October 25, 2012 - The Western Producer

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VOL. 90 | NO. 43 | $3.75







Changes sought to CGC with federal budget

XL, JBS plan seen as relief A $100 million option | Producers, feeders hopeful the Brooks, Alta., plant will reopen soon


Many cattle producers are expressing relief at an agreement between international cattle processing giant JBS USA and the beleaguered Alberta-based XL Foods Inc. The Oct. 17 agreement saw JBS immediately take over management of the XL Foods packing plant at Brooks, Alta., which has been closed since Sept. 27 after E. coli was discovered in some of its products. It gives JBS an exclusive option to buy various XL Foods holdings for $50 million in cash and $50 million in JBS shares.

With about 20,000 cattle ready for slaughter each week, the production chain was backed up and prices dropped in all sectors of the industry. Producers and feeders are hopeful the Brooks plant, one of the largest in Canada with a kill capacity of 4,000 head per day, will reopen soon. “I think it’s very positive,” said Alberta Beef Producers chair Doug Sawyer about the deal. “From an industry standpoint we desperately need that plant running. This whole shut down couldn’t have happened at a worse time for the cow-calf and the feeder cattle industry. This is our fall run. All these cattle are coming off grass, and left us with a huge amount of uncertainty.” Canadian Cattlemen’s Associa-


From an industry standpoint we desperately need that plant running. This whole shut down couldn’t have happened at a worse time for the cow-calf and the feeder cattle industry. DOUG SAWYER ALBERTA BEEF PRODUCERS

tion president Martin Unrau also viewed the JBS entry into Canada as a positive development. “I think it’s a step forward from where we were two or three days ago, that’s for sure,” he said Oct. 19. “We see the opportunity that JBS may present and that to us is exciting, because they’re really good at what they do and these guys are

some of the lowest cost processors in the world.” Unrau said the CCA was in touch with JBS after the CFIA revoked the operating licence at the Brooks XL plant, halting operations. The CCA was seeking slaughter options to avoid a backlog of fat cattle. SEE JBS HAS $100M OPTION, PAGE 2


In the middle of a massive soup-tonuts budget implementation bill, the Conservative government is proposing to enact sweeping changes to the way the Canadian Grain Commission operates. It will receive little parliamentary attention because it is a small part of a 400 page budget bill that will likely be approved within months. Critics are crying foul. The proposed changes will end the need for inward inspections of grain going between elevators within the same company, change the bonding system for grain traders into an insurance system and offer farmers an option of paying for some services they now receive from the commission if they want to contract them from private sources. Regional appeals tribunals will be abolished. Later legislation is expected to enact governance changes. SEE CHANGES SOUGHT, PAGE 3





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JBS has $100M option JBS, which has processing operations on several continents, has been eyeing Canada for at least 10 years, said Unrau, and its first entry here could increase domestic volume. “I’ll be honest, we’ve worried about infrastructure crashing for the last couple years because of our numbers. By infrastructure, I mean feedlots and trucking companies and processing and slaughter. “ I think we need more cattle and this company I think will help us move forward.” The proposed selling price for XL Foods’ holdings, at $45 million less than Nilsson Brothers paid Tyson for the plant in 2009, raised his eyebrows. Unrau said he thinks it is a bargain considering the value of the Brooks plant, feedlot, farmland and another plant site in southwest Calgary. Former CCA president and feedlot operator Brad Wildeman said the JBS purchase plan is a sign the company will keep the plant open. Some have suggested it will buy the plant and close it. “100 million dollars is a pretty big price tag to pay for that, I would think,” said Wildeman. He speculated the price could have been even cheaper had JBS waited, but it likely saw a need for quick action to retain the plant’s 2,200 employees. Unrau is also confident JBS will retain the plant if the deal goes ahead. “I don’t think they’ll close it down. I think the reason that they’re managing it with an option to buy is they just want to stick their toe in the water and see how this is going to work out. I think they are going to be pleasantly surprised.” Brent Chaffee, chair of the Alberta Cattle Feeders Association, said Western Canada has plenty of cattle and it is cheaper to ship beef than live animals. If JBS does plan to close a plant, Chaffee suggested one of its U.S. plants would be a more likely target because of slaughter overcapacity there. As of Oct. 22, no date had been set for reopening the Brooks plant. It is dependent on CFIA decisions regarding food safety protocols.

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Fire aftermath: A forest fire in southern Alberta nine years ago is still affecting the area’s water and soil. See page 22. | BARB GLEN PHOTO About 20,000 head of cattle become ready for slaughter each week. Closure of the XL Brooks slaughter plant has caused a huge backlog of cattle in the production chain. | BARB GLEN PHOTO With JBS in charge, it may open sooner than it would have under XL management, said Wildeman. “It was apparent to me that it was going to be very difficult, if not impossible, for the present management to continue to operate that plant, given everything that happened, unfortunately.” One other worry is that the CFIA will impose conditions on the plant that will affect its profitability. Wi l d e ma n s a i d re q u i re m e nt s imposed after the BSE crisis, for removal of specified risk material, made Canadian plants less competitive than their U.S. counterparts. “I don’t want that same mistake to be made in this case simply to try and gain a few political points.” Neil Peacock, cattle producer and member of the National Farmers Union, said the potential JBS deal will mean loss of yet another piece of Canadian packer capacity. Between Cargill and JBS, about 84 percent of domestic capacity would be foreign-owned. He said the XL situation that threatened human health should serve as a wake-up call for governments to review food policies. A plan for smaller and more numerous slaughter plants, with at least one in every province, would better serve Canadians.


» XL FOODS: The cost of E. coli, » RED HAT: A southern Alberta



Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 newsroom@producer.com

» »

which closed an Alberta beef plant, is enormous yet almost impossible to tally. 4 RAIL RULES: Lobbying efforts are intensifying as the debate over new rail regulations heats up. 15 SPECIAL REPORT: Analysts are predicting a “golden age of profitability” for the hog industry. 17 PESTICIDE BAN: A coalition supporting a cosmetic pesticide use ban in Manitoba is missing the cancer society. 20

» » »

vegetable co-op has just completed its most recent expansion. 21 TICK ALERT: Dog owners need to stay on top of insect and parasite problems that threaten their animals. 29 AGRIBITION CHANGE: A new sale arena will change how livestock are handled at this year’s Agribition. 38 M1 CANAL: A major irrigation canal is receiving a much-needed face lift in Saskatchewan. 42


» WHEAT SALES: Big Chinese wheat purchas»

es have boosted the market. 6 CWB DELIVERIES: Grain delivery worries may keep farmers away from the CWB. 8


» TREATING ARTHRITIS: Early detection is »

key in the treatment of arthritis. 25 ON THE FARM: Rising waters challenge longtime Saskatchewan farm family. 27


» BIG MAC III: The Big Mac rock picker has »

returned in a new reincarnation. 86 BULL-PULL: This hitch reduces the sloppy connections that can cause damage. 88

» HOG RESEARCH: Funding uncertainty



threatens a hog research organization. 91 GOAT TRACING: The goat industry grapples with a national identification program. 93


» PRAIRIE WHISKEY: A small distillery »

10 11 11 9 99 24 24

Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 michael.raine@producer.com Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 newsroom@producer.com Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 paul.yanko@producer.com Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 barbara.duckworth@producer.com Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 mary.macarthur@producer.com


A story on page 16 of the Oct. 18 issue incorrectly attributed a paraphrased comment to Cam Dahl, general manager of the Manitoba Beef Producers. The story stated: “He said many producers have lost confidence in MCEC (Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council) and don’t believe the council will ever build a 250 to 500 head per day slaughter plant in Winnipeg, which has remained on the drawing board since 2008.” The statement was intended to summarize sentiments expressed by many producers, not specifically Dahl.

Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch The Bottom Line Health TEAM Living Tips

injects passion into its spirits. 98 IOGEN CHANGE: Iogen now plans to work with an ethanol producer in Brazil. 100

Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 barb.glen@producer.com Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 karen.briere@producer.com Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 ed.white@producer.com Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 ron.lyseng@producer.com Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 robert.arnason@producer.com Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 barry.wilson@producer.com Canada Post Agreement Number 40069240 SEE INSIDE BACK COVER FOR ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION TELEPHONE NUMBERS


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Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark used under license from Monsanto Company.





Changes sought to grain commission CGC chief commissioner Elwin Hermanson said the end of mandator y inward inspection simply reflects the fact that the grain industry has become much more concentrated since the Canada Grain Act was last amended 40 years ago. That action alone will save the system $20 million or more a year, he said. “It is a modernization that farmers have been calling for but it will in no way affect the work that the commission does to ensure grain industry standards,” said Hermanson. “It will make it more efficient.” Once Parliament approves the budget implementation bill, C-38, and unnecessary regulatory costs are removed from the system, discussions will begin with the industry about how to increase fee-for-service revenue that will get the CGC to a selfsustaining financial position, Hermanson said. User fees had been frozen for two decades, and the commission has run a deficit that requires annual government subsidies. In the 2012 budget, finance minister Jim Flaherty promised $44 million in subsidies over two years while the commission arranges new fee-forservice deals with the industry. “There will be increases, but at this point I cannot speculate on how mu c h i t m i g ht c o s t b e c au s e i t depends on what services the industry wants to pay for,” said Hermanson. The Canada Grain Act amendments will take effect Aug. 1. New fee-for-service plans are to be negotiated by then. Grain sector supporters of the Conservative government’s deregulation emphasis applauded the announcement. The Western Canadian Grain Growers Association said it supports changes “that will eliminate unnecessary regulatory costs in the Canadian grain handling system.” Western Barley Growers Association president Doug Robertson said lower grain market regulatory fees are necessary to make Canadian farmers more competitive. However, anti-Conservative Canadian Wheat Board Alliance activists issued an angry statement Oct. 22 arguing that Conservative changes would take quality control of grain “back to 1900 when we had rats in the grain.” Hermanson laughed at the suggestion. “If there are rats in your grain, you’re still in trouble. There still will be monitoring for pesticide residues,” he said. “The current bill before Parliament strengthens our ability to go into any elevator and take samples to make sure the grain is safe, so it is strengthened in that regard.” Opposition MPs saw a different danger. By including these changes in an omnibus budget bill of more than 400 pages, all of it to be studied by the finance committee and passed within months, significant changes to grain regulation will receive little attention. The House of Commons agriculture committee will not examine it. There will be precious little discussion of it on the floor of the Commons or in committee. “This is important to the industry and it really will be lost in the shuffle as MPs look at the broader issues or more high profile issues,” Liberal agriculture critic Frank Valeriote said.

There are several issues to be ironed out before the province takes over federal land and begins selling or leasing it to producers. |



Leasing pastures an option, says Sask. ag minister Province takes over federal land | Sale of land will require an appraisal to determine market value BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Patrons of former federal pastures in Saskatchewan will be able to lease the land if buying it isn’t feasible, says agriculture minister Lyle Stewart. Initially, the province said it intended to sell the 60 pastures it is inheriting from Ottawa by 2018. But when the first 10 to be transferred were announced Oct. 19, Stewart said leasing is an option. In fact, he said most of the pastures will likely end up leased. “For some patrons groups on some pastures, I think sale is clearly the way to go,” he said in an interview. “For others it may not be. The numbers just don’t work as well on some of them as they do on others. I don’t think we have any choice but to give both options.” Guiding principles applied to the transfers include giving each patron

group the chance to own or lease, maintaining each pasture as a complete block, selling the land at market value, and applying a no-break, nodrain conservation easement to any sale of native prairie. “The public should have a great deal of comfort about species at risk and maintenance of the grassland and so on,” the minister said. Any sales will require an appraisal. Leases will operate the same as current crown land leases do and patrons will operate the pasture. Stewart wasn’t yet prepared to say what will happen in the case of the first 10: Park, Fairview, Newcombe, Lone Tree, Wolverine, McCraney, Ituna Bon Accord, Excel, Keywest and Estevan-Cambria. The 10 are scattered throughout the province and Stewart said that was by design so as not to affect one area more than another. There are other considerations as well.

“There are 440,000 acres out there that have never had titles generated for them, and some pastures have a great deal of oil and gas activity,” he said. “There’s a considerable amount of IT work that has to happen before we can transfer them to the provincial system from the federal.” Harold Martens, president of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association and member of the advisory committee that helped Stewart set parameters for the transfers, said the first 10 represent pastures that held title and had patrons’ groups ready to move forward. “This is going to be a business they’re running and that requires a business plan and a legal entity,” Martens said. “In a legal entity,

they’re going to need to have a set of bylaws that govern how they operate, how they let people in and how they manage theirs, and also how they let people out.” There is also the question of financing. Farm Credit Canada is working on a financing plan that could help patrons take over, Stewart said, and other financial institutions are welcome to step forward. “I’m confident if patrons groups are in a position to purchase, then financing options will be available for them,” he said. The province and Ottawa are also working on a memorandum of understanding to make sure federal staff manage the 10 pastures through the 2013 grazing season.


Olymel enters new territory with bid for Big Sky Farms BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Potential owners of Big Sky Farms have until Nov. 9 to outbid Olymel, which last week offered $65.25 million for the troubled Saskatchewanbased hog producer. The receiver, Ernst and Young, expects other bidders to step forward now that a judge has approved the sale process, which included the selection of Olymel as a stalking horse bidder. The company was chosen, after a competition with another company, to make the first bid as a way to main-

tain the value of Big Sky’s assets before a bankruptcy sale, said Kevin Brennan of Ernst and Young. Court documents said this type of sale process would instill confidence in the company and the industry. Big Sky entered receivership in September after the U.S. drought and escalating feed costs resulted in losses of up to $50 per pig, although court documents also show it never recovered from a restructuring process initiated in 2009. The company, with facilities in Sa s k at c h e w a n a n d Ma n i t o b a, owes secured creditors about $69

million and suppliers another $8.4 million. If successful, Olymel would be entering a new business as a hog producer. Based in St. Hyacinth, Que., it operates slaughter and processing facilities mainly in that province but also has a bacon plant in Ontario and a slaughter and processing plant in Red Deer, Alta. The private company, which also includes poultry processing, has 10,000 employees and a weekly pig capacity of 160,000. Sales in 2010 were $2.1 billion and half its revenue comes from interna-

tional sales to more than 60 countries, according to the company website. Meanwhile, a Manitoba court extended creditor protection for Niverville-based Puratone Corp. to Nov. 2 while the monitor, Deloitte, looks for a buyer. The company owes $86 million to secured creditors Farm Credit Canada, Bank of Montreal and Manitoba Agricultural Services Corp. There are also many unsecured supplier creditors. As many as three offers were expected to be submitted by Oct. 15 and dealt with in court by Oct. 22.





E. coli costs can run high

COMPANY PROFILE Owned by: JBS S.A. is headquartered in Brazil with 135,000 employees in 301 facilities worldwide. JBS S.A. ships fresh and processed beef, pork, lamb and poultry products to 151 countries. Operations: JBS USA employs more than 60,000 people and is a majority shareholder of Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., the second largest poultry company in the U.S. JBS USA and Pilgrim’s Pride collectively operate beef, pork, poultry and lamb processing plants, hatcheries, a tannery, distribution centres, a grease producing facility and feedlots operated by JBS Five Rivers Cattle Feeding. They ship to 60 countries worldwide. The deal to buy XL: JBS USA announced Oct. 17 that it had reached an agreement with XL Foods Inc. to take over management of XL’s meat processing plant in Brooks, Alta. The agreement includes an exclusive option for JBS to buy XL properties, including: • the meat processing plant in Brooks, Alta. • the XL beef packing plant in Calgary • a feedlot in Brooks • farmland adjacent to the Brooks feedlot • a beef packing plant in Omaha, Nebraska • a beef packing plant in Nampa, Idaho If it exercises its option to buy, JBS will pay $50 million US in cash and $50 million in JBS S.A. shares. The deal does not involve JBS assumption of any XL Foods debt or liabilities.

A GLOBAL FORCE How JBS ranks on the list for world meat production:


beef & lamb producer


chicken producer


pork producer

Difficult to measure | At least $50 million worth of meat will be destroyed starting this week BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

It can’t be seen and it’s easily killed at high temperatures, but E. coli O157:H7 can have a devastating impact. “E. coli is a scourge,” said Kevin Grier, senior market analyst with the George Morris Centre. Few people would have believed after the first recall of tainted beef from XL Food’s slaughter plant in September that five weeks later, one of the largest operators in the cattle business would be fighting for its survival. The cost of E. coli is enormous yet almost impossible to tally. It’s difficult to calculate the lost demand for beef, even temporarily. While few cattle producers will avoid eating beef, it’s hard to know how many consumers pause in front of the beef at the retail meat counter before moving on to choose chicken or pork instead. “Lost demand — in this case it is a very big deal in Canada, but we don’t know what it is,” Grier said in an e-mail. Sixteen people in Canada were made ill from E. coli bacteria in meat from XL Food’s plant in Brooks, Alta. Dr. Frank Plummer, the CFIA’s chief science officer, said the genetic fingerprint of the bacterial strain found at XL has never been seen before in Canada and the United States. “It is pretty unique and we are very confident it came from meat that was contaminated with E. coli at the XL plant,” said Plummer in a news conference. No one has died from the outbreak, but more than one person has launched a lawsuit against XL Foods. Sven Anders, assistant professor in the department of rural economy at the University of Alberta, said XL will likely face lawsuits because of broken contracts with retailers in Canada and overseas due to its inability to fill production contracts. “I am sure there are lawyers thinking of ways to extract money from a company that will soon no longer be in business,” said Anders. The cost of recalled and destroyed beef has been staggering, said Grier. “In this case it is off the charts compared to normal, although there is no normal,” wrote Grier in the e-mail.

CFIA officials said last week that 12 million pounds of fresh or frozen meat processed at the XL plant before the recall could not be sold to consumers because of the possibility of improper quality control testing before the plant was shut down. The meat, which was mostly steaks, roasts and tenderloins unlikely to have E. coli, will have to be dumped in a landfill, rendered or retested and cooked. It is worth at least $50 million and will likely start arriving at landfills this week.

“We are looking at it through a lens of proper assessment, so we will only allow it to enter the marketplace, meat which is safe,” said Dr. Harpreet Kochhar, executive director of the CFIA’s western operations. Also rendered or dumped in a landfill will be the millions of dollars worth of meat recalled since CFIA began its investigation, or meat returned to XL by retailers. Grier estimates the impact on the cattle futures market could be $100 million a year as



Unions call for public inquiry to restore consum BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

TOP 10 These companies led in overall world meat sales in 2011 ($billions): 1. JBS $31.28 2. Tyson Foods


3. Cargill


4. Vion


5. Smithfield Foods Inc.


6. Marfrig Group


7. Nippon Meat Packers


8. Danish Crown


9. Brasil Foods


10.Hormel Foods Corp.


Source: www.foodengineeringmag.com

BROOKS, Alta. — Alberta’s labour movement wants a public inquiry into what went wrong at XL Foods’ beef plant in Brooks. It was closed after E. coli contamination was found in meat processed more than a month ago. “Confidence in the Alberta beef brand has been shaken, confidence in our industry has been shaken, our customers, especially in our largest market in the United States, wonder if t h e y c a n t r u s t o u r p ro d u c t,” s a i d G i l McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. “That has profound long-term implications for the health of this industry and all the jobs it creates,” he said at an Oct. 18 news conference in Brooks. AFI and the United Food and Commercial Workers said food inspection should be transferred from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to Health Canada because it is a public health matter. The inquiry should also determine if the

There is never enough training and never enough food safety training in these plants. The priority is production, the priority is getting as many cattle processed as you can, it is not on quality. DOUG O’HALLORAN PRESIDENT, UFCW LOCAL 401

agency can do its job properly as the federal government further cuts its budget by more than $50 million. JBS USA has agreed to manage the plant, and the union is confident it can work with the new company. “We are hopeful JBS will come in here with an open mind and do what is best for the workers and the industry,” said local 401 UFCW president Doug O’Halloran, who represents 2,200 employees at the XL plant in Brooks.

“They’ve got to make a dollar. We know that, but it can’t be at the risk of food safety,” he said in an interview. “XL has not done a good job. Nilsson brothers, I believe, didn’t know 50 percent of what was going on in that plant or else they couldn’t allow these things to happen,” he said in reference to company owners Brian and Lee Nilsson. He claims upper management dismissed c o n c e r n s f ro m f o o d i n s p e c t o r s, a n d O’Halloran said those people should be removed once JBS is installed. Food safety training and upgrades on hazard analysis critical control points was done, but skills need to be upgraded regularly, he added. “There is never enough training and never enough food safety training in these plants. The priority is production, the priority is getting as many cattle processed as you can, it is not on quality,” O’Halloran said. The CFIA said a change in management or ownership would not influence its decision to reopen the plant. “This development will not affect our





My thesis is the plant got suddenly overwhelmed by an E. coli storm and didn’t quite know how to deal with it. Nobody gets a warning about an E. coli outbreak. STEVE KAY EDITOR, CATTLE BUYERS WEEKLY

traders sell on recall news. Steve Kay, editor of Cattle Buyers Weekly, estimates XL Foods has lost 52 million lb. of beef, or $75 to $100 million in lost production, since the plant shut down. “This means the end of Nilssons in the meat packing business,” said Kay. He said three crucial factors forced XL Foods to make a tentative agreement to sell its beef packing plants and feedlots to JBS, the

world’s largest meat processor. “They stopped production. That’s a killer. There was returned product and lost customers and they couldn’t get on side with CFIA to get up and running. The whole issue became very politicized.” Paul Mayer, associate vice-president of programs with the CFIA, said the agency is not responsible for decisions made by XL. He said the agency has based its decisions on looking out for Canadians’ health. “We are not going to speculate on how XL led itself to the partnership it’s taken with JBS,” said Mayer in a conference call. “Our focus is on the protection of consumers. The decisions we make are based on the evidence available to us and the interests of protecting consumers and we will continue to do so.” Kay said food safety standards have risen dramatically in all plants over the past four

or five years. “Maybe they didn’t rise quite sufficiently at XL, but maybe they just didn’t have the wherewithal to recognize or withstand a sudden surge in food safety problems,” he said. “E. coli can overwhelm a plant. You can be running along hunky dory, all testing showing very low incidents and suddenly you can have a spike out and then it can just get out of control. Workers at the shuttered XL plant in Brooks were called back to work Oct. 22-23 to renew their security clearance at the beef packing plant. Workers were to spend Oct. 25-26 at the plant being retrained by JBS staff, said UFCW president Doug O’Halloran. The union head said he will meet with company officials onOct. 23 to learn more details, but has been told the plant is expected to reopen Oct. 29.


Extra large problem | Loss of the operating licence at the XL Foods plant in Brooks, Alta., has caused widespread ripples in the cattle industry. It has also brought about the potential sale of XL holdings.

Co-chief executive officers and brothers Brian and Lee Nilsson have made few public comments in the wake of the E. coli discovery at their Brooks facility. | FILE PHOTO

er confidence in beef supply chain assessment. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s top priority is consumer safety so this facility’s operating licence will not be renewed until we are completely satisfied that this plant can produce safe food,” said Paul Mayers, associate vice-president for CFIA programs. The union expressed doubt about the competency of CFIA inspectors, but Mayers said XL staff should have come forward if they had solid evidence. No one did, he added. “I would like to assure all Canadians our inspectors are professional and do their job diligently. Our job is food safety,” said Mayers. “We remain open to working with any staff to improve food safety. This is why we have reached out to the union several times,” he said. Officials from JBS USA met with XL staff Oct. 22, and industrial relations staff met with the union Oct. 23. JBS said it would honour the current labour contract, which expires at the end of 2013. About 2,200 people received layoff notices last week, but JBS indicated they would all be called back to work.

Workers from XL Foods at Brooks crowded into a hotel ballroom to hear about their fate on Oct. 18. More than 2,200 received layoff notices and were waiting to learn when the beef facility will reopen. Workers were told a multi-national company, JBS, has been hired to manage the troubled plant and has an option to buy. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO

Should Gerry Ritz resign? Opposition says yes | NDP ag critic says new person needed to restore public trust in food safety BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

The Conservative majority in the House of Commons votes this week to endorse the actions of agriculture minister Gerry Ritz in his handling of the XL Foods tainted beef recall. The Oct. 23 vote, followed by a vote to send government food safety legislation S-11 to the Commons agriculture committee, was expected to split on partisan lines but support Ritz. The S-11 vote, cleared on second reading through the Commons Oct. 22, was expected to have all party support to get the bill into committee for public hearings and some proposed opposition amendments. New Democrat agriculture critic Malcolm Allen used an opposition day Oct. 18 to call for Ritz to resign and to be replaced by a new minister “who can restore public trust” in food safety. He accused Ritz of dropping the communications ball in the XL debacle and of cutting funding for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Allen also called for a CFIA resources audit by the auditor general to figure out if the agency has enough staff and to create a benchmark against which future staffing levels can be measured. The motion was debated throughout the day with opposition MPs denouncing Ritz and the CFIA for their slow response to the XL Foods E. coli contamination that saw shipments to the United States stopped days before products from the XL Brooks, Alta. plant were stopped from being shipped to Canadian store shelves. At least 16 Canadians have become ill from E. coli linked to the XL plant. “Where we believe he failed in the system was not ensuring the Canadian public was treated in the same manner as we would treat anyone else,” Allen told the Commons. Government speakers during the debate and in question period insisted that the Canadian food safety system is robust. On Oct. 17, prime minister Stephen Harper defended the food inspection system without singling out the minister’s role. He said food safety is not a political issue. “It is the CFIA that makes these decisions based on science, not on political decisions,” he said. In the Commons, Ritz defended the CFIA as well as government decisions to increase funding and the role of the agency in the XL affair. He accused opposition MPs of “fear-mongering” about food safety cuts that have not happened. The XL beef recall, the largest in Canadian history, shows the food safety system is working, he said. “When a food recall gets underway, the CFIA literally works around the clock to get the products off the shelf as fast and comprehensively as it can.”





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Chinese purchases buoy wheat market Canadian sales estimated at 500,00 tonnes | High protein quality wheat sales from Canada and the U.S. improved prices BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Right when the hard red spring wheat market needed China, China stepped in. Big purchases of high protein, high quality wheat from Canada and the United States have put some pep back into wheat prices, which had been suffering the same harvest market weakness of the other major crops. “Probably at the elevator, people have been hearing that there’s no market for 14 (percent protein) and they get hammered on the spreads (to lower protein wheats), but this is a sale that was made specifically for those higher quality parameters,” said C WB market analyst Neil Townsend. “The rest of the world wheat trade doesn’t look like it wants to pay up for that (high quality wheat), but that’s exactly what the Chinese came in for.” Trade sources in Canada and the U.S. say China has recently made large purchases of hard red spring wheat. Purchases from Canada alone are estimated to be 500,000 tonnes or more, with most coming in recent weeks. The sales were made by a number of grain companies, including the CWB’s pool program, sources say. The market reacts each time new, big sales to China are announced, showing that buyers and traders aren’t relaxed about the diminishing supplies of quality wheat in the world. “That’s pretty unusual,” said John Ulrickson of the Money Farm in Fargo, North Dakota, on the morning of a day when big sales of American wheat to “unknown” destinations were reported. Prairie farmers will benefit from the new interest in hard red spring wheat because high quality wheat has lost much of its premium over lower quality hard red winter and soft red winter wheat in recent months. The lower premium is partly the result of the U.S. Midwest drought, which hit the SRW and HRW zones but only touched the edges of the

Trade sources in Canada and the U.S. say China has recently purchased about 500,000 tonnes of Canada’s hard red spring wheat. | HRS area. However, it has also been caused by the weakening world economy, with buyers backing away from premium-priced crops. The outlook in Europe is grim, China is slowing and emerging markets are anxious about sales of commodities to advanced countries. As a result, traders have discounted the ability of quality niches such as high protein wheat to drive big premiums. However, China’s powerful hunger for quality wheat suggests that either economic conditions are better than feared or its wheat harvest was poorer than many thought. Townsend said China has wanted to rebuild high quality wheat stocks for more than a year, but wasn’t able or willing to until now. “They deferred it last year, and I guess this year they didn’t want to defer it any longer,” he said. Jon Driedger of FarmLink Marketing Solutions said no one should read a lot of implications into the Chinese

purchases, but they could be the start of something significant. “If this is where it begins and ends, I’d caution against reading too much into it, but if this is a sign of them needing to build up their purchases, t h a t w o u l d b e p o s i t i v e ,” s a i d Driedger. “They’re able to suck up a lot of grain when they want it.” Wheat’s overall improving outlook has surprised many, considering it seemed the weakest of the big North American crops just a few months ago. However, production losses in the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, new Chinese demand and questions about Australian production have suddenly made wheat look less plentiful than most thought. “(Canadian) exports are expected to increase six percent to 14.8 million tonnes due to growing demand for wheat in the food market and lower production in some other exporting

countries, especially Australia, Argentina, Kazakhstan and Ukraine,” said Agriculture Canada’s Oct. 18 market outlook. Because of production problems, Russia and Ukraine will likely have little to export after November. That, plus the problems in the U.S. and possibly Australia, have worried buyers. “Things are starting to heat up,” said Townsend. “There’s a gap there. There’s just not enough in the traditional wheat suppliers to satisfy all of the market.” Greg Kostal of Kostal Ag Consulting in Winnipeg said Canadian and U.S. wheat now have a chance to serve new demand, but the question is how strong is the demand. “There is a window here for North American wheat to become more of a leader here,” said Kostal. But given the world’s underlying economic problems, a wheat price rally is not certain.

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“Importers have not demonstrated a willingness to chase prices higher,” said Kostal. “ That ’s p a r t o f t h e i r l e a r n e d behaviour from three to five years ago.” The last strong wheat rally saw many buyers purchase wheat as it went higher than $20 per bushel, and they aren’t keen to get caught long again on an overvalued commodity. Townsend said he’s mildly bullish on wheat compared to other crops. “You should see wheat appreciate compared to corn and (soy)beans,” he said. Driedger agreed. “We’re not wildly bullish, but we’ve always felt that as you look forward, it looked better,” said Driedger. “It’s not exceptionally tight, but you whittle away a little bit here and a little bit there and buyers get a little more anxious to get coverage on.”




Trader says harvest reports could be ‘too optimistic’

CME-KCBT deal raises speculation about MGEX BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Mixed bag outlook | Most crop grown in Queensland, New South Wales BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Australia’s chickpea harvest will be a mixed bag, says a buyer of the crop. In its September crop report, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences forecast 827,000 tonnes of production, an 85 percent increase over the previous five-year average. The vast majority of that would be desi chickpeas. Peter Wilson, director of northern states for the Australia Milling Group, which is wholly owned by Alliance Grain Traders, thinks that forecast is too optimistic. He estimates Australia will produce 600,000 to 620,000 tonnes of desis, down from the August forecast of 750,000 tonnes. Almost 90 percent of the chickpea crop is grown in Queensland and New South Wales. Harvest starts in central Queensl a n d , p ro c e e d s i n t o s o u t h e r n Queensland and then into New South Wales. Wilson estimates one-quarter of the crop has been harvested in cent ra l Qu e e n s l a n d , a n d by m o s t


accounts the early returns are fantastic. GrainCorp says yields were 40 percent higher than expected in areas served by its facility in Emerald, Australia. However, Wilson said the situation will change dramatically when harvest moves into southern Queensland and New South Wales. “The rest of us have been sucking the hind tit,” he said. What started as a bumper crop was hit by a prolonged dry spell toward the end of the growing season. “We had the potential here for absolutely knock-your-socks-off yields,” he said. But the crop struggled for 90 days without rain. There was also damage caused by a frost during the first week of September. Wilson expects yields to drop from 0 . 8 t o n n e s p e r a c re i n c e nt ra l Queensland to 0.3 tonnes per acre in the southwestern portion of the state and then bounce back to 0.6 tonnes per acre as it moves into northern New South Wales. Australian chickpeas compete directly with Canadian yellow peas in India, where late monsoon rains have improved prospects for the planting of the coming rabi (winter)

chickpea crop. Wilson said even at his reduced production estimate, Australia will still produce a lot more desi chickpeas than it normally does because of the big increase in seeded acreage. The price spread between Australian desi chickpeas and less expensive Canadian yellow peas has narrowed considerably. Canadian yellow pea prices reached $350 per tonne this summer during the height of concerns about dry conditions in India. Wilson expects the trend to continue with desi prices falling in the wake of the large Australian harvest. He believes yellow pea prices, which are more closely tied to wheat prices, will grind sideways. “I don’t see yellows having upside,” he said. Wilson anticipates no problem marketing the larger-than-usual Australian chickpea crop because of strong global demand and little carryout in the Australian pipeline. “You could blow on it from one end to the other and there was nothing in it,” he said. He doesn’t expect Australia’s big desi crop to hurt Canadian yellow pea sales to India.

Market observers expect the Minneapolis Grain Exchange’s hard red spring wheat contract to remain the dominant market for prairie wheat pricing, no matter who owns it. The future of the MGEX is up for speculation since CME Group and the Kansas City Board of Trade last week announced the former will buy the KCBT and its hard red winter wheat contract for $126 million US. That started rumours that MGEX might be the next target of CME Group or the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). Regardless of whether MGEX remains independent or is sold, there will be little difference for farmers hedging hard spring wheat. “From a practical standpoint, I don’t think it will have a lot of impact,” said Jon Driedger of FarmLink Marketing Solutions. That was also the view of the Money Farm’s John Ulrickson . “It should mean absolutely nothing,” said Ulrickson. If the KCBT sale is approved by shareholders and regulators, it will give CME Group overwhelming dominance in North American grains contracts. It already owns the Chicago Board of Trade’s hallmark corn, soybeans and soft red winter wheat contracts. ICE has been aggressively pushing

into grain long dominated by Chicago and has launched a number of products to challenge Chicago’s supremacy. The CME Group already provides the trading system on which Kansas City and Minneapolis rely. If CME gets KCBT, then there will remain two independent wheat trading exchanges,Minneapolis and ICE Futures Canada. Both trade prairie hard spring wheat. If MGEX were put in play and CME Group bought it, then the Chicago based company would have almost total domination of North American grain futures trading. The new Winnipeg ICE grain contracts are scarcely traded, even though canola futures trade is robust. If ICE bought MGEX it would take another step into the grain market thanks to Minneapolis’ long-operated and well-supported grain futures contract. “They have their little war, and this is just one front,” said Driedger about the Kansas City takeover deal. He noted that Chicago, Kansas City and Minneapolis all use the CME Group’s trading platform, but if ICE bought Minneapolis and forced it to use its trading platform, it could weaken the hard red spring wheat contract. “Some users might not want to bother (with two platforms),” said Driedger.


Biodiesel demand boosts market for poor canola Elevators blend off-grade crop | Competition between biodiesel plants and grain firms for green or heated canola will raise prices BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The competition for off-grade canola is more fierce than usual, says a buyer of the crop. Milligan Biofuels is in the market for 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes of heated or green canola to fuel its recently expanded biodiesel plant in Foam Lake, Sask. Company president Joe Holash said that shouldn’t be difficult to find, considering about eight percent of the crop, or one million tonnes, ends up in the sample category in a typical year. However, Milligan faces stiffer competition for off-grade canola from elevator companies and crushers who are more eager than usual to blend poor quality canola this year because of the short crop. “What people are willing to take and use has been stretched out a little bit,” said Holash. Only 19 of the 2,000 harvest samples the Canadian Grain Commission has seen this fall were sample grade, but that number will rise as the season progresses. “There will be some more when bins start to heat. There always is,” said Daryl Beswitherick, the grain commission’s program manager for quality assurance. However, he said heating might be

What people are willing to take and use has been stretched out a little bit. JOE HOLASH MILLIGAN BIOFUELS

less of an issue than normal because the crop came off dry. The grain commission says chlorophyll content doesn’t appear to be a significant problem based on the 1,177 samples of No. 1 canola it has analyzed. They had a mean chlorophyll content of 15 parts per million, which is only slightly above the 10-year average of 14.2 ppm. However, Holash thinks high green seed counts could be an issue. “We’ve had a very uncharacteristically high number of calls into the plant with regards to green seed,.” There does appear to be a problem in Alberta. James Wright, spokesperson for the Agriculture Financial Services Corp., said crop quality is disappointing in that province. He estimates only 81 percent of Alberta’s canola will make the top grade because of high green seed counts. “The 81 percent is concerning.

When I first came into this business back in the ’70s and ’80s, canola would go 90 to 92 percent in that No. 1 grade,” said Wright. “We’ve been seeing it kind of slipping into the mid-to-high 80s making that top grade.” He said 81 percent is a poor number, considering there was no real frost problem this year. “Green seed seems to be an issue every year, even if it’s a good year,” said Wright. Holash said there isn’t as much of a market for heated canola. “There is some art and some science to extracting oil out of a damaged seed, and we’ve been doing that for a number of years, so we’re quite good at it,” he said. Milligan pays growers “a pretty substantial percentage” of the price they would get for commodity canola. Holash couldn’t provide a typical amount because the company buys everything from five to 95 percent damaged canola, but he said in most cases the price will be higher than $10 per bushel. D e r e k S q u a i r, p r e s i d e n t o f Agri-Trend Marketing Inc., works with producers trying to find a market for their damaged canola. In the past, growers would be happy if they could get $6 or $7 per bu. “The fact that Milligan is there is really upping the pr ice of that

product,” said Squair. He said the market for off-grade canola is limited, so the recent expansion at Milligan is good news for growers. Milligan increased its capacity to 20 million litres of annual biodiesel production from three or four million litres so it could help supply federal and provincial mandates. Growers can deliver directly to the Foam Lake plant, arrange for Milligan or a commercial hauler to pick it up or drop the damaged canola off at collection sites. The company has arrangements with Great Northern Grain Terminals Ltd. in Killam, Alta., and Ritchie Commodities in Langham, Sask., and is working on additional sites. Canola Watch has compiled a list of

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other companies that may take highgreen or heated canola. It can be found at www.canolawatch.org/2011/05/02/companiesthat-buy-high-green-canola/.


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CWB deals with delivery issues

CWB says owning elevators may be in future

Grain firms refuse delivery of CWB contracts | CWB encourages farmers to shop for best basis STORIES BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

CWB officials are encouraging farmers to commit wheat, durum, barley and canola to its 2012-13 harvest pool by the Oct. 31 sign-up deadline. CWB officials held a conference call with western Canadian farmers last week to promote the pool as a marketing option with flexible delivery terms allowing farmers to manage market risk. However, farmers in some parts of Western Canada said they are still having difficulty delivering grain to CWB contracts, an issue that was not entirely unexpected, according to CWB officials. With major grain companies still refusing to accept CWB grain in some areas, producers said delivery delays are hurting their decision to participate in CWB pools. “I’ve got three elevators within a couple of hours of me … and every one of them has told me that they have no plans to take any wheat board grain at all,” said a farmer from Youngstown, Alta., one of 3,000 prairie growers who participated in the Oct. 17 conference call with CWB executives. “It would be nice to have some insurance that you could deliver this grain before you sign a contract.” Gord Flaten, CWB vice-president of grain procurement, said board officials are aware of delivery concerns and are working with grain companies to resolve issues. He also stressed that CWB and grain handling companies are operating in a new environment. “There certainly were issues Some farmers are concerned about signing CWB pool contracts because they are not sure elevator earlier on when they (elevator companies will accept grain delivered to CWB accounts. | FILE PHOTO companies) were trying to clear out old crop supplies,” Flaten said. are willing to do,” said Flaten. “They also, quite rightly, are say“(The other thing) that I do want to ing that they don’t want to bring in stress is that just like every other grain well before they know We have a very good sales book year in the past, we can’t move the they’re going to move it, and that’s entire crop right after harvest so not certainly fair.” right now all the way through everybody is going to be able to Flaten said CWB is in constant Christmas and beyond so we are deliver in September or October.” contact with grain companies, going to be moving a lot of grain. Flaten said local CWB farm busimany of which are still getting up ness representatives can provide to speed on handling CWB grain GORDON FLATEN updated details on what types of in the new, deregulated grain CWB VICE-PRESIDENT OF GRAIN PROCUREMENT grain are moving and where. marketing environment. Despite concerns over movement Farmers say grain buyers in variof wheat board grain, CWB sales ous locations offer a range of reasons for their inability to handle costs for CWB grain, a cost com- resent a flexible and attractive mar- have been strong and deliveries are monly referred to as basis. keting option in terms of delivery occurring at a reasonably good CWB grain. Flaten said concerns pertaining opportunities, the quality and grade pace, Flaten said. Some elevators say they are busy “We have a very good sales book filling non-board sales contracts. t o b a s i s c o s t s a re a l s o b e i n g of grain being delivered, protein payments and the producer’s ability right now all the way through Others say they don’t have rail cars addressed. “We’ve heard that comment about to alter the terms of a contract with- Christmas and beyond so we are to accommodate CWB deliveries. going to be moving a lot of grain,” he “They’re all saying the same basis several times from a number out financial penalty. of local elevator staff, and I think Farmers who sign CWB contracts said. thing,” the Alberta grower said. “We’ve moved almost 25 percent “‘We’ve got lots of sales for our that’s one of the challenges that the can deliver their grain to any of the own grain so why would we take (elevator) companies are having, major elevator companies operat- of the early delivery pool (tonnage) already so I would encourage wheat board grain in when we getting information out to the coun- ing in Western Canada. If producers have trouble making (farmers) to stay in touch with all don’t have any rail cars for it right try level,” he said. “The fact is that the CWB does not delivery arrangements with one (grain handling companies) … now.’ (They’re) not going to plug up (their) elevators with wheat set the basis.… The companies company, they should contact because there are going to be delivboard grain when (they) can buy themselves decide what those another company and compare ery opportunities coming up for straight off-board grain and it’s charges are going to be. Many of delivery opportunities and basis sure.” these facilities have really just costs. CWB officials will be meeting with gone.” “I would encourage (farmers) to grain handling partners regularly to Other producers raised similar recently gotten up to speed on how just keep going back to those com- look at ways to improve CWB delivdelivery concerns, suggesting to deal with these contracts.” Flaten and CWB president Ian panies or checking with some oth- ery opportunities and streamline local elevators have yet to determine handling and transportation White stressed that CWB pools rep- ers to see what sort … of deal they grain movement.

The CWB would consider buying grain handling facilities to help market western Canadian grain. But asset buying is not likely in the next few months, said company officials last week. “One of the options that we have in the new environment is for the CWB to purchase assets like grain elevators,” said CWB vice-president Gord Flaten. “That’s something that (has) … potential but not something that we’ll likely do this winter.” Asked whether the board would consider setting up a network of rural grading stations and bulk handling facilities similar to what exists in Australia, CWB president Ian White said it would look at all opportunities aimed at helping farmers market their grain and improving delivery options. “The Australian experience is a little different to what we have here, but there’s no question that farmers really like to understand what their grain is grading and what it’s worth and sometimes they like to have an independent company doing that,” White said. “We (will) look at how we develop the company into the future and what opportunities there are for us to store grain, take large deliveries and then to move it later on…. We’ll be looking at all opportunities to help farmers out and to provide the best delivery opportunities for them.” White also offered a sneak peek into what form the CWB might take when privatization occurs in a few years. CWB officials prefer a business model that would include farmers as significant shareholders, he said. “Certainly we believe there’s a place for a farmer-owned or farmerfocused company in the Canadian prairie landscape once again and we’ll be certainly looking (at) … how we might affect that and what sort of process we have to go through to get to that,” he said. “We’ll be talking to farmers a lot about (this) when we come up with what that plan actually looks like, (but) our plan is not to have the CWB bought out by a grain company.… Our plan is to find ways of … having farmers as shareholders and maybe some other companies as shareholders as well, and looking for sources of capital.” White said access to capital will be critical to the company’s viability. “We realize that we’re going to have to develop the business to be successful in the future and that probably means owning some level of storage and throughput capacity ourselves,” he said. “To develop a grain company these days, it takes a lot of capital, so we’ll be looking at how we access capital and what we’ve got to do to be successful going forward.” White also said farmers could expect an announcement about CWB expanding its marketing programs to include pulse crops. “There’s no question that that’s something that we’ll be looking at in the future,” White said.





Feedlot placements tumble as corn prices slash profits

Canola supply expected to dwindle by year end

Down 19 percent from 2011 | Cattle were marketed earlier due to the drought CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — The number of cattle placed in U.S. feedlots for fattening last month fell more than expected to the smallest on record for that month. High feed costs curbed purchases by feedlots. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s cattle-on-feed report showed the number of cattle arriving at feedlots in September at 2.004 million head. That was down 19 percent from a year earlier and the smallest for the month since the USDA began the data series in 1996. It was also the biggest percentage drop since June 2010, when placements fell 19.8 percent. Analysts polled by Reuters expected a 14.9 percent drop in placements. Feedlots lost money on cattle bought from ranchers and sold to packing plants as a historic drought catapulted feed grain prices to record highs last summer and doubled the cost for hay. The pool of younger cattle had also shrunk after last year’s drought in the U.S. southwest reduced the herd to its smallest in 60 years, which has resulted in fewer cattle now. “Corn prices were high, feedlots suffered huge losses and there were not a whole lot of cattle outside of feedlots to be placed,” said University of Missouri livestock economist Ron Plain.



Exports will take biggest hit as markets adjust to smaller crop

Cattle prices for 2013 futures months were supported by weaker than expected placements in U.S. feedlots in September. | FILE PHOTO Livestock Marketing Information Center director Jim Robb said Arizona was the only state of those reported in the government’s survey that showed a placement increase. “There was a large decline in the placement of cattle weighing 800 pounds and heavier, much of that driven by this year’s drought,” he said. “Those heavy-weight placements were marketed earlier than normal this year because of the drought.” The USDA put the supply of cattle in

feedlots on Oct. 1 at 10.989 million head, or 97 percent of the year-ago total, versus a 97.8 percent forecast. The department said the number of cattle sold to packers in September was down 12 percent from a year earlier to 1.598 million head, compared to expectations of a 10 percent drop. The placement outcome could provide relief to the deep-deferred Chicago Mercantile Exchange contracts, while marketings could weigh on nearby trading months, analysts said.



The effect of the XL Foods plant closure continued to weigh on the market and prevented Canadian feeders from enjoying all the benefits of the normal seasonally rising market. Many feedlots marketed the heavy end of their inventory, which alleviated some marketing pressure. Feedlots forced packers to pay a little more because of their ability to hold out for higher prices and because of rising Chicago cattle futures, thanks to the strengthening beef cutout. Fe d s t e e r s w e re $ 1 0 6 . 8 0 p e r hundredweight on average, up 46 cents, and heifers were $107.49, up $2.44. U.S. packers showed interest, and Canadian cattle that sold on a cash basis saw prices comparable with Canadian prices. The hope that prices will be better the following week caused feeders to hold over some cattle. Sales volume was 11,711, down 26 percent from the previous week. The week’s cash to futures basis weakened 27 cents to close at -$16.68. Weekly fed exports to Oct. 6 totalled 10,800, up 25 percent from the previous week. The Choice-Select spread is widening, creating a growing premium for high grading cattle. The weaker Canadian dollar was supportive.

The number of non-fed slaughter cows at auction increased. D1, D2 cows were $58-$69 to average $63.63 and D3s were $50-$62 to average $56.75. Dressed bids were steady, trading at $130-$133 per cwt. Butcher bull prices fell $1 fell to average $76.96 per cwt. Western Canadian non-fed slaughter to Oct. 13 rose 19 percent to 4,033. Weekly non-fed exports to Oct. 6 rose one percent to 5,630 head.

tight Choice supplies have pushed the cut-out spread to the widest level since July 6. Montreal wholesale was unavailable.


FEEDERS VOLUME, PRICE UP Feeder cattle prices were steady to 50 cents per cwt. higher on a large seasonal offering as apprehensive producers re-entered the market. Stockers 300-400 pounds rose $2.25. Steers 500-700 lb. were mostly steady and heifers were up 50 cents. Steers and heifers 800 lb. fell 75 cents while 900 lb. rose $1. Auction volume soared 86 percent to 44,867 head. Weekly feeder exports to Oct 6 rose 35 percent to 2,401 head. There were more non-fed cattle at auction.

U.S. BEEF PRICES RISE U.S. cutouts rose $3.50-$5.50 US, with Choice cutouts showing particular strength. Strong retail demand together with

This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at www.canfax.ca.

Agriculture Canada figures this country will be virtually sold out of canola by the end of 2012-13. The department updated its supply and demand outlook last week and pegged year end canola stocks at only 450,000 tonnes. That would be the lowest stocks since the carr yover of 319,000 tonnes in 1998, but represents a tighter situation than it did back then when the stocks-to-use ratio fell to about five percent. Carryout as a percentage of total use this year is expected to fall to three percent. In other words, we’ll be scraping the bottom of the barrel. The ratio was five percent last year and 16 percent in 2010-11. Agriculture Canada forecasts a season average price of $630-$670 per tonne basis Vancouver. The Vancouver trackside price late last week was $647. It expects producer deliveries will be heavily weighted to the first half of the crop year. The futures market is encouraging delivery now. In a normal autumn, prices in contract months later in the year are usually higher than the current contract. The difference is called the carry and represents a payment to farmers to hold grain on the farm until later in the year when elevators are not clogged with off-the-combine deliveries and demand is expected to be better. This year we are experiencing an inverse canola market because current prices are higher than those in the deferred contracts. One reason for the inverse is the expectation that South America will produce a record large soybean


crop, with harvest beginning around February. Ending the inverse would require a production problem in South America but for now, moisture is generally good to adequate as farmers there seed their crops. Agriculture Canada expects export and domestic markets to take less than they did last year when supply was greater. Exports are expected to take the biggest hit, falling 17 percent to 7.2 million tonnes. Domestic crush is expected to fall seven percent to 6.5 million tonnes despite increased crush capacity, most notably with the expansion of the Bunge crushing plant at Altona, Man., which is slated to be operational in the first quarter of 2013. Feed, waste and dockage are expected to fall 76 percent to 61,000 tonnes. Turning to other crops, Agriculture Canada expects that year-end stocks of durum and wheat will fall, with durum dropping to 1.1 million tonnes, the second lowest amount since 2000. All wheat, excluding durum, is expected to fall to four million tonnes, also the second smallest amount since 2000. Barley stocks by the end of 2012-13 are expected to edge higher to a slightly more comfortable 1.5 million tonnes from 1.22 million last year. Oat stocks are expected to continue falling, to 775,000 tonnes from 817,000 last year. Flax stocks are also expected to fall, to 100,000 tonnes from 141,000 last year and 194,000 two years ago. Pea stocks are expected to fall to just 200,000 tonnes for a stocks-to-use ratio of only seven percent. The lentil oversupply is expected to shrink a little with carryout stocks dipping to 650,000 tonnes, down from 788,000 tonnes. The stocks to use ratio would fall to 42 percent from 52 percent last crop year. Mustard stocks are expected to fall to 60,000 tonnes for a stocks-to-use ratio of 39 percent. Canaryseed supply is expected to almost disappear, dropping to just 5,000 tonnes for a stocks-to-use ratio of four percent. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.

WP LIVESTOCK REPORT CASH HOGS RISE U.S. hogs rose on stronger pork and improved packer margins. Hog futures rose, with the December contract closing the week at $79.62 US per hundredweight, up $1.25 from the previous Friday. Iowa-southern Minnesota hogs rose to $62 US per cwt. Oct. 19, up from $60-$61 Oct. 12. The U.S. composite pork carcass cut-out value was $89.05 Oct 19, up from $87.03 Oct. 12. U.S. slaughter for the week dipped to 2.388 million from 2.396 million the week before but was well up from 2.312 million a year ago.

BISON PRESSURED LOWER The Canadian Bison Association

said prices fell. Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were mostly $3.50$3.65 Cdn per pound hot hanging weight with some sales to $3.90. Grade A heifers were $3.50-$3.80. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted. In the live market, yearlings were mostly $1.80-$2.10, with a few sales to $2.20, depending on quality.

SHEEP, LAMBS HIGHER Beaver Hill Auction in Tofield, Alta., reported 1,304 sheep and 212 goats sold Oct. 15. Wool lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $133-$144 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $122-$138, 86-105 lb. were $115-$131

and 106 lb. and heavier were $106$116. Wool rams were $58-$70 per cwt. Cull ewes were $50-$62 and bred ewes were $125-$160 per head. Hair lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $138-$154 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $125-$138, 86-105 lb. were $120$130 and 106 lb. and heavier were $103-$120. Hair rams were $48-$70 per cwt. Cull ewes were $60-$78. Good kid goats lighter than 50 lb. were $190-$267.50. Those heavier than 50 lb. were $200-$267.50 per cwt. Nannies were $68-$79 per cwt. Billies were $100-$127.50. Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 2,556 sheep and lambs and 238 goats traded Oct. 15. All well-fed lambs, good goats and sheep traded higher.





Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail: joanne.paulson@producer.com



Beef crisis good time to revisit irradiation idea


nother day, another extension to the beef recall connected to XL Foods. That’s the way it’s been going lately, though recent negative E. coli tests on carcasses in XL’s plant in Brooks, Alta., suggest additions to the largest beef recall in Canadian history are being made from an abundance of caution rather than a major threat to human health. The recent beef recall and the 2008 Maple Leaf meat recall illustrate the widespread distribution of food products in this country and abroad. Food safety lapses have far-reaching effects in human health and suffering, financial losses to companies and those that supply them and reductions in consumer confidence and demand. Yet there are tools at our disposal to make food safer and limit the fallout from situations like that at XL. One of those is irradiation. It’s time to seriously consider employing it if we are also serious about reducing illness caused by E. coli and its equally unpalatable cousins, salmonella, listeria and campylobacter. The well-informed readers of this newspaper have probably heard of food irradiation. But a February 2012 survey done by Angus Reid for the Consumers Association of Canada showed 57 percent of Canadians have not. Irradiation involves exposing food to some form of ionizing energy: gamma rays, electron beams or X-rays. This exposure kills bacteria. It does not cause food to become radioactive. Consumers are understandably dubious about radiation in connection with food. Many are likely unaware that some food in Canada is already irradiated and much more is approved as suitable for irradiation. The technique is sometimes used on potatoes and onions to prevent sprouting, and is also federally approved for use on wheat, flour, whole and ground spices and dehydrated seasonings. In this country, anything irradiated must carry the radura symbol.

According to Health Canada, at least 39 other countries approve irradiation for food ranging from those listed above to chicken, fruit and vegetables. Irradiation of food has been extensively studied and scientifically supported as effective in killing potentially dangerous bacteria. It has been in use for various sterilization applications for more than 30 years. Irradiation has a cost, of course, and that would likely have to be borne by food processors and food handling companies. As well, there are suggestions, though unproven, that the process affects the nutritional value of food. Isotopes must be used, transported and disposed of, which generates another bevy of issues. The fact remains, however, that irradiation can make food safer if we choose to use it. And if we so choose, it can be used in concert with existing food safety measures in plants like XL Foods, Maple Leaf and other major food processors — measures like steam pasteurization, cooking and proper sanitation. It can augment existing food safety techniques, not replace them. Nor would irradiation release consumers from responsibility for safe food handling through proper cooking, cleaning and hand washing. Food deemed safe at one point in the chain does not mean it’s safe at the end unless each link takes responsibility for retaining that safety. But meat is only one part of the food picture. Irradiation has far wider applications. It is a proven technique that has been studied and is already widely used. Its potential for increasing food safety on a wider scale is far more assured. If any good can come of the XL Foods recall, perhaps it will occur in the form of a closer look at the benefits of irradiation and greater consumer support for enhanced food safety measures.


If God had intended us to be alone, there would be more pleasure in massaging our own shoulders. ROBERT BRAULT

With such long ears, an ear rub is much appreciated between two donkeys on Burro Alley Ranch, near Millarville, Alta. | WENDY DUDLEY PHOTO

Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.


Pushing through CGC changes with little chance for debate an abuse of power NATIONAL VIEW



s the government would have it, the agricultural industry should not have been surprised by the bombshell inclusion of significant grain industry regulatory changes in the latest mammoth budget bill. It was in the budget, don’t you know. So for the record, here it is: On page 120 of the Economic

Action Plan 2012 presented to Parliament March 29, finance minister Jim Flaherty promised to continue efforts to “modernize key institutions within the grain sector.” Along with that vague promise came a $44 million commitment over two years as the Canadian Grain Commission “updates its fee structure.” From that, industry and politicians imagined a bill to update the Canada Grain Act that would receive reasonable debate, committee study and parliamentary due diligence. Instead, they got this: Changes to the Canada Grain Act defining grain commission functions and powers take up a bit more than 30 pages in a more than 400-page socalled “budget implementation bill” tabled last week that covers the waterfront, including reducing envi-

ronmental regulations for navigable rivers. The Conservatives had signaled that changes were coming once they achieved their majority last year. Opposition MPs were bracing for a fight. Grain industry groups were gearing up to support, oppose and suggest changes to proposed legislation. Then came last week’s mammoth Bill C-38 budget implementation bill that not only changed the debate about grain industry changes. It virtually killed it. By throwing it into a broad bill, the government sends a dog’s breakfast of legislative reform proposals to the finance committee — where few MPs have any expertise on most of the files being amended. In the case of the Canada Grain Act

amendments, the Commons agriculture committee would be best suited to deal with what is a major reform after 40 years. MPs could educate themselves about the issue, call witnesses, propose changes or approve it as sacred text handed down from the mount by Moses Flaherty. Instead, these changes will receive little examination from the finance committee by MPs who have never seen a grain auger or know what it does. They may call a few perfunctory witnesses, but it will be largely symbolic. The budget bill will be approved by the Conservative majority and a major change in the grain industry will be implemented with little analysis of what it could mean. The government won’t care. In fact, it will celebrate.

It listens to people who tell it what it wants to hear: farmers are toiling under the yoke of governmentimposed burden, although a broader group of industry leaders has more nuanced views of that issue; the streets are being overrun by criminals, so tough-on-crime legislation is needed even as statistics point in the opposite direction; Canada’s history is a story of warriors and wars when many believe it is a broader history. But that is the government we have: blunt, lacking nuance and listening to its friends. So this significant change in grain commission rules will go through with little debate, and that is a shame. There are great arguments for change but pushing them through buried in a legislative wheelbarrow full of mud is not the proper way.






New strategy needed for beef sector

JBS takeover of XL Foods raises questions



anada’s beef sector is at a tipping point. Although the sector generates $6 billion in farmgate sales and represents 15 percent of the country’s total agricultural production, we are at risk of becoming a net importer of beef from the United States. Our beef and cattle trade with the U.S. is vital, but our trade balance is worsening. In 2002, Canada’s balance of trade with the U.S. was worth $1.4 billion. By 2011, it was just $42 million. Eighty-five percent of Canada’s beef and cattle exports go to the U.S. After processing south of the border, higher-value beef is then exported back to Canada. In 2011, our exports of beef to the U.S. averaged $3.74 per kilogram while average beef imports from the U.S. were $6.55 per kg. Moreover, the Americans are using Canadian supply, known as backfilling, to expand their own beef exports. Canada is aggressively opening up new export markets but the U.S. is recording triple-digit beef export growth, in part because of Canada’s supply. There is a growing recognition here that we can’t optimize the domestic, American and other foreign markets at the rate we are shipping cattle and beef to the U.S. This is made more challenging by the fact that Canada’s national herd size has declined 20 percent since 2005. While the data can fluctuate, beef is also facing declining consumption in Canada: 10 percent over the past decade. The trend affects many

Beef supply chain leaders need to work together. | countries, although, importantly, Asia is consuming more beef. Consumers are choosing other proteins. Responding to changing consumer preferences is pressing. Consumers want to know more about the food they eat. Price is important. But consumers are making protein choices on the basis of perceived healthfulness, environmental considerations and animal handling practices. Canada’s beef sector has a choice to make: remain primarily a commodity beef player or strive to be more of a value-added supplier driven by consumer demand.


A new collaborative strategy is needed. From producers to retailers, each link in the beef supply chain needs to better use and share information on beef performance, grade and yield, market characteristics and consumer preferences. Other players are integral to support this pursuit, such as the feed sector, information technologies, veterinarians and nutritionists. This also involves demonstrating trustworthiness. Consumer expectations are rising. People want to know more about the origin of the beef they eat, what the cattle were fed and whether antibiotics were used. Canada’s reputation for safety, care

and quality is saleable, and we need to fully exploit these aspects. The question is whether we are being systematic enough about it so we can beat out our competitors and achieve premium prices for the effort. Agrifood players in other countries are showing the way. The Australians have reorganized their meat and livestock sector to better respond to consumer and market opportunities. T h e U. S. d a i r y i n d u s t r y h a s launched a major effort to lower carbon emissions and improve productivity by working better together on sustainability objectives. The Canadian beef sector has also been taking steps to better position itself in this changing marketplace. For instance, the Canadian Angus Program and the Ontario Corn-Fed Beef Program are expanding their reach by relying on cattle identification practices and protocols to promote quality attributes with packers and retailers who, in turn, can assure consumers of the source and quality of their respective beef products. These examples show that targeting opportunities requires collaboration and a clear focus on strategy. Beef supply chain leaders and their partners need to come together to assess what they can achieve together. A robust dialogue on the objectives is needed. The sector’s future prosperity depends on it. David McInnes is the president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute. For a copy of CAPI’s new report, Canada’s Beef Food System, visit www.capi-icpa.ca.


Canadian beef industry enters pivotal time HURSH ON AG



his could well be the year that Canada becomes a net importer of beef. We had only a meagre trade surplus in 2011. With the situation at XL Foods, there’s a good chance the balance has been tipped. A comprehensive report released in early September by the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) sounded alarm bells for the Canadian beef industry. As everyone knows, the industry is extremely reliant on the U.S. market. The Americans account for 85 per cent of our export sales. In 2011, we sent them nearly $1 billion worth of

beef and nearly $800 million worth of cattle. Trouble is, we’re now importing almost as much as we’re exporting. In some cases, Canadian cattle are going to the U.S. and we’re buying back the beef from those animals. In 2002, our overall trade balance was $1.4 billion. In 2011, it was a mere $42 million. With the XL Foods plant at Brooks, Alta., closed, we’re sending more cattle to the United States for slaughter, and we’re no doubt importing more American beef. Cargill in High River, Alta., has picked up some of the slack, but plants south of the border will be the big benefactors. The beef we’re importing is worth a lot more than the cattle we’re sending south. There are other troubling statistics in the CAPI report. Canada supplies 75 per cent of the beef for its own market. This has fallen from 87 per cent in 2005 as imports from the U.S. have risen. The beef on your plate is more likely than ever to have come from the U.S.

The Canadian cow herd is declining: down by a million head, 20 percent, since 2005. As well, per capita consumption of beef continues to decline, dropping more than 10 percent since 2001. We now consume only 61 pounds per person per year. If you’re old enough, you’ll remember when consumption was close to 100 lb. a year. If it’s any consolation, pork consumption has declined by more than 28 percent since 2001, while poultry consumption has dropped a mere 3.4 percent. Canadian beef consumption actually increased during the BSE crisis in 2003 as consumers rallied around the industry. The massive beef recall from XL Foods will create a different consumer reaction. The number of people confirmed ill as a result of the XL problems is relatively small. More people than that could get food poisoning from a single restaurant on a single night. But all the publicity has probably had an impact on beef consumption. So why aren’t we selling more beef

to developing nations where beef consumption is rising? Why are American exports beyond Canada up 280 percent on a value basis since 2005, while Canadian expor ts beyond the U.S. are up only 45 percent over the same period? The CAPI report says opportunities are being eroded by a failure to work together. Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz is criticized for many policies, but everyone agrees that he has worked tirelessly to re-open foreign markets for Canadian beef. Why haven’t we been able to capitalize on this, particularly since our cattle identification system is light-years ahead of the Americans? It appears likely that XL Foods will be taken over by Brazilian based JBS, the largest beef packing company in the world. Then both of our major packers will be foreign owned. Is it the beginning of a different approach or more beef industry decline? Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at kevin@hursh.ca.




hen the news broke last week that Brazilian firm JBS S.A. would take over management of the beleaguered XL Foods plant in Brooks, Alta., one of the first questions that leapt to mind was, what do they know that XL does not? Why would it take a foreign beef slaughtering company to fix the production issues at this Canadian plant? Canadian Cattlemen’s Association president Martin Unrau described JBS as having a global reputation as a leader in the beef business. He further said that JBS has “sophisticated knowledge of modern beef harvesting management.” Did JBS, via its American arm, have to bring in that sophisticated knowledge to edge the plant closer to a full reopening? Was XL Foods unable to figure it out, even under the watch of food inspectors? If that is the case, it would mean the processes at XL have been so disastrous the company could not return to productivity under its own policies and procedures. And if so, you have to wonder how that was allowed to happen. While the surprise announcement of the JBS management takeover is related to XL’s inability to get the plant operational, it’s really all about the money. Plants of this size cannot stay closed for weeks or months without losing staggering sums. And JBS is not just a manager. It has an option to buy the plant, as well as other XL assets, for $100 million in cash and shares after the management agreement ends. XL has been in takeover discuss i o n s w i t h J B S f o r s o m e t i m e, although at deadline, no one was saying for how long. It’s likely, though, on a deal that size, that negotiations began weeks or months ago before the beef recall. H o w e v e r, t h e t i m i n g o f t h e announcement — as the plant was struggling to reopen — suggests that the deal has been expedited. This is because it is in no one’s financial interest to keep the plant fully or partly out of production — particularly not the Nilsson brothers, owners of XL, or JBS. It seems pathetic that another company had to step in to save 40 percent of Canada’s beef production. On the other hand, if JBS does have the credentials and the credibility pointed to by industry players, perhaps this is a good a way as any to save XL Foods and its 2,200 jobs.





Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.

To the Editor:

Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

The farmer elected Canadian Wheat Board conducted an informal referendum in 2011 in which more than 60 percent of prairie farmers indicated that they wanted to retain the board in its then-existing form. In commenting on this, prime minister (Stephen) Harper said that they would ignore the result of this vote because although it indicated that most farmers wanted to retain the board as it was, they could not let a majority take away the rights of the minority.

The present federal Conservative government was elected with less than 40 percent of the popular vote so it actually represents a minority of the electorate, and in effect we have a minority taking away the rights of majority. Any fair-minded person would concede that this is undemocratic and the tactics used by Harper and agriculture minister (Gerry) Ritz to eliminate the single-desk wheat board were dictatorial. Dairy, egg and poultry farmers are concerned that their supply management systems are the next target of the Harper government with its agenda of taking away marketing power from farmers.

Concern has been voiced recently regarding the activity of big investment firms in commodity markets. Futures markets exist to serve producers and users of raw materials, but they have become a tool for others to manage risks they have in, for example, equities and bonds. Are we now going back to the days of paper wheat, when speculators with deep pockets selling and buying non-existent grain on the futures markets significantly influenced, usually negatively, the price that the actual producers received? Harold J. Berg, Kelowna, B.C.

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I’m not usually one to kick a man when he’s down, but this time, I’m only stopping to lace up my steeltoed boots. I am tired of having to defend the business tactics of the Nilsson brothers just because their business is so big everything they do affects the rest of our industry. Their handling of this latest debacle at their Brooks, Alta., packing plant is absolutely unpardonable. Anyone can make a mistake, but taking five days to get their records to CFIA and nearly a month to issue a press release indicates (a problem). These guys were at the forefront asking for industry self-regulation, yet they have done nothing without CFIA forcing their hand. I would feel differently had the Nilssons stood in front of the public in a timely manner to explain what was happening and quell fears, if they had taken the initiative to pull meat or slow production before they were forced to, or if they had a credible history of emphasizing food safety over production speed. Sadly, tar and feathers are relegated to past eras, but these clowns need to be run out of town.


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To the Editor:

Margaret Leigh, Melfort, Sask.


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To the Editor: A lot has been said in this paper (WP Sept. 13 editorial) about organic farming and organic food. The public continues to debate whether or not either has any value. We took up the challenge four years ago and converted to organic farming. Now we are wondering why we waited so long to make the change. The high cost of chemicals and fertilizer were two good reasons to convert. The effects on the environment were another important reason. When you consider that some farmers are spraying as many as seven times per growing season, you can’t help but wonder what this does to the soil and all other living things. This is not conventional farming; it’s chemical farming, plain and simple, and yes, very expensive. In my opinion, real conventional farming is what farmers did pre-2,4 D or prechemicals. Some think that organic farming is just a fad — oh, really? People who believe in organics are in it to produce better and safer food. Those who question the practice need to do their homework. So-called scientific studies seem very biased: who does the research and who is paying to have it done? Are critics afraid that consumers will prefer more organic food in the future? There seems to be a movement to discredit organics, but it doesn’t appear to be having the desired result. In the final analysis, what kind of food would you choose for your family if it was readily available to you? Common sense dictates the obvious. Remember when they used to tell us that a certain chemical was so safe that you could drink it? Funny thing about that. No one, to this day, has

OPEN FORUM ever seen a sales representative drink the stuff. Jo Ella Jonsson Rafuse, Richard, Sask.

HARD TO LOSE To the Editor: In her Sept. 27 letter to the Editor in the WP (Not easy to export), Bernice Tiringer of Spiritwood, Sask., misrepresents the CWB’s long-standing Producer Direct Sales program. She complains farmers could not make money using it and infers it was therefore OK to break the Customs Act. However, the facts are straightforward. Once farmers entered the PDS program, the CWB arranged export licences with Canada Customs and farmers could then export grain at


Curiosity is a necessity SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES



uriosity, the name of the Rover that landed on Mars, might be a byword for this generation. Curiosity, to me, indicates what is vital and forward-looking, even though it is examining data that is millions of years old. Our churches and church leaders might well follow suit. Our faith’s orientation is based, on the one hand, on what happened in a time and place that is of the past. But we need to be curious about what we learn from those stories and teachings to help us survive the present and move onward. The ancient legend about the origin of sin is a prime example. Ancient sages placed the story in a Garden called Eden. There was a man and a woman and a tree which bore fruit. An order was given to not eat this fruit, but both people disobeyed those instructions. When the Creator challenged them, one passed the buck to the other, and then onto the serpent. Because they refused to fess up, they were cursed with the burden of wrongdoing and were thrown out of Paradise. Today we look at turmoil in private lives, in corporate affairs and in the murmurings of government, and we see that ancient saga repeated. It’s called passing the buck, lacking in transparency. It is seldom about trying to find the truth. Can we ever learn from the teachings of past generations? Where is our curiosity? When will we ask why we need to keep repeating old mistakes? Whispers of hope are carried with the breath of the Spirit. “Follow me,” Jesus said. “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Look to the Living God who constantly opens new vistas and invites us to move beyond our past. Leave our excuses behind and search out the God-given gifts within our reach. Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian ruralchurch.net.

any price they chose. Their grain was still part of the CWB pool, so any CWB interim and final payments were still sent to farmers. So it would be very difficult to actually lose money on a CWB PDS sale if the farmer had any understanding of the grain market and timed his sale properly. Many organic and other producers with premium sales also routinely and successfully used the PDS program. The so-called buy back simply represented what the CWB was achieving for the sale of that type of grain at that time. It often, but not always, provided a disincentive to undercutting the CWB’s price. However, a farmer could still sell grain below the CWB price if he felt developing a customer relationship was that important. Like all things, bigger is usually more efficient and grain has the most

value when it is part of a uniform export shipment in an ocean vessel typically carrying 60,000 metric tonnes. This was one of the benefits for farmers of the single desk CWB, which has now come to an end. Since Ms. Tiringer writes from Spiritwood in the north-central part of Saskatchewan, like most farmers she will find transportation costs, rather than market access, are what make direct from individual farm export sales uneconomic. Ms. Tiringer may find a 1996 publication by Alberta Agriculture on this subject useful. It needs less than a page to explain the CWB PDS and then takes a full seven pages to explain the complicated paper work the farmer must fill out to get their grain into the United States. Ken Larsen, Benalto, Alta.


RITZ’S RESIGNATION To the Editor: The people of the West should ask for (agriculture minister) Gerry Ritz’s resignation. What has he done for agriculture? He doesn’t do much for the people in Saskatchewan. (Prime minister Stephen) Harper and Ritz did away with the Canadian Wheat Board, PFRA pastures, closing out the Indian Head tree nursery, cutting back on AgriInvest, AgriStability and Parks Canada. Maybe we should force (Saskatchewan agriculture minister) Lyle Stewart into Ritz’s position. At least he stands up for Saskatchewan; he voices his opinion when dealing with the feds. Now w e hav e X L b e e f c l o s e d because the feds cut back on Canad i a n Fo o d In s p e c t i o n A g e n c y employees. It’s the worst time for this


to hit as the fall calf run starts now, in October. With the shortage of feed in Ontario and the U.S. in a drought, the feds are not interested in agriculture. Do you ever hear the other MPs from Saskatchewan voice their opinion? They became very silent. But then, the Saskatchewan government themselves cut back on the museums such as the Western Development Museum. They should be encouraging people to preserve our heritage, whether the young are interested or not. They have to see what our forefathers did to help develop our country. If we don’t preserve this, it is lost forever. One thing about the Saskatchewan Party, we had Bob Bjornerud and now Lyle Stewart to voice their opinions for the agriculture sector. Elaine Cozart, Brownlee, Sask.



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Hog producers hope rainbow doesn’t fade

Dry winter forecast may get wetter La Nina-El Nino transition | Shift in weather patterns behind reasons for updated predictions BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM


Hog producers can see the other side of the chasm but don’t know if the road will run out before they get there, the Canadian Swine Health Forum heard. “Is there anything to build a bridge, to get them over,” wondered Manitoba Pork Council vice-chair Rick Bergmann in an interview. Dozens of producers attended the highly technical veterinary conference, something that delighted organizers of the yearly, four-year-old event. It also suggested to some that Canada’s core hog producers not only plan to survive the crisis, but play to the national industry’s strengths once the financial crisis has ended. “I’m pretty enthused,” said board chair Florian Possberg. “I think that what we’re seeing here is producers and industry recognizing that health is really important for our Canadian advantage.” However, Possberg acknowledged that the Canadian industry is under incredible strain, with high feed costs causing massive losses only shortly after the H1N1 outbreak, the commodity price collapse of 2008-09 and the large appreciation of the Canadian dollar. Some sow liquidation is occurring in the United States, but most Canadian hog industry officials think Western Canada is shrinking the herd faster and more profoundly. Possberg said he believes 40,000 sows have been taken out of production since late summer, including some from relatively new facilities. “For most of those, it’s unlikely they’ll return soon or at all,” he said. “A number of established producers have decided to exit.” Claude Vielfaure, whose company HyLife operates one of North America’s largest hog production companies and one of two significant Manitoba slaughter plants, said the specialized, stand-alone nature of many prairie hog farms has made this crisis hit harder than in other places. “There seem to be more problems in Western Canada, and maybe that’s because of people being more diversified in Ontario and the U.S.,” said Vielfaure in an interview. “Maybe some of these companies had better advantages, better profitability for the past two or three years, so they may have had more money in their pockets to get through these lows.” Bergmann said the farmers he has talked to want to stay in the business but have a short-term cash squeeze. It is almost universally accepted that the herd liquidation now occurring will lead to greater profitability for the next few years, but simple sur vival until next spring is the problem. “It appears there’s some challenge with government understanding the urgency of the situation,” said Bergmann. Possberg, who founded Big Sky Farms but is not involved with that company now, was upbeat about the industry regardless of the present crisis.


An unusual shift in weather patterns could save dry prairie farms from getting drier. Forecasters were certain this summer that the world was transitioning from a La Nina event into an El Nino event, which would gain strength in the fall. That meant western Canadian farms would be in for a drier-thannormal winter after many of them had already endured a moisturestarved summer. However, the warming trend in the tropical Pacific Ocean that is a sure sign of an El Nino has suddenly backed off to the point where the water is actually a little cooler than normal. It is a puzzling development. “These events tend to reach their peak during the late fall, like November into December and early January,” said Bryce Anderson, senior agriculture meteorologist with DTN. “But instead, here we have everything backing off. So that’s what’s kind of unprecedented.” Anderson is still calling for a drierthan-normal winter for the prairie region, simply because that has been the recent pattern. However, it won’t be as parched as it would have been if a full-fledged El Nino had developed. A storm system that crossed the eastern half of the Prairies earlier this month delivered 13 to 38 millimetres of rain and snow to some of the driest parts of the region. “That certainly helped out. The big question is, is this the beginning of what’s going to be a series of these types of events or was this just sort of a one shot deal?” said Anderson. His hunch is it’s the latter. “At this point, we still have to lean

more toward the drier side just because that pattern has been pretty evident.” Megan Evans, a meteorologist with AccuWeather.com, is slightly more optimistic. She thinks it will be drier than normal through December and then improve in January and February as a series of Alberta clippers deliver much-needed snow across the Prairies. The quick-moving storms will not provide large amounts of snow, but there will be enough of them that the Prairies should experience near normal moisture conditions this winter. One caveat is that the AccuWeather forecast is based on a weak El Nino, but current conditions are closer to neutral. Anderson said it’s such an odd year that anything could happen. “There is an outside possibility that later in the winter we could see a La Nina develop in the Pacific. That’s not out of the question.” That would deliver more wintertime moisture across the Prairies. DTN is forecasting normal to above normal temperatures this winter, which again would be a continuation of the existing trend. That’s in contrast to the AccuWeather forecast, which is calling for slightly colder-than-normal temperatures in northern Alberta, central Saskatchewan and southern Manitoba as quick shots of Arctic air sweep across the Prairies. “That’s going to feel profoundly different from last year,” said Evans. Last year was the third warmest winter on record in Canada. Temperatures were 6 C above normal for the prairie region, which is a substantial difference. For instance, the average temperature in Saskatoon for the September through March period was -1.3 C, which was 5.6 C above normal.

Are you looking for…

Weather forecasters say it’s an odd year and anything can happen. If a La Nina weather pattern develops, expect more snow this winter. | FILE PHOTO

Pennsylvania-based AccuWeather.com is predicting cooler than normal temperatures with normal snowfall across much of the Prairies in its latest winter forecast.

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Customers eager to see new rail rules take effect Shippers seek service agreements | Railways say binding third party arbitration could be “a dangerous path to follow” BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Lobby efforts are intensifying as the railways and their customers await new rail legislation expected to be introduced by the federal government later this year. Officials with Transport Canada say Ottawa remains committed to tabling a bill this fall that will give shippers a legislated right to sign commercial service level agreements (SLAs) with the railways. Among other things, the SLAs would define the responsibilities of shippers

and rail companies as well as outline financial penalties that could be applied when either party fails to meet its contractual obligations. Shippers say SLAs are needed to ensure acceptable railway performance on rail car placements, transit times, transit time variability and other key performance measures. If passed, the proposed legislation could also establish a formal process aimed at ensuring SL As can be reached in the event that commercial negotiations fail between shippers and railway companies. That process could include binding

third party arbitration, an option the major railways oppose and one that could jeopardize the relationship between shippers and railway companies, according to Claude Mongeau, chief executive officer of Canadian National Railway. In a letter to CN’s major railway customers, Mongeau asked shippers to step back, assess their relationship with CN and consider how the introduction of more government regulations could affect service. The use of arbitrated contracts could have serious, unintended consequences, he added.

“This (use of arbitration) is simply unprecedented in a market based economy and it would be a dangerous path to follow,” Mongeau wrote. “It could have serious consequences for the rail industry and, ultimately, the supply chain that serves you.” The federal government has been hinting for years that changes are needed to ensure a more level playing field between shippers and railway companies. Interest in a legislated solution has been gaining steam since January 2011 when a federally appointed Rail Freight Service Review panel headed

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by former Alberta agriculture minister Walter Paszkowki submitted its final report to Transport Canada. The panel’s report contained recommendations aimed at “rebalancing the relationship” between railways and shippers. The government responded in March 2011, saying it accepted the panel’s findings and was prepared to take four steps to improve rail performance: • a six month facilitation process involving railways and shippers and led by former Alberta MLA Jim Dinning, aimed at developing a template service level agreement and establishing a system for resolving commercial disputes • federal legislation giving shippers the right to sign service level agreements • the establishment of a commodity supply chain table to identify and address logistical issues and to establish a system of railway performance measurements • an in-depth analysis of the grain supply chain to identify problems and identify potential solutions The Dinning process wrapped up earlier this year and failed to reach a consensus on key issues. Since then, shipper groups, including farmers, grain handling companies and agricultural exporters, have stressed the need for comprehensive legislation. Greg Cherewyk, executive director of Pulse Canada, said the agriculture industry and shippers in general are optimistic. “There’s no reason to believe that we won’t achieve a piece of legislation … that delivers what we asked it to deliver, and that was greater predictability in the relationship that we have between shippers and carriers.” Cherewyk said shippers have achieved an “unparalleled level of collaboration” and have presented concerns to Ottawa as a united voice. “We haven’t had any indication so far that they (Ottawa) haven’t agreed or listened to anything that we’ve said.” Wade Sobkowich, executive director of the Western Grain Elevators Association, said changes are overdue. The association would like to see legislation that establishes communications protocols, improved methods for monitoring and reporting of railway performance, a balanced dispute resolution process and the use of arbitration if necessary in establishing service levels agreements. “(The Coalition of Rail Shippers) started this process in May of 2006 … to ask for changes in rail legislation,” said Sobkowich. “It’s been a very long time coming.” Sobkowich described Mongeau’s comments as a desperate attempt to avoid legislation that will ensure better service for shippers. Mark Hallman, CN’s director of communications and public affairs, said his company is not opposed to entering service level agreements but is concerned by the tools that might be used to establish those agreements. CN is proposing mediated agreements rather than binding arbitration. CN officials also argue that if mediated agreements are not possible, the Canadian Transportation Agency should be engaged rather than third party arbitrators.




‘Golden age of profitability’ ahead? INDUSTRY WOES | Economic crises at two of the Prairies’ largest hog companies are the latest events in a tumultuous 15 years for the industry. In this second installment of a two-part special series, Karen Briere and Ed White examine the root causes and the industry’s future.

A one-year drought or string of small problems will have much less impact on prices if the world grows more crops. So livestock feed costs should become more manageable in the futures.

The other side of the livestock production profit equation is the price of animals and meat. They should strengthen, and add to the prospect of improved profits for producers.



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ivestock producers are on the verge of what could be a golden age of profitability, say analysts. They could soon take hold of the reins of an agricultural bull market that crop farmers have held since the mid-2000s. “We’re kind of at that point where (feedgrain) supply can catch up with that demand growth,” said Purdue University hog industry economist Chris Hurt. “We are going to see a better supply/demand balance on things like corn and soybeans in the next one to five years.” That would be a relief for thousands of livestock producers squeezed by repeated feedgrain price spikes since 2006. Livestock producers will also benefit from herd liquidations prompted by high feed costs and the lack of feed and pastures. “Somewhere in the not-too-distant future, you could be looking at phenomenal profit conditions, but how many are going to make it there?” said Al Mussell of the George Morris Centre. Hurt’s bullish long-term outlook is based on two factors that make crop prices less likely to surge dramatically in the future: • the corn demand increase caused by U.S. ethanol laws is about to top out and then decline • China’s growth rate is dropping and might soon stop challenging the world’s ability to produce resources such as soybeans. Ethanol’s consumption of corn and wheat isn’t expected to drop in the future, but Hurt said that’s not what’s important. Annual U.S. corn yield increases of two bushels per year are expected to meet the extra ethanol capacity that

Hog producers who survive the crisis should benefit from the ongoing hog and cattle herd liquidations.

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is to be added in the next two years. After that, the percentage of corn consumed by ethanol production will steadily decline. “If you have a trend yield increase in corn, it will take less corn area to supply the ethanol,” said Hurt. “You will have a declining demand base.” It’s the same situation with China’s booming demand for soybeans. Its imports of 61 million tonnes account for about two-thirds of world trade in the oilseed. T h e sl ow i n g d e ma n d g row t h should allow farmers to catch up with production and avoid the short stocks that exist this year. “They (China) still are going to buy soybeans and they are going to buy some corn, but the rate at which they have been increasing their consumption of soybeans will go down,” said Hurt. Farmers around the world have been striving to boost production by increasing yields, bringing new land into production and improving production methods. This means that the years of demand racing ahead of supply and causing crop prices to soar could be ending. “This is very different from the last five years,” said Hurt. Weather is always the wild card, with droughts and floods disrupting supply and demand balances. However, the impact of wild weather is much greater when demand is also booming.


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INVESTORS SEE PRICE RALLY FOR HOGS IN 2013 Futures markets predict that finances should improve for hog producers in 2013. Hog prices should be strong next year but the market expects corn prices will fall, based on the assumption of large U.S. seeded acreage, better Midwest weather in 2013 and stagnant ethanol demand. Futures prices as of Oct. 18: CME corn futures prices ($US/bu.): Contract month settle price Dec. 2012 7.6125 Mar. 2013 7.5875 May 2013 7.5450 July 2013 7.4575 Sept. 2013 6.6625 Dec. 2013 6.3300 Mar. 2014 6.4275 May 2014 6.4875 July 2014 6.5075 Sept. 2014 6.0975 Dec. 2014 6.0625 July 2015 6.2200

CME lean hog futures prices ($US/cwt): Contract month settle price Dec. 2012 79.200 Feb. 2013 85.500 April 2013 90.850 May 2013 97.950 June 2013 100.675 July 2013 100.225 Aug. 2013 99.325 Oct. 2013 88.250 Dec. 2013 84.550 Feb. 2014 86.400 Apr. 2014 88.500


SPECIAL REPORT » CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Herds should decline this year instead of growing by one or two percent, while meat demand will continue to grow marginally. That not only creates good market conditions for next year, but also leaves a smaller meat supply for years to come. A sow that is bred today doesn’t produce pork at the slaughter plant for almost a year. The time lag is much longer for cattle, with cows bred next summer not producing beef until 2016. U.S. cattle producers are reducing their herds because they don’t have pasture or hay, so there will almost certainly be less beef on the market next summer. Supplies will be further reduced if females are kept back for breeding. That leaves a big multi-year hole for other meats to fill, and Hurt said that leaves chicken and pig producers in

an enviable position. “That gives the two industries a real head start,” said Hurt. “They’re able to quickly get production increased.” S ow s b re d n ow w i l l p ro d u c e weanlings in the winter, and the market hogs will be available next fall when beef supplies should be short. If Hurt’s analysis is correct, the future should bring weaker prices for crops and stronger prices for livestock, which should mean profitability for livestock producers. Another year of drought would extend the crop rally, but normal climatic conditions have to be assumed to apply over the longer term. The livestock industry might be on the verge of becoming the profit leader in agriculture, even if that’s hard to imagine right now. “If you get through the storm, you can expect the sun to return,” said Hurt.

Revolutionizing sclerotinia control from the ground up. With high levels of sclerotinia this year, it’s top-of-mind for many growers. Sclerotinia robs canola yields and costs growers millions of dollars in lost revenue each year.


Rising Can to poor ho High loonie hinders exports while soaring feed costs limit returns, say hog producers BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

The rising Canadian dollar is largely to blame for financial problems in the hog industry, say producers both past and present. They acknowledge the more recent factors of the U.S. drought and high feed costs that are resulting in losses of up to $50 per pig, but few let the 65 cent dollar of the past go unmentioned. “It’s been said so often it’s almost a cliché, but that’s the reality,” said Joe Kleinsasser, a former Sask Pork chair from the Rosetown, Sask., area. “You sell your pigs in American currency and as such you will get 35 cents on top of every dollar. You factor in 35 percent and all of a sudden it becomes huge.” The 65 cent dollar built most of the infrastructure that’s at risk today as two of the country’s largest operations look for new ownership and a way out of their cash flow crisis. Big Sky Farms of Humboldt, Sask., has 42,000 sows, while Puratone of Niverville, Man., has 29,000 sows. Marcel Hacault, who had 100 sows on his farm near Niverville until 2005 and still keeps an eye on the industry, said a recent conversation with others in the business focused squarely on the dollar.

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“With a dollar that’s on par or slightly above the U.S. right now it doesn’t make it feasible to export,” he said. “At an 80 cent dollar we probably could compete, but take away that 20 percent margin (and) it’s pretty tough.” Yet much of the Canadian industry is based on exporting isoweans and weanlings to the United States for feeding and finishing. Paul Ulrich, who has a 400-sow farrow-to-finish operation near Spalding, Sask., said that works to a point but becomes an issue when prices drop and American buyers don’t want Canadian pigs. “The way they tell you they don’t want them is to put the price down,” he said. “Then all of a sudden you can’t make any money.” He’s watched many producers, p a r t i c u l a r l y t h o s e p ro d u c i n g weanlings, leave the industry over the past few years as the financial struggles became too much to handle. Selling finished animals to Thunder Creek Pork in Moose Jaw, Sask., at least earns the Ulrichs the market price. As well, the family’s grain




adian dollar linked g production profits By 2011, it was starting to turn around but there was so much equity drained from the industry … I don’t care if you had two years of making money, you weren’t even coming close to what you had lost. JOE KLEINSASSER FORMER SASK PORK CHAIR

time we broke even, 25 percent of the time we made some money and the other 25 percent of the time we lost our shirt.”

Some producers say government assistance programs can work against mixed operators because a strong grain enterprise can offset a weak hog operation and leave the farmer without any assistance. | FILE PHOTO


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operation the market provides feed for the hogs at a lower cost. Robbing Peter to pay Paul isn’t exactly a blueprint for success, but it is keeping operations like the Ulrichs’ alive for now. Ulrich said the situation has to turn around by spring. “The cash flow just isn’t there,” he said. “It’s difficult to keep going.” Kleinsasser said in some years pork was the economic backbone of the Hutterite colony where he lives. The colony formed in 1969 and had 400 sows when it recently shut down its hog operation due to labour shortages. He believes changes to the traditional hog cycle are also at play. In the past it allowed smaller producers to enter and leave the industry more easily during good and bad economic times. “Supply and demand adjusted itself accordingly,” he said. “Those dynamics are no longer in play. Even for us, and we were not big, it would have been pretty tough to shut down a barn. You take a corporate unit that produces a million pigs a year, well, it is clearly impossible.” Kleinsasser said in 1998 the industry was just starting to transform into the larger operations. It was a “horrendous” time for the hog industry and producers were essentially giving pigs away. However, the downturn lasted only a short time. The current crisis started in 2007 and continued through 2010, he said. “By 2011, it was starting to turn around but there was so much equity drained from the industry,” he said. “I don’t care if you had two years of making money, you weren’t even coming close to what you had lost.” He said he disagrees with those who blame the large, corporate model for financial issues. Big or small, it’s the ratio of debt to equity that matters, he said. Size is a more critical factor when it comes to government assistance. More recent programs capped the amount a single operation could receive during tough times, and it usually wasn’t enough for the large barns. Ulrich said that the programs can also work against the smaller operator because their enterprises are mixed. A strong grain enterprise can offset a weak hog operation and leave the farmer without any assistance. John Germs, a Saskatoon producer who left the industry several years ago, said he saw many government programs come and go during his 32 years in the business. He said the hog industry should have seriously looked at supply management. “There should be no reason why a producer should have to ship all that valuable, good food out the door and receive a compensation package that literally was inadequate for many, many years,” he said. “Over the years, 50 percent of the






Manitoba chapter won’t join cosmetic pesticide ban Canadian society in favour | Provincial group not opposed BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

A pair of swans swim the calm waters of Valhalla Lake, Alta., in early October. Many species of waterfowl are beginning to stage on Peace Country sloughs and lakes in preparation for their flight to wintering grounds. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO

The Canadian Cancer Society has a clear position when it comes to cosmetic pesticides: it wants a ban on the use and sale of pesticides for lawns, gardens, parks and other green spaces. However, the organization’s Manitoba chapter isn’t part of a provincial

coalition supporting a proposed ban on cosmetic pesticides in Manitoba. “Although the Canadian Cancer Society supports it on their website, the Manitoba branch is reluctant to sign on,” said Amanda Kinden, a member of Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Manitoba, a group of individuals and organizations lobbying the province for a ban. Jason Permanand, communica-

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tions manager for the cancer society’s Manitoba chapter, said the organization’s lack of participation in the pesticide ban lobby effort doesn’t mean it opposes the ban. “It isn’t fair to say the Canadian Cancer Society doesn’t believe in the coalition,” he said. “I just don’t know exactly what the coalition says about the issue in order to say it’s something we would support or not.” Permanand said the society doesn’t have a blanket position on pesticides. It evaluates the overall impact of pesticides on human health, including factors such as food security, safety and the environment. Based on those evaluations, the society does support cosmetic pesticide bans. “The risks and benefits of pesticides, basically, should be assessed on each situation,” he said. “For the cosmetic pesticides, there are really no health benefits, whatsoever.” However, the society has a different position on agricultural pesticides. “Agriculture is definitely something where we believe that they should be part of a plan to control pests,” Permanand said. Kinden said the cancer society’s response to the proposed ban was unsatisfactory. “We were a little disappointed by organizational response, like the health care industry,” she said. “Their whole mandate (the cancer society) supports what we’re aiming for, but they were still reluctant to sign on.” Kinden said she was particularly disappointed with Manitoba’s doctors. She was hoping more physicians would back the ban. “Mostly, they were just reluctant about supporting it.” The Manitoba government initiated a public consultation process this summer in which individuals and groups were invited to submit opinions on a cosmetic pesticide ban. Farm lobby groups in the province, including Keystone Agricultural Producers and the Manitoba Canola Growers Association (MCGA), oppose the ban because they believe it will increase the spread of weeds from urban green spaces to cropland. “(As well), the stigmatization of urban pesticides will lead to the stigmatization of all pesticides,” the MCGA’s submission said. In late September, Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Manitoba held a news conference at which it delivered a letter to conservation minister Gord Mackintosh calling on the government to enact a cosmetic pesticide ban. KAP president Doug Chorney said he was surprised when Mackintosh suggested during the news conference that the ban was a done deal, e v e n b e f o re t h e p rov i n c e ha d reviewed the submissions and studied the impact of bans in other jurisdictions. “We would like the minister to let science decide the future, not political activism,” Chorney said.





Vegetable plant whirs with activity A juggling act | Managing goods and people BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

REDCLIFF, Alta. — The new warehouse buzzes with activity. Forklifts toot their horns. Equipment chugs and whirrs. Bright lights illuminate new concrete. Conveyors transport brightly coloured vegetables to boxes and pallets. And eyes follow Lyle Aleman. Red Hat Co-operative Ltd. packages and ships fresh vegetables f ro m i t s 4 0 a c t i v e g re e n h o u s e operator members. It’s Aleman’s job, as general manager, to make it all work. On this day he quickly steps a visitor through the 43,500 sq. foot expansion, one of many the operation has seen since its 1966 start on the edge of Redcliff. Now with almost 100,000 sq. feet of space, the facility is better able to handle and ship cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and lettuce from southern Alberta growers to customers that include the big boys in retail food: Loblaws, Costco, Sobeys and Co-op. Some of the 200 workers watch Aleman as he stops to assess the culling of English cucumbers or the packaging of bell peppers. It doesn’t appear that he misses much, as he stoops to pick up an errant tomato from the floor or speaks to a worker about conveyor speed. “Our main market is Western Canada, so we are shipping to B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, but we do ship some into the U.S. and into Ontario and Quebec,” says Aleman as he steps from the path of a forklift. A new cucumber packing line, purchased from Holland last fall, is a point of pride that warrants a pause in his pace. The equipment has reduced handling and stress on employees with its ability to wrap, grade and pack the long English cucumbers, which are one of the co-op’s big sellers. Cukes and tomatoes make up the bulk of production, but within those broad categories are long English, mini-cukes, beefsteak tomatoes, tomatoes on the vine, grape tomatoes, cocktail tomatoes, sweet bell peppers and sweet long peppers in addition to eggplant and butter lettuce. Each product has its own special packaging, its own handling requirements and its own customer demands. Small wonder Aleman walks fast. “Our volume has doubled in the last 10 years,” he says. Red Hat implemented efficiencies five years ago to delay the need for expansion and its related expense, but demand caught up. “Last year we hit that wall. We knew we had to expand our facility. Right now we’re doing about five and a half million cases a year.” Red Hat used to handle only three commodities, but now it has many, each requiring specialized equipment. For example, peppers used to be sold in bulk, but bagged peppers, including the “stop light” three-pack of different

colours, are now more popular. The Red Hat sticker goes on some produce, but some customers want it packaged with their own labels. The co-op complies, assembling all the boxes and employing traceability on every lot. Aleman says the co-op has numerous advantages for growers, primarily in the way it handles sales, packaging and shipping, which allows them to concentrate on food production and quality. “I think it’s always worked well,” says Red Hat president Albert Cramer, who grows cucumbers under 15 acres of glass near Medicine Hat. “It’s been very good for the growers. We’re in a global market and the stores play with us and they play with big growers.” Working through a co-operative gives growers more clout, he says. Aleman elaborates. “The benefits of the co-op right from the beginning is that all your growers can market under one brand and they can supply retail customers that are large, that are national in scale.” He also points out the advantages of volume buying of fertilizer and other inputs, and the sharing of equipment costs, research and labour. Aleman says despite recent improvements at Red Hat, it has been a challenging year for members because of lower commodity prices generated by overproduction in other countries and other parts of Canada. Mexico, which used to provide seasonal field-grown product, is becoming a larger player, and expansion in British Columbia and the United States is also pressuring prices for Red Hat. Then there’s retailers’ demand for new product, such as the mini-cukes that made their way into snack foods a few years ago. “The retailers are looking to us for innovation, so they are looking for new products and new packaging that kind of sets them apart,” says Aleman. “It kind of puts the pressure on us as marketers. The challenge is to predict the demand for the next year, so that’s our job. We evaluate the marketplace, we evaluate what we think is going to be the big mover next year.” That, in turn, creates challenges for growers as they make planting decisions that may not bear “retail” fruit for months down the road. Aleman says Red Hat receives some benefit from consumers’ growing demand for locally grown food, but it doesn’t have a great effect on the price that the co-op can demand. His hope is that more Alberta greenhouse operators begin to run their operations year round rather than halting production in winter. That will provide a consistent flow of product, helping retain retail customers. “Hopefully we can have our growers invest (in lighting technology) and be able to supply product year round for our consumers, that’s grown right here in Alberta.” However, that will also mean Aleman will have to walk even faster.

Workers, top, process locally grown cucumbers. Lyle Aleman, above, demonstrates features on vegetable handling equipment at Red Hat Co-operative Ltd. in Redcliff, Alta. Tomatoes on the vine, left, are a popular item. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS


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*Monsanto Field Scale trials as of November, 2011. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. LibertyLink® is a registered trademark of Bayer. © 2012 Monsanto Canada, Inc






Dead trees are still standing after a fire burned nearly 52,000 acres of forest dominated by lodgepole pine. But amid the signs of destruction, the forest is gradually rejuvenating.

BLAIRMORE, Alta. — The trunks of once stately lodgepole pines have been scrubbed of soot in the years since 2003, when a wildfire destroyed nearly 52,000 acres of forest in southwestern Alberta. Now they stand, grey and ghostly, against the blue skies and frequent winds that whistle through Lost Creek and past the northern tip of the Flathead mountain range. Some of the participants on an Oct. 11 tour of the Oldman River watershed recall the fire, the fear and the smoke of a month-long battle against those flames. Horrifying and destructive though it was, studies on the effects of the fire are helping researchers better understand forest hydrology and water quality. Uldis Silins, lead on the Southern Rockies Watershed Project study, said the effects of a wildfire of this magnitude are many, so researchers narrowed their focus to water quality and treatment implications. “Trying to understand how management in these source water regions affects people living downstream is a really old and difficult problem because you’re talking about a huge range of scale,” the University of Alberta forest hydrology professor told the tour group. An immediate effect of this fire was greater amounts of water flowing into streams and rivers. The tree canopy, which captures rain and snow and allows evaporation, was gone. So was any other vegetation that inhibited water flow. “Just the interception by the (tree) canopy can represent a loss of water

Water quality threatened | A pine forest burned in the 2003 Lost Creek fire in southern Alberta. Without a live tree canopy, researchers have found higher amounts of water move from the watershed into the river system. | STORY & PHOTOS BY BARB GLEN, LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

in the system by up to 50 percent,” said Silins. As well, water was no longer being used in tree transpiration. As a result of those factors, more rain and snow reached the ground in the burned area, as well as more sunlight. That accelerated the melt rate of snow, so runoff occurred earlier in the season and in greater amounts. “At the catchment, small watershed scale, we’ve seen increases in overall flows on an annual basis of somewhere in the ballpark of about a 50 percent increase in flow.” Sediment levels in watercourses downstream from the burn rose by 800 percent on average after the fire, he said. Sediment levels remain high nine years after the event, which is markedly different from studies in other areas downstream of wildfires. Silins said researchers attribute continued high sediment levels to the finely textured soil of the region. That same soil structure has resulted in higher phosphorus levels in sediment, because phosphorus binds to fine sediments. Higher phosphorus levels in the typically nutrient-poor water results in more algae growth. Silins said some streams were “choked with algae” after the fire because of an eight to 15-fold increase in phosphorus levels. Sediment flowing downstream of the Lost Creek fire site ends up in the Crowsnest and Castle rivers and eventually in the Oldman River dam reservoir. Silins estimated that a three to four centimetre thick layer of sediment has been deposited in the reservoir since the fire, which is the equivalent of 100,000 to 150,000 single axle dump truck loads.

Uldis Silins, professor of forest hydrology at the University of Alberta, is program leader for the Southern Rockies Watershed Project in the Crowsnest Pass, which is looking into the effects of the fire on the watershed and water quality for downstream users. Fine sediment also carries most of the contaminants, a concern in downstream water use and treatment. Higher levels of mercury were found in water in the years immediately after the fire. “That’s a reflection of 200 years of industrial development in the world,” said Silins. He said particulate from pollution is slowly deposited on all landscapes and in this case was incorporated into organic material on the forest floor. The professor said the same fish species remain in the watershed, along with new aquatic species that came after the burn. Insect popula-

tions increased, providing more food for some fish. And mushroom growth in the burned area was reported to be phenomenal in 2004. “No matter what happens on the landscape, there are winners and losers and Mother Nature doesn’t care,” said Silins. “But we have to wash them through our lens and we make value judgments on whether those are good or bad. That idea of tradeoffs is something that underlies everything we do. Every choice we make around management has a benefit and then a cost associated with it.”



What are your special holiday traditions?


Send your holiday stories (300-400 words) and photos by Dec. 3 to newsroom@producer.com or Farm Living, The Western Producer, Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4.


Glory and Richard Reimer have operated the haunted mansion since buying the house in Stirling, Alta., 12 years ago. The brick house, completed in 1919, has always been the site of community activity.


Haunted house a spirited place to visit Ogden House home to real ghosts? | Alberta couple embrace a theme and create a thriving tourist attraction STORY & PHOTOS BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

STIRLING, Alta. — As Halloween approaches, the screams increase inside the haunted mansion in Stirling. Groans, rattling chains, cobwebs and spine-tingling music combine with witches, monsters and mad scientists to scare thrill-seekers who visit the big, old brick house and pay the price of admission for frissons of fear. But those seeking a good scare may not realize part of the ambiance comes from real ghosts. Richard and Glory Reimer didn’t believe in ghosts when they bought the old Ogden House, built between 1910 and 1919 in this small village south of Lethbridge. They moved into the five-bedroom upstairs and opened a haunted house attraction in the spacious first floor and basement. But Glory says she now knows the house is truly haunted and Richard, though skeptical, has seen one of the mansion’s more “spirited” members. “We thought it was one (ghost) at

first and then soon discovered there was at least two. But now we know there’s at least four,” says Glory. Her research into the former residents of the house have given her clues about the ghosts’ identities, which include an older man, an older woman, a teenage girl and a younger girl. “You can hear them,” she says. “The older man will come into the house at particular times of night and slam the door, but the door’s locked so it can’t be moved, but you can hear it. You can hear footsteps on the stairs.” Their son has seen a ghost sitting on his dresser. Visitors have described the ghostly old man’s appearance in similar ways. Lights have flicked on and off for no reason. So has the radio. Glory and Richard are matter-offact about the house’s co-habitants. “We’re kind of undisturbable people,” says Richard. The couple bought the house in 2000 and quickly decided to create an attraction. Glory has researched the Ogden House history and found that it has always been the site for social

functions, including quilting bees and dance classes. The 4,500 sq. foot home once served as a school when the village school burned down and has also been a rooming house. Now looking forward to their 13th Halloween, the couple says the haunted mansion’s popularity grew gradually but has been especially busy in the last three years. “On a busy night, we will get hundreds of people in a three or four hour window,” says Richard. The visitors’ experience begins at arrival, when a hearse and ghostly driver squat in the yard and tombstones cast shadows on the lawn. A black cat may or may not greet visitors, depending on its inclinations. Guests are greeted and ushered through the first floor, replete with skeletons, ghostly artifacts and various motion-activated forces. “Welcome to our humble haunt,” intones a mannequin. “It’s been such a long time since we’ve had visitors, and an even longer time since we’ve

had survivors.” The first floor is enough to provide an edginess that grows as the tour descends the narrow staircase into the dark and clammy depths of the basement. What happens in the catacombs and the torture chamber is best left undescribed for the benefit of future visitors. Suffice to say there are surprises waiting around many corners. Glory says the tour can be tailored to the relative fright tolerance of the individual or group. But on special “fright nights,” all bets are off, and volunteers are conscripted to provide additional boosts to the scare quotient. “The deeper you go, the scarier it gets,” says Glory. “But we have our way of making it fun for everybody.” Visitors of all ages come to the mansion. Seniors in particular spend time looking at the antiques and bric a brac that Richard and Glory have collected over the years from garage sales, antique stores and auctions. “ The seniors are pretty much

unscarable as a group,” observes Richard. “There might have been the odd one that you could startle, but not really.” However, groups of young girls are a different story. “When you get the 10- to 20-yearold groups of girls, hold onto your ears because when one screams, they all scream.” Adds Glory: “And they kind of move like a school of fish.” The Reimers believe the haunted mansion brings traffic and revenue to the village, but the venture hasn’t been a complete bed of dead roses. Complaints about traffic arose this year and the matter is still before village council. However, the peak traffic period is short-lived, occurring in the few weeks before Halloween. Despite the scary stuff, Glory says no one has had a heart attack or health issue during a visit to the mansion, although one lady peed her pants and someone else stole an errant foot from one of the displays.






Is circumcision necessary? HEALTH CLINIC


It’s time to carve that pumpkin, get into costume and catch a glimpse of ghosts and goblins


Most medical associations in Canada believe this decision should be made by the parents after discussing it with a doctor


ur family has celebrated Halloween in several ways. We have trick or treated in our rural area by travelling in the car, a favourite because of the size of the treats, dressed in costume for potlucks in halls and walked around neighbourhoods in town. One of my fondest memories is the annual costume parade at the elementary school, where friends and family are invited to line the hallways.

Jodie Mirosovsky is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact: team@producer.com.

TREAT YOUR TEETH To avoid surprises at the dentist’s office after Halloween, try these tips: • limit the amount of treats that can be eaten each day and keep other healthy snacks on hand as alternatives • eat sugary treats at the end of a meal, when the mouth has plenty of saliva to swish away sugar and acids from teeth • drink water after a treat to cleanse the mouth • avoid sticky treats that cling to spaces between teeth • brush and floss before bed, if possible, after each meal Source: www.cda-adc.ca.

APPETIZER RECIPE CONTEST Send us your favourite appetizer recipe and we will enter your name in our draw for an appetizer server. Entries must be received by Nov. 15. Send to TEAM Resources Appetizer Draw at team@producer.com or mail to Box 2500, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. We will select a number of recipes to print in a December column. Good luck!


My daughter had a baby boy and she is wondering if she should get him circumcised. I understand that there is some controversy about this and we would like to know what the medical recommendation is on this matter. She is not Jewish, so it would not be done for religious reasons.

Jada and Skyler Mirosovsky dig in with hands and carving tools to turn their pumpkin into a Halloween masterpiece. | JODIE MIROSOVSKY PHOTOS TRICKS AND TREATS | QUICK MEALS

Homey, healthy Halloween treats PUMPKIN CAKE ROLL


3 1 c. 2/3 c. 3/4 c. 1 tsp. 1/2 tsp. 1/8 tsp.

eggs, separated sugar, divided 250 mL pumpkin 150 mL flour 175 mL baking soda 5 mL ground cinnamon 2 mL salt 0.5 mL

Filling: 1 250 g 2 tbsp. 1 c. 1 tsp.

package of cream cheese butter, softened 30 mL icing sugar 250 mL vanilla 2 mL

Line a 15 by 10 inch (40 x 25 cm) baking pan with parchment paper. Grease the paper and set aside. Preheat the oven to 375 F (190 C). In a large mixing bowl, beat egg yolks until thickened. Gradually add 1/2 c. (125 mL) sugar followed by the pumpkin. Beat on high until sugar is dissolved. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Add the remaining sugar and beat until peaks are stiff. Fold into egg yolk mixture. In a small mixing bowl, combine flour, soda, cinnamon and salt. Fold into

A Halloween meal ideally is quick, healthy and utensil free. A ghost who has had a nutritious meal is much happier and easier to manage. Serve with soup, carrots, peppers and dip.

the egg/pumpkin mixture. Pour into prepared baking pan. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes until the batter springs up when touched. Cool for a few minutes, then turn the cake onto an icing sugar dusted tea towel. Peel off the waxed paper and gently roll the cake (jelly roll style) into the towel. Let cool completely. In a small mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, butter, icing sugar and vanilla until smooth. Unroll the cooled cake and spread filling over the surface, roll up and freeze. Remove from the freezer 15 minutes before serving and dust with icing sugar. Makes 10 slices. Source: www.tasteofhome.com.

PUMPKIN-APPLESAUCE COFFEE CAKE WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING Baking with beta-carotene-rich pumpkin is great for family and guests at autumn gatherings. 3 tbsp. butter or margarine, softened 45 mL 1 1/2 c. sugar 375 mL 2 eggs 1 1/2 c. pumpkin 375 mL 1 / 4 c. unsweetened applesauce 60 mL 1 tsp. vanilla 5 mL 2 c. flour 500 mL 1 tsp. baking soda 5 mL 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 2 mL 1/4 tsp. nutmeg 1 mL 1/4 tsp. ground cloves 1 mL

1/8 tsp. ginger dash of salt 1/2 c. dark chocolate chips

0.5 mL 125 mL

Frosting: 1 8 oz. block of cream cheese, softened 250 g 1/3 c. butter, softened 75 mL 4 c. icing sugar 1L 2 tsp. vanilla 10 mL Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C). In a large mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add and beat eggs one at a time. Beat in the pumpkin, applesauce and vanilla. In a separate bowl,

combine flour, soda, spices and salt. Add to the creamed mixture until thoroughly combined. Add chocolate chips. Pour the batter into a greased Bundt pan and bake for 40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool and tip onto a serving plate. Note: You can also make this recipe into a bar by placing the batter into a greased 15 by 10 inch (25 x 38 cm). Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and butter until smooth, add the icing sugar and vanilla. Combine and frost the cooled cake. Store leftovers in the refrigerator.

4 large flour tortillas 4 c. cooked turkey, diced 1L 1 c. finely chopped onions 250 mL 1 c. diced orange or yellow peppers 250 mL 1/2 c. fresh diced tomatoes (optional) 125 mL dash of seasoning salt, salt and/or pepper 2 c. shredded cheese of your choice 500 mL 2 c. salsa 500 mL Preheat the oven to 425 F (220 C). Grease a large baking pan. Set aside. Spread one cup (250 mL) of turkey on half of each tortilla. Add onions, peppers, tomatoes, salts, pepper and cheese over turkey. Fold the tortilla in half and place on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for seven minutes on one side, then flip and bake an additional four minutes on the second side. Remove from the oven and cool slightly before cutting into wedges. Serve with salsa, sour cream and guacamole. Makes four large servings. The recipe can also be made with leftover beef or chicken. Adapted from www.clubhouse.ca.


It is not just Jewish people who have young boys circumcised for religious reasons. Muslims do it as well, and it is estimated that about one-third of the world’s male population have undergone the procedure for ethnic, cultural or medical reasons. Some men argue that they get more sexual pleasure if they are not circumcised. In some religious ceremonies, the babies are not given local anesthetic and suffer pain as a result. The surgery is not without risks and there are about one in five cases in the United States where complications have occurred. The most common include bleeding, infection and scarring. Removal of the foreskin is believed to lessen the risks of some sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and HPV (human papillomavirus), which can lead to cancer of the cervix. Penile cancers are virtually nonexistent in men who have been circumcised, but it is a rare condition in any case, occurring in only one in 100,000 males. Phimosis is another medical condition where the foreskin becomes tight and cannot be retracted. This cannot happen without a foreskin. There might also be less risk of urinary tract infections in both men and their female partners. Most medical associations in Canada believe that male circumcision should be a decision made by the parents, preferably after discussing it with a doctor. Since 2007, Australia has forbidden the practice of non-therapeutic male circumcision in public hospitals, but still allows it in private hospitals. In June 2012, a German district court in Cologne ruled that the circumcision of male infants and young boys under the age of consent for religious or not medically necessary reasons would be considered bodily harm and criminal. Muslim and Jewish groups were unhappy with this decision, and in September, the Berlin senate agreed that doctors could legally circumcise infant boys for religious reasons, providing they could prove a religious affiliation.

Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact: health@producer.com.





Early diagnosis, referrals keys to arthritis treatment Early detection urged | Centralized services disadvantage rural patients BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

New information has changed the way arthritis patients are diagnosed and treated, placing greater emphasis on early detection. And while an interdisciplinary team — doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and dietitians — can work with patients to develop a personal management strategy, those suffering from the disease can’t benefit from that knowledge if they don’t get the necessary referrals. “I think that the greatest need is going to be our ability to impress upon health-care professionals that there’s something to be learned about today’s arthritis, about the care and treatment of patients about the immediate referral, about the support systems that are required,” said Carol Hiscock, executive director of the Arthritis Society of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. A group, spanning the spectrum of health care, met in Saskatoon recently to learn about developments and issues in disease diagnosis, treatment and management. It takes a larger toll on the health-care system and economy as it grows, forcing more people onto disability. “In the last decade, we really



changed our minds about rheumatoid arthritis and extrapolated that to all arthritis,” Saskatoon rheumatologist Bindu Nair told the audience. “Why are we waiting for peoples’ joints to be damaged? If we intervene early, can we actually stop this process and hopefully change the way people feel and live their lives?” Improved tests can allow for earlier detection of the disease, she said. “We’re using drugs early and we’re finding that actually makes a difference in terms of preventing joint damage and disability ...” Nair is one of a handful of rheumatologists in the province located in Regina and Saskatoon. In Manitoba, the specialists are all in Winnipeg. That kind of centralization isn’t uncommon. “There isn’t a province in this country that has enough rheumatologists,” said Hiscock, noting that access to services, as well as travel and money, is an issue for rural resi-

dents. “The rheumatologists are in the two major centres. They don’t do rural clinics. That’s where early diagnosis and treatment comes is referral in to a rheumatologist,” said Hiscock. Registered nurse Kandice Hennenfent said patients’ reports are key. “We have to listen to the family, because those folks are the people that are the experts in what they need and what they require,” she said. Follow-up care can be managed in a rural community, although resources will vary from location to location. The Arthritis Society promotes a self-management program, including diet and pain management, for patients to complement other treatments. “I think that the regionalized health-care system has the concept right and that is that people, healthcare professionals, practise in team to support patient,” said Hiscock.


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8:00 AM Agribition High School Rodeo - Brandt Centre 8:00 AM Canadian National 4H & Youth Judging Competition - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 9:00 AM Boer Goat Show - Barn 5 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 7:00 PM Agribition High School Rodeo - Brandt Centre


8:00 AM International Stock Dog Championship Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Commercial Goat Show - Barn 5 9:00 AM Kirk Stierwalt Fitting Demonstration Auditorium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Youth Showmanship Competition Auditorium 11:00 AM First Lady Classic & Furturity - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 11:00 AM Canadian National Bison Sale - Commercial Cattle Arena 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 11:30 AM Youth Team Grooming Competition Auditorium 1:00 PM International Stock Dog Championship Brandt Centre 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:00 PM 4-H & Youth Seminars - Auditorium 3:00 PM Burning of the Brand - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 4:00 PM Goat Sale - Barn 5 6:00 PM Winners Circle - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


9:00 AM Canadian National Simmental Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Canadian National Speckle Park Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 9:00 AM Kirk Stierwalt Fitting Demonstration Auditorium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Horse Pulls, Lightweight Division - Brandt Centre 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:00 PM Canadian National Gelbvieh Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 1:00 PM Angus Masterpiece Sale - Auditorium 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 1:30 PM Horse Pulls, Middleweight Division - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM Horse Pulls, Heavyweight Division - Brandt Centre 5:00 PM Canadian National Speckle Park Sale Auditorium 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


8:00 AM Team Cattle Penning - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Black Angus Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Red Angus Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Canadian National Gelbvieh Sale Auditorium 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:00 PM Shorthorn Sale - Auditorium


1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:00 PM Canadian National Simmental Sale Auditorium 2:30 PM Limousin Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 3:30 PM Charolais Sale - Auditorium 3:30 PM Ranch Horse Demo - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM Commercial Sheep/Market Lamb Shows Barn 5 5:00 PM Hereford Sale - Auditorium 6:00 PM Katahdin Junior Show - Barn 5 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


9:00 AM Canada’s Premier Select Ranch Horse Competition - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Hereford Show, Polled and Horned Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Shorthorn Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Maine Anjou Show - Auditorium 10:00 AM National Katahdin Sheep Show - Barn 5 11:00 AM Commercial Cattle, Heifer Alley & Bull Pen Alley Shows - Commercial Cattle Arena 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:30 PM Limousin Reception & Sale Auditorium 1:00 PM Prospect Horse Previews - 2 & 3 year olds Brandt Centre 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:30 PM SSBA Purebred and Purebred Pens Show Barn 5 2:30 PM Canada’s Premier Select Ranch Horse and Prospect Sale - Brandt Centre 2:30 PM Charolais Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 7:00 PM Angus Sale, Power and Perfection Auditorium 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


9:00 AM Prospect Steer & Heifer Show - Auditorium 9:00 AM Team Cattle Penning - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Canadian Junior Beef Extreme - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM SSBA Junior Sheep Shows and Costume Classes - Barn 5 10:00 AM Junior Roping Competition - Budlight Loading Chute 11:00 AM Commercial Cattle Sale - Commercial Cattle Arena 12:00 PM SSBA Sheep Sale - Barn 5 12:30 PM Wild Wool Riders - Brandt Centre 12:30 PM Family Day - Brandt Centre 1:00 PM Team Cattle Penning Finals - Brandt Centre 1:00 PM Prospect Steer & Heifer Sale - Auditorium 2:30 PM Katahdin Sheep Sale - Barn 5 3:00 PM Trick Riding Demo - Brandt Centre 3:30 PM Regina Kennel Club Demo - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM RBC Beef Supreme Challenge - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 4:30 PM Wild Wool Riders - Brandt Centre 5:00 PM Trick Riding Demo - Brandt Centre 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre 8:00 PM Tailgate Party - Chevrolet GMC Stadium





Producer building llama meat markets Fibre, meat and more | Response good to llama products BY TAMARA LEIGH FREELANCE WRITER

Wylie Bystedt says llamas are raised for pets, guards and fibre, but llamas are also coveted for their meat by some consumers. | HENKI PHOTO

Online Editor/ Reporter

The Western Producer, Canada’s leading agricultural publication and digital information provider, is seeking an online editor/reporter with excellent writing, online editing, audio/video, social media and journalism skills. Online content and specialty digital information is an increasingly important part of The Producer’s mandate. The successful applicant will: • collect and analyze information about newsworthy events, and present the information in a variety of formats including online articles, videos and podcasts • prepare video with supporting written context, and edit video provided by other reporters

QUESNEL, B.C. — Wylie Bystedt of Coyote Acres Ranch sees a growing market for llama at the meat counter. “When we first got llamas, we were shearing them, and then we asked what else we could do with them,” the mixed livestock producer said, noting most are kept in Canada for pets, guard animals and fibre. “We found out that in South America they consider them a meat animal. Now we raise the five food groups: beef, pork, chicken, lamb and llama.” In South America, llamas are kept for up to eight years for their fleece before they are butchered. On her southern British Columbia farm, Bystedt keeps a core herd of breeding females and slaughters the males when they are fully grown at three-years of age. A dressed carcass weighs about 91 kilograms. “At that point, we’ve been shearing them, so they have paid for themselves along the way, and then we butcher them and process the meat products,” said Bystedt. “A lot of times, depending on what their coat is like, we’ll tan their hides as well, and we’re finding there’s a market for llama hide, just like sheep skin.” In addition, llama manure is used as fertilizer for gardens. “We say it puts sheep shit to shame because it is that good,” Bystedt said. “It’s naturally pH balanced, so you can put it fresh on your garden and it won’t burn your crop out. We sell it in a variety of pails, and dried for indoor plants.” She introduced llama meat at the local farmers’ market and has built her business to include regular deliv-

eries to Vancouver and retailers closer to home. In four years, proceeds of llama meat products have surpassed her other products, except for lamb, and now accounts for about 30 percent of her income from livestock. “We do almost exactly the same types of cuts as beef or lamb, chops, steaks and ground. The difference in llamas is that we actually have a neck steak that kind of looks like a salmon steak with the centre bone,” said Bystedt. While customers didn’t immediately take to the straight cuts, the breakthrough came with value-added products like llama jerky and sausages. “All of a sudden, it wasn’t so strange because people recognized what it was, and they knew how to cook a sausage,” she said. Llama is a red meat that is similar to beef. It is sweeter and has a fine grain, but cooks almost exactly the same way. “We have a lot of sales to seniors because they don’t want to give up red meat. Llama is a little softer to chew, and anecdotally, it’s easier to digest,” she said. “We’ve also had some really interesting uptake from tourism. The guides and outfitters love it because it’s a bit exotic.” For the last two years, Bystedt has taken her llama products to EAT Vancouver, the annual food and cooking festival held at B.C. Place stadium, where sales are strong and larger buyers like resorts and entertainment facilities have shown an interest. “The big thing right now to service the Vancouver and South B.C. market is to partner with a distributor,” she said.

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• post daily news coverage • use social media to enhance online content and interact with readers • keep abreast of news developments and ensure they are reflected in Western Producer online and mobile publications • understand key trends in how farmers and agribusiness are using digital information sources • demonstrate a solid understanding of the evolving variety of information types and sources Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in journalism. An agriculture degree and/or education in online presentation such as graphics and multi-media would be assets. A minimum of 2 years reporting experience, online management and multi-media preparation is preferred. A valid driver’s licence is necessary as some travel will be required.

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Rising waters present challenge to longtime farmers Quill Lakes watershed | Family home, pastures and corrals threatened by lake’s rising western shore last spring BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

JANSEN, Sask. — “Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.” When English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner more than 200 years ago, he probably hadn’t the faintest idea that his words would apply to dryland farmers on the Canadian Prairies. But water can be an unpredictable commodity. And for farmers like Garnet, Garth and Cynthia Zerbin, it can be both a blessing and a curse. In the 87 years that the Zerbin family has been farming, the water levels in Big Quill Lake have never been higher. Garnet, who farms with his parents, Garth and Cynthia, is the family’s fourth generation to farm near the lake. In 1925, his great-grandfather settled in the area. Since then, the Zerbin family has made a comfortable living growing crops and raising cattle. But during the last few years, rising waters in Big Quill have presented some unique challenges. The Quill Lakes, including Big Quill to the west and Little Quill further east, are the largest water bodies in the Quill Lakes watershed. The watershed is a closed system that collects runoff in an area covering hundreds of square kilometres in

east-central Saskatchewan. In the spring, melt water flows in, but it doesn’t flow out, at least not yet. And since 2010, water has been flowing in at a rate more rapid than any residents can recall. Earlier this spring, the Zerbins hired a track hoe operator to construct an 800-metre berm to protect the farmyard from rising waters. At one point, the lake’s western shore was literally a stone’s throw from the front step of Garnet’s house. Pastures were flooded, trees were drowned out and the family’s corrals were a wet, soupy mess. Things have partially dried out over the past three or four months, but the family is keeping a close eye on the lake and is quietly hoping for another winter with below average snowfall. “It was right into the corrals,” said Cynthia, pointing to where the water had advanced. “The last few cows we calved, we actually had to walk them through the yard to get them to the other side. There was just too much water.” “With all the water that came in, we probably lost about 1,000 acres of pastureland,” added Garnet. “Even if the water recedes, the grass is dead underneath and I don’t know how long it would take for that grass to come back in.” Ironically, despite all the water in the area, the Zerbins are still pumping water for their 170-head beef herd.

A recent analysis of lake water showed high sulfate levels at more than 9,000 parts per million. The water quality report shows an acceptable range for commercial cattle production at around 300 ppm. “The cows will probably do fine on it,” Garnet said. “They will still drink it, but the weight gain (for calves) won’t be there … and the cows will probably have breeding problems if they continue to drink it. “I can’t say that I have any animals get sick over it yet, but they will walk to the yard here to get better water.” In 1995, water levels in Big Quill were measured at 514.4 metres above sea level and the lake covered a total of roughly 58,600 acres. By 2012, those levels had risen to

519.68 metres and the flooded area had expanded to about 108,000 acres, the equivalent of 675 full quarter sections. Garnet said residents on all sides of the lake have a different story to tell about the rising waters. Some producers who bought productive land a few years ago are now making payments on land that sits under water. Elsewhere, community pastures that covered hundreds of acres have been closed and are unlikely to reopen for a while. Some cattle producers in the area are looking for new grazing land. Others are selling their herds while grain farmers elsewhere in the watershed continue to dig drainage ditches.

To Garnet’s way of thinking, there is no simple solution to the water woes that are plaguing producers in the area. The Zerbins’ land base, which includes 32 quarter sections of owned or leased land, is spread over a large area so the family is not in danger of losing its entire livelihood. But if Big Quill Lake continues to expand, the Zerbins might be forced to relocate their farmyard. “People were telling us that we should get ready for that, but I told them I wasn’t prepared yet,” said Garnet. “It’ll have to come a lot higher yet to make us move. If it does come to that and we had to, what are you going to do?”

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Garnet Zerbin and his parents, Garth and Cynthia, have not seen water levels so high since Garth’s grandfather settled near Saskatchewan’s Big Quill Lake in the mid-1920s. | BRIAN CROSS PHOTO

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Co-op study says sector needs to update image $2 million global force | Co-ops perceived as small, rural, old-fashioned BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Dave Mezier and Michele Rogalsky are helping make life safer on Canadian farms. | NANCY RALPH PHOTO FARM SAFETY | CASA

Farm culture needs change Creating partnerships | Safety message targets youth BY NANCY RALPH FREELANCE WRITER

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — Tractor overturns remain the most frequent c a u s e o f f a r m f a t a l i t i e s, Ju l i e Sorensen told the annual Canadian Agricultural Safety Association conference in St. John’s, N.L. Sorensen, the deputy director of the Northeast Center for Agricultural and Occupational Health in Cooperstown, New York, recently said that while her presentation was based on U.S. data, statistics in Canada are similar. Seventy percent of agricultural fatalities in Canada, or 1,381 deaths, were machine-related, according to statistics compiled by Canadian Agricultural Injury Reporting from 1990 to 2008. Rollover fatalities top the list, accounting for 392 deaths. Loss of life is not the only fallout from rollovers. Seven out of 10 farms go out of business within a year of a tractor rollover. Michele Rogalasky, director of the University of Manitoba’s School of Agriculture, spoke about how the culture of farm safety can be changed for the better. “It’s all about partnerships,” she said. “At the University of Manitoba, we’re exposed to young men and women who are just starting their

careers in agriculture. We’re hoping that we can help them become aware and really become engaged in farm safety. But we recognize that any training that’s done has to be sustainable, and it also has to be applicable to farmers.” Dan Mezier, vice-president of Keystone Agricultural Producers in Manitoba, called CASA’s safety strategy a template for the provinces so that different organizations can look at where they can focus their efforts to improve safety. Mezier, who is chair of Keystone’s workplace and employment committee, said it’s important to involve the next generation of farmers in the process. “We also have a young farmer’s committee and once a year we invite students to our annual general meeting. So we’ve started the process of where do we get new people involved,” he sad. Rogalsky said farm safety is incorporated into the U of M’s agricultural curriculum as an integral part of the business management program. In this way, students can understand that as business operators, they need to address safety risks, not only to protect their families and workers but also to understand that the financial and liability risks related to safety issues are significant.

QUEBEC CITY — The large and economically powerful co-operative sector has a serious image problem, says an international consumer attitude study. The study, which was based on focus groups and released during an international co-op summit in Quebec City earlier this month, suggested that many people think of the co-operative sector as small, rural-based and oldfashioned rather than the $2 trillion global force it has become. Many in the focus groups said that if co-ops are large and successful, it must be at the expense of their co-operative ideals or member interests. The study by the polling firm Ipsos Marketing and the Université de Québec a Montréal argued that the sector has a major sales job to do. “In order for large co-operatives to gain appeal, they must first gain trust and doing so will require that they

explain how they have attained their size without sacrificing their principles,” it said. “More specifically, how they continue to be community oriented and democratically run while also earning billions of dollars and having thousands of members.” The co-op economy worldwide has revenues of close to $2 trillion annually and 100 billion members. However, the study said co-ops have done a poor job selling themselves to a skeptical or indifferent public. There is little teaching of the co-operative model in business schools, and co-ops tend to communicate with their members rather than with the broader public about what they have to offer. “The principles of the co-operative model are indeed appealing to many, but if individuals do not believe that a co-operative actually adheres to these principles, and they do not for the large co-operatives, then they are left to make a purchase decision

based on the price-quality ratio which in most instances is believed to be higher at private corporations,” it said. The Ipsos study argued that co-ops “need to demonstrate that they can be competitive, that they can help the community and still provide great deals.” They also must convince consumers that they are real businesses and not simply socially minded do-good organizations. “Many people believe that they will have to make sacrifices in order to do business with a co-operative and only those who are truly committed to sustainable business will be enticed by them,” said the report. “Those who only care about the best deal or who are on the fence will likely be lured away by a perception that they will be able to receive more for their money in other enterprises that are not ‘burdened’ by the need to redistribute the profits or to invest them in the community.”


STARS improves rural, remote emergency response BY ROBIN BOOKER SASKATOON NEWSROOM

STARS air ambulance began operating out of a temporary hangar near Saskatoon’s airport Oct. 15 and has the ability to transport patients within more than 500 kilometres from the city. Rod Gantefoer, executive vice-president of Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society, said the helicopters’ versatility, including the ability to land on highways, parking lots and close to accidents, will greatly improve the emergency response capacity at communities within reach. “The helicopter has the ability to move patients in many circumstances much quicker then can currently be the case with ground ambulances

or fixed wing,” Gantefoer said. “It’s another dimension to the response to the critically ill and injured that the province of Saskatchewan is very happy to have.” STARS began operating from a base in Regina last April and has now flown close to 90 missions, including hospital to hospital patient transfers and responding to accidents. “With the two bases operating now, we cover a huge piece of Saskatchewan,” Gantefoer said. “About 50 minutes after we went live, there was a mission that went out to Tisdale. STARS picked up a patient at the hospital and brought them back to Saskatoon. It was a great example of what it means for communities in central and northern Saskatchewan.”

The STARS base in Saskatoon uses one helicopter, but it will add another one next year. It will also move into a permanent hanger at the airport by 2014. “PotashCorp has of course pledged us a helicopter, which is worth about $16 million, and a new hanger worth about $11 million. Together they’re worth $27 million, and they are going to make that available to us for no cost on an annual basis for the foreseeable future,” Gantefoer said. STARS is a charitable not-for-profit organization that provides swift emergency patient transports from six bases on the Prairies: Grand Prairie, Alta., Edmonton, Calgar y, Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg. For more information, visit www. stars.ca.





Deworming animals can prevent parasite spread Animal health | Harmful parasites can have life-threatening consequences for farm dogs and cats CALGARY BUREAU

PONOKA, Alta. — Farm dogs and cats should be dewormed regularly for better health and to prevent the spread of parasites to people. Ticks, fleas, lice and internal paras i t e s l i v e o n d o g s a n d s p re a d unpleasant diseases. “Some of the things they can potentially carry can infect man as well,” said veterinarian Lynne Copeland at the recent Alberta Goat Breeders Association annual meeting in Ponoka.

TICKS Dogs can be covered with ticks that have the potential to spread Lyme disease. Also of concern is a form of paralysis. It is a rare reaction that results when the tick’s saliva is injected into the blood stream and a slow paralysis occurs. It is not common among dogs and people, but ticks can also cause other damages. “A large number of ticks can cause really severe skin damage and anemia,” she said. “If you have a really big infestation, they can be really nasty.”

Remove a tick by pulling it out gently with tweezers. Try and get the head. If the head remains, it could leave a big red bump that takes a long time to disappear and the dog may chew at it. Flea and tick shampoos and sprays are available if the dog has many ticks, but there is a theory that they release toxins as they die. They may be a better alternative than pulling them out if the dog has hundreds of ticks, but the ingredients in some products are poisonous to cats.

LICE Lice are hard to see and live their entire life cycle on the dog. They are host specific and each type lives on different species. Cattle or goat lice are not likely to spread to a dog. “Anything that will kill fleas will kill lice, but often by the time you notice the dog is infested they are crawling with them,” she said. The eggs are cemented to the dog’s hair and are hard to kill, so treatments may be needed for a couple months until all the adults hatch. The dog may have to be shaved to get rid of the lice because they cause severe itchiness.

SARCOPTIC MANGE Sarcoptic mange is common in coyotes, dogs and foxes. Microscopic mites tunnel deep into the skin and cause dramatic symptoms. The animal may chew off its fur

to try and relieve the itch. Skin lesions result and antibiotic treatments may be needed. “Of all the parasites, these are probably the ones that cause the most dramatic symptoms in the dog,” she said. However, it is generally easy to treat with monthly doses of parasiticides or injectable ivermectin.

MITES Ear mites are not a common problem in dogs on the Prairies. Their preferred host is the cat. They cause itchy ears and possibly red-brown flaky debris in the ear. Cats can be treated with medications to keep them parasite free because they can pass the mites onto dogs if they live together. “Barn cats are probably our biggest ear mite carrier,” she said. “Ear mites are horrible. They are like having ants in your ear, so treat them in your cat.”

Ticks, fleas, lice and internal parasites can pose serious health risks to animals, making deworming, along with coat maintenance, key to keeping farm dogs and cats healthy. | FILE PHOTO

MAGGOTS Maggots are fly larvae and are usually seen in summer. Maggots and fly strike can be picked up on hair that is matted and has feces sticking to it, especially around the anus. They can infest a large area around untreated wounds. Maggots can be life threatening because they move onto living flesh once they eat dead tissue. They have to be manually removed and the wounds treated. “If you’ve got a dog that is fly struck, it is God’s way of telling you you need to pay more attention to coat maintenance,” Copeland said. “Things should not get to the point where you have got maggots infesting the dog.”

bia’s Okanagan Valley. Mosquitoes carry them and spread them during warm weather. The condition is hard to treat. The medication may kill the parasite, but then the heart is full of dead worms.

Veterinarians recommend using monthly prescription treatments from April to October as well as supplementing with a good tapeworm medication every three to 12 months, depending on what the dogs eat.

Go to the vet if symptoms persist because other problems can mimic parasites. It is also easy to overdose a small animal such as a dog, so check with vets on dosage and read product labels.

Agriculture Growing Saskatchewan

WORMS Endoparasites are also common and can be treated with regular deworming. Roundworms are common and are spread primarily through feces. Puppies can be born with worms, so breeding dogs should be dewormed regularly. The puppies suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, pot bellies and poor hair coats and fail to thrive. Canine roundworms can spread to people. “Good parasite treatment is important, especially if you have got little kids around,” she said. Tapeworms are becoming more common in Alberta, so they could appear in guard dogs depending on what they eat. Segments fall apart and become new worms. Rabbits, mice and gophers can also carry them, so guard dogs that eat a lot of vermin may get them. Cats can also pick them up. “If your dog has a lot of little white rice like fragments stuck around its bum, it’s tapeworms and your dog needs to be treated,” Copeland said. They typically infect adult animals, resulting in weight loss, poor hair coat, vomiting and diarrhea. Heartworm is not present in Alberta and Saskatchewan, but has been seen in Manitoba and British Colum-

Agriculture today is a vibrant and technologically-advanced industry. It is experiencing record growth and providing a better quality of life and more varied career opportunities than ever before. Through investment and innovation in research and biotechnology, support for sustainable farming and ranching practices, and commitment to high regulatory standards, agriculture is improving lives for people both here in Saskatchewan and around the world. Agriculture drives our economy and supports all of Saskatchewan.







COMING EVENTS Nov. 8: District 5, Memorial Hall, gmail.com) Manitoba Sheep Association district Carberry meetings (204-421-9434, mb@ Oct. 27-28: Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers mbsheep.ca): Nov. 9: District 14, Community Hall, Association winter show, Chilliwack Durban Heritage Park, Chilliwack, B.C. (www. Oct. 25: Southwest, Veva’s fvpfa.org) Restaurant, Boissevain Nov. 12: District 6, Royal Canadian Legion, Oak Lake Manitoba Beef Producers district Nov. 3: Northwest, Parkland meetings (800-772-0458, info@ Crossing, Dauphin Nov. 13: District 1, Community Hall, mbbeef.ca): Medora Nov. 8: Central, Golden Age Club, Oct. 29: District 13, Royal Canadian Notre Dame de Lourdes Nov. 14: District 8, Community Legion, Gilbert Plains Centre, Gladstone Nov. 13: East, Superstore, Steinbach Oct. 30: District 12, Westlake Nov. 15: District 2, Royal Canadian Nov. 15: West, Go Office, Hamiota Community Centre, Eddystone Legion, Pilot Mound Nov. 24: Interlake, Warren Nov. 1: District 4, Ukrainian Home of Nov. 16: District 7, United Church, Memorial Hall, Warren Vita Hall, Vita Birtle Oct. 26-27: Lakeland College open house, Nov. 2: District 3, Memorial Hall, Oct. 30: Farm Animal Council of Vermilion and Lloydminster campuses Carman Saskatchewan media training, (www.lakelandcollege.ca/openSaskatoon (www.facs.sk.ca) Nov. 5: District 11, Royal Canadian house) Legion, Ashern Nov. 1-3: Co-operating to Build a Oct. 27: Culture, Creativity and Place, Better West, Radisson Hotel, Nov. 6: District 10, Bifrost Lone Prairie Camp, Red Deer Saskatoon (Audra Krueger, 306-966Community Centre, Arborg Lake, Battle River Country, Alta. 8506, audra.krueger@usask.ca, (Rhonda Buffalo, 585-783-3824, Nov. 7: District 9, South Interlake Ag buildabetterwest.com) inspiringcreativityforhealth@ Society, Stonewall

Nov. 7-10: Agri-Trade, Westerner Park, Red Deer (403-755-7123, agri-trade. com) Nov. 7-10: Saskatoon Fall Fair, Prairieland Park Ag Centre, Saskatoon (306-931-7149) Nov. 7-10: Harvest Showdown, Yorkton Exhibition Grounds, Yorkton (306783-4800, yorkton.ex@sasktel.net) Nov. 13-14: Canfax Cattle Market Forum, Deerfoot Inn and Casino, Calgary (www.canfax.ca, Iris Meck, 403-6868407, ilcreg@imcievents.ca) Nov. 13-15: Alberta potato conference

Wanted: People of the World No. 13 and Wanted: More information on the SS 17, small ceramic ornaments that Keenora, Western People, Feb. 6, came in boxes of tea in the 1960s. — 1992 by Robin Huth. Will pay postage. Mitch Wlock, Box 452, Yorkton, Sask. — Marjorie Allan, 32 Pennington Cres., S3N 2W4, 306-782-7230. Georgetown, Ont. L7G 4L3.

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VOL. 90 | NO. 32 | $3.75




Canola seed losses top seven percent




Money on the ground | Producers could be losing nearly $1 billion worth of canola BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Canola farmers in Saskatchewan are leaving more than seven percent of their crop in the field, according to a post-harvest study conducted at the University of Saskatchewan.

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CWB predicts large crop in most areas Production estimates show 20 million tonnes of wheat BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Western Canadian farmers who are already enjoying near-record prices for cereal grains are also on track to produce one of their biggest crops in years. Bruce Burnett, a weather and crop specialist with CWB, said last week that 2012 production of wheat, durum and barley in western Canada is likely to surpass levels in 2010 and 2011. With the exception of dry areas in southeastern Manitoba and B.C.’s Peace River region, most prairie farmers are benefitting from good growing conditions and ample mois-

For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.




and trade show, Capri Convention Centre, Red Deer (Patti Lamb, 403223-2262, pga@albertapotatoes.ca, www.albertapotatoes.ca) Nov. 19-24: Canadian Western Agribition, Evraz Place, Regina (306565-0565, info@agribition.com, www.agribition.com) Nov. 27-29: Agri-Trend Farm Forum Event, TCU Place, Saskatoon (877276-7526)



AG NOTES DEKALB GOES MOBILE Monsanto has launched a new mobile website at www.DEKALB.ca/ mobile. The site is designed to help farmers, dealers and agronomists quickly find information. It includes the latest agronomic alerts, products and yields as well as dealer locators, commodity prices and weather information. Materials are available on corn and soybeans as well as in French and English. PULSE GROWERS SEEK AWARD NOMINATIONS The Saskatchewan Pulse Growers’ board of directors is seeking nominations for this year’s Pulse Promoter of the Year Award. Sponsored by BASF Canada, the annual award recognizes an individual who has helped build a profitable Saskatchewan pulse industry. Past award recipients include Murad Al-Katib, president of Saskcan Pulse Trading, Ray McVicar, former special crops specialist with the Saskatchewan agriculture ministry, Germain Dauk, grower and former SPG board member, Al Slinkard, former pulse breeder at the University of Saskatchewan and Don Tait, founding member of the Saskatchewan Pulse Crop Development Board. This year’s award will be presented during Pulse Days Jan. 8 in Saskatoon. Nominations will be accepted until Oct. 31 at 4:30 pm. The nomination form is available on the SPG website at www.saskpulse.com or by calling the SPG office at 306668-5556. FEDERAL SUPPORT FOR MALT INDUSTRY Three of Canada’s malting barley organizations have received $525,000 to help expand the industry domestically and internationally. Receiving the funding are the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre, the Malting Industry Association of Canada and the Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute. The funding is part of Agriculture Canada’s AgriMarketing Program and is geared toward helping recipients increase their competitiveness through innovative marketing and communications strategies, as well as the development of a Canadian malt barley brand.





Growers face several dilemmas when dealing with fusarium BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Evidence of the widening spread of fusarium head blight across Saskatchewan this year adds to a growing chorus emphasizing the importance of variety choice in keeping the disease at bay. However, industry officials warn there is no perfect solution for growers. “You’re going to deal with whatever is the biggest issue in your region,” said Pierre Hucl of the University of Saskatchewan’s Crop Development Centre, noting the best varieties for wheat midge and sawfly resistance aren’t the best to fight fusarium. “This year, I suspect fusarium spread out across a much wider swath than we’ve seen before into areas where it wasn’t seen before.… The picture is going to change as to how people pick varieties, I suspect.” Warm and humid weather in July saw parts of central Saskatchewan look more like Manitoba, where producers have a longer history with the disease, said Grant McL ean of Saskatchewan Agriculture. Producers in the Saskatoon and Melfort areas may not have been expecting to make a fungicide application to protect their wheat from fusarium, which damages yields, kernel size and grading scores and

produces mycotoxins such as DON. “I’m expecting to have some unhappy stories come out because there are some varieties that are pretty susceptible and they might’ve gotten in trouble,” said Stephen Fox, a spring wheat breeder with Agriculture Canada. “It’s an area where they’re not used to dealing with fusarium.” The upcoming harvest survey from the Canadian Grain Commission will provide growers and officials with a better idea of the disease’s distribution and damage in 2012, he said. The disease certainly isn’t new to the province: it’s been a concern in parts of the Prairies for almost 30 years. As well, researchers are aware of a new, more aggressive strain of the disease that has been moving west over the last decade. It is a priority for breeders and new varieties are coming through the pipeline, but resistance remains a complicated trait to select for on the Prairies. Hucl said it’s the same in other wheat growing parts of the world, meaning improvements are slow to materialize. A list of wheat varieties shows only a few with moderate resistance characteristics, such as Carberry or Cardale in the western red spring class. Fox has developed the Cardale variety, which is not yet available.

“It’s better than the ones that I’ve released before,” he said. “ It h a s t w o k n o w n g e n e s f o r fusarium head blight resistance and so that’s part of the reason why it’s doing a little bit better.” It was bred with southern Manitoba in mind and yields similar to McKenzie but below the high-performance Unity. However, the semi-dwarf strongstrawed wheat doesn’t have midge resistance. “I think we’re going to have things that are better than what we have currently, but we’re never going to have a variety that’s immune to fusarium,” said Hucl. A recently published report from Nora Foroud, a molecular biologist with Agriculture Canada in Lethbridge, studied the performance of several varieties and double haploid lines when exposed to the more aggressive strain of fusarium. In the greenhouse study, which was published in the journal Plant Disease, the more susceptible varieties saw the greatest accumulation of DON. The findings demonstrate the importance of growing highly resistant wheat cultivars, Foroud said. “We are continuing in using the double haploid production using the (fusarium graminearum trichothecene) selection to select for high lev-

Pierre Hucl says fusarium is spreading to areas where it hasn’t been seen to date. | UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN PHOTO els of resistance,” she said. “One of the things that this study that we recently published shows is that this method is successful in incorporating high levels of resistance and so we hope to take it to the next level and bring in good agronomic and end-use properties.” Winter wheat is less susceptible to fusarium than spring varieties because of when it flowers. The crop is one strategy for producers looking to mitigate the disease, as are earlier

seeding dates, but a multi-pronged approach, with crop rotations and fungicide applications, is recommended. “Studies have shown that an integrated approach is much better than using one of those options alone, but that being said, resistance is the most important factor,” said Foroud. “If you don’t have resistance, then the effects of crop rotation and fungicide under high disease pressure becomes almost irrelevant.”


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Food production in Africa, Asia needs investment Grim forecast | Sub-Saharan Africa expected to produce only 13 percent of food demand by 2050


KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) — More investment is needed to increase food production in Africa and Asia as rising demand and scarce resources leave millions of people

A white-tailed jackrabbit rests on the front lawn of a home in Strathmore, Alta. | RANDY FIEDLER PHOTO

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vulnerable to hunger, says a corporate-backed report. Only 13 percent of Sub-Saharan Africa’s total food demand in 2050 will be met without more investment in technology and infrastructure, according to the Global Harvest Initiative’s annual report. East Asia would be able to satisfy 74 percent of total food demand by 2050. “We cannot meet future global food demand unless agricultural productivity increases are achieved in every region,” said executive director Margaret Zeigler. She said more trade, assistance programs and public and private sector investments are needed to help meet rising food demands. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization says farmers must produce 70 percent more food by 2050 to meet demand of the world’s projected population of nine billion. The Global Harvest Initiative is organized and led by companies involved in food and agriculture and technology, including Monsanto, DuPont and Deere & Co. Among its goals are reduced trade barriers for agriculture, broader acceptance of agricultural technology, including genetically modified seeds, increased investment in rural infrastructure and more funding for agricultural research. “No one particular solution is going to be the thing that solves it everywhere,” said DuPont vice-president Jerry Flint, who chairs the Global Harvest Initiative. Flint said access, use and sustainability of water resources all need to be addressed over the long term. Food demand in Asia is primarily tied to rising incomes, the report said, and demand will outstrip supply. Food demand is expected to grow 3.64 percent a year to 2030. In South and Southeast Asia, food demand is estimated to grow annually by 2.75 percent. The report said agricultural production in the Middle East and Northern Africa will be able to satisfy 83 percent of total food demand in 2050 if it maintains a current rate of total factor productivity (TFP), which reflects the amounts of total inputs used per unit of output, including comparisons of the growth of output to the growth of input use. Latin America and the Caribbean will produce a substantial food surplus by 2050 if the current TFP rate is maintained, the report said. However, investment is needed in infrastructure and continued productivity improvements to maximize the region’s prospects to become a net food exporter. The report said areas in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have “enormous agricultural production potential” but currently low productivity.





Sask. vows to crack down on illegal drainage New agency launched | Tighter regulations and enforcement are expected soon BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Saskatchewan plans to crack down on illegal drainage activities, says the minister responsible for the new Water Security Agency. Ken Cheveldayoff said tighter regulations and enforcement are coming. Illegal drainage of farmland has always been a concern but has become a huge problem during the last few years of flooding, particularly on the east side of the province. Landowners can drain on their own property, but they are not allowed to move water onto someone else’s land. Cheveldayoff said people repeatedly told the consultation process into the new agency and a water security plan that something had to be done. “We’re going to get more aggressive in that area because we realize there

is a lot of illegal drainage that is going on,” said Cheveldayoff, who became environment minister at the end of May. “In the environment ministry, you hear about it very quickly.” The agency replaces the former Saskatchewan Watershed Authority and now includes staff who used to work in the environment, agriculture a n d h i g hw ay s m i n i s t r i e s. It i s designed to be the go-to ministry for all water-related issues. Drainage is a key component of the agency’s 25-year water security plan, which includes goals regarding sustainable water supply, drinking water safety, water protection, dam safety, flood and drought damage reduction and governance. Cheveldayoff said the government will work more closely with rural municipalities to make sure drainage regulations are enforced. Saskatchewan Association of Rural



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Tingley’s Harvest Center Lloydminster, Vegreville, AB..............................................780-875-8010 Ag-Plus Mechanical Medicine Hat, AB ..............................................................403-504-1111 Parkland Farm Equipment (1990) Ltd. Stony Plain/Thorsby, AB ...................................................888-327-6888 Matsqui Ag-Repair Ltd. Abbotsford, BC .................................................................604-826-3281 Shoal Lake Farm Equipment Ltd. Shoal Lake, MB.................................................................204-759-2527 Nick’s Service Ltd. Emerald Park, SK ..............................................................306-781-1077 E. Bourassa & Sons Radville, Pangman, Assiniboia, Weyburn, Estevan, SK ....877-474-2450 All West Sales Rosetown, SK ...................................................................306-882-2283

Municipalities president David Marit said resolutions passed at recent conventions have asked the province for heavier penalties and better enforcement. RM councils are often involved when neighbours complain about each other’s unauthorized drainage works. Marit said it’s happening all over the province but predominantly on the east side. “When the system is full and then the people higher up decide to drain their land, it just overfills everything,” he said. Manitobans have complained about water coming from Saskatchewan, while Saskatchewan communities were threatened even though there is no natural water source nearby. Cheveldayoff said farmers and landowners must get away from the practice of draining first and asking permission later. Today’s larger and more advanced equipment allows farmers to do much of their own drainage work, Marit said. “You can do your elevations right in your tractor and you can move a lot of dirt in a short order of time compared to even five years ago.” He said SARM supports organized

As more flooding has occurred in recent years, illegal drainage issues have become more common. | FILE PHOTO drainage programs as long as everyone is at the table. The issue has to be tackled soon, he added. He also said stronger penalties work only if there are enough people to enforce them. The cost of adding staff to check on drainage could outweigh the penalties. “It’s a daunting task to be able to do

it with the amount of employees that we have and to monitor it across the province,” he said. However, he said the agency will likely rely on technology to help. “With satellite technology and all of that, it is becoming easier to see diversions that have happened over the last period of time,” he said.

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Latest bid is a sign of firm’s bulking up to fend off Grain trading power sought | Company’s potential $3 billion deal to buy GrainCorp holds promise of broadening its presence in SYDNEY/CHICAGO (Reuters) — Archer Daniels Midland has raised the stakes in the global race for grain trading power by seeking talks to buy smaller Australian shipper GrainCorp to improve its position in Asia. The company’s potential $3 billion Cdn deal would add a vast network of elevators and terminals to its already key position supplying China. After announcing it had bought an additional 10 percent in GrainCorp Oct. 19, on top of a 4.9 percent stake it already owned, ADM said it had approached the company in hopes of convincing the board to bless a full cash takeover. “GrainCorp is a well-managed company, and together with ADM would be better positioned to connect Australia’s farmers with growing global demand for crops and food, particularly in Asia and the Middle East,” said ADM chief executive officer Patricia Woertz. GrainCorp said ADM had sought talks on a “potential transaction” but had not made a formal proposal. It said the board would look at the proposal as well as other options to maximize value for shareholders. The 10 percent purchase comes at a time of dramatic consolidation in the global grain sector amid intense competition to feed fast-developing countries seeking food security. A drought this year has hurt grain supplies from the United States and increased global supply anxiety as rising demand for soybeans and corn from China helps push up grain prices. “Australia has an opportunity to be a good source as a food basket for Asia as Asia’s appetite for quality produce increases,” said Kasha Chopra, portfolio manager at Karara Capital in Melbourne. It also comes as the four “ABCD” firms that have dominated the global agricultural business for decades, ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus, are emerging from a period of dismal earnings as tough new competitors and volatile markets fuelled by financial crises cut earnings. The bid is not ADM’s first signal that it wants to bulk up and push ahead of less acquisitive rivals such as Cargill while seeking to fend off eager new challengers such as Glencore and Singapore’s Olam. Nearly seven months ago, ADM pulled out of the race to buy Viterra, which was eventually bought by global commodities trader Glencore in a deal worth $6.2 billion. In May, Japanese company Marubeni bought U.S. grain merchant Gavilon, whose owners included billionaire investor George Soros, highlighting the intensifying competition for a foothold in the North American supply chain. Australia is a coveted market as the w o r l d’s s e c o n d - l a r g e s t w h e at exporter with a stable government and policy regime. However, traders who know ADM primarily as the top U.S. corn processor and a major producer of ethanol were surprised. The deal “comes as a surprise because GrainCorp is largely in the grain elevator business”, said Charlie Sernatinger, senior vice-president at ABN AMRO in Chicago.

GrainCorp operates seven of the eight bulk grain elevators in eastern Australia, handling as much as 60 percent of the region’s wheat, barley, canola, chickpea and sorghum crops. It has 20 million tonnes of storage at more than 280 inland grain handling sites, the company said. The wheat market has come under intense focus this year after a drought devastated the crop in Russia, leading to speculation that Moscow would limit exports, like it did in 2010, rallying prices at the Chicago Board of Trade.

ADM bought 22.8 million shares worth $275 million, or 10 percent, of GrainCorp before the market opened Oct.18 at $12.05 a share, a 33 percent premium to the share price close Oct. 18. ADM said later that it had already acquired a 4.9 percent share, which had not been reported. ADM already has a presence in Australia through its 80 percent stake in German-based global grain handler Toepfer International, which buys grains and pulses from Australian farmers for sale domestically and overseas.

That may raise concerns over consolidation. “It will be interesting to see how this works as ADM owns a sizable chunk in Toepfer, which has big presence in Australia,” said a manager with an international trading company. Macquarie analysts said in a note published before ADM’s share purchase that Wilmar International and Bunge could also be potential buyers for GrainCorp. ADM holds a 16 percent stake in Wilmar. Growing international interest in

Australia’s agricultural businesses has also led to a backlash in some quarters. The government’s recent approval of Chinese textile group Shandong Ruyi’s purchase of Cubbie Station, a giant cotton farm in Queensland, was criticized by opposition lawmakers. An investigation by Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Board will be triggered if ADM lifts its stake in GrainCorp to 15 percent or more. FIRB gave the green light in July to the Glencore’s takeover of Viterra,

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Japanese millers wary of new system

rivals Asian marketplace which holds nearly all the grain storage capacity in South Australia after buying Australia’s ABB Grain in 2009. Canadian fertilizer maker and farm products retailer Agrium Inc. bought AWB Ltd., Australia’s top bulk wheat exporter, in 2010 for $1.23 billion. Business has been booming in the sector and GrainCorp raised its 2012 earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization forecast to $395 to $426 million in May after posting stronger-than-expected first-half earnings.

Most not sure who to turn to in post-CWB era BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU


Corn was silaged at Den Oudsten Dairy near Crestomere, Alta., in September. Joe Elgersman was driving the silage truck, while Gert-Wim Sterk operated the chopper. | MIRIAM CAMERON PHOTO

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Japanese millers saw Australian wheat and durum quality and consistency decline a few years ago and worry Canada’s might go the same way. As well, they aren’t sure who to talk to if problems arise in the post CWBmonopoly era. “Since the CWB single desk system was dismantled, there is no contact person to address any problems we might encounter in the future,” said Japanese Flour Millers Association managing director Kenji Koibuchi. “So far, we’re not sure what the future will be looking like.” Koibuchi, who was with a group of Japanese durum millers during a Canadian International Grains Institute durum milling program in October, said Australian wheat and durum shipments to Japan since the end of that country’s single desk marketing system have often caused problems for millers. “Since AWB was dismantled in Australia, we have been getting unstable quality, unsure shipment to shipment, and we have experienced some troubles,” said Koibuchi. Particularly worrisome for Japanese millers is their inability to find any central authority with which to resolve problems. “Australian marketers are not really addressing these troubles and concerns as swiftly as we would like to see, so we just hope the same thing won’t be experienced with Canada,” he said. “When the CWB was providing its services, CWB was always there to address the problems and to listen to what we had to say. Whenever we have encountered any problems or troubles, C WB is right there to address the problem.” Japanese millers are willing to pay top dollar for top quality durum and wheat, which makes them eagerly sought by Canadian, Australian and American marketers. The Japanese eat many pasta and noodle products, and consumers value quality durum. Koibuchi’s organization represents 27 millers and 90 percent of domestic Japanese milling capacity. Six of the 27 companies mill durum. Consistency is the most highly valued attribute of Canadian grain in Japan, he said. “Durum from Canada has been able to maintain high quality consistently.”






This cat hunts a mouse near the Bar U Ranch south of Longview, Alta. |



Barley genome published LONDON, U.K. (Reuters) — An international consortium of scientists has published a high resolution draft of the barley genome in a move that could improve yields and disease resistance. It may also hold the key to better beer. “This research will streamline efforts to improve barley production through breeding for improved varieties,” said professor Robbie Waugh of Scotland’s James Hutton Institute, who led the research. “This could be varieties better able to withstand pests and disease, deal with adverse environmental conditions or even provide grain better suited for beer and brewing.” Barley that has been malted is a key ingredient in brewing beer, along with hops and yeast. The research, published in the journal Nature, could also be a boon for the whisky industry. Barley is also a major component of animal feed for the meat and dairy industries. Barley is the world’s fourth most important cereal crop, trailing only corn, rice and wheat, and its genome is almost twice the size of that of humans. “It will accelerate research in barley, and its close relative, wheat,” Waugh said. “Armed with this information, breeders and scientists will be much better placed to deal with the challenge of effectively addressing the food security agenda under the constraints of a rapidly changing environment.”

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U.S. drought doubles crop insurance costs Runaway costs | Taxpayers could be on the hook for $15 billion to support private crop insurance

Clouds of dust from the smut fungus engulf machines in a field near Belleville, Wisconsin. Smut is brought on by heat and drought, which has stunted crops throughout the U.S. heartland. | REUTERS/DARREN HAUCK PHOTO

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Reuters) — U.S. taxpayers could pay a record $15 billion to subsidize the privately run crop insurance program this year, double the recent cost due to devastating drought in the farm belt, say an array of agricultural economists. The program’s runaway costs are in focus as Congress looks for ways to cut government spending, making crop insurance a bigger target for reforms.

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The government and industry said they prefer to wait until late fall, when harvest is ending, to estimate costs. As of Oct. 15, $2.6 billion has been paid in 2012 crop indemnities. When lawmakers return to Washington next month, they must tackle both the farm bill, which includes crop insurance, and broad spending cuts required to rein in the U.S. deficit. “I think the rising cost of crop insurance will bring even more attention to crop insurance than has been paid so far,” said Craig Cox of the Environmental Working Group, which says crop insurance favours big farmers unduly and needs reform. At present, the government pays roughly 62 cents of every $1 in crop insurance premiums and shoulders a large part of the losses in bad years like this one. The Senate voted in June to reduce the subsidy to big farmers, potentially saving $1.1 billion over a decade. The House of Representatives, however, postponed dealing with the thorny issue of cutting farm subsidies until after the Nov. 6 elections. For the 15 companies selling crop insurance, such as Wells Fargo, American Financial Group and Endurance, 2012 is the first time in a decade that crop insurance is a money-loser. Indemnities will be so large that the companies will pay out all the money they collected in premiums this year — $11 billion plus $2 to $3 billion more — say agricultural economists at Montana and Illinois universities and the catastrophe modeling company AIR Worldwide. In coming years, as insurers seek to recoup these unprecedented losses, farmers, who contributed $4 billion of their own money this year for policies, will face higher premium rates. “We don’t expect it to be huge rate increases because it will be blended in with other years,” said analyst Jason Porter of ratings agency Standard & Poor’s. Crop insurance has become the biggest U.S. farm support as soaring prices for corn, soybeans and other commodities made the traditional price-support subsidies irrelevant. So-called revenue policies that shield growers from the effects of low prices and poor yields are the most popular version. Some 85 percent of eligible farm land, 281 million acres, was covered by $116 billion worth of crop insurance this year, setting a high for coverage. As the program grows, so does its cost to taxpayers. Along with premium subsidies, the U.S. Department of Agriculture pays part of industry overhead and defrays the impact of severe losses on insurers. Experts say USDA could pay threefourth of this year’s underwriting losses, which are indemnities that exceed premiums. Taxpayers will face a tab of around $15 billion, including $7 billion in premium subsidies, $1.3 billion in overhead costs for insurers plus about $7 billion from underwriting losses, said agricultural economist Vince Smith of Montana State University.






New institute addresses growth

New arena hopes to draw more livestock to Regina event

Protecting valuable resources | The Alberta Land Institute plans to study the impact Pasqua and Harlton barns will not be used on farmland from the rising population expected during the next 50 years BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU


Four research areas were identified this fall to help kick start the project: • evaluating mechanisms for wetland restoration and retention in Alberta • assessing the implications of fragmentation and conservation of agricultural land in Alberta based on municipal development • identifying tradeoffs and management options in the Alberta irrigation sector over the next 25 years • assessing property rights and land use in Alberta Tremblay hopes to offer solutions to landowners and policy makers that will result in better land management. “We want to see land management that considers environmental, economical and social.” He said there are many unanswered questions:


Organizers expect more livestock in a new show footprint at next month’s 42nd annual Canadian Western Agribition. A couple of older barns have been retired and a new sale arena constructed in the commercial cattle barn, said chief executive officer Marty Seymour. “I think the biggest thing you’re going to see is a completely new footprint for the cattle exhibitors,” he said. The Pasqua and Harlton barns, some of the older facilities on the Evraz Place grounds, will not be used. “The buildings, they’re pretty tired,” Seymour said. “I think everybody familiar with Agribition knows that and we decided we would make an investment in our commercial cattle barn and build this new show arena and then try to shift where the cattle are housed.” The new sale arena is directly west of the former sale ring in Stockman’s Arena where the bison and commercial cattle are sold. The new ring will continue to be the site for those events. Improvements include proper water, electricity and infrastructure

such as washrooms, Seymour said. He said people will have a far better visitor and exhibitor experience with cattle closer together and in better facilities. “The buildings will be dry,” he noted, referring to the many leaks in the older barn roofs. “To manage our risk we’ve moved to this new layout.” Entries recently closed for the purebred events and numbers are up more than 10 percent to 1,750 head, Seymour said. There is also a 10 percent increase in entries for the junior beef events, 37 percent more sheep, seven percent more goats and 20 percent more ranch horses. The deadline for commercial cattle is not until November but there were 500 head on the grounds last year. Seymour also said international registration is likely to be stronger this year. Organizers expect 800 people from 75 countries. Already 30 percent more guests have pre-registered and visitors are confirmed from Argentina, Finland, Russia and China. As well, exhibitors from at least eight American states are bringing cattle. This year’s show runs Nov. 19-24.

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EDMONTON — With the Alberta population expected to double in the next 50 years, what’s going to happen to farmland? It’s a question the new Alberta Land Institute hopes to answer in an effort to help protect the province’s valuable resource. Executive director Andre Tremblay said a growing demand for land designed for many uses, including recreation, oil and gas activity, and municipal development, has made it important to look at what’s happening to farmland. “There are all sorts of pressures on the landscape. It’s creating challenges in trying to balance environmental, economic and social objectives,” said Tremblay. The role of the institute is to identify land use challenges, policy gaps and issues that should be investigated. “We want to identify mechanisms, policies and programs that can help improve land management,” he said. The non-partisan research institute was made possible by a $4.9 million donation to the University of Alberta from Calgary philanthropist David Bisset, who grew concerned about the changes to Alberta’s landscape.

• how much land is fragmented as a result of municipal development? • what is the rate of loss of agricultural land and what are the key drivers behind its loss? • what are the tools that could be used to help stop that loss? • what is the best way to restore wetlands? “What we want to do is identify specific real gaps that exist in Alberta, then dr ive those ver y specific research questions and assemble those academic teams that can answer those questions,” he said. “We then want to put options forward that policy makers and land users can consider.” Tremblay said a lot of good land has been paved over, but it’s never too late to strengthen policies or better understand the impact of land management policies. “There is still an opportunity to improve our land use system in the province and I am an optimist. I still think there is lots of great work that can be done.” The institute will continue to meet with stakeholders about the most important land use questions. “The challenge for us is to continue to identify relevant questions, but when we do have results, to communicate them clearly and effectively.”


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World farm ministers tackle food prices

Zuni, an Australian Shepherd, stretches to drink from the stock waterer on a ranch near Millarville, Alta. | WENDY DUDLEY PHOTO

ROME, Italy (Reuters) — World farm ministers called for greater transparency and restrictive measures to contain volatility in food commodity markets during an Oct. 16 meeting. However, they failed to agree on the bold idea of strategic grain stocks and side-stepped food use in biofuel. More than 30 ministers and deputy ministers joined the meeting in Rome. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization organized the meeting after grain prices shot to

record highs this summer, the third such spike in four years. The increase was fueled by drought in key producers such as the United States and Russia. To contain such price swings, participants suggested boosting international co-ordination and data sharing in the public and private sectors, and increasing transparency in the physical market and commodity futures trading. “We need more transparency on the futures markets. We have to be clear about what transactions are going on,” German agriculture minister Ilse Aigner told the meeting. “We need position limits to be applied with regards to financial investors on the futures markets and also more information with regard to the frequency of trades.” French agriculture minister Stephane Le Foll, who chaired the conference, reiterated France’s proposal for global strategic grains reserves, but the idea was opposed by the U.S. ambassador to the UN’s food agencies, David Lane. Lane said reserves are costly and would divert resources away from other measures to handle food price volatility, such as support for producers, safety nets for poor consumers and investments in food distribution. “Large-s cale stocks can also encourage hoarding and corruption in the food system and can create uncertainty in markets, as the timing and size of the release of stocks are generally non-transparent and unpredictable,” he said. Le Foll had said before the meeting that he did not expect to reach a deal in the short term on France’s strategic stocks proposal because of scant international support. However, he said he would keep pushing for the idea. A recent FAO report showed one out of every eight people in the world is chronically undernourished, and that progress to reduce hunger has slowed in recent years. Its closely watched global food price index rose 1.4 percent in September after remaining stable in August, and is close to levels reached during the 2008 food crisis, which sparked riots in poor countries. France called an emergency meeting of the Group of 20 leading economies last month to discuss volatile food markets. It asked for a meeting of the Rapid Response Forum, created last year to promote early discussion of critical market conditions among senior officials. However, in early October, just days after it took over the chair of the G20 farm body AMIS, which decides whether to hold rapid response meetings, the United States said such an emergency meeting was not necessary given that agricultural markets were functioning. The FAO decided to maintain its plan to hold a meeting on food prices, though it was not within the G20 framework. Some countries acknowledged that the decision to not convene the rapid response forum had helped calm concern over rising prices. “We must use this instrument in moderation to avoid any atmosphere of crisis. I am very happy we have not had to use it so far,” said Aigner.





Ukraine nixes Weather woes cause Kazakhstan crop prospects to dwindle export limits 2012 grain crop is expected to fall to 12 or 13 million tonnes from 27 million last year

KIEV, Ukraine (Reuters) — Ukraine won’t impose limits on barley and corn exports in the current marketing season, agriculture minister Mykola Prysyazhnyuk has said. The country will export more than two million tonnes of grain this month, he added. “Moreover, we will encourage the exports of feed grains,” Prysyazhnyuk said. The ministry gave no official export data for S eptember, but some observers say the volume could total 2.5 million tonnes, with wheat dominating the shipments. “Regarding wheat exports ... everything will depend on how we will complete winter grain sowing,” Prysyazhnyuk said. He said Ukraine had almost completed winter grain seeding for the 2013 harvest, and only farms in the south needed more time because of the lack of moisture. Weather forecasters said heavy rain that covered almost the entire country earlier this month would help all crops to sprout and strengthen. Farms had planted 18 million acres for the 2013 winter grain harvest as of Oct. 15, or 88 percent of the originally forecast area, official data showed. Most crops have sprouted and are in a good state. The agriculture ministry and traders agreed in September that exports from Ukraine would not exceed 19.4 million tonnes this season, including four million tonnes of wheat, three million tonnes of barley and 12.4 million tonnes of corn. Prysyazhnyuk said earlier this month the ministry had raised the export limit for wheat for 2012-13 season, adding one million tonnes to a previous four million tonnes cap. “We ... understand that we cannot export any more than five million tonnes of wheat this season,” he said. However, traders and analysts said the country’s exportable wheat surplus could reach 5.5 to six million tonnes this season. Ukraine exported 5.4 million tonnes of wheat in 2011-12. The ministry said Ukraine had exported 6.639 million tonnes of grain, mostly wheat, so far in 201213. The volume included 2.528 million tonnes of milling wheat, 662,000 tonnes of feed wheat, 1.748 million tonnes of corn and 1.341 million tonnes of barley. The ministry said traders had contracted 4.4 million tonnes of grain, including 2.1 million tonnes of wheat, for future exports. Ukraine plans to harvest 45 to 46 million tonnes of grain this year, and exports are seen totalling 20 to 21 million tonnes in 2012-13. The country, which consumes 26 million tonnes of grain a year, harvested 56.7 million tonnes in 2011 and exported 22.8 million tonnes in 2011-12. Analysts have forecast the harvest at 42.4 million tonnes this year and expect exports of 20 million.

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (Reuters) — Kazakhstan expects its drought-hit grain crop to fall to 12 to 13 million tonnes this year, although carryover stocks will maintain a high level of exports. Prime minister Serik Akhmetov said the country’s 2012 grain crop would fall to 13 million tonnes by clean weight. His forecast was higher than the 12 million tonnes predicted by the agriculture ministry. Kazakhstan harvested a post-Soviet record of 27 million tonnes last year. This year’s crop has been damaged by drought. “Despite this year’s climatic condi-

tions, the harvest is not altogether bad,” Akhmetov said. “After cleaning, I believe there will be around 13 million tonnes of marketable grain.” Yevgeny Aman, executive secretary at the agriculture ministry, forecast a harvest of 12 million tonnes by clean weight. Kazakhstan has almost completed its 2012 grain harvest. Aman, citing ministry data, said the country had harvested 14 million tonnes by bunker weight from 37 million acres, or 99.7 percent of the seeded area. Yields averaged 0.38 tonnes per acre, he added. Kazakhstan’s 16.7 million people

consume 2.5 million tonnes of grain a year. Domestic supplies are not endangered by the drought, although the country will have to dig into its reserves to maintain its role as a top 10 world wheat exporter. Aman said the new crop, plus carryover stocks of 9.8 million tonnes as of July 1, would leave eight million tonnes available for export in 2012-13. This would be lower than the record 12.1 million tonnes exported in 201112, but higher than the 5.9 million tonnes shipped in the previous marketing year. Nurlan Tleubayev, president of the Grain Union of Kazakhstan,

which represents producers and traders, gave a lower export forecast. He said Kazakhstan would be able to export 6.5 to seven million tonnes of grain. “Realistically, I believe that Kazakhstan ... will load around 4.5 million tonnes of wheat for export and around 1.8 million tonnes of flour, which is around 2.3 million tonnes in grain equivalent,” he said. To keep bread prices stable at home, authorities had supplied 1.3 million tonnes of milling wheat from state reser ves to Kazakhstan’s regions at a fixed price of $186 per tonne, Aman said.

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Trade forecasts | Two million tonnes of grain exports expected in October




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Canal upgrades provide much-needed facelift Fighting drought | Canal provides water to 37,000 acres of irrigated land STORY & PHOTOS BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Irrigation engineers Jason Drury and Kimberly Green from the irrigation branch of the ministry of agriculture are on site during rehabilitation work at the M1 Canal, just north of Lake Diefenbaker, Sask.

Even dreams need upkeep. Rehabilitation work is well underway on the M1 Canal north of Lake Diefenbaker and the Gardiner Dam in central Saskatchewan. The canal was first considered more than 80 years ago during the Dirty Thirties and was part of a larger dream to build Gardiner Dam and Lake Diefenbaker. Gerry Gross, agrologist for the provincial agriculture’s irrigation branch, said the need for irrigation was the driver for building the dam and providing economic benefits. “In the 1930s the thought was, how are we going to drought proof Saskatchewan,” he said. The dream included a water delivery system that could supply about 500,000 acres of irrigated land and provide water to Saskatchewan residents. The M1, operated by the irrigation branch, went into operation in 1967, shortly after the dam’s completion.

Designed as a gravity canal, M1 encompasses the East Side Pump Station located at the dam and runs 22.5 kilometres north to the Broderick Reservoir. Recent upgrades completed at the pump station include new electrical switch gear, refurbishment of pump motors, replacement

of the roof, removal of asbestos wallboard, replacement of wet well dewatering valves and upgrades to the cooling and ventilation system. It has four pumps with a combined output of 6,350 horsepower and maximum flow rate of 23 cubic metres per second.




FAR LEFT: Drury monitors the rehabilitation work being done on the M1 Canal. LEFT, TOP: Work on this section of the canal has not yet begun. It contains a check structure that controls the flow and elevation of the water in the canal. LEFT, BOTTOM: The East Side Pump Station, which supplies the M1 Canal, has recently gone through a rehabilitation. Commissioned in 1967, it has four pumps with a total combined output of 6,350 horsepower and maximum flow rate of 23 cubic metres per second. The canal provides water for 37,000 acres of irrigated lands in the South Saskatchewan River Irrigation District. The system was recently drained so backhoes and bulldozers can enlarge and reshape the canal. The bed is being widened three metres and the bank’s side slopes trimmed to a three to one pitch. The existing surface liner, dating back to 1992, is being replaced with a new and improved plastic liner that stretches from the top of each bank. Coarse gravel buries the new liner and forms a protective armour against damaging ultraviolet rays, wind and seepage. “It’s a rehabilitation project that will extend the life of M1 Canal another 50 years minimum,” said Jason Drury, irrigation engineer with the


irrigation branch. With an anticipated project completion date of 2020, the upgraded canal will deliver 28 cubic metres per second, about a 50 percent greater flow rate. The M1 is the main artery to a much larger system downstream. As part of the irrigation district, it serves 450 km of other canals, drains and gravity pipelines. It also delivers the source water for the Saskatoon South East Water Supply system, owned and operated by Sask Water. The SSEWS consists of a series of gravity canals and reservoirs serving six communities, three potash mines, 14 Ducks Unlimited projects and 57,000 acres of irrigation. It’s 110 km long, beginning at the Broderick Reservoir and ending at Dellwood

Reservoir near Lanigan, Sask. Rehabilitation of that system is expected to begin within the next five years. What began as a dream in the 1930s motivated by necessity has faded of late, said Gross. He believes today’s public is generally unaware of the canal’s importance as a major source of water and economic spinoffs. People take their water for granted, he added. “When you look at the development around Blackstrap Lake, well those million dollar homes would not be there without that little channel, which is 250 cubic feet per second,” he said. “It’s just a small channel which people drive across at 110 km on Highway 11 or 15 and they don’t realize that they’ve crossed over the life-

line for water supply all the way up to Lanigan. It’s a huge economic impact for Saskatchewan, which flies under the radar.… This impact is not just for 36,000 acres of irrigation and South Saskatchewan Irrigation District. The upgrade is a vital upgrade for Saskatchewan’s economy.… We’re trying to sustain what we have but build in capacity for expansion because expansion will come. If the water is there, it will come.” The reservoir and dam’s original visionaries in the 1930s and 1940s dared to dream big when they designed a system that could supply 500,000 to 600,000 acres of irrigated land. “ You talk about the dream of drought-poor Saskatchewan providing water to Saskatchewan residents, which the lake was built for,”

Gross said. “This is still the evolution of the dream. No one would think it would take this long. Forty-five years later and we’re still pumping around 100,000 acres of irrigation when the plan was to be 500,000 acres of irrigation.” However, Drury said the province is now in an enviable place because of the underused lake in a resource hungry world. The ongoing upgrade and rehabilitation is needed for present day sustainability and future utilization. “We’re expanding the shores of Lake Diefenbaker,” he said. “What we’re trying to do is take that jewel that we have here in Lake Diefenbaker. We’re blessed with this lake and this opportunity and it’s really under developed.”

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Hard to tell an oil m from regular Joe in Boom creates rural wealth | Average income in

The millionaires in North Dakota like to blend into the landscape. |


STANLEY, N.D. (Reuters) — The retired men shooting the breeze at Joyce’s Cafe in Stanley don’t look like oil barons, but appearances can be deceptive, especially in North Dakota. Take Robert Western, a farmer dressed in rumpled overalls and a baseball cap as he sipped coffee and discussed the oil boom that has transformed this once sleepy town. “Some of the younger people buy a lot more: machinery, vehicles, things like that,” said the 75-year-old Western. “The rest of us, I guess it doesn’t alter our lifestyle a great deal. I don’t have a lot of needs.” After he left, his friend, Earl Rogstad remarked to a visitor: “It’s too bad Robert didn’t have his airplane ready.... He offered last summer to fly me over and see (the oil wells) from the air.” Western did not mention that he is co-owner of a Piper single engine propeller plane, according to Federal Aviation Administration records. He did admit to receiving oil royalties from wells on his farm, but locals said he is far from the richest man in town. It is not clear whether Western is a

millionaire or merely wealthy. “You can’t tell the average Joe farmer from the average Joe millionaire,” said Ward Heidbreder, city co-ordinator in Stanley. Average income in Mountrail County, the hub of the North Dakota oil production boom, doubled in five years to $52,027 per person in 2010, ranking it in the richest 100 U.S. counties. The boom could be creating up to 2,000 millionaires a year in North Dakota, said Bruce Gjovig, founder of the Center for Innovation at the University of North Dakota. Many oil region residents receive $50,000 or $60,000 a month in oil royalties and some more than $100,000, said David Unkenholz, a senior trust officer at First International Bank & Trust in Watford City, the seat of McKenzie County, which is the state’s second largest oil producing county behind Mountrail. The oil is so plentiful that in Stanley, where the population has doubled to 3,200 in the last five years, a well drilled under the town means many homeowners could receive a small oil royalty check. A lot of North Dakota’s new wealthy

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millionaire North Dakota Mountrail County doubled in five years simply stash the cash in savings and checking accounts with “ridiculously large” balances, Unkenholz said. The monster homes, ostentatious diamond rings and luxury sports cars of California and New York are virtually nonexistent in North Dakota. Looking for wealth here is a subtle exercise. Locals point to pick-up trucks. The boom has boosted truck sales decked out with extras at Stanley’s Ford dealer, Prairie Motors Inc., said coowner Gary Evans. “They are a lot more elaborate, a lot more loaded up than what they used to be, even the accessories,” Evans said. “There is a big demand for accessorizing a pick-up truck, everything from running boards to grill guards to chrome wheels.” Evans said most residents have not changed their buying habits, especially those older than 50. “Some of these people you could look at and you don’t even know if they have an oil well or not, and they may have several,” said Evans, who grew up on a family farm west of Stanley and also has some mineral acres. One reason rich locals do not brag about their money is because some residents do not own precious mineral rights to the land and have missed out on the boom. Land and mineral rights can be separated and sold in North Dakota, and often are. Royalties are paid based on oil produced and sold mainly in sections of land of one or two square miles in size. The owner of the mineral rights receives the royalties. It can be a complex exercise to divide rights among multiple land heirs. In simple terms, a well producing 100 barrels of oil per day that is sold at $80 a barrel would generate $248,000 in a 31-day month. The state collects taxes of 11.5 percent on extraction and production, and if the rights holders have one-fifth royalties, they would then receive $43,896 a month. In July, North Dakota wells pro-

duced an average of 92 barrels per day, but some produced more than 10,000 barrels a month, a windfall for the royalty owners. Some of the money has been anonymously donated to area churches and some to schools for technology, said Heidbreder. It’s not just landowners who are benefiting from the boom. Oil has also brought high-paying jobs, and some of that money filters through to local businesses. Man camps have sprung up in North Dakota, where oil workers live in makeshift dormitories. At a camp in Williston run by workforce housing provider Target Logistics, the 26 kitchen staff, all from outside the state, work 84 hours a week for six straight weeks and then take two weeks off, executive chef Jason Freeman said. Target Logistics has several man camps in western North Dakota, including a hotel and cabins at Stanley, mainly for energy employees. Its camp in Williston looks like a military base with room for 800 workers, a huge cafeteria, weight room and lounge. “This is a thriving economy. This doesn’t exist anywhere else,” said Freeman, who lives in central Minnesota. There are downsides to the oil rush. Crime reports are up in Stanley, even if not as much as the population. Aggravated assault reports rose 55 percent last year in the oil producing counties, according to state figures. Gayleen Grote, who lives on a family farm north of Tioga in the oil patch, said she has a permit to carry a concealed weapon and sometimes puts a semiautomatic pistol in a bra holster. “There is a lot of testosterone,” said Grote. She has never had to get aggressive, she added, but male drivers have stopped several times while she was walking by herself on area roads. “There is nothing to do but drink,” she said.


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A well producing 100 barrels of oil per day that is sold at $80 per barrel would generate $248,000 in 31 days.





Britain to import wheat First time in decade | Yields fall to 23-year low

Wheat yields in Britain are down, as is quality, which is forcing millers to rely on more imports. |


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LONDON, U.K. (Reuters) — Britain remains on track to become a net wheat importer in 2012-13 season for the first time in more than a decade, following a poor harvest this summer. Customs data shows imports far outstripped exports in August. Exports totalled just 26,804 tonnes of wheat in August and imports 185,150 tonnes. Exports totalled 64,980 tonnes for the first two months of the 2012-13 season, which began July 1, far below the 281,704 tonnes shipped in the same period a year earlier. Imports in August were 185,150 tonnes for a cumulative total for the season so far of 340,899 tonnes, well above the 129,422 tonnes shipped in the same period last season. Britain’s farm ministry recently estimated that wheat yields this season had fallen to a 23-year low because of high disease levels and a lack of sunshine in the key grain fill period. Traders have also said there have been significant quality problems, which have left millers relying much more heavily than normal on imports. The Home-Grown Cereals Authority recently forecast that imports would rise to 1.7 million tonnes in 2012-13, up 87 percent from last season. Traders have said wheat has been coming in from Germany, France and the Baltic region, and the customs figures showed that 270,511 tonnes have been shipped from within the EU so far this season and 70,388 tonnes from outside the trading community. Britain’s main export markets in recent years have been the Netherlands and Spain, but shipments to both those markets have fallen sharply this season. The Netherlands has received 19,835 tonnes of British wheat so far this season, sharply down from 132,381 tonnes in the first two months of 2011-12, while Spain has taken only 3,601 tonnes versus 44,211 tonnes. British barley exports, in contrast, are running above last season with 162,703 tonnes shipped in August, including 42,000 tonnes to Saudi Arabia. Barley exports total 186,970 tonnes for the season-to-date, up from 131,201 tonnes in the first two months of the 2011-12 season.

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1972 CESSNA 150L, TTSN 1400 hrs., 0-320 Lycoming 150 HP, TT 900 hrs., LR tanks, intercom push to talk, tow hook, always hangared, $42,000. 306-255-2611, CITABRIA PROJECT 1967 7GCAA rebuild 306-280-3231, Colonsay, SK. project. No engine call or email for more LYCOMING TI0-540-A2C wide deck eng., info $6500 OBO. 587-436-0705, Airdrie, AB 1461 SM0H, good logs, being sold firewall MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine forward, prop strike. Engine has been dial parts, propellers, C23 new surplus parts. checked, $11,500. Call 519-866-5959. 1980 CESSNA 172 RGlI, Cutless 180 HP, 1631 TTSN, Mode C, Horton stall kit, www.skyview-enterprises.ca 204-324-6088, Altona, MB. transponder, ADF, DME, ELT, Appollo equipped, plane hangered since new, clean, well maintained unit, (hanger also for sale). To be sold at auction, Oak Lake Hall, Oak Lake. MB, Sun. Nov. 18 at 2 PM. Sold subject to owners acceptance of high bid. Plane and hanger located at Virden, MB. For more info call Miller Auctions 204-649-2366, Coulter, MB. Lic# 911465. www.globalauctionguide.com




3$66(6 72

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1979 PIPER TURBO Saratoga SP, 2400 TT, 717 SMOH, 2 Garmin 430W, Aspen 1000 Pro. Too many options to list. Int/ext. 9/10. Asking $158,900. jplett@mafc.org 204-380-4469, Steinbach, MB. 1978 CESSNA A188B agtruck, 3940 TTAF, IO520D 680 STOH, 1330 TTSN, 3 blade prop, 530 SOH Dec. 2009, Satloc Bantam new 2011, many extras. NMDH always hangared, well equipped spray plane. Dan 306-625-3922, 306-625-7505, Ponteix, SK.

1966 PIPER 28 CHEROKEE 140, new radials, 720 transponder mode C, GPS 296, all Garmin, new 2008. Fresh annual May 2012, TTAF 6330 hrs., ETT 2200 hrs., all log books, NDHl, $22,500 OBO. 204-769-2210, 204-741-0054, Elgin, MB. 165 FRANKLIN ENGINE for sale, firewall foreward c/w prop and running condition, with log books, $3000. 780-812-1813, Ardmore, AB.

MUST SELL: CESSNA 180, price reduced $60,000 OBO, many extras, ready to fly. Federal 3000 wheel skis $6000. 306-768-3143, Carrot River, SK. NEED YOUR CESSNA thrush air tractor wings rebuilt? Phone 204-362-0406, Morden, MB.

STINSON PARTS: wings, fuselage, horizontal stabilizer, elevators, nose bowl, top STINSON 108-3, 1374 TTAF, 361 TTE cowl, etc. 250-991-7958, Quesnel, BC. SMOH, 165 HP, H.C. Franklin, Nav Mode C, 406 ELT, Cleveland wheels and brakes, 1976 CESSNA 172M Skyhawk II, 4151 Scott TW, fabric 2003 hangared since, C of TTSN, 2151 SMOH, fresh annual, Horton A June 2012, $30,000 OBO. 204-781-3544, STOL kit, long range tanks, auto pilot, dual Nav/Com, Garmin GPS, DME, ADF, XPDR Dufresne, MB. Mode C, same owner since 1979, hanPIPER NAVAJO/ CHIEFAIN parts including gared. 306-946-3894, Watrous, SK. av i o n i c s a n d i n s t r u m e n t s . P h o n e : 519-866-5959. Parts are photographed 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, and priced at: www.skyview-enterprises.ca engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive 1961 CHAMP 7HC converted to 7GC, TT annual complete, sacrifice $80,000. Phone 1325.2, Lycoming 0-290-D2, 135 HP, very R i c k W i l d f o n g 3 0 6 - 7 3 4 - 2 3 4 5 o r strong motor, SMOH 1395.2, I-com radio 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. and 2 place inter com, new tires, very good fabric, good glass, Sensenich 74 DM-0-52. 204-845-2418, Elkhorn, MB. 1976 CESSNA 172M, 1370 TTSN, dual MK12D Nav/Coms GS, ADF, King KT76A XPDR mode C, inter com, LRF, no damage, WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calvhangared, complete logs. 204-845-2418, ing/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, ELkhorn, MB. combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. 1977 PA-18-160 PIPER Super Cub, most M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . Alaskan mods, 2400 TTAF, 450 SMOH, etc. 403-616-6610, www.FAAsecurity.com $75,000 OBO. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC 1963 CHEROKEE PA 28-160, 4198 TTSN, 424 SMOH, mode C, 406 ELT, Bendix KLX GPS Com, long range tanks, droop wing tips, canopy and winter covers, annual July 2012, $27,500. Lloydminster, SK, 306-825-0488, pfmeng@gmail.com

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ACROSS 1. Film starring Johnny Depp (2 words) 8. Initials of the Canadian actress who played Scarlett O’Hara’s sister 9. Film starring Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington (with The) (2 words) 11. They Might ___ Giants 12. ___ You (theme song from Avatar) 14. He played RomÊo Dallaire in Shake Hands With the Devil (2 words) 15. Nick Offerman’s wife 16. Spies Like ___ 17. Film starring James Garner and Abigail Breslin (with The) (2 words) 19. Actor Helms 20. Raiders of the Lost ___ 21. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix director 23. 1991 Oliver Stone film 24. Elliott’s friend in a 1982 film 26. ___ Station Zebra 27. The Wizard of ___ 29. Creator of Alias 30. Divorce American ___ 31. ___ Guys 32. Actor La Salle 33. ___ Reed Fish 34. ___ River 35. Secretary on Hogan’s Heroes

DOWN 1. She played Violet Sanford in Coyote Ugly (2 words) 2. He plays a former Marine Corps sergeant turned tavern owner on Revolution (2 words) 3. 1989 film produced and directed by Norman Jewison (2 words) 4. Hollywood make-up artist Westmore 5. You’ve Got ___ 6. Jennifer’s character in Dreamgirls 7. Tom and Janet-Laine 8. 2001 film that won four Academy Awards (3 words) 10. The Devil’s ___ 13. Initials of an actor who played a doctor on TV in the early 1970s 15. She won an Academy Award for her performance as a schoolteacher in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (2 words) 18. His character had an affair with one of the “Desperate Housewives� 22. Former TV series starring Swoosie Kurtz and Sela Ward 25. Film starring Matt Dillon and Gene Hackman 28. Actress Deschanel



FORD JUBILEE, MH Pacer, MH 44 Row 1928 MODEL A Ford tudour, excellent runCrop, Minneapolis 445, Cockshut 30, 3 n i n g c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 O B O . w h e e l F a r m a l l C . , M H 5 0 d s l . 403-443-0535, Three Hills, AB. 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. BODNARUS AUCTIONEERING. FALL Wild Rose Antique & Collectible Auction Sale, November 3, 2012 @ 9:00 AM. Coins sell @ 11:00 AM, Blueberry Community Hall, Stony Plain, AB. Directions: Range Rd 15, North of Hwy 16A, Stony Plain, AB. Tin signs; Cans; Crocks; Glassware; Furniture; Tools; Sporting cards; Assortment of Western memorabilia & saddles; Coins; Huge selection of oil related items; Numerous miscellaneous items. For more information 1-877-494-2437 or 306-227-9505. PL #318200. Website: www.bodnarusauctioneering.com

ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranteed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. LOST INTEREST: 1948 Harry Ferguson w/bucket; 1950 Harry Ferguson; 1955 Ford 600; 1943 JD AR; 1954 Ford Jubilee; 1948 8N, V8 Funk conversion, extra parts and paint. 403-382-0158, Lethbridge, AB. TRACTORS FOR SALE: JD’s 420 Hi-crop (rare), M, MTW, MTN, BW, 2 H’s, Cockshutt 20. 403-660-8588, Calgary, AB. JD 730 DIESEL tractor, pony engine start, runs good, $5500. 306-374-8432, Saskatoon, SK. 1963 FORD 861 PowerMaster dual-track tractor c/w tracks, snowblower, loader, 3 PTH, 453 hrs. Mild restoration completed. Use for show or work. Asking $6250. 306-591-3344, Regina Beach, SK, email r.b.club@hotmail.com MCCORMICK-DEERING THRESHING outfit: 1957 threshing machine 28x46, threshed only 400 acres; 10’ power binder, very good cond; 1946 W-6 tractor, good cond. All used in 2011. 306-563-3047 Canora, SK JD 730 TRACTOR, diesel, restored, pop MOOSOMIN PREMIER ANTIQUE and Col- motor, excellent, $8500. Call George lector Auction, Saturday, November 10th, 780-689-7373, Athabasca, AB. 11:00 AM, Conexus Convention Centre, OLIVER 88 STD. dsl., $2400; Oliver 88, Moosomin, SK. Features: Beautiful Oak fur- gas rowcrop, 13x38, $1600; Oliver 770 niture - china cabinets, dining room tables, c/w F10 Farmhand loader, $1000. All mid roll tops, china buffets, secretary and 1950’s. 780-416-1684, Sherwood Park, AB. stacking bookcases, bedroom suites and more. Tremendous lamps and glassware TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New plus many unusual antiques. Exceptional parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, reproquality furnishings and collectibles. Watch duction parts, antiques and classic. Westfor listing and pictures on websites ern Canada m.e. MILLER tire dealer and www.mrankinauctions.com as well as STEINER dealer. Phone Don Ellingson,. www.rosstaylorauction.com Murray Rankin 1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB. or email Auctions 204-534-7401, Killarney, MB. tunerite@telusplanet.net Ross Taylor Auction Service, Reston, MB. 8N FORD TRACTOR, good condition, 204-522-5356. SK Lic#’s 313936, 909917. $2000. Call Kelly at 306-587-2916 or ANTIQUE SALE, Oct. 26-27, D-Company 306-741-2065 (cell), Cabri, SK. Armouries, 9005 101 St., Grande Prairie, BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, broAB. Great selection of furniture, jewellery, chures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton coins, stamps, toys and dolls, fine glass AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. and china, vintage stove restoration, rustic and country collectibles and more. Show WANTED: CAB FOR a UDLX Minneapolis hours Friday, Oct. 26, 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Moline Comfort tractor or complete tractor Saturday, Oct. 27th 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. for parts. 780-755-2326 or 780-806-9887, Admission $3. For bookings or information Edgerton, AB. call 780-987-2071.

MASSEY HARRIS 44 Special tractor, full fenders, belt pulley; Belle City 22” seperator, Hart feeder and elevator, Waterloo blower, all belts, good working order; PTO drive, belt pulley for JD 4010 tractor; JD 3 PTH 8’ tool bar. Call 250-428-4012, 403-947-2117, Beiseker, AB. 1960’S CO-OP 570, orig., shedded, vg cond.; 1966 AC D21 w/FEL, fair, running; 1 9 7 1 M a s s ey 1 1 5 0 , r u n n i n g , g o o d . 306-372-4616, 306-372-7715, Luseland SK ANTIQUE JOHN DEERE tractors - D and AR, both have hydraulics, PTO and new paint, fully restored and in good running order. For more info. call 204-546-2663. Located in Gilbert Plains, MB. JOHN DEERE A, runs good, tin good, dull paint, $3500; John Deere 1010, $2000 OBO. 306-747-3694, Shellbrook, SK. TWO FARMALL CUBS and attachments; JD 50W with 3 pt hitch; Oliver 66 Orchard. 250-862-7782, Kelowna, BC.

RESTORED FORD CARS for sale: 1928 AR Roadster, 1929 Roadster and 1929 Cabriolet. 204-764-2642, Hamiota, MB. 1966 R190 IH tandem cement truck, original, close to running. 306-372-4616, 306-372-7715, Luseland, SK. WANTED FOR 1957 CHEVROLET 2 dr. sedan: RH and LH doors, rear bumper and brackets. 306-771-2929, White City, SK, bigjohn@sasktel.net JIM’S CLASSIC CORNER, a selling service for classic and antique automobiles, trucks, boats. 204-997-4636, Winnipeg MB 1964 BUICK WILDCAT convertible, $8000; 1968 Ford Mustang convertible, $5500; 1949 Chev 3/4 ton for parts, $800. 306-665-0661, 306-291-6360, Saskatoon. 1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. www.sterlingoldcarsandtrucks.com

1928 DURANT M2 COUPE, 2 door, brown, soft top, all original, $30,000. 306-631-6117, 306-394-2036, Coderre, SK 1926 MODEL T, 2 dr., wire wheels, body and inside are very clean, paint and glass ok, car has been safetied, runs great. Asking $9,500. Pics. available. 204-728-2110, Brandon, MB. jimgriff@wcgwave.ca



1956 INTERNATIONAL S100 pickup. Good restoration vehicle. 403-362-3278, Brooks, AB. or email: karen_r@telus.net

CASH PAID FOR womens clothing, footwear and accessories, 1940 to 1970, in good cond. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK. MUSEUM TRAINING COURSES in wheelwrighting, blacksmithing, buggy seat upholstery and sculptural beadwork. Western Development Museum Curatorial Centre, 2935 Lorne Ave 306-934-1400, Saskatoon, SK. www.wdm.ca/trainingcourses.htm SNOWPLANE WITH FOUR skis, Giepsy Major engine, exc. cond. Call 306-925-4503, Oxbow, SK. WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK.

USED ZAMBONI AND Olympia ice resurfers for sale. Parts, sales and service. 403-830-8603, 403-271-9793, Calgary, AB

CALL TO D AY FO R YO UR CO N FID EN TIAL O N -THE-FARM EV ALUATIO N & M EETIN G . Ca llu s to llfree to d a y a t1- 800- 667- 2 075 to see ho w Ho d gin s ca n w o rk fo ryo u !!!


h o d gin s a uctio n e e rs .co m

3350 IDYL W YL D DRIV E N . AG & IN D US TR IAL ON LIN E AUC TION TUES D AY, OC TOBER 30 – 12 NOON B id Clos ing 40 Pa llets of Pa vin g Brick s , 1998 M a ck Reefer Freig htLiftTru ck , M a rk 66’ Boom Lift, 2007 Nitro, 2007 Dod g e Ra m 3500, 1985 Chev 20’ M otor Hom e, 1990 Prin cecra ft 17’ Fis hin g Boa t, S k id s teer A tta chm en ts , Flexicoil 65’ S p ra yer, Vertech G ra in Dryer, G jes d a l 5/1 G ra in Clea n er, S eca n s a n d S eca n Tra ilers , S hop Eq u ip m en ta n d M ore. See w eb site for p hotos,term s,c ond itions & exc lusions

S K PL #915407 AB PL # 180827

aB &uV Acres c tLtdion .-

S E E M O RE @

(Bob & V ern a N u n weiler & K u r tisN u n weiler)

N o vem b er 1st,2012 -9:00 a .m .-Elro se,S K S eller C o n ta ct(s): K u rtisN u n w eiler 3 06 -3 78-7723 Au ctio n C o o rd in a to r(s): Brya n S o m erville 3 06 -4 6 3 -783 5 o r S a m S o m erville 3 06 -4 6 3 -784 4

w w w .Sa s ka toon .M cDouga llAuction .com P hon e : (306 ) 6 52-4334 Lic #318116 PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale October 27, 9:00 AM. PBR, 105- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., www.pbrauctions.com 306-931-7666.

1-8 00-6 6 7-2075

3 -2011 JD 9870’s,lo w hrs


Au ction Da y S chedu le: 9 a m Sho p to o ls,eq u ipm en t & m isc. fa rm su pply;10:30 a m Live In tern et Bid d in g sta rtin g w ith M a jo rEq u ipm en t fo llo w ed by ho u se a n d gra in bin s. Direction s: Fro m Hw y#4 betw een Ro seto w n & Elro se ta ke the W in d y Pla in sro a d 5 m ilesea st a n d 1 m ile n o rth. W in d y Pla in sro a d islo ca ted a ppro x 27.5 km so u th o fRo seto w n a n d 12.3km n o rth o fElro se.



2006 JD 75 20 M FW D

Hod gin s Au ction Cen tre, M elfortS K

FEATUR ING: CONS TR UCTION & FOR ES TR Y EQUIP M ENT • W HEEL LOADER S • CA T 966 • CA T 966C • CR AW LER TR ACTOR • CA T D6C • M OTOR GR ADER • CHA M PIO N 740 • S KIDDER S • John Deere 748E • John Deere 748D • OIL DIS TR IBUTOR • Ros co Tra iler Typ e w / 2000 G a l. • NUM ER OUS UNUS ED S KID S TEER ATTACHM ENTS • AGR ICULTUR AL EQUIP M ENT • TR ACTOR S • 2004 Cha llen g er, Fron t W heel A s s is t M T545B w / FEL • John Deere 7020 4W D • AIR S EEDER S • Bou rg a u lt26ftw / a ir ca rt• S W ATHER S • In tern a tion a l 5000 24.5ft• COM BINES • W hite 9700 • TR UCKS & TR AILER S • 2003 Volvo Hig hw a y Tra ctor • 2001 ChevroletS ilvera d o 3500 • Loa d Tra ilers 18 ft &14 ft • Lod e Kin g 26 ft G ra in Tra iler • HAR R OW BAR • Flexicoil S ys tem 82 • R OCK P ICKER • Rock O M a tic 546 • S CR AP ER S • Un u s ed 10 ft & 12 ft Box S cra p ers • AUGER S • S a k u n d ia k 10” X 60” S w in g A w a y • S a k u n d ia k HD7-1200 • BINS • Fou r G ra in Va u lt, 4000 bu s . • CONTAINER S • Q u a n tity of (4) S ea Con ta in ers • CAR S • VANS • S UV’S • LIVES TOCK P ANELS • P R ES S UR E W AS HER S • GEN S ETS • TANKS • AS S OR TM ENT OF LUM BER , LAW N & GAR DEN EQUIP M ENT, R ES TAUR ANT EQUIP M ENT AND S O M UCH M OR E!!!!

S TILL TIM E TO CO N S IG N !CALL TO D AY!! For Term s ofAuction, P hotos , Com p lete Des crip tions & M ore


h o d gin s a uctio n e e rs .co m

1-8 00-6 6 7-2075 S K PL #915407 AB PL # 180827

2012 JD 4 94 0 sp ra yer,0 hrs.

2-2012 Bo u rg a u lt3 3 20-76 PHD’s,n ew,n ever u sed

2-2012 Bo u rg a u lt6 700S T’s,n ew,n ever u sed

Th is o u tsta n d in g a u ctio n fea tu res a very la rge la te m o d el lin e-u p o f equ ipm en t w ith so m e u n its th a t h a ve n ever been u sed . Tra cto rs,Co m bin es,H ea d ers, Sw a th er,S eed in g & Tilla ge Equ ipm en t,H igh -Clea ra n ce S pra yer,G ra in a u gers & co n veyo rs,la rge selectio n o f G ra in bin s,H ea vy Tru cks, G ra in Tra ilers,Ligh t Tru cks, La w n & G a rd en Equ ipm en t, S h o p To o ls a n d m o re.

2011 Un ver fer th Bren t2096

2006 K en w o r th W 900L

2 -La te M o d el Fo rd F3 5 0’s

2010 Bu hler Versa tile 4 00

2011 & 2010 W ilso n trid em s

3 -2011 M a cDo n FD70 4 0’s

2008 W ilso n Pa cesetter S u p er B

F am ily O w ned & O perated - 3 G enerations S trong

1.800.5 29.995 8 •S K PL #914 6 18 •AB PL #206 95 9 IM PO RTAN T N O TICE: Thislistin g iso n ly a g u id e a n d in n o w a y a g u a ra n tee o fsize,d escrip tio n o r yea r. Plea se in sp ecta ll eq u ip m en tto yo u r o w n sa tisfa ctio n . C o m p lete term sa n d co n d itio n sa re a va ila b le a tb id d er reg istra tio n .



GUN AND SPORTSMAN AUCTION: Oct. 27th at 10:00 AM. Firearms, militaria, ammo, weaponry and more! Unreserved! No buyers fee! 1235 - 1 Ave, Wainwright, AB., Scribner Auction 780-842-5666. Details: www.scribnernet.com


Download the free app today.

G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w . grea tpla in sa u ctio n eers.ca w w w . glo b a la u ctio n gu id e.co m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9



B ID S A R E CLO SIN G IN 6 D AYS!! O cto b er 31 , 201 2

Vie w th e s e ite m s a n ytim e d urin g b us in e s s h o urs : M o n d a y – Frid a y 8AM – 5 P M (C lo s e d W e e ke n d s ) L is tin g to In clu d e: Jo hn Deere 330

*NEW Leslie & Kim Just DATE! Bruno, SK • November 3, 2012 • 10 am UNRESERVED FARM AUCTION

2002 CASE IH STX325

1997 CASE IH 4230

T ra ck Ho e; Jo hn Deere 892 T ra ckho e; Ca t 225 T ra ckho e; Jo hn Deere 595 Ru b b er T ire Ho e; Gra d a ll G660C W heel E xca va to r p lu s 41” Diggin g Bu cket & M o w er Deck; Jo hn Deere 650 Bu lld o zer; Arn es 40-T o n L o w Bo y; 24’ T a n d em Du a l Axle Pin tle Hitch E q u ip m en t T ra iler; 16-T o n T ilt Deck T ra iler; 10’x20’ S kid M o u n ted T o o l Crib (w /Gen era to r); 2-40’ S ea Ca n s (1 a s n ew !); 2- 20’ S ea Ca n s ; W o b b ly Pa cker; 3-Bo m a g Do u b le Dru m W a lk Behin d Ro llers ; Am erica n 395 Dra glin e (S o ld Offs ite); 1994 In tern a tio n a l L o a d s ta r Picker T ru ck; 1994 GM C T o p K ick Gra vel T ru ck; 1990 Vo lvo Gra vel T ru ck; 1992 In tern a tio n a l Gra vel T ru ck; 1993 F o rd Gra vel T ru ck; Va n Bo d y S em i T ra ilers ; 1988 F o rd Gra vel T ru ck; 2 Ho rs e T ra iler; 1995 F o rd F 250; 1996 F o rd F 250; Bu ckets ; 28’ Go o s en eck E n clo s ed T ra iler; 2000 F reightlin er F L 80 Va n Bo d y T ru ck; 1994 GM C S /A Bu cket T ru ck; 2- 1998 L o d ekin g 53’ T ria xle S em i Deck T ra ilers , K elly Cres s w ell 2000AL S kid M o u n ted L in e Pa in ter, S a lva ge (T o b e S o ld Off-S ite): Jo hn Deere 792 T ra ckho e; Hita chi 270 T ra ckho e; 1991 Vo lvo Du m p T ru ck & M UCH M ORE !

ONLINE ONLY. AUTO REPAIR SHOP Close Out for 3 Lakes Automotive. Bidding starts Tuesday, November 20, 2012, closes Tuesday, November 27, 2012. Shop Equipment: Challenger 5 ton 2 post automotive hoist; Coates rim clamp 5060E; Coates Direct Drive 850 computer tire balancer; West 1115HD break lathe w/metal stand and metal display board; Branick 7200 strut compressor; Miller Matic 185 mig welder; acetylene cutting torch, torches, gauges and cart; Heavy duty drill press, approx. 5/8”, 16 spd; Carolina shop hand 5000 engine crane; Rapid clean parts washer; NAPA 3-1/2 ton hyd. floor jack; Princess Auto power fist sand blaster; Ultra Pro 225 amp battery charger/booster; Snap-On MT3750AVR vehicle electrical system analyzer; NAPA 4-wheel pedestal transmission jack, 1000 lbs. capacity; 2engine stands; portable oil change system. Assortment of hand tools, pneumatic tools, gear pullers, combination wrenches, impact tools, angle grinders, vehicle safety stands, grease guns. Plus many more shop tools!!! Real Estate: 3 Lakes Automotive Parts and Repair Shop. Vehicles: 2005 Dodge Magnum car; 1982 Dodge 3500 Crewcab 4x4 pickup. Lawn and garden equipment, office equipment and so much more!!! 1-800-667-2075 or www.hodginsauctioneers.com for terms of auction and photos. SK. PL #915407.

REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION Equip. Auction, Verner’s Construction, Kuroki, SK, Saturday, October 27th, 10:00 AM. Directions: From the West Kuroki Access on Hwy #5 - 1/2 mile South. Featuring: Real Estate: 40’x80’ straight wall steel engineered building on concrete floor, insulated, lined with metal, nat. gas radiant heat, supplemental wood heater, on 3 acre parcel of land. Camp Trailer: Atco cook shack trailer. Motor Grader: LW motor grader. Tractor: Case 930, 2WD. Loader Backhoe: Ford 4500. Light Trucks: 1997 GMC 1500. Trailers: ATV Trailers; House Trailers; 4-wheel farm wagon. Rockpicker: 3 bat. Lawn and Garden: John Deere 300 riding tractor; PT estate sprayer; Honda UM17 lawnmower. Recreational Vehicle: Honda 3-wheel trike; Polaris Indy Trail Deluxe snowmobile; JD Sport Fire snowmobile; 5’ blade for quad. Shop Equipment: Lincoln SAE 400 welder; MK Model KWL-2 metal lathe machine; Modern Tool Limited HD bench grinder; Jet Model HVW-18D HD Metal cutting band saw; Devilbiss 5050 HD air compressor. Too many items to list. Plus tanks and misc. items. For complete equipment list, terms of auction, photos, complete descriptions and more info visit www.hodginsauctioneers.com or call 1-800-667-2075 Hodgins Auctioneers Inc., SK. PL #915407, AB. PL #180827.

Don’tm issthisexcellent listing & screa m ing dea ls! REGISTER TODAY! OR CALL THE OFFICE: (8 00) 26 3 -419 3 For full lis tin g, de ta ils & p h otos : w w w .M cDouga llBa y.com

1990 JOHN DEERE 9600



From BRUNO, SK go 8 km (5 miles) North, 3.2 km (2 miles) East, 1.6 km (1 mile) South OR From HUMBOLDT, SK go 26 km (16.2 mile) West on Hwy 5, 14 km (8.8 miles) North, 3.2 km (2 miles) East, 1.6 km (1 mile) South.


2002 Case IH STX325 4WD • 1997 Case IH 4230 MFWD • International 966 2WD • 1990 John Deere 9600 Combine • 1997 John Deere 930R 30 Ft Rigid Header • 1999 Westward 9200 30 Ft Swather • 1969 GMC 9500 S/A Grain Truck • 1978 GMC 6500 S/A Grain Truck • 1979 International S2500 T/A Grain Truck • 1997 GMC 2500 Extended Cab 4x4 • Bourgault 8800 40 Ft Air Seeder • Morris 70 Ft Heavy Harrows • Brandt QF1000 90 Ft Field Sprayer • Barney Boy 2000 Gallon T/A Liquid Manure Tank • John Deere Manure Spreader • 2- Grain Vault 16 Ft x 6 Ring Hopper Bin • Pax 300± Bushel Hopper Feed Bin • Harness & Buggies...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website:





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Leslie Just: 306.369.2803 (h) FOR MORE INFORMATION: kljust@sasktel.net


2 DA Y





Inc. PL #912715








Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 or 800.491.4494



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1.877.257.SOLD (7653)





24/ 7 O N LIN E BID D IN G

BIDS CLOSE: OCT 29 TH @ 12PM Em e ra ld Pa rk, SASK.

NEW M cDouga ll Auction e e rs W a re h ous e ! Fea tu rin g: 2009 Ba lzer1325 Gra in Ca rt(L ike New ); 2012 Chevro let S ilvera d o ; 1995 F o rd F 150; Jo hn Deere Hea d er; 1995 Chevro let S -10; Bo b ca t S kid s teer 632; Do ep ker D 41⁄2 Y a rd Cro w n S cra p er; Pin n a cle In d u s tria l L ight T o w er/Gen era to r; 2008 F o rd F o cu s ; Arkfield Ca ttle S ca le; E lectric Ha m m er M ill; 25’ Gra in Au ger; Gra in S to ra ge Rin g w / T a rp ; E a s y K leen M a gn u m Go ld Pres s u re W a s her (NE W ); 3 Piece T o o l Ca b in et; Circu iteer 11 Ho tBlo w erDryer; Din in g Ro o m T a b le & 4 Cha irs ; Va rio u s Ra cin g F la gs & M u ch M o re! Als o Check Thes e ON L IN E EV EN TS Clo s in g Octo b er 29 th Un res erved GYM & EX ERCIS E Equ ipm en t L a n d T en d erS a le -Pa rcel -RM o fIn d ia n Hea d #156 -S E 22-17-12 W 2 ON L IN E S TORAGE W ARS - 2 Un its in Regin a

P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193

W W W .M CD O UG ALLBAY.CO M L IC.#31448 0

SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located Weyburn, SK., 306-842-2641. Used car parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.

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K-B TRUCK PARTS. Older, heavy truck salvage parts for all makes and models. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. 5.9 CUMMINS w/Allison auto trans, in school bus, can be driven, low kms, $3500; 7.3 Ford diesel out of an 2001 F350, 96,000 kms, $2600; 7.3 Ford diesel out of school bus, 140-160,000 kms, $900; 6.9 Ford diesel out of school bus, 170,000 kms, $600; 9’ service body off a 2000 one ton, $900. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, K&L Equipment, Ituna, SK., DL #910885.

SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. www.saskatoontruckparts.ca DL #914394


WRECKING: 1995 FORD E350, 7.3 dsl, near new HD trans. Call Pro Ag Sales, 2003 DOEPKER OPEN END SUPER B, air ride, 24.5 rubber, outer aluminums, 306-441-2030 anytime North Battleford SK well maintained, $42,000. 306-821-6646, 2003 GMC 1 ton 4x4 diesel dually for parts Lloydminster, SK. or whole. 306-295-4014, Eastend, SK. 2010 DOEPKER SUPER B, aluminum buds, load lights, lift axles, dual cranks, no rust, TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton, gas and very few stone chips, $72,500. Call Jim at diesel engines, 4 and 5 spd. transmissions, 306-221-0605, Saskatoon, SK. single and 2 speed axles, 13’-16’ B&H’s, and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use inLake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. dustrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat for added rust protection. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting SCHOOL BUSES: 1985 to 2001, 36 to 66 and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. pass., $2100 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky 2010 LODEKING Prestige SB, air ride, Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074. 24.5, white with black trim, load lights, vibator brkts., roll tarps, LED lights, low mileage. Call 306-771-4281, Balgonie, SK. 2- SUPER B HOPPERS, Doepkers, 1999 and 2000, air ride. New corn husker, alum. triaxle, 2 hopper, air ride. Also truck tractors in stock. Yellowhead Sales 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. DL #916328. NEW NEVILLE 3 axle 45’, 3 chutes, $43,500; 2 axle, 38’, air ride, 78” sides, $33,750. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. USED SCHOOL BUSES: 1992 to 2001’s. 2004 LODE-KING open end Super B’s, new 36-72 pass. units. $2500 to $11,500. For Michelin rubber, fresh safety, $55,000. Cut more info. phone 306-783-6745, Yorkton, Knife, SK. Millhouse Farms, 306-398-4079. SK. or www.rillingbus.com 2004 DOEPKER SUPER B’s, 24.5 rubber, in good condition. Perfect for farm use. $30,000 OBO. 306-492-2217, Bradwell, SK. 2010 LODE-KING TRIDEM grain bulker, 1994 BUICK LeSABRE LTD, 4 door, loaded, high sides, two hopper, farm use, low kms, exc. cond., no rust, 183,000 kms, asking $48,000. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. $2900. 306-334-2216, Balcarres, SK.


2 M a s s ive P u blic Au c tion s

M O TIV E & RV PUBLIC AUCTIO N D AY 1 AUTO A pproxim a tely 1400 Vehicles & RV ’s S a tu r da y,Oc t 27th 9 :00 a m





UNRES ERV ED INDUS TRIAL D AY 2 EQUIPM ENT AUCTIO N Th u r s da y,N ov 1 s t 9 :00 a m


NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. NEW 2013 EMERALD 38’, open end design, steel grain trailer, tandem, air ride, 11x24x5 tires, dual chutes, load lights, tow hooks, in stock now, $35,000 plus tax. Take trades. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. DL#906884.

2005 VOLKSWAGON PASSAT, made in Germany, 1.8L turbo, 4 cyl., 4 dr, sunroof, 1996 BERGEN 16’ gooseneck trailer, new leather int, new tires, 161,000 kms, fuel brakes, hubs and bearings, $4500. Battlerecords avail, very clean, asking $15,900 ford, SK. 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719. OBO. 403-381-4817, Coalhurst, AB. 1997 MILLCO STEEL cattle trailer 53,’ 2006 FORD FOCUS SES Sedan, 2 litre, 5 ground loader, air ride, safetied, $20,000 spd. standard, loaded, heated leather OBO. 204-385-3646, Austin, MB. VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM seats, sunroof, CD6 MP3 player, tinted 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, windows, alloy wheels, 88,000 kms, RAY’S TRAILERS AND TRACTORS from Camrose, AB. a dealer for Wilson stock $7100. 306-225-2013, Hague, SK. 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. trailers, as well as dump, utility, cargo, flatdecks, etc. We are an authorized Kioti tractor dealer. Call 780-679-8989. 1990 GOOSENECK 14’ stock trailer, torflex axles, good condition, $2500. Call 306-274-4950, Lestock, SK. 2002 MERRITT TRI-AXLE cattle trailer, air ride, alum. wheels, hog rail and winter kit. Excellent cond., w/current safety, $27,500 OBO. 306-297-7470, Shaunavon, SK. CATTLEPOT: SELLING 1 out of 3 trailers, 1- 48’ and 2- 53’ tri-axles. For more info 204-732-2240, Meadow Portage, MB.



Up-to-date news, weather, classifieds and more.

WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost.

WRECKING 1989 FORD L9000, good front end and cab; 1983 3 ton IHC, V8 diesel, 5 spd., single axle; Volvo trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer sus- DOEPKER TANDEM TRAILERS- 2005 38’, pension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. 2007 40’, open end, air ride, tarps, ladders, catwalks, new tires, safetied, 05- $34,000, WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all 07- $38,000 OBO 306-921-7635 Melfort SK models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: junkman.2010@hotmail.com NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tanWrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and dem; 2009 Castleton tandem; 2006 Super others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, B Lode-Kings alum., alum. budds, air ride; buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, 1998 Castleton, air ride; 1994 Castleton tridem, air ride; Tandem and S/A convertmail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. er, drop hitch, cert.; 18’ TA pony pup, ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used BH&T, $15,000. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel mo- SK. DL#905231, www.rbisk.ca tors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 2008 TIMPTE tri-axle trailer, 2 hoppers, air ride, alum wheels, current safety, $34,000 1-800-938-3323. OBO. 306-297-7470, Shaunavon, SK. WANTED: CAB FOR 1985 GMC 7000 series, with tilt hood. 306-243-4810, Macrorie SK.


PHONE 780.777.7771 FAX 780.469.5081

1.877.257.SOLD (7653)



w w w .m a a uctions .com V iew ing 8:00 a m - Dus k


1975 CHAMBERLAIN 45’ cattle liner, $7500. 306-961-2621, Prince Albert, SK. NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 20’, $13,900; 18’, $11,900. Call 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. 2004 SUNDOWNER 4H-727 slant load Sierra LQ gooseneck, 7000 lb. 8 hole axle, air ride suspension, feed door, 8’ wide x7’6” SS nose wrap, stainless corrugated lower side skin, outside tie rings, loading lights, living quarters loaded, king bed, large freezer/fridge, Corian countertops, lots of storage, glass door shower, lighted closets, A&E elec. awning, RV BBQ, Onan 4000 watt gas generator. 306-741-1678, Swift Current, SK.



NEW AND USED MERRITT aluminum stock trailers. Call Darin 204-526-7407, Cypress River, MB. www.merrittgoosenecks.com DL #4143. 2008 SUNDOWNER 727 3-horse trailer, front and rear tack, shows as new. SS pkg., $ 1 4 , 9 9 5 . We n d e l l 3 0 6 - 7 2 6 - 4 4 0 3 o r 306-726-7652, Southey, SK. 2006 WILSON, 32Lx8-1/2’Wx7’H, king pin hitch, double deck, removable deck for pigs or cattle, good shape. 403-934-2033, Strathmore, AB. 2003 SOKAL 24’, 7’ wide, three partitions, 7000 lb. axles, $8500 OBO. Call 204-745-7917, St. Claude, MB. AGRI TRADE SPECIAL! 2013 Featherlite 8117-6724, all alum., 2- 7000 lb. axles, spare tire, rubber floor, one center gate, Stock #5555, $15,900. 1-866-346-3148, www.allandale.com Red Deer, AB. 1989 48’ MERRITT POT, $12,000 workord e r, o n l y u s e d 2 0 0 0 m i l e s s i n c e . 306-429-2791, Glenavon, SK. 1991 MILLCO STEEL 18’ gooseneck cattle trailer, 7000 lb. axles, good 10 ply tires. Call Mike 306-220-2265, Grandora, SK.


Trailer Sales And Rentals Visit our website at:


WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited. COMBINE TRAILER. Traitech pintle hitch tandem axle, open front hitch for newer combines, good tires and condition, $12,500 OBO. 780-203-7957, Leduc, AB. 53’ AND 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; 1991 Trail King machinery trailer, hyd. tail; 53’ and 48’ tridem and tandem hi-boys, all steel and combos; Super B hiboys; Tandem and S/A converter with drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers; B-train salvage trailers, Tandem lowboy 306-356-4550. Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beavertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK. 1995 THRU-WAY SUPER B, 28-30’ w/hay extensions front and back, side rails, selfadjusting slacks and bud wheels. Call 204-729-7297, Brandon, MB. 2003 TRAIL-EZE double drop equipment hauling trailer, 50,000 lbs., hyd. beaver tail, pull outs, winch, $31,500. Call Dennis, 306-435-3301, Moosomin, SK. ARNES 20’ ALUMINUM tandem end dump, used for silage, $5500. 306-961-2621, Prince Albert, SK. 1994 FORD L9000, N14 Cummins, 10 spd., c/w 35 ton lowbed w/beavertail and ramps, $22,000. Call 204-766-2643. HAULIN 53’ EXTENDABLE rafter trailer, tandem axle, self-unloading. Can move all size of rafters. Open to offers. 204-728-1861, Brandon, MB. TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who demand the best.” Agassiz - Precision (open and enclosed car go) trailers. 1 - 8 5 5 - 2 5 5 - 0 1 9 9 , M o o s e J a w, S K . www.topguntrailersales.ca

2011 FORD F150 Lariat, loaded, 14,000 kms, retail $55,000, asking $37,000. 306-960-8858, Prince Albert, SK. 2011 RAM DUALLY Laramie crewcab, 4x4, $35,999. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. 2011 SUPER DUTY Lariat F350, 6.7 diesel, crewcab, shortbox, 4x4, fully loaded, $39,900 plus tax. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. DL #906884.

2005 CHEV DIESEL, ext. cab, longbox, good cond., 265,000 kms, $16,900; 2003 Chev diesel, ext. cab, shortbox, 336,000 kms, $9900; 2004 Chev Duramax 2500, reg. cab w/9’ tool body, $12,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Ituna, SK. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027. DL #910885. 2005 FORD F350 Super Duty, 4x4 dsl., crewcab, longbox, Lariat, full load, sunroof, leather, 6” lift kit, air bags, overload, 5th wheel hitch, never chipped, 2 sets of rims 18” and 20”, 230,000 kms, $16,900 OBO. Lots of extras. Please call 780-678-6129, 780-375-3780 Rosalind, AB

Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers 2006 FORD F350, diesel, loaded, 85,000 kms, $24,500. Millhouse Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. Call for a quote Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y!

2012 RAM 1500 SLT HEMI, cloth, buckets, like new, 3500 kms, $31,500, tax paid. Call 306-237-9127, Perdue, SK. 2012 RAM LARAMIE quadcab, 4x4, $35,975. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.

2001 DODGE 3/4 ton, reg. cab, 4WD, 24 valve Cummins diesel, 470,000 kms, manual trans., brand new tires, fifth wheel PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and hitch, $6500 OBO. 780-336-6378, Irma, AB bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now 2001 DODGE DUALLY diesel, Quad Cab, o w n t h e b e s t . H o f f a r t S e r v i c e s , 4x4, under $10,000. 1-800-667-4414,Wyn306-957-2033, www.precisiontrailer.com yard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB

CLEARANCE: NEW FARM WAGONS. 2003 DODGE 2500 LARAMIE, 4x4, 5.9 dieFront and rear axles. 8 ton, $1050; 12 ton, sel, 6 spd., 5th wheel hitch, 217,000 kms., $1550. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. $21,000. PST paid. 306-228-3172, Unity Ph 1-888-939-4444. 2004 DODGE 3500 dsl., Laramie dually 30’ TRAILTECH TRI-AXLE trailer, beaver- crewcab, 4x4, 201 kms, black and chrome, tail w/loading ramps, farm use only. $19,500 OBO. 306-859-4820, Beechy, SK. 306-457-2935 after 6 PM, Stoughton, SK. 2004 SIERRA CHEVY Supercab, 4.8 V8, SMALL TRUCKING COMPANY selling chrome wheels and rails, box tarp, exc. everything: 48’ reefer vans, asphalt tankers cond., 130,000 kms, $8500, Moose Jaw, all sizes, 53’ drop deck, 5th wheel Jayco SK. 306-693-3423, 306-631-7171. camper, salvage from wrecked 1989 Kenworth w/425 Cat engine. Filters, tires, 2006 JEEP LIBERTY, common rail diesel, r i m s , t o o m a ny p a r t s t o l i s t . C a l l 68,000 original miles, California vehicle, new tires, ready for winter, $14,000. 306-782-7546, Yorkton, SK. 306-749-3232, Birch Hills, SK. 24’ GOOSENECK Tridem 21000 lbs, $7890; Bumper pull tandem lowboy: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7 0 0 0 l b s , $ 2 6 5 0 . F a c t o r y d i r e c t . 1967 DODGE 400, B&H, 81,000 miles, mo888-792-6283 www.monarchtrailers.com tor needs tune-up, asking $1800. 28’ HI-BOYS, spring ride, tandem axle 306-382-1241, Saskatoon, SK. converters. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. 1991 DODGE CUMMINS, 2 WD, longbox, DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca reg. cab, brand new injection pump, 35-40 T R I - A X L E D E TA C H A B L E F L I P a x l e , MPG, runs and drives great, ready to go, $28,000; Pintle hitch: TA, duals, air $4000 OBO. Open to trades. Please call 780-678-6129, 780-375-3780 Rosalind, AB brakes, $10,000. 306-563-8765 Canora, SK DODGE DUALLY one ton, rebuilt DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers 1996 transfer case, rebuilt fuel pump, Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. trans, new tires, 5th wheel hitch, $5000 in work SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. orders, $7500. 403-350-0392, Lacombe AB 14’ RENN PUP GRAVEL trailer, pull behind 1997 DODGE 1 ton, 5.9 Cummins, 5 spd. truck, farm tractor, $3500. 306-768-2827, trans., certified, excellent shape, newer 16’ 306-768-7888, Carrot River, SK. moving van box w/hardwood floor, trailer FOUR OLDER GRAVEL END DUMPS, package, $11,500 OBO. 306-384-8635, great for farm use, $6000 to $11,000. 306-381-5151, Saskatoon, SK. 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. 1998 BLUE DODGE 4x4 2500, ext. cab, www.trailerguy.ca 24V diesel, auto, 6’ box, 197,000 kms, HAUSER GOOSENECK TRAILERS. Self- $13,500. 306-541-3838, Lewvan, SK. unloading, round or square bales. Featuring 2 trailers in 1: HD gooseneck use or bale transporter, mechanical side unloading. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. 15 GMCs from $8900, eg. 2008 Sierra SLE Crew, $18,955. Call Hoss 1-800-667-4414. 1-888-939-4444, www.hausers.ca www.thoens.com DL #909250. 40 MISC. SEMI TRAILER HI-BOYS. eight stepdecks; 1991 tri-axle scissor 1999 DODGE DUALLY, longbox, ext. cab, neck; belly dump, fresh safety, $10,700. 5.9 Cummins, 5 spd., power seats, PW, 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. PDL, AC. 306-763-1919, Prince Albert, SK. Pics and prices view at: www.trailerguy.ca 2003 DODGE 4X4 3500, crew cab, long 2008 DOEPKER detachable neck machinery box, dually, 6 spd., 5.9 Cummins, loaded. trailer, 8’6” wide, extends to 12’6”, tri-axle, 306-682-3687, Humboldt, SK. 3-axle flip, pull out lights, rear strobes, good condition, $57,000. 780-305-3547, Westlock AB.

E US IN COME SE ALBERTA RED DEER r 7th –10th 12 Novembe

2007 GMC 5500 4x4 2 ton truck, w/6.6L Duramax diesel engine, 6 spd. Allison auto trans, has steel deck w/wood floor, toolboxes, and more, 68,000 orig. kms. 306-445-9312 or 306-480-2036, North Battleford, SK.

2008 DODGE LARAMIE 2500 Mega Cab, 4x2, 114,000 miles, 6.7 Cummins, 6 spd. TWO A-TRAIN ALUM. TANKERS, in exc. auto, heated leather, sunroof, loaded, condition. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL $28,000. 306-776-2394, 306-537-0615, Rouleau, SK. #905231. www.rbisk.ca







2008 DODGE 2500, 122,000 kms for $28,000. Have all types of trucks, all Sask. safetied. 306-463-8888, Dodsland, SK. www.diamonddholdings.ca DL #909463. 2008 GMC 4x4 Crew $18,955. 8 more GM 4x4’s in stock. DL #909250. Phone Hoss at 1-800-667-4414 www.thoens.com 2 0 0 8 R A M D I E S E L , Q u a d C a b, 4 x 4 , $25,975. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.


1971 FORD 900, w/534 V8 eng., 13 spd. trans, full tandem, 20’ steel B&H, roll tarp, new battery and starter, good cond., $11,500. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 1974 DODGE FARGO 500, 14’ box, 25,000 orig. miles, exc. cond., shedded, safetied. $6500. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB. 1975 FORD 700 Louisville, all steel B&H, roll tarp, exc. cond., $6500. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 1978 FORD LOUISVILLE, Cat 3208, 5+2, 16’ BH&T, excellent condition, $12,500. 403-644-2235, Standard, AB.

1979 FORD N700 grain truck, 8x16’ B&H, 32,000 original miles, $6500. 780-955-2364, 780-554-4736, Leduc, AB. 1980 WESTERN STAR grain truck, 6V 92 Detroit low hrs., 13 spd., 20’ steel box, Nordic hoist, c/w silage gates, $19,000. 780-853-7205, Vermilion, AB. 1985 GMC 3 ton, box and hoist, 6.2 diesel, 8.25 tires. Please call 250-428-4012 or 403-947-2117, Beiseker, AB. 1996 FL80 TANDEM, 250 HP, 6 spd., Allison Auto, AC, BH&T new in 2010, $65,000 2009 FORD HARLEY DAVIDSON F350, OBO. Call 403-575-1218, Consort, AB. w/6” lift, 37x13.5x20 tires, 125,000 kms, l o a d e d , $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 . M i l l h o u s e F a r m s 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL120, tandem, 470 Detroit, 10 spd., air ride, AC, 20’ Ultra306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. cel box pkg., no rust, California truck, $57,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2000 GMC TOPKICK C8500 tandem, 114,000 kms, 2126 CAT, 6 spd. Allison auto, AC, 20’ ultracel box, 60” sides, Michel’s roll tarp, fresh paint job, always shedded, $66,000. 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK.

2010 FORD HARLEY DAVIDSON F350, w/6” lift, 37x13.5x20 tires, 44,000 kms, loaded, $55,000. Millhouse Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 2010 GMC SIERRA GFX Z71, X-cab, black, PST paid, $27,985. 1-800-667-4414, www.thoens.com Wynyard. DL #909250. 2011 RAM CREW SLT dually diesel 4x4, $43,500. PST paid. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.



LIVESTOCK 2002 MERRITT TRIDEM CATTLE............................$26,000 2 - 2006 WILSON 402 CATTLELINER’S ................$41,000 GOOSENECKS NEW WILSON 20’ & 24’.......................................... IN STOCK EQUIPMENT 2013 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE HYD BT ......CALL FOR PRICE 2009 COTTRELL HYDRAULIC CAR TRAILER ............................$62,000 COMING SOON - 2009 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE BT .........................2 AVAILABLE 2003 REEFER UTILITY VAN ...................CALL FOR PRICE DECKS NEW WILSON STEP & FLAT DECKS TANDEM & TRIDEM ..................................... IN STOCK 2013 WILSON 53’ TANDEM ................................ IN STOCK 1997 GREAT DANE FLATDECK...............................$13,750 GRAVEL 2013 TECUMSEH TRIDEM END DUMP ........... IN STOCK

GRAIN 2013 WILSON TANDEMS ..................................... IN STOCK 2013 WILSON TRIDEM .......................................... IN STOCK 2 & 3 HOPPERS 2013 WILSON SUPER B......................................... IN STOCK USED GRAIN 2010 WILSON SUPER B...........................CALL FOR PRICE 2010 WILSON 2 HOPPER TRIDEM ........................$39,500 2010 CASTELTON SUPER B ..................CALL FOR PRICE 2-2009 WILSON TANDEMS LIKE NEW .........................................CALL FOR PRICE 2009 WILSON 3 HOPPER REAR TRIDEM ............$39,900 2009 WILSON SUPER B’S .........................................$68,980 TANDEM AXLE PINTLE HITCH GRAIN DUMP TRAILER .................................................$15,000 2010 CASTLETON OPEN END TANDEM W/SIDE CHUTES ...............................................$31,500 2009 TIMPTE TANDEM .............................................$33,980 2005 LODEKING PRESTIGE SUPER B...................$45,980 RENTALS AVAILABLE

Golden West Trailer Sales & Rentals Brian Griffin, Harvey Van De Sype, John Carle

NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our experienced staff are waiting to help you. Call 1-800-667-7770 today!

We now have more trucks in stock. A special thanks to our customers & everyone who called.


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Moose Jaw (877) 999-7402

COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. IH 9900 EAGLE, 20’ box and hoist, 10 spd. auto., Cat C13 motor, 22.5 rubber w/alum. rims. $63,000. 306-621-1631, Yorkton, SK.


CHECK US OUT AT www.goldenwestrailer.com



0 -Trade 2

For Agri

‘06 & ‘07 INTERNATIONAL 9400i 435 HP Cummins ISX Engine, 10 Speed Eaton Autoshift Trans, New 20’ Cancade Box Remote Hoist and Endgate Controls Available Fleet Maintained Southern Trucks.



Giving you the maximum in dollar and time advantage.

BERG’S GRAIN BODIES: When durability and price matter, call Berg’s Prep and Paint for details at 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB.

2007 3500 DODGE Ram, 5.9 Cummins diesel, new trans., quad cab w/Laramie pkg., Command Start, A/T/C. New front end, brakes and tires. Call 306-361-5029 or 306-955-4717, Saskatoon, SK. 2007 GMC REGULAR cab, long box, DuraMax, new style, 106,000 kms., $18,900. K&L Equipment, 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK., DL #910885.

ATTENTION FARMERS: 18 tandem grain trucks in stock, standards and automatics, new Cancade boxes. Yellowhead Sales 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. DL #916328.


*2/'(1 :(67

END DUMP GRAVEL TRAILERS: 2006 Arnes 3 axle, air ride; 2005 Midland 3 axle, air ride; 2000 Arnes 3 axle, air ride; 1990 Custom alum. end dump 3 axle; 1978 Rave alum. end dump; 3 axle all trailer, ready to go. Call for more info or ph. 204-743-2324 www.cypresstrucksandequipment.com at Cypress River, MB.

NEW 12 RAM crew, diesel, 4x4, $48,400, $4000 down, lease $623/mo. DL #909250 www.thoens.com Ph 1-800-667-4414. NEW 2012 RAM hemi SXT, Quad Cab, 4x4, $27,986. 0 down $163/biweekly. Phone 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 4 1 4 , Wy ny a r d , S K . www.thoens.com DL #909250.

(Medicine Hat, Alberta)

W e will m a tc h c om petitor pric ing spec for spec 2013 SLED TRAILERS are arriving! New XR Series enclosed trailer, white aluminum interior, cabinet, torsion axles and new spring ramp door with no cables. 3 place starts at $11,995. Visit your nearest Flaman Trailers or call 1-888-435-2626, or visit www.flamantrailers.com 6 - 1997 48’ hi-boys, priced from $2500 to $8500 (cheap ones as is, good ones Sask. certified); 1995 Lode-King 48’ tri-axle combo flatdeck, Sask. certified, $9500; 2005 Lode-King Super B grain trailers, Sask. certified, $38,500; 2000 Doepker Super B grain trailers, $31,500; 1998 Talbert 48’ stepdeck, Sask. certified, $15,000; 2 0 0 2 Tr a i l t e c h t a n d e m p i n t l e c o m bine/sprayer trailer, $16,500; 1998 Eager Beaver 20 ton float trailer, $16,500. Call 306-567-7262, www.hodginshtc.com Davidson, SK. DL #312974.

2009 F150 LARIAT, 95,600 kms, loaded, leather int., rear view camera, max. towing pkg., power everything, box cover, Command Start, exc. cond., asking $27,500 OBO. 780-872-5254, Lloydminster, AB.

Saskatoon (866) 278-2636 Danny Tataryn Bob Fleischhacker

Cell: 306-260-4209 Cell: 306-231-5939

2001 KENWORTH W900 w/20’ alum. grain box, tarp, 430 HP, 10 spd., dual exhaust, premium US no rust truck, only $65,000. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2007 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, 515 Detroit, 13 spd, $59,900; 2004 Mack Vision, 350 HP, 10 spd, $52,900; 2001 Freightliner FLD 120, C-15 Cat, 435 HP, 10 spd, new tires, $45,500; 2000 Mack CH613, 460 HP, 18 spd, $39,900. All trucks have new CIM Ultracell II BH&T and are safetied. Call Reaser Truck Sales, 306-256-3569 or 306-230-4393, Cudworth, SK. DL#917908. 2007 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, Detroit 450 HP, Eaton 10 spd. UltraShift, 20’ Cancade grain box, $67,500; 2005 Int. 9400, Cat 430 HP, Eaton 10 spd. UltraShift, 20’ Cancade grain box, $62,500. Call 306-567-7262, www.hodginshtc.com Davidson, SK. DL #312974. 2007 IH 9200, w/Eaton Ultrashift, Cummins, new 20’ BH&T; 1991 Peterbilt, 60 Detroit, 430, 18 spd., 20’ BH&T, w/pindle and 20’ tandem pup; 1997 FL80, diesel, S/A, with new 16’ BH&T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca 2010 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, 450 HP, DD 15, 18 spd. AutoShift, 385/22.5 front tires, 1100/24.5 rear tires, 24’ CIM grain box, Michel’s elec. tarp, Brehon remote hoist and endgate control, lots of shine, 9018 kms. 306-231-8060, Englefeld, SK.

2013 V OL V O V N L 6 4T GRAIN TRUCK , D12, 425 h.p . E n gin e, Vo lvo I-S hift, Au to m a ted T ra n s m is s io n , Alu m in u m w heels o n 11R22.5 tires , PW R hea ted w in d o w s , F u ll lo ckin g d ifferen tia l, 20’X64: CCL M o n o b o d y Bo x a n d ho is t, E lectric ta rp , Co n tro ls in Ca b , 3 p c. Ga tes .

Regin a , S K 1-8 00-6 6 7-046 6 S a s k a to o n , S K 1-8 8 8 -242-79 8 8 1985 WESTERN STAR, 425 Cat, less than 500,000 kms., 15 spd. w/1998 44’ LodeKing tri-axle w/auto remote shoot openers, like new. $55,000. 306-497-7930, Blaine Lake, SK. rk.dagenais@sasktel.net 1996 FREIGHTLINER DETROIT FL120, $12,000 OBO. Phone 306-821-6044, Lloydminster, SK. 1998 WESTERN STAR day cab, only 687,000 kms., 60 series Detroit, 430 HP, 13 spd. w/2006 43’ Wilson trailer, exc. cond. $65,000 OBO. 306-497-7930. Blaine Lake, SK. rk.dagenais@sasktel.net

2- 2010 386’s, BLOW OUT SALE, MUST SELL. Heavy 18 spd., only 140,000 kms, 475 Cummins, lockers, leather interior, GPS in dash, 70” bunks, tri pack heater, AC and battery charger to reduce idling time. Call Peter for pricing 204-226-7289, Sanford, MB., www.vermilliontrucks.com 2000 MACK TRUCK, 427 HP Mack engine, 18 speed, sleeper bunk, wet kit, headache rack, $15,000. 306-435-3301, Moosomin

2001 STERLING 9513, C12, 10 spd., sleeper, $17,500; 2003 Freightliner FLD120, AUTOMATIC: 2005 FL Columbia, 430 HP, N14, 15 spd., sleeper, $20,000; 2005 IHC 12 spd. auto., new B&H and roll tarp, 9900, ISX 500, 13 spd., $34,500. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. DL 906884. $55,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.


%(5*(1 *226(1(&. 75$,/(5 Giving you the maximum in dollar and time advantage.









2007 MACK CHN, 487 eng., 18 spd Eaton trans., 46 full lock rears, new rubber, new turbo, high ratio rear ends, excellent shape, perfect short haul truck, $52,500 OBO. 780-210-5670, St. Paul, AB.

TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Retriever transport hitch, hydraulic power pack, adjustable vertical mass and remote hyd. connectors, removable drawbar, 12,000 lb. hitch weight, 35,000 lbs. towing weight, total weight 1,740 lbs. 306-586-1603 at 2007 PETERBILT 378, 500 HP, C15 Cat, Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com 63” bunk, 12,000 fronts, 46,000 rears. 7 to choose from. Still have warranty. $65,000 TRUCKS FOR SALE: 2000 to 2008, all each. 403-852-4452, Calgary, AB. tandem. 250-426-2113, 250-424-5592 eves, Cranbrook, BC.

2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 73” m id -ris e bu n k w ith tw o bed s , 650,752 k m . . $85,000 2010 Ke n w orth T370, 300 HP Pa ca r PX-6, 6 s p , 10,000 fron t20,000 rea r, 3:55 g ea rs , 200” W B, d iff. lock , 202, 336 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 4-2009 P e te rb ilt 386 , 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, m id -ris e bu n k , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:55 g ea rs , 500,000 k m . . . $49,000 2009 Fre ig htlin e r M 2-106 D u m p tru c k , 330 HP Cu m m in s IS C, 8LL tra n s , 18,000 fron t46,000 rea r, 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 4:89 g ea rs , 20,000 p u s hera xle, 18’ Leg a ce box, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 227,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 2009 M a c k D a y Ca b , 445 HP M a ck M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, 727,262 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B. 70” con d o bu n k s , 612,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,000 2008 S te rlin g AT9520, 450 HP M BE 4000, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea r, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 232 W B, fla t-top rem ova ble bu n k , 830,942 k m . . . . . . . . $32,000 3-2008 IH P roS ta r, 425 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 10 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 226” W B, 800 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 3-2007 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 10 s p , 12/ 40, 36” fla t-top bu n k , . . . $39,000 2007 IH 9400I, 500 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 18 s p , 14/ 46, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 221” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 874,229 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck ,18 s p , 12/ 40, 244” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 906,719 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43,000 2007 IH 9200I, 425 HP Ca tC13, 12 s p A u tos hiftM eritor, 12/ 40, 3:42 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 220 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 432,845 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2007 Fre ig htlin e r Colu m b ia , 450 HP M erced es M BE4000, 13 s p Ultra s hift,12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:90 g ea rs , 228” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 862,071 k m . . . . . . . . . . . $28,000 2006 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck ,13 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea rs , 238” W B, 1,127,668 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900FA, d a y ca b, 450 HP M erced es M BE4000, 10 s p A u tos hift3 Ped a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . $38,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 450 HP M erced es , 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , m id -ris e bu n k , 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 2005 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” w heels , 208” W B, 36” fla t top bu n k , 1,160,839 k m , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 d lr# 0122 P h. 204-6 85-2222, M a c G re g or M B. To vie w p ic tu re s of ou r in ve n tory vis it w w w .tita n tru c k s a le s .c om

2007 VOLVO 300 DAYCAB, 365 HP, 10 spd. auto shift, alum. rims, Webasto heater, cert., $24,500. 780-878-1479, Camrose AB 2008 PETERBILT 386, daycab, tri-drive, high volume wet kit, 18 spd. Fuller AutoShift w/clutch, 500 ISX Cummins, 500,000 kms, $77,500 OBO. Debolt, AB. 780-876-0634 2008 PETERBILT 388, 520 Case, 475 ISX, 18 spd., near new rubber, 3:90 ratio, exc. cond., $72,000. 204-243-2453, High Bluff, MB.

GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale or rent, weekly/ monthly/ seasonally, w/wo driver. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK. 306-795-7779 or 306-537-2027, 2012 JEEP LIBERTY Sport, 4x4, $21,975. email: ladimer@sasktel.net www.thoens.com 1-800-667-4414, Wyn1997 IH 9400, 430 Detroit, 10 spd., 5 year yard, SK. DL #909250. old 15’ gravel box, new clutch, injectors, AC, pintle plate, 24.5 alum. budds; 2000 FL-80, Cummins, 6 spd., 24’ van body with power tailgate. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, 1994 IH 4900 18’ flatdeck w/hoist, 466 SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca diesel, very good condition, only $28,500. 1984 CHEV WITH 1600 US gallon SS tank, 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. plus wet kit, $8500. 403-644-2235, Standard, AB.

1999 STERLING SELF-LOAD/UNLOAD bale truck, 17 bale deck, 18 spd., 425 Cat, 2010 PETERBILT 388, 625 HP, 46 rears, 700,000 kms, many recent updates, exc., full 4-way lockers, double frame, Platinum $78,500. 306-230-9692, Sonningdale, SK. interior, in-dash GPS, HD susp. wet kit, call for price; Also 2010 386 w/low miles. Can deliver. Peter 204-226-7289, Sanford, MB. or view: www.vermilliontrucks.com 2001 INT. 4000 series fuel truck c/w 2200 2012 PETE 389, ISX Cummins, 18 spd., gal. tank, pump meter, hose, rebuilt 466 46’s, 4-way lock, 60,000 kms; 2008 T-660 engine. Ph 780-753-8909, Provost, AB. Kenworth, Cat 475, Super 40’s, 670,000 2008 COLLINS 18’ truck van body., fiberkms.; 2007 IHC 9900i, 18 spd.; 2006 Pete glass roof, hyd. tailgate lift, $4500. St. 379, 18 spd., 46 diff., lockers, 960,000 Louis, SK. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, kms; 2007 Freightliner daycab, 60 Series Detroit, 13 spd., Eaton UltraShift; 2006 IH TWO LATE MODEL low mileage dump 9200 Eaton UltraShift, 430 Cat, 900,000 trucks, Allison automatic. Call for details kms; 2002 T800 KW, 18 spd., 46 diff., 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK. 4-way lock; 2003 Freightliner Classic, Cat, 18 spd., new rubber; 2003 W-900L KW, 1986 MACK S/A, good shape, recent vehiCat, recent work orders; 2000 W900 KW, cle inspection, 5th wheel, deck, cupboards, 18 spd., Cat, very clean; 2000 Freightliner Espar heater, Lincoln welder #350 dsl. Classic, 475 Cat, 18 spd.; 2001 Western w/remote. $21,500. Retiring. Fort St. Star, 4964, N-14 Cummins, 13 spd.; 1999 John, BC. 250-785-3117, 250-262-1456. Pete, Cat, 13 spd., very clean: 1999 IH Cat, 18 spd.; 1996 Volvo 425, 13 spd., new d i f f. 3 0 6 - 3 5 6 - 4 5 5 0 , D o d s l a n d , S K . DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca

1983 WALTER C4500, 1000 gal. tank, roof turret and bumper turret, underbody nozzles, 4 WD, $30,000. Great harvest support vehicle. 403-312-0776, Calgary AB 2008 IH/C DURASTAR 4400 S/A, DT 570 engine, 10 spd. Eaton trans., air ride, fresh safety, full load w/eng. brake, 101,000 kms., lease return, very nice, tires near new, $41,900. More trucks available at w w w. s t o c k m a n s t r a d i n g c o . c o m 403-357-9192 or, 403-358-0456, Tees, AB.

2005 MACK CH613, 686,000 kms, 460 HP, DAYCABS: 2005 Sterling, 400 HP, tan13 spd, 38,000 lb. Eaton rears, new safety, dem, $22,500; 1999 IH 9400, 475 HP, 14 and 46’s, 15 spd., $16,000. 306-563-8765. $45,000. 403-654-0132, Vauxhall, AB.

2006 IH 9400i, 527 miles, 13 speed, Cummins ISX, 14F46Rx24.5T, 4.1 gear, excellent cond. 306-771-4281, Balgonie, SK. 2007 DOEPKER SUPER B, good shape, rims and tires 80%. 2013 Doepker Super B’s in stock and lots of colors to pick from. Many more used and new trailers arriving daily. Great harvest specials. In stock, 2013 Doepker end dumps. New line of Lowboys 35 to 100 tons now available for your specialty heavy hauling needs. Please visit our website at www.macarthurtruck.com 1-800-665-6317. 2007 FREIGHTLINER CST120, Mercedes OM460, 12.8 liter, 6 cyl., 460 HP, eng. brake, Eaton Fuller 12 spd., auto., air ride, front air susp., rear 40,000 lbs., Condo sleeper, alum. wheels, A/S 5th wheel, new tires, $29,500. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK

HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: 2007 International 9900, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd., $34,500; 2007 International 9200, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd. UltraShift, $38,500; 2006 International 9900, Cummins 525 HP, 13 spd., $36,500; 2005 Kenworth T800, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd., $28,500; 1996 International 9200, Detroit 365 HP, 10 spd., $13,000. Daycabs: 2008 Paystar 5900, Cummins 550 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, 428,000 kms, $74,000; 2007 International 9900, Cummins 500 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, $44,500; 2007 International 9200, Cummins 475 HP, 13 spd., 46 rears, wet kit, $44,500. Specialty trucks: 1997 Freightliner FLD112 tandem, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ van body, hyd. lift gate, $16,500; 1994 International 9200, Cat 350 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd tilt and load deck w/winch, $28,000; 1995 Volvo, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd tilt and load deck, $22,500; 1998 Ford F650, Cummins 190 HP, Allison 4 spd. auto, 16’ deck, $16,500; 2002 Sterling Acterra, Cat 300 HP, 9 spd., 24’ van body, $16,500. 306-567-7262, Davidson, SK. www.hodginshtc.com DL #312974.

2006 KENWORTH T800, Cat C15, 13 spd. Ultrashift, 790,000 kms, 40,000 rears, full poly fenders, c/w new 50 gal. wet kit, 10 new tires, new SK safety, exc. cond., ready to go; 2000 Arnes tri-axle end dump gravel trailer, tires/brakes 95%, air ride, rebuilt cylinder, new rear susp. bushing, 8 new tires, Mash tarp, MB safety, ready to go. Would like to sell unit as a set, first come first serve, $85,000. 204-743-2324, www.cypresstrucksandequipment.com at Cypress River, MB. PRICES REDUCED! Allison Auto, 2008 Freightliner M2, C&C, tag axle, Cummins engine, LWB, will take 20’ box, $24,900; Allison Auto, 2008 Freightliner M2, C&C, SA, 12 fronts, 21 rears, LWB, $19,900; 2000 IHC 9100, daycab, C&C, 350 HP Cummins, 10 spd., safetied, only 360,000 miles, $16,900; 2003 Mack, 475 HP, 18 spd., 48” flat-top bunk, double lockers, fresh safety, 1.4 kms, $19,900; 1996 22’ alum. end dump trailer, grain or gravel, safetied, $14,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Ituna, SK., Ladimer 306-795-7779 or Chris 306-537-2027. DL #910885. 1990 PETE, 3406 Cat, 13 spd., w/17 bale self-load/unload deck, new suspension, c/w work. 306-228-2804, Unity, SK.

2007 INTERNATIONAL 9400i 6x4, Cat C15, 475 HP, 12,000/40,000, 18 speed Eaton Fuller O/D, air brakes, 72” high rise sleeper cab, good condition, 999,000 kms. Contact: Barb or Tom 204-745-6747 ext. 117, Carmen, MB. 2007 KENWORTH T600 Daycab tractor, C13 Cat, 430 HP, 18 spd., super 40 rears w/4 way locks, new 11R24.5 steer tires, new recaps on rear, 195” wheel base. New Alberta safety, $56,000. delivery available. Ask for Jeff 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB.

PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. JOIN ONE of Western Canada’s fastest Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. growing tire chains today! TreadPro Tire Centres is always looking for new memwww.privebuildingmovers.com bers. TreadPro offers group controlled distribution through our 5 warehouses located in BC, AB, and SK. Exclusive brands and pricing for each TreadPro Dealer, 24/7 access to online ordering backed up with sales desk support. Our marketing strateGOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new gies are developed for the specific needs and existing farms and businesses. of Western Canadian Dealers. Signage, 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. displays, vehicle identification, group unialso important for visual impact and TIM HAMMOND REALTY Ultra Sports in forms are affordable with the supUnity, SK is a well established 22 year old recognition port of the TreadPro Group. Product and business. Product lines include: hockey, sales training arranged according to your baseball, bikes, fishing, hunting, ammuni- needs. Exclusive territory protection, reintion, golfing equipment and a variety of forced with individual territory managers clothing and footwear. Sales are solid and and home office support. Find out more consistent. Asking $360,000 with 6500 sq. about the unique features of TreadPro ft. building on Main Street. MLS#445169 group today. Our team will bethe to arC a l l : T i m H a m m o n d 3 0 6 - 9 4 8 - 5 0 5 2 range a personal meeting withhappy you to furhttp://UltraSports.TimHammond.ca ther discuss how TreadPro is the right fit. Contact 1-888-860-7793 or go online to www.treadpro.ca

SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chassis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE and Range Rider canopies and service caps. www.northtownmotors.com Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871.

2011 CHEVROLET EXPRESS VAN 3500, gas, 15 passenger, extended, 28,000 miles, power and tinted windows, rear heat, AC, nice clean van, $25,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 2012 GRAND CARAVAN, full Stow ‘n Go 29G, $22,888. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.

2001 WESTERN STAR, 450,000 kms, 500 ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 46 rears, wet kit, new slide and fifth wheel, $49,000 OBO. BAILIFF SEIZURE: Repossessed 2005 Pe780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. terbilt 379L, Cat C-15, 475/550 HP, 18 2002 INT. 9900i, 475 Cat, 72” bunk, 22.5 spd, 3-way lockers, cold A/C, 12/super 40, tires, alum. wheels, fresh safety, $26,500. 3.55 gears, central grease system, VIP Bostrum leather interior, all new 22.5 rub306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. ber, odometer reads 673,158 kms, new 2002 KENWORTH W900B, 18 spd., ISK Sask. safety. For bidding instructions and Cummins, 42.5 rubber, fresh safety. May- more photos please fax 306-665-9033 or email saskwestfinancial@sasktel.net mont, SK., 306-441-4954. bct@sasktel.net

2005 PETERBILT 379, Cat C15 motor, 18 spd., 244” WB, 1.5M kms, fresh safety, $49,900 OBO. Call Calibre Truck Sales 204-571-1651, Brandon, MB. DL #4515.

2007 DODGE NITRO SXT, 4x4, $13,988. www.thoens.com 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. DL #909250. 2007 YUKON DANALI, fully loaded, exc. shape, $19,500 OBO. Call 306-886-2073, 306-873-8526, Bjorkdale, SK. 2008 JEEP LIBERTY sport, $15,975. PST paid. www.thoens.com 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. DL #909250.

REDUCED PRICE $55,000, OBO. 1997 truck/trailer T600, 470 HP Detroit, 1995 Doepker Super B, air ride, power openers and tarps, farm truck last 12 yrs. May be 2005 DODGE DURANGO, red, 147,000 sold separately. For pics or info call or text kms, PW, PDL, PS, leather interior, heated seats. Mint! 403-742-4867, Stettler, AB. 780-405-8638, Fort Saskatchewan, AB.

LEAFCUTTER LARVAE in nest and/or loose cell, Wolf and Plastifab nests. See our website for details grevefarms.com Reg Greve, Lanigan, SK. 306-528-4610. WILL DO STYROBLOCK cocoon removal. Call: Maurice Wildeman 306-365-4395, 306-365-7802, Lanigan, SK.

USED BELTING, 12” to 54” wide for feeders and conveyors, 30” wide by 3/4” thick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, 780-842-2491 anytime, Wainwright, AB.

1962 TO 1973 COLLECTIBLE hard cover books: Chev, GM, Pontiac, Buick cars and trucks. Call 403-783-0074, Ponoka, AB.

W IN D O W S !W IN D O W S !


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NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our exstaff are waiting to help you. BOOMING BUSINESS in Assiniboia, SK. perienced 3000 sq. ft. car/truck wash with water Call 1-800-667-7770 today! vending. Completely upgraded, renovated. Low maintenance. Reduced $599,900 OBO. 306-640-8569. FARMERS NEED FINANCIAL HELP? Go to: LINTLAW, 4 ACRES, school with gym, www.bobstocks.ca or call 306-757-1997. good shape, many applications. On #11 Regina, SK. Hwy., in Craik, Bar and Grill, turnkey, housing available. Vanguard, starter bar POSITIVE YIELD FINANCIAL INC. Corpoand grill, reasonable housing avail., vendor rate Farm Income Tax is our field. If you may carry, for sale or lease. Investment want help setting up your farm corp or you Opportunity in Balken oil play area. In- are looking for a new tax preparer please dustrial building and land with national contact us at 306-450-1569 or email us at lease in place. On #39 Hwy. in small adam@positiveyieldfinancial.com Based in town, 7300 sq. ft. building on 2 acres, Regina, SK. great for truckers. 93 acres development ANITA EHMAN MEDIATION And Conland 7 miles north on #11 Hwy. near Sas- sulting Services, C MED. Extensive expekatoon. SOLD: Leland Hotel, Wolseley, rience in farmer/lender cases. ConfidenSK, good volume, liquor vendor, food and tial, professional service. Regina, SK, rooms. Yellow Grass, 2700 sq. ft. restau- 306-761-8081, ehmanlaf@sasktel.net rant lounge near Weyburn, potential for confectionary, liquor sales. Near larger city, motel, food and beverage business on #1 Hwy. Regina, large volume liquor NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says outlet with bar, food and some room in- n o ? I f y e s t o a b o v e t h r e e , c a l l come are available. Ph. Brian Tiefenbach 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. 306-536-3269 or 306-525-3344 at NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. TIM HAMMOND REALTY -Johns Nursery Management Group for all your borrowing and Market Gardens, located northeast of and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Prince Albert. This very well established Regina, SK. 3rd generation tree nursery and landscap- DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too ing business presents an incredible busi- high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call ness opportunity with phenomenal re- us to develop a professional mediation turns. Including business contracts and plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. contacts, 51.48 acres with greenhouses, Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. buildings, improvements, irrigation equipment, mechanical equipment, inventory PRIVATE MORTGAGE FUNDS available for and growing supplies. Seller is willing to commercial and agricultural properties. train. Asking $2,500,000. MLS #426273 Bad credit and difficult situations welhttp://JohnsNursery.TimHammond.ca come. Toll free: 1-877-995-1829. 306-948-5052 LUCRATIVE BUS CHARTER/Tour company, Saskatoon, SK. Great family business, $375,000. Write for more details to Box 2006, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4. WEYBURN INLAND TERMINAL SHARES investment pays dividends. Contact OWN YOUR OWN Business. Looking for Good online trainers. Flexible hrs, work from 306-869-7322 (Cell), Radville, SK. home. Free information and training. www.123excelyourlife.com

MANUFACTURING BUSINESS welding and light fabricating. Unique patented product. Mainly agricultural. Peak sales from Sept. to March. Owned for 27 years, still room for growth. Moveable anywhere. World is your market, $195,000 + inventory at cost. 50x70’ shop on 157x370’ lot, $295,000. Can be a turnkey operation or addition to an existing business. Must sell for health reasons. 306-446-4462, North Battleford, SK. prairiepines@yahoo.com SIDE IT YOURSELF! THRIVING FARM AND ranch supply business in Paradise Hill, SK., modern • Popular Profile building on 38 acres, Hwy frontage, in• Good Colors! credible opportunity for expansion or di• 1st Grade Sq. versification, owners retiring, video at • Matching 7 www.mgtv.ca. Call Vern McClelland or COLORS Accessories Available!!! Brian Kimmel, ReMax of Lloydminster, Burron Lumber 780-808-2700, MLS 47638. 306-652-0343, Saskatoon, SK SASKATCHEWAN OUTFITTING AND resort property sales. Whitetail, bear, waterfowl and fishing. Alan Vogt Rescom Realty PA Ltd. 306-961-0994, Prince Albert, SK. O.S.B. ODD SIZE Specials, 8’x24’ panels; www.alanvogt.com 19/32 $95; 23/32 $108; 4’x12’x1-1/8, $33; 4’x8’ sheets; 5/8” $14, 3/4” $17; 7/8” TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for $20; 1-1/4 $32. 306-237-4748, Perdue, SK sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. WANTED: GAS OR DIESEL 3 cyl. engine Located on 3 acres with great location on from Ford 3000 or 3600, or Sellick 5000 highway. Great customer base! Selling due forklift. Jamie 306-946-9864, Young, SK. to health concerns. Serious inquiries ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” only please! Call 306-232-4767. boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, DO YOU HAVE an empty barn and want 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. to raise ducks? For info ph 780-450-6103, Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 780-504-5747, Edmonton, AB. 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, LAMPLIGHTER MOTEL, Three Hills, AB. 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. 26 rooms, owner suite, price reduced, will train; COALDALE, AB. MOTEL, 15 rooms, restaurant, lounge, tavern, main hwy, CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no ex- Court Order Sale; TROCHU HOTEL, 10 posed screws to leak or metal overlaps. rooms, 4 VLT’s, tavern, price reduced, Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church- $390,000; GRAVEL PIT, CROSSFIELD, es, pig barns, commercial, arch rib build- AB., half section farmland, creek, mobile ing and residential roofing; also available home, 2 shops; GRAVEL PIT, North of Cochrane, AB. $3M Tonne, farmland, creek, in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. residence, shop; RESTAURANT WITH PROPERTY, Innisfail, AB., priced to sell. Call Bruce McIntosh, Re/Max Landan, 4’, 5’, or 8’ SHELVING for display, like new. 403-256-3888, www.brucemcintosh.ca Phone Bob at 306-883-7817, Spiritwood, CONVENIENCE STORE in the resort village SK. of Manitou Beach, SK on two lots and 1020 sq. ft. bldg. For more info: 306-946-2318. FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS and 30’ panels, made from 2-3/8” oilfield pipe; SMALL MANUFACTURING SHOP and resisquare bale feeders, any size. Can build dence. 40 years of operation with estabother things. Elkhorn, MB. 204-851-6423, lished product line. Owner retiring. Turn204-845-2188, 204-851-6714. key operation. 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK.



2000 SQ. FT. moveable complete meat shop, built on 3 trailer frames. Can be moved and set up in days, turnkey operation, priced to move. 250-367-7658, Trail.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

CUSTOM SWATHING/BALING, JD balers. 2010, ‘11 and ‘12 hay. Beef and dairy quality also. Al 306-463-8423, Alsask, SK.

FIELD HARVESTING LTD. is looking for acres in Sask, Alberta and Peace Country. Two JD combines with MacDon FD70 headers, pickup heads, and grain hauling. Call Jordon at 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB.

TTS BALE HAULING LTD. custom round picking and hauling. Two self-loading/unloading units, 17- 34 bales. Ph. Tyson 306-867-4515, 306-855-2010, Glenside SK SELF-LOADING/UNLOADING round bale truck. Max. capacity 34 bales. Custom hauling anywhere in AB. or SK. Call Bernd, Bales on Wheels, Ardrossan, AB, 403-795-7997 or 780-922-4743. ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, small o r l a r g e l o a d s . Tr av e l a n y w h e r e . 306-382-0785, Vanscoy, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING self-loading and stacking 17 bales. Fast, effective and e c o n o m i c a l . B o o k n o w, w i l l t r ave l . 306-946-7438, Saskatoon, SK. SELF-LOAD/ UNLOAD BALE truck, 34 bale capacity, SK or MB. Call: 306-435-7865, Moosomin, SK.



O3 EQUIPMENT HAULING Ltd. Professional transportation of equipment in western Canada and NW USA. Call 403-963-2476, Lacombe, AB. www.o3hauling.com O3 EQUIPMENT HAULING Ltd. Professional transportation of equipment in western Canada and NW USA. 403-963-2476, Westlock, AB. www.o3hauling.com. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, with 2 trucks and trailers, 34 bales per trailer. Call 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK.

N E W 1 0 ’ A N D 1 2 ’ B I G D O G B OX SCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, avail. in 24’’ and 42� high back. Starting at $3600. Also new B.I.L. box scrapers and centre pivot up to 20’. Wholesale pricing to western 2006 CATERPILLAR SKIDSTEER, 620 hrs, provinces. www.triplestarmfg.com or call AC, hyd. quick tach, 82 HP, 2950 lbs at 204-871-1175 or 1-866-862-8304. 50%, exc. cond., $36,900. 780-875-7051 LOW HOURED Construction Equipment Lloydminster, AB. C a t e r p i l l a r, K o m a t s u , e t c . P h o n e FORESTRY BRUSH MULCHING. Fast, 815-239-2309, Illinois. effective brush and tree clearing. Call $2,000 306-212-7896 or 306-232-4244. OFF D7 CAT, powershift trans., 75% undercarriage, brush canopy, good cond., $37,500. RANCHOIL CONTRACTING LTD. has 3 Call 204-867-7291, Minnedosa, MB. vertical beater truck mounted manure spreaders and JD wheel loader for hire in E X C AVATO R S : For Rent/Sale: John NW SK. and NE AB. For all your corral Deere 240D or 270D’s. Call Conquest cleaning needs please call David or Joanna Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, CUSTOM SILAGING and corral cleaning. track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini Reasonable rates. JD chopper with kernel excavators. Visit www.glenmor.cc for more processor and inoculant applicator. Two ‘06 GENIE Z45/25 ARTICULATING details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone semi units w/34’ trailers w/live bottom BOOMLIFT - 45’, 4x4, Deutz 3 cyl diesel, 1-888-708-3739, Prince Albert, SK. floors. Rubber tired loader with onboard 48hp, 1,347 hrs., max. load 500 lbs, $36,800. scale and printer. Covering AB. and SK. Trades welcome. Financing available. CAT HYD. PULL SCRAPERS: 463, 435, Call Brian at Supreme Agri Service for 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 621, 80, 70, and 60, all very good cond., r e c e n t c o n v e r s i o n . C a n d e l i v e r. bookings. 403-580-7148, Medicine Hat, AB 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencCHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model ing, mulching, corral cleaning and D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, bobcat services. Metal siding and hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 roofs. Will do any kind of work. leave message, Humboldt, SK. 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith SK, 4tcontractorsinc@sasktel.net HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ custom conversions avail. Looking for Cat $1900; 160x60x14’ $2700; 180x60x14’ cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd, $3100; 200x60x14’ $3500. Saskatoon, SK, 306-231-7318,306-682-4520,Muenster SK. Phone: 306-222-8054. 1993 KOMATSU LOADER, WA450-2, 2004 KOBELCO SK290 LC hyd. excavator; NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, 5-1/2 yd. bucket, XHA 26.5x25 40%, buck- 2005 Komatsu PC270LC-7L, hyd. excavapayloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and et pins new, clean tight loader, $69,000. tor; 2006 330D hyd. excavator; 2006 JD v e r t i c a l b e a t e r s p r e a d e r s . P h o n e 306-752-2873, 306-752-4692, Melfort, SK. 270 CLC, 4875 hrs., c/w 2 buckets and 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. thumb; 2004 JD 270 CLC, 2 buckets, 7620 hrs.; 2008 Case 450 skidsteer. Edmonton, BUIT CUSTOMER SERVICES for manure AB. 780-361-7322. hauling. Three trucks, Bunning vertical beaters, GPS and weigh scale on loader. SNOW TIME AGAIN! 6- large snowblowWill travel. 403-588-1146, Blackfalds, AB. ers, 2 WD and 4 WD; Over 20 snow blades from 7’ to 14’ wide; 7- V-type blades off BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective graders; Parting out over 20 graders; 6way to clear land. Four season service, holder and trackless units w/blowers and competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk various attachments, blowers and brooms Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Alfor many other units. Large stock of buckbert, SK. www.borysiukcontracting.ca ets, blades, and construction and farm NORTHERN BRUSH MULCHING. Can tires, 100’s of other units being parted out. clear all fence lines, brush, trees or un- 1985 D-85-E-18 KOMATSU, 75 hrs. on re- New arrivals daily. 2 yards over 50 acres. wanted bush. Competitive rates. Call built motor/trans/torque, new UC, 26� Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Reuben 306-467-2422, Duck Lake, SK. pads, twin tilt angle dozer, ripper cab, air, Winnipeg, MB. heat, full canopy, exc. cond., warranty, $105,000. Consider trade. Can deliver. 2006 VOLVO G740B motor grader, exc. cond., 7000 hrs, 16’ moldboard, new radial 204-526-0321, Cypress River, MB. tires, snow wing included, $120,000. 306-742-4305, MacNutt, SK. CAT D7E, S/N 47A00197, std. trans, good motor, overhauled pup motor, track rails are wore, rollers good, brush canopy, runs good, $12,000. 306-969-4427, Gladmar SK LETOURNEAU 14 to 16 yard scraper, $25,000, 2- Woolridge 14 yard scrapers, $25,000 ea; Cat 80, $30,000. All converted to hydraulic. 306-338-7114, Clair, SK. CHAMPION 720A GRADER, articulating model, 12’ MB, blade and tires good, Detroit eng., scarcifier, 1 owner, rare unit in gd cond., starts and runs good, ready to w o r k $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . 4 0 3 - 3 5 7 - 9 1 9 2 o r, 403-358-0456, Tees, AB. ATTACHMENTS: SKIDSTEER, pallet forks hay spears, augers, buckets. Conquest Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. TS14G TWIN ENGINE MOTOR SCRAPER, exc. cond., low hrs. Phone 780-284-5500, Westlock, AB. 2005 CAT D6N crawler dozer, wide path, 6-way, winch, sweeps, cab guards, exc. cond,4800 hrs.780-284-5500,Westlock,AB. HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK CAT D8K crawler dozer c/w angle dozer and ripper, cab guards, sweeps, vg cond. Call 780-284-5500, Westlock, AB. REDUCED PRICES MUST SELL NOW! 1987 Michigan L320 loader, 400 HP, 9 yard; 1993 Terex 2566B 6x6 rock truck 25 ton capacity; 1986 and 1989 Case 1085B excavators, Cummins dsl.; 1979 Champion 740 std. trans., 6-71; 1989 Champion 740, powershift, L10 Cummins; 1994 Ford F700 2 WD, with drill and compressor; GD 450 a i r c o m p r e s s o r. 2 0 4 - 6 6 7 - 2 8 6 7 , f a x 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, SK, www.cwenterprises.ca JD 644B PAYLOADER, shows 8750 hrs., c a b , h e a t , g o o d r u n n e r, $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 . 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. CASE 450 CRAWLER dozer, 6-way blade, $17,500. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. www.waltersequipment.com 1997 GROVE TTS870B, 70 ton hyd. truck crane, Anti Two, Pat, $248,000. Will rent. 250-260-0217, Lumby, BC.

2008 BOBCAT S185, 1303 hrs, 2 spd., dual control, aux. hyds, dirt bucket, premium condition, $26,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 1950’S D7 17A, standard trans., cable lift, good undercarriage, rebuilt clutch. Needs pup motor or conversion to 12V, $15,000 OBO. 306-468-2807, Canwood, SK.

CAT 2001 924G wheel loader, QC bucket, 20.5x25 tires, ATC, aux. hyd., good cond. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. WANTED: 50 - 70 HP skid steer loader, c/w tracks only and roll up door. Call 306-922-2837, Prince Albert, SK. 2001 NH DC100 DOZER, 6 way blade, 2 barrel, 3 shank ripper, Cummins, hydro. trans., joystick controls, 3500 hrs., UC 90%, nice machine, $34,000. Carrot River, SK. 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888.

LIFTS AND CRANES- Low, Low Prices. Linkbelt LS98 dragline with 1-1/2 yd bucket; Droh 40B Cruz air excavator w/4-53 Det. diesel; New and used buckets, many types; JLG 80’ manlift; 6 scissor lifts up to 52’; 2 telescopic forklifts up to 40’ reach; 15 forklifts, propane gas, diesel, up to 10 ton capacity; New and used pallet forks over 50 sets in stock! Ph 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. VOLVO 2004 G730B, push block, ripper and scare fire shanks, low profile cab, Trimble GPS equipped, 14’ blade, 14’ blade accumulators, air, radio, 7800 hrs. Work ready, $85,000; Also snow equipment for sale. 306-441-1806, North Battleford, SK. D4 CAT, w/HYD. dozer, $7500; JD 410 backhoe, w/bucket and hoe, $15,500; Doepker tandem gravel trailer, $12,000. 14’ D9-D8 brush rake, $3000; 25’ D9-D8 dozer, $10,000; 12’ Rome disc, w/hyd, $7500. D98 turbo $600 - D9G turbo $600; D98 rad $800 - D9G rad $800; 10’ tower breaking disc; 8’ Rome offset w/new blades $3500; D9 dozer stumping cutting edge $7500; D9G cargo winch #80 $3500; 4 bottom Dika plow $12,000. Phone: 780-524-2678, cell: 780-814-4233, Valleyview, AB. FIAT ALLIS 645B payloader, cab with heat, shows 6260 hrs., $15,000. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. D8H CAT w/cab, motor, torque, trans., recently rebuilt and work great. Final drives leak and steering system needs work. Bush is all cleared and now disposing of this Cat for best offer. 204-649-2276, Pierson, MB. VARIOUS BLADES, RIPPERS and canopies for D6, D7, D8 Cats. Brush rake for D7 and D8 size Cats, needs some TLC, $3000; Wagon style alum. gravel pup, as is $7000. Danny Spence, Speers, SK. 306-246-4632.

1994 D3C LGP Cat, full canopy, 6-way blade, good UC, clean, runs and works well, 24� pads, $27,500. Warranty, can deliver. 204-526-0321, Cypress River, MB. WANTED: ROME PLOW Model TAW, 15’, must be in good condition. 306-342-4968, Glaslyn, SK. EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, dozers, loaders, compactors, etc. Conquest Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 2003 ATLAS COPCO 185CFM compressor, 995 hours, JD engine, vg, $8500; Also large blasting pot. Carrot River, SK. 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888.

TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Featuring ICON Landoll, 1632 grader, 1205 carryall box scraper, and 821 scraper, in stock. Call 306-586-1603, www.tristarfarms.com at Regina, SK. LAND BREAKING equipment: USED PARTS FOR TS-14 Terex motor WANTED: heavy disc, root picker, mulcher. scraper. Other parts available. Phone: plow, 780-928-2621, 780-926-9107, La Crete AB 306-752-3968, Melfort, SK. 2001 VOLVO 240 hyd. excavator, hyd. COMPACTION EQUIPMENT: 5 Sheeps- thumb, two buckets, very good condition, foot PT packers; 4 SP vibratory compac- 780-284-5500, Edmonton, AB. tors; 7 SP walk behind vibratory compactors. Ph 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932. GRADER CHAMPION D600, good cond., Winnipeg, MB. $10,000. 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK.

OVER 80 POWER UNITS IN STOCK, tested and work ready. From 3.5 to 193 Kw, gas and diesel. Many units parted out. Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40 yards: Caterpillar, AC/LaPlant, LeTourneau, Kokudo, etc. Pull type and direct mount avail.; Bucyrus Erie 20 yard cable, $5000; pull type motor grader, $14,900; tires avail. Call 204-822-3797, Morden, MB VOLVO L180 LOADER, 1994, 5 1/4 yard, 70% tires, quick attach, no bucket, $46,000. 403-291-1010, Calgary, AB. CAT D7G, w/WINCH, ropes w/sweeps and guarded, bush ready, twin tilts, $37,000. 780-284-5500, Edmonton, AB. ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings; 24� to 36� notched disc blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com KOMATSU D37P CRAWLER, canopy, 6-way blade; Standard crankshaft and block for a 471 Detroit eng. 306-397-2533, Vawn, SK.

CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at www.conterraindustries.com 1996 624G JD wheel loader, QA 3.5 yard bucket and forks, rebuilt JD engine, new 20.5R25 front tires, very good tight machine, $52,000. Carrot River, SK. Phone 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888.

TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Agriculture diesel solutions. HP increase, increased fuel economy, quick install/removal. 30 day satisfaction guarantee. 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com

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290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regina, SK DETROIT DIESEL 671 inline 6, c/w clutch assembly, running condition, out of 740 Champion grader, $2500 OBO. Located in Ponteix, SK. Call Rick at 306-625-7695. USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 24v 5.9L Cummins, $7500 installed; GM Duramax Ford 6.0L, $8500 installed. Other new, used, and Reman. diesel engines avail. Can ship or install. Call 204-532-2187, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Mon. to Fri., Thickett Engine Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB.

BcTT[ A^[[ 5^a\TS c^ 2DBC>< ;4=6C7B





PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase motors, on single phase. 204-800-1859. FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK. www.tismtrrewind.com

AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody. HIP ROOF BARN to be moved, 44’x50’, 27’ high, all metal clad, red walls, galvinized roof, $5000. 306-882-3347, Rosetown, SK.

G RAI N H AND LI NG & STO RAG E w w w .skyw aygrainsystem s.com HU TCHIN SO N G rain Pum ps LA M BTO N Bucket Elevators LA M BTO N Drag Conveyors (Seed Com patible Conveyors) Rail Load-O ut System s Pulse Crop Equipm ent W ESTEEL G rain Bins SU KU P A eration & Bins G rain G uard Bins and A eration



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Leading the industry in quality post frame construction

SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Super Fall Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black steel, $4700; 30x70 double truss P/R, $6995; 38x100 double truss P/R, $11,900; 42x100 double truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738 silverstreamshelters.com $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


$ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H I G H TEN S I LE R OOFI N G & S I D I N G $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ 2 $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

STEEL FARM BUILDING PACKAGES. 40x80x18’- $27,000; 50x100x18’- $38,000; 60x100x18’- $45,000; 30x16 sliding doors$3000. Winter bookings for spring delivery. www.prairiesteel.com Prairie Steel, Clavet, SK. 1-888-398-7150.

Post Frame construction provides distinctive design benefits as construction flexibility and structural efficiency provide various options for agricultural, commercial and residential applications. Phone: (855) 773-3648 Fax: (866) 270-6142 info@prairiepostframe.ca www.prairiepostframe.ca

POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK.

W O O D CO UN TRY Es te va n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 3 4-5111 M cLe a n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 9 9 -728 4 Tis da le , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-8 73 -443 8

w w w .w ood-coun try.com FAR M BUILD IN G S :

• Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs


C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 60x120-20’ tre a te d 6x6 po s tb ld g c/w 40x20 b i-fo ld d o o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47 ,338.40 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.


Westrum Lumber

M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~


S lightly d a m a ged Ro o fF elt & Ro o fi ng M em b ra n e. 50% OFF - M CLEAN LOCATION



Quality Products Made Easy

Rouleau, SK

PORTABLE GRAIN RINGS made of steel. New 20 gauge wide-corr steel sheets 48”H. Sizes from 3650 bu., $2072 to 83,000 bu., $11,447 including hardware. All sizes in stock. All rings 4’H. Best quality available. Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps avail. for all sizes. All tarps in stock. Complete packages include freight to any major point in Western Canada. Overnight delivery to most major points in Western Canada. Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. For all pricing, details, pictures visit our website: www.willwood.ca BIN/ TANK MOVING. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, SK. 8- 1615 FRIESEN fert./grain bins, exc. cond., 3200 bu., Epoxy coated c/w skid, $10,000 ea. 306-631-7099 Moose Jaw, SK. LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. CUSTOM BIN MOVING SASK. ONLY. Up to 21’ diameter. www.1240rednex.com 306-220-7915, Marty, Blaine Lake, SK. NEW AND USED grain baggers and extractors available for sale or rent. Call Mike at 306-934-1414, Warman, SK. CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz GRAIN BINS: 3500 bu. Behlen bin/hopper combo, 10 leg hopper and skid, roof and side ladder, safety fill, constructed, $10,195 FOB. Regina, SK. Leasing avail. Peterson Construction 306-789-2444. CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. STEEL GRAIN 3700 bu., bins w/wood floors; 1 wood hopper bin. $3700/bin. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, SK. Email: bforge@sasktel.net

Building Supplies & Contracting

Quality Workmanship Material & Service Leading Suppliers & Contractors of: • • • •

Shops & Pole Sheds Post & Stick Frame Building Riding Arenas D airy, H og, & C hicken Barns

Introducing Zak’s Pre-Engineered Laminated Post!

See us for competitive prices and efficient service!

M & K WELDING Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld ing.ca 14’ HOPPER CONE up to 2000 bu. bin with 8x4 skid, 7 legs


Em a il: s a les @m kw eld ing.ca

18-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 5000 bu.) with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs


Only$ 11,065.00

19’ HOPPER CONE up to 4000 bu. bin with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs

21-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 6800 bu.) with double 8x4 skid, 14 legs


Only$ 15,080.00 O ther Skid Sizes Available.

W e m ake H opper Cones for allm akes of bins. Also SteelFloors & Skid Packs.

Prices subjectto change – Q uantities are Lim ited.Prices do not included freightor set-up.Trucking Available for AB,SK & M B




2 /


25 BU.





3 06-3 73 -49 19

w w w.g ra in b in d ire c t.c om


• 8 FT long • Steel tubing • Sample 8 ft. of the bin with one probe • Sufficient capacity for a testable sample • One probe gives test sample • Light and easy to handle • Delivery can be arranged • Tried and tested


N ew Pr od uc t

**EASY**FAST **INEXPENSIVE Dealer Inquires Welcome


Machine & Products Ltd.


2502 Millar Ave Saskatoon, SK Phone:1 -877-255-0187 FOUR 2911 BU. Behlen bins for sale. 306-788-4501, Marquis, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK.


14’Hopper 8 Leg H/Duty ..............$2,4 50 14’Hopper 7 Leg S/Duty ..............$2,325 SKID BASE & AERAT IO N EX T RA C HARG E


306-324-4441 GRAIN BAGGER, 2008 Mainero Model 2230, 9’, hopper extension. Call for details, M ARG O ,SASK. 306-287-8062, Watson, SK. LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin DiDownload the rect, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK. free app today.

Hague, SK P: 306-225-2288 F: 306-225-4438 www.zaksbuilding.com


WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.

hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837. GRAIN BAG EXTRACTORS- 9108 grain extractors for sale starting at $14,900. Reengineered auger drill, field ready! Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/SAKUNDIAK BINS. Book now for best prices. Example all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450; SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.




Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters Temp Cables Authorized Dealer

Saskatoon, SK

Phone: 306-373-4919 grainbindirect.com

YEAR END SPECIAL on Westeel 10,300 bu. hopper bins c/w skid foundation and aeration. Grain Bin Direct 306-373-4919.

GREAT CAPACITY, 300 TON/HOUR 1 BUSHEL CLEAN UP AT THE END OF THE BAG. FULLY WINDS UP GRAIN BAG CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Elie, MB 204-353-2392 Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARKUSSON NEW HOLLAND Emerald Park, SK 1-800-819-2583 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824 NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466

HAT AGRI-SERVICE NEERLANDIA CO-OP Medicine Hat, AB 403-526-3701, 780-674-3020 1-888-526-3702 PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT Dunmore, AB,403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 306-452-3444 1-888-644-5463 ROBERTSON IMPLEMENTS (1988) LTD. HOULDER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Shaunavon, SK, 306-297-4131 Falher, AB, 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, Swift Current, SK 306-773-4948 1-800-746-4691 SCHROEDER BROS. KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE E. BOURASSA & SONS: Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 Assinniboia 1-877-474-2456 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Estevan 1-877-474-2495 Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Radville 1-877-474-2450 BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Weyburn 1-877-474-2491 Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 RAYMORE NEW HOLLAND CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS Raymore, SK 306-746-2911 St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 WATROUS NEW HOLLAND FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Watrous, SK 306-946-3301 Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, YORKTON NEW HOLLAND 1-888-354-3620 Yorkton, SK 306-782-8511

Email: craigyeager@grainbagscanada.com or aaronyeager@grainbagscanada.com

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888




WESTEEL EXTENSION PARTS for 14’ and 19’ standard corrugation bins. All new parts. In stock and competitive pricing. Willwood Industries 1-866-781-9560. Get details and prices at: www.willwood.ca HOPPER BINS FOR SALE. 2700, 3300, 3500, and 4200 bu. bins, some epoxy lined, all with skids. Grant 306-746-7336, 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, Semans, SK

TWIN 1000 NH3 tanks, mounted on low- 2012 BRENT 1082, 1000 bu. plus, 900 profile cart. Recent safetied, $12,500 firm. metrics, 20” auger, hyd. spout, tarp, PTO. 780-842-8917, 780-755-2280 Edgerton AB Used for one canola field, like brand new, must sell. 306-338-8078, Quill Lake, SK.

40’ STANDARD SEA CONTAINERS for sale, guaranteed wind, water and rodent proof. Five in stock for $3650. Ph Bond Industrial Direct Incorporated today while supply lasts. 306-373-2236, 306-221-9630, Saskatoon, SK. email: joe@bondind.com


In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d S a s ka tchew a n ’s n u m b er o n e s o u rce fo r New , Us ed a n d M o d ified S ea Co n ta in ers . Recycle, Reu s e, Rein ven t S hip p in g co n ta in ers ca n b e a d a p ted to a va riety o f u s es a n d ca n p ro vid e a n in exp en s ive a n d flexib le s o lu tio n to m a n y s to ra ge p ro b lem s .

TEMPORARY GRAIN BINS, selected 3/8” fir plywood with all holes drilled. Wood sizes from 1750 bu., $431 to 11,700 bu., $852 including hardware. All sizes in stock. All rings 4’ high. Best quality avail. Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps available for all sizes. All tarps in stock. Complete packages include freight to any major point in Western Canada. Overnight delivery to most major points in Western Canada. Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. For pricing, details, pics: www.willwood.ca

AtBo n d In d u s tria l w e ca n co n vertyo u rco n ta in erfo r a lm o s ta n y u s e like S to ra ge F a cilities , W o rk S ho p s , T o o l Crib s , S ite Offices , Go lfCa rt S to ra ge, Ou tfitterS ha cks etc.

Yo u n a m e it w e ca n d o it.

BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.

Perfect po rta b le s ecu re w ea ther pro o f s to ra ge fo r the fa rm , a crea ge o r b u s in es s .

SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK, thecontainerguy.ca

KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738.

20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. www.g-airservices.ca 306-933-0436.

Ca ll to d a y & tu rn yo u r s to ra ge id ea in to rea lity.

20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. www.magnatesteel.com

Ph. 306.373.2236 fx. 306-373-0364

B on d In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d w w w .b on din d.com e m a il joe @ b on din d.com

20’ AND 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, 306-781-2600.

40’ STORAGE UNITS, solid, all steel, rodent and weatherproof storage container with lockable double doors and natural air vents, offers instant storage and ground level access, highly secure. Ideal for storage of farm equip., commercial and industrial goods. Will deliver. 1-866-676-6686. www.containeraccess.com

KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346

USED BATCO 1545FL conveyor w/30 HP eng., $13,500. Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626, or visit www.flaman.com BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. www.masterindustries.ca Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. 2010 BRANDT 1545LP conveyer, 30 HP Kohler, wheel mover, great shape, stored indoors. $19,000. 306-533-4891, Gray, SK. BATCO 2085 SWING conveyor, totally refurbished, ready to go. Reduced to $29,900. 306-726-4403, Southey, SK

BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and a n d u s e d s e a c o n t a i n e r s , a l l s i z e s . 2011 BATCO CONVEYOR 20105 for sale, like new condition. 306-266-4977, Glent4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. worth, SK. 306-757-2828, Regina, SK. BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and leasing available. 1-866-746-2666.






• Po s itio n gra in a u ger o r co n veyo r in to b in rem o tely; N EW b y yo u rs elf. PRODUCT • Po w erfu l m a gn ets to a d here to gra in & co m b in e a u gers , co n veyo rs , etc. • Ca m era is w a terpro o f & co lo r w ith a u d io . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll

Brow n le e s Truckin g I nc. Un ity, S K

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98

TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Kinze grain cart. New advanced grain cart design, low profile, 750 bu/min. unload capacity, 900, w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m 1100, 1300, 1500 bu., horizontal/vertical 4261 SPRAY-AIR 12”x61’ auger, very good auger adjust., tracks and wheels. Regina, DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, s h a p e , n o w e a r. 4 0 3 - 3 1 8 - 4 7 0 6 o r SK. 306-586-1603. www.tristarfarms.com www.zettlerfarmequipment.com or call 403-746-5762, Eckville, AB. 2012 BRENT 1194, 1100 bu., scale, tarp, 204-857-8403. S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : walking tandem, like new. 780-603-7640, swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP Bruce, AB. movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. 2000 KINZIE 840, large 1000 PTO, good Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. shape, easily handled by 130 HP tractor. AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, $20,000. 403-698-6186, Calgary, AB. Westfield, Westeel, Sakundiak augers; Au- 2009 BRENT 1194 grain cart, 20.8x38 ger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart tires, tandem walking axle, tarp, non cuspost pounders. Good prices, leasing tom machines, exc. cond., $54,000 OBO. available. Call 1-866-746-2666. L l oy d S p r o u l e , P i n c h e r C r e e k , A B . NEW DESIGN! Wheatheart’s new R series 403-627-7363 or 403-627-2764. auger is faster and stronger. Improved features include: higher capacity, larger 2011 BRENT 1594 grain cart, scales, camabearings and a smooth, quiet operation. ras, tarp, excellent condition. Delivery Come see this new auger at your nearest available. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 1-888-708-3739. For all your 45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 WANTED TO RENT: smaller mobile seed grain drying needs! www.glenmor.cc We bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. cleaner (100-200 bu./hr), w/European are the GT grain dryer parts distributor. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your equip if possible. 780-662-2617 Tofield AB SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS. Largest and nearest Flaman store or call quietest single phase dryer in the industry. 1-888-435-2626. COMPLETE LINE OF CLEANING EQUIP- CSA approved. Over 34 years experience in MENT w/holding tanks. Can clean: alfalfa, S A K U N D I A K H A R V E S T C A S H - I N sweet clover, red clover, Timothy, caraway grain drying. Moridge parts also avail. EVENT: $1000 rebate on new swingaway seed, buckwheat, all cereal grains, peas, Grant Services Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam augers. Used 12”x72’ Sakundiak SLM/D, lentils. All in exc. cond., can be moved. Lake, SK. $14,900; One 2008 12”x78’ Sakundiak Will help remove. $55,000 OBO complete NEW SUKUP GRAIN dryers, propane, natuSLM/D, $15,900; Convey-All conveyors unit. Call 780-645-2341, St. Paul, AB. ral gas, canola screens, 1 or 3 phase. In available. All units have leasing options. stock and available for immediate delivery; Call Dale, Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd. KWIK KLEEN grain cleaner Model 572, a l s o s o m e u s e d d r y e r s av a i l a b l e . 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299, Davidson, hyd. drive, 1 set of slotted screens, 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB. SK, www.mainwayfarmequipment.ca 3/4”x3/16”, $5500 OBO. 403-588-2936. NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price GRAIN AUGER: 60’X10”, PTO, works well. Vegreville, AB. savings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep Phone 780-753-6498, Provost, AB. KIPP KELLY 300 gravity table, 7-1/2 HP fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . FARM KING AUGERS, 13x70 and 10x70. motor, $5000; 22 SG Uniflo less aspirator 204-242-3300, www.fvoth.com P h o n e C a m - D o n M o t o r s L t d . , plus extra roll, great for parts $1500. MacDonald, MB. 204-274-2727, 204-856-9617. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. REMOTE CONTROL SWING AUGER MOVERS; Endgate and hoist systems; Trailer chute openers; Wireless full bin alarms; Digital wireless cameras; Portable combine. Doing it right... keeping you safe... by remote control. Call Brehon Agrisystems at: 306-933-2633, Saskatoon, SK.

augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.

Rosetown Flighting Supply


1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK www.flightingsupply.com

WANTED: 2- 2000 gal. NH 3 tanks. Would consider 2- 1750’s. 306-323-4839, Quill Lake, SK.


FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gallon tanks avail. Contact your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com

(403) 78 4-3518

w w w .ren n m ill.co m



• Fla tBo tto m & Ho ppe rG ra in Bin Te c hn o lo gy • M o s tOptio n s Are S ta n d a rd Equ ipm e n tOn Ou rBin s !

& S a ve!


AFFORDABL E AL L S TEEL L IQUID FERTIL IZER TAN K S . Ava ila b le in Cu s to m s izes u p to 122,000 ga llo n ca pa city.


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P OS T H AR VES T “ S P EC IALS B ook Tod a y

• Re pla c e yo u ro ld flo o rs a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u s he ls c a pa c ity to yo u r e xis tin g b in s . • No m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . Ou rpa te n te d JTL d o o r is gu a ra n te e d to m a ke yo u s m ile e ve rytim e yo u u s e it!

L EA S IN G A V A IL A B L E S a s k a tchew a n /Alb erta 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 S tettler, AB 1-78 0-8 72-49 43 “ The Pea ce Co u n try” 1-8 77-6 9 7-7444 o r1-775-770-49 44 S o u th/Ea s tS a s k a tchew a n , M a n ito b a & U.S .A., 1-306 -224-208 8

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2008 CASE 4020, 330 HP, auto, 70’ flex air, 2000 hrs., reduced to $168,000; 2006 Loral 6300 w/DT 570 auto, AirMax 1000 bed, 2200 hrs., $126,000; 2005 Loral, w/large Cat motor, auto, AirMax 1000, 2600 hrs., $104,000; 4x4 1999 Loral, AirMax 5 bed, $71,000; 1999 Loral, w/AirMax 5 bed, 5700 hrs, $51,000; 1999 AgChem, 70’ booms, $68,000; 1997 AgChem, 70’ booms, $38,000; 1996 Loral AirMax 5 bed w/chemical bins, 8700 hrs., $36,500; 1996 Mertz 2 bin w/chemical bins, $37,000; 2001 Case 3 wheeler, 70’ booms, $67,000; 1994 GMC w/new leader 2020 bed, $34,500; 16 ton Tyler tender w/back auger, $9500; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender with scale, 40 HP, new auger, $18,500; 5 ton Tyler blender, 40 HP, $7500; 10 propane trucks in test date with 2800-3000 gal. tanks, w/hose reels, pumps and meters from $26,000 to $33,000. Northwest largest used selection of fertilizer equipment. 406-466-5356, Choteau, MT. For more equipment and photos view www.fertilizerequipment.net

2001 SPRA-AIRE AUGER Model #4061, complete, excellent working order, asking $ 5 9 0 0 O B O. C a n d e l i ve r. C a l l We s 403-936-5572 anytime, Calgary, AB. NEW “R” SERIES Wheatheart Augers: R 8x41, 27 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,075, sale $12,250; R 8x51, 30 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,907, sale $12,750; R 10x41, 35 HP Vanguard, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $15,530, sale $13,240. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. USED AUGERS- Check out our selection of used augers, like this 10”x41’ Wheatheart auger with 35 HP gas engine for $11,400. Ph Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. 1385 FARM KING auger, 2009, hyd. mover and winch, steering, exc. cond., $13,000 OBO. 204-871-1175, MacGregor, MB. 2009 SAKUNDIAK 8x1800, 15 HP electric motor used only 2 months; Sakundiak HD 7-1400, 10 HP elec. motor; 2- 4”x15’ well cribbings. 306-323-2036, Archerwill, SK.

FOREVER, 2 IDEAL indents, new roll shell #20, hyd. augers, over 20 screens, Cart Day aspirator, timed auger for grain input, 220 elec. motors, on semi trailer, fully self contained, 200 bu./hr., $32,500 OBO. Ph. NH 660, $6900; 855, $2900; New Idea 306-378-2904, 306-831-7668, Elrose, SK. 486, $2300; JD 510, $2900. Call Pro Ag DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, Sales, 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. great for pulse crops, best selection in Western Canada. Phone 306-259-4923 or 2004 HIGHLINE 1400 BALE WAGON, self-loading/unloading, carries 14 large 306-946-7923, Young, SK. round bales, $17,000 OBO or take bred USED SORTEX Colour Sorter for sale. cows/ heifers on trade. Ph 306-258-4615, 90000 series bio-chromatic. Machine cur- 306-381-4286, St. Denis, SK. rently has 2 chutes, capable of expansion with a third, c/w laptop for programming. $39,000. www.flamangraincleaning.com C a l l F l a m a n G r a i n C l e a n i n g t o d ay. 1-888-435-2626. PORTABLE GRAIN CLEANER and accessories. Call Ted McGregor, 204-673-2527, cell 204-522-6008, Waskada, MB. 1996 LMC 681 GRAVITY table with small, medium and large decks. Phone Glen or Aaron 403-578-3810 at Coronation, AB. coroseed@xplornet.com CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.

USED SEED CLEANERS: Crippen 688 air screen 400 bu. per hr., $25,000; Bisco B8 Indent 400 bu./hr., $12,000; LMC Model 401 gravity, 100 bu./hr., $8000; Clipper 668 air screen, $25,000; Carter 6 roll grader $3000; Superior T4A Indent 300 bu./hr., $3500; Northland Trommel DockSAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS: SP kits a g e c l e a n e r, $ 1 2 0 0 . C a l l S t e v e n and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and 1-800-667-6924, Saskatoon, SK. diesel. Call Brian “The Auger Guy” WANTED: SEED CLEANING equipment, 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. 200/400 bu. per hr. screen and indents. 204-776-2047, 204-534-7458, Minto, MB.

LOOKING FOR a floater or tender? Call me first. 30 years experience. Loral parts, new NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the and used. 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB. Western Producer Classifieds. Our exUSED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 to 9 ton, perienced staff are waiting to help you. 10 ton tender $2500. 1-866-938-8537 Call 1-800-667-7770 today! www.zettlerfarmequipment.com 2007 BANDIT LIQUID caddy, 1750 gallon. One year old John Blue pump w/2” Honda pump, like new. Ph Patrick 306-638-3177, Chamberlain, SK.

HART UNIFLOW 32 PK-4 indent w/aspirator; Silverline AS-10T air and screen dust collection system; hyd. drive, variable spd. augers and conveyor legs; Katolight 40kW genset, 3 phase electric motors, 110V plug-ins, fully self-contained, 300-500 bu/hr., screens for wheat, barley, oats, peas, canary. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK.

NEW AG DUTY bucket elevators, 10-20’ discharge height, 100-600 bu/hr. c/w motor, gearbox, buckets and hardware. Starting at $2195. 1000-10,000 bu/hr. capacities also avail. Call Sever’s Mechanical Services Inc., Winnipeg, MB. at 1-800-665-0847, email: severs1@mts.net for pricing.

688 CRIPPEN Cleaner w/1 set of screens, CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accesso3 air separations; Separately #90 Forsberg ries. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. gravity table, w/2 decks; Universal P leg, www.starlinesales.biz 25’ long. 701-547-3742, Fessenden, ND.

1 800 667 8800


ALUMINUM SIDING FOR- grain elevators called Manitoba Siding. Call 204-835-2493 or 204-647-2493. Fax 204-835-2494, McCreary, MB. ELEVATOR IN LAMPMAN, SK. 150,000 bu., 2 steel legs, grain cleaner, pea cleaner, 50’ scale, active rail line. 306-487-7993.



REN N M ill Cen ter In c.

USED GRAIN CARTS: 450-1050 bushel. Large selection. Excellent prices. New and used gravity wagons. 1-866-938-8537. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com ELMERS MFG. MODEL HM1150 Haul Master grain cart w/1150 bu. capacity, 2012 demo unit. Call Hodgins Auctioneers at 1-800-667-2075. SK. PL #915407.



N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , $7,100; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection used gravity wagons 250-750 bu. Used grain carts 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537, www.zettlerfarmequipment.com

CALL MINIC IND. for all your bucket elevator, screw/drag and belt conveyor parts and accessories. We specialize in stainless steel and mild steel for your new equipment quotation requirements. Call Chris at 204-339-1941, Winnipeg, MB. OFFERING FOR SALE: one Cimbria Delta model 108 super cleaner, right hand model with centre clean product discharge, purchased new in 2000, has seen approximately 15 million bushels but well maintained, unit to be sold as is where located at the Three Hills Seed Plant with shipping the responsibility of the purchaser. Asking $35,000 OBO. For more information please contact Greg Andrews at 403-443-5464, Three Hills, AB. 4 - TWO ROLL 245 Carter Day graders, 2 w/aspirators, 2 without aspirators, many shells for above machines, magic box w/4 canola spirals. Ed Bergen, 204-736-2278 or 204-782-3234, Sanford, MB.

GOT ERGOT? Flaman Grain Cleaning has Satake colour sorters in stock now to help you combat unwanted grain like degrading ergot. With capacities ranging from 10 to 30 tonne/hr., we have a sorter for you. Call 1-888-435-2626 today for pricing, or to book an appointment for a demo. www.flamangraincleaning.com WANTED: 100 BU/hr., Gjesdal 5 in 1 grain cleaner, in decent shape, screens and if possible on a trailer. Call 306-547-8337 anytime, Preeceville, SK.

NEW ROUND BALE WAGON designed to minimize damage to wrapped bales. One man remote operation from tractor. Automatic bale dumping. Self loading & unloading.

250-547-6399 www.renniequipment.com HAUSER ROUND BALE TRANSPORTS, 7-17 bales, side unloading, starting at $6500. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. 1-888-939-4444, www.hausers.ca

2012 MORRIS 1400 bale wagons in stock. Lease for only $2983. semi-annual OAC. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 660 NH ROUND BALER, good condition, $6000. 403-650-8369, Longview, AB. 1998 JOHN DEERE 566 baler, always shedded. 780-336-2224, Viking, AB.



MILLER PRO SET 1150 and 2150 rotary 2003 CHALLENGER 660 combine w/1660 rake, $10,000. Phone 306-225-4678, cell sep. hrs., PU head and 30’ flex head 306-232-3462, Hague, SK. available, $22,000 spent this year, shedded and field ready. Fraser Farms Ltd., 2005 BOURGAULT 1650 bale wagon, Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0475. holds 16 round bales, $22,000. Phone: NEED HYDROSTATIC TRANS. UNITS. 403-588-1146, Blackfalds, AB. Pump and motors in stock. Call us with 1995 New Idea 4665 baler, $6500; MF your name plate info. Hydratec Hydraulics MacDon 36’ swather, $2500. Contact 1-800-667-7712, www.hydratec.ca TRI HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND 306-969-4701, Minton, SK. BALE MOVERS: 8’ to 29’ lengths, 6-18 bales, also excellent for feeding cattle in the field, 4 bales at time with a pickup. 2002 TR99, 2025 eng., 1575 sep. hours, 1-800-505-9208. www.LiftOffTriHaul.com Redekop chopper, long auger, dual rotor NH SQUARE BALER #273, good shape, speed, $88,000 OBO. Ph 780-608-4387, front PTO seal does leak, $2500 OBO. Last Daysland, AB. or ntspiller@gmail.com used in 2009. Ph. 780-336-6378, Irma, AB. CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes 2001 NH TR99, 2022 eng. hrs, hopper topand models. Call the combine superstore. 1998 HESSTON 4910 sq. baler c/w 1000 per, chaff spreader, stored indoors, 14’ PU, PTO, good cond., $17,500 OBO. Muenster, Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. long auger. 30’ straight cut header Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. SK. 306-682-4520, 306-231-7318. available separately. 204-479-6665, St. Francois Xavier, MB. NH 650 AUTO-WRAP round baler, vg cond; 1976 NH 1049 SP square bale picker, al2004 CR960, 1335 thresher hours, always ways shedded. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin MB 2 0 0 5 C I H 8 0 1 0 , 4 WD, front tires shedded, $50,000 work order, price NEW IDEA 4865 round baler, no dents or 1250-45-32 means 45” wide, rear tires $122,000. 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK. welds, good belts and tires, $3750 OBO: 28Lx26 means 28” wide, apparently will go 2003 CR940, 2 spd. rotor, 2460 eng. hrs., Hesston 5500 round baler, $1000 OBO as far as a track machine, 4 spd. hyd. good condition, field ready, shedded, 306-681-7610, 306-395-2668, Chaplin, SK. trans., straw chopper and spreaders, Pro $95,000 OBO. 306-843-7046, Wilkie, SK. 600 monitor, bin ext., 2630 hrs, c/w 2052 BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all 30’ draper header, $165,000. Can email REDEKOPP MAV chopper assembly for NH loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. pictures. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. TR9 series combine, 2008 model, exc. Call now 1-866-443-7444. cond., $6500. Call 204-766-2643. 2009 CASE/IH 7088, long auger, 541 eng. hrs., 488 sep. hrs., large tires front and 1998 TR98, 1550 threshing hrs., rebuilt rear, pro 600 monitor Y&M, header re- rotors, new concaves, new feeder chain 415 NH DISCBINE, good condition, $6500. verse, elec. adjust sieves. Combined 1400 and sprockets, long auger, electronic stone 403-650-8369, Longview, AB. acres per year since 2009. 780-617-1400, t r a p , s h e d d e d . 7 8 0 - 3 5 2 - 3 1 7 9 , Manning, AB. or email silver2@telus.net 780-361-6879, Wetaskiwin, A.B 2003 2388 CASE/IH w/2016 header, $135,000; 2010 8120 Case/IH, duals, 2016 header, 250 hrs, $314,000. A.E. Chi- 1998 R62, 1277 hrs., large rubber, heavy coine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, planataries, Victory PU, 30’ straight table, SK, 306-449-2255. PU and batt reels, header transport, 1998 PREMIER 1900 30’ PT SWATHER, IF YOU OWN a 1688/2188/2388 you $79,000. Quit farming. 306-842-0646, w/PU reels, c/w hitch spring assist, exc. should know we have forward direction Weyburn, SK. Email nastfarm@sasktel.net c o n d . , $ 4 5 0 0 ; 1 9 8 9 J D 2 3 6 0 3 0 ’ hydro hose improved assembly. Big $$ GLEANER R72, 1837 engine hrs, shedded, SWATHER, w/PU reel, diesel engine, exc. saving- our price $399.24, represents $400 PU header and 24’ straight cut header. Call saving and it’s a better hose assembly. Barry 780-632-9756, Vegreville, AB. cond., $18,500. 204-746-2573, Morris, MB. Call Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, JD 4890 30’ HoneyBee SP30 header, Roto- Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca 1995 HONEYBEE 30’ header, Gleaner adapShear, exc. cond., $47,500. Financing tor, pea auger, UII PU reel, new knife, reavailable. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 2008 CASE 2588, 2015 PU, 478/594 built wobble box, new canvasses, vg cond., hrs., yield and moisture, Pro 600 monitor, $19,900 OBO. 306-948-9870, Handel, SK. 1996 MF 220, 26’ DSA (1999), Schu- rice tires, heavy soil machine, $180,000 macher drive, UII, new front tires, canvas, open to offers. Phone 204-981-5366, R62 GLEANER 1953 sep hrs., Swathmasguards 2 yrs. ago, 2060 hrs, $30,000. 204-735-2886, Starbuck, MB. ter PU, solid rotor, lowered feeder house, 780-608-9297, Rosalind, AB. new feeder chains and sep. components CIH 2188, 2746 sep. hrs., auto HHC, all 2002 MF 220XL, 30’ header, UII PU reels, 1997 1700 hrs., all work done by JL’s Mobile. chaff spreader, rock trap, long at Perkins diesel, new rollers and canvases, chopper, $55,000 OBO. 780-806-9993, Irma, AB. top ext., 1015 PU header or Rakeexcellent condition, 1250 hrs., $45,000. auger, Up PU, exc. cond., field ready, $39,500 or GLEANER BALDWIN “E” combine with new 306-821-2566, Watson, SK. $ 3 7 , 0 0 0 w i t h o u t h e a d e r. F i n a n c i n g hyd. pump and new replacement knives. 2008 MASSEY 9225 SP swather, 25’ DS available. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. 306-962-4491, 306-463-8362, Eston, SK. 5200 header, 430 hrs, deluxe cab with buddy seat, AC, CD, roller hitch, shedded, 1987 CASE 1680, 4500 hrs., air flow sieve, mint, has only cut canola, $68,900. field ready, $17,000 OBO. 403-934-8449, 403-934-7858, Rockyford, AB. 403-526-1288, Medicine Hat, AB. 2004 JD 9760 STS, c/w 2005 Precision REDUCED: 2011 9120, duals, $310,000; PU, duals, high capacity unloading auger 2009 8120, $257,000; 2009 8120, 347 with extension for wider straight cut headhrs., $267,000; 2010 8120, $279,000; ers, Y&M, hopper topper. Greenlighted 2008 8010, $218,000; 2006 8010 topper, every season, 2352 eng., 1664 sep. Great $ 1 9 2 , 0 0 0 ; 2 3 8 8 A F X Y & M , t o p p e r, shape! $136,500 OBO. 306-743-7657 or $109,000; 2388 AFX, $110,000; 2002 2388 306-743-7679, Langenburg, SK. AFX, $94,000; 2188 SP roto w/accelor, $59,900; 1984 1480, hyd., reverser, straw 2008 9870, 800/70R38, 28L26, Big Top, and chaff spreader, 210 HP, $10,900. Ph Contour-Master, MacDon PU, $205,000; Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, 2005 9760, 800/70R38, MacDon PU $116,000. 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. Humboldt, SK. 2009 CHALLENGER SP115C 30’ swather, 1660 1987, 4100 hrs, 1015 Melroe PU 2009 9770 STS, 4WD axle ext, wide sin869 hrs., Roto-Shears, crop lifters, reel, header, stored inside, field ready, specialty gle tires, new concaves, 800 hrs., 913 fore/aft, exc. cond., reduced to $80,000 rotor, well maintained, $12,500 OBO. Ph. threshing hrs., exc. shape, loaded, asking $209,000 OBO. 306-759-2070 Eyebrow, SK OBO. Call 204-529-2106, Cartwright, MB. 306-378-2904, 306-831-7668, Elrose, SK. BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. WANTED: BRITISH BUILT cooks flat/eight small square bale retriever and FEL grab, or similar in good cond. 250-843-7617, Farmington, BC.

2011 CIH WD 1203 36’, $119,000; 2010 IH 1203 36’, $106,000; CIH 736, 36’, PT, $1500 as is; Hesston 8100 25’, $26,000; Prairie Star (MD) 4930, 30’, $49,900; Prarie Star (MD) 4930 30’, $48,900; MacDon H. Pro 8152i 36’, $79,900. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2005 PRAIRIESTAR 4940, c/w 30’ 972, double knife, header transport, only 400 hrs, $79,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2000 CASE/IH 8825 HP 25’, DSA, weights, rear hitch, Keer-Shear, UII PU reel, excellent condition. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. 2007 MACDON PREMIER 2952, 30’, 580 hrs, 972 header, dbl. knife drive, exc., $89,500. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB. MACDON PRAIRIE STAR 4952 w/25’ 972 header, double knife, hyd. deck shift, 1250 engine hrs., 1050 cutting hrs., good cond., $63,000 OBO. Call Mike 780-777-5364, Leduc, AB. mike.ohlmann@gmail.com 330 VERSATILE 18’ SP swather, runs good, $1000 OBO; 25’ NH PT swather, $1000 OBO. 306-944-4572, Viscount, SK. 2008 PREMIER M150, D60, 1308 eng. hrs., 1062 header, single knife drive, factory transport, JD AutoSteer, field ready, $96,000 OBO. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. 2 PRAIRIE STAR 4620 30’ swathers. Call Hodgins Auctioneers, 1-800-667-2075. SK. PL #915407.

NOW IS THE TIME to check the hydro pump drive hub and splined input shaft. We have lubricated splined drive hubs for all models 1440 thru 2388. Exchange reman and tested hydros in stock. Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca 2011 9120, duals, low hours, excellent condition, $275,000. 306-821-2566, Watson, SK. 1993 CIH 1688, new AFX rotor, rock trap, long auger, hopper ext., chopper, Redekop chopper, exc. cond., $27,500 or $22,500 without Redekop; CIH 1688, chopper, long auger, needs some repair, $12,500. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. 2- 2009 CASE 8120, approx. 1300 eng. hrs., 1100 sep. hrs., duals, lateral tilt, ext. wear rotors, electric mirrors, fine cut chopper, 3016 PU. $215,000 per machine. Call Aaron 403-485-8327, Champion, AB. PROBLEMS W/SPLINE DRIVE ON HYDRO We can save big $$. We have new lubricated and hardened couplers and improved pump input spline shafts. All combines from 1440 thru 2388 have this problem. Call Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca

2- 2009 JD 9770 STS, 539 and 506 hrs., Contour-Masters w/Hi-Torque reversers, 20.8x42 duals, bin extensions, choppers, $205,000 ea. US. www.ms-diversified.com 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. JD 9610, c/w PU header, dual range, premium cond., shedded, low hrs, $91,000 OBO. 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. 2002 JD 9750, 2435 sep. hrs., ContourMaster, duals, 914 PU, 200 hrs. on concaves, good shape, $110,000. 306-575-8312, Wawota, SK.

2006 JD 9760 STS, 1480 hrs., Performaxed, $32,000 workorder w/615 PU, 800-38 rubber, 780-221-3980 Leduc, AB. 2006 and 2007 JD 9760 combines, approx. 1400 hrs., 615 PU’s, all options, $155,000 each OBO. Delivery and 936 headers available. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. 9600 JD, 2300 sep. hours, very clean, asking $50,000. interest free until July, 2013. Contact David or John at 306-445-9897, 306-441-6882 or, 306-441-8617, North Battleford, SK.

WANTED: NEW HOLLAND C71 straight cut header. Phone: 780-324-3024, McLennan, AB.

2010 JD 9770, GPS, Contour-Master, 560 hrs., excellent cond., $270,000; 2007 D936 straight cut header, $35,000. Or both $300,000. 25% down now, balance due in Spring. 403-371-7100, Dalemead, AB.

2006 MACDON 973, 36’ cross auger, fore/aft, transport, JD 60/70 adapter, $41,900. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

2010 JD 9770 STS, 430 hrs., Pro Drives, Contour-Master w/Hi-Torque reverser, 20.8x42 duals, Maurer extension, chopper, $234,500 US; 2009 JD 9770 STS, 543 hrs., Premier Cab, Contour-Master w/HiTorque reverser, 20.8x42 duals, JD extens i o n , c h o p p e r, $ 2 1 4 , 5 0 0 U S . C a l l 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. www.ms-diversified.com 2005 9860, BULLET rotor, 1190 sep. hrs., c/w 615 PU; 2003 9750 STS, 2100 sep. h r s . , C o n t o u r - M a s t e r, V i c t o r y P U. $114,000. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB.

RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. www.straightcutheaders.com 2009 MACDON D60 35’ header w/CIH adapter, double knife drive, DSA, double reel, hyd. fore/aft, full skid pkg, pea auger, $62,500. 306-423-5476, Domremy, SK.

2004 JD 9860, duals, chopper, loaded, 1950 sep. hrs, $140,000 US; 2004 JD 9860, duals, chopper, loaded, 1340 sep. hrs, $170,000. 701-897-0099 Garrison ND THEY DIDN’T WANT us to get our hands on cores to remanufacture for 9500/9600 CTS Hydro drives, but we’ve got them. We offer for JD from 6600 thru current CTS combines all remanufactured Hydros. All in stock and all parts. Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina. www.hydratec.ca


Warehouses located in RED DEER • REGINA • WINNIPEG


2010 30’ Macdon D60-S - PUR, hyd. fore/aft, factory transport, fits swathers, combine adapters available, $39,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2010 FD70 MACDON 40’, fully loaded, JD adapter, $68,000. Phone 306-541-3838, Lewvan, SK.

GOT JD 615, NH 76C, OR CIH 2016? Call us 1-800-667-4515 for our BRAND NEW 16’ PW7 header with Swathmaster pickup exchange program. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

VARIOUS PICKUPS IN STOCK - NEW 16’ Swathmaster, $13,767; ‘93 12’ Rakeup, $3,900; ‘04 16’ Rake-up, $8,950; ‘98 Swathmaster 14B, $7,480. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

‘91 JD 9600, 2 spd. cyl., FC chopper, hopper ext’n., w/ 914 header, $39,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 2001 9650 STS, 914 PU, 1405 sep. hrs., Howard concaves, new thrashing elements, Greenlighted every year, more options, exc. cond., $105,000 OBO. For more d e t a i l s c a l l c e l l : 3 0 6 - 8 4 3 - 7 3 1 4 o r 2005 MACDON MD974 FLEX DRAPER 306-843-2294 home, Wilkie, SK. HEADER With STS hook-up, pea auger, fore/ new canvas, hyd tilt tansport.$39,800. 2010 JD 9870, Contour-Master, pro drive, aft, Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-80042” duals, $289,000; 2008 JD 9870 STS, 667-4515. www.combineworld.com duals, $239,000; JD 9600 CTS, $55,000. Hergott Farm Equipment your Case/IH 2009 MACDON FD-60, 40’ cross auger, poDealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. ly, transport, JD adapter, shedded, vg cond., $59,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 7720 TITAN II, rice tires, well maintained, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. $15,000; 4700 VERSATILE SP swather, good in mud, $11,000. 1-866-507-3369, 2001 2388 CIH, 2100 threshing hrs., vg 204-735-2313. cond.; 1995 2188 CIH, 3000 threshing 1996 JOHN DEERE 9600, 1704 sep. hrs., hrs., vg cond. Both have many options. shedded, $65,000. Phone 306-398-7790, 306-843-2328, 306-843-7408, Wilke, SK. Cut Knife, SK. 2009 MACDON D60 40’ header, float opti2000 JD 9650W, only 1457 sep. hrs., mizer, fore and aft, 6- skid plates, $45,000. auto header height control, dial-a-speed, 403-698-6186, Calgary, AB. chaff spreader, chopper, hopper topper, RETIRING: 2009 JD 635 draper header, 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, JD double knife drive, pea auger, full skid 914 PU header, always shedded, excellent plates, excellent, $53,000. 780-777-4153, c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 1 9 , 0 0 0 . C a l l J o r d a n Fort Sask., AB. 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 2- 2010 JD 9870, loaded, approx. 670 sep. hrs., duals, Michel’s covers, long augers, power tailboard. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK

TWO SHEDDED and field ready JD 9600 combines: 1996 w/3000 sep. hrs.; 1997 w/3520 sep. hrs. $85,000 spent on Greenlight in last two yrs. Also pickup heads, 36’ Honey Bee headers, 30’ flex headers and chaff collectors avail. Fraser Farms Ltd., Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0240.


30’ HART CARTER new PU reel; Headsight header leveling system for NH CR, used 6 hrs. like new. 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg

JD 922 FLEX c/w PU reel, $7500; JD 630 flex c/w PU reel, $21,000; MacDon 940 16’ c/w PU reel. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB.

1984 MF 850, 372 cu. in., variable spd. trans, 1457 hrs, very clean, always shedded, 378-10 Melroe PU, field ready, $9500 OBO. 306-788-4502, Marquis, SK. 1998 MF 8680, 1330 sep. hrs., 1800 eng. hours, excellent condition, $50,000. 1986 JD 7721 combine, air foil sieve, 780-632-9858, Two Hills, AB. straw chopper, always shedded. Call: 2006 CAT LEXION 590, 832 sep. hrs., in- 780-336-2224, Viking, AB. spected, $165,000. 204-632-5334, 2007 JD 9660WTS, only 528 sep. hrs., 204-981-4291, Winnipeg, MB. auto header height control, auto reel MOST OF YOUR HYDRAULIC hoses are speed control, hyd. fore/aft, grain loss metric. We have the best metric hydraulic monitor, rock trap, 21’6” unloading auger, 2002 MACDON 972, 30’ swather header, hose program in the industry. Hydratec hopper topper. Just been Greenlighted! triple delivery, exc. cond. 403-886-4285, Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. Excellent shape! $169,900. Call Jordan www.hydratec.ca Penhold, AB. 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB.


‘08 CIH 2142 - 35’, PUR, knife & guards, factory transport, same as MacDon D50, fits JD STS/CAT 500 series, $49,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2005 9860 STS, 791 threshing hrs., new concaves at 700 hrs., touch set contour master. See www.mcdougallbay.com clos- WANTED: 30’ HEADER transport wanted, msg including price and location. Rose ing Nov. 5th. 306-759-2070, Eyebrow, SK. Valley, SK. 306-383-2546, 306-229-8638.

2011 JD 9870, big duals, Contour-Master, ProDrive, 615 PU, 250 hrs., long auger, 1990 JD 9600, 4250 hrs., exc. shape, hopper topper. 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. shedded, rebuilt 2 yrs. ago. 306-398-2668, 2011 9870 STS, with 615P, Contour-Mas- 306-398-7783 cell, Cut Knife, SK. ter, power tailboard, duals, optional 2630 2 - 1989 JD 9600 combines, 1 - 1993 JD Grainstar. 306-541-3838, Lewvan, SK. 9600 combine, all with or without 14’ PU. 1987 JD 7721 Titan II PT, mint shape c/w 306-882-3317, Rosetown, SK. older 7721 for parts, new parts as well. Phone 306-662-3312, Maple Creek, SK.


1996 36’ HONEYBEE draper header, pickup reels, Gleaner adaptor, good running solid header. 306-461-8167, Estevan, SK. TWO 1998 JD 925 rigid platforms with pickup reels, $9900; 1998 JD 930 flex platform w/Crary air reel, reconditioned, $14,900; 1995 CIH 1020 30’ flex platform with Crary air reel, $12,900; 2005 CIH 2020 flex platform, 30’, $21,900. Delivery anywhere in Western Canada. Call Gary Reimer 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com

1994 30’ CIH 1010 - Hydraulic fore-aft, very good condition. $6,980. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

BUYING A HEADER? You should consider an accumulator. Call us on proper application. Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712 www.hydratec.ca Regina, SK.

NEW PICKUP REEL EARLY BUY SPECIAL! Hart Carter 25’, $4,300; 30’ $4,900; 36’, $6,900; UII 25’, $5,830; 30’, $6,900; 36’, $7,900. Plastic teeth, fits JD/NH/ CIH/Macdon headers. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732.

2010 CIH 2020 flex header, poly skids, double knife drive, PU reel, exc. cond., $29,500. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB. 2011 MACDON FD70, 35’, JD adapter, transport kit, low acres. 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB.

COMBINE CORN HEADS IN STOCK. 1998 JD 893, poly points, 8 row, 30”, immaculate, field ready, $18,900; 1997 JD 893, poly points, 8 row, 30”, sharp head, field ready, $17,900; CIH 1083, 8 row, 30”, field ready, $12,900; JD 843, 8 row, 30”, gone through the shop, field ready, $12,900. Other makes available. Can deliver anywhere in Western Canada. Call Gary Reimer 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com 3- 2008 JD 635F hydroflex headers, full finger auger, PU reel, fore/aft, header height sensors, used very little, field ready. JETCO ENT. INC. Experienced equipment 306-426-7616, Snowden, SK. hauling and towing. AB, SK, MB. Call REDUCED: HONEYBEE SP36 (Gleaner 780-888-1122, Lougheed, AB. ADP); CIH 2052 36’ draper; CIH 1020 30’ flex, HFA; MD D60 35’ w/JD kit; Two MD 974 36’ w/CIH kit; MD 960 36’, (2388), $15,500. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2-JD 2010 640D DRAPER HEADERS. Great shape, dual PU reel, dual knife drive, factory transport kit, brand new upper cross auger kit installed in 2012, works great for straight cut canola and peas. Increase combine capacity over a 30’ or 35’ header! $58,500 OBO. 306-743-7657 or 306-743-7679, Langenburg, SK. 28’ VERSATILE HEADER for bi-directional. 306-295-4014, Eastend, SK.

NEED PICKUP HEADERS? ‘96 13’ NH 971, $1,680; ‘91 JD914, $4,900; ‘98 CIH 1015, $2,780; ‘97 CIH 1015, $3,980. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

GLEANER 8 ROW corn header, vg cond., Hugger, fits R and A series combines, $24,000. 204-243-2453, High Bluff, MB. JD 635F HYDRAFLEX, poly, single series hookup, fore/aft, exc., $20,000 OBO. 204-981-4291 204-632-5334 Winnipeg MB

NEED JD STS COMBINE CAB? Full cab assembly off 2004 JD STS, Greenstar equipped, $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com



H ydra ulic Pa rts & D oin g H ydra ulic R e p a ir

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• S e e d Bo o ts & Tips • Air S e e d e r Ho s e • Pa c ke rW he e l C a ps • Nic ho ls S ho ve ls • Ha rro w Tin e s • Ba le r Be lts • Ha yin g & Ha rve s t Pa rts & S u pplie s

1-800-667-7421 2012 DEMONSTRATOR FD70, 35’ cross auger and transport. JD and AGCO face STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very plates available. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., affordable new and used parts available, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769




AGRI PARTS LTD. IRMA, AB. NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-6674515. www.combineworld.com

1-888-327-6767 www.gcparts.com

Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.

GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734.

M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa lva ge I nc. Specia lizing In N ew, Used & Reb uiltAgricultura l And C onstruction Pa rts Call Today

1-877-527-7278 www.mhtractor.ca M edicine Ha t, AB .

B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling WRECKING TRACTORS: NH, Ford, Case David Brown, Volvo, Nuffield, County, Fiat, JD, Deutz, MF and IH. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK, www.britishtractor.com

gallantsales.com Largest inventory of used potato equip. Dealer for Tristeel Mfg. polishers, hybrid washers, felt dryers, tote SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge fillers and dealer for Logan live bottom inventory new and used tractor parts. boxes, piler, conveyors, etc. Call: Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB. 1-888-676-4847. DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON MOBILE TIRE REPAIR and Sales. Worked with tires for 4 yrs. Call for details and pricing at 306-260-7750, Domremy, SK. W RECKIN G TRACTO RS , S W ATHERS , BALERS , CO M BIN ES L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, 306-946-7923, Young, SK.


COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. www.comb-tracsalvage.com We buy machinery. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK.

Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www. combineworld.com; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new, used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service. LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured parts for most farm tractors and combines. WANTED TO BUY tractors in need of repair; also buying round balers and misc. machinery for parting out. 306-395-2668 or, 306-681-7610, Chaplin. SK.

T HE REAL USED FARM PART S SUPERST ORE O ver2700 Un its forS a lva g e Tra ctors Com b in e s Sw a th e rs Dis ce rs Ba le rs

WATROUS SALVAGE W a trou s , S a s k . Ca llJo e, Len o rDa rw in 306- 946- 2 2 2 2 Fa x 306- 946- 2 444 Ope n M o n .thru Fri., 8 a .m .-5 p.m . w w w .w a tro u s s a lva ge.co m Em a il: s a lv@ s a s kte l.n e t

WANTED: 1456 or 1026 IH tractor, any c o n d i t i o n . To p d o l l a r p a i d . C a l l 701-240-5737, Minot, ND

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB

www.harvestsalvage.ca New Used & Re-man parts Tractors Combines Swathers

S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa rts.co m Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs .

2006 JD 7700 forage harvester, 645B header, 48 knives, high arch spout, Auto Lube, 717 cutter head hrs., service records avail. through our shop, field ready, exc. cond. $198,000 OBO. Lloyd Sproule, P i n c h e r C r e e k , A B . 4 0 3 - 6 2 7 - 7 3 6 3 , NEW TRAILTECH SPRAYER trailers now in 403-627-2764, stock. Haul up to 2000 gal. of water and YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your your sprayer together. Avail. in gooseneck silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron and pintle hitch. Ph Al, Flaman Sales, Saskatoon 306-934-2121, 1-888-435-2626. toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. 2012 JD 4730 sprayers, approx. 465 1996 CIH 8750 forage harvester, tandem TWO loaded, 2 sets of tires. 306-397-2678, axle, 7’ PU, 3 row narrow corn head, new hrs., Edam, SK. set of knives in box, always shedded, vg, $6000. 204-743-2109, Cypress River, MB. 2008 JD 4830, AutoTrac swath pro and boom height, 2600 display, 420 tires, 1460 s p r ay h r s . , 2 9 0 0 e n g . h r s . A s k i n g $185,000. 306-642-3772, Assiniboia, SK. 2012 JD 4730, 600 hrs., full load, wide/ narrow rubber. Auto height/steer/shutoff, SS tank, 4 yr. warranty, 100’. North Battleford, SK. 306-445-1353, 306-441-2061. 2007 4720 JD, 1600 hrs., 90’ boom, 2 sets of tires, very nice, $136,500. Delivery available. Call 1-800-735-5846, Minot, ND. 2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no PU, WALKER 44, 1000 gal. SS tank, 2 sets 1910 hrs., autolube, AutoSteer, spout ext., t i r e s , 9 0 ’ b o o m , p r i c e d t o s e l l . s e r v i c e r e c o r d s , $ 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . 306-483-7625, Alameda, SK. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. 2011 CASE 4420, fully loaded, AIM command, 120’ boom, active suspension, Raven Viper Pro controller, HID lights, two sets of tires 650/65xR38 and 380/90xR46, 3-way nozzles, leather seats, autofold boom, AutoHeight control, section control fan reverser. Original owner and opFLEXI-COIL 65XL 120’ sprayer w/1200 and 525 hrs., extended power train gallon tank. Call Hodgins Auctioneers, erator. warranty available. $270,000. Call Aaron at 1-800-667-2075. SK. PL #915407. 403-485-8327, Champion, AB. TWO 60’ COMPU-SPRAY, use or part out, 2010 MILLER CONDOR G75, mechanical $2000 for both. 403-644-2235, Standard, drive, 1200 gal. tank, 120’ five section AB. boom, three way bodies, Raven Envisio FLEXI-COIL 67XL, 120’, windscreens, dual Pro, SmarTrax AutoSteer, hyd. wheel adnozzles, autorate, disc markers, exc. cond., just, AccuBoom sectional control, end row nozzles, UltraGlide boom control, 24.5x32 $18,500. 306-463-3677, Netherhill, SK. duals, 100 gal. rinse tank, boom blowouts, 2008 SRX 160, 1350 gal. wheel boom excellent condition, field ready. $199,500. sprayer, 134’, autorate, windguards, mark- 306-535-7708, Sedley, SK. ers, dual nozzles, $38,000 OBO. 2011 JD 4930, 400 hrs, 2 sets tires w/fen306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK. ders, Hi-flo pump, Raven AuotoBoom, GS3 2011 FLEXI-COIL 68XL, 134’, susp. boom, monitor, mint condition. Call for attractive 1600 US gal., Norac AutoHeight, many op- pricing. 204-522-0926, Medora, MB. tions, $52,000. 306-280-4608, Hanley, SK. NH SF550 sprayer, equivalent to Ro2009 FLEXI-COIL 68XL, high clearance, 2001 554, 2300 hrs., 5.9 Cummins, 660 120’ boom, 1600 gal., AutoHeight, 3 noz- gator gallon SS tank, 90’ booms, pressure washzles, autorate. 306-924-1988, Regina, SK. er, chemical inductor, triple nozzle bodies BOURGAULT MODEL 1460 PT sprayer, with 5 and 10 gal. tips, two sets of tires: 120’, disc markers, autorate, $7500. Call 23.1x26 and 9.5R44, exc. cond., $68,000. Call 204-763-8896, Minnedosa, MB. 306-969-4620, Minton, SK.

ROCKPICKER: ROCKMASTER R-56, hyd. drive, $2500. 306-463-3315 Kindersley, SK SCHULTE GIANT 2500, 3 batt hyd. drive rockpicker, mint condition, $18,500 OBO; DEGELMAN R570 rockpicker, ground drive, throw-out clutch, exc. cond., $4500 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK.

NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our experienced staff are waiting to help you. Call 1-800-667-7770 today!

Plu s M u ch M o re!

1-8 00-340-119 2

8’ SCHULTE ROTARY snowplow for sale. 306-788-4501, Marquis, SK.

Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t IH MODEL 80 SNOWBLOWER, good cond., Fo rD ism a n tlin g $2500. 306-654-2013, Prud’homme, SK. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/othG.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors er Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battle2005 FP240 forage harvester, stored inford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. side, good condition, field ready, $18,000. 306-232-3462, 306-225-4678, Hague, SK.



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DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ to 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.

2006 60’ 5710 BOURGAULT with 2007 6550 tank, 12” spacing, MRS. Tank c/w 4 tank metering, bag lift, and duals. $162,000. 306-472-3000, Lafleche, SK. 34’ MORRIS, 7.5” spacing, 3/4” openers, 7180 w/3rd tank, new monitor, hopper boot for semi. 306-689-2660, Lancer, SK. 2008 JD 1830, 1910 TBH cart, 62’, 12” space, double shoot, dutch paired row, disc furrow levelers, 5.5” rubber packers, variable rate, power calibration, all-run blockage, seed and fertilizer, $135,000. Call 306-642-4833, Assiniboia, SK. TWO FLEXI-COIL 5500 Series 45’ air drills w/2320 air carts. Call Hodgins Auctioneers, 1-800-667-2075. SK. PL #915407. 2008 SEED HAWK 53’, 10” sp, 397 tank plus 3rd tank, dual fans, Agtron blockage monitors, new seed/fert. knives in 2012, $150,000. 306-445-9992, 306-481-4560, 306-446-0423, North Battleford, SK. 40’ FLEXI-COIL 6000 disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot w/2320 air tank, good condition. 780-645-5374, 780-645-8188, St. Paul, AB. FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, 27’, w/1330 tank, 7” spacing, single shoot, 3” rubber packers, $30,000. 780-398-2365, Newbrook, AB 55’ BOURGAULT 3310, 10” spacing, MRB’S 6450 TBH cart, 10” auger, 491 monitor, double shoot, NH3, $220,000. 306-731-2766, Craven, SK. 2011 AMITY 40’ single disc drill with 430 bu. variable rate cart, only 3500 acres. Dave 204-534-7531, Minto, MB. 2011 SEED HAWK 500 bu. seed cart, $75,000; 2009 84’ Seed Hawk toolbar, 12” spacing w/800 Seed Hawk cart; 2006 60’ Seed Hawk toolbar, 12” spacing, single shoot, liquid kit; 2001 52’ 5710 Bourgault, 12” spacing, 3 1/2 packers, dual shoot, Bourgault tips. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 45’, 9”, 3.5 steel, SS, c/w 2340 TBH, $89,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

2005 JD 4920, 120’ boom, 5192 hrs., BoomTrac, AutoTrac ready, float tires, very good cond., $95,000 OBO. 306-497-3322, Blaine Lake, SK. 2010 JD 4930 sprayer, 120’ booms, high flow pump, eductor, AutoBooms, slip control, 2 sets tires, 763 engine hrs, 275 spray hrs, loaded. 858-750-5313, Carmangay, AB 1994 WILLMAR 765HT high clearance sprayer, 600 gal. tank, 80’ boom, 9.5x48 and 18.4x38 tires, Microtrak spraymate, 2 2005 HORSCH ANDERSON 6015 plantautorate, 2993 hrs, good cond., $34,000. ing system, 500 bu. tank, triple shoot, ISO Call 204-436-2534, Elm Creek, MB. ready. Units priced to move. Call James 403-312-0776, Calgary, AB. 2006 ROGATOR 1074, 1976 hrs., 100’ boom, SS tank, 2 sets of tires, 3” fill, EZ 2009 BOURGAULT 3310, 55’, 10” spacing, steer GPS, 4 E-Kay crop dividers, Raven MRB’s, 2” tips, 4.8 pneumatic packer tire, 4000 controller, shedded, vg, $145,000. single shoot, walking axles, rear dual tires, exc. cond. 306-675-6110, Kelliher, SK. 306-843-7613 or 306-843-2135 Wilkie, SK 2004 CASE SPX 4410, 1600 hrs, AutoSteer 2010 48’ 3310 with 6350 tank, 9.8” spacand mapping, Norac AutoBoom, AIM com- ing, MRB’s, dual shoot, NH3, shedded, mand, active susp., fence row nozzles, al- $ 2 1 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . M i d d l e L a k e , S K . ways shedded, $175,000. 403-647-7391, 306-231-7218 or 306-367-4343. Milk River, AB. 2007 FLEXI-COIL 5000 HD air drill, 40’ w/2002 2340 var. rate tank, DS paired row carbide openers, 3 1/2” steel packers. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. 306-752-3613, 306-921-3814, Melfort, SK. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. 2002 CASE/IH ATX 50’, 12” spacing, Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut ADX 3360 TBT variable rate cart, Raven Knife, SK. NH3 kit, $59,000. 306-539-2363 Regina SK NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for Case- DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR and JD sprayers; 900/50R42 Michelin for drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta 4930 JD; 650S for Case 4420. Call and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob Davidson, Drumheller, 403-823-0746 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK.





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2006 JD 4720, 2400 hrs., 103’ boom, poly tank, foam marker, AutoSteer, Swath Pro, Norac height control, 2 sets of tires, $154,000. Call 403-651-0272, Vulcan, AB. 2008 JD 4730 sprayer, w/1300 hrs, c/w AutoTrac, BoomTrac Pro, 7 section auto shutoff, hyd. tread adjust, 5 sensor height control, dual rears, exc. cond., $198,000; 2003 BOURGAULT 5710, 59’, 9.8” spacTridekon dividers available. 306-344-7410, ing, double shoot, c/w 5440 tank, mint cond., $90,000.306-946-7737,Watrous,SK. 2009 JD 4730, 1950 hrs., 100’ boom, 800 306-344-4725, Paradise Hill, SK. gal. SS tank, GS2, 2600 monitor, Swath 2005 ROGATOR 874, 100’ boom, 800 1998 CONCORD 4010 red, 5 fold c/w Case Control, AutoBoom, 5 sensor, 380x90x46 gal. SS tank, 3623 hrs., Trimble EZ-Boom 3430 var. rate tank, MRB’s, Dickey John tires 75%, can deliver. $165,000 OBO. Call shut-off, vg condition, $83,000 OBO. NH3 kit, hydraulic winch on tank, blockage 306-442-7571, Ceylon, SK. 306-497-3322, Blaine Lake, SK. monitors, openers, field ready, exc. cond., 2011 JD 4830, 1360 hrs., 122’ K&S alum. WILL TRADE OR sell JD 4720 sprayer or always shedded, $80,000. 204-467-8547, boom, two sets of tires, dividers, fully trade for a low hrs. JD 4730. Quill Lake, 204-791-3130, Stonewall, MB. loaded. Call 780-608-4387, Daysland, AB. SK. 306-383-2915, 306-287-7527. 1999 MORRIS MAXIM, 7240 tank, 40’, 10” ntspiller@gmail.com 1998 ROGATOR, 90’, 800 gallon, Outback spacing, double shoot, Adam Jet openers, steering, AutoBoom shutoff, 2 sets of tires, $38,000. 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK. 5500 hrs., $50,000. 306-372-4733, Luseland, SK. BOURGAULT 850 III, 96’, curtains, autorate, very nice, $7900; Bourgault 850 III, 83’, curtains, $4500. Ph Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.



2001 APACHE 575, 75’, 500 gal., triple nozzle, Raven controller, 750 Trimble guidance system. $35,000. 306-358-2120, Macklin, SK. 2007 APACHE AS 1010 90’ boom, 1000 gal. tank, full load, Outback AutoSteer, 900 hrs., excellent condition, farmer owned. 306-627-3627, Swift Current, SK. 2011 JD 4930 sprayer, 120’ booms, 5 nozzle bodies, high flow pump, eductor, 2 sets tires, 550 hrs. 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. 2012 VERSATILE SX275, 120’, demonstrator. Great leasing program. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.




2011 JD 1870 Conserva Pak 40’ 12� spacing DS, c/w two sets of openers, agtron blockage monitiors, 1910 air cart, TBH, 430 bu., variable rate, 4 meter rolls, 10� auger, 8000 acres, $175,000; 2009 JD 1830 34’ 8� spacing, SS, JD blockage monitors, 1� openers, 1910 TBT, 195 bu., variable rate, 7500 acres, $85,000. 403-577-2277, 403-575-1114 Consort, AB. ‘BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTION’ 2002 Bourgault 5710, 54’, MRB, steel packers, w/5350, $119,000; 1998 Bourgault 54’ 5710, MRB, rubber packers, w/4300 DS tank, $99,000; Bourgault 5710, 54’ single shoot, rubber packers, $75,000; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5� steel, $59,000; 2010 Bourgault 6000 90’ mid harrow, w/3225 Valmar, $49,000; 2010 6000 90’ mid harrow, $36,000; 2010 5710, 74’, 5.5� packers, $195,000; 2010 Bourgault 5810, 62’, DS, 5.5� packers, $185,000; 84’ Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow, $32,500; 1990 70’ Flexi-Coil S82 harrow bar, $6500. RD Ag Central, Bourgault Sales, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK. BOURGAULT 55’ 3310, 12� spacing, MRB’s, new tips, 6450 TBH cart w/deluxe fill, dual shoot, NH3, hyd. winch, $210,000 US. 701-897-0099, Garrison, North Dakota. 2009 66’ 3310 12�, MRBs, duals, carbides, 2010 6700ST, 4 tank metering, 591 monitor, $275,000. 306-541-3838, Lewvan, SK.

2010 BOURGAULT 8810, 50’, 10� spacing, liquid kit, 1997 3195 tank, 2004 Bandit 1700, exc. cond., $85,000. Can be sold separately. 306-398-7790, Cut Knife, SK. EZEE-ON 2175 air tank, c/w granular tank, 2004 MORRIS MAXIM II DS, 40’, 3-1/2� load auger, complete, good condition, reasteel packers, 7300 tank, nice shape, sonable, will separate. Set of 40’ packers, 8� spacing. 306-595-2180, Pelly, SK. $75,000. 780-814-2241 Grande Prairie AB 2004 2340 FLEXI-COIL air cart, 230 bu. PURCHASED NEW IN 2007 ATX 5010 with 8 run variable rate, 2 comp., front tires ADX 3380 tank w/double shoot, 3-row 500x45/22.5 Trelleborg, rear 750x65R26 harrows, 10� auger, Atom Jet side band- Michelin XBIB, also avail. var. rate liquid ers, always shedded. Grant 204-771-9267 fert. kit, $25,900. Corey 1-866-316-5379. or Paul 204-461-0337, Warren, MB. 1999 FLEXI-COIL 6000 no-till disc seeder, 30’, w/Barton disc openers, c/w 2340 TBH 30’ CROSS SLOT on Flexi-coil 6000 tank, double shoot, all new discs and fert. frame, new discs/blades, 6500 acres, manifolds replaced 1000 acres ago, $139,500. Lacombe, AB. 403-396-5714. $50,000. Consider trade for JD baler 567 or 568, very clean cond. 780-206-0049 2012 SEEDMASTER 80’x12� air drill, 300 days, 780-674-3029 eves, Barrhead, AB. bu. on-frame tank, w/UltraPro canola meters and cameras, w/scales, fully loaded, 2001 BOURGAULT 4250 air seeder run block monitors, packing force sensors, tank, c/w single shoot manifold to suit 40’ duals, c/w 2012 Nova cart, 3 compartment air seeder. All hoses are included! 2 bin 780 bu. w/scales and duals. Unit in perfect tank total 250 bu., hyd. loading auger. Excellent shape! $19,900. Call Jordan anycond. $376,000. 306-535-7708, Regina, SK time, 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. EZEE-ON 2175, 105 bu. front tank, 70 bu. rear, hyd. fan, Ezee-On 550 free floating hitch 33’ cultivator, set up for liquid fertilizer, K-Hart packers, $22,000 OBO. Lebret, SK., 306-336-2730. whbill@sasktel.net BOURGAULT AIR DRILLS, large used selection of 3310’s and 3320’s as well as othe r m a ke s a n d m o d e l s . C a l l G o r d 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB.

WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820, 25’-35’ or 50’-60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, AB. 2010 BOURGAULT 5710, 74’, 9.8� spacing, 1998 MORRIS MAXIM air drill, 49’, 10� RAVENS MID ROW banders, mounted on spacing, single shoot, 7240 TBH tank, 3.5 steel packers, Dutch paired row knives, Bourgault 5710. Call 306-272-4200 or $ 3 7 , 5 0 0 O B O . 3 0 6 - 3 3 8 - 2 8 4 1 o r w/6700 air tank, $262,000. Millhouse 306-269-7757, Foam Lake, SK. Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 306-327-7959, Wadena, SK.

Recycle your old seed monitor (any brand) and get a great discount on one of these systems. Call for information. Offer Ends Dec. 21/12

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1997 RITE-WAY 41’ land roller, hyd. fold and lift, excellent cond., $19,900. Call anytime, 403-627-9300. Pincher Creek AB FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95 harrow packer drawbar, 80’, 5-bar tine harrows, P20 packers, $10,000. Rouleau, SK., call 306-776-2394, 306-537-0615. RANCHER-33 HEAVY TINE harrows, 48’, 16’ tines, $7000 OBO. 306-921-7688, Star City, SK. DIAMOND HARROWS: 50’ Farm King, good condition. Phone 780-753-6498, Provost, AB. 40’ PHOENIX ROTARY harrow, hyd. fold, used very little, excellent for rejuvenating hay fields, $12,500 OBO. 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB.

KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs, c/w 24� to 36� notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ tandem wing discs c/w 26� and 28� notched blades and oilbath bearings. www.kelloughs.com 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB.

2090 CASE, undiagnosed engine problem, 6400 hrs. Asking $2000 for tractor as is. Located at Castor, AB. Ph. 403-740-9377. Email: mdrobert@xplornet.com

CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; Plus other makes and models. Call the MORRIS MAGNUM II chisel plow, 50’, hyd. Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. rod, harrows, $27,500. Call 306-969-4620, Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB Minton, SK. 2011 CASE/IH MAGNUM 340, 453 hrs, TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Smart-Till MFD, powershift, 3 PTH/PTO, 5 SCV’s, vertical decompaction tool. Fractures soil susp. front axle, duals front and rear, demore than 8� deep, 8-10 MPH suggested luxe cab w/leather, 1000 lbs. ea. rear operating speeds, rejuvenates soil, reduc- wheel weights, full set of front suitcase es soil plow pan compaction. In stock: 2- weights. Very clean! $209,000. Call Jordan 20’ models, 1- 30’ model. Excellent for anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. crop/hayland. Call 306-586-1603, Regina, LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We SK. www.tristarfarms.com buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD, FWA EZEE-ON 1201 DISC- Offset, 26� blades, tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have done only 40 acres, as new, $14,000. Can r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. deliver. 250-567-2607, Vanderhoof, BC. 2011 KELLO 38’ disc, exc. cond., asking CASE 9280, powershift, PTO, 30.5x32 Fire$69,000 OBO. Call 780-398-2422, Tho- stone radials, AutoSteer, 6700 hrs, shedded, $60,000. 403-647-7391 Foremost, AB rhild, AB. 4890 CASE 4 WD, PTO, decent shape, CULTIVATORS: 57’ CO-OP, green; 47’ needs motor work. Could make a good 2nd Case/IH; Friggstad 53’; 35’ Friggstad; MF tractor for harrowing, etc., $9500 OBO. 24’. All used in heavy land. Call Chris at Wayne Nichol 204-523-7164, Killarney, MB 306-628-7840, Eatonia, SK. 1983 4490 CASE tractor, 5369 hrs, engine WANTED: JOHN DEERE coil shank cultiva- and trans good, PTO, 18.4x34 duals, clean tor, 15’ to 20’, 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. unit, $14,000. 306-862-5521, Nipawin, SK. 47’ CIH VIBRACHISEL cultivator, model 1981 IHC 4586, 265 HP, 4000 original 4700, with 3 row harrows. 204-729-6803, hrs., replaced transmission, new clutch Deloraine, MB. and pressure plate, reconditioned radiator 14’ ALTEEN field disc, in fair shape, $500. 150 hrs. ago, $15,000 spent, good to very Call Ross 780-672-5838 or 780-878-1552, good, 20.8x38 tires fair, field ready, 4 hyd. outlet $11,000. Phone 403-466-9881 cell Camrose, AB. or 403-335-9881, Olds, AB. 14’ KELLO-BILT DISC with recent new WANTED: 1456 or 1026 IH tractor, any notched front blades and 2 new tires, good c o n d i t i o n . To p d o l l a r p a i d . C a l l condition, $10,900. Phone Rocky Mountain 701-240-5737, Minot, ND. Equipment 306-435-3866, Moosomin, SK. 2007 CASE/IH 125, 750 FEL, 3210 hrs., TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Lemken $49,900 OBO. Located in central Manitoba. high speed compact discs; Heliodors, 8 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. meters/26’, 10m/33’, 12m/40’; Rubin 8 meters/26’. All in stock. 306-586-1603, 2002 STX450 quad Ag tractor, 3665 hrs., luxury cab, high capacity hyd., diff. lock, www.tristarfarms.com Regina, SK. Outback GPS, AutoSteer and mapping, $149,500. 306-682-3498, 306-231-8558, Humboldt, SK. IH B250 DIESEL, serial number 13619, IH 12 BOTTOM plow; 35’-41’ Flexi-Coil 700 loader, 3 point hitch, runs good. Phone DT plow w/harrows and air pack; 40’ crow 306-276-2537, White Fox, SK. foot packer. 780-623-1008, Rich Lake, AB. CASE/IH 550 QUAD, 2012 luxury cab, JD 455 30’ fold-up DD, w/grain and fert., 36� track, high cap. hyd., high cap. draw $32,000; JD 455 35’ plain grain, $34,000; bar, diff. lock, 262 receiver, WAAF, NAV SUNFLOWER 1433 32’ disc, wing type controller, HIV, elec. mirrors, cab susp., tow cable. Call The Tractor Man, Gord, $35,500. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2007 BOURGAULT 9400 60’ chisel plow CASE/IH 9370 4 WD tractor, 4 hyds, w/JD HD mtd. 3 bar harrows, 1/2�x22� 20.8x42 duals, comes complete with Outtines, knock-on shovels, excellent cond., back AutoSteer w/mapping, 3300 hrs., $72,000 OBO; Air distribution and 4350 nice shape. 780-753-6401, Provost, AB. Bourgault tank avail. Lloyd 403-627-2764, 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB. 1980 986 INTERNATIONAL, c/w forks and bucket, new torque and clutch, fair cond. JD 1610 CHISEL plow, 37’ c/w 4 bar har- Jim 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. row; JD 655 air seeder, PTO, 28’ c/w 4 bar harrow. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB.

TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Kinze Precision Planters. History of innovation, dependable performance, the unique edge drop vacuum system. Do more with one planter. Bulk fill, spit rows, liquid fertilizer option. 3600 Model, 32 row 15� for all your corn/beans/sunflowers. Parts and service. Book now for 2013. Call 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com IHC 800 PLANTER, 12 row, 30�, full m o n i t o r, s h e d d e d , $ 7 5 0 0 . C a l l 403-654-0198, Vauxhall, AB. VALMAR TRUCK MOUNT granular applicator, 50’ booms, exc. cond., shedded, $5500 8630 AGCO TRACTOR, FWA, w/loader, rk.dagenais@sasktel.net 306-497-7930. bucket and bale spike, new front tires, 3 PTH, 6890 hrs., $22,000 OBO. Contact for TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Monosem more info. 403-533-2355, 403-325-1245 Precision Planters. Vacuum planters with cell, Rockyford, AB. over 30 yrs of research and development, ultra narrow row, accurate seed singula- 1997 AGCO 9695 tractor, 3200 hrs., FWA, tion, quality construction, long term, indi- 3 PH, 18 speed powershift, $55,000. vidual hoppers or bulk fill, plot planters to 403-396-1794, Alix, AB. custom built 60’ models, fert. placement, liquid or dry. Call for 2012 pricing and 2002 AGCO DT160, FWA, 18 spd. power 2013 delivery. Call 306-586-1603, Regina, shift, LH reverser, factory duals, dual PTO, new front tires, 3799 hrs., completely serSK. www.tristarfarms.com v i c e d a n d f i e l d r e a d y. $ 6 1 , 9 0 0 . 94 CONCORDE 3000, 300 bushels, 8� au- w w w. s t o c k m a n s t r a d i n g c o . c o m ger, good condition, shedded, $6500; 98 403-357-9192 or, 403-358-0456, Tees, AB. Case 3400, rebuilt to 450 bushels, new paint, 10� auger, exc. condition, shedded, $20,000. 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. 1987 DEUTZ 7085, FWA, open station, 85 HP, 3 PTH, 5900 hrs., Allied 794 FEL, $17,000. Ph. 204-525-4521, Minitonas MB. TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Blu-Jet Sub Visit: www.waltersequipment.com Tiller 4 penetrates soil 14�-18� deep, fractures hardpan, increases root growth and 7020 ALLIS TRACTOR, new cable controls, penetration. In stock: 1-5 shank, 2-7 $6500. 403-650-8369, Longview, AB. shanks, 1-9 shank and 1-11 shank. Rolling baskets available, all w/auto rest and 1971 ALLIS CHALMERS 210, 122 HP, shear bolt protection. Call 306-586-1603, 20.8x38 single tires, HD FEL, $7500. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St Louis, SK Regina, SK. www.tristarfarms.com WANTED: 50’ TO 60’ Bourgault 8800 or 1981 DEUTZ DX160, 145 HP, $10,000 OBO. 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK. 8810. Call: 306-231-5292, Humboldt, SK. 16’ HUTCHMASTER OFFSET DISC, 24� notched blades, new blades on front gang, all new bearings, new tires, exc. cond., $9500. Phone 204-762-5448, Lundar, MB. 2011 HORSECH ANDERSON Joker, 25’ verA Concept so simple tical tillage disc; 2006 Ezee-On 4500, 29’ tandem disc. 306-426-7616, Snowden, SK. you won’t believe it!

WANTED TO BUY 2094 CIH, w/blown or we a k e n g . W i l l a l s o c o n s i d e r o t h e r C a s e / I H m o d e l s . 3 0 6 - 3 9 5 - 2 6 6 8 o r, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK.

COMPLETE PTO ASSEMBLY, fits all flat track Challengers- Models 65, 75, 85 and 95. $25,000. Will credit $1000 for return of transmission end cover. IMAC 12’6� HD power angle tilt 6-way dozer, fits all flat track Challengers, c/w all hyd. hoses, 2 hyd. junction boxes, moldboard in like new condition, c/w new cutting edge, price incl. front stump pan, $35,000. St. Albert, AB. 780-996-7364, plodoen@shaw.ca

2006 9620T, 600 hrs. on new HD Camoplast, 36� tracks, 5 hyd., 1000 PTO, receiver w/2600 display, 3513 hrs., exc. cond, $206,000. 306-472-3000, Lafleche, SK. 1993 JD 4760 MFWD, powershift, 840 l o a d e r, 1 2 , 0 0 0 h r s . , $ 4 7 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. 2007 7930 FWA special order, 600-65Rx28 front, 620-70Rx42 rear duals, 746 FEL w/grapple, 4 remotes, Cat. 3, 3 PTH w/QA, power quad w/LH shuttle shift, triple link susp., only 1000 hrs. $210,000 OBO. rk.dagenais@sasktel.net Blaine Lake, SK. 306-497-7930. WANTED: JD TRACTOR, 120 to 160 HP, MFWD, low hrs, must be in excellent cond. Phone 306-291-0333, Saskatoon, SK. JD 4020 w/FEL, motor overhauled, new clutch, seat, $9900. Call 306-256-7041, Cudworth, SK. 1996 JD 8870, 4800 hrs., Greenlight annually, tires 75%, weights, chipped to 420 HP, mint shape, one owner, $78,000. Call Jon 306-230-2736, Assiniboia, SK. JD 8640, 7150 hrs., PTO, 16 spd., 4 hyd. outlets, 20.8x34, good cond., $18,500. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 1966 JD 4020, 7766 hrs., power shift trans., 540-1000 PTO, cab cooler, radio, no FEL ever, $9800. 306-736-3022, Glenavon. 1989 4955 JD, MFWD, 7600 hrs., 20.8R42 rears, very good, $45,000. 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888, Carrot River, SK. JD 6430 PREMIUM, FWA, JD loader 673 w/grapple, 40 km w/power boost. Will take on trade: JD 6030 or 5020, Massey 2805, IHC 4068, or JD 2 cyl. tractor. 403-559-7381, Olds. AB. 2004 JD 9520, 4 WD, 3300 hrs., 18 spd., full powershift tranny, full set of dry weights, 800/70R38 duals, deluxe cab, AC, premier light pkg. Always shedded! Very nice! $159,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.




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KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and bearings. Parts to fit most makes and models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com 2006 22’ WISHEK disc, 25� on front discs, 26� on back, very nice shape, $50,000 OBO. 403-556-0377, Sundre, AB. ALTEEN 28’ TANDEM DISC, 22� blades, 2� shafts, $6000. Phone 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. 2010 AGROPLOW, 19 shank hyd. reset soil renovator, like new, used for 480 acres. Ph. George Sanders 204-744-2487, 204-825-7828, Altamont, MB. BOURGAULT 9400 chisel plow, 60’, floating hitch. Call 403-634-4129, Taber, AB.

TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Landoll 7400 Series, vertical tillage - VT Plus. The most versatile VT on the market. Perfectly sizes and mixes reissue and soil. Available in 14’-49’ working widths. In stock: 26’, 33’, 44’. Also, 6230 33’ HD disc in stock. Level everything off with Brillion Pulvinizer landroller: 34’ and 44’ in stock. Call 306-586-1603, www.tristarfarms.com at Regina, SK. 24’ JD 330 disc, $11,500 OBO. 306-243-4208, 306-867-7102, Macrorie SK

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2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3 PTH, grapple, manure tines, 800 hrs., like new. Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. 1997 BI-DIRECTIONAL 9030, $7500 spent recently, new rubber, 3 PTH, grapple fork, 7414 loader, good cond., $37,000. Call Neil at 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK.

1977 JD8430 4WD TRACTOR - NEW 18.4 x 34 duals, 3 hyd., 1000 PTO, JD Quadshift, 180 hp, 9,611 hrs., good cond’n., $17,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

1996 NH 9482, 3200 hours, always shedded, excellent condition, $78,000. 306-421-1240, Estevan, SK. VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL USERS see our info. on our website: www.hydratec.ca for cold weather operation.

2005 TS115 NH, MFD, loader and grapple, 1990 4055, MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, 115 HP, 3200 hrs, $65,000. A.E. Chicoine 4800 hrs, excellent, loader available. Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK.


1995 9680, 4770 hrs., all updates, 55 GPM hyd. pump, 4 spools, 2 new tires, always shedded, $69,500 OBO. 306-237-4465, Sonningdale, SK.

306-423-5983 | 306-960-3000

1991 846 FORD VERSATILE, 18.4x38R duals, 1000 PTO, 15 spd. synchro, 4 hyds., 3800 hrs, shedded, exc. cond. Contact Jim 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK.

• JD 2520, 3 020, 4000, 4020, 46 20, Pow e rs h ift, ‘6 9 – ‘72 • Ste ige r Tige r KP525, Se rie s IV ‘8 3 – ‘8 5

1990 8960 JD tractor with 10,000 hrs., shedded, field ready and triples. Fraser 1978 FORD 6600, 72 HP diesel tractor with HD loader, 72� bucket, 3 PTH, good Farms Ltd., Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0240. cond., $8500. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK. 2005 7320, FWA, 2700 hrs., 741 loader, 24 spd. quad trans., 3 PTH, LHR, exc. cond, 2005 TJ 450, 2800 hrs., 16 spd. powershift, deluxe cab, AutoSteer, dual 710 $80,000. 204-722-2057, Elkhorn, MB. R42’s. Call 306-921-6697, Melfort, SK. 1997 JD 9400, 4 WD, 5327 hrs, powershift trans, PTO, 4 remotes w/return line, 710/70R38 duals, very nice tractor! Perfect for your grain cart! $114,500. Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD; JD 8110 MFWD. Low hours, can be equipped with loaders. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 1979 JD 4440 w/148 FEL, $19,500. www.waltersequipment.com Minitonas, MB, 204-525-4521.

2012 JD 9460R, 4 WD, 130 hrs, leather trim, high flow hyds. w/5 remotes, Michelin 710/70R42’s w/duals, weight pkg., $264,500 US. www.ms-diversified.com 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. 1989 JD 8760, 24 spd., 3 SUV’s, 20.8R42 tires, wired for AutoTrac universal, ATU steering wheel included, 7352 hrs., always shedded. 204-371-6030, Steinbach, MB. FOR SALE: 2001 JD 7810, with 740 FEL; Also 2008 JD 7730 with 741 FEL. 306-395-2652, Chaplin, SK. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. MITCH’S TRACTOR SALES LTD. (Formerly known as Ben Peters JD tractors). 7810 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3 PTH, new tires; Two 7710’s MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3 PTH, new tires; Two 4650’s MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH, factory duals; Two 4455’s MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH; 2-4450’s MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH; 4250 MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH; 4055 MFWD, 15 spd., 3 PTH; 2555 MFWD, 3 PTH, w/245 FEL. All tractors can be sold with new or used loaders. Call Mitch Rouire, 204-750-2459, St. Claude, MB. 2002 JD 9520T, powershift, big 1000 PTO, AutoTrac ready, 5600 hrs., front weights, deluxe cab, Premier lighting, $140,000. 780-618-5538, Grimshaw, AB.

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275 365 525 815 1350 2210

490 660 990 1500 2640 4360

M urray Johnston Em ail:

m r.m urrayjohnston@ gm ail.com

Saskatoon 306-665-3244 TollFree 1-800-465-2100

DOZERS: For Rent/Sale: Cat D6. Pushing tree and fence lines? Conquest Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. CASE 66L w/84� bucket and grapple, Case/IH 2255 w/72� bucket, $2555 each. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK. NEW JD LOADER mounts for 740 series loader, fits 30, 40, 50 series JD tractors, $800. 306-961-2621, Prince Albert, SK. JD 158 FEL with bucket, 40 series mounts, good condition. Phone 780-878-3833.

8’ JD BUCKET plus 4 prong grapple, quick 1990 4455 MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, low attach, will fit 640, 740 or 840 loaders, in h o u r s , e x c e l l e n t r u b b e r, s h a r p . vg condition. 306-597-2115, Togo, SK. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. JD 344 LOADER w/grapple, rebuilt hydroJD 7610 FWD, 140 HP, w/3 PTH, dual s t a t i c d r i v e , l o w h r s , e x c . c o n d . PTO, like new rubber, approx. 4100 hrs., 403-552-3753 780-753-0353 Kirriemuir AB exc. cond., $67,500. 403-504-9607, MediQUICK DETACH BUCKET and bale fork. 7’ cine Hat, AB. low profile bucket, HD 3 prong bale fork. Universal quick detach plate fits both, $1800. 306-763-0639, Prince Albert, SK. 2705 MF TRACTOR, 5200 hrs., motor good, transmissions needs work, $3000 OBO. 306-944-4572, Viscount, SK. 2006 MF 7495, 155 HP PTO, CVT, grapple and loader, 2500 hrs., $89,000. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

DEGELMAN DOZER w/4000 series JD mounts off of 4450 JD, c/w rock digger attachment, clean and straight, $3500 OBO. Call 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK.

LEON 707 front end loader with 6’ bucket, $3600. Call 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. 2009 MF 6465, 1940 hrs., very good, like new loader and grapple, CVT trans., cab 1953 IH TD9 crawler, mint condition, 10’ s u s p e n s i o n , f u l ly l o a d e d , $ 7 6 , 0 0 0 . Smith angle blade, canopy, always shedded. 204-734-2517, Swan River, MB. 403-937-3901, Medicine Hat, AB. MF 8120, 130 HP, 540/1000 PTO, 1900 orig. hrs., tires 80%, no loader, shedded, $54,500. 403-285-9855, Calgary, AB.

NH T6080, 135 PTO HP, 1700 hrs., FEL and grapple, MFWD, $82,500. 306-731-7657, Lumsden, SK. 9682 NH, 4 WD, 4950 hrs., 400 HP, 710x38 duals, 4 remotes, always shedded, $82,000 OBO. 306-621-1631, Yorkton, SK.

WANTED: HAYBUSTER SEEDERS with dou- GENERATORS: 20 KW to 2000 KW, low ble disc openers, approximately 20’, hour diesel and natural gas/ propane units 306-662-3949, Maple Creek, SK. Abraham Generator Sales Co. Phone: 701-797-4766 or 701-371-9526, CoopersWANTED: ALFALFA SEED box for 9300 se- town, ND. www.abrahamindustrial.com ries JD drill, 6� spacing, 10’ long, 20 drops. 406-264-5299, Ft. Shaw, Montana.

5x10 PORTABLE CORRAL PANELS new design. 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335, Calgary, AB. magnatesteel.com CUSTOM FENCING AND corral building, no job too big or too small. 306-699-7450, 1998 9500 JD combine, $70,000. 1980 306-699-2327, Qu’Appelle, SK. 2290 Case tractor on singles, $10,000. 1980 1150 Versatile, brand new Atom Jet, HI-LITE MFG. Selling Ezee-roll wire roll$60,000 firm. Serious inquiries only. er. Call Wes at 306-984-7861 or email: 306-460-9027, Flaxcombe, SK. weshilitemfg@sasktel.net ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New De- SPEEDRITE ELECTRIC FENCERS and acgelman equipment, land rollers, Straw- cessories. 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK. master, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer www.lambacres.ca blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. and all accessories for installation. Heights 10’ ACKRON 180T grain bag extractor, from 26� to 120�. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, like new, $19,900; Leon 8’ dozer blade, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen $1200; Crawfords high dump sileage wag- ph/fax 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. on, $4900; Laurier bale wagon, $13,900; Degelman 570 rockpicker, $5900; Wilrich TEXAS GATES and 4.5, 7 and 8-5/8� pipe 36’ vibrashank, $2200. Pro Ag Sales, fo r s a l e , f u l l l e n g t h s a n d c u t o f f s . 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. SELLING 20 BALE hay wagon; 1000x20 du- GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence als all around. Phone: 204-628-3366, Wa- posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner terhen, MB. Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calv- 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. ing/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . Fin a n c in g 403-616-6610, www.FAAsecurity.com and CLEARANCE PRICING on LR4350 (50’) and L ea sin g LR4353 (53’) Rite-Way landrollers. Narrow R egin a , S K transport, hydraulic rear wheels. Visit your 3 0 6 -3 47-0 774 o r nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or www.flaman.com To ll F ree a t 1-8 6 6 -8 9 9 -9 9 6 5

DON’T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! Best selection of tow ropes and straps in Canada. For tractors up to 600 HP. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com 630 JD, vg shape; 100.06 Deutz; 135 Massey Harris diesel w/3 PTH; 42 JD D, to be restored; 7� 40’ Pool auger w/16 HP Kohler motor. 306-722-3579, Fillmore, SK.

SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., www.luckemanufacturing.com 1983 CASE 2290, powershift, 4750 hrs., has duals, rubber- vg, tractor in good cond.; 1985 Dodge 150 Royal SE, $300; JD 336 baler, always stored inside, good cond., $1500. 306-672-3646, Gull Lake, SK LETOURNEAU 11 YD. PT industrial hyd. scraper, $16,500. Phone 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. MASSEY 150 TRACTOR w/FEL, bucket, forks, 3 PTH, exc. condition. Great yard tractor. Call Bob 306-463-7965, Eston, SK.

• M a n u re S pre a d e rs • Ge n e ra to rs • Bin s • Live s to ck Equ ipm e n t Vis it us a t: w w w .lm fin a n c in g.c o m

F I R E W O O D : C u t a n d s p l i t , d e l i ve r y available. 306-862-7831, Nipawin, SK.

FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. FLAX STRAW BUNCHER, 9’ wide, $2800 Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. OBO. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer.


n ew , fixed kn ife s hred d er kit, w a lkin g a xles o n w in gs . Reta il $61,000.

M us t go, fa ll b low out ... $45,9


SEASONED SPRUCE SLAB firewood, one cord bundles, $85, half cord bundle, $55. V&R Sawing 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK.

Fla m a n Sa le s Ltd, 1-8 8 8 -23 5-26 26 or 3 06 -726 -4403 , S o u they, S K . BR780 NH ROUND bailer, Auto-Wrap, standard PU; Schulte 320 jumbo rock picker; Leon 425 manure spreader, equipment shedded. 306-662-2016, Maple Creek, SK. WOODS BATWING MOWERS: 3180, 15’ $7000; 20’ $7500; 10’ $3500; 7’ $3000. JD 1518, 15’ $8500. Case/IH 12’ discbine $6900. Vermeer R23 rake $7000. Scrapers: Crown 6 yd., $5000; Fieldmaster 4 yd., $3900. 1-866-938-8537. 1010 JD CRAWLER, 8’ blade, 14� tracks, exc. cond., includes operators manual, $10,000. 204-537-2486, Wawanesa, MB. 1980 CASE 4490 tractor, totally redone, $15,000; 1978 IHC 1066 tractor, hydrostatic, $6000; 1979 Case payloader, yard bucket, $10,000; Flexi-Coil harrows, packers and drawbar, $7000; 2- IH 56’ press drills, $2500 ea; 45’ Sakundiak auger w/elec. wheel mover, $2300; Terragator spreader, fert. or calcium, $15,000; 53’ Melroe cult, $3000; 40’ M&W rotary hoe, 3 PTH, $5000; 4- CCL discers w/hitches, $6000; 2002 Phoenix rotary harrows, 47’, like new, $13,000; Flexi-Coil 7500 air drill, like new, $18,000; 50’ fert. spoke wheel, all new lines, $6000; 40’ PT hyd. motor Valmar, $1500; 40- 225 gal. caged fiberglass tanks, no chemical, $50 ea. Moose Jaw, SK, 306-693-2660, 306-681-9030.

WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: HAYBUSTER ZERO-TILL disc drill, must be in good condition. Phone 306-372-4509, Luseland, SK. WANTED: 50-60’ DEEP TILLER, prefer 1650 John Deere, but could use other make. 306-452-3955, Bellegarde, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED: LATE MODEL air drill, approx. 50’ with 12� spacing, prefer Seed Master with onboard seed and dry fertilizer tank. 306-739-2882, Wawota, SK. WANTED: 90 or 100 HP Belarus tractor, running or not. 403-746-5483 Eckville, AB. FRONT END LOADER wanted for 1370 Case tractor. Phone: 306-882-3718, Rosetown, SK. WANTED: DEUTZ TRANS. HUB- from 6275, 6265, DX3.90, DX3.70 or wrecked tractor. 306-283-4495, Langham, SK. WANTED: 2 COMPLETE shank assemblies, for Morris Magnum II deep tiller; 2 complete shank assembles for Bourgault cultivator. 204-638-8443, Dauphin, MB.

R EP LAC E BUR N T OUT LIG H TS W ITH LED S Y o u c a n s a ve b ig $$$$$, Fre e An a lys is .

ONE TIME FENCING, sucker rod fence posts for sale. 1-877-542-4979 AB or SK 1-888-252-7911. www.onetimefencing.ca

L& M

2002 JD 9220, powershift, PTO, approx. 4600 hours, 20.8x42 duals, w/wo 6-way 2012 POWERSHIFT 535, 800 duals. Last of Degelman blade. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. the pre-emission engines. Super fall proJD 8450, 4850, 4650, 7800 SWD, 4050, g r a m s . C a l l C a m - D o n M o t o r s L t d . , 4450 MFD w/loader, 2130. Will take JD 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. t r a c t o r s i n t r a d e t h a t n e e d w o r k . 1983 VERSATILE 835, Atom Jet, recent 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. bearing roll and injectors, shedded, auto JD 4440, 5690 hrs., always shedded, new s t e e r, 1 1 , 0 0 0 h r s . , $ 1 9 , 0 0 0 . P h o n e rubber, factory duals, Ezee-On loader with 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. 8’ blade attachment, $19,000. Located at VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL HYDROS in Choiceland, SK. Call 306-978-4619. stock- reman. 150 thru TV145. Call us WRECKING FOR PARTS: 4020 JD, c/w 1-800-667-7712, Hydratec Hydraulics. rebuilt rad, starter, hyd. pump, good sheet metal, and vg powershift. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your 2006 JD 9420, loaded, 1700 hrs, 24 spd., #1 place to purchase late model combine HID, 10,000 lbs. cast weights, 710R42, ac- and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. tive seat, very nice, like new, $190,000. www.gcparts.com Toll free 888-327-6767. Call 306-873-7822, Tisdale, SK. 1994 JD 8770, 5820 hrs, Goodyear radials, inside duals brand new, rear weights, 4 hyds., radar, decelerator button, air seat, 12 spd., very clean. Has to be seen. $68,000. 306-862-4849, Aylsham, SK.

2010 245 PT VALMAR 50’ boom, ground drive, hyd. fan, exc. shape, farm owned, low acres, $12,500 OB0. 306-743-7657 or 306-743-7679, Langenburg, SK. 4 OILFIELD SKIDS 4 runner, 12� I-Beam, 30’ and 36’ long, cable throuts at both ends. 403-586-4874 cell, Sundre, AB. COLOR BACK PAINT RENEWER, Restores faded machinery and paint to a new look in minutes. No rubbing or polishing required. Just spray on and your equipment will look like new for years to come. Thousands of satisfied users for over 20 years. See your local John Deere dealer or call toll free 1-800-445-3840.

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C ALL BR AYD EN 306-244-8808 Â | S AS KATOON POWER FIST 10,000 watt generator, 16 HP Vanguard, 2 cyl., electric start, 120-240 single phase, $550. Phone 306-244-3753 or cell. 306-281-5865, Saskatoon, SK. REDUCED: KOHLER ELECTRIC PLANT generator, nat. gas 35R8811 SN #215281, 35 KW, 3 phase, 43.75 KVA, 60 cycle, 120/28 volt, 1800 RPM, 121 amp per term., includes all switching and panelling, 92 HP, 33.9 hrs. $6000 OBO. Dalmeny, SK. 306-370-1603. NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. GENSET PTO DRIVEN generator on trailer, 15 Kw, single phase, 62.5 amp, 120/240V, used very little, $1950. 306-367-2043, Middle Lake, SK. DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, John Deere, Deutz. We also build custom gensets. We currently have special pricing on new John Deere units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471. LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high quality generator systems. Quality diesel generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven alternators, automatic / manual switch gear, and commercial duty Sommers Powermaster and Sommers / Winco portable generators and home standby packages. 75+ years of reliable service. Contact Sommers Motor Generator Sales for all your generator requirements at 1-800-690-2396 sales@sommersgen.com Online: www.sommersgen.com

6 YEAR OLD Legend coal boiler w/auto feed, was used to heat a 10,000 sq. ft. shop w/wo 2000 bu. hopper bin. Ladimer at 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. or for pictures ladimer@sasktel.net GRAIN/PELLET STOVES. Lowest price of the season, $2195. Limited quantities. Call 306-369-2825, Bruno, SK. WANTED: COAL BOILER, 2 - 3 million BTU, must be newer style. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.

BIRD WATCHERS CALL To The Far North! Bird stands and natural locations available. Year round bird and wildlife watching. Tree stands, ground blinds, and natural locations available. North Western Saskatchewan. Ron Kisslinger 306-822-2256 or email: p.r.service@sasktel.net

3/4� SUCKER RODS, $5 each, 2 3/8� oilfield tubing at $27 each, truckload quantities only. 306-861-1280, Weyburn, SK. 2 PIECES OF 42� pipe, 9/16� wall, 40’ long; 4 pieces of 42� pipe, 3/8� wall, 40’ long; 3 pieces 32� pipe, 3/8� wall, 15’ long. Call Rollin at 306-768-2827, Carrot River, SK.

BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

NEW AND USED Outback STS, S3 mapping units. Baseline, AutoSteer and VSI units. Trades welcome. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK OUTBACK 360 AUTOSTEER, off 9400 JD, hydro steering system, good cond., asking $5000. 306-487-7993, Lampman, SK.

ECHO/BEARCAT MODEL BC74554 wood chipper. Call Hodgins Auctioneers at 1-800-667-2075. SK. PL #915407.

RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new N.A.P.S. SOLAR STORE offers solar panels, and used equipment. 31 years in business. windmills, components or complete solar www.rainmaker-irrigation.com Outlook, SK systems and energy efficient appliances. Call 306-867-9606. 780-835-3682, 1-866-835-6277, Fairview, AB., or check out: www.solar-store.com IRRIGATION PIPE APPROX. 1000’ of 2�, 1200’ of 3�, 1100’ of 4� alum., 65 sprinklers, gaskets, T’s, 50 HP, 3 phase pump, $5900. 306-620-6310, Yorkton, SK.

WALLENSTEIN MODEL WX310 3 PTH log splitter. Call Hodgins Auctioneers at 1-800-667-2075. SK. PL #915407.

HOME OF REINKE ELECTROGATOR II. Reinke centre pivots, one used 2640’ Valley section pivot, 1295 Reinke pivot, one used 2600’ Zim. Can design to your needs. Trades welcome. 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK.

2011 JCB 535-125, only 227 hrs., 8000 lb. lift cap. to 40’6�, 4x4, 3 steering modes, outriggers, aux. hydraulics, Q-Fit carriage w/floating pallet forks. Like New! $89,600. Jordan 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.

WESTERN IRRIGATION large supply of new and used irrigation equipment 2 PTO pumps etc. 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK.

FORKLIFTS: JCB 940, 8000 lbs; JCB 930, 6000 lbs; Eagle Picher R80. Conquest Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.

ROTARY DITCHER - Available today. 30�, 42�, 60�, 72�. Works in all soil conditions wet or dry. Spreads soil evenly, no piles! Fast and efficient. Call Gilbert 204-436-2469, Fannystelle, MB.


1996 ZOOM BOOM, 8000 lb. lift, 4x4 Cummins engine, heated cab, 40’ lift, very good wo r k i n g c o n d i t i o n , $ 2 4 , 0 0 0 . P h o n e 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8�, 4 cyl. dsl. or PTO, 600-1000 gal./min, very efficient. Also buying oilfield pipe and casing. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB.








,QGRRU &RDO *DV 3HOOHW 2LO :RRG %RLOHUV )XUQDFHV 2009 CUMMINS DGCA-666115 - 50KW, 3.9L Cummins, 4 cyl. turbo, 120/240V 1-phase (can be converted to 3-phase), fully tested, ready to go. $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com





THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving water? Pumping units, 6” to 10” alum. pipe; Also Wanted: 6” to 10” pipe. Call Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years of experience, not a Dealer. Email: dfpickerell@shaw.ca

GEIS ANGUS DISPERSAL SALE, Thursday, Dec. 13 and Friday, Dec. 14 at Nilsson Bros. Livestock, Clyde, AB. Providing endless opportunities of all Red and Black Angus genetics. Dec. 13 selling 60 long yearling bulls, herdsires, semen and embryos. Dec. 14 selling 300 cow/calf pairs, 70 bred heifers. Contacts: Brian and Kim Geis, 780-674-4225 or Rob Holowaychuk, OBI, 780-916-2628. View catalog online at www.cattlemanagement.ca to request a catalog email OBI at o.b.i@shaw.ca SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK.

QUANTITY OF PAVING stones. Call Hodgins Auctioneers at 1-800-667-2075. SK. 20 BLACK ANGUS heifers, bred Angus. PL #915407. Phone 306-281-8224 or 306-493-2783, Delisle, SK.

HUSUM RANCH is downsizing, prepared to sell 25 to 30 bred cows and heifers. These are Reg. Black Angus cattle. Call 306-647-2891, Parkerview, SK. 21 REGISTERED HEIFERS, majority AI serviced to Cedar Ridge 1V, Krugerrrand 410H, or Iron Mountain, start calving March 15. Glennie Bros. Angus, 403-862-7578, Carnduff, SK. MJT CATTLE CO. LTD. Hereford and Black Angus Herd Dispersal, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, 11:00 AM MST at the ranch, Edgerton, AB. 14 miles east of Wainwright on Hwy. 14, 11-1/2 miles north on #894. Selling 430 reg. Hereford and Black Angus one iron, ranch raised females. Herd bulls sell. View and bid online: www.LiveAuctions.TV For a catalogue or more info. contact Mick at 780-755-2224 or T Bar C Cattle Co. at 306-933-4200. View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com PL #116061.

SPRUCE FOR SALE! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your shelter belt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB. or, deliver anywhere in western Canada. For details call 403-586-8733 or check out our REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS 1 and 2 website at www.didsburysprucefarms.com year old bulls, starting at $2500. Call 306-542-2339, Kamsack, SK. REGISTERED BRED Black Angus cows starting at $2000. Plus 8 replacement heifers. Call 306-594-2904, Norquay, SK. 70 ANGUS CROSS BRED HEIFERS, $1500 ea. OBO; 25 first calvers, bred Black Angus, $1600 ea OBO. To start calving end of March. 780-971-2422, Dixonville, AB.

NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our ex- 14 PB YEARLING RED ANGUS heifers, perienced staff are waiting to help you. pregnancy checked. Phone: 306-731-2943, Lumsden, SK. Call 1-800-667-7770 today! 20 PUREBRED Red Angus bred heifers. This is our entire 2011 heifer crop, good heifers, several AI bred, the rest bred to NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the easy calving $5400 bull. Wilkinridge Stock Western Producer Classifieds. Our ex- Farm 204-373-2631, Ridgeville, MB. perienced staff are waiting to help you. Call 1-800-667-7770 today! RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Website: skinnerfarmsangus.com Ph 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.

SPRING CALVING COW Herd Dispersal for Island Lake Ranch, Inglis, MB., Saturday, October 27, 1:00 PM, on the farm 6 miles North of Inglis on PTH #592. 120 home raised commercial cows bred Red and Black Angus. View online www.chescu.com Barry Sawchuk 204-564-2228, or Chescu Auctions 204-564-2509. BRED HEIFER, COW, and Pair Auction Sat. Nov. 17 at 1:00, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Expecting 50+ bred heifers, incl. the Peter Schmidt bred heifers and young bred cows of various breeds. 306-693-4715, pictures and details at www.johnstoneauction.ca PL#914447

PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. BLACK AND RED Angus cross cows, 85, 2nd and 3rd calvers, bred Black Angus to calve in April. Ph 520-709-7477, Viking, AB

SASKATOON GELBVIEH BULL SALE, ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association March 22, 2013, www.gelbviehworld.com 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. www.albertatexaslonghorn.com Ph. 306-865-2929 TEXAS LONGHORN AND RANCH Horse Fall Select Sale. Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Crossroads Centre, Oyen, 10 REG. HEREFORD COWS, horns off, AB. On offer: registered cattle including bred Hereford. 306-796-4410, Central heifer calves, open heifers, bred heifers Butte, SK. and cows; bulls including calves, yearlings 30 POLLED HEREFORD cows reg. and com- and 2 yr. olds; ranch broke horses and reg. mercial, due to calve March 2013. Glen- yearling filly; commercial cattle including Longhorn steers and crossbred cows. For nethy Farms. 204-773-3866, Russell, MB. info and catalogues: Ron Walker, Redcliff, TAKE YOUR HERD to the “Next Level” with AB. 403-548-6684 or 403-528-0200, Crittenden Bros. Polled Herefords And walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com Guests Sale Sat., Oct. 27, 1 PM, 2-1/2 BRED LONGHORN CROSS Corriente cows miles west of Imperial SK. Featuring 20 for sale, $950. Good horn, color, and no herdsire prospects, calves and fall born fence crawlers. 306-441-4829, Delmas, SK. yearlings. Free wintering on all bulls as Can email pictures. well as payment terms. 65 bred females, heifer calves, cow/calf pairs and embryos. For catalogues or more info contact Howard 306-963-2414; T Bar C Cattle Co. 22 QUALITY BRED Red Angus cross heifLtd. (PL #116061) at 306-933-4200 View ers, bred to Black Angus bull. For info call the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com Don Hruska 306-745-3780, Gerald, SK. MJT CATTLE CO. LTD. Hereford and 20 GOOD QUALITY red and red baldy heifBlack Angus Herd Dispersal, Tuesday, Dec. ers, calving March 1, bred Red Angus. 4th, 11:00 AM MST at the ranch, Edgerton, 306-747-7022, 306-763-2964, Shellbrook. AB. 14 miles east of Wainwright on Hwy. 14, 11-1/2 miles north on #894. Selling HERD DISPERSAL: 45 young age verified 430 reg. Hereford and Black Angus one home raised Tarentaise cows, 1st, 2nd, iron, ranch raised females. Herd bulls sell. and 3rd spring calvers; also 40 fall calving View and bid online: www.LiveAuctions.TV commercial cows. Can pasture until Oct. For a catalogue or more info. contact Mick 3 1 , $ 1 4 5 0 a n d u p . P h o n e K e n at 780-755-2224 or T Bar C Cattle Co. at 204-568-4651, Miniota, MB. 306-933-4200. View the catalogue online 50 RED ANGUS CROSS bred heifers, $1650 at www.buyagro.com PL #116061. for gate run, $1750 your pick, exposed July 1 for two cycles. Bred to easy calving polled Hereford bulls, preg. checked. Curt 306-228-3689, 306-228-9402, Unity, SK. MY HARD WORK, your gain. Purebred Highland cattle, 25 animals. Rare opportu- CATTLE FINANCING available for feednity! 100% drug free, non-cert. organic, er cattle and bred heifers/cows. Comgrazes marginal land. Great animals, even petitive interest rates. Call Marjorie better beef! 204-226-5799, Brandon, MB. Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. Photos and info: ssilinski@xplornet.com 40 PUREBRED BLACK Angus cows, 15 second calvers, 18 first calvers, 40 commercial blacks and reds, 45 bred heifers, 2- REG. HOLSTEIN bulls, 11 and 12 blacks and reds. 306-342-4456 Glaslyn, SK months old, exc. dams, sired by Stardust 200 PLUS BLACK shortgrass heifers. All AI and Toystory, $1400 each. Twilight Plains bred to Right Answer and Final Answer, Holsteins 306-239-4902, 306-222-0322, with easy calving Angus clean up bulls. Osler, SK. Harry Dalke, 204-362-4101, Morden, MB. FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. HOLSTEIN AND AYRSHIRE heifers, freshening soon. 204-859-2028, Rossburn, MB. DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS, some fresh and some springing. 306-548-4711, Sturgis, SK. M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. Total Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512.

FOR SALE OR TRADE, purebred Charolais heifers, to calve early. AI Kaboom and one heifer natural bred to the son of Moore’s FULLBLOOD HEIFERS AND young cows, can deliver to Farmfair. 306-397-2584, Lariot. Don, 306-727-4927, Sintaluta, SK. www.honeybrooklowines.com Edam, SK. 50 PUREBRED REG. Charolais cows, 3 to 7 yrs. of age. Bred Feb.- April to leading BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. herdsires. Starting at $1650. Available now Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, fo r v i e w i n g . S t e p p l e r F a r m s L t d . , Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 204-435-2463, 204-750-1951, Miami, MB. Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. EVERVIEW CHAROLAIS COMPLETE Dispersal Sale, Sat. November 17th, 1 PM Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB., 65 cows, 29 bull calves, 32 heifer calves, 22 4H CLUB PROSPECT STEERS, from Maine bred heifers and a herdsire. Kevin Boucher cross and club calf bulls. Clark Club Calves, 204-532-2357, Helge 306-536-4261 view Kipling, SK, kbck@sasktel.net Call Ken catalogue online at www.bylivestock.com 306-736-8322. CHARHEAD RANCH AND DR. MELANIE CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. ROTH, Complete Herd Dispersal Sale, performance and profit. For info on Purebred Charolais herd, founded 50 years Power, genetics 403-291-7077, Calago. Saturday, December 1st, 2012, 1:00 Maine-Anjou PM, Whitewood Auction Mart, Whitewood, gary, AB. or www.maine-anjou.ca SK. Selling: 50 cows, 18 bull calves, 25 APPROX. 60 MAINE or Maine-cross bred heifer calves, 20 bred heifers, 3 herdsires, cows, some with papers, bred Maine, black including 78 red animals and only 3 and reds, calving to start mid February. horned animals. For more info or to re- Full health program. Call 204-825-7449 or ceive a catalogue please contact K&S Wil- 204-529-2055, Mather, MB. liamson, Melanie Roth, 306-695-2073, email ihac@sasktel.net Transcon Livestock Corp. www.transconlivestock.com 403-638-9377. PUREBRED AND FULLBLOOD yearling bred heifers, young bred cows, preg tested, excellent quality; Three exceptional bulls, delivery negotiable. Call: BRED COWS AND yearling heifers, 1 and 2 yearling y e a r o l d b u l l s , a n d fe e d e r s t e e r s . Olds, AB. 403-556-2290. 403-845-5763, Rocky Mountain House, AB.

BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. 50 GALLOWAY ANGUS cross calves, 500 skinnerfarmsangus.com 306-287-3900, l b. ave r a g e , 2 8 h e i fe r s , 2 2 s t e e r s . 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK.

LLB Angus

PACKAGE OF SIX purebred bred heifers to start calving Feb 1st, 2013. Contact Greg Tough, 204-748-3136, Hargrave, MB. SHORTHORNS FOR ALL the right reasons. Check out why and who at 306-577-4664, www.saskshorthorns.com Carlyle, SK. COMPLETE DISPERSAL, 15 purebred cows at $1800., 7 purebred heifer calves at $800. Contact Bill at Lednura Farm, 819-421-0394, Arundel, QC.



THE D EC IS ION IS S TIL L B L A C K A ND W HITE! Farm fair International Edm onton,AB

S ho w a t1:00 p.m . No ve m b e r 9th, 2012


NATIONAL SHOW & SALE a t9:00 a .m . & Na tio n a l S a le a t5:00 p.m No ve m b e r 21s t, 2012 S a le c a ta lo gu e a tw w w .b u ya gro .co m THE CANADIAN SPECKLE PARK ASSOCIATION Offic e a t403 -946-463 5 w w w.ca na d ia ns p ecklep a rk.ca SPECKLE PARK FEEDER SALE: November 7, Heartland Livestock Services, Lloydminster, SK. Ph. Doug Heath 306-821-6668 or John Herbert 306-893-4096 for more info.

125 BRED RED Angus cross heifers, bred Red Angus, good uniform bunch, vaccinated and ultrasound in calf. Apr. 10th calving date. Call 306-355-2700, Mortlach, SK. 10 BLACK AND RED Angus cows with 9 calves, calves born in April. 1 Angus and 3 Texas Longhorn bulls. Call 780-926-8822, High Level, AB. HERD DISPERSAL: Approx. 70 head, red and RWF cattle. Bred heifers, first calvers, bred Red Angus. Cows bred Charolais. Bulls out June 11th, $1400 each. Rod Thomson 306-846-7771, 306-846-4307, Dinsmore, SK. LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to winter over and calve out 6 (Feb./March) purebred heifers. Ph 306-492-3035, Dundurn, SK. 30 QUALITY BLACK Angus heifers bred to purebred Black Angus bull, vaccinated, pregnancy checked, start calving March. 306-592-4464, Buchanan, SK. 60 QUALITY BRED Angus heifers mostly Black but a few Red bred to calving ease bulls. Call 306-768-2419, Carrot River, SK. or email dl.reimer@xplornet.ca

150 BLACK COMPOSITE heifers, best bred heifers available. AI bred with exc. set of clean up bulls, $2000/ea. Contact Guy Johnson at www.shorelinestockfarm.com or 204-448-2101, Eddystone, MB.

DO YOU HAVE a fancy thick, stout, 4H club calf prospect in your corral? Call 306-421-2097, Estevan, SK. WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. CALVES OR YOUNG HEIFERS wanted from Longhorn crosses with other cattle breeds. 306-697-3308, Grenfell, SK. BRED COWS OR HEIFERS, or heifer calves. Would trade 1992 NH TR96, 2239 threshing hours, very good condition, not used for 3 years. 306-863-4177, Star City, SK. DO CUSTOM CATTLE FEEDING, backgrounding, also bred cattle. 403-631-2373, 403-994-0581, Olds, AB.

INVESTORS WANTED: cow herd dispersal, 125 Red Angus and tan cows, plus 50 bred heifers, also herd bulls. Can custom fe e d o n a ye a r ly b a s i s . D a r c y Z e r r, 306-478-2618, Mankota, SK. 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK. 75 BLACK ANGUS and Angus/Simmental cross cows and breds, 19 Red Angus/Simmental cows due to calf April 1st. Call 306-739-2898, Wawota, SK. 400 BLACK and Red bred heifers, 50 bred Charolais heifers, 200 young bred cows. All bred to Black bulls. 306-741-2392, Swift Current, SK. 400- 3, 4, AND 5 YR. OLD ANGUS AND ANGUS CROSS cows, w/August/Sept. calves alongside, $1650/pr. Will sell in parcels. 403-793-5072, SE AB. and SW SK. 40 TO 50 BLACK/ BWF bred heifers. Home raised, bred to easy calving black bulls. April calving. Pick from 75. $1550 you pick, $1500 gate run. Call Ian at 306-246-4544, Richard, SK. 26 HEIFERS, BRITISH cross and preg. checked. Erwin Lehmann 306-232-4712, Rosthern, SK. SELLING HEREFORD CROSS heifers, exposed to Red Angus bull July 14, 2012. 306-932-4558, Ruthilda, SK. 400 TOP QUALITY black bred heifers, bred Angus, 60 day breeding, bulls in July 05, full vaccination program. 204-449-2344, Steep Rock, MB.

250 BLACK AND Red Angus heifers, excellent quality, exposed to Black and Red Angus bulls June 10th to Aug. 20th. Call 306-935-2058, 306-935-4435, Milden, SK 60 RED BALDY heifers for sale, bred Red Angus, average birthweight 67 lbs., end of A p r i l c a l v i n g . C a l l H a r v Ve r i s h i n e , 306-283-4666, Langham, SK. 98 BLACK ANGUS heifers, bred to Black and Red Angus for March and April calving. Call 204-745-7917, St. Claude, MB. 50 GALLOWAY ANGUS cross calves, 500 150 RED and BLACK Angus bred cows, 3 l b. ave r a g e , 2 8 h e i fe r s , 2 2 s t e e r s . and 4 yrs. old, bred Black Angus. Bulls out 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK. June 25th. Ph 403-793-9825, Bassano, AB. 90 RED ANGUS/Simmental bred heifers, bred Red Angus, top quality. Cockburn RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g Ranch, Jamie 306-631-6939 Briercrest, SK. fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers HERD DISPERSAL: 200 + young bred a n d b la d es . cows, mostly blacks and reds. Black Angus N EW RK PURE gro o m in g bulls turned out June 1st. Call p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. 306-893-4689, Maidstone, SK. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e DISPERSAL: 45 HORNED Hereford cows, 1-8 00-440-26 9 4. bred Black Angus, all had a calf this year, w w w .rka n im a lsu pplies.co m vaccinated for BVD, 4-8 years of age. 306-662-5081, Maple Creek, SK. BRED BLACK HEIFERS, bred Black Angus, April 1st calving. Ph. 306-325-4316, 57 BRED HEIFERS, mostly reds and blacks, bulls out June 15- August 29th, $1300 ea. Lintlaw, SK. OBO. 306-291-1341, Saskatoon, SK. HERD DISPERSAL: 75 Black Angus cows. Call 306-336-2639 or 306-332-7405, Lip- 10 REG. HEREFORD COWS, horns off, ton, SK. bred Hereford. 306-796-4410, Central 33 BRED HEIFERS, plus 10 bred cows, all Butte, SK. black or black brockle face. Bred right, priced right, top quality. 306-283-4687, BRED H EI F ERS Langham, SK. •300 red a ngu s a nd red a ngu s DISPERSAL HERD: 115 Charolais/ Angus cross heifers bred to low birth cross, bred Char. and Red and Black Angus w eightblk a ngu s bu lls. bred Black Angus. Also bulls for sale. •200 blk a ngu s heifers bred to 204-732-2664 leave msg, Rorketon, MB. low birth w eightblk a ngu s bu lls. 20 BLACK BRED COWS, 2nd calvers, b u l l o u t J u n e 2 9 t h . C a l l e ve n i n g s Bu lls in Ju ne 15th pu lled 306-873-5443, Tisdale, SK. Au gu st15th. Com plete herd hea lth. BRED HEIFERS: 60 Hereford/Simmental G u a ra nteed Q u a lity Sa tisfa ction and 30 Red Angus/Simmental, all bred Red Angus. 20 Black, bred Black Angus. on these su prem e fem a les. Exposed June 1 to August 1. For m ore inform ation callStev e 306-441-5915 306-445-6221 Battleford SK Ph 4 03-381-3700 or 40 COWS bred Red Angus, due to start Cell 4 03-382-9998 calving first week of April. 306-889-2038, 306-865-7344, Prairie River, SK.

Headliner All Breeds Show & Sale Nov. 9, 2012 Show: 4 p.m. Sale: 6 p.m. For more information visit farmfairinternational.com

WESTERN CANADIAN GRAZING Conference & Tradeshow “Grass Roots of Grazing”. November 28 and 29, 2012, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, Red Deer, AB. Optional field tour at Lacombe Research StationNovember 27. For info. call 780-727-4447, westerncanadiangrazingconference.com westcentralforage@gmail.com

SELECT FALL PQHB HORSE SALE, OCT. 27th, 2012. Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, SK. Preview: 1 PM - Sale 4 PM. Selling approx. 60 horses. All PQHB sale horses carry lifetime eligibility to PQHB futurities. Call 306-544-2727 for details or catalogue or online at: www.prairiehorsesale.com CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse Sale, Sat., Nov. 3rd. Tack at 10:30, Horses at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of colts must have a completed EID. Go to the website candiacauctionmart.com to get the form. For more info contact 306-424-2967. ALBERTA 50/50 POT ‘O Gold Futurity Sale, Saturday, October 27th at Ponoka, AB. 36 weanlings and 25 yearlings from 25 consignors. AQHA and APHA registered. More info. and website contact Mary-Ann Jensen, 403-368-2114 or Roger Brown at 403-783-2616.


HORSE SALE, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, Thursday, November 1, 2012. Tack Sells: 2:00 PM; Horses Sell: 4:00 PM. All classes of horses accepted. 306-693-4715, www.johnstoneauction.ca PL #914447.

BLUE AND RED roan colts; Belgian and Percheron bred mares. Phone Joe at 306-424-2330, Candiac, SK.

FOR SALE: BRED reg. Clydesdales mares, also 2012 reg. foals. Bruce Farquhar, Birtle, MB, 204-842-5113.

QUALITY MAMMOTH DONKEYS for sale. View: www.bigearsdonkeyranch.ca or call 204-535-2141, 204-825-0113, Baldur, MB


THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, Langham, SK.

NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! GuaranGEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 teed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest of leather and nylon harness. Custom sadWinnipeg, MB. $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com dles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. www.georgesharnessandsaddlery.com Call 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB. RITCHIE BROS. UNRESERVED FARM 36 WEANER PIGS, 40 to 80 lbs., Ivomeced LaMancha CROSSBRED bucks, excel. milk AUCTION, Leslie and Kim Just, Bruno, SK, and castrated; Also bred and open sows genetic from U.S.A, ready to service your Saturday, November 3rd at 10:00 AM. Fea- available. Spot and Berkshire cross. Home herd this yr. 403-335-8945, Didsbury, AB. turing: Caboose sleigh - no caboose, heavy raised outdoor hogs. Call for pricing. GOAT DAIRY HERD, closed herd, 350 milkbobsleigh, irons for bobsleighs, horse- 306-749-3232, Birch Hills, SK. ing does, 75 doelings exposed, 200 born drawn and rubber tired wagon w/seats, March to May 2012. Call 403-382-9179, leather harnesses, chrome-spotted scoth- 4 YR. OLD PB Berkshire boar, proven Shaughnessy, AB. tops and sleigh bells, 2 sets of long breeder, $400 or will trade for other BerkLAMANCHA CROSSBRED YEARLING DOES spreaders, numerous collars, bridles tugs, shire pigs. 780-655-6615, Onoway, AB. hames, bits, neck yokes, single and double WANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, all ready for breeding, excellent milking line trees, 3 democrat poles, numerous demo- sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest f r o m U . S . , c l o s e d , h e a l t h y h e r d . 403-335-8945, Didsbury, AB. crat and buggies, complete irons and $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com parts, buggy steps and much more! Call 1-800-491-4494, www.rbauction.com YAK BULLS, YEARLINGS, cows and calf for sale. 403-442-2277, Huxley, AB.

3 REG. HAFLINGER mares, Willo Wibo and Melroe breeding. Franklin Voth, Manitou, STRAIGHT BRED Rideau Arcott ram lambs, MB. 204-242-4123. born May 7, 2012. Call 306-228-3065, Unity, SK. NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our experienced staff are waiting to help you. TOP DORPER RAM LAMBS for sale. Email us at cunningham@bcinternet.net Call 1-800-667-7770 today! Three Hills, AB or phone 403-443-2640. 1000 PLUS DORPER cross ewe and ewe lambs, $210 to $275 each. 204-734-9144 TEAM OF MULES broke to drive, out of Bel- evenings, Swan River, MB. gium mares, 16.2 HH, heavy set, 9 and 10 yrs old. 204-752-2185, Alexander, MB. CROSS EWE LAMBS and purebred rams. Call Circle K Farms evenings at 306-725-3773, Bulyea, SK. DORPER CROSS ewes, 1-5 years old, livingwaterpaintsandquarters.com Ver- 40 to start lambing Jan., $250/ea. satile horses for sale. 306-283-4495, Lang- bred 403-578-4515, Coronation, AB. ham, SK. livingwaterworks@hotmail.com

WHITE & BROWN LOHMANN PULLET laying hens, ready to go, good hearty 1996 HIGHLINE 6600, used for only 45 layers, good producers. Taking orders for cows last 6 years, 2nd owner, $4900 OBO. June batch. 306-225-4446, Hepburn, SK. 306-252-2842, Kenaston, SK. EXOTIC BIRD AND SMALL ANIMAL DEGELMAN BALE KING shredder, Model SALE at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose 2881, RH discharge, done 60 bales. Jaw on Sunday, October 28 at 11:00 AM. 306-726-2151, Southey, SK. Accepting peafowl, guineas, bantams, ducks, geese, pigeons, birds, llamas, alpa- H E AV Y D U T Y 2 4 ’ PA N E L S , W I N D cas, hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, miniature BREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and horses, donkeys, etc. All small animals more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, or must be boxed and in yard before 10:00 email jchof@platinum.ca Rimbey, AB. AM. www.johnstoneauction.ca or phone NEW 5 and 6 bar CATTLE PANELS, 10’ 306-693-4715. PL #914447. and 12’ lengths w/pins attached. Starting TO GIVE AWAY: Live Leghorn hens, 1 year at $90. 403-527-7214, various locations. old. Will still lay eggs. For more info. call Mark at 780-593-2100 or 780-581-4786, Minburn, AB.

MORAND INDUSTRIES REGISTERED PERCHERON MARES bred to a registered Percheron stallion for sale. Call for info. 204-724-2458, Brandon, MB. WANTED: BROKE GREY Percheron geldings, will travel. Call: 250-835-8384, Sorrento, BC. REGISTERED PERCHERONS: 2 black yearling fillies, $1250/ea; 2 bred mares, $900/ea; 5 stud colts, $550/ea. Buyer must take all at these prices. Serious inquiries to: 701-226-3412, Bismarck, ND.

ANDRES TRUCKING. Call us for a quote today. 306-736-3454, Windthorst, SK. BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all aniSELLING DORPER RAMS. Herdsires and mals. For more information contact Roger commercial rams. Join the change to Provencher, roger@cdnbison.com or Dorpers. RAM H Breeders 403-932-3135, 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned Cochrane, AB. bison company and enjoy the benefits. BISON HERD APPROX. 120, approx. 40 cows, various ages of young stock. 780-266-4414 cell, Onoway, AB. TEXEL EWE LAMBS, can be registered, large bodied, born in March. Photos can be UP TO 60 head of Wood Cross, Pure Wood r e q u e s t e d . H a z e l m e r e F a r m s breeding stock, $2000 per head. Call Dr. 250-656-7651, Victoria, BC. Marshall Patterson, 306-694-1759, Moose Jaw, SK.

FOR SALE: 2012 reg. AQHA foals, sired by Red Jess Flying, by Fly Jess Fly (SI 97) by Mr. Jess Perry (SI 113). Out of mares going back to Doc’s Paradise, Sonny Dee Bar, Dancin Doc, Dash For Cash. Exceptional group of colts, bred for barrels and the rodeo arena. Bruce Farquhar, Birtle, MB, 204-842-5113. CLUN FOREST RAM LAMBS, excellent sire for ewe lambs. Glynn Brooks, CUSTOM TRAINING. Starting colts, ranch 403-327-2242, Lethbridge, AB. and problem horses, Border Collie stock dogs. Rick Wiebe 306-860-7537, Outlook. TARGHEE YEARLING RAMS and ewe DISPERSAL: REGISTERED AH’s, foundation lambs from Montana imports. Phone: bred, different colors, 172 head, stallions, 306-295-3801, Eastend, SK. mares, yearlings, 2 and 3 yr. olds, geldings BREEDING SHEEP for sale, various breeds. and fillies. 40 head, 2012 foals. $350 to Call Howard J. Smith Livestock, licensed $1000. 306-345-2132, Pense, SK. dealer, Caron, SK., 306-631-8877. STUDS AND FILLES by bay Freckles Tip COMPLETE FLOCK DISPERSAL, 104 ewes Olena; Also WM Silver Belly Tee bay roan. and ewe lambs, Rideau X Ilde France and Foals out of Foundation bred mares. Rideau X Charolais, bred for March. $275 306-893-2721, Maidstone, SK. Visit each. Garland, MB. 204-742-3234. www.kcquarterhorses.com TWENTY YOUNG BREEDING ewes, Suffolk cross. Call 306-634-4920, Estevan, SK.

WANTED: CARMEN CREEK Gourmet Meats and High Plains Bison are purchasing calves, yearlings and finished slaughter bison year round. Prompt Payment. Advance deposits and long term contracts are available. For more information contact: animalsourcing@goldenbison.com or call 303-962-0044. NILSSON BROS. INC. buying finished bison on the rail at Lacombe, AB for Oct. delivery and beyond. Fair, competitive and assured p ay m e n t . C a l l R i c h a r d B i n t n e r at 306-873-3184.

COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL: 80 cows and calves and breeding bulls. Neerlandia, 60-65 RAMBOUILET/POLYPAY cross ewes, AB, 780-674-5732, cel. 780-307-4832. 2010 CHESTNUT MARE; 2010 dun gelding; mostly young stock, ready for breeding, 30 GOOD QUALITY Plains bred 2010 heif2009 brown mare; 2008 White gelding; $250 OBO. 306-246-4468, Richard, SK. ers, $3000/ea. www.wignessbison.com 2006 grullo gelding, etc. 306-295-3533, 50 SUFFOLK/ TEXEL cross ewe lambs/ Merek at: 306-261-1292, Admiral, SK. Eastend, SK. www.luckyhorseshoe.ca mature ewes, dewormed, shots, and MUST SELL: 3 yr old buckskin gelding, sheered, excellent mothers, give good COMPLETE PLAINS BISON herd for sale, started, gentle, $800. Saddle with all tack quality market lambs, ready to breed. Call approx. 100 head. Ample feed available if required. 306-728-9033, Melville, SK. included $1000. Boarded at GCJ stables 12 204-859-2427, Russell, MB. km north of Regina, SK. Ph. 306-726-2966, 50 YEARLINGS, BULLS and heifers. Taking BUTCHER LAMBS AVAILABLE. Put orders cell: 306-539-9932. Please leave detailed i n b y O c t o b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 . C a l l offers. Call Kevin or Judy, Trails End Bison msg or email: t.sherwood@sasktel.net 306-845-3056, Livelong, SK. 306-228-3065, Unity, SK. CANADIAN REG. HAFLINGER HORSES. INDUSTRY LEADER for Broke team of full sisters, 3 and 4 yrs. old. 60 RIDEAU ARCOTT lambs, 40 Rideau Ar- NORTHFORK15 years, is looking for finished Bison, Single and team. Well matched. Can email c o t t e w e s , 4 a n d 5 y r s . o l d . C a l l over grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we 306-723-4803, Cupar, SK. info. and pictures. 519-236-4518 or want them.” Make your final call with 519-319-8021, Zurich, ON RAMS: RAMBOUILLET DEBOUILLET and Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM Targhee. Raised from large range flock. payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, Comes from Ward Harden genetics. Please BISON HERD FOR SALE: 140 bred cows, 80 clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, call 306-476-2632, Rockglen, SK. yearlings- male/female, 80 calves (May). Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. YEARLING RAMBOUILLET rams, selected 40 minutes West of Edmonton, AB. Email for growth and wool, $500 and up. Phone for inquiries: morton_A@shaw.ca 403-327-9757, Coaldale, AB. HERD DISPERAL 29 COWS, varying in age WANTED: QUARTER HORSE stallion, 12 SUFFOLK CROSS, TEXEL cross, Dorset from 3-15 years, 27 2012 calves. Snowyrs. or older. Call 204-865-2417 or cross ewe lambs and yearling cross rams. den, SK., 306-862-8490 or 306-428-2769. 204-523-7042, 204-523-0544 Killarney MB 204-841-4220, Minnedosa, MB. TWO OPEN 3 year old open bison heifers WANTED: BLACK OR SORREL mare, approx REG. TEXEL RAM lamb; 2- Texel cross ram for sale. Call 306-225-5700, Hague, SK. 1300 lbs. Must be broke for harness and lambs, 3/4 and 7/8; Texel cross ewe lambs. 250-546-6223, Armstrong, BC, ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages riding. Ph 306-726-4525, Southey, SK. of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, email finlaysfarm@gmail.com Kitscoty, AB or elkvalley@xplornet.com 60 KATAHDIN and Dorper/Katahdin ewe lambs for sale. Ph 403-396-1794, Alix, AB. REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE YEARLING rams CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary and ram lambs, as well 10 can be regisJohnston, www.canadianfarrierschool.ca tered Hampshire ewe lambs. Hazelmere Email gary@canadianfarrierschool.ca Farms 250-656-7651, Victoria, BC. 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB. THICK, GROWTHY Hampshire and Dorset CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call ram lambs, from proven reputable flock. Jacob at: 306-488-4408. Heeroma’s, Neilburg, SK., 306-823-4526. CAIN QUAM HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC Nov. 10 and 11, Kendal, SK. Indoor heated arena. Cain is also accepting horses for training for fall 2012. Phone: 306-424-2034 BUYING ALL CLASSES of sheep, goats and www.quamperformancehorses.com lambs. Howard J Smith Livestock, licensed dealer, Caron, SK. 306-631-8877. HORSE COLLARS, all sizes, steel and aluminum horseshoes. We ship anywhere. Keddie’s, 1-800-390-6924 or keddies.com TWO SHOW WAGONS, one wooden and one metal, w/rubber tires, always shedded. Wilf Carter, 306-574-4202, Plato, SK.

WANTED: ENERGETIC WORKING partner to work with existing White-tail deer ranch. Must be self-motivated and passionate about working with White-tail deer. Excellent deer facility and handling shoots already in place. Open to ideas on growth and future developments. If you are interested please contact Jim, 306-332-3955, jim.whbp@sasktel.net Fort Qu’Appelle, SK.

ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of elk. Ph Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or email elkvalley@xplornet.com SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers extension, marketing services and a full line of sheep and goat supplies. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK.

ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: AWAPCO is a proven leader in elk meat sales. If you have elk to supply to market, give AWAPCO a call today. Non-members welcome. info@wapitiriver.com or 780-980-7589.

Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!


FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. 30’ FREESTANDING 3-BAR windbreak frames, 5-bar and 4-bar panels w/wo double hinge gates. Also on farm welding. 306-485-8559, 306-483-2199, Oxbow, SK. NEW AND USED roller mills, PTO or electric. Call Stan at 306-682-4347 or cell, 306-231-3439, Humbolt, SK. FARM AID 430 mixer wagon, shedded, floatation tires. Phone: 204-859-2028, Rossburn, MB. 284 OSWALT feed wagon, rebuilt, always shedded, really nice cond., asking $2500. Call 780-682-3931, Wetaskiwin, AB.

FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free V is itu s a t solution to livestock watering. No heat or AG R I-TR AD E power required. Prevents backwash. Red Deer Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. Nov. 7-10 www.frostfreenosepumps.com Centrium YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For your Booth #1108 livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346. PORTABLE BOXSTALLS, 10x12x7’, steel SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Single Steel framed, with bars on front, sliding doors. Fabric Buildings Super Sale, 30x72 galva- 204-525-4256, Swan River, MB. nized Gatorshield P/R frame and cover kits. Limited quantity, call to book early. On sale for $5790 plus freight. Call: 1-877-547-4738, silverstreamshelters.com COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN DOLLS for sale. Prices vary from $10 to $25 each. They are in excellent condition, some have certificates, some are boxed, most have stands. If interested, call 306-955-7419. I am located just outside of Saskatoon, SK.

S A V E FE E D A N D L A B O U R C O S T S W IT H A N E Z E -F E E D E R W O R K IN G F O R Y O U . Mixing auger, digital scale, 3 PTH, plus many more options.


Call For Your Nearest Dealer

2007 LUCKNOW 525 mixer wagon with 4 augers and flotation tires. Taking offers. Call Curt 306-221-0285, Saskatoon, SK. 1999 HIGHLINE 6800 BALE PRO bale processor, exc. cond., used very little, $5500 OBO. 306-426-2163, Smeaton, SK.

Also now available through your local Co-op Agro Center.

WANTED: HESSTON 4870, big square bale shredder or similar machine. 780-374-3574, 780-781-0046 Daysland AB

AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No electricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882, www.kellnsolar.com PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now available with a neck extender. Phone 306-796-4508, email: ple@sasktel.net website: www.paysen.com 2003 BALE KING 3100 RH delivery, exc. cond., ready to go, used only 3 yrs., asking $9000. 306-547-2923, Preeceville, SK.

ELECTRONIC ROLAND V Accordions in stock. Roland Dealer, call: 306-782-4288, Yorkton, SK.

NEW HEADING! Place your ad in the Western Producer Classifieds. Our experienced staff are waiting to help you. Call 1-800-667-7770 today!


COMPLETE SOLAR POWERED watering w w w .reim erw eld ing m fg .com system; also included wind power generator for system. 204-937-3257, Roblin, MB. RENN RC12 ROLLERMILL, c/w HD 540 PTO, 6 auger undercarriage, 12” magnets, concentration hopper, always shedded, $6,000; Three 250 bu. creep feeders, $2500 each; 400 bu. creep feeder, $3500; 3- Hi-Hog Hurricane round bale feeders, $400 each; 2 triple bale feeders, $800 ea.; Double bale feeder, $400; Highline bale processor BP-8000, $12,000; 2- Lewis cattle oilers, $1500 ea.; Koenders calf warmer, $250. 306-654-2013, Prud’homme, SK. MACK R600 MCKEE manure spreader, hyd. drive. Ph. 403-552-3753 or 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. SOLID DEAL: over the tire rubber tracks for skidsteer, $2900. Phone 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK. JOHN DEERE #34 manure spreader, exc. shape, been used very little, $2500 OBO. BUHLER FARM KING #100 ROLLERMILL, 780-336-6378, Irma, AB. chrome, stand, motor mount, no motor, exc. cond., $1375 OBO. 306-747-2514, CATTLELAC 460 FEED mixer, right hand discharge, $19,000. Call 306-441-7680, Shellbrook, SK. 306-937-7719, Battleford, SK. GREG’S WELDING: 30’ freestanding heavy duty fence panels and windbreaks; Also calf shelters and custom gates, etc. Delivery avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK JD 550 TA manure spreader, $5500; NH 795 manure spreader, $7250. Both field ready. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB.

2003 HIGHLINE BALEPRO 7120 bale processor, extremely good cond., $12,900 delivery avail. Ph. early morning or evenings 250-398-2805, Williams Lake, BC.

STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windbreaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK.

CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK, rbaumann@ocia.org, www.ocia.org ECOCERT CANADA organic certification for producers, processors and brokers. Call the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, SK, email: rusty.plamondon@ecocert.com PRO-CERT ORGANIC CERTIFICATION. Canadian family owned. No Royalties! Ph. 306-382-1299 or visit www.pro-cert.org

WANTED IMMEDIATELY: feed and milling wheat, durum, barley, peas, and rye. Call Growers International today, Saskatoon, SK. 306-652-4529, 306-653-5512. WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2 WANTED: JAS 6 row barley, will consider 2 row. Contact 306-834-9093, Kerrobert, SK. inawe@sasktel.net TRADE AND EXPORT Canada now buying organic feed grains: peas, oats, barley and flax. Quick pay. 1-877-339-1959. BEST COOKING PULSES accepting samples of org. green/yellow peas for 2012/2013 crop year. Matt 306-586-7111, Rowatt, SK RW ORGANIC LTD. currently looking for all grades of wheat, durum and feed wheat, rye, barley and peas. Immediate pickup. Also offering fall contracts. 306-354-2660, Mossbank, SK. FARMER DIRECT CO-OP requests new crop samples of: Certified organic Spring wheat, durum, peas, barley, buckwheat, lentils and more. Farmer Direct Co-op is the only exclusively organic grain broker in Western Canada. Multi-year forward contracts available for barley and other feed grains. 1536 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 0P5. Phone 306-352-2444.

HYDRAULIC SQUEEZE CHUTE, HD, comes from 200 cow/calf operation, vg condition, c/w Reliable scale 12,000 lb. load cells. Ph 587-794-4666, ext. 112, or 403-854-9117 cell, Hanna, AB. F E E D WAG O N , 1 8 5 b u . $ 2 2 0 0 O B O. 306-731-7657, Lumsden, SK. TWO 1984 NH 195 manure spreaders, fair condition, $6000 each OBO. Call 306-831-8329 cell, Rosetown, SK. GRAIN ROLLER: 24”. PTO, rollers good, LOOKING FOR feed wheat, rye, barley, new cross auger. Phone 780-753-6498, oats and screenings. Call Pristine Prairie Provost, AB. Organics, 204-522-0842, Pipestone, MB. NORHEIM RANCHING HAS Red Rhino selfunloading hay trailers. Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-227-4503. WANTED: ORGANIC CALVES, stockers SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Super Fall from 600- 900 lbs. Also producers rememFabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black ber to certify cows and calves for 2012. steel, $4700; 30x70 double truss P/R, Kelley 306-767-2640, Clem 306-862-7416, $6995; 38x100 double truss P/R, $11,900; Ted 519-868-8445, Zenon Park, SK. 42x100 double truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738 silverstreamshelters.com NORHEIM RANCHING has gates, panels, continuous steel fence, Hay Monster feeders, crowding tubs, alleyways, feed bunks, and all types of livestock handling equipment. We stock only top quality products at discount prices. Call us first, we will save you money. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. www.gobobpipe.com GEHL 8285 FEED MIXER wagon, 4 augers w/scales, big floatation tires, shedded, 1 owner, vg cond. $9000. 403-357-9192 w w w. s t o c k m a n s t r a d i n g c o . c o m 403-358-0456, Tees, AB. 1999 FORD F350 dually, w/2008 Courtney Ber g Hydra-dec . Call 306-626-3612, SINGLE WOMAN, 60’s looking for NS, ND 306-741-5449, Success, SK. traveling man who plays guitar and sings FEED MIXER, Renn 1316, PTO, also Country and Western music. Please send equipped to run electrically for stationary photo. Box 2009, c/o Western Producer, 2310 Millar Ave, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4. use, $7000 OBO. 780-499-5990, Legal, AB.



Complete Herd Dispersal Offering 317 Head 88 Bulls 19 Yearling Open Heifers 153 Bred Cows 57 Open Heifer Calves Sunday, November 4, 2012, 11:00 a.m. Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB Largest Selection of Polled Fullblood Simmentals on Offer This Fall View our complete catalogue at www.transconlivestock.com

403/638-9377 Fax: 403/206-7786 email: transcon@transconlivestock.com www.transconlivestock.com

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OPTIMUM PRE-OWNED VEHICLES CARS 2007 CHEV MONTE CARLO LS – SALE $10,995 3.5L V6 auto loaded buckets pwr seat alumn whls silver grey cloth 128,593 kms 2007 CHEV MALIBU LS SEDAN – SALE $10,995 2.2L 4 cyl auto loaded blue grey cloth 46,205 kms 2007 PONTIAC SOLSTICE CONVERTIBLE – SALE $15,995 2.4L 4 cyl auto loaded alumn whls black sand leather 41,525 kms 2008 PONTIAC G6 SE SEDAN – SALE $11,995 2.4L 4 cyl auto loaded front buckets maroon ebony cloth 96,260 kms 2008 CHEV MALIBU LT – SALE $12,995 2.4L 4L 4 cyl loaded buckets pwr seat alumn whls white ebony coth/suede sake 106880 kms 2010 PONTIAC VIBE – SALE $16,995 1.8L 4 cyl auto loaded white ebony cloth 49,807 kms 2012 CHEV IMPALA LS – SALE $18,995 3.6L V6 loaded buckets pwr seat alumn whls white ebony cloth 32,958 kms 2012 CHEV MALIBU LS – SALE $18,995 2.4L 4 CyL loaded buckets black granite gray cloth 32,887 kms 2012 CHEV MALIBU LS – SALE $18,995 2.4L 4 CyL loaded buckets gold mist tan cloth 36,313 km

SUVS / VANS 2006 CHEV UPLANDER EXT LT – SALE $8,995 3.5L V6 auto A/C/T CD pwr windows/locks 7 pass maroon grey cloth 108,825 kms 2007 CHEV EQUINOX AWD LS – SALE $16,995 3.4L V6 auto loaded pwr seat alumn whls dark grey cloth 98,563 kms 2007 PONTIAC MONTANA SV6 EXT – SALE $10,995 3.9L V6 auto loaded 7 pass rear air & heat DVD white grey cloth 83,109 kms 2007 CHEV EQUINOX AWD LT – SALE $15,995 3.4L V6 auto loaded heated buckets sunroof alumn whls GFX pkg 132,855 kms 2008 CHEV UPLANDER LT EXT VAN – SALE $15,995 3.9L V6 auto loaded 7 pass remote start rear air & heat alumn whls DVD silver grey cloth 54,700 kms 2008 BUICK ENCLAVE AWD CXL – SALE $28,995 3.6L V6 auto loaded heated buckets alumn whls DVD sunroof goldmist ebony leather 104,124 kms 2008 BUICK ENCLAVE FWD CX – SALE $24,995 3.6L V6 auto loaded heated buckets alumn whls 8 pass cocoa tan leather 105,540 kms

2008 PONTIAC TORRENT AWD LT– SALE $15,995 3.4L V6 auto loaded heated buckets pwr seat alumn whls sun-roof blue ebony cloth 93,923 kms 2009 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ – SALE $29,995 5.3L V8 loaded heated buckets pwr seat sunroof 20” wheels steps flaps box cover black ebony leather 65,514 kms 2009 CHEV 1/2 TON XT CAB 4X4 LT – SALE $24,995 5.3L V8 loaded split bench pwr seat remote start autotrac alumn whls gray ebony cloth 44,050 kms 2009 CHEV AVALANCHE LTZ – SALE $34,995 5.3L V8 loaded heated buckets remote start sunroof 20” whls white ebony leather 58,890 kms 2010 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLE – SALE $29,995 5.3L V8 loaded split bench pwr seat autotrac 4x4 alumn whls steps flaps dk gray ebony cloth 36,249 kms 2010 CADILLAC SRX AWD – SALE $33,995 3.0L V6 auto loaded heated front buckets pwr seats nav sunroof alumn whls dark grey leather 95,194 kms 2010 CHEV TRAVERSE AWD LS – SALE $24,995 3.6L V6 auto loaded buckets pwr seat alumn whls white grey cloth 42,987 kms 2010 CHEV EQUINOX LTZ – SALE $28,995 2.4L 4 cyl auto loaded heated buckets pwr seats sunroof alumn whls mocha/ brown leather 43,144 kms 2010 CHEV EQUINOX AWD LT – SALE $22,995 2.4L auto 4 cyl A/C/T CD pwr wndows/locks loaded alumn whls blue ebony cloth 52,036 kms 2011 GMC TERRAIN AWD SLT1 – SALE $24,995 2.4L 4 cyl auto loaded heated buckets pwr seat remote start alumn whls crystal red ebony leather 65,718 kms 2012 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN STOW N GO – SALE $23,995 3.6L V6 loaded 7 pass front buckets silver black cloth 43,723 kms

TRUCKS 2007 DODGE RAM 2500 MEGA CAB 2WD SLT S/BOX – SALE $27,995 Cummins diesel 6 spd manual loaded 5th wheel topper silver grey cloth 120,471 kms 2007 CHEV COLORADO REG CAB 2WD LT – SALE $9,995 2.9L 4 cyl 5 spd loaded alumn whls black grey cloth 2008 GMC CANYON EXT CAB 2WD SLE – SALE $13,995 2.9L 4 cyl auto A/C/T CD box cover pewter grey cloth 59,218 kms 2009 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLT – SALE $27,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded heated buckets remote start 20” whls steps flaps black

ebony leather 106,322 kms 2009 FORD F-350 CREW CAB 4X4 LARIAT – SALE $38,995 Power stroke loaded heated split seat pwr seat dark green tan leather 94,668 kms 2009 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLT – SALE $23,995 “GAT PACKAGE” Auto loaded heated buckets alumn whls autotrac white ebony leather 132,525 kms 2009 CHEV 1/2 TON EXT CAB 4X4 – SALE $21,995 “CHEYENNE EDITION” 4.8L V8 auto split bench dark grey cloth 76,971 kms 2009 CHEV 1 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLE L/BOX – SALE $34,995 Duramax auto loaded split bench remote start pwr seat alumn whls white ebony cloth 98,443 kms 2009 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LT – SALE $23,995 4.8L V8 A/C/T CD pwr W/L split front bench pwr seat alum whls blue grey ebony cloth 101,982 kms 2009 CHEV AVALANCHE LTZ – SALE $34,995 5.3L V8 loaded heated buckets remote start sunroof 20” whls white ebony leather 58,890 kms 2009 CHEV 1/2 TON EXT CAB 4X4 LT– SALE $24,995 |5.3L V8 loaded split bench pwr seat remote start autotrac alumn whls dk gray ebony cloth 44,050 kms 2009 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ – SALE $29,995 5.3L V8 loaded heated buckets pwr seat sunroof 20” whls steps flaps box cover black ebony leather 65,514 kms 2010 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLE – SALE $29,995 5.3L V8 loaded split bench pwr seat autotrac 4x4 alumn whls steps flaps, dk gray ebony cloth 36,249 kms 2010 DODGE RAM 2500 CREW CAB 4X4 LARAMIE – SALE $46,995 6.7L diesel auto loaded heated & cooled leather 6” lift big rubber black ebony leather 47,863 kms 2010 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB DENALI AWD – SALE $38,995 6.2L V8 auto loaded heated & cooled buckets sunroof 20” whls black ebony leather 66,707 kms 2010 CHEV 1/2 TON EXT CAB 2WD LTZ – SALE $25,495 5.3L V8 auto loaded heated buckets pwr seat remote start alumn whls victory red ebony leather 57,271 kms 2010 CHEV 1/2 TON REG CAB 4X4 LT – SALE $27,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded alumn whls autotrac black ebony cloth 33,540 kms 2010 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LT – SALE $25,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded split bench pwr seat alumn whls autotrac 2” lift black ebony cloth 87,650 kms

2010 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LT – SALE $25,995 5.3L V8 auto A/C/T CD pwr windows/locks front buckets pwr seats remote start sunroof alumn whls autotrac Z-71 off road blue grey ebony cloth 77,618 kms 2010 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LT – SALE $26,995 5.3L V8 auto A/C/T CD pwr windows/locks split front bench pwr seat alumn whls autotrac red ebony cloth 69,303 kms 2010 CHEV AVALANCHE 4X4 LTZ – SALE $36,995 5.3L V8 auto A/C/T CD pwr windows/locks heated front buckets pwr seats remote start 20” whls nav steps diamond white tan leather 69,525 kms 2011 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLT – SALE $34,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded heated buckets pwr seats remote start sunroof 20” whls steps chrome dia white 69,310 kms 2011 CHEV 1 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LT L/BOX – SALE $39,995 “DOOLEY” Duramax loaded split bench pwr seat remote start greengrey ebony cloth 151,419 kms 2011 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLE – SALE $28,995 5.3L V8 loaded split bench pwr seat remote start alumn whls autotrac black ebony cloth 59,862 kms 2011 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LT – SALE $26,995 5.3L V8 loaded split bench pwr seat remote start alumn whls autotrac Z-71 off road black ebony cloth 96,978 kms 2011 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB DENALI AWD – SALE $41,995 6.2L V8 loaded heated buckets pwr seats sunroof DVD 20”whls white ebony leather 45,847 kms 2011 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ – SALE $34,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded heated buckets pwr seats 20” whls sunroof remote start silver ebony leather 40,131 kms 2011 GMC 1/2 TON CREW 4X4 – SALE $26,995 “NEVADA EDITION” 4.8L V8 auto A/C/T CD pwr windows/locks stealth grey cloth 8,367 kms 2011 GMC 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLE – SALE $30,995 5.3L V8 auto A/C/T CD pwr windows/locks front bench pwr seat alumn whls autotrac steps flaps dark grey ebony cloth 22,970 kms 2011 GMC 3/4 TON CREW CAB 4X4 DENALI DURAMAX – SALE $56,995 loaded heated seats sunroof nav dvd 20” whls white ebony leather 41,313 kms

TOLL FREE 1-800-661-8228 • PHONE 306-463-2653 OFFICE HOURS








2010 CIH 8120 (SA) 900 tires, lateral tilt, 2016 pu...$288,000 2010 CIH 8120 (SC) 330 hrs, sml tube rotor, fine cut


chopper, HID lights..................................... 2009 CIH 9120 (SA) lat tilt, sing spd hydro motor..$265,000 2009 CIH 9120 (SC) 580 hrs, duals, auto guidance,


diff lock, lat tilt, chopper.................................

2008 JD 9870 (SA) duals, fine cut chopper, bullet rotor, JD 915 pu header..................................$249,000 2008 JD 9770 (LL) 520 duals, Y&M, hi unload rate, 16ft swathmaster pu.....................................$248,000 2010 CIH 7088 (ES) 2016 pu header...................$235,000 2009 CIH 7088 (SC) 800 singles, lat tilt, AFX rotor, chopper, PRO600 monitor......................................................$200,000 2009 CIH 6088 (SC) 606Rhrs, y&m, auto crop...$189,900 2006 CIH 8010 (SA) deluxe cab, y&m, lat tilt...$185,000 2008 CIH 2588 (SC) 810 pu, yield & moisture...$172,900 2005 CIH 2388 (SA) yield & moisture, hopper topper, 2015 pu header.....................................................$156,900 2004 JD 966OSTS (ES) 3100hrs, new sieves, feeder chain, sprokets....................................................$129,000 2004 CIH 2388 (SC) topper, long auger, chopper, fore & aft, 2015 pu with swathmaster...........................$115,900 2003 CIH 2388 (SC) 1965hrs, hopper topper, AFX rotor, Y & M, new feeder floor........................................$108,000 1996 CIH 2188 (SC) 2700hrs, long auger, hopper topper...$55,900 1997 NH TX66 (LL) 800 tires, 971 pu hdr, rakeup..$39,000 1993 CIH 1666 (SC) 3000hrs, 810 IH pick-up........$29,000 1979 CIH 1460 (SC) 810 24ft hdr, pu reel on trailer, stnd rotor, no chopper....................................................$23,000 1981 CIH 1480 (SC) 1015 IH pu, shedded..........$14,900

SPRAYERS 2012 CIH 4430 (SC) 120ft, active suspension, accuboom, AFS accuguide ready............................................................$325,000 2011 CIH 4420 (SA) 120ft, viper, aim command, autoboom...$300,000 2008 CIH 3320 (SC) active suspension, aim command...$220,000 2005 CIH 4410 (ES) 90ft, aim command, JD auto steer...$215,000 2008 Miller A40 Condor (LL) 10ft, 1000 gal, norac UC4, rear floaters, auto farm, auto steer.............................................$149,000 2003 CIH 3150 (ES) 90ft boom, 750 gallon tank.............$102,000 2000 CIH 4260 (SA) 3300hrs, 90ft, 1200 gal SS tank, autoboom..................................................................$90,000 1996 Case Patriot (SC) 75ft boom, 750 gal tank, new engine at 2700hrs..............................................$59,000 2004 Spray Air 3600 (LL)1100 gal, 110ft boom, true boom height, fresh water tank....................................................................$24,900 2000 Spray Air 3200 (SC)suspended boom, foam, 90ft boom, 800 gal tank.............................................$14,900 1987 Spra-coupe 220 (SC) 60ft boom, 220 gal tank..$10,900 1999 Flexi-Coil 67 (SC) 80ft, screens, PTO, 1000 gallon...$9,900 1997 Fleci-Coil 65 (SC) 80ft, screens, PTO, 1000 gallon...$8,900


2WD Tractors 2010 JD 8270R (SA) 42” duals, 3pt hitch, ivt tans, 5 yr



2009 CIH Magnum 180 (LL) high cap pump, 3 remotes, L780 loader, outback autosteer............................$137,000 2009 McCormick TTX230 (SC) semi-powershift, rear weights, degleman blade......................................$115,000 2004 CIH Magnum 245 (SC) VG MFD, 540/100 PTO, 4 hydraulics.....................................................$107,000 2003 McCormick MTX140 (SC) allied loader & grapple, 3 point hitch, MFD........................................................$75,000 2009 NH T6070 Plus (SA) 3 remotes, 540/1000 PTO...$71,000 2008 CIH Maxxum 125 (SC) 3pt hitch, MFD, valve tractor...$69,000 2003 NH TM190 (SA) singles, MFWD, PTO....................$65,000 2005 CIH MXM130 (SA) 4200hrs, MFD, fenders, LX172 loader with grapple.....................................................$59,900 2005 Kubota M125 (LL) dual PTO, 2pt hitch........$59,000 1991 CIH 7120 (SA) MFD, 20.8R singles, brg roll....$45,900 2008 Case Farmall 35 (SC) 200hrs, HST transmission, AG tires, LX340 loader, mid mnt PTO...............................$22,500 4WD Tractors 2001 CIH STX550 (ES) PTO, 36in tracks, auto guidance, cab


suspension, 6 remotes........................................ 2011 CIH STX550 (SC) deluxe cab, quadtrac, PTO, high capbar with diff lock................................................$395,000 2010 CIH STX535 (SA) std quadtrac, luxury cab, 1000rpm IND PTO, hi cap hydr pump.................$357,000 2011 CIH STX450 (SC) full autoguidance, weight pkg...$315,900 2009 CIH STX535 (SC) luxury cab, 36” tracks, 4 remotes, auto guidance..........................................................$310,000 2009 CIH STX485 (SA) 30” tracks, tow cable, smart trax kit, HID lights, luxury cab.........................................$305,000 2011 CIH STX485 (SC) 400hrs, deluxe cab, high capacity hyd pump.................................................................$299,000 1997 CIH 9390 (SA) 20.8x42 tripples, std trans, shedded..$105,000

SWATHERS 2010 CIH WDX2303 (SA) upgrade cab, cold start, UII one piece PU reel, double knife, DHX362 header............$135,000 2008 CIH WD1203 (SA) deluxe cab, suspension, case conf for DHX, c/w DHX362 hdr.........................................$105,000 2009 MacDon M200 (SC) 1000hrs, windrower only....$98,000 2000 Masey Ferguson 220 Series II (SA) 30ft triple delivery...$38,700 1996 Premier 4930 (SC) p/u reel, 1996 14ft conditioner...$35,000 1996 Premier 4930 (SC) 6080hrs, c/w 24ft 972 header, p/u reel..$32,500 1994 Heston 8100 (SC) 1602hrs, c/w 30ft U-II p/u reel...$29,000


2002 CIH 8220 (SC) 25ft, U-II p/u reel, set for canola.... Hesston 1200 Pull type Swather (SC) 30ft................$10,900

Saskatoon (306) 934-3555 800-667-9761

Swift Current (306) 773-2951 800-219-8867

2010 Seed Hawk 80-12 (ES) 80ft, 12” spacing, 800 TBH tank, viper monitor, duals on drill............................$329,900 2011 Bourgault 3310 (SC) 55ft, 10”, 25 hyd liquid, duals 4 tank, 591 monitor, 6550 tank..................................$255,000 2009 Seed Hawk 72-12 (SA) 72ft, 12’ toolbar, TBT, double shoot, FC4350 TBT tank...........................................$250,000 2008 Seed Hawk 60-12 (SA) TBT JD1910,TBT270BUH, 2000 gal TBH liquid, no quick pin................$185,000 2005 Seed Hawk 63-10 (SA) TBT, double shoot, variable rate, 63ft, triple shoot, 10.5’...................................$173,900 2009 NH Drill (LL) 60ft, 10” spacing, 550lbs trips, 3 1/2” steel packers, 430 bush....................$172,900 2008 CIH ATX700 (SC) 70ft, 10” spacing, 4.5” steel packers, 3430 TBT cart..............................................................$135,000 2007 Seed Hawk 65-10 (SA) DS, blockage, quick pin, dual castors..$125,000 2003 Bourgault 5710 (LL) 64ft, 9.8” spacing, 5350 tank, 3” rubber packers......................................................$89,900 1999 Bourgault 5710 Drill (ES) 12” spacing, D/S, MRB’s, 3 1/2” steel packers, 4350 TBH cart.............................$85,000 2000 Fleci-coil 5000 (SC) 57ft, 9”spacing, 3840 tank.....$70,000 2001 Flexi-coil 5000 (SA) 39ft, 550lb tank, heavy harrow closer, tow hitch, 2340 cart........................................$69,900 1996 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, 3 1/2” steel packers...$67,900 1999 Flexi-coil 5000 (SC) 45ft, 9” spacing, paired row, 2320 tank, 1/2” steel packers recapped....................................$65,000 1993 Bourgault 138 Air Seeder (SC) 40ft, 8” spacing, single shoot, 4300 tank.............................................$38,000

HEADERS 2010 CIH 2152 (LL) 45ft, double knife, trasnport...$67,000 2010 JD Hydraflex (SC) 35ft, air reel ................................$57,900 2011 CIH 3020 (SC) 35ft, 3” knife, 6 bat p/u reel......$56,000 2007 CIH 2162 (ES) 40’5 bat dual reel, auto header height..$55,000 2007 HoneyBee SP40 (SC) 40ft, pu, hyd f&a, cross auger, AFX adpt, transport..........................................................$49,900 2009 HoneyBee SP36 (SC) PU reel, hyd fore & aft, pea auger, JD adapter, transport........................................................$44,900 2009 HoneyBee SP36 (SC) 36ft, pu, hyd f&a, pea auger..$44,900 2009 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, p/u reel, bergen transport....$39,900 2005 JD 635 (SA) 35ft header, p/u reel, flex.........$29,000 1995 HoneyBee SP30 (LL) 30ft, transport, pea auger, pu, poly skids plates..............................................................$23,000 2007 CIH 2015 (LL) 14ft, mount adpt 2100 & 2300...$21,000 1998 Macdon 962 (SC) 36ft, transport, 2388 adapter...$20,250 2004 CIH 1010 (SC) 35ft, p/u reel.........................$19,000 1997 Macdon 960 (LL) 36ft, pu, pea auger, 2388 adpt..$17,900 2001 JD 930F (SA) 30ft, JD adpt, pu, flex, fore & aft...$17,000 1993 CIH 1010 (SC) 30ft, pick up reel......................$12,900 2001 CIH 2015 (SC) rake up pick up.....................$12,000 1998 CIH 1020 (SA) 30ft, pu reel, poly skids.........$10,500 1997 CIH 1015 (SC) rake up pick up.......................$9,500

Lloydminster (306) 825-3434 800-535-0520

Estevan (306) 634-4788 866-659-5866

w w w . r e d h e a d e q u i p m e n t . c a


12”, c/w 7240 TBH, semi pneumatic tires, clean unit.



119,900 12” space, Morris double shoot air pkg., tow behind.

Equipment Sale 2004 NH CR960 COMBINE 1733 eng. hrs., 1340 sep. hrs., 2 spd. rotors, beacon lights, del. cab, long unloading auger.

2000 JD 994-30 DRAPER HEADER


30’ JD 9610 adapter.

1635 hrs., 4 HP eng., air, del. cab.



2480 hrs., 16.5’ rotary header.

2006 JD 4995 16.5’ DB WINDROWER



$ $


2004 NH CR940 COMBINE 1681 eng. hrs., 1245 sep. hrs., 255 bu., 295 HP, del. cab, long unloading auger.










35’ D60 double knife, 6 bat reel.

5163 eng. hrs., AWD, 128 HP, 540/1000.

2001 NH TR99 COMBINE 2154 eng. hrs., 1562 sep. hrs., 76C pickup header, 14’ Swathmaster, NH chopper.



1998 NH 994-36 HEADER DRAPER



33,900 NEW 2011 NH SP.275R SPRAYER





74,900 TBH, work switch, 3rd tank option, std. hyd. drive.

73,000 615 hrs., 36’ draper header, M150 turbo, dual dir. cab.

198,000 12”, air filled packer tires, 12.5L, 15 main frame tires, 11L-15 wing tires.



52,900 NEW 2011 NH T9.670 TRACTOR



Transport, CR/CX adapt, 36’ dual reel.

TBH, dual front caster w/21.5x16.1 grip tires, double shoot cart comp. pkg.



NEW 2012 NH T9.560 TRACTOR


59,000 430 eng. hrs., 277 sep. hrs., 16’ Swathmaster, 20.8x38 duals, Y&M.


1997 NH TR98 COMBINE 2616 eng. hrs., 1993 sep. hrs., chaff spreader, 270 HP, 2 spd. rotors, Rakeup.







2009 NH TV6070 TRACTOR

850 gal.

1624 eng. hrs., diff lock, 105 HP PTO.

2008 MF 9790 COMBINE


$ $






74C 30’ hard Carter, paints nice, shedded, carrier.

100’ boom width, 830 gal., 18.4x26 grip tires, 10 ply, 15,000 lb. axle, hyd. pump.

2010 NH CR9070 COMBINE





1995 CIH 9280 4WD TRACTOR 5500 eng. hrs., 20.8xR42 duals.



1271 eng. hrs., 24’ unloading auger, 900/60R32 front, 600/65R28 rear.




2008 NH CX8070 COMBINE



218,000 250 eng. hrs., 176 sep. hrs, del. straw chopper, axle diff lock, dual tires.




1998 NH 994-30 TR/TX COMBINE HEADER 994 30’ pea auger.



2011 NH SP365F SPRAYER 120’, high clearance, 1600 gal., 365 HP, 796 hrs., rear wheel nozzle.




2009 CIH WD 1203 30’ WINDROWER




497 hrs., 30’ double swath, new canvasses.

1085 eng. hrs., 752 sep. hrs., 24’ unloading auger, dual tires, Y&M, cast drum.

2008 NH CX8090 COMBINE












Highway #2 South

Highway #6 North

Highway #10 East

Ph: 306-946-3301

Ph: 306-746-2911

Ph: 306-783-8511

Fax: 306-946-2613 watrousnewholland.com

Fax: 306-746-2919 raymorenewholland.com

Fax: 306-782-5595 yorktonnewholland.com







2012 GMC YUKON XL 4X4 SLE, 5.3 V-8, Loaded, 9 Pass., Silver with ebony cloth, 43,678 Km .......$37,995 2012 CHEV LT 3/4 TONS /BOX CREW CAB 4X4 6.0L V-8, Loaded, Vinyl floor, White with ebony cloth 12,604 Km ............................................$39,995 2012 CHEV. LTS/BOX 2500 CREW CAB 4X4 6.0L V-8, Loaded, White, Only 12,601km ..........$39,995 2012 GMC YUKON SLE 4WD 5.3V-8, Loaded, 8 Pass, White with Ebony Cloth, 26,628 km ........$38,995 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT AWD 3.0L V-6, loaded, silver with Ebony cloth, 33,823 Km.........$24,995 2012 CHEV IMPALA LS 4DR 3.6L V-6, Loaded, 23,000 km., 1-White, 1-Silver. .............$19,995 2012 CHEV MALIBU LS 4DR 4cyl., Automatic, Loaded, 23,100 kms., White ............................$19,995 2011 GMC YUKON DENALI Fully Loaded with 22” wheels, 23,357 kms, Black ..................$56,995 2011 GMC SAVANNA 2500 CARGO VAN 4.8 V-8, A/C, Radio, Glass in Rear Doors, White, 28,969km .....................................................$24,995

2012/13 1-TON CAB & CHASSIS


2012 CHEV MALIBU 4 DR LT PLATINUM EDITION 4-Cyl. Auto, Loaded, 5Pass., 17” Wheels, White Diamond with Ebony Suede Trim MSRP $30,790..................................... Sale Price $23,995 2012 CHEV MALIBULS 2 in Stock, Starting at.......................................................$18,995


2012 3/4 TON, 1-TON REG CABS, CREWCABS + EXT. CABS 2012 GMC 3500 HD. 4WD SLT “BIG DOOLEY” Duramax, Loaded, White Ebony Leather MSRP $72,290 .......................... Sale Price $61,995 2012 GMC SIERRA SLE 2500 S/BOX 4WD CREW CAB 6.0L V-8, oaded, Mocha Steel Metallic with Ebony cloth, 1-White, 1-Mocha .........................$43,995 25-CHEV + GMC 2500 H.D. S/BOX 4WD CREW CAB with Duramax Diesel, Loaded, starting at stock #C1158 ................................................$53,995

2013 REG. CABS

2013 CHEV AVALANCHE 4 DR. CREW 4WD LTZ 5.3 V-8, Loaded, Sunroof, DVD, 20” Wheels, Diamond White with Ebony Leather MSRP $66,900 ...... Sale Price $58,995

“BIG DOOLEY” DURAMAX DIESEL Loaded, 1 White with Ebony Leather. 2 Black. MSRP $72,325. Starting at ..................... Sale Price $61,995


3 - 2012 CHEV ORLANDOS 0% - 60 mos. Starting at ...............................$19,995

2012 CHEV + GMC 1500 4WD CREWCAB

1-MORE 2012 CHEV 3500 H.D. C+C 4X4 4 with 6.0L Auto. MSRP $44,655 ..... Sale Price $36,995 2012 CHEV. 2500 H.D. (3/4) 4WD REG CAB W.T. 6.0L, V-8, Auto O/D, LS pkg., A-C-T, P.L., Remote Entry. White MSRP $44,260, 1 Left. ....... Sale Price $33,995


2012 CHEV TRAVERSE AWD LS 3.6 V-6, Loaded, White with DK/LT Titanium cloth MSRP $41,900 .......................... Sale Price $31,995 4-2012 BUICK ENCLAVES CXL Starting at stock #C1898 .................................$44,995 4-2012 GMC ACADIAS Starting at stock #C1083 .................................$32,995


20 - 2012 CHEV + GMC 1500 4WD CREWCAB S/Box’s in Stock, Starting at ..............................$26,995

2012 CHEV SONIC 2012 BUICK LACROSSE 4DR AWD 3.6 V6, Loaded, Sunroof, Diamond White with Cocoa Cashmere, Leather, MSRP $48,815 ........................... Sale Price $39,995 2012 BUICK REGAL 4 DR Loaded, Leather, Sunroof, Diamond White, MSRP $38,160 .... Sale Price $29,995 2012 CHEV SONIC 4 DR. LS 4 cyl., Auto,A-C-T, P.L., Keyless Entry, Silver 11 in stock starting at ..........$15,995 2012 CHEV IMPALAS starting at stock #C1012 ..................................$25,995


2013 CHEV AVALANCHE 4 DR. CREW 4WD LS Loaded, Black with Ebony Cloth MSRP $50,335 ............... .................................................. Sale Price $43,995

2013 CHEV SILVERADO 3500 HD 2WD C&C 6.0L, auto, 13,200 lb. GVW, air,cruise, tilt, white MSRP $41,315 ........................... Sale Price $35,995


2012 CHEV CAMARO CONVERTIBLE 2SS 6.2L V-8, Auto, O/D, Loaded, 20” wheels, Rally Sport Package, Windscreen, Black with Inferno Orange Interior. MSRP $54,885 ........................... Sale Price $47,995

2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 2WD REG CAB W.T. 4.3 V-6, A-C-T, 5 in stock starting at stock #D1031 MSRP $29,205 ........................... Sale Price $22,995 4-more with 4.8 V-8 starting stock #D1073 .....$25,995 2013 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 S/BOX 4X4 LT 5.3 V-8, Loaded, Black MSRP $43,075 ........................... Sale Price $36,995 10-2013 CHEV & GMC 1500 REG LW.B 4X4’s Starting at stock #D1090 .................................$26,995


2012 3/4 TON R/CAB 4X4

2012 GMC 3500 (1-TON) 4WD REG CAB C+C Duramax diesel, Allison auto, loaded, white, 3-in stock MSRP $59,080 ............ Sale Price $49,995


2012 CHEV CRUZE 4 DR 4 cyl, 6 spd. manual, CD , MP3, oil pan heater, blue topaz metallic with jet black/medium titanium interior

$16,695-103.30 Bi-Weekly

50 IN STOCK!! NEW 2012 EQUINOXS & GMC TERRAINS! STARTING AT $28,995 Stock #C1540 $177 BiWeekly w/$0 Down Tax Paid

2012 CHEV SONIC ONLY .......................... $96 BiWeekly with $0 Down

0-Down0%forupto84mos. 2012 CHEV CRUZE 4 DR LT TURBO Auto, Loaded, 18” Wheels, RS pkg. (ground effects pkg), lowered sport chassis, Sunroof, Rear spoiler, Remote start, Power seat, Victory red with black cloth interior

MSRP $27,105 SALE PRICE $24,995 Plus 0% for 84 mos.

Rebates to Dealer

Website: www.watrousmainline.com

Email: contactus@watrousmainline.com

MON-TUES-WED-SAT – 8:30AM-6:00PM THURS-FRI–8:30-9:00PM





BARRHEAD Ray Agro & Petroleum (780) 674-2146 CAMROSE Drever Agencies (780) 672-2572 CAROLINE Clearwater Trading Co. (403)722-2378 CARSTAIRS Koch Fuels (403) 337-0009 CORONATION Coronation Bulk Fuels (403) 578-3551 DAWSON CREEK Tower Valley Farms (250) 759-4587 EDMONTON Flaman Sales/Yellowhead (780) 474-2222 FAIRVIEW Dunvegan Fab & Welding (780) 835-4530 FALHER/GIROUXVILLE Smoky River Equipment Rentals (780) 323-3342 GRANDE PRAIRIE Keddie’s Rentals (780) 532-4888 GRASSLAND Hwy 63 Equipment Rentals (780) 212-7931 HARDISTY Hardisty Bulk Sales (780)- 888-3555 LaCRETE / HIGH LEVEL Henry U. Driedger (780) 926-6468 HIGH PRAIRIE Roll’n The Hay Rentals (780)523-1405 INNISFAIL Clubb Construction (403) 227-2711 LLOYDMINISTER Headon Rentals (780) 879-8900 MORINVILLE Michiel/Ina Verheul (780) 265-2437 NISKU Frank Flaman Sales 1-800-352-6264 PONOKA Flaman rental franchise Parrish Kondra (SK, MB) 1-888-435-2626 Wills Welding opportunities are available for more information call Ken Barlott (AB) 1-800-352-6264 (403) 783-3733 RIMBEY Action Auto (403) 843-3030 ALBERTA / SOUTH MANITOBA THORHILD NEEPAWA RYLEY LOMOND ACADIA VALLEY AUSTIN Evans Sales & Rentals Inc. Acadia Valley Rentals Mar-Dee Enterprises Mike Bonham Ag Rentals Phillips Fertilizer Mar-Dee Enterprises (780) 349-1500 (204) 476-2348 (780) 446-2684 (403) 792-3600 (403) 664-8296 (204) 637-2515 THREE HILLS PORTAGE la PRAIRIE SMOKY LAKE MEDICINE HAT BROOKS BRANDON Mar-Dee Enterprises Golden View Fabricating Ltd. Koch Fuel Products Ltd. Flaman Sales & Rentals BRK Rentals Mar-Dee Enterprises (403) 443-5770 (204) 857-8764 (780) 656-3575 1-855-535-2636 (403) 362-4655 (204) 728-4554 VEGREVILLE RESTON ST. PAUL MILK RIVER CARDSTON CARMAN Royal Park Rentals Mar-Dee Enterprises Northern Source Rentals Bellew Water Hauling (UFA) Tri Star Ag Service Taurus Salt (587) 280-2474 (204) 877-3729 (780) 646-0774 (403) 647-3790 (403) 653-4495 (204) 745-5000 VERMILION RUSSELL STETTLER NANTON FOREMOST DAUPHIN RAM Holdings Ltd. Brendonn Holdings Koch Fuels Nanton Rentals W Buis Holdings Ltd. Brendonn Holdings (780) 853-1908 (204) 773-2268 (403) 742-5300 (403) 646-2433 (403) 867-2436 (204) 638-4401 WARBURG SWAN RIVER STONY PLAIN STRATHMORE FORT MACLEOD MELITA Lorne & Sharon Lawrence Mo Boots Ag Mechanics Flaman Rentals Ray Agro & Petroleum Ltd. Sharpley Angus Mar-Dee Enterprises (780) 789-2117 (204) 734-9999 (780) 963-2078 (403) 533-2355 (403) 795-2645 (204) 522-3202 WESTASKIWIN VIRDEN SUNDRE TABER LETHBRIDGE MORDEN Wetaskiwin Bulk Sales Mar-Dee Enterprises Koch Fuel Products Inc. GSL Rentals Flaman Sales Ike Friesen (780) 352-7191 (204) 748-2283 (403) 638-4930 (403) 223-5380 (403) 317-7200 (204) 362-2744

Grow Your Business

ASSINIBOIA B&A Petroleum (306) 642-4621 BIRSAY/LUCKY LAKE Triple D&P Farms (306) 858-7642 BLAINE LAKE Blair Industrial (306) 497-2670 BRUNO Horizon Fertilizer (306) 369-2830 CANORA Brendonn Holdings (306) 563-6426 CUTKNIFE B&D Rentals (306) 398-8000 CUDWORTH Horizon Fertilizers (306) 256-2300 EATONIA G-Mac’s Ag Team Inc. (306) 967-2211

ESTEVAN Johnson Bros. Equip. Rentals (306) 421-0280 HUMBOLDT Horizon Fertilizers (306) 682-2574 KINDERSLEY G-Mac’s Ag Team Inc. (306) 463-4622 LEADER G-Mac’s Ag Team Inc. (306) 628-3886 LLOYDMINSTER Headon Rentals (780) 870-8900 MAPLE CREEK B&A Petroleum (306) 662-2262 MARENGO G-Mac’s Ag Team Inc. (306) 968-2262 MOOSOMIN Flaman Sales (306) 453-4143 PLENTY G-Mac’s Ag Team Inc. (306) 932-4622 PRINCE ALBERT Flaman Sales 1-888-352-6267 SASKATOON Flaman Sales 1-888-435-2626 SOUTHEY Flaman Sales 1-888-235-2626 SWIFT CURRENT B&A Petroleum (306) 773-8890 TISDALE Tisdale Fire & Flood (306) 873-5000 TURTLEFORD Del & Leslie Nordell (306) 845-2446 UNITY B&D Rentals (306) 228-2172 WINDTHORST Windthorst Rental Centre (306) 244-2088 WYNYARD K-4 Rentals (306) 554-2511 YORKTON Flaman Sales 1-888-296-2626





BONANZA BUCKS PLUS 0% FINANCING OR CASH BACK* This year’s Value Bonanza sales event gives you MORE WAYS TO SAVE! It starts with BONANZA BUCKS – it’s like bonus cash just for buying select New Holland tractors, combines and hay equipment. And, your savings continue with 0% FINANCING or CASH BACK in lieu of financing. But hurry! The clock is ticking. See us before this offer ends on November 30, 2012.


2009 NH T9060

2012 NH T9.560

2006 NH TJ480









2008 NH CR9070






2004 NH CR970

2005 NH CR970

2007 NH CR9070

STK #PN2872B, S/N: HAJ100842, 1983 HRS, 370 HP, 1410 SEP HRS

STK #PN2871B, 1819 HRS, 1365 SEP, 370 HP, 520/85R42 FRONT, 600/65R28 REAR, HYD TRANS, MAV CHOP, 76C 14 FT SWATHM PU




2003 GLEANER R75

2011 MACDON FD70




















HWY. #3, KINISTINO, SK — Bill, David H, Jim, Kelly SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO — Jay, David J., 306-864-7603


HWY. #5, HUMBOLDT, SK — Paul, Tyler, Darrell


235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron


Check out our website at www.farmworld.ca


4 ' $ 3$ 5 $ / , 1 . 7 0 + 2 ( ' 5 , / /


48,&. 6((' '(37+ $'-8670(17




RI ô





2012 BOURGAULT 3710

2004 BOURGAULT 5710

2010 BOURGAULT 6550



STK #PB2601A, S/N: 38098AH-05, 2004 BOURGAULT 5710






2004 BOURGAULT 5710


STK #B21989A, 59’, DS, 3 1/2” STEEL PKRS, 12” SPC,W/BO 5440 AIR TANK, 3TM, DS






2001 BOURGAULT 5710

STK #PB2963A, SER. #38218AH-26.




1999 BOURGAULT 5710

1997 BOURGAULT 4300








2005 BOURGAULT 5710

2011 BOURGAULT 8810









1999 BOURGAULT 5710




HWY. #3, KINISTINO, SK — Bill, David H, Jim, Kelly SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO — Jay, Darrel


235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron


Check out our website at www.farmworld.ca








2009 GMC SIERRA 2500 SLE


oose 2 to cohm fr















5.4L LOADED 4X4 107KM

Now 1frtoom choose












2011 GMC SIERRA 2500 SLE LOADED 4X4 6.0L











2010 DODGE RAM 3500 SLT LOADED, 6.7L 4X4 66KM

2008 DODGE RAM 2500 LARAMIE 6.7L FULLY LOADED 4X4 137KM WAS $38,995






2010 FORD F250 XLT

2009 FORD F150 LARIAT 4X4 5.4L FULLY LOADED 73KM WAS $36,995








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Ph: 306-933-4950 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4990

Mt. Blanchard

Great Prices, Even Better Service

ROUGH CUT LUMBER: 2x8-16’ ........................ $12.70 2x6-12’. ......................... $7.10 2x6-16’ .......................... $9.50 1x6-10’ .......................... $2.34 2x6-16’ .......................... $2.00

FENCING PRODUCTS: 2 - 3” x 6’ round sharpened post .....$2.80 2 - 3” x 7’ round sharpened post .....$2.90 3 ¼” X 7’ round sharpened post ......$5.20 4 ¼” X 6’ round sharpened post .....$5.50 4 ¼” X 8’ round sharpened post ......$6.90

5 x6 7’ round sharpened post ..........$4.15 5 ¼” X 7’ round sharpened post ....$10.00 5 ¼” X 8’ round sharpened post ....$10.80 4-5” X 10’ blunt .............................. $9.65 5-6” x 10’ blunt .............................$12.40



30x36 30x48 30x60 30x72 30x84 30x96

$4,650 $5,760 $6,830 $7,995 $9,050 $10,150




2x10-12’ ...................... $11.90 2x10-16’ ...................... $15.85 2x8-12’. ......................... $9.50 2x12-16’ ...................... $22.80 Barb wire 12½ guage .. $87.99

2000 FORD F250 Ext Cab XLT, 4x4, 7.3L Diesel ...........................CALL 2002 CHEV Silverado Crew Cab, Leather............................. $13,995 2003 FORD F250 Lariat, 226KM, 6.0L Ext Cab .................... $15,995 2005 DODGE Dakota Laramie, 112KM, Crew Cab ............... $14,444 2005 DODGE Ram 1500 4X4 Hemi Loaded Fresh Trade ..... $11,995 2006 CHEV Avalanche LT .................................................... $13,999 2006 DODGE Ram 3500 Laramie, 182KM, 5.9L, Mega Cab .... $33,995 2007 DODGE Ram 2500 SLT, 128KM, 5.7L, Mega Cab........ $24,995 2007 CADILLAC Escalade EXT 43,000 Miles Must See .... $34,995 2007 CHEV Silverado 1500 LT, 130KM, 4.8L, Reg Cab ........ $16,995 2007 CHEV Silverado 2500 LT, 166KM, 6.6L, Crew Cab ...... $32,995 2007 DODGE Ram 3500 SLT, 178KM, 6.7L, Mega Cab........ $28,995 2008 DODGE Ram 2500 SLT, 111KM, 6.7L, Crew Cab......... $31,995 2008 GMC Sierra 2500 SLE, 142KM, 6.6L, Crew Cab ........... $32,995 2008 CHEV Silverado 3500, 61KM, 606L Dually, Crew Cab .........CALL 2008 CHEV Silverado 3500 LTZ, 70KM, 6.6L Dually, Crew Cab ....CALL 2008 FORD F350 KR, 74KM, 6.4L Dually, Crew Cab............. $39,995 SOLD 2008 CHEV 1500 LT, 93KM, 5.3L, Ext Cab ....................................CALL 2008 GMC Yukon Denali, Loaded, 138KM............................ $29,900 2008 DODGE Ram 2500 Mega, 6.7L................................... $31,995 2009 DODGE Ram 1500 Laramie, 59KM, 5.7L, Crew Cab ...........CALL 2010 FORD F250 XLT, 112KM, 5.4L, Ext Cab ........................ $21,995 2010 DODGE Ram 3500 Laramie, 6.7L, Crew Cab Dually ...........CALL 2010 FORD F150 Harley, 5.4L, Crew Cab............................. $34,995 2010 DODGE Ram 3500 Laramie, 69KM, 6.7L, Crew Cab ... $49,995 2010 DODGE Ram 2500, 5.7L Crew Cab, 100KM ................... $24,995 2010 GMC Sierra 2500 4X4 Loaded 111Km 6.0L ................. $26,995 2011 GMC 2 to choose from 1500 SLE, 28KM, 5.3L, Crew Cab ...CALL 2011 FORD F250 XLT 5.4L, 100KM...................................... $27,995 2011 GMC Sierra 2500, 117KM ........................................... $26,995 2011 FORD F350 4X4 Loaded 73Km Long Box 6.2L Gas ..... $32,995

Material & Labour $7,080 $9,000 $10,880 $12,855 $14,720 $16,630

Reg. $183,509 — SALE PRICE


E G U H GS!! IN V A S JOB 1165 1159 1105 1206 1217 1221 1259 1263 1269 1273 1275 1270 1272




SALE ENDS NOV 15TH SQ. FT. 1604 2171 1560 1712 1296 1498 1443 1290 1129 1341 1680 1129 1319

PRICE $178,082.00 $386,627.00 $185,383.00 $179,719.00 $183,509.00 $172,641.00 $153,057.00 $118,680.00 $113,978.00 $144,578.00 $212,000.00 $123,379.00 $140,643.00

SALE PRICE $174,000.00 $375,000.00 $181,000.00 $175,000.00 $175,000.00 $168,000.00



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SWM, 37, from SE Sask., looking for SWF, 30-35 with some get up and go. Must be slim and good looking, no baggage. Must have a job. Box 2008, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4.

SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER The only way it works! In-person interviews Nov. 15th-17th in Regina and Saskatoon. Membership $700 plus taxes. 18 years experience. Have matched thousands of people! Camelot Introductions, www.camelotintroductions.com or call 204-888-1529 to book your appointment with an award winning Matchmaker!

MINI DACHSHUNDS, 1 std. red male, 1 mini red and white pie male, 8 months old, $250 each. 2 mini red boys, $300 each; 2 mini red girls, $350 each; 7-1/2 months old. 1 mini red and cream girl, 7 months old, $400. 306-694-8442, Moose Jaw, SK.

FOUR ADULT COONHOUNDS, trained for h u n t i n g c o u g a r a n d b e a r. C a l l 780-672-6026, Camrose, AB.

PYRENEES CROSS KAVASZ pups, ready to go, $150. Call 306-447-4640, Lake Alma, SK. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SALE: welding shop 40x80’, machine shop 60x90’, storage AKBASH/MAREMMA PUPS, born June 15, shop 40x80’, on very large property in COUNTRY INTRODUCTIONS. Introduc- vet checked, dewormed, first shots. Work- Foam Lake. One of a kind opportunity. ing you to farmers, ranchers, quality ladies ing parents and pups raised w/sheep, Call Cheryl at 306-269-7004 or email us at a n d g e n t l e m e n i n A B , S K , a n d M B . $300 ea. 306-883-8948, Spiritwood, SK. cherylnorgaard@hotmail.com 403-348-7471. REGISTERED BLACK/WHITE border collie pups from aggressive working stock. Call Richard Smith, 780-846-2643, Kitscoty AB.



Prefa b

YOUR LUXURY VACATION HOME IN THE ROCKIES. Fractional and whole ownership opportunities in Canmore, Alberta, starting from $24,900. Choose from Canmore’s top three resort and residential properties. For more information or for a complimentary stay, call 403-988-6835 or email scott@realparadisesolutions.com

CEDAR D STYLE LOGS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros, Lumby, BC. 1-800-960-3388. rouckbros.com


BORDER COLLIE pups both parents exc. working dogs. Used in community pasture. 306-883-2453 after 6 PM, Spiritwood, SK.

Ask Us Abou t Cu stom IM P E R IA L • 2,034 sq. ft • Large ensuite bathroom Ho m es • OptionalStone on exterior of bay w indow s

TWO FEMALE 8 month old Pyrenees guard dogs, bonded, tie broke, $450/ea. Call: 306-845-2404, Livelong, SK.

DOUBLE RV LOT, Yuma, AZ. Privately owned, fenced, sliding locking gate, RV support building w/bathroom, washer/ dryer, twin beds, storage building. Short $ distance to grocery store, bank, YMCA and Prices hardware. 403-887-2441, 928-503-5344. Starting At MESA, ARIZONA, Monte Vista Park. For sale Park Model, 1 bdrm., 2 bath, Arizona On your lake lot, room, AC, fully furnished. Reasonably price. Call 306-867-8617, Outlook, SK. acreage, guest house, office space, PARK MODEL FOR SALE in the Phoenix area, on Hwy. #60 East, in the Gold Canhunting cabin yon area, at the Arizonian 55+ RV park. & much more. Furnished, including washer and dryer, large covered carport, corner lot, new club centre with heated pools, games room, etc. Close to great golf courses, quad and Jeep trails. Pets allowed, good country living, $15,000. Call: 306-782-7374, cell: 306-621-4297, Yorkton, SK. YUMA, AZ, centrally located park model for rent, in Yuma Venture, 55+, renter friendly, outstanding North American community. Available for 2012/2013 season. 306-882-1333, e.j.hamilton@sasktel.net P lease Call FOR SALE IN Mesa, AZ, 55+ Park Model, 1 bdrm, AC, elec. heat, fully furnished with 7 8 0-93 5 -3 8 5 4 some new. 306-856-4646, Conquest, SK. or visit our w ebsite at w w w .prefa bca binfa ctory .com ARIZONA PROPERTY SERVICES, Casa Grande/ Maricopa, AZ area. Information for m ore inform ation. about foreclosure/trustee sales, sourcing Arizona property, document and notary services. Contractor and realtor referrals. Email: arizonaviamontana@hotmail.com Phone: 520-208-3237

6,8 00

C A BIN FA C TO RY IN C . B yuoiultrto sa tisfa ctio n

LAC DES ISLES two treed 5 acre lots, $180,000 ea.; Two 2 acre lots, $80,000 each. No time limit to build. 306-373-4808 or cell 306-221-0081, loiselh@msn.com

LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOG pups for sale. Maremma/Kangal/Leonberger cross pups, working parents. Pups born and being raised within the flock. Strong, reliable, and bred to look after your livestock. Asking $250. 250-804-6480, Celista, BC, email dfenton@celistaspringsranch.com GREAT PYRENEES/MAREMMA pups, born Aug. 15, great working bloodline, ready to go. Some white, some w/masks. No shots. $250 each. 306-237-9286, Perdue, SK.

For a d ea ler n ea rest you visit: w w w .sto p th em o u se.ca

Q ua lity B uilt C a b ins b y

FIVE ACRE HOBBY, Nursery and Landscape business. Two miles North of Courtenay, Vancouver Island, BC. Buy inventory and equipment with lease, $249,000 or buy everything $749,000. Beautiful view property, near by 4 golf courses, skiing, hunting and big salmon. Mild winters. Build your retirement home. 250-218-0142. w w w. o s p r e y s t o n e a n d b a m b o o / F o r Sale2012

• Triple pane w indow s • M ain Floor laundry • Corner jetted bathtub in ensuite

HOUSE AND LOT in Elstow, SK, approx. 1200 sq. ft. mobile w/lot and foundation, water and sewer. Mobile to be moved onto foundation. MLS price- $85,000. Bert at Sutton Group, Saskatoon SK 306-221-2892 LOG HOMES, builders of quality handcrafted log and timber frame homes. Call Jeff at 306-493-2448, Saskatoon, SK. www.backcountryloghomes.ca

HOUSE AND LOT, 1035 sq. ft. in Plunkett, SK. Close to potash mines. Quiet village on Hwy. #16, approx. 50 miles East of Saskatoon, SK. MLS price $44,900. Ph Bert at Sutton Group, Saskatoon, 306-221-2892.




(306)652-5322 2505 Ave. C. N orth, Saskatoon

1-877-6 6 5-6 6 6 0

Ca llUs To d a y O rV isitw w w .jhho m es.co m GERMAN SHEPHERD FEMALES, $800 and up. Call 306-567-5589 or 306-561-7600, Davidson, SK.

LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN PUPS, Maremma/Akbash cross. Raised with sheep, exc. working parents, $350 ea. 250-219-8157, Dawson Creek, BC. COLLIE KELPIE CROSS puppies, father is self trained working dog, both parents are great with small children, ready to go. Call 403-854-2474, Hanna, AB.

2�- $295.00 3�- $335.00


MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK. SHARPEST PRICING. All show homes reduced for immediate delivery! $99,900 promotion on select 20’x76’ models. Check us out at www.craigshomesales.com or call 855-380-2266. ESTATE SALE: 1986 14’x66’ mobile home, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, stove and fridge, c/w porch addition, metal clad skirting, very good condition and appearance, $39,750. 306-457-7511, Creelman, SK.

FOR 2013

MILLET, AB: Mobile home, $10,000 down, $350/month, 5 year term. Call toll free 1-888-709-0884.

Edm onton


2007 20X76 MOBILE HOME, to be moved. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath and media room, $120,000. 403-505-5149, Lacombe, AB.

ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS born Sept. 13th, 3 males, 2 females, tails docked, first shots, $500. 306-984-4513, Leoville, SK.

SASKATOON, SK. Ideal for students who want to acquire equity rather than pay rent. A fully upgraded 1166 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bthrm, 1983 mobile home on bus route to U of S and SIAST. 5 appliances, large porch and deck, move-in ready, $74,900. May consider trades. 306-270-9160.

FREE TO GIVE to a good home, two Shepherd Border Collie cross male pups, good w i t h s m a l l c h i l d r e n . C a n d e l i v e r. 306-563-6324 after 8 PM, Canora, SK.

1989 SRI 16’x76’ mobile, exc. cond., fully loaded w/lots of upgrades, $39,000. FOB. Medicine Hat, AB. 855-380-2266

SABLE LASSIE COLLIE cross w/red and white border collie pups, born August 31st, $150 each. 306-228-3582, Unity, SK.


BEAUTIFUL KITTENS desperately need loving home. Also 5 month old golden kitten sisters. All to give away. 403-782-3130, Rosedale Valley, AB.


MASTIFF PUPS, ready to go. Great family pet, very good with kids, first shots, well socialized. 306-441-5078, Turtleford, SK.

1976 14x68 MODULAR HOME w/14x32 addition, newer oil furnace, AC, fridge, range, and dishwasher. Ceiling needs TLC, $7000 OBO. 306-227-7151, Saskatoon, SK. HANNA AREA RANCH, 2389 acres deeded, 959 lease, 1000 in hay, $55,000 surface revenue, modest buildings, $1,975,000. 403-854-2173, AB.

CHESAPEAKE RETRIEVER PUPS, born Aug. 15, 2012. 6 females, 1 male. Great hunting dogs, good with kids, $100 ea. 780-658-3984, 780-603-0626, Viking, AB. LAB COLLIE CROSS puppies for sale, exc. LOVELY 2 BED, 2 bath waterfront home dispositions, $100. Call 403-752-3006 or and guest cabin on 2.46 acres on South Thompson river in Kamloops, BC. 403-360-5555, Raymond, AB. $850,000. Completely renovated, irrigaNORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPPIES, first tion to whole property with water license, shots, $300. Call 306-939-4521, Earl Grey, swimming pool, 3 car garage, work shop, 3 RV spots. Call 250-819-2557. SK.




starting at




/sq. ft.




/sq. ft.

Hague, SK Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438


YOUR WAY, THE RIGHT WAY, ZAK’S GUARANTEES IT!! *Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included

NEWLY CONSTRUCTED, 1080 sq. ft, 2 bdrm, 2 baths, framing stage complete. Buy now and you finish, or deposit and we finish. 306-741-2730, Webb, SK. READY TO MOVE show home. Many options like front roof overhang for deck, deluxe cabinets, stone front, etc. 1574 sq. ft. for $169,000. Swanson Builders (Saskatoon, SK. area) at 306-493-3089 or email info@swansonbuilders.ca for details

1576 sq. ft. RTM -Ashw ood Design

$163,00000 plus tax

R eady to be m oved • Phone for m ore info.

HOMES & COTTAGES starting at


Are you planning to build a home in 2012. Wood Country will build you a RTM or a custom built home on site to meet your requirements. Wood Country prides itself on building top quality homes with a high level of customer satisfaction since its inception in 1980.

C al lL eigh at 306 -6 9 9 -7284 M cL ean , S as k. Ce rtifie d Hom e Builde r

RANCH FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1/2 section w/hayland and pastures, plus att. 1/2 section range tenure, 5 bdrm modern home, insulated barn, corrals, shop and stack yard. Adjoining 1/2 section may also be available. Located 25 miles west of Dawson Creek, BC. 250-843-7218. LARGE RANCH FOR SALE in Northeast BC. Approx. 8756 acres in one block. 3000 acres under cultivation. More info. and photos at www.bickfordfarms.ca Call Rick 250-262-1954, Fort St. John, BC. SOUTHERN BC NEAR Historic Greenwood. 71 acres, $529,000. Adjoins crown land, water license, home w/suite, timber, cultivated land, outbuildings, fenced, and more. 250-445-6642 or lbfolvik@telus.net CENTRAL INTERIOR BC. 23 kms North of Prince George. Retiring. Ex-dairy farm. Approx. 740 acres, divided into 7 parcels. All have highway frontage access. Will sell individual parcels or as a whole. 3 occupied houses, 2 barns, hay sheds, 2 silos. Info. and pics ph. 250-971-2211, 250-617-7375. Email: golf-par@hotmail.com RURAL FORT FRASER, BC. 117 acres, riverfront w/2 bdrm house and rental cabin. 50 acres in hay production, 3 kms from main hwy. Don, 250-690-6894 or 250-567-0247. EQUINE FACILITY, Fernie BC. 111 acres, 210’x80’ indoor riding arena, boarding facilities for 25 horses. 55’x60’ hay shed, 36’x48’ shop. Very nice modular house w/finished basement, 4 bdrms, 3 baths w/woodstove, $1,975,000. Currently in the process of subdividing into 20 acre parcels. www.trittrotfarms.com for full listing and pics. Phone 250-423-6883.

CANDLEWOOD HOMES: Ready-to-move 1490 sq. ft. home features: deck w/porch roof, James Hardie siding, 6/12 roof and ceiling, 3 bdrm., open living area, master walk-in closet and bath, $136,500 + taxes and delivery. Ken Penner 204-327-5575, fax: 204-327-5505, cell: 701-330-3372, candlewood@wiband.ca Halbstadt, MB.





EDMONTON AREA BROILER FARMS. Approx. 100,000 units quota, 2 production facilities, close to town. 6 barns, shop, 2 homes, equipment. Call Andries Steegstra, Royal Lepage Lifestyles, Lacombe, AB. 403-391-6260, asteegstra@royallepage.ca www.centralalbertafarms.com FOUR QUARTERS GOOD GRAINLAND on Hwy. #822, east of Ponoka, AB. Residence and farm buildings. Jac Theelen Realty Ltd. 403-318-2252. NEW LISTING: Border Ranch, 7600 acres of land on both sides of the AB/SK border at Sibbald, AB. 1280 acres AB grazing lease, 640 acres AB cult. lease, 640 acres AB deeded land. 5040 acres deeded land in SK. 1454 acres regrass, 1235 acres cult., 2177 acres native grass. Modern home and lots of outbuildings. Ph Barry Lowe, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, 403-854-1005, Hanna, AB. 160 ACRES SUBDIVIDED into two 80 acre parcels, 45 miles east of Edmonton, 1 mile off Hwy. 14, $320,000. Ph 780-218-2081. LOOKING FOR A house in the country to rent w/garage, prefer within 30 min. of the Lacombe, AB area. I have 2 Border Collies. Email: mojanice13@gmail.com


•11 7/8� full span floor joists with insulated rim •Primed with 2 coats of finish •Vaulted living room •Limited lifetime shingles •Laminate and linoleum flooring •Tub/Shower/Toilets

•Alder cabinets with laminate counter tops •Plumbing/Electrical roughed in •Vinyl Siding / Eaves troughs


1550 - 13th Street South, PH: 728-1570 Fax: 571-1200 (One Block South of Richmond) email: Southendlumber@gmail.com Brandon, MB


ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: VAUXHALL: Ideal row crop farm, 480 acres (400 acres under pivots), home, shop, equipment building, storage shed, hay storage, etc. (#1939, Ben). FORT MACLEOD: Very nice ranch, Hwy 3 exposure, approx. 452 acres deeded, 320 acres grazing lease, 1400 sq. ft. home, corrals, etc. (#1936, Ben). ROLLING HILLS: Very nice half section irrigation, 260 acres EID water rights, all farmland, surface revenue approx. $40,000/year. Additional quarter section with building available. (#1932, Ben). WANTED: Wanted in Alberta deeded native grassland. Call Chris or Blaine. SOUTHERN AB: Well maintained 8000 head feedlot with 475 acres prime irrigation land. (#1900, Frans). OYEN: Large block of land, 9 sections of lease and deeded land, 1240 AUM carrying capacity on the 7-3/4 sections of lease land, 1100 sq. ft. home, quonset, heated shop, etc. (#1899, Blaine). TABER: Nice modern broiler farm, 278 acres, 2011 Valley corner pivot, home, quonset, office building, equipment shed, 4 barns, no quota incl. State-of-the-art operation. (#1879, Chris/Blaine). BROOKS: Very nice irrigated crop farm, home, heated shop, large quonset, grain storage, pivots, surface revenue. (#1892, Ben). BROOKS: Very nice row crop farm on paved road, newer pivots, surface revenue. (#1867, Ben). Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service , www.canadafarmandranch.com 1-866-345-3414. LOOKING TO CASH RENT pivot irrigated land for forage production prefer Strathmore/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consider all areas; Also want to CASH RENT DRY LAND for alfalfa production east of Hwy. #21, north of Hwy #1. Will consider buying established alfalfa stands as well. Long term lease preferably. 403-507-8660. bschmitt@barr-ag.com



1 8,1 34 acre s-41 67 deeded acre s, 1 3,967 acre s lease grasslan d. C orrals, H ou se, 550-600 cow /calf operation . Sprin g fed du gou ts, artisian w ells, h aylan d. Located sou th eastofBow Islan d,Alb erta.

TH IN K IN G O F SE L L IN G? A s H arvest is co m pleted farm ers w ill be lo o king fo r land! G etrea dy for nextSpring! C all A llan Fo x Bro ker/O w ner w ith o ver 34 years o f selling and listing R eal E state in A lberta

1 -40 3-39 3-221 1 (cell) 1 -40 3-327-2221 (o ffice)

O u tsta nding Agents! L ethbridge,A B. O u tsta nding Resu lts!

FULL SERVICE EQUESTRIAN CENTRE in Sundre, AB., 157 acres, river frontage. Heated indoor arena, 18 stalls, lounge, studio apartment, 2300 sq. ft. home. www.jamesriverhorsepalace.com Call Al Wattie at 403-638-1208. 160 ACRES, all open, organic, scenic, great hunting, fishing. 3 bdrm home (1982), full basement, attached double garage, upg r a d e d . E q u i p m e n t , l i ve s t o c k , fe e d available. Booming area - jobs available in: Forestry, oil, agric., trucking, etc. Call 780-836-5144, Deadwood, AB.



RM EDENWOLD, 320 acres north of Edenwold, native grass. R M S o u t h Qu’Appelle, South of Avonhurst, 160 COM PL ETE TURN K EY RAN CH acres, grainland, on grid. RM South S OUTHERN S AS K ATCHEW AN Qu’Appelle, 20 acres on #10 Hwy. RM Yea r ro u n d s elf- s u fficien tpro perty w ith Francis, 160 acres pasture, 30 min. east 8 00 + co w ca lfca pa city, 49 72 + /- d eed ed of Regina. RM Barrier Valley, 160 acres, paradise with home, support buildings, a cres a n d 3200 + /- a cres lea s ed , m a chin ery perfect getaway, hunting, fishing, snowa n d lives to ck ca n b e pu rcha s ed . mobiling, near Archerwill. Contact Brian Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 Tiefenbach, 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344, M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. HANDCRAFTED 2360 sq. ft. 2005 home, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd., open beam, hardwood, sunroom, custom Regina, SK. SELLING BY TENDER: RM 105, 320 acres details throughout, att. double garage, with buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty, heated 32x40’ shop and studio, bison set 306-773-7379 for details on submitting an up on 160 acres w/trout pond, $639,900. offer, www.farmsask.com Swift Current SK Kathy Schwengler, Century 21 Hi-Point ReGOOD CROP PRODUCTION alty Ltd, 780-542-1932, Drayton Valley, AB RM OF REDBERRY: Home quarter located along the shores of Oscar Lake. 3 deeded L AN D IN S AS K ATCHEW AN 1) GREAT PRODUCING PROPERTY: quarters and one lease totaling 459 acres. AN D AL BERTA 2080 acres, fertile soil, all fenced, all propEnergy efficient family home hosting geo erties attached, approx. 90% open. Seeded FOR CAS H BUYERS . thermal. Good setup for small farming opto grass, could be cropped, good water, eration. MLS ®438148. Phone Shawna Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t 403-350-6 8 6 8 creeks, dugout, wells. Yardsite, buildings Schira-Kroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, and home. Views Snipe Lake. Great fishing M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. 306-441-1625, North Battleford, SK. and hunting. Three properties together in Sunset House area. 2) 5280 acre ranch, FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER RM cattle or bison. Deeded and Crown lease #470, NW-32-47-21-W3rd. Tender deadland. Surface lease revenue. Two very line 12:00 noon, November 8, 2012. For good homes and ranch buildings. Lots of particulars email jones.law@sasktel.net or water, borders secluded lake, Smoky Lake phone 306-446-2211. Jones Law Office, area. Must see! Call Don Jarrett, Realty Ex- 1201-103rd St., Box 1179, North Battleecutives Leading, Spruce Grove, AB, ford, SK. S9A 3K2. 780-991-1180. SASKATCHEWAN LAND FOR SALE: HANLEY: Exceptionally well managed rotational grazing operation with 19 quarters FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. 9 in one block. Runs 300 cows, self conquarters of good producing land in NE tained, beautiful yard, on city water, 75 CONTACT Sask. Sold in part or parcel. Rental option kms south of Saskatoon, quonset, barn, on additional 9 quarters. Tenders Close c at t l e s h e d , e t c . ( # 1 9 4 4 , G o r d o n ) . Nov 13, 2012. Call for complete info. pkg. STRASBOURG: Good cultivated grass and Agriculture Specialist Royal LePage Renaud Realty, Tisdale, SK. hayland, yardsite with power, wells, dugout. (#1909, Elmer). FILLMORE: Selling 306-873-5900. company shares with 8 quarters of land, 2 RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 4471’ of river Behlin bins, 5000 bu. condo #10 (contract frontage, estimated to have 300,000 yards to be transferred to new owner), good of gravel. 528 acres of grazing land. All land. (#1903, Elmer). NIPAWIN: 480 fenced. Pump house (insulated and heat- acres, character home, private location, 20 ed) with 6 watering troughs. Priced as an mins. to Saskatchewan’s best recreational investment property because of the river fishing area. (#1767, Elmer). Farm & BLUE CHIP REALTY frontage and gravel. Seller will sell any Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens portion or all as a package. MLS® 425102. R e a l E s t a t e S i g n a t u r e S e r v i c e Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battle- w w w . c a n a d a f a r m a n d r a n c h . c o m fords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800, 1-866-345-3414. RM OF PIAPOT: 1120 acre ranch with www.remaxbattlefords.com buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., RM #382, N half of SW 12-39-28, W of 3 0 6 - 7 7 3 - 7 3 7 9 , S w i f t C u r r e n t , S K . NW-27-37-05-W2ND, 1 mile south of 3rd, 60 acres tame hay, 20 acres native www.farmsask.com Usherville, SK, power, water, pasture and grass, gas well revenue. 306-753-9149, native and cult. hay. Hunting, fishing, and Macklin, SK. FULL SECTION 640 acres for lease, beother recreation in area. 306-586-6805. tween Milestone and Lang, SK. Contact RM KINDERSLEY #290. Home quarter tussaholdings@hotmail.com or phone FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, buying or with log house and 2 revenue homes, barn 778-885-6513. selling. Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, and corrals for 1500 head of cattle. Plus 5 Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty. quarters of fenced pastureland with water. RM OF CARON: 480 acres of pasture adTAKING WRITTEN OFFERS to December Brad Edgerton, Edge Realty Ltd., Kinder- joining. Approximately 20 minutes west of Moose Jaw, SK. John Cave, Edge Realty 31, 2012, on SE-6-38-16-W2nd, RM #368. sley, SK 306-463-7357. www.edgerealty.ca Ltd., 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com 2012 crop approx. 130 of canola and 30 of new breaking, good drainage. Highest or LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER: RM of Arm any offer not necessarily accepted. Offers River, W-1/2-1-26-27-W2nd. 280 cult. confidential. Submit to: Box 516, Quill acres, 5500 bu. steel grain bin on conLake, SK, S0A 3E0. 306-383-2867. crete. Written tenders accepted until Nov. 30, 2012, noon, to: 2418 Jarvis Dr., SasLAND FOR RENT: RM of Winslow #319, katoon, SK., S7J 2T9. Highest or any tenS W- 1 4 - 3 2 - 2 0 - W 3 , S E - 1 7 - 3 2 - 1 9 - W 3 , der not necessarily accepted. Inquiries can SW-17-32-19-W3, 446.67 cult. acres. Ph. be made by contacting 306-374-0551. 306-872-2236, 306-373-5760. Email offers by Oct. 31, 2012: wsbroberg@sasktel.net TIM HAMMOND REALTY $565,000. Frasor bedo@sasktel.net er Ranch in RM #316 Harris, cut by Eagle RM 105: 800 acres grain land. John Cave, Creek, 60 cow/calf. 960 deeded acres inEdge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. cluding 167 acres cropped, 278 acres 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com seeded grass/hay, 467 native pasture, 48 bush/slough plus 120 acres Crown lease RM #259, 3 quarters: SE-34-25-20-W3rd, (hayland). Good fencing, grass and water. NE-27-25-20-W3rd and SE-27-25-20-W3rd with 1212 sq. ft. home, 2 bdrm, 1 w/shop, power and dugout. Highest bid or TAMMY GREER, Thursday, December 6, Yard natural gas. 9400 bu. bins, corrals any not necessarily accepted. Closing date 2012, 7:00 PM, Taylorton Room, Days Inn, bath, for 70 pair. 306-948-5052. MLS#440191 Estevan, SK. 3 quarters of land, RM Benson Nov. 2, 2012. Box 545, Eston, SK. S0L 1A0. #35, SW-4-5-8-W2 (comes with surface http://Fraser.TimHammond.ca MANKOTA GRASSLAND: 4480 acres of o i l l e a s e ) , N E - 2 8 - 4 - 8 - W 2 a n d grass in a block. John Cave, Edge Realty, N W- 1 0 - 5 - 8 - W 2 . M a c k Au c t i o n C o . , TIM HAMMOND REALTY, RM #349 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com Swift 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. Grandview, E 1/2 21-36-20-W3, 295 cultivated acres and 20 other acres. Avg. asCurrent, SK. Visit www.mackacutioncompany.com s e s s . $ 6 0 , 0 8 9 . p e r q u a r t e r. A s k i n g RM - TORCH RIVER #488, between MAPLE CREEK RANCH: 6720 acres in a $355,000. MLS#445790, 306-948-5052, White Fox and Love, SK. 2 quarters SE/SW block. Full set buildings. John Cave, Edge Biggar, SK. http://Hango.TimHammond.ca 10-52-15, assessed at $51,645. Approxi- Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, 3 QUARTERS LAND, NE SK. near Leaf Lake. mately 220 acres cultivated. Hwy 55 ac- SK. www.farmsask.com Mostly treed, prime hunting area for large cess with pasture, hay land and recreation game. Great location for outfitters. Asking potential. Call Joe Buker 204-256-0824. WANTED: GOOD CROP land or pasture to $175,000 for all 3 adjoining quarters. Will rent or purchase in the Dundurn, Hanley, GRAIN FARMS NEEDED: I have buyers only sell as a parcel. Would also consider looking to purchase large, quality grain Clavet, Allan, Colonsay area. Phone trading for land near Lanigan, SK. Call farms that they will rent back to former 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. 250-427-6036, Kimberley, BC. owner if desired. Farms required are in the $5 million plus range. John Cave, Edge TWO PACKAGES of prime Aberdeen, SK. RM OF LAKEVIEW SW-32-35-13-W2, farmland. Part of a total pkg. of over 3000 SE-05-36-13-W2. Cultivated acres. Submit Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379 Swift Current SK acres. sasklandhunter.com for more de- written tenders to: E. Spanner, Suite 104, SASKATCHEWAN RANCH: 6720 acres tails or call James Hunter, Farmland Spe- 5363, 206th Street, Langley, BC. V3A 2C5. ranch, full set of buildings, very scenic. cialist, Coldwell Banker, Rescom Realty, Highest or any offer not necessarily acJohn Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, Saskatoon, SK, 306-716-0750 or email cepted. Closing tender date: Nov. 6, 2012. SK. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com james-hunter@coldwellbanker.ca For more information call 604-530-2560.


S E X S M ITH A LBE RTA The qu a rter section of la nd, N E9-74 -6-W 6, in the Cou nty of G ra nde Pra irie, is offered for sa le by tender. This la nd is a pproxim a tely 5 m iles northw est of Sexsm ith. It is loca ted 11⁄2 m iles north of Highw a y 59 on the w est side of Ra nge Roa d 63. The la nd ha s good potentia l bu ilding sites w ith a v iew . There is a gra ssed w a terw a y ru nning ea st-w est throu gh the la nd w ith 71 a cres in cu ltiv a tion on the sou th side of the w a terw a y a nd 82 a cres on the north side. An oil w ellsite a nd a ccess roa d a dja centto the w a terw a y is in the process of recl am a tion. Tenders w ill close N ovem ber 30, 2012. For tender inform a tion conta ct: D a rryl C a rter & Com pa ny 103, 10134 -97 Avenue G ra nde Pra irie, A lberta T8V 7 X 6 Phone: 780-882-7296 Fa x: 780-882-7297 Em a il: da rryl@ ca rterco.a b.ca





FAR M LAN D FOR R EN T NW 27-3 6 -16 W 2

(a ppro x. 145 C u ltiva te d Ac re s - C a n o la in 2011) Ca s h ren t, 1, 2 o r 3 yea r term . Ren t to b e pa id o n o r b efo re M a rch 1s t o f ea ch yea r. Fo rm a l Agreem en t w ithin 20 d a ys o f a ccepta n ce. Highes t o r a n y o ffer n o t n eces s a rily a ccepted . TENDERS M UST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE 4:00 P.M ., W ED. OCTOBER 3 1, 2012.


Ba rris te rs & S o lic ito rs 602-9th S tre e t P.O. Bo x 878 Hu m b o ld t, S a s ka tc he w a n S 0K 2A0


ONE QUARTER, RM of Spiritwood, 120 LAND FOR RENT: 19 quarters, Kindersley, acres farmed, accepting offers. Call SK: NE-05-28-24-W3, SE-05-28-24-W3, 306-652-5597, Saskatoon, SK. S E - 0 7 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , S W- 0 7 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , NE-10-28-24-W3, NE-11-28-24-W3, FARM LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. NW-11-28-24-W3, SW-11-28-24-W3, 140 cultivated acres RM of Tisdale. Tend- S W- 1 4 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , S E - 1 7 - 2 8 - 2 4 - W 3 , ers close Oct 30, 2012. Complete details S E - 1 2 - 2 8 - 2 5 - W 3 , S W- 1 2 - 2 8 - 2 5 - W 3 , and tender pkg available. Royal LePage NE-23-27-24-W3, NW-23-27-24-W3, Renaud Realty, Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5900. S W- 2 3 - 2 7 - 2 4 - W 3 , N E - 2 7 - 2 7 - 2 4 - W 3 , SE-27-27-24-W3, NE-29-27-24-W3, NW-29-27-24-W3, and SW-23-27-24-W3. FOR SA LE BY TEN DER Nov. 1, 2012 is the closing date. 1 yr. by the Estate of H erm an R aabel term. Highest offer not necessarily acceptFarm legally described as: ed. Mail offers to: Agri-lands Ltd, Suite #222, 3550 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country, 1. N E 15-35-32 W PM , Saskatchew an BC, V4V 2P5. 2. N W 15-35-32 W PM , Saskatchew an QUIET COUNTRY. Beautiful home with 3. N E 16-35-32 W PM , Saskatchew an outbuildings including a 60x148 insulated allin the R .M .of Livingston N o.331. shop and quarter section of 131 cultivated acres. Current area land rents at $45/Acre. The yard site on the N W 15-35-32 W PM includes a nice farm house nestled in Excellent hunting and lakes nearby. Call m ature spruce trees, 3 car garage, Keith at Royal Lepage Renaud Realty, Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5900. 40x60 w ooden m achine shed, 4200 bu. steel grainery, 2500 bu. steel fertilizer WANTED: LAND TO RENT in Viscount, Colonsay, Meacham, SK. area. Phone Kim bin and m any other outbuildings. at 306-255-7601. Tenders w ill be accepted on each individualparcel, allparcels together or RM OF LEASK, 155 acres with approx. 140 any com bination of parcels. Tenders acres cultivated, balance bush and rolling hills, located beside a grid road 3/4 mile m ust be accom panied by a certified off Hwy 16 in the D’amour Lake area. Sevcheque, bank draft or m oney order for a eral smaller fishing lakes and excellent big m inim um of ten percent (10% ) of the ga m e h u n t i n g . A g r e at i nve s t m e n t . purchase price payable to "Leland MLS®444473. Call Lloyd Ledinski at Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 C am pbellLLP in trust". or 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK. The highest or any tender w ill not necessarily be accepted. A ny sale is 5% RETURN: 8 quarters land cash rented subject to the consent of the with oil revenue, RM of Oakdale 320. Call beneficiaries of the Estate. A ll tenders Brad Edgerton, 306-463-7357, Edge Realty Ltd., Kindersley, SK. brad@edgerealty.ca m ust be received at the address below by 12:00 o’clock noon on N ovem ber 16, RM 96: 1760 acre grain farm with build2012.B alance of purchase price is to be i n g s . J o h n C ave , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. paid no later than D ecem ber 15, 2012. www.farmsask.com Lela nd Ca m pbell LLP RM OF SINGER, hunter’s paradise, 3 quarBa rris ters & S olicitors ters bush trails, abundant wildlife, water Dra w er 188 spring, all fenced, $75/quarter. Call 36 Fourth Avenue North 306-269-8246, Sheho, SK. Yorkton, S a s ka tchew a n, S 3N 2V 7 FOR SALE BY TENDER: NW-24-49-9-W2; Attention: Thom a s P. Ca m pbell N E - 2 7 - 4 9 - 9 - W 2 ; N W- 6 - 5 0 - 8 - W 2 ; NE-25-49-9-W2; SW-25-49-9-W2, 110 acres; Ptn. of NW-25-4-9-W2, 109 acres; LUSELAND, SK. 6,500 Acres . The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Closing Date for TendS ee W eb s ite fo r d eta ils ers: Nov. 30, 2012. R&D Nagus, Box 66, RM KINDERSLEY 2 q trs . . . . . . . $13 7,000 Carrot River, SK. S0E 0L0, 306-768-3468, 306-768-7304 cell. rd.nagus@sasktel.net RM W INSLOW

1 q tr w /ho m e & b u ild in gs . . . . $26 4,000 RM W INSLOW 20 a cres w /ho m e & b ld gs . . . . $3 15,000 RM KINDERSLEY. 1 q tr. . . . . . . . $200,000 12,000 SQ FT co m m ercia l b u ild in g o n 1.57 a cres o n # 7 Highw a y (fo rm erly Ca n a d ia n T ire) . . . . . . . $6 9 9 ,000

WARMAN AREA LAND. 1500 acres Saskatoon north, mostly 1 block w/fertilizer. Call Don Dyck Re/Max North Country, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK.

I HAVE BUYERS for Sask. grain land, ranch land and acreages. Call Wally Lorenz at 306-843-7898, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK. znerol.w@sasktel.net

C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y

3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7

RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section w/yard, adjacent to Canora, SK. Total assessment at 144,100. 306-651-1041.

G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K

w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m RM LOREBURN #254, 5 quarters, 800 acres, all together. All cultivated less 20 acres yardsite. 2 miles off highway. Tenders before Nov. 30, 2012. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to: Dale Kelman, Box 105, Loreburn, SK, S0H 2S0. Phone for details 306-644-4906. PIECE OF PARADISE: Approx. 1600 acres of amazing pasture land. Call John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK.

RM 229: 1520 acre mixed farm, full set b u i l d i n g s . J o h n C av e E d g e R e a l t y 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com RM LEASK #464: E-1/2-7-48-5-W3, 340 acres w/approx. 320 cult. acres, balance bush. Total assessment at 95,900. Call 306-466-4624 or 306-441-3498. RM KEYS #303, 6 quarters in 1 block, 5 deeded, 1 leased, 220 acres cult., rest all grass. All fenced, cross-fenced, corrals, lots developed, river through 3 quarters. UG power and nat. gas runs through property, $625,000. 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK

PRICE REDUCED: 1680 acres grainland in West Yorkton area with house, metal quonsets, 43,000 bu. bins. Assessment of WANTED: GRAIN LAND TO RENT, 25 551,800. Over 1400 cult. Four Seasons Re- m i l e r a d i u s o f R o u l e a u , S K . C a l l alty Ltd., 306-783-1777, Saskatoon, SK. 306-776-2600 or kraussacres@sasktel.net Q u ick Clo su re – N o Co m m issio n

306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro p.ca




Te le pho n e : 306 -6 8 2-26 42 (S o licito rs /Agen ts fo r L a n d Ow n er).

w w w .m a xcro p.ca

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MODERN UP-TO-DATE feedlot/farmland. Steel pens, cement bunks for up to 6000 head. Additional penning for another 2500. 1440 acres grain/hay land and pasture. Feedlot on 320 acres. Fully licensed for 25,000 head. Excellent living quarters w/1174 sq. ft., 1966 home, quonset, heated workshop. MLS 442676; 442681; 442687. Royal LePage Premier Realty, Yorkton, SK, 306-783-9404. For further details: www.royallepageyorkton.com Call: Murray Arnold 306-621-5018. RM 333, NORQUAY, SK. 10 quarters good farmland, in a block, set up for grain or cattle. Good fences, good buildings, good water, $1,500,000. 5 more quarters available in a block. Phone 306-594-2919. SOLD DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. 4 quarters productive, flat and stone free farmland west of Hanley, SK. 592 acres cultivated. Tenant available. Call Dwein Trask for more info 306-221-1035. I NEED FARMS: Thinking of selling your farm? I have several buyers looking for both grain and livestock operations. Please call me to discuss. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK., www.farmsask.com LAND FOR RENT: Looking for grainland for rent. Close to towns of Meacham, Viscount, Colonsay or Peterson, SK. Call 306-231-7748. RM OF CANWOOD-DEBDEN. Quarter section located 185 kms N. of Saskatoon, 100 kms West of Prince Albert. Property has great paths for quading, cross country skiing or just enjoying the surroundings. Close to many other lakes that offer fishing and recreation. Extremely private and tranquil. MLS ®438502. Shawna SchiraKroeker, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-441-1625, North Battleford, SK. RM 19: 2560 acres with yardsite. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and or lease your mineral rights. 1-877-269-9990. cndfree@telusplanet.net SASKATCHEWAN RANCH: 6720 acres with full set of buildings, excellent ranch, exclusive listing. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com 10 QUARTERS FARMLAND, East central Sask. Good yard, two modern homes, livestock facilities and grain storage. More info at: apk5apk@hotmail.com


FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. RM #261 Chesterfield: NE-12-27-25-W3, 160 total acres, 120 cult., assessment 39,300, taxes $311; NE-31-27-25-W3rd, 160 total acres, 130 cult., assess. 39,000, taxes $309. R M # 2 6 0 N e w c o m b e : SW-18-27-24-W3rd, 160 total acres, 125 cultivated, assess. 36,000, taxes $332. Conditions of Offers: 1) All offers to be submitted to Edge Realty Ltd., on or before 3:00 PM, Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Box 1324, Kindersley, SK. S0L 1S0. 2) Deposit cheque for 3% of the offered amount must accompany the offer. Cheque to be made payable to Edge Realty Ltd., (cheques will be returned to unsuccessful bidders). 3) Offers acceptable on any or all parcels. 4) Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. 5) Persons submitting offers must rely on their own research, inspection of the land, and improvements as to condition and number of acres. 6) Mineral rights not included. 7) No offers will be considered which are subject to financing. 8) Please forward all bids and enquiries to: Brad Edgerton, Edge Realty Ltd., Box 1324, Kindersley, SK. S0L 1S0.

Hi Doug, Al & I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work in selling our farm. It really meant a lot to know we had someone on our side. If you are ever out this way, please look us up, we will still be in the area. Maybe we could have you come for a meal. That would be very nice. Once again THANK YOU!!!! Don’t work too hard Doug, you know there is life out there. (That is something we are looking forward to discovering). Al & Pam Emmons


Cen tra l.....................................6 2 1⁄4’s S o u th Cen tra l..........................17 1⁄4’s Ea s t Cen tra l............................74 1⁄4’s S o u th.......................................6 1 1⁄4’s S o u th Ea s t...............................22 1⁄4’s S o u th W es t..............................58 1⁄4’s N o rth.........................................6 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t................................8 1⁄4’s Ea s t.........................................39 1⁄4’s

Lush pasture to rent at Punnichy.



3 06 -9 55-226 6

Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca w w w .Ca Fa rm la n d.com

Take A dvan tage of Today ’s


Harry Sheppard 3 06 -53 0-8 03 5


R E A L TY C O R P .

We Are Pleased To Announce The Following Recent Sales


TYNER 951 ACRES - owned by Larry & Karen Mullis WAPELLA 130 ACRES - owned by George & Gabriele Millar ESTEVAN 159 ACRES - owned by Joey & Adrienne Hanson ANTLER 309 ACRES - owned by John & Doris Borreson SOUTHEY 2049 ACRES - owned by Sterling & Sherry Hall SWIFT CURRENT 26 ACRES - owned by Jason Hattum THEODORE 318 ACRES - owned by David & Beverly Wilson LUCKY LAKE 158 ACRES - owned by Curtis & Maryann Hammond WHITEWOOD 138 ACRES - owned by Amanda Hummel BUCHANAN 160 ACRES - owned by Timothy Meints & Diane Zawislak EYEBROW 33 ACRES - owned by The Estate of Lorne Nyberg


C A L L U S TO D A Y! Sa s ka tch e w a n ’ s Fa rm & Ra n ch Sp e cia lis ts ™ 206 Regis tered S a les S o Fa rThis Yea r.

2009 FOREST RIVER ROCKWOOD Signature ultralight fifth wheel, 30’, 2 slides, mint condition. Low highway miles! Ask- WINTER ESCAPE! 3 bdrm. home in Gated ing $26,000. 306-794-4717, Grayson, SK. Community, 1 block from Johnson Ranch Golf Course in San Tan Valley near Queen Email vicki_skimom@hotmail.com Creek, AZ. Immaculate, fully furnished. 2000 CITATION SUPREME truck camper, Near banks, grocery, restaurants, pools. Ph exc. cond, air, electric jacks, $18,500. Bat- Derek or Marie, Stettler, AB, 403-742-2635 tleford, SK. 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719. or 403-740-4704, 403-742-1460. WINTER IN SYDNEY, BC: perfect for snowbird couple 55 plus, NS, NP, walking distance to shopping, includes everything. Call 250-655-4759, references required.

FOR SALE: 63.21 acres cultivated farm land in RM of St. Anne. For more info. call 204-371-7374, St. Anne, MB. RANCH IN MANITOBA’S NORTH Interlake along Portage Bay on Lake Manitoba. 1649 deeded acres, 10,260 Crown land lease. Will hold 300 cow/calf pairs. Alfalfa, native grass, bush, good pasture, good fences, lots of dugouts, fountains. House, 2 garages, barn, outbuildings. Call 204-659-4412, St. Martin, MB. FEEDLOT: 3000 HEAD capacity, includes 1040 sq. ft. house. 60,000 bushel grain storage, equipment, 6 deeded quarters. 2 miles North of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. RANCH: 8064 acres of lease land, 1600 Angus cows. Crane River, MB. Call Dale 204-638-5581, Doug 204-447-2382.


e -m a il: h a rry@ s h e p p a rdre a lty.ca


CENTRAL MANITOBA FARMLAND for sale by Tender. 366.5 acres of prime farmland, 2 miles West of Portage la Prairie, MB. with approx. 3200’ of Trans Canada Highway and railway frontage. Close to water for irrigation. This land has grown all types of cereals, oil seeds and potatoes. Tenders close 2 PM, Dec. 7th, 2012. Call Carl Burch Law Office for tender packages 204-728-1818, burchlaw@mymts.net

RM CALDER, 2 quarters, 90 acres cult., 90 acres broken, dugout, fenced, also exc. hunting land. 5 miles west of Hwy. #8 off Rhein grid. 306-782-5331, Yorkton, SK. WANTED SUPERVISED, long term pasture for 2500 yearlings or cow/calf pairs. Call Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK.

GRANT TWEED: Specializing in farm real estate sales. Selling your farm may be the biggest transaction of your life and you need to do it right. I can help you make informed decisions that serve your best interest. To discuss your unique situation call 204-761-6884 anytime. Reference available. Email: grant@granttweed.com

10 ACRES, a beautiful setting only 10 minutes to Saskatoon. Natural beauty, plus landscaping, raised bungalow w/vaulted ceiling, skylights, natural gas, central air and city water. Main bath has jetted tub. Large master bdrm., w/walk-in closet and patio doors to deck. Direct entrance to 28x32’ insulated garage, developed basement and there is a 3 season sunroom. Set up for horses, shelters, fenced pasture, auto watering. Below appraised value at $559,000. Ron Thompson 306-221-8112, Royal LePage Saskatoon Real Estate.

VICTORIA, BC: 3 bedroom home, January 10-February 12, $850 includes all utilities, no smoking, no pets. 250-652-5815.

2007 MONACO SIGNATURE Series motorhome, top of the line, $305,000. 780-226-9976, Camrose, AB. For full details www.alberta-equipment.com 2006 FLEETWOOD EXPEDITION 38N. Triple slide, loaded with options. Sale price $99,000 - including 12 month warranty. Enterprise RV, 1-866-940-7777.

WINTER IN KELOWNA, BC. Large kitchen suites, indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool. Grocery stores and services next door. $990/month plus tax. 1-800-663-4347. 2008 NEWMAR COUNTRY STAR 40’, www.siestasuiteskelowna.com 400 Cummins, 26,000 miles, 4 slide-outs, YUMA, AZ., Araby Acres. 1992 Park Model new awnings, StarChoice tv, washer, dry- for sale. Arizona room 7’x16’, washer, new Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses er, dishwasher, $160,000 OBO. Leave mes- screens, new vinyl flooring. Turnkey, best price/best delivery/best payment sage at 780-846-2833, Kitscoty, AB. available immediately, pictures available, DIESEL PUSHER MOTORHOMES FOR $28,500. 306-955-2294, Saskatoon, SK. SALE - Monaco, Holiday Rambler, Beaver, Tiffin, Fleetwood. Call Enterprise RV, MAUI CONDO FOR RENT, Feb. 2 to March 3, 2013, 4 weeks. Kamaole Beach 1-866-940-7777 or www.enterpriserv.com Club, Kihei, Maui. 1 bdrm, 1-1/2 bath, Licen s ed & bon d ed 1958 GMC 4104 highway coach, 7000 KW sleeps 4, full kitchen and washer/dryer. 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - ex.co m gen., rebuilt powertrain, rear bdrm., large Beautiful grounds and view, steps from the f r i d g e , s t ove w / ove n , a l u m . r i m s , beach. $900/wk. 780-922-0810, Sherwood $19,500. 403-350-0392, Lacombe, AB. Park, AB., bfischer26@gmail.com BlackburnMotors.ca 2004 Monaco Diplomat 40’, 330 HP Cummins, 3 slides, CERT. ULTIMA spring triticale. Good germ, 37,000m, $79,900; 2004 Monaco Knight low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, 38 PST, 330 HP Cummins, 3 slides, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com 27,000m, $74,900. Financing avail. for SK FOSTER COMMERCIAL GRADE cooler, 30” res. 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, Saskadeep, 56” wide, 6’ tall, $1450. toon, SK. Tues-Sat, 8:30-5:00, DL#326237 780-985-2898, 780-608-0975, Calmar, AB.

PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.

TWO BDRM BUNGALOW, shop, two quansets, graveled, c/w income. Serious inquiries, Bill Russell, 306-242-7188, Clavet, SK. SELLING 100 ACRES bordering Spence Lake, good hunting and fishing area. W I N T E R I N S U R R E Y, B C ? Retired 204-628-3366, Waterhen, MB. couple, NS, NP, 3 bed, 2 bath bungalow, 28 ACRES, 8 miles west of Harris, SK. on $800/month, Jan-Mar/’13. 604-597-4711 Marriott Rd. 3 quarters of it is fenced, all or email: jjduncan@telus.net hay, good dugout, underground power and phone, school bus route. Will consider HOUSE FOR RENT: Saskatoon, SK. east side, close to freeway, shopping. 3 bdrms, offers. 306-656-4435 or 306-831-7840. family room, att. garage, $950 utilities ELK POINT, AB. Over 7 acres with lovely incl. Available for Jan., Feb., March. house, $125,000 down, balance at 5%, 5 306-373-1635 or beaumonta@shaw.ca year term. Call toll free 1-888-709-0884. TWO BEDROOM. CONDO, Osoyoos, BC., 20 ACRE YARD next to 40 good hunting downtown, plus 55, NS, NP, $700 per mo. Crownland quarters. 2 storey house, barn 250-495-6594. Email geyoung1@telus.net with hayloft. Good water. Top Manitoba WINTER IN SASKATOON, fully furnished 2 Typical deer in 2010. 50 hunting clients. plus 1 bdrm bi-level, single garage, dishes, 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. bedding, towels, utilities and cable incl. 80 ACRES 3-1/2 miles NW of Saskatoon $1200/mo. Jan 1 to May 1. 306-292-5146. on city water. 2200 sq. ft. 4 level split MODERN 3 BDRM semi detached home in house, large machine shed, shop with me- Elbow, SK, $1000/mth, hardwood floors, chanics pit, park like yard with an impres- appliances, avail Nov. 1st. 306-540-6422. sive shelter belt, in the Corman Park, Saskatoon planning area. $740,000. Phone 306-933-1121 or 306-222-3883.

2002 BOMBARDIER TRAXTER MAX, 500 CC, windshield, winch, just 161 kms, good cond. 306-795-3349, 306-795-7349 cell, Ituna, SK.

ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003.

FOR SALE 1995 8 wheel Argo, 20 HP, new tires, c/w tracks, new 3500 lb. Warn winch, many extras, $7000 firm. WINTER ESCAPE IN ARIZONA! Beautiful 306-594-2854, Hyas, SK. 4 bdrm ranch style vacation home w/pool 2009 OUTLANDER 800XT, 2300 miles, in quiet subdivision 30 minutes south of winch, heated grips, great shape, $8000. Phoenix, AZ., $600/wk. 604-485-5557, 306-533-4891, Gray, SK. www.marigoldvacations.weebly.com

Osoyoos Winter Condo Rentals from just $870*/mth Join us for our seniors social programme all winter long! Rent a Studio, 1 or 2 bedroom lakeside condo. All suites feature kitchen facilities and access to the beach, pool, wine bar and more. *Valid to to April April 2013. 2012. Minimum further details. details. *Valid Minimum 11 month month stay. stay. See See website for further

3 06 -56 9 -3 3 8 0

“N ow representing purchasers from across Canada, and around the w orld!”

To view full color fea tu re s heets for a ll of our C U R R EN T L IS TIN G S a nd virtua l to urs of s elected properties ,vis it our w ebs ite a t:

w w w.la nerea lty.com

CERT. GLENN, Carberry, Vesper VB, CDC Utmost VB, Infinity Red Spring wheats, Snowstar White wheat. Good germ, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com

WANTED: FRANCIS BARNETT 200 cc. Late 1940s or early 1950s. Project OK if nearly all parts included. Call Bob 780-469-0679 Edmonton, AB.

250-495-5400 . 4200 Lakeshore Drive . Osoyoos, BC www.walnutbeachresort.com/snowbird

SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money and save money. In stock, ready to ship. CERT. ULTIMA spring triticale, Cert. CDC Starting at $997. 1-800-566-6899 ext. Baler forage oats, Cert. CDC Cowboy barley, Cert. CDC Tucker peas. Can be blend168. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/168 ed to your specification. Good germ, low WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK. eight models, options and accessories. 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com 1-877-866-0667. www.woodmizer.ca

70’ SCALE, 6 load cells, asking $20,000. 306-726-7938, Southey, SK.

CERT. 1 PRAIRIE Sapphire brown flax. ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different Good germ. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, ways to weigh bales and livestock; Plat- SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com form scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. www.eliasscales.com


GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED

LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: www.grainex.net


Box 144, M edora , M B. R0M 1K0 Ph: 204-665-2384


A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc.


Lacom be A B.

w w w.eisses.ca


WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with pickup, true price discovery. Call BUYING: CAMALENA grain. Seedtec/Ter- prompt Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, ramax, 306-699-7368, Qu’Appelle, SK. Dave Lea, or Vera Buziak at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. Email info@marketCERT. CDC Meadow, CDC Tucker yellow placecommodities.com pea, Cert. Granger austrian winter pea. Good germs, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., gsorgard@gmail.com 306-399-0040

FARMERS, RANCHERS SEED PROCESSORS BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net

CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types of mustard for seed or processing. Color sorting available. Also looking for low g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. CERT. ANDANTE yellow mustard, Cert. Centennial brown, Cert. Cutlass oriental mustard. Treated or bare seed. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK. 306-399-0040, email: gsorgard@gmail.com

BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON - 1-888-522-6652 LETHBRIDGE - 1-888-516-8845


M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712

WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.

BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB.


PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY at Picture Butte, AB. is looking for feed barley. Call WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, Roxanne at 1-800-710-8803. peas, green or damaged canola. Phone CERT. 1 NSC Libau, NSC Anola early ma- Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. turing soybeans from NorthStar Genetics. Full spectrum of soybean inoculants TOP PRICES available. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com PAID FOR


TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK.



306-374-1968 BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty WANTED: FEED/ OFF-GRADE Pulses and Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. tough, heated green oilseeds and also email: nsgl@sasktel.net cereals. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, COLOR SORT YOUR Chickpeas. Send sam- SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297. ples to Ackerman Ag Services, Box 101, FEED GRAIN AND HAY REQUIRED. Chamberlain, SK. SOG 0R0. 306-638-2282. Pound-Maker, Lanigan, SK. 306-365-4282.

N ow B uyin g O a ts! AL L GRAD ES


A ls o Buying Tritica le Brow n & Yellow Fla x Yello w & M a ple Pea s Fa ba Bea ns & O rga nic G ra ins Fa rm Picku p Av a ila ble CG C Licensed a nd Bonded Ca ll C a l V a nda ele the “Rye G uy� Toda y!

LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buy- 350 SMALL ROUND oat bales with first ers and sellers of all types of feed grain growth of alfalfa, $26/bale. 306-338-7403, and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, Wadena, SK. Nipawin, SK. WANTED: HAY AND STRAW. Reputable cattle feeding operation is purchasing quality hay at its Eston, Outlook and Viscount, SK. locations. Also contracting Com petitive Ra tes baled straw for same locations. Call Lee P ro m pt P a ym en t 306-867-3046, Eston, SK.







SweetGrass CONTRACTING Linden, AB

D AV E K O EH N 4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0 L i nd en , AB

SECOND CUT ALFALFA Timothy, exc. quality high TDM, analysis available, net wrapped 1400 lb. round bales. Ethelbert, MB. Call 403-861-4832 or 204-742-3672. WHEAT STRAW SQUARES 3x3, approx. 600, $13/bale. Call 204-248-2488, Notre Dame de Lourdes, MB.

WANTED: ALFALFA/GRASS hay, large round bales. We are interested in all qualities of hay delivered to Bethune, SK. Call 306-638-3051. 1000- 2012 MIXED hay, alfalfa, Timothy, brome and straight grass hay‌2012 1st and 2nd cuts, large bales, netwrap, baled by new JD 568 baler. $40 1st cut, $50 2nd cut. 780-904-6861, Edmonton, AB.

LARGE QUANTITY of 1st and 2nd cut hay with feed tests. Call 306-232-7784, Brian Roth, Rosthern, SK. BROME ALFALFA, 1200 - 1400 lb. bales, 150 bales, no rain, exc. quality, $30/bale. Call 306-475-2547, Spring Valley, SK. 270 LENTIL STRAW BALES, 450 wheat straw bales, both can be mixed for feed. 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK.

300 BALES OF 2ND CUT ALFALFA, heavy 4x8 squares, $105 per bale, FOB. Call 500- 2011 5x6 brome alfalfa bales. Taking offers. Located 15 minutes SE of Regina, 306-272-3930, Westbend, SK. SK. Contact John 306-761-5396. ALFALFA, ALFALFA/GRASS 5x6 hard core, old hay and new, priced accordingly. 2.5¢ ALFALFA BALES. Approx. 1100 lbs., 1st to 3.5¢/lb. Kindersley, SK. 306-463-3132, a n d 2 n d c u t . P h o n e f o r p r i c i n g 306-220-6419, 306-270-6260 Grandora SK 306-460-7837. LARGE SQUARE BALES, 4x4 alfalfa, al- PRIDDIS, AB. AREA: 340 5’6â€? round bales, falfa/grass mix. Bales located near US bor- greenfeed cover crop, oats w/first growth alfalfa/timothy/brome. Good quality, no der, South of Rockglen, SK. 306-642-5812. weeds, JD 566 baler, $55/ton. Call Eric 38 HAY ALFALFA bales plus 160 OAT 403-931-1062. STRAW bales with hulls, $1500 takes all. 2011-2012 JD hard core round bales, alfalCall 306-387-6625, Lone Rock, SK. fa crested wheat and pure alfalfa, excellent quality. Loading available. 306-741-7966, +D\ 6WUDZ %DOHV Chaplin, SK.


300 TIMOTHY ALFALFA 5x6 round bales for sale, no rain. Call Harv Verishine 306-283-4666, Langham, SK. ROUND BALES, Alfalfa/grass, first cut from 2012, 1300 lbs, no rain, located in Kerrobert, SK. 780-872-9987, Lloydminster, AB.


GOOD QUALITY HAY, AB and BC, big rounds. Call for delivery prices. 403-758-3041, Magrath, AB.

HAY AND STRAW WANTED: for locations at Viscount, Outlook, and Eston, SK. Call Lee 306-867-3046.


400 LARGE HARD core alfalfa bales (2011) for sale. 306-436-4526, Milestone, SK.


ALFALFA, ALFALFA/ GRASS and grass big 300 ROUND HAY bales (2011), 1400 lbs., round bales, 2012 crop $75/ton; also 2011 brome/alfalfa and alfalfa, $30 each; 35 oat crop, $50/ton. Feed test available. Call s t r a w b a l e s , ( 2 0 1 1 ) , $ 1 4 e a c h . 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. 306-654-2013, Prud’homme, SK. 2500 ROUND BALES, w/350 of those baled LARGE SQUARE 3x4 durum straw bales, in 2011, all with no rain. 403-575-0410, $15 per bale. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, Coronation, AB. SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, with 2 trucks and trailers, 34 bales per trailer. Call 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. WANT TO SAVE ON FERTILIZER? Use SOLID CORE ROUND bales for sale, alfalfa compost to reduce fert. costs. For limited /brome grass mix, approx. 1400 lbs time free compost, farmers only. Edmonton and area (2 hr. radius). Transportation $25/bale. 306-933-0430, Saskatoon, SK. not included. Call now! 780-488-7926. ROUND AND SMALL SQUARE ALFALFA, alfalfa, alfalfa mix, and brome hay. Contact: 306-594-2305, Norquay, SK.

TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK. LARGE CAPACITY TARPS to cover grain piles of varied sizes. Cover long grain piles with 53’W, 90’W, or 109’W piles of any length. 253,000 bu. pile covered for $11,666. All sizes in stock. Best quality available Canadian made quality silver tarps avail. for all sizes. Shipped overnight to most major points in Western Canada. For all pricing, details, and pictures visit: www.willwood.ca or Willwood Industries call toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! Manufacture and repair of all tarps and covers. Ph. Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskatoon, S K . S e e : w w w. c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l : 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343. TEMPORARY GRAIN BIN replacement tarps for all sizes from 22’ diameter to 105’ dia. Best quality available Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps available for all sizes. All sizes in stock. Shipped overnight to most major points in Western Canada. For all pricing, details, and pics visit our website at www.willwood.ca or phone Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108.

RM OF PRAIRIEDALE #321 is tendering 25,000 yds of highway grade 3/4� gravel to be stock piled in the RM of Prairiedale #321 during the winter of 2012/2013. For further info., contact Reeve Tim Richelhoff at 306-834-7579. All tenders must be received by October 30, 2012. Tenders can be sent by mail, fax or email to: RM of Prairiedale No. 321, PO Box 90, Smiley, SK. S0L 2Z0. Ph: 306-838-2020, Fax: 306-838-4343 rm321@sasktel.net Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

GRAV EL H A UL IN G CRUSH IN G TEN D ERS R.M . of Chesterfield No. 26 1 in vites ten d ersto ha ul g ra vel from SE 11-23-29-3 to La porte (5000 yd s.) & M a n ta rio (3000 yd s.)b y en d Ja n ua ry; a n d ten d ersto crush 20,000 cu. yd s. 5/8� g ra vel a tSE 11-23-29-3 Feb rua ry – M a rch; Ten d erform s a va ila b le 306 -96 7-2222. Ten d ers w ill be received to 9 a .m . Tu es d a y, Novem ber6, 2012 Fa x: 306-967-2424 Em a il: rm 26 1@ sa sktel.n et O rBox 70, Ea ton ia , SK S0L 0Y0

350 BIG ROUND ALFALFA bales, $50 per LOOKING FOR: HAY, straw, and green ton, net wrapped. Phone: 306-948-2395, feed. Competitive pricing. Please call Jo2 FIRESTONE 460/85Rx38 Perf. 85; 2 Fire306-948-7815, Biggar, SK. Lynn at 306-451-7451, Grenfell, SK. stone 340/85Rx28 Perf. 85. All tires 98% ALFALFA GRASS ROUND BALES, 1400 plus. 780-875-7051, Lloydminster, SK. lbs., no rain, good quality, $55 per bale. 306-343-0589, Clavet, SK.

BUYING PURE ALFALFA STANDING AND BIG BALES. Pure alfalfa wanted standing or put up in big bales for 2012 harvest and beyond. Dryland or irrigated. Full custom work and trucking available. or 403-394-6967. Email: BARLEY WANTED: 46 lbs. per bushel or 403-634-1559 hris.whittle@greenprairie.com or better. Delivery locations Eston, Outlook, cbrian.schmidt@greenprairie.com Viscount. Contact Lee 306-867-3046. WANTED TO BUY straight alfalfa bales, rounds or squares, picked up or delivered to Ellinwood, Kansas. 620-786-0589.



NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently LARGE ROUND ALFALFA brome grass purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and bales, hard core, no rain, 1600 lbs.+ $45/bale. 306-789-8257, White City, SK. milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. HAY FOR SALE, alfalfa brome, no rain. BUYING: FEED GRAINS, all types of Phone 780-658-3908 or 780-658-2415, screenings, damaged canola. Quick pay- Vegreville, AB. ment. Call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at Wilde Bros. Ag Trading 1-877-752-0115 or 190 SECOND CUT alfalfa bales, 22% pro403-752-0115, Raymond, Alberta or tein, no rain, $110/ton; 80 first cut alfalfa bales, 13.4% protein, no rain, $65/ton. email: wildebrosagtrading@gmail.com 306-371-7382, 306-329-4780, Asquith, SK.

HUSQVARNA 30-06 Bolt Action in exc. shape, $350. 306-892-2185, Meota, SK. TRAPPERS. PREMIUM quality lures and scents. Over 30 yrs. in the lure business. All lures have been time proven on the trapline to produce fur. Gilliland’s Lures and Scents, 204-634-2425, Pierson, MB. WANTED: .32 RIM fire ammunition. Call Dennis Bitz 306-275-2183, St. Brieux, SK., dandebitz@sasktel.net 16� GENERAL ICE AUGER, Model 31, good for commercial ice fishing. 403-362-3278, Brooks, AB. or email: karen_r@telus.net FLIER IS BUYING handguns only. Antique, Prohibited, Restricted. Strictly confidential, highest prices paid. Reply Box 33117, Regina, SK. S4T 7X2

COMBINE DUAL KITS, IN STOCK JD STS kit w/ new 20.8-42 tires, $16,880; JD 94009600/10/CTS/CTS II kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires, $11,880; CIH 1680-2588 dual kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires, $13,900; CIH 8120 kit w/ 20.8 x 42 tires, $17,800; New clampon duals also available w/ new 18.4-38 tires, $4,300. Trade in your tires and rims. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

JD HARD CORE alfalfa or alfalfa/brome 30 WHITETAIL DEER TAGS for wildlife timothy mix. Call 306-542-8382, Pelly, SK. management zone #65, around East Trout Lake in Northern Saskatchewan, $150,000 US. Contact gregdemakis@hotmail.com

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“Quality Grain celebrating 10 years of finding better markets for the Western Canadian Farmer� “G rea tprices for w hea t, ba rley, oa ts , fla x a nd low gra de ca nola .� Phone 1-866-824-8324 in C a lga ry, 1-877-775-2155 in Bra ndon or 1-877-777-7715 in Red D eer for a ll you r gra in m a rketing needs.

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NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply, $558. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com


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M AGN UM F ABR ICATIN G LTD . M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198

1-877-814-8473. Winnipeg, MB.

Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM. WANTED: CIH SERIES 9300 QUADTRAC tracks any condition! Ph John 204-825-2715, Pilot Mound, MB. TWO NEW 23.1x30 Goodyear Dyna torque tires, $1200 each. Call 204-764-2642, Hamiota, MB.



103 -3240 Id ylw yld Dr. N .

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U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.



• PAS S EN GER, L IGHT TRUCK , S EM I, AGRICUL TURE, CON S TRUCTION • M ECHAN ICAL & AL IGN M EN T FOR CAR, BUS RV , TRUCK & TRAIL ER • TIRES /W HEEL S & CUS TOM DUAL & TRIPL E K ITS • TIRE V UL CAN IZIN G • 24 HOUR M OBIL E TRUCK S FOR ON S ITE W ORK T R U C K L O A D J U S T A R R I V E D. U s e d 11R22.5, $75 and up; used 11R24.5, $90 and up, w/rims add $50. Also available 10R20’s and 11R20’s. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK.

2013 AG-VENTURE TOURS to Brazil, Argentina, Ireland and Kenya for farmers to learn more about agriculture. May be partly tax deductible. rwthomas@start.ca Ph 519-633-2390. www.rwthomastours.com

ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED Pure Water. Guarantee 99% pure no salts, chemicals, N A N N Y NEEDED for 2 children. or chlorine. 306-867-9461, BC, AB, MB, SK. 403-586-2404, Olds, AB. PRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT LTD., High River, AB. (www.myclfree.com) Servicing BC. AB. SK. and MB. Oxydate and ionize single tap to whole house to commercial units. No salt, no chlorine, no chemicals. LIVE-IN CARE PROVIDER required for 27 Custom built and guaranteed. Now with year old special needs man. Looking for water softening and scale control capa- experienced, compassionate and patient bilities. Ph or email for info and free quote. provider to assist him with his every day living and for daily outings. Located on 403-620-4038. prairieswater@gmail.com Ranch west of Turner Valley, AB. Must have driver’s licence. Call 403-830-2867, Black Diamond, AB. Please send resume to jan@skylinedesign.ca

NEW 75 TON LARSON air/hydraulic shop press, reduced to $3995. 306-375-2271, Kyle, SK.


DOMINION DRILLING, 5” water wells, will be gravel packed, e-logged and screened, 25 yrs. experience drilling in SK. Email: dominiondrilling@hotmail.com call 306-874-5559, fax 306-874-2451, or cell 306-874-7653, Pleasantdale, SK.

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www.frpmfg.com LISKE TRAVEL LTD., Wetaskiwin, AB. Come and join us Jan 31- Feb 17/2013, 18 days on a once in a lifetime Wildlife Safari in Kenya and Tanzania plus a 3 night stay on the Tropical Island of Zanzibar. Tour cost- $5869 pp plus taxes. Limited space. C a l l q u i c k l y ! C a l l fo r a i r q u o t e 1-888-627-2779. May use air miles. See our website for info: www.lisketravel.com

F orem an req u ired for S ou th Cen tral Alb erta F eed lot. This p os ition w ill rep ortto the Feed lotM a n a g era n d be res p on s ible fora ll a s p ects ofa m od ern feed ya rd op era tion in clu d in g bu tn otres tricted to the p la n n in g / overs eein g ofd a y to d a y a ctivities , org a n izin g & execu tin g s p ecia l p rojects a n d m a n a g in g tea m s ofp eop le. M u s tha ve excellen t com m u n ica tion s k ills a n d p roblem s olvin g a bilities . A ble to w ork w ell w ith others a n d lea d w ith p os itive m otiva tion . Kn ow led g e ofbeefca ttle & n u trition a n a s s et.

FULL TIME PERMANENT POSITION available on Strathmore area farm/ranch. Self-motivated ranch hand needed for cow/calf operation, must have vehicle and valid drivers licence, $18-$25/hr. Call Paul 403-325-0118, or fax resumes to 403-901-1550, Strathmore, AB.

FULL-TIME POSITIONS available on dairy farm located near Regina, SK. Duties include milking, animal nutrition and care, some equipment knowledge preferred, yard care. Individual must be self-motivated. If this is you, email your resume to: gt.ell@sasktel.net or fax: 306-781-7456.


RANCH POSITION, Porcupine Hills, AB. Experienced person, competent at handling cattle from horseback, low stress management of cattle, herd health, calving and fencing. Basic experience w/mechanics, machining, welding and ranch maintenance. Some chores every day winter/spring. Work alone majority of time, w/others on larger jobs. Mobile home and basic utilities provided on-site, need 2 useable ranch horses, N/S, wage $3000/month. Resume w/3 references (2 agric. related) to: ncranch22@gmail.com

islookin g f orf ull tim e perm a n en tw orker. M ustha ve experien ce w ith ca ttle a n d m a chin ery, a sw ell a sva lid d river’slicen se. A ccom m od a tion supplied , com petitive w a g e a n d b en ef its. T o a pply plea se em a il resum e to : kim @ cllho ld in g s.ca o r fa x:780 -875 -25 86

S o u th Am erica ~ February 2013

Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.


S u b m itresu m e w ith TRAINEE SWINE TECHNICIAN (eight poreferen ces to sitions) required at Smoky Pork Ltd, a Highw ay 21 F eed ers: 5000 sow farrow to wean barn near Falher, go_cas_f@ hotm ail. com AB. Candidates must have an aptitude for working with animals and willing to learn. orfax 403- 546- 3709 The work includes assisting swine technilike us on facebook cians with daily pig care routines, pressure washing and carrying out general maintenance. Salary is $10.46 up to $15.00/hr and a competitive benefits package is provided and housing is available. If interested in this position, email your resume to COW/CALF OPERATION requires person Andreas Roehling aroehling@xplornet.ca for general farm and ranch work. House w/utilities and appliances supplied. Conor fax to: 780-323-3969. sort, AB. Phone 403-577-0011 or email references to: u2dryad4@hotmail.com

ROSKAMP ROLLER MILL completely refurbished to excellent condition. Re-grooved solid white iron rolls 9”x30”, 240/460 volts by 20 HP motor, new belts, bearings, pulleys, normally $45,000+, a steal at $18,000. Includes freight in Western Canada. 780-809-3600, Leduc, AB.

CANADA - CUBA FARMER TOURS. 15th year. Feb. 4th to 18th. All inclusive. Deductible. 7 nights 5 star, 7 nights country hotels, 3 days Varadero, 8 day farm tour, 3 days Havana. Max 28. Farmers and family members only. $3200 Cdn/person - 2 sharing plus air. www.wendyholm.com 604-947-2893 escorted by Cdn. Agrologist Wendy Holm, wendy@wendyholm.com

DISCOVER WHAT IT’S like to Live The Learning at Lakeland College during Open House Oct. 26 and 27th at the Vermilion and Lloydminster campuses. Ask about our Student Managed Farm. Apply during Open House and pay no application fee. www.lakelandcollege.ca/open-house


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Leasing Opportunities Available

LARGE GRAIN FARM south of Calgary, AB. needing very qualified individual to operate and maintain newer JD equipment, with class 1 license and able to oversee all farm aspects efficiently and with integrity. Top wage available for the right person. Call 403-888-7801, Blackie, AB. FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME farm and ranch labourer required. Call 403-665-2341, Craigmyle, AB. AJL FARMS is seeking full-time help to operate and maintain modern farm and construction equipment. Year round work including general shop, yard maintenance, pen checking and cattle health work. Must be mechanically inclined. Benefits, RRSP plan and competitive wage, $18-$23/hr. Phone 780-723-6244. Fax or email resume 780-723-6245, rgajlfarms@xplornet.com Niton Junction, AB. POSITION AVAILABLE FOR full-time or semi-retired person. Housing provided, grain/cow operation located Rosedale, AB. Assets: Class 1 and cattle experience. Email resume to: rmx1@netago.ca AARTS ACRES, a 2500 sow barn located near Solsgirth, MB is seeking experienced Breeding and Farrowing Technicians. The successful applicant must possess the necessary skills, an aptitude for the care and handling of animals, good communication skills and the ability to work as part of a highly productive team. Temporary and permanent housing available. For an application ph 204-842-3231 or fax resume to 204-842-3273. FARM LABORER REQUIRED immediately for progressive grain and livestock farm in NE SK. $16-$20 depending on experience. email resumes to: firriver@xplornet.com or phone Darcy at: 306-865-7859

COW/CALF OPERATION in Cochrane, AB, www.simpsonranching.ca requires a Ranch Hand to perform general ranch duties, including, but not limited to: Machinery operation (tractors, feed trucks), cattle handling/health/feeding/calving, fencing, general cleaning/maintenance, horse handling. Start date flexible. Accommodation available, utilities included. (Sorry no family housing available at this time). Bonus incentives available. Call 403-473-4571 or email heidi@simpsonranching.ca. Resumes with 3 references are required by all applicants who must have min. 1 year experience in farm/ranch work.

SWINE TECHNICIAN NOC 8253 (eight positions) required at Smoky Pork Ltd, a 5000 sow farrow to wean barn near Falher, AB. The job involves all aspects of work in the barn including care of pigs, treatments, feeding, breeding, farrowing sows, moving and loading pigs and carrying out hygiene routines. Applicants should have at least two years experience working with pigs or post-secondary education in animal care. Salary is $15.90 up to $16.50/hr and a competitive benefits package is provided and housing is available. If interested in this position, please email resume to Andreas Roehling at aroehling@xplornet.ca or fax to 780-323-3969. SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties incl. operation of machinery, including Tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. COWBOY WANTED for a cow/calf and QH operation, Hanna, AB. Livestock handling, feeding, calving, fencing, haying, riding etc Class 1 drivers an asset. Couples welcome. 403-854-2550 or hayesranch@netago.ca

Doub le M Fa rm s & High w a y 21 Fe e de rs Req u ires M otiva ted Pers on n el forim m ed ia te p os ition s

YOUNG, MOTIVATED ranch hand wanted: Must have experience riding horses and young colts. We run a bison feedlot, a 450 cow/calf operation and a well established AQHA breeding and training program. Room and board available. 780-808-1592, 780-808-5903, Lloydminster, AB.


HELP WANTED on horse and cattle ranch near Lumsden, SK. Must be reliable and physically fit with a current drivers license. Willing to train. Call 306-731-2821.

Forw ork on A g / Feed lot op era tion n ea rA cm e, A B. Rela tive ba ck g rou n d , k n ow led g e ofbeefca ttle a n d s tron g d ia g n os tic s k ills a n a s s et. Excellen tw a g e & ben efit pkg.

HELPER WANTED on mixed farm. Steady job, accommodation supplied. Experience and references necessary. 250-752-6746. Fax 250-752-8376, Qualicum Beach, BC. Email: jmnc_ltd.@hughes.net

S u b m itresu m e w ith w ork referen ces, d rivers ab stract& p olice clearan ce. 403- 546- 3709 or go_cas_f@ hotm ail.com like us on facebook

FEEDLOT AT OLDS, AB. requires full-time Pencheckers with experience in animal h e a l t h t o s t a r t A S A P. F a x r e s u m e 403-556-7625, or doddbeef@gmail.com

AUSTRALIAN GRAIN HARVEST STAFF NEEDED. Operators wanted for Australian grain harvest from Oct. to Dec., 2012. Must be able to work long hours and be proficient in driving late model chaser bins/grain carts. Also be Qualified in driving new model Case combine/headers. Accommodation and most meals will be supplied!! An International licence would be helpful and a bonus. A working holiday Visa will be required. You will be working on a family run farm. This position would suit a fit 20 to 30 year old. All enquires to: Eastgrove Farming Pty Ltd./ Harvest Staff tribal@westnet.com.au

BEEKEEPER’S HELPERS (4), for 2013 sea- COWBOYS/PEN CHECKERS for lar ge son May to Oct., $12-$15/hr depending on cow/calf feedlot operation in northern SK. experience. Contact Ron Althouse, Call Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. 306-278-2747, Porcupine Plain, SK. COW BOSS, B.C. cow/calf ranch, exp. in cattle and range mgmt.; Also all around Rancher position, equip., crops, riding, and cattle. Both perm. F/T, housing, benefits. Merritt, B.C, info@ranchland.ca, Fax 250-378-4956 FULL-TIME FARM HELP wanted on purebred cattle/grain operation in central Alberta. Energetic, dependable, self-motivated, non-smoker in good health who is capable in cattle feeding, cattle handling, herd health, machinery operation and maintenance. Class 3 license and welding skills are an asset. We offer an hourly wage, housing allowance, performance bonuses and paid holidays with accommodations. Please fax your resume including references to: 403-227-5278 or email to: couleecrestfarm@yahoo.com EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. Full-time equipment operator on large dairy and grain operations north of Saskatoon. We are looking for a highly motivated ambitious person with experience. Call Melvin at 306-225-4678 or cell 306-232-3462, Hague, SK. Send resumes and references to fvl@sasktel.net PERMANENT POSITION on large mixed farm. Wages $16.50/hr. Individual should have good work ethic, positive attitude, mechanical skills, and able to work well with other employees. Duties include: working cattle, operating and maintaining farm equipment. NS preferred. Must be fully functional in the English language. Fax: 306-264-3752, Ph: 306-264-7742, Kincaid, SK. HELPER WANTED on mixed farm. Steady job for right person. Room and board avail. 403-631-2373, 403-994-0581, Olds, AB. WORKER REQUIRED from January 15 to March 30, 2013. Help calve out cows, etc. Room/board supplied. Call 306-839-4450, Pierceland, SK.


FULL-TIME FARM HELPER required year round in remote area, northern AB. Mixed cow/calf operation and grain farm. Experience and driver’s license are assets. Housing available. Duties incl. feeding, calving, operating tractor and hauling and moving grain. Send resume to: fax 780-981-2944, or phone 780-981-2347, Keg River, AB.



is lo o king fo r a

A U T O M O T IVE T E C H N IC IA N WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke 306-469-7741, Big River, SK.


Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o GRAVEL CRUSHING PERSONNEL for gravel crushing in the Wainwright area. $22.50/hr. 685762 Alberta Ltd., Phone: 780-209-3973. HELP WANTED TO drive and train horses. Please call for more info 306-327-7688 or 306-327-5708, Kelvington, SK.

• Fu lltim e • Inclu des a fu llbenefitpa cka ge • C o m petitive w a ges • M u stbe a tea m pla yer C o nta ct W a yne Po hl780-352-2277, em a il: service@ pio neerchrysler.co m o r dro p o ff resum e a ttentio n: W a yne Po hl,S ervice M a na ger S ervice C o unter,P io neer C hrysler, A uto M ile,W eta skiw in FULL-TIME FLEET Maintenance Mechanic required for a fleet of 9 trucks and trailers in East Central AB. Mechanics license not required but an asset. Wage is negotiable depending on experience. 403-578-8167, Fax resumes to: 403-575-2659 or email to: gentank@veterancable.net

Ap p lica n t w ill b e re s p on s ib le for: Over s eein g em p lo yees , o p era tin g a n d m a in ta in in g m a chin ery, res p o n s ib le fo r the o rga n iza tio n o fd a ily a ctivities . Ap p lica n t m us t h a ve : E xten s ive kn o w led ge in m a n a gin g ro a d co n s tru ctio n p ro jects , excellen t lea d ers hip /s u p ervis o ry s kills ; s tro n g o rga n iza tio n a l s kills ; va lid d river’s licen s e. Ple a s e forw a rd re s um e in cludin g re fe re n ce s a n d e xp e cte d w a ge to: RM of #442, Bo x 69, M a n itou La ke M a rs d en , S K . | S 0M 1P0 fa x: 3 06 -8 26 -5512 em a il: rm 442@ s a s te l.n e t Any questions contact Reeve Lamb at tel: 3 06 -8 23 -7111 All applications accepted in confidence November 5, 2012, 4:00 PM.

REQUIRES: 5 Service Rig Derrick-hands and 12 Service Rig floor-hands for work in the Lloydminster SK/AB area immediately. Wages are $29.50/hr and up for derrick-hands and $27.00 and up for floor-hands, depending on experience. Experience is an asset but will train suitable applicants. Group benefits and training/ safety bonuses available. Drug and alcohol screening tests are conducted.

Please fax: 780-871-6908 or Email resumes to: royalwel@telus.net


Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. ROLLING ACRES GREENHOUSES is looking for 10 full-time, permanent positions. Job includes fast paced, repetitive plant work, heavy lifting, working at heights in a hot, humid, environment. $9.75/hr, 10 hours/ day, 6 days/wk. Please email resumes to: acramer@canopycanada.net

Expan din g O ilf ield Equ ipm en t Ren tal C om pan y r equ ir es:

Shop and Service hands As w ell as Journeym an an d Apprentice Heavy Duty M echanics M u st have Valid H2S Alive an d Fir st Aid as w ell as a valid Dr iver s Licen se. C om petitive W ages an d ben ef its,an d RRSP plan . Please su bm it r esu m es to h r@ w ra n glerren ta ls.co m or f ax 780 9 80 1381


To p w a ges , s ec ure jo b s , grea t lifes tyle in Aus tra lia !

Agric ultura l M ec h a n ic s . As s is ta n ce with wo rkin g ho lid a y o r lo n g te rm wo rkin g Vis a s a va ila b le . S e n d yo u r Re s u m e to :

tec h s @ c a ta p ultp eo p le.c o m .a u

Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: info@bulldogenergyservices.com Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473

BUSY SASKATOON Agricultural publisher accepting resumes for the position of Graphic Artist. Applicants must be proficient with desktop publishing software, web design software and have the creative ability to design professional print projects and good communication skills. Must be able to work in a fast paced environment where meeting deadlines is an everyday occurrence. Full or seasonal positions avail. Email resumes to bryan@tbarc.com or fax to 306-934-0744, Attention: Bryan.

Corporate Parts Manager


"Co m e w o rk Do w n Un d er!"




RR #4 Site 19 Box 30 Red Deer, Alberta


WANTED: OWNER OPERATORS for grain and fertilizer hauling, based in Kenaston, SK. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-252-2004 or 306-567-8377. LOG TRUCK DRIVERS REQUIRED for log haul in north central Alberta. $30 per cycle time hour, includes accommodation. Driver’s abstract and resume required. Fax info to 780-675-9206. TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED for 2013 ice road haul season pulling tanker Super B trailers hauling fuel. Job runs from Jan. 15 to March 30th. 306-577-7203, Arcola, SK.

KMK SALES, HUMBOLDT, SK. is offering a full-time permanent Parts Person position. This position includes all aspects of ordering, selling and maintaining a large inventory of agricultural parts. Individual must be well organized and demonstrate great people skills, self-motivated and driven to serve customers needs, knowledgeable in the area of farming and has basic computer skills. Previous Ag parts experience preferred, but we are willing to train the right person. The ideal person will be someone who can work with little to no supervision, a quick learner, selfstarting and has some background in working with parts. They must be able to lift heavy parts and work for a long period of time on their feet. Closing date: October 31, 2012. Please submit resume directly to Curt Bells at KMK Sales Ltd., or email accounting_kmk@sasktel.net PINCHER CREEK FARM CENTRE, a small New Holland dealer needs a Mechanic/ Service Manager. Family owned, people oriented work place. Dental and health plan. Fair pay depending on experience and ability. Great opportunity for the right person. Live next to the mountains in beautiful southwest Alberta. Call Bruce at 403-627-3647 if you are even slightly interested. Fax: 403-627-2785, email: pcfarm@telusplanet.net

SASKATOON HOTSHOT TRANSPORTER is hiring power units w/wo step decks 3/4 and 1 tons, for RV and Freight hauling throughout Canada and the U.S. Year round work, lots of miles and home time, fuel subsidies, benefits, excellent earnings. 306-653-8675, Saskatoon, SK. Website www.saskatoonhotshot.com

CAL GAS INC. requires a Bulk/ Picker Truck Driver immediately to deliver propane and propane tanks. Must have a 1A or 3A licence with a clean driver’s abstract. The employer is willing to train the right person. We offer excellent benefits; variable weekly hours of work; full-time and the successful applicant is home every night. Please send resume and cover letter including experience and wage expectations to: Mel Hill, fax 306-455-6416 or call Mel at 306-577-7192, Carlyle, SK.

OWNER/OPERATERS and Class 1 drivers. Dry van out of Regina, SK. for prairie SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediate- provinces. Fax resume and abstract to: ly requires Leased Operators with new 403-488-2194 or email: rdpete@shaw.ca model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks/ tractors, and Company Drivers; Also require 1 driver with 5G or Class 1 license WANTED: 1A AND 3A truck drivers. Drivfor operating a haul and tow. Transporting ing bobcat or payloader an asset. In the RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. Clean gravel hauling industry. 306-537-5008, Piabstract required. Competitive rates. Fuel lot Butte, SK. surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733.

Has amalgamated with


CLASS 1 BULK TRUCK DRIVER/ PICKER OPERATOR W e a re s e e kin g a fo c u s e d a n d a m b itio u s in d ivid u a l to jo in o u r te a m in the K e rro b e rtBra n c h. You m us tha ve the follow ing: * Va lid Cla s s 1 d rivers licen s e w ith clea n a b s tra ct (Cla s s 3 w ill b e co n s id ered ) * Da n gero u s go o d s exp erien ce * T ickets a n d p ro p a n e exp erien ce a re a s s ets * S ea s o n a l d rivers a re w elco m e to a p p ly W e o ffer a co m p etitive co m p en s a tio n a n d b en efits . Ifyo u a re in teres ted in jo in in g o u r tea m , p lea s e em a il res u m Ê to : gheim b eck er@ ca lga s in c.co m o r fa x to 306 -8 34-5501 • Gera ld 306 -8 34-779 3 (cell) A CURREN T ABS TRACT W IL L BE REQUIRED. Only suc c essful c a nd id a tes w ill b e c onta c ted .

A VERY BUSY south central Alberta livestock hauling company is looking for a Lease Operator to haul cattle. Must have their own truck and livestock experience a must, 98% Alberta miles. Home most nights depending on where home is. If you’re looking for a change and want to be a p a r t o f a g r e at t e a m , c a l l M e r v 403-948-7776, Airdrie, AB.

Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed

W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).

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ROADEX SERVICES requires O/O 1 tons and 3 tons for our RV division, O/O semi’s and drivers for our RV and general freight deck division to haul throughout North America. Paid by direct deposit, benefits and company fuel cards. Border crossing required with valid passport and clean criminal record. Contact 1-800-867-6233, www.roadexservices.com WATER HAULERS WANTED for building ice roads in northern AB. Class 3A, all tickets and driver’s abstract required. Please phone 306-287-8140.


CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVER with tank truck experience needed for SE Sask., hauling crude oil. Based out of Regina, SK. Clean abstract and resume required. Will train above average individuals. 5 days on, 5 off. Long term positions. Fax resume and abstract to: 306-245-3222, Weyburn, SK. CLASS 1 TRUCK DRIVERS required for winter log haul season in Manning, AB. Accommodations supplied. Will train suitable applicants. Ph 780-836-6255 or fax resume and abstract to: 780-836-3982.



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Thanks to these generous corporate sponsors: Bunge North America

ConocoPhillips Canada


Crop Production Services

J.R. Simplot Company


Canadian Agricultural Safety Association

The Mosaic Company Foundation

Kubota Tractor Corporation


The Western Producer


Alliance Pipeline

Westfield Industries/ Ag Growth International

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services

©2012 Progressive Agriculture Foundation

MacDon Industries Ltd.







World urged to adopt grain reserve MONTREAL — A quarter century after the last attempt at an international grain reserve was ditched, a senior Canadian Foodgrains Bank official says it is time for governments to reconsider the idea. Paul Hagerman, public policy director for the Winnipeg-based Canadian Foodgrains Bank, told a McGill University conference on global security Oct. 17 that food price volatility during the past four years has hurt farmers while increasing hunger and poverty. “I don’t see it happening anytime soon, but I do think it is one possible answer to the price volatility issue,” he said. “I think it is in everyone’s interest in the world from farmers to consumers to have stable food prices, and this is one possible solution.” However, he said in an interview that there are many governance issues to be worked out before the idea could be agreed upon, designed and implemented: where would the grain be stored, who would pay for it and at what point would reserves be released to the market to stabilize prices? “These are very complicated questions and there will be different sides, but I do think the debate should begin,” said Hagerman. As he was making his pitch in Montreal, agriculture ministers were meeting at the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome to discuss food price volatility and a proposal from France to consider creating a grain reserve. The proposal did not get off the ground in the face of fierce opposition from the United States. A grain reserve was part of successive International Wheat Agreement arrangements in the 1980s, with the U.S. mainly responsible for its maintenance and finance. The Amer icans scrapped the reserve and released the grain as U.S. and European Union subsidy wars developed in the 1980s, helping to depress prices. Hagerman said paying for reserve stocks and storage would be key areas for negotiation. He estimated the cost at $200 to $400 million annually and argued that this would be a small price to pay for grain price stability, considering the cost of subsidies that go to other sectors, including biofuel production. He presented a graph that showed price spikes have occurred in recent history when world stocks fell below 21 percent of consumption. Hagerman proposed that the 21 percent level could be a target level for the size of any future grain reserve. Jean Lebel, vice-president of the International Development Research Centre, said in an interview grain reserves have proven themselves to be powerful food market stabilizers, despite all their complications. “Whether it is price volatility or high food prices, it affects so many people and contributes to poverty and hunger,” he said. “There are good examples of countries deciding to build food reserves. In history, it has proven that it works.”

On an early snowy morning in Pink Mountain, B.C., last week brothers Logan, 11, and Ty Trask, 14, get ready to help their grandfather, Harold Trask, bring the cows in for their yearly pregnancy checks. | SHANNON TRASK PHOTO


World hunger number often ‘bogus’ Some say calculation based on politics | Others argue it is based on reality and serves a purpose STORIES BY BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

MONTREAL — The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization made a dramatic announcement this autumn about the extent of hunger in the world. It said the number of chronically malnourished people in the world is actually 13 percent lower than it had announced after the 2008 financial meltdown and commodity price spike. Instead of one billion hungry, the new figure is 870 million. The FAO said it was a problem of flawed data it received from member countries. Governments, international organizations and aid groups use the world hunger count calculation to gauge progress in achieving the FAO millen-

nium goal of cutting the number of hungry in half to 400 million. The goal was set in 1995 at a world food summit and has since fallen out of reach. However, is that vast number a credible gauge of world hunger? Opinions were divided during a McGill University conference on global food security last week. American food expert Robert Paarlberg, a political science professor at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, argued in an interview that the hunger count is a “bogus” number created more for political purposes than accuracy. “When I think back to 2008, I remember that the World Bank did a back-of-the envelope calculation that put an additional 100 million people in poverty because of spiking food costs,” he said.

“The FAO had a conference and needed a dramatic number, so that’s where one billion came from. I don’t think it is a real number and I don’t think a global number makes sense or really matters.” Paarlberg said country-by-country surveys of child hunger and growth stunting “actually shows childhood hunger and its effects is declining, so that is good news.” Canadian officials involved in aid and development work had a different view. Neither Jean Lebel, vice-president of the International Development Research Centre, nor Paul Hagerman, public policy program director for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, said the world hunger count is a precise number, but both argued in interviews it is indicative of the prob-

lem and an important benchmark. “By tradition, the big numbers generated by the United Nations are the product of a bit of science and a lot of back-of-envelope calculations,” Lebel said. “Still, I think it is probably close to the real situation, and I think it is useful, keeping us on our toes and reminding us that we are still on a journey of dealing with hunger in a food-rich world.” Hagerman said he considers the hunger count number “approximately right,” but its importance is greater than its precise accuracy. “I think it is important to have an index that indicates if progress is being made or not,” he said. “And for an organization like ours, it is a very important barometer to motivate our supporters.”


Experts split on food’s role in fueling revolution MONTREAL — A remarkable photograph from Polish anti-Communist demonstrations three decades ago showed a striking dockworker with a sign: “Hungry workers eat their leaders.” Some analysts have attributed Middle East uprisings last year to widespread anger over high food prices. And famously during the Russian Revolution in 1917, the triumphant Bolsheviks made bread for hungry peasants one of their key promises.

Last week during a McGill University conference on global food security, a debate on the issue of whether food is a fuel for revolution was a regular theme: do hunger and food shortages lead to political unrest and upheaval? Food experts’ opinions were split. “There is a causal relationship between hunger and social unrest,” argued Marc Bellemare from Duke University. High food prices cause food riots and trouble for governments.

He presented a series of graphs that made a direct connection between historical political unrest and food price spikes in various countries. “The Arab Spring would not have happened without stiff food price increases,” said Eckart Woertz, Middle East specialist at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs. But there were skeptics. Trying to connect food riots and revolution with high food prices is “simplistic,” argued Evan Fraser from

Ontario’s University of Guelph. Robert Paarlberg, a political science professor at Wellesley College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was the most dismissive of the argument. He told the conference that most of the world’s chronically hungry are rural, isolated and politically weak. “Hungry people in the developing world seldom present a serious political threat because most of them are isolated and unorganized,” he said.





Canadian National Plowing Championships | Challengers from British Columbia to New Brunswick gathered at Sundance Farms, northwest of Kemnay, Man., Oct. 5-6 to compete for the plowing champion title amid hard-packed soil, snow and brisk weather. Winners in the conventional and reversible classes will represent Canada at the 2013 World Plowing Championships in Olds, Alta., July 19-20, 2013. | Sandy Black photos 1



1 The steel wheel of a plow in the sulky class makes its way through the dry stubble field. 2 John Hildebrand of Steinbach, Man., looks back at his furrows as he turns around at the end of his plot in the sulky class. 3 Nelson Sage of Thamesville, Ont., makes his line as his team inspects their work in the senior walking class. 4 Gene Sache of B.C. adjusts his plow during his action in the field.




5 Philip Keith of New Brunswick adjusts his plow. Keith came in fourth in the two furrow conventional division. 6 Doug Mar of Alberta watches his plow. Mar came in third place in the two furrow reversible class. 7 Carrie Davenport of Owen Sound, Ont., prepares for the two furrow conventional plowing class. Davenport won the junior championship and is the first female to win the title.






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Ancient tree assists plant breeding research Looking for resistance | Sweden’s ‘Old Tjikko’ dates back to the Ice Age and continues to survive in changing climate FULUFJALLET, Sweden (Reuters) — On a windswept Swedish mountain, a 10,000-year-old spruce with a claim to be the world’s oldest tree is getting a new lease of life thanks to global warming, even as many plants are struggling. Scientists are finding that the drift of growing areas for many plants out toward the poles is moving not in a smooth progression but in fits and starts, causing problems for farmers aiming to adapt and invest in cash crops that are more sensitive to climate than is this ancient conifer known as “Old Tjikko.” At a range of latitudes, but especially in the far north, climate change is bringing bigger than expected swings, putting billions of dollars at stake in a push to develop varieties with resilience to frost and heat waves, drought or flood. Understanding those plants that are thriving in such hectic environments, like this ragged Christmas tree on a marshy plateau 900 metres above sea level, may yield clues. “It seems to be growing quite well,” said researcher Leif Kullman. “That’s a result of warming in the past 100 years.” Old Tjikko stands above dead roots that Kullman, from Umea University, says date from 9,550 years ago, just as the Ice Age ended. The spruce regenerates clones when low branches sprout new roots so that, unlike California’s Methuselah bristlecone pine whose trunk bears more than 4,800 annual growth rings, today’s fivemetre tall trunk began growing only about 1940. Yet the tree’s survival in the same spot since the earliest days of agriculture may offer lessons for pioneers trying to take advantage of global warming to push the frontiers for crops further north but finding most plants to be far more sensitive. “There will be no nice wine from Sweden this year,” lamented Lauri Pappinen, one of a handful of new wine producers on the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic, where grapes failed to mature after a cool spring was followed by mildew in a wet summer. The failure of Pappinen’s 2012 harvest was the first since he started producing a decade ago as an experiment on the same latitude as southern Alaska and Siberia. The Nordic region is aided by the Gulf Stream bringing warm water from the tropics. “Maybe we could collect 300 kilograms of grapes. But it’s not worth making the machines dirty,” he said, adding that his 8.6 acre vineyard can produce up to 10,000 kilograms. “The starlings are having a big party right now,” he said. Climate unpredictability is especially true further north, in the Arctic, where the extent of ice on the Arctic Ocean shrank to a record low this summer. Less attention has been paid to how the thaw affects growing conditions on land. “That’s been a surprise in the last years. Everyone thought it would be warmer and nice weather. But suddenly it’s wetter and colder in some regions,” said Lars-Otto Reiersen, head of the Secretariat of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program.

Many studies show that more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the main greenhouse gas, will initially lead to more growth of plants worldwide. But, Reiersen said, not enough study has been made of the downside of increased unpredictability. Part of the problem for crops at higher latitudes is that the sun still rises and sets at the same times; the light will always be faint in spring and autumn even if the air is warmer. “There will be extreme weather and that also means risks of frosts in the growing season,” said Inger Alsos, a

professor at the University of Tromsoe in Norway and a specialist in Arctic ecology. “Frost resistance is a key trait.” For instance, plant breeders and genetic experts were working with a frost-resistant clover recently found on Svalbard, a chain of Norwegian islands in the North Atlantic, 1,000 kilometres below the North Pole. It could be developed to help grow animal fodder in the north. And Kullman from Sweden said experiments show that spruces, for instance, produce a type of anti-

freeze letting them survive down to about -50 C. That might also help genetic research into frost resistance. But for many crops, the expansion of potential growing areas due to climate change may not add to overall production. “The overall balance will stay as it is,” said Hans-Joachim Braun, head of the global wheat program at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center based in Mexico City. “The losses from climate change will offset the benefits we have

expanding in high-latitude areas.” “There will be beneficiaries, such as the United States, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia,” he said, noting that wheat now grows as far north as southern Scandinavia. But many developing nations that now produce wheat will lose out as it gets too hot. Plant breeders have made huge progress in the past. Corn, for instance, is a tropical crop that has been adapted to grow at lower temperatures and with longer summer daylight hours in places like the United States or Europe, he said.

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Mac is back and ready to rock Big Mac III | Old rockers never die BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

FARGO, N.D. — There’s good news for farmers who missed out on buying the last of the Wishek Big Mac rock pickers. The renowned rock picker is back under the name Big Mac III, complete with upgrades. The Big Mac was originally engineered and manufactured by Glen Mack three decades ago. When Wishek announced four years ago that it would stop building

Mac, most people thought it was gone for good. However, knowing that the jigs were sitting idle, a Minnesota short-line manufacturer struck a deal with Wishek, and John Murphy ended up owning the jigs and the right to build and sell the machine. At that point, steel prices were at an all-time high, so Murphy decided to sit on the project for a year, giving him time to make improvements on the latest generation of the picker. “I already knew the weak points on the Wishek-built machine, so I fixed all those problems first before I started building my machines,” he said. “Then two years ago, steel prices

started coming down so I built 25 rock pickers. They all sold pretty quick, so now I’ve got 26 in the mill, and eight of those are already sold. There seems to be a strong demand, I think because so many people remember how good the original and the Wishek Big Macs were.” Murphy said a key element is listening to what farmers have to say. If a farmer recommends a change, there’s usually a good reason for it, he added. “Farmers told me that their latest generation of high horsepower tractors are built with an inherent rear visibility problem. The operator can’t see the front of the implement,” Murphy said.

“That’s especially important pulling a rock picker because the operator has to see the fork. So we came up with a three foot extension that bolts into the tongue, at the very front of the picker frame. That moves the picker back three feet. If we find that’s not enough, then we’ll provide a longer extension.” One of the first things to be reinforced was the fork that scoops rocks into the box. Murphy brought the fork from one of his own original Big Mac pickers to the manufacturing plant in South Dakota. “I told them to look at every spot that’s broken or bent or that’s been repaired, then build the new fork so none of those spots will ever break again. And that’s what they did,” he said. “The two arms that support the bucket used to be a p r o b l e m . We h a v e stronger arms now. If anything ever breaks on this rock picker, I know it won’t be the arms. “That’s the process we used as we went through the whole machine. I can’t think of any spot on

this picker that can break now. Our first Big Mac III pickers were delivered 2 1/2 years ago. We haven’t heard a single complaint about frame cracking.” Murphy said the Wishek picker used to have axle problems. He uses a larger axle with eight-bolt hubs. The spindle is 2.75 inches in diameter. Tires are used super singles from semis. The shaft on which the fork rotates had previously been a weak point. Murphy made a number of upgrades to the shaft, but concedes this component will always be the weakest link on any rock picker. While the original shaft used to run in two half pieces of a pipe as a bushing, Murphy now machines the bushing out of a block of high grade steel. The block material above the shaft is 3/4 of an inch, leaving plenty of steel in case it ever needs to be remachined. “The shaft and the block are both high grade steel, so you still have steel on steel,” he said. “That means you’ve got to keep it well greased. I don’t trust any of the bushings or bearings on the market. For the work these machines do, bushings and bearings won’t take the abuse.”

John Murphy, opposite page, took the design of the old Big Mac rock picker, improved it and rectified problems before going back into production under the name Big Mac III. | RON LYSENG PHOTOS

1 Excellent

CANTERRA 1970 2 Very Good

3 Good



Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication.



The hydraulic system is also new for Big Mac III. The double action cylinders are custom made by another Minnesota firm. With 25 units in the field, there have been no hydraulic breakdowns yet. “If you can get a rock on the fork, I guarantee you can pick it up and drop it into the box.” The box has a three cubic yard capacity, with a grated bottom and back so soil remains in the field. The slats are high carbon rolled steel. The frame is five by seven inch high tensile steel. Murphy said he tries to keep the price as low as possible by buying large orders of steel whenever prices are low. He sells the rock picker factory direct to the customer to eliminate the cost of going through dealers. The list price for the Big Mac III is $17,000. For more information, contact Murphy at 320-748-7183 or visit www.murphysalesllc.com.



SEE FOR YOURSELF 101% of 5440

I can’t think of any spot on this picker that can break now. Our first Big Mac III pickers were delivered 2 1/2 years ago. We haven’t heard a single complaint about frame cracking. JOHN MURPHY MURPHY SALES

TOP: The box holds three cubic yards of rock, with a grated floor and back so soil remains in the field. Tires are used super singles from semis. ABOVE: The shaft the fork pivots on is made from high grade steel, and runs steel to steel in a machined bushing block.

*2011 YieldWorks and Demonstration Trials Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication.

106% of L150*





Hitch prevents sloppy connection with implements Prevents damage | Bull-Pull hitch creates positive mechanical connection STORIES BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

FARGO, N.D. — If a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, then the hookup between a tractor and its implement is only as strong as the drawbar and hitch. Butch Kraska, a rep for Terog Manufacturing in Stephen, Minnesota, says using a conventional pin for the hookup and a loose fitting steel ring for the hitch means every jarring bump and backlash hit can weaken the components and potentially cause separation of tractor and implement. Kraska said a sloppy relationship between the drawbar and implement creates a lot of stress and fatigue on the equipment and operator. A positive mechanical connection between tractor and implement can avoid this problem, he added. “The Bull-Pull Articulating Hitch eliminates the slap and backlash you normally have going on between the

tractor and any implement you happen to be pulling,” Kraska said. Terog engineers determined that a common ball joint, sometimes called a rose joint or heim joint, can replace the conventional hitch. The heim joint allows no free play or slop but does allow 35 degrees fore/aft movement and 40 degrees lateral movement. “Unless you’re going to drive straight up a cliff, that gives you all the movement you’ll ever need, even in the roughest field,” said Kraska. “With an articulating hitch, the pin no longer takes the brunt of the abuse. The forces are absorbed and controlled by the ball in the socket. It swivels and turns to eliminate the shock.” Kraska said there are 10 Bull-Pull models in categories 4 and 5. Pin size runs from 1.5 inch to 2.75 inch. Adaptor sleeves are available to cover all pin size combinations. The parts list includes nearly all implements on the market. Installation involves removing the

There are 10 Bull-Pull articulating hitches in categories 4 and 5. | original hitch and bolting the BullPull into the same spot. Kraska said Terog has had the hitches tested, with impressive results. “For example, our two-bolt Category 4 hitch is good for a maximum tongue load of 18,000 pounds with a



safety factor of three. So actual max tongue weight is 54,000 lb.,” he said. “For pulling force, it’s good for 52,000 lb. with a safety factor of three, so that’s good for an actual pulling force over 150,000 lb. I don’t think any other hitch can make those claims.” The body of the hitch is ductile cast iron, and the ball and socket are austempered, which is a heat treating process that reduces distortion in ductile iron. The ball is heat treated.

The bushing is steel. The body has two grease zerks that feed into a groove around the ball. The daily lubrication pushes fresh grease to the ball. Prices start at $345 for some Category 4 hitches. Most Category 5 hitches are less than $400. One special hitch, designed to fit John Deere Bauer corn planters, sells for $545. For more information, contact Kraska at 218-478-3395 or visit www. terog.com.


Pulling system focuses on safety FARGO, N.D. — Necessity factored heavily into the invention of a better pull strap for farm equipment. “I grew up in the Red River Valley, where you always get stuck a lot,” says Minnesota farmer Ben Brutlag. “It seems there was never a good point to hook onto for pulling out.” Two years ago, he decided it was time to build better pulling systems for cable and nylon straps. He concentrated on operator safety, preventing equipment damage and making the hookup and pullout happen in the least amount of time. Aimed primarily at John Deere implements, Brutlag chose the name Easy-Out Pulling Systems. “I started with a cable system for the 9000 series T. It uses a 175,000 pound steel cable looped over a new 2.75 inch diameter drawbar pin that we


Hybrid $60/acre CANTERRA

1918 $45/acre

provide as part of the kit,” he said. “The cable runs forward. It’s supported under the frame with some special brackets we designed. When it’s time to pull something, you take the cable hook off the storage bracket and hook it to your nylon strap. All the force runs through the drawbar pin back at the heaviest part of the tractor.” The next target was the 8000 series tractor. It also relies on the new drawbar pin but uses a 117,900 lb. nylon strap instead of steel. The strap is wound onto a drum at the front of the tractor for storage. The drum allows for an extra 35 feet of strap to be available. The cable Easy-Out system for the 9000 series sells for $2,100. The two systems for the 8000 and combines each sell for $2,600. For more information, contact Ben Brutlag at 218-7312117 or visit www.easy-out.com.

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication.

Notice to Farmers

Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license.





The problem, my friend, is blowing in the wind their products. This includes being careful with products that come into the farm, buying organic seed, or if that is unavailable, at least using seeds that aren’t genetically modified or treated with prohibited substances. It includes having buffer strips that limit and detect spray drift. However, there is little that can be done to prevent herbicides in rainwater or transgenic seed falling from the sky. Organic status remains the best way to minimize exposure to pesticide residues and GM products. Brenda Frick, Ph.D., P.Ag. is an extension agrologist and researcher in organic agriculture. She welcomes your comments at 306-260-0663 or email organic@usask.ca.

When considering risk, we generally think of a one in a million chance as pretty unlikely. Not so in agricultural terms. According to Statistics Canada, 12 million acres of canola can produce about nine million tonnes. According to Agriculture Canada, there are about 150,000 canola seeds in a pound. According to my calculations, that means a quarter section of canola can yield about 117 tonnes, or 258,000 pounds of canola. This is 38.7 billion seeds. For more information, visit www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/96-325-x/2007000/ article/10778-eng.htm and www1. agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex81. Organic events: Nov. 2-3: Organic Connections Conference, Regina (www.organicconnections.ca)




igh winds in September damaged crops, bins and buildings. It also moved swaths, especially canola swaths. This is a problem to the people who count on the yield from those swaths, but it is also a problem for where those swaths and airborne seeds landed. Organic standards strictly prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms in organic production. For organic farmers, that means canola can be a problem weed. Canola seeds in a crop sample can prevent an organic sale. For an organic farmer who knows a field has been contaminated with canola seed, due diligence might include the following: • spring tillage to kill early germinating canola plants • limiting the crop choices to large seeded crops where seed cleaning can remove canola seed • roguing canola plants out of the desired crop • not selling screenings from that field if canola plants go to seed Unfortunately, volunteer canola is a persistent weed. Studies in Western Canada suggest that more than 40 percent can survive a year in the soil. In Quebec, studies suggest canola persists as a weed five years after production. Considering that any of these volunteers might escape control and restart the cycle, volunteer canola can be a long-term problem. Escaped canola is not only a problem for organic farmers. It can also interfere with herbicide rotation and effective spring burn-off in nonorganic farming. Who should shoulder the responsibility for the extra work that is required to remove volunteer canola plants and the opportunity costs from avoiding crops where canola can be a problem? Perhaps a similar situation would be informative. Who should be responsible to come and get a cow that breaks through the fence and settles into the neighbour’s crop? Most people would say the person who owns the cow. The “person” who owns the canola has been legally established as the agricultural company that patented the genes it contains. Organic farmers that I talked to clearly indicated that they have no quarrel with their neighbours who grow canola. However, they feel that the biotech companies who assert their ownership over the seeds should come and clean up their messes. Significant numbers of canola seeds in the wind is a relatively rare problem, though smaller numbers surely “escape” every year. A bigger problem for organic producers is one of spray drift. The problem grows as more chemical applications are used, spray equipment gets larger and more spray is applied by

land being de-certified. It must then undergo a transition period of three years before crops can qualify for organic status. Liability is often assessed to the spray applicator. Organic farmers are not the only people to suffer from misdirected sprays. Beekeepers, people with environmental sensitivities and aquatic environments all suffer from spray drift. Some people suggest that the growing incidence of cancer in rural communities is also a reflection of increasing “off-target” spray damage. The Canadian Organic Standard is about process. It is up to producers to perform all the due diligence they can to prevent contamination of



airplane. Organic farmers require at least eight metres between their organic crops and ground that is treated with prohibited substances such as herbicides and pesticides. This distance allows producers to avoid contamination of their crop from minor spray accidents on the part of the neighbours. Organic farmers are also required to register with the rural municipality office as organic. Spray plane operators are required to check with these offices as to the location of organic farms, and to avoid over-spraying organic land. Despite these precautions, incidents do happen that can result in




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Saskatchewan makes big plans for ag as it charts future 2020 target | Government to develop crop research and development strategy to increase production by 10 million tonnes BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Rural Saskatchewan has its work cut out for it if a provincial growth plan announced last week by premier Brad Wall is to be successful. As the home of the province’s economic engines — agriculture, energy and mining — rural activity figures prominently in the plan to increase the population to 1.2 million, cut debt and improve education and health care, all by 2020. The Wall government has already said it wants a global food security

institute at the University of Saskatchewan, but the plan sets out other targets for farmers, processors and exporters. “We have a very ambitious agenda for agriculture in the growth plan up to 2020,” agreed agriculture minister Lyle Stewart. The two main planks are to increase crop production by 10 million tonnes and agricultural exports from $10 to $15 billion within eight years. “I think it’s achievable, but it’s going to take a pretty sustained effort on the part of everybody,” Stewart said. He said additional crop production

would be achieved with help from the increased research and development money from the province. Weather, climate and prices all play roles in production, and the growth plan pledges to develop effective business risk management tools to meet producers’ needs. Stewart said the province consulted with grain producers as it developed the target. “Everybody recognizes the potential for additional production through research, better varieties and even new crops we can grow, and of course irrigation is a no brainer.”

Greater exports are a logical result of more production and the valueadded processing the government is encouraging now that the export monopoly for wheat and barley has been lifted. For example, Stewart said he anticipates more container shipments of grain and food products will move through the Global Transportation Hub just west of Regina. Another goal set out in the plan is to establish Saskatchewan as an international leader in biosciences. As part of this goal, the government intends to collaborate with industry

to develop a crops strategy, support more wheat research and promote the crop development expertise in the province. A farm labour training course will also be established. The agricultural professional operator program will train people who want to work on farms but don’t have required skills. Stewart said the course would likely include how to operate, maintain and repair equipment for grain and livestock farms, chemical application, 1A driver’s license training, welding, mechanics, basic agronomy and first aid. FARM POLICY | WATER PLANS

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Irrigation proponent optimistic BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

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Roger Pederson thinks big things are about to happen for Saskatchewan irrigators. Two government reports issued last week give the Outlook farmer and president of the Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects Association (SIPA) hope that sustained development is finally in the works. The province’s 25-year water security plan and a growth plan for the next eight years both highlighted irrigation. “I’ve been at some of this for almost a lifetime. I would say I’m more optimistic that some good, big things are going to happen now than I’ve ever been.” Irrigation development has started and stopped several times over the years, but Pederson said the demand for water from Regina and Moose Jaw and the Regina-Moose Jaw industrial corridor has reached a critical point. The system in the Qu’Appelle Valley that supplies the region from Buffalo Pound Lake isn’t adequate for future use, he said. The cities are growing, a new potash mine is under construction and other industrial users are expanding. A proposed project would see water conveyed to the region from the Qu’Appelle Dam on Lake Diefenbaker. Some engineering work and conceptual plans have already been done, and Graham Parsons of Clifton Associate is completing an economic analysis for the province. If it goes ahead, Pederson said Regina citizens would “have water of the quality they’ve never had before.” Clean water could be either dropped into the Buffalo Pound reservoir or piped directly to the treatment plant, resulting in better quality water at the start of the treatment process. Pederson said 120,000 acres or more of irrigation could be realized in conjunction with this project. “We’re talking about a lot of dollars, but we’re also talking a time frame going 10 or 20 years before the irrigation is fully developed,” he said. “Certainly the water demand and use can’t wait that long. It’s critical that something is started very soon.”



Cattle graze in a field east of Nanton, Alta., on a late fall day. |




GETTING THEIR GOAT A push for national identification in Canada’s goat herd is getting push back from producers but some consider it necessary if the industry plans to increase exports. | Page 93

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Hog research board in funding limbo

Gov’t funding ends | Checkoffs needed?


The Canadian Swine Health Board is running out of time and money. It has developed a national biosafety system, funded pioneering research in pig diseases, is organizing emergency response plans for future disease outbreaks and has brought together a wide range of hog industry players, but it has never had more than temporary funding. Federal government money for the board, which began operating in 2009, runs out in March and there are no promises of future funding. “Many of you have been asking about next year’s forum,” chair Florian Possberg said during the organization’s annual forum, held in Winnipeg October 17-18. “Everybody in the room will play a role in whether that happens or not.” The financial wall the board is hurtling toward is the result of the temporary nature of the government funding

it has relied on, which makes up 100 percent of the budget. That money disappears March 31. Possberg is suggesting farmers and other industry players agree to a onepenny per pig contribution to the board to keep it operating. That’s a tiny amount of money, but Possberg acknowledged that in times of $20 to $50 per pig losses, even that little amount might be hard to accept. He said it is essential to maintain the organization’s disease research, control and suppression work. “We need to be able to continue on these initiatives,” he said. “We need to continue to recognize the importance of health programming.” The board has given the hog industry the most co-ordinated disease control program of any Canadian livestock industry, and most producers say it is a valuable contribution to their bottom lines. A survey by Ernst and Young found 70 percent of farmers think the board improves their profitability. The per pig value is about

$13 to $16 per animal exported. “CSHB has helped elevate the core swine health priorities, filling the gaps fragmented disease management programming has created,” said Ernst and Young adviser Shazmin Dosani, who oversaw an analysis and survey of the board. “Should CSHB activities and programming be discontinued, interviewees suggest that stakeholders would suffer losses in the area of consumer confidence, emergency preparedness and the dissolution of informational and social networks.” The board’s original federal funding arose from efforts made to control circovirus, which ravaged the Canadian herd in 2004 and 2005. Money was set aside to develop an organization that would proactively prepare for the outbreaks of unknown diseases and unexpected re-emergences of known diseases. Much work has been done but much remains, said University of Prince Edward Island veterinary spe-


cialist Dan Hurnick. Preventive medicine is difficult work. “We’re trying to define emerging emergencies. We have no idea what they’re going to be,” said Hurnick. “What we do know is that new diseases will happen. What we don’t know for sure is what they’ll be and when they will be and how they will happen.” Federal money was easier to get when the board was first funded. However, money has become tighter since 2009. “We’re in different budgeting times,” said Possberg. “It’s a lot different in Ottawa today.” This year’s forum was attended by 170 people, well above the previous average of 130 to 140. Possberg urged them to go back to their parts of the hog

industry and rally them to support the continuation of board funding “We have to take matters into our own hands and show some leadership here,” said Possberg. Executive director Robert Harding said it would be tragic to lose the focus that the board has been able to bring to disease preparedness and control. When circovirus broke out, the industry discovered that no government department or agency or section of the industry was willing to step forward and co-ordinate a national response. “That was the reality, and it wasn’t good,” said Harding.


Hog slaughter plants want assurances on supplies but not keen on buying Puratone barns BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Claude Vielfaure doesn’t want to buy Puratone’s barns, but he definitely wants his company’s Neepawa slaughter plant to keep getting its pigs. That’s the challenge. “No, we probably don’t want to,” Vielfaure said when asked if HyLife, which is based in La Broquerie, Man., is interested in buying some of the barns operated by bankrupt Manitoba hog production company Puratone. “We’re pretty comfortable the way we’ve balanced our company right now.” Puratone’s bankruptcy protection, which gives it time to financially reor-

ganize or sell itself, and the receivership situation at Big Sky Farms in Saskatchewan are worrying packers who rely on their pigs, such as HyLife, Maple Leaf Foods and Olymel. Those companies are said to be making inquiries about the price of buying at least parts of the bankrupt hog companies, and Olymel has already made an offer for Big Sky. Vielfaure said HyLife doesn’t need to own more pig production facilities, but it does need the pigs that some of the Puratone barns were producing and shipping to Neepawa. “We need to secure pigs for our plant,” said Vielfaure in an interview during the Canadian Swine Health Forum in Winnipeg.

“That’s our primary goal, so we look at all kinds of ways of doing that.” Vielfaure said HyLife needs to run its plant at maximum capacity to be efficient. “Not hitting the maximum number of pigs you want, it costs you a lot of money because your labour and plant have the same cost (regardless of the number of pigs processed). Every pig you put in your plant brings down your cost and makes more profits,” said Vielfaure. Many standalone hog operations are in grave financial trouble, with high feed prices demolishing profitability. Losses for most slaughter hog producers are estimated at $20 to $30 per pig. Vielfaure’s Hytek, a hog barn com-

pany, aggressively expanded a few years ago by vertically integrating. It bought the Neepawa slaughter plant and also runs trucking, feed milling, construction, genetics and manure management operations. That form of risk management — owning elements of almost the entire chain — is paying off now. “It’s worked out fairly well for us,” said Vielfaure. “That was our business strategy … when we bought our Neepawa plant. We were looking at the highs and lows of this business and maybe if we got on the meat side we’ll be able to take away some of the peaks and the lows.” The Neepawa plant just began its second shift in August and now pro-

cesses 28,500 pigs per week, which was its goal. The overall corporation employs 1,500 people. However, Vielfaure said he is worried about the future if the financial downturn doesn’t improve and leaves packers like him short of pigs. Maple Leaf Foods, the competitor for the pigs his company slaughters, wants to increase its weekly production by tens of thousands of hogs per week. “There’s a lack of pigs out there for the two slaughter plants in Manitoba, and that’s a huge concern for us, so we need to make sure we’re working with the government and other stuff that we try to maybe balance this business and make sure our plants (all have enough pigs to run efficiently),” said Vielfaure.




Immigrants pushing up demand for goat meat Making inroads | Private sales continue to buoy industry BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Horses share a field with a goat east of Nanton, Alta. |


PONOKA, Alta. — Canada’s palate is changing as immigrant numbers swell and with that comes different customs and different foods. Canadian meat goat producers cannot fill the growing market. Stacy Connors of Busby, Alta., says the profit picture on her Boer goat farm is getting better all time. Her meat goats fetched $1.30 per pound when she started in 2004. She now receives $2.50 per lb. There is also more interest in breeding stock, but buyers need to be careful. “We usually recommend if people are going to buy breeding stock they should go to the farm,” she said during a break at the Alberta Goat Breeders Association’s annual meeting in Ponoka. “There are still some good ones going to the auction, but you really have to watch because culls are going to the auction.” Much of the business still relies on private sales to the ethnic community, so statistics can be sketchy. However, Statistics Canada reports that nearly one million kilograms of goat meat had been imported by the end of May, compared to 1.5 million kg last year, mostly from Australia and New Zealand. During the same period, federal

and provincial slaughter plants handled 51,600 goats with an average carcass weight of 14 kg. The number of goats has slowly increased, but there are fewer farms: 7,700 farms reporting 182,500 goats in 2002 compared to 6,000 farms reporting 225,461 goats in June. Producers have much to learn when they join a new industry, said goat breeder and researcher Fred Homeyer of Robert Lee, Texas, who raises 20,000 meat goats on his Antelope Creek Ranch. “The most important production criteria for making meat goat production is pounds of meat produced at weaning per doe per kidding,” he said. S e l e c t i n g f e m i n i n e, h e a l t h y females capable of raising two to four kids is desirable. “If the doe can’t successfully raise her kids without a lot of meat overall, your production program will suffer, regardless of how good a herd sire you have,” he said. Boer goats received a reputation for poor mothering, he added, but too often producers kept them in small pens rather than on pasture. They often intervened too soon with tubing and bottle fed kids because they seemed weak. “That kid that couldn’t get up for two weeks then becomes somebody’s herd sire,” he said.

Homeyer, an internationally accredited judge, said most meat graders rely on their knowledge of sheep, but goats build muscle and fat differently. “Much of the research on meat goats is still done using the criteria on lamb production,” he said. “There is no real formal way to analyze goat carcasses and analyze market goats in the United States.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture uses the Institutional Meat Purchase Specification, a set of standards developed after the Second World War for procuring meat. It includes specifications for grade, weight, fat, portion sizes and quality assurance and provides carcass cutting diagrams to meet specifications for restaurants, barbecues and roasting standards.However, he feels a better grading system is needed. A goat carcass is more elongated and most of the meat is on the rear end. A young goat has light pink muscle around the flank whereas an older animal has darker meat. Goats deposit fat differently from sheep with most being found around the internal organs. “A lamb has some back fat measure, and based on the back fat measure, it tells you what yield and quality it is. Guess what, goats don’t have back fat,” said Homeyer. “Goats are not sheep.”


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Focus on scrapie | Goat producers must voluntarily submit samples BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

PONOKA, Alta. — Shoot, shovel and shut up is not the approach to take when trying to control scrapie. Scrapie in sheep and goats is part of a family of diseases similar to BSE in cattle. Two-thirds of countries have plans to trace and eradicate it and Canada is no different, said Corlena Patterson, manager of Scrapie Canada. “Those days of hiding anything are long gone. The ability to cover up is long gone and with the information network that is available to the world, that sort of information is at everyone’s fingertips,” Patterson told the Alberta Goat Breeders Association’s recent annual meeting in Ponoka. “We have to push past that philosophy of just covering it up.” Scrapie eradication is part of a national transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) plan that has been administered through the Canadian Sheep Federation for the last seven years. The goat industry decided in 2010 that it wanted its own program to find out if the disease appears in Canadian goats and if so, how to get rid of it. Scrapie is an internationally reportable disease. Countries must inform

the World Animal Health Organization if they have it and what was done to eradicate it. The United States had hoped to achieve negligible risk status by 2017, but it has had 20 cases this year. Half were confirmed in goats. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency had reported eight cases as of Sept. 27, all in sheep. All animals are destroyed if a herd or flock is found to be infected. “It comes at a severe cost to the producer and a severe loss to genetics in our country,” Patterson said. “Scrapie is not an easy disease to get rid of.” The CFIA has been contracted to collect brain samples at abattoirs as part of the sheep program. The plan calls for testing 15,000 samples between December 2010 to December 2012. More than 10,000 samples had been collected and tested as of the end of May. The goat industry has unique problems: • incomplete statistics on the number and location of goats and slaughter rates • lack of mandatory goat identification, which means the CFIA does not want to collect samples if the disease cannot be traced back to the farm of origin

As a result, farmers are asked to voluntarily submit samples to Alberta Agriculture’s TSE testing lab, Prairie Diagnostics Services in Saskatoon or the University of Guelph’s animal health laboratory. Twenty producers have agreed to participate, and Scrapie Canada covers the costs. Goat scrapie appears to be different from the sheep strain, so the study could provide more information and affect the way producers approach disease control. “If sheep are shown to have more prevalence of scrapie, then that should be a tool to prove that goats have a much lower or negligible risk for Canada,” said Patterson. It could prove there is less risk of disease and consequently improve export and import deals. The sheep genotype is still under study, which could determine that a similar genetic resistance occurs in goats. It is known that scrapie is spread from the placentas of infected females and then spread to kids at birth or to other animals exposed to the fluid or tissues of afterbirth. Males can get scrapie, but they do not appear to pass it to other animals. For more information, visit www. scrapiecanada.ca.





International expansion comes with a price tag Demand grows | Goat and dairy industry must promote food safety, traceability, says industry expert BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

PONOKA, Alta. — Canadian goat producers are in the same place beef producers were a dozen years ago when they hotly debated the need for a national identification program. Producers want to know why the government should know their private business and why they should have to pay for approved tags rather than use their own, cheaper versions. International rules demand certain standards for tag retention and readability. There are also instances where the absence of a mandatory program has created difficulties. Goats can develop scrapie, a brain wasting disease. It is a reportable disease and all countries must report its prevalence and provide information on how this transmissible spongiform encephalopathy is controlled. A voluntary surveillance plan has started, but the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is not helping with testing the way it has with sheep because no trace back exists, said Corlena Patterson of Scrapie Canada. The obex of the brain must be tested, and the CFIA will not collect samples from abattoirs. “The CFIA will not collect them unless they are officially tagged,” she said at the Alberta Goat Breeders Association meeting in Ponoka Oct. 13. “They are not going to test them if they don’t have tags and they can’t trace them back,” she said. According to world animal health rules, Canada must not have any scrapie cases for seven years to receive negligible risk status. Jennifer MacTavish, manager of the Canadian National Goat Association, said a growing demand for goat meat and dairy products means the industry needs to get serious about promoting food safety and traceability. The program is looking for information about individual identification, age of animal, movement and death. This information can be used when a trace back is required during a disease outbreak or food recall. It can also be used in case of an emergency so animals can be quickly found and helped. The sheep industry has already proven the value of measuring productivity and improving herd health using electronic identification. Goats could share that advantage. While identification is still voluntary, the federal government will expect a mandatory program that provides sound individual identification and trace back. “Traceability and identification are almost non-negotiable right now. What our role is now is to get an animal identification and traceability program that will work for the goat industry,” she said. The government wanted a mandatory national traceability program for all livestock by 2011, but that has been pushed back. Regulations have been written and are available for comment. MacTavish said goat producers must provide their input because some of the rules work well for cattle but do not work for small ruminants.


» The number of goats on farms is increasing, while the number of farms is declining:

Year # of goat farms 1986 8,936 1996 8,252 2011 5,949

# of goats 75,788 125,819 225,461

» Goat slaughter numbers are on the rise in Canada and the West:





2010 2011 2012

3,764 3,453 4,181

15,994 18,256 17,661

19,758 21,709 21,842

» Goat meat imports are increas-

ing while goat cheese imports are declining:

(000 kg)

2010 2011

Goat meat* Goat cheese

611.6 746.1 915.3 136.3 131.9 n/a


» Goat meat exports are decreasing: The Kiko is a New Zealand goat imported to North America recently. The breed descended from wild goats and is valued for its meat. This pair was on display at the recent Alberta Goat Breeders Association annual meeting in Ponoka. They were contributed by Peter Cherrett of Cabrita Hills Farm at Boyce Lake, Alta. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO The regulations also need to provide for changing technology. The national organization is testing various tags and understands some breeds of goats are hard to tag. The LaMancha breed has a small fold instead of a large outer ear, which means leg bands or a tag at the tail web may be better. Producer feedback is also sought to learn which tags stay in place, how they work in winter and how easy they are to read.

Three different Reyflex tags are being tested, but other companies and types could be checked. Only one offers electronic identification. The CFIA will issue a range of individual numbers designated as goat. These numbers are printed on the tags and the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency will store the data, which will remain confidential. For more information, visit www. cangoats.com or phone 888-8394271.

(000 kg)

2010 2011

Goat meat*





*May year-to-date figures Source: Agriculture Canada | WP GRAPHIC


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Clever cattle culling decisions bolster calf production, profits ANIMAL HEALTH

Centennial Column Celebrating 100 years of students at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. The Centennial Column is a weekly feature highlighting the history and present successes of the college.


Voluntary culling decisions often made without enough data

A Intercontinental Co-operation Located near the northern end of Japan’s Honshu island, Iwate University has an important ingredient in common with the University of Saskatchewan: cold winters. Through its Graduate School of Agriculture and its United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate has traditionally offered excellent programs in coldweather agriculture. When the Japanese government encouraged its universities to pursue international ties, Iwate approached the College of Agriculture and Bioresources to look into possible collaborations. In 2007, a Memorandum of Agreement was signed, setting the groundwork for student and faculty exchanges, resource pooling and curriculum cross-pollination. The Memorandum lists four possible areas of collaboration: stress physiology (particularly agriculture in cold climates), agro-biosciences, environmental sciences and sustainable agriculture. Since then, twelve Japanese PhD students have come to Saskatchewan for threeweek summer study programs. “They worked in various labs in the college, were exposed to different kinds of research, and had the opportunity to talk to faculty and graduate students at the University,” explains Bruce Coulman, who, together with Karen Tanino, has been leading the College’s side of the collaboration. Collaboration among institutions is becoming increasingly prominent in today’s research environment, as scientists join forces to tackle complex international challenges such as climate change. Connections with universities like Iwate will continue to be vital as the college strengthens its position on the cutting edge of agricultural research. So far, no U of S students have visited Iwate, but, says Coulman, “we’re working on the establishment of a dual Ph.D. degree which will have students carrying out their studies at both universities.” Aside from its cold winters, the environs of Iwate University should be attractive to students interested in this opportunity. The city of Morioka, where the university is located, was founded in the 16th century as a castle town at the confluence of three rivers. The outlying district is famously scenic, boasting the Rickuchu Coast National Park, the Hachimantai ski resort and three prominent mountains, including Mt. Iwate, a 2,038-metre-high volcano nicknamed “Mt. Fuji of the Nambu Region.” Under this collaboration, three professors from the University of Saskatchewan presented papers at an Iwate University symposium on climate change in 2008. More recently, approximately 20 professors from Iwate and other northern Japanese universities have visited the U of S to make presentations and talk to potential collaborators in a number of department/colleges. Dr. Karen Tanino has established a collaborative program on plant stress tolerance with Matsuo Uemura of Iwate University, which has taken her to Iwate to lecture and conduct research. Coulman states that “the Memorandum of Agreement has established close ties between the two universities over the last five years, and we look forward to this being enhanced by the establishment of dual Ph.D. degrees in the near future.” Adapted from Agknowledge 2010


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s weaning time and pregnancy checking approaches, many cow-calf producers have to make decisions about which cows should be offered the early retirement option. Longevity in cows is not a trait that we talk about a great deal, but it is an important one in economic terms. We end up with more calves to sell if we need fewer replacement heifers. As well, more calves per cow’s lifetime will usually mean more dollars in a producer’s pocket. Fifteen percent of cows are usually replaced annually in most cow herds, and approximately half of all beef cow culling is done because of a failure to become pregnant within the prescribed breeding period. Cows that don’t get pregnant are often in poor body condition at breeding time. In many herds, the second calvers are often the most common cows found open. When heifers calve for the first time, they typically take longer to come back into heat than do older cows. This means that if the heifers are calving at the same time as the rest of the herd, a higher percentage of them will not get pregnant in the next breeding period and will show up as open cows. It is important to give heifers a head start on the rest of the herd to allow them extra time to come back into heat after they calve. First calf heifers also have higher nutritional demands because they are still growing while raising a calf

for the first time. They may need special attention in terms of increased nutrients so they don’t make an early exit from the herd because of poor body condition. About another quarter of all the cows we cull leave the herd because of calving problems or calf survival issues. Most producers are doing a much better job of reducing losses because of calving problems. Many veterinarians report that they are doing fewer calvings and caesarean sections, partly because of better management and the use of easy-calving and low birthweight sires. However, we also need to pay attention to mothering ability and temperament in our cows when making choices about which ones to keep. Making sure that each cow raises its calf through to weaning is a vitally important economic trait. Mismothering of calves can be a frustrating problem at calving time, and these cows will often continue to be a problem in future years. Their calves are less likely to get up immediately and suck, which often means they don’t get adequate colostrum. It may be possible to foster the calf onto another cow, but in many cases these calves are more likely to get sick and die. Cows that have poor mothering ability are a major detriment to a producer’s calf crop percentage and should definitely have a major strike against them when it comes to making culling decisions. Another 25 percent of culled cows leave the herd because of physical reasons such as lameness and udder



problems. Udder conformation is another important trait for calf survival. Cows with pendulous teats and blind quarters make it difficult for newborn calves to suck and receive adequate colostrum. It’s important to make a note of these cows during calving time and place them on the culling list. We often don’t notice a cow’s udder conformation by the time weaning comes around. Cows with fewer than four functional teats will usually produce less milk, which will have a detrimental effect on the weaning weight of their calves. Lameness is another common cause of culling in older cows. We can prevent premature culling by selecting heifers and bulls with good conformation of feet and legs. Most of the culling reasons that we’ve discussed so far would be classified as non-voluntary culling. We have to cull these cows because they have significant problems that affect their production. Ideally, we would like to leave some room for voluntary culling. However, there is often no room left for culling for poor weaning weights and genetics if our reproductive management is not ideal. It is really through voluntary culling that we can make our most significant genetic gains. All too commonly, these voluntary culling decisions are made with inadequate data. Weaning weights and cow lifetime histories allow us to make much more intelligent culling decisions. Talk to your veterinarian about the options for cow-calf software programs that will help you make these culling decisions. Having the ability to link cow productivity with weaning weights and carcass data will allow cow-calf producers to make huge productivity gains through genetic selection and intelligent culling. John Campbell is head of Large Animal Clinical Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine.




Masterfeeds, Ridley merge Companies plan to merge livestock, feed and nutrition business BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

relative shareholdings in Masterfeeds LP. The merger is expected to take place in 30 to 45 days.



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The merger of two feed businesses will create the second largest feed provider in Canada. Masterfeeds Inc. and Ridley Inc. announced Oct. 18 that they will merge their commercial livestock and poultry feed and nutrition businesses in Canada. The new company, with its headquarters in London, Ont., will be called Masterfeeds LP and operate 22 feed manufacturing plants in Canada. Chief executive officer Rob Flack said the merger would allow the companies to have a more “efficient

geographic footprint in Canada.” “As Canadian meat, milk and egg producers have become fewer, larger and even more sophisticated, it has been obvious for some time that the feed industry in Canada would benefit from a similar transformation,” said Flack. Masterfeeds is a wholly owned subsidiary of AG Processing, a farmer owned co-operative from Omaha, Nebraska. Ridley’s Canadian feed business, Feed-Rite, has operated in Canada for 74 years and was acquired by Ridley 20 years ago. Masterfeeds Inc. and Ridley Inc. will contribute all of their Canadian feed operating assets in exchange for

The Harvest Pool deadline is October 31. Visit changingprairielandscape.ca or call Cargill at 1-888-855-8558 to get started.

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Cattle processing sees consolidation, challenges Bigger, faster, stronger | XL Foods processes a large share of Canada’s beef but is now involved in the biggest recall in the country’s history BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

In the mid-1960s, Garnet Altwasser was running a feed mill in Brooks, Alta., and Don Danard was selling 5,000 cattle per day at the Edmonton Stockyards. Altwasser, along with partners Jim Wilfley and Tor Wigemyr, went on t o build Lakeside Packers and Danard became a pioneer in internet cattle marketing at the Calgary Stockyards. The two men witnessed massive changes in the Canadian beef indus-

try, in which Alberta became a powerhouse in the feedlot and processing industries. Major companies such as Canada Packers, Burns and Swifts, as well as smaller regional players in every major city, are gone now, replaced by two major plants in Alberta that process 70 percent of the nation’s herd. Cheap grain and plenty of cattle were available when Altwasser and his partners decided to build a small packing plant northwest of Brooks. It cost $1 million and could handle 1,000 head per week.

In that business, you can go from being a hero to a bum in an instant.” GARNET ALTWASSER FORMER LAKESIDE PACKER OWNER

Now owned by XL Foods, Lakeside Packers can process more than 4,000 head per day and is embroiled in Canada’s largest meat recall because of E. coli contamination.

It has signed a deal with Brazilbased JBS to handle its management. The multinational has the option to buy the plant and other assets for $100 million. To finance the plant in 1974, 20 percent of Lakeside was sold to the Japanese company Mitsubishi, with the hope that it would be the agent to ship beef to Japan. Altwasser said it did not work as well as hoped. In the meantime, a seismic shift was occurring. He estimates 30 Canadian plants shut down from 1974-94, unable to compete against newer,

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larger and more powerful companies. “The cost of production in a large plant with all the efficiencies associated with a large plan, are such that small plants can’t compete. The cost of production is too high,” said Altwasser. “We saw a multitude of plants go down and then you had a U.S. border that opened and the American plants continued to get bigger and stronger and more powerful and they began to buy live cattle under the noses of the Alberta industry,” he said. To keep Lakeside afloat, the partners sold to IBP of the United States in 1994. Lakeside was then the largest carcass facility in North America, and IBP invested heavily, adding a boxed beef section, more freezers and a rendering operation. “That is what needed to be done to make the plant world class and competitive,” Altwasser said. It also experienced major food recalls, but at the time no one knew much about E. coli O157:H7. Altwasser remained with the company for another 10 years. By that time, it had been taken over by Tyson Foods. The plant was running at capacity and the feedlot had expanded to 75,000 head. Brian and Lee Nilsson took over in 2009. With the entry of JBS, Altwasser and Danard see a new, competent player entering Canada. The company has plenty of liquidity and a good reputation, something Altwasser suggests is needed to restore consumer confidence. Looking back, Altwasser wonders how his plant survived. “In that business ,you can go from being a hero to a bum in an instant.” He does not foresee new plants being built or old ones reopened. “They are high maintenance plants when they are operating and they continue to deteriorate when they are closed. The smaller plants are not competitive with the large plants,” he said. Danard agreed it is a tough business, but said that as someone selling cattle, he would prefer more competition. “Two is better than one in terms of bidding. I would rather have more,” he said. “People say these packers must be making a lot of money. If they were making a lot of money, why do we only have two?” American bidders help. “These packers have to compete with the U.S. bids as well and as a result it is competitive. The perception isn’t great, but the fact is, it is competitive not just between the two packing plants but the American interests,” he said. While Danard welcomes a new player, he also has respect for XL Foods owners Lee and Brian Nilsson, having sold cattle for their father, Bill, and working with the pair since they were teenagers. “Lee was out buying cattle in the country before he could even drive. He was 14. Brian had a driver’s licence at that point. He was 16 and they travelled together and bought cattle in the country,” said Danard. Having seen so much, he accepts the change. “There’s always change. You just have to adapt to it.”




Supply management debated Pros, cons | Evidence points to need to examine system: conference board BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

dairy policy” compared to developments in other countries. The most recent report said that in all countries it compared to Canada, including the United States, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, deregulation has led to fewer farmers and increased production. In some cases, such as New Zealand, the increase in lower-price product has fueled increased exports. In Canada, where production quotas ensure output is focused on supplying a relatively stagnant domestic market, “production has been essentially constant since the mid-1970s and is actually down compared with the early 1960s.” In fact, over-production that depressed prices and created chaos in the industry in the early 1960s was one of the main reasons supply management was created to limit production and increase farmer prices and their share of the consumer dairy dollar. The GMC report said as a result of the policy, a survey of eastern Canadian milk prices since 1997 shows they have been consistently higher than prices in the eastern or midwest U.S. “Milk prices in Canada are generally much higher than those in the U.S.,” it said.


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Dairy Farmers of Canada executive director Richard Doyle and the Conference Board of Canada agree on one thing: Canada’s regulated and protectionist dairy supply management system is one of a kind. They disagree on whether that is a good or bad thing. “The continued presence of this policy has contributed to stagnating production, reduced Canada’s ability to negotiate for freer trade for all Canadian goods and services and created incentives for individuals to allegedly smuggle cheese from the United States and resell it at a massive profit in Canada,” said Danielle Goldfarb, the conference board’s associate director of the Global Commerce Centre, in an Oct. 19 statement with the release of a new supply management study. “All of the evidence points to a definitive need to fundamentally examine the rationale of the supply management system.” A day earlier at a McGill University conference on global food security in Montreal, Doyle said the 40-year-old system has stabilized the industry, shielded farmers and consumers from the price volatility found else-

where and given Canadian dairy producers the largest share of the dairy dollar in the world. “Food prices, dairy prices, are not high,” said Doyle. “Compared to other commodities, food prices remain low. This is a system unique to Canada and it is working.” The comments came as the conference board published a report from the George Morris Centre in Guelph, Ont., that argued most of Canada’s dairy competitors have moved beyond the tightly protectionist and regulated policies they once maintained to control surplus production. The results have been more price volatility, farm consolidation, production expansion and, in some cases, including the United States, subsidies when dairy incomes fall. However, it said the industry has expanded and become more competitive. Canada’s strict adherence to import and production controls and price setting has kept prices stable and rising, but production has fallen, said the report, one of a series the centre is writing on supply management for the conference board, a businessfinanced think-tank. The next report will study “challenges in the evolution of Canadian

The Harvest Pool deadline is October 31. Visit changingprairielandscape.ca or call Cargill at 1-888-855-8558 to get started.

















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1.000 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15 10/22

Bank of Canada 5-yr rate

Oct. 22

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AG STOCKS FOR OCT. 15-19 Slow progress addressing Spain’s debt problems and weak U.S. corporate profits weighed on markets. Canadian inflation was steady at 1.2 percent in September. For the week, the TSX composite rose 1.75 percent. The Dow edged up just 0.1 percent, the S&P 500 rose 0.3 percent and the Nasdaq lost 1.3 percent, hit hard by the poor quarterly showing at Google. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.



ADM Alliance Grain Bunge Ltd. ConAgra Foods Legumex Walker Viterra Inc. W.I.T.



28.52 12.91 70.07 28.26 7.50 16.00 13.25

28.05 13.86 68.56 27.94 7.80 16.10 13.25


Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

50.545 0.05 20.65 8.55 10.94

50.545 0.06 19.92 8.00 11.00



BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods



0.10 28.90 10.94 17.97 20.31 6.24 16.44

0.085 28.83 10.74 17.96 20.45 6.00 16.02




AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

48.28 5.56 83.86 43.18 84.99 11.34

46.69 5.56 82.82 40.26 82.44 11.22




Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

103.95 85.43 89.59 29.86 49.34 0.97 88.69 53.97 40.29 73.78

101.16 83.47 88.32 28.08 48.69 0.90 88.57 54.15 40.82 74.00





A different kind of medicine Doctor turns distiller | LB Distillers Inc. opens its doors bottling a variety of Prairie grains BY SEAN PRATT




CLOSE LAST WK 87.68 88.41

87.15 87.00

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial advisor with Raymond James Ltd. in Calgary. Member of CIPF. Equity prices are from Thomson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd, Assiniboia Farmland LP. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Within the last year, Raymond James provided paid advice regarding securities of Cervus Equip. Contact Morrison at 877-264-0333.





Cary Bowman had an epiphany during a flight to Europe while reading an article on the surging U.S. micro-distillery movement. He wanted to be on the leading edge of a similar trend in his home province of Saskatchewan. “Being from the Prairies and having this rich resource of grains and fruit and beautiful water, it’s just a question why wasn’t it done before?” said the president of good times at LB Distillers Inc. The company officers all have jocular titles. When Bowman returned from Europe in the summer of 2010, he shared his idea over cocktails with his friends Michael Goldney and Lacey Crocker. “We had the discussion about it and literally the next day Lacey was shopping for real estate,” he said. Crocker and Goldney, who are married, own a Saskatoon medical clinic, but the margins are thin in that business and they were looking to invest in a more dynamic venture. “One of the reasons why we were drawn to the idea of going into the (distillery) industry was that you could have fun, you could be a little more adventurous, a little more daring,” said Crocker, LB’s chief operating officer lady. In May 2012, the three business partners opened the doors to LB Distillers Inc., a Saskatoon micro-distillery that makes handcrafted whiskey, vodka, gin, rum, fruit liqueurs, brandy and bitters. Bowman is a financial consultant who tackles some of the unglamorous aspects of the business, such as government filings. Crocker and Goldney run the distillery. Crocker handles the retail portion of the shop and does the bookkeeping, while Goldney, a retired physician, makes the spirits and plays with recipes. “I still get to use some of my training, a lot of the biochemistry,” he said. Goldney started his medical practice as a rural doctor, which he enjoyed, but became less enamored with the field when he became an urban doctor in Saskatoon. He’s much happier making booze. “I get to smell wonderful stuff for a change. One of the not-so-great things about being a doctor is you have to smell really nasty stuff quite regularly,” said Goldney, LB’s president of vice. He draws parallels between selling booze and doctoring. “I often joke that this is a lot like anesthesia or plastic surgery — we make ugly people more attractive.” Bowman said the first obstacle to overcome was that the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority

Lacey Crocker, Michael Goldney and Cary Bowman toast the early success of their new Saskatoon microdistillery with a glass of their saskatoon berry liqueur. | SEAN PRATT PHOTO had no regulations in place for micro-distilleries. They worked with the government agency to establish rules for distilleries producing less than 50,000 litres of finished product per year, which is about what a major distillery would produce in a day. “SLGA has been literally fantastic to deal with and very keen on growing the micros,” said Bowman. The business partners spent the next two years finding a warehouse, sourcing and setting up the distilling equipment and perfecting their recipes.

They toured and worked at some of the many micro-distilleries in Portland, Oregon, which just fed the desire to build one in Saskatoon. “From the little guy in the garage to the big estate guy, they were a hit. People loved it. They were lining up at the door,” said Crocker. One of LB’s feature products won’t be ready until 2015 because whiskey has to be barrel-aged for at least three years. The distillery is making three types of single malt whiskey, including two scotch style whiskeys. One is made from 100 percent malted Canadian

barley, the other from heavily peated and smoked barley imported from Scotland. The other one is a Canadian rye whiskey made from two-thirds malted rye and one-third malted barley. Bowman said people don’t realize most Canadian rye whiskey is made from corn, which is less expensive and easier to work with than rye. “We call it the great rye lie,” he said. LB sources its malt from Canada Malting Co. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE




» CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE While they wait for the whiskey to be ready, the partners are producing and selling vodka, gin, fruit liqueurs and eaux de vie, an un-aged fruit brandy made from the skins of berries used in fruit liqueurs. Bowman said it’s hard for a craft distillery to get excited about making vodka, which he said is essentially watered down ethanol. “Where our passion comes in is we make it as smooth as we possibly can,” he said. What begins as a neutral wheat spirit is blended with water and then distilled nine times in a copper still that removes the sulfur compounds from the alcohol. The vodka is fur-

ther polished by aeration, which gets rid of the lighter, more volatile alcohols, and by filtering it through 20 million sq. metres of charcoal. The result is a sipping vodka that has a silky feel on the palate and no harsh taste or smell. “You mix it into a cocktail and it absolutely disappears to a scary degree. You’ll know it after you’ve had a couple of them but you really can’t taste it,” said Bowman. LB’s gin is a new western style, which is basically a flavoured vodka distilled over juniper berries. But LB’s gin relies more heavily on other botanicals and less on junipers than most gins. It is made with Saskatoon berries, chamomile, anise, coriander, lemon peel, cloves and angelica root.


We call it the great rye lie.

The gin doesn’t pass through the carbon filter, which would remove all of the flavours. The fruit liqueurs are made from locally sourced berries, such as sour cherry, sea buckthorn, black currant and of course saskatoon berry. Each 375 millilitre bottle requires half a kilogram to 1.5 kilograms of berries. They’ve also started a batch of rum made out of Caribbean sugar cane, molasses and wildflower honey from a farm near Shellbrook, Sask. And they sell bitters, which they describe as the salt and pepper for cocktails. LB sells its products directly out of its Saskatoon production plant and to bars and restaurants throughout the province. It hopes to have its vodka and gin on the shelves of Saskatchewan liquor stores next year. The company recently got its products listed in Alberta and British Columbia, where it will be sold at high-end restaurants, bars and specialty liquor stores. Vodka is by far the biggest seller, followed by gin and the saskatoon berry liqueur. The vodka and gin sell for $37.77, including taxes, for a 750 millilitre bottle and the fruit liqueurs for $35 for a 375 mL bottle. A number of LB’s products have won awards at spirits competitions in California and Chicago. Goldney said sales have been better than anticipated and are growing exponentially every month as word gets out in the media and through the efforts of their sales representatives. “I remain cautiously optimistic that we will still be in business when our barrels of whiskey are mature,” he said with a grin.



Producers must be open to change THE BOTTOM LINE



nyone making a living farming today is a successful businessperson. Being good at production isn’t enough. You must innovate and adopt new technology, improve efficiency and manage budgets and risks on a scale unimaginable even a couple of decades ago. The danger is that it’s easy to become complacent. In a rapidly changing world, sticking to the same practices, even the ones that got you to where you are today, can cost you money. That’s why Milligan Bio-Tech decided to rethink just about everything it does. Milligan is the brainchild of a group of farmers from Foam Lake, Sask., who set out two decades ago to build a biodiesel plant that would use non food-grade canola, which generally earned them little or nothing. They faced many technical challenges but bigger financial ones. The market for biodiesel remained tiny until last year, when government mandates requiring diesel to have a two percent biofuel blend began coming into effect. Staying in business required creativity, and the

company relied heavily on byproducts such as a diesel fuel conditioner and penetrating oil. “Co-products sort of carried the company in the early days,” said chief executive officer Joe Holash, a chemical engineer and executive recruited two years ago. “But now with government mandates in place, there is strong demand for biodiesel.” Biodiesel production was just 500,000 litres annually when Holash joined the company, but this year its 20-million litre plant is going flat out. Managing that growth was his No. 1 priority, but he also cast a fresh eye on the byproduct business. What he saw was a marketing team that had worked its butt off to generate the sales that had been vital to the company’s survival. The effort was great, but the rewards were unequal. “We were doing a lot of running around,” said Holash. “We would sell a few bottles at a trade show or to garages in all sorts of small communities and that sort of thing.” It turned out that 15 percent of customers generated 80 percent of byproduct sales, but the revamp wasn’t as simple as reducing in-person sales calls for small accounts and spending more time servicing larger ones. Holash encouraged his sales team to look with fresh eyes at what they’d been doing. One of the things they noticed was pretty obvious: you need to sell a lot of small cans of penetrating oil to generate the revenue you get from one big barrel of a newer Milligan

byproduct, a biodegradable tar and oil remover. So they targeted large paving and oilfield companies, and today the company can’t keep up with demand, “which is a nice position to be in,” says Holash. But if this sounds easy, don’t be fooled, he quickly adds. “Anyone who has been successful in growing a business can easily develop these biases and filters that get you locked into a path,” he says. “Good businesspeople recognize that, which is why they bring in new blood and make a real effort to be open to change.” Family farms aren’t going to go out and recruit a new CEO, but they can hire advisers or, better yet, give another family member authority, especially the heir apparent, over some part of the business such as marketing, finances or long-term planning. Being open to change means looking dispassionately at what you do and asking why you do it that way, says Holash. “When something has worked for you, it becomes part of your culture and so you may not look at it objectively.” It doesn’t have to be a radical overhaul. After all, Milligan still sells byproducts. It just does it differently — and more profitably. Archived columns from this series can be found at www.fcc-fac.ca/learning. Farm Credit Canada enables business management skill development through resources such as this column, and information and learning events available across Canada.

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The Harvest Pool deadline is October 31. Visit changingprairielandscape.ca or call Cargill at 1-888-855-8558 to get started.






Brazilian ethanol producer adopts Iogen technology Canadian plans scrapped | Partners eyeing new plant in Brazil BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

A Brazilian ethanol giant is investing in a cellulosic ethanol project with Iogen Energy. Iogen is an Ottawa technology company that devoted the better part of the 2000s trying to build a plant in Western Canada with its business partner, Royal Dutch Shell. Shell said in April it was scrapping plans to build a 40 million litre facility in Portage la Prairie, Man., that would have used Iogen’s technology to make ethanol out of cereal straw. Six months later, Raizen Group, the world’s largest producer of sugar cane ethanol, is making an initial investment toward developing a commercial cellulosic ethanol plant in Brazil using sugar cane bagasse, which is the plant material left over after the sugar is extracted from the cane. The unspecified investment will cover development and engineering costs to design a facility to be located with one of Raizen’s ethanol plants in Sao Paulo, Brazil. “We believe Iogen has one of the

We’re excited to be working with a major ethanol industry player like Raizen. BRIAN FOODY IOGEN CHAIR

most robust, well proven and competitive technologies in the cellulosic ethanol business,” Raizen chief executive officer Vasco Dias said in a news release. Raizen is a $12 billion, 50-50 joint venture between Shell and Cosan S.A., a Brazilian ethanol firm. The venture gave Raizen the rights to use Iogen’s technology because Shell is part owner of Iogen. Raizen produces 2.2 billion litres of sugar cane ethanol annually, which it sells at its 4,500 fuel service stations in Brazil. “We’re excited to be working with a major ethanol industry player like Raizen,” Iogen chair Brian Foody said in the news release. Iogen consultant Jeff Passmore said the company began exploring the

Brazilian venture once it determined it couldn’t make the economics work for a western Canadian project. “It was largely too expensive,” he said. “We were all disappointed that the project didn’t go ahead in Western Canada, but I would say that (today’s announcement) is a good news story for Canadian technology.” Passmore said the failure of the Iogen project doesn’t mean there will never be a cellulosic ethanol project in Western Canada. He said U.S. companies are still looking at their own technology to convert forestry and agriculture residues into ethanol in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Brazilian project has the advantage of having access to Raizen’s sugar cane bagasse. “There is no feedstock collection costs. It’s already at the facility,” said Passmore. The cost, scope and timing of the Brazilian project are all to be determined. “ Ho p e f u l l y , t h e re w i l l b e a n announcement sometime in the first quarter of 2013 once the results of the engineering work are finished.”

Brazil’s vast sugarcane harvest will provide the raw material for a cellulosic ethanol project using technology developed by Iogen, a Canadian company. The process will use bagasse, the fibre left over after the sugar has been extracted from the cane. | FILE PHOTO

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CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta

GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Grade A

Live Oct. 12-18

Previous Oct. 5-11

Year ago

Rail Oct. 12-18

Previous Oct. 5-11

106.00-108.00 100.72-120.46 103.75 94.00-98.00

106.50-107.00 105.20-115.53 101.50-104.00 94.00-98.00

110.15 109.97 109.80 97.50

n/a 185.00-188.00 n/a n/a

175.75-177.50 185.00-189.00 n/a n/a

107.40-108.00 96.79-113.21 102.00 92.00-96.50

106.50 103.59-113.34 n/a 92.00-96.50

110.37 107.84 108.35 95.50

n/a 184.00-187.00 n/a n/a

174.75-177.50 184.00-188.00 n/a n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$155 $150 $145 $140 $135 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Saskatchewan $155


Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)

$135 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Manitoba $150 $145 $140 $135 $130 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $150


Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400

Cattle Slaughter





116-125 120-134 128-140 132-147 143-164 154-189

107-126 117-133 124-143 130-154 140-167 149-180

116-128 122-134 128-141 134-148 145-167 162-187

110-124 115-130 125-138 130-146 142-160 150-181

110-124 115-127 120-132 126-145 134-164 148-174

110-124 115-131 117-135 123-151 130-165 140-172

113-124 118-130 124-137 130-148 142-167 152-179

108-120 115-126 120-138 130-144 143-164 154-180 Canfax

$145 $140

Average Carcass Weight

$135 $130 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Oct. 13/12 896 841 671 1005


Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $145 $140 $135

Oct. 15/11 890 819 665 967

YTD 12 876 820 680 1026

YTD 11 849 776 674 1013

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)

$130 $125 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Manitoba $145 $140 $135 $130 $125 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed) Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) South Dakota Billings Dodge City

Steers 126.87 126.99 126.72 196.71

Steers 136-151.50 133-138.50 139-143.75

Trend steady/+2 n/a +3

Cattle / Beef Trade

Cash Futures Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb

-18.29 -21.34 -14.75

-16.68 -20.79 -14.20

Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 1546.0 -1 Non-fed 229.7 -13 Total beef 1775.6 -3

Exports % from 2011 451,732 (1) -1.0 111,183 (1) +68.6 152,830 (3) -8.4 204,861 (3) -8.7 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 31,935 (2) -26.7 135,540 (4) +2.8 172,864 (4) +6.3

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head)ma Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to Oct. 6/12 (2) to Aug. 31/12 (3) to Aug. 31/12 (4) to Oct. 13/12


Agriculture Canada

Close Oct. 19 Live Cattle Oct 126.30 Dec 127.28 Feb 131.00 Apr 134.78 Jun 131.20 Feeder Cattle Oct 146.15 Nov 148.38 Jan 150.23 Mar 152.20 Apr 153.73

123.90 125.50 129.35 133.30 130.05

+2.40 +1.78 +1.65 +1.48 +1.15

121.93 122.15 124.80 128.90 126.65

143.10 144.23 146.15 149.10 150.70

+3.05 +4.15 +4.08 +3.10 +3.03

139.40 142.73 147.60 148.18 148.30

This wk Last wk Yr. ago n/a n/a 202-204 Canfax

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Oct. 12 Previous Base rail (index 100) 2.32 2.32 Index range 103.41-107.84 103.90-107.77 Range off base 2.40-2.50 2.41-2.50 Feeder lambs 1.10-1.15 1.10-1.15 Sheep (live) 0.40-0.60 0.40-0.60 SunGold Meats

Oct. 15 1.75-2.35 1.63-1.85 1.63-1.76 1.62-1.74 1.38-1.65 1.20-1.80 0.85-1.05 1.00-1.10 75-120

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

1.84-2.14 1.68-2.00 1.62-1.70 1.57-1.75 1.39-1.60 1.50-1.80 0.80-1.00 0.90-1.05 75-120

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $180 $160 $140 $120 n/a $100 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Fixed contract $/ckg

Nov 25-Dec 08 Dec 09-Dec 22 Dec 23-Jan 05 Jan 06-Jan 19 Jan 20-Feb 02 Feb 03-Feb 16 Feb 17-Mar 02 Mar 03-Mar 16 Mar 17-Mar 30 Mar 31-Apr 13 Apr 14-Apr 27

$180 $160 $140 $120 $100 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes) (1) to Oct. 6/12

(2) to Aug. 31/12

$160 $150

$130 $120 9/17 9/24 10/3 10/5 10/15 10/22

Dec Feb Apr May

Close Oct. 19 79.63 85.70 90.80 98.10

Close Oct. 12 78.38 84.65 90.45 98.50

To Oct. 13 Canada 15,823,327 15,799,477 +0.2

To date 2012 To date 2011 % change 12/11

Fed. inspections only U.S. 86,823,375 85,088,050 +2.0 Agriculture Canada

+1.25 +1.05 +0.35 -0.40

Year ago 89.65 92.03 94.75 99.90

144.30 147.37

Man. Que.

148.00 151.38 *incl. wt. premiums

Import n/a 165,509 (3) 175,233 (3)

% from 2011 n/a +11.2 +8.2 Agriculture Canada

EXCHANGE RATE: OCT. 22 $1 Cdn. = $1.0055 U.S. $1 U.S. = $0.9945 Cdn.


$305 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15 10/22

Milling Wheat (Dec.) $310 $305

$290 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15 10/22

Close Oct. 19 100.83 100.33 99.25 88.20

Trend -0.02 -0.25 -0.25 -0.40

Year ago 100.63 99.33 97.58 85.90

Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)

Oct. 22 20.00-23.85 14.00-17.00 19.00-23.00 21.50-27.00 15.75-17.50 16.25-19.00 13.50-16.00 10.50-12.00 9.25-9.75 7.75-8.75 8.20-8.45 11.50-13.40 5.00-8.10 34.90-36.75 30.20-31.75 n/a 23.50-26.00 27.00-32.75 26.75-32.75 22.00-22.75 22.30-23.50

No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)

$660 $640

Avg. Oct. 15 21.15 22.17 16.11 16.76 20.93 21.12 23.64 23.74 16.27 17.13 17.70 17.83 14.74 14.74 11.47 11.33 9.55 9.55 8.48 8.40 8.36 8.36 12.28 12.10 5.78 5.68 36.13 36.13 31.36 31.36 n/a 24.33 25.26 24.28 29.38 29.38 30.50 30.50 22.30 22.30 23.10 23.10

Cash Prices

Canola (cash - Nov.)

Oct. 17 Oct. 10 Year Ago 190.71 194.23 171.87 153.57 153.57 195.65 25.25 26.10 26.40

$600 $580 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12 10/19

Canola (basis - Nov.) $10 $0 $-10 $-20

U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.) USDA

No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator

Oct. 19 8.75 8.55 8.10 5.76 5.04

$-30 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12 10/19

Grain Futures Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $300 $295 $290 $285 $280 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12 10/19

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $560 $555 $550 $545 n/a $540 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12 10/19

Barley (cash - Dec.) $300 $290

Basis: $30

Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Corn (Dec.) $770 $760 $750 $740 $730 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15 10/22

$1750 $1680 $1610 $1540

Oats (Dec.) $420.0 $405.0 $390.0

Oct. 22 Oct. 15 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Nov 615.20 596.70 +18.50 Jan 614.20 595.70 +18.50 Mar 612.70 593.50 +19.20 May 606.40 588.10 +18.30 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Dec 307.50 297.40 +10.10 Mar 317.00 306.90 +10.10 May 320.00 309.90 +10.10 July 322.00 311.90 +10.10 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Dec 312.40 312.40 0.00 Mar 319.00 319.00 0.00 May 323.00 323.00 0.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Dec 250.00 250.00 0.00 Mar 253.00 253.00 0.00 May 254.00 254.00 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 8.7825 8.4825 +0.3000 Mar 8.9025 8.6050 +0.2975 May 8.9350 8.6400 +0.2950 Jul 8.5650 8.3300 +0.2350 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Dec 3.9550 3.8800 +0.0750 Mar 3.9900 3.9100 +0.0800 May 3.9775 3.9025 +0.0750 July 3.9725 3.8975 +0.0750 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Nov 15.4650 14.9250 +0.5400 Jan 15.4925 14.9175 +0.5750 Mar 15.1775 14.6600 +0.5175 May 14.7400 14.2825 +0.4575 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) Dec 51.66 50.01 +1.65 Jan 52.04 50.40 +1.64 Mar 52.49 50.90 +1.59 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Dec 7.6125 7.3725 +0.2400 Mar 7.5925 7.3725 +0.2200 May 7.5325 7.3175 +0.2150 Jul 7.4475 7.2525 +0.1950 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 9.4750 9.2100 +0.2650 Mar 9.4800 9.2750 +0.2050 May 9.5400 9.3400 +0.2000 Jul 9.5000 9.3250 +0.1750 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 9.1550 8.8125 +0.3425 Mar 9.2750 8.9450 +0.3300 May 9.3250 8.9975 +0.3275

Year ago 522.60 530.60 538.90 545.80 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.4250 6.7750 6.9525 7.0750 3.4100 3.5100 3.5750 3.6350 12.2675 12.3525 12.4475 12.5175 51.79 52.06 52.40 6.5100 6.6225 6.6800 6.7175 9.1725 8.5425 8.3350 8.2375 7.3500 7.4825 7.5575

$375.0 $360 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15 10/22

Close Oct. 12 100.85 100.58 99.50 88.60

Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Cash Prices

$1470 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15 10/22

% from 2011 -11.9 +5.1 +5.1

Jun Jul Aug Oct


Soybeans (Nov.)

Index 100 hogs $/ckg

(3) to Oct. 13/12



Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)

Manitoba $140

Export 681,226 (1) 213,364 (2) 779,896 (2)

Durum (Dec.)

$260 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/4 10/12 10/19

Hogs / Pork Trade


$245 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15 10/22


Hog Slaughter

Alta. Sask.



Oct. 22 Wool lambs >80 lb. 1.15-1.17 Wool lambs <80 lb. 1.22 Hair lambs 1.05 Fed sheep 0.40-0.55

HOGS Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. Oct. 19 Oct. 19 134.22-138.32 133.26-137.36 135.41-138.32 134.45-137.36 135.05-135.41 134.45-134.74 136.88-140.99 136.57-140.68 144.18-146.92 143.87-146.61 149.20-151.03 148.89-150.72 148.75-151.49 148.71-151.17 148.75-149.20 148.71-149.17 149.20-150.57 149.17-150.54 153.76-158.34 153.72-158.30 163.37-167.49 163.33-167.45



Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)

Pulse and Special Crops



Close Trend Year Oct. 12 ago

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.



Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)



Barley (Dec.)


To Oct. 13 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2012 2,139,679 25,533,026 To date 2011 2,293,621 26,647,267 % Change 12/11 -6.7 -4.2

Montreal Heifers 127.00 126.96 127.25 197.00

ICE Futures Canada

Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (Dec.) $980 $960 $940 $920 $900 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/5 10/15 10/22

Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To tonnes) Oct. 14 Wheat 181.1 Durum 119.6 Oats 16.2 Barley 6.8 Flax 0.1 Canola 164.9 Peas 40.6 Canola crush 147.9

To Oct. 7 220.6 120.0 27.4 73.2 1.4 307.1 19.4 155.4

Total to date 2750.1 931.9 297.4 217.9 22.9 1557.4 490.9 1469.3

Last year 2376.2 537.0 338.0 122.3 50.1 1590.9 534.0 1275.6



Fall is in the air as a woman walks her dog along a back road south of High River, Alta., on a crisp October morning. | MIKE STURK PHOTO


EDITOR: JOANNE PAULSON MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500 The Western Producer is a weekly newspaper serving Western Canadian farmers since 1923. Published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada. ADVERTISING Classified ads: Display ads: In Saskatoon: Fax:




Oct. 25 - 31 (in mm)

Above normal


Churchill Prince George

Prince George Normal




Much above normal

Oct. 25 - 31 (in °C)


Below normal





Much below normal

Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

18.8 19.0 18.8 20.6 20.1 20.7 16.5 16.5 18.2 17.7 18.1 19.0 18.9 19.8 19.2 20.0 18.9 18.0

7.7 9.9 4.1 14.4 1.0 1.3 17.0 18.3 31.0 15.2 21.3 7.0 8.9 5.8 6.0 2.2 4.5 13.4

-5.2 -6.3 -7.0 -5.4 -8.2 -9.4 -4.9 -4.5 -3.0 -6.8 -4.8 -5.9 -5.7 -8.0 -5.9 -10.8 -3.2 -2.9

270.8 308.1 235.3 277.0 366.4 238.6 378.9 405.2 498.4 386.3 468.5 270.0 278.5 408.7 319.2 243.9 389.9 372.4

95 96 85 89 152 94 120 127 145 139 148 94 102 153 120 102 115 122

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Within Canada: One year: $82.92 + applicable taxes Two years: $154.24 + applicable taxes Sask. / Alberta add 5% GST. Manitoba add 5% GST & 7% PST. Ontario add 13% HST. B.C. add 12% HST. Nova Scotia add 15% HST. United States $179.66 US/year All other countries $358.19 Cdn/year


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Printed with inks containing canola oil

Member, Canadian Farm Press Association

MANITOBA Temperature last week High Low

Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

$3.75 plus taxes

The Western Producer Online Features all current classified ads and other information. Ads posted online each Thursday morning. See www.producer.com or contact webmaster@producer.com

ALBERTA Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

Per copy retail

ADVERTISING RATES Classified liner ads: $5.65 per printed line (3 line minimum) Classified display ads: $6.30 per agate line ROP display: $8.95 per agate line


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The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)



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Saskatoon Regina


20.2 18.1 15.5 19.2 15.8 11.4 8.8 19.7 16.5 21.7 19.3 13.1 15.5 17.8 16.6 16.9

-7.6 -6.2 -5.6 -12.3 -9.7 -8.0 -4.5 -5.0 -7.5 -6.1 -11.0 -7.9 -8.3 -9.7 -6.7 -9.9

Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

2.6 15.0 1.3 1.9 1.8 11.0 10.2 2.1 7.1 1.5 1.0 12.4 4.9 2.2 4.5 3.4

323.8 371.7 371.2 369.8 384.3 297.5 204.4 278.7 445.2 292.2 293.4 290.2 332.0 417.2 367.8 360.9

132 111 118 129 103 91 71 103 144 126 98 96 98 108 106 110

Temperature last week High Low

Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

20.0 19.7 11.1 21.5 18.4 18.1 18.6 17.6

Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

-5.6 -2.6 -1.4 -4.9 1.0 0.1 -0.8 -1.1

17.4 21.4 30.1 13.2 45.4 41.6 28.8 22.2

320.1 367.9 369.1 253.1 273.0 309.2 537.5 314.5

91 100 99 75 70 83 141 81

-5.5 -8.1 -1.5 -2.2 -7.0

26.3 16.6 6.8 6.6 13.7

270.9 266.7 199.2 200.8 334.7

108 82 117 90 98

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

18.1 11.1 19.8 19.3 13.5

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: www.agr.gc.ca/drought. Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca

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Safe-Guard TM (fenbendazole ) is a different class of dewormer than pour-ons and injectables. It works fast to stop internal parasites and the hidden damage they cause. These parasites suppress feed intake, reduce average daily gain, hurt nutrient absorption and immune function, reducing the health and performance of your cattle.1,2 Use Safe-Guard as part of your parasite control program for more pounds of high quality beef in the feedlot.3,4 Visit www.AddSafe-Guard.com for more information or contact your veterinarian. 1 Endoparasite control, L.R. Ballweber, Veterinary Clinics Food Animal, 2006, 22:451-461. 2Economic analysis of pharmaceutical technologies in modern beef production, J.D. Lawrence and M.A. Ibarburu, Iowa State University, 2007. 3Pasture deworming and (or) subsequent feedlot deworming with fenbendazole I. Effects of grazing performance, feedlot performance and carcass traits of yearling steers, R. Smith, et al., The Bovine Practitioner, 2000, 34:104-114. 4A fenbendazole oral drench in addition to an ivermectin pour-on reduces parasite burden and improves feedlot and carcass performance of ďŹ nishing heifers compared with endectocides alone, C.D. Reinhardt, J.P. Hutcheson and W.T. Nichols, Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 84:2243-2250.


Safe-Guard is a trademark of Intervet International B.V. Used under license. Merck Animal Health (known as MSD Animal Health outside the US and Canada), operating in Canada as Intervet Canada Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. MERCK and MSD are trademarks of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. Copyright Š 2012 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved.

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