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VOL. 91 | NO. 1 | $4.25







A photographer takes photos of cracks in the ice in the middle of Two Jack Lake on the Lake Minnewanka road in Banff National Park, Alta., Dec. 14. |



Farm show marks 30 years SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Thirty years ago a group of individuals from the University of Saskatchewan and Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corp. thought it would be a good idea to put on a chemical, fertilizer and seed show. After the inaugural Western Canadian Crop Production Show in Januar y 1984, they decided it could become successful annual event given the right promotion. That turned out to be an accurate forecast. The event has blossomed into a popular farmer gathering where a lot of business gets done. The four-day show established a record attendance of 19,948 visitors last year, up from the previous fiveyear average of 14,964. Prairieland’s food service department expects to serve up 500 kilo-

The Western Canadian Crop Production Show in Saskatoon always draws a crowd. | FILE PHOTO grams of roast beef at this year’s 30th anniversary event.

“It’s our largest show other than our summer fair — the Saskatoon Ex,” said Lori Cates, agricultural manager of Prairieland. The success of the show is heavily dependent on the weather. A nasty blizzard cancelled an entire day of the event back in 2007 and sliced the four-day attendance total to 10,877 people. Last year, the conditions were ideal. “I mean we didn’t have any snow. We were just right around the zero (degrees Celsius) mark for all four days,” said Cates. She said she thinks the show’s founders would have difficulty recognizing the modern event. There were no attendance figures in 1984 because there was no charge for admission. But there were 80 exhibitors housed in the old Jubilee building. The 2013 event will feature 327

exhibitors spread out among 20,439 sq. metres of trade show space. “It takes every square inch of our buildings and all of our staff,” said Cates. The cost of a typical booth has more than doubled to $750 from $300 in 1984. There will also be 12 outdoor trade show spaces at the 2013 event. “It could be 30 below in January and people are still bringing their equipment here to put on display outside,” said Cates. The four-day show generates considerable economic spinoff for the city. “I know just from talking to the hotels I don’t think you can get a hotel room in the city that week,” she said. “Going out for dinner that week is crazy.” SEE FARM SHOW, PAGE 3


The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publisher: Shaun Jessome Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240; Registration No. 10676

JANUARY 3, 2013 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4

A popular event | Saskatoon hosts four-day show, organizers hope to beat 2012 attendance record BY SEAN PRATT











For F or decades, Canada has boasted of its “balanced position” in trade negotiations — demanding foreign access ess for competitive exp port products, such as grain and livestock, while insisting on protection for sensitive products such as dairy,, poultry and eggs. export House of Commons vote was a dramatic moment in solidifying that position ass MPs said supply A Nov. 22, 2005, unanimous unan management cannot be touched. A reconstruction of the day building to the evening vote reveals intense behind-themaanagement protections protecti scenes tensions within parties and a Conservative compromise that helped the party win government two sceenes negotiations, political p months bureau correspondent Barry Wilson examines the events leading up to the dramatic day. mo onths later. Ottawa b y.


nternational trade talks have been in stalemate since MPs voted unanimously seven years ago to preserve thee supply management status quo. im mpact of the motion As a result, the impact tested d. has yet to be tested. supp p orters alike are Critics and supporters Canada--European Union watching Canada-European an nd nascent Transfree trade talks and Partnershiip negotiations to Pacific Partnership governmeent feels bound by see if the government d if it moves, what the resolution and fallout follows. “I do think somee upcoming deals will be a test,” Canadian Can nadian AgriFood Trade Alliance executive exx ecutive director Kathleen Sullivan ssaid. aid. “It hasn’t affected d deals yet because there have been none, no one, but it certainly is raised by people in in the Cairns group and others when w wee meet with them, so in that way it has haas had an effect. I think we have handed hand ded people a stick on a silver platter to o beat us with.”

André Bellavance, the Bloc Québécois MP who moved the motion Qué Nov. 22, 2005, said the target at the time was an impending World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong, which niza appeared to offer a chance of breakapp through and compromise. thro Instead, the meeting in December Ins 2005 led to WTO stalemate that has only deepened over the years. Governments are now moving their attenernm tion to regional trade negotiations. “In that way, I think the motion is more mor important now than it was then with CETA and TPP coming,” he said. “The “Th government has its direction and industry will be watching.” Former Canadian agriculture Fo negotiator Mike Gifford said the parnego liamentary vote came, ironically, at a liam time when the dairy sector was signalling that some compromise was nall possible, although not on over-quota poss tariffs tarif that give the industry stability to set se production quota levels with

the knowledge of what percentage of the market is available to imports. “When I talked to supply management leaders privately, at least some of them, even post-2005 they recognized that at the end of the day, this was not a sustainable position, and that Canada would have to make some concessions,” Gifford said. He was Canada’s chief agricultural negotiator in Geneva for many years, including talks on the Uruguay Round that led to the last WTO deal in 1993. “But they would also say, quite accurately, that the politics within the farm community in Canada is such that we daren’t say this in public before the end game because God knows what will happen in the negotiation,” Gifford said. “We can’t say anything publicly until it is clear that a deal is coming together, that it is clear we are where we were in 1993 again.” Although it would deviate from the

2005 vote and cause a political uproar from the supply managed sector and opposition politicians, there is growing speculation that Canada could offer more access by increasing low-tariff imports brought in under tariff rate quotas. Proponents of the idea said that would be a concession without destabilizing the supply management system. Liberal trade critic Wayne Easter, a self-described “fierce defender” of supply management who voted for the resolution but thought it was too restrictive, hints at that potential solution. “The system cannot be negotiated away,” he said. “You can move on access, but you cannot move on tariffs and that’s what’s crucial to the system.” Former trade negotiator Michael Hart does not under-estimate the power of the supply management lobby to dissuade government from approving any weakening of support for the system’s protections.

Hart, rt, the Simon Reisman cchair hair in tradee policy at Ottawa’s Carleton Carletton University, negotiators ty, was one of the lead neg gotiators in thee Canada-U.S. Free Tradee Agreementt talks a quarter century ag ago. go. “Wee tried to get the government governm ment to see this his as an opportunity to deal with supply management, to use it as a quid id pro quo to get rid of ssome ome of the American policies we didn didn’t n’t like,” he recalled. called. “It would have been a card d worth playing, were ng, but dairy farmers wer re on the march ch immediately and before we even sat down to do serious n negotiaegotiations,, the government had cave caved ed on it.” In the House of Commons Commons, s, thenforeign Clark gn affairs minister Joe Cla ark rose to answer nswer an opposition question qu u estion about manageut “selling out” supply m anagement. t. “Hee said supply management managem m ent is part of the very warp and w woof oof of Canadian and adian Confederation an nd once the minister said that, that wa was as it.”

How one one move changed chan the course of the game for supply management and internationall trade

T WAS A FLEETING Parliament Hill meeting of poopponents litical opp ponents Nov 22, 2005, that sealed a deal deal to engrave supply managementt protectionism into Canadian trade trad de policy stone. Inside the H House ouse of Commons, MPs debated d a Bloc Québécois motion that Canada Caanada reject any trade deal that would d liberalize highly protectionist supply supp ply management rules. Those rules set s et strict production quotas and prices prrices for dairy farmers and quotas for fo or the egg and poultry industries, w while hile shielding them from most foreign foreeign competition with a system of high higgh tarrifs on incoming products above abovve certain quantities. Outside, two o political leaders met briefly in a parliamentary parrliamentary side room to make it possible. posssible. BQ leader Gilles Gilles Duceppe agreed that his party partt y would amend its motion to add d a Conservative proposal that anyy future trade agreement should “ensure “eensure (it) strengthens the market access of Canada’s agricultural exporters.” Conser vative leader Stephen Harper, a protectionism proteectionism opponent in private life and d an economist with an aversion to tariffs tarriffs leading a prairie-


based free trade party in public life, b ssaid OK. Underlings worked out a deal that tthe two leaders ratified. Then, with tthe New Democratic Party on side, all tthat remained was to see if the goveerning minority Liberals would sign on, despite misgivings, and make the o vvote unanimous. “I was working with the UPA (Union des Producteurs Agricoles) to get the d rresolution passed, and we wanted it unanimous,” BQ MP and motion u ssponsor André Bellavance said. “It was not easy at the beginning of tthe day because the Conservatives were not sure, so we added words to w tthe motion for them. Mr. Duceppe aand Mr. Harper talked in the lobby aabout that. I was there. The Conservvatives got on board.” The rookie MP’s main problem was with the Liberals. w Cabinet ministers in the minority ggovernment were heading off two weeks later for a World Trade Organiw zzation meeting in Hong Kong, and tthey thought the motion would tie ttheir hands. “The Liberals worked all day to have changes that would give them h more latitude at negotiations,” said m

Bellavance. “(Agriculture minister Andy) Mitchell talked to me about it through the day. I remember I had a headache because of the pressure.” The 41-year-old former radio announcer from a rural central Quebec riding had been elected just the previous year and had been named BQ agriculture critic only months before. Suddenly, he was thrust into the middle of one of the most political agricultural issues in the country. It was a day soaked with intense politics, high-level strategy and enormous electoral stakes. Rarely in recent decades has an agricultural issue commanded such high-level attention. _______ OR THE BQ, IT WAS A relatively simple issue and highly political. The following week, they planned to join with the Conservatives and NDP to bring down the Liberal government for a winter election. Supply management was a huge issue in their rural Quebec ridings, and there were fears a December WTO deal could under-


galleries Commons public ga a lleries were filled with UPA and supply sup pply management farmers. HE ISSUE WAS M MUCH UCH MORE complex for the westernConservatives. based Conserva atives. Their voter base was largely profree trade, as were their theeir MPs. In the 2004 election, when they t hey held the Liberals to a minority, almost almost 70 percent of Conservativee MPs elected were from the West, none no one from Quebec and only two dozen from Ontario’s 103 ridings. The party needed d an Ontario breakthrough and rural ruraal Ontario was the best bet. “It was a political dec decision cision that was made around the timee of the formation of the merged party parrty (in 2003),” said Tom Flanagan, for former rmer national Conservative campaign n director and former Harper chief of of staff who is now at the University of of Calgary. “We knew it was bad economics at the time but believed iitt was the only political course. Another Anoth her factor was the calculation that the only chance the Conservatives had tto o win Ontario seats and perhaps in Quebec were rural seats where the dairy daairy industry is relatively strong.”

“toward a market-driven environ“tow ment” for dairy and poultry was men politically necessary. poli Despite a day of Conservative De speeches extolling the virtues of agrispee cultural exports, they all voted for cult high tariff protection for some sectors. tors Two months later came the Central Tw Canadian breakthrough: 15 new Can mainly rural seats in Ontario, 10 in mai Quebec and the first Conservative Que government elected in almost two gove decades. deca _______


mine system protections. There were politics to be played d with the help of the powerful UPA. “We knew an election was coming ng so I said to the UPA, I think we have a chance to ask them (the Liberals) to o vote for it before an election cammpaign,” said Bellavance. “They wouldn’t want to go to Quebec, c, Ontario and other provinces where re supply management was important to explain in a campaign why they voted d against supply management.” The night of the vote, House of




Trade n negotiators egotiato seek ways around supply management stalemate

2002, As recently as 20 0 02, a resolution from the Canadian n Alliance party (a predecessor) Conservative pred decessor) had said that any trade agreement affecting management supply manageme ent would have to farmers make sure those fa armers were given access foreign market acce ess “and that there will be a significantt transition period towards in any move toward ds a market-driven environment.” later, Three years later r, MPs were being told that a stand against against any move

OR THE GOVERNING Liberals, the political complication was that they had to live with the decision. Andy An Mitchell spent the day trying to convince opposition MPs that the co motion would be more tenable if it mot called calle for negotiators to protect supply management but not to specify m how it must be done. “I would have been more comfortw able with a motion that simply dealt with the end goal,” he said. “But “B at the end of the day, I was going goin to show Canadian producers


that I support supply management and there was no option other than to support the resolution.” Despite opposition charges that the Liberals were waffling and trying to dilute supply management support, Mitchell said his vote for the motion was never in doubt. “I do think it was an important expression of parliamentary opinion that, although not binding, governments have an obligation to listen to.” In the lead-up to the Nov. 22 vote, UPA leadership arranged a meeting with then prime minister and Montreal MP Paul Martin to warn about the consequences of not supporting the motion. Afterward, Canadian export lobbyists who attended the Hong Kong WTO meeting said they overheard Mitchell apologize to then agriculture negotiator Steve Verheul about the motion. “I don’t remember that, but it wouldn’t surprise me that I said we have just added another complication to your job,” said Mitchell, now a municipal politician in the Peterborough, Ont., area.

HEN THE POLITICAL smoke cleared after the vote, Quebec and supply management leaders cheered and returned to their farms convinced of political support. Flanagan said the campaign for the Nov. 22 Commons vote was an important illustration of the political power of Canada’s dairy farmer lobby. “These people are relentless,” he said. “They won’t leave you alone unless you give them total support. It was


their victory.” In the intervening years, the th he Conservative held ative party made and hel ld gains in rural ral Ontario but has seen its its Quebec rural ural base shrink. Still, l, the government and aagriculgriculture minister Gerry Ritz remain r emain steadfast supply dfast defenders of suppl ly management. ment. And d once Bellavance’s headache cleared red up after that tense day, he found d his role in the vote a political political winner ner in his rural riding on the south Lawrence h shore of the St. Lawrenc ce River. In 2011, he was one of four B BQ Q MPs to hold old their seats in the face facce of the NDP wave in Quebec. He tells the story of a 2008 eelection lection visit to his riding by thenthen-leader - leader Duceppe, eppe, who lost his own n seat in 2011.. It was a day to discuss farm m policy, so a farm background was ne needed. eeded. “I took ook Mr. Duceppe and thee media onto a farm that had been a Liberal farm,,” he said. “Hee had been a Liberal partisan, paartisan, but after the supply manag management g ement motion, on, he called to tell mee he was one of mine. I think it helped me in my riding. iding.”

We knew an election was coming so I said to the UPA, I think we have a chance to ask them (the Liberals) to vote for it before an election campaign. They wouldn’t want to go to Quebec, Ontario and other provinces where supply management was important to explain in a campaign why they voted against supply management.

otion that simply I would have been more comfortable with a motion ay, I was going to dealt with the end goal. But at the end of the day, show Canadian producers that I support supplyy management and there was no option other than to support the resolution. I do mentary opinion think it was an important expression of parliamentary that, although not binding, governments have an obligation to listen to.






Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Animal Health Weather



A day for the history books



» ENVIRONMENT: A study finds

288-0 | How the Bloc Québécois managed a unanimous vote to protect supply management




Nov. 22, 2005, was something of a political coming of age for many free trade prairie Reform-Conservative MPs who had cut their political teeth fighting against agricultural protectionism and tariffs. One after another that evening, they stood in the House of Commons to voice their support for supply management, with its tariffs as high as 200 and 300 percent. Politics made them do it. “They swallowed themselves whole,” Liberal MP Wayne Easter quipped. “It was all political,” said the thenprominent Medicine Hat MP Monte Solberg, who voted for the resolution and went on to hold cabinet positions in later Conservative governments. “From a policy point of view, it was a step backwards, but at the time, we felt as a party it was important to make sure Quebec felt we were being sensitive to their interests.” In a recent interview, Solberg said it was a tough evening for many free trade MPs from the Prairies. “There were a lot of guys who had to swallow a lot of crow because they had been vocal on the issue, but welcome to the broader political agenda,” he said. The atmosphere in the Commons was heated as the debate raged through the day. MPs were treading on ice as thin as the wind-polished sheen that coated Parliament Hill inclines that late November day. The stakes were high. A federal election loomed, the minority Liberal government looked vulnerable and a crucial World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong was just two weeks away. Bloc Québécois rookie MP André Bellavance seized the moment to put forward a motion that W TO negotiators be instructed to reject any deal that lowered supply management over-quota tariffs or increased guaranteed access tariff rate quota levels. The parties negotiated the issue through the day. The BQ accepted a Conservative-proposed amendment that any WTO deal should also provide benefits for export sectors but rejected a Liberal proposal to water down the resolution by requiring protection of the system but allowing changes in existing rules. The core of the motion was to reject

any reduction in high dairy, poultry and egg protectionist tariffs. After five hours of debate, the vote was called to demand no reduction in Canadian supply management agricultural tariffs. Southern Alberta MP Ted Menzies, a former Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association president and leader of the Agri-Food Trade Alliance that opposes tariffs, rose in his seat. “Yes,” he voted. West-central Saskatchewan Conservative MP Gerry Ritz, who had little sympathy for protectionism in his early political life, rose: “Yes.” Conservative leader Stephen Harper, who as president of the Canadian Citizens’ Coalition had condemned agricultural protectionism, was not in the House to vote but had sanctioned or ordered party support. The final vote was 288-0. That vote remains the no-compromise Canadian position, even as the country engages in trade liberalization talks with the European Union and the Trans-Pacific Partnership groups, where high supply managed import tariffs are at issue as Canada tries to negotiate better access for export commodities. “It certainly has constrained our negotiators and I think has compromised Canada’s credibility in trying to negotiate better access for other commodities,” Canadian Sugar Institute president and Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance board member Sandra Marsden said. The vote that late November night was what is called a standing vote, where each member has to personally declare a position. It was triggered by a parliamentary trick. When Bloc Québécois MPs shouted “no” to their own motion, it required all MPs to take a public stand. If more than five MPs rise to demand a standing vote, House rules require a recorded vote with names on the record. Quebec farmers in the House of Commons public gallery that evening were confused by the BQ “no” vote. “We had to explain to them it was a parliamentary tactic,” said Bellavance. “We wanted a recorded vote because any minister or a new government could say, well the party voted for it but we weren’t there that night,” he said. “But everybody stood up from all parties, so we have it on paper. Everyone supported it. They can’t hide.”

76 33 26 9 78 10 12 23 73 79

COLUMNS Milk run: The milk industry wouldn’t work if the product couldn’t get off the farm. This is how it happens. See page 60. | BARB GLEN PHOTO

» » »

quite the year, from grain marketing to hog prices. Here is the year that was. 4 REVENUE CAP: Both national railways exceed their revenue cap. Grain research reaps the benefits. 16 FARM TOUR: Supply managed sectors hold a tour to teach the public about how their industries work. 17 LAKE FRIENDLY: A proposed food label may lower nutrient levels in Lake Winnipeg. 20 SPECIAL REPORT: Supply management support hinges on a key vote in Parliament. What happened that day? 28

» » »

that ecological goods and services programs are uncoordinated in Canada. 31 MORE INPUT: Farm groups say governments must consult more with them when devising programs. 62 WATER WORKS: The Saskatchewan government is urged to initiate a $1 billion water supply project. 64 PORT UPGRADE: Brazil is spending $60 billion to fix its export infrastructure. 74 WHEAT SQUEEZE: Genetically modified corn and soybeans push wheat out of traditional growing areas. 75


» OCEAN FREIGHT: Low ocean freight rates »

make Canadian grain more competitive. 6 DRY WHEAT: Winter wheat’s popularity has been growing in Saskatchewan, but a dry fall set back acres in the province. 7


» ON THE FARM: A Saskatchewan couple »

looks for a rural connection. 23 LOOKING BACK: Jewish merchants played a vital role in the early history of the Mennonite community of Winkler, Man. 25

» GOING GRANULAR: The Aulari Precision

Placement system converts corn seeders to accept granular fertilizer. 66 TILE DRAIN: A slope sensor’s quick pitch response speeds drain tile installation. 68


» EARLY BREEDING: Producers should aim »

for two-thirds of their cows to be bred in the first 21 days of the calving season. 70 LIMOUSIN REVIVAL: Limousin beef producers take steps to revive their breed, 40 years after it was first imported. 71

Glencore takes the reins at Viterra.

CONTACTS Subscriptions Ph: 800-667-6929 Advertising Ph: 800-667-7770 Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Shaun Jessome, Publisher Ph: 306-665-9625 shaun.jessome@producer.com Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 newsroom@producer.com Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 michael.raine@producer.com Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 newsroom@producer.com Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 paul.yanko@producer.com Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 barbara.duckworth@producer.com Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 mary.macarthur@producer.com

Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 karen.briere@producer.com Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 ed.white@producer.com Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 ron.lyseng@producer.com Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 robert.arnason@producer.com Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 barry.wilson@producer.com


» VITERRA PLANS: Details are sketchy as

11 11 77 22 22 24

Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 barb.glen@producer.com



Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Money in Your Pocket Health Clinic TEAM Living Tips Speaking of Life


» CHURCHILL TRAFFIC: Agriculture Canada

is sounding positive, but grain shipments through Churchill are down this year. 77






Farm show marks 30 years, still going strong Agricultural input providers and equipment manufacturers and dealers appreciate that the show has stuck with its policy of allowing only exhibits related to crop production. Nobody is flogging mops, pots and pans or fudge. That means the vast majority of people who come through the gates are active farmers there to conduct business. “They’re here to talk about contracts and order fertilizer for next year and chemicals and to find out what the newest technology is,” said Cates. “If you talk to any of the large equipment manufacturers that are at the show, I know the last few years that they’ve said they have nothing left to sell. So the equipment is moving.” As part of the 30th anniversary of the show, Prairieland will be recognizing the 15 companies and institutions that have exhibited there for the past 30 years. The trade show is held in conjunction with Crop Production Week, a series of commodity group meetings that take place at the Saskatoon Inn. Crop Production Week co-ordinator Kevin Hursh said it’s hard to gauge how many farmers show up because they may attend a variety of commodity group meetings, which means they would be counted more than once. “My gut feeling would be that there would be upwards of 2,000,” he said. Ruth Klassen, banquet manager for the Saskatoon Inn, said it’s a tall order providing meals and coffee breaks for the 13 commodity groups hosting meetings at the hotel. “Every single one of my meeting rooms is full every single day,” she said. Each group wants their crop featured in the meals, so all of the dishes served at the SaskCanola meeting are made with canola oil and beans and lentils are incorporated into the salads at the pulse grower meeting. Hursh said Crop Production Week has a tough time competing with the Crop Production Show on the other side of town. “People tend to gravitate to the fun thing, which is to walk around and look at exhibits rather than the harder thing, which is to sit in a seat and try to let your mind follow what the speaker is talking about,” he said. Those who tough it out at the meetings can gain valuable insights into the marketing side of the business and pick up hints on what to grow next year. “The timing is excellent as people start putting their planning together,” he said. There was a time when special crops companies would be out in full force with contracts in hand at the January meeting but that’s not the case anymore. Hursh doesn’t know what anniversary this is for Crop Production Week. There is no clear date for when it morphed out of the University of Saskatchewan’s Farm and Home Week to become its own event. The focus is more about the individual commodity groups rather than the umbrella event. “We probably don’t spend as much time as we should celebrating it as an event,” said Hursh.


Aaron Peck takes one of two teams of sled dogs out for a training run near Bezanson, Alta., Dec. 18, in preparation for Peck’s run in the Iditarod in Alaska in early March. Sled dogs will be front and centre early in the new year as the Grande Prairie, Alta., Sled Dog Derby takes place Jan. 5 and 6. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO


Fusarium fears rising on Prairies Infection severe | Fusarium affects up to 60 percent of kernels in some areas BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Fusarium head blight is causing headaches for western Canadian farmers and pedigreed seed growers. The problem is particularly severe in Saskatchewan, where the disease was widespread in 2012 and infection levels were higher than ever in many crop districts. Unusually high levels of fusarium damaged kernels in some regions are fuelling concerns about commercial and pedigreed supplies of spring wheat, durum and barley. Maximum thresholds for fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) in commercial spring wheat crops are 0.25 percent for No. 1 Canada Western red spring, 0.8 percent for No. 2 and 1.5 percent for No. 3 and 4. Fusarium graminearum, the most toxic type of fusarium, affected 30 to 60 percent of kernels in durum and spring wheat samples in some areas. “Fusarium was pretty widespread this year compared to other years,” said Daryl Beswitherick, program manager of quality assurance services at the Canadian Grain Commission. FDK levels in commercial wheat crops came in at 0.5 percent or less in most parts of Western Canada, he said. However, levels were much higher in some areas of Saskatchewan, often five percent or higher. “That (five percent) is a significant amount so they’re going to have some issues moving that grain, I would think,” Beswitherick said. Markets are limited for grain with high levels of FDK. Fusarium infected crops can be cleaned to remove shrunken kernels or blended with supplies of higher quality grain. However, cleaning costs can be prohibitive and the amount of wheat with high levels of FDK was significant in some areas, meaning

local blending opportunities could be limited. Cereal crops infected by fusarium head blight contain mycotoxins that can severely limit the value of the grain among millers, bakers, maltsters, livestock feeders and biofuel manufacturers. Deoxynivalenol (DON), the most common mycotoxin, is produced in large amounts by fusarium graminearum. It reduces feed intake by pigs and cattle and adversely affects the milling, baking, processing and malting properties of grain. Ethanol producers are also reluctant to use infected crops because DON levels become more concentrated in dried distillers grains, a grain-based byproduct of ethanol production that is commonly used in livestock feed rations. Fusarium is becoming more prevalent in Saskatchewan and Alberta, but Beswitherick said it didn’t affect all producers. Western Canadian wheat growers harvested a high quality spring wheat crop last year, with 73 percent of CWRS production falling into the top two grades — 13 to 14 million tonnes. That high quality crop will present opportunities for grain handling companies to blend lowquality grain. “You’ve got a lot of product to be able to blend with, so the handling system can absorb some of that (fusarium damaged material),” he said. Pedigreed seed producers are facing similar problems. Fusarium damaged kernels in pedigreed seed lots were well above five percent in some areas and clean-out losses were significant, sometimes above 35 percent. David Gehl, head of the seed increase unit at Agriculture Canada’s research farm near Indian Head, Sask., said fusarium was rampant in the farm’s breeder seed plots last year. The level of infection in some

breeder seed plots was higher than levels recorded in inoculated fusarium research nurseries in Manitoba, said Agriculture Canada plant breeder Ron DePauw. Surveys of the most susceptible varieties of spring wheat and durum at Indian Head indicated severe fusarium head blight infection on 50 percent of heads. Subsequent laboratory tests on grain harvested from the same plots showed 83 to 100 percent fusarium graminearum infection rates. “It was a pretty ugly situation, really,” said Gehl. “In some of our plots, I estimated that we had yield losses of 45 percent on some of the most susceptible varieties.” Elevated fusar ium levels in breeder seed could have a costly and far-reaching effect on the pedigreed seed industry. The seed increase unit at Indian Head supplies breeder seed to pedigreed seed growers in Western Canada for further multiplication and eventual distribution to commercial growers. Fusarium graminearum is a regulated disease in Alberta, and the province’s management plan has a zero tolerance policy for the disease. That means breeder seed with any trace of the pathogen will not be allowed into the province unless thresholds prescribed by the management plan are adjusted. “That’s a big concern for us, is to be able to supply breeder seed of our new varieties to (pedigreed seed) growers in Alberta,” Gehl said. “It’s been a fairly ugly situation, to be honest with you.” Gehl said there is a chance that breeder seed from Indian Head can be cleaned and disinfected to meet Alberta’s zero percent threshold. Unlike most pedigreed seed growers, Agriculture Canada has access to a dry heat procedure that is capable of killing the fusarium

graminearum pathogen on seed. However, Gehl said it is still unclear if the process will be effective. If not, an entire generation of seed could be lost, at least for pedigreed seed growers in Alberta. “We’ll still have to see whether that’s going to be effective under these heavy infestation levels, whether we can get it down to no detectable fusarium,” he said. “We’ll find out in the new year.” Either way, supplies of breeder seed will be scarce because of reduced yields and high clean-out losses. Pedigreed seed growers are facing similar concerns in other parts of Saskatchewan. Bruce Carrier, owner of Discovery Seed Labs, said pedigreed seed growers in some areas may be forced to sell pedigreed wheat and barley supplies into commercial milling markets or as feed. “Seed samples, depending on the area of the province you are in, are up to a point where … the majority of it is not usable for seed,” Carriere said. “There’s going to be a seed shortage, big time.” Crop districts 8A and 8B in northeastern Saskatchewan were particularly hard hit, but severe infestations were also recorded in other parts of the province, including Yorkton, Assiniboia, Saskatoon and North Battleford. The pedigreed seed industry does not have a threshold for FDK in certified wheat and barley seed, but pedigreed seed growers are concerned about the risks posed by seed-borne fusarium that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Carriere said pedigreed wheat seed with FDK levels of five to 10 percent can usually be cleaned to a point where the seed is usable. Efforts to clean pedigreed barley supplies are less successful. Regardless of cleaning efforts, pedigreed supplies of wheat, barley and oats will be in extremely short supply.



What was the top story Ag Canada hit hard in federal budget

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MARCH 29: The federal budget hit Agriculture Canada with one of the hardest blows in government: 10 percent of the budget and $310 million in budget cuts over the next two years. More than 1,000 federal agriculture-related positions will be eliminated over the next several years, including researchers and food inspectors. Community pastures will be turned over to the private sector, as well as the shelter belt program at Indian Head, Sask. Research centres will be closed within two years.



national or international?


crops production

A new era for the CWB AUG. 1: A revamped version of the CWB entered the new crop year with a clean balance sheet, a streamlined workforce, a revised lineup of marketing contracts and a new corporate identity. But lingering legal issues surrounding the demise of the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly have yet to be resolved and likely won’t be for months, if not years. CWB chief executive officer Ian White said it’s business as usual as the voluntary marketing agency enters the new era of grain marketing in Western Canada.



cuts or changes? IN CANADA


WTO appeal panel upholds ruling against COOL JUNE 29: A World Trade Organization appeal tribunal ruled that the U.S. mandatory country-of-origin labelling law is a trade violation. The tribunal found the original panel did not err in stating that COOL, which applies to all fresh meat and produce sold at the U.S. retail level, discriminates against imported livestock over domestic livestock. It also said the law creates a disincentive to handle imports. Since 2008, COOL is estimated to have affected exports of live cattle and hogs by 50 percent.

national or international?


national or international?


field management or machinery? FIELD MANAGEMENT MACHINERY


Canada’s largest beef recall SEPT. 4: CFIA inspectors found a positive E. coli sample in raw beef trimmings processed at XL Lakeside in Brooks, Alta. By the time the dust settled, 17 people had been diagnosed with E. coli in connection to meat from the plant and Health Canada had issued recalls for more than 2,000 products in what is now the largest beef recall in Canadian history. The company closed for a month to meet inspection standards and reopened on news of a potential purchase by international meat giant JBS USA.

Wind woes SEPT. 10: Farms in east-central Alberta and westcentral Saskatchewan sustained heavy damages to canola crops when strong winds gusting up to 100 km/h shattered their prospects for a good crop. Losses were heaviest in Saskatchewan, where half of the province’s canola crop was sitting in swaths when the winds swept up. The damage may trickle over into next spring, when herbicide tolerant volunteer canola appears in fields throughout the Prairies.

U.S. suffers through drought AUG. 3: Drought-ravaged areas of the United States finally saw three days of rainfall, but many pastures and fields were too far gone to benefit from the moisture. Most areas now fall into a USDA D4 extreme drought category, which means livestock producers are eligible for forage disaster assistance that can pay up to 60 percent of feed costs for up to three months. U.S. president Barack Obama toured affected areas and unveiled plans to assist producers, despite the American House and Senate approving different versions of a new U.S. farm bill and not approving a compromise.

Yield pests SEPT. 6: Producers across the Prairies fought pests of all sorts in 2012. A near record wet start to the year set in motion fungal infections that injured otherwise bumper crop yields. Fusarium in cereals spread out from its mainly eastern prairie base to damage crops in parts of Alberta. Aster yellows arrived on the wind through its host insect and joined with sclerotinia to reduce canola production. Stripe rust attacked wheat and crown rust went after oats. Scab and scald, among others, hurt barley yields. Wire worms, cutworms, aphids, weevils of many types and bertha armyworms were all abundant.

Big becomes biggest JUNE 8: Seed Hawk’s new air seeder cart weighs in at 34,393 pounds when empty, which is more than many tractors. When loaded, it passes the legal weight of a highway tractor and trailer. But if it ran over your foot, it would put only 10 pounds per sq. inch onto your toe. The Langbank, Sask., company named the world’s largest air seeder cart the 1300, which also happens to be the number of bushels of product it can hold.



of 2012? You decide. Sask. farmland values soar

interested in? HUMAN INTEREST

APRIL 17: Farm Credit Canada reported the average value of farmland in Saskatchewan increased by 10.1 percent during the second half of 2011, ahead of the national average of 6.9 percent. Farmland values in the province have been rising since 2002. FCC reported farmland values in Alberta increased an average of 4.5 percent while Manitoba saw a 1.9 percent gain in the last half of 2011.


Close to home or out of this world?



national or international?

acquisitions or land?




on TV or in the record books?

Glencore buys Viterra MARCH 20: Glencore International announced it had bought Viterra in a deal valued at $6.1 billion, with plans to sell some of Viterra’s Canadian assets to Agrium and Richardson. Agrium will acquire Viterra’s retail agri-products business for $1.8 billion, while Richardson International will acquire 23 percent of Viterra’s Canadian grain handling assets, some agricentres and processing assets for $800 million. The deal also included all Viterra assets in Australia. The sale was approved by all necessary governments in December.

Hog industry in trouble grain or hogs? GRAIN


SEPT. 10: Big Sky Farms of Humboldt, Sask., entered receivership, blaming the U.S. drought and high feed prices. Big Sky owed its banker nearly $69 million and another $8.4 million to suppliers. At the end of October, Olymel placed a bid for $65 million to buy the company.


SEPT. 13: Puratone Corp., a major pork producer based in Niverville, Man., entered protection under the Companies Creditors Arrangements Act. Puratone owes nearly $92 million. Maple Leaf Foods announced plans in November to buy the troubled company for $42 million.

Greek austerity move lifts most markets, including canola FEB. 13: Canola futures rose $3.50 per tonne after Greek legislators passed a new austerity program to get a bailout package from the European Union and International Monetary Fund. Protests and riots broke out on the streets against the sharp cuts. The Greek vote broke the tension in world markets, giving investors more confidence to shift money into commodities.

Sask. company wins big on Dragons’ Den OCT 12: A Midale, Sask., business received national attention after a successful bid in the Dragons’ Den. Natasha and Elysia Vandenhurk convinced Arlene Dickinson, a marketing and communications expert, to invest $150,000 in exchange for a 20 percent stake in Three Farmers, a camelina oil producing company. The company is marketing the oil as a cooking, dressing and baking oil.

Buffalo jerky heads into space AUG. 29: Trails End Buffalo Stix really is out of this world. The smoked bison and cranberry jerky, developed by Livelong, Sask., ranchers Judy and Kevin Wilkinson, is one of the Canadian-made snacks now being eaten by Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield and his crew during a six-month mission aboard the International Space Station. Wilkinson said she knew nothing about being a winner of the Canadian Space Agency’s Snacks for Space contest until a purchasing agent for the ISS contacted her to place an order.

Harvest For Kids beats world record

Crop prices surge to new heights

OCT. 6: Saskatchewan farmers now hold the world record for the most combines harvesting on a single field at the same time. Harvest For Kids, organizers of the record setting event, prepared 249 swaths on a 200-acre oat field 25 kilometres north of Saskatoon. The event raises money for Children’s Camps International by selling the proceeds of the crop, which is produced with donations of land, inputs, machinery and work by sponsors. Children’s Camps International is a non-profit organization that supports children’s Bible camp programs.

NOV. 29: Supply and demand supported grains and oilseeds prices during 2012. An American drought affected markets beginning in July, and was sustained throughout the remainder of the year. Prices for cereals were one-third higher than predicted in the spring. Corn touched its all-time high, while soybeans created new records. Only the peaks of the mid-1970s, when adjusted for inflation, surpassed the prices for small grains. Canola reached highs over $14 per bushel, wheat stuck in the $8 per bu. region and barley at the feedlot was $6 per bu. The world will look for new crop supplies to reduce prices, while adjusting to near record-low carryout inventories.





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U.S. winter wheat situation gloomy BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

A glut of new ocean liners combined with a slowdown in international trade has sent freight rates plummeting. |



Low freight rates open markets Products more competitive | Canadian grain may find buyers in Asia, Africa and the Middle East BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Ocean freight rates are extremely low right now, which is a big bonus for Canadian farmers because of the long distances between them and their markets. The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of global shipping rates for dry bulk goods, reached a 26 year low in February and remained 72 percent below the five-year average as of midDecember, according to a Bloomberg story. Builders started expanding the drybulk fleet five years ago in response to high freight rates. Freight demand was far exceeding supply during that time of economic prosperity. The dry bulk fleet has increased by 44 percent since Jan. 1, 2010. The combination of new ships hitting the market and a slowdown in

global trade because of slumping world economies has seen ocean freight rates plunge. Bruce Burnett, CWB’s director of weather and market analysis, expects rates will remain depressed over the next five years, which is good news for Canadian farmers. “That should help support prices as a structural factor over the next five years,” he said. Low freight rates allow Canadian crops to reach markets they can’t service when shipping costs are high. They also make those products more price competitive in traditional markets. A benchmark rate for shipping commodities from Vancouver to Asia is in the low $20s per tonne. The long-term average for that benchmark rate is $28 to $30 per tonne, and it traded $10 to $15 per tonne above that during the highs of the freight market.


Burnett remembers how high ocean freight rates affected Canadian grain shipments five years ago. “There were a number of customers where quite frankly it was not economical to ship to because of the high rates at the time,” he said. Canadian grain and oilseeds were uncompetitive in parts of Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Mediterranean. Burnett said he believes rates have bottomed out, but how long they stay there will depend on how quickly old vessels are scrapped and if

there is a sudden turnaround in the global economic situation. Terry Barr, senior director of the knowledge exchange division for CoBank, told the recent DTN/Progressive Farmer Ag Summit 2012 that the world economy will be in the doldrums for another three to five years as key economies wrestle with crippling debt. Many countries have significant debt-to-gross domestic product ratios. Bringing deficits under control will create a fiscal drag because every penny in increased taxes or decreased spending means less fiscal stimulus in those economies. Barr said the European Union and the United States will experience minimal economic growth over the next three to five years, which will keep a lid on China’s growth. That is bad news for grain and oilseed demand but good news for ocean freight rates.


Mississippi River water level woes continue, strike averted CHICAGO, Ill.(Reuters) — The United States Army Corps of Engineers has stepped up its fight against falling water levels on the Mississippi River. The corps released water from a southern Illinois lake into the river to aid transportation. It would not affirm shippers’ forecasts for a potential closure but said water levels had decreased faster than expected due to ice forming in the river. A group of shippers warned that river commerce at Thebes, Illinois,

could halt earlier than expected on Jan. 3 or 4 due to declining water levels, disrupting the flow of billions of dollars worth of grain and other goods from the central United States to the U.S. coast on the Gulf of Mexico. Shippers had previously projected such a closure in mid January. Water on the Mississippi River is near record low due to the worst U.S. drought since 1956. The Mississippi River is the main shipping waterway for grain moving from Midwest

farms to export facilities at the Gulf of Mexico. Some 55 to 65 percent of the U.S. corn, soybean and wheat exports exit the country via the Gulf. Meanwhile, U.S. dock workers and an alliance of shippers have averted a strike. The International Longshoremen’s Association, the union representing workers at Atlantic and gulf coast ports, and the U.S. Maritime Alliance, the group of shippers and port operators, agreed in principle to a tentative deal on the contentious

issue of royalty payments for shipping containers, which pays workers based on the tons of cargo handled. Both sides agreed to extend the current contract to the end of January to allow time to hammer out details on the new deal. There was no further information available as of the Dec. 28 deadline for this issue. The 15 ports involved move more than 100 million tonnes of goods each year and about 40 percent of U.S. containerized cargo traffic.

The United States winter wheat crop is in worse condition than has been reported, says CWB. Bruce Burnett, CWB’s director of weather and market analysis, toured fields in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas and Oklahoma in early December. His 2,900 kilometre trek through the prime U.S. hard red winter wheat area left him with the impression that the crop is in even bigger trouble than markets are anticipating. CWB had expected before the trip that U.S. HRWW production would be 2.7 million tonnes less than last year, despite an estimated 900,000 acre increase in planting. Burnett said the forecast was based on disturbing reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that only 33 percent of the winter wheat crop was rated good to excellent heading into dormancy, down from 52 percent the previous year. It is the worst rating in nearly three decades. He now thinks yields could be 20 percent below last year’s levels, resulting in a 5.5 million tonne reduction in production. “That number, I feel, at least right now, is somewhat conservative,” he said Dec. 20. “I think it possibly could be lower given some of the weather events that have happened since then.” Many of the wheat crops had been in the ground for up to two months by the time Burnett arrived, but there was little growth because of the ongoing and expanding drought in the U.S. A lot of the wheat was still in the two to three leaf stage of development without any tillering happening. Damage will be extensive if temperatures drop below -20 C for a prolonged period of time unless the crops receive plenty of snow cover. “Generally speaking, the abandonment is going to be quite a bit larger than in recent years,” said Burnett. He is forecasting 25 percent abandonment, up from 18 percent last year and the long-term average of 15 to 20 percent. Kansas typically accounts for 36 percent of the U.S. hard red winter wheat crop, and Burnett wasn’t impressed with what he saw there. He disagrees with the USDA rating that 29 percent of the Kansas crop is in good to excellent shape heading into winter. That may be the case in the central and north-central parts of the state, he added, but there are significant issues elsewhere. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE



Some farmers waited until late in the fall to seed winter wheat, hoping late fall precipitation would spur crop development. |




Dry fall sets back winter wheat acres in Sask. Nearly 200,000 fewer acres were seeded in Saskatchewan while Manitoba acreage dropped by only 20,000

Dale Hicks was determined to seed winter wheat this fall, even though his soil resembled hardened concrete. “It was so dry (in September) I couldn’t get the drill in the ground,” said Hicks, who farms near Outlook, Sask. “You’d put a drill in the ground and it would just skate on top, or pull up cinder blocks (of soil).” Instead of seeding in September, Hicks decided to wait until early November. “If I couldn’t make a decent sized plant (before freeze up), I just chose to dormant seed it,” said Hicks, chair of the Saskatchewan Winter Cereals

Development Commission. “We only put in 100 acres. That’s all I could do before it started snowing.” As a testament to how dry it was in s o u t h e r n Sa s k at c h e w a n a f e w months ago, Environment Canada’s weather station in Regina recorded 18 millimetres of precipitation from Aug. 1 to Sept. 30. The area normally receives 70 mm of rain. Consequently, producers backed away from plans to seed winter wheat, and acres dropped substantially in the province. Statistics Canada says Saskatchewan producers seeded 390,000 acres of winter wheat this fall compared to 580,000 in 2011. In Manitoba, producers were able to sustain their winter wheat acreage despite dry conditions. They seeded

600,000 acres compared to 580,000 acres in the previous year. “I think a lot of guys put it in, even though it was dry,” said Brent Schram of Brandon, who seeded 750 acres of winter wheat. “(We) hoped it would rain and we got a late rain (in October), so it actually grew at the end.” The lack of moisture stunted the winter wheat’s development, and plants on Schram’s farm are just “poking out of the ground.” Nevertheless, his farm has sufficient snow cover, which he said should protect the crop. Hicks said there is also enough snow to insulate the crop in his region of Saskatchewan. He said he has seeded winter wheat in November once before and the

“The chance of Kansas having an average yielding crop are very, very slim,” he said. Burnett thinks yields will be 25 to 38 bushels per acre, depending on spring rain. He didn’t see many viable crops in any of the states he toured. Conditions were terrible even in irrigated areas where farmers use wheat as pasture until they plant corn. “You didn’t see a lot of cattle out in any wheat pastures at all,” he said. Burnett has been touring the U.S. winter wheat area since 1989 and can’t recall worse conditions. The news is similarly gloomy in Russia, where the agriculture ministry is forecasting 38.8 million acres of winter grain, down from earlier estimates of 41.6 million acres. The latest forecast includes 32.1 million acres of winter wheat. The ministry is predicting average yields, resulting in 38.6 million tonnes of winter grain production this year, up from 29.2 million tonnes last year but slightly below the 2011 harvest of 39.5 million tonnes. However, Burnett said farmers in southern Russia are experiencing the same kind of establishment problems seen in the U.S. because of extremely dry conditions.

Russian farmers are going to need a good snowfall in advance of the cold fronts that will hit that important winter wheat producing region. Ukraine’s crop was in good shape heading into winter. Strategie Grains is reporting a 4.8 percent increase in winter wheat acres in the European Union and is forecasting a 9.2 percent increase in production. CWB forecasts a five to seven million tonne increase in EU output. Burnett said global winter wheat acres are up this year, but troubling developments in the U.S. and Russia raise legitimate concerns about achieving the kinds of yields he has seen in supply and demand forecasts. “In order to hit some of the numbers I’m seeing, you’d have to have some pretty good growing conditions, and I would say that we haven’t had that to date in Russia and in the U.S.,” he said. He advised Canadian growers to keep a close eye on winter temperature and snowfall levels in Russia and the southern U.S. Plains. Burnett said wheat price prospects will be good if conditions don’t improve in those two important winter wheat regions.

The USDA is scheduled to issue its first winter wheat production forecast Jan. 11.



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crop turned out. “It was just a later crop, so you couldn’t get away without wild oat control,” he said. “And it reduced the yield a bit because it’s going to be flowering in a warmer time of year … at the end of June or early July.” Hicks said heavy rain and snow melt, which flooded fields in southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba in spring 2011, encouraged new growers to seed winter wheat when their fields dried up. Solid yields and prices around $7.50 a bushel this past summer helped the experiment pay off for first time growers. Hicks had hoped the newcomers would stick with the crop this year, but the dry fall pre-

Seeded winter wheat area (000 acres): Man. Sask. Alta. Ont. 2010 235 225 220 1,100 2011







145 1,060

Seeded fall rye area (000 acres): Man. Sask. Alta. Ont. 2010 75 130 55 45 2011










Source: Statistics Canada | WP GRAPHIC

vented experienced growers and novices from seeding the crop. “We definitely got some converts out of it, but it would’ve been better if we had a decent fall.”


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Forecast for Argentine soybeans decreases

Brad Vannan, president of ICE Canada, says it’s too soon to de-list grain futures contracts after a slow first year. |



ICE maintains interest in grain futures Courting contracts | New contracts received little interest from farmers during the first year WINNIPEG (Reuters) — ICE Futures Canada plans to continue offering its seldom traded Canadian grain futures contracts, confident that a set of unusual, but temporary, market conditions prevented them from taking off last year. ICE Canada launched milling wheat, durum and barley contracts last January to capitalize on the federal government’s removal of the CWB’s grain marketing monopoly. However, the price volatility that would have spurred the trade to aggressively manage its risk never materialized. Instead, wheat prices have been high and steady, and grain movement from farms through the commercial handling system has been fluid. And all of this has happened in a year in which western farmers gained the ability to sell their grain to any buyer. “From a farmer’s eyes, what more do you want?” said Brad Vannan, president of ICE Canada.

“For people to see value in those tools, they have to perceive risk. There are a lot of unusual things that are happening right now, none of which really demonstrate the value of the futures contracts that were built.” He said high prices of wheat for livestock feed, which is the lowest value wheat grade, put a high floor price into the western Canadian wheat market, while an abundance of high protein wheat kept the ceiling low. Feedback from the commercial grain trade is that the contracts are well structured, and de-listing them would be premature, he added. They need at least another full crop cycle, and maybe several, to prove themselves. “All we need to do is attract more volume,” he said. “The volumes aren’t great, which is disappointing, but at the same time we’ve seen some small but significant milestones.” The new contracts have rolled

through delivery months, with traders making deliveries and intermonth spread trades. However, open interest is a paltry 83 positions in the three contracts combined, compared with 155,000 in ICE Canada’s signature canola contract. The CWB hasn’t yet used the ICE wheat contracts because it is waiting for liquidity to build, said Chris Palmer, a trader at CWB. “It’s pretty hard to get new contracts going. The pie is only so big,” he said. “It might be an issue of people going with what they know. The wheat market is pretty well-represented with high-quality (grades) in Minneapolis and medium in Kansas and lower in Chicago. They need to find a niche somewhere to drive volume.” Western Canada’s grain industry has historically used Minneapolis Grain Exchange’s hard red spring wheat contract to manage risk asso-

ciated with spring wheat and durum production, but the ICE contracts offer the advantages of Canadian currency and delivery points. Last month, Milan’s Borsa Italiana launched Europe’s first durum futures market to cater to demand from the continent’s Italian-led pasta makers. Vannan said ICE hopes it can convince end users of wheat, durum and barley, particularly importers, to use the contracts. Earlier this year, IntercontinentalExchange Inc., which owns ICE Canada, launched grain contracts in the United States to compete with benchmarks traded on the Chicago Board of Trade. Those contracts have also struggled to attract liquidity. “It takes awhile for a market to take on its own personality,” Vannan said. “And I don’t think the Canadian market has done that yet because such unique conditions occurred this year.”

HAMBURG, Germany (Reuters) — Oil World has cut its forecast of this year’s soybean harvest in Argentina by one million tonnes because of unfavourable weather that disrupted seeding. The oilseed analyst now expects Argentina to harvest 53 million tonnes of soybeans in early 2013, down from 54 million tonnes it forecast in November and 56 million tonnes in October but still up from the 40.5 million tonnes that Argentina harvested in early 2012. However, Oil World has left its Brazilian forecast unchanged. It still expects 81 million tonnes of soybeans to be harvested in early 2013, up from 66.8 million tonnes harvested in early 2012. Bad weather has disrupted Argentine soybean seeding in recent weeks, but planting conditions were better in Brazil, it said. “Although soybeans can be planted until January in several areas (of Argentina) and although some of the intended corn area will be switched to soybeans, it is still possible that total soybean plantings will turn out below the intentions of 19.7 million hectares (48.7 million acres),” it said. “Also, later plantings will result in lower yields.” A r g e n t i n a’s R o s a r i o g r a i n s exchange has also forecast that the Argentine soybean harvest in early 2013 will be 53 million tonnes. As well, the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast the Argentine crop at 55 million tonnes Dec. 11. Soybean prices hit record highs in September as drought ravaged the U.S. crop but then fell back as the U.S. har vest turned out larger than expected. Big South American output may relieve world supplies in early 2013, but soybean prices have been rising again on firm demand. Oil World stressed that global soybean stocks are declining and a good South American soybean crop will be critical to meet global demand in 2013 as heavy sales from the United States continue. “The South American uncertainties are likely to keep soybean prices supported in the near to medium term, as long as the uncertainties persist.”



CANFAX REPORT RECORD FED PRICES Fed cattle futures that reached record highs Dec 17-19 supported prices for fed cattle cash prices in the week to Dec. 21, the final Canfax report of the year. Futures climbed because of the blizzard that swept across the central part of the United States, raising the prospect of slowed cattle weight gain. Weighted average steer prices in Canada were fairly steady at $119.26 per hundredweight, up 12 cents from the previous week, and heifers were $120.55, up $1.62. Dressed sales were $202 per cwt. delivered. Average Alberta fed steer and heifer prices set new annual highs for the fourth consecutive week, and the weighted average heifer price was also the highest since the data set has been collected. There was no significant U.S. buyer interest. Sales volume totalled 10,751 head, down seven percent. The Alberta cash-to-futures basis widened to -$8.53, which was similar to the five year average for this time of year of -$8.28. Weekly fed cattle exports to Dec. 8 fell six percent to 6,129 head. Market-ready supply should be tight for the next few weeks but demand will be weak, leading to lower cash cattle prices.

COW PRICE STEADY Western Canadian cow slaughter ran ahead of last year’s pace for the second consecutive week. Ample non-fed supplies allowed packers to easily cover holiday needs. Butcher cows traded mixed on good local and U.S. demand. Cows crippled or in poor condition face a sharp discount. D1, D2 cows averaged $68.56 per cwt., down 19 cents. Rail bids rose $1 to a range of $131$136 per cwt. Butcher bulls were steady, averag-


Bison prices were steady in the week ending Dec. 21, said the Canadian Bison Association. Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range sold at prices up to $3.85 per pound hot hanging weight. Desirable grade A heifers sold at prices up to $3.75 per lb. There are discounts for animals outside the desirable weight range and those heavier than 30 months. No slaughter cow or bull prices were reported.

SHEEP STEADY Beaver Hill Auction in Tofield, Alta., reported 959 sheep and 127 goats sold Dec. 17. Wool lambs lighter than 70 pounds were $125-$140 per hundredweight., 70-85 lb. were $120-$134, 86-105 lb. were $110-$126 and 106 lb. and heavier were $106-$118. Wool rams were $45-$70 per cwt. Cull ewes were $45-$58 and bred ewes were $130-$180 per head. Hair lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $122-$138 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $119-$128, 86-105 lb. were $100$115 and 106 lb. and heavier were $90-$100. Hair rams were $59-$67 per cwt. Cull ewes were $41-$61.

South Dakota packing plant up and running

ing $74.25. Weekly bull exports to the United States have averaged 1,383 head over the past 10 weeks. Weekly non-fed exports to Dec. 8 totalled 10,435, down seven percent. Non-fed prices are anticipated steady to slightly higher in the New Year.


FEEDER CATTLE STEADY Feeder cattle futures rose through December, while corn futures fell. However, Canadian barley prices have been steady. Non fed and bread cattle made up most of the pre-Christmas auction traffic. Demand for calves and light stockers was a little weaker while demand for short keep feeders improved. The Canfax average steer price rose 17 cents per cwt. while heifers fell nine cents. Over the previous three weeks, steers 400-500 pounds fell $5.50. Heifers heavier than 900 lb. fetched the highest price since the middle of September. Auction volume totalled 28,465, down 37 percent from the previous week. Weekly feeder exports to Dec. 8 totalled 1,195, down 43 percent from the previous week. Snow and rain that fell in the U.S. Midwest and Plains was good for crop and pasture prospects. Into the new year, barley bids could come under pressure.

CATTLE ON FEED The USDA Dec. 1 cattle on feed report was slightly bearish compared to pre-report estimates. Placements into feedlots in November were larger than expected and marketings were smaller. There were 11.328 million head on feed Dec. 1, down six percent from a year ago, but analysts had expected a decline of 6.6 percent. The supply was the lowest for the month since 2002. The inventory was 2.4 percent below the five-year average.



Good kid goats lighter than 50 lb. were $135-$195. Those heavier than 50 lb. were $165-$200 per cwt. Nannies were $77.50-$95 per cwt. Billies were $110$147.50. Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 4,039 sheep and lambs and 202 goats traded Dec. 17. Well-fed new crop lambs sold barely steady due to volume. Heavy lambs also traded barely steady. All classes of feeder lambs sold under extreme pressure at lower prices. Sheep and goats were steady.

HOGS STEADY Hog prices, supported by packers in need of supply, were steady through the period. Snowstorms in the U.S. slowed transport and shut down some plants, reducing slaughter numbers. Iowa-southern Minnesota cash hogs delivered to plants were $61 to $61.50 per hundredweight on Dec. 28, matching the price from Dec. 21. The U.S. pork carcass cut-out value was $81.32 on Dec. 28, down from $82.86 on Dec. 21. U.S. federal slaughter to Dec. 29 was estimated at 1.76 million, down from 2.34 the previous week.


Fed cattle futures hit record highs Dec. 17-19. | Marketings in November were 1.761 million, down one percent from last year, while analysts expected no change. Placements in November were 1.923 million, down six percent from last year. It was the sixth month in a row of lower placements. Placements for September through November were 8.1 million head compared to 9.25 million over the same period last year. That is a reduction of about 1.1 million, similar to the total number of cattle on feed in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Placements were down in all weight categories except for 800 lb. and heavier, which rose 10.5 percent compared to a year ago. These tighter U.S. numbers will support the fed market by February and continue well into the second quarter of 2013.


BEEF PRICES MIXED Ample supplies of formula priced cattle in the U.S. enabled packers to tighten cash bids so negotiated cash sale volume was limited. Choice cutouts fell $2.45 to $192.06 while Select rose $1.02 to $176.70 on light to moderate demand. Montreal wholesale for delivery in the last week of the year were reported at $213-$215 Cdn per cwt. This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at www.canfax.ca.

It’s been six years since the project was initially proposed, but a $109 million beef slaughter plant in Aberdeen, South Dakota, finally began processing cattle this fall. Northern Beef Packers, which is partially owned by Korean investors and was built to alleviate a beef processing gap in the Dakotas, is now processing cattle. As it scales up production into 2013 and 2014, plant managers expect to process 1,500 cattle per day. If a second shift is added, the plant’s kill capacity could reach 3,500 per day. The plant plans to buy cattle from North and South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa, because producers in those states ship cattle south to plants in Nebraska. Laure Swanson, Northern Beef Packers marketing director, told the Bismarck Tribune that Canadian producers have expressed interest in selling cattle to the plant. Aberdeen, which is about a sixhour drive south of Winnipeg, may offer significant transport savings for Manitoba producers, who normally sell cattle to plants in Alberta or to processors hundreds of kilometres south of Aberdeen.




Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail: joanne.paulson@producer.com






Industry backbone needs muscle to work

Internship less painful than rogue pony



he railways have been claiming that Bill C-52, the Fair Rail Freight Service Act, is unnecessary, stifles innovation and puts the “engine of the country’s economic growth at risk.” Canadian National Railway chief executive officer Claude Mongeau declared this fall that it is “best for the Canadian government to stick with a commercial approach to rail service instead of adding layers of regulations.” It is fair to say that shippers expect to bargain commercially with the railways. However, with only two major railways operating in Canada, there continues to be an inability to fairly negotiate adequate services and prices for freight. The railways, on the other hand, can unilaterally impose penalties and conditions on shippers or refuse to provide any service at all. Farmers, the vast majority of whom have single railway access at their local elevators, have attempted to have rail service issues addressed for more than a decade. It is not like dealing with city cable and telephone companies. Farmers cannot switch their business to another railway company if they receive poor service when only one rail line comes through their town. This is why Grain Growers of Canada, working within the Coalition of Rail Shippers, have long called for balance through legislation. Legislation was one of the recommendations made by the independent Rail Freight Service Review



Internship at The Western Producer provided many learning opportunities Reduced competition has made it difficult for shippers to fairly negotiate with the railways. | Panel, which stated in its 2010 report that “it has long been recognized in transportation law that regulations are required to address the potential abuse of market power by the railways.” Granted, rail service for grain shipments has generally improved since the rail service review process began. Farmers will be counting on the new legislation to backstop and enhance these improvements for the long term. In a speech this fall, Mongeau called the railways the “true backbone of the Canadian economy.” But if the railways are the backbone, then we also need to recognize that agriculture puts the meat on those bones by contributing more than $18 billion a year to the Canadian economy. Canada is the world’s fifth largest exporter of agriculture and food

products, with more than 90 percent of our farmers’ livelihoods dependent on the sale of products that are exported or export priced. The grain industry spends $1.4 billion on rail freight annually, exporting 35 million tonnes of grain. And farmers need to get their crops to port. Getting a better rail service deal that provides balance so that Canadian farmers and the grain industry can count on the rail cars arriving on time is not optional. It is essential for the agriculture industry to grow and for the Canadian economy as a whole to prosper. Canada’s export competitiveness in the global market is hindered when trains are late without explanation, and it is just not fair when penalties are one-sided against shippers. This is why the new rail service leg-


islation is needed and why the Grain Growers supports the federal government’s move to introduce this bill to assure more balance in dealing with the railways. We were glad to see that the legislation included a right to a service level agreement, an arbitration process when negotiations fail and consequences for the railways when they don’t live up to their obligations. Hopefully, the “true backbone,” as CN likes to call itself, can take a step back from the rhetoric and try to understand these are the bare bones that shippers, including farmers, need to meet Canada’s growth potential. Richard Phillips is a farmer from Saskatchewan and executive director of Grain Growers of Canada.


Price predictions like tossing a dart blindfolded HURSH ON AG



anuary is the time for predictions, particularly about prices in the year ahead. Whether it is Crop Production Week in Saskatoon, Manitoba’s Ag Days in Brandon or Farm Tech in Edmonton, the programs include lots of market prognosticating. Cattle producers will get some of that as well at events such as the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference. The speakers may do a great job of describing supply and demand and the price gyrations to date, but predicting the future is a bit like tossing a dart at a target while blindfolded.

One analyst recently wrote that new crop canola prices could drop to as low as $10 a bushel or go as high as $15 or $16. He’ll probably be right, but the prediction isn’t too valuable. This year, even more than most, predictions are going to be all over the map. There are just too many wild cards in the equation. It’s pretty tough to nail down commodity prices when no one can predict the weather and the world economy with any certainty. The trend is your friend. That’s one of the principles of market watching. Whatever the current trend, it’s likely to continue. If prices are edging up, if prices are edging down or if prices are locked in a particular range, the best bet for the immediate future is more of the same. As far as trend yields, the U.S. corn crop broke all the assumptions in 2012. No one foresaw the dramatic drought-induced production drop. Here in Western Canada, canola yields were significantly off the norm because of a variety of factors. Who

could have predicted aster yellows or the huge September winds that rolled canola swaths? Maybe you go back to the trend yield for Canadian canola in 2013, but what do you assume for U.S. corn? It’s early, but it’s also dry in much of the American corn belt. A year ago, the outlook for feeder cattle prices was absolutely stellar. Cow-calf producers were looking forward to their best paycheques ever. That was quashed by skyrocketing corn prices, which pulled up feed barley values. And then, adding insult to injury was the XL Foods fiasco. In the end, 2012 fall calf prices ended up close to 2011 values. That was considerably better than previous years but a disappointment compared to what might have been. Most grain prices went the opposite direction. In January 2012, many analysts said canola prices were on the way down. One analyst said prices as low as $9 a bu. were likely in the next year or year and a half.

Pea prices have also outperformed expectations. No one was predicting yellow peas in the $8.50 a bushel range or the huge premium being enjoyed by green peas. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy market analysis and I’ll be listening to as many presentations as I can this month. And I appreciate the analysts who generate conclusions with actual price predictions, rather than those who refuse to be pinned down. But I also appreciate seeing and hearing the actual new crop prices that start to emerge in January. So far, we know that new crop canola futures minus a typical basis means about $11.50 a bu. for fall delivery. And there are new crop yellow mustard bids in the 40 cent a pound range, with brown at 34 or 35 cents. Predictions are useful for planning. Actual bids are bankable. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at kevin@hursh.ca.


he worst $25 I ever spent was at a horse sale in Yorkton, Sask. I had already purchased what I wanted — a docile yet sturdy gelding that seemed healthy and responded well when ridden through the ring. My buying was done. Then the gate opened for the next horse and one of the most homely creatures I’ve ever seen bolted through. I still can’t explain what came over me. The auctioneer started the bid at $25 but there weren’t any takers. He was about to declare no sale, when I looked up to see my hand holding my bid number in the air. Sold! My next mistake on that trainwreck of an adventure was to let him into the pasture when I got home instead of keeping him in the barn for a couple of days. Did I mention he was still a stud? He didn’t stick around for long. Thankfully harvest was already complete so there were no crops for him to trample. I took oats out to him, but as soon as he saw me he headed straight for the bush. I saddled up a horse a couple times to try and rope him, but I couldn’t even get close. For the next month the children on the school bus played spot the pony, in which the first person to see him won. I had all but given up and was about to take out Mr. Winchester to help catch that pony when I got a call from one of the RM councillors —the pony was at the pound after busting into a neighbour’s corral while trying to get at a mare. The pony seemed calm at the councillor’s farm, so I climbed into the pen to get a rope on him. He slowly walked up to me, pivoted on his front legs and kicked me square in the knee. That round went to him, but I won the day because he was a gelding by nightfall. There were many learning opportunities during my internship at The Western Producer, but they were much less painful, and at the end of the day they provided me with something far more useful then a miserable pony. Thank you to the Producer for giving me the opportunity, and to the people I wrote about for allowing me to tell their stories.





Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.

To the Editor:

Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

The 2012 edition of Canadian Western Agribition just wrapped up and I continue to be humbled by the generosity in this province — most specifically, the 400 volunteers who give countless hours to Agribition to make the show an annual success. There is no other event in this province that produces over $27 million in economic impact that is volunteer run. The passion and dedication we receive from our volunteers is the lifeblood of the show and most certainly speaks to the spirit of the province. We look hard for ways to articulate

our appreciation from this extensive group of stakeholders and one resounding gesture always speaks clear. Thank you. Marty Seymour, Canadian Western Agribition CEO, Regina, Sask.

WHO PAYS? To the Editor: I read in the Nov. 22 Western Producer, with great interest, SARM (Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities) lobby for farmers, and APAS (Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan) lobby

for farmers. I’ve never had an RM councillor or APAS member ask me for my opinion or I’ve never seen a questionnaire as to what we, the farmers, want. To find out what this costs me is impossible. As far as I’m concerned SARM should get out of lobbying and get down to business of roads, bridges, etc. APAS has no purpose, so get rid of it. All they do is make a comment once in awhile to keep their jobs. If I want to join a lobby group I can pay my fee and have some input. How much does it cost to have SARM conventions twice a year? I have never heard what it costs to have APAS do nothing. I know SARM and APAS will tell us

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they’re doing good so they can have conventions at my cost — what have they accomplished? I’m sure The Western Producer would print the budget for both these groups if they would tell them. Warren Iverson, Glaslyn, Sask.

EXPLANATIONS NEEDED To the Editor: Why did (Saskatchewan premier Brad) Wall’s government: • Declare war on labour via bills 5, 6, 80 and an omnibus bill of 15 labour acts? • Kill NDP promised funding for public surgery centres and instead provide private for-profit surgical units at much greater expense to medicare? • Drive a billion dollar film industry out of Saskatchewan? • Hire billionaire U.S. corporations to overhaul Saskatchewan’s health care when Saskatchewan has been a leader in health reform in North America? • Add three MLAs costing taxpayers $675,000 per year when this money could have been used to address Saskatchewan’s high infant mortality rate, child poverty, homelessness, education funding in our major cities and aboriginal education? • Allow the secret and controversial sale of publicly owned LeRoy Regional Park with no owner consultation? • Push a P3 (public-private partnership) model when numerous research studies prove its financing disastrous in construction costs and managing health facilities…? • Not oppose federal cuts to PFRA, cutting of 19,000 civil service jobs, seniors’ pensions, KAIROS, CBC, archival records, food inspection ser vice and environmental reviews? • Use American-style ads to falsely discredit four young New Democrat candidates seeking leadership roles in Saskatchewan? • Break its promise not to privatize our money-saving crowns? Wall, Bill Boyd and Ken Cheveldayoff took their profits and privatized SaskTel’s, SaskEnergy’s and SaskPower’s out-of-province assets. Now they justify the sale of 60 percent of Saskatchewan profit-making ISC (Information Services Corp.) to out-of-province corporate entities. • Introduce private liquor stores without consultation? Democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people, not the corporations. Helen M. Baker, Saskatoon, Sask.


Banking can be this comfortable ® / The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or a wholly-owned subsidiary, in Canada and/or other countries.

The announced closure of the Kenderdine Summer Art School at Emma Lake, Sask., is of concern to me. I visited there once or twice when my mother and another farm woman were students, “the two old ladies” among mostly teachers. They shared

OPINION one of the rough cabins. A painting of the interior done one rainy day, a wood stove and bracketed kerosene lamp, mother’s straw hat hanging from an easel: these were familiar to mother, who had been on a homestead from 1910. Mother had a lifetime interest in art doing scenes from their farm in Iowa. Her father gave encouragement, some early correspondence lessons, training at a girls college — Red Wing, Minnesota — where she learned oil painting, a winter at Winnipeg School of Art doing human anatomy drawings. Her acquaintance with Augustus Kenderdine, shortly after he became art instructor at the Saskatoon campus, came while he was in the chilly top level of the physics building. I vaguely remember a tall man wearing a long lab coat, unfamiliar to me from the farm. Mother had her sister on campus,

married to farm foreman T. Brydon. My father took me by train to B.C. An early homesteader, he was proud of mother’s art and later in the pre-Second World War days encouraged her to take further anatomy drawing at Winnipeg School from Lemoine Fitzgerald, recently given recognition, an invited member of Group of Seven. I was reminded of Emma Lake on a visit to the Kleinburg Gallery where Group of Seven artifacts showed their interests similar to Kenderdine’s — sketches, sometimes on birch bark, wrinkled paint tubes in small carrying cases. Oil painting had a long history. Kenderdine had skill in blending colours with his thumb or a silk rag. His European training blended with homesteading among Lloydminster pioneers (and) formed the inspiration for the first wilderness school. Group of Seven artists used similar


ways. Visits to galleries showing Paul Kane’s, Russell Remington’s, Henderson’s historical work suggest there is a value in the primitive experience. Summer camping is still popular.

Would that put China in the right frame of mind and grease the wheels a bit? Jean H. Sloan, Lloydminster, Sask.

Thomas Smith, Pathlow, Sask.


To the Editor:

To the Editor:

Re: “Plan to pave way for Roundup Ready alfalfa” (WP, Nov. 8). Why GM alfalfa? Alfalfa does very well on its own — as it is. It grows abundantly, with its own natural insect and weed resistance. There is no need to modify or contaminate it. Alfalfa is one of the best feed sources, as is, for livestock. Changing alfalfa to GM will probably eventually minimize its natural present resistance and probably add to its inabil-

Does anyone remember that Nexen, the multimillion-dollar company, was once SaskOil, given (away) on a silver platter by (former premier Grant) Devine? Could Harper figure his allowing China to purchase Nexen gave him a bargaining chip for the trade agreement he is so anxious to sign, but requires the destruction of our unions and marketing boards?

ity to resist opportunistic weeds and insects. Thereafter, the altered alfalfa genetics will probably require additional modifications, such as more chemicals to control the problem the GM created in the first place. Would GM also change perennial alfalfa to an annual, costing the farmer more money? Leave alfalfa alone. I believe it was Henry Kissinger who said, “control the oil, control the government — control the food, control the people.” Seems that’s where we’re headed. This is just another example of Canadian government once again endorsing a large corporation’s wish list. GM foods are on the way to eventually controlling all North American foodstuffs and thus controlling all farmers and ranchers. Joan Clanter, Stony Plain, Alta.


A woman of distinction SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES



he sages of 2,500 years ago had great respect for the woman whose story they told in Proverbs 31:10-31. Her husband had to be away for blocks of time serving at the king’s behest while she remained at home caring for their farm and household. She was admired for her astuteness in business, her managerial skills and the deftness of her hands in collecting wool and weaving fine linen. In the home, while he did gang labour, she served as a fine teacher and “law giver.” Her whole household was encouraged to live according to the tenants of the faith. She knew how to wield power on behalf of her family but did so in a benevolent way. At the same time she found ways to give support to the needy. “She opens her mouth in wisdom” to the extent that others called her blessed. Imagine other hardworking women living on the edge of scarcity hearing this story. It may be men who were re citing the poem, but it affirmed the work of the woman’s hands, and it gave status to the endeavours they must have faced every day. Ordinary women can do extraordinary things. So the story of this woman of distinction is celebrated. Ellen Davis, in her book Scripture, Culture and Agriculture, carefully translates the story from the Hebrew script. It concludes with the tribute: “Many daughters have done valiantly, but you have surpassed them all. Charm is a lie, and beauty a vapour. The God-fearing woman is the one who should be praised.” Imagine what it means to hear the words, “(let us) celebrate her for the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.” Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian ruralchurch.net.


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U.S. canola crushing plants pop up as oil demand rises

Sask. reiterates plan for community pastures


The Saskatchewan government has decided to lease or sell former federal community pastures to patrons, but agriculture minister Lyle Stewart continues to receive advice on the issue. The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities debated the issue at their fall conventions. Ottawa will turn over the 60 federal pastures to the province by 2018. Ten

Canola processing plants are increasingly dotting the map of the United States. The latest facility to start processing seed is the Legumex Walker Inc. plant in Warden, Washington. The company is preparing to handle commercial volumes of canola in the first quarter of 2013. “We are thrilled that our team is now operating the facility,” said company president Joel Horn in a Dec. 27 news release. “We are still on track to put the plant in service for commercial production on or ahead of schedule.” Pacific Coast Canola is expected to process 379,500 tonnes of canola annually once the plant is at full capacity. It is expected to produce 142,500 tonnes of oil and 227,000 tonnes of meal annually. It is the second new canola crush facility to begin operations in the United States in the last five months. Northstar Agri-Industries opened a similar-sized plant near Hallock, Minnesota, in August. Northstar announced in October that it intends to build a second plant in Enid, Oklahoma. The proposed facility would have the capacity to process 760,000 tonnes annually. Construction is expected to be completed before the 2015 harvest. Other operators of U.S. canola crushing plants include ADM AgriIndustries Ltd., Bunge Oils and Producers Cooperative Oil Mill. Keith Peltier, director of the Northern Canola Growers Association, said canola “has some legs” south of the border due to the health attributes of the oil. Growers produced a record 1.13 million tonnes of canola in 2012, up 61 percent over the previous year due to a replanting of acres in North Dakota that were flooded out in 2011. “Canola had a good year in terms of acreage last year. I think we’ll be hard-pressed to duplicate that because last year was not a good production year in terms of yield,” said Peltier. The national average yield was 1,430 pounds per acre, down from 1,713 in 2010 and 1,811 in 2009, the two years prior to the flood year. Peltier anticipates acreage may shrink by about 20 percent. In a document accompanying its third quarter 2012 results, Legumex Walker said trans-fat bans in places like New York city, Philadelphia and California have shifted demand to canola oil from hydrogenated soy oil. Informa Economics estimates U.S. canola oil consumption increased 47 percent to 1.9 billion kilograms annually between 2010 and 2012. That increased demand is prompting more canola planting and processing south of the border. Legumex Walker’s Warden plant, the only commercial scale canola crusher west of the Rocky Mountains, is located near many of the largest potato processors and canola oil users in the U.S. It is also well positioned to service food processors along the West Coast.


were selected for transition before the 2014 grazing season. Stewart has said the pastures will be maintained in blocks, patrons will have the first opportunity to lease or own and sales will be based on market value. Native prairie that is sold will be subject to no-break and nodrain conservation easements. He has also said he expects many more will be leased than will be sold. APAS passed resolutions last month calling for public ownership to be maintained and for a committee to develop a governance structure that incorporates the existing

federal management expertise. Delegates also said the land’s environmental integrity should be protected, and that all the pastures should be combined with the existing 54 provincial pastures into one system. SARM delegates earlier voted to lobby the province to retain ownership and develop a land management structure to ensure the pastures serve local needs while operating on a cost recovery basis. They also voted to lobby Ottawa and Regina to support local retention committees before any land is sold. Stewart has repeatedly said patrons

will get first dibs on the land. “We aren’t selling these to the highest bidder on the open market,” he told the APAS convention. “We’re only dealing with the patrons.” He said other parties have expressed interest in the pastures, and some are “willing to stroke a cheque for all of them.” However, the province has decided not to proceed that way. He rejected the argument from conservationists that producers won’t manage the land properly and that they will break the land for cultivation. Most of the land in question isn’t suitable for farming.

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Patrons get first opportunity to buy or lease | Ag minister says the price will be based on market value

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Data from 2011 Canola Performance Trials – medium season zone.


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Both national railways exceed revenue cap Research foundation gets $672,000 | Money supports research into development of new crop varieties and uses BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Canada’s major railway companies have been ordered to pay more than $672,000 to the Western Grains Research Foundation to support western Canadian grain research. The Canadian Transportation Agency announced Dec. 19 that Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway exceeded their railway revenue caps for the 2011-12 crop year. Railway revenue caps limit the

amount of money that the major railway companies can earn from the movement of western Canadian grain. CN earned revenues of $542.8 million on grain movement in 2011-12, roughly $240,000 above its revenue cap. CP earned roughly $494.4 million from grain, or $400,000 above its cap. The companies have until midJanuary to compensate the WGRF for revenue earned in excess of the caps, a total value of $640,000. In addition, a five percent penalty is


imposed on each railway company, accounting for an additional $32,000. WGRF executive director Garth Patterson said the $672,000 will be directed into the WGRF endowment fund, which is valued at $90 million.

The fund will provide up to $15 million over the next four years to support research in agronomy, variety development, minor crop development, crop use, crop risk management and post harvest management. It is over and above other producer contributions made through production levies. “It (the endowment fund) has built up to the level now where we’re comfortable making significant expenditures out of it while still maintaining our goal of keeping it sustainable,” Patterson said.

He said the best case scenario for farmers is when the railways don’t exceed the revenue cap. “Really, any time there is a payment, it’s a bit of a double edged sword,” he said. “It can be used for research, which does return value to farmers, but on the other hand, that’s money that didn’t make it into farmers’ pockets.” The $640,000 penalty accounts for less than 0.1 percent of total revenues generated through the movement of western Canadian grain last year. Total revenues amounted to more than 1.03 billion in 2011-12, up from $952 million in 2010-11. About 33.1 million tonnes of western grain were moved in the 2011-12 crop year, 6.2 percent more than total movements in 2010-11, the CTA said. The agency determines railway revenue caps annually and then calculates every December if the railways exceeded their caps in the previous crop year. Revenue caps are calculated using a formula that is based on several factors, including the volume-related composite price index. It is an inflation index that accounts for forecasted increases in the costs of railway labour, fuel, material and capital purchases made by federally regulated railway companies. The VRCPI increased by roughly 9.5 percent as of August 2012. If all other factors remained constant, that 9.5 percent increase would translate into an extra $100 million in combined allowable revenues for the two rail companies in 2012-13.


Viterra workers expected to approve new contract BY KAREN BRIERE

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Viterra country and head office employees are expected to vote later in January on tentative collective agreements reached with the grain company in mid-December. The Grain and General Services Union Local 1 and 2 committees and Viterra management agreed to settlements just days before Glencore’s takeover of Viterra was completed Dec. 17. Ratification meetings are scheduled between Jan. 7 and 17. The company has already ratified the agreement. GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner said Local 1 represents 900 to 1,000 workers in country operations and maintenance in Saskatchewan, while Local 2 represents 200 workers in the Regina head office. Workers at the Calgar y head office, which Glencore is moving back to Regina, were not GSU members. Some Western Producer staff members are members of the GSU but form a different local and are not part of this particular bargaining group.





Tours educate about supply managed sectors Industries hold tours to dispel myths and explain benefits of the supply management system BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

PONOKA, Alta. — It could have been called Supply Management 101. The growing opposition to supply management recently prompted a group of producers and officials from supply managed industries to invite reporters and politicians to tour their farms and learn what their businesses are all about. “I think it’s very misunderstood in a lot of circles,” said Susan Gal, general manager of Egg Farmers of Alberta. “ We w e re h o p i n g t o e d u c at e some of these folks here about supply management and some of the benefits.” Gal said one of the biggest fallacies she wanted to dispel is that consumers could buy their eggs, cheese, milk, chicken and turkey cheaper than they can now if supply management disappeared. The amount of supply managed food is equal to the demand, she said. “Consumers are kidding themselves if they think long term the price would go down.” She said farmers would join their counterparts from other farming sectors on the roller-coaster of international markets without supply management . Members of Alberta Turkey Producers, Alberta Hatching Egg Producers, Egg Farmers of Alberta, Alberta Chicken Producers and Alberta Milk joined to welcome politicians and reporters into a dairy barn and a broiler chicken barn. Strathcona MLA Jacquie Fenske said the amount of time, effort and money spent on safety, biosecurity and livestock comfort has changed dramatically over the years since she grew up on a dairy farm. She said the tour was an opportunity for her to talk to producers about supply management and other agricultural issues, including the benefits and pitfalls of unpasteurized milk. “I have had interesting conversations over and beyond what we are seeing,” said Fenske. “Seeing is different than hearing.” Edmonton MLA Steven Young said he jumped at the chance to come on the tour. He had never been to a dairy or broiler operation and was amazed at the food safety standards required by the industries. He said the tour helped him understand the complexities of the industries and gave him a greater understanding of food safety “I am certainly reassessed.” Young said pure economists may not advocate supply management, but pure economics don’t take into account food safety, biosecurity other food assurances. “At the base level, we have to have confidence in the food supply, and that is something we can’t compromise on.” Karlee Conway, communications co-ordinator with Alberta Milk, said many people are confused about

ABOVE: Members of the government, industry and the media look at day old chicks at a display at David Hyink’s broiler farm during a supply management tour. LEFT: Signs at David Hyink’s broiler farm educate visitors about safety programs and a sign-in sheet is part of biosecurity. BELOW: Cattle at Bles-Wold Dairy are milked by automatic milking machines. The family has two automatic milkers. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS

how supply management works. The tour was designed to show people the barns and give visitors an opportunity to talk to producers to gain a better understanding of the system. Mike Southwood, general manager of Alberta Milk, said the supply managed sectors wanted to show visitors that there is more than just beef in the province. “We need to demonstrate the value of our industry to the rural economy,” he said. “We wanted to show what we contribute to agriculture.” Dairy farmer Albert Kamps said it’s important for people to take a closer look at supply managed farms and learn more about the industry. “It’s good for people to see what’s happening at the farm level,” he said. “It’s good to build relationships with these folks.”













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New food designation may save Lake Winnipeg Lake friendly | Proposed label would indicate food produced with practices that reduce nutrients flowing into water bodies BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

In the age of food labels such as grass fed, free run, gluten free, omega 3 and whole grain, a Manitoba organization wants to add another designation — lake friendly. A coalition of municipalities, Keystone Agricultural Producers, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, the Red River Basin Commission and the Manitoba government has worked

for the last few years on ways to reduce the amount of nutrients flowing into Lake Winnipeg. Members of the initiative, called Lake Friendly, are encouraging Manitoba residents to take the necessary actions to prevent the eutrophication of Lake Winnipeg. As part of that objective, Lake Friendly is developing a designation for farmers who adopt practices that preserve water quality. “It would be a way to identify producers that are working on lake friendly initiatives and link consum-

ers, who are concerned about our waters, to those producers,” said Colleen Sklar, the coalition’s executive director. Sklar hopes such a designation will offer marketing opportunities for farmers. For instance, producers who follow Lake Friendly guidelines might become a preferred supplier of meat, poultry, grain and oilseeds to food processors and restaurants. “Yes, I believe this to be the first of its kind in Canada, where we identify supply and demand chains and begin to link them together,” Sklar said from

her office in Clandeboye, Man. “Just think, if we could get big companies to purchase only products that were certified … that could really provide some incentive to producers.” The Lake Friendly designation is in the development stage, but Sklar said Manitoba farmers like the concept. “We’ve had initial meetings with 10 different producer groups and all the farmers were more than willing to get engaged. Everybody was positive about it.” Dan Mazier, who farms north of


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Brandon, said Lake Friendly’s goals are relevant for producers across Manitoba and not just those who farm directly south of the lake in the Red River Valley. “It’s about the whole watershed,” said Mazier, a KAP vice-president. “The group made an impression on me on how they tie it all together.… The water that runs past my farm (has) an impact on that lake.” Nutrient loading became a hot issue in Manitoba in the mid-2000s when algal blooms covered hundreds of square kilometres of the world’s 10th largest fresh-water lake. Many urban residents in Manitoba blame fertilizers and livestock manure for polluting Lake Winnipeg. Consequently, many producers feel the government and public are unfairly singling out agriculture as the villain. “Agriculture gets a very broad brush,” Mazier said. Lake Friendly isn’t interested in pointing fingers. Instead, it wants to build on what people are doing right. In the case of agriculture, hundreds of producers are already using beneficial practices, Sklar said. “The public sometimes doesn’t understand that producers are working to protect water,” she said. People also don’t always understand the issue is about the choices and behaviour of all Manitoba residents, she added To foster personal accountability, Lake Friendly has developed a list of actions to preserve water quality so that homeowners, cottagers and municipalities know how to be part of the solution. Sklar hopes to launch an information campaign this summer, in which every producer in Manitoba will have a Lake Friendly farm book with a list of beneficial management practices connected to water quality. BMPs include pasture management, completing an environmental farm plan and adhering to the four Rs of nutrient stewardship: right rate, right time, right place and right timing. Mazier said the Lake Friendly designation represents an opportunity to educate urban residents about environmental stewardship on Manitoba farms. “I’m doing my part.… This is what I’m doing,” he said. “It’s really a positive message on farming…. I think that’s where they (producers) are getting the bang for their buck (if they join this program).” Water Stewardship Inc., a group in the Chesapeake Bay area of the United States, is developing a similar effort to designate farms according to water quality practices. Excessive flows of nitrogen and phosphorus have caused biological dead zones in Chesapeake Bay, similar to what has happened in the Gulf of Mexico. Project managers are working with corporations to develop a food supply chain that reduces the amount of nutrients entering the estuary. Proponents of the Lake Friendly designation are concentrating on Manitoba farmers, but scientists have estimated that 50 percent of all nutrients entering Lake Winnipeg originate from other locations in the lake’s massive watershed, which includes Saskatchewan, Alberta, Minnesota and North Dakota.




JEWS AND MENNONITES FORGED COMMUNITY Jewish merchants helped provide vital goods and services to a growing Mennonite community at Winkler, Man. | Page 25




Pressure builds for better food at senior care homes Alberta resolution | Menus questioned RURAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDING


International cycling race set for rural Alberta BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

It’s not quite the Tour de France, but elite cyclists from around the world will cycle through rural Alberta next September in the Tour of Alberta. The six-day, 850-kilometre stage race will begin in Edmonton Sept. 3 and end in Calgary Sept. 8. The route needs to be officially sanctioned by international cycling bodies, but race organizers have mentioned Camrose, Devon, Drumheller and Kananaskis Country as possible places the cyclists will race through. The 16 elite cycling teams of eight cyclists each will wheel through 16 to 18 rural communities during the race. Ten to 12 rural communities will be official hosts during the race to show off their local communities and regions. The Rural Alberta Development Fund gave $3.5 million in funding to support the event and help Albertans welcome visitors. RADF money will focus on community festivals. 4-H CANADA RETIREMENT

4-H seeks new CEO 4-H Canada is seeking new leadership after Mike Nowosad retired as chief executive officer in late 2012. During his 22 years with the youth group, he worked closely with the national 4-H Council and Foundation. During his tenure, 4-H commissioned the Measures of Success report gauging the impact and value of the group across Canada, implemented a national 4-H resource development and sharing network and applied risk management processes and initiatives to ensure the needs of clients and members were met. More recently, Nowosad was involved in helping define what the organization will stand for in the coming century. 4-H will mark its 100th year in Canada in 2013, with a number of events planned from a gala in Winnipeg in May to a youth ag summit in Calgary in August. The council expects to name a new CEO early in the new year.

EDMONTON — Seniors living in long-term care homes should be eating homemade soups, fresh vegetables and nice roast dinners rather than warmed up, mass produced food pre-cooked elsewhere and trucked to facilities across the province, says the deputy reeve of the Municipal District of Willow Creek. Ian Sundquist said the food was so bad at the Willow Creek Continuing Care centre in his municipality that the problem was raised with government officials and a resolution brought to the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties convention. “If we don’t keep government’s feet to the fire, we’ll be letting the people down,” he said. “The food is so bad. These people don’t have a choice of what they eat. These are the people who deserve to be fed well.” Sundquist said after hearing plenty of complaints about the poor quality of food served in long-term facilities, he and other council members arranged to eat a meal at the facility. “We went and made arrangements to have a meal. It was so-so. We learned later the staff improved the meal that day,” Sundquist said after speaking in favour of a resolution that asked the government to ensure home cooking return to all Alberta Health Services long-term care facilities. “The changes were brought in as cost savings, but it wasn’t. So much food is getting thrown out because nobody wants to eat it.” Heather Truber, director of food safety, menu and supply for Alberta Health Services, said health minister Fred Horne heard so many complaints about the poor quality food this summer that he directed Alberta Health Services to make changes to improve food for residents by Dec. 1. She said the department has since made changes to the food at Alberta Health Services facilities. AHS operates 72 of the province’s 173 long-term care facilities. Food services staff travelled to all facilities this summer to talk to residents, family and the community about what they liked on the menu, what they missed and what they would like to see return. “We have made a number of changes to the menu, all of them

Complaints are commonly heard about the palatability of food served in long-term care facilities. |



made in response to requests to residents who live at each facility.” Alberta Health Services was created in 2009 out of smaller regional health boards. “We had amalgamated all of that menu planning and purchasing function and the benefits of that,” Truber said. “It provided us with some consistent products and consistent contracts so that we could reap the benefit of larger purchasing power.” But it also created problems. “In some cases, maybe the items were not suited for the preparation method that we had, or the equipment the sites had. We did have some challenges with our food

products and we recognized that and we wanted to respond to residents’ feedback.” After interviewing residents, Truber said they made immediate changes to the menu based on residents’ suggestions. “For instance, some sites wanted some more of their cultural favourites. We started within a week serving some of their favourite soups or favourite desserts,” Truber said. “We liked to say our meals were always healthy and nutritious and they may be now a bit more of what the residents specifically would like. The food was always healthy and nutritious. It may not have

been what they were familiar with and it may not have been as appealing as it should have been. I think we just enhanced that.” Truber said food will continue to be a mixture of homemade and food prepared off site. “We will continue to have a blend of those items, although we will have more items made at the site as requested by the residents.” Sundquist said the food may have improved since he ate at the longterm care facility, but he wanted the issue brought up at the provincial municipalities convention to make sure other councillors were aware of potential problems with the food the residents were eating.






Treating dry, Organize, de-clutter, downsize in 2013 itchy skin HEALTH CLINIC


s we begin a new year, it is a good time to clean up and clear out corners in our homes that have been neglected. It is also a good

time to change furnace filters and carbon dioxide and smoke detector batteries. Tackle a project each day and by the end of January, your home


will have a fresh start for the new year. Betty Ann Deobald is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact: team@producer.com.


THE REFRIGERATOR: A variety of leftovers from holiday meals may need to be cleaned out. Check the condiment bottles and salad dressing for best before dates and dispose of those that are expired. Wash with hot water and vinegar, remove the shelves and drawers and reorganize. Place an opened box of baking soda in the back of the fridge to remove odours and replace it monthly. Cover all food and identify in clear containers. Use a thermometer to check the refrigerator temperature, which should be 34 - 38 F (1 – 3 C). Below are recommended storage times for various foods. CLARE ROWSON, MD


A good friend of mine, aged 90 years, has had an itch, particularly on the upper body and arms. He has seen a specialist who said it was due to being in the hot sun for years as a farmer. She gave him Betaderm and Taro mometasone furoate, which seem to have been of little help. The man has had blood tests but the doctor says it isn’t caused by food allergies. After two years, he is still scratching. Do you have any suggestions?


Pruritis or itchy skin can be distressing. The more the person is itchy, the more he scratches, and this causes secondary damage to the skin. An itch is a mild form of pain, so it indicates some damage to the skin or nerves, even if it is not visible as a rash. Dry and itchy skin in elderly people is most likely to be due to environmental causes that can be corrected. Excessive use of soaps, soaking too long in hot baths, overheated rooms in the winter and air conditioned rooms in the summer will all dry out the skin. If the itch is only present on the upper part of the body, there could be contact dermatitis related to something that only has contact with that part. This could be caused by clothing, such as a wool sweater or laundry detergent. It might also be his shampoo. He could try switching to a baby shampoo. Older people may also suffer from a condition known as brachioradial pruritis, which may be caused by longtime exposure to the sun. The outer sides of the arms seem to be affected more often than the hidden inner areas. It may also be the result of nerve damage in the area of the cervical spine or neck from old whiplash types of injuries or osteoarthritis of the spine. Most 90-year-olds will have some degree of arthritis, which can be seen on an X-ray of the neck. Kidney disease can also cause an intractable itch, but I expect the doctor has ruled this out with the blood tests. Your friend could try a local anesthetic cream such as lanocaine or capsaicin cream, which depletes the nerve endings of chemical transmitters. They are available without a prescription. There are also some prescription drugs that might help, but should only be used with caution and in small doses in the elderly. They include Elavil, which is often used for pain control or the anti-epileptic drug Gabapentin. He should also cover up with long sleeves when going out in the sun, because heat and sunlight aggravate the condition. Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact: health@producer.com.

Dairy products Butter 1 month Cottage cheese, opened 1 week Firm cheese, opened 1 month (cheddar, Parmesan, Mozzarella) unopened best before date Soft cheese (Brie) 1 week Processed cheese, opened 1 month unopened best before date Cream, milk, yogurt best before date Margarine 4 – 5 months Bakery Items Bread, commercial Bread, pita Cookies Muffins, Danish pastries Buns & rolls

7 – 14 days 4 – 7 days 2 months 7 days 7 days

Fish & shellfish Fish, raw and cleaned Fish, cooked Scallops & shrimp, fresh Shellfish, cooked Smoked salmon

1 – 2 days 3 – 4 days 1 – 2 days 1 – 2 days 1 – 2 days

Fresh ripe fruit Apples, in season 2 months Bananas, ripe 2 days Blueberries, uncovered 2 days Cherries & rhubarb 3 days Cranberries, uncovered 1 week Grapes & plums 3 – 5 days Oranges, loosely covered 1 month Pears, uncovered 1 week Pineapple pieces, covered 2 – 3 days Raspberries, uncovered 1 – 2 days Strawberries, uncovered 2 days

Fresh vegetables Asparagus 2 days Beans, green & wax, covered 3 – 5 days Beets 3 – 4 weeks Broccoli, covered 5 – 7 days Cabbage & celery 1 – 2 weeks Carrots, young covered 1 – 2 weeks carrots, mature several weeks Cauliflower, covered 1 week Corn & peas, use same day Cucumbers, lettuce 5 – 7 days Green onions 1 week Peppers, red, orange & green 1 week Potatoes, new 2 weeks Summer squash, zucchini 1 week Tomatoes, ripe 2 – 3 days (Allow to ripen in a dark cupboard)

Meat, poultry & eggs (Uncooked) Cured, smoked meat 6–7 days Eggs, in shell 3 weeks Ground meat 1 – 2 days Poultry 1 – 2 days Roasts 2 – 4 days Steaks & chops 2 – 3 days Variety meats, liver, giblets 1 - 2 days Cooked All meats & poultry 2 – 3 days Casseroles, pies, sauces 2 – 3 days Cold cuts 3 – 5 days Eggs, in shell 5 – 7 days


When buying canned goods, write the date of purchase on the top of the can. Plan to use the older items first. Examine cans for dents, bulging or leakage and discard damaged ones. It is also a good idea to invert cans every two months. Check best before dates and dispose of items that are expired or check the storage recommendations listed below.

Bakery Items Bread, commercial 2 – 4 days Bread, pita 2 – 4 days Cookies 2 – 3 weeks Muffins, Danish pastries 7 days Buns & rolls 3 – 4 days Baking powder 1 year Baking soda 2 years Bouillon cubes or granules 2 years Bread crumbs, dry 6 months Canned food 1 year Cereals 6 – 8 months Chocolate, baking 7 months

Cocoa powder 10 – 12 months Coconut 1 year Coffee instant 1 year Ground unopen 2 years Coffee whitener 9 months Cookies, packaged 2 months Cornmeal 6 – 8 months Cornstarch 18 months Crackers 6 months Dried fruit 1 year Gelatin & jelly powder 1 year Mixes, cake, pancake 1 year Puddings & pie fillings 18 months

Pasta 1 – 2 years Popcorn 1 year Pulses, bean, peas, lentils 1 year Rice, white 1 year Skim milk powder, open 1 month unopened 1 year Sugar, brown 4 months granulated several years Tea bags 1 year White flour 6 – 8 months Whole wheat flour 6 weeks flour stored in freezer 1 year

Miscellaneous food Herbs & spices 6 months Honey 18 months Jams, jellies & syrups 1 year Ketchup 1 year Mayonnaise & salad dressings unopened best before date open, refrigerated 6 weeks – 2 months Mustard 2 years Nuts, vacuum can 3 months Peanut butter, open 2 months unopened 6 – 9 months Vegetable oil, open 1 – 3 months unopened several months Shortening 8 months

THE FREEZER: Discard items that are freezer burned or dried out. Defrost the freezer if there is a frost buildup and clean. Make a list and plan to use oldest items first. For prolonged storage of frozen food, the freezer temperature needs to be a constant 0 F (-18 C). Label items and store all food in freezer wrapping or airtight containers to maintain quality.

Fish & Shellfish Fat species: salmon, mackerel Lean species,: cod, haddock, pike Shellfish

2 months 6 months 2 – 4 months

Meat, poultry & eggs, uncooked Beef, roasts & steaks 6 – 9 months Chicken & turkey, cut up, 6 months Whole chicken 1 year Cured, smoked meats 1 – 2 months Duck & goose 3 months Ground meat 2 – 3 months Lamb, roast & chops 6 – 9 months Pork, roasts & chops 8 – 10 months Sausages, wieners 2 – 3 months Variety meat, giblets 3 – 4 months Veal, roasts & chops 3 – 4 months

Cooked meat All meat 2 – 3 months All poultry 1 – 3 months Casseroles, meat pies 2 – 3 months

Miscellaneous food Butter 1 year Yeast breads 1 month Bread, pita 1 – 2 months Buns & rolls 2 months Cakes & cookies, baked 4 months Muffins, Danish pastries 2 months





Couple has off-farm jobs but heart connected to farm Value of livestock | Work for Heifer International Canada focuses on livestock as a means for community development BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

OSLER, Sask. — Gord Enns and his wife, Lynne Driedger-Enns, have landed in the perfect location. With family nearby and Saskatoon a short drive away, the couple’s rural home near Osler seems ideally located for the part-time Saskatchewan farmers. The couple’s commute is an easy one. Nearby Martensville is where Driedger-Enns, a PhD candidate, teaches elementary school, and Saskatoon is where Enns serves as executive director for the national non-profit organization Heifer International Canada. The pair attended the University of Saskatchewan where Enns studied animal science in the mid-1980s and spent time in Zimbabwe and India, with a lengthy stint in Regina in between. In the early 2000s, the couple settled into a home near the farmyard where Driedger-Enns grew up. “In a lot of ways, our family sort of cultivated the ground for us. That was quite a natural path for us to go and explore, but still have a strong sense of place,� said Driedger-Enns. “For me, wherever we were, I still always felt connected to the trees here and this place.� Today, the couple owns a small parcel of land they are transitioning into organic production. They and their grown sons, Thomas and Luke, help Driedger-Enns’s father and brother, an organic producer, with a 1,500-acre grain farm. “I was very connected to that farm experience as a child,� said Enns, who grew up in the city but had rural relatives. “I wanted, from an early age, to be connected to agriculture.� It was a mutual interest in agriculture and community development that motivated the couple’s travels to Zimbabwe to work with the Mennonite Central Committee. In the late 1990s, after travelling to India where Driedger-Enns taught, the family spent a few months working at Heifer International at its educational ranch in Arkansas. “We just kind of fell in love with this organization, because for me it brought together development work and agriculture, specifically around animals,� said Enns. “The idea of Heifer International, in very simple terms, is livestock as a tool for community development. That was powerful for us as a family to experience that.� After returning to Saskatchewan a few years later, Enns was tapped to help launch the organization’s prairie chapter, which opened in 2002. The organization, which recently received charitable status, has funded projects and worked with other organizations on food security in urban and First Nation communities across Western Canada. It also raises funds for the organization’s international efforts. “Even though a lot of farms have gone to massive scale, there’s still a healthy mixed farm economy in Sask-

atchewan, where people recognize the value of livestock, and in a country like Haiti, where a goat can make a huge difference to a family, there’s parallels there,� said Enns. “I think the story of Heifer International, farm families will get that, how livestock can be a tool. They can also be a savings account. They can teach kids a lot about motivation.�

From Enns’ work with cattle extension programs to the couple’s travels abroad and the family’s grain farm, a theme emerges. “I think it’s about community and it’s about family and it’s about values more than anything for us. We do have full-time jobs,� said Enns. “But we value the farm,� added Driedger-Enns.

Gord Enns and Lynne Driedger-Enns have a mutual interest in community development through agriculture. | DAN YATES PHOTO

Haying with your hatchback? Of course not. That little car could barely make it up a curb, OHW DORQH SXOO WZLFH LWV ZHLJKW WKURXJK D Ć&#x;HOG DOO GD\ $QG LWV parts wouldn’t fare much better. $XWR SDUWV DUH EXLOW IRU FURVV WRZQ FRPPXWHV -RKQ 'HHUH SDUWV DUH GHVLJQHG WR WDNH RQ KRXU GD\V DQG OE bales. Not the same at all. Keep the car on the road where it belongs. Trust the parts built for the work you depend on. Trust genuine John Deere parts.






Community grieves after sudden death

from both above and below the surface. Heavy snowfall can reduce the weight bearing capacity of ice, or can act as insulation, slowing the freezing process.

It’s the season to head outside with skates and sticks. Keep these safety tips in mind when near frozen water: • Aeration systems usually operate between December and March. They help prevent winterkill by circulating fresh air in shallow fish-bearing sloughs, creeks and lakes. That’s good for fish, but bad for structural stability because the air bubbling up to the surface can cause thin ice and open water. Water bodies with aeration systems should have posted warning signs and people are advised to stay clear.

• Ice strength should never be judged by appearance alone. • Ice thickness is rarely uniform and can vary from safe to unsafe within a metre in any direction.


• Large, deep lakes take longer to freeze and are slower to melt than smaller lakes.

• Changing temperatures, combined with snow and slush can cause thermal cracks and pressure ridges, contributing to unsafe ice conditions. Slush in particular indicates that ice is eroding

• Currents under the ice in a river or creek make the ice 15 percent weaker than the ice on a lake.


• For more ice safety tips and an ice thickness card, visit www.lifesaving. org/public_education.php?page=181.


Source: The Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation | WP GRAPHIC



A s h o r t w h i l e a g o, a m a n who played first base on our slo-pitch team was killed in a car accident. We are like brothers and sisters out there. We care about each other. Our problem is that our friend’s family is not planning a funeral any time soon. He comes from a large family. His parents seem to have the upper hand in this thing and they have asked his wife to postpone the funeral until later in the summer. They are hoping that more of his family will be able to attend. But that leaves those of us on his ball team sitting in the trench. We need some way to work this thing out and we were counting on the funeral to help us come to terms with the death of our friend. Some players have suggested that we make our own memorial, kind of a community thing, to help us until his family organizes a funeral. I am not sure about this. What do you think?


JANUARY 15 - 17, 2013 9 : 0 0 A . M . - 5 : 0 0 P. M . K E YS T O N E C E N T R E BRANDON MB









A memorial ser vice might work, but I am concerned that you and your teammates are not going to get the satisfaction you seek from it. I suggest you don’t plan a memorial service without the support from his family. The last thing that your friend would want is dissension within the ranks of all those whom he loved. No one can deny the pain and torture a family carries when it grieves a sudden death. Your friend’s parents are undoubtedly looking for their family to come together for support through their grief. I wonder if by being too sensitive to the needs of the family, we do not forget that a whole community is out there searching for support as well. Your friend was young and still a vibrant member of the community and his community, in turn, deserves the opportunity to grieve and say goodbye to him. I went through this when one of my sons died a couple of years ago. The most beneficial process for ever yone would be to have the funeral first, to acknowledge your friend’s community as well as his family who are able to be there, and to have a family memorial later on when the extended family is able to attend. It is a bit of a two-way street where the community needs to support y o u r f r i e n d’s f a m i l y a n d y o u r friend’s family needs to support the community. I am not sure that anyone has the right answer to your problem.

Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ producer.com.





Jewish merchants vital in Mennonite community Heritage society recognizes Jewish shop owners who laid the foundation for Winkler Man., to become a large commercial centre BY RON FRIESEN FREELANCE WRITER

WINKLER, Man. — Arla Nitikman Strauss was born and raised in Winnipeg. But her roots are linked to the southern Manitoba Mennonite community of Winkler, the place where her Jewish ancestors arrived from the shtetls of Czarist Russia at the turn of the 20th century. “I do feel the connection,” said Nitikman Strauss, a curriculum consultant with Manitoba Education. “I know that’s where my grandparents and great-grandparents settled. I know that my father was born there. I can also make connections to other people there, even though they’re not descendants.” Mennonites and Jews may have seemed an unlikely combination during those early settlement years, but they actually were an ideal fit. Conservative Mennonite religion frowned on members operating retail businesses, especially in a railway town, which offered access to the outside world and its temptations. Jewish merchants helped fill that gap, providing vital goods and services to a growing Mennonite agrarian society. Canadian immigration officials would sometimes direct Jewish migrants to the Winkler area, knowing their mercantile skills would be useful there. “The Jewish merchant provided an intermediary position between the merchandising of the world and Mennonite conservatism,” said Hans Werner, a University of Winnipeg professor who has published a history of Winkler. “They were two solitudes who shared a business arrangement that worked well for them.” Jewish store owners in Winkler frequently employed wagon peddlers, who would travel to local Mennonite villages to sell or barter their household wares. Some eventually opened their own stores after raising enough capital. Werner said Mennonites and Jews in those days had a lot in common. They were nomadic people with a history of religious persecution in Europe. Both spoke similar languages of Yiddish and Low German. Both also possessed a sense of frugality and making do with what they could afford. “There was this general notion among conservative Mennonites that one ought not to waste and one ought to be frugal. That translated into, why would you buy something that’s not needed for a price that’s too high?”

A July 1, 1916, parade shows the many stores operated by Jewish merchants in Winkler, Man. BELOW: A grain elevator was built in the 1950s by Jewish businessperson Isaac Sirluck, who came to Winkler in 1901. | WINKLER HERITAGE SOCIETY PHOTOS The notion of wealth through frugality was a thread that ran through the community for decades, said Werner. Werner suggests early Jewish merchants may have helped lay the groundwork for Winkler’s later transformation into southern Manitoba’s largest commercial centre. At its height in the 1920s, Winkler’s Jewish community numbered about 50 people with its own synagogue. Gradually, however, families moved to Winnipeg where a larger ethnic community offered better opportunities for them and their children. In the coming years, their descendants would include many doctors, lawyers, judges, educators and other professionals, as well as a University of Manitoba president. On May 26, 2002, members of the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada and the Winkler Heritage Society gathered to unveil a plaque commemorating 15 pioneer Jewish families who settled in Winkler between 1890 and 1914. Nitikman Strauss, who helped organize the event, said it was an

amazing experience to trace family trees and discover long lost cousins descended from the original Jewish settlers. The event was also important in

celebrating a little-known chapter in Manitoba history, said Martin Buchwald, 76, a former architect whose grandfather, Max, started out as a peddler and eventually ran a general

store in Winkler. “I think it says volumes about the openness of the Mennonite community to the history of their area,” Buchwald said.





AG NOTES B.C. PROTECTS WATER The B.C. government has amended its controlled alien species regulation to include tough fines for those who introduce invasive species into local ecosystems. The strengthened regulation acts on a previous commitment to ban the snakehead fish. Main measures include:

Josh Hollis hauls in his freshly cut Christmas tree. Joining friends to select and cut a tree from the Rocky Mountain foothills has been a lifelong tradition for the Edmonton man. | RANDY FIEDLER PHOTO

• Prohibiting possession, breeding, release and transportation of highrisk aquatic species such as the snakehead. Releasing a live snakehead into local waters could result in a fine of up to $250,000. • Requiring that no invasive zebra or quagga mussel, alive or dead, be present on boats or related equipment. Failure to clean mussels off boats or equipment could result in a fine of up to $100,000.

Until now, the controlled alien species regulation was used to control the possession, breeding, shipping and releasing of animals that are not native to B.C., that pose a serious risk to the health or safety of people, such as tigers. The new rules target specific aquatic invasive species to prevent live species from coming into contact with B.C. waters. CANADIAN FOOD PROMOTED ON INDIA’S FOOD NETWORK Canadian food, drink, and tourism will be showcased to the world as millions of viewers tune into a popular Indian cooking and travel show this month. New Delhi Television’s Good Times will air 10 weekly English-language episodes hosted by Indian celebrity chef Vicky Ratnani.

The series, called Vicky Goes Foreign — Canada Tadka was filmed in eight provinces this summer and fall. It will be broadcast to more than 39 million NDTV viewers in India and to millions more internationally via satellite networks and the internet. The episodes feature a combination of cooking demonstrations by Canadian chefs and Ratnani and visits to popular eateries and tourist attractions. Canadian food and drinks featured in the series include canola oil, peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, barley, potatoes, fish and seafood, wild rice, hemp, honey, cheese, wine, ice wine and beer. FCL SEES RECORD SALES IN 2012 Federated Co-operatives Ltd. achieved record sales of $8.8 billion in 2012, an increase of seven percent from the previous year. It also reported net earnings from operations of $827 million for the fiscal year that ended Oct. 31. The Saskatoon-based company, which is owned by 230 retail co-op members in Western Canada, experienced sales growth in all its strategic business sectors: energy, food, home and building supplies, crop supplies and feed. Of the $827 million in net earnings from operations, $527 million is being returned to FCL’s retail ownermembers in the form of a patronage allocation. The remainder is retained in FCL to fund future growth initiatives and capital requirements. FCL invested $1.3 billion in capital projects in 2012, including completion of the Co-op Refinery Complex Section V expansion in Regina, the continued expansion of the Saskatoon warehouse and construction of the new Carseland petroleum terminal near Calgary, which is scheduled for completion this year. FCL also supported initiatives to upgrade hundreds of food stores, gas bars and home and building centres.


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Jan. 5-12: Crop Production Week, Saskatoon (306-933-0138, kevin@ hursh.ca) Jan. 7-10: Western Canadian Crop Production Show, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon (306-931-7149, 888-9319333, www.cropproductiononline. com) Jan. 15-16: Cattlemen’s Corral/Crop Visions, Lloydminster (Corrine, 306825-7017) Jan. 15-17: Manitoba Ag Days, Keystone Centre, Brandon (204-571-6566, www.agdays.com) Jan. 23-24: Saskatchewan Beef Industry conference, Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon (Shannon McArton, 306-731-7610, shannon. mcarton@sasktel.net, www. saskbeefconference.com) Feb. 12-14: World Ag Expo, International Agri-Center, Tulare, Calif. (559-6881030, info@farmshow.org) Feb. 13-15: Western Barley Growers Association convention, Deerfoot Inn and Casino, Calgary (WBGA, 403-9123998, register, wbga@wbga.org) Feb. 15-17: Saskatchewan Equine Expo, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon (306-931-7149, www. saskatchewanequineexpo.ca) Feb. 27-March 1: Ag Expo, Exhibition Park, Lethbridge (403-328-4491, events@exhibitionpark.ca) For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.



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For decades, Canada has boasted of its “balanced position” in trade negotiations — demanding foreign access for competitive export products, such as grain and livestock, while insisting on protection for sensitive products such as dairy, poultry and eggs. A Nov. 22, 2005, unanimous House of Commons vote was a dramatic moment in solidifying that position as MPs said supply management protections cannot be touched. A reconstruction of the day building to the evening vote reveals intense behind-thescenes negotiations, political tensions within parties and a Conservative compromise that helped the party win government two months later. Ottawa bureau correspondent Barry Wilson examines the events leading up to the dramatic day.

A BRILLIANT PLAY How one move changed the course of the game for supply management and international trade


T WAS A FLEETING Parliament Hill meeting of political opponents Nov 22, 2005, that sealed a deal to engrave supply management protectionism into Canadian trade policy stone. Inside the House of Commons, MPs debated a Bloc Québécois motion that Canada reject any trade deal that would liberalize highly protectionist supply management rules. Those rules set strict production quotas and prices for dairy farmers and quotas for the egg and poultry industries, while shielding them from most foreign competition with a system of high tarrifs on incoming products above certain quantities. Outside, two political leaders met briefly in a parliamentary side room to make it possible. BQ leader Gilles Duceppe agreed that his party would amend its motion to add a Conservative proposal that any future trade agreement should “ensure (it) strengthens the market access of Canada’s agricultural exporters.” Conser vative leader Stephen Harper, a protectionism opponent in private life and an economist with an aversion to tariffs leading a prairie-

based free trade party in public life, said OK. Underlings worked out a deal that the two leaders ratified. Then, with the New Democratic Party on side, all that remained was to see if the governing minority Liberals would sign on, despite misgivings, and make the vote unanimous. “I was working with the UPA (Union des Producteurs Agricoles) to get the resolution passed, and we wanted it unanimous,” BQ MP and motion sponsor André Bellavance said. “It was not easy at the beginning of the day because the Conservatives were not sure, so we added words to the motion for them. Mr. Duceppe and Mr. Harper talked in the lobby about that. I was there. The Conservatives got on board.” The rookie MP’s main problem was with the Liberals. Cabinet ministers in the minority government were heading off two weeks later for a World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong, and they thought the motion would tie their hands. “The Liberals worked all day to have changes that would give them more latitude at negotiations,” said

Bellavance. “(Agriculture minister Andy) Mitchell talked to me about it through the day. I remember I had a headache because of the pressure.” The 41-year-old former radio announcer from a rural central Quebec riding had been elected just the previous year and had been named BQ agriculture critic only months before. Suddenly, he was thrust into the middle of one of the most political agricultural issues in the country. It was a day soaked with intense politics, high-level strategy and enormous electoral stakes. Rarely in recent decades has an agricultural issue commanded such high-level attention. _______


OR THE BQ, IT WAS A relatively simple issue and highly political. The following week, they planned to join with the Conservatives and NDP to bring down the Liberal government for a winter election. Supply management was a huge issue in their rural Quebec ridings, and there were fears a December WTO deal could under-

We knew an election was coming so I said to the UPA, I think we have a chance to ask them (the Liberals) to vote for it before an election campaign. They wouldn’t want to go to Quebec, Ontario and other provinces where supply management was important to explain in a campaign why they voted against supply management. ANDRÉ BELLAVANCE BLOC QUEBECOIS MP

Commons public galleries were filled with UPA and supply management farmers. HE ISSUE WAS MUCH MORE complex for the westernbased Conservatives. Their voter base was largely profree trade, as were their MPs. In the 2004 election, when they held the Liberals to a minority, almost 70 percent of Conservative MPs elected were from the West, none from Quebec and only two dozen from Ontario’s 103 ridings. The party needed an Ontario breakthrough and rural Ontario was the best bet. “It was a political decision that was made around the time of the formation of the merged party (in 2003),” said Tom Flanagan, former national Conservative campaign director and former Harper chief of staff who is now at the University of Calgary. “We knew it was bad economics at the time but believed it was the only political course. Another factor was the calculation that the only chance the Conservatives had to win Ontario seats and perhaps in Quebec were rural seats where the dairy industry is relatively strong.”


mine system protections. There were politics to be played with the help of the powerful UPA. “We knew an election was coming so I said to the UPA, I think we have a chance to ask them (the Liberals) to vote for it before an election campaign,” said Bellavance. “They wouldn’t want to go to Quebec, Ontario and other provinces where supply management was important to explain in a campaign why they voted against supply management.” The night of the vote, House of





Trade negotiators seek ways around supply management stalemate


nternational trade talks have been in stalemate since MPs voted unanimously seven years ago to preserve the supply management status quo. As a result, the impact of the motion has yet to be tested. Critics and supporters alike are watching Canada-European Union free trade talks and nascent TransPacific Partnership negotiations to see if the government feels bound by the resolution and if it moves, what fallout follows. “I do think some upcoming deals will be a test,” Canadian AgriFood Trade Alliance executive director Kathleen Sullivan said. “It hasn’t affected deals yet because there have been none, but it certainly is raised by people in the Cairns group and others when we meet with them, so in that way it has had an effect. I think we have handed people a stick on a silver platter to beat us with.”

As recently as 2002, a resolution from the Canadian Alliance party (a Conservative predecessor) had said that any trade agreement affecting supply management would have to make sure those farmers were given foreign market access “and that there will be a significant transition period in any move towards a market-driven environment.” Three years later, MPs were being told that a stand against any move

André Bellavance, the Bloc Québécois MP who moved the motion Nov. 22, 2005, said the target at the time was an impending World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong, which appeared to offer a chance of breakthrough and compromise. Instead, the meeting in December 2005 led to WTO stalemate that has only deepened over the years. Governments are now moving their attention to regional trade negotiations. “In that way, I think the motion is more important now than it was then with CETA and TPP coming,” he said. “The government has its direction and industry will be watching.” Former Canadian agriculture negotiator Mike Gifford said the parliamentary vote came, ironically, at a time when the dairy sector was signalling that some compromise was possible, although not on over-quota tariffs that give the industry stability to set production quota levels with

the knowledge of what percentage of the market is available to imports. “When I talked to supply management leaders privately, at least some of them, even post-2005 they recognized that at the end of the day, this was not a sustainable position, and that Canada would have to make some concessions,” Gifford said. He was Canada’s chief agricultural negotiator in Geneva for many years, including talks on the Uruguay Round that led to the last WTO deal in 1993. “But they would also say, quite accurately, that the politics within the farm community in Canada is such that we daren’t say this in public before the end game because God knows what will happen in the negotiation,” Gifford said. “We can’t say anything publicly until it is clear that a deal is coming together, that it is clear we are where we were in 1993 again.” Although it would deviate from the

“toward a market-driven environment” for dairy and poultry was politically necessary. Despite a day of Conservative speeches extolling the virtues of agricultural exports, they all voted for high tariff protection for some sectors. Two months later came the Central Canadian breakthrough: 15 new mainly rural seats in Ontario, 10 in Quebec and the first Conservative government elected in almost two decades. _______

that I support supply management and there was no option other than to support the resolution.” Despite opposition charges that the Liberals were waffling and trying to dilute supply management support, Mitchell said his vote for the motion was never in doubt. “I do think it was an important expression of parliamentary opinion that, although not binding, governments have an obligation to listen to.” In the lead-up to the Nov. 22 vote, UPA leadership arranged a meeting with then prime minister and Montreal MP Paul Martin to warn about the consequences of not supporting the motion. Afterward, Canadian export lobbyists who attended the Hong Kong WTO meeting said they overheard Mitchell apologize to then agriculture negotiator Steve Verheul about the motion. “I don’t remember that, but it wouldn’t surprise me that I said we have just added another complication to your job,” said Mitchell, now a municipal politician in the Peterborough, Ont., area.


OR THE GOVERNING Liberals, the political complication was that they had to live with the decision. Andy Mitchell spent the day trying to convince opposition MPs that the motion would be more tenable if it called for negotiators to protect supply management but not to specify how it must be done. “I would have been more comfortable with a motion that simply dealt with the end goal,” he said. “But at the end of the day, I was going to show Canadian producers

2005 vote and cause a political uproar from the supply managed sector and opposition politicians, there is growing speculation that Canada could offer more access by increasing low-tariff imports brought in under tariff rate quotas. Proponents of the idea said that would be a concession without destabilizing the supply management system. Liberal trade critic Wayne Easter, a self-described “fierce defender” of supply management who voted for the resolution but thought it was too restrictive, hints at that potential solution. “The system cannot be negotiated away,” he said. “You can move on access, but you cannot move on tariffs and that’s what’s crucial to the system.” Former trade negotiator Michael Hart does not under-estimate the power of the supply management lobby to dissuade government from approving any weakening of support for the system’s protections.


HEN THE POLITICAL smoke cleared after the vote, Quebec and supply management leaders cheered and returned to their farms convinced of political support. Flanagan said the campaign for the Nov. 22 Commons vote was an important illustration of the political power of Canada’s dairy farmer lobby. “These people are relentless,” he said. “They won’t leave you alone unless you give them total support. It was

Hart, the Simon Reisman chair in trade policy at Ottawa’s Carleton University, was one of the lead negotiators in the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement talks a quarter century ago. “We tried to get the government to see this as an opportunity to deal with supply management, to use it as a quid pro quo to get rid of some of the American policies we didn’t like,” he recalled. “It would have been a card worth playing, but dairy farmers were on the march immediately and before we even sat down to do serious negotiations, the government had caved on it.” In the House of Commons, thenforeign affairs minister Joe Clark rose to answer an opposition question about “selling out” supply management. “He said supply management is part of the very warp and woof of Canadian Confederation and once the minister said that, that was it.”

their victory.” In the intervening years, the Conservative party made and held gains in rural Ontario but has seen its Quebec rural base shrink. Still, the government and agriculture minister Gerry Ritz remain steadfast defenders of supply management. And once Bellavance’s headache cleared up after that tense day, he found his role in the vote a political winner in his rural riding on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River. In 2011, he was one of four BQ MPs to hold their seats in the face of the NDP wave in Quebec. He tells the story of a 2008 election visit to his riding by then-leader Duceppe, who lost his own seat in 2011. It was a day to discuss farm policy, so a farm background was needed. “I took Mr. Duceppe and the media onto a farm that had been a Liberal farm,” he said. “He had been a Liberal partisan, but after the supply management motion, he called to tell me he was one of mine. I think it helped me in my riding.”

I would have been more comfortable with a motion that simply dealt with the end goal. But at the end of the day, I was going to show Canadian producers that I support supply management and there was no option other than to support the resolution. I do think it was an important expression of parliamentary opinion that, although not binding, governments have an obligation to listen to. ANDY MITCHELL FORMER AGRICULTURE MINISTER





Trade negotiators seek ways around supply management stalemate


nternational trade talks have been in stalemate since MPs voted unanimously seven years ago to preserve the supply management status quo. As a result, the impact of the motion has yet to be tested. Critics and supporters alike are watching Canada-European Union free trade talks and nascent TransPacific Partnership negotiations to see if the government feels bound by the resolution and if it moves, what fallout follows. “I do think some upcoming deals will be a test,” Canadian AgriFood Trade Alliance executive director Kathleen Sullivan said. “It hasn’t affected deals yet because there have been none, but it certainly is raised by people in the Cairns group and others when we meet with them, so in that way it has had an effect. I think we have handed people a stick on a silver platter to beat us with.”

As recently as 2002, a resolution from the Canadian Alliance party (a Conservative predecessor) had said that any trade agreement affecting supply management would have to make sure those farmers were given foreign market access “and that there will be a significant transition period in any move towards a market-driven environment.” Three years later, MPs were being told that a stand against any move

André Bellavance, the Bloc Québécois MP who moved the motion Nov. 22, 2005, said the target at the time was an impending World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong, which appeared to offer a chance of breakthrough and compromise. Instead, the meeting in December 2005 led to WTO stalemate that has only deepened over the years. Governments are now moving their attention to regional trade negotiations. “In that way, I think the motion is more important now than it was then with CETA and TPP coming,” he said. “The government has its direction and industry will be watching.” Former Canadian agriculture negotiator Mike Gifford said the parliamentary vote came, ironically, at a time when the dairy sector was signalling that some compromise was possible, although not on over-quota tariffs that give the industry stability to set production quota levels with

the knowledge of what percentage of the market is available to imports. “When I talked to supply management leaders privately, at least some of them, even post-2005 they recognized that at the end of the day, this was not a sustainable position, and that Canada would have to make some concessions,” Gifford said. He was Canada’s chief agricultural negotiator in Geneva for many years, including talks on the Uruguay Round that led to the last WTO deal in 1993. “But they would also say, quite accurately, that the politics within the farm community in Canada is such that we daren’t say this in public before the end game because God knows what will happen in the negotiation,” Gifford said. “We can’t say anything publicly until it is clear that a deal is coming together, that it is clear we are where we were in 1993 again.” Although it would deviate from the

“toward a market-driven environment” for dairy and poultry was politically necessary. Despite a day of Conservative speeches extolling the virtues of agricultural exports, they all voted for high tariff protection for some sectors. Two months later came the Central Canadian breakthrough: 15 new mainly rural seats in Ontario, 10 in Quebec and the first Conservative government elected in almost two decades. _______

that I support supply management and there was no option other than to support the resolution.” Despite opposition charges that the Liberals were waffling and trying to dilute supply management support, Mitchell said his vote for the motion was never in doubt. “I do think it was an important expression of parliamentary opinion that, although not binding, governments have an obligation to listen to.” In the lead-up to the Nov. 22 vote, UPA leadership arranged a meeting with then prime minister and Montreal MP Paul Martin to warn about the consequences of not supporting the motion. Afterward, Canadian export lobbyists who attended the Hong Kong WTO meeting said they overheard Mitchell apologize to then agriculture negotiator Steve Verheul about the motion. “I don’t remember that, but it wouldn’t surprise me that I said we have just added another complication to your job,” said Mitchell, now a municipal politician in the Peterborough, Ont., area.


OR THE GOVERNING Liberals, the political complication was that they had to live with the decision. Andy Mitchell spent the day trying to convince opposition MPs that the motion would be more tenable if it called for negotiators to protect supply management but not to specify how it must be done. “I would have been more comfortable with a motion that simply dealt with the end goal,” he said. “But at the end of the day, I was going to show Canadian producers

2005 vote and cause a political uproar from the supply managed sector and opposition politicians, there is growing speculation that Canada could offer more access by increasing low-tariff imports brought in under tariff rate quotas. Proponents of the idea said that would be a concession without destabilizing the supply management system. Liberal trade critic Wayne Easter, a self-described “fierce defender” of supply management who voted for the resolution but thought it was too restrictive, hints at that potential solution. “The system cannot be negotiated away,” he said. “You can move on access, but you cannot move on tariffs and that’s what’s crucial to the system.” Former trade negotiator Michael Hart does not under-estimate the power of the supply management lobby to dissuade government from approving any weakening of support for the system’s protections.


HEN THE POLITICAL smoke cleared after the vote, Quebec and supply management leaders cheered and returned to their farms convinced of political support. Flanagan said the campaign for the Nov. 22 Commons vote was an important illustration of the political power of Canada’s dairy farmer lobby. “These people are relentless,” he said. “They won’t leave you alone unless you give them total support. It was

Hart, the Simon Reisman chair in trade policy at Ottawa’s Carleton University, was one of the lead negotiators in the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement talks a quarter century ago. “We tried to get the government to see this as an opportunity to deal with supply management, to use it as a quid pro quo to get rid of some of the American policies we didn’t like,” he recalled. “It would have been a card worth playing, but dairy farmers were on the march immediately and before we even sat down to do serious negotiations, the government had caved on it.” In the House of Commons, thenforeign affairs minister Joe Clark rose to answer an opposition question about “selling out” supply management. “He said supply management is part of the very warp and woof of Canadian Confederation and once the minister said that, that was it.”

their victory.” In the intervening years, the Conservative party made and held gains in rural Ontario but has seen its Quebec rural base shrink. Still, the government and agriculture minister Gerry Ritz remain steadfast defenders of supply management. And once Bellavance’s headache cleared up after that tense day, he found his role in the vote a political winner in his rural riding on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River. In 2011, he was one of four BQ MPs to hold their seats in the face of the NDP wave in Quebec. He tells the story of a 2008 election visit to his riding by then-leader Duceppe, who lost his own seat in 2011. It was a day to discuss farm policy, so a farm background was needed. “I took Mr. Duceppe and the media onto a farm that had been a Liberal farm,” he said. “He had been a Liberal partisan, but after the supply management motion, he called to tell me he was one of mine. I think it helped me in my riding.”

I would have been more comfortable with a motion that simply dealt with the end goal. But at the end of the day, I was going to show Canadian producers that I support supply management and there was no option other than to support the resolution. I do think it was an important expression of parliamentary opinion that, although not binding, governments have an obligation to listen to. ANDY MITCHELL FORMER AGRICULTURE MINISTER





Researcher suspects neonicotinoids affect insects, birds BY JEFFREY CARTER FREELANCE WRITER

A Saskatchewan biologist believes neonicotinoids may be the cause of a decline in some species of birds that eat insects. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO

DRESDEN, Ont. — Honeybees are not the only creatures being affected by neonicotinoid seed treatments. According to researchers in Saskatchewan and Quebec, the insecticides may be having a profound impact on other insect species. There is even evidence their persistence in the environment is affecting birds. Christy Morrissey, a biologist at the University of Saskatchewan, is evaluating the movement of neonicotinoids into prairie wetlands. “There is considerable circumstantial evidence that these chemicals are

causing large scale reductions in insect abundance and at the same time we are observing serious declines in many species of birds in Canada, particularly aerial insectivores — swallows and swifts, for example — that are highly dependent on insects to raise their young,” Morrissey said. Most of the wetlands that Morrissey sampled contained one or more neonicotinoids. She said it’s an indication the chemicals are moving off agricultural seed and into water. “We have also observed some reductions in insect abundance along with lower body weight in birds nesting at an intensive agriculture site

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compared to more natural areas.” Madeleine Chagnon, an environmental scientist from the Université du Québec a Montréal, said she is convinced neonicotinoids are having an impact beyond honeybees. “The honeybee is known as a bioindicator of the environment. If honeybees die, other organisms die also, that’s for sure,” she said. “How many studies will it take before the PMRA (Pest Management Regulatory Agency) acknowledges the danger?” Chagnon said researchers at the university first made the connection between bee kills and neonicotinoids in Quebec in 2008. She feels it’s likely an annual phenomena, although the severity depends on environmental conditions. Claude Boucher of the provincial agriculture ministry has developed a monitoring project, but Chagnon said beekeepers have been reluctant to report incidents. “We have as much as in Ontario, but only a few cases are ‘official’ with the PMRA.” Chagnon suspects concerns with neonicotinoids do not stop with bee deaths. She led a study, which hasn’t been published yet, to look at the potential for chronic, sub-lethal impacts. It compared honeybees that had access to pollen and nectar from corn grown with treated seed to those that did not. “We found greater mortality in the bees that collected corn pollen,” she said. “We think honeybees exposed to corn pollen have something going wrong with their neurotransmissions.” Chagnon said products such as Poncho and Cruiser work by disrupting normal brain functions in insects. Honeybees are highly social insects and relatively small effects can have major consequences for colony health. She assessed the sub-lethal effect of the neonicotinoid clothianidin by analyzing bee heads, not for the chemical but for a biological marker showing its disruption of neural synapses. “There are not many field studies that show the effect of neonicotinoids or other pesticides on bees,” she said. “With sub-lethal effects, it’s very difficult to prove.” Chagnon said the study was conducted in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, where corn production is concentrated. One challenge was finding locations for the control colonies far enough way from fields where seed treatments were used. Worker honeybees routinely fly about one and a half kilometres from their hives and sometimes further.

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Environmental program unco-ordinated: study Ecological goods and services compensation | Interest in such programs found more at the provincial than federal level BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Canadian policies to compensate farmers for ecological goods and services are largely an unco-ordinated shambles, a new study suggests, despite growing interest in farm environmental practices. The Greening of Canadian Agriculture, written by George Morris Centre researchers for the Ottawa-based Macdonald-Laurier Institute, recommended more study and increased use of pilot projects to

evaluate what will work best in Canada. It also suggested there is more interest in the need for agricultural environmental programs at the provincial level than at the federal level. The national Growing Forward policy framework agreed to by Ottawa and the provinces still places significant emphasis on farm support programs, “and there appears to be little room for expansion into environmental programs,” said the report. It analyzed the main environmental programs of the European Union,

the United States and Australia and concluded they would not necessarily be a good fit for Canada. The EU has a cross-compliance policy that ties a farmer’s eligibility for farm program support to environmental performance. Farmers also receive landscape maintenance compensation in a “single farm payment.” The report noted that most Canadian farm support programs have unpredictable payments that create less of an incentive to support crosscompliance. “The incentive to cross-comply will

be stronger the greater the level and certainty of the payment it is tied to,” said the report. “If the benefit of the underlying farm program is fixed and large, then the effective cost of failing to crosscomply is tangible. Conversely, if the nature of payments from the underlying farm program is such that the payments are uncertain and may only be small in size, then the effective benefit of cross-complying may be perceived as small.” The EU has a relatively predictable single farm payment, while Canada’s

attempt to make farm programs “predictable and bankable” has yet to produce significant results. The emphasis in the U.S. and Australia is on payments for land conservation and withdrawing sensitive or marginal lands from production. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2013 budget includes $6.2 billion for conservation programs that affect 358 million acres. The report suggested research to evaluate what pilot projects have worked best for Canadian conditions.

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Tributes/Memoriams ..................... 0100 Announcements .............................0200 COMMUNITY CALENDAR British Columbia ..........................0310 Alberta ........................................ 0320 Saskatchewan ............................ 0330 Manitoba ..................................... 0340 Airplanes ........................................0400 Alarms & Security Systems ...........0500 ANTIQUES Antique Auctions .........................0701 Antique Equipment..................... 0703 Antique Vehicles ......................... 0705 Antique Miscellaneous ................0710 Arenas ............................................0800 Auction Sales .................................0900 Auction Schools .............................0950 AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto Service & Repairs............... 1050 Auto & Truck Parts .......................1100 Buses........................................... 1300 Cars ............................................. 1400 Trailers Grain Trailers .............................1505 Livestock Trailers....................... 1510 Misc. Trailers...............................1515 Trucks 2007 & Newer ........................... 1597 2000 - 2006 ............................. 1600 1999 & Older .............................1665 Four Wheel Drive .......................1670 Grain Trucks ............................... 1675 Gravel Trucks ............................. 1676 Semi Trucks.................................. 1677 Specialized Trucks .................... 1680 Sport Utilities ............................ 1682 Various .......................................1685 Vans..............................................1700 Vehicles Wanted .......................... 1705 BEEKEEPING Honey Bees ..................................2010 Cutter Bees ................................. 2020 Bee Equipment & Supplies .....................................2025 Belting ............................................ 2200 Bio Diesel & Equipment................. 2300 Books & Magazines ........................ 2400 BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Concrete Repair & Coatings .......................................2504 Doors & Windows ........................2505 Electrical & Plumbing .................. 2510 Lumber .........................................2520 Roofing.........................................2550 Supplies .......................................2570 Buildings .........................................2601 Building Movers ..............................2602 Business Opportunities ................. 2800 BUSINESS SERVICES Commodity/Future Brokers ........ 2900 Consulting ....................................2901 Financial & Legal .........................2902 Insurance & Investments ....................2903 Butcher’s Supplies .........................3000 Chemicals........................................3150 Clothing: Drygoods & Workwear ................. 3170 Collectibles .................................... 3200 Compressors .................................. 3300 Computers...................................... 3400 CONTRACTING Custom Baling..............................3510 Custom Combining ......................3520 Custom Feeding ........................... 3525 Custom Seeding ........................... 3527 Custom Silage ..............................3530 Custom Spraying ........................ 3540 Custom Trucking ..........................3550 Custom Tub Grinding ................... 3555 Custom Work............................... 3560 Construction Equipment................3600 Dairy Equipment .............................3685 Diesel Engines................................ 3700 Educational .................................... 3800 Electrical Motors.............................3825 Electrical Equipment ......................3828 Engines........................................... 3850 Farm Buildings ...............................4000 Bins ............................................. 4003 Storage/Containers .................... 4005 FARM MACHINERY Aeration .......................................4103

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Conveyors ................................... 4106 Equipment Monitors ................... 4109 Fertilizer Equipment.................... 4112 Grain Augers ................................ 4115 Grain Bags/Equipment ................ 4116 Grain Carts ................................... 4118 Grain Cleaners ............................. 4121 Grain Dryers ................................. 4124 Grain Elevators ............................ 4127 Grain Testers ................................4130 Grain Vacuums............................. 4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ......................4139 Mower Conditioners .................. 4142 Swathers ....................................4145 Swather Accessories .................4148 H&H Various .............................. 4151 Combines Belarus ....................................... 4157 Case/IH ..................................... 4160 CI ................................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ......................4166 Deutz ..........................................4169 Ford/NH ..................................... 4172 Gleaner ...................................... 4175 John Deere ................................. 4178 Massey Ferguson ....................... 4181 Python........................................4184 Versatile ..................................... 4187 White..........................................4190 Various ....................................... 4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers ......................4199 Combine Pickups .......................4202 Misc. Accessories ......................4205 Hydraulics ................................... 4208 Parts & Accessories ..................... 4211 Salvage....................................... 4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ................................. 4217 Repairs .........................................4220 Rockpickers ................................. 4223 Shop Equipment .......................... 4225 Snowblowers & Snowplows.................................4226 Silage Equipment ........................4229 Special Equipment ...................... 4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ................................4238 SP Sprayers................................ 4241 Spraying Various .......................4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .....................................4250 Air Seeders ................................4253 Harrows & Packers ....................4256 Seeding Various.........................4259 Tillage Equipment .....................4262 Tillage & Seeding Various.....................................4265 Tractors Agco Agco ......................................... 4274 Allis/Deutz ............................... 4277 White ...................................... 4280 Belarus .......................................4283 Case/IH ..................................... 4286 Steiger......................................4289 Caterpillar ..................................4292 John Deere .................................4295 Kubota....................................... 4298 Massey Ferguson .......................4301 New Holland ............................. 4304 Ford ..........................................4307 Versatile...................................4310 Universal.................................... 4313 Zetor...........................................4316 Various Tractors ........................4319 Loaders & Dozers ......................... 4322 Miscellaneous ..............................4325 Wanted .........................................4328 Fencing ...........................................4400 Financing/Leasing ......................... 4450 Firewood .........................................4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ................. 4500 Food Products .................................4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ....... 4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ...............4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing .................. 4605 Fur Farming .....................................4675 Generators ...................................... 4725 GPS .................................................4730 Green Energy................................... 4775 Health Care .................................... 4810 Health Foods ...................................4825 Heating & Air Conditioning ........... 4850 Hides, Furs, & Leathers ................. 4880

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Dorper ........................................ 5527 Dorset ........................................5530 Katahdin.....................................5550 Lincoln ....................................... 5553 Suffolk....................................... 5580 Texel Sheep ................................5582 Sheep Various........................... 5590 Sheep Wanted............................5595 Sheep Events, Seminars................... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ...................................5598 Swine Auction Sales ............................ 5605 Wild Boars .................................5662 Swine Various ............................5670 Swine Wanted ............................ 5675 Swine Events, Seminars ..................5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ...............................5710 Ducks & Geese ...........................5720 Turkeys.......................................5730 Birds Various ............................. 5732 Poultry Various ..........................5740 Poultry Equipment..................... 5741 Specialty Alpacas ...................................... 5753 Deer............................................ 5757 Elk ..............................................5760 Goats .......................................... 5765 Llama .........................................5770 Rabbits....................................... 5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea .................... 5775 Yaks ............................................5780 Events & Seminars..................... 5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment. ................................ 5783 Livestock Various ........................5785 Livestock Equipment .................. 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies ..................................... 5792 Lost and Found .............................. 5800 Miscellaneous Articles................... 5850 Misc Articles Wanted ......................5855 Musical ............................................5910 Notices ............................................5925 Oilfield Equipment..........................5935 ORGANIC Certification Services ..................5943 Food .............................................5945 Grains...........................................5947 Livestock ..................................... 5948 Personal (prepaid) ......................... 5950 Personal Various (prepaid)................ 5952 Pest Control ................................... 5960 PETS Registered ....................................5970 Non Registered ............................ 5971 Working Dogs ...............................5973 Pets & Dog Events ........................ 5975 Photography .................................. 5980 Propane ..........................................6000 Pumps ............................................ 6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ....................6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties .............................6110 Commercial Buildings/Land .......................... 6115 Condos/Townhouses ...................6120 Cottages & Lots ............................ 6125 Houses & Lots ..............................6126 Mobile Homes .............................. 6127 Ready To Move ............................. 6128 Resorts .........................................6129 Recreational Property .................6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia........................ 6131 Alberta ....................................... 6132 Saskatchewan ............................ 6133 Manitoba ....................................6134 Pastures .....................................6136 Wanted .......................................6138 Acreages ....................................6139 Miscellaneous ........................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ...................... 6161 Boats & Watercraft ...................... 6162 Campers & Trailers ......................6164 Golf Cars ......................................6165 Motor Homes ...............................6166 Motorcycles ................................. 6167 Snowmobiles ...............................6168 Refrigeration .................................. 6180 RENTALS &

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ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ..................6210 Vacation Accommodations .......................6245 Restaurant Supplies .......................6320 Sausage Equipment ....................... 6340 Sawmills......................................... 6360 Scales ............................................. 6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ........................................ 6404 Corn...........................................6406 Durum ....................................... 6407 Oats ........................................... 6410 Rye .............................................6413 Triticale ......................................6416 Wheat .........................................6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa.........................................6425 Annual Forage ........................... 6428 Clover .........................................6431 Grass Seeds .............................. 6434 Oilseeds Canola ...................................... 6440 Flax ........................................... 6443 Pulse Crops Beans ........................................ 6449 Chickpeas ..................................6452 Lentil ..........................................6455 Peas........................................... 6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ............................ 6464 Mustard ......................................6467 Potatoes .................................... 6470 Sunflower...................................6473 Other Specialty Crops................. 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ............................... 6482 Forage Seeds............................... 6485 Grass Seeds ................................ 6488 Oilseeds .......................................6491 Pulse Crops ................................. 6494 Various .........................................6497 Organic Seed ................. See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain................................... 6505 Hay & Straw .................................6510 Pellets & Concentrates ................ 6515 Fertilizer...................................... 6530 Feed Wanted ............................... 6540 Seed Wanted ................................6542 Sewing Machines ............................6710 Sharpening Services ....................... 6725 Sporting Goods ...............................6825 Outfitters .....................................6827 Stamps & Coins .............................. 6850 Swap................................................6875 Tanks ...............................................6925 Tarpaulins .......................................6975 Tenders............................................7025 Tickets .............................................7027 Tires ............................................... 7050 Tools ............................................... 7070 Travel...............................................7095 Water Pumps...................................7150 Water Treatment ............................ 7200 Welding ...........................................7250 Well Drilling ................................... 7300 Winches.......................................... 7400 CAREERS Career Training .............................. 8001 Child Care....................................... 8002 Construction ..................................8004 Domestic Services .........................8008 Farm / Ranch .................................. 8016 Forestry / Logging .......................... 8018 Help Wanted .................................. 8024 Management ...................................8025 Mining .............................................8027 Oilfield ........................................... 8030 Professional ....................................8032 Sales / Marketing ...........................8040 Trades / Technical .......................... 8044 Truck Drivers .................................. 8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ..................................... 8050



LETHBRIDGE ANTIQUE AND TOY Show and Sale, January 19th, 10 AM - 5 PM and January 20th, 10 AM - 3 PM. Lethbridge Exhibition Park (main Pavilion). Toys, Antiques and Collectibles. Ph: 403-381-9056, Email: lethtoyshow@shaw.ca

NEED YOUR CESSNA thrush air tractor wings rebuilt? Phone 204-362-0406, Morden, MB. 1973 CESSNA AG truck, 3500 TTAF, 200 since engine, fresh annual, at Yorkton Air Service, SK. $117,000. Brad at 204-365-7574, Shoal Lake, MB.

MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine parts, propellers, C23 new surplus parts. Call 204-324-6088, Altona, MB. 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive annual complete, sacrifice $80,000. Phone Rick Wildfong 306-734-2345 or 306-734-7721, Craik, SK.

1966 DODGE D300 1 1/2 ton truck, hoist, WANTED: JD MC CRAWLER, dead or customed designed box, immaculate res- alive. 306-769-8802, Arborfield, SK., or toration. For photos and information go to email wayven@yourlink.ca ancientgrease@gmail.com $7000 OBO. COLLECTORS ANTIQUE SALE. Saturday, Phone 403-226-0429, Calgary, AB. Jan. 5th, 2013, 10:00 AM at the Sportsman Center, Moose Jaw, SK. Just over 150 WANT TO PURCHASE- ROPS for JD 40 radios, lots of coin and paper money, old Crawler (or adaptable) w/mounting brack- 1952 CHEVY CUSTOM deluxe 4 door car, green color, very clean interior, runs well, toys, fountain pen sets, lamps, pocket ets. Please contact: banks@klondiker.com $3900 OBO. 204-856-6974, Austin, MB. watches, electronic equipment, oak dining room set and hall bench, lots of col- FORD JUBILEE; MH Pacer; MH 44 Row lectibles. Sale conducted by Low’s Auction, Crop; Minneapolis 445; Cockshutt 30; 3 JIM’S CLASSIC CORNER, a selling service for classic and antique automobiles, 306-631-7340, PL #916158. wheel Farmall C; Massey Harris 50, diesel. trucks, boats. 204-997-4636, Winnipeg MB 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. 1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 WANTED: COCKSHUTT TRACTORS, espeGMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. cially 50, 570 super and 20, running or Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. not, equipment, brochures, manuals and www.sterlingoldcarsandtrucks.com memorabilia. We pick up at your farm. Jim Harkness, RR4, Harriston, ON., N0G 1Z0, 519-338-3946, fax: 519-338-2756. TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, reproduction parts, antiques and classic. Western Canada m.e. MILLER tire dealer and STEINER dealer. Phone Don Ellingson,. 1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB. or email AWESOME PLUS DVD, 1977 Big Bud tunerite@telusplanet.net DVD, biggest tractor ever made. Detroit diesel engine 900 HP, 130,000 lbs., 1000 ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaran- gal. fuel, works 60-70 acres/hr., 60 mins., teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. $29.95. New! Great Green Machines, Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, 175 years JD, 70 mins., $29.95. Red Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. Power Int. (Farmall), 70 mins., $29.95. WANTED: CAB FOR a UDLX Minneapolis All About Oliver, 70 mins., $29.95. Moline Comfort tractor or complete tractor 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 8 1 - 1 3 5 3 . 1000 DVD’s and for parts. 780-755-2326 or 780-806-9887, books: www.diamondfarmcanada.com Edgerton, AB. RARE: MASSEY SUPER 90 on propane, c/w WANTED: UNSTYLED JD A on steel; also factory FEL, hardly used, fully restored, J D W s t a t i o n e r y e n g i n e o n c a r t . g o r g e o u s t r a c t o r, $ 9 0 0 0 O B O. C a l l 403-485-8198 cell, Arrowwood, AB. 780-853-7385, Vermilion, AB.

ANTIQUE ROUND WINDOW; 90 wooden spools; Homemade soap; Old maps and catalogues. 306-654-4802 Prud’Homme SK WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED: OLD VERSATILE signs, sales info and 1/16 scale toy tractors. Call 204-328-7194, Rivers, MB. BORDER CITY COLLECTOR SHOW, Lloydminster, SK-AB, March 9-10, 2013. Featuring antiques, farm toys, dolls and who knows what else? Mark your calendar now. 21 years and growing strong in the recently renovated Stockade Convention Centre. For information contact Don at 306-825-3584 or, Brad at 780-846-2977. For doll info. call Deb at 780-875-8485.

ICE RESURFACER: 1998 520 Zamboni, natural gas, 5497 hrs., $18,000; 1993 520 Zamboni, propane, 5400 hrs., $20,000. 306-668-2020 www.northtownmotors.com Saskatoon, SK.

PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale January 26, 9:00 AM. PBR, 105- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., www.pbrauctions.com 306-931-7666.




24/ 7 O N LIN E BID D IN G

BIDS CLOSE: JAN. 7TH @ 12PM Em e ra ld Pa rk, SASK. NEW M cDouga ll Auction e e rs W a re h ous e ! Fea tu rin g: S em i T ra ilers (Pu p -L ea d & F o llo w ); 2005 F -750 24’ Va n Bo d y T ru ck; As s o rted S ize S ea Ca n s 8’ & 40’; 2012 L o a d T ra il 20’ Ca r Ha u ler w /Ra m p s ; 2012 L o a d T ra il 18’ Ca r Ha u ler; Cla rk F o rklift 188” 3 S ta ge M a s t; 2001 In tern a tio n a l 4900 Crew Ca b Cra n e T ru ck (Certified ) 466 Dies el & M u ch M o re! W e Ha ve Bu y N o w Item s !! N EW Res ta u ra n t Equ ipm en t a n d N EW Ha rd w o o d Flo o rin g. Co m e An d Get It!


BID S C LOS E: W ED , JAN . 23 - N OON Ac c epting C ons ignm ents !

P LUS : Coins & Currency; Ta ck , S a d d le & Ca ttle Equip; Ag & Ind us tria l & M ore



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ACROSS 1. Academy Award winner for Best Picture of 1999 (2 words) 9. American ___ 10. Crime drama series starring Lucy Liu 11. Rick’s love in Casablanca 12. The Man with the Iron ___ 13. Film about robot boxing (2 words) 14. Norma ___ 15. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Tom Jones 16. Martin who was in Rebound 18. Paxton who starred in Superhero Movie 19. Cook of Criminal Minds 21. Ma and Pa ___ 22. Ron who played Roc in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective 23. He starred in The Invisible Man 25. Initials of the actor who played one of the Szalinski kids in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids 27. Heche and Hathaway 28. Smith who starred in Why Did I Get Married? 31. 2004 horror film 32. Behrs of 2 Broke Girls 33. Ralph’s last name on Happy Days 35. Film starring Helen Hunt 37. Actress Limon

38. Cyrano ___ Bergerac 39. Women ___ (2 words) 40. Film starring Ewan McGregor DOWN 1. King of New York director (2 words) 2. She plays Sue Heck on The Middle (2 words) 3. 10 ___ (3 words) 4. Film debut of William Hurt and Drew Barrymore (2 words) 5. She plays the mother of the Evil Queen on Once Upon a Time (2 words) 6. Film starring George Clooney (4 words) 7. Schweiger who was in King Arthur 8. Born ___ 17. First James Bond film (2 words) 18. The Spirit of ___ Louis 20. He starred on Harry O 21. The Man Who ___ Little (2 words) 24. Actress Claire 26. Mary-Kate’s twin sister 29. Toys in the ___ 30. I ___ Legend 32. ___ the Bullet 34. She starred in The Ballad of Little Jo 36. Dileep who was in Inception 38. The Shaggy ___


TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton, gas and diesel engines, 4 and 5 spd. transmissions, single and 2 speed axles, 13’-16’ B&H’s, and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300.

N EXT SALE S ATUR DAY, 9:00 AM AP R IL 6, 2 013 G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w . grea tpla in sa u ctio n eers.ca w w w . glo b a la u ctio n gu id e.co m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9

K-B TRUCK PARTS. Older, heavy truck salvage parts for all makes and models. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. 1987 LT9000, 3406, 18 spd., wet kit, eng. needs work. Phone 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323.





NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. 2- BRAND NEW 2013 Wilson Super B grain VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM trailers w/lift axles, totally enclosed, 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, $90,000 ea. set. 306-831-7026 Wiseton SK 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. NEW 2013 NEVILLE 38’ tandem, air ride, TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in side chutes, 78” high sides, roll tarp, obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought $33,500; 45’ tri-axle, $43,500. Phone for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. 780-913-0097, Edmonton, AB. WRECKING 1989 FORD L9000, good front 2010 LOAD LINE 36’ tandem grain trailer, end and cab; 1983 3 ton IHC, V8 diesel, 5 $29,500, like new. 306-276-7518 or spd., single axle; Volvo trucks: Misc. axles 306-767-2616, Arborfield SK. DL #906768 and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer sus- 2002 32’ ADVANCE grain trailer, no rust, pension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. good shape, 22.5 tires, $19,000; 1999 tandem convertor, 5th wheel pin, 22.5 tires, WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 $10,000. 780-374-3544 or 780-679-4714, tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Daysland, AB. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone 2009 WILSON SUPER B, new tires, new SK Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary- safety, 2 rows of LED lights, exc. condition, 1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We $70,000 OBO. 306-648-7123, Gravelbourg. have everything, almost. 2009 DOEPKER TANDEM grain trailer, like new, less than 5000 miles, $38,500. Call SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located 306-537-5869, Sedley, SK. Weyburn, SK., 306-842-2641. Used car parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We NEW WILSON SUPER Bs, tridem and tandem; 2011 Wilson Super B, alum rims; buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. 2009 Lode-King Super B; 2009 Castleton WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all tandem, 36’ and 40’, 10” alum. Michels aumodels. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 gers; 2006 and 2004 Super B Lode-Kings or email: junkman.2010@hotmail.com alum, alum. budds, air ride; 1998 CastleWrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and ton, Super B, air ride; 1994 Castleton triothers. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, dem, air ride; Tandem and S/A converter, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, drop hitch, cert; 18’ TA pony pup, BH&T, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. $15,000; 17’ A-train pup, very clean. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231, www.rbisk.ca

1-866-472-4611 Email: jake@swcdc.info

2007 INFINITI M35 Luxury Sedan, comes with 1 year full warranty, with option to purchase additional coverage. 79,700 kms, AWD, $22,000. Phone: 306-652-7972, 306-260-4692, Saskatoon, SK.

NEW 2012 EMERALD steel open end 38’ tandem grain trailer, air ride, dual chutes, etc, $35,500; Arriving soon, 36’ Emerald tandem grain trailer. Call for details. We need your trades, nobody will pay you more than we will for your trades. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 1996 DOEPPKER TANDEM, new roll tarp, new brakes, good cond, $15,000. Foremost, AB. 403-867-2343, 403-647-8031.

2009 BUICK LUCERNE CX, 60,000 kms, extended warranty to July 2015. Driven by a senior, like new, $21,900. 306-233-7889, SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailCudworth, SK. ers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use industrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat for added rust protection. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK.

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PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, www.precisiontrailer.com 2003 MAVERICK 24’ flatbed trailer, like new, 2 - 10,000 lb. axles, beaver tail with ramps, bumper with pintle. 403-548-8460 or 403-548-4849, Bindloss, AB. TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who demand the best.” Agassiz - Precision (open and enclosed car go) trailers. 1 - 8 5 5 - 2 5 5 - 0 1 9 9 , M o o s e J a w, S K . www.topguntrailersales.ca 53’ AND 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; 1991 Trail King machinery trailer, hyd. tail; 53’, 48’, 28’ tridem and tandem hi-boys, all steel and combos. SUPER B HIBOYS; Tandem and S/A converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers; B-train salvage trailers; 2003 tridem lowboy, 10’ wide beavertails. Option tandem Jeep. Dodsland, SK. 306-356-4550 www.rbisk.ca DL#905231


Trailer Sales And Rentals

NEW AND USED MERRITT aluminum stock trailers. Call Darin 204-526-7407, Cypress River, MB. www.merrittgoosenecks.com DL #4143. NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 20’, $13,900; 18’, $11,900. Call 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. 2008 WILSON TRIDEM cattleliner, exc. shape, used very little, cert., winter pkg., air ride, alum. wheels, $58,000. August 250-838-6701, 250-833-9102, Enderby, BC

WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited. 2008 DOEPKER detachable neck machinery trailer, 8’6” wide, extends to 12’6”, tri-axle, 3-axle flip, pull-out lights, rear strobes, good cond., $49,000 OBO. 780-305-3547, Westlock, AB. 2010 32’ GOOSENECK, 10,000 lb., tandem duals, beavertail and ramps, $7900. Phone 204-534-7911, 204-534-7927, Boissevain

We Take Trades

Give us a call, you’ll be glad you did! RPM Automotive Sundre: 1-888-638-4525 sales@kieferbuiltcanada.com Automan Trailers Prince Albert: 1-800-252-0840 automan@kieferbuiltcanada.com Smyl RV: St. Paul: 1-800-522-4105 smyl@kieferbuiltcanada.com F.M. Trailer World Vulcan, AB: 1-877-205-1999 stacey@kieferbuiltcanada.com Strathmore, AB: 403-934-6833 holly@kieferbuiltcanada.com

www.kieferbuiltcanada.com DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.

Visit our website at:


Has amalgamated with

Call for a quote

W e will m a tc h c om petitor pric ing spec for spec Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y! Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beavertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK. TRI-AXLE GRAVEL TRAILERS, 2000 Midland end-dump, sealed unit; 2001 Midland centre dump, both in mint cond. 306-482-5121, Carnduff, SK. SIX 1997 48’ Hi-boys, priced from $2500 to $8500 (cheap ones as is, good ones SK Cert.); 1995 Lode-King 48’ tri-axle combo flatdeck, SK cert., $9500; 2005 Lode-King Super B grain trailers, SK cert., $38,500; 2000 Doepker Super B grain trailers, $31,500; 1998 Talbert 48’s stepdeck, SK certified, $15,000; 2002 TrailTec tandem pintle combine/sprayer trailer, $16,500; 1998 Eager Beaver 20 ton float trailer, $16,500. 306-567-7262, Davidson, SK. www.hodginshtc.com DL #312974


WE SELL & RENT MORE! 2013 12 x 60 ES Skid Office 2013 12 x 48 RRT Skid Office 98 10 x 20 RRT Skid Office 84 Man 10x54 Skidless Camp Units

LACOMBE TRAILER’S UNITS 05 Great Dane 53’ TRI Freight Van 03 Utility 53’ T/A A/R Freight Van 98 Doepker Double Drop TRI Axle w/ Detach Neck 02 Great Dane 48’ T/A Reefer Van 2000 Lode King Super B Grain 95 Kentucky 53’ T/A Furniture Van 13 Transcraft TRI Trombone Step Deck 04 Road Boss 30’ T/A Pintle Hitch Neils 13’ Gravel Pup T/A Lode King Super B Grain Trailer 13 Manac TRI Trombone Hiboy 7 KM West of Red Deer from Junction of Hwy. 2 & 32nd St.


48’ VAN TRAILER, good shape, $5000. 306-638-4595, Bethune, SK.

2009 FORD 150 platinum model in mint condition, folding running boards, complete with all the extras, low mileage. TWO A-TRAIN ALUM. TANKERS, in exc. 780-961-3007, Vimy, AB. condition, certified. 306-356-4550, Dods- 2009 RAM 3500, Mega cab, 4x4, 6.7 Cumland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca mins auto., fully loaded w/DVD, new rubDROPDECK TRAILER 48’ OR 53’ TANDEM ber, incl. trailer tow and set up for goosein good cond. Call Dave at 403-653-2423, neck, premium cond., must been seen, $24,900. 306-961-6499, Prince Albert, SK. Cardston, AB. RELIANT RENTALS rents all types of trailers: livestock, tankers, grain, gravel, etc. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, SK.

*2/'(1 :(67

2003 F150 FORD KING RANCH, 201,000 kms, excellent condition, $10,000. 780-940-6729, Sherwood Park, AB.



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Kiefer Stock Horse Trailers Aluminum & Steel


Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers

SCHOOL BUSES: 1985 to 2001, 36 to 66 pass., $2100 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074.

PLUS HEAR THE LATEST NEWS FROM: Canadian Grain Commission Canadian International Grains Institute 2013 Update on New Winter Wheat Varieties and Trials


24’ GOOSENECK Tridem 21000 lbs, $7890; Bumper pull tandem lowboy: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs, $2650. Factory direct. 888-792-6283 www.monarchtrailers.com

SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. www.saskatoontruckparts.ca DL #914394

EQUIPMENT 2013 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE HYD BT ......CALL FOR PRICE GRAIN 2013 WILSON TANDEMS 2009 COTTRELL HYDRAULIC CAR TRAILER 2 & 3 HOPPERS ............................................. IN STOCK NEW CONDITION.............................................$62,000 2013 WILSON TRIDEMS 2009 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE BT ........................... AVAILABLE 2 & 3 HOPPERS ............................................. IN STOCK 2003 DOEPKER DOUBLE DROP ...........................$39,980 2013 WILSON SUPER B......................................... IN STOCK 2005 GREAT DANE REEFER VAN ..........................$19,500 USED GRAIN 2003 REEFER UTILITY VAN .....................................$15,000 1-2009 WILSON TANDEM LIKE NEW .........................................CALL FOR PRICE 1998 DOEPKER DOUBLE DROP ...........................$33,980 DECKS 2009 WILSON SUPER B.............................................$68,980 2009 TIMPTE TANDEM .............................................$33,980 NEW WILSON STEP & FLAT DECKS TANDEM & TRIDEM ..................................... IN STOCK 2006 WILSON TRIAXLE 3 HOPPER FWD ............$36,980 2011 53’ TRIDEM ALL ALUMINUM LIVESTOCK (ALL NEW BRAKES) .........................................$41,900 2008 MERRIT CATTLE HOG DROP CENTER...................................................$45,500 2007 MANAC ALL ALUMINUM STEP DECK 48’...................................................$21,980 1994 WILSON 53’ TRIAXLE ...................... $12,000 (AS IS) GRAVEL GOOSENECKS NEW WILSON 20’ & 24’.......................................... IN STOCK 2013 TECUMSEH TRIDEM END DUMP ....... AVAILABLE RENTALS AVAILABLE

Golden West Trailer Sales & Rentals CHECK US OUT AT www.goldenwestrailer.com

Moose Jaw (877) 999-7402 Brian Griffin, Harvey Van De Sype, John Carle

Saskatoon (866) 278-2636

Danny Tataryn Bob Fleischhacker

Cell: 306-260-4209 Cell: 306-231-5939

2005 F150 XLT supercrew, 4x4, 5.4L, 115,000. kms, clean truck, $15,900. CamDon Motors Ltd, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK

WANTED: GOOD SHAPE 1989-1993 Dodge 250, single cab, diesel, 4 WD, prefer automatic, electric windows, original paint, stock. Call 780-835-8532, Fairview, AB.

1995 CHEV 2500, 6.5 diesel, 4 WD, ext. cab, new pump and injectors, good shape, 300,000 kms, $6000. Sold cows don’t need truck. 306-375-7722, Saskatoon, SK. 2004 GMC 2500 HD diesel, 4x4, crewcab, SB, 6 spd. manual, sprayed box liner, 5th wheel hitch, 189,000 kms, $16,500. Reason for sale - farm sold. 306-896-1200, Churchbridge, SK. 2008 CHEV DURAMAX diesel, crewcab, 180,000 kms., loaded, mint, $23,750 OBO. Call 306-397-2501, Edam, SK. 2008 GMC 4x4 Crew $18,955. 8 more GM 4x4’s in stock. Call Hoss 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard SK. www.thoens.com DL 909250



2007 IH 9200, w/Eaton Ultrashift, Cat, new 20’ BH&T; 1991 Peterbilt, 60 Detroit, 430, 18 spd., 20’ BH&T, w/pintle and 20’ tandem pup; 1997 FL80, diesel, S/A, with new 16’ BH&T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca ALLISON AUTO: 2001 IHC 4900, C&C, tandem, low miles, $24,900; 2001 GMC C7500, tandem, C&C, 126,000 miles, $22,900; 2004 FL80, tandem, C&C, 2008 DODGE 3500 Laramie, 63,976 kms, 206,000 miles, $28,900. K&L Equipment, $35,500 OBO. Have all types of trucks, all Regina, SK, 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027 Sask. safetied. 306-463-8888 Dodsland SK. or email: ladimer@sasktel.net www.diamonddholdings.ca DL 909463. AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed and tractor units. Contact David 2008 RAM DSL., Quad Cab, 4x4. Reduced, tandems 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, $24,975. Phone Hoss 1-800-667-4414, SK. DL #327784. www.davidstrucks.com www.thoens.com Wynyard. DL #909250.


2007 PETERBILT 378, 500 HP, C15 Cat, 63” bunk, 12,000 fronts, 46,000 rears. 7 to choose from. Still have warranty. $65,000 each. 403-852-4452, Calgary, AB.

2010 GMC SIERRA GFX Z71, X-cab, black, PST paid, reduced $26,988. Phone Hoss 1-800-667-4414. www.thoens.com at Wynyard, SK. DL #909250. 2012 RAM CUMMINS diesel 4x4, crewcab, $43,975. Call Hoss 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.


BERG’S GRAIN BODIES: When durability and price matter, call Berg’s Prep and Paint 2007 FREIGHTLINER CENTURY w/new 20’ for details at 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB. grain B&H, tarp and pintle. Mercedes 450 HP w/Eaton AutoShift, alum. wheels, COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for white w/blue box, fresh paint on frame grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD and cab, $56,000. Ph 204-724-9529, Oak combination grain and silage boxes, pup River, MB. www.oakriverindustries.com trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices.

SEVEN PERSONS (Medicine Hat, Alberta)

We now have more trucks in stock. A special thanks to our customers & everyone who called.


www.automatictruck.com rawlyn@automatictruck.com

FREIGHTLINER TANDEM GRAIN TRUCK: 1 million kms, 5 year old, CIM 20’ box, 65’’ side wall, air pintle, on board scale, 410 HP Cummins, electric tarp, 24.5 good rubber, remote gate and hoist control, interior windows, 10 speed AutoShift, HotShift PTO, hydraulic lines ran to rear, radio hard mounted, extra box lights, aluminum rims, n e v e r b e e n u s e d i n f e r t i l i z e r. 306-338-8078, Quill Lake, SK. IH 9900 EAGLE, 20’ B&H, 10 spd. auto., Cat C13 motor, 22.5 rubber w/alum. rims. $62,000 OBO. 306-621-1631, Yorkton, SK.

2001 CHEV C7500 tandem gravel truck, Cat dsl., 10 spd., 129,000 miles, $19,900; 2004 FL80, Cat dsl., Allison auto, 210,000 miles, $29,900. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK, 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027 or email: ladimer@sasktel.net

15’ GRAVEL BOX w/telescopic hoist and 2001 FL80 FREIGHTLINER, tandem, air removable grain box addition w/roll tarp. ride, 3126 Cat, 10 spd., vg cond. Phone Call 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 1972 GMC TRUCK, 15’ wood B&H, 427 eng, 5&2 trans., air brakes, approx. 70,000 orig. miles. Call 403-312-4202, Linden, AB. 1986 INT. S2500 tandem grain truck, 350 Cummins, 10 spd. trans., 20’ box, no rust, $26,000. 780-374-3544 or 780-679-4714, Daysland, AB. 2006 KENWORTH T800, Cat C15, 13 spd. Ultrashift, 790,000 kms, 40,000 rears, full poly fenders, c/w new 50 gal. wet kit, 10 new tires, new SK safety, exc. cond., ready to go $49,000. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale or rent, weekly/ monthly/ seasonally, w/wo driver. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK, 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027 or email: ladimer@sasktel.net 1999 IHC, M-11, 400 HP Cummins, 18 spd., cruise control, engine brakes, alum. wheels, one owner, 260,000 kms, new safety, c/w new 22’ grain box w/silage endgate (8.5x22x70”), NTC 8000 Nordic hoist, air shift w/3 controls, 2 windows, Shur-Loc quick detach tarp, $48,900. 780-679-7680, Ferintosh, AB. 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL120, tandem, 470 Detroit, 10 spd., air ride, AC, 20’ Ultracel box pkg, no rust, California truck. Fall special $52,500, trade considered. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2001 KENWORTH W900 w/20’ alum. grain box, tarp, 430 HP, 10 spd., dual exhaust, premium U.S no rust truck. Fall special $59,500, trade considered. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK 2006 IH 4300 single, Allison auto., L/66 diesel, AC, new C.I.M B&H, Michel’s tarp, premium U.S. no rust truck, trade considered, only $48,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.

1999 FREIGHTLINER FL12, C-10 Cat, 370 HP, 13 spd., AC, cruise, engine brake, all wheel lockup, $28,000. Call 306-423-5433, 306-270-4209, Birch Hills, SK. 1994 MACK CH model, certified, good cond., new steering tires/battery, $13,000 OBO. Call 1-888-776-7705, Rouleau, SK.

2000 FREIGHTLINER FL80, single axle 300 HP, California no rust, 9 spd., AC, 5th wheel, safetied, $19,500, trade consid2007 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, Detroit ered. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 450 HP, Eaton 13 speed Ultrashift, 20’ Cancade grain box, $67,500; 2005 Int. 2001 PETERBILT 379, 36” flat-top sleeper, 9400, Cat 430 HP, Eaton 10 spd. Ultrashift, rebuilt 3406NZ, heavy spec, new rubber, 20’ Cancade grain box, $63,500. Call $39,000. Call 403-224-2265, Olds, AB. 306-567-7262, Davidson, SK. DL #312974 www.hodginshtc.com 2007 FREIGHTLINER w/Mercedes eng., AutoShift, new 20’ B&H, green in colour, $65,500; 2007 Freightliner w/Mercedes eng., power AutoShift, new 20’ B&H, white w/green box, $65,500; 2005 IH 9400 w/Cat power AutoShift, new 20’ B&H, white w/blue box, $57,500; 2005 IH 9400 w/Cat power AutoShift, new 20’ B&H, white w/burgundy box, $57,500. Coming in soon: 2005 Freightliner w/Mercedes power, AutoShift w/new 20’ B&H, white w/white box, $57,500; 2000 Mack w/Mack power, 10 spd., new 20’ B&H, $44,500; 2001 Western Star w/Cat power, 13 spd. w/new 20’ B&H, $47,500; 2010 Loadline 36’ tandem grain trailer, $29,500, like new. All trucks have alum. wheels and will be SK. safetied. Ph cell 306-276-7518, or res 306-767-2616, Arborfield, SK DL #906768

D13 425 h.p ., Vo lvo a u to m a ted I-S HIF T tra n s m is s io n , 13,200 fro n t a xle, 40,000 rea r a xle, Po lis hed a lu m in u m w heels , F u ll lo ckin g w heel d ifferen tia l, Air rid e ca b . Air rid e s u s p en s io n , HT D PW R m irro rs , AM /F M /CD w ith Blu e to o th, 20’ DE L M ONOBODY gra in b o x, Air co n tro ls in ca b a n d b a ck o f b o x, M ichels electric T a rp kit.

2007 WESTERN STAR, daycab, heavy specs, 720,000 kms, c/w wet kit; Also 2005 Mack, exc. cond., 870,000 kms, heavy specs. 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB 2008 DOEPKER SUPER B, new safety, good shape, rims and tires 80%. 2013 Doepker Super B’s in stock with lots of colors to pick and with Minimizer fenders. Many more used and new trailers arriving daily. In stock, 2013 Doepker end dumps. 2013 tridem grain with lift axles and many more options. 2013 Globe Lowboys 55 ton now available for your specialty heavy hauling needs. New oilfield tridem scissornecks 40 & 50 tons, 10 wides in stock. Rentals available. Please visit our website at www.macarthurtruck.com 1-800-665-6317

2009 FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA daycab, one owner, Sask. truck, 450,000 kms, 450 MBE with 10 spd. 3 pedal AutoShift, wet kit, new safety, asking $61,500. Phone 2005 MACK CH613, 686,000 kms, 460 HP, 306-921-9462, 306-752-3655, Melfort, SK. 13 spd, 38,000 lb. Eaton rears, new safety, 2010 VOLVO VN630 mid-roof, 500,000 $35,000. 403-654-0132, Vauxhall, AB. kms, 535 HP, D16 Volvo power, 18 spd, 46,000 rears, 4-way lockers, Super B spec, 2007 KENWORTH T600 Daycab tractor, 2 yrs warranty left, Dec. safety. This truck C13 Cat, 430 HP, 18 spd., super 40 rears is currently working and new truck is comw/4 way locks, new 11R24.5 steer tires, ing in January, I can trade it on the new new recaps on rear, 195” wheel base. New truck or sell for a good price for buyer. Ph. Alberta safety, $51,000. delivery available. 701-429-3335, Southey, SK. Ask for Jeff 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. 2012 T-800 KENWORTH, 500 HP, 18 spd, 46 diff. and lockers, 70,000 kms; 2012 389 Pete, ISX Cummins, 46 diff, 18 spd, 75,000 kms; 2005 IHC 9900i, 18 spd. 46 diff, lockers, low kms; 2006 and 2004 Pete 379, Cat, 18 spd, 46 diff, lockers, 960,000 kms; 2007 Freightliner daycab, 60 Series Detroit, 13 spd, Eaton UltraShift; 2006 IH 9200 13 spd. Eaton UltraShift, 430 Cat, 900,000 kms; 2002 T800 KW, 18 spd, 46 diff, 4-way lock; 2003 Freightliner Classic, Cat, 18 spd., new rubber; 2003 W-900L KW, Cat, recent work orders; 2000 Freightliner Classic, Detroit, 13 spd; 2001 Western Star, 4964, N14 Cummins, 13 spd; 1999 IH Cat, 18 spd; 1996 Volvo 425, 13 spd, new diff. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, 2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s IS X, SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s ,

Regin a , S K 1-8 00-6 6 7-046 6 S a s k a to o n , S K 1-8 8 8 -242-79 8 8


‘06 & ‘07 INTERNATIONAL 9400i 435 HP Cummins ISX Engine, 10 Speed Eaton Autoshift Trans, New 20’ Cancade Box Remote Hoist and Endgate Controls Available Fleet Maintained Southern Trucks.

2006 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA CL112, 410 HP Mercedes, 10 spd. Eaton-Fuller UltraShift, 20’ Cancade monobody grain box, w/Michel’s roll tarp. New rear rubber on 22.5 rims, 4.11 full locking rear diff., $64,995. David 306-887-2094, Kinistino, SK. www.davidstrucks.com DL #327784.

2001 PETERBILT, 1.1M kms, 22.5 tires at 60%, C12 435 HP, 13 spd. 306-369-2631, 306-231-9941, Humboldt, SK. 2004 PETERBILT 379, Super 40’s, 18 spd., 485 HP Cummins, 63” mid-rise bunk, 750,000 kms, $55,000. 1993 Kenworth 900, 18 spd., 425 Cat, $18,000. Both good condition. 306-773-3651, 306-741-3259, Swift Current, SK.

22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 73” m id -ris e bu n k w ith tw o bed s , 650,752 k m . . $83,000 2010 Ke n w orth T370, 300 HP Pa ca r PX-6, 6 s p , 10,000 fron t20,000 rea r, 3:55 g ea rs , 200” W B, d iff. lock , 202,336 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 4-2009 P e te rb ilt 386 , 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, m id -ris e bu n k , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:55 g ea rs , 500,000 k m . . . $46 ,000 2009 M a c k D a y Ca b , 445 HP M a ck M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, 727,262 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 3-2008 IH P roS ta r, 425 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 10 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 226” W B, 800k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 ,000 2007 Ke n w orth W 900L, 565 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 46, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 4:10 g ea rs , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 1,053,892 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,000 2007 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13 13 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 63” fla ttop bu n k , 1,003,733 k m . . . . $45,000 2-2007 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 10 s p , 12/ 40, 36” fla t-top bu n k . . . . . $39,000 2007 IH 9400I, 500 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 18 s p , 14/ 46, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 221” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 874,229 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,000 2007 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 244” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 906,719 k m . . . . $43,000 2007 IH 9200I, 425 HP Ca tC13, 12 s p A u tos hiftM eritor, 12/ 40, 3:42 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 220 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 432,845 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 ,000 2006 Ke n w orth W 900L, 475 HP Ca t C15, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 86” s tu d io s leep er, 3:36 g ea rs , 244” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 1,226,472 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2006 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:70 g ea rs , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 70” m id -ris e bu n k , 1,413,315 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2006 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 13 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea rs , 238” W B, 1,127,668 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900FA , d a y ca b, 450 HP M erced es M BE4000, 10 s p A u tos hift3 Ped a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 450 HP M erced es , 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , m id -ris e bu n k , 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 470 HP Detroit, 13 s p , d a y ca b, 390 g ea rs , 244” W B, 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 1.3K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2005 IH 9900I, 475 HP, Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 46, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 1.6K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,000 2005 IH 9900I, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 1.4K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2005 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” w heels , 208” W B, 36” fla ttop bu n k , 1,160,839 k m . . . . $39,000 d lr# 0122. P h. 204-6 85-2222, M a c G re g or M B. To vie w p ic tu re s of ou r in ve n tory vis it w w w .tita n tru c k s a le s .c om

WELL ESTABLISHED BUTCHER Shop in the thriving city of Yorkton, SK. Owner retiring for health reasons. Asking $399,000. Serious inquiries only. Details ph: Bill at 306-783-5512 or sabremeats@gmail.com 10 ACRES INDUSTRIAL, 800’ frontage HWY#43, 4-lane, 7000 vehicles per day, three phase power, sewer/water close, 2007 T800 HEAVY Spec Bale truck and $35,000 per acre. 780-233-2222, Mayerpup. 2010 Goldenview 17 bale deck, ISX thorpe, AB. 500 18 spd., 20 front, 46 rears, 4 way lock, MEAT CUTTING FACILITY- to be moved. Primax Off Road suspension, full length 40’x30’x12’ walls. On cement slab. Tin sidframe, 145,000 kms, last year of pre-emis- ing. New shingles. 20x30’ cutting room. sion. Owner/operator. Complete with 22x20’ cooler w/rails. 8x20’ walk-in freez2002 Goldenview/Cancade tridem pup. er. Complete with all equipment including Unit has every available option and works Butcherboy 2 HP band saw and 5 HP grindexceptionally well and in excellent condi- er. Asking $60,000. Dale 204-734-0620 or tion. Selling as complete unit, $175,000. John 204-734-3365, Swan River, MB. Serious inquires only please, Strathmore, GLASLYN POWER AND Equipment Inc, AB., dmpkelly@efirehose.net over 10,000 sq. ft. metal clad building 1982 FORD 8000 with 1995 Harsh 502H comes with most shop equipment, specialmixwagon with scale, 3208 Cat w/800 hrs. ty tools, shop lifts, service and delivery on bottom end, 6 spd. Allison HD trans., truck; All parts and office equipment, plus new rear springs, new rims and tires, lathe and milling equipment. A very well $18,000. 306-823-3679, Marsden, SK. maintained building. MLS®437521, For 2000 FL80 FREIGHTLINER, 575 Harsh viewing or further info call Lloyd Ledinski, feed mixer, Allsion auto rear floater tires, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battle870 hrs on new engine, well serviced with ford, SK. 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. records. 780-361-7674, Wetaskiwin, AB. THE OLD HOMESTEAD Family Restaurant, 1978 FORD 9000 8 yd. cement truck, 3208 $425,000. MLS 442449. Well established Cat, hydraulic drive, $5700. 306-445-5602, Family Restaurant in Estevan, SK. This restaurant has continued to be in business North Battleford, SK. since 1984 and has continued to provide great food and service to residents of Estevan and the surrounding community. 2007 DODGE NITRO SXT, 4x4, $13,988. Owner retiring. Listed with Josh LeBlanc, Phone Hoss 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, Realtor® Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service. For more info SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. call 306-421-6778. 2012 JEEP LIBERTY Sport, 4x4, $21,975. Phone Hoss 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. DL #909250. www.thoens.com

1994 IH 4900 18’ flatdeck w/hoist, 466 diesel, very good condition. Fall clearance $24,500, trade considered. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.

2002 FORD F350, 12 passenger van, 7.4 diesel, good heater/AC, exc. cond., private owned. 403-393-0219, 403-833-2190. 2007 UPLANDER CHEV van, mint cond., loaded incl. power seats, 126,000 kms, $8900. 306-537-2027, Regina, SK.

WILL DO STYROBLOCK cocoon removal and alfalfa field pollination. Call Maurice Wildeman 306-365-4395, 306-365-7802, Lanigan, SK.

COMPLETE HAY HAULING and loading business for sale w/flax haul from central SK. or, USA. 4- truck trains. 204-729-7297. USED BELTING, 12” to 54” wide for feeders and conveyors, 30” wide by 3/4” to 1” thick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, 780-842-2491 anytime or, if necessary call DAYCABS!!! 2006 IHC 9200i, Cummins 780-865-0057, Wainwright, AB. ISM 425 HP, 10 spd. Eaton AutoShift. 3 in stock varying from 390,000- 670,000 kms. Western trucks, one w/46,000 lb. rears and lockers; 2007 Freightliner CL120 day cab, C13 Cat, 410 HP, 10 spd. Eaton AutoShift, 970,000 kms, US truck; 2005 IHC 9200i’s with 10 spd. manuals coming soon. 306-270-6399, Saskatoon, SK. Visit us at ICIN G 78truxsales.com DL #316542. SPECIAL PR !! HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: 2007 International 9900, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd, $34,500; 2007 International 9200, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd. Ultrashift, $38,500; 2006 International 9900, Cummins 525 HP, 13 spd., $36,500; 2005 Kenworth T800, Cat 430 HP, 13 spd., $28,500; 1996 International 9200, Detroit 365 HP, 10 spd., $13,000. Daycabs: 2008 Paystar 5900, Cummins 550 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, 428,000 kms, $74,000; 2007 International 9900, Cummins 500 HP, 18 spd., 46 rears, $44,500; 2007 International 9200, Cummins 455 HP, 13 spd., 46 rears, wet kit, $44,500. Specialty trucks: 1997 Freightliner FLD112 tandem, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ Van body, hyd. lift gate, $16,500; 1994 International 9200, Cat 350 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd. tilt and load deck w/winch, $28,000; 1995 Volvo, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd., 24’ hyd. tilt and load deck, $22,500; 1998 Ford F650, Cummins 190 HP, Allison 4 spd. auto, 16’ deck, $16,500; 2002 Sterling Acterra, Cat 300 HP, 9 spd., 24’ Van body, $16,500. 306-567-7262, Davidson, SK. www.hodginshtc.com DL #312974.

TWO LATE MODEL low mileage dump trucks, Allison automatic. Call for details 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK.

WATER TRUCKS: 1996 IHC 9300, white; 2001 IHC; 1997 Volvo. All have Wabash tanks; Also 1997 Auto Car w/Jasper tank. All units work ready. Marsden, SK. ph Louise, 306-826-5751, l.gray@hmsinet.ca 2001 FREIGHTLINER FL70 vac truck, 3126 Cat engine auto., 1600 gal. tank, w/500 Fruitland pump, hoist and full open rear door, tank and pump only 3 yrs. old. Fresh safety. This truck is nice, only reason for selling - need bigger truck. $58,500. Ph. 306-845-3407, Turtleford, SK. 24’ VAN TRUCK: 2007 IH single axle, 466 diesel, automatic, hyd. brakes, $26,000; 2007 IH, single axle, dsl., auto, hyd. brakes, $22,000 306-563-8765, Canora SK SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chassis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE and Range Rider canopies and service caps. www.northtownmotors.com Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871.


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200,000 BUSHEL STORAGE elevator and bins, grain cleaner, gravity table, grain dryer, 3 phase power, natural gas, CPR rail line. 204-522-6597, Hartney, MB. SOLD MY SOD farm. Have line of equipment to start your sod farm, will help you start. Dennis anytime 403-308-1400, dfpickerell@shaw.ca Taber, AB. HOUSE BOAT, TOUR boat business for sale on Lake Diefenbaker, SK. $378,000. Partial financing available. Check our our website saskrivertours.com Call: 306-353-4603. JOIN ONE of Western Canada’s fastest growing tire chains today! TreadPro Tire Centres is always looking for new members. TreadPro offers group controlled distribution through our 5 warehouses located in BC, AB, and SK. Exclusive brands and pricing for each TreadPro Dealer, 24/7 access to online ordering backed up with sales desk support. Our marketing strategies are developed for the specific needs of Western Canadian Dealers. Signage, displays, vehicle identification, group uniforms also important for visual impact and recognition are affordable with the support of the TreadPro Group. Product and sales training arranged according to your needs. Exclusive territory protection, reinforced with individual territory managers and home office support. Find out more about the unique features of the TreadPro group today. Our team will be happy to arrange a personal meeting with you to further discuss how TreadPro is the right fit. Contact 1-888-860-7793 or go online to www.treadpro.ca VOLVO SIDE LOAD garbage truck and 100 steel bins. Complete business for only $ 6 8 , 5 0 0 . B i n s $ 3 5 0 / $ 3 2 5 . R a y, 780-545-9555, Bonnyville, AB.

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DOLLAR STORE and Chester’s Chicken take-out in a small town in Manitoba’s Inter Lake. There is room to expand and room for a house, it is on approx. a 2 acre lot. Real thriving business, $350,000 OBO. Call 204-768-2892, Ashern, MB. Burron Lumber SMALL MANUFACTURING SHOP and resi306-652-0343, Saskatoon, SK dence. 40 years of operation with established product line. Owner retiring. Turnkey operation. 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. PINE, POPLAR AND BIRCH: 1” and 2” V- 24 ACRES LOCATED at exit to #1 Hwy., joint, shiplap, log siding, 1”x8” and 1”x10” McLean, SK. Rezone to commercial use for convenience store, gas station, truck stop, boards. Phone 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. small motel. www.shirleymacfarlane.com Shirley MacFarlane, 306-536-9127, EXIT Realty Fusion, Regina, SK. MLS ® 440880. CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no ex- TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! posed screws to leak or metal overlaps. New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church- sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. es, pig barns, commercial, arch rib build- Located on 3 acres with great location on ing and residential roofing; also available highway. Great customer base! Selling due in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. to health concerns. Serious inquiries only please! Call 306-232-4767. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS welding and light fabricating. A rare opportunity! PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, Unique patented product. Mainly agricultulicensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. ral. Peak sales from Sept. to March. Owned Moving all types and sizes of buildings. for 27 yrs., still room for growth. Moveable Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. anywhere. North American markets. $195,000 plus inventory at cost. 50x70’ www.privebuildingmovers.com shop on 157x370’ lot, $295,000. Can be a turnkey operation or addition to an existing business. Must sell for health reasons. 306-446-4462, North Battleford, SK. Email prairiepines@yahoo.com GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new COMPLETE HAY HAULING and loading and existing farms and businesses. business for sale w/flax haul from central SK. or, USA. 4- truck trains. 204-729-7297. 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10.


HEY BOSS TUB GRINDING with H1150 haybuster. Call Don 306-445-9994, North SW, NEAR LARGER city, motel, food and Battleford, SK. beverage business on #1 Hwy. Hotel near Regina on major Hwy., showing exc. volume growth, Restaurant, cafe, 2 suites for living or rent, rooms to rent, bar 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencw/banquet area. Bengough Cafe, SW SK. ing, mulching, corral cleaning and Lintlaw, 4 acres, school with gym, good bobcat services. Metal siding and shape, many applications. On #11 Hwy. roofs. Will do any kind of work. in Craik, bar and grill, turnkey, housing 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith available. Vanguard, starter bar and grill, SK, 4tcontractorsinc@sasktel.net reasonable housing available, vendor may BUSH CLEARING and DUGOUTS. Dozer carry for sale or lease. Exc. investment and trackhoe combo. Serving southern SK. opportunity in Balken oil play area. In- Call Vos Industries 306-529-1875, Sedley. dustrial building and land w/national lease in place. On #39 Hwy. in small town, NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, 7300 sq. ft. building on 2 acres of land, payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and great for truckers. 93 acres development v e r t i c a l b e a t e r s p r e a d e r s . P h o n e land 7 miles north on #11 Hwy. near Sas- 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. katoon. Leland Hotel, Wolseley, SK, good MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, stumps, volume, liquor vendor, food and rooms. carriganas, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly Yellow Grass, 2700 sq. ft. restaurant mulching. Call today! 306-933-2950. Visit: lounge near Weyburn, potential for con- www.maverickconstruction.ca fectionary, liquor sales. Regina, large volume liquor outlet with bar, food and some BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective room income are avail. Regina, 12 suite way to clear land. Four season service, apartment block, extra land avail. Brian competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk Tiefenbach 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344, Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. www.borysiukcontracting.ca NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1900; 160x60x14’ $2700; 180x60x14’ $3100; 200x60x14’ $3500. Saskatoon, SK, FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Phone: 306-222-8054. Management Group for all your borrowing and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Regina, SK. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says no? If yes to above three, call 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB.


AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody. Leading the industry in quality post frame construction

‘07 VOLVO BL60 - 1,325 hrs., 4WD, all new rubber, good condition, $44,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

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NEW 10’ AND 12’ BIG DOG BOX SCRAPER Hea vy d uty, tilt, a va ila b le in 24” a n d 42” hig h b a ck. A lso n ew B.I.L. b ox scra pers a n d cen tre pivotup to 20’. S ta rting a t $3,900

Post Frame construction provides distinctive design benefits as construction flexibility and structural efficiency provide various options for agricultural, commercial and residential applications.

Ca ll

204 - 87 1 - 1 1 7 5 or 1 - 86 6 - 86 2- 83 04 w w w .triplesta rm fg.c a JOHN DEERE 790 D LC excavator, 4500 original hrs., comes with hyd. thumb, near new UC, vg working cond., c/w digging bucket, job ready. Can deliver. $48,000. Phone 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 1996 JD 310D backhoe, 6087 hrs., 4x4, extedahoe, 4 spd. trans., 24” digging bucket, 96” loader bucket, $29,900. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.

2010 JOHN DEERE 333 track skid loader, REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM h i - f l o w h y d r a u l i c s , $ 5 9 , 9 0 0 O B O . 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 204-856-6974, Austin, MB. installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 24v Cummins, $7500 installed; GM Dura6- LARGE SNOWBLOWERS w/trucks; 10 5.9L Ford 6.0L, $8500 installed. Other new, snow blades for trucks and loaders; 2 max used, Reman. diesel engines avail. Can Bombardier SW48 w/side plow; 2 large ship orand Call 204-532-2187, 8:00 AM snowblowers for 4 WD loaders. Many oth- to 5:30install. PM, Mon. to Fri., Thickett Engine er blades and V-plow and buckets; 4 Hold- Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB. er and trackless 4 WD snowblowers; 5- 3 HP snowblowers. Low low year end prices. Cambrian Equip. Sales, Ph 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.

ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings; 24” to 36” notched disc blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. SAMSUNG 240 HYDRAULIC excavator, clean up bucket, hydraulic thumb, Cat www.kelloughs.com walks. Call 780-284-5500, Westlock, AB. CASE 24B, 4x4, 2.5 yard loader, good condition $17,900. Phone 204-324-6298, Altona, MB.

SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Super Fall Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black steel, $4700; 30x70 double truss P/R, $6995; 38x100 double truss P/R, $11,900; 42x100 double truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738 silverstreamshelters.com POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL and hoppers. Construction and concrete motor sales, service and parts. Also sale crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale W O O D CO UN TRY Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK. www.tismtrrewind.com

2005 CAT D6N crawler dozer, wide path, 6-way, winch, sweeps, cab guards, exc. cond,4800 hrs.780-284-5500,Westlock,AB. WANTED: GREAT SANDHILLS and Prairie West Terminal shares. Call 647-300-4063, 2005 JD MODEL 320 skidsteer, w/new Toronto, ON. jimmy192@rogers.com tires, 2384 hrs, $17,000. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Chartier, MB. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.

SKIDSTEERS: CAT 297, 277B; Bobcat S220, S185, T250; JD 325. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.

HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, 2006 SULLAIR, 425 CFM, portable air custom conversions avail. Looking for Cat compressor, 4694 hrs, $17,500. Financing cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd, available. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, 306-231-7318,306-682-4520,Muenster SK. Cartier, MB. LOW HOURED Construction Equipment C a t e r p i l l a r, K o m a t s u , e t c . P h o n e : 815-239-2309, Illinois. FARM/ RANCH SOFTWARE that is new and better than ever. Farmtool - farm accounting software; Farmtool Companion Field, Service, Inventory records; GenetAssist - Beef Herd Management (simplefies age verification and traceability) Wil-Tech Software Ltd., Box 88, Burstall, SK. S0N 0H0. wiltech@sasktel.net Ph/Fax: 306-679-2299 wil-techsoftware.com/

$2,000 OFF

‘06 GENIE Z45/25 ARTICULATING BOOMLIFT - 45’, 4x4, Deutz 3 cyl diesel, 48hp, 1,347 hrs., max. load 500 lbs, $34,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

CUSTOM HARVEST OUTFIT with harvest run for sale, top quality equipment. Box 5557, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4.

ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, small or large loads. Travel anywhere. Phone: 306-382-0785, Vanscoy, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING with 2 trucks and t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK.

HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40 yards: Caterpillar, AC/LaPlant, LeTour- 60’ HYDRAULIC TOWER for wind generaneau, Kokudo, etc. Pull type and direct tor. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. mount avail.; Bucyrus Erie 20 yard cable, $5000; pull type motor grader, $14,900; 2013 V-WING DITCHERS. Order now be- tires avail. Call 204-822-3797, Morden, MB fore they are sold out. Delivered to your WANTED: D4 OR D5 Cat with 6-way dozfarm by Sept., 2013. 204-734-0303. Check e r ; D 7 1 7 A C a t a n d a r o c k r a ke . G RAI N out v-wing ditcher on U-tube. 780-726-2323, 780-726-2444, Malaig, AB. CAT D8K crawler dozer c/w angle dozer and ripper, cab guards, sweeps, vg cond. Call 780-284-5500, Westlock, AB.

CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at www.conterraindustries.com COMPLETE UNDERCARRIAGE for D6R LGP, 75% worn; Pads for D6T System One 30”, 55% worn; Rails and pads for D7R, 60% worn; 1974 D7F powershift, no dozer, newer motor and rails, S/N #94N4152. 204-748-5850, Virden, MB.

1999 SNORKEL ARTICULATING boom lift, CUSTOM BALE HAULING, self-loading 60’, Cummins diesel engine, 2277 hrs, and unloading 17 bale truck. Radisson, SK. $22,500. Financing available. Chartier, MB. 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636. 1959 PARKER CRUSHER, 1036 jaw, 2030 rolls, 414 triple deck, 671 power, $90,000; Power Screen gravel screener, 3x6’ double deck, 40’ conveyor, hopper w/grizzly, $30,000. 306-369-2669, Bruno, SK. FORKLIFT SNOWPLOWS, 8’, 10’, 12’. www.eliasmfgltd.com O3 EQUIPMENT HAULING Ltd. Profession- 306-445-2111, al transportation of equipment in Western North Battleford, SK. Canada and NW USA. Call 403-963-2476, PORTABLE TOILET SALES: New 5 Peaks Lacombe, AB. www.o3hauling.com portable toilets, assembled or unassemNow in stock, cold weather CUSTOM BALE HAULING 17 years expe- bled. portable toilet jackets, call for quotes. rience. Call 306-567-7199, Kenaston, SK. 5 Peaks Distributors, Western Canada Inc., 877-664-5005, www.5peaksdistributors.ca sales@5peaksdistibutors.ca CUSTOM TUB GRINDING: 1100E Haybust- JCB TELEHANDLER 36’, 6000 lbs., Perkins er. Phone/text: Greg 306-947-7510, Sas- dsl., $35,000 OBO; 7027 Skyjack scissor lift $15,000 OBO. 204-856-6974 Austin MB katoon, SK. JIM’S TUB GRINDING, H-1100 Haybuster 2000 HITACHI 330 excavator, newer unwith 400 HP, serving Sask. 306-334-2232, dercarriage, recent hyd. pumps, $38,500 OBO. Chris 204-941-3526, Niverville, MB. Balcarres.

12’ 6-WAY MINI PULL DOZER; 16’ 6-Way YANUSH ENTERPRISES 18’ custom built Supreme pull dozer; 8’ to 14’ tilt land pull dozers. For more info. call John at levelers. Call 403-312-4202, Linden, AB. 306-876-4989, 306-728-9535, Goodeve,SK EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, dozHYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, ers, loaders, compactors, etc. Conquest 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. for years of trouble-free service. Lever WANTED: EXCAVATOR preferably model Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK 200 to 270, JD, Komatsu, Case or Hitachi, HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2006 Hitachi year 2000 to 2005. Must have a thumb. ZX330LC hyd. excavator; 2004 Kobelco 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. SK290 LC; 2005 Komatsu PC270LC-7L; 2006 CAT 330D; 2006 JD 270 CLC; 2008 ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull Hitachi ZX350 LC-3; 1998 Cat 325BL, all behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ units c/w 2 buckets and hyd. thumbs. blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Hum780-361-7322, Edmonton, AB. boldt, SK, www.cwenterprises.ca 2003 D7R SERIES II CAT with SU blade and ripper. Equipped for brushing with cab LOW LOW PRICES on new and used parts. guards and sweeps. New motor and torque Parting out 20 graders, many models. Sevd o n e 1 6 0 0 h o u r s a g o . $ 1 8 9 , 0 0 0 . eral older running graders from $6900. Adding to our fleet over 20 dozers and 306-845-3407, Turtle Lake, SK. loaders being parted out. Acres and acres CAT D8K DOZER, excellent condition, new of salvage. Hundreds of hyd. cylinders. trans., torque converter, 500 hrs. on eng., Cambrian Equipment Sales, 204-667-2867, UC, radiator, semi U blade w/tilt and 4 or fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. barrel ripper $60,000. Contact Chris at 204-941-3526, Niverville, MB. ATTACHMENTS: Skidsteer, pallet forks, hay spears, augers, buckets. Conquest 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, RegiOVER 100 SKIDSTEER attachments in na, SK stock; 3- New backhoe attachments only $6900/ea; 2006 Cat 287B w/cab, AC; JCB 185 III Robot side entrance; Bobcat 743 only $7900; Bobcat 2000 mini loader dsl, BU ILT $8900; New Holland LS 170 dsl; NH L-555 NEW * USED * RE dsl, $6900; Bobcat 610, needs motor work $1900; 2- Thomas skidsteers, need repair, pair $3500; Toro Dingo X420, gas, 20 HP, D ie se l En g in e s Re ady to G O ! walk behind skidsteer, $6900; 15- track type, 2 WD and 4 WD loaders; Over 50 3 208 N acres of parted out equipment. Low low prices on new parts. Cambrian Equipment DROP IN ENGINE Sales, Phone 204-667-2867, fax 210 HP, 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. SOLD EX CHANGE


CAT #70 SCRAPER, full hyd. conversion, excellent shape, $22,500. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini excavators. Visit www.glenmor.cc for more details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone 1-888-708-3739, Prince Albert, SK.

Phone: (855) 773-3648 Fax: (866) 270-6142 info@prairiepostframe.ca www.prairiepostframe.ca



9 ,8 8 5


W e a re yo u r IPD CAT Dis trib u to r Kuntz & Company Inc. Trucks • Parts • Diesel Injection • Service Jct. o f Hw ys 13 & 2 1 E m a il: o n tra ck@ o n tra ckin c.n e t w w w .o n tra ckin c.n e t

SKIDSTEER, 1992 MODEL 173 Thomas, diesel motor, 3rd valve, buckets and pallet forks, new tires, good shape, $7500. 306-457-2935 eves, Stoughton, SK. SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS, dirt, snow and rock buckets, grapples, stump buck7 8 0 -6 7 2 -6 8 6 8 ets, pallet forks. Also have truck decks for 3/4 and 1 ton trucks. Call 306-731-3009, JD 8430, COMPLETE overhauled eng. Quality Welding & Sales, Craven, SK. with 466 motor; JD 4020, vg running eng.; DX110 Deutz, good running eng; 130/06 1998 CAT 325BL EXCAVATOR, 9000 Deutz, good running eng; 2096 Case IH, hrs., 2 buckets, hydraulic thumb, pro-heat. vg, 5.9 Cummins; 1586 IHC, vg running $50,000 worth of work done in last 2000 436 eng. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. hrs. Unit is excellent overall with low hrs. Perfect for cleaning up farm land, $72,500 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines OBO. May consider trade for grain. Also and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, may consider delivery. Phone Chris at 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. 306-628-7840, Eatonia, SK. USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. SpeCLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some cializing in Cummins, have all makes, large o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . inventory of parts, repowering is our spe780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. cialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.


w w w .skyw aygrainsystem s.com HU TCHIN SO N G rain Pum ps LA M BTO N Bucket Elevators LA M BTO N Drag Conveyors (Seed Com patible Conveyors) Rail Load-O ut System s Pulse Crop Equipm ent W ESTEEL G rain Bins SU KU P A eration & Bins G rain G uard Bins and A eration



Es te va n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 3 4-5111 M cLe a n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 9 9 -728 4 Tis da le , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-8 73 -443 8

w w w .w ood-coun try.com #1 M ETAL C LAD D IN G

M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~


• Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 60x120- 18’ tre a te d 6x6 po s tb ld g. c/w 40x18 b i-fo ld d o o r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,5 13.5 0 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.

M ETAL C LAD D IN G C LEAR AN C E On a ll in s to ck ga lva n ized m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~ M CLEAN LOCATION ONLY.

BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK. HIP ROOF BARN to be moved, 44’x50’, 27’ high, all metal clad, red walls, galvanized roof, $3000. 306-831-8808, Rosetown, SK.

Building Supplies & Contracting

Hague, SK P: 306-225-2288 F: 306-225-4438 www.zaksbuilding.com

Quality Workmanship Material & Service Leading Suppliers & Contractors of: • • • •

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See us for competitive prices and efficient service! OSLER, SASK. PH: (306) 242-7767 FAX: (306) 242-7895 CHECK US OUT AT www.janzensteelbuildings.com







DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz




Westrum Lumber


1-888-663-9663 Rouleau, SK

w w w .go o do n.co m

$ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ 2 $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft $ 2 $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . 49¢ ft $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 18 005 103303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds


CROP PRODUCTION SHOW SPECIAL on Goebel grain bins. Call Farm West Ag, 306-789-0606, Regina, SK. Website: www.farmwestbins.com LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18� to 39�. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. WINTER BOOKING: 5000 bu. Superior bin combos, $11,200; 8000 bushel Superior combos, $17,500. Limited quantity avail. We make hopper bottoms and steel floors for all makes of bins. Try o u r U - We l d k i t s . 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 2 4 0 8 o r 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 4 3 0 6 , M i d d l e L a ke , S K . www.middlelakesteel.com NOW BOOKING SPRING 2013, large diameter bins, concrete, set up and install. Call Dale at Quadra Development Corp., 1-800-249-2708, Rocanville, SK.

S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 A irdrie O ffice 403-470-4570 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822

/2:(67 35,&(6

BcTT[ A^[[ 5^a\TS c^ 2DBC>< ;4=6C7B

CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types 2 WESTEEL 1805 hopper bins with rocket up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. aeration. Call 306-338-2085, Kuroki, SK. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com cone and steel floor requirements contact: hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: hopperbottoms.com hopperbottoms.com 1-888-304-2837.

POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz



Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld ing.ca We offer a full line of GSI products including DRYERS, BINS, and CONVEYING SYSTEMS. Please contact SWIFT CURRENT, SASKATCHEWAN 1-866-404-7999

Em a il: s a les @ m kw eld ing.ca

WINTER BOOKING SPECIAL! Hopper Cone for 14 ft Bin, no skid Startingf rom

Hopper Cone for 19 ft Bin, no skid Startingf rom




LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK.

Hopper Cone for 18 ft Bin, no skid Startingf rom

Hopper Cone for 21 ft Bin, no skid Startingf rom

DON’T PAY UNTIL Oct., 2013- Book your Meridian fertilizer bins now and don’t pay until next fall. Order before Jan. 1 and get free options +$300 cash back. Options include manway/view glass/pokehole and Levalert. 4100 bu., 5000 bu. and 5300 bu. bins on special. Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or go to www.flaman.com


Skid Sizes Available.


Phone and ask about “Special Pricing� for Hopper cones w ith Sakundiak bin packages. Prices subjectto change – Q uantities are Lim ited.














REN N M ill Cen ter In c. RR#4 L a co m b e, AB T 4L 2N4 C ALL THE FAC TORY FOR Y OUR LOC AL DEALER

(403) 78 4-3518

w w w .ren n m ill.co m


REN N M ill Cen ter In c. RR#4 L a co m b e, AB T 4L 2N4 CAL L THE FACTORY FOR YOUR L OCAL DEAL ER

(403) 78 4-3518

w w w .ren n m ill.co m WINTER BOOKING SPECIAL- Only $2.33 bu. for a 10,400 bu. Unstiffened Twister 24-06HT hopper bin on 24’ welded cone. Includes set up, delivery extra. Book before Jan. 1 and receive a free 7 HP inline fan ($1900 value). Ask about upgrading to a spiral staircase for .10¢/bu. Available from Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626 and Prince Albert 1-888-352-6267. www.flaman.com BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. NEW AND USED grain baggers and extractors available for sale or rent. Call Mike at 306-934-1414, Warman, SK. WINTER BOOKING and sale prices on large grain bins. Set up and cement crews available. Call for prices and info. Rosler Construction, Saskatoon SK. 306-933-0033 WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.

Download the free app today.


CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Elie, MB 204-353-2392 Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARKUSSON NEW HOLLAND Emerald Park, SK 1-800-819-2583 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824 NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466

HAT AGRI-SERVICE NEERLANDIA CO-OP Medicine Hat, AB 403-526-3701, 780-674-3020 1-888-526-3702 PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT Dunmore, AB,403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 306-452-3444 1-888-644-5463 ROBERTSON IMPLEMENTS (1988) LTD. HOULDER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Shaunavon, SK, 306-297-4131 Falher, AB, 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, Swift Current, SK 306-773-4948 1-800-746-4691 SCHROEDER BROS. KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE E. BOURASSA & SONS: Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 Assinniboia 1-877-474-2456 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Estevan 1-877-474-2495 Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Radville 1-877-474-2450 BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Weyburn 1-877-474-2491 Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 RAYMORE NEW HOLLAND CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS Raymore, SK 306-746-2911 St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 WATROUS NEW HOLLAND FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Watrous, SK 306-946-3301 Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, YORKTON NEW HOLLAND 1-888-354-3620 Yorkton, SK 306-782-8511

Email: craigyeager@grainbagscanada.com or aaronyeager@grainbagscanada.com

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888


Visit us at the Western Canadian Crop Production Show HALL C, BOOTH C6 or at Manitoba Ag Days BOOTH 1209 Westman Place Arena to play...

Crack the Vault




Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage

H op p er Con es

Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters Temp Cables Authorized Dealer

Hig h Profile Hop p erbottom ; S teep 36 d eg ree s lop e; d ou ble ba n d for s ecu re bin m ou n tin g ; a ll boltholes p u n ched ; leg s a re d ou ble w eld ed to both ba n d s ; w ith g u s s etp la tes ; d rip free s ea led chu te; d ia m on d d es ig n m a n hole; con tin u ou s M IG w eld ed ; S a s k a tchew a n m a d e. Ho pperCo n e Bin Bo tto m s 14’ hop p ercon e. . . . . . . . . . . . $2 ,300.00 15’ hop p ercon e. . . . . . . . . . . . $2 ,650.00 15’ - 10” hop p ercon e. . . $3,000.00 18’ hop p ercon e. . . . . . . . . . . . $4,175.00 19’ hop p ercon e. . . . . . . . . . . . $4,600.00 S teel s k id & d elivery a va ila ble. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc. 120 - 71st St. W. Saskatoon, Sask. S7R 1A1 PH: (306) 933-0033 Fax (306) 242-3181

Saskatoon, SK

Phone: 306-373-4919 grainbindirect.com

TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/SAKUNDIAK BINS. Book now for best prices. Example: all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450. SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98

w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m

S ecu re yo u rs w ith s m a ll d ep o s it.

Ca ll K evin o r Ro n



GRAINBIN DIRECT 306-373-4919




PRAIRIE STEEL 306-933-1141


“ FOR C E”

Lin e o f Le gs tyle H o ppe r Bin s & R e pla ce m e n tC o n e s .

10 gauge bottom ,8” or 12” Side Wall (1)O r (2)piece construction 12’- 28’sizes 14’- $1 ,4 00 15’- $1 ,4 85 $ 19’- 2,1 00 21’- $2,6 00 24’- $2,9 7 0 25’1⁄2 - $3,300 Tru ck ing Av a ila b le

C o n s is ts o f •C lo s e d in ho ppe r b o tto m b in s •Als o fla tb o tto m b in s & fla t b o tto m re pla c e m e n t flo o rs

w w w.jtlin d u s tries .ca N E IL BU RG, S AS K ATCH E W AN S a s k a tchew a n /Alb erta 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 S tettler, AB 1-78 0-8 72-49 43 “ The Pea ce Co u n try” 1-8 77-6 9 7-7444 o r1-775-770-49 44 S o u th/Ea s tS a s k a tchew a n , M a n ito b a & U.S .A., 1-306 -224-208 8

• Re pla c e yo u ro ld flo o rs a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u s he ls c a pa c ity to yo u r e xis tin g b in s . • No m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . Ou r pa te n te d JTL d o o ris gu a ra n te e d to m a ke yo u s m ile e ve rytim e yo u u s e it!

Introductory Pricing O n “Force”Bins Now In Effect.


*100% res a lea b le

*4” x 3/ 16” s id ew a ll


w w w.d a rm a ni.ca

DAR M AN I Y EAR EN D PR ICE $ $1046 $142 7 $1845 $1890 $2 340 $2 475 $2 673 $2 970 $3732 $4691

S hip p in g co n ta in ers ca n b e a d a p ted to a va riety o f u s es a n d ca n p ro vid e a n in exp en s ive a n d flexib le s o lu tio n to m a n y s to ra ge p ro b lem s . AtBo n d In d u s tria l w e ca n co n vertyo u rco n ta in erfo r a lm o s ta n y u s e like S to ra ge F a cilities , W o rk S ho p s , T o o l Crib s , S ite Offices , Go lfCa rt S to ra ge, Ou tfitterS ha cks etc.

Yo u n a m e it w e ca n d o it. Perfect po rta b le s ecu re w ea ther pro o f s to ra ge fo r the fa rm , a crea ge o r b u s in es s . Ca ll to d a y & tu rn yo u r s to ra ge id ea in to rea lity.

B on d In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d Ph. 306.373.2236 fx. 306-373-0364 w w w .b on din d.com e m a il joe @ b on din d.com 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. www.magnatesteel.com 40’ STANDARD SEA CONTAINERS for sale, guaranteed wind, water and rodent proof. Five in stock for $3650. Ph Bond Industrial Direct Incorporated today while supply lasts. 306-373-2236, 306-221-9630, Saskatoon, SK. email: joe@bondind.com SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK, thecontainerguy.ca

• D elivered to you rF arm Yard . • Ask ab ou tAu gerop tion s & d iscou n ts availab le. 2008 CASE 4020, 330 HP, auto, 70’ flex air, 2000 hrs., reduced to $168,000; 2007 Case 4520, 2 bin w/chemical bin, variable rate, 70’ booms, $148,000; 2006 Loral 6300 w/DT 570 auto, AirMax 1000 bed, 2200 hrs., $126,000; 4x4 1999 Loral, AirMax 5 bed, $71,000; 1999 Loral, w/AirMax 5 bed, 5700 hrs, $51,000; 1999 AgChem, 70’ booms, $68,000; 1997 AgChem, 70’ booms, $38,000; 1996 Loral AirMax 5 bed w/chemical bins, 8700 hrs., $36,500; 1996 Mertz 2 bin w/chemical bins, $37,000; 2001 Case 3 wheeler, 70’ booms, $67,000; 1994 GMC w/new leader 2020 bed, $34,500; 16 ton Tyler tender w/back auger, $9500; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender with scale, 40 HP, new auger, $18,500; 5 ton Tyler blender, 40 HP, $7500; 10 propane trucks in test date with 2800-3000 gal. tanks, w/hose reels, pumps and meters from $26,000 to $35,000. Northwest largest used selection of fertilizer equipment. 406-466-5356, Choteau, MT. For more equipment and photos view www.fertilizerequipment.net DO YOU NEED NH3 APPLICATION KITS? Call us first! 25+ years of ammonia experience. New or used, with or without sectional control. One of Western Canada’s largest MaxQuip dealers, specializing in NH3 application equipment, traditional or pressurized (pump) systems, also new or used nurse tanks. We have a good selection of used systems. Double HH Ag Sales, 780-777-8700 or doublehhco@shaw.ca WANTED: 1995 or newer NH3 wagons, 1500 to 2000 gal. capacity. Call Monty at 403-534-3961, Mossleigh, AB. or, email him at mbeagle@parheim.com or at, cneustaeter@parheim.com


BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. www.masterindustries.ca Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK.

1 800 667 8800



*Tie d ow n hooks


S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. 45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. SAKUNDIAK AUGER SALE: HD8-39 w/27 HP, elec. clutch and Hawes mover, reg. $16,325, sale $13,800; HD8-53 w/30 HP, elec. clutch and Hawes mover, reg. $17,750, sale, $15,500. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

REPLACEMENT FLIGHTING FOR augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.

Rosetown Flighting Supply 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK www.flightingsupply.com




SEE VIDEO ON WEBSITE HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l USED BATCO 1545 field loader conveyor 306-757-2828, Regina, SK. w/30 HP engine, $13,500. Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626, or visit 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and www.flaman.com modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina 1 800 667 8800 and Saskatoon, SK. www.g-airservices.ca BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain www.nuvisionindustries.ca augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and 306-933-0436. leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. NEW “R” SERIES Wheatheart Augers: R 8x41, 27 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,075, sale $12,250; R 8x51, 30 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,907, USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 to 9 ton, sale $12,750; R 10x41, 35 HP Vanguard, 10 ton tender, $2500. 1-866-938-8537. HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $15,530, sale www.zettlerfarmequipment.com $13,240. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available gallon tanks avail. Contact your nearest with self-propelled mover kits and bin Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nivisit www.flaman.com pawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. 2007 BANDIT LIQUID caddy, 1750 gallon. AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, One year old John Blue pump w/2” Honda Westfield, Westeel, Sakundiak augers; AuBEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new pump, like new. Ph Patrick 306-638-3177, ger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. Good prices, leasing a n d u s e d s e a c o n t a i n e r s , a l l s i z e s . Chamberlain, SK. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. 8144 TERRAGATOR SDA-2100, complete available. Call 1-866-746-2666. brand new front drive axle, $30,000; Used 2011 BRANDT 10x60 swing auger, good front drive axle with broken housing. cond., $10,000 OBO. Call 403-867-2343, 403-994-7754, Olds, AB. 403-647-8031, Foremost, AB.

*P a inted und ernea th

MERIDIAN (Sakundiak) GRAIN AUGERS: SP kits and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and diesel. Call Brian ‘The Auger Guy’ 204-724-6197, Souris, MB.


KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD/ OPI STORMAX. For sales and service east central SK. and 20’ AND 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, MB., call Gerald Shymko, Calder, SK., large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, 306-742-4445 or toll free 1-888-674-5346. 306-781-2600. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738. KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346.

Co m pa re Co m pa re S teelflo o rs a t Cem en t $ w /fo rm in g 1200-1450 1900 1728-1950 2747 2100-2300 3552 2150-2350 3638 2600-2900 4504 2750-3100 4765 3100-3600 5145 3400-3900 5717 *s p ecia l ord er 7183 *s p ecia l ord er 9030

SAKUNDIAK HARVEST CASH-IN Event: $1000 rebate on new swingaway augers. Used 12”x72’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $14,900; One 2008 12”x78’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $15,900; 8”x1600; 7”x1400 c/w 14 HP Kohler; Convey-All conveyors available. All units have leasing options. Call Dale at Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd., Davidson, SK. 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299, website www.mainwayfarmequipment.ca




Ph on e : 1.8 00.6 6 7.8 8 00




Dia m eter W eight DAR M AN I Y EAR - EN D (lb s.) W IN TER S AV IN G S $ reg. $ 14 1110 1151 104.60 15/16 1250 1570 142.70 18 1648 2030 184.50 19 1728 2079 189 21 2418 2574 234 22 2525 2723 247.50 24 2644 2940 267.50 25 2775 3267 297 27 3166 4105 373.20 30 4200 5160 469.10

• F u lly Assem b led F ield Read y

Recycle, Reu s e, Rein ven t


D ARM AN I S TEEL FLO O RS 1-86 6 -6 6 5-6 6 77 W ES TEEL TW IS TER

S a s ka tchew a n ’s n u m b er o n e s o u rce fo r New , Us ed a n d M o d ified S ea Co n ta in ers .



s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca

• Le g-s tyle b in s a n d re pla c e m e n tho ppe rs w ith a n a e ra tio n s ys te m tha tu s e s the b a s e a n d le gs a s the ple n u m to fo rc e the a irin to the ho ppe r. • Ae ra tio n s ys te m c o m e s a s s ta n d a rd e qu ipm e n t fo ra ll “ Fo rc e ” b in s & c o n e s .


13” x 95 ftAuge rs . .$20,800 13” x 85 ftAuge rs . .$18,000

In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d


14’Hopper 8 leg H/Duty .................2,250 14’Hopper 7 leg S/Duty ..................$2,1 50 15’Hopper 8 leg S/Duty ..................$2,6 00 15’-10” Hopper 10 leg H/Duty .........$2,9 50 18’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$3,9 50 19’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,250

“Saskatchewan Owned Manufacturer of Grain Bins”


Brow n le e s Truckin g I nc. Un ity, S K




N EW T • This d evice M OUN TS PR O D UC M AGN ETICAL L Y to the b o tto m o f yo u r ho pper b in . • Allo w s yo u to o pen the chu te w id e o pen w ith N O CHAN CE OF S PIL L S . • REDUCES s plittin g o f pea s a n d ca n o la b lo w in g a w a y in the w in d . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll





1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46



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w w w .ros le rc on s tru c tion .c a

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USED E180 EXTRACTOR. Call for pricing, 306-231-9937, Humboldt, SK. THREE USED EXG 300 Extractors. Call for pricing. 306-231-9937, Humboldt, SK. GRAIN BAGGING EQUIPMENT, new or used 9’ or 10’ baggers and extractors. Double HH Ag Sales, 780-777-8700 or doublehhco@shaw.ca

N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , $7,100; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection used gravity wagons, 250-750 bu. Used grain carts, 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com DON’T PAY UNTIL OCT. 2013 - Book your J&M grain cart now and don’t make your first lease payment until Oct. 1, 2013. Order today to get the colours and options you want for summer delivery. Blowout prices for all remaining 2012 models (c/w Michel’s tarps). Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or go to www.flaman.com


G rain b in s Hop p erb in s Big b in s Aeration fan s T em p m on itorin g


Pha se

V o lta ge

DAR M AN I W IN TER reg. $



Co m pa re a t$

3 5 7 10 7 10

S in g le S in g le S in g le S in g le Three Three

220 220 220 220 220/ 460 220/ 460

1150 1345 1777 2089 1815 2126

105 135 162 190 2 36 2 77

1045 1345 1615 1899 1579 1849

1160-1430 1490-1850 1795-2250 2200-2999 1795-2250 2200-2950

P orta b le a n d W ire le s s TEM P ERATURE M O N ITO RIN G EQ UIP M EN T O N S ALE

w w w.d a rm a ni.ca

S AVE 10- 2 5 %



2011 CIH STX550

2010 CIH STX535

2009 CIH STX485

2011 CIH STX550

Quadtrac, Deluxe cab, PTO...$395,000

Quadtrack, Luxury Cab, 1000rpm IND PTO..$357,000

Quad, Tow cable, Luxury cab...$305,000

PTO, 36” Tracks, Auto Guidance...$405,000



2WD Tractors 2009 CIH Magnum 180 (LL) high cap pump, 3 remotes, L780 loader, outback autosteer........................................................$137,000 2003 CIH Maxxum 130 (SC) 2696hrs, rear weights, loader...................$69,000 2005 CIH MXM130 (SA) 4200hrs, MFD, LX172 loader with grapple......$59,900 2005 Kubota M125 (LL) dual PTO, 2 hyds, 2pt hitch............$59,000 1988 CIH 7120 (ES) MFD, 20.8 Duals......................................................$48,900 2008 CIH Farmall 45 (SC) HST transmission, rear remote..........$23,900 1998 JD 2955 (ES) JD 148 front end loader, joy stick, 3 point hitch, cab w/ A/C and Heat, dual Hyd................................................................................$23,500 2008 Case Farmall 35 (SC) 200hrs, HST trans, AG tires, PTO ...$22,500


2009 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 6700 tank, 74ft, banders, 3.5 packers, new hoses, 3 tank meter.............................................................$238,000 2008 Seed Hawk 60-12 Drill (SA) TBT JD1910, TBT 270BUH, 2000 gal TBH liquid, no quick pin............................................$185,000 2005 Seed Hawk 63-10 (SA) TBT, double shoot, variable rate, 63FT, 10.5’, triple shoot, FC4350 tank....................................$173,900 2009 NH Drill (LL) 60ft, 10” spacing, 550lbs trips, 3 1/2” steel packers, 430 bush........................................................................$172,900 2007 Seed Hawk 65-10 (SA) double shoot, blockage, quick pin, dual castors........................................................................$125,000 2005 JD 1820 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, single run blockage, 430 buch tank..................................................................................................$98,000 2000 Flexi-coil 5000 (SC) 57ft, 9” spacing, 3840 tank....................$70,000

4WD Tractors 2012 CIH STX500 (LL) lux cab, mo PTO, high cap draw bar, 800 tires.........$310,000 2012 CIH STX500 (SC) 350hrs, triples, diff lock, hi-cap pump, full hyd GPS with pro700, no PTO..........................................................................................$295,000 2012 CIH STX500 (SC) 811hrs, triples, diff lock, hi-cap pump, full hyd GPS with Pro700, PTO...............................................................................................$292,000 2012 CIH STX400 (SC) 650hrs, powershift, 520 triples, PTO, diff lock, auto guidance w/pro 700..........................................................................................$265,000 2006 JD 9620T (SC) 1791hrs, HID lighting, leather cab, green light, full weight pkg.....................................................................$205,000 2008 CIH STX435 (SA) deluxe cab, 24spd manual, no PTO, high cap pump..$199,000 1994 CIH 9280 (SA) stnd transmission, 4 remotes, 24.5/32 tires............$75,000

SPRAYERS 2012 CIH 4430 (SC) 300hrs, aim command, accuboom, pro700..$310,000 2009 CIH 4420 (SC) 1400hrs, 120ft, full guidance, 650 floaters, aim, luxury cab........................................................................................$260,000 2008 CIH 3320 (SC) 100ft, active suspension, aim command....$220,000 2005 CIH 4410 (ES) 90ft, aim command, JD auto steer....................$215,000 2008 NH 8204 floater (SA) 1800 gal, 85ft, 3 ways & 3 tips, 10” spacing........................................................................................$155,000

2008 Miller A40 Condor (LL) 1000 gal, norac UC4, rear floaters...$149,000 2003 CIH 3150 (ES) 90ft boom, 750 gallon tank............$102,000 2006 Spray Coupe 4650 (LL) 80ft, 400 gallon, outback auto steer, front dividers................................................................$71,500 1996 Wilmar 745 (ES) powerglide, autoheight, 75ft, duals for rear, 500 gal..........................................................................................$35,000 2000 Spray Air 3200 (SC) suspended boom, foam, 90ft boom, 800 gal tank..........................................................................$14,900 1997 Flexi-Coil System 65 (SC) 80FT, screens, PTO, 1000 gal ..$8,900

2001 Flexi-coil 5000 (SC) 39ft, 550lb tank, tow hitch, 2340 cart..SOLD 1996 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, D/S, 3 1/2” steel packers, 2000 5250 TB..............................................................$67,900 1999 Flexi-coil 5000 (SC) 45ft, 9” spacing, paired row, 2320 tank, 1/2” steel packers recapped......................................................$65,000 1999 Bourgault 8810 (SC) 50ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, MRB’s..$50,000 1993 Bourgault 2155 tank (SC) single shoot, kohler gas engine, TBH...$3,800

HEADERS 2011 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, double knife, 5 bat, upper cross auger....$74,900 2009 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, adapter for 70/8010, slow speed trans...$69,000 2010 CIH 2152 (LL) 45ft, double knife, transport......................$67,000

2006 CIH 2042 (LL) 36ft, AFX adapter, hyd fore & aft..........SOLD 2011 CIH 3020 (SC) 35ft, 3”knife, 6 bat pick up reel...............$56,000 2007 CIH 2162 (ES) 40’5 bat dual reel, auto header height.....$55,000 2007 HoneyBee SP40 (SC) 40ft, p/u, hyd f&a, cross auger, AFX adapter, trasnport.........................................................................$49,900 2009 Honeybee SP36 (SC) p/u, hyd fore & aft, pea auger........$44,900 2009 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, AWS air reel, AFX adapter.................$32,000 2012 CIH 3016 (SC) AUX front wind guard, 15ft, PTO drive, castor gauge wheels................................................................................$29,900 2005 JD 635 (SA) 35ft header, p/u reel, flex..............................$29,000 2009 CIH 2016 (LL) 16ft p/u belt, auto header height, NAO returnable skid...$28,000 2004 Honeybee SP36 (SC) 36ft, UII pu reel, 2388 adpt, transport..$27,900 2003 Macdon 972 (SC) 36ft, pu reel, transport.......................$26,000 2009 NH 18HS (SC) 18ft hay conditioner header........................$19,900 2004 CIH 1010 (SC) 35ft, pick up reel.......................................$19,000 1997 Macdon 960 (LL) 36FT, p/u, pea auger, 2388 adapter.....$17,900 2001 JD 930F (SA) 30FT, JD adapter, p/u, flex, fore & aft...........$17,000 2006 Macdon S30 Header (SC) 30ft swather pick up reels....$17,000 2001 CIH 2015 (SC) rake up pick up........................................$12,000 1998 CIH 1020 (SC) 30ft..........................................................$10,500 1997 CIH 1015 (SC) rake-up pick up.....................................$9,500

Saskatoon (306) 934-3555 800-667-9761

Swift Current (306) 773-2951 800-219-8867

2010 CIH 7120 (LL) duals, lat tilt, powerplus CVT feeder...............SOLD 2010 CIH 8120 (LL) 900 tires, lat tilt, fine cut chopper..........$288,000 2009 CIH 9120 (SA) lat tilt , 900 tires, single speed hydro....$265,000 2008 JD 9770 (LL) 520 duals, y&m, hi unload rate, 16FT........$248,000 2012 CIH 7088 (SC) 620hrs, yield, chopper, lat tilt, 800 tires...$235,000 2009 CIH 7088 (SC) 1000hrs, 800 singles, AFX rotor, chopper...$200,000 2008 CIH 7010 (SC) 1484hrs, 900 tires, lat tilt, stnd chopper...$200,000

2008 CIH 2588 (SC) AFX std wear, 21ft unload auger.........SOLD 2006 CIH 8010 (SA) deluxe cab, y&m, 900 tires, lat tilt.........$185,000 2008 CIH 2588 (SC) 810 pu, yield & moisture........................$172,900 2008 CIH 2588 (SC) 1250hrs,AFX rotor, chopper, 50.5 singles, hopper topper..........................................................................................$169,000 2004 CIH 2388 (SC) topper, long auger, chopper, f&a, 2015 pu...$115,900 1999 CIH 2388 (SA) new bubble up, long auger, AHHC, 1015 rake-up header......................................................................................... $100,000 1997 CIH 2188 (LL) 4503hrs, c/w 25ft 960 hdr, hopper topper, AFX rotor, new rubber..........................................................................................$74,900

2011 Mandako 60ft land roller (SC) used only 500 acres...SOLD 1997 NH TX66 (LL) 800 tires, 971 pu header, rakeup................$39,000 1989 CIH 1680 (SC) specialty rotor, no header.........................$30,000 1979 CIH 1460 (SC) 810 24FT header, pu on trailer, stnd rotor, no chopper...$23,000 1991 CIH 1680 (LL) pick up header, chopper...................... SOLD 1981 CIH 1480 (SC) 1015 IH pick-up, shedded........................$14,900

SWATHERS 2010 CIH WDX2303 (SA) upgrade cab, cold start, UII one piece p/u reel, double knife, DHX362 header........................................$135,000 2012 CIH WD1203 (SC) c/w DH362, cab&rear suspension, stnd cab, cold start pkg........................................................................$135,000 2008 CIH WD1203 (SA) deluxe cab, cab suspension, case conf for DHX..$105,000 2009 MacDon M200 (SC) 1000hrs, windrower, no header....$98,000 2006 CIH WDX1202S (ES) stnd cab, hyd header, tilt, DHX302, single knife, UII pu reel......................................................................$85,000 2000 Masey Ferguson 220 Series II (SA) 30ft triple delivery...$38,700 1996 Premier 4930 (SC) 6080hrs, p/u reel.........................$32,500 1194 Hesston 8100 (SC) 1602hrs, c/w 30ft U-ll p/u reel.....$29,000 Hesston 1200 (SC) 30ft........................................................$10,900 1987 CIH 730 (SC) 30ft pull type, batt reel.............................$3,500

Lloydminster (306) 825-3434 800-535-0520

Estevan (306) 634-4788 866-659-5866

w w w . r e d h e a d e q u i p m e n t . c a







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2012 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB SK-U01190 4 DR, 3.5L V6, AUTO, 10,270 KMS



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Open 24 Hours @



&,5&/( 3/$&( ‡ 25

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&251(5 2) 6$5*(17 .,1* (':$5' ‡ &$// ‡ 72// )5((




2006 JD 9760 STS 1341 hrs. Was Reg. $179,600

155,000 ✓


January Featured Specials

1999 JD 9610 3457 hrs. Was Reg. $37,000

32,000 ✓


COMBINES (10) 12 JD S680 combines - 178 hrs up, GS3 2630, JD Link ................................. $395,300 up (MJ) (7) 12 JD S670 demo’ed combines, 247 hrs up .......................................................$345,300 up (M) 12 JD T670, 284 hrs, 900/55R32, contour mast ........................................................... $322,400 (M) (6) 10 JD 9870 STS, 370 hrs up, premier cabs .................................................. $293,500 up (R,RM) (5) 11 JD 9770 STS, 221 hrs up, premier cab ............................................................... $295,500 (W) 11 NH CX8080, 202 hrs, w/ NH 76C-14’PU, Swathmaster PU ........................................ $265,300 (S) (2) 10 JD 9670 STS, 606 hrs up, 800/65R32, side hill pkg ..................................... $248,800 up (MJ) 07 JD 9860 STS, 670 hrs , 800/70R38 .......................................................................... $224,800 (M) (2) 09 JD 9670 STS, 1021 hrs up, 20.8x38 duals ......................................................$223,800 up (A) 09 JD 9570S, 374 hrs, 800/65R32, chop, sprdr ............................................................ $220,700 (W) (2) 06 JD 9860 STS, 1008 hrs up, 520/85R42 ............................................................$203,100 up(R) 06 JD 9760 STS,1341 hrs,800/65R32, hi cap feeding ................................................... $179,600 (S) 05 JD 9760 STS, 2032 hrs, 20.8R38, air scoop ........................................................... $173,500 (MJ) 04 JD 9860 STS, 185 hrs,800/65R32, deluxe hdr ctrls ............................................... $164,700 (RM) (4) 04 JD 9760 STS, 1530 hrs up, sprdr, chop ...................................................$129,500 up (M,,RM) 03 JD 9750 STS, 1390 hrs ,800/65R32 .......................................................................... $148,900 (R) 01 JD9750 STS, 1964 hrs, sprdr, chop ........................................................................ $132,500 (RM) 01 JD 9750 STS,2792 hrs, 30.5LX32, shedded ............................................................. $111,900 (W) (2) 01 JD 9650 STS, 2000 hrs up ,800/65R32,chaff , chop ...................................$110,000 up (S,W) 05 Cat 570R w/P514 hdr, 1080 hrs, 500/85R24 ............................................................. $109,300 (S) 00 JD 9650 CTD, 2619 hrs, 800x32, fine cut chop,20’ ..................................................... $83,500 (S) 98 JD 9510, 2075 hrs, 24.5x32, dial spd, dual range.................................................... $80,500 (RM) 97 JD CTS, 2794 hrs,dial spd, hop topper, 20’ aug, 30.5x32 ............................................ $72,000 (S) 01 NH TR99, 2223 hrs, chaff sprdr, 20.8R42 duals, w/01 971 PU ................................. $67,200 (RM) (2) 97 JD CTS, 2589 hrs up , dial spd, chopper ....................................................$57,300 up (M,RM) (2) 97 JD 9600, 2450 hrs up ................................................................................. $56,000 up (MJ,R) 96 JD CTS, 2876 hrs, 30.5x32,Trimble EZsteer ..............................................................$55,300 (MJ) (2) 97 JD 9500, 3100 hrs up ........................................................................................... $43,600 (M) 95 JD 9600, 3030 hrs, dial spd,20’ aug,chaff sprdr ........................................................ $47,400 (M) 94 NH TX66, 2170 hrs,16.70x20,w/971 13’ PU ................................................................ $39,900 (S) 93 JD 9600, 3570 hrs, 30.5x32, chop, chaff spr .............................................................. $37,900 (S) 99 JD 9610, 3457 hrs, 30.5x32, Dial spd, f/a .................................................................$37,100 (MJ) 89 JD 9500, 4950 hrs, dial spd, chaff sprdr, 20’ ............................................................. $27,900 (M) 91 CIH 1680, 5357 hrs,30.5-32, w/1015 PU hdr .............................................................. $21,500 (A) 81 & 82 JD 7720, 4135 hrs up ...................................................................................$8,400 up (A,S)

SPRAYERS (4) 12 JD 4940, 300 hrs up,120’ ......................................................................... $371,300 (M,MJ,W) 11 JD 4930, 800 hrs, 120’, 20” nozz space, 380/105R50 .......................................... $333,300 (MM) (3) 09 JD 4930, 1015hrs up, 120’, 20” nozz ...................................................$304,500 up (MM,R,W) (2) JD 4830,640 hrs, 100’, 20” spac, full AMS pkg ........................................................ $300,600 (R) 10 JD 4930, 120’, 20” nozz space, SF1/section ctrl/2600 receiver .............................. $296,500 (M) 11 JD 4830, 850 hrs, 100’, 20” nozz, 520/85R38 ....................................................... $287,600 (RM) (3) 08 JD 4930, 1682 hrs up, 120’, 20” noz ................................................... $261,900 up (M,MJ,W) 08 JD 4830, 775 hrs ,100’, 20” spac, swath ctrl pro.................................................. $267,500 (MM) 09 JD 4830, 610 spray hrs, 100’, 20” spac, 1000 gal, 600/65R38 .............................. $237,900 (MJ) 09 JD 4730, 975 hrs, 100’, 20” spac, 380/90R46 ....................................................... $224,400 (RM) 06 JD 4920, 120’, 20” spac, Raven autoboom ............................................................ $221,900 (MJ) 09 JD 4730, 90’, 800 gal tnk, Norac, AMS pkg ............................................................ $215,300 (RM) 03 JD 4710, 1823 hrs, 90’, 520/38’s, Raven autoboom ............................................. $162,500 (MM) 07 Flex-Coil S68XL,134’,1400 gal, 380/85R46, chem hand ...........................................$41,400 (MJ)

HAYING EQUIPMENT 12 JD D450 Windrower, w/635 JD Draper .................................................................... $194,000 (M) 11 MacDon M150 Wdr w/D60 35’ Hdr .......................................................................... $131,200 (M) 10 JD A400 Wdr w/ HB WS36, UII PU reel,6 batt, 553hrs ...............................................$130,500 (R) 10 MacDon M150 Wdr w/ D60 35’ Hdr ......................................................................... $123,600 (M) 09 JD 4895 Wdr w/HB WS36, 804 hrs ........................................................................... $123,200 (R) 08 JD 4895 Wdr w/HB WS36 Hdr, 572 hrs, dble knive ................................................ $120,300 (MJ) 10 CIH WD 1203 Wdr, w/ 30’ draper hdr, 18’ auger head .............................................. $115,500 (W) 08 JD 4895 Wdr, 900 hrs, w/HoneyBee WS36 Hdr, ATU200 ........................................... $115,100 (R) 09 NH H8040 Wdr w/30’ HB Hdr .................................................................................. $107,900 (M) 06 JD 4895 Wdr, w/4895 WS36, dble knife, 703 hrs ......................................................$104,200 (R) 08 CIH WD 1203 Wdr, w/30’ Draper HDr ......................................................................... $96,700 (W) 10 MF 9430 Wdr-w/36’ Draper Hdr, UII PU .....................................................................$90,700 (MJ) 08 JD 4895 Wdr, 862 hrs............................................................................................... $70,900 (RM) 98 MF 220 Wdr, w/30’ drape & 16’Aug hdr ...................................................................... $42,100 (R) 06 HoneyBee Ws30 Wdr draper hdr, single knife ............................................................ $33,900 (M) (2) 07 JD 568 balers, mega wide pu, surf wrap.........................................................$30,200 up (W) 92 Hess 8100 Wdr w/25’ hdr, dble swath, dble knife, UII PU .........................................$29,300 (MJ) 09 MacDon A30-D-16’ Moco, 1000 RPM, Skid Shoes ...................................................... $29,200 (R) 11 NH BR7090, 6048 bles,edge wrap, 1000 pto,push ...................................................$26,500 (MJ) 86 JD 2360, w/30’ header, gas, DS table, UII plas fingers .............................................. $26,500 (M) 02 JD 567,4632 bales, mega wide,hyd pu ....................................................................... $24,000 (S) 08 MF 2756 baler, 5100 bles, ramp, kicker.................................................................. $24,000 (MM) 08 NH BR7090 baler, 7262 bales, new belts, 82”PU ....................................................... $23,000 (A) 08 Vermeer 605M, hyd PU lift, hyd bale ramp, 21.5x16 ............................................... $22,500 (MM) 83 MF 885 Wdr, w/30’ header, diesel, 18.4x16.1 ............................................................ $22,400 (M) 07 MacDon A30S Moco,16’ hdr, extra set skid shoes .................................................. $21,700 (MM) (4) 03 JD 567, push bars, hyd pu lift .................................................................$18,900 up (A,MM,S) 04 Hess 956 Baler, 8762 bles,wide pu............................................................................. $17,900 (A) 97 JD 566, 31x13.5, push bar, hyd pu lift ....................................................................... $17,800 (M)

2010 JD 7330 MFWD 1791 hrs. Was Reg. $116,000.


101,000 ✓


Was Reg. $29,300

24,800 ✓


03 JD 895,18’ Wdr, Reg guards,Urethane roll .............................................................. $17,700 (MM) (2) 05 JD 567, 6000 bales up, push bars, hyd pu................................................ $17,400 up (M, MJ) (2) 01 JD 567, hyd pu, push bars ................................................................................$16,300 up (S) 06 NH BR780A, 8200 bales,hyd pu,Xtra sweep pu ........................................................$15,300 (MJ) 85 MacDon 7000 Wdr, 2600 hrs, w/30’ draper ............................................................. $13,800 (RM) 04 Bale King Bale Process 3100, RH dischg, fine cut ...................................................... $12,700 (R) 98 JD 466 Baler, 125,000 bales, converg whls ................................................................ $12,600 (S) 95 & 96 JD 535 Balers ................................................................................Starting at $7,200 (M,R)

SEEDING 08 JD 1830 -61’,10” spac, dble sht, w/08 JD 1910-430 bu tank................................ $151,400 (MJ) (3) 10 CIH SDX precision 40’, 7.5”, w/3430 tank ........................................................... $146,000 (A) 07 NH 550,60’,10” spac, 13000 ac, w/NH SC380 cart .................................................. $144,100 (M) 09 JD 1830, 61’, 10” spac, w/ JD 1910 350 bu Cart ................................................... $134,200 (RM) 10 CIH SDX, 40’,10”spac, all run, dble sht, w/3430 tank ............................................... $132,100 (A) 05 JD 1820,53’,10”, w/ JD 1910- 430 bu ........................................................................ $94,800 (R) 04 JD 1820,61’, 10” SS, w/JD 1910 -340 bu, ble sht....................................................... $94,400 (A) 04 Conservapak 5112, 56’, 12” spac, w/440 TBT Cart .................................................... $88,300 (M) 04 Case IH ATX 44’ 10” spac,w/ 230 bu TBH cart ........................................................... $58,000 (M) 06 JD 1820,53’, dble sht, 4x22” steel press whls ........................................................... $56,200 (S) 03 JD 1820 52’,10”, dble sht, 4x22” steel Press whls..................................................... $41,800 (R) 02 Morris Max 29’, 10” spac, w/6180 cart...................................................................... $38,900 (M) 97 Concord, 32’,12” w/ JD 787 - 230 bu ......................................................................... $36,000 (R) 94 Concord 40’ 12” spac ATD w/99 Flex 2320 TBH ..................................................... $31,500 (MM) 97 Concord 40’, 12” spac, dble sht,w/2320 TBH ............................................................ $30,100 (W) 94 Concord 40’, 12” spac, dble sht w/97 JD 787-230 bu cart ..................................... $21,800 (MM)

TRACTORS 12 JD 9560RT, 378 hrs, JD link, Deluxe Commandview................................................. $455,000 (R) (5) 12 JD 9560R, 59 hrs up, 560 Hp, demo units .............................................$441,500 up (A,MJ,R) 11 JD 9630T, 846 hrs, 36” trk belt, deluxe comfort pkg ............................................... $399,600 (M) 10 JD 9630T, 530 hp, 2058 hrs, 18F/6R, 1000 pto ........................................................ $350,100 (M) 09 JD 9630T, 1485 hrs, deluxe comfort pkg, HIDlights ................................................. $333,700 (M) (2) 11 JD 9530, 606 hrs up,diff lock, 800/70R38, 5scv ............................................$332,600 up (M) (2) 09 JD 9630, 769 hrs up, diff lock, 800/70R38 pkg ..........................................$299,000 up (M,R) 08 JD 9530T, 1897 hrs, deluxe cab, 1000 pto ................................................................ $304,900 (R) 09 JD 9530, 1425 hrs, diff lock,800/70R38 ............................................................... $303,900 (MM) 11 JD 9430, 1500 hrs, diff lock,710/70R42 .................................................................. $293,300 (M) 09 JD 9430, 1785 hrs, diff lock, 710/70R38, del comfort .......................................... $283,785 (MM) 10 JD 9430, 1772 hrs,diff lock,710/70R42, deluxe comfort ....................................... $282,000 (RM) 11 JD 7200R, 1160 hrs, MFWD, 710/70R38 .................................................................. $187,000 (M) (2) 11 JD 7430P, 711 hrs up ,520/85R38, w/741 Ldr ...............................................$153,900 up (M) 07 JD 7520, 2700hrs, w/741 Ldr, MFWD, 520/85R38 ................................................ $124,800 (MM) 10 JD 7330, 1791hrs, MFWD, w/ 741 Ldr ...................................................................... $116,000 (A) 10 JD 7230P, 1245 hrs, MFWD,480/80R42..................................................................... $108,500 (R) 97 JD 9400, 6532 hrs, 710/70R38, 4hyds,24/6 manual shift........................................ $105,900 (W) 03 JD 6420, 2506 hrs,MFWD,18.4x38,w/640 FEL........................................................... $85,900 (W) 00 NH TV140, 3200 hrs, 18.4x34, w/MacDon 960-30’ Hdr .............................................. $72,100 (R) 12 JD 6140D, 158 hrs, MFWD, 18.4X38 ........................................................................... $69,500 (R) 02 NH TV140, 2992 hrs,16.9x38, Loader, grap fork......................................................... $67,500 (M) 08 NH T6050, 3694 hrs w/Buhler 2795 Ldr ..................................................................... $65,600 (A) 93 JD 6200, 5269 hrs, MFWD w/JD 640 Ldr ................................................................... $32,700 (M) 82 JD 4440,7956 hrs, 18.4X38, 16F/6R ........................................................................ $25,200 (RM)

PLATFORMS 10 MacDon FD70-40, dble knife, AWS air reel ................................................................. $90,000 (A) (3)10 MacDon FD70-45’ , CA adapter .........................................................................$84,200 up (R) 12 MacDon FD70-40’, single knife dr ............................................................................. $81,400 (M) 11 MacDon D60-35’, double knife .................................................................................$80,700 (MJ) (2) 11 MacDon FD70-40’, single knife drive ................................................................... $77,600 (M) (4) 09 MacDon FD 70, 35’, slow spd trans ..........................................................$73,000 up (A,M,W) (5) 10 MacDon FD70-35’, upper cross aug, CA20 adapt ............................................ $72,100 (A,MJ) (2) 09 MacDon FD70-40’.............................................................................................. $72,000 (A,W) 08 MacDon D60, 40’, f/a, auto height,cross auger ......................................................... $66,900 (M) (2) 10 MacDon D60-35’........................................................................................ $65,400 up (MJ,W) (3) 10 JD 635D, poly tine pu reel, road trans w/lites...................................... $64,900 up (MJ,MM,R) 09 JD 635D, poly tine pu reel, skid shoes ....................................................................... $62,400 (W) (12) 11 JD 635D, Road trans lites, skid shoes ..................................................... $63,200 up (MJ,W) 09 MacDon D60-35’, CA Adaptor, elec f/a ....................................................................... $58,500 (W) (10) 10 JD 635F, 60/70 series hookup ...........................................................................$56,400 (MJ) (3) 10 JD 635F, AWS air reel.............................................................................. $50,700 up (M,MJ,R) (6) 09 JD 635F, air reel, good knife, long guards.....................................................$43,300 up (R,W) (2) 05 HoneyBee SP36, UII reel ............................................................................ $40,300 up (M,MJ) (6) 08 JD 635F, auger composite fingers ................................................... $35,200 up (MM,MJ,R,W) (3) 07 JD 635F, auger comp fingers ..................................................................$31,700 up (A,MM,R) (2) 06 JD 635F, raised skid shoes, AWS air reel ................................................... $37,300 up (M,MJ) (3) 04 JD 635F, HH sensing, stub lights ..........................................................$30,000 up (MJ,R,RM) 09 JD 630F, Auger Steel fingers.....................................................................................$35,700 (MJ) 02 HoneyBee SP36,one 9600 hookup, & 9610 ............................................................... $34,700 (M) 05 HoneyBee WS30, UII pu reel, single knife .................................................................. $32,700 (W) (2) 05 MacDon 963-36’, cross aug, gauge whls, trans .................................................... $30,000 (S) 03 HoneyBee SP36, fits 60 series,trans....................................................................... $29,000 (MM) (2) 04 JD 630F, AWS air reel.................................................................................. $22,600 up (MJ,R) 97, 2001, 2002 JD 930 Flex headers starting at ................................................... $11,700 up (MJ,S)

2011 NH BR7090 6048 bales. Was Reg. $26,500.

22,500 ✓


Assiniboia, SK (A) 306-642-3366 Montmartre, SK (MM) 306-424-2212 Moose Jaw, SK (MJ) 306-692-2371 Mossbank, SK (M) 306-354-2411 Raymore, SK (RM) 306-746-2110 Emerald Park/ Regina, SK (R) 306-721-5050 Southey, SK (S) 306-726-2155 Weyburn, SK (W) 306-842-4686 Don’t forget to visit


Don’t forget to visit www.southcountry.ca












Greenstar, new factory duals, 2,523 hrs., FC chopper ...........


‘96 CIH 2188

Chopper, chaff spreader, reel spd., F/A, 2,980 hrs., w/ 1015 PU, very good cond’n .....



‘07 JD 936D

hyd. F/A, New canvas, knife & PUR fingers, single pt. hookup, factory transport ......

721 hrs., AFS Pro 600, deluxe cab, self-leveling shoe



‘04 JD 9660 STS



‘77 JD 8430

1000 PTO, New duals, Quadshift, 3 hyd., good cond’n ..............

New duals, Greenstar, lateral lift, 2,584 hrs.............






‘08 CIH 2142


35’ PUR, new knife & guards, factory transport, fits JD STS/CAT 500 series . .............



1,100 bu., tandem walking axle, 20’ hyd. auger, big 1000 PTO… ......



‘07 VOLVO BL60

‘06 GENIE Z45/25

1,325 hrs., 4WD, all new rubber, good cond’n ............

45’, 4x4, Deutz diesel engine .....................






2,600 hrs., Greenstar, excellent tires, Redekop chopper upgrade ...................




FC chopper, 2 spd. cyl., long auger, hopper ext’n ............



‘09 30’ MACDON D60-S

NEW 16’ PW7 W/ SWATHMASTER 2008 model, fits JD 9660 STS & equivalent machines.................

827 hrs., 2011 DH302 HB/CIH header, dbl knife drive, very good cond’n ......

‘01 JD 9750 STS

JD 9600

F OF 0 00 $2



Numerous pictures available on our website - www.combineworld.com

‘08 CIH 8010



20 min. E of Saskatoon on Hwy. 16


w/ CNH adapter for 8120/CR9070, NEW knife, guards, & reel fingers ..............



’05 CIH RBX562 .......................... $11,800 ‘02 CIH RBX561 ............................$8,800 ’05 NH BR780 ..............................$9,800 ’01 Hesston 856A .........................$9,800

‘05 MACDON 974 35’, STS hookup fore/aft pea auger ................




‘04 JLG G6-42A



W/ cab, 3,400 hrs., w/ JD engine, warranty + rent to own options .............



NEW 16’ MacDon PW7 $ w/ Swathmaster pickup ..from $ Brand new pickup reels ........ off ALL TSR strawchopper parts ..... Harvest Services All Lankota combine to sieves and concaves.................. off header changeover kits ............. OFFER ENDS JANUARY 31, 2013

25,800 1,000 15%

15% 10%

off off




995 JD 900 heavy duty.................. 1,295 JD 200/900 .................................


MacDon $ old style..... MacDon $ new style ... $ MacDon update kit .................

1,448 1,695





1,550 2,297 CIH 4000/5000 ....................... 1,495

18.4-38 12 ply ................................. $783 24.5 - 32 14 ply ............................ $1,749 18.4-30 12 ply ..................................$593 18.4 - 42 16 ply ............................ $1,397 16.9-28 12 ply ..................................$558 23.1 - 26 12 ply ............................ $1,154 14.9-24 12 ply ..................................$356 20.8 - 38 12 ply ................................$866 $ $ 12.4-24 8 ply .................................... 266 405/70-20 14 ply…… ...................... 795 $ $ 11.0-16 12 ply .................................. 199 11.2 - 24 8 ply .................................. 229 MORE SIZES IN STOCK. RIMS ALSO AVAILABLE

CIH 1010/1020 .......................



WE WANT YOUR RIMS AND TIRES ON TRADE!! JD STS kit c/w new 20.8-42 tires .................... $16,880 JD 9400-9600/10/CTS/CTS II kit, c/w new 20.8-38 tires ....... $11,880 CIH 1680-2588 dual kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires .................... $13,900 CIH 8120 kit c/w 20.8 x 42 tires ......................... $17,800 OTHER COMBINE DUALS ALSO AVAILABLE

SAVE 50% ON NEW PARTS IN STOCK JD STS 60 Series $ FC chopper assembly ............. JD 930 full finger $ assembly ............................... CIH 80/88 series $ front acceler kit ...................... JD 9000 series $ rear spindle ................................. CIH 1660-2188 long $ unloading auger tube ................... JD front $ concave plate ............................. . CIH 2188-2388 header $ lift cylinder .................................. CIH 1680-2388 heavy duty rear steering $ axle center tube...................... CIH 1460-2388 front $ rotor bearing holder .....................

5,125 5,900 1,695 650 665 425 555 1,690 295

JD 9600 front $ walker crank ............................... JD 6620-9750 STS $ unloading auger extension ........... CIH 80/88 series unloading $ auger extension ........................... JD 94/95/9600/CTS inner $ separator fan sheave ................... NH TX 36/66/68 outer $ variable drive pulley w/ lug ........... JD 9000 upper $ feeder shaft ................................. JD 900 PU to JD 60 $ STS conversion kit ....................... Air-ride seat $ w/ built in compressor ............ 24’ free standing panels $ w/ 8’ wide gate ............................

520 895 895 345 740 848 595 1,395 475



2010 JD 9630T 1400 hrs, 36” track. (A)


359,000 2010 CASE IH STEIGER 485 590 hrs., power shift. (A)


260,000 2003 JD 7520 9128 hrs., cab, 741 SL loader w/grapple. (RA)


71,500 2005 McCORMICK MTX135 3871 hrs., SL loader w/grapple. (A)


65,000 2002 BRANDT 4500 GRAIN VAC






1000 bu., tarp, scale



2012 JD 9560RT, pto, fully loaded, 160 hrs ................................... $424,000 2011 JD 9630T, 36” tracks, pto, 110 hrs ....................................... $362,000 2010 JD 9630T, 36” tracks, pto, 1407 hrs ..................................... $325,000 2009 JD 9630T, 36” track, pto, 1181 hrs ....................................... $310,000 2009 JD 9630T, 36” tracks, pto, 1210 hrs ..................................... $305,000 2010 JD 9530T, 36” tracks, dlx cab, 824 hrs ................................ $302,000 2008 JD 9630, 800/70R38 duals, 3570 hrs.................................... $248,000 2007 JD 9630, 800/70R38 duals, 3260hrs..................................... $230,000 2004 JD 9520, 800/70r38 duals, 2600 hrs .................................... $190,000 2003 JD 9520, 800/70R38 duals, 3894 hrs.................................... $169,000 1998 JD 9400, triples, auto steer, 5550 hrs................................... $120,000 1996 JD 8770, 20.8X42, 12 spd, diff lock, 6624 hrs ........................ $72,000 1995 JD 8770, 20.8R38 Duals, partial pwr shift 24f 6r, 6100 hrs ... $74,500 2010 CaseIH 485 Steiger, 590 hrs.................................................. $260,000 2008 CaseIH 435 Steiger, 1950 hrs................................................ $206,000 2010 Challenger MT875C track tractor, 575 hp, 1409 hrs ............ $349,000 2010 Challenger MT875C track tractor, 575 hp, with 18 ft Blade, 1792 hrs ...................................................................................... $382,000 2009 Buhler Versatile 485, 710R42 duals, auto steer 918 hrs ..... $212,000 2009 Buhler Versatile 485, 710R42 duals, auto steer 969 hrs ..... $212,000


2010 JD 6430, premium cab, 3 pt, 673 FEL, 789 hrs....................... $92,500 2005 McCormick MTX135, cab, mfwd,loader, 3900 hrs ................. $65,000 2003 JD 7520, cab, MFWD, 741 ldr, 3898 ........................................ $89,000 2003 JD 7520, mfwd,740 loader, 9128 hrs ...................................... $71,500 1995 JD 7700, mfwd, 740 loader, 6880 hrs ..................................... $73,000 1978 JD 4640, duals, partial pwr shift, 10,827 hrs ......................... $19,500 OTHERS: JD 2010,2130,3130,4030,4430 ..............................................CALL

(A) (RE) (A) (A) (E) (RA) (A) (A) (A) (RA) (RE) (A) (O) (A) (E) (E) (E) (A) (A) (O) (A) (A) (RA) (RA) (A)


(24 MONTHS INTEREST FREE) 2012 JD S690 7 machines with between 100 & 250 sep hrs .............................................................CALL OR CHECK WEB SITE (A) 2008-2010 JD 9870STS 15 units, various hrs & options ...........................................................................CALL OR CHECK WEB SITE 2008-2010 JD 9770STS 5 units, various hrs & options ...........................................................................CALL OR CHECK WEB SITE 2004-2008 JD 9860 STS 6 units, various hrs & options ...........................................................................CALL OR CHECK WEB SITE 2004-2007 JD 9760STS 6 units, various hrs & options ...CALL OR CHECK WEB SITE 2005 JD 9660STS 30.5x32, 914 pickup header, 1150 hrs............. $139,000 (O) 2006 JD 9660STS 30.5x32, touchset, 835 hrs............................... $175,000 (RE) 2003 JD 9750STS 20.8x38 duals, precision pickup, 3500 Hrs ..... $128,000 (E) 2002 JD 9750 STS 20.8x38 duals, 615 pickup, 2285 hrs .............. $122,000 (E) 2001 JD 9750STS 800/65R32, 2411 hrs ........................................ $100,000 (A) 2001 JD 9750STS 520R38 Duals, precision pickup, 2400 hrs ...... $125,000 (O) 2003 JD 9650STS 914 pickup, 800/32 singles, 1770 hrs.............. $122,000 (E) 2002 JD 9650W duals, contour master, 1453 hrs ......................... $120,000 (RA) 2001 JD 9650W walkers,dlx hdr cntls, hopper ext, 3028 hrs......... $79,000 (A) 1995 JD CTS chopper, dlx cntrls,hopper xtns, 3558 hrs ................ $40,000 (A) 2009 CIH 7120 duals, cm, pickup (3 choices), 900 hrs $269,000-$290,000 (E) 2003 CIH 2388 pickup, chopper 2047 hrs ..................................... $125,000 (E) 1995 Case 2188 pickup, chopper, 2452 hrs .................................... $48,000 (RA) 1998 JD 9610 chopper, 2707 hrs ..................................................... $59,000 (RA) 1994 JD 9600 chopper, pickup, 3786 hrs ........................................ $50,000 (RE) 1987 JD 8820 chopper, pickup, 4026 hrs ........................................ $19,000 (O)


2012 JD 640FD Flex drapers, 3 units coming in ............................. $87,000 (A) 2004-2009 JD 635 Flex 12 units, some with air reels .....$27,000-$44,000 (A) 2010 JD 640D 40’ drapers, 5 units .................................................. $66,500 (A) 2009-2010 JD 635D 35’ drapers, 7 units .........................$55,000-$62,000 2008 JD 936D 36’ draper ................................................................. $45,000 (E) 2007 JD 936D 36’ draper ................................................................. $37,000 (RE) 1993-2000 JD 930F 6 units, various options .....................$7,500-$20,000 (A) 1994-1997 JD 930R 30’ rigid,bat & pickup reels available .....$6,500 & up 1999 New Holland 973 flex, crary air reel ...................................... $22,500 (E) 2005 CIH 2042 30’ draper, 2388 adapter ........................................ $38,000 (O) 2008 HoneyBee SP4555 45’ flex draper ......................................... $68,000 HoneyBee SP30 30’ draper, crop auger,CIH adapter ..................... $27,000 (RA 2004 HoneyBee SP42 42’ draper,crop auger,JD 70 adapter .......... $39,000 (A) 1999 HoneyBee SP36 36’ draper,crop auger, transp ...................... $29,500 (RE) 2000 HoneyBee SP36 36’ gleaner adapter...................................... $28,000 (RA) 2000 HoneyBee SP36 36’ draper,trans, crop auger ........................ $28,000 (A) 2005 HoneyBee SP36 36’ draper,JD 70 adapter ............................. $39,000 (A) 2010 MacDon FD70 40’ flex draper, JD adapter ............................. $72,000 (E) 2009 MacDon FD70 40’ flex draper, Case adapter, 4 units............. $65,000 (E,RA) 2009 MacDon D60, 40’ draper, JD 60 adapter ................................ $55,000 (O) 2002 MacDon 972, 36’, trans, JD 60 adapter .................................. $39,000 (A) 2007 MacDon 963, 36’ draper, bat reels, JD 60 adapter ............... $38,000 (RE) 1996 MacDon 960, 36’ draper, bat reel, JD adapter ....................... $14,900 (A) 1996 MacDon 960, 36’ draper, pickup reel, trans ........................... $19,000 (E) 1998 MacDon 960, 36’ draper, pickup reel, trans .......................... $20,000 (A)

2004 MacDon 974, 30’ flex draper, Case adapter ........................... $45,000 2005 MacDon 974, 30’ flex draper, JD adapter............................... $42,000

(RA) (O)


2009 Brent 1082, hyd, pto, tarp, scale............................................. $42,000 (A) 2008 Brent 1174 Grain Cart, tdms, scale, tarp................................ $50,000 (A) 2007 Brent 880 Grain Cart, hyd drive, tarp ..................................... $36,000 (A) 2004 Bourgault 750 Grain Cart, PTO, tarp ....................................... $32,000 (A,RE) 2007 Brandt 13x90HP Grain Auger ................................................. $20,000 (A) 2005 Brandt 13x90XL Grain Auger .................................................. $15,000 (E) Brandt 10X70 Grain Auger....................................................................CALL (RA) Farm King 13x85 Grain Auger ......................................................... $10,500 (E) 2011 Farm King 13x70 Grain Auger ................................................ $21,500 (A) 2009 Farm King 13x70 Grain Auger ................................................ $13,000 (E) Farm King 10x70 Grain Auger .......................................................... $8,500 (E) 2008 Westfield MKP130-111 Grain Auger....................................... $15,000 (O) 2002 Brandt 4500 Grain Vac.............................................................. $9,950 (RE) J&M 675 Grain Cart, hyd drive, tarp ................................................ $12,500 (E)


2007 JD 4720, 1836 hrs ................................................................. $179,000 2010 JD 4730, 700 hrs ................................................................... $247,500 2010 JD 4730, 880 hrs ................................................................... $245,000 2008 JD 4830, 1660 hrs ................................................................. $227,000 2012 JD 4940, 400 hrs ..........................................................................CALL 2010 JD 4930, 680 hrs ................................................................... $290,000 2009 JD 4930, 1256 hrs ................................................................. $280,000 2007 JD 4930, Raven auto boom, 2001 hrs .................................. $230,000 2006 JD 4920, 2361 hrs ................................................................. $203,900 2006 JD 4920, 1768 hrs ................................................................. $218,000 2007 Apache 710, 90’ .................................................................... $119,000 2002 Apache 790, 96’ 1445 hrs ....................................................... $76,000 2005 Melroe 4650 Spray Coupe ..................................................... $78,200 1996 Wilmar HT765, 90’ boom, outback auto steer 2788 .............. $36,900

(RE) (A) (RE) (E) (A) (A) (A) (A) (RA) (RE) (RE) (O) (RE) (O)


2008 Schulte FLX15, flex arm ........................................................... $7,500 Degelman 15’ rotary mower ........................................................... $16,500 (O) Degelman 1800, side arm ................................................................. $6,000 (A) Degelman 10’ 5700 Dozer, fits JD 7730 ........................................... $8,950 (O) Highline 15’ Rotary Mower ............................................................. $22,000 (E) Used 3 pt Snowblowers, F/K 84” & 96” JD 270 Schulte 110”, 96” & 84”CALL (E,O)


(36 MOS INTEREST FREE) 2008 JD 568 Round Baler, mega wide pickup ............................... $28,000 2001 JD 567 Round Baler, mega tooth pickup ............................... $16,900 2003 JD 567 Round Baler, surface wrap ........................................ $22,000 2008 CIH RB564 Round Baler, mesh wrap ..................................... $23,000 2002 CIH RBX561 Round Baler .......................................................... $9,500 2004 CIH RBX562 Round Baler, surface wrap ................................ $16,000 1999 New Idea Round Baler, 5x5 bale .............................................. $5,000 2002 Hesston 1275 Mower Conditioner ......................................... $13,500 2002 JD 946 3 pt hitch Mower Conditioner ................................... $18,500


2010 Westward M150 35’ header, 542 hrs.................................... $132,900 2010 JD A400 36’ HB Header, free form roller, 448 hrs ................ $122,000 2008 JD 4895 36’ HoneyBee Header, 650 hrs ............................... $115,000 2006 JD 4895 30’ Honeybee, 1680 hrs ............................................ $89,000 2005 Premier 2952i, 30’ header 670 hrs ......................................... $87,500 2000 MacDon 4940, 962 header 459 hrs ........................................ $55,000 1998 MF 220, 30’ header 1928 hrs .................................................. $35,000 2001 MF 220XL, 35’ header 1759 hrs .............................................. $48,000



Avonlea, SK — (306) 868-2022 • Radville, SK — (306) 869-3000 Oxbow, SK — (306) 483-5115 • Estevan, SK — (306) 634-6422 Redvers, SK — (306) 452-3418

RICK ARNESON 306-536-7111

ADAM SAMBROOK 306-436-7730

JARET NELSON 306-868-7700

MARLYN STEVENS 306-868-7755

JEFF ENGLE 306-577-7815

(RE) (RE) (E) (O) (O) (RA) (RA) (E) (RE) (RA) (O) (RE) (O) (RE) (O) (E) (E)

4- 60’ JD 1830, 10” spg, ss, 430 bus tank (2007 & 2008) Hvy land .................................................................. $112,000 to $139,000 (A) 60’ JD 1820, 430 bus tbh/270 bus TBT tanks .............................. $125,000 (A) 61’ JD 1820, 10” spg, 430 bu 1910 TBH, 2006 ............................... $98,000 (A) 60’ JD 1820, 10’ spg,350 bus 1900 TBH cart ................................. $60,000 (RA) 34’ Bourgault 5710, 5250 cart, MRBs ..................................................CALL (RE) 42’ Bourgault 5710, 3225 cart, MRBs ..................................................CALL (E) 42’ Bourgault 5710, 12’ spg, 4300 cart .......................................... $50,000 (E) 42’ Bourgault 5710, 12”spg, NH3 shank MRB’s, steel pkrs .......... $50,000 (RE) 54’ Bourgault 5710, 6550 tank, MRBs..................................................CALL (A) 39’ Flexi-Coil 5000 2320 cart ......................................................... $45,000 (RA) 51’ Flexi-Coil 5000 3450 CART ........................................................COMING (RA) 50’ Flexi-Coil 7500 10” spg, 3450 TBT tank ................................... $49,000 (RA) 49’ (X2) Morris Maxim 12” spg, D/S, TBH cart ................$29,000-$45,000 (RE,E) 40’ Bourgault 8800 180 bus cart ..................................................... $18,000 (E) 40’ JD 737 230 bus 787 cart............................................................ $45,000 (RA) 52’ JD 1810 230 bus JD787 cart, 10” spg, harrows ....................... $57,900 (E)



CURTIS KILBACK 306-452-7700

BLAINE MOLSTAD 306-421-3539

BOB KOSIOR 306-483-8557

ALF TIDE 306-421-9397

CALVIN BILL 306-421-3607


RANDY KOSIOR 306-483-8595




FC 1994, 5000-45FT-9in c/w 2320 TBH........................ $43,500 MR 1994 6240 .......................... $8,500 BO 1995, 5710-54FT-9.5in ...... $73,000 MR 1998 MAXIM 39FT-10in c/w 7240 TBH........................ $41,000 MR 2000 MAXIM 39FT-10in c/w 7240 TBH........................ $42,000 SHAWK 2000 44FT-10in 1600 Liquid c/w JD1910 TBH ................. $159,900 FC 2002 5000-51FT-10in ........ $33,000 SEMST 2006 TXB4812 c/w 4250 TBH........................ $99,000 MR 2009 8370-TBH................. $70,000


PROTECT MORE ACRES PER HOUR New Guardian™ sprayers from New Holland allow you to take full control of your spraying schedule. With the industry’s highest horsepower, largest tank size, smoothest suspension, highest ground clearance and tightest turning radius, Guardian sprayers quickly protect more of your acres per hour for maximum productivity. THREE FRONT BOOM MODELS FROM 240 TO 365 HP TWO REAR BOOM MODELS – 240 AND 275 HP BOOM WIDTHS UP TO 120 FEET TANK SIZES UP TO 1,600 GALLONS QUIET, ROOMY, COMFORTABLE CAB

Interest Free for 2½ Years or Cash Back NH 2009 CX8090 ................... $218,000 NH 2008 CX8090 ................... $215,000 NH 2010 CX8080 ................... $242,000 NH 2010 CX8080 ................... $239,000 NH 2009 CX8080 ................... $220,000 NH 2009 CX8080 ................... $220,000 NH 2008 CX8080 ................... $198,000 NH 2007 CX8080 ................... $189,000 NH 2009 CX8070 ................... $172,000 NH 2008 CX8070 ................... $160,000 NH 2010 CR9070 ................... $263,000 NH 2004 CR960 ..................... $118,000 NH 2003 CR960 ..................... $115,000 NH 2004 CR940 ..................... $118,000 NH 2003 CR940 ....................... $96,000 NH 2001 TR99 ......................... $75,000 NH 1998 TR98 ......................... $58,000 NH 1998 TR98 ......................... $62,000 NH 1997 TR98 ......................... $38,000 NH 1997 TR98 ......................... $54,900 NH 1997 TR98 ......................... $55,000 NH 1996 TR98 ......................... $42,000 NH 1995 TX66 ......................... $27,000 MF 2004 9790 ....................... $135,000 JD 2000 9450 ......................... $64,000

JD 1990 9400 ......................... $38,000 MF 1997 8570 ......................... $55,000 CIH 1996 2188 ........................ $49,000


NH 1988 971 ............................. $6,900 NH 2003 74C-30FT .................. $20,800 JD 1992 925R ........................... $7,500 JD 1998 930F.......................... $20,000 JD 1997 930R ......................... $12,000 NH 2010 94C-30FT CR/CX ....... $44,000 NH 2009 94C-30FT CR/CX ....... $49,900 NH 2004 94C-36FT CR/CX ....... $36,000 JD 2000 994-30FT JD9610 ..... $29,900 HY 1999 994-30FT R65/R75/MF .......................... $25,000 NH 1998 994-30FT TR/TX........ $35,900 NH 1998 994-30FT TX ............. $24,000 NH 1998 994-36FT CR/CX ....... $21,900 MB 2011 D60DK-35FT............. $57,000


FC 1998 S67-100FT .................. $6,500 BT 830....................................... $3,500 NH 2004 SF110 ....................... $16,000 NH 2011 SP365 F - 1600 GAL, 120FT .................................. $319,000


AGCO 2006 RT100A ................. MF 1989 3090 ......................... NH 2010 8N ............................. NH 2010 8N ............................. NH 2009 TV6070 ..................... NH 2009 TV6070 ..................... NH 2008 T1520 ....................... NH 1998 TV140 .......................


0% For 36 Months or Cash Back BUVA 2008 375 ..................... $162,000 CIH 1995 9280 ........................ $69,900 NH 2011 T9.390 .................... $195,000 NH 2009 T9040 ..................... $240,000

EARLY ORDER Program On NOW!! Call for Details!


0% for 18 Months JD 1998 2920-30FT ................ $50,000 JD 2004 2952I-30FT ............... $75,000

Ph: 306-783-8511 Fax: 306-782-5595 www.yorktonnewholland.com

©2012 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.

Ph: 306-746-2911 Fax: 306-746-2919



‘12 Rogator RG1100, 1100 gal, 120ft factory boom, viper pro, smartrax, accuboom, autoboom, two sets of tires ............ $295,000 ‘12 NH SP240 FXP, 110ft, 1200 gal, loaded GPS, 245 hrs, smartrax, autoboom, accuboom, invisopro ...................................... $255,000 ‘11 Rogator 1396, 100ft boom, 1300 gal viper pro, autoboom, accuboom, smartrax, 2 sets of tires................................. $305,000 ‘11 Rogator 1396, 100ft boom, 1300 gal viper pro, autoboom, accuboom, smartrax, 2 sets of tires................................. $305,000 ‘10 Rogator 1386, 910 hrs, 120ft, 1200 gal viper pro, smartrax, accuboom, autoboom, slurpshooter, two sets of tires....... $305,000 ‘10 Rogator 1184, 1100 gal, 100ft boom, viper pro, smartrax, accuboom, autoboom, two sets of tires, 550 hrs............. $269,000 ‘09 Rogator 1286C, 120ft, 1200 gal, viper pro,loaded, GPS, 1121 hrs, two sets of tires............................................... $289,000 ‘09 Rogator 1084SS, 1000 gal, 100ft boom, GPS, loaded, 853 hrs, 2 sets of tires .................................................... $245,000 ‘09 Rogator 1084, 1000 gal, 100ft boom, viper pro, autoboom, accuboom, smartrax,2 sets of tires, 695 hrs .................... $239,000 ‘07 Rogator 1074SS, 100ft boom, 1000 gal truck viper pro, smartrax, autoboom, accuboom, 2800 hrs, two sets of tires............ $199,000 ‘03 Case SPX4260, 1200 gal, 100ft boom, outback, S2 + 360, rinex, autoboom, aim command, 2990 hrs, 2 sets of tires, surveyor cab........................................................... $150,000

‘07 Rogator 874SS, 800 gal, 100ft boom, GPS, one set of tires ................................................................$215,000 ‘05 Rogator 864, 800 gal, 100ft boom, Raven light bar, 2 sets of tires, 800 hrs, crop dividers .....................................................$169,000 ‘95 Rogator 854, 800 gal, 90ft boom, S3 + E-Drive, two sets of tires ................................................................$85,000


Flexi-Coil 5000, 51ft c/w 2320 tow behind tank, rubber packers, single shoot w/sideband....................................................$69,000 ‘05 Ezee-on 7550, 48ft c/w 4350 tank, 10” sp., DS, atom jet openers ...............................................................$75,000 ‘07 Morris Contour, 71ft, 12” sp DS, no tool set up for tow behind ......................................................................$119,000 ‘03 Flexi-Coil 3450, tow between cart, DS, variable rate .......$45,000 ‘04 Morris Max II, 60ft, 70” spacing, single shoot, 3 1/2” sp, c/w 8370 tow between cart ............................................$105,000


‘07 MF 1540, FWA, hydro, 40hp, 3pth c/w ldr .......................$24,900 ‘07 MF 1533, 33hp, hydro, 3pth, frt end ldr, 375 hrs .............$23,900 ‘92 MF 3690 FWA, 170hp .....................................................$37,000


MT 875C Challenger, 585hp track 36” extreme, poly mid wheels, hyd. swing draw bar, 1 of 2

ROUND BALERS CIH 2007 RBX563.................... $16,900 CIH 2004 RBX562...................... $8,000 NH 2006 BR780A .................... $17,500 NH 2006 BR780A .................... $13,000 NH 2006 BR780A .................... $29,500 NH 2005 BR780....................... $16,500 NH 2005 BR780....................... $15,000 NH 2005 BR780....................... $17,000 NH 2005 BR780....................... $12,267 NH 2005 BR780....................... $14,900 NH 2003 BR780......................... $8,000 NH 2003 BR780....................... $10,900 NH 2011 BR7090..................... $25,000 CIH 8465A ................................. $7,500 VM 2001 605XL....................... $12,900 AH 1999 555S ........................... $9,900 NH 2001 688 ........................... $11,900 NH 1997 664 ............................. $7,000 JD 2001 557 ........................... $12,500

Ph: 306-946-3301 Fax: 306-946-2613 www.watrousnewholland.com

INTRODUCING THE NEXT GENERATION MORRIS CONTOUR DRILL. The C2 lets you cut through trash and seed in challenging conditions. With the dynamic reclined 12-degree shank and a catch point that’s been increased by 60 percent, trash moves up and off faster with less bunching.

MT 865C Challenger, 525hp track 36” extreme, poly mid wheels, hyd. swing draw bar, PTO, 1 of 6 MT 855 Challenger, 475hp track 36” extreme, hyd. swing drawbar, PTO, 1 of 2 MT 955C, 475hp, 4WD, powershift, PTO, diff lock, 5 hyd, remotes, dual, 800/70R38, 1 of 2 MT 945C, 440hp, 4WD, powershift, PTO, diff lock, 5 hyd, remotes, dual, 800/70R38


‘09 NH 940 36ft draper c/w pea auger + transport ...............$62,500 ‘09 MF 7200, st. cut hdr, 35’ .................................................$29,000 ‘07 MF 8200 fl ex hdr, 35’.....................................................$33,000 ‘03 Honey Bee GB 36ft, pea auger, transp. fi ts R65/R75 .......$35,000 ‘03 Honey Bee SP30 draper, 30ft, fi ts MF8570 or MF8780 ...$35,500 ‘99 Agco 5000 36 ft draper w/trans, fi ts R62/72 ..................$29,500 ‘02 Agco 5000, 36ft draper fi ts Gleaner R62 ........................$24,500 ‘96 MacDon 960, 36ft draper fi ts R-65.................................$24,500 Agco 600, 36ft draper fi ts Gleaner R62 ................................$17,500


‘11 MF 9895, 139 hrs, chopper/spreader pu header............$385,000 ‘10 MF 9895, chopper/speader pu header ..........................$289,000 ‘09 MF 9895 c/w PU hdr, chopper, spreader, 555 hrs ..........$299,000 ‘08 MF 9895 c/w PU hdr, 1 of 3 ..........................................$285,000 ‘08 MF 9895, 1 of 3, PU hdr, chopper/spreader .......................... CALL

More Info on Used With Pictures at www.fulllineag.com OR Email rick.r@fulllineag.com

Dealers for:

MISC Ditcher XX 2010 V Ditch ........... $7,500 Fertilizer Cart Liquid PATTI, 2011, PLS3300-D ............................ $44,800 Grader - Road RICHS 1970 12 ... $5,750 Track Loader NH 2009 C190 ... $33,900 Lawn Tractor MD 2007 Yard Machine .......................... $4,400 MoCo JD 1991 1600.................. $4,900 MoCo NH 1999 1475 ............... $11,900 Silage Wagon RCHTN 1976 1200 ........................................ $5,500 Snow Blower SU 72 .................. $1,500




$52,900 $33,000 $31,000 $31,000 $92,900 $94,900 $16,400 $50,900

JD 2006 4995-16.5FT DB ........ $73,000 CIH 1996 8820-30FT ............... $35,000 CIH 1997 8825-30FT ............... $33,000 NH 2008 H8040-30FT .............. $88,400 NH 2011 H8040-36FT ............ $120,000 MB 2010 M150-35FT DK ....... $118,800 CIH 2007 WDX1202 ................. $96,333

‘07 MF 9895, 1122 hrs, chopper/spreader, pu header .........$225,000 ‘09 MF 9795 c/w PU hdr, chopper, spreader, 1 of 2 .............$275,000 ‘06 MF 9790, 1016 hrs, chopper/spreader ..........................$186,000 ‘06 MF 9790, 726 hrs, chopper/spreader ............................$195,000 ‘01 MF 8780 XP, chopper/spreader, 1280 hrs ........................$99,000 ‘97 MF 8780, chopper/spreader pu header ...........................$65,000 ‘97 MF 8570, PU hdr.............................................................$48,000 ‘94 MF 8460 c/w p.u. hdr .....................................................$37,000 ‘09 Gleaner A86 c/w chopper, spreader, factory warranty ....$299,000 ‘09 Gleaner A86, chopper/spreader .....................................$297,000 ‘07 Gleaner A85, 1311 hrs, chopper/spreader .....................$225,000 ‘08 Gleaner R75, 1077 hrs, pu header.................................$125,000 0% FOR 24 MONTHS ‘05 Gleaner R65, 1058 hrs, pu header.................................$115,000 ON USED COMBINES ‘05 Gleaner R65, 1748 hrs, pu header.................................$115,000 OAC. ‘06 Gleaner R65, pu header ................................................$149,000 ‘06 Gleaner R65, pu header ................................................$149,000 ‘03 Gleaner R75 c/w 1800 sp p.u. Hdr. chopper, spreader ...$145,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62....................................................................$89,000 ‘08 CR 9070 c/w PU hdr, MAV chopper, spreader ................$190,000


Hay Rakes 712 Jiffy .................................................................. .CALL IN STOCK READY TO GO JIFFY BALE Bale Processor 920 Jiffy ............................................................ CALL PROCESSOR Snow Dozer Blade Horst ............................................................ CALL

Saskatoon Sales: Chris Purcell Dave Ruzesky Doug Putland Swift Current Sales: Ross Guenther Tim Berg



MORE POWER, LESS FUEL, LOWER COSTS. You make a sound investment when you choose a new T9 Series four-wheel-drive tractor.You get big engine and hydraulic power, yet decrease your operating costs. Compared to previous models with Tier 3 engines, new T9 4WD tractors reduce operating costs by 10%, thanks to cutting-edge EcoBlue/SCR engine technology. Stop by and see what T9 tractors can do for your operation. SIX MODELS DELIVER 390 TO 669 MAX POWER GROUND SPEED MANAGEMENT SELECTS THE MOST FUEL-EFFICIENT GEAR SERVICE INTERVALS EXTENDED TO 600 HOURS ©2012 CNH America LC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.


2003 GLEANER R75

STK #PN2748C, S/N: H09610X678807, 275 HP






2010 NH CR9080











2010 BOURGAULT 3310








STK #HR3109A, S/N: 550005007, 55’, 3 1/2” STEEL PACKERS, ATOM JET SIDE BAND, DUAL SHT .



STK #N21834A, S/N: HR62192, AGCO 4000 P/U HEADER 14’








1999 BOURGAULT 5710 STK #HR2801B, S/N: 36182AH-10, WITH MRBS, NH RAVEN 3, 54’, 3/4” OPENERS, SNGL SHT, C/W BOURGAULT 3225 CART



1997 BOURGAULT 5710


2006 GLEANER R65

2010 NH CR9080


STK #PB2967A, S/N: 40085PH-06






2000 JD 9650

2010 BOURGAULT 3310

STK #PB2966A, S/N: 40054PH-08





1995 GLEANER R72

STK #HN2609B, S/N: HAJ101374, 2001 HRS, 370 HP, 1542 SEP HRS, REDEKOP CHPR, LONG AUGER, Y&M, 76C 14’ HDR

2008 NH CR9070


2004 NH CR970

2004 BOURGAULT 5710








2005 BOURGAULT 5710

STK #PB2963A, S/N: 38218AH-26, 2005 BOURGAULT 5710



HWY. #3, KINISTINO, SK — Bill, David H, Jim, Kelly SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, KINISTINO — Jay, David J., 306-864-7603


HWY. #5, HUMBOLDT, SK — Paul, Tyler


235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron SPRAYER DEPARTMENT, PRINCE ALBERT — Chris, 306-922-2525


Check out our website at www.farmworld.ca






TR U C K & AUTO I N C. 2000 Ford F250 XLT, Ext, Leather, 6.0L ..................CALL 2002 Chev Silverado 2500, Leather, 6.6L................CALL 2002 Dodge Dakota, Crew, 2WD, 178,000KM .........CALL 2003 Ford F250 Lariat, Ext, 6.0L ...................... $12,995 2003 Chev Silverado 1500 HD, 6.0L.................... $9,999 2003 Chev Silverado Ext, 6.6L ........................ .$13,995 2003 Dodge 2500, Quad, 5.9L.......................... $17,999 2004 Dodge Ram 2500, 5.9L, 208,600KM ....... $10,995 2005 Dodge 1500, Rumble, Reg Cab, 5.7L ....... $13,995 2005 Lincoln Town Car, 126,700KM ................. $10,995 2005 Bently Continental, 63,000KM .......................CALL 2006 Chev Avalanche LT, 200,100KM .............. $13,999 2006 Chev Silverado, Crew, 5.3L ..................... $10,999 2007 Dodge Ram 2500 SLT, Mega, 5.7L, 127,800KM .................................................... $19,995 2007 Chev Silverado 2500 LT, Crew, 6.6L, 165,800KM ................................................... .$29,995 2007 Dodge Ram 3500 SLT, 6.7L, 178,600KM $28,995 2008 Chev Silverado 3500, Crew, 6.6L, Dually, 60,600KM .............................................................CALL 2008 Chev Silverado 3500 LTZ, Crew, 6.6L, Dually, 69,500KM .............................................................CALL 2008 Chev Silverado 1500 LT, Ext, 5.3L 93,000KM .............................................................CALL 2008 Ford F350 Lariat, Crew, 6.4L Long Box, 106,300KM .................................................... $33,999 2008 Ford F350 Lariat, Crew, dually, 147,000KM .................................................... $32,995 2008 GMC Sierra 2500 SLE, Ext, 6.6L, 186,500KM .................................................. $28,995 2008 Yukon Denali, 138,700KM ....................... $29,995 2008 Ford F450 Lariat, 6.4L....................................CALL 2008 Ford F150, Harley Ed., 100KM ...... FRESH TRADE 2009 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 Supercab, 72KM.... $27,900 2009 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie, Crew, 5.7L, 59,400KM .............................................................CALL 2009 Ford F150 Lariat, Crew, 5.4L, 73,000 ...... $31,995 2009 Ford F150 Lariat, Crew, 5.4L, 81,500KM . $29,995

2010 Chev Silerado 1500, LTZ, 4x4 Crew Cab SWB, 110,600KM .................................................... $31,995 2010 Dodge Ram 3500 Laramie, Crew, 6.7L .... $38,995 2010 Ford F150 Harley, Crew, 5.4L ................. $34,999 2010 Dodge Ram 2500 SLT, Crew, 5.7L ........... $24,995 2010 Dodge Ram 2500 SLT, Crew 6.7L ............ $31,995 2010 Dodge Ram 3500 SLT, Crew, Long Box, 6.7L, 73,600KM.............................................. $39,995 2010 Ford F150, Crew, 5.4L, 85,600KM ........... $27,995 2010 Dodge Dakota, Crew, 53,300KM ............. $23,995 2010 DODGE RAM 2500, Crew SLT, 5.7L 2 TO CHOOSE FROM .................................. STARTING FROM $24,995 2010 Ford F150 Lariat, Crew, 5.4L, 85,300KM . $31,995 2010 Ford F150, Crew, 5.4L, 111,00KM ..................CALL 2011 Dodge Ram 3500 SLT SWB Mega Cab, SRW 4x4, 68KM ............................................................. $39,995 2011 Chev Silverado 2500 HD LTZ 4x4 Crew Cab SWB, 84KM ............................................................. $39,995 2011 FORD F250 EXT CAB, 6.2L....................... $28,995 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE, Crew, 5.3L, 28,200KM ...................................................... $29,995 2011 Ford F350, Crew, Long Box, 6.2L, 73,000KM ...................................................... $32,995 2011 Ford F150 KR, 4X4 SUPCR, 77,300KM .... $38,995 2011 Ford F350 XLT, 4X4 CRCB Long Box, 6.2L, 102,700KM............................................ $31,995 2011 Chev Silverado 3500, Crew, Dually, 6.6L . $38,995 2011 Dodge Ram 2500 Lariat, Mega Cab, 6.7L ............................ SAVE THOUSANDS 2012 GMC Acadia Denali, AWD, 10,700KM ...... $49,995 Dodge Ram 3500, 6.7L Dually, 32,300KM ...... $54,995 2012 Dodge Ram 1500, Crew, 5.7L, 43,400KM $29,995 2012 Nissan Pathfinder, 44,100KM.................. $32,995 2012 Ford F150, Crew, Eco Boost,16,800KM ... $34,995










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‘04 BRENT AVALANCHE GRAIN CART 1,100 bu., tandem walking axle, 20’ hyd. auger, hydraulic drive avail. $34,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

ALUMINUM SIDING FOR- grain elevators called Manitoba Siding. Call 204-835-2493 or 204-647-2493, fax 204-835-2494, McCreary, MB. BUCKET ELEVATORS FROM 100-10,000 bushels per hour. Replacement cups, belting, bolts, etc., for all makes of bucket elevators. U trough screw and drag conveyors also available. Sever’s Mechanical Services Inc. 1-800-665-0847, Winnipeg, MB.

2007 JD 9660WTS, only 528 sep. hrs., auto header height control, auto reel speed control, hyd. fore/aft, grain loss monitor, rock trap, 21’6” unloading auger, hopper topper. Just been Greenlighted! Excellent shape! $169,900. Call Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 1987 JD 7720 Titan II, w/212 PU header and 230 straight header, good cond. 306-458-2555, Midale, SK.

2007 BRANDT 5000 EX grain vac, w/piledriver, always shedded and maintained, $14,750 OBO. 306-442-7955, Parry, SK.

2006 JD 9760 STS, 1480 hrs., Performaxed, $32,000 workorder w/615 PU, 800-38 rubber; Case/IH 1688, high output chopper, very good cond., $22,000. Call 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB.

REM 2700 GRAIN VAC, excellent shape. Phone 306-772-1004 or 306-784-2407, Herbert, SK. CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz 4500 BRANDT GRAIN VAC, new impeller WANTED: 100 bu./hr., Gjesdal 5 in 1 grain and bearings, exc. cond., $10,000. Call cleaner, in decent shape, screens and if 204-725-2156, Brandon, MB. possible on a trailer. Call 306-547-8337 anytime, Preeceville, SK. 2009 BRENT 1194 grain cart, 20.8x38 tires, tandem walking axle, tarp, non custom machines, exc. cond., $54,000 OBO. L l oy d S p r o u l e , P i n c h e r C r e e k , A B . 403-627-7363 or 403-627-2764.

CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. USED SORTEX Colour Sorter for sale. 90000 series bio-chromatic. Machine currently has 2 chutes, capable of expansion with a third, c/w laptop for programming. $39,000. www.flamangraincleaning.com C a l l F l a m a n G r a i n C l e a n i n g t o d ay. 1-888-435-2626.


BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB.

‘08 CIH 8010 COMBINE - 721/929 hrs., AFS Pro 600, deluxe cab, self levelling shoe, 900/60R32, duals & new pickup avail. $184,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

‘08 CIH 2142 - 35’, PUR, knife & guards, factory transport, same as MacDon D50, fits JD STS/CAT 500 series, $49,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com


TURNKEY GRAIN CLEANING BUSINESS F450 truck, cleaner, 70 plus customers. Training and support. Quick set-up/no leveling. Quick/complete clean out. Average 250-547-6399 per hr.: wheat/oats 400, barley 300, flax www.renniequipment.com 225. All screens, feed and discharge augers, generator and scale. 306-698-2686, BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all Wolseley, SK. rlmoss@xplornet.ca loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444. DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in 565A HESSTON 5x6 baler, large tires and Western Canada. Phone 306-259-4923 or kicker, good condition. 306-436-4526, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. Milestone, SK. OFFERING FOR SALE: Cimbria Delta model TRI HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND 108 super cleaner, right hand model BALE MOVERS: 8’ to 29’ lengths, 6-18 w/centre clean product discharge, pur- bales, also excellent for feeding cattle in chased new in 2000, has seen approx. 15 the field, 4 bales at time with a pickup. million bu., but well maintained, unit to be 1-800-505-9208. www.LiftOffTriHaul.com sold as is where located at the Three Hills Seed Plant with shipping the responsibility of the purchaser, $35,000 OBO. For more info please contact Greg Andrews at CASE/IH 8820 SP swather, 30’ table, DS, PU reel, 883 hrs, vg cond., $30,000. 403-443-5464, Three Hills, AB. 306-672-8102, Gull Lake, SK. WANTED: 54” WIDE pea screens to fit 248 BDH Clipper and 25 to 35’ stationary 885 MASSEY, 30’, U II PU reel, diesel, conveyor (6” to 8” tube). Phone 3000 hrs., stored inside, $20,000. 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and 2009 NH 8040, HB30’, 450 cut hrs., most Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, options, mint cond., asking $86,500. Call www.zettlerfarmequipment.com or call 780-387-6399, Wetaskiwin, AB. 204-857-8403. 2012 M155 MACDON, 25’, double knife, CARTER SCREEN MACHINE, model 1850 DS. 2009 M150 MACDON, 25’, double with scalper. Call 306-445-5602, North knife, DS. 403-393-0219, 403-833-2190. Battleford, SK. 2004 PREMIER MACDON, 9250, 30’ c/w 972 header, PU reels, fore and aft, 1072 WANTED: 48” FARM KING or Buhler rotary hrs., $63,000. 306-923-2138, Torquay, SK. g r a i n c l e a n e r. L e a v e m e s s a g e : 30’ MACDON 2940 swather, 833 swathing 204-623-2813, The Pas, MB. hrs., also have 20’ hay header, $65,000. FOREVER, 2 IDEAL indents, new roll shell 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK. #20, hyd. augers, over 20 screens, Cart Day aspirator, timed auger for grain input, 2003 WESTWARD MACDON, 9250, SP, 30’ 220 elec. motors, on semi trailer, fully self c/w deck shift, 972 header, PU reels, 981 contained, 200 bu./hr., $32,500 OBO. Ph. hrs., $60,000. 306-923-2138, Torquay, SK. 306-378-2904, 306-831-5338, Elrose, SK. 2001 MASSEY 220 XL, 30’ U II PU reel, CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of 1 5 0 0 h r s . , s t o r e d i n s i d e , $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.

‘96 CIH 2188 COMBINE - Chopper, spreader, long auger, hopper ext’n., reel speed, fore/aft, 2,980/3,765 hrs., w/ 1015, good cond’n. $39,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

NEW SUKUP GRAIN Dryers - LP/NG, 1 or 3 phase, canola screens. Call for more info and winter pricing. Contact 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB.

ELEVATOR IN LAMPMAN, SK. 150,000 bu., 2 steel legs, grain cleaner, pea cleaner, 50’ scale, active rail line. 306-487-7993. GRAIN ELEVATOR built 1983, approx. 140,000 bu. capacity, 2 legs, 80’ scale, newer rollermill, grain cleaner, office, $120,000 OBO. 306-473-2711, 306-473-2731, Willow Bunch, SK.

CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes and models. Call the combine superstore. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 1994 IH 1688, only 2800 eng. hrs., always shedded, $40,000. 306-536-5104, Cupar, SK. 2010 CIH 9120, 2016 PU header, 370 eng. hrs., 298 sep. hrs., AFX rotor, fine cut chopper, exc. cond., always shedded, $239,000. 403-669-2174, Rocky View, AB. 1991 CASE/IH 1660 for sale, 2700 engine hrs., always shedded. Call for more info. at 780-336-3597, Viking, AB.

1997 JD CTS, 3290 sep. hrs., 4597 engine hrs., 2 spd. cyl., fine cut chopper, chaff spreaders, long auger, Crary hopper ext., duals 18.4R38, back tires 16.9-24, acre meter, yield and moisture monitor, fore/aft, 914 header, $45,000. Call 306-722-3807, 306-722-7777, Fillmore, SK WANTED: JD 6601 PT combine in exc. field ready cond. Call Amos 519-699-6276 or 519-699-4177, St. Clements, ON.

REDUCED FOR YEAR END: 0% financing or c a s h b a c k OAC . 2 0 1 1 9 1 2 0 , d u a l s , $309,000; 2011 9120 $312,000; 2011 9 1 2 0 , $ 3 2 9 , 0 0 0 ; Two 2 0 1 0 9 1 2 0 ’ s , $285,000; 2012 8120, $329,000; 2009 8120, 347 hrs., $259,000; 2010 8120, $274,000; Three 2011 8120’s, $298,000; 2008 8010, $218,000; 2006 8010 topper, $189,000; 2006 8010, $195,000; 2388 AFX Y & M , t o p p e r, $ 9 9 , 0 0 0 ; 2 0 0 7 7 0 1 0 , $179,000; 2002 2388, $88,000; 2188 SP roto w/accelor, $59,900; 1984 1480, hyd., r e ve r s e r, s t r aw a n d c h a f f s p r e a d e r, $10,900. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.

YEAR END CLEARANCE: 0% finance or cash back. 2010 JD 9870, Contour-Master, pro drive, 42” duals, $289,000; 2008 JD 9870 STS, duals, $239,000; JD 9600 CTS, $49,900. Hergott Farm Equipment your CIH Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.

1993 CIH 1688, new AFX rotor, new tires, rock trap, long auger, hopper ext., internal chopper and Redekop chopper, exc. cond., $27,500 or $24,500 without Redekop; CIH 1688, chopper, long auger, needs some little repair, $16,500. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK.

REDUCED: 2000 JD 9650W, only 1457 sep. hrs., auto header height control, diala-speed, chaff spreader, chopper, hopper topper, 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, JD 914 PU header, always shedded, excellent condition, $108,900. Call Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB.

‘07 JD 936D HEADER - Single pt., factory transport, hyd. F/A, New canvas, knife, & pickup reel fingers. $38,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2011 MF 9895, 245 hours, MAV chopper, 2- 2009 CR9070’s w/Swathmaster PU’s, 16’ Rake-Up PU, warranty. 403-588-0766, dual 620-70Rx42 tires, yield and moisture, Three Hills, AB. and yield mapping, approx. 700 threshing hrs. For more info and purchase options call 306-793-4212, 306-793-2190, Stockholm, SK.

NEW PW7 HEADER W/ 16’ SWATHMASTER PICKUP EARLY BUY SPECIAL! Retails at $31,594; buy now starting at $25,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2004 HONEY BEE 30’, pea auger, UII reel, R Gleaner adaptor, $32,500. Joe Frank, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK, 306-432-4530.

NEED JD STS COMBINE CAB? Full cab assembly off 2004 JD STS, Greenstar equipped, $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

REDUCED: HONEYBEE SP36 (Gleaner ADP), $18,900; 2011 CIH 2152 40’, $69,000; CIH 1020 30’ flex, HFA, $9900; MD D60 35’ w/JD kit, $49,000; Two MD 974 36’ w/CIH kit, $47,000; MD 960 36’, (2388), $13,900; Case/IH 1015 14’ pickup, $1900; 2010 MacDon D60 35’ w/JD kit, $66,000. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 960 MACDON 36’ headers, PU reel w/Cat adapter, exc. cond., used in 2012; 872 MacDon/Cat adapter; 2- NH TX MacDon header adapters; MacDon header adapter for JD combine, exc .cond. 204-632-5334, 204-981-4291, Winnipeg, MB.

NEW PICKUP EARLY BUY SPECIAL! Swathmaster 14’, retails at $13,838, buy now at $12,760; Swathmaster 16’, retails at $15,838, buy now at $14,760. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

NEW TRACTOR PARTS and quality engine rebuild kits. Great savings. Service manuals and decal sets. Our 38th year. www.diamondfarmtractorparts.com Phone 1-800-481-1353.

JUST ARRIVED: TWO 2010 CR9080’s, through NH shop, $265,000. Hergott Farm E q u i p m e n t , y o u r C a s e / I H d e a l e r, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK.

2002 R62 GLEANER, 2934 engine hours, Rake-Up PU header. 2005 974 MacDon flex draper 36’. Good shape. $80,000 OBO for JETCO ENT. INC. Experienced equipment package. 306-460-4060, Kindersley, SK. hauling and towing. AB, SK, MB. Call 780-888-1122, Lougheed, AB.

2008 CIH 1203 30’, $89,900; 4- 2011 CIH WD 1203 36’, $119,000 each; 2010 CIH WD 1203 36’, $106,000; CIH 736, 36’, PT, 2010 30’ Macdon D60-S - PUR, hyd. $1500 as is; Prairie Star (MD) 4930, 30’, fore/aft, factory transport, fits swathers, $49,900; Prairie Star (MD) 4930 30’, combine adapters available, $39,800. $48,900; MacDon H. Pro 8152i 36’, Trades welcome. Financing available. $79,900, MacDon 150 35’, $123,000; Mac- 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com Don M150 35’, $132,00; WP MacDon 7000 25’, $9900. Hergott Farm Equipment 1993 9600, recent Greenlight, approx. 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2700 threshing hrs, asking $55,000 OBO. 306-228-3062, Unity, SK.

NEW AND USED grain dryers. Contact Franklin Voth, Manitou, MB. 204-242-3300 or cell: 204-242-4123, www.fvoth.com

NEED COMBINE HEADERS? ’94 30’ CIH 1010, $6,980; ‘94 36’ Macdon 960, $4,900; ‘97 36’ Macdon 960, $6,980; ‘93 36’ Macdon 960, $14,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

JD 9600 COMBINE, 2 spd. cyl., FC chopper, long auger, hopper ext’n, $25,800 or $32,800 w/ 914 pickup. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com

2008 8010 w/duals and lateral tilt, GPS w/AutoSteer, 750 sep. hrs, oils and filters changed, ready to go, $225,000; 2009 2020 35’ flex header w/air reel, $25,000. 403-502-6332, Schuler, AB.

‘06 CIH WDX1202S SWATHER - 827 hrs., 2011 DH302 Honeybee/Case header, dbl knife drive, PUR, very good cond’n. $79,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS. Largest and quietest single phase dryer in the industry. CSA approved. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. Moridge parts also avail. Grant Services Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK.

NEW PICKUP REEL EARLY BUY SPECIAL! Hart Carter 25’, $4,300; 30’ $4,900; 36’, $6,900; UII 25’, $5,830; 30’, $6,900; 36’, $7,900. Plastic teeth, fits JD/ NH/CIH/Macdon headers. Pay 50% DP, rest on delivery (Apr-May 2013). Offer ends Jan 31, 2013. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-6674515. www.combineworld.com

2004 JD 9860, Precision header, duals, 1025 engine, 740 sep. hrs. 204-248-2372, 204-828-3565, Notre Dame, MB.

designed to minimize damage to wrapped bales. One man remote operation from tractor. Automatic bale dumping. Self loading & unloading.

RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. www.straightcutheaders.com

WA N T E D : J D 9 3 0 D h e a d e r. C o n t a c t 403-740-5354, Stettler, AB.

WANTED: SEED CLEANING equipment, 200/400 bu. per hr. screen and indents. 204-776-2047, 204-534-7458, Minto, MB.

GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 1-888-708-3739. For all your grain drying needs! www.glenmor.cc We are the GT grain dryer parts distributor.

2009 JD 9770 STS, 506 hrs., ContourMaster w/Hi-Torque reverser, 20.8x42 duals, bin extension, chopper, $205,00 U.S. www.ms-diversified.com 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN.

2008 JD 930D 30’ draper header, pea auger, full poly, spare knife, exc. condition, $42,000. 780-360-5375, Wetaskiwin, AB.

2009 JD 9770 STS, 463 hrs., Premier Cab, Contour-Master w/Hi-Torque reverser, 20.8x42 duals, JD extension, chopper, $209,500 US. Fairfax, MN. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, www.ms-diversified.com

USED PICKUP REELS - 21’ UII, $3,180; 36’ UII, $5,980; 30’ Hart Carter, $4,780; 24’ UII, $4,480; 36’ Hart Carter, $5,980. Trades welcome. Call 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com TRADE IN YOUR JD 615, NH 76C, OR CIH 2016 w/ Brand new Macdon PW7 header w/ 16’ Swathmaster pickup. Conditions apply. Call 1-800-667-4515. Financing available. www.combineworld.com

2011 CASE/IH 2162 flex header (same as MacDon FD70D), 40’, double knife, pea auger, transport, $72,000. 306-831-8818, 306-831-8808, Rosetown, SK.

ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Blackfalds, AB. 1-877-321-7732.


NEED PICKUP HEADERS? ‘96 13’ NH 971, $1,680; ‘91 JD914, $4,900; ‘98 CIH 1015, $2,780; ‘97 CIH 1015, $3,980. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com ‘05 MACDON MD974 35’ FLEX DRAPER HEADER STS hookup, F/A, pea auger, new canvas, hyd. tilt, transport. $39,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2011 9870 STS, 240 rotor hrs., big duals, Contour-Master, powercast chopper, 26’ unload auger, pro-drive, harvest smart, no 2007 JD 635 FLEX header, CRARY AIR pulses, Greenlighted, $297,000. Call REEL, A-1 cond., $32,900. Will deal, can 306-834-7610, Major, SK. deliver. Call 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. 1996 JD 9600, Greenlighted, 2716 sep. GERINGHOFF 8 ROW 30” CHOPPING hrs., 914 pickup, AutoSteer, yield and cornhead, headsite, JD single point, stalk moisture. 306-625-3674, Ponteix, SK. stompers, excellent condition, $46,900. Call 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. 2010 9770, 411 sep. hrs., premium cab, 20.8x42 duals, 615 pickup, no pulses, JD 635F and 630F HYDRAFLEX, poly, sinGreenlighted, warranty, interest free, al- gle series hookup, fore/aft, excellent, w ay s s h e d d e d , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , $20,000 each, OBO; 204-981-4291 or, 204-632-5334, Winnipeg, MB. $260,000. 306-728-3498, Melville, SK.

STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very affordable new and used parts available, made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769

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“ Fo rAllY o u rFa rm Pa rts”

w w w .f yf e p a rts .c om

LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured parts for most farm tractors and combines. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battleford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. VARIOUS PICKUPS IN STOCK - ‘93 12’ Rake-up, $3,900; ‘81 JD212, $1,980; ‘04 16’ Rake-up, $8,950; ‘95 14’ Victory Super 8, $3,980; ‘98 14’ Swathmaster, $7,480. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

WRECKING TRACTORS: NH, Ford, Case David Brown, Volvo, Nuffield, County, Fiat, JD, Deutz, MF and IH. 306-228-3011, Unity, SK., www.britishtractor.com GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734.


SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge inventory new and used tractor parts. 1-888-676-4847.


Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB

www.harvestsalvage.ca New Used & Re-man parts Tractors Combines Swathers

Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www. combineworld.com; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new, used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service. MEDICINE HAT TRACTOR Salvage Inc. Specializing in new, used, and rebuilt agricultural and construction parts. Buying ag and construction equipment for dismant l i n g . C a l l t o d ay 1 - 8 7 7 - 5 2 7 - 7 2 7 8 , www.mhtractor.ca Medicine Hat, AB. COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. www.comb-tracsalvage.com We buy machinery.

T HE REAL USED FARM PART S SUPERST ORE O ver2700 Un its forS a lva g e Tra ctors Com b in e s Sw a th e rs Dis ce rs Ba le rs

WATROUS SALVAGE W a trou s , S a s k . Ca llJo e, Len o rDa rw in 306- 946- 2 2 2 2 Fa x 306- 946- 2 444 Ope n M o n .thru Fri., 8 a .m .-5 p.m . w w w .w a tro u s s a lva ge.co m Em a il: s a lv@ s a s kte l.n e t TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. W RECKIN G TRACTO RS , S W ATHERS , BALERS , CO M BIN ES


S EXS M ITH US ED FARM P ARTS LTD . S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa rts.co m Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs . Plu s M u ch M o re!

1-8 00-340-119 2 Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, 306-946-7923, Young, SK.

G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors 2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no PU, only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. 1910 hrs., autolube, AutoSteer, spout ext., s e r v i c e r e c o r d s , $ 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . 2010 JD 4830, 1923 eng. hrs., 761 spray 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. hrs., Greenlight service on 11/24/2012. 1000 gallon tank with 3” fill, 100’ booms with 5-way nozzle bodies, RH fence row nozzle and foam markers. Greenstar 2600 monitor c/w AutoSteer, Swath Control AG-PAK AUTOMATIC POTATO bagger with Pro, Boom Trac Pro, hyd. tread adjust, onKwikLok closer, bags 5-20 lbs., exc. cond., board air and HID lighting. Two sets of $28,000. Harv 780-712-3085 for more info and rims (380’s and 650’s), four Tri2009 FLEXI-COIL 68XL high clearance, tires dekon crop savers with air lift. $257,300 gallantsales.com Largest inventory of 120’, 1600 gal., AutoHeight, 3 nozzles, au- OBO. 780-212-1949, Grassland, AB. used potato equip. Dealer for Tristeel Mfg. torate, built-in handler, other extras, exc. 2011 SPRAY-COUPE 4660, 670 hrs., 2 polishers, hybrid washers, felt dryers, tote cond., $47,000. 306-924-1988, Regina, SK. sets of tires, 750 Ez-Steer, crop dividers, fillers and dealer for Logan live bottom AG SHIELD 100’ suspended boom sprayer, 92’ Pommier aluminum booms and unused boxes, piler, conveyors, etc. Call: Dave 1250 Imp. gal. tank, wind curtains, very f a c t o r y b o o m s , p i n t l e h i t c h t r a i l e r, 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB. good condition. 306-458-2555, Midale, SK. $105,000. Call 306-237-7726, Perdue, SK. REDBALL 7830, now built by Versa2008 SRX 160, 1350 gal. wheel boom 2008 w/JD 275 HP eng. and Allison 5 spd. sprayer, 134’, autorate, wind guards, tile, auto., 825 hrs., 100’ boom w/Norac conmarkers, dual nozzles, $35,000 OBO. trol, duals, 1200 gal. SS tank, 100 gal. 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK. rinse tank, hyd. track adjustment. Trimble AutoSteer, 750 touch screen monitor and FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 65 120’, 830 gal. tank, w/chem handler and hyd. pump, NAV II controller w/field IQ section cont r o l , n ew i n 2 0 1 2 . $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. $6500. 306-344-4730, Paradise Hill, SK. 403-308-5268, Taber, AB. 2008 NH SF216 wheel boom, 480-80R-38 2007 3320 CASE/IH sprayer, 100’ booms, tires, four section control, hyd. fold-out, Aims command, AccuBooms, AutoBooms, 100’, 1350 imp. gal., $25,000, offers con- 2400 hrs., Raven electronics, AutoSteer, sidered. 306-759-2191, Eyebrow, SK. $180,000. 306-784-2957, Gouldtown, SK. 2008 MILLER A75, 103’ spray air boom and hypro nozzles, 1000 gal. tank, 2 sets of rear tires, crop dividers, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, 1,221 hrs., $185,000 OBO. 780-674-7944, Barrhead, AB. 2004 APACHE 850 sprayer, 90’ booms, GPS, auto shut-off, large front end, 900 gal tank, new tires, only 1150 hrs., $85,000. 306-536-5104, Cupar, SK. 2010 JD 4930 sprayer, 120’ booms, high 1999 FLEX-COIL SYSTEM 67XL, 1250 gal. flow pump, eductor, AutoBooms, slip contank, hyd. markers, windscreens, autorate, trol, 2 sets tires, 763 eng. hrs, 275 spray double nozzle, $12,500. 204-248-2372, hrs, loaded. 403-643-2125, Carmangay, AB 204-828-3565, Notre Dame, MB. 2010 SPRA-COUPE 7660, 600 hrs., 90’ 2001 FLEX-COIL 67XL, 120’ sprayer boom, 700 gal poly, AccuBoom AutoBoom, w/1250 gal. tank, windscreens and auto- AutoSteer, FWA, Envisio Pro monitor, rate, located in Eston, SK. Asking $15,000 chipped engine, 4 dividers, 3-way nozzles 780-763-2462 780-787-0477 Mannville AB OBO. Call 403-741-5641.

RITEHEIGHT AGRO TREND 3 PTH snowblowers made in Ontario: 42”, 48”, 54”, 60”, 66”, 72”, 78”, 84”, 96”, 102”, 108” and 120”. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 90” FRONT-MOUNT fan-type snowblower, currently mounted on a 930 Case. Call 306-245-3407, Francis, SK. NEW SCHULTE SNOWBLOWER- New wider Schulte SDX 102 snowblower, now 102”, $7799. All snowblower sizes from 50” to 117” in stock now. Call you nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. FARM KING 3 PTH double auger, hydraulic chute, $1100; Grenfell snowplow $150. 306-224-4515, Windthorst, SK.


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FRONT MOUNT 2-STAGE Schulte snowplow, hyd. chute. Call 306-395-2658, 306-395-2791, Chaplin, SK. SCHULTE 800 snowblower 8’, 2 stage, fits Case 2294- Case 7110 models, good cond. Offers. Retired farmer. 306-324-4235, 306-593-4881, 306-272-7878, Margo, SK. 8’ McKEE, 3 PTH snowblower, 2 augers, hyd. chute, nice shape, $2750. Earl Grey, SK. 306-731-7235, 306-939-4554. 2012 SCHULTE SDX 960; 2005 Schulte 9600, located at Grand Coulee, SK. Call Dale at 306-539-8590.

SCHULTE SNOWPLOW, 88”. $1700. Phone: DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts 306-634-5250, 306-266-4717 or cell: for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 306-640-7304, Wood Mountain, SK. 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON SCHULTE FRONT MOUNTED snowblower, fits all tractors, $200. 306-739-2763, Wawota, SK.


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FOR SALE: ERSKINE industrial front mount 9’ snowplow, 2 auger universal mount, hydraulic shoot, $8,600. Benough, SK., 306-268-7550. FORKLIFT SNOWPLOWS, 8’, 10’, 12’. 306-445-2111, www.eliasmfgltd.com North Battleford, SK. 8’ JD FRONT mount snowblower, fits 4020 JD, $3500 OBO. Phone 204-734-4979, Swan River, MB.

You Trust Our Pumps... Now Try Our Tips 2008 JF-STOLI 1355 forage harvester, used four seasons, under 500 hrs., always shedded, new rotor, knives and shear bar, no rocks, vg cond., well maintained machine. $55,000 OBO. Cam Sparrow, Vanscoy, SK. 306-227-3607. COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, tapered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. NH FR 9080 CHOPPER, c/w 8 row corn header, 15’ pickup header, 900 cutter hrs. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK.

See how Hypro’s Spray Tip Application Guide makes spray tip selection simple by connecting the spray tip to the application. Then get your FREE SPRAY TIPS by visiting www.hypropumps.com/tips and entering promotional code 77525. Spray Tip Application Guide

PARTING OUT: 2009 Rogator 1286C, good powertrain, 120’ steel boom, collision damage, 850 hrs. 403-994-7754, Olds, AB. 2007 JD 4720, 1600 hrs., 90’ boom, 2 sets of tires, very nice, $129,500. Delivery available. Call 1-800-735-5846, Minot, ND. PATRIOT NT, AUTOSTEER, $59,900; 2011 CIH 3330 Aim Command, N&W tires, $259,000; 2010 CIH 3330, $269,000; 2010 CIH 4420, Aim Command, 380 and 650’s, $264,000; 2010 CIH 4420, Aim Command, 380 and 650’s, $275,000; 2012 CIH 4430, $329,000; Rogator 864, 2 sets of tires, $119,000; Miller A40 108’, 1000 gal., $129,000; Miller Nitro 2200 HT, 120’, 1200 gal., $137,500. Call Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2012 JD 4730, 600 hrs., full load, wide/ narrow rubber. AutoHeight/steer/shutoff, SS tank, 4 yr. warranty, 100’. North Battleford, SK. 306-445-1353, 306-441-2061.

TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK. DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ to 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for Caseand JD sprayers; 900/50R42 Michelin for 4930 JD; 650S for Case 4420; 710/70R42 for JD 4940. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK.

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2012 JD 56’ 1870/1910 430 bu. Conserva Pak, TBT, 20.8x42 duals, full blockage monitor seed tubes, single on fert. tubes, 10” fill auger, 12” spacing, single row seed knives. Seeded only 2900 acres, $245,000 OBO. 780-658-2125, Vegreville, AB. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 45’, 9”, 3.5 steel, SS, c/w 2340 TBH, $89,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. FLEXI-COIL 5000 TBT, single shoot, 7.5” spacing, 45’, 2 yr. old 1” Atom Jet carbide openers, 2320 cart, never had fert., newer air pots, new packer bearings, new tires, always shedded, field ready, vg cond., $45,000. 204-248-2085, Notre Dame, MB. PURCHASED NEW IN 2007 ATX 5010 Concord with ADX 3380 tank, double shoot, 3row harrows, 10” auger, Atom Jet side banders, always shedded, $100,000. Call Grant 204-771-9267, Paul 204-461-0337, Warren, MB. 2007 BOURGAULT 3310, 55’, MRB, NH3 w/6450 TBH dual fans, 4 tank, 491 monitor, exc. cond., $210,000. 306-543-8746, Regina, SK. www.lucsusedequipment.com 2002 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 45’, 9.5” spacing, 4” rubber packers, single shoot, 2340 TBH tank, variable rate, dual fan, $62,000; 2009 Case 3430, variable rate, double shoot, dual fan, eight run, $59,000. 204-534-7792, Boissevain, MB.

FLEXI-COIL 5000 57’, 9”, 3” rubber, 2320 TBH tank, twin fan w/third tank, A-1 cond., $57,900. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB RETIRING: 7240 MORRIS air tank w/49’ Maxim II single shoot drill; 60’ Blanchard P 3 0 h a r r o w p a c k e r b a r. P h o n e 306-528-4650, 306-365-7482, Jansen, SK. 2002 FLEXI-COIL 7500 Slim 40’ air drill, 10” spacing, dbl. shoot paired row openers, 4” steel press wheels, gd cond., no tank. 204-761-7765, Rivers, MB. BOURGAULT 5710 47’ c/w 6350 tank, MRB, variable rate meters, 3/4” carbide tips, located in SK. 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2010 CASE 70’ PH800 air drill. 3430 TBT tank, dual shoot, 10” space, Pro 600 display, $165,000 OBO. Bourgault 4350, SS cart, 10” auger, anhydrous hitch, $28,000 OBO. 403-330-3698, New Dayton, AB. 2010 JD 1830 air drill 61’, 12.5” spacing, 5.5” packers, single shoot air and primary blockage, 4” paired row boots, rear hitch; 2010 JD 1910 cart, 430 bu. TBT, variable drive, 3 tanks, powered calibration, 20.8R42 duals, 12” belt conveyor. 2007 Horsch Anderson 40-15 air drill, blockage monitor system, 7.5” paired row seed boots, 500 bu. 3 compartment single shoot tank, rear torpedo hitch, filling auger, scale, JD rate controller, NH3 variable rate kit. john@galvinfarms.com 204-748-8332, Virden, MB. FLEXI-COIL 5000 57’ air drill, fully reconditioned in 2012 w/new air kit, manifolds, hoses, wing bushings, and packers, 1 yr. on Dutch openers, all in good working cond. 9” spacing w/500 lb. trips and 3 1/2” steel packers. 1998 2320 air tank in exc. cond., $65,000 firm. 306-981-5489, Prince Albert, SK. 4012 CONCORD, w/2400 TBT tank and 230 TBH tank, Dutch low draft paired row openers. Farmland disc levelers, $50,000 OBO. Rod 250-843-7018, Farmington, BC. 5710 BOURGAULT 47’, w/MRB, 6450 TBH tank; Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer 100’ w/autorate. Call 403-312-4202, Linden, AB.




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2009 SEED HAWK 84’ toolbar, 12” spacing w/800 Seed Hawk cart, $240,000; 2001 52’ 5710 Bourgault, 12” spacing, 3-1/2” packers, dual shoot, Bour gault tips, $38,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255.

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‘BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTION’ 2002 Bourgault 5710, 54’, MRB, steel packers, w/5350, $119,000; 1998 Bourgault 54’ 5710, MRB, rubber packers, w/4300 DS tank, $99,000; Bourgault 5710, 54’ single shoot, rubber packers, $75,000; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5” steel, $59,000; 2010 Bourgault 6000 90’ mid harrow, w/3225 Valmar, $49,000; 2010 6000 90’ mid harrow, $36,000; 2010 5710, 74’, 5.5” packers, $195,000; 2010 Bourgault 5810, 62’, DS, 5.5” packers, $185,000; 84’ Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow, $32,500; 1990 70’ Flexi-Coil S82 harrow bar, $6500. RD Ag Central, Bourgault Sales, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK. 2001 CONCORD 3212, dual shoot, FlexiCoil air kit, paired row Atom-Jet openers; Also 2003 3450 Flexi-Coil air cart. 306-548-2096, Sturgis, SK. 1998 CASE 3400 air tank modified to 450 bu., new paint, 10” auger w/semi hopper, $20,000. 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. BOURGAULT AIR DRILLS - Large used selection of 3310’s and 3320’s; Also other makes and models. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2001 BOURGAULT 5710 air drill with 5350 tank, drill is 40’, 9.8” spacing, 3.5” steel packers, 450 lb. trip, single shoot. Tank is single fan, double meter. Field ready, $70,000. 403-642-3999, Warner, AB. 2009 BOURGAULT 5710, 64’, 9.8” spacing, 1” vertical opener, MRB II, dry fertilizer, dual air kit, dual castors, 3 1/2” steel packers, blockage monitors, $105,000. 306-398-7788, Rockhaven, SK. 2009 BOURGAULT 3310, 55’, 10” spacing, MRBs, 2” tips, 4.8 pneumatic packer tire, double shoot, walking axles, rear duals, exc. cond. 306-675-6110, Kelliher, SK. 1998 52.5’ 1820 JD drill, 10” spacing, 4” steel, DS, Stealth 3 1/2” paired row, 1900 TBH tank, 350 bu. variable rate 2 compartment tank, Valmar tank for inoculant, $60,000. 306-642-7801, Lafleche, SK.


1996 GREEN CONCORD 5012, 3400 double tank, w/3rd canola tank, single shoot Stealths, 1 owner, $38,000 OBO. Call 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. 2002 3450 tank, double shoot, 10� auger, air seeder hopper, $18,000 workorder, $45,000 OBO. 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB.

FLEXI-COIL 6000 air drill w/2320 tank, 1996 40’ drill and cart w/Barton openers, great shape, located in Eston, SK. Asking $40,000 OBO. Call 403-741-5641. DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob Davidson, Drumheller, 403-823-0746

1997 RITE-WAY 41’ LANDROLLER, hyd. 16’ NEW KELLO-BILT 225 offset disc, 26� fold and lift, excellent cond., $19,900. Call notched blades. Discounted, purchase beanytime, 403-627-9300. Pincher Creek AB fore Dec. 31 with deposit hold until spring. E a r l G r e y, S K . 3 0 6 - 7 3 1 - 7 2 3 5 , 84’ FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 82 5-bar harrows, 306-939-4554. $4000. 306-344-4730, Paradise Hill, SK. WINTER CASH DISCOUNTS on Summers discs, chisel plows, rollers, heavy harrows, rock pickers, packer bars, sprayers, vertical tillage implements, mounted harrows. Call Machinery Dave, 403-580-6889, or email m a c h i n e r y d ave @ y a h o o . c a V i ew at www.summersmfg.com Bow Island, AB. FLEXI-COIL 600, 60’ heavy tillage cultivat o r, 4 - b a r h a r r o w s , $ 1 9 , 0 0 0 . 780-853-7205, Vermilion, AB. NEW 2012 BOURGAULT 8910 cultivator, 70’, 12� spacing w/spd. lock adaptors and 4 bar harrows. 306-231-8060 Englefeld, SK KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs, c/w 24� to 36� notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ tandem wing discs c/w 26� and 28� notched blades and oil bath bearings. www.kelloughs.com 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 51’ FRIGGSTAD CULTIVATOR with 4 bar harrows, $6000. Phone 306-344-4730, Paradise Hill, SK. JD 61’ 2410 deep tiller w/harrows, 2 years old, like new; Summers 60’ DT w/wo anhydrous unit and hitch. Ron 204-626-3283 or 1-855-272-5070, Sperling, MB.

WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820, 25’-35’ or 50’-60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, AB. BOURGAULT 3225 AIR TANK, hyd. fan, single shoot, two tank monitoring system, shedded, 306-563-7505, Canora, SK. BOURGAULT 8800, 40’, c/w 3225 tank, w/factory packers and harrows, exc. cond., field ready, $24,500. 403-350-9088, Delburne, AB. 2001 MORRIS CONCEPT 2000, c/w Morris harrows, 4� Farmland spreader boots, 10� spacing, 12� sweeps, 130 Special - 130 bu. tank, good cond., $16,000. Call Alvin 2009 DEGELMAN LR8080 80’ land roller, Long at 306-796-2105, Central Butte, SK. limited acres, excellent shape. Phone: 2000 BOURGAULT 8810 air seeder 306-537-9636, Riceton, SK. w/3225 grain tank, equipped w/liquid kit, 10� spacing, single shoot w/side ban boots, $40,000. 306-452-8033, Redvers SK BOURGAULT AIR SEEDER cart, Model 2195, w/engine drive fan, chrome augers, monitor, etc., epoxy coat inside, clean good paint, no rust, stored inside. Call Bob at: 204-745-2265, Carman, MB. FLEXI-COIL 1720 TBH, good cond., not much fert., w/wo 31’ Morris Magnum II. 204-937-4605, 204-937-0943, Roblin, MB. 2001 BOURGAULT 4250 air seeder tank, c/w single shoot manifold to suit 40’ air seeder. All hoses are included! 2 bin tank total 250 bu., hydraulic loading auger. Excellent shape! $19,900. Call Jordan anytime, 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 820 FLEXI-COIL DRILL 38’, 4 bar harrows, 9� spacing, Dutch carbide openers, 330 trips, Dutch shank mount packers, front mount Broadcast kit, 1720 cart w/3rd tank, vg, $32,000 OBO. 306-231-9980 cell, 306-944-4925 res., Plunkett, SK. BOURGAULT 8800, 52’, granular kit, 4 bar harrows, knock-ons, heavy trips, liquid kit, Bourgault paired row boots, 3225 Bourgault tank w/third tank, tank shedded, $35,000 OBO. 306-743-7622, Langenburg. 1986 JD 655 28’ air seeder with 5� paired row Peacock Industries precision seeders, $12,000. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. JD 1900 AIR seeder tank, 270 bu. Will consider trading for grain trailer. Call 306-869-2518, Radville, SK.

MANDAKO LANDROLLER. The heaviest production roller on the market. Check us out at, www.mandakoagri.com or call, 1-888-525-5892, Plum Coulee, MB.

JD 7100 ROW crop planter, 6 rows, 34� spacing, 3 PTH, monitor and markers, very good cond., $6500 OBO. 306-539-6688, Balgonie, SK. 1992 MORRIS AIR seeder 8900, 55’ c/w 1994 6300 Morris air cart; 1992 Flexi-Coil 57’ 5000 air drill, c/w 2320 TBH air cart; 1982 7200 IHC hoe drills; 1982 Wilger 880 SS 80’ sprayer, hyd. pump. 306-295-4192, Ravenscrag, SK. 2008 K-HART DISC DRILL, 60’, good shape, $85,000. Medicine Hat New Holland 403-528-2800, Medicine Hat, AB.

KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and bearings. Parts to fit most makes and models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 2001 BOURGAULT 4000 coil packer, 40’ www.kelloughs.com width, 1-3/4� coils, exc. cond., $6900. Call Jordan anytime at 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 85 heavy harrow, 70’, 2003, tines 20�-23�, good straight unit, $25,000. 780-208-4808, Two Hills, AB. BOOKING SPECIALS for all makes of harrow tines, mounted, standard drawbar, heavy harrow. Ex: Brandt, Bourgault 9/16�x26� straight, 100 or more, $21.95 ea. Special ends Jan. 25. Fouillard Implement Ltd. St. Lazare, MB., 204-683-2221. 1999 BOURGAULT 7200, 60’ heavy harrow, $21,500. Phone: 306-739-2605, Parkman, SK.


MANDAKO TWISTER Check out the ultim at e ve r s at i l i t y i n ve r t i c a l t i l l a g e . www.mandakoagri.com 1-888-525-5892, Plum Coulee, MB.


COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD 1610, $135; JD 610, black, $180; JD 1600, $90; Morris 7-series, $135. 306-946-7923, 306-946-4923, Young, SK.

1985 WHITE 4-270, 270-300 HP, PTO, 4 spd., powershift, 4300 hrs., $26,500 OBO. 204-322-5483, 204-461-0854, Warren, MB COCKSHUT 560 DIESEL, runs good, $1500 OBO. 306-395-2668 or, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK.

1986 CASE 4894 had since new, 300 HP, PTO, 20.8x38 radial duals, great shape, 8400 hrs., 14’ Degelman dozer, plumbed for Outback AutoSteer, shedded, great for grain cart and plowing snow, $30,000. 780-375-2443, 780-679-8784, Kelsey, AB. 2011 CIH ST550Q, 910 hrs., 30� tracks, luxury cab, full GPS, 57 GPM pump, $309,000. 403-669-2174, Rocky View, AB. 1985 4894, PTO, bearings rolled, 6200 hrs., $35,000. Joe Frank, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. 306-432-4530.

9270 MICHELINS at 95%, $78,000; 9370 w/triples $89,500; 9390 425 HP, 710’s, AutoSteer, $99,000; 2010 435, PTO, HD hyd., AutoSteer, $249,000; 2008 485, PTO, H D hy d . , $ 2 0 9 , 0 0 0 ; 2 0 1 0 4 8 5 H D, $ 2 8 9 , 0 0 0 ; 2 0 1 1 4 8 5 , P TO, l o a d e d , $289,000; 2012 500 quad, PTO, loaded, $377,000; 2010 CIH 335 PTO, $210,000; 2009 CIH 485 quad, $285,000; Others: 2008 NH T9050, HD hyd., 800’s, low hrs., $238,000; NH TJ 500, HD hyd., AutoSteer, $189,000. Mechanic Special: Steiger Bearcat III w/13’ dozer, rubber 4 at 70%, 4 at 40%, 3306 Cat needs TLC, $9900. Hergott Farm Equip. 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2 - B R A N D N E W C A S E / I H Tr a c - m a n TRACKS FOR STX 450 quadtrac, $7500 each; 2 USED SCRAPER TRACKS, also for STX 450, vg, no rips or lugs missing, $4500 ea. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 1988 CIH 9170 w/16’ Degelman 6 way blade, power shift, 20.8x42 duals, 4 hyd. remotes, 7200 hrs., vg cond. $59,000. Call 306-231-9020, Humboldt, SK. 1992 7110 CASE TRACTOR, FWA, 9500 hrs, has had bearing roll, new rad, field r e a d y, e x c . c o n d . , $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 204-725-2156, Brandon, MB. CASE/IH 550 QUAD, 2012 luxury cab, 36� track, high cap. hyd., high cap. draw bar, diff. lock, 262 receiver, WAAF, NAV controller, HIV, elec. mirrors, cab susp., tow cable. Call The Tractor Man, Gord, 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. FRONT WEIGHTS for Case 1270/1370 tractor, $600 OBO. 204-648-7136, Ashville, MB. TWO CASE 2594 tractors, duals, front w e i g h t s , l o w h o u r s , g o o d r u b b e r. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB.

1979 JD 4440 w/148 FEL, $19,500. 2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3 PTH, www.waltersequipment.com Minitonas, grapple, manure tines, 1200 hours, like MB, 204-525-4521. new. Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. 2001 JD 6410 FWA tractor, w/JD 673 1990 7710 FORD CAH, MFWD, 3 PTH, loader and grapple, new tires, 3250 hrs. w/Leon 700 FEL, 85 HP, $20,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, 306-743-2805, Langenburg, SK. SK. 306-449-2255. 2003 JD 7420 (135 eng HP, 115 PTO HP) CAH, MFWD, 16 spd trans w/LH reverser, 9682 NH, 4 WD, 4950 hrs., 400 HP, 3 PTH w/quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, front 710x38 duals, 4 remotes, always shedded, fenders, 18.4x38, 16.9x26, rear WTS, 6342 $82,000 OBO. 306-621-1631, Yorkton, SK. hrs, JD 741 loader, 7’ bucket, joystick. 2012 NH T9.615, 4 WD, loaded, shedded, SN10748, $69,500. 204-326-3064. Call deluxe weight pkg., work light pkg, triples, Gary Reimer, 204-326-7000, Steinbach, factory AutoSteer, 366 hrs, $295,000. MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com 306-857-2097, Strongfield, SK. 1997 JD 9400, 4 WD, 5327 hrs, power- 2003 NH TG285, 5500 hrs, new front tires shift trans, PTO, 4 remotes w/return line, 600/70-30, new back tires 710/70-42, 710/70R38 duals, very nice! Perfect for $90,000. Call 306-231-3993, Humboldt, grain cart! Reduced- $109,500. Jordan SK. www.versluistrading.com 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 2008 7230 MFW, premium cab, 3 PTH, 741 w/grapple, 5300 hrs. 306-436-4511 or, FORD 8670, FWA, 3 PTH, 4 hyds., 4 new 306-436-7703, Milestone, SK. tires, 9400 hrs., $39,000. Humboldt, SK. 1988 4250, MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, www.versluistrading.com 306-231-3993. 4800 hrs., excellent, 306-744-8113, Salt1991 846 FORD VERSATILE, 18.4x38R ducoats, SK. als, 1000 PTO, 15 spd. synchro, 4 hyds., 1994 8770, PTO, 24 spd. only 4900 hrs., 3800 hrs, shedded, exc. cond. Contact Jim 20.8x42, $74,900; 1997 9400, 24 spd., 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. 520x42 triples, full front and rear weights, Outback AutoSteer, 5700 hrs., $109,000. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 1980 VERS. 875, 4684 hrs., tires are 60%, 1997 8300, MFWD, Firestone factory duals set up for air drill, runs and pulls good, front and back, 8300 hrs, w/14’ Degelman $25,000 OBO. 306-298-7640, Orkney, SK. 4-way dozer, very good condition, $73,000 RETIRING: 855 Vers., 6600 hrs., 18.4x38 OBO. 306-322-4569, Rose Valley, SK. triples; 2002 Ford TM150, 4700 hrs. JD 7700, 7650 hrs, powershift, FWA, 3 306-528-4650, 306-365-7482, Jansen, SK PTH, $49,500; JD 8200, FWA, 3 PTH, 5400 hrs., $77,000. Coming in soon JD 2375 VERSATILE, 1 owner, 2009 w/1580 4455, JD 7610, JD 7700. 306-231-3993, hrs., very nice condition, asking $130,000. Terry 204-746-4131, Rosenort, MB. Humboldt, SK., www.versluistrading.com

PARTING OUT or as is: 2470 CASE, 5000 1997 JD 8100, 2WD, 3 remotes, 16 spd. hrs, 80% Goodyear torque 2’s- 18.4x34. powershift, 3600 hrs., 20.8x38 duals, mint 204-572-5848, Gilbert Plains, MB. condition. 306-843-7865, Scott, SK. WANTED: 1456 OR 1026 IH tractor, any c o n d i t i o n . To p d o l l a r p a i d . C a l l JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD; JD 8110 MFWD. Low hours, can be equipped 701-240-5737, Minot, ND. with loaders. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 2009 STX 535 CIH/STEIGER, 1300 hrs., 2008 JD 9630T, 36� tracks, full weight 520/85R46 triples at 95%, 6000 lb. pkg., 5 hyd., PTO, 2600 display, AutoTrac weights, 55 gal. pump, 4 remotes, diff steering, deluxe cab, HD drawbar, Xenon lock, deluxe cab, leather training seat, rear lights. Call The Tractor Man, Gord, elec. mirrors, LED pkg., beacons, full facto- 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. ry guidance, excellent cond., $260,000. 306-821-6646 cell, Lloydminster, SK. JD 8450, 7800 FWD, 4050, 4450 MFWD 2004 STX 450, leather interior, diff. lock, w/loader, 2130. Have JD loaders in stock. 710x38 duals, good condition, $120,000 Taking JD tractors in trade that need work. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. OBO. 306-743-7622, Langenburg, SK. 8440 4 WD with Degelman manual angle blade, single tires, 8000 plus hrs., $23,900. Call 306-280-2400, Allan, SK.

1990 4455 MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, low h o u r s , e x c e l l e n t r u b b e r, s h a r p . JD 4430, c/w JD 158 loader, bucket, shop built grapple, joystick control, duals, 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 540/1000 PTO, strong tractor, $21,900. 1974 JD 4230 quad range, 20.8R34 radial Call 403-485-8198 cell, Arrowwood, AB. tires, rubber good, new 12 volt batteries, new upholstery, retrofit steps. 7115 hrs., CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; showing (approx. 8500 actual), $18,000. Plus other makes and models. Call the 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. 2012 7200 R FWA, 500 hrs, 480 loader and Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB grapple, exc . cond., $175,000. Call 1981 4690, 4 WD, 260 HP, 12 spd., 3-way 306-834-7610, Major, SK. steering, 1000 PTO, 30.5x32.5 singles, vg rubber, 6508 hrs., recent $4000 OH, new 2009 JD 9530T, 1280 hrs., 36� belts, 26 valves, 1 new cyl., $17,500 OBO. Iron front weights, 4 remotes, Premier lighting Springs, AB., 493-739-2455, 403-635-0280 package, AutoTrac ready, category 5 wide drawbar, $224,500 US. Call Fairfax, ‘77 JD8430 4WD TRACTOR - NEW duals, 3 LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We swing , 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, hyd. outlets, 1000 PTO, JD Quadshift, 180 buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD, FWA MN www.ms-diversified.com hp, 9,611 hrs., good cond’n., $17,800. tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . 2008 JD 9630, 520/85R42 triples, 5 hyd., Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. high flow hyd., 2600 display, AutoTrac 1994 CASE/IH 9280, 375 HP, manual steering, deluxe cab, diff. locks, full weight trans., 20.8Rx42 DT 710 duals, $56,000; pkg., HD drawbar. Call The Tractor Man, LETOURNEAU 11 yard PT industrial hy- Gord, 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. draulic scraper, $16,500. 306-423-5983 or 1995 7600 MFWD, powerquad, 3 PTH, 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. 4500 hours, good rubber, excellent condi2007 430STX, IVECO engine, luxury cab, tion. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 620x46 tires, weight package, 2050 hrs., STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking EZ Steer, new batteries, stored inside. Call for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 306-960-1478, Birch Hills, SK. 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. CASE/IH 5088, 140 HP, 3 PTH, FEL, cab, Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, AC, vg rubber, $17,000; BUHLER ALLIED 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. loader Model 2895-S, fits 150 to 250 HP tractor w/joystick, grapple fork, bucket, WRECKING FOR PARTS: 4020 JD diesel, c/w very good running engine, 46A loader, $7500. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 18.4x34 tires, excellent sheet metal. IH 5288 w/FEL, $21,000; IH 5288 Cond G, 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. Paint P, $14,900; 7130 MFD, $49,900; NH 8160 MFD, FEL with grapple, $45,000. 1999 JD 7710, FWA, 4200 hrs., all new 2006 MF 7495, 155 HP PTO, CVT, grapple Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, r u b b e r, e x c . c o n d . , w / w o l o a d e r, and loader, 2500 hrs., $89,000. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB. Humboldt, SK.

2006 JOHN DEERE 544J, 7800 hrs., quick attach, parallel lift option, 3.0 yd. bucket, ride control, diff. lock, new tires, optional 60� forks available. Edquip Ltd.,Jerry Ryan, 780-915-5426, St. Albert, AB. DEGELMAN 4-WAY 14’ dozer, JD 8650 mounts, exc. condition. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. JD 344 LOADER w/grapple, rebuilt trans, low hrs., excellent cond. Ph 403-552-3753, 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. LOADERS: John Deere 544J, Caterpillar 950H, JD 310G backhoe. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.

D7E HIGH HP Cat, new U/C, 24� pads, direct start, glow plug, twin tilt angle dozer, bush ready, exc. cond. Warranty. Will consider trade. $66,000. Call for more info 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

DEGELMAN DOZER, fits CIH 9350. Call Dale 306-539-8590, Regina, SK. DEGELMAN 6-WAY Blade, 12’, like new, used only 10 hrs, $24,000. Wandering River, AB. 780-771-2155, cell: 780-404-1212. 2008 QUADTRAC 435, 1700 hrs., big RETIRING: 1983 JD 4650, 6900 hrs., 15 285 MASSEY FERGUSON tractor w/3 PTH pump, air ride cab, A-1 cond., $218,900. s p e e d p o w e r s h i f t , 2 0 . 8 x 3 8 d u a l s . and an excellent 246 MF front-end loader. JD 9’ DOZER blade, hyd. angle, new blade, Call 306-245-3407, Francis, SK. fits 4020 to 4630, $5000; 1973 JD 4630, 8 306-528-4650, 306-365-7482, Jansen, SK. Call 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. spd., new eng. and water pump, $15,000. 306-423-6131, Domremy, SK.


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GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. www.gcparts.com Toll free 888-327-6767. JD 2750, MFWD, 3 PTH, loader, $18,500; JD 4440, 2 WD, 158 loader and grapple, $21,000; CIH 5250 MFWD, 3 PTH, loader, $28,500; JD 725 FEL, $6500; JD 7210, loader and grapple, 3 PTH, 8400 hrs, $46,500. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. 2006 MTX 135 McCormick MFD, Q65SE quickie loader, 6500 hrs, $50,000. Phone 306-245-3310, youngslandc@gmail.com Tyvan, SK.

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BUHLER ALLIED LOADER for 150 to 230 HP tractor, Model 2895-S, w/joystick and grapple fork, nice and straight for $7500. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 10’ LEON DOZER BLADE, $1675. Can deliver. 306-946-7923 or 306-259-4923, Young, SK. 14’ DEGELMAN DOZER blade, fits JD 8570, manual angle, $9000. 306-298-4512, Val Marie, SK.

1997 CAT 928G LOADER, w/rebuilt trans, 15,414 hrs, $49,000. Financing available. 204-864-2391 204-981-3636, Chartier, MB Distributed by:


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ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Degelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK.


GOOD US ED EQ UIP M ENT JD 4050 2W D 1986 Qu a d , 2 Hyd , 3 PT H, n ew tires , 6541 ho u rs . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500.00 JD 4020 1968 a ll o rigin a l, s tra ight,

4650 o rigin a l ho u rs , n ew rea r tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,900.00 John Deere 158 FEL co m p lete w ith n ew 7’ b u cket, jo y s tick a n d m o u n ts (Off4050 JD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6250.00 JD 1820 2002 40’ a ir d rill, DS , 340 b u s hel 3 co m p a rtm en t 1900 ca rt, 12” s p a cin g, like n ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69,900.00 M orris M a xim II 40’ a ir d rill, 2003, 7180 ta n k, S S , 10” s p a cin g, s ha n k NH3 b a n d ers , s teel PW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,900.00 Bourga ult 5710 40’ a ir d rill, S S , 7” s p a cin g, 240 lb trip s , s teel PW , a p p ro x 10,000 a cres , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,500.00 Bourga ult 5720 40’ a ir co u lter d rill, 2000, 10” s p a cin g, d ry M RB, s teel PW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,900.00 Flexi C oil 7500 “ S lim ” a ir d rill, 2000, 60’, 10” s p a cin g, DS , hea vy trip s , n o ta n k o r o p en ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14,900.00 N H T X 66 Co m b in e 2001, lo ts o fo p tio n s , s hed d ed , p rem iu m , 1316/1681 ho u rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,900.00 C I 722 1991 s w a ther (s a m e a s M F 200), lo ts o fn ew p a rts , Ro to S hea rs 2062 ho u rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27,500.00 Bourga ult 195 a ir ta n k, third ta n k, va rio u s n ew p a rts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6875.00 Unverferth 425 b u s hel gra vity w a go n , d ivid ed , go o d ro ll ta rp a n d tires , s o m e ru s t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4900.00 Fa rm K ing 10” b y 50 ’s w in g a u ger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4900.00 M a na c 45’ Hi b o y tra iler, 1984, w ith 3 1250 ga llo n ta n ks , ho s es , ca m lo ck fittin gs a n d Ho n d a tra n s fer p u m p , go o d ru b b er, n ew trea ted d eck . . . . . . . . $12,900.00 Bra nd t S B 4000 s p ra yer, 2004, 90’, 1350 Im p ga llo n ta n k, lo ts o fo p tio n s , a p p ro x 14000 a cres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500.00 Glea ner 30’ 1999 S eries 400 s tra ightcu t hea d er, PUR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7100.00 JD GPS , n ew glo b e, a u to tra c, extra ha rn es s /b ra ckets etc., a ll m a n u a ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,900.00 PHON E T oll Free 1- 877- 862- 2413 or 1- 877- 862- 2387

for details and Photos


a n y m a k e of tra c tor G roe n in g In d u s trie s Ltd . 888-86 6 -4203 PORTABLE TOILET SALES: New 5 Peaks portable toilets, assembled or unassembled. Now in stock, cold weather portable toilet jackets, call for quotes. 5 Peaks Distributors, Western Canada Inc., 877-664-5005, www.5peaksdistributors.ca sales@5peaksdistibutors.ca COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD 1610, $135; JD 610, black, $180; JD 1600, $90; Morris 7-series, $135. 306-946-7923, 306-946-4923, Young, SK. SKIDSTEERS: GEHL 4510, $7000; NH L465, $7500; Gehl 6625, $12,900. Snowblowers: IHC 7’, $1500; JD 7’, $1500; Lorenz 8’, $1700; Shop-built 8’, $1000. Stock trailers: Norbert 6x16’ GN, $3500; 7x22’ Kiefer, $3300; 7x22’ Dakota, $4000. 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB. DON’T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! Best selection of tow ropes and straps in Canada. For tractors up to 600 HP. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com 2003 NH LW110B payloader, 3600 hrs., 2 yd. bucket c/w grapple, $51,000; 2010 Vermeer baler, 605 Super M, 7000 bales c/w net wrap, $31,000; 1988 Westward 7000 swather, diesel., 30’ c/w PU reels, 3100 hrs., $15,000. Wauchope, SK. 306-452-6496, 306-452-7605. SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., www.luckemanufacturing.com 1981 24.5’ IHC 4000 swather, $6500; Bourgault 1450 PT sprayer 110’, w/wind screens, $4800; 25’ HoneyBee header w/IHC adapter, $22,000; IHC 20’ header, 18’ Sund PU, $1800; 2000 GMC Safari van, AWD, 4 snow tires and rims, $3500. Lucky Lake, SK., 306-858-2636, 306-858-7755 HAUL-ALL WEIGH WAGON, 100 bu., swing away hyd. auger, Weigh-tronics scale, shedded, c/w tarp, heavy hubs, 13 HP Honda elec. start, asking $6500. Prince Albert, SK. 306-922-8414, 306-961-7021.


MORRIS 310 DRILLS, 20’, steel packers, mint, $6500; Grain rollermill, capacity 150 bu./hr., port., $2000; Disc, 3 PTH, notch blades, $800; JD 14’ hoe drill, $300; JD 5 wheel rake, $450; Swath roller, steel, $500; Craftsman lawnmower, 25 HP, 48” deck, $950; Ford LT 12.5 lawnmower, 38” deck, $500; 4 used 54” barn fans, 1 used 36” barn fan, $500 for all. 780-352-1794, Wetaskiwin, AB. TRACTORS, COMBINE, Air Drills, sprayer, swather, semi, etc. 1-877-862-2413, 1-877-862-2387 toll free, Nipawin, SK.

WANTED: JD MC CRAWLER, dead or alive. 306-769-8802, Arborfield, SK., or email wayven@yourlink.ca WANTED: 4 WD, 360-450 HP, w/PTO and diff lock, 3500-5000 hrs, JD or Case, 1995-2004. 403-575-0999, Consort, AB. WANTED: 30’ HONEYBEE header with IHC adapter. 306-858-2636, 306-858-7755, Lucky Lake, SK.

BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger Provencher, roger@cdnbison.com or 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned bison company and enjoy the benefits. NILSSON BROS. INC. buying finished bison on the rail at Lacombe, AB for February delivery and beyond. Fair, competitive and assured payment. Call Richard Bintner at 306-873-3184. NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. GENERATORS: 20 KW to 2000 KW, low hour diesel and natural gas/ propane units Abraham Generator Sales Co. Phone: 701-797-4766 or 701-371-9526, Cooperstown, ND. www.abrahamindustrial.com

WANTED: JD 7810 tractor w/FEL, 3 PTH; NH 1037, 1033, 1036, 1032 bale wagons. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB.

TONGUE AND GROOVE PVC plastic swine fencing panels. Panel spaces allow for 2”x4” pieces to fit, reinforcing the build. 5 0 % o f t h e p r i c e o f n ew p a n e l i n g . $5.50/ft. Dimensions: 1-3/4”x32”x12’ panels. 780-621-0731, Drayton Valley, AB. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK.

2009 CUMMINS DGCA-666115 - 50KW, 3.9L Cummins, 4 cyl. turbo, 120/240V 1-phase (can be converted to 3-phase), fully tested, ready to go. $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

REDUCED: KOHLER ELECTRIC PLANT generator, nat. gas 35R8811 SN #215281, 35 KW, 3 phase, 43.75 KVA, 60 cycle, 120/28 volt, 1800 RPM, 121 amp per term., includes all switching and paneling, 5x10 PORTABLE CORRAL PANELS new 92 HP, 33.9 hrs., $6000 OBO. Dalmeny, design. 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335, SK., 306-370-1603. Calgary, AB. magnatesteel.com LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire quality generator systems. Quality diesel and all accessories for installation. Heights generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, alternators, automatic / manual switch sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen gear, and commercial duty Sommers Powph/fax 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. ermaster and Sommers / Winco portable MULCHING - TREES; BRUSH; Stumps. generators and home standby packages. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: 75+ years of reliable service. Contact Sommers Motor Generator Sales for all www.maverickconstruction.ca your generator requirements at 1-800-690-2396 sales@sommersgen.com Online: www.sommersgen.com FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196. F I R E W O O D : C u t a n d s p l i t , d e l i ve r y available. 306-862-7831, Nipawin, SK. SEASONED SPRUCE SLAB firewood, one cord bundles, $85, half cord bundle, $55. V&R Sawing 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. SEASONED SPRUCE SLAB firewood, one cord bundles, $85, half cord bundle, $55. V&R Sawing 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. BIRCH, SPRUCE, POPLAR firewood, split in semi-load lots, self unloading truck; custom firewood processing, cut/split up to 22” lengths. 306-577-5377, Kennedy, SK. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer.

BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

2011 JCB 535-125, only 227 hrs., 8000 lb. lift cap. to 40’6”, 4x4, 3 steering modes, outriggers, aux. hydraulics, Q-Fit carriage w/floating pallet forks. Like New! $89,600. Jordan 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.

DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, John Deere, Deutz. We also build custom gensets. We currently have special pricing on new John Deere units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471.


N EW O R Q UAL ITY P R E-O W N ED V EH IC L ES, R V ’S, M AR IN E, M O TO R SP O R T, AN D AG EQ UIP M EN T CHECK www.cjvr.dealersonair.com or visit: www.yourtownnews.ca And click on “AUTO MALL”


BISON HERD FOR SALE: 80 bred cows, 5 breeding bulls and 2012 calf crop. Average age of herd is 7 years. For details please contact Peter at 780-584-2376 or email dkuelken@gmail.com Fort Assiniboine, AB

LATE MODEL ATX 6010 or 6012 Case/Concord, DS w/Edge-on shanks, stored inside. Call 780-387-6399, Westaskiwin, AB. WANTED: SMALL HORSEPOWER diesel engine, prefer 25 HP Lombardini. Call Bob at: 204-745-2265, Carman, MB. WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED: 48’ or 50’ deep tiller, John Deere 1650 or Bourgault 9400. Phone 204-773-2868, Russell, MB. WANTED: CASE/IH 1015 header with pickup. 403-664-0047, Oyen, AB.

DOUBLE BAR D FARMS BEST OF BOTH Worlds Annual Bull and Female Sale, Saturday, February 16 at the farm, 1:00 PM, Grenfell, SK. Offering 150 head of Simmental and Red Angus bulls and females. Call Ken 306-697-7204, 306-697-2474 or Richard 306-697-7298, 3 0 6 - 6 9 7 - 3 0 3 8 . To v i ew c at a l o g u e : www.transconlivestock.com or website www.doublebardfarms.com

RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new and used equipment. 31 years in business. www.rainmaker-irrigation.com Outlook, SK Call 306-867-9606.

30 KVA ONAN, fully automatic c/w transfe r s w i t c h , r u n s o n p r o p a n e . C a l l 403-312-4202, Linden, AB.

OUTBACK 360 AUTOSTEER, off 9400 JD, hydro steering system, good cond., asking $5000. 306-487-7993, Lampman, SK. GREENSTAR 3 AUTOTRAC systems, incl. 2630 touch displays, SF1 and SF2 Autotrac software available complete with Starfire 3000 SF1, SF2 or RTK GPS receivers. Around 1 yr. old, like new condition plug and play into Autotrac ready JD tractors. Call Curtis 204-626-3283, Sperling, MB.

94th Annua l P rid e ofthe P ra iries Bull S how a nd S a le

WWW.NOUTILITYBILLS.COM - Indoor coal, grain, multi-fuel, gas, oil, pellet and propane fired boilers, fireplaces, furnaces and stoves. Outdoor EPA and conventional wood boilers, coal / multi-fuel boilers. Chimney, heat exchangers, parts, piping, pumps, etc. Athabasca, AB, 780-628-4835.

8” STAINLESS STEEL well screen, 10 Micron, unused; random lengths 8” to 24” diameter steel pipe. Phone 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 2 3/8” CEMENT LINED tubing, $20/ea. Minimum 100 joints. Call 306-861-1280, Weyburn, SK. FOR SALE, 2 3/8” tubing and 4” drill pipe. Can be delivered. 306-778-3306, 306-750-7473, Kindersley, SK.

HOME OF REINKE ELECTROGATOR II. Reinke centre pivots, one used 2640’ Valley section pivot, 1295’ Reinke pivot. Trades welcome. 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK. NEED TO MOVE water or irrigate? 4”-10” alum. pipe, pump units. Taber, AB. Dennis at: 403-308-1400, dfpickerell@shaw.ca

Llo yd m in ster, S K/AB * S ho w s o n M a rch 3, fo llo w ed b y 1 S a le Da y*

Con tactthe L loyd m in sterExhib ition P hon e: (306) 825- 5571 Em ail: sam @ lloyd exh.com

ENTRY DEA DLINE: Ja n 7/13 w w w .lloydexh.com

30 BRED PUREBRED CHAROLAIS cows. White Heather Charolais, Crossfield, AB. 403-946-5936 or 403-510-4843. REGISTERED CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 yr. olds and yearlings, polled and horned, some red, quiet, hand fed. 40 plus bulls available at the farm. Heifer calves for sale a l s o . C a l l W i l f, C o u ga r H i l l R a n c h , 306-728-2800, 306-730-8722, Melville, SK

BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. skinnerfarmsangus.com 306-287-3900, BRED COWS AND yearling heifers, 1 and 2 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. y e a r o l d b u l l s , a n d fe e d e r s t e e r s . 200 VERY GOOD BRED Black Angus 403-845-5763, Rocky Mountain House, AB. heifers, born spring 2011 in south west SK., AI bred to Final Answer, Right Answer, and other easy calving low BW, 74, 78, 88, Angus bulls. Calving date approx. starting March 24. Harry Dalke, Morden MB., 204-822-3643, cell 204-362-4101.

HERD DISPERSAL approx. 50 bred cows, 3-10 yrs., good genetics; 4 breeding bulls, 2 Pure Wood (Irish Creek), 1 Wood cross (Elk Valley Ranches), 1 Plains. Swift Cur- PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. rent, SK., 306-741-8068, 306-773-1665. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 21 YEARLINGS FOR SALE. 306-856-4725 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. evenings, Conquest, SK. 11 TOP QUALITY Black Angus cross bred 20 TOP QUALITY Pure Plains 2010 bred h e i fe r s fo r s a l e , $ 1 8 0 0 O B O. C a l l heifers. MFL Ranches, 403-747-2500, Alix, 306-225-4475, Hague, SK. AB. 8 REGISTERED BLACK Angus bred cows, 2 HERD DISPERSAL - 230 Bison cows for open registered heifers, 14 months. Melsale. 403-845-2488, Rocky Mountain fort SK. 306-752-1961, cell 306-921-7536. House, AB. UNIFORM GROUP of straight black angus ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages open heifers. Wilbar Farms, 306-492-2161, of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, Dundurn, SK. Kitscoty, AB or elkvalley@xplornet.com 213 BLACK ANGUS BRED HEIFERS CERTIFIED ORGANIC BISON for sale. bred M3 Beef Booster bulls, 53 Black AnPhone/fax 250-630-2524, 7 AM to 9 AM. gus 1st calvers bred M4 Black Beef Booster bulls, $1550 ea.; 140 Simmental/ Red AnFort St. John, BC. gus cross cows bred Black and Red TX Beef NATURAL BISONS on calf crop share base. Booster bulls, $1250 each. All to calve mid Call 250-630-2524 or write to: PO Box April. 403-630-3240, Winfield, AB. 6214, Fort St. John, BC. V1J 4H7. 42 BRED HEIFERS Black and Red Angus, bred to Black Angus bulls, avg. wt. 1050 lbs., preg checked and 4-5 months in calf. 306-723-4867, 306-545-5007, Cupar, SK. WANTED: CARMEN CREEK Gourmet Meats and High Plains Bison are purchasing 175 BRED BLACK heifers, bred AI Black Ancalves, yearlings and finished slaughter gus, bull clean up, start calving Apr. 1, bison year round. Prompt Payment. Ad- 2013, approx. 1100 lbs., $1650. Willing to vance deposits and long term contracts feed till end of Feb. 2013 at cost price. Call are available. For more information con- 204-362-3750, or evenings 204-327-6642, tact: animalsourcing@goldenbison.com or Winkler, MB. 303-962-0044, Denver, Colorado office. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for Angus, over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt 15 REGISTERED RED Angus open heifers. payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. Phone: Little de Ranch, 306-845-2406, 30 PURE PLAINS 2012 calves, top genetics Turtleford, SK. in the bison industry. Call 306-231-9980 40 BRED COWS Simmental/Red Angus cell, 306-944-4925 res., Plunkett, SK. cross, all bred to Simmental and Red An15- 2012 HEIFER calves; 15- 2011 heifers; gus bulls, bulls let out May 21, 2012. All 15- 2010 heifers; 4 yr. old breeding bull, calves and bulls may be seen and would quiet disposition. Excellent stock to add to like to sell all in one pkg. Good pasture your herd or a great starting package! available. Call 204-886-0018, Teulon, MB. 204-447-3332, St. Rose du Lac, MB. RED ANGUS BULLS, calving ease, semen MORAND BUFFALO SQUEEZE with crash tested, guaranteed breeders. Little De head gate, $4800. Call 780-941-2104, New Ranch, 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK. Sarepta, AB. RED AND BLACK Angus cows, bred to Red and Black Angus bulls, many cows under five years, full herd health program. 306-744-7744, Saltcoats, SK.

M a rch 3- 4, 2 013

2 ALL CANADIAN boilers w/coal stokers, 1 million BTU (green) and 1.6 million BTU (red), vg cond. The green boiler has done 9 winters, the red boiler is mid 80’s, but brand new stoker about 5 yrs. ago. Also 2 heavy duty ash augers and 35 ton coal bin. Boilers presently in use, available for dismantling and transport in the spring. Call to see them running. Price is negotiable. Stu at 780-387-0615, Nisku, AB.

LAZY S BULL POWER 2013 + females, January 26, at the ranch, Mayerthorpe, AB. 250 polled red and black Simmental, Angus and Beefmaker bulls. Bred heifers. Commercial cows. Call 780-785-3136. Bull/female video online in January www.lazysranch.ca

RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Website: skinnerfarmsangus.com Ph 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.

THE SENSIBLE BREED - for your commercial or purebred program. Profitable, fertility, economical hair coat, just a few of the great attributes Galloways can offer. Contact the Alberta Galloway Association, President Steve Schweer, 403-227-3428, Red Deer, AB or www.albertagalloway.ca

DAVIDSON GELBVIEH/ LONESOME DOVE RANCH 24th Annual Bull Sale Sat., March 2, 2013, 1:00 PM. New Location at their Bull Yards, Ponteix, Saskatchewan. Complimentary lunch 11:00 AM. Pre-sale viewing and hospitality, Friday, March 1st. Selling 100+ PB yearling bulls, red or black. Performance and semen tested. Sale catalogs, info. view the catalogs and video at www.davidsongelbvieh.com or www.davidsonlonesomedoveranch.com Ve r n o n a n d E i l e e n 3 0 6 - 6 2 5 - 3 7 5 5 , 3 0 6 - 6 2 5 - 7 8 6 3 ; R o s s a n d Ta r a 306-625-3513, 306-625-7045, Ponteix, SK. SASKATOON GELBVIEH BULL SALE, March 22, 2013, www.gelbviehworld.com Ph. 306-865-2929 45 PB REG. GELBVIEH HEIFERS, bred to easy calving Gelbvieh bulls, start calving Feb. 12th. Phone: Winders Gelbvieh 780-672-9950, Camrose, AB.

10 HORNED HEREFORD heifers, full vaccination program, exposed Hereford bulls June 10 to August 10. T Bar K Ranch, Wawota, SK. 306-739-2944, 306-577-9861

M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. Total Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512. FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620.

TWO GROUPS OF Red Angus Simmental cross heifers for sale, both bred back Red DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS, some fresh Angus. Calving starts Feb 15th or April and some springing. Call 306-548-4711, 24th. Call Dean at 306-436-4616 cell: Sturgis, SK. 306-436-7741, Milestone, SK.

12 PUREBRED PAPERED Red Angus bred heifers, bred for performance and BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. calving ease, bull out July 1. Paul Dyck, Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, 403-378-4881, Rosemary, AB. Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red 20 PUREBRED RED Angus bred heifers. fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 Good heifers, several AI bred, rest bred to Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. easy calving Red Angus bull. Wilkinridge Stock Farm 204-373-2631, Ridgeville, MB. BUY NOW TAKE LATER: Black and Red Angus open heifers and bulls. DKF Red Angus, call Dwayne or Scott 306-969-4506, Gladmar, SK.

CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. Power, performance and profit. For info on Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, Calgary, AB. or www.maine-anjou.ca


SHORTHORNS FOR ALL the right reasons. Check out why and who at 306-577-4664, www.saskshorthorns.com Carlyle, SK. 6 ROAN AND RED heifers, bred to proven calving ease bulls, preg. checked and vaccinated, start calving Feb. 5th. Radville, SK., 306-442-2090.

RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers a n d b la d es . N EW RK PURE gro o m in g p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e

1-8 00-440-26 9 4. w w w .rka n im a lsu pplies.co m PUREBRED SIMMENTAL Red Factor cows and heifers. Bred to top AI sires. Identity, Buckeye, Red Force, Top Gun and Ideal. Start calving January 15th. Call Green Spruce Simmental, Duck Lake, SK. home: 306-467-4975, cell: 306-467-7912. DOUBLE BAR D FARMS BEST OF BOTH Worlds Annual Bull and Female Sale, Saturday, February 16 at the farm, 1:00 PM, Grenfell, SK. Offering 150 head of Simmental and Red Angus bulls and females. Call Ken 306-697-7204, 306-697-2474 or Richard 306-697-7298, 3 0 6 - 6 9 7 - 3 0 3 8 . To v i ew c at a l o g u e : www.transconlivestock.com or website www.doublebardfarms.com 40 BLACK, BWF SIMMENTAL cross bred heifers, exposed for 60 days to top quality Black Angus bulls. Start calving March 25. Cliff and Nora Watkins 306-734-2915, Aylesbury, SK.

85 BLACK ANGUS, Red Angus and Char., start calving February, $1100 to $1350 each. 306-536-5104, Cupar, SK.


65 BRED HEIFERS Black and Red, bred WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For SELLING: GRAYS and blacks, registered Black and Red Angus, start calving March, bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Proces- and grades; Also 2 Black stallions, aged. 306-387-6572, Marshall, SK. $1550/ea. Will feed till Jan. 30. Phone: sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. 306-621-8951, Willowbrook, SK. EIGHT BRED REG. Percheron mares, good 20 RED AND RWF bred heifers, bred back bloodlines, ages 6 to 10. Ph. Nick Denbrok, to Angus, end of March calving. 306-745-3851, Esterhazy, SK. 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. TOP QUALITY RED Angus/Simmental cross heifers bred Red Angus; Black Angus/Black Simmental cross heifers bred Black Angus; Tan Charolais cross heifers bred Red Angus; Black Angus/Black Simmental cross 3 year olds bred Black Angus. Oberle Farms Ltd., Kelly 306-297-9366 or Ralph 306-297-7979, Shaunavon, SK.

RANCHER RAISED HEIFERS: Black Angus and brockles, bred Black June 10. They will be the Mammas, asking $1560 each. Call Jerry Chanig 306-478-2658, 130 HOME RAISED BRED HEIFERS. Mankota, SK. Black, BBF, BWF bred for 65 days to proven 60 BRED HEIFERS, blacks and reds, bred easy calving bulls out June 15th. Excellent b a c k t o A n g u s . C a l l 3 0 6 - 2 8 3 - 4 7 4 7 , quality, fully processed and vaccinated. Cliff and Nora Watkins, 306-734-2915, 306-291-9395,306-220-0429,Langham,SK. Aylesbury, SK. 55 FALL CALVING Charolais/Simm. cross cows w/calves at side, bred Simm. and red OFFERING 250 BLACK ANGUS bred Simmental. Full herd health program and heifers and first calvers to be placed on age verified, 2.5 to 7.5 yrs. 204-835-2114, s h a r e s . C o n t r a c t n e g o t i a b l e . 403-630-3240, Winfield, AB. 204-447-0342, McCreary, MB.

Ca ttlem en’s Corra l Crop Vis ions Lloyd m ins ter, S K/ AB

• 100+ T RAD E S HO W Booths • Agricu ltu ral S em in ars • K eyn ote S p eakers: Anne Dunford , Greg Kos ta l • Bord erCity S eed S how • K ad e M ills Horsem an ship Clin ic (1 or2 Da y Clin ic w ith Fee) N EW *O pen M o n 14th 5- 8 pm O p en s a t11 a m Tu es & W ed $10.00 A d m is s ion Exhib itio n O ffice: (306) 82 5- 5571 w w w .llo yd exh.co m



60 COWS BRED to Angus, calving starts March end. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. 80 TOP QUALITY home raised ANGUS and HEREFORD bred heifers. Ultrasounded in calf to Black Angus calving ease bulls for March 10th calving start. Ivomec and vaccinated. $1500. Winston, Meggan or Aaron Hougham, 306-344-4913 or 306-821-2751 cell, Frenchman Butte, SK. 200 GOOD BLACK ANGUS BRED HEIFERS - All one herd, home raised, preg. checked and Ivomeced, $1400. Email for photos: tetrb@hotmail.com Call Bernard at: 306-984-7272, Spiritwood, SK. 111 BRED YEARLING Angus heifers, 1100 lbs, bull out June 6th, top end heifers. Call 306-476-2252, Rockglen, SK. 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK. 31 ANGUS/SIMMENTAL cross young cows for sale, $40,000 takes all. 306-742-4771, cell 306-621-4643, Calder, SK.

2013 REGINA BULL SALE. Entries close Jan. 10, 2013. Entry form and details available at www.reginabullsale.com or contact Stacy Church at 306-874-5411 or stacybullrbs@gmail.com 350 RED, BLACK and Tan young bred cows for sale. Most are second and third calvers. Bred either Red or Black Angus. Start calving April 15, 2013, $1500 large group or gate run or, $1600 for your pick. Call 204-483-0228 Randall or, 204-741-0748 Mor gan. Check out our pictures at www.cloverleafcattleco.com Elgin, MB. COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL: 225 Char cross Simmental cows, 25 red and blacks, exposed to Char bulls June 25th, 2012. Young herd, discount price on large lots. 204-732-2481, Toutes Aides, MB 40 HEREFORD AND BROCKLEFACE Angus, 3 calf pairs bred to Red Angus bulls. Also from registered stock Red Angus cows. Call Andrew 306-795-2710, Goodeve, SK.

COLT STARTING, BOOK now for 2013. 306-869-2947, or dtwhalen@sasktel.net Radville, SK.


Fine western entertainment for conventions, campďŹ res and everything in between. “Doris’s poetry blazes with brilliant wit; her stage presence sparkles with an infectious love of the West. On stage and on the page, she represents the best of the best in cowboy poetry today.â€? — Margo Metegrano, cowboypoetry.com

JAN UARY 14-16 , 2013

GOOD BRED SIMMENTAL cross cows for 175 SIMMENTAL RED ANGUS CROSS sale. Willing to winter. Call 306-984-4606 or Simmental heifers, excellent quality. evenings, Leoville, SK. Bred Red or Black Angus, all one iron cat30 BRED HEIFERS, mostly Blacks, bred tle. 3J Simmental Farms, 306-325-4622, Black, bulls exposed June 16, $1350 OBO. or cell 306-327-8005, Lintlaw, SK. TWO YEAR OLD and yearling Polled Here- 306-291-1341, 306-382-5851, Saskatoon. 8 QUIET BLACK ANGUS cross bred heifers, ford and Speckle Park bulls for sale. Calv- 55 BRED HEIFERS, reds, blacks and Chars, bred Black Angus, to start calving mid- CANDIAC AUCTION MART: No regular ing ease with performance. Johner Stock $1300 each. Ph 204-937-4683, Roblin, MB. March, $1400. 306-577-1204, Carlyle, SK. horse sale in January as previously adFarm, Maidstone, SK. 306-893-2714 or vertised in December. Horse sales resume 125 BRED RED Angus cross heifers, bred 80 RANCH RAISED BLACK HEIFERS, February 2nd, 2013. Please see next 306-893-2667. Red Angus, good uniform bunch, vaccinat- one iron. Bred to PB Black Angus bulls. week’s ad for details. ed and ultrasound in calf. Apr. 10th calving Bulls out May 25 - Aug. 1. Preg checked date. Call 306-355-2700, Mortlach, SK. and worked. 306-299-4500, Consul, SK. 15 REG. TEXAS Longhorn cows and heifTA N H E I F E R S : a s k i n g $ 1 6 0 0 e a c h . BRED HEIFERS, ANGUS and Angus cross, ers, bred to a 72â€? 4 yr. old bull or a 60â€? 2 yr. old bull, $1000 to $2000. Cliff at 28 exposed to polled Hereford bull April 8; bred Black Angus. 306-493-2969, Delisle, 15 BRED REG. Belgian mares, also 10 24 exposed to polled Hereford bull June 4. SK. heavy bodied bred grade mares. Ph. Nick 780-388-3324, suncreek@xplornet.com A l l I vo m e c e d a n d p r e g c h e c ke d . Denbrok, 306-745-3851, Esterhazy, SK. Buck Lake, AB. 306-831-8394, Rosetown, SK. RED ANGUS SIMMENTAL cross heifers, ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association bred Red Angus, to start calving April 1st. 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. 160 BRED HEIFERS to start calving begin- Phone 306-963-7777, Imperial, SK. ning of March, bred to Red Angus and www.albertatexaslonghorn.com polled Hereford, all bulls are registered, IMPORT HOLSTEINER sired many heifers are age verified, $1500. Call GOOD QUALITY BRED HEIFERS. Red EUROPEAN Angus cross Hereford and Red Angus cross Hunter/Jumper, broodmare prospects. Garry at 204-250-4796, Plumas, MB. Call Dr. Marshall Patterson 306-475-2232, Simmental. Bred Red Angus. Ferguson 140 BLACK ANGUS horned Hereford cross HERD DISPERSAL: 90 Simmental and Sim- Stock Farm Ltd 306-895-4825, Paynton SK Moose Jaw, SK. heifers, Vira Shield, Scour Bos, Ivomec mental Red Angus cross, bred Simmental; and preg. checked for March 10 due date, 12 Simmental and Simmental Red Angus $1500 each. 306-342-4447, Glaslyn, SK. cross, bred Red Angus. Start calving Feb. 70 COMMERCIAL COWS, calving March, 10; 35 Simmental and Simmental Red AnONE BAG FEEDS ALL! April, bred to Red Angus bulls, $1425. and gus cross open heifers. 306-762-4723, Superior Equine’s omega ďŹ xed cows can stay here until Feb 1st. Call Odessa, SK. formula uses only the highest quality 780-672-3113, Camrose, AB. of ingredients. The consistency and 92 MIXED BRED cows 2- 9 yrs., all shots quality of the feed will never change HERD DISPERSAL 38 black heifers, 70 and preg. tested, Your pick for $1150. black cows, 70 red cows all bred Black An- 306-621-9751, 306-782-6022, Yorkton SK. because the same ingredients are gus bulls. Start calving March 10th. Call used in every batch. John at 204-768-0324, Moosehorn, MB. 80 RED ANGUS cross heifers, bred Black Angus to start calving Apr. 15th. Virden, MB. 204-748-7829 or 204-748-3889. “Making Horses Shine in the Winner’s Circleâ€? 4 RED ANGUS CROSS bred heifers, $1450, Gerry & Sherry Moyen 306 767-2757 cell 306-862-8317 exposed July 1 for 2 cycles. Bred to easy Email: germoyen@hotmail.com • WWW.SUPERIOREQUINEFEEDS.COM calving polled Hereford bulls, preg. checked. Curt 306-228-3689, 306-228-9402, Unity, SK.

Bookings/info: www.dorisdaley.com

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Airdrie Tractorland 1-877-948-7400

60 BRED COWS, Simmental Maine Anjou cross, bred Red Angus and Maine Anjou. Mar. 1st to May 15 calving, $1600. Call eves. 306-342-2107, Medstead, SK. GELBVIEH CROSS OPEN replacement heifer calves, packages of 5, Red and Black baldies. Ross Davidson at 306-625-7045, davidsonlonesomedoveranch.com Ponteix SELLING BRED HEIFERS, quality home raised Simmental and Simmental cross Red Angus, bred Red Angus, start calving Feb. 10th, 75 day breeding period. McVicar Stock Farms, Colonsay, SK. 306-255-2799, 306-255-7551 or 306-255-7561. 400 BLACK and Red bred heifers, 50 bred Charolais heifers, 200 young bred cows. All bred to Black bulls. 306-741-2392, Swift Current, SK. HERD DISPERSAL: 8 Char cross heifers bred Red Angus, 30 Char cross cows and 20 red cows, bred Char or Red Angus. Bulls out May 24, ultrasound, Ivomeced. Sell groups of 5 gate run, will separate breeds, $1475. Will feed until Jan 15. 306-755-4229, Tramping Lake, SK. 100 RED ANGUS SIMMENTAL cross bred cows, 4th calvers, bred Red Angus and Simmental; also 35 solid Red heifers bred Red Angus. $1600 OBO. Will feed until Jan. 15. 306-883-8028, Spiritwood, SK.

CATTLE FINANCING AVAILABLE for feeder cattle and bred heifers/cows. Competitive interest rates. Marjorie Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. HERD DISPERSAL: 150 Black and Red Angus bred heifers; 370 Black and Red Angus/Simmental cows, due to calve April 15, $1500 each. Can winter until April 1st. COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL: 100 bred 306-873-5288, Tisdale, SK. cows, majority blacks. Young herd. 250 BLACK ANGUS heifers, A.I. bred to 306-641-9722, Buchanan, SK. “SAV Final Answer 0035�, 69 lb. birth 45 RED AND RBF heifers, 12 BBF heifers, weight, June 28-30, 2012. No clean-up full vac. program, exposed to Red Angus bull exposure; 150 Red, RWF and Tan bulls May 20 to August 1. T Bar K Ranch, Angus cross heifers, A.I. bred to “Feddes 306-739-2944, 306-577-9861, Wawota, SK Big Sky R9�, 74 lb. birth weight, June 27,2012. No clean-up bull exposure. 75 YOUNG RED, black, tan cows, bred An- Preg. confirmed by ultra sound, will all g u s o r L i m o u s i n , Ap r i l 1 s t c a l v i n g . calve within 10 days beginning last week 306-536-6288, 306-536-5147, Bethune, SK in March. $1750 each for your pick. Check pictures at www.cloverleafcattleco.com 60 BRED HEIFERS, Red and Black Angus cross, 1 owner, selected out of 400 cow 204-483-0228 Randall or, 204-741-0748 herd. Due April 1. Phone 306-792-4744, Morgan, Elgin, MB. Springside, SK. BRED, RED, AND BEAUTIFUL. 35 Red 50 BLACK AND BWF bred heifers bred back Angus cross heifers, bred Black Angus, ext o A n g u s , e n d o f M a r c h c a l v i n g . posed June 10th. Call 306-441-6167, 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. North Battleford, SK.

Calgary Tractorland 1-877-240-1977 ™ A new product that provides your animal a

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COZY CAPS! Ear protection for newborn calves! Ph. 306-577-4664, Carlyle, SK. gerrybettywyatt@gmail.com 38 BRED ANGUS heifers, exposed July 19 for 55 days, bred to Son of Bowerman’s Legacy and Traveller. Have had all shots. Phone Ron 306-948-2736, Biggar, SK.

WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107.

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Shauna Johnson, Owner & Designer Using “Small Mesh Slow Feed Hay Nets� to satisfy chewing needs, slow & reduce consumption and eliminate waste.

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ANIMAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGY 2 year diploma since 1974. Training with large & small animals!! On-site working farm. aht@gprc.ab.ca 1-888-999-7882 Fairview, AB




WANTED: ENERGETIC WORKING partner to work with existing White-tail deer ranch. Must be self-motivated and passionate about working with White-tail deer. Excellent deer facility and handling shoots already in place. Open to ideas on growth and future developments. If you are interested please contact Jim, 306-332-3955, jim.whbp@sasktel.net Fort HORSE COLLARS, all sizes, steel and alu- Qu’Appelle, SK. minum horseshoes. We ship anywhere. Keddie’s, 1-800-390-6924 or keddies.com CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary Johnston, www.canadianfarrierschool.ca Email gary@canadianfarrierschool.ca 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB.

SELLING: BOBSLEIGHS, 2-1/2� runners, steel shoeing, 8’ bunks, like new condition, always shedded, $2500 firm. Mel Heintz 780-922-3449, Sherwood Park, AB. HEAVY DRAUGHT WORK harness, 2 sets, one brown and one black, $600 each. 306-642-5812, Scout Lake, SK. GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers of leather and nylon harness. Custom saddles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. www.georgesharnessandsaddlery.com Call 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB.


FARM AID 43 0 M IX W AGONS Ha ve a grea ts u p p ly o fF a rm Aid 550 w a go n s to cho o s e fro m .

Ca ll K evin o r Ro n a t

YOUNG’S EQUIPM ENT L ives to ck Divis io n , Regin a , S K .

NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you have them, we want them.� Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of elk. Ph Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or email elkvalley@xplornet.com

ALBERTA ELK RANCHERS Production Sale, Feb. 15, 2013, Leduc, AB. Details at www.gwacountry.com Gateway Auction THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and Services Ltd., 1-866-304-4664, Gordon repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, 403-363-1729, Mark 403-357-9833, email: Langham, SK. gwacountry@gmail.com “Thinking about a production sale/dispersal? Give us a call�. SADDLE MAKING SCHOOL. Various courses avail. 780-576-2756, Newbrook, AB. www.rodssaddlemakingschool.com

1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46

MORAND INDUSTRIES Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!

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HAY SAVER ROUND bale feeder, $459; 3’x5’ lambing pen panels, $59; 4’x7’ sheep panels, $69; 4’x21’ freestanding sheep corral panels, $169. Ask about quantity discounts. Call Jack Taylor 1-866-500-2276, Melfort, SK. www.affordablebarns.com

ELECTRONIC ROLAND V Accordions in SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER stock. Roland Dealer, call: 306-782-4288, The only way it works! In-person interviews Jan. 24th-25th in Regina and SaskaYorkton, SK. toon. Membership $700 plus taxes. 18 PLEASE SEND MORE information on earth, years experience. Have matched thousands of people! Camelot Introductions, wind and fire. Thank you!! www.camelotintroductions.com or call PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. 204-888-1529 to book your appointWe manufacture an extensive line of cattle ment with an award winning Matchmaker! handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowdSEND IN YOUR STORY OR POEMS, 300 ing tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, words or less. Fact or Fiction. We will pubgates and panels, bale feeders, Bison lish, send copies back to you to sell. Send equipment, Texas gates, steel water $49 to Arrow-Jet Developing Co. #15, 412 troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors Ave. B North. Saskatoon, SK. S7L 1E4. for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro PRO-CERT ORGANIC CERTIFICATION. electric branders and twine cutters. Our Canadian family owned. No Royalties! Ph. squeeze chutes and headgates are now 306-382-1299 or visit www.pro-cert.org available with a neck extender. Phone 306-796-4508, email: ple@sasktel.net ECOCERT CANADA organic certification website: www.paysen.com for producers, processors and brokers. Call YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For your the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and SK, email: rusty.plamondon@ecocert.com handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346. CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA HD BALE FEEDERS: 1- or 2-bale bale feed- Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity ers. Contact Dallas 780-206-6084, West- for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, lock, AB. SK, rbaumann@ocia.org, www.ocia.org

Magnum Texas Gates TRADE AND EXPORT Canada now buying organic feed grains: peas, oats, barley and flax. Quick pay. 1-877-339-1959.


WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2

cts Produ st a That L

HERD DISPERSAL, top quality, 40 fullblood Dorper ewes, ages 1-4 yrs., closed herd, w/wo reg. papers. 306-424-2276, Montmartre, SK.

60 DOREST/ SUFFOLK cross ewes, 2-5 years old; Also 20 Dorset/ Suffolk ewe lambs. Craig 204-435-0475, Miami, MB. 100 COMMERCIAL EWES, 2 to 4 years, Suffolk cross ewes, flushed and exposed Nov. 1/12, $200 ea; 50 lambs and Suffolk rams, $400 each. All sheep vaccinated and dewormed. 306-620-8829, Rhein, SK. or email cole_abe@hotmail.com

www.magnumfabricating.com Cra te S ca le s ta toi n a ry & p o rta b le Pla tfo rm S ca le S evera l s i zes to cho o s e fro m (n o electrics )

S A V E FE E D A N D L A B O U R C O S T S W IT H A N E Z E -F E E D E R W O R K IN G F O R Y O U . Mixing auger, digital scale, 3 PTH, plus many more options.

Ba le S ca le Ho pper Feed er w ith S ca le, 3-p t., trk. m t. o r tra iler, hyd . m o to r o r elec.

C A N A D I A N C O - O P E R AT I V E W O O L Growers, buying wool. For nearest wool W ill As s is t collection depot or livestock supplies cata306- 445 - 2 111 W ith North Ba ttleford , S a s k. logue, 1-800-567-3693, www.wool.ca S h ippin g W ebsite:w w w.elia s s ca les .com HERD DISPERSAL: approximately 48 Dorper cross ewes, coming 2 yrs. old, de- BALE SHREDDER REM 3600, shedded, very wormed, bred Clun Forest and Rideau, ex- little use, excellent condition, $6000. Call posed Oct. 27 to Dec. 05, 2012, $200 306-597-4651, Yorkton, SK. each, OBO. 306-696-3183, Grenfell, SK. FREESTANDING 21’, 24’, 30’ corral panels, large variety of styles and weights for cattle, horse, bison, sheep, goats, mini horses. Plus lots of 10’ panels. Call for pricing and volume discounts on some sizes; 30’ SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers Windbreak frames $399. Less boards. Give extension, marketing services and a full us a call days or evenings 1-866-500-2276 l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . Jack Taylor, www.affordablebarns.com 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. GREG’S WELDING: 30’ freestanding heavy duty fence panels and windbreaks; Also calf shelters and custom gates, etc. Delivery avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK

Call For Your Nearest Dealer


Also now available through your local Co-op Agro Center.

MAGNUM FABRICATING LTD. Maple Creek, SK Ph: 306-662-2198

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CKC REG. BLACK Labrador Retriever pups, 5 males, 3 females, ready, includes first shots, microchip and papers. From exc. working Retriever bloodlines. Make good pets. $600 ea. 306-270-1782, Osler, SK.

BLOODHOUND PUPS, black and tan and browns, ready to go, first shots, vet checked, $700. 780-724-2782 Elk Point AB WANTED: ONE YEAR + plus German Shepherd dog, preferably white, good guard dog and loves kids, to live on a farm. 306-677-2460, Hodgeville, SK.

BLOODHOUND PUPPIES, red or black/red, LOOKING FOR feed wheat, rye, barley, first shots; German Shephard puppies, first oats and screenings. Call Pristine Prairie shots. Call 306-248-3328, St. Walburg, SK Organics, 204-522-0842, Pipestone, MB.

32’ WINDBREAK PORTABLE panels. Built MOCCASINS/MUKLUKS, many colours on skids so they can be pulled around, not and styles. AJ Shoe Renue, Confederation Mall 306- 683-0835, Saskatoon, SK. carried. 306-744-7744, Saltcoats, SK. 30’ FREESTANDING 3-BAR windbreak frames, 5-bar, 4-bar panels w/wo double hinge gates and more. On farm welding. 306-485-8559, 306-483-2199, Oxbow, SK. NEW 54� BELTING, 1/4� thick, 29’ or 300’ rolls, $4.50 to $5.50 per ft. 306-621-9751, 306-782-6022, Yorkton SK. JD 550 TA manure spreader, $5500; NH 795 manure spreader, $7250. Both field ready. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB.

+DSS\ &DOYLQJ 6HDVRQ Your Source for new and used trailers in Western Canada

WANTED: GOLDEN FLAX for seed with 0% brown. Also wanted older variety (Preakness) oats for seed. Kelly at 306-736-7443, Kipling, SK.

2000 VSF BRANDT bale processor, hyd. chute, 540 PTO, $4000. 306-638-3155, INTERLAKE FORAGE SEEDS Ltd. is now booking organic forage seed acres for the 306-567-0162, Chamberlain, SK. 2013 spring season. Competitive prices, 2003 BALE KING 3100 RH delivery, exc. farm pickup available. 1-800-990-1390, cond., ready to go, used only 3 yrs., asking Fisher Branch, MB. $9000. 306-547-2923, Preeceville, SK. M&M ORGANIC MARKETING is buying CUSTOM BUILT 30’ five bar panels, wind- milling oats and the following feed grains: breaks, feed bunks, bale feeders and wire wheat, flax, oats, peas, soy beans, lentils, rollers. 306-984-7861, Mistatim, SK. barley. 204-379-2451, St. Claude, MB.

FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak HAYBUSTER H1100 TUB grinder, excellent panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ s h a p e . P h o n e 2 0 4 - 5 3 4 - 7 9 1 1 o r, and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; LOOKING FOR PERMISSION to hunt Wild 204-534-7927, Boissevain, MB. Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feedBoar on your land in AB/SK. Not a guide or HEAVY BUILT CATTLE feeders/troughs. ers; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will outfitter. Please call Terry 403-860-9420. 3/8� steel, 500 or 750 gal. capacity, 4’x18’ custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 size, good for any type of feed or water, FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest lifetime quality, $495 and up. Morden, MB. solution to livestock watering. No power $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com 204-362-0780. required to heat or pump. Prevents backGrants available. 1-866-843-6744. SILVER STREAM SHELTERS Super Fall wash. 0$// 6725( /2&$7,216 Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black www.frostfreenosepumps.com SELLING - NATURALLY RAISED pigs, ap- steel, $4700; 30x70 double truss P/R, REM 3600R BALE processor, RH discharge, prox 100 lbs. 306-239-4621, Saskatoon, $6995; 38x100 double truss P/R, $11,900; new knives and hammers, good cond., 42x100 double truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 $6000 OBO. 306-788-4923, Marquis, SK. SK. oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running WANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, all w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . H E AV Y D U T Y 2 4 ’ PA N E L S , W I N D BREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest 1-877-547-4738 silverstreamshelters.com more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, or $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com BRANDT 2007 BALE COMMANDER VSF-X, email jchof@platinum.ca Rimbey, AB. WEANER AND FEEDER pigs for sale. Phone bale shredder, well equipped, next to new. ARROW FARMQUIP LIVESTOCK handling 780-808-0271, Lloydminster, AB. 306-369-2708, Bruno, SK. solutions. Solar West. Port. windbreaks. WANTED: HI-HOG OR STAMPEDE cattle Custom built panels and gates. Phone 7ROO )UHH '$:*6 squeeze. Call 306-662-2906 after 6:00 PM, 1-866-354-7655, Mossbank, SK. Maple Creek, SK. 2005 REM 3600 bale processor, grain tank, FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS, up RH discharge, round or large sq. bales, to 30’, made from 2-3/8� oilfield pipe. shedded, very little use, $10,500. Phone WANTED SHEEP: Purebred Rocky Moun- Square bale feeders, any size. Can build 306-736-9116, Kipling, SK. 3- 30x60’ SPECIAL OCCASION tents, white tain and Dale sheep for game farm. Call other things. Elkhorn, MB. 204-851-6423, DRILL STEMS 2� and 3� for sale. Contact canvas, some with cathedral windows, 204-845-2188, 204-851-6714. 514-386-4035, St. Remi, QC. $25,000 for all. 306-736-2445, Kipling, SK. Jack 204-841-4045, Neepawa, MB. Stock #T2251

BEST COOKING PULSES accepting samples of org. green/yellow peas for 2012/2013 crop year. Matt 306-586-7111, Rowatt, SK

KUVASZ/PYRENEES PUPPIES, Aug/12, 2 males, 1 female, farm raised; 1 female Jan/12. Medicine Hat, AB. 403-502-9470. READY TO GO- four red and white Border Collie pups, from working parents, $450. 306-587-7169, Success, SK. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS 2 females, 3 males, ready, all shots, dewclaws removed, $400. 780-878-4159 Edberg, AB. BORDER COLLIE/KELPIE pups, 4 mos. old, $400, from good working parents, already showing instincts as they play. Mother is a registered, purebred, father is a Border Collie/Kelpie. 780-682-2199, Winfield, AB. ENGLISH BORDER COLLIE puppies from COUNTRY FARM STYLE male widower, mid working parents, tri-color, ready now, 70’s, NS, ND, looking for companion and $150. 204-967-2627, Riding Mountain, MB relationship. Please include photo. Box 2103, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4. COUNTRY LADY, 58, seeking gentleman for companion or long term relationship, OLDER JACUZZI - deep well jet pump, self who enjoys country living, dancing, travel- priming, multi-stage, Series JD. Duro sewling. Please send photo. Box 2105, 2310 age pump 561. 306-585-1627, Regina, SK. Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4. SINGLE MAN, 40, seeking lady for friendship or more. Farmer and rancher, looking for nice lady, non-smoker, social drinker, likes country life and travel, southern SK. Box 2101, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4. FIVE ACRE HOBBY, Nursery and Landscape business. Two miles North of Courtenay, SWM, CHRISTIAN, NS, ND, 5’9�, 170 lbs., Vancouver Island, BC. Buy inventory and sincere and honest, with sense of humor, equipment with lease, $249,000 or buy widower 7 yrs, grain farmer central MB. everything $749,000. Beautiful view propLove dining, travelling, movies. Looking erty, near by 4 golf courses, skiing, huntfor serious relationship with single female, ing and big salmon. Mild winters. Build NS, social drinker ok, sense of humor, your retirement home. 250-218-0142. 50-60ish. Close to retirement or retired. www.ospreystoneandbamboo/forsale2012 Values health and wellness. Possibly learn to dance together. Please send photo and phone number. Box 5559, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 SWM HONEST and secure ranch and grain farmer looking for an attractive SWF for a good old country style relationship, who is capable of cooking and housekeeping. Mostly for companionship. I am 68, like country music and good and quiet times. Send photo and reply to: Box 21, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 SINGLE WOMAN 60s, looking for NS, ND, single or divorced gentleman, who likes Country and Western music, who plays guitar and sings and likes travel. I live in Swift Current, SK. and will not relocate. Please send photo, I will answer all letters with photos. Looking for someone close and near my area. Box 5560, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 WHY NOT START the new year out right? Country girl, 50, seeking a man for friendship, possibly more. Loving woman who can woe you with her delightful personality and charming wit. Has an est. career and loves rural life. Looking for the just the right guy to share in life’s joys. Maybe you are just the guy I am looking for. Please include picture. Box 5556, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 SWF LOOKING for honest sincere gentleman 65-75, seriously looking. Small town or rural area please. Willing to relocate if suitable. Reply to: Box 5558, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4

10 ACRES INDUSTRIAL, 800’ frontage HWY#43, 4-lane, 7000 vehicles per day, three phase power, sewer/water close, $35,000 per acre. 780-233-2222, Mayerthorpe, AB.


CEDAR D STYLE LOGS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros, Lumby, BC. 1-800-960-3388. rouckbros.com

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Well established fishing and hunting resort located in the beautiful NW area of Sask. surrounded by a number of lakes and rivers. This turnkey operation with cabins, boats/ motors and camping sites is located on the west shore of Canoe Lake. MLS# 437858. Call 1900 SQ. FT. BUNGALOW, 3 bdrm, 2.5 Wally Lorenz, Re/Max of the Battlefords, baths, main floor laundry, new windows, North Battleford, SK., 306-446-8800, laminate flooring, gas fireplace, 3 car at- 306-843-7898. tached garage, landscaped yard, $95,000. 306-357-2003, 306-831-7026, Wiseton SK LOG HOMES, builders of quality handcrafted log and timber frame homes. Call Jeff at 306-493-2448, Saskatoon, SK. RM HAZEL DELL #335. SW-02-35-08-W2, 75 acres grass, rest bush and sloughs, adwww.backcountryloghomes.ca joining wildlife lands. Asking $45,000. 306-542-2848, 306-542-7106 Kamsack SK MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT PropertyAlbert, SK. Kamloops. 124 fenced acres, extensive frontage along the North Thompson river only 7 minutes to shopping and schools in Westsyde. 85 acres of irrigated, fertile NEW RTM CABIN, 24x32’ 2 bdrms, loft, crop land, 25 acres of irrigated pasture. 2x6’, green tin roof, PVC windows, interior Mostly level, white sand beach, treed done in pine and poplar, $56,900. Pics. along the river. Mobile home, hay shed available. 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. and corrals. Fenced and cross fenced. Call Julieanne, Best-West Realty- Kamloops, BC. 250-571-0355. ja-brown@shaw.ca 203 ACRES, 15 TITLES, $2,975,000. May sell parcels. Quality hay land, irrigated, cross fenced. Shops, hay sheds, horse shelters, 95 cow dairy barns or could be riding arena. 5 bdrm home with pool; mobile home neg. Salmon Arm, BC. Heather Sinclair Smith, Realtor, 1-888-852-2474, www.bcfarmandranch.com LARGE RANCH FOR SALE in Northeast NEWLY CONSTRUCTED RTM, 1080 sq. ft, 2 BC. Approx. 8756 acres in one block. 3000 bdrm, 2 baths, laundry on main level, acres under cultivation. More info. and framing stage complete w/vinyl siding and photos at www.bickfordfarms.ca Call Rick metal roofing. Now ready for drywall. Buy 250-262-1954, Fort St. John, BC. now and you finish, or deposit and we fin- PASTURE/HAY/RANGE available for lease ish. Call 306-741-2730, Webb, SK. for 2013 season. Max. 225 pair grazing permit. Hayfields 200 acres. 250-267-6231 READY TO MOVE show home. Many op- McLeese Lake, BC. skvalleyranch@live.ca tions like front roof overhang for deck, deluxe cabinets, stone front, etc. 1594 sq. ft. for $168,000. Swanson Builders (Saskatoon, SK. area) at 306-493-3089 or email EDMONTON AREA BROILER FARMS. info@swansonbuilders.ca for details Approx. 100,000 units quota, 2 production facilities, close to town. 6 barns, shop, 2 homes, equipment. Call Andries Steegstra, Royal LePage Lifestyles, Lacombe, AB. DOUBLE RV LOT, Yuma, AZ. Privately 403-391-6260, asteegstra@royallepage.ca owned, fenced, sliding locking gate, RV www.centralalbertafarms.com support building w/bathroom, washer/ HANNA AREA RANCH, 2389 acres deeded, dryer, twin beds, storage building. Short 959 lease, 1000 in hay, $55,000 surface distance to grocery store, bank, YMCA and revenue, modest buildings, $1,975,000. hardware Ph 928-305-1910, 928-503-5344 403-854-2173, AB.




starting at




/sq. ft.

HOMES & COTTAGES starting at





HAVE BUYERS FOR large farm properties, very confidential. Call if you are thinking of selling, I specialize in agricultural properties. Phone Don Jarrett, Realty Executives 18 QUARTERS PRODUCTIVE grainland for cash rent, 30 miles NE of Kamsack, SK. Leading, 780-991-1180, Spruce Grove, AB. Call Robin at 306-690-6786 or, email to: robingliu@hotmail.com PASTURELAND FOR SALE- South of Big Valley, AB along Hwy. #56. One section RM #382, N half of SW 12-39-28, W of 631 acres grassland, A-1 fences, and cross 3rd, 60 acres tame hay, 20 acres native fenced w/power and water wells on each grass, gas well revenue. 306-753-9149, half. Gas well revenue $10,800/yr. Call Al Macklin, SK. at 780-980-2084, Doug at 604-777-9357. SOUTH SASK. RANCH: 5920 acre ranch CENTRAL ALBERTA FARMS, acreages, with yard site. John Cave, Edge Realty businesses (all sizes). Information avail. Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. on request! Central Agencies Camrose Ltd. www.farmsask.com 4870-51 St. Camrose, AB. 780-672-4491. MAPLE CREEK, SK: 160 acres of native pasture. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: BROOKS: 3 0 6 - 7 7 3 - 7 3 7 9 , S w i f t C u r r e n t , S K . , 9000 acre ranch, licence to irrigate 1250 www.farmsask.com acres out of the Red Deer River, all in one block, 5.5 miles of year round running creek, 5.5 miles of river frontage, ranch owns 2 natural gas wells that provide enCOM PL ETE TURN K EY RAN CH ergy for irrigating and heating homes/ S OUTHERN S AS K ATCHEW AN buildings. (#1973, Chris). PICTURE Yea r ro u n d s elf- s u fficien tpro perty w ith BUTTE: Up for bids on or before Jan. 16, 2013, 1:00 PM: 3 quarters of prime 8 00 + co w ca lfca pa city, 49 72 + /- d eed ed pivot irrigated land, can bid on one or a cres a n d 3200 + /- a cres lea s ed , m a chin ery more quarters. (#1972, Frans). PICTURE a n d lives to ck ca n b e pu rcha s ed . BUTTE: Up for bids on or before Jan. 21, 2013, 1:00 PM: Irrigated quarter, Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 152.5 acres LNID water rights, surface M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. lease revenue $2400/yr, modern 460x58’ open livestock barn. (#1643, Frans). WANTED: LAND TO RENT in Viscount, VAUXHALL: Ideal row crop farm, 480 Colonsay, Meacham, SK. area. Phone Kim acres (400 acres under pivots), home, at 306-255-7601. shop, equipment building, storage shed, hay storage, etc. (#1939, Ben). FORT MACLEOD: Very nice ranch, Hwy. 3 exposure, approx. 452 acres deeded, 320 acres grazing lease, 1400 sq. ft. home, corrals, etc. (#1936, Ben). ROLLING HILLS: Very OF GOOD CROP PRODUCTION nice half section irrigation, 260 acres EID L AN D IN S AS K ATCHEW AN water rights, all farmland, surface revenue approx. $40,000/yr. Additional quarter AN D AL BERTA section with building available. (#1932, Ben). PICTURE BUTTE: Well maintained Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 8000 head feedlot with 475 acres prime irM a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. rigation land. (#1900, Frans). TABER: Nice modern broiler farm, 278 acres, 2011 SASKATCHEWAN LAND FOR SALE: Valley corner pivot, home, quonset, office WILLOW BUNCH: 800 acres, approx. 600 building, equipment shed, 4 barns, no quo- acres of native grass, approx. 200 acres of ta included. State of the art operation. land seeded to alfalfa/crested wheat. (#1879, Chris/Blaine). BROOKS: 263 (#1958, Elmer). LEMBERG: approx. 360 acres, 2 parcels. Parcel 1: 80 acres, water acres, approx. 233 acres seeded to Timorights, 40 acres seed with alfalfa for seed thy hay, approx. 117 acres seeded to oats. production with 1 year left on contract. (#1954, Elmer). HANLEY: Exceptionally Parcel 2: 152.3 acres, wheel lines, 3 grain well managed rotational grazing operation bins, surface revenue. (#1965, Ben). with 19 quarters in one block. Runs 300 Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and cows, self contained, beautiful yard, on Gardens Real Estate Signature Service city water, 75 kms south of Saskatoon, www.canadafarmandranch.com or call quonset, barn, cattle shed, etc. (#1944, Gordon). FILLMORE: Selling company 1-866-345-3414. shares with 8 quarters of land, 2 Behlin bins, 5000 bu. condo #10 (contract to be transferred to new owner), good land. (#1903, Elmer). NIPAWIN: 480 acres, character home, private location, 20 mins. to Saskatchewan’s best recreational fishing area. (#1767, Elmer). Farm & Ranch by 13 QUARTERS OF productive grainland for Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate cash rent, 6 miles NW of Southey, SK. 60 Signature Service 1-866-345-3414 kms north of Regina. robinliu@hot- www.canadafarmandranch.com mail.com or call Robin Liu, 306-690-6786. WRITTEN OFFERS TO December 31, 2012. SE-06-38-16-W2, RM #368. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Send to: Box 516, Quill Lake, SK, S0A 3E0. 4 QUARTERS PRODUCTIVE grainland for FARMLAND FOR RENT Elstow/Coloncash rent, 2 miles SE of Ituna, SK. on say area: Large grain farm in exc. crop HWY 15. Call Robin at 306-690-6786 or, producing area with 54 1/2 quarters for email to: robingliu@hotmail.com rent in RM 342 and 343. Divided into 7 separate mainly contiguous land blocks of various sizes. Requesting cash rental offers until January 5, 2013 for all, combination or, individual blocks. Grain storage is also 27.5 QUARTERS PRODUCTIVE grainland available for rent. Highest or any offer may for cash rent, RM #70, close to Kayville, not necessarily be accepted. Info call Rene SK. Call Robin at 306-690-6786 or, email Poelzer 306-643-4449, cell 306-745-7018. to: robingliu@hotmail.com poelzer@rfnow.com



/sq. ft.

FA R M L A N D F O R S A L E : R M 2 7 3 . NW-33-30-3-W2, SW-33-30-3-W2, approx. 260 acres. RM 304. SE-1-33-6-W2, NW-28-33-6-W2, NE-32-33-6-W2, approx. 435 acres. RM 334. SE-17-34-6-W2, SW-16-34-6-W2 approx. 290 acres. RM 304. SW-4-32-4-W2, NE-6-32-4-W2, SW-30-32-4-W2. West 1/2 of SE-30-32-4-W2, approx. 525 acres. Yard and buildings not included. Offers can be made on individual, multiple or entirety. Written offers only: John Kwiatkowski, Box 209, Canora, SK. S0A 0L0.

7 QUARTERS OF land for cash lease in Burstall, SK. area, all in one block, av a i l a b l e s p r i n g 2 0 1 3 . I n q u i r e a t 403-527-2767 email rhstabler@shaw.ca RM EDENWOLD, 320 acres north of Edenwold, native grass. R M S o u t h Qu’Appelle, South of Avonhurst, 160 acres, grainland, on grid. RM South Qu’Appelle, 20 acres on #10 Hwy. RM Barrier Valley, 160 acres paradise with home, support buildings, perfect getaway, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, near Archerwill, SK. Contact Brian Tiefenbach, RM CHESTERFIELD OR NEWCOMBE 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344, NAI ComYoung farmers wanting land to: rent or mercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd., Regina, SK. buy to expand grain operation. Call Ryan at 403-391-1728, Mantario, SK. FARM L AN D FO R REN T BY TE N D E R AR EA # of Q TR S R .M .# Ce ylo n 6 39 & 69 Be n g o u g h 12 40 Pan g m an 5 69 V ice ro y 6 71 Sco ts g u ard 10 78 & 1 08 M ile s to n e 6 99 Drin kw ate r 5 1 30 We sold our farm to Freshwater Land Holding W o ls e ly 4 1 55 Co. Ltd. this spring and we were satisfied with the deal we were offered. They were very In d ian He ad 4 1 56 professional to deal with and upfront with the Ed g e le y 3 1 57 details of the land deal. We would recommend M o rtlach 9 1 62 & 1 63 them to anyone wanting to sell their land. Bre d e n b u ry 17 1 83 & 21 3 Ken & Penny Stevens G rays o n 14 1 84 Saltco ats 10 21 1 & 21 3 Lipto n 6 21 7 Cu par 3 21 8 1 Cen tra l.................................70 ⁄4’s Pe n zan ce 7 221 1 S o u th Cen tra l......................17 ⁄4’s Y o rkto n 14 24 3 Ea s t Cen tra l........................9 9 1⁄4’s Im pe rial 3 251 S o u th...................................70 1⁄4’s Hu m b o ld t 5 34 0 S o u th Ea s t...........................31 1⁄4’s



S o u th W es t..........................6 1 1⁄4’s N o rth.....................................6 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t............................8 1⁄4’s Ea s t.....................................39 1⁄4’s




3 06 -9 55-226 6 Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca w w w .Ca Fa rm la n d.com RM RODGERS, 15 miles SW of Mortlach, SK., 80 acres cultivated, 80 acres grass pasture with water. 1500 sq. ft. bungalow with water (needs work), sewer, power, 40x60’ metal quonset, grain bins. Excellent potential for acreage or hobby farm. For information or offers, call 306-536-2609 or email, rgsmith@sasktel.net Regina, SK. PIECE OF PARADISE: Approx. 1600 acres of amazing pasture land. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

Ten d ers Close on Ja n u a ry 1 7 ,201 3 @ 5:00 pm .

To re q u e s t d e taile d in fo rm atio n ab o u t the te n d e r pro ce s s an d lan d ple as e e m ail: sa skla n d 4 ren t@ gm a il.c om O r Fa x: 3 06 -3 52-1 81 6 Als o lo o kin g to pu rchas e ad d itio n al parce ls o ffarm lan d in the s e an d m an y o the r RM ’s acro s s Sas katche w an . H a rry Sheppa rd Su tton Grou p – R esu lts R ea lty R eg in a , SK

GRAVEL, AGGREGATE, MAYMONT, SK. Test result’s indicate 1,000,000 plus CY, 1 hr. to Saskatoon on 80 acres. Don Dyck, Re/Max North Country, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK. 80 ACRE FARM, hay and pasture, fenced, 4 bdrm, 2-1/2 bath older home, outbuildings, set up for livestock. Call for details and pics. 306-872-2110, Spalding, SK. LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. RM of Frenchman Butte, NW Sask, SW-24-52-24-W3rd. 160 acres of which SAMA profile states 133 are cultivated. Tenders close Jan. 31, 2013. Tenant ROFR. Info pkg. at www.farmlandtender.ca or call Ve r n M c C l e l l a n d , A s s o c i at e B r o ke r, Re/Max of Lloydminster 306-821-0611. RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section w/yard, adjacent to Canora, SK. Total assessment at 144,100. 306-651-1041. RM 259: APPROX. 292 acres of high quality grainland. 7 OIL WELLS SELLING BY TENDER. Call John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

SALE BY TENDER in the RM of Milton #292, SE-34-30-28-W3,NW-26-30-28-W3. One oil lease. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mail tenders to: A. D. I HAVE BUYERS for Sask. grain land, ranch Wildman, Box 138, Flaxcombe, SK. S0L land and acreages. Call Wally Lorenz at 1 E 0 . I n q u i r i e s t o D a r i n W i l d m a n , 306-843-7898, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-463-3815. Closing Date Jan. 22, 2013. North Battleford, SK. znerol.w@sasktel.net MAPLE CREEK RANCH: 6720 acres in a block. Full set buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com ONE SQUARE SECTION farm land for sale near Griffin, SK., in the heart of the oil patch. Great location, level to gently rolling topography. Call Harry Sheppard Sut- TO BUY GRAINLAND: 300-2000 acres, ton Group-Results Realty, Regina, SK., west central or NW, SK. Will consider oth306-530-8035. er areas. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000. YORKTON, SK. FARMLAND, 3 quarters, HALF SECTION OF FARMLAND located in a mix of pasture and cultivated acres. Lots Maidstone, SK. area, 290 plus acres cult. of corral space. 2 bedroom bungalow. Call Call 306-821-6659, Lloydminster, SK. Lorie, 250-585-6770, or 250-619-7089. RM 46/76: 5600 acre ranch with yard site. STARTER DAIRY. Excellent opportunity John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, 306-773-7379 45 min. North of Saskatoon. Looking for Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com young ambitious couple w/purebred cows WANTED: LAND TO RENT OR BUY in and quota. Have 50 cow dairy complex for RM’s of 221, 251, 281, 280, 222, 252 and lease or possible sale to the right people. adjoining. All replies kept in confidence. Room for expansion. Will supply some Davidson/ Imperial area. Box 5555, c/o feed from crops grown. Good 3 bedroom Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 m o b i l e h o m e ava i l a b l e . I n fo . c a l l . FOR SALE BY TENDER: NE-16-35-26-W2 306-232-4716, 306-232-7762 Rosthern SK RM Viscount #341, assessment 47,900. Submit written tenders to: Box 8, Viscount, SK. S0K 4M0. Tenders accepted until Jan. 25, 2013. For further information call 306-221-6296. I NEED FARMS: Thinking of selling your farm? I have several buyers looking for both grain and livestock operations. Please acres call me to discuss. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK., www.farmsask.com

Hague, SK Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438


YOUR WAY, THE RIGHT WAY, ZAK’S GUARANTEES IT!! *Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included


HAWK VALLEY RANCH Are you planning to build a home in 2013. Wood Country will build you a RTM or a custom built home on site to meet your requirements. Wood Country prides itself on building top quality homes with a high level of customer satisfaction since its inception in 1980.

C al lL ei gh at 306 -6 9 9 -7284 M cL ean , S as k. Ce rtifie d Hom e Builde r


2 year old high end property on 106 only 8 miles from the WORLD FAMOUS PONOKA STAMPEDE GROUNDS.

• Upscale 3 bedroom home, 2 bath, A/C, central vac, paved driveway and more. • Situated in a mature treed setting. 1600 sq. ft. shop completely finished with 220 wiring and 1⁄2 bath. 16 stall stable designed for broodmare operation, also ideal boarding facility and barrel racing, fully insulated with in floor heating; 3⁄4 bath, office, tack room, wash bay and more. • 106 acres on 2 titles consisting of home site, 6 paddocks c/w auto waterers, 2 hay fields, all professionally fenced in 2010. For more info go to: www.HawkValley.ca |


RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 4471’ of river frontage having 5 separate titles. Estimated to have 300,000 yds. of gravel. 528 acres of grazing land. All fenced. Pump house (insulated and heated) w/6 watering troughs. Priced as an investment property. Seller will sell any portion or all as a package. MLS ® 425102. Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-843-7898, North Battleford, SK. WILCOX, SK: 80 acres heavy clay NW of town. SE-N1/2-25-13-21-W2, L.S.D. 7 and 8. Offers 306-527-0397. ainc@sasktel.net



LAND FOR SALE by tender, RM of Sarnia near Dilke, SK. 2 quarters NE-03-22-24-W2 and/or NE-08-22-24-W2. Written tenders accepted until January 14, 2013 mail to: H. Rogoschewsky, 8808 102nd Avenue, Morinville, AB. T8R 1B7. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RM 96: 1760 acre grain farm w/buildings. C a l l J o h n C av e , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER: SW-12-27-18-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; SE-12-27-18-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; NW-1-27-18-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; SE-1-27-18-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; Land for sale or rent by tender: NW-7-26-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; NE-20-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; SE-20-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; NW-16-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; Land for cash or crop share rent by tender: SW-20-26-20-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; SE-20-26-20-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; NW-9-25-20-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; NE-9-25-20-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; SW-9-25-20-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; SE-9-25-20-W3 RM of Snipe Lake 259; SW-35-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; NW-36-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; NE-36-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; SE-36-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; NW-24-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; NE-24-25-22-W3 RM of Newcombe 260; SW-25-29-21-W3 RM of Kindersley 290; SW-36-29-21-W3 RM of Kindersley 290; NW-33-29-20-W3 RM of Kindersley 290; NE-33-29-20-W3 RM of Kindersley 290; SW-5-30-20-W3 RM of Kindersley 290; SE-5-30-20-W3 RM of Kindersley 290; SW-4-30-20-W3 RM of Kindersley 290; Written tender accepted until noon January 11, 2013 to: G. H. Schweitzer Enterprises Ltd., Box 222, Eston, SK., S0L 1A0. For sale or rent in part or parcel. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Inquiries can be made to 306-962-7722 (cell), Gary Schweitzer.

LAND FOR CASH RENT in RM of Nipawin #487: NE 27-50-14 W2, 160 acres, cultivated; SW 27-50-14 W2, 150 acres, cultivated; S 1/2 SW 23-50-14 W2, 80 acres, cultivated; S 1/2 NW 20-49-13 W2, 80 acres, cultivated; L.S.D. 05 20-49-13 W2, 40 acres, cultivated; NW 5-49-13 W2, 160 acres, cultivated; all acres heavy harrowed and one litre RU fall of 2012, canola in 2012. GRAIN BINS FOR CASH RENT, 49,000 bu. steel hopper aerated grain storage located on SW 27-50-14 W2. Send offers for all or, parcels of to: P.O. Box 2410, Nipawin, SK., S0E 1E0 or, email them to: harold.yung@sasktel.net or call Harold at 306-862-2387; or call or email Wayne at 306-862-2413, w.yung@sasktel.net GRAIN FARM: 10,720 acres with full set of buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. RM OF PIAPOT: 1120 acre ranch with buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com TIM HAMMOND REALTY- RM #61 AntORGANIC FARMLAND near Kenaston, SK ler, 648 acres incl. 540 cult. acres, 109 RM #282. SE-4-30-2-3; SE-10-30-2-3; other acres. Excellent grainland. New 1420 SW-10-30-2-3. Approx. 430 cultivated sq. ft. home, 3 bdrm, 3 bath, double att. acres. Written offers by January 22, 2013. garage. Asking $1,250,000. Guy ShepHighest or any offer not necessarily ac- herd, MLS 443876, 306-434-8857, Biggar, cepted. Offers to: Box 31045, Saskatoon, SK. or http://Roy.TimHammond.ca SK, S7H 5S8. Ph 306-242-1896. Also MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and available 37.5 acre parcel including house, o r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . buildings and pasture. 1-877-269-9990. cndfree@telusplanet.net 3200 ACRE GRAIN FARM: Full set of buildings, surface lease revenue. John Cave, RM MANKOTA: 160 acres with buildings. Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. John Cave Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com TIM HAMMOND REALTY- RM #92 Wal- SASKATCHEWAN RANCH: 6720 acres pole, 1280 acres incl. 460 cult. acres, 80 ranch, full set of buildings, very scenic. tame hay, 740 pasture acres. Land is John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, fenced, 4 dugouts, small gravel pit. Great SK. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com m i xe d f a r m i n g o p p o r t u n i t y. A s k i n g RM BRATT’S LAKE #129- 1 square sec. $995,000. MLS #446802. Guy Shepherd Regina heavy clay near Wilcox. Assess. h t t p : / / R o y . T i m H a m m o n d . c a of 303,400. Asking $2500/acre; RM OF 306-434-8857, Biggar, SK. SHERWOOD #159- 332 acres located 2 WANTED: LAND TO rent and/or buy in the miles south of Regina with 1 mile frontage surrounding areas of Marquis and Cham- on #6 Hwy. Keith Bartlett, 306-535-5707, Sutton Group Results Realty, Regina, SK. berlain, SK., phone 306-631-8454. Q u ick Clo su re – N o Co m m issio n

306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro p.ca



REN TERS W AN TED w w w .m a xcro p.ca

EDGE REALTY LTD. RM Chesterfield #261 NE-12-27-25-W3, NE-31-26-25-W3; RM #260 Newcombe: SW-18-27-24-W3. Price $360,000. Call Brad, 306-463-7357, Kindersley, SK. brad@edgerealty.ca FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, buying or selling. Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty. GOOD FARMLAND: 18 quarters, yard adjac e n t t o p a v e d h i g h w a y. P h o n e 306-388-2694, Bienfait, SK.


Ted Cawkwell

RM SNIPE LAKE 3 q trs . . . . . . . . $714,000 LUSELAND, SK. 7,945 Acres . S ee w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .c o m fo r d eta ils . RM KINDERSLEY 2 q trs . . . . . . . $13 7,000 RM W INSLOW 20 a cres w /ho m e & b ld gs . . . . $3 15,000 12,000 SQ FT co m m ercia l b u ild in g o n 1.57 a cres o n # 7 Highw a y (fo rm erly Ca n a d ia n T ire) . . . . . . . $6 9 9 ,000

Agriculture Specialist


1-306-327-5148 BLUE CHIP REALTY

FOR SALE BY TENDER. RM of Kindersley #290: NW-35-30-20-W3rd, 160 acres, 47,000 assess; NE-35-30-20-W3rd, 160 acres, 50,600 assess. RM of Winslow #319: SW-2-31-20-W3rd, 160 acres, 41,200 assess. Conditions of Offers: All offers to be submitted in writing to Edge Realty Ltd. on or before 3:00 PM, Wed., January 16, 2013, 1000B Main St., Kindersley, SK, S0L 1S0. Deposit cheque for 3% of the offered amount must accompany the offer. Cheque to be made payable to Edge Realty Ltd. (cheques will be returned to unsuccessful bidders). Offers acceptable on any or all parcels. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Persons submitting offers must rely on their own research, inspection of the land, and improvements as to condition and number of acres. Mineral rights not included. No offers will be considered which are subject to financing. One oil well has been signed up on the SW 2. Land is in the heart of new oil wells. Please forward all bids and enquiries: Brad Edgerton, Edge Realty Ltd., Box 1324, Kindersley, SK, S0L 1S0, phone 306-463-4515. LAND FOR SALE: SW 1/4 of 33-27-08-W2nd, extension 0 and SE 1/4 of 32-27-08-W2nd extension 0 located 3 miles South and 7 miles West of Theodore, Saskatchewan. SW 1/4 of 33-27-08-W2nd extension 0 is bareland, 155 cultivated acres, 5 acres bush and raveen. SW 1/4 of 32-27-08-W2nd extension 0 includes yardsite with trees and electricity, access to yardsite, approximately 120 acres cultivated, presently pasture, approximately 35 acres creek, approximately 5 acres yardsite/access. R.M. of Garry No. 245, possession available immediately. Owners reserve the right to accept any offer they see fit, whether or not it is the highest. Written offers only to be sent to P.O. Box 311, Theodore, SK, S0A 4C0. 11-1/2 QUARTERS of cultivated land, west of Yorkton, close to #16 Hwy, in good rain f a l l a r e a . S e r i o u s i n q u i r i e s o n l y. 306-792-4544, Springside, SK. RM OF CARON: 480 acres of pasture adjoining. Approx. 20 minutes West of Moose Jaw, SK. John Cave Edge Realty Ltd, 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y

3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7

G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K

w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m

RETIREMENT SALE: MANITOBA Cattle Ranch for sale. Complete dispersal of land, cattle and machinery. Approx. 2700 acres, 450 cows, 150 heifers and 28 purebred bulls. Land is all fenced and cross fenced. Includes home site, calving barns, full line of cattle equipment and machinery. For more information contact: mbcattleranchforsale@gmail.com FIVE QUARTERS ADJACENT to developed recreation and fishing lake. 2 of the quarters have half mile of lake front each, one is directly across road from developed cabins with magnificent view of lake and surrounding countryside. Land currently in tame pasture w/continuing lease avail. Will sell individual quarters or whole package; Also, 11 quarters adjoining land in tame pasture, approx. 100 acres per quarter cultivatable. 65 miles NW Brandon, MB. For more information or pictures call 204-483-0228. 158 ACRES NESTLED in scenic Big Boggy Valley near Roblin, MB. 1104 sq. ft. home, b a r n s , w o r k s h o p , fe n c e , n ew we l l , $269,000. Karen Goraluk, salesperson, 204-773-6797, 204-937-8357, NorthStar Ins. & Real Estate. www.north-star.ca



C O R P.

JASON SELINGER - Regina/South Central

(306) 539-7975

MORLEY FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask.

(306) 741-2393

MARK FORSYTH - Swift Current/SW Sask.

(306) 784-7844

ED BEUTLER - Yorkton/Whitewood

(306) 620-7260

JASON BEUTLER - Yorkton/Estevan

(306) 735-7811

GARTH HENDRY - Moose Jaw/South Central

(306) 631-0802

JEFF HEGLAND - Saskatoon/North Battleford

(306) 270-9050

DOUG JENSEN - Melville/Raymore

(306) 621-9955

STAN HALL - Davidson/Strasbourg/Humboldt

(306) 725-7826

MORWENNA SUTTER - Melfort/Wadena

(306) 327-7129

MURRAY MURDOCH - Outlook/Rosetown

(306) 858-8000

DARRELL HERAUF - Dairy/Poultry

(306) 527-9636

DALE MURDOCH - Kindersley/Unity

(306) 430-7747




w w w.la nerea lty.com

to view currentlis tings a nd virtua l tours

BlackburnMotors.ca 2006 Damon Intruder, 37’, V10, 3 slides, 22,000m, $44,900; 2006 Monaco Diplomat, 40 DST, 400 HP Cummins, 4 slides, 17,000m, $114,900. Financing avail. 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, Saskatoon, SK. Tues-Sat, 8:30-5:00, DL#326237

2006 FLEETWOOD DISCOVERY 35’, 330 HP Cat, 3 slides, auto, queen bed in master, central vac, washer/dryer, satellite system, always stored inside, leather captain chairs and pull-out couch, full size WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, fridge w/ice maker, only 21,000 miles, eight models, options and accessories. exc., $100,000. Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-877-866-0667. www.woodmizer.ca 306-493-2222, Delisle, SK. DL #910420. SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money and save money. In stock, ready to ship. Starting at $997. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 168. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/168

2013 PALAZZO 33.1 diesel pusher by Thor motor coach. Every option imaginable, $149,800. Nobody beats our prices. www.allandale.com 1-866-346-3148.

ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Platform scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. www.eliasscales.com

Em ail:rtelford@ cam rose.ca w w w.cam rose.ca

PARTS FOR VINTAGE snowmobiles, 1990 and older. Call Don at 780-755-2258, Wainwright, AB. doncole@telus.net 2004 ARCTIC CAT T660 snowmobile, 121x15x1.25 Ripsaw track, near new, several other new parts, factory tarp and hitch, pair of Simmons Gen II skis included, $4000. 306-944-4555, Plunkett, SK. PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: C E R T I F I E D A U S T E N S O N , C O W B OY, McGwire, Copeland, Meredith, Metcalfe, 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. Newdale, Legacy available. Van Burck 2009 SUMMIT 154, 1500 miles, 800R Seeds, Star City, SK. 306-863-4377. $7600; 2006 Summit X 151, 2600 miles, 800HO, $5995; 2003 Rev Summit 144, 800 CERT. AC METCALFE, CDC Copeland, malt HO, elec. start, $5000; New X deck truck barley. Sundre feed barley. Early booking decks, $2450. Call Thunder Valley Auto and large order discounts. Visa or MC acService, Central Butte, SK, call Alex c e p t e d . S e e d t r e a t i n g a v a i l a b l e . w w w. L L s e e d s . c a f o r m o r e i n f o . 306-796-4450. DL #910511. 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Certified CDC Meredith, CDC Kindersley, AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland, Legacy. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net

Ph : 3 06 -56 9 -3 3 8 0 Visitour w ebsite at:

2005 MANDALAY 40’ diesel, 4 slides, 45,000 kms, loaded w/options, $127,500. Will consider farm machinery trades. 306-946-7923, 306-259-4923, Young, SK.

Take A dvan tage of Today ’s

S a s ka tchew a n’s Fa rm & Ra nch S pecia lis ts ™ 25 1 Regis tered S a les in 2012! “Now representing purchasers from across Canada, and around the w orld!”

AIMED AT YUMA: 2005 Monaco Holiday Rambler 27’ fifth wheel, loaded, large livingroom slide, hard side with 2008 GM HD 2500 4x4 crewcab, 144,000 kms, Michelins. Both units mint. Selling due to health. Package only, $36,500. 306-825-2661, Lloydminster, SK.

MULCHING - TREES; BRUSH; Stumps. 2004 NEWMAR DUTCH Star 4025, 370 HP Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: Cummins, 40’, 66,600 kms, 4 slides, tile/carpet flooring, queen bed, $57,000. www.maverickconstruction.ca worth of factory options, propane appliances, asking price $99,000. no GST. Call 780-871-8110, Lloydminster, AB. ACREAGE/FARM, 125/605 acres, 1250 sq. ft. bungalow, new kitchen cabinets, flooring throughout, windows, insulation, siding and eavestrough, newly renovated FLEETWOOD REVOLUTION 2007, 40’, 4 basement, 5 bdrms, 2 bthrms, 525 sq. ft. slide, 400 HP Cat C9, only 22,100 kms., deck, natural gas heat, exc. water supply. immaculate, loaded, N/S, no pets, stored 16x22 shop, 60x30 barn, 2 cattle shelters. in heated quonset 10/12 months, only 6 Located between Wapella and Esterhazy. trips to Kelowna, silver, grey and black. WANTED: GRAIN LAND TO RENT, 25 Call 306-532-4303. $167,777. 306-374-3315, Saskatoon, SK. mile radius of Rouleau, SK. Call 20 ACRE YARD next to 40 good hunting 306-776-2600 or kraussacres@sasktel.net Crownland quarters. 2 storey house, barn RM OF MIRY CREEK or Clinworth, 3 with hayloft. Good water. Top Manitoba young farmers wanting to rent land. Phone Typical deer in 2010. 50 hunting clients. WANTED: MOTORCYCLE, 0 to 400 cc, 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. 306-962-4413, Eston, SK. prefer 185 cc, running or not, winter project. Call 306-741-6296, Swift Current, SK.


For the m ost VALU E & EXPO SU RE that you deserve w hen selling your farm or ranch property,contact one of our Farm & Ranch Specialists today! BOB LANE - Broker (306) 569-3380

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND “A Lovely Place to Live and Farm” For more info on (good land, great prices, nice farms). Please cont a c t : A l l a n We e k s F a r m S p e c i a l i s t 902-628-9337, allanweeks.com

Ray Telford

Economic Development Officer

CATHEDRAL AREA, REGINA, SK. Feb. to CERT. METCALFE, CERT. Meredith, 99% March. 2 storey, 3 bdrm. house, female, germ., 0% fusarium Graminearum. Fraser Farms Ltd., 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. NS, no pets, $300/mo. Ph 306-569-1228. STOCK SAVVY MIDDLE-AGED professional CERT. #1 AC NEWDALE (2R), Legacy (6R). builder seeks rural rental within commut- Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. ing distance of Calgary, AB. References M&M SEEDS has Certified #1 2011 available on request. Married with 2 hors- Newdale and CDC Copeland and CDC es. Phone 403-437-7282 or 403-369-1946. Meredith, 99% germ. Book early. Cash discounts. 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK. TOEPFER INT. CERTIFIED: AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland, CDC Meredith, CDC Austenson. Ph: 306-445-4022, 306-441-6699, ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. N.Battleford, SK. www.westerngrain.com Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, best price/best delivery/best payment 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup Licen s ed & bon d ed and reduced golf fees. For information call 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - ex.co m 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003. TIMESHARE WORLDWIDE VACATION ex- CERT AND REG high germinating Metcalfe, changes. 2 bedroom, full kitchen. Selling Copeland, Newdale Barley. Call Frederick due to health. 306-453-2958, Carlyle, SK. Seeds, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK.



CERT. AC METCALF, CDC Merdith. Contact CERTIFIED TAURUS, SORREL, Scorpion Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, available. Van Burck Seeds, Star City, CERT. 1 NSC Libau, NSC Anola early ma306-524-4339, 306-746-7336, Semans, SK SK. 306-863-4377. turing soybeans from NorthStar Genetics. CDC MEREDITH, CDC KINDERSLEY, CERT. 1 PRAIRIE Sapphire brown flax. Full spectrum of soybean inoculants reg., cert., high yield. Gregoire Seed Farms Good germ. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, available. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com Ltd., North Battleford, SK. 306-441-7851, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com 306-445-5516, gregfarms@sasktel.net CDC COPELAND, CDC MEREDITH. Certified and Registered available. 97% germ, 0% fusarium graminearum. Call Tez Seeds Inc., 306-378-7828, Elrose, SK.

CERTIFIED TRANSCEND and Strongfield Durum. Call Craswell Seeds, Strasbourg, SK., 306-725-3236. CERTIFIED CDC VERONA, 95% germ, 0.5% fusarium graminearum. Call Tez Seeds Inc., 306-378-7828, Elrose, SK. REG., CERT. STRONGFIELD, CDC Verona Durum. Early booking and large order discounts. Visa or MC accepted. Seed treating available. www.LLseeds.ca for more info. 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. CERT. STRONGFIELD, Cert. Verona durum, 95% germ., 0% fusarium Graminearum. Fraser Farms. 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK

CERT. 29002RR SOYBEANS, early maturity, daylight responsive. Early booking MILLING OATS, 94% germination, no wild and large order discounts. Visa, MC ac- oats or volunteers, 1 generation from cerc e p t e d . S e e d t r e a t i n g a v a i l a b l e . tified. Call 780-387-6399, Wetaskiwin, AB. www.LLseeds.ca for more information. 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary CDC IMPOWER, CDC DAZIL Clearfield len- Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. tils. Certified and Registered available. Call FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line Tez Seeds Inc., 306-378-7828, Elrose, SK. of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking CALL SIMPSON SEEDS to book your new Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK. Pedigreed lentil seed. We have all the new varieties and your proven favorites. Jamie or Trevor 306-693-9402, Moose Jaw, SK.

CDC IMVINCIBLE SMALL green lentils, certified. Sean Miller, Avonlea, SK., 306-868-7822. CERT. #1 CDC Orrin, Leggett. Fenton CERT. CDC MAXIM CL, CDC Impower CL, Seeds Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. CDC Imigreen CL. Early booking and large FDN, REG., CERT. AC Mustang oats. Call order discounts. Visa or MC accepted. Seed treating avail. www.LLseeds.ca for Mastin Seeds, 403-556-2609, Sundre, AB. more info. 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. CERT. AND REG. Orrin, Leggett, Morgan, and Souris Oats. Call Frederick Seeds, CERT. #1 CDC Impala Clearfield Lentils. Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. 306-287-3977, Watson, SK.

S e ll you r he a te d or gre e n c a n ola to W e s te rn Ca n a d a ’s la rge s t B u ye r of d a m a ge d c a n ola . B onded and insured,quick paym ent, freight options. C allus


and ask for the seed buyer CDC IMVINCIBLE, CDC Impower, CDC Greenland lentils. High germ., no disease. w w w .m illiga n biofu e ls .c om RoLo Farms 306-543-5052, Regina, SK. CONVENTIONAL ARGENTINE CANOLA, CERT. ULTIMA spring triticale. Good germ, 97% germ., 98% vigor. Battleford, SK. low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, Phone 1-877-312-2839. SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com

GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED

FOUNDATION AND/OR CERTIFIED CDC Utmost VB and Lillian Wheat. Call Craswell Seeds, Strasbourg, SK., 306-725-3236. CERTIFIED GLENN, HRS, 100% germ., 0% Fusarium graminearum. Paul Parent, 204-737-3004, St. Joseph, MB. CERT. GLENN, Carberry, Vesper VB, CDC Utmost VB, Infinity Red Spring wheats, Snowstar White wheat. Good germ, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Certified Vesper VB, Unity VB, CDC Utmost VB, Carberry, Snowbird, AC Andrew, Sadash. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net CERT. CARBERRY, CDC Vesper, Stettler. Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336, Semans, SK CERT. AND REG. Utmost VB, Harvest, Andrew, Conquer VB. Frederick Seeds, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. REG., CERT. AC Unity - Waskada VB, AC Shaw - Domain VB midge tollerant wheat. Early booking and large order discounts. Visa or MC accepted. Seed treating avail. www.LLseeds.ca for more information. 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. CERTIFIED PASTEUR, CARBERRY, Harvest, Utmost, Goodeve, Unity avail. Van Burck Seeds, Star City, SK. 306-863-4377. CERTIFIED AC SHAW-DOMAIN VB, Midge tolerant, and Certified Utmost VB, Midge tolerant wheat, high germ., low disease. Call RoLo Farms 306-543-5052, Regina, SK CERT. #1 VESPER VB, Goodeve VB, CDC Utmost VB, Harvest, AC Sadash (CSWS). Fenton Seeds Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. CERT.#1 UNITY, WASKADA, Thrive and Lillian wheat. Contact Shewchuk Seeds, 306-290-7816, Blaine Lake, SK.

LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: www.grainex.net FOUNDATION, REGISTERED, CERTIFIED CDC Redcliff and CDC Maxim CL. Craswell Seeds, Strasbourg, SK., 306-725-3236.

BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. email: nsgl@sasktel.net LARGE KABULI CHICKPEAS 94% germ., 0% Ascochyta, 0% Botrytis, 0% Sclerotinia, 40 cents/lb., tested at Discovery Seed Labs. 306-642-7913, Assiniboia, SK. YEAR END SPECIAL: large kabuli chick peas, high germ and 0 disease. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK. CALL SIMPSON SEEDS Inc. to book your common chickpea , lentil and pea seed. Jamie or Trevor 306-693-9402, Moose Jaw, SK.

C E R T I F I E D M E A D O W, 4 0 - 1 0 s i l a g e available. Van Burck Seeds, Star City, SK. 306-863-4377. M&M SEEDS has Cert. #1 CDC Treasure and CDC Meadow yellow peas, 99% germ. Book early. Cash discounts. 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK. CERT. CDC ME ADOW, CDC Treasure. Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336, Semans, SK CERT. CDC PATRICK green pea. Early booking and large order discounts. Visa, MC accepted. Seed treating available. www.LLseeds.ca for more information. 306-731-2843, Lumsden, SK. FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Certified CDC Meadow, CDC Striker. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net

CDC STRIKER GREEN PEA, certified, green is the color, high germ., high yield. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. North Battleford, SK., 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516. Email gregfarms@sasktel.net M&M SEEDS has Cert. #1 AC Shaw VB, AC Goodeve VB, Vesper VB. All awnless CERT. CDC MEADOW, CDC Bronco, CDC midge tolerant varieties. Book early. Cash Golden and Agassiz yellow peas. High germ., no disease. Call RoLo Farms, discounts. 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK. 306-543-5052, Regina, SK. TOEPFER INT. CERTIFIED: Sadash, Unity VB, VesperVB, Waskada, Stettler w/Superb CERTIFIED CDC ORRIN. Berscheid Bros seed quality. 306-445-4022, 306-441-6699 Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. kb.berscheid@sasktel.net vicki@westerngrain.com N.Battleford, SK. TOEPFER INT. CERTIFIED seed available: CDC Meadow, CDC Striker, CDC Pluto, CDC Tetris. Dun CDC Dakota and common maple peas. Other varieties on request. Ph: 306-445-4022 or, 306-441-6699, N.Battleford, SK. email: vicki@westerngrain.com

TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse CERT. CDC Meadow, CDC Tucker yellow pea, Cert. Granger austrian winter pea. 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. Good germs, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., gsorgard@gmail.com 306-399-0040 CERT. ULTIMA spring triticale, Cert. CDC Baler forage oats, Cert. CDC Cowboy bar- CERT. #1 CDC Meadow, CDC Prosper, ley, Cert. CDC Tucker peas. Can be blend- CDC Acer (Maple). Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, ed to your specification. Good germ, low SK., 306-873-5438 disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK. FOUNDATION CDC MEADOW peas. Mastin 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com Seeds, 403-556-2609, Sundre, AB.

Box 144, M edora , M B. R0M 1K0 Ph: 204-665-2384


A ls o Buying Tritica le Brow n & Yellow Fla x Yellow & M a ple Pea s Fa ba Bea ns & O rga nic G ra ins Fa rm Picku p Av a ila ble CG C Licensed a nd Bonded Ca ll Ca l V a nda ele the “Rye G uy” Toda y!

BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net

CERT. ANDANTE yellow mustard, Cert. Centennial brown, Cert. Cutlass oriental mustard. Treated or bare seed. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK. 306-399-0040, CERT. PRAIRIE GRANDE. Call Greenshields email: gsorgard@gmail.com Seeds Ltd. Semans, SK., 306-524-2155, CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336. of mustard for seed or processing. Color CERTIFIED #1 CDC SORREL. Fenton sorting available. Also looking for low g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. FOUNDATION RECONSTITUTED FLAX for sale, FP2141-12, 48 tons uncleaned, 7% BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties moisture, all tests good. 306-493-2534, of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. Delisle, SK. Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB.

Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.









1-877-250-5252 FARMERS, RANCHERS SEED PROCESSORS BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON - 1-888-522-6652 LETHBRIDGE - 1-888-516-8845

CONVENTIONAL and ROUNDUP READY corn seed. Call CanaMaize Seed Inc, 1-877-262-4046 or www.canamaize.com WANTED: FEED/ OFF-GRADE Pulses and tough, heated green oilseeds and also cereals. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297. BUYING: FEED GRAINS, all types of screenings, damaged canola. Quick payment. Call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at Wilde Bros. Ag Trading 1-877-752-0115 or 403-752-0115, Raymond, Alberta or email: wildebrosagtrading@gmail.com BARLEY WANTED: 48 lbs./ bu. or better. Delivery locations Eston and Viscount. Call Lee at 306-867-3046, 306-962-3992.

N ow B uyin g O a ts! AL L GRAD ES



WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY at Picture Butte, AB. is looking for feed barley. Call Roxanne at 1-800-710-8803. FOR SALE: 5000 bu. triticale or, 5000 bu. fall rye. Call: 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395 or, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK.

B uying Feed G rain B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7

John Su therla nd


Com petitive Ra tes


P ro m pt P a ym en t

D AV E K O EH N 4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0 L i nd en , AB


A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc.

NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, Dave Lea, or Vera Buziak at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Email: info@marketplacecommodities.com or phone: 1-866-512-1711.

WANTED: ALFALFA/GRASS hay, large round bales. We are interested in all qualities of hay delivered to Bethune, SK. 1-888-882-7803 Call 306-638-3051. SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, GRAIN MARKETING HEADQUARTERS. greenfeed, grass, and straw. Delivered. Buyers of all grains. On farm pricing. Quick Call 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. payment assured. Call Cory 306-842-2406. Double Z Ag Sales, Weyburn, SK. WHEAT OATS AND BARLEY straw, 3x4 $50/ton, will load, can deliver at exLACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buy- bales, ers and sellers of all types of feed grain tra cost. 306-771-4209, White City, SK. and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, SMALL SQUARE HAY bales for sale, $5 per bale. Phone: 306-237-9540, Arelee, SK. Nipawin, SK. G RA IN M A RKETIN G

Lacom be A B.

HAY WANTED for locations at Viscount, O u t l o o k a n d E s t o n , S K . C a l l L e e at 306-867-3046, 306-962-3992. HAY FOR SALE: 275- 2010 bales, $28; 1752011 bales, $38; 200- 2012 bales, $42. Feed tests available. Hauling can be arranged. Dallas 306-567-8606, Hanley, SK. 1500 ALFALFA CRESTED WHE AT net wrapped bales, no rain; Parting out JD 567 baler. Al 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK.


CUSTOM BALE HAULING 17 years experience. Call 306-567-7199, Kenaston, SK. Available at Magnum Fabricating & our dealers ALFALFA, ALFALFA/GRASS 5x6 hard core, old hay and new, priced accordingly, 2.5¢ w w w .m a g n u m fa brica tin g .com to 3.5¢/lb. Kindersley, SK. 306-463-3132, 306-460-7837. M AGN UM F ABR ICATIN G LTD . M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198 CUSTOM BALE HAULING with 2 trucks and t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. LET’S MAKE A deal. 88- 2012 hard core alfalfa/grass, no rain, 1200 lbs+, $28/bale; 185- 2011 5x6 hard core alfalfa/grass, TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, 1500 lbs, no rain, $35/bale. Need to sell. service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We 306-535-6593, Wynyard, SK. now carry electric chute openers for grain ALFALFA, ALFALFA/GRASS and grass, big trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. round bales, $60/ton, 2011 crop, feed test SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement available. Call 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, HAY WANTED: BUYING good quality 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK. mixed and straight alfalfa, small and large square bales, semi loads. 920-588-7230, bgbrickhay@yahoo.com Green Bay, WI. ROUND BALES of threshed Timothy hay, 2011 greenfeed round bales; 2011 and 2012 crop round bales wheat straw. Threshed mostly with JD rotary combine. Contact Fisher Farms 204-622-8800, cell 204-648-3038, george@fisherseeds.com Dauphin, MB. WANTED TO BUY straight alfalfa bales, rounds or squares, picked up or delivered to Ellinwood, Kansas. 620-786-0589.


M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712

Linden, AB

CERTIFIED #1 HYBRID and open-pollinated canola varieties at great prices. Fenton Seeds, 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. CERT. FOREMOST, Conventional canola, Canterra varieties. Contact Greenshields Seeds Ltd., Semans, SK., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336.


LARGE SQUARE 3x4 durum straw bales, WANTED: MILLING TRITICALE, winter or $15 per bale. 306-631-8854, Moose Jaw, spring type. Contact Norbert at Saskcan SK. Parent, 204-737-3002, St. Joseph, MB. 1200 ALFALFA net wrapped round bales, no rain, no weeds, 1500 lbs., exc. feed, $70/ton; 70 2nd cut, $110/ton. Feed analysis avail. 306-834-2960 Kerrobert SK SMALL SQUARE HAY bales, alfalfa/ brome RAM POWER SNARES, Conibear traps, /Timothy, good quality, sheltered, $2.50 fur handling equipment. For free catalogue email kdgordon@sasktel.net or call to $5.00. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. 306-862-4036, Nipawin, SK. LARGE QUANTITY of 1st and 2nd cut hay with feed tests. Call 306-232-7784, Brian TRAPPERS. PREMIUM quality lures and scents. Over 30 yrs. in the lure business. Roth, Rosthern, SK. All lures have been time proven on the traTRUCK MOUNT, bale picker mover, also pline to produce fur. Gilliland’s Lures and cattle and bale scales. 306-445-2111, Scents, 204-634-2425, Pierson, MB. www.eliasmfgltd.com North Battleford, SK. HAY AND EQUIPMENT HAULING: Offering hay and equipment hauling AB, SK, MB. 30 WHITETAIL DEER TAGS for wildlife Call for quote 780-872-0107, Kenaston, SK management zone #65, around East Trout ORGANIC ROUND FLAX straw bales, Lake in Northern Saskatchewan, $150,000 $30/bale OBO. 306-382-1299, Saskatoon, US. Contact gregdemakis@hotmail.com SK. wallace.hamm@pro-cert.org OUTFITTING CAMP FOR SALE, Zone 62: ROUND ALFALFA BROME/Timothy mixed 16 bear, 23 White-tailed deer, 8 moose bales, approx. 1250 lbs., $35/bale. Call: tags, 1 out-camp, incl. log cabins, pontoon 306-594-2342, Norquay, SK. boat, stands, diesel generator, etc. Locatin northern Sask. Serious inquiries only. STRAW, SMALL SQUARE wheat straw ed bales for sale. Moose Jaw, SK. Call 306-547-5524, Preeceville, SK. 306-631-7234, or l.g.knox@sasktel.net JD HARD CORE alfalfa or alfalfa/brome Timothy mix. Call 306-542-8382, Pelly, SK.

PHOSPHATE - GYPSUM - COMPOST. Delivered direct to your farm in truck load lots: phos and gyp OMRI approved for organic use. Contact: Bartzen Ag Supply Ltd. 306-242-4553 or email: lbartzen@shaw.ca

USED TIRES, 11x16, from $125; 18.4 x 38, from $950; 14.9x24, from $160 ; 16.9x24, from $690; 800/65R32, from $1,580; 30.5x32, from $1,380. Call 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com TRIPLE KIT, 20.8x42 radials from 1150 Versatile, spacers and hardware included, $7500. 306-224-4515, Windthorst, SK.

4 USED 30” TRACKS for STX Series Quadtrac. 306-231-9741 or 306-598-2118 eves., Annaheim, SK. OVER 1800 USED, some new construction and agricultural tires off parted machines. Cambrian Equipment Sales, 204-667-2867 or fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. LOOKING FOR BIN RUN HARVEST WANTED: 20.8X34 tractor tires. Phone 204-773-2868, Russell, MB. HRSW. Call 306-237-7726, Perdue, SK.

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U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.




2013 AG-VENTURE TOURS to Brazil, Argentina, Ireland and Kenya for farmers to learn more about agriculture. May be part- LIVE-IN NANNY ON large ranch, SW SK., ly tax deductible. rwthomas@start.ca Ph: provide care for 2 young children and 519-633-2390. www.rwthomastours.com housekeeping duties. 306-295-4138, Eastend, SK.

RURAL & CULTURAL TOURS Pa cific Co a s ta l Cru is e ~ M ay 2013 Uk ra in e/Ro m a n ia ~ M ay 2013 Au s tria /S w itzerla n d ~ June 2013 Irela n d ~ June 2013 W es tern Ca n a d a ~ June 2013 Ala s k a L a n d /Cru is e ~ August2013 Ava ila b le s o o n : Australia/N ew Zealand & South Am erica 2014 Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.

Se le ct Holida ys 1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a ys.co m

HELP WANTED FOR GENERAL FARM duties on mixed farm. Grain and/or cattle farm background an asset. Hourly wage dependent on experience. Send resume to: buggfarms@hotmail.com phone/fax 306-895-4601, Paynton, SK.

CENTRAL ALBERTA, COW/CALF operation requires exp. individual for operating and maintaining equipment and machinery. Mechanical ability and welding needed. Class 1 License and livestock exp. an asset, leadership and self-motivated. Great location and team to work with. Fax: 403-227-6938, Ph. 403-227-2594, InnisHELP WANTED ON DAIRY FARM, full- fail, AB. email: futureal@telusplanet.net or part-time, dairy and maintenance work. 306-493-8201, 306-493-7631 or fax: KOROVA FEEDERS at Acme, AB. is hiring 306-493-8212, Delisle, SK. general farm help. Excellent benefits and wages. Fax resume to: 403-546-4231.


Our progressive family grain farm at Gravelbourg, SK is seeking an individual with experience operating, maintaining and repairing modern farm equipment and support vehicles/machinery. They will have strong communication and time management skills, and be self motivated to work independently and as a team. Experience with GPS equipment/technology and a class 1 driver’s licence will be considered assets. Wage dependent on experience.

Call Myles 306-648-8337

GRANT FARMS is a progressive and innovative business located in NE Ontario. Crops grown include Canola, Soybeans, Wheat & Barley. We are looking for self-motivated, flexible, seasonal equipment operators for 2013 crop season. All equipment is late model Case IH w/current AFS systems. Duties include operating and basic maintenance of tractors, swathers combines and SP sprayers, familiarity operating equipment and implements w/GPS and auto-guidance systems an asset. Accommodation provided for full period of employment. Please forward resume to: farms@thegrantfarms.com

or email resume w/ references to:

RANCH COWBOSS, permanent full-time position at Chutter Ranch Ltd., near Merritt, BC required. Responsible for 900 cow herd, calving and grasslands. Includes housing and dental benefits. Experience with cattle, horses and range management necessary. Start at $3000/month. For more info send resume to fax: 250-378-4956, email: info@ranchland.ca or mail Box 2509, Merritt, BC. V1K 1B8.


We’ve got ‘em all. New, used and retreads. Call us, you’ll be glad you did!


1-877-814-8473. Winnipeg, MB.

Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM. NEED SET OF TRACTOR TIRES? New, 520/85R42, Alliance Farm Pro, tubeless, set of 4 radials for $7,850. We take trades. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

NEW SRS CRISAFULLI PTO water pumps. Available in 8”, 12”, 16” and 24”, PTO, elec. or engine driven available. These pumps can move up to 18,000 GPM. We have 16” PTO 15,000 GPM in stock, ready to deliver. For more information call your SK dealer T.J. Markusson Agro Ltd. Foam Lake, SK. 306-272-4545 or 306-272-7225 See www.crisafullipumps.com

ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED Pure Water. Guarantee 99% pure no salts, chemicals, WANTED: CIH SERIES 9300 QUADTRAC or chlorine. 306-867-9461, BC, AB, MB, SK. t r a c k s a ny c o n d i t i o n ! P h o n e J o h n 204-825-2715, Pilot Mound, MB.

DRILL STEMS 2” and 3” for sale. Contact Jack 204-841-4045, Neepawa, MB.

COMBINE DUAL KITS, IN STOCK JD STS kit w/ new 20.8-42 tires, $16,880; JD 94009600/10/CTS/CTS II kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires, $11,880; CIH 1680-2588 kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires, $13,900; CIH 8120 kit w/ 20.8 x 42 tires, $17,800; Clamp-on duals w/ new 18.4-38 tires, $4,300. Trade in your single for duals. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

STAUBER DRILLING INC. Environmental, Geotechnical, Geothermal, Water well drilling and servicing. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211 info@stauberdrilling.com

DOMINION DRILLING, 5” water wells, will be gravel packed, e-logged and screened. 25 yrs. experience drilling in SK. Also water well witching, well rehabilitation, well deccommitioning and geotechnical drillT R U C K L O A D J U S T A R R I V E D. U s e d ing. Email: dominiondrilling@hotmail.com 11R22.5, $75 and up; used 11R24.5, $90 call: 306-874-5559, cell: 306-874-7653 or and up, w/rims add $50. Also available fax: 306-874-2451, Pleasantdale, SK. 10R20’s and 11R20’s. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK.

KENT-MOORE HD ENGINE COUNTER b o re c u t t i n g t o o l , $2800 OBO. 204-648-7136, Ashville, MB. 50 TON SCOTCHMAN IRONWORKER, 5 ye a r s o l d , $ 7 0 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 2 4 0 8 o r 306-367-4306, Middle Lake, SK.

LISKE TRAVEL LTD., Wetaskiwin, AB. Come and join us Jan 31- Feb 17/2013, 18 days on a once in a lifetime Wildlife Safari in Kenya and Tanzania plus a 3 night stay on the Tropical Island of Zanzibar. In 27 yrs. of touring world wide, this is our ultimate.Tour cost- $5869 pp plus taxes. Limited space. Call quickly! Call for air quote 1-888-627-2779. May use air miles. See our website: www.lisketravel.com

W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s

PARTS PERSO N . Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).



CARETAKER FARMHAND required for a hobby farm w/small cow/calf operation in Penticton area of BC’s Okanagan Valley. On site modern home available. Ideal for semi-retired couple with farm background. Send resume to: Box 5005, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4.

To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o


S pe c ia lize s in G ra in Ha n d lin g S ys te m s , c o n s tru c tio n , m a in te n a n c e , re n o va tio n s a n d re pa irs .


IRELAND’S CHARM AND Heritage Tour, July 9-23, 2013. $300 early booking discount before Jan. 31st. Call Louise at L.A. Tours Inc., 306-749-3521, Birch Hills, SK. www.latours.ca email: latours@sasktel.net

W e c u rre n tly ha ve fu lltim e jo b o ppo rtu n itie s fo r pro je c ts in va rio u s lo c a tio n s w ithin Alb e rta a n d S a s ka tc he w a n . Expe rie n c e in gra in c le a n in g/ha n d lin g e qu ipm e n tis a n a s s e t. W e o ffe r a c o m pe titive c o m pe n s a tio n pa c ka ge ; w a ge s w ill b e d e pe n d e n to n e xpe rie n c e .

CANADA - CUBA FARMER TOURS. 15th year. Feb. 4th to 18th. All inclusive. Deductible. 7 nights 5 star, 7 nights country hotels, 3 days Varadero, 8 day farm tour, 3 days Havana. Max 28. Farmers and family members only. $3200 Cdn/person - 2 sharing plus air. www.wendyholm.com 604-947-2893 escorted by Cdn. Agrologist Wendy Holm, wendy@wendyholm.com

Plea se forw a rd a ll resum es to: P RO B UILT S OLUTIONS #168 118 70 - 88 Ave n u e Fo rtS a s ka tc he w a n , Alb e rta Fa x: 780-997-0217 Em a il: jla ke @ pro b u ilts o lu tio n s .c a

PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. is a Sask. based manufacturer of livestock handling and feeding equipment located at Central Butte, SK. We presently have an opening for a permanent full-time General Labourer/ Welder. Previous welding shop experience an asset, but not essential as we will train. Valid driver’s license required, salary negotiable based on experience. We are looking for self-motivated individuals willing to work within a team environment. To apply please email your resume to ple@sasktel.net or fax to 306-796-4909, Attn: Jim McGillivray.

Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. BALLCO FEEDERS, near Brant, AB is seeking experienced Pen Checkers, and a Feed Truck Driver/Mill Operator. Experience is preferred, however training may be provided to the right applicant. Modern facilities and equipment, competitive wages and benefits provided. Housing available. fax: 403-684-3345, email: mike@ballco.ca WANTED FULL-TIME Milker/Herdsperson on dairy farm near Warman, SK. Call 306-249-4435 or fax 306-384-5726.

SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties incl. operation of machinery, including tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experi- LOOKING FOR PEN checkers, general feede n c e . C o n t a c t W a d e F e l a n d a t lot and farm worker near Three Hills, AB. 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. Please fax resume to 403-546-3949 or call 403-312-7154, Swalwell, AB. FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on mixed farm operation, Innisfail (central AB). AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER House and utilities included. Scheduled wanted. M1, M2 and structural experience WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to time off. 403-357-8487 or 403-227-6667. required. 306-773-8944, Swift Current, SK. run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke SOUTHERN BC cow/calf feedlot operation GREENHOUSE WORKERS WANTED: 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. needs full-time experienced cowboy. Sin- Seasonal full-time positions. Feb. to Sept., Regina, SK. Minimum of 1-2 yrs. experiBROADACRE: LARGE GRAIN farm located gle person accommodations, can make ar- ence required, must have working knowlin Abernethy, Torquay and Grand Coulee rangements for family, hourly wage and edge of greenhouse or nursery plant proSK. is seeking seasonal experienced farm benefits. Duties include calving, pasture duction. Must be able to work in a team equipment operators. Farm experience es- doctoring, moving cattle on large ranges, setting as well as independently, must sential, driver’s required and class 1A an fencing, shoeing and starting colts. Fax have good oral communications in English, asset. Fax resume to 306-382-3337, email: resume to 250-545-7588, Coldstream, BC. must be able to work evenings and weekor email to ebapty@hotmail.com careers@broadacre.ca, visit broadacre.ca ends. Job includes heavy lifting, constant KOROVA FEEDERS at Acme, AB. is seek- BEEKEEPER HELPER for 2013 season. bending, pricing, cleaning and other ing skilled agricultural workers, must have Must have no bee sting allergies, valid greenhouse duties in various temperature a minimum of 10 yrs. exp. with livestock driver’s license, and be physically fit. Email and weather conditions. $12.00/hr. Send and be proficient in computer record keep- resume and references: janeil@sasktel.net resumes to: tim@dutchgrowers.net ing. $17.50/hr., excellent benefits. Fax re- Ph/fax Neil 306-967-2841, Eatonia, SK. LINCOLN GARDENS in Lumsden, SK., is sume to 403-546-4231. seeking seasonal full time vegetable farm LARGE MIXED FARM looking for motivated labourers for field work. Must have valid ESTABLISHED AG RETAIL centre in S. AB. fulltime employee. Experience w/livestock seeking F/T sprayer operator and mainte- and machinery necessary. 780-376-2241, drivers license. Duties include planting, weeding and harvesting vegetable crops, nance helper; also seeking 6- spring em- www.rawesranches.com Strome, AB. also moving hand held irrigation pipes. ployees to deliver NH3 and dry fertilizer. Must be able to work weekends and be Email: cneustaeter@parheim.com or call LOOKING FOR PROMOTION? F/T farm opphysically fit. Wage rate is $10/hr. Send Cornelius 403-534-3961, Mossleigh, AB. erations foreman required on large grain resume with references to: PO Box 750 BARRICH FARMS LTD. the largest, most farm near Regina. Competitive salary, Lumsden SK, S0G 3C0 Attn Wayne Gienow modern potato operation in Sask. is hiring benefits, bonus plan and housing available. AGRICULTURAL COLLATERAL INSPECan agricultural mechanic. Salary nego- Email: farmacres2@gmail.com Pense, SK. TION and Appraisals. Ag background retiable depending on experience and/or quired. Training course available. Call qualifications. Email resume to: 1-800-488-7570, Twin Falls, ID or visit b.akins@truenorthseed.com or call us at: www.amagappraisers.com 306-867-9233, Outlook, SK. MOBILE HOME PARK MANAGER wanted PERMANENT FULL-TIME employee wanted in Kelowna, BC. Perfect for a couple who GARDEN LABOURER WANTED for 2013 for grain farm at Milden, SK. Farm experi- want to retire in the beautiful Okanagan. season, May to October, $11/hr. Call Keith ence, and Class 1A. Competitive, nego- Please send resume to: Bresmore Ent., 398 at 306-865-2103, Hudson Bay, SK. or km.neu@sasktel.net tiable wage. Fax resume: 306-935-2201, Braeloch Rd., Kelowna, BC. V1W 4J2. ph Graham 306-935-4523, 306-831-7514. RM OF GLEN BAIN NO. 105 is accepting FULL-TIME HELP ON grain farm, 30 miles applications for the following positions: S o u t h o f R e g i n a , S K , at M i l e s t o n e . MOTOR GRADER OPERATOR: Seasonal 306-436-4418 or 306-436-2053. with the possibility of the position becoming permanent full-time (year round). DuPOSITION AVAILABLE FOR full-time or Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g ties include operating patrol and may insemi-retired person, NS. Housing providclude tractor/mower operation, utility a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts ed. Grain/cow operation located Rosedale, work and other duties as directed by the c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te AB. Assets: Class 1 and cattle experience. foreman and/or council. SEASONAL Email resume to: rmx1@netago.ca Phone m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts MOWER OPERATOR: Duties include trac403-823-9977. tor/mower operation, utility work, pestia n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . cide application and other duties as directFARM WORK OR HELP? We can help by ed by the foreman and/or council. Duties W e a re looking for matching you to your next job or finding for both positions commence in May and your next employee. Call Tony at Ag Emrequire a valid driver’s license. Submit ployment at 403-732-4295 or fax resume written application stating experience, exto: 403-732-4290. For website or info pected salary and three work related referemail us at: tonykarenk@hotmail.com ences by: 4:00 PM, January 11, 2013 to: RM of Glen Bain No. 105, Box 39, Glen MIXED GRAIN FARM in south central SK., Bain, SK. S0N 0X0. Phone: 306-264-3607, looking for F/T position, accom. avail. (4 va ca n cies ) Fax: 306-264-3956. We thank all appli306-436-4511, 306-436-7703, Milestone. cants, however, only those candidates sePerm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs WORKER REQUIRED from January 15 to p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. lected for an interview will be contacted. March 30, 2013. Help calve out cows, etc. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Room/board supplied. Call 306-839-4450, Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. Pierceland, SK.


NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply, $558. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com


DAIRY, BEEF, CROP, sheep, swine, horticultural jobs available! Europe, Britain, Japan, Australia and New Zealand placements open for 2013. AgriVenture invites applicants 18-30 yrs. old for 4-12 month p r o g r a m s . w w w. a g r i v e n t u r e . c o m 1-888-598-4415. Canadian farmers may apply for overseas trainees. RM of MAPLE BUSH #224, now accepting applications for a seasonal w/possibility of full-time Grader Operator/Maintenance worker. Duties to commence Apr. 1, 2013. Applications marked Grader Operator will be received in confidence until 4:00 PM, Mon, Jan. 14, 2013. Please list experience and salary expectations. For more detail call 306-353-2292. Mail resume to: Box 160, Riverhurst, SK S0H 3P0. Email to: rm224@xplornet.com Fax 306-353-2293. FULL-TIME FLEET Maintenance Mechanic required for a fleet of 9 trucks and trailers in East Central AB. Mechanics license not required but an asset. Wage is negotiable depending on experience. 403-578-8167, Fax resume to: 403-575-2659 or email to: gentank@veterancable.net

REQUIRES: 5 Service Rig Derrick-hands and 12 Service Rig floor-hands for work in the Lloydminster SK/AB area immediately. Wages are $29.50/hr and up for derrick-hands and $27.00 and up for floor-hands, depending on experience. Experience is an asset but will train suitable applicants. Group benefits and training/ safety bonuses available. Drug and alcohol screening tests are conducted.

Please fax: 780-871-6908 or Email resumes to: royalwel@telus.net

PRUDHOMME INTERNATIONAL INC. We are a Sask. based Global Recruiting company specializing in skilled trades and truck drivers. Trades include but not limited to welders, mechanics, painters, autobody mechanics, heavy equipment operat o r s , e t c . C a l l u s fo r m o r e d e t a i l s 306-347-2545, Regina, SK.


M onad Industrial Constructors Inc. N ow g: in H ir

Jou rn eym a n & Appren tice Skilled Tra d esperson s w ith in d u stria l con stru ction experien ce. Job site n ea r V a n scoy,SK .

• M ILLW R IG H TS • SCAFFO LD ER S • P IP EFITTER S All wages depend on • CAR P EN TER S • SKILLED LABO U R ER S experience. 1 4 /7 shiftrota tion . Tra vel a n d livin g a llow a n ce provided to those tha t q u a lify. M on a d offers top w a g es,pa id ben efits,RRSP's a n d Reten tion ($2/hr.)a n d Com pletion ($2/hr.); Bon u s (Tota l ($4 /hr.) The su ccessfu l ca n dida tes m u st ha ve CSTS 09 a n d com plete a pre-a ccess D & A test. Apply w ith resu m e

In perso n : 9744 - 45th Ave Ed m on ton AB T6E 5C5 o rF a x : 1 -888-398-0725 | Em a il: job s@ m on a d .ca Attn : M on a d R ecr u itin g Tea m


JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC required immediately. Electrical and diesel experience would be an asset. Benefits after 3 mos. Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. Rainbow Automotive in Grande Prairie, AB. Apply in person at 10122-124 Ave. ask for Wayne or Philip. No phone calls please. Apply by email to wayne@rainbowautomotive.ca

SASKATOON HOTSHOT TRANSPORTER is hiring power units w/wo stepdecks 3/4 and 1 tons, for RV and Freight hauling throughout Canada and the U.S. Year round work, lots of miles and home time, fuel subsidies, benefits, excellent earnings. 306-653-8675, Saskatoon, SK. Website www.saskatoonhotshot.com ROADEX SERVICES REQUIRES Owner Operator 1 tons for our RV division and Owner Operator semis and drivers for our RV and general freight deck division, to haul throughout N. America. Paid by direct deposit, benefits and company fuel cards. Border crossings required with valid passport and clean criminal record. Go to w w w. r o a d e x s e r v i c e s . c o m or call 1-800-867-6233, Saskatoon, SK.

PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY, Picture Butte, AB. are now accepting resumes for the position of long haul truck drivers. Applicants need to have a farming background w/cattle hauling experience and a minimum of 2 yrs. Class 1 driving. Please call Steve Richards at 403-732-5641 or fax resumes to 403-732-4856, or email bgm7@telus.net

Super-B Bulk Drivers We are currently looking for COMPANY DRIVERS & OWNER OPERATORS. Working in our Ray’s Transport Fleet, these drivers will be hauling grain, fertilizer and livestock feed throughout the Sask, Manitoba and Alberta. This position offers a very busy, year-round employment opportunity! All applicants must have a valid Class 1A license with a clean driver abstract. All applicants must also have at least 2 years driving experience with past SuperB grain / fertilizer being a definite asset. If you are interested in these opportunities, you can contact Eddy at 306-651-4837 for more information OR Apply by sending resume (along with references) to: hr@qlinetrucking.com or fax 306-242-9470 Now you can apply online at Qlinetrucking.com CLASS 1 TO HAUL hogs and cattle, top wages, paid extras, bonuses, benefits. Home most weekends, some Sunday work. Drug test and USA. Phone 403-328-8473 or, fax 403-329-3968 or, email us at igallais@la.shockware.com Lethbridge, AB

WATER HAULERS WANTED for building ice roads in northern AB. Class 3A, all tickets and driver’s abstract required. Please phone 306-287-8140.

SE ASONAL AND /OR F UL L TIM E TANK TR UCK OP E R ATOR S Tidy Trucking Ltd.requires qualified Class 1 operators for the w inter season.Experience in the Peace Region trucking industry is an asset,but not necessary,on the job training w illbe provided. A ccom m odations are negotiable. Com petitive w ages and benefits offered. Successfulapplicants m ust have up-to-date safety tickets and safety gear.O nly applicants selected for an interview w illbe contacted. Please fax or email resume to: Attn: Trapper Wolsey Fort St.John,B C B ranch tidytrucking@ xplornet.com Fax #: (250)785-7516 A nd/O r A ttn:Rod Young Drayton Valley,A B B ranch ryoung@ tidytrucking.com Fax #: (780)542-7155 No phone calls please WANTED: FULL-TIME TRUCK driver to haul cattle, grain and bales. Must also be willing to operate farm equip. on a seasonal basis. Contact Lee at Primrose Livestock. Email lthansen@xplornet.com or call cell 306-867-3046, Eston, SK.

SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediately requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks/ tractors, and Company Drivers; Also require 1 driver with 5L or Class 1 license for operating a haul and tow. Transporting NOW HIRING CLASS 1 licensed drivers, RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. Clean includes incentive pkg. 403-946-5629 ask abstract required. Competitive rates. Fuel for Greg, Crossfield, AB. surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733.


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ABOVE: Keith Atwood of D & B Leslie Trucking starts the paperwork for the day’s milk pickup at 5:30 a.m.while sitting at the wheel of a Peterbilt. It is one of the laterstarting routes. Picking up milk tends to be an early morning business. LEFT: Dawn breaks as Atwood parks at his third dairy of the day, this one near Picture Butte, Alta. A DAY IN THE LIFE | DAIRY TRUCKING


The constellation Orion is bright in the southern sky as Keith Atwood pulls a tanker truck up to the dairy barn at Albion Ridge Hutterite Colony near Picture Butte, Alta. At 5:30 a.m., he has one of the later starting shifts that today will collect milk from nine southern Alberta dairies. Atwood has already prepared the first pages of myriad paperwork required to track milk amount, quality, location, collection and delivery. There are no lights, no people and no cows in sight at Albion Ridge, though smells reveal the cows are standing somewhere nearby, chewing their cuds in the dark. The colony has yet to come awake for the day. Atwood unwinds the milk collection hose, plugs it into an electrical outlet and prepares to start pumping from an 11,000-litre tank in the colony’s immaculate dairy anteroom. Outside, the behemoth 39-foot trailer and new Peterbilt tractor are lit by moonlight, their motors rumbling smoothly. Inside, Atwood tests the level in the tank, calculates the number of litres, agitates the contents and takes a milk sample. He carefully hoses off mud tracked into the room from the puddle-pocked yard. He is methodical. With two and half years of hauling milk for D & B Leslie Trucking and another 18 years of long haul trucking with other companies, he’s comfortable driving the back roads and carrying milk from dairies to Alberta Milk customers. He loves his job. “I’ve spent too many years sleeping in a sleeper,” he says, indicating the bunk in his truck. “This way, I get to sleep in my own bed every night.” Atwood is the swing driver for D & B’s three milk trucks in the Lethbridge area, sharing shifts with two other drivers. The firm has 12 trucks running in Alberta and is one of several milk truck firms operating in the south. Truckers for firms contracted by Alberta Milk travel almost seven mil-

lion kilometres per year. The 56 milk tankers plying the province’s highways and byways collect and deliver 677.6 million litres of milk every year. Mike Southwood, general manager for Alberta Milk, says the bulk haulers are crucial links in the supply chain. “Producers don’t get (the milk) off their farm without those people,” he said. “More importantly, because that’s their livelihood, is getting that milk from their bulk tank to the right processor.” However, the drivers’ most important job isn’t driving at all. Instead, it’s the role they play in milk sampling and grading. “We see them as bulk milk graders first and foremost and then milk truck haulers second.” Back at the dairy farm, the pump emits a signature rumble that indicates the tank is dry. Atwood winds up the hose and electrical cord and stows the milk sample in a cooler. It will later be sent to the central milk testing lab in Edmonton, which will examine each sample for quality as well as butterfat and protein content. Producers are paid based on the milk’s components, so proper sampling and sample integrity are crucial. Atwood climbs back into the truck cab, but only after first removing his boots. The truck is new and the cleanliness expectations for anything to do with milk are high. Atwood and his milk truck brethren are more than truck drivers with the requisite Class 1 licences. They also carry provincially regulated bulk milk grader licences, obtained after they pass a written test, barn test and on-the-job training. The milk haulers are thus authorized to sample milk at each dairy and ensure it meets specifications for temperature, smell and visual cleanliness. They can reject milk if they find it wanting. “If somebody screws up, somebody’s got to pay for that milk,” says Atwood matter-of-factly. Milk from several dairies is combined in the tanker, which has only two compartments. If a milk sample tests positive for antibiotics or high

bacteria count, the owner of the dairy will have to pay for the entire portion of the load. Five hundred litres of milk can be worth $4,000. This isn’t a business of small change. Legal requirements Atwood guides the truck back onto the gravel road en route to the next dairy on his schedule. Milk must be picked up from each dairy, by law, every second day. That’s why milk trucks run in all kinds of weather. “We don’t figure out if we’re going to go. We figure out how we’re going to go,” says Atwood about winter driving. He recalls blizzards in which his boss, Doug Leslie, has driven his pick-up truck ahead of the milk trucks in his fleet to guide them down nearly invisible, snow-covered roads. Asked about this later, Leslie says he has a good network of farmers who will plow roads to ensure the trucks get through. Some of them aren’t even his dairy customers but instead operate feedlots in this area of Alberta known as feedlot alley. Roads to farms are low priority for county snowplows, so those involved in milk transport must make their own way to keep the moo juice flowing. “When conditions are really bad, you can plow everything and open everything up and within an hour it’s all closed in again,” says Leslie. “Some of these back roads, it’s not uncommon to have six- or seven-foot drifts.” On the bright side, Atwood says he never has to go through a weigh scale on his run and milk trucks are seldom, if ever, checked when Alberta Transportation sets up portable scales to check trucks. They also get a break on road bans because the milk has to be moved. Atwood sips from a “go” mug as he shifts the gears that bring the Peterbilt up to speed. “I haven’t drunk a glass of milk in 10 years,” he says in answer to a query.

“It’s something about the texture. I don’t like the way it feels in my mouth.” He is, however, a big fan of cheese and yogurt. At the next stop, Vanden Dool Farms, milking is already done for the morning, though its barely after 6. A blaring radio and the sound of whistling and wash water greet Atwood as he goes through the routine of collecting milk from another large, shiny tank. This time he loads up the two-day production of 175 cows, which is more than 10,000 litres. A glance into the milking parlour shows freshly scrubbed apparatus. Again, there are

no cows to be seen. Next stop, Favour Holsteins. “This is one of the nicest farms I go to,” says Atwood. “Always nice and clean.” A dog wearing a cone, obviously skittish from recent misfortune, eyes visitors warily outside the dairy. Inside, Eric Vander Veen says a quick hello before continuing his chores. The truck leaves the farm with another 8,753 litres. The push of the liquid can be felt as the truck slows to a halt at rural stop signs. Atwood comments on the ubiquitous farm dog phenomenon. He says another driver carries dog treats in his pocket for the many farm dogs he encounters.

TOP: A barn cat is rewarded for its wait with spilled milk from the tank at J & N Dairy. ABOVE LEFT: A milk sample is collected at every dairy. It will be used to monitor quality and calculate payments for dairy producers based on butterfat and protein content. ABOVE RIGHT: A poster on the dairy wall outlines the attributes of quality milk. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS




LEFT: Keith Atwood detaches the hose from the milk tank after loading two days worth of milk production onto the truck. ABOVE: Post-milking cleanup is underway at Vanden Dool Farms when the milk truck arrives.

However, Atwood muses that the dogs are always disappointed when he shows up without treats. “Oh well,” he shrugs. It’s kittens we encounter at the Zmurchyk Dairy. They’re playing around the feet of Terry Cunningham, who is here to calibrate the dairy’s new milk tank. Cunningham operates International Dairy Calibrations. He takes exacting measurements of the tank and creates a chart that correlates markings on the tank dipstick with the volume inside. Milk tanks are like people, he explains. Over time, they get fatter in the middle and their volumes change. It will take Cunningham about four hours to calibrate this tank. All dairy tanks must be calibrated every five years, he says. Atwood loads 1,300 litres, the production of about 40 cows. En route to the first milk drop-off of the day, at the Sunnyrose cheese plant in Diamond City, Alta., Atwood talks about the variety of dairy farms he sees. He likens them to city garages seen from back alleys, ranging from tidy to haphazard. “Over time, you see the ones that are more conscientious, just by the way they treat their farms,” he says. “The best

ones seem to be multi-generational.” The cheese plant, operated by Quebec-based Agropur, refuses entry to a visitor. A reporter with a camera is not welcome despite explanations about a story focus on dairy trucking rather than cheese making. Three milk truck drivers, who are standing outside, where they will wait several hours to unload in the plant’s single deliver y bay, are amused but unsurprised by the ban. They tell tales of regulations on hair nets, beard nets, earrings and safety glasses that seem to change daily and are inconsistently applied. Beneath their criticism lies frustration at the waiting times at this plant, which takes about a quarter million litres of milk daily since it underwent a major expansion several years ago. Two trucks operated by L.J. Mullen sit in a row behind a D & B Leslie truck, while a fourth one unloads. Each truck takes more than an hour to unload and clean its tank before moving onto other dairy pick-ups. By late morning, things are buzzing at the Gerlen dairy. Someone is feeding cattle, someone is delivering dairy supplies and a friendly, fluffy dog supervises the whole thing. With another 6,870 litres aboard, Atwood moves onto Woolywind Dairies, where employees for owner

Bernie Vander Wekken milk 57 cows. It’s a tight little yard with puddles that show every sign of being a major challenge for a large truck to negotiate, especially when forecasted snowfall arrives. Inside, Jared Timmerman is busy preparing a foot bath for the cows, which they’ll walk through to preserve foot health once they leave the milking parlour. Atwood loads 3,397 litres. The milk hose gets muddy from sitting in a

45,000 litres OF MILK ARE COLLECTED IN AN 11-HOUR DAY puddle between truck and doorway. He isn’t pleased. He wonders aloud about the absence of gravel. Over at Marylander Holsteins, Tim Hummel is taking best advantage of the annual Take Your Kid to Work Day by getting several youths to hammer plywood back onto the walls of the milking parlour. The cows started eating the batting insulation, Hummel says, so he ripped out the rest and got new sprayon insulation today. It’s just before a storm is expected and he is happy the

work will be done ahead of it. While checking previous pick-up amounts at Marylander, Atwood spots a major difference in today’s milk total versus that of two days ago. He asks Hummel about it, to ensure nothing is amiss. It turns out to be a result of the recent change to daylight savings time. One hour can make a difference when it comes to milking cows. So another 4,578 litres go on the truck. At the Peter Klok dairy, Atwood talks about the camaraderie shared by milk truck drivers. “We’re kind of a fraternity,” he says. “It’s different from just being a truck driver. We are held to a higher standard.” Shabby clothes are frowned upon, as is unkempt or overly long hair. Trucks and trailers are subject to random surprise inspections by provincial government regulators, including the interior cabs. Most milk tr uck dr ivers have many years of experience. Atwood admits the job isn’t difficult, except when it is. “Well, 345 days of the year, experience doesn’t matter. The other 20 days, with rain, snow, drifts and whatever, that’s where the experience comes in.” Another 5,595 litres are collected and the truck heads to the last pickup of the day, at Jim Vandenburgh’s

operation, J & N Dairy. A barn cat crouches under the milk tank, waiting for the gush of milk that escapes when the hose is detached. Atwood wonders about a much more friendly cat that used to frequent the place. “Maybe he got friendly with the wrong person,” he says, as he loads up 4,988 litres. The cat gets its small portion, too. Back at Sunnyrose for unloading, plant managers will still not yield entry to a visitor, who must wait outside while flakes of snow twirl on a chill wind. Milk trucker Galen Bourgoin offers his truck cab as a warm refuge. He too likes his work and tells stories of snowstorms, grandchildren and fishing in his native Quebec. Atwood and his truck eventually emerge from the unloading bay. He’s nearing the end of his shift now and is headed back to home base. He fills out the final paperwork. Tomorrow, he plans to start earlier because roads will be bad if the snowstorm forecast is true. A 5:30 start might not allow him to reach all farms on schedule. He turns off the key in the Peterbilt and the engine rumbles to a halt. It’s 11 hours and about 45,000 litres of milk later — another day on the milk run.






Farm groups miffed by lack of consultation on policy changes

Garth Patterson eager to take on new c

Ag programs shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all, says APAS BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Farm organizations feel they were largely left out of the discussion about Growing Forward 2, and Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said that must change. He told the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan annual meeting in December that consultation with farm groups took place 18 months before the principles of the agreement were established. “But something happened along the way,” he said. “It became government to government. We never did get a chance to engage.” Bonnett said the decision to spend $430 million less on business risk management programming is not something farmers would have recommended. For example, they wanted increased contributions to AgriInvest rather than a reduction in matched contributions. Cuts to AgriStability could have serious ramifications, he said. “What is the backstop if things go wrong?” Bonnett said governments would have asked organizations for help in meeting their budget restrictions if they were serious about properly consulting farmers, rather than imposing cuts. “We’ve got to get back to the point where people recognize this is a partnership,” he said. APAS vice-president Arlynn Kurtz asked when agricultural policy will move away from one-size-fits-all programs, which don’t work across the country. He said Growing Forward 3 should provide the provinces with certain allotments and allow them to decide how to use the money. Saskatchewan could then develop a stronger, comprehensive crop insurance program, he added. “We could throw all these other programs in the bush,” he told the meeting. Bonnett said that would be a return to the former companion programs of previous agricultural policy frameworks and agreed it’s time to start discussing the next agreement. He said governments must develop a system to monitor the impacts of the recent changes to AgriInvest and AgriStability.

Western Grains Research Foundation | New chair wants to bring industry together to ‘think western Canadian, BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The pulse industry wouldn’t be where it is today without the contributions of the first full-time employee of Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, says a former chair of the organization. That is a sentiment shared by many in the industry, who credit former SPG executive director Garth Patterson for playing a key role in important initiatives such as designing and implementing an innovative crop breeding arrangement with the University of Saskatchewan’s Crop Development Centre, paving the way for Clearfield lentils and establishing Pulse Canada. “Garth was behind all of those initiatives, and I think he was very effective,” said Jim Moen, former SPG chair and current director of the organization. “Garth’s contribution was substantial and very meaningful.” Patterson was born in Melfort, Sask., in 1958 and lived in Melfort, Naicam, Sask., Prince Albert, Sask., and Saskatoon, where he got his master’s degree in agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan. He wasn’t a farm boy, but he spent his summers working on his uncle’s farm in Milestone, Sask.

I’m not threatened by change. I like to look for the opportunity in change. In fact, I feel a bit stale if there isn’t opportunity and growth and change. GARTH PATTERSON NEW WESTERN GRAINS RESEARCH FOUNDATION CHAIR

“That is where I got my love of agriculture,” he said. Patterson’s career included stints as a research agronomist at Agdevco and Cyanamid and a regional soil conservationist at the Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association before he started at SPG in 1995. “I was their first formal full-time official employee. I did it all initially, and then we grew from there,” he said. By the time Patterson left the organization in 2011, SPG had 14 employees and an annual budget of $13 million, up from $500,000 when he started. Patterson refuses to take credit for any of SPG’s achievements, insisting it was a team effort involving staff, researchers, private industry and visionary board members.

However, a former co-worker said Patterson was the grease that made everything run smoothly and provided the sustained energy and enthusiasm that drove projects to completion. “It’s his ability to listen. Garth listens,” said Kofi Agblor, managing director of the U of S’s Crop Development Centre and former research director at SPG. “If he hears an idea and he likes it, he’ll run off with it and he will pursue it. He will be relentless.” One of those ideas was an innovative long-term breeding agreement with the CDC, a five-year $6.2 million deal signed in 2006. Agblor said the proposal came from pea breeders Bert Vandenberg and Pierre Hucl. Patterson credited former SPG chair Garry Meier for championing the idea. However, Agblor said Patterson was instrumental in creating and implementing an agreement that has resulted in Saskatchewan producers adopting more than 80 new royaltyfree pulse crop varieties. He credits Patterson with forging a great working relationship between SPG and CDC. The same approach was used with SPG employees. “Probably his greatest asset is understanding that what he knows is limited and letting those who know


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what they know do what they do,” said Agblor. Patterson acknowledged the importance of building the relationship with the CDC. “Paper is only good if you have good relationships. There was hardly a week go by when there wasn’t some kind of interaction between staff and CDC.” Agblor said Patterson defended the agreement against critics who thought it squeezed private investment out of the pulse industry, and he was “unflinching” in pursuing renewal of the agreement. In 2010, the two parties signed another fiveyear deal worth $9.2 million. Patterson also played a key role in a partnership with CDC and BASF that led to the introduction of the world’s first herbicide tolerant lentil varieties. It was a complex agreement that resulted in a unique royalty-free Clearfield lentil with no technology fee. “It took seven years for that (negotiation) to get to the point that it came out commercial,” said Patterson. CDC Maxim, the first Clearfield variety released in 2006, now makes up 50 percent of red lentil acres. Twelve Clearfield varieties have been released, with at least one option in each lentil class.




hallenges to think collaborative’ Among highlights Patterson is proud of his role in establishing Pulse Canada in 1997. It was an initiative led by former SPG chair Lyle Minogue, but Patterson provided support and drafted the agreements that led to the formation of the national organization. He also highlights SPG’s communication program as an accomplishment. “It has generally been recognized as one of the stronger producer communication programs in Western Canada,” said Patterson. The program included international market and consumer communication, but the real focus was getting information to farmers and receiving their feedback. Under Patterson’s leadership, SPG launched its quarterly PulsePoint magazine and held up to 20 winter meetings every year, including Pulse Days in Saskatoon. “(It was) staying in touch with the grassroots, that were really the shareholders that are paying the checkoff,” he said. Moen said Patterson did a lot to build the pulse industry into what it is today, occupying five million acres of prairie soil annually. “There has been just tremendous growth during the period that Garth

Garth Patterson, executive director of the Western Grains Research Foundation, reflects on his contributions to the agriculture industry at his office in the Atrium building at Innovation Place in Saskatoon. | SEAN PRATT PHOTO was (executive director) of the pulse board,” he said. Patterson acknowledged that one of

his strengths is embracing challenges. “I think of myself as an agent of change,” he said. “I’m not threatened

by change. I like to look for the opportunity in change. In fact, I feel a bit stale if there isn’t opportunity and

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growth and change.” Patterson was becoming restless at SPG when he was headhunted by the Western Grains Research Foundation. He decided the time was right to take on a new challenge as executive director of the foundation. He liked the idea of “stepping into the big crop.” Wheat is planted on more acres than any crop in the world and Patterson wants to take it to the next level. He is excited about expanding the scope of his work to all of Western Canada, working with a $90 million endowment fund and devising a new role for the foundation in the changing landscape for wheat and barley. “There is a real opportunity for the Western Grains Research Foundation to bring people together, to think western Canadian, to think collaborative,” said Patterson. The WGRF will stop directly receiving wheat and barley check-off funds within the next five years. Patterson hopes the foundation can convince the newly forming provincial wheat and barley commissions and the councils that they may decide to create to work with the foundation. “We want to make WGRF almost the forum where producer organizations can come together to talk about and direct research on a western Canadian basis. I think that’s really what we can offer,” he said. “We see ourselves as being an organization that could execute and implement the directions set by the councils.”


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The Saskatchewan government has been urged to initiate a $1 billion water supply project in the southern part of the province. |



Farmers may get irrigation control

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Nine Saskatchewan districts | Ag minister says the districts could operate the projects more efficiently STORIES BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

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Nine Saskatchewan irrigation districts might inherit provincial irrigation works. Agriculture minister Lyle Stewart sent a letter to each district Nov. 20 suggesting they begin talking about what to do with pumping stations, canals, pipelines and other equipment. “We don’t necessarily want cash money for them, but we would like to get out of operating them through government employees,” he said in an interview. Stewart said the districts are already paying the operating costs but can probably take over the actual operation and be more efficient. “We think our role in irrigation at this stage of the game is in expansion, and supplying the water and some major works that are partly irrigation and partly domestic water and commercial water,” he said. The province would retain the M1 canal, which is the major supply canal from Lake Diefenbaker. Stewart said the works in question are in good condition for the most part. “There is one pipe facility that is suffering some premature failure and we’re making it clear to that irrigation district that we’ll certainly be around to help them with that because it’s just not living up to the life expectancy that everyone had hoped for it,” he said. There is no firm timeline in place for the transfers.


$1 billion water supply project proposed for Sask.




Irrigation to benefit | Project intended to improve water quality for Regina and Moose Jaw, but irrigation is also likely to expand as a result MOOSE JAW, Sask. — A proposed $1 billion water supply project from Lake Diefenbaker to Buffalo Pound Lake would generate far returns far greater than the investment, says a study delivered to the Saskatchewan government last month. Consultant Graham Parsons said government could expect economic returns of 20 times the cost of a canal for at least 50 years, although canals last much longer than that. “The fiscal returns to government are well above any investment a government might make in this project, well above,” he told the Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects Association conference in early December. Agriculture minister Lyle Stewart said the report showed the project is feasible, but it would be up to cabinet to decide if and when to proceed. “There’s lots to consider,” he said in an interview. “It’s a huge project and a very expensive one as well, but it gives water security to the cities of Regina and Moose Jaw and the industrial corridor, and with lots of opportunities for expansion.” Parsons suggested government might want to decide sooner rather than later. “The clock is ticking and it is necessary to take decisions on water supply in this part of the world sooner rather than later,” he said in an interview. This is not the first study to suggest the project is feasible and necessary. The Upper Qu’Appelle Water Supply Project has been discussed for years as a way to improve water supply and quality for the two major cities south of Lake Diefenbaker. The existing 30 kilometre manmade canal and 70 km of natural channel that moves water from one lake to the other are not in good shape. The new conveyance would be larger and use pumping stations to move the water more efficiently through man-made canals. It would supply the increasing needs of nearby potash mines, fertilizer plants and other industrial users, and at some point a small hydroelectric generating station could be added to capture energy from water dropping into Buffalo Pound. It could also result in agricultural irrigation of up to 135,000 acres, according to some studies. Parsons used a minimum 110,000 acres to examine the project’s economic benefits. He said the plan when Lake Diefenbaker and the Gardiner Dam were first built was for the reservoir to be a “strong water heart” that would distribute water in all directions. Distribution south of the lake was never fully developed. Plans were drawn up in the 1980s that included an upland canal, but again the work wasn’t done. Various

projects have been undertaken over the years to address specific concerns, such as a charcoal filtration plant. “We’ve taken a lot of stop gap measures through the years to try to address water quality or to try and address water supply,” Parsons said. “A canal represents a part of a solution that wouldn’t just last five years or 10 years. It’s something that’s going to last for, maybe, ever.” After all, he said, Roman canals have lasted thousands of years and the works in southern Alberta are 100 years old. Maintenance and rehabilitation will always be required, he added, but the large capital cost is spent only once. “While $1 billion for a conveyance seems expensive today, I’m willing to bet that 40 years on it’ll probably be $5 billion.” Proceeding soon fits with the province’s plan to increase agricultural exports and production by 2020. Goal for agriculture

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Premier Brad Wall said last fall that Saskatchewan intends to increase crop production by 10 million tonnes, value-added activity overall and agricultural exports to $15 billion. Expanding irrigation infrastructure is one way to achieve these targets, he said. The establishment of the Global In s t i t u t e f o r Fo o d S e c u r i t y i n Saskatoon also indicates the province will put money where its mouth is as it works to capitalize on its agricultural advantage. PotashCorp, the province’s major partner in the project, represents an industry that also needs a secure water supply. “I really do think that the conveyance is one of the items that secures not only a water supply but really starts to consolidate Saskatchewan’s new role in the world of fertilizers and food,” Parsons said. The world population is rising, climate is warming and food production will change as a result. Parsons said irrigation secures crop supply and value-added prospects for feedlots, packing plants, greenhouses and other businesses. “The benefits are very real and we see those benefits in a practical sense for anybody who has ever driven from Medicine Hat down to Lethbridge, because that country was the same country that Palliser said nobody should live in,” he said. “It has by far the worst drought record of anywhere on the Prairies and yet it’s one of the richest agricultural areas in the Prairies these days in terms of both the value to farmers and in terms of the related economic activity that has been built around that secure crop supply, and it’s all based on irrigation.”






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TILE DRAINAGE Putting down pipe can be a challenge. Adjusting for slope and roll of a tile plow attached to the back of tractor can slow tile placement to a crawl. A North Dakota farmer has a computer and hydraulic interface that speeds it up. | Page 68

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Kit makes dry fertilizer work in corn planter Aulari aftermarket attachment | It’s a fit for corn growers looking to use granular fertilizer to improve yields and stay off the juice BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

Corn growers who want to put granular fertilizer through their planters have been out of luck for two decades. Planter manufacturers decided in the early 1990s that granular fertilizer was going out of style and that the sector was switching to liquid fertilizer. As a result, they discontinued

their granular options. As one dealership sales manager said recently: “The companies just don’t listen to us dealers. We know what our customers want. They don’t.” Twenty years later, there are still corn growing regions where liquid fertilizer is a long and expensive truck ride from plant to farmgate, and many growers still want granular. There are several reasons for this:

• Typically more acres between fills compared to liquid. • Dry generally has a lower price. • Liquid means two complete sets of fertilizer equipment. “Our air seeders have always been granular,” says Scott Peters of WestGrow Seeds in Boissevain, Man. “Why would a farmer want to add a complete separate system to handle two kinds of fertilizer? The liquid storage and handling facility repre-

The Aulari Precision Placement Fertilizer Coulter is designed for installation on any brand corn planter with all possible row spacings. | AULARI PHOTO 3” x 16” depth control wheel

sents a major investment, plus you pay more for liquid from that point forward.” Granular versus liquid will become more of an issue as corn acres expand west and north on the Prairies. North Dakota grows a lot of corn, but it is not well served with liquid fertilizer. “I saw a 24-row Case planter in North Dakota that did not have liquid,” Peter said. “It was pulling an Amity or Concord air cart behind the planter.” Many corn growers in the state run their planters with all kinds of air carts for granular, according to Amity, which is one of the main suppliers of manifolds for this modification. It’s simply a matter of finding the right manifold. “Our plan is to move from two 16-row planters to a single 24-row planter with granular,” said Peters. “If the market doesn’t have a convenient way for me to use granular with my planter, then it should be easy to do in the shop.” Before firing up the welder, Peters said he wants to investigate the Aulari Precision Placement system, which is engineered specifically as a granular retrofit for any brand corn planter. “I had never heard of Aulari until last year when I was on a Syngenta farm tour in Quebec,” he said. “This one farmer had an Aulari on his planter. I got a good look at it and decided that’s what I need when I get the 24-row planter.” Aulari Industries specializes in aftermarket equipment for dry fertilizer on big corn planters. It’s a niche market with only one North Ameri-

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Five depth settings: 1.5” to 5” for 18” disc 2.5” to 6” for 20” disc Bolted, steel dust cap for protection against crop residue and stones

If the market doesn’t have a convenient way for me to use granular with my planter, then it should be easy to do in the shop. SCOTT PETERS WESTGROW SEEDS

can competitor. The two main products from Aulari are the air tank and the Precision Placement Fertilizer Coulter. “The big manufacturers don’t want to bother with dry fertilizer on their corn planters anymore,” said Aulari president Patrick Audette. His company now has a granular system for any brand of corn planter from 12 to 24 rows on any row spacing. “Growers tell their dealer they want a granular kit on their next planter, and the dealer says no he can’t sell it because he doesn’t have it,” Audette said. “Well, now the dealer can sell the farmer a granular kit we build that’s designed to fit perfectly on his planter.” He said three major factors are driving the return to granular fertilizer in the corn business: environmental regulations, ground speed and fertilizer prices. “In the past, fertilizer was broadcast all the time. But now with the regulations coming, we will have to deep-place all fertilizer,” he said. “With our coulter we can put plenty of fertilizer close to the seed without hurting it. We call it two by two because the fertilizer is two inches to the side and two inches below the seed. “Most guys put down 350 to 400 pounds product per acre in one pass, or maybe split it into two or three passes. But we have a couple guys who have put down 600 lb. of product in one pass with our system.” Audette said producers seem to want faster ground speed every spring, and planter designers have no choice but to cater to demands. “We tell the guys to slow down, but they say, ‘hey, this is 2012 and we have GPS so we can go fast.’ So we design all our equipment to run faster than my father ever let me run with the planter at home.” He said customers with the 200 bushel tow-between tank and the small 110 bu. frame mount tank plant 260 acres a day in the daylight. That’s 25 percent faster than before they bought the Aulari equipment. Audette said some of his customers with GPS regularly side-dress corn at 10 m.p.h. without damaging the roots. Those speeds require a lot of down pressure just to keep the openers in the ground. Speed also




The Aulari granular applicator, left and above, is designed for corn planters. With GPS auto steer, it can side dress nitrogen at speeds up to ten m.p.h. without damaging roots. Some Aulari owners put down as much as 600 pounds of product in a single pass. | AULARI PHOTOS


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requires a well-designed coulter to accurately place the fertilizer. The disc design was the big breakthrough in Aulari’s progress. The first job of the disc each year is precise two by two fertilizer placement while seeding. The second job each summer is side dressing. With four years on the market, Audette feels the disc design lives up to everyone’s expectations. The gauge wheel had been the glitch in the early stages. “For us, once we had the gauge wheel right, the accuracy and speed and fertilizer volume were easy,” he said. “We were offering it before through Great Plains. For a few years, we kept asking them to make some changes to improve it. They said, ‘no, why don’t you go and build another disc.’ So that’s what we did. And now we have a better fertilizer opener.” Audette said the air system can also do double duty because the cart can quickly be switched between a corn planter and a small grains air drill. “Guys will seed wheat in the morning with a 30-foot drill and our cart, and then switch it over to their planter for corn or soybeans in the afternoon,” he said. “When it’s time to side dress, the cart is used for everything from wheat to peas to corn. In comparison, I think our air system is closer to Seed Master or Valmar than anything else. It’s built strong and heavy for no-till jobs, but guys say it works well in conventional tillage, too.” Peters said he has three options once he gets the new planter: • He can modify an existing air cart to feed a 24-row planter. • He can buy the Aulari because it’s the only dry kit he’s found with an optional air tank on the planter frame. • He sourced out only one other dry kit for planters, but the Montag does not have a frame mounted tank. The Montag was featured in the Nov. 1 Western Producer. The Aulari disc has five depth settings and three settings for down pressure. All settings are manually controlled on the coulter unit. Discs can be either 18 or 20 inches. The discs run at a seven degree angle. Discs can be quickly replaced by removing the depth pin. The unit is made of quenched steel. It has tapered, greasable bearings running in a carbon steel hub. Nearly all components are identical left to right. An Aulari granular fertilizer kit to fit any brand of corn planter will cost $160,000 and $170,000. For more information, contact Audette at 450-792-2126 or visit www. aulari.com.





Slope sensor’s quick response to pitch speeds tile drainage BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

HARWOOD, N.D. — Tile draining a quarter section, only to find it doesn’t work as expected, is a heartbreaking and budget busting experience. A ballpark figure for tile drain on the Prairies is $400 to $600 per acre. With the pipe buried one to two metres below the surface, digging and correcting thousands of metres of mislaid pipe is an expensive and daunting task. “Do it right the first time,” is the main advice experienced custom tilers have for producers thinking about subsurface drainage. Tile installation is all about economics and time. The fall tillage window is a small one. When Mother Nature slams the window shut, it means the tile plow is going to sit idle for the next nine months. Running the tile plow faster allows custom operators and farmers to tile more acres and make better use of the investment, said Perry Rust of Rust Sales Inc. at Harwood, North Dakota. That’s why his company set out to develop better tile plow hardware to work with AGPS Pipe FM and Pipe Pro software. The DAC 7000, which was introduced in 2010, is a multi-control module that manages functions of a tile plow. The DAC 2X Slope Sensor, introduced this year, controls the longslope pitch of the in-ground working tool as well as compensating for cross-slope or lateral roll of the plow. “Last year, I was putting down tile with the DAC 7000 but without a slope sensor. We could run one to 1.5 m.p.h.,” said Rust. “This year, we have the 2X Slope Sensor and we’re putting down tile at 2.5 to three m.p.h. I have run four m.p.h., but the stringer crew has trouble keeping up at three m.p.h. With the control module and the slope sensor, we’ve increased ground speed by 1.5 m.p.h. without sacrificing accuracy. That’s big in this business.” Rust said the two sets of hardware working in conjunction with one another allow him to nearly double his efficiency and the number of acres he can tile in a year. That’s good news for custom operators and farmers who always want the widest possible fall window. “Yesterday, (Oct. 24) we put down 17.5 miles of tile all in daylight hours. The profile view on the monitor was either perfect or 1/100th of a foot off in 100 feet.” Rust said he can’t expect that kind of high performance on a regular basis, but it does show how efficient a tile plow can be with the right control systems. The next step in the quest for efficiency is to design a better stringer trailer so crews can keep up with the plows. The DAC 7000 is a multi-control module running the hydraulic valves that position the plow in the soil. It has digital, analog and CAN compatibility, thus the DAC designation. Rust said he was forced to develop his own control systems because the third party controllers he had been using didn’t do the job he expected. The DAC 7000 can interface directly

with a tractor’s selective control valve or plug directly into its existing external valves. It interfaces with John Deere, Challenger and Case-New Holland, controls all plow functions and provides roll information to compensate for side hills. “Pitch is important on a tile plow,” Rust said. “It’s basically the same as getting the sweep pitch right on a cultivator. If blade set is wrong, your results are wrong.” Rust Sales is a dealer for the Waynes Plow. Like most modern tile plows, it has double links to determine pitch.

“But it’s a little hard to control sometimes with all those links. RTK does a good job of controlling elevation or depth, but it’s far too slow to control pitch,” he said. “A plow in the soil is a lot like an airplane in the sky. You must always have precise control of the pitch. No time delays. The plow in the soil behaves like the elevator on an airplane. Until now, ground speed with a tile plow has been limited to 1.5 m.p.h. because RTK is too slow to manage pitch.” CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

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Precise pipe placement is essential for a tile drainage system to function as planned. The small orange box mounted on the plow is the DAC 2X Slope Sensor, a device designed to ensure accurate depth control, even on side hills. | PERRY RUST PHOTOS

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He said low ground speed with an expensive tractor and tile plow means the machine owner is not getting the best return on investment. A pitch sensor that reacts faster allows the rig to run faster, and the economics of owning a tile plow take a turn for the better. “RTK reacts to elevation change about 10 times per second. That’s far too slow for any kind of improvement in laying pipe,” he said. “Our 2X Slope Sensor takes readings and gives instructions about 100 times per second. Now, finally, we’re quick enough to manage pitch and roll at a higher ground speed. Here’s a common situation. You’re laying tile and suddenly you hit a hole or a soft spot. It happens far too fast for a human to react or for RTK to react.” Rust said a farmer will have to come back later with a backhoe to re-install the pipe if the reaction isn’t quick enough at the hydraulic valves. It’s an expensive glitch caused by slow software. He said the DAC 2X Slope Sensor reacts fast enough to catch these spots and make the adjustments on time, even at four m.p.h. There’s nothing revolutionary about the 2X Slope Sensor. Most earth altering machines and auto steer systems have some sort of dynamic measuring unit (DMU) or slope sensor to give them better accuracy. For example, land levelers are now capable of putting lateral instructions together with elevation instructions. They can’t achieve that without a DMU or slope sensor. “Think about this. If you’re running a land leveler with a slope sensor, you eliminate the need for two GPS systems. The slope sensor does all that math for you.” The DAC 2X Slope Sensor has other hidden tricks. When used on a tile plow mounted on a rubber wheel tractor, it compensates for tire compression resulting from the down pressure when the plow pulls into the earth. There’s no track compression on rubber track tractors, but the DAC 2X does the same kind of calculation to compensate for soil compression when the plow is engaged. “Compaction from the tractor might only be a couple tenths of an inch, but we program it into our software. We deal in tenths of an inch and hundredths of an inch in this business.” Rust said accounting for those small measurements may seem like overkill to many people, but think about what happens to a tile plow working in regions with genuine elevation changes. “Imagine a tile plow laying pipe up a slight rise. At the top, the GPS tilts slightly and gives your controller incorrect data, or a side slope sends wrong data. Bad information messes up your whole drainage system. “We have algorithms in the DAC 2X that account for those situations. We keep the plow at the correct pitch through up-down and side-to-side changes. That’s why we named it 2X. It deals with foreaft pitch as well as side slope roll factors.” The DAC 7000 kit has a list price of $1,485, while the DAC 2X Slope Sensor kit lists at $2,250. For further information, call Rust Sales Inc. at 701-282-9194 or visit www.rustsales.com.




GILLETTE FARM WINS ATTENTION, AWARDS Gillette Emperor Smurf, a 15-year-old purebred Holstein on La Ferme Gillette near Embrun, Ont., set the world record for milk production in April 2012 of more than 478,000 pounds. | Page 72

L IV EST O C K E D I TO R : B A R B G LEN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403-942-2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER: @BA R B GLE N


Producers find forage program useful: survey

Ideally two-thirds of the cow herd will calve in the first 21 days of the season so cows can be bred in their next cycle, says a veterinarian at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. | FILE PHOTO CALVING | TIMING

Calving timing critical: vet First 21 days optimal | Front-loading breeding season yields heavier cows, healthier calves STORIES BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

SWIFT CURRENT, Sask. — Frontloading the breeding season should result in heavier calves and healthier cows, says Dr. John Campbell of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. He told producers at the recent Foraging into the Future conference that they should target a 95 percent overall pregnancy rate with 65 percent of the females bred during their first cycle. “Ideally, we’d like almost twothirds of our herd to calve in the first 21 days of calving season so that they get the maximum amount of time after calving to recover and start cycling again,” Campbell said. The calves will also earn more money. For example, a weight gain of 2.5 pounds per day at $1.50 per lb. for 21 days results in $78.75 addi-

tional revenue for each calf. As a result, producers can lose $38,000 in a 300-cow herd with an average conception rate of 87 percent if only 21 percent of the cows conceive in the first 21-day cycle. “We whine about prices, but we don’t worry about this?” he said. Campbell said producers often blame the bull when a cow is open, but it’s more likely that the cow didn’t cycle. It takes 50 to 60 days for a cow to cycle after having a calf. “Cows that are in poor or thin body condition can take anywhere from 80 to 120 days to come back into estrus, which puts them behind the eight ball when it comes to the next breeding period,” he said. Replacement heifers also take 80 to 120 days to come into estrus after their first calves, he said. “We really need them calving preferably before the cows or at the very

least in the first 21 days of the calving period so they have a fighting chance to become pregnant the next year.” Bulls do have a role to play in determining which cows might cycle earlier. “We know that (scrotal circumference) is actually related to fertility in the bull’s daughters and so those bulls with larger testes, those daughters tend to be more fertile and reach puberty earlier, which sort of links all those traits of getting cows cycling earlier,” he said. Cows usually calve at the same time each year, which means producers should make sure they don’t extend the interval between calving and breeding. Campbell said body condition score is a critical component of successful conception. Females should be at least 2.5 on the five-point scale at the beginning of the breeding season if they are to have a chance at

successful conception. Campbell said that even with a perfect cow and a perfect bull, Mother Nature dictates that successful conception happens only 60 to 70 percent of the time, and that’s better than some other species. Good body condition can only help, he added. A study conducted in the 1990s when trichomoniasis was discovered in bulls in a Saskatchewan community pasture found that body condition score had a strong impact on conception, even in the presence of the disease, which causes abortions and infertility. “We were doing BCS and weighing cows coming in and exiting the pasture and we could show that those cows that either gained more weight on pasture or cows that were in good condition coming into pasture were about twice as likely to get pregnant,” Campbell said.

SWIFT CURRENT, Sask. — Producers who planted native grass under a federal incentive program several years ago would do so again, according to a survey assessing the former Greencover Canada Land Conversion program. Craig Gatzke, resource technician at Agriculture Canada’s Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre in Swift Current, Sask., said the small survey examined why producers seeded native species and how they used them. He said he was surprised to learn that 58 percent would plant it again, even though seed costs are higher. The nation-wide program ran from 2003 to 2008 and offered financial incentives to seed either tame or native forage on environmentally sensitive land. Producers agreed to establish and maintain perennial cover for at least 10 years. The program paid $75 per acre to seed native forage, plus a one-time $25 per acre payment once an inspection determined the stand was established. The incentive for tame forage was $20 per acre, as well as the $25 per acre establishment payment. Far more landowners used the program to seed tame forage, but Gatzke said this was the first program to promote native grass as a viable alternative by offering a higher financial incentive. The survey focused on Saskatchewan’s brown soil zone, in which 28 producers undertook 76 projects. Nineteen producers were surveyed, representing 58 projects and a total of 6,970 acres. Most of the farms were mixed or beef operations, and the median operation size was 6,773 acres. The vast majority of those surveyed said they chose to seed native forage to extend or improve grazing opportunities. Fifty-eight percent said they wanted to improve marginal land. “When asked, ‘would you have seeded native grass without the program,’ 68 percent said no,” he told the Foraging into the Future conference.

FORAGE FACTS Saskatchewan farmers took advantage of the Greencover Canada Land Conversion program offered between 2003 and 2008 to seed more than 300,000 acres to grass. Tame forage • Canada had 5,515 projects totaling 512,920 acres • Saskatchewan accounted for 2,855 of the projects and 290,564 acres. Native forage • Canada had 261 projects totalling 27,698 acres • Saskatchewan accounted for 166 projects for 17,624 acres. Source: Agriculture Canada





Limousin cattle were first imported to Canada in 1968 from France. The traditional fullblood cattle were solid red, beef animals. North Americans introduced the black gene for wider market acceptance. Hybrid animals containing Limousin blood are also recorded in the Canadian herd book. Limousin-Angus crosses are labelled under the trademark Lim-Flex. Across Canada:

• • • • • •

British Columbia: 25 breeders with 300 registered Limousin cows. Alberta: 160 breeders with 3,500 registered cows. Saskatchewan: 90 breeders with 2,200 registered cows. Manitoba: 50 breeders with 1,400 registered cows. Ontario: 200 breeders with 1,900 registered cows. Quebec: 45 breeders with 900 registered cows.

• Maritimes: 12 breeders with 100 registered cows. Source: Canadian Limousin Association

Limousin producers seek ways to promote the breed’s quality, lean meat and reap a premium. |

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Limousin producers eager to boost breed, industry Information sharing | The association wants to ignite interest in the breed and encourage performance and carcass information sharing

013 2 FarmTech Global Perspectives... Local Knowledge



The Canadian Limousin Association is taking a long view of its future as it attempts to revive a breed that was imported more than 40 years ago for its carcass quality. The breed has been overshadowed in some respects by the success of the Angus beef marketing campaign, which the association is trying to counter by sharing information and renewing interest in cattle capable of yielding high percentages of lean meat. “The time is right and I think we see a lot of signals in Canada in beef production where the old ways are not going to lead us into the future,” association president Bill Campbell said Dec. 10 following a focus group. “New things need to happen with co-operation. We are seeing concerns with consumption. We are seeing concerns with health issues, with food safety. It is in everybody’s interest if we can address everything and have everybody profitable in the chain so the supplier supplies a safe, reliable product.” Two focus groups in Ontario and Alberta drew members from the purebred, cow-calf, feedlot and processing sectors, who learned they are not that far apart in how they want to see the beef industry proceed. “It’s time in the industry that we share information,” Campbell said. Seed stock producers supply bulls to the commercial industry, but they need to know what those customers want and where improvements can be made for the benefit of the beef industry.

We have as much to offer or more than any other beef breed to the production of beef. We can add a lean, healthy desirable product in a balanced approach. BILL CAMPBELL CANADIAN LIMOUSIN ASSOCIATION

“We are a component of the beef industry,” he said. “We have as much to offer or more than any other beef breed to the production of beef. We can add a lean, healthy desirable product in a balanced approach.” Limousin cattle can yield 63 to 67 percent, and Campbell said infusing Limousin genetics into the national beef herd could benefit the entire industry. “We are seeing alarming trends where yields of less than 59.9 percent are increasing,” he said. Campbell has 130 purebred cows on his mixed farm near Minto, Man., and plans to infuse fullblood genetics into the herd to return to the basics of what Limousin was when it first came from France more than 40 years ago. He was sold on the breed when his family fed them and the Limousin cattle outperformed the rest at the feedlot. He now backgrounds them to 900 pounds and then sends them to a client who feeds for Norwich Packers in Ontario. The company actively looks for this type of cattle because the client base is looking for lean meat that is processed to different standards. “Ontario is a better place to feed

Limousin type cattle for a premium,” he said. Participants in the Calgary focus meeting discussed the trend toward black cattle but agreed the time is coming when beef buyers will go beyond colour and emphasize red meat quality and yield. The meeting was part of a national strategy to rebuild the breed. “If we could capitalize on the next buzz, we could get the target for demand for a leaner beef and its nutritional value,” said association manager Anne Brunet- Burgess. “We are not going to have a branded beef program as such because we can’t. The resources aren’t there, but if we could have some recognition for a different type of meat, that would be good.” The association also wants to find the Limousin influenced calves and determine how they perform from birth to plate. “We all know there are Limousin calves out there, but no one knows they are Limos,” said Campbell. The breed is participating in the bovine genome bull project and sees genomics as the future way to select for certain performance traits. Producers are also encouraged to submit more performance and carcass information through the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association’s Beef Information System to build a database. They are asked to submit their Canadian cattle identification numbers to the Limousin association for a birth to plate database. Producers could ultimately see how they compare with other producers and how the cattle perform at various stages of their life. Information would remain confidential.

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Gillette farm wins attention, awards International recognition | Goal to build genetically elite herd appears to be successful BY CANDICE VETTER FREELANCE WRITER

EMBRUN, Ont. — Gillette Emperor Smurf is not only the oldest cow on La Ferme Gillette but also the best milker — and not just on her Ontario farm. Smurf, a purebred Holstein, set the world record for milk production in April 2012 of more than 478,000 pounds. She was 15 years old and the oldest cow on the farm near Embrun. Smurf was already the Canadian lifetime champion, and in April the Guinness Book of World Records recognized Smurf’s production record, which broke the record set by Michigan cow Tacoma Mark My Word in 2006. Longevity is one of the factors in her lifetime milk production record, which owner Eric Patenaude credits to genetics. Her dam, Gillette Lindy Murphy, and other ancestors were bred to be longlived. Her sire was American bull Rocky-VU Emperor, also known for passing on longevity. Smurf benefits from naturally robust good health and good husbandry. She shakes her head if someone tries to pet her, but enjoys being washed three times a week and is brushed daily. She has never had a foot or udder infection, has her own large box stall in a well-ventilated barn and is provided with ample straw on top of peat moss. She eats a mixed ration and her owners describe her as a “no-trouble cow,” not picky about food and not hard to look after. La Ferme Gillette is owned and operated by Gilles, Lorette, Mathieu, Vincent, Marc, Louis and Eric Patenaude. Five generations of Patenaudes have farmed there since 1878, but in 1960 Gilles, also a dentist, and

Lorette decided to go into Holsteins and concentrate on building a genetically elite herd. They renamed the farm by combining their first names and now have one of the world’s top herds. Last year, however, was an exceptional year for them. Smurf wasn’t the only Gillette cow to make the news. Gillette Blitz 2nd Wind was named Holstein Canada’s Cow of the Year, the Bullvine’s Dam of the Year and then the 2012 Holstein International Global Cow of the Year. She is a high index cow and has six class extra sons, as well as chart-topping daughters such as 2nd Sleep, the top producer in 2010, and granddaughter 2nd Snooze, who debuted in 2011 at number two. 2nd Wind’s dam’s sister was the dam of the famous bull Braedale Goldwyn, who has thrown superior calves, including Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy, who was sold by an Alberta farm for $1.2 million in 2009. 2nd Wind has responded well to in vitro fertilization, making the most of her genetics. 2nd Wind was the Patenaudes’ second cow to win Holstein Canada Cow of the Year. In 2000, their “miracle cow,” Gillette Blackstar Christianne, won that honour. She acquired her nickname after surviving a devastating 1994 fire that destroyed two barns and killed 200 cattle. The calf she carried during the fire, Triumphant, tied as Canada’s number one type bull in May 2000. Ho w e v e r, 2 n d Wi n d’s g l o b a l achievement this year was a first for the Patenaudes. The farm also had its first sale in several years this past fall, with buyers or their agents bidding from all over the world. It was broadcast live on the Holstein World Productions website.

ABOVE: Gillette Snowman Cassidy sold for $25,000 at the Gillette Farms Vision 2012 sale in Embrun, Ont. LEFT: The main barn was set up as a sale ring and overflowed with buyers, agents, friends, neighbours and the generally curious. The local 4-H Calf Club also helped out. BELOW: Gillette Emperor Smurf was recognized as the world record holder for lifetime milk production. Smurf is 16 years old and classified EX 91. | CANDICE VETTER PHOTOS “It was a great day,” said Eric Patenaude. “It was the kind of sale where many lots were affordable so our friends and neighbours could buy calves, too.” The Patenaudes and their 18 staff milk 500 cows at their 1,100-head operation three times daily. Most of their cows are classified very good or excellent. Smurf was classified VG 88 until her most recent lactation, which brought her up to EX 91, at an age when most cows are long gone. The family is fluently bilingual in French and English, which they’ve found to be a business advantage. “I wish I spoke Japanese too because we have a big market there,” Patenaude said.


Study of antimicrobial resistance among beef council projects BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

The environmental impact of beef production and improving animal welfare are among the new research projects to receive approval from the Beef Cattle Research Council. Previous research projects have focused on improving cattle production and efficiency, but the council is now taking on broader studies that benefit producers and the general public. The council is funded through a national $1 per head levy that the provinces collect on the sale of cattle, and it has been able to boost its available funds by working with the federal government. The result is an annual $11.25 million available for research into beef quality, food safety, forage and grass

production, animal health and feed efficiency, the council’s science director, Reynold Bergen, said at the Alberta Beef Producers annual meeting held in Calgary Dec. 3-5. Provincial contributions vary, but Alberta and Saskatchewan allocate 20 cents of each dollar of the national checkoff to the research program. The rest is contributed to Canada Beef Inc. A major project led by Agriculture Canada’s Tim McAllister will assess the environmental footprint and benefits of Canada’s beef industry. It will analyze how much grain is grown for livestock feed and how improvements in feed production and efficiency have benefitted the environment. Included in the study will be an analysis of the benefits of carbon sequestration from grasslands, water

It is important that we come up with the numbers to defend our position and continue to illustrate that we are using this stuff (drugs) responsibly. REYNOLD BERGEN ALBERTA BEEF PRODUCERS

use and quality and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock. Food safety and antimicrobial resistance is another upcoming project. Livestock production and antimicrobial use have been targeted as contributing to the growing problem of resistance in human medicine. The industry has argued that cattle drugs have minimal resistance prob-

lems and do not contribute to the growing incidences among people. “It is important that we come up with the numbers to defend our position and continue to illustrate that we are using this stuff responsibly,” he said. The project hopes to quantify antimicrobial use and resistance that may exist with E. coli and enterococcus. Scientists will look at bacteria isolated from cattle, manure, water and retail meat and compare them to bacteria isolated from sick people. They plan to isolate the genes from these microbes and find out if the antimicrobial resistance to certain drugs among humans is the same as that found in cattle. Recent research showed that the genetic origin of resistant campylobacter found in people was different from that seen in livestock.

“If there is antimicrobial resistance in people, don’t blame us,” Bergen said. “If it is coming from us, it will help us figure out what to do about it.” Another project is studying stress and pain during common procedures such as castration and calf dehorning. A new code of practice for beef cattle is being drafted and recommendations on pain control are coming to the forefront. The last code of practice was released in 1991, but public pressure and new technology suggest there are improved ways of doing things. Other projects include more forage and feed grain research and a beef quality audit. For a full outline of current projects and results, visit www.beefresearch. ca and www.youtube.com/beefresearch.





Electrolyte replacement best treatment for scouring calves ANIMAL HEALTH



roducers often look for the magic bullet when it comes to scours treatments. Antibiotics are helpful if bacteria are involved, but other treatments are usually more likely to work. For example, if I had only one thing with which to treat scours, it would be electrolytes. The infectious cause of scours is either a virus or bacteria, but it is really the dehydration and electrolyte imbalances from fluid losses that kills calves. Fluid and electrolyte replacement is by far the most important treatment for scours. The calf is losing tremendous amounts of water and electrolytes out the back end. Sucking is also diminished if it is really depressed. A normal 90 to 100 pound calf needs four to five litres of fluids a day for maintenance, or 10 percent of its body weight. A healthy calf takes on more than that to grow and do well. If a calf is dehydrated, we must help it catch up on fluid intake. The standard recommendation for a scouring calf is one and a half to two litres up to four times daily. Several good brands of electrolytes are on the market, so see which one your veterinarian recommends. They are balanced, with the main electrolytes being sodium, chloride and potassium, as well as varying amounts of dextrose for energy. High energy electrolytes are especially important if the calf has lost weight or is going to be on electrolytes for an extended period of time. There is no protein in the electrolytes, so they can’t be the sole source of nutrients for more than two days. Otherwise, weight loss will become a major problem. Getting the calf back onto milk will be beneficial, even if it is for only every other feeding and the scours may not yet have fully cleared. Don’t mix milk and electrolytes at the same feeding. The electrolytes dilute the milk, interfering with the clotting mechanism that forms the curds and whey. That aggravates the diarrhea further. Electrolytes come in individual packages or containers holding up to several gallons of powdered concentrated electrolytes. Follow the instructions closely to get the right dilution and seal the container well between uses. I don’t recommend homemade electrolytes because a mistake in formulation can cause a calf to become too alkalotic or too acidotic or give them salt poisoning. Quality electrolytes are especially researched and formulated to provide electrolytes in the right proportions. The only situation where I break from this routine is when a calf is very acidotic. An acidotic calf will be weak with a drunken stupor. I initially treat with one tablespoon of straight baking soda in a small amount of water. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate

is a strong base that will help neutralize the acid. The electrolytes will also do this but the calf ’s body must convert more bicarbonate and the process takes longer. Follow up with your regular electrolytes after the initial bout of baking soda. Do this only on very acidotic calves. It’s a good idea to give electrolytes anytime you catch a calf to treat it for scours, even if it is only the one time. Products such as kaopectate and other stool hardeners can be mixed in to help prevent fluid loss out the back end. They are also mixed in some types of scour boluses, but these bolus tablets drop into the rumen, which isn’t fully

functioning yet, and that reduces the effect. As well, the intestine’s ability to absorb is compromised, so it is best to use injectable products, including antibiotics, where possible. The natural bacterial organisms in the gut may be killed and must be reintroduced if scours lasts for more than a few days. Several good commercial probiotic products are available that provide large numbers of lactobacillus and streptococcus organisms and help digestion get back to normal. Again, they are more important than antibiotics. Be careful not to over-treat with antibiotics because they may wipe out the normal gut flora. Isolate the calves and their mothers

from the calving herd in a place that is warm, dry and preferably stress free. Use a different esophageal feeder for scouring and newborn calves and disinfect everything between uses. Farmers can be the biggest spreaders of scours. Change coveralls after treating scouring calves, and dip your boots in disinfectant. It is probably best to deal with calving cows first before treating scouring calves. Calves are more than eight to 10 percent dehydrated when their eyes sink into their heads, and oral electrolytes alone will not get them back to normal. This is where intravenous fluids may be necessary.

Non-steroidal antinflammatories such as banamine and metacam to help with shock toxemia can also be helpful, but they must be prescribed by a veterinarian. The kidneys must be functioning when these products are used, so hydrate your animals well. These suggestions should provide a much better outcome when treating scours than just relying on antibiotics. As well, prevention methods such as vaccinating and good biosecurity practices will go a long way to stopping the spread of scours. Roy Lewis has a veterinary practice in Westlock, Alta. and works part time as a technical services veterinarian with Merck Animal Health.





Investment welcome at export grain terminals Brazil, Panama, Washington | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development says $300 billion in upgrades needed STORIES BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM & REUTERS NEWS AGENCY

CHICAGO, Ill. — Brazil is taking steps to fix its crumbling infrastructure and upgrade its ports, which are among the worst in the world. The country has allocated $60 billion to fix the problem, including $31 billion over the next three years to reduce bottlenecks at the country’s ports, which is 10 times the investment in public ports over the last decade. “After 20 years of neglect, this investment is welcome and shows that the government is concerned about the situation of the ports,” said Meton Soares, vice-president of Brazil’s National Transport Confederation. Shippers say the investment won’t come in time to ease congestion early this year when what is projected to be a record soybean harvest reaches the already crammed ports. A report released last month by the National Transport Confederation cites a survey by the World Economic Forum that ranked Brazil 108th among 112 countries for port infrastructure quality, below less developed nations such as Mozambique, Guyana and Nicaragua. Alberto Weisser, chief executive officer of Bunge Ltd., said port facilities in Brazil and Argentina are a nightmare. “It will make you cry,” he said in a speech at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. Weisser said transportation problems cost Brazilian farmers $1.40 a bushel on their soybean crops. However, Brazil isn’t the only country in need of an urgent upgrade to rail, road and waterway infrastructure. Low water levels on the Mississippi River are hampering grain barges and imperiling U.S. grain and oilseed exports. “Infrastructure gets the attention it deserves only when it is dying.” The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has said the world needs $300 billion in port and rail improvements from now until 2030.

Farmer AgSummit 2012. Panama Canal A $5.25 billion project will add a third set of locks on both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of the Panama Canal. It is expected to eventually double the capacity of the canal, expanding traffic by an average of three percent per year starting in 2014. Wilson said it will be the equivalent of shifting from travelling on a country road with a bridge to cruising down a four-lane highway. The project will expand the capac-

ity of the canal to 75 transits a day from 42. As well, dredging the third lane to nearly 16 metres will make room for Super Post-Panama vessels, which are capable of carrying much more cargo than a Panamax boat. However, Wilson said the canal expansion might not be a panacea for U.S. grain exporters: • Grain shippers are unlikely to benefit from larger ship sizes because of port restrictions at many import destinations. • There is a trend toward shipping more grain out of ports in the Pacific Northwest destined for Asia

rather than shipping through the Gulf to the European Union. • Anticipated toll increases through the Panama Canal will encourage a further shift of traffic through the Pacific Northwest. PACIFIC NORTHWEST Bunge North America Inc., Itochu Corp. and Korea-based STX Pan Ocean announced in 2009 that they were building an export grain terminal in Longview, Washington. The $210 million Export Grain Terminal, which received its first ship in

February, is the first export grain terminal to open in the United States in more than 25 years. The Longview project prompted $1 billion in expansion projects by most of the other major exporters on the West Coast. E xport capacity is expected to increase by 70 percent. Exports of wheat, corn and soybeans through ports in the Pacific Northwest have increased to 35 million tonnes per year from 20 million tonnes a decade ago. Shipments through the Gulf of Mexico have declined by 10 million tonnes over the same period.


Brazil Some of the work in Brazil is underway, said Bill Wilson, distinguished professor at North Dakota State University. Three pieces of legislation have been passed that allocates $60 billion to infrastructure projects, some of which have already been completed. One massive project involves paving BR 163, an 1,800 kilometre dirt and mud highway in northern Brazil, and replacing 49 of its 51 bridges. The revamped road will give farmers access to northern ports via the Amazon River, where their soybeans can be shipped to the European Union and Asia via the Panama Canal. Wilson said it will lead to increased soybean production and better export competitiveness. “They’d have the ability by 2020 to increase their rate of (soybean) exports by about eight to 10 million tonnes,” he told delegates attendi n g t h e D T N / T h e P ro g re s s i v e

Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; AgCelence, and PRIAXOR are trade-marks of BASF SE, all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. PRIAXOR DS should be used in a preventative disease control program. © 2013 BASF Canada Inc.





Expansion in corn, soybeans may push wheat acres abroad European Union production | Study shows Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan could produce 35 percent of world wheat exports by 2021 CHICAGO, Ill. — Wheat is being squeezed out of rotations in the United States as genetically modified corn and soybeans continue their northwesterly march, says an agricultural economist. Bill Wilson, university distinguished professor at North Dakota State University, lives in Cass County,

which used to be the biggest producer of spring wheat and malting barley in the state. It is now the second biggest corn producer. “We’re producing 200 bushels to the acre in some parts of North Dakota and we have field trials with 300 this past year,” he told delegates attending the DTN/The Progressive

Farmer Ag Summit 2012. Wilson said the impressive yield results will encourage the continued expansion of corn and soybeans into places like the Dakotas and Montana at the expense of wheat. “We’ll see more and more technology crops grown in North America, not just in the United States but in

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In aggregate, these companies are spending about $8 to $10 per acre per year on developing technologies in the GM crops. You know how much we’re spending on wheat? Seventy cents. BILL WILSON NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR

Canada as well. So that’s a pretty big deal,” he said. Wilson keeps close tabs on seed technology company research and development expenditures for various crops. “In aggregate, these companies are spending about $8 to $10 per acre per

year on developing technologies in the GM crops. You know how much we’re spending on wheat? Seventy cents. You know how much Canada is spending? Forty cents per acre per year,” he said. “We’ve got a problem.” Monsanto expects to double corn productivity by 2030 from a base year of 2000. Corn has 14 traits in the development pipeline, including nitrogen use efficiency, while soybeans have a couple dozen traits in the works. Drought tolerant corn performed well in 2012 and will be the “big game changer” in terms of the continued westward movement of corn. Seed technology companies have partnered with public researchers on GM wheat projects, but the traits they are developing are complex, challenging and a long way off. The wheat industry hopes the drought tolerance trait will result in a 20 percent bump in yields when it is commercialized around 2021. In the meantime, corn and soybeans will continue gobbling up wheat acres. So where will wheat production go? Wilson said it’s already shifting to the former Soviet Union. Russia comprises 24 percent of world wheat trade, up from hardly anything a decade ago. It sells to North Africa, Egypt, the European Union, Philippines, Indonesia and Latin America, typically undercutting U.S. wheat by $25 to $50 per tonne. “This is a big challenge for us,” said Wilson. There is tremendous potential to expand acreage and yields in the former Soviet Union. A recent study shows Russia could export 32 million tonnes of wheat by 2021, up from 20 million tonnes last year. A European Union outlook on longterm wheat exports shows that Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan could account for 35 percent of world wheat trade by 2021, up from 22 percent in 2008-2011. That increase in market share will come at the expense of the U.S., which will see its share of the market fall to 16 percent from 23 percent. The EU and Canada will also lose ground.
















1.10% 11/19 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/28

0.990 11/19 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/28

Bank of Canada 5-yr rate

Dec. 28

A G F IN ANC E E D I TO R : D ’ A RC E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R: @ D AR CE MCMILLAN

AG STOCKS FOR DEC. 24-28 A modest revival of the U.S. economy helped major stock markets post gains in 2012 despite worries over the European debt and American ‘fiscal cliff” crises and slowing growth in China. For the year the TSX composite was on track to post a gain of 1.8 percent, the Dow was on track to gain 5.1 percent, the S&P 500 a gain of 12.2 percent and the Nasdaq was ahead 12.1 percent. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.



ADM Alliance Grain Bunge Ltd. ConAgra Foods Legumex Walker Viterra Inc. W.I.T.


CLOSE LAST WK 27.06 13.09 71.99 29.2 6.49 n/a 13.15

27.09 11.38 72.14 30.15 5.64 16.22 13.15



Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 50.545 0.075 18.47 9.38 11.27

50.545 0.045 17.64 9.6 11.73



BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods


CLOSE LAST WK 0.095 30.68 11.79 17.14 20.96 6.1 19.18

0.09 31.1 11.6 17.37 22.37 6.2 19.65




AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 48.07 5.68 86.81 39.79 84.55 12.48

48.8 5.4 89 49.48 85.93 12.38



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

CLOSE LAST WK 97.82 93.15 94.2 31.62 44.71 0.9 93.08 55.21 39.71 80.19

96.52 94.82 95.24 31.42 44.09 0.88 89.13 55.56 40.44 80.42





CLOSE LAST WK 89.96 100.5


89.54 98.73

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial advisor with Raymond James Ltd. in Calgary. Member of CIPF. Equity prices are from Thomson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd, Assiniboia Farmland LP. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Within the last year, Raymond James provided paid advice regarding securities of Cervus Equip. Contact Morrison at 877-264-0333.

GLENCORE-VITERRA ELEVATORS PROPOSED FOR DIVESTITURE TO RICHARDSON: • B.C: Dawson Creek, Fort St. John • Alberta: Lacombe, Lavoy, High Level, Provost, Vulcan • Sask.: Assiniboia, Carrot River, Davidson, Kindersley, Alameda, Melville, Langenburg, Maple Creek, Regina-White City, Unity • Manitoba: Red River South, South Lakes

Details limited as Glencore takes reins at Viterra New owners settle in | Immediate focus will be staffing, administration and pending sale of assets BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Canada’s largest grain handling company entered 2013 with new Swiss owners, but the Viterra logos on country elevators will likely stay in place for a while. Officials with Glencore International are saying little about what changes, if any, will be implemented at country elevators that were formerly owned and operated by Viterra. Instead, executives with the Swiss company say they will familiarize themselves with their new assets, consult with senior managers at Viterra and focus their efforts on addressing immediate issues related to staffing, administration and the pending sale of assets to Richardson and Agrium. After a lengthy regulatory review process, Glencore announced Dec. 17 that it had completed the acquisition of the Regina-based grain company, whose Canadian assets included 258 retail crop input facilities, seven port terminals and 92 primary grain elevators, including 49 in Saskatchewan, 25 in Alberta and 16 in Manitoba. The $6.1 billion acquisition also included former Viterra assets in the United States, Europe, Asia and

Australia. Glencore officials declined to be interviewed, but the company said in a Dec. 17 news release that the acquisition of Viterra gives Glencore “immediate critical mass” in North American grain markets and a greater presence in Australia, where it was already one of that country’s largest grain buyers. “By combining Viterra’s first class assets, grain logistics and processing insight with our global marketing capability, we have the opportunity to become a true leader across the sector with even greater means to meet the needs of farmers and customers globally,” Chris Mahoney, Glencore’s director of agricultural products, said in the release. The company stated that it plans to complete deals to sell selected Canadian and Australian assets to Agrium and Richardson International in 2013. Richardson, Canada’s second largest grain handling company, has an agreement with Glencore to acquire 19 western Canadian elevators formerly owned by Viterra, as well as the following assets: • A 25 percent ownership stake in the Cascadia Terminal in Vancouver. • Full ownership of a Viterra grain terminal in Thunder Bay, Ont.

• Can-Oat Milling facilities in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba. • Full ownership of 21st Century Grain Processing, which has oat and wheat milling facilities in Nebraska and Texas. Richardson announced Dec. 20 that it had received all necessary regulatory approvals in Canada to proceed with the deal. The company will be working with Glencore to close the deal as soon as possible. “We are pleased to finalize this deal and acquire these assets, which will allow us to provide western Canadian farmers with more choice in the marketplace and improved access to products and services,” said Curt Vossen, president of Richardson International. Agrium, meanwhile, is expected to acquire 232 Viterra farm retail outlets in Canada and a handful of farm retail outlets in Australia. Both deals require government approval. Glencore also confirmed that Fran Malecha, former chief operating officer with Viterra, has been appointed as the company’s director of agricultural products for North America. Glencore indicated when it

announced plans in early 2012 to acquire Viterra that some Viterra employees in Calgary would be relocated to Regina. Twenty to 30 senior management positions are expected to be relocated to Regina from Viterra’s offices in Calgary. In addition, 30 to 40 percent of Viterra’s 485 head office employees in Regina could be affected by the sale of assets to Richardson and Agrium. Most of Viterra’s former country workers, including 1,600 in Saskatchewan, are expected to retain their jobs, according to a review of the takeover commissioned by the Saskatchewan government and conducted by Informa Economics. Glencore officials also assured Saskatchewan government officials on other areas of concern: • It will make the Regina head office headquarters for Glencore’s North American operations. • It will increase Viterra’s projected capital expenditures in Canada by more than $100 million over five years. • It will invest $8 million more in research and development initiatives, above Viterra’s projected expenditures. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE







The Viterra purchase by Glencore and Richardson will have little impact on concentration ratios by the four major grain companies in Canada. Overall, 432,500 tonnes of grain storage will change hands from Glencore/Viterra to Richardson, a grain capacity shift of about four percent.

Churchill grain statistics diverge

Major grain companies’ shares of elevator capacity, before and after the Glencore acquisition of Viterra and divestiture of elevators to Richardson: before after Company tonnes % of total tonnes % of total Cargill Ltd. Louis Dreyfus Canada Ltd. Richardson Glencore/Viterra Inc. Other Total Four-firm concentration ratio

1,703,300 640,500 1,513,610 2,857,290 4,536,970 11,251,670

15% 6% 13% 25% 40% 100% 60%

1,703,300 640,500 1,946,110 2,424,790 4,536,970 11,251,670

15% 6% 17% 22% 40% 100% 60%

Source: Canadian Grain Commission, Richardon International Ltd. | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC

» CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE • It will contribute to unspecified grain industry initiatives in Manitoba. • It will increase contributions by 25 percent toward programs that support the western Canadian farm community. • It will make charitable contributions in support of youth and to provide scholarships to First Nations and Métis students. • It will contribute to the Saskatchewan government’s Global Institute for Food Security.

Richardson will acquire five primary elevators in Alberta, 10 in Saskatchewan, two in Manitoba and two in British Columbia. The new elevators will boost Richardson’s total primary elevator capacity in Canada to nearly two million tonnes, or 17 percent, up from the current 1.5 million tonnes, or 13 percent. Glencore will remain Canada’s largest grain company with total primary elevator capacity of 2.4 million tonnes, or 22 percent.


The federal government is putting a positive spin on grain shipments through the Port of Churchill, which are down 17 percent this crop year. Agriculture Canada said in a Dec. 12 news release that more than 432,000 tonnes of grain were moved through the northern port during the 2012 shipping season, close to the port’s historical 10-year average. Those figures were supplied by the Port of Churchill via Transport Canada. The Churchill shipping season normally starts in late July or early August and concludes in late October or early November. However, data collected by the Canadian Grain Commission paints a different picture. It says grain exports from the port totalled 421,000 tonnes in the first 19 weeks of the 2012-13 crop year, including 298,000 tonnes of spring wheat. That is down significantly from the same period last year, when 508,000 tonnes of grain left the port,

including 450,000 tonnes of spring wheat and 58,000 tonnes of durum. The port’s five-year average from 2007-08 to 2011-12 is 542,000 tonnes between Aug. 1 and Dec. 31. Grain movement at the northern Manitoba port became a politically sensitive issue last year after Ottawa announced it would take legislative steps to end the CWB’s single desk marketing structure. Supporters of single desk marketing, particularly those from Manitoba, said eliminating the CWB’s marketing monopoly for spring wheat and durum would hurt grain volumes moving through Churchill. The CWB was easily the biggest shipper of grain at the por t, accounting for 90 to 95 percent of total grain volumes each year. To address concerns related to Churchill’s grain traffic, the federal government unveiled a five-year, $25 million program aimed at enticing grain companies to use the Arctic port. The Churchill Port Utilization Program (CPUP), which was introduced in April 2012, offers a shipping subsidy of $9 per tonne to

grain companies that ship grain, oilseeds, pulses and special crops through the port. The subsidies are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, with $5 million available each year for the next five years. Three companies have qualified for payments under the program: CWB, Richardson International and Nearco Transportation Consulting of Dugald, Man. Information posted on Agriculture Canada’s website shows that Richardson received program payments worth $2.35 million while the CWB received $1.57 million and Nearco received $225,000. Those figures suggest Richardson was Churchill’s largest grain customer in 2012-13, accounting for 55 to 60 percent of the port’s total grain business. CGC statistics suggest the 421,000 tonnes shipped this crop year represent the lowest total since 2004-05, when slightly more than 400,000 tonnes were moved between Aug. 1 and Dec. 31. Agriculture Canada said traffic shipments through the Manitoba facility remain strong and are close to the 10-year historical average.


Know the tax rules when earning money from a hobby MONEY IN YOUR POCKET



n my last article, I described the limitations that the Canada Revenue Agency places on personal services businesses and the ability to claim the small business deduction for work done by a spouse for the incorporated farm business. These limitations extend far beyond a personal services business to any line of activity done on the farm that is considered a related business. Income from each source must be reported separately. It’s not unusual for farm families to add to farm income by producing crafts, jams or jellies, soaps or other artisan products for sale at farmers markets and fall fairs. Technically, all

income from a hobby or business venture must be included, but claiming expenses and losses from these sources is challenging from a tax perspective. The CRA considers these activities as personal endeavours, and the court makes a distinction between a commercial enterprise and a personal endeavour. Personal endeavours include “dabbling, hobby, pastime, amusement, indulgence, diversion, distraction, leisure and recreational activity.” They are considered to provide a personal benefit rather than a financial one. In one case, the Supreme Court stated that commercial activity requires a subjective intention to profit and evidence of business-like behaviour in support of the intention. The court specifically noted four factors in determining whether the activity was a commercial one: • The profit and loss experience in past years. • The taxpayer’s training. • The taxpayer’s intended course of action.

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities

Notice to Farmers

Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license.

• The capability of the venture to show a profit. In another case, the court decided that the taxpayer was not engaged in the pursuit of profit but rather in “the pursuit of lifestyle.” The court hasn’t always abandoned the taxpayer, however. In two cases, the court found that if a personal endeavour is undertaken in sufficiently professional and business-like way, the activity may be

considered a business activity for the purposes of the Income Tax Act. The activity in question was gambling, and the plaintiffs in those cases were considered to be professionals pursuing a profit-making livelihood from their personal endeavour. So how are expenses reported? If the activity is considered to be a business-like one with the intention of making a profit, then all of the

expenses may be claimed and any losses applied to other income. If the activity is considered to be a personal endeavour or hobby, then the expenses are limited to income earned and losses are recognized or can’t be carried back or forward, as in the case of a business venture. Grant Diamond is a tax analyst in Kelowna, B.C. with FBC, a company that specializes in farm tax. Contact: fbc@fbc.ca or 800-2651002.

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*Registration Rates: $50





GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt)

Grade A


Live Dec. 14-20

Previous Dec. 7-13

Year ago

Rail Dec. 14-20

Previous Dec. 7-13

118.50-120.25 95.76-121.95 n/a 102.00-106.00

119.00-120.00 99.42-124.54 n/a 102.00-106.00

115.29 116.44 n/a 103.00

199.75 194.00-195.00 n/a n/a

197.75-200.50 194.00-195.00 n/a n/a

120.00 95.76-121.95 n/a 100.00-105.00

118.25-122.00 104.32-117.28 n/a 100.00-105.75

114.62 113.68 n/a 102.50

200.50 193.00-194.00 n/a n/a

198.50-200.50 193.00-194.00 n/a n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$170 $160 $150 $140

n/a $130 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28

Saskatchewan $150


Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)


$130 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28

Manitoba $150 $145 $140 $135


$130 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28

Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $150


Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400




117-134 122-137 125-144 132-152 138-163 148-183

110-127 120-137 126-140 130-149 138-165 155-183

122-134 125-137 130-143 135-152 148-170 159-185

110-128 115-130 120-137 125-145 135-159 138-175

115-127 118-129 120-139 125-143 133-150 136-165

105-120 114-125 120-137 123-144 129-154 130-162

116-128 120-131 123-139 130-150 137-161 150-170

108-123 110-125 115-130 120-145 130-155 135-160 Canfax

$145 $140

Average Carcass Weight


n/a $130 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28


Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $145 $140

Dec. 15/12 890 815 664 915


Dec. 17/11 901 801 647 979

YTD 12 879 820 677 1026

YTD 11 856 784 671 1006

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)


n/a $125 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28

Manitoba $145 $140 $135 $130


$125 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) Steers National n/a Kansas n/a Nebraska n/a Nebraska (dressed) n/a

Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) Steers Trend South Dakota n/a n/a Billings n/a n/a Dodge City 143.75-151.50 mostly 2.0-3.0 lower

Cattle / Beef Trade

Cash Futures -5.14 -n/a -11.18

-8.53 n/a -14.33

Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 1824.8 -4 Non-fed 282.4 -19 Total beef 2107.2 -6

Exports % from 2011 628,677 (1) +9.8 131,827 (1) +77.9 176,039 (3) -17.0 239,476 (3) -15.4 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 38,252 (2) -36.0 172,572 (4) +6.9 219,439 (4) +11.1

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to Dec. 8/12 (2) to Oct. 31/12 (3) to Oct. 31/12 (4) to Dec. 15/12


Agriculture Canada

Close Dec. 28 Live Cattle Dec 129.40 Feb 133.58 Apr 137.23 Jun 131.93 Aug 131.23 Feeder Cattle Jan 152.03 Mar 154.73 Apr 156.80 May 158.25 Aug 162.98

129.28 133.58 137.33 132.43 132.00

+0.12 0.00 -0.10 -0.50 -0.77

122.90 121.45 125.45 124.58 125.90

152.15 154.78 156.55 157.88 162.00

-0.12 -0.05 +0.25 +0.37 +0.98

146.35 148.80 150.18 151.13 152.80

Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt) This wk Last wk Yr. ago 213-215 n/a 209-211 Canfax

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Dec. 21 Base rail (index 100) n/a Index range n/a Range off base n/a Feeder lambs n/a Sheep (live) n/a

Dec. 14 2.32 97.07-108.49 2.30-2.52 1.10-1.30 0.40-0.60 SunGold Meats

Dec. 24 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

Dec. 17 1.40-2.73 1.30-2.00 1.17-1.32 1.18-1.27 1.15-1.22 0.80-1.30 0.80-0.92 0.90-1.00 70-115

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $150 $145 $140 $135

n/a $130 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28

Fixed contract $/ckg

Jan 27-Feb 09 Feb 10-Feb 23 Feb 24-Mar 09 Mar 10-Mar 23 Mar 24-Apr 06 Apr 07-Apr 20 Apr 21-May 04 May 05-May 18 May 19-Jun 01 Jun 02-Jun 15 Jun 16-Jun 29


Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)

$160 $150 $140 $130 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28

(1) to Dec. 8/12

(2) to Oct. 31/12

To Dec. 15 Canada 19,638,580 19,630,507 0.0

To date 2012 To date 2011 % change 12/11

Fed. inspections only U.S. 107,784,198 105,844,372 +1.8 Agriculture Canada

$160 $155 $150 n/a

$140 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/14 12/24 12/28

Feb Apr May Jun

Close Dec. 28 86.38 90.13 97.60 99.60

Close Dec. 21 86.90 91.63 98.70 100.65

n/a 145.75

Man. Que.

n/a 140.00 *incl. wt. premiums

-0.52 -1.50 -1.10 -1.05

Year ago 84.30 87.70 94.83 95.50

% from 2011 -12.1 +3.7 +4.2

Import n/a 205,847 (3) 217,767 (3)

% from 2011 n/a +11.1 +9.1 Agriculture Canada

Jul Aug Oct Dec

EXCHANGE RATE: DATE $1 Cdn. = $1.0052 U.S. $1 U.S. = $0.9948 Cdn.

$315 $310 $300 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 12/24 12/28

Milling Wheat (March) $340 $320

$260 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 12/24 12/28

Close Dec. 28 99.03 97.75 87.30 83.75

Trend -1.15 -1.23 -0.88 -0.30

Year ago 94.83 94.35 83.85 79.65

Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)

Dec. 28 20.20-20.85 15.00-16-75 18.50-19.00 22.00-24.00 15.00-17.75 16.25-19.00 15.50-16.00 13.25-15.00 11.80-12.00 8.25-8.75 8.30-8.55 13.00-14.00 5.00-9.00 38.75-41.75 34.75-36.75 26.40-27.75 24.85-28.50 27.00-28.75 26.50-26.75 22.50-22.75 22.30-23.50

No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)

$610 $600 $590

Avg. Dec. 24 20.62 20.62 15.64 15.64 18.92 18.92 23.15 23.15 16.54 16.54 17.87 17.87 15.84 15.84 14.01 14.01 11.95 11.95 8.44 8.44 8.46 8.46 13.50 13.50 6.50 6.50 40.25 40.25 35.42 35.42 27.30 27.30 26.56 26.56 27.88 27.88 26.60 26.60 22.60 22.60 23.10 23.10

Cash Prices

Canola (cash - Jan.)

Dec. 26 Dec. 19 Year Ago n/a 188.04 165.73 n/a 153.57 166.46 21.15 21.15 28.80

$580 $570 11/23 11/30 12/7 12/14 12/24 12/28

Canola (basis - Jan.) $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 11/23 11/30 12/7 12/14 12/24 12/28

U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.) USDA

No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator

Dec. 27 8.01 7.85 7.98 5.76 5.04

Grain Futures Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $320 $310 $300 $290 $280 11/23 11/30 12/7 12/14 12/24 12/28

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $565 $560 $555 $550

n/a $545 11/23 11/30 12/7 12/14 12/24 12/28

Barley (cash - March) $290 $285

Basis: $33

Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Corn (Mar.) $780 $750 $720 $690 $660 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 12/24 12/28

$1530 $1500 $1470 $1440

Oats (Mar.) $380 $370 $360

Dec. 28 Dec. 24 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Jan 605.20 590.40 +14.80 Mar 596.60 585.40 +11.20 May 591.50 582.30 +9.20 Jul 587.60 580.70 +6.90 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Mar 290.50 290.50 0.00 May 293.50 293.50 0.00 July 295.50 295.50 0.00 Oct 295.50 295.50 0.00 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Mar 312.40 312.40 0.00 May 316.40 316.40 0.00 July 319.40 319.40 0.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Mar 247.00 247.00 0.00 May 248.00 248.00 0.00 July 248.50 248.50 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Mar 7.7875 7.9375 -0.1500 May 7.8850 8.0350 -0.1500 Jul 7.9500 8.1025 -0.1525 Sep 8.0800 8.2300 -0.1500 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Mar 3.4900 3.6500 -0.1600 May 3.5625 3.7250 -0.1625 July 3.5750 3.7450 -0.1700 Sep 3.5150 3.6400 -0.1250 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Jan 14.2400 14.3975 -0.1575 Mar 14.1800 14.3575 -0.1775 May 14.0950 14.2675 -0.1725 Jul 14.0725 14.2150 -0.1425 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) Jan 48.94 48.94 -0.00 Mar 49.44 49.35 +0.09 May 49.91 49.84 +0.07 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Mar 6.9400 7.0425 -0.1025 May 6.9675 7.0675 -0.1000 Jul 6.9475 7.0375 -0.0900 Sep 6.2125 6.2850 -0.0725 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Mar 8.6775 8.8125 -0.1350 May 8.7900 8.9100 -0.1200 Jul 8.8750 8.9950 -0.1200 Sep 8.8725 8.9875 -0.1150 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Mar 8.2600 8.4450 -0.1850 May 8.3600 8.5425 -0.1825 Jul 8.4350 8.6075 -0.1725

Year ago 525.80 524.30 527.20 528.50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.5275 6.7125 6.8625 7.0175 3.0950 3.1325 3.1850 3.2425 11.9850 12.0775 12.1750 12.2700 52.09 52.42 52.78 6.4650 6.5475 6.6125 6.1325 8.4950 8.2525 8.1350 7.9025 7.1700 7.2500 7.3200

$350 $340 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 12/24 12/28

Close Dec. 21 100.18 98.98 88.18 84.05

Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Cash Prices

$1410 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 12/24 12/28

(3) to Dec. 15/12



Soybeans (Jan.)

Index 100 hogs $/ckg

Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)



Export 834,189 (1) 264,621 (2) 986,033 (2)

Durum (March)

Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Hogs / Pork Trade


$235 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 12/24 12/28

$270 11/23 11/30 12/7 12/14 12/24 12/28

Hog Slaughter

Alta. Sask.



HOGS Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. Dec. 28 Dec. 28 150.51-151.42 150.47-151.39 153.25-153.70 153.21-153.67 151.73-152.64 151.57-152.48 152.19-153.10 152.03-152.94 152.64-153.85 152.48-153.86 158.41-163.44 158.44-163.48 165.72-168.83 165.77-168.43 171.57-174.77 171.18-174.38 173.85-177.51 173.47-177.13 175.22-175.68 174.84-175.30 176.14-178.42 175.76-178.05



Dec. 31 Wool lambs >80 lb. n/a Wool lambs <80 lb. n/a Hair lambs n/a Fed sheep n/a

Pulse and Special Crops



Close Trend Year Dec. 21 ago

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.



Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)



Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb

To Dec. 15 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2012 2,540,511 31,220,199 To date 2011 2,795,913 32,405,527 % Change 12/11 -9.1 -3.7

Montreal Heifers n/a n/a n/a n/a

Barley (March)


Cattle Slaughter


ICE Futures Canada

Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (Mar.) $940 $920 $900 $880 $860 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 12/24 12/28

Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To tonnes) Dec. 16 Wheat 287.3 Durum 37.2 Oats 10.8 Barley 3.7 Flax 24.9 Canola 228.1 Peas 66.1 Canola crush 149.7

To Dec. 9 242.7 64.5 9.5 34.5 22.9 172.8 10.1 145.3

Total to date 4876.8 1771.4 492.3 689.9 107.7 3230.7 766.6 2764.7

Last year 5294.2 1399.1 595.0 466.9 103.7 3368.5 938.9 2467.2



Early morning moisture and fog brought hoar frost to tree branches on the Bennie farm near Waskada, Man., Dec 15. | SHARLENE BENNIE PHOTO


PUBLISHER: SHAUN JESSOME EDITOR: JOANNE PAULSON MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500 The Western Producer is a weekly newspaper serving Western Canadian farmers since 1923. Published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada. ADVERTISING Classified ads: Display ads: In Saskatoon: Fax:





Much above normal

Jan. 3 - 9 (in °C)

Jan. 3 - 9 (in mm)

Above normal

Churchill Normal


Saskatoon Regina

Below normal






Much below normal

Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

-13.1 -12.4 -15.2 -13.7 -18.1 -14.0 -17.9 -17.9 -18.4 -18.8 -17.6 -15.3 -13.6 -18.3 -15.3 -14.5 -19.9 -15.5

-32.0 -30.4 -28.2 -32.2 -32.7 -30.8 -31.7 -30.8 -32.0 -32.8 -31.0 -34.1 -28.1 -31.7 -27.0 -31.6 -27.7 -29.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.9 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3

18.5 31.6 22.7 49.6 52.1 20.3 7.4 23.5 31.3 21.3 37.7 25.8 32.1 22.6 16.2 30.8 32.6 31.3

60 85 59 145 194 56 19 63 76 63 101 83 101 74 52 105 87 90


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MANITOBA Temperature last week High Low

Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

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ALBERTA Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

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LAST WEEK’S WEATHER SUMMARY ENDING DEC. 27 Temperature last week High Low

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The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)


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Prince George



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-16.3 -10.8 -18.1 -17.3 -20.5 -20.1 -20.2 -18.3 -18.6 -13.5 -6.9 -21.6 -3.0 -15.4 -4.3 -18.7

-29.8 -26.8 -29.4 -29.5 -30.6 -35.5 -34.9 -29.4 -28.3 -30.2 -31.2 -31.3 -25.6 -26.4 -27.8 -32.9

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

0.4 1.2 1.3 0.4 0.8 1.3 0.0 0.8 0.1 0.0 3.2 1.2 2.6 1.2 1.6 0.4

28.5 36.0 39.3 31.2 57.5 68.4 21.8 8.9 14.6 20.5 25.6 55.9 32.1 35.0 38.2 45.6

94 125 102 98 151 137 45 26 39 67 63 127 57 99 87 121

Temperature last week High Low

Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

-18.2 -18.5 -18.2 -12.1 -12.1 -12.7 -17.0 -19.0

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

-30.4 -29.1 -32.7 -32.0 -25.5 -26.9 -33.1 -29.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

47.9 35.1 44.1 27.8 31.1 35.3 45.7 41.9

122 81 98 69 65 74 100 91

-19.5 -31.3 -7.3 -6.8 -21.8

0.3 1.0 0.6 0.0 1.3

109.4 100.2 51.3 60.6 44.2

115 194 93 79 42

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

-3.5 -21.1 2.7 1.0 -14.2

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: www.agr.gc.ca/drought. Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca

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