long spreaders, numerous collars, bridles tugs, hames, bits, neck yokes, single and double trees, 3 democrat poles, numerous democrat and buggies, complete irons and parts, buggy steps and much more! Call 1-800-491-4494, www.rbauction.com 4 YR. OLD PB Berkshire boar, proven NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for breeder, $400 or will trade for other Berk- over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you shire pigs. 780-655-6615, Onoway, AB. have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! GuaranBAUMANS BLACK AND silver tooled form WANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, all teed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, fitter, like new. Eamor/ Kenway/ Hamley/, sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest Winnipeg, MB. Bona Allan. All in like new cond., not $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com cheep. Cranbrook, BC 250-426-5118 or WEANLINGS AND YEARLING boar for sale. ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: AWAPCO is a proven leader in elk meat sales. If you 250-421-1484 Phone: 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. have elk to supply to market, give AWAP7- FEMALE TAMWORTHS, $250 each; CO a call today. Non-members welcome. Also 4 English Black boars, $125 each. info@wapitiriver.com or 780-980-7589. 306-874-2886, Naicam, SK. ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages 36 WEANER PIGS, 40 to 80 lbs., Ivomeced of elk. Ph Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, and castrated; Also bred and open sows AB or email elkvalley@xplornet.com 1000 PLUS DORPER cross ewe and ewe available. Spot and Berkshire cross. Home lambs, $210 to $275 each. 204-734-9144 raised outdoor hogs. Call for pricing. evenings, Swan River, MB. 306-749-3232, Birch Hills, SK. LaMancha CROSSBRED bucks, excel. milk genetic from U.S.A, ready to service your herd this yr. 403-335-8945, Didsbury, AB. GOAT DAIRY HERD, closed herd, 350 milking does, 75 doelings exposed, 200 born March to May 2012. Call 403-382-9179, COMMON PIGEONS FOR dog training, $4; Shaughnessy, AB. Wanted: fancy pigeons, Bantams and Muscovy ducks. Call after 8 PM 306-563-6324, LAMANCHA CROSSBRED YEARLING DOES ready for breeding, excellent milking line Canora, SK. f r o m U. S. , c l o s e d , h e a l t hy h e r d . CROSS EWE LAMBS, cross older ewes 403-335-8945, Didsbury, AB. and purebred rams. Call Circle K Farms evenings at 306-725-3773, Bulyea, SK. WHITE & BROWN LOHMANN PULLET TOP DORPER RAM LAMBS for sale. laying hens, ready to go, good hearty Email us at cunningham@bcinternet.net layers, good producers. Taking orders for JD 550 TA manure spreader, field ready, $5500. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. Three Hills, AB or phone 403-443-2640. June batch. 306-225-4446, Hepburn, SK.

H E AV Y D U T Y 2 4 ’ PA N E L S , W I N D BREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, or email jchof@platinum.ca Rimbey, AB.


6’x15” 8’x18” 8’x24” 8’x30” Excellen tto w eigh b ales. No Electrics or M ovin g P arts. No Weigh Ho pper Feed ers Like It 33-45-8 5 Bu .

3000 lb.

ELIAS S CALE 306- 445 - 2 111

w w w.elia s s ca les .com

YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For your livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346. NORHEIM RANCHING HAS Red Rhino selfunloading hay trailers. Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-227-4503. 30’ FREESTANDING 3-BAR windbreak frames, 5-bar and 4-bar panels w/wo double hinge gates. Also on farm welding. 306-485-8559, 306-483-2199, Oxbow, SK. 2006 HAYBUSTER 2650 bale shredder, $5500 OBO. 306-731-7657, Lumsden, SK.

Magnum Texas Gates

cts Produ st a That L


MAGNUM FABRICATING LTD. Maple Creek, SK Ph: 306-662-2198 CATTLELAC 460 FEED mixer, right hand discharge, $19,000. Call 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719, Battleford, SK. 2007 LUCKNOW 525 mixer wagon with 4 augers and flotation tires. Taking offers. Call Curt 306-221-0285, Saskatoon, SK. NORHEIM RANCHING has gates, panels, continuous steel fence, Hay Monster feeders, crowding tubs, alleyways, feed bunks, and all types of livestock handling equipment. We stock only top quality products at discount prices. Call us first, we will save you money. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. www.gobobpipe.com

NEW CALICO LIVESTOCK trailers: 12’ stock from $4,995; 2 horse slant load from $6,995. Freight and taxes extra. Visit us at www.TWOHorseTrailer.com or call us at 416-848-3970. MACK R600 MCKEE manure spreader, hyd. drive. Ph. 403-552-3753 or 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. GEHL 8285 FEED MIXER wagon, 4 augers w/scales, big floatation tires, shedded, 1 owner, vg cond. $9000. 403-357-9192 w w w. s t o c k m a n s t r a d i n g c o . c o m 403-358-0456, Tees, AB. GRAIN ROLLER: 24”. PTO, rollers good, PORTABLE BOXSTALLS, 10x12x7’, steel new cross auger. Phone 780-753-6498, framed, with bars on front, sliding doors. 204-525-4256, Swan River, MB. Provost, AB.


AUCTION: DISK JOCKEY EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL, Saturday, October 20, 9:30 AM. 306-652-4334. PL #318116. View at www.Saskatoon.McDougallAuction.com COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN DOLLS for sale. Prices vary from $10 to $25 each. They are in excellent condition, some have certificates, some are boxed, most have stands. If interested, call 306-955-7419. I am located just outside of Saskatoon, SK.

PRO-CERT ORGANIC CERTIFICATION. Canadian family owned. No Royalties! Ph. 306-382-1299 or visit www.pro-cert.org ECOCERT CANADA organic certification for producers, processors and brokers. Call the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, SK, email: rusty.plamondon@ecocert.com CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK, rbaumann@ocia.org, www.ocia.org

WANTED IMMEDIATELY: feed and milling wheat, durum, barley, peas, and rye. Call Growers International today, Saskatoon, SK. 306-652-4529, 306-653-5512. WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2 FARMER DIRECT CO-OP requests new crop samples of: Certified organic Spring wheat, durum, peas, barley, buckwheat, lentils and more. Farmer Direct Co-op is the only exclusively organic grain broker in Western Canada. Multi-year forward contracts available for barley and other feed grains. 1536 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 0P5. Phone 306-352-2444. RW ORGANIC LTD. currently looking for all grades of wheat, durum and feed wheat, rye, barley and peas. Immediate pickup. Also offering fall contracts. 306-354-2660, Mossbank, SK. BEST COOKING PULSES accepting samples of org. green/yellow peas for 2012/2013 crop year. Matt 306-586-7111, Rowatt, SK


FOUR ADULT COONHOUNDS, trained for UNIQUE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. h u n t i n g c o u g a r a n d b e a r. C a l l 5 separate cottages + duplex for a total of 780-672-6026, Camrose, AB. 7 rentals with additional owners (or rental). 1300 sq. ft. house all on 1.13 acres in AKBASH/MAREMMA PUPS, born June 15, park like setting in the beautiful Creston vet checked, dewormed, first shots. Work- Valley, BC. Long term renters. Present cap ing parents and pups raised w/sheep, rate of 6% with potential for more, $300 ea. 306-883-8948, Spiritwood, SK. $625,000. Phone 250-402-2036 or email TWO FEMALE 8 month old Pyrenees guard justjan@telus.net for more info. dogs, bonded, tie broke, $450/ea. Call: FIVE ACRE HOBBY, Nursery and Landscape 306-845-2404, Livelong, SK. business. Two miles North of Courtenay, Vancouver Island, BC. Buy inventory and equipment with lease, $249,000 or buy everything $749,000. Beautiful view property, near by 4 golf courses, skiing, hunting and big salmon. Mild winters. Build 16� BAU-MAN PUMP, used once, c/w side your retirement home. 250-218-0142. AVAILABLE BACHELORETTE: Sultry box, discharge tube and 100’ of hose, brunette, 31, 5’6, 150 lbs. I am a teacher. $9800. 306-272-3366, Foam Lake, SK, I have never been married. I would like to email willyone@sasktel.net live with a partner first. I love ribs and any type of greasy food. I am a beer and pool gal. I am down to earth, easy to talk too, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SALE: welding can be a shoulder to cry on. I have my act shop 40x80’, machine shop 60x90’, storage together, and I am just looking for a nice shop 40x80’, on very large property in guy. He can be a farm boy, that’s where I Foam Lake. One of a kind opportunity. grew up. I love the outdoors, 4x4ing and Call Cheryl at 306-269-7004 or email us at snowmobiling. I love a rugged man who is cherylnorgaard@hotmail.com friendly, rugged and can be shy to begin with. Call Matchmakers Select ATTENTION DEVELOPERS: 4 acres of 1-888-916-2824. Specialist in rural, farm, commercial land on SW edge of Grenfell, ranch, remote, isolated communities. SK. Possibility of forming residential lots. Thorough screening process, customized Call 306-697-2436 or 306-891-8799. memberships, guaranteed service Est. 12 COMMERCIAL LAND W/BUILDING Aucyrs. Must be financially secure and seeking tion, Sunday, October 28th at 1 PM CST. 5 a p e r m a n e n t r e l at i o n s h i p . We b s i t e Acres w/building, 1 mile West of Tisdale, www.selectintroductions.com SK on Hwy. #3. Call Bruce Schapansky COUNTRY INTRODUCTIONS. IntroducAuctioneers Inc., toll free 1-866-873-5488 ing you to farmers, ranchers, quality ladies for more info. www.schapansky.com and gentlemen in AB, SK, and MB. PL#912715. 403-348-7471.

2�- $295.00 3�- $335.00

EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Beaver dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. Phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835.

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! A cozy 2 bdrm bungalow located less than an hour south of Calgary and 45 mins. north of Lethbridge, Hwy #2 at Stavely, AB. Many attractive features incl. a new 6’ fence enclosing the back yard and a new deck. 306-662-3018, slobreau@gmail.com

MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ SUN HILLS RESORT at Lake of the Prair- homes. Now available: Lake homes. ies, SK, only 40 minutes East of Yorkton. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Lots selling now! Starting at $49,000, fully Albert, SK. serviced! Ph. 306-597-4660 or visit TO BE MOVED: 1982 General Paramount www.sunhillsresort.com 14x68’ plus 18x18’ entrance addition. 3 bdrm., 1-1/2 baths, central air, $26,000 OBO. 306-753-2544 at Macklin, SK. MUST SELL. A well built 16x36 mobile home addition, 2 bdrm, family room, 12 yrs. old, new shingles last fall, 2x6 construction, well insulated, $12,000 OBO. Must be moved. Will trade for truck ?? HOUSE AND LOT in Elstow, SK, approx. Wayne 306-554-3235, Wynyard, SK. 1200 sq. ft. mobile w/lot and foundation, water and sewer. Mobile to be moved onto ESTATE SALE: 1986 14’x66’ mobile foundation. MLS price- $85,000. Bert at home, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, stove and fridge, Sutton Group, Saskatoon SK 306-221-2892 c/w porch addition, metal clad skirting, very good condition and appearance, $39,750. 306-457-7511, Creelman, SK. 2007 20X76 MOBILE HOME, to be moved. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath and media room, HOUSE AND LOT, 1035 sq. ft. in Plunkett, $120,000. 403-505-5149, Lacombe, AB. SK. Close to potash mines. Quiet village on Hwy. #16, approx. 50 miles East of Saska- 1976 14x68 MODULAR HOME w/14x32 adtoon, SK. MLS price $44,900. Ph Bert at dition, newer oil furnace, AC, fridge, range, and dishwasher. Ceiling needs TLC, Sutton Group, Saskatoon, 306-221-2892. $7000 OBO. 306-227-7151, Saskatoon, SK.


Edm onton



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LOVELY 2 BED, 2 bath waterfront home and guest cabin on 2.46 acres on South Thompson river in Kamloops, BC. $850,000. Completely renovated, irrigation to whole property with water license, swimming pool, 3 car garage, work shop, 3 RV spots. Call 250-819-2557.

W e a re a ctively sou rcing cerea l a nd feed gra ins in a ll regions. C ontact our buying agents for daily pricing and delivery options.


SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER The only way it works! In-person interviews Oct. 18th-20th in Regina and Saskatoon. Membership $700 plus taxes. 18 years experience. Have matched thousands of people! Camelot Introductions, www.camelotintroductions.com or call 204-888-1529 to book your appointment with an award winning Matchmaker!

BORDER COLLIE pups both parents exc. working dogs. Used in community pasture. 306-883-2453 after 6 PM, Spiritwood, SK. PYRENEES CROSS KAVASZ pups, ready to go, $150. Call 306-447-4640, Lake Alma, SK.


/sq. ft.

/sq. ft.

Hague, SK Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438


YOUR WAY, THE RIGHT WAY, ZAK’S GUARANTEES IT!! *Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included

CKC REGISTERED ST. BERNARD PUPS, 4 females, ready to go. All shots, microchipped, $900/ea. Free delivery to Edmonton, AB. Can email pics. 867-335-5192 (cell), 867-668-7218 (res), Whitehorse, YT, email hurlburtei@gmail.com

MASTIFF PUPS, ready to go. Great family pet, very good with kids, first shots, well SWM, 37, from SE Sask., looking for SWF, socialized. 306-441-5078, Turtleford, SK. 30-35 with some get up and go. Must be slim and good looking, no baggage. Must CHESAPEAKE RETRIEVER PUPS, born have a job. Box 2008, c/o Western Pro- Aug. 15, 2012. 6 females, 1 male. Great hunting dogs, good with kids, $100 ea. ducer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4. 780-658-3984, 780-603-0626, Viking, AB. SINGLE WOMAN, 60’s looking for NS, ND traveling man who plays guitar and sings BEAUTIFUL KITTENS desperately need lovCountry and Western music. Please send ing home. Also 5 month old golden kitten photo. Box 2009, c/o Western Producer, sisters. All to give away. 403-782-3130, Rosedale Valley, AB. 2310 Millar Ave, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4. SABLE LASSIE COLLIE cross w/red and white border collie pups, born August 31st, $150 each. 306-228-3582, Unity, SK.




CKC REG. BRITISH yellow lab pups, born July 27, great pedigree on both sides, have both sire and dam. All shots and chipped. Health guarantee to 30 months. Call 306-960-9321, Prince Albert, SK.

COLLIE KELPIE CROSS puppies, father is self trained working dog, both parents are great with small children, ready to go. Call 403-854-2474, Hanna, AB. MINI DACHSHUNDS, 1 std. red male, 1 mini red and white pie male, 8 months old, $250 each. 2 mini red boys, $300 each; 2 mini red girls, $350 each; 7-1/2 months old. 1 mini red and cream girl, 7 months old, $400. 306-694-8442, Moose Jaw, SK.

starting at

starting at

FOR 2013

FREE TO GIVE to a good home, two Shepherd Border Collie cross male pups, good w i t h s m a l l c h i l d r e n . C a n d e l i v e r. 306-563-6324 after 8 PM, Canora, SK.


WANTED: JAS 6 row barley, will consider 2 GERMAN SHEPHERD FEMALES, $800 and row. Contact 306-834-9093, Kerrobert, SK. up. Call 306-567-5589 or 306-561-7600, inawe@sasktel.net Davidson, SK.

WANTED: ORGANIC CALVES, stockers from 600- 900 lbs. Also producers remember to certify cows and calves for 2012. Kelley 306-767-2640, Clem 306-862-7416, Ted 519-868-8445, Zenon Park, SK.


CEDAR D STYLE LOGS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros, Lumby, BC. 1-800-960-3388. rouckbros.com


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SASKATOON, SK. Ideal for students who want to acquire equity rather than pay rent. A fully upgraded 1166 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bthrm, 1983 mobile home on bus route to U of S and SIAST. 5 appliances, large porch and deck, move-in ready, $74,900. May consider trades. 306-270-9160. 1989 SRI 16’x76’ mobile, exc. cond., fully loaded w/lots of upgrades, $39,000. FOB. Medicine Hat, AB. 855-380-2266

LARGE RANCH FOR SALE in Northeast BC. Approx. 8756 acres in one block. 3000 acres under cultivation. More info. and photos at www.bickfordfarms.ca Call Rick 250-262-1954, Fort St. John, BC.

BEAUTIFUL HORSE RANCH and farm in Prince George, BC. 156 acres, and over 150 purebred award winning Appaloosa horses. www.pavilionservices.com/smallcapital-markets/horseranch-and-farm/ SHARPEST PRICING. All show homes re- Call 1-888-859-5388 for more details. duced for immediate delivery! $99,900 promotion on select 20’x76’ models. Check EQUINE FACILITY, Fernie BC. 111 acres, us out at www.craigshomesales.com or 210’x80’ indoor riding arena, boarding facilities for 25 horses. 55’x60’ hay shed, call 855-380-2266. 36’x48’ shop. Very nice modular house MILLET, AB: Mobile home, $10,000 w/finished basement, 4 bdrms, 3 baths down, $350/month, 5 year term. Call toll w/woodstove, $1,975,000. Currently in the process of subdividing into 20 acre free 1-888-709-0884. parcels. www.trittrotfarms.com for full listing and pics. Phone 250-423-6883. NEW RTM CABIN, 24x32’ 2 bdrms, loft, 2x6’, green tin roof, PVC windows, interior done in pine and poplar, $56,900. Pics. available. 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. READY TO MOVE show home. Many options like front roof overhang for deck, deluxe cabinets, stone front, etc. 1574 sq. ft. for $169,000. Swanson Builders (Saskatoon, SK. area) at 306-493-3089 or email info@swansonbuilders.ca for details CANDLEWOOD HOMES: Ready-to-move 1490 sq. ft. home features: deck w/porch roof, James Hardie siding, 6/12 roof and ceiling, 3 bdrm., open living area, master walk-in closet and bath, $136,500 + taxes and delivery. Ken Penner 204-327-5575, fax: 204-327-5505, cell: 701-330-3372, candlewood@wiband.ca Halbstadt, MB.

RANCH FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1/2 section w/hayland and pastures, plus att. 1/2 section range tenure, 5 bdrm modern home, insulated barn, corrals, shop and stack yard. Adjoining 1/2 section may also be available. Located 25 miles west of Dawson Creek, BC. 250-843-7218.

PLAMONDON: PASTURELAND 17 lease quarters in one block with 1-1/2 deeded quarters and another lease quarter adjacent. Several hundred acres seeded to grass, lots of water, good perimeter fence. Permits for 610 AUM’s on lease. For lease package $25,000/quarter OBO. On 1-1/2 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED, 1080 sq. ft, 2 deeded acres with 1 lease quarter, approx. bdrm, 2 baths, framing stage complete. 160 acres broke, remainder bush. Corrals Buy now and you finish, or deposit and we and cross fencing, one gas well w/revenue of $2800/year, large dugout. $295,000 finish. 306-741-2730, Webb, SK. OBO. Call 780-922-6732.





for your realestate business. $75,000,000 ofunconditional farm deals in last tw elve m onths. M a rc el L eB la n c R ea l Es ta te In c . M a rc el L eB la n c • 40 3 3 50 6 8 6 8

HANDCRAFTED 2360 sq. ft. 2005 home, open beam, hardwood, sunroom, custom details throughout, att. double garage, heated 32x40’ shop and studio, bison set up on 160 acres w/trout pond, $639,900. ARIZONA PROPERTY SERVICES, Casa Kathy Schwengler, Century 21 Hi-Point ReGrande/ Maricopa, AZ area. Information alty Ltd, 780-542-1932, Drayton Valley, AB about foreclosure/trustee sales, sourcing Arizona property, document and notary EDMONTON AREA BROILER FARMS. services. Contractor and realtor referrals. Approx. 100,000 units quota, 2 production Email: arizonaviamontana@hotmail.com facilities, close to town. 6 barns, shop, 2 homes, equipment. Call Andries Steegstra, Phone: 520-208-3237 Royal Lepage Lifestyles, Lacombe, AB. PARK MODEL FOR SALE in the Phoenix 403-391-6260, asteegstra@royallepage.ca area, on Hwy. #60 East, in the Gold Can- www.centralalbertafarms.com yon area, at the Arizonian 55+ RV park. Furnished, including washer and dryer, large covered carport, corner lot, new club centre with heated pools, games room, etc. Close to great golf courses, quad and Jeep trails. Pets allowed, good country living, $15,000. Call: 306-782-7374, cell: 306-621-4297, Yorkton, SK.


ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: VAUXHALL: Ideal row crop farm, 480 acres (400 acres under pivots), home, shop, equipment building, storage shed, hay storage, etc. (#1939, Ben). FORT MACLEOD: Very nice ranch, Hwy 3 exposure, approx. 452 acres deeded, 320 acres grazing lease, 1400 sq. ft. home, corrals, etc. (#1936, Ben). ROLLING HILLS: Very nice half section irrigation, 260 acres EID water rights, all farmland, surface revenue approx. $40,000/year. Additional quarter section with building available. (#1932, Ben). WANTED: Wanted in Alberta deeded native grassland. Call Chris or Blaine. SOUTHERN AB: Well maintained 8000 head feedlot with 475 acres prime irrigation land. (#1900, Frans). OYEN: Large block of land, 9 sections of lease and deeded land, 1240 AUM carrying capacity on the 7-3/4 sections of lease land, 1100 sq. ft. home, quonset, heated shop, etc. (#1899, Blaine). TABER: Nice modern broiler farm, 278 acres, 2011 Valley corner pivot, home, quonset, office building, equipment shed, 4 barns, no quota incl. State-of-the-art operation. (#1879, Chris/Blaine). BROOKS: Very nice irrigated crop farm, home, heated shop, large quonset, grain storage, pivots, surface revenue. (#1892, Ben). BROOKS: Very nice row crop farm on paved road, newer pivots, surface revenue. (#1867, Ben). Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service , www.canadafarmandranch.com 1-866-345-3414. FOUR QUARTERS GOOD GRAINLAND on Hwy. #822, east of Ponoka, AB. Residence and farm buildings. Jac Theelen Realty Ltd. 403-318-2252. 1) GREAT PRODUCING PROPERTY: 2080 acres, fertile soil, all fenced, all properties attached, approx. 90% open. Seeded to grass, could be cropped, good water, creeks, dugout, wells. Yardsite, buildings and home. Views Snipe Lake. Great fishing and hunting. Three properties together in Sunset House area. 2) 5280 acre ranch, cattle or bison. Deeded and Crown lease land. Surface lease revenue. Two very good homes and ranch buildings. Lots of water, borders secluded lake, Smoky Lake area. Must see! Call Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, Spruce Grove, AB, 780-991-1180.


MESA, ARIZONA, Monte Vista Park. For sale Park Model, 1 bdrm., 2 bath, Arizona room, AC, fully furnished. Reasonably price. Call 306-867-8617, Outlook, SK. 55 PLUS PARK in Mesa, AZ., 1993 Chapperal Park model w/bay window, for sale or rent. 780-478-2011, Edmonton, AB. DOUBLE RV LOT, Yuma, AZ. Privately owned, fenced, sliding locking gate, RV support building w/bathroom, washer/ dryer, twin beds, storage building. Short distance to grocery store, bank, YMCA and hardware. 403-887-2441, 928-503-5344.

SOUTHERN BC NEAR Historic Greenwood. 71 acres, $529,000. Adjoins crown land, water license, home w/suite, timber, cultivated land, outbuildings, fenced, and more. 250-445-6642 or lbfolvik@telus.net CENTRAL INTERIOR BC. 23 kms North of Prince George. Retiring. Ex-dairy farm. Approx. 740 acres, divided into 7 parcels. All have highway frontage access. Will sell individual parcels or as a whole. 3 occupied houses, 2 barns, hay sheds, 2 silos. Info. and pics ph. 250-971-2211, 250-617-7375. Email: golf-par@hotmail.com


FULL SERVICE EQUESTRIAN CENTRE in Sundre, AB., 157 acres, river frontage. Heated indoor arena, 18 stalls, lounge, studio apartment, 2300 sq. ft. home. www.jamesriverhorsepalace.com Call Al Wattie at 403-638-1208. 160 ACRES, all open, organic, scenic, great hunting, fishing. 3 bdrm home (1982), full basement, attached double garage, upg r a d e d . E q u i p m e n t , l i ve s t o c k , fe e d available. Booming area - jobs available in: Forestry, oil, agric., trucking, etc. Call 780-836-5144, Deadwood, AB.


•11 7/8” full span floor joists with insulated rim •Primed with 2 coats of finish •Vaulted living room •Limited lifetime shingles •Laminate and linoleum flooring •Tub/Shower/Toilets

•Alder cabinets with laminate counter tops •Plumbing/Electrical roughed in •Vinyl Siding / Eaves troughs

&RQWDFW 6FRWW 1RURVN\ IRU PRUH GHWDLOV SOUTH END LUMBER (1978) LTD. 1550 - 13th Street South, PH: 728-1570 Fax: 571-1200 (One Block South of Richmond) email: Southendlumber@gmail.com Brandon, MB

IF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY 150 in 2012 and received crop damage call Back-Track Investigations 1-866-882-4779. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. LOOKING TO CASH RENT pivot irrigated land for forage production prefer Strathmore/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consider all areas; Also want to CASH RENT DRY LAND for alfalfa production east of Hwy. #21, north of Hwy #1. Will consider buying established alfalfa stands as well. Long term lease preferably. 403-507-8660. bschmitt@barr-ag.com 160 ACRES SUBDIVIDED into two 80 acre parcels, 45 miles east of Edmonton, 1 mile off Hwy. 14, $320,000. Ph 780-218-2081. NEW LISTING: Border Ranch, 7600 acres of land on both sides of the AB/SK border at Sibbald, AB. 1280 acres AB grazing lease, 640 acres AB cult. lease, 640 acres AB deeded land. 5040 acres deeded land in SK. 1454 acres regrass, 1235 acres cult., 2177 acres native grass. Modern home and lots of outbuildings. Ph Barry Lowe, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, 403-854-1005, Hanna, AB.

RM OF PIAPOT: 1120 acre ranch with buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com RM LOREBURN #254, 5 quarters, 800 acres, all together. All cultivated less 20 acres yardsite. 2 miles off highway. Tenders before Nov. 30, 2012. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to: Dale Kelman, Box 105, Loreburn, SK, S0H 2S0. Phone for details 306-644-4906. 5 QUARTERS GRAINLAND in one block of RMs Eagle Creek and Perdue. MLS 435062; 1 quarter grainland in RM of Douglas on Hwy 376. MLS 438710. Call Mike Janostin 306-481-5574, mikejanostin.com Realty Executives Battlefords MAPLE CREEK RANCH: 6720 acres in a block. Full set buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

RM OF CANWOOD-DEBDEN. Quarter section located 185 kms N. of Saskatoon, 100 kms West of Prince Albert. Property has great paths for quading, cross country skiing or just enjoying the surroundings. Close to many other lakes that offer fishing and recreation. Extremely private and tranquil. MLS ®438502. Shawna SchiraKroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-441-1625, North Battleford, SK.

TAMMY GREER, Thursday, December 6, 2012, 7:00 PM, Taylorton Room, Days Inn, Estevan, SK. 3 quarters of land, RM Benson #35, SW-4-5-8-W2 (comes with surface oil lease), NE-28-4-8-W2 and N W- 1 0 - 5 - 8 - W 2 . M a c k Au c t i o n C o . , 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. Visit www.mackacutioncompany.com MODERN UP-TO-DATE feedlot/farmland. RM - TORCH RIVER #488, between Steel pens, cement bunks for up to 6000 White Fox and Love, SK. 2 quarters SE/SW head. Additional penning for another 2500. 10-52-15, assessed at $51,645. Approxi- 1440 acres grain/hay land and pasture. mately 220 acres cultivated. Hwy 55 ac- Feedlot on 320 acres. Fully licensed for cess with pasture, hay land and recreation 25,000 head. Excellent living quarters w/1174 sq. ft., 1966 home, quonset, heatpotential. Call Joe Buker 204-256-0824. ed workshop. MLS 442676; 442681; MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and 442687. Royal Lepage Premier Realty, o r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . Yorkton, SK, 306-783-9404. For further details: www.royallepageyorkton.com Call: 1-877-269-9990. cndfree@telusplanet.net Murray Arnold 306-621-5018. RM 105: 800 acres grain land. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. LAND FOR RENT: Looking for grainland 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com for rent. Close to towns of Meacham, Viscount, Colonsay or Peterson, SK. Call NW-27-37-05-W2ND, 1 mile south of 306-231-7748. Usherville, SK, power, water, pasture and native and cult. hay. Hunting, fishing, and 4 QUARTERS, RM Orkney, sold by Auction, Unreserved on Oct. 27th at other recreation in area. 306-586-6805. the Yorkton Auction Centre. For more RM OF CARON: 480 acres of pasture ad- info call Paul Moore 306-272-8311, joining. Approximately 20 minutes west of Yorkton, SK. Moose Jaw, SK. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com

FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. 9 quarters of good producing land in NE Sask. Sold in part or parcel. Rental option on additional 9 quarters. Tenders Close Nov 13, 2012. Call for complete info. pkg. Royal LePage Renaud Realty, Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5900. FARM LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. 140 cultivated acres RM of Tisdale. Tenders close Oct 30, 2012. Complete details and tender pkg available. Royal LePage Renaud Realty, Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5900. GRAIN FARMS NEEDED: I have buyers looking to purchase large, quality grain farms that they will rent back to former owner if desired. Farms required are in the $5 million plus range. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379 Swift Current SK RM KINDERSLEY #290. Home quarter with log house and 2 revenue homes, barn and corrals for 1500 head of cattle. Plus 5 quarters of fenced pastureland with water. Brad Edgerton, Edge Realty Ltd., Kindersley, SK 306-463-7357. www.edgerealty.ca RM #259, 3 quarters: SE-34-25-20-W3rd, NE-27-25-20-W3rd and SE-27-25-20-W3rd w/shop, power and dugout. Highest bid or any not necessarily accepted. Closing date Nov. 2, 2012. Box 545, Eston, SK. S0L 1A0. RM 96: 1760 acre grain farm with buildi n g s . J o h n C ave , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com QUARTER LAND, 157 cultivated acres, RM Hoodoo, NW-22-40-25-W2nd. 2012 was canola, reseeded to winter wheat, 40 lbs. phosphate, 20 lbs. actual, 75 lbs. NH 3. At Auction, Wednesday, October 24, Bruno, S K . B r u c e S c h ap a n s k y Au c t i o n e e r s 1-866-873-5488, www.schapansky.com DL #912715. IF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY 150 in 2012 and received crop damage call Back-Track Investigations 1-866-882-4779. LAND FOR RENT: RM of Winslow #319, S W- 1 4 - 3 2 - 2 0 - W 3 , S E - 1 7 - 3 2 - 1 9 - W 3 , SW-17-32-19-W3, 446.67 cult. acres. Ph. 306-872-2236, 306-373-5760. Email offers by Oct. 31, 2012: wsbroberg@sasktel.net or bedo@sasktel.net GRAINLAND: 1680 ACRES in West Yorkton area with house, metal quonsets, 43,000 bu. bins. Assessment of 551,800. Over 1400 cultivated. Four Seasons Realty Ltd., 306-783-1777, Saskatoon, SK. SASKATCHEWAN RANCH: 6720 acres with full set of buildings, excellent ranch, exclusive listing. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com

MANKOTA GRASSLAND: 4480 acres of grass in a block. John Cave, Edge Realty, I HAVE BUYERS for Sask. grain land, ranch 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com Swift land and acreages. Call Wally Lorenz at Current, SK. 306-843-7898, Re/Max of the Battlefords, WANTED: GRAIN LAND TO RENT, 25 North Battleford, SK. znerol.w@sasktel.net m i l e r a d i u s o f R o u l e a u , S K . C a l l 3 QUARTERS LAND, NE SK. near Leaf Lake. 306-776-2600 or kraussacres@sasktel.net Mostly treed, prime hunting area for large Great location for outfitters. Asking RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section w/yard, game. for all 3 adjoining quarters. Will adjacent to Canora, SK. Total assessment $175,000 only sell as a parcel. Would also consider at 144,100. 306-651-1041. trading for land near Lanigan, SK. Call RM 19: 2560 acres with yardsite. John 250-427-6036, Kimberley, BC. Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. LAND FOR RENT: 19 quarters, Kindersley, 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com SK: NE-05-28-24-W3, SE-05-28-24-W3, SASKATCHEWAN LAND FOR SALE: S E - 0 7 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , S W- 0 7 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , HANLEY: Exceptionally well managed ro- N E - 1 0 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , N E - 1 1 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , tational grazing operation with 19 quarters NW-11-28-24-W3, SW-11-28-24-W3, in one block. Runs 300 cows, self con- S W- 1 4 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , S E - 1 7 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , tained, beautiful yard, on city water, 75 S E - 1 2 - 2 8 - 2 5 - W 3 , S W- 1 2 - 2 8 - 2 5 - W 3 , LAND TENDER SALE OF kms south of Saskatoon, quonset, barn, NE-23-27-24-W3, NW-23-27-24-W3, c at t l e s h e d , e t c . ( # 1 9 4 4 , G o r d o n ) . S W- 2 3 - 2 7 - 2 4 - W 3 , N E - 2 7 - 2 7 - 2 4 - W 3 , S E 22 – 17 – 12 W 2 STRASBOURG: Good cultivated grass and S E - 2 7 - 2 7 - 2 4 - W 3 , N E - 2 9 - 2 7 - 2 4 - W 3 , RM O F IN D IAN HEAD #156 hayland, yardsite with power, wells, dug- NW-29-27-24-W3, and SW-23-27-24-W3. Blk /Pa r A, Pla n N o 8 0R01011, Ext 0 out. (#1909, Elmer). FILLMORE: Selling Nov. 1, 2012 is the closing date. 1 yr. Pa rcel #108 78 348 9 -Title N o :107548 713 company shares with 8 quarters of land, 2 term. Highest offer not necessarily accepted. Mail offers to: Agri-lands Ltd, Suite Behlin bins, 5000 bu. condo #10 (contract 20 Title Ac re s – 3 C u ltiva te d Y a rd S ite Ac re s to be transferred to new owner), good #222, 3550 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country, – 17 Fie ld C ro p Pro d u c tio n land. (#1903, Elmer). NIPAWIN: 480 BC, V4V 2P5. 1 S to re y, 1 Fa m ily Dw e llin g – 684 s q ft acres, character home, private location, 20 RM EDENWOLD, 320 acres north of w /Ba s e m e n t& Atta c he d G a ra ge mins. to Saskatchewan’s best recreational Edenwold, native grass. R M S o u t h fishing area. (#1767, Elmer). Farm & Qu’Appelle, South of Avonhurst, 160 Te n de r Clos e s : M on , Oct 29 @ 2PM Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens acres, grainland, on grid. RM South C he c k W e b s ite fo rTe rm s & C o n d itio n s R e a l E s t a t e S i g n a t u r e S e r v i c e Qu’Appelle, 20 acres on #10 Hwy. RM plu s Te n d e r Fo rm ! w w w . c a n a d a f a r m a n d r a n c h . c o m Francis, 160 acres pasture, 30 min. east Fo r M o re In fo rm a tio n o r Ho u s e V ie w in g 1-866-345-3414. of Regina. RM Barrier Valley, 160 acres, C a ll Lo re n a tthe o ffic e : (800) 263 -4193 paradise with home, support buildings, P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 perfect getaway, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, near Archerwill. Contact Brian orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193 Tiefenbach, 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344, W W W .M CD O UG ALLBAY.CO M NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd., L IC.#31448 0 Regina, SK. WANTED: LAND TO RENT in Viscount, FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, buying or Colonsay, Meacham, SK. area. Phone Kim selling. Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, at 306-255-7601. Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty.


Q u ick Clo su re – N o Co m m issio n


Ted Cawkwell

Agriculture Specialist

306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro p.ca



1-306-327-5148 BLUE CHIP REALTY

www.dweintraskrealty.ca RM of Canaan No. 225, NE 18-23-08-W3, full 1/4 grass/hay, fully fenced, good water supply. Andrew 306-370-9597, Saskatoon, SK. 10 QUARTERS FARMLAND, East central Sask. Good yard, two modern homes, livestock facilities and grain storage. More info at: apk5apk@hotmail.com TWO PACKAGES of prime Aberdeen, SK. farmland. Part of a total pkg. of over 3000 acres. sasklandhunter.com for more details or call James Hunter, Farmland Specialist, Coldwell Banker, Rescom Realty, Saskatoon, SK, 306-716-0750 or email james-hunter@coldwellbanker.ca


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RM OF LEASK, 155 acres with approx. 140 acres cultivated, balance bush and rolling hills, located beside a grid road 3/4 mile off Hwy 16 in the D’amour Lake area. Several smaller fishing lakes and excellent big ga m e h u n t i n g . A g r e at i nve s t m e n t . MLS®444473. Call Lloyd Ledinski at Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK. RM 333, NORQUAY, SK. 10 quarters good farmland, in a block, set up for grain or cattle. Good fences, good buildings, good water, $1,500,000. 5 more quarters available in a block. Phone 306-594-2919.

RANCH & FARMLAND RON VAN HEREWEGHE Shellbrook, SK Auction to be held at Shellbrook Hall in Shellbrook, SK

15 PARCELS OF LAND IN R.M. of CANWOOD No. 494 OPEN HOUSE - HOME QUARTER & LOG CABIN - Oct. 13th & Oct. 20th, 2 - 4 p.m. FOR COMPLETE LISTING & PHOTOS Call Hodgins Auctioneers Inc. for more information Phone: 1-800-667-2075 Website: www.hodginsauctioneers.com SK PL# 915407 AB PL#180827


GOOD CROP PRODUCTION L AN D IN S AS K ATCHEW AN AN D AL BERTA FOR CAS H BUYERS . Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. TIM HAMMOND REALTY, RM #349 Grandview, E 1/2 21-36-20-W3, 295 cultivated acres and 20 other acres. Avg. ass e s s . $ 6 0 , 0 8 9 . p e r q u a r t e r. A s k i n g $355,000. MLS#445790, 306-948-5052, Biggar, SK. http://Hango.TimHammond.ca RM OF REDBERRY: Home quarter located along the shores of Oscar Lake. 3 deeded quarters and one lease totaling 459 acres. Energy efficient family home hosting geo thermal. Good setup for small farming operation. MLS ®438148. Phone Shawna Schira-Kroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-441-1625, North Battleford, SK. SASKATCHEWAN RANCH: 6720 acres ranch, full set of buildings, very scenic. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, SK. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com RM #382, N half of SW 12-39-28, W of 3rd, 60 acres tame hay, 20 acres native grass, gas well revenue. 306-753-9149, Macklin, SK.

LUSELAND, SK. 6,500 Acres . S ee W eb s ite fo r d eta ils RM KINDERSLEY 2 q trs . . . . . . . $13 7,000 RM W IN SLOW 1 q tr w /ho m e & b u i l id ngs . . . . $26 4,000 RM W IN SLOW 20 a cres w /ho m e & b l dgs . . . . $3 15,000 RM KINDERSLEY. 1 q tr. . . . . . . . $200,000 12,000 SQ FT co m m ercia l b u i l id ng o n 1.57 a cres o n # 7 Highw a y (fo rm erly Ca n a d i an T ire) . . . . . . . $6 9 9 ,000 C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y

3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7

G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K

w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m

RM OF LAKEVIEW SW-32-35-13-W2, SE-05-36-13-W2. Cultivated acres. Submit written tenders to: E. Spanner, Suite 104, 5363, 206th Street, Langley, BC. V3A 2C5. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Closing tender date: Nov. 6, 2012. For more information call 604-530-2560. TIM HAMMOND REALTY $565,000. Fraser Ranch in RM #316 Harris, cut by Eagle Creek, 60 cow/calf. 960 deeded acres including 167 acres cropped, 278 acres seeded grass/hay, 467 native pasture, 48 bush/slough plus 120 acres Crown lease (hayland). Good fencing, grass and water. Yard with 1212 sq. ft. home, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, natural gas. 9400 bu. bins, corrals for 70 pair. 306-948-5052. MLS#440191 http://Fraser.TimHammond.ca RM CANA #214: 560 acres grain or pasture, all fenced, some bush, lots of water, paved on 2 sides, 1 mile from city of Melville, SK. Ph 306-728-2815, 306-728-5324. FULL SECTION 640 acres for lease, between Milestone and Lang, SK. Contact tussaholdings@hotmail.com or phone 778-885-6513. SELLING BY TENDER: RM 105, 320 acres with buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty, 306-773-7379 for details on submitting an offer, www.farmsask.com Swift Current SK QUIET COUNTRY. Beautiful home with outbuildings including a 60x148 insulated shop and quarter section of 131 cultivated acres. Current area land rents at $45/Acre. Excellent hunting and lakes nearby. Call Keith at Royal Lepage Renaud Realty, Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5900. RM OF CALDER #241. Livestock operation 1439 acres plus 159 leased acres near Yorkton, SK. c/w yardsite, barns, corrals and handling facilities. Ph. Shawn Pryhitka, 306-783-6666, Re/Max Blue Chip Realty Ag Division. www.farms-remax-yorkton.ca PIECE OF PARADISE: Approx. 1600 acres of amazing pasture land. Call John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK.

FOR SA LE BY TEN DER by the Estate of H erm an R aabel Farm legally described as: 1. N E 15-35-32 W PM , Saskatchew an 2. N W 15-35-32 W PM , Saskatchew an 3. N E 16-35-32 W PM , Saskatchew an allin the R .M .of Livingston N o.331. The yard site on the N W 15-35-32 W PM includes a nice farm house nestled in m ature spruce trees, 3 car garage, 40x60 w ooden m achine shed, 4200 bu. steel grainery, 2500 bu. steel fertilizer bin and m any other outbuildings. Tenders w ill be accepted on each individualparcel, allparcels together or any com bination of parcels. Tenders m ust be accom panied by a certified cheque, bank draft or m oney order for a m inim um of ten percent (10% ) of the purchase price payable to "Leland C am pbellLLP in trust". The highest or any tender w ill not necessarily be accepted. A ny sale is subject to the consent of the beneficiaries of the Estate. A ll tenders m ust be received at the address below by 12:00 o’clock noon on N ovem ber 16, 2012.B alance of purchase price is to be paid no later than D ecem ber 15, 2012. Lela nd Ca m pbell LLP Ba rris ters & S olicitors Dra w er 188 36 Fourth Avenue North Yorkton, S a s ka tchew a n, S 3N 2V 7 Attention: Thom a s P. Ca m pbell ONE QUARTER, RM of Spiritwood, 120 acres farmed, accepting offers. Call 306-652-5597, Saskatoon, SK. DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. 4 quarters productive, flat and stone free farmland west of Hanley, SK. 592 acres cultivated. Tenant available. Call Dwein Trask for more info 306-221-1035.

FAR M LAN D FOR R EN T NW 27-3 6 -16 W 2

(a ppro x. 145 C u ltiva te d Ac re s - C a n o la in 2011) Ca s h ren t, 1, 2 o r 3 yea r term . Ren t to b e pa id o n o r b efo re M a rch 1s t o f ea ch yea r. Fo rm a l Agreem en t w ithin 20 d a ys o f a ccepta n ce. Highes t o r a n y o ffer n o t n eces s a rily a ccepted . TENDERS M UST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE 4:00 P.M ., W ED. OCTOBER 3 1, 2012.


Ba rris te rs & S o lic ito rs 602-9th S tre e t P.O. Bo x 878 Hu m b o ld t, S a s ka tc he w a n S 0K 2A0


LAND FOR SALE by Tender: SE-1/429-6-13, RM of Argyle, 160 cultivated acres. Written tender accepted until Oct. 22, 2012 Noon to: Sandy Bank Holding Company Ltd., Box 69, Cypress River, MB., R0K 0P0. Highest of any tender not necessarily accepted. Inquires can be made by RM OF SINGER, hunter’s paradise, 3 quar- contacting 204-526-0321. ters bush trails, abundant wildlife, water spring, all fenced, $75/quarter. Call 306-269-8246, Sheho, SK. RECREATION 160 ACRES, bordering Nisbet Forest, North of Duck Lake. Revenue from hayland, well treed, well, power, old yard site, lots of wildlife. Perfect get-away for the sportsman, $65,000. Del Rue, Royal LePage, 306-242-8221, Saskatoon, SK.

RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 4471’ of river frontage, estimated to have 300,000 yards of gravel. 528 acres of grazing land. All fenced. Pump house (insulated and heated) with 6 watering troughs. Priced as an investment property because of the river frontage and gravel. Seller will sell any portion or all as a package. MLS® 425102. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800, www.remaxbattlefords.com


COM PL ETE TURN K EY RAN CH S OUTHERN S AS K ATCHEW AN Yea r ro u n d s elf- s u fficien tpro perty w ith 8 00 + co w ca lfca pa city, 49 72 + /- d eed ed a cres a n d 3200 + /- a cres lea s ed , m a chin ery a n d lives to ck ca n b e pu rcha s ed .

Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. RM KEYS #303, 6 quarters in 1 block, 5 deeded, 1 leased, 220 acres cult., rest all grass. All fenced, cross-fenced, corrals, lots developed, river through 3 quarters. UG power and nat. gas runs through property, $625,000. 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK RM 229: 1520 acre mixed farm, full set b u i l d i n g s . J o h n C av e E d g e R e a l t y 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

N O FEES - N O C OM M IS S ION S To Freshwater Land Holdings Co. Ltd. My wife and I recently made the decision to sell our 5 quarters of farmland between Semans and Nokomis, Saskatchewan and we were very pleased with the service that was given to us by Doug Rue. His agricultural background and his business acumen made him the perfect fit for us in terms of completing a “worry-free” transaction. The process was swift and easy and we were more than pleased with the price we received for the land. I particularly enjoyed my conversations with Doug and his attention to detail with respect to following up with us. Trent & Lorette Fraser

SUM M ARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Cen tra l.....................................6 2 1⁄4’s S o u th Cen tra l..........................17 1⁄4’s Ea s t Cen tra l............................74 1⁄4’s S o u th.......................................6 1 1⁄4’s S o u th Ea s t...............................22 1⁄4’s S o u th W es t..............................58 1⁄4’s N o rth.........................................6 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t................................8 1⁄4’s Ea s t.........................................39 1⁄4’s

A BEAUTIFUL LAKESIDE ranch in Central Manitoba - this is your dream ranch! 5769 acres, 2074 acres deeded and 3722 acres connected Crown Lease. 1200 acres in crop land and tame forage, 500 cow capacity. Abundant grass, cross fenced, modern cattle facilities, lots of water, 3 drilled wells. 2 bungalows, 1 custom built at ranch site. For more info. contact Guy Johnson at 204-448-2101, Eddystone, MB. www.shorelinestockfarm.com

28 ACRES, 8 miles west of Harris, SK. on Marriott Rd. 3 quarters of it is fenced, all hay, good dugout, underground power and phone, school bus route. Will consider offers. 306-656-4435 or 306-831-7840. ELK POINT, AB. Over 7 acres with lovely $125,000 down, balance at 5%, 5 FARMLAND FOR LEASE. Grahamdale RM. house, Near Gypsumville, MB. Approx. 200 kms year term. Call toll free 1-888-709-0884. North of Winnipeg in the Lake St. Martin area. Approx. 4384 cultivated acres available for lease in 2013 and beyond. Land is mostly all in one block with substantial drainage improvements over the past few years. 150,000 bushels of grain storage, grain dryer, equipment shed, FOR SALE 1995 8 wheel Argo, 20 HP, new scales and office building all included. tires, c/w tracks, new 3500 lb. Warn Separate older bungalow currently leased w i n c h , m a n y e x t r a s , $ 7 0 0 0 f i r m . on a temporary occupancy basis. Full line 306-594-2854, Hyas, SK. of equipment may be available to purchase from original owner. Additional informa- FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS tion available upon request. Owner will We also specialize in: Crop insurance apconsider proposals up until 5:00 PM on peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; October 19, 2012. All requests for infor- Custom operator issues; Equipment malmation and/or proposals must be sent to function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call grahamdale@bonnefield.com Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. FEEDLOT: 1200 HEAD capacity, includes 1040 sq. ft. house. 60,000 bushel grain 2009 OUTLANDER 800XT, 2300 miles, storage, equipment, 6 deeded quarters. 2 winch, heated grips, great shape, $8000. miles North of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. 306-533-4891, Gray, SK. RANCH: 8064 acres of lease land, 1600 2002 BOMBARDIER TRAXTER MAX, Angus cows. Crane River, MB. Call Dale 500 CC, windshield, winch, just 161 kms, 204-638-5581, Doug 204-447-2382. good cond. 306-795-3349, 306-795-7349 cell, Ituna, SK.


To inc lud e your propert y f or F a ll Show ing s



Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™

WANTED: FRANCIS BARNETT 200 cc. Late 1940s or early 1950s. Project OK if nearly all parts included. Call Bob 780-469-0679 Edmonton, AB.

PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK.

HOUSE FOR RENT: Saskatoon, SK. east side, close to freeway, shopping. 3 bdrms, family room, att. garage, $950 utilities incl. Available for Jan., Feb., March. 306-373-1635 or beaumonta@shaw.ca MODERN 3 BDRM semi detached home in Elbow, SK, $1000/mth, hardwood floors, appliances, avail Nov. 1st. 306-540-6422.

W I N T E R I N S U R R E Y, B C ? Retired couple, NS, NP, 3 bed, 2 bath bungalow, $800/month, Jan-Mar/’13. 604-597-4711 or email: jjduncan@telus.net FOR SALE OR RENT: 2 bdrm, 1 bath with jacuzzi tub, fenced in yard, great neighborhood, Turin AB. Ph: 403-333-0376 or email: tamaradgarstin@gmail.com RM CALDER, 2 quarters, 90 acres cult., WINTER IN SASKATOON, fully furnished 2 90 acres broken, dugout, fenced, also exc. BID NOW: 2003 STINGRAY SX220 plus 1 bdrm bi-level, single garage, dishes, hunting land. 5 miles west of Hwy. #8 off boat. Bids close Tuesday, Oct. 23, Noon. bedding, towels, utilities and cable incl. Rhein grid. 306-782-5331, Yorkton, SK. www.Saskatoon.McDougallAuction.com $1200/mo. Jan 1 to May 1. 306-292-5146. 306-652-4334. PL #318116. MULCHING - TREES; BRUSH; Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: www.maverickconstruction.ca WANTED SUPERVISED, long term pasture 2000 CITATION SUPREME truck camper, for 2500 yearlings or cow/calf pairs. Call exc. cond, air, electric jacks, $18,500. Bat- VICTORIA, BC: 3 bedroom home, January tleford, SK. 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719. 10-February 12, $850 includes all utilities, Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. no smoking, no pets. 250-652-5815. GREAT CAMPER, GREAT PRICE, 2011 Copper Canyon 5th wheel Model #324FWBHS, 3 slides, set up nice w/rear GRANT TWEED: Specializing in farm real bunk house and outdoor kitchen, must estate sales. Selling your farm may be the sell, $36,500. 306-746-5809, Raymore, SK. biggest transaction of your life and you need to do it right. I can help you make in- 2009 FOREST RIVER ROCKWOOD Signaformed decisions that serve your best ture ultralight fifth wheel, 30’, 2 slides, interest. To discuss your unique situation mint condition. Low highway miles! Askcall 204-761-6884 anytime. Reference ing $26,000. 306-794-4717, Grayson, SK. Email vicki_skimom@hotmail.com available. Email: grant@granttweed.com

20 ACRE YARD next to 40 good hunting Crownland quarters. 2 storey house, barn with hayloft. Good water. Top Manitoba Typical deer in 2010. 50 hunting clients. 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB.

2011 CAMEO 37’ CKSLS 5th wheel, 3 slides (1 superslide), island kitchen, microwave/convection oven, 3 burner stove w/oven, 8 cu. ft. fridge, fireplace, computer desk, Samsung home theatre system. Freestanding table w/4 chairs. Corian countertops, cherry cabinets, leather sofa, 2 recliners, 2 elec. awnings, dual pane windows, washer/dryer ready, heated basement, 5500W gen., 1000W invertor, Bigfoot auto-levelling jacks, under hitch storage, NP, NS. Winterized. $49,900. Pics available. 306-287-3915, Watson, SK.

REGINA AREA ACREAGE. Enjoy the peace and serenity of this acreage only 15 miles from the city. Build your dream home overlooking a valley with natural springs. Good water source, pasture, some S IN G LE TO LAR G E crop land. Debbie Crabbe, Century 21 Dome Realty Inc., 306-790-3669, email: BLOC KS OF LAN D . debbie.crabbe@century21.ca BlackburnMotors.ca 2004 Monaco DipP R EM IUM P R IC ES P AID ACRES 3 1/2 miles northwest of Saska- lomat 40’, 330 HP Cummins, 3 slides, W ITH QUIC K P AYM EN T. 80 toon on city water, 2200 sq. ft., 4 level 37,000m, $84,900; 2004 Monaco Knight Ca ll DOUG split house, large machine shed, shop with 38 PST, 330 HP Cummins, 3 slides, mechanics pit, park-like yard with an im- 27,000m, $74,900. Financing avail. for SK pressive shelter belt, in the Corman Park res. 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, SaskaSaskatoon planning area. $740,000. toon, SK. Tues-Sat, 8:30-5:00, DL#326237 Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca 306-933-1121 or, 306-222-3883 2008 NEWMAR COUNTRY STAR 40’, w w w .Ca Fa rm la n d.com 400 Cummins, 26,000 miles, 4 slide-outs, GOOD PLACE FOR HORSES, 150 acres, new awnings, StarChoice tv, washer, dryRM OF CALDER: 4 quarters of grainland for RM Prairiedale, Smiley, SK, on pavement, rent, South 1/2 4-26-32 and South 1/2 lots of water, ravine, oil leases, house and er, dishwasher, $160,000 OBO. Leave message at 780-846-2833, Kitscoty, AB. 34-25-32. 403-288-4935, Calgary, AB. buildings, $225,000. 306-838-0055. 2005 MONACO KNIGHT 40’, Cummins dsl., 4 slides, queen bed, washer/dryer, satellite dome, elec. awning, tow bar, 36,000 miles, $92,000. Phone 306-397-2812 or 306-441-0252, Edam, SK.

Lush pasture to rent at Punnichy.


3 06 -9 55-226 6

Te le pho n e : 306 -6 8 2-26 42 (S o licito rs /Agen ts fo r L a n d Ow n er).

A f tersuccessf ully prom otin g Sa ska tchew a n f a rm & ra n ch propertiesf orover29 yea rsa crossCa n a d a & oversea s, w e ha ve m a n y q ua lif ied b uyers lookin g to reloca te a n d im m ig ra te to Sa ska tchew a n .

39 ACRES, 1 mile West of Maple Creek, SK on Hwy. 271. Ranch style home, 10 yrs. old. Landscaped yard, well treed. 34’x112’ metal clad shop/storage, lined and insulated. Corrals, and 2 metal clad cattle sheds, 24x30’ metal clad building, 20’x28’ metal clad hip roof barn. 306-662-5048. TWO BDRM BUNGALOW, shop, two quansets, graveled, c/w income. Serious inquiries, Bill Russell, 306-242-7188, Clavet, SK.

2006 NEWMAR VENTANA 6 spd Cat Diesel Pusher on Freightliner Chassis, 33,000 miles, like new condition, 4 slides with all available factory options, washer/dryer, light wood interior, side by side fridge, table and chairs, not smoked in, always stored in heated shed. Also, 2004 Jeep Liberty tow vehicle available. Phone Ross 403-350-4743, tigerone@telusplanet.net Innisfail, AB. 1958 GMC 4104 highway coach, 7,000 KW gen., rebuilt powertrain, rear bdrm., large f r i d g e , s t ove w / ove n , a l u m . r i m s , $19,500. 403-350-0392, Lacombe, AB.

Osoyoos Winter Condo Rentals


from just $870*/mth Join us for our seniors social programme all winter long! Rent a Studio, 1 or 2 bedroom lakeside condo. All suites feature kitchen facilities and access to the beach, pool, wine bar and more. *Valid to to April April 2013. 2012. Minimum further details. details. *Valid Minimum 11 month month stay. stay. See See website for further


P HO N E: 306 -56 9-3380 To view fu ll colorfea tu re s heets fora ll ofou rCURRENT LIS TING S a n d virtu a l tou rs ofs elected p rop erties , vis itou rw ebs ite a t:



250-495-5400 . 4200 Lakeshore Drive . Osoyoos, BC www.walnutbeachresort.com/snowbird


YUMA, AZ., Araby Acres. 1992 Park Model for sale. Arizona room 7’x16’, washer, new screens, new vinyl flooring. Turnkey, available immediately, pictures available, $28,500. 306-955-2294, Saskatoon, SK. ATTN: SNOWBIRDS- OSOYOOS, BC. Waterfront townhouse in development on lake. Hot tub, gym, 2 pools, $1,000/mo. Call Doug at 604-319-7838. WINTER ESCAPE IN ARIZONA! Beautiful 4 bdrm ranch style vacation home w/pool in quiet subdivision 30 minutes south of Phoenix, AZ., $600/wk. 604-485-5557, www.marigoldvacations.weebly.com WINTER ESCAPE! 3 bdrm. home in Gated Community, 1 block from Johnson Ranch Golf Course in San Tan Valley near Queen Creek, AZ. Immaculate, fully furnished. Near banks, grocery, restaurants, pools. Ph Derek or Marie, Stettler, AB, 403-742-2635 or 403-740-4704, 403-742-1460. WINTER IN SYDNEY, BC: perfect for snowbird couple 55 plus, NS, NP, walking distance to shopping, includes everything. Call 250-655-4759, references required.

GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED

LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: www.grainex.net

BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net

WINTER IN KELOWNA, BC. Large kitchen suites, indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool. Grocery stores and services next door. $990/month plus tax. 1-800-663-4347. www.siestasuiteskelowna.com ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003.

CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types of mustard for seed or processing. Color sorting available. Also looking for low g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB.

TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK.


WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, Dave Lea, or Vera Buziak at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. Email info@marketplacecommodities.com

BARLEY WANTED: 46 lbs. per bushel or better. Delivery locations Eston, Outlook, Viscount. Contact Lee 306-867-3046. BUYING: FEED GRAINS, all types of screenings, damaged canola. Quick payment. Call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at Wilde Bros. Ag Trading 1-877-752-0115 or 403-752-0115, Raymond, Alberta or email: wildebrosagtrading@gmail.com

Box 144, M edora , M B. R0M 1K0 Ph: 204-665-2384


A ls o Buying Tritica le Brow n & Yellow Fla x Yello w & M a ple Pea s Fa ba Bea ns & O rga nic G ra ins Fa rm Picku p Av a ila ble CG C Licensed a nd Bonded Ca ll C a l V a nda ele the “Rye G uy� Toda y!

A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc.

John Su therla nd



Lacom be A B.


w w w.eisses.ca


BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products

WANTED: ALFALFA/GRASS hay, large round bales. We are interested in all qualities of hay delivered to Bethune, SK. Call 306-638-3051.



M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712



• GREEN • HEATED • SPRING THRASHED Fa s t& Effective forea s y p ick -u p .



“G rea tprices for w hea t, ba rley, oa ts , fla x a nd low gra de ca nola .�


LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK. TOP PRICES PAID for feed barley, wheat, oats, rye, triticale, peas, lentils, and heated oil seeds. Priced at your bin. Pearman Grain Ltd. Saskatoon, SK. 306-374-1968.

& ATV Mts, ATV


“Quality Grain celebrating 10 years of finding better markets for the Western Canadian Farmer�

Phone 1-866-824-8324 in C a lga ry, 1-877-775-2155 in Bra ndon or 1-877-777-7715 in Red D eer for a ll you r gra in m a rketing needs.

3000 lb. FEED HOPPER SCALE Also Truck, Trailer

W ill As s is t W ith S h ippin g






Com petitive Ra tes

SweetGrass CONTRACTING Linden, AB

P ro m pt P a ym en t

D AV E K O EH N 4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0 L i nd en , AB

ELIAS S CALE 306- 445 - 2 111

North Ba ttleford , S a s k. W ebsite:w w w.elia s s ca les .com

LARGE SQUARE BALES, 4x4 alfalfa, alfalfa/grass mix. Bales located near US border, South of Rockglen, SK. 306-642-5812. LARGE ROUND BALES, baled with JD baler, $35/bale. Could load. Ph. 780-524-5211, Valleyview, AB. 2500 ROUND BALES, w/350 of those baled in 2011, all with no rain. 403-575-0410, Coronation, AB.


Also AGENTS for Chickpeas, Lentils, Field Peas COMPETITIVE! PROMPT PAYMENT! Swift Current, SK Toll Free: 1-877-360-0727 E-Mail: wheatlandcommodities@sasktel.net

CGC L icen s ed & Bo n d ed

– PARACHUTE CANOPIES – Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment

CERT. RADIANT WINTER WHEAT, wholesale quantities available. Mercer Seeds Ltd 403-327-9736, Lethbridge, AB.

TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.

Enhance your canola hybrid performance with JumpStart . ÂŽ

Parachutes (the ideal cover) Made of strong, tough nylon, yet light enough to enable one man to handle.

Ideal for Covering Grain Piles

CROW N SURPLUS STORES INC. 1005 11th St. SE Calgary, AB T2G 3E9 To Place An Order Call: 403-265-1754 www.armysurplus.com

Parachute Canopies Only NoLin es 25’x25’ parachute panel 28 panel parachute (24’ dia.) 35 panel parachute (35’ dia.) 64 panel parachute (55’ dia.) 120 panel parachute (100’ dia.)

$150 $175 $275 $425 $600

Note: 120 panels chutes cover approx. 6500 square feet



VXEMHFW WR DYDLODELOLW\ CUSTOM BALE HAULING, with 2 trucks and trailers, 34 bales per trailer. Call 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. 300 BALES OF 2ND CUT ALFALFA, heavy 4x8 squares, $105 per bale, FOB. Call 306-272-3930, Westbend, SK. 200 LARGE ROUND 2nd cut alfalfa, no rain, $80/ton. 306-232-4985, 306-467-7844, Rosthern, SK. WHEAT STRAW SQUARES 3x3, approx. 600, $13/bale. Call 204-248-2488, Notre Dame de Lourdes, MB. BUYING PURE ALFALFA STANDING AND BIG BALES. Pure alfalfa wanted standing or put up in big bales for 2012 harvest and beyond. Dryland or irrigated. Full custom work and trucking available. 403-634-1559 or 403-394-6967. Email: chris.whittle@greenprairie.com or brian.schmidt@greenprairie.com 190 SECOND CUT alfalfa bales, 22% protein, no rain, $110/ton; 80 first cut alfalfa bales, 13.4% protein, no rain, $65/ton. 306-371-7382, 306-329-4780, Asquith, SK. HAY FOR SALE: 200 Big round alfalfa/ grass, made with JD 530 baler. 80% no rain, $35/bale. Hay north of Bjorkdale, SK, - can load. Richard Bintner, 306-873-3184. ALFALFA BALES. Approx. 1100 lbs., 1st and 2nd cut. Phone for pricing 306-220-6419, 306-270-6260 Grandora SK 270 LENTIL STRAW BALES, 450 wheat straw bales, both can be mixed for feed. 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK. JD HARD CORE alfalfa or alfalfa/brome timothy mix. Call 306-542-8382, Pelly, SK. ALFALFA, ALFALFA/ GRASS and grass big round bales, 2012 crop $75/ton; also 2011 crop, $50/ton. Feed test available. Call 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. ROUND BALES, Alfalfa/grass, first cut from 2012, 1300 lbs, no rain, located in Kerrobert, SK. 780-872-9987, Lloydminster, AB. LARGE SQUARE 3x4 durum straw bales, $15 per bale. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, SK.

PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY at Picture Butte, AB. is looking for feed barley. Call Roxanne at 1-800-710-8803.

Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - ex.co m


starting at $4,395


N ow B uyin g O a ts!

HAY AND STRAW WANTED: for locations at Viscount, Outlook, and Eston, SK. Call Lee 306-867-3046. 2011-2012 JD hard core round bales, alfalfa crested wheat and pure alfalfa, excellent quality. Loading available. 306-741-7966, Chaplin, SK. 300 TIMOTHY ALFALFA 5x6 round bales for sale, no rain. Call Harv Verishine 306-283-4666, Langham, SK. 400 LARGE HARD core alfalfa bales (2011) for sale. 306-436-4526, Milestone, SK. ROUND AND SMALL SQUARE ALFALFA, alfalfa, alfalfa mix, and brome hay. Contact: 306-594-2305, Norquay, SK.


BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. email: nsgl@sasktel.net COLOR SORT YOUR Chickpeas. Send samples to Ackerman Ag Services, Box 101, Chamberlain, SK. SOG 0R0. 306-638-2282.

ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Platform scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. www.eliasscales.com 70’ SCALE, 6 load cells, asking $20,000. 306-726-7938, Southey, SK.

Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7

350 SMALL ROUND oat bales with first growth of alfalfa, $26/bale. 306-338-7403, Wadena, SK. HAY FOR SALE, alfalfa brome, no rain. Phone 780-658-3908 or 780-658-2415, Vegreville, AB. SOLID CORE ROUND bales for sale, alfalfa /brome grass mix, approx. 1400 lbs $25/bale. 306-933-0430, Saskatoon, SK.

1000- 2012 MIXED hay, alfalfa, Timothy, brome and straight grass hay‌2012 1st and 2nd cuts, large bales, netwrap, baled by new JD 568 baler. $40 1st cut, $50 2nd ✔ ON FARM PICK UP cut. 780-904-6861, Edmonton, AB. ALFALFA GRASS ROUND BALES, 1400 ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT no rain, good quality, $55 per bale. WANTED: GOOD FEEDER hay for delivery lbs., ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED to Raymore, SK. area. Round bales pre- 306-343-0589, Clavet, SK. 150 2012 BROME alfalfa bales, horse ferred. Contact Bob at 403-824-3407. SASKATOON - 1-888-522-6652 quality, no rain, $29/bale. 100 2011 LETHBRIDGE - 1-888-516-8845 ALFALFA, ALFALFA/GRASS 5x6 hard core, brome alfalfa bales, no rain, shedded, old hay and new, priced accordingly. 2.5¢ $25/bale. 306-834-2887, Kerrobert, SK. to 3.5¢/lb. Kindersley, SK., 306-463-3132, WANTED: HAY AND STRAW. Reputable 306-460-7837. cattle feeding operation is purchasing Green and/or heated GOOD QUALITY HAY, AB and BC, big quality hay at its Eston, Outlook and VisCanola/Flax, Wheat, www.wilburellis.com r o u n d s . C a l l f o r d e l i v e r y p r i c e s . count, SK. locations. Also contracting 403-758-3041, Magrath, AB. baled straw for same locations. Call Lee Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. 306-867-3046, Eston, SK. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD. 550 ROUND BALES, alfalfa/grass 2011 and 2012, $25 and $35, 15 kms West of USED HAUKAAS Quick Pick Bale Carts. Saskatoon, SK. on Hwy. 14. 306-384-5688. NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently FEED GRAIN AND HAY REQUIRED. purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and Callbert Sales Inc., 306-664-2378, 300 ROUND HAY bales (2011), 1400 lbs., Pound-Maker, Lanigan, SK. 306-365-4282. Saskatoon, SK. milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. brome/alfalfa and alfalfa, $30 each; 35 oat straw bales, (2011), $14 each. 306-654-2013, Prud’homme, SK. Ba le P ic k e r 500- 2011 5x6 brome alfalfa bales. Taking offers. Located 15 minutes SE of Regina, SK. Contact John 306-761-5396.

FOSTER COMMERCIAL GRADE cooler, 30� deep, 56� wide, 6’ tall, $1450. 780-985-2898, 780-608-0975, Calmar, AB.

SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money and save money. In stock, ready to ship. Starting at $997. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 168. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/168 WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, eight models, options and accessories. BUYING: CAMALENA grain. Seedtec/Ter1-877-866-0667. www.woodmizer.ca ramax, 306-699-7368, Qu’Appelle, SK.

B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded

WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. WANTED: FEED/ OFF-GRADE Pulses and tough, heated green oilseeds and also cereals. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297.


B uying Feed G rain

Select PioneerÂŽ brand canola hybrids are available pre-treated with JumpStart, the phosphate inoculant. Ask your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales rep for details.

www.useJumpStart.ca ÂŽ

Deadline for ordering JumpStart is February 1, 2013.

JumpStart is a registered trademark of Novozymes A/S. The DuPont Oval Logo is a registered trademark of DuPont. Ž, TM, SM Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. Š 2012, PHL.

WANT TO SAVE ON FERTILIZER? Use compost to reduce fert. costs. For limited time free compost, farmers only. Edmonton and area (2 hr. radius). Transportation not included. Call now! 780-488-7926.

LOOKING FOR: HAY, straw, and green feed. Competitive pricing. Please call JoLynn at 306-451-7451, Grenfell, SK.


FLIER IS BUYING handguns only. Antique, Prohibited, Restricted. Strictly confidential, highest prices paid. Reply Box 33117, Regina, SK. S4T 7X2 TRAPPERS. PREMIUM quality lures and scents. Over 30 yrs. in the lure business. All lures have been time proven on the trapline to produce fur. Gilliland’s Lures and Scents, 204-634-2425, Pierson, MB. 16” GENERAL ICE AUGER, Model 31, good for commercial ice fishing. 403-362-3278, Brooks, AB. or email: karen_r@telus.net

30 WHITETAIL DEER TAGS for wildlife management zone #65, around East Trout Lake in Northern Saskatchewan, $150,000 US. Contact gregdemakis@hotmail.com


R.M . of Chesterfield No. 26 1 in vites ten d ersto ha ul g ra vel from SE 11-23-29-3 to La porte (5000 yd s.) & M a n ta rio (3000 yd s.)b y en d Ja n ua ry; a n d ten d ersto crush 20,000 cu. yd s. 5/8” g ra vel a tSE 11-23-29-3 Feb rua ry – M a rch; Ten d erform s a va ila b le 306 -96 7-2222. Ten d ers w ill be received to 9 a .m . Tu es d a y, N ovem ber6, 2012 Fa x: 306-967-2424 Em a il: rm 26 1@ sa sktel.n et O rBox 70, Ea ton ia , SK S0L 0Y0


M AGNUM TANKS • U P TO 3000 L ITR E • ISO 9001 :2008 Appro ved • SINGL E W AL L SQ U AR E TANK • TR ANSP O R T CANAD A AP P R O V ED Available at Magnum Fabricating & our dealers

is tendering 25,000 yds of highway grade 3/4” gravel to be stock piled in the RM of Prairiedale #321 during the winter of 2012/2013. For further info., contact Reeve Tim Richelhoff at 306-834-7579. All tenders must be received by October 30, 2012. Tenders can be sent by mail, fax or email to: RM of Prairiedale No. 321, PO Box 90, Smiley, SK. S0L 2Z0. Ph: 306-838-2020, Fax: 306-838-4343 rm321@sasktel.net Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

w w w .m a g n u m fa brica tin g .com

M AGN UM F ABR ICATIN G LTD . M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198

103 -3240 Id ylw yld Dr. N . FORM ERLY

9 3 3 -1115 TIRE & W HEEL


FIBERGLASS SEPTIC TANKS- Various sizes available, starting from 250 gal. up to 34,000 gal. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com

TEMPORARY GRAIN BIN replacement tarps for all sizes from 22’ diameter to 105’ dia. Best quality available Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps available for all sizes. All sizes in stock. Shipped overnight to most major points in Western Canada. For all pricing, details, and pics visit our website at www.willwood.ca or phone Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108.

CANADA - CUBA FARMER TOURS. 15th year. Feb. 4th to 18th. All inclusive. Deductible. 7 nights 5 star, 7 nights country hotels, 3 days Varadero, 8 day farm tour, 3 days Havana. Max 28. Farmers and family members only. $3200 Cdn/person - 2 sharing plus air. www.wendyholm.com 604-947-2893 escorted by Cdn. Agrologist Wendy Holm, wendy@wendyholm.com



NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply, $558. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com

PRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT LTD., High River, AB. (www.myclfree.com) Servicing BC. AB. SK. and MB. Oxydate and ionize single tap to whole house to commercial units. No salt, no chlorine, no chemicals. Custom built and guaranteed. Now with TWO NEW 23.1x30 Goodyear Dyna torque water softening and scale control capatires, $1200 each. Call 204-764-2642, bilities. Ph or email for info and free quote. 403-620-4038. prairieswater@gmail.com Hamiota, MB. T R U C K L O A D J U S T A R R I V E D. U s e d 11R22.5, $75 and up; used 11R24.5, $90 and up, w/rims add $50. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK.

NEW 75 TON LARSON air/hydraulic shop press, reduced to $3995. 306-375-2271, Kyle, SK.

ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED Pure Water. Guarantee 99% pure no salts, chemicals, or chlorine. 306-867-9461, BC, AB, MB, SK.

DOMINION DRILLING, 5” water wells, will be gravel packed, e-logged and screened, 25 yrs. experience drilling in SK. Email: dominiondrilling@hotmail.com call 306-874-5559, fax 306-874-2451, or cell 306-874-7653, Pleasantdale, SK.

For Specifications see web site



Toll Free: 1-866-722-6246

STAUBER DRILLING INC. Environmental, Geotechnical, Geothermal, Water well drilling and servicing. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211 info@stauberdrilling.com

KROY TIRE Winnipeg, MB.

TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! Manufacture and repair of all tarps and covers. Ph. Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskatoon, S K . S e e : w w w. c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l : 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343. TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. LARGE CAPACITY TARPS to cover grain COMBINE DUAL KITS, IN STOCK JD STS kit piles of varied sizes. Cover long grain piles w/ new 20.8-42 tires, $16,880; JD 9400with 53’W, 90’W, or 109’W piles of any 9600/10/CTS/CTS II kit w/ new 20.8-38 length. 253,000 bu. pile covered for tires, $11,880; CIH 1680-2588 dual kit w/ $11,666. All sizes in stock. Best quality new 20.8-38 tires, $13,900; CIH 8120 kit available Canadian made quality silver w/ 20.8 x 42 tires, $17,800; New clampduals also available w/ new 18.4-38 tarps avail. for all sizes. Shipped overnight on $4,300. Trade in your tires and rims. to most major points in Western Canada. tires, For all pricing, details, and pictures visit: 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com www.willwood.ca or Willwood Industries WANTED: CIH SERIES 9300 QUADTRAC call toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax t r a c k s a ny c o n d i t i o n ! P h J o h n 306-781-0108. 204-825-2715, Pilot Mound, MB. SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement 2 FIRESTONE 460/85Rx38 Perf. 85; 2 Firetarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, stone 340/85Rx28 Perf. 85. All tires 98% plus. 780-875-7051, Lloydminster, SK. 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK.


AGRICULTURE TOURS Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d ~ Jan/Feb 2013 K en ya /Ta n za n ia ~ January 2013 S o u th Am erica ~ February 2013 In d ia ~ February 2013 Ha w a ii ~ February 2013 Uk ra in e/Ro m a n ia ~ M ay 2013 S w itzerla n d /Au s tria ~ June 2013 Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.

Se le ct Holida ys

1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a ys.co m


We can solve the problem with the WATER CANNON The Cannon will blast water over 4 acres in a 190 degree arc to dry out low spots fast and efficiently. Saving you time, fuel & wear and tear on your equipment



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website: www.doubleatrailers.ca email: doubleaa@telusplanet.net 10/12-19585_3B

LE SANN LAND and CATTLE COMPANY requires a full-time Herd Manager for our cow/calf and grain operation in The Pas, MB. Duties include operating and maintaining all farm and livestock equipment, fencing, haying, handling cattle, calving, and duties on grain side as required. Must be able to work independently. Modern house suitable for a family, on school bus route. Dental and health benefits. Wages starting at $3600/month. Must have valid driver’s licence. Call Joel 204-623-4357, fax or email resume with references to: lesannjp@gmail.com or 204-623-6315.

POSITION AVAILABLE - Equine Reproduction Specialist, Nov. 2012 to Nov. 2013. Duties: Embryo recovery/transfer. Reference must be valid. Wages $3000/month. Wu n d e r b a r A r a b i a n s , ap p ly f a x 306-382-8457 or e.l.friesen@sasktel.net WORKER REQUIRED from January 15 to March 30, 2013. Help calve out cows, etc. Room/board supplied. Call 306-839-4450, Pierceland, SK. FULL-TIME FARM HELPER required year round in remote area, northern AB. Mixed cow/calf operation and grain farm. Experience and driver’s license are assets. Housing available. Duties incl. feeding, calving, operating tractor and hauling and moving grain. Send resume to: fax 780-981-2944, or phone 780-981-2347, Keg River, AB.

New, used and retreads. Call us, you’ll be glad you did!

Leasing Opportunities Available


islookin g f orf ull tim e perm a n en tw orker. M ustha ve experien ce w ith ca ttle a n d m a chin ery, a sw ell a sva lid d river’slicen se. A ccom m od a tion supplied , com petitive w a g e a n d b en ef its. T o a pply plea se em a il resum e to : kim @ cllho ld in g s.ca o r fa x:780 -875 -25 86

WANTED on horse and cattle ranch N A N N Y N E E D E D f o r 2 c h i l d r e n . HELP near Lumsden, SK. Must be reliable and 403-586-2404, Olds, AB. physically fit with a current drivers license. Willing to train. Call 306-731-2821.

Fiberglass, the casing of choice!

We’ve got ‘em all.

Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM.

U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.

KORNUM WELL DRILLING, farm, cottage and acreage wells, test holes, well rehabilitation, witching. PVC/SS construction, expert workmanship and fair pricing. Indian AG-VENTURE TOURS to Brazil, Argentina, Head, SK., 306-541-7210 or 306-695-2061 AARTS ACRES, a 2500 sow barn located Bolivia, Australia, Ireland, Kenya starting near Solsgirth, MB is seeking experienced Fall/Winter 2012. Designed for farmers to Breeding and Farrowing Technicians. The learn more about Agriculture. May be partsuccessful applicant must possess the necly tax deductible. Phone 519-633-2390, essary skills, an aptitude for the care and email rwthomas@start.ca and check out handling of animals, good communication our website at www.rwthomastours.com skills and the ability to work as part of a highly productive team. Temporary and LISKE TRAVEL LTD., Wetaskiwin, AB. permanent housing available. For an appliCome and join us Jan 31- Feb 17/2013, 18 Well casings are NSF/ANSI 61 Approved cation ph 204-842-3231 or fax resume to days on a once in a lifetime Wildlife Safari 204-842-3273. in Kenya and Tanzania plus a 3 night stay Water well casings can be used for a number of on the Tropical Island of Zanzibar. Tour applications including: COWBOY WANTED for a cow/calf and QH cost- $5869 pp + taxes. Call for air quote operation, Hanna, AB. Livestock handling, • Air release chambers • Sump tanks 1-888-627-2779. May use air miles. See feeding, calving, fencing, haying, riding etc • Lift stations • Carwash pits • Concrete forms our website for info: www.lisketravel.com Class 1 drivers an asset. Couples welcome. • Pipe tanks • Well liners 403-854-2550 or hayesranch@netago.ca



DISCOVER WHAT IT’S like to Live The Learning at Lakeland College during Open House Oct. 26 and 27th at the Vermilion and Lloydminster campuses. Ask about our Student Managed Farm. Apply during Open House and pay no application fee. www.lakelandcollege.ca/open-house

KOROVA FEEDLOT at Acme, AB. seeking full-time help for all positions. Competitive wages, benefit pkg., onsite accommodation avail. Fax resume to 403-546-4231 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. Full-time equipment operator on large dairy and grain operations north of Saskatoon. We are looking for a highly motivated ambitious person with experience. Call Melvin at 306-225-4678 or cell 306-232-3462, Hague, SK. Send resumes and references to fvl@sasktel.net COW BOSS, B.C. cow/calf ranch, exp. in cattle and range mgmt.; Also all around Rancher position, equip., crops, riding, and cattle. Both perm. F/T, housing, benefits. Merritt, B.C, info@ranchland.ca, Fax 250-378-4956


F orem an req u ired for S ou th Cen tral Alb erta F eed lot. This p os ition w ill rep ortto the Feed lotM a n a g era n d be res p on s ible fora ll a s p ects ofa m od ern feed ya rd op era tion in clu d in g bu tn otres tricted to the p la n n in g / overs eein g ofd a y to d a y a ctivities , org a n izin g & execu tin g s p ecia l p rojects a n d m a n a g in g tea m s ofp eop le. M u s tha ve excellen t com m u n ica tion s k ills a n d p roblem s olvin g a bilities . A ble to w ork w ell w ith others a n d lea d w ith p os itive m otiva tion . Kn ow led g e ofbeefca ttle & n u trition a n a s s et. S u b m itresu m e w ith referen ces to Highw ay 21 F eed ers: go_cas_f@ hotm ail.com orfax 403- 546- 3709 like us on facebook

FULL TIME PERMANENT POSITION available on Strathmore area farm/ranch. Self-motivated ranch hand needed for cow/calf operation, must have vehicle and valid drivers licence, $18-$25/hr. Call Paul COW/CALF OPERATION requires person 4 0 3 - 3 2 5 - 0 1 1 8 , o r f a x r e s u m e s t o for general farm and ranch work. House 403-901-1550, Strathmore, AB. w/utilities and appliances supplied. Consort, AB. Phone 403-577-0011 or email FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME farm and ranch references to: u2dryad4@hotmail.com labourer required. Call 403-665-2341, Craigmyle, AB. POSITION AVAILABLE FOR full-time or semi-retired person. Housing provided, BEEKEEPER’S HELPERS (4), for 2013 sea- grain/cow operation located west of son May to Oct., $12-$15/hr depending on Drumheller, AB. Assets: Class 1 and cattle experience. Contact Ron Althouse, experience. Fax resume to 403-226-7079. 306-278-2747, Porcupine Plain, SK. COWBOYS/PEN CHECKERS for lar ge feedlot operation in northern SK. YOUNG, MOTIVATED ranch hand wanted: cow/calf Must have experience riding horses and Call Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. young colts. We run a bison feedlot, a 450 HELPER WANTED on mixed farm. Steady cow/calf operation and a well established job, accommodation supplied. Experience AQHA breeding and training program. and references necessary. 250-752-6746. Room and board available. 780-808-1592, Fax 250-752-8376, Qualicum Beach, BC. 780-808-5903, Lloydminster, AB. Email: jmnc_ltd.@hughes.net


Doub le M Fa rm s & High w a y 21 Fe e de rs Req u ires M otiva ted Pers on n el forim m ed ia te p os ition s

LIG HT D UTY M ECHAN IC P EN RID ER FEED TRUCK D RIV ER Forw ork on A g / Feed lot op era tion n ea rA cm e, A B. Rela tive ba ck g rou n d , k n ow led g e ofbeefca ttle a n d s tron g d ia g n os tic s k ills a n a s s et. Excellen tw a g e & ben efit pkg. S u b m itresu m e w ith w ork referen ces, d rivers ab stract& p olice clearan ce. 403- 546- 3709 or go_cas_f@ hotm ail. com like us on facebook

FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on mixed farm cattle and grain, maintenance on machinery. Dependable, motivated and reliable worker, with common sense. Accommodations supplied. Blackie, AB. 403-684-3584 or 403-540-2136. WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties incl. operation of machinery, including Tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. FULL-TIME POSITIONS available on dairy farm located near Regina, SK. Duties include milking, animal nutrition and care, some equipment knowledge preferred, yard care. Individual must be self-motivated. If this is you, email your resume to: gt.ell@sasktel.net or fax: 306-781-7456. AJL FARMS is seeking full-time help to operate and maintain modern farm and construction equipment. Year round work including general shop, yard maintenance, pen checking and cattle health work. Must be mechanically inclined. Benefits, RRSP plan and competitive wage, $18-$23/hr. Phone 780-723-6244. Fax or email resume 780-723-6245, rgajlfarms@xplornet.com Niton Junction, AB. FULL-TIME FARM HELP wanted on purebred cattle/grain operation in central Alberta. Energetic, dependable, self-motivated, non-smoker in good health who is capable in cattle feeding, cattle handling, herd health, machinery operation and maintenance. Class 3 license and welding skills are an asset. We offer an hourly wage, housing allowance, performance bonuses and paid holidays with accommodations. Please fax your resume including references to: 403-227-5278 or email to: couleecrestfarm@yahoo.com

TRAINEE SWINE TECHNICIAN (eight positions) required at Smoky Pork Ltd, a 5000 sow farrow to wean barn near Falher, AB. Candidates must have an aptitude for working with animals and willing to learn. The work includes assisting swine technicians with daily pig care routines, pressure washing and carrying out general maintenance. Salary is $10.46 up to $15.00/hr and a competitive benefits package is provided and housing is available. If interested in this position, email your resume to Andreas Roehling aroehling@xplornet.ca FEEDLOT AT OLDS, AB. requires full-time or fax to: 780-323-3969. Pencheckers with experience in animal e a l t h t o s t a r t A S A P. F a x r e s u m e HELPER WANTED on mixed farm. Steady h403-556-7625, or doddbeef@gmail.com job for right person. Room and board avail. 403-631-2373, 403-994-0581, Olds, AB. LARGE GRAIN FARM south of Calgary, AB. needing very qualified individual to operCOW/CALF OPERATION in Cochrane, AB, ate and maintain newer JD equipment, www.simpsonranching.ca requires a with class 1 license and able to oversee all Ranch Hand to perform general ranch du- farm aspects efficiently and with integrity. ties, including, but not limited to: Machin- Top wage available for the right person. ery operation (tractors, feed trucks), cattle Call 403-888-7801, Blackie, AB. handling/health/feeding/calving, fencing, general cleaning/maintenance, horse handling. Start date flexible. Accommodation available, utilities included. (Sorry no family housing available at this time). Bonus FOUR EXPERIENCED COOKS required, incentives available. Call 403-473-4571 or f u l l - t i m e , y e a r r o u n d s h i f t w o r k , email heidi@simpsonranching.ca. Re- $12-$15/hr. 2 years experience preparing sumes with 3 references are required by meals in restaurant and/or Culinary deall applicants who must have min. 1 year gree. Apply at: Manitou Springs Hotel and Mineral Spa, 302 McLachlan Ave., Manitou experience in farm/ranch work. Beach, PO Box 610, Watrous, SK. S0K 4T0, email: dhmanitousprings@sasktel.net or SWINE TECHNICIAN NOC 8253 (eight fax to: 306-946-3622. positions) required at Smoky Pork Ltd, a 5000 sow farrow to wean barn near Falher, TREE FARM MANAGER, Crossfield, AB., AB. The job involves all aspects of work in r e s i d e n c e s u p p l i e d . F a x r e s u m e t o the barn including care of pigs, treat- 403-201-3288, Calgary, AB. ments, feeding, breeding, farrowing sows, moving and loading pigs and carrying out THE WASCANA COUNTRY CLUB. Job hygiene routines. Applicants should have Title: Landscaping and Grounds Mainteat least two years experience working with nance Laborer, permanent full-time. Numpigs or post-secondary education in animal ber of positions: 6. Requirements: Comcare. Salary is $15.90 up to $16.50/hr and pletion of some school; Be able to a competitive benefits package is provided communicate in English. Duties: Spray and and housing is available. If interested in dust trees, shrubs, lawns and gardens, as this position, please email resume to An- directed to control insects and disease. dreas Roehling at aroehling@xplornet.ca Wage: $11.50/hr. Contact Greg, Box 1425 or fax to 780-323-3969. Stn Main, Regina, SK, S4P 3C2 or apply by email: copc.wascana@hotmail.com PERMANENT POSITION on large mixed farm. Wages $16.50/hr. Individual should GRAVEL CRUSHING PERSONNEL for have good work ethic, positive attitude, gravel crushing in the Wainwright area. mechanical skills, and able to work well $22.50/hr. 685762 Alberta Ltd., Phone: with other employees. Duties include: 780-209-3973. working cattle, operating and maintaining farm equipment. NS preferred. Must be fully functional in the English language. Fax: 306-264-3752, Ph: 306-264-7742, W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Kincaid, SK.


AUSTRALIAN GRAIN HARVEST STAFF NEEDED. Operators wanted for Australian grain harvest from Oct. to Dec., 2012. Must be able to work long hours and be proficient in driving late model chaser bins/grain carts. Also be Qualified in driving new model Case combine/headers. Accommodation and most meals will be supplied!! An International licence would be helpful and a bonus. A working holiday Visa will be required. You will be working on a family run farm. This position would suit a fit 20 to 30 year old. All enquires to: Eastgrove Farming Pty Ltd./ Harvest Staff tribal@westnet.com.au

Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s

PARTS PERSO N . Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).

Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333.



Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o ROLLING ACRES GREENHOUSES is looking for 10 full-time, permanent positions. Job includes fast paced, repetitive plant work, heavy lifting, working at heights in a hot, humid, environment. $9.75/hr, 10 hours/ day, 6 days/wk. Please email resumes to: acramer@canopycanada.net

TRUCKPUSH/MECHANIC REQUIRED We are currently looking for an individual to be a Truckpush as well as do mechanic work. We are a medium sized company that operates in the oilfield industry with vacuum, water, hydrovacs and small construction equipment. Person must be selfstarter and able to work without constant supervision. Also require mechanical apptitude and ability to work with others. Knowledge of the vac/water drilling industry will be a major asset. Class 3 required. Job is salary based on experience, as well there is bonus pay for operating truck. We also offer benefits. Our shop is located in Vermilion AB. Pentacon Energy Services, Call Jordan at 780-581-1159; Ryan, 780-853-7836 or Chris: 780-853-0991. Email resume to: info@pentaconenergy.ca

Expan din g O ilf ield Equ ipm en t Ren tal C om pan y r equ ir es:

Shop and Service hands As w ell as Journeym an an d Apprentice Heavy Duty M echanics M u st have Valid H2S Alive an d Fir st Aid as w ell as a valid Dr iver s Licen se. C om petitive W ages an d ben ef its,an d RRSP plan . Please su bm it r esu m es to h r@ w ra n glerren ta ls.co m or f ax 780 9 80 1381

12 PERMANENT FULL-TIME positions available at County Fresh Farms Greenhouses, Cypress County, AB. Job includes daily picking and pruning of vegetable plants, heavy lifting in a hot and humid en- SILVERMAN OILFIELD SERVICES, located vironment. $9.75/hr, 10 hrs a day, 7 days in Neilburg, SK. is looking for a Class 1 a week. countyfreshfarms@hotmail.com Driver w/oilfield hauling experience to drivers and help them be more sucELUSIVE SASK. WHITE-TAIL Outfitter has train at their jobs. The position will cona position for a hunting guide in Meadow cessful sist of training drivers with both driving Lake area for 9-10 wks. of hunting season. and fluid hauling, conducting safety Must have managerial skills, valid drivers checks, incident public relations license, mechanical skills, work without with customersresponse, drivers, reinforce supervision, physically fit, personable, op- company values, and be responsible for erate quads and chain saw, some cooking daily reporting andand paperwork. skills. $100 to $150 per day. Please send Please fax resumeappropriate to 306-823-3433 or resume to: eswoutfitter@yahoo.com email Lisa at safety.silverman@gmail.com FULL-TIME FLEET maintenance mechanic required for a fleet of 9 trucks and trailers in East Central AB. Mechanics license not required but an asset. Wage is negotiable depending on experience. 403-578-8167, Fax resumes to: 403-575-2659 or email to: gentank@veterancable.net DAIRY, BEEF, CROP, sheep, swine, horticultural jobs available! Europe, Britain, Japan, Australia and New Zealand placements open for 2013. AgriVenture invites applicants 18-30 yrs. old for 4-12 month p r o g r a m s . w w w. a g r i v e n t u r e . c o m 1-888-598-4415. Canadian farmers may apply for overseas trainees. HOTEL/TAVERN STAFF, housekeeping, Bassano, AB. Fax resume to 403-201-3288, Calgary, AB.

REQUIRES: 5 Service Rig Derrick-hands and 12 Service Rig floor-hands for work in the Lloydminster SK/AB area immediately. Wages are $29.50/hr and up for derrick-hands and $27.00 and up for floor-hands, depending on experience. Experience is an asset but will train suitable applicants. Group benefits and training/ safety bonuses available. Drug and alcohol screening tests are conducted.

Please fax: 780-871-6908 or Email resumes to: royalwel@telus.net

Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: info@bulldogenergyservices.com Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473

NETOOK CONSTRUCTION SEEKING experienced finishing grader, dozer and scraper operators. Must have current driver’s licence, H2S, first aid and ground disturbance level 2 and CSTS. Pre-employment drug testing is required. Please send resumes to careers@netook.ca or fax to 403-556-6231, Olds, AB.

HAR-DE AGRI SERVICES. We are currently looking for a Sales Agronomist to join our team at our Calmar, AB. office location. Qualified candidates will have an agricultural based degree/diploma from a recognized institute and an understanding of general crop production practices. A working knowledge of general office software programs and excellent verbal and written communication skills are also required. The successful applicant will be a motivated self-starter, have a positive attitude, and a valid driver’s license. Please forward resumes with cover letter as soon as possible to: Tyler Graham, General Manager, Har-De Agri Services. Email to tylerg@hardeag.ca or fax 780-985-2802.

KMK SALES in Humboldt, SK is seeking a full-time Ag Salesperson. We specialize in AgCo, Rogator, Versatile and Challenger. The successful candidate will be responsible for dealing with the public to sell new and used machinery. The qualified applicant should have previous sales experience, as well as general farm equipment knowledge and today’s farming practises, a valid drivers license. This position offers a competitive wage, RRSP and year end bonus. Please reply with resume to Jerry or Bernie at KMK Sales, Highway 20 South or email accounting_kmk@sasktel.net

PINCHER CREEK FARM CENTRE, a small New Holland dealer needs a Mechanic/ Service Manager. Family owned, people oriented work place. Dental and health plan. Fair pay depending on experience and ability. Great opportunity for the right person. Live next to the mountains in beautiful southwest Alberta. Call Bruce at 403-627-3647 if you are even slightly interested. Fax: 403-627-2785, email: pcfarm@telusplanet.net

"Co m e w o rk Do w n Un d er!" To p w a ges , s ec ure jo b s , grea t lifes tyle in Aus tra lia !

A VERY BUSY south central Alberta livestock hauling company is looking for a Lease Operator to haul cattle. Must have their own truck and livestock experience a must, 98% Alberta miles. Home most nights depending on where home is. If you’re looking for a change and want to be a p a r t o f a g r e at t e a m , c a l l M e r v 403-948-7776, Airdrie, AB. OWNER/OPERATERS and Class 1 drivers. Dry van out of Regina, SK. for prairie provinces. Fax resume and abstract to: 403-488-2194 or email: rdpete@shaw.ca ROADEX SERVICES requires O/O 1 tons and 3 tons for our RV division, O/O semi’s and drivers for our RV and general freight deck division to haul throughout North America. Paid by direct deposit, benefits and company fuel cards. Border crossing required with valid passport and clean criminal record. Contact 1-800-867-6233, www.roadexservices.com WANTED: OWNER OPERATORS for grain and fertilizer hauling, based in Kenaston, SK. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-252-2004 or 306-567-8377. CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVER with tank truck experience needed for SE Sask., hauling crude oil. Based out of Regina, SK. Clean abstract and resume required. Will train above average individuals. 5 days on, 5 off. Long term positions. Fax resume and abstract to: 306-245-3222, Weyburn, SK. LOG TRUCK DRIVERS REQUIRED for log haul in north central Alberta. $30 per cycle time hour, includes accommodation. Driver’s abstract and resume required. Fax info to 780-675-9206.

W e a re cu rre n tly s e e kin g e xpe rie n ce d

Agric ultura l M ec h a n ic s . As s is ta n ce with wo rkin g ho lid a y o r lo n g te rm wo rkin g Vis a s a va ila b le .

CLASS 1 TRUCK DRIVERS required for winter log haul season in Manning, AB. Accommodations supplied. Will train suitable applicants. Ph 780-836-6255 or fax resume and abstract to: 780-836-3982.

S e n d yo u r Re s u m e to :

tec h s @ c a ta p ultp eo p le.c o m .a u


Co m p etitive w a g esb a sed o n q u a lifica tio n sa n d exp erien ce Bu sy sho p – A/C,m a jo r o verha u ls, tu n e u p s,tire rep a ir a n d sa les, fa rm rep a irs. Din sm o re,Sa sk.– ho u sin g a va ila ble (fo rsa le,ren t,a n d lo w ren ta lu n its). K -12 Scho o l,Do cto r4 d a ysa w eek, AG Fo o d sto re,ho tel,3 ca fes.

Ca llT.J.Ser vice Ltd .

SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediately requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks/ tractors, and Company Drivers; Also require 1 driver with 5G or Class 1 license for operating a haul and tow. Transporting RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. Clean abstract required. Competitive rates. Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733. SASKATOON HOTSHOT TRANSPORTER is hiring power units w/wo step decks 3/4 and 1 tons, for RV and Freight hauling throughout Canada and the U.S. Year round work, lots of miles and home time, fuel subsidies, benefits, excellent earnings. 306-653-8675, Saskatoon, SK. Website www.saskatoonhotshot.com

RANCH COUPLE LOOKING for full-time work on a cow/calf operation. We’re located in Central BC. Capable of managing any s i z e o f r a n c h . C o n t a c t M i ke B a i l ey 604-629-5756, 250-747-1244, Quesnel, BC

– Ask for Joa n 3 06-84 6-215 2 Fa x :3 06-84 6-2087

KMK SALES, HUMBOLDT, SK. is offering a full-time permanent Parts Person position. This position includes all aspects of ordering, selling and maintaining a large inventory of agricultural parts. Individual must be well organized and demonstrate great people skills, self-motivated and driven to serve customers needs, knowledgeable in the area of farming and has basic computer skills. Previous Ag parts experience preferred, but we are willing to train the right person. The ideal person will be someone who can work with little to no supervision, a quick learner, selfstarting and has some background in working with parts. They must be able to lift heavy parts and work for a long period of time on their feet. Closing date: October 31, 2012. Please submit resume directly to Curt Bells at KMK Sales Ltd., or email accounting_kmk@sasktel.net

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Turkey farmers are moving toward a total flock care program that covers biosecurity requirements, housing, access to feed and water and treatment of sick birds. |



New codes cover animal housing, health, transport Retailers, consumers want standards | The dilemma is to address concerns without putting producers out of business BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

TORONTO — Updated codes of practice for better farm animal welfare are on the drawing board, but few producers will use them if these manuals are not practical. Codes for humane animal handling and care have existed since the 1980s. Some provinces incorporated them into animal care legislation and some associations made them part of their quality assurance programs. However, those involved in writing the updates want a broader acceptance of the guidelines among individual producers. “Mailing out codes of practice is great, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that people are actually opening the book and looking at it,” said Jackie Wepruk, manager of the National Farm Animal Care Council. Retailers and consumers want proof that the codes are being followed, she said at an animal welfare symposium organized by the Canadian Meat Council in Toronto Oct. 11-12. Codes for dairy, beef cattle, mink, ranched fox, pigs, equine, sheep, poultry and layers as well as codes for transport of farm animals are set for completion in 2013 and 2014. The dairy code of practice was completed in 2009 and is being tested in the field. “Every single committee is dealing with the same kinds of issues,” said Wepruk. All must address pain management, comfortable housing systems and feed requirements without putting farmers out of business. That could be a challenge for hog producers, said Catherine Scovil of the Canadian Pork Council. The pork code of practice is due in 2013 and could require farmers to make expensive changes in their barns.

“This is going to happen to an industry that really is quite fragile,” she said. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency also expects certain standards once animals are shipped to processors, said welfare specialist Anne Allen. “CFIA does not have any clear regulatory authority on farm. Unless there is a disease outbreak, we are not there,” she said. It takes over once animals arrive at a federally inspected slaughter plant. A revised chapter about meat processing regulations is being released in January to ensure processors have written animal welfare programs similar in format to their hazard analysis critical control points plans. Federal inspectors expect animals to arrive in good condition because they are being used to make food. “We need to demonstrate that animal welfare standards are being met and what the codes do … is demonstrate that we are doing things right and that the animals being made into food in federal establishments meet a particular standard,” she said. The dairy and pork industries have incorporated animal welfare into their on-farm food safety programs. While programs are described as voluntary, no federal processors will deal with them if they are not certified, said Wepruk. Industry representatives provided outlines of where their respective codes of practices stand.

highly recommended requirements. It is run in conjunction with the onfarm food safety program, and annual audits were initiated in 2009 to validate implementation and certification. About 65 percent of Canadian chicken farms are certified. Ninety percent will be certified next year, although some provinces say they have 100 percent certification. The program covers feed and water requirements, environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature and ammonia controls, bird density, biosecurity, health care practices, catching and loading, pest control and transportation.



Chicken Farmers of Canada released the first draft of its code of practice in 2009 with consultation from more than 40 stakeholders, said spokesperson Steve Leech. The animal care program is meant to show the public and government that proper care was used at the farm level and consists of mandatory and

The CFIA has reviewed the Turkey Farmers of Canada quality assurance program and growers are moving toward a total flock care program that will be managed the same way as the food safety program, said Colleen McElwain. Codes have been in place since 1989, but the first one dealt with all

Pork The hog industry introduced codes of practice in 1984 and 1993 with an updated version expected next year. The hog industry wants one national standard of good care that producers, researchers, processors and government can support, said Scovil. The Canadian pork quality assurance program was merged this year with an animal welfare program. More than 93 percent of pork produced in Canada is from CQA farms. Although it is called a voluntary program, it is a condition of sale to most federal plants in Canada. Farms undergo an assessment in which they are visited by auditors once per year, w ith document reviews in the second and third years. The cycle then repeats.

poultry without special consideration for turkeys, she said. To join the flock care initiative, farmers must already be on an onfar m food safety program that includes biosecurity, bird health, feed and water directives. Certification for the two programs is separate. Farmers conduct a self audit twice a year and the provincial marketing boards audit producers annually. On-farm food safety covers catchers, transportation and biosecurity requirements while the flock care program oversees the climate in the barn, access to feed and water, lighting, density, litter management and treatment of sick or injured birds. Staff must be trained to handle birds, and the number of birds not shipped because of welfare concerns needs to be recorded. Beef The beef industry developed a voluntary humane code of practice in 1991 and plans to release a new version in 2013. This time there is a clear separation of requirements and recommended practices, said Ryder Lee of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. It is not a how-to farm manual. Instead, it focuses on areas where animal welfare could be an issue, including handling painful procedures such as dehorning, castration and branding, feedlot health, weaning methods and managing animals that live mostly outdoors. Eggs Egg Farmers of Canada released its last code in 2003 and plans a new version next year, said spokesperson Chris Nash. There are 1,000 producer members, and Egg Farmers of Canada staff inspects each farm annually. Corrections may be recommended, and

followups are done to make sure problems were fixed. Farms must achieve near perfect scores on cage density, cage conditions, records for feed treatments, ammonia concentrations, feather scoring and euthanasia. The code will be outcome based, and producers will have to adapt their animal care programs to comply. Many types of production systems exist in Canada, including conventional cage housing, free run production, aviaries and enriched cages, which are larger units with nest boxes and perches. Canadian hatching egg producers This industry deals mostly with producing fertile eggs for hatcheries. The breeding hens require careful management on the farm, where they produce eggs for about a year. Some are shipped for processing at the end of the cycle, said Viki Sikur, an animal welfare officer with the organization. The last code was released in 2003 with an emphasis on proper animal care and best practices suited to Canadian conditions. Industry practices have changed and the birds are genetically different since the last code was released, so new management guidelines are needed, said Sikur. Each producer receives operating manuals, but all involved agree they want a national program that is implemented by the provinces. The program needs to be based on current research, regulations and industry standards that are practical for breeder operations. The welfare codes of practice are to be reviewed in parallel with the Canadian Hatching Egg Producers quality program. For more information, visit www. nfacc.ca/animal-care-assessmentmodel.




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Living fences slow to catch on Economic returns | Trees would save on the cost of sand, salt and snow removal

Shelter belts called vegetative environmental buffers can be used to suppress odours from livestock operations. | FILE PHOTO SHELTER BELTS | ODOUR REDUCING CAPABILITY

Tree buffers suck up odour, dust Pollutants trapped | Design of the yard, type of trees and wind direction play role in effectiveness STORIES BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

INTERNATIONAL PEACE GARDEN, Manitoba-North Dakota border — Locating intensive livestock operations away from populated areas is one way to keep odour from being an issue. Trees are another. Shelter belts known as vegetative environmental buffers (VEB) can trap air pollutants and dust escaping from large-scale hog and poultry barns, said John Tyndall, a professor of natural resource economics at Iowa State University. He told the Great Plains Windbreak conference that a VEB can reduce by five to 15 percent the odour concentration moving downwind of a barn at a cost of one to three cents per pig. However, the reduction depends on many other factors, including weather, tree height and emissions. The familiar manure smell is made up of more than 400 individual chemicals that are collectively known as volatile organic compounds. Ammonia is one component, but it’s light and tends to dissipate

quickly. Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air, moves slowly and rarely goes beyond the farm. The components that stick to dust are the ones that cause the problems. Tyndall said controlling particulate movement will control odour movement. Changing diet and using feed additives can have a small effect on the volatile organic compounds. Preventing their release through the use of air filters and vent scrubbers can also help. However, these two methods won’t completely eliminate the problem. Air will escape and, once it does, landscape features or the hundreds of temperature inversions that occur during the summer can trap it, Tyndall said. “Once it’s released into the atmosphere and it’s picked up by prevailing winds and it’s moving downwind, there’s sort of this tertiary last line of defence,” he said. “That’s where VEBs come into play.” VEBs create mechanical turbulence that intercepts the particles that would be carried away from the barn. Heavier particulates drop out of the airstream and land on the

Trees are capable of grabbing and holding onto a tremendous amount of material. We’ve all seen trees along the roadside covered in dust. JOHN TYNDALL PROFESSOR OF NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS

leaves and branches of the trees. “Trees are capable of grabbing and holding onto a tremendous amount of material. We’ve all seen trees along the roadside covered in dust.” Tyndall said 90 percent of particulates are the right size for trees to grab. Their irregular shape makes it easier, and once the trees are covered, the dust itself is good at grabbing other dust, he said. One row of trees can do the trick, but several rows are better, he said. Precipitation helps keep the trees healthy; all that dust isn’t good for them. Tyndall cautioned that the benefits of shelter belts in odour mitigation

are site specific. The design of the yard, the trees and wind direction all have a part to play. However, he said there is no doubt that they work. As well, he said research has found the visual screen that VEBs provide lead people to believe the odour isn’t as bad. “As farms are viewed as being more attractive, perceptions of odour are reduced,” he said. Focus groups in Iowa said the more trees the better. “There was high appreciation for the visual response to odour issues,” Tyndall said, noting that other odour suppression methods can’t be seen or appear to be industrial. In the United States, VEBs are incorporated into the design for new buildings. Some older facilities weren’t situated properly and adding trees can be challenging, he added. Problems can arise around snow deposits, ventilation issues if the trees are too close to the barn and visibility issues for large trucks entering and leaving the facility. Proper design and maintenance are necessary, he said.

INTERNATIONAL PEACE GARDEN, Manitoba-North Dakota border — Snow will soon be blowing over the Prairies, obstructing drivers’ vision and creating hazardous roads. Living snow fences are one solution that some American states are trying but that farmers haven’t exactly embraced. Dean Current, director of the Centre for Integrated Natural Resources Management at the University of Minnesota, said his state’s transportation department identified 3,800 problem areas where a living snow fence could help keep snow off the road. It established a program with the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Conservation Reserve Program and Environmental Quality Incentives Program to pay farmers to grow and maintain the windbreaks. Another program also pays farmers to leave standing corn rows. Current said the adoption rate has been low, even with the incentives and clear evidence of safety and transportation benefits. Payments have been made for several years and only 2.3 percent of the problem areas have been addressed. In 2011, the program spent only 20 percent of its budget, he said. Environmental benefits A study done last year found that there would be economic returns of more than $1.3 million per year if 40 percent of the sites were planted with living snow fences. “That could be applied to more living snow fence and getting more landowners involved,” Current said. The transportation department would avoid the costs of sand, salt and snow removal. Societal benefits include fewer accidents, better travel time, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and sequestered carbon. However, in the same study farmers identified several costs and constraints to the program. Current and others found the main issue was the risk associated with maintaining the trees, including replacing trees that died, and the landowners’ liability. The study revealed that landowners wanted better compensation for the first, second and third years after the living snow fence was established, which is when maintenance costs are highest. Farmers also cite higher costs and inconvenience trying to farm around the trees.





Manitoba pilot program offers incentive to plant shelter belts Trees ripped out | Farmers want to put the maximum acres to work BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

INTERNATIONAL PEACE GARDEN, Manitoba-North Dakota border — Trees are often the first to suffer in large-scale agriculture. Shelter belts that have stood for 100 years are ripped out to accommodate large equipment and allow farmers to earn more per acre. This is particularly true in areas where potatoes are the crop of choice. Ralph Oliver of the Rural Municipality of North Cypress in Manitoba said a large increase in land values and the desire to capture every dollar from every acre has led many to rip out the trees. In some cases, windbreaks that are only two or three years old have been torn out by new owners. Growers and processors have certain quality expectations that shelter belts can affect, he said at the Great Plains Windbreak conference. Shelter belts can create dead areas in the field, where less ventilation results in the perfect environment for disease. Potatoes are grown under irrigation, and trees can interfere with the pivots. Oliver said shelter belts are safe only when the land is rented and the owner requests the trees not be removed. The RM is working with the Whitemud Watershed Conservation District to try to change that. The 1.8 million acre district has a long history of planting shelter belts. Crews have planted 2,700 kilometres of trees since 1975. The peak year saw 188 km planted, and the best years always followed drought. “This year we put in five miles (eight km),” said district manager Chris Reynolds. “We did not plant a single field to shelter belt last year.” Only trees to protect yard sites seem to be desirable. Oliver said the days of drought are not over. Last year, topsoil from potato fields blew over a neighbouring hay field and road and had to be scraped off. He said the soil in the area is sandy, and potatoes leave virtually no trash cover. On a three-year rotation, only once in three years will a farmer plant a crop that leaves good cover and prevents the soil from blowing away. But farmers continue to remove the trees. “We realize farmers are removing

shelter belts for good reason.” However, he said there has to be a happy medium. A pilot program in the conservation district next year will offer an incentive to re-establish shelter belts. Landowners will receive $500 per mile, up to $1,000 per landowner, to plant trees spaced a quarter mile apart. “It’s not ideal but it’s probably the

only thing that will work.” The district will plant the trees in consultation with the co-operating landowners. Reynolds said he hopes 16 km will go in next year and that will set the stage for more to follow. “There is a place for shelter belts,” he said. “On the large scale farm today there is a mentality that we don’t need it — yet.”




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Canola seed losses top seven percent






Money on the ground | Producers could be losing nearly $1 billion worth of canola


The Whitemud Watershed Conservation District says farmers only want shelter belts for yard sites. | FILE PHOTO


Canola farmers in Saskatchewan are leaving more than seven percent of their crop in the field, according to a post-harvest study conducted at the University of Saskatchewan.

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CWB predicts large crop in most areas Production estimates show 20 million tonnes of wheat BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Western Canadian farmers who are already enjoying near-record prices for cereal grains are also on track to produce one of their biggest crops in years. Bruce Burnett, a weather and crop specialist with CWB, said last week that 2012 production of wheat, durum and barley in western Canada is likely to surpass levels in 2010 and 2011. With the exception of dry areas in southeastern Manitoba and B.C.’s Peace River region, most prairie farmers are benefitting from good growing conditions and ample mois-

Tisdale, SK

October 25, 2012

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MAJOR WING SPAN Uncontrollable bounce is not the problem many people might think it would be on a 132 foot aluminum spray boom. | Page 88

PRODUCT IO N E D I TO R: M I C HAEL RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM


Lightweight flyer can give farmers a lift Eagle-eye photos | New spin on precision agriculture gives agronomists an alternative to satellite imaging BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM

WOODSTOCK, Ont. — Satellite imaging is an important tool for agronomists, but sometimes the clouds get in the way. “Satellites fly over five to 10 days. You get clouds sometimes. Then five to 10 days to get results,” said Felix Weber of Palmerston, Ont., who advises farmers on managing their land and crops. “Meanwhile, your crop has been dealing with problems you could have been working on.” Weber, who recently attended Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock, started thinking about ways to get those images without using a satellite or a light plane. “Drones,” he said. “I looked at quite a few of them.” One of the planes Weber looked at was Swinglet, built by SenseFly of Switzerland, where he was born and raised. The company builds the equipment and software that allows images made by the flying camera to be geo-referenced. Tying the images to exact land locations gives them value for farmers because they can be layered with other maps to create precision agriculture prescription maps or locate trouble spots in fields that need scouting to establish nutrient deficiencies or pest problems. The 500 gram flying camera is made of Styrofoam with a hardened outer shell. With a wing span of 80 centimetres, the rechargeable, swappable battery-powered flying wing relies on a rear-facing prop to get it airborne. “Its light weight means that it can land on its own without damage,” said Weber. Flight planning takes little time or training. The operator places a rectangle on a digital satellite map and a flight plan is automatically created. If no geo-referenced maps are available, the software can accept waypoints to be placed over the map. The unit takes wind into account and operates in light wind up to 25 km/h. It creates images that overlap and


are digitally tagged as to their location with six to 10 cm accuracy. Standing in a field in Ontario’s Oxford County, Weber gave the plane a quick shake and its gyroscope, recognizing the instruction, initiated the take-off sequence and the motor spun to life. With a light push the flying camera left Weber’s hands and rose to 125 metres at a rate of about three metres per second. The Swinglet can work as high as 3,000 metres, but that puts the machine potentially in the path of light planes and should be discussed with Transport Canada. The higher the unit flies, the greater the distance it can scan. It can create images over 10 sq. kilometres in half an hour, but the area is reduced at lower altitudes. However, lower altitude flights increase the resolution and detail in the final image. The Singlet’s 2.4 GHz communication system will talk to the ground station, maintaining its geo-referencing functions for up 1.3 km. It will continue to shoot if it gets out of range, but it will lose its GPS locations on the images. The plane will return and land within 20 metres of its take-off site once the camera has completed its mission or there are errors. G l u e c a n u s e d t o ma k e m o s t

repairs, although Weber said they don’t happen often. “They have such low mass that even hard landings don’t hurt them,” he said after retrieving his Swinglet from the edge of a corn field. A digital fence ensures that the plane will automatically return to is launch area no matter what problems are encountered. A radio controller comes with the plane for manual flight control, but Weber said it isn’t necessary and is provided only to meet international regulatory requirements for autonomous aircraft. The ground software can be placed on a tablet or laptop computer and provide a visual monitor of the imaging process. Images are stored on an SD card and downloaded from the card to a computer when the unit lands. The software then knits the images together to create a continuous map that is fully geo-referenced. It can also make 2D and 3D terrain profile maps, which are useful in precision farming field analysis and variable rate crop and nutrient planning or for planning an EC mapping of potentially saline soils. “It’s a tool,” he said. “I see it as something that farmers can make use of.” The autonomous flying cameras cost about $14,000 and aren’t for hobbyists, but Weber said the investment pays off rapidly when used to provide immediate insight into crop conditions. The units are also used by engineers and others who rely on precisely located aerial photos. For more information, contact Weber at 519-343-5454 or email him at swingletcam@agbusiness.ca.

Felix Weber launches his Swinglet flying wing camera in a field in southern Ontario. The unit can fly for 30 minutes and return to its launch point without aid. The unit weighs 500 grams with an airframe made of Styrofoam. It’s battery powered and carries a 150 gram NIR capable camera. | MICHAEL RAINE PHOTOS




New concept tackles below-door gaps Snirt Stopper | Device designed to keep mice and weather out of the shop BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

FARGO, N.D. — In years when the bins are full, farmers sometimes temporarily store grain in quonsets and machine sheds. But unless the bottom of the door has a perfect fit with the concrete, it leaves a crack for rodents to get in. On the Prairies, a door that fits perfectly one month might have a twoinch gap next month because of shifting caused by weather and other factors. There are many types of rubber gaskets that fasten to the bottom of doors, but they don’t compensate enough to make up for the shifting floor. Fargo inventor Montie Beyer thinks he has found a better way to keep rodents, snow, dirt, cold air and other unwanted elements from sneaking through the cracks. The Snirt Stopper seals domestic garage door bottom gaps up to two inches. The mid-size Snirt Stopper seals gaps up to four inches and the sixinch Snirt Stopper seals large industrial doors up to six inches. It is designed for overhead and sliding doors, and has been installed on semi trailers with roll-up doors. Snirt Stopper consists of a flexible foam cylinder wrapped in an 18-ounce, double-weighted, rubberbased tarp material. The device is held together by polyurethane thread, which Beyer likens to wire, to prevent rodents from chewing it. To install, Snirt Stopper’s tarp has two tabs, one of which is screwed to the inside of the door with self-tapping screws. This leaves the foam cylinder to hang below the gap, but not slide under the door. The other tab is not attached, so it floats in under the bottom edge when the door is closed. This locks the cylinder into place because it’s locked in at spots where the door touches the concrete. “We do not close the door on the foam,” said Beyer, adding that the foam cylinder always stays inside the door. When the door is closed, the Snirt Stopper is inside the building, resting on the concrete floor. “The material is the same as we see on trucks. It lasts up to 20 years out in the elements, so it should last a lot longer inside the shop. “We’ve had our first Snirt Stoppers out for three years, and so far there have been no reports of mice chewing the tarp.” Beyer said he built the first prototype for his garage door because he was fed up with adjusting it. Every device he found on the market was installed so the door closed on it. “There was a lot of trial and error and a lot of stuff went in the garbage before I came up with something that works. “One of the main benefits of a hanging stopper is that it’s flexible enough that it doesn’t freeze to the floor and rip when you open the door.” The Snirt Stopper for domestic garage doors has a diameter of 1.25 inches and sells for $6.50 per linear

foot. The four-inch diameter device has an solid inner foam core wrapped in a softer foam, and sells for $8 per linear foot. The six-inch diameter device also has two foam layers and sells for $10 per linear foot. For more information, contact Montie Beyer at 701-238-8567 or visit www.snirtstopper.com.

Unlike other door bottom gasket devices, the Snirt Stopper hangs inside the door instead of under it. | LYSENG PHOTO

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Large aluminum boom light, accurate, smooth Flexible design reduces bounce | The 132 foot span is made from one piece of extruded aluminum, allowing it to bend without cracking BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

FARGO, N.D. — The new 132 foot aluminum spray boom from Hagie was one of the biggest attractions at this year’s Big Iron Show in Fargo. Farmers who drove the early production model STS16 on the demonstration field said it was smooth with little boom bounce.

Hagie service rep Nick Bredeson explains that the 132 foot aluminum boom consists of sections of extruded aluminum that have a square front edge but a round back edge, giving it the ability to flex without cracking. | RON LYSENG PHOTOS

Hagie service rep Nick Bredeson said boom bounce is not the issue one would expect, considering the giant 132 foot span. He attributes this to the relatively light weight of the aluminum boom. Until this fall, the biggest boom from Hagie was 120 feet. It had been a steel boom until this year, when the company changed the design and began fabricating it of aluminum.

“When the 120 foot went from steel to aluminum, it shed 225 pounds,” said Bredeson. “That may not sound like much of a weight loss, but it’s a matter of leverage. When the weight extends all the way out to 60 feet in both directions from the centre of the chassis, boom control becomes an issue. A lighter boom means less bounce and better spray accuracy. Plus we get a better

Although the high degree of triangulation would indicate this should be a structurally rigid boom, Bredeson says there is actually a great amount of flexibility. This is largely due to the extruded aluminum tubes used in the boom.


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balanced machine. “The 90 foot steel boom gives us perfect 50-50 front to rear weight balance. The 120 foot steel boom made the front just a little too heavy. When the 120 foot lost that 225 lb. going to aluminum, it went back to perfect weight balance like the 90 foot steel boom.� Bredeson said Hagie never tried to build a 132 foot steel boom, but making the 132 out of aluminum shaves at least 500 lb. off the front of the machine, compared to what it would have weighed if made of steel. Aluminum doesn’t bend easily. It’s notorious for cracking, which is why other aluminum booms on the market are designed to be structurally rigid. If they flex, they break. “But this new boom bends without breaking. That’s hard to do with aluminum. We use extruded aluminum and a very unique design in the casting process,� Bredeson said. “From the outside, the lead edge looks like it’s part of a square box tube. But the tail edge looks like it’s part of a round cylindrical tube. Look closely and you see there are no welds along the length of the tube. It’s all extruded in a single piece of aluminum. “The cylinder and the square are merged together in the casting process. Then, channels are cut into the inner wall to create even greater strength because there’s more surface area.� The new mounting system eliminates the complex parallel linkage and instead uses a simple swinging pendulum design with two pivot points. The pendulum rocks left and right to compensate for the vertical movement as the boom moves up and down with the roll of the land, but it remains parallel with the ground. The 132 foot boom is available only on the STS16. Except for the new boom option, this sprayer remains basically unchanged, with a 1,600 gallon tank and 365 horsepower engine. Bredeson said the front boom design with the engine at the back and the tank in the middle offers farmers the kind of weight balance that keeps the sprayer moving instead of sinking. Weight distribution remains the same loaded or light. In terms of compaction, the loaded STS16 puts 34.9 p.s.i. on the ground, compared to competitors’ 1,200 and 1,300 gallon sprayers that put 37.3 to 44.5 p.s.i. on the ground. For further information, visit www. hagie.com.



LEFT: The latest innovation from Hagie is a 132 foot aluminum spray boom fitted to its STS16. The design uses a simple swinging pendulum suspension with two pivot points floating left and right as the boom goes up and down. ABOVE: The 500 pound weight saving on the new boom is attributed to the use of aluminum in every component except bolts and bushings. FAR LEFT: They look like hockey pucks, but in reality they are tasked with keeping the big boom running perpendicular to the chassis of the STS16. LEFT: Two giant pivot points on the frame allow the boom to swing in parallel like a pair of pendulums rather than pushing either the left or right tips down into the ground. | RON LYSENG PHOTOS

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A long-tailed weasel pops out of some round hay bales south of High River, Alta., after searching for prey. | MIKE STURK PHOTO)

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w a nt t o t h a n k T h e We s t e r n Producer for giving me a chance to write about a lot of things. I started writing for the newspaper about five years ago and the first article I wrote was on the 360 WLDH discer and how to make it go in a straight line. I was proud of myself that I understood the principles, and that a lot of people still used this machine. I must have struck a good note because a lot of you read my column. I also wrote a lot about combines over the years and how to make them work to capacity for their owners,

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while delivering a clean sample. I made it a rule not to use books for my columns but rely on my memory, so my writing became more personal. I relied a lot on the information I gleaned from the operators I talked to, clinics and other sources. It seemed as if everybody could relate to that and readers wrote me a lot of letters about their combines. There were also reader questions about tractors and hydraulics, about what to do about wheel hop and why bearings fail. I have a few parting thoughts that may help some of you keep a bit more of your money: • On your powered machinery, change the oil in the engine just before you store it for the winter. Run it for about five minutes. There is usually some moisture in the engine and that, mixed with the sulphur in the oil, makes sulphuric acid. That is not good for the engine. A fresh coating of oil cures that. • Wash your combine and farm equipment, but without the pressure washer, except for areas where you can’t get built-up material off. The reason is that a pressure washer will push water past the bearing seals and gaskets and into other places where you don’t want it. The machine will be shiny for now and need repairs later. • If your fuel is more than three months old, change it or use diesel fuel conditioner. It will cut down on your horsepower smoking and rough running complaints. • If the antifreeze has been in a machine for two years, change it. Some of the additives in the antifreeze will only last two years, especially the lubricant that maintains the pump. • Change the oil. If not for your valve guides and bearings, do it for that turbo spinning at 30,000 r.p.m. • When you start into a new crop, put everything into the tank and work backward from there to set the machine. You might not need a bigger combine, just one that is properly set. • Look for wear in the combine. Its surfaces are critical to threshing properly and if something isn’t working as designed, it will hurt capacity or do a poor job of threshing. Combines have a lot of wear parts. • Don’t fear the manual. The folks who built your machine are pretty smart and there is a lot of good information in there. Last year, I rode in some combines that use GPS guidance. It made me realize more than ever that I just wasn’t keeping up with technology and its trends. Besides, my health was hindering me more than I expected. I feel a little like the cow watching a milk truck go by. On the truck she reads Homogenized, Pasteurized, Vitamins X and Y added. She turns to her sister beside her and says, “Sort of makes you feel inadequate doesn’t it?” So I must say goodbye. Thanks for the memories. Henry Guenter is a former service manager for Massey Ferguson. Contact: insidemachines@producer.com.


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Two Canadian companies eye Big Sky Farms

Transportation problems causing animals to arrive at slaughterhouses in distress could be corrected with better management and understanding of animal behaviour, say experts. | FILE PHOTO TRANSPORTATION | ANIMAL CARE

Animal transport still imperfect Certification program now online | Multi-species training program may help address problems BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

TO RO N TO — Mo s t a n i ma l s loaded onto trucks handle the trip well, but animal welfare researcher Antoni Dalmau has seen plenty of room for improvement. He has witnessed cattle, hogs and poultry arriving at slaughterhouses in distress through his work at the Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology in Spain. These problems could be corrected with better management and understanding of animal behaviour, he added. “The first measure of animal welfare is mortality. How many animals are arriving dead to our facilities?” Dalmau said at a symposium on animal welfare organized by the Canadian Meat Council in Toronto Oct. 11-12. His research has found less than .01 percent of cattle arrive dead, but

the Going Beyonhdool! Grazing Sc

sheep and pigs have slightly higher mortality levels. Low densities or very high densities can kill. Animals with plenty of room can be knocked around and hurt, but they are uncomfortable if crowded too tightly. Cattle need enough space so they can shift their bodies according to the movement of the truck. An animal that goes down takes space from the others and they can pile up on each other. Sheep behave differently. They crowd each other when stressed and can suffocate. They may also asphyxiate if they panic during unloading. Pigs and broiler chickens are at the greatest risk because they can suffer more readily from stress, heat and cold. Also, many pigs have had little exercise during their lives in the barns. Muscles produce lactic acid when stressed by exercise during

transit, and could cause a heart attack. Processors want animals to fast before slaughter so guts are empty of manure. Dalmau recommended removing feed for at least four hours and no more than eight hours before loading. Pigs become sick if the fast is too short and they develop meat quality problems. They may become aggressive if they go without feed for too long, resulting in meat quality problems and weight loss because the animals are using their own protein for maintenance. Processing plant staff must check the state of animals when they are being unloaded. They should not be panting, shivering or too tired to walk or lame. Horses should not be too sweaty. Animals that are clearly suffering need to be euthanized as soon as they get off the truck. These requirements are part of the

Canadian Livestock Transport certification program, but with more truckers coming from a non-farm background, they may not recognize some of the signs of distress, said program manager Geraldine Auston. The program recently went national and will soon be available online. It is a multi-species training program for drivers, farmers, ranchers, handlers and dispatchers. It is recognized in Canada and the United States as a credible certification program for the transport of animals. More than 1,750 people have been certified since it started in 2007. “Transportation is likely the most visible part of animal agriculture, and we have to be aware that people don’t always understand when they see a tractor trailer going down the road,” Auston said. FOR A RELATED STORY, SEE PAGE 93

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WINNIPEG (Reuters) — Two Canadian pork processors are among those expressing interest in Canada’s second-biggest hog producer, Big Sky Farms. Big Sky is looking for new ownership after soaring feed costs left it unable to pay its bills. The company, which produces one million pigs per year and is based near Humboldt, Sask., entered receivership in early September. Manitoba-based hog producer Puratone Corp. is also for sale after entering court protection from creditors last month. Maple Leaf Foods and Quebec Olymel are sizing up Big Sky, said Kevin Brennan, senior vice-president at Ernst & Young, the receiver for Big Sky. Big Sky supplies both companies’ hog plants. Some packers outside Canada are also interested, he said. “There’s a great deal of interest in terms of buying Big Sky,” said Brennan. The company is for sale as a whole and not in pieces, he added. “They take a long-term view of the industry itself, and if there’s a concentration of producers going out of business, it provides opportunity for others to grow.” Maple Leaf spokesperson Dave Bauer said it’s premature to comment on specific opportunities the company may have. “We are evaluating several options that would secure our longer-term hog supply,” he said. An Olymel spokesperson could not be immediately reached. Ernst & Young will ask a court this week to approve a sales process for Big Sky. Saskatchewan agriculture minister Lyle Stewart said Big Sky should be an attractive acquisition for major operators in Canada looking to expand. “I would expect it to be sold off more or less in one piece. It’s too valuable an asset” to shut down, he said. Big Sky owes $69 million to four secured creditors: Bank of Nova Scotia $26 million, Bank of Montreal $16.7 million, National Bank of Canada $16.2 million and Farm Credit Canada $9.8 million.

www.mbforagecouncil.mb.ca Funding and organizational assistance for this event provided by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, Manitoba Forage Council, Manitoba Beef Producers and Participating Agribusinesses





Audits offer code for handling animals Assessments of market-ready livestock | Audits must be conducted during loading and unloading BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

TORONTO — Jennifer Woods, a livestock handling consultant from Alberta, trains and audits people who handle livestock during transport and assesses animal welfare. Transportation was added to the animal welfare audit in the United States after an undercover video from Westland-Hallmark in California showed downer cattle being abused. Following that case, the American Meat Institute transport audit became the most recognized form of certification. “We have to make sure the animals we ship are fit to transport. These videos that we see all trace back to animals that should never have been put on the trailer,” Woods said at a Canadian Meat Council meeting last week. Audits should be carried out during loading and unloading, but that is difficult because animals may be moving great distances. Auditors conducting a transportation assessment should include only the immediate loading and unloading areas and what they see. Auditors will look for specific points, said Wood. First, they look at how well the plant is prepared to receive animals. Staff should be there to accept them and there should be a written animal welfare policy on hand. Auditors will assess the amount of time between the arrival of the truck and the time offloading begins. The plant receives full points if livestock are unloaded within 60 minutes, while deductions start the longer they wait. The plant needs an emergency plan for animals in transit and a

policy for dealing with downers and tools to handle them. Euthanasia tools must be readily available and properly maintained so a downer can be killed before it has to be moved further. Gates in unloading areas should swing freely and close securely. A bungee cord or twine does not properly secure a door. Flooring should be non-slip and ramps need to be in good repair. Auditors will note if animals slip or fall. Lighting should be like a bright, overcast day because flashes of light or dark areas distract animals. Loading density is assessed only if there is a problem. Incompatible animals should be segregated. Electrical prod use is discouraged, and almost all plants do not allow them. However, staff may use paddles or other tools that cannot be turned into a weapons. The cause needs to be documented if animals arrive dead. Wilful acts of abuse are not tolerated and the facility automatically fails the audit. These include driving animals on top of each other, dragging a live animal, stepping or walking on the backs of live animals, slamming gates or doors on animals, applying electrical prods to sensitive areas, striking, poking or beating animals and driving live animals without adequate unloading facilities. Producers and auctions also need to be educated to make sure they understand if an animal is fit to travel. On the farm, loading ramps and alleys should be in good repair. The ramp should have cleats, which need to be replaced if they come off.

There should be no gaps or holes or sharp or protruding objects. Nonslip flooring is recommended. Gates must open and close securely.

The trailer must be in good repair and should be lined up properly with the loading chute. Bedding, such as straw or shavings,

should be provided if recommended for certain species. For more information, visit www. livestocktransport.ca.




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Producers and auctions must be educated to ensure they understand if an animal is fit to travel. | FILE PHOTO

Battle River Implements Ltd. Camrose, Killam, Provost, Wainwright, AB ................ 877-913-3373 Timberland Supply Edmonton, AB ................................ 780-452-1863 Northern Metalic Sales Grande Prairie, AB ......................... 780-539-9555 Butte Motors & Farm Supply Picture Butte, AB ........................... 403-732-4406 Redcliff Home Hardware Redcliff, AB .................................... 403-548-3606 Baja Small Engine Repairs Ltd. Spirit River, AB ............................... 780-864-3869 Wes’s Tire Shop Carman, MB ................................... 204-745-2076 Greenvalley Equipment Inc. Morden, Altona, Killarney, Treherne, MB .................. 866-325-7742 Enns Brothers Steinbach, Brandon, Winnipeg West, Portage La Prairie, Morris, Neepawa, MB .............. www.ennsbrothers.com Fathers Repair Ltd. Swan River, MB .............................. 204-734-9137 Accurate Lawn & Garden Winnipeg, MB ................................ 204-284-5950

Nelson Motors and Equipment Avonlea, Estevan, Oxbow, Radville, Redvers, SK..................... 306-868-2022 South Country Equipment Ltd. Emerald Park, Regina, SK.............. 306-721-5050 Maple Farm Equipment Foam Lake, Moosomin, Preeceville, Russell, Wynyard, Yorkton, SK .......www.maplefarm.com KMK Sales Ltd. Humboldt, SK ................................ 306-682-0738 Fountain Tire Meadow Lake, SK .......................... 306-236-3658 Farm & Garden Centre Melfort, Prince Albert, Rosthern, Saskatoon, Watrous, SK .......www.fgcentre.com Kevin’s Custom Ag Nipawin, SK ................................... 306-862-3611 JD Industrial Supplies Regina, SK ..................................... 306-352-5345 Western Sales Ltd. Rosetown, SK ................................ 306-882-4291 Mini-Tune Saskatoon, SK ............................... 306-343-5610 JayDee AgTech Swift Current, Kindersley, Humboldt, North Battleford, SK ..... 306-773-9351 Yorkton Small Engine & Repair Yorkton, SK .................................... 306-783-0544





Canadian producers strong in global beef market Trade expanding | Prices favourable as beef consumption grows, says analyst BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Beef has a future as prices improve, and developing markets are poised to import more. Global meat prices are increasing even when inflation is taken into account for the last 10 years, says the head of a European food research firm. “A real price increase for beef has been pretty substantial, but the problem is for the consumer it becomes more expensive,” Richard Brown of the GIRA meat group said at the recent Canada Beef Inc. forum in Calgary. He said more trade is expected to offer more beef, pork and poultry to a world in which incomes are improving and meat consumption is going up. Producers are improving their pastures and adopting better feeding and health programs, but other factors such as weather and an uncertain economy can throw off projections, he added. Beef consumption is improving while global supplies have dropped. Brown said there was a 500,000 tonne drop in beef production from last year and probably another 300,000 decline will be noted this year. There are fewer cattle worldwide, with the greatest drop in the United States, the European Union and the Middle East. He said there are few places in the world where more beef could be produced. Canada, the U.S. and South America could produce more cattle, but growth will be relatively modest. Brown said trade patterns show the world’s largest exporters are Austra-

With a limited global supply, Canadian beef producers may find opportunities in growing export markets like China and India, said Richard Brown of the GIRA meat group. | FILE PHOTO lia, the United States, Brazil, India and Canada, although the largest exporters are not necessarily the largest producers. Canadian production inventories represent two percent of the world’s production. Canadian domestic consumption hovers around a million tonnes per year, and the rest is exported. Brown said consumption in the U.S is also flat, but its export programs have surpassed the previous record set in 2003. The country exported 1.26 million tonnes last year, with Japan and Canada the favoured destinations. There are some new opportunities,

but different products are desired for areas such as North Africa and the Middle East. These regions tend to buy low value meat such as buffalo from India, but they will buy higher priced cuts from other places. Brown said the largest importers are the U.S., Middle East-North Africa, Russia and Japan. Analysts such as GIRA are projecting consumption growth in China, Middle East-North Africa, the U.S., Mexico and India. The EU has emerged as a significant net importer of beef since 2008. This could be an interesting market for Canada, but past opportunities

have been dashed because meeting the EU requirements for hormone free and other specifications were difficult to meet. “The economy has been hideous and beef demand has been shaky,” Brown said. Eu ro p e o n c e i m p o r t e d l a r g e amounts of cheap beef from Brazil, but the trade stopped when the South American country did not comply with individual traceability requirements and guarantee of disease control. The European Commission said Brazilian beef is not allowed into Europe until this is improved.

“For North America, the people who will really benefit from trading into these interesting import markets are the ones who listen to exactly what their customers want,” he said. Export reliant countries such Uruguay, Denmark and New Zealand listen carefully to their customers and give them what they want. If it means slowing down production lines to supply them, they do it. Brown said Canadians need to be patient and wait for the euro to recover because there are opportunities there. “I never dreamt that the EU would be a net importer of beef,” he said.


Reduction of deadly E. coli starts with on-farm management ANIMAL HEALTH



he bacterium E. coli O157:H7 has once again made headlines in Canada, as multiple people have become infected and have been sickened following presumed contact with contaminated beef. As a normal resident of cattle feces, E. coli bacteria can contaminate meat products at the time of processing. Removal of the hide and guts are the most common ways bacteria are transferred to meat. Illness in people ranges from mild, flu-like symptoms to bloody diar-

rhea, kidney failure and even death. Reports of food-borne illness, such as those caused by E. coli O157:H7, often go underreported because typically, only the most severely affected people seek medical care. Each year in Canada, an estimated 11 million people contract a foodborne illness, including those caused by this E. coli. Proper cooking kills the bacteria and eliminates the risk of infection. Despite this relatively simple intervention, food poisoning still occurs all too often. It behooves the cattle industry to control these bacteria prior to meat entering the retail market. Cattle contract the bacteria primarily through infected water and feed. Since they carry the bacteria without illness, there is no way to identify its presence without testing. It seems as though few cattle are responsible for the majority of environmental contamination.

One study found that 10 percent of cattle in a feedlot contributed more than 95 percent of the total amount of bacteria in the group. Lately, much attention has focused on preventing or reducing infection rates at the farm and feedlot level. Provide clean water troughs, and feed off the ground or in bunkers. Avoiding excessively muddy pens, providing bedding and managing manure all contribute to reducing carcass fecal and mud tags. Feces and mud on the hide can be a major source of infection during skinning. Debris on the brisket hair is the most problematic as this is typically where the first cut into the hide is made during the skinning process. Wildlife such as deer and rats can also carry these bacteria and can spread it to cattle through feed contamination. A novel control choice is vaccination. Vaccinating for the sole purpose of achieving food safety is a relatively

new approach. Two licensed vaccines are available in Canada. There is good scientific evidence to show that two doses of the vaccine are capable of significantly reducing the amount of this bacteria shed by live cattle. Just as science supports pre-conditioning (weaning, vaccination, and deworming) prior to shipping calves, the economic benefits of E. coli vaccines to cow-calf producers may not be realized unless those calves are bought at a premium. Widespread vaccination against E. coli could reduce the number of meat recalls, human illness and processing plant closures; but for producers, such a program would require direct economic incentives. Enhanced consumer confidence would have trickle-down effects to the whole industry. Another perhaps less obvious benefit to vaccinating feedlot cattle is a reduction in the amount of bacteria in the manure. This reduces the

potential that water and other nonmeat products may be inadvertently contaminated by feedlot runoff. Contaminated vegetables and fruit are the second most common source of infection in people, following meat. The hygiene interventions designed to control all bacteria in processing plants are effective in controlling this special strain. Interventions to reduce E. coli will also decrease contamination with the other important food-borne bacteria such as listeria and salmonella. Certainly, processing plants have in important role to play in reducing meat contamination. H o w e v e r, b y d e c r e a s i n g t h e amount of dangerous bacteria entering the processing system, internal controls can be more effective. Dr. Jamie Rothenburger is a veterinary pathology resident at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.





Champions at Olds qualify for grand finale Moving up | Competitors eye larger shows in Edmonton and Regina BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

OLDS, Alta. — Six beef breeds vied for championship banners at the Olds Classic show held Oct. 5-7. The event is part of a larger circuit of shows at Olds, Lloydminster and Edmonton that compete for the Alberta Supreme competition held at Farmfair, which is scheduled for Nov. 4-11 in Edmonton. All champion females and bulls qualify for the RBC Beef Supreme, the grand finale event at Canadian Western Agribition, which runs Nov. 19-24 in Regina. In that event, champions from fairs in Canada and the United States are eligible for $10,000 in cash as well as other prizes. The Olds winners were: • Angus bull: Remitall Farms, Olds; R e s e r v e : Ju s t a m e r e Fa r m s , Lloydminster, Sask.; • Angus female: Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, Alta.; Reserve: Remitall Farms, Olds; • Red Angus bull: Miller Wilson Angus; Reserve: Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, Alta.; • Red Angus female: Ter-Ron Farms; Reserve: Diamond T Cattle Co., Olds; • Hereford bull: Remitall West, Olds; Reserve: Harvie Ranching, Olds; • Hereford female: Harvie Ranching; Reserve: Remitall West; • Limousin bull: Highland Stock Farms, Olds; Reserve: Ivy Livestock, Duchess, Alta.; • Limousin female: Ivy Livestock; Reserve: Highland Stock Farms; • Shorthorn bull: JT Livestock, John and Tammy Dolliver, Stettler, Alta.; Reserve: JT Livestock;

The parade of female and bull champions line up at the Olds Fall Classic beef show. The show is part of a series making up the Alberta Supreme where champion cattle are selected and qualify for larger shows. Held for the first time last year, winners from this event ultimately went on to win larger shows as the season progressed. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO • Shorthorn female: Wendy Bishop, Creekside Shorthorns, Holden, Alta., Reserve: Creekside Shorthorns; • Simmental bull: Harvie Ranching; Reserve: Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs; • Simmental female: Mader Ranches, Carstairs ; Reserve: Mader Ranches.


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Giving a nod to the real homecoming king COWBOY LOGIC


Father’s sacrifices paved the way for family’s first university graduate


ou probably wouldn’t guess it if you saw me on the ranch working cattle with manure on my jeans or stuck under a hay baler scraping bloody knuckles to change a few pick-up teeth, but I was a king once. No, I don’t have blood in my veins from any British royalty, even though Taylor is an English name. And although three-quarters of my heritage is Norwegian, I can lay no claim of relation to King Olav, or Harald, or Haakon. My Norwegian ancestors probably wouldn’t have come to America if they were royal. They came because they were dirt poor and looking for a better life. I was no European king. Heck, I’m not even a burger king. No, I was the king of the bison. Not the American bison, also known as the buffalo, shaggy headed herbivore of the great plains. I was king of the NDSU Bison, the students and faculty of North Dakota State University, land grant university of our beloved North Dakota. This was 21 years ago, my senior year of college, as I aspired to fetch degrees in agricultural economics and mass communications in a reasonable time while working a job, applying for scholarships and signing the dotted line on the student loan papers. I was the first generation in my family to have such a lavish opportunity, to be able to go to college and graduate with degrees of higher education. Dad left school after the 10th grade to go to work for area ranchers and help support his widowed mother and siblings. Mom graduated from high school in 1950, but being a first generation American, child of the Depression, she never even thought of college as a possibility. But we make progress here on the great plains of North Dakota, and one generation later, there I am at NDSU, going to class, making good grades, having more fun than a guy ought to, and winding up on the homecoming court of possible kings and queens. We had interviews to get on the court, and then the students voted as to who their king would be. So, it wasn’t a traditional monarchy or lineage that got me the crown. It was the democratic process of voting. That’s a good thing since I was no multigeneration legacy on the campus. So it all came together: the cowboy/ cowgirl voting bloc, the ag school, a few honour society friends, and others. There I was —king. Tonight I go back to NDSU’s homecoming to relive some of the glory days, and wonder if anyone really bothered to remember when the

cowboy was king. What I remember most about that senior year was not the crowning, the parade, my reign over the festivities or the win over the South Dakota Coyotes. What I remember most vividly from that year was graduation day, when my father, who never came to homecoming, never came to any other college event, came to my college graduation. This rancher, who didn’t drive four hours away from the ranch for much of anything, came to commencement, and as I walked by him in my cap and gown, I looked up in the bleachers and saw that stoic cowboy with a 10th grade education with tears running down his cheek. Surely he figured that our family had made it. He had a son graduating from our public land grant university. Maybe I was the king who had won the crown, but Dad, I think, was the real king that day because he got to see the results of his sacrifice to raise us and help us as best he could, so we could get an education more valuable than any crown. He made a fine king. Ryan Taylor is a rancher, writer and senator in the state legislature from Towner, North Dakota.

New GM production method may encourage new uses BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

New technology is being used to create genetically modified livestock for medical research, but a University of Minnesota researcher wielding the genetic “scissors” is also eyeing food animal production. Scott Fahrenkrug is the lead author of a recently published paper that describes how a technique using licensed technology called TALENs allows for cheaper and faster alteration of an animal’s genetic material. Fahrenkrug is also chief executive officer of Recombinetics, which was created to commercialize technologies from the U of M. The university has the rights to the technology for biomedical and agricultural applications for swine, cattle and sheep. He said the company wants to sell these animals first into the biomedical market, which already exists, and eventually to genetics companies. The technology could be used to produce disease-resistant animals,

improve feed conversion efficiencies and address animal welfare concerns such as dehorning, he said. “The potential impact on the ag side, I think, is much bigger,” he said, although the company hasn’t yet presented a product to regulators. Previous attempts to bring a GM animal into the food market, such as the Canadian-made Enviropig or salmon, have been met with regulatory hangups and opposition from a strong anti-GM lobby. The breeding program for the Enviropig was shut down earlier this year. It was an animal genetically modified at the University of Guelph to better digest phosphorus. “We’re certainly aware of all of that and I’ve been involved with the field for a long time, so we’re not naive about the barriers to either public acceptance or to regulatory approval, but we do emphasize that this really is qualitatively different,” said Fahrenkrug. “This is not a typical GM animal.” The report documents how researchers have employed the tech-

nology to make genetic modifications in the Ossabaw miniature pig, which will be used as models to study human diseases. The animals will be used to study cardiovascular disease. “We’re not adding genes in this case. We’re not adding any recombinant DNA or anything like that,” said Fahrenkrug. “We’re treating embryos or we’re treating cells with something that’s essentially a pair of molecular scissors.” Recombinant DNA results from laboratory work constructing genetic material that wouldn’t otherwise be found. “We call it editing. We don’t like to call it genetic modification.… It’s simply an accelerated breeding technique,” said Fahrenkrug. “We’re not interested at this point in creating versions of genes that people don’t already eat. We apply new technology to accelerate breeding programs.” He said the technology could be used to cross livestock to promote or discourage a certain trait.

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Camelina growers attract $150K Dragons’ Den | Three Farmers gets cash infusion following TV sales pitch BY ROBIN BOOKER SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Top Photo: From left, Bruce Croxon, Kevin O’Leary, Arlene Dickinson, David Chilton and Jim Treliving taste the camelina oil produced by Saskatchewan company Three Farmers. Bottom Photo: Natasha and Elysia Vandenhurk, representing camelina oil producer Three Farmers, netted $150,000 from investor Arlene Dickinson during an appearance on CBC’s Dragons’ Den.

A Saskatchewan business has received national attention after a successful bid in the Dragons’ Den. Natasha and Elysia Vandenhurk convinced Arlene Dickinson, a marketing and communications expert, to invest $150,000 in exchange for a



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20 percent stake in Three Farmers, a camelina oil producing company. The idea for producing camelina culinary oil in Saskatchewan began when Colin Rosengren was sitting in a meeting about biofuel put on by Ag-West Bio. Rosengren said they were discussing genetically modifying camelina so it could be a better industrial oil platform, but when they started talking about the beneficial aspects of the ancient oilseed, he wondered why they didn’t just use the plant as it is. The project Rosengren was considering was bigger than he wanted to manage by himself, so he recruited two neighbouring farmers, Ron Emde and Dan Vandenhurk, to help. “I guess they just happened to be in the curling rink complaining at the same time,” Rosengren said. “We have a good working relationship — we’ve all farmed here for multi-generations, so they were logical people to approach.” In 2009, the company hired two of Vandenhurk’s daughters: Natasha, an economics graduate from the University of Saskatchewan, and Elysia, a Red Seal chef. “When the girls got on board, that’s really when the business began to take off in terms of sales and marketing,” Rosengren said. “The three of us are growers and we figured out the agronomy, how to grow a good quality product, manage fertility, and learn how to do many of the things that there wasn’t a lot of knowledge available for this area. But we didn’t have the knowledge or skill set for marketing the product.” Soon after Natasha joined the company she started working on its brand, packaging and marketing. She said the company got what it was looking for from the CBC television show: national exposure for its product and a deal with Dickinson, who has the knowledge and contacts that will help the company expand. “Having a mentor like Arlene is invaluable,” Natasha said. “ Camelina oil is high in omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturates and has a smoke point of 475 F, which is high compared to other cold-pressed non-processed oils, except coconut oil. The company is marketing the oil as a cooking, dressing and baking oil. For more information, go to www. threefarmers.ca.
















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Prairie land prices surge in 2012

Expectations of a weak earnings season and worries about Spain’s debt crisis pressure markets lower, but U.S. consumer confidence is rising. For the week, the TSX fell 1.75 percent, the Dow was down 2.1 percent, the S&P 500 fell 2.2 percent and the Nasdaq was down 2.9 percent.

Largest semi-annual increase on record | Rising prices entice landowners to list their properties

Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.





Farmers and investors who own Canadian farmland continued to see a solid return on their investments during the first half of 2012, according to Farm Credit Canada’s semiannual report. In its most recent farmland valuations report published Oct. 9, FCC said the average value of a quarter section of farmland in Canada rose 8.6 percent during the first half of the year. The largest provincial increase was recorded in Ontario, where average values rose 16.3 percent between Jan. 1 and July 1. Fa r m l a n d i n M a n i t o b a a n d Saskatchewan registered the second and third largest gains, with average values rising by 10.3 percent and 9.1 percent, respectively, during the first half of the year. Prices in Alberta rose 5.7 percent. Cathy Gale, an FCC farmland valuations officer, said a number of factors are influencing farmland values on the Prairies. They include strong commodity prices, low interest rates and growing demand among farmers who are eager to expand their holdings. Oil and gas activity is also affecting land values in some parts of the Prairies. Gale said an increasing number of renters are approaching their landlords and attempting to buy land before it is offered to other potential buyers. Institutional investors seeking a safe place to invest money are also affecting prices. Unlike other investments, the value of Canadian farmland has risen steadily in recent years. The valuation increase announced last week is the largest semi-annual increase that FCC has recorded since it began reporting on Canadian farmland values in the mid-1980s. Average farmland values in Canada


5.7% 9.1% 10.3% IN ALBERTA



have risen nearly 23 percent in the 18 month period ending June 30. By comparison, the TSX Composite Index fell by more than 12 percent during the same period. Gale said landowners who have owned properties for several years are watching land markets closely. Rising prices are enticing many landowners

to list their properties. For example, prices in Saskatchewan have risen nearly 20 percent over the past year. “Land values tend to follow what’s happening in agriculture more than anything,” Gale said. “Right now, it’s just a positive time in agriculture.”

FCC monitors the value of 245 baseline properties across Canada to determine farmland values. Each of those properties consists of 160 acres of bare, productive farmland. The value of each baseline property is determined by monitoring actual sales of comparable properties in the same region.


Manitoba biodiesel plant destroyed by fire after tanker explosion BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

A fire has destroyed Manitoba’s largest biodiesel plant. The Oct. 1 blaze at the Speedway International facility in St. Boniface caused an estimated $15 million of damage. It was one of the largest fires that the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service has attended. It took 61 firefighters to control the blaze and 20 police cars to assist with traffic control. A spokesperson for the fire depart-

ment was unavailable for comment. According to newspaper reports, the fire became an inferno when a tanker full of fuel exploded, resulting in a fireball that shot almost one kilometre into the air. That prompted the fire department to establish a safety perimeter of one kilometre, evacuating 100 residences and businesses. Speedway was the location where the province of Manitoba announced its two percent biodiesel mandate on Nov. 2, 2009. The provincial mandate requires

about 20 million litres of biodiesel annually, which was the capacity of the Speedway plant before it burned to the ground. According to the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, the province has two other biodiesel plants, which combined have the ability to produce eight million litres of the alternative fuel. Speedway issued a statement saying that it has complied with all safety standards and codes and is permitted to import and export fuel. “We have all required permits and licences and meet all codes set by Nat-

ural Resources Canada and Environment Canada,” said the biodiesel firm. The company said that it stores canola biodiesel at its plant but said that no rail cars containing biodiesel or methanol were affected by the fire. Speedway said its employees are going through a devastating time as the company attempts to rebuild the family business. “We are thankful that no one was hurt and thank everyone for listening to emergency services and staying clear of the area as firefighters fought the blaze.”



ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY Legumex Walker. TSX Viterra Inc. TSX W.I.T. OTC

28.05 13.86 68.56 27.94 7.8 16.1 13.25

28.21 13.58 68.44 27.79 7.87 16.11 13.25



Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 50.545 0.06 19.92 8 11

50.545 0.06 19.95 8.25 10.89



BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods


CLOSE LAST WK 0.085 28.83 10.74 17.96 20.45 6 16.02

0.095 29.45 11.02 17.55 20.61 6.05 16.37



AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 46.69 5.56 82.82 40.26 82.44 11.22

47.62 5.55 85.43 41.04 82.78 11.07



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

CLOSE LAST WK 101.16 83.47 88.32 28.08 48.69 0.9 88.57 54.15 40.82 74

102.2 86.24 89.33 29.2 50.35 0.96 91.16 55.08 41.04 75.13





CLOSE LAST WK 87.15 87

88.26 86.98

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial advisor with Raymond James Ltd. in Calgary. Member of CIPF. Equity prices are from Thomson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd, Assiniboia Farmland LP. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Within the last year, Raymond James provided paid advice regarding securities of Cervus Equip. Contact Morrison at 877-264-0333.

BIODIESEL FACTS • Manitoba has three commercial biodiesel producers: Speedway International (St. Boniface), Bifrost Bio-blends (Arborg) and Eastman Biofuels (Beausejour). • On Nov. 1, 2009, Manitoba became the first province to require two percent biodiesel in all diesel fuel sold. This mandate reduced Manitoba’s greenhouse gas emissions by 65,000 tonnes per year. Source: Government of Manitoba





Supreme Court redefines eligibility for farm loss deductions MONEY IN YOUR POCKET


Changes in the tax act are beneficial but its application could be a long time coming


n an age when almost two-thirds of total income for Canadian farmers comes from off-farm sources, section 31 of the Income Tax Act has always presented a problem.

Section 31 limits deductible losses “where a taxpayer’s chief source of income for a taxation year is neither farming nor a combination of farming and some other source of income.” The problem with Section 31 arose in a 1978 Supreme Court Case (Moldowan vs. The Queen), which found that there were three classes of taxpayers involved in farming. The first class included those who derive the bulk of their income from farming and whose losses are not limited. In the second class are taxpayers who essentially carry on farming as a subordinate source of income to other work or in essence farming is a sideline activity. In this case, farm losses are limited. Falling into the third class are hobby farmers whose losses are not

deductible at all. This interpretation seemed to override the actual words of the Income Tax Act in most court cases. The Canada Revenue Agency generally took the 1978 precedent as a basis to apply the source of major income as the prime test for establishing limits to deductible farm losses. In 2006, the Federal Court of Appeal found a more generous interpretation of what could constitute “a combination of farming and some other source of income.” The problem with this more flexible interpretation according to the Supreme Court is that it’s not up to lower courts to overturn a Supreme Court finding — only the Supreme Court can do that. However, the Supreme Court in a

recent decision found that its 1978 decision was wrong and should be changed. The current court found that there are several relevant factors that would define a combination of farming and some other source of income. These are: • the capital invested in farming and the other source of income • the amount of money that comes from each source of income • the time spent on each source of income • the taxpayer’s ordinary mode of living • farming history • future intentions and expectations The court found that if the taxpayer places significant emphasis on both farming and non-farming sources of income, then there is no

reason that such a combination should not constitute a chief source of income. This would then avoid the loss deduction limitation of Section 31 of the Income Tax Act. Both farm and non-farm income must be significant endeavours of the taxpayer, but they don’t need to be connected, and farming doesn’t have to be the predominant source of income. Although the decision is a positive one for those involved in farming activities, it can take years for Supreme Court decisions to be fully applied by lower courts and the CRA. Grant Diamond is a tax analyst in Kelowna, B.C. with FBC, a company that specializes in farm tax. Contact: fbc@fbc.ca or 800-2651002.


Sask. website wins Tech Venture Challenge, business start-up cash Renterra Farmland’s website will allow interested renters to bid on available Saskatchewan farmland SASKATOON NEWSROOM

A concept for a website that links farmland owners with renters has been named winner of the University of Saskatchewan Tech Venture Challenge. Lyndon Lisitza, an alumnus of the university, created Renterra Farmland Sales and Rental Auction Inc., which, when operational, will allow land owners to register and post legal land descriptions. Farmers who want to rent land can log on to the site to see what is available and can then bid on it through a transparent auction. “Renterra is a web-based platform that makes it easier for farmland owners and renters to connect,” Lisitza said. To deal with problem renters and owners, Lisitza is installing a feedback category where owners and renters can rate each other. The Tech Venture Challenge award comes with $50,000 cash, a year of office space at Innovation Place, which is an on-campus research centre, and professional services valued at $6,000 from Deloitte.

One of the biggest challenges I face is getting enough capital to take this idea to market. LYNDON LISITZA RENTERRA FARMLAND SALES

Lisitza said the money will help develop his idea into a business venture. “One of the biggest challenges I face is getting enough capital to take this idea to market,” he said. “I just finished a masters in economics, and when you’re in that position with student loans and you come out and try to start a business, a lot of financial institutions don’t look at you favourably.” The Tech Venture Challenge gives University of Saskatchewan alumni, employees, researchers and students support in creating their own companies. It is sponsored by the U of S, Innovation Place, Deloitte, and the Royal Bank of Canada. Renterra plans to launch the business Nov. 14.

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities

Notice to Farmers

Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license.



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Ad blitz targets GM labelling California ballot proposal | Monsanto, DuPont lead ‘no’ campaign

Centennial Column Celebrating 100 years of students at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. The Centennial Column is a weekly feature highlighting the history and present successes of the college.

DNA Analysis Since the early days of the college the tools that we use to perform research and teaching in our laboratories have seen huge changes. Bunsen burners have gone. Glass test tubes have been replaced my disposable plastic tubes that contain microlitres rather than millilitres. Chemicals are now measured in micrograms rather than grams and concentrations can be measured in parts per million or parts per billion. One of the greatest changes has been in the area of DNA analysis. It was only in 1953 that Watson and Crick confirmed that DNA was the genetic material. In the early 1980’s it became possible to isolate, multiply and sequence short sections of DNA. Since then techniques for working with DNA have evolved at an increasingly rapid pace and DNA analysis is now routine in many of our laboratories. In plant science, DNA analysis is now an essential component of breeding programs helping breeders to identify the genes carried by plants without the need for further screening in the field. Similarly, in animal science DNA analysis has led to improved breeding strategies. In both plant and animal science equipment for DNA analysis is a critical tool for studies in physiology, biochemistry and pathology. DNA analysis is also a routine tool for analyzing microbial populations and is particularly useful in studies such as food safety and water contamination. Similarly DNA analysis allows the microbial population of the digestive system of animals to be studied and determine how animal feeds may affect that population. Even in soil science studies DNA analysis can provide insights as to how agronomic practices and climate change affect the microbial population of the soil. Techniques for DNA analysis continue to advance at rates similar to the rate at which the IT industry evolves. Equipment purchased today will soon be eclipsed by newer models with greater capability. Such capabilities now require robots to be able to process the many samples that the equipment can process and also significant computer capacity to make sense of the data generated. While unthinkable a few years ago, obtaining the DNA the sequence of complex plants and animals in a few days at a relatively low cost is now within sight and will undoubtedly have even more significant impacts on research and teaching in the college.

CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — An intense advertising blitz, funded by Monsanto and others, has boosted opposition to a California ballot proposal that would require U.S. food makers to disclose when their products contain genetically modified organisms. If California voters approve the measure in November, it would be the first time U.S. food makers would have to label products that contain GMOs, or ingredients whose DNA has been manipulated by scientists. For more than a week, the opposition group funded by Monsanto and PepsiCo Inc. has dominated television and radio air time with ads portraying the labelling proposal as an arbitrary set of new rules that will spawn frivolous lawsuits and boost food prices, positions disputed by supporters. Experts say the real risk is that food companies may be more likely to stop using GMOs than to label them. That could disrupt U.S. food production because ingredients like GM corn, soybeans and canola have for years been staples in virtually every type of packaged food, from soup and tofu to breakfast cereals and chips. Support for the GMO labelling proposal has plummeted to 48.3 percent from 66.9 percent two weeks ago,

When there’s an initiative that’s going to affect an industry that can rally resources, they’ve usually been able to stop it. MICHAEL SHIRES PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY

according to an online survey of likely California voters conducted by the California Business Roundtable and Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy. At the same time, the proportion of respondents likely to vote “no� on the measure, known as Proposition 37, jumped to 40.2 percent from 22.3 percent two weeks ago, according to the survey results released Oct. 11. “Clearly the ‘no’ side has more money and the advertising is having an effect,� said Michael Shires, a Pepperdine professor who oversees the survey cited above. Funding for the effort to defeat the “Right to Know� ballot initiative is led by chemical giants Monsanto and DuPont, whose businesses also are the world’s top sellers of genetically modified seeds.





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Monsanto has contributed slightly more than $7 million US to fight the proposal, while DuPont has kicked in about $5 million. In all, the “No on 37� camp has raised a total of $34.6 million, according to filings with the California Secretary of State. “Yes on 37� supporters, led by the Organic Consumers Association and Joseph Mercola, a natural health information provider, have donated $5.5 million. “When there’s an initiative that’s going to affect an industry that can rally resources, they’ve usually been able to stop it,� said Shires. “It still could go either way.� If passed, California would join dozens of countries that already have some requirements for labelling of genetically engineered foods. Supporters of the ballot initiative, including food and environmental activists as well as organic growers, say consumers have the right to know what’s in the food they eat. Industry says the products are safe, but there is a fiery debate raging around the science. Because foods made with GMOs are not labelled, it is impossible to trace any food allergies or other ill effects suffered by humans or animals, critics say.






Call for Canadian farmers coming from abroad Labour shortage | Firm’s farm work program puts Canadians in Australian fields for 10 weeks during harvest BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Derek Tufts had the choice of working outside in southwestern Manitoba this winter, or working outside in Australia. Tufts, 23, of Minto, Man., made the warm choice and will board a plane in a couple of weeks. “For the last few winters I’ve been working in the oil field and I thought I’d try somewhere different and a little bit warmer,” said Tufts, who grew up on a farm near Minto. Once he arrives in Australia, Tufts will work for a farmer in the state of Victoria, where he will operate a combine and perform other tasks to get grain off the field and into the bin. Much like Western Canada, growers in Australia are struggling to find farm hands during the harvest period because young people have left rural areas or may be working at high paying jobs in the country’s mining sector. To fill the labour void, an Australian firm called Dodgshun Medlin is reaching out to young men and women in Western Canada who have farm experience and want to work and travel in Australia. With the help of a Canadian woman from Clandeboye, Man., the company has developed a short stay, farm work program called Farmaroo. Since early September, Carling Henderson, who moved to Australia in 2010 after meeting an Australian lad in Manitoba, has held meetings in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, to recruit young, rural Canadians into the Farmaroo program. Farmaroo offers young Canadians the chance to work for six to 10 weeks at a farm in Australia, which provides the necessary cash to hang around a beach resort for a couple of months. The rate of pay isn’t equivalent to a job in Fort McMurray, Alta., but it is enough to fund a warm holiday. “Eighteen year olds, over there, start at $18.50 an hour for casual farm labour,” said Henderson, who lives with her fiancé on a farm in the state of Victoria. “Nineteen year olds get $19.60 and 20 year olds and plus, get $20.70 an hour.” Henderson, who used to work as an extension co-ordinator for Manitoba Agriculture in Killarney, joined Dodgshun Medlin shortly after she moved to Australia. The firm provides a wide range of services to farmers, including financial management, taxation and agronomy. It set up a division last year to recruit and place employees on farms. There are people willing to work on grain farms in Australia, Henderson said, but most people don’t have the necessary experience. “(Farmers) could train anybody to drive a tractor or a combine, but (they) don’t have the time to spend training … people that are just so green.” Instead of babysitting people who


8:00 AM Agribition High School Rodeo - Brandt Centre 8:00 AM Canadian National 4H & Youth Judging Competition - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 9:00 AM Boer Goat Show - Barn 5 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 7:00 PM Agribition High School Rodeo - Brandt Centre


Carling Henderson, who grew up in Clandeboye, Man., and now lives on a farm in Rupanyup, Australia, wants to recruit young Canadians to work on farms in Australia. Henderson works Dodgshun Medlin, which has started a program to recruit Canadians to work on Australian farms during the grain harvest. | CARLING HENDERSON PHOTO have never heard of a power take-off, Australian farmers, like Canadian producers, want to hire men and women who have operated a combine, tractor and a swather. Last year Henderson and Dodgshun Medlin brought over three young men from Minnedosa, Man., as part of a trial run for the Farmaroo program. The three worked on farms in the Mallee, an agricultural region in the states of Victoria and South Australia, located north of Melbourne. Typically, the grain harvest in the Mallee begins around mid-November and lasts six to eight weeks. Producers in the Mallee grow wheat, barley, vetch, oats and canola. Horticulture is also a major industry in the region. This fall, Henderson spoke at meetings across the Prairies and talked to students at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon, the University of Manitoba and high school students. Henderson didn’t quite reach her goal of signing up 30 people for Farmaroo, but she did recruit several young men and women from Manitoba and Saskatchewan. One impediment may have been the up front fee, as Dodgshun Medlin expects young Canadians to pay $2,500 to be part of the program. Henderson said the fee is necessary because the company has spent time and financial resources to ensure it is linking Canadians to jobs on reputable farms.

“That (cost) is the certainty (of ) having a job before you go … and they know they’re going to a good farm,” she said. “We set them up with bank accounts, pre-paid mobile phones, different things like that to get their foot in the door for Australia.” For Tufts, the $2,500 wasn’t an issue because he knows he’ll have a job doing familiar harvest work at a grain farm. “This is well planned out,” he said. “Some places (in Australia) you’re picking fruit and I wasn’t really looking for that.” Henderson hopes that her outreach work this fall, speaking to young western Canadians, will pay off next year as many people expressed interest in the opportunity. If it’s able to build up its job placement business over the next few years, Dodghun Medlin would like to offer its services to Canadian farmers, Henderson said. “We’re also looking at doing the reverse, where we bring Australians to Canada (to work on farms).” One thing Henderson did learn during her travels in Western Canada is that Australia appeals to all age groups, not just people in their 20s. A number of Canadians older than 50 told her they’d like to work on a farm in Australia. “They want to travel Australia, as well, and they want to take part in this program. Unfortunately, they can’t because the visa is only there for 18 to 30 year olds.”

8:00 AM International Stock Dog Championship Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Commercial Goat Show - Barn 5 9:00 AM Kirk Stierwalt Fitting Demonstration Auditorium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Youth Showmanship Competition Auditorium 11:00 AM First Lady Classic & Furturity - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 11:00 AM Canadian National Bison Sale - Commercial Cattle Arena 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 11:30 AM Youth Team Grooming Competition Auditorium 1:00 PM International Stock Dog Championship Brandt Centre 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:00 PM 4-H & Youth Seminars - Auditorium 3:00 PM Burning of the Brand - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 4:00 PM Goat Sale - Barn 5 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre 7:00 PM Winners Circle - Chevrolet GMC Stadium


9:00 AM Canadian National Simmental Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Canadian National Speckle Park Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 9:00 AM Kirk Stierwalt Fitting Demonstration Auditorium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Horse Pulls, Lightweight Division - Brandt Centre 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:00 PM Canadian National Gelbvieh Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 1:00 PM Angus Masterpiece Sale - Auditorium 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 1:30 PM Horse Pulls, Middleweight Division - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM Horse Pulls, Heavyweight Division - Brandt Centre 5:00 PM Canadian National Speckle Park Sale Auditorium 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


8:00 AM Team Cattle Penning - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Black Angus Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Red Angus Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Canadian National Gelbvieh Sale Auditorium 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:00 PM Shorthorn Sale - Auditorium


1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:00 PM Canadian National Simmental Sale Auditorium 2:30 PM Limousin Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 3:30 PM Charolais Sale - Auditorium 3:30 PM Ranch Horse Demo - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM Commercial Sheep/Market Lamb Shows Barn 5 5:00 PM Hereford Sale - Auditorium 6:00 PM Katahdin Junior Show - Barn 5 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


9:00 AM Canada’s Premier Select Ranch Horse Competition - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Hereford Show, Polled and Horned Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Shorthorn Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Maine Anjou Show - Auditorium 10:00 AM National Katahdin Sheep Show - Barn 5 11:00 AM Commercial Cattle, Heifer Alley & Bull Pen Alley Shows - Commercial Cattle Arena 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:30 PM Limousin Reception & Sale Auditorium 1:00 PM Prospect Horse Previews - 2 & 3 year olds Brandt Centre 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:30 PM SSBA Purebred and Purebred Pens Show Barn 5 2:30 PM Canada’s Premier Select Ranch Horse and Prospect Sale - Brandt Centre 2:30 PM Charolais Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 7:00 PM Angus Sale, Power and Perfection Auditorium 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


9:00 AM Prospect Steer & Heifer Show - Auditorium 9:00 AM Team Cattle Penning - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Canadian Junior Beef Extreme - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM SSBA Junior Sheep Shows and Costume Classes - Barn 5 10:00 AM Junior Roping Competition - Budlight Loading Chute 11:00 AM Commercial Cattle Sale - Commercial Cattle Arena 12:00 PM SSBA Sheep Sale - Barn 5 12:30 PM Wild Wool Riders - Brandt Centre 12:30 PM Family Day - Brandt Centre 1:00 PM Team Cattle Penning Finals - Brandt Centre 1:00 PM Prospect Steer & Heifer Sale - Auditorium 2:30 PM Katahdin Sheep Sale - Barn 5 3:00 PM Trick Riding Demo - Brandt Centre 3:30 PM Regina Kennel Club Demo - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM RBC Beef Supreme Challenge - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 4:30 PM Wild Wool Riders - Brandt Centre 5:00 PM Trick Riding Demo - Brandt Centre 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre 8:00 PM Tailgate Party - Chevrolet GMC Stadium





CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta

GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Grade A

Live Oct. 5-11

Previous Sept. 28-Oct. 4

Year ago

Rail Oct. 5-11

106.50-107.00 105.20-115.53 101.50-104.00 94.00-98.00

105.30-107.00 102.77-119.07 96.00 95.00-99.00

108.94 110.44 108.55 96.38

175.75-177.50 185.00-189.00 n/a n/a

n/a 185.00-189.00 n/a n/a

106.50 103.59-113.34 n/a 92.00-96.50

105.40-106.70 104.74-113.03 n/a 94.00-97.25

108.56 108.60 n/a 95.38

174.75-177.50 184.00-188.00 n/a n/a

n/a 184.00-188.00 n/a n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$155 $150 $145 $140 $135 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

Saskatchewan $155


Manitoba $150 $145 $140 $135 $130 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $150


Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)

$135 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400

Cattle Slaughter





no sales 122-136 127-141 132-151 141-169 157-196

114-127 119-131 127-140 130-153 141-170 150-181

115-126 123-135 130-141 134-149 145-165 160-185

109-122 119-130 124-139 130-144 140-168 148-181

110-125 115-127 120-134 125-144 135-165 145-176

112-124 116-132 120-138 125-153 130-158 135-166

113-125 118-129 123-134 129-144 141-166 152-178

108-120 110-129 120-140 130-148 140-163 no sales Canfax

$145 $140

Average Carcass Weight

$135 $130 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

Oct. 6/12 904 818 681 849


Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $145 $140 $135

Oct. 8/11 898 820 662 877

YTD 12 876 820 680 950

YTD 11 848 775 674 1014

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)


n/a $125 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

Manitoba $145 $140 $135 $130 $125 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed)

Steers 125.00 124.99 124.99 193.57

Heifers 125.16 124.99 125.00 193.00 Trend steady/+4 n/a steady/+1

Cattle / Beef Trade

Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb

-16.31 -20.20 -12.11

-16.41 -19.72 -11.63

Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 1515.8 -1 Non-fed 224.8 -13 Total beef 1740.6 -3

Exports % from 2011 435,302 (1) -2.1 108,782 (1) +66.2 152,830 (3) -8.4 204,861 (3) -8.7 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 31,935 (2) -26.7 130,684 (4) +1.2 167,177 (4) +4.6

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head)ma Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to Sept. 29/12 (2) to Aug. 31/12 (3) to Aug. 31/12 (4) to Oct. 6/12


Agriculture Canada

Close Oct. 12 Live Cattle Oct 123.90 Dec 125.50 Feb 129.35 Apr 133.30 Jun 130.05 Feeder Cattle Oct 143.10 Nov 144.23 Jan 146.15 Mar 149.10 Apr 150.70

123.05 126.20 129.75 133.18 130.50

+0.85 -0.70 -0.40 +0.12 -0.45

121.65 123.20 125.38 128.15 126.23

144.83 146.20 149.00 151.70 153.55

-1.73 -1.97 -2.85 -2.60 -2.85

139.90 144.43 147.48 147.83 148.25

Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt) This wk Last wk Yr. ago n/a n/a 202-204 Canfax

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Oct. 5 Previous Base rail (index 100) 2.32 2.32 Index range 103.90-107.77 104.14-108.12 Range off base 2.41-2.50 2.41-2.51 Feeder lambs 1.10-1.15 1.10-1.15 Sheep (live) 0.40-0.60 0.40-0.60 SunGold Meats

Oct. 9 1.84-2.14 1.68-2.00 1.62-1.70 1.57-1.75 1.39-1.60 1.50-1.80 0.80-1.00 0.90-1.05 75-120

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

1.70-2.15 1.61-1.98 1.52-1.72 1.47-1.60 1.34-1.44 1.50-1.80 0.80-1.00 0.90-1.05 75-120

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $150 $140 $130 $120

n/a $110 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

$160 $140 $120 $100 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes) (1) to Sept. 29/12

(2) to Aug. 31/12

$160 $150

$130 $120 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15

Oct Dec Feb Apr

Close Oct. 12 82.75 78.38 84.65 90.45

Close Oct. 5 81.33 76.55 82.00 87.80

Canada 15,430,292 15,445,131 -0.1

To date 2012 To date 2011 % change 12/11

Fed. inspections only U.S. 84,425,671 82,769,596 + 2.0 Agriculture Canada

+1.42 +1.83 +2.65 +2.65

Year ago 93.58 90.08 92.55 94.45

n/a 143.55

Man. Que.

146.00 147.03 *incl. wt. premiums

Import n/a 161,410 (3) 170,950 (3)

% from 2011 n/a +11.2 +8.0 Agriculture Canada

EXCHANGE RATE: OCT. 15 $1 Cdn. = $1.0225 U.S. $1 U.S. = $0.978 Cdn.

$320 $315

$305 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15

Milling Wheat (Dec.) $310 $305

$290 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15

Close Oct. 12 98.50 100.85 100.58 99.50

Trend +2.30 +1.57 +1.08 +0.62

Year ago 99.10 100.70 98.95 97.00

Oct. 15 20.00-23.85 14.00-18.00 19.00-23.00 21.50-27.00 16.00-17.50 16.25-20.00 13.50-16.00 10.50-11.75 9.25-9.75 7.75-8.75 8.20-8.45 11.50-12.50 5.00-7.70 34.90-36.75 30.20-31.75 23.50-24.75 21.00-26.00 27.00-32.75 26.75-32.75 22.00-22.75 22.30-23.50

Avg. 22.17 16.76 21.12 23.74 17.13 17.83 14.74 11.33 9.55 8.40 8.36 12.10 5.68 36.13 31.36 24.33 24.28 29.38 30.50 22.30 23.10

Oct. 5 22.87 16.55 21.31 24.09 17.13 17.64 14.89 11.08 9.55 8.35 7.96 11.20 4.95 36.25 31.08 24.33 24.09 29.38 29.30 22.30 23.10

Cash Prices

Canola (cash - Nov.) No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)

$660 $640

Oct. 10 Oct. 3 Year Ago 194.23 180.00 167.99 153.57 153.57 195.65 26.10 26.10 26.95

$600 $580 9/7

Canola (basis - Nov.) $10 $0 $-10 $-20 $-30 9/7

U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)

9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12


No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator

Oct. 12 8.46 8.26 8.00 5.76 5.04

9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12

Grain Futures Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $295 $290 $285 $280 $275 9/7

9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $570 $560 $550 $540 $530 9/7

n/a 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12

Barley (cash - Dec.) $280 $275

Basis: $26

9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12

Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Corn (Dec.) $800 $780 $760 $740 $720 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15

$1800 $1710 $1620 $1530

Oats (Dec.) $400 $390 $380

Oct. 15 Oct. 5 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Nov 596.70 609.50 -12.80 Jan 595.70 608.20 -12.50 Mar 593.50 604.10 -10.60 May 588.10 594.20 -6.10 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Dec 297.40 295.00 +2.40 Mar 306.90 304.50 +2.40 May 309.90 307.50 +2.40 July 311.90 309.50 +2.40 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Dec 312.40 313.50 -1.10 Mar 319.00 320.10 -1.10 May 323.00 324.10 -1.10 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Dec 250.00 250.00 0.00 Mar 253.00 253.00 0.00 May 254.00 254.00 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 8.4825 8.5750 -0.0925 Mar 8.6050 8.6875 -0.0825 May 8.6400 8.6950 -0.0550 Jul 8.3300 8.4025 -0.0725 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Dec 3.8800 3.6725 +0.2075 Mar 3.9100 3.7125 +0.1975 May 3.9025 3.7125 +0.1900 July 3.8975 3.7150 +0.1825 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Nov 14.9250 15.5150 -0.5900 Jan 14.9175 15.5100 -0.5925 Mar 14.6600 15.1300 -0.4700 May 14.2825 14.6050 -0.3225 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) Dec 50.01 51.19 -1.18 Jan 50.40 51.53 -1.13 Mar 50.90 51.98 -1.08 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Dec 7.3725 7.4800 -0.1075 Mar 7.3725 7.4850 -0.1125 May 7.3175 7.4375 -0.1200 Jul 7.2525 7.3775 -0.1250 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 9.2100 9.1950 +0.0150 Mar 9.2750 9.2750 0.0000 May 9.3400 9.3450 -0.0050 Jul 9.3250 9.3300 -0.0050 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 8.8125 8.7875 +0.0250 Mar 8.9450 8.9250 +0.0200 May 8.9975 8.9675 +0.0300

Year ago 533.70 544.20 553.20 560.80 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.2425 6.5800 6.8100 6.9675 3.3950 3.4950 3.5600 3.6200 12.5300 12.6050 12.6775 12.7100 52.90 53.18 53.53 6.4050 6.5125 6.5800 6.6225 8.9575 8.3975 8.2175 8.1425 7.1425 7.3025 7.3850

$370 $360 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15

Close Oct. 5 96.20 99.28 99.50 98.88

Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)

Cash Prices

$1440 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15

% from 2011 -11.6 +5.1 +5.1

May Jun Jul Aug


Soybeans (Nov.)

Index 100 hogs $/ckg

(3) to Oct. 6/12


Durum (Dec.)

Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)

Manitoba $140

To Oct. 6

Export 664,575 (1) 213,364 (2) 779,896 (2)


$245 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15

$260 9/7

Hogs / Pork Trade




Hog Slaughter

Alta. Sask.



Oct. 15 Wool lambs >80 lb. 1.15-1.17 Wool lambs <80 lb. 1.22 Hair lambs 1.05 Fed sheep 0.55

Fixed contract $/ckg

Nov 25-Dec 08 Dec 09-Dec 22 Dec 23-Jan 05 Jan 06-Jan 19 Jan 20-Feb 02 Feb 03-Feb 16 Feb 17-Mar 02 Mar 03-Mar 16 Mar 17-Mar 30 Mar 31-Apr 13 Apr 14-Apr 27



HOGS Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. Oct. 12 Oct. 12 130.23-134.27 129.59-133.63 131.40-134.27 130.75-133.63 131.00-131.40 130.61-130.75 132.80-136.86 132.42-136.47 140.01-142.72 139.63-142.33 144.97-146.77 144.58-146.39 145.92-147.22 145.52-146.84 145.92-146.37 145.52-145.97 146.37-147.72 145.97-147.32 150.70-155.22 150.28-154.79 160.18-164.25 159.76-163.82



Close Trend Year Oct. 5 ago

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.

Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Barley (Dec.)


Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)



Pulse and Special Crops

ICE Futures Canada


To Oct. 6 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2012 2,098,813 24,901,772 To date 2011 2,238,457 25,997,207 % Change 12/11 -6.2 -4.2


Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) Steers South Dakota 136.50-152 Billings 130.50-137.50 Dodge City 136-143.50

Cash Futures

Previous Sept. 28-Oct. 4

Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (Dec.) $980 $960 $940 $920 $900 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15

Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To To tonnes) Oct. 7 Sept. 30 Wheat 220.6 364.6 Durum 120.0 91.2 Oats 27.4 22.2 Barley 73.2 49.7 Flax 1.4 1.7 Canola 307.1 289.5 Peas 19.4 47.5 Canola crush 155.4 152.8

Total to date 2569.0 812.3 281.2 211.1 22.8 1391.3 450.3 1321.4

Last year 2219.4 507.2 310.3 57.1 48.7 1350.4 523.1 1160.2



This turkey escaped the Thanksgiving platter and strutted around a Valhalla, Alta., farmyard Oct. 9. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO


EDITOR: JOANNE PAULSON MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500 The Western Producer is a weekly newspaper serving Western Canadian farmers since 1923. Published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada. ADVERTISING Classified ads: Display ads: In Saskatoon: Fax:





Much above normal

Oct. 18 - 24 (in °C)

Oct. 18 - 24 (in mm)

Above normal

Churchill Prince George



Saskatoon Regina






Much below normal

Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

19.6 17.8 19.3 18.6 17.7 21.2 15.1 14.9 15.3 17.2 16.0 18.4 18.5 16.7 18.9 21.1 17.2 16.1

1.4 2.9 0.3 4.4 6.3 0.3 6.2 4.6 4.3 3.6 13.9 1.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2.1 2.0 2.8

-4.9 -6.9 -7.9 -6.8 -7.9 -8.9 -9.6 -5.7 -4.0 -8.8 -3.2 -6.3 -4.4 -6.2 -5.2 -5.7 -4.3 -4.7

262.3 298.2 231.8 261.8 364.8 237.3 361.9 384.0 467.4 371.1 446.6 268.7 269.6 399.9 313.2 241.7 384.0 358.7

93 94 85 85 153 94 116 123 139 136 144 95 101 152 120 102 115 120


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Below normal

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19.5 17.4 13.9 17.7 17.1 12.8 7.7 20.3 15.2 22.5 18.8 9.6 16.9 17.4 17.0 16.3

-2.3 -3.8 -9.6 -9.5 -7.2 -6.2 -12.2 -1.6 -9.3 -1.0 -2.3 -6.3 -2.3 -4.5 -4.2 -8.3

Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

1.2 6.1 8.9 4.2 11.5 19.6 3.8 9.5 6.2 1.3 4.8 13.6 9.3 4.8 9.5 5.2

319.7 346.6 369.9 367.9 382.5 286.5 194.1 279.0 438.1 290.7 292.4 277.8 327.7 415.0 363.4 357.5

132 104 119 129 104 89 69 104 143 127 100 93 98 109 106 110

Temperature last week High Low

Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

15.7 16.9 9.9 18.1 14.5 13.8 16.8 12.7

Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

-6.4 -4.9 -5.0 -6.1 -4.2 -3.3 -4.9 -4.9

11.9 17.2 7.8 0.6 10.0 21.8 10.4 15.1

292.7 344.3 339.5 240.5 227.6 262.4 508.7 292.2

85 95 93 73 60 72 136 77

-3.0 -7.4 1.8 -0.7 -7.2

0.9 17.5 12.6 5.8 20.9

245.6 250.1 192.0 194.3 324.7

100 78 116 90 99

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

20.0 10.0 23.3 20.7 18.7

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: www.agr.gc.ca/drought. Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca

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Salford, Ontario • 1-866-442-1293


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