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VOL. 90 | NO. 46 | $4.25

A fresh



becomes a thriving hub for business, arts and education | P21



Isabelle Schmidt of Ardrossan, Alta., leads a group of Shorthorn cattle from the show barn at Farmfair International across the race track to the tie-out stalls for the evening. The cattle are in the stalls during the day and tied in the outside horse barns at night. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS

Exhibitors like Farmfair exposure Opportunity for breeders | Annual event draws international attention and promotes industry BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — It’s a long way from Quesnel, B.C., to Edmonton, but for Rob Swann and his daughter, Erin Kishkan, it’s an important venue for purebred breeders. “It’s exposure to other breeders and cattle producers,” said Swann, who t r a v e l s t o C a n a d i a n We s t e r n Agribition in Regina and to shows across British Columbia to promote his Limousin cattle, but makes an effort to attend Farmfair International, a five-day cattle show in Edmonton. “It is the best way to get your name recognized, especially within the purebred industry,” said Kishkan. “Besides the ribbons and banners, we’ve made lifelong friends and had opportunities to show our genetics and sell to other breeders all over Canada and North America,” she said.

It’s all hands on deck for cattle exhibitors at Farmfair International. The decision to bring nine animals to Farmfair is not made lightly by exhibitors, but it is an important marketing tool.

“It takes a lot of manpower, a lot of time and a lot of supplies,” said Kishkan, but cattle sales are made at the events. In recent years their Pinnacle

View Limousin farm has sold embryos to China and semen to Australia. Farmfair staff has also made an effort to make exhibitors feel welcome. This year, the event has added slip proof mats between stalls to improve cattle footing and organizers have promoted a welcoming atmosphere with free morning coffee and hot chocolate and an exhibitor reception. For Layne Pickett of Ardrossan, just outside Edmonton, Farmfair is an international show close to home. “For us locally, it’s fairly important,” said Pickett, who brought six Speckle Park animals to show. “It’s costly, but it’s a valuable tool for promotion.” The relatively small number of cattle in the Speckle Park breed makes it difficult to find enough numbers to host a show. SEE FARMFAIR, PAGE 2


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Farmfair offers exposure Breeders brought 22 animals to Farmfair, enough for a small show and a display of the breed, he said. This year about 675 show cattle were brought to Edmonton for the event held Nov. 4 - 11, down slightly from last year. Show manager Dave Fiddler said while number of cattle are down, the number of exhibitors is up to 150 from 135. “We have more exhibitors showing fewer cattle. I don’t think the number of cattle is a measurement of success,” he said. With less farm help, it’s not always easy to find staff to come to the show. For the first time Farmfair has offered an event called Cattle Drive, where exhibitors can buy stall space for an animal without having to show it in the show ring. “We’re trying to create an environment where the different types of marketing are available.” Leonard Poholka of Breton West

Herefords said he could point to the Hereford Genes promotional event as the reason for keeping Hereford numbers high at Farmfair. “It’s what brought the population back up,” said Poholka, of Breton. About 90 Herefords were brought to the show. Holding Farmfair in conjunction with the Heritage Ranch Rodeo and the Canadian Finals Rodeo also helps bring traffic into the cattle barns, said Poholka. “I’m here because I’m trying to attract potential customers and let them know I have bulls for sale.” Russ Horvey of Big Deal Galloway in Delburne, Alta., said Farmfair is the only cattle show he attends. It’s a venue where he can scratch his showmanship itch. Farmfair is one of the few shows that holds a multibreed show for breeds like Galloway, which have too few cattle to host their own shows.

Prairie farmers show one good turn deserves another with hay campaign BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Prairie farmers who remember the generosity of eastern Canadian farmers who sent hay west during the 2002 drought to feed cattle see this as payback time. Hundreds of western farmers have pledged to send hay east to help eastern Canadian farmers feed their animals this winter after a 2012 drought sharply reduced feed there. Many Ontario farmers began to feed winter hay to their livestock in the summer because pastures were bare. Ontario Federation of Agriculture president Mark Wales says without help, many Ontario farmers will have to sell cattle. Last week, federal and Ontario governments promised $500,000 to cover the costs of feed moving from the Prairies as part of HayEast. The two levels of government also pledged to match donations up to a total of $2.5 million. It was a slow government response compared to a fast promise of transportation funds in 2002 but farm leaders welcomed the Nov. 3 announcement. For Wynyard, Sask., farmer and

Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan president Norm Hall, it is time for prairie farmers to repay a debt. Hay from his own farm will be heading east. He said the addition of government support for transporting the feed east will be an important incentive. “We have been pushing hard to get Saskatchewan farmers to contribute and now that money is there to help with transport, we will be pushing harder,” Hall said Nov. 8. In a news release about the campaign to pay for feed moving east, Alberta farm leader Lynn Jacobson, president of Wild Rose Agricultural Producers, noted support from corporations including Calgary-based Agrium and Regina-based crown corporation Farm Credit Canada. “We will continue to appeal to corporations, western Canadian farmers and ranchers and individual citizens for donations to help us access that additional matching funds from our government partners,” he said. Donations to HayEast 2012 can be made through ScotiaBank branches across Canada.

The Big Four: The Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute recognizes innovations in farm equipment. See page 17. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


» WORK TOGETHER: Farmfair »


International and Canadian Western Agribition plan to work together next year. 5 THUNDER BAY: Grain shipments at Thunder Bay this fall were the highest in 15 years. 16 PURSE & BOOTS: Previously owned cowboy boots are given a makeover and turned into purses. 20 GROWING HEMP: Strong prices and demand make hemp an attractive option for many farmers. 28



Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 newsroom@producer.com

» »

want to be in control of any new brand inspection system in Saskatchewan. 30 HEMP IN ORBIT: A Canadian hemp cereal will soon be served on the International Space Station. 31 PREMISES ID: Disagreements continue in Saskatchewan over mandatory premises identification. 34 AG INTERFERENCE: North Dakota voters approve a resolution protecting agriculture from activists. 80

» WHEAT DELIVERIES: Farmers are holding »

back 65 to 80 percent of their wheat. 6 LENTIL SALES: Pest troubles in India may support lentil and yellow pea exports. 7

92 45 26 9 94 10 12 22 95

» SCHOOL REVIVAL: A closed school thrives

again, thanks to enterprising volunteers. 21 ON THE FARM: Three brothers make their farm partnership work in Alberta. 22


» DEPTH CONTROL: Sugar beet growers get a »

new automatic depth control monitor. 82 REMOTE CONTROL: A remote manure pump control doesn’t need cellphone coverage. 85


» WOOING BUYERS: International buyers

pack a big punch at cattle shows. 86 SCIENCE OF DNA: Genotyping allows breeders to invest in younger animals. 87


A headline for a story on page 28 of the Nov. 8 issue left an incorrect impression that milk trucks are a problem in the milk distribution system. The intent of the story was to point out that milk truck drivers contend with traffic, weather, road issues and other difficulties, and farmers should take appropriate measures to ensure their yards are suitable to accommodate these trucks.

» TERMINAL TAKEOVER: Have farmer-owned »

10 11 11 7 93 90 23

Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 michael.raine@producer.com Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 newsroom@producer.com Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 paul.yanko@producer.com Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 barbara.duckworth@producer.com Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 mary.macarthur@producer.com



Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch Perspectives on Management Cowboy Logic TEAM Living Tips

» BRAND CHANGE: Producers




Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather





terminals become takeover targets? 92 POTASH DROP: Fertilizer sales fall as contract talks stall with China and India. 93

Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 barb.glen@producer.com Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 karen.briere@producer.com Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 ed.white@producer.com Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 ron.lyseng@producer.com Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 robert.arnason@producer.com Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 barry.wilson@producer.com Canada Post Agreement Number 40069240 SEE INSIDE BACK COVER FOR ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION TELEPHONE NUMBERS


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Producer reaction mixed to hog loan plan Weanlings exempt | Because weanlings are often exported, it could be considered trade distorting

• Pigs were the most valuable agricultural commodity in Manitoba from 1999 to 2007, followed by canola, wheat and beef cattle. However, record high crop prices for canola and wheat pushed them above pigs in 2008. • The pork industry injects about $1 billion into the economy annually, providing more than 13,000 direct and indirect jobs. • Manitoba is the largest pigproducing and exporting province, followed by Quebec and Ontario. Pig production is valued at more than $730 million. • Manitoba is the third-largest pork exporter, behind Quebec and Ontario. • There are slightly more than 800 pig farms, most run by family farms.


NIVERVILLE, Man. — A hog industry stabilization plan proposed for Manitoba has left producers feeling either abandoned or relieved. The difference in reaction depended on what they do in the industry. “It sounds like a stabilization thing, which makes sense if they can cover the fall and winter,” said farrow-tofinish producer Jerrold Siemens of Morris. “It helps bridge things, at least on a temporary basis.” However, the program offered nothing to weanling producer Matthew Eggenberger of Steinbach. “There is not very much done for us,” said Eggenberger, whose 300 sow farrowing barn is empty. “We always have to find our own way.” The Manitoba plan, which is still being formalized, will deduct money from hog producers when they sell market hogs to packers and then pay it back to them if they sell at prices calculated to be below the cost of production. Farmers will initially be paid out much more than they are contributing in levies, with the deficit covered by a provincial government-backed line of credit. Farmers will continue to pay into the program once profitability returns and the deficit will be paid off. Siemens said another loan won’t improve the industry’s long-term economic challenges, but it might allow farmers to weather the present short-term challenges until profitability returns. “It’s a creative way of accessing money on a short-term basis.” Weanling producers are excluded because the payouts are based on slaughter hog sales.



The Manitoba Pork Council’s stabilization plan will help “on a temporary basis,” says a producer. | FILE PHOTO


Manitoba Pork Council officials said that was partly the result of the program design, which relies on packer sales. However, it was also deliberate because weanlings are generally exported. The provincial government “wouldn’t even consider covering a hog that was being exported,” said council chair Karl Kynoch. Governments and industry insist

that programs to support hog farmers cannot be seen as trade-distorting, and there is no easy way to channel money to farmers who primarily export pigs to American buyers without creating a risk of U.S. trade action. Eggenberger said the program leaves weanling producers completely exposed, which is a harsh situation for a sector of the industry that has probably suffered more than any other. “We have taken a pretty big beating in the past,” he said. “Whenever prices (for market hogs) fall, many buyers push it all back to the weanling producer, and he gets almost nothing.” Eggenberger said he has fared better than other weanling producers

because he sold to a neighbouring farmer who treated him fairly. However, many southern Manitoba weanling producers went into the present slump already suffering because American buyers had reneged on contract sales . Eggenberger doesn’t plan to restock his barn until the situation improves, and right now that doesn’t look like any time soon. Siemens said the program might allow slaughter hog producers to limp through until next summer, if the program is structured right. “It’s always the details that make the difference in the end.” However, Eggenberger said weanling producers will continue to suffer, fail or quit.

• Canada produced two percent of the world’s pork in 2007, but Canadian pork accounted for 20 percent of world exports at 1.03 million tonnes. • Canada is the second-largest pork exporter after the United States, shipping pork worth $2.4 billion to 96 countries in 2007. • Canada is the world’s largest pig exporter, with sales of $700 million to the United States in 2007.

WORLD PORK FACTS • China produces and consumes more than 46 percent of the world’s pork. • The top seven pork producing nations are responsible for 90 percent of world pork production and exports. They are also responsible for 77 percent of pork imports. Source: Manitoba Pork Council


Loan hinges on levy to repay borrowed amount Credit without lender | The levy idea involves no federal money and so avoids potential trade disputes BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Man. — The Manitoba Pork Council has developed a plan it says will help preserve the province’s hog industry. About 175 producers gathered inside a Portage la Prairie theatre Nov. 7 as pork council chair Karl Kynoch explained the details of a stabilization program for Manitoba hog producers. The program is a line of credit producers can access via the pork council. However, if hog farmers want to sign up for the program they must pay a $5 dollar levy on every hog they sell. “This is a totally new program. We’re trying to do what we can for the producers. In reality, they don’t want another loan… but cash injections (from government) are not on the

In reality, they don’t want another loan… but cash injections (from government) are not on the table. KARL KNOCH MANITOBA PORK COUNCIL CHAIR

table,” Kynoch said, during a break at the Portage meeting. “So we’re trying to offer them the access to some dollars to be able to pay the feed bills and to get through to the higher prices next summer.” Hog producers in Canada have been hemorrhaging money for months, as the drought in the U.S. Midwest this summer propelled feed corn prices to record highs. In September, Manitoba Pork esti-

mated that producers were losing $40 to $50 on every hog sold. Kynoch provided an example on how the program might work, in which production costs are $175 per hog and market returns are $145 per animal, based on cost and price averages. Under that scenario, a producer would receive a payment of $30 per hog, minus the $5 levy. So, if a farmer marketed 1,000 hogs, he would

receive a net payment of $25,000. Once markets improve and hog farmers are making profits, producers continue to pay the $5 levy on every marketed hog until they pay off the stabilization account. When the loan account reaches zero, the $5 levy is returned to the producer. “If you join the program, you would have to come to the pork council and sign the papers (saying) we can keep the levy,” Kynoch told the producers in Portage. “(But) you have to remember that the levy is refundable.” Andrew Dickson, Manitoba Pork general manager, said the program provides access to credit without going through financial institutions. Manitoba Pork staff and directors came up with the idea of a levy, partly because it avoids potential trade disputes.

“It’s not a subsidy,” Kynoch said. “The payment is a loan…. So this program is not countervailable. It’s green to trade.” The federal government is putting no direct money into the program, but if the Treasury Board supports the concept, it will guarantee the line of credit, which will probably be capped at $75 million. Ideally, Kynoch wants the program to be running by February. He added the program would be backdated to Sept. 1 or Oct. 1. That way, producers can get their hands on cash immediately, once it becomes available. “That’s very crucial because the industry is just out of cash right now. Sept. 1 is when the producers started into heavy losses and that’s what we need to cover,” he said. “The guys just need some dollars to continue on and get through to profit.”





AgriTrade The annual farm equipment and technology show in Red Deer filled 500,000 sq. feet of indoor and outdoor displays with the goods and services of 432 exhibitors. The show ran Nov. 7-10. |

ABOVE: Producer Dean Rogan of Vermilion, Alta., gets the lowdown on a Case combine processing system from Craig Swanson of Rocky Mountain Equipment in Grande Prairie, Alta.

Randy Fiedler photos

LEFT: John Girczyc of Viking, Alta., rests on a MacDon windrower while waiting for a friend.


Hog farmers consider suit against Puratone Farmers owed up to $150,000 | Maple Leaf Foods purchased Puratone but says it is not responsible for liabilities BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Manitoba farmers who sold grain to Puratone before the hog production company entered creditor protection in September are considering a lawsuit because they haven’t been paid for their grain. Maple Leaf Foods announced in late November that it would pay $42 million for Puratone of Niverville, Man., which produces 500,000 hogs annually. A few producers have suggested that Maple Leaf should compensate farmers who delivered grain to Puratone and never received payment. However, a Maple Leaf spokesperson said the company bought Puratone’s assets, which means it isn’t responsible for Puratone’s liabilities. According to Canadian regulations, a corporation that buys the shares of another company usually assumes the liabilities of the purchased company. However, Maple Leaf bought Puratone’s 50 hog barns, three feed mills and other assets, which means

They will have a hell of a time convincing farmers to deliver grain to their feed mills if they don’t treat the ones owed thousands of dollars equitably. JAMES BEZAN SELKIRK-INTERLAKE MP

it isn’t on the hook for Puratone’s substantial debts. A list of Puratone’s creditors, which is available online, shows the company owes $40.8 million to the Bank of Montreal, $40.2 million to Farm Credit Canada and $5 million to Manitoba Agricultural Services Corp. All three are secured creditors. FCC declined comment for this story because the Puratone case is still unresolved. Puratone owes an additional $32 million to scores of companies and individuals in Manitoba, including $122,000 to Manitoba Hydro and $142,000 to Landmark Feeds. Puratone owes $30,000 to $150,000

each to dozens of Manitoba farmers who delivered grain to the company this year. For instance, John Sigurdson of Riverton, Man., is out more than $60,000 after delivering grain to Puratone late this summer. “As it stands right now … we are looking for a lawyer that works in bankruptcy and insolvency,” Sigurdson said. “As soon as your grain got there (Puratone), it was made into feed and away it went…. It’s basically theft to me.” James Bezan, an MP who represents Selkirk-Interlake, said it was good news that Maple Leaf bought Puratone and planned to continue

operating the mills and barns in Manitoba. Nonetheless, he added, Maple Leaf should compensate affected farmers. “We are monitoring (this) quite closely and want to see these producers (have) their outstanding invoices settled up,” he said. “They will have a hell of a time convincing farmers to deliver grain to their feed mills if they don’t treat the ones owed thousands of dollars equitably.” Bezan said Maple Leaf shouldn’t be blamed for Puratone’s financial hole, but the new entity, however it’s structured, can’t ignore the needs of its suppliers. “It’s about being a responsible corporate citizen and working with the producers … to make sure they have a long-term supply coming to their facilities.” A monitor, Deloitte and Touche, is overseeing the Puratone creditor protection process. Farmers, including Sigurdson, are trying to get their s t atu s a s u n s e c u re d c re d i t o r s changed so they have a chance of recovering their losses.

Sigurdson is particularly frustrated that Puratone entered creditor protection rather than filing for bankruptcy. He said affected grain farmers would have been able to recoup their losses if the company had gone bankrupt because of a clause in the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act that protects farmers and fishermen. “I know that according to the act, it says that a farmer who has delivered grain there within 15 days of the time th ey go into ba nkr u ptc y , th ey become a secured creditor and they go to the top of the list.” The clause, section 81.2 in the act, does provide special rights for farmers, said Vic Kroeger, director of corporate recovery for Western Canada with MNP in Calgary. However, provisions in the clause make it tricky for farmers to recover their loss, he added. “There is a right that they can get back the grain that is still remaining from what they delivered,” he said. In other words, a farmer can get the grain back if the company still has it. In this case, the grain was probably fed to Puratone pigs.


China’s approval holds up Glencore acquisition of Viterra BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Glencore International’s proposed $6.1 billion takeover of Canadian grain handling company Viterra may not close until Dec. 10. Officials from Viterra, Canada’s largest grain company, confirmed last week that the deal is still awaiting regulatory approval from China’s ministry of commerce.

MOFCOM is the last regulatory authority that must approve the deal before it can go ahead. Viterra had hoped the deal would be closed by Nov. 15. “The ongoing review process continues to advance; however, MOFCOM’s approval is no longer expected to be obtained in time to facilitate a closing of the acquisition by Nov. 15, 2012,” Viterra said in a news release. Glencore and Viterra have been

awaiting Chinese approval for months. Viterra shareholders approved Glencore’s takeover bid in May, accepting an offer that would pay $16.25 per share. Viterra officials had initially indicated that the takeover would be completed before Aug. 1, 2012, before the beginning of the 2012-13 crop year. In late August, Viterra announced that MOFCOM’s regulatory approval

process was taking longer than expected and would continue into September. In October, the company said Chinese approvals may not be in place until mid-November. Last week’s announcement, the third such delay in four months, fuelled speculation that China might be delaying its approval until the Canadian government weighs in on a proposed takeover of Canadian oil

company Nexen by China’s CNOOC Ltd. The Nexen-CNOOC deal, valued at $15.1 billion, is still being reviewed by Canadian regulatory authorities. Ottawa’s review of that deal was extended for the second time Nov. 2, and a new deadline has been set for Dec. 10. CNOOC chair Wang Yilin said last week that the Nexen deal is expected to close by the end of 2012.




TOP: Members of the Bar U Ranch had trouble getting control of the calf at the team doctoring competition of the Heritage Ranch Rodeo at Edmonton’s Farmfair International, which ran Nov. 4-11. ABOVE: Austin Fisk of Rosemary, Alta., gives a Simmental heifer calf a shower of soap suds. LEFT: Dale Montgomery’s dog, Ben, works to get the trio of sheep through the gap between the fence and the wall at the stock dog finals. The event was won by Wendy Schmaltz and her dog Gin. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS


Farmfair, Agribition strike operating deal Alberta, Saskatchewan collaborate | With only a day apart, international buyers can attend both events BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — Next year’s Grey Cup in Regina has sparked collaboration between Western Canada’s two largest cattle shows. Because of the Grey Cup, only one day separates Farmfair International in Edmonton and Canadian Western Agribition in Regina. Organizers of both events realized

they would need to work together to make it possible for cattle show visitors to attend both events and that led to opportunities to also attract international buyers. “It allows us to bring a larger contingent of buyers to both events, which is great for exhibitors and certainly great for those that are coming,” said Richard Anderson, president of Northlands, the organization that hosts Farmfair International.

Marty Seymour, chief executive officer of Agribition, said by teaming up, Agribition and Farmfair can eliminate duplication and target a larger audience. “Today’s international buyers have a lot of choice out there in the market place. They can go to Australia, the U.S., South America looking for their cattle and their beef cattle genetics,” he said. “We can bring in international buy-

ers to attend both shows and get access to that many more cattle and producers. It value adds to them and value adds to both our shows.” Stuart Cullum, vice-president for agriculture with Northlands, said the agreement for next year is a first step on a more collaborative effort. Cullum said the logistics of moving cattle quickly between the shows next year served as a catalyst to get the groups talking, and that led to the

international marketing agreement. “Next year because of the overlap there are some exhibitors that need co-ordination to leave Edmonton in time to make it to Regina,” said Cullum. Next year Farmfair runs from Nov. 3-10 and Canadian Western Agribition is Nov. 11-16. FOR MORE FARMFAIR COVERAGE SEE THE LIVESTOCK SECTION STARTING ON PAGE 86.





CDC Meredith

M A RKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 9 34-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN


Farmers hold back on cereal deliveries CWB harvest pool closes | Producers holding onto most of this year’s crop as they decide where to market their grain BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Farmers are holding back most of this year’s cereal crop as they feel their way through the newly deregulated wheat market. The CWB estimates producers are holding onto 65 to 80 percent of this year’s wheat and durum crops. The agency warns that if this goes on for too long, the backlog of undelivered wheat could result in limited delivery opportunities later in the year, rising basis levels and logistical bottlenecks. CWB made the comments Nov. 8, a day before the Nov. 9 sign-up deadline for its harvest pool, the largest of two CWB pools. “I think if you talk to most people in the industry, there’s probably still about 65 to 80 percent of the crop out there that hasn’t been committed yet by farmers to either a pool contract or a cash contract, so there are a lot of decisions still to be made by farmers,” said Gord Flaten, CWB vice-president of grain procurement. “If farmers wait until spring, there may be situations where they may not see delivery opportunities then, or they may see the basis on cash contracts become quite expensive.” Flaten told members of the Inland Terminals Association of Canada last week that CWB officials were happy with the amount of grain committed to the pools. “We are satisfied with our market share to date,” he said. “However, given the environment that we’re in, we do want to procure more tonnes.” Flaten said the CWB would shift gears after the Nov. 9 deadline and focus efforts on securing more grain through the cash market. However, he did not rule out the possibility of the CWB launching another pool later in the year. “As far as additional pools for the rest of the year, we have an open mind on that right now,” Flaten said. Prairie grain growers are taking a cautious approach to marketing wheat. Several issues have convinced

Prairie grain growers are taking a cautious approach to marketing wheat. Unfamiliarity with the new market, uncertainty over basis levels and the potential for rallies in the futures markets are all factors in the delay. | FILE PHOTO them to delay wheat marketing decisions, including unfamiliarity with the new market, uncertainty over basis levels and the potential for rallies in the futures markets. There were new signals last week from Australia, the world’s second largest wheat exporter, that the wheat harvest is likely to be smaller and have less protein than initially expected. Western Australia’s largest grain handler, CBH Group, told Reuters that state-wide wheat production was likely 5.5 million to 6.3 million tonnes, well below the record 11.7 million tonnes harvested last year. And in the eastern states of New South Wales and Queensland, industry insiders said protein levels in prime milling wheat are expected to fall below the normal 13 to 14 percent. In its latest forecast issued in September, the Australian government pegged the wheat crop at 22.5 million tonnes, but a recent Reuters poll of analysts

and traders put it at 21 million. In Saskatchewan, there were more sales of non-board crops such as peas and canola off the combine, at least in some areas. Jason Skinner, chief executive officer of North West Terminal, said sales programs in the Unity, Sask., area were heavily weighted toward peas and canola in September and October. “Even up to this point, we’ve seen a lot of hesitation from farmers to commit their wheat because they’re still trying to understand the new system, the pricing, the pool versus the cash prices at the elevator, and so on,” Skinner said. “Farmers are getting a bit more comfortable with the system now, but at the same time, we’re seeing a bit of a rise in the markets and anytime you get that situation, farmers are not necessarily in as much of a hurry to market their wheat.” Skinner said farmers with high pro-

tein wheat were more inclined to sell into CWB pools because they offered protein premiums that weren’t offered in cash markets. “I think pool prices have maybe been a bit more attractive when you’re looking at high protein grain,” he said. “A lot of the lower protein grain seems to be getting sold onto cash markets, and again, that’s because there isn’t as much of a premium … for that commodity.” However, not all signals point to slow wheat sales. Last week, Commodity News Service Canada reported that western Canadian farmers were selling aggressively into cash markets. A CNS article quoted Winnipeg grain analyst Jon Driedger assessing the situation. “Without the wheat board, farmers aren’t limited in terms of delivery calls …,” Driedger told CNS. “So in some cases farmers have

been taking advantage of that flexibility and have been delivering into the system quite heavily.” Canadian Grain Commission statistics show wheat and durum deliveries to western Canadian primary elevators are ahead of last year’s pace. About 4.3 million tonnes of wheat were delivered to primary elevators between Aug. 1 and Nov. 4, up from 3.5 million tonnes during the same period last year. Durum deliveries were also up at 1.09 million tonnes this year compared to 1.03 million tonnes in 2011. Total wheat deliveries to port terminals, including durum and nondurum varieties, were listed at 5.78 million tonnes during the first 14 weeks of the 2012-13 crop year versus 4.95 million tonnes last year. Prairie grain shipments are normally slow after Christmas because train movement becomes less predictable and winter weather hinders transportation efficiency.


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India’s pest problems may be boon for Canada Export opportunities for pulses | India revives pulse import subsidy to control food price inflation BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

India’s faltering pigeon pea crop and its revamped pulse import subsidy could provide much-needed support to Canadian lentils and yellow peas, says an analyst. A story in India’s Business Standard said the countr y’s reliance on imported pulses will increase because of pest damage to the summer season pigeon pea crop. A veteran Indian pulse trader quoted in the article said pod borer has reduced yields by a minimum of 10 percent. Other reports peg the damage at far more than that. “They always have some pest problems. It seems to be much bigger this year. I’ve heard as high as 25 to 30 percent,” said Marlene Boersch, analyst with Mercantile Consulting Venture. “That’s why it surprised me that we haven’t seen a little more follow through on lentils.” Green lentils are a good substitute to pigeon peas, but Canada faces stiff competition in India from excess pigeon pea production in Myanmar and Africa. Boersch thinks Canadian lentils should be a good deal, but importers are hesitant to buy because they believe markets could be turning down. “I have little doubt in my mind that there are some shortfalls that they will one way or another have to address,” she said. “We really need some help with

India’s reliance on imported pulses will increase because of pest damage to their summer pigeon pea crops. | FILE PHOTO green lentils right now.” Alliance Grain Traders president Murad Al-Katib said there are differing views on the severity of the pest damage. However, what appears certain is that the poor start to the monsoon season caused significant produc-

tion problems for the summer crop. He said the Indian government has reduced its estimate of summer pulse production by one million tonnes. There are also lingering subsoil moisture concerns as the winter crop is seeded.

“We think that there will be a sustained demand event in India that will last through until March of the 2014 crop,” said Al-Katib. Another encouraging development for Canadian growers is that India has revived a pulse import subsidy that was in place between August 2008 and June 2012. According to an article in the Hindu Business Line, the government will subsidize imports of one million tonnes of pulses to be distributed in 2012-13 through India’s Public Distribution System (PDS). The subsidy has been doubled to $385 per tonne. The goal is to keep food price inflation in check following what is expected to be a disappointing kharif harvest. “I would expect that we might see some of these state buying agencies coming to the market and buying on that basis later in the year, which would be very, very supportive to us,” said Boersch. The Hindu Business Line article said states participating in the PDS program have shied away from Canadian yellow peas in favour of chickpeas, pigeon peas, black gram and green gram from Myanmar, Tanzania, Malawi and Australia. However, this year could be different because of a “paucity of surplus supplies” of products such as chickpeas in export markets. The subsidized price of yellow peas of $37 US per tonne could be lucrative given the open market price of $441 per tonne. Boersch said growers will likely

have to wait until winter for demand through the PDS system to materialize because importers are sitting on ample pea supplies. “They’ll be waiting to clear some of that out before they bring more material in,” she said. Earlier this month, India’s government said it was increasing minimum support prices for domestically produced rabi chickpeas and red lentils, while keeping barley and wheat support unchanged. “They are supporting the two key pulses to wean them off import dependence,” said Boersch. However, she doesn’t believe the seven percent increase in the chickpea subsidy and the 3.5 percent increase in red lentil support will be enough to convince growers to plant more pulses because of poor yields for those crops. “In spite of keeping wheat unchanged, it’s still the highest return per acre,” said the analyst. Boersch used five-year average yields to determine that chickpeas rank third in estimated returns, providing Indian farmers with threequarters of what they can get from wheat and rapeseed-mustard. Lentils are even worse, ranking fifth out of the six major rabi crops. “This (incentive) is not doing much, certainly not doing anything special to support pulses,” she said. Al-Katib said slumping lentil prices will lead to acreage contraction around the globe in 2012-13, but that will help lower the surplus.


U.S. crop survived drought better than anyone expected MARKET WATCH


USDA awaits proof of improving U.S. wheat export prospects


he United States Department of Agriculture might have deflated growing optimism that increased U.S. wheat exports, and perhaps stronger wheat prices, were just around the corner. The USDA’s monthly supply and demand reports released Nov. 9 were negative for wheat and oilseed prices. The USDA did not change U.S. wheat production, but it shaved its forecast of exports to 1.1 billion bushels down from 1.15 billion in the October report. U.S. wheat exports to date are slow and had been lagging the pace needed to reach the USDA’s export target, so the reduction in this month’s export target is based on experience. But a belief had been building among traders that with Black Sea

region exports expected to wind down in the coming weeks, U.S. exports would start to increase. Apparently the USDA will wait for evidence before hitching on to this bandwagon. The USDA also lowered its estimate of global wheat production by 1.62 million tonnes to 651.43 million tonnes. As expected, it cut its forecast of Australian production to 21 million tonnes, a reduction of two million due to dry growing conditions. It kept its outlook for Argentina at 11.5 million. Flooding there might cause that number to be reduced in later reports. The USDA also lowered its expectation of global consumption and the result was an increase in its forecast for ending stocks, which climbed to 174.18 million tonnes, up 1.18 million from October. That was not positive for a wheat rally. The latest USDA report made only minor revisions to its supply and demand estimates, but there was not much other news to trade on so it was closely watched. Soybeans and canola were already on a gradual downtrend on expectations of a bumper South American soybean crop and the USDA report punched values lower. The USDA did not change its soybean production forecasts for Brazil and Argentina. Significant rain final-

ly reached dry areas of Brazil last week, improving the prospects for a successful seeding season. Excessive rain in Argentina has raised the question of whether farmers there will be able to seed all the corn and soybean acres that are forecast. The bearish aspect of the USDA report was the increase in the U.S. soybean crop to 2.971 billion bu., a little more than the trade expectation of 2.892 billion bu. The USDA increased its forecast for crushing and exports but not enough

to prevent a slight increase in soybean ending stocks to 140 million bu., up from 130 million in the October report. The trade expected 131 million. The question now is: will the lower prices that flowed from the bearish U S D A re p o r t s p a rk i n c re a s e d demand? Since the peak on Sept. 4, soybeans are down 18 percent. Canola peaked Sept. 14 and since then is down about 10 percent. Farmers have generally enjoyed good cash flow and are in a strong

position to keep their bins closed until buyers offer the right combination of price and basis. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.


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More oil, more cash: growers High protein wheat gets a premium so why not high oil canola? say growers BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Some canola growers think it is time they were rewarded for producing canola with high oil content. They wonder why crushers refuse to provide a premium for oil when many of those same companies pay for high protein wheat. “I think that’s a question that is worthwhile asking. That’s what we’re selling. We’re selling oil,” said Todd Hames, a director with the Alberta Canola Producers Commission. Richardson International was contacted to provide a crusher point of view for this story but did not respond. Hames said it’s probably time for another industry discussion on the issue, but it could be a tough nut to crack because there isn’t even grower consensus. “Oil content varies by region, so there is a little bit of a regional pushpull on that,” said Hames, who is also president of the Canadian Canola Growers Association. “Some regions that consistently grow higher oil content are more in favour of the premium than some areas that are not as consistently high oil content.” Oil content is largely dictated by cool conditions during the filling stage of development, which is why

canola produced in northern Saskatchewan and the Peace region of Alberta typically contains more oil than that what is grown in southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Brett Halstead, chair of the Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission, said the issue comes up every year but the group has never drafted a policy on it, partly because it is such a divisive issue. “It won’t be just premiums. It will be discounts if you’re below,” he said. He worries that a discount for low oil content would discourage producers from expanding into nontraditional canola growing areas, which is needed for production expansion. Hames agreed that processors and exporters won’t pay more for a tonne of oil, which means some growers will receive more and others less than they’re getting today. However, he doesn’t see anything wrong with that. “If you’re producing more oil, then you should get paid more,” he said. “Just like the guys down south — they’re getting, generally speaking, a higher protein wheat so they’re going to get a premium for that wheat over someone in the north.” He doesn’t understand the industry reluctance to pay growers for high oil content. “Really, we’re growing oil. That’s

what we’re growing. We should be looking at oil per acre, not bushels per acre.” He said a shift toward paying growers for the oil in their seeds would have a valuable trickle-down effect for the canola industry. “The breeders would breed for oil content more if the producer was getting paid for it,” he said. Hames said many of the Alberta growers he represents are just as keen about being rewarded for delivering canola with low moisture content. That’s why the commission supports a move to component pricing, which would take into account oil and moisture content as well as other quality factors. Growers are penalized for delivering canola with more than 10 percent moisture, but there is no benefit for providing drier product, such as six percent moisture. “That’s four percent less water that (buyers) are purchasing,” Hames said. “It’s a good deal for them.” Halstead said SaskCanola has never discussed a low moisture premium, but he’s not real keen on the idea. He thinks that would result in crushers lowering the bar from the current 10 percent level because there are years where they would have to pay a premium on almost

The Alberta Canola Development Commission says the oil content issue would discourage production in non traditional areas. | FILE PHOTO the entire crop. “Oil would be the first step,” he said. Halstead added that there is nothing stopping a crusher from imple-



Health benefits keep canola growth humming BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Stunning growth in canola production and processing isn’t making the industry anxious. “As long as the weather holds up, absolutely (we can produce enough canola to keep the crushers going),” said Sean McPhee, president of Vegetable Oil Industry of Canada. Canadian canola and soybean oil

menting an oil premium, although he doesn’t know if there is an efficient and affordable driveway test available to facilitate such a program.

production has more than doubled since 2005, and a new Cargill crushing plant near Camrose and the expansion of the Bunge plants at Altona, Man., and Fort Saskatchewan, Alta., will further increase capacity and demand. McPhee said the significant growth in production is driven by increasing demand from consumers for healthy oil, which he said includes canola and soybean oil.

“A big part of it is the health profile,” said McPhee. American imports of Canadian vegetable oil have doubled since 2007 and Chinese purchases have tripled. Canola production has increased significantly in the past decade, rising from less than six million tonnes of seed per year to 15 million. The increase is due to high-yielding

hybrids, extra acreage and good crop management, analysts say. The increase in vegetable oil production is the result of processors running at full capacity, something that was not always the case in the early-mid 2000s, and a huge increase in crushing capacity. McPhee said crushing companies are expected to have invested $1 billion in new capacity between 2007 and 2015.

Canola crush in Canada has increased almost 70 percent in the past five years. Canola oil exports have almost doubled. The amount going to the United States has more than doubled and the amount going to China has more than tripled. (000 tonnes) 2007-08 2011-12 Canola crush 4,144 6,997 Oil 1,739 3,126 Meal 2,495 3,967 Total oil exports 1,317 2,600 Oil exports to U.S. 928 1,486 Oil exports to China 249 828 Source: Statistics Canada/Canola Council of Canada | WP GRAPHIC


Deluge of rain delays seeding in France; ruins wheat harvest in Britain PARIS, France (Reuters) — Recent heavy rain could prevent some wheat from being seeded in France and Britain after rapeseed area was lost in the two major European crop producers. The developments add further uncertainty to the global supply outlook, analysts said. How e v e r, G e r ma n y ha s s e e n favourable seeding conditions for both crops, with rapeseed expected to see a jump in area after a difficult seeding campaign last year. A wet October hampered seeding of winter wheat and barley in France, which is the European Union’s top grain producer and exporter. There has been some talk of farmers abandoning plans to seed wheat. “The feedback we’ve had is that in a

zone around the Loire estuary (in western France), people have given up on some wheat sowings,” said Paul Gaffet of the grains consultancy Offre & Demande Agricole. Average rainfall in France last month was 20 percent above normal and the northwest of the country was among those regions that saw precipitation 50 to 100 percent above average, weather forecaster Meteo France said. Analysts had initially expected France’s soft wheat area to recover after a severe frost last winter and to match or slightly exceed the 12.4 million acres seeded a year ago. It was too early to quantify losses. Farmers in northerly regions are used to seeding wheat late following the sugar beet harvest, Gaffet said.

Seeding has accelerated since late October and as of Nov. 5, 80 percent of winter wheat and 93 percent of winter barley had been seeded, according to farm office FranceAgriMer. Recent rain has helped rapeseed, which endured dry conditions during the late summer seeding season, but the moisture was too late to prevent some area being lost. Analysts initially expected strong rapeseed prices would spark more French rapeseed area, but ODA said its follow-up survey on emerged crops suggested reduced area. “In the centre region, rapeseed spent a month in the ground without being able to emerge because there wasn’t enough moisture,” Gaffet said. In Britain, farmers have been grap-

pling with persistent rain since the summer that has already spoiled the wheat harvest and has since disrupted seeding of rapeseed and wheat. The winter wheat area looks set to fall, analyst Jack Watts of the HomeGrown Cereals Authority said. “We definitely are going to be down, but it is too early to put numbers on that because there are still opportunities for farmers to plant the crop,” he said, adding that the optimal planting window had closed. Watts said the weather over the next few weeks would play a key role in determining the extent to the decline in area. “They (farmers) will carry on trying to get it in the ground right up until the New Year, enthused by the strong

forward prices,” he said. Spring barley is the most likely alternative crop if farmers are unable to get winter wheat into the ground. Rapeseed area in Britain is also expected to be lower. A late wheat harvest this summer limited opportunities to plant the oilseed crop, which goes into the ground earlier than wheat. British rapeseed area has risen sharply in recent years, reaching 1.87 million acres for this summer’s crop, up 7.2 percent from the previous season. In contrast, German winter grain and rapeseed seeding has progressed well without major problems, analysts said. Oil World forecasts 11 percent more rapeseed acres in Germany.





Lamb producers hope for stability Prices levelling | But supplies not keeping pace BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

CL ARESHOLM, Alta. — Lamb prices have dropped from heady highs last year, and producers are hopeful they have stabilized. Howard Paulsen, the Alberta Lamb Producers director for Zone 1, said lamb prices are now $110 compared to $185 last year. “One of the things I’ve heard is it was just kind of a perfect storm,� said Paulsen. “A lot of people had kept back a lot of their replacement ewes, and they came on the market. The States, with their drought, a lot came up from the States. Too many lambs came into the system all at once.� As well, consumers reacted negatively to high retail lamb prices, which likely contributed to price reduction. “There needed to be a bit of a correction but it was just more than everybody wanted,� he said. “But most of our producers are still very optimistic.�

One of the things I’ve heard is it was just kind of a perfect storm. A lot of people had kept back a lot of their replacement ewes, and they came on the market. The States, with their drought, a lot came up from the States. Too many lambs came into the system all at once. HOWARD PAULSEN ALBERTA LAMB PRODUCERS

ALP chair Phil Kolodychuk agreed. “Everybody had a great year because the prices were high, but that wasn’t a sustainable price for consumers,� he said. “Consumers start backing off when the prices get too high, and the slaughterhouses have to pay too much to get the lamb and then

Canada produces 41 percent of the domestic lamb consumption. Imports from New Zealand and Australia make up the rest. | FILE PHOTO they’re going to lose money because they can’t price it high enough.� Producers at the Zone 1 and 2 meeting heard that the United States had exported feeder and slaughter lambs because of the strong Canadian price and U.S. feed shortages. That may not sit well with Alberta producers, but demand continues to outstrip available lamb supply in the

province and the only federal lamb slaughter plant, SunGold in Innisfail, Alta., is not able to run at capacity. Kolodychuk said imported lambs are understandable, given that scenario. “They’re a business and they don’t have the amount of animals to fill their contracts. They have to find them somewhere,� he said.

“I wish we had the animals to give them, but you have to totally understand their position, that they have markets and they need to fill their orders.� ALP figures indicate Canada produces 41 percent of the domestic lamb consumption. Imports from New Zealand and Australia make up the rest.

age $64.55. D3 cows ranged $50-$65 to average $58.19. Railgrade cows ranged $126-$131. Butcher bulls fell $1.50 per cwt., dropping to levels not seen since early January. Weekly nonfed exports to Oct. 27 totalled 6,428, down four percent. JBS was an active buyer and a counter seasonal increase in live and dressed values is anticipated.

Larger supply and undesirable pen conditions pressured prices. The Canfax average steer price closed 40 cents lower and heifers fell 83 cents. Light calves traded steady while mid-weight steers and heifers were generally $1 lower. Heifers 600-800 pounds generally traded $11 per cwt. lower than their steer counterparts. A few sales of pre-conditioned calves were reported but showed no noticeable premium over fresh weaned calves. However, once more pre-conditioned calves are on offer and load lots can be assembled the market will likely pay a premium. Auction volume totalled 100,550 head, up 28 percent from the previous week. Weekly exports to Oct. 27 totalled 4,328, up three percent from the previous week. Feeder export volumes are now the

largest since the end of May. Competition for choice lots of cattle is strong with interest from across Canada.

CANFAX REPORT FED PRICES EDGE HIGHER The higher prices of two weeks ago allowed feeders to get current with their marketing, allowing them market flexibility last week. Weighted average prices for steers were $114.07 per hundredweight, up 29 cents and heifers were $114.54, up 12 cents. Dressed sales were $191$192 delivered. Many cattle were expected to be carried over into the following week. U.S. buyer inquiry was light and no cash trade to the U.S. was reported. Total sales volumes of 15,591 head was up almost 10 percent from the week before. Alberta cash-to-futures

basis narrowed to -$10.65. Weekly exports to Oct. 27 fell 12 percent to 15,294 head. JBS Brooks has yet to regain beef market access to the U.S. and chain speed are sluggish. Packers in general are struggling to improve margins making it a challenge to hold fed prices steady.

COW DEMAND STEADY Non-fed volumes jumped higher through commercial auctions. Demand was steady. Increased exports and speculative buying supported prices. D1, D2 cows were $60-$70 to aver-

FEEDERS PRESSURED Highlighted by numerous presorted and special breed sales, auction volumes established annual highs in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

WP LIVESTOCK REPORT HOG PRICES DOWN The disruptions caused by Hurricane Sandy are still hurting pork demand and interfering with pork transportation in the United States. U.S. packers have met all their needs to meet the demand for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, and there will be a period of lower demand leading up to Christmas. Iowa-southern Minnesota hogs were about $59 US per hundredweight Nov. 8, down from $60-$61 Nov. 2. The U.S. composite pork carcass cut-out value was $86.63 Nov. 9, up a little from $85.56 Nov. 2. U.S. slaughter for the week rose to 2.37 million from 2.36 million the previous week. It was 2.31 million a year ago.

BISON STEADY Last week’s report was incorrect.

The market is steady so this week’s report is the same as the one that should have run last week. The Canadian Bison Association said Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range are under pressure with current sales around $3.50-$3.65 Cdn. per pound hot hanging weight with some sales to $3.90. Grade A heifers were $3.50-$3.80 with discounts for poor quality. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted. Yearlings were mostly $1.80-$2.10 in the live market in light trade, with a few sales to $2.20, depending on quality.

SHEEP STEADY Beaver Hill Auction in Tofield, Alta., reported 1,206 sheep and 68 goats sold Nov. 5. Wool lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $129-$140 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were

$121-$132, 86-105 lb. were $112$122 and 106 lb. and heavier were $100-$106. Wool rams were $50-$75 per cwt. Cull ewes were $45-$62 and bred ewes were $125-$160 per head. Hair lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $126-$139 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $120-$131, 86-105 lb. were $105$115 and 106 lb. and heavier were $90-$100. Hair rams were $65-$72 per cwt. Cull ewes were $64-$88. Good kid goats lighter than 50 lb. were $150-$195. Those heavier than 50 lb. were $150-$210 per cwt. Nannies were $55-$80 per cwt. Billies were $85-$150. Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 1,476 sheep and lambs and 99 goats traded Nov. 5. All weights of good quality lambs sold actively at steady prices. Good goats and good lean sheep traded steady. Plain, fat sheep were lower.

BEEF LOWER Choice cutouts traded 26 cents lower and Select was 35 cents lower. The lingering effects of Hurricane Sandy are hurting beef demand. Canadian cutout values are trading 40-62 cents per cwt. higher than the same time last year. Montreal wholesale quotes were unavailable. This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at www.canfax.ca.







Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail: joanne.paulson@producer.com



Speedy passing of food bill may put brakes on trade


s many politicians and agricultural leaders have pointed out over the last few weeks, the devil will be in the details of Bill S-11, the Safe Food for Canadians Act. While it seems most agree that the bill is generally headed in the right direction, there are plenty of pitfalls that should be considered before it is passed. And it will be passed quickly, because that’s the way the Conservative majority government handles all of its bills. S-11 sped through its clause-by-clause evaluation at the standing committee on agriculture in just two hours Nov. 6, and will likely headed to the House for third reading the week of Nov. 19. That’s pretty fast for a massive bill with far-reaching consequences for agriculture and the economy. Liberal ag critic Frank Valeriote made a motion for an extension on the bill’s debate in committee, but was voted down. The Conservative majority on the committee also voted down amendments, such as the suggestion that an audit of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency be included. Worse, two days of hearing witnesses — an historically tiny number — were irrelevant. All the Conservatives on the committee seemed to hear was that people supported S-11 in principle, and then moved on despite the raising of some good points. For example, Christian Lacasse, Canadian Federation of Agriculture vicepresident and former Union des producteurs agricoles president, expressed his concern that producers who send cattle to other provinces for slaughter will need to obtain a new permit to do so. Since not all provinces have slaughter plants, the new bill would set up an uneven playing field for many producers. Lacasse also identified issues around access to confidential information. The bill says inspectors should have access to producers’ computers, but those computers contain a lot of confidential information unrelated to traceability. Lacasse wants those inspection powers

to be limited, and rightly so. Keith Mussar, vice-president of the Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters, noted that export food processors can presently use certain ingredients that are not allowed in Canadian foods, such as spices. If these ingredients don’t meet Canadian food standards under the new act, they will not be allowed into the country. The bill prohibits the export of foods if they do not meet Canadian requirements, even if they meet those of the importing country. That, said Mussar, will cost Canada jobs and trade. These are not just the finer points of a bill, but important issues that should have been considered before the bill cleared the committee. The House will now approve the bill before the regulations attached to it are written, which is not unusual: bills often pass to provide direction for regulation and law. However, it ’s difficult to endorse such a bill when the details are not available. As Lacasse said, S-11 will overhaul existing regulations, but ag groups do not know what the regulations will be. He asked to see the regulations as soon as possible and to be consulted on them before they are etched in stone. Based on the speed with which S-11 is hurtling through the passage process, it’s hard to assume consultation will occur in any real sense. However, S-11 regulations should be carefully examined to ensure the agriculture and food industries are not hamstrung by red tape, trade problems and higher fees. Canadian farmers and processors have been well-served by the testimony provided to the ag committee by farm group leaders, who obviously read the small print, considered it carefully and provided intelligent direction. It is profoundly to be hoped the government listens.


If God had really intended men to fly, he’d make it easier to get to the airport. GEORGE WINTERS

An owl takes flight from a fence post to check out its surroundings near Bezanson, Alta. | RANDY

Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.



We would like a little more substance from Justin Trudeau s’il vous plait NATIONAL VIEW


Trudeau will have to speak on policy issues before too long


s often happens, the newspaper cartoonist captured the moment in a way that 1,000 words of prose could not. In the Parliament Hill weekly The

Hill Times, cartoonist Michael DeAddler last week commented on the so-called Liberal leadership race. There is a crowd. “We could take our time and slowly rebuild the Liberal brand,” says one. “Or we could just follow that guy,” says another as Justin Trudeau stands on a pedestal, cloak and staff in hand, a modern-day Moses prepared to lead his tribe to the promised land. How true. How pitiful. Barring a catastrophe of epic political proportions, Trudeau will be elected next April as the 12th leader of the storied Liberal Party of Canada, the party that gave Canada Wilfrid Laurier, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chrétien. It led Canada for most of the last century.

It helped create modern Canada. But the Liberal Party has fallen on hard times. In the 2011 election, it fell to third place for the first time, receiving less than 20 percent of the popular vote for the first time. Until 2006, only one Liberal leader , Edward Blake in the 19th Century, did not become prime minister. In recent years, two leaders have been included in that column — Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff. In April, interim leader Bob Rae will step down without a sniff of power that he so craved after a brief and disastrous stint as NDP premier of Ontario in the 1990s. The obvious replacement is Justin Trudeau, son of a storied prime minister and by all accounts a uniter and a national phenom.

Why just last week, a poll showed that with Trudeau as leader, the Liberal party would cruise to a majority government with 160 seats in Parliament. Really? No. The poll was taken before Trudeau uttered a single word about his platform, his vision of the country. It was taken before a single other serious candidate announced his or her plan to run. It was a poll that made Liberal “we were born to govern” hearts go pitter patter but it has little reality attached. There still is a leadership race to endure and there will be other candidates. Trudeau may actually have to articulate a policy more specific than that he wants to bring Canadians

together. And he may have to articulate a view on agriculture because one of his opponents almost certainly will be Martha Hall-Finley, a former Liberal MP who recently paid off her debt for her 2006 failed leadership race and appears poised to run again. She will run in part on a platform that includes phasing out supply management. Trudeau has not spoken yet about agriculture, but with his Quebec base, it is easy to imagine he will oppose Hall-Finley’s proposals. But beyond that, does he offer a vision to the country beyond being his father’s son? For the moment, polls suggest that for Canadians and Liberals, that is enough. Really?





Elected CWB directors fail at governance

Canada will benefit from U.S. recovery



or the first time in my farming history, it’s near the end of October and all of the wheat I produced this year is delivered and sold. The CWB exercised authority over farmers’ wheat since 1943. Farmers were required to get a permit book under which grain deliveries were allowed. The CWB exercised stringent control over these deliveries and thus payment for wheat. The total payment would not be known until almost year and a half after farmers had harvested their wheat. Can you imagine working in a job where you did not know how much you would get paid until more than a year after you had completed the work? These policies were based on the organization’s philosophy of control. There was no allowance for beginning farmers, no allowance for lack of storage and no allowance for an individual farmer’s need for money at a specific time. I met this cute smart gal in the agriculture program at university. We were married in 1981 and decided farming was our future. We fixed up an old house with a wood stove to live in. Yes, it was 1981, the year interest rates went to 21 percent. My uncle gave me a great deal on some land at just 14 percent interest. We were rich with education, focus and desire. We just didn’t have much money.

The ability to market grain without restraints imposed by the Canadian Wheat Board is enjoyed by Henry Vos, a former CWB director. | FILE PHOTO There was a drought in 1982 and our crop was small: 25 bushels per acre of No. 1 wheat and 15 bu. per acre of canola. At that time, the CWB was not accepting any wheat at our location and also controlled canola deliveries. The fall canola quota was three bu. per acre to the elevator and five bu. per acre to the crusher. The only cash we could get was from a small cash advance on wheat and the canola we were allowed to deliver.

We had lots of bills and high hopes of putting in a crop the next year. There was no choice but to go and work in the oilfield. I saw my new bride about once every two weeks for the entire winter, which wasn’t great for a relationship. We paid lots of interest, and the other bills got paid. At that time I vowed there had to be a better way for farmers to market their wheat and barley. When the opportunity came in

2005, I ran for election as a director for the CWB. Basically, I felt the organization needed to change and meet farmers’ business needs, drop the political agenda and focus on the business of marketing grain. It became clear through the election campaign, and later at the board of directors table, that there was little appetite for change. Everything was viewed through the lens of single desk or not. Some will argue that the organization tweaked the policies in the last few years, and it did, but the control remained. The period of elected farmer directors running the CWB will go down in history as a failed experiment in governance. Poor decisions and poor governance were the result when board decisions were based on a political philosophy rather than the business interests of a $5 to $8 billion organization and the business needs of the farmers it served. I resigned from the board of directors in the fall of 2011. I could not stand to see farmers’ money being wasted on a political fight. The federal government removed the monopoly this past August. By the way, she is still cute and smart and we have been married 31 years. After 30.5 years under CWB control, this new freedom feels good. Henry Vos is a farmer and former CWB director.


Land prices force maximum returns per acre HURSH ON AG



and in our area is way overpriced and cash rents have become ridiculous,” said a thoughtful young Alberta farmer in Red Deer attending the Agri-Trade Show. His concerns mirror those of producers across the Prairies. “Good land is worth $3,000 an acre and there have been some cash rents of over $100 an acre in our area. Now, every landlord thinks they should be getting $100 or more.” This 30-something producer has thought about pulling up stakes and moving to an area of Alberta or into Saskatchewan where good quality land is a more reasonable price. But land prices are going up everywhere and it’s a big decision to uproot your

family and move somewhere else. Farming with his parents, the family operation is successful and it isn’t small, but expansion opportunities are limited. The conversation then turned to farm size versus lifestyle. “Everyone wants to expand, but you see some guys who are really big and they never get to spend any time with their family. They’re always working, always on the phone. Not sure that’s how I want to raise our kids.” The pressure on land prices and cash rents doesn’t show any signs of easing. The grain price outlook remains strong and interest rates remain amazingly low. Farm machinery continues to increase in size and capacity, making it possible to farm more land with fewer people. Plus, investors are involved in the land market, particularly in Saskatchewan where values had been a relative bargain. You can find analysts who believe land prices are due for a downside correction, but there’s so much pentup buying demand that any price dip is likely to be short term. A sharp

interest rate increase or world economic problems that erode the demand for grain are the most obvious factors that could cause a significant retrenchment in values. It can happen. Sky-high interest rates in the early 1980s precipitated a major drop in land prices, particularly in Saskatchewan, but also in Alberta. Although values started rising again in the early 1990s, it took years to recoup the losses. The profitability we’re enjoying in the grain sector is having a logical effect. The profits are capitalized into land values. It’s no different than the profits from dairy production being capitalized into quota values. Profitability has also attracted corporate farming interests. Although family-run operations remain the dominant force, some large corporate-run farms have been established. With expansion difficult, more attention is being focused on maximizing returns on existing acres. There’s a strong incentive for drainage to gain more seeded acres, but the water has to flow somewhere and this creates a great deal of con-

troversy. In parts of Manitoba, tile drainage is being installed to make land more productive. As land becomes more valuable, this investment starts to look more attractive. In Saskatchewan, shelter belts are being ripped out to accommodate larger equipment. One of the main reasons for shelter belts was wind erosion control. With modern farming practices, that’s less of a concern. Input use has never been higher. The seeder is used in the spring and the combine is used in the fall, but the high clearance sprayer is used throughout the entire growing season. And there’s a seemingly endless array of new inputs that all promise increased returns. Younger farmers have never experienced high interest rates or the declining equity that comes from falling land values. By comparison, dealing with high land values and high rental rates are good problems to have. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at kevin@hursh.ca.




ay back in 2006, all hell was breaking loose in Western Canada’s lumber industry — and not just because of the softwood lumber disagreement with the United States. Big companies like Weyerhaeuser were closing pulp mills and sawmills, while smaller companies struggled mightily with a sagging market. Exports to the U.S., still Canada’s biggest lumber market, stalled. That was the canary in the coal mine. Had American banks not been in a mess, the worst recession since the big Depression would not have happened, but conditions were already worsening two years before anyone really understood subprime mortgages. Most people were either ignoring the signs or did not have enough information to forecast the coming disaster, apart from a couple of nowrevered economists. Well before 2008, people were not buying homes. Therefore, builders were not building homes. That’s where the rubber always hits the economic road, and the Canadian lumber industry’s collapse was there to provide a road sign. The best indication, then, that the American economy is starting to show signs of life is housing starts — and lumber prices. Prices have risen 27 percent since the end of March to $300 US per 1,000 board feet for a particular kind of two-by-four. Other lumber prices have risen 10 percent. Demand is high and supply is short because companies have reduced production capabilities. Prices did spike in early 2011, but they headed right back down again. What’s different about the lumber price today is that it has been trending upward for months, since the autumn of 2011. Now, U.S. housing starts are really starting to improve. They jumped 15 percent in September over August, and prices rose about five percent. You have to go back to early 2008 to find the same level of activity, although the peak came three years before that. I doubt anyone is doing hand stands over the limping U.S. economic recovery just yet, but these are the strongest signs of an improvement in about five years. Assuming new pressures don’t sink our biggest trading partner again, this is good news for the Canadian economy. It’s not great news for people who might have been considering buying property or other investments below the line. Expect to pay more in the coming months.





Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.

To the Editor:

Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

In his letter to the Editor (WP Oct. 25), Ken Larsen of Benalto, Alta., replied to my Sept. 27 letter. I love it when I get a reply. Now I’d like him to explain why it was only the western provinces that had to comply by the Canadian Wheat Board rules and not Ontario and Quebec? And to go so far as to lock people up and confiscate their trucks? Also, why should people have to wait for some of their money by way of interim and final payments? It’s our money and we need it now, not six months or a year later.

We used to get 90 cents a bushel for barley through CWB. Now we get $5 per bushel, because people quit growing it. Everything has its day. There is a time and place for all things. Let’s move on. Bernice Teringer, Spiritwood, Sask.

STOP WILD HORSE CULL To the Editor: I am writing to encourage all Albertans to continue with the journey of forcing the Alberta government’s cull of Alberta’s wild horse to cease. The wild horse populations in

Alberta date back before the European settlers arrived, dating back to a Spanish horse foundation. Why does the Alberta government refuse to see the value in protecting our natural resource and a major part of Alberta’s heritage? In the eyes of the Alberta government, these magnificent animals are considered feral. Webster’s dictionary defines feral as “having escaped from domestication and become wild.” How could these horses have escaped domestication over 200 years ago when the West was not settled nor explored? Alberta’s wild horses are a true heritage species and need the legislation to protect them. Please write


Wayne Krejci, Shelby MacKenzie, Innisfail, Alta.


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or call honourable Diana McQueen o f e nv i ro n m e nt a l s u s t a i na b l e resources at 800-542-7307 or email at draytonvalley.devon@assembly. ab.ca and demand that we start protecting this species, having them designated as Alberta’s first heritage species. The last two cull seasons, 350 head were removed and taken to slaughter. Her department claims there are 770 head left in the western foothills. Two more cull seasons, and this A lber ta gov er nm ent w ill hav e wiped out the wild horse population, taking with it the unique gene pool that has evolved and wiping out a complete section of the natural food chain. Please write or call her office to stop this senseless slaughter and protect a species natural to Alberta.

The government under the leadership of (prime minister) Stephen Harper has managed to get rid of the Canadian Wheat Board single desk, reduced the number of Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors, resulting in the scandal with XL Foods and E. coli — the United States actually detected it first — are against co-operative movements as indicated in various farm newspapers, and are tampering with the Canadian Grain Commission. Soon the same thing will happen to our wheat as happened to our beef, Japan is already questioning the quality of Canadian wheat. Now the government is tampering with our natural resources. The Canada-China Foreign Investment Treaty has been signed by prime minister Harper without any public consultation, any First Nations (input), any parliamentary debate or even a single vote in the House of Commons. How democratic is that? The content of this agreementinvestment deal will allow investors, including Chinese state-owned enterprises, to claim damages against the Canadian government in secret for decisions taken at the municipal, provincial, territorial or federal level that result in a reduction of their expectation of profits. Everyone needs to be informed on this issue and try to stop it. The only website I have seen so far outlining details of the agreement is at www.greenparty.ca/stop-thesellout. As indicated on this website, this is not a partisan issue, and all people need to stand up for Canada before we are totally sold to foreign investors that may have more rights than we do. We won the war but now we are just turning around and giving our country away. Don’t just stand by and do nothing, as we as Canadians are worth much more than that. Write letters opposing this agreement and send them to the prime minister, your MP and every other MP necessary, and remember the postage is free and it will cost nothing

OPINION — except your country if you don’t take action. Joan Scott, Grandview, Man.

TRADE WISDOM To the Editor: We really have to question the wisdom of our current relations with China, especially the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement. Stephen Harper and the Chinese president signed off in Vladivostok Sept. 8, with no press release. It has been tabled quietly in Parliament and can come into effect any time after 21 sitting days. No debate in public, Parliament or with other levels of government. Governments can sign treaties with-

out parliamentary approval, but it is unusual for something of this magnitude to not have debate. Remember the big NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) debates? The House has been debating the Canada-Panama trade deal — trade volume $213 million — since last spring and the Canada-Jordan trade deal — trade volume $90 million — for six days. The Canada-China deal — trade volume $64 billion — no debate whatever. Why no debate? What is in this investment deal? It sets out a series of obligations for Canada, new rights for Chinese stateowned enterprises and fails to deliver on reciprocity for Canadian companies operating in China. We are bound to the terms for the next 15 years minimum. A future government that wants out has to give one year’s notice, and even when cancelled, any existing Chinese opera-


tions in Canada are guaranteed another 15 years of benefits. Canada must promote and encourage Chinese investment in Canada. Chinese government controlled companies operating in Canada must be treated exactly the same as Canadian companies. Now the really nasty parts. The deal allows Chinese companies to sue Canada over decisions that can reduce or diminish their expectations of profit. China can claim damages against Canada for decisions at the municipal, provincial or federal level — even decisions of our courts. Belgium is dealing with a $3 billion claim with China under a similar treaty regarding a failed bank. Chinese investors need only a minority position in a Canadian company to be covered. Claims go to arbitration behind closed doors and are secret.

No other level of government is allowed to intervene or attend. We are essentially delegating a judicial component of Canadian sovereignty to international arbitrators. The arbitrators are not subject to review in any court. The arbitrators are not judges, often being corporate lawyers, moonlighting academics or members of corporate boards. They can awards billions of dollars of public funds to Chinese government corporations for our government’s enacting legislation that protects our energy security, environment, jobs or public health. The mere threat of a lawsuit can be used in the early part of a dispute to get a government to change or deter certain decisions. This treaty requires that if, in the future, Canada wants to conserve its natural resources — all, including water — we are only allowed to reduce Chinese access to the extent that we

limit our own use. Australia, South Africa and India have wisely refused this type of investment treaty…. Mike Bray, Indian Head, Sask.

“You told me to use my initiative if I wanted money so I sold a cow.”


Here come the zoomers SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES



re you a zoomer? You could be called that if you are older than 45, according to the Canadian Association of Retired People. CARP’s mandate is to advocate a new vision for aging in Canada. As one with a toenail in the baby boom generation and a pensioner for a few years now, I like the attitude that goes with the organization and the title. Zoomers have a great deal to offer. At a stage when the techno-society thinks of us as fuddy-duddies who are a drain on society, zoomers are doing their own advocacy in health, government legislation, income benefits and local outreach. They have been face to face with bullying, elder abuse, those who say, “why bother? I can’t make her 28 again,” and their own fear when visiting a geriatric home that “this can’t possibly be my own old age.” They believe life has more to offer. Moses Znaimer, Canadian broadcaster and media pioneer, is president of CARP, and his leadership has infected zoomers with refreshing vitality. Since 2000, the annual Idea City Conferences invite presenters to speak for 17 minutes on subjects of special interest to them. The Zoomer-Life Conference talks about aging, longevity and life extension. Zoomer magazine keeps readers abreast of happenings “in area of health, finance, travel, science, longevity, fashion, beauty, style, and life in general.” My question to colleagues is how many zoomers are you aware of in your church? Is there opportunity for each to nurture the other, to advocate on behalf of the voiceless, to mentor newer generations and be role models to each other? Our God-given potential is like a treasure we might fail to recognize.

Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian ruralchurch.net.

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New grain commission fees, structure pass House easily Change controversial | Despite easy passage, critics suggest that legislation would have benefited from more time and witnesses BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Significant changes to Canadian Grain Commission rules and responsibilities slipped through the House of Commons agriculture committee last week with little debate or controversy. The proposals, which will lead to reduced inspection, an end to inward inspection of grain moving between inland terminals and export facilities and tens of millions of dollars in increased farmer user fees, were included in a mammoth budget bill C-45, that initially included little

opportunity for detailed study. The current system of grain trader bonding to cover potential losses for farmers if grain companies go bankrupt before producers are paid would be changed to an insurance system. The government compromised and agreed to send detailed proposals in the budget bill, including agricultural ones, to appropriate House committees for study. However, the agriculture committee spent less than two hours reviewing the most significant changes in grain commission rules in two decades and produced little chance for MP input.

Witnesses invited to speak at the short session largely supported the proposed changes. Grain commission officials spoke, followed by Pulse Canada and Canadian Special Crops Association official Gordon Bacon, Canadian Federation of Agriculture vice-president Humphrey Banack and Canadian Canola Growers Association general manager Richard White. The agriculture-related portions of the budget bill were then sent back to the finance committee for final approval. Chief commissioner Elwin Hermanson linked changes to the grain

commission with the end of the CWB monopoly this summer. “We are at a pivotal time in the grain sector, when public policies and regulatory structures need to keep pace with the rapid changes that we see in the marketplace,” he said. ”Modernization of the grain sector is an important priority for this government and modernization began on Aug. 1 of this year with the removal of the Canadian Wheat Board single desk monopoly for wheat and barley.” Hermanson said many players in the grain industry “feel that the grain sector needs a revised Canada Grain Act to remain modern, competitive

and profitable.” However, opposition MPs, including New Democrat Niki Ashton from Churchill, Man., complained that few witnesses were able to appear at the committee hearing, including representatives of Churchill and Winnipeg, where jobs will be lost by CGC downsizing. NDP agriculture critic Malcolm Allen said in a later interview that witness lists seemed directed to supporting government changes. “With such limited time, there really isn’t a chance to get different voices before the committee,” he said.


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The federal government has published a market access report that describes 2012 as a year of significant advances for Canadian food exports. It highlighted 10 key markets, including China, Taiwan and the European Union, in which market access improved in the past year, whether through regulatory changes or legislative changes. Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz and trade minister Ed Fast released the report in Ottawa Nov. 8. Ritz said agriculture’s advance was part of “the most ambitious trade expansion plan in Canadian history.” A key improvement in 2011 exports was an increase in canola sales to the European Union for its biofuel industry. The value of canola seed exports increased from $59 million to $200 million during the year and crude canola oil for use in biodiesel production increased from $24 million to $221 million. “We are working hard to open new export markets in the world’s emerging major economies while continuing to strengthen and expand existing trade relationships,” said Ritz. “More exports mean more jobs for Canadians and sustainable longterm growth for Canada.” Export-oriented agricultural sectors quickly applauded the government for its trade promotion efforts. “Many of the major access gains highlighted in this report have required years of hard work to come to fruition,” said Canadian Cattlemen’s Association president Martin Unrau, who noted that the year’s successes included increased beef access to South Korea and a successful challenge of U.S. country-of-origin-labelling rules at the World Trade Organization. “The results speak for themselves,” Unrau said. “The Canadian cattle industry has true champions in ministers Ritz and Fast.” Canola Council of Canada president Patti Miller said government trade efforts help all of the canola industry, which exports 85 percent of its production.





Food safety bill moves nearer to final passage Government rejects amendments | S-11 promises the biggest changes seen to food regulations in decades BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

The House of Commons agriculture committee has quickly approved new food safety legislation thanks to its Conservative majority, which defeated all opposition proposals for amendments suggested by witnesses. In just two hours, the committee approved the 48 page S-11 bill and rejected dozens of amendments proposed by opposition MPs. The bill now goes back to the House of Commons for final debate and

passage, likely next week. It is the most significant upgrade in food safety legislation in decades but it slipped through the Commons agriculture committee clause-by-clause study Nov. 6 in less than two hours. A key opposition proposal was that an audit of Canadian Food Inspection Agency resources be carried out now so that when audits required by the legislation every five years are conducted, there will be a baseline against which future results can be judged. Conservative MPs voted against the proposal, arguing that an audit

now would be irrelevant five years down the road because technologies change and the needs of the industry change. “I just think a benchmark now will not be relevant because of the way the industry changes,” Ontario Conservative MP Pierre Lemieux, parliamentary secretary to agriculture minister Gerry Ritz, said in an interview. “What is important in five years is what is needed then and not what was available five years before.” New Democrat agriculture critic Malcolm Allen and Liberal Frank

Valeriote both argued that conducting an audit of CFIA resources now will be critical to understanding later how the agency is doing. “If you don’t know where you came from, how can you possibly know where you are going?” Allen said in an interview. Despite that all opposition MPs said they supported the legislation and voted for it, they were proposing amendments in part based on proposals from witnesses, who also supported the thrust of the bill but wanted its powers made more


Canada’s food traceability falls short: report BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Canada’s food traceability system has fallen behind that of competitor countries despite political promises and industry efforts, says a report from the Conference Board of Canada. The report argues that adoption of a more robust traceability system would help the food industry, but the cost may exceed the potential benefit for smaller companies. “In Canada, as in other developed countries, food traceability systems generate both public interest benefits and private benefits but also substantial costs for stakeholders,” said the report published last week. “Efficient and effective traceability systems offer maximum benefits for minimum costs.” Food safety legislation now making its way through the House of Commons will require a food traceability system and better control over food imports once it is approved and passed into law this autumn. The rules for how the traceability system will be implemented are not yet clear. The report from the businesssponsored think-tank stressed that product traceability systems are good for the bottom line. “Private interests are a major factor in motivating the food industry to invest in traceability, in addition to public interest considerations,” it said. “Companies that invest in traceability systems can gain significant private benefits.” Benefits can include lower production and shipping costs. However, the report said not all food sector players have understood the benefits of traceability.

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explicit for the industry. The Conservative majority on the committee rejected all of them. It led normally mild-mannered N D P M P A l e x At a m a n e n k o t o denounce Conservative tactics. “We came here to support government legislation and to make the bill stronger,” he said in a Nov. 6 interview. “In return, they would not accept a single proposal for change, no matter how constructive. They are abusing their majority status. This is not the way Parliament is supposed to work.”





Port shipments up post CWB Thunder Bay official says volume hurt by federal subsidies to Port of Churchill BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

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October was a busy month for the Port of Thunder Bay, which saw 22 vessels arrive — the highest in a single month since 2007. | FILE PHOTO

Crop shipments leaving the Port of Thunder Bay in Ontario broke a 15-year record during September and October. Tim Heney, chief executive officer with the Thunder Bay Port Authority, said outbound shipments of grain, pulses and oilseeds during September and October were the highest for any two-month period since late 1997. Total grain volumes through the first 10 months of 2012 are also on

pace with last year, he said. At the end of October, total 2012 grain movements through the port stood at 4.683 million tonnes, up narrowly from 4.62 million tonnes during the same period last year. “Nobody really knew what would happen without the wheat board … so there’s always been a bit of speculation …,” Heney said. “So far, it’s been pretty good.” Outbound grain shipments during September and October were aided by an unusually large number of incoming ocean vessels seeking backhaul business, Heney said.

A total of 22 ocean vessels or salties arrived at the port during September and October, Heney said. Twelve of those arrived in October alone, the highest number for any single month since 2007. Thunder Bay’s port facilities serve two types of ships: lakers and oceangoing vessels in the Handysize class. Due to draft restrictions, Handysize vessels that haul grain out of Thunder Bay cannot be fully loaded. They normally carry 23,000 tonnes of grain or less. A fully loaded laker can haul 10,000 to 12,000 tonnes, grain that is usually delivered to transfer elevators in Eastern Canada. Heney did not say whether movements of wheat, durum and malting barley, the grains formerly under the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly, have increased or decreased. This year marks the first crop year without the wheat board’s single desk being involved. Grain movements through Thunder Bay dropped significantly during the 1980s and 1990s but have been holding their own over the past decade. Shipments last year totalled 6.3 million tonnes, up slightly from the 10 year average of 5.9 million tonnes. Thirty years ago, the port handled a record 17.7 million tonnes.


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Adrian Measner, president and chief executive officer of Mission Terminal, one of seven grain terminals at Thunder Bay, agreed that grain movements appear to be normal. At Mission, volumes were above normal in August and September and below normal in October, Measner said. Before Aug. 1, some grain industry observers had speculated that shipment patterns for prairie grain would be affected by CWB changes. Some suggested that more of the prairie crop would be shipped through west coast facilities, as opposed to Thunder Bay or Churchill. According to Measner, there have been no major surprises. “I don’t think it’s played out too differently than what we had anticipated anyway.” Meanwhile, Heney said federal transportation subsidies aimed at boosting grain shipments through the Port of Churchill are affecting Thunder Bay’s business. The $25 million Churchill Port Utilization Program offers a shipping subsidy of $9 per tonne to grain companies that ship grain, oilseeds, pulses and special crops through the northern port on Hudson Bay. The subsidies are offered on a firstcome, first-served basis with $5 million available each year for the next five years. “It’s interesting that you’re subsidizing in cash one route versus another,” said Heney. “What kind of transportation policy is that?”





PAMI celebrates advances in agriculture Institute focuses on ag innovation and research BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM

HUMBOLDT, Sask. — Air drills, tractors, sprayers and combines have been recognized as the Big Four of agricultural innovations that led Saskatchewan to build a $6 billion grain and oilseed industry. The Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute of Humboldt, Sask., celebrated 35 years of innovation by naming the equipment as critical tools in the industry. “To see where you are headed, you need to know where you’ve been,” said PAMI president Dave Gullacher. “Honouring the Big Four will give us a clearer picture of the path of modern agriculture.” The Saskatchewan government used the Nov. 1 event to announce nearly $1 million in funding for PAMI and its Western Beef Development Centre. “In order to continue to keep the economy of the province going and meet our objectives in the growth plan, we’re going to need the kind of innovation that we see from PAMI to continue in the future,” said agriculture minister Lyle Stewart. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

The Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute marked 35 years of innovation recently by naming its big four of agricultural innovations. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO





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PAMI employees 107 staff and has a budget this year of $15 million. “We can typically demonstrate $20 per dollar of return in terms of wealth and jobs in the agriculture sector,” Gullacher said. “Research that’s going to be used by producers can often have a bigger benefit than research staying inside a manufacturing plant because the implementation of it is on a much bigger scale. You have millions of acres to implement any given piece of technology in agriculture, and that’s where you get the big benefit.” The air seeder topped the list. “The very first thing that comes to m i n d i n t h e Ca n a d i a n p ra i r i e region and really in particular, Saskatchewan, has produced the very best dry land seeding equipment in the world, no question,” Gullacher said. He said the innovations developed with zero till and direct seeding equipment were game changers. “There’s no other area that has relentlessly, unceasingly worked to develop seeding equipment. It began to occur back in the ’70s and it has really just gone full-bore from then until today,” he said. Gullacher said continual upgrading has met the challenges. Jim Bessel agreed. “The first pillar is where it all starts,” said the former agronomy specialist with the Canola Council of Canada. “It’s putting the seed in the ground and how we manage it from that point forward.” Bessel said the concept of precision seeding still needs fine tuning, particularly with canola and small seeded crops where input costs are high. “Yes, you do have a higher return

There’s no other area that has relentlessly, unceasingly worked to develop seeding equipment. It began to occur back in the ’70s and it has really just gone full-bore from then until today. DAVE GULLACHER PAMI PRESIDENT

this point in time of depositing the spray on the soil. Navigation for 24 hour operation and safety are all things built into those sprayers over the last few years.” Combines have seen advancements in terms of size, effectiveness, navigation and control, particularly over the past two decades. “The combines of today are four times the size in terms of harvesting

rate of the harvesters that we began to test when PAMI started in the ’70s. That basically means that one operator can do the work of four operators back in those days. That is going to be key going forward as we have fierce competition for labour and skilled workers in this province. Even though they’re four times the size, they’re losing only about half of the grain that harvesters would typically

lose back in the ’70s,” he said. “They’re now satellite guided, they can now be adjusted on the go from the operator’s seat and there are just a number of other advancements from the ancient processes of reaping, threshing and winnowing. Those things are still there in the combine.” Terr y Youzwa, a farmer from Nipawin, Sask., said he appreciates the advancements made in farm equipment. “We’re getting more efficient and it’s becoming more economical. As it becomes more common use, the technology improves and the cost comes down,” said Youzwa. “We’ve seen that with guidance systems.…They improve your ability to operate more effectively, more efficiently, improve your footprint, but they also make you more productive and you get more out of a day with reduced fatigue.” The Saskatchewan government

hopes to increase crop production in the province from 26 million tonnes per year to 36 million tonnes per year by 2020. Bigger, faster and smarter machines will help achieve these goals. “We need to produce another 10 million tonnes on top of what we’re doing now of agricultural products and we’re going to have to really stretch the envelope to be able to do t h a t , b u t w e m u s t d o i t ,” s a i d Gullacher. “The key innovations that we see are going to come from the crop scientists, fertilizer specialists, people who develop sprays, pesticides and inoculants. Machinery must fit in and accommodate the production of those new varieties and bigger tonnages of those varieties. “So we’ll be in an enabling role. The machinery is always the enabler that carries out the process for production.”


per acre in relation to gross margin, but it’s the net benefit, whether or not at the end of the day you still have something left in your pocket,” he said. “Saying all that, we still have a ways to go to be a little more precise when we look at the whole idea of seeding.” The tractor, number two on the list, has become a close companion to the seeder. At one time it was an allpurpose tool, but its job on the farm has become more specialized. “It’s main task is to pull the seeder equipment for most of the farming that’s done in Saskatchewan,” said Gullacher. The needs of the seeder have helped shape and design the modern tractor. “The changes in size, power, traction, navigation, emissions and operator comfort and safety really have changed hugely over the 35 years that we’ve (PAMI) been here,” Gullacher said. The sprayer is number three on the list. “We know that spraying isn’t for everybody, but in terms of the overall time use, it’s a huge contributor to what’s happening,” Gullacher said. Sprayers have become big and fast, and Gullacher said they will become increasingly important in the evolution of future technology. “They do the best job possible at

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Technology shows way to future production goals Smart technology | As precision agriculture expands, computerization and robotic machinery may follow BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM

There’s little doubt that farm machinery will continue to grow bigger and faster as the Saskatchewan government attempts to increase crop production. The goal is to increase crop production in the province another 10 million tonnes per year by 2020 from the current 26 million tonnes per year. “We know there’s going to be a lot of change and challenges put forth in terms of production,” said Les Hill, manager of technical services and

business development at the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute. PAMI recently held a vision session about the future of the industry as part of a bigger event celebrating the past 35 years of innovation. Thirty agricultural leaders from Saskatchewan were divided into groups to discuss and brainstorm key suggestions. The group included representatives from major producer groups as well as manufacturers and value-added processors. “PAMI is here to deliver practical results for the agricultural industry. Sessions like this are essential to

ensure that our research is focused on producing the new technologies farmers want and need,” said PAMI president Dave Gullacher. Before the session began, Gullacher named the four outstanding pieces of machinery that were seen as critical tools in the industry: air drills, tractors, sprayers and combines. Forum participants were asked to focus their thoughts on the Big Four and make suggestions under the topics of crop characteristics, rural population challenges, genetically modified crops, labour and technology. Smarter technology dominated the

We all agreed that larger might not be smarter. It may make sense in some instances. LINDA BRAUN SASKATCHEWAN FLAX DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION

discussion, said Jim Bessel, a former agronomy specialist with the Canola Council of Canada. “The future of robotics was certainly one of the key factors because of precision applications. Precision

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seeding will be more of a focus, and I think that was a hot topic at a lot of tables,” he said. Discussion at his table also touched on computers and the use of drone technology in the military. “There are all kinds of things that you may not always have a live person sitting in the seat of a tractor, or on a sprayer or what have you,” he said. “You may be able to set it up that you can have more of the technology that’s available through computerization and robotics to accomplish the tasks that are necessary, especially for large acres and large farms.” Grain storage was also talked about, particularly canola and flax. “Storage being what it is, with large bins these days, has created some new challenges because of the large capacities of these bins and maintaining the quality of the oilseeds is always a key factor,” he said. Market issues, sustainability and adaptability were discussed at length at Linda Braun’s table. “We all agreed that larger might not be smarter. It may make sense in some instances,” said the executive director of the Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission. “It’s interesting whether or not you were coming from a farm perspective, or a research perspective or a trade perspective. Some of the same things were coming out.” Key suggestions included: • Smarter machines: increasing robotics in farm machinery so that 24/7 harvesting is possible with fewer workers. However, participants did not go so far as to endorse entirely driverless machinery • Smarter crops: researching new and improved varieties of highmargin crops and using genetic modification to develop crops that provide for each other, such as one crop providing readily available nutrients or pesticides for another crop coming next in the rotation • Smarter first, before bigger: building farm equipment that is easier to operate and maintain while continuing to improve efficiency • Consumer is king: ensuring producers understand and respond to what consumers want • Filtering information overload: ensuring that farmers have access to training and unbiased advice to deal with the increasing complexity of the industry. This should include providing high quality and standardized skills training for the emerging workforce of professional farm machinery operators • Sustainable farming: lowering the environmental impact of farming and ensuring crop varieties are viable in the long-term, even under changing climatic conditions “This isn’t just a wish list for the agriculture industry. These research goals will define a major part of the future of Saskatchewan and the world,” Gullacher said. “Premier (Brad) Wall’s goal of increasing Saskatchewan’s agricultural production by 10 million tonnes by 2020 makes it all the more essential that we develop new and better ways to grow and harvest crops. On top of that, we live in an increasingly hungry world where Saskatchewan will bear an ever-larger responsibility as a food producer.”





Heather Kyle of Swanky Shanks makes purses from cowboy boots. Kyle scours thrift stores and uses boots from her own collection for her ‘bootique.’ Kyle was at the Heritage Ranch Rodeo artisan area of Farmfair in Edmonton last week. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS

Boots recycled

Now Registered in Flax, Field Peas, Chickpeas and Sunowers

Old soles get new life | Cowboy boots are made into purses BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — Heather Kyle’s boots were once made for walking. Now they’re turned into purses. Kyle has spent the last five years turning previously worn boots into funky purses. She cuts off the bottoms, turns the leather inside out, adds decorative touches and sends them away to be stitched back up. Then comes the hard part of wrestling the hard, stiff leather back the right way. “It’s not like turning a sock inside out,� said Kyle at her booth at the Heritage Ranch Rodeo artisan room at Farm air International. Kyle scours thrift shops for boots as well as straps and conchos off old purses to reuse for her boot purses.

Women must be having too much fun with their red boots and are not giving them away. HEATHER KYLE SWANKY SHANKS


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“It’s a real scavenger hunt for me when I go into a thrift shop,â€? said Kyle. “The stitching speaks to me. When I see the stitching, I know what I’m going to do with the boot.‌ Red boots are hard to find. Women must be having too much fun with their red boots and are not giving them away.â€? When she finds pink boots, she adds a silver breast cancer ribbon concho and makes them available for breast cancer fundraisers. Kyle got started when she saw a boot purse in a shop in Winnipeg . After making herself a purse from her own boot collection, every time she went out, someone wanted to buy it. “I got a little carried away,â€? said Kyle, who sells her Swanky Shanks cowboy boot purses at rodeos and high end artisan shows and from her garage “bootique.â€? Her clients wear western gear year round or want novelty bags for rodeo or stampede events. Some people turn their father or husband’s old boots into purses as keepsakes. Kyle hopes to start a western consignment and thrift shop with all her western finds of western dishes, boots, furniture and clothing. “I’m a thrift store maniac.â€?




CARNDUFF RESTAURANT FINDS SWEET NICHE The Olive Branch Bistro opened in 2000 and has been steadily expanding in size, customer base and tasty dessert offerings. | Page 25




Many rural Manitobans consider Clearwater, Man., a role model when it comes to reviving a small community. Since forming the Harvest Moon Society more than a decade ago, leaders in Clearwater have launched a number of unique initiatives:

Fresh start for old building

» The society has helped develop a University of Manitoba accredited course, called Living Rural Communities and Environments. Students take the course at the Harvest Learning Centre in Clearwater and visit farms in the area to gain a better understanding of agriculture and rural life.

Revitalizing a community | An old school turns into a thriving hub for business, arts and education BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

CYPRESS RIVER, Man. — For two years, Linda Truelove dreaded walking past the elementary school in her community. For 50 years, from 1959 to 2009, the clamour of kids playing and shouting on the school grounds was a familiar sound in Cypress River in southcentral Manitoba. After the school closed in 2009, it bothered Truelove to wander past the school and hear nothing but the breeze. “When you walked by, you would listen for the kids,” said Truelove, whose children attended the school, who attended as a child and who worked there as an educational assistant. “It was very sad to (walk) past here for two years.” Life returned to the school last fall when a community group purchased the building and grounds from the local school division. Truelove and the directors with the Cypress River Resource Centre bought the 7,000 sq. foot school and surrounding eight acres of land for $100. Skeptics in town scoffed at the idea, with some residents wondering why anyone would want an old school. “Something new usually creates a lot of conversation at the coffee shop,” said Georgette Hutlet, a director. In the first year of operation, the centre has proved the cynics wrong. The directors opened a secondhand store in the school, hosted a music festival and held a Saturday morning farmers’ market. In addition, Assiniboine Community College of Brandon will use the school to train 25 licensed practical nurses starting in January. The course will last 22 months and the arrival of 25 new people will have an impact on a town of 165. Nursing students are already renting rooms or homes in the commu-

nity, which should stimulate social and economic activity in the small town. ACC is training nurses in communities outside of its Brandon campus because the college hopes students will take a job in a rural community after graduation, Hutlet said. “(They) bring the course to an area where there is a need for nurses.” Landing the LPN training course was a coup but Hutlet is also proud of the inaugural Prairie Wind Music Festival that drew 200 people and is held on the school grounds in June. The directors borrowed the concept from Clearwater, Man., which has hosted the Harvest Moon Festival for 11 years. Jolene Gardiner, who farms near Clearwater, said this year’s event attracted more than 1,200 people to a community of 64. Community leaders in Clear water purchased the vacant school in the town, named it the Harvest Moon Learning Centre and developed educational programming. The Harvest Moon Society, which runs the centre and the festival, offers workshops on subjects ranging from forest gardening to root cellar construction to rainwater catchment systems. It also partners with others to offer farmer training courses and University of Manitoba credit courses. The society also wants to revitalize skills from earlier times on the Prairies such as canning, milling grain, making jam and gardening. “Things that our parents knew and our grandparents did all the time,”


The society has teamed up with Manitoba Farm Mentorship to offer the Exploring Your Small Farm Dream course, where aspiring farmers can learn about the challenges and opportunities of running a farm. The course is offered in Clearwater.

» As well, the society will soon take

over the farm mentorship program, where interns live on farms that practise organic or sustainable agriculture.

» Ten farm families around

Clearwater have created the Harvest Moon Local Food Initiative. It’s a buying club, where consumers can order products like pork, vegetables and eggs directly from farmers in the group.

Gardiner said. When the nurse’s training program ends, the Cypress directors are considering offering bread-making classes, a master spinners course and other rural arts. The Cypress society also owns eight acres of land behind the school, which could be used for agricultural test plots. “I think the land is going to be a huge opportunity for us,” Hutlet said, noting any enterprise chosen must be financially sustainable.

Linda Truelove, right, and Georgette Hutlet are part of a group that purchased the former elementary school in Cypress River, Man., in 2011. Within 12 months, the directors of the Cypress River Resource Centre opened a secondhand store in the school and hosted a music festival. In January, the Assiniboine Community College of Brandon will train nurses in the building. | ROBERT ARNASON PHOTO




ABOVE: Mark Lohues says he enjoys working with cattle and managing the livestock side of the business, which includes Coyote Flats Charolais, on the family farm near Chin, Alta. BELOW: John, left, and George Lohues check on a cornfield. The two brothers manage the crop side of the farm. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS ON THE FARM | FAMILY OPERATION

Give and take: respect key to family’s success Targeting skills | Brothers have individual responsibilities and interests on the mixed farm BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

CHIN, Alta. — John, George and Mark Lohues are points on the triangle that make up Lohues Farms and Coyote Flats Charolais. Their homes at the three corners are separated by an expanse of fertile farmland purchased by their late father, Hank, 13 years after he immigrated to Canada from Holland in 1956. Theirs is a family farm, with the brothers managing their separate areas of expertise in the farming operation that involves grain, pulses, row crops, a feedlot and a purebred cattle business. Together, they farm about 1,600 acres on property north of Chin in southern Alberta. John has four children with his wife, Shelley. George and his wife, Angela, have three and Mark and his wife, Trish, also have three. And although the brothers agree it can be difficult for families to work together, they’ve developed a method that works. “It’s trust and give and take. We trust each other that we’re all going to do the best we can,” said Mark. George agrees. “In our younger years, we had a few scraps. Later on, we just realized that we’re not all the same and we just have to accept that.” John also weighs in. “I think we figured out pretty quick

that the three of us farming together was going to be a way better way to go about it than trying to start out each on their own. So you just sort of swallow your pride and go with it.” Each brother has his own area of responsibility. A daily morning meeting at the feedlot, where they talk over coffee, sets the pace. John handles the row crops, Mark runs the cattle side and George, who also serves on various commodity boards and organizations, is mostly involved with crops and marketing. “I kind of get my nose into everything,” he said. When their father bought the land, it was considered poor because of its sandy soil, but irrigation proved ideal for potatoes and sugar beets. Those same advantages have driven up land prices in the region, making expansion difficult. A quarter section of irrigated land in this area recently sold for $1.4 million. George said feeding some of the crops through the cattle adds value to the operation, and the land base can handle and benefit from the manure. The family has been in the Charolais business for 22 years and now has a herd of about 110 purebred cows. “What we do is, we sell bulls and then with our customers that we sell bulls to, we try to buy back their calves ranch-direct, so it allows us the opportunity to buy calves, get a healthier animal,” said Mark.

I think we figured out pretty quick that the three of us farming together was going to be a way better way to go about it than trying to start out each on their own. So you just sort of swallow your pride and go with it. JOHN LOHUES LOHUES FARMS AND COYOTE FLATS CHAROLAIS

“Also it allows our customers to come back throughout the year and see what their cattle do on the finishing end as well. We’ve had good response to it.” They also run a 3,600 head feedlot, about 40 percent of which is custom feeding. Concentration on Charolais in their own herd is a conscious choice because of flexibility in marketing, said Mark. “You can market a steer calf at 1,250 pounds or you can take it to 1,400 lb. You have that window where you can market them where they will still yield well.” On the farming side, the brothers

embrace technology, including GPS, RTK and yield mapping. George said they look forward to the day when variable rate manure application is possible, and he thinks variable rate irrigation will soon be in use on their farm. The brothers have quiet enthusiasm for the future of farming, but also for its present. John mentions the autonomy that the farming life provides and the opportunity to be your own boss. “Not that we get a big rush out of being a boss, but just that we’re able to manage our own time,” he said. Adds George: “I find after working

in the office, I can feel the stress rising up. I can last about half a day and then I have to go outside. If I had a job that was in the office, I’d be a wreck. “I can just feel the tension leave me as I step outside the door. I take a deep breath of air and I just feel it go away.” Mark has other things on his list. “I just love the outdoors. And I like livestock. Probably any variety of livestock, but I still get a kick out of a calf trying to take its first steps or making a sick calf better.” Despite those benefits, the brothers worry about the future of small farms. High land prices and environmental pressures may lead to more land being rented by farmers but owned by corporations or estates. They’ve seen examples in this region. “It makes me a little bit sad,” muses George. “I would sooner see farms a little smaller, that you could have pride of ownership, and where people are able to run their own farms rather than work on a farm. “But maybe that’s pie in sky.”





Gather friends and family for a special breakfast TEAM RESOURCES



pecial meals with guests usually focus on suppers, but breakfast is often overlooked as a prime time to visit with friends and family. Breakfast can end up being brunch so a hearty meal often fits the bill. These recipes allow for advance preparation and are ideal for an after church brunch or a busy weekend morning. They can be doubled or tripled for larger groups. My cousin married a man from El Salvador and they treat us to huevos rancheros for a special breakfast. Huevos rancheros was invented as a way to use up leftover tortillas and salsa. Corn tortillas are typically used but flour tortillas work also.

COUSIN LORNA’S HUEVOS RANCHEROS 4 - 5 tomatoes puréed 125 mL with 1/2 cup water in blender

6 tbsp. white onion, 90 mL finely chopped 6 tbsp. green pepper, 90 mL finely chopped 4 tbsp. cilantro, chopped 60 mL 2 tbsp. cooking oil 30 mL pinch of garlic salt 4 drops Tabasco sauce 2 tbsp. ketchup 30 mL mild chunky salsa 1 avocado 6 eggs 6 corn or flour tortillas Saute onions and green peppers in a pot with cooking oil, then add garlic salt and cilantro. Add blended tomatoes with water and cook over medium heat for 12 minutes, then add Tabasco sauce and ketchup for more colour and flavour. Add salsa to thicken and extend the volume as needed. Fry eggs sunny side up and put on tortillas that have been heated either in microwave or on the grill. Use one egg per tortilla and ladle sauce over the egg. Garnish with cilantro leaves and avocado wedges. This can also be served with hot refried beans topped with grated Monterey jack cheese. Serves six.

BAKED FRENCH TOAST 6–8 2 c. 4 1/3 c.

thickly cut slices of bread whole milk 500 mL eggs sugar 80 mL

Make your first meal of the day special with eggs benedict, French toast topped with raspberries or huevos rancheros. | SARAH GALVIN PHOTO

unsalted butter 1 tsp. vanilla or almond flavouring 1/2 tsp. orange zest 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

5 mL 3 mL 3 mL

Any type of bread is fine in this recipe. French bread, challah, raisin bread or cinnamon buns are also good. Be creative with flavourings like cinna-

mon, nutmeg, raisins and nuts. Instead of sugar, try maple syrup. Fresh or frozen blueberries or saskatoons can be added on top of the bread slices. Butter a nine by 13 inch (23 cm x 33 cm) glass baking dish. Butter the thick slices of bread. Place the bread, buttered side up, one layer deep in the dish. Whisk milk, eggs, sugar and flavour-

ings. Pour over the bread slices. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes or up to 12 hours. Bake in a 375 F oven (190 C) for 35-40 minutes or until puffed and golden. Cool for a few minutes, slice and serve with maple syrup, berries and dusted with powdered sugar. Serves six. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

Well done. Western Producer Ottawa bureau chief Barry Wilson was inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame last week in recognition for his outstanding contributions to agriculture. For more than three decades, Wilson has worked to bring Western Producer readers the kinds of in-depth stories you won’t find anywhere else. Whether he’s on Parliament Hill or covering the latest trade talks in Europe, his coverage of politics and international affairs has set the gold standard for agricultural reporting. We proudly extend our congratulations on achieving this honour. Well done.

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EGGS BENEDICT 6 eggs 6 pieces Canadian or peameal bacon 3 English muffins cooking oil spray hollandaise sauce

Poached eggs are best runny. Spray skillet with cooking oil and heat over medium heat. Cook bacon, turning once, until heated through. Place one bacon slice on each muffin half, top with poached egg and Hollandaise sauce. Smoked salmon, black forest ham or prosciutto can be substituted for the bacon. Top with steamed asparagus if desired. Serves six. To poach eggs: Fill a pot with three inches (5 – 8 cm) of water. Add one teaspoon white vinegar (5 mL). The vinegar will help the protein in the egg white coagulate

around the yolk faster. You will not taste the vinegar in the finished dish. It can also be made without vinegar. Bring to just below the boiling point but be sure it doesn’t bubble. Use the freshest eggs possible. The white will be thicker and hold closer to the yolk. Break into a small dish. Make a whirlpool in the pot by stirring with a wooden spoon. This current will help the white wrap around the yolk. Slide the egg into the middle of the whirlpool. Cook in the hot water for about three minutes. When it has reached

FARM LIVING your desired doneness, scoop out with a slotted spoon. Drain on paper towel. A perfect poached egg has a yolk that is a little runny. Continue until all eggs are cooked. Depending upon the size of your pot, cook a few at a time but don’t crowd. If you are making them in advance, poach the eggs and drop them into a container of cold water. Refrigerate in the water if done a day ahead or set aside if you are using them soon. When ready to serve, use a slotted spoon to place them into a pan of simmering water to reheat. If using a wide pan, put in a few eggs at a time, and by the time the pan is full, begin removing them in the same order. The eggs don’t have to be hot, just warm.

1 tbsp. cream 15 mL 1/2 lb. melted sweet 500 gm butter, heated until bubbling but not brown 1 tbsp. lemon juice or 15 mL white wine vinegar Place egg yolks, salt, pepper and cream in blender, blend for a few seconds at high speed until you have a smooth frothy mixture. Still at high speed, start adding hot butter in a thin, steady stream, not too slowly. As you add butter, the sauce should thicken. When half the butter has been added, add lemon juice or vinegar. Continue blending until all butter is used. Keep warm in a thermos until time to serve. Source: www.epicurious.com.

What are your special holiday traditions? Send your holiday stories (300-400 words) and photos by Dec. 3 to newsroom@ producer.com or write to Farm Living, The Western Producer, Box 2500, Saskatoon, Sask, S7K 2C4.

BLENDER HOLLANDAISE SAUCE 3 egg yolks 1/2 tsp. salt 3 mL dash of cayenne pepper

Sarah Galvin is a home economist, teacher and farmers’ market vendor at Swift Current, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact: team@producer.com.


Safety issues in alcoholic home SPEAKING OF LIFE



My h u s b a n d c a m e h o m e drunk and mean from the bar. Fortunately, he passed out before his screaming and shouting got any worse. As usual, he was contrite and apologetic the next morning. This time, he has promised me and the kids that he will quit drinking. But he refuses to go to Alcoholics Anonymous or sign up for treatment programs. Even without professional help, I want to support my husband and do what I can to help him. Please give me some ideas.


Some people have recovered from alcohol abuse on their own, but most who try do not. Addictions are powerful and difficult and chances for relapse are high. If the recovering alcoholic is not working with someone who has the knowledge or experience to help through recovery, his risk for relapse is even higher, so I encourage him to get support somewhere. My concern is also for the wellbeing and safety of you and your children. If you insist on staying with your husband, you should at least have a safety plan for you and your children. When Dad is drinking, you need to know where you can go for protection and how you are going to get there. Don’t try to deal with it alone. You can attend Al-Anon meetings or programs your health centre offers to help those living with addicts. People who have been where you are now can help you figure out the signs and signals of when your husband is at risk for drinking again. They will work with you to make sure that your family is safe while you support your husband through his recovery.

Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ producer.com.





Satisfaction gained from repeat customers Fine dining, rural style | Carnduff, Sask., bistro draws patrons from miles around STORY AND PHOTOS BY CHRISTALEE FROESE FREELANCE WRITER

C A R N D U F F, Sa s k . — It ’s n o t uncommon for the Olive Branch Bistro to turn away customers who have driven to this southeastern Saskatchewan town to sample dishes ranging from escargot to baby back ribs to steelhead trout. While barbecued chicken nachos and crab stuffed mushrooms are among the most popular menu items, diners also enjoy the Turtle cheesecake. Bistro founder and owner Angie Haider has a hard time keeping up with the demand for her cheesecake, even priced at $10 per slice. She embeds the popular dessert item with gourmet chocolate, Amaretto, dulce de leche and other unique ingredients. “If it’s a Saturday night, and I know I’ll have lots of time on the weekend to make another one, people have paid $200 for a (whole) cheesecake,� said Haider, 37. “What the heck, that’s a pair of boots for me.� The 18 tables at the bistro are usually reserved, with customers driving up to three hours to eat in one of the town’s first bank buildings. Tara Beck, Carnduff ’s economic development officer, said the entire community benefits from the success of the restaurant. “We feel very fortunate to have the Olive Branch Bistro in town because it brings in a lot of new people and a lot of visitors to the community,� she said. “It has helped to put Carnduff on the map.� While dining at the restaurant sev-

eral years ago, Beck talked to diners from Moose Jaw who were making the trek on a regular basis. Haider said the best part of her business is the repeat customers. It’s not uncommon to have diners driving to Carnduff just for supper, and she even attracts some regulars from as far as North Dakota and Manitoba. Haider employs a staff of seven workers five days each week. In 2000, she took over a small coffee shop and turned it into a smoke-free restaurant before provincial legislation went into effect. “It was pretty stressful but I didn’t think I was making a bad decision and I know there was a very big need for a nice place in our area.� She slowly drew a crowd that appreciated her unique menu and smokefree venue. In 2004, she purchased the current building, doubling her capacity. Haider said people in rural areas are willing to drive for something different, noting how 80 percent of her patrons come from beyond the town limits. “I think people come for the whole package, the atmosphere, the service, the food and the fact that everything is homemade and you can tell.� The oil activity in the region has also helped the business, with most meals averaging between $40 and $60. Haider said it took people a while to get used to the menu format and restaurant rules of no children under five and no groups of more than six people. It’s also a struggle to get people to make reservations. It’s been a steep learning curve, but also a rewarding one for Haider.

ABOVE: A trio of appetizers tempts palates at the Olive Branch Bistro in Carnduff, Sask. FAR LEFT: Bistro owner Angie Haider displays coconut thai halibut. LEFT: Turtle cheesecake is laced with gourmet chocolate, Amaretto and dulce de leche.









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COLD LUNCH | near Bezanson, Alta. |

A miniature horse’s muzzle is covered with frost and snow while foraging in a pasture


Nov. 24: Manitoba Sheep Association district meeting, Interlake, Warren Memorial Hall, Warren (204-4219434, mb@mbsheep.ca) Nov. 15-16: The Green Industry Show and Conference, Edmonton Expo Centre, Northlands, Edmonton (800378-3198, www.greenindustryshow. com) Nov. 19-24: Canadian Western Agribition, Evraz Place, Regina (306565-0565, info@agribition.com, www.agribition.com) Nov. 27: ADM Farm Tech Expo, Lloydminster Exhibition Grounds, Lloydminster (800-661-9420, www. adm.com/Lloydminster) Nov. 27-29: Agri-Trend Farm Forum Event, TCU Place, Saskatoon (877276-7526) Nov. 27-29: GrowCanada conference, The Westin, Ottawa (timmerk@croplife.ca, www.

AG NOTES growcanadaconference.ca) Dec. 5: Advocates for Agriculture Communications Workshop with Troy and Stacy Hadrick, Saskatoon (www. facs.sk.ca) Dec. 5-6: Farm Animal Council of Saskatchewan meeting and Fence Lines to Corporate Board Rooms conference, Saskatoon (www.facs. sk.ca) Jan. 5-12: Crop Production Week, Saskatoon (306-933-0138, kevin@ hursh.ca) Jan. 7-10: Western Canadian Crop Production Show, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon (306-931-7149, 888-9319333, www.cropproductiononline.com) Jan. 15-16: Cattlemen’s Corral/Crop Visions, Lloydminster (Corrine, 306825-7017) For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.

MEMBERS CELEBRATE 4-H MONTH 4-H members and leaders have geared up for national 4-H month in November. 4-H Canada launched We See Green on Nov. 7, which is national 4-H day. It is a month-long social media campaign encouraging 4-Hers to post their best 4-H spirit photo on Facebook and tweet about 4-H on Twitter (#4Hday). Selected photos, clubs and members from the Facebook campaign will be featured in the first issue of the redesigned national 4-H magazine to be released in January. Clubs can mark national 4-H month by creating a special 4-H display, dressing in green or planning a special 4-H event in their community. National 4-H month is a prelude to 100 years of 4-H in Canada. SASKATCHEWAN 4-H SEEKS NEW DIRECTION The Saskatchewan 4-H Council’s board of directors has announced that Valerie Pearson will no longer be executive director. The board said in a news release that it will move in a different direction to fulfill the needs of members and leaders in the province. A search for a new executive director is underway. FARM CREDIT CANADA MAKES APPOINTMENTS

Revolutionizing sclerotinia control from the ground up.

Doris Priddle has been appointed to Farm Credit Canada’s board of directors for a three-year term. Donald Bettle and Brad Hanmer have also been reappointed for threeyear terms. Priddle has owned and managed farm operations in Ontario and Alberta. She currently owns and manages Westbrook Farms and Priddle Farms Inc. in Campbellville, Ont. She has also held positions within the Ontario and Alberta governments. Bettle has spent 35 years in the agriculture industry in New Brunswick. He is president of Passekeag Holdings Inc., a beef cow-calf operation. He was formerly chair of the Canadian Atlantic Dairy Export Co-op, chair and director of Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick and director of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture. Hanmer owns and operates a commercial grain and pedigreed seed farm and runs a family-owned seed retail and seed processing and exporting business in Govan, Sask. He was president of the Saskatchewan Canola Growers Association, a director of the Canadian Canola Growers Association and the founding chair of the Biodiesel Association of Canada.

Sclerotinia is an expensive disease, costing Western Canada canola growers millions of dollars of lost revenue each year.



Now there’s a revolutionary way to limit these losses: Pioneer Protector Sclerotinia Resistance* – the first and only sclerotinia resistant trait on the market. It puts your first line of defense against this costly disease right in the seed, to help protect your yield potential through to harvest. Control sclerotinia from the ground up. With Pioneer Protector Sclerotinia Resistance.


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*Field results show that Pioneer Protector® Sclerotinia resistance can reduce the incidence of sclerotinia in a canola crop by over 50%. Individual results may vary. Depending on environmental and agronomic conditions, growers planting Pioneer Protector Sclerotinia resistant hybrids may still require a fungicide application to manage sclerotinia in their crop.

New online versions of the British Columbia Production Guides are available to all commercial growers. They contain the latest management practices and information on varieties, cultures and pest management. Updates will be provided as new pest management tools are registered for use. The guides have been recognized as the key reference for the safe, sustainable and competitive production of berry and vegetable crops in B.C. The guides are available on the AgriFoodBC website at productionguide.agrifoodbc.ca.





Longer exposure time required for bee-pesticide testing: study Assessing toxicity effects | British researchers examined the effects on bees after exposure to various chemicals over a 28-day period Those exposed to lambacyhalothrin were around 50 percent. The combination of pesticides resulted in close to 70 percent worker mortality. The youngest workers were the hardest hit. Large numbers died within four days of hatching and were unlikely to have contributed any work for their colonies.

The University of London studied bees in agricultural environments for 28 days to determine toxicity effects of pesticides. | FILE PHOTO

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DRESDEN, Ont. — There may be a fundamental flaw in the way pesticides are tested for their toxicity to bees. A British study has found that exposure times used in the tests are too short, seldom longer than 96 hours. The study, written by Richard Gill, Oscar Ramoz-Rodriguez and Nigel Raine of the University of London’s School of Biological Sciences, was recently published in the scientific journal Nature. “Our results emphasize the importance of recent recommendations b y t h e E u r o p e a n Fo o d S a f e t y Authority … proposing the need for longer term toxicity testing on both adult bees and larvae, new protocols to assess cumulative toxicity effects and separate risk assessment schemes for different bee species,” the study said. Gill said four elements used in the study’s design may make it unique: • the bee populations tested were allowed to forage naturally • pesticide exposure mimicked the concentrations bees would realistically face in actual agricultural fields • the study included an evaluation of the impact of exposure to a combination of two pesticides. • most importantly, the effects on the bees were monitored over a lengthy period of 28 days If the study been cut off after 96 hours, no ill effect on the bee population would have been observed, Gill said. “That’s the interesting thing. We didn’t see any significant differences until after about two weeks.” Buff-tailed bumblebees, which are crucial pollinators in Europe, were used for the study. They’re easy to work with because colonies are relatively small. Gill said the study may help scientists understand how pesticides affect other bee species, including honeybees. Gill and his associates started with colonies comprising a single queen and 10 or fewer workers at the start of the trial, reflecting the natural stage of colonies when European crops begin to flower. The 10 control colonies were not exposed to insecticides, while the other 30 were exposed to imidacloprid, lambda-cyhalothrin or a combination of the two. Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency is reevaluating imidacloprid and other neonicotinoids to assess their effect on bees. Imidacloprid is often used as a seed treatment, while lamba-cyhalothrin, a pyrethroid, is used as a foliar spray on a wide range of crops. The imidacloprid was administered in a sucrose solution and the lambdacyhalothrin on a filter paper surrounding the feeder. This mimicked a foraging bee landing on a flower sprayed with lambda-

cyhalothrin to access the nectar and pollen, which could contain imidacloprid residues. Worker losses were 30 percent for the control groups over four weeks, which is a level of loss at which colonies can be sustained. Losses for those exposed to imidacloprid were significantly higher, around 40 percent.

2013 EARLY




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Bumper crop may hike Indian exports

Hemp makes it a

High inventory | Record harvest has prompted unrestricted wheat exports NEW DELHI/MUMBAI (Reuters) — India looks likely to harvest a bumper crop of wheat next year, its sixth in a row to exceed demand, after late monsoon rain replenished soil moisture. The strong results strengthen prospects for exports from the world’s second-biggest producer for a second year. Annual monsoon rain picked up after a slow start in June, prompting farm minister Sharad Pawar to exhort farmers to plant winter crops early to cash in on good soil texture. Farmers took Pawar’s advice and have planted wheat on three to five percent of the normal acreage, which should increase to 40 to 60 percent by Nov. 20, slightly ahead of the usual pace, said Indu Sharma, chief of the state-run Directorate of Wheat Research. “If temperatures do not r ise abruptly in end-February and earlyMarch, we are heading for a harvest almost as big as last year,” she said. India, also the world’s biggest consumer of the grain after China, produced a record 93.90 million tonnes in 2012 for an annual increase of eight percent. Demand amounts to 76 million tonnes a year. Inventories have increased after repeated bumper harvests, largely because of higher prices that the government assures to farmers. The additional supplies have forced the

state-run Food Corp. of India to store grain in the open. Stung by criticism over its inability to protect wheat stockpiles from rot and decay, the government lifted a four-year old ban on exports in September 2011 before also allowing exports from state-run warehouses. The government will continue unrestricted wheat exports if farmers produce yet another bumper crop, said P. K. Joshi, a director at the International Food Policy Research Institute. Exports from India could make up for a global shortfall next year after drought parched other key producing areas. Drought hit the Black Sea countries of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan this year, forcing them to slash their harvest by a third. Russia’s 2012 wheat crop will lag officials’ estimates by six percent. A severe drought in the United States is shrinking but not fast


94 million tonnes

enough. In Australia, the early harvest is showing poor yields. Saddled with unmanageable stocks and a large food subsidy bill, India’s government recently agreed not to raise the price it will pay to buy wheat next year from local farmers for the first time in decades. However, trade, industry and government officials believe the flat wheat price is unlikely to restrain production. A m p l e s o i l m o i s t u re, u s e o f improved, high-yielding seeds and early seeding all help boost productivity, Sharma said. “The early onset of winter, a comfortable water level in dams and high prices of wheat in the local market will lure farmers to plant wheat,” said a senior government official from the biggest wheat producing state of Uttar Pradesh. Higher subsidies of fuel, food and fertilizer have prompted many economists to forecast a fiscal deficit of six percent of gross domestic product this year, but Chidambaram forecasts 5.3 percent, up from a target of 5.1 percent. Farm ministry sources say the government could revise the purchase price for wheat if producer states such as northwestern Punjab and Haryana and northern Uttar Pradesh press for an increase around March, just ahead of the harvest.

Strong price, markets | Grower says returns have often exceeded other crops STORIES BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — Hemp has earned a permanent place in Chris Butkiewicz’s crop rotation. “Hemp is one of our better money makers,” Butkiewicz of Tilley, Alta., said during the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance convention. “It’s not our easiest crop to grow, but it is one of our highest returning crops. We enjoy a challenge.” Butkiewicz started growing hemp six years ago with a trial 60 acres. After trials and successes, his 260 acres of hemp are now the same as other high value crops such as confectionary sunflowers and timothy. “I just look at the long range,” he said. “Hemp has been very steady in price. It seems to be consistent yields, and prices have been consistent. I like to grow non-traditional crops. They don’t fluctuate in price as much as conventional crops.” Butkiewicz estimates hemp earns 30 to 50 percent more than some of his other crops, including canola. He said a consistently strong price

and no sign of lowering demand makes it easier to put up with the harvest hassles. “There seems to be tons of market. Right now there’s demand for everything. It’s a great time to be a farmer.” Markus Schmulgen, president of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance, said there is a positive feel to the industry. The group is predicting Canadian farmers will grow 100,000 acres of hemp by 2015, up from 25,000 acres today.

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Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. DEKALB and Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2012 Monsanto Canada, Inc.




‘great time to be a farmer’


“This industry will grow leaps and bounds. I believe there will be more producers, more processors and more consumers,” said Schmulgen. Hemp first became legal to grow in Canada in 1998. In those days, the amount of hemp grown exceeded demand. Manitoba farmers grew the most acres at first, but that is now spread more evenly between the three prairie provinces, especially with prices that make hemp a competitive alter-

native to other crops. Hemp plays a major role on Dalyce Brewin’s organic farm near Taber, Alta. “It fits in great with rotation. It helps take care of different weed control,” said Brewin, who operates Rowland Seeds. Brewin increases the value of his crop by cleaning seed on the farm before sending it on for further processing. Seed markets are good, but he hopes researchers will soon help

develop a good market for fibre as well. Bales of hemp now sit in stacks waiting for future markets. “We would really like to see the fibre industry grow. That’s one of our big focuses now. Now only the seed is utilized.” Will Van Roussel has grown hemp for three years under irrigation. He started with two small fields at his farm near Bow Island, Alta., and hemp now accounts for one-fifth of his acreage.“I was impressed with

how the crop grows,” said Van Roussel, who also grows hemp for sale as pedigreed seed. “There are no real harvest issues or horror stories I heard from other growers. This isn’t too bad to grow.” Unlike other hemp crops, which are two metres tall, the variety grown under irrigation is the same height as wheat, which makes harvest easy. The crop is swathed and combined dry, simplifying storage. Irrigated hemp produces an average 1,500 pounds per acre. At an average 65 cents per lb., a reasonable hemp crop should gross $1,000 an acre. “That’s what we’re targeting,” Van Roussel said. “It doesn’t compete with hybrid canola, but puts it in the same category as edible beans or irrigated canola.” He said his neighbours are also starting to look seriously at growing hemp. “The first year or two it’s a curiosity thing. As they see I keep growing it, they think I must be making money and they start asking questions.” He expects four neighbours to grow hemp under irrigation next spring. Schmulgen said farmer success stories will help expand the industry, which helps fill the growing demand for hemp seed. The association’s job is to help develop new varieties, give farmers production advice and help processors meet the growing demand for product. “The processors are literally busting at the seams,” he said. “They don’t know where to get the next processing capacity from, and producers are coming back into the fold. There was a backlash, but we are maturing as an industry.”



Hemp firm seeks public investment EDMONTON — Naturally Splendid hopes to be the first publicly traded hemp food company in the world. Craig Goodwin, chief executive officer of the British Columbia firm, hopes investors’ will be attracted by the company’s products. “A core group of people will want to invest in a environmentally friendly, natural food company,” he said. “The core objective is to get great tasting food, healthy tasting super foods, out to the general public. A public company is the best way to attain that goal.” Race Capital, a capital pool company, will use a reverse takeover mechanism to raise $1.75 million. Naturally Splendid sells its hemp seed, hemp oil, hemp protein and hemp supplements in 200 stores, but it hopes to have its products in 2,500 stores within a year. “Hemp has massive potential in the natural healthy food category, and it is very attractive to investors right now,” said Goodwin. A public company is one of the few ways consumers can be owners in a company, he added. “We hope people who taste the product will eventually become investors in the product.”






Producers debate branding options Cost and contracts weighed | Inspections are an important part of livestock traceability BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

SWIFT CURRENT, Sask. — As a committee works toward a new method of brand inspection, producers at a meeting here said it should be a made-in-Saskatchewan system controlled by the cattle industry.

Signs of winter are evident on fence wire as a horse grazes in a field south of High River, Alta. Hoarfrost has been a common occurrence as a result of ice fog conditions in the area. | MIKE STURK PHOTO


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Saskatchewan announced in August that an eight-person committee would consider industry-led options and report a preferred option to agriculture minister Lyle Stewart early in the new year. The province is the only one that still uses government employees to conduct brand inspections and it charges more than inspectors in other provinces. Last year, it also lost more than $150,000. The co-chairs of the committee, Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association chair Mark Elford and Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association president Harold Martens, updated producers at a recent SCA district meeting. Elford said the committee has looked at different options and asked for cost breakdowns. “We did look at the financial statements of the Alberta system,” Martens said. One option is to sign a contract with Livestock Identification Services, which charges $1.25 per head. LIS has a budget of about $5 million annually and a shortfall of about $500,000, Martens said. However, some of the money goes toward research projects. In North Dakota, a producer group comprising representatives of various sectors provides brand inspection for about $1 per head. Asked if there was any chance the government would change its mind, Martens said no. “It’s a done deal,” he said. A resolution from the meeting calling for producers to take on brand inspection themselves and include Manitoba, which relies on Saskatchewan inspectors, carried after discussion. That shouldn’t preclude a contract with LIS if that turns out to be the best option, producers said. Brand inspection will remain an important part of livestock traceability, added Elford, and systems have to be compatible as livestock moves from one province to another. Resolutions passed at SCA district meetings have to go before the full membership at the annual meeting in January.

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Astronauts scoop up hemp cereal NASA deal is big deal for food company BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — A small British Columbia food company has taken its hemp breakfast cereal from farmers’ markets to the International Space Station in two years. Holy Crap, a hemp mixture added to breakfast cereal, will be shipped into orbit in December to feed Canadian astronaut and mission commander Chris Hadfield. “Holy Crap will be in space,” said Rob MacNeil, general manager of HapiFoods Group Inc. of Sechelt, B.C. NASA scientists have studied the hemp cereal for more than a year to see how it would fit into the astronaut’s diet. Storage room is at a minimum in space, which means the food taken into orbit must be functional and packed with nutrition. Two tablespoons of Holy Crap are enough to give astronauts their needed morning nutrition. “Our product is a fully complete protein, and it’s also one of the highest absorption rates,” he said. Consumer demand for hemp food products is growing in Canada, but Americans are still wary of drug affects linked to its marijuana cousin. “There is a stigma still attached to the product in the States,” MacNeil said. “What better endorsement can there be for hemp products than it’s feeding astronauts? If NASA doesn’t have a problem with it, how can there still be a stigma attached to it. We hope it propels the whole industry mainstream.”

A farmer loads a rail car at a siding in Rivers, Man., Nov 7. |


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Producers to join Sask. cattle board BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Two producers will join the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association board for the first time after the January annual general meeting. Elections were scheduled this fall in five districts. Incumbents will represent three of the districts: Paula Larson in District 7 after an election and Ryan Sommerfeld in District 9A and Larry Grant in District 3B by acclamation In Distr ict 2, Ken Demyen of Qu’Appelle will replace Bill Jameson, who did not run again. Demyen defeated Joe Jackson of Moose Jaw. In District 5, Levi Hull from Willowbrook defeated the incumbent, Fred Lansdall of Leross. The AGM will be held during the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference Jan. 23-25 in Saskatoon. Producers attending the SCA fall district meetings passed several resolutions that will go forward to the AGM. Topics included cattle price insurance, vaccination for E. coli and the future of federal pastures as they transition to the province and then producers.

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42.8 44.9

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*Source: 2012 Monsanto Field Scale Trials as of October 3, 2012. **2011-2012 Monsanto Field Scale Trials. DEKALB represented by 74-44 BL; InVigor by L150, L130 and L120. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. DEKALB® and Design and DEKALB® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Canada Inc. licensee. InVigor® is a registered trademark of Bayer. ©2012 Monsanto Company.






Portable NIRS units analyze food samples in 30 seconds Technology reveals food value | Knowing the digestible energy, protein, starch and fat content in livestock feed can improve feed efficiency BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

RED DEER — It takes about 30 seconds to analyze a sample of grain using portable NIRS technology compared to the week it takes in a laboratory. Near infrared technology spectroscopy is not new but is becoming more commonplace for grain and forage analysis. It is also widely used in the medical field for assessing cancerous tumours, babies’ brains and burns, said Mary Lou Swift, a researcher with Alberta Agriculture. The big advantage for livestock

producers is assessing the nutritive value of feed. “Any tool we can use to improve either how you buy grain or manufacture feed, check your feed before it goes to the swine herd will have some impact on your bottom line,� she said at the recent swine technology seminar in Red Deer. Alberta barley breeders developed an NIRS program in 1993 to predict digestible content of barley, particularly when selecting new hulless varieties. The technology also revealed other feed values such as protein, starch, lipids and fat in barley, wheat, peas,

canola meal, distillers grains and wheat byproducts for hogs, cattle and poultry. Digestible energy is an important component in pig feed, but grain quality can vary depending on weather, variety or fertilizer use when the crop was growing. Those mixing feed rations often depend on bushel weight to assess quality. “We know bushel weight, unless it is very, very low, does not measure the energy content of the grain,� she said. Studies have found digestible energy in barley can vary from 2,300 to 3,460 kilocalories per kilogram of

barley, which could mean a 20 percent difference in the cost of energy per kilogram. Incorporating low energy barley into a feed ration might result in animals eating more to meet their energy needs for growth. Feed efficiency will decrease and the time it takes to reach market may increase. Fecal excretion may also increase. NIRS is based on the idea that organic molecules containing hydrogen will absorb light, which is energy. Feed ingredients comprise organic molecules such as protein, starch,

sugar, fat and fibre. The technique produces a fingerprint called a spectrum when exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Each ingredient has a unique spectrum. “We are measuring the amount of light that is reflected back,� she said. Portable units are gaining popularity in southern Alberta feedlots, where nutritionists analyze the oil content of dried distillers grain. Research is ongoing. One study is looking at fatty acid composition of pork while another is looking at manure composition. A project is also starting this winter to assess amino acid content.


Don’t cull sow if producing enough piglets

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RED DEER — There are many reasons for replacing sows in a hog operation, but the longer these females stay productive, the more profitable they become. “You need three parities before an animal in your herd actually starts to have a positive cash flow,� says veterinarian Frank Marshall. Older females with strong legs, a sound mammary system and capable of producing more piglets than average should be allowed to stay, he said at a recent swine technology seminar in Red Deer. The most important criterion at Pinnacle Swine Inc. is producing live pigs, said production manager Alastair Bratton. “I would rather manage a piglet on the ground rather than putting a dead pig in our dead bin.� This operation keeps 12,000 sows, 18,000 nursery spaces and several contract finisher barns in Alberta. The number of live pigs takes priority over culling sows just because they are getting older. Bratton figures 10 to 12 percent of Pinnacle’s sows are in their seventh or more parity but are more likely to be the ones with farrowing problems, such as stillbirths. “No management system has been able to eliminate stillbirths, mummified or other management issues.� To stay at Pinnacle, sows must be healthy with strong legs and be able to cycle on time. Keeping noncycling sows in the herd costs 80 cents a day just to feed them. Utility costs, labour and feed are all expensive, so it is better to cull a sow if it costs $4 to $5 per day to maintain it. “They are taking the place of a sow that could be producing piglets,� said Bratton. Pinnacle’s sows produce 27.5 to 28 piglets per year. Their prewean mortality rate is 7.5 percent. The company weans piglets at 18 days of age and expects them to average 5.5 kg. at that time. Sow history is evaluated based on the number of pigs born alive and surviving to weaning at 18 days. The bottom performers are removed.









Food security challenging in northern regions Greenhouse feasibility | High heating and shipping costs present a deterrent to the region’s agricultural sustainability BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Growing fruit and vegetables in Canada’s North has its challenges, but it’s been identified as paramount to ensuring food security in remote regions of the country. A recent conference in Saskatoon on northern food security emphasized that high food prices and a limited supply put the food security and health of these communities at risk, leaving residents with an unreliable supply of food, fewer healthy

options and an increased reliance on processed foods. Officials and community leaders said part of the solution is for residents to grow more food in their communities, providing them with more options and possibly decreasing the need for subsidy programs such as Nutrition North Canada and providing jobs. “I think community greenhouses can be a solution,” said Karen Tanino, a plant scientist from the University of Saskatchewan’s agriculture college, who also chairs a group from the

University of the Arctic that probes agricultural issues. It seems easy, but communities face a host of challenges in building a network of community gardens and greenhouses. Many of them are the same factors that drive up food prices in these communities in the first place, including short growing seasons and high transportation costs. “Unfortunately, many of the issues and challenges in the North are very similar to developing countries,” said Tafino. “The geographic remoteness, the isolation, the lack of training and

knowledge in terms of production, transportation, distribution.” Greenhouses do exist in the North, and the conference heard many stories of successful community greenhouse programs in the region. However, officials said the network and communities’ know-how and skill sets are underdeveloped. “We’ve had lots of greenhouses and gardens from the gold rush era, but the First Nations weren’t really that involved,” said Dawn Charlie from Carmacks, Yukon. “They were somewhat, but there’s a

disconnect between 100 to 140 years ago to today, where people have kind of given it up.” Pragmatic issues also affect the sustainability of these operations: affordable heating sources, the cost of shipping materials and building greenhouses, and production demands, such as a labour shortage and the fact that commercial greenhouse will typically only grow one crop in the northern environment. “The economics of it aren’t straightforward. The way I approach it is worst-case scenario, lowest yield is what you have to look at … what price do we need to sell it for in order to keep the operation going and how much can we afford to actually invest in it?” said Brian Hunt with the province of Manitoba. “Generally, because the prices in the North are so exceptionally, indecently, obscenely high, we can still make a profit and still look attractive in the marketplace.” The federal government called for proposals to study the feasibility of greenhouses in these regions. The request identified biomass boilers as a possible solution to the high cost of heating greenhouses. “I think that we still need to demonstrate that there’s real sustainability in this and that’s part of the business case because the government is only going to support so far,” said Tanino. “But if you can make some money and it can be long term, then it will sustain itself.”


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The Saskatchewan government has added $500,000 to a program that funds channel clearing and flood control. The Water Control Assistance Program now has allocated more than $1.2 million to help municipalities deal with water-related issues after two years of excess rain and high moisture levels. The program provides up to half the cost of the work required. This year, 114 rural municipalities, nine conservation and development authorities and one watershed association were approved to share $700,000 to clear channels. Most of these areas are in the province’s east, where flooding has been a problem for several years. The program also provided $520,000 to 72 conservation and development authorities, four watershed associations and one urban municipality to maintain ditches and other flood control infrastructure.





Make premises ID mandatory: SCA Opposing views | The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association says the province is lagging in mandatory traceability, but the Stock Growers Association wants to keep it voluntary BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU





The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association has asked the province to make premises identification mandatory. | FILE PHOTO

ASSINIBOIA, Sask. — Saskatchewan’s main cattle group says premises identification should be mandatory, but the agriculture minister is sticking with a voluntary process for now. The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association, which represents all cattle producers who pay check-off levies when they market their cattle, has asked that mandatory premises ID be implemented as part of the

national traceability system. Most other provinces, including Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, require producers to register a premises ID. “We have been lagging behind,” said SCA chair Mark Elford at a recent district meeting. However, Lyle Stewart says not all producers agree with the SCA board. The membership-based Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association still prefers a voluntary approach, he added.

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“We’re still holding to the premise, if you will, that premises ID at least for the time being is to be voluntary,” Stewart said. The ministry has pledged to provide education and awareness, and Stewart said the process will work as the industry becomes more familiar with the system and more producers sign on voluntarily. “I think there will be a time when compliance is 100 percent,” he said. Producers at the Assiniboia meeting noted that new electronic manifests have a field for a premises ID number. However, Saskatchewan producers can leave that field blank. Elford told the meeting he was encouraged that Saskatchewan had at least taken Alberta up on an offer to test its database. Roy White, assistant director of legislative services in the provincial livestock branch, said in an interview analysis has been underway since June and is almost complete. Most of the work centered on the technological aspects of the database. Officials are also looking at systems from other provinces. White said the provinces’ commitments to national traceability require them to have a system in which the information can be validated. This means the system must be able to prove that data such as producer contact information and geographic location is correct. “Right now it can’t be,” White said. “Although Saskatchewan producers typically registered with the CCIA (Canadian Cattle Identification Agency), the CCIA system doesn’t validate the PIDs once they’re in there.” About 5,900 Saskatchewan producers have registered with the CCIA, and officials have said they intend to make the transition to a new system easy. A producer at the Assiniboia meeting who also has cattle in B.C., said her CCIA-registered premises ID, a land location number, went directly to the provincial database at the time of age verification. However, there are times that wouldn’t work, said provincial cattle analyst Grant Zalinko. For example, Canadian Western Agribition would not have a land location. Still, the system will remain voluntary until the minister gives the goahead. White said he believes that is the correct approach. “The real beauty of traceability in the long run will be when producers adopt it on its own merits without a government or a regulation telling them that they have to do it,” he said. The compliance rate isn’t 100 percent even where premises ID registration is mandatory, he said However, other industries, such as hog processors, are now requiring premises ID, and White said he can see the day when it will be needed by all livestock species and perhaps even crop producers. “I think essentially in the long run it will be the marketplace that requires everybody to have a PID and report that PID when cattle are moved as a matter of good practice,” he said.





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U.S. lawmakers expected to target crop insurance subsidies Federal deficit reductions | Breaking deadlock on enacting five-year, $500 billion farm bill on ag policy is seen as unlikely WASHINGTON, D.C. (Reuters) — Federally subsidized crop insurance will be a big target for U.S. lawmakers looking to cut the budget deficit now that the election is over. However, lawmakers will probably be unable to break their deadlock over enacting a five-year, $500 billion farm bill covering a wide range of agricultural policy from food stamps to crop subsidies and soil conservation. The worst drought to hit the Midwest farm belt in half a century should double the cost of crop insurance this year, and the nagging drought also threatens 2013 crops. Another key question for farm policy watchers after the re-election of

president Barack Obama is whether agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack will serve a second term. Only one agriculture secretary has served two terms since the 1960s. Ethanol likely benefited from Obama’s victory, said analyst Mark McMinimy of Guggenheim Securities, noting Obama and Vilsack are biofuel supporters. The Environmental Protection Agency may decide this month whether to relax the requirement to use ethanol in gasoline. Livestock producers say they are being ruined by high grain prices as more U.S. crops are diverted to fuel. With Democrats still in narrow control of the Senate and Republicans

keeping their majority in the House, analysts said a short-term extension of the 2008 farm law is the likely outcome, probably into spring. “Odds are against a five-year farm bill in the lame duck (session) unless it’s part of a budget agreement,” and a budget deal is also unlikely, said Pat Westhoff of the think-tank Food and Agricultural Policy Research at the University of Missouri. Crop insurance is already the biggest part of the farm safety net, costing the government $7 billion a year. The cost was expected to jump to $15 billion or more this year because the government will shoulder most of the underwriting losses for the 16 insurance companies in the field.

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The full cost of the drought indemnities will be revealed during Congress’ post-election session, which could direct more attention to crop insurance. So far, farmers have collected $3.6 billion in indemnities that ultimately could hit $25 billion. Senators voted overwhelmingly in June to reduce the federal insurance subsidy for the wealthiest farmers, which could save $1.1 billion over a decade. The House of Representatives has not yet decided on this issue. Costs could be cut further through an across-the-board reduction in the premium subsidy, which is now 62 cents of each $1 in premiums, or by requiring insurers to accept a larger share of losses. The major U.S. farm groups made a strong crop insurance program their top priority for the bill, even if it meant cutting other agricultural supports. “Why start attacking the one tool we’ve been guiding people toward for 25 years?” said Dale Moore, a lobbyist for the American Farm Bureau Federation. The House splintered over how deeply to cut crop subsidies, many of which go to well-off farmers, and food stamps, which are a lifeline for millions of low-income Americans. House Republican leaders refused to call a vote on the bill during the summer, saying there was not a

majority for it. Majority leader Eric Cantor said he will bring the issue to the floor during the lame duck session. The House agriculture committee’s farm bill would slash $16 billion from the food stamp budget over 10 years, the largest cuts in a generation and four times larger than those proposed by the Senate. Barry Flinchbaugh, an economist from Kansas State University, said he does not expect a new farm bill until April. The final version will probably look like the Senate bill, he added. It would end traditional crop subsidies, mainstays of U.S. farm law for eight decades, and instead compensate farmers when revenue from a crop was 11 to 21 percent below normal. Crop insurance would cover deeper losses. The leading House plan would also boost crop support prices by up to 40 percent. Farmers are generally not Obama fans. The president’s share of the rural vote dropped to 41 percent Nov. 6 from 46 percent in the 2008 election, according to the Center for Rural Strategies. However, Vilsack, a former Iowa governor, has been a mostly popular agriculture secretary with a strong focus on overseeing programs as diverse as nutrition, farm exports and the national forest system. Vilsack “is widely expected to continue” at USDA, said McMinimy.

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Moisture recovery requires ‘insane’ amount of snow Some areas would need 400 millimetres to get moisture back to normal KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) — Drought-stricken areas of the U.S. Plains winter wheat belt need a deluge of rain and snow this winter to fully recharge parched farmland. However, it’s an unlikely scenario and means wheat, corn and soybean crops could face a rough new season. The worst drought in roughly half a century is slowly loosening its grip on the United States, but meteorologists and agronomists warn the threat has not passed. Wheat farmers now seeding their last winter crops and corn and soybean growers making planting plans for the spring are haunted by the worrisome fact that parts of Nebraska, Kansas and other key agricultural states have the lowest levels of moisture in years. Indeed, Nebraska recorded the driest June, July and August on record and the third-driest September ever, according to preliminary data from the National Climatic Data Center. Some areas would need two metres of snow on top of 400 millimetres of rain over the next few months just to get back to normal, say climate experts. “It’s an insane amount of snowfall that would be required ... among the top five snowfalls in history,” said Al Dutcher, a climatologist with the National Drought Mitigation Center in Nebraska. “That would be a nightmare.” The heavy rain that hit the eastern United States when Hurricane Sandy roared ashore had little to no relief to offer for drought-hit states like Nebraska. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in October predicted an “enhanced chance” of below normal precipitation for the middle section of the country this winter. Soil moisture helps insulate plant roots from killing freezes and protect a crop from fierce winds that can topple weak stands. Just how much rain and snow are required to recharge soil moisture levels to adequate and surplus levels varies widely across the country, but some generalizations can be made. About 250 mm of additional precipitation is needed in Minnesota and northern Wyoming, while 250 to 400 mm is needed in parts of Oklahoma and Arkansas, according to QT Information Services, which tracks climate data. Conditions in the eastern corn belt have improved recently, thanks to heavy storm systems through Illinois and parts of Iowa and Missouri, though much more will be needed. Crops in these regions have the advantage of time because they aren’t planted until spring. The Plains and areas west will need much more than normal. “Conditions are about as bad as they’ve ever been,” said Brian Fuchs, a climatologist with the National Drought Mitigation Center. “The impact of the drought and the dryness … is far from being replenished.” Though many farm states are suffering, Nebraska is in particularly poor shape. An estimated 78 percent of the state is now plagued by

exceptional drought, the worst level measured by state and federal climatologists. In some areas of Nebraska, 91 percent of the topsoil is considered very short to short of moisture, which compares to a five-year average of 27 percent. All-important subsoil moisture levels are 97 percent short to very short, compared to an average of 29 percent, according to the state agriculture department. “We are in a real dire situation,” said Nebraska farmer Larry Flohr, who

along with his son planted 4,000 acres of winter wheat in early September. Under normal conditions, the new winter wheat crop should already be well established with strong roots to prepare for winter, but for farmers like Flohr, the wheat has just now emerged following recent snowfall across the bone-dry land. In Nebraska, 74 percent of the new winter wheat crop has emerged overall, well behind the 91 percent fiveyear average pace for emergence. Nebraska’s wheat is rated 49 percent



poor to very poor by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. South Dakota is another state suffering from drought. The wheat crop there is 23 percent emerged, compared to the average pace of 88 percent. South Dakota’s crop is rated 61 percent poor to very poor. Overall, the U.S. winter wheat crop is rated 15 percent poor to very poor, 45 percent fair and 40 percent good to excellent. It would take at least 230 mm of

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additional precipitation in Nebraska over and above normal levels that range from 500 to 1,300 mm, depending on the area, to bring soil moisture levels back to near normal, according to climate experts in the state. “The winter is the dry season, after all, for the High Plains. A couple of big winter snowstorms might dent the drought, but it is highly unlikely that we will see drought eradication by spring,” said Brad Rippey, a USDA meteorologist.





Laos dam sparks downstream agricultural fears Environmental issues | Countries along the Mekong River are worried about impact on rice land and fish habitat XAYABURI, Laos (Reuters) — Laos has held a groundbreaking ceremony for a $3.5 billion hydropower dam on the Mekong River that is opposed by environmentalists and neighbouring countries because of the possible impact on livelihoods, fisheries and agriculture. “We had the opportunity to listen to the views and opinions of different countries along the river. We have come to an agreement and chose today to be the first day to begin the project,” deputy prime minister Somsavat Lengsavad said at the site. The country has ambitions to become the Battery of Southeast Asia through power exports from dams across the 4,900 kilometre Mekong. However, after pressure from neighbours, it agreed to suspend the Xayaburi dam last December, pending a study led by Japan. “Laos has made a misleading statement by saying it has already addressed environmental concerns, in an attempt to get support from the other governments. The studies that have been conducted are not yet finished,” said Kirk Herbertson,

Locals manoeuvre small vessels along the Mekong River in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Nov. 7. Laos, upstream from Cambodia, recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a $3.5 billion hydropower dam on the Mekong River that is opposed by environmentalists and neighbouring countries because of possible impacts on fisheries and agriculture. | REUTERS/SAMRANG PRING PHOTO Southeast Asia co-ordinator for environmental group International Rivers. Cambodia and Vietnam have

opposed the dam. The groundbreaking ceremony, which normally celebrates the formal start of construction, went ahead

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Nov. 7 after 29 European and Asian states, among them critics of the dam, held a summit meeting in Laos’s capital, Vientiane. Thai construction giant Ch Karnchang Pcl has been carrying out what it called preliminary work for nearly two years, with Lao officials repeatedly playing down the extent of the work. The dam had been scheduled to be built by 2019. A Reuters journalist at the site said substantial construction had taken place, including access roads and work on the riverbanks, but nothing appeared to have been built on the river. Herbertson said International Rivers had visited the site in June and noted work involving digging into the riverbed. “The groundbreaking ceremony would be the start of building the first structure on the river, so this would be the beginning of blocking the river including fish and nutrients flowing down the river,” he said. Prime minister Thongsing Thammavong said the plans were still under study and that the Nov. 7 event was simply an organized visit for journalists and scientists. However, a banner at the site described it as a groundbreaking ceremony. Ecologists warn the livelihoods of 60 million people in the lower Mekong region, mainly in Cambodia and Vietnam, would be at risk if the dam went ahead because the design could block migratory routes of fish and deprive swathes of rice land of fertile silt. They say environmental impact assessments by Laos were inadequate and meant to appease international critics, including the United States. In Finland, at the urging of environmental groups, a government committee is looking into whether engineering firm Poyry followed international guidelines in work on the dam, said Antti Riivari, a director at the employment and the econo-

Laos is playing roulette with the Mekong River, offering unproven solutions and opening up the Mekong as a testing ground for new technologies. PIANPORN DEETES INTERNATIONAL RIVERS ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP

my ministry. Activists say the company gave misleading information about the dam’s potential impact in a report. They also say there is a conflict of interest because it is doing engineering work on the project. “Laos is playing roulette with the Mekong River, offering unproven solutions and opening up the Mekong as a testing ground for new technologies,” said Pianporn Deetes, Thailand campaign co-ordinator for International Rivers. Mekong basin countries, which include Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, are bound by a treaty to hold inter-governmental consultations before building dams. However, none has veto powers, and Laos is within its rights to proceed with Xayaburi, the first of 11 hydropower dams planned in the lower Mekong that are expected to generate eight percent of Southeast Asia’s power by 2025. Thailand, another country affected by the dam, has refrained from criticizing Laos. It will buy 95 percent of the power generated by the facility. Ch Karnchang, Thailand’s secondbiggest building contractor, has a 57 percent share in the project. Stateowned Thai energy giant PTT Pcl has 25 percent and state-run Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand 12.5 percent. Ch Karnchang chief executive officer Plew Trivisvavet defended the project. “If this (would) badly affect the environment, we wouldn’t do it. This company wouldn’t do it. This is the company’s strongest policy,” he said.





Saskatchewan changes tax status for three property types Taxed on full value | Grain elevators, rail rights of way and pipelines will see 2013 assessment raised from 75 percent to 100 percent BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

The full value of grain elevators, railway rights of way and pipelines will be used to calculate taxable assessments for those properties in 2013, the Saskatchewan government announced last week. The percentage of value will rise from 75 percent to 100 percent. It had been 75 percent for the three types of property within the commercial-industrial class since a new reassessment system was implemented in the 1990s. All other property classes remain the

same: range or pasture land, 40 percent; cultivated land, 55 percent; residential and seasonal, 70 percent; and commercial-industrial, 100 percent. Government relations minister Jim Reiter said increasing the percentage of value for the three property types will level the playing field within the commercial and industrial class. He said it wouldn’t necessarily mean taxes will go up on those properties. “Right now percentages of value have to be set so municipalities can start doing their work on deciding what they want to do for tax tools (and) setting appropriate mill rates

If you’re going to have a time to level the playing field, this is probably an appropriate time. JIM REITER GOVERNMENT RELATIONS MINISTER

for budgeting purposes,” he said in an interview. Properties are revalued every four years, by law, and 2013 is a revaluation year.

Reiter said it makes sense to change the percentage of value now for that reason and also because other commercial properties generally went up in value at a higher rate than these three. “If you’re going to have a time to level the playing field, this is probably an appropriate time,” he said. The overall tax bill is also affected by the education property tax rate, a provincial rate that the province will announce on budget day in March, Reiter said. Separating properties within the commercial/industrial class into two classes will alleviate expected significant education property tax shifts.

The percentages of value were implemented to help mitigate tax shifts when the valuation system was changed in the 1990s from a 1960s model. The province sets the percentage of value, while appraisers value the properties. Both figures are used to calculate the taxable assessment, which is then multiplied by a local mill rate for the municipal tax portion and the provincial rate for the education tax. Saskatchewan property values have risen to $97 billion from $58 billion in 2009, according to the province.

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Breasts get squeezed by chicken wing craze Prices to rise | Once a byproduct, now a best seller CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Chicken wings, those heavily seasoned tidbits served in sports bars and at-home football parties, are giving the chicken industry a lot to crow about. Sales have largely weathered a recession and a doubling of prices. Industry forecasters also predict continued strong demand because sports fans will nosh on wings at sports bars from now through the National Football League’s 2013 Super Bowl in February and college basketball’s March Madness.

Workers at Mayfair Farms at Portage la Prairie, Man., picked a field of cabbage heads in the nick of time. Cold weather, rain and snow followed the first week of November. | JEANNETTE GREAVES PHOTO

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Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., the second largest chicken producer in the United States, recently reported a betterthan-expected quarterly profit, in part because of the nearly $1 per pound increase in wing prices from a year earlier. Breast meat, the industry’s top revenue producer, only increased 20 cents. Analysts expect Tyson Foods Inc. and Sanderson Farms Inc. to post better-than-year ago profits later this fall. The main reason for higher prices is reduced supply because high feed prices have forced the industry to decrease production. Pilgrim’s Pride expects U.S. chicken production to be down two to three percent next year from 2012. While wing prices are expected to increase in coming months and there will be fewer of them, analysts doubt demand will greatly suffer at restaurants and bars. “Wings are relatively inelastic. People want to eat them, they are not so concerned about price,” said Paul Aho, an economist with the consulting firm Poultry Perspective. Wings are also fairly inexpensive when compared with beef, pork and chicken breast meat, which has kept demand strong despite the recession and high gasoline prices. “Even if you lost your job, lost your house, I still think you would still want a beer and wings,” said Aho. Demand has escalated ever since the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York, served up a batch of spicy wings in 1964 to launch this food craze, gradually at first and then booming in the 1990s and 2000s. Once an industry byproduct, wings are now the chicken industry’s second largest seller behind breast meat. They account for 25 percent of the industry’s revenue, up from 17 percent eight years ago. Breast meat is 37 percent, down from 53 percent eight years ago. “It is all supply driven,” Mike Cockrell, Sanderson Farms’ chief financial officer, said of the higher wing prices. “Demand (for wings) has remained surprisingly good.” Sanderson Farms said it is operating at 94 percent of capacity and will probably stay there until conditions improve. Feed, which is primarily corn and soybean meal, is the largest cost of production, and prices have soared to record highs this year because of the worst drought in half a century. Corn topped $8.40 US a bushel and soybean meal surpassed $550 per ton. A year earlier, corn was $7.50 and soymeal $380. “The full brunt of this high-priced grain will hit us in October, November and December,” said Cockrell. “From what we hear, everybody has cut back.” U.S. chicken production in September was down 12 percent from August and down eight percent from a year earlier, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Buffalo Wild Wings, one of the largest wing-serving restaurant chains in the country with weekly sales of 21 million, recently reported a 25 percent increase in revenue for the quarter that ended in late September.




U.S. farm bill delays likely Bill directs government supports and food aid MILWAUKEE, Wis. (Reuters) — The U.S. Congress could delay passage of a new five-year farm bill until spring planting, says a top farm policy expert. Barry Flinchbaugh, a Kansas State University agricultural economist who advises legislators on shaping U.S. farm bills, said Congress will have a full plate of legislation to deal with to avoid a fiscal cliff with mandatory U.S. budget cuts. “My prediction is that we will get a farm bill by April 2013. It will look very close to the Senate version,” Flinchbaugh said. The farm bill is the master legislation that directs government supports and food aid programs. The divided Congress, squabbling over political issues, adjourned in September without passing a new bill before the old one expired Oct. 1. That fed more anger in U.S. farm country against partisans in Congress. American farmers are still reeling from the worst drought in half a century. Hardest hit by the drought were livestock producers and dairy farmers who lack the crop insurance that grain belt farmers enjoy and continue to be squeezed by soaring costs to feed their animals. The Democrat-controlled Senate passed its version of the bill in June, which would replace traditional crop subsidies with an insurance-like program and cut food aid for the poor by $4 billion. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives splintered over demands by some conservatives to cut food stamps and farm programs even more. Food stamp cuts would account for $16 billion of the $35 billion in savings proposed by the House agriculture committee. The Senate package would save $23 billion with crop subsidies providing half of the cuts. Since the 2008 farm bill expired Oct. 1, government supports have been operating under the 1938 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) passed during Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs. The AAA brought back the concept of “price parity” from the 1900s and led to sharply higher guaranteed crop prices, Flinchbaugh said. Most policy farm analysts expect Congress to extend the 2008 farm bill if it can’t pass the new bill by Dec. 31. However, Flinchbaugh said Congress can do what it wants. It didn’t extend the earlier legislation in 1995 and 1996, he added. Flinchbaugh believes it will not be as easy now to pass an extension because of how farm bills are funded. “If they try a one-year extension, I don’t know where they are going to get the money,” he said. “They might do a 30-day extension or 60-day extension until they get the new one.” However, the farm bill is the minor issue compared to the fiscal cliff the country is facing, Flinchbaugh said. Under a contentious budget compromise in 2011 that neither side liked, Republicans and Democrats locked themselves into massive mandatory budget cuts and tax increases in January 2013.

Horses enjoy dinner and a display of snow in late October at High River, Alta. |


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BrettYoung is a trademark of BrettYoung Seeds Limited. Genuity® and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks and used under license from Monsanto Company. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. 12025 10.12







8:00 AM Agribition High School Rodeo - Brandt Centre 8:00 AM Canadian National 4H & Youth Judging Competition - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 9:00 AM Boer Goat Show - Barn 5 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 7:00 PM Agribition High School Rodeo - Brandt Centre


8:00 AM International Stock Dog Championship Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Commercial Goat Show - Barn 5 9:00 AM Kirk Stierwalt Fitting Demonstration Auditorium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Youth Showmanship Competition Auditorium 11:00 AM First Lady Classic & Furturity - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 11:00 AM Canadian National Bison Sale - Commercial Cattle Arena 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:00 PM Youth Team Grooming Competition Auditorium 1:00 PM International Stock Dog Championship Brandt Centre 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:00 PM 4-H & Youth Seminars - Auditorium 3:00 PM Burning of the Brand - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 4:00 PM Goat Sale - Barn 5 6:00 PM Winners Circle - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


9:00 AM Canadian National Simmental Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Canadian National Speckle Park Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 9:00 AM Kirk Stierwalt Fitting Demonstration Auditorium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Horse Pulls, Lightweight Division - Brandt Centre 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:00 PM Canadian National Gelbvieh Show Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 1:00 PM Angus Masterpiece Sale - Auditorium 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 1:30 PM Horse Pulls, Middleweight Division - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM Horse Pulls, Heavyweight Division - Brandt Centre 5:00 PM Canadian National Speckle Park Sale Auditorium 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


8:00 AM Team Cattle Penning - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Black Angus Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Red Angus Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Canadian National Gelbvieh Sale Auditorium 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:00 PM Shorthorn Sale - Auditorium 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4

ADM works to resolve bribery charges


2:00 PM Canadian National Simmental Sale Auditorium 2:30 PM Limousin Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 3:30 PM Charolais Sale - Auditorium 3:30 PM Ranch Horse Demo - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM Commercial Sheep/Market Lamb Shows Barn 5 5:00 PM Hereford Sale - Auditorium 6:00 PM Katahdin Junior Show - Barn 5 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


9:00 AM Canada’s Premier Select Ranch Horse Competition - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Hereford Show, Polled and Horned Chevrolet GMC Stadium East 9:00 AM Shorthorn Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM Maine Anjou Show - Auditorium 10:00 AM National Katahdin Sheep Show - Barn 5 11:00 AM Commercial Cattle, Heifer Alley & Bull Pen Alley Shows - Commercial Cattle Arena 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:30 PM Limousin Reception & Sale Auditorium 1:00 PM Prospect Horse Previews - 2 & 3 year olds Brandt Centre 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:30 PM SSBA Purebred and Purebred Pens Show Barn 5 2:30 PM Canada’s Premier Select Ranch Horse and Prospect Sale - Brandt Centre 2:30 PM Charolais Show - Chevrolet GMC Stadium West 7:00 PM Angus Sale, Power and Perfection Auditorium 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre


9:00 AM Prospect Steer & Heifer Show - Auditorium 9:00 AM Team Cattle Penning - Brandt Centre 9:00 AM Canadian Junior Beef Extreme - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 10:00 AM Commercial Trade Show Exhibits Open 10:00 AM SSBA Junior Sheep Shows and Costume Classes - Barn 5 10:00 AM Junior Roping Competition - Budlight Loading Chute 11:00 AM Commercial Cattle Sale - Commercial Cattle Arena 11:15 AM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 12:00 PM SSBA Sheep Sale - Barn 5 12:30 PM Wild Wool Riders - Brandt Centre 1:00 PM Team Cattle Penning Finals - Brandt Centre 1:00 PM Prospect Steer & Heifer Sale - Auditorium 1:15 PM Milking Demonstration - Barn 4 2:30 PM Katahdin Sheep Sale - Barn 5 3:00 PM Trick Riding Demo - Brandt Centre 3:30 PM Regina Kennel Club Demo - Brandt Centre 4:00 PM RBC Beef Supreme Challenge - Chevrolet GMC Stadium 4:30 PM Wild Wool Riders - Brandt Centre 5:00 PM Trick Riding Demo - Brandt Centre 7:00 PM Canadian Cowboys’ Association Finals Rodeo Brandt Centre 8:00 PM Tailgate Party - Chevrolet GMC Stadium


Possible penalties | ADM conducts internal review CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Archer Daniels Midland, one of the world’s top grain traders, said it is negotiating with the U.S. government to resolve possible violations of U.S. foreign bribery laws and could face penalties. ADM said in a quarterly report filed on Nov. 5 that it “initiated discussions” with the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission after completing an internal review of questionable transactions relating to grain and feed exports. The transactions may have violated the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and other U.S. and foreign laws, according to the company. The justice department and SEC declined comment. ADM said it began an internal review of the transactions in August 2008. It

voluntarily disclosed the review to the U.S. government and “certain foreign regulators” in March 2009, and has provided periodic updates to the agencies, according to the filing. ADM declined to provide additional details on the possible violations, but said in a statement that it had terminated employees as a result of the review. “As soon as we became aware of some questionable transactions, ADM undertook a comprehensive internal investigation and retained an independent auditing firm to conduct its own review,” a spokeswoman said in the statement. ADMcouldfacecivilandcriminalfines from the potential violations and be forced to give up profits “derived from any contracts involving inappropriate payments,” according to the filing.

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Vanee Farm Centre Inc Lethbridge, AB .............................................. 403-327-1100 Rocky Mountain Equipment Red Deer, Edmonton, Barrhead, Westlock, Camrose, AB ......................... 310-HAMR (4267) Bill’s Farm Supplies Stettler, AB .................................................... 403-742-8327 Tri-Ag Implements Ltd Wainwright, St. Paul, Consort, AB ................ 780-842-4408 Novlan Bros. Sales Partnership Paradise Hill, SK............................................ 306-344-4448 Raymore New Holland Raymore, SK ................................................. 306-746-2911 John Bob Farm Equipment Tisdale, SK .................................................... 306-873-4588 Watrous New Holland Watrous, SK .................................................. 306-946-3301 Yorkton New Holland Yorkton, SK ................................................... 306-783-8511 &1+ $PHULFD //& 1HZ +ROODQG LV D UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUN RI &1+ $PHULFD //&

TOP: A man wearing clothes covered with dried thistles stands with his sheep during a farmers’ protest demanding state subsidies, in front of Romania’s government headquarters in Bucharest Nov. 7. CENTRE, LEFT: A Kashmiri woman wears wooden boards on her feet on marshy land to collect water chestnuts from Wular Lake at Bandipora in northern India Nov. 5. CENTRE, RIGHT: Belarussian villagers load cabbage in the field near the town of Smorgon, some 140 kilometres northwest of Minsk Nov. 6. BOTTOM: A worker rounds up geese near the village of Edlitz, Austria Nov. 7. The geese are intended for the feast of St. Martin, celebrated in Germanspeaking Europe each Nov. 11.

ultural shots


The news in photos | Agriculture around the world


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Health Care .............................. 4810 Health Foods ............................ 4825 Heating & Air Conditioning....................4850 Hides, Furs, & Leathers ...........4880 Hobbies & Handicrafts ............4885 Household Items......................4890 Iron & Steel ..............................4960 Irrigation Equipment ...............4980 LANDSCAPING Greenhouses .........................4985 Lawn & Garden .....................4988 Nursery & Gardening Supplies ............4990 LIVESTOCK Bison/Buffalo Auction Sales ..................... 5000 Bison/Buffalo ...................... 5001 Cattle Auction Sales ......................5005 Black Angus ......................... 5010 Red Angus ........................... 5015 Belgian Blue ........................5030 Blonde d’Aquitaine ............. 5035 Brahman ..............................5040 Brangus ............................... 5042 Braunvieh ............................ 5047 Brown Swiss ........................5049 BueLingo ............................. 5052 Charolais ............................. 5055 Dexter ..................................5065 Excellerator ......................... 5067 Galloway .............................5070 Gelbvieh .............................. 5075 Guernsey .............................5080 Hereford ............................. 5090 Highland ..............................5095 Holstein ............................... 5100 Jersey ................................... 5105 Limousin............................... 5115 Lowline .................................5118 Luing.....................................5120 Maine-Anjou .........................5125 Miniature............................. 5130 Murray Grey .........................5135 Piedmontese ....................... 5160 Pinzgauer .............................5165 Red Poll ................................ 5175 Salers....................................5185 Santa Gertrudis ................... 5188 Shaver Beefblend.................5195 Shorthorn ............................5200 Simmental ........................... 5205 South Devon .........................5210 Speckle Park.........................5215 Tarentaise ........................... 5220 Texas Longhorn ....................5225 Wagyu.................................. 5230 Welsh Black ..........................5235 Cattle Various ..................... 5240 Cattle Wanted ..................... 5245 Cattle Events & Seminars ....5247 Horses Auction Sales ...................... 5305 American Saddlebred ......... 5310 Appaloosa ............................5315 Arabian ................................ 5320 Belgian .................................5325 Canadian ..............................5327 Clydesdale ........................... 5330 Donkeys ................................5335 Haflinger ............................. 5345 Holsteiner.............................5355 Miniature............................. 5365 Morgan .................................5375 Mules ...................................5380 Norwegian Fjord ................. 5385 Paint ....................................5390 Palomino ............................. 5395 Percheron ............................5400 Peruvian ..............................5405 Ponies..................................5408 Quarter Horse ......................5415 Shetland .............................. 5420 Sport Horses ....................... 5424 Standardbred ......................5430 Tennessee Walker ............... 5445 Thoroughbred .....................5450 Welsh ................................... 5455 Horses Various ....................5460 Horses Wanted .................... 5465 Horse Events, Seminars ...... 5467

Horse Hauling .....................5469 Harness & Vehicles ............. 5470 Saddles.................................5475 Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505 Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 Oilfield Equipment................... 5935 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162

Campers & Trailers ............... 6164 Golf Cars ................................ 6165 Motor Homes......................... 6166 Motorcycles ............................6167 Snowmobiles ........................ 6168 Refrigeration ............................ 6180 RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ........... 6210 Vacation Accommodations ... 6245 Restaurant Supplies ................ 6320 Sausage Equipment .................6340 Sawmills...................................6360 Scales .......................................6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ..................................6404 Corn .................................... 6406 Durum..................................6407 Oats ..................................... 6410 Rye....................................... 6413 Triticale ............................... 6416 Wheat .................................. 6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa .................................. 6425 Annual Forage ..................... 6428 Clover .................................. 6431 Grass Seeds ...........................6434 Oilseeds Canola ................................6440 Flax ......................................6443 Pulse Crops Beans ...................................6449 Chickpeas ............................ 6452 Lentil ................................... 6455 Peas .....................................6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ......................6464 Mustard ............................... 6467 Potatoes ..............................6470 Sunflower ............................ 6473 Other Specialty Crops ......... 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ......................... 6482 Forage Seeds .........................6485 Grass Seeds ...........................6488 Oilseeds ................................ 6491 Pulse Crops ...........................6494 Various .................................. 6497 Organic Seed ...........See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain .............................6505 Hay & Straw .......................... 6510 Pellets & Concentrates ..........6515 Fertilizer ................................6530 Feed Wanted .........................6540 Seed Wanted ......................... 6542 Sewing Machines ..................... 6710 Sharpening Services .................6725 Sporting Goods ........................ 6825 Outfitters............................... 6827 Stamps & Coins ........................6850 Swap......................................... 6875 Tanks ........................................ 6925 Tarpaulins ................................ 6975 Tenders..................................... 7025 Tickets ...................................... 7027 Tires .........................................7050 Tools ......................................... 7070 Travel........................................ 7095 Water Pumps............................ 7150 Water Treatment ......................7200 Welding .................................... 7250 Well Drilling .............................7300 Winches....................................7400 CAREERS Career Training ........................8001 Child Care.................................8002 Construction ........................... 8004 Domestic Services .................. 8008 Farm / Ranch ............................ 8016 Forestry / Logging .................... 8018 Help Wanted ............................8024 Management ............................ 8025 Mining ...................................... 8027 Oilfield .....................................8030 Professional ............................. 8032 Sales / Marketing .................... 8040 Trades / Technical ....................8044 Truck Drivers ............................8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ...............................8050

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PRODUCERC AR SHIPPERSO F CANADAI NC. Ram ad a Hotel & Con ven tion Cen ter Regin a, S askatchew an 1818 Victoria Ave.

1:30 PM


27TH 2012

GUEST SPEAKER PAUL STOW VP - Business Developm ent Grains for Om nitrax Canada

1972 CESSNA 150L, TTSN 1400 hrs., 0-320 Lycoming 150 HP, TT 900 hrs., LR tanks, intercom push to talk, tow hook, always hangared, $42,000. 306-255-2611, 306-280-3231, Colonsay, SK.

1966 PIPER 28 CHEROKEE 140, new radials, 720 transponder mode C, GPS 296, all Garmin, new 2008. Fresh annual May 2012, TTAF 6330 hrs., ETT 2200 hrs., all log books, NDHl, $22,500 OBO. 204-769-2210, 204-741-0054, Elgin, MB.

1947, 7AC CHAMP, all orig., all AD’s, C-65, 350 SMOH, 5389 TTAF, new paint, 9/10 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, in/out, ext. annual, $28,500 OBO. Altona, engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive MB., seairltd@mymts.net 204-324-7552, annual complete, sacrifice $80,000. Phone 1978 CESSNA A188B agtruck, 3940 TTAF, R i c k W i l d f o n g 3 0 6 - 7 3 4 - 2 3 4 5 o r IO520D 680 STOH, 1330 TTSN, 3 blade 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. prop, 530 SOH Dec. 2009, Satloc Bantam new 2011, many extras. NMDH always MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine hangared, well equipped spray plane. Dan parts, propellers, C23 new surplus parts. Call 204-324-6088, Altona, MB. 306-625-3922, 306-625-7505, Ponteix, SK. CITABRIA PROJECT 1967 7GCAA rebuild MUST SELL: 1969 Piper Cherokee. Full project. No engine call or email for more IFR panel, ILS, DME, dual Nav/Coms, dual ADF, XPDR, GPS, intercoms, good radios, info $6500 OBO. 587-436-0705, Airdrie, AB recent annual inspection, $28,000 OBO. 1963 CHEROKEE PA 28-160, 4198 TTSN, 306-445-3690, Battleford, SK. 424 SMOH, mode C, 406 ELT, Bendix KLX GPS Com, long range tanks, droop wing tips, canopy and winter covers, annual July 2012, $27,500. Lloydminster, SK, 306-825-0488, pfmeng@gmail.com WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610, www.FAAsecurity.com

APPLY TODAY to take Crop Technology at Lakeland College’s Vermilion campus. Your training includes involvement in the business side of the Student Managed Farm- Powered by New Holland. Details at w w w. l a ke l a n d c o l l e g e . c a o r p h o n e 1979 PIPER TURBO Saratoga SP, 2400 TT, 1-800-661-6490, ext. 8527. 717 SMOH, 2 Garmin 430W, Aspen 1000 Pro. Too many options to list. Int/ext. 9/10. Asking $158,900. jplett@mafc.org 204-380-4469, Steinbach, MB. WANTED: WING/ FUSELAGE covers for NEED YOUR CESSNA thrush air tractor JD MODEL 70 diesel tractor, std., running S t i n s o n 1 0 8 a i r c r a f t . C a l l Te d wings rebuilt? Phone 204-362-0406, condition, $3500. 306-825-2377 after 6:00 PM, Lloydminster, SK. 306-832-2016, Big River, SK. Morden, MB.

WANTED: CAB FOR a UDLX Minneapolis WANTED: HEAVY WEIGHT Rumley oil Moline Comfort tractor or complete tractor pull for threshing bee. 403-534-2248, Arfor parts. 780-755-2326 or 780-806-9887, rowwood, AB. Edgerton, AB. WANTED; SEAT AND front steel wheels for 1917 TITAN MODEL 1020 tractor for sale in running order. Phone 306-742-4687, IH W30. 780-853-4799, Vermilion, AB Calder, SK. 1946 JD STYLED D, run condition, no oil pressure, good tin and rubber, $2200. Call 1963 FORD 861 PowerMaster dual-track Steve at 204-771-0329, Anola, MB. tractor c/w tracks, snowblower, loader, 3 453 hrs. Mild restoration completed. 1956 MASSEY 55 gas tractor, partially re- PTH, for show or work. Asking $6250. stored, engine rebuilt, lots of extra work, Use 306-591-3344, Regina Beach, SK, email $2000 OBO. Tim 306-402-7255, Eston, SK. r.b.club@hotmail.com BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, brochures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton TWO JD Ms, one has new motor, new rad, AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. new tires and good tin; 2nd is in good running order, good tin. I also have other old 1952 JD 70 tractor, factory 3 PTH, in run- tractors for sale. 306-342-2085, Glaslyn SK ning condition, $3500. Call 204-937-4143, Roblin, MB. WANTED: COCKSHUTT 50 tractor, years MASSEY PONY, Farm All A; Farm All H; 1950 to 1954, gas, in good running order. McCormick W6; Good Continental motor 780-645-3503, St. Paul, AB. and 3 PTH for Massey Model 22 or 30; Parts, hydraulics and 3 PTHs for Ford Fer- FORD JUBILEE; MH Pacer; MH 44 Row guson; Also parts for older tractors. Crop; Minneapolis 445; Cockshutt 30; 3 250-846-5202, Telkwa, BC. wheel Farmall C; Massey Harris 50, diesel. D2 CAT, Serial No. 5U4443, good cond., 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. steering clutch is seized due to lack of use, shedded, pup motor runs good, $4500. TWO FARMALL CUBS and attachments; JD Call Steve at 204-771-0329, Anola, MB. 50W with 3 pt hitch; Oliver 66 Orchard. 250-862-7782, Kelowna, BC. JD 730 TRACTOR, dsl., restored, pupstart motor, excellent, $8500. Call George WANTED: JD BR TRACTOR on full steel, 780-689-7373, Athabasca, AB. r e s t o r e d o r at l e a s t r u n n i n g . C a l l TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New 780-853-7385, Vermilion, AB. parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, reproduction parts, antiques and classic. West- ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranern Canada m.e. MILLER tire dealer and teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. STEINER dealer. Phone Don Ellingson,. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, 1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB. or email Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. tunerite@telusplanet.net

WORKING STEAM TRACTORS make unique Christmas gifts. All metal, brass boiler, forward, reverse, and neutral control, and working whistle. Engine runs 15 minutes, reg. $449.95, now $299.96 plus tax. Shipping $16. Steam catalogue $6.95. www.yesteryeartoyscanada.com Phone 1-800-481-1353.

1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. www.sterlingoldcarsandtrucks.com FORD LTD II, 400 motor, good powertrain, some rust. 780-853-4799, Vermilion, AB. JIM’S CLASSIC CORNER, a selling service for classic and antique automobiles, trucks, boats. 204-997-4636, Winnipeg MB 1951 FORD F3 3/4 ton, green/blk, new paint, 239 ci FH, 4 spd., 56K miles, heater, radio, elec. wipers, new upholstery, show quality, many upgrades. 306-382-6924, Saskatoon, SK.

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ACROSS 1. Canadian who stars as Oliver Queen on Arrow (2 words) 8. Film starring Emma Stone (2 words) 9. She played the Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact (2 words) 11. Edwina Booth’s birthplace 12. He played Atreyu in The Neverending Story (2 words) 13. 2004 horror film 15. ___ Magnolias 16. ___ Chong (2 words) 17. The ___ and the Pussycat 18. He played Sgt. Fackler in the Police Academy films 19. Finding ___ 21. Actress Derek 22. Richards of Jurassic Park 23. Piper Laurie’s real first name 24. The Wrong ___ of the Law 25. Film starring Greg Kinnear and Laurie Metcalf (2 words) 26. Director Kazan 28. She won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 1988 for her role in The Accidental Tourist 31. She played The Dying Swan in Black Swan

32. Mr. Fawlty who runs Fawlty Towers DOWN 1. Canadian actor who played Iceman in the X-Men films (2 words) 2. She was married to James Farentino and George Peppard (2 words) 3. Point of ___ (2 words) 4. Marlene Dietrich’s middle name 5. Paul ___ Mat 6. Jack’s best friend on Three’s Company 7. Film starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Daniel Craig 10. I Love Lucy character (2 words) 11. ___ Activity 13. Film starring Kate Beckinsale (2 words) 14. Prequel to Ben 19. ___ Mercy 20. Actress Winningham 21. The ___ of Jack and Rose 24. Canadian actress who played one of Grant’s aunts in Arsenic and Old Lace 26. Actress Williams 27. ___ Heard the Mermaids Singing 29. Initials of an actor who was in Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry 30. ___ Dorado


WANTED: OLD CAR 1920 - 1930 in run- CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS. 2013 ning condition, reasonable price. Call C a l e n d a r s : S t e a m E n g i n e c a l e n d a r s $11.95; Classic Tractor Fever calendar 204-729-1702 after 6 PM., Brandon, MB. (Dupont) $11.95, (accompanying DVD WANTED: JEEP CJ8 Scrambler, Willys tape $29.95). Motorbooks: large JD calenJeep and PTO parts. Military Jeep and dar $14.99. Country Store calendars: Old Iron, Puppies, JD Tractor Legacy, Cabin parts. 306-691-0693, Moose Jaw, SK. Fever, Birds and Blooms, Kittens, Fabulous 50’s, Barns, all $10.99 and many more 1926 MODEL T, 2 dr., wire wheels, body available. New publications (books): Legand inside are very clean, paint and glass endary Farmall tractor $25; Yesterdays ok, car has been safetied, runs great. Ask- Farm Tools and Equipment $31.99; The ing $9,500. Pics. available. 204-728-2110, Steam Tractor Encyclopedia (Revised) Brandon, MB. jimgriff@wcgwave.ca $ 4 0 . 9 5 ; J o h n D e e r e Tr a c t o r L e ga c y $24.99; Heavy Equipment Books starting at $29.95. Also Massey, Ford, Oliver, MM, Allis Chalmers and general tractor books. Service and owner’s manuals plus decal ANTIQUE ROUND WINDOW, 90 wooden sets for older tractors and stationary enspools, homemade soap, olds maps, cata- gines. New reproduction replacement logues. 306-654-4802, Prud’Homme, SK. parts for tractors from Steiners (first Steiner dealer in Canada), A&I, Central WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales bro- East, etc. New videos and DVD (tractor chures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, and farm videos, automotive books). Phone, fax or write orders. Please do not Saskatoon, SK. send money with order as applicable taxes and postage will be on your invoice sent 1960 FORD SHORTBOX stepside, partially with your order. Haugholm Books, 40372 restored; 1969 Plymouth Sport Fury, 2 dr. Mill Road, RR 1, Brucefield, ON, NOM 1J0. hardtop to restore; Various antique trac- Phone 519-522-0248, fax 519-522-0138. tors. Call Bob at 306-463-7965, Eston, SK. Hours: Mon. to Fri., 9-12 and 1-5. Other times by appointment. Merry Christmas PIAPOT LIONS 16TH Annual Gun and and Happy New Year! Hobby Show with antique table upstairs at Armories, Maple Creek, SK., Nov. 24 and 25th. Sat. 10 AM- 5 PM, Sun. 10 AM- 3 PM. For info. phone/ fax 306-558-4802. USED ZAMBONI AND Olympia ice resurfers for sale. Parts, sales and service. WANTED BY COLLECTOR: 1950’s or ear- 403-830-8603, 403-271-9793, Calgary, AB lier Saskatchewan advertising calendars, paper or porcelain, in vg to exc. condition. Hugh 306-463-7756, Kindersley, SK. ROYAL ALBERT AMERICAN BEAUTY CHINA, 68 pieces, 8 place setting dinnerware with servers. No chips, cracks or blemishes in this virtually unused set. Call Loretta at 306-463-7756, Kindersley, SK.

PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale November 24, 9:00 AM. PBR, 105- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., www.pbrauctions.com 306-931-7666.




H erd Reduction Sale Thursday D ec.6

24/ 7 O N LIN E BID D IN G

Valley Auction M art M initonas, M B

100 PB,Q uality Blk,Red, Trad.3 – 8 Yr.O ld Cow s. M any Sired by AI,Labatte, Chescue Bulls. G ary G riffith

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N EXT SALE S ATUR DAY, 9:00 AM DECEM BER 1, 2 012 G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w . grea tpla in sa u ctio n eers.ca w w w . glo b a la u ctio n gu id e.co m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9




Em e ra ld Pa rk, SASK.

ONLINE ONLY AUCTION, AUTO REPAIR Shop Close Out for 3 Lakes Automotive. Bidding: Starts Tuesday, November 20, 2012, closes Tuesday, November 27, 2012. Shop Equipment: Challenger 5 ton 2-post automotive hoist; Coates rim clamp 5060E; Coates Direct Drive 850 computer tire balancer; West 1115HD break lathe w/metal stand and metal display board; Branick 7200 strut compressor; Bullet welder; Miller Matic 185 mig welder; Acetylene cutting torch, torches, gauges and cart; HD drill press, approx. 5/8”, 16 spd.; Carolina shop hand 5000 engine crane; Rapid Clean parts washer; NAPA 3-1/2 ton hyd. floor jack; Princess Auto power gist sand blaster; Battery Chargers; Ultra Pro 225 amp battery charger/ booste r ; B e a r e n g i n e a n a ly z e r ; S n ap - O n MT3750AVR vehicle electrical system analyzer; NAPA 4-wheel pedestal transmission jack 1000 lbs. capacity; 2 engine stands; portable oil change system. Assortment of hand tools, pneumatic tools, gear pullers, combination wrenches, impact tools, angle grinders, vehicle safety stands, grease guns. Plus many more various shop tools!!! Real Estate: 3 Lakes Automotive Parts & Repair Shop. Vehicles: 2005 Dodge magnum car; 1982 Dodge 3500 Crewcab 4x4 pick-up. Lawn and garden equipment, office equipment and so much more!!! Visit www.hodginsauctioneers.com or call 1-800-667-2075 for more info, terms of auction, and photos. SK. PL #915407.

3350 IDYL W YL D DRIV E - S AS K ATOON To in clu d e vehicles , In d u s tria l Eq u ip m en t & City of S a s k a toon S tolen & Recovered G ood s & Bik es : Electron ics p lu s G a m es , Tools , Jew ellery & W a tches ; G u n Ca s es ; New Clothin g ; S n ow boa rd , S k a teboa rd ; G olfClu bs & n u m erou s otherg ood s .

NEW M cDouga ll Auction e e rs W a re h ous e ! Fea tu rin g: 19 49 Chevro let 3/4 To n Tru ck M o d el 1424; 2008 Do d ge 2500 4x4 Qu a d Ca b ; 2006 Peterb ilt387 T /A; 2009 F o rd F 150 XL T ; 1994 Po n tia c Gra n d Am ; Arien s S n o w Blo w er926 L E ; 1997 Chevro letW T 1500; 1993 GM C 1 T o n ; S ho p rid er CADE 106 M o to rized S co o ter; NE W E a s y K leen M a gn u m Go ld Pres s u re W a s her; T o s hib a e-S tu d io 281C Co p ier; HUGE As s o rtm en t o f Pa vin g S to n es ; E lectric M o to rs ; L a rge T a rp s & M u ch M o re! L is tin g S u b jectT o Deletio n s . ON L IN E EV EN TS - S TORAGE W ARS 3 Un its L o ca ted In Regin a ; Res ta u ra n t Equ ipm en t S a le




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Bid from the c onvenienc e of your b usiness,hom e or p hone 24/7! See w eb site for p hotos,term s,c ond itions & exc lusions w w w .Sa s ka toon .M cDouga llAuction .com P hon e : (306 ) 6 52-4334 Lic #318116

Is a n A g A ircra ft in yo ur B usiness P la n?

The a vera g e A g A ircra ft ca n cover over 2500 a cres a d a y from p re a n d p os t-em erg en t w eed con trol, fertilizin g , s eed in g , fu n g icid e a p p lica tion , in s ecticid es to con trol la te s ea s on p es ts lik e Bertha a rm y w orm , d ia m on d ba ck s , or a p p lyin g a p re-ha rves t trea tm en t. Ha vin g you r ow n a ircra ftm ea n s you ha ve on e ofthe m os tcos t-effective w ea p on s n eed ed to p rotect you r crop s a n d p u t thos e extra bu s hels in to the bin im p rovin g you rbottom lin e. Loca ted in York ton , S k . Ca n a d a , M icca r Aeria lLtd . ca n p rovid e In d u s try A p p roved A g Pilot tra in in g , Tu rbin e Con vers ion s , Priva te or Com m ercia l licen s es ora rra n g e con tra ctPilotS ervices . W e a re w ork in g in coop era tion w ith M id Con tin en t A ircra ft Corp . in s a les ofn ew / u s ed Thru s h a n d other A g A ircra ftofferin g a on e s top s hop to help you a d d a n A g A ircra ftto you r crop p rotection a rs en a l. This coop era tion brin g s tog ether yea rs of in d u s try exp erien ce in A g O p era tion s a n d A ircra ft S a les a n d s ervice to better s erve n ew a n d exis tin g Ca n a d ia n op era tors w ith p a rts a n d rela ted eq u ip m en t. S o w hether it’s A g PilotTra in in g , A ircra fts a les , A ircra ftp a rts , G PS s a les , S ervice a n d in s ta lla tion , or a ircra ft s tora g e, w e a re you r com p lete Fixed W in g A eria l A g S ervice p rovid er. For full d eta ils on the m a ny b enefits ofa d d ing a n a ircra ftto your crop p rotection a rs ena l, conta ct

M icca r Aeria l a t306- 78 6- 3345 . You ca n a ls o vis it us online a t w w w .m icca ra eria l.com .






Cylinder Bars - New Holland Set of standard Rub Bars with hardware to fit New Holland 975, 980, 985 or 1400 Combines.





Tire 14.9X24, TT, 12 Ply, BIAS, Set of 2 Pcs. Tire 14.9X24, TT, 12 Ply, BIAS, Set of 2 Pcs. Won items must be picked up or shipped out before December 15, 2012. Storage fee of $10/day applies for unclaimed items beyond Dec 15, 2012.

Disclaimer: FOB Swift Current, SK.




Tire 12.0X16.5, Tubeless, 12 Ply, BIAS, Set Of 4 Pcs Tire 12.0X16.5, Tubeless, 12 Ply, BIAS, Set Of 4 Pcs. Won items must be picked up or shipped out before December 15, 2012. Storage fee of $10/day applies for unclaimed items beyond Dec 15, 2012.

Disclaimer: All items, FOB Elstow, SK. No warranty for auction items.

Item # 321


Disclaimer: All items, FOB Elstow, SK. No warranty for auction items.

Nodge Manufacturing (88) Ltd

Combine World

Combine World

125 10 Ave NW

Highway 16 East

Highway 16 East

Swift Current, SK 306-773-5288 www.nodgemfg.com

Allan, SK 306-257-3800 www.combineworld.com

Allan, SK 306-257-3800 www.combineworld.com

Item # 585-591

Item # 795-796

Bidding closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp! Only A Few Days Left To Bid!! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315


MAJOR WOODWORKING, Manufacturing and Hardware Sale, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 9:00 AM MST, Lloydminster, AB. From Hwy. 17 and Airport Rd. go 3 miles west. Manufacturing, woodworking and metal shop tools including table saws, hand saws, jointers, mitre saws, shop supplies, hardware safety equipment, hand wrenches, air tools, electrical tools and related parts and accessories from an RV manufacturing factory. For full list and photos go to www.donaldauctions.com Cal Donald Auctioneering, Maidstone, SK. 306-893-7665. PL #907045 and 213919.


WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: junkman.2010@hotmail.com Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton, gas and diesel engines, 4 and 5 spd. transmissions, single and 2 speed axles, 13’-16’ B&H’s, and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300.

2010 DOEPKER SUPER B, aluminum buds, load lights, lift axles, dual cranks, no rust, very few stone chips, $72,500. Call Jim at 2002 NORBERT’S 3-AXLE 32’, 7.5’ wide live 306-221-0605, Saskatoon, SK. stock trailer, mint cond, no rust anywhere, 2009 COURTNEY BERG end dump grain trailer like new, original paint, rubber SCHOOL BUSES: 1985 to 2001, 36 to 66 trailer, air ride susp., sileage endgate and f l o o r, c a n d e l i ve r, $ 1 9 , 5 0 0 . P h o n e : pass., $2100 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky sides, Shurlock roll tarp, Brehion remote 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074. control system for hoist and grain slide, in good shape. Safety done in June 2012. Call Toby 403-934-8447, Strathmore, AB.

SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built PUP TRAILER, 1985 Lode-King, painted in tandem converters and wet kits. All truck 2005, roll tarp, good shape, $12,000. Call makes/models bought and sold. Shop ser- 306-538-4695, Langbank, SK. vice available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and Southern Industrial is differentials. Now offering driveshaft the proud supplier repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info and service shop for call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. Neville Built trailers. www.saskatoontruckparts.ca DL #914394 TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. 5.9 CUMMINS w/Allison auto trans, in school bus, can be driven, low kms, $3500; 7.3 Ford diesel out of an 2001 F350, 96,000 kms, $2600; 7.3 Ford diesel out of school bus, 140-160,000 kms, $900; 6.9 Ford diesel out of school bus, 170,000 kms, $600; 9’ service body off a 2000 one ton, $900. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, K&L Equipment, Ituna, SK., DL #910885.

Trailers In Stock: • 38.5’ tandem on air, 78” high side, side chutes, loaded.............$35,500 • 45’ Tri-Axle, 78” high sides, 2 hopper, air ride................$43,500 New Trailers Arriving Daily! Call for quotes.

WRECKING: 1993 DODGE Cummins, 4x4, new pump, brakes, eng., transfer case and rearend good. Trans. and body shot. Sold as unit, $2499 OBO. Abernethy, SK. 306-335-2777 or 306-924-4217. 2003 GMC 1 ton 4x4 diesel dually for parts or whole. 306-295-4014, Eastend, SK. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.

53’ Sprayer Trailer

WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost. VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. K-B TRUCK PARTS. Older, heavy truck salvage parts for all makes and models. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located Weyburn, SK., 306-842-2641. Used car parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. WRECKING 1989 FORD L9000, good front end and cab; 1983 3 ton IHC, V8 diesel, 5 spd., single axle; Volvo trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323.

SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trail- 1995 TRAVALONG 20’ gooseneck stock ers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use in- trailer, very little rust, $6000. Rosetown, dustrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat SK. 306-882-3380, 306-831-9337. for added rust protection. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. 2010 LODE-KING TRIDEM grain bulker, high sides, two hopper, farm use, low kms, $48,000. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB.

2004 LODE-KING open end Super B’s, new Michelin rubber, fresh safety, $55,000. Cut Knife, SK. Millhouse Farms, 306-398-4079. 06 DOEPKER SUPER B’s for sale, good condition, new cranks, $5000 w/o on lead trailer. Licensed for farm use, will safety $45,000 firm. 306-460-8061, Eatonia, SK. DOEPKER TANDEM TRAILERS- 2005 38’, 2007 40’, open end, air ride, tarps, ladders, catwalks, new tires, safetied, 05- $34,000, 07- $38,000 OBO 306-921-7635 Melfort SK 2010 LOAD LINE 36’ tandem grain trailer, $29,500., like new. Call 306-276-7518 or, 306-767-2616, Arborfield, SK. DL 906768

NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. 1990 LODE-KING tri-axle grain trailer, spring ride, safetied, new tarp, good cond., $16,500 OBO. Contact Fisher Farms 204-622-8800 or cell 204-638-2700, email rod@fisherseeds.com Dauphin, MB. 2004 DOEPKER SUPER B’s, fresh safety. 306-961-8360, Prince Albert, SK. WANTED: DOEPKER or LODE-KING Super B grain trailers, all aluminum, up to year 2005, must be in good condition. Call 204-867-0120, Minnedosa, MB.

5’ Beaver Tail and 5’ Ramps. $


Call Today for your Equipment Trailer Needs.


www.southernindustrial.ca Hwy. Jct. 13 & 39 Weyburn, SK 2003 DOEPKER OPEN END SUPER B, air ride, 24.5 rubber, outer aluminums, well maintained, $42,000. 306-821-6646, Lloydminster, SK. NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tandem; 2009 Castleton tandem; Also have 10” alum. Michel’s augers; 2011 Super B Lode-King, alum. budds, life axles; 2006 and 2004 Super B Lode-Kings alum., alum. budds, air ride; 1998 Castleton, air ride; 1994 Castleton tridem, air ride; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, cert.; 18’ T A p o n y p u p , B H & T, $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231, www.rbisk.ca 2- BRAND NEW 2013 Wilson Super B grain trailers w/lift axles, totally enclosed, $95,000 ea. set. 306-831-7026 Wiseton SK

2006 LODE-KING Super B grain trailers, 2 2 . 5 w h e e l s , a i r r i d e , f r e s h s a fe t y, $49,000. 204-746-5575, Morris, MB. NEW NEVILLE 3 axle 45’, 3 chutes, $43,500; 2 axle, 38’, air ride, 78” sides, $33,750. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

Prince$Albert 10,388





Goebel 1505RL 3290 Bushel Bin

1998 EBY STOCK trailer, new brakes just installed, good condition. Call for more details. 306-276-7884, Choiceland, SK. NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 20’, $13,900; 18’, $11,900. Call 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. 1990 GOOSENECK 14’ stock trailer, torflex axles, good condition, $2500. Call 306-274-4950, Lestock, SK.

AGRI TRADE SPECIAL! 2013 Featherlite 8117-6724, all alum., 2- 7000 lb. axles, spare tire, rubber floor, one center gate, Stock #5555, $15,900. 1-866-346-3148, www.allandale.com Red Deer, AB. 2003 SOKAL 24’, 7’ wide, three partitions, 7000 lb. axles, $8500 OBO. Call 204-745-7917, St. Claude, MB. NEW 2012 7’X24’ Kiefer Built aluminum stock trailer, 2 divider gates, $17,500. 306-297-2132, 306-297-6404, Simmie, SK. 1994 REAL GOOSENECK stock trailer, 7’x16’ (divider), 2x6000 lb. axles, $3800. 306-748-2847, 306-748-2849, Neudorf, SK 2008 SUNDOWNER 727 3-horse trailer, front and rear tack, shows as new. SS pkg., $ 1 4 , 9 9 5 . We n d e l l 3 0 6 - 7 2 6 - 4 4 0 3 o r 306-726-7652, Southey, SK. 1996 BERGEN 16’ gooseneck trailer, new brakes, hubs and bearings, $4500. Battleford, SK. 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719.

Goebel 1505RL, 3290 bushels, 15 Foot diameter, 5 rings high, 2 ring 4 x 4 skid, 18 inch air. Disclaimer: $825 delivery FOB Clavet, SK.


N ow S e llin g

Item # 960

Box 8 Clavet, SK 306-933-1141 www.prairiesteel.com

Bidding Closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp!

Only A Few Days Left To Bid! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315

All Al um i nu m 14,000# GVW R, 2013 E BY L o w Pro Deck Un d erT a n d em , 20’x82” , E lectric Bra kes , Bu m p er Hitch, 4 Co u n ter S u n k D Rin gs

TRI HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND BALE MOVERS: 8’ to 29’ lengths, 6-18 bales, also excellent for feeding cattle in the field, 4 bales at time with a pickup. 1-800-505-9208. www.LiftOffTriHaul.com


CLEARANCE: NEW FARM WAGONS. Front and rear axles. 8 ton, $1050; 12 ton, $1550. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. Ph 1-888-939-4444. www.hausers.ca

GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, BeaDROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers vertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, 2000 WABASH TC306 crude wagon; 2012 Central Butte, SK. Wabash 312AL, tridem pup; 1995 Wabash TC407, stainless, tridem pup; 1996 Hutch- COMPONENTS FOR TRAILERS, Build, i n s o n T C 3 0 6 c r u d e t r i d e m t a n ke r. Repair and Manufacture. Free freight. See 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. “The Book 2011” page 165. DL Parts For Trailers, 1-877-529-2239, www.dlparts.ca

Trailer Sales And Rentals

HAULIN 53’ EXTENDABLE rafter trailer, tandem axle, self-unloading. Can move all size of rafters. Open to offers. 204-728-1861, Brandon, MB. T R I - A X L E D E TA C H A B L E F L I P a x l e , $28,000; Pintle hitch: TA, duals, air brakes, $10,000. 306-563-8765 Canora, SK

WILSON GOOSENECKS & CATTLE LINERS TWO A-TRAIN ALUM. TANKERS, in exc. condition. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca

Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers 2013 E BY Deck Over, Bu m p er Hitch, All Al um i nu m , 20’x 82” Deck Betw een W heels , 14,000 GVW R, T ru ck Bo d y S id e Ra ils , 4 Co u n ter S u n k D Rin gs , S ta ke Po ckets , An d Ru b Ra il Ru b b erT o rs i on S u s p en s i on , Hi nged Rea r Ra m p s .

D ecks

2013 F ellin g 53’ T ri- Bea verta il 2013 F ellin g 53’ T ri Deta cha b le eq u i pm en ttra iler, a lu m p u l l o-u ts F T -80-3 HX Dro p Deck F T -80-3 M X-H F al tDeck 2013 E BY Gro u n d L o a d 53-2 Alu m 2012 E BY Bu ll Rid e 53-3 L in er

G oos e n e c k Tra ile rs 2013 E BY 2013 E BY 2013 E BY co m in g 2013 E BY

M a verick 20’ 2-7K S la tS id e W ra n gler 22’ 2-7K S la tS id e M a verick 30’ 3-7K S la tS id e M a verick 24’ 2-7K S la tS id e

D ry V a n s

2009 Va n gu a rd 53 x 102 C a ll fo rAva ila b ility a n d P ricin g Fin a n ce R e po ’s Acce ptin g Offe rs

Regina - 1-800-667-0466 Keefe HallCell- 306-535-2420 w w w .saskvolvo.com D.L#909069

SIX 1997 48’ hi-boys, priced from $2500 to $8500 (cheap ones as is, good ones Sask. certified); 1995 Lode-King 48’ triaxle combo flatdeck, Sask. certified, $9500; 2005 Lode-King Super B grain trailers, Sask. certified, $38,500; 2000 Doepker Super B grain trailers, $31,500; 1998 Talbert 48’ stepdeck, Sask. certified, $15,000; 2002 Trailtech tandem pintle combine/sprayer trailer, $16,500; 1998 Eager Beaver 20 ton float trailer, $16,500. www.hodginshtc.com Davidson, SK. DL #312974. Call 306-567-7262 5TH WHEEL FLATDECK with tandem duals, 32’, with pop up ramps, and many extra options, $11,500. 306-858-7090. WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited.






1997 TRAILTECH SPRAYER TRAILER, 2- 20,000 lb. axles with air brakes, Dayton 2 1 5 / 7 5 R 1 7 . 5 w h e e l s , D ove t a i l a n d driveover fenders, no heavy ramps to handle. New paint/decals, one season on new brakes, asking $12,000. Ph. 780-821-0206 Ft. Vermilion, AB.

Visit our website at:



24’ GOOSENECK Tridem 21000 lbs, $7890; Bumper pull tandem lowboy: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs, $2650. Factory direct. 888-792-6283 www.monarchtrailers.com


%(5*(1 Giving you the maximum in dollar and time advantage.

40 MISC. SEMI TRAILER HI-BOYS. eight stepdecks; 1991 tri-axle scissor neck; belly dump, fresh safety, $10,700. 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. Pics and prices view at: www.trailerguy.ca



Prairie Steel

2003 MAVERICK 24’ flatbed trailer, hardly used, like new, 2- 10,000 lb. axles, beaver tail with ramps, bumper with pintle. 403-548-8460, Bindloss, AB.


Live s toc k Tra ile rs CATTLEPOT: SELLING 1 out of 3 trailers, 1- 48’ and 2- 53’ tri-axles. For more info 204-732-2240, Meadow Portage, MB.

WWW.DESERTSALES.CA Trailers/Bins Westeel hopper bottom bins. Serving AB, BC and SK. Wilson, Norbert, gooseneck, stock and ground loads. Horse / stock, cargo / flatdeck, dump, oilfield, all in stock. 1-888-641-4508, Bassano, AB.



2008 DOEPKER detachable neck machinery trailer, 8’6” wide, extends to 12’6”, tri-axle, 3-axle flip, pull-out lights, rear strobes, good cond., $55,000 OBO. 780-305-3547, Westlock AB.

Call for a quote

53’ AND 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; 1991 Trail King machinery trailer, hyd. tail; 53’, 48’, 28’ tridem and tandem hi-boys, all steel and combos; SUPER B HIBOYS; Tandem and S/A converter with drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers; B-train salvage trailers. 2003 tridem lowboy, 10’ wide beavertails. Option tandem Jeep. 306-356-4550. Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who demand the best.” Agassiz - Precision (open and enclosed car go) trailers. 1 - 8 5 5 - 2 5 5 - 0 1 9 9 , M o o s e J a w, S K . www.topguntrailersales.ca

W e will m a tc h c om petitor pric ing spec for spec Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y! Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB 1996 LOADLINE tandem end dump gravel trailer, 75% brakes, tires good cond., unit fair cond., $11,000 OBO. Middle Lake, SK. 306-367-2158, 306-231-4858.

PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, www.precisiontrailer.com HAUSER GOOSENECK TRAILERS. Selfunloading, round or square bales. Featuring 2 trailers in 1: HD gooseneck use or bale transporter, mechanical side unloading. Hauser’s Machinery, Melville, SK. 1-888-939-4444, www.hausers.ca


%(5*(1 *226(1(&. 75$,/(5 Giving you the maximum in dollar and time advantage.









GRAIN 2013 WILSON TANDEMS ..................................... IN STOCK 2013 WILSON TRIDEM .......................................... IN STOCK 2 & 3 HOPPERS 2013 WILSON SUPER B......................................... IN STOCK USED GRAIN 2010 WILSON SUPER B...........................CALL FOR PRICE 2-2009 WILSON TANDEMS LIKE NEW .........................................CALL FOR PRICE 2009 WILSON SUPER B.............................................$68,980 2009 TIMPTE TANDEM .............................................$33,980 2005 LODEKING PRESTIGE SUPER B...................$45,980 LIVESTOCK 2006 WILSON 402 CATTLELINER..........................$41,000



Financing Available, Competitive Rates O.A.C.

GOOSENECKS NEW WILSON 20’ & 24’.......................................... IN STOCK EQUIPMENT 2013 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE HYD BT ......CALL FOR PRICE 2009 COTTRELL HYDRAULIC CAR TRAILER ............................$62,000 COMING SOON - 2009 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE BT .........................2 AVAILABLE 2007 REEFER UTILITY VAN .....................................$22,500 2003 REEFER UTILITY VAN .....................................$15,000 DECKS NEW WILSON STEP & FLAT DECKS TANDEM & TRIDEM ..................................... IN STOCK 2013 WILSON 53’ TANDEM ................................ IN STOCK 2011 53’ TRIDEM ALL ALUMINUM ......................$39,900 GRAVEL 2013 TECUMSEH TRIDEM END DUMP .........ON ORDER


Golden West Trailer Sales & Rentals

CHECK US OUT AT www.goldenwestrailer.com Moose Jaw (877) 999-7402 Saskatoon (866) 278-2636


Brian Griffin, Harvey Van De Sype, John Carle

Danny Tataryn Bob Fleischhacker

Cell: 306-260-4209 Cell: 306-231-5939



1 Ton C&C, Medium Duty Trucks 2007 DODGE SLT, 5.9 Cummins 2500, TRX offroad 4x4, quad cab, one owner, spray-in box liner, after market steering stabilizer, full running boards, Command start, front end recently redone, 95% empty highway miles, 250,000 kms., $22,000. Crystal Springs, SK. 306-749-3193, 306-961-0392. 2008 DODGE LARAMIE 2500 Mega Cab, 4x2, 114,000 miles, 6.7 Cummins, 6 speed auto, heated leather, sunroof, loaded. Reduced to $25,000. 306-776-2394, 306-537-0615, Rouleau, SK. 2009 FORD 150 platinum model in mint condition, folding running boards, complete with all the extras, low mileage. 708-961-3007, Vimy, AB.

2010 FORD HARLEY DAVIDSON F350, w/6” lift, 37x13.5x20 tires, 44,000 kms, loaded, $55,000. Millhouse Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 2012 RAM CUMMINS diesel 4x4, crewcab, $43,975. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.

2011 FORD F150 Lariat, loaded, 14,000 kms, retail $55,000, asking $37,000. 306-960-8858, Prince Albert, SK.

2001 DODGE 3/4 ton, reg. cab, 4WD, 24 valve Cummins diesel, 470,000 kms, manual trans., brand new tires, fifth wheel hitch, $6500 OBO. 780-336-6378, Irma, AB 2003 FORD F550 XLT crew cab 4x4 diesel auto, 267,000 kms, $8500. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. 2005 FORD F150 SuperCab, $6,500, 6.6’ box, 4.6 litre eng., A/T/C, 2WD, 180,000 Hwy. kms. 306-220-7741, Saskatoon, SK.


(Medicine Hat, Alberta) ‘06 & ‘07 INTERNATIONAL 9400i 435 HP Cummins ISX Engine, 10 Speed Eaton Autoshift Trans, New 20’ Cancade Box Remote Hoist and Endgate Controls Available Fleet Maintained Southern Trucks.

2013 Kenworth T370 350HP Diesel, Allison Auto, fully loaded, air suspension, 8.5’ x 20’ x 65” CIM utracel box, hoist, electric tarp, remote controls......................$134,995 2013 Kenworth T440 370 HP Diesel, Allison Auto, fully loaded, 8.5’x20’x65” CIM Ultracel box, hoist, electric tarp, remote controls, white MSRP $183,268...........SALE..$146,995 2000 GMC Topkick C8500 Tandem, 3126 Cat diesel (300 HP), 10 spd. Manual trans., A/C, tilt wheel, dual step tnaks, Bostrum air seat, 8 1⁄2’x20’x57” grain box, roll tarp, 300,081 kms, clean $49,995 2013 Kenworth T440 Tandem, box & hoist, 370 HP...............$146,995 (Special for show) 2- 2007 Freightliner Columbia Tandems, 435 HP, 12 speed Meritor auto trans, box & hoist, white, 824,637 km, clean....................$69,995 2007 Freightliner Columbia Tractor Unit, 435 HP, 12 spd. Meritor auto trans., 5th wheel, white, 927,238 km, white, clean..............................$39,995

2006 FORD F-250 6.0 XLT ext. cab, long box, 5th wheel ready. New injectors, new EGR intercooler, well looked after, 150,000 miles. Asking $14,500, open to offers. 306-581-5651, Regina, SK.

We now have more trucks in stock. A special thanks to our customers & everyone who called.



1996 DODGE DUALLY one ton, rebuilt trans, transfer case, rebuilt fuel pump, rawlyn@automatictruck.com new tires, 5th wheel hitch, $5000 in work 1971 FORD 900, w/534 V8 eng., 13 spd. orders, $7500. 403-350-0392, Lacombe AB trans, full tandem, 20’ steel B&H, roll tarp, new battery and starter, good cond., $11,500. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 15 GMCs from $8900, eg. 2008 Sierra SLE 1975 FORD 700 Louisville, all steel B&H, Crew, $18,955. Call Hoss 1-800-667-4414. roll tarp, exc. cond., $6500. 306-861-4592, www.thoens.com DL #909250. Weyburn, SK. 1994 FORD F350 diesel, c/w bale deck, 1980 WESTERN STAR grain truck, 6V 92 auto, 4x4, 145,000 kms, brand new tires, Detroit low hrs., 13 spd., 20’ steel box, $14,000. 780-763-2179, Myrnam, AB. Nordic hoist, c/w silage gates, $15,000. 2003 DODGE 4X4 3500, crew cab, long 780-853-7205, Vermilion, AB. box, dually, 6 spd., 5.9 Cummins, loaded. 1996 FL80 TANDEM, 250 HP, 6 spd., Alli306-682-3687, Humboldt, SK. son Auto, AC, BH&T new in 2010, $65,000 2004 GMC 1/2 ton, Crewcab, shortbox, OBO. Call 403-575-1218, Consort, AB. 5.3L, auto, dash control 4x4, Z71 pkg., boxliner, Tonneau cover, heated leather 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL120, tandem, 470 Detroit, 10 spd., air ride, AC, 20’ Ultraseats, $12,600. 306-723-4737, Cupar, SK. cel box pkg, no rust, California truck. Fall 2005 CHEV DIESEL, ext. cab, longbox, s p e c i a l $ 5 2 , 5 0 0 , t r a d e c o n s i d e r e d . good cond., 265,000 kms, $16,900; 2003 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. Chev diesel, ext. cab, shortbox, 336,000 kms, $9900; 2004 Chev Duramax 2500, 2001 KENWORTH W900 w/20’ alum. reg. cab w/9’ tool body, $12,900. K&L grain box, tarp, 430 HP, 10 spd., dual exEquipment and Auto, Ituna, SK. Call La- haust, premium U.S no rust truck. Fall spedimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027. c i a l $ 5 9 , 5 0 0 , t r a d e c o n s i d e r e d . 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK DL #910885. 2006 IH 4300 single, Allison auto., L/66 diesel, AC, new C.I.M B&H, Michel’s tarp, premium U.S. no rust truck, trade considered, only $48,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2007 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, Detroit 450 HP, Eaton 13 spd. UltraShift, 20’ Cancade grain box, $67,500; 2005 Int. 9400, 2006 FORD F350, diesel, loaded, 85,000 Cat 430 HP, Eaton 10 spd. UltraShift, 20’ k m s , $ 2 4 , 5 0 0 . M i l l h o u s e F a r m s Cancade grain box, $62,500. Call 306-567-7262, www.hodginshtc.com 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. Davidson, SK. DL #312974. 2007 GMC REGULAR cab, long box, DuraMax, new style, 106,000 kms., $20,900. 2007 FREIGHTLINER w/Mercedes eng., K&L Equipment, 306-795-7779, Ituna, AutoShift, new 20’ box and hoist, green in colour, $65,500; 2007 Freightliner w/MerSK., DL #910885. cedes eng., power AutoShift, new 20’ box and hoist, white w/green box, $65,500; 2005 IH 9400 w/Cat power AutoShift, new 20’ box and hoist, white w/blue box, $57,500; 2005 IH 9400 w/Cat power AutoShift, new 20’ box and hoist, white w/burgundy box, $57,500. Coming in soon: 2005 Freightliner w/Mercedes power, AutoShift w/new 20’ box and hoist, white w/white box, $57,500; 2000 Mack w/Mack power, 10 spd., new 20’ box and hoist, $44,500; 2001 Western Star w/Cat 2008 DODGE 2500, 122,000 kms for power, 13 spd. w/new 20’ box and hoist, $28,000. Have all types of trucks, all Sask. $47,500. 2010 Loadline 36’ tandem grain safetied. 306-463-8888, Dodsland, SK. trailer, $29,500., like new. All trucks have www.diamonddholdings.ca DL 909463 alum. wheels and will be SK. safetied. 2008 GMC 4x4 Crew $18,955. 8 more GM Please call cell 306-276-7518 or, home 4x4’s in stock. DL #909250. Phone Hoss 306-767-2616, Arborfield, SK., DL 906768 at 1-800-667-4414 www.thoens.com 2007 IH 9200, w/Eaton Ultrashift, Cat, 2 0 0 8 R A M D I E S E L , Q u a d C a b, 4 x 4 , new 20’ BH&T; 1991 Peterbilt, 60 Detroit, $25,975. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. 430, 18 spd., 20’ BH&T, w/pindle and 20’ tandem pup; 1997 FL80, diesel, S/A, with www.thoens.com DL #909250. new 16’ BH&T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca

2009 FORD HARLEY DAVIDSON F350, w/6” lift, 37x13.5x20 tires, 125,000 kms, loaded, $45,000. Millhouse Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 2010 GMC SIERRA GFX Z71, X-cab, black, PST paid, $27,985. 1-800-667-4414, www.thoens.com Wynyard. DL #909250. 2011 DODGE QUAD CAB, 4x4, 4.7L, 31,000 kms., $22,995. Hendry Chrysler, Nokomis, SK. 306-528-2171. DL #907140. 2011 RAM CREW SLT dually diesel 4x4, $43,500. PST paid. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.

1999 GMC C7500 single axle, 427 V8, 5&2, 12’ deck, white, 118,063 km..............................$10,995

Pre-Owned Medium Duty Over 400 new 2012 & 2013 GMC Sport Utilities, Cars, 1/2 Ton, 3/4 Ton + 1 Tons with gas & diesel engines are Discounted To SELL NOW!

2012 Model Clearance

New 2012 3⁄4 ton (2500) S/Box 4 WD Crewcabs 2012 GMC Sierra SLE 2500 HD, 4 WD, Crewcab, S/Box, 6.0L V8, loaded, Mocha steel metallic with ebony cloth MSRP $55,105...SALE Price...$43,995 1 - more 2012 Chev Silverado LT 2500 HD, 4WD, Crewcab S/Box, 6.0L V8, loaded, white with ebony cloth..............................$43,995 4- 2012 Chev Silverado LT & GMC SLE, 2500 HD, 4 WD, Crewcab, S/Box’s, Duramax Diesel, loaded MSRP $66,120. .SALE Price....$52,995

2012 1- Ton (3500 HD) Cab & Chassis

AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #327784. www.davidstrucks.com COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. IH 9900 EAGLE, 20’ box and hoist, 10 spd. auto., Cat C13 motor, 22.5 rubber w/alum. rims. $63,000. 306-621-1631, Yorkton, SK.

2008 DOEPKER SUPER B, good shape, rims and tires 80%. 2013 Doepker Super B’s in stock with lots of colors to pick and with Minimizer fenders. Many more used and new trailers arriving daily. In stock, 2013 Doepker end dumps. 2012 Globe Lowboys, 55 ton now available for your specialty heavy hauling needs. New and used oilfield 2009 VOLVO DAYCAB, 485 HP Cummins tridem scissornecks in stock. Rentals ISX, 13 spd., new clutch, new AC, new rear available. Please visit our website at tires 22.5”, 4:10 rear, truck in great shape, www.macarthurtruck.com 1-800-665-6317 12,000 front, 40,000 rear, 2-Way diff. lock, new paint job a year ago, AR suspension. 2008 PETERBILT 386, daycab, tri-drive, high volume wet kit, 18 spd. Fuller AutoCall 306-485-7157, Oxbow, SK. Shift w/clutch, 500 ISX Cummins, 500,000 kms, $77,500 OBO. Debolt, AB. 780-876-0634

1992 IHC PLOW/sander truck, 10’ belly plow, rear hyd. spinner, Cummins N14, 400+ HP, 15 spd., 514,000 kms, cert. and ready for work, $14,900 OBO. 306-522-7771, Regina, SK. DL #317129. 1993 INTERNATIONAL 4700 SERIES, 390 Int. eng., 6 spd. +1 std trans, $5000 OBO; 53’ DOVETAIL FLATDECK TRAILER, 5th wheel, electric brakes, 2- 10,000 lb. (L. Kowalchuk, Ituna Fab.) tandem axles, $8500 OBO. 306-924-5239, Regina, SK 1997 MACK C600 tandem day cab tractor, 350 Mack, 10 spd., 383,000 kms, $10,500. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. 1997 MACK C600 tandem day cab tractor, 350 Mack, 10 spd., 430,000 kms, $10,000. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. 2- 2002 FREIGHTLINER FLD120 SD’s, 500 Detroit, 18 spd., 46 rears, flat top sleeper, $25,000 ea. 306-325-2021, 306-547-7680, Lintlaw, SK. DL #304675. 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL80, single axle 300 HP, California no rust, 9 spd., AC, 5th wheel, safetied, $19,500, trade considered. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2000 IH 9400, 460 Cummins, 10 spd., good rubber, 1,256,474 kms; Also 2004 Castleton 36’ trailer, open end, 45,757 kms. Both vg condition, pictures available upon request. 306-698-2789, Wolseley, SK 2000 PETERBILT 379, 475 Cat, 13 spd., wet kit, best offer; 1998 Peterbilt 378, day cab, Cat, 10 spd, best offer. 204-870-2050, Portage la Prairie, MB.

2012 GMC Sierra WT, 1 Ton A (3500 HD) cab & chassis, Reg. Cab, 4 WD, 161.5” WB, 84.9” C/A, dual rear wheels, 6.0L V8, 6 spd. Auto trans, locking rear axle, A/C/T, radio, white MSRP $44,655...SALE Price....$33,995

2012 3⁄4 ton (2500 HD) 4 WD Reg. Cab 2012 GMC Sierra WT 2500 HD, 4 WD, Reg. Cab, 6.0L V8, 6 spd. Auto, A/C/T, PL, remote entry, trailer special equip., white with DK Titanium cloth MSRP $44,875. . .SALE Price. . .$33,995



#2 EA ST – W



w w w .w atrousm ainline.com DL#907173

A L L I S O N A U TO M AT I C : 2 0 0 5 C h e v C8500, tandem, 300 HP, dsl., C&C, will take 20’ box, very low miles, $36,900. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, K&L Equipment, Ituna, SK., DL #910885.

2001 PETERBILT, 1.1M kms., 22.5 tires, 60% tread, C12 435 HP, 13 spd. 2006 Doepker 45’ tridem, air ride, 24.5 tires, 60% tread, 3 hopper. Call 306-369-2631 or 306-231-9941, Humboldt, SK. 2001 WESTERN STAR, 450,000 kms, 500 ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 46 rears, wet kit, new slide and fifth wheel, $49,000 OBO. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. 2002 INT. 9900i, 475 Cat, 72” bunk, 22.5 tires, aluminum wheels, fresh safety, $26,500. 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. 2002 KENWORTH W900B, 18 spd., ISK Cummins, 24.5 rubber, fresh safety, $35,000 OBO. 306-441-4954, Maymont, SK. bct@sasktel.net 2003 FREIGHTLINER FLD120 SD, 500 Detroit, 18 spd., 46 rears, flat top sleeper, $29,500. 306-325-2021, 306-547-7680, Lintlaw, SK. DL #304675. 2004 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, 500 Detroit, 18 spd., 46 rears, flat top sleeper, $29,500. 306-325-2021, 306-547-7680, Lintlaw, SK. DL #304675.

2004 KENWORTH, T800 and W900, both C-15, single turbo, 46 rear ends, 18 spds., 720,000 kms, $55,000 each. AUTOMATIC: 2005 FL Columbia, 430 HP, BERG’S GRAIN BODIES: When durability 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. 12 spd. auto., new B&H and roll tarp, and price matter, call Berg’s Prep and Paint 2005 MACK CH613, 686,000 kms, 460 HP, $55,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. for details at 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB. 13 spd, 38,000 lb. Eaton rears, new safety, $35,000. 403-654-0132, Vauxhall, AB. 2005 PETERBILT 379 w/2008 Timpte tridem grain trailer, $80,000. will separate. 306-725-4181, Strasbourg, SK. 2007 KENWORTH T600 Daycab tractor, C13 Cat, 430 HP, 18 spd., super 40 rears w/4 way locks, new 11R24.5 steer tires, new recaps on rear, 195” wheel base. New Alberta safety, $56,000. delivery available. Ask for Jeff 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. NeuStar Manufacturing 2007 MACK CHN, 487 eng., 18 spd Eaton 1470 Willson Place trans., 46 full lock rears, new rubber, new Winnipeg, Manitoba turbo, high ratio rear ends, excellent shape, perfect short haul truck, $52,500 1-204-478-7827 OBO. 780-210-5670, St. Paul, AB. 2007 PETERBILT 378, 500 HP, C15 Cat, 63” bunk, 12,000 fronts, 46,000 rears. 7 to choose from. Still have warranty. $65,000 each. 403-852-4452, Calgary, AB.



2007 W900 L Cat C15, 470 to 650 HP, adjusted with Pittsburgh Power controller, 18 spd., 615,000 kms., flattop sleeper, sunroof, moose bumper, 3 way lockers, 40k rears, emission free, full poly fenders, road ready, new MB. safety, $78,000. Call 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

2008 T-660 KENWORTH, Cat 475, Super 40’s, 670,000 kms.; 2005 IHC 9900i, 18 spd. 46 diff., lockers, low kms; 2006 and 2004 Pete 379, 18 spd., 46 diff., lockers, 960,000 kms; 2007 Freightliner daycab, 60 Series Detroit, 13 spd., Eaton UltraShift; 2006 IH 9200 Eaton UltraShift, 430 Cat, 900,000 kms; 2002 T800 KW, 18 spd., 46 diff., 4-way lock; 2003 Freightliner Classic, Cat, 18 spd., new rubber; 2003 W-900L KW, Cat, recent work orders; 2000 W900 KW, 18 spd., Cat, very clean; 2000 Freightliner Classic, 475 Cat, 18 spd.; 2001 Western Star, 4964, N-14 Cummins, 13 spd.; 1999 Pete, Cat, 13 spd., very clean: 1999 IH Cat, 18 spd.; 1996 Volvo 425, 13 spd., new diff. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca

2009 FREIGHTLINER BUSINESS CLASS M2, 283,255 miles, Allison 6 spd. trans, Cummins ISC 330 HP eng., GVW 25,500, $32,500 OBO. 306-924-5239, Regina, SK. DAYCABS: 2005 Sterling, 400 HP, tandem, $22,500; 1999 IH 9400, 475 HP, 14 and 46’s, 15 spd., $16,000. 306-563-8765. HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: 2007 International 9900, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd., $34,500; 2007 International 9200, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd. UltraShift, $38,500; 2006 International 9900, Cummins 525 HP, 13 spd., $36,500; 2005 Kenworth T800, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd., $28,500; 1996 International 9200, Detroit 365 HP, 10 spd., $13,000. Daycabs: 2008 Paystar 5900, Cummins 550 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, 428,000 kms, $74,000; 2007 International 9900, Cummins 500 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, $44,500; 2007 International 9200, Cummins 475 HP, 13 spd., 46 rears, wet kit, $44,500. Specialty trucks: 1997 Freightliner FLD112 tandem, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ van body, hyd. lift gate, $16,500; 1994 International 9200, Cat 350 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd. tilt and load deck w/winch, $28,000; 1995 Volvo, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd. tilt and load deck, $22,500; 1998 Ford F650, Cummins 190 HP, Allison 4 spd. auto, 16’ deck, $16,500; 2002 Sterling Acterra, Cat 300 H P, 9 s p d . , 2 4 ’ va n b o dy, $ 1 6 , 5 0 0 . 306-567-7262, www.hodginshtc.com Davidson, SK. DL #312974.

READY TO GO! 1988 Kenworth T600, fresh safety, good tires, AC, new wet kit, drives and runs awesome, $18,500 OBO. Phone Resource Auto, Dezi Jones, 306-522-7771, 401 Albert St., Regina, SK. DL #317129.

2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 73” m id -ris e bu n k w ith tw o bed s , 650,752 k m . . $83,000 2010 Ke n w orth T370, 300 HP Pa ca r PX-6, 6 s p , 10,000 fron t20,000 rea r, 3:55 g ea rs , 200” W B, d iff. lock , 202,336 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 4-2009 P e te rb ilt 386 , 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, m id -ris e bu n k , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:55 g ea rs , 500,000 k m . . . $49,000 2009 Fre ig htlin e r M 2-106 D u m p tru c k , 330 HP Cu m m in s IS C, 8LL tra n s , 18,000 fron t46,000 rea r, 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 4:89 g ea rs , 20,000 p u s hera xle, 18’ Leg a ce box, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 227,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 2009 M a c k D a y Ca b , 445 HP M a ck M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, 727,262 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2008 S te rlin g AT9520, 450 HP M BE 4000, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea r, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 232 W B, fla t-top rem ova ble bu n k , 830,942 k m . . . . . . . . $32,000 3-2008 IH P roS ta r, 425 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 10 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 226” W B, 800k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 ,000 2007 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13 13 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 63” fla ttop bu n k , 1,003,733 k m . . . . $45,000 2-2007 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 10 s p , 12/ 40, 36” fla t-top bu n k . . . . . $39,000 2007 IH 9400I, 500 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 18 s p , 14/ 46, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 221” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 874,229 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 244” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 906,719 k m . . . . $43,000 2007 IH 9200I, 425 HP Ca tC13, 12 s p A u tos hiftM eritor, 12/ 40, 3:42 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 220 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 432,845 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 ,000 2006 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 13 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea rs , 238” W B, 1,127,668 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900FA, d a y ca b, 450 HP M erced es M BE4000, 10 s p A u tos hift3 Ped a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 450 HP M erced es , 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , m id -ris e bu n k , 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 2006 M a c k CHN 6 13, 460 HP M a ck , 13 s p , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 12/ 40, 3:73 g ea rs , 238” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 238” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 866,201 k m . . . . . . . $29,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 470 HP Detroit, 13 s p , d a y ca b, 390 g ea rs , 244” W B, 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 1.3K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2005 IH 9900I, 475 HP, Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 46, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 1.6K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,000 2005 IH 9900I, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 1.4K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2005 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” w heels , 208” W B, 36” fla ttop bu n k , 1,160,839 k m . . . . $39,000 d lr# 0122. P h. 204-6 85-2222, M a c G re g or M B. To vie w p ic tu re s of ou r in ve n tory vis it w w w .tita n tru c k s a le s .c om

REDUCED PRICE $55,000, OBO. 1997 truck/trailer T600, 470 HP Detroit, 1995 Doepker Super B, air ride, power openers and tarps, farm truck last 12 yrs. May be sold separately. For pics or info call or text 780-405-8638, Fort Saskatchewan, AB.

REPOSSESSED, ATTN CONTRACTORS/ RANCHERS: 2008 Ford F550, 4x4, dually, fully loaded, 6.7L diesel, auto w/12’ deck, power train warranty until May 31, 2013, excellent condition, only 65,000 kms. Email saskwestfinancial@sasktel.net for photos and bidding instructions. Sold to the highest bidder. TRUCKS FOR SALE: 2000 to 2008, all tandem. 250-426-2113, 250-424-5592 eves, Cranbrook, BC.

2008 COLLINS 18’ truck van body., fiberglass roof, hyd. tailgate lift, $4500. St. Louis, SK. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale or rent, weekly / monthly / seasonally, with or without driver. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027 or email: ladimer@sasktel.net

1983 WALTER C4500, 1000 gal. tank, roof turret and bumper turret, underbody nozzles, 4 WD, $30,000. Great harvest support vehicle. 403-312-0776, Calgary AB FIRE TRUCK FOR SALE: 1964 Fargo 500, 800 gallon capacity, 425 GPM front-mount pump, $10,000. Call 306-662-2883, R.M. of Big Stick No. 141, Golden Prairie, SK. 2008 DODGE 3500 HD, quad cab, 6.7 dsl., 6 spd. std., 130,000 kms, Falcon multi-deck, extra fuel w/pump, vg cond., asking $39,500. 403-862-6760, Cayley, AB. 2006 FORD F350 crew cab 4x4 with deck, not dually, 5.4L gas, auto, needs rubber, $5800. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. TWO LATE MODEL low mileage dump trucks, Allison automatic. Call for details 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK.



1986 MACK S/A, good shape, recent vehi- 2012 JEEP LIBERTY Sport, 4x4, $21,975. cle inspection, 5th wheel, deck, cupboards, www.thoens.com 1-800-667-4414, WynEspar heater, Lincoln welder #350 dsl. yard, SK. DL #909250. w/remote. $21,500. Retiring. Fort St. John, BC. 250-785-3117, 250-262-1456. 1997 IH 9400, 430 Detroit, 10 spd., 5 year old 15’ gravel box, new clutch, injectors, AC, pintle plate, 24.5 alum. budds; 2000 FL-80, Cummins, 6 spd., 24’ van body with power tailgate. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca

2006 KENWORTH T800, Cat C15, 13 spd. Ultrashift, 790,000 kms, 40,000 rears, full poly fenders, c/w new 50 gal. wet kit, 10 new tires, new SK safety, exc. cond., ready to go, $51,000. 204-743-2324, website www.cypresstrucksandequipment.com at Cypress River, MB. SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chassis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE and Range Rider canopies and service caps. www.northtownmotors.com Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871.

2004 IHC TA PICKER/WINCH tractor, Cummins 1SX eng., 18 spd. trans., 46,000 lb. rears, 20,000 lb. fronts, double diff. locks, double frame, Hendrickson air ride, 300” WB, c/w Terex 10 ton picker w/3 hyd. sections, 53’ boom, hyd. truck winch, approx. 8100 hrs, approx. 283,000 kms, $55,000. 204-648-7129, Grandview, MB.

1992 IHC 4700 single axle with 22’ van body, DT466, 6 spd., good rubber, $6500. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. 1994 IH 4900 18’ flatdeck w/hoist, 466 diesel, very good condition. Fall clearance $24,500, trade considered. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 1995 GMC C7500 single axle C&C, 366 on propane, 10 spd. on air, 325,000 kms, $3000. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. 1996 MACK SINGLE axle with 24’ van body, Mack diesel, 6 speed, $5500. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. 1997 IHC 4700 single axle DT466, 6 spd., short wheel base, well maintained, good rubber, $6000. 403-680-0752, Calgary. 2003 IHC 4300 single axle C&C, DT466, Allison auto., hyd. brakes, 318,000 kms, $10,000. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. CAN-AM TRUCK EXPORT LTD., Delisle, SK, 1-800-938-3323. 2005 IHC 9400, C15 Cat, 18 spd., 46 rears, 4-way locks, ProSleeper, new safety, $28,500; 1991 IHC 4700, Detroit 466, Allison auto, 12’ gravel unit w/sand spreader, front mount snowplow, hyd. disc brakes, $22,000; 1999 Fliner Century, 60 Detroit, 13 spd., 40 rears, w/40” sleeper, $14,000; New 18’ equipment trailer, 14,000 lb. capacity, tilt deck, $8500; 2007 F550 XLT, 4x4, 6.0L dsl., auto, 264,000 kms, equipped with 060-3 Hiab crane, $32,000; 2003 IHC Eagle, ISX Cummins, 13 spd., 40 rears, new wet kit, air ride, 3-way locks, $28,000; 2004 KW T300, ISC 285 HP Cummins, auto, 36,500 GVW, only 406,000 kms, $24,000; 1999 Lode-King drop deck 53’ tridem, air ride, $22,000; 1985 Grove 308, 8 ton crane, 2600 hrs, $24,000; 1978 Grove 17-1/2 ton carry deck crane, $26,000; Cat VC110, 11,000 lb. forklift, $12,000; 1998 FL80, 8.3 Cummins, 10 spd. 23 rear, $14,000; 1998 CH Mack 460, 18 spd., 40 rears, 18 front, only 209,000 kms w/21’ deck, and 300 Hiab crane, like new, $50,000; 2004 Sterling, 300 Mercedes Benz engine, Allison auto w/15’ roll off deck, only 150,000 kms, $32,000; 2004 IHC 4200 w/365 Allison auto, w/16’ reefer unit, $30,000; 2004 KW 600, 475 Cat, 13-40, clean truck, $34,000; 2006 IHC 4400, DT 466, 6 spd., 24’ van and tailgate loader, clean loaded up truck, $32,000; 1985 IHC 1954 w/Hydro-Vac unit, only 58,000 kms, $24,000; Gen sets available. Financing available OAC. For other listings www.can-amtruck.com DL #910420.

PRICES REDUCED! Allison Auto, 2008 Freightliner M2, C&C, tag axle, Cummins engine, LWB, will take 20’ box, $24,900; Allison Auto, 2008 Freightliner M2, C&C, SA, 12 fronts, 21 rears, LWB, $19,900; 2000 IHC 9100, daycab, C&C, 350 HP Cummins, 10 spd., safetied, only 360,000 miles, $16,900; 2003 Mack, 475 HP, 18 spd., 48” flat-top bunk, double lockers, fresh safety, 1.4 kms, $19,900; 1996 22’ alum. end dump trailer, grain or gravel, safetied, $14,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, Ituna, SK., Ladimer 306-795-7779 or Chris 306-537-2027. DL #910885. 1996 FORD F350 cube van, diesel, 203,000 kms, 20’ van, $3500. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. 2001 CHEV ASTRO cargo van, all wheel 2005 JEEP WRANGLER Unlimited Rubicon, d r i v e , 2 3 7 , 0 0 0 k m s , A C , $ 3 5 0 0 . exc. cond., always stored in garage, dual 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. top option, auto. trans, black, 246,000 kms, $9900 OBO. 204-572-7999, Grand- 2006 PONTIAC MONTANA SV6 7 pass., V6 auto, loaded, 37,000 kms, minor hail damview, MB. age, $9000. 403-680-0752, Calgary, AB. 2007 DODGE NITRO SXT, 4x4, $13,988. www.thoens.com 1-800-667-4414, Wyn- 2007 ACADIA-8 passenger, SUV, AWD, female driven, all highway kms, $10,000 yard, SK. DL #909250. OBO. Phone 306-748-2732, Neudorf, SK. 2007 YUKON DANALI, fully loaded, exc. shape, $19,500 OBO. Call 306-886-2073, 306-873-8526, Bjorkdale, SK. 2010 FORD EXPEDITION EL XLT 4x4, white w/gray leather, seats 8, 129,000 kms, $29,000. 306-377-2111, Herschel, SK

PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS welding Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. and light fabricating. Unique patented product. Mainly agricultural. Peak sales www.privebuildingmovers.com from Sept. to March. Owned for 27 years, still room for growth. Moveable anywhere. World is your market, $195,000 + inventory at cost. 50x70’ shop on 157x370’ lot, $295,000. Can be a turnkey operation or addition to an existing business. Must sell 2006 FORD FREESTAR SEL, loaded, DVD GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new for health reasons. 306-446-4462, North entertainment center, leather, 7 passen- and existing farms and businesses. Battleford, SK. prairiepines@yahoo.com ger, only 108,000 kms., SK. tax paid. Awe- 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. some people mover. Call Cam-Don Motors VERY WELL MAINTAINED 5-plex located Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. in Rosetown, SK. No pets, no smokers. Excellent occupancy rates. Contact Dwein or Andrew at 306-221-1035, 306-370-9597, Dwein Trask Realty, Saskatoon, SK.

2011 CHEVROLET EXPRESS VAN 3500, gas, 15 passenger, extended, 28,000 miles, power and tinted windows, rear heat, AC, nice clean van, $25,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

DOWNTOWN KELOWNA, BC. In the center of the cultural district, small market/ butcher shop/ deli/ produce/ dairy/ specialty and import foods for sale. In two strata units, ground floor of condo, surrounded by condos. Two big projects BUYING ALL GRADES of BEESWAX. Also about to start 1/2 block away. Land and providing rendering service. Hilbert Honey business, or just business. $1,450,000. Contact Mike O’Rourke, 250-469-0172. Ltd. 306-682-3717, Humboldt, SK.

PELOQUIN WELDING a manufacturer of hopper bottoms for 30 years would like to sell the business as a going concern, no buildings or location involved. If fabricating or manufacturing is in your blood, this WILL DO STYROBLOCK cocoon removal. could be for you. For more information call Call: Maurice Wildeman 306-365-4395, Francis at 204-647-7750, Laurier, MB. 306-365-7802, Lanigan, SK. LINTLAW, 4 ACRES, school with gym, good shape, many applications. On #11 Hwy., in Craik, Bar and Grill, turnkey, housing available. Vanguard, starter bar and grill, reasonable housing avail., vendor USED BELTING, 12” to 54” wide for feed- may carry, for sale or lease. Investment ers and conveyors, 30” wide by 3/4” Opportunity in Balken oil play area. Inthick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, dustrial building and land with national 780-842-2491 anytime, Wainwright, AB. lease in place. On #39 Hwy. in small town, 7300 sq. ft. building on 2 acres, great for truckers. 93 acres development land 7 miles north on #11 Hwy. near Saskatoon. SOLD: Leland Hotel, Wolseley, SK, good volume, liquor vendor, food and rooms. Yellow Grass, 2700 sq. ft. restaurant lounge near Weyburn, potential for liquor sales. Near larger ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” confectionary, motel, food and beverage business boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, city, on #1 Hwy. Regina, volume liquor 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. outlet with bar, food large and some room inLog siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, come are available. Ph. Brian Tiefenbach 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, 306-536-3269 or 306-525-3344 at NAI 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. PINE, POPLAR AND BIRCH: 1” and 2” V- OWN YOUR OWN Business. Looking for joint, shiplap, log siding, 1”x8” and 1”x10” online trainers. Flexible hrs, work from boards. Phone 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. home. Free information and training. www.123excelyourlife.com WANTED: GAS OR DIESEL 3 cyl. engine from Ford 3000 or 3600, or Sellick 5000 forklift. Jamie 306-946-9864, Young, SK. LEAFCUTTER LARVAE in nest and/or loose cell, Wolf and Plastifab nests. See our website for details grevefarms.com Reg Greve, Lanigan, SK. 306-528-4610.

MACSWANEY’S CABINS AND LODGE, Tobin Lake’s premium four season resort, i p aw i n , S K . , $ 7 7 5 , 0 0 0 . D e t a i l s at CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no ex- N posed screws to leak or metal overlaps. www.macswaneyscabins.com Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church- TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! es, pig barns, commercial, arch rib build- New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for ing and residential roofing; also available sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. Located on 3 acres with great location on highway. Great customer base! Selling due to health concerns. Serious inquiries only please! Call 306-232-4767. AFFORDABLE BUSINESS Opportunity... 25 minutes from Saskatoon, SK! 2842 sq. ft. building on 75’x132’ lot, currently operating as salon and estetics, with chiro and massage. Owner willing to sell real estate only. Zoned for commercial and residential usage. $145,000. MLS. Call Michael 306-229-6743, Hallmark Realty or view at www.michaelkinar.com

FALL INTERNET 2012 AUCTION Prince$Albert 19,000





Mainero 2230 Grain Bagger

See our Showroom for the best selection & savings in Sask.

Take Home Windows Feature!

Grain Bags Canada Box 3129

Item # 926

W IN D O W S !W IN D O W S !


As a standard feature, it has a hopper to receive the grain self unloading grain carts or trucks. It has generous dimensions an upper opening the facilitates the task of the operator and it minimizes risks of material losses during bag filling. If the unloading is carried out from trucks with side panel discharge instead of using the hopper an auger hydraulically driven by the tractor is used. This auger has it’s own wheels and axis in order to be connected to the bagger and for transport purposes. The filling tunnel offers the possibility to work with 9 foot (2.74 meters) diameter and either 60 or 75 meter long bags.

Humboldt, SK 306-682-5888 www.grainbagscanada.com

Bidding Closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp!

Only A Few Days Left To Bid! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315

FURNACE DUCT CLEANING van and equipm e n t fo r s a l e , v g c o n d . , $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 . POSITIVE YIELD FINANCIAL INC. Corporate Farm Income Tax is our field. If you 403-341-5866 evenings, Red Deer, AB. want help setting up your farm corp or you DO YOU HAVE an empty barn and want are looking for a new tax preparer please to raise ducks? For info ph 780-450-6103, contact us at 306-450-1569 or email us at adam@positiveyieldfinancial.com Based in 780-504-5747, Edmonton, AB. Regina, SK. SMALL MANUFACTURING SHOP and residence. 40 years of operation with estab- FARMERS NEED FINANCIAL HELP? Go to: lished product line. Owner retiring. Turn- www.bobstocks.ca or call 306-757-1997. key operation. 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. Regina, SK.

Low E ✔Argon ✔No Charge ✔ Sealed Picture Windows .........From $89.95 Horizontal/Vertical Gliders......From $109.99 Casement Windows...............From $189.99 Basement Awning Windows. .From $169.99 Storm Doors .........................From $159.99 Steel Insulated Door Units.........From $149.99 Patio Door Units ....................From $549.99 Garden Door Units ................From $799.99

VINYL SIDING • Popular Profile 99 • Good Colors! $


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JOIN ONE of Western Canada’s fastest growing tire chains today! TreadPro Tire Centres is always looking for new members. TreadPro offers group controlled distribution through our 5 warehouses located in BC, AB, and SK. Exclusive brands and pricing for each TreadPro Dealer, 24/7 access to online ordering backed up with sales desk support. Our marketing strategies are developed for the specific needs of Western Canadian Dealers. Signage, displays, vehicle identification, group uniforms also important for visual impact and recognition are affordable with the support of the TreadPro Group. Product and sales training arranged according to your needs. Exclusive territory protection, reinforced with individual territory managers and home office support. Find out more about the unique features of the TreadPro group today. Our team will be happy to arrange a personal meeting with you to further discuss how TreadPro is the right fit. Contact 1-888-860-7793 or go online to www.treadpro.ca



Burron Lumber

306-652-0343, Saskatoon, SK 6 BRAND NEW bath tubs, still in boxes, oval style, acrylic , $200 each OBO. BOOMING BUSINESS in Assiniboia, SK. 306-375-2910, ext. 101, Kyle, SK. 3000 sq. ft. car/truck wash with water 4’, 5’, or 8’ SHELVING for display, like new. vending. Completely upgraded, renovated. Phone Bob at 306-883-7817, Spiritwood, Low maintenance. Reduced $599,900 SK. OBO. Call 306-640-8569.

2006 SULLAIR, 425 CFM, portable air compressor, 4694 hrs, $17,500. Financing available. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB.

NEW AND USED computers for sale, repairs 72 hour turn around time. Authorized Telus Dealer. Try the Telus Smart Hub for your internet connection. Main Street Computer Solutions, Rosetown, SK., call 306-882-4432.

FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, CUSTOM FEEDING and backgrounding Regina, SK. heifers and cows, reasonable rates. Will also custom calve. For more information DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too call 306-492-4652, Dundurn, SK. high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. TTS BALE HAULING LTD. custom round NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says picking and hauling. Two self-loading/unn o ? I f y e s t o a b o v e t h r e e , c a l l loading units, 17- 34 bales. Ph. Tyson 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. 306-867-4515, 306-855-2010, Glenside SK SELF-LOAD/ UNLOAD BALE truck, 34 bale capacity, SK or MB. Call: 306-435-7865, Moosomin, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING with 2 trucks and WEYBURN INLAND TERMINAL SHARES t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l Good investment pays dividends. Contact 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. 306-869-7322 (Cell), Radville, SK. EQUIPMENT HAULING. Now offering tilt deck, swather transport and RGN trailer capabilities. Serving western Canada and northwest USA. Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd., Nobleford, AB. Contact dispatch at FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS 1-877-824-3010. We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, small Custom operator issues; Equipment mal- o r l a r g e l o a d s . Tr av e l a n y w h e r e . function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call 306-382-0785, Vanscoy, SK. Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

48 LABATT BLUE Stanley Cups, 26 Labatt Blue beer bottles $400 OBO; 2 Ducks Unlimited collectible adult bikes, never ridden, $300/ea or $500/pair; Soda pop bottle collection, lots of Coke, Pepsi, Ginger Ale, and big variety of other bottles. Lots of bigger bottles. Call Tim at 306-402-7255, Eston, SK.

O3 EQUIPMENT HAULING Ltd. Professional transportation of equipment in Western Canada and NW USA. Call 403-963-2476, Lacombe, AB. www.o3hauling.com

CUSTOM BALE HAULING self-loading and stacking 17 bales. Fast, effective and MINIATURE LIQUOR BOTTLES, 236 plus, e c o n o m i c a l . B o o k n o w, w i l l t r ave l . 95% seal in tact c/w wall mount display 306-946-7438, Saskatoon, SK. cases. Large selection of regular size liqueur bottles, some seals in tact. Also CUSTOM BALE HAULING, self-loading large selection of related collectibles, ask- and unloading 17 bale truck. Radisson, SK. 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. ing $750. 780-434-5169, Edmonton, AB.

FALL INTERNET 2012 AUCTION Prince$Albert 129





Storage Case for Model 919® tester New storage/transport case for Model 919® moisture tester and digital scale. Custom designed case fits any Model 919® tester … new or old. Install and use your Model 919® directly inside case along with any digital scale. Protects your meter when not in use. Disclaimer: FOB Winnipeg, MB. Dimo’s Labtronics 12 Bangor Ave

Item # 114-115

Winnipeg, MB 204-772-6998 www.labtronics.ca

Bidding Closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp!

Only A Few Days Left To Bid! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315


FORESTRY BRUSH MULCHING. Fast, effective brush and tree clearing. Call 306-212-7896 or 306-232-4244. BLASTING OF DAMS, rocks, culverts, water ways and crushing of concrete. Call 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and bobcat services. Metal siding and roofs. Will do any kind of work. 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith SK, 4tcontractorsinc@sasktel.net BUSH CLEARING and DUGOUTS. Dozer and trackhoe combo. Serving southern SK. Call Vos Industries 306-529-1875, Sedley. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1900; 160x60x14’ $2700; 180x60x14’ $3100; 200x60x14’ $3500. Saskatoon, SK, Phone: 306-222-8054. EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. www.borysiukcontracting.ca MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, stumps, carriganas, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly mulching. Call today! 306-933-2950. Visit: www.maverickconstruction.ca NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and vertical beater spreaders. Phone 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. CUSTOM SILAGING and corral cleaning. Reasonable rates. JD chopper with kernel processor and inoculant applicator. Two semi units w/34’ trailers w/live bottom floors. Rubber tired loader with onboard scale and printer. Covering AB. and SK. Call Brian at Supreme Agri Service for bookings. 403-580-7148, Medicine Hat, AB

LIFTS AND CRANES- Low, Low Prices. Linkbelt LS98 dragline with 1-1/2 yd bucket; Droh 40B Cruz air excavator w/4-53 Det. diesel; New and used buckets, many types; JLG 80’ manlift; 6 scissor lifts up to 52’; 2 telescopic forklifts up to 40’ reach; 15 forklifts, propane gas, diesel, up to 10 ton capacity; New and used pallet forks over 50 sets in stock! Ph 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.


FORKLIFTS AND SNOWPLOWS, 8’, 10’, 12’. 2001 VOLVO 240 hyd. excavator, hyd. 306-445-2111, www.eliasmfgltd.com thumb, two buckets, very good condition, North Battleford, SK. 780-284-5500, Edmonton, AB. 1979 CASE DROTT No. 40 trackhoe, 471 Detroit, good running machine, $15,000 OBO. 306-276-3248, 306-768-2151, Carrot River, SK.

WANTED: EXCAVATOR preferably model 200 to 270, JD, Komatscu, Case or Hitachi, year 2000 to 2005. Must have a thumb. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. PORTABLE TOILET SALES: New 5 Peaks 8’x14’ TIMBER SWAP mats, 6” thick, $480 portable toilets, assembled or unassem- each. 306-742-7772, Churchbridge, SK. bled. Call for quotes. 5 Peaks Dist., Western Canada Inc www.5peaksdistributors.ca COMPACTION EQUIPMENT: 5 Sheepsfoot PT packers; 4 SP vibratory compacsales@5peaksdistibutors.ca 877-664-5005 tors; 7 SP walk behind vibratory compacWANTED: ROME PLOW Model TAW, 15’, tors. Ph 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932. must be in good condition. 306-342-4968, Winnipeg, MB. Glaslyn, SK.

LOW HOURED Construction Equipment C a t e r p i l l a r, K o m a t s u , e t c . P h o n e 815-239-2309, Illinois. 2001 NH DC100 DOZER, 6-way blade, 2 barrel, 3 shank ripper, Cummins, hydro. trans., joystick controls, 3500 hrs., UC 90%, nice machine, $34,000. Carrot River, EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, SK., ph 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888. track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini excavators. Visit www.glenmor.cc for more details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone 1-888-708-3739, Prince Albert, SK. VARIOUS BLADES, RIPPERS and canopies for D6, D7, D8 Cats. Brush rake for D7 and D8 size Cats, needs some TLC, $3000; Wagon style alum. gravel pup, as is $7000. Danny Spence, Speers, SK. 306-246-4632.

CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at www.conterraindustries.com HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK D8H CAT w/cab, motor, torque, trans., recently rebuilt and work great. Final drives leak and steering system needs work. Bush is all cleared and now disposing of this Cat for best offer. 204-649-2276, Pierson, MB.

OVER 80 POWER UNITS IN STOCK, tested and work ready. From 3.5 to 193 KW, gas and diesel. Many units parted out. CAT D7E, S/N 47A00197, std. trans, good Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, motor, overhauled pup motor, track rails Winnipeg, MB. are wore, rollers good, brush canopy, runs CAT D8K crawler dozer c/w angle dozer good, $12,000. 306-969-4427, Gladmar SK and ripper, cab guards, sweeps, vg cond. SOLID DEAL: over the tire rubber tracks Call 780-284-5500, Westlock, AB. for skidsteer, $2900. Phone 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK. WANTED: D7-17A CAT or HD16 Cat in fair working condition. Call 306-547-2836, Hazel Dell, SK. HITACHI EX200 HYD. excavator, well kept farm trackhoe, $31,000. For more info. call 306-795-7608 or, 306-795-7617, Ituna, SK USED PARTS FOR TS-14 Terex motor scraper. Other parts available. Phone: 306-752-3968, Melfort, SK. 1996 624G JD wheel loader, QA 3.5 yard bucket and forks, rebuilt JD engine, new 20.5R25 front tires, very good tight machine, $52,000. Carrot River, SK. Phone 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888.

ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ 2005 JD MODEL 320 skidsteer, w/new blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterpris- tires, 2384 hrs, $17,000. 204-864-2391, es, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Hum- 204-981-3636, Chartier, MB. boldt, SK, www.cwenterprises.ca CAT HYD. PULL SCRAPERS: 463, 435, SNOW TIME IS ALMOST HERE! 23 skid- 80, 70, and 60, all very good cond., recent steer and 4 WD loaders. Just received a conversion. Can deliver. 204-793-0098, truckload of skidsteer snow buckets and Stony Mountain, MB. 90” snow push blades; 30 snow blades for truck and farm tractors; Brush rakes for HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40 dozers and loaders; Electric power plants, yards: Caterpillar, AC/LaPlant, LeTourmany sizes. Several hundred misc. items. neau, Kokudo, etc. Pull type and direct Two yards over 50 acres, attachments of mount avail.; Bucyrus Erie 20 yard cable, all types. New replacement parts at low, $5000; pull type motor grader, $14,900; low prices. Phone 204-667-2867, fax tires avail. Call 204-822-3797, Morden, MB 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 CAT D-6R HIGH track, slightly used, new yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, kind of tracks, 42 links, link #234-9699H, custom conversions avail. Looking for Cat 30” pads, $13,900. for pair. 204-743-2324, cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd, 306-231-7318,306-682-4520,Muenster SK. Cypress River, MB. 2003 ATLAS COPCO 185CFM compressor, 2005 CAT D6N crawler dozer, wide path, 995 hours, JD engine, vg, $8500; Also 6-way, winch, sweeps, cab guards, exc. large blasting pot. Carrot River, SK. cond,4800 hrs.780-284-5500,Westlock,AB. 306-768-2827, 306-768-7888. 140G CAT GRADER S/N 81V00642, c/w Weldco Beales dozer and wing, 2’ ext. on blade, Espar heater, tires at 75%, tire chains, asking price $50,000 OBO. Call 780-648-3950, Whitecourt, AB. ATTACHMENTS: SKIDSTEER, pallet forks hay spears, augers, buckets. Conquest Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.

N E W 1 0 ’ A N D 1 2 ’ B I G D O G B OX SCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, avail. in 24’’ and 42” high back. Starting at $3600. Also new B.I.L. box scrapers and centre pivot up to 20’. Wholesale pricing to western provinces. www.triplestarmfg.com or call 204-871-1175 or 1-866-862-8304. REDUCED PRICES MUST SELL NOW! CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some 1987 Michigan L320 loader, 400 HP, 9 o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . yard; 1993 Terex 2566B 6x6 rock truck 25 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. 2013 V-WING DITCHERS. Order now beton capacity; 1986 and 1989 Case 1085B fore they are sold out. Delivered to your excavators, Cummins dsl.; 1979 Champion 2001 KOMATSU 250 payloader, quick at- farm by Sept., 2013. 204-734-0303. Check 740 std. trans., 6-71; 1989 Champion 740, tach bucket, 20.5x25 tires. Danny Spence, out v-wing ditcher on U-tube. powershift, L10 Cummins; 1994 Ford F700 Speers, SK. 306-246-4632. $2,000 2 WD, with drill and compressor; GD 450 EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, dozOFF a i r c o m p r e s s o r. 2 0 4 - 6 6 7 - 2 8 6 7 , f a x ers, loaders, compactors, etc. Conquest 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. WANTED: LAND BREAKING equipment: SKIDSTEERS: CAT 297, 277B; Bobcat plow, heavy disc, root picker, mulcher. S220, S185, T250; JD 325. Conquest 780-928-2621, 780-926-9107, La Crete AB Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 16B PUSH CAT w/80 cargo winch, factory 2006 CAT 287B skidsteer, 960 hrs., new ROP cab and push block, undercarriage tracks, HI-FLOW, c/w bucket, $52,000 fairly good cond., cat needs some engine OBO. 780-763-2179, Myrnam, AB. work. Also have new and used parts for GENIE Z45/25 ARTICULATING 16B. Call 306-634-6081, Benson, SK. 1986 IT28 CAT loader; 1980 Michigan 55 ‘06 BOOMLIFT - 45’, 4x4, Deutz 3 cyl diesel, LETOURNEAU 14 to 16 yard scraper, loader, ex-govt. 6000 hrs.; 1998 Case 48hp, 1,347 hrs., max. load 500 lbs, $36,800. $25,000, 2- Woolridge 14 yard scrapers, 580E, 4x4 forklift; 1998 Linde 14,000 lb. Trades welcome. Financing available. $25,000 ea; Cat 80, $30,000. All converted forklift; 5-T300 KW, S/A, LWB; T300 KW, 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com S/A, 25’ rollback deck and winch; T800 to hydraulic. 306-338-7114, Clair, SK. KW, TA, LWB; 2001 Sterling TA, 25’ deck ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades TS14G TWIN ENGINE MOTOR SCRAPER, and crane. Other trucks and equipment and bearings; 24” to 36” notched disc exc. cond., low hrs. Phone 780-284-5500, available. Venture Farms. 306-256-3301 blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. or, 306-221-2166, Cudworth, SK. www.kelloughs.com Westlock, AB.

WE ARE BUYING!!! Looking for later model equipment for SALVAGE.


Also interested in other equipment suitable for salvage.

1999 SNORKEL ARTICULATING boom lift, 60’, Cummins diesel engine, 2277 hrs, $22,500. Financing available. Chartier, MB. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636.

PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase motors, on single phase. 204-800-1859. 1993 D-85-E-21 KOMATSU twin tilt angle dozer, full canopy guarded, new AC and heat, bush ready, rebuilt motor, trans, torque and new radiator, new U/C w/26” pads, 2 tong ripper. Warranty. Consider t r a d e . C a n d e l i v e r, $ 1 4 2 , 0 0 0 . P h . 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK. www.tismtrrewind.com

GRADER CHAMPION D600, good cond., $10,000. 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK. CAT D7G, w/WINCH, ropes w/sweeps and guarded, bush ready, twin tilts, $37,000. 780-284-5500, Edmonton, AB.

DIESEL AND GAS ENGINES for tractors, combines and swathers. JD, IH, Perkins, Cat, Ford. Early and late models. One year w a r r a n t y. P h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 . www.combineworld.com 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regina, SK REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 24v 5.9L Cummins, $7500 installed; GM Duramax Ford 6.0L, $8500 installed. Other new, used, and Reman. diesel engines avail. Can ship or install. Call 204-532-2187, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Mon. to Fri., Thickett Engine Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB.

1-866-974-7678 FREE QUOTE

IntegrityPostStructures.com SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Super Fall Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black steel, $4700; 30x70 double truss P/R, $6995; 38x100 double truss P/R, $11,900; 42x100 double truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738 silverstreamshelters.com

3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Agribition and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, Super sale. Book your next fabric building 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. at the show and save. 38x100 truss P/R $11,250; 42x100 truss P/R $13,950; USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Spe- 30x72 single black steel $4595. Sale runs cializing in Cummins, have all makes, large week of show only. See Rick at booth inventory of parts, repowering is our spe- #800 in Credit Union Eventplex. Toll free cialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB. 1-877-547-4738, Regina, SK.

1 877-413-1774


Email: info@terrateam.ca

www.terrateam.ca HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2004 KOBELCO SK290 LC; 2005 Komatsu PC270LC-7L; 2006 CAT 330D; 2006 JD 270 CLC; 2008 Hitachi ZX350 LC-3; 1998 Cat 325BL, all units c/w 2 buckets and hyd. thumbs.780-361-7322, Edmonton, AB CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 leave message, Humboldt, SK. CASE 450 CRAWLER dozer, 6-way blade, $17,500. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. www.waltersequipment.com

This is a sale you don’t want to miss!

All Models & Sizes up to 45% OFF! 20 W X 20 L $3,985* 25 W X 24 L $4,595* 30 W X 36 L $6,859*

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Oval 1600 Imperial Gallon Water Hauling Tank Only four feet high, this low profile all fiberglass, baffled water hauling tank is ideal for transporting water to your home or sprayer. Heavy duty construction, white gel coated exterior, 1600 imperial gallon capacity.




Tire 10X16.5, Tubeless, 10 Ply, BIAS, Set of 4 Pcs. Tire 10X16.5, Tubeless, 10 Ply, BIAS, Set of 4 Pcs. Won items must be picked up or shipped out before December 15, 2012. Storage fee of $10/day applies for unclaimed items beyond Dec 15, 2012.





Wheat & Barley 250 Count Seed Rulers Count out 1000 kernels of wheat and/ or barley in a quick and easy fashion. Used for determination of 1000 kernel weight for seeding.

Disclaimer: All items, FOB Elstow, SK. No warranty for auction items.

Disclaimer: FOB Saskatoon, SK.

Item # 323


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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H I G H TEN S I LE R OOFI N G & S I D I N G $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


W O O D CO UN TRY Es te va n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 3 4-5111 M cLe a n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 9 9 -728 4 Tis da le , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-8 73 -443 8

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SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Single Steel Fabric Buildings Super Sale, 30x72 galvanized Gatorshield P/R frame and cover kits. Limited quantity, call to book early. On sale for $5790 plus freight. Call: 1-877-547-4738, silverstreamshelters.com



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See us for competitive prices and efficient service! 26/(5 6$6. 3+ )$;





Em a il: s a les @ m kw eld ing.ca

14’ HOPPER CONE up to 2000 bu. bin with 8x4 skid, 7 legs

18-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 5000 bu.) with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs


Only$ 11,065.00

19’ HOPPER CONE up to 4000 bu. bin with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs

21-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 6800 bu.) with double 8x4 skid, 14 legs


Only$ 15,080.00 O ther Skid Sizes Available.

W e m ake H opper Cones for allm akes of bins. Also SteelFloors & Skid Packs.

Prices subjectto change – Q uantities are Lim ited.Prices do not included freightor set-up.Trucking Available for AB,SK & M B



w w w .go o do n.co m HIP ROOF BARN to be moved, 44’x50’, 27’ high, all metal clad, red walls, galvanized roof, $5000. 306-882-3347, Rosetown, SK.

YEAR END SPECIAL on Westeel 10,300 bu. hopper bins c/w skid foundation and LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid aeration. Grain Bin Direct 306-373-4919. Openers, 18� to 39�. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Di- LARGE DIAMETER wind damage bin repair. Call Dale at Quadra Development Corp., rect, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK. 1-800-249-2708, Rocanville, SK.

Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld ing.ca

FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837.

BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK.

DON’T PAY UNTIL Oct., 2013- Book your hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com Meridian fertilizer bins now and don’t pay hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com until next fall. Order before Jan. 1 and get hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com free options +$300 cash back. Options include manway/view glass/pokehole and Download the Levalert. 4100 bu., 5000 bu. and 5800 bu. free app today. bins on special. Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or go to www.flaman.com

Rouleau, SK

8- 1615 FRIESEN fert./grain bins, exc. cond., 3200 bu., Epoxy coated c/w skid, $10,000 ea. 306-631-7099 Moose Jaw, SK.

w w w .z ip p e rloc k .c om

POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins hoppers. Construction and concrete STEEL FARM BUILDING PACKAGES. and available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel 40x80x18’- $27,000; 50x100x18’- $38,000; crews Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. 60x100x18’- $45,000; 30x16 sliding doors$3000. Winter bookings for spring deliv- DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ery. www.prairiesteel.com Prairie Steel, ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any Clavet, SK. 1-888-398-7150. length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz

Shops & Pole Sheds Post & Stick Frame Building Riding Arenas D airy, H og, & C hicken Barns

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Leading the industry in quality post frame construction


BIG BIN S priced fro m .55/Bu shel(Bin o n ly)

REN N M ill Cen ter In c.


(403) 78 4-3518

w w w .ren n m ill.co m WINTER BOOKING SPECIAL- Only $2.33 bu. for a 10,400 bu. Unstiffened Twister 24-06HT hopper bin on 24’ welded cone. Includes set up, delivery extra. Book before Jan. 1 and receive a free 7 HP inline fan ($1900 value). Ask about upgrading to a spiral staircase for .10¢/bu. Available from Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626 and Prince Albert 1-888-352-6267. www.flaman.com NEW AND USED grain baggers and extractors available for sale or rent. Call Mike at 306-934-1414, Warman, SK. WINTER BOOKING: 5000 bu. Superior bin combos, $11,200; 8000 bushel Superior combos, $17,500. Limited quantity avail. We make hopper bottoms and steel floors for all makes of bins. Try o u r U - We l d k i t s . 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 2 4 0 8 o r 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 4 3 0 6 , M i d d l e L a ke , S K . www.middlelakesteel.com GRAIN BAG EXTRACTORS- 9108 grain extractors for sale starting at $14,900. Reengineered auger drill, field ready! Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.



Manufacturing---Sales--Financing--Delivery---Set- up





/($6( <285 %,16 83 72 <($5 7(506 $9$,/$%/(

A ll Bin s c/ w Roof a n d W a ll La d d ers , A u to Lid O p en ers , W a ll Ca g es , S a ftifils , Roof M a n holes , Exterior a n d In terior Door, Roof Ven ts , Roof S a fety Rin g s , Ba s e M ou n t, Com p lete Con crete Pa d s , Fu ll Floor A era tion , Com p lete Un loa d a n d S w eep S ys tem s , A ll La bou r a n d Freig ht.

$// +233(5 %,1 &20%2 6 ,1&/8'( 7+(6( 67$1'$5' )($785(6

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&86720 &21(6 $9$,/$%/( )25 635,1*









5($'< 72 6+,3 &5(:6 $9$,/$%/(


CALL 1- 866- 665- 6677 a n d sa ve $1000’s O f d o lla rs b y D EALIN G D IR EC T w w w .d a rm a n i.ca

%22. 12: 72 6(&85( 35,&,1* '(/,9(5<

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L A R GE S TIF F ENED B INS 15,291Bu 17,122Bu 18,953Bu 20,784Bu


27’ 27’ 27’ 27’

d d d d

ia ia ia ia

. . . .

- 8 rin - 9 rin - 10 rin - 11 rin

g g g g

s tiffen s tiffen s tiffen s tiffen

ed ed ed ed

bin bin bin bin


$39,520.00 or$2.58PerBu $41,400.00 or$2.41PerBu $42,400.00 or$2.28PerBu $45,350.00 or$2.18PerBu

19,025Bu 21,286Bu 23,547Bu 25,808Bu


30’ 30’ 30’ 30’

d d d d

ia ia ia ia

. . . .

- 8 rin - 9 rin - 10 rin - 11 rin

g g g g

s tiffen s tiffen s tiffen s tiffen

ed ed ed ed

bin bin bin bin


$46,300.00 or$2.43PerBu $49,600.00 or$2.33PerBu $52,400.00 or$2.22PerBu $54,500.00 or$2.11PerBu

23,202Bu 25,940Bu 28,678Bu 31,416Bu


33’ 33’ 33’ 33’

d d d d

ia ia ia ia

. . . .

- 8 rin - 9 rin - 10 rin - 11 rin

g g g g

s tiffen s tiffen s tiffen s tiffen

ed ed ed ed

bin bin bin bin


$54,900.00 or$2.36PerBu $57,400.00 or$2.21PerBu $60,900.00 or$2.12PerBu $63,400.00 or$2.01PerBu

27,806Bu 31,060Bu 34,314Bu 37,568Bu


36’ 36’ 36’ 36’

d d d d

ia ia ia ia

. . . .

- 8 rin - 9 rin - 10 rin - 11 rin

g g g g

s tiffen s tiffen s tiffen s tiffen

ed ed ed ed

bin bin bin bin


$60,700.00 or$2.18PerBu $63,500.00 or$2.04PerBu $66,800.00 or$1.94PerBu $69,900.00 or$1.86PerBu

O P TIO N S on a ll La rg e Fla t Bottom Bin s : Upgra d e to sta irca ses/Fa n s u p to 30HP/O PICa b les LEAS E O P TIO N AV AILABLE

CALL: ATLAS BUILD IN G S YS TEM S & S ALES LTD Y O R KTO N S K O ff ic e : (306 ) 782-3300 S c ott: (306 ) 6 21-5304 In trod u c in g ou r n e w Bin s a le s m a n Bria n G off in e t (403) 502-3333 EM AIL: a tla s b in s @hotm a il.c om W EBS ITE: w w w .a tla s b u ild in g s .n e t



14’Hopper 8 leg H/Duty .................$2,250 14’Hopper 7 leg S/Duty ..................$2,1 50 15’Hopper 8 leg S/Duty ..................$2,6 00 15’-10â€? Hopper 10 leg H/Duty .........$2,9 50 18’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$3,9 50 19’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,250 Â


10 gauge bottom ,8â€? or 12â€? Side Wall (1)O r (2)piece construction 12’- 28’sizes 14’- $1 ,4 00 15’- $1 ,4 85 19’- $2,1 00 21’- $2,6 00 24’- $2,9 7 0 25’1â „2 - $3,300  Tru ck ing Av a ila b le


306-324-4441 M ARG O ,SASK.


GRAIN BAGGING EQUIPMENT, new or used 9’ or 10’ baggers and extractors. Double HH Ag Sales, 780-777-8700 or doublehhco@shaw.ca

TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/SAKUNDIAK 20’ AND 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, BINS. Book now for best prices. Example: large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, all prices include skid, ladders to ground, 306-781-2600. manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450. SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.

CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK.

BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now TWO WESTEEL 1805 with hopper, air, and available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new triple skid, $14,000 OBO. 306-741-9746, AB. www.starlinesales.biz and used sea containers, all sizes. Yorkton, SK. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. GRAIN BINS: 3500 bu. Behlen bin/hopper SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’combo, 10 leg hopper and skid, roof and Factory To Farm Grain Storage 53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For side ladder, safety fill, constructed, Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, $10,195 FOB. Regina, SK. Leasing avail. Saskatoon, SK, thecontainerguy.ca Peterson Construction 306-789-2444. Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters 3-2200 BU. WESTEEL grain bins w/Darmani steel floors, $6500. Quill Lake, SK. Temp Cables Call 306-287-7707, 306-287-8292.

Grain Bin Direct

Authorized Dealer

Phone: 306-373-4919




Saskatoon, SK



DO YOU NEED NH3 APPLICATION KITS? Call us first! 25+ years of ammonia experience. New or used, with or without sectional control. One of Western Canada’s largest MaxQuip dealers, specializing in NH3 application equipment, traditional or pressurized (pump) systems, also new or used nurse tanks. We have a good selection of used systems. Double HH Ag Sales, 780-777-8700 or doublehhco@shaw.ca

AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, Westfield, Westeel, Sakundiak augers; Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. Good prices, leasing SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available available. Call 1-866-746-2666. with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. SAKUNDIAK AUGER SALE: HD8-39 w/27 HP, elec. clutch and Hawes mover, reg. $16,325, sale $13,800; HD8-53 w/30 HP, elec. clutch and Hawes mover, reg. $17,750, sale, $15,500. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS: SP kits and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and diesel. Call Brian “The Auger Guy� 204-724-6197, Souris, MB.

BRANDT 7�x40’ (BLUE) AUGER, pan heater, down spout, etc., $2800. Wheatheart 8� Super binsweep, $1200. Both one owner, KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD/ OPI STORMAX. like new, primarily load out equip. off For sales and service east central SK. and small farm. 306-322-4567, 306-322-7460, MB., call Gerald Shymko, Calder, SK., Fosston SK. 306-742-4445 or toll free 1-888-674-5346. KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738.


REN N M ill Cen ter In c.


(403) 78 4-3518

w w w .ren n m ill.co m



GRAIN AUGER INVENTORY CLEAR OUT 13� x 95 ftAuge rs . .$20,800 13� x 85 ftAuge rs . .$18,000

  â€˘ F u lly Assem b led F ield Read y    â€˘ D elivered to you rF arm Yard . • Ask ab ou tAu gerop tion s & d iscou n ts availab le.

Ph on e : 1.8 00.6 6 7.8 8 00 MICHEL’S HYDRAULIC TRANSFER augers to mount on grain trailer (ie: Doepker 36’ tandem trailer) for grain and fertilizer use, c/w remote control, $3295. Quill Lake, SK. 306-287-7707, 306-287-8292.


S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.


NEW DESIGN! Wheatheart’s new R series auger is faster and stronger. Improved features include: higher capacity, larger bearings and a smooth, quiet operation. Come see this new auger at your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.


USED BATCO 1545 field loader conveyor w/30 HP engine, $13,500. Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626, or visit www.flaman.com HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6�, 7�, 8� and 10� end units available; Transfer con306-757-2828, Regina, SK. veyors and bag conveyors or will custom USED SEA/STEEL Storage Containers build. Call for prices. Master Industries for sale. 20’, 40’, 40’ HC, 48’ HC, etc. Guar- Inc. www.masterindustries.ca Phone anteed wind, water and rodent proof. Ask 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. about modifications and accessories for your container (ramps, electrical kits, new BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain paint, etc.) Call Bond Industrial Direct, augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and 306-373-2236, 306-221-9630, Saskatoon, leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. SK. joe@bondind.com www.bondind.com 2011 BATCO CONVEYOR 20105 for sale, 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale like new condition. 306-266-4977, Glentin Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, worth, SK. 1-866-517-8335. www.magnatesteel.com BATCO 2085 SWING conveyor, totally re20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and furbished, ready to go. Reduced to modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina $29,900. 306-726-4403, Southey, SK and Saskatoon, SK. www.g-airservices.ca 306-933-0436. 2010 BRANDT 1545LP conveyer, 30 HP Kohler, wheel mover, great shape, stored indoors. 306-533-4891, Gray, SK.

USED AUGERS- Check out our selection of used augers, like this 10�x41’ Wheatheart auger with 35 HP diesel engine for $12,900. Ph Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626. 4261 SPRAY-AIR 12�x61’ auger, very good s h a p e , n o w e a r. 4 0 3 - 3 1 8 - 4 7 0 6 o r 403-746-5762, Eckville, AB.



1 800 667 8800

www.nuvisionindustries.ca REPLACEMENT FLIGHTING FOR augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.

Rosetown Flighting Supply 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK www.flightingsupply.com

REMOTE CONTROL SWING AUGER MOVERS; Endgate and hoist systems; Trailer chute openers; Wireless full bin alarms; Digital wireless cameras; Portable combine. Doing it right... keeping you safe... by remote control. Call Brehon Agrisystems at: 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK.

SAKUNDIAK HARVEST CASH-IN EVENT: $1000 rebate on new swingaway augers. Used 12�x72’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $14,900; One 2008 12�x78’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $15,900; Convey-All conveyors available. All units have leasing options. Call Dale, Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299, Davidson, SK, www.mainwayfarmequipment.ca NEW “R� SERIES Wheatheart Augers: R 8x41, 27 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,075, sale $12,250; R 8x51, 30 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,907, sale $12,750; R 10x41, 35 HP Vanguard, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $15,530, sale $13,240. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

%.,- & #)** + &$'$( - , ,*$--$(" )/ +!&)0, ,*$&&, ." + ! ,- + $-, .( + &)0 $(, -+ $& +,

USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 to 9 ton, 10 ton tender, $2500. 1-866-938-8537. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com FOR ALL YOUR




2009 SAKUNDIAK 8x1800, 15 HP electric motor used only 2 months; Sakundiak HD 7-1400, 10 HP elec. motor. 306-323-2036, Archerwill, SK.


1 800 667 8800

www.nuvisionindustries.ca WANTED: 1995 or newer NH3 wagons, 1500 to 2000 gal. capacity. Call Monty at 403-534-3961, Mossleigh, AB. or, email him at mbeagle@parheim.com FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gallon tanks avail. Contact your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com


CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Elie, MB 204-353-2392 Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARKUSSON NEW HOLLAND Emerald Park, SK 1-800-819-2583 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824 NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466

HAT AGRI-SERVICE NEERLANDIA CO-OP Medicine Hat, AB 403-526-3701, 780-674-3020 1-888-526-3702 PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT Dunmore, AB,403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 306-452-3444 1-888-644-5463 ROBERTSON IMPLEMENTS (1988) LTD. HOULDER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Shaunavon, SK, 306-297-4131 Falher, AB, 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, Swift Current, SK 306-773-4948 1-800-746-4691 SCHROEDER BROS. KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE E. BOURASSA & SONS: Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 Assinniboia 1-877-474-2456 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Estevan 1-877-474-2495 Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Radville 1-877-474-2450 BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Weyburn 1-877-474-2491 Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 RAYMORE NEW HOLLAND CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS Raymore, SK 306-746-2911 St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 WATROUS NEW HOLLAND FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Watrous, SK 306-946-3301 Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, YORKTON NEW HOLLAND 1-888-354-3620 Yorkton, SK 306-782-8511

Email: craigyeager@grainbagscanada.com or aaronyeager@grainbagscanada.com

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888


2007 BANDIT LIQUID caddy, 1750 gallon. One year old John Blue pump w/2� Honda pump, like new. Ph Patrick 306-638-3177, Chamberlain, SK.

• Po s itio n gra in a u ger o r co n veyo r in to b in rem o tely; N EW b y yo u rs elf. PRODUCT • Po w erfu l m a gn ets to a d here to gra in & co m b in e a u gers , co n veyo rs , etc. • Ca m era is w a terpro o f & co lo r w ith a u d io . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll

y Introdu ctOorn Pricin g ns “Force�Bi . Now In Effect

" - )'!" )'

45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.

Brow n le e s Truckin g I nc. Un ity, S K

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98

w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m


Our “ FOR C E� Lin e o f Le gs tyle H o ppe r Bin s & R e pla ce m e n tC o n e s . s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca w w w .jtlindustries.ca


S a s k a tchew a n /Alb erta 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 S tettler, AB 1-78 0-8 72-49 43 “ The Pea ce Co u n try� 1-8 77-6 9 7-7444 o r1-775-770-49 44 S o u th/Ea s tS a s k a tchew a n , M a n ito b a & U.S .A., 1-306 -224-208 8

THE LEGACY LINE C o n s is ts o f • C lo s e d in ho ppe r b o tto m b in s • Als o fla tb o tto m b in s & fla tb o tto m re pla c e m e n t flo o rs

• Leg-style b ins w ith a n a era tion system tha t • Re pla c e yo u ro ld flo o rs  a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u s he ls c a pa c ity to yo u r e xis tin g b in s . uses the b a se a nd legs a s the p lenum to • No m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . forc e the a irinto the hop p er. Ou rpa te n te d JTL d o o ris gu a ra n te e d to • Aera tion m a ke yo u s m ile e ve rytim e yo u u s e it! system c om es a s sta nd a rd eq uip m ent L EA S IN G fora ll A V A IL A B L E “ Forc eâ€? b ins & c ones.

N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , $7,100; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection used gravity wagons, 250-750 bu. Used grain carts, 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com DON’T PAY UNTIL OCT. 2013- Book your J&M grain cart now and don’t make your first payment until October 1, 2013. Order today to get the colours and options you want for summer delivery. Blowout prices for all remaining 2012 models (c/w Michel’s tarps). Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or go to www.flaman.com 2011 BRENT 1594 grain cart, scales, camaras, tarp, excellent condition. Delivery available. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. 2009 BRENT 1194 grain cart, 20.8x38 tires, tandem walking axle, tarp, non custom machines, exc. cond., $54,000 OBO. L l oy d S p r o u l e , P i n c h e r C r e e k , A B . 403-627-7363 or 403-627-2764.

OFFERING FOR SALE: one Cimbria Delta model 108 super cleaner, right hand model with centre clean product discharge, purchased new in 2000, has seen approximately 15 million bushels but well maintained, unit to be sold as is where located at the Three Hills Seed Plant with shipping the responsibility of the purchaser. Asking $35,000 OBO. For more information please contact Greg Andrews at 403-443-5464, Three Hills, AB. CALL MINIC IND. for all your bucket elevator, screw/drag and belt conveyor parts and accessories. We specialize in stainless steel and mild steel for your new equipment quotation requirements. Call Chris at 204-339-1941, Winnipeg, MB.


FOR SALE BY TENDER Grain cleaners located at Wolseley, SK. owned by Viterra Description: 6 - Cimbria/Heid single roller indent grain cleaners w/o drive units. 25 tonnes/hr. approx. capacity (wheat). Conditions: Minimum of 10% deposit required with offer. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Viterra reserves the right to evaluate and select offers based on its own internal criteria and to accept or reject any offer submitted in its sole and absolute discretion. Offers must be received in writing on or before Wednesday, November 28, 2012. The successful bidder will be required to complete and execute an invoice for the purchase and sale of the asset(s) in Viterra’s standard form. Please submit offers to: Reg Hinz, Manager, Property Administration, 2625 Victoria, Ave . , R e g i n a , S K . S 4 T 7 T 9 . F a x : 306-569-6151. To view these units, please contact Scott or Norma at 306-698-2525.


GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 1-888-708-3739. For all your grain drying needs! www.glenmor.cc We are the GT grain dryer parts distributor.

ALUMINUM SIDING FOR- grain elevators called Manitoba Siding. Call 204-835-2493 or 204-647-2493. Fax 204-835-2494, McCreary, MB. 1996 LMC 681 GRAVITY table with small, medium and large decks. Phone Glen or ELEVATOR IN LAMPMAN, SK. 150,000 bu., Aaron 403-578-3810 at Coronation, AB. 2 steel legs, grain cleaner, pea cleaner, 50’ scale, active rail line. 306-487-7993. coroseed@xplornet.com PORTABLE GRAIN CLEANER and accessories. Call Ted McGregor, 204-673-2527, cell 204-522-6008, Waskada, MB. 2008 REM 2700, c/w set of hoses, floor shovel, 75 hrs, shedded, $18,500. Quill CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of Lake, SK., 306-287-7707, 306-287-8292. commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 4500 BRANDT GRAIN VAC, new impeller 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. and bearings, exc. cond., $10,000. Call MODEL D FISCHBEIN bag closer, sewn 204-725-2156, Brandon, MB. only 2 cones of thread, $500; Avery bean scale, $500. 306-697-3181, Grenfell, SK. USED SEED CLEANERS: Crippen 688 air screen 400 bu. per hr., $25,000; Bisco B8 Indent 400 bu./hr., $12,000; LMC Model 401 gravity, 100 bu./hr., $8000; Clipper 668 air screen, $25,000; Carter 6 roll grader $3000; Superior T4A Indent 300 bu./hr., $3500; Northland Trommel Docka g e c l e a n e r, $ 1 2 0 0 . C a l l S t e v e n 1-800-667-6924, Saskatoon, SK.



CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. USED SORTEX Colour Sorter for sale. 90000 series bio-chromatic. Machine currently has 2 chutes, capable of expansion with a third, c/w laptop for programming. $39,000. www.flamangraincleaning.com C a l l F l a m a n G r a i n C l e a n i n g t o d ay. 1-888-435-2626.


DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in Western Canada. Phone 306-259-4923 or 306-946-7923, Young, SK.


GOT ERGOT? Flaman Grain Cleaning has Satake colour sorters in stock now to help you combat unwanted grain like degrading ergot. With capacities ranging from 10 to 30 tonne/hr., we have a sorter for you. Call 1-888-435-2626 today for pricing, or to book an appointment for a demo. www.flamangraincleaning.com

PORTABLE GRAIN CLEANING SYSTEM. Clipper Super 298DH, SN 30433 and Carter SA 5, SN 182, mounted on a Prairie gooseneck tandem trailer (1991) and 1973 Chevrolet C60 truck with Kohler generator for portable power. Also have Clipper 248BD mill SN 22155, very nice condition. Call for more info 701-862-3113, ask for John or Gary. Can email pics. Parshall, ND. 688 CRIPPEN Cleaner w/1 set of screens, 3 air separations; Separately #90 Forsberg gravity table, w/2 decks; Universal P leg, 25’ long. 701-547-3742, Fessenden, ND. 4 - TWO ROLL 245 Carter Day graders, 2 w/aspirators, 2 without aspirators, many shells for above machines, magic box w/4 canola spirals. Ed Bergen, 204-736-2278 or 204-782-3234, Sanford, MB. KWICK-KLEEN 5 row electric, 3 sets of rolls. Call 306-981-2658 any time, North Battleford, SK.

R62 GLEANER 1953 sep hrs., Swathmaster PU, solid rotor, lowered feeder house, all new feeder chains and sep. components at 1700 hrs., all work done by JL’s Mobile. $55,000 OBO. 780-806-9993, Irma, AB.

2005 9860 STS, 791 threshing hrs., new concaves at 700 hrs., touch set contour master. See www.mcdougallbay.com closing Nov. 5th. 306-759-2070, Eyebrow, SK. 2006 and 2007 JD 9760 combines, approx. 1400 hrs., 615 PU’s, all options, $155,000 each OBO. Delivery and 936 headers available. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. YEAR END CLEARANCE: 2010 JD 9870, Contour-Master, pro drive, 42� duals, $289,000; 2008 JD 9870 STS, duals, $239,000; JD 9600 CTS, $55,000. Hergott Farm Equipment your Case/IH Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2011 9870 STS, 240 rotor hrs., big duals, Contour-Master, powercast chopper, 26’ unload auger, pro-drive, harvest smart, no pulses, Greenlighted, $297,000. Call 306-834-7610, Major, SK. 1987 JD 7720 Titan II, w/212 PU header and 230 straight header, good cond. 306-458-2555, Midale, SK. 2009 JD T670, c/w 915 PU, 657/865 hrs., Goodyear 800/65R32. AutoTrac ready, Greenlight last year, 1900 acres on new rub bars and chopper blades, always shedded. 780-374-2337, Daysland, AB. 2011 JD 9870 STS, with 615P header, Premier cab, HD feed pkg., 26’ unload auger, $270,000. 403-818-2816, Calgary, AB. TWO SHEDDED and field ready JD 9600 combines: 1996 w/3000 sep. hrs.; 1997 w/3520 sep. hrs. $85,000 spent on Greenlight in last two yrs. Also pickup heads, 36’ Honey Bee headers, 30’ flex headers and chaff collectors avail. Fraser Farms Ltd., Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0240. 2005 9860, BULLET rotor, 1190 sep. hrs., c/w 615 PU; 2003 9750 STS, 2100 sep. h r s . , C o n t o u r - M a s t e r, V i c t o r y P U. $114,000. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. 2009 JD 9770 STS, 615 PU, premium cab, power tailboard, long auger, 587 sep. hrs., shedded, exc. cond., $249,000 OBO. 306-794-4717, 306-728-7946, Grayson, SK 2001 9650 STS, Y&M monitor, 2450 hrs., 1750 sep. hrs., shedded, second owner, exc. cond., $99,900 OBO. Call 306-323-4401, Rose Valley, SK. 9600 JD COMBINE, 2300 sep. hrs., excellent shape, Greenlighted, shedded. Call 306-785-4426, Ponteix, SK.

1996 8570 MF combine, 2968 hrs., 12’ Rake-Up PU, chopper and spreader, good condition $25,000 OBO. 306-682-3381, Humboldt, SK. SELLING USED COMBINE parts off MF 8 6 0 ’ s a n d o l d e r. J M S a l v a g e , 204-773-2536, Russell, MB.

W ALINGA 510 GRAIN VAC Re pa in te d a n d re b u ilt


78 0-6 74-5338 2007 BRANDT 5000 EX grain vac, w/piledriver, always shedded and maintained, $14,750 OBO. 306-442-7955, Parry, SK. CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz

WANTED: SEED CLEANING equipment, 200/400 bu. per hr. screen and indents. 204-776-2047, 204-534-7458, Minto, MB. NH SQUARE BALER #273, good shape, DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and front PTO seal does leak, $2500 OBO. Last Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, used in 2009. Ph. 780-336-6378, Irma, AB. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com or call 1998 HESSTON 4910 square baler, 1000 204-857-8403. PTO, good cond., $17,500 OBO. Muenster, WANTED: 100 BU/hr., Gjesdal 5 in 1 grain SK., call 306-682-4520, 306-231-7318. cleaner, in decent shape, screens and if 1998 JD 566 baler, very good condition, possible on a trailer. Call 306-547-8337 always shedded. 780-336-2224, Viking, AB anytime, Preeceville, SK. 2007 AGCO HESSTON 2656A 5x6 round baler, fully auto., mesh and twine. Like new, shedded, only made 1900 bales, $30,000. 306-762-4712, Vibank, SK. NEW SUKUP GRAIN Dryers - LP/NG, 1 or 3 phase, canola screens. Call for more info TRUCK MOUNT, bale picker mover, also and winter pricing. Contact 204-998-9915, cattle and bale scales. 306-445-2111, Altamont, MB. www.eliasmfgltd.com North Battleford, SK. NEW AND USED grain dryers. Contact 660 NH ROUND BALER, good condition, Franklin Voth, Manitou, MB. 204-242-3300 $6000. 403-650-8369, Longview, AB. or cell: 204-242-4123, www.fvoth.com BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27� and 49�, free shipping, exSUPERB GRAIN DRYERS. Largest and c e l l e n t p r i c i n g . C a l l n o w t o l l f r e e quietest single phase dryer in the industry. 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. CSA approved. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. Moridge parts also avail. BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all Grant Services Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Lake, SK. Call now 1-866-443-7444.

2011 MACDON FD70 35’; Also 2009 MacDon FD70 40’. Both w/JD 70 Series adaptors. Contact Richard 306-536-8606 or Larry 306-535-2296, Rouleau, SK. RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. www.straightcutheaders.com

NEED COMBINE HEADERS? ’94 30’ CIH 1010, $6,980; ‘94 36’ Macdon 960, $4,900; ‘97 36’ Macdon 960, $6,980; ‘93 36’ Macdon 960, $14,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2012 DEMONSTRATOR FD70, 35’ cross auger and transport. JD and AGCO face plates available. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2008 JD HONEYBEE header, 26’, PU reels, pea auger, fore/aft, $43,000 OBO. Phone 403-317-4976, Burdett, AB. 1996 30’ CIH 1010 header, w/sunflower attach., very low acres, always shedded, $10,800. 204-385-2753, Gladstone, MB. WANTED: NEW HOLLAND C71 straight cut header. Phone: 780-324-3024, McLennan, AB. FLEX PLATFORMS, CORN HEADS, RIGID PLATFORMS. For all makes combines. JD 925-930-630-635 flex; CIH 1020 25-30’ flex; JD 925 rigid; NH 971 24’ rigid; JD 643-843-893-1293; CIH 1083 corn heads. Call Gary Reimer at 204-326-7000, Reimer Farm Equipment, #12 Hwy N., Steinbach, MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com REDUCED: HONEYBEE SP36 (Gleaner ADP); CIH 1020 30’ flex, HFA; MD D60 35’ w/JD kit; Two MD 974 36’ w/CIH kit; MD 960 36’, (2388). Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.

‘08 CIH 2142 - 35’, PUR, knife & guards, factory transport, same as MacDon D50, fits JD STS/CAT 500 series, $49,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2 0 0 5 C I H 8 0 1 0 , 4 WD, front tires 1250-45-32 means 45� wide, rear tires 28Lx26 means 28� wide, apparently will go as far as a track machine, 4 spd. hyd. trans., straw chopper and spreaders, Pro 600 monitor, bin ext., 2630 hrs, c/w 2052 30’ draper header, $165,000. Can email pictures. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB.

2006 JD 9760 STS, 1480 hrs., Performaxed, $32,000 workorder w/615 PU, 800-38 rubber. 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. 2010 JD 9770 STS, 430 hrs., Pro Drives, Contour-Master w/Hi-Torque reverser, 20.8x42 duals, Maurer extension, chopper, $234,500 US; 2009 JD 9770 STS, 543 CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes hrs., Premier Cab, Contour-Master w/Hiand models. Call the combine superstore. Torque reverser, 20.8x42 duals, JD extenTrades welcome, delivery can be arranged. s i o n , c h o p p e r, $ 2 1 4 , 5 0 0 U S . C a l l JETCO ENT. INC. Experienced equipment 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. hauling and towing. AB, SK, MB. Call www.ms-diversified.com 780-888-1122, Lougheed, AB. SELLING USED COMBINE parts off IHC 1480. Call J M Salvage, 204-773-2536, Russell, MB. 2010 CASE/IH 7088, 940 hrs separating, runs and looks great, $195,000 OBO. Must sell! Call 403-820-0181, Drumheller, AB.

Re b u ilt 1yr. w a rra n ty Co n ta ct:

HART UNIFLOW 32 PK-4 indent w/aspirator; Silverline AS-10T air and screen dust collection system; hyd. drive, variable spd. augers and conveyor legs; Katolight 40kW genset, 3 phase electric motors, 110V plug-ins, fully self-contained, 300-500 bu/hr., screens for wheat, barley, oats, peas, canary. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK.

415 NH DISCBINE, good condition, $6500. 1997 CIH 2188, 2746 sep. hrs., auto HHC, 403-650-8369, Longview, AB. chopper, new tires 30.5L-32, chaff spreader, rock trap, long auger, top ext, 1015 PU header, exc. cond., field ready, $37,500 or $ 3 4 , 5 0 0 w i t h o u t h e a d e r. F i n a n c i n g 2002 MF 220XL, 30’ header, UII PU reels, available. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. Perkins diesel, new rollers and canvases, excellent condition, 1250 hrs., $45,000. 306-821-2566, Watson, SK. 2003 CHALLENGER 660 combine w/1660 JD 4890 30’ HoneyBee SP30 header, Roto- sep. hrs., PU head and 30’ flex head Shear, exc. cond., $47,500. Financing available, $22,000 spent this year, shedavailable. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. ded and field ready. Fraser Farms Ltd., Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0475. 2000 CASE/IH 8825 HP 25’, DSA, weights, rear hitch, Keer-Shear, UII PU NEED HYDROSTATIC TRANS. UNITS. reel, excellent condition. 306-283-4747, Pump and motors in stock. Call us with your name plate info. Hydratec Hydraulics 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. 1-800-667-7712, www.hydratec.ca 1996 MF 220, 26’ DSA (1999), Schu- MOST OF YOUR HYDRAULIC hoses are macher drive, UII, new front tires, canvas, metric. We have the best metric hydraulic guards 2 yrs. ago, 2060 hrs, $30,000. hose program in the industry. Hydratec 780-608-9297, Rosalind, AB. Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. 2011 CIH WD 1203 36’, $119,000; 2010 www.hydratec.ca CIH WD 1203 36’, $106,000; CIH 736, 36’, PT, $1500 as is; Prairie Star (MD) 4930, 30’, $49,900; Prairie Star (MD) 4930 30’, $48,900; MacDon H. Pro 8152i 36’, 2001 NH TR99, 2022 eng. hrs, hopper top$79,900; MacDon M150 35’, $132,000. per, chaff spreader, duals, stored indoors, Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, 14’ PU, long auger, $70,000 OBO. 30’ straight cut header available separately. Humboldt, SK. 204-479-6665, St. Francois Xavier, MB. 1998 CASE/IH 8825 25’, new double drive knife, air ride seat, triple delivery, 2650 2003 CR940, 2 spd. rotor, 1820 sep. hrs., h r s . , c / w T B H s w at h r o l l e r. A s k i n g good condition, field ready, shedded, $95,000 OBO. 306-843-7046, Wilkie, SK. $25,000. 306-948-4565 at Rosetown, SK. 2003 CR960, 1784 sep. hours, shedded, 1996 MACDON 25’ SP, 960 header, triple loaded up, 2000 acres on new rotors, rub delivery, PU reel, Roto-Shear, exc. cond., bars, concaves, fan, newer Case 2016 $35,000 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook. header with 16’ Swathmaster, $109,000. 2002 MACDON 4940, 25’, 1700 hrs, large 780-375-2443, 780-679-8784, Kelsey, AB. tires front and rear, double knife, DS, new 2002 TR99, 2025 eng., 1575 sep. hours, knife and guards 2 yrs. ago, always shed- Redekop chopper, long auger, dual rotor ded, $49,000. 780-878-1550, Camrose, AB speed, $88,000 OBO. Ph 780-608-4387, 2008 PREMIER M150, D60, 1308 eng. hrs., Daysland, AB. or ntspiller@gmail.com 1062 header, single knife drive, factory 2 0 1 0 C R 9 0 9 0 , 470 sep. hrs, fully transport, JD AutoSteer, field ready, equipped incl. HID lights, 27’ unload au$96,000 OBO. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. ger, auto-guidance, 20.8x42 duals, deluxe interior. For more info. and purchase op2012 M155 MACDON, 25’, double knife, tions. 306-287-7707, 306-287-8292 days, DS. 2009 M150 MACDON, 25’, double 306-383-2508 after 8 PM, Quill Lake, SK. knife, DS. 403-393-0219, 403-833-2190. 1997 TR98 COMBINE, set up to drop straw in mini bunches or spread. Excellent condition, $39,800. Phone 306-372-4764 or 306-753-7956, Macklin, SK. 2002 MACDON 972, 30’ swather header, triple delivery, exc. cond. 403-886-4285, Penhold, AB. WANTED: FULL CARRY swather transport. 1997 R62, 2810 hrs., Victory PU, 30’ rigid Must be in good condition. 306-747-2514, and 2000 JD 30’ 930F flex w/PU reel, adapted to R62 and 2 header trailers, very Shellbrook, SK. good condition, $54,000. 306-773-9275, McMahon, SK. jc.wiens@sasktel.net

REDUCED FOR YEAR END: 2011 9120, duals, $310,000; 2009 8120, 347 hrs., $267,000; 2010 8120, $279,000; 2008 8010, $218,000; 2006 8010 topper, $ 1 9 2 , 0 0 0 ; 2 3 8 8 A F X Y & M , t o p p e r, $109,000; 2002 2388 AFX, $94,000; 2188 SP roto w/accelor, $59,900; 1984 1480, hyd., reverser, straw and chaff spreader, ‘91 JD 9600, 2 spd. cyl., FC chopper, 210 HP, $10,900; 2006 8010, $199,000; long auger, hopper extension, $25,800. welcome. Financing available. 2 0 0 4 2 3 8 8 , $ 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 ; 2 0 0 6 8 0 1 0 , Trades $189,000. Her gott Farm Equipment, 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2009 9770 STS, 4WD axle ext, wide single tires, new concaves, 800 hrs., 913 PROBLEMS W/SPLINE DRIVE ON HYDRO - threshing hrs., exc. shape, loaded, asking We can save big $$. We have new lubricat- $209,000 OBO. 306-759-2070 Eyebrow, SK ed and hardened couplers and improved pump input spline shafts. All combines 2- 2010 JD 9870, loaded, approx. 670 sep. from 1440 thru 2388 have this problem. hrs., duals, Michel’s covers, long augers, Call Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, power tailboard. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca 2002 JD 9750 combine, 914 PU header, IF YOU OWN a 1688/2188/2388 you 1838 threshing hrs., excellent condition, should know we have forward direction $120,000. 306-948-2896, Biggar, SK. hydro hose improved assembly. Big $$ THEY DIDN’T WANT us to get our hands saving- our price $399.24, represents $400 on cores to remanufacture for 9500/9600 saving and it’s a better hose assembly. CTS Hydro drives, but we’ve got them. We Call Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, offer for JD from 6600 thru current CTS Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca combines all remanufactured Hydros. All in stock and all parts. Hydratec Hydraulics 1993 CIH 1688, new AFX rotor, rock trap, 1-800-667-7712, Regina. www.hydratec.ca long auger, hopper ext., chopper, Redekop chopper, exc. cond., $23,500 or $19,500 2- 2009 JD 9770 STS, 539 and 506 hrs., without Redekop; CIH 1688, chopper, long Contour-Masters w/Hi-Torque reversers, auger, needs some repair, $12,500. 20.8x42 duals, bin extensions, choppers, as is $189,500 or Greenlighted, $205,000 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. e a c h U S . w w w. m s - d i v e r s i f i e d . c o m 2011 9120, duals, low hours, excellent 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. condition, $275,000. 306-821-2566, Wat2007 JD 9660WTS, only 528 sep. hrs., son, SK. auto header height control, auto reel NOW IS THE TIME to check the hydro speed control, hyd. fore/aft, grain loss pump drive hub and splined input shaft. monitor, rock trap, 21’6� unloading auger, We have lubricated splined drive hubs for hopper topper. Just been Greenlighted! all models 1440 thru 2388. Exchange re- Excellent shape! $169,900. Call Jordan man and tested hydros in stock. Hydratec 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. 1990 JD 9600, 4250 hrs., exc. shape, www.hydratec.ca shedded, rebuilt 2 yrs. ago. 306-398-2668, 306-398-7783 cell, Cut Knife, SK. 1987 JD 7721 Titan II PT, mint shape c/w older 7721 for parts, new parts as well. COMBINE SPECIAL PRICING, effective Phone 306-662-3312, Maple Creek, SK. now until Dec. 15. Cash no trade, we deliver. Call the Combine King, Gord, 2000 JD 9650W, only 1457 sep. hrs., auto header height control, dial-a-speed, 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. chaff spreader, chopper, hopper topper, 2001 2388 CIH, 2100 threshing hrs., vg 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, JD cond.; 1995 2188 CIH, 3000 threshing 914 PU header, always shedded, excellent hrs., vg cond. Both have many options. c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 1 9 , 0 0 0 . C a l l J o r d a n 306-843-2328, 306-843-7408, Wilke, SK. 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB.

DO YOU HAVE JD 615, NH 76C, OR CIH 2016? Call 1-800-667-4515 for BRAND NEW Macdon PW7 header with 16’ Swathmaster pickup exchange program. Financing available. www.combineworld.com

2009 MACDON D60 35’ header w/CIH adapter, double knife drive, DSA, double reel, hyd. fore/aft, full skid pkg, pea auger, $62,500. 306-423-5476, Domremy, SK.

2010 30’ Macdon D60-S - PUR, hyd. fore/aft, factory transport, fits swathers, combine adapters available, $39,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 3- 2010 HONEYBEE 94C headers, mint condition, $40,000 each. 306-662-3456, Maple Creek, SK. JD 635F HYDRAFLEX, poly, single series hookup, fore/aft, exc., $20,000 OBO. 204-981-4291 204-632-5334 Winnipeg MB

NEED PICKUP HEADERS? ‘96 13’ NH 971, $1,680; ‘91 JD914, $4,900; ‘98 CIH 1015, $2,780; ‘97 CIH 1015, $3,980. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

VARIOUS PICKUPS IN STOCK - NEW 16’ Swathmaster, $13,767; ‘93 12’ Rakeup, $3,900; ‘04 16’ Rake-up, $8,950; ‘98 Swathmaster 14B, $7,480. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

NEW PICKUP REEL EARLY BUY SPECIAL! Hart Carter 25’, $4,300; 30’ $4,900; 2005 MACDON MD974 FLEX DRAPER 36’, $6,900; UII 25’, $5,830; 30’, $6,900; HEADER With STS hook-up, pea auger, fore/ 36’, $7,900. Plastic teeth, fits JD/NH/ aft, new canvas, hyd tilt tansport.$39,800. CIH/Macdon headers. Trades welcome. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 667-4515. www.combineworld.com www.combineworld.com 2006 MACDON 973, 36’ cross auger, fore/aft, transport, JD 60/70 adapter, BUYING A HEADER? You should consider $41,900. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., an accumulator. Call us on proper applica306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. tion. Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712 www.hydratec.ca Regina, SK. 2 0 1 2 J D 6 3 5 F D , f l e x d r ap e r, A - 1 , $79,500; 2007 JD 635F, CWS/AWS air reels, vg, $31,900; 2006 Gerringhoff 8R30� chopping corn head, JD single PTO’s: 2 for Fuller transmissions, air shift, point, $48,900. All field ready. Will deal, shaft drive, single speed. One cable shift can deliver. Len 204-324-6298, Altona, MB fits bottom of 1241 Spicer aux. transmis28’ VERSATILE HEADER for bi-directional. sion, $200 each. Medicine Hat, AB. 306-295-4014, Eastend, SK. 403-548-4883 canusabob@hotmail.com



2011 FLEXI-COIL 68XL, 134’, susp. boom, 1600 US gal., Norac AutoHeight, many options, $52,000. 306-280-4608, Hanley, SK.

STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors affordable new and used parts available, only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 SELLING USED COMBINE parts off MF NEW TRACTOR PARTS and quality en- 860’s and older; JD 7720’s and older; IHC gine rebuild kits. Great savings. Service 1480, etc. J M Salvage, 204-773-2536, manuals and decal sets. Our 38th year. Russell, MB. www.diamondfarmtractorparts.com Phone MEDICINE HAT TRACTOR Salvage Inc. 1-800-481-1353. Specializing in new, used, and rebuilt agricultural and construction parts. Buying ag and construction equipment for dismant l i n g . C a l l t o d ay 1 - 8 7 7 - 5 2 7 - 7 2 7 8 , www.mhtractor.ca Medicine Hat, AB.

2008 SRX 160, 1350 gal. wheel boom sprayer, 134’, autorate, wind guards, markers, dual nozzles, $35,000 OBO. 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK. BOURGAULT MODEL 1460 PT sprayer, 120’, disc markers, autorate, $7500. Call 306-969-4620, Minton, SK. AG SHIELD 100’ suspended boom sprayer, 1250 imp. gal. tank, wind curtains, very good condition. 306-458-2555, Midale, SK.

LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured parts for most farm tractors and combines. NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-6674515. www.combineworld.com ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732.

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB

www.harvestsalvage.ca New Used & Re-man parts Tractors Combines Swathers WRECKING TRACTORS: NH, Ford, Case David Brown, Volvo, Nuffield, County, Fiat, JD, Deutz, MF and IH. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK, www.britishtractor.com TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, SCHULTE RS 570 batt. reel style, hyd. combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. drive, rock shield, shedded, $5750. Quill etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, Lake, SK. 306-287-7707, 306-287-8292. 306-441-0655, Richard, SK.

NEED JD STS COMBINE CAB? Full cab assembly off 2004 JD STS, Greenstar equipped, $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www. combineworld.com; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new, used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service.

NEW SCHULTE SNOWBLOWER- New wider Schulte SDX 102 snowblower, now 102”, $7799. 60” blower starting at $1599. All snowblower sizes from 50” to 117” in stock now. Call you nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. SCHULTE RDX-110 SNOWBLOWER, rotary chute w/hyd. deflector and front mount frame w/rear PTO drive, mounting frame for 40 series JD, exc. cond., used 8 hrs., $20,000. 306-365-4695, Lanigan, SK. FORKLIFTS AND SNOWPLOWS, 8’, 10’, 12’. 306-445-2111, www.eliasmfgltd.com North Battleford, SK.

COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. www.comb-tracsalvage.com We buy machinery. GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734. 2006 JD 7700 forage harvester, 645B header, 48 knives, high arch spout, Auto Lube, 717 cutter head hrs., service records avail. through our shop, field ready, exc. cond. $198,000 OBO. Lloyd Sproule, Pincher Creek, AB. 403-627-7363, 403-627-2764,




H ydra ulic Pa rts & D oin g H ydra ulic R e p a ir

Ca ll NODGE Firs t

Swift Current, SK

• Pic ku p Be lts & Te e th • Ele va to r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts • Fe e d e r C ha in s & S pro c ke ts • C o m b in e pa rts • C a n va s • Tra c to r Pa rts w w w .n od gem fg.c om

• S e e d Bo o ts & Tips • Air S e e d e r Ho s e • Pa c ke rW he e l C a ps • Nic ho ls S ho ve ls • Ha rro w Tin e s • Ba le r Be lts • Ha yin g & Ha rve s t Pa rts & S u pplie s



1- 8 1- 8 1- 8 1- 8

00- 667- 98 71 • Regin a 00- 667- 3095 • S askatoon 00- 38 7- 2 768 • M an itob a 00- 2 2 2 - 65 94 • Ed m on ton



Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.

YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs . Plu s M u ch M o re!

1-8 00-340-119 2 Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g

2012 4430 CASE/IH high clearance sprayer, loaded, Aim, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, Viper Pro, single and dual nozzles, end nozzles, clean out valves, two sets of tires, 120’, 768 hrs, $285,000. 306-228-7612, Unity, SK. 2001 JD 4710, 2850 hrs., SS tank, 90’ booms, 120 gal. rinse tank, 2 sets of tires, remote throttle and ladder, chem inductor, fenders, traction control, wheel shields, fence row nozzles, 2 crop dividers with air lifts, plumbed Outback AutoSteer, exc. shape, $112,000. Call 204-785-3686, East Selkirk, MB. 2007 JD 4720, 1600 hrs., 90’ boom, 2 sets of tires, very nice, $134,500. Delivery available. Call 1-800-735-5846, Minot, ND.

TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK. 2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no PU, DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers 1910 hrs., autolube, AutoSteer, spout ext., Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ to 53’. s e r v i c e r e c o r d s , $ 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. 2003 CATTELAC 460 silage wagon, 3 screws, elec. scale, 1 owner, vg cond., Auto m a tic S pra ye r $17,500 firm. 306-327-5171 Kelvington SK


YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, tapered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505.

Bo o m H e igh tC o n tro l EAS Y TO IN S TALL!

W o rks o n m o s tS p ra yers . F in d o u ta b o u tyo u rs . Co m p lete $ 00* $ 00* kitju s t


Com e visitus a tb ooth 10223 a tthe W estern Ca na d a Fa rm Progress Show ,June 20-22.

F in d yo u r n ea res td ea ler a n d m o re in fo a t

w w w .gre e n tro n ics .co m o r Ca ll: 5 19-669-4698

CUSTOM BUILT BOLT-ON floater, dual wheels and tires to fit JD 4710/20/30, Series SP sprayers, $1995. 306-287-7707, 306-287-8292, Quill Lake, SK. NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for Caseand JD sprayers; 900/50R42 Michelin for 4930 JD; 650S for Case 4420. Call 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK.


S EXS M ITH US ED FARM P ARTS LTD . Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

2006 ROGATOR 1074, 1976 hrs., 100’ boom, SS tank, 2 sets of tires, 3” fill, EZ steer GPS, 4 E-Kay crop dividers, Raven 4000 controller, shedded, vg, $140,000. 306-843-7613, 306-843-2135, Wilkie, SK. 2010 JD 4930 sprayer, 120’ booms, high flow pump, eductor, AutoBooms, slip control, 2 sets tires, 763 eng. hrs, 275 spray hrs, loaded. 403-643-2125, Carmangay, AB 2000 CHEROKEE 575 sprayer, 75’ booms, Trimble GPS and AutoSteer, EZ-Boom sectional control, 500 gallon tank, always shedded, $51,500 OBO. 306-259-2224, 306-946-9515 cell, Young, SK.


DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 2007 NH SP 210, 1000 gal., 100’ boom, windscreens, AutoBoom, autorate, induc“ Fo rAllY o u rFa rm Pa rts” 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON tion tank, fenders, asking $35,000. Mike w w w .f yf e p a rts .c om WANTED TO BUY - Tractors in need of re- at 306-690-8829, Barry at 306-631-8854, pair; also buying round balers and misc. Moose Jaw, SK. machinery for parting out. 306-395-2668 BOURGAULT 850 III, 96’, curtains, autoor 306-681-7610, Chaplin. SK. rate, very nice, $7900; Bourgault 850 III, AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older trac- SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge 83’, curtains, $4500. Ph Hergott Farm tors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/oth- inventory new and used tractor parts. Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. er Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battle- 1-888-676-4847. ford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769.

S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa rts.co m

2012 JD 4730, 600 hrs., full load, wide/ narrow rubber. Auto height/steer/shutoff, SS tank, 4 yr. warranty, 100’. North Battleford, SK. 306-445-1353, 306-441-2061. 2008 JD 4830, AutoTrac swath pro, boom height, 2600 display, 420 tires, 1460 spray hrs., 2900 eng. hrs., $175,000. Willing to deal. 306-642-3772, Assiniboia, SK. 2010 MILLER CONDOR G75, mechanical drive, 1200 gal. tank, 120’ five section boom, three way bodies, Raven Envisio Pro, SmarTrax AutoSteer, hyd. wheel adjust, AccuBoom sectional control, end row nozzles, UltraGlide boom control, 24.5x32 duals, 100 gal. rinse tank, boom blowouts, excellent condition, field ready. $199,500. 306-535-7708, Sedley, SK. 2008 MILLER A75, 103’ spray air boom and hypro nozzles, 1000 gal. tank, 2 sets of rear tires, crop dividers, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, 1,221 hrs., $185,000 OBO. 780-674-7944, Barrhead, AB. 1996 SPRA-COUPE 3630 high clearance, 70’ boom, foam marker, 1800 hours, $29,500. 604-854-0668, Abbotsford, BC. 1995 WILLMAR 765 Special Edition, 3464 hrs., 90’ boom, 2 sets of tires, Midtech autorate controller, wired for JD AutoSteer, $39,500. Call 204-304-0999, Altona, MB.

2009 BOURGAULT 3310, 55’, 10” spacing, MRB’s, 2” tips, 4.8 pneumatic packer tire, single shoot, walking axles, rear dual tires, 2006 60’ 5710 BOURGAULT with 2007 exc. cond. 306-675-6110, Kelliher, SK. 6550 tank, 12” spacing, MRS. Tank c/w 4 t a n k m e t e r i n g , b a g l i f t , a n d d u a l s . DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta $162,000. 306-472-3000, Lafleche, SK. and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob David2002 JD 1820 52’ drill, 10” spacing, 3” son, Drumheller, 403-823-0746 steel, double shoot, w/AtomJet openers, 1900 JD air cart, 340 triple tank, TBH, vg, clean, $69,000. 306-948-7636, Biggar, SK. 2008 74’ BOURGAULT 5710, 9.8” spacing, w/MRB, c/w packers 5.5” pneumatic and 3.5” steel, DS dry and NH3 w/flow control, blockage on all seed runs; 2008 6550 air tank, DS, bag lift, 4 tank metre, rear hitch, duals. Both shedded, mint condition. Can deliver. 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 45’, 9”, 3.5 steel, SS, c/w 2340 TBH, $89,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2004 JD 1820 41’ air drill w/1910 air cart, 2005 HORSCH ANDERSON 6015 plant10” spacing, dbl. shoot, dutch openers, 4” ing system, 500 bu. tank, triple shoot, ISO rubber packers, 350 bu. cart, c/w monitor ready. Units priced to move. Call James and canola roller, $77,000. OBO. Standard, 403-312-0776, Calgary, AB. AB. 403-901-3024 or, 403-934-0495. 1998 MORRIS MAXIM air drill, 49’, 10” 2008 JD 1830, 1910 TBH cart, 62’, 12” spacing, single shoot, 7240 TBH tank, space, double shoot, dutch paired row, $ 3 7 , 5 0 0 O B O . 3 0 6 - 3 3 8 - 2 8 4 1 o r disc furrow levelers, 5.5” rubber packers, 306-327-7959, Wadena, SK. variable rate, power calibration, all-run blockage, seed and fertilizer, $135,000. 40’ FLEXI-COIL 6000 disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot w/2320 air tank, good Call 306-642-4833, Assiniboia, SK. condition. 780-645-5374, 780-645-8188, 2007 42’ K-HART w/2320 Flexi-Coil tank, St. Paul, AB. exc. cond. 306-662-3385 Golden Prairie SK 2004 JD 53’ 1820, 10” spacing, rubber 1 9 9 3 M O D E L 3 3 9 , 3 3 ’ C o n s e r vap a k packers, single shoot, var. rate, all run w/DS160 tank, $18,000. 306-699-7215 or monitors, frame updates, c/w 2008 430 306-699-7050, Qu’Appelle, SK. 1910 TBH tank, conveyor, rear hitch, dual 2007 SEEDMASTER 5012TXB, double castors, 900 singles, done approx. 25,000 shoot granular, airless packers, Agtron acres, $85,000 OBO. Les 306-219-8181, blockage monitors, duals across front, Rosetown, SK. 23.1x26 rear, one year on openers, vg BOURGAULT 5710, 34’, 9.8” spacing, cond., sold w/wo Bourgault primary mani- 3-1/2” steel packers, MRB’s- rebuilt 1,000 folds, $105,000. 306-736-2614, Kipling, SK acres ago, double shoot granular, $37,000. 2003 FLEX-COIL 5000 drill, 51’, double 780-961-4028, Westlock, AB. shoot, 12” with 3450 tank. 306-693-2310, 2004 BOURGAULT 5710, 47’, 9.8” spacing, Moose Jaw, SK. Mid Row Banders, double shoot, heavy 2009 SEED HAWK 84’ toolbar, 12” spacing shanks, 3/4” carbide tip openers, 3-1/2” w/800 Seed Hawk cart, $240,000; 2001 steel packers, dual castors w/2004 5350 52’ 5710 Bourgault, 12” spacing, 3-1/2” Bourgault tank, 350 bu., 8” auger, exc. packers, dual shoot, Bour gault tips, cond. Call 306-476-2500, Rockglen, SK. $38,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment BOURGAULT AIR DRILLS, large used seLtd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. lection of 3310’s and 3320’s as well as oth1998 CONCORD 4010 red, 5 fold c/w 2009 e r m a k e s a n d m o d e l s . C a l l G o r d Case 3430 var. rate tank, MRB’s, Dickey 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. John NH3 kit, hyd winch on tank, blockage monitors, openers, field ready, exc. cond., 2007 FLEXI-COIL 5000 HD air drill, 40’ always shedded, $80,000. 204-467-8547, w/2002 2340 var. rate tank, DS paired row 204-791-3130, Stonewall, MB. carbide openers, 3 1/2” steel packers. PURCHASED NEW IN 2007 ATX 5010 Con- 306-752-3613, 306-921-3814, Melfort, SK. cord with ADX 3380 tank, double shoot, 3- 2003 BOURGAULT 5710, 59’, 9.8” spacrow harrows, 10” auger, Atom Jet side ing, double shoot, c/w 5440 tank, mint banders, always shedded, $100,000. Call cond., $90,000.306-946-7737,Watrous,SK. Grant 204-771-9267, Paul 204-461-0337, Warren, MB. 2010 JD 1830 41’ air drill w/1910 cart, 10” 2006 CASE CONCORD ATX 3310, w/ADX spacing, dbl. shoot, dutch openers, 5” rub2230 tank, C-shank, Bourgault knock-ons, ber packers, 430 bu. cart, c/w monitor and 10” spacing, exc. cond., low acres. Always canola roller, done under 5000 acres, $145,000 OBO 403-934-0495 Standard, AB shedded. 204-467-2787, Argyle, MB. BOURGAULT 5710 47’ c/w 6350 tank, 2001 CONCORD 3212, dual shoot, FlexiMRB, variable rate meters, 3/4” carbide Coil air kit, paired row Atom Jet openers, original owner. 306-548-2096, Sturgis, SK. tips. 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB.

AG-PAK AUTOMATIC POTATO bagger with KwikLok closer, bags 5-20 lbs., exc. cond., $28,000. Harv 780-712-3085 for more info gallantsales.com Largest inventory of used potato equip. Dealer for Tristeel Mfg. polishers, hybrid washers, felt dryers, tote fillers and dealer for Logan live bottom boxes, piler, conveyors, etc. Call: Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB.

Art 160 Air Seeder Rate and Blockage Monitor with 6-1” ID Sensors The ART 160 air seeder rate and blockage monitor, displays your rate in seeds per acre or pounds per acre. It detects blockages using infrared seed flow sensors. The monitor can have up to 120 runs. Fast low rate and blockage detection in 1 second or less. Blocked runs are indicated by the number of their sequence in the loop.

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2002 3450, double shoot, 10� auger, air ‘BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTION’ s e e d e r h o p p e r, $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 wo r ko r d e r, 2002 Bourgault 5710, 54’, MRB, steel pack$45,000 OBO. 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. ers, w/5350, $119,000; 1998 Bourgault 2012 SEEDMASTER 80’x12� air drill, 300 54’ 5710, MRB, rubber packers, w/4300 bu. on-frame tank, w/UltraPro canola me- DS tank, $99,000; Bourgault 5710, 54’ sinters and cameras, w/scales, fully loaded, gle shoot, rubber packers, $75,000; 1993 run block monitors, packing force sensors, Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5� duals, c/w 2012 Nova cart, 3 compartment steel, $59,000; 2010 Bourgault 6000 90’ 780 bu. w/scales and duals. Unit in perfect mid harrow, w/3225 Valmar, $49,000; 2010 6000 90’ mid harrow, $36,000; 2010 cond. $376,000. 306-535-7708, Regina, SK 5710, 74’, 5.5� packers, $195,000; 2010 1996 GREEN CONCORD 5012, 3400 Bourgault 5810, 62’, DS, 5.5� packers, double tank, w/3rd canola tank, single $185,000; 84’ Bourgault 7200 heavy harshoot Stealths, 1 owner, $38,000 OBO. row, $32,500; 1990 70’ Flexi-Coil S82 har780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. row bar, $6500. RD Ag Central, Bourgault Sales, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, 2002 CASE/IH ATX 50’, 12� spacing, Kamsack, SK. ADX 3360 TBT variable rate cart, Raven NH3 kit, $59,000. 306-539-2363 Regina SK

Recycle your old seed monitor (any brand) and get a great discount on one of these systems. Call for information. Offer Ends Dec. 21/12

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BOUGAULT 5710, 34’, 9.8� spacing, 3.5� steel packers, 1� vertical sideband liquid knives, excellent shape, $34,000. 10% down to hold until Apr. 1. 306-272-4647, cell 306-272-8047, Foam Lake, SK. 2010 BOURGAULT 5710, 47’, MRB’s, no cart or manifolds, $89,000 OBO. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Yorkton, SK 2001 BOURGAULT 5350, dual fan, rice tires, loaded, always shedded, $47,500. 306-460-9740, 306-460-9846 Coleville, SK

2 4 ’ J D 3 3 0 d i s c , $ 1 1 , 5 0 0 O B O . WANTED: 1456 OR 1026 IH tractor, any 306-243-4208, 306-867-7102, Macrorie SK c o n d i t i o n . To p d o l l a r p a i d . C a l l 701-240-5737, Minot, ND. 10-12’ MILLER HD offset disc, 12� spacing; 8’ Rome plow disc, $4000 for both. 2 - B R A N D N E W C A S E / I H Tr a c - m a n 306-338-2750, Wadena, SK. TRACKS FOR STX 450 quadtrac, $7500 each; 2 USED SCRAPER TRACKS, also 1984 30’ SUNFLOWER heavy tandem for STX 450, vg, no rips or lugs missing, disc, very good condition, field ready, $4500 ea. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. $20,500. 780-349-9810, Rochester, AB. 1980 986 INTERNATIONAL, c/w forks and TWO CP760 MORRIS cultivators, $3500 bucket, new torque and clutch, fair cond. each; VERSATILE 24’ tandem disc, as is, Jim 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. $3000 OBO. 306-759-2051, Brownlee, SK. 14’ ALTEEN field disc, in fair shape, $500. CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; Call Ross 780-672-5838 or 780-878-1552, Plus other makes and models. Call the Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. Camrose, AB. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB 53’ CIH 5600 DT cultivator w/245 Valmar, $14,000; 57’ Friggstad cult. with harrows, 1982 4490, 6100 hrs., good rubber, 1000 PTO, four sets of hyd., circulating heater, $9500. 306-642-3487, Assiniboia, SK. 14’ Degelman dozer blade, 2’ top apron, $21,000. 306-785-4716, Cadillac, SK. 2010 BOURGAULT 5710, 74’, 9.8� spacing, 3.5 steel packers, Dutch paired row knives, 2090 CASE, undiagnosed engine problem, w/6700 air tank, $262,000. Millhouse 6400 hrs. Asking $2000 for tractor as is. Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. Located at Castor, AB. Ph. 403-740-9377. 2007 BOURGAULT 9400 60’ chisel plow Email: mdrobert@xplornet.com w/JD HD mtd. 3 bar harrows, 1/2�x22� tines, knock-on shovels, excellent cond., 1992 7110 CASE TRACTOR, FWA, 9500 2004 2340 FLEXI-COIL air cart, 230 bu. $72,000 OBO; Air distribution and 4350 hrs, has had bearing roll, new rad, field 8 run variable rate, 2 comp., front tires Bourgault tank avail. Lloyd 403-627-2764, r e a d y, e x c . c o n d . , $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 500x45/22.5 Trelleborg, rear 750x65R26 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB. 204-725-2156, Brandon, MB. Michelin XBIB, also avail. var. rate liquid JD 455 30’ fold-up DD, w/grain and fert., VA CASE GAS tractor with blade, runs very fert. kit, $25,900. Corey 1-866-316-5379. $32,000; JD 455 35’ plain grain, $34,000. good, $1400; 3 PTH to fit 970 or 1070 2004 JD 1890, 42’, 7.5� spacing, rubber 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. Case, like new, $1100. 306-395-2668, gauge wheels, all run black, 270 TBH tank, 8� auger, $85,000. Call Ray 204-825-8121, IH 12 BOTTOM plow; 35’-41’ Flexi-Coil 700 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. CP, harrows; 40’ Crowfoot packer; 43’ Leon CASE/IH 5088, 140 HP, 3 PTH, FEL, cab, Morden, MB. CP, harrows. 780-623-1008, Rich Lake, AB. AC, vg rubber, $17,000; BUHLER ALLIED WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820, 25’-35’ or loader Model 2895-S, fits 150 to 250 HP 50’-60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, tractor w/joystick, grapple fork, bucket, AB. $7500. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. BOURGAULT 8810, 32’, 8� spacing, poly packers, 2195 tank, $25,000. WANTED TO BUY - 2094 CIH, with blown 780-961-4028, Westlock, AB. or weak engine. Will also consider other Case/IH models. Call: 306-395-2668 or 2009 JD 1830, 50’, 7.5� single shoot, rub- 1995 9670, 4920 hrs., duals front and 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. back, 18 spd., vg condition, $57,000. Call ber packers, Atom Jet openers, 350 TBH, conveyor, $124,000. Ray at 204-825-8121, Pat at 306-231-8999, Humboldt, SK. 2011 CIH STX535 pro quad, lux. cab, 36� Morden, MB. tracks, high cap hyd. and drawbar, 262 receiver, Pro Series rated at 610 HP from the 2001 BOURGAULT 4250 air seeder tank, c/w single shoot manifold to suit 40’ 1971 ALLIS CHALMERS 210, 122 HP, factory! 775 hrs. 306-587-7531, Cabri, SK. air seeder. All hoses are included! 2 bin 20.8x38 single tires, HD FEL, $7500. 1983 4490 CASE tractor, 5369 hrs, engine tank total 250 bu., hyd. loading auger. Ex- 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St Louis, SK and trans good, PTO, 18.4x34 duals, clean cellent shape! $19,900. Call Jordan anyunit, $14,000. 306-862-5521, Nipawin, SK. 7020 ALLIS TRACTOR, new cable controls, time, 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. $6500. 403-650-8369, Longview, AB. CIH 4240 MFWD, 3 pt., 2125 hrs., loader, WANTED: BOURGAULT 5440 air seeder, with dual shoot or possible 6450 Bourgault DEUTZ DX110 diesel tractor, 110 HP, 5600 $ 2 4 , 0 0 0 . C o n t a c t G a r y R e i m e r a t air seeder. 306-445-5790, North Battle- orig. hrs, 540/1000 PTO, dual hyds., exc. 204-326-7000, Reimer Farm Equipment, at #12 Hwy N., Steinbach, MB. ford, SK. rubber, $8500 OBO. Phone 780-349-9810, located www.reimerfarmequipment.com 1999 FLEXI-COIL 6000 no-till disc seeder, Westlock, AB. 30’, w/Barton disc openers, c/w 2340 TBH tank, double shoot, all new discs and fert. manifolds replaced 1000 acres ago, $50,000. Consider trade for JD baler 567 1985 WHITE 4-270, 270-300 HP, PTO, 4 or 568, very clean cond. 780-206-0049 spd., powershift, 4300 hrs., $26,500 OBO. 204-322-5483, 204-461-0854, Warren, MB days, 780-674-3029 eves, Barrhead, AB. 1986 JD 655 28’ air seeder with 5� paired COCKSHUTT 1800 DIESEL with cab, row Peacock Industries precision seeders, w/Schulte snowplow, good rubber, $3000, $12,000. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. or will sell with front mount post pounder. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK.

CASE/IH 550 QUAD, 2012 luxury cab, 36� track, high cap. hyd., high cap. draw bar, diff. lock, 262 receiver, WAAF, NAV controller, HIV, elec. mirrors, cab susp., tow cable. Call The Tractor Man, Gord, 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 1986 4694, 4 WD, w/14’ 4-way Leon blade, 30.5/32 tires, PTO, motor and trans overhauled, 6335 hrs. 306-753-2707, Macklin, SK. WRECKING FOR PARTS: 1586 IHC, vg running engine, 20.8x38 tires, vg sheet metal. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. CASE 2090 TRACTOR w/Leon dozer blade. Brian, 306-435-3590, 306-435-7527. bmccarthy@rfnow.com Moosomin, SK. 2002 STX450 quad Ag tractor, 3665 hrs., luxury cab, high capacity hyd., diff. lock, Outback GPS, AutoSteer and mapping, $149,500. 306-682-3498, 306-231-8558, Humboldt, SK. CASE 9280, powershift, PTO, 30.5x32 Firestone radials, AutoSteer, 6700 hrs, shedded, $60,000. 403-647-7391 Foremost, AB 1986 CASE 4894 had since new, 300 HP, PTO, 20.8x38 radial duals, great shape, 8400 hrs., 14’ Degelman dozer, plumbed for Outback AutoSteer, shedded, great for grain cart and plowing snow, $30,000. 780-375-2443, 780-679-8784, Kelsey, AB. LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD, FWA tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. 1988 CIH 9170 w/16’ Degelman 6 way blade, power shift, 20.8x42 duals, 4 hyd. remotes, 7200 hrs., very good condition. Call 306-231-9020, Humboldt, SK.

2011 C ASE/IH ST450 HD, 181 hrs., 710/42 duals, Pro 700, AutoSteer, 4 remotes, HD drawbar, deluxe susp. cab, HID lights, power mirrors, 18 months remaining warranty. 403-740-9161, Tees, AB.

2006 CAT 865B, 18L, 36� tracks, 2700 hrs., front and idler weights, AutoSteer, very good condition. Call 306-842-5891, 306-861-7488 Weyburn SK




60’ SYSTEM 82 Flexi-Coil harrow with hold-down springs, exc. cond., $5500. CASE/IH STEIGER 435 Quadtrac, 1600 306-233-7305, Cudworth, SK. hrs., 30� tracks, high output pump, A-1 BOOKING SPECIALS for all makes of har- cond., $219,000. 204-324-6298 Altona MB row tines, mounted, std., drawbar, heavy 1995 9280, 3700 hrs., 375+ HP, 855 big harrow, eg. 9/16�x26� ST, 100 or more Cam Cummins, 12 spd. std. trans, 4 re$19.95 each. Special ends Nov. 30/12. motes return line, air seat, 20.8R42 duals Fouillard Implement Ltd., St. Lazare, MB. at 50%+, no cracks, exc., always shedded, 204-683-2221. $85,000 OBO. 306-723-4711, Cupar, SK. 2011 RITE-WAY 8100 heavy harrow, 55’, 1995 CASE/IH 9270, 12 spd. std. trans., d o n e 3 2 0 0 a c r e s , $ 3 2 , 5 0 0 . C a l l duals, 4 hydraulic remotes, no PTO, 2400 306-369-4163, 306-369-7820, Bruno, SK. original hrs., mint condition, $80,000. Call FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95 harrow packer 403-934-8780, Strathmore, AB. drawbar, 80’, 5-bar tine harrows, P20 packers, $10,000. Rouleau, SK., call 306-776-2394, 306-537-0615. 40’ PHOENIX ROTARY harrow, hyd. fold, used very little, excellent for rejuvenating hay fields, $12,500 OBO. 403-823-1894, A Concept so simple Drumheller, AB.


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1997 RITE-WAY 41’ land roller, hyd. fold and lift, excellent cond., $19,900. Call anytime, 403-627-9300. Pincher Creek AB

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1992 CIH 7200, 42’ hoe drill, new Eagle Beaks, steel press, exc., $8900. Choiceland, SK. 306-428-2847 or 306-862-7731. WANTED: E Z E E - O N 1 6 0 seed cart, ground drive fan parts. Swift Current, SK. 306-774-5669.

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BOURGAULT 9400 chisel plow, 60’, floating hitch. Call 403-634-4129, Taber, AB. KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs, c/w 24� to 36� notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ tandem wing discs c/w 26� and 28� notched blades and oilbath bearings. www.kelloughs.com 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. MORRIS MAGNUM II chisel plow, 50’, hyd. rod, harrows, $27,500. Call 306-969-4620, Minton, SK. KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and bearings. Parts to fit most makes and models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com

Distributed by:

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Email: craigyeager@grainbagscanada.com or aaronyeager@grainbagscanada.com

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Location is everything for precision farming to maximize your profits • That precision starts with the VW30PR Triple Shoot Opener for your Air drill. • The VW Paired Row Triple Shoot - VW30PR - delivers precise placement of liquid start-up phosphate, nitrogen blend and row location. Brian Oster Golden Prairie, SK. - “We demoed VW30PR Triple Shoot Opener on our Harmon Air Drill. I was very impressed with the field finish - The soil flow & the seed bed created by the opener. We are looking forward to seeding this spring with our new VW30PR Triple Shoot Openers.â€?

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VW Mfg. Ltd. Dunmore, Alberta, (Medicine Hat), AB. 403-528-3350


1997 CH75D w/Degelman 14’ blade, 5200 2005 7320, FWA, 2700 hrs., 741 loader, hrs., 70% on 36” tracks, 4 hyds., $40,000 24 spd. quad trans., 3 PTH, LHR, exc. cond, spent on rebuilt engine at 5000 hrs., $80,000. 204-722-2057, Elkhorn, MB. $69,000. 204-792-9590, Sanford, MB. WANTED: QUANTITY RECTANGULAR front TOWING A GRAIN CART WITH A CHAL- weights to fit JD tractors, 1961-1975, 10, LENGER? You might want a PTO drive. 20 series, early 30 series. 250-843-7617, Complete PTO assembly, fits all flat track Farmington, BC. Challengers - Models 65, 75, 85 and 95. $25,000. Will credit $1000 for return of 1997 JD 9400, 4 WD, 5327 hrs, powertransmission end cover. Going to plow shift trans, PTO, 4 remotes w/return line, snow this winter? IMAC 12’6” HD pow- 710/70R38 duals, very nice! Perfect for er angle tilt 6-way dozer, fits all flat track grain cart! Reduced- $109,500. Jordan Challengers, c/w all hyd. hoses, 2 hyd. 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. junction boxes, moldboard in like new con- WANTED: DIESEL ENGINE for JD 3020, dition, c/w new cutting edge, front stump short block or complete engine. St. Louis, pan, $35,000. 780-996-7364, St. Albert, SK., 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000. AB. plodoen@shaw.ca STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking 2006 CHALLENGER MT865B scraper edi- for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, tion, 30’’ tracks, 5 hyd., 6500 hrs. Asking 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. $138,000. www.dirtpro.ca for pictures. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, Call Andy 204-712-5498, Rosenort, MB. 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. 2001 CH95E w/Imac 12’ 6-way blade, 1990 8960 JD tractor with 10,000 hrs., 2306 hrs., like new 30” tracks, 4 hyds., 10 shedded, field ready and triples. Fraser spd., $99,000. 204-792-9590, Sanford, MB Farms Ltd., Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0240. 2008 JD 9630, 4 WD, Michelin 46” triples, 5 remotes, weight pkg., 1700 hrs., vg 2006 9620T, 600 hrs. on new HD Camo- cond. 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. plast, 36” tracks, 5 hyd., 1000 PTO, receiv- 1994 JD 7400 MFWD c/w 740 loader, er w/2600 display, 3513 hrs., exc. cond, bucket and grapple, 4720 hrs., no 3PTH, $206,000. 306-472-3000, Lafleche, SK. $48,000. 780-763-2179, Myrnam, AB. 1990 4455 MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, low 2006 JD 9420, loaded, 1700 hrs, 24 spd., h o u r s , e x c e l l e n t r u b b e r, s h a r p . HID, 10,000 lbs. cast weights, 710R42, ac306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. tive seat, very nice, like new, $190,000. 2003 JD 9420, 24 spd., 800 metrics, 1250 Call 306-873-7822, Tisdale, SK. hrs, weights, like new, $175,000. Phone FOR SALE: 2001 JD 7810, with 740 FEL; 306-333-4829, Abernethy, SK. Also 2008 JD 7730 with 741 FEL. JD 500 INDUSTRIAL tractor, FEL, quick 306-395-2652, Chaplin, SK. detach bucket and bale fork, shuttle and powershift. Powershift needs some repair. 306-662-7389, Maple Creek, SK. JD 7810 MFWD, powershift, 3 hyd., 4600 hrs., never winter started, always shedded, immaculate. Weyburn, SK. 306-842-2670 or 306-456-2660. 2012 7200 R FWA, 500 hrs, 480 loader and grapple, exc . cond., $175,000. Call 306-834-7610, Major, SK. 1977 JD8430 4WD TRACTOR - NEW 18.4 x 1994 8770, PTO, 24 spd. only 4900 hrs., 34 duals, 3 hyd., 1000 PTO, JD Quadshift, 20.8x42, $74,900; 1997 9400, 24 spd., 180 hp, 9,611 hrs., good cond’n., $17,800. 520x42 triples, full front and rear weights, Trades welcome. Financing available. Outback AutoSteer, 5700 hrs., located at 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com Langenburg, SK, $109,000. 306-948-3949, 1990 4055, MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 4800 hrs, excellent, loader available. 1993 JD 4760 MFWD, powershift, 840 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. l o a d e r, 1 2 , 0 0 0 h r s . , $ 4 7 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 1989 4955 JD, MFWD, 7600 hrs., 20.8R42 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. rears, very good, $45,000. 306-768-2827, 1997 JD 9100, 12 spd., 4 hyds., 20.8x38 306-768-7888, Carrot River, SK. radial tires, 2915 hrs., mint, $88,000. JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD; JD 780-961-4028, Westlock, AB. 8110 MFWD. Low hours, can be equipped 2004 JD 9320, PTO, powershift, 4 spools, with loaders. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. low pressure return, 3010 hrs, active seats, buddy seat, HID lights, 710.70x42 1974 JD 4030 quad range, 20.8R34 raqdial Michelins 75%, AutoTrac. 306-457-8044, tires, rubber good, new 12 volt batteries, new upholstery, retrofit steps. 7115 hrs., Kisbey, SK. showing (approx. 8500 actual), $18,000. JD 8450, 7800 SWD, 4050, 4450 MFWD 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. w/loader, 2130. Will take JD tractors in trade that need work. 204-466-2927, WANTED: JD TRACTOR, 120 to 160 HP, MFWD, low hrs, must be in excellent cond. 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. Phone 306-291-0333, Saskatoon, SK. JD 7320, 24 spd. LH rev. trans., MFWD, 6500 hrs., 741 JD loader, $69,500. Call 2002 JD 9220, powershift, PTO, approx. Gary Reimer at 204-326-7000, Reimer 4600 hours, 20.8x42 duals, w/wo 6-way Farm Equipment, #12 Hwy N., Steinbach, Degelman blade. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com 1992 JD 8560 4 WD, $52,000, 4510 hrs, 1996 JD 6400 FWA, 85 HP, 640 JD loader, 4 hyds, hyd. return line, Outback E-Drive, 3 PTH, dual hyds, good condition, $19,500. shedded, 24 spd., 235 HP, tires 70%. 306-689-2620, 306-587-7970, Abbey, SK. 780-698-2600, Rochester, AB. THREE POINT HITCH for John Deere 2012 JD 9460R, 4 WD, 130 hrs, leather 4755 tractor, medium duty, like new, trim, high flow hyds. w/5 remotes, Michelin 710/70R42’s w/duals, weight pkg., $1500. 306-625-3516, Ponteix, SK. $264,500 US. www.ms-diversified.com 1996 8570, 4900 hrs, 24 spd., field cruise 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. radar, 18.4x38 tires 70%, always shedded, exc. cond., $61,000 OBO. 403-526-5769, JD 7710 FWD, 140 HP, 3 PTH, dual PTO, like new rubber, approx. 4100 hrs. exc., 403-548-1056, Medicine Hat, AB. $67,500. 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB. 1985 JD 4450 tractor, 140 HP, 7500 orig. hrs, dual hyds, 20.8x38 rubber, like new, JD 7700, 1996, 7650 hrs, powershift, new rebuilt powershift done at JD dealer, FWA, 3 PTH, $49,500; JD 8200, FWA, 3 runs excellent, always shedded, $25,000 PTH, 5400 hrs., $77,000; JD 4455, 7350 hrs., FWA, 3 PTH, $40,500. Humboldt, SK. OBO. 780-349-9810, Westlock, AB. www.versluistrading.com 306-231-3993. WANTED: 1520 OR 1020 JD tractor, from 1968 to 1973, gas or diesel. Call Wayne 780-689-1660, Grassland, AB. 1979 JD 4440 w/148 FEL, $19,500. 2006 MF 7495, 155 HP PTO, CVT, grapple www.waltersequipment.com Minitonas, and loader, 2500 hrs., $89,000. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. MB, 204-525-4521. JD 9400 4x4, very clean, powershift, MF 8120, 130 HP, 540/1000 PTO, 1900 710x42 rubber- 50%; also Big Bud. Phone orig. hrs., tires- 80%, no loader, shedded, $53,000. 403-285-9855, Calgary, AB. Albert at 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. 1995 JD 8570, 6800 hrs, 24 spd., 4 hyds., 4 new tires 20.8x38, no PTO, very nice, $54,000. 306-264-7777, Hazenmore, SK. 2004 NH TJ425, 2700 hrs., 710x42 tires, 24 spd., 5 remotes, orig. owner, shedded, 1980 JD 4440 tractor, 8500 orig. hrs, quad $135,000. 780-878-1550, Camrose, AB. shift, 130 HP, 540/1000 PTO, dual hyds., 18.4-38 rubber, exc. cond., always shed- 1995 9680, 4770 hrs., all updates, 55 GPM ded, never had a loader, $19,500 OBO. hyd. pump, 4 spools, 2 new tires, always 780-349-9810, Westlock, AB. shedded, $69,500 OBO. 306-237-4465, Sonningdale, SK. 2010 NH T7040, 180 HP, FWA, PS, 860TL quick detach bucket, FEL w/grapple, AC, 760 hrs, 540/1000 PTO, 3 PTH, 4 remotes, fully loaded. 403-644-2386, Standard, AB.

1998 JD 8300, 5090 hours, 200 HP, HD 3 PT hitch, row crop tires, powershift, $67,500 OBO. 780-850-6118 Edmonton AB 1998 JD 9200 4WD, 20.8x42 Firestones, 12 spd., Greenstar ready, 4 SCV’s, very clean, 5700 hrs. Call Ray at 204-825-8121, Morden, MB. 2000 9400 JD, 3518 hrs, 24 spd., diff lock, 710R38 duals, lots of weights, excellent. Phone 306-592-4524, Buchanan, SK. 1995 7600 MFWD, PowerQuad, 3 PTH, 4200 hours, good rubber, excellent condition. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK.

2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3 PTH, grapple, manure tines, 800 hrs., like new. Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. 2001 TS110, 2 WD, 3 PTH, loader ready, tires- 90%, CAHR, good cond., $31,000. 306-371-7382, 306-329-4780, Asquith, SK. 2005 TS115 NH, MFD, loader and grapple, 115 HP, 3200 hrs, $65,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. 1997 BI-DIRECTIONAL 9030, $7500 spent recently, new rubber, 3 PTH, grapple fork, 7414 loader, good cond., $37,000. Call Neil at 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 1996 9682, 360 HP N14 engine, 4950 hrs, 4 hyds, 710/38 rubber at 60%, Outback AutoSteer block, exc. cond, always stored inside, $82,500. Call Mike 403-837-0181 or 403-454-7520 or Gil 306-454-2671, Ceylon, SK.

2008 JD 9530, 4 WD, 1706 hrs, 800/70R38 w/duals, active seat, premier lighting pkg, weight pkg., $189,500 US. 9682 NH, 4 WD, 4950 hrs., 400 HP, www.ms-diversified.com 320-848-2496, 710x38 duals, 4 remotes, always shedded, $82,000 OBO. 306-621-1631, Yorkton, SK. 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN.


2003 NH TG285, 5500 hrs, new front tires 600/70-30, new back tires 710/70-42, $90,000. Call 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK. www.versluistrading.com VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL USERS see our info. on our website: www.hydratec.ca for cold weather operation.

FORD 8670, FWA, 3 PTH, 4 hyds., 4 new tires, 9400 hrs., $39,000. Humboldt, SK. www.versluistrading.com 306-231-3993. 1991 846 FORD VERSATILE, 18.4x38R duals, 1000 PTO, 15 spd. synchro, 4 hyds., 3800 hrs, shedded, exc. cond. Contact Jim 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. 1978 FORD 6600, 72 HP diesel tractor with HD loader, 72” bucket, 3 PTH, good cond., $8500. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK. 1998 FORD/NH 8970 FWA tractor, 250 HP, 4500 hrs., PS trans., PTO, 3 PTH, SuperSteer, mega flow hyd., 4 hyd. remotes, front weight pkg., 18.4x46 rear duals, 14.6x28 front duals, vg cond. $69,000. 204-758-3943, 204-746-5844 St. Jean, MB

DON’T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! Best selection of tow ropes and straps in Canada. For tractors up to 600 HP. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com 4 OILFIELD SKIDS 4 runner, 12” I-Beam, 30’ and 36’ long, cable throuts at both ends. 403-586-4874 cell, Sundre, AB.

1997 CAT 928G LOADER, w/rebuilt trans, 15,414 hrs, $49,000. Financing available. 204-864-2391 204-981-3636, Chartier, MB LEON 4000 DOZER frame, hydraulic angle, hoses included, fits T9000 Series NH 4 WD, approx. 4 yrs. old, excellent condition. 306-389-4842, Maymont, SK. JD 640 FRONT END LOADER, w/QA 6’ bucket, pallet forks, bale spear. Joystick, and power beyond, $7675. Can deliver. 306-946-7923, 306-259-4923, Young, SK.

CASE 24B, 2.5 yard, 4x4 payloader, good condition, $17,900. Call Len 1991 946 FORD VERSATILE, 5600 hrs, 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. 20.8x42 duals, new clutch, new trans, exc. CASE 66L w/84” bucket and grapple, motor. 306-592-4524, Buchanan, SK. Case/IH 2255 w/72” bucket, $2555 each. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK. LEON 707 LOADER, (black) 6’ bucket, wide yoke, w/brackets to fit 1105 MF tractor, exc. cond., $4750 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 9’ LEON DOZER, manual angle, fold-in wings, brackets to fit JD 4020 or 4230. Excellent condition, $1500. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. VOLVO L180 LOADER, 1994, 8.5 yard bucket, 70% tires, quick attachment, $53,000. Call 403-291-1010, Calgary, AB. 2012 POWERSHIFT 535, 800 duals. Last of the pre-emission engines. Super fall pro- LEON 707 front end loader with 6’ bucket, g r a m s . C a l l C a m - D o n M o t o r s L t d . , $3600. Call 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL HYDROS in stock- reman. 150 thru TV145. Call us 1-800-667-7712, Hydratec Hydraulics. 1988 FORD VERSATILE 976, 24.5x32 duals, 5140 hrs, approx. 200 hrs on clutch, pump, injectors, exc. cond., $47,500 OBO. 1981 VERSATILE 895, 20.8x38 duals, Atom Jet, 6395 hrs, 150 hrs on $6000 workorder incl. bearing roll, $27,500 OBO. 306-338-2841, 306-327-7959, Wadena, SK


n ew , fixed kn ife s hred d er kit, w a lkin g a xles o n w in gs . Reta il $61,000.

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R egin a , S K 3 0 6 -3 47-0 774 o r To ll F ree a t 1-8 6 6 -8 9 9 -9 9 6 5 • Le a s in g is yo u r a n s we r to S AVIN G o n yo u r ye a r e n d ta xe s !

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Fla m a n Sa le s Ltd, 1-8 8 8 -23 5-26 26 or 3 06 -726 -4403 , S o u they, S K .

SEASONED SPRUCE SLAB firewood, one cord bundles, $85, half cord bundle, $55. V&R Sawing 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK.

SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., BIRCH, SPRUCE, POPLAR firewood, split in www.luckemanufacturing.com semi-load lots, self unloading truck; custom firewood processing, cut/split up to BR780 NH ROUND bailer, Auto-Wrap, stan- 22” lengths. 306-577-5377, Kennedy, SK. dard PU; Schulte 320 jumbo rock picker; Leon 425 manure spreader, equipment BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood shedded. 306-662-2016, Maple Creek, SK. for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will 2010 245 PT VALMAR 50’ boom, ground deliver. Self-unloading trailer. drive, hyd. fan, exc. shape, farm owned, low acres, $12,500 OB0. 306-743-7657 or F I R E W O O D : C u t a n d s p l i t , d e l i ve r y available. 306-862-7831, Nipawin, SK. 306-743-7679, Langenburg, SK. APPLY TODAY to take Crop Technology FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading at Lakeland College’s Vermilion campus. truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. Your training includes involvement in the Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. business side of the Student Managed USED FIREWOOD PROCESSOR 1x37 Hakki Farm- Powered by New Holland. Details at Pilke, PTO, hyd. joystick controlled, 3+ w w w. l a ke l a n d c o l l e g e . c a o r p h o n e cords/hour, $15,800. 306-742-7772, 1-800-661-6490, ext. 8527. Churchbridge, SK.

1998 9500 JD combine, $70,000. 1980 2290 Case tractor on singles, $10,000. 1980 1150 Versatile, brand new Atom Jet, $60,000 firm. Serious inquiries only. 306-460-9027, Flaxcombe, SK.

BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Degelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer 2011 JCB 535-125, only 227 hrs., 8000 b l a d e s . P h o n e 3 0 6 - 9 5 7 - 4 4 0 3 , c e l l lb. lift cap. to 40’6”, 4x4, 3 steering modes, outriggers, aux. hydraulics, Q-Fit carriage 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. w/floating pallet forks. Like New! $89,600. WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calv- Jordan 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. ing/ foaling barn cameras, video surveil- FORKLIFTS AND SNOWPLOWS, 8’, 10’, 12’. lance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, 306-445-2111, www.eliasmfgltd.com combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. North Battleford, SK. 1990 FIAT ALLIS FD 14 E, new rollers, exc. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . U/C, rebuilt transmission and torque, twin 403-616-6610, www.FAAsecurity.com tilt angle dozer, exc. machine all around. Can deliver. Warranty. Will consider trade. $67,000. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB.


a n y m a k e of tra c tor G roe n in g In d u s trie s Ltd . 888-86 6 -4203

GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. ‘07 VOLVO BL60 - 1,325 hrs., 4WD, all new rubber, good condition, $44,800. www.gcparts.com Toll free 888-327-6767. Trades welcome. Financing available. WHITE 2-150 w/Ezee-On FEL; MF 1130 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com w/cab, hyds. not working. 306-395-2320, 306-681-8803, Chaplin, SK. LOADERS: 2- JD 544J’s, Caterpillar 950H, WANTED: 50-60’ DEEP TILLER, prefer JD 310G backhoe. Conquest Equipment 1650 John Deere, but could use other 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. make. 306-452-3955, Bellegarde, SK.

REDUCED: KOHLER ELECTRIC PLANT generator, nat. gas 35R8811 SN #215281, 35 KW, 3 phase, 43.75 KVA, 60 cycle, 120/28 volt, 1800 RPM, 121 amp per term., includes all switching and panelling, 92 HP, 33.9 hrs. $6000 OBO. Dalmeny, SK. 306-370-1603. DUETZ GENERATOR, 45 KW, 6 cyl. diesel, c/w autostart panels and 120-208 volt, 526 hrs. 306-239-4942, Osler, SK. GENERATORS: 20 KW to 2000 KW, low hour diesel and natural gas/ propane units Abraham Generator Sales Co. Phone: 701-797-4766 or 701-371-9526, Cooperstown, ND. www.abrahamindustrial.com

WANTED: V DITCHER. Call 306-525-3687, Regina, SK.

DOZER BLADE GROUSER 352, 14’ wide blade w/6-way movement off of a PTA 280 Steiger. Will fit other 4x4 tractors. Located western Minnesota. 218-493-4319. JD 344 LOADER w/grapple, rebuilt trans, low hrs, exc. cond. Ph. 403-552-3753, 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. 12’ UNIBLADE IDEAL for making ditches or pull dozing. Call: 306-792-4544 early morning or late evening, Springside, SK.

WANTED: Older and newer tractors, in running condition or for parts. Goods Used Tractor Parts, 1-877-564-8734. WANTED: USED KIRCHNER V-DITCHER to make small ditches to drain potholes. 780-645-2219, St. Paul, AB. WANTED: HAYBUSTER ZERO-TILL disc drill, must be in good condition. Phone 306-372-4509, Luseland, SK. D7E HIGH HP Cat, new U/C, 24” pads, direct start, glow plug, twin tilt angle dozer, bush ready, exc. cond. Warranty. Will consider trade. $66,000. Call for more info 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.


2009 CUMMINS DGCA-666115 - 50KW, 3.9L Cummins, 4 cyl. turbo, 120/240V 1-phase (can be converted to 3-phase), fully tested, ready to go. $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

DOZER BLADE WANTED for either 8830 F o r d o r 4 8 0 0 S e r i e s M a s s e y. C a l l : DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 306-335-2777, Abernethy, SK. 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used new, Perkins, John Deere, Deutz. We WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, and build custom gensets. We currently prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, also have special pricing on new John Deere 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly trac- WANTED: 20,000 TO 30,000 watt, prefer tors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor PTO drive. Call 306-834-2944, Major, SK. Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847.

SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen ph/fax 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. TEXAS GATES and 4.5, 7 and 8-5/8” pipe fo r s a l e , f u l l l e n g t h s a n d c u t o f f s . 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. MULCHING - TREES; BRUSH; Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: www.maverickconstruction.ca TONGUE AND GROOVE PVC plastic swine fencing panels. Panel spaces allow for 2”x4” pieces to fit, reinforcing the build. 50% of the price of new panelling. $5.50/ft. Dimensions: 1-3/4”x32”x12’ panels. 780-621-0731, Drayton Valley, AB.


Fin a n c in g and L ea sin g

LETOURNEAU 11 YD. PT industrial hyd. scraper, $16,500. Phone 306-423-5983 or 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK.

‘76 JD 4630 TRACTOR - 2WD, new big rears 24.5 x 32, JD 404 turbo intercooled, Powershift, 3 hyds., 1000 PTO, $15,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

BUHLER ALLIED LOADER for 150 to 230 HP tractor, Model 2895-S, w/joystick and grapple fork, nice and straight for $7500. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. CAT 941 WHEEL LOADER, c/w forks and bucket, good condition, asking $6000. 306-862-7985, Nipawin, SK.

L& M

5x10 PORTABLE CORRAL PANELS new design. 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335, Calgary, AB. magnatesteel.com



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BONANZA BUCKS PLUS 0% FINANCING OR CASH BACK* This year’s Value Bonanza sales event gives you MORE WAYS TO SAVE! It starts with BONANZA BUCKS – it’s like bonus cash just for buying select New Holland tractors, combines and hay equipment. And, your savings continue with 0% FINANCING or CASH BACK in lieu of financing. But hurry! The clock is ticking. See us before this offer ends on November 30, 2012.


2012 BOURGAULT 3710







2004 BOURGAULT 5710 STK #B21989A, 59’, DS, 3 1/2” STEEL PKRS, 12” SPC,W/ BO 5440 AIR TANK, 3TM, DS
















STK #HR2801B, S/N: 36182AH-10, MRBS, NH RAVEN 3, 54’, 3/4” OPENERS, SNGL SHT, C/W BOURGAULT 3225 CART




2009 NH T9060




1999 BOURGAULT 5710



STK #PB2967A, S/N: 40085PH-06



2004 BOURGAULT 5710






2012 NH SP.275R





2009 NH T9060

1999 BOURGAULT 5710

2010 BOURGAULT 3310






STK #PB2966A, S/N: 40054PH-08



2001 BOURGAULT 5710

STK #PB2963A, S/N: 38218AH-26


2006 NH TJ480

2010 BOURGAULT 3310



2005 BOURGAULT 5710

STK #PB2601A, S/N: 38098AH-05, 2004 BOURGAULT 5710

1996 BOURGAULT 5710

2012 NH T9.560


2004 BOURGAULT 5710




HWY. #3, KINISTINO, SK — Bill, David H, Jim, Kelly SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO — Jay, David J., 306-864-7603


HWY. #5, HUMBOLDT, SK — Paul, Tyler, Darrell


235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, PRINCE ALBERT — Chris, 306-922-2525


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YOU’VE HEARD ABOUT our Massey Ferguson® 9500 Series: the revolutionary combines that can generate 20% more capacity using 20% less fuel*. Now, all 2013 models ordered by December 31, 2012 include our NightBlaze light package which rivals daylight visibility. Plus our ergonomic, leather-trimmed seat that’s both heated and cooled. Stop by today and see the light. Or visit MasseyFerguson.us.

Contact our dealership anytime to learn more.

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Unmatched comfort.The only combine seat that’s heated and cooled. is a registered trademark of AGCO.

*Comparative tests between MF9540 and MF9795, MF9560 and MF9895. Results may vary depending on crop and conditions

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HB SP30, ‘02 ......................................................................$29,900 NH 94C, ‘10, PU Reel, 4/aft, dbl knife drive, 1200 acres ......$59,500

R76, ‘10, 4200 hdr............................................................$229,000 R76 ‘09, 4200 hdr, 18.4R42 duals,503 hrs ........................$239,000 R66 ‘09, 900 frt, elec sieves ..............................................$189,000 R65 ‘05, hyd dr sprdr, 1755 hrs .........................................$115,000 R65 ‘03, 14” unload, hi-wire sep grate, fine cut chpr, hyd straw sprdr ................................................................$100,000 R62 ‘00, SM pu, fine cut chpr, elec concave adj ...................$59,900 R62 ‘98, 4000 hdr, 2045 hrs ...............................................$69,500 R62 ‘98, fine cut chpr, 30.5 tires, 2105 hrs ..........................$59,900 R62 ‘95, 2518 hrs ...............................................................$29,900 R72 ‘02, stone trap, chaff fins .............................................$79,500 MF 9795 ‘10, 350 bu, adj strng axle, CL8 beacon lt, bin sensor deck ext 145” tread, HID lt, hella, elec adj, 28Lx26 R1, adj, FS 900/60R32 R1W, 446 hrs ................................$269,000 MF 9795 ‘09, heavy duty axle, 28Lx26 rear, 18.4R42 duals, Y&M, airfoil chaffer, Redekop Mav chpr, HID lights, 782 hrs ............................................................................$209,000 NH 8090 ‘09, 695 hrs .......................................................$225,000

SWATHERS Hesston 8450 ‘04, 25’ header (‘03) ..................................$69,900 MF 9740 ‘12, Sys 150 kit, Beacon lights ...........................$149,900 MF 9430 ‘11, 30’, auto steer, loaded, 136 hrs ..................$119,000 MF 9430 ‘08, 36’, pu reel, Mandako swath roller, 625 hrs ..$79,900 MF 220 ‘98, 1713 hrs .........................................................$44,900 MF 200 ‘95, 26’, UII reel, DSA ............................................$39,500 Prairie Star 4600, ‘97, 25’ ................................................. $5,900

STRAIGHT CUT HEADERS HB SP30 ‘09, sng knife, UII, hdr tilt, cross auger, detach trspt, Case 2388 adptr, fore/aft ..........................................$54,900


Case IH 8465 ‘98, 5x6, auto..............................................$15,000 Highline 7000 ‘01 .............................................................. $7,900 Rowse 12W ‘07 rake .............................................................. CALL


Bourg Centurion III 850 ‘94, 100’ ................................... $6,900 Case IH 3150 ‘03, 90’, 750 gal, 1903 hrs ..........................$99,000 Killbros 110 ‘08 ................................................................$59,900 Killbros 1950 ‘08 w/scale & trap .......................................$39,900 Eagle Rotary Ditcher ‘11 ...............................................$24,900

TRACTORS Case 500 ‘11, 30” new tracks, pto, X20 ..........................$339,500 Case 932 ‘69, factory cab & 2 remotes .................................... CALL Case 2294 w/90 ldr ............................................................$34,900 Fendt 712V ‘09, CVT, loaded, approx 1001 hrs ...............$149,900 Fendt 412 ‘05, ldr, grapple, big rubber, 2563 hrs .................... CALL Fendt 926 ‘02, frt 3pt & PTO, 3000 hrs ...........................$159,900 2 - Ford Versatile 946 ‘93, one w/triples & wts ...............$59,900 MF 5480 ‘08, w/ldr, 1407 hrs .............................................$89,900 MF 5475 ‘10 w/965 ldr.......................................................$76,500 MF 2805 ‘83, 20.8x38 duals, 18.4x16.1 front ....................$14,900 NH 9060 ‘08, 492 hrs .......................................................$279,900 NH 9882 ‘97, 20.8R42 triples, Radar & Perf mon, 5063 hrs ..........................................................................$119,000 NH 9682 ‘97, 20.8x42, perf mon, 3195 hrs ......................$109,000 NH 9880 ‘94, 6771 hrs .......................................................$89,900 Versatile 895 ‘82, 5619 hrs ..............................................$29,900 Steiger KS325 ‘86, 20.8R38, Allison auto.........................$39,900

Bourgault FH536-40 ........................................................$19,900 2 - Bourgault 6550 ‘10 ..................................................$129,900 2 - Bourgault 6350 ‘08 & ‘07 .........................................$79,900 Bourgault 5350 ‘00, 2 tank meter, NH3 line, RTH ............$45,900 Bourgault 135 ‘96, load/unload, hydraulic fan ................... $8,900 Bourgault 2115, load/unload .............................................. $4,500 7 - Bourgault 3310 ‘10-’08, 40’ - 75’....... Starting @ $129,900 2 - Bourgault 5710 ‘05 & ’98, Call .............Starting @ $44,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 ‘95, 57’, 7” sp, 3” stl pkr, sng sht ............$34,900 Flexi-Coil 3450 ‘97, load/unload ......................................$34,900 Flexi-Coil 2320 ‘98, semi hopper, sng fan ........................$19,900 Flexi-Coil 1610 Plus, load/unload, tow hitch ....................$11,900 Bourgault 7400, 70’ ........................................................... $6,900 IHC 496, ‘82 disc, 32’..........................................................$27,900 Riteway Junior Jumbo Harrow ‘09, 72’ ......................$29,900

MF 9795 ‘09 ld, 350 bu hopper, hd axles, Mav chpr, HID lights, YMM, 800x32 tires, extra hyd outlet, 782 sep hrs, one owner



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HAY EQUIPMENT Case IH 625 hay header, 16’ ..........................................$15,900

For a complete listing visit our website



Greg Shabaga

Lyle Mack

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Randy Porter

Farren Huxted

H (306) 864-2579 C (306) 864-7666

H (306) 752-3792 C (306) 864-7688

Kinistino, SK • email: awe@agworld.cc







2011 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLE 33KM 5.3L LOADED 4X4

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2002 CHEV Silverado Crew Cab, Leather, Diesel .........................CALL 2003 FORD F250 Lariat, 226KM, 6.0L Ext Cab ............................CALL 2003 CHEV Silverado 2500 6.6L Ext Cab ............................ $13,995 2011 FORD F350 XLT 2003 CHEV Silverado 1500HD 6.0L 4X4 CREW ...................... $9,995 2005 DODGE Dakota Laramie, 112KM, Crew Cab ............... $13,995 4X4 6.2L LOADED LONG BOX 2005 DODGE Ram 1500 4X4 Hemi Loaded Fresh Trade ..... $11,995 $ 2005 DODGE Ram 1500 “Rumble Bee” 5.7L Reg Cab 140KM Only ......................................................................................... $13,995 ONLY 2006 CHEV Avalanche LT .................................................... $13,999 2007 DODGE Ram 3500 SLT Mega Cab 4X4 PST Pd Loaded “5.9L Diesel” 156Km ................................................... $28,995 2007 DODGE Ram 2500 SLT, 128KM, 5.7L, Mega Cab........ $19,900 2007 CHEV Silverado 1500 LT, 130KM, 4.8L, Reg Cab ........ $16,995 2012 NISSAN PATHFINDER SE 2007 CHEV Silverado 2500 LT, 166KM, 6.6L, Crew Cab ...... $32,995 2007 DODGE Ram 3500 SLT, 178KM, 6.7L, Mega Cab........ $28,995 LOADED 4X4 44KM 2007 CHEV Silverado 1500, 5.3L 4X4 Crew Cab, Loaded LOTS OF EXTRAS ............................................................................. CALL ! $ re e h Snow is 4x4 2008 DODGE Ram 2500 SLT, 111KM, 6.7L, Crew Cab......... $31,995 r u o y t e G 2008 GMC Sierra 2500 SLE, 142KM, 6.6L, Crew Cab ........... $29,995 now! 2008 CHEV Silverado 3500, 61KM, 6.6L Dually, Crew Cab .. $39,995 2008 CHEV Silverado 3500 LTZ, 70KM, 6.6L Dually, Crew Cab . $43,995 2008 DODGE Ram 2500 Mega, 6.7L................................... $31,995 2008 FORD F350 Lariat Dually Crew Cab Short Box 6.4L ........ $32,995 2009 DODGE Ram 1500 Laramie, 59KM, 5.7L, Crew Cab ...........CALL 2010 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT SPORT 2009 CHEV Silverado 2500 6.6L Crew LT 2 To Choose From ...... CALL 2009 FORD F150 Lariat Crew Cab, 5.4L 4X4 PST PD 80KM 4X4 5.7L 67KM PST PD 4 TO CHOOSE FROM ........................................................................ CALL LOADED 2010 DODGE Ram 3500 6.7L Laramie, Crew..................... $38,995 $ 2010 DODGE Ram 2500 SLT 6.7L Crew.............................. $31,995 2010 DODGE Ram 2500 SLT Crew 6.7L 58KM ...........................CALL 2010 FORD F150 “Harley Davidson” Crew 5.4L .................. $34,995 2010 FORD F250 XLT, 112KM, 5.4L, Ext Cab ........................ $21,995 2010 DODGE Ram 3500 Laramie, 6.7L, Crew Cab Dually ...........CALL 2010 FORD F150 Harley, 5.4L, Crew Cab............................. $29,995 2009 FORD F150 PLATINUM EDITION 2010 DODGE Ram 3500 Laramie, 69KM, 6.7L, Crew Cab ... $49,995 FULLY LOADED, A 2010 DODGE Ram 2500, 5.7L Crew Cab, 100KM ................... $24,995 MUST SEE 2010 GMC Sierra 2500 4X4 Loaded 111Km 6.0L ................. $26,995 80KM PST PD RS U 2011 GMC 2 to choose from 1500 SLE, 28KM, 5.3L, Crew Cab ...CALL O Y T 4X4 5.4L E oose G 2011 FORD F250 XLT 5.4L, 100KM...................................... $27,995 4 to cohm NOW! fr 2011 FORD F150 King Ranch Fully Loaded 4X4 5.4L Just In Save $$$$$................................................................... $38,995 2011 GMC Sierra 2500, 117KM ........................................... $26,995 2011 FORD F350 4X4 Loaded 73Km Long Box 6.2L Gas ..... $32,995









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2011 NH P2070, 60’, 10� Sp, Precision Drill, 430 Bu Tank......................................$249,000 2011 NH P2070, 60’, 10� Sp, Precision Drill, 430 Bu TBT Tank .............................$227,500 2011 NH P2070, 60’ 10� Sp, Precision Drill, 420 Bu VR TBH Tank ......................$216,900 2009 Bourgault 3310, 55’, 10� Sp, Precision Drill, MRB, DS Dry ..........................$169,000 2010 Case IH 800, 60’, 10� Sp, Precision Drill, 3430 Tank .........................................$199,900 2001 Seed Hawk 1450L, 48’, 12� Sp, 1450 Gal Liquid, 100 Bu Seed on Board ..............................................$67,900



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2001 JD 1820, 53’, 12� Sp, Mid Shank, 1900 Cart (430 Bu) ...........................$71,900 1995 Flexi-Coil 5000, 57’, 9� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, Atom Jet, D/S .....................................$36,900 1998 Bourgault 5710, 54’, 9.8� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, MRB, SS Dry, NH3 .....................$49,900 1991 Flexi-Coil 5000, 39’, 9� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, TBT Air Pkg ..........................................$22,500 2001 Bourgault 5710, 64’, 9.8� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, 5350 Tank, CTM .....................$105,500 2003 Concord Drill, 32’, Rbr Pkr, 2340 TBH Tank .......................................................$26,800 2001 Bourgault 5710, 47’, 9.8� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, MRB.................................$82,900 2004 Bourgault 5710, 64’, 9.8� Sp, 3� Rbr Pkr, MRB, D/S Dry, 3/4� Cbd Knf ..........$82,900 1998 Bourgault 5710, 54’, 9.8� Sp, 3� Rbr Pkr, 350 Bu Tank.........................................$77,900 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000, 39’, 9� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, 2320 TBT Tank ....................................$47,900 2003 Morris MXIII, 60’, 10� Sp, MRB, 3� Stl Pkr, 425 Bu Tank .....................$99,500 1999 Ezee-On 7500, 40’, 8� Sp, Stl Pkr, 2175 TBH Tank Ground Drive ......$41,000 2005 NH SD440A, 57’, 10� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, 430 Bu VR TBH Tank ......................$107,500 2002 Bourgault 5710, 47’, 9.8� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, MRB, NH3 to MRB .................$119,900 2002 Ezee-On 7550, 40’, 10� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, 215 Bu TBH Tank ...............................$29,500 2002 Flexi-Coil 5000, 50’, 9� Sp, 5� Rbr Pkr, 3450 TBH Tank ...................................$69,900 2004 JD 1820, 60’, 10� Sp, 3� Rbr Pkr, 340 Bu 1910 Tank ............................................$66,900

2002 Bourgault 5710, 54’, 10� Sp, 4� Rbr Pkr, MRB........................................................$86,900 1998 Bourgault 5710, 40’, 9.8� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, 300 Bu Tank ................................$75,900 2009 NH P2060, 70’, 10� Sp, 5.5� Rbr Pkr, 430 Bu TBH Tank ............................$189,000 2004 Bourgault 5710, 64’, 9.8� Sp, 3.5� Stl Pkr, DS Dry Air Kit .............................$62,900 2010 JD 1835, 50’, 10� Sp, 4� Rbr Pkr, MRB, 430 Bu Tank......................................$187,900


2002 Bourgault 5350, 350 Bu TBH Cart, CTM, Double Shoot .........................$41,900 1999 Flexi-Coil 3450, 350 Bu TBT Cart, VR, 30.5x32 Tires.......................................$43,500 2005 Bourgault 6350, 350 Bu, TBH, CRA, CTM, Aux Clutches, SS ....................$63,000 2002 Flexi-Coil 3450, 350 Bu TBT Cart, Mech Drive, 30.5x32 Tires .............$27,900 2006 Bourgault 6350, 350 Bu, TBH, CTM, SS, RTH ......................................$62,000 1998 Bourgault 2130, 130 Bu TBH Tank, Single Shoot, Hyd Drive................... $4,900 1994 Flexi-Coil 1720, 170 Bu, Single Shoot ......................................... $4,500 1997 Flexi-Coil 1615 Plus, 160 Bu, TBT, S/S ................................................... $6,500


2010 Akron EXG300, 540 PTO, 10’ Extractor........................................$34,600 2008 Akron E180TH, 9’ Grain Bag Extractor ..............................................$12,900 1996 Brent 520, 500 Bu Grain Cart, 23.1x26 Tires.......................................$17,900 2007 Demco 750, 750 Bu Grain Cart, 14’ Auger, Roll Tarp .................................$25,800


2010 Miller Pro G75, 120’ 1200 Gal 4WD Hydro Autosteer ............................$229,000 2011 NH SP275F, 120’ Front Boom, 1400 Gal, Autosteer ......................$332,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 67, 100’, 1000 US Gal, Wheel Boom, Auto Rate ..............................$19,800 2002 Flexi-Coil 67XL, 120’, 1500 Gal, Auto Rate, Curtains, Hyd Pump .............$21,900 2010 Hardi 6600, 134’ Susp, 1850 Gal, Triple Bodies, Hyd Pump ...........................$59,900




Trent Werner - Yorkton 306-621-7843

Kurtis Meredith - Moosomin 306-435-7323

Suppliers of Autoboom, Norac, Spraytest, Tridekon, New Leader


2012 JD 4940

2012 Apache 1020

2011 NH 240R

120’, 3” fill, 5 ways, Boomtrac 5,halogen lights, 2630 display, new sf1 autotrac/sec control & receiver, fenders, rh fence row, 380R50 & 620R46 tires, 327 hrs, Powergard warranty til May2/2015, JD Link. In Moosomin.

1000 gal, 100’, 3 ways, 3 sets tips, Raven Powerglide height control, Raven GPS, auto steer, swath control, 380/80-38 front & 520/85-42 rear tires, 14 hrs. In Yorkton.

1000 gal poly, 90’, 3 ways, 3 sets tips, Raven Powerglide height, HTA, fenders, boom drains, fenders, front SS dividers, 380/90R46 Titan tires, rear duals, FM-750 controller GPS, 500 hrs. Coming in.




2004 NH SF115

1998 Flexi-Coil 67

1500 gal poly, 100’, single bodies, mix & fill, hyd drive, 18.4-26 tires. In Wynyard.

80’, windscreens, hyd drive pump, 1000 gal poly tank, rate control, 2 sections, single bodies, rinse tank, wash wand.







8 - JD 4940s 3 –JD 4710s

4 – JD 4930s 5 – JD 4830s 7 - JD 4730s 1 – Case SPX3310 2 – Willmar 6400s 1 – Brandt SB4000

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BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger Provencher, roger@cdnbison.com or 7LWDQ &RDO 0XOWL )XHO 6WRNHU %RLOHUV ,QGRRU &RDO *DV *UDLQ 3HOOHW 2LO :RRG 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned bison company and enjoy the benefits. %RLOHUV )LUHSODFHV )XUQDFHV 6WRYHV

NEW AND USED Outback STS, S3 mapping units. Baseline, AutoSteer and VSI units. Trades welcome. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK OUTBACK 360 AUTOSTEER, off 9400 JD, hydro steering system, good cond., asking $5000. 306-487-7993, Lampman, SK.

N.A.P.S. SOLAR STORE offers solar panels, windmills, components or complete solar systems and energy efficient appliances. 780-835-3682, 1-866-835-6277, Fairview, AB., or check out: www.solar-store.com

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LIG H T UP YOUR FAR M W ith S o la r!No w yo u c a n ! Lightre m o te lo c a tio n s e a s ily. C he c ko u to u r S o la rY a rd lightS ALE $5 00 w w w .w s e te c h.c o m /s o la rs tre e tlights .php

H EAT YOUR H OM E AN D W OR KS H OP W ITH S OLAR C he c ko u tthis a m a zin g Te c hn o lo gy. w w w .w s e te c h.c o m /w a te rhe a te rs .php


15- 2012 HEIFER calves; 15- 2011 heifers; 15- 2010 heifers; 4 yr. old breeding bull, quiet disposition. Excellent stock to add to your herd or a great starting package! 204-447-3332, St. Rose du Lac, MB.

2 PIECES OF 42� pipe, 9/16� wall, 40’ long; 4 pieces of 42� pipe, 3/8� wall, 40’ long; 3 pieces 32� pipe, 3/8� wall, 15’ long. Call Rollin at 306-768-2827, Carrot River, SK. 3/4� SUCKER RODS, $5 each, 2 3/8� oilfield tubing at $27 each, truckload quantities only. 306-861-1280, Weyburn, SK.

RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new and used equipment. 31 years in business. www.rainmaker-irrigation.com Outlook, SK Call 306-867-9606. IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8�, 4 cyl. dsl. or PTO, 600-1000 gal./min, very efficient. Also buying oilfield pipe and casing. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB. HOME OF REINKE ELECTROGATOR II. Reinke centre pivots, one used 2640’ Valley section pivot, 1295 Reinke pivot, one used 2600’ Zim. Can design to your needs. Trades welcome. 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK. THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving water? Pumping units, 6� to 10� alum. pipe; Also Wanted: 6� to 10� pipe. Call Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years of experience, not a Dealer. Email: dfpickerell@shaw.ca WESTERN IRRIGATION large supply of new and used irrigation equipment 2 PTO pumps etc. 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK.

C ALL BR AYD EN 306-244-8808 Â | S AS KATOON

6 YEAR OLD Legend coal boiler w/auto feed, was used to heat a 10,000 sq. ft. shop w/wo 2000 bu. hopper bin. Ladimer at 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. or for pictures ladimer@sasktel.net

NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.� Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. 8- 2011 BISON, 5 males, 3 females, on grain, $1500 each. 204-526-2708 leave message, Holland, MB. 32 GOOD QUALITY yearling bulls and heifers, asking $2/lb. Dwayne 780-842-6463 or Charles 780-842-6786, Wainwright, AB.

2010 PURE WOOD bulls, just off grass; FOR SALE: 5- 2008 bison bulls, 25- 2011 some top end 2011 yearlings, male and feBison bulls, 50- 2012 bison calves. Contact m a l e , m e a t p r i c e s . V i k i n g B i s o n 306-874-7590, Naicam, SK. Frank 780-849-0564, Smith, AB. UP TO 60 head of Wood Cross, Pure Wood breeding stock, $2000 per head. Call Dr. Marshall Patterson, 306-694-1759, Moose WANTED: CARMEN CREEK Gourmet Meats Jaw, SK. and High Plains Bison are purchasing yearlings and finished slaughter MORAND BUFFALO SQUEEZE with crash calves, year round. Prompt Payment. Adhead gate, $4800. Call 780-941-2104, New bison vance deposits and long term contracts Sarepta, AB. are available. For more information contact: animalsourcing@goldenbison.com or call 303-962-0044.


STOCK COW AND B R E D H E IF E R SAL E S - 1:00P M TUES D AY N O V EM BER 27TH S OUTH S P R INGS FAR M S LTD. - 50 Hom e Ra is ed Hfrs . Bred to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in A p ril 4th. Bu lls ou tJu n e 1s t. S KIP W OR TH FAR M S - 120 Red Hfrs . Bred to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in M a y 8th. O u tJu ly 28th. ALVIN W INCH – HER D DIS P ER S AL - 160 1/ 4 S im m X Red A n g u s C ow s . Bred to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju ly 10th. O u t S ep t 10th. 59 Red A n g u s X S im m Hfrs . Bred to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t. O u t Ju ly 30th. 35 Red A n g u s X S im m Hfrs . Bred to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju ly 10th. O u tA u g 30th. CACTUS COULEE R ANCH - 25 Blk H frs . Bred to ea s y ca lvin g W es tern A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t. W ILL’S FAR M - 90 M ixed Cow s . Bred to Red A n g u s O R S im m Bu lls . Bu lls in M a y 1s t.

ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or elkvalley@xplornet.com


CATTLE FIN AN CIN G BC, ALBER TA, S AS K. “ Fa rm e rs He lping Fa rm e rs �



Bred cow program ! Feeder Program !

Toll Free 1-8 66-8 48 -6669 No Res triction s ; Pu rcha s e a n d m a rk etin g - You rchoice

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Roc k y M ou n ta in Hou s e , AB


CO W TO W N LIVESTO CK EXCH AN G E M aple Creek,SK. For up to date inform ation on upcom ing bred sales phone 1-800-239-5933 or visitour w ebsite: w w w .cow tow nlivestock.com

HERD DISPERSAL 29 COWS, varying in ages from 3-15 yrs., 27- 2012 calves. 306-862-8490, 306-428-2769 Snowden SK

8 REGISTERED BLACK Angus bred cows, 2 10 PURE WOOD BISON cows and 9 yr. open registered heifers, 14 months. Melold Wood bull. Quiet herd, pail fed. fort SK. 306-752-1961, cell 306-921-7536. 204-281-1186 leave msg, Birch River, MB. BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, YearEmail: lymklamb@yahoo.ca lings and two year olds, semen tested, 30 GOOD QUALITY Plains bred 2010 heif- guaranteed breeders, delivery available. ers, $3000/ea. Merek at: 306-261-1292, skinnerfarmsangus.com 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. Admiral, SK. www.wignessbison.com BISON HERD FOR SALE: 140 bred cows, 80 yearlings- male/female, 80 calves (May). 40 minutes West of Edmonton, AB. Email for inquiries: morton_A@shaw.ca


P 5 R ANCHES - 110 Red & RBF 2n d ca lvers bred Cha rola is . 350 Red & RBF 2n d ca lvers , bred Red A n g u s . Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t. O u tA u g u s t1s t.

DAR R EN HAS S - 100 Ta n & TBF HFRS . Bred to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t. O u tA u g u s t1s t. BEN NIS H - 170 Blk & BBF H frs . 100 Blk & BBF 2n d ca lvers . A ll fem a les w ere s yn chron ized A Ibred to Da k ota G old on M a y 19th.

S ATURD AY D ECEM BER 1s t M AR S H R ANCHES - S ello ff – Divisio n o f Bu ffa lo Hills R a n ch Co w s 480 Bred F em ales con sistin g of: 30 Blk A n g u s & Blk A n g u s X Hfrs . 120 Blk & BBF C ow s (2n d & 3rd ca lvers ). 280 Blk A n g u s C ow s (4yrs to m a tu re). 50 Red Fa ctor Cow s . Bred to Blk A n g u s Bu lls from M errill a n d A irp ortA n g u s , A ls o Lim o Bu lls from Hig hla n d S tock Fa rm s . Bu lls in Ju n e 21s t. O u tA u g 27th. S AL E W IL L BE AT M ARS H RAN C H ES IN T H E BU F F AL O H IL L S ! L O CAT IO N/ D IRECT IO NS : M a rs h Ra n ches loca ted 12 m iles N orth of Vu lca n , A B. O n Hw y #24, ea s t on s econ d a ry roa d 542 for 7.8 k m , then n orth on RR 234 for 9.5 k m , then ea s ton TW P RD 200 to ra n ch n es tled in bu ffa lo hills .

w w w .w s e te c h.c o m w a te rc o n d itio n in g.php


GERLEI PUREBRED YOUNG cowherd dispersal, selling 168 head. All cows 6 yrs. and under, 76 bred cows, 38 bred heifers, 28 heifer calves, 25 bull calves. For further info. contact Gerlei Angus. Gerald and Lorellei Kary and family at 306-424-7676 or, BRED HEIFER, COW, and Pair Auction 306-424-2332; Doug Howe 306-631-1209 Sat. Nov. 17 at 1:00, Johnstone Auction or, 306-693-2163, Moose Jaw, SK. See our Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Expecting 50+ bred catalogue online www.buyagro.com heifers, incl. the Peter Schmidt bred heifers and young bred cows of various GEIS ANGUS DISPERSAL SALE, Thursday, breeds. 306-693-4715, pictures and details Dec. 13 and Friday, Dec. 14 at Nilsson Bros. Livestock, Clyde, AB. Providing endat www.johnstoneauction.ca PL#914447 less opportunities of all Red and Black AnCANDIAC AUCTION MART, Bred Cow gus genetics. Dec. 13 selling 60 long yearSale, Wed. Nov. 28th, 11:00 AM. Also a ling bulls, herdsires, semen and embryos. closed Bred Heifer Production Sale for Dec. 14 selling 300 cow/calf pairs, 70 bred Tom, Karen and Dylan Grieve on Dec. 5th heifers. Contacts: Brian and Kim Geis, at 11:00 AM. And our Annual Pen of 3 Bred 780-674-4225 or Rob Holowaychuk, OBI, Heifer Show and Sale Fri., Dec. 14 at 11:00 780-916-2628. View catalog online at AM. Info. contact Kevin 306-424-2967, www.cattlemanagement.ca to request a catalog email OBI at o.b.i@shaw.ca 306-539-4090, Candiac, SK. COWTOWN LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE Maple Creek, SK. For information phone 1-800-239-5933 or visit our website: www.cowtownlivestock.com

R ANDY & BR YCE HOW G - 100 Red Hfrs . 30 Red 2n d ca lvers . Bred

GRAIN/PELLET STOVES. Prairie Fire Grain Energy. Call 306-369-2825, Bruno, SK. WANTED: COAL BOILER, 2 - 3 million BTU, must be newer style. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.

ANDRES TRUCKING. Call us for a quote today. 306-736-3454, Windthorst, SK.

BISON AUCTION MGM Grand Genetics, Dec. 14th, 12:00 Noon at Kramer’s Big Bid Barn, North Battleford. This auction will showcase some of the finest Bison around and will include 30+ semen tested breeding bulls, 150+ bred females, 40+ open yearling heifers, 50+ calves. Please call Frank McAllister 780-846-2980, cell 780-871-1076; Nolan Miller 204-532-2174, cell 204-773-6725; Trevor Gompf 204-855-2707, cell 204-724-0523, or Brendan today for more info., Kramer Auctions Ltd., North Battleford, SK., 306-445-5000. SK LD#116400.

SPRUCE FOR SALE! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your shelter belt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB. or, deliver anywhere in western Canada. For details call 403-586-8733 or check out our website at www.didsburysprucefarms.com

to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in A p ril 28th. O u tA u g 10th. COM R ANCHING LTD - 110 Red & RBF Hfrs . A IBred to Big S k y Red A n g u s Bu ll M a y 24th (74# BW ). 4 s ta rca lvin g Ea s e. t HICKEN R ANCH - 60 Red & RBF 2n d ca lvers . 100 Red & RBF 3rd & 4th ca lvers . 40 Red & RBF 5th & 6th ca lvers . Bred to Cha rBu lls . Bu lls in M a y 23rd O u t Ju ly 27th. Cha r Bu lls from This tle Rid g e, Nis h, S p rou le & Lew is . JULIAN LAAR M AN - 25 Red A n g u s X M a in e A n jou Hfrs . 5 Blk A n g u s Hfrs . Bred to low birth w t Blk A n g u s Bu lls . Bu ll in M a y 8th. Exp ected to ca lve ea rly Feb.

FRID AY D ECEM BER 7TH S P R ING R IVER R ANCH - 600 Bred Fem a les Co n sistin g o f:

ECI Steel Inc. Prince Albert, SK. Hwy 3 & 48th St. E. Large Quantities of Commercial Tubing for Sale

INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 3 x 2 x 250........................Bund le Pric e - $3 .20/ft 1 x 1 x 100 x 24’...............Bund le Pric e - $0.59/ft 11⠄4 x 11⠄4 x 100 x 24’..........Bund le Pric e - $0.76/ft 11⠄4 x 11⠄4 x 125 x 24’..........Bund le Pric e - $0.91/ft 11⠄2 x 11⠄2 x 100 x 24’..........Bund le Pric e - $0.92/ft 11⠄2 x 11⠄2 x 125 x 24’..........Bund le Pric e - $1.12/ft 2 x 2 x 100 x 24’...............Bund le Pric e - $1.3 2/ft 2 x 2 x 125 x 24’...............Bund le Pric e - $1.60/ft 2 x 2 x 250 x 20’...............Bund le Pric e - $2.43 /ft 2 x 2 x 188 x 20’...............Bund le Pric e - $1.99/ft 3 x 3 x 3 75 x 40’.......... .....Bund le Pric e - $4.15/ft 4 x 2 x 250 x 20’...............Bund le Pric e - $4.05/ft 81⠄2 x 2 x 188.....................Bund le Pric e - $4.26/ft 5 x 2 x 125........................Bund le Pric e - $1.88/ft 3 1⠄2 x 2 x 125.....................Bund le Pric e - $1.45/ft

250 BL ACK BRED HEIF ERS - A ll heifers w ere S yn chron ized to be tim ed bred on A p ril 26th a n d a re d u e to ca lve on Febru a ry 3rd . G en ex s ire u s ed w a s La m a re Da k ota G old w hich a re a ca lvin g ea s e bu lls . Bla ck A n g u s clea n u p bu lls w ere p u tin M a y 10th a n d p u lled Ju ly 1s t. (52 d a y breed in g p eriod ). 350 CO W S - 150 Bla ck A n g u s Cow s (2n d Ca lvers ). Bred to Cha r Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t. Bu lls ou t A u g u s t 15th. 150 Blk A n g u s C ow s (2n d ca lvers ). 50 Bla ck A n g u s Cow s (3-6 yrs old ). Bred to Blk A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju ly 1s t. Bu lls ou tS ep tem ber15th.

TUES D AY D ECEM BER 11TH CAM OS TER CAM P - 120 Red , RBF & Blk A n g u s 2n d Ca lvers . Bred to Red / Blk A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in M a y 25th. 40 Red A n g u s Hfrs . 30 S im m Cow s 4-5 yrs old . Bred to Red / Blk A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t. OS ADCHUK CATTLE CO - 40 Red A n g u s S im m X Cow s . Bred to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in M a y 25th. O u tA u g 1s t. DER S CH R ANCH – Herd R ed uction - 10 Red x S im m Hfrs . Bred to Red A n g u s , p roven H fr Bu ll. 40 Red & Red x S im m Cow s (5-8yrs old ). Bred to Red Fa ctorS im m Bu lls . Bu ll in Ju n e 9th. EAS T W ES T R ANCH - 250 bred fem a les , herd con s is ts of 90% Blk cow s a n d 10% Red Cow s . Bred to Blk A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in A u g 4th fora 42 d a y breed in g p rog ra m .

FRID AY D ECEM BER 14TH VAN ES FAR M S LTD - 160 Red , RBF & RNK Hfrs . A IBred to Big S k y Red A n g u s Bu ll Ju ly 4th (74#BW ) 4 s ta r ca lvin g ea s e. Clea n u p Bu ll, Blk A n g u s , Tu rn ed ou tJu ly 8th. O u tA u g 12th.

W ILLIAM S ON FAR M S - 38 Ta n C ha r X H frs (1200#). Bred to Tw in Brid g e G elbvieh Bu lls . Bu lls in M a y 2n d . O u tJu n e 29th. BAR R Y KUS S LER - 15 Ta n H frs . Bred to Red A n g u s Bu lls . Bu lls in M a y 15th. O u tJu ly 5th.

TUES D AY D ECEM BER 18TH 7 over N R ANCHES - 55 BLK, RW F 2n d ca lvers . Bred to Red A n g u s & Cha rBu lls . Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t. O u tA u g 30th. BOB FR ANCIS - 80 RBF Hfrs . Bred to Blk A n g u s Low Birth w t Bu lls . Bu lls in Ju n e 1s t. O u tA u g 1s t. TW IN VALLEY R ANCH - 80 A n g u s X M a in e- A n jou Cow s ; Red & Blk (3yrs to m a tu re). Bred to Red / Blk M a in e-A n jou W is e Breeding Bu lls . Bu lls in M a y 3rd . O u tJu ly 20th. V ISIT w w w .perlich .com for com plete lis tin g a n d pictu res !

Many Other Sizes Available Ple a s e c a ll Tra vis fo r d e ta ils




W e’re 3 m iles EastofL ethb rid ge on Highw ay 3 & 1⠄4 m ile S ou th on the Broxb u rn Road .









Fea turing 3600 Bla ck An gu s/S im m en ta lX Co w s

1000 1stca lvers b red Bla ck An gu s Bu lls. 800 2 n d ca lvers • 800 3rd ca lvers • 1000 m a tu re co w s b red Bla ck S im m en ta l& S o d erglen Bla ck M a x Bu lls Cow s bred to s ta rtca lvin g A p ril 10 to rep u ta tion bu lls A ll cow s a re on a fu ll herd hea lth p rog ra m .

DO N ’T M ISS THESE CO W SALES!! W es tw ood S a le #1

W es tw ood S a le #2

Novem ber26, 2012 – 1:00 PM Hea rtla n d Lives tock S ervices S w iftCu rren t, S K Ph: (306) 773-3174 Lee Crow ley (306) 741-5701 Don n ie Pea cock (306) 662-8288

Novem ber29, 2012 – 1:00 PM Ba log A u ction S ervices Lethbrid g e, A B Ph: (403) 320-1980 Bob Ba log & Lou is Ba log (403) 331-0611

W es tw ood S a le #3

W es tw ood S a le #4

Decem ber8, 2012 – 1:00 PM Nils s on Bros . Lives tock Excha n g e Verm ilion , A B Ph: (780) 853-5372 Jim Pu lyk (780) 853-0626 Ru s ty S ta lw ick (780) 853-7669

Decem ber12, 2012 – 1:00 PM Provos tLives tock Excha n g e Provos t, A B Ph: (780) 753-2369 Ja ck La w es (780) 753-0813 Jerry Hew s on (306) 753-7788

View & Bid online atw w w.dlm s.ca Fo rM o re In fo Co n ta ct:

Kevin W o o d s, Ken W o o d s & Fa m ily Bo x 6 M o o so m in , S a ska tchew a n , Ca n a d a S 0G 3N 0

O ffice: (306) 435- 3711 Kevin W o o d s Cell: (306) 435- 7313 V iew P ictu res a n d Sa le u pda tes a t w w w .w es tw oodla n da n dca ttle.com or w w w .n bin c.com


70 ANGUS CROSS BRED HEIFERS, $1500 ea. OBO; 25 first calvers, bred Black Angus, $1600 ea OBO. To start calving end of March. 780-971-2422, Dixonville, AB. 19 REGISTERED HEIFERS, majority AI serviced to Cedar Ridge 1V, Krugerrand 410H, or Iron Mountain, preg checked to calve mid-March to mid-April. Glennie Bros. Angus, 403-862-7578, Carnduff, SK.

100+ HEAD of Red Angus/Simmental cross or Char./Red Angus cross, bred Red Angus for April calving. Take your pick, $2000/head. 306-759-2262, Eyebrow, SK.

EVERVIEW CHAROLAIS COMPLETE Dispersal Sale, Sat. November 17th, 1 PM Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB., 65 cows, 29 bull calves, 32 heifer calves, 22 bred heifers and a herdsire. Kevin Boucher 15 REGISTERED RED Angus open heifers. 204-532-2357, Helge 306-536-4261 view Phone: Little de Ranch, 306-845-2406, catalogue online at www.bylivestock.com Turtleford, SK. SANDAN CHAROLAIS BI-ANNUAL Pro5 RED ANGUS cross and 3 Blacks, bred Red duction Sale Sat., Dec. 8, 2012, 1:00 PM Angus, second calvers, start to calve April at Sandan Sale Barn, Erskine, AB. Featur10, $1500/hd. 780-336-6378, Irma, AB. ing young proven producing cows, bred heifers and fancy heifer calves. Call Ursula RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings 403-741-6114 or T Bar C Cattle Co. and two year olds, semen tested, guaran- 306-933-4200. PL #116061. View the teed breeders, delivery available. Website: catalogue on line at www.buyagro.com skinnerfarmsangus.com Ph 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.

200 VERY GOOD bred Black Angus heifers, born spring 2011 in south west SK., AI bred to Final Answer, Right Answer, and other easy calving BW, 74, 78, 88, Angus bulls. Calving date approx. PUREBRED, REG. RED ANGUS herd for starting March 24. Harry Dalke, Morden sale. Mostly AI bred, includes semen tank MB., 204-822-3643, cell 204-362-4101. and semen, strict culling, calves can be CUDLOBE FARMS PRESENTS their 13th seen. Bull calves from Zama Pine 37S, Annual Bull Sale at 1:00 PM on December Boomer, Rambler 1000, Toast, Pasquale, 5th at VJV Foothills Auction Mart, Stavely, Tr av l i n E x p r e s s , G u n fi r e . C a l l D o n AB. Offering 135 Angus bulls, 125 yearling 204-422-5216, Ste. Anne, MB. bulls, 10- 2 yr. olds. That program that is 20 PUREBRED Red Angus bred heifers. the leader in carcass and EPD’s. They are This is our entire 2011 heifer crop, good second to none. Contact: Dyce Bolduc heifers, several AI bred, the rest bred to 4 0 3 - 6 2 5 - 0 9 8 1 , D a v i d B o l d u c easy calving $5400 bull. Wilkinridge Stock 403-625-0499, or Rob Holowaychuk, OBI, Farm 204-373-2631, Ridgeville, MB. 780-916-2628. View catalogue online at www.cattlemanagement.ca DOUBLE C RED ANGUS Heart of the BRED BLACK ANGUS HEIFERS, bred to Herd Female Sale, December 3rd, 1:00 PM. Black Angus bulls, to calve April/May. Featuring 40 choice lots, cows, bred heif$1600 your pick or take all for $1500/ea. ers and heifer calves. For catalogues or to view cattle call Cam Patterson Ph: 306-594-7780, Norquay, SK. 306-272-3948 or 306-272-7141, Foam 80 BLACK AND BWF bred heifers, low BW Lake, SK. View catalo gue online at: bulls out June 13. Feminine, high quality www.doublecredangus.ca heifers w/full herd health. Stewart Valley, SK. tkolson@sasktel.net 306-773-7964 or FANCY SIMM/RED Angus cross bred heifers, many solid red. Proven low BW Red 306-773-9109. bulls out June 5. Full herd health. Stewart Valley, SK. tkolson@sasktel.net Phone: 306-773-7964 or 306-773-9109.

Southland Angus Complete Dispersal at Heartland, Swift Current, Sat., Dec. 1st at 1 PM. Over 300 head sell. Shane 306-297-7781. Catalo gue online at: www.southlandangus.ca

KEYSTONE KLASSIC RED AND BLACK ANGUS SALE, Saturday Dec. 1, 1:00 PM, Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Offering 75 females, including an elite selection of foundation bred heifers and fancy heifer calves. For a catalogue or more info contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-933-4200. PL #116061. View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com

16th ANNUAL GATEWAY ANGUS Production Sale, Monday, Dec. 3rd, 1 PM. Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Hosted by 16 top SK producers. Selling and red open and bred heifers and SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside black o u n g c o w s . F o r a c at a l o g u e c a l l : Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, y306-693-4715 or online catalogue at: 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. www.johnstoneauction.ca PL#914447.


th 7 l Annua


Bull Sale AND Ser iously Black Select Fem ale Sale

BR IAN AN D JUD Y S UTTER ALON G W ITH G UES T C ON S IG N OR S BR OOKM OR E AN G US AN D R EM ITALL W ES T FEATURIN G - 8 6 Bla ck An gu s Bu lls a n d 44 S elect Fem a les

Satur day Decem ber 8, 2012 Atthe fa rm , S ylva n L a ke, Alb erta BRIAN S UTTER 403-887-4147 DOUG HEN DERS ON 403-350-8541

View ca ta l og:

CHARHEAD RAN CH & DR. M ELAN IE ROTH Com plete Herd DispersalSale Purebred Charolais H erd Founded 50 Years Ago. Saturday, Decem ber 1st, 2012 1:00 p.m . W hitew ood Auction M art Selling: • 50 cow s • 18 bull calves • 25 heifer calves • 20 bred heifers • 3 herdsires Including 78 red anim als and only 3 horned anim als. For m ore inform ation or to receive a catalogue, please contact: K & S W illiam son • M elanie Roth 306-695-2073 ihac@sasktel.net

w w w . he n de rs on ca ttle . com 150 BRED ANGUS heifers, AI’d to Right Answer on July 1, to calve Apr. 1. Full herd health program used. Will keep to the end of Nov. Asking $1600. Mike 204-723-0375, or Robert 204-871-0357, MacGregor, MB.

em ail: transcon@transconlivestock.com w w w.transconlivestock.com Box 300, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 403/638-9377 Fax 403/206-7786

PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 NORTH AMERICA’S LARGEST Charolais or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. Sale! Perrot-Martin Complete Dispersal, HUSUM RANCH is downsizing, prepared Saturday, December 15, 10:30 AM CST, at to sell 25 to 30 bred cows and heifers. the farm, Naicam, SK, 7 miles north on These are Reg. Black Angus cattle. Call Hwy #6, 8 miles west, 1-1/2 miles south. 306-647-2891, Parkerview, SK. Over 600 head sell, including all the bulls (50 long yearlings and 120 bull calves). 13 EXCELLENT QUALITY Black Angus Wintering and terms available on bulls. heifers exposed to proven easy calving Also selling semen and embryos. Watch Red Angus bull from June 20 to Aug. 25th. and bid online at www.LiveAuctions.TV Preg. tested, Ivocmeced, very quiet ani- For more info. or a catalogue contact John mals, ready to go. Asking $1650 OBO. at 306-874-5496; Collin at 306-874-2186 Grant Goller, 306-883-3991 Spiritwood SK or T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-933-4200. REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS replacement View catalogue online: www.BuyAgro.com heifers with moderate frames and loads of 50 PUREBRED REG. Charolais cows, 3 to 7 depth. They will grow into easy keeping, yrs. of age. Bred Feb.- April to leading highly productive cows. Contact Double P herdsires. Starting at $1650. Available now Angus, 306-825-6082, Lloydminster, SK. fo r v i e w i n g . S t e p p l e r F a r m s L t d . , C O L D S T R E A M A N G U S C O M P L E T E 204-435-2463, 204-750-1951, Miami, MB. Herd Dispersal, Tues., Dec. 11, 5:00 PM Olds Cavalier Pavilion, Olds, AB. Entire cow herd sells, including 2012 open heifers and herd bull prospects. Plus a large selection of embryos and livestock equipment. For a catalogue or more info contact Doug at 403-948-5941 or T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-933-4200. View catalogue online at www.buyagro.com PL #116061. MJT CATTLE CO. LTD. Hereford and Black Angus Herd Dispersal, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, 11:00 AM MST at the ranch, Edgerton, AB. 14 miles east of Wainwright on Hwy. 14, 11-1/2 miles north on #894. Selling 430 reg. Hereford and Black Angus one iron, ranch raised females. Herd bulls sell. View and bid online: www.LiveAuctions.TV For a catalogue or more info. contact Mick at 780-755-2224 or T Bar C Cattle Co. at 306-933-4200. View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com PL #116061. KEYSTONE KLASSIC RED AND BLACK ANGUS SALE, Saturday Dec. 1, 1:00 PM, Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Offering 75 females, including an elite selection of foundation bred heifers and fancy heifer calves. For a catalogue or more info contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-933-4200. PL #116061. View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com


BRED COWS AND yearling heifers, 1 and 2 y e a r o l d b u l l s , a n d fe e d e r s t e e r s . 403-845-5763, Rocky Mountain House, AB.

SEVERTSON LAND AND CATTLE TOP Cut Gelbvieh Female Sale, Sunday Dec. 2, 2012, 1:00 PM at the farm, Innisfail, AB. Selling bred females, calendar year heifer calves and embryo flushes. Included are purebred Red Angus females and 20 Gelbvieh cross Angus bred commercial heifers due in April/May. Guest Consignor are Eyot Valley Ranch, Sunberry Valley Ranch and Stone Gate Farm. Complimentary lunch available at noon. Info. contact Scott Severtson, 403-224-3756 or Don Savage Auctions. Catalogue online at www.donsavageauctions.com

HOLSTEIN AND AYRSHIRE heifers, fresh- 50 PUREBRED red and black cows, calving ening soon. 204-859-2028, Rossburn, MB. Jan. 6th to some of the industries leading sires. Muirhead Cattle Co., Shellbrook, DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS, some fresh SK., call 306-763-2964, 306-747-8192. and some springing. Call 306-548-4711, Sturgis, SK. LITTLE WILLOW CREEK RANCH, 26th Annual Simmental Beef Bull and Heifer M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S Sale, Friday, Dec. 7th, 1:00 PM CST at NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. To- the farm; Frenchman Butte, SK. Offering: tal Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York 80 ranch raised beef bulls, 1/2 are long 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. yearlings and 2 yr. olds; Fullbloods, red and black Simmental, Red Angus. Partial payment option available. Bulls wintered until April 1st at no charge; Approx. 200 BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. bred commercial Simmental cross females Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, bred Red Angus; Selling 10 Y-Coulee bulls, Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red the service sires for these heifers; Also fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 150 open commercial Simmental cross feDarrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. males. Bid live on-line at: www.dlms.ca For info call Ervin Harland 306-344-4807 LOWLINE CROSS CATTLE for sale, cows, or Scott Harland 306-344-2027. View onh e i fe r s a n d c a l ve s . 3 0 6 - 9 3 1 - 2 8 3 2 , line catalogue: www.buyagro.com 306-361-4030 cell, Martensville, SK. SIMMENTAL Red Factor FULLBLOOD HEIFERS AND young cows, PUREBRED and heifers. Bred to top AI Sires. can deliver to Farmfair. 306-397-2584, cows Identity, Buckeye, Red Force, Top Gun and www.honeybrooklowlines.com Edam, SK. Ideal. Start calving January 15th. Call Green Spruce Simmental, Duck Lake, SK. home: 306-467-4975, cell: 306-467-7912. WILKINRIDGE STOCK FARM Female Production Sale, Sat., Dec. 1st, Grunthal Auction Mart. Selling 14 heifer calves and 83 bred heifers and good young cows. Cataglogue can be viewed online www.maineanjou.ca For more info contact Sid Wilkinson at: 204-373-2631, MB.

APPROX. 60 MAINE or Maine-cross bred cows, some with papers, bred Maine, black and reds, calving to start mid February. SASKATOON GELBVIEH BULL SALE, Full health program. Call 204-825-7449 or March 22, 2013, www.gelbviehworld.com 204-529-2055, Mather, MB. Ph. 306-865-2929 CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. THE WISH LIST GELBVIEH FEMALE Power, performance and profit. For info on SALE, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012, 7:00 PM at Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, Calthe Ponoka Ag Events Centre, Ponoka, AB. gary, AB. or www.maine-anjou.ca Selling bred purebred Gelbvieh heifers, open calendar year heifer calves and a flush opportunity. This select sale offers the best of the breed. Catalogue online at www.donsavageauctions.com For info. PACKAGE OF SIX purebred bred heifers to start calving Feb 1st, 2013. Contact Greg call Don Savage Auctions 403-948-3520. Tough, 204-748-3136, Hargrave, MB. MJT CATTLE CO. LTD. Hereford and Black Angus Herd Dispersal, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, 11:00 AM MST at the ranch, Edgerton, AB. 14 miles east of Wainwright on Hwy. 14, 11-1/2 miles north on #894. Selling 430 reg. Hereford and Black Angus one iron, ranch raised females. Herd bulls sell. View and bid online: www.LiveAuctions.TV For a catalogue or more info. contact Mick at 780-755-2224 or T Bar C Cattle Co. at 306-933-4200. View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com PL #116061. 25 HEREFORD, 5 RBF bred Hereford to sell Dec. 7 at Weyburn Livestock Exchange, 11 AM. Bred Hereford, start calving Mar. 1st. Herman Bieber, 306-727-3127, Wolseley. 30 RWF HEIFERS, low birthweight, black bulls out July 3- Sept. 3. Tateson Ranches 403-579-2107, 403-362-1067, Endiang AB POLLED HEREFORD COWS reg. and commercial, due to calve March 2013. Glennethy Farms. 204-773-3866, Russell, MB.

MY HARD WORK, your gain. Purebred Highland cattle, 25 animals. Rare opportunity! 100% drug free, non-cert. organic, grazes marginal land. Great animals, even better beef! 204-226-5799, Brandon, MB. Photos and info: ssilinski@xplornet.com

4’S COMPANY 32nd Annual Purebred Shorthorn Sale, Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Camrose, AB, Exhibition Grounds. Quality heifer calves, bred heifers and herdsire prospects. View catalogue online at www.canadianshorthorn.com or call 780-763-2209 for a mailing. Please preregister for online bidding at: dlms.ca

150 HIGH HERD health Simmental cows, approx. avg. age 5 yrs. This is a very quiet top producing herd. Cows bred to exc. quality bulls. Start calving Feb 1st. This year’s calf crop can be seen on farm. 204-522-0124, 204-877-3629, Reston, MB.

CANADIAN WESTERN AGRIBITION SPECKLE PARK SALE, Wed., Nov. 21 at 5 PM. Featuring heifer calves, bred heifers, exportable embryos and semen. For more info or catalogue contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-933-4200. View catalogue online at www.buyagro.com PL #116061.

THE D EC IS ION IS S TIL L B L A C K A ND W HITE! Farm fair International Edm onton,AB

S ho w a t1:00 p.m . No ve m b e r 9th, 2012


NATIONAL SHOW & SALE a t9:00 a .m . & Na tio n a l S a le a t5:00 p.m No ve m b e r 21s t, 2012 S a le c a ta lo gu e a tw w w .b u ya gro .co m THE CANADIAN SPECKLE PARK ASSOCIATION Offic e a t403 -946-463 5 w w w.ca na d ia ns p ecklep a rk.ca

50 GOOD QUALITY black and red bred heifers, bred Black Angus. Bulls out June 19th to Aug 21st. Complete vaccination program. 306-696-2883, Broadview, SK. 22 QUALITY BRED Red Angus cross heifers, bred to Black Angus bull. For info call Don Hruska 306-745-3780, Gerald, SK. 65 BRED HEIFERS and young cows exposed to Black and Red Angus bulls June 15/12. Call 306-539-5814, 306-699-2562, Qu’Appelle, SK. priddell@inverness-con.ca 50 RED ANGUS CROSS bred heifers, $1650 for gate run, $1750 your pick, exposed July 1 for two cycles. Bred to easy calving polled Hereford bulls, preg. checked. Curt 306-228-3689, 306-228-9402, Unity, SK. 80 RED ANGUS cross heifers, bred Black Angus to start calving Apr. 15th. Virden, MB. 204-748-7829 or 204-748-3889. 65 CHAROLAIS CROSS heifers, bred Black Angus, start calving April 15th, $1400. Call 306-429-2820, Glenavon, SK. 20 BLACK BRED COWS, 2nd calvers, b u l l o u t J u n e 2 9 t h . C a l l e ve n i n g s 306-873-5443, Tisdale, SK. 250 BRED HEIFERS Black Angus and Charolais cross, due to start calving March 1st, $1600. 204-522-0854, Pipestone, MB. 125 BRED RED Angus cross heifers, bred Red Angus, good uniform bunch, vaccinated and ultrasound in calf. Apr. 10th calving date. Call 306-355-2700, Mortlach, SK. 10 COWS WITH fall calves at side. Phone 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. 400 TOP QUALITY black bred heifers, bred Angus, 60 day breeding, bulls in July 05, full vaccination program. 204-449-2344, Steep Rock, MB.

RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers a n d b la d es . N EW RK PURE gro o m in g p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e

1-8 00-440-26 9 4. w w w .rka n im a lsu pplies.co m

CATTLE FINANCING AVAILABLE for feeder cattle and bred heifers/cows. Competitive interest rates. Marjorie Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. 80 BLACK and BWF bred heifers, exposed to low birthweight Black Angus bulls from BLUE AND WHITE Shorthorn cross June 08 to Sept. 1. Ivomec, Scourguard, prospect steers, open heifer calves, breds and BVD. 306-424-2653, Montmartre, SK. and bulls. Also black Eye Candy prospect steers! 780-367-2483, Willingdon, AB. 60 QUALITY BRED Angus heifers mostly Black but a few Red bred to calving ease AGRIBITION SHORTHORN SALE, Thurs., bulls. Call 306-768-2419, Carrot River, SK. Nov. 22 at 12 Noon, Regina, SK. On offer ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association or email dl.reimer@xplornet.ca will be Canada’s finest Shorthorns. Herd- 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. sire prospects, bred females and heifer www.albertatexaslonghorn.com 9 BRED HEIFERS, bred Red Angus, 60 bred calves. More info. view catalogue online at cows bred Char. or Red Angus, $1550 each www.saskshorthorns.com or contact R&R or pick 50 for $1575 each. Cows all proSales Management at 306-287-7904, duce good heavy calves. 306-755-4229, 306-287-3420, Englefeld, SK. NEILSON BROS. Clyde Complete Dispersal, Tramping Lake, SK. Dec. 1st, Clyde, AB. 600 January/February 12 COMMERCIAL BRED heifers; also con- calvers for sale. 780-312-6655. 20 TOP QUALITY BRED HEIFERS sired signing 11 bred females to the Alliance by Simmental bulls out of Hereford/ Red sale, Dec. 13 in Saskatoon. 306-553-2244, HERD DISPERSAL: Approx. 70 head, red Angus cross cows. Bred to easy calving www.muridale.com Swift Current, SK. and RWF cattle. Bred heifers, first calvers, Red Angus bull. Bull out June 20th. Zero calving assists in 2012. These heifers are SELLING AT Heartland Livestock Service, bred Red Angus. Cows bred Charolais. bred to work. Call Don Lees, 306-455-2615 Virden, MB on Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 will be Bulls out June 11th, $1400 each. Rod or 306-577-9068 cell, Arcola, SK. 40+ head of commercially oriented Short- Thomson 306-846-7771, 306-846-4307, 400- 3, 4, AND 5 YR. OLD ANGUS AND horn and Shorthorn cross bred heifers and Dinsmore, SK. young cows. For more info. contact Greg 40 QUIET ONE owner quality Black Angus ANGUS CROSS cows, with August / Sept. Tough at 204-748-3136. Gelbvieh cross heifers bred Black Angus, calves alongside, $1650/pr. Will sell in parcels. 403-793-5072, SE AB. and SW SK. SHORTHORNS FOR ALL the right reasons. ultrasounded to start calving March 15, Check out why and who at 306-577-4664, 1060 lbs. avg., Ivomeced. $1500 for picks, 32 BLACK ANGUS cross heifers, bred Black $ 1 4 5 0 g a t e r u n , $ 1 4 0 0 t a ke s a l l . Angus, ultrasound, preg tested, start calvwww.saskshorthorns.com Carlyle, SK. 306-467-2108, Duck Lake, SK. ing March 1/13. 204-937-0694, Roblin, MB

FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F PUREBRED SIMMENTAL COWS, reds Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. and blacks, start calving January 15th. Call 780-336-1021, Viking, AB. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620.

FALL INTERNET 2012 AUCTION Prince$Albert 3,738





Eze-Feeder with 3 PTH frame Model E70H 70 bushel Eze-Feeder is an efficient grain feeder in a round design to eliminate bridging problems. Comes complete with hydraulic orbit motor and a Cat II 3 PTH frame. Low profile 30 in. diameter lid for easy filling. Epoxy coated interior for high mineral content feeds. Other options such as a scale or trailer kit are available and can be added later. Unit ships without hydraulic hoses. Tractor and other items shown not included. Feeder unit only. Disclaimer: Freight charges are extra from Cartwright, MB. Reimer Welding & Manufacturing

Box 126, Highway 3 East

WOOD RIVER CHAROLAIS fantastic female sale, Wed., Dec. 19th, 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. On offer: 1 herd sire prospect, 3 cow calf pairs, 1 bred cow, 29 bred heifers. The heifers are the entire calf crop from 2011. They all sell including the reigning Ag Ex champion Charolais female and carry the services of the 2011 Agribition Supreme champion bull CSS Gridmaker. For further info. contact: Wood River Charolais, Murray Blake and family 306-478-7088, 306-478-2520; Shane 306-601-9140 or Doug Howe 306-631-1209 or 306-693-2163. FOR SALE OR TRADE, purebred Charolais heifers, to calve early. AI Kaboom and one heifer natural bred to the son of Moore’s Lariot. Don, 306-727-4927, Sintaluta, SK.

Item # 109

Cartwright, MB 1-877-695-2532 www.reimerweldingmfg.com

Bidding Closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp!

Only A Few Days Left To Bid! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315



60 RED BALDY heifers for sale, bred Red Angus, average birthweight 67 lbs., end of A p r i l c a l v i n g . C a l l H a r v Ve r i s h i n e , 306-283-4666, Langham, SK. 20 GOOD QUALITY red and red baldy heifers, calving March 1, bred Red Angus. 306-747-7022, 306-763-2964, Shellbrook. 50 QUALITY BRED heifers, all Black Angus, some Baldys, all bred Black Angus, exposed for 65 days. Buyer can pick from 100 heifers, $1600. Phone: 306-538-2154, Kennedy, SK. 250 BLACK AND Red Angus heifers, excellent quality, exposed to Black and Red Angus bulls June 10th to Aug. 20th. Call 306-935-2058, 306-935-4435, Milden, SK TOP QUALITY Black Angus/Black Angus cross heifers, bred to calving ease bulls, full vaccination program, $1550. for pick, $ 1 4 5 0 . fo r g a t e r u n . C a l l S t a n a t 780-656-0842, Waskatenau, AB. RANCHER RAISED HEIFERS: Black Angus and brockles, bred Black June 10. They will be the Mammas, asking $1560 each. Call Jerry Chanig 306-478-2658, Mankota, SK. 38 BLACK ANGUS cross bred heifers, bred Black for April-May calving, exposed for 60 days, $1450/heifer OBO. Please contact Graham 204-226-5610 or Kristine 204-857-2377, Gladstone, MB. 200 BLACK BRED HEIFERS, checked by ultrasound, age verified, exposed June 25 to LBW Black bulls, vaccinated and treated, $1450. 306-476-2712, Rockglen, SK. 50 RED AND RBF, 12 Black and BBF, and 8 RWF heifers for sale. Solid group, bred Red Angus. Exposed from May 20th to July 20th. T BAR K Ranch, Wawota, SK. Kevin 306-739-2944 or, 306-577-9861.

COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL for Jerome and Judy Zerr, Dec. 7th, 1 PM at Mankota Stockman’s Weigh in Mankota, SK Listing 200 spring calving cows and heifers most are 6 yrs and under. Red Angus/ Gelbvieh cross and tan cows. Cows are bred Charolais and Gelbvieh and heifers bred to Angus bulls, turned out June 11th. 55 FALL CALVING COWS, 2 to 10 yrs. old, mostly reds, Char bulls turned out Aug. 13th. Complete herd health program. For more info call: 306-478-2925 or cell: 306-478-7007.

WESTERN CANADIAN GRAZING Conference & Tradeshow “Grass Roots of Grazingâ€?. November 28 and 29, 2012, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, Red Deer, AB. Optional field tour at Lacombe Research Station73 PREG TESTED red and red blaze face November 27. For info. call 780-727-4447, Simmental heifers, due to start calving the westerncanadiangrazingconference.com 22nd February. Heifers were put on a cy- westcentralforage@gmail.com cling program before bulls kicked out and 16th ANNIVERSARY Medicine Hat Exhibibulls pulled after 62 days. Bred Red Angus tion and Stampede BEEF PEN SHOW, with one Black Angus bull used in the December 21st and 22nd. Commercial clean up. Asking $1600. For more informa- and Purebred Classes, 4-H, plus a CASH BUY FROM A PROGRAM 100 ranch tion call Charlene at 780-542-7630, cell added Steer Jackpot. Enter online at raised Black Angus heifers. Stevenson Ba- 780-898-5655, Drayton Valley, AB. or www.mhstampede.com or 403-527-1234. sin genetics, full herd health, $1700 OBO. email: harden.shannon@gmail.com Panko Ranch 306-630-7911 Moose Jaw SK 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, 67 THREE YR. old Red and Black Angus young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, heifers, exposed to Black Angus bulls June Swift Current, SK. 20th. Ph. 306-662-2036, Maple Creek, SK. 400 BLACK and Red bred heifers, 50 bred 75 RED ANGUS/SIMMENTAL bred heif- Charolais heifers, 200 young bred cows. CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse ers, start calving April 10, bred to Red An- All bred to Black bulls. 306-741-2392, Sale, Sat., Dec 1st. Tack at 10:30, Horses Swift Current, SK. at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of gus bull. Murray 306-997-5710,Borden,SK. colts must have a completed EID. Go to 98 BLACK ANGUS heifers, bred to Black 60 COWS BRED to Angus, calving starts the website candiacauctionmart.com to and Red Angus for March and April calv- March end. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, get the form. For more info contact 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. ing. Call 204-745-7917, St. Claude, MB. 306-424-2967. 50 BRED HEIFERS, home raised, preg 85 RED AND BLACK cows, calving March checked, full vaccination program, Maine/ 15th, bred Simmental. 306-763-2964, Angus cross, due to start calving January 306-747-8192, Shellbrook, SK. 20th. Can supply hay for above animals. 7 YR. OLD Reg. Belgian mare, kid broke, Price negotiable. Call Barry 204-386-2458, 17.2 hands; 3 yr old Belgian gelding, green HERD DISPERSAL: 45 young age verified 204-476-6447, Plumas, MB. broke, 17.3 hands, good pulling prospect; home raised Tarentaise cows, 1st, 2nd, 6 Reg. Belgian mares in foal. Blaine and 3rd spring calvers; also 40 fall calving BRED HEIFERS: 60 Hereford/Simm. and 204-567-3720, 204-851-2411, Miniota, MB commercial cows. Can pasture until Oct. 30 Red Angus/Simmental, all bred Red 3 1 , $ 1 4 5 0 a n d u p . P h o n e K e n Angus. 20 Black, bred Black Angus. Ex204-568-4651, Miniota, MB. posed June 1 to August 1. 306-441-5915, BLACK MARES, four whites, 4 and 5 yr. old, 24 HEIFERS, 11 Black and 9 RWF, preg. 306-445-6221, Battleford, SK. one is broke, other is started; 4 yr. old checked. Erwin Lehmann 306-232-4712, Roan gelding, four whites, well broke. Call: Rosthern, SK. 403-740-2796, Stettler, AB. BRED H EI F ERS REG. CLYDESDALE WEANLING colts, 1 •300 red a ngu s a nd red a ngu s black w/perfect markings, other dark bay, cross heifers bred to low birth quiet, lead trained and handled. Also 1 w eightblk a ngu s bu lls. yearling colt has been saddled and bridled. For more info. 250-535-3886, Oliver, BC. •200 blk a ngu s heifers bred to low birth w eightblk a ngu s bu lls. Bu lls in Ju ne 15th pu lled Au gu st15th. QUALITY MAMMOTH DONKEYS for sale. View: www.bigearsdonkeyranch.ca or call Com plete herd hea lth. 204-535-2141, 204-825-0113, Baldur, MB G u a ra nteed Q u a lity Sa tisfa ction on these su prem e fem a les. FOR SALE: 3/4 Mammoth cross donkeys, $500 each. Yearling Jacks and Jennys. For m ore inform ation callStev e Phone 204-434-6132, Steinbach, MB. Ph 4 03-381-3700 or Cell 4 03-382-9998

FALL INTERNET 2012 AUCTION Prince$Albert 2,023





Koender’s insulated Ice Shack Insulated with Accessories Ice Fishing Shack: Box Fit 49 inch x 77 inch, (6 feet 6 inch Height x 82.5 inch width x 8 Foot length total), storage shelf, window. Includes WOOD STOVE, 2 multiflex rod holders and 2 extra discs. 4 mossy oak bench cushions. One piece molded polyethylene design. Storage shelf to tuck away your gear, vents open & close, 4 pre-cut fishing holes & covers (12 inch diameter), 1 ft reflector tape on each side of the Ice Fishing Shack, molded sled bottom design (4 molded in runners), floor covered with plywood for safety against slippage and comfort, available in black, fits on the back of your truck with “U� bolts installed on ice shack for tie down on your truck and on the ice, opening window in door and optional window kits for sides. Winter Fishing Luxury - extra room, height, storage space, seats. Keeping you warmer! Approximate R10 - eliminates sweating during heating. Disclaimer: FOB Englefeld, SK.

Koenders Manufacturing Box 171 Englefeld, SK 1-877-581-8877 www.koendersmfg.com

Item # 815

PARKLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET- at Leross, SK., Bred Cow and Heifer Sale, Sat., Nov. 17th, 12 Noon. Herd Dispersal: 75 good Black cows bred Black Angus. 120 good Red and RBF heifers, bred Red or Black Angus. Call 306-675-2077.

Bidding Closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp!

Only A Few Days Left To Bid! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315

50 BLACK YEARLING cattle, steers and 3 REG. HAFLINGER mares, Willo Wibo and Melroe breeding. Franklin Voth, Manitou, heifers. Call 204-761-3760, Newdale, MB. MB. 204-242-4123. fvoth@fvoth.com 40 TO 50 BLACK/ BWF bred heifers. Home raised, bred to easy calving black bulls. April calving. Pick from 75. $1550 you p i c k , $ 1 5 0 0 g a t e r u n . C a l l I a n a t livingwaterpaintsandquarters.com Versatile horses for sale. 306-283-4495, Lang306-246-4544, Richard, SK. ham, SK. livingwaterworks@hotmail.com 60 BRED HEIFERS, blacks and reds, bred back to Angus. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, Langham. WANTED: BROKE GREY Percheron geldwill travel. Call: 250-835-8384, Sor150 RED and BLACK Angus bred cows, 3 ings, and 4 yrs. old, bred Black Angus. Bulls out rento, BC. June 25th. Ph 403-793-9825, Bassano, AB. BLACK PERCHERON GELDING, 3 yrs. old, 18 HH, 1800 lbs.; Percheron standard bred 140 RANCH RAISED Black Angus bred cross mare, 3 yrs. old, halter broke; $900 heifers, most from PB mothers, bred to each. Black Percheron stud, 18 HH, 9 yrs. easy calving Black Angus bulls, start calv- old, $3000. 306-682-2899, Humboldt, SK. ing April 1st. Asking $1500 flat or $1600 for pick. Call Scott Ranch 204-835-2087, McCreary, MB. CUSTOM TRAINING. Starting colts, ranch and problem horses, Border Collie stock dogs. Rick Wiebe 306-860-7537, Outlook. BRED COWS OR HEIFERS, or heifer calves. 25 HEAD FROM weanlings to three year Would trade 1992 NH TR96, 2239 thresh- olds, blacks, greys, roans. Cliff and Bonnie ing hours, very good condition, not used Clarke, Rouleau, SK. 306-776-2310. for 3 years. 306-863-4177, Star City, SK.

TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Alder Flats, AB. www.trimboss.ca THE DRAFT HORSE CONNECTION Canada’s quarterly magazine since 1995 is dedicated to giving voice to the living tradition of Canadian horse farming and logging. Enjoy teamster interviews, equipment, health care, find workshops and mentors. Share your stories and join our family. Special Christmas offer: subscription 1 year $32, receive 5 issues for the price of 4, or 2 years for $55.30 DVD’s available. Shipping free. 613-387-8287, Ruth Freeman, Box 172, Lyndhurst, ON. KOE 1NO. www.drafthorseconnection.ca

DORSETT RAM LAMBS, old style, long-bodied, thickly muscled. 306-726-4447, Southey, SK. www.mcdermitranch.com HORNED DORSET RAMS, Purebred, born in April, 2011. 780-672-5987, Camrose, AB.

75- 80 SUFFOLK EWES, 1 to 3 yrs., bred to lamb out March 1st; 3 Suffolk rams, 22 years old, 1- 4 yrs. All dewormed, shots and sheared, $275 ea. Must take complete herd. 780-991-6462, Morinville, AB.

COMPLETE FLOCK DISPERSAL, 104 ewes and ewe lambs, Rideau X Ilde France and Rideau X Charolais, bred for March. $275 each. Garland, MB. 204-742-3234.

WANTED: REGISTERED FRIESIAN gelding. TARGHEE YEARLING RAMS and ewe Preferably young, with some training. Call: lambs from Montana imports. Phone: 306-295-3801, Eastend, SK. 204-744-2259, Altamont, MB. 400 DORPER AND KATAHDIN ewes, 50% under 3, exc. feet and health. Hardy pasture stock. We killed off or culled the weak and poor doers. Pics www.candllranch.com CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary $160, delivery included! Debden, SK. Johnston, www.canadianfarrierschool.ca 306-724-4451. Email gary@canadianfarrierschool.ca CLUN FOREST RAM LAMBS, excellent sire 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB. for ewe lambs. Glynn Brooks, CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call 403-327-2242, Lethbridge, AB. Jacob at: 306-488-4408. COMPLETE DISPERSAL: CHAMPIONSHIP Hampshire flock. Over 70 head including 2 mature rams, trimming table and scale, $15,000. Evenings only 306-825-3376, HORSE COLLARS, all sizes, steel and alu- Lloydminster, SK. minum horseshoes. We ship anywhere. THICK, GROWTHY Hampshire and Dorset Keddie’s, 1-800-390-6924 or keddies.com ram lambs, from proven reputable flock. DRAFT CHROME PATENT show harness for Heeroma’s, Neilburg, SK., 306-823-4526. lead team; Brown lines for six; New 25� collars, no tops with boxes; New nylon 65-70 RAMBOUILET/POLYPAY cross ewes, mostly young stock, ready for breeding, pony harness. 306-452-3582, Redvers, SK. $200. 306-246-4468, Richard, SK. NEW BUGGY, WAGON, sleigh, cutterwood and metal parts. Wooden wheel manufac- BUTCHER LAMBS AVAILABLE. Put orders ture and restoration. Wolfe Wagons, Sas- i n b y O c t o b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 . C a l l katoon, SK. Phone 306-933-4763 after 6 306-228-3065, Unity, SK. PM weekdays. Email rwolfe@sasktel.net 150 TOP SORT NC Cheviot/Clun ewe GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers lambs. Born/perform on grass. $150. Pics of leather and nylon harness. Custom sad- www.candllranch.com ph. 306-724-4451, dles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. Debden, SK. www.georgesharnessandsaddlery.com Call 50 DORSET CROSS EWE LAMBS, born 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB. April and May, dewormed and vaccinated, OLDER HEAVY WOOD horse sleigh, 2 tubu- selected for strong maternal traits and lar steel runners, approx. 2� dia., steel milk production. 403-788-2883, Tees, AB. pole, $350. 306-249-2260, Saskatoon, SK. BREEDING SHEEP for sale, various breeds. or 306-935-2026. Call Howard J. Smith Livestock, licensed TWO SHOW WAGONS, one wooden and dealer, Caron, SK., 306-631-8877. one metal, w/rubber tires, always shed- RAMS: RAMBOUILLET DEBOUILLET and ded. Wilf Carter 306-574-4202, Plato, SK. Targhee. Raised from large range flock. THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and Comes from Ward Harden genetics. Please repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, call 306-476-2632, Rockglen, SK. Langham, SK. 30 EXCELLENT EWE LAMB replacements, Ile-de-France and Dorset genetics, $2/lb. Regina, SK area. 306-699-2204.

BUYING ALL CLASSES of sheep, goats and STRAIGHT BRED Rideau Arcott ram lambs, lambs. Howard J Smith Livestock, licensed born May 7, 2012. Call 306-228-3065, dealer, Caron, SK. 306-631-8877. Unity, SK.

CROSS EWE LAMBS and purebred rams. SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers C a l l C i r c l e K F a r m s e v e n i n g s a t extension, marketing services and a full 306-725-3773, Bulyea, SK. line of sheep and goat supplies. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK.

DO CUSTOM CATTLE FEEDING, backgrounding, also bred cattle. 403-631-2373, FOR SALE REG. Welsh mares and part 403-994-0581, Olds, AB. reds, $600 each; draught pony harness WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For c/w britching w/16� collars, exc. cond. SELLING DORPER RAMS. Herdsires and bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Proces- $700. 204-967-2830, Kelwood, MB. commercial rams. Join the change to sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. Dorpers. RAM H Breeders 403-932-3135, Cochrane, AB. WANTED: SOMEONE INTERESTED in year round feeding and grazing cow/calf pairs COLT STARTING, BOOK now for 2013. 40 DORPER CROSS ewes, 1-5 years old, on share basis. 306-472-5700 or, cell 306-869-2947, or dtwhalen@sasktel.net bred to start lambing Jan., $250/ea. 306-472-7970, Lafleche, SK. 403-578-4515, Coronation, AB. Radville, SK.

BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com

WANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com 9 M O N T H O L D m a l e p o t b e l ly p i g . 306-266-4629, Fir Mountain, SK.





The Water Cannon distributes 1000 US gallons per minute Water Cannon NEW DESIGN No Side Boom Wheels! With the help of our customers we’ve improved the 2013 Water Cannon to make it better and easier to operate. It still distributes 1000 US gallons per minute. It still distributes to over 4 acres at a 190 degree arc; but now it does it with ease. There’s no need to lock the caster wheels when going on the highway, no worrying about kinks in the pressure hose. We’ve eliminated all the hassle! To ensure your unit, order now for early spring delivery. Double A Trailers & Contracting. Leasing Opportunities Available Price plus GST. Double A Trailers, Box 359, Two Hills, AB. 780-657-0008 doubleaa@telusplanet.net www.doubleatrailers.ca

Item # 218





MacDon 960/962 30 ft UII Pickup Reel, Plastic Fingers MacDon 960/962 30 ft UII Pickup Reel, Plastic Fingers. Won items must be picked up or shipped out before December 15, 2012. Storage fee of $10/day applies for unclaimed items beyond Dec 15, 2012.





Osburn 1800 Wood Stove The Osburn 1800 stove c/w trim, trivet, ash pan. Burns standard 16 in. logs, 1.8 cu. ft. firebox, 65,000 BTU output on seasoned cord wood, heats 500 to 1800 sq. ft. and has a burn time of up to five to seven hours. Disclaimer: FOB Athabasca, AB. Winning bidder must pick up stove or have it shipped by January 15, 2013.

Disclaimer: All items, FOB Elstow, SK. No warranty for auction items. Double A Trailers Box 359

Combine World Highway 16 East

Wild Rose Hydronics 301 Tower Road South

Two Hills, AB 780-657-0008 www.doubleatrailers.ca

Allan, SK 306-257-3800 www.combineworld.com

Athabasca, AB 780-628-4835 www.noutilitybills.com

Item # 832

Item # 127

Bidding closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp! Only A Few Days Left To Bid!! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315



SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Agribition Super sale. Book your next fabric building at the show and save. 38x100 truss P/R YOUNG AFRICAN GEESE from 2012 $11,250; 42x100 truss P/R $13,950; hatch for sale. 306-255-2179, St. Denis, 30x72 single black steel $4595. Sale runs week of show only. See Rick at booth SK. #800 in Credit Union Eventplex. Toll free 1-877-547-4738, Regina, SK. STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windbreaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. GREG’S WELDING: 30’ freestanding heavy duty fence panels and windbreaks; Also calf shelters and custom gates, etc. Delivery avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK

WANTED: ENERGETIC WORKING partner to work with existing White-tail deer ranch. Must be self-motivated and passionate about working with White-tail deer. Excellent deer facility and handling shoots already in place. Open to ideas on growth and future developments. If you 285 LUCKNOW MIXER wagon, good condia r e i n t e r e s t e d p l e a s e c o n t a c t J i m , tion, $13,000 OBO. Call: 204-638-7634, 306-332-3955, jim.whbp@sasktel.net Fort Ashville, MB. Qu’Appelle, SK. HAYBUSTER 2620 w/grain tank, hyd. deflector, vg cond. $7200. 403-652-7413, High River, AB. ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of elk. Ph Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, FARM AID 430 mixer wagon, shedded, floatation tires. Phone: 204-859-2028, AB or email elkvalley@xplornet.com Rossburn, MB. NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you BUHLER FARM KING #100 ROLLERMILL, have them, we want them.” Make your fi- chrome, stand, motor mount, no motor, nal call with Northfork for pricing! Guaran- exc. cond., $1375 OBO. 306-747-2514, teed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Shellbrook, SK. Winnipeg, MB. ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: AWAPCO is a proven leader in elk meat sales. If you have elk to supply to market, give AWAPCO a call today. Non-members welcome. info@wapitiriver.com or 780-980-7589.

MORAND INDUSTRIES SIX BOER BUCKS ready for breeding or meat. Call Russ at 403-627-2535, Pincher Creek, AB.

Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!

COMMERCIAL BUCKS, DOES or doelings, high percentage Boer and/or Kalahari cross. 306-872-4442, Naicam, SK.



SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Single Steel Fabric Buildings Super Sale, 30x72 galvaYAK BULLS, YEARLINGS, cows and calf for nized Gatorshield P/R frame and cover kits. Limited quantity, call to book early. sale. 403-442-2277, Huxley, AB. On sale for $5790 plus freight. Call: 1-877-547-4738, silverstreamshelters.com MACK R600 MCKEE manure spreader, hyd. 1997 430 FARM AID feed wagon, vg cond., drive. Ph. 403-552-3753 or 780-753-0353, ready to use. $9800 OBO. Lemberg/Indian Kirriemuir, AB. Head, SK area. 306-335-2771. NH 359 MIXER mill, all attach., stored inJD 550 TA manure spreader, $5500; NH side, vg cond., $5000 OBO; 2650 Haybust795 manure spreader, $7250. Both field er, vg cond. 403-378-4957, Rosemary, AB. ready. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. NH 358 MIXMILL, very little use, original PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. hammers never been turned, shedded, We manufacture an extensive line of cattle $10,900. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., handling and feeding equipment including 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, NEW AND USED roller mills, PTO or elecgates and panels, bale feeders, Bison tric. Call Stan at 306-682-4347 or cell, equipment, Texas gates, steel water 306-231-3439, Humboldt, SK. troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro JOHN DEERE #34 manure spreader, exc. electric branders and twine cutters. Our shape, been used very little, $2500 OBO. squeeze chutes and headgates are now 780-336-6378, Irma, AB. available with a neck extender. Phone 30’ FREESTANDING 3-BAR windbreak 306-796-4508, email: ple@sasktel.net frames, 5-bar and 4-bar panels w/wo douwebsite: www.paysen.com ble hinge gates. Also on farm welding. 306-485-8559, 306-483-2199, Oxbow, SK. NORHEIM RANCHING has gates, panels, continuous steel fence, Hay Monster feeders, crowding tubs, alleyways, feed bunks, and all types of livestock handling equipment. We stock only top quality products at discount prices. Call us first, we will save you money. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. www.gobobpipe.com TRIOLIET VERTICAL MIXER WAGON 2007, low profile, 18 cu. meters, left and right hand discharge, scale, asking $21,000 OBO. Contact 403-302-2545, Ponoka, AB.

REM 3600R BALE processor, right hand discharge, new knives and hammers, good cond., $6500 OBO; Also 250 bu. calf creep feeder, mtd. cattle oiler and mineral tubes, $3500 OBO. 306-788-4923, Marquis, SK.

BALE KING SHREDDER, good condition, RH discharge, shedded, $6900 OBO. Call 3- 30x60’ SPECIAL OCCASION tents, white canvas, some with cathedral windows, 204-572-7999, Grandview MB. $25,000 for all. 306-736-2445, Kipling, SK. CUSTOM BUILT 30’ five bar panels, windbreaks, feed bunks, bale feeders and wire 6” AND 8” NEW steel pipe, insulated with 1-1/2” urethane insulation, 40’ lengths, exrollers. 306-984-7861, Mistatim, SK. cellent for sleeving. 306-375-2910, ext. FREESTANDING 21’, 24’, 30’ corral panels, 101, Kyle, SK. large variety of styles and weights for cattle, horse, bison, sheep, goats, mini horses. Plus lots of 10’ panels. Call for pricing and volume discounts on some sizes; 30’ Windbreak frames $399. Less boards. Give ELECTRONIC ROLAND V Accordions in us a call days or evenings 1-866-500-2276 stock. Roland Dealer, call: 306-782-4288, Yorkton, SK. Jack Taylor, www.affordablebarns.com Visit us at AGRIBITION Regina

Nov. 19-24 C/U Eventplex Booth #851 SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Super Fall Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black steel, $4700; 30x70 double truss P/R, $6995; 38x100 double truss P/R, $11,900; 42x100 double truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738 silverstreamshelters.com CATTLELAC 460 FEED mixer, right hand discharge, $19,000. Call 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719, Battleford, SK. H E AV Y D U T Y 2 4 ’ PA N E L S , W I N D BREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, or email jchof@platinum.ca Rimbey, AB. HAY SAVER ROUND bale feeder, $459; 3’x5’ lambing pen panels, $59; 4’x7’ sheep panels, $69; 4’x21’ freestanding sheep corral panels, $169. Ask about quantity discounts. Call Jack Taylor 1-866-500-2276, Melfort, SK. www.affordablebarns.com STAMPEDE STEEL SQUEEZE CHUTE, good working order, 5 yrs. old, heavy duty, $2950. Call 204-467-4470, Stonewall, MB. FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No heat or power required. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. www.frostfreenosepumps.com HIGHLINE 7000 BALE processor, Cattleman Series, 1000 PTO, excellent cond., $7900. 780-941-2104, New Sarepta, AB.



VAC TRUCK BUSINESS. 1995 Western Star Vac truck, 328,000 kms, 8 spd., Detroit 430/470 w/2002 TC 407/412 code Bomega 82 barrell tank, 820 Hibon blower (1 yr. old), heated tool boxes, heated Ca ll K evin o r Ro n a t valves, Gallup agitator system. 46,000 rears, 14,600 fronts, new 24.5 rubber on YOUNG’S EQUIPM ENT Buds, double lockers, 2012 tire boss TCP L ives to ck Divis io n , Regin a , S K . system, also rigged for floaters. Currently working w/4 yr. drilling program in place. 1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46 10x30 accomm. trailer, triple 7000 lb axNEW 5 and 6 bar CATTLE PANELS, 10’ les. Call 780-886-0748, Drayton Valley, AB. and 12’ lengths w/pins attached. Starting at $90. 403-527-7214, various locations. NEW HOLLAND 355 mixmill, very little use, shedded, $6900 OBO. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK.

Ha ve a grea ts u p p ly o fF a rm Aid 550 w a go n s to cho o s e fro m .

PRO-CERT ORGANIC CERTIFICATION. Canadian family owned. No Royalties! Ph. 306-382-1299 or visit www.pro-cert.org CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK, rbaumann@ocia.org, www.ocia.org ECOCERT CANADA organic certification for producers, processors and brokers. Call the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, 2003 HIGHLINE BALEPRO 7120 bale pro- SK, email: rusty.plamondon@ecocert.com cessor, extremely good cond., $12,900 delivery avail. Ph. early morning or evenings 250-398-2805, Williams Lake, BC. TRADE AND EXPORT Canada now buying organic feed grains: peas, oats, barley and flax. Quick pay. 1-877-339-1959. WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2

AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No electricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882, www.kellnsolar.com

S A V E FE E D A N D L A B O U R C O S T S W IT H A N E Z E -F E E D E R W O R K IN G F O R Y O U . Mixing auger, digital scale, 3 PTH, plus many more options.

Call For Your Nearest Dealer


Also now available through your local Co-op Agro Center.

PORTABLE WINDBREAKS, $550 for 30’ BEST COOKING PULSES accepting samples or $400 for 25’ portable fence panels. All of org. green/yellow peas for 2012/2013 made from 2-7/8” drill stem. We deliver crop year. Matt 306-586-7111, Rowatt, SK anywhere. 306-581-9217, Lumsden, SK. RW ORGANIC LTD. currently looking for HIGHLINE 6800 BALE processor, excellent all grades of wheat, durum and feed condition, shedded, $5200; 12’x6’ tandem wheat, rye, barley and peas. Immediate stock trailer, good condition, $1950. pickup. Also offering fall contracts. 306-682-3055, Humboldt, SK. 306-354-2660, Mossbank, SK. HYDRAULIC SQUEEZE CHUTE, HD, LOOKING FOR feed wheat, rye, barley, comes from 200 cow/calf operation, vg oats and screenings. Call Pristine Prairie condition, c/w Reliable scale 12,000 lb. Organics, 204-522-0842, Pipestone, MB. load cells. Ph 587-794-4666, ext. 112, or M&M ORGANIC MARKETING is buying 403-854-9117 cell, Hanna, AB. milling oats and the following feed grains: 2003 BALE KING 3100 RH delivery, exc. wheat, flax, oats, peas, soy beans, lentils, cond., ready to go, used only 3 yrs., asking barley. 204-379-2451, St. Claude, MB. $9000. 306-547-2923, Preeceville, SK.

FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feedYOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For your 2008 2650 HAYBUSTER bale processor, NORHEIM RANCHING HAS Red Rhino self- ers; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and $12,000. 306-344-4978, Frenchman’s unloading hay trailers. Saskatoon, SK. custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. Butte, SK. Phone 306-227-4503. handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346. FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS, up to 30’, made from 2-3/8” oilfield pipe. Square bale feeders, any size. Can build other things. Elkhorn, MB. 204-851-6423, 204-845-2188, 204-851-6714.

LADY, 42, SEEKING man for friendship, maybe more. I am a shy, career lady, with no children, looking for low key, NS, only social drinker. Like camping, working out, conversation, music. Live an hour north of St. Albert, AB, looking for someone sort of in my area. I’m easy to talk to - write me. Box 5000, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4. SINGLE WOMAN, 60’s looking for NS, ND traveling man who plays guitar and sings Country and Western music, within 3 hrs. drive from Swift Current. Please send photo. Box 2010, c/o Western Producer, 2310 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4.

w w w .reim erw eld ing m fg .com

FALL INTERNET 2012 AUCTION Prince$Albert 2,499





Sukup Inline Centrifugal 7 ½ HP Fan

Magnum Texas Gates

One Sukup Inline Centrifugal 7 1/2 HP aeration fan. Single phase power, 230 volt, CSA approved, 24 inch diameter. Sukup In-Line fans feature a centrifugal fan wheel built into an axial housing, 3500 RPM motor is specially engineered for high performance Sukup blades to ensure maximum airflow. Ideal for higher static pressures found with small grains and higher grain depths. Delivery included within 150 miles of Saskatoon and Regina. Call Bert for Sukup! CallBERT For Sukup

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MAGNUM FABRICATING LTD. Maple Creek, SK Ph: 306-662-2198

MOCCASINS/MUKLUKS, many colours and styles. AJ Shoe Renue, Confederation Mall 306- 683-0835, Saskatoon, SK.

Item # 990-991

Saskatoon, SK 306-664-2378 www.callbertforsukup.com

Bidding Closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp!

Only A Few Days Left To Bid! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315



LUXURY VACATION HOME in Elk Ridge Estates just minutes from Waskesiu, SK. Walk-out bungalow, 3000 sq ft. developed, $850,000. Other investment properties from $312,000. Call Karen Luiten, Re/Max Saskatoon, 306-221-6141, Saskatoon, SK.

SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER The only way it works! In-person interviews Nov. 15th-17th in Regina and Saskatoon. Membership $700 plus taxes. 18 years experience. Have matched thousands of people! Camelot Introductions, www.camelotintroductions.com or call 204-888-1529 to book your appointment with an award winning Matchmaker!



LAB COLLIE CROSS puppies for sale, exc. dispositions, $100. Call 403-752-3006 or 1900 SQ. FT. BUNGALOW, 3 bdrm, 2.5 403-360-5555, Raymond, AB. baths, main floor laundry, new windows, laminate flooring, gas fireplace, 3 car attached garage, landscaped yard, $95,000. 306-357-2003, 306-831-7026, Wiseton SK GREAT PYRENEES/MAREMMA pups, born Aug. 15, great working bloodline, ready to go. Some white, some w/masks. No shots. TO BE MOVED: 2 bdrm. bungalow, approx. $250 each. 306-237-9286, Perdue, SK. 900 sq. ft. New windows, shingles, siding, eavestroughs, laminate floor, with deck, PUREBRED TURKISH KANGAL pups, bond- located at Preeceville, SK. Reasonable ofed to lambs, both parents guarding 1200 fer. 306-547-2926. plus head of sheep and cattle, 14 wks. old, $800 includes all shots and Stockman’s Spike collar. 306-724-4451, Debden, SK. Pictures at www.candllranch.com

Builders of Quality Handcrafted Log and Timber Frame Homes. www.backcountryloghomes.ca

SASKATOON, SK. Ideal for students who want to acquire equity rather than pay rent. A fully upgraded 1166 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bthrm, 1983 mobile home on bus route to U of S and SIAST. 5 appliances, large porch and deck, move-in ready, $74,900. May consider trades. 306-270-9160.


WANTED: IRISH WOLFHOUNDS or Greyhound coyote hounds. 306-221-0734, Dundurn, SK. READY TO GO- Six red and white Border Collie pups, from working parents, $450. 306-587-7169, Success, SK.



RED AND BLUE HEELER PUPS ready to go, from real good working parents. Call 780-785-2521, Cherhill, AB.

NEWLY CONSTRUCTED, 1080 sq. ft, 2 bdrm, 2 baths, framing stage complete. Buy now and you finish, or deposit and we finish. 306-741-2730, Webb, SK. NEW RTM CABIN, 24x32’ 2 bdrms, loft, 2x6’, green tin roof, PVC windows, interior done in pine and poplar, $56,900. Pics. SOOKE HARBOUR HOUSE, Canada’s 2nd available. 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. best resort offering monthly stay from READY TO MOVE show home. Many op- $1800 per month, $990 weekly. Situated tions like front roof overhang for deck, de- right on the beach in beautiful Sooke, BC. luxe cabinets, stone front, etc. 1574 sq. ft. Vancouver Island, 30 min. from Victoria. for $169,000. Swanson Builders (Saska- www.sookeharbourhouse.com or call toon, SK. area) at 306-493-3089 or email 250-642-3421 for reservations. info@swansonbuilders.ca for details BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: well estabCANDLEWOOD HOMES: Ready-to-move lished fishing and hunting resort located in 1490 sq. ft. home features: deck w/porch the beautiful northwest area of Saskatcheroof, James Hardie siding, 6/12 roof and wan, surrounded by a number of lakes and ceiling, 3 bdrm., open living area, master rivers. This turnkey operation with cabins, walk-in closet and bath, $136,500 + taxes boats/motors and camping sites is located and delivery. Ken Penner 204-327-5575, on the west shore of Canoe Lake MLS# fax: 204-327-5505, cell: 701-330-3372, 437858, Re/Max of the Battlefords. Wally candlewood@wiband.ca Halbstadt, MB. Lorenz 306-446-8800 or, 306-843-7898.

starting at



/sq. ft.

LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN PUPS, Maremma/Akbash cross. Raised with sheep, exc. working parents, $350 ea. 250-219-8157, Dawson Creek, BC.


REGISTERED BLACK/WHITE border collie pups from aggressive working stock. Call Richard Smith, 780-846-2643, Kitscoty AB.


LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOG pups for sale. Maremma/Kangal/Leonberger cross pups, working parents. Pups born and being raised within the flock. Strong, reliable, and bred to look after your livestock. Asking $250. 250-804-6480, Celista, BC, email dfenton@celistaspringsranch.com

starting at


/sq. ft.

Hague, SK Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438


YUMA, AZ, centrally located park model for rent, in Yuma Venture, 55+, renter friendly, outstanding North American community. Available for 2012/2013 season. LARGE RANCH FOR SALE in Northeast 306-882-1333, e.j.hamilton@sasktel.net BC. Approx. 8756 acres in one block. 3000 FOR SALE IN Mesa, AZ, 55+ Park Model, 1 acres under cultivation. More info. and bdrm, AC, elec. heat, fully furnished with photos at www.bickfordfarms.ca Call Rick some new. 306-856-4646, Conquest, SK. 250-262-1954, Fort St. John, BC.



*Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included


AGRIBITION November 19 - 24 th



For a d ea ler n ea rest you visit: w w w .sto p th em o u se.ca


T H E S P IR IT W O O D • 1,894 sq. ft • 4 bedroom s • m ain floor laundry • 5’jetted bathtub • triple pane w indow s

2�- $295.00 3�- $335.00 Edm onton


DOUBLE RV LOT, Yuma, AZ. Privately owned, fenced, sliding locking gate, RV support building w/bathroom, washer/ dryer, twin beds, storage building. Short distance to grocery store, bank, YMCA and hardware. Call 928-503-5344. TIMESHARE FOR SALE: Royal Resorts Royalty Gold Club. Access properties in North America, Asia, Europe, Australia, India and RCI. 2 bdrm, 165 points, annual use, red season. RTU 2029. For more info. call 780-637-1234, Edmonton, AB.

LAC DES ISLES two treed 5 acre lots, $180,000 ea.; Two 2 acre lots, $80,000 each. No time limit to build. 306-373-4808 or cell 306-221-0081, loiselh@msn.com CEDAR D STYLE LOGS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros, LumSABLE LASSIE COLLIE cross w/red and by, BC. 1-800-960-3388. rouckbros.com white border collie pups, born August 31st, $150 each. 306-228-3582, Unity, SK.

AVAILABLE BACHELORETTE: CONNIE is 30, 5’6�, 132 lbs., loves dogs and has a Rottweiler called Ben. She is a teacher, a home owner, NS, SD. Her last permanent relationship was 2 years ago. She is now seriously looking to meet a decent guy. She loves to cook and enjoys a glass of wine. She would love to be taken out to dinner, or can cook for him, just the two of them is important to her. Connie’s family is important to her. She would like him to be close to his family also. Age is irrelevant, he could be 20 years older than her or 5 years younger. If he has children that’s ok. She is not sure about kids at this stage. Loves music, country, middle of the road, soft rock, bbq’s, a day at that beach or by the lake in the summer. Enjoys quading and skiing in winter. Connie loves to laugh and is open and genuine w/people. She tries to help people, is healthy and takes care of herself- so why is it so hard for her to find a nice guy? Guess she forgot to mention, she is shy. He would have to make the first move. Matchmakers Sel e c t , w w w. s e l e c t i n t r o d u c t i o n s . c o m 1-888-916-2824. Customized membership, thorough screening process, guaranteed service. Est. 13 yrs, rural, agricultural, remote, permanent relationships only.

MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK.


Ask Us Abou t Cu stom Hom es


Booth # 785





(306)652-5322 2505 Ave. C. N orth, Saskatoon

1-877-6 6 5-6 6 6 0

Ca llUs To d a y O rV isitw w w .jhho m es.co m CKC REGISTERED ST. BERNARD PUPS, 4 females, born August 1st. All shots, microchipped, $700 ea. Free delivery to Edmonton, AB. Can email pics. 867-335-5192 (cell), 867-668-7218 (res), Whitehorse, YT, email hurlburtei@gmail.com


MAREMMA CROSS PUPS, 8 months old, vet checked, vaccinated, $150. Call 306-259-4884, Watrous, SK. CONDO- $630K. Retire to beautiful VicMINI DACHSHUNDS, 1 std. red male, 1 toria, BC. Canada’s best climate and great mini red and white pie male, 8 mos., $250 place for things to do. Leave the snow beeach; 2 mini red boys, $300 ea; 2 mini red hind and enjoy our Pacific Paradise. girls, 7-1/2 mos., $350 ea; 1 mini red and 250-383-8999, matsons@telus.net cream girl, 7 mos., $400. 306-694-8442, FIVE ACRE HOBBY, Nursery and Landscape Moose Jaw, SK. pennyann@sasktel.net business. Two miles North of Courtenay, MINIATURE SCHNAUZER pups, 1st shots Vancouver Island, BC. Buy inventory and and dewormed, non-shedding and hypo-al- equipment with lease, $249,000 or buy lergenic, make excellent house dogs and everything $749,000. Beautiful view proplove the outdoors, $400. 204-434-6132, erty, near by 4 golf courses, skiing, huntwww.krentzschnauzers.com Steinbach, MB ing and big salmon. Mild winters. Build your retirement home. 250-218-0142. GERMAN SHORTHAIRED Pointers, par- www.ospreystoneandbamboo/forsale2012 ents excellent hunters and pets, 5 males $350/ea. 204-867-5913, Minnedosa, MB. NEW VANCOUVER ISLAND townhomes in LABRA DOODLE PUPS, awesome blood- beautiful Qualicum Beach, ocean view, 1 lines. 2 year health guarantee. Ready now block from beach, starting at $429,000 until Christmas. Will hold with deposit. F1, +HST. www.taylorridge.ca 306-664-3222. $700; F1B, $900. Springside, SK., call 306-792-2113 or cell 403-919-1370. View www.furfettishfarm.ca CONDO, ELBOW, SK. Tired of shoveling 4 YR. OLD female PB Chesapeake Bay re- snow and cutting grass, move into a condo triever “Chloe�, not spayed, not good for and relax. #3 - 140 Putters Lane. MLS children, loves to play fetch and swim. Se- #437411, $189,000. #4 - 1275 Aaro Ave. rious inquiries only. Call 204-851-2926, MLS #439056, $139,900. Call me for deReston, MB. tails/viewing. Joe Parent 306-867-7665, CHESAPEAKE RETRIEVER PUPS, born joeparent154@gmail.com Garmac ManAug. 15, 2012. 6 females, 1 male. Great agement & Real Estate. hunting dogs, good with kids, $100 ea. MEDICINE HAT, AB. Southview Villa, 780-658-3984, 780-603-0626, Viking, AB. Seniors. Second floor, 2 bdrm., 2 bath, ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS born 1344 sq. ft., 6 appliances, Underground Sept. 13th, 3 males, 2 females, tails parking and storage, large deck. Close to docked, first shots, $500. 306-984-4513, a l l a m e n i t i e s . $ 1 6 9 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 403-527-0485 or 403-529-6791. Leoville, SK.



Prince$Albert 59,850




20’x 48’ Cabin Kit Includes 20x8 Deck With Rails, 4 ft Roof Extensions 20x8 Loft Why choose us? We build with the highest standard of quality and craftsmanship for our customers. 20x48 ft cabin kit includes: 20x8 ft deck with rails, 4 ft roof extensions, 20x8 ft loft, stairs with railings, 8x8 ft partition wall`s, two 36x36 inch sliding windows, two 42x42 inch sliding windows, floor kit package, patio door, 36 inch - 9 pane window door. PreFab Cabin Factory Inc., Edmonton, AB 780-935-3854. Disclaimer: Photo not exactly as illustrated. Hardware included for assembly. The Cabin includes the listed items any additions will be an additional cost.

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SOUTHERN BC NEAR Historic Greenwood. 71 acres, $529,000. Adjoins Crown land, water license, home w/suite, timber, cultivated land, outbuildings, fenced, and more. 250-445-6642 or lbfolvik@telus.net

RANCH FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1/2 section w/hayland, pastures, with att. 1/2 section range tenure, 5 bdrm, 2688’ finished modern living space. Insulated barn, corrals, shop, stack yard. Adjoining 1/2 section may also be available. 25 miles west of Dawson Creek, BC. 250-843-7218. RURAL FORT FRASER, BC. 117 acres, riverfront w/2 bdrm house and rental cabin. 50 acres in hay production, 3 kms from main hwy. Don, 250-690-6894 or 250-567-0247. 203 ACRES, 15 TITLES, $2,975,000. May sell parcels. Quality hay land, irrigated, cross fenced. Shops, hay sheds, horse shelters, 95 cow dairy barns or could be riding arena. 5 bdrm home with pool; mobile home neg. Salmon Arm, BC. Heather Sinclair Smith, Realtor, 1-888-852-2474, www.bcfarmandranch.com

NEW LISTING: Border Ranch, 7600 acres of land on both sides of the AB/SK border at Sibbald, AB. 1280 acres AB grazing lease, 640 acres AB cult. lease, 640 acres AB deeded land. 5040 acres deeded land in SK. 1454 acres regrass, 1235 acres cult., 2177 acres native grass. Modern home and lots of outbuildings. Ph Barry Lowe, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, 403-854-1005, Hanna, AB.

LOOKING TO CASH RENT pivot irrigated land for forage production prefer Strathmore/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consider all areas; Also want to CASH RENT DRY LAND for alfalfa production east of Hwy. #21, north of Hwy #1. Will consider buying established alfalfa stands as well. Long term lease preferably. 403-507-8660. bschmitt@barr-ag.com 160 ACRES OF grainland, 45 miles east of Edmonton, 1 mile off Hwy. 14, $320,000. Ph: 780-918-5001. LOOKING FOR A house in the country to rent w/garage, prefer within 30 min. of the Lacombe, AB area. I have 2 Border Collies. Email: mojanice13@gmail.com EDMONTON AREA BROILER FARMS. Approx. 100,000 units quota, 2 production facilities, close to town. 6 barns, shop, 2 homes, equipment. Call Andries Steegstra, Royal Lepage Lifestyles, Lacombe, AB. 403-391-6260, asteegstra@royallepage.ca www.centralalbertafarms.com FULLY OPERATIONAL HOBBY farm on 136 plus acres, 1270 sq. ft. 3 bdrm bungalow, partial basement w/2 pc. bath, 1200 sq. ft. heated shop/garage, c/w 12’x40’ lean to, fence, pasture, shelter, hay field, auto waterer, approx. 35 kms. east of Edson on Hwy. 16, oil lease revenue; optional for purchase, bordering 146 acres, approx. 65 in hay, also has oil lease. 780-795-2446. 1) GREAT PRODUCING PROPERTY: 2080 acres, fertile soil, all fenced, all properties attached, approx. 90% open. Seeded to grass, could be cropped, good water, creeks, dugout, wells. Yardsite, buildings and home. Views Snipe Lake. Great fishing and hunting. Three properties together in Sunset House area. Call Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, Spruce Grove, AB, 780-991-1180. PASTURELAND FOR SALE- South of Big Valley, AB along Hwy. #56. One section 631 acres grassland, A-1 fences, and cross fenced w/power and water wells on each half. Gas well revenue $10,800/yr. Call Al at 780-980-2084, Doug at 604-777-9357. FOUR QUARTERS GOOD GRAINLAND on Hwy. #822, east of Ponoka, AB. Residence and farm buildings. Jac Theelen Realty Ltd. 403-318-2252.


ABERDEEN FARMLAND. 153 acres c/w irrigation pivot, $165,000. Call Don Dyck Re/Max North Country 306-221-1684, Warman, SK. GRAIN FARMS NEEDED: I have buyers looking to purchase large, quality grain farms that they will rent back to former owner if desired. Farms required are in the $5 million plus range. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379 Swift Current SK TIM HAMMOND REALTY, RM #317 Mirosovsky farmland for sale by tender. 6 quarters between Biggar and Rosetown, SK. Total 2012 assessment 268,700 (avg. 45,018/quarter) with approx. 879 cult. acres. Immaculate yard incl: 1275 sq. ft. house (1976), steel quonset, 2 wood machine sheds, 24,000 bu. steel grain storage, barn, meat shop and equipment, etc. List of machinery avail. Tender closes 5:00 PM November 23, 2012. Exclusive Listing. http://Mirosovsky.TimHammond.ca Call 306-948-5052.

We sold our farm to Freshwater Land Holding Co. Ltd. this spring and we were satisfied with the deal we were offered. They were very professional to deal with and upfront with the details of the land deal. We would recommend them to anyone wanting to sell their land. Ken & Penny Stevens

SUM M ARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Cen tra l.................................6 2 1⁄4’s S o u th Cen tra l......................17 1⁄4’s Ea s t Cen tra l........................74 1⁄4’s S o u th...................................70 1⁄4’s S o u th Ea s t...........................22 1⁄4’s S o u th W es t..........................58 1⁄4’s N o rth.....................................6 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t............................8 1⁄4’s Ea s t.....................................39 1⁄4’s

RM LOREBURN #254, All cultivated, less 20 acres yardsite. SW-6-26-4; SE-6-26-4; NE-6-26-4; SW-1-26-5; NE-1-26-5-W3rd, all in one block. Tenders before Nov. 30, 2012. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to: Dale Kelman, Box 105, Loreburn, SK, S0H 2S0. Ph. for details 306-644-4906.

Lush pasture to rent at Punnichy.


SASKATCHEWAN RANCH: 6720 acres ranch, full set of buildings, very scenic. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, SK. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com

www.SaskLand4Sale.com Vayro Horse Farm, 160 acres, SW Sonningdale. 6 bdrm family home, 2 barns, outdoor riding arena, $379,900. MLS® 442391. Ed Bobiash, Re/Max Saskatoon, SK, 306-222-7770. 11 1/2 QUARTERS of cultivated land, west of Yorkton, close to #16 Hwy., in good rain fall area. Serious inquiries only, 306-792-4544, Springside, SK. HALF SECTION OF FARMLAND in the Maidstone, SK. area, 290 plus acres cultivated. Call 306-821-6659, Lloydminster, SK. GOOD FARMLAND: 18 quarters, yard adjac e n t t o p a v e d h i g h w a y. P h o n e 306-388-2694, Bienfait, SK.

RM #382, N half of SW 12-39-28, W of 3rd, 60 acres tame hay, 20 acres native grass, gas well revenue. 306-753-9149, Macklin, SK. FOR SALE BY TENDER RM of Kinistino 8-1/2 quarters of farmland. Home quarter has house, 2 steel quonsets, NG heated shop, hopper grain storage, barn. Tender closing date: Friday, Nov. 30th, 4:00 PM CST. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For an info. package call Gary Stoneman at Realty Executives Gateway Realty, 306-752-4004 or 306-921-9558 cell, 504 Main St. Melfort, SK. MAPLE CREEK RANCH: 6720 acres in a block. Full set buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com RM OF CANWOOD No.494, approx. 603 acres in a block and adjoining HWY #3, just east of Mont Nebo, SK., 299 acres in tame hay pasture, small lake and year round creek, lots of spruce and pine trees, big game hunting area, great building sites, what a beautiful property to own. MLS®447060. Call Lloyd Ledinski Re/Max of the Battlefords for viewing. 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. Lloyd is in need of pasture and good grain land in all areas!

MODERN UP-TO-DATE feedlot/farmland. Steel pens, cement bunks for up to 6000 head. Additional penning for another 2500. 1440 acres grain/hay land and pasture. Feedlot on 320 acres. Fully licensed for 25,000 head. Excellent living quarters w/1174 sq. ft., 1966 home, quonset, heated workshop. MLS 442676; 442681; RM OF PIAPOT: 1120 acre ranch with 442687. Royal LePage Premier Realty, buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Yorkton, SK, 306-783-9404. For further 3 0 6 - 7 7 3 - 7 3 7 9 , S w i f t C u r r e n t , S K . details: www.royallepageyorkton.com Call: www.farmsask.com Murray Arnold 306-621-5018.


Q u ick Clo su re – N o Co m m issio n

Ca ll DOUG

3 06 -9 55-226 6 Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca TAMMY GREER, Thursday, December 6, 2012, 7:00 PM, Taylorton Room, Days Inn, w w w .Ca Fa rm la n d.com Estevan, SK. 3 quarters of land, RM Benson #35, SW-4-5-8-W2 (comes with surface oil lease), NE-28-4-8-W2 and N W- 1 0 - 5 - 8 - W 2 . M a c k Au c t i o n C o . , 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 17 QUARTER SECTIONS of grain land in the oil patch in SE Saskatchewan. 14 Visit www.mackacutioncompany.com quarters in the Creelman area and 3 in the BI-LEVEL HOME on 120 acres, another 40 Griffin area. Gently rolling, well farmed, acres optional, two artesian wells, newer excellent producing grain land. Three oil corrals and shelters, 5 bdrms, 2.5 baths surface leases on the Creelman property. newly renovated, on school bus route. 8 Call Harry Sheppard, Sutton Group-Results miles southwest of Yorkton, SK. Please Realty, 306-530-8035, Regina, SK. email jkfisher@imagewireless.ca for more LAND FOR RENT: The Public Guardian information or, call 306-782-1404. and Trustee of Saskatchewan as official RM 96: 1760 acre grain farm with build- administrator for the Estate of Joseph Wili n g s . J o h n C ave , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . liamson, will accept bids on the following: 3 0 6 - 7 7 3 - 7 3 7 9 , S w i f t C u r r e n t , S K . SW 6-18-12 W2 R.M. of Indian Head #156 Sealed bids, clearly marked “Wilwww.farmsask.com liamson Tender”, should be received in our TAKING WRITTEN OFFERS to December office by November 22, 2012. The highest 31, 2012, on SE-6-38-16-W2nd, RM #368. or any bid not necessarily accepted. For 2012 crop approx. 130 of canola and 30 of further information phone Michelle Lilley new breaking, good drainage. Highest or at 306-787-8115. Public Guardian and any offer not necessarily accepted. Offers Trustee of Saskatchewan, 100-1871 confidential. Submit to: Box 516, Quill Smith Street, Regina, SK. S4P 4W4, Lake, SK, S0A 3E0. 306-383-2867. Fax: 306-787-5065. 3200 ACRE GRAIN FARM: Full set of build- LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER: RM of Arm ings, surface lease revenue. John Cave, River, W-1/2-1-26-27-W2nd. 280 cult. Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. acres, 5500 bu. steel grain bin on concrete. Written tenders accepted until Nov. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com 30, 2012, noon, to: 2418 Jarvis Dr., SasPIECE OF PARADISE: Approx. 1600 acres katoon, SK., S7J 2T9. Highest or any tenof amazing pasture land. Call John Cave, der not necessarily accepted. Inquiries can E d g e R e a l t y L t d . , 3 0 6 - 7 7 3 - 7 3 7 9 . be made by contacting 306-374-0551. www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. RM MANKOTA: 160 acres with buildings. MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and John Cave Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, o r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com 1-877-269-9990. cndfree@telusplanet.net

ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: COME SEE US AT AGRIBITION NOVEMBER 19-24, 2012, BOOTHS 512 & 513!!! ENCHANT: Up for bids on or before November 15, 2012, 5:00 PM: 316.04 acres total, 270.3 acres BRID water rights, 2 new Zimmatic pivots, surface lease revenue, heated shop, cattle facilities, home, etc. See our website or call for details. MLS® #1959, Frans). VAUXHALL: Ideal row crop farm, 480 acres (400 acres under pivots), home, shop, equipment building, storage shed, hay storage, etc. (#1939, Ben). FORT MACLEOD: Very nice ranch, Hwy 3 exposure, approx. 452 acres deeded, 320 acres grazing lease, 1400 sq. ft. home, corrals, etc. (#1936, Ben). ROLLING HILLS: Very nice half section irrigation, 260 acres EID water rights, all farmland, surface revenue approx. $40,000/year. Additional quarter section with building available. (#1932, Ben). PICTURE BUTTE: Well maintained 8000 head feedlot with 475 acres prime irrigation land. (#1900, Frans). TABER: Nice modern broiler farm, 278 acres, 2011 Valley corner pivot, home, quonset, office building, equipment shed, 4 barns, no quota incl. State-of-the-art operation. (#1879, Chris/Blaine). BROOKS: 263 acres, 2 parcels. Parcel 1: 80 acres, water rights, 40 acres seed with alfalfa for seed production with 1 year left on contract. Parcel 2: 152.3 acres, wheel lines, 3 grain bins, surface revenue. (#1965, Ben). Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, website www.canadafarmandranch.com or call 1-866-345-3414.

RM #63 MOOSE MOUNTAIN- Farm Land For Sale by Tender. Closes Dec. 15th. One section cultivated grainland. 12-7-2-2-W2, Carlyle, SK area. Assessment 223,200. 7 surface leases. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mail tender to Ken Colpitts, PO Box 1030, Carlyle, SK. S0C 0R0. Info call Ken 306-577-6555, email colpitts.agencies@sasktel.net LAND AUCTION, DEC. 6, 1:30 PM, North Battleford. Featuring several parcels of land including: 2 quarters of farmland in RM Douglas #436. NW-35-44-12-W3, Assessment 72,000, NE-34-44-12-W3, Assessment 77,900. 2 quarters farmland in the RM of North Battleford #437, SE15-44-16-W3, Assessment 44,200; NE 15-44-16-W3, Assessment 63,600. 1 quarter of farmland in the RM of Redberry #435, NE-1-42-9-W3, Assessment 43,800. 2 quarters of quality pasture and 3 quarters of lease in the RM Rosemount #378, NW-1-38-16-W3 and SE-2-38-16-W3, Assessment 72,300, all fenced in one block with spring fed dugout. 1 quarter in RM of Great Bend #405 NE-34-40-09-W3, Assessment 51,900. More land being added. For info. see www.kramerauction.com or ph Kramer Auctions Ltd. 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. PL #914618.

PRIME ALBERTA PIVOT irrigation and ranchland for sale. 800 acres irrigated, 200 acres dry cultivated, 18 quarters of grass, big wide valley and coulees. 2 homes, 1800 sq. ft. main residence, 1100 sq. ft. house on grassland. 40x60 heated shop, 240x50 storage quonsets, 68x150 Behlen quonset, good set of steel corrals and high hog handling system centrally located on the grassland. jaheel1618@hotmail.com

I NEED FARMS: Thinking of selling your farm? I have several buyers looking for grain and livestock operations. Please I HAVE BUYERS for Sask. grain land, ranch both me to discuss. John Cave, Edge Realty land and acreages. Call Wally Lorenz at call Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK., 306-843-7898, Re/Max of the Battlefords, www.farmsask.com North Battleford, SK. znerol.w@sasktel.net RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section w/yard, FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, buying or adjacent to Canora, SK. Total assessment selling. Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty. at 144,100. 306-651-1041.


2 year old high end property on 106 acres only 8 miles from the WORLD FAMOUS PONOKA STAMPEDE GROUNDS. • Upscale 3 bedroom home, 2 bath, A/C, central vac, paved driveway and more. • Situated in a mature treed setting. 1600 sq. ft. shop completely finished with 220 wiring and 1⁄2 bath. 16 stall stable designed for broodmare operation, also ideal boarding facility and barrel racing, fully insulated with in floor heating; 3⁄4 bath, office, tack room, wash bay and more. • 106 acres on 2 titles consisting of home site, 6 paddocks c/w auto waterers, 2 hay fields, all professionally fenced in 2010. For more info go to: www.HawkValley.ca |




BY TE N D E R R .M .# AR EA # of Q TR S 6 To rq u ay 19 42 W illo w b u n ch 23 68 W e yb u rn 30 96 Fillm o re 17 21 1 & 21 3 Saltco ats 10 21 3 Bre d e n b u ry 12 24 1 W ro xto n 30 24 3 Y o rkto n 14 261 Eato n ia 20 34 9 Han d e l 12 4 90 & 520 M e ath Park 23

Ten d ers Close on D ec em b er 3 ,201 2

To re q u e s td e taile d in fo rm atio n ab o u t the te n d e rpro ce s s an d in d ivid u allan d parce ls ple as e e m ail: sa skla n d 4 ren t@ gm a il.c om O r Fa x: 3 06 -3 52-1 81 6 Also lo o kin g to pu rc ha se a d d itio n a l pa rc els o ffa rm la n d in these a n d m a n y o ther R M ’s a c ro ss Sa ska tc hew a n . H a rry Sheppa rd Su tton Grou p – R esu lts R ea lty R eg in a , SK

306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro p.ca



REN TERS W AN TED w w w .m a xcro p.ca

FO R SALE BY TEND ER R . M . o f B u ffa lo N o . 4 0 9 • N E 16 40 21 W 3 • SE 10 40 21 W 3

• N E 09 40 21 W 3 • N E 10 40 21 W 3

R . M . o f R o d ger s N o . 1 3 3 Land lease in effect untilDec. 31, 2015 • N 1/ 2 SW 01 15 02 W 3 • N 1/ 2 SE 02 15 02 W 3 • SE 35 14 02 W 3 • N W 35 14 02 W 3 • N W 01 15 02 W 3

• S 1/ 2 SW 01 15 02 W 3 • N E 02 15 02 W 3 • N E 26 14 02 W 3 • SW 35 14 02 W 3 • N E 35 14 02 W 3 • SE 36 14 02 W 3 • SW 36 14 02 W 3

R . M . o f T r a m p in g L a ke N o . 3 8 0 , R ed fo r d N o . 3 7 9 Redford N o. 379 • SW 10 39 20 W 3 • SW 03 39 20 W 3 • N W 03 39 20 W 3 • SW 33 38 20 W 3 • N W 33 38 20 W 3 • N W 10 39 20 W 3 • N W 27 39 20 W 3 • N E 27 39 20 W 3 Tram ping Lake N o. 380 • N W 07 39 20 W 3 • N E 32 38 20 W 3 • SE 32 38 20 W 3 • N W 18 39 20 W 3 • SW 18 39 20 W 3 • N E 12 39 21 W 3 • SE 13 39 21 W 3 • N E 04 39 20 W 3 • SE 04 39 20 W 3 • SE 09 39 20 W 3 • N E 18 39 20 W 3 • SE 18 39 20 W 3 • N W 17 39 20 W 3 • E 1/ 2 SW 09 39 20 W 3 R . M . o f R o s em o u n t N o . 3 7 8 , G r a n d view N o . 3 4 9 , R ed fo r d N o . 3 7 9 Grandview N o. 349 • N E 36 36 18 W 3 Rosem ount N o 378 -Land lease in effect untilDec. 31, 2016 • N W 18 37 17 W 3 • SW 18 37 17 W 3 • LSD 3 06 37 17 W 3 • LSD 4 06 37 17 W 3 • LSD 5 06 37 17 W 3 Redford N o. 379 • SE 01 37 18 Ex70 • SE 01 37 18 Ex71 • SW 01 37 18 W 3 RM ofArchie N o. 101 (M B) • N W 31-13-28 W 1 • SW 31-13-28 W 1 • SE 31-13-28 W 1

Contact Tim Graham for tender packages:

H C I V en tu r es L td .

tim @hciven tu r es . ca

3 0 6 .7 7 5 .2 0 6 0

Tenders accepted untilN ovem ber 30, 2012

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RM 19: 2560 acres with yardsite. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com TWO PACKAGES of prime Aberdeen, SK. farmland. Part of a total pkg. of over 3000 acres. sasklandhunter.com for more details or call James Hunter, Farmland Specialist, Coldwell Banker, Rescom Realty, Saskatoon, SK, 306-716-0750 or email james-hunter@coldwellbanker.ca

RM SNIPE LAKE 3 q trs . . . . . . . . $714,000 LUSELAND, SK. 6,500 Acres . S ee w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .c o m fo r d eta ils . RM KINDERSLEY 2 q trs . . . . . . . $13 7,000 RM W IN SLOW 1 q tr w /ho m e & bSu iOl idLngsD. . . . $26 4,000 RM W IN SLOW 20 a cres w /ho m e & b l dgs . . . . $3 15,000 12,000 SQ FT co m m ercia l b u i l id ng o n 1.57 a cres o n # 7 Highw a y (fo rm erly Ca n a d i an T ire) . . . . . . . $6 9 9 ,000 C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y

3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7

G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K

FA R M L A N D F O R S a l e b y Te n d e r : SE-17-30-26-W3 assessment 66,900, oil revenue of $1600/yr.; SW-17-30-26-W3 a s s e s s m e n t 7 1 , 8 0 0 , o i l r e ve nu e o f $2750/yr., approx. 10 miles North of Flaxcombe, SK. Highest bid not necessarily accepted, 10% deposit on notification of winner. Mail or email to Box 129 Unity SK., S0K 4L0. Tenders close at noon, Dec. 5, 2012. 306-228-7825, drcl04@sasktel.net FARMLAND FOR RENT- SOUTH OF Ponteix: 31 quarters, mix of pasture, tame grass, and cropland in RM 46 and 76. To request info or send an offer, please email: ian@peltoagri.com or phone: 519-373-1689. Taking offers until Dec. 3, 2012. Highest offer not necessarily accepted. Ian Furlong, Pelto Agri Investments, Proton Station, ON.


COM PL ETE TURN K EY RAN CH S OUTHERN S AS K ATCHEW AN Yea r ro u n d s elf- s u fficien tpro perty w ith 8 00 + co w ca lfca pa city, 49 72 + /- d eed ed a cres a n d 3200 + /- a cres lea s ed , m a chin ery a n d lives to ck ca n b e pu rcha s ed .

w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m

Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c.

YOUNG FARMER LOOKING TO RENT LAND in RM of Grandview #349 or RM of Reford #379. Phone 306-658-4860, 306-948-7807, Biggar, SK.

RM OF CARON: 480 acres of pasture adjoining. Approx. 20 minutes West of Moose Jaw, SK. John Cave Edge Realty Ltd, 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

TIM HAMMOND REALTY, Kolenosky Farmland for sale by tender. 4 quarters between Wilkie and Landis. Total 2012 assmt. $212,400 (avg 53,518/quarter), approx. 578 cult. acres, closes 5 PM, Nov. 15, 2012. Exclusive listing. 306-948-5052 http://Kolenosky.TimHammond.ca WARMAN AREA LAND. 1500 acres Saskatoon north, mostly 1 block w/fertilizer. Call Don Dyck Re/Max North Country, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK.


OF GOOD CROP PRODUCTION L AN D IN S AS K ATCHEW AN AN D AL BERTA Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c.

GRAIN FARM: 10,720 acres with full set of buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. TO PURCHASE GRAINLAND: 300-2000 acres, west central or northwest, consider others. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000.

L AND F OR R E NT IN TH E R M OF R OCANV IL L E - 151 • • • • • • • • • • • •

N E 01 17 33 W 1 N E 18 17 32 W 1 N E 19 17 32 W 1 N E 23 16 33 W 1 N W 18 17 32 W 1 SW 18 17 32 W 1 N W 23 16 33 W 1 N W 24 16 33 W 1 N W 36 16 33 W 1 SE 19 17 32 W 1 SE 36 16 33 W 1 SW 36 16 33 W 1

Approxim ately 1645 cult acres. Contact Tim Graham w ith H CIVentures Ltd for m ore inform ation or to send in an offer: Tim Graham 204-4303 Albert Street Regina, SK S4S 3R6 306-775-2060 tim @hciventures.ca Taking offers until N ovem ber 23, 2012.H ighest offer not necessarily accepted. WANTED: GRAIN LAND TO RENT, 25 mile radius of Rouleau, SK. Call 306-776-2600 or kraussacres@sasktel.net WANTED: LAND TO RENT in Viscount, Colonsay, Meacham, SK. area. Phone Kim at 306-255-7601. WANTED: LAND TO rent and/or buy in the surrounding areas of Marquis and Chamberlain, SK., phone 306-631-8454.


RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 4471’ of river frontage having 5 separate titles. Estimated to have 300,000 yds. of gravel. 528 acres of grazing land. All fenced. Pump house (insulated and heated) w/6 watering troughs. Priced as an investment property. Seller will sell any portion or all as a package. MLSŽ 425102. Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-843-7898, North Battleford, SK. 3 QUARTERS LAND, NE SK. near Leaf Lake. Mostly treed, prime hunting area for large game. Great location for outfitters. Asking $175,000 for all 3 adjoining quarters. Will only sell as a parcel. Would also consider trading for land near Lanigan, SK. Call 250-427-6036, Kimberley, BC. ACCEPTING TENDERS FOR rent or purchase of land. Section 36-25-2, west of the third, RM of Willner; south half of 26-25-2 west of the third, RM of Willner; section 33-26-28 west of the second, RM of Arm River. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Closing Nov. 30, 2012. Submit tender by email to: hrc250@hotmail.com or, in writing to: Box 42, Davidson, SK. S0G 1A0. RM LEASK #464: E-1/2-7-48-5-W3, 340 acres w/approx. 320 cult. acres, balance bush. Total assessment at 95,900. Call 306-466-4624 or 306-441-3498. TIM HAMMOND REALTY, RM #347 and #378 near Biggar. 11 quarters with 1,333 cultivated acres. Total assessment 482,100 (avg. assess. 46,189/160 acres). Asking $1,590,000. 306-948-5052. MLS #447631. http://Singer.TimHammond.ca PRICE REDUCED: 1680 acres grainland in West Yorkton area with house, metal quonsets, 43,000 bu. bins. Assessment of 551,800. Over 1400 cult. Four Seasons Realty Ltd., 306-783-1777, Saskatoon, SK. 2 QUARTERS FARMLAND, w/yardsite and 3 bdrm 1200 sq. ft. bungalow, power, water, nat. gas. 306-748-2839, Neudorf, SK.

R E A L TY C O R P .

We Are Pleased To Announce The Following Recent Sales


WAKAW 156 ACRES - owned by Ian & Lisa Decorby CRYSTAL SPRINGS 158 ACRES - owned by Jack Reid STRASBOURG 80 ACRES - owned by Carl & Erin Frischke TOBIN LAKE 160 ACRES - owned by James & Joann Elves KIPLING 319 ACRES - owned by John Lemisko WYNYARD 1144 ACRES - owned by Robert & Cindy Pritchard BIRSAY 158 ACRES - owned by Frederick Peters STRASBOURG 160 ACRES - owned by Fred Keil WHITEWOOD 4 ACRES - owned by 940775 Alberta Ltd. CONQUEST 159 ACRES - owned by Van Raay Land Inc. KIPLING 156 ACRES - owned by Dennis & Kathy Presniak HERBERT 1662 ACRES - owned by Grant & Tracy Miller, Allan Jahnke & Allan Jahnke Enterprises Ltd.


C A L L U S TO D A Y! Sa s ka tch e w a n ’ s Fa rm & Ra n ch Sp e cia lis ts ™ 220 Regis tered S a les S o Fa rThis Yea r.

3 06 -56 9 -3 3 8 0

“N ow representing purchasers from across Canada, and around the w orld!�

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ESTATE SALE for the late Elaine Deduke, of Hyas, SK. RM OF KEYS #303, 640 acres, NW-27-33-02-W2, N1/2 SW-27-33-02-W2, SE-33-33-02-W2, N1/2 SW-33-33-02-W2, SW-34-33-02-W2. Farmland being sold, does not include household contents, 4 steel grain and hopper bins, and uncertified mineral title to S E - 3 3 - 3 3 - 0 2 - W 2 . Ya r d s i t e o n SW-34-33-02-W2 includes farm house, mature trees and single detached garage. Expressions of interest: provide bid details in writing for all or portion of parcels of farmland. Offers will be accepted until Noon, November 30th, 2012. Highest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted. Terms of payment: deposit of 10% payable within 15 days of bid acceptance, balance within 30 days. Additional info contact the Executors: Leonard Serdachny 306-584-3061 or Murray Westerlund 306-586-9793. Please mail bids to: 1822 MacPherson Ave., Regina, SK, S4S 4E3. NW-13-10-21-W2, ASSESS 44,200, asking $135,000. Also SW-14-43-10-W3, on highway, sand and gravel potential, asking $150,000. Don 306-220-2486, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED: GOOD CROP land or pasture to rent or purchase in the Dundurn, Hanley, Clavet, Allan, Colonsay area. Phone 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK.


Ted Cawkwell

Agriculture Specialist

10 ACRES, a beautiful setting only 10 minutes to Saskatoon. Natural beauty, plus landscaping, raised bungalow w/vaulted ceiling, skylights, natural gas, central air and city water. Main bath has jetted tub. Large master bdrm., w/walk-in closet and patio doors to deck. Direct entrance to 28x32’ insulated garage, developed basement and there is a 3 season sunroom. Set up for horses, shelters, fenced pasture, auto watering. Below appraised value at RANCH IN MANITOBA’S NORTH Interlake $559,000. Ron Thompson 306-221-8112, SNOWBIRD SPECIAL: Ready to go 2009 along Portage Bay on Lake Manitoba. 1649 Royal LePage Saskatoon Real Estate. 36’ Thor Magellan, 22,500 kms, many exdeeded acres, 10,260 Crown land lease. 80 ACRES 3-1/2 miles NW of Saskatoon tras. Owner must sell. $84,500. Saskatoon, Will hold 300 cow/calf pairs. Alfalfa, na- on city water. 2200 sq. ft. 4 level split SK, 306-979-1817 or 306-291-8750. tive grass, bush, good pasture, good fenc- house, large machine shed, shop with mees, lots of dugouts, fountains. House, 2 chanics pit, park like yard with an impresg a r a g e s , b a r n , o u t b u i l d i n g s . C a l l sive shelter belt, in the Corman Park, Sas204-659-4412, St. Martin, MB. katoon planning area. $740,000. Phone PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-933-1121 or 306-222-3883. 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. CENTRAL MANITOBA FARMLAND for sale by Tender. 366.5 acres of prime farmland, 2 miles West of Portage la Prairie, MB. with approx. 3200’ of Trans Canada Highway and railway frontage. Close to water for irrigation. This land has grown all types of cereals, oil seeds and potatoes. Tenders close 2 PM, Dec. 7th, 2012. Call Carl Burch Law Office for tender packages 204-728-1818, burchlaw@mymts.net

ONE OF A KIND house and property, 1 mile off Hwy. 10, in beautiful hamlet of Sclater, MB, near Duck Mountains. 5 quarters, connecting deeded land, lots of Crown land around. Breathtaking view of valley. New 2068 sq. ft. custom bungalow, no expense spared. Many features incl. 3 bdrms, 2 full baths, in-floor boiler heat w/elec. forced air backup, roughed-in for GeoThermal, 10’ ceilings. Vaulted ceilings in living room, dining room, and kitchen. Custom cabinets w/granite counter tops and granite sink, skylights, triple pane Low-E windows, garden doors off dining room and master bdrm, pan ceiling in master w/large walk-in closet. Italian porcelain tile floors, French doors off entry ways, loads of closet space. 1400 sq. ft. detach. garage w/separate living space, porcelain tile floors and in-floor boiler heat. Both have filtered water systems, loads of UG spring water. 30x72’ quonset w/wood side walls. 400 amp service UG power. Deeded land fenced and crossfenced w/elec. wire, and some rail fencing. Heated 2 sided water bowl. 1 quarter in new hay spring of 2012. Could be used for farm business/ recreation. Endless possibilities! $750,000. 204-263-5334.

FOR SALE 1995 8 wheel Argo, 20 HP, new tires, c/w tracks, new 3500 lb. Warn winch, many extras, $7000 firm. 306-594-2854, Hyas, SK.

BIG FOOT TRAVEL trailer, sleeps 6, only 1800 lbs., very good condition. Call: 306-232-4267, Rosthern, SK. 2000 CITATION SUPREME truck camper, exc. cond, air, electric jacks, $18,500. Battleford, SK. 306-441-7680, 306-937-7719.

DIESEL PUSHER MOTORHOMES FOR SALE - Monaco, Holiday Rambler, Beaver, Tiffin, Fleetwood. Call Enterprise RV, 1-866-940-7777 or www.enterpriserv.com

LARGE SELECTION OF USED SNOWMOBILES. 2011 Ski-Doo 600 Etec Summit 146�; 2011 Ski-Doo 600 MXZ elec. start; 2011 TZ1 Cat, 4 stroke; 2011 RS Venture Yamaha; 2011 M6 Cat, 154�; 2011 Ski-Doo Grand Touring 600; 2011 Polaris RMK 600, 155�; 2012 Polaris RMK 800, 155�; 2012 Ski-Doo 600 Etec Renegade; 2012 Cat M8 Sno Pro, 155�; 2012 Ski-Doo 800 Summit. Many more arriving. Call Neil for details 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 5 - 12 PASSENGER BOMBARDIERS; 1972 327 V8 std.; 1978 318 V8 auto. PS; 2-1972 318 V8 std.; 1980 318 V8 auto, PS. Ready for work or play. Available until N o v. 2 3 rd o n l y. 3 0 6 - 2 5 6 - 3 3 0 1 o r, 306-221-2166, Cudworth, SK. 2013 SLED TRAILERS are arriving! 2 place aluminum tilt deck trailer, LED lights and treated wood deck, 10’ long only $1,699! Visit your nearest Flaman Trailers or call 1-888-435-2626, or visit website www.flamantrailers.com

1958 GMC 4104 highway coach, 7000 KW gen., rebuilt powertrain, rear bdrm., large f r i d g e , s t ove w / ove n , a l u m . r i m s , EXPERIENCE SASKATOON this winter. FEEDLOT: 3000 HEAD capacity, includes $19,500. 403-350-0392, Lacombe, AB. Beautiful 2 bedroom townhouse in gated 1040 sq. ft. house. 60,000 bushel grain storage, equipment, 6 deeded quarters. 2 BlackburnMotors.ca 2004 Monaco Dip- community, fully furnished and includes all miles North of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. lomat 40’, 330 HP Cummins, 3 slides, utilities. References required. January 1 to RANCH: 8064 acres of lease land, 1600 37,000m, $74,900; 2004 Monaco Knight M a r c h 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 , $ 8 5 0 / m o n t h . Angus cows. Crane River, MB. Call Dale 38 PST, 330 HP Cummins, 3 slides, 306-374-6553 or rsbasky@shaw.ca 27,000m, $69,900. Financing avail. for SK 204-638-5581, Doug 204-447-2382. BLUE CHIP REALTY res. 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, Saska- ELBOW, SK. TWO- 3 bedroom homes for rent $1000/month each. Rent to own or FOR SALE: 63.21 acres cultivated farm toon, SK. Tues-Sat, 8:30-5:00, DL#326237 for sale duplex at $375,000. Appliances land in RM of St. Anne. For more info. call are included. 306-540-6422. SOLD DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. 4 quar- 204-371-7374, St. Anne, MB. ters productive, flat and stone free farmland west of Hanley, SK. 592 acres cultivated. Tenant available. Call Dwein Trask for more info 306-221-1035. MULCHING - TREES; BRUSH; Stumps. WINTER IN SOUTH Surrey/ White Rock, SASKATCHEWAN LAND FOR SALE: Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: BC. Cozy, furnished, 2 bdrm, 1 bath house COME SEE US AT AGRIBITION NOV. www.maverickconstruction.ca available December to April or parts of, 19-24, 2012 BOOTHS 512 and 513!!! $1200/month incl. utilities. brli@shaw.ca WILLOW BUNCH: 800 acres, approx. 600 WANTED SUPERVISED, long term pasture ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. acres of native grass, approx. 200 acres for 2500 yearlings or cow/calf pairs. Call 2007 MONACO SIGNATURE Series motor- Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf seeded to alfalfa/crested wheat. (#1958, Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. h o m e , t o p o f t h e l i n e , $ 3 0 5 , 0 0 0 . course community located in the heart of Elmer). LEMBERG: approx. 360 acres, ap780-226-9976, Camrose, AB. For full de- Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, prox. 233 acres seeded to Timothy hay, tails www.alberta-equipment.com 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. approx. 117 acres seeded to oats. (#1954, All homes come complete with garage, Elmer). HANLEY: Exceptionally well managed rotational grazing operation with 19 GRANT TWEED: Specializing in farm real 2002 MONACO DIPLOMAT , 44,500 covered deck and landscaping. Land lease miles, 3 slides, power awnings, heat pump, estate sales. Selling your farm may be the fees include $1 million clubhouse, large inquarters in one block. Runs 300 cows, self contained, beautiful yard, on city water, 75 biggest transaction of your life and you Arctic pkg, washer/dryer, 2 baths, king door lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. bed, 330 HP Cummins turbo dsl., fully need to do it right. I can help you make inAlso includes water, sewer, trash pickup kms south of Saskatoon, quonset, barn, cattle shed. (#1944, Gordon). FILLMORE: formed decisions that serve your best loaded, $58,500 OBO. 204-324-7552, and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003. Selling company shares with 8 quarters of interest. To discuss your unique situation seairltd@mymts.net Altona, MB. land, 2 Behlin bins, 5000 bu. condo #10 call 204-761-6884 anytime. Reference (contract to be transferred to new owner), available. Email: grant@granttweed.com good land. (#1903, Elmer). NIPAWIN: 480 acres, character home, private location, 20 mins. to Saskatchewan’s best recreational fishing area. (#1767, Elmer). Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service www.canadafarmandranch.com or call 1-866-345-3414.



V I C T O R I A ,

LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER: RM of Meadow Lake, SK. 304 deeded and 1586 leased acres of pasture and hayland for sale. Tenders close Dec. 15th, 2012. Information package at www.farmlandtender.ca Vern McClelland, Re/Max of Lloydminster. 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOW w/double car 306-821-0611. garage on a beautiful acreage 10 min. NE FOR SALE BY TENDER: RM of Redberry of Moosomin, SK. 1200 sq. ft. house fea#435, Hafford, SK. NE-11-44-09-W3 and tures an open concept kitchen/dining and E-1/2 SE-11-44-09-W3. 240 total acres, living room, 3 bdrms, 1 full bath upstairs. 130 cult. Yardsite adjacent to grid road, Basement was completely renovated 1 yr. power and water. Storage shed 36’x36’ ago, 1 bdrm w/walk-in closet and a full (wood, tar roof on concrete). Terms and bath. 16x20 treated deck off the front of conditions: Tenders must be marked the house. On the property’s 9 acres there “Lydia Pyra Tender�. Highest or any offer is a 20x30 shop. Please call 306-435-3819 not necessarily accepted. Tenders must in- to view this property. Asking $299,000. clude a deposit by cert. cheque, bank draft or money order for 10% of offered price, 20 ACRE YARD next to 40 good hunting payable to Scott Phelps & Mason in trust. Crownland quarters. 2 storey house, barn Buyer must provide balance of purchase with hayloft. Good water. Top Manitoba price within 30 days of acceptance of ten- Typical deer in 2010. 50 hunting clients. der. All offers must be received by 12 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. noon, Dec. 13, 2012, at Scott Phelps & Mason, Barristers and Solicitors, 400- 135 SELLING 100 ACRES bordering Spence 21st St. E., Saskatoon, SK., S7K 0B4. For Lake, good hunting and fishing area. 204-628-3366, Waterhen, MB. info merving@shaw.ca


Take A dvan tage of Today ’s


Harry Sheppard 3 06 -53 0-8 03 5



You are invited to call Greg or Erin at





Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses MAUI CONDO FOR RENT, Feb. 2 to March 3, 2013, 4 weeks. Kamaole Beach Club, Kihei, Maui. 1 bdrm, 1-1/2 bath, sleeps 4, full kitchen and washer/dryer. Beautiful grounds and view, steps from the beach. $900/wk. 780-922-0810, Sherwood Park, AB., bfischer26@gmail.com

best price/best delivery/best payment


A C ®Tr a nscend

“N EW CW AD ” Be st fo r yie ld ,d ise a se a nd e nd -u se . Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r:

Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - ex.co m

M C C A R TH Y S EED FA R M L TD . C orning,SK .....................306-224-4848 S M ITH S EED S Lim erick,SK.....................306-263-4944

CERT. CDC Meadow, CDC Tucker yellow pea, Cert. Granger austrian winter pea. Good germs, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, WANTING TO BUY: Borage seed. WillChurchbridge, SK., gsorgard@gmail.com ing to pay top price for quality product. Contact Dandilee Spice Corp. White City, 306-399-0040 SK. 306-585-9080, dandilee@sasktel.net FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Certified CDC Meadow, CDC Striker. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net

1-877-791-1045 FOSTER COMMERCIAL GRADE cooler, 30” CERT. ULTIMA spring triticale. Good germ, deep, 56” wide, 6’ tall, $1450. Call: low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, 780-985-2898, 780-608-0975, Calmar, AB. SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com

SAWMILL- 4-71 GM diesel power, 48” head saw, green chain, cant rollers, sawdust conveyor. Also complete 54” Helle full hydraulic mill w/computer setworks, elec. power, all decks and conveyors. Located at Cypress Hills, AB. Phone 403-937-2214. WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, eight models, options and accessories. 1-877-866-0667. www.woodmizer.ca SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money and save money. In stock, ready to ship. Starting at $997. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 168. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/168

ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Platform scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. www.eliasscales.com 70’ SCALE, 6 load cells, asking $20,000. 306-726-7938, Southey, SK.

A C ® H a r vest #1 CW RS

Be st sta nd a b ility,gre a t yie ld a nd e a rly m a tu rity. Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: A L BER TA C H S -D Y N AG R A Beiseker,AB ....................403-947-3767 S A S K ATC H EW A N M C C A R TH Y S EED FA R M L TD . C orning,SK .....................306-224-4848 M A N ITO BA S O U TH ER N S EED L TD . M into,M B .......................204-776-2333

1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etic s .ca

C D C U tm ostV B *N EW * highe st yie ld ing CD C CW RS w he a t w ith m id ge to le ra nce & stro ng stra w . Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: A L BER TA C H S -D Y N AG R A Beiseker,AB ....................403-947-3767 A IR TH FA R M S L TD . Brooks,AB.......................403-362-4372 G A L L O W AY S EED S L TD . FortSaskatchew an,AB.780-998-3036 S A S K ATC H EW A N S O R G A R D S EED S C hurchbridge,SK..........306-399-0040 R EIS N ER S EED FA R M Lim erick,SK ....................306-263-2139 FR ED ER IC K S EED S W atson,SK.......................306-287-3997 M C C A R TH Y S EED FA R M L TD . C orning,SK .....................306-224-4848 S M ITH S EED S Lim erick,SK.....................306-263-4944

1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etic s .ca

FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Certified CDC Meredith, CDC Kindersley, AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland, Legacy. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net

A C ® N ew da le V e ry high yie ld ing 2R b a rle y w ith p lu m p ke rne ls. Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: S O U TH ER N S EED L TD . M into,M B .......................204-776-2333

1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etic s .ca

TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.

w w w .fp gen etic s .ca

BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking CERT. GLENN, Carberry, Vesper VB, CDC Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK. Utmost VB, Infinity Red Spring wheats, Snowstar White wheat. Good germ, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., CERT. ANDANTE yellow mustard, Cert. 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com Centennial brown, Cert. Cutlass oriental CALL SIMPSON SEEDS Inc. to book your mustard. Treated or bare seed. Sorgard common chickpea , lentil and pea seed. Seeds, Churchbridge, SK. 306-399-0040, Jamie or Trevor 306-693-9402, Moose email: gsorgard@gmail.com Jaw, SK. BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB. Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types email: nsgl@sasktel.net of mustard for seed or processing. Color COLOR SORT YOUR Chickpeas. Send sam306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. sorting available. Also looking for low ples to Ackerman Ag Services, Box 101, g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g Chamberlain, SK. SOG 0R0. 306-638-2282. 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. CERT. ULTIMA spring triticale, Cert. CDC Baler forage oats, Cert. CDC Cowboy barley, Cert. CDC Tucker peas. Can be blended to your specification. Good germ, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK. CERT. THUNDER RR 2 SOYBEAN, early maturing, good yielder, highest pod clearance 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com on market. Risky Biz Farms, 306-759-2733, Eyebrow, SK. CERT. 1 NSC Libau, NSC Anola early maturing soybeans from NorthStar Genetics. Full spectrum of soybean inoculants available. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, CERT. 1 PRAIRIE Sapphire brown flax. SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com Good germ. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com

BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON - 1-888-522-6652 LETHBRIDGE - 1-888-516-8845

www.wilburellis.com WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, Dave Lea, or Vera Buziak at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. Email info@marketplacecommodities.com

N ow B uyin g O a ts! AL L GRAD ES

Box 144, M edora , M B. R0M 1K0 Ph: 204-665-2384


A ls o Buying Tritica le Brow n & Yellow Fla x Yellow & M a ple Pea s Fa ba Bea ns & O rga nic G ra ins Fa rm Picku p Av a ila ble CG C Licensed a nd Bonded Ca ll Ca l V a nda ele the “Rye G uy” Toda y!

Com petitive Ra tes

SweetGrass CONTRACTING Linden, AB

P ro m pt P a ym en t

D AV E K O EH N 4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0 L in d en , AB

WANTED: FEED/ OFF-GRADE Pulses and tough, heated green oilseeds and also cereals. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297. WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. FEED GRAIN AND HAY REQUIRED for feedlot and ethanol facility. Pound-Maker Agventures 306-365-4282, Lanigan, SK.

CALL SIMPSON SEEDS to book your new Pedigreed lentil seed. We have all the new varieties and your proven favorites. Jamie or Trevor 306-693-9402, Moose Jaw, SK.

GrainEx International Ltd.

FOR SALE: 5000 bu. triticale or, 5000 bu. fall rye. Call: 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395 or, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK.


B uying Feed G rain


B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7

Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: www.grainex.net

John Su therla nd

GRAIN BARLEY WANTED: 48 lbs. per bushel or better. Delivery locations Eston and Viscount. Lee 306-867-3046, 306-962-3992.

FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Certified Vesper VB, Unity VB, CDC Utmost VB, Carberry, Snowbird, AC Andrew, Sadash. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. CERTIFIED CDC ORRIN. Berscheid Bros 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net


A C ® M u chm or e

M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712

*N EW * ve ry high yie ld ing, se m i-d w a rfCW RS , S ho rt stro ng stra w .

BUYING: FEED GRAINS, all types of screenings, damaged canola. Quick payment. Call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at Wilde Bros. Ag Trading 1-877-752-0115 or 403-752-0115, Raymond, Alberta or email: wildebrosagtrading@gmail.com

Ca ll yo u r lo ca l S e e d G ro w e r Re ta ile r: A L BER TA A IR TH FA R M S L TD . Brooks,AB.......................403-362-4372 S A S K ATC H EW A N S M ITH S EED S Lim erick,SK.....................306-263-4944









LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and Nipawin, SK. milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY at Picture C O N V E N T I O N A L A N D R O U N D U P Butte, AB. is looking for feed barley. Call READY corn seed. CanaMaize Seed Inc, 1-877-262-4046 or www.canamaize.com Roxanne at 1-800-710-8803.

1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etic s .ca


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FEED BARLEY, WHEAT, RYE, TRITICALE and ALL TYPES OF SCREENINGS! Also AGENTS for Chickpeas, Lentils, Field Peas COMPETITIVE! PROMPT PAYMENT! Swift Current, SK Toll Free: 1-877-360-0727 E-Mail: wheatlandcommodities@sasktel.net

CGC L icen s ed & Bo n d ed

Brokering and Consulting TRADING BARLEY, OATS, W HEAT, PEAS, LENTILS, HEATED CANOLA AND ORGANIC GRAINS. Plea s e co n ta ct: G era ld B ro b b el Pho n e: 403-687 -3321 | Cell: 403-393-05 5 4 E m a il: ge ra ld @ s ilve rgra in .ca w w w .s ilve rgra in .ca

WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.

1-877-641-2798 WANTED: ALFALFA/GRASS hay, large round bales. We are interested in all qualities of hay delivered to Bethune, SK. Call 306-638-3051. SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, greenfeed, grass, and straw. Delivered. Call 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. BROME/ALFALFA HAY, REGINA, SK. Selling 52 large 1800 lb. bales of hay, majority is brome mix with alfalfa. Was cut and baled in Aug. 2012. 1.5 kms off Trans Canada West bypass, Regina, SK. Easy access for hauling out. Loading and hauling must be arranged by buyer. Please call Bill at 306-591-2248 or vkutsog@me.com ALFALFA, ALFALFA/GRASS 5x6 hard core, old hay and new, priced accordingly. 2.5¢ to 3.5¢/lb. Kindersley, SK. 306-463-3132, 306-460-7837. JD HARD CORE alfalfa or alfalfa/brome Timothy mix. Call 306-542-8382, Pelly, SK. LARGE ROUND ALFALFA brome grass bales, hard core, no rain, 1600 lbs.+ $45/bale. 306-789-8257, White City, SK. ROUND AND SMALL SQUARE ALFALFA, alfalfa, alfalfa mix, and brome hay. Contact: 306-594-2305, Norquay, SK. LARGE SQUARE 3x4 durum straw bales, $15 per bale. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, SK.


WANTED TO BUY straight alfalfa bales, 1500 ALFALFA CRESTED WHE AT net rounds or squares, picked up or delivered wrapped bales, no rain; Parting out JD 567 to Ellinwood, Kansas. 620-786-0589. baler. Al 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK. HAY AND EQUIPMENT HAULING: Offer- CUSTOM BALE HAULING with 2 trucks and ing hay and equipment hauling AB, SK, MB. t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. Call for quote 780-872-0107, Kenaston, SK 500- 2011 5x6 brome alfalfa bales. Taking 1500 ROUND 5x6’ bales, 1000 with no rain, offers. Located 15 minutes SE of Regina, approx. 1400 lbs. each of Timothy alfalfa. SK. Contact John 306-761-5396. $30/bale for the lot, looking for one buyer. Bales are located at Paddockwood, SK. STRAW, SMALL SQUARE wheat straw 780-853-0408 bales for sale. Moose Jaw, SK. Call 306-631-7234, or l.g.knox@sasktel.net GRASS HAY BALES, no rain, hard core. 2012- 200 bales $40/bale; 2011- 50 bales WANT TO SAVE ON FERTILIZER? Use $30/bale. 306-827-2351, Radisson, SK. compost to reduce fert. costs. For limited LARGE BALES, JD baler, excellent mix of time free compost, farmers only. Edmonnative hay, no sprays, $35/bale. Will load. ton and area (2 hr. radius). Transportation Phone: 780-524-5211, Valleyview, AB. not included. Call now! 780-488-7926. GOOD QUALITY HAY for sale, round or small square bales. 306-221-0734, Dundurn, SK. 1040 ROUND ALFALFA crested wheat bales WANTED: TIPPMANN BOSS stitcher. for sale. 1140 lbs. each, good quality, 780-336-4897, Viking, AB. $38/bale, near Youngstown, AB., will load. 403-882-4204, 403-578-8206, Castor, AB. S M A L L S Q UA R E H AY b a l e s , a l f a l f a / brome/timothy, good quality, sheltered, $2.50-$5.00 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK TRAPPERS. PREMIUM quality lures and LARGE QUANTITY of 1st and 2nd cut hay scents. Over 30 yrs. in the lure business. with feed tests. Call 306-232-7784, Brian All lures have been time proven on the trapline to produce fur. Gilliland’s Lures and Roth, Rosthern, SK. Scents, 204-634-2425, Pierson, MB. SECOND CUT ALFALFA Timothy, exc. RAM POWER SNARES, Conibear traps, quality high TDM, analysis available, net fur handling equipment. For free catalogue wrapped 1400 lb. round bales. Ethelbert, email kdgordon@sasktel.net or call MB. Call 403-861-4832 or 204-742-3672. 306-862-4036, Nipawin, SK. HAY FOR SALE, alfalfa brome, no rain. Phone 780-658-3908 or 780-658-2415, HUSQVARNA 30-06 Bolt Action in exc. shape, $350. 306-892-2185, Meota, SK. Vegreville, AB. WANTED: .32 RIM fire ammunition. Call 38 HAY ALFALFA bales plus 160 OAT Dennis Bitz 306-275-2183, St. Brieux, SK., STRAW bales with hulls, $1500 takes all. dandebitz@sasktel.net Call 306-387-6625, Lone Rock, SK. 2500 ROUND BALES, w/350 of those baled in 2011, all with no rain. 403-575-0410, Coronation, AB. 30 WHITETAIL DEER TAGS for wildlife 270 LENTIL STRAW BALES, 450 wheat management zone #65, around East Trout straw bales, both can be mixed for feed. Lake in Northern Saskatchewan, $150,000 US. Contact gregdemakis@hotmail.com 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK. CAMP FOR SALE, Zone 62: ALFALFA GRASS ROUND BALES, 1400 OUTFITTING bear, 23 White-tailed deer, 8 moose lbs., no rain, good quality, $55 per bale. 16 tags, 1 out-camp, incl. log cabins, pontoon 306-343-0589, Clavet, SK. boat, stands, diesel generator, etc. Locat400 SQUARE BALES 2011 wheat straw, will ed in northern Sask. Serious inquiries only. load, $50/ton. Call Jim at 403-362-6682, 306-547-5524, Preeceville, SK. Tilley, AB.



TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000.

BUFFALO HAY, 160 dry grass JD bales, net wrapped, $18/bale. Can deliver. 306-946-7923, 306-259-4923, Young, SK. ROUND BALES of threshed Timothy hay, 2011 greenfeed round bales; 2011 and 2012 crop round bales wheat straw. Threshed mostly with JD rotary combine. Contact Fisher Farms 204-622-8800, cell 204-648-3038, george@fisherseeds.com Dauphin, MB. GOOD QUALITY HAY, AB and BC, big 70 PURE ALFALFA round bales, 1300 r o u n d s . C a l l f o r d e l i v e r y p r i c e s . lbs., 2010 crop, $15/bale. 306-726-7581, 403-758-3041, Magrath, AB. Earl Grey, SK. 313 BALES: 145 smooth brome alfalfa, 168 400 LARGE HARD core alfalfa bales (2011) meadow brome alfalfa, 850 lbs., $28/bale. for sale. 306-436-4526, Milestone, SK. 306-725-3449, 306-725-7441, Strasbourg.

COMBINE DUAL KITS, IN STOCK JD STS kit w/ new 20.8-42 tires, $16,880; JD 94009600/10/CTS/CTS II kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires, $11,880; CIH 1680-2588 dual kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires, $13,900; CIH 8120 kit w/ 20.8 x 42 tires, $17,800; New clampon duals also available w/ new 18.4-38 tires, $4,300. Trade in your tires and rims. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com


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ROSKAMP ROLLER MILL completely refur- ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED Pure Water. bished to excellent condition. Re-grooved Guarantee 99% pure no salts, chemicals, solid white iron rolls 9�x30�, 240/460 volts or chlorine. 306-867-9461, BC, AB, MB, SK. by 20 HP motor, new belts, bearings, pulleys, normally $45,000+, a steal at $18,000. Includes freight in Western Canada. 780-809-3600, Leduc, AB.

LISKE TRAVEL LTD., Wetaskiwin, AB. Come and join us Jan 31- Feb 17/2013, 18 days on a once in a lifetime Wildlife Safari in Kenya and Tanzania plus a 3 night stay on the Tropical Island of Zanzibar. In 27 yrs. of touring world wide, this is our ultimate.Tour cost- $5869 pp plus taxes. Limited space. Call quickly! Call for air quote 1-888-627-2779. May use air miles. See our website: www.lisketravel.com CANADA - CUBA FARMER TOURS. 15th year. Feb. 4th to 18th. All inclusive. Deductible. 7 nights 5 star, 7 nights country hotels, 3 days Varadero, 8 day farm tour, 3 days Havana. Max 28. Farmers and family members only. $3200 Cdn/person - 2 sharing plus air. www.wendyholm.com 604-947-2893 escorted by Cdn. Agrologist Wendy Holm, wendy@wendyholm.com




Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM.

Winnipeg, MB. 2013 AG-VENTURE TOURS to Brazil, Argentina, Ireland and Kenya for farmers to T R U C K L O A D J U S T A R R I V E D. U s e d learn more about agriculture. May be part11R22.5, $75 and up; used 11R24.5, $90 ly tax deductible. rwthomas@start.ca Ph and up, w/rims add $50. Also available 519-633-2390. www.rwthomastours.com 10R20’s and 11R20’s. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK.




Harvest Services Air Foil Chaffer CH1566 Harvest Service Air Foil Chaffer CH1566 R62, R72 Long, C62, MF8680. Disclaimer: FOB Craik, SK

Harvest Services Ltd. Craik, SK 306-734-2601 www.harvestservicesltd.com

Bidding Closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp!

Only A Few Days Left To Bid! 10/12-19585_3B

Ava ila b le s o o n :Â Australia/N ew

PRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT LTD., High River, AB. (www.myclfree.com) Servicing BC. AB. SK. and MB. Oxydate and ionize single tap to whole house to commercial units. No salt, no chlorine, no chemicals. Custom built and guaranteed. Now with water softening and scale control capabilities. Ph or email for info and free quote. 403-620-4038. prairieswater@gmail.com

New, used and retreads. Call us, you’ll be glad you did!

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W es tern Ca n a d a ~ June 2013

NEW RADIATOR for 200 AMP Lincoln welder. Call 204-657-2466, Fork River, MB.

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Prince$Albert 1,005

Irela n d ~ June 2013 NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply, $558. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com

WANTED: CIH SERIES 9300 QUADTRAC 50 TON SCOTCHMAN IRONWORKER, 5 t r a c k s a ny c o n d i t i o n ! P h o n e J o h n ye a r s o l d , $ 7 0 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 2 4 0 8 o r 204-825-2715, Pilot Mound, MB. 306-367-4306, Middle Lake, SK.

• U P TO 3000 L ITR E • ISO 9001 :2008 Appro ved • SINGL E W AL L SQ U AR E TANK • TR ANSP O R T CANAD A AP P R O V ED


Uk ra in e/Ro m a n ia ~ M ay 2013 Au s tria /S w itzerla n d ~ June 2013

Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.


M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198 ALFALFA, ALFALFA/ GRASS and grass big round bales, 2012 crop $75/ton; also 2011 FIBERGLASS SEPTIC TANKS- Various sizes crop, $50/ton. Feed test available. Call available, starting from 250 gal. up to 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. 34,000 gal. See your nearest Flaman store HAY WANTED: for locations at Viscount, today or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit O u t l o o k , a n d E s t o n , S K . C a l l L e e www.flaman.com 306-867-3046, 306-962-3992. 500 BROME ALFALFA round hay bales, 1400 lbs., no rain. 306-736-2445, Kipling, SK.

Pa cific Co a s ta l Cru is e ~ M ay 2013

TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! Manufacture and repair of all tarps and covers. Ph. Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskatoon, S K . S e e : w w w. c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l : 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343.



SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK.

To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315

DOMINION DRILLING, 5� water wells, will be gravel packed, e-logged and screened. 25 yrs. experience drilling in SK. Also water well witching, well rehabilitation, well deccommitioning and geotechnical drilling. Email: dominiondrilling@hotmail.com call: 306-874-5559, cell: 306-874-7653 or fax: 306-874-2451, Pleasantdale, SK. STAUBER DRILLING INC. Environmental, Geotechnical, Geothermal, Water well drilling and servicing. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211 info@stauberdrilling.com



FARM HELPER required year U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, EXPERIENCED LIVE-IN CAREGIVER for FULL-TIME for mixed cow/calf farm. Duties in25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week elderly lady, available for work in SK. and round clude feeding, calving, grain hauling, etc. AB. Call 306-551-7300, Ituna, SK. upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and Experience an asset, but not necessary. air brakes. One on one driving instructions. Board and room available. 780-768-2125, 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK. Two Hills, AB. RANCH MANAGER REQUIRED, full-time FOREMAN/COW BOSS, on B.C. APPLY TODAY to take Crop Technology for cattle ranch in central Alberta. Home, CATTLE cow/calf ranch, exp. in cattle and at Lakeland College’s Vermilion campus. basic utilities and benefits included. Must 850 mgmt., perm. F/T, housing, beneYour training includes involvement in the be dependable, self motivated and in good range Merritt, B.C, send resume to fax business side of the Student Managed health. Duties to include, but not limited fits. 250-378-4956, or info@ranchland.ca Farm- Powered by New Holland. Details at to, cattle feeding and handling, herd w w w. l a ke l a n d c o l l e g e . c a o r p h o n e health, haying and farm operation and FREE RENT in exchange for farm help 1-800-661-6490, ext. 8527. maintenance. Families welcome. Please near Wildwood, AB. No Saturday calls, call 403-575-0105 if interested and email 780-325-2009. ruthww49@gmail.com resume to: farmjobsalberta@gmail.com WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. FULL-TIME PERMANENT, long term F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke NANNY NEEDED for two children. Please Ranch Operator/Manager required for 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. Central BC cattle ranch. Non-smoker, modcall: 403-586-2404, Olds, AB. erate drinker. Duties would include but not FARM WORK OR HELP? We can help by limited to cattle handling and health, feed- matching you to your next job or finding ing, calving, fencing, haying, building new your next employee. Call Tony at Ag Emhandling pens, general cleaning, mainte- ployment at 403-732-4295 or fax resume nance of farm/ranch equip. Will establish to: 403-732-4290. For website or info DECHANT CONSTRUCTION LTD. seeks on-site living for couple or family. Experi- email us at: tonykarenk@hotmail.com the following EXPERIENCED FINISHING ence required. Location somewhat isolated OPERATORS: Grader, Dozer and Hoe. We (Barriere, BC- 30 kms, Kamloops, BC- 90 PUREBRED CATTLE RANCH looking for full are also looking for experienced Rock kms). Fax or email resume: 780-462-2664, time help immediately to run day to day operations. New house to live in. All Truck and Packer Operators. Our current dlove@thepoolcompanyinc.com utilities supplied and a vehicle. Cattle and work is camp based and located throughout northern Alberta. Interested applicants SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. equipment experience required. Located in please fax/email resume to: 780-926-4415 Applicants should have previous farm ex- Grande Prairie area. Phone: 780-512-3641. employment@dechantconstruction.ab.ca perience and mechanical ability. Duties FEEDLOT AT OLDS, AB. requires full-time incl. operation of machinery, including Pencheckers with experience in animal tractors, truck driving and other farm h e a l t h t o s t a r t A S A P. F a x r e s u m e as well as general farm laborer 403-556-7625, or doddbeef@gmail.com Ba yd o D ev elo p m en t equipment, duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experiLABORER REQUIRED immediately C o rp o ra tio n is H irin g !! e n c e . C o n t a c t W a d e F e l a n d a t FARM for progressive grain and livestock farm in 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. NE SK. $16-$20 depending on experience. N ow is yourcha nce to join our PERSON NEEDED to load grain trucks and email resumes to: firriver@xplornet.com grow ing com pa ny!W e a re a plow snow. Accommodation avail. Corona- or phone Darcy at: 306-865-7859 loca l developerw ith va rious tion, AB. 403-575-0069 or 403-578-3386. FARM HAND REQUIRED: full-time farm projects in S a s ka toon. SEEKING INDIVIDUAL TO assist in farm help required in central Alberta. Must be W e a re cu rrently hiring fo r the dependable, self motivated and in good operations near Culross, MB. Will be refo llo w ing p o s itio ns : C o ncrete quired to operate and maintain equipment, health. Duties include but not limited to, W o rkers , G enera lL a b o u rers , to maintain yard buildings and garden. The cattle help, herd health, calving, cropping C a rp enters , Fo rm W o rkers , a nd ability to weld, woodwork, cook and clean and general farm operation and mainteRo d Bu s ters . an asset, $11.50/hr. Housing available. nance, driver’s license required, Class 1 F u l l - t i m e s t a r t i n g e a r l y s p r i n g . driver’s license and welding skills are an P lea s e s ubm ityourres um e asset. Housing available. Families wel204-745-8303. a nd coverletterto come. Call 403-575-0105 and or, email s tephen.gra y@ ba ydo.ca WORKER REQUIRED from January 15 to resume to: farmjobsalberta@gmail.com orvis itw w w .ba ydo.ca . March 30, 2013. Help calve out cows, etc. Room/board supplied. Call 306-839-4450, FARMER WANTED: Full-time permanent position with Forster Farms. Employee will Pierceland, SK. manage the operations and functions of HELP WANTED ON DAIRY FARM, full- dryland farm and cattle operation in or part-time, dairy and maintenance work. Sedgewick, AB. Valid driver’s license a must, class 1 an asset, $22/hr. Call 306-493-8201, 306-493-7631, Delisle, SK. 780-384-3019, fax resume: 780-384-2144 or email: tnerb_99_99@yahoo.com RANCH POSITION, Porcupine Hills, AB. Experienced person, competent at handling cattle from horseback, low stress management of cattle, herd health, calving and fencing. Basic experience w/mechanics, machinery, welding and ranch maintenance. Some chores every day winter/spring. Work alone majority of time, w/others on larger jobs. Mobile home and basic utilities provided on-site, need 2 useable ranch horses, N/S, wage $3000/month. Resume w/3 references (2 agric. related) to: ncranch22@gmail.com DAIRY WORKER FOR 120 cow tie-stall barn. Rental accommodation avail. Wages negotiable. 306-771-4318, Balgonie, SK.

FALL INTERNET 2012 AUCTION Prince$Albert 36,000





Water Cannon distributes 1000 US gallons per minute Water Cannon NEW DESIGN No Side Boom Wheels! With the help of our customers we’ve improved the 2013 Water Cannon to make it better and easier to operate. It still distributes 1000 US gallons per minute. It still distributes to over 4 acres at a 190 degree arc; but now it does it with ease. There’s no need to lock the caster wheels when going on the highway, no worrying about kinks in the pressure hose. We’ve eliminated all the hassle! To ensure your unit, order now for early spring delivery. Double A Trailers & Contracting. Leasing Opportunities Available Price plus GST. Double A Trailers Box 359, Two Hills, AB. 780-657-0008 doubleaa@telusplanet.net www.doubleatrailers.ca

Item # 217

PERMANENT FULL-TIME employee wanted for grain farm at Milden, SK. Farm experience, and Class 1A. Competitive, negotiable wage. Fax resume: 306-935-2201, ph Graham 306-935-4523, 306-831-7514. YOUNG, MOTIVATED ranch hand wanted: Must have experience riding horses and young colts. We run a bison feedlot, a 450 cow/calf operation and a well established AQHA breeding and training program. Room and board available. 780-808-1592, 780-808-5903, Lloydminster, AB. SASKATOON AREA Cattle Operation has full-time permanent position available. Experience w/livestock and machinery is an asset. Competitive wages. Call Curt 306-221-0285.

Double A Trailers Box 359 Two Hills, AB 780-657-0008 www.doubleatrailers.ca

Bidding Closes Monday, November 19 at 9 PM CST Sharp!

Only A Few Days Left To Bid! To register or bid go online to www.producerauction.com or call toll free 1-800-310-9315

COW/CALF OPERATION requires person for general farm and ranch work. House w/utilities and appliances supplied. Consort, AB. Phone 403-577-0011 or email references to: u2dryad4@hotmail.com LOOKING FOR PEOPLE interested in riding feedlot pens in AB or SK, with above average horsemanship skills, willing to train. Wages depending on qualifications, benefits available. 403-701-1548, Strathmore.

PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s

PARTS PERSO N . Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).

Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. M ea d ow L a k e C oop era tive Seed C lea ning L td . Is cu rren tly seekin g a


D u ties inclu d e: Clea n in g gra in ,m a in ta in in g equ ipm en t, ya rd w ork,a ccou n tin g/ bookw ork. Ex perien ce preferred bu tn otn ecessa ry. W illin g a n d prepa red to tra in the rightperson . Sen d resu m e to Box 756,M ea dow La k e,SK S9X 1Y6

ALL WEST SALES in Rosetown, SK. requires motivated bookkeeper/controller for full time emp. Competitive salary and comprehensive benefit plan offered. Basic computer knowledge is a must. Email resumes to jcarstairs@hotmail.com PERSON NEEDED to load grain trucks and plow snow. Accommodation avail. Coronation, AB. 403-575-0069 or 403-578-3386. DAIRY, BEEF, CROP, sheep, swine, horticultural jobs available! Europe, Britain, Japan, Australia and New Zealand placements open for 2013. AgriVenture invites applicants 18-30 yrs. old for 4-12 month p r o g r a m s . w w w. a g r i v e n t u r e . c o m 1-888-598-4415. Canadian farmers may apply for overseas trainees.

GENERAL BEEKEEPING LABOURERS wanted for spring and summer months of 2013. We are looking for 6 applicants who are interested in working on a medium sized honey farm in the Miami, MB. area. Pay $11-$15/hour. For job descriptions and positions available please email to stepplerfarms@hotmail.com Phone TWO PERMANENT POSITIONS available at 204-435-2491, fax 204-435-2021. Tri Ventures Greenhouses, Redcliff, AB. Job includes heavy lifting, face paced re- FULL-TIME FLEET Maintenance Mechanic petitive plant work in a hot, humid envi- required for a fleet of 9 trucks and trailers ronment. Shift work, 7 days/week, 50 in East Central AB. Mechanics license not hrs/week, $9.75/hr. Email resumes to: required but an asset. Wage is negotiable sunnyacres1@hotmail.com depending on experience. 403-578-8167, Fax resumes to: 403-575-2659 or email to: gentank@veterancable.net

FULL-TIM E RURA L M UNICIPA L FOREM A N Ap p lica n t w ill b e re s p on s ib le for: Over s eein g em p lo yees , o p era tin g a n d m a in ta in in g m a chin ery, res p o n s ib le fo r the o rga n iza tio n o fd a ily a ctivities . Ap p lica n t m us t h a ve : E xten s ive kn o w led ge in m a n a gin g ro a d co n s tru ctio n p ro jects , excellen t lea d ers hip /s u p ervis o ry s kills ; s tro n g o rga n iza tio n a l s kills ; va lid d river’s licen s e. Ple a s e forw a rd re s um e in cludin g re fe re n ce s a n d e xp e cte d w a ge to: RM of #442, Bo x 69, M a n itou La ke M a rs d en , S K . | S 0M 1P0 fa x: 3 06 -8 26 -5512 em a il: rm 442@ s a s te l.n e t Any questions contact Reeve Lamb at tel: 3 06 -8 23 -7111 All applications accepted in confidence December 6, 2012, 4:00 PM.

LOVE FARMING? An exciting career opportunity exists for a Farm Manager on a large grain farm in Regina Plains. Competitive salary and benefits for qualified candidate. Housing available. Please respond by email to: farmacres2@gmail.com Regina, SK.

D E C H A IN E E N T E R P R ISE S in M a lla ig,A lberta is a c c ep tin g a p p lic a tion s for


RM POPLAR VALLEY #12 is accepting applications for SEASONAL EQUIPMENT OPERATOR/ LABOURER. Duties commencing March, 2013. Competitive wage and benefits pkg. offered. Applications to include references and resume accepted until 5:00 PM, Dec. 21, 2012. Only those considered will be contacted. RM Poplar Valley #12, Box 190, Rockglen, SK, S0H 3R0. Ph. 306-476-2062, fax 306-476-2175, rm12@sasktel.net

Su c c essfu l ap p lic an t w ill h ave stron g agron om ic bac k grou n d an d exten sive k n ow ledge of fertilizers, c h em ic al an d seed. Top n otc h c u stom er servic e an d c om m u n ic ation sk ills are requ ired.


E xc ellen t w age an d ben efit p ac k age for su c c essfu l c an did ate.

(Fu ll-Tim e P osition )


A p p l yi n p erson T op Yield Fertilizers L td . in A n d rew , A lberta or em ail resu m e to: topyie ld @ telu sp la n et.n et P hon e 7 80 -365-20 20 or Fa x 7 80 -365-229 0

Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o

CAD/CAM or MECH TECH. Lean Machine Metal Fabrication Inc. is currently seeking an individual that is highly motivated, thrives in a busy environment, and has an interest in working with the most advanced equipment in the industry. We require: Basic Inventor and AutoCAD skills; Mastercam experience preferred; Solidworks experience would be an asset; Must have mechanical ability and be capable of understanding tolerances; Ability to read COWBOYS/PEN CHECKERS for lar ge and create part drawings and applicable cow/calf feedlot operation in northern SK. documentation. Please apply bu email hr@leanmachinecnc.com or fax Call Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. 306-651-0014, Attention Zach/Shaun. PARTS SALES PERSON REQUIRED. Construction equipment experience an asset. Answering phones, parts sourcing and pricing. Competitive wages. Call Andy, M&M Equipment Ltd., Regina, SK, 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111.

PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. is a Sask. based manufacturer of livestock handling and feeding equipment located at Central Butte, SK. We presently have an opening for a permanent full-time Band Saw Operator/ General Labourer. Previous welding shop experience an asset, but not essential as we will train. Valid driver’s license required, salary negotiable based on experience. We are looking for self-motivated individuals willing to work within a team environment. To apply for this position please email resume to ple@sasktel.net or fax to 306-796-4909, Attn: Jim McGillivray.

So uth Co untry Eq uipm ent Ha s N ew Po sitio ns! W ith the r apid evolu tion of the agr ibu sin ess en vir on m en t, Sou th C ou n tr y Equ ipm en t is chan gin g to m eet the n ew n eeds of today’s f ar m cu stom er, an d is on the r oad to becom in g on e of the lar gest John Deer e AG dealer ships in C an ada w ith 8 location s in Sou th East Saskatchew an . Establish an Excitin g C ar eer as: - Integrated Solutions M anager - Regina Pr ovide leader ship acr oss the or gan ization f or pr ecision f ar m in g pr odu cts an d optim ization of the Ag Pr odu cts w e sell,by pr ovidin g the r ight com bin ation of techn ology, su ppor t an d valu e added ser vices to m eet ou r cu stom er ’s n eeds an d goals. - CentralDivision Ag Equip Sales M anager - Regina M ain tain an d expan d a kn ow ledgeable sales team , develop an d en han ce dir ect r elation ships w ith key gr ow er s an d poten tial cu stom er s in def in ed ter r itor y. - Service Dept M anager – W eyburn W e in volve ou r m an ager s in all aspects of the dept, f r om team bu ildin g to f in an cial m an agem en t. This is you r oppor tu n ity f or per son al developm en t & be a par t of the gr ow th ! Contact:Drew W atson H R M anager w atsondrew @southcountry.ca Ph:306-721-5050 – see allcareer details at w w w .southcountry.ca or Scan the code!


W e thank allinterested applicants;only those chosen for an interview w illbe contacted.




CLASS 1A DRIVERS for oil/water haul in Peace River, AB. area. Safety tickets are required. At work accommodations provided. Competitive wages, great schedule. Email resume: rfracingteam@hotmail.com Phone 306-240-7146

High w a y 21 Fe e de rs Doub le M Fa rm s

AC M E, ALBER TA Office M a n a ger Du ties a n d Res po n s ib ilities A VERTICALLY IN TEGRATED AGRICULTURAL BASED COM PANY IN SOUTH CENTRAL ALBERTA IS CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR AN OFFICE M ANAGER. This n ew p os ition rep orts to the ow n era n d G M . Loca ted in A cm e, A lberta w e offer a ca s u a l d res s cod e - a bove a vera g e p a y a n d ben efits .

REQUIRES: 5 Service Rig Derrick-hands and 12 Service Rig floor-hands for work in the Lloydminster SK/AB area immediately. Wages are $29.50/hr and up for derrick-hands and $27.00 and up for floor-hands, depending on experience. Experience is an asset but will train suitable applicants. Group benefits and training/ safety bonuses available. Drug and alcohol screening tests are conducted.

Du ties in clu d e b u t n o t lim ited to : O rg a n ize a n d Coord in a te office op era tion s a n d p roced u res to en s u re org a n iza tion a l effectiven es s a n d efficien cy. M u s tbe a n excellen t m u lti-ta s k erw ith s tron g in terp ers on a l s k ills a n d a n a lytica l p roblem s olvin g s k ills . Excellen td ecis ion m a k erw ho ca n com m u n ica te w ith a ll levels ofem p loyees a n d is hon es ta n d relia ble. Plea s e forw a rd you rres u m e w ith referen ces to the follow in g 403-546 -3709 or

JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC required im- FULL-TIME HD MECHANIC WANTED. mediately. Electrical and diesel experience Ph. 403-625-4658, Claresholm, AB. email: would be an asset. Benefits after 3 mos. rwbranch@gmail.com Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. Rainbow Automotive in Grande Prairie, AB. Apply in person at 10122-124 Ave. ask for Wayne or Philip. No phone calls please. Apply by email to wayne@rainbowautomotive.ca

PARTS MANAGER REQUIRED for our NH dealership in Consort, AB. This person will be responsible for all aspects of the parts business. Wages negotiable w/experience. Email resume to: triagbill@gmail.com or phone 403-577-3899 ask for Bill.

"Co m e w o rk Do w n Un d er!" To p w a ges , s ec ure jo b s , grea t lifes tyle in Aus tra lia !

CORO VIEW FARMS LTD, located in east central Alberta, has immediate opening for a MECHANIC. The position is responsible for maintenance and repair on a large diverse fleet of farming, transport, and ind u s t r i a l e q u i p m e n t . J o u r n ey m a n o r equivalent skill and experience level required. Opportunity to earn $70,000+ with an extensive benefit pkg. Call Brent 403-578-8444, apply by fax 403-578-3581, brent.coroview@xplornet.com

W e a re cu rre n tly s e e kin g e xpe rie n ce d

Agric ultura l M ec h a n ic s . As s is ta n ce with wo rkin g ho lid a y o r lo n g te rm wo rkin g Vis a s a va ila b le .

CAL GAS INC. requires a Bulk/ Picker Truck Driver immediately to deliver propane and propane tanks. Must have a 1A or 3A licence with a clean driver’s abstract. The employer is willing to train the right person. We offer excellent benefits; variable weekly hours of work; full-time and the successful applicant is home every night. Please send resume and cover letter including experience and wage expectations to: Mel Hill, fax 306-455-6416 or call Mel at 306-577-7192, Carlyle, SK. WA N T E D : L E A S E O P E R ATO R S and CLASS I DRIVERS, to haul livestock Canada and US. Good rates. Call 403-625-4658, rwbranch@gmail.com

S e n d yo u r Re s u m e to :

tec h s @ c a ta p ultp eo p le.c o m .a u

Please fax: 780-871-6908 or Email resumes to: royalwel@telus.net

SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediately requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks/ tractors, and Company Drivers; Also require 1 driver with 5G or Class 1 license for operating a haul and tow. Transporting RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. Clean abstract required. Competitive rates. Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733. NOW HIRING Drivers and Leased Operators, includes incentive pkg. 403-946-5629 ask for Greg, Crossfield, AB. WANTED: 1A AND 3A truck drivers. Driving bobcat or payloader an asset. In the gravel hauling industry. 306-537-5008, Pilot Butte, SK. WATER HAULERS WANTED for building ice roads in northern AB. Class 3A, all tickets and driver’s abstract required. Please phone 306-287-8140.

CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVER with tank truck experience needed for SE Sask., hauling crude oil. Based out of Regina, SK. Clean abstract and resume required. Will LOOKING FOR FARM/RANCH work in the train above average individuals. 5 days on, Veteran, Coronation, Consort, AB. area. 5 off. Long term positions. Fax resume and Experienced, full-time. Call 403-715-8973. abstract to: 306-245-3222, Weyburn, SK. 1A TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED. Oilfield experience necessary. Please contact Mark at 306-270-5888, Cudworth, SK.

go _ca s _f@ ho tm a il.co m

A VERY BUSY south central Alberta livestock hauling company is looking for a Lease Operator to haul cattle. Must have their own truck and livestock experience a must, 98% Alberta miles. Home most nights depending on where home is. If you’re looking for a change and want to be a p a r t o f a g r e at t e a m , c a l l M e r v 403-948-7776, Airdrie, AB.

Has amalgamated with


S ee u s o n Fa ceb o o k

WE SELL & RENT MORE! STEAMER SWAMPER OR OPERATOR wanted, experience is an asset, but will train right individual. Excellent wages and opportunity for advancement. Area of employment West Central Saskatchewan. Call 780-753-0461, Macklin, SK. DAVY CROCKETTS OILFIELD SERVICES Ltd. is immediately seeking trainee Power Tong Operators. Experienced power tong operators will be given preference; Shop Hand. Must be willing to reside in the Valleyview/ Grande Prairie, AB and surrounding area. Must have clean drivers license w/abstract and H2S. Please email resume with 3 references to rairth5@gmail.com or call 780-957-3101.

OWNER/OPERATERS and Class 1 drivers. Dry van out of Regina, SK. for prairie provinces. Fax resume and abstract to: 403-488-2194 or email: rdpete@shaw.ca

2013 12 x 60 ES Skid Office 2013 12 x 48 RRT Skid Office 98 10 x 50 Custom Built Skidded Wellsite 10 x 34 Mobile Kitchen Unit

SPEEDWAY MOVING SYSTEMS requires owner/operator for our 1 ton and 3 ton fleets to transport RV’s throughout North America. We offer competitive rates and company fuel cards. Paid by direct deposit. Must have clean criminal record and passport to cross border. 1-866-736-6483 www.speedwaymovingsystems.com

LACOMBE TRAILER’S UNITS 02 Great Dane 48’ T/A Reefer Van 95 Kentucky 53’ T/A Furniture Van 2013 Transcraft TRI Trombone 04 Road Boss 30’ T/A Spring Ride

WANTED: FULL TIME truck driver to haul cattle, grain and bales. Must also be willing to operate farm equipment on a seasonal basis. Contact Lee at Primrose Livestock. Email lthansen@xplornet.com or call cell 306-867-3046, Eston, SK.

7 KM West of Red Deer from Junction of Hwy. 2 & 32nd St.


G EN ER A L M A N A G ER O N TARIO SH EEP M ARK ETIN G AG EN CY The O ntario Sheep M arketing A gency (O SM A ) is com prised of industry leaders w hose m em bers are passionate about the sheep industry. O ur m ission is to enhance producers’ returns and provide consum ers w ith safe, prem ium quality lam b and related products on a year-round basis. W e do this through m arketing and prom otion, advocacy, research, education and organizational developm ent on behalf of O ntario sheep producers. O SM A is seeking a G EN ERAL M AN AG ER w ho w ill assum e executive leadership in m eeting our m ission and be accountabe for leading the organization through a criticaland exciting grow th period. TH E PO SITIO N : The G eneral M anager is accountable to the B oard of D irectors and has the overall responsibility to achieve the goals and objectives of O SM A as established by the B oard. The G eneral M anager shall assum e im m ediate responsibility, under the direction of the B oard for updating and im plem enting a full business and strategic plan including a detailed financial plan. This plan w ill set out existing and new potential revenue sources as w ell as detailed spending plans. The G eneral M anager w ill assum e responsibility for m aintaining ongoing relationships and reporting w ith O SM A ’s regulatory and funding organizations as w ell as leading the process to pursue further grants as required and to ensure adequate funding for all projects and initiatives. C AN D ID ATE PRO FILE: The successful candidate w ill have dem onstrated leadership experience, a strong w ork ethic and skills in m anagem ent and problem solving. M ore specifically, the G eneral M anager w ill dem onstrate: • A m inim um of 3- 5 years of experience in a m anagem ent position; • Experience w orking w ith the agricultural com m unity and/or the food industry; • Strong com m unication skills w ith internal and external stakeholders; • A strong background and experience in dealing successfully w ith governm ents at various levels; • Experience in successfully applying for governm ent funding and in m aintaining successful relationships w ith external agencies; • A clear understanding of financial m anagem ent for not for profit organizations; • Experience in strategic planning, advocacy and governance; • A n entrepreneurial attitude w ith an established track record as a self- starter and an ability to w ork w ithout significant support resources and supervision; • A post-secondary educational background in B usiness or A griculture or a com bination of education and experience w hich w ill dem onstrate an ability to successfully lead the A gency. CO M PEN SATIO N : W e offer a com petitive salary and benefit package com m ensurate w ith experience. Resum es should be m arked “Confidentialâ€? and sent to:

M r. D ennis Fischer Chair, Board of D irectors O ntario Sheep M arketing Agency Box 51 Elm w ood, O N N 0G 1S0 O r via em ailat: dbfischer@ bm ts.com




SASKATOON HOTSHOT TRANSPORTER is hiring power units w/wo stepdecks 3/4 and 1 tons, for RV and Freight hauling throughout Canada and the U.S. Year round work, lots of miles and home time, fuel subsidies, benefits, excellent earnings. 306-653-8675, Saskatoon, SK. Website www.saskatoonhotshot.com TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED for 2013 ice road haul season pulling tanker Super B trailers hauling fuel. Job runs from Jan. 15 to March 30th. 306-577-7203, Arcola, SK.


Great Lakes New Holland operates 4 locations throughout Southwestern Ontario. We carry the New Holland lines of Ag and Construction equipment, Versatile Tractors & Sprayers, Kobelco Excavators and Kawasaki Wheel Loaders. You can learn more about us at www.glnh.ca. We are currently looking for experienced Service Technicians for all our locations. Applicants must have 3 years minimum experience and the ability to deal with the public in a courteous and helpful manner. We offer: • Modern facilities and the latest tools and equipment • Above average wage packages • Bonus programs for performance • Comprehensive benefit program • Paid Manufacturer Technical Training • Wide range of equipment providing you with many different work experiences If you are looking for a positive change from your present em ploym ent, please contact us im m ediately. Send resume to: Great Lakes New Holland Inc., Attn: Jeremy Baxter 985285 Perth-Oxford Rd., RR 1; Tavistock, ON N0B 2R0 Email: jeremyb@glnh.ca Fax: 519-655-3016. All applicants will remain confidential.





Health care system absorbs added costs

Farm workers carry out many duties on farms across Alberta and are not covered by the province’s worker protection programs. |



Farm labour standards said lacking Food companies are under pressure to refuse products from farms without ethical labour standards STORIES BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

An Alberta Liberal MLA continues to encourage food companies to consider the province’s lack of farm worker protection when choosing suppliers. Dr. David Swann made headlines earlier this year when he urged PepsiCo Frito Lay, a major purchaser of Alberta potatoes, to stop buying from farms in Alberta because there is no legislative requirement for Workers Compensation Board insurance for farm workers and farms aren’t subject to occupational health and safety rules or laws prohibiting child labour. Swann said Nov. 6 that he has also sent letters to McDonald’s and Yum Foods, pointing out that their policies on ethical procurement are contradictory to their purchase of Alberta farm produce. “They’re in a conflict,” said Swann. “They want to appear to be ethical corporations, but when challenged, they have not indicated that they would change their buying patterns.” The accusation of child labour on Alberta farms was particularly controversial when Swann raised it in August. Since then, he said a PepsiCo Frito Lay lawyer has called to assure him that Alberta potato growers know about the company’s prohibition on child labour. “They are trying to sweep it aside, I’m afraid,” said Swann. “I intend to contact by phone representatives of McDonald’s and Yum Foods and just confirm they got the letter and then talk about whether they’re prepared to change their website or if they’re considering changing their suppliers of produce in Alberta to ethical employers.” But Alberta Potato Growers executive director Helmut Leili said Swann has no verifiable data for accusations that Alberta potato

The Farmworkers Union of Alberta wants to make Workers Compensation Board insurance a requirement for employers of agricultural workers.

The labour standards in Alberta are incongruent with the corporations’ publicly stated ethical procurement policies because we have no child labour standards and because we have no health and safety standards, and other labour standard exclusions. ERIC MUSEKAMP FARMWORKERS UNION OF ALBERTA

growers use child labour. Most of them also voluntarily provide WCB coverage to all their workers. “He has never ever ever provided any statistics,” said Leili about Swann’s assertions. “We follow rules and regulations set by the government and we work very aggressively with the provincial government whenever something does come up that we need addressing.” Leili said Frito Lay has expressed its confidence in Alberta growers’ practices, and worker safety is not a problem. “In fact, workers compensation claims and costs have been going

way down in our sector. It’s because there’s been no claims.” PepsiCo’s Global Code of Conduct reads, in part, that the company will operate under policies that provide fair and equitable wages, benefits and other conditions of employment and that prohibit forced or child labour. Eric Musekamp, president of the Farmworkers Union of Alberta, said he supports Swann’s efforts to bring farm worker risks to the attention of food companies. “The labour standards in Alberta are incongruent with the corporations’ publicly stated ethical procurement policies because we have no child labor standards and because we have no health and safety standards, and other labour standard exclusions,” said Musekamp. Swann acknowledged his quest has potential to damage farmers’ incomes if successful. “I do not want to harm them. What I want them to do is to add their pressure to protect their own interests and press this government to bring in legislation to ensure that everyone is on that level playing field.” He said his target is “non-family farms,” those that employ people outside the family, off-site or otherwise. He also said he doesn’t intend

to add expense to farmers. The government has suggested in the past that requiring WCB coverage and subjecting farms to occupational health and safety standards would impose additional costs and restrictions that they might not be able to bear. However, Musekamp said costs would not be prohibitive for large agricultural operations. “I don’t buy the argument that these industries are so marginal that a three percent levy on their wages would put them out of business. But I can tell you certainly that the lawsuits will put them out of business. We’ve seen that.” Musekamp argued that WCB coverage is the only mechanism available to farm operations to protect them from litigation. Earlier this month, Lorna Chandler, whose husband, Kevan, was killed in a grain elevator in 2006, received compensation after six years of effort. The amount was not disclosed. Musekamp contends Chandler would not have died had his employer been subject to occupational health and safety standards and even if he had, WCB coverage would have eliminated the need for litigation.

Alberta’s lack of labour regulations for farm workers costs the provincial health-care system at least $4.5 million annually, according to recent figures tabled in the legislature. Alberta Liberal MLA David Swann presented figures compiled by Bob Barnetson, a professor at the Centre for Work and Community Studies at Athabasca University. “We lack the information we need to have a handle on just how much is being transferred from these industrial (farm) operations to the public purse,” said Swann in a Nov. 6 interview. However, he said he considers $4.5 million to be the minimum costs incurred because Alberta farm workers are not covered by occupational health and safety regulations and participation in Workers Compensation Board insurance is voluntary. “We know the health system is overwhelmed with demand. Why the ministers involved wouldn’t see the opportunity here to download some of the costs and some of the services to the Workers Compensation Board through a simple act of legislating it, is really a mystery.” Barnetson generated his cost estimates at the request of the Farmworkers Union of Alberta. “That’s a pretty low ball number, but it kind of gives at least an indication that there’s some sort of scope to this,” said FUA president Eric Musekamp. “I’m not sure exactly what kind of reaction we’re going to get.” In an email provided by FUA, Barnetson said medical costs related to agricultural injuries are difficult to calculate because there is little data. He considers the $4.5 million figure to be a rough estimate. WCB data lists 2,825 workers on 1,300 farming operations that are covered by workers compensation in Alberta. By dividing WCB claims made by those workers into medical aid costs, he arrived at an average of $80.35 per worker. That number was multiplied by the number of farm workers in the province, which Barnetson estimated at 60,000. He deducted WCB payouts from those with coverage to arrive at $4.5 million as the cost of farm workplace injuries covered by Alberta Health. Craig Loewen, spokesperson for Alberta human services minister Dave Hancock, said the government continues to study the farm worker protection issue. “There’s obviously nothing on the fall agenda. Both the ministers of human services and of agriculture and rural development are looking at the issue, though.” Musekamp said he met with government officials last week in Edmonton and spoke with premier Alison Redford last month. He remains optimistic about eventual government action. Swann is less certain. “They talk a lot. They currently indicate they are studying the issues and this has, of course, been going on for at least a decade. They’ve been feeling some pressure about the lack of respect for farm workers and the lack of legislation that would protect their health and safety.”





Open market poses challenges for independents Relationships important | With less CWB grain volume, alliances with large grain handlers are key to success BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The elimination of single desk marketing for wheat, durum and malting barley is not expected to significantly affect the amount of grain delivered to farmer-owned grain terminals in Western Canada. However, members of the Inland Terminals Association of Canada say the learning curve has been steep for farmer owned terminals operating in the new marketing environment. “It’s been an interesting time for all of us, to say the least,” said Shawn Graham, general manger of the Gardiner Dam Terminal Joint Venture at Strongfield, Sask. “Obviously, the transition from the wheat board to the CWB open market … and balancing the two types of business back and forth has been an interesting time for all of us.” Chad Campbell, chief executive officer of Prairie West Terminal at Plenty, Sask., also cites challenges. “With the exit of the CWB single desk monopoly … we’ve seen some monumental changes to our business, in terms of grain handling, grading, marketing, accounting, rail car logistics and car allocations, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.….” CWB grain is expected to account for a smaller percentage of grain delivered to farmer-owned terminals under the new marketing environment. With fewer tonnes assured through the CWB and more exported by the private sector, ITAC members say it will be more critical than ever to

Members of the Inland Terminals Association of Canada are optimistic that after logistics and grading issues have been sorted out under the new marketing environment, grain handling volumes will be steady in 2013. | FILE PHOTO build and maintain relationships with large grain handling companies and exporters. “Building those relationships is going to be the key to success,” said Terence Koshman, marketing manager with the Lethbridge Inland Terminal. “We found out very quickly on Aug. 1 that it doesn’t matter how big our facilities are, you can’t do it alone.” Ninety percent of grain previously handled by the Lethbridge terminal

was CWB grain, Koshman said. This year, all bets are off. Wayne Hittel, chair of the Great Sandhills Terminal at Leader, Sask., said it remains to be seen how overall volumes at ITAC terminals will be affected. However, based on early indications, total volumes should not vary significantly from past years. According to its website, ITAC’s members handle 2.5 million tonnes of grain, oilseeds and pulse crops a year and control grain handling

assets with a replacement value of $370 million. “I think we’re like the rest of the industry,” said Hittel, who also serves as chair of Great Sandhills Terminal. “We’re getting our feet wet and we’ve definitely formed some alliances with each other and with bigger groups to make sure that we continue to have access to the world, not just through the CWB but with (others as well).” Hittel said deliveries at some ITAC terminals started out slowly but

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picked up in September and October. “Deliveries off the start were a bit slow because farmers weren’t sure (about the new market) and some terminals weren’t sure what to take into their facilities,” he said. “In the old days, if you took a little bit of (grain and didn’t move it immediately), you’d get storage for it and it wasn’t that big of an issue because you’d still be getting some revenue.… Now you can’t do that. It’s the age of in-the-door and out-the-door, so you go at it a bit more cautiously.” Although the proof will be in the pudding, Hittel said ITAC members are cautiously optimistic about overall tonnage in 2012-13. “I wouldn’t say (volumes are likely to) increase, but I would hope that we’re going to hold our own,” he said. The decision by some farmerowned terminals to buy a stake in the Alliance Grain Terminal in Vancouver will provide an extra level of assurance when it comes to accessing global grain markets, Hittel added. Alliance is a 100,000 tonne export facility owned by Prairie West Terminal, Weyburn Inland Terminal, Great Sandhills Terminal, North West Terminal in Unity, Sask., Paterson Global Foods and Parrish & Heimbecker. Rob Davies, general manager of the Weyburn Inland Terminal, said independent terminals have been forced to evolve quickly in the new environment. “Our industry has seen a year of tremendous evolution with the movement away from the wheat board,” said Davies. “I think probably that most people in the industry thought they were better prepared than they were, most likely, and when we got into it a month or two … we realized that there were … lots of little things that needed to be dealt with.” Improved rail regulations will be another key to ensuring a strong grain handling industry, he added. “As an industry, we’ve been waiting a long time for some balance in rail service.”





Europe’s first durum wheat futures launched ROME (Reuters) — Borsa Italiana is set to launch Europe’s first futures market for durum wheat to cater to demand from the continent’s Italian-led pasta makers, but building sufficient trading volumes will be a challenge, traders say. Grain futures generally take a long time to attract a large trading base, and the minimal volumes seen since the launch of durum futures in Canada at the start of the year have highlighted the difficulties in the niche grain market. Milan’s exchange and pasta maker Barilla, which advised the exchange on the launch of the futures market, said the financial tool may be more effective in Italy, the world’s largest producer and per-capita consumer of pasta made from durum. “The Mediterranean is an area of consumption of durum wheat, and it makes more sense to have a market with physical delivery where the grain is consumed,” said Ennio Arlandi of Borsa Italiana. The new AGREX futures are due to launch around Nov. 19 on the Italian Derivatives Exchange Market (IDEM) and will trade in 50 tonne contracts, with five maturities available at any one time. The delivery months will be March, May, September and December. WHEAT IMPORTS

Drought slashes grain crops MOSCOW/ALMATY, Kazakhstan (Reuters) — Russia’s miller’s union has asked the government to ease conditions for importing wheat from Kazakhstan and rye from Germany this spring to cover a shortage after drought slashed grain crops. Russia, historically the world’s number three global exporter, was hit by hot and dry weather this year, which slashed its wheat harvest by a third. Its exportable surplus has already been exhausted. “It would be appropriate to think in advance about creating attractive conditions for milling wheat imports to Russia (mainly from Kazakhstan) and for rye imports from Germany, which has a good harvest this year,” the union said in a letter to deputy prime minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversees the farm sector. Russia has just completed its harvest, and milling wheat and rye are likely to run short this spring, the lobby said in the letter. In good harvest years, such as 2011-12, Russia imports about one million tonnes of grain a year, mainly wheat from Kazakhstan for its border regions in the Urals and Siberia, as well as some top quality milling wheat that Russia cannot supply. In the current 2012-13 marketing season, which started on July 1, Russia may import two million tonnes of grain this year, the chief executive officer of SovEcon agricultural analysts Andrei Sizov said. AGFINANCE

Deutsche Bank eyes Australian windfall MELBOURNE, Australia (Reuters) — Deutsche Bank has built a 5.2 percent stake in Australian takeover target GrainCorp in recent months, a

move that could pay off handsomely as the target’s shares have soared and could climb higher if rival bids appear. American agriculture giant Archer Daniels Midland bid $2.8 billion for GrainCorp last week, sending shares in Australia’s last remaining independent grains handler soaring to record highs. Australian Stock Exchange filings show Deutsche Bank acquired a 5.2 percent stake in GrainCorp through a range of funds and units since June, suggesting the purchases were for investment for clients rather than on behalf of a rival bidder. Many analysts have argued the Archer Daniels’ bid, even at a 33 percent premium to its pre-offer price, undervalues GrainCorp based on past deals and expect either

a sweetened offer from ADM or another suitor to emerge. Many in the U.S. banking industry expect Bunge and Cargill to explore submitting rival bids. AGFINANCE

On the takeover list (Reuters) — With its grain silos and ethanol plants dotting the U.S. Midwest, The Andersons may be the next takeover target for global companies. The diversified agricultural company may also be a bargain, say analysts and investors, as nearsighted shareholders punish it for the worst U.S. drought in 50 years, overlooking the long-term value of its assets.

The Andersons, built over 65 years from a small family-run trucking firm outside Toledo, Ohio, into the seventh-largest storer of U.S. grain, is perhaps the last, best chance for a global trader such as Glencore or Cargill Inc. to boost their U.S. position in a single swoop. The opportunity expanded recently when The Andersons said it would buy 12 grain elevators in Iowa and Tennessee, boosting its storage capacity by 30 percent. On paper it seems a prime target, offering a combination of hard assets and logistics expertise, including nearly 140 million bushels of storage space once the latest deal closes. The Andersons also operates four ethanol plants and more than 23,000 railcars to ship grain.


CME maintains trading hours CHICAGO (Reuters) — CME Group Inc. plans to maintain the nearly round-the-clock electronic grain-trading that it implemented in May despite criticism by traders that the new format is hurting market liquidity. The exchange expanded the grain trading session to fend off a challenge from rival IntercontinentalExchange. Grain traders have circulated a petition calling on CME, owner of the Chicago Board of Trade, to reduce its 21 hour trading day. Until May, CME grains traded for 17 hours a day.

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Canpotex gets OK for port terminal OTTAWA (Reuters) — Canpotex has received government approval to build a new export terminal at the port of Prince Rupert. Federal environment minister Peter Kent said in a statement the terminal was not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Canpotex, the offshore selling agency for potash mined in Saskatchewan, will work on the terminal project with Canadian National Railway, which hauls some of the agency’s potash on its southern British Columbia line. Canpotex sells potash on behalf of Agrium Inc., Potash Corp and Mosaic Co. in key markets such as China and India.

Panama trade deal nears final approval Agriculture benefits | Deal eliminates tariffs on french fries, pulses, malt barley and beef products BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

More than two years after the agreement was signed, the House of Commons has approved a trade deal with Panama, sending the bill to the Senate for final approval. With the New Democratic Party, Bloc Québecois and Green Party leader Elizabeth May voting against it, the bill was approved Nov. 7 by a vote of 171 to 90. Although Panama is not a large market for Canadian agricultural products, export-oriented agricultural groups have supported the deal, first signed in August 2009 and introduced to Parliament in 2010.

It has been opposed by the NDP because of Panama’s record on labour rights, environmental protection and its status as an off shore haven for tax evasion. On Nov. 7 in the final Commons debate before the vote, Alberta Conservative MP Rob Merrifield and international trade committee chair said agriculture will be a major beneficiary of the trade deal. He said ratification of the deal will eliminate a 20 percent tariff on frozen french fries from Canada, a 15 percent tariff on pulse imports, a 10 percent tariff on malt barley and a tariff as high as 30 percent on beef products. During debate, Conservative MPs

RecIP Con om tra me ct nde d

argued that with a recent free trade deal between Panama and the United States and a pending deal with the European Union, Canada risks losing out on a growing market if the legislation is not passed and the deal is not sealed. Merrifield said the NDP, by opposing the bill, has led to a delay in capitalizing on a growing market. After many hours of debate, the Conservative government got the bill through the House of Commons by imposing a time limit on the debate. “There has been two and a half years of wasted time and opportunity for us to be able to capitalize on the great infrastructure of the Panama Canal as well as the opportunities for


North Dakota law designed to protect agriculture sector BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

North Dakotans have voted for a law that protects the state’s agricultural industry from activist groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. On Nov. 6, 67 percent of voters supported Measure 3, an amendment to the state’s constitution barring new laws that “abridge the right of farmers and ranchers to employ agricultural technology, modern livestock production and ranching practices.” The North Dakota Farm Bureau sponsored the measure because organizations like the Humane Society of the United States have successfully introduced legislation on farming practices in other states, such as California. “Their long-term goal is to make everyone a vegetarian or a vegan and try to shut down meat consumption,” Jeff Missling, North Dakota Farm Bureau executive vice-president, told The Western Producer this summer. “They’re going about it incrementally by… trying to attack our animal agricultural industry.” Missling said agricultural leaders in several other states have inquired about the so-called “right to farm” measure, so the North Dakota approach may become a template for other jurisdictions.

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our agriculture sector and many others,” said Merrifield, who farms 3,000 acres of grain and oilseeds in central Alberta. New Democrat MP Annick Papillon said her party sees “problems” with the Canada-Panama trade deal. She denied Conservative accusation that the NDP is anti-trade. “”We like to choose our partners,” she said. “It just does not make sense to me that the Conservative government is signing free trade agreements with just about anyone, as if Canada was up for grabs.” She said trading with Panama raises “serious concerns” because of its record on human and labour rights as well as the environment.

North Dakotans also voted on another measure connected to the Humane Society on election day. Animal welfare advocates in the state had sponsored Measure 5, which would have made it a felony for any individual to “maliciously and intentionally burn, poison, crush, suffocate, impale, drown, blind, skin, beat to death, drag to death, exsanguinate, disembowel, or dismember any living dog, cat, or horse.” North Dakota is one of two states in America, along with South Dakota, that treats extreme acts of animal cruelty as a misdemeanor offense, but 65 percent of voters in the state rejected the measure. Agriculture groups, including the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association, opposed the changes to the state’s animal cruelty regulations. On their website the Stockmen said the law wouldn’t protect animals and it was funded by the Humane Society of the United States, “an out of state animal rights group known for its anti-agriculture agenda.” “If you look at the ballot language it only addresses three species of animals – dogs, cats and horses,” said Julie Ellingson, executive vicepresident of the Stockmen’s Association. “We really think a proper care and treatment law should be something that is applicable across all species.”

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REMOTE PUMP CONTROL The Broadcaster One is a reliable remote manure pump engine controller that works in places where cellular coverage isn’t available or consistent. | Page 85

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New depth controls help stay the course CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The wand skims the surface, giving real-time data to the Active Depth Control computer. If the wand starts to slide into the soil, the ADC computer knows the rotating discs are too deep and raises the boom. If the wand is in mid-air, the discs are cutting the tips of the beets, so the ADC lowers the boom. |

Active Depth Control | Might the depth control system from a beet harvester show up on your next air drill? BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU


FARGO, N.D. — A new automatic depth control system keeps extra mud from going through the processor during sugar beet harvesting while ensuring the high-value beet tips get into the truck. While other automatic depth control systems function only on the hitch cylinders at the front of the harvester, the new Active Depth Control (ADC) from Amity Technology in Fargo also controls the two rear axle hydraulic cylinders to equalize the digging depth across the machine. Boom depth is critically important to the beet grower. If the rotating discs run too deep in the soil, they bring up extra soil that the harvester must handle. Not only does that consume more fuel and put extra stress on the machine, but it also puts dirt into the truck, exporting it from the field. If the boom is running too shallow, it slices off the bottom tip of the beet, which contains the highest concentration of sugar. Booms on sugar beet harvesters now reach 12 rows for an operating width of 31 feet. If the left side of that boom starts to dig too deep into the mud, the right side goes up. As well, the weight dynamics of a beet har vester are continually changing as field conditions or tank or boom loads change. It all happens in fractions of a second and is too fast for a human to keep up with. With the ADC, the operator still has to decide what depth he wants to run the discs. That adjustment can change throughout the field: a spot with bigger beets requires the boom to go deeper while a spot with smaller beets requires the boom to run shallower. Once the operator has made that initial determination and manually set the depth, the ADC does the rest and maintains the boom at that depth. Further depth changes are

This sugar beet model shows why producers should not remove the tip with the rotating discs — the tip has the highest sugar concentration. | RON LYSENG PHOTO

The hydraulic valve block takes instructions from the ADC monitor, raising or lowering the boom that holds the rotating discs. The two rear axle cylinders are independent, giving the ADC the ability to quickly level the boom. | APPAREO SYSTEMS PHOTO The ADC monitor was developed primarily for sugar beet harvesters, but the technology can easily transfer to air drills and fertilizer applicators. | RON LYSENG PHOTO manually made by the operator as harvest conditions change, and the ADC follows its new instructions. The challenge is to control the depth of a tool that’s working below the surface where it can’t be seen, said Joe Heilman, OEM product manager for Appareo Systems in Fargo, which builds the ADC for Amity. Heilman said it’s not possible to measure the depth of a subterranean working tool with radar or sonar. “But if we can use a sensor or a wand of some sort that skims along the surface at a known distance above the rotating disc, we have all the information we need to control the hydraulics,” Heilman said. “If the wand drops below surface level, then we know the rotating discs are running too deep. They’re hauling up lots of soil, using too much fuel and slowing us down. “If the wand floats along above the

surface, we know the disc is too close to the surface and it’s cutting tips. We’re losing money. ” Heilman said the wands look like steel skis with a significant curve at the front so that they skim the soil without digging themselves in. Each boom has a wand at the left side and right side. The two sensors are mounted to the har vester frame. They are programmed to determine disc depth according to the angle of the wands. If one side or both sides of the boom need adjustment, that information is sent to the monitor. The monitor then instructs the hydraulic valve block to make adjustments to the hitch cylinders and the rear axle cylinders, thus bringing the boom and rotating discs back to the desired depth. Chris Giese of Appareo said Amity engineers did the initial design work on the ADC and then turned the proj-

ect over to Appareo for production. “The smarts of the whole system are in this control box. It sends instant information from the sensors to the box, then to the hydraulic valve block, then to the hydraulic cylinders,” he said. “The system accounts for any type of depth control issues you’d ever find in a field: drainage ditches, rough ground, soft soil, hill tops. It’s designed so the operator can put depth control to the back of his mind and focus his attention on the truck running beside him, along with all the other tasks.” Giese said the ADC sends all information to the screen in the cab so that the operator is always aware of what the boom is doing and what the ADC is up to. “There are multiple applications for this technology. Potato harvest is the obvious one,” Heilman said. “But it could give very precise control on

your air drills and fertilizer application equipment. On those really big 100 foot drills, you could control each section independently. On the precision drills, you could easily put a sensor on each seeding tool.” Heilman said sugar beet growers are trading in their current harvesters for the new ADC machines. The inventory of used non-ADC Amity machines is bad for dealers, he added, because Amity has 80 percent of the North American market for sugar beet harvesters. “This creates somewhat of a problem. The dealers are getting so many trades, and nobody wants a harvester that doesn’t have ADC.” To address the problem, Amity is working on a retrofit kit for older Amity harvesters. Heilman said the kit will likely involve major changes to the older hydraulics. For more information, visit www. amitytech.com.


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Auger Hog has big appetite for grain Moving grain | Is your auger working below peak efficiency because of the hopper? BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

A new detachable hopper manufactured in Swift Current, Sask., is said to increase auger speed by 20 to 30 percent. The big Auger Hog is designed and built by Gatco Manufacturing, which has also developed the Grain Air Tube. “I’m a farmer myself and I needed a high volume hopper to go under trucks and hopper bottom bins,” said Gatco owner Gary Schreiner. “There are other detachable hoppers on the market, but there isn’t one I know of that’s suitable for today’s big new augers and hopper bins. So I built one. “We’ve managed to increase auger speed by 20 to 30 percent, eliminate overflow and spilling. And it prevents product from blowing away while you’re augering. It keeps everything contained in the shroud.” Schreiner said the key component is the canvas shrouding that surrounds and encloses the gap between the auger bucket and the chute. The canvas height adjusts from 14

The canvas shrouding on the Auger Hog is adjustable from 14 inches to 31 inches in height, thus preventing overflow and spills. | DAVID KOOP

The Auger Hog contains the grain flow well enough that auger speeds can increase by 20 to 30 percent. The unit sells for $1,100.


to 31 inches, but Schreiner said he is working out a way for the minimum height to be lower than 14 inches. “The front of the hopper is adjustable. The back comes up to where you want it with just a push on the handle,”

he said.“There’s a hitch inside with just a single pin to hold the Auger Hog and the auger together.” The hopper works on augers from eight to 13 inches. Schreiner said Gatco has sold 100 units.

He said the feedback has been positive. “Guys have found that it allows them to properly use their grain vacs to work under hopper bottom bins. They can leave the chute open and it

won’t overflow.” The Auger Hog weighs 118 pounds and sells for $1,100. For more information, contact Gary Schreiner at 306-778-3338 or visit www.gatcomfg.com.



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Organic researcher makes his mark ORGANIC MATTERS


Martin Entz honoured by prairie organic community


Researcher Martin Entz examines the fababean plants knocked down by an invention that allows cover crops to be put down and killed, but left on the surface of the soil and not tilled. | FILE PHOTO

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rganic Connections honoured Martin Entz, University of Manitoba professor of cropping systems and agronomy, for his contribution to the organic community at its November conference in Regina. Entz joined other people who have been previously named Organic Heroes and placed on the Organic Connections Wall of Fame. In 1992, Entz began a long-term rotation study in Glenlea, Man. It is the oldest organic-conventional cropping system comparison in Canada. It includes rotations with forage, green manure and grain. It resulted in many important findings: • Phosphorus levels decreased in plots where forage was removed. When composted manure was returned to these plots, phosphorus fertility was maintained. • Organic plots had higher levels of

mycorrhizal colonization in flax. • Yields were lower in organic plots. • Organic plots contained more weeds. • G re e n ma nu re s a n d f o ra g e legumes provided enough nitrogen to maintain grain nitrogen content. • Energy use was much higher and energy efficiency much lower in conventional plots compared to organic. • Soil erodibility did not increase under organic management. • Rotations that included hay crops had far less Canada thistle and wild oats than grain only rotations. Entz also developed the Organic Crops Field Lab in Carman, Man. At that site, he and his staff maintain a six year organic rotation that includes green manures, oilseeds, pulses and cereals. Researchers are invited to participate in phases of the rotation that aligns with their research interests. For instance, wheat breeder Stephen Fox uses the wheat plots, and oat breeder Jennifer Mitchell-Fetch uses the oat plots. The Field Lab enables researchers to undertake organic research without having to undertake the planning involved in maintaining organic conditions. When this is done for them, they can focus on their research and more easily gain valuable data on trials run on organic land. The Organic Crops Field Lab is also used as an extension and teaching site, hosting graduate student proj-

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ects, field days and crop schools. Entz’s research has proven innovative and has sparked changes. After seeing green manures as critical to organic fertility and weed control, but also as a problem for its additional tillage, Entz has sought other termination options. He was the first in Canada to test Rodale’s no-till organics system of crimping green manures to terminate them. He used large tractor tires to roll over the crop before his crimper/roller was built. Entz’s research group is also testing grazing by sheep as an alternative to terminating green manures with tillage.


Entz also mentors graduate students and collaborates with them to develop their strengths and focus them on issues important to organic farmers. An indication of this success is seen in the OCIA Research and Education scholarships. These scholarships are offered to the international community and awarded by a farmer-run board. Entz’s graduate students have won the award in three of the eight years it has been offered. Organic projects undertaken by Entz’s graduate students have been varied: • suppression of weeds and diseases • tillage reduction • developing mulch systems for weed control and soil fertility • increasing crop diversity with crop mixtures • comparing green manure termination options • phosphorus fertility • reducing weed spread through chaff collection Entz is also noted for his collaborative approach. He collaborates his research efforts with other traditional researchers, and with producers. Brenda Frick, Ph.D., P.Ag. is an extension agrologist and researcher in organic agriculture. She welcomes your comments at 306-260-0663 or email organic@usask.ca.

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Remote pump controls beyond cellular reach Radio remote | Broadcaster One uses digital radio signals to provide instructions and telematics data in the field BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM

WOODSTOCK , Ont. — Liquid manure isn’t the nicest product with which to work and managing the pumps is time consuming. That’s why John Van Lierop felt his customers would appreciate a reliable remote pump engine controller that works in places where cellular coverage wasn’t available or consistent. “In this sort of work, you need something that you can count on, no matter what,” said Van Lierop of Sunova Worx in Lakeside, Ont. To ensure that his new Broadcaster One would work in any location under any weather conditions, Van Lierop’s engineers developed the controller around 900 megahertz, digital radio signals. “It’s a well proven system in industrial communications,” he said about the controller, which manages tractor or stationary engine and pumping technologies. The Broadcaster One is an instant control system based in radio telemetry. Because the system doesn’t use a cellular system, there are no calling plan fees, monthly licences, data costs or connection and internetbased delays. The system moves to a 20 second cool down and then shuts off if it is interrupted or the tractor, engine or pump show signs of failure or fluid loss. “It fails safe, but its main feature is saving time for operators,” he said. Running the system only when it is pumping reduces fuel use and machinery wear and ensures that that a proper shutdown protocol is followed during shutdown that allows the engine to cool off. “And, at two in the morning when you are done for the night, you don’t have to go back out to shut it off. You can do that from the truck, the office or the barn,” he said. The system starts and stops en-gine r.p.m. and measures power take-off speed, temperature, oil pressure, pump intake and output pressure.

John Van Lierop of Sunova Worx in Lakeside, Ont., with the receiver and controller for the remote pump system. A warning lamp and siren occurs when the unit starts, letting anyone in the area know the pump is about to fire up. | MICHAEL RAINE PHOTOS As well, 12 inputs and outputs are available for custom functions: four high speed analog, four analogue and four digital slots. The remote control can also run automated priming, valve controls, variable speed drive systems and electric pumps for irrigation system feeds and can manage boost pumps in long drag hose setups. The limitation is that the radio system is functional to only three kilometres, with an additional two km available with an optional repeater station.

It took the company two and half years to develop the controller, and Lierop said it has found markets outside the manure pumping busin e s s , w i t h b u y e r s i n We s t e r n Canada also using it for irrigation control. Sunova Worx is also developing a cellular and WiFi, smartphone remote application and pump controller. “That will extend its reach and use the same robust technology that we used in the rest of the system,” said Van Lierop.

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AS THE WORM TURNS Problems with internal parasites in beef cattle are not easily diagnosed, but they can rob animals of weight and overall health. Veterinarian Roy Lewis has suggestions for identification and treatment. | Page 88

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Farmfair scouts for market opportunities Exposure produces sales | The international buyers program offers incentives to attend the Edmonton show STORIES BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — They are often hard to spot in the barns, but international buyers pack an important financial punch at cattle shows. International buyers have spent more than $1.5 million since 2010, buying cattle, embryos and semen from 11 cattle breeds at Farmfair International, said Stuart Cullum, vice-president of agriculture at Northlands. “When they come to our shows, they are here to do business.” Angus breeder Dawn Wilson said international buyers are an important part of Miller Wilson, the cattle business she helps run near Bashaw, Alta. “It’s one of the markets we certainly focus on and it’s one of the reasons we come to venues like Farmfair,” she said. “You get all these international people here that you can’t necessarily get to your farm. They can see a snippet of everyone’s operation.… It’s a great way to market your cattle.” Two of Miller Wilson’s cattle won national grand champion female and national grand champion male at the National Angus Show in Mexico this year. They were both bought through Farmfair International’s international buyer program, which helps bring pre-qualified international buyers to the show and offers them up to $1,000 for travel expenses. Cullum said Farmfair screens the

Alberta premier Alison Redford chats with Blair Fenton of Irma, Alta., during the yearling bull sale at Farmfair International in Edmonton. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS buyers to ensure they have their own cattle, have bought cattle in the past and can afford to buy cattle. “It’s a hook in a sense to get them coming to our show.” Cullum recently returned from a trade mission to Eastern Europe to entice more international buyers to the show next year. He hopes to attract buyers from Kazakhstan and Russia. “There’s a great opportunity in those two countries, where they want

to increase their beef herds and they view western Canadian genetics as not only world class but very conducive to the conditions they have.” Hector Robles of Mexico is a returning buyer looking for more Canadian genetics. It was his cattle, which he bought from Miller Wilson last year, that won top prizes in the National Angus Show. Speaking through an interpreter, Robles said Angus cattle from Canada have worked well with his

breeding program. “They have worked with this breed for several years and are comfortable with this breed and like the quality of this breed,” he said. “Their goal is to cross breed the genetics he has down there with the Canadian lines. He is looking for muscle, bone and also some milk production.” Wilson said international buyers are attracted to good cattle wherever they’re from.

“Obviously, they’re successful with Canadian genetics, so that is wonderful,” she said. “Worldwide, people like good structured cattle. Sometimes they like them a little bigger, sometimes a little more moderate, but in general they’re liking the same kind,” she said. Rachael Wheeler’s visit to Farmfair is her fifth trip to Canada in the past two years, buying Canadian cattle for her family operation, Hollywood Angus, and representing other Australian cattle breeders. She said Canadian cattle are starting to get a lot of attention in Australia, especially cattle that are earlier maturing than traditional Australian breeds. Last year Wheeler bought cattle from Miller Wilson, and the newborn calves from Miller Wilson’s supreme bull and cow have started to attract attention in Australia. “They are absolutely sensational calves. They are probably the top of our drop.” Wheeler is in the process of working out semen rights on one Canadian bull and buying a “fair package” of embryos. She is also looking at buying live heifers that will stay in Canada until their embryos can be exported to Australia. “In the future, it’s something we want to build our herd on,” Wheeler said as she watched the Angus show. Her family was also watching the show in Australia through live internet streaming and comparing notes on preferred cattle.


Pride evident among Speckle Park enthusiasts EDMONTON — For Sid and Anne Hollier, importing Speckle Park cattle to England is like the return of a native son. The cattle are a combination of three breeds from England and Scotland: Shorthorn, Angus and English with the white park pattern. “To us, they’re a traditional animal. They can trace their routes to English breeds,” said Sid, who attended Farmfair International to look for more Speckle Park bloodlines for his Speckle Park herd in Dorset, England. “We can show them in England as English cattle,” said Sid, who runs 55 Speckle Park cows, all originally from herds in Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Speckle Park breed, which originated in northern Saskatchewan, has a growing popularity in England because of size and appearance, said Anne.

“They’re pretty,” she said of the speckled black and white animals with a gentle nature and kind eye. It was their looks that attracted Gary Kiziak and his family to start raising the breed. “I was interested in having a hobby. It was a hobby that got away on us,” said Kiziak, who has sold more than 2,500 Speckle Park embryos to Australia and more to New Zealand, Ireland and the United States. More than 4,000 Speckle Park embryos have been exported to Australia in recent years, making that country’s Speckle Park herd larger than the one in Canada. The breed originated in 1959 in Maidstone, Sask., and received official breed status in 2006. Visitors show up weekly at Kiziak’s Codiak Acres farm near Ardrossan, Alta., looking for embryos, semen and animals.

“We can’t produce enough genetics in this country,” said Kiziak. He said smaller producers were the original market for these cattle, but large ranches are now looking at Speckle Park to breed to their cattle. “They like their docility, thickness and carcass quality to breed back into their herd,” he said. Ken Malterer of Ponoka, Alta., said his buyers are looking at the breed because of its carcass quality. Malterer’s animals won carcass classes in Calgary in 2010 and 2011, and offspring of his animals have won carcass classes in Australia. “They have lots of marbling without a lot of back fat,” said Malterer, who first heard of Speckle Park when he bought beef from a neighbour. He liked it so much he traded hay for cattle the following year and has slowly been building his herd ever since.

Gary and Nancy Kiziak of Codiak Acres in Ardrossan, Alta., stand with Sid and Anne Hollier of Dorset, England, while the Speckle Park show carries on behind them. “They’re the holy grail of cattle,” he said. “They have a small frame, lots of marbling and a minimum of back

fat.… These are Canadian cattle. It started in Maidstone. It’s something we should be proud of.”





Genotyping shines spotlight on younger animals Top dollar paid for genotyped heifer | The science of DNA analysis is changing the cattle breeding business BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

TORONTO — Big money was paid for youthful genomic-tested dairy heifers at the 60th annual Sale of Stars at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto Nov. 8. “We are on the threshold of some great things,” said sale organizer Donald Johnston at the start of the sale. “Every year we go forward, the higher type genomic calves are the more stylish and correct calves.” Morsan Farms of Ponoka, Alta., and Butz-Hill Farm of Iowa paid the top price of the sale for a heifer born in May 2012. Sully Numero Uno Maribel, a genotyped entry, fetched $250,000. David Dyment of Ontario and Sebastien Dion of Quebec were the consignors. Coming in at $245,000 was a calf born in September named Jolicap Mogul Carmey. It came from Jolicap Holsteins of Quebec. The next high seller for another high testing genomic calf came from Cormdale Genetics of Bethany, Ont., O scar and Er ic Dup a s q ui e r o f Guelph, Ont., Impact Agri Division, LA of Burlington, Ont., and Al-Be-Ro Land and Cattle of Piacenza, Italy. The sale offered the first choice of a high genomic mating for $210,000. Multiple semen and embryo contracts from Lookout Holsteins and Richard Pesce of Canton de Hatley, Que., sold for $200,000. All the animals offered in this sale have been or will soon be genotyped to assess their future performance for milk production, fertility and other valued dairy traits. The science of DNA analysis is changing the business, said Patrice

Every year we go forward, the higher type genomic calves are the more stylish and correct calves. DONALD JOHNSTON ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR

Cookiecutter MOM, which sold for $200,000 at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair’s Sale of Stars, was among a group of youthful Holsteins carrying a full package of genetic information. At the halter is Sarah Paulin. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO

Simard of Trans-America Genetics. Based at St-Hyacinthe, Que., this company started in 2008 just as genomic testing of dairy cattle was taking off. The company is now selling genetics in 32 countries. The ability to see what an animal is capable of producing long before it has offspring has dramatically changed the business. It has also elevated some dairy cattle because their genetics have shown they have superior traits over other more popular cattle. Calves that have been barely weaned now command six figure prices. “What they are buying are their ovaries, their acolytes,” said Simard. “The value that is being transferred

for those animals is growing.” While the average commercial dairy producer may not be swayed by

this new science, they can expect improvements in their herds because the bulls available through artificial

insemination have now been tested. More milk, greater longevity and earlier maturity are among the benefits, said Simard. “Genomics take away all the environmental effects,” he said. The key now will be managing these elite cattle to bring out the best. Research is ongoing to see what kind of feed programs and mineral supplements they may require. There is considerable focus on young heifers, but bulls are also achieving greater value, although at a younger age. “The big name bulls will be the big names when they are 10 months old,” said Simard.

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Internal parasites suppress appetite, reduce weight gain ANIMAL HEALTH



he adage, “the more we look, the more we find,” is a good one when it comes to internal parasites. The problem is that we have no idea internal worms are a problem in the herd unless horses have a tremendous burden of internal worms or we

see tapeworm sections shed in the manure. Parasites decrease production subtly. Cattle shed parasite eggs in lower numbers, so doing an accurate fecal count on several animals in the herd is the only way to determine the actual parasite burden. Animal health technicians at veterinary clinics are highly trained in this procedure. Producers can take several golf ball sized individual samples to their veterinarian for fecal analysis. Most clinics do the analysis in house, but they can also be sent to several good labs across Canada. Parasites can be the root cause of many problems in cattle, but at first

they might not be obvious. Cattle may not appear sick or in poor shape or with rough hair coats. Small weight loss or gain is hard to determine just by looking at the animal. For example, can you see the extra 20 to 30 pounds that growth implants provide? I can’t. Deworming can prevent a 20 lb. loss, which makes the extra revenue from that extra 20 lb. a wise investment. Parasites also affect the immune system, which increases the susceptibility to respiratory disease, and hinders feed conversion as they rob cattle of needed nutrients. Older trials in the United States found that reproductive perfor-

mance in breeding heifers suffered. You would think infected cattle would want to eat more because parasites rob them of nutrients. However, heavily parasitized cattle don’t feel well and suffer from suppressed appetites, which worsens the problem of weight gain. All species of animals are affected by parasites. Fortunately, I seldom see clinically affected cattle or camelids with internal parasites. The problem is usually subclinical, with production losses being the main consequence. However, horses, goats and especially sheep and bison can be severely affected, sometimes fatally. Producers of any of these species should

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check them periodically. Your veterinarian and technician will know what is significant to your operation with each species. Ivermectin revolutionized the way producers treat parasites when it came on the market. Western Canada had a special problem with lice. While previous medications controlled lice and warbles, they did nothing for internal parasites. The avermectin products that followed controlled all three. These medications were expensive at first, but producers could see the difference in their cattle and embraced them. Ease of administration was paramount when they became a pouron. Cattle could be treated quickly and conveniently, and twice yearly applications were often adopted when the price decreased. The issue has changed. We became complacent and stopped checking manure samples for worms. Over the past 25 years, the pour-on products have become less effective against internal parasites. They are still effective against lice but are becoming less so against internal worms, which are developing resistance. In some cases, other animals were licking off the product. These medications don’t work nearly as well today as they did a few years ago. This was first noticed in the United States close to 10 years ago. It was believed at the time that our cold Canadian winters killed lots of the parasites on pasture. That is not the case and producers in Eastern Canada, where problems have surfaced earlier, have developed different strategies for de-worming. This often includes using pour-ons and another internal dewormer called fenbendazole, or Safeguard. The product can be administered orally with a hook applicator, mixed in the feed over several days or scripted into the minerals over several days. Safeguard works by direct contact with parasites and kills them quickly. This combination will reduce external and internal parasites to zero. Merck Animal Health is doing a study across Canada that samples cattle at processing with the endectocides and then again two weeks later to determine the effectiveness of the various treatment methods. Effectiveness of the pour-on products varies from almost totally ineffective to close to 90 percent. Many products are 30 to 70 percent effective, which means many of the worms are left, reducing production and recontaminating pastures next spring. The take home message is to collect manure samples and have them checked, even if you have applied an endectocide. Use the Safeguard for internal worms if worm burdens are significant. Your veterinarian can devise a strategy next spring to decrease worm burdens over the summer and start to clean up the parasites on the pastures. This may involve letting cattle pasture for a time and then deworming them through a prescribed mineral. Roy Lewis has a veterinary practice in Westlock, Alta. and works part time as a technical services veterinarian with Merck Animal Health.


Safe-Guard TM (fenbendazole ) is a different class of dewormer than pour-ons and injectables. It works fast to stop internal parasites and the hidden damage they cause. These parasites suppress feed intake, reduce average daily gain, hurt nutrient absorption and immune function, reducing the health and performance of your cattle.1,2 Use Safe-Guard as part of your parasite control program for more pounds of high quality beef in the feedlot.3,4 Visit www.AddSafe-Guard.com for more information or contact your veterinarian. 1 Endoparasite control, L.R. Ballweber, Veterinary Clinics Food Animal, 2006, 22:451-461. 2Economic analysis of pharmaceutical technologies in modern beef production, J.D. Lawrence and M.A. Ibarburu, Iowa State University, 2007. 3Pasture deworming and (or) subsequent feedlot deworming with fenbendazole. Effects of grazing performance, feedlot performance and carcass traits of yearling steers, R. Smith, et al., The Bovine Practitioner, 2000, 34:104-114. 4A fenbendazole oral drench in addition to an ivermectin pour-on reduces parasite burden and improves feedlot and carcass performance of finishing heifers compared with endectocides alone, C.D. Reinhardt, J.P. Hutcheson and W.T. Nichols, Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 84:2243-2250.


Safe-Guard is a trademark of Intervet International B.V. Used under license. Merck Animal Health (known as MSD Animal Health outside the US and Canada), operating in Canada as Intervet Canada Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. MERCK and MSD are trademarks of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. Copyright Š 2012 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved.






Artistic flair: the value of it all COWBOY LOGIC

Centennial Column Celebrating 100 years of students at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. The Centennial Column is a weekly feature highlighting the history and present successes of the college.


Finding the arts everywhere from homes to schools to concert halls

I Teresa Chu (left) with Ally and Sheila Schmutz with Sam.

The Dog Whisperers By Kris Foster Sheila Schmutz, a professor of animal science in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, hopes her research can find a link between genetics and deafness in dogs.

was touring an elementary school two weeks ago while the children were working on Halloween art projects. A young girl came over and gave me the picture she’d drawn of a bat. It was a pretty good looking bat, and it showed perfectly the concept of symmetry that her teacher had just explained. Half the bat on one side, half on the other. That’s how most of us start with art. We pick up a box of crayons when we’re three years old or we express ourselves diligently with one of those third grade art assignments. From there we grow up to do anything: raising food to teaching children; healing the sick to building a bridge. However, we start with art, and it takes off from there for

some unknown reason. Our kids are anchored in crayons, markers and lots of scrap paper. One of my cousins scored a whole box of scrap paper from her office for us, and we recycle it by having our kids draw on it, cut it up and fold airplanes out of it. I was the exact same way, according to my older relatives: always drawing. My uncle was on the rodeo committee and if they had left-over rodeo program blanks, I’d get them. Big sheets of glossy paper, clean on one side, became my sketch pads. They didn’t stay blank for long. I had extra encouragement at home, I suppose, since Mom was an accomplished artist. She could sketch with pencils or charcoal and paint with oils or acrylics, and it was all real as could be. She had an eye for detail, and she could paint a picture like a camera could take a photo. She taught me art at home, and she brought art to the classroom when her sisters were teaching country school near where she grew up. What kid wouldn’t want some spunky, good natured lady at the chalkboard who could make horses and cows and hills and trees flow from her fingertips? Art always brings to mind pictures and paintings, but when you say “the arts,” you’ve cast a bigger loop that takes in music, poetry, creative writing and acting on the stage.

We were lucky to have all the arts in our home, and even in our small, rural school district. Mom could play a half dozen musical instruments and wrote a column for many years. Dad would freeze if you ever put him in front of a microphone, but at the kitchen table he could recount a story with great theatrical presence and a wry sense of humor. We find the arts in all kinds of places: our homes, an elementary school in Bismarck, a country school in Red Cross Township, the kitchen table of a cattle ranch, Carnegie Hall in New York, the Louvre in Paris and the studio sets of Hollywood. Few of us will ever make our living as an artist, a musician, a writer or an actor, just as few of us will ever make our living as a professional athlete. However, just as backyard sports and school athletics can set us up with the basics of keeping our bodies healthy, so can home creativity, school bands, theaters and art classes set us up with the basics for keeping our minds sharp and our lives full. And that all struck me when a young girl gave me a symmetrical picture of a bat coloured in with a black crayon a few days before Halloween. Ryan Taylor is a rancher, writer and senator in the state legislature from Towner, North Dakota.

“Deafness in dogs is a huge problem and has always been explained as congenital—showing up at birth or in old age,” explained Schmutz. “We know that there are many types of deafness in people. Inheriting mid-life deafness is very common in humans, but there was never an animal model for mid-life deafness.” That was until Teresa Chu (BSc’96, DVM’00), a graduate student in the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the time, tracked down Schmutz seeking her expertise in genetics. Chu had come across something unusual: a seven-year-old border collie!(middle-aged by dog standards)!that became, without any previous signs, deaf. Because the dog’s mother developed deafness in mid-life, explained Chu, the owner had the younger dog tested every year since its birth and never had a positive test for deafness. “The owner wanted to breed this dog, but thought there might be a problem so tested every year,” said Chu, who confirmed the adult-onset deafness using a brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) test. She searched for other reports and research on the subject, but found nothing. “At this age in a dog, finding that deafness could be genetic and not congenital was never reported.” Chu then came across another border collie, Ally, who went deaf at five. On a mission and wanting to learn more about the genetic implications of the disease, Chu started attending border collie herding events. There she talked to border collie owners, performed BAER tests and collected DNA samples from more than 200 dogs. She discovered mid-life deafness in about a dozen dogs, with seven cases likely being adult-onset deafness. The information that Chu collected and studied with Schmutz suggested a possible genetic link. Schmutz hopes to compare DNA sequences in both deaf and normal border collies in the hope of finding mutations, and will then check for similar mutations in other deaf dogs. It all could lead to a genetic test for adult-onset deafness. “I do this work to help dogs, but the animal model could potentially provide a medical model for hearing loss in humans, too,” explained Schmutz.

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Chu,now a veterinarian in Saskatoon, adopted Ally. She had a litter of three puppies that are now seven years old and all began loosing hearing at about five years of age.

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This entitles the bearer of the $1,000 Gift Certificate towards the purchase of any model of Spraytest remote boom control. One $1000 gift certificate per purchase, per person. No cash value.

Item # 324-325







Full-Bin Super Sensor Never climb a bin again. Equips your auger to sense precisely when the bin is full. Fits any auger or conveyor. Disclaimer: FOB Unity, SK.

Disclaimer: All items, FOB Elstow, SK. No warranty for auction items. Spray Test Controls Inc.

Combine World

Box 269

Highway 16 East

Box 1172

Beechy, SK 306-859-1200 www.spraytest.com

Allan, SK 306-257-3800 www.combineworld.com

Unity, SK 306-228-2971 www.fullbinsupersensor.com

Item # 848




Prince$Albert 3,900


Brownlees Trucking Inc.

Item # 307-311 OPENING BID



20,000 lbs Power Pak 20 Granular Fertilizer

SDL 14 ft. Heavy Duty Hopper Cone

10 - 2000 lbs Bags, your choice of P-K-S blends. Approx 20lbs per acre does 1000 acres. All Blends with Micros. For Further Information on application or bulk buys or blends, call Greg at Power Rich Corp 1-800-491-8984 or visit www.powerrich.com. Disclaimer: FOB Winnipeg. Tax Exempt. Price adjustment available on custom blends. Bulk pricing available.

SDL 14 ft heavy duty hopper cone, 8 legs, manhole and 2x4x4 skid base, painted inside and outside, 18 inch inverted aeration system. Disclaimer: All Items FOB Margo, SK.

Power Rich Corporartion Shield Developments Ltd.

Unit B 1865 Borrows Ave

Item # 203

Winnipeg, MB 1-800-491-8984 www.powerrich.com

Box 88

Item # 900

Margo, SK 306-324-4441

















1.10% 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

0.990 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Bank of Canada 5-yr rate

Nov. 9

AG F IN ANC E E D I TO R: D ’ A RC E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN



Farmer-owned terminals a target? Grain company interest | The end of single-desk marketing has increased interest in prairie grain handling assets BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

In a year of mega mergers and grain industry consolidation, it remains to be seen whether Western Canada’s independent farmerowned grain terminals will emerge as the next takeover targets. Wayne Hittel, chair of the Inland Terminals Association of Canada, said Canada’s new deregulated wheat market has prompted farmerowned terminals to forge closer ties with big grain handling companies. But it’s not yet clear whether multinationals or Canadian-based line companies will attempt to secure a larger equity stake in Western Canada’s community-owned facilities. According to Hittel, corporate partnerships involving farmer-owned terminals can take many forms. In some cases, line companies have an equity position in farmer-owned facilities. In other cases, large companies like Viterra or Richardson will negotiate grain handling agreements with farmer-owned facilities. “Just because you’re not partnered with one of the bigger companies doesn’t mean that you don’t have some kind of alliance with them,” Hittel said. “Even if it’s not a joint venture, a lot of the time you’ll sign an agreement for delivering grain to their port terminal …. I’m going to say that probably all (independent terminals) have some type of agreement in place.” Like Little Red Riding Hood, farmer-owned terminals are relatively small players in a big environment. They are carrying a basket filled

Grain companies are forming alliances with independent terminals to increase grain flowing to their port facilities. | FILE PHOTO with goodies that every grain company wants — modern elevators, access to grain, and the trust and support of local growers. So far, there has been little to suggest that independent terminals are in the crosshairs of large Canadian companies or multinationals. But industry observers are watching. Last year, farmer shareholders at North East Terminal near Wadena, Sask., voted in favour of selling their terminal and other NET assets to Richardson International for roughly $25 million.

That sale arose after NET received an unsolicited offer in June 2010. After reviewing the offer, NET board members sought competing bids, eventually securing a deal that was reported to have paid NET shareholders $700 to $750 per share on an original investment of $100. Cargill, which had a 22 percent ownership stake in the company, said it would abide by the wishes of local shareholders. At least three of ITAC’s 10 member terminals have joint ventures with large grain handling companies.

Viterra has an equity position in CMI at Naicam, Sask., and Gardiner Dam Terminal at Strongfield, Sask. Cargill has an stake in the South West Terminal near Gull Lake, Sask. Shawn Graham, Gardiner Dam Terminal Joint Venture general manager, said Glencore International’s proposed takeover of Viterra would make Glencore the terminal’s fifth corporate partner in 11 years. “We’re getting good at building partnerships, or trying anyways…,” Graham said. At Unity, Sask., North West Terminal is taking a different tack. Shareholders there bought out their corporate partner Richardson in 2007 and are in the final stages of paying for that equity investment. Jason Skinner, chief executive officer, said NWT will soon be a completely independent, shareholdercontrolled company that owns country facilities, as well as a share in a West Coast export terminal. “It’s always interesting to be standing on the outside watching, that’s for sure,” said Skinner when asked about consolidation in the grain industry. Skinner said interest in prairie elevators has increased since the elimination of single-desk marketing. “I think a lot of those companies are interested in this market and what opportunities it presents.” Kevin Hursh, executive director of ITAC, said he is not aware of pending takeover deals involving ITAC terminals, but talks have likely taken place. “As an association, we don’t really get involved in (those discussions) because that’s the business of individual members but I don’t think it’s much of a secret that there’s been lots of talk back and forth and lots of deals looking to be done,” Hursh said. ITAC terminals handle about 2.5 million tonnes of grain, pulses and oilseeds a year and had assets with an replacement value of about $370 million in 2011. Hursh said the market value of those assets has jumped over the past few years.


Pulse marketer’s predictions for rebound pushed to 2013 BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Alliance Grain Traders keeps predicting a lentil market recovery is imminent, but it still hasn’t materialized. Company president Murad AlKatib reported more disappointing result for the third quarter of 2012. Demand for AGT’s products is strengthening, but it’s not showing up in the bottom line. “Pricing pressure and generally lower prices on pulses in end use

markets has not led to the margin recovery to the extent that we believed we would see in the period,” he told investment analysts and reporters in a conference call. The Regina firm posted sales of $210 million for the quarter, up from $202 million in the previous quarter and $190 million in last year’s third quarter. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization were $11.5 million, up from $9.3 million the previous quarter but down from $15 million posted a year ago.

“In the more than 15 years I’ve spent in the global export sector, believe me when I say we have never seen conditions like those that we are now emerging from. These conditions are about as bad as they can get,” said Al-Katib. Last quarter, Al-Katib expected a return to normalized sales and margins in the second half of 2012. His new prediction for recovery is 2013. “Credit liquidity constraints globally appear to be easing and we are seeing stabilization of currency in

many of our key markets,” he said. The company anticipates that will eventually result in a return to normalized sales and margins. In the meantime, Alliance has adopted a strategic plan that includes a continued focus on cost cutting and expanding the scope of its business. AGT h o p e s t o b o o s t ma r g i n s through value adding. Alliance will examine opportunities to process cereals, soybeans and other oilseeds at its Canadian pulse processing plants to increase use of those facilities.

Worries about the impending U.S. fiscal cliff pressured markets lower after U.S. president Barack Obama was returned to office. For the week, the TSX was down 2.4 percent, the Dow fell 2.1 percent, while the S&P 500 lost 2.4 percent and the Nasdaq dropped 2.6 percent. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.



ADM Alliance Grain Bunge Ltd. ConAgra Foods Legumex Walker Viterra Inc. W.I.T.


CLOSE LAST WK 25.39 13.30 71.49 27.77 6.88 15.77 13.25

26.85 14.03 71.98 28.07 7.12 15.74 13.25



Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 50.55 0.06 19.89 9.25 11.20

50.55 0.06 20.77 9.55 10.85



BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods


CLOSE LAST WK 0.09 29.61 11.00 18.00 20.76 5.71 16.81

0.09 29.75 11.07 18.25 21.18 5.93 17.13



AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 44.32 5.45 84.95 44.10 84.29 11.86

45.78 5.41 85.79 44.95 85.60 12.05



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

CLOSE LAST WK 96.07 79.95 83.28 29.36 43.34 0.96 86.43 51.57 39.04 75.68

105.44 83.21 85.91 29.75 44.15 1.02 85.87 52.19 40.11 76.75





CLOSE LAST WK 86.38 90.10

87.04 93.71

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, investment advisor with CIBC Wood Gundy in Calgary, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Member of CIPF and IIROC. Listed stock prices come from Thompson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Morrison can be reached at 800-332-1407.

Peas go to the dogs SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Alliance Grain Traders’ new $22 million fractionation plant in Minot, North Dakota, should be converting pulses into proteins, fibres, starches and flours early next year. A big market for those products will be the pet food industry. AGT president Murad Al-Katib said American dogs eat five million tonnes of meat a year. Half of Canada’s pea crop would be needed to capture 10 percent of that protein market.






Retiring generation must prepare, communicate

Poor potash sales hurt profits





nowing how to refer to the generation that will be leaving the business can be a bit awkward. The older generation? Senior generation? Seasoned generation? Whatever the descriptor, it is critical early on in the planning process for the retiring generation to document initial thoughts on retirement and succession. The retiring generation’s thoughts about the succession process varies significantly from family to family: • how they see it unfolding • their role during and after transition • what their needs will be • what the end state will look like. The interests of the retiring generation can, unintentionally, get lost in the tax and estate planning discussions. It is important to document and review these interests throughout the process to ensure they are kept topof-mind. If something goes amiss during or after the succession, the succeeding generation has a whole career ahead of it to make adjustments. The retiring generation doesn’t have that luxury. Therefore, it’s important that the retiring generation ask questions and begin to understand their interests in retirement early on in the succession planning process and before the transition of ownership and management is finalized. Here are questions the retiring generation can use to stimulate discussion on retirement and succession:

PERSONAL AND LIFESTYLE • what do you envision yourselves doing in retirement? • how much income will you need to live this way? • what are your current costs of living? • have you thought about inflation pressures and how this might affect your retirement needs? • are you planning to buy big ticket items in the five years after retiring, such as a house, cottage or an extensive travel vacation? • have you thought about yourself in retirement first, as opposed to thinking first about your children’s interests?

SUCCESSOR • who is taking over the family business? • are they ready? • will they need additional management training? • if so, what type?

• have you spoken with the successors regarding the transfer of the farm and have the discussions been formal; that is, have notes been recorded? • have you spoken to advisers regarding the transfer of the farm and have these discussions been formal, with notes recorded? • do you have regular business and/ or family meetings about business in general and specifically about succession? • have you spoken to your nonfarming children regarding the transfer of the farm? • are you worried about the potential for conflict?

ESTATE • do you have an up-to-date will? • does it accurately reflect your thoughts on succession? • have you appointed powers of attorney? • are you considering using, or do you have in place, life insurance as a vehicle to assist with succession? • are you considering passing some of your estate to grandchildren? • are you concerned about being fair and equitable?

China, India demand lower prices | Agrium expects sales in the U.S. to pick up WINNIPEG (Reuters) — Agrium has reported a 56 percent drop in quarterly profit and offered a weaker-than-expected fourth-quarter outlook as China and India balked at signing contracts to buy potash. Performance in the third quarter was also hurt by downtime at Agrium’s Saskatchewan potash mine and reduced sales of farm products due to the U.S. drought. New contracts with India and China, the world’s top two potash consumers, had been anticipated by late summer, but Agrium chief executive officer Mike Wilson said a deal with China will now come by the first quarter of 2013, and one with India by the second quarter. “If you look at the robust ag sector and what we have coming at us, it doesn’t warrant the (price) decreases that they’re demanding,” Wilson said. “And given our cost to capital and costs of production, we need to resist these significant price decreases they’re asking for.” Potash Corp recently reported third-quarter earnings down 22 percent due to a standoff on new contracts with China and India. China is seen as amply supplied with potash, while the nutrient is too expensive for some Indian farmers after a cut in government subsidies. Agrium sells nearly half its potash

in North America. The company’s mine at Vanscoy, Sask., was shut down because of expansion-related work for eight weeks in the quarter, dropping potash sales by more than half to 160,000 tonnes, including supplies the company had to buy from other producers to meet sales commitments. Positive outlook Agrium says next year looks strong with a second-half rebound in potash sales and with farmers likely to plant a large corn crop to cash in on high prices. “China and India will settle,” Wilson said. “And as soon as they settle, they’re going to try to pull hard (on supplies). You combine that with Brazil, Southeast Asia, and we think it’s going to be an excellent year for potash and phosphate and nitrogen in North America. You’re going to see a real surge of demand.” Agrium’s net earnings for the third quarter ended Sept. 30 fell to $129 million from $293 million a year earlier. Sales at Agrium’s retail business dropped 10 percent as the United States faced its worst drought in more than half a century. “The negative impact of the U.S. drought on the company’s retail segment was much stronger than we

expected, and appears to have caught most sell-side analysts by surprise,” said Robert Winslow, analyst at National Bank Financial. Agrium is trying to fend off a push by its largest shareholder, Jana Partners, to spin off the retail division. “This quarter’s performance … highlight that Agrium’s strong retail business remains subject to the cyclicality of its commodity-driven wholesale business, despite the absence of any quantifiable benefits to shareholders from this combination,” Jana managing partner Barry Rosenstein said. Jana, which owns four percent of Agrium, has demanded the company return more cash to shareholders. Wilson moved to satisfy another of Jana’s demands last week by offering additional disclosure of the retail side’s operations. “They’re not getting the traction with our shareholders,” he said. The company has not received offers for the retail business, but some investors have “sniffed around,” Wilson said. Agrium posted weaker earnings despite a strong performance in its sales of nitrogen, which has returned big profit margins because of low costs of natural gas, a key ingredient. Total sales for Agrium fell six percent to $2.96 billion.

OWNERSHIP, LABOUR AND MANAGEMENT • who will own the farm assets after the transition of ownership? • who will be working on the farm; specifically, what roles will you have? • who will be the manager? • what are the expectations for involvement from the rest of the family? • are considerations required for non-family involvement, either in management and/or ownership?

FARM FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE • do you know if the farm can financially support everyone’s needs and wants? • how will the transition be financed? • do you know the tax implications of your succession?


Olds College. A complete century of real-life, hands-on learning. In 1913, The Olds School of Agriculture and Home Economics opened its doors, changing the course of rural education in ways that still resonate today. To celebrate this milestone, Olds College invites you to a yearlong roster of signature events. As our 100th year approaches, we extend a big thank you to our generous supporters. Your contributions will help make our Centennial – a whole year of celebrations – truly memorable. For more information on sponsorship opportunities please contact: Ken Risi, Director of Development: (403) 556-4641 or krisi@oldscollege.ca

PLEASE JOIN US! 100.oldscollege.ca

• when will you retire? • when do you want your succession plan to be completed and ready for implementation? • when will the actual farm transition begin? • will the transition be gradual or all at once? You may have more questions than answers as you begin the process, but the process should help bring clarity and understanding to the questions. There are no right or wrong answers, which adds to the complexity. However, I find that working through this exercise with farm families can be beneficial. Terry Betker is a farm management consultant based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He can be reached at 204.782.8200 or terry. betker@backswath.com.

SIGNATURE EVENT CENTENNIAL GALA MARCH 22, 2013 PASTPORT to the Future This year’s 11th annual Growing the Legacy Gala is not to be missed. Celebrating 100 years of Olds College, its students and its accomplishments, this evening will be a celebration of our past as we look forward to our next 100 years. We would like to extend a special thank you to our 2013 Title Sponsor; Henry Heuver and Dennis Westoff of HenDen in Calgary, Alberta. The evening will provide an excellent opportunity to mingle and network with our students, staff, and other guests while enjoying the gourmet food stations. Relax while being served dessert as we announce our Partner of the Year and entertained by our Keynote Speaker; Métis actor, singer, producer and activist, Tom Jackson.

Thank you to our Early Sponsors:

Olds College – 4500, 50 Street – Olds, Alberta, Canada T4H 1R6 For more information on general Centennial or 2013 Gala information: Kerry Moynihan (403) 556-4762 or kmoynihan@oldscollege.ca









GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt)

Grade A


Live Nov. 2-8

Previous Oct. 26-Nov. 1

Year ago

Rail Nov. 2-8

114.00 97.19-117.06 n/a 96.00-100.00

112.00-115.50 102.44-122.03 n/a n/a

112.58 113.05 n/a 99.38

189.75-190.00 190.00-192.00 189.00 n/a

187.50-189.85 188.00-191.00 187.00 n/a

114.75 107.60-116.48 n/a 94.00-99.00

115.00-115.50 104.32-117.48 n/a n/a

112.16 109.54 n/a 98.50

190.00-190.50 189.00-191.00 n/a n/a

189.00-189.85 187.00-190.00 187.00 n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$155 $150 $145 $140 $135 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Saskatchewan $150


Manitoba $155 $150 $145 $140 $135 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $150


Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)

$130 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400

Cattle Slaughter





115-131 122-137 130-143 135-150 143-170 156-188

115-127 120-137 125-143 135-155 140-165 152-184

120-132 125-137 130-143 137-153 148-170 165-191

113-128 120-133 126-137 130-150 142-165 157-187

113-123 118-130 123-138 128-152 136-163 148-175

110-122 115-130 120-137 127-153 137-163 145-170

116-127 120-131 125-141 130-150 141-167 155-176

110-122 115-125 120-134 130-149 140-160 150-172 Canfax

$145 $140

Average Carcass Weight

$135 $130 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Nov. 3/12 900 829 675 1039


Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $145 $140 $135

Nov. 5/11 904 830 657 997

YTD 12 878 821 680 1027

YTD 11 851 780 673 1012

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)

$130 $125 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Manitoba $145 $140 $135 $130 $125 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) Steers National n/a Kansas n/a Nebraska n/a Nebraska (dressed) n/a Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) South Dakota Billings Dodge City

Steers n/a n/a 140-142.75

Trend n/a n/a steady

Basis Cattle / Beef Trade

Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb

-10.98 -11.65 -12.80

-10.65 -12.08 -13.23

Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 1638.4 -3 Non-fed 241.5 -17 Total beef 1879.9 -5

Exports % from 2011 516,996 (1) +3.4 122,102 (1) +79.1 152,830 (3) -8.4 204,861 (3) -8.7 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 31,935 (2) -26.7 147,104 (4) +4.6 186,727 (4) +8.1

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to Oct. 27/12 (2) to Aug. 31/12 (3) to Aug. 31/12 (4) to Nov. 3/12


Agriculture Canada

Close Nov. 9 Live Cattle Dec 125.75 Feb 129.35 Apr 133.28 Jun 129.40 Aug 129.60 Feeder Cattle Nov 144.20 Jan 145.60 Mar 148.00 Apr 149.80 May 150.95

125.43 129.18 133.38 129.70 129.75

+0.32 +0.17 -0.10 -0.30 -0.15

120.55 122.73 126.80 125.45 125.50

144.90 146.68 149.03 150.78 152.18

-0.70 -1.08 -1.03 -0.98 -1.23

142.15 145.68 146.63 147.73 148.40

Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt) This wk Last wk Yr. ago n/a n/a 205-207 Canfax

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Nov. 2 Previous Base rail (index 100) 2.32 2.32 Index range 103.00-108.12 102.29-108.12 Range off base 2.39-2.51 2.36-2.51 Feeder lambs 1.10-1.15 1.10-1.15 Sheep (live) 0.40-0.60 0.40-0.60 SunGold Meats

Nov. 5 1.70-1.90 1.45-1.85 1.38-1.60 1.55-1.64 1.42-1.50 1.20-1.80 0.80-0.95 0.85-1.00 75-120

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

1.65-2.17 1.55-1.85 1.43-1.65 1.47-1.60 1.20-1.35 1.20-1.80 0.80-1.00 0.95-1.05 75-120

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $150 $145 $140 $135 n/a n/a $130 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Fixed contract $/ckg

Dec 02-Dec 15 Dec 16-Dec 29 Dec 30-Jan 12 Jan 13-Jan 26 Jan 27-Feb 09 Feb 10-Feb 23 Feb 24-Mar 09 Mar 10-Mar 23 Mar 24-Apr 06 Apr 07-Apr 20 Apr 21-May 04


Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)

$150 $145 $140 $135 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

(1) to Oct. 27/12

(2) to Aug. 31/12

Export 734,649 (1) 213,364 (2) 779,896 (2)

$155 $150 $145 $140 n/a

$135 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Dec Feb Apr May

Close Nov. 9 80.75 86.33 91.00 97.50

Close Nov. 2 77.75 83.90 89.48 97.20

To Nov. 3 Canada 17,089,805 17,078,789 + 0.1

To date 2012 To date 2011 % change 12/11

Fed. inspections only U.S. 93,924,606 92,056,535 + 2.0 Agriculture Canada

+3.00 +2.43 +1.52 +0.30

Year ago 86.45 87.75 91.05 96.80

n/a 145.32

Man. Que.

n/a 153.59 *incl. wt. premiums

Import n/a 177,638 (3) 188,036 (3)

% from 2011 n/a +10.8 + 8.2 Agriculture Canada

EXCHANGE RATE: NOV. 9 $1 Cdn. = $0.9976 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.0024 Cdn.

$320 $315

$305 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Milling Wheat (Dec.) $330 $320

$290 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Close Nov. 9 100.03 100.25 99.85 88.70

Trend +0.25 +0.55 +0.70 +0.55

Year ago 98.15 97.48 96.58 86.10

Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)

Nov. 9 19.80-21.00 14.00-17.00 19.00-23.00 20.85-27.00 15.75-17.75 15.25-19.00 13.50-16.00 11.25-13.00 9.25-10.75 7.75-9.05 8.80-9.05 11.50-13.40 5.00-8.10 38.75-39.00 32.75-33.00 25.40-26.75 23.50-28.00 27.00-32.75 26.50-32.75 22.50-22.75 22.30-23.50

No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)

$620 $615

Avg. 20.34 16.11 20.93 23.36 16.83 17.31 15.31 12.01 10.22 8.74 8.96 12.28 5.64 38.88 32.83 26.30 25.91 29.38 27.80 22.60 23.10

Nov. 5 20.34 16.11 20.93 23.48 16.50 17.58 15.31 11.89 10.22 8.67 8.96 12.28 5.64 36.13 31.36 n/a 25.66 29.38 27.80 22.60 23.10

Cash Prices

Canola (cash - Jan.)

Nov.7 Oct. 31 Year Ago n/a 208.13 170.31 n/a 153.57 195.98 22.00 24.10 27.85

$605 $600 10/4 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9

Canola (basis - Jan.) $10 $5 $0 $-5

U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.) USDA

No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator

Nov. 8 8.94 8.78 8.23 5.76 5.04

$-10 10/4 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9

Grain Futures Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $320 $310 $300 $290 $280 10/4 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $560 $555 $550 $545 n/a n/a $540 10/4 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9

Barley (cash - Dec.) $285 $280

Basis: $28

Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Corn (Dec.) $770 $760 $750 $740 $730 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

$1600 $1560 $1520 $1480

Oats (Dec.) $420 $400 $380

Nov. 9 Nov. 5 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Nov 593.90 593.80 +0.10 Jan 591.40 589.80 +1.60 Mar 589.40 586.00 +3.40 May 586.50 578.50 +8.00 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Dec 310.30 308.50 +1.80 Mar 319.80 318.00 +1.80 May 322.80 321.00 +1.80 July 324.80 323.00 +1.80 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Dec 312.40 312.40 0.00 Mar 319.00 319.00 0.00 May 323.00 323.00 0.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Dec 250.00 250.00 0.00 Mar 253.00 253.00 0.00 May 254.00 254.00 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 8.8650 8.6600 +0.2050 Mar 9.0150 8.7925 +0.2225 May 9.0800 8.8625 +0.2175 Jul 8.8850 8.7400 +0.1450 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Dec 3.6350 3.5800 +0.0550 Mar 3.7200 3.6725 +0.0475 May 3.7200 3.6800 +0.0400 July 3.6900 3.6525 +0.0375 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Nov 14.5200 15.0425 -0.5225 Jan 14.5125 15.0325 -0.5200 Mar 14.3650 14.8250 -0.4600 May 14.1925 14.5650 -0.3725 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) Dec 47.77 48.32 -0.55 Jan 48.16 48.70 -0.54 Mar 48.62 49.18 -0.56 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Dec 7.3875 7.3550 +0.0325 Mar 7.4200 7.3800 +0.0400 May 7.3875 7.3550 +0.0325 Jul 7.2900 7.2675 +0.0225 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 9.5050 9.4000 +0.1050 Mar 9.5850 9.4625 +0.1225 May 9.6625 9.5300 +0.1325 Jul 9.6275 9.5225 +0.1050 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 9.2225 9.0900 +0.1325 Mar 9.3850 9.2450 +0.1400 May 9.4550 9.3025 +0.1525

Year ago 517.90 519.90 527.00 531.40 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.1575 6.3825 6.5750 6.7250 3.1900 3.2500 3.3100 3.3700 11.7200 11.7825 11.8875 11.9900 51.22 51.43 51.76 6.3350 6.4325 6.4925 6.5125 9.2750 8.7525 8.4900 8.3175 6.9200 7.0350 7.1250

$360 $340 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Close Nov. 2 99.78 99.70 99.15 88.15

Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Cash Prices

$1440 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

% from 2011 -11.8 +5.1 +5.1

Jun Jul Aug Oct


Soybeans (Nov.)

Index 100 hogs $/ckg

(3) to Nov. 3/12


Durum (Dec.)

Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)


$240 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

$265 10/4 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9

Hogs / Pork Trade




Hog Slaughter

Alta. Sask.



Nov. 12 Wool lambs >80 lb. 1.15-1.17 Wool lambs <80 lb. 1.22 Hair lambs 1.05 Fed sheep 0.40-0.55

Pulse and Special Crops



HOGS Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. Nov. 8 Nov. 9 139.62-139.62 141.62-141.62 136.68-136.68 138.68-138.68 137.00-138.38 138.93-140.31 141.60-144.81 143.53-146.75 147.57-149.87 149.51-151.81 151.71-152.17 153.65-154.11 150.10-151.02 151.11-152.03 150.56-151.48 151.57-152.49 151.02-154.13 152.03-154.91 158.74-163.81 159.51-164.57 167.95-169.79 168.71-170.00



Close Trend Year Nov. 2 ago

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.

Barley (Dec.)


Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)

Montreal Heifers n/a n/a n/a n/a

ICE Futures Canada


To Nov. 3 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2012 2,261,189 27,465,436 To date 2011 2,464,399 28,624,338 % Change 12/11 -8.2 -4.0


Cash Futures

Previous Oct. 26-Nov. 1

Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (Dec.) $980 $960 $940 $920 $900 10/5 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/9

Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To tonnes) Nov. 4 Wheat 129.8 Durum 101.8 Oats 26.4 Barley 75.2 Flax 5.4 Canola 100.6 Peas 15.6 Canola crush 147.4

To Oct. 28 190.0 116.8 17.2 38.1 9.2 276.7 108.2 149.1

Total to date 3407.7 1223.2 384.3 332.8 37.8 2164.8 634.7 1921.1

Last year 3493.4 800.5 449.5 256.1 61.9 2274.2 733.3 1669.8



Travis and Harold Trask move heifers down to the winter feed yard. Early winter hit the Peace River, B.C., area with a vengeance with more than 30 centimetres of snow by the end of October. | JOAN TRASK PHOTO


EDITOR: JOANNE PAULSON MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500 The Western Producer is a weekly newspaper serving Western Canadian farmers since 1923. Published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada. ADVERTISING Classified ads: Display ads: In Saskatoon: Fax:





Much above normal

Nov. 15 - 21 (in °C)

Nov. 15 - 21 (in mm)

Above normal




Saskatoon Regina

Below normal






Much below normal

Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

14.7 4.4 12.9 11.3 7.1 17.4 6.7 3.7 3.7 7.7 5.6 8.2 13.3 6.3 14.0 17.3 4.7 5.0

0.0 2.0 1.5 0.8 7.1 0.8 0.6 6.7 12.0 6.2 11.3 0.7 2.8 0.3 0.4 3.2 4.4 3.0

-5.6 -7.5 -8.4 -4.3 -8.7 -6.2 -11.6 -12.8 -15.8 -10.3 -8.5 -6.2 -5.9 -7.8 -8.0 -6.3 -7.0 -7.9

1.8 13.3 3.0 10.3 8.3 1.5 3.1 8.8 14.5 7.4 14.1 6.6 7.3 11.2 0.9 3.2 11.2 3.4

53 266 73 215 259 38 58 157 227 161 252 165 203 280 28 97 229 69

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MANITOBA Temperature last week High Low

Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

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ALBERTA Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

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The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)


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13.4 11.1 8.2 7.0 9.3 6.6 3.2 17.6 6.8 15.0 17.3 5.8 14.8 9.7 13.9 7.9

-7.7 -12.5 -10.7 -9.6 -9.9 -10.8 -14.1 -8.0 -10.7 -6.4 -6.5 -9.7 -10.1 -11.1 -13.1 -10.2

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

3.6 7.4 0.8 2.5 9.7 2.9 0.8 1.6 3.4 1.3 3.6 0.6 12.5 6.8 6.1 7.7

5.8 7.6 12.2 3.8 19.1 9.1 1.1 5.7 6.3 4.1 9.6 1.6 13.1 7.4 12.8 16.4

166 200 244 100 398 128 14 139 131 111 178 25 166 176 233 349

Temperature last week High Low

Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage la Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

5.8 6.3 3.7 7.7 7.1 6.3 4.0 4.9

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

-5.4 -6.0 -3.6 -5.1 -3.5 -4.0 -10.1 -2.9

2.0 10.1 11.0 1.5 4.6 8.7 8.7 6.0

13.0 11.2 11.0 9.6 9.4 13.7 13.4 6.0

228 172 151 160 122 185 191 77

-5.3 -10.6 0.9 -4.0 -8.7

13.7 1.3 3.0 3.4 2.1

16.5 5.6 4.8 11.8 11.2

140 70 70 119 72

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

16.2 5.9 16.8 15.4 7.8

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: www.agr.gc.ca/drought. Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca

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