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VOL. 91 | NO. 13 | $4.25








Auction goers had a wide selection of seeders and other equipment at Richie Bros. Auctioneers in Saskatoon March 19. FOR MORE FROM THE AUCTION, SEE PAGES 36, 37. |

Farmers dispute antibiotics study Data incorrect? | Ontario Medical Association calls for a ban on preventive use of antibiotics in animal agriculture while CCA says there is little evidence that animal antibiotics are a problem BY BARRY WILSON & BARB GLEN OTTAWA, LETHBRIDGE BUREAUS

Farm groups are fighting back in the wake of an Ontario Medical Association call to ban the preventive medicine use of farm antibiotics and stricter controls on the drugs overall.

The OMA plans to publish a study March 30 that argues human resistance to antibiotics is a growing health crisis and overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture, including as preventive treatment to avoid illness and promote growth, is a major problem. Bacteria mutate to form resistant

strains to antibiotics. The OMA calls for stricter control of on-farm antibiotic use in Ontario and the end of the drug as a disease prevention method or growth promotant. “This step is fundamental to preserving the effectiveness of antibiotics,” said an OMA statement.

Canadian Cattlemen’s Association science director Dr. Reynold Bergen said there is little evidence that antibiotic use in the cattle industry is a significant factor in what the OMA said is a growing human health crisis. SEE ANTIBIOTICS, PAGE 2




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u|xhHEEJBy00001pzYv":. MARCH 28, 2013 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publisher: Shaun Jessome Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240






Proposed ban protested There are four levels of antibiotics, and little antibiotic use in the cattle industry is of the “very high importance” category that is at issue in human use, he said from Calgary. Bergen said the industry works with the Public Health Agency on studies of antibiotic use in the industry and evidence shows that it is not a serious human health issue. He said that while the issue of antibiotic use is a recurring one, the latest OMA study reflects more on the authors of the report than on the industry. “I don’t think it’s a black eye for the industry,” he said. “I’d say the black eye is on the publishers of the report for their use of selective data to make their point.” Steven Leech, national program manager for food safety, animal care and research with Chicken Farmers of Canada, said the industry uses antibiotics responsibly and it is a necessary tool. “It is a complex issue,” he said. “We use it as an important part of the industry to keep the flock healthy but we have industry discussions about the issue and developing smart policy that reduces antibiotic use.” Agriculture Canada microbiologist Tim McAllister said the OMA report contained a number of inaccuracies, including a contention that the United States has superior controls on antibiotics. Canada has similar controls, he said. “You just can’t go dumping these in willy nilly. You’ve got to have a script, you’ve got to have permission and there is monitoring of how those antibiotics are being included in the feed.”

As well, McAllister said antibiotics have not been shown in research to promote growth in cattle. The benefits more likely lie in reducing the incidence of illness among animals at higher risk of exposure, so their feed intake remains high. “Prevention is considered economically and medically justifiable.” Bacteria constantly adapt to changing conditions, said the researcher, and antibiotic resistance is a natural phenomenon. “It’s part of that bacterial war. All we’ve done is added to it by synthesizing compounds and increasing the concentration of those particular compounds in certain environments.” McAllister agreed with the OMA’s recommendation that the amount of antibiotics used in both human and livestock health be better tracked and reported. News of the OMA report came the same week that CFC became the first national commodity group to win federal and provincial government endorsement of its on-farm food safety program. David Janzen, CFC chair, raised the issue in his March 19 speech to the annual meeting. “Our commitment to responsible antimicrobial use and monitoring shows people that, while there’s still debate as to the role our industry might play in antimicrobial resistance, we’re committed to taking ourselves out of the equation altogether,” he said days before the OMA report became an issue.




Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather

COLUMNS Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch Taking Care of Business Cowboy Logic TEAM Living Tips

Saline soil: Salinity affects millions of acres across the Prairies and high snowpack could see the problem worsen. | FILE PHOTO


» BUDGET 2013: The federal

» FRUIT BRAND: Prairie fruit



» »

budget has few items directly for agriculture, but non-farm initiatives are touted. 4 SPENT HENS: Chicken producers worry about the proliferation of old chicken meat from the U.S. 16 LABOUR SHORTAGE: Prairie grain farms face a looming labour shortage, particularly during harvest. 17 AG ART: A compelling video from a slaughter plant is one of the exhibits in a unique agricultural art project. 30

» »

growers are encouraged to use a new logo when marketing their product. 33 WILD POLLINATORS: A study finds that wild pollinators do a better job than managed ones such as honeybees. 36 CENTRE STAYS OPEN: The federal research centre at Fort Vermilion, Alta., receives a one-year reprieve. 41 DRAINAGE: Wetland drainage is blamed for most of the agricultural phosphorus entering Lake Winnipeg. 96

» MARKET ADVICE: Market advisory experts


find greater demand for their services.

» POTATO DEMAND: Growers told to cut

acres and find ways to increase demand. 7



» FOOD LABELS: Nutritionists lobby for more

Canada poised to collect beef levies

» ON THE FARM: A Saskatchewan town boy


The Canadian beef industry could be just weeks or months away from becoming the first agricultural sector authorized by government to collect levies on product imports. The levies on beef imports from the United States could be worth as much as $1 million annually, Ron Glaser, Canada Beef Inc. vice-president for corporate affairs and operations, said in a March 25 interview from Calgary. “After five or six years of working for this, we are close to achieving it,” he said. “As to when the money flows, that is a moving target but I think within the next half year, we will be collecting it.” The money will be used for promotion,marketdevelopmentandresearch. Canada Beef Inc. already collects approximately $7 million annually in


informative and accurate food labels.

national checkoffs on domestic sales. The ability to apply the equivalent of a $1 per head levy on imported beef equivalent to the national checkoff comes from 1993 amendments to the Farm Products Agencies Act. Farm Products Council of Canada chair Laurent Pellerin has been urging other farm sectors to take advantage of the legislation that allows levies on imports. The FPCC oversees the program. During a speech last week to Chicken Farmers of Canada in Ottawa, he said it is a golden opportunity for Canadian sectors to raise funds for research, market development and promotion. Beef will be the template, he said. “We are very close to the first collection of levies under Section 3 of the act, perhaps weeks away,” he said. “It will be very interesting.”


» EARLY SEEDING: Producers need to be


careful when seeding wheat early.

» SUN HARVEST: Sunlight management is crucial when growing crops.



» OLD COW: A 12-year-old cow is named


grand champion at a dairy show.

» LAMB PROFIT: Twins and triplets can

greatly boost a lamb producer’s profit. 103


Every year, DuPont Pioneer conducts over 1500 large-scale canola, corn and soybean trials – more than any other seed company in Western Canada. Ask your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales rep for details. Pioneer ® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. The DuPont Oval Logo is a registered trademark of DuPont. ®, TM, SM Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. © 2013, PHL.


made his farming dream come true.

Better seed in so many weighs


Subscriptions Ph: 800-667-6929 Advertising Ph: 800-667-7770 Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Shaun Jessome, Publisher Ph: 306-665-9625 shaun.jessome@producer.com Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 newsroom@producer.com Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 michael.raine@producer.com



10 11 11 8 109 105 24




108 43 28 9 110 10 12 23 111

» CANOLA EXPANSION: Capacity will double at a canola crusher in Lethbridge.


» EXPENSIVE YEAR: An acquisition heavy

year lowers profits at Legumex Walker. 109

Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 newsroom@producer.com Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 paul.yanko@producer.com Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 barbara.duckworth@producer.com Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 mary.macarthur@producer.com Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 barb.glen@producer.com Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 karen.briere@producer.com Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 ed.white@producer.com Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 ron.lyseng@producer.com Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 robert.arnason@producer.com Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 barry.wilson@producer.com





Farmers’ wheat shipments too slow: Cargill Not all agree | CWB holds out hope for late season rally BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Farmers are sitting on too much wheat and may not be able to empty their bins when they hope, according to a major grain company. “It has become evident to us that there could be a rude awakening,” said Len Penner, president of Cargill Ltd. Growers are on pace to ship a total of 13.3 million tonnes of wheat in 2013-14 based on exports so far, according to the Canadian Grain Commission. That is well below Agriculture Canada’s forecast of 14.8 million tonnes. Penner believes growers have misjudged the market, which is part of the learning curve associated with transitioning from the single desk to an open market for wheat and barley. “The farmer has to disconnect when he prices his crop in the market versus when he chooses to move his crop. Those are two separate decisions,” he said. The Canadian Wheat Board used to act as a logistics control valve, telling farmers when they could deliver a certain portion of their wheat into the system to ensure a steady flow of the crop to the ports. In Canada’s export system, grain has to be pulled from about 70,000 farms across Western Canada to vessels waiting at the ports. Penner said the industry can’t flip a switch and suddenly ship a pile of grain to Vancouver. “You need to move grain every single month of the year,” he said. Penner worries that growers are sitting on too much grain and expecting to move it all before seeding. “If everyone decides to move their

Tyler Russell, Cargill’s national grain marketing manager, said 23 of the 50 wheat harvests in the world occur in June, July and August, so competitive supplies are just around the corner. | FILE PHOTO grain in March or April, it won’t all happen,” he said. Neil Townsend, director of CWB Market Research, is less concerned. Farmers had delivered 11.33 million tonnes of the crop as of March 17, which is ahead of last year’s pace and well above the five-year average. “I don’t find that particularly egregious in terms of where they should be,” he said. Townsend noted that the CGC’s export number is often below Statistics Canada’s because it doesn’t include factors like trans-border shipments. He believes grain companies are

frustrated because they want to buy grain but farmers aren’t selling. “They don’t see the prices going higher but the farmer is still lingering with the memory of the pre-Christmas time,” said Townsend. Tyler Russell, Cargill’s national grain marketing manager, thinks growers could miss the boat literally and figuratively. He wonders why they haven’t sold more grain in a year with record high prices and great quality. “That should be the year you’ve cleaned out the bins,” he said. Russell said farmers need to realize that 23 of the 50 wheat harvests in the world occur in June, July and August

so competitive supplies are just around the corner. “We have to think globally,” he said. Townsend agreed that the market highs are long gone but he doesn’t fault growers for holding onto the crop. He thinks there’s one more price bounce remaining in wheat markets before the pending downturn. Futures prices might climb back as high as $8.40 per bushel but $9 wheat is a thing of the past. Townsend said the bounce will be caused by a supply crunch in U.S. feed markets. Corn stocks are dwindling and wheat is increasingly making its way into livestock rations.

He forecasts that a lot of wheat will be fed for the remainder of 2012-13 and during the first quarter of 201314, which should result in a wheat price premium over corn in the nearby spread. The party will come to an end when what is looking to be a terrific Black Sea region wheat crop hits the market and when markets gain confidence in what is expected to be a massive U.S. corn crop. Penner said that aside from farmers clinging to too much of their wheat, the transition to an open market has been smooth, thanks in part to Mother Nature. “We were very fortunate in one sense. We had a good average crop. It matured relatively early. It was dry, and the grades were in a very narrow band,” he said. “It was as good as it gets from a wheat production perspective, which is probably good for a transition year.” The industr y shipped record amounts of grain during the first three months of the crop year. Farmers were able to market the wheat they wanted and domestic and international customers got what they needed. “You can sit back and look at that and say, ‘It has gone good. Canada did not tarnish (its) reputation as a major provider of wheat globally,” said Penner. As expected, Cargill and other grain companies are experiencing grain handling efficiencies by having full control and view of the supply chain. Cargill’s Vancouver terminal has been moving record volumes of grain on a monthly basis. “Just that one piece has allowed us to be more efficient than we have been in the past,” said Penner. But he remains concerned about how the 2012-13 marketing year will finish given the amount of grain still sitting on farms and the potential for big crops in the U.S. and the former Soviet Union.


Olymel phases out gestation stalls BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Canada’s second largest food processor plans to phase out gestation stalls within 10 years. Olymel announced the decision in its annual report and says 10 years should give producers enough time to retrofit barns. “It is in the interest of everyone to do the change because mostly clients and consumers are requesting it,” said company spokesperson Richard Vigneault, who is based in Montreal. Olymel is talking with suppliers to determine the best way to phase in open housing systems for pregnant sows because they know the transition could be costly. “We know the situation is not easy for the producer of course. They have been through a lot of difficulty in the last few years,” he said. The company has acquired Big Sky Farms in Saskatchewan, which must make the changes as well. The Humane Society InternationalCanada released the decision March

22 with Olymel’s permission. The organization focuses on the commercial seal hunt, puppy mills, battery cage laying hens, gestation stalls, horse slaughter, shark finning, animal transportation and trophy bear hunting. In a news release the group said the decision gives the new national swine code of practice more validity. “If the updated code is to be relevant for Canadian producers and respected in international markets, the code development committee must take into account the overwhelming global trend away from the use of gestation crates and include a timeline for the complete elimination of these confinement systems from the Canadian pork industry,” said the release. The national swine code of practice is scheduled for release June 1 for public comment and calls for the phasing out of gestation stalls by 2024. The new standards could be costly for pork producers who have not seen profits since the first quarter of 2012.

“Producers today are not making any money regardless of what they are doing,” said Darcy Fitzgerald, manager of Alberta Pork. Losses are around $35 per head and retail pork is selling at below the cost of production. “To ask a producer to do something completely different now, which will cost a lot of money when he is making no money, is really unrealistic. If people are pushed too far, there just won’t be any production,” he said. He said stores should offer a choice at retail and consumers who want pork from open stall housing barns should pay more. Barns are built with a 25-year plan and according to approved standards at the time of construction. It could cost an average farm more than $250,000 to retrofit a barn. “If a producer is making a half decent living he has no problem trying to find ways to do different things. If a customer asks for a different way of producing a pig and he can do it, then I am sure he will go that direction,” he said.

Don Chaput of the University of Manitoba’s swine research barn walks among gestating sows living in open pens. Olymel has announced plans to move to open barn designs similar to this and away from confined gestation stalls. | FILE PHOTO





Ag leaders satisfied with feds’ plan for farm community BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Farm leaders gave last week’s federal budget at least a passing grade. They praised investments in Genome Canada research, a multibillion-dollar spending program on municipal infrastructure and several tax break improvements. Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said the budget included “several important contributions essential to the growth of the sector.” He cited the budget’s commitment to $3 billion in research and innovation announced earlier in the September Growing Forward Agreement in Whitehorse as well as an increased one-time tax break from capital gains tax for farmers selling their farms. “I would say this gets a very decent rating for agriculture,” Bonnett said. “It is a very positive outcome for the sector.” However, he criticized the government’s decision to only double to $17,500 the ability of part-time farmers to claim losses against off-farm income. The CFA says the ability to offset losses should be at least set at the $40,000 level. Grain Growers of Canada pronounced itself “neutral.” It was generally favourable to the budget but had concerns about uncertain research commitments, GGC has been trying to convince the government to increase public funding for basic agr icultural research and investment in research infrastructure. “We are reassured to see this year’s federal budget does not include any further erosion to agricultural infrastructure, but we will have to wait and see more details about how previous budget cuts are put into practice before we weigh in one way or the other,” president Stephen Vandervalk said in a GGC statement. He said Grain Growers will continue to support public-private partnership research projects and the government’s new model of “cluster funding” for short-term research results, but basic research funding also is needed. “Grain Growers continues to stress the importance of innovation and agriculture research to the federal government,” he said. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association praised the government for being in line with CCA goals through its emphasis on “innovation, competitiveness, market development, regulator y co-operation and addressing labour shortages.” Even Liberal agriculture critic Frank Valeriote found some parts of the budget helpful but complained that there was not enough emphasis on their application to agriculture. He noted the promise of funding for job skills training. “It is time we started promoting a career in agriculture,” he said. “It’s time we moved more vigorously to introduce it to youth in colleges or even high school. The industry needs more skilled workers.”

Finance minister Jim Flaherty unveiled the federal government’s budget last week, which doubled the amount of farm loss a part-time farmer can write off against off-farm income. | REUTERS PHOTO FEDERAL BUDGET | AGRICULTURE

Ritz touts indirect benefits of budget Agriculture spending | Quiet federal budget has no big announcements for rural Canada BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Last week’s federal budget contained no new big ticket agricultural spending or policy plans, but agriculture minister Gerry Ritz said farmers should look beyond the obvious. “Rural Canada depends on infrastructure, depends on jobs, depends on the economy bubbling along to allow people to buy their products,” Ritz said. “That’s what this budget does.” Farm lobby leaders reacting to the budget generally agreed, arguing that many of the non-farm specific promises will help the industry. “From an agriculture perspective, I think overall this budget is pretty good,” said Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett. There were two specific farm tax benefits in the budget: • An increase in the one-time farm capital gains exemption to

$800,000 from $750,000 with the amount indexed to inflation, saving farmers an estimated $20 million over the next two years. • A doubling to $17,500 of the maximum amount of farm loss a parttime farmer can write off against off-farm income. Part-time and young farmers use the benefit to get into the business while working off farm to pay the bills and build equity. The government estimates the tax benefit will be worth $10 million over the next two years. Farmers can write off the first $2,500 of loss and then half of the next $30,000, spreading it over 20 years if needed. However, finance minister Jim Flaherty’s eighth budget was not a showcase for big farm announcements. Major farm support spending and innovation programs have already been announced in last year’s Growing Forward 2 deal. However, budget announcements

of investments in infrastructure and research programs will help farmers, Ritz said. A pledge to index municipal gas tax transfers from the federal government will provide stable and predictable funding for rural municipalities to invest in roads, bridges and infrastructure. The government is promising $70 billion over the next decade for municipal and federal infrastructure spending. It is also promising $165 million to Genome Canada. “This is a significant investment and that supports canola, the livestock sector, new variety research,” said Ritz. “There’s a good win there.” He said money for job skills training can also help farmers. As well, the budget stresses the government’s priority on new trade deals, many of which have significant agricultural stakes. It also reaffirmed government commitments in the September Growing

Forward deal to increase spending on innovation and adaptation, although it did not mention tougher farm support program rules that are expected to sharply cut farmer eligibility for funds under AgriStability and AgriInvest. Ritz insisted the broad budget thrust is good for farmers and rural Canada. “This budget is a win for farmers and rural because it isn’t just about the farm,” he said. “It’s also about infrastructure and getting products to market.” The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association joined in the general chorus of industry praise. “The CCA welcomes Budget 2013 and appreciates the federal government’s continued commitment to innovation, competitiveness, market development, regulatory co-operation and addressing labour shortages,” it said. “These are the top priorities for our industry and for the CCA. “


Initiative challenges Alta. communities to share funds, work together BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

EDMONTON — Alberta’s rural municipalities will need to learn to play in the same sandbox if they want to receive regional funding from the provincial government. “They have to learn how to or they won’t get the funding. It’s that simple,” said municipal affairs minister Doug Griffiths. The recent provincial budget reallocated $50 million from the operating portion of the Municipal Sustainability Initiative grant to a regional

funding program designed to help municipalities work together in regional programs. “The funding will still be there for municipalities, but we are looking at doing innovative, collaborative projects,” Griffiths told the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties convention. “It’s about collaboration, it’s about innovation, but it’s not prescriptive. It doesn’t say what they have to do. They can come up with, you name the subject matter, it could be on housing, be on emergency services, it could be on water, it could be on

transportation, it could be on economic development. It’s up to them to find out what they can do to make their community be stronger and more prosperous, which is the beauty of the program.” Camrose County reeve Don Gregorwich said the regional collaboration is a continuation of previous work encouraging counties to work together. “The principle is excellent. It’s very realistic. We do need to co-operate more with our neighbours. That’s reality,” said Gregorwich. “Municipalities are going to have to

set aside the past disagreements and past feuds and start fresh and say, ‘where can we go from here?’ We have to think about the future.” Gregorwich said his county is already working with neighbouring municipalities. AAMD&C president Bob Barss said he expects a lot of the funding to be used to hire consultants to build interim development plans, particularly in areas where rural and urban municipalities are close together. FOR SASKATCHEWAN BUDGET NEWS, SEE PAGES 106, 107.






Salt tolerant wheatgrass generating buzz

Agriculture Canada is running salt tolerance trials for alfalfa near its research facility in Swift Current, Sask. |



Wet weather worsens salinity issues Salty soil | Wet soils have added to millions of acres across the Prairies with a salinity problem STORIES BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

PICTURE BUTTE, Alta. — Seven million acres of land in Western Canada are classified as severely saline and another 17 million acres are moderate to slightly saline. That shows the magnitude of the situation, says Agriculture Canada hydrology technician Ken Wall. But it gets worse: another 10 million acres are at risk of becoming saline. Wall, who works at the Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre in Swift Current, Sask., said strip farming and summer fallow practices in previous generations worsened soil salinity on the Prairies. “With everybody moving to continuous cropping, it has really helped a lot of the salinity problems,” Wall told a salinity session organized by the County of Lethbridge. “I think a lot of the farmers were thinking we’ve got this thing solved.” However, he said recent years of wetter weather have given rise to salinity problems in places where they hadn’t previously been seen. As well, farmers may have even more to deal with because of snow conditions across much of the Prairies that indicate high runoff and a potentially high water table. Wall said not all salinity problems will be immediately obvious. “If you can’t see it, often people think it’s not there, but those slightly saline to moderately saline areas, they do affect growth … especially your wheats and your pulses.” White residue on the soil surface is a sure sign of severe salinity, but it sel-



Perennial forages can improve productivity on saline soil. Jane Holzer of the Montana Salinity Control Association recommends these species, listed from highest to lowest salt tolerance. Recommended varieties appear in brackets. • beardless wild rye (Shoshone) • tall wheatgrass (Jose, Alkar, Largo, Orbit) • green wheatgrass (AC Saltlander) • hybrid wheatgrass (Newhy) • altai wild rye (Prairieland Pearl, Eejay) • slender wheatgrass (Pryor) • Russian wild rye (Bozoisky Select, Bozoisky II) • tall fescue (Kenmont Alta, Fawn) • western wheatgrass (Rosana, Rodan) • barley (Haybet, Horsford, Westford) • hybrid crested wheatgrass (Hycrest, Hycrest II) • creeping foxtail (Garrison) • yellow sweet clover (Commercial) • alfalfa (Ladak 65, Spredor III, Shaw, Rambler, Cooper, Travois)

• Long-lived. • Adapted to semiarid rangeland with 33 to 45 cm of annual precipitation. • Winter hardy. • Extensive root system. • Recovers rapidly after grazing. • Palatable to cattle. • Fine stemmed with low growth point. • Comparable to brome or orchard grass in yield. • Can displace foxtail barley under good conditions. • Suited to late fall seeding, although spring seeding is recommended. • Five to 10 lb. per acre seeding rate. • Three-quarter inch seeding depth. • Thirty to 60 lb. per acre of nitrogen recommended on mature stand. • Natural hybrid between quackgrass and bluebunch wheat grasses. • Seed resembles that of quackgrass parent.

Source: Montana Salinity Control Association

Wall said tests involving cropping in moderate saline conditions show canola is as tolerant as barley, and hybrid canola handles it better than other varieties. However, he cautioned against choosing a canola variety based on salt tolerance. “Pick your highest yielding crop under no salt, and even if it might be a little less tolerant … it will probably translate into a little more yield in a moderate saline area.” As for severely saline areas, Wall and three other soil and salinity experts agreed on one thing: a

dom appears on soil that is only slightly saline. Barley and canola are more salt tolerant than wheat and pulse crops, but Wall said farmers with irrigation have wider crop choices because they can leach salt downward until the crop becomes established. “A s w i t h a n y c ro p, o n c e i t ’s emerged, generally the tolerance increases a bit. With the perennials, it increases an awful lot, but with the annuals, if you can get it going, it’s got a better chance.”

perennial forage is the answer to a perennial salinity problem. “We’re looking for more intensive water use, so perennial forages are always going to be the best,” said Alberta Agriculture land management specialist Rob Dunn. “Continuous cropping is always going to be the best scenario. We’re taking advantage, using as much of that moisture as we can.” It may take years for perennial forages to improve saline areas, but there is little to lose when nothing else will grow. Dunn said saline land seeded to alfalfa for three to five years showed higher yields on subsequent annual crops for up to eight years. Jane Holzer, program director for the Montana Salinity Control Association, also recommended planting alfalfa and other salt tolerant forages. Alfalfa and pubescent wheatgrass roots can stretch far deeper into the soil than those of cereal crops. Both are efficient at using water and lowering the water table. Holzer recommended using a simple water table monitoring well if salinity is a problem. A simple length of PVC pipe, installed with a posthole digger and affixed with a cap, is an easy and low cost way to monitor water table levels, she added. Dunn said severely saline waterlogged areas can be candidates for subsurface drainage, but that has its own challenges related to expense, topography and neighbours. “Nobody downstream wants your salty water,” he said.

PICTURE BUTTE, Alta. — One name was on everyone’s lips last week at a County of Lethbridge workshop about soil salinity: AC Saltlander. “We’re actually very excited about it,” said Agriculture Canada hydrology technician Ken Wall. “It is a hybrid, but it’s got some creeping rootedness in it, which tends to cover some open areas.” Wall, who works at the Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre in Swift Current, Sask., said research shows the green wheatgrass variety is another forage tool in reclaiming areas lost to excess salt accumulation. “It’s one of the most salt tolerant ones. Between it and tall wheatgrass, there’s really nothing that approaches the salt tolerance of it, so that really increases your options in terms of some of those areas that stay white all the time.” Wall said AC Saltlander was released five years ago and has generated major interest in the United States. Such a large market could take a lot of the available seed, he added. The salt-tolerant forage doesn’t have a huge seed set but is long-lived once it is established. Ken Miller of Miller Seeds in Milk River, Alta., used it in a plot test seven years ago, and it is still producing well. Miller showed the workshop slides documenting the gradual recovery of a major saline area on the lower slope of the Milk River ridge. An area once barren and white with accumulated salt was seeded to a mix of Saltlander, meadow brome and crested wheatgrass and left to grow for seven years. “During that seven years, we were able to dewater and dry out the land,” Miller said. “Over time, the crested took over on the upland and tops of hills, the meadow brome was better in the mid slopes but the bottoms, the Saltlander thrived.” Agriculture Canada researcher Harold Steppuhn developed the hardy forage. It was commercially released to Miller in 2004 and is also available from Viterra.

AC Saltlander green wheatgrass growing on the Valley View Farm west of Swift Current on moderately to severely salinized soil. | AAFC PHOTO





CDC Meredith Lower grain protein

M A RKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 9 34-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN


Firms vie for farmers seeking market advice Seeking biggest bang for buck | Cargill says two-thirds of grain is sold in bottom one-third of market BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Demand for grain marketing advisory services is going through the roof under the open market as growers sort out how to best sell their wheat, barley and durum in a volatile pricing environment. Cargill Ltd. got into the business in a big way about five years ago after making a startling discovery. “Two-thirds of the grain that we purchased was sold in the bottom third of the market,” said Cargill president Len Penner. That revelation provided a clear signal that growers needed help selling their grain and they still do today. Cargill estimates 60 to 70 percent of the wheat the company received in October was priced the previous winter before the summer run-up in prices. That’s why the company is investing so heavily in its grain marketing consulting service. Cargill claims it has rapidly become the largest advisory firm in Canada. The grain company employs 34 advisers servicing about 500 clients scattered from Alberta’s Peace River district to Ontario. Over the next few months Cargill is expected to add another six advisers. “It has been hands-down the fastest growing portion of our overall business, which is a signal,” said Penner. “It’s saying there’s a need out there.” Derek Squair, president of AgriTrend Marketing, said demand for marketing advice is definitely snowballing and there is no end in sight. Agri-Trend’s client base has grown 75 percent in the last year. The problem is that the company has increased its staff by only 25 percent to 24. “We’re trying to find market coaches as fast as we can. We’ve got more demand than we can find people qualified to do it,” said Squair. Ideal candidates would possess a commerce or agricultural economics degree, have five years of grain elevator experience and five years of grain merchandising. “You need somebody who has been around the block a little bit,” said


Squair. “Those people are tough to find.” Agri-Trend is hoping to hire nine coaches to serve the Alberta market over the next six months. Saskatchewan and Manitoba are already well covered. Mark Lepp, business manager for FarmLink Marketing Solutions, another major player in the western Canadian grain marketing advisory business, said the companies are just starting to tap the market for this service. Only a small fraction of growers are paying for one-on-one advice. “There is for sure a growing market out there for what we do,” he said. Lepp, whose firm employs 27 advisers, said with the demise of the CWB monopoly, a lot of growers are looking for advice on how to market their wheat, durum and malt barley. “They can quickly see the value of bringing some outside expertise in to help supplement their knowledge and their research base and help them make their decisions,” he said. Penner believes the demise of the single desk, combined with soaring grain prices and increased market volatility, are the three factors behind the surge in demand for advisory services. “Now all of the sudden you have the attention of the farmer who’s saying, ‘I’ve never received this much money for a bushel of my wheat. What do I do?’” Squair said the business was growing rapidly before the transition to an open market but now it is exploding. “We’re having a lot of success with wheat growers,” he said. Farmers don’t have much experience marketing wheat and it is a far

An increasing number of farmers are turning to advisory services to help them market their grain. | more complicated crop to sell than canola due to the confusing array of classes, grades and quality factors. Squair agreed with Penner that many farmers are better at growing crops than selling them. Agri-Trend research shows that 70 percent of farmers sell in the bottom 25 percent of the market. He believes that’s because grain prices take an escalator ride on the way up and an elevator plunge on the way down. Sixty days of price gains can easily be wiped out in three days of losses. “The market is typically the most bullish when it’s ready to correct, so (farmers) miss it and they panic sell on the way down,” said Squair. Growers are competing against sophisticated hedge fund money managers and technical buyers and sellers.

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“You can get beat up really fast.” The three big advisory firms operating in Western Canada are in fierce competition for grower dollars. Penner said Cargill Canada is able to offer clients access to the parent company’s global network of experts. “We have feet on the ground in 68 countries from a grain and grain movement perspective. We monitor what happens in 147 countries,.” Squair counters that Agri-Trend, which is strictly a consulting firm, is a more streamlined operation than its grain company counterpart. “We don’t have the overhead that Cargill has, so we’re very well priced versus them,” he said. Lepp said FarmLink has been on the scene the longest and boasts that his company has a client retention rate of 93 to 95 percent. Some customers have been with



the firm for all of its 10 years in the business. “Keeping the clients that we have happy has been critical for us to continue to grow,” he said.” Penner said marketing advice can have a much bigger financial impact on a farm operation than the company’s agronomy consulting services. Cargill has 15 risk management tools in its portfolio, including futures contracts, options puts and calls, stop loss orders and market orders. Growers could have used some of those tools to help them participate in the run-up in grain prices that happened in 2012 rather than selling in the trough of the market. “This is one of these areas that truly will make a difference to a farmer’s income. It has huge potential to have a positive impact,” said Penner.

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Potato sector struggles with demand dip Industry must find ways to entice consumers BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Potato growers have realized that they must take action to improve fresh potato demand in North America, says an industry spokesperson. Otherwise, American and Canadian growers will have to permanently cut acres to accommodate declining demand. The situation is particularly acute this year because a glut of supply has pushed fresh potato prices below the cost of production, said Kevin MacIsaac, general manager of United Potato Growers of Canada. Canadian growers have received about $1.30 for a 10 pound bag of fresh potatoes over the last several months, which is down from the $1.80 to $1.90 per 10 lb. bag they received at the same time last year. “You’d have to be getting $1.50 (per 10 lb.) just to meet the cost of production,” MacIsaac said. “Anything that is contracted is (priced) hopefully at a reasonable price that will allow growers to have some profit. Anything on the fresh (potato) market, in most areas across Canada, is selling below the cost of production.” He said the situation has forced producers to understand that they have to do something about falling demand. “We’ve now come to the realization that there is a severe problem.” Based on Statistics Canada data, growers harvested 101.1 million hundredweight of potatoes in 2012, compared to 92.4 million cwt. in 2011 and 97.2 million cwt. in 2010. Most farmers produced average yields last summer, but acreage of table and processing potatoes rose to 373,400 acres, the highest since 2008. Acres and yields were also higher in the United States than in previous years, creating a surplus of fresh potatoes in most regions. “I was in Manitoba visiting some of the fresh (potato) sheds about a month ago. I would say in Western Canada some of the supply is getting cleaned up…. Guys are starting to see the end of the bin,” MacIsaac said. “In Eastern Canada, that’s not the case. There are obviously lots of p o t at o e s g o i n g o n t h e ma rke t because that’s reflected in the price.”

The overabundance will definitely drive down potato acres in most regions of North America this year, MacIsaac said. “In Canada, I think we’d be looking at a five (percent decline),” he said. “That’s the number they’re talking in the U.S…. (but) the reality is the U.S. would need to (cut) by 10 or 15 percent, but they’re talking five.” The entire industry would benefit if potato farmers cut acres more drastically, but growers don’t readily switch to other crops because the capital costs of potato harvesting equipment and storage facilities are substantial, MacIsaac said. The glut of spuds this year will also weigh on growers’ contracts with french fry and chip processors. “The buyers, the processors, will look at the open market and say, ‘well, why would I need to give a big increase when there is a glut of potatoes?’ ” Jerry Wright, president of United Potato Growers of America, said the potato industry has to revive demand for fresh potatoes. If not, potato acres will have to fall. “Fresh potato (demand) continues to decrease at about 1.1 percent annually equal to one million cwt. each year, or the production of about 2,500 acres,” Wright said on the potato growers website. “One factor in the fresh potato volume decline is the consumer’s move to smaller packages: 10 lb. consumer bags are being replaced by five lb. and three lb. consumer bags at an alarming rate.” MacIsaac said french fry, potato chip and processed potato consumption has been steady over the last decade or so, with the exception of the 2008-09 recession. However, consumers are eating fewer fresh potatoes because they don’t have time for meal preparation. United Potato Growers of America expects average yields to increase five cwt. per acre each year as consumption sags. “Depend on it,” said Wright. “When enough growers fail to recognize and act on this paradigm, each then contributes to a major disaster like the one that is now underway. And this is not opinion. This is fact.” MacIsaac remains hopeful the industry can revitalize demand for

POTATO AREA, PRODUCTION AND FARM VALUES Potato seeded acreage increased in Canada and the United States last year, but to maintain area in the future the industry must reverse falling consumer demand for table potatoes. Seeded area (000 acres) Canada U.S. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

BEIJING, China (Reuters) — Chinese companies have bought as much as 300,000 tonnes of Australian canola. It was the first such purchase after China lifted a ban on Australian canola imposed in 2009 over concerns about blackleg. China, the world’s biggest consumer of canola, imported 2.93 million tonnes of the oilseed last year, almost all from Canada. It was a 132 percent increase from the previous year. The canola, for delivery from April to June, was offered at about $680 per

tonne, which compared with Canadian canola quoted at about $716 per tonne, the China National Grain and Oils Information Center said. China agreed to allow imports of Australian canola under specific conditions, an Australian industry group said. Canola is crushed into edible oil and meal, which is used chiefly in fish farming in China. The Chinese are consuming more meat as the country urbanizes rapidly. China is also the world’s largest buyer of soybeans.

1,059.0 1,070.0 1,022.0 1,099.0 1,148.0

Source: Stats Can/USDA | WP GRAPHIC

fresh potatoes because spuds are loaded with healthful attributes, such as vitamin C and potassium. Nonetheless, money and a sustained

effort are needed to support a potato comeback. “We have to see if there is a will to do that,” MacIsaac said. “Avocados are

the big success story in the food industry. Their consumption and sales have tripled…. If they can do it, we can do it as well.”


China imports Australian canola

379.9 369.9 357.0 360.5 373.4

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Japan remains vital canola customer

Insurance improvement researched

Exports keep growing | Japan is the second largest importer of Canadian canola BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM


VANCOUVER — China receives all the attention in the canola market, but there is another crucial customer in the Asia Pacific region that can’t be ignored, say industry officials. Japan has been a steady buyer of Canadian canola for decades, and its imports are up in recent years, despite demographic challenges. “Japan has been one of the longest, most stable customers for Canadian canola through our history,” Canola Council of Canada president Patti Miller said during an interview at the association’s annual convention. “They’re a really, really important country. We’ve got a great relationship. It’s a $1.4 billion market.” Shipments to Japan averaged 1.75 million tonnes per year through the 1990s and jumped to 2.05 million tonnes per year in the 2000s. Sales have kept growing since then, to 2.36 million tonnes in 2011 and 2.34 million tonnes last year. Council chair Pat Van Osch said Japan sometimes gets lost in the shadow of the spotlight on China. “We tend to talk more about China than our other buyers,” he said. “China gets a lot of attention just because of the curve of their consumption.” However, Japan is the second biggest importer of Canadian canola, despite a slowdown in the economy. “If we lose Japan, that would be a significant step back for the industry,” said Van Osch. Glen Hodgson, chief economist of


Japan’s economy is shaky but the country remains an important buyer of canola. | the Conference Board of Canada, said Japan’s economy is forecast to grow by one percent per year over the next couple of years compared to seven percent a year for the rest of the Asia Pacific region. Japan has the world’s highest level of public debt, even more than Greece. It has a declining population that is the oldest on Earth, with more than a quarter of its citizens older than 65. As well, 50 of its 52 nuclear power plants are closed following the Fukushima disaster in 2011. “It’s kind of like a train wreck in slow motion,” said Hodgson.

However, Canada sold nearly 780,000 tonnes more canola to Japan last year than it did a decade ago. “We’re kind of happy with the way that it’s going,” said Adrian Man, assistant vice-president of Richardson International Ltd. He said canola is gaining at the expense of soybean market share. “They prefer our oil, which is their traditional oil,” said Man. A Japanese Oilseed Processors Association official said consumers aren’t as taken with canola’s health attributes as they are with its taste, frying properties and familiarity.


Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz led a trade mission to Japan in early March. Miller participated in the trade mission, during which she met with seed importers and discussed new opportunities for trade that may arise in bilateral free trade discussions. She said trade missions are important and was pleased that Ritz came along to demonstrate the government’s commitment to the industry. “It really is about maintaining that ongoing relationship because relationship is important to the Japanese,” said Miller.


Robust wheat exports needed to meet target MARKET WATCH



anadian wheat exports must pick up the pace for the rest of the crop to meet Agriculture Canada’s forecast for total crop year exports. However, canola exports can slow and still meet the shipping target for that commodity. The domestic canola crush will also likely slow before the end of the year. The department forecasts wheat exports at 14.6 million tonnes. Canola exports are expected to be 7.2 million tonnes and the domestic crush 6.5 million. Subtracting what has moved so far from the total expected movement and dividing by the number of weeks left in the marketing year will determine the average amount that must move each week for the remainder of the year to meet the target. I found the following by applying

this math and using the Canadian Grain Commission weekly export figures to March 17, which is the 33rd week of the crop year: • Canada shipped an average of 256,400 tonnes of wheat per week in the first 33 weeks of the year. It must ship 323,100 tonnes per week for the remaining 19 weeks of the crop year to meet the export target. • Canola exports averaged 151,500 tonnes a week but can drop to 115,900 tonnes a week for the remaining 19 weeks and still meet the export target. • C r u s h ha s ave ra g e d 1 3 6 , 5 0 0 tonnes a week, according to Canadian Oilseed Processors Association figures, but need only be 105,100 tonnes a week for the rest of the year to meet the target. Another way to look at this is that the price for old crop canola must be high enough to discourage exports and crush. A story on page three of this week’s paper goes into more detail about the pace of wheat exports. Canada has exported 8.46 million tonnes of wheat as of March 17, down just 0.4 percent from last year at the same time. Wheat exports from the United States are even further behind the

EXPORT EXPECTATIONS The pace of wheat exports will have to increase through the rest of the crop year to meet the export forecast, but canola exports and crush must slow to avoid exceeding expectations. (000 tonnes)

export forecast

Wheat Durum Canola Canola crush

14,600.0 4,150.0 7,200.0 6,500.0

exported weekly avg. remainder to weekly avg. to March 17 exports export required 8,460.3 2,776.8 4,998.7 4,503.4

256.4 84.1 151.5 136.5

6,139.7 1,373.2 2,201.3 1,996.6

323.1 72.3 115.9 105.1

Source: Canadian Grain Commission | WP GRAPHIC

pace needed to meet its U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast. The USDA has already increased its forecast for year end stocks and might be forced to do so again. CWB weather and market analyst Bruce Burnett predicted in January that North American wheat exports would pick up in the second half of the year because Russia and Ukraine had run out of exportable product. However, that shift was slow coming. As March arrived, Canadian weekly wheat exports finally jumped to more than than 300,000 tonnes for two weeks but then fell to 137,000 tonnes. Agriculture Canada’s forecast for stocks at the end of 2012-13 is four

million tonnes, 14 percent lower than the five year average. Ending stocks could easily rise to five million if wheat sales do not improve in the rest of the crop year. The CGC weekly report does not capture all exports and Statistics Canada’s grain export figures, while perhaps more accurate, are slow, with the latest numbers available to January. Based on the those figures, wheat exports might be closer to meeting the Agriculture Canada forecast, but even then exports in the second half of the year must be strong to reach the target. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.

Farmers live with one gigantic underlying risk: the possibility that they won’t bring in enough revenue to cover their expenses. That risk manifests itself in many ways: weather disasters that ravage production, market meltdowns that demolish prices and random events that overturn years of a farmer’s careful management and investment. Each specific risk tends to have customized tools to deal with it, so getting the mix of risk management tools right is important. Some tools are offered by government, others by the private sector or through a farmer’s financial management. Improving how this quilt of risk management is stitched together will be a key concern of Lysa Porth, the inaugural chair in agricultural risk management at the University of Manitoba’s Asper School of Business. “It’s not restricted to any one risk,” said Porth, whose position was established with a $750,000 grant from global reinsurer Guy Carpenter and Co. She plans to “listen to producers, find out what their risks are, go back and develop them into insurance products with government and private sector to roll those out as an option for producers.” Porth thinks governments, private insurers and derivative markets can work more co-operatively to provide a better comprehensive safety net. “Often we don’t see government and private sector working together, using academia as the bridge between the two.” She said the support from Guy Carpenter shows there is a strong private sector desire for the insurance industry to develop and better understand agricultural risk management. Porth’s education reveals the bridging approach she thinks is essential in improving farmers’ risk management systems: she has an interdisciplinary degree in actuarial science and agricultural economics. Actuarial science is the study of insurance. Porth said while many people are trained in insurance or in agricultural economics, few have degrees in both. That’s a problem for banks, insurers and other institutions that need professional staff that can assess both insurance and farming. “They want to be able to hire actuaries that understand crop insurance or livestock insurance, but they can’t find anyone,” said Porth. Porth hopes her position will help produce university graduates who can move into such positions. She also hopes her research can better connect the government and private products already offered to farmers and help develop new structures that can fill in present voids. Farmers in other parts of the world can often work more easily and affordably with lenders because they have better programs, she added. “I think that’s been a big shortcoming of Canada compared to other countries is access to credit for producers,” said Porth.


U.S. packers had more than enough supply to fill weak pork demand and cash hogs fell. Hog futures fell about two percent last week, pressured by slow pork exports, weak domestic demand and a good supply of hogs. A monthly report showed U.S. pork stocks at the end of February were record high for the month. Iowa-southern Minnesota hogs traded at $54.50 US per hundredweight March 22 delivered to packing plants, down from $56 per cwt. the week before. The estimated pork carcass cutout dipped as low as $76.76 but closed at $77.28 March 22, down from $79.05 on March 15. Weekly slaughter to March 23 was estimated at 2.179 million, down from 2.203 million the week before. Last year, slaughter was 2.132 million.






The Canadian Bison Association said Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range sold at prices up to $3.70 Cdn per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers sold up to $3.60. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted. Slaughter bulls and cows were $1.70-$1.80 per lb. In the live market, quality 2012 bulls sold for about $2.22 per lb and 2011s sold at $1.60. Heifers from 2012 sold for up to $2.25 while 2011s sold at $1.63.

QUALITYLAMBSWELLSUPPORTED Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 2,438 sheep and lambs and 150 goats traded March 18. All well-fed new crop lambs sold actively at steady to stronger prices. Heavy lambs sold $3-$5 cwt. higher. Sheep sold steady, with the exception of heavy sheep, which were still under pressure. Goats traded steady.

Snow may delay Black Sea seeding KIEV/MOS COW (Reuters) — Recent heavy snowfall over parts of Ukraine and Russia may jeopardize this year’s spring barley crop if the two countries are forced to delay seeding. The condition of fall seeded crops is generally good and production is expected to bounce back from last year, but spring crops could suffer if seeding is delayed. Record levels of snow fell on northern and western Ukraine on the March 23-24 weekend, leaving 60 to 80 centimetres of cover. The snow layer in Moscow reached 70 centimetres in depth March 25, which is a record for this winter. Ukraine’s spring barley yields could be reduced by as much as 18 percent if seeding is significantly delayed, forecasters said. The country is a traditional producer of barley and one of the world’s leading exporters. “There’s a lot of snow, and it takes time to start the sowing,” said Mykola Kulbida, the head of Ukraine’s state weather centre.

The delay may last two to three weeks and this could reduce the yield of spring barley by 15 to 18 percent. MYKOLA KULBIDA UKRAINE STATE WEATHER CENTRE

“The delay may last two to three weeks and this could reduce the yield of spring barley by 15 to 18 percent.” Analysts had said earlier this month, before the recent snowfall, that Ukraine’s barley harvest was likely to increase to 8.2 million tonnes in 2013 from 6.5 million tonnes in 2012. Agriculture consultancy UkrAgroConsult said barley exports might rise to 2.8 million tonnes in the 2013-14 July-June season from 2.1 million tonnes in 2012-13. As for Russia, heavy snowfall will push back spring seeding for early

grain such as barley and oats in Russia’s central and Volga regions, said Andrey Sizov, head of agriculture analysts SovEcon. “Russia’s regions, which coped with the weather during winter, received the fourth month of winter as a gift,” he said jokingly. Russia’s central and Volga regions, which accounted for 37 and 30 percent of Russia’s 2012 barley harvest, respectively, have not yet started seeding spring barley, Sizov said. Seeding in the central region should ideally be over by late April. Snow was expected to continue to fall in many parts of Russia’s central and Volga regions March 25-26, while the daily average temperature in the central region is likely to be below the standard level by 7 to 11 C. Russia harvested almost 14 million tonnes of barley in 2012. Forecasters and SovEcon analysts saw no significant risk to the country’s wheat crop, which is its main grain export.

CANFAX REPORT FED CATTLE LOWER The beef market needs warm weather to get the barbecue season underway and perk up demand. Beef faces strong competition from chicken and pork at the meat counter. The weak demand put pressure on prices. Fed steers averaged $113.24 per hundredweight and heifers were $112.29, down $1.05. Feedlots worked to keep inventory current. Live trade was limited and most sales were dressed at prices $190$191 per cwt. delivered, down $1-$2. The Alberta cash-to-futures basis narrowed by $1.83 to $15.75. Sales volume was 10,837 head, down 10 percent. American packers procured some some cattle on the eastern prairies. Weekly western Canadian fed slaughter to March 16 totalled 33,411, up five percent. Weekly exports to March 9 rose 14 percent to 10,061 head. Packers have good inventories and demand is weak, making it difficult to maintain prices.

Despite large exports of Canadian feeders, western Canadian feedlots are not chasing supply. Those who buy to put cattle on grass also have been slow to step into the market because of weather issues, tight feed supplies and expensive backgrounding cost of gains. With 650 lb. steers at $141.89 and 850 lb. at $123.20, the spread is $18.69 per cwt., the widest since July last year. In the same week last year, the spread was nearly $30. Auction volumes totalled 31,868 head, down 28 percent. Weekly feeder exports to March 9 totalled 8,280, down 27 percent. Until domestic fed prices pick up or new funds enter the oversold cattle futures market, the upside of the market is limited.

the first time since April 2012 that Select fetched a premium over Choice. Weekly Canadian cut-out values to March 15 were $1-$1.45 higher. Montreal wholesale for delivery this week was steady at $216-$217.

EMPTY PENS The number of cattle placed in U.S. feedlots in February fell 14 percent

year-over-year to 1.482 million head. It was the smallest placement figure for February since the United States Department of Agriculture began the dataset in 1996. The low placements figure surprised analysts and was expected to lift cattle futures. U.S. feedlots March 1 held 10.857 million head, down seven percent. Analysts expected a 6.4 percent drop. Marketings in the month fell seven

percent to 1.638 million head versus the forecast for a 7.1 percent decrease. This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at www.canfax.ca.

U.S. BEEF FALLS U.S. Choice cutouts closed March 21 at $192.98 down $3.34 and Select closed at $193.24, down $1.89. It was

COWS RISE Poor weather and the demands of calving season reduced the number of non fed cattle at auction. Prices rose on good North American buyer interest. D1, D2 cows ranged $70-$83 to average $76.30. D3s ranged $64-$75, to average $68.80. Impressive premiums have been reported on packages of grain-fed cows. Cow prices are the highest since mid-September. However, they are trading at a $7-$8 per cwt. discount to U.S. utility cows. Bull prices averaged $89.50, up 61 cents. Weekly non-fed exports to March 9 totalled 7,879, down two percent.

FEEDERS LOWER Weak demand has trumped tight supply in the market, as steer and heifer calf prices have fallen eight to 10 percent since Jan. 1.


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*Monsanto Field Scale trials as of November, 2011. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. LibertyLink® is a registered trademark of Bayer. © 2012 Monsanto Canada, Inc





Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail: joanne.paulson@producer.com



Ban on neonicotinoids premature, but action needed


he controversy over neonicotinoid insecticides is growing more intense with groups in the United States going to court to stop registrations and a narrowly failed attempt to ban the products in the European Union. The concern arises from several studies into this family of insecticides used as seed treatments, which includes clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam, that indicate the products present unacceptable risks to bees and other insects not targeted by the chemical, as the European Food Safety Authority put it. Most EU nations decided otherwise, or at least sidestepped the issue by abstaining, and the attempted ban fell one vote shy of the majority of 14 needed to pass the bill in the 27 nation bloc. In the U.S., a lawsuit was filed March 21 by four beekeepers and five environmental and consumer groups against the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to protect pollinators from dangerous pesticides. The coalition wants the EPA to suspend registrations of neonicotinoids. Meanwhile, those who support continued use of the chemicals point to their own studies and government monitoring of current use that they say demonstrate the products are safe. Bees can, in many ways, be considered the modern day canary in the coal mine; a warning sign to humans nearby. If bee populations are not healthy, it signals a much larger problem at the foundation of our ecosystem. Neonicotinoids have been shown to be safer than previous generations of chemicals that farmers might be forced to turn to if a ban were enacted. And while they may enable lower chemical dosages because they are used as seed treatments rather than sprays, the downside is that they compel farmers to use them proactively, meaning farmers buy when purchasing seed, before they even know for sure whether they have an insect problem. Chemicals kill stuff. That much we know.

That’s what they were created to do. It comes down to a matter of study methodology and dosage. For example, do the laboratory studies that point to the toxicity of neonicotinoids really represent exposure levels bees would encounter in field conditions? Are field studies that are not finding the same problems able to control the myriad variables that exist in those conditions? Those who adhere to the precautionary principle say any risk must be dealt with swiftly because bee pollination is critical to plant regeneration and a healthy ecosystem. However, rejecting things out of fear goes against the principles of sound science and if taken too far, could stymie innovation and progress. The Earth is experiencing an ever-increasing population and yield improving innovations are going to become critical to feed its people. A ban on neonicotinoids based on present evidence is premature. However, we must not ignore the potential dangers. Bees face several threats at the moment, varroa mites and habitat loss among them. Pinning their decline on neonicotinoids has proven elusive. The U.S. EPA announced last week that it is accelerating its review of neonicotinoids. Perhaps research could find more bee friendly seeding methods or better coatings that minimize the harmful dust containing neonicotinoids raised during application. Perhaps further study will find the concerns about neonicotinoids in pollen and nectar of plants from treated seeds have been overstated, or that the chemicals are more even dangerous than then we thought. A ban might be premature, but decisive action is critical. Governments and private sector companies must direct resources and funding with utmost urgency to bring forth speedy answers.


Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.


Federal ag minister delivers blunt message to supply management oversight NATIONAL VIEW



s an appointee of federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz and the federal cabinet, Farm Products Council of Canada chair Laurent Pellerin receives what might be called his annual marching orders. In bureaucratic Ottawa, ministers receive a “mandate letter” from the prime minister when they are appointed. Ministers replicate that in letters of instruction to their appointees.

A “mandate letter” from the responsible minister outlines the goals he expects his appointees to achieve or at least work toward in the year ahead. In Pellerin’s case, as chair of the federal agency that oversees the governance of supply management agencies, with the exception of dairy, the instruction primarily lays out Conservative expectations. Last week, in an unusually blunt speech to the annual meeting of Chicken Farmers of Canada, the former Canadian Federation of Agriculture president offered a rare glimpse of the private correspondence between minister and appointee. The message as Pellerin relayed it was not in these words and not this political, but the core message to take from the five-page letter from Ritz was clear: if the government is going

to continue to support and defend supply management, the agencies that operate the system have to keep their noses clean and run efficient, transparent and defendable systems. The message Pellerin said the minister conveyed was “to expect more from the agencies.” The main target, for the moment, is CFC , which is embroiled in a divisive battle over how to allocate among provinces additional quota coming from industry growth. With the board at a stalemate and Alberta ready to leave the agency at the end of the year if it doesn’t receive more quota to reflect its growing population, Pellerin warned that the FPCC will intervene if the board cannot resolve the issue by the end of summer. He also targeted CFC’s cost-ofproduction calculation, which is key

in determining prices. The minister’s letter said pricing must be based on real costs that are defensible to the industry and critics. “The real question is what are the costs?” Pellerin said pointedly. Under the system, chicken producers have a right to receive their cost of production and a “reasonable” profit margin, he said. However, he suggested the agency must update its cost of production calculation to make it credible. “We will put pressure on this file,” Pellerin warned. Later, he suggested that the chicken industry’s cost-of-production calculation is out-of-date and may not account for falling costs because of increasing feed efficiencies on the farm. “They have to be in survey mode much more often than they have

been in the past,” he said. “There is a lag between real costs and what they are using, and that hurts credibility.” CFC president David Janzen said the complaint will be dealt with when Ontario completes an extensive update of its cost of production. “By and large, if the Ontario COP is found to be transparent and credible, then it can set the tone for the rest of the country.” That may not satisfy Pellerin, whose council must endorse the results. Because of differences in operational scale and varying input costs, Ontario’s cost of production does not necessarily translate into Western Canada, he suggested. If Ritz wants a firm and knowledgeable hand to ride herd over supply management, Pellerin appears to be his man.





C.D. Howe Institute report off the mark

Ottawa gets passing grade for ag efforts



n Feb. 6, the C.D. Howe institute released a report entitled Reining in the Risks: Rethinking the Role of Crown Financial Corporations in Canada. The report suggests Farm Credit Canada is over-stepping its mandate, but better demonstrates that the C.D. Howe Institute went well beyond its expertise. Why does the institute not want farmers to have empowerment tools to contribute to their own prosperity? People might rightfully question how much research and consultation went into the report, and how much of it was simply subjective assumptions. Did the institute talk to any farmers? We know they consulted the banks and credit unions, and don’t get us wrong — we welcome any competition those institutions bring to the table. However, it could have been a constructive, unbiased report if C.D. Howe had asked farmer clients whether FCC is a positive or destructive tool in agriculture. FCC has worked hard for years at developing proactive products that make sense for farmers. At a time when farmers found it hard to survive, FCC received accolades for being sensitive to their plight and for working hard with those farmers to make things work. The tireless efforts of former president John Ryan, current president Greg Stewart and vice-presidents Lyndon Carlson and Remi Lemoine, to name a few, in finding financial

FCC is sensitive to farmers’ financial needs, contrary to a C.D. Howe report, say the authors. | FILE PHOTO solutions to agriculture challenges is well documented. These guys don’t hide in penthouse offices. They talk to farmers on the ground, live their stress as partners during tough times and applaud and celebrate their successes during good times. Agriculture is a unique industry, and it takes innovative minds to tailor financial programs and products to stimulate growth and profitability. Furthermore, suggesting in the report that FCC is somehow culpable for the increase in land values doesn’t pass the laugh test.

When grains and oilseeds farmers make money, some of the profits will be capitalized in land values: that’s how the real world works. Does that mean profits are bad or that an increase in property value is harmful? Why are farmers the only members of society who shouldn’t celebrate when their asset value goes up? Who is doing the thinking over there? Here’s a suggestion to the institute for time better spent: research how a society can ensure that everyone can afford to eat, with farmers making a profit at the same time.

Farmers support a financial institution that is unapologetic about its role in empowering farmers through a well designed, farm specific suite of programs and products and filling a void by treading where others don’t dare go. Contrary to what the institute claims in its report, that is a complementary role. Finally, the implication in the report that farmers are undisciplined in their borrowing practices is an insult to their intelligence and credibility. It appears there are those who would love to relegate farmers to the “bib overall and pitchfork days” of lifestyle farming. But today’s farmers will have no part in it. Today’s farmers are well trained business professionals, as good with balance sheets as they are operating their machinery. They need a sound financial institution such as FCC, run by professionals who understand agriculture and the vagaries of climate, currency, export markets and input costs. FCC has positioned itself as being one of the architects to build farm prosperity. C.D. Howe thinkers whine about farmers being empowered. In her biography of the man who was a cabinet minister for 22 years, Susan Munroe writes: “C.D. Howe was forthright and forceful, more interested in getting things done than in policy.” C.D. Howe would love FCC. Bob Friesen is chief executive officer and Jonathan Warnock is research director with Farmers of North America Strategic Agriculture Institute.


Rising producer costs are mostly self-inflicted HURSH ON AG



sk a room of grain farmers if their costs are rising and most will reply in the affirmative. Some producers who carefully track their financials will tell you that despite historically strong grain prices, margins are tight in their 2013 crop budgets. There’s a cost–price squeeze. But most traditional inputs have not actually seen a price increase. Nitrogen and phosphate prices usually rise between the fall and spring, but that hasn’t been evident this time. Buying last fall hasn’t produced the normal saving. And the major nutrients are somewhat less expensive than last spring.

According to the Farm Input Survey conducted by Alberta Agriculture, phosphate was $50 a tonne less expensive in February than it was a year previous. And the average price in February was $100 a tonne lower than the price recorded for April of 2012. The survey pegged urea (46-0-0) at $625 per tonne in February. It was $640 a tonne in March of last year and skipped to $825 in May. Producers who waited until seeding time to buy their nitrogen paid a lot more last spring. Nitrogen fertilizer is more expensive than it should be based on the cost of natural gas, but the cost of this major input is down, not up. The Alberta Farm Input Survey does show that the price of Liberty Link canola seed is up by $50 a bag, but the herbicides in the survey are trending downward. Interest rates remain amazingly low. That isn’t a cost showing any increase. Fuel hasn’t changed a lot and it’s a cost that has become relatively minor compared to other inputs.

So why do producers say that costs are increasing? One of the reasons is that most of us are using higher rates than ever. Strong grain prices encourage more fertilizer use, particularly nitrogen. With the increasing threat of herbicide resistance in weeds, multiple modes of action are being used. Rather than just a glyphosate burnoff before seeding, another product is often being added to the mix. Fungicide use has increased dramatically in recent years. Whether it’s for fusarium in wheat or sclerotinia in canola, fungicide application is a new cost of doing business. The sprayer never sits long during the growing season. It’s probably fair to assume that farm equipment costs have also been rising. Producers have used these relatively buoyant economic times to upgrade tractors, combines, sprayers, seeders and trucks. Those are big ticket items. However, for many producers, the biggest increase is in land costs. Rental rates that may have been $40

or $50 a few years ago may now be $70 or $80. There are even deals at $100 an acre and above. On land that’s owned free and clear, the budget should include an opportunity cost — what you could get if the land was sold and you had the money invested. With higher land prices, this opportunity cost is also rising. If you’ve borrowed money to buy land recently, you’re payments are up. The economics are all rational. Producers are using more inputs and upgrading their equipment while competing harder to increase their land base. Investors may be playing a role in farmland price increases, but you can’t really blame them for the increase in cash rents. Costs are up, but there’s no convenient bogeyman to blame. The biggest villain is staring back at us when we look in the mirror. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at kevin@hursh.ca.




ast week’s federal budget held little direct news for agriculture, considering that Growing Forward 2 has been agreed on and scheduled to start April 1. Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz was still able connect the dots between ag and some wider budget initiatives when speaking to reporters March 22 after a speech to the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce. One of the main points was connecting the job skills focus of the budget to agriculture. Asked if farmers can capitalize on the Canada Job Grant program, he said they absolutely could. However, it takes an investment of $5,000 per employee (governments will pick up another $10,000). It’s an expensive proposition, but at least there is a vehicle to train more people in crucial aspects of farm management. I wonder how many farmers will try it. The feds get an A for effort, C- if producers don’t like it. Ritz was also asked if enough money was being invested in research to improve wheat varieties and herbicide resistance. He pointed out that Genome Canada was receiving $165 million over several years, which should benefit livestock and seed genetics. There will also be $3 billion over five years for innovation, research and market analysis. As far as it goes, that’s good, but it’s also clear Ottawa is moving away from basic research, as it is from business risk management programs. “To put it all together (public and private research) and then commercialize it, that’s the role I think federal government has to play,” said Ritz. “That’s the most at-risk money, is the commercialization of some of those ideas, so we’ll focus on that.” A for the extra money; F for low basic research funding. There was also money for infrastructure, although until the dust settles, it’s hard to know how much will flow to rural areas over the next 10 years. Hopefully, that will be an A. Possibly, C. What the government definitely deserves an A on is increasing the restricted farm loss deduction to $17,500 from $8,750. This is the amount that part-time (read, smaller and beginning) farmers can apply in farm losses to other income. The feds also increased the lifetime capital gains exemption to $800,000 from $750,000 and indexed the limit to inflation. They get a B for that. On the face of it, it’s not too bad for a budget delivered in challenging times.





Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.

To the Editor:

Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

requirements and the balance was met with purchases from the CWB.” …Currie is ignoring well-known statistics, including the fact that the U.S. is the world’s largest exporter of wheat. Whereas Canada exports about 60 percent of its wheat — about 12 million tonnes annually — the U.S. also exports about 60 percent of its wheat — about 35 million tonnes. Yes, not much U.S. wheat comes to Canada, but the U.S. clearly has a surplus over its domestic needs. Currie’s assumption that the U.S. market is a premium island previously held captive by the CWB (at a premium) is misguided…. Hursh was absolutely right in his assertions that the market is doing

In a letter in the Feb. 28 issue of The Western Producer, Bev Currie of Swift Current took exception to Kevin Hursh’s comments about the new open market, found in the Jan. 31 issue. Unfortunately, Currie’s arguments are based on erroneous assumptions. For instance, he says that Canada is different than the U.S. in that “Canadians consume 20 percent of our crop and we export the balance.” He adds the U.S. has it the other way around. “The U.S. produces 80 percent of its

very well without the single desk. Current statistics bear this out. Immediately on Aug. 1, 2012, Canadian farmgate prices in the southern portions of the Prairies aligned with U.S. farmgate prices, minus freight to get it there, removing any incentive to truck wheat to the U.S…. But competition between western Canadian buyers has taken things even further. On March 1, the DTN cash index price for spring wheat, the average price of over 300 elevators in the U.S. Northern Plains, was $7.72 US per bushel. On the same day, the FARMCo cash index, the average price of over 150 bids throughout Western Canada, was $7.73 Cdn, or $7.56 US, the clos-






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DISCOURAGE THIEVES To the Editor: I would like to respond to the article, Livestock thieves pose difficult task for police (page 42, WP Mar. 7). RCMP livestock investigator cpl. Chris Reister stated that about 580 cattle and 70 horses were reported stolen in the province of Alberta last year. I was the manager of a community pasture in southern Saskatchewan for 39 years. When I originally started in 1957, there were no plastic tags, so I tattooed some of the patrons’ animals with the patron’s initials in one ear of the animal. At that point in time, it discouraged thieves as well as differentiated the owners if there was an argument. It could still be a good practice at branding time; it takes very little time to apply. The problem with brands is that they are almost impossible to read in the fall when they are overgrown with hair. Hopefully, this little tidbit helps prevent some future theft. Emile Frerotte, Assiniboia, Sask.


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est the two indices have ever been. The freedom to sell wheat at will has greater implications than Currie has considered. Now that wheat is a cash crop, the burden on canola as the only major cash crop has been lifted. Not only are wheat system economics improving, so are canola economics. Canola and other “non-CWB” crops should no longer feel the weight of burdensome deliveries in the fall for cash flow, as we now have wheat to deliver as an option. And the beauty is it’s your decision what you sell and deliver…

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When I read Nick Parsons’ story Feb. 7, I wondered where we are going with the environment. We destroy thousands of acres of farmland a year. We are being talked into flooding number one land for a dam. We drill for gas and use millions of gallons of fresh water in the process. This is never recovered. We see children in the United States getting sick because of polluted air and water all for the almighty dollar. B.C. Hydro has a deficit of $70 billion — that’s billion — according to Ralph Mair in the Vancouver Sun, Feb. 13, 2013. Add the cost of the Site C Dam proposed on the Peace River and you have $78 billion. To grasp how much a billion is here is a comparison. A person who is 50 years old has lived one billion seconds. They say we need the power from this dam for the liquid natural gas plant being proposed at Kitimat for gas production to China. My solution would be for them to build the natural gas plant at Kitimat and generate their own power. Why should the taxpayer go further in debt for this project?

OPINION The premier says natural gas pollutes the air. Is there any difference from us burning it here or selling it to the Chinese and letting them burn it there? We have an oriented strand board plant in town that wants to use MDI in their manufacturing after promising never to use it here. We can’t seem to stop them, even though it is highly hazardous to health. The EPA in the U.S. has banned it, but we are going to use it in Canada because our environmental laws are very lax. We are all warm and healthy up here, but we have to follow the U.S. and pollute our air and water. What are we going to leave our grandchildren but debt and destruction? Will we never wake up or is it already too late?



To the Editor:

To the Editor:

We must all wake up to the fact that genetically modified wheat in any shape or form is spelling disaster for mankind. Scientists must be listened to. Our health is at risk. It goes without saying, we would all wish for more drought tolerance in today’s changing weather patterns. But GM, no, it is not wanted or needed and the companies involved must not be allowed to market this in Canada or anywhere else. If we cannot better yields without GM, so be it. Health, not wealth maketh a man, and until this is adopted, mankind is on a very slippery slope to despair.

Tom Wolsey, Fort St. John, B.C.

Nick Parsons, Farmington, B.C.

It is a clear blow to farmers and Ca na d i a n d e m o c ra c y t hat t h e Supreme Court decided not to hear the farmers’ appeal on whether the Conservative government had followed the law in abolishing the farmers’ single desk marketing system. The Supreme Court usually hears cases that are of national importance. But look at the amazing number of farmer-related issues the Supreme Court apparently thought were not important: • The farmers’ right to vote, enshrined in law, was taken away. • Over $200 million of assets that farmers paid for were confiscated by the Conservatives without compensation. • The minister defied a court deci-


sion but then hypocritically appealed that decision at the same time. • The question of whether or not the minister of the day in fact had to follow the CWB Act. And finally, what about the integrity of a minister who promised a vote by farmers before any move would be made on the single desk while he was campaigning and then changed his mind after the federal election? Apparently none of these things are of national significance. I would wonder what would happen if the Conservative government confiscated $200 million of Canadian’s RRSPs? Would that be of national importance and deserve a Supreme Court hearing? Susan Korneychuk, Emerald Park, Sask.

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Paradise regained





s we approach the cross, we get caught up in the anxieties, wrongdoings and suffering that surrounds us. But, as an Easter people, we know there is more to the story. An anonymous writer gives words to Pilate’s wife, who asked, “Is he dead?” “No,” the centurion replied. “He is not dead. He is let loose in the world.” The ongoing spirit and vitality of Christ forever exposes the mercy and love of God for all of us. John’s gospel opens: “Before the world was created, the Word already existed. He was with God, and He was the same as God. Through Him God made all things. The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to humankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out.” Earlier storytellers speak of a paradise (the Garden of Eden), out of which Adam and Eve were expelled because they wouldn’t accept responsibility for their disobedience. But the Easter stories show how Christ re-opened the gates to paradise, thus restoring our ability to live up to our God-given capabilities. God has a great love affair with all of creation, and has given us full capacity to love beauty, justice, joy and peace. The challenge is for us to achieve that reality. While it is not possible for any of us to do this alone, we do it as we live responsibly, in relationship with each other and with the creation. “God did not send the Son into the world to put the world on trial, but so the world might be rescued through him.” (Gospel of John). The passion narratives declare that we should never again be silent in the face of violence or fear but live with dignity and courage.

Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian ruralchurch.net.

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Farmer urges awareness on well access arrangements


Landowners need to do due diligence, says Sask. producer BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

It wasn’t Bill Dillabaugh’s first time negotiating a surface lease agreement with an oil company when he was approached by a landman earlier this year. Dillabaugh has farmed and raised cattle against the backdrop of oil production since the early 1980s. More than 40 wells dot the 8,000 acres near Coleville, Sask., that he works with his brother a short drive from the Alberta border. Wells displace only a small fraction of his operation — as little as two acres — but the company that owns the mineral rights below his crops pays him annually to compensate for the lost land. Like other landowners in the province, he receives a larger one-time payment in the first year that is followed by an annual rent of $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the acres. “I read the contract right over and I made him take some stuff out of it,” Dillabaugh said of the recent deal. “He said that in the last six to eight months, I was the third farmer that ever read the whole contract from one end to the other.” He said deals like this are commonplace. Producers often sign away the right of entry to their land without playing hardball. “It’s very, very unfair,” he said. “The new people that are getting oil wells, they have no idea what this oil entails on their farm.” As well, the annual rent falls when an oil company wants to add an additional well next to an existing one. One well might net a farmer $1,500, but the second one, added after the initial agreement, might pay $600. “I have seen that quite a bit more, probably within the last two to three years, based on, I suppose, the horizontal well technology,” said Aaron Ludwig, a lawyer from Estevan, Sask., who negotiates lease and rights agreements for producers. “I’ve read a couple of the (Surface Rights Board of Arbitration) decisions and … even with those board decisions, it’s a little bit difficult for us to give advice to farmers as to what kind of additional compensation they should be asking for.” Numbers vary, but Ludwig said he’s seen first-year payments in the thousands of dollars when the landowner has leverage. “You can base that within the original lease,” he said. “At the end of the day, if they’re not taking any additional acreage, you have to have in your original surface lease a restriction on the ability of the oil company to drill that second oil well, which most farmers don’t have.” The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities has lobbied the provincial government to amend the Surface Rights Acquisition and Compensation Act to make it friendlier to landowners. SARM’s proposal references legislation in Alberta, where reviews are initiated by the energy company. In Saskatchewan, that’s the land owner’s responsibility.

The Saskatchewan government has indicated a desire to review the legislation, which could be launched this summer, said Doug MacKnight, executive director of lands and mineral tenure with the economy ministry. “It’s not going to be a long drawn out process by any stretch,” he said. “Folks have got a list of things they want to talk about. I think we’ll get some good input pretty quick.”

Meanwhile, Dillabaugh has started canvassing his neighbours in the Rural Municipality of Oakdale, where he’s hearing frustrations from producers that mirror his own. He’s hoping that sharing information will help the community negotiate better contracts. “All the oil companies are together and they figured this all out,” he said. “I figured maybe all the farmers should get together.”

Alberta has officially signed onto Growing Forward 2. The province’s farmers will have access to $406 million in federal and provincial money over the next five years to develop programs that enhance Alberta’s competitiveness in the market. “We need to stay on the cutting edge,” provincial agriculture minister Verlyn Olson said during a joint announcement with federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz in Leduc, Alta. “That is what Growing Forward is all about, something that will allow us to remain competitive and stay

out on the sharp end of all development.” The money is part of the $3 billion Growing Forward 2 initiative to boost agricultural diversification in Canada. The federal government funds 60 percent of the initiative, and the provinces and territories pick up the rest of the costs for each province. Not all the agreements are the same. Olson said Alberta farmers indicated during provincial consultations that they wanted to have flexibility in the new agreement. The money will focus on 30 programs designed to enhance marketdevelopment, research, science and innovation.

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Alberta pheasant company closes Canadian Pheasant Co. | Hatchery has roots with provincial government BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU




A pheasant company with a history tracing back to 1945 will soon close its doors in southern Alberta. The Canadian Pheasant Co. at Brooks, Alta., is wrapping up operations and is likely to close in the next several weeks, says general manager Nanette Weir. The company hatches and raises pheasants for public and private release programs and also sells some for consumer tables. Its facility was designed to raise up to 200,000

pheasants per year, although it’s unclear whether that number has been raised there in recent years. The current hatchery, now owned and operated by the pheasant company, was established in the early 1980s by the Alberta government, which has been involved in pheasant supply and release since 1945. The Brooks facility had several owners after it was privatized, most recently Ed Houck and a group of investors. However, the province continued to fund an annual pheasant release program, with the Canadian Pheas-

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ant Co. supplying the birds. Weir said last week that employees haven’t been given a specific date for closure, but they are now making plans to distribute pheasant hens to customers for spring breeding and will sell the rest. They are not hatching any new birds. Houck did not return phone calls by press time, and Weir declined to discuss reasons for the business closure. “It’s a decision the owners have made, that they’re going to close the doors,” she said. The pheasant operation has struggled in the past when the provincial government considered ending its role in the pheasant release program. Two years ago, funding was in jeopardy so a group of sportsmen formed Upland Birds Alberta to encourage continuation of the release program. Ken Bailey, a volunteer with UBA, said the group agreed to handle the pheasant release and obtained 13,000 birds from the company. His group has agreed to handle the program again in 2013. “Last year, to carry out the release program, we had to source birds, and those birds were sourced through the Canadian Pheasant Co., who have long been the supplier to Alberta’s pheasant release program, going back many years. But certainly there are other suppliers out there,” Bailey said. “It’s unfortunate. I think everybody would have preferred the made-inAlberta solution of the Canadian Pheasant Co. supplying birds to the program, but if they are unable to, we’re just going to have to look elsewhere.” Bob Haysom, managing director of the Calgary chapter of Pheasants Forever, said Houck told him the company will be closing. “It’s not the best news,” he said. Pheasants Forever raises money to enhance and preserve upland bird habitat but it is not involved in pheasant release. However, the loss of a major pheasant producer could have an effect on bird populations and hunting opportunities. “We suspect that there will be a lot of scrambling going on because the Canadian Pheasant Co. has been providing birds,” said Haysom. “I think it will have some effect to Pheasants Forever but not a drastic effect, at least not right away. People will find birds.” Michelle Gietz, economic development project co-ordinator for the County of Newell, said the region has long been known for the quality of its pheasant hunting and the Canadian Pheasant Co. played a role in that. “They are really the largest releaser of birds in the province as far as I know, so if there is an issue there, that could have an impact in some way on our hunting industry.” A 2011 report on pheasant hunting in the county pegged total expenditures by pheasant hunters at $1.75 million in 2010. With spinoffs, it generates an estimated $9.8 million annually in economic impact, according to the study. The 2010 Alberta government revenues from pheasant hunting activities totalled $754,803, including $215,186 in hunting licence purchases attributable to pheasant hunting.





U.S. old fowl meat imports worry producers Perceived threat to supply management | Chicken Farmers of Canada concerned about meat from old birds BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Last year would normally go into the record books as a great year for the Canadian chicken industry: production hit a record and prices were higher to cover feed costs. However, producers and industry leaders were instead warning that unrestricted imports of meat from “spent fowl” in the United States threaten the future of the Canadian system, which depends on controlled imports to allow production

controls and stable pricing. Spent fowl is meat from old birds taken out of the laying and poultry cycles in the U.S Last year, 106 million kilograms of the meat came into Canada and captured 10 percent of the domestic market, which reduced production in the Canadian industry by tens of millions of dollars and perhaps more than $100 million. Chicken Farmers of Canada is now trying to pinpoint the likely cost to present to government. Imports increased 25 percent last

year without any supply management import controls applying. “We are facing an issue that threatens to destabilize the import control pillar of supply management,” CFC chair David Janzen from British Columbia told the organization’s recent annual meeting in Ottawa. Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz said he was working on the problem but it is complex within the Canadian government. He said he could not promise when a solution would be announced. Meanwhile, Canadian chicken producers, processors and feed suppliers

are losing money because of the old bird imports that are often mixed with chicken in products such as chicken nuggets or even appear on Canadian store shelves as chicken products. CFC argues that at a minimum, it should be labeled as U.S. spent fowl so that consumers can decide. Janzen said in an interview the issue has been mired in Canadian government bureaucracy in jurisdictional disputes between Agriculture Canada, the foreign affairs and international trade department, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency

RFID Systems: A Powerful Management Tool Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) management systems can help sheep producers boost flock productivity and profitability, according to a recent study conducted by the Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF). The three-year study involved more than 81 co-operating producers from across Canada. “One of the goals of the National RFID Technology Project was to evaluate how RFID management systems can help producers manage their operations to improve flock performance and profitability,” says Andrew Gordanier, CSF Chair. “We found that benefits can be realized if producers use these tools to become better flock and financial managers.”

Costs and productivity can be managed, lamb prices cannot. Focus on what can be managed. In the study, producers used RFID tags, hand-held tag readers, and flock management software to collect detailed animal information. They also used a spreadsheet-based cost of production tool called “Flock Snapshot,” to evaluate their financial situation and to track many other parameters including ewe productivity, death rates, profit per lamb marketed, labour input and return on investment.

Improving flock productivity Tracking flock productivity is one of the most immediate benefits producers find when using RFID management systems. It is easy to identify which ewes consistently produce multiples and get them to market; and which rams produce vigorous, fast-growing lambs. In addition, when lambing and health information is recorded, the good mothers and those with the fewest health problems stand out. RFID tags and flock software make it easier to identify animals with low prolificacy, health or behavior problems for culling purposes. Putting all of this knowledge to use can

improve overall flock productivity – a major contributor to flock value and profitability.

potential management benefits that could offset the costs of investing for long-term business sustainability in equipment and software.

Boosting profitability The profitability of an operation is balancing expenses with income. In the study, top-producing flocks spent 48 percent less per lamb on production and earned more per lamb than bottomproducing flocks. This difference in cost of production between top- and bottomproducing flocks shows the amount of improvement possible with attention to management. Controlling costs was the dominant contributor to a positive bottom line. Feed and labour costs made up approximately 66 percent of total production costs. Top-performing flocks spent 54 percent less on feed and 35 percent less on labour per lamb sold when compared to bottom-performing flocks. High ewe productivity, resulting in more marketable lambs, was another major contributor to the greater profitability of the top-performing flocks. The size of flock also makes a difference. Flocks of all sizes can be profitable, but on average, larger flocks have the ability to spread costs over more animals and to make more money than smaller flocks. Another facet of the study evaluated the costs and benefits of using RFID management systems. Flock owners with 150 ewes or more (which produce 67 percent of Canada’s lamb crop) found

Comparing flock performance Researchers averaged the data from all farms participating in the National RFID Technology Project over three years and produced a number of ‘models’ based on performance and flock size. This information shows producers how their operations compared with others including where their operations were performing well and focused on

and the Canadian Border Services Agency. “It has taken far too long for government departments to recognize the problem and the size of the problem and once this gets rolling, it can be unstoppable,” he said. “If it’s not chicken when it comes to our border, why is it chicken when it hits our grocery stores? There is a disconnect.” There are controls on chicken imports under supply management, but spent fowl are exempt and some importers make a 51 to 49 spent fowlbroiler meat mix to create a product that is not controlled. He also said some American chicken is clearly being shipped north as spent fowl to avoid the tariff rate quota restrictions. “There is outright fraud,” said Janzen. “Based on trade statistics and our analysis, Canada is currently importing more spent fowl than is produced in the United States.” He said the unrestricted imports are stealing the growth portion of the Canadian market from Canadian producers, “and we will likely see production cutbacks.” Ritz said after the meeting that he understands the problem, but it is a complicated issue that takes time to resolve even as imports soar to claim 10 percent of the supposedly protected market. CHICKEN FARMERS TOLD TO FIX SUPPLY MANAGEMENT PROBLEM OR HAVE IT FIXED FOR THEM, SEE PAGE 32


Effective and efficient “These tools were not available to previous generations and can save enormous amounts of time,” says Gordanier. “They also provide more detailed and more accurate data than we’ve ever been able to gather efficiently before. This is incredibly valuable to a producer who wants to run a profitable enterprise.” In addition to using RFID systems as a management tool to deliver greater productivity and profitability, the technology enables more seamless and efficient traceability for animal health and disease control. All of this adds up to steps in the right direction to move the Canadian sheep industry forward.


areas where improvements could be made. Top flocks out-performed bottom flocks in: Marketable lamb rate – 22% more Feed – 54% less ● Time spent per lamb – 40% less ● Cost of production – 48% less ● Lamb mortality – 7% less ● ●

● ●

Price per lamb – 7.5% more Prolificacy – 11% more

This project was made possible by funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) through its Canadian Industry Traceability Infrastructure Program (CITIP). AAFC is pleased to participate in this project and is committed to working with its industry partners to increase public awareness of the importance of the agri-food industry to Canada.



PrioNet Canada is no more. The national research network, which formed eight years ago, studied diseases such as BSE and other brain wasting conditions. It will officially stop operating March 31. The network, which was based at the University of British Columbia, connected researchers who studied prions and prion like diseases as well as their prevention. Federal funding for the network ran out last year and the organization spent the last year winding up projects. Administrator Michelle Wong said another network may be formed in the future. “The funding has decreased to the point where we no long work as a network,” she said. Researchers will continue to study the disease with other sources of funding, she added. The Alberta Prion Research Institute will continue. It is hosting a conference on international prion research in Banff, Alta., May 26-29. Sessions include the socioeconomic impacts of these diseases, structure and biology and pr ion diseases in animals and humans.





Grain farms face looming labour shortage Fewer retired farmers to help at harvest | ‘Where do we get replacements who know what they’re doing?’ BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

While the critical shortage of agricultural labour in Canada typically is described as largely an issue for labour-intensive operations in Central Canada, the prairie grain industry is not immune. “It isn’t just about horticulture and intensive operations like fruit and vegetables in Ontario,” Don Connick, a Gull Lake, Sask., crop and livestock producer, said during the recent annual Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council forum in Ottawa. “There also is a huge looming problem in the grain industry,” said the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan director. “There is a labour crisis looming in the grain industry because we need help during the harvest and it used to be retired farmers. They know how to run a combine but there increasingly are fewer of those around. Where do we get replacements who know what they’re doing?” During the conference, retired Statistics Canada rural researcher and analyst Ray Bollman said Canadian agriculture reports 122,000 paid workers — 89,000 permanent and an average of 33,000 seasonal. He said mechanization on farms is

Grain farmers may soon face labour shortages, especially during harvest. |


reducing the number of farm labourers needed. Bollman said the median full-time wage on farms is $15 per hour and the median wage for part-time workers is $12. However, while Newfoundland farmer Merv Wiseman, chair of the

He said the agricultural industry continues to face a “looming crisis” of tens of thousands of farm worker positions unfilled because of the increasing difficulty of finding people with the needed skills willing to work on a farm. “There’s no doubt a huge gap still

CAHRC, acknowledged that mechanization is reducing the number of farm workers needed, it does not solve the problem. “That also raises the bar on the skills needed for workers because we need people who actually can manage that technology.”

exists,” he said in an interview. During a presentation last year to the House of Commons human resources, skills and development committee, Wiseman said all agricultural sectors report worker shortages already with the problem poised to grow. He said farm employers increasingly rely on the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program to import temporary foreign workers who are “deemed reliable, motivated and efficient.” During the meeting, the emphasis was on how to motivate young people and Canadian workers to join the agricultural workforce, how to motivate workers to stay and how to incorporate positive messages about agriculture and the need to learn agricultural skills in school curricula. Sheila Jones, director of the horticulture and cross-sectoral division within Agriculture Canada, said her work as co-chair of the labour task force indicates labour needs are a huge issue across the industry. She said the cross-sectoral labour task force has been encouraging participants “not just to whine but to come up with solutions.” She said a report for Agriculture Canada’s deputy minister on labour issues and solutions is scheduled for presentation in October.

Look what the cat dragged in.

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CFC gets food safety recognition BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Chicken Farmers of Canada has become the first national commodity organization to be recognized by governments for the strength of its on-farm food safety program. During the CFC annual meeting in Ottawa March 19, agriculture minister Gerry Ritz presented the organization with the first “letter of recognition” for compliance with the On-Farm Food Safety Recognition Program. “You are showing the way for the industry,” Ritz told the meeting. The recognition was endorsed by federal and provincial governments. CFC chair David Janzen said it

reflects the fact that 96 percent of chicken producers are certified with the On-Farm Food Safety Assurance Program, agreeing to meet production safety standards and a mandatory farm food safety auditing process. He said the government recognition is an important breakthrough for the industry, which has been rocked by consumer food safety concerns in recent years. “This is an exciting day for the industry and for Canadian consumers,” said Janzen. The government recognition allows the $1.7 billion chicken industry to advertise its status as the only sector that has won official recognition for the strength of its on-farm food safety system.


Yak meat good earner for Alberta farmers Demand grows for yak-cattle cross | A meal for royal couple featuring yak meat proved to be good publicity for these Alberta producers BY SHIRLEY BYERS FREELANCE WRITER


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Yaks have been raised as livestock in Alberta for more than 100 years, but some people still wonder if they’re something like an ostrich. “They don’t understand it’s a bovine,” says Russ Friesen, who raises yak-cattle crossbreds with his wife, Melissa, near Pincher Creek, Alta. The Friesen family moved to the area from Saskatchewan in the early 1990s. Two cold, rainy springs in a row prompted Russ’s father, Helmut, to think about calves with a thicker hair coat than his Red Angus. He remembered an article he’d read about a cattle-yak crossbreeding study at the University of Saskatchewan. After researching the possibilities, they decided to add yak-cattle crossbreeds to the herd. “I raised buffalo just after high school,” Friesen said. “We also raised wild boar for a while and my brother had chinchilla for a while. We had all kinds of things, so it wasn’t like this was totally crazy.” They brought in two yak bulls in 1995, bred a dozen cows and were impressed with the offspring. “They hit the ground just about running and right away they were up sucking, aggressively sucking,” he said. The next year they bred 40 heifers, producing 40 more vigorous calves. However, when those first calves

were ready for market, nobody wanted them. The animals looked more like yaks than cattle, which spooked buyers. T h e y ha d a b i t o f a hu m p a n d because they were crossed with Red Angus, they were all brindles, striped red and brown with occasionally a bit of tan. “Right away that put up a red flag for the cattle buyers, because it’s something different,” said Friesen. “Brindle cattle never bring as good a price.” The Friesens responded by fattening the calves and selling the meat from their farm. It helped that they loved the meat. “It was just fantastic,” said Friesen. “It kind of reminded us of the buffalo … somewhere halfway between beef and buffalo.” The meat has less marbling than beef, but like pure yak, is high in essential fatty acids and low in cholesterol. This is particularly true if they’re fed and finished on a minimum amount of grain. “If you feed them like they do in commercial feedlots, those qualities diminish,” he said. Friesen said a purebred yak takes four to six years to mature, but the crossbreds will finish in about the same period of time as regular beef cattle. Their feed conversion is significantly better than cows. “When we first started, we had a feed wagon with a scale on it and weighed everything. We estimated they would eat probably half to a third of what a regular beef animal would eat. They are about two-thirds

the size of a beef animal.” Farmgate sales were strong, but BSE was a setback, causing one or two years of lower sales. But in time, specialty stores in Calgary and Edmonton picked up the Friesens’ product. They also sell




YAK FACTS • Domestic male yaks can weigh up to 1,300 pounds, while male wild yaks can weigh as much as 2,200 pounds. • Wild yak fur is long and shaggy, providing insulation that enables them to withstand temperatures of – 40 C. • Yaks possess great lung capacity and can absorb more oxygen, allowing them to live at the highest altitude of any mammal. • Large, thick horns can reach a length of one metre in males. • Yak cheese contains high levels of healthy fats including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega 3 fatty acids, but has a reduced total fat content when compared to cheese made from cow milk such as cheddar.

LEFT: Russ & Melissa Friesen raise yak-cattle crossbreds and sell the meat from their Pincher Creek, Alta., farm and specialty stores in Calgary and Edmonton. | FRIESEN FAMILY PHOTOS ABOVE: Yearling yak-crosses graze on pasture. BELOW: Yak-cross feeders are finished on quality hay and barley.

through farmers markets, on an internet classified ad site, from their own website and directly from the farm. Dressed weight for yak-cattle cross animals averages 650 pounds with some as high as 800 and some finishing at around 400 lb. The wide range in weight may be why the meat hasn’t caught on with the mainstream market, Friesen said. However, the meat has benefited in the specialty and alternative marketplace from the fact that the cattle are naturally raised and finished using only small amounts of grain: six pounds of barley per day for six to eight months. “We try to graze them as long as possible in the fall,” he said. “When we run out of pasture, we feed them good quality hay, either by rolling it out or chopping it in the field. We try to practice good nutrient

management on our pastures by feeding in a systematic way so as to spread the manure evenly.” Heifers that weren’t bred this year were finished solely on hay and sold as pure grass fed. They’ve been well received and have been grading triple A, he said. The Friesens also sell horned skulls popular in Western décor and tail hair for making ropes, wigs, masks and puppets. Russ and Melissa run 100 yak-cattle cross, as well as more than 100 regular cattle. They did consider going entirely yak-cattle cross. “We moved in that direction, but got caught when there was a downturn in the economy a few years ago and we didn’t have a market for the finished animals,” he said. “After that we decided that we would not put all our ‘yaks in one basket.’ ” Yak-cattle caught a break and

gained notoriety when Prince William and his wife, Kate, dined at Ottawa’s Rideau Hall in 2011. The menu consisted of unusual Canadian food such as kelp from Nunavut, herring roe from the Great Lakes and yak-cattle meat from the Friesen farm in Alberta. The meal boosted sales but also stirred controversy because some people thought pure Alberta beef should have been spotlighted. For a time, talk shows were abuzz with indignant callers. Friesen said he wasn’t bothered. “I said, ‘you know what? People are contacting us on email and phoning us. They want this meat.’ Even bad publicity is good publicity. And we actually ran short of slaughter animals that summer because we had so much demand,” he said with a chuckle. “Other people were adamant that there were no yaks in Alberta.”



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SNOW PILES WORRY SASKATCHEWAN FARMERS Spring has sprung and farmers in east-central Saskatchewan, as in other areas, look to spring with great trepidation due to large snowfall this winter. | Page 23



Food label confusion prompts calls for change Misleading labels | Information on the outside may not match contents BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Is it reasonable to expect that a strawberry flavoured snack at the grocery store actually contains strawberries? In 2011, a California woman and the Centre for Science in the Public Interest filed a lawsuit against General Mills over its Strawberry Naturally Flavoured Fruit Roll-Ups. They claimed the snack is made with pears from concentrate, corn syrup, sugar, partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil, and two percent or less various natural and artificial ingredients, but no strawberries. Last year, a California federal judge agreed with them, ruling the label was misleading. General Mills settled the case in December and has agreed to remove strawberry images from the packaging, starting next year, if Strawberry Flavoured Fruit Roll-Ups still don’t contain strawberries. This is an extreme example of misleading food labelling, but hundreds of food labels in Canada are incomplete, insufficient or incomprehensible, said Sagan Morrow, a certified holistic nutritionist in Winnipeg. Morrow is co-founder of the Food Label Movement, a consumer group lobbying for clear, truthful and easy to understand labelling on food products in Canada. Morrow and other nutritionists started the advocacy organization 18 months ago after they realized they were struggling to comprehend food labels. If the food experts were confused, they reasoned, then most Canadians were likely baffled as well. “Right now, there isn’t quite enough information. And the information that is there isn’t always necessarily really clear,” said Morrow. For example, Morrow said it’s difficult to know how much sugar is added to food. “One of the main things that eats at me is there isn’t a differentiation between naturally occurring and added sugars,” she said. “Say it is a dried fruit product. It might say there was dried fruit and evaporated cane juice…. You know there is an added sugar, but you don’t know how much is added sugar.” Other organizations tackle food labelling, but Morrow said the Food Label Movement is the only one that advocates solely to improve labelling. “Primarily what we’re trying to do with the Food Label Movement is give people the knowledge they need to make educated decisions,” she said. “No matter what’s in the food, we just want to know so we can make a choice.” Allison Jorgens, a home economist from Toronto who has worked as a food label specialist for grocers and manufacturers for more that a decade, recently joined the Food Label Movement. She has little patience for deceptive images on food packages. “(One) thing that really bothers me is when the images on the front of the labels don’t accurately depict the ingredient in the product,” said Jorgens, who has written a book called Read it With a Grain of Salt : The Truth

About Canadian Food Labels From an Industry Insider. “There are (other) claims that are meaningless but sound like they are nutrient content claims. Things like “lightly seasoned,” which implies lower salt, and “lightly sweetened,” which would imply less sugar. But those claims don’t meet requirements…. That drives me crazy when food companies are manipulating wording … to take advantage of consumers.” Jorgens, who appeared on the CBC program Marketplace in March, said most Canadians want reliable, accurate information on food labels, but most consumers can’t distinguish a transparent label from a misleading one. “These companies are really good at manipulating labels so that consumers will miss (that) a product is not as healthy as they thought it was,” she said. “The word for it is healthwashing. That’s when you see things like … the whole grains (label) for products that are really high in sugar and sodium.” Many more Canadians want to eat healthy food compared to a generation ago, and Jorgens hopes consumers will eventually make the connection between accurate labels and healthy food. However, she said consumers aren’t sufficiently passionate about food labels to invoke change, so groups such as the Food Label Movement need to focus on education. “Right now, we have to inform consumers about the issues and further propel them to drive change,” she said. “There is definitely a segment of the population that is very interested (in food labels)…. Then, there is another g ro u p t hat re a l l y n e e d s t o b e informed about what’s going on.” Leaders of the Food Label Movement plan to hold a march and rally in Winnipeg this summer as part of its education and consumer awareness campaign.

ABOVE: Sagan Morrow, a holistic nutritionist in Winnipeg, is the executive director of The Food Label Movement. Morrow and other concerned nutritionists founded the consumer advocacy group about 18 months ago because food labels in Canada often contain incomprehensible or incomplete information. | ROBERT ARNASON PHOTO

LABEL LINGO The Food Label Movement, a Canadian consumer advocacy group, wants food labels to include information such as: • Specify the number of servings in each package. • Distinguish between naturally occurring and added sugars. • Indicate if the product contains GM ingredients. • Mandatory labelling of chemical preservatives, such as “sodium benzoate (preservative).” • Declare complete components of all ingredients, preparations of ingredients and all ingredients hidden behind names such as colour, modified milk ingredients and sulfites.

A SUGAR BY ANY OTHER NAME … These are just a few of the terms manufacturers use to indicate that a product contains sugar or sugar alcohols: • • • • • • • • • •

maltodextrose brown rice syrup galactose plyglycerides nectars microcrystalline cellulose glucitol amasake diglycerides fructooligosaccarides

For a list of 100 creative or deceptive words manufacturers use for sugar, visit thefoodlabelmovement.org.






Nature springs to life in Waterton

LEFT: Balsam root blankets the meadow in Waterton Lakes National Park. | KARPAN PHOTOS


BELOW: Plains bison with young calves and bighorn sheep are park residents. ARLENE & ROBIN KARPAN


alley slopes bloom with splashes of rainbows. Yellow sunflower-like blossoms of balsamroot contrast with brilliant blue beardtongue, fire engine red scarlet paintbrush and pinkish three-flowered avens. If you enjoy the beauty of wildflowers, it’s hard to beat Waterton Lakes National Park. Prime time to see the show is spring and early summer. Mid-June also brings the annual Wildflower Festival with guided hikes, presentations on flower identification and practically anything else floral. Tucked into the southwest corner of Alberta, Waterton differs from other Rocky Mountain parks. Most apparent is the lack of foothills. T h e P ra i r i e s c o m e s ma c k u p against the mountains, with grasslands reaching high into alpine valleys. This allows prairie plants to flourish in high altitudes, so we find unusual combinations such as crocuses growing next to mountaindwelling glacier lilies.

Visitors can venture along Red Rock Canyon. The Rockies are at their narrowest here, so influence comes from the other side of the mountains as well.

Warm southwest winds moderate the climate and blow in plant seeds, bringing species that normally grow

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farther south. Mix these factors together and the result is the most ecologically diverse part of the Rockies, sporting an incredible range of plant life. More than 50 percent of Alberta’s wildflowers thrive here and 30 of Canada’s rarest wildflowers grow nowhere else. Flowers are only one reason to visit at this time of year. Snow generally covers higher altitudes well into June, so wildlife stays lower in the valleys, making this an ideal time to find critters. During our last June trip, we lost track of the number of bears that we saw close to the road. Bighorn sheep are fairly common, with some seen close to the village. Moose, elk, white-tailed deer and mule deer round out other possible sightings. Plains bison are a sure bet. A herd of about 20 roams in a large fenced paddock that you can drive through. Watch for small calves wandering near their mothers or playing in the grass. The best reason for a June visit is perhaps that it’s ahead of the main tourist season. Our Rocky Mountain national parks are wonderful places, but midsummer crowds can get overwhelming. Spectacular scenery lies around every corner. A highlight is the Red Rock Parkway, a 15 kilometre route running through the deep Blakiston Valley with open grassy slopes alive with wildflowers. The road ends at the park’s most famous natural attraction, Red Rock Canyon, slicing through eroded sedimentary rock turned an almost

Scarlet paintbrushes are among wild flowers in the park. unreal red from oxidized iron. Bands of white marble, black strands of magma and bright green algae in the water add to the kaleidoscope. The park’s other major scenic route, the 16 km long Akamina Parkway, climbs continuously until it ends at Cameron Lake almost in a different world. We left the warm valley with flowers in full bloom, then had a cool picnic lunch at Cameron Lake, which was still blanketed in ice and lined with metre-high snowdrifts. The small village is home to most accommodation and the main campground. We prefer the Crandell Mountain Campground along the Red Rock Parkway since there are many trees that offer some protection from the biting winds. The main campground lies right on the shore of Upper Waterton Lake and boasts a fabulous view, but early in the season it can get downright cold when blasts of winds funnel down the lake. Waterton is justifiably famous for its winds and is among the windiest places in Alberta. For more information, contact Parks Canada at www.pc.gc.ca.





Flood fears weigh on grower’s mind Late seeding likely | Plans to floodproof home underway BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

JASMIN, Sask. — Like many farmers in east-central Saskatchewan, grain producer Jack Shymko will be entering this year’s growing season with some trepidation. The snow in his farmyard near Jasmin, Sask., is piling up and the spring melt is shaping up to be a big one. Moisture has been plentiful and drainage is poor in this area west of Yorkton. For the past few years, Jack and his neighbours have been dodging sloughs and potholes and keeping a close eye on the water table. And judging by the height of the snowbanks in the area, it will be more of the same this spring. “We’ve got it as bad as anyone has right in this area,” said Jack. “This year is not looking good in my mind because of all the snow that we’ve got,” he said. “If we get a couple of wet snows in April and a couple of inches of rain in May, it’s going to be very wet.” Jack is not sounding the alarm just yet, but after planting 38 consecutive crops in the area, all signs are pointing toward a late, wet spring. Plans are in place to floodproof the family home, where he and his wife, MaryAnne, raised four children. MaryAnne said the big slough near the farmyard was pumped down last fall to protect the house and driveway. “We pumped and pumped,” she said. “There’s lots of water and with the snow, there’s going to be lots.” If spring seeding is delayed, as Jack suspects, he wants to have everything is in order at home before the field work begins. Recent years have been some of the wettest ever seen . “Last year, we did not seed all of our land. What we did seed, we lost a lot of acres to water,” MaryAnne said. In 2010, farmers in the area seeded about one-third of their normal acreage. In 2012, conditions were even worse. “Right now, we’ve only got two or three inches of dry topsoil and after that, our sloughs are filled right up,” Jack said. “The water can’t go down, so it’s got to go up.” With any luck, Jack will plant 1,300 acres this year, comprising mainly oats, barley, wheat and canola. His annual seeded acreage was closer to 1,700 a few years ago, but the rising water table is slowly forcing him to take more land out of grain production. Jack and MaryAnne also keep a commercial herd of 45 cows. At 62, the Shymkos are content to keep farming. Their children help when needed, but are pursuing busy family lives elsewhere. Jack has always enjoyed the challenges involved in agriculture. Unlike many producers, who come from a farming background, Jack entered the industry with no farming experience and no land base. He was a town kid who grew up in nearby Ituna, but he was always

We’ve got it as bad as anyone has right in this area. JACK SHYMKO MIXED FARMER

drawn to the rural lifestyle. His first experience in farming was as a hired hand: picking rocks, throwing square bales and shovelling manure. “I thought to myself, ‘if I can do those jobs, then managing a farm shouldn’t be an issue.’ ” He relocated to Regina in the mid1960s, married, started a family and took out a mortgage on three quarter sections of land near Jasmin, Sask. The Shymkos’ first crop, planted in the spring of 1975, covered 175 acres. In subsequent years, more acres were cleared, additional land was bought and production expanded. “I’m a first generation farmer,” he said. “I’m a guy who started out with nothing … except a lot of debt. And how we ever made it through the ’80s, when those interest rates were up to 18 and 20 percent, I’ll never know.” Jack is also a founding member of what is today known as the Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA). The organization, which now comprises provincial oat growing organizations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, emerged from a series of meetings held at the Shymko dining room table in the late 1990s. “We had at the time two active marketing clubs in the area — one at Kelliher and one at Foam Lake — and we always said there was no voice representing oat growers,” said Jack, who serves as a director with POGA and the Saskatchewan Oat Development Commission. Marketing club members organized a prairie-wide growers meeting in Ituna that was attended by more than 250 farmers from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. An organization was established at that event. Jack has been involved with the organization since its inauguration, but will step down as a POGA director this fall. “For one thing, I’ve been there for a long time … and also, we have to get young blood and new ideas,” he said. “Just because I think I’m right all the time doesn’t mean that I am.” Despite declining global acreage, oat production continues to occupy a significant number of acres each year around Jasmin, partly because of soil and moisture conditions in the area. “Oat production is decreasing and that’s a worldwide phenomenon … and really the main reason for that is … that there’s not enough demand for the product,” Jack said. “If you pay for the product, you will get the product … but it’s all relative. It’s relative to canola and it’s relative to wheat. If farmers are making a dollar growing oats, they will grow it.”

Jack Shymko has spent much time removing snow on his mixed farm near Jasmin, Sask. Spring has been slow to arrive on the Prairies this year. | BRIAN CROSS PHOTO

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Lemons squeeze additional flavour into food and beverages TEAM RESOURCES



ellow is the colour that reminds me of Easter. I do not know whether it is the sun showing its face for a longer part of my day or the ads featuring little yellow chicks to promote Easter shopping. The colour makes me feel optimistic and bright.

I often use lemons in my menus this time of year. The tart taste is refreshing and lemons pack a good antioxidant punch. These recipes all contain fresh lemon juice. When life gives you lemons, simply squeeze and enjoy.

LEMON GREEN TEA STARTER Want a change from your early morning coffee to warm you up? The health benefits of brewing green tea and lemon have been scientifically proven. Or enjoy the lemon juice with plain hot water if desired. Brew one cup of green tea. Add two to three fresh lemon slices. Let sit for one minute and enjoy.

FROSTY FRUIT SMOOTHIE If tea or coffee is not your thing, try this smoothie as your kickstart. Loaded with nutrients, it will give you the boost you need. Serve at breakfast or as a snack. It’s a great way to consume a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables, and once blended, the colour is so appealing. 2 to 3 ice cubes 1 1/2 c. water 375 mL 1 tbsp. round flaxseed or 5 mL oil such as olive, grapeseed 1 c. fresh or frozen 250 mL raspberries 1 banana

1/4 c. chopped spinach 60 mL 2 tbsp. protein of your 30 mL choice, (hemp seed, almond milk, protein powder, plain Greek yogurt) 2 to 3 tsp. fresh squeezed 10 - 15 mL lemon juice Blend the above ingredients together until smooth. You can substitute plain water with coconut water for an exotic taste. All ingredients are available at most grocery stores. Variations: Add blueberries or mango or substitute strawberries for raspberries. The combinations are endless. Adapted from www.doctoroz.com.

LEMON CUSTARD PIE 1 c. 1 tbsp. 2 eggs, 1 c. 3 tbsp. 1/8 tsp. 1/4 c. 2 tsp. 1

sugar 250 mL softened butter 15 mL separated Greek yogurt 250 mL or milk flour 45 mL salt .5 mL lemon juice 60 mL grated lemon peel 10 mL unbaked 9 inch pie pastry shell whipped cream, lemon peel, optional

Preheat oven to 325 F (170 C). CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Tweeple use twadgets to grouptweet THE MORE THINGS CHANGE ‌



he texting and Twitter world is here, and while you might expect these lines to be a diatribe against the practice, that isn’t going to happen. I have nothing against it. Far from it. It continues in the great tradition of painting on cave walls: mastodon big, stomp stomp, me chase, throw spear, mastodon chase, me hide, do something unpleasant in pants, oh thank the sun god, pants not invented yet. And after cave walls, Egyptian h i e ro g l y p h s : Bat h s h e b a l ov e s Amenhotep IV. Meet me behind the temple after midnight, big boy. OK, I died and they sealed me in this tomb with all this garbage. What am I supposed to do with this ivory comb since my hair fell out about 400 years ago? Then came Gutenberg and his printing press, followed by the widely available Bible, followed by and preceded by non-stop religious wars. And now, texting via microwave towers. (I’ve compressed history a bit. But such are the times we live in.) Texting is a fine thing, certainly better than some things that are bad like coughing at the opera. My problem is that I don’t abbreviate well. I dislike typing the abbreviation for “you� or for “laugh out loud.� For some misguided reason, I would rather spell out “avoiding work like the plague� than render it as AWLTP. For this I am truly sorry. OK? I mean K? Michael Gillgannon is the former news editor of The Western Producer and managing editor of Western People. Contact: humour@ producer.com

"5& *5 t #& /0 .03& t 4.0,&% t '*/"--: (05 )*4 5"# $"--&% "5 5)& #"3 #&$".& " 3005 */41&$503 t #&--: 0' -*'& t '*/*4)&% t '-"5-*/& t '-&8 61 t #*5& 5)& %645 t %&$*."5&% t 5)& $001 t '3"((&% t ("5)&3*/( #06()5 5)& '"3. t #3&"5)& 0/& 4 5)& "41)"-5 t ("7& 61 5)& ()045 t -"45 t #6.1 0'' t 8*5)&3&% t (&5 :063 8*/(4 t (0 )0.& */ " #09 #63*&% t #6: " 1*/& $0/%0 t 50 "/ t (0 0'' 5)& )00,4 t (0 065 -*,& &/% t $"4) */ 0/& 4 $)*14 t $&"4&% 5)& 4/6'' 0' " $"/%-& t (0 50 %"7: 50 #& t $)&$,&% 065 t $)&$,*/( +0/&4 4 -0$,&3 t (0 50 .&&5 0/& 4 065 5)& (3"44 '30. 6/%&3/&"5) t .",&3 t (0 50 0/& 4 +645 3&8"3% t $"3$"44 t $3044&% 07&3 t $3044&% (0 50 0/& 4 3&45 t (0 50 5)& )"11: 5)& 3*7&3 45:9t $65 0'' t %"/$& 5)& )6/5*/( (306/% t (0 50 5)& -"45 -"45 %"/$& t %&$&"4&% t %&'*/*5&-: 306/%61 t (0 8&45 t (0*/( 50 5)& %0/& %"/$*/( t %&'6/$5 t %&.*4&% #*( #"3-&: '*&-% */ 5)& 4,: t (0/& t %&1"35&% t%*35 /"1 t %0/& t %0/& t (0/&3 t (0/& */50 5)& 8&45 t (0/& '03 t &/% 0/& 4 &"35)-: $"3&&3 t 50 " #&55&3 1-"$& t (05 " 0/& 8": &3"4&% t 45011&% (308*/( t &91*3&% 5*$,&5 t &9".*/*/( 5)& 3"%*4)&4 t &95*/$5 t '"--&/ 0'' 5)&*3 1&3$) t '30. #&-08 t )& 4 +6((-*/( )"-04 '&&-*/( /0 1"*/ t '*/"- $)"15&3 t /08 t /05 $0.*/( #"$, t 45".1&% '*/"- $635"*/ $"-- t '*/"--: (05 3&563/ 50 4&/%&3 t 1"44&% 5)& 4&-- )*4 5"# $"--&% "5 5)& #"3 0' -*'& t #: %"5& t /05)*/( -&'5 t *..035"--: '*/*4)&% t '-"5-*/& t '-&8 5)& $001 $)"--&/(&% t */ " #&55&3 1-"$& t '3"((&% t ("5)&3*/( 5)& "41)"-5 t t */ 3&104& t */ 5)& )03*;0/5"- ("7& 61 5)& ()045 t (&5 :063 8*/(4 1)0/& #005) t *5 8"4 $635"*/4 t t (0 )0.& */ " #09 t (0 0'' 5)& )00,4 t (0 065 -*,& 5)& 4/6'' 0' " $"/%-& t (0 50 %"7: +0/&4 4 -0$,&3 t (0 50 .&&5 0/& 4 .",&3 t (0 50 0/& 4 +645 3&8"3% t (0 50 0/& 4 3&45 t (0 50 5)& )"11: )6/5*/( (306/% t (0 50 5)& -"45 306/%61 t (0 8&45 t (0*/( 50 5)& #*( #"3-&: '*&-% */ 5)& 4,: t (0/& t (0/&3 t (0/& */50 5)& 8&45 t (0/& 50 " #&55&3 1-"$& t (05 " 0/& 8": 5*$,&5 t &9".*/*/( 5)& 3"%*4)&4 '30. #&-08 t )& 4 +6((-*/( )"-04 /08 t /05 $0.*/( #"$, t 45".1&% 3&563/ 50 4&/%&3 t 1"44&% 5)& 4&-- #: %"5& t /05)*/( -&'5 t *..035"--: $)"--&/(&% t */ " #&55&3 1-"$& t */ 3&104& t */ 5)& )03*;0/5"- 1)0/& #005) t *5 8"4 $635"*/4 t +0*/&% 5)& $)0*3 */7*4*#-& t +0*/&% 5)& ."+03*5: t ,*$,&% 0'' t ,*$,&% 5)& #6$,&5 t ,*$,&% 5)& 09:(&/ )"#*5 t -"5& t -&'5 5)& #6*-%*/( t -*'&-&44 t -*()54 065t -*26*%"5&% t -*7*/( *.1"*3&% t -045 t .&&5 0/& 4 &/% t .&&5 :063 .",&3 t .035*'*&% t .6..*'*&% t /0 -0/(&3 8*5) 64 t /0 .03& t /05 #-*/,*/( "/:.03& t 0'' 5)& 58*( t 0/ 5)& )&"7&/-: 4)03&4 t 0/ 5)& 6/"#-& 50 #3&"5)& -*45 t 0/& 4 )063 *4 $0.& t 065 0' )*4 )&3 .*4&3: t 1"*% $)"30/ 4 '"3& t 1"44&% "8": t 1":*/( " %&#5 50 /"563& t 1&3*4)&% t 1&3."/&/5-: 065 0' 13*/5 t 1*$,*/( 563/*14 8*5) " 45&1 -"%%&3 t 164)*/( 61 5)& %"*4*&4 t 165 %08/ t $&.&/5 #0054 t 3&"$)&% 5)& '*/*4) -*/& t 3&45*/( */ 1&"$& t 3&563/ 50 5)& (306/% t 3&563/&% 50 %645 t 3&563/&% 50 5)& (0 )0.& */ " #09 t (0 0'' 5)& )00,4 4063$& t 3*%*/( 5)& 1&3." 1*/& t t (0 065 -*,& 5)& 4/6'' 0' " $"/%-& 36##&% 065 t 36/ %08/ 5)& $635"*/ t (0 50 %"7: +0/&4 4 -0$,&3 t (0 t 4*9 '&&5 6/%&3 t 4&&/ 5)& -*()5 50 .&&5 0/& 4 .",&3 t (0 50 0/& 4 4-&&1*/( 8*5) 5)& '*4)&4 t 4-*11&% +645 3&8"3% t (0 50 0/& 4 3&45 t "8": 26*&5-: t 4/6''&% t 4/6''&% (0 50 5)& )"11: )6/5*/( (306/% t 065 t 413065&% 8*/(4 t 45*'' t 45*'' (0 50 5)& -"45 306/%61 t (0 8&45 "4 " #0"3% t 46$$6.#&% t 48"/ t (0*/( 50 5)& #*( #"3-&: '*&-% */ 40/( t $-&"/&% 61 t 5",&/ 065 0' 5)& 4,: t (0/& t (0/&3 t (0/& */50 130%6$5*0/ t 5",*/( " %*35 /"1 t 5)& 8&45 t (0/& 50 " #&55&3 1-"$& 5&3.*/"5&% t 5)"5 (00% /*()5 t 5)"5 t (05 " 0/& 8": 5*$,&5 t &9".*/*/( 8"4 "-- 4)& 8305& t 5)& #*( /"1 t 5)& 3"%*4)&4 '30. #&-08 t )& 4 5)& -0/& $06$) 0' 5)*4 &7&3-"45*/( +6((-*/( )"-04 /08 t /05 $0.*/( 4-&&1 t 500, " )"31 t 53"%&% 50 #"$, t 45".1&% 3&563/ 50 4&/%&3 5)& "/(&-4 t 563/ 0/& 4 '"$& 50 t 1"44&% 5)& 4&-- #: %"5& t /05)*/( 5)& 8"-- t 563/ 50 %645 t 563/ 61 -&'5 t *..035"--: $)"--&/(&% t 0/& 4 50&4 t 563/&% 5)&*3 50&4 61 */ " #&55&3 1-"$& t */ 3&104& t */ t 563/*/( 61 %"*4*&4 t 8"/%&3*/( 5)& )03*;0/5"- 1)0/& #005) t *5 5)& &-:4*"/ '*&-%4 t 8"4 " (0/&3 t 8"4 $635"*/4 t +0*/&% 5)& $)0*3 8*//*/( 0/& '03 5)& 3&"1&3 t 8*5) */7*4*#-& t +0*/&% 5)& ."+03*5: 5)& "/$&45034 t 8*5) 5)& "/(&-4 t ,*$,&% 0'' t ,*$,&% 5)& #6$,&5 t :*&-% 0/& 4 #3&"5) t :*&-% 61 t ,*$,&% 5)& 09:(&/ )"#*5 t -"5& 5)& ()045 " 3"$& 8&-- 36/ t /05 t -&'5 5)& #6*-%*/( t -*'&-&44 t (0*/( 50 130%6$& 4&&% t 8*5)&3&% -*()54 065t -*26*%"5&% t -*7*/( t "5& *5 t #& /0 .03& t 4.0,&% *.1"*3&% t -045 t .&&5 0/& 4 &/%

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BayerCropScience.ca/Velocitym3 or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. Always read and follow label directions. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada.

FARM LIVING Lemon poppyseed pound cake pairs well with a frosty fruit smoothie or lemon green tea. | JODIE MIROSOVSKY PHOTO



In a large bowl, beat sugar and butter until well blended. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the milk, flour and salt; mix well. Stir in lemon juice and peel; set aside. In a small bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form; gently fold into lemon mixture. Pour into pie shell. Bake for one hour or until lightly browned and a knife inserted near the centre comes out clean. Cool. Garnish with whipped cream and lemon if desired. Store in the refrigerator. Serves six to eight. Source: Reminisce Extra Magazine

LEMON ROASTED CHICKEN 1 chicken 2 kg salt and black pepper seasoning salt 1 lemon

1/2 c. Greek with feta 125 mL and oregano dressing by Kraft or Greek dressing of your choice Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C). Thaw and rinse the chicken and let dry. Season the inside and outside of the chicken with salt, pepper and seasoning salt. Place breast up in a 13 x nine inch (22 X 33 cm) pan. In a small mixing bowl, squeeze the juice from the lemon and combine with the Greek dressing. Drizzle mixture over chicken. Place squeezed lemon halves inside the cavity of the chicken. Insert meat thermometer into the thickest part of one of the chicken’s thighs. Bake for 1 1/2 to two hours or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear. Baste occasionally. Serves six. Source: www.kraftkitchens.com.

ROASTED ROOT VEGETABLES I do not like to fuss with big meals. To accompany the roast chicken, simply add roast vegetables to the oven and prepare a green salad to complete the meal. 6 medium potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced 2 parsnips, sliced 4 carrots, sliced 1 medium onion, sliced 1 to 2 sliced yellow or red peppers 1/4 c. Greek dressing 60 mL salt, pepper and seasoning to taste Place the potatoes, carrots, parsnips, onion and peppers in a baking dish. Pour the salad dressing over the vegetables, mix thoroughly, season and cover. Roast in the oven for one hour at 350 F (180 C) or until the vegetables are tender. Serves six.


Serious growers take weed control personally. With three modes of action in a single solution, Velocity m3 herbicide provides enough raw power to take down your toughest broadleaf and grassy weeds, including Group 1-resistant wild oats and resistant broadleaf weeds. For more information, visit BayerCropScience.ca/Velocitym3


3 c. 2 c. 1/4 c. 1 c. 1 c. 4 1/2 tsp. 1/2 tsp. 1/2 tsp. 4 tsp. 1/2 tsp. Glaze: 1 c.

flour sugar poppyseed softened butter buttermilk eggs baking powder baking soda salt grated lemon zest vanilla

750 mL 500 mL 60 mL 250 mL 250 mL

icing sugar and the juice of one lemon

250 mL

2 mL 2 mL 2 mL 20 mL 2 mL

Heat oven to 325 F ( 179 C). Combine all cake ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Beat on low until ingredients are moistened and then mix on high until well combined. Pour batter into greased and floured bundt pan or 10-inch tube pan. Bake for 55 to 65 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes and remove from pan. Combine powdered sugar and enough lemon juice in small bowl for desired glazing consistency. Drizzle over cooled cake. Add a dollop of softened cream cheese to the glaze for a creamy taste. To make buttermilk, substitute one tablespoon (15 mL) vinegar or lemon juice plus enough regular milk to equal one cup (250 mL). Source: www.landolakes.com. Jodie Mirosovsky is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact: team@producer.com.





Easter Bunny goes on the lam Furry friend | Rabbit mysteriously reappears the day after it was to be turned into stew BY LORI M. FELDBERG FREELANCE WRITER

Easter was approaching and we were doing a brisk business with lamb sales. We usually butchered a lamb for ourselves for something different than the traditional turkey. Our parents celebrated Easter with us, bringing along a good supply of chocolate even though we’d never been blessed with children. My husband, Bill, indulged in the hollow variety while I kept my big solid rabbit for baking. It was with a little dismay that a friend chose us to give us a rabbit, declaring that the escape artist was called Puff and they’d had enough of it eating the garden. She leaped back into her car before Bill could hand the rabbit back. Puff was trying to hide under Bill’s arm so he had to struggle a bit to hold on. We were informed that the rabbit was house trained and liked alfalfa hay. With that, the car peeled out of our place so fast that the gravel flew. “Stupid name for a rabbit,” Bill grumbled. “We’ll name him Easter Bunny.” His intent was obvious. He was going to turn this pet into a meal. The only thing we had that would cage the grey creature was an old dog carrier-come goat kid/lamb carrier, which I was asked to prepare. Bill faithfully took care of the Easter treat housed in the shed, but a few days before the rabbit’s appointment with the butcher block, I needed to talk to my husband regarding a fuel invoice. When I opened the door, I heard Bill talking. That’s when I saw him stroking the rabbit’s back as he talked about nothing that I could understand. I was dumbfounded over him letting himself get that attached. Bill hadn’t been impervious to that small bundle after all. Two days before Easter, Bill informed me that Easter Bunny had made an escape, somehow getting the door of the carrier open. Bill admitted that possibly he hadn’t closed the door properly. The rabbit was on the lam, but Bill wasn’t concerned. We wouldn’t be having lamb for dinner either, since we’d sold the last one, thinking we wouldn’t need it. He nodded agreement when I said I had a picnic ham on hand. On Easter Sunday, I watched him dig into the food piled high on his plate. He told our parents that we’d planned a surprise treat but that it hadn’t turned out . The rabbit showed up the next day. As Bill carried him into the house to show me, he told me that he’d found him with the sheep eating alfalfa in their feeders. Without cracking a smile, he talked about how Easter Bunny could earn his keep. I wasn’t surprised when he said we should get him a mate or two

and sell rabbit meat. He ruffled the rabbit’s ears, which no longer sat tight against his back but were perked up so that he could look around while comfortably couched in Bill’s arms. “Ok by me,” I agreed, before petting the ex-Easter treat and poking Bill in his well padded ribs.






Be respectful when requesting raise SPEAKING OF LIFE



For the past 11 years, I have been a partsman at a farm implement dealership. I know and understand my job and I handle it quite well, but I am underpaid. In other dealerships, they make $3 to $4 more an hour. When I go to talk to my boss about a raise I get intimidated


and never make my case. My wife told me go to my boss and demand a raise. I am afraid if I don’t, she will lose respect for me, but even with her support, I cannot find the nerve. What should I do?


You should make a firm demand for a raise, but first, grab a piece of paper and write in detail what you would do with the extra money. The goal is to clarify how much of a raise you would like to have. The more clearly you understand exactly what you need, the better your chances of getting it. Get your wife to help you role play asking for a raise, with your wife pretending to be your boss. You do not

Online cancer therapy targets depression

have to justify why you want the raise, just what you want. Finally, make an appointment to see your boss. Dropping into his office unannounced or confronting him in the coffee room is risky. He may not take you seriously or give you the attention you deserve. Outcomes are unpredictable. You may not get the raise you want, but if you deal with your manager properly, you will at least walk away from the session with self-respect. This is the foundation for being more assertive elsewhere in your life, whether at work, at home or in the community.

Positive thoughts | Researchers examine if treatment for depression increases survival time BY KAREN MORRISON SASKATOON NEWSROOM


Cancer hurts, and a patient’s fear of what lies ahead can only make it worse. Nicole Alberts, a University of Regina

Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ producer.com.


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clinical psychology doctoral student, hopes an eight-week online pilot project will help improve mental well-being for patients who have returned to their communities following cancer treatments. “Travel is hard for some people,” she said. “This brings it closer to them.” Online therapy also offers a discreet option for those less comfortable talking with therapists face-to-face about their feelings, she added. Alberts is seeking volunteers in Saskatchewan to participate in the program aimed at managing depression. Studies have shown a link between physical and emotional health. “Research indicated a diagnosis o f d e p re s s i o n a n d d e p re s s i v e symptoms predicted elevated mortality among cancer patients,” she said. “Research is now trying to find out if treatment of depression is directly related to increased survival times.” The program, based on cognitive behavioural therapy, includes five lessons designed to help participants learn to identify and manage negative thoughts that are fueling anxiety. “Adjusting how you think about things affects how we feel,” said Alberts. “So if you can shift those a bit, you can experience a good change in mood.” Participants will have access to Alberts and a registered psychologist and will hear about other cancer survivors’ struggles with depression and anxiety. She said rural residents may feel a greater loss of safety nets after cancer treatments because of fewer mental health services and support networks outside urban areas. “People are saying they would like some support in that time after treatment,” she said. Alberts said the program, based on a well-being program in Australia, is supported by funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. There is no similar online program for cancer survivors, she said. It will run through the summer and can accommodate up to 50 people. Participants will complete questionnaires at the beginning and end of the program to gauge how their symptoms changed. In addition, Alberts will follow up with clients by phone, asking for feedback on the program and suggestions for improvement. She will also seek feedback from cancer centre workers. For more information, contact Alberts at 306-585-4203 or nicole. alberts@uregina.ca.



COMING EVENTS March 21-22: Livestock Care Conference, Executive Royal Inn, Calgary (Register, AFAC, 403-662-8050, angela@afac.ab.ca, www.lcc.afac. ab.ca) April 4-5: Western Canadian Dairy Expo, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon (306-931-7149, www.saskatoonex. com) April 4-6: Agrimex, Exhibition Park, North Battleford, Sask. (Jocelyn, 306445-2024, jocelyn@agsociety.com) April 4-6: Northlands Farm & Ranch Show, Northlands Park, Edmonton (877-471-7472, farmandranchshow@ northlands.com, farmandranchshow. com) April 10-14: Aggie Days, Stampede Park, Calgary (403-261-0162, agriculture@ calgarystampede.com) April 14: Grande Prairie Museum Fiddlers’ Jamboree, Grande Prairie, Alta. (GP Museum, 780-830-7090)


Alberta Agriculture beekeeping courses: May 3-4: Bee-Ginners beekeeping course, Airdrie Agricultural Bldg., Airdrie (Register, Ag-Info Centre, 800-387-6030) May 10-11: Bee-Ginners beekeeping course, Crop Diversification Centre, Edmonton (Register, Ag-Info Centre, 800-387-6030) May 23-25: B.C. Cattlemen’s Association convention, Vernon, B.C. (Register, Becky, 877-688-2333, beverett@ kamploops.net. www.cattlemen. bc.ca) June 9-11: Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association 100th convention and meeting, exhibition grounds, Moose Jaw, Sask. (SSGA, 306-7578523, ssga@sasktel.net, www. skstockgrowers.com/100th) For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.

AG COUNCILS SEEK PROJECTS The Agriculture Council of Saskatchewan and the Agriculture and Food Council of Alberta are looking for projects to invest the remaining Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program funds. The five-year $163 million initiative from Agriculture Canada, which runs until next year, encourages farmers, processors, distributors and retailers to find innovative solutions to common concerns and explore new market opportunities. Its objective is to help the agricultural sector adapt and remain competitive. Eligible projects could involve traceability, environment, climate change, capacity development, pests and diseases. Eligible recipients may include industry organizations and

associations, co-operatives, marketing boards, aboriginal groups and for-profit companies. Saskatchewan applications are accepted until April 29. In Alberta, funding is available for projects requesting up to $20,000 each and letters of intent will be accepted until April 8. The AFC manages Alberta’s $21.9 million share of CAAP funding and has approved 94 projects. The suggested activity end date for projects is Oct. 31, with final reports due Dec. 31. It is strongly recommended that potential applicants contact a project manager to discuss the project before submitting a letter of intent. Potential applicants may then be invited to submit a full project application. For more information, visit www.agcouncil.ca and www. agfoodcouncil.com/caap-funding.

LATE WINTER CEREAL HARVEST Dry planting conditions last fall will likely delay the development of this year’s winter cereal crops, says Jake Davidson, executive manager of Winter Cereals Canada. Davidson said the number of acres seeded to winter cereals last fall in Manitoba fell to 560,000 from 600,000, while the number of acres in Saskatchewan fell to 400,000 from 600,000. The decline was attributed primarily to the dry planting conditions. Producers can dig up a few seedlings, take them in the house, put them between wet paper towels and see if they come back to life. Davidson said the fall seeded crop harvest typically starts in Manitoba in the first week of August but could be a week or two later this year. PIG CODE OF PRACTICE UPDATE ON TARGET Work to complete a draft of an updated pig code of practice is on target for public release June 1. The National Farm Animal Care Council’s pig code development committee, which comprises pork producers, practicing veterinarians, swine researchers and representatives of government and animal welfare organizations, is drafting the revised code. Three key areas of discussion are space allowance for animals, use of gestation stalls for sows and pain control for painful procedures. The release of the draft will be followed by a 60 day public comment period, after which the draft will be revised for implementation this summer or fall. Visit the National Farm Animal Care Council’s website at nfacc.ca for more information. ALTA. HONEY PLANT EXPANDS

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Bee Maid Honey and the Alberta Honey Producers Co-operative hosted a Celebration of Innovation and Growth at their plant in Spruce Grove, Alta., March 5. The facility recently expanded its bee supplies and installed new blow moulding equipment. New bottle manufacturing equipment was also installed. The machine uses less expensive resin and produces a stronger bottle. It can also make twice as many bottles per day than the previous machine. The expansion was designed to keep pace as the volume of packed honey grows. The $450,000 project expands the facility to 86,196 sq. feet, including the recent 2,380 sq. foot expansion of the Bee Supplies warehouse. Bee Maid Honey is the only packer in Canada that produces its own bottles. HOG GENETIC FIRMS JOIN FORCES

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Alliance Genetics Canada and Swine Genetics Ontario have reached a genetics and marketing sharing agreement. The companies have been sharing genetics for more than 30 years and both have their genetics validated through third party testing at the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement. The companies say the move will help keep costs down by controlling inventory and maximizing the options of genetic exchange with other nucleus herds. Private sales of SGO crossbred and purebred gilts and boars will continue.





Dairy makes most of manure

• Methane is a colourless, odorless, flammable gas. It is the simplest hydrocarbon and the major constituent of natural gas.

Thousands saved on fuel | Fair Oaks Farm turns manure from 14,000 cows into methane fuel for its milk trucks

• Methane is exchanged naturally between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere, but methane is lighter than air and is removed from the atmosphere primarily through chemical processes.


LONDON, Ont. — A large Indiana dairy operation is getting the most out of the methane it produces by fueling a fleet of 42 milk trucks. Bernard Sheff of Anaergia Inc. said it’s a better option than generating electricity. “On its best, that’s about 40 percent efficient, and there are some generation models that are as low as 28 per cent efficient,” Sheff said. “When you use methane as a vehicle fuel, it’s 100 percent efficient.” Sean Menzei of Greenlane Biogas told the Green Rural Opportunities Summit held in London March 4 that Fair Oaks Farms is saving $10,000 a day making its own fuel. “It’s a model that is being looked at to be replicated at other dairies in the U.S.” Sheff said the cost of producing methane for fuel works out to $4 to $6 per million BTU, which includes operational costs and capital costs amortized over 10 years. Mark Stoermann, project manager at Fair Oaks Farms, said another $1 per million BTU is tied up in the infrastructure needed to get the fuel into the trucks. A million BTU of methane is equivalent to 7.2 US gallons of diesel. There are drawbacks, particularly the lack of fuelling infrastructure in North America. “At this point in North America, we’re down to captive fleets, bus fleets and truck fleets.… There is not a lot of fuelling options,” Sheff said. “In Germany, if you stop at a fuelling station, there are usually two diesel pumps, two pumps for methane and one for gasoline. You can get it anywhere.” Fair Oaks Farm is a multi-family owned operation with 14,000 milking cows and a large cheese plant. The manure from 11,000 of the cows is digested for methane production. Stoermann said the farm plans to use additional feed stocks for the digestion process, including food waste and byproducts from ethanol production. The equivalent of 7,700 gallons of diesel is produced daily. Biogas is collected from the digester and upgraded through Anaergia’s chilled-water scrubbing system to meet pipeline standards. Then it’s moved through a secondary compressing facility and piped to two nearby stations, where the trucks are fueled using a fast-fill process. Almost 100 percent of the methane produced is recovered, Menzei said. The goal of 98 percent purity has been met or exceeded. The sulfur extracted is land applied, while the digestate is dried and used for bedding. The carbon dioxide that is produced is released to the atmosphere. Stoermann said the project cost almost $11 million, which included the methane upgrade processing plant and the 42 new Kenworth trucks equipped to carry and operate with compressed natural gas or methane. The farm hoped nine litre, 325 horsepower Cummins engines would be sufficient on the region’s

flat terrain, but Fair Oaks plans to upgrade to the new 12-litre engines this summer. “We definitely need bigger engines. The nine-litre engines were too small for the 80,000 pound gross vehicle weights,” Stoermann said. “We feel this project will be a good business model once we get the 12-litre engines installed.” Fair Oaks paid 40 percent more for the trucks compared to regular diesel trucks, he said. Methane production began last

• A small amount of methane is also absorbed by soils. • Methane exists in the Earth’s atmosphere at low concentrations and acts as a greenhouse gas.


October, but the trucks were operating on natural gas before then. The fleet ran nearly six million miles in the first year of operation, offsetting close to one million gallons of diesel.

• Methane, usually in the form of natural gas, is used in the chemical industry in hydrogen and methanol production, for example. • It is also used as fuel in heating homes and operating vehicles.

• Methane is produced naturally during decomposition of plant or organic matter in the absence of oxygen, and is released from wetlands, through the digestive processes of certain insects and ruminant animals such as termites, sheep and cattle. • Methane is also released from industrial processes, fossil fuel extraction, coal mines, incomplete fossil fuel combustion and garbage decomposition in landfills. • Based on an analysis, documented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride may pose a danger to the environment. Source: Environment Canada

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Art project trains eye on meat trade Relationship between people, animals | Art project designed to spark awareness about raising animals for consumption STORIES BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

The heifer stands in the chute. The man faces it, holding a gun. They begin a slow motion, six-minute ballet that ends in a gunshot. That is the essence of Mary Kavanagh’s installation within the Ecotone exhibit at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery in Lethbridge. Kavanagh, a University of Lethbridge professor, is one of several artists whose work makes up the exhibit, which will be open until April 14. Her video, Facing Io, was recorded at a family-owned abattoir in Coaldale, Alta., and is among the most thought provoking in the exhibit. Io is the lovely maiden of Greek mythology who was turned into a heifer by her lover, Zeus, to hide his attraction from his wife, Hera. “I wanted to elevate it into a level of the mythological, and that’s why the title,” said Kavanagh. But the theme of this installation is the very real process involved in getting beef onto the dinner plate. “Part of my work involves being a witness to the things that we don’t normally care to see. What is kept out of our realm as urban dwellers that we benefit from but don’t have to know about?” Ecotone is the third stage of a project initiated by the Field Notes Collective, a group of scientists and artists intent on exploring the complex relationships between people and their environment. Kavanagh was one of 12 artists who spent time on southern Alberta ranches as part of the project. She was at Chimney Rock Ranch, operated by Deb and Tony Webster, and said she came to admire the relationship between ranchers and their animals. “But I kept thinking, ‘what is this all about? What is this agricultural work really about?’ It’s about raising and producing animals for human consumption.” She decided to explore the other end of the process and was eventually

Artist Troy Nickle installed a small patch of prairie in the Ecotone exhibit. It includes rough fescue, yarrow, death camas and several other prairie plants. Nickle says fescue grasslands are under threat.

invited to observe the slaughter process of six animals at Prairie Meats, an experience completely new to her. After pondering the resulting photographs and video for several months, she decided how to present it through Ecotone. The result is a repeating video showing a captive but restive heifer in the moments before death. “Essentially the question emerged, which was, how do we reconcile this confrontation between the man and the animal? How do we rationalize killing an animal to stay alive?” Kavanagh said her work does not seek to make a judgment about cattle production. Everyone in the beef chain is complicit in the slaughter of cattle, she said. It is a modern reality of food production and consumption. Her goal is to make people think about that fact. She said reaction has been plentiful, and among the most meaningful was a comment from a rancher. “He called the work honest and gutsy, and that it got to the core of an issue. I liked that comment, coming from him especially.” Ryan Doherty, curator at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery, said the Ecotone exhibit has been well attended. Kavanagh’s video has generated much comment, but it is by no means the only installation that has resonated with the public. “There’s all these different perspectives, and I think everyone who has come in has found really something they can grab hold of.” Among the exhibits is an installation of earth and prairie plants, a display of rough fescue complete with roots, numerous depictions of invasive plant species and a sculpture of typical prairie terrain using real flora. “We’re all really implicated in shaping our landscape and our environment around us, but we often don’t realize it,” said Doherty. “It has its impact, for good or for bad. It’s something we need to start being aware of.”

Facing Io, a video by Mary Kavanagh at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery in Lethbridge, shows how an animal is slaughtered for food production. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS






Dagmar Dahle chose gouache on paper as the media for “Nine Invasive Plant Species and One Endangered Bird Species.” The works are part of the Ecotone exhibit at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery. They include depictions of dalmation toadflax, Canada thistle, common tansy, toadflax, yellow sweet clover, common wormwood, purple loosestrife, crested wheatgrass, oxeye daisy and prairie chicken. ART PROJECT | ART, SCIENCE

Science, art have similar goals

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Scientists and artists are more alike than different, says a southern Alberta artist. That has been proven through the success of the Field Notes Collective, a group of Alberta scientists and artists who are collaborating to explore various aspects of human interaction with the environment. “It felt very natural,” Mary Kavanagh said about the project. “In fact, I think artists and scientists, as scholars who ask questions and work through problems, have more in common than not in common.” The collective was formed in 2008 with support from the Alberta Rural Development Network. It began with a symposium, dinner and tour of an agricultural research station that included scientists, artists and southern Alberta ranchers. That was followed by a project in which several ranchers opened their homes and operations to artists so they could experience, observe and create. Stage 3 is an art exhibit called Ecotone at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery until April 14. “From urban encroachment to resource extraction, the multiplicity of responses offered by the many other artists included in this exhibition speak to the enormous complexities at play in our local envi-

Lyndal Osborne’s “Underwater/ Underground 2013” is a mixed media installation featuring eight lithographs and three fescue plants that show the effects of different levels of grazing intensity. ronment,” reads a synopsis at the exhibit. An ecotone is a zone where two ecological areas overlap, which SAAG curator Ryan Doherty finds apt to describe both exhibition content and the mesh between scientists and artists. Scientists, like artists, are curious about the world and how it works. “They think very creatively, sometimes, to open up the world. Artists are trying to open up the world as well, turn it upside down and find out how it ticks,” he said. “There’s a similar drive and a similar goal and a similar creativity that’s at the heart of it.” Doherty said the art exhibition won’t be the end of activities by the Field Notes collective, although the next steps are yet to be finalized.

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(Scientists) think very creatively, sometimes, to open up the world. Artists are trying to open up the world as well, turn it upside down and find out how it ticks. RYAN DOHERTY SOUTHERN ALBERTA ART GALLERY CURATOR





Chicken farmers told to fix system or council will Growing provinces demand greater share of production allocation BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Laurent Pellerin, chair of the Farm Products Council of Canada, bluntly told leaders of Canada’s chicken supply management system last week they have six months to save their system. If they fail, the overseeing council will impose its own version of the pathway forward. The 35-year-old agency that manages Canada’s $2.3 billion chicken industry is in crisis, unable to find agreement among the member provinces on how to allocate quota to capture new growth in the industry. An unhappy Alberta has given notice it will withdraw at the end of the year if no agreement is reached. Ontario is also demanding change. Industry leaders say the stalemate jeopardizes the system of production controls, pricing and import controls that make the system work. “When we have internal strife, we put at risk the very system that provides this industry with its core strength,” CFC chair David Janzen from British Columbia told the organization’s annual meeting in Ottawa March 19.

The organization that oversees Canada’s supply management agencies has given chicken producers until summer to find a way out of the crisis gripping their industry. | FILE PHOTO In a later interview, he said Alberta’s six-year fight to get a higher share of new quota to recognize its growing population has been the galvanizing issue. “The system is in jeopardy because Alberta has given notice it will pull out,” he said. “The risk is if you can’t get an agreement there, then there are other provinces like Ontario that

are seeking agreement on allocating growth as well. If we don’t get a deal this year, there’s huge risk for the industry.” Pellerin, in an interview after his speech to the meeting, said the CFC board must come up with a deal this summer or the council will. “It is the future of the system. How can you run a system like this without

one of the big players around the table, especially one from Western Canada? Now Ontario has its own demands.” At its core, the dispute is over how to distribute new production quota for the growing industry. Historic provincial quota shares are not at issue. Faster growing provinces are insisting on a greater share to serve their

growing markets. Other provinces are insisting that growth be allocated based on the traditional share of provincial production when the agency was created in 1978. Alberta is the fourth largest chicken-producing province with quota for 93 million kilograms of production. Ontario is the largest with more than three times Alberta’s share. Added to the complicated debate is the question of how comparative advantage should factor into the quota allocation formula. The CFC board met seven times over the winter to try to break the impasse before the annual meeting and the Feb. 22 deadline for Alberta to revoke its notice of withdrawal from the system. They failed. Last week, Janzen called a temporary halt to the divisive debate. “We have to step back from the chicken cliff and take a breather,” he said. “We have expended an inordinate amount of energy and need to recharge our batteries. A short break will also allow provinces to reflect and consider how we move forward.” They will try again in late spring or summer, knowing that if they fail, Pellerin and the FPCC that oversees the supply management agencies have vowed to produce their own solution.

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Prairie fruit growers encouraged to use new logo Brand enhancement | Label can be used on fresh fruit to tell consumers it is locally grown BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Prairie fruit growers hope the image of a strawberry can do for their industry what a green leaf did for tree fruit growers in British Columbia. Growers in those provinces now h av e a l o g o t o c a l l t h e i r o w n , thanks to a partnership of the three prairie producer groups called the Canadian Prairie Fruit Federation initiative. The logo, which features the image of a strawberry and the word “local”

in large letters, is available for growers to use for free in U-pick and farmers markets. “I guess the hope is that it’ll be as identifiable as … the old B.C. (Tree) Fruits logo with the green leaf,” said Blaine Staples, vice-president of the Alberta Farm Fresh Producers Association. It was first rolled out last year, but the group hopes the image will be more widely used this season. “I’m hoping that we’re able to develop it across the Prairies as a bit of a brand,” he said.

“As individual farmers, we’re all trying to develop our own brand, but I think it would also be of great benefit to develop a prairie wide brand that identifies what we’re doing really quickly to the consumer and makes it visually appealing.” A marketing company was hired in 2011 and focus groups were held to help the industry attract business from buyers interested in locally grown food. “The urban population, some are surprised that we can even grow strawberries on the Prairies, for

example,” said Anthony Mintenko, the provincial fruit crops specialist in Manitoba. “Just to get that awareness out there, I think, is important.” The label has been used on packages for fresh products such as strawberries, but it could have other uses as well. “There’s definitely potential to be using it in wholesale through a conventional retail chain type situation,” said Staples. “There isn’t a huge amount of that kind of fruit marketing being done across the Prairies right at

Prairie fruit growers who operate U-pick farms or sell at farmers markets can use this logo to help market their products. | CANADIAN PRAIRIE FRUIT FEDERATION PHOTO

the moment. That’s kind of a growing industry, and I think as the industry grows, the logo may be used more.”


U.S. ag lending takes big jump CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — U.S. agricultural banks boosted farm lending by about 14 percent in 2012 to $81.8 billion, reflecting a strong farm economy despite droughtrelated stress in the livestock and dairy sectors, the American Bankers Association said. “The agricultural sector continues to outperform the broader national economy and, as a result, farm banks posted solid performance in 2012,” the ABA said in its Farm Bank Performance Report. It cited a U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast for near-record 2012 U.S. net farm cash income of more than $133 billion US on the strength of high commodity prices and increasing global demand for food. “This has translated into a solid performance on the part of our nation’s farm banks. Farm banks reported a strong increase in earnings and improved asset quality in 2012. In addition, farm banks, as a group, remained well-capitalized through 2012,” the ABA said. The association defined ag banks as those with a ratio of domestic farm loans to total domestic loans of at least 13.96 percent. It expanded its definition in 2012 to include banks that specialize in serving agriculture with more than $1 billion in assets. In addition, in 2012 savings and loan associations began to be required to report farm-related lending activities and 32 were included in the ABA study. Most farm banks are small institutions, with one of median size having $97.9 million in assets. However, there were 33 farm banks included with more than $1 billion in assets, the ABA said. The ABA said the nation’s 2,215 farm banks added more than 3,615 jobs in 2012, a 4.2 percent increase, and employed 90,569. More than 95 percent of farm banks were profitable last year, with 67 percent reporting an increase in earnings. Income before taxes and extraordinary items totalled $3.6 billion, up 7.4 percent. The nonperforming-loan ratio declined to 1.49 percent of total loans, close to pre-recession levels, it said. Farm real estate loans grew at a rate of 14 percent compared to production loans at 13.7 percent.


Gary Both

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Ag minister opposes tariffs on meat imports Country-of-origin labelling | Gerry Ritz wants an alternative strategy for fighting American policy COOL fight,” he said. “At the end of the day, that may be what has to be done, but having said that, their processing sector in the U.S. is facing the same level of hurt as our production capacity here so they are allies in this fight.” John Masswohl, international relations director with the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, agreed in principle but said U.S. meat imports will have to be part of the mix if retaliation happens. “It will have to be a list of strategic products that can cover a wide range


Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz says he would rather not target meat imports if Canada has to resort to retaliation against the United States over country-of-origin labelling rules He said that would penalize American livestock sectors that have been working with Canada against COOL. “I have a fundamental problem attaching tariffs to an industry that is actually supporting us in the

of economic sectors, but I think beef and pork will have to be part of it,” he said. “This is a beef and hog dispute.” However, Masswohl also noted that it could be a year before retaliation is permitted as the dispute works its way through the World Trade Organization process. The U.S. has until May 23 to fix the problem under the terms of a WTO judgment that found COOL to be a protectionist law rather than consumer education, which the American government claims. The U.S. has proposed changes,

but Canadian livestock groups and the government argue the proposed changes make the law more protectionist. If the U.S. proposals are enacted by May 23, Canada would have to go back to the WTO to argue the changes are not satisfactory and retaliation is warranted. The dispute process could take up to nine months if the U.S. opposed the Canadian argument. Then, even if Canada won that round, a panel would be called to determine the appropriate level of retaliation.

“There is a lot of process ahead of us before we get to retaliation,” Masswohl said. Ritz said Canada’s first priority is to convince the U.S. to “change their mind” on how to reform COOL. In the meantime, he said there will be consultations with the industry on an appropriate retaliation strategy. WTO rules allow Canada to target American imports up to the value of the damage the U.S. law has inflicted on Canadian exporters, which the beef and hog industries estimates to be $1 billion a year. The retaliation can target a broad range of American exports to Canada well beyond the meat industry. “If you have allies working with you, it’s hard to penalize them,” Ritz said. “That’s a no-brainer to me, but at the end of the day, we’ll work with everybody here in the interests of our production here in Canada.”


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Chinese pavilion planned for Farm Progress BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM

For the first time, China’s delegation to Canada’s Farm Progress Show will include exhibitors. “The Chinese delegation is going to consist of both exhibitors and buyers, which is a little bit different for our show this year,” said Shirley Janecsko, who works with the show’s international business centre. “Normally, we see a lot of buyers coming through here from China. This year we’re going to see one separate area set up for people to exhibit different companies from China. It will be labeled the Chinese pavilion.” Five members have been confirmed for the Chinese delegation, compared to 25 from Lithuania, 20 to 30 from Russia and 10 to 12 from Mongolia. “I think what’s making China different this year is because they are going to come here as an exhibitor,” she said. Two companies have applied and paid for exhibitor’s booth space. The next step would be to obtain visas to come to Canada. The Chinese will exhibit smaller items such as parts and accessories. “That’s where they’re livelihood is so that’s what’s making China stand out,” Janecsko said. Last year , 650 people from 50 countries were registered in the show’s international business centres. Janecsko said the international delegations spent an estimated $412 million on major purchases. She said at least six major Canadian manufacturers will attend an agriculture trade show in China in April. Janecsko is developing an agenda with the Canada Chinese Business Council to develop a workshop in April called Doing Business with China. Farm Progress Show will be held June 19-21 this year.





the world’s top grower could boost production by as much as 30 percent, year-on-year, from a drought-affected 2012-13 harvest. DISEASE OUTBREAK

Russia finds foot and mouth Egypt plans bread rationing CAIRO, Egypt (Reuters) — Egypt plans to ration subsidized bread, taking a politically risky step to restrict supplies of the cheap loaves upon which many Egyptians depend as the state tries to save money. Bassem Ouda, the supply minister, said the government would start implementing rationing “after two months”. Trials of a rationing system using electronic smart cards would begin in the Suez Canal city of Port Said and its suburb Port Fouad. The change means anyone wishing to buy subsidized loaves will need a ration card — to which all Egyptians are entitled but which the better off have typically let lapse. Ouda did not say to how many loaves citizens would be entitled. Food supply has long been an explosive issue in Egypt, which is struggling to secure an IMF loan as parliamentary elections approach. Rising prices are being passed on to struggling consumers and shortages have already provoked discontent. Council on Thursday forecast that the world wheat harvested area would climb to a four-year high for the 2013/14 season, but global stocks would only rise modestly.

MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) — Russia has found foot-and-mouth disease in the eastern Siberian region of Zabaikalsk, Russia’s veterinary and phyto-sanitary surveillance service said. The virus affected cattle and pigs at private farms, VPSS spokesman Alexei Alekseenko said, adding measures to prevent the disease from spreading have been taken. “It was an Asian type of virus. Now

we are checking on how it got into Russia,” Alekseenko said. The Zabaikalsk region borders China and Mongolia. Last time Russia found foot-andmouth disease was about a year ago in the Primorsk region some 45 kilometres from the border with China. Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly infectious and sometimes fatal disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals such as sheep, goats, cattle, buffalo and pigs. FARM POLICY

EU agrees on reforms BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reuters) — The European Union is on course to complete reforming its $73 billion

a year farm policy from the start of 2014, after EU governments agreed on a joint negotiating position last week. Farm ministers from the 27 EU

member states backed the main lines of the reform of the common agricultural policy first proposed by the European Commission in 2011, although they weakened the changes in several areas. The agreement provides government negotiators with a mandate for talks with the commission and European parliament to finalize the reform, which are due to begin next month with the aim of reaching final agreement in June. Agreement was only reached after various concessions were made to individual governments to weaken elements of the reform. These included allowing countries not to apply a proposed cap on annual subsidies to individual farmers of $400,000. The commission and parliament both say it should be mandatory.


Wheat stocks projected to climb CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — The IGC, in a monthly update, forecast a rise in global wheat stocks of three million tonnes by the end of the 2013/14 season, which would only partially offset a decline of 20 million tonnes in 2012-13. “Some increase in major exporters’ stocks is likely, but the global 2013-14 carryover is expected to rise by a modest three million tonnes,” the IGC said. Global wheat stocks are forecast to fall during the 2012-13 season by 20 million tonnes to 177 million with the decline driven by a sharp decline in production for Black Sea exporters Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The IGC said a recovery in average yields should boost global wheat production by four percent in 2013-14 from the prior season’s 656 million tonnes. A sharp rebound in U.S. corn production was anticipated in 2013-14 with the IGC forecasting

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What’s on the

block today? Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers started their season in Saskatoon with a March 19 sale, a full month ahead of their first spring event last year. It was a mix of agricultural, industrial and transportation equipment and consumer goods. Of the 3,557 total bidders, 1,944 bid through the internet. Total sales from the day equalled more than $25 million. | William DeKay photos

ABOVE: Matthew Hanson, 3, of Eastend, Sask., and his father Warren check out the long line of air drills. RIGHT: It was a long way up to check out a seed cart.


Wild bees prove best pollinators BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Managed honeybee colonies are commonly used to help pollinate crops, but wild insects do the job best, finds a new international study. Fifty authors are listed on the report, which encourages farmers to improve biodiversity near cropland to provide better habitat for the insects. “The absence of wild insects cannot be completely remedied by adding honeybees,” said Lawrence Harder, a biological sciences professor at the University of Calgary, who contributed to the project. “There’s something about the pollination of wild insects that can improve on what can be delivered by honeybees, and our interpretation of that is that it’s somehow related to the quality of pollination.” CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

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LEFT: Sale goers compare notes about what’s on the auction block. BELOW: Jim Lacey of Saskatoon rests against a backhoe to enjoy his barbecue lunch.


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In the study, published recently in Science, researchers outline how they analyzed 23 crops pollinated by wild insects — primarily fruit and oilseeds, including canola — in more than 40 crop systems. Fruit set and seed production improved with wild insect visitation in every case. Harder said the wild insects move around more between plants than honeybees, covering more flowers and allowing for greater cross pollination. “There’s no single best pollinator for all crops, and so I think it’s not reasonable to expect honeybees to be the best,” said Harder. “But I was struck by this strong contrast of the much greater improvement with the addition of wild insects.” He said the greatest threats to these populations are injudicious pesticide use and increasing crop acres and cultivation that squeezes out nesting sites. As well, crops are a resource to pollinators only when they are flowering. The report recommended integrated management policies that use managed species, including honeybees, bumblebees and leafcutter bees, and the maintenance of natural and semi-natural vegetation to encourage wild insects. “We need a sequence of different species that are providing nectar and pollen to maintain these wild pollinators,” said Harder. “The natural vegetation that existed before it was turned to agriculture in many cases is quite suitable for providing those kinds of resources. And so the more that unfarmed areas could be maintained in a natural state, the better off, in fact, the agricultural fields would be, because of the availability of these natural pollinators.”





Dairy producers try new solar heating system Hot water | Dairy producers using solar system find savings in less than seven years, says company official BY JEFFREY CARTER FREELANCE WRITER

W O O D S TO C K , O nt. — D a i r y farmers who heat hot water with electricity can pay for a solar system in less than seven years. That’s been the experience of John Rood and his sons, who operate Zolarayz, a solar thermal installation and maintenance business near Woodstock. Rood said the dairy side of his solar thermal business has been particularly busy over the past two years.

“These systems will usually pay for themselves in 60 to 70 months,” he said. “Some are milking twice a day and some are milking three times a day.… All of a sudden they’re up to 240 gallons of hot water a day. That’s not uncommon.” Rood said the payback is based on pure economics: no subsidies are involved. “I don’t think it’s really healthy to build a business on subsidies, in my perspective anyway.” Suni Ball of Enerworks Inc. in


Woodstock agreed, but neither he nor Rood would complain if Natural Resources Canada was to reinstate its incentive program for solar thermal, which paid up to 30 percent of the cost for installations.

Enerworks designs and assembles solar thermal systems, but a lot of its sales are to U.S. customers. The U.S. government offers a 30 percent tax credit and many states also offer incentives. Ball sees sense in this bottom-up approach to energy because it offsets reliance on traditional forms of energy rather than spending tax dollars to build additional natural gas, coal or nuclear power plants to meet peak electrical loads. In addition, fossil fuel that would otherwise be exploited are left for a future generation.

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Glazed solar collectors lie at the heart of Enerworks’ solar thermal systems. The evacuated tubes are particularly efficient. Flat glass systems are less expensive and are used when less than optimum efficiency is good enough. E n e r w o rk s’ e v a c u at e d t u b e s absorb 95 percent of the sun’s light. The energy is collected as heat in the copper core and transferred to a solution so it can be circulated to where it’s needed. Almost none of the heat can escape from the tubes because of the insulation of the absolute vacuum. The outer glass remains cool to the touch even if the core temperature of a tube is extreme. Ball said Enerworks uses Germandesigned tubes with a single glass construction. Competing collectors often use a double glass construction that is less effective because the sun’s rays must pass through two layers of glass. A solar glycol solution is used to transfer the heat to where it’s needed. He said evacuated tube systems operate from 50 to 90 C. Heat exchange systems in dairy barns preheat the water used for washing. It’s then transferred to the regular water heater, which may or may not fire up, depending on the temperature of the water being delivered. Radiated floor systems are often the choice for space heating. Enerworks installed a large solar thermal system at Oxford Gardens, a large retirement home in Woodstock. The system is backed up with natural gas. It uses solar thermal to warm Oxford Gardens during the cold months, but when outdoor temperatures rise it provides energy-efficient cooling. “This technology was discovered more than 100 years ago. It used to be the primary way refrigeration was done,” Ball said. Ball said the system is more efficient than compression refrigeration systems, although both work by “removing heat” rather than “adding cold.” Heat from the solar thermal array on the Oxford Gardens rooftop drives the chiller by boiling the glycol in vacuum conditions at 7 C. Two heat exchange systems circulate through the cool vapours rising from the glycol. One cools the air coming in from the building to 14 C. The other leads to a cooling tower where an evaporation system is used to extract the heat. “Essentially you’re using a 400 watt motor to get 105,000 watts of cooling power,” Ball said. Rood and Enerworks are currently consulting with a mushroom producer interested in providing cooling power for his growing facility. However, instead of using solar thermal as the energy source, the idea is to draw heat from the process used to transform spent mushroom substrate into charcoal. Ball said thermal systems, whether used for heating or cooling, don’t necessarily need to rely directly on the sun as the energy source.


British farms brace for yield declines LONDON, U.K. (Reuters) — The impact of last year’s record rainfall will squeeze Britain’s farmers well into next year and force makers of bread and biofuel to buy more costly imports. Production of wheat, Britain’s most important arable crop, is set to fall to its lowest level in more than a decade this summer, forcing purchases of bread-quality grain from Europe and North America. Livestock farmers have also seen their incomes plunge after wet conditions forced them to buy more feed at inflated prices following last year’s U.S. drought. The rain could also lower conception rates with fewer lambs and calves this spring. “I’ve never worked in an environment where the weather has been as bad, so we are in uncharted territory. This is going to impact cash flow in 2013-14 in both sectors (livestock and crops),” said Allan Wilkinson, head of agriculture at HSBC UK. England had its wettest year on record in 2012, leading to high disease levels in crops and driving down wheat yields to a 23 year low. Many farmers were also unable to plant crops last autumn because of saturated soil. A survey issued by the Home-Grown Cereals Authority earlier this month showed winter wheat area in England and Wales down 25 percent. “When you drive around the countryside now, clearly the arable part of the U.K. looks in a patchy and fairly poor state compared with how it would normally look at this time of year,” Wilkinson said. Analysts Strategie Grains recently forecast a British wheat crop of 12.1 million tonnes this summer, the lowest since 2001, which was the last time torrential rains and flooding created havoc during the key autumn planting season. Rain has also made it harder for livestock to feed on grass, increasing the reliance on purchased feed at a time when its cost has soared following last year’s U.S. drought. “Weather-impacted output coupled with increased input costs have hit farming over the last year. Livestock producers are among the hardest hit,” National Farmers Union economist Anand Dossa said. Government figures for the 2012-13 season, which concluded at the end of last month, showed steep falls in average incomes for livestock farmers in England. The hog and dairy sectors were down by 50 and 42 percent, respectively. Beef and sheep producers saw a 44 percent income decline in lowland areas and a 52 percent drop in upland regions. “Over the long term, most farms have a strong balance sheet, but just at the moment the cash position is really quite a squeeze,” said Graham Redman, research economist at farm consultants the Andersons Centre. “There will be casualties (among farm businesses), and this is about the time they are going to start coming out of the woodwork.” The rain also caused headaches for those who rely on British crops. Producers of bread and biofuel are being forced to look overseas to offset domestic quality concerns.




Threat of drought looms over U.S. Weather forecast | American agency says half the country is already in drought conditions WASHINGTON, D.C. (Reuters) — Lingering snow and colder-thannormal temperatures in much of the United States will give way to warmer-than-average weather and continued drought in areas that need moisture most, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in its spring outlook. Fifty-one percent of the continental United States is already in moderate to exceptional drought and that is expected to continue in California, the Southwest, the southern Rocky Mountain states, Texas and

Florida, NOAA said. The Midwest, the northern and central Great Plains, Georgia, the Carolinas and northern Alaska may see some relief from drought during April, May and June. That could be an improvement over 2012, when two-thirds of the country experienced drought conditions and the vast majority of the United States saw record-high temperatures. The next three months will also bring significant flood risk to North Dakota and northern Minnesota, with moderate flooding possible in

the upper Mississippi River basin, including parts of Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri, said Laura Furgione of NOAA’s National Weather Service. Minor flooding is possible for the lower Mississippi River basin and in the Southeast, including parts of Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia. Spring is likely to bring abovenormal temperatures to most of the continental United States and northern Alaska, except in the Pacific Northwest, the extreme

northern Great Plains and Hawaii, which are expected to be cooler than normal. “We have been experiencing a very unusually cold pattern with a jet (stream) far south of normal,” Ed O’Lenic of NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center told a telephone briefing. “As the sun gets higher in the sky, sooner or later that’s got to stop.” That usually happens by late April, when temperatures are influenced by soils that are then dry and heat up quickly, O’Lenic said.




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U.S. ethanol plants, such as this one in Iowa, are looking north to Canada for corn to feed their facilities. | FILE PHOTO CORN | SALES

Ontario’s huge corn crop heads south to fill shortfall Supplying ethanol plants | The drought in the U.S. corn belt has forced buyers to seek supplies from Canada WINNIPEG/CHIC AGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Canadian corn is flowing to U.S. ethanol plants and feed suppliers in larger than usual volumes this year. Up to one million tonnes are expected in 2012-13 as a large Ontario crop backfills demand after last year’s severe U.S. drought. Canada is normally a net importer of corn, feeding Eastern Canada’s pigs and poultry and supplying Ontario ethanol plants. But the worst U.S. drought in more than 50 years has forced buyers to look north. “Ontario had not a lot of rain last year, but it was timed almost perfectly, so we had the biggest corn crop in history in Ontario in 2012,” said Steve Kell, grain merchant at Parrish & Heimbecker. “It’s just a natural redistribution. And it’s moving.” Ontario accounted for two-thirds of Canada’s 13.1 million tonne corn harvest. Kell expects more than one million tonnes of Ontario corn to move into the United States in 201213, and maybe more if there are U.S. corn planting delays. That would be the second-biggest Canadian corn export program on record, after nearly 1.7 million tonnes were shipped two years earlier following a poor coarse grain harvest in Europe. Agriculture Canada expects Canadian corn exports to more than double in 2012-13 to one million tonnes from the previous year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture increased its corn import forecast this month to 125 million bushels, the highest on record and up from an estimated 29 million bu. in the 2011-12 marketing year. Nearby corn futures on the Chicago Board of Trade have pulled well back from the record high they set in August but are still 12 percent higher year over year. U.S. corn imports from Canada are not unusual, although the amounts this year are. “Mostly it’s just small domestic rail shipments. It’s mostly for feed, kind of the same path it always takes, showing up in Ohio and a few other places,” said one U.S. grain exporter. “Corn has been on pace to reach the USDA’s import number.” Canadian exporters say Ontario corn is flowing into Michigan and New York ethanol plants in par-

It’s a benefit for everybody right down to the producer because it’s certainly raising basis bids in Ontario, or at least keeping them from going lower. LYNNE COHOE HOMELAND GRAIN INC.

ticular. The Great Lakes will open for navigation later this month, and there has been increased movement of corn to terminals on the lakes to prepare for transport by ship, Kell said. Once ship traffic begins, Canadian corn can more easily reach markets such as Toledo, Ohio. P&H has five grain terminals on the Great Lakes in Ontario, and three of those, at Goderich, Hamilton and Owen Sound, are actively moving Canadian corn, he said. It’s unlikely that Canadian supplies are weakening U.S. corn basis levels much, said Lynne Cohoe, owner of Homeland Grain Inc., a grain dealer at Burgessville, Ont. The company has consistently shipped most of its corn sales into the U.S. for the past two months. Still, the influx of Canadian corn had kept a lid on basis in the closely watched Toledo market and could continue to anchor values once lakes shipping resumes. The corn basis bid at a major grain company’s Toledo terminal recently eased by five cents a bushel to the lowest level in nearly a month, largely due to a wave of U.S. farmer selling of old-crop corn. Canadian supplies come to the United States with additional freight costs, as well as extra time and paperwork to cross the border. “Obviously, our basis is considerably lower than in the U.S. and that’s why (corn) is going there,” Cohoe said. “It’s a benefit for everybody right down to the producer because it’s certainly raising basis bids in Ontario, or at least keeping them from going lower.” Agriculture Canada expects Canadian corn plantings for 2013-14 to ease slightly to 3.5 million acres, but brisk exports may tempt farmers to sow more acres. “It says that we can produce more

and move it,” she said. “People have confidence that the market is a lot deeper than people

thought it was before.” Parts of the southern U.S. Plains have also seen intense drought, but

Canadian shipments of soft red winter wheat from Ontario have been modest, Kell said.





Doors stay open at northern Alta. research centre Mackenzie County leases facility from the federal government and hopes to buy it in the future BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

Dicky Driedger spreads out a map of Mackenzie County in this 2011 file image. |




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One of Canada’s oldest agricultural research centres has received a oneyear reprieve from the auction block. Mackenzie County officials signed a one-year rental agreement with the federal government to keep Canada’s most northerly research station, at Fort Vermilion, Alta., open and not for sale. County officials and far mers believe the research station is key to agriculture in northern Alberta, especially after the provincial government recently sold 136,000 acres of undeveloped bush land in Mackenzie County to be converted to agricultural land. The county paid the federal government $50,000 to lease the research station this year. “I personally think that’s unfair, but that’s what we had to do,” said Dicky Driedger, a farmer and Mackenzie County councillor who hopes to save the research station. Driedger said the race is on for the Mackenzie Applied Research Association to line up research partners to offset the cost of the facility. The county has contributed $35,000 a year to the association since it was formed in 2005. Before that, it paid $30,000 a year to the North Peace Applied Research Association, MARA’s predecessor. The money is used to carry out research at the centre. Driedger said he hopes the county can continue to negotiate with the federal government to buy the facility and allow the research association to plan long-term research projects. Few agricultural companies are willing to spend money on projects that may last only one year, he added. Bill Kostiw, director of infrastructure development and government relations with Mackenzie County, said officials are optimistic the federal government will sell the county the 400 acre facility, which was established in 1907. “We’re comfortable they will make a deal, or we wouldn’t have put up the grant,” said Kostiw. Patrick Girard, communications official with Agriculture Canada, said the department’s approach to the “disposition of the facility” is underway. “In the meantime, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is negotiating an interim lease agreement, which would allow the continued use of the property for research activities undertaken by Mackenzie Applied Research Association until a divestiture plan can be implemented,” he said. “There is an interest in continuing applied research based on local farmer priorities.”

Driedger is confident the federal government will work with the county to save the centre. During a question session at FarmTech 2013 earlier this year, Driedger asked federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz why the government was closing the centre. “Well, up until now governments have had a scatter gun approach all across the country, a little bit of expertise in a lot of different areas, and what we’re doing is amalgamating that so we can have that good backstop,” said Ritz. “We want to partner with people in that particular facility in northern Alberta and others across Canada and work with academia and work with industry and work with the provinces to make sure that we can still make use of those types of facilities moving forward.” Federal co-operation While Ritz’s answer never mentions Fort Vermilion, Driedger believes his comments mean Ritz is willing to work with the county to save the facility. “If you listen to what Ritz is saying, it sounds like he wants to work with us, but it sure doesn’t look like it the way they’re treating us now,” he said. “They’re not spending one dime on that research station this year.” Greg Newman, a Fort Vermilion farmer, said he was not surprised when the final funding was yanked from the centre. For the past six years the centre has operated with only one full-time field technician and assorted summer staff paid by agricultural organizations. No maintenance had been done on the buildings in years and few scientists came there anymore. “It wasn’t totally unexpected,” said Newman. “We don’t look at it as a setback but as an opportunity to maintain research and have more local decisions.” He said climate change will open up more agricultural opportunities in northern Canada. “Because of the unique micro climate, there is a need for a local research facility.” Newman said there is a history of good research at the centre. It was one of the first facilities to research direct seeding in the 1980s. It also did varietal trials for more than 50 years and worked extensively with leafcutter bees and bison. Activity at the centre peaked in the 1950s and 1960s, was stable until the late 1980s and then saw a notable decline in staff and funding. “I am a firm believer in supporting local agricultural research. It would be a real shame to dispose of the facility,” said Newman.





PotashCorp assures neighbours on water issue Construction prompted concerns | Landowners worried that activity would affect the quality of their well water BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Lorraine Beaudette had a few questions when a construction crew started digging on land neighbouring a PotashCorp facility west of Saskatoon last month. Concerned about how the project south of the Cory mine might affect her water supply, Beaudette started making phone calls to the company and the Rural Municipality of Corman Park. “It’s a huge project. It’s taking

place over more than a mile,” she said. Beaudette’s family cares for horses, chickens and gardens on an 80-acre parcel of land. She said they and their neighbours depend on water pulled from an underground aquifer. Ken Hobbs, administration superintendent with the facility, which owns the land, said he’s heard from several residents who have similar concerns. He assures them the installation of a “ground water return system” won’t

affect their well water. “We’re not tapping into any wells underneath at all,” he said, adding the company has consulted with the province and the RM. He said the company is installing a system to return excess surface water back to the mine site. “It’s a precautionary measure just to make sure that our operations don’t impact any of our neighbours around there,” he said. The company will be testing well water in the area, he added. Pipes are being installed three to 3

1/2 feet deep, along with access ports that will allow for service and a pump station. “All of that will be filled back in. It’ll be back to natural habitat,” he said. Following the completion of the project and the spring thaw, crews will upgrade a summer road on the quarter section. Surface water has been an issue on the land in recent years and the roads will allow for more reliable access, said Hobbs. “It has got more marshy, for sure,” said Beaudette, who enjoyed the

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wildlife that were attracted to the area. PotashCorp has previously leased the land, and Hobbs expected the company will do so again. “There’s no reason to take it out of circulation,” he said. “It has been a little bit of a cropland, one individual has done with it, and there’s some grazing land that’s just south of where the actual project is going on, too. With it being so wet in that area, people haven’t been able to get down in there because the roads aren’t that great.”


Pennies help chronicle 4-H history BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Alberta 4-H members, past and present, are encouraged this year to give a penny and their thoughts on past club milestones. The Century of Cents is a project initiated as part of the 100th anniversary of 4-H in Canada. 4-H Alberta is building a plaque featuring a penny from each 4-H year from 1913 to 2013. Each penny will be accompanied by information on an important event, milestone or achievement from that year. “The plaque itself will have the penny and a highlight for each year, accompanied with an album that will hopefully have pictures and a writeup of each story or each milestone,” said Alberta 4-H centennial committee member Vanessa Goodman. “So essentially the album will be 100 pages and describe the history of 4-H over the past 100 years.” The plaque will be displayed at the Alberta 4-H Centre in Westerose. Goodman said it may be difficult to choose only one important event from each 4-H year, but the committee will sort that out once submissions are examined after the May 1 deadline. Forms for submitting a highlight from a particular year are available at www.4h.ab.ca. Goodman said most clubs have records of their activities, but she isn’t sure how many highlights will be submitted from activities in the early years. “The most recent 20 or 30 years I don’t think will be too tough to find milestones for all those, but it’s the 1920s and ’30s and ’40s that we might have a bit of a tough time finding a milestone for each year,” she said. “I know there’s been lots of history books written and people still have grandparents around that can maybe recall some stories or dig out some old ribbons, photos, newspaper clippings, that type of thing.” There’s no need to send a penny immediately, she added. The committee will contact applicants if their applications are selected for inclusion. Goodman said the Century of Cents project will be ready for display in January.



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CONSORT GUN AND HOBBY SHOW 38th Annual, April 13 and 14 at Consort S p o r t e x , S at u r d ay 1 0 - 5 : 3 0 , S u n d ay 10-3:30, Consort, AB. Additional activities on Saturday including bingo 1-4, supper and dance. Sunday: Gospel music session 10 AM followed by open mic. Show, food, and activities under one roof, with 2000’ of trade and display tables in both heated arena and curling rink. Non-restricted and restricted fire arms testing available as well as boating exams. Something of intertest for everyone! Admission: $5 Adults, $3 Youth. Ph 403-577-3818, Sponsored by Consort Lions Club.

SASKATCHEWAN COUNTRY MUSIC Awards and Country Music Festival, Saskatoon, SK., April 26-28, 2013. For more info: www.bertradio-online.com This ad is paid for by BERTradio.

ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranteed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5.


1965 182H, 3700 TT, 1000 SMOH, 20 SPOH, orig. paint, basic avionics, Mode C, ve r y c l e a n , f r e s h a n nu a l , $ 5 7 , 5 0 0 . 403-934-4880, Strathmore, AB.

MOONEY M20G STATESMAN, 4225 TTAF, 172 SMOH, 180 HP Lycoming c/w power flow exhaust, 172 hrs since new 3 blade prop, dual com/nav, Garmin 510 c/w XM weather and radio, Tanis heater, custom canopy cover, new paint, new int. panels c/w leather seats, wing tip strobes, belly strobes, one piece side windows, always hangared, meticulous maintenance, too many upgrades to mention. Fast and economical. Times may change as plane flys regularly. Must be seen, $63,500 OBO. 306-227-3173, Saskatoon, SK.

1946 TAYLORCRAFT BC-12D, 65 HP, 1642 TTSN, 44.2 hrs. since complete no expense spared ground up restoration incl. engine. New wing, tail and windshield covers, A1500A skis w/new bottoms, $29,000. Call 780-639-3681, Cold Lake, AB.

AIRPLANE HANGAR, located at CYXE Saskatoon. 1470 sq. ft. (42x35’), concrete floor, Diamond aviation bi-fold door, $90,000 plus GST. For details and pics call/text: 306-717-0709.

1969 CESSNA 185 AMPHIBIAN A185E, 1319 TTSN, prop-0T, hangered, VORx2, GPS, AP, ADF, storm scope, radar altimeter, transponder, intercomx4, audio gear position, exc. cond., $189,900. Call Allan Rutherford, 204-256-1508, Winnipeg, MB.

1975 CESSNA 177B Cardinal, TT1150 A&E, prop 134 OH 2003; I-Com 200, XPDR, ELT, PARTING: CERTIFIED 46 Taylorcraft 65 LR tanks, VG’s, pants, new windshield, and 75 Continental. Call 807-464-1891, hangared, $68,900. For more info. call Kenora, ON. 306-749-7701, Birch Hills, SK. 1975 M20F MOONEY, 2121 TT, 314 eng. 1973 CESSNA AG truck, 3500 TTAF, 200 hrs., 200 HP, full electronics, Garmin GPS, since engine, fresh annual, at Yorkton Air one owner. 306-873-5573, Tisdale, SK. Service, Sask., $117,000. Phone Brad at 204-365-7574, Shoal Lake, MB. 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive 150 HP FRANKLIN engine, 1146.32 hrs., annual complete, sacrifice $67,000. Phone complete running, firewall forward, $4000 R i c k W i l d f o n g 3 0 6 - 7 3 4 - 2 3 4 5 o r OBO; Pair of Stinson wings to be recovered, $4000. 780-812-1111, Bonnyville, AB 306-734-7721, Craik, SK.

TD9 INT. CRAWLER (1950’s) with hyd. dozer, winch, needs work. 306-843-3186, Wilkie, SK.

SUN D AY AP RIL 7 @ 1 0:00AM D elisle Tow n H a ll,D elisle,SK

Furniture,Pottery,A dvertising, Telephones,Cam eras,Tins,Boxes, W ar M em orabilia,Lights,Lanterns, G lassw are,Toys,G am es,Collectibles, A rtw ork,Books,Kitchenw are,Farm Equipm ent& Tools.Plus N um erous M iscellaneous and Rare Item s.

b o d n a r u sa u ctio n eer in g .co m O ffice:30 6-975 -90 5 4 (30 6)227-95 0 5 1 -877-494-BID S(2437) PL #318200 SK PL #324317 A B

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RARE 1958 JD 630, row crop, gas, factory 3 PTH, very nice condition. 780-349-9874, Westlock, AB.

SOUTHERN SASK. SPRING QUALITY Antique and Collector Auction, Saturday, March 30th, 2013, 9:30 AM CST in Prairie Place Complex, Arcola, SK. Features: beautiful quarter cut oak furniture: chinas, secretary- bookcases, dining tables and suites, roll top, stacking bookcases, bdrm. suite, plus much more. Feature Items: Original Firestone gas pump bowser 1920-1930’s. Vendo V83 Coke machine, excellent. Outstanding Signs: variety neon, Case Eagle, porcelain, etc. Toys- pedal cars, trains, Corvette collection, cast and more. Many more unique antiques and collectables. National brass cash register. Coca-Cola mem. Farm related. Beautiful lamps. Stoneware. Railroad and military. For info: Kevin Paton 306-421-1632 or Murray Rankin Auctions 204-534-7401. Check www.mrankinauctions.com and www.rosstaylorauction.com Murray Rankin Auction 204-534-7401 Killarney, MB. SK Lic. #313936. Ross Taylor Auction Service 204-522-5356 Reston, MB., SK. Lic . #909917.

COMPLETELY RESTORED TO showroom condition, 1952 FARMALL SUPER M, Serial #568, wide front, all new tires, paper belt pulley, numerous new parts, must sell, limited storage space, best offer over $4500. Emailed photos available. Delivery free first 400 kms from Lethbridge, AB. Contact Wayne Smith, PO Box 1132, McGrath, AB, T0K 1J0. Ph: 403-758-3481, or email: smithwg@telus.net WANTED: TRACK RAIL and dozer which mounts inside track frame for a JD 420 Crawler. Call 780-672-9422, Camrose, AB. WANTED: OIL PAN, fenders for 1939 1 0 - 2 0 M c C o r m i c k t r a c t o r. P a u l a t 204-324-7012, St. Joseph, MB. 1956 JD 80 tractor, both motors in exc. running cond., good sheet metal, big rubber, $8000 OBO. 306-921-5827 Melfort, SK ALLIS IB (INDUSTRIAL), $8500, rare and restored. ancientgrease@gmail.com Phone 403-226-0429, Calgary, AB. JD 3020, JD 4010 LPG, JD M, JD 4200, JD 70 row crop, Versatile SP combine hydro. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. MECHANIC’S SPECIAL: D7E CAT, power shift, factory canopy and angle dozer, $14,000. 306-749-2649, Birch Hills, SK.

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ACROSS 1. He played the Phantom in The Phantom (2 words) 8. ___ Affair (2 words) 11. Character played by Kirk Douglas in The Villain (2 words) 12. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1981 (2 words) 13. Levesque from Saskatchewan 14. Film about a hermit who threw his own funeral party...while he was still alive (2 words) 17. Body of ___ 18. A League of Their ___ 19. Baby ___ 20. ___ My Dust! 21. Actress Hutchison 22. TV series Tom Cavanagh and Julie Bowen starred in 24. ___ on a Ledge 26. Initials of an actress who starred in RoboCop 27. Actress Zehetner 29. Hill Street Blues actor 32. Jury ___ 33. ___ Time 34. ___ Elmo’s Fire 35. Waiting to ___ 36. The Fast and the Furious: ___ Drift 39. The Postman Always Rings ___ 40. Rudd or Walker 44. He starred in The Wrestler

45. Actress Bedelia 46. ___ No Evil, Hear No Evil DOWN 1. Film starring Kirsten Dunst and Isla Fisher 2. Film nominated for Favorite Drama Movie at the 39th People’s Choice Awards (with The) (2 words) 3. Third film Tom and Meg acted together in (3 words) 4. The ___ Bureau 5. Film starring Sean Astin and Brendan Fraser (2 words) 6. Scott Pilgrim ___ the World 7. Canadian actress who plays Betty McRae on Bomb Girls (2 words) 9. Masi of Heroes 10. Film starring Richard Dreyfuss (3 words) 15. Irma ___ Douce 16. Baby Boom actor 23. 28 ___ 25. Warren Beatty’s wife 28. Blow ___ 30. Kutcher of Two and a Half Men 31. ___ Know What You Did Last Summer (2 words) 37. Former television series starring Peter Gallagher and Kelly Rowan (with The) 38. One of the Duke boys 41. ___ We There Yet? 42. ___ Mans 43. Sue Thomas: ___ Eye



FAMILY COCKSHUTT 30, older restoration, 1964 MERCURY 1/2 ton truck, V8 eng., 3 $1600. ancientgrease@gmail.com Phone on the tree, light grey, no rust, narrow end 403-226-0429, Calgary, AB. gate, complete. 306-843-3186, Wilkie, SK. 1953 JD 40-C Crawler; JD 420-U, 3 PTH, vg condition; JD 1010-U, gas, 3 PTH, vg, 1928 MODEL A Ford Tudor sedan looking for a new home. $12,500. open to offers. shedded. 780-349-9874, Westlock, AB. 403-443-0535, Three Hills, AB. COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE TRACTORS: JD M w/3 PTH and mower, JD A, JD D, JD AR, JD R , Massey Harris 44, Massey Harris 1929 MODEL A Tudor original car, always 55. Darald Marin Farm Equipment Auction, kept inside, from third owner, $12,500. Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 COLLECTION OF JD TRACTORS. 13- 2 cyls., from 1929 to 1957, restored and in exc. running condition, always shedded except during shows. Morinville, AB., 780-222-6034, wallyk@xplornet.com

MANZ’S AUCTIONEERING SERVICE, Saturday, April 27, 2013, 10:00 AM, Acreage Auction for Francis Ames, Davidson, SK. 45 acres with house, heated garage, quonset, barn and cattle sheds, 2 wells, dugout, landscaped with many trees, household and collectible items, t o o l s , e t c . w w w. m a n z a u c t i o n . c o m 306-567-2990. PL #914036.


WANTED: JD MC-40, 420, 430 or 440 crawlers for parts or complete. Call 780-755-2185, Edgerton, AB.


DIRECTIONS: Sale will be held near the Eatonia Hockey Arena. GPS COORDINATES: 51.221268, -109.394969 • INTERNET BIDDING




see uCTION p list o-to-date n webs our ite

2008 John Deere 4730 100' SP sprayer

2009 EZ-2-Load 53' 2010 Akron EXG310P 2002 Wishek 842N 14' 1994 John Deere 8770 tridem stepdeck 10' grain bag extractor Offset disc 4WD tractor

1997 John Deere CTS combine

2010 J & M 1326-22D 1998 Kenworth W900L 1996 Freightliner FL80 2003 Hesston 956 Auto grainstorm grain cart t/a highway tractor t/a grain truck Cycle round baler


See more photos and information at

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. SK Provincial Licence #914618 • AB Provincial Licence #206959


HART PARR 18-36, Int. 15-30, Case A12-20, Case L, Oliver Hart Parr 70, Oliver 80 tractors. 403-986-3280 after 8:00 PM.

P a rtia l Lis ting Only. TR AC TO R S : 08 S teiger 435; JD 9400; JD 8200

1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. www.sterlingoldcarsandtrucks.com

M F W D ; JD 9100; JD 4450; Case IH 7120 M F W D ; NH- T M 130 M F W D ; 2- D eu tz 9150 M F W D ; JD 4650; JD 8650; JD 8450; Versatile 946; Case 4690; JD 4650. P lu s M an y M ore. CO M BIN ES : 2009 Case/ IH 7120; 09 JD 9870; 05 JD 9860; JD 9660; Case/ IH 2188; JD 9600; 2- T R- 96; JD CT S ; P lu s M ore. S W ATHER S : 2012 P rem ierM - 105; 2006 M F 9220; 06 P rem ier 2940; P lu s M ore; Q ty of Air D rills; T an d em G rain T ru cks; S crap ers; S p rayers; T rack- Hoe; G rain Carts; Hayin g Eq u i pm en t. Inc.

PLAN TO ATTEND 47th Majestics Car Show, Canada Centre Building, Evraz Place in Regina, SK. April 13-14, Sat. 10 AM-10 PM, Sunday 10 AM-5 PM.

WEST CENTRAL AREA EATONIA, SK (KINDERSLEY AREA) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Bryan Somerville 306-463-7835 • Sam Somerville 306-463-7844

SUKANEN MUSEUM ANTIQUES/Collectible Show and Vehicle Parts Sale, April 5 and 6, Friday 12-8 and Saturday 9-5, Convention Centre Exhibition Grounds, 250 Thatcher Dr. E., Moose Jaw, SK. Admission $4. www.sukanenmuseum.ca For info: Garry NEW TRACTOR PARTS and specializing 306-692-4755, beth.davis@sasktel.net PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last in hard to find engine rebuild kits. Also Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, Steiner Dealer. Great savings. Service contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign manuals and decal sets. Our 39th year. WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales bro- now. Next sale March 30, 9:00 AM. PBR, w w w. d i a m o n d f a r m t r a c t o r p a r t s . c o m chures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, 105- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., Saskatoon, SK. 1-800-481-1353 www.pbrauctions.com 306-931-7666. JD TRACTORS specializing in quality engine rebuilt kits. Great selection. Thousands of parts. Great competitive quotes. Our 39th year. Phone 1-800-481-1353. www.diamondfarmtractorparts.com FORD 1955 8N tractor, show condition, g o o d wo r k i n g o r d e r, $ 3 8 0 0 . P h o n e 306-363-2111, Watrous, SK.


I BUY ESTATES, collections, artifacts, signs, tin, old firearms, stamps, postcards, ethnic furniture, pioneer items, plus. Reply to: Box 5574, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4

N OTE! M IS C . S TAR TS @ 8: 30 AM C S T. M AC H IN ER Y 9:30 AM C S T.


O L D M O T O R C Y C L E S O R PA R T S WANTED, any condition, size or make. 1979 or older. Will pickup, pay cash. Call Wes 403-936-5572 anytime, Calgary, AB. JIM’S CLASSIC CORNER, a selling service for classic and antique automobiles, trucks, boats. 204-997-4636, Winnipeg MB



Regina Saskatchewan April 2, 2013

COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION, May 10th and 11th, Red River Exhibition Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Now accepting consignments. D o n ’ t d e l a y c o n s i g n t o d a y ! D av i d 306-693-4411 or 306-631-7207, PL# 329773 www.thecollectorcargroup.com



2– 2012 JOHN DEERE 9560R & 2– 2009 JOHN DEERE 9630

INCLUDING • 2 seats at all Memorial Cup games • 10 Night Stay at the James Hotel • $500 cash

2009 CASE IH 485

2012 JOHN DEERE 4940


To enter visit: producer.com/contest

Combines Agriculture Tractors Swathers

2010 BOURGAULT 3310PHD 75 FT

Seeding, Tillage & Breaking Truck Tractors & Grain Trucks Trailers Headers

For complete and up-to-date equipment listings visit

» rbauction.com The James Hotel, Saskatoon

Or mail your entry to: The Western Producer P.O. Box 2500 2310 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4

Brought to you by

CALL TODAY TO ADD YOUR EQUIPMENT TO THIS UPCOMING AUCTION – 306.776.2397 AUCTION SITE: Auction Site: From REGINA, SK, go 21 km (13 miles) South on Hwy 6, then 19.8 km (12.3 miles) West on Grid 714, then 1/4 mile West of Rouleau on Hwy 39. North side. Sale Starts 9 AM Auction Company License #309645



APRIL 8 - 13


APRIL 8 • 10:00 AM • FLETCHER AGRO LTD. - GERRY & JANET FLETCHER • GOVAN, SK INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE DIRECTIONS: 1 km Northeast of Govan • SELLER CONTACT(s): Gerry & Janet Fletcher 306-484-4437 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer or Neil Kramer 306-445-5000 HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: 2010 Case IH Steiger 435 4WD, 488 hrs showing; 1994 Case IH 7240 MFWD, 4680 hrs showing, Degelman 11' frt mount dozer blade (off of Case IH 7240 MFWD tractor); 2004 New Holland TS125A MFWD & NH 56LB quick attach FEL (Total 1546 hrs); International 806 2WD tractor & Ezee-On 80 FEL; 1953 International M 2wd antique; COMBINES & ACCESSORIES: 2009 John Deere 9770 STS JD 615P p/u hdr 457 thr/672 eng hrs showing; 2009 John Deere 635F 35' HydraFlex header; 1996 Case IH 2188 & Case IH 1015 hdr, 2711 thr/3485 eng hrs showing; 2003 Case IH 1020 30' flex header; SWATHERS: 2008 Massey Ferguson 9430 & 36' 5200 series header, 258 hrs showing; SEEDING & TILLAGE: 2005 Flexicoil 5000HD 58' air drill & 2005 Flexicoil 3850 air; 1997 Riteway Jumbo 8000 55' heavy harrow bar; Flexicoil 600 42' cultivator; John Deere T0220 22' tandem disc; Rockomatic HD58 rockpicker; GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE: 2010 Brent 1082 grain cart w/pto or hyd dr,1000 bu capacity; 2011 Richiger R9 grain bagger; 2010 Brandt 1370 13"x70' mech auger; Brandt 1070 10"x70' mech auger; Brandt 852 Supercharged 8"x52' auger & Wheatheart lift and mover; SELECTION OF GRAIN BINS; SPRAYING: 2010 Apache AS1010 102' high clearance, 488 hrs showing; NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT: Trimble EZ Guide 500 EZ Steer kit; Trimble 250 lightbar guidance; 1991 Volvo White/GMC tandem axle grain truck, Cummins L10 260 hp, Allison 750MT 5 spd automatic, 2003 Western Ind. Ultracel 18'x8.5'x60" grain box; 1978 Ford 800 tandem axle grain truck; 1984 Freightliner Cabover tandem axle highway tractor, Cummins 855, 13 spd; HEAVY TRUCKS: 1997 Kenworth T600 tandem axle highway tractor, Cummins N14 Plus - 525 hp, 18 spd; CONSIGNMENT – AGRA EXCAVATING LTD. JASON FLETCHER 306-567-1389: 1988 International 1954 tandem axle gravel truck w/466 diesel, Allison auto, 16' gravel box; 2006 Chevrolet 3500 4WD extended cab service truck; LIGHT TRUCK & CARS: 1998 Dodge 2500ST 3/4 ton 4WD quad cab long box truck w/Cummins diesel; 1985 Chevrolet 3/4 ton 2WD regular cab truck w/service body; ANTIQUE AND COLLECTIBLE VEHICLES: 1928 Ford Model A partially restored; Chevrolet 1/4 ton truck for restoration; 1930 Ford Model A four door antique vehicle; Ford Model T Coupe; Assortment of parts for Model A vehicles; antique cars & trucks; TRAILERS: 2008 Doepker Bulker - Open End Steel Super B grain trailers, 29,138 km showing; Agremote remote control chute openers for pup trailer; LAWN, GARDEN & 3 PTH: 2000 Kubota TG1860G Hydrostatic garden tractor 54" mower, 231 hrs showing; Roper CI 18 hp lawn tractor; Farm King 72" finishing mower; Vanguard 15' boat, Mercury 70 hp trailer; OTHER MISC. EQUIP. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY

APRIL 9 • 10:00 AM • ART & CINDY PAULSEN AND NICK & ANNE PAULSEN • STRONGFIELD, SK INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE DIRECTIONS: From Strongfield go 11 miles West and 1 mile South SELLER CONTACT(s): Art & Cindy Paulsen 306-867-1889 • Nick & Anne Paulsen 306-854-2053 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer 306-445-5000 HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: 2010 John Deere 9330 4wd, 18 spd Automatic PowerShift trans, 1201 hrs showing; 1995 John Deere 8770, 24 spd PowerSync trans, 5260 hrs showing; 1997 John Deere 7710 MFWD & JD 741 FEL, 6718 hrs showing; Frontier pallet forks; 1982 Case 2290 2wd w/Leon FEL; Case 970 2wd tractor; COMBINES & ACCESSORIES: 2009 John Deere 9770 STS & 2011 JD 615 p/u, 1021eng hrs/653thr hrs showing; 2009 John Deere 635F 35' HydraFlex header; 1998 John Deere 9610 Maximizer & JD 914 p/u, 2388 eng/1740 thr hours showing; 1997 John Deere 930F 30' Flex header & 2010 Roth header transport; 2006 John Deere 630F HydraFlex header; SWATHERS: 2010 John Deere A400 & 30' Honeybee header, 625 eng hrs/477 header hrs showing & 30' header, 1954 hrs showing; 1992 Case IH 8230 30' pt swather; SEEDING & TILLAGE: 2004 Bourgault 5710 Series II 47' air drill & Bourgault 5350 tow behind air tank; 2010 Riteway 8100 55' heavy harrow bar; 2010 Degelman 7645 45' triplex land roller; John Deere 610 39' cultivator; Schafer 5516-9X40 16' tandem disc; 2 - Degleman R570S rockpickers; GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE: Westfield MK130-71 Plus auger; Westfield MK100-61 auger; Westfield 10"x51' auger; Sakundiak HD7-1000 auger; SELECTION OF HOPPERED GRAIN BINS; SPRAYING: 2005 John Deere 4720 90'. 1851 hours showing (200 hours on NEW engine); NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT: John Deere GS2 2600 display; 2 - John Deere Starfire ITC receivers; John Deere AutoTrac Universal 200 steering kit; HAYING & LIVESTOCK: Hi Hog squeeze; Hi Hog palpation cage; Hi Hog cattle oiler; HEAVY TRUCKS: 2007 Kenworth T600 Aero Cab highway tractor w/C15 CAT (475 hp), Eaton Fuller Ultra Shift 10 spd,; 2006 Peterbilt 379 highway tractor w/ISX Cummins (475 hp), Eaton 13 spd,; Ford F600 single axle grain truck; 1967 GMC 960 3 ton single axle grain truck; TRAILERS: 2003 Cancade 42' tandem axle grain trailer; 2006 Wilson Aluminum Road Brute 53' step deck tandem axle trailer; 1992 Rainbow 16' tandem axle car hauler; LAWN & GARDEN & OTHER MISC EQUIP. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY

APRIL 9 • LEA WOOD FARMS LTD. - BRENT & DANA ADAMS 306-857-2097 (HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH PAULSEN AUCTION) INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE DIRECTIONS: Held at the Paulsen auction location. • SELLER CONTACT(s): Brent Adams 306-857-2097 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: 2012 New Holland T9.615 4WD, full powershift trans. (16F/2R), 366 hrs; John Deere 4430 2WD tractor; COMBINES & ACCESSORIES: 2008 New Holland CR9070 & NH 76C p/u header, 986 thr/1386 eng hrs showing, 2012 New Holland Triple Check $16,000.00 work order; 2011 New Holland 740CF 35' flex header; HEAVY TRUCKS: 1969 International grain truck PARTIAL LISTING ONLY



INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE TOP QUALITY SHOP TOOLS DIRECTIONS: From Strongfield go 8 miles West & 1.5 miles South SELLER CONTACT(s): Lorne & Sadie Ulven 306-857-4500 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer 306-445-5000 HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: 2003 John Deere 9520, 2599 hours showing; John Deere 4640 2wd & JD 158 FEL, 7897 hours showing; 1973 John Deere 1830 2wd & JD 37 FEL; COMBINES & ACCESSORIES: 2002 John Deere 9750 STS, 3457 eng/2709 thr hours showing; 2010 John Deere 635F flex header; Norac Senstec header height control; SWATHERS: John Deere 290 21' p/t swather; SEEDING & TILLAGE: 1998 John Deere 1820 61' air drill & John Deere 1900 air tank; John Deere 1650 59' HD cultivator; John Deere 665 40' air seeder w/JD 1610 series cultivator; Bourgault WTP3640 40' hyd wing type packer bar; John Deere TD331 31' tandem disc; Flexicoil 50' harrow bar; GRAIN HANDLING: 2002 Walinga AgriVac 7614 pto grain vac; 2009 Brandt 1070XL auger; Westfield TR100-51 auger; Brandt 852 Supercharged auger w/lift & mover; Sakundiak HD7-1200 auger: Areation Fans; SPRAYING: 1999 John Deere 4700 s/p, 90' booms, 2733 hours showing; NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT : John Deere Universal auto steer kit; INDUSTRIAL: 12' pull scraper w/hydraulic lift; HEAVY TRUCKS: 1999 Freightliner t/a truck w/M11 Cummins, 13 spd; 1978 IH t/a grain truck w/350 Cummins, 13 spd trans, CIM 20' box; Ford 750 s/a grain truck; LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS: 1981 GMC 1 ton dually service truck; TRAILERS: 2007 Maurer Manufacturing 36' t/a grain trailer; LAWN, GARDEN & ATV: 2011 Deines Hydro Track Series 2300 Commercial Zero-turn front deck riding mower, 116 hrs showing; 1984 Honda 125M 3 wheel ATC; SHOP EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & SUPPLY: Giant Selection Featuring Snap-on & other brand name tools & Equipment see full list on the internet or call for details A FEW HI-LITES OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT INCLUDE: Dynablast 3000 psi hot water pressure washer; Citation C390 parts washer; HD 20 ton shop built shop press; I.S.L bench model drill w/press 1hp DC 12 volt motor with variable speed control, 2-vices; Kwikrimp K301 hyd hose crimper; ESAB Migmaster 300i mig/tig/stick welder; Lincoln Pro-Cut 55 plasma cutter; Hoffman monty 1610 rim clamp tire changing tool; Hoffman geodyne 28 tire/wheel balancer; CE 25EL cutting machine metal lathe, and much more. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY

APRIL 11 • 9:30 AM • TRIPLE CREEK FARMS LTD. - BOB & JANELLE ERNST • SHELLBROOK, SK INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE DIRECTIONS: From Shellbrook take Hwy #240 15 km (9.3 mi) north to Marchant Grove corner. Then go 6 km (3.74 mi) east and .25 mi south. Yard on east side. SELLER CONTACT(s): Bob & Janelle Ernst 306-747-3252 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: 2007 New Holland TJ430 4wd, 1144 hrs showing; Case 2390 2wd tractor, 6765 hrs showing; Case 1070 2wd tractor & Case 90 series FEL; COMBINES & ACCESSORIES: 2011 New Holland CR9070 sp combine & NH 76C header, 270 thr/357 eng hrs showing; 2008 Honey Bee SP-36 36' header; SWATHERS: 2010 Westward M150 swather & 2010 MacDon D50-S 36' header 193 hdr/248 eng hrs showing; SEEDING & TILLAGE: 2002 Flexi-coil 5000 51' air drill & Flexi-coil 2340 tow between air tank; 2003 Pattison CB1600 liquid cart; Flexi-coil System 85 70' heavy harrow bar; Kello-Bilt 210 24' (2-12s) tandem disc,; GRAIN HANDLING: Westfield M100-61 auger; Sakundiak HD7-1000 auger; GRAIN BINS & STORAGE: Selection of hopper bins; SPRAYING: 2004 Apache 859 high clearance, 90' booms, 1025 hrs showing; HEAVY TRUCKS: 2005 Western Star tandem axle highway tractor w/Detroit 600 series, 18 spd Eaton Fuller; 1974 International 1600 single axle grain truck; TRAILERS: 2009 Lode King Prestige Super B grain trailers; 2007 Doepker 45' tridem grain trailer; 1995 Timpte 40' tandem axle grain trailer; 2004 Trail-Tech 24' gooseneck flat deck trailer; 2011 Diamond C Ranger Series 6'x10' utility flatdeck trailer; OTHER MISC. EQUIP: 3 - Free Form HD 30 tonne white poly liquid fertilizer tanks; SHOP EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND MISC. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY

APRIL 12 • 10:00 AM • BOB MILLER AND GLEN & BEV MILLER • SHELLBROOK, SK INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE DIRECTIONS: From Shellbrook go 4 miles East on Hwy #3, then 3.5 miles North (yard on East side) SELLER CONTACT(s): Bob Miller 306-747-2917 , Glen & Bev Miller 306-747-2224 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer or Neil Kramer 306-445-5000 HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: 2007 Buhler Versatile 2375 4wd, 1613 hours showing; 1986 Steiger Cougar 1000 4wd tractor Powershift trans, 5241 hours showing; 1992 Case International 7110 Magnum 2wd; Massey Ferguson 1130 2wd & Easy On 100 FEL; Massey Ferguson 90 2wd antique; COMBINES & ACCESSORIES: 2010 Case Axial Flow 8120 w/420 hp, Case 2016 16' header, 631.45 eng/522.68 thr hours showing; SWATHERS: 2010 Westward M150 Dual Direction & MacDon D60S 30' header, 480 eng/375 hdr hours showing; SEEDING & TILLAGE: 2004 Bourgault 5710 Series II 47' air drill & 2004 Bourgault 5350 air tank; John Deere TO 331 28' HD tandem disc; 1997 Flexicoil System 85 50' heavy harrow bar; 2003 Flexicoil System 82 80' harrow bar; Flexicoil System 95 60' harrow packer bar; Wilmar 500 tandem axle fertlizer spreader; GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE: 2011 Demco 1050 grain cart; Westfield MK130-71 auger; Westfield MK130-61 auger; Sakundiak 1600-8 8"x52' auger w/Wheatheart mover & lift,; Sakundiak 7"x45' grain auger; Walinga 510 Std grain vac; SELECTION OF GRAIN BINS; HEAVY TRUCKS: 1987 Chevrolet C70 hyd tag axle grain truck; 1983 Chevrolet C70 hyd tag axle grain truck; 1979 GMC 7000 Series hyd tag axle grain truck; 1974 International 1600 s/a grain truck; 1965 Mercury 600 s/a grain truck; LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS; LAWN & GARDEN; SNOWMOBILES: 1974 Polaris SS340; 1977 Polaris SS340; TANKS; OTHER MISC EQUIPMENT. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY

APRIL 13 • 10:00 AM • EMC FARMS LTD. - MAYNARD & ELAINE CLARKE • ESTON, SK INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE DIRECTIONS: 1 Mile west of Eston on Hwy #44 then 1 3/4 miles north on heavy haul grid. SELLER CONTACT(s): Maynard & Elaine Clarke, (306)962-4259 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Bryan Somerville 306-967-2818 HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: 1997 Ford New Holland 9482 4wd, 3591 hrs showing; 1987 Steiger Wildcat 1000 4wd, 1000 pto, 6157 hrs showing; 1983 International 5288, 5788 hrs showing; ANTIQUE TRACTOR: Minneapolis Moline model UTS; COMBINES & ACCESSORIES: 2004 Case IH 2388 s/p w/1015 pu table, 1458 thr/1891 eng hrs showing; SEEDING & TILLAGE: 2000 John Deere 1820 41' air drill w/JD 1900 tow between tank; Case IH 5600 Chisel Plow 41' hd cultivator; GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE: Sakundiak HD8-1600 auger, 25 hp, Wheatheart mover; Sakundiak HD7-33 auger; Sakundiak HD7-37 auger; Brandt 8"x52' Super Charged auger, 27 hp,Wheatheart mover; GRAIN BINS; SPRAYERS: Flexi-Coil 67XLT 100' tandem axle; NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT: 2 - Outback S2 E Drive guidance systems; Outback S3 E Drive guidance system; HEAVY TRUCKS: 1974 International Loadstar 1700 single axle grain truck; 1971 International Loadstar 1600 single axle grain truck; LIGHT TRUCKS: 2004 GMC 2500 HD 4wd extended cab truck; ANTIQUE TRUCKS: 1966 International 1100 1/2 ton truck; 1949 GMC 1434 1 ton; 1953 Mercury M68 1 ton; 1917 Ford Model T truck; 2 Model T engines; 1938 International truck; LAWN & GARDEN; ATVs, RVs & BOATS; OTHER MISC. EQUIP. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY

64 Years – 1949-2013

See more photos and information at

1-800-529-9958 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration.

SK Provincial Licence #914618 • AB Provincial Licence #206959




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4, 1- t "# 1-



Grenfell, SK | Thursday, April 4, 2013 · 10 am

St. Louis, SK | Wednesday · April 10, 2013 · 10am

Neuls Brothers

1996 JOHN DEERE 8970, 2006 JOHN DEERE 9420 & 2012 JOHN DEERE 9560R

Perri & Susan Ruszkowski

2009 PREMIER M150 35 FT

2005 CASE IH STX375

1 OF 2– 2011 NEW HOLLAND CR9080

2011 CASE IH 4420 PATRIOT 120 FT

2– 2009 BOURGAULT 3310 PHD 55 FT & 2– 2009 JOHN DEERE 1910


2009 J&M 875

AUCTION LOCATION: From GRENFELL, SK go 14.5 km (9 miles) South on Grid 616, then 4 km (2.5 miles) East. South side of road. GPS: 50.2791667, -102.8869444 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2012 John FLD120 T/A Grain Truck · 1985 Kenworth C510 T/A Grain Truck Deere 9560R 4WD · 2006 John Deere 9420 4WD · 1996 John · 2- 2009 Bourgault 3310PHD 55 Ft Air Drill · 1994 Flexi-Coil Deere 8970 4WD ·1979 John Deere 4440 2WD · 2- 2011 New 5000 60 Ft Air Drill · 2- 2009 John Deere 1910 430 Bushel Holland CR9080 Combine · 2008 MacDon D60-D 40 Ft Draper Tow-Behind Air Tank · 2006 Ezee-On 4600 32 Ft Tandem Disc Header · 2010 New Holland 94C 36 Ft Draper Header · 2009 · 2011 Phillips 4505 45 Ft Rotary Harrows · 2009 J&M 875 Premier M150 35 Ft Swather · Caterpillar 80 20 CY Hydraulic 875± Bushel Grain Cart · 2012 & 2010 Brandt 1545 15 In. x Pull Scraper · 2001 Freightliner FLD120 T/A Truck Tractor · 2006 45 Ft Grain Conveyors · 2011 Case IH 4420 Patriot 120 Ft High Kenworth W900 Sleeper T/A Truck Tractor · 1994 Freightliner Clearance Sprayer... AND MUCH MORE! For up-to-date equipment listings · please check our website: rbauction.com Ken Neuls: 306.697.7517, khneuls@yourlink.ca Neil Neuls: 306.697.7141, nbneuls@yourlink.ca Glen Neuls: 306.697.7445 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Luke Fritshaw: 306.260.2189 800.491.4494

2– 2009 NEW HOLLAND CR9080

1 0F 2– 2010 CASE IH PRECISION HOE 800 70 FT 2010 CASE IH 9120 2010 PREMIER M150 35 FT AUCTION LOCATION: From PRINCE ALBERT, SK, go 18.5 km (11.5 miles) South on Hwy 2, then 4.8 km (3 miles) East OR From ST. LOUIS, SK, go 11.7 km (7.3 miles) North, then 4.8 km (3 miles) East. GPS: 53.02273 , -105.71068 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2005 Case IH STX375 4WD · 1988 Case IH 9180 4WD Tractor · 1994 Case IH 7250 Magnum MFWD · 2010 Case IH 9120 · (2) 2009 New Holland CR9080 · 2- 2010 Case IH 2152 40 Ft Draper · 2001 Trailtech DR2100 40 Ft T/A 5th Wheel Double Header Transport · 2010 Premier M150 35 Ft Swather · Trailtech T/A Swather Transport · 1989 Kenworth T600A T/A Grain Truck · 1989 Peterbilt 377 T/A Grain Truck · 1988 International T/A

Dump Truck · 1978 John Deere 755 Crawler Loader · 4-6 Yard Pull Scraper · (2) 2010 Case IH PRECISION HOE 800 70 Ft Air Drill · 1996 Flexi-Coil 5000 57 Ft Air Drill · 1991 Flexi-Coil 1615 Tow-Between Air Tank · Flexi-Coil 5000 45 Ft Cultivator · 2010 Degelman 7000 82 Ft Heavy Harrows · Degelman R570 Rock Picker · Spra-Coupe 216 60 Ft Sprayer · 1993 Terra-Gator 1803 Fertilizer · Qty of Hopper Bins · Qty of Grain Bins · Qty of Grain Augers...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com Perri Ruszkowski: 306.922.3311 (h), 306.960.2950 (c), pj@inet2000.com Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Luke Fritshaw: 306.260.2189 800.491.4494



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5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w . grea tpla in sa u ctio n eers.ca w w w . glo b a la u ctio n gu id e.co m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9


5- CIH 2388 combines less than 2000 hrs, 09 JD 9770 w / 600 hrs, 07 JD 9760, Tractors, JD 9430 w/475 hrs, JD 9520 T W/ 4100 hrs, JD 8520 fwa, 2010 ,CIH Steiger Quad Trac 1535 hrs . Nice trucks air Drills, sprayers etc.

See: www.billklassen.com or call for spring 2013 Catalog

BILL KLASSEN AUCTIONEERS 204 325 4433, cell 6230 MANZ’S AUCTIONEERING SERVICE, Saturday, April 13, 2013, 10:00 AM, Davidson, SK, Communiplex, Annual Household Consignment Auction. 306-567-2990 www.manzauction.com PL #914036.

2010 STEIGER QUAD TRAC 435, 1535 hrs., 30� tracks, diff. Locks, High Capacity Hydr. Pump 55 GPM, 1000 RPM PTO, Auto Guidance Nav Controller, Pro 600, 2009 MacDon M150 tractor Serial #192048-09, 30 ft. draper header D60 series, pick up reel, Serial #187236-09, Roller electric lift, only 341 engine hrs, 2007 Air Hoe Drill CIH ATX 700, 60 ft, 2009 Amity 40 ft Twin disc 64 run seed unit with 32 run Midrow Fertilizer, with Morris 8240 seed tank.


BILL KLASSEN AUCTIONEERS 204 325 4433, cell 6230

Chec k

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MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equipment Auction for Brian Dreger 306-464-4919, Monday, April 22, 2013 at 10:00 AM. Direction from Hwy. 39 at Lang, SK., go 1 mile North and 7 miles East. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding www.bidspotter.com. 2002 Case/IH STX 375 quadtrac 4WD tractor with Trimble 750 AutoSteer, 2009 NH TV6070 bi-directional tractor w/FEL and 965 hrs, Case/IH 2188 SP combine w/2315 rotor hours, 36’ MacDon 960 draper harvest header, 25’ MacDon draper harvest header, MacDon header adapters for Case/IH, MacDon header adapter for NH, 1983 IH S1900 tandem grain truck w/466 diesel and on board grain vac, shop built header trailer, steel drum swath roller, 39’ Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill with TBT Flexi-Coil 3850 air tank, 40’ Co-op 204 cultivator, Case 4490 4WD custom built SP 80’ sprayer with Trimble GPS and 1000 gal. poly tank, Wheatheart BH 8-36 auger w/25 HP Kohler and mover, Brandt 10-60 hyd. swing auger, Sakundiak 8-60 swing auger, Sakundiak 6-20 auger w/electric motor, Demco 300 bu. hopper wagon w/unload augers, Haul-All tote tank mounted on shop built trailer, DMC #44 high capacity grain cleaner, Good Will fanning mill, Carter disc, NH pallet forks, JD 10’ land leveller, shop built 14’ pull scraper, 3 PTH 12’ cult., 3 PTH 5 bottom disc plow, tandem axle utility trailer, 1250 gal. poly tank, steel waste oil tank, antique JD auger, antique stove and washing machine, IH stationery engines, 2010 Kubota 26 HP dsl. F2680 front mount lawnmower w/122 hrs, 2010 4WD Yamaha Rhino Special Edition 700 EFI side by side, Yamaha 225 Tri Moto. For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us on Facebook and Twitter. Mack Auction Co 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

w w w .sch a p a n sk y.com fo r

Up com in g Fa r m Auction s


24/ 7 O N LIN E BID D IN G Che c k O u t O u r W e b s ite & P la c e You r b id s

Con s ign Your Ite m s Ea rly To M a xim ize Adve rtis in g Tractors - JD 9520T, 8520 FWA, 6430 FWA, loader, 2520, JD 9760 and CIH 2388 combines, 1997 IH 9300 Eagle tandem grain truck, air ride suspension, 2004 Mack grain truck, 2009 loadline 30 ft tandem Pup.


BILL KLASSEN AUCTIONEERS 204 325 4433, cell 6230

Ca ll Fo r Fu rther In qu iries On Co m m is s io n Ra tes .

Sp rin g In to Sum e r RV Auction - Clos in g Ap ril 23 rd Con s truction Eq uip m e n t Auction - Clos in g Ap ril 29 th

P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193

W W W .M CD O UG ALLBAY.CO M L IC.#31448 0


Rathgeber Farms Ltd.

Hilderman Acres Ltd. – Ray, Lorne & Perry Hilderman

Churchbridge, SK | Saturday, April 6, 2013 ¡ 10 am

Duval, SK | Wednesday, April 3, 2013 ¡ 10 am

2008 JOHN DEERE 9630

2– 2011 CASE IH 8120

2005 CASE IH STX450 & DEGELMAN 6900 16 FT & 2008 CASE IH 485

2– 2008 MASSEY FERGUSON 9435 36 FT

2011 CASE IH 4420 120 FT



2008 SEED HAWK 6010 60 FT, 2008 JOHN DEERE 1910 & 2001 JOHN DEERE 1900

2010 WESTWARD M100 35 FT

AUCTION LOCATION: From CHURCHBRIDGE, SK, go 21 km (13 miles) North on Hwy 80, then 1.2 km (0.75 miles) East. GPS: 51.0714, -101.8787

2008 BOURGAULT 3310PHD 66 FT

2006 CASE IH ADX3430


Trailer ¡ 2007 Doepker 28 Ft Super B Grain Trailer ¡ 2008 John Deere 1910 430 Bushel 3 Comp’t Tow-Behind Air Tank ¡ John Deere 1900 340 Bushel 3 Comp’t Tow-Behind Air Tank ¡ Morris 7180 2 Comp’t Tow-Behind Air Tank ¡ 2008 Seed Hawk 6010 60 Ft Air Drill ¡ 2011 Salford RTS570 50 Ft Vertical Disc ¡ 2007 John Deere 4720 90 Ft High Clearance Sprayer ¡ Caterpillar 70 13 Cy Pull Scraper ...AND MUCH MORE!

AUCTION LOCATION: From Strasbourg, SK, go 11.3 km (7 miles) North on Hwy 20 to Duval, then 10.5 km (6.5 miles) West, Yard on North Side. GPS: 51.1549556, -105.1366778 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2005 Case Cab 4x4 ¡ 1998 Doepker 28 Ft Super B Grain Trailer ¡ IH STX450 4WD ¡ 2008 Case IH 485 Quadtrac ¡ Ford 2008 Bourgault 3310PHD 66 Ft Air Drill ¡ 2006 Case 9030 Bi-Directional ¡ 2005 Case IH MX210 MFWD ¡ IH ADX3430 Tow-Between Air Tank ¡ Blanchard Tow1983 Yanmar 276D MFWD Utility ¡ 2– 2011 Case IH 8120 Between Air Tank ¡ 1996 Riteway Jumbo 8000 70 Ft ¡ 2– 2008 Case IH 2152 40 Ft Draper ¡ 2– 2008 Massey Heavy Harrows ¡ Riteway 18 Ft Rock Rake ¡ 2011 Case Ferguson Hesston 9435 36 Ft ¡ 1987 International IH 4420 120 Ft High Clearance Sprayer ¡ 2000 Flexi1954 S/A Fuel Truck ¡ 2003 Ford F350 Lariat Crew Coil 67XL 120 Ft Field Sprayer ...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com

A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2008 John Deere 9630 4WD ¡ 2002 John Deere 9520 4WD ¡ 1977 John Deere 4630 2WD ¡ 1965 John Deere 4020 2WD ¡ John Deere 3010 2WD ¡ 2010 John Deere 9870STS Combine ¡ 2001 John Deere 9750STS Combine ¡ 2- 2004 John Deere 936D 36 Ft Draper Header ¡ 2010 Westward M100 35 Ft Swather ¡ 1997 Freightliner FLD120 T/A Sleeper Truck Tractor ¡ 2007 Doepker 31 Ft Pup Grain

Neil Rathgeber: 306.621.6370 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Luke Fritshaw: 306.260.2189 800.491.4494

Ray Hilderman: 306.725.7440, Lorne Hilderman: 306.725.7936, Perry Hilderman: 306.725.7210 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 800.491.4494




The Estate of Bob Hawes Semans, SK | Monday, April 8, 2013 · 11am



Conroy Farms

SATURDAY, APRIL 6 - 12:00 Noon

Tom Conroy Deloraine, MB

Monday April 15th, 2013 at 12 noon DST



2004 MORRIS MAXIM 49 FT w/ 2001 7300

AUCTION LOCATION: From SEMANS, SK, go 21 km (13 miles) South on Grid 641, then 1.6 km (1 mile) East, Yard on North side. GPS: 51.2121917, -104.7047889 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 1995 Ford Versatile 9680 4WD Tractor · 1980 Versatile 875 4WD · 2009 New Holland CX8080 · 2008 New Holland 94C 30 Ft Draper · 2005 Westward 9352I 30 Ft Swather · 2004 International 9200I T/A Sleeper Truck

Tractor · 2004 International COE Grain Truck · 2009 PLG Inc 42 Ft T/A Grain Trailer · 2004 Morris Maxim II 49 Ft Air Drill · John Deere 30 Ft Hoe Seed Drill · Qty of Grain Augers · (5) Keho 3 HP Aeration Fan · 10 Ft Steel Swath Roller ...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com Barrie Peeke: 306.524.2700 (h), 306.746.7337 (c) Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 800.491.4494


Urschel Enterprises Ltd. Grenfell, SK | Friday, April 5, 2013 · 10am

2012 JOHN DEERE 9560R


AUCTION LOCATION: From GRENFELL, SK, go 8 km (5 miles) South on Grid 616, then 1.6 km (1 miles) West, then 0.8 km (0.5 miles) South. Yard on West side. A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2012 John Deere 9560R 4WD · 2011 Claas Lexion 750TT Combine · 1997 John Deere 9100 4WD · 2003 Case IH SPX3200 Patriot 90 FT Sprayer · 1995 Premier 2900 30 FT Swather · 2010 J&M 750 Grain Cart · 1996

Peterbilt 379 Truck Tractors · 2008 Castleton 3675A 36 ft Grain Trailer · 2008 John Deere 1830 61 FT w/1910 430 Bushel Air Drill · 2010 Pattison CB3200 Air Tank · Trucks · Trailers · Bins · Tanks · Tires · Tools ...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com

To be held at his farm located east of Deloraine on #3 highway to Mountainside Road, 3 miles south and 1/2 mile east SALE INCLUDES: 1995 JD 8770 w/only 3196 hours *1997 JD 7710 w/3 pth, power shift, 2412 original hours *1939 Ford 9N (new paint) *IH Model H w/Dual loader *1990 JD 9500 SP combine w/2065 threshing hours *JD 924 straight header w/ batt reel & heavy home built trailer *1999 Prairie Star SP swather w/962 header & pickup reel only 475 hours *2000 JD 566 round baler (done 8521 bales) *1999 NH 1475-14’ haybine w/2300 Series header *2004 Buhler 12 wheel V rake *2002 Leon 425 bus. Spreader *JD Model R manure spreader *1997 Highline 6800 bale processor *NH 1000 sq. bale picker *17” Kushel hammer mill *1989 Ford F800 w/16’ box, 474 diesel only 63,686 km’s *1998 Market 350 bus. Hopper wagon *Easy Load tote tanks *1997 Bourgault 32’ 8810 air drill w/ 9” spacings, 2155 air tank & 32’ Bourgault tow behind packers *1993 Degelman RP 6000 rock picker *1996 Case 5800 33’ deep tillage *Case IH 5600 33’ deep tillage *2001 Bergen 72’ #7200 heavy harrow *MF 730-20’ tandem disc *Taylor Way 20’ offset disc *1991 Wilrich 280033’ cultivator *Wilrich 45’ field cultivator *Flexi-coil #65-70 sprayer *Carter 245 grain cleaner w/aspirator *2 stacked Carter cleaners *Light Foot 4 sieve cleaner *2-400 bus. *Peloquin hopper bins w/skids *15-18 Carter disc (for flax) *Conveyair 3000 grain vac *Farm King 10”x 60’ side swing auger *Sakundiak 7”x45’ w/20 hp *Kohler & hyd. Transport *Sakundiak 7”x37’ w/13 hp Honda *Westfield 8”x51’ PTO auger *2005 Trimble easy guide GPS *Plus a full line of farm equipment. Property of others * 1966 IHC 2 ton w/21,603 original miles *1954 IHC TD6 Cat w/7’ blade *1965 GMC w/wood box & hoist *Brandt 6”x30’ auger w/16 hp Herman 50’ hyd. Harrows *14’ JD deep tillage *Hummingbird boat, trailer and fish finder.

Paul Urschel: 306.697.2950 (h), 306.697.7289 (c) purschel@sasktel.net Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Luke Fritshaw: 306.260.2189 800.491.4494


JR Seed Farm – Rob & Janell Hundeby Elbow, SK | Friday, April 5, 2013 · 11 am

1989 JOHN DEERE 8960 & 2009 JOHN DEERE 1835 57 FT w/1910

2009 KENWORTH T800

AUCTION LOCATION: From ELBOW, SK · go 4.8 km (3 miles) East. North side. GPS: 51.1263000, -106.5141222 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 1989 John Deere 8960 4WD · 1983 John Deere 4650 2WD · 2- John Deere 9600 Combine · 2009 & 2005 John Deere 635F 35 Ft Hydra Flex Header · 2009 New Holland H8040 30 Ft Swather · 1979 Chevrolet C70 Tag/A Grain Truck · 2009 Kenworth T800 T/A Grain Truck · 1994 Mack CH613 T/A Grain Truck · 2005 Dodge 1500 Crew Cab Pickup · 2009 John Deere 1835 57 Ft Air Drill · John Deere 610 41 Ft Deep Tillage Cultivator · 2008 John Deere 637 15 Ft Tandem

Disc · 2- Westeel Magnum F 1612 100 Ton Epoxy Lined Hopper Bins · 3- Westeel Magnum G 1612 2850± Bushel Hopper Bin · 2- Darmani 2106 7200± Bushel Grain Bin · 2- 2010 Sakundiak HD-1800 8 In. x 60 Ft Grain Auger · Sakundiak HD8-1400 8 In. x 46 Ft Grain Auger · Sakundiak 7-37 7 In. x 37 Ft Grain Auger · 2006 Walinga 6614 Deluxe Grain Vac · Farm King 8 In. Steel Tapered Swath Roller · John Deere X6 Snowmobile · Ski-Doo 500 Snowmobile... AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings · please check our website: rbauction.com


Rob Hundeby: 306.854.4702 (h), 306.260.8338 (c) jellyrob@sasktel.net Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Darren Clarke: 306.529.5399 800.491.4494

MARCEL CHABOT Mankota, Sk. (306) 478-2415 or (306) 648-7516 12 1/2 miles South of Kincaid on #19 Hwy. TRACTORS - 2004 NH TJ375 4WD diesel Tractor, GPS w/autosteer, 1343 hrs. *1991 Case IH 9230 4WD diesel Tractor *1981 IH 3688 diesel Tractor *1978 IH 986 diesel Tractor *Outback 360 S1 GPS & Mapping *1995 White GMC Volvo diesel Hwy. Tractor *2000 Doepker 42’ Steel Grain Trailer *40’ 5th Wh. Drop Deck Trailer *1976 GMC 3-ton Grain Truck, 41,911 miles *1971 GMC 950 3-ton Grain Truck *1977 GMC 1/2 ton Truck, tow bar *1975 GMC 25 Sierra 3/4 ton 4x4 Truck w/51’ sprayer TRAILER & MOBILE HOME - 1979 18’ Triple E Bumper Pull Holiday Trailer *1969 10’ x 45’ Mobile Home BACK HOE - 1967 MF 304 Back Hoe *7’ Snow Bucket SEEDING/TILLAGE - 39’ Flexicoil 5000 Air Drill w/JD 1910 Tank *39 Paired Row Boots *48’ Flexicoil 600 Cult., 5 plex, tine harrows w/2 Valmars *100’ Flexicoil 67XLT Field Sprayer *60’ Flexicoil System 95 Harrow Packerbar *Rockomatic 57 Rockpicker HARVEST - 1994 Case IH 1666 Axial-Flow SP diesel Combine *2005 30’ Macdon 973 Draper Header w/Creative Ind. Transport *51’ x 8” Westfield Grain Auger w/auger mover, bin sweep, hyd. winch *45’ x 15” Brandt 1545 Conveyor Auger *70’ x 10” Brandt pto Grain Auger *59’ x 10” Sakundiak pto Grain Auger Three Way Farms (306) 478-2944 or (306) 264-7949 - 53’ Highline Rotary Harrows *3 Pt. Ht. Hay Buster Bale Processor *3 Pt. Ht. 7’ Sickle Mower *50’ x 8” Brandt pto Grain Auger *Aeration Ducts & more.

Roger & Dolores Blanchard (306) 625-7878 Robert & Germaine Blanchard, Ponteix, Sk. MONDAY, APRIL 8 - 10:00 a.m. 3 miles East of Ponteix on #13 Hwy., 1/8 mile South TRACTORS - 1999 JD 9200 4WD diesel Tractor *2003 JD 7320 MFWA diesel Tractor, 3 pt. ht. w/JD 741 FEL *1986 JD 4450 diesel Tractor *White 30 Iseki diesel Yd. Tractor *12 JD Frt. Wts. 3 PT. HT. - Pegoraro Rototiller *2011 Field King Finishing Mower TRUCKS - 2009 Chev C7500 Topkick 4-ton Grain Truck, elec. roll tarp, only 6752 kms. *1997 Chev C7500 Topkick 4-ton Grain Truck, 34,320 kms. *1976 Chev C65 3-ton Grain Truck, 71,725 miles *1994 GMC Sierra 1500 ext. cab 1/2 ton Truck TRAILERS - 2002 Trailtech Bumper Pull Flatdeck Trailer *PJ Bumper Pull Trailer SEEDING/TILLAGE - 2001 Maxim II 39’ Air Drill w/Morris 7240 3-Comp. Tank *50’ Degelman Strawmaster 7000 Harrow Drawbar w/2055 Valmar *47’ MM Cult. *43’ MM Cult. *32’ IH 300 Discers HAYING - 2004 23’ Vermeer 23A Twin Side Delivery Rake *18’ NH 1475 Hydroswing Haybine *2003 JD 567 Rd. Baler HARVEST - 2004 JD 9660 STS SP diesel Combine, lrg. ext. swing out auger, 2 sp. cyl., contour setting, sg. pt. hookup, approx. 2136 eng. hrs., 1593 sep. hrs. w/JD 914P pickup table w/14’ JD 3 Roller pickup *2005 30’ Honey Bee Draper Header, pickup reel w/metal fingers, JD adapter, pea auger, fore & aft, own transport *2005 Prairie Star 4940 SP diesel Swather, air ride seat, buddy seat, Cummins V4.5-88 diesel motor, 909 engine hrs., 616 knife hrs. w/25’ MacDon 972 Harvest Draper Header, db. swath, pickup reel w/plastic fingers, fore & aft, honeybee knife *2009 52’ x 10” Sakundiak HD10-1600 Grain Auger *2003 62’ x 8” Sakundiak HD8-1800 Grain Auger *9’ Metal Swath Roller BINS - 4/3500 Bu. Behlen H/B Bins *71 Ton Westeel TwinAir II Fert. H/B Bin *2/2100 Bu. Westeel Rosco H/B Bins *4000 Bu. Westeel Rosco H/B Bin *4100 Bu. Goebel H/B Bin *3300 Bu. Westeel Rosco F/B Bins *2750 Bu. Westeel Rosco F/B Bin *3700 Bu. Westeel Rosco F/B Bin *91 Ton Meridian Fert. Bin *3000 Bu. Westeel H/B Bin *2100 Bu. Sakundiak H/B Bin *2500 Bu. Wheatland H/B Bin *8 Aeration Fans *3 Aeration Fan Socks *2007 Yamaha Rhino 450 ATV *NH Zero Turn Ride On Lawn Mower

Jerry & Karen Biese Swift Current, Sk. (306) 741-2591 or (306) 773-7027

THURSDAY, APRIL 11 - 12:00 Noon Location: 3 miles West of Swift on #1 Hwy., 3 1/2 miles North on Kilton Hill Road TRACTORS - 2008 JD 9530 diesel 4WD Tractor w/Starfire ITC GPS w/auto steer, 1319 hrs. *2010 JD 7630 MFWA diesel Tractor, 3 pt. ht., Outback S2 Auto Steer w/mapping, 523 hrs. w/JD 746 FEL *1998 JD 5310 diesel Tractor, 3 pt. ht., 772 hrs. *2010 JD 2305 MFWA diesel Tractor, 3 pt. ht., 61 hrs. w/JD 200CX FEL *1981 JD 4440 diesel Tractor w/JD 158 FEL TRUCKS/PUP TRAILER - 2011 Freightliner 5-ton Tandem diesel Grain Truck, steel Cancade Box, elec. roll tarp, remote endgate & hoist, 8315 kms. (Like New) *2011 Freightliner 5-ton Tandem diesel Grain Truck, steel Cancade box, elec. roll tarp, remote endgate & hoist, 6854 kms. (Like New) *2011 Load Line 8 1/2’x 20’ Pup Trailer, roll tarp, air brakes, air ride, sg. hopper, 20,700 lb. axles *2009 GMC Sierra 4x4 Truck, 33,000 kms. *1981 GMC 6000 3-ton Truck *Homebuilt 5th Wh. Flatdeck Trailer *Homebuilt sg. axle Bumper Pull Trailer *Friggstad Bale Wagon HOLIDAY TRAILER - 2001 28 1/2’ Sportsmen 5th Wh. Holiday Trailer GRAIN CART - 2010 J&M 620 Grain Cart SEEDING/TILLAGE - 2008 43’ JD 1895 Air Disc Drill w/JD 1910 Tow Behind Air Cart *21’ JD 230 Tandem Disc *37’ Morris Cult. *2009 50’ Valmar 245 Granular Spreader & trailer *Degelman Rockpicker *Crown Rockpicker *Morris Tine Harrows *Approx. 65’ of Honeybee Deadrod ROCK DIGGER - Spring Dale Rock Ripper HIGH CLEARANCE SPRAYER - 2010 JD 4730 High Clearance SP Sprayer, 100’ boom, auto boom trac 5 sensor, boom return to height feature, Deluxe cab, 800 gal. US poly tank, Green Star GPS & auto steer w/swath pro, auto rate, on board foam marker, Field Vision Xenon light pkg., approx. 367 hrs. HARVEST - 2011 JD 9870 STS SP diesel Combine, bullet rotor, hopper ext., lrg. ext. swing out auger, hst., wide spread fine cut chopper, contour master, sg. point hookup, premier cab, small wire concave, HD final drive, Starfire 3000 GPS w/auto steer, adj. rear axle w/HD spindles, block heater, high capacity feeding, buddy seat, approx. 142 eng. hrs., approx. 110 sep. hrs. *2006 14’ Precision 1300 Pickup Header w/series 4 Swathmaster pickup, 8 belt pickup, light pkg. *2011 JD 635F Flex Header, 35’ pickup table w/plastic fingers, metal auger fingers, header height sensor in rigid mode, fore & aft, lrg. auger, crop dividers, light pkg., poly skid plates w/transport Trailer *2000 Premier 2940 SP diesel Swather, 25’ Macdon 972 Harvest Header, pickup reel w/plastic fingers, rubber canvasses, db. swath, hst., 836 eng. hrs., 642 hrs. on knife *36’ JD pto Swather *30’ JD 590 pto Swather *61’ x 10” Westfield pto Grain Auger *41’ x 10” Wheatheart Grain Auger *51’ x 8” Wheatheart Grain Auger *Homebuilt Header Transport *Approx. 50 Shuemarker Crop Lifters *8’ Poly Swath Roller CONVEYOR AUGERS & GRAIN VAC - Batco 75’ x 13” Belt Conveyor Auger *2008 Batco 45’ x 14” Belt Conveyor Auger *14’ x 13” Batco Transfer Auger *2010 Rem 2700 Grain Vac 3 PT. HT. EQUIP. - 7’ FK Finishing Mower *5’ Buhler Farm King Finishing Mower *4’ FK 2548 Roto Tiller *10’ Westward Yd. Sprayer *7’ Allied Snow Blower ATVPolaris 4x4 Sportsman 400 ATV, 373 miles *2008 JD Gator TS Side by Side ATV SHOP/YARD - 2002 Schulte 15’ Rotary Mower *2007 JD Z425 Easy Track Zero Turn Lawn Mower, 74 hrs. *JD 332 diesel Ride-on Lawn Tractor *2008 Propane Tank, 1000 gal. Plus other items. Terms: Cash or Cheque w/Letter of Guarantee.

Tom 204-534-6722 or Ross Taylor Auction Service 204-877-3834

Check out our website for pictures & info at

Visit our website for full listing and photos


www.rosstaylorauction.com PL #909917

www.switzerauction.ca Sk. Lic.914494 Ab. Lic. 313086 Swift Current, Sk.




Sa turda y APRIL 6 , 2013 10:00 a m


9 370 – 48 S T. EDM ON TON AL BERTA


Ha rd w ood flooring – u n fi ni shed a n d p refi ni shed u p to 100,000 s q . ft. to b e s o ld fro m 2� , 2 1⠄2� , a n d 3 1⠄4� , s p ecies o fo a k, m a p le, b irch in m a n y d fi feren t s ta i ns . Delta 10� u n i sa w , d u s tco llecto r, p o i tra s S p i nd l es ha p er w ti h gen era l 3-ro ll s to ck feed er, d u s tco llecto r, T ecn o legn o Dro el ts ix hea d feed er thro u gh p ro file s a n d er. As s o rtm en to fra ckin g b ea m s a n d u p rights . Offci e fu rn i ture a n d m is cella n eo u s ti em s . Term s : ca s h-vis a -m /c-d /c – 10% b u yer’s fee. F o rklfi ta va ila b le fo r l oa d o u t. All p ro d u cts to b e rem o ved b y Ap ril 8/13 *co n ces s io n o n s ti e*

L AK EL AN D AUCTION S ERV ICES L TD. 78 0-453-6 9 6 4 | To ll free: 1-8 8 8 -453-6 9 6 4


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SK PL # 915407 AB PL # 180827



MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equipment Auction for Champion Acres Ltd. (Rod Boll) 306-722-3867, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 10:00 AM, Fillmore, Sask. Directions from Fillmore, 1/2 mile South on Main Street. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding www.Bidspotter.com JD 8450 4WD tractor w/PTO and Outback AutoSteer, JD 4440 2WD tractor w/JD 725 FEL, JD 9500 SP combine w/914 PU header, 39’ Flexi-Coil 5000 double shoot air drill with Flexi-Coil 2320 air cart, JD 930 rigid straight cut header, JD 930 flex straight cut header, 33’ JD 680 double shoot air seeder w/JD 787 air cart, JD 25 straight cut header trailer, 30’ Westward 7000 SP swather w/MacDon 960 header, 50’ Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy harrow w/Valmar 3255, 40’ Degelman 7640 landroller, 30’ Bush Hog tandem disc, 1975 Dodge 600 3 ton grain truck, 1976 IH Cargostar fire truck, 1986 GMC 1500 Sierra pickup truck, 40’ 1978 Loadmaster tandem axle grain trailer, shopbuilt pintle hitch 5th wheel dolly convertor, 15’ Hiniker 6800 3 shank sub soiler, 36’ JD 590 PT swather, Martin 400 bu. grain wagon, Poly drum swath roller, Kalteich air reel, 55’ Blanchard harrow packerbar with tine harrows and P-20 packers, 3- Friesen 40 ton hopper bottom bins, Westeel 3800 bu. hopper bottom bin, Westeel Rosco 4000 bu. bin on cement, Westeel 350 bu. hopper bottom seed bin, Brandt 10-70 swing auger, Sakundiak 8-45 auger w/10 HP elec. motor, Sakundiak 7-51 auger with Honda 24 HP eng., Batco 1314 hyd. drive transfer auger, Neuero 8120 grain vac, Labtronics elevator moisture tester, 5 HP aeration fans, hyd. drill fill, 2006 Gulfstream Conquest 26RLS travel trailer with single slide, 2012 Polaris Ranger 4WD 500 EFI UTV w/only 320 kms, 1995 4WD Polaris Sportsman 400 quad w/winch, Degelman 3500 10’ dozer blade w/tilt and angle, JD EZ Track Z425 zero turn mower w/85 hrs, JD 318 garden tractor with rototiller, single axle trailer w/185 gal. poly tank and Honda 2� water pump, JD side delivery mower, Allied bale elevator, Lincoln 225 AC welder, 125 gal. slip tank with elec. pump, cattle oiler, wind charger tower, plus much more! Sale bill/photos at www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us on Facebook and Twitter. Mack Auction Co 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL311962. NELSON’S AUCTION SERVICE: Eugene and Mary Freistadt Estate. Sat, April 6, 2013, 9 AM, Meacham, SK. Directions from Saskatoon: 39 miles E on Hwy. #5 and 2 miles S on Hwy #2. A huge selection of Collectible Toy Replicas: Tractors, farm equipment, vehicles and misc. brochures: farm equipment, tractors and vehicles dating back to the 50s. Antiques: CN memorabilia, horse tack, harvest tools, candlestick telephone, signs, display racks, toys and so much more. 306-944-4320. For complete listing visit our website: www.nelsonsauction.com PL #911669. UPCOMING AUCTION 21st ANNUAL SPRING AUCTION. Sat., April 13, 2013. Nelson’s Auction Centre at Meacham, SK. Includes vehicles, farm equip., house at Leroy. SK. Canvas storage buildings and party tents, new small equip., dispersals, yard equip., shop tools and much more. Consign now to take advantage of our advertising. For more information visit our website www.nelsonsauction.com or call 306-944-4320, PL #911669.


GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB April 10–11 (Wed–Thu) | 8 am

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a clean well maintained Farm Equipment Auction for Garth and Marla Hurford 306-332-7900, Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 10:00 AM. Directions from Balcarres, SK., go 5 miles North of Balcarres on Hwy. 310. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding www.Bispotter.com. 2009 Kubota M108X FWA tractor w/Kubota M45 FEL with only 710 hrs, Case/IH 7130 2WD tractor with AutoSteer GPS and duals, JD 322 lawn tractor with 50� mower, 1999 JD 9610 SP combine w/362 sep. hrs, 30’ 2005 HoneyBee NH94C straight cut header w/UII PU reel w/pea cross auger and flex finger lifters, 30’ Westward 3000 PT swather w/PU reel and Roto-Shear, Douglas poly drum swath roller, 1993 GMC Topkick tandem axle grain truck w/3116 Cat dsl. engine and 96,900 kms, 1980 Western Star tandem axle grain truck w/auto trans and Cummins engine, 1974 Dodge 600 3 ton grain truck, 33’ Case/IH 5600 seeding tool and JD 787 air tank w/Atom Jet side band liquid openers, Pattison CB 1300 gal. liquid fert. caddy w/Honda engine, 60’ Flexi-Coil tine harrows, Graham Hamey 14’ cultivator w/Morris harrows, Rolo Flex 14’ cultivator w/tine harrows, 60’ Jetstream 20th Anniversary computer sprayer, Sakundiak HD 10-2000 swing auger, Sakundiak 8-1600 auger w/25 HP Subaru engine and Wheatheart mover, Sakundiak 7-45 grain auger w/Kohler engine, 29’ tandem axle two comp. grain trailer w/roll tarp, 100 bu. hopper grain wagon, Schulte hyd. drive rockpicker, Buhler Farm King 720 3 PTH mover, 3 PTH angle blade, 1000 gal. water tank, Honda 11 HP pressure washer, Forney welder, Dewalt chop saw, Honda generator, plus much more!! For sale bill and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us on Facebook and Twitter. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 PL 311962.

M cS herry


S tonew a ll, M B – #12 P a tte rs o n D r. HUGE VINTAGE SERVICE STATION, COCA COLA & TOYS OVER 18 0 SIGNS * Re d In d ia n * W hite Ro s e * Te xa c o * BA * Pu re Oil * Hu s ky * RC M P G o o d ric h * Un ite d M o to rs * Ra m b le r S e rvic e * Fa rm Im ple m e n t & S e rvic e S ign s * C o c a C o la * 7Up * Ora n ge C ru s h * Highw a y * C ig * Do o r Ba rs * Fla n ge s * C lo c ks * The rm * M e n u Bo a rd s * C o c a C o la & Ora n ge C o o le rs * C o in V e n d in g & Arc a d e * Die C a s t* Lin c o ln To ys *Oil C a n s * Ra c ks * 2) Artic C a tM in i Bike s * M u c h M o re tha n Lis te d * G ro w in g W e b s ite *

S tua rt M cS h e rry

(204)46 7-18 58 o r (204)8 8 6 -7027 w w w .m cs h e rrya uction .com

Chec k


TUESDAY, APRIL 9th - 11:00 AM

For online bidding at this sale visit www.fraseronlineauctions.com FOR COMPLETE LISTING WITH FULL DETAILS VISIT www.fraserauction.com THIS SALE FEATURES: *2008 JD 9430 4WD Tractor 425HP w/718Hrs Showing *1990 JD 8760 4WD Tractor 300 HP w/6500hrs Showing *1998 JD 7410 MFWD Tractor 105HP w/ JD740 SL Loader *14’ Leon 44-14 5 Way Hyd Front Mount Blade *2008 JD 4895 SP 30’ DSL Swather w/398 Cutting Hrs showing *2007 JD 9660 STS SP Combine w/781 Rotor Hrs showing *2010 30’ JD 630R (rigid) Straight Cut Header *2007 45’ JD 1820 Air Seeder w/JD 1910 350 bushel Air Cart *2012 70’ Elmers Super 7 Heavy Harrows (Done ONLY 500 Acres) *2008 48’ John Deere 2410 Chisel Plow w/Accu Depth Soil Management system *41’ JD 610 Tillage w/Dickie John NH3 Kit *24’ Kello-Bilt 225 Tandem Disk *Carry All Hyd Scraper *1998 60’ Jet Stream Computorspray PT Field Sprayer *1986 Mack T/A w/20’ Midland B&H *1981 17’ Load Master, single Hopper Pup Grain Trailer *1981 Chev 70 S/A w/16’ B&H *REM 1026 Grain Vac *Brandt 10�x70’ PTO Swing Hopper Auger *2008 Westfield TF 8�x36’ Auger w/Self Propel Kit *10� Transfer Auger w/B&S Engine *14’ NH 1475 haybine *NH 688 rd baler *(2) Frontier 100 Ton Epoxy Coated Hopper Bottom bins *Approx 3600 Bus Behlen Bin on Peloquin Hopper *3100 Bus Gobal Flat Bottom Bin on Steel Floor *Plus shop tools, tanks, livestock items and much more.




For online bidding at this sale visit www.fraseronlineauctions.com FOR COMPLETE LIST WITH FULL DETAILS VISIT www.fraserauction.com THIS SALE FEATURES: *2004 JD 9220 4WD 325hp Tractor w/1573hrs showing *1983 JD 4250 2WD 120hp Tractor w/3008hrs showing *2010 JD 9770 STS SP combine w/61sep hrs showing *2006 JD 4895 SP Swather w/30’ Honey Bee Head *2007 30’ JD 930D Straight cut Header *2004 41’ JD 1820 Air Drill w/JD 1910 air Tank *43’ JD 2410 Deep Tillage w/Accu Depth Soil Management System *2005 IH 9200i T/A Grain Truck w/20� Cancade B+H *1997 Peterbuilt 377 highway tractor *2008 Load King Prestige 36’ T/A Hopper Bottom Aluminum Grain Trailer *Grain bins *Aeration fans *Highline Bale Pro 7000 HD Bale Processor *Hi Qual 10’ x 10’ Maternity Pen w/head gate *(13) 30’ Free Standing Windbreak panels *Plus much more.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Dean Hunter 204-724-2072 After 6:00 pm Monday to Friday or anytime on weekends.


FRIDAY, APRIL 12th - 12:00 noon

For online bidding at this sale visit www.fraseronlineauctions.com FOR COMPLETE LIST WITH FULL DETAILS VISIT www.fraserauction.com THIS SALE FEATURES: *2009 CaseIH 435 Quad Trac 430hp Tractor w/1540Hrs Showing *1997 NH 8670 MFWD 145hp Tractor w/Buhler Allied 2895 SL Loader, 2635hrs Showing *2009 100’ Apache 715 AS1010 SP High Clearance Sprayer w/544hrs Showing *2010 30’ Summers Super Coulter Plus Vertical Tillage *2009 50’ Seed Hawk Air Seeder w/Seed Hawk 400 Plus Triple Comp. Air Tank *2001 JD 9750 STS SP Combine *2004 NH HW320 SP DSL Swather w/30’ Honey Bee Header *1995 Freightliner T/A Grain Truck w/21’ B&H *18’ Cancade T/A Grain Pup Trailer *1989 White Volvo T/A Highway *1990 Hobbs 40’ T/A Aluminum Grain Trailer *2000 28’ Doepker T/A Flat Deck Trailer *2010 Chevrolet Equinox *2007 Chev Silverado LT 1/2 Ton *Rem S2100 Grain Vac *11’ Schulte HX1000 Rotary Mower *96� Farm King 9620 3 PT Snow blower.

w w w .sch a p a n sk y.com


Up com in g Fa r m Auction s

Not responsible for errors in description. Subject to additions and or deletions. Property owners and Fraser Auction Service not responsible for any accidents. GST & PST where applicable. TERMS: Cash or cheque. NOTE: cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of credit. Sales conducted by

fo r

RV TRAILER AND BOAT AUCTION, April 6th, 10:00 AM sharp, Yorkton Auction Centre, 100% unreserved. Over 50 units selling. View online, bid online yorktonauctioncentre.com For info call 306-782-5999, Yorkton, SK.

FRASER AUCTION SERVICE 1-800-483-5856 www.fraserauction.com


Koss Farms Ltd.

Mundare, AB | Thursday, April 4, 2013 ¡ 11am


2– 2008 JOHN DEERE 9770STS

Grande Prairie, AB April 10–11 (Wed–Thu) | 8am 721076 Rge Rd 51, Grande Prairie, AB,T8X 4G1


Bid with confidence â–¸ No minimum bids â–¸ Financing available â–¸ Inspect and bid on site or online

Sell your equipment 820+ Items in this auction

2008 JOHN DEERE 1835 50 FT w/2008 JOHN DEERE 1910

4WD tractors 2WD tractors MFWD tractors Combines

Call today.

40,125+ Items worldwide Visit rbauction.com for full listings.


AUCTION LOCATION: From MUNDARE, AB, go 6.4 km (4 miles) West on HWY 16 to Rge Rd 173, then 4.4 km (2.75 miles) South. Yard on West side of road. A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2007 New Maxim 39 FT w/7300 Air Drill ¡ 1994 International 2554 T/A Grain Holland CR9070 Combine ¡ 2008 New Holland 94C 30 Ft Draper Truck ¡ 2003 Lode King Prestige 36 FT Grain Trailer ¡ Flexi-Coil 85 Header ¡ 2001 John Deere 9300 4WD ¡ 2003 Case IH SPX3185 90 60 Ft Heavy Harrows ¡ Chief Westland 3500¹ Bushel 16 Ft x 5 Ring FT Sprayer ¡ 2007 Massey Ferguson 9435 30 FT Swather ¡ Morris Grain Bin...AND MUCH MORE! For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com Lyle Koss: 780.764.2397 (h), 780.603.8472 (c)

rbauction.com | 780.538.1100 Auction Company License #303043

2001 JOHN DEERE 9300

Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Cody Rude: 780.722.9777 800.491.4494



2009 John Deere 9430 4 wheel drive power shift, deluxe cab, one owner, 475 hours, 2008 John Deere 5603 mfwd yard tractor, cab, power Quad, loaded unit only 360 one owner hrs Ford 8870 FWA, 1700 one owner hours, 2009 John Deere 9770 STS combine, Bullet Rotor, fine cut chopper, 615P Header, 600 hrs, serial #726924


BILL KLASSEN AUCTIONEERS 204 325 4433, cell 6230


2003 - 2360 Buhler Versatile 4 wheel drive, 3883 hrs. 4 hyds, 12 spd, PS, Buhler 2210 FWA, apache sprayer, 100 ft, 290 hrs, 20 trucks and trailers, tillage seeding, Irrigation, etc.

www.billklassen.com or Nickel Auctions 204 637 3393

BILL KLASSEN AUCTIONEERS 204 325 4433, cell 6230

Chec k

w w w .sch a p a n sk y.com fo r

Up com in g Fa r m Auction s

Rose Valley Farms Ltd., Killarney, Manitoba - 9m South. of Killarney, 2m East.

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 ~ 10:30 am DST. Farm Retirement AUCTION SALE for Wayne & Kelvin Nichol $// (48,30(17 ),(/' 5($'<

2009 Case-IH Steiger 435- 4WD, 4 spool hyd., standard trans., 900 hours, immaculate. w1981 IHC 5088 diesel tractor, 540 & 1000 PTO., w/ IH 2355 quick attach. loader. Willmar Model 8100- 90 ft. Hi-clearance sprayer, crop dividers, EZ Boom auto. rate control, 2300 hrs. 2002 Flexi-coil 5000 - 51 ft. air seeder, 9.8� spacing, 4� rubber packers, Carbide 1� tips, with 2003 Flexi-coil 3450 tow behind air cart w/ variable rate- 345 bus. 2002 Degelman 70 ft. heavy harrow. Flexi-coil 800 Series 51 ft. medium duty cultivator, 10� spacing. Allis Chalmers 24 ft. tandem disc. Degelman reel-type stone picker. JD #1000- 26 ft. med. duty field cultivator w/ Degelman harrows. 1999 New Holland TR99 combine, hydrostatic, Big Top hopper extension, Swathmaster pick-up, 1874 machine hrs., shedded. 1999 New Holland TR99 combine, Swathmaster pick-up, header tilt, hydrostatic, hopper extension, 2422 machine hrs., shedded.400 hours since both combines fully overhauled.2007 NH HW325 SP 30 ft. Windrower power unit, hydrostatic, diesel engine, w/ 2007 30 ft. draper header, pick-up reel, gauge wheels & header transport, 1397 hrs. New Holland 16 ft.2300 series haybine header fits above unit, w/ 9 ft. rolls. 4 wheeled HD swather transport. 1994 & 1993 MacDon 960- 30 ft. headers- both w/ pick-up reels and NH TR adapters. Farm King 13� X 70 ft. auger w/ hydraulic swing-out hopper. Brandt 10� X 60 ft. auger, w/ swing-out hopper. Brandt 8� X 45 ft. auger w/ Kohler 20 hp motor. 1995 Kenworth tandem diesel truck, T600, Detroit Series 60-470 hp. engine, 13 spd. trans., w/ Midland Unibody 8 ft. X 20 ft. box, air conditioning redone, saftied. 1975 Dodge tag-axle truck, V-8- 418 motor, 8 ft. X 20 ft. steel box, set up as sprayer service truck- equipped with 2- 1250 gal. poly tanks, saftied. 1998 GMC 2500 SLE diesel truck, 4 X 4, new tires in 2011, saftied. Norberts 7 ft. X 20 ft. livestock trailer, tandem axle, saftied. 2006 New Holland BR780A round baler, auto. tie. 2007 Jiffy fold out 12 wheel tine hay rake. Inland Hayliner 2000- 14 bale picker w/ mover. Degelman Model 3100 bale shredder. Van Daele silage wagon. Tuff green portable squeeze chute w/ headgate and palpation cage, alley w/ crowding tub. Hi-Qual maternity pen w/ headgate. More cattle handling equip. Plus very good list of shop equipment. Consigned: 2000 Morris Model 8900 - 58 ft/ deep tiller w/ Morris 3 row tine harrow. IHC #645 Vibra Chisel 39 ft. cultivator w/ Summers harrows.

M AY 10 & 11, 2013

HELD INDOOR S EXHIBITION P LACE R ed R iver Exhib ition P a rk W innip eg, M a nitob a MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Premium Farm Equipment Auction for Don and Kate Gardiner 306-332-2925 or 306-335-7792 Monday, April 8, 2013 at 10:00 AM. Directions from Lemberg, SK., go 3 miles West on Hwy. 22. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at www.Bidspotter.com. JD 9200 4WD tractor w/3740 hrs and Greenlighted in 2012, McCormick MTX 125 FWA tractor w/Buhler FEL and 1280 hrs, JD 2120 2WD tractor w/4975 hrs, 2003 JD 9650 STS SP combine Greenlighted yearly w/1471 sep. hrs, 40’ 2005 Morris Maxim air drill with Morris 7240 air cart w/dbl shoot Bourgault liquid openers, Pattison CB 2150 liquid fert. caddy w/John Blue pump and Honda engine, 2004 MF 9220 SP swather with 30’ PU reel and 765 hrs, JD 930 straight cut header w/PU reel, straight cut header trailer, steel poly drum swath rollers, JD high rise 4700 SP 90’ sprayer w/2900 hrs and Cultiva AutoSteer GPS, 1999 IH Eagle highway tractor w/415 HP Cat engine, 40’ Castleton tandem axle grain trailer, 1986 Ford 9000 LTL tandem axle grain truck with remote hoist and endgate, 1978 GMC 6500 single axle grain truck, Highboy single axle flat deck trailer w/1000 and 1600 gal. enduro plastic tanks, 35’ Morris 8900 DT cult. w/Morris 4-bar harrows, Morris 50’ tine harrows with 240 Valmar, Schulte 9600 3 PTH snowblower, Degelman 3 batt high lift ground drive rockpicker, Degelman 3 batt ground drive rockpicker, trailer type 6’ gyro mower, Kirchner pallet forks, 2009 Brand EX grain vac, 2009 Wheatheart 10-61 swing auger, Sakundiak HD 8-33 auger with Wheatheart mover and 27 HP Kohler engine, Sakundiak 7-33 auger with Kawasaki engine, Lockart seed treater, Labtronics, moisture tester, Labtronics moisture tester, Chem Handler I, chemical pump, 2010 Arctic Cat Prowler 700 XTX UTV side by side w/only 290 miles, Honda Foreman 450 ES quad 4x4 electric shift, 2011 Cub Cadet RZT zero turn mower, Club Car gas golf cart, 3 PTH 8’ cultivator, quadavator cult., estate and quad sprayers, Danville Express roller, power grease gun, drill press, floor jack, Megasave furnace, upright piano, household and much more! www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.


MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equip. Auction for the Estate of Warren Domres, Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:00 AM. Directions from Lemberg, SK. 3 miles West on Hwy 22, turn South on Gardiner Road and go 5 miles South, 1 mile West, 1 mile South, 1 mile West, and 3/4 mile South. Live internet bidding www.bidspotter.com. Case 4490 4WD tractor w/PTO, Case 2390 2WD tractor, Case 1270 2WD tractor, Case 1070 2WD tractor, David Brown 990 diesel 2WD tractor, IH 1066 2WD tractor, Case 830 diesel 2WD tractor w/FEL and round fenders, Ford 8N 2WD tractor, 1984 Ford 9000 LTL tandem grain truck w/13 spd. Cummins and 2 seed comp. box, 27’ FlexiCoil 5000 double shoot air drill w/JD 787 air tank, JD 8820 Titan II SP combine, 30’ JD 230 rigid straight cut combine header, 2006 4WD Duramax Chev auto Silverado crewcab truck with leather and sunroof, 1974 GMC 6000 3 ton grain truck w/wood box and roll tarp, 1966 IH 1500 grain truck w/steel B&H, 1987 Ford Lariat F-150 4WD ext. cab truck, 1976 GMC 1/2 ton truck, 2006 Ski-Doo Rotax 550F with 725 miles, Polaris Sportsman 800 quad w/winch and heated handle bars, Parker 400 bu. grain cart, JD 7721 PT combine, Farm King steel drum swath roller, 30’ Case 730 PT swather w/UII PU reel, 24’ Versatile PT swather, 29’ IH 75 PT swather w/batt reel, 3- 3 wheeled header transports, 2- Goebel 4400 bu. bins on steel floors, Twister 4000 bu. bins on steel floor, Westeel 4000 bu. bin on steel floor, Westeel 2700 bu. bin on steel floor, Westeel 1950 bu. bin on steel floor, Westeel 1850 bu. hopper bottom bin, Friesen 2000 bu. hopper bottom bin, Flaman and Caldwell aeration fans, OPI bin monitor system, Walinga 510 grain vac, Brandt MD 10-50 swing auger, Brandt 8-52 Supercharged PTO auger, Sakundiak 7-37 auger w/Kohler, Sakundiak 6-41 auger w/elec. motor, Hart Uniflow 3 roller grain cleaner, Labtronics 919 grain moisture tester, Load Trail tandem axle car trailer, 2 steel 110 bu. hopper wagons, 3 hyd. dump wagons, 500 gal. poly tank on walking axles, 100’ Brandt QF 1500 field sprayer, 85’ Brandt field sprayer, 20’ 3 PTH sprayer, 21200 gal. poly water tanks, Chem Handler I mixer, banjo pumps and hoses, shopbuilt flax straw buncher, hyd. log splitter, front mount snowblower, 3 PTH 3 bottom plow, 3 PTH road scraper blade, 3 PTH 7’ cult., 3 PTH Rite-Way mower, Charge Air 60 gal. air compressor, ATV floor jack, 20 ton air bottle jack, hyd. porta power, plus a large complete line of shop tools. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.

V IEW IN G : 5- 10 PM


DO O R S O PEN : 8 AM AUCTIO N S TAR TS : 10 AM Ad m is s ion: $15 .00 (w ristb a n d go o d fo rw eeken d ) Child ren 12 & u n d er: Free w hen a cco m pa n ied b y a pa ren t. Cheques W ill B e Accepted a tThe Auction W ith: An Irrevoca b le B a nk Letter Of Cred it.

NOW ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS DON’T DELAY CONSIGN TODAY! For m ore inform a tion ca ll: Da vid : (306) 693- 4411 (306) 631- 72 07 w w w.thecollectorca rgroup .com THE COLLECTOR CAR GR OUP P L#32 9773


FAR M AUCTION for Lloyd a nd Betty S ha p ka ofM a cklin S K.

W ED. AP R IL 10, 2 013 AT 10:00 AM

S ale located 10 m iles North of M acklin on hw y 17,then 2 m iles eas t on RG Rd 410,and 1 m ile North on Tw p 281 C on ta ct - Lloyd a t 30 6- 75 3- 715 2 TR ACTO R S : 1979 875 Vers a tile 4w d , c/ w 12ft Deg elm a n bla d e, oilfield eq u ip p ed w ith a ir s hu td ow n , 10,000 hou rs , 400 hou rs on m a jor m otor overha u l. 1981 4440 JD 2w d , q u a d s hift. 1981 TW 20 Ford . 1964 706 IHC, ca b, c/ w Du a l FEL. HAR V ES TIN G : 1985 TR 95 New Holla n d S P com bin e. 1985 885 M F 30ft S p s w a ther, s lid in g ta ble, p ick u p reels . 2000 30ft Pra irie S ta rp to s w a ther. 1996 30ftW es tw a rd p to s w a ther. 320 New Holla n d s q u a re ba ler. TR UCKS : 1981 G M C 7000 g ra in tru ck , 16ft s teel box, rollover ta rp , 71,000 k m . 1974 Dod g e 600. G R AIN DR Y ER : 1980 Vertec con tin u ou s flow G ra in Dryer, p rop a n e fired , electric d riven , c/ w in ta k e a n d d is cha rg e a u g ers G R AIN HAN DLIN G : 510 W a lin g a g ra in va c A u g ers BIN S : 2- 1950 bu s hel, W es teel Hop p erbin s , on s k id s . 7-3300 bu s hel, W es teel bin s , 2-1350 bu s hel, W es teel bin s . M ACHIN ER Y : 48ft M F 360 trip lex d is cers . 60ft M orris A u to Fold ha rrow ba r, tin e ha rrow s , c/ w Va lm a r. 47ft M orris 643 Deep tilla g e cu ltiva tor, tin e ha rrow s . Vertec Fertilizer s p rea d er. 90ft In la n d a u to fold s p ra yer. 45ft In la n d H a rrow p a ck er ba r, tin e ha rrow s S H O P & M IS C . 2- O u tba ck G PS lig ht ba rs . 42in ch Hu s q u a va rn a Rid in g la w n m ow er. Plu s m a n y m ore item s . AN TIQ UES : Vis u a l S ervice s ta tion g a s p u m p . Tea cher Des k O ffice Cha ir. Plu s M a n y M ore A n tiq u e Item s !


S a le m a na ged a nd cond ucted b y P ATTON AUCTIONS M a jor, S a s k., 306- 8 38 - 435 6 or vis itus on line: w w w.a uctions a les .ca or vis itour w eb s ite: w w w.p a ttona uctions .ca

Wayne 204-523-7164 or Kelvin 204-523-8678 Websites: www.mrankinauctions.com | www.rosstaylorauction.com Murray Rankin Auctions 204-534-7401 Killarney, MB. Ross Taylor Auction Service 204-522-5356 | Reston, MB. MACK AUCTION CO. presents a large Multi Farm Equipment Auction for Eugene Fradette and the Estate of Dennis Cherpin Monday, April 15, 2013, 10:00 AM. Directions from Radville, SK. 4 miles south of Radville on Hwy. 28 and 2 miles West. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at www.Bidspotter.com. Versatile 836 Designation 6 4WD tractor, JD 8430 4WD tractor with PTO and 12’ dozer blade, JD 7520 4WD tractor with PTO, Case 2394 tractor w/duals, JD 4440 2WD tractor with 4343 hrs, JD 4010 2WD tractor with JD 46 FEL and approx. 800 hrs on overhaul, JD 180 lawn tractor, JD 7720 Titan II combine w/JD 212 PU header, 30’ JD 930 straight cut header, 29’ Morris Maxim air drill with Morris 7180 air cart and Atom Jet side band openers, JD 7721 PT combine, MF 760 SP combine, 30’ MF straight cut header, 24’ MF straight cut header, 20’ Versatile 400 SP swather, 24’ Versatile PTO swather, 18’ Versatile PTO swather, 1983 Chev C-70 grain truck, 1976 Dodge 600 grain truck with 39,100 miles, 1976 GMC 6500 grain truck with 34,215 miles, 1966 Dodge 500 grain truck w/steel box and roll tarp, 1966 Fargo 500 grain truck with steel B&H, 1970 IH Loadstar 1600 grain truck with wood box and 36,200 miles, 1980 Chev Cheyenne 1500 pickup, 1980 GMC Scotsdale 1500 pickup, 28’ IH 150 hoe drills, 60’ Rite-Way harrows, 24’ Allis Chalmers tandem disc, 37’ DT cult. w/1655 Valmar and harrows, Morris CP-725 cult. w/tine harrows, Morris B3-36 rodweeder, 32’ Massey cult., CCIL 18’ discers, Rolo Flex 16’ cult., JD steel wheel drill w/power lift, Leon 550 earth scraper, Rite-Way hyd. 2 batt rockpicker, Crown fork type rockpicker, Varuna 6� PTO irrigation pump and pipe, Comet drill transport, Versatile 1000 gal. tank trailer and pump, Versatile poly tank on tandem trailer, Sakundiak HD 7-47 auger w/Kohler 16 HP engine, Sakundiak 7-47 auger w/16 HP engine, Sakundiak 7-45 auger w/16 HP Briggs eng., Farm King 7-40 auger w/Kohler eng., 2- Behlin 3100 bu. bins wood floors, 2- Westeel 2000 bu. bins steel floors, Westeel 4000 bu. bin steel floor, Westeel Twin Air 2000 bu. hopper bottom bin, Bader 2000 bu. hopper, Butler 2700 bu. bin wood floor, Twister 2200 bu. wood floor, Metal Ind. 1400 bu. hopper bottom, Westeel 2700 bu. wood floor, Butler 2700 bu. bin wood floor, 3Rosco 1300 bu. bins wood floors, Metal Ind. 3300 bu. bin wood, Rosco 1650 bu. on wood. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. Join us on Faceb o o k a n d Tw i t t e r. 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

S K Lic . #914527 AB Lic . #190527

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E D P RODANIUK A UCTIONS ONLINE - www.prodaniukauctions.com PH: 780-446-9555 FAX: 780-473-5750 email - edprodaniukauctions@gmail.com



FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION EDG Farms Edmond and Donna George Bellegarde, SK MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equipment Auction for Bob and Donalda Johnston 306-842-5810, Friday, April 12, 2013, 10:00 AM. Directions from Weyburn, SK. 3 miles East on Hwy #13 and 2 miles North. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at www.Bidspotter.com. Versatile 936 4WD tractor, Versatile 756 4WD tractor with PTO, Case 1490 2WD tractor w/Leon 700 FEL and 3 PTH, JD 440 2WD tractor w/FEL and backhoe attach., Case/IH 1660 Axial Flow SP combine w/2740 engine hrs, 25’ Case/IH 1010 straight cut header, shopbuilt straight cut header trailer, 24.5 IH 5000 SP swather w/PU reel, steel drum swath roller, 39’ Morris Maxim air drill and Morris 6180 air cart w/double shoot, NH 90’ SF 110 PT susp. boom sprayer, 83’ Bourgault 850 Centurion II PT field sprayer, 35’ JD 1600 cult. w/Morris tine harrows, 32’ Friggstad cult. w/tine harrows, MF 2-18’ discers, end tow diamond harrow packers, EZ Guide 250 GPS and AutoSteer, 1980 Chev C-60 grain truck with 65,400 miles, 1975 Ford F-750 single axle grain truck w/roll tarp and steel box, Mazda B-2200 pickup truck, 15’ wing-up Schulte XH1500 rotary mower w/Schulte FLX15 offset hitch, Degelman ground drive 570S rockpicker, Dempster 5 ton fert. spreader on tandem axle trailer, Victory 10’ PU header, shopbuilt hyd. dump grain truck box, 18.4-38 clamp-on duals, tri-hull 14’ boat w/40 HP Mercury engine not running, 1976 Ski-Doo, 2- Westeel Rosco 2700 bushel bins on wood and steel floors, 2000 bu. Twister bin on steel floor, 3- Westeel Rosco 2000 bu. bins on wood floors, Westeel 1650 and 1350 bu. bins on steel floors, Sakundiak 8-49 PTO auger, Sakundiak 8-49 PTO auger, Sakundiak 8-49 PTO auger, Sakundiak 7-41 auger w/Kohler eng., Wheatheart bin sweep, hyd. drill fill, Labtronics elevator type moisture tester, Monarch 5 HP water pump, crop lifters, antique freight cart, plus much more! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equipment Auction for Stan and Carol Doughty 306-442-4785, on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Pangman, SK. Directions from the Jct. of Hwy 6 and Hwy 13, go 6 miles North on Hwy 6 and 1.5 miles East. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding www.Bidspotter.com. NH 9682 4WD tractor, 2008 NH TV6070 bi-directional tractor and NH 82LB FEL w/only 750 hrs, JD 425 yard tractor w/PTO and 3 PTH, Case 195 lawn tractor w/mower and tiller, NH TR98 SP combine w/2502 hours, 30’ HoneyBee 994 straight cut draper header, 30’ MacDon 960 harvest draper header, MacDon header adapter for NH 6070 bi-directional tractor, straight cut header trailer, 1995 Willmar 785 Air Trak SP 85’ sprayer w/2896 hrs and 5.9 Cummins eng., Titan 12.4-42 set of 4 tires and rims, 1981 IH S1900 dsl. tandem axle grain truck w/auto trans, 2003 Chev 2500 HD gas ext. cab pickup truck, 1972 GMC 5500 2 ton grain truck w/22,000 miles, 2007 18’ Precision tandem axle flat deck bumper pull trailer w/7000 lb. axles, Quick Way 16’ triple axle grain trailer w/hyd. dump, 43’ Harmon 4480 air drill and Harmon 3100 air tank w/double shoot, 70’ Degelman Strawmaster heavy harrow, 47’ Morris Magnum II CP-743 DT cult., 32’ JD 332 offset disc, Co-op 39’ cultivator, Sakundiak HD8-1600 auger with Wheatheart mover, Westfield 10-51 swing auger, Sakundiak 7-37 auger w/Kohler eng., Big Chief batch grain dryer, Sakundiak 4300 bushel hopper bottom bin, Friesen 60 ton hopper bottom bin, Behlin 3500 bu. hopper bottom bin, temporary 6500 bu. hopper bottom ring, Rock-O-Matic 12’ rock rake, Speed Spred one ton fert. spreader, 1000 gal. fuel tank w/elec. pump, Chem Handler I, floating slough pump with 1/2 mile of lay flat hose, Honda 3” water pump, Briggs engine w/2” banjo pump, 850 gallon oval water tank, NH pallet forks, JD disc parts, Generac 5500XL generator, Simonz 2900 PSI gas powered pressure washer, Trojan metal band saw, Sanborn upright air compressor, plus much more! For sale bill/photos www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

Wed. April 17th, 2013 at 10am CST To be held at the farm junction of #13 highway and Bellegarde Road and 2 miles south SALE FEATURES: 1990 JD 8560/ 20.8 x 38 radials and brand new motor *1977 JD 4430 w/148 loader *Case 446 w/new 16 hp motor & tiller *2003 JD 9650 STS combine (loaded) w/only 1914 threshing hours *2002 Honey Bee 36’ header w/fore/aft PU reel *Single point header attachment to fit 60 & 70 series combines (sell separate) *1987 CI 722 30’ SP swather w/PU reel only 1979 hours *1981 IHC *1900 tag axle grain truck w/88,666 km’s *1978 Chev C65 tag axle grain truck w/78,100 km’s *1975 Chev 3 ton w/45,900 miles *25’ heavy duty drop deck 5th wheel trailer *2-2012 Behlen 4500 bus. Hopper bins w/skids & air systems *2-Westeel Roscoe 4500 bus. Hopper bins w/skids & 6’ air rockets *Westeel 4700 bus. Hopper bin w/skids and 6’ air rocket *Friesen 1900 bus. Epoxy coated bin w/skids (never used for fertilizer) *5-5 hp aeration fans *1994 Patriot Excel High Clearance sprayer w/big JD motor 750 gal., 75‘ booms, 3 body nozzles, Easy Guide 500 GPS mapping & auto steer cab control adjustable front & rear axles, 3025 hours. Sells w/new 12 ply 18.4 x 30 rubber *Set of 12.4 x 38 high clearance sprayer tires & rims (sell separate) *2011 Summers 60’ self leveling heavy harrows w/9/16 tines (done only 1000 acres) *JD 610-39’ DT w/ 777 air tank, Valley 1/2” midrow banders, 4 row *Degelman harrows Wilmar 56’ hyd. Harrows *Wheathart 51 x 8 auger w/20 hp Kohler and HAW agro hyd. Mover *Farm King 10” x 60’ side swing auger *Westfield 10” x 51’ side swing auger *2 Allied augers *Approximately 400’ of sq. tubing panels *3 - 30’ pipe panels *2 feed panels *Plus other equipment and shop. For information call Edmond 306-452-6106. Property of others *2003 JD 567 Mega wide pickup baler *1986 Vanguard 16’ boat w/135 hp Mercury 2 stroke Eagle 6100 fish finder & trailer *1989 Ford F350 w/flat deck.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a very large Farm Equipment Auction for Darald and Marlene Marin, Saturday, April 13, 2013 at 10:00 AM. Directions from Radville, SK., 1 mile North on Hwy. 28. Watch for signs! www.Bidspotter.com live internet bidding. JD 8770 4WD tractor with Outback AutoSteer, JD 9600 combine with 3314 sep. hrs, HoneyBee SP 36 draper header w/pea cross auger, JD 930F flex header w/PU reel, Versatile 875 4WD tractor w/6000 hrs, Case 3594 FWA tractor w/Outback AutoSteer, Westward 9300 SP Turbo swather and 30’ MacDon 960 header w/1772 hrs, Case/IH Patriot SPX 3185 SP sprayer w/Outback AutoSteer and 90’ boom, 90’ Summers Ultimate PT susp. boom sprayer, 40’ JD 1820 air drill with 2787 air tanks and double shoot w/Atom Jet openers, Allis Chalmers EP 40-2PS forklift, 2010 JD LA 175 lawn tractor w/only 10 hrs. Collection of Antique Tractors: JD M w/3 PTH and mower, JD A, JD D, JD AR, JD R , Massey Harris 44, Massey Harris 55, 50’ Melroe 215 SpraCoupe w/488 hrs, 2001 IH Eagle truck, 9900 IH tandem axle truck with sleeper, 1984 IH S2500 tandem axle grain truck w/Cummins, 1984 Mack tandem axle grain truck, 2001 Castleton 36’ tandem axle grain trailer w/2 compartments, 2001 Load King 48’ drop deck tandem axle trailer w/bale extensions, 1976 Dodge 600 grain truck, 1965 Ford F-750 fire truck w/20,000 miles, Trailtech 18’ bumper pull flat deck trailer, shop built tandem axle grain pup trailer, 2005 Cadillac Escalade SUV, 2001 Dodge Ram 4WD Laramie SLT one ton dually Cummins dsl. auto with 115,000 miles, 1997 Cadillac Deville 4 dr car, 1984 4WD Ford F-150 truck regular cab, 45’ Case/IH 5600 cult. w/2420 Valmar and Degelman harrows, 45’ Rite-Way tine harrow packer bar, 70’ Morris Ranger II harrow packer bar, Garwood 9-11 hyd. earth scraper, 42’ Agri Tech 4200 land roller, Crown hyd. rockpicker, Kello-Bilt 5 shank sub soiler, Kello-Bilt 12’ offset disc, 15’ Schulte wing-up rotary mower, 12’ Degelman dozer blade, Ag Shield recon hay conditioner, JD swath fluffer, Farm King steel drum swath roller, Chem Handler II, Elias round bale scale, 40’ storage container, 3- 1400 gal. liquid fert. tanks, 1000 gal. poly water tank, Buhler Farm King 3 PTH finishing mower, JD 205 3 PTH gyro mower, Land Pride 3 PTH rototiller, JD 3 PTH buker scraper, 10’ 3 PTH cult. w/harrows, Sakundiak 10-65 swing auger w/electric mover, Walinga 510 grain vac, Flexi-Coil 10-65 PTO belt conveyor, Flexi-Coil 10-65 PTO auger, Flexi-Coil 10-50 PTO auger, Wheatheart 8-51 auger w/25 HP Kohler engine and mover, Sakundiak 8-50 auger w/25 HP Kohler, Sakundiak 8” transfer auger w/electric motor, Sakundiak 8-60 PTO auger, Sakundiak 7-45 auger w/Kohler eng. and seed treater, Sakundiak 6-33 auger w/elec. motor, Pool 6-28 auger with elec. motor, Tox-O-Wik 570 grain dryer, Easy Load 2 comp. grain fert. tote tank, Labtronics elevator type moisture tester, 4- Westeel 2700 bu. hopper bottom bins, 5- Friesen 1800 bu. hopper bottom bins, 2- Weningger Magnum 3300 bu. hopper bottom bins, 5- Behlin 3100 bu. bins on wood floors, 3- Westeel 1800 bu. hopper bottom bins, Friesen 500 bu. hopper bottom bins, 5- Keho aeration fans, 4- Axiel aeration fans, Golden Grain fan, quantity of 220V elec. cords, antique restored covered grain wagon, 26’ 1988 Fleetwood resort 5th wheel camper, JD construction heater, engine hoist, quantity of rail road ties, plus much more!! For sale bill and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us on Facebook and Twitter. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

Receiver Hitch: Rated to 12,000 lb towing capacity. 1,200 lb tongue weight Heavy duty Receiver Hitch: Rated to 16,000 lb towing capacity. 16,000 lb tongue weight

Dealers Welcome! To purchase your shocker hitch: (250) 789-3480 estewart@pris.bc.ca www.shockerhitches.ca


204-877-3834 Toll free 877-617-2537 www.rosstaylorauction.com PL #909917

SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located Weyburn, SK., 306-842-2641. Used car parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. WRECKING: 1993 DODGE Cummins, 4x4, new pump, brakes, eng., transfer case and rearend good. Trans. and body shot. Sold as unit, $1999 OBO. Abernethy, SK. 306-335-2777 or 306-924-4217. VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK.

NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tandem; 2011 Wilson Super B, alum. rims; 2010 Lode-King Super B; 2011 Doepker alum. rims, Super B; 2009 Castleton tandem, 40’, air ride; 2006 Super B Lode-King alum, alum. budds, air ride; 1998 Castleton, Super B, air ride; 1994 Castleton tridem, air ride; Tandem and S/A converter, drop hitch, cert; 17’ A-train pup, very clean. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. 2013 PLATINUM ALL aluminum, 3 H with DL#905231, www.rbisk.ca 4’ short wall, loaded up, $24,000. Choice 2009 DOEPKER SUPER B, alum. slopes, Trailers, Gravelbourg, SK. 306-648-8200. chrome rims, high sides, $60,000. 1998 EBY ROUGHNECK alum. stock trailer, 306-389-2447, 306-441-4954 Maymont SK 8x24’, new brakes, orig. owner, very good DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers, fresh cond. 306-276-7884 cell, Choiceland, SK. safety, good tires and brakes, new tarps, 2004 MERRITT HOGLINER, tri-axle, full air ride. 306-372-7756, Luseland, SK. winter pkg, excellent condition. Phone 780-206-2226, Barrhead, AB. NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 20’, $13,900; 18’, $11,900. Call 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. 12’ GOOSENECK TRAILER, 2 angle dividers, center gate, access door, sliding back door and ramp, 4 new tires, $5500. Call SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE 306-561-7823, Davidson, SK. Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built NEW ALL ALUM. Cornhusker 2- hopper, tritandem converters and wet kits. All truck axle trailer, $45,500; 1999 Lode-King Sumakes/models bought and sold. Shop ser- per B steel, $29,000; 2000 Super B Doepvice available. Specializing in repair and ker steel, closed ends, $31,500. Call Yelcustom rebuilding for transmissions and lowhead Sales 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. differentials. Now offering driveshaft DL #916328. repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. 2003 Lode Kin g Sup e r B www.greattrailers.ca 2013 28’ Travalong www.saskatoontruckparts.ca DL #914394 aluminum, 6’8’’Hx6’8’’W, three 7000 torsion Gra in Tra ile rs axles, spare tire, $19,995. Lots of trailers WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all in stock! 306-824-4909 or 306-883-7383, models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 Spiritwood, SK. or email: junkman.2010@hotmail.com Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and 2012 DELTA 16’ stock trailer, 5200 lb. others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, torflex axles, 10,400 GVW, only hauled buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, horses, low miles, like new, $7500 plus mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. GST. Brent 306-232-7810, Rosthern, SK. H E AV Y D U T Y PA R T S o n s p e c i a l at NEW 20’ CIRCLE D livestock trailers loaded www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim w/options at $11,500. 14- 30’ available. • Air Rid e Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. W-W alum. trailers coming in April. 7x20’ • 22.5 T ires gooseneck, $16,650. Grassland Trailers, WRECKING 1989 FORD L9000, good front • Du a l Cra n ks 306-640-8034, 306-642-3050, Assiniboia, end and cab; 1983 3 ton IHC, V8 diesel, 5 • S o m e Ru s t SK. Email gm93@sasktel.net spd., single axle; Volvo trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer susCon ta ct Tys on a t pension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton, gas and diesel engines, 4 and 5 spd. transmissions, single and 2 speed axles, 13’-16’ B&H’s, and many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. C H E C K OUT OUR parts specials at: www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323. PARTING OUT 2003 Ford diesel dually, 4x4, eng. $1500, transmission $1600, transfer case $1000, box $650. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 1987 LT9000, 3406, 18 speed, wet kit, engine needs work, $4000 OBO. Phone 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.

WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.

3 06 -6 21-3 100

2009 LODE-KING SUPER B, new safety, good shape, rims and tires 70%. 2013 Doepker Super B’s in stock with lots of colors to pick and with Minimizer fenders. Many more used and new trailers arriving daily. In stock, 2013 Doepker end dumps; 2013 tridem grain w/lift axles and many more options; 2013 Globe Lowboys 55 ton now available for your specialty heavy hauling needs; New oilfield tridem scissornecks 40 and 50 tons, 10 wides in stock. Rentals available. Please visit our website SCHOOL BUSES: 1985 to 2001, 18 to 66 at www.customtruck.ca 1-800-665-6317. pass., $2500 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky REMOTE CONTROL TRAILER chute Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074. openers can save you time, energy and keep you safe this seeding season. FM remote controls provide maximum range and instant response while high torque 2010 SUBARU IMPREZA WRX STi, Sport- drives operate the toughest of chutes. tech, power seats, $35,995. DL #914077. Easy installation. Call Brehon Agrisys1-866-980-0260, ngci@ymail.com Subaru tems at 306-933-2655 or visit us online at of Saskatoon, www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca www.brehonag.com Saskatoon, SK. 40’ CASTLETON TANDEM axle grain trailer. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. Mack Auction Co. SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trail- 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. ers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use in- 2007 DOEPKER TRI-AXLE 3 hopper dustrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat open end, safetied every year, farm use for added rust protection. Quality work- only, great shape. 780-842-0981, Irma, AB manship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting 2008 JET 40’x96” grain trailer, spring ride, and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. no major rust, easy open gates, $25,000. ALL ALUMINUM TANDEMS, tridems and 306-969-4511, Minton, SK. Super B Timpte Grain Trailers. Call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946 or see: www.Maximinc.Com 40’ 1978 LOADMASTER tandem axle grain NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 trailer. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm years body and paint experience. We do Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 10, metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to 2013, Fillmore, SK. area. For sale bill and daycab conversions. Sandblasting and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop 306-487-7815. PL 311962. shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. 1997 DOEPKER 36’, TA, current MB safety, spring ride. Asking $14,500. 204-937-5976 or 204-546-3284, Shortdale, MB. 2010 PRESTIGE LODE-KING Super B grain trailer, 11R22.5 tires, air ride, exc. cond., $75,000 OBO. 403-852-4452, Calgary, AB. 2006 LODE-KING Super B grain trailers, 2 2 . 5 w h e e l s , a i r r i d e , f r e s h s a fe t y, $46,500. 204-746-5575, Morris, MB. NEW NEVILLE STEEL farm tough grain trailers, available stock left for Spring; 38.5’ tandem air ride steel wheels, side chutes, loaded, $33,000; 40’ tandem air ride steel wheels, side chutes, loaded, $33,500; 45’ tri-axle, aluminum wheels, 3 hopper, loaded, $43,500; 45’ tri-axle alum. wheels 3 hopper, loaded air seeder package w/elec. tarp and electric slides, $47,850. Small window left for Spring custom builds. Call today Corner Equipment 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.

NEW 2013 NEVILLE 38’ tandem, air ride, 78” high sides, $33,500; 45’ tri-axle, $43,500. 780-913-0097, Edmonton, AB. 1997 CORN HUSKER, good tarp, air ride, good tires, safetied, $18,500. Tuxford, SK. 306-631-8454, 306-631-1771. AUCTION- 2008 DOEPKER Bulker Super B grain trailers, open end steel, 29,138 kms showing. April 8, Gerry and Janet Fletcher Govan SK, 306-484-4437. Kramer Auctions Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. www.kramerauction.com PL #914618. 2008 KINCAID TRIDEM, 20’ triaxle, front Armour coating, roll tarp, 22.5 rubber, $35,000 OBO. 306-243-4242, Macrorie, SK

2013 NEVILLE, 2 and 3 axles, cheapest in western Canada. Trades needed. Call Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 2005 LODE-KING open end Super B’s, new Michelin rubber, auto greaser, fresh safety, $50,000. 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. LODE-KING PRESTIGE SUPER B, lifts, 22.5 tires, full aluminum wheels, 585,000 kms, $59,900 OBO. Available late March. 306-741-4324, Vanguard, SK. 2011 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers, with lift axles, new tires in Oct., $74,000. 306-222-5574, Saskatoon, SK. 2013 PLATINUM ALL aluminum stock 24x7x7, Plexiglas inserts, 2 dividers, spare. GRAIN TRAILERS: 2013 Emerald 36’ open Financing avail., $20,500. Choice Trailers, end, steel; 2013 38’, open end, steel; 2013 Gravelbourg, SK. 306-648-8200. 45’, open end, steel, 3 hopper tridem; 2013 Timpte 45’, 2 hopper, alum., tridem. 47’ SUNDOWNER GOOSENECK stock trailAll in stock now. Call us with your trades. er, all alum., 6.8’Hx6.8’W, 3- 8000 lb. torNeil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK DL s i o n a x l e s , e x c . s h a p e , $ 2 3 , 0 0 0 . 204-773-6890, Inglis, MB. #906884.

DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ to 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. 2007 18’ PRECISION tandem axle flat deck bumper pull trailer w/7000 lb. axles, also selling Quick Way 16’ triple axle grain trailer w/hyd. dump. Stan Doughty Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, Pangman, Sask. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 NEW 2013 CANCADE gravel trailer end dumps in stock. Dafoe, SK. Call Terry at 306-554-8220. 2001 CASTLETON 36’ tandem axle grain trailer with 2 compartments, 2001 Load King 48’ drop deck tandem axle trailer with bale extensions, Trailtech 18’ bumper pull flat deck trailer, shop built tandem axle grain pup trailer. Darald Marin Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 2008 CASTLETON SUPER B clam dumps, vg shape, tires good, electric tarps, $75,000. Ask for Tom at 306-747-3292 or 780-713-5967 cell, Shellbrook, SK.. 2013 ARNE’S CROSSGATE tri-axle gravel trailer, 2 lift axles, 24.5 rubber, LED lites, tarp, approx. 25,000 kms, $55,000 OBO. 204-825-5102, Baldur, MB. 50 FLATDECK SEMI-TRAILERS, highboys and stepdecks, $2100 to $25,000. Pics and prices at www.trailerguy.ca Call 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. TWO A-TRAIN and tandem alum. tankers, certified. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca 24’ GOOSENECK Tridem 21000 lbs, $7890; Bumper pull tandem lowboy: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs, $2650. Factory direct. 888-792-6283 www.monarchtrailers.com 2009 MANAC tri-axle stepdeck, all alum., sliding winches, lift axle, toolbox, $42,500 OBO. 204-856-6907, Treherne, MB.


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GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beavertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK.


Hi Boys, Low Boys, Drop Decks, Storage Vans, Reefer Vans and Freight Vans & More. 7 KM West of RED DEER from Junction of HWY. 2 & 32nd St.

403-347-7721 53’ AND 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; 2- 48’ tandem 10’ wide, beavertail, flip ramps, air ride; 1991 Trail King machinery trailer, hyd. tail; 53’, 48’, 28’ tridem and tandem highboys, all steel and combos. SUPER B HIGHBOYS; Tandem and S/A converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers; B-train salvage trailers; Tandem lowboy, 9’ wide, air ride. Dodsland, SK. 3 0 6 - 3 5 6 - 4 5 5 0 . w w w. r b i s k . c a D L #905231.

2011 GMC SIERRA Crewcab 4x4, 5.3L V8, loaded, sunroof, leather, red, 43,526 kms, $ 3 3 , 9 9 5 . w w w. w at r o u s m a i n l i n e . c o m 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173.

1 9 8 4 M A N A C 4 5 ’ h i - b oy S e r i a l # 5931374E1010604, c/w three 1250 gal. tanks, Cam lock fittings, 2” hose and Honda transfer pump, near new treated deck, good tires, spring ride, $10,900. Call: toll free 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524, or 1-877-862-2413, 306-862-7761, Nipawin, SK.

2011 GMC SIERRA SLT Crewcab, 4x4, loaded, leather, silver, 39,437 kms, $ 3 7 , 9 9 5 . w w w. w at r o u s m a i n l i n e . c o m 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173.

2012 GMC CREW diesel, SLE, loaded incl. backup camera, power pedals, 25,000 2012 GM 1500 Ext., 4x4, 4.8 Nevada Edit, kms, cloth, $49,900. Low interest financ1974 KARI KOOL stainless tandem steel 6000 kms, new cond., $26,600 no taxes. ing available. Ladimer, 306-795-7779, tanker, 2 compartment, approx. 7000 Im- Call 306-477-3433, Saskatoon, SK. K&L Equipment & Auto, Ituna,SK. perial gallon capacity, 3” plumbing, DL#910885 ladimer@sasktel.net $15,000. 306-539-9854, Sedley, SK. 2012 GMC SIERRA 3/4 ton Crewcab, 4x4, 2002 FORD F350, 4x4, auto, reg. cab, V8 longbox, 6L V8, loaded, white, 23,554 gas, PW, PDL, A/T/C, topper, $6,000 OBO. kms, $36,995. www.watrousmainline.com 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173. 780-753-0126, Chauvin, AB.

2007 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 LS, 4x4, ext. cab, newer tires, 135,000 kms, excellent, $15,000. 306-648-2866, Gravelbourg, SK. 2 0 0 7 D O D G E C R E W C A B d u a l ly 4 x 4 , 115,000 kms, excellent. Trade for bred heifers. Ph. 306-745-3851, Esterhazy, SK.

2004 CHEVY 2500 4x4, 4 dr., gas, new safety, all new tires, flatdeck w/toolboxes, $8500. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 2004 DODGE 2500, 5.9 Cummins diesel, 2 WD, auto, ATC, PW, PDL, power seats, remote start, CD, chrome wheels, w/winter tires. Extra set of rear tires, stainless stepboards, reg. service, showing 131,000 miles. Excellent on fuel, well kept. $15,900. May consider partial trade. 306-782-3582, 306-641-5559, Yorkton, SK

DECKS, dry vans, reefers, storage trailers at: www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, www.precisiontrailer.com 1995 LODE-KING B-TRAIN flatbeds c/w 4 poly tanks each, 2630 gal. and hoops, 11R24.5 tires at 80%, mostly new brakes, air ride, rear trailer has new decking. Refurbished with fresh safety, exc. farm outfit. Pictures available by email. Call Mark at Vandaele Lo gistics, Medora, MB. 204-522-6463, mark@vandaeleseeds.com

2007 F350 CREWCAB deck, 148,000 kms, 5.4L auto, 4x4, fresh SK safety, $16,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Per- 2004 FREIGHTLINER M2, 284,000. kms., Cat C7, 210 HP, auto, hyd. brakes, 24’ van, due, SK. power tailgate, vg cond., Fresh SK. Safety, $29,900. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2005 CHEV LS 2500 HD 4x4 Duramax, ext. WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing cab, 6-1/2’ box, bucket seats, Bose speakin aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine ers, trailer brake control, Raider box cap, Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited. Silver Birch metallic, MB safetied, 109,000 kms, $25,000 plus GST. Available with slightly used Reese 20,000 lb. 5th wheel hitch. Call 204-736-2951, Domain, MB. 2006 DODGE RAM 4 dr., 3500 SLT Dually, 2008 F350, REGULAR cab, long box, 5.9 dsl. auto, RWD, 277,000 kms, full load 149,000 kms, 4x4, auto, 5.4 L, new grips, except heated leather, in great shape, fresh SK safety. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., $16,900. 306-249-2687, Saskatoon, SK. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

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2008 FORD F150 SuperCrew, 4 WD, tan, 270,000 kms, new eng., 3 yr. warranty, 1998 CHEV 2500, ext. cab, 6.5L dsl., 4x4, $14,000 OBO 306-272-7934 Foam Lake SK good seats, 340,000 kms, $6500; 1993 Chev 2500, ext cab, 6.2 dsl, RWD, 220,000 2008 FORD F150, 2 WD, reg. cab, 4.6L kms, good seats, $4500. 306-463-3132, auto, A/T/C, Command Start, trailer tow 306-460-7837, Kindersley, SK. pkg., pro comp. alloy rims, truck cap, 124,000 kms, exc. cond., $8500. Phone 306-228-3170 or 306-228-7892, Unity, SK. 2012 NISSAN FRONTIER Crewcab SV 4x4 2008 FORD F350, FX4, AC, CD, heated pickup, knight armour color, auto, 4L eng., seats, $34,500. Subaru of Saskatoon, only 300 kms, won in Rough Rider lottery, 1-866-980-0260, email ngci@ymail.com $29,900. 306-969-4405, Gladmar, SK. www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. 2004 CHEV DURAMAX, w/ 9’ tool body, 2008 GMC SIERRA SLE, ext. cab, 2WD, regular cab, 4x4, 159,000 miles, mint 5.3L, 1 owner, loaded, 146,000 kms, wint. cond., safetied, $13,900. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. DL #910885. tires, vg $12,900. 306-222-2115, Allan, SK. email ladimer@sasktel.net 2009 CHEV SILVERADO, ext. cab, 4 WD, 2004 F350 FORD regular cab, 4x4, dually, 145,000 kms, white, loaded, no leather, 10’ flat deck, 6L dsl., 150,000 kms., above $17,000 OBO 306-272-7934 Foam Lake SK average cond., $14,900. K&L Equipment, 2009 F250 XLT Super Duty crewcab, 4 WD, Ituna, SK., 306-795-7779, DL #910885. grey, diesel, 198,000 kms, $22,000. Phone 2006 4WD Duramax Chev. Warren Domres 306-272-7934, Foam Lake, SK. Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Visit 2011 FORD F150 XTR, crewcab, 6.5’ box, www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale grey, only 13,000 kms, factory warranty, b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r ECO Boost, trailer tow, Command start, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 sync chrome package, boxliner and more. 2006 DODGE LARAMIE 2500, 4x4, Cum306-647-2344, Theodore, SK. mins, crewcab, box cap, boxliner, hitch, no taxes, 62,000 kms, light use only, retired from farming. Immaculate $31,500. Ph. 623-584-9719, Saskatoon, SK.

TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who demand the best.” PRECISION AND AGASSIZ TRAILERS (flatdecks, end dumps, enclosed cargo). 1-855-255-0199, Moose Jaw, SK. www.topguntrailersales.ca 2011 FORD F450, 4x4 auto., crewcab, fully T R I - A X L E D E TA C H A B L E F L I P a x l e , loaded, 243,205 kms., includes 32’ picker $28,000; Super B flatdeck Hi-Boy, $12,000. trailer, $68,000. Call 780-808-7202, Lloydwill separate. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. minster, SK. 2007 DODGE DUALLY 3500 Quad dsl., 4x4, 158,000 kms, $25,000 OBO. More to choose from. 306-463-8888, Dodsland, SK. www.diamonddholdings.ca DL 909463



Financing Available, Competitive Rates O.A.C.


DECKS NEW WILSON STEP & FLAT DECKS TANDEM/TRIDEM/BEAVER TAIL............. IN STOCK GRAIN 2009 WADE ALUM/STEEL COMBO 52’ 2013 WILSON TANDEMS TANDEM BT STEP DECK ................................$29,900 2 HOPPERS ..................................................... IN STOCK USED GRAIN 2013 WILSON TRIDEMS 2 & 3 HOPPERS ............................................. IN STOCK 2005 LODE KING SUPER B ......................................$46,900 2013 WILSON SUPER B......................................... IN STOCK 2010 WILSON TRI-AXLE 3 HOPPER REAR..........$42,500 2009 TIMPTE TANDEM .............................................$31,980 GOOSENECKS NEW WILSON 24’ .................................................... IN STOCK 2006 DOEPKER SUPER B..........................................$40,900 EQUIPMENT GRAVEL/MISC. 2013 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE HYD BT ......CALL FOR PRICE 2013 TECUMSEH TRIDEM END DUMP ....... AVAILABLE 2009 MUV-ALL 10’ WIDE BT .......................... AVAILABLE 2005 GREAT DANE REEFER VAN ..........................$19,500 2005 MUV-ALL 8½’ WIDE BT .................................$36,980 2007 REEFER VAN 53’ TANDEM W/SLIDER .......$23,980 RENTALS AVAILABLE

Golden West Trailer Sales & Rentals

CHECK US OUT AT www.goldenwestrailer.com Saskatoon (866) 278-2636 Moose Jaw (877) 999-7402 Brian Griffin, John Carle, Harvey Van De Sype

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2008 FORD F350 SD King Ranch, 4 WD, AC , C C , $ 4 3 , 9 9 5 . 1 - 8 6 6 - 9 8 0 - 0 2 6 0 , DL#914077, ngci@ymail.com Subaru of Saskatoon, www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca 2008 GMC 4x4 crew $18,955. 8 more GM 4x4’s in stock. Call Hoss 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard SK. www.thoens.com DL 909250 2011 CHEV SILVERADO LTZ Crewcab 4x4 5.3L V8, loaded, leather, white, 59,499 kms, $34,995. www.watrousmainline.com 1-800-667-0490. DL#907173. 2011 FORD F150 Lariat Crewcab, 4x4, 5.0L V8, loaded, heated/cooled seats, dk. grey 21,688 kms $34,995. 1-800-667-0490 www.watrousmainline.com DL #907173. 2011 FORD F150 XLT, XTR, 4X4, AC, CC, CD, $33,900. Subaru of Saskatoon, email ngci@ymail.com or call 1-866-980-0260, www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077.

2011 GMC SIERRA 3500 SLE, Duramax Diesel, crewcab, 57,979 kms, $39,500. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. 2012 DODGE DURANGO SXT, 7 passenger, loaded, $29,999. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.

2012 GMC SIERRA SLT Crewcab, 4x4, 5.3L, loaded, sunroof, leather, 23,997 kms, $ 3 5 , 9 9 5 . w w w. w at r o u s m a i n l i n e . c o m 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173.

1984 FORD 9000 LTL tandem grain truck with 13 spd. Cummins and 2 seed comp. box. Warren Domres Estate Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 1986 FORD 9000 LTL tandem axle grain truck with remote hoist and endgate, also selling 1978 GMC 6500 single axle grain truck. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1992 INTERNATIONAL AUTO, approx. 700,000 kms, asking $22,500. Call Steve 780-674-8080, Cherhill, AB. 1993 GMC TOPKICK tandem axle grain truck with 3116 Cat diesel engine and 96,900 kms, also a 1980 Western Star tandem axle grain truck with auto trans and Cummins engine, plus a 1974 Dodge 600 3 ton grain truck. Garth Hurford Farm Equip. Auction, on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at Balcarres, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

2012 GMC SIERRA SLT Ext. cab, 4x4, loaded, heated seats, leather, black, 53,785 kms, $34,995. 1-800-667-0490, www.watrousmainline.com DL #907173. 2012 RAM CUMMINS diesel 4x4, crewcab, $43,975. Call Hoss 1-800-667-4414, Wyn- 1999 GMC C7500 Topkick, 427 V8, 5&2 yard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. trans, AC, 12’ deck, white, 118,060 kms, 2012 WHITE DODGE Ram, 4x4 Quad Cab, new motor, $15,995. 1-800-667-0490, 4.7 V8, fully equipped with extras, running www.watrousmainline.com DL #907173. boards and rails, only 2000 kms., $29,900. 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL120, tandem, no taxes. 306-384-2428, Saskatoon, SK. 470 Detroit, 10 spd., air ride, AC, 20’ Ultracel box pkg, no rust, California truck. Fall AUCTION: 1994 CHEV TRACKER w/Mat- s p e c i a l $ 5 2 , 5 0 0 , t r a d e c o n s i d e r e d . tracks, Tuesday, April 16, Tisdale, SK. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. B r u c e S c h ap a n s k y Au c t i o n e e r s 306-873-5488, www.schapansky.com 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL80 w/new 16’ Ultracel box pkg., 300 HP, 9 spd., excelPL#912715. lent, no rust, only $37,500. 306-946-8522, NEW 2012 DODGE 2500 SXT, crewcab, Watrous, SK. 4x4, $38,800. Call Hendrys Chrysler, 2001 IH EAGLE truck, 9900 IH tandem 306-528-2171, Nokomis, SK. DL #907140. axle truck with sleeper, 1984 IH S2500 NEW 2013 RAM SXT Quad Cab Hemi 4x4, tandem axle grain truck with Cummins, $28,488, 0 down, $166/bi-weekly. Wyn- 1984 Mack tandem axle grain truck. Darald yard, SK.. 1-800-667-4414, DL #909250. Marin Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, www.thoens.com April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. View www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale NEW INTERNATIONAL TERRASTAR 3 ton b i l l a n d p h o t o s . M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 4x4 at: www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. 2001 KENWORTH W900 w/20’ alum. grain box, tarp, 430 HP, 10 spd., dual exhaust, premium U.S no rust truck. Fall special $59,500, trade considered. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK 2005 IH 9900i w/new CIM 20’ BH&T, freshly overhauled 475 HP ISX 15 Cummins, 13 spd., vg 11R22.5 tires, fresh safety, $65,500. 306-256-7107, Cudworth, SK. 2005 INTERNATIONAL AUTO, 20’ grain B&H, tandem axle air ride, PW, PDL, (Medicine Hat, Alberta) $70,000 OBO. 780-753-0126, Chauvin, AB.


2005 Peterbilt 378

430 HP C13 Cat Engine, 10 Speed Eaton Ultrashift, New Cancade 20’ X 64” Grain Box, Electric Roll Tarp, Southern Truck.

2006 IH 4300 single, Allison auto., L/66 diesel, AC, new C.I.M B&H, Michel’s tarp, premium U.S. no rust truck, trade considered, only $48,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK.

AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #327784. www.davidstrucks.com

BERG’S GRAIN BODIES: When durability and price matter, call Berg’s Prep and Paint for details at 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. FORD F600, 15’ box and hoist, tarp, needs valve job. Phone 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. ONLY 156,183 ORIG. kms on this premium 1991 Volvo WG, tandem w/20’ Del grain B&H, series 60 Detroit set at 350 HP, 13 spd., 40,000 lb. rear axle on spring ride, 4.10 ratio w/4 way lockers, air pintle, fully plumped for pup w/extra hyd., steering tires at 90%, drives at 60%, shedded. This truck is in immaculate condition, completely serviced, ready to go and would compare to a new truck, asking $49,500. 204-937-7079, 204-937-0965, Roblin, MB. R E M OT E C O N T R O L E N D G AT E a n d hoist systems can save you time, energy and keep you safe this seeding season. Give Brehon Agrisystems a call at 3 0 6 - 9 3 3 - 2 6 5 5 o r v i s i t u s o n l i n e at www.brehonag.com Saskatoon, SK. TANDEM axle grain trucks in inventory. New and used, large inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer 1-888-986-2946 TRUCKS WITH ALLISON TRANS: 2003 FL70, SA, will take 16’/18’ box, 206,000 miles, $16,900; 2003 FL70 w/tag axle, will take 20’ box, 186,000 miles, $21,900; 2003 FL70, SA, short WB, daycab, auto hwy. tractor, 200,000 miles, $14,900, 2001 IHC 4900, C&C, tandem, low miles, $24,900; 2001 GMC C7500, tandem, C&C, 126,000 miles, $22,900; 2004 FL80, tandem, C&C, 206,000 miles, $28,900. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK, 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027, email ladimer@sasktel.net DL 910885.

2000 PETERBILT, Cummins 18 spd and wet kit. Taking offers. Call 204-870-2050, Portage la Prairie, MB. 2001 CHEV C7500 tandem gravel truck, Cat dsl., 10 spd., 129,000 miles, $19,900; 2004 FL80, Cat dsl., Allison auto, 210,000 miles, $29,900. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK, 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027 or email: ladimer@sasktel.net DL 910885. GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale or rent, weekly/ monthly/ seasonally, w/wo driver. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK, 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027 or email: ladimer@sasktel.net DL 910885.



www.automatictruck.com rawlyn@automatictruck.com

1974 KENWORTH tandem w/hoist, 15 spd. trans, 300 HP Cummins engine, dual activating Nodric hoist- 2 yrs. old, brand new tarp, 24.5 rubber at 70%, vg cond., $22,000 OBO. 306-658-3104, Biggar, SK. 1975 FORD F750 tag axle, 20’ B&H, elec. roll tarp, Allison auto., $8500. Phone: Glenn at 306-272-7123, Foam Lake, SK. eagleagri@sasktel.net 1980 CHEV C-60 grain truck with 65,400 miles and a 1975 Ford F-750 single axle grain truck with roll tarp and steel box. Bob Johnston Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1980 GMC 7000, 427 engine, approx. 65,000 miles, 5+2 trans, air brakes, AC, 20’ Midland steel box and roll tarp, no rust, always shedded, asking $14,500; Also 30’ Hutchmaster tandem heavy disc. Hartney, MB. 204-858-2754. 1981 GMC TOPKICK, 3208 Cat, 13 spd., 18’ steel box, rollup tarp, $12,000 OBO. 403-823-0587, Carbon, AB. 1981 IH S1900 diesel tandem axle grain truck w/auto trans; also selling 1972 GMC 5500, 2 ton grain truck with 22,000 miles. Stan Doughty Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Pangman, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1983 CHEV C-70 grain truck, 1976 Dodge 600 grain truck with 39,100 miles, 1976 GMC 6500 grain truck with 34,215 miles, 1966 Dodge 500 grain truck with steel box and roll tarp, 1966 Fargo 500 grain truck w/steel B&H, 1970 IH Loadstar 1600 grain truck with wood box and 36,200 miles. Fradette and Cherpin Large Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 15, 2013, Radville, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1983 IH S1900 tandem grain truck w/466 dsl. and on board grain vac, 13 spd. and 130,000 kms. Brian Dreger Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 22, 2013, Lang, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

TANDEM axle gravel trucks in inventory. New and used, large inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or 2006 KENWORTH T800, AUTOSHIFT, 10 call Maxim Truck & Trailer 1-888-986-2946 spd., new B&H, ISM Cummins, very clean TWO LATE MODEL low mileage dump truck; Also trucks available with ISX Cum- trucks. Call for details 306-536-5055, mins and no box. 204-673-2382, Melita, Lumsden, SK. MB. DL #4525. 2006 MACK VISION w/new 20’ BH&T, 355 Mack power w/maxxtorque 9 spd., fresh paint on cab and frame, $59,000; 15 2007 Ke n w orth T-8 00 Unibody 21’ grain boxes. Give us a call for price or visit www.oakriverindustries.com Truck Tra ctor 204-724-9529, Oak River, MB. 2007 FREIGHTLINER AutoShift with Detroit; 2006 IHC 9200i, AutoShift with ISM Cummins. Both with new 20’ CIM B&H. Visit us at 78truxsales.com 306-270-6399, Saskatoon, SK. 2007 FREIGHTLINER w/Mercedes eng., AutoShift, new 20’ B&H, green in colour, $65,500; 2007 Freightliner w/Mercedes eng., power AutoShift, new 20’ B&H, white w/green box, $65,500; 2005 IH 9400 w/Cat power AutoShift, new 20’ B&H, white w/blue box, $57,500; 2005 IH 9400 • 1100000 km s w/Cat power AutoShift, new 20’ B&H, • C-15 Ca t475/500 hp white w/burgundy box, $57,500. Coming • 18 s p eed E a to n tra n s m is s io n in soon: 2005 Freightliner w/Mercedes • New tires power, AutoShift w/new 20’ B&H, white • F res h s a fety w/white box, $57,500; 2000 Mack w/Mack power, 10 spd., new 20’ B&H, $44,500; Con ta ct Tys on a t 2001 Western Star w/Cat power, 13 spd. w/new 20’ B&H, $47,500. All trucks have 3 06 -6 21-3 100 alum. wheels and will be SK. safetied. Ph cell 306-276-7518, or res 306-767-2616, 1996 IHC 9400 Eagle highway tractor, Arborfield, SK. DL #906768. second owner, 411,000 orig. kms, 460 HP 2007 IH 9200 and 2006 T800, Eaton Ultra- N14 Cummins, 18 spd., 4:11 ratio, wet kit, shifts, Cat or Cummins, new 20’ BH&T; 40K rear/14K front, maintenance/work in 1991 Peterbilt, 60 Detroit, 430, 18 spd., last 9000 kms, sqfety, all new virgin rub20’ BH&T, w/pintle and 20’ tandem pup; ber (11R24.5), complete new clutch and 2008 IH 4300, S/A, Allison auto, dsl., C&C release bearing, new rear crankshaft seal, or BH&T; 1997 FL80, dsl, S/A, with new muffler, belts, air brake dryer, windshield, 16’ BH&T. 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL all fluids and filters changed, rear tow #905231. www.rbisk.ca hitch, straight, clean, original truck, everything works, interior in like new cond. 2008 GMC TOPKICK C8500 tandem, 7.8L $31,900. Call toll free 1-877-862-2413, Isuzu, 6 cyl., white/dark green, 19,545 cell: 306-862-7761 or 1-877-862-2387, kms, $94,995. www.watrousmainline.com cell: 306-862-7524, Nipawin, SK. 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173. 1998 INT., 60 Series Detroit, 13 spd., 40 2012 KENWORTH T370, 11,422 kms, diff., 1100x22.5; 1998 Freightliner, rebuilt $119,995. www.watrousmainline.com or 18 spd., 46 rears, 1100x24.5 tires, $15,000 phone 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173. each OBO. 306-883-7305, Spiritwood, SK. 2013 KENWORTH T370, 350 HP dsl, Alli- 1999 IH EAGLE highway tractor with 415 son auto, fully loaded, air susp., Cim Ultra- HP Cat engine. Don Gardiner Premium cel B&H, $129,995. 1-800-667-0490, Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 8, www.watrousmainline.com DL #907173. 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and ATTENTION FARMERS: Very large selec- photos www.mackauctioncompany.com tion of tandem grain trucks, AutoShifts M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 , and standards, Cancade and Neu Star box- 306-487-7815. PL 311962. es. Call Yellowhead Sales 306-783-2899, 2004 AUTO. FREIGHTLINER Columbia, 42” Yorkton, SK. DL #916328. bunk, 430/450 Mercedes engine, 12 spd. AUTOMATIC 2005 Freightliner Columbia, auto. Smartshift. Anyone can drive. Air n e w 2 0 ’ B & H , r o l l t a r p , $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 . brakes. 1.3M kms, good cond., $18,000. Terry 306-554-8220, Dafoe, SK. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.



2009 VOLVO 6 70

Ra is ed Ro o f, D13 485 h.p ., I-S HIF T Au to m a ted tra n s m is s io n , E n gin e a n d Ca b hea ter, F u ll L o ck d ifferen tia l, F o ld a b le ta b le, 965,000 km , N O S CR EM IS S ION S .

Regin a , S K 1-8 00-6 6 7-046 6 S a s k a to o n , S K 1-8 8 8 -242-79 8 8 2- 2005 WESTERN STARS, 515 Detroit, wet lines, sleepers, 13 spd; 2004 Mack daycab, 596,000 kms, wet line, 460 HP, 13 spd; 2005 Freightliner, 48” sleeper, 515 HP Detroit, 18 spd., 4-way lockers; 2005 Sterling daycab, AutoShift w/clutch, wet line; 2000 Mack daycab, 350 HP, 10 spd. Call Yellowhead Sales 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. DL #916328. 2004 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, 782,576 kms, Detroit 515, 18 spd., 46 rears full locking, Espar, positive air shutdown, PTO, fresh safety, $45,000 OBO. 403-823-0985, Carbon, AB. 2004 KENWORTH W900, Cat, new head, 18 spd., 46’s; 2007 Western Star, daycab, 700,000 kms. 780-990-8412 Edmonton AB 2005 KENWORTH W900L, 18 spd., 3-way lock, fresh safety, 1.4 million kms, $55,000; 2000 PETERBILT 379L, 18 spd., 2-way locker, $20,000. 306-389-2447, 306-441-4954, Maymont, SK.

2010 Ke n w orth T370, 300 HP Pa ca r PX-6, 6 s p , 10,000 fron t20,000 rea r, 3:55 g ea rs , 200” W B, d iff. lock , 202,336 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,000 2009 M a c k G ra in Tru c k , 445 HP M P8, 10 s p Ea ton A u tos hiftw ith clu tch p ed a l, n ew 20’ Ca n ca d e box, 633,042 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,000 2-2009 P e te rb ilt 386 , 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, m id -ris e bu n k , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:55 g ea rs , 500,000 k m . . . $44,000 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, 485 HP M P8, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , hig h-ris e rem ova ble bu n k s , G en era tors , 221” W B, 836,852 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 3-2008 IH P roS ta r, 425 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 10 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 226” W B, 800k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 2007 Fre ig htlin e r Colu m b ia , 515 HP Detriot, 18 s p , 12/ s u p er40, 4:11 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 209 W B, 907,665 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2007 Ke n w orth W 900L, 565 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 46, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 4:10 g ea rs , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 1,053,892 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,000 2-2007 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 10 s p , 12/ 40, 36” fla t-top bu n k . . . . . $39,000 2007 IH 9400I, 500 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 18 s p , 14/ 46, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:73 g ea rs , 221” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 874,229 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43,000 2007 Fre ig htlin e r Colu m b ia , 450 HP, M erced es , 13 s p , Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:90 g ea rs , 228 W B, 943,438 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2006 Ke n w orth W 900L, 475 HP Ca t C15, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 86” s tu d io s leep er, 3:36 g ea rs , 244” W B, 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 1,226,472 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52,000 2006 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Cu m m in s , IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:70 g ea rs , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 70” m id -ris e bu n k 1,413,315 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52,000 2006 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Ca tC15, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:70 g ea rs , 244” W B, 63” m id -ris e bu n k , 1,206,979 k m . . . . . . . . $50,000 2006 M a c k Ra w hid e , 460 HP M a ck , 13 s p , 12/ 40, 3:90 g ea rs , 238” W B, 1,127,668 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 450 HP M erced es , 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , m id -ris e bu n k , 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,000 2005 IH 9900I, 475 HP, Cu m m in s IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 46, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k , 3-w a y d iff. lock s , 1.6K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2005 P e te rb ilt 379, 430 HP Ca tC13, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” w heels , 208” W B, 36” fla ttop bu n k , 1,160,839 k m . . . . $39,000 2004 IH 9400I, 435 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:90 g ea rs , 230 W B, m id ris e bu n k , 1,343,579 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,000 d lr# 0122. P h. 204-6 85-2222, M a c G re g or M B. To vie w p ic tu re s of ou r in ve n tory vis it w w w .tita n tru c k s a le s .c om


2008 T800 KENWORTH roll-off truck, 15 spd., Cummins ISL, 272,000 kms, c/w 24’ container, steel tarp tires 80%, new MB. 2000 KENWORTH 900, dbl. bunk, N-14 safety, vg cond, $99,000 OBO. Can deliver. eng., 2000 kms since overhaul of sleeves 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. and pistons; 2001 Volvo Integral sleeper, 13 spd., 60 series Detroit, 425 HP, wet kit cooler; 1999 Volvo 60 series Detroit, wet kit cooler; 1998 Volvo 60 series Detroit, wet kit cooler. Mark Vestby, Agro Mgr., WATER TRUCKS: 1996 IHC 9300, white; Twin Valley Coop, 204-773-2166, Russell, 2001 IHC; 1997 Volvo. All have Wabash MB. or email m.vestby@twinvalleycoop.ca tanks; Also 1997 Auto Car w/Jasper tank. units work ready. Marsden, SK. ph 2005 MACK CH613, 686,000 kms, 460 HP, All 13 spd, 38,000 lb. Eaton rears, new safety, Louise, 306-826-5751, l.gray@hmsinet.ca $35,000. 403-654-0132, Vauxhall, AB. SE-FAC 15,000 LBS. x 4 = 60,000 lbs. lifts, 230 volts 3 phase, Model 2005 PETERBILT 378, C13, 475 HP, 18 truck 1200M65 worm style, in vg working cond., spd. Call 306-458-7744, Macoun, SK. comes in a set of 4 units. Can deliver. 2005 PETERBILT 379, 600 HP Cat engine, 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 18 spd., 46,000 lb. rears, 4.10 rearend. Full differential lock. New tires fall 2012. SPECIALTY TRUCKS AVAILABLE. Fire/ 910,000 kms, sleeper, very good shape, emergency trucks, garbage trucks, bucket $60,000. Tyler 306-533-8834 or Trent trucks, deck and dump trucks. See us at our new location on Cory Rd., Saskatoon, 306-540-5275, Regina, SK. SK., Summer of 2013. 306-668-2020. DL 2006 MACK VISION CN613 460, 18 spd., #90871. Eaton AutoShift; 2005 Freightliner Columbia, 450 Mercedes, 10 spd., daycab; 2001 24’ VAN TRUCK: 2007 IH single axle, 466 Ford Sterling, 425 Cat, 10 spd. western diesel, automatic, hyd. brakes, $26,000; truck. Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 2007 IH, single axle, dsl., auto, hyd. brakes, $22,000. 306-563-8765, Canora SK DL #906884. 2008 KENWORTH T800, daycab, Cummins ISX 500 HP, 18 spd., Super 40 rears 4:10 ratio, fresh SK. safety, 800,000 kms extra clean, $59,000. 306-460-8507 cell, Kindersley, SK.

2007 T800, 2010 Goldenview 17 bale deck, ISX 500 18 spd., 20 front, 46 rears, 4-way lock, Off Road susp., full length frame, 149,000 kms not 1,149,000!!! Last year of pre-emission. Owner/Operator c/w 2002 Goldenview/Cancade tridem pup. Unit has every available option and works exceptionally well. Truck scores 10/10, trailer 2010 IH LONE Star, Harley Davidson, 500 8/10. Selling as complete unit. Would HP, ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 3 way locker, consider partial trade. Serious inquires Super 40s, loaded, new tires, only 337,000 only please. 403-540-0770 Strathmore, AB kms. MB safetied, $109,000. 1996 INTERNATIONAL 4700, 4x2, 22’ 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. deck, $18,000 OBO. Call Jim at Woodland 2012 388 PETE, ISX Cummins, 46 diff, 306-332-6221, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. 4-way locks, wet kit, 18 spd., 100,000 kms; 2008 T660 KW, 525 ISX, 18 spd. Ea- 1967 FORD C612 tilt cab fire truck, $5,000 ton AutoShift, Super 40’s, very clean; 2007 OBO. Call Ryan 306-231-3000, or RM of and 2005 IHC 9900i’s, 18 spd. 46 diff, St. Peter #369 306-598-2122, or email lockers, low kms; 2006 T800 KW, Cat, 46 rm369@sasktel.net Annaheim, SK. diff., 18 spd., lockers, 1.2M kms; 2006 and 1978 FORD 8000 8 yard cement truck, 2004 Pete 379, Cat, 18 spd., 46 diff, lock- 3 2 0 8 C at , hy d r a u l i c d r i ve , $ 4 8 0 0 . ers, 960,000 kms; 2006 IH 9200, 13 spd. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. Eaton UltraShift, 430 Cat, 900,000 kms; 2002 T800 KW, 18 spd., 46 diff, 4-way locks; 2003 Freightliner Classic, Cat, 18 spd., new rubber; 2003 W-900L KW, Cat, recent work orders; 2000 Freightliner Clas- 2006 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LT, AC, CC, sic, Detroit, 13 spd.; 2001 Western Star, C D, $ 1 5 , 4 9 5 . S u b a r u o f S a s k at o o n , 4964, N14 Cummins, 13 spd.; 1998 9200 1-866-980-0260, email: ngci@ymail.com IH, Cat 18 spd; 1996 Volvo 425, 18 spd., www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. 3-way locks, new diff. 306-356-4550, 2007 DODGE NITRO SLT, 4x4, leather, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca $12,888. Call Hoss 1-800-667-4414, Wyn2012 389 PETERBILT, heavy specs, 550 yard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. Cummins, 18 spd., 3.90 gears, 63” bunk, 2008 GMC YUKON SLT, 4x4, loaded, 20” 244” WB, 46 diffs. $140,000; 2011 Doep- rims, 8 pass., boards, sunroof, 153,055 ker Super B grain trailers with lift axles, kms, $24,995. www.watrousmainline.com new tires in Oct., $74,000 with/without 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173. job. 306-222-5574, Saskatoon, SK. 2011 CHEV AVALANCHE LTZ 4x4, loaded, OK TIRE on Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon, SK. DVD, navigation, black, 16,891 kms, Your SGI truck inspection specialist. Align- $ 4 4 , 9 9 5 . w w w. w at r o u s m a i n l i n e . c o m ments and full mechanical service. Book 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173. now, 306-933-1115. www.oktire.com 2011 JEEP LAREDO, $28,888. Contact SLEEPERS and daycabs. New and used. 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 4 1 4 , W y n y a r d , S K . Huge inventory across Western Canada at www.thoens.com DL #909250. www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE CX, AWD, 3.6L V6, Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. loaded, 7 passenger, leather, gold, 40,848 kms, $36,995. Phone 1-800-667-0490, www.watrousmainline.com DL #907173.

THREE 2008 STERLING tandem axle trucks, C13 Cat engines, 13 spd. trans., 4-way lockers, 650,000 kms, wet kit and Webasto. Can supply with gravel box or grain box. $36,000/ea. Dafoe, SK. Terry 306-554-8220

2013 CHEV EXPRESS 2500 S.W.B. cargo van, 4.8 V8, auto, O/D, AC, 24,573 kms, $ 2 6 , 9 9 5 . w w w. w at r o u s m a i n l i n e . c o m PRO HARDWARE STORE, Neilburg, SK. 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173. 4200 sq. ft., built in 1992. Having supplies in electrical, plumping, paints, small hardware and garden supplies. Call for a complete list of inclusions. Rental equipment included. Inventory available at an additional cost. Owner will finance purchase. MLS® 455964. Call Wally Lorenz, Re/Max 400 OVER WINTERED COLONIES for sale. of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK, Honey supers, extracting equipment, etc. 306-446-8800 or 306-843-7898. Call 306-323-4337, Archerwill, SK. $80,000, ACME, AB: Alberta Registries AUSTRALIAN PACKAGE BEES, mite business re: licence registrations, driver’s free. April delivery. Australian and US tests, accessing registries and titles etc. queens available. Morley at 306-534-2014, Currently located in MLS#C1022107 (for sale) or can be relocated by current owner 306-534-4462, Spy Hill, SK. to Service Alberta specifications. MLS# C1022111. Verlin Rau of Discover Real Estate Ltd, 403-852-6459, Beiseker, AB. RETIREMENT SALE: Incubation trays, SMALL EXCAVATION COMPANY in Calnesting box metal corners and backing, 2 gary, AB. area. Owner retiring. For more scales, 2 sensophones, two 3 HP refrigera- info. phone 403-869-4417, Cochrane, AB. tion units. Tisdale, SK., 306-873-0256. or email jim@creativeexcavating.ca USED BEAVER BLOCKS $3.50 ea. OBO, used plywood backs .50¢ ea., automatic JK WELL ESTABLISHED profitable hardware store for sale in the town of Evansburg, 5 bander $2500. 306-728-8525 Melville SK AB. 1 hour west of Edmonton. For details call Russ or Frank at Realty Executives Challenge, 780-483-4848, Edmonton, AB.

Ca llM oe a t:(5 14 )64 9-614 7

WILLOW RIDGE STABLES on 73.3 acres located near Saskatoon City limits. Great business/investment opportunity, Asking $2,750,000. Exclusive. Call Earl Cooper of Sutton Group Norland Realty at 306-241-7751, Saskatoon, SK.

TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! 158 METAL FRAMED bee shelters, holds New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for 14-15 nesting boxes, $120/ea.; tarps also, sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. Located on 3 acres with great location on 306-873-4876, 306-873-7555, Tisdale, SK. highway. Great customer base! Selling due to health concerns. Serious inquiries FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. only please! Call 306-232-4767. Management Group for all your borrowing lease requirements. 306-790-2020, USED BELTING, 12” to 54” wide for feed- JOIN ONE of Western Canada’s fastest and Regina, SK. growing tire chains today! TreadPro Tire ers and conveyors, 30” wide by 3/4” to 1” thick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, Centres is always looking for new mem780-842-2491 anytime or, if necessary call bers. TreadPro offers group controlled distribution through our 5 warehouses locat780-865-0057, Wainwright, AB. ed in BC, AB, and SK. Exclusive brands and YOU MAY QUALIFY or BE ELIGIBLE pricing for each TreadPro Dealer, 24/7 ac- FOR TAX FREE MONEY! Do you struggle cess to online ordering backed up with daily with walking, dressing, bowel/bladsales desk support. Our marketing strate- der issues, mental function (dementia/AlzBONFIRE - THE CHESTNUT GENTLEMAN, gies are developed for the specific needs heimer’s/bi-polar), hearing, vision or the essential story behind In Flanders of Western Canadian Dealers. Signage, speech impairments? Do you have pain in Fields, as told by John McCrae’s horse, displays, vehicle identification, group uni- your shoulders, back, hips, knees or joints Bonfire. Hardcover only $29.95. Order the forms also important for visual impact and and have difficulty walking? Do you rebook at: www.thebonfirebook.com or call recognition are affordable with the sup- quire any oxygen to assist breathing or are port of the TreadPro Group. Product and you on kidney dialysis? Ph for more info., 403-804-6545, Black Diamond, AB. sales training arranged according to your 1-888-594-6888, Winnipeg, MB. needs. Exclusive territory protection, reinforced with individual territory managers DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too and home office support. Find out more high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call about the unique features of the TreadPro us to develop a professional mediation group today. Our team will be happy to ar- plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. range a personal meeting with you to fur- Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. ther discuss how TreadPro is the right fit. NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says Contact 1-888-860-7793 or go online to n o ? I f y e s t o a b o v e t h r e e , c a l l www.treadpro.ca 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. CSA CONSTRUCTION for all concrete work. Specializing in floors, basements TIRED OF WINTER? Buy a successful ceand foundations. Commercial, farm and ramics business. $200,000/year. Phone: residential. Call for pricing 204-212-2970, 250-818-2127, www.firedupceramics.ca Austin, MB. Experience the west coast lifestyle for 25 LB. HYDRAULIC sausage stuffer/log yourself in Victoria, BC. splitter combo, easy to convert, $2100. Call Gene at 306-382-3750, Saskatoon, SK. CANADIAN MONUMENT COMPANY, exPLASTIC 1”x4”x8’ BOARDS to sell, $5 per panding in Western Canada, seeking seriboard. Call Crown Shred at 306-543-1766, ous minded individuals, who want to earn Regina, SK. better than average income and own their own business. Interested parties must be CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” well respected in their community, have FARM also specialize in: Crop insurance apboards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, exceptional listening skills and be sympa- We peals; Chemical Residual herbicide; 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. thetic to the sensitive nature of the busi- Custom operatordrift; Equipment malLog siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, ness. This is not a multi-level marketing function. Qualifiedissues; Agrologist staff. Call 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, scheme, it is an individually owned dis- Back-Track Investigations foronassistance 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. t r i b u t o r s h i p . S e r i o u s i n q u i r e s o n ly. regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 1-866-878-4583. CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, churches, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing; also available in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK.

PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. www.privebuildingmovers.com

2012 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL, AWD, 3.6 LV6, loaded, CD player, DVD, 7 pass., leather, 17,524 kms, $43,995. 1-800-667-0490, www.watrousmainline.com DL #907173. 2012 JEEP LIBERTY Sport, 4x4, $21,975. GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new Call Hoss 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. and existing farms and businesses. DL #909250. www.thoens.com 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. 2013 CHEV EQUINOX 1LT, AWD, loaded, ESTABLISHED SHOE AND LEATHER repair silver, 5458 kms, $31,995. Website shop. Owner retiring after 27 years of opwww.watrousmainline.com or phone eration. Loyal clientele. Reiner Stass, Royal 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173. LePage, 1-800-434-9122, Vernon, BC. or reistass@royallepagevernon.com

1994 IH 4900 18’ flatdeck w/hoist, 466 diesel, very good condition. Fall clearance $24,500, trade considered. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2005 CADILLAC ESCALADE SUV, 2001 Dodge Ram 4WD Laramie SLT 1 ton dually Cummins dsl. auto w/115,000 miles, 1997 Cadillac Deville 4 dr. car. Darald Marin Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. For sale bill and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 2004 IHC TA PICKER/WINCH tractor, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. Cummins 1SX eng., 18 spd. trans., 46,000 lb. rears, 20,000 lb. fronts, double diff. locks, double frame, Hendrickson air ride, 300” WB, c/w Terex 10 ton picker w/3 2006 PONTIAC MONTANA Ext, 3.5L V6, hyd. sections, 53’ boom, hyd. truck winch, loaded, silver, 136,815 kms, $9995. approx. 8100 hrs, approx. 283,000 kms, www.watrousmainline.com or phone 1-800-667-0490. DL #907173. $49,500. 204-648-7129, Grandview, MB. 4600 IHC FEED TRUCK, 466 eng., with 2008 CHEV UPLANDER LT2 Ext, auto O/D, Model 1600 single screw Jay-Lor, good fully loaded, P seat, PD, 7 pass., white, 123,890 kms, $9995. 1-800-667-0490, cond., $25,000. 403-485-6845, Vulcan, AB. www.watrousmainline.com DL #907173. 1990 CHEV 3500 with Trailtech flatdeck and 165 gal. slip tank and pump, 350 with 2009 CHEV UPLANDER LS, 3.9L V6, loadstandard trans., $8000 OBO. Dinsmore, SK. ed, silver, 91,568 kms, $8995. Phone 1-800-667-0490 or view our website 306-846-7091. www.watrousmainline.com DL #907173. 2001 FREIGHTLINER FL70 septic vac truck, auto, 1600 gal. tank, 500 Fruitland 2 0 1 2 C H RY S L E R To w n & C o u n t r y, pump, hoist and full open rear door. Call $24,975. Call 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. 306-845-3407, Turtleford, SK.

JM Pu lse In c.C a n a d a lo o kin g to pla n it’so w n Cro ps,lo o kin g fo ra fa rm erw ith experien ce in Len tils a n d /o rChickpea s

EXCELLENT STARTER investment property, commercial building in large town on major highway, Sask Gov’t lease. EAST OF REGINA on #46 near Pilot Butte, 68 acres with a home, secondary serviced site and some sub-division. country residential and/or commercial. SW, near larger city, motel, food and beverage business on #1 Hwy. HOTEL NEAR REGINA on major hwy., showing exc. volume growth, Restaurant, cafe, 2 suites for living or rent, rooms to rent, bar with banquet area. BENGOUGH CAFE, SW SK. LINTLAW, 4 acres, school with gym, good shape, many applications. ON #11 HWY. in Craik, bar and grill, turnkey, housing available. ON #39 HWY. in small town, 7300 sq. ft. building on 2 acres of land, great for truckers. YELLOW GRASS, 2700 sq. ft. restaurant lounge near Weyburn, potential for confectionary, liquor sales. REGINA, large volume liquor outlet with bar, food and some room income are available. Call Brian Tiefenbach 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd, Regina, SK.

SASKATCHEWAN OUTFITTING AND resort property sales. Whitetail, bear, waterfowl and fishing. Alan Vogt Rescom Realty PA Ltd. 306-961-0994, Prince Albert, SK. www.alanvogt.com WELDING AND REPAIR BUSINESS. New shop built in 2003 on 3 acres in town limits. Includes all tools, machinery, steel and parts, and office supplies. Over 25 years in business. Selling due to health issues. May BOOMING BUSINESS in Assiniboia, SK. consider selling building and property sep- 3000 sq. ft. car/truck wash with water arately. 204-447-3134, Ste. Rose, MB. vending. Completely upgraded, renovated. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS welding Low maintenance. Reduced $599,900 and light fabricating. A rare opportunity! OBO. Call 306-640-8569. Unique patented product. Mainly agricultu- ROOF AND FLOOR TRUSS equipment caral. Peak sales from Sept. to March. Owned pable of producing up to 100 trusses a for 27 yrs., still room for growth. Moveable day. Equipment includes a variety of wood anywhere. North American markets. working machines, saws and small wood $195,000 plus inventory at cost. 50x70’ finishing equipment. Contact GA Construcshop on 157x370’ lot, $295,000. Can be a tion Ltd., 306-783-7929, Yorkton, SK. turnkey operation or addition to an existing business. Must sell for health reasons. WELL EQUIPPED WELDING and machine 306-446-4462, North Battleford, SK. Email shop in Moose Jaw, Sask. Certified with prairiepines@yahoo.com Canadian Welding Bureau. Quality control SASKATOON LARGEST Screenprinting manual with technical safety authority of shop, updated auto. and manual equip. Sask. Contractor license. Own safety Showing growth every year. Good long manual. Inquiries: imcmec@sasktel.net term lease, utilities incl. 306-380-0321. ESTABLISHED AUCTION COMPANY!! SMALL MANUFACTURING SHOP and resi- Licensed in Sask and Alta. Excellent oppordence. 40 yrs of operation with established tunity for someone starting or expanding. product line. Owner retiring. Turnkey op- Various options available. 306-922-6171, eration. 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. 306-961-7553, Prince Albert, SK.

PLANTING CORN, SOYBEANS, AND SUNFLOWERS, with 24-row planter. Call 306-527-2228, Regina, SK.

SILAGE BAG FEEDER now available, let your cattle do the feeding. Custom silage chopping, hauling, bagging 10-12ft. Isaac Kwik Cut, 204-371-5414, Kleefeld, MB.

KEVIN FYSON CUSTOM SPRAYING. Book early to avoid disappointment. Have JD 4920, 120’ boom, 1200 gal. tank, Auto section control, AutoHeight, GPS. Rates as follows: $5.50/acre on 5 gallons. $6/acre for 10 gallons. $7.25 for insecticides. Also now offering fertilizer application too!! 306-237-4491, 306-237-7718 cell, Perdue.

JETCO ENT. INC. Experienced equipment hauling and towing. AB, SK, MB. Call 780-888-1122, Lougheed, AB. CUSTOM BALE HAULING. Call 306-567-7199, Kenaston, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, self-loading and unloading 17 bale truck. Radisson, SK. 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. CUSTOM BALE HAULING with 2 trucks and t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, small or large loads. Travel anywhere. Also hay for sale. 306-382-0785, Vanscoy, SK.



O3 EQUIPMENT HAULING Ltd. Professional transportation of equipment in Western Canada and NW USA. Call 403-963-2476, Lacombe, AB. www.o3hauling.com

JIM’S TUB GRINDING, H-1100 Haybuster with 400 HP, serving Sask. 306-334-2232, Balcarres. CUSTOM TUB GRINDING: 1100E Haybuster. Phone/text: Greg 306-947-7510, Saskatoon, SK. HEY BOSS TUB GRINDING with H1150 haybuster. Call Don 306-445-9994, North Battleford, SK.

NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and vertical beater spreaders. Phone 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. GRAVEL AND SAND for sale. Crushing and trucking available, Scott, SK. area. Contact Mike at 306-843-7505. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and bobcat services. Metal siding and roofs. Will do any kind of work. 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith SK, 4tcontractorsinc@sasktel.net BLASTING OF DAMS, culverts, water ways, rocks and crushing of concrete. Call 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. www.borysiukcontracting.ca EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Beaver dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1900; 160x60x14’ $2700; 180x60x14’ $3100; 200x60x14’ $3500. Saskatoon, SK, Phone: 306-222-8054. CORN PLANTING with a 1250 Case Early Riser, 30” spacing, 24 row, w/wo liquid. Call 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. NORTHERN BRUSH MULCHING. Can clear all fence lines, brush, trees or unwanted bush. Competitive rates. Call Reuben 306-467-2422, Duck Lake, SK. MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, stumps, carriganas, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly mulching. Call today! 306-933-2950. Visit: www.maverickconstruction.ca

1979 FIAT ALLIS 16B crawler c/w A-dozer and drawbar, 70% UC- recent new rails, g o o d s o l i d m a c h i n e , $ 1 9 , 5 0 0 O B O. 780-645-0888, St. Paul, AB. 6’ PARKING LOT skidsteer sweeper, brand new, new $11,000, selling for $6500 or offers. 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK.

17’ 20 YARD dump box, in fair shape, hyd. HEAVY DUTY V-DITCHERS. Drain untank and cylinder all there, $8500. Call T.J. wanted water quick and easily allowing 204-768-0600, Ashern, MB. you to get out seeding earlier and seeding more acres on your farm. Less turning savEQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, doz- ing your time, fuel, fert. and spray. Quick ers, loaders, compactors, etc. Conquest D r a i n S a l e s L t d , M u e n s t e r S K . Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 306-231-7318, 306-682-4520. D7E 47A STANDARD Cat, angle blade. CERT. QUAD LIFT CHAIN, 1/2x26’, Grade 306-845-3407, Turtleford, SK. 90; Cert. single lift chain, Grade 90, 4- CAT D2 crawler tractors; Cat D2 dozer 3/8x16’. 306-273-4301, Canora, SK. assemblies; Cat D2 rear winch; Cat D2 USED UNDERCARRIAGE, rails to fit PTO. Package price for all 4 tractors and D6C/D, D6H/R, D7G/H/R, $1500 per set. attachments, $13,900. Cambrian Equip- Good selection of rollers, track pads and ment Sales. Phone: 204-667-2867, fax: rails for excavators and crawlers. Western 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. Heavy Equip. 306-981-3475, Prince Albert. 1996 ELRUS 2442 jaw plant, vibratory, JCB 520 LOADALL telehandler, cab with feed hopper, grate tri-axle chassis, liners heat, 4400 lb. / 13’ lift capacity, $38,995. replaced once and are still in there, exc. w w w. g l e n m o r. c c 3 0 6 - 7 6 4 - 2 3 2 5 , cond., $250,000. Call Bill at Yellow Rose 1-888-708-3739, glenmore@sasktel.net Construction 306-567-7619, Craik, SK. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 2003 D7R SERIES II CAT with SU blade yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, a n d r i p p e r. E q u i p p e d fo r b r u s h i n g . custom conversions avail. Looking for Cat 306-845-3407, Turtle Lake, SK. cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd, 306-231-7318,306-682-4520,Muenster SK. CASE 24B, 4x4, 2.5 yard loader, good c o n d i t i o n , a s k i n g $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 . C a l l LINKBELT LS 98 crawler crane, 50’ boom Cat power, long UC, c/w all rigging includ204-324-6298, Altona, MB. ing yard 1/2 and yard 1/4 drag buckets, HYDRAULIC 70” WIDE Twister bucket, ready to go, $20,000 OBO. 204-669-9626, good cond., fits JD 790 D or 790 E excava- Winnipeg, MB. tors, quick attach, $5100. 204-743-2324, 14 YD. REYNOLDS hyd. scraper, $14,900; Cypress River, MB. 18 yd. Icon hyd. scraper, $19,900; Cat 80 cable scraper, $10,900; 2- Cat 70 cable scrapers from $10,900; Large stock of hyd. cylinders. Two yards over 50 acres of running equipment and used parts. New replacement parts. Low low prices. Cambrian Equipment Sales, 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. LINKBELT LS98 DRAGLINE with 50’ boom and buckets; 80’ manlift; 4- 100’ ladder trucks and many other fire trucks; IHC 1850 w/DT466 and 16’ van, 34,000 kms. CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and Price only $9500. Cambrian Equipment tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, Sales. 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Winnipeg, MB. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online CAT 977 20A Series w/loader; Cat D2 crawler w/loader; IH TD9-92 Series crawlat www.conterraindustries.com er w/loader. Your choice, $8500. Many $2,000 other good running units in stock. CamOFF brian Equipment Sales. Ph: 204-667-2867, fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.

DOUBLE 8 DARITEK parallel parlor, 7-1/2 HP vacuum pump. Also Supreme 900T JD 772D 2005, AWD, 8700 hrs, 16’ mold- mixer wagon, Sven rollermill and Highline board, $125,000; new ripper fits Cat 8000 Bale Pro, 403-740-5488, Stettler, AB. 140M, $12,000; Cat 14H 1998, 12,000 hrs, located U.S., $168,000. 403-291-1010 Calgary, AB. 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regina, SK DURAMAX REBUILT INJECTORS pre 2004, $250/ea. exchange 2005, $350 ea.; Ford 6.0 rebuilt injectors avail.; Dodge 5.9 Cummins injectors avail. Garry 306-773-4090, 306-741-1417, Swift Current, SK.

NEW 10’ AND 12’ BIG DOG BOX SCRAPER Hea vy d uty, tilt, a va ila b le in 24” a n d 42” hig h b a ck. A lso n ew B.I.L. b ox scra pers a n d cen tre pivotup to 20’. S ta rting a t $3,900 Ca ll

204 - 87 1 - 1 1 7 5 or 1 - 86 6 - 86 2- 83 04 w w w .triplesta rm fg.c a 2011 CASE 590 Super N, 4x4, extend-ahoe, AC, 860 hrs., $91,000 OBO. Call 306-577-2439, 306-577-7704, Carlyle, SK. BOBCAT MT52 walk behind loader, diesel, c/w bucket $12,995. www.glenmor.cc 306-764-2325, 1-888-708-3739, email glenmore@sasktel.net EXCAVATORS: For Rent/Sale: JD 240D or 270D’s. Long term rentals too. Conquest Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB.

L10 CUMMINS, $5000; 855 Cummins, $5000; 671 Detroit, $2500. All good runJD 790 D-LC excavator, 4500 hrs., 90% UC, ning engines. 306-682-3367, Humboldt SK no leaks, HD hyd. thumb, exc. cond., NEW TRUCK ENGINE REBUILT KITS, $51,000. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB high quality. Cummins B and C Series engines - 3.9, 5.9 and 8.3. Also IH truck kits. Great savings. Our 39th year. See website: w w w. d i a m o n d f a r m t r a c t o r p a r t s . c o m 1-800-481-1353

1993 D-85-E-21 KOMATSU twin tilt angle dozer, full canopy guarded, new AC and heat, bush ready, rebuilt motor, trans, torque and new radiator, new U/C w/26” pads, 2 tong ripper. Warranty. Consider t r a d e . C a n d e l i v e r, $ 1 1 9 , 0 0 0 . P h . 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. EXCESS EQUIPMENT: CAT delimber; CAT 227, feller buncher; Volvo 1240 FEL w/bucket and wood grapple; Hydro-wrap grapple for 664 Clarke skidder, w/wo skidd e r. P h o n e w e e k d a y s f o r d e t a i l s , 306-961-6513, Prince Albert, SK.

ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ CATERPILLAR CRAWLER TRACTOR, blade widths available. CWK Enterprises, 1998 D5M-LGP, spare set of tracks, 6-way 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, blade, good shape, $55,000 OBO; Cham- SK, www.cwenterprises.ca pion grader, D680 14’ blade, new clutch, r u n s we l l , $ 1 1 , 0 0 0 O B O ; Ve r m e e r trencher, M-440, $3000. 306-982-4805 or email: rothenburg@inet2000.com Christo‘06 GENIE Z45/25 ARTICULATING pher Lake, SK. BOOMLIFT - 45’, 4x4, Deutz 3 cyl diesel, 1995 790 ELC JD trackhoe, 2-3/4 yd. clean 48hp, 1,347 hrs., max. load 500 lbs, $34,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. up bucket and rock bucket, long stick, will 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com dig hole 25’ deep, 13,000 hrs. exc. cond., $50,000. Yellow Rose Construction, call ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS. Large in- Bill 306-567-7619, Craik, SK. ventory of construction equipment attachments for excavators, wheel loaders and 2005 HITACHI ZX450LC-3 hyd. excava- 2010 KOMATSU D-39EX-22, track pads crawlers. Hyd. thumbs, compactors, ham- tor, 13,300 hrs. Q/C cleanup bucket, 11’ 28”, 6-way blade, electronically controlled mers, digging and clean-up buckets, stick, AC, 35” pads, $69,000. Hudson Bay, hydro trans, 105 H, 3400 hrs, full guarded quick/attaches, brush rakes, grapples, rip- SK., 306-865-2524, hbc@sasktel.net or canopy, CAH, optional heater under seat, pers, jib booms, brush cutter, mulchers www.hbcon.net (equip for sale) for pics. hyd. winch, job ready, $84,000 OBO. Can and winches. Wrecking assorted constr. HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2006 JD 270 deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. equip. for salvage parts. Western Heavy CLC; 2008 Hitachi ZX350 LC-3; 1998 Cat Equipment 306-981-3475 Prince Albert SK REDUCED 1959 PARKER crusher, 1036 325BL. 587-991-6605, Edmonton, AB. jaw, 2030 rolls, 414 triple deck, 671 powROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades 1996 KOMATSU D58P-1, LGP 6-way dozer, er, $85,000. 306-369-2669, Bruno, SK. and bearings; 24” to 36” notched disc 36” pads, strong motor and trans, showing blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 4 0 0 0 h r s , 5 0 % U C , $ 3 7 , 0 0 0 O B O . SAND DRYING PLANT. 7 cu. yd. insulated feed hopper; 5’ dia. x24’ drum dryer/ 4 www.kelloughs.com 403-845-6369, Rocky Mtn House, AB. to 12 million BTU burner on nat. gas; two 20”x32’ conveyors; one 5’x14’ - 2-1/2 deck screening plant; 45 tonne drive-under outload bin; 240 tonne dry bulk storage hopper bin; 55’ bucket elevator; switch gear and electrical panel w/10 switches; 2007 Powerscreen Commander, 5x14, double deck screening plant. All equip. operating and in good condition. 306-945-2270, Waldheim, SK. FOUR 10X16.5 foam filled tires and rims for Bobcat. Call 306-827-7731, Borden, SK.

3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.

JD 8430, COMPLETE overhauled eng. w/466 eng., $5500; DX110 Deutz, good running eng., $2000; 130/06 Deutz, good running eng., $1800; 2096 Case/IH, vg, 5.9 Cummins, $2500 OBO; 1586 IHC, vg running 436 eng., $2500. 1066 IHC vg D4D SIDE BOOM, with Midwestern hyd. running 414 eng., $2000. 1-877-564-8734. draworks, good condition, $9500. Phone: 403-793-3193, Duchess, AB. WANTED: COMPLETE 3204 Cat engine for D3 Caterpillar and cab. 403-638-2232, ATTACHMENTS: SKIDSTEER, pallet forks Sundre, AB. hay spears, augers, buckets. Conquest REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM Equipment 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 WANTED: HEAD or complete engine Volvo, installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 24v TD45B out of BM4300B Volvo loader. Cam- 5.9L Cummins, $7500 installed; GM Duramax Ford 6.0L, $8500 installed. Other new, Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. used, and Reman. diesel engines avail. Can PORTABLE TOILET SALES: New 5 Peaks ship or install. Call 204-532-2187, 8:00 AM portable toilets, assembled or unassem- to 5:30 PM, Mon. to Fri., Thickett Engine bled. Now in stock, cold weather Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB. portable toilet jackets, call for quotes. 5 Peaks Distributors, Western Canada Inc., 877-664-5005, www.5peaksdistributors.ca sales@5peaksdistibutors.ca PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase OVER 100 SKIDSTEER attachments, 15 motors, on single phase. 204-800-1859. Skidsteers: 2005 Cat 287B on tracks, CAH; Bobcat 7753, on steel tracks; Bobcat 753; FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL 2- Bobcat 743; 1999 JCB 185 Series 3; NH motor sales, service and parts. Also sale L-555; NH LS-170; Bobcat 2000 articulat- of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of ing loader; Toro Dingo X420 walk behind pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale skidsteer. The following units in need of M o t o r R e w i n d i n g 1 9 8 4 L t d . , 3 0 6 873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 CAT D6C, $22,000; CLARK 380B, rubber repair: Bobcat 610, only $1800; 2- Thomas Ave., Tisdale, SK. www.tismtrrewind.com tired dozer w/V12 Cummins engine, skidsteers, $3300 for the pair; 1996 Gehl 6625, $5700. Other units being parted out. $35,000. 306-421-3077, Estevan, SK. Cambrian Equipment Sales, 204-667-2867, CAT 463, 22 yd. scraper, fresh hyd. con- fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. version, w/HD Cat cylinders, vg tires, $37,000 OBO. 306-273-4301, Canora, SK. HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt $ WANTED: EXCAVATOR preferably model for years of trouble-free service. Lever $ $ $ 200 to 270, JD, Komatsu, Case or Hitachi, Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK $ $ year 2000 to 2005. Must have a thumb. 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 2007 CAT D8T angle dozer, twin tilt, 4 $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ 2006 644J JD loader, 5 yd. bucket, 4433 barrel ripper, exc. cond. 780-983-0936, $ H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ hrs., never run in winter, exc. cond., Westlock, AB. 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ $140,000. Yellow Rose Construction, call 2004 S160 BOBCAT, good condition, 1140 2 $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft $ Bill 306-567-7619, Craik, SK. hrs, $21,000 OBO. 403-995-3397 eves., $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ Calgary, AB. 1986 D7H HI-TRACK, twin tilt angle dozer, canopy guard, CAH, 24” pads, history of work orders from 2001 on, vg cond., $75,000. 780-349-9810, Rochester, AB.


EXCELLENT SELECTION OF LOW HOUR FORKLIFTS & AERIAL LIFTS. Ca ll us fo r yo ur p a rts n eed s a ls o . L AR GE CAP ACITY L IF TS UP TO 42 ,0 0 0 L BS . Che ck o u t o u r we b s ite

w w w .s p ikereq uip m en t.c o m o r em a il: lo rry@ s p ikereq uip m en t.c o m 78 0 -9 3 9 -410 0 HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6 to 40 yards: Caterpillar, AC/LaPlante, LeTourneau, Kokudo, etc. Pull-type and direct mount avail., tires also avail.; Pull-type motor grader, $14,900; EX-200-5 Hitachi, 4700 hrs., c/w hyd. thumb, $49,900; New Agricart grain cart, 1050 bu., c/w tarp, $27,500. 204-822-3797, Morden, MB. 1997 BOBCAT 863F, cab and heat, bucket $17,900. www.glenmor.cc 306-764-2325, 1-888-708-3739, glenmore@sasktel.net JD 2008 MODEL 872 motor grader, low hrs, very good condition. 780-983-0936, Westlock, AB.

CAT HYD. PULL SCRAPERS: 463, 435, 80, 70, and 60, all very good cond., new conversion. Also new and used scraper tires. Can deliver. 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB.

$ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 18 005 103303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

S I LV E R S T R E A M S H E LT E R S Super Spring Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black steel, $4700; 30x70 dbl. truss P/R, $6995; 38x100 dbl. truss P/R, $11,900; 42x100 dbl. truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738, silverstreamshelters.com POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins 2008 BOBCAT S250, 1000 hrs., in great and hoppers. Construction and concrete shape, runs good, $36,000. Will consider crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel offers. 306-421-6908, Estevan, SK. Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. BOBCAT S300, CAH, ACS controls, power HIP ROOF BARN to be moved, 44’x50’, 27’ Bob Tach Hi-Flow hyds., 2 spd. bucket, high, all metal clad, red walls, galvanized $23,995. www.glenmor.cc 306-764-2325, roof, $3000. 306-831-8808, Rosetown, SK. 1-888-708-3739, glenmore@sasktel.net WOOD POST BUILDING Pkgs. 29 gauge JCB BACK HOE 215E (2004), 4x4, Ex- #1 colored metal walls, Galvalume roof tend-Hoe, cab, AC, low hours, $38,000. 40x64x16, $27,350. Call 1-800-667-4990, www.warmanhomecentre.com 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.



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M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~


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H UGE H O PPE R ED STO R AGE. All our units are eng ineered to insure that the safest prod uct is d elivered to you our valued custom er. W ith 25 years in the business of m anufacturing hoppers w e are confid ent that w e can bring your project to com pletion w ith ease. O ur g oal as a m anufacturer is to g ive you the best prod uct w ith the best price. Actnow in order to have these larger units delivered on tim e for the 201 3 harvest. 27x8 tier M erid ian c/w hopper and louvered aeration,17,50 0 bu.

$3 1 ,96 9.00 cost per bu .$1 .7 1 27x7 tier M erid ian c/w hopper and louvered aeration,$15,70 0 bu.

$27 ,3 1 8.00 cost per bu .$1 .7 4 27x6 tier M erid ian c/w hopper and stand ard aeration,13,90 0 bu.

$24 ,3 25 .00 cost per bu .$1 .7 5 GSI GRAIN BINS, 12,000-75,000 bu. w/utrough unloads, floors, fans at 2012 winter pricing! Contact us and save $$. Wentworth Ag, 1-877-655-9996, Winkler. USED LARGE GRAIN bin hydraulic jack set. 306-759-2572, Eyebrow, SK.

GSI HOPPER BINS, 5500 bu. w/aeration, CATTLE SHELTER PACKAGES. Packages skids and remote lids at 2012 winter pric30’x96’ materials $10,785 or $17,985 ma- ing! Contact us and save $$. Wentworth terial and labour. Call 1-800-667-4990 Ag, Winkler, MB., phone 1-877-655-9996. www.warmanhomecentre.com CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types STRAIGHT WALL BUILDINGS, 16’ wall up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. 32x48x16 colored walls 29 gauge, $12,340 Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, materials. www.warmanhomecentre.com 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. Call 1-800-667-4990. SAKUNDIAK 4300 BU. hopper bottom bin, AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. Friesen 60 ton hopper bottom bin, Behlin For the customer that prefers quality. 3500 bu. hopper bottom bin, temporary 6500 bushel hopper bottom ring. Stan 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. Doughty Farm Equip. Auction, Wednesday, DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes April 17, 2013, Pangman, SK. area. Visit ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 www.starlinesales.biz WOOD POST BUILDING Packages. Incl. 29 gauge #1 colored metal walls, Galvalume roof, starting at $12,145. 1-800-667-4990 www.warmanhomecentre.com


MERIDIAN FERTILIZER BINS, 2000-6400 bu., at 2012 winter pricing! Contact us and save $$. Wentworth Ag, Winkler, MB. 877-655-9996, www.grainequipment.com

27x5 tier M erid ian c/w hopper and stand ard aeration,$12,10 0 bu.

$20,6 91 .00 cost per bu .$1 .7 1 FO B St.Brieu x setu p isextra

CallD on Phone:30 6-275 -21 75 Em ail:a ssie@ sa sktel.n et

A SSIE IN D USTRIES B ox 4 00 St.Brieu x,SK .

2- WESTEEL ROSCO 2700 bushel bins on wood and steel floors, 2000 bushel Twister bin on steel floor, 3- Westeel Rosco 2000 bu. bins on wood floors, Westeel 1650 and 1350 bushel bins on steel floors. Bob Johnston Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, April 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 TWISTER 4000 BU. bins on steel floor, Westeel 4000 bu. bin on steel floor, Westeel 2700 bu. bin on steel floor, Westeel 1950 bu. bin on steel floor, Westeel 1850 bu. hopper bottom bin, Friesen 2000 bu. hopper bottom bin, Flaman and Caldwell aeration fans, OPI bin monitor system. Warren Domres Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

SPRING SPECIAL on Goebel grain bins. Call Farm West Ag, 306-789-0606, Regina, SK. Website: www.farmwestbins.com 8 1615 FRIESEN SMOOTH WALL BINS. Epoxy coated, great condition c/w skid, $9,000 ea. 306-631-7099, Moose Jaw, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837. USED WESTEEL BIN Cranes for sale, c/w hydraulic winch and solid rims, $12,900. Flaman Sales in Nisku, AB. 1-800-352-6264. MERIDIAN GRAINMAX BINS, 2000-6400 bu., at 2012 winter pricing! Contact us and save $$. Wentworth Ag, Winkler, MB. 877-655-9996, www.grainequipment.com

3- 2200 BU. WESTEEL grain bins with Darmani steel floors, $6500. Quill Lake, SK., call 306-287-7707, 306-287-8292. LARGE DIAMETER bin erection, concrete work, aeration/unload installation, wind damage repair. Call Quadra Development Corp., 1-800-249-2708, Rocanville, SK.

Ca ll K evin o r Ro n

YOUNG’S EQUIPM ENT INC. 1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46

w w w .yo un gs e quipm e n t.co m DON’T PAY until Oct., 2013 - Book your Meridian fertilizer bins now and don’t pay until fall. 4100 bu., 5000 bu. and 5300 bu. bins on special. Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or go to www.flaman.com

REN N M ill Cen ter In c.


LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK.

S ecu re yo u rs w ith s m a ll d ep o s it.


w w w .ren n m ill.co m

• The HEAVIEST metal • The STRONGEST posts • SUPERIOR craftsmenship


2- BEHLEN BINS for sale, 16’ diameter, aeration cones, 3513 bu. each, $2.50/bu. Call 306-741-2204, Simmie, SK. 4- WESTEEL 2700 bu. hopper bottom bins, 5- Friesen 1800 bu. hopper bottom bins, 2- Weningger Magnum 3300 bu. hopper bottom bins, 5- Behlin 3100 bu. bins on wood floors, 3- Westeel 1800 bu. hopper bottom bins, Friesen 500 bu. hopper bottom bin. Darald Marin Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. For sale bill and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com PL311962

4- BEHLEN BINS for sale, 7553 bu., 22’ diameter, excellent condition, 60¢/bu. Call BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Con306-741-2204, Simmie, SK. struction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.

SPECIAL! WINTER BOOKING ENDS February 15th New1 8-05 Meridian Hopper Bin (Approx. 5000 bu.) • Ladders • Remote lid opener • Safety-fil Indicator • 12 leg hopper • 37 degree slope • Manhole • Double 6x4x.188w skid base



10 gauge bottom ,8” or 12” Side Wall (1)O r (2)piece construction 12’- 28’sizes 14’- $1 ,4 00 15’- $1 ,4 85 19’- $2,1 00 21’- $2,6 00 24’- $2,9 7 0 25’1⁄2 - $3,300 Tru ck ing Av a ila b le


306-324-4441 M ARG O ,SASK.

TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/ SAKUNDIAK BINS. Book now for best prices. Example: all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450. SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK. NEW BEHLEN 60’ crop circle, 16,700 bu. w/vented tarp, $3625. Contact Wentworth Ag, Winkler, MB., phone 1-877-655-9996, www.grainequipment.com CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 19’ diameter. Reasonable rates. Call: 204-648-7129, Grandview, MB. 2- BEHLIN 3100 bu. bins wood floors, 2Westeel 2000 bu. bins steel floors, Westeel 4000 bu. bin steel floor, Westeel Twin Air 2000 bu. hopper bottom bin, Bader 2000 bu. hopper, Butler 2700 bu. bin wood floor, Twister 2200 bu. wood floor, Metal Ind. 1400 bu. hopper bottom, Westeel 2700 bu. wood floor, Butler 2700 bu. bin wood floor, 3- Rosco 1300 bu. bins wood floors, Metal Ind. 3300 bu. bin wood, Rosco 1650 bushels on wood. Fradette and Cherpin Large Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 15, 2013, Radville, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz OPI INTEGRIS MOISTURE/temperature cables. Want the latest in grain management technology? Wentworth Ag, Winkler, MB., phone 1-877-655-9996. WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.


REMOTE LID OPENERS For Most Sizes of Bin Starting at $129.00 OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE

Prices do not include setup or freight. Prices subject to change. Quantities are Limited.

M & K WELDING 1-877-752-3004

Em a il: s a les @ m kw eld ing.ca | Melfort, Sask | w w w.m kw eld ing.ca



14’Hopper 8 leg H/Duty .................$2,250 14’Hopper 7 leg S/Duty ..................$2,1 50 15’Hopper 8 leg S/Duty ..................$2,6 00 15’-10” Hopper 10 leg H/Duty .........$2,9 50 18’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$3,9 50 19’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,250

HopperC one For 19 ft Westeel Rosco up to 4000 bu. • Manhole • 12 leg hopper • 37 degree slope • Double 6x4x.188w skid base F.O.B. Melfort

Bo o k N o w To En s ure THE “FORCE” LINE

D e live ry!


s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca

C o n s is ts o f •C lo s e d in ho ppe r b o tto m b in s •Als o fla tb o tto m b in s & fla t b o tto m re pla c e m e n t flo o rs

w w w.jtlin d u s tries .ca AGR I- TR AD E IN N OVATION AW AR D W IN N ER 20 12

N E IL BU RG, S AS K ATCH E W AN N eilb u rg S a s k a tchew a n 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 S tettlerAlb erta 1-78 0-8 72-49 43 “ The Pea ce Co u n try” 1-8 77-6 9 7-7444 W in d tho rs tS a s k a tchew a n 1-306 -224-208 8 Bra n d o n M a n ito b a 1-204-39 1-736 4

• Le g-s tyle b in s a n d re pla c e m e n tho ppe rs w ith a n a e ra tio n s ys te m tha tu s e s the b a s e a n d le gs a s the ple n u m to fo rc e the a irin to the ho ppe r. • Ae ra tio n s ys te m c o m e s a s s ta n d a rd e qu ipm e n t fo ra ll “ Fo rc e ” b in s & c o n e s .

• Re pla c e yo u ro ld flo o rs a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u s he ls c a pa c ity to yo u r e xis tin g b in s . • No m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . Ou r pa te n te d JTL d o o ris gu a ra n te e d to m a ke yo u s m ile e ve rytim e yo u u s e it!






REN N M ill Cen ter In c.


(403) 78 4-3518

w w w .ren n m ill.co m

DARM AN I - Bu ild in g Better Bin s ---- DARM AN I - Bu ild in g Better Bin s ---- DARM AN I - Bu ild in g Better Bin s D A R M A N I B I N S



1- 866- 665- 6677

430 0 - 40 ,0 0 0 B u s h el P a cka ges H oppers ,Steel floor,C em en t - - - - W E D O IT A LL G ra in b in s Ho pperb in s Big b in s Aera tio n fa n s Tem p m o n ito rin g S teelBin Flo o rs Tie d o w n An cho rs

M AN UFACTUR E- - - FIN AN CE- - - - DELIV ER Y - - - - S ET UP


DARM AN I - Bu ild in g Better Bin s ---- DARM AN I - Bu ild in g Better Bin s ---- DARM AN I - Bu ild in g Better Bin s



WINTER BOOKING and sale prices on large grain bins. Set up and cement crews available. Call for prices and info. Rosler Construction, Saskatoon SK. 306-933-0033 THE


• This d evice M OUN TS M AGN ETICAL L Y to the b o tto m o f yo u r ho pper b in . • Allo w s yo u to o pen the chu te w id e o pen w ith N O CHAN CE OF S PIL L S . • REDUCES s plittin g o f pea s a n d ca n o la b lo w in g a w a y in the w in d . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll



2009 WHEATHEART 10-61 swing auger, Sakundiak HD 8-33 auger with Wheatheart mover and 27 HP Kohler eng., Sakundiak 7-33 auger with Kawasaki engine. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. www.masterindustries.ca Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK.

27’ CCIL 204 cultivator w/NH3 kit, eagle beaks, harrows and a 1000 gal. Certified NH3 tank, excellent condition, $4500. 306-233-7305, Cudworth, SK.

2011 BANDIT 3400 TBH LIQUID CART, John Blue double piston pump, Honda 6.5 HP fill pump, 3” fill, rice tires, shedded, Brow n le e s Truckin g I nc. Un ity, S K $26,900. 306-342-2118, Glenbush, SK. 1989 TERRAGATOR 1804 floater, exc. rub306-228-297 1 o r ber, spin spreader, 7 ton box, 18 spd., 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98 Cummins eng., JD guidance, autorate conw w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m troller, $22,000. 306-697-7203 Grenfell SK FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gal. tanks available. Contact your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com Factory To Farm Grain Storage LOOKING FOR a floater or tender? Call me Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins first. 33 years experience. Loral parts, new Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed and used. 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB. Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters PATTISON CB 2150 liquid fertilizer caddy Temp Cables with John Blue pump and Honda engine. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, Authorized Dealer Saskatoon, SK SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or Phone: 306-373-4919 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 grainbindirect.com LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stock- TWIN 1500 ANHYDROUS tanks mounted ing dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid on Wadena steel cart in 2009, $30,000. Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction 306-231-9741, Annaheim, SK. 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. 1998 1844 TERRAGATOR, Ag-Chem, 3208 Cat motor, Allison auto and 4 spd. aux., $25,000. 306-421-3077, Estevan, SK.

Grain Bin Direct

45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your 2008 CASE 3520, 3 bin 70’ flex air, Auto- n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e o r c a l l Steer, 1900 hrs., $168,000; 2008 Case 1-888-435-2626. 4520, flex air 70’ booms, 2700 hrs., $167,000; 2006 Loral 6300 w/DT 570 au- USED AUGERS- Great selection of quality, to, AirMax 1000 bed, 2200 hrs., $114,000; used augers. Check out this Wheatheart 1999 Loral, w/AirMax 5 bed, 5700 hrs, 10x36 auger with diesel engine. Only $51,000; 1999 AgChem, 70’ booms, $13,400. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon $68,000; 1997 AgChem, 70’ booms, today 1-888-435-2626, www.flaman.com $38,000; 1996 Loral AirMax 5 bed w/chemical bins, 8700 hrs., $36,500; 1996 2003 WESTFIELD 13x71 auger with low Mertz 2 bin w/chemical bins, $37,000; profile hopper and hyd. winch, exc. cond., 1994 GMC with new leader 2020 bed, $9500 OBO. 204-773-0076, Russell, MB. $34,500; 1996 Loral, new leader 3020 bed, $36,000; 16 ton Tyler tender w/back auger, $9500; 24 ton Wilmar tender on semi trailer, $36,500; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender with scale, 40 HP, new auger, $18,500; 5 ton Tyler blender, 40 HP, $7500; 2000 Skidsteer Wrangler loader, w/quick detach bucket, $18,500; 10 propane trucks in test date with 2800-3000 gal. tanks, w/hose reels, pumps and me- NEW 2012 BRANDT 1390 XL AUGER, ters from $26,000 to $35,000. Northwest 13” X 90’ auger w/ hydraulic winch. Sold largest used selection of fertilizer equip- with guarantee. $22,800. Trades welcome. available. 1-800-667-4515. ment. 406-466-5356, Choteau, MT. For Financing m o r e e q u i p m e n t a n d p h o t o s v i e w www.combineworld.com www.fertilizerequipment.net FOR ALL YOUR


SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK, thecontainerguy.ca 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. www.g-airservices.ca 306-933-0436. 20’ AND 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, NEW 2013 HYDEF TBT 3250 or 4250 cart, large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, hitch or 2 point planter hookup. Different 306-781-2600. tank colors available. Starting at $32,500. Corner Equip. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 to 9 ton, 10 ton tender, $2500. 1-866-938-8537. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com PATTISON CB 1300 gallon liquid fertilizer caddy with Honda engine. Garth Hurford Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 20, 2013, Balcarres, SK. area. For sale bill and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-487-7815. PL 311962. BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new and used sea containers, all sizes. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 2010 CONTINENTAL SUPERFLOW cooler 1-866-517-8335. www.magnatesteel.com assembly with Dickey John flow meter and control valve, $2500. Call 306-231-9741, Annaheim, SK. 2004 TERRAGATOR 8104 Air Max 1000, 4628 hrs., tires 80%, vg cond., $88,700. 306-682-2449, Humboldt, SK.

KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD/ OPI STORMAX. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., call Gerald Shymko, Calder, SK., 306-742-4445 or toll free 1-888-674-5346. GSI AERATION FANS, 1 HP-50 HP fans in stock. Prices start at $595. Wentworth Ag, Winkler, MB. Phone 1-877-655-9996. www.grainequipment.com

BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. 2004 BRANDT 1575 PTO drive, w/1515 transfer, new belts, new hyd. motor, good shape. Call 306-435-3512, Moosomin, SK.


1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK www.flightingsupply.com

SAKUNDIAK/MERIDIAN AUGERS at 2011 winter pricing! Priced to sell! Contact us and save $$. Wentworth Ag, Winkler, MB. 877-655-9996, www.grainequipment.com BRANDT SWING AUGER 60’x10”, with full bin indicator, $6000; Brandt 50’x10” swing auger, $4500. 780-768-2284, Hairy Hill, AB

KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738. KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346.

FARM KING 1370, hyd. swing mover, hyd. winch, hyd. steering axle, like new cond, stored inside, $17,500. Phone: USED 2010 BANDIT 3400 gal., Rice tires, 306-424-2863, Montmartre, SK. ground drive John Blue pump, like new S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : condition, $25,900. Corner Equipment swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. FERTILIZER TANKS, 10 yr. limited warran- Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. ty, 8400 Imp. gal., $5200. While supplies SAKUNDIAK/MERIDIAN AUGERS. Truck last. Website: www.hold-onindustries.com loading augers w/Hawes mover kits, mo306-253-4343, or 1-800-383-2228. tors, elec. clutches! Priced to clear! WentFIBERGLASS LIQUID FERTILIZER storage worth Ag, Winkler, MB., 1-877-655-9996. tanks- 30,000 US gallons, 12’x36’9”. Lasts 2009 WHEATHEART 846, electric clutch, a lifetime! Won’t rust, no seams, $37,500. hyd. transport, bin sweep drive, Kohler Pro Ed or Paul at Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, 25 engine, real nice. 306-435-3512, Moo1-888-435-2626. somin, SK

AG / FAR M / IN D USTR IAL STOR AGE New Us ed & M o d ified S ea Co n ta in ers fro m

In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d Grea t, S ecu re s to ra ge fo r a ll yo u r chem ica l, s eed , fu el, to o ls a n d a ll o fyo u r va lu a b les . M o d ify yo u r s to ra ge u n itto m eetyo u r n eed s w ith extra d o o rs , w in d o w s , p o w er, cu s to m p a in t, in s u la tio n ,etc.

Ca ll B ON D Toda y

Ph. 306-373-2236 fx. 306-373-0364 w w w .b on din d.com e m a il joe @ b on din d.com

REM 2700 GRAIN VACS, used and re612 CARTER DAY grader, good condition, built, excellent shape. Call 306-772-1004 s h e l l s i n c l u d e d , a s k i n g $ 5 0 0 0 . P h . or 306-784-2407, Herbert, SK. 204-312-0726, 204-312-0725, Winkler, MB REVOLUTION INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 1999 CIMBRIA 108 Delta Super cleaner, Co. now carries the Handlair, Vac Boss, premium condition, $55,000. Westrup Grain Vac lines. See more on our website: 1500, 1998, $10,000. Misc. legs and other www.revolutionequipmentco.com or seed plant equipment. 6- Goebel 4200 call: 306-539-8775, Regina, SK. bins w/Miller hoppers, offers. Call Shaun REM 225 grain vac, shedded, very good Ham 780-464-0350, Edmonton, AB. condition. 306-842-6203, Griffin, SK. DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in 2007 BRANDT 5000 EX grain vac, w/pileWestern Canada. Phone 306-259-4923 or driver, always shedded and maintained, $14,000 OBO. 306-442-7955, Parry, SK. 306-946-7923, Young, SK.

DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, www.zettlerfarmequipment.com or call 204-857-8403. HART UNIFLOW 3 roller grain cleaner. Warren Domres Estate Farm Equipment 1 800 667 8800 Auction, Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, www.nuvisionindustries.ca AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com Westfield, Westeel, Sakundiak augers; Au- for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or ger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 post pounders. Good prices, leasing CLIPPER SUPER 49 BD fanning mill, available. Call 1-866-746-2666. w/70+ screens, two sets of Superior inSAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available dent C11 w/6 shells. Eves: 306-473-2323 with self-propelled mover kits and bin Willow Bunch, SK. sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in NiPATTISON 1650 LIQUID fertilizer cart, pawin toll free 1-888-304-2837. new paint and hoses. Two years on new Honda pump and rebuilt John Blue pump, NEW “R” SERIES Wheatheart Augers: R 8x41, 27 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, $12,000. Call 306-228-7977, Unity, SK. reg. $14,075, sale $12,250; R 8x51, 30 HP Kohler, HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $14,907, sale $12,750; R 10x41, 35 HP Vanguard, 70’ BRANDT SWING AUGER, used very lit- HD clutch, w/mover, reg. $15,530, sale tle, 10”, has full bin indicator, $10,000. $13,240. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. 306-388-2227, Bienfait, SK. 10”x61’ FARM KING auger; 8”x56’ WestREMOTE CONTROL SWING auger mov- field auger. 204-546-3154, Grandview, MB. ers, trailer chute openers, endgate and hoist systems, wireless full bin alarms, COMPLETE LENTIL SPLITTING LINE, never digital wireless tractorCam, the Simpler used. Please call Frank at 204-325-6017, Sampler portable combine. All shipped diHIGH CAPACITY AUGERS Plum Coulee, MB. rectly to you. Doing it right, keeping you 8 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM safe, by remote control. Call Brehon AgDUSTLESS FOREVER 48” grain cleaner; risystems at 306-933-2655 or visit us at 6395 EXTEND Also Carter disc #245 and #1539 grain www.brehonag.com Saskatoon, SK. SWING AUGER cleaners. $4000. 204-234-5368, ElphinSEE VIDEO ON WEBSITE stone, MB. MERIDIAN (Sakundiak) GRAIN AUGERS: SP kits and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to gas and diesel. Call Brian ‘The Auger Guy’ mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. BUCKET ELEVATORS FROM 100-10,000 REPLACEMENT 1 800 667 8800 bushels per hour. U trough screw and drag FLIGHTING FOR www.nuvisionindustries.ca conveyors also available. Largest in stock augers, seed cleaning plants, supplier of elevator buckets in Western grain cleaners, combine Canada. Call us toll free 1-800-665-0847 bubble-up augers. for pricing, Sever’s Mechanical Services Inc., Winnipeg, MB. Rosetown Flighting Supply


NEW FARM KING 1385, $20,500; Farm King 1370, $17,500. RJ Sales & Service, 306-338-2541, www.agdealer.com/rjsales or rj.sales@sasktel.net Wadena, SK.

GRAIN AUGER INVENTORY CLEAR OUT 13” x 95 ftAuge rs . .$20,800 13” x 85 ftAuge rs . .$18,000

• F u lly Assem b led F ield Read y • D elivered to you rF arm Yard . • Ask ab ou tAu gerop tion s & d i scou n ts availab le.

Ph on e : 1.8 00.6 6 7.8 8 00

‘10 NEW HOLLAND P1060 AIRTANK/ CART - 430 bu., dual fan, tow behind. Duals available. Warranty/guarantee included, $64,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

SAKUNDIAK AUGER SALE: HD8-39 w/27 HP, elec. clutch and Hawes mover, reg. $16,325, sale $13,800; HD8-53 w/30 2008 J&M GRAIN CART, 875 bu., shedHP, elec. clutch and Hawes mover, reg. d e d , e x c e l l e n t s h a p e . C a l l D a n $17,750, sale, $15,500. 306-648-3622, 403-650-0628, Rosebud, AB. Gravelbourg, SK. 2009 BRENT 880 grain cart, roll tarp, 17” MICHEL’S HYD. TRANSFER 8” steel au- auger, 30.5R32 Firestones, nice condition. gers to mount on grain trailer for grain 204-743-2149 eves, Cypress River, MB. and fert. use, $3295. Quill Lake, SK. N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , 306-287-7707, 306-287-8292. $7,100; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection SAKUNDIAK AUGERS: New 2013 stock used gravity wagons, 250-750 bu. Used arriving soon! Used 12”x72’ SLM/D 14,900; grain carts, 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537. 12”x78’ SLM/D 15,900; 8”x1600; Convey- www.zettlerfarmequipment.com all conveyors. Leasing available. Call Dale at Mainway Farm Equipment, Davidson, 2011 BRANDT 1020XR grain cart, digital SK. 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299, website scale, tarp, hyd. drive, like new, $35,900. 306-280-4608, Hanley, SK. www.mainwayfarmequipment.ca

GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 1-888-708-3739. For all your grain drying needs! www.glenmor.cc We are the GT grain dryer parts distributor.

ELEVATOR IN LAMPMAN, SK. 150,000 bu., 2 steel legs, grain cleaner, pea cleaner, 50’ scale, active rail line. 306-487-7993.

5620 CRIPPEN GRAVITY TABLE, small, med. and large decks included. Accepting offers. Call 403-223-4141, Taber, AB. norbean@shockware.com CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.



NEW 2013 HYDEF CART, hydraulic or ground, 800 rubber, duals, 4250 gal. with 750 starter, call for configurations. Corner HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and Equipment 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l 306-757-2828, Regina, SK.

‘04 BRENT AVALANCHE GRAIN CART 1,100 bu., tandem walking axle, 20’ hyd. auger, hydraulic drive avail. $34,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

REM 2700 GRAIN vac, 50 hours, like new, $18,300. 204-546-2131 or 204-572-7251, Grandview, MB. CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz 2009 BRANDT EX grain vac. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

NEW ROUND BALE WAGON designed to minimize damage to wrapped bales. One man remote operation from tractor. Automatic bale dumping. Self loading & unloading.

250-547-6399 www.renniequipment.com 2002 JD 567 round baler, 540 PTO, mega wide, twine tie, chain oiler, gd. cond. $15,500; 1987 MF 228 square baler, hyd. tension, $4000; NH 1033 bale wagon, $4000; AgShield Recon2 swath reconditioner, $2500. 306-528-4408, Nokomis, SK BERGEN 14’ bale wagon new unit! Special pricing! Call for details www.glenmor.cc 306-764-2325, 1-888-708-3739, email glenmore@sasktel.net 8480 CIH BALER, shedded, excellent, $7000. Phone: 306-567-4717, Davidson, SK.

JD 535, has upgraded wheels c/w 31x13.5 DELTA 116 air and screen machine, tires, recent belts, rollers and bearings, available in July, $10,000 OBO. Phone Ed exc. cond., shedded, $7000. Marwayne, a t I n n i s f r e e S e e d C l e a n i n g P l a n t AB. 780-847-3792. 780-592-3875, Innisfree, AB. NH BR780 BALER, 1000 PTO, extra s we e p P U, s h e d d e d , v g c o n d i t i o n . 204-773-3252, Angusville, MB. NEW AND USED grain dryers. Contact Franklin Voth, Manitou, MB. 204-242-3300 BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. or cell: 204-242-4123, www.fvoth.com Call now 1-866-443-7444. NEW SUKUP GRAIN Dryers - LP/NG, 1 or 3 phase, canola screens. Call for more info NEW 2011 JD 568, 0 bales, big tires, loadand winter pricing. Contact 204-998-9915, e d e x c e p t n e t w r a p , $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. Altamont, MB. NEW GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Winter booking BALE SPEARS, high quality imported clearance on all in stock dryers! Contact from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, exWe n t wo r t h A g , W i n k l e r, M B . P h o n e c e l l e n t p r i c i n g . C a l l n o w t o l l f r e e 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. 877-655-9996, www.grainequipment.com



2940 PREMIER 30’, 1050 eng. hrs., shedded, exc. cond., $55,000. 306-398-2626, 306-398-7635, 306-398-7818 Cut Knife SK JOHN DEERE 2320 25’ SP swather, $8500. Call 306-493-2734, Delisle, SK.

NEED BALERS? ‘03 NH BR780, $12,400; ‘01 HESSTON 856A, $9,800; ‘02 CIH RBX561, $8,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2004 MF 9220 SP swather with 30’ PU reel and 765 hours. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 2012 BERGEN Partial Carry swather transport, $10,000 firm. 306-896-2311, Langenburg, SK. 30’ WESTWARD 7000 SP swather with MacDon 960 header. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday April 10, 2013, Fillmore, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 2008 MF 9435, 800 hrs., 25’ header, mint condition, $67,000. Call 403-501-4891, Duchess, AB.

2012 CIH WD1203, c/w DH362, cab and rear suspension, standard cab, cold start pkg. $135,000. www.redheadequipment.ca or, call one of our five locations. 2003 JOHN DEERE 567 round baler, c/w 30’ WESTWARD 3000 PT swather with PU 1000 PTO megawide PU, good cond., reel and Roto-Shear. Garth Hurford Farm $ 1 9 , 0 0 0 O B O . P h o n e S h e l d o n a t Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 20, 2013, 306-526-6836, Wynyard, SK. Balcarres, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

2 0 0 5 C I H 8 0 1 0 , 4 WD, front tires 1250-45-32 means 45” wide, rear tires 28Lx26 means 28” wide, apparently will go as far as a track machine, 4 spd. hyd. trans., straw chopper and spreaders, Pro 600 monitor, approx. 1950 sep. hrs. c/w 2052 30’ draper header, $150,000; 2008 IHC 8010, AWD, 45x32 front tires, 28x26 rear tires, spreader and chopper, approx. 800 sep. hrs., 30’ flex draper header, $250,000. Can email pics. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes and models. Call the combine superstore. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2006 CASE 8010, 1084 threshing hrs, Y&M, Pro 600, 28L26 rears, lateral tilt, vari speed feeder, diff. lock, fine cut chopper, 2016 PU, large hopper topper, downspout extension, all updates including air intake. Great shape. Keith 403-638-0660, Olds, AB 1989 CASE/IH 1680 factory 4X4, airfoil s i e ve , e x c e l l e n t , c / w 1 0 1 5 h e a d e r, $24,000. Also, 1020 PU reel and 1020 Batt reel. 780-957-2664, Crooked Creek, AB.

AUCTION- 2010 JD A400 swather and HoneyBee 30’ header, 625 engine hrs. showing. April 9th, Strongfield, SK. Paulsen Bros. Art 306-867-1889 or Nick 306-854-2053 or Kramer Auctions Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. PL# 914618. www.kramerauction.com

‘96 CIH 2188 COMBINE - Chopper, 2010 CIH WDX2303 SA, upgrade cab, cold spreader, long auger, hopper ext’n., reel start, UII one piece PU reel, dbl. knife, speed, fore/aft, 2,980/3,765 hrs., w/ 1015, DHX362 header, $135,000. Call one of our good cond’n. $39,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. KRONE VP 1800, 4x6 baler, silage and five locations. www.redheadequipment.ca www.combineworld.com hay, twine and netwrap, tandem axle, only 2000 MASSEY FERGUSON 220 Series II, 450 bales, $27,000. 403-553-2907, Fort 30’, triple delivery, $38,700. Check us out 1994 1688, excellor kit, 2500 eng hrs., Macleod, AB. online at: www.redheadequipment.ca or shedded, $23,000 w/o by Case/IH, mint, asking $46,000. 306-576-2242, Wishart SK NET WRAP! NET WRAP! NET WRAP! Call call one of our five locations. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. Website: WANTED: MAIN HYD. pumps for 1980 Inwww.norheimranching.com t e r n a t i o n a l 5 0 0 0 d i e s e l s w a t h e r. NEW HOLLAND BR780 round baler, bale 403-638-2232, Sundre, AB. command, extra wide pickup, Trelleborg 2009 NH 8040, HB30’, 450 cut hrs., most tires, 1000 PTO, approx. 12,000 bales, options, mint cond., asking $86,500. Call shedded. 306-459-2859, Ogema, SK. 780-387-6399, Wetaskiwin, AB. 1980 JD 2420 diesel, 25’ header w/UII PU reels, Keer Shear, 2 spd. trans. hydro, shedded, c/w 14’ JD hay header, rubber BOOK TODAY and SAVE on your bottom rollers, single knife drive, new chains, line. Quality NET WRAP at wholesale pric- guards and knife in 2012, both A-1 cond., ing. All sizes available! Take advantage of $18,000/both. 306-753-2796, Macklin, SK. our early booking pricing and enter to win a New Kawasaki ATV! We also sell grain 2012 CIH WD1903, SA, c/w DH362 headbags, twine, pit covers, innoculants and er, upgraded cab, cold start, $140,000. m o r e ! D o n ’ t p ay t i l l we d e l i ve r i t ! www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of w w w. c o m m i t t e d a g s u p p l y. c o m M i ke our five locations. 403-634-1615, Lethbridge, AB. 24.5’ IH 5000 SP swather with pickup reel. CASE/IH 8480 SOFT core round baler, Bob Johnston Farm Equipment Auction, asking $4500. Call: 306-697-7203, Gren- Friday, April 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for fell, SK. sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or NH 1049 BALE WAGON, 160 bale cap., 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 we l l ke p t , e x c . c o n d . , $ 2 4 , 9 0 0 . 2002 HARVEST PRO 8152 (MacDon) 403-335-4866, Olds, AB. w/972 25’ MacDon, 2 spd., triple delivery, 2061 eng. hrs., 1675 cutting hrs., always shedded, excellent condition, $52,000. 2001 WESTWARD 9350 w/922 16’ Mac- 204-326-1447, Mitchell, MB. Don header, double knives. 204-234-5411, 2009 MACDON M200, 1000 hrs., windrowOakburn, MB. er, no header, $98,000. Call one of our five HESSTON 1170 HAYBINE, new blades, locations or www.redheadequipment.ca good condition, ready to go, $6500. Phone 1984 VERSATILE 4400, 22’, UII PU reel, 306-363-2111, Watrous, SK. new engine, Honey Bee knife and guards, nice condition, $5000. Grandview, MB. 204-546-2737, 204-648-3935.

‘09 CIH 2016 HEADER W/ 16’ SWATHMASTER PICKUP - complete header & pickup assembly, excellent condition, $22,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com AUCTION. 2005 CASE/IH 7120 AFS, 459 sep. hrs, Tuesday, April 16, Tisdale, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers, 306-873-5488, www.schapansky.com PL#912715.

‘08 CIH 8010 COMBINE - 721/929 hrs., AFS Pro 600, deluxe cab, self levelling shoe, 900/60R32, $184,800. Macdon PW7 w/ Swathmaster & duals avail. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com CASE/IH 1660 Axial Flow SP combine with 2740 eng. hrs. Bob Johnston Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, April 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

‘05 DEGELMAN 1220 SIDEARM, mower attachment, 1000 PTO front & rear, fits 10`-20`mowers, $6,980. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

NEW HONEYBEE 21’ draper belt header, DSA, double knife drive, UII PU reel, hyd. drive, w/poly skid plates, fits 8000 Series NH, $35,499. 403-843-3700, Rimbey, AB. alyork@rimbeyimplements.ca

2010 MF 9435, big cab, 120 HP, 265 hrs., c/w 30’ DSA UIII PU reel, $99,000. Ph Saskatoon, 306-934-1546 or Swift Current, SK at 306-773-7281, www.fulllineag.com AUCTION. 2009 MF 9220, 30’, 194 hrs, UNIVERSAL HAYBINE REVERSER A flip Thursday, April 11, Watson, SK. Bruce of a switch from your tractor seat saves Schapansky Auctioneers, 306-873-5488, time, money and ensures operator safety. www.schapansky.com PL#912715. Kits available for most makes and models. Only $1550/kit. www.qvbenterprises.com MF 9220 SWATHER, 30’, 2010 tractor, Esterhazy, SK. Call: Duane 306-745-3801 2011 Shumaker header, gauge wheels, F&A, hyd. tilt, rotor sheers, weights, UII or Ken 306-745-3720. reel, TopCon A/S, low hrs., exc. swather. 995 16’ ROTARY HAY TABLE, fits 4995 Going to bigger header. Call for price. Greor R450 JD swather. Phone 403-443-2162, goire Seed Farms Ltd., North Battleford, SK. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516. Three Hills, AB.

2003 NH 320, w/25’ HoneyBee, 1800 eng. 15’ WING-UP SCHULTE XH1500 rotary hrs, deluxe cab, newer tires, good cond., mower with Schulte FLX15 offset hitch. $49,000 OBO. 780-674-3377, Barrhead, AB Bob Johnston Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. area. WESTWARD 9300 SP turbo swather and Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for 30’ MacDon 960 header with 1772 hours. sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or Darald Marin Farm Equipment Auction on 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com 4865 NEW IDEA round baler, 1000 PTO, for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or soft core, $3500 OBO. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

AUCTION- 2010 Case/IH 8120 w/CIH 2016 header, lots of options, 522 threshing hrs showing, April 12th, Shellbrook, SK. Miller Bros. Bob 306-747-2917 or Glen 306-747-2224. Kramer Auctions Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. PL #14618. www.kramerauction.com CASE/IH 2188 SP combine w/2315 rotor hours. Brian Dreger Farm Equip. Auction Monday, April 22, 2013, Lang, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1996 CASE/IH 2188, 2685/2182 hrs, numerous upgrades, vg, $59,000 OBO. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK.

2002 480R CAT Lexion, w/PU header, 20.8x42 duals. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip. Ltd., 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. AUCTION. 2003 CAT Challenger, 350 sep. hrs, Thursday, April 11, Watson, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers, 306-873-5488, www.schapansky.com PL#912715.

AUCTION. 2004 NH CR-970, Saturday, April 20 at Porcupine Plain, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers 306-873-5488, www.schapansky.com PL#912715.

2008 NH CR9070 STK #PN2892A, 764 hrs., 543 sep. hrs., 400 HP, hyd. lift pkg., yield monitor, $315,000. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca ESTATE SALE! 0% interest for 6 months. 2008 CIH WD1203 Deluxe cab, cab sus- ALL your agricultural tire needs available 2007 CR9070, 768 sep. hrs, 14’ PU, deluxe pension, case conf. for DHX, $105,000. at OK Tire, Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon, SK. chopper, always shedded, excellent unit, www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of Featuring Firestone and BKT. On farm ser- serviced and ready! $185,000. Willingdon, AB., 780-367-2142, acepoultry@live.ca vice avail. 306-933-1115, www.oktire.com our five locations.

TWO 2009 CR9070’s w/Swathmaster PU’s, dual 620-70Rx42 tires, yield and moisture and yield mapping, approx. 700 threshing hrs. For more info and purchase options call 306-793-4212, 306-793-2190, Stockholm, SK. NH TR98 SP combine with 2502 hours. Stan Doughty Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, Pangman, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 2009 NH 9070, 570 separator hrs. Dealer serviced fall 2012. Ready to go, in great condition. Not used fall of 2012. Fully integrated factory GPS with AutoSteer/ yield mapping. Two sets of concaves, $176,000. 306-722-7644 or 406-268-1028. Located at Fillmore, SK. jflaten@jmgrain.com or hjohnson@jmgrain.com 3- NH TR98’s SP, 971 PU, shedded, well maintained, 1400-2300 sep. hrs., $35,000 each OBO. 306-621-0614, 780-617-4247, Foam Lake, SK. 1993 NH TR96 STK #HN2911C, 240 HP, $13,900 cash price. Call 1-888-446-9572 or www.farmworld.ca

LAST OF 2011’s. Demo Gleaner Super 77, 900x32 tires, 390 bu. power bin, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, autolube, Beacon lights, hyd. cooling fan, c/w GLR 4200-16 PU header. Call for super special pricing now. 204-759-2527, Shoal Lake, MB. 95 GLEANER R72, 2522 sep. hrs., 3245 eng. hrs., Sunnybrook rotor, new feeder chains, air foil sieves, $40,000. Crossfield, AB., 403-818-6443. 96 GLEANER R72, 2160 sep. hrs., 2774 eng. hrs., Sunnybrook rotor, new feeder chains, air foil sieves, $45,000. Crossfield, AB., 403-818-6443. 1981 L2 GLEANER, 1845 hrs., always shedded, new rubber, field ready, $10,000. 403-935-4331, 587-888-2112, Airdrie, AB.

1997 9600 JD w/914 PU, 2691 eng. hrs, 1991 sep. hrs,. exc. cond., serviced by licensed mechanic, always shedded, everything works. DAM, DAS, 2 spd. cyl., 9660 concave, new rub bars, big rear tires, brand new PU belts, HID lights, rear work and service lights, side hill shoe kit, fine cut chopper, wide tailboard fins, chaff spreader, beater speed-up kit, c/w misc parts, $68,000 OBO. Phone 403-742-3994, Erskine, AB. 2006 JD 9760 STS, 1480 hrs., Performaxed, with 615 PU, 800-38 rubber, $32,000 work order; Case/IH 1688, high output chopper, very good condition, $22,000. Call 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. 1993 JD 9500, 3156 sep. hrs, 4455 eng. hrs, chopper, JD 914 PU, JD 930 rigid header and trailer, asking $55,000. 306-588-2588, Vanguard, SK. WANTED: 6601 JD PT combine, must be shedded. 403-363-3736, Brooks, AB. MUST SELL: 9600 JD combine, 3000 hrs., 914 PU, Hopper Topper, long auger, chopper, chaff spreader, shedded, field ready. 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK.

NEED COMBINE HEADERS? ’94 30’ CIH 1010, $6,980; ‘94 36’ Macdon 960, $4,900; ‘97 36’ Macdon 960, $6,980; ‘93 36’ Macdon 960, $14,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 1992 MACDON 960, JD adaptor, PU, batt reel, factory transport, shedded, $14,000. 204-981-8658, St. Francois Xavier, MB. 2 0 0 8 N H 9 4 C , 3 0 ’ C R / A F X a d ap t e r, $41,000 OBO. Yorkton, SK. 306-563-8482 or 306-782-2586.

‘04 JD 9660 STS Greenstar, NEW factory duals, FC chopper, 2,523/3,579 hrs., new pickup available. $118,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com AUCTION. 2009 JD 9870, 631 sep. hrs; 2005 JD 9860, 1602 sep. hrs; 2005 JD 9660, 856 sep. hrs., Tuesday, April 16 at Tisdale, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers, www.schapansky.com 306-873-5488. PL#912715. 1996 JD 9600, well maintained, 4550 eng. hrs, 3039 sep. hrs, includes 922 straightcut and 914 PU headers, $55,000 OBO. 780-934-6384, Fort Saskatchewan, AB. JD 9600 1997, w/914 PU, 2427 sep hrs., nav chopper, chaff spreader, grain loss monitor, vg cond., always stored inside, $50,000 OBO. Regina, SK. 306-779-1362, 306-536-5160. 2002 9650W w/914 PU, Sunnybrook cyl. and concave, DAS, var. spd. feeder house, HHS, Y&M, 20’ auger, 4 WD, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, hopper ext., fore/aft, 2330/1600 hrs, always shedded, exc cond, $130,000. 204-326-1447, Mitchell, MB. 2007 JD 9660 STS, 1242/1593 hrs, duals, shedded, $169,000, 2008 635F, $29,000. 306-831-9411, Rosetown, SK.

JD 8820 TITAN II SP combine. Warren Domres Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1999 JD 9610 SP combine with 2362 sep. hours. Garth Hurford Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 20, 2013, Balcarres, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1997 9600, loaded, c/w 914, long auger, fine cut chopper, JD chaff spreader, new 800x65R32 Michelins, shedded, exc. cond, $70,000. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. 2011 JD 9770 STS, 378 hrs., 615 PU and 2002 JD 9650 Walker, 2050 sep. hrs., 2009 HydraFlex 635F platforms, very nice. shedded, good condition, $115,000 OBO. 306-280-4608, Hanley, SK. 403-575-9500, Consort, AB. 2007 JD 9660WTS, only 528 sep. hrs., auto header height control, auto reel speed control, hyd. fore/aft, grain loss monitor, rock trap, 21’6” unloading auger, hopper topper. Just been Greenlighted! Excellent shape! $169,900. Call Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 2000 JD 9650, STK #N21472B, 3404 hrs., 275 HP, 240 bu., 2400 sep. hrs., 914 JD PU, 2 spd. cylinder, rebuilt eng., $118,000. Call 1-888-442-6084 or www.farmworld.ca ’00 JD 9750 STS - 2,424 hrs., Greenstar, 1988 JD 8820, 212 PU, 4 WD, 4920 hrs., field ready, w/ warranty & many one owner, $22,000. 204-981-8658, St. new parts, $69,800. Trades welcome. Francois Xavier, MB. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. JD 7720 TITAN II combine w/JD 212 PU www.combineworld.com header, also selling 30’ JD 930 straight cut 1987 JOHN DEERE 7721 pull type combine header. Fradette and Cherpin Large Farm for sale. Phone: 306-228-3251, Unity, SK. Equipment Auction, Monday, April 15, 2013, Radville, SK. area. For sale bill and 1997 JD 9600 Premium combine, used on photos www.mackauctioncompany.com rock free soil, 2452 sep. hrs., has everyM a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r thing (loaded up). Tires near new, 2 headers, $65,000. 306-268-4436, Viceroy, SK. 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 1982 JD 8820, hydro, 212 PU, chopper, 4000 hrs., $11,000 OBO; 1983 JD 8820, hydro., 212 PU, air chaffer, chopper, dual cyl., long auger, 4035 hrs., $12,500 OBO. 306-834-2960, Kerrobert, SK. TWO 1998 JOHN DEERE 9610 combines. Fine cut, variable speed, adjustable axles, DAS, shedded, $64,000. 204-825-8121, Morden, MB.

2010 9870 STS, low hrs., 343 sep. hrs, 520 duals, 4 WD, Contour Master, c/w 615P header, optional to include 635 HydraFlex header, $289,000. Call 204-227-5679, Warren, MB. Email: riddellseed@mts.net 1995 JD 9600, 5329 eng. hrs, 3811 sep. hrs., 2 spd. cyl., 30.5 tires, fore/aft, Greenlighted, field ready, $52,500. Woodrow, SK. 306-472-5759 or 306-472-7659. REDUCED: 2000 JD 9650W, only 1457 sep. hrs., auto header height control, diala-speed, chaff spreader, chopper, hopper topper, 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, JD 914 PU header, always shedded, excellent condition, $108,900. Call Jordan 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. 2003 JD 9650 STS SP combine Greenlighted yearly w/1471 sep. hrs. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1993 JD 9500, 3566 sep. hrs., recent CMI, chopper, chaff spredder, shedded, 914 PU, 32,000. 306-867-8515, Outlook, SK JD 9600 COMBINE with 3314 separator hrs. Darald Marin Farm Equipment Auction Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1995 JD 9600 combine, 2489 threshing hrs., always shedded, well maintained, no peas, dual range cylinder, chaff spreader, new tires. 780-352-2783, Wetaskiwin, AB.

HONEYBEE SP 36 draper header with pea cross auger and JD 930F flex header w/PU reel. Darald Marin Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

‘07 JD 936D HEADER - Single pt., factory transport, hyd. F/A, new canvas, knife, & PUR fingers. $38,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

NEW PW7 HEADER W/ 16’ SWATHMASTER PICKUP EARLY BUY SPECIAL! Retails at $31,594; buy now starting at $25,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

‘08 MACDON D50/CIH 2142 - 35’, new knife & guards, $49,800. Adapters for JD STS & CAT 500 series available. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

’03 HONEYBEE SP36 PUR, hyd. F/A, factory transport, new canvas, knife, skids & PUR fingers, fits JD STS (other adapters avail.), $28,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 36’ MACDON 960 draper harvest header, 25’ MacDon draper harvest header, MacDon header adapters for Case/IH, MacDon header adapter for NH. Brian Dreger Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 22, 2013, Lang, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 MACDON 960 36’ header, PU reel JD adapter, fore/aft, built-on transport, $10,000. 306-634-7920, 306-421-1753 cell, Estevan, SK 2009 JD 635F HydraFlex, nice shape, $33,500. 306-280-4608, Hanley, SK.

1999 36’ MACDON 962/CASE IH 1042 HEADER, w/ 80 series IH adapter, many new parts, excellent condition. $22,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

25’ CASE/IH 1010 straight cut header. Bob Johnston Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, 1987 JD 7721 Titan II, shedded, mint, April 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. area. Visit dual range, grain loss monitors. Plus parts www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or combine. 306-662-3312, Maple Creek, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1997 JD 9600, 4225 eng. hrs, 3254 sep. hrs., 2 spd. cyl., 30.5 tires, fore/aft, Green- 2007 JD 635 FLEX header, CRARY AIR lighted, field ready, $61,500. Woodrow, REEL, A-1 cond., $31,900. Will deal, can deliver. Call 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. SK. 306-472-5759 or 306-472-7659. 1994 JD 9600, 914 PU, chaff spreader, RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most yield monitor, 2750 sep. hrs., $45,000. makes and sizes; Also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, 204-981-8658, St. Francois Xavier, MB. SK. www.straightcutheaders.com 2010 9770 STS JD, w/1615 PU header, 20.8x42 duals, large rear tires, $275,000. 1997 MACDON 960, JD adaptor, PU reel, A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Stor- transport gauge wheels, shedded $16,000. 204-981-8658, St. Francois Xavier, MB. thoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. 2011 CASE/IH 2162 flex header (same as MacDon FD70D), 40’, double knife, pea auger, transport, $72,000. 306-831-8818, 2009 MF 9895 w/pickup header, chopper, 306-831-8808, Rosetown, SK. s p r e a d e r, 5 5 5 h o u r s , $ 2 9 9 , 0 0 0 . 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, 306-773-7281 2004 JD 635F hydraflex, single point hookup, fore/aft, auto header height. or Swift Current, SK. www.fulllineag.com 2009 MF 9895, 430 separator hours, duals 306-297-3270, Shaunavon, SK. MAV chopper, lateral tilt, mapping, HID, GERINGHOFF 8R 30” CHOPPING CORN with all options, $200,000 OBO. Call HEAD, excellent condition, shedded, 403-442-2288, Trochu, AB. $47,900. Call 204-324-6298, Altona, MB.



SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge inventory new and used tractor parts. 1-888-676-4847.

NEW PICKUP REELS, Hart Carter 25’, $5,300; 30’, $5,900; 36’, $7,900; UII 25’, $6,830; 30’, $7,900; 36’, $8,900. Plastic teeth, fits JD/NH/CIH/Macdon headers. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2010 30’ Macdon D60-S - PUR, hyd. fore/aft, factory transport, fits swathers, combine adapters available, $39,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 30’ HONEYBEE 994 straight cut draper header, 30’ MacDon 960 harvest draper header, MacDon header adapter for NH 6070 bi-directional tractor. Stan Doughty Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Pangman, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

’01 JD 9750 STS COMBINE Greenstar, excellent tires, Redekop MAV upgrade w/ new blades, 2,600 hrs., lots of new parts, sold w/ warranty, $74,800. Pickups available starting at $8,000. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com.

L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, 306-946-7923, Young, SK.

S EXS M ITH US ED FARM P ARTS LTD . USED PICKUP REELS - 21’ UII, $3,180; 36’ UII, $5,980; 30’ Hart Carter, $4,780; 24’ UII, $4,480; 36’ Hart Carter, $5,980. Trades welcome. Call 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa rts.co m Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs . Plu s M u ch M o re!

MACDON 972 36’, w/JD adaptor, 2003, single point hookup, double knife drive, PU reel, upper cross auger, reel fore and aft, built-in transport kit, good cond., $29,000. 204-534-7920, Boissevain, MB. 30’ 2005 HONEYBEE NH94C straight cut header w/UII PU reel with pea cross auger and flex finger lifters. Garth Hurford Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 20, 2013, Balcarres, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

1-8 00-340-119 2 Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g NEED PICKUP HEADERS? ‘96 13’ NH 971, $1,680; ‘91 JD914, $4,900; ‘95 CIH 1015, $2,280; ‘97 CIH 1015, $3,980. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2009 JD 635D, draper header, poly skids, fore/aft., excellent condition, $52,000. 306-528-4408, Nokomis, SK.

G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. $2000 OFF ON BRAND NEW 2008 16’ MACDON PW7 w/ Swathmaster pickup, fits STS combines. Retails at $25,800, buy now for $23,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. www.comb-tracsalvage.com We buy machinery.

ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Blackfalds, AB. 1-877-321-7732. NEW PICKUPS, Swathmaster 14’, $13,838; Swathmaster 16’, $15,838. Used pickups also in stock. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

VARIOUS PICKUPS IN STOCK - ‘93 12’ Rake-up, $3,900; ‘81 JD212, $1,980; ‘04 16’ Rake-up, $8,950; ‘95 14’ Victory Super 8, $3,980; ‘96 14’ Swathmaster, $7,980. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

FLEXI FINGER CROP LIFTERS. Used CR NH pea concaves. Call 780-878-4655, Ferintosh, AB.

STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very affordable new and used parts available, made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 NEED JD STS COMBINE CAB? Full cab assembly off 2004 JD STS, Greenstar equipped, $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com


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MEDICINE HAT TRACTOR Salvage Inc. Specializing in new, used, and rebuilt agricultural and construction parts. Buying ag and construction equipment for dismant l i n g . C a l l t o d ay 1 - 8 7 7 - 5 2 7 - 7 2 7 8 , www.mhtractor.ca Medicine Hat, AB.


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DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-6674515. www.combineworld.com



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SALVAGE TRACTORS: FORD 7840, 7610, TW20, 6600, 5000, 4610, Major. IH New Used & Re-man parts 885, 844, 784, 674. DB 1594, 1210, 885. Tractors Combines Swathers Nuffield 4/65,10/60. JD 3130, 7600. MF 165, S90. County 754, 1004. Unity, SK., GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always 306-228-3011, www.britishtractor.com buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734. LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. COMPLETE ENGINES FOR Case tractors: We sell new, used and remanufactured 1370 for $1750. and 1070 for $1250. parts for most farm tractors and combines. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tracetc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, tors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battle306-441-0655, Richard, SK. ford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769.

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REIGI UNIVERCO PTO driven 2 row weeder, 3 PTH, $4500. Pics avail. 780-518-1232 Eatonia, SK. Email oend27@gmail.com 2 TON EVEN FLO tub, $1100; tub filler conveyor, $1300; Troyer 30” rolling grading table, $4600; Lockwood 36” rolling grading table, $2800; 1800 lb. potato boxes w/hinged opening, offers; one 1 ton and one 1 1/2 ton steel dump boxes, offers; Milestone double deck seed cutter, $4300; Better Built auger seed treater, $1100. Tom or Jeff 306-843-3115, 306-843-7153, 306-247-2007 or, 306-843-7997, Scott, SK SPUDNIK 24” long boom piler auto control, $17,900; 4 row cup planter, w/Gandy applicators and liquid fertilizer, $5200; 2 row Lockwood harvester, belted chain and blower, $5200; Davis 48” dirt eliminator grating table, variable speed, $17,900; 10 head Philiper auto-bag filler, $3100; 2 head Lockwood bagger, $2800; Echo bagger, $4000; 2 Spudnik scoopers; 10’ and 20’ conveyors; 30-60’ sliding table, 24”; 2 wire tie bag closers; Other misc. potato equipment. Call 306-843-3115, Scott, SK.



2012 NH SP240 FXP 110’, 1200 gal., loaded GPS, 245 hrs., Smartrax, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, $255,000. www.fulllineag.com 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, 306-773-7281. BRANDT AUTOFOLD 95’ sprayer, triple nozzle bodies, wind cones, field ready. GPS included. Phone 306-228-9988, Denzil, SK. baketn@sasktel.net 2005 NEW HOLLAND SF115, 1250 gallon, 90’ suspended boom, autorate, chemical inductor, rinse tank, 4-way nozzles, $27,500. 306-677-2606, Hodgeville, SK. 2004 NH SF115, 90’ suspended boom, 1250 gal., autorate, chem inductor, triple nozzles, windscreens, foam mkrs, $26,500 OBO. 306-648-3620, Gravelbourg, SK. FLEXI-COIL 65XL SPRAYER, 100’ boom, windscreens, auto unfold, 1250 gal. tank, large floatation tires, shedded, exc. cond., $11,000. 403-647-7826, Foremost, AB. MUST SELL: 100’ Brandt quick fold 2000 Model sprayer, 1200 gal. tank, blue color, good price. 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK. 90’ NH SF 110 PT susp. boom sprayer, also 83’ Bourgault 850 Centurion II PT field sprayer. Bob Johnston Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. USED SCHULTE GIANT 2500 rock picker, 2012, large 2.5 cubic yard hopper, reel style system, asking $20,500. Flaman Sales, Nisku, AB., call 1-800-352-6264. ROCKMASTER XL56, hydraulic drive, $5000 OBO. Phone 306-883-7305 cell, Spiritwood, SK. SCHULTE GIANT 3 BATT, hyd. drive, rock curtain, floatation tires, new cond., $18,000 OBO; DEGELMAN R570 3 batt, ground drive, throw-out clutch, rock curtain, excellent condition, $4500. 306-961-8061, Shellbrook, SK. 1996 HIGHLINE XL 6084 stonepicker, hydraulic reels, high dump, good shape. 306-338-2085, Kuroki, SK. DEGELMAN R570 ROCKPICKER, ground drive with throw-out clutch, $1300. Ph 306-795-7608, Ituna, SK.

AUCTION- Large Selection of shop equipment, tools and supply featuring brand names, Snap-On, Blue Point, Grey and much more. April 10th, Strongfield, SK. Lorne Ulven 306-857-4500, Kramer Auctions Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford PL#14618. www.kramerauction.com

2008 BRANDT SB4000, 1600 gal., 100’, 480/80R46 tires, rinse tank, Norac UC4+ factory AutoHeight, hyd. suspension, end nozzle, AgLeader Insight mapping system, rate control, 5 boom auto section control, $39,000. 306-862-8887, Zenon Park, SK. 1998 FLEXI-COIL 67XLT, 1250 gal. tank, wind screens, autorate; 40’ Hardy truck mount sprayer. 403-379-2278 Bindloss, AB 2004 BRANDT SB4000 90’ sprayer, foam marker, wind cones, touchdown wheel kit, rinse kit, $22,900 OBO. Call 306-834-2960, Kerrobert, SK. 2003 FLEX-COIL 67XL, suspended boom, 90’, 1250 gal. tank, double nozzle body, autorate, foam marker, always shedded, $21,000. 306-476-7248, Fife Lake, SK 1999 FLEXI-COIL XL67, 1250 gal. tank, 130’ boom, wind curtains, dual nozzle bodies, rinse tank, chem. handler, autorate controller, foam marker, $11,000 OBO. Phone 306-965-2747, Coleville, SK. 2008 NH SF216 wheel boom, 480-80R-38 tires, 4 section control, hyd. fold-out, 100’, 1350 Imp. gal., $25,000, offers considered. 306-759-2191, Eyebrow, SK.

2004 NEW HOLLAND SF115 pull type wheeled boom sprayer, 100’, 18.4x26 tires, $15,000. Call Trent 306-621-7843, Kurtis 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. 2006 67XL, 130’ wheel boom, power fold, rinse tank, autorate, foam, vg cond., $19,900. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1999 FLEXI-COIL 67XL, 1250 gallon, 100’ FARM KING snowblower, single auger, wheel boom, wind screens, autorate, 82”, shedded, very good condition. chem. inductor, dual ABJ nozzles, $11,000. 306-842-6203, Griffin, SK. 306-677-2606, Hodgeville, SK. BOURGAULT 100’ Raven autorate, foam markers, wind curtains, double nozzle bodies, exc. cond. 306-727-4408, Sintaluta, SK NH S1070 HIGH Clearance, 2009, 134’ boom, Norac control, autorate, 2 sets of tires, 480/80R38’s, 24Rx32 radials- 1 year, good cond. 306-463-4866, Kindersley, SK. WANTED: FLEXI-COIL PT SPRAYER Series 67, 1200 gallon tank, hyd. pump, 100’. 306-268-2097, 306-268-7668, Bengough. AGRO TREND 3 PTH snowblowers made in Ontario: have 42”, 60”, 66”, 72”, 78”, 102” and 108”. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. ERSKINE INDUSTRIAL 9’ front mount snowblower, 2 auger, hyd. shoot, universal mount $8500. 306-268-4371 Bengough SK 2009 CASE/IH SRX 160, 100’ wheeled boom sprayer, 5 and 10 gal. nozzles, 4 section shut-off, also c/w EZ-Guide 500 as rate controller and EZ-Steer, 2” Honda water pump and 2” chem handler, asking WANTED: 6 ROW corn header to fit Claas $27,000 OBO. 306-233-7053 Cudworth, SK 840, looking for older used header in good 2010 CASE/IH 160 Precision 90’ wheeled shape. Call 403-358-1211, Innisfail, AB. sprayer, hyd. unfold, 1350 Imp. gal. tank, COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, autorate, touch screen monitor, induction trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, ta- tank, foam marker, rinse tank, dual nozpered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage zles, low acres. Mint condition. Call 780-208-3344, Innisfree, AB. gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. 2006 NEW HOLLAND (Flexi-Coil) SF115, 1250 Imp. gal., 90’ suspended boom, windscreens, rinse tank, mix and fill tank, dual nozzles, fence row nozzles, foam markers, wash wand, 665 controller, exc. c o n d . , $ 3 2 , 0 0 0 O B O. P h o n e Te d at 403-934-8503, Cluny, AB.

2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no PU, 1910 hrs., autolube, AutoSteer, spout extension, service records, $115,000 OBO. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB. YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. TYCROP HYDUMP 16’, floatation tires, good condition, asking $10,500. 306-329-4780, 306-371-7382, Asquith, SK. 1997 JD 676 Kemper 6 row corn header, S/N #Z00676B047838, recent Greenlight. Call John 780-361-7674, Wetaskiwin, AB. NH FR 9080 CHOPPER, c/w 8-row corn header, 15’ PU header, 900 cutter hrs. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB.

WIRELESS PRO-BOX GATE OPENER. Looking for a safer way to open your ProBoxes of seed this spring? See the video on website: www.ilgse.com or contact 519-749-5488, Bright, Ontario or email: mosburgerfarms@hotmail.com

2004 COMPUTORSPRAY, 550 gal. tank, 60’ susp. booms, hyd. drive, exc. cond., $9500. Lyle at 306-246-2141, Mayfair, SK. 2003 BRANDT SB4000, 1600 gallon, 90’, Norac height control, triple nozzle body, wind cones, chemical handler. Phone: 306-640-7915, Assiniboia, SK. BRANDT QF 1000, 100’, 800 gal. tank, autofold, hyd. pump, chem handler, wind cones, $3500. Watrous SK., 306-946-2537. 2005 BRANDT QF1500 100’ sprayer, wind cones, hyd. pump, 1 boom fold back option, 800 Imp. gal. tank, fresh water rinse tank. 306-472-5596, Lafleche, SK. FLEXI-COIL 65, 80’, wind screens, hyd. pump, hydraulic markers, autorate, double nozzle bodies, good condition, $5800 OBO. Ph 306-957-4315, Odessa, SK. 100’ BRANDT QF 1500 field sprayer plus a 85’ Brandt field sprayer and a 20’ 3 PTH sprayer. Warren Domres Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. PL 311962. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 67XL 134’, wind screens, chemical inductor, foam markers, 1600 US gal. tank, vg condition, asking $16,900 OBO. 780-764-2407, Mundare, AB

2004 BRANDT SB 4000 90’ suspended boom sprayer, Serial #074067-04, 1350 imp. gal. tank, Micro Trak 9000 autorate controller, mix and fill tank, frost kit, tank rinse nozzles, twin nozzle bodies, wind cones, foam marker, boom touchdown wheels, exc. cond., no welds or damage, approx. 14,000 acres, reduced $26,500. Call toll free 1-877-862-2413, cell: 306-862-7761 or 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524, Nipawin, SK. 2005 BRANDT SB4000 sprayer, 90’ susp. boom, Norac AutoHeight control, foam marker, chem handler, wash tank, MT9000 controller, 2nd wiring harness, rebuilt product pump, 3 sets nozzles, low acres, shedded, $30,500. Rod 306-698-2648 Wolseley, SK.

2009 JD 4830, 100’ SS booms c/w 5-way nozzles, 1000 gal. SS tank w/3” fill, foam markers and fence row nozzle. Greenstar 2 2600 monitor w/Starfire 3000 reciever, SF1 AutoSteer, Swath Control Pro, Boom Trac Pro, 380/90R46 tires, hyd. tread adjust, onboard air, Climatrac and HID lighting. Set of 650/65R38 tires, rims and four Tridekon Crop Savers w/air lift also available. Sprayer is in excellent condition with 765 spray hrs., was Greenlighted Oct./12 and has some extended warranty remaining. Asking $221,500 OBO. Phone: 780-525-3918, Grassland, AB. 2008 MILLER A75, 103’ spray air boom and hypro nozzles, 1000 gal. tank, 2 sets of rear tires, crop dividers, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, 1221 hrs., $168,000 OBO. 780-674-7944, Barrhead, AB. 2006 2200HT MILLER Nitro, 1200 gal. tank, 100’ boom, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, touch screen GPS, incl. two sets of tires, $94,900. 250-219-4545 Dawson Creek, BC. 2009 JOHN DEERE 4730, 1350 hrs., loaded, 100’, 2 sets of tires, asking $215,000. C a l l Tr e n t 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 7 8 4 3 o r K u r t i s 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. 1995 WILMAR 745 air ride sprayer, 540 gal. poly tank, 75’ boom, 3-way nozzles, Mid Tec autorate, 2 sets tires, 3810 hrs, $27,500 OBO. 306-592-4405, Buchanan SK 2000 ROGATOR 1254, excellent cond., 3200 hrs., 2 sets of tires, 90’ boom, $85,000. with Outback AutoSteer and sectional boom control; $75,000 without. Gord at 306-327-7782, Nut Mountain, SK. 1997 EAGLE 8400 high clearance sprayer, 120’ boom, 1000 gal SS tank, Ag Shield AutoBoom, two sets of tires, 3918 hrs., $60,000. 306-338-2021, Kuroki, SK. JD 4700 SP high rise 90’ sprayer, 2900 hrs and Cultiva AutoSteer GPS. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equipment Auction for Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 4655 SPRA-COUPE, 1500 hours, 40/80’ booms, 5 spd. manual trans, floodlights, t o w h i t c h , J D G P S , $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 O B O. 780-669-2828, Stony Plains, AB. 2010 JD 4830 SF1 AutoSteer, 2600 display, swath control, boom height control, 5 nozzles, HID lights, 2 sets of tires, 4 air lift dividers, spraytest remote, owner operator machine, 1779 hrs., $211,000 OBO. Call 204-937-0866, Roblin, MB. 2011 NEW HOLLAND 240R, 500 hrs., loaded, 90’, rear duals, asking $187,000. Call Tr e n t 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 7 8 4 3 o r K u r t i s 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. 2009 JOHN DEERE 4930, 1300 hrs., loaded, 120’, 2 sets of tires, asking $275,000. C a l l Tr e n t 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 7 8 4 3 o r K u r t i s 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. 2008 REDBALL SPRAYER 7830, 480 hrs., 90’, 1200 US gal tank and 130 gal rinse tank. Contact David or John 306-445-9897 or 306-445-2233, North Battleford, SK. 2012 JOHN DEERE 4940, 330 hrs., loaded, 120’, 2 sets of tires, asking $342,000. Call Tr e n t 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 7 8 4 3 o r K u r t i s 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK.

2010 MILLER NITRO 4240, STK #KK21601A, 1200 poly, Raven GPS, 100’ floats, $284,000. Call 1-888-442-6084 or www.farmworld.ca NEW 2012 APACHE 1020, 14 hrs., never been to the field, loaded, 100’, asking $199,000. Call Trent 306-621-7843, Kurtis 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. ALUMINUM BOOM EXTENSIONS from 1074, Rogator extends to 120’ from 100’. Phone 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 1994 TYLER PATRIOT XL 75’, 4600 hrs., 750 gal. tank, 2 sets tires, 3-way nozzles, $50,000. 306-932-7125, Dodsland, SK.

2011 CIH 3330, $259,000; 2010 CIH 4420, $264,000; 1998 Patriot NT, $59,900; 2004 Rogator 864, $109,000; 2005 Willmar 8650, $110,000; Bourgault Cent III, $3900; 1994 BG, $6900; 1997 BG 1450, $8900; 1996 BG 1450, $7500. Hergott Farm Equip., 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK 1995 WILLMAR 785 Air Trak SP 85’ sprayer w/2896 hours and 5.9 Cummins engine. Stan Doughty Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, Pangman, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

2005 SPRA-COUPE 4650, STK #N21758A, $85,000. Call 1-888-442-6084 or go to www.farmworld.ca 2010 JD 4730, 4 WD, 90’ booms, 800 gal. SS tank, 1300 spray hrs., 5-way nozzle bodies, 2600 display swath control, activated AutoSteer, HID lights, auto level, hyd. tread adjust, like new, $198,500 OBO. Call 306-873-7822, Tisdale, SK. 2005 ROGATOR 874, 2611 hrs., new eng., all new wheel motor seals, 100’ boom, Outback Guidance, AutoSteer boom height and section control, 320/90R50 skinnies, 24.5x32 floaters $120,000. Esterhazy, SK, call Myles 306-745-6140, 306-745-7530.

NEW 2014 SPRAYFLEX sprayer, 3150 gal., stainless tank, 132’ aluminum box booms. Own the most productive sprayer available, check out our full line of sprayers at www.sprayflexsprayers.com or, call Blaine 306-627-3441, Pro Pass Ag 2009 JOHN DEERE 4830, 1300 hrs., load- Sales, McMahon, SK. ed, 100’, 2 sets of tires, asking $232,000. 2006 JD 4920, loaded, 120’ booms, SS C a l l Tr e n t 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 7 8 4 3 o r K u r t i s tank, AutoBoom, slip control, 2 sets tires, 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. 2400 eng. hrs. 780-206-1234, Barrhead AB JUST CONSIGNED: 2- 2012 JD 4940, CASE/IH 4410, 1200 gal., SS, 90’, Auto120’ high clearance sprayers, 1200 gal. SS Steer and mapping, AutoBoom height, actank, 5 nozzle bodies w/tips, 20” nozzle tive suspension, AIM command, 2 sets spacing, AutoTrac ready, Traction Control, tires, always shedded. 403-647-7391, Milk BoomTrac Pro 5 sensor, 380/105R50. To River, AB. be sold at the Regina Sale at Rouleau, SK. on April 2nd, 2013. For more info contact SPRAYTEST REMOTE BOOM CONTROL Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers at 306-776-2397 Use handheld remote to select and turn on or www.rbauction.com PL #303043. individual boom section for nozzle checks. 2010 SPRAY-COUPE 7660, 415 hrs., Easy install with harness to plug in to your sprayer. Trimble guidance, 90’ booms, $165,000. Models for up to 16 sections. 403-652-2414, farmway@telusplanet.net High River, AB. Ph: 306-859-1200 1 9 9 9 A PAC H E 7 9 0 , 3 0 9 7 h r s . , S T K #KK21415A, 60/90’ boom, 750 gal., foam spraytest@sasktel.net m a r k e r, S m a r Tr a x , $ 7 9 , 0 0 0 . C a l l www.spraytest.com 1-888-442-6084 or www.farmworld.ca 2008 AGCHEM ROGATOR 1286C, 2000 1995 PATRIOT wide track, JD 175, 700 hrs., 120’ alum., loaded, 2 sets tires, SS tank, new 100’ booms, w/sectional $187,000. Call Trent 306-621-7843, Kurtis control, Envisio Pro, AutoSteer, 2 sets tires, many extras, $79,000 OBO. 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. 306-268-4371, Bengough, SK. 2010 MILLER CONDOR G40, STK #N22118A, 1200 gal. poly, 103’ Spray-Air boom, 3” fill, 650 floats, $198,000. Call 1-888-442-6084 or www.farmworld.ca CASE/IH PATRIOT SPX 3185 SP sprayer 2007 JD 4720, 500 spray and 1000 eng. w/Outback AutoSteer and 90’ boom, also hrs, 90’ boom, polytank, 2 sets of tires, selling 90’ Summers Ultimate PT susp. GPS with 2600 display, LH RH fence row boom sprayer and 50’ Melroe 215 Spranozzles, hyd. tread, on board air, field Coupe w/488 hrs. Darald Marin Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 13, ready, $178,000. 780-961-2486, Legal, AB. 2013, Radville, SK. area. For sale bill and 2005 JD 4720 sprayer, 90’ boom, 3 sets photos www.mackauctioncompany.com of nozzles, fence row nozzles, five sensor M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 , Norac AutoBoom, two sets of tires, hyd. 306-487-7815. PL 311962. t r e a d a d j u s t , S p r ay Te s t , 2 0 0 0 h r s . , $140,000. 306-383-2915, Quill Lake, SK. DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ to 53’. WILLMAR 7400 high clearance sprayer, Air 750 gal. tank, 90’ boom, AutoSteer, map- SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. ping, AccuBoom, autorate, nice shape, c/w FOUR 420/80R46 RIMS and tires for 4730 1998 Trailtech sprayer trailer, $68,000. JD sprayer, excellent condition, $12,500 403-647-7826, Foremost, AB. OBO. Call 306-628-7337, Leader, SK. 1995 SPRA-COUPE 3630, 1612 hrs., 300 4 MICHELIN 800/65R32 tires and rims gal. tank, 60’, single nozzles, many up- off 1184 Rogator, new cond., $18,500 grades and new parts, $29,000. Bob at OBO. 306-961-8060, Shellbrook, SK. 306-222-3032, 306-374-0111, Saskatoon. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. 1995 PATRIOT 150 90’, 42” tires, 750 gal. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. tank, 5-way nozzles, Dickey John autorate, Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut E-Kay crop dividers, 3500 hrs., $45,000 Knife, SK. OBO. 306-961-8061, Shellbrook, SK. PA I R O F C U S TO M b u i l t b o l t - o n , 2010 JOHN DEERE 4730, 1100 hrs., load- wheels with tires to fit JD 4710/20/30, ed, 100’, 2 sets of tires, asking $219,000. series SP sprayers, $1995. 306-287-7707, C a l l Tr e n t 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 7 8 4 3 o r K u r t i s 306-287-8292, Quill Lake, SK. 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. 2012 4430 CASE/IH high clearance DUTCH IND. SPRAYER TRAILER, 1994, sprayer, loaded, Aim, AutoBoom, Accu- 10’ wide, pintle hitch, fresh safety, $8000. Boom, Viper Pro, single and dual nozzles, 780-669-2828, Stony Plains, AB. end nozzles, clean out valves, two sets of AUCTION. 2004 JD 4710, 100’, Saturday, t i r e s , 1 2 0 ’ , 7 6 8 h r s , $ 2 8 5 , 0 0 0 . April 20 at Porcupine Plain, SK. Bruce 306-228-7612, Unity, SK. Schapansky Auctioneers 306-873-5488, 2011 JOHN DEERE 4930, 1060 hrs., load- www.schapansky.com PL#912715. ed, 120’, 2 sets of tires, asking $299,000. DUAL AND TRIPLE tractor/sprayer wheel C a l l Tr e n t 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 7 8 4 3 o r K u r t i s kits avail. now at OK Tire, Idylwyld Dr. N, 306-435-7323, Yorkton, SK. Call now or stop in. Phone: 306-933-1115, AUCTION- 2010 APACHE AS1010 sprayer, Saskatoon, SK. www.oktire.com 102’ booms, lots of options, 488 hours showing. April 8, Gerry and Janet Fletcher Govan SK, 306-484-4437. Kramer Auctions HYPRO® Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. www.kramerauction.com PL #914618.

NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for Caseand JD sprayers; 900/50R42 Michelin for 4930 JD; 650S for Case 4420; 710/70R42 for JD 4940. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. 2012 CIH 4430, 600 hrs., 120’, AIM Command, AutoBoom, Luxury cab, PRO700, $310,000. www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of our five locations. 2010 JD 4830, 100’, SS 1000 gal. tank, auto guidance, $245,000. Visit us online at: www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of our five locations. 2009 CIH 4420, 1400 hrs., 120’, full guidance, 650 floaters, AIM, Luxury cab, $260,000. www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of our five locations. 2008 CIH 3320, 100’, active suspension, AIM Command, $220,000. Visit us online at: www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of our five locations.

2005 FLEXI-COIL 5000 57’, SS, 9” spacing, 4” steel packers, approx. 5000 acres on new 3” carbide Stealth openers and boots, 3850 variable rate cart, dual fans, 4 metering rollers, excellent, $90,000 OBO. 306-642-7917 306-642-7403 Assinibioa SK 2009 JD 1870, 56’, TBH, 1910 air tank, 430 bu., triple shoot capable w/NH3, new seed and fert. openers, blockage on all seed lines, $155,000. Tim 780-632-8759, Vegreville, AB. BOURGAULT 5710 30’, single shoot, w/MRB’s, 3195 tank, exc., $60,000. 780-214-4638, Paradise Hill, SK JD 1820, 53’, with 340 bu. 1910 cart, 10” spacing, 1 year on new Stealth openers and carbide tips, $55,000 OBO. 780-210-0185, St. Paul, AB. 1993 CONSERVA PAK 40’, totally rebuilt w/all new upgrades, new mud knives some still in box, new NH3 components, $46,000. 780-957-2664 Crooked Creek, AB

Make The Connection

FOR CASE AIM COMMAND & SHARP SHOOTER • Reduced Drift • Uniform Droplet Size for Improved Coverage

90% LESS DRIFT, LESS RUN OFF, SUPERIOR COVERAGE The Air Bubble Jet consistently produces droplets that are 200-550 microns in size. Too big to drift - too small to run off. Drift occurs when droplets are smaller than 200 microns. Standard sprayer nozzles drift because they produce droplets that are 50-300 micron in size with a large percentage under 200. With a droplet range of 200-550 microns, the Air Bubble Jet has 90% less drift than standard nozzles. Run off occurs with big droplets - 600 microns and over. Depending on the manufacturer, other low drift nozzles produce droplets that range in size from 250-1000 microns. That is why run off can be a problem. With a droplet size of 200-550 microns; your chemical stays on the plant when applied with the Air Bubble Jet. Bubble Jets have an operating pressure of 20-90 psi however the optimum pressure for drift control and coverage is 30-60 psi. Because of the uniform droplet size produced Bubble Jets can be used for herbicides, insecticides, fungicides on any crop that you would like as many droplets per square inch leaf coverage as possible without all the drift & run off of a conventional nozzle. How long do they last? On average 70,000 acres!

We also have AIR BUBBLE JETS for conventional sprayers that do all of the above and more!

You Trust Our Pumps... Now Try Our Tips See how Hypro’s Spray Tip Application Guide makes spray tip selection simple by connecting the spray tip to the application. Then get your FREE SPRAY TIPS by visiting www.hypropumps.com/tips and entering promotional code 24884. Spray Tip Application Guide Post Emerge Plant Health

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Drift Reducing, Dual Air Eduction

Enhanced Coverage, Inclined Spray

Enhanced Coverage, Air Eduction

Twin Enhanced Coverage, Air Eduction


Ultra-Lo Drift ™


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GuardianAir Twin™


Murray Purvis Brandon, MB. 204-724-4519 Gary Moffat Lethbridge, AB. 403-330-9085


Download the FREE Hypro SprayIT app for simple spray tip selection from the Apple or Android app store.



2003 BOURGAULT 5710, 64’, 9.8” spacing, 3.5” steel packers w/scrapers, 1” vert. knives, NH3 Dickey John MRB, 2001 Bourgault 5440 tank, dual castors, single shoot, 306-398-7449, or 306-441-0452, Cut Knife, SK. Email: garewerts@sasktel.net FLEXI-COIL 3450 TBT air tank, 8 run, 4 rollers, triple shoot camera on tank mechanical cart, $32,000. Call 780-581-0942, Minburn, AB.

2010 JD 1830, 61’, 12.5” spacing, 5.5” packers, touch set depth control, single shoot and primary blockage, Dutch carbide 4” paired row boots, AgroMac hitch. JD 1910 CART 430 TBT, variable drive on 3 t a n k s , p owe r e d c a l i b r at i o n s y s t e m , 20.8R42 duals, 12” conveyor. Virden, MB. 204-748-8332, john@galvinfarms.com 29’ MORRIS 8900 air seeder, set up for zero till w/rubber packers and NH3, 9” spacing, 7130 TBH tank, dual shoot caFLEXI-COIL 5000, 1993, 33’ 7.2” spacing, pable, good condition. 306-925-4909, rubber packers, 1610 tow behind tank, 306-925-4916, Glen Ewen, SK. w/new paint and auger, asking $22,900. Call 204-248-2359, or 204-723-0359 cell, 1996 GREEN CONCORD 5012, 3400 Notre Dame, MB. double tank, w/3rd canola tank, single 65’ BOURGAULT 3310, 10” spacing, with shoot Stealths, one owner, $34,000 OBO. 6550 ST, 591 monitor, 4 tank meters, du- Call 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. als, deluxe auger, new rebuilt MB’s and NEW MORRIS CONTOUR II, 71’ c/w 8650 points, V-packers, $250,000. Elbow, SK. T B T. C a l l C a m - D o n M o t o r s L t d . , 306-567-7929. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. BOURGAULT AIR DRILLS - Large used selection of 3310’s and 3320’s; Also other makes and models. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2000 MORRIS MAXIM 55’, 10” spacing, DS, 4” packers, TBT 7300 tank, good cond. 306-627-3493, 306-741-2328, Wymark SK PREMIUM 2007 BOURGAULT 5710, 64’, 9.8” spacing, 3 1/2” steel packers, mud scrapers, DS, Series 2 MRBs, new discs, new tips on openers. Phone 306-264-7742 Kincaid, SK. 4350 BROUGAULT AIR TANK, dual fan, 3 tank metering, PDM auger on centre tank, excellent cond., $32,000. 306-398-2626, 306-398-7635, Cut Knife, SK. SEEDMASTER (2012), CT-SX300 (demo), 70’, $240,000. RJ Sales & Service, rj.sales@sasktel.net 306-338-2541, Weyburn, SK. www.agdealer.com/rjsales 2009 62’ SEEDMASTER, with 300 bu. onboard tank, $159,000. Central AB Precision Seeding, 403-505-9524, Ponoka, AB. 2009 CASE/IH Flexi-Coil air drill, 60’, 3/4” Atom Jet openers, liquid fertilizer system, 430 bu. air cart with Trelleborg radials and variable rate, new style seed monitor, $125,000. Call Ron at 204-322-5638 or 204-941-0045, Rosser, MB. 45’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 1’ spacing, 3” rubber packers, 3450 VR air cart, unit in gd shape, $50,000 OBO. 403-888-6993, Swalwell, AB

2010 BOURGAULT 5710, 74’, 9.8” spacing, 3.5 steel packers, Dutch paired row knives, w/6700 air tank, last one $242,000. Millhouse Farms 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 1998 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’, 9” spacing, single shoot, steel packer 3.5”, $16,500. Call 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. 2001 BOURGAULT 5710 47’, 9.8” spacing, 1” knock-on carbide openers (used one season), MRB’s, 3.5” steel packers, 2001 Bourgault 5350 (shedded) var. rate trans., cab rate adjustment, 3 tank metering, double shoot, rear hitch, air seeder hopper, $89,000 OBO. 780-205-6789 Dewberry, AB

MORRIS MAXIM III, 49’, 7” spacing, liquid kit w/carbon tip openers and Morris 280 tank, $95,000 OBO. 306-682-2963, 306-231-4442, Humboldt, SK. 1998 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 51’, 9” spacing, 3” steel packers, 3” carbide tips, 2320 tank, SS, new hoses, packers re-capped, very nice, $49,000. 306-246-4251, Mayfair, SK. BOURGAULT 5710 40’, 9.8” spacing, vertical hoe openers, 330 lb. trips, Series I mid row NH3 with nitrolator. Banders only 40’ FLEXI-COIL 6000 disc drill, 10” spac- used 7 seasons, excellent shape overall, ing, double shoot w/2320 air tank, good $37,500 OBO. 306-873-3415, Tisdale, SK. condition. 780-645-5374, 780-645-8188, HARMON 4480, 44’ w/3100 tank, double St. Paul, AB. shoot, $36,000. RJ Sales & Service, WANTED: TBT FLEXI-COIL tank, 300 bu. rj.sales@sasktel.net 306-338-2541, Weyplus, prefer mechanical drive. Phone: burn, SK. www.agdealer.com/rjsales 403-783-0400, Ponoka, AB. 2008 SEED HAWK 65’, excellent, shed2008 BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, 73’6”, ded, 430 bu. Flexi-Coil tank, big rubber, 12” spacing, 5.5” rubber, Agtron blocking, frame for NH3 tanks, quick pin shanks, rear hitch, exc. Call Neal at 204-727-1050 $198,000. Fairview, AB. 780-835-4431, 780-835-0866. cell: 204-573-0819, Brandon, MB 1999 FLEXICOIL 5000 with 3450 TBT 2004 CONSERVA-PAK 53’, 2005 Flexi-Coil tank, variable rate, NH3 and blockage 2850 cart, exc. cond., hyd. trips, double monitors, new air manifolds on tank, new shoot, liquid kit avail, $95,000 OBO. Edenhyd. motors, 51’ tool bar w/new dutch wold, SK. 306-220-8588, 306-540-2824. openers, very good condition, $68,000 CONCORD 4010, 40’, 10” space, Stokes OBO. Call 306-254-4316, Dalmeny, SK. closures, gen openers, monitors on pri2006 SEEDMASTER, 10” spacing, 66’, maries, 3400 tank, packing system rebuilt, c/w 2006 Bourgault air tank, 6650 ST, $34,000. 306-692-2258, Moose Jaw, SK. dual radial tires on rear, $210,000 OBO. 2003 BOURGAULT 40’ 5710 air drill, sin306-682-2963 306-231-4442 Humboldt SK gle shoot, 7” spacing, steel press wheels, 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill with TBT 240 lb. trips, tandem gauge wheels on Flexi-Coil 3850 air tank. Brian Dreger Farm wings, approx. 10,000 acres, set up for Equipment Auction, Monday, April 22, TBH tank, exc. cond., $42,500, located 2013, Lang, SK. area. For sale bill and pho- n e a r S t e t t l e r, A B . C a l l t o l l f r e e tos view www.mackauctioncompany.com 1-877-862-2413, cell: 306-862-7761 or for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524, Ni306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 pawin, SK. MORRIS MAXIM 49’ air drill, 12” sp., dou- 1994 MORRIS MAXIM 34’, 10” spacing, ble shoot, steel packers, 6300 TBH cart. double shoot, steel packers, Dutch openers, w/6240 TBH cart, $32,000. Ritchie Bros. Auction, April 2, Rouleau, SK. 306-245-3777 leave msg, Francis, SK. 28’ SEED-O-VATOR NEW Noble Model 9 0 0 0 , 1 9 2 t a n k , $ 5 0 0 0 O B O. D ave BOURGAULT 4710 air disc drill 40’, $13,500 OBO. 306-622-2240 Tompkins, SK 403-934-0940, Gleichen, AB.




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But don’t take it from us, ask one of your neighbours.

2001 BOURGAULT 5710, 42’, 12” spacing, JOHN DEERE 1810, 10” spacing, 61’, MRB, Atom Jet 1” openers, c/w 5250 cart, w/Technotill openers, Pattison liquid kit, $56,000 OBO. 306-753-7885, Macklin, SK. 2320 Flexi-Coil cart, $62,500 OBO. Phone 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 2006 MORRIS EXPRESS 40’ double disc no-till air drill, markers, w/7240 TBT tank, CONCORD 40’ DRILL w/Concord 200 cart. low hrs., excellent cond., $75,000 OBO. Has Raven anhydrous cooler system and Anderson paired row openers, $22,000. Call 306-693-9847, Moose Jaw, SK. Call 204-748-7478, Virden, MB. 28’ CONSERVA PAK air drill, Valcon 160DS air tank, gas engine, canola rollers, good 54’ BOURGAULT 3310 paralink, 12” spacshape. 306-634-1017 after 6:00 PM, ing, MRB w/NH3 dry, 6450 TBH cart, de306-421-4037 cell, Shellbrook, SK. luxe fill, dual shoot, hyd. winch, low acres. 1997 FLEXI-COIL 3450 mechanical TBH, 701-897-0086, Garrison, North Dakota. shedded, $31,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 2004 NEW HOLLAND SC230, c/w third 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. tank, double shoot, variable rate, dual fan, TBH, $34,500 OBO. 780-614-0787, St. Vin2000 40’ BOURGAULT 5720 air disk drill, cent, AB. Serial #36607AH-13, 10” spacing, steel press wheels, dry mid-row disk banding 3010 CONCORD (GREEN) single shoot and kit, set up for TBH tank, tandem gauge a Model 2000, diesel engine-drive tank, wheels, good cond., asking $19,900. Toll $19,500. Tyler 403-872-2940, Ponoka, AB. free 1-877-862-2413, cell: 306-862-7761 or 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524, 1996 BOURGAULT 5710, 52’, 7” spacing with 3 1/2” steel packers, good cond. Call Nipawin, SK. 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. CONCORD 3310 air drill, w/Flexi-Coil 1330 TBH cart, Flexi-Coil 1720 TBT cart, 2004 FLEXI-COIL 6000, double shoot, c/w dual shoots, 4” low draft Dutch openers, 3850 TBT, var. rate, exc. cond., will split, new bearings and bushings last year, vg $75,000. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. condition. 780-361-7037, Wetaskiwin, AB 2006 BOURGAULT 5710, 64’, 450 trips, DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING air drills/ 10” spacing, 3.5” steel packers, MRB II’s, air seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. 3/4” Bourgault knives w/new carbide tips, 30 years experience. Bob Davidson, Drum- new coulters 2012, new hoses, mud scrapers. 2006 BOURGAULT 6550 TANK, 2 heller, AB. 403-823-0746. fans, double shoot, exc. cond. Phone 39’ MORRIS MAXIM air drill and Morris 306-228-3170 or 306-228-7892, Unity, SK. 6180 air cart with double shoot and paired row. Bob Johnston Farm Equip. Auction, 2009 JD 1830, 40’, 3.5” split row Dutch Friday, April 12, 2013 Weyburn, SK. area. openers, Pattison liquid kit, 1910 350 bu. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for grain cart, also Brandt 3400 gal. liquid sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or caddy. 204-761-4450, Brandon, MB. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 PURCHASED NEW IN 2007, ATX 5010 1992 36’ BOURGAULT 8800 c/w 1996 Concord w/ADX 3380 tank, double shoot, 3165 air tank, 3rd tank, rear hitch. 4” K- 3-row harrows, 10” auger, Atom Jet side Hart on-row packer wheels, granular air kit banders, always shedded, $100,000. Call on cultivator, 3/4” carbide lock-on open- Grant 204-771-9267, Paul 204-461-0337, Warren, MB. ers. $35,000. 306-769-8381, Arborfield, SK ‘BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTION’ 2002 Bourgault 5710, 54’, MRB, steel packers, w/5350, $119,000; 1998 Bourgault 54’ 5710, MRB, rubber packers, w/4300 DS tank, $99,000; Bourgault 5710, 54’ single shoot, rubber packers, $75,000; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, single shoot, 3.5” steel, $59,000; 2010 Bourgault 6000 90’ mid harrow, w/3225 Valmar, $49,000; 2010 6000 90’ mid harrow, $36,000; 2010 5710, 74’, 5.5” packers, $195,000; 2010 Bourgault 5810, 62’, DS, 5.5” packers, $185,000; 84’ Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow, $32,500; 1990 70’ Flexi-Coil S82 harrow bar, $6500. RD Ag Central, Bourgault Sales, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, Kamsack, SK. 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000 double shoot air drill with Flexi-Coil 2320 air cart. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equipment Auction Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Fillmore, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000 33’, 1720 TBT, 7.2” spacing, double shoot, Atom Jet openers, new hoses, recapped packers, new style seed towers, $30,000 OBO. 701-982-3572, Fortuna, North Dakota.

FLEXI-COIL 5000 27’, 7.2” spacing, single shoot, carbide tip 3/4” opener, steel packers, 1110 TBT cart, rebuilt meter box, coarse and fine rollers, liquid kit, always s h e d d e d , o r i g i n a l o w n e r, $ 2 9 , 5 0 0 . 306-384-1024, 306-290-3678, Asquith, SK. BOURGAULT: 5710, 40’, MRB, NH3, 3225 tank, $59,900; 5710, 47’, MRB, NH3, $63,000; 5710, 54’, MRB, NH3, 5350 tank, $99,000; 5710, 54’, MRB’s, DS, rubber, $99,000; 5710, 74’, MRB, DS, $139,000; 5710, 42’, 7” spacing, rubber, 3165 tank, $33,500; FH 536, 40’ and 2155 tank, $12,900; 2155H with auger, $4000; 2115H, $1900; Bourgault 5440, DS, call; Bourgault 5350, call; Bourgault 4250, call; Leon 2500 tank, unused, $4500; 52’ gang packers, $5900. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 57’ FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill w/3450 air cart, single shoot with liquid kit, all bearings redone in packers, 1 season ago, $47,500 OBO. Tyler 306-533-8834 or Trent 306-540-5275, Regina, SK.

2002 BOURGAULT 5710 54’, 9.8” spacing, double shoot, 3/4” Bourgault knives and 18” MRB’s new last season, 3” rubber packers, 1997 Bourgault 3195 tank, $55,000 OB0. Will separate. 306-228-2237, 1998 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 33.5’, 9” spac- 306-228-8300, Unity, SK. ing, 5.5” packers, 2 sets Bourgault carbide tips, 2320 TBT tank, NH3 kit, c/w 2 Flexi- FLEXI-COIL STEALTH SEED BOOT, GDC o i l m o n i t o r s , $ 3 4 , 5 0 0 O B O . 847V3, with 1” opener 9457, with 4” back s we p t p a i r e d r ow 9 9 5 7 , n ew c o n d . 306-230-2417, 306-477-0401, Alvena, SK. 306-694-4258, 306-631-1452, Moose Jaw. 2004 BOURGAULT 5710, 60’, 2002 5440 cart, 12” sp., 3” Atom Jet openers, MRB’s, 1999 FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, 12” sp., rubber packers, dual fans, variable seed 550 lb. trips, mid-row anhydrous shanks, 3” rubber packers, new manifolds, one rate. $99,000. 306-421-3955, Estevan, SK. owner, $20,000. Glenn at 306-272-7123, JD 1850, 42’, 12” spacing, anhydrous mid Foam Lake, SK. eagleagri@sasktel.net row, JD 1900 cart, 350 bu., TBH, rebuilt meters, $45,000. Call 403-502-0810, 29’ MORRIS MAXIM, 7180 tank, DS, 10” spacing, Atom Jet openers, $31,000. WeyMedicine Hat, AB. burn, SK. 306-842-5036, 306-861-6466. 28’ MODEL 9000 Seed-O-Vator air drill w/Model 192 air cart and load auger, 3 rows of shanks and steel packers, shovels are good, unit in good cond. Hodgeville, SK. 306-677-2384 or 306-677-7073. 2005 JD 1820, 40’ w/340 bu. 1910 cart, 10” spacing, Atom Jet, asking $48,000 OBO. 306-463-9441 or 306-460-7196, Kindersley, SK.

1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 2320 drill, 9”, single shoot, steel packers, blockage, very nice condition, stored inside, $42,000. 306-629-3825, Morse, SK. 39’ MORRIS MAXIM, w/7180 tank, double s h o o t , g o o d s h ap e , h ave n ew t i p s , $35,000. 55 Stealth Flexi-Coil bodies, like new, $20/ea. 306-388-2227, Bienfait, SK. 1330 FLEXI-COIL TBH air cart, very low acres, no rust, monitor included, $11,500 OBO. 306-961-8061, Shellbrook, SK. 2002 3450 TANK, double shoot, 10” auger, air seeder hopper, $18,000 work order $45,000 OBO. 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. WANTED: BOURGAULT Mid Row disc Banders, any series. Call 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. RETIRING: 2006 NH SD440A 57’, 12” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 5.5” rubber packers, 2000 acres on Stealth paired row openers, SC 430 variable rate TBH cart, 10” auger, camera system, exc. shape, $100,000. 780-777-4153, Fort Saskatchewan, AB. 29’ MORRIS MAXIM air drill, Morris 7180 air cart and Atom Jet side band openers. Fradette and Cherpin Large Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 15, 2013, Radville, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 1998 MORRIS MAXIM 40’ air drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, Morris seed boots, carbide tips, 7180 air tank, $40,000. Located at Francis, SK., call 306-245-3407. JD 1820 40’ air drill, 10” spacing, new seed boots, 1900 TBT air cart, 270 bu. 3 tank, dual shoot, good condition, $45,000. 780-889-2204, Heisler, AB. 1999 FLEXI-COIL 7500 40’ air drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, Dutch side band openers, 2340 var. rate air cart, $32,000 OBO. 780-876-4020, Grande Prairie, AB. MORRIS MAXIM II, 49’, 10” spacing, DS, w/7240 TBH, $59,900. RJ Sales & Service, 306-338-2541, www.agdealer.com/rjsales or rj.sales@sasktel.net Wadena, SK. 2009 BOURGAULT 5710, 64’, 9.8” spacing, 1” vertical opener, 3.5” steel packers, MRB II, dry, blockage monitors, dual castors, exc. cond., $100,000 OBO. 306-398-7788, Rockhaven, SK. 1999 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’, 12” spacing, DS, new carbide tips, new Stealth openers, 3450 TBH tank, variable rate, 10” auger, no rust, $60,000. 780-768-2284 Hairy Hill, AB 2006 BOURGAULT 5710, 47’, 10” spacing, 450 trips, 3.5” steel packers, SS air kit, liquid kit, flow meter and blockage, $60,000. 306-698-2306, Wolseley, SK. 43’ HARMON 4480 air drill and Harmon 3100 air tank with double shoot. Stan D o u g h t y F a r m E q u i p m e n t Au c t i o n , Wednesday, April 17, 2013, Pangman, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 AU C T I O N . 2 0 0 4 J D 1 8 2 0 , 5 2 ’ , c / w 1910 340 tank, updates done, Tuesday, April 16, Tisdale, SK. Bruce Schapansky Au c t i o n e e r s , w w w. s c h a p a n s k y. c o m 306-873-5488. PL#912715. 2004 BOURGAULT 5350 air tank, 3 tank metering, single shoot, “air seeder” hopper, seed treater, rear Bourgault hitch, new chains, sprockets and clutches last year, always shedded, $50,000. Raymore, SK. 306-746-7047 or 306-746-7770.

2001 HARMON 4480, 9.6” spacing, DS, 44’, 1800 ac. on Eagle Beak openers, 2.5” hoses, 1997 Harmon 3100 TBT air cart, upgraded 27” fan, 8” auger, shedded, good cond, $32,500. 403-784-3431, Clive, AB. 2006 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 9” spacings, 57’, double shoot, paired row, 4.5” steel packers, 3450 TBH variable rate cart, w/semi hopper auger, serviced for 2013, $85,000 OBO. 306-501-5455, Milestone, SK. FLEXI-COIL 6000 air drill, 30’ with markers, 1000 acres on new disc, 2340 FlexiCoil TBT tank, shedded, very nice cond., $48,000. Call Steve 780-206-0049 or 780-674-3029, Barrhead, AB. 2000 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 33’, w/2340 TBT var. rate tank, 9” spacing, 3” steel, Bour2000 FLEXI-COIL 7500 ‘Slim’ 60’ air drill, gault 3/4” liquid knives, Pattison liquid kit, Serial #7000-096360-00, 10” spacing, blockage monitors, exc. cond., field ready, double shoot, 4” steel packers, approx. 20,000 acres, good cond., no tank or open- 2013 V-WING DITCHERS, contact your $38,500 OBO. 306-886-4421, Bjorkdale, SK ers, $14,900. Located near Saskatoon. Toll dealer: Alberta 780-864-3735, Manitoba 2003 MORRIS MAXIM 11 40’ air drill, free 1-877-862-2413, cell: 306-862-7761 204-638-6443, Saskatchewan and all other Serial #3902034916, 7180 tank Serial or 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524, inquiries, 204-734-0303. Order before July #7189500272, 10” spacing, single shoot, Nipawin, SK. for freight discount. 4” steel press wheels w/mud scrapers, tandem gauge wheels, shank type anhy1998 40’ BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, mid drous mid-row banders, NH3 kit, semi row banders, Raven NH3 metering kit, askhopper, 12,000 acres, premium, straight, ing $38,500. 306-863-4367, Star City, SK. no welds, $53,900. Nipawin, SK. Toll free JD 787, DS tank, new baffles and rollers, 1-877-862-2413, cell: 306-862-7761 or w/1998 Harmon 32’ air drill, 12” spacings, 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524. $19,500. 306-335-2777, 306-924-4217, FLEXI-COIL 7500, 60’ w/Flexi-Coil 3450 Abernethy, SK. Will trade on grain truck. air cart, $58,000. RJ Sales & Service, 2002 BOURGAULT 5710, 54’, single shoot, rj.sales@sasktel.net 306-338-2541, WeyNH3 to MRB, Atom Jet 1” carbide openers, burn, SK. www.agdealer.com/rjsales 9.8” space, 3-1/2” steel packers, dual castSEED HAWK DRILL with Flexi-Coil ers, w/2002 5350, 491 monitor, cab rate tank, 2001, always shedded, excellent adjust, rice tires, rear tow hitch, 1 owner, condition, 52.5’, 10.5” spacing, 340 bu. $89,000 OBO. 306-747-7438, Parkside, SK. 2003 SEED HAWK 42’ air drill w/Bourgault tank, bearing upgrade on packers. Adjust 40’ JD 1820 air drill with two 787 air tanks 1800 gal. TBT tank and JD 1900 270 bu. packing pressure from cab. $119,000 OBO. and double shoot with Atom Jet openers. TBH tank, $105,000 OBO. More info. Ph. 780-876-5646, Wembley, AB. Darald Marin Farm Equipment Auction on available 306-873-8822, Tisdale, SK. 2008 FLEXI-COIL 5000 57’, 4350 TBT tank, Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for 1720 FLEXI-COIL AIR CART, TBH w/3rd 3-1/2” steel packers, Atom Jet side bands, sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or tank, new: meter boxes, air manifold and low acres. 306-867-9127, 306-220-8003 cell, Outlook, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 auger, mint. 306-554-7074, Elfros, SK. 2006 58’ FLEXI-COIL HD 5000, 4350 TBT 1996 MORRIS MAXIM 49’, 6240 tank, sin- 1995 45’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 9” spacing, 550 tank, 10” auger, steel packers, 10” spacing, gle shoot, one season on 3/4” knife open- trip, double shoot, 3-1/2” steel packers vg cond., $119,000 OBO. 780-386-3979, ers, 10” spacing, $28,000. 306-372-7702, (no tank), excellent, $28,000. May consider semi-tractor or 2 WD tractor on trade. Luseland, SK. Lougheed, AB. 306-478-2746, Ferland, SK. BOURGAULT 2115 air seeder cart, in good cond., $2300 OBO. Air seeder kit for 48’ 9200 Bourgault cult., incl. mainfolds and primary air hose piping, hyd. hose, pipes and hitch for air cart, $2000 OBO; New Noble air drill, 37’, good cond., 210 bu. 2 compartment tank, double shoot, $7000 OBO. 306-553-2253 Swift Current, SK. 2000 FLEXI-COIL 3450 TBH, 3 tanks, dual SAVE BIG on Leader SPEC units and get Auto Zone fan, 10” auger, hyd. rear winch, $32,900 Command™ and FLIP ™ at No Charge. Call 888-721-3001 OBO. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK.


2003 MORRIS MAXIM II STK #B21706D, 49’, 10” spacing, liquid kit, single shoot, c/w 7300 Morris tank, $71,000. Call 1-888-442-6084 or www.farmworld.ca 2002 BOURGAULT 5440 seed cart, dual fan, 10” auger, air seeder hopper, rear hitch, 3 shaft metering, $42,500. 403-485-8116, Vulcan, AB. PULLING AIR DRILLS, towed farm equipment and light duty low bedding in MB. and SK., (licensed and insured). Call Bruce at Brown Enterprises 204-857-8224. 2009 BOURGAULT 3310 paralink 55’ air drill, NH3, MRB, 10” spacing, w/6550, 3 t a n k m e t e r i n g , To p C o n m o n i t o r. 306-864-8003, 306-921-9920, Melfort, SK. 2002 BOURGAULT 5710, 42’ drill, 12.6” spacing, MRB’s, w/1998 Bourgault 4350 TBH, DS, 3 tank metering, dual fans, rear hitch. 306-640-7915, Assiniboia, SK. 2003 MORRIS MAXIM II c/w 7240 VRT TBH, double shoot dry, 49’, 9.8” spacing, rock guards, mud scrapers, 3.5” steel packers, low acres on paired row openers, variable rate, 3rd tank, air seeder hopper, $66,000. 306-353-4929, Riverhurst, SK. FLEXI-COIL 5000, 51’ c/w 2320 TBH tank, rubber packers, single shoot w/sideband $69,000. 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, SK., 306-773-7281, www.fulllineag.com

BOURGAULT 6700 SEED CART, never used. Bought new 2010, X20 monitor, 4 tank metering, double shoot w/high cap. dual fans, dual tires, conveyor, specially built with extra bulk head in 4th tank for greater product allocation flexibility. Ph. 306-773-9200, Swift Current, SK. 1996 HARMON 2480 24’ seeding tool, 12” spacing, c/w 1998 1900 TBT air cart, 150 bu., 90/60 PTO fan, paired row, double shoot, carbide openers, $26,000. 780-858-2183, Chauvin, AB. 40’ 2005 MORRIS MAXIM air drill with Morris 7240 air cart and double shoot Bourgault liquid openers. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equipment Auction on Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 9” spacing, double liquid kit w/Atom Jet openers, two liquid tanks, double piston John Blue pump, $39,990 OBO. Call 306-587-7685, Swift Current, SK. 2006 BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, 59’, 12.6” spacing, dual casters, AgTron all run blockage monitor, liquid kit w/AtomJet openers, w/2007 Bourgault 6550 tank, 3 tank metering, cab rate adjust, 10” deluxe aug e r, d u a l s , r e a r h i t c h , e x c . c o n d . , $152,000. 306-697-7203, Grenfell, SK. 58’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 12” spacing, single shoot, NH3 mid-row shanks, Raven auto rate NH3 control, 3” rubber, new hoses, $24,500; 3450 Flexi-Coil tank, TBH, 3 tanks, double fan, 10” auger, hyd. winch, $32,900 or $53,000 for both OBO. Call 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. 1999 FLEXI-COIL 3450 TBH 3 tanks, dual fan, 10” auger, light package, air seeder hopper, variable rate, vg shape, $33,000 OBO. Arnold 306-781-2775, Kronau, SK. 2001 JD 1810 STK #B21671C, 4 bar harrow, single shoot, 9” spacing, $29,500 cash price. Call 1-888-462-6084 or www.farmworld.ca 56’ CONSERVA-PAK w/440 cart, TBT, exc. condition, NH3 kit, $120,000. Phone: 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK. 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 7.4” spacing, 2320 TBT air tank, good shape, $30,000 OBO. 306-634-7920, 306-421-1753, Estevan, SK

BOURGAULT 8800 58’, carbide knives and packers w/4300 air tank, has 3rd tank, $50,000 OBO; BOURGAULT 9400 48’, with harrows and packers behind, 3225 tank w/3rd tank, $35,000 OBO. Will separate. 306-883-7305 cell, Spiritwood, SK. 1996 BOURGAULT 3225 tank, single fan, equipped with semi hopper, good cond., $14,000 OBO. 306-287-3826, Watson, SK. EZEE-ON GRAIN and fertilizer 2250 TBT tank, hydraulic driven, excellent condition. Call 306-843-3115, Scott, SK. BOURGAULT 3225 air seeder tank w/3rd tank and semi hopper, shedded, $13,500. 306-743-7622, Langenburg, SK. 2007 CASE/IH SDX40 with Fargo 2800 stainless steel cart and monitor, 21-5/8” discs, done very little, $75,000 OBO. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 2011 BOURGAULT 6700 air tank, 4 tank meters, X20 monitor, bag lift, duals, rear hitch, shedded, very nice. Call 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. 1992 JD 787 air cart, 170 bu., 5 run, 40’, 8” spacing, shedded, good cond., $8000; Air kit off JD 610 40’ cult., 8” spacing, $500 OBO. 306-367-4981, Middle Lake, SK 2000 BOURGAULT 8810 40’ air seeder w/3225 grain tank, equipped w/liquid kit, 10” spacing, single shoot w/side band boots, $40,000. 306-452-8033, Redvers SK 1994 BOURGAULT 8800, 32’, granular kit, 2130 dual shoot tank, 4000 packer bar, $19,500. 306-883-2568, Spiritwood, SK. 33’ JD 680 double shoot air seeder with JD 787 air cart. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Fillmore, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962



2009 62’ SEEDMASTER toolbar. Central AB Precision Seeding, 403-505-9524, Ponoka, AB. 1998 JOHN DEERE 1900 tank, TBT, 4 runs, new meter boxes, fan motor and auger motor, comes with four rollers, $22,000. 306-869-2518, Radville, SK. 37’ FLEXI-COIL 400 cultivator, 165 bu. Flexi-Coil air tank, McKay knock-on sweeps, $9,000 OBO; 66 on-shank packers and 1� Atom Jet openers, $75/shank. Will split any of the above. 306-872-4617, 306-874-7496, Spalding, SK.

2002 BOURGAULT 8810 40’, 10� spacing, 2009 MRB’s, Independent poly packers, harrows, Raven NH3 w/440 controller, new tires, $40,000. 403-599-2108, Milo AB JD 735 SEEDING tool, 41’, 10� spacing, w/mounted packers; Flexi-Coil S95 harrow packer, 60’. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. FLEXI-COIL 420 CULT. 40’, c/w 1610 tank, mounted gang packers, Dutch openers, hyd. markers. 306-749-2649 Birch Hills, SK 2005 JD 1820 60’, 10� spacing, single shoot, single run blockage, 430 bu. tank, $98,000. www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of our five locations. CASE ATX5012 air seeder with Case ADX3380 and Case 3400 tanks, good cond, $55,000. 1-888-782-1424, Glasnevin, SK. 36’ BOURGAULT COMMANDER air seeder, 138 4 whl. grain cart, w/gran. applicator. Good cond. 306-376-4628, Meacham, SK. BOURGAULT 3225 AIR tank, 3rd tank, PDM augers, air seeder hopper, hydraulic calibration, two sets of monitors, $15,000. 204-773-0111, Angusville, MB. 2003 JD 1820 45’, paired row on 7.5� spacing, double shoot plus NH3 tips and 2003 1910 TBT commodity cart, 5 rollers. 2009 Seedstar II computer for variable rate/precision farming. Always shedded, field ready, $60,000. Ph 250-782-4686, Dawson Creek, BC. toorancid@yahoo.com

2010 60’ CASE/IH PRECISION 800 independent air seeder, double shoot w/side band openers, 10� spacing, pnuematic packer tires, single run blockage with Case/IH precision air 3430 air seeder, 430 bu., variable rate. This pair has approx. 6000 acres on it. Drill and air seeder in vg cond., located at Tilleman Motor Co., Box 2070, 4514 Hwy 2 West, Havre, Montana, 59501. Call: 406-265-7865. We also have several 5000 Flexi-Coils to choose from.

1995 7130 MORRIS 31’, Magnum II cult., 3 tanks w/Valmar, single shoot, 12� spacing and packer bar, good shape, $18,500. 306-371-7382, 306-329-4780, Asquith, SK. JD 1910, 350 bu. TBH air cart, 2006 8 run DS, variable rate, 8� auger, 30.5 rear tires, rear hitch, shedded, no rust, exc. cond., $42,500. 306-621-0774, Melville, SK. BOURGAULT 8800 36’, packers, 2155 tank, PDM auger, load/unload hyd. auger, 3/4� carbide knives w/sideband tips, equipped 1997 BOURGAULT 8810 40’ air seeder, for liquid fert., mounted Valmar applicator, 450 trips, 8� spacing, $20,000; 1997 Bour- $12,000. 306-946-2537, Watrous, SK. gault 4350 tank, 3 meter, PDM auger, RTH, $27,000. 780-878-1479, Camrose, AB. JD 1900 AIR TANK, 350 bu, TBH, DS, var. rate, new 8� auger, 1 yr. old meter boxes 65’ 2010 BOURGAULT air seeder, 3310 and monitor, tractor and drill harness, w/10� spacing, double shoot w/AtomJet green and black rollers. 306-623-4605, openers, only seeded 3000 acres. Asking 306-628-8181, Sceptre, SK. $160,000. 204-523-8713, Kilarney, MB.

FLEXI-COIL 2320, TBH tank, 6 run, rear hitch, 12 run blockage, semi hopper, 1999 BOURGAULT 7200, 60’ heavy harrow, $18,000. 306-782-7023, Willowbrook, SK. $19,000. Phone: 306-739-2605 or cell: 7180 MORRIS TANK, 31’, exc. cond., float- 306-452-7004, Parkman, SK. ing hitch, 3 compartment tank, $30,000. 74’, 3.5� STEEL PACKERS for a 5710 air 780-358-2552, Waskatenau, AB. drill. Call 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. BOURGAULT AIR SEEDER 3195 triple ASSIE LR10-40’ LANDROLLER, fold-up tank aircart, Chem kit, new metering au- style, hyd. wing lift w/3 rollers, spare tire, 1996 BOURGAULT AIR tank, hyd. fan, gers, 40’ Bourgault 8800 cultivator, knock- exc., $15,500. 306-247-4906, Wilkie, SK. loading auger, metering on tank, shedded, on spoons, field ready. 306-228-9988, FLEXI-COIL 50’ HEAVY harrows, 2055 ValDenzil, SK. baketn@sasktel.net like new, $6,000. 306-795-7704, Ituna, SK. mar, floatation tires, good cond., $19,500 EZEE-ON 40’, 8� spacing, Dutch openers, BOURGAULT 4350 air tank, approx. 1997, OBO. 306-961-8061, Shellbrook, SK. harrows, 3175 ground drive tank, $19,500. 277 monitor, 10� load/unload auger, high 50’ DEGELMAN STRAWMASTER 7000 output fan, rear hitch, turf tires, very good, 204-522-5950, Pipestone, MB. $28,000. Lloyd Sproule 403-627-2764, heavy harrow w/Valmar 3255. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equipment Auction, 1995 BOURGAULT 8800, 48’, c/w 4350 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB. Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Fillmore, SK. TBH, good cond., $45,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 40’ 8800 BOURGAULT, 4300 TANK, 3 area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com drives, new tires on seeder, all new secon- for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or BOURGAULT AIR SEEDER cart, Model 2195 dary tubes, heavy shanks, 330 trips, poly 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 with engine drive fan, chrome augers, packers, great condition, $31,500. Call DEGELMAN 50’ w/Valmar, good shape, monitor, etc., epoxy coat inside, clean Rob at 306-630-9838, Brownlee, SK. $24,500 OBO. 306-563-8482, good paint, no rust, stored inside. Call Bob 204-745-2265, Carman, MB. BOURGAULT 8800 40’, c/w 3225 tank, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. w/factory packers and harrows, exc. NEW MANIFOLD DIST. box for Flexi-Coil cond., field ready, $24,500. 403-350-9088, WANTED: 50’ HEAVY harrows, prefer Degelman, Morris or Bourgault. Must be in 1610 or JD 777 air seeder, $370; Weld-on Delburne, AB. good condition. Call after 8 PM: harrow teeth, 3/8� - 5/8�. G. B. Mfg. Ltd., 306-273-4235, Yorkton, SK. JD 655, 32’, loading auger, 14� true width 306-482-3130, 306-482-7144 Carnduff, SK FH536-42 BOURGAULT 40’ air seeder shovels, harrows, Pattison liquid kit, liquid BOURGAULT GANG TYPE poly packers, 52’. w/2155 seed tank. K-Hart packer system. hitch, 800 gal. liquid caddy, complete unit, 204-546-3154, Grandview, MB. Cameras in both tanks. Many new parts/ $11,500. Phone 306-731-2295, Silton, SK. WANTED: 60� PARALLEL bar harrows. Call accessories. 306-558-7017, Fox Valley, SK. 2009 NH DRILL, 60’, 10� spacing, 550 lb. 306-329-4475, Asquith, SK. 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 787 air tank, DS, trips, 3 1/2� steel packers, 430 bu., 55’ HARROW PACKER 30 lb. packers, Atom Jet openers, many new parts, $172,900. www.redheadequipment.ca or new tines, field ready, $7500. Denzil, SK. call one of our five locations. $32,000 OBO. 306-478-2469, Ferland, SK. 306-228-9988, baketn@sasktel.net 2002 SEED HAWK 6412 64’, 12� spacing, 2005 SEED HAWK 63-10 (SA) TBT, DS, 60’ RITE-WAY LAND roller, only did 3800 2100 gal. liquid cart, need pump for liquid, variable rate, 63’, 10.5’, triple shoot, acres, $48,000. 306-843-7744, Wilkie, SK. FC 3450 cart, $125,000. Call one of our FC4350 tank $173,900. Call one of our five FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 75 packer bar P30, locations or, www.redheadequipment.ca five locations, www.redheadequpment.ca 42’-54’, $7200 OBO. Phone 403-308-4200, BOURGAULT AIR SEEDER CART, 180 bu., 4 1998 CASE air tank, 450 bu., 10� auger, Mossleigh, AB. wheel, hyd. fan, loading auger, $5500. semi hopper, big tires, shedded, $18,000. WE BUY AND SELL new and used rollers, Call 306-567-8081, Davidson, SK. 306-799-2029, Briercrest, SK. wingup tri-plex and 5 plex up to 84’. Call 2008 CIH ATX700 drill, 70’, 10� spacing, 2008 SEED HAWK 60-12 drill, SA TBT 403-545-2580, Bow Island, AB. single shoot, TBT, 3430 TBT cart, 4.5� steel JD1910, 270 BUH, 2000 gal., TBH liquid BRANDT CONTOUR COMMANDER 5000, packers,$135,000. Call one of our five lo- kit, no quick pin, $185,000. Call one of our 50’, 9/16� tines, length between 21� to locations or, www.redheadequipment.ca cations or, www.redheadequipment.ca 23�, hyd. tine angle, lighting pkg. Kuroki, SK. 306-338-2085 40’ PHOENIX ROTARY harrow, hyd. fold, used very little, excellent for rejuvenating hay fields, $12,500 OBO. 403-823-1894, For B ourga ult 5000/6000 a ir ca rts (ca ll a b out othe rs) Drumheller, AB. 40’ DEGELMAN 7640 landroller. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equipment Auction, W H AT IS ISOB US? Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Fillmore, SK,. ISO BU S is an electronic com m unication standard that area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com allow s any color ofim p lem ent to connect to any color for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or oftractor w ith a standard hitch connection.U sing the 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 tractor’s VirtualTerm inalelim inates cab clutter from FLEXI-COIL 60’ HARROW packer bar, P30 extra m onitors and w ire harnesses. packers, excellent shape. 306-287-3563, Watson, SK. 2010 BOURGAULT 6550 air tank, 4 tank meters, X20 monitor, bag lift, duals, rear hitch, 3 cameras, shedded, very nice. Call 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. 1996 MORRIS 8900 40’ air seeder w/9� spacing, 4 bar harrows, single shoot, 6240 tank w/3 compartment granular. Call 780-208-3344, Innisfree, AB.



The A gtron ISO BU S controlsystem is designed to retrofit a grow ing num ber ofair drilltanks.O lder air drills can be updated to use the latest variable rate m apping or in-cab rate adjust technology.U pgrade includes hydraulic hoses, w iring and sensors.


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PHOENIX HARROW 53’, $13,000, 42’ $9,500; Degelman 7000 Strawmaster 70’, $22,000; Summers 70’, $14,000. Discs: Bushhog 21’, $7500; Krause 16’, $5000. 866-938-8537 zettlerfarmequipment.com TRADE 40’ BOURGAULT quick attach harrows (15� tines) with arms for 8� spacing gang packers. 403-664-2172, Oyen, AB. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 82, 60’ AutoFold, 5 b a r t i n e h a r r ow s , v g c o n d . $ 5 5 0 0 . 306-233-7305, Cudworth, SK. D E G E L M A N LR7645 LANDROLLER, $31,995. www.glenmor.cc 306-764-2325, 1-888-708-3739, glenmor@sasktel.net 45’ FLEXI-COIL HARROWS and packers for sale. Phone: 306-228-3251, Unity, SK. 2009 DEGELMAN STRAWMASTER 7000, heavy harrows, 82’, 5/8� tines, hyd. angle, $37,000; 2000 Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy harrow, 70’, 9/16� tine, hyd. angle, $27,000. 306-682-3498 or 306-231-8558, Humboldt, SK.


G3 GRAHAM SEED TREATER, 7� auger, mounted on towable wagon. Gray, SK. 306-533-4891. 28’ NEW NOBLE 2200 hoe drill, 8� spacing, DS, newer VW carbide openers, factory transport, $4650. Call 306-457-3261, Stoughton, SK. JOHN DEERE 1770, 16 row, 30� planter vac, Dawn trash clearer, 3 bu. boxes, infurrow liquid, very nice, $48,000; JD 7200, 16 row, 30� vac, 3 bu. boxes, $25,000. Carman, MB. 204-750-1108 or 204-745-7102. DO YOU HAVE A SEEDING SYSTEM you would like to showcase between Aylesbury and Craik, one of the busiest highway locat i o n s i n S a s k ? C a l l C l i f f L u t h e r at 306-734-2997. “Show me don’t just tell me Advertising System.� HAYBUSTER ZERO TILL drills: 107, 147, 1000; 3107 air drill. Wanted: Haybuster drills for parts, and worn down discs from a 1000. 403-627-5429, Pincher Creek, AB. 80 DUTCH UNIVERSAL openers with Low Draft Gumbo sideband tips. Liquid sideband and Alpine on row. 8500 acres on them, can email photo. $80/ea. Cut Knife, SK. 306-398-7614. MASSEY MODEL 360 discers, 33’, piggyback hitch; 42’ International hoe drills, 314’s, factory transport. Gravelbourg, SK. 306-648-2807 or cell: 306-648-8001. V PACKING WHEELS FOR Valley Packing Systems. 43 - 14�X2�. Also extra parts, $4000. Gary 403-677-2277, Rosebud, AB.

50 GEN SS openers w/nearly new carbide tips, $1700. 22 K-HART on-row frame mounted packers, with V-type pneumatic rubber wheels, $700. SIDE ARM MARKERS, 30’-50’ c/w hose and sequence valve, $800. 306-773-6355, Swift Current, SK. JD 777 TBH air tank, 110 bu., hyd. auger, $2500. 306-493-2734, Delisle, SK.

and models of seeding equipment.


FOX VALLEY, SK “We think the most important part operation is where it all starts and of our farming dirt. We get absolute correct seed ends - in the and fertilizer placement in all our soil types, minim um soil disturbance and ease of pull. The two rows of seed - ‘with enough room separate to fertilizer between and slightly belowgrow’, rows is what we want and that seed is what we get.�

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66 STEALTH FLEXI-COIL 4� double shoot openers, like new. Call 780-877-2339 or 780-877-2326, Edberg, AB. IH 6200, 28’ Double disc press drill, two 14’s, factory transport, good shape. Call 306-435-3512, Moosomin, SK. 1720 FLEXI-COIL air cart, double shoot, loading auger, nice shape, $9100 OBO. 306-873-8822, Tisdale, SK. 20’ 9450 HOE Drill, 10� spacing, mint, $6900 OBO. Call 306-538-2153, Kennedy, SK WANTED: PRESS DRILL 28’ to 32’, must have grass seed attachment and be in exc. cond. 204-339-4624, East St. Paul, MB. GREEN DROP TANK trailer, pull behind or between; Green Drop dist. kit, rebuilt John Blue fert. pump; Case/IH 7200 hoe drills; 28’ fert and grass seeder, hyd. markers, rubber packers, back on hyd. mover. 780-632-7311, Vegreville, AB.

KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and bearings. Parts to fit most makes and models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs w/24� to 36� notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ tandem wing discs w/26� and 28� notched blades and oil bath bearings. Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com 1-888-500-2646. 2- 60’ DEEP TILLERS; JD 61’ 2410 with harrows, 2 yrs. old, like new; Summers 60’ w/wo anhydrous unit and hitch. Sperling, MB., 204-626-3283 or 1-855-272-5070. 30’ BUSH HOG tandem disc. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Fillmore, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 47’ MORRIS MAGNUM II CP-743 DT cult., 32’ JD 332 offset disc and a Co-op 39’ cult. Stan Doughty Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, Pangman, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 NEW Salford RTS vertical tillage. Purchase or lease. RJ Sales & Service, Wadena, SK. 306-338-2541. www.agdealer.com/rjsales or rj.sales@sasktel.net USED 22’ WISHEK disc, 2011, 842NT, blades measure 27.5�. Located at Flaman in Nisku, AB. 1-800-352-6264 or visit us at www.flaman.com



D aisy chain connection sim plifies hookup, has accurate infrared optical seed detection, Stainless steelconstruction, unaffected by dust and adapts to buildup.



For Bourg ault 5000/6000 air carts.Rep laces hundreds ofp ounds oftransm issions and related hardw are. Sm ooth op eration at low sp eeds.



JD 9450 30’ hoe press drill, factory mover, fertilizer and grass seed attachment, marker, shedded, $14,500. 204-532-2290, Binscarth, MB. 2001 JD 1770 24 row 30�, 3 bu. boxes, RITEWAY HARROWS. Flaman Sales has row cleaners, recent discs, liquid fertilizer, Riteway jumbo harrows, models 7100 and J D m o n i t o r, f i e l d r e a d y, $ 4 9 , 0 0 0 . 8100, now with 5/8 tines. Sizes from 50’ 701-897-0099, Garrison, North Dakota. to 90’. Order today and ensure availability. Visit your nearest Flaman store or call CASE/IH 7200 HOE DRILLS 42’, 10� spacing, 3- 14’ units- can separate. $7500 1-888-435-2626. www.flaman.com OBO. Phone 306-842-4367, 306-861-7702 70’ DIAMOND HARROWS, fair condition, cell, Weyburn, SK. $1800 OBO. 780-632-4235, Vegreville, AB. 42’ OF IH 150 hoe drills, c/w fertizer and 70’ DEGELMAN Strawmaster heavy harrow. built-in transport, A1 condition. Call Stan Doughty Farm Equipment Auction, 306-296-4909, Frontier, SK. Wednesday, April 17, 2013, Pangman, SK. 2115 BOURGAULT AIR tank, 115 bushel area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com double swath, excellent condition. $3000. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-567-4717, Davidson, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 BOURGAULT 138 AIR tank converted to FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95 harrow packer t ow b e t we e n , P TO f a n r u n , $ 1 7 5 0 . bar, 60’, $5000. Call: 306-697-7203, Gren- 780-961-4028, Westlock, AB. fell, SK. IHC 6200 20’ double disc drill, grass seed FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95 harrow packer attachment, dual marker, grain/fert split, bar, 60’, tine harrows. 306-648-2807, factory transport, newer discs, $4000 OBO. 403-358-1211, Innisfail, AB. 306-648-8001, Gravelbourg, SK. OF 7200 CASE/IH HOE PRESS, facMORRIS 70’ heavy harrow, vg cond., 42’ tory transport, field markers, rubber press, 780-877-2339, 780-877-2326, Edberg, AB. w/slow speed canola drive sprockets, shedded, vg cond. 204-773-3252, Angus54’ RITE-WAY rotary harrow, prototype USED 62’ RITEWAY harrow, c/w hydraulic ville, MB. with all the updates, bought in 2012. Used tine adjustment, tines measure 24.5�. Lovery little, asking $36,000. Watrous, SK. c a t e d a t F l a m a n i n N i s k u , A B . 32’ IHC PRESS DRILLS, 4- 8’, solid press, 1-800-352-6264. fert. hyd., canola sprockets, always shedCall Les: 306-946-2260 or 306-946-8084. d e d . B e t t e r t h a n n e w. P h o n e 306-358-4820, Cactus Lake, SK.


M ounts on toolb ar, connects to ISO BU S harness, sim p lifying system connections.

DEGELMAN 7000 70’ heavy harrow manual 49 MORRIS PAIRED row DS openers, done angle, very good condition, $32,900. 2500 acres, $125 ea. OBO. 306-443-2257 w w w. g l e n m o r. c c 3 0 6 - 7 6 4 - 2 3 2 5 , or 306-483-8796, Alida, SK. 1-888-708-3739, glenmore@sasktel.net TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: New and used equip. available. Lemken Heliodors 26’, 33’, 40’; Rubin 20’, 26’, 40’. Landoll 26’, 33’, 44’; 6230 disc 33’; Brillion SET OF BOURGAULT 3� PNEUMATIC VT+ Smart-Till 20’, 30’; Icon graders packers and frames for Bourgault 5710 Pulverizer; scrapers: 1632, 1205; Ag 10, 821. and 5810, 62’ air drill, 9.8� spacing, used 1 and 2010 Salford RTS Std 50’. Crust Buster season. 306-297-3270, Shaunavon, SK. 2010, 1075 grain cart 240 bu. seed tender 34’ MORRIS never pin drill, side band dbl. c/w trailer, pro box tender c/w trailer, shoot, good shape. 56’ of Phoenix harrow drive over pit, Blu-Jet Subtiller 4’s, 4-7 shank, 9 shank. Monosem 4-row, twin c/w air kit. 306-745-6298, Esterhazy, SK. row, planter c/w liquid and dry fert. app. JD 9400 30’ hoe drill, capable of direct Units in stock and new ones arriving daily. seeding, attached factory transport, Eagle www.tristarfarms.com 306-586-1603, Beak openers, like new cond, seeded ap- Regina, SK. prox. 1000 acres, $25,000 OBO; 25’ KelloBilt disc, $23,000. 780-523-7665 High JD 1790, 16/32 split row, 30� plus 15� spacing, vacuum, row units rebuilt in Prairie, AB. 2011, Precision E-Sets on 30� rows, CCS, drawbar hitch, liquid kit, KSI conveyor, ready to plant, $80,000 OBO. For info. or pics call 204-981-4291, Winnipeg, MB. 1988 42’ IHC 7200 hoe drill, cleaned, oiled every year, extra parts incl. custom tarps, factory updates, Atom Jet points, $6000 OBO. 306-323-4873, Naicam, SK. YOUR NEW FLEXI-COIL 5000 seed drill, 45’, 9� spacing w/narrow steel packers, 2320 TBH tank, We build, sell and service carbide tipped 550 lb. trips. 204-725-6701, Forrest, MB. chromium drill points for most makes




M ounts on toolb ar, connects to ISO BU S harness, sim p lifying system connections.Sup p orts Raven dualvalve and fast valve, and M icrotrack.D isp lays p roduct used, p roduct rem aining .

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DISC BLADES, 40 new, 26� notched, 5/16� thickness, $90 each. 250-567-2607, Vanderhoof, BC. NEW GATES 72’ heavy harrows 5-bar 9/16 x26 tine, $29,900; Elmers 50’ super 7 2012 demo bar, $33,900; Gates 50’ 4-bar 9/16 tines, manual angle, 2012, $21,500. Call Corner Equip. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. NEW 2012 BOURGAULT 8910 cultivator, 70’, 12� spacing w/spd. lock adaptors and 4 bar harrows. 306-231-8060 Englefeld, SK EZEE-ON 5500 36’ cult. w/Ezee-On 4250 TBT tank, $32,000. RJ Sales & Service, 306-338-2541, www.agdealer.com/rjsales or rj.sales@sasktel.net Wadena, SK. 48’ FRIGGSTAD 420 cultivator w/harrows, exc. shape. 306-287-3563, Watson, SK. FLEXI-COIL 49’ 800 chisel plow w/Raven NH3, 650 lb. trips, 19� spacing, harrows, Atom Jet non-freezing blade, $35,000. 204-842-5251, 204-847-0188, Birtle, MB. WANTED: MORRIS 8900 cultivator 41’ w/12� spacing, 750 lbs. trips, 3 or 4 bar harrows. 403-620-2409, Carstairs, AB.

30’ JD 9350 hoe drills, spring trip, c/w Doepker back-on transport. 306-478-2520, McCord, SK. 54 DUTCH PRECISION triple shoot paired row openers, currently equipped w/NH3 tubes, $95/ea. 403-704-5125, Rimbey, AB. BOURGAULT 40’ cultivator, 9�, harrows, AC, w/138 tank, $12,000. RJ Sales & Service, Wadena, SK. rj.sales@sasktel.net www.agdealer.com/rjsales 306-338-2541 2002 CONCORDE 2300 air tank, shedded, great shape. $12,500 OBO. Call 403-934-7533, Standard, AB. COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD 1610, $135; JD 610, black, $180; JD 1600, $90; Morris 7-series, $135. 306-946-7923, 306-946-4923, Young, SK.

HAUL-ALL DRILL FILL, load your air seeder faster, fill two products at once. D&F Manufacturing Ltd. 204-746-8260, Morris, MB. dandf.ca 2010 SALFORD 570RTS vertical tillage, 24’, harrows, rolling baskets w/1200 lb weight kit, like new cond., $44,000 OBO. Carrot River, SK. 306-768-2151, 306-768-7399. 24’ ALLIS CHALMERS tandem disc, 37’ DT cult. w/1655 Valmar and harrows, Morris CP-725 cult. w/tine harrows. Fradette and Cherpin Large Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 15, 2013, Radville, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 FARM TIRE SEEDING specials now at OK Tire, Idylwyld Dr N., Saskatoon, SK. Featuring Firestone ag tires. On farm service. Ph. 306-933-1115, www.oktire.com EZEE-ON CHISEL PLOW HD, 42’, 7400, 750 lb. trips, 4 bar, full float hitch, excellent, like new, $14,000. 306-669-4705, Richmound, SK. 1 hr. N of Medicine Hat, AB. NORAC UC3 HYDRAULIC depth control, triple sensors, $900. Lloyd 403-627-2764 or 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB.

AUCTION. 2- DEUTZ 9150 MFWD, Tues., CASE 2594 TRACTOR, 3600 hrs, good rubApril 16, Tisdale, SK. Bruce Schapansky ber. IHC 684 c/w FEL, 3 PTH, 2400 hrs. Au c t i o n e e r s , w w w. s c h a p a n s k y. c o m 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. 306-873-5488. PL#912715. 1954 CASE 530, 2000 hrs., 3 PTH, loader, orig. tires, and cult., always stored inside, $6000 OBO. 306-946-3806, Watrous, SK. 2012 MAGNUM 210, 80 hrs. CVT, 4 remotes, 3 function mid mount, PTO, 3 PTH, front susp., lux. cab, HID lites, power mir2-105 WHITE, complete new engine in- rors, 600 fronts tires, 710 rears, $159,000 frame 10 hrs. ago, rear tires approx. 80%, OBO. 306-231-7212, Middle Lake, SK. LPTO, high-low shift, nice tractor, $9500. 1992 CIH 9260, 300 HP, 20.8x38 duals 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 70%, powershift, PTO, $39,500. Twin ValWANTED COCKSHUTT FWA, w/wo front ley Farms, 403-485-8116, Vulcan, AB. end loader. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, 2011 CIH STX550 PTO, 36� tracks, autoChaplin, SK. guidance, $405,000. Check us out at: www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of our five locations. 9280 CASE/IH, approx. 5500 hrs., std. CASE/IH 7130 2WD tractor with Autotrans., 800 metric duals- 70%, good cond., Steer GPS and duals. Garth Hurford Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 20, $72,000 OBO. 306-463-9466 Kindersley SK 2013, Balcarres, SK. area. For sale bill and INT. 656 TRACTOR c/w Leon FEL, good photos www.mackauctioncompany.com tires, new clutch, good running order, ask- M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r ing $3500. 306-842-7666, Weyburn, SK. 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 2008 STX 435, 710-42 duals, powershift, CASE 2394 FWA tractor w/Outback AutoHD lights, PTO, full GPS pkg., 1700 hrs, Steer. Darald Marin Farm Equip. Auction, $185,000. Delivery and financing available. Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 1983 IH 5288 with Michelin radial tires, for engine overhaul at 7200 hrs., $18,000. Call 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 306-293-2793, Climax, SK. STX375, 2670 hrs, luxury surveyor cab, 16 spd. powershift, 55 GPM hyd. pump, 4 re1997 CIH 9350, powershift, PTO, 90% rub- motes, shedded, Firestone 20.8R42 duals, ber, 8200 hrs., well maintained. Grandview $145,000 OBO. 306-876-4731 Goodeve SK MB., ph 204-546-2131 or 204-572-5186. 1989 9180, 24.5x32 duals 90-95%, power1998 CASE 9370, 4 WD, 360 HP, 4120 hrs, shift, 4-way Leon dozer, 9050 hrs, exten12 spd. std., AutoSteer, diff. lock, $93,000. s i v e w o r k d o n e . N e e r l a n d i a , A B , 306-946-9513, 306-259-4881, Young, SK. 780-674-4165, 780-674-5269. 2011 CIH STX550 Quadtrac, Deluxe cab, CASE 4490 4WD tractor with PTO, Case PTO $395,000. www.redheadequipment.ca 2390 2WD tractor, Case 1270 2WD tractor, or call one of our five locations. Case 1070 2WD tractor, David Brown 990 1992 CIH 9240, 4 WD, 5180 hrs, power- diesel 2WD tractor, IH 1066 2WD tractor, shift, PTO, shedded, w/wo AutoSteer, Case 830 diesel 2WD tractor w/FEL and round fenders, and IH 1066 2WD tractor. $48,000. 306-224-4770, Glenavon, SK. Warren Domres Estate Farm Equipment 2009 CASE/IH 435, 4 WD, 555 hrs.; 2010 Auction, Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, Case/IH 485, 559 hrs. Both w/powershift, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com AutoSteer, 1 owner, excellent cond. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 306-478-2269, 306-478-7078, Mankota SK AIR RIDE KIT, 2013 Model, auto levelling LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We for Case/IH quad tractors, rides like a buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD, FWA Cadillac, only four left for 2013. Call Milt tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . 306-229-1693, Hepburn, SK. 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. 2007 STEIGER 435, 2000 hrs., deluxe cab, HD draw bar, 620-70R46 at 75%, bareback, 2003 AND 2006 CIH MXM120 tractors w/LX162 loaders; 1980 IH 1486, w/duals, $155,000. 306-960-1478, Birch Hills, SK. exc. shape. 204-234-5411, Oakburn, MB. CASE/IH 9150, powershift, $55,000; 2010 435, PTO, HO hyd., AutoSteer, CASE/IH 9270, 1992, DUALS, POWER$249,000; CIH 9270, duals, $65,000; SHIFT, $59,500. RJ Sales & Service, 2012 500 Quad, PTO, loaded, $377,000; 306-338-2541, www.agdealer.com/rjsales 2010 CIH 335 PTO, $199,000; Others: or rj.sales@sasktel.net Wadena, SK. 2 0 0 9 J D 9 4 3 0 , 8 0 0 ’ s , p o w e r s h i f t , 1997 CASE/IH 9330, 4 WD, 18.4x38 radial $229,000; NH TJ 500, HD hyd., AutoSteer, tires, 12 spd. powershift trans., plumbed $ 1 7 9 , 0 0 0 ; N H 9 8 8 2 , 7 1 0 M i c h e l i n , for air seeder, approx. 5000 hrs., asking $93,500. Call Hergott Farm Equipment $60,000. 306-771-2690, Balgonie, SK. 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 1990 CIH 9130, 4 WD, 6795 hrs., power 2005 CASE/IH STX 450, quad track, diff. s h i f t , g o o d t i r e s , $ 3 8 , 0 0 0 O B O . locks, high flow hyds., 30� tracks, serviced 306-831-6186, 306-831-6196, D’Arcy, SK. for 2013, AutoSteer Tremble 750 touch screen, $165,000 OBO. 306-501-5455, 1993 CASE/IH 9280 4x4 tractor, 4400 hrs., standard trans. Contact Larry at Milestone, SK. 780-872-2832, Paradise Hill, SK. 2009 CIH STX485 Quad, tow cable, Luxury cab, $305,000. www.redheadequipment.ca AUCTION. 2008 STEIGER Case/IH 435, 840 hrs, Tuesday, April 16, Tisdale, SK. or call one of our five locations. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers, 1988 CASE 2294, 6600 hrs., low hours on 306-873-5488, www.schapansky.com trans. and motor. Phone 306-587-2730, PL#912715. Cabri, SK. 1982 IH 5488, 6400 orig. hours, 20.8x38 CASE/IH 5088, 140 HP, 3 PTH, FEL, cab, duals, new inside rubber, 3 hyds., paint A C , v e r y g o o d r u b b e r, $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 . good, $18,000. 204-512-0017, Lenore, MB. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 1984 CASE 2594, duals, Leon blade, 3 reCASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; motes, 24 spd., dif lock, new battery, new Plus other makes and models. Call the radials and front diamond tread tires, hyd. Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. ride seat, 1 owner, retired. 204-826-2308, leave msg., Rivers, MB. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB

GOING TO BE a wet spring? Need big rubber? Here is a one of a kind: 1997 Case/IH 9380 bumped to 9390 HP, vg, 710x38R at 75% rubber, fluid all around, 43,000 lb., 12 spd. std., air seat, new CD player and speakers, 4 remotes, return line, tow cable, HID lights, EZ-Steer 500, 4420 hrs., shedded, $97,000. Call 306-795-7208, 306-795-7493, 306-675-2222, Leross, SK. CASE 1490 2WD tractor w/Leon 700 FEL and 3 PTH, 2214 hrs. Bob Johnston Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, April 12, 2013 Weyburn, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 PL 311962. 2002 CASE/IH STX 375 quadtrac 4WD tractor w/Trimble 750 AutoSteer and 3118 hrs. Brian Dreger Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 22, 2013, Lang, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 WANTED: 70 or 90 series Case tractor w/FEL in need of repair. 306-395-2668 or 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. BRAND NEW CASE/Steiger 400, high capacity pump, luxury interior, $229,000. Call 204-746-4131, Rosenort, MB. 2011 CIH STEIGER, 430 HP, powershift, PTO, 710R38 rubber, AutoSteer ready, factory warranty, 1750 hrs., $177,500. 204-851-0582, Virden, MB. 1990 CASE/IH 7150, FWA, duals, 1000 PTO, front weights, 3815 hrs., shedded, $60,000; 1990 Case/IH 7120, FWA, duals, 540/1000 PTO, 5248 hrs., shedded, $35,000. 204-467-5638, Rosser, MB.

CHALLENGER 875C, 585 HP, deluxe cab, PTO, weights, Trimble guidance, 5 remotes, 1321 hrs, $344,000. 403-652-2414, High River, AB. farmway@telusplanet.net 2006 MT865B CHALLENGER, 30� belts at 75%, 18L Cat motor, 59 gallon pump, 5500 hrs., unit in premium condition, $195,000. PTO, weights and warranty available. 780-672-6476, 780-781-3469, Camrose AB 2008 CHALLENGER MT855B, track unit, 36� Extreme GPS, hyd swing bar, 1890 hrs, $265,000. 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, SK., 306-773-7281, www.fulllineag.com TWO- MT765B, one with dozer, excellent tracks. Choice $125,000 each. Would m a ke e x c e l l e n t g r a i n c a r t t r a c t o r. 403-348-1521, 403-886-5385, Penhold, AB

2000 JD 7810, 5100 hrs, 540/1000 PTO, quad powershift, rubber vg, c/w duals, $72,500. Call 403-793-3292, Scandia, AB. 8770, 4 WD, 1995, 24 spd., diff lock, 4 hyds., 1000 PTO, 5026 hrs, 20.8x42, AutoTrac ready, very clean, $74,900 OBO. 403-728-3282, 403-877-0088, Innisfail, AB JD 8450 4WD tractor with PTO and Outback AutoSteer, also selling JD 4440 2WD tractor with JD 725 FEL. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Fillmore, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1982 JD 8450, good 18.4x38 tires, PTO, good shape. 306-322-5838 leave message, Rose Valley, SK. 1983 JD 4450, MFWD, 5800 hrs, 740 high lift loader. 780-672-6633 evenings, Camrose, AB. JD 8110 MFWD, 7530 MFWD both with low hours. Call 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 2005 9520, 450 HP, powershift, very good 710x42’s. Recent $10,000 Greenlight, 4075 hrs., $159,000. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 2007 JD 9630T, 36� tracks, PTO, powershift, 5 SCV’s, $241,749. Call Norman 204-724-7870, Brandon, MB. JD 8430 4WD tractor w/PTO and 12’ dozer blade, JD 7520 4WD tractor with PTO, JD 4440 2WD tractor w/4343 hrs, JD 4010 2WD tractor w/JD 46 FEL and approx. 800 hours on overhaul, JD 180 lawn tractor. Fradette and Cherpin Large Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 15, 2013, Radville, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

966 IHC, 1977, 7000 hrs., cab, c/w Leon 690 loader, plus extra set of tires and rims, $11,000. 306-667-4048, Mistatim, SK. 2011 550 C ASE/IH, triples, 550 HP, 1996 CASE/IH 9250, 4 WD tractor, 300 weights, deluxe cab, $295,000. 2007 165 HP, 12 spd. powershift, Outback Auto- Case/IH Puma, w/loader and grapple, 165 2003 FENDT 920, CVT, 3920 hrs., great Steer, 5008 hrs, exc. cond., $75,000 OBO. HP, $95,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255. rubber, 990 Quickie loader, 185 HP. Ask- 306-441-7585, Meota, SK. ing $85,000. 780-939-5659, Morinville, AB 1994 CASE/IH 9280, 375 HP, manual AUCTION- 2010 CASE/IH Steiger 435, 4 2002 AGCO DT160 MFWD, 18 spd. power- trans, 20.8Rx42 DT 710 duals, $48,000. WD w/435 engine HP, 16 spd. powershift, shift, factory duals, LH reverser, new front 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. 800/70R38 duals, lots of options, 488 hrs. tires, fully serviced at AGCO dealer, only showing, April 8, Gerry and Janet Fletcher 3799 hrs, very well cared for, field ready, WANTED OLDER CASE, FWA, w/front end Govan SK, 306-484-4437. Kramer Auctions $59,900. 403-357-9192 or 403-358-0456, loader. 306-395-2668 or 306-681-7610, Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. JUST CONSIGNED: 2- 2009 JD 9630, 4 Chaplin, SK. Tees, AB. www.stockmanstradingco.com www.kramerauction.com PL #914618. WD’s, 1 w/Hi-Flow hyds, 1 w/std. flow, both c/w powershift, AutoTrac ready, 800/70R38 duals. To be sold at the Regina Sale located at Rouleau, SK. on April 2nd, 2013. For more info contact Ritchie Bros. Au c t i o n e e r s at 3 0 6 - 7 7 6 - 2 3 9 7 o r A Concept so simple www.rbauction.com PL #303043. 2008 JD 7230 Premium, 24 spd., MFWD, you won’t believe it! 2100 hours, front and rear 3 PTH, PTO, A Tool so rugged and loaded. 306-280-4608, Hanley, SK. reliable that you wonder why all 1994 JD 8770, 300 HP, 12 spd, 4 hyds, air seeder return line, 7 pin elec. outlet, headmachines aren’t built this way! land decelerator button, 20.8x38 Goodyear Dyna Torque radials, inside duals brand Shallow tillage new, outside duals no cracks, approx. 45% like you’ve never seen before. grip, deluxe cab, very clean, air seat, outside very clean, 5850 hrs. Asking $68,000. Learn Why at Limited quantities available for 306-862-4849, Aylsham, SK. AUCTION. 2005 AGCO RT-95, MFWD, c/w FEL, Watson, SK., Thursday, April 11. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers, 306-873-5488, www.schapansky.com PL#912715.

2010 CIH STX535 Quadtrac, Luxury Cab, 1000 rpm., ind. PTO. $357,000. Go to: www.redheadequipment.ca or call one of our five locations.




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1995 JOHN DEERE 8770 AutoSteer, 24 spd., Radar deluxe cab w/AC, 4 remotes with return line, diff. locks, Michelin 650-65R38 duals 60%, Degelman 6-way blade w/joystick, always shedded, excellent shape! $75,400. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 1990 JD 8960, 10,000 hours, triples, shedded, field ready. Call Fraser Farms Ltd., 306-741-0240, Pambrun, SK. 1981 8640 JD tractor, w/like new 14’ 6-way Degelman dozer blade, has new engine, clutch, head, tires, wheel bearings and much more, exc. cond. 306-741-7012, Swift Current, SK. JD 8450, 4050, 4240 w/loader, 4450 MFWD w/loader. Have JD loaders in stock. Taking JD tractors in trade that need work. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB.

2012 JD 9510RT, 36� tracks, PTO, big pump, 5 SCV’s, powershift, $340,749. Call Norman 204-724-7870, Brandon, MB. 1990 8960, 24 spd., diff lock, 4 hyds., 24.5x32’s at 30%, 6750 hrs., $63,500. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 2004 JD 9320, 2350 hrs., 24 speed, AutoSteer, stored inside, $149,000. Bjorkdale, SK. Call: 306-886-4439. JD 4430, 3 PTH, w/wo 725 loader, runs strong, $22,500. Phone 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB. 1990 4255, MFWD, powershift, 3 TH, low h o u r s , e x c e l l e n t r u b b e r, s h a r p . 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 1990 JD 4755 MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, 5700 original hours, excellent rubber, very sharp. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 1987 4250, MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, 6100 hours, excellent. Call 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. JD 7210, c/w new Michelin tires, new 741 loader, no grapple, 6900 hrs., excellent, $55,000. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. 2009 JD 9530T, 1280 hrs., 36� belts, 26 front weights, 4 remotes, Premier lighting package, AutoTrac ready, category 5 wide swing drawbar, $219,500 US. Call Fairfax, MN , 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, www.ms-diversified.com JD 7820, 2005, MFWD, IVT, TLS, 3 PTH, 746 loader, grapple, loaded, 6900 hours, excellent condition, $89,000 OBO or trade. 403-308-4200, Mossleigh, AB. 2003 JD 9520, 18 spd., 5600 hrs., diff l o c k s , 7 1 0 - 7 0 R x 4 2 r u b b e r, d u a l s , $129,000. 306-222-3170, Kenaston, SK. 1999 JD 7710, FWA, 4200 hrs., all new rubber, excellent condition. Consider trades. 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB. AUCTION- 2010 JD 9330 4 WD, 18 spd powershift, lots of options, 1201 hrs. showing. April 9th, Strongfield, SK. Paulsen Bros. Art 306-867-1889 or Nick 306-854-2053. Kramer Auctions Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. PL# 914618. www.kramerauction.com JD 7810 MFWD; JD 7710 MFWD. Low hours, can be equipped with loaders. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. AUCTION. 1999 JD 8200 MFWD, c/w FEL; 1997 JD 9400; 1997 JD 9100; JD 8650; JD 8450; 1983 JD 4650, Tuesday, April 16, Tisdale, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers, www.schapansky.com 306-873-5488. PL#912715. 2004 9320, 3000 hrs., 24 spd., 710 Michelins at 85%, $145,000 OBO. Call 403-527-9661 located at Leader, SK. 2006 JOHN DEERE 9520 4 WD, 3650 hrs., Deluxe cab with AC and heat, GPS and AutoSteer w/monitor, 18 spd., powershift, diff. locks, Goodyear 800 metric duals 70%, 11,000 lb. dry weight, always shedded, very nice shape, $169,000. Call Jordan 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 1979 JD 8440, 6990 hrs, PTO, tires 20.8x34 exc. cond., new hyd. pump, $23,500 OBO. 306-679-7191, Burstall, SK. 1986 JD 8650, 4 WD, approx. 6800 hrs., rebuilt engine at 5900 hrs., PTO, 3 PTH, 4 hyd., good AC. Greenlighted in spring of 2012. EZ-Steer with EZ-Guide 500 monitor, $35,500 w/AutoSteer, $30,500 w/o. 306-722-7644 or 406-268-1028. Located at Fillmore, SK. jflaten@jmgrain.com or hjohnson@jmgrain.com

1980 8640, 9000 hrs., new eng. 7000, needs shifter work, $20,000 OBO. Rose Valley, SK, 306-383-2546, 306-229-8638. JD 4110, FWD, 2 range hydro, rear and mid PTO, 3 PTH, loader hyd. valve, cab w / h e a t , $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 , w w w. g l e n m o r. c c 306-764-2325, 1-888-708-3739. 2010 JD 9330, HID lights, AutoSteer, four remotes, auto trans., 490 hrs., shedded, no PTO; Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill 45’, 5 fold, 9� spacing, 5� rubber packers, 2320 TBH tank, single shoot. Reason for sale, retired. Call 780-386-2178, Lougheed, AB.

1982 JD 4040, bucket, rebuilt eng., just over 9000 hrs., leaks oil, $11,000. Phone 306-363-2111, Watrous, SK. JD 8450 TRACTOR with 14’ Degelman 6-way blade. 306-744-7744, Saltcoats, SK. 1972 JD 4320, 7007 orig. hrs, vg rubber, and paint, modified cab with 2 drs, no AC or heater, 3 PTH, 540/1000 PTO, good starting, shifting and clean running, $9500. 780-842-0101 Wainwright, AB. WANTED: 2010 JD tractor with weak or poor engine. Contact 306-395-2668 or 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 2006 9620T, 3500 hrs., PTO, HID lights, 2 yr old 36� HD track, receiver w/2600 display, 5 SCV, AutoTrac, wide swing drawbar, exc. shape, $189,000. 306-472-3000, LaFleche, SK. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. JD 8650, 4 WD, 4 hyd. outlets, 1000 PTO, rubber vg Firestone 7000 radials, 20.8x38 duals, new radiator, vg cond. Call Daniel 204-526-5257, 204-526-2746, Holland, MB WRECKING FOR PARTS: 4230 and 4630 JD, vg sheet metal, exc. cabs, 18.4x38 tires. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. JD 8440, 4 WD with Degelman manual angle blade, single tires, 8555 hrs., $23,900. Call 306-280-2400, Allan, SK. 2008 JOHN DEERE 5303, 512 loader w/quick detach bucket and pallet forks, only 540 hrs. ROPS, 3 PTH, show room condition, $18,900. 306-539-6207, Fort Quappelle, SK. 1990 4255, MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, 8400 hrs., 80% rubber, c/w like new 740 loader, sharp. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats SK 1992 JD 8760, 5446 hrs., 24 spd., 4 hyds., diff. lock, 20.8/38R Firestone duals new in 2009, Greenlighted Jan./2013, premium. 306-383-2225, 306-554-8450, Clair, SK. 6430 MFWD PREMIUM with 673 loader, 2008, 1130 hrs., $70,000. 780-910-4996, Hendon, SK. 7730 JD MFWD and 746 loader, this tractor is like new, 2400 hrs., has weights, left hand reverser and priced to sell at $116,000. Ph: 306-813-7114, Weekes, SK. 2007 JOHN DEERE 9420, powershift, 2180 hrs., loaded, really nice, $178,900. 306-280-4608, Hanley, SK. 2011 JD 9530, 4 WD, 780 hrs, AutoTrac ready, diff locks, 800/70R38 Michelin tires, deluxe cab w/active seat, premier lighting pkg, ext. powertrain warranty until Sept., 2014, weight pkg, $229,500 US. www.ms-diversified.com 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. 1989 JOHN DEERE 4555, MFWD, powershift, 9000 hrs., rubber excellent, $35,000. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. JUST CONSIGNED: 2- 2012 JD 9560R, 4 WD’s, 1 w/Hi-Flow hyds, 1 w/std flow, both c/w powershift, AutoTrac ready, 800/70R38 duals. To be sold at the Regina Sale located at Rouleau, SK. on April 2nd, 2013. For more info contact Ritchie Bros. Au c t i o n e e r s at 3 0 6 - 7 7 6 - 2 3 9 7 o r www.rbauction.com PL #303043. 1981 4640 quad 6100 hrs., immaculate; 1980 4440 quad, 7000 hrs., sharp. Call 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. JD 8200, FWA, 3 PTH, 5400 hrs., $77,000; JD 4955, FWA, 7100 hrs., $46,500; JD 4455, FWA, 5600 hrs., $46,000; JD 4255, FWA, 7200 hours, $39,500. New 740 loaders avail. 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK. www.versluistrading.com 1966 JD 4020, 8 spd. powershift, 7766 hrs, tires 80%, 540/1000 PTO, exc. cond., $9800. 306-736-3022, Glenavon, SK. 1999 MODEL 9400T, 36� tracks, 60% tread left, 4 hyds., AutoSteer ready, 5100 hrs., 24 spd. trans., always shedded, paint is like new, very clean. Ask for Rob at: 306-542-7808, Kamsack, SK. 1986 JOHN DEERE, 4050 2 WD tractor, Serial #RW4050H006723, 105 HP, quad shift, 540 and 1000 PTO, 2 hyds., 3 PTH, 6541 hrs., all new tires, 18.4x38 rear, straight clean tractor in exc. cond., $26,500. Call toll free 1-877-862-2413, cell: 306-862-7761 or 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524, Nipawin, SK. JD 9200 4WD tractor w/3740 hrs, Greenlighted in 2012, also JD 2120 2WD tractor with 4975 hrs. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 , 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

LOOKING FOR: JD 30, 40, 50 series tractor in good cond. with mechanical issues. 306-621-7170, Yorkton, SK. 1968 JOHN DEERE 4020, Serial #163126R, 94 HP, synchro shift, new rear tires, all original, no dents or bends, 4650 orig. hrs., original owners manual and bill of sale available, $11,600. Nipawin, SK toll free 1-877-862-2413, cell: 306-862-7761 or 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524. JOHN DEERE 9420 4WD, 2000 engine hrs., 4 hyds., guidance ready, 710x38 Firestone radials, all the weights, 24 spd. trans., very clean tractor. Watrous, SK. Call Les: 306-946-2260 or 306-946-8084. 1998 JD 9400, 4700 hrs, 16’ 6-way De3020 JOHN DEERE, gas, 148 FEL, PTO, gelman blade, good cond. 306-666-2153, 3600 original hours. Phone 306-445-5602, 306-662-7471 cell, Fox Valley, SK. North Battleford, SK. 4850, GOOD RUBBER, $10,000 work order 2008 7430 PREMIUM, 741 loader, grap- this winter, $45,000; JD 8850, with good ple, bale spear, pallet forks, 3300 hrs., IVT rubber, $7000 work order, $50,000. trans., 3 PTH, new front tires 420/85R28, 306-862-8014, Aylsham, SK. rear tires 520/85R38, $115,000 OBO. Call 2001 JD 9300, 4 WD, 3110 hrs., 24 spd., 403-934-4191, Strathmore, AB. partial powershift, 620R42 duals, weight 2002 JOHN DEERE 9520T, 30� tracks, Au- pkg., AutoTrac ready. 204-534-0637 or toTrac ready, 18 spd., 6400 hrs., $90,000. 204-534-6632, Boissevain, MB. Phone: 780-834-8134, Cleardale, AB. or 1981 JD 8440, 8000 hrs., 50 Series enemail: murray@6lewis.com gine, PTO, 20.8x34 duals, nice tractor, JD 7230 MFD, duals, 3 PTH, as new, 1658 $20,000. Lintlaw, SK. Ph: 306-325-0044, hrs., new Buhler loader, joystick grapple, 403-740-4766. only $95,000. Parkland Farm Equip., Stony Plain, AB. 780-963-7411. 1996 JD 8870, 4133 hrs., 12 spd., 20.8x42 tires at 30%, diff. lock, hyd. return line, 4 2009 KUBOTA M108X FWA tractor with remotes, shedded, exc., $65,000 OBO. Kubota M45 FEL with only 710 hours. Garth Hurford Farm Equipment Auction, 306-228-2237, 306-228-8300, Unity, SK. Saturday, April 20, 2013, Balcarres, SK. JD 8770 4WD tractor w/Outback Auto- area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com Steer, also selling JD 2950 FWA tractor for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or with JD 260 FEL and grapple. Darald Marin 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. area. For sale bill and KUBOTA B6200 c/w Allied loader, diesel, photos www.mackauctioncompany.com 4 WD, nice condition, 1794 hours, $6500. M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r w w w. g l e n m o r. c c 3 0 6 - 7 6 4 - 2 3 2 5 , 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 1-888-708-3739, glenmor@sasktel.net


2010 KUBOTA, 26 HP diesel, F2680 front mount lawnmower w/122 hours. Brian Dreger Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 22, 2013, Lang, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 31196


VERSATILE 936 4WD tractor and a Versatile 756 4WD tractor w/PTO. Bob Johnston Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. area. For sale bill and photos www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 , 306-487-7815. PL 311962.

1985 VERSATILE 976, 6900 hrs., 360 HP, 12 spd. trans., upgraded hyd. system, 2012 25 HP dsl, FWA, hydro, FEL, 3 PTH, 24.5x32 duals, exc., field ready, $40,000 PTO, 150 hrs., balance of 3 yr. warranty, OBO. Chris 306-628-7840, Eatonia, SK. $14,900 OBO. 306-554-2901, Wynyard, SK 2002 BUHLER 2425, 12 spd., 3650 hrs, 8 MF 2675, good tires, eng. replaced. MF new 710/70R38’s, Tremble 500 AutoSteer, 3690, needs elec. work, good rubber, high flow hyds., weight pkg., serviced for 2013, $150,000 OBO. 306-501-5455, MileMFWD, $7500. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge. stone, SK. VERSATILE 450, powershift, 450 HP, c/w 800/70R38 Michelin drum duals, deluxe cab, 6 elec. valves, autolube, EPRO AutoSteer, AM/FM/CD radio. Trades welcome. Call for special spring pricing now. 204-759-2527, Shoal Lake, MB. VERSATILE 836 DESIGNATION 6, 4WD tractor with 6472 hours. Fradette and Cherpin Large Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 15, 2013, Radville, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

AUCTION. 2006 NH TM130, MFWD, c/w FEL, Tuesday, April 16, Tisdale, SK. Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers 306-873-5488 www.schapansky.com PL#912715. 2009 NH TV6070 bi-directional tractor w/FEL and 965 hours. Brian Dreger Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 22, 2013, Lang, SK. area. For sale bill/photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 2000 TM165 FWA, Ezee-On loader and 2003 BUHLER 2425, 12 spd. powershift, grapple, 3 PTH, 4 remotes, shuttle shift 3800 hrs, 900 Michelins- 70%, good cond., 6780 hrs. 306-846-7197 or 306-846-7787, $135,000 OBO. 306-287-3826, Watson, SK Dinsmore, SK. VERSATILE 900, 300 HP, 20.8x38 duals, 2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3 PTH, new exhaust. Cheap power. $12,000. grapple, manure tines, 1500 hrs., like new, Phone Tyler at 403-872-2940, Ponoka, AB. $105,000. Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. 1980 VERSATILE 875, 5880 hrs., 1000 hrs. 1996 NH 9480, 4 WD, 5543 hrs., 20.8x42 on rebuilt engine, 20.8x38 duals, inner dud u a l s , Au t o S t e e r, e x c . c o n d . C a l l als 70% tread, field ready, $28,000. 306-642-8111, Assiniboia, SK. 306-228-3651, Unity, SK. 2009 NH T9060 STK #HN3027A, 1230 VERSATILE 875 4WD tractor with 6000 hrs., 535 HP, 4 WD drive, deluxe cab, hours. Darald Marin Farm Equip. Auction, monitor mount, mega flow hyd., $285,000. Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. Call 1-888-446-9572 or www.farmworld.ca area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com 2006 NH TJ530 HD, 2725 hrs., $199,000; for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 2008 NH 9050, 1640 hrs., $230,000. Both 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 have 7 hyds., mega flow, 90 gal., 800x38 duals, GPS, HID lighting, tow cables. 1985 VERSATILE 856 4WD, 6800 hrs., 18.4x38 rubber, inside tires 2 yrs. old, 4 306-641-7759, 306-647-2459 Theodore SK remotes, exc. cond. 306-567-4608 or, 1999 9482, 310 HP, only 2400 hrs., very 306-567-5587 eves., Davidson, SK. nice shape, looks like new, always shedded, one owner, 20.8x42 duals, gear drive VERSATILE 500 PS, PTO, 800 duals, front trans., priced to sell. 306-654-7772, Sas- and mid weights, 1.8% OAC, lease or purchase, good clean trades needed. Camkatoon, SK. Don Motors Ltd, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK 2005 TJ450 NH, 710/70R-42 duals, AutoSteering and powershift. 306-921-9920, 2011 VERSATILE 435 4WD, 300 hrs., 800x38 Firestone tires, deluxe cab, 4 hyd., 306-864-8003, 306-752-3820, Melfort, SK. w/complete JD AutoSteer system, like 1998 NH 9882, 425 HP, 800x38 Trelleborg new, $196,000 US. Call 701-741-7957 or duals 70%, front weights, performance 218-773-8160, Grand Forks, ND. monitor, 4950 hrs., $79,500. Twin Valley WANTED: OLDER, LARGER Versatile tracFarms, 403-485-8116, Vulcan, AB. tor, 875 and up, possibly needing engine. 2008 T9060 HD, 535 HP, fully loaded, Ph. 780-872-1217, Sylvania, SK. Michelin 800-38 tires, full weight, high f l ow hy d . p u m p , 1 8 8 0 h o u r s , m i n t , 1984 VERSATILE 945, 9000 hrs, 24.5x32 $210,000. Tyler 306-533-8834 or Trent, tires, clean and well maintained, $25,000 OBO. 306-669-4717, Richmound, SK. 306-540-5275, Regina, SK. TJ380, 1088 hrs., 710x70R42’s, GPS, ultra fuel efficient; 9680, 710 metrics, 3670 hrs, tire 80%, weight kit, GPS, $86,000. 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK.

1988 VERSATILE 876, Trimble AutoSteer, new tires, 6947 hrs, new seat, pivot pins and bottom end recently done, well maintained, $40,000. 306-388-2227 Bienfait SK

AUCTION- 2012 New Holland T9.615 4WD tractor, 535 HP, full powershift, lots of options, 366 hrs. showing. April 9th, S t r o n g fi e l d , S K . C a l l : B r e n t A d a m s 306-867-7023 or Kramer Auctions Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. PL# 914618. www.kramerauction.com 2007 TJ480 NH, triples, 480 HP, w/GPS, weights, $195,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip. Ltd., 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK 2011 T9060, 800-38 Michelin duals, full weight pkg., full IntelliSteer GPS pkg., HD lights, PTO, leather interior, air drill work only, 570 hrs, $270,000. Delivery and financing avail. 780-876-0634, Debolt, AB.

ESTATE SALE! 2011 Versatile 400, 4 WD, 283 hrs., std. trans, 710/38 tires, shedded, showroom cond., $185,000. Willingdon, AB., 780-367-2142 acepoultry@live.ca

2003 NH TG285, 5500 hrs, new front tires 600/70-30, new back tires 710/70-42, $90,000. 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK. www.versluistrading.com NH 9682 4WD tractor; also selling 2008 NH TV6070 bi-directional tractor and NH 82LB FEL with only 750 hours. Stan Doughty Farm Equip. Auction, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, Pangman, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

FORD 9700, turns over but won’t start, $2000 OBO. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 8N FORD TRACTOR, new back tires, FEL, 3 PTH, includes cultivator, blade, mower, plow, asking $6000. Good for acreages. 306-747-2775, Shellbrook, SK. 876 FORD/VERS., original owner, always shedded, 4 hydraulics, 4800 hrs., exc. cond., $38,000. 403-601-0286, Nanton, AB 1996 9682, 360 HP, 20.8x42, 4900 hrs., shedded, local trade, $79,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1991 FORD 846 FWD, 4175 hours, stored inside, Outback AutoSteer GPS ready, exc. condition. 306-845-8210, Edam, SK.

1981 VERSATILE 875, 4 WD, orig. owner, 20.8x38 tires at 80%, 6,000 hrs., $28,000 OBO. More info 780-645-8064, St. Paul AB

GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. www.gcparts.com Toll free 888-327-6767.

KEET’S FISH FARM has Rainbow Trout fingerlings for spring stocking. Grandora, SK. 306-260-0288, www.keetsfishfarm.com DK90

Ray’s Trailer Sales

Ph: Don - 780-672-4596 Camrose, AB Ph: Pat 780-878-1126 Wetaskiwin, AB www.raystrailersandtractors.com

1990 FIAT ALLIS FD 14 E, new rollers, exc. U/C, rebuilt trans. and torque, twin tilt dozer, exc. machine all around. Can deliver. Warranty. Will consider trade. $58,000 OBO. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB DEGELMAN 46/57 QUICK attach 12’ dozer, very little use, off JD 4440, $10,000. 780-842-0101, Wainwright, AB.

BOBCAT 2004 S250, cab w/heat and AC, RITE AND BIG Bud, 350 to 500 HP, a num- foot control, high flow hyds., 1540 hrs., ber of smaller 20-70 HP tractors for sale. farmer owned, well serviced, exc. cond., 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. $26,500. 306-937-3655, Cando, SK. 184-38 R1 FIRESTONE AT23 tractor tires, LEON 707 front end loader with 6’ bucket, brand new, never mounted, $1000/each. $3600; 18.4x38 tractor tire chains, $350. Call Mike 306-227-1769, Saskatoon, SK. Call 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. McCORMICK MTX 125 FWA tractor with 2007 CAT 277B, cab with heat, hyd. quick Buhler FEL and 1280 hours. Don Gardiner attach, bucket, 82 HP, 2950 lb. operating Premium Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, c ap a c i t y, $ 4 4 , 9 9 5 . w w w. g l e n m o r. c c April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. Visit 306-764-2325, 1-888-708-3739. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale b i l l a n d p h o t o s . M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. ALL your agricultural tire needs available at OK Tire, Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon, SK. SELF-CONTAINED MOBILE STEAMER Featuring Firestone and BKT. On farm ser- unit, 2013, 14x7’ enclosed tandem trailer, w/new 310,000 BTU, 3500 PSI, Hotsy vice avail. 306-933-1115, www.oktire.com washer, Honda powered w/dsl. burner, 2000L water tank. 150’ of hose and all attachments incl., $25,000. Ready to go for steaming culverts and drains or washing WANTED: DEGELMAN DOZER for 1990 CIH equipment. 306-280-4216, Saskatoon, SK. 9170 (Steiger) tractor. Ph: 306-267-4471, DON’T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! Coronach, SK Best selection of tow ropes and straps in Canada. For tractors up to 600 HP. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com RITEWAY LAND ROLLERS. Flaman Sales has Riteway F Series land rollers with the patented forward unfolding system. Lengths from 52’ to 89’. Order today and ensure availability. Visit your local Flaman store or 1-888-435-2626 www.flaman.com



Neerlandia, Alberta

www.neeralta.com 1-866-497-5338

1980 VERSATILE 835, Atom Jet, 5000 hrs plus, $22,900 OBO. Ph: 306-535-0054 or 306-957-4218, Odessa, SK. EZEE-ON QUICK DETACH loader w/bale fork, $3000. 306-749-2649, Birch Hills, SK. FOR SALE: 7130 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3PTH, 3 hyd; 6400 MFWD, PQ, RHS, 3PTH, 2200 hrs; 7410 MFWD, PQ, RHS, 3PTH w/740 loader; 2- 4650 MFWD, 15 spd, 3PTH, factory duals; 2- 4455 MFWD, 3PTH, 15 spd; 3155 MFWD, 3PTH, loader; 2955 MFWD, 3PTH, w/wo loader; 4430 quad, 3PTH, painted; 8760, 7800 hrs, quad, 4 hyd., 20.8x38 duals; 8560, 20.8x38 duals, 30%, 4 hyd, couplers, quad range trans, 16 spd; JD 725 FEL. All tractors can be sold with new or used loaders. St. Claude, MB. 204-750-2459, Mitchstractorsales.com

EZEE-ON 2105 FEL, 8’ bucket and grapple, quick attach, used very little, good cond., $6500. 780-768-2118, Hairy Hill, AB. LOADERS: 2- 2004 John Deere 544J’s. One time special price $85,000! Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. DEGELMAN 6600 14’ blade and push frame for 946 Versatile, very good, $3000. Phone 403-664-2172, Oyen, AB. DEGELMAN 7200 6-WAY dozer, 16’, off JD 9430 tractor, $22,800. Ph 306-795-7608, Ituna, SK.

RETIRED FROM FARMING: 1983 JD 8450; 1986 JD 4450 w/loader; 1994 JD CTS combine; 1982 JD 2420 25’ diesel swather; 224 24’ straight cut header; 50’ Bourgault harrow packer bar; 60’ Brandt sprayer; 1994 Int. 4300 single axle dsl. grain truck, B&H. Porcupine Plain, SK. 306-278-2616 or 306-278-7741 cell.


1980 875 VERSATILE tractor, $10,000; 1980 Ford 9000 grain truck, $3500; 40’ Ezee-On Model 3500 cultivator w/Valmar, $10,000; 1995 8100 Hesston 22’ swather, $10,000; 40’ JD Model 9350 disc drill, w/self-hyd mover, $3000; 60’ harrow packer bar, $3000; 60’ Flexi-Coil 5-bar harrow, $3000; 26’ end dump gravel trailer, w/grain end gate and box ext., $3500; 1980 3788 Int. tractor, best offer; two 860 Massey combines, best offer; one 850 Massey, best offer; 12’ Leon dozer blade, $3000. 306-344-7493, Paradise Hill, SK.

WANTED: EQUIPMENT FOR a tie stall dairy barn, including the stalls. Call after 6 PM at 204-728-8448, Brandon, MB. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: ATOM JET hydraulic kit for 975 Versatile tractor. 204-585-2106, Sandy Lake, MB WANTED: DOZER FOR 9282 NH or 4490 Case. 306-697-3282, Grenfell, SK. WANTED COMPLETE ENGINE 263 gas from IHC 403 combine, must be in running cond. 204-734-2573, Swan River, MB. WANTED: MF 18’ 360 discers with single or duplex hitch. Need blade size. Call 250-491-5633. WANTED: 1970’s JD 6030 tractor, any condition. Call 204-955-8970.

Congratulations You Learned Something New About Leasing

Many folks think you can only lease new equipment, but fact is, National Leasing will consider leasing agriculture equipment that is up to 15 years in age. That’s right, we even lease USED equipment. Ask us how it’s possible!

AUCTION. 2010 VERSATILE 435, w/600 hrs, Saturday, April 20, Porcupine Plain, S K . B r u c e S c h ap a n s k y Au c t i o n e e r s , 306-873-5488, www.schapansky.com PL#912715. 1977 VERSATILE 950, 350 HP, 20.8x38 duals, 4 remotes and front mount hyd. pump. Engine, paint and interior redone in 2006. Exc. cond. $32,000. Blade available. Tyler at 403-872-2940, Ponoka, AB. © 2012 National Leasing Group Inc. All rights reserved. National Leasing, a member of

BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

a n y m a k e of tra c tor G roe n in g In d u s trie s Ltd . 888-86 6 -4203

WANTED: JD 640 OR 673 FEL, JD 673 FRONT WEIGHTS for Versatile or NH 4 WD preferred, to fit on 6430 JD. In exc cond, tractor c/w mounting hardware, $3000. no welds. 780-723-2646, Edson, AB. 780-963-6632, Stony Plain, AB. WANTED: COMPLETE SEED CUP for a LANDROLLERS- Only 2 left! RiteWay 2-150 Prasco air seeder. 306-445-7878, LR4350 50’ landrollers, just $36,900 each. North Battleford, SK. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 3 5 - 2 6 2 6 o r S o u t h e y, S K . , WANTED: 42’ JD 1010 Vibrashank cultivator. 306-873-1035, Tisdale, SK. 1-888-235-2626 or visit flaman.com WANTED: SP HAGIE sprayer in good workMcCORMICK MTX w/loader and grapple, ing condition. Call 403-223-4115, Barn$65,000. RJ Sales & Service, Wadena, SK., well, AB. 306-338-2541, www.agdealer.com/rjsales WANTED: 32’ BOURGAULT floating hitch or rj.sales@sasktel.net cultivator, with mounted harrows. Call: SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call 306-233-7889, Cudworth, SK. for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., WANTED: 1456 OR 1026 IH tractor, any www.luckemanufacturing.com c o n d i t i o n . To p d o l l a r p a i d . C a l l NEW BOX SCRAPER 10’, $2250, 12’, 701-240-5737, Minot, ND. $2450; Crown 6 yd scraper, $5000; 4 yd, WANTED: WISCONSIN W2-1235 2 cyl. V $3900; 9’ 3 PTH blade, $900; Danhauser type engine built in early 1980’s for parts post auger, $1200; New hyd post auger, Call 306-287-3563, Watson, SK. $2250. 1-866-938-8537 WANTED: JD 7810 tractor w/FEL, 3 PTH; HAYBUSTER ROCKPICKER; 48’ Sakundiak NH 1037, 1033, 1036, 1032 bale wagons. grain auger; 1992 Highline bale processor; 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. 1975 Ford 3 ton silage truck. Phone: WANTED: 60” PARALLEL bar harrows. Call 306-228-3251, Unity, SK. 306-329-4475, Asquith, SK. 2007JD 9620, 4WD, 2010 hrs., vg cond., $200,000 OBO; 2007 C/IH ATX 700, 70’ air drill w/430 bu. TBT tank, 10” spacing, DS, $120,000 OBO. 306-759-7708 Eyebrow, SK USED WHEATHEART POST pounder, 2011, high and heavy hitter, c/w new 14 HP Kohler engine, $11,250. Flaman Sales in Nisku, AB. Call today 1-800-352-6264. MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: www.maverickconstruction.ca CUSTOM FENCING AND corral building, no job too big or too small. Call 306-699-7450, Qu’Appelle, SK.

1994 9680, 360 HP, nearly new 520x42’s, 5 0 8 0 h r s . , O u t b a c k s t e e r i n g va l ve , $67,500. 306-948-3949 or 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK.

VERSATILE 856, 4 WD, 18.4x38, 12 spd. powershift, PTO with Leon 14’ 6-way blade, set up with joystick for blade, good condition. 780-361-7037, Wetaskiwin, AB

BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer.

ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Degelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. CLEAR SPRINGS TROUT FARM Rainbow Trout, 4”, 6” and 8” for spring stocking. 204-937-4403, 204-937-8087, Roblin, MB.

Tractors From 24.5 HP up to 90 HP with loaders and backhoes 4 Year Warranty

COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD 1610, $135; JD 610, black, $180; JD 1600, $90; Morris 7-series, $135. 306-946-7923, 306-946-4923, Young, SK.

5x10 PORTABLE CORRAL PANELS new design. 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335, Calgary, AB. magnatesteel.com CUSTOM FENCING SPECIALIZING in barbwire, corrals, hitensil. Will travel. Call 306-931-3397, Saskatoon, SK. PLASTIC POSTS, 4” round by 7’ long, pointed, $7 per post. Call Crown Shred at 306-543-1766, Regina, SK. SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen ph/fax 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK.

DISCOUNT PRICES for woodcutting supplies. Over 5000 quality chain saw parts in stock. Free flyer. www.cutterschoice.com 1-888-817-4707.

‘04 JLG G6-42A TELEHANDLER w/ cab, 3,400 hrs., w/ JD 4.5L turbo. Warranty + rent to own options. $42,800 Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

EXCELLENT SELECTION OF LOW HOUR FORKLIFTS & AERIAL LIFTS. Ca ll us fo r yo ur p a rts n eed s a ls o . L AR GE CAP ACITY L IF TS UP TO 42 ,0 0 0 L BS . Che ck o u t o u r we b s ite

w w w .s p ikereq uip m en t.c o m o r em a il: lo rry@ s p ikereq uip m en t.c o m 78 0 -9 3 9 -410 0 OVER 100 SETS of forklift forks in stock from 3-8’ long; 15 forklifts up to 10 ton; parting out over 20 units. 2 yards, over 50 acres, salvage of all types, new and used parts. Low, low prices. Cambrian Equipment Sales. Phone: 204-667-2867, fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.

2009 HAULOTTE HTL 9045 telehandler 101.8 HP! 495 hrs., excellent condition, 4x4 Crab steering, enclosed cab w/heat. Max lift capacity- 9000 lbs., max lift h e i g h t - 4 4 ’ 7 ” $ 7 6 , 0 0 0 C a n d e l i ve r. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

2001 SFM SAMSON, bush berry harvester, exc. shape, well maintained, low hrs., $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. R e d D e e r, A B . C a l l : 403-886-4120 or 403-396-9262.

NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB.

GENERATORS: 20 KW to 2000 KW, low hour diesel and natural gas/ propane units KNOSS FENCING is now booking for Abraham Generator Sales Co. Phone: spring and summer construction. Six years 701-797-4766 or 701-371-9526, CoopersPFRA experience. Competitive pricing and town, ND. www.abrahamindustrial.com ready to travel. Also specialize in fence NEW LIONKING diesel generator, silent, tear-down. Call 306-476-7504. 6500 watt, $1500 OBO. Phone CUSTOM FENCING. Will travel. Call for 306-478-2451, Kincaid, SK. pricing and booking. 306-221-8806. DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, John Deere, Deutz. We also build custom gensets. We currently F I R E W O O D : C u t a n d s p l i t , d e l i ve r y have special pricing on new John Deere available. 306-862-7831, Nipawin, SK. units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471.






2011 CUB CADET RZT zero turn mower. Don Gardiner Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962


HALF SECTION BISON PASTURE located on Hwy. #35. Paige wire fence and cross fenced, seeded to brome/alfalfa, power, well, dugouts, handling facility. Info. call 306-338-2773, Wadena, SK. SPRUCE FOR SALE! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your shelterbelt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB or deliver anywhere in western Canada. Details phone 403-586-8733 or check out our website at www.didsburysprucefarms.com

DOUGLAS BULL TEST STATION 49th Annual Bull Sale April 6, 2013 at 1:00 PM, weight reports available online at www.manitobabulltest.com Douglas, MB. 204-763-4696. Sale broadcast available online at: www.cattleinmotion.com


NEW JD STARFIRE 300, Greenstar light bar, $800; Outback 360 mapping, $600. Phone 306-625-7939, Kincaid, SK. OUTBACK 360 AUTOSTEER, off 9400 JD, hydro steering system, good cond., asking $5000. 306-487-7993, Lampman, SK.

ZIMMATIC TOWABLE PIVOT, 4 tower, self-contained, 1600 hours. 306-843-3115, Scott, SK.


T Ba r C Ca ttle Co. 3 06 -9 3 3 -4200

ECI Steel Inc. Prince Albert, SK. Hwy 3 & 48th St. E. Large Quantities of Commercial Tubing for Sale

INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 1 x 1 x 100........................Bund le Pric e - $0.55/ft 1 x 1 x 125........................Bund le Pric e - $0.65/ft 11â „4 x 11â „4 x 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.71/ft 11â „4 x 11â „4 x 125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.85/ft 11â „2 x 11â „2 x 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $0.87/ft 11â „2 x 11â „2 x 125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bund le Pric e - $1.06/ft 2 x 2 x 100........................Bund le Pric e - $1.24/ft 2 x 2 x 125........................Bund le Pric e - $1.47/ft 2 x 1 x 100........................Bund le Pric e - $0.87/ft 2 x 1 x 125........................Bund le Pric e - $1.06/ft 2 x 2 x 188........................Bund le Pric e - $1.99/ft 3 x 2 x 250........................Bund le Pric e - $3 .20/ft 3 x 3 x 3 75........................Bund le Pric e - $4.15/ft 4 x 2 x 250........................Bund le Pric e - $4.05/ft 81â „2 x 2 x 188......................Bund le Pric e - $4.26/ft 5 x 2 x 125........................Bund le Pric e - $1.88/ft Many Other Sizes Available Ple a s e c a ll Tra vis fo r d e ta ils


BLACK ANGUS BULLS on moderate growing ration. Performance info available Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills Angus, 306-342-4407, Glaslyn, SK. REGISTERED YEARLING BLACK Angus bulls for sale by private treaty. Moderate birthweights, lots of performance and good dispositions. Bulls will be semen tested and guaranteed. Delivery available. Photos and videos available upon request. Redekop Cattle Company: 306-382-0915; Stuart’s cell: 306-222-0540, Vanscoy, SK.

18th Annual

BULL & SELECT FEMALE SALE Monday April 1, 2013 Hamilton Farms, Cochrane AB• 1 pm

ROB HAMILTON 403.932.5980 www.hamiltonfarms.ca

REG. BLACK ANGUS 2 yr old virgin bulls, sired by Angus Acres Spartan 160L. Some straight Canadian pedigrees. Complete performance and ultrasound data available. Will hold and deliver before June 15. Call GBS Angus Farm, 306-763-9539, Prince Albert, SK.

AFFORD-A-BULL YEARLING and 2 year old registered Black Angus yearling bulls. Some from AI sires, coming from AI bloodlines. EPD’s available and semen tested. Call High Tree Cattle, Wilkie, SK., 306-843-7354 or 306-843-2054.

GLENDOR ACRES has for sale yearling Black Angus bulls, some calving ease and also power bulls. Ph: 306-638-6277, Chamberlain, SK. 2 YR. OLD forage raised Black Angus bulls, Prime Papa breeding, semen tested, guaranteed. 306-445-8425, North Battleford SK

view the catalog on line at:


w w w .b uya gro.com

2010 JD LA 175 lawn tractor with only 10 hrs. Darald Marin Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 13, 2013, Radville, SK. LOOK BETTER NAKED! Join the 10 day area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com weight loss challenge and get...Freebies. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 Call Toll free 1-866-978-2113.

HAMI 134Z - She Sells!

SATURDAY, APRIL 6 , 1:3 0 P.M .

EDW ARDS L IV ES TOCK CEN TER, PORTABLE SELF-CONTAINED PUMPING unit, 502 Monarch pump, mounted on TIS DAL E, S K . 3145 Cat engine, 135 HP, $12,000 OBO. BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison S ELLIN G : 70 thic k, e a s y fle s hin g, high 403-502-4501, Medicine Hat, AB. is looking to contract grain finished bison pe rfo rm a n c e Bla c k a n d Re d An gu s , RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic by for a growing market in Canada, US and M a in e -An jo u , S im m e n ta l a n d Europe. Paying top market $$ for all aniLindsay pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, KNEW this ye a r, C ha ro la is b u lls . Line towable irrigation, spare parts/acces- mals. For more information contact Roger ~ DELIVERY & W INTERING AVAILABLE ~ sories, new and used equipment. 32 years Provencher, roger@cdnbison.com or in business. www.rainmaker-irrigation.com 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned Fo r in fo rm a tio n o r c a ta lo gu e s c a ll bison company and enjoy the benefits. Outlook, SK., Call 306-867-9606. WANTED FEEDER BISON calves, yearlings IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8�, and over 30 months. Call Ryan, R J Game 4 cyl. dsl, 600-1000 gal./min, very effi- Farm, 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. cient; hyd. pipe spinner for oil or water (PL # 116061) Vie w th e ca ta lo gue o n lin e a t pipe. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB. MUST SELL SMALL herd. 3 exposed cows, 3 yearlings, 3 calves. Breeding bull NEED TO MOVE water or irrigate? 4�-10� available. 403-548-1559, Medicine Hat, AB alum. pipe, pump units. Taber, AB. Dennis ALBERTA BISON RANCH 2011 pure at: 403-308-1400, dfpickerell@shaw.ca Plains breeding stock bulls and heifWESTERN IRRIGATION large supply of ers available now! Hand picked ready to new and used irrigation equipment 2 PTO breed diet! Strong genetics! 780-284-0347 pumps etc. Used diesel pumping units and Mayerthorpe, AB. traveling big guns to drain those sloughs. NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK. over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.� Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt LAZY H BULL SALE, April 2nd, 2:00 PM at payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. the Ranch, 10 miles south of Maymont, SK. Angus, PB and percentage Maine’s. ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages PB of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, One Shorthorn. For catalog 306-237-9581. Kitscoty, AB or elkvalley@xplornet.com OPEN REPLACEMENT HEIFER Sale at WANTED: 16 HP, 2 cyl., air cooled, Onan gas eng. to fit a 446-76 Case garden trac- TOP QUALITY SEMEN tested 2 and 3 yr. Johnstone Auction Mart on Saturday, April 13, 1:00 PM. Expecting 150+ open heifers old Pure Plains breeding bulls. 2 polled. tor or a Kohler eng. for same, running. Call plus other bred heifers and pairs. More Call MFL Ranches, 403-747-2500, Alix, AB. 306-427-4557, Shell Lake, SK. info and pics at www.johnstoneauction.ca 62-175 GAL. RAIN barrels available. Drain 2012 CALVES for sale; Also 2011 heifers, or 306-693-4715, Moose Jaw, SK. PL closed herd. Ph 306-728-9033, Melville, SK #914447. plug, debris screen, overflow drain and tap, 1 year warranty. 1-800-383-2228, 306-253-4343 www.hold-onindustries.com

SOLAR TRACKERS - NET METERING Kelln Solar, website: www.kellnsolar.com WANTED: SNOWBLOWER #46 or #47 to Lumsden, SK. 1-888-731-8882 fit 430 JD garden tractor. 306-230-5902, Saskatoon, SK.

HF Kodiak 5R - Sons & Daughters Sell!

2012 CALVES FOR sale, all animals 1/2 Wood cross, closed herd. Viking Bison, 306-874-7590, Naicam, SK.

JOHN DEERE GPS, new 3000 globe, 2600 display is a JD 2012 rebuilt SF1 activation, external display control, AutoTrac ‘200’ universal steering kit, extra machine wiring harness and brackets for receiver, all manuals, new replacement cost is $15,000. Used one season, $10,900. Call toll free 1-877-862-2413, cell: 306-862-7761 or 1-877-862-2387, cell: 306-862-7524, Nipawin, SK.

REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS BULLS sired by Chisum, Thunder, Game Day and Kodiak 9194. Delivery available. Deposit will hold until spring. Jeffrey Isaac 306-768-8388, Carrot River, SK. REGISTERED BULLS, 2 yr. olds, very quiet, semen tested, ready to go. Please call Van Len Angus, Brent Lensen, 306-220-4531 or 306-242-7547, Vanscoy, SK.

10 EXPOSED COWS and 17 open cows for sale, good breeding lines. Call 306-856-4725 evenings, Conquest, SK. MANY BONE BISON CO-OP is a 25% gov’t backed livestock loan guarantee program. Finance is now avail. on bred or feeder bison. Call Tricia 306-885-2241. Also ask about the gov’t interest rebate on feeders. For SK. residents only. Sedley, SK.

BIRD WATCHERS CALL To The Far North! Bird stands and natural locations available. Year round bird and wildlife watching. Tree stands, ground blinds, and natural locations available. North Western Saskatchewan. Ron Kisslinger 306-822-2256 or email: p.r.service@sasktel.net

20 PLAINS BISON cows and herd bull, reasonably priced. Call 306-553-2253, Swift Current, SK.

FOR SALE BY Private Treaty Black Angus yearling bulls. Featured sires: Connealy Consensus 7229, Sitz Upward 307R, WAF Money Maker and Sav Providence. Call Needmore Angus 780-352-5064, K-Deen Angus 780-387-6050, Wetaskiwin, AB.

YOUNG DALE PAN 56Y for sale. Birthweight 86. Adjusted 365 day weight- 1417. Gain index 119. 2 yr. old Black Angus, great growth. Also yearling bulls with Panarama Focus and Predominator bloodlines. Easy calving, exc. growth. Netherlea Cattle 306-433-2091, Creelman, SK. 12 HIGH QUALITY 2 year old purebred Black Angus bulls for sale. Call David or Pat 306-963-2639, Imperial, SK. BLACK ANGUS BULLS for sale. Correct and growthy, good selection of two year olds and yearlings. Waveny Angus Farm. Mike Chase 780-853-2275 or, 780-853-3384, Vermilion, AB.

21ST ANNUAL TOPCUT BLACK ANGUS Bull Sale. Friday, March 29, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Cowtown Livestock Exchange, Maple Creek, SK. On offer: 30 - 2yr old bulls from Craig Angus and 40 yearling Angus bulls from Forbes Ranch. For more info. contact Jason Craig at 306-622-4421 or Colin Forbes at 306-558-2063. View catalogues HIGH RIVER BLACK ANGUS and JTA Diamond Charolais Bull Sale, Saturday, March online at www.buyagro.com 30th, 1:00 PM. Blacks, reds and whites, 42 2 YR. OLD Black Angus bulls for sale. Call 2 year olds, 20 yearling bulls, 40 black Ke n o r J a ke , D o u b l e B a r S A n g u s heifers. Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose 306-493-2308, Delisle, SK. Jaw, SK., 306-693-4715. Catalogue at www.johnstoneauction.ca Contact Mark THE 5th ANNUAL IMPACT Angus and and Dianne Ferrara, 306-394-4320. Charolais Bull Sale, March 30, 1:30 PM, Saskatoon Livestock Sales. 30+ Black An- YEARLING ANGUS BULLS sired by Hoover gus yearling bulls. For more information Dam, Connealy Impression, DM Upward contact Jason George 306-252-2228, 2W; Also 16 registered open heifers. Call Randy Tetzlaff 306-944-2734 or T Bar C David McLean 306-455-2503, Arcola, SK. Cattle Co. 306-933-4200, Saskatoon, SK. YEARLING BLACK ANGUS bulls for sale. PL #116061. View catalogue online: Bred for the rancher. Call 306-937-3761, www.buyagro.com Battleford, SK.




1:30 PM - April 5, 2013 CSS Sale Barn - Paynton, SK.

• 20 Two Year Old Bulls •

Contact Clint Currie 780-205-6104

• 30 Yearling Bulls •

Contact Owen Legaarden 20/20 306-821-0729 RoyMac 306-398-4034 Kurt Bullerwell Angus 306-398-7644

• Plus ... •

A select group of commercial Angus females with calf at side from Scott Macnab 306-845-7619


17th NORTHERN BULL SALE, MAR. 23, Private Treaty. Black Angus and Maine yearling and 2 yr. olds. Select open heifers. On the farm 10 miles west of Melfort on Hwy #3 and 1/2 mile south on Hwy #368, 12 to 3 PM. D o n a ro F a r m s 306-752-3800 or 306-921-7175, Melfort, SK. www.donarofarms.com PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. BROOKING ANGUS RANCH offering Angus bulls by private treaty. Good selection of 25 yearling and a 2 yr. old. All by leading AI sires: Density, Chisum, Final Answer, Thunder and more. Many suitable for heifers. Performance tested, semen tested, fully guaranteed. Priced $2500 to $3500. Justin Morrison 306-536-4590. Call or text for info or pictures. Radville, SK. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK.

Presented by leading Angus Breeders

BENLOCK FARMS Working two yr. olds, developed and bred to survive and thrive. Cover more cows with fewer wrecks. Why buy a yearling when you can buy a two yr. old for the same price. Excellent service, excellent selection of heifer or performance bulls. Time tested, family bred genetics since 1910. Complete listing at: www.benlockfarms.com 306-668-2125 or cell: 306-230-9809, Saskatoon, SK.

BAR CR ANGUS ELITE TWOS and Norseman Farms are offering 53 quality Angus bulls!! Featuring sons of calving ease and high performance sires: Kodiak 0022, Tiger 5T, Tomboy 15W. 25- Tanky 2 yr. olds from Bar CR twos only program!! 28- High performing yearlings!! From Norseman Farms!! Join us April 4th at 1:00 PM at Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, SK. (Bull pictured sells). For more info or catalogue call Ron Dyrland 306-375-2815 or Doug and Linda 306-221-4088, email caledonian@sasktel.net View catalogue www.norsemanfarms.com Rock solid genetics for the progressive rancher. QUIET TOP QUALITY 2 year old and yearling purebred Black and Red Angus bulls. Call: Spruce Acres, 306-272-3997 or 306-272-7841, Foam Lake, SK.

Bu rn e tt An g u s BULL SALE

Sa turda y, Ap ril 6 , 2013 a t 1:00 PM Hea rtla n d L ives to ck , S w ift Cu rren t, S K

B O R D E R L A N D C AT T L E C O M PA N Y BULL SALE, Saturday, March 30th, 1:30 PM, Rockglen, SK. Contact Glenn 306-476-2439. View catalogue online at www.borderlandcattleco.com CRESCENT CREEK ANGUS 15th Annual Bull and Female Sale, Saturday, April 6, 1:00 PM, Goodeve, SK. Selling 60 Black yearling Angus bulls and 25 top cut open replacement females. Featuring the largest selection of S Chisum 6175 progeny to sell in Canada. All bulls semen tested and carcass evaluated. Phone Wes 306-876-4420 or Rob 780-916-2628. View catalogue and video www.crescentcreekangus.com Plan to attend or bid online with dlms.ca HONEST HARD WORKING BULLS THAT’LL GET ‘ER DONE: 7TH ANNUAL BLUE COLLAR BULL SALE. Saturday April 13th, 1:00 PM at Heartland Livestock, Yorkton, SK. On offer: 50+ purebred Black Angus Bulls and 14 Black Angus yearling heifers. Call Scott Burkell at 306-783-7986, Troy Frick at 306-728-3515 or Jordan Sies at 306-728-1299. 30 BRED HEIFERS, ultrasound and due to calve in April. Contact 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.

BLACK ANGUS BULLS for sale. AI sires, calving ease/maternal lines. Call Gordon at 306-771-2305, Balgonie, SK. F O R AG E B A S E D Black Angus bulls. www.nerbasbrosangus.com 204-564-2540, Shellmouth, MB. REG. BULLS, 2 yr. olds and yearlings, AI sires, herd sires, can be viewed, moderate birth weight, quiet, del. avail. June 01. JP Monvoisin 306-648-3634, Gravelbourg, SK. YEARLING AND 2 YEAR old Black Angus bulls, some suitable for heifers. Also Black Angus/Simmental cross Max bulls. Top AI sires represented, semen tested and guaranteed. Contact Circle 7 Angus (Oberle Farms Ltd.), Shaunavon, SK., Kelly 306-297-3430, cell 306-297-9366; Ralph 306-297-2304, cell 306-297-7979. PUREBRED RED AND Black Angus yearling bulls, Canadian Pedigrees, semen tested. Call 780-336-4009, Kinsella, AB.


45 Ye a rlin g & 2 Ye a r Old Bla ck An gus Bulls • S p ecia lizin g in lo w b irth w eights , thickn es s & d ep th • Perfo rm a n ce tes ted , ra ted & in d exed • S ired b y: F in a l An s w er, Pio n eer, In F o cu s , Ba n d w a go n , Bu rn ettGla n w o rth 7X, F a hren , Big S ky (Red An gu s ) S elect Gro u p o f Fem a le Breed in g S to ck F o r ca ta lo gu es & fu rther in fo co n ta ct: Bryce Bu rn ett (306 ) 773-706 5 o r W ya tt Bu rn ett (306 ) 750-78 22 To ll Free: 1-8 00-9 29 -COW S (209 7) Em a il: w b u rn ett@ xplo rn et.ca W eb s ite: w w w .b ryceb u rn ett.co m Gu es t Co n s ign o rs : Ty S chw a n & Greg Gillis

Hom e P hon e - (306 ) 46 3-3225 L o rn a ’s Cell (306 ) 46 0-8 520 Ro b ’s Cell (306 ) 46 0-76 20

w w w .d olittle a n g u s .c om

Dire c tio n s fro m K in d e rs le y, S K 10 m ile s Ea s to n Hw y. #7 a n d 1.5 m ile s No rth

All b u lls s e m e n te s te d a n d d e live re d • Bu lls a re a va ila b le fo rvie w in g a n ytim e


S a t., April 6, 2013 Pu rc ha s e a n d ta ke a w a y yo u r b u ll to d a y a n d re c e ive

10000 OFF



Complimentary LUNCH

C onsignors:


Robert & Sharon Laycock 306-937-2880 306-441-5010 (c)


M ichael& Sandi G ray 306-237-4729 306-227-1017 (c) w w w .sp ittalb urnfarm s.com 2 YEAR OLD Red and Black Angus bulls, bred for performance, calving ease and good disposition. Sired by Rachis, Masterplan, Bullwinkle. Semen tested. Delivery available. Wolf Willow Angus, 204-859-2517, Rossburn, MB.

FLYING K RANCH Bull Sale, April 10, 2013, 2:00 PM at the ranch. 14 miles SW of Swift Current, SK. Offering 80 yearling Red Angus bulls and 6 yearling Black Angus bulls. Bulls all ROP, semen, and ultrasound tested. Performance and heifer bull prospects available. Call for catalogue 306-773-6313 or email: chanel@t2.net www.flyingkranch.ca YEARLING RED ANGUS bulls, some suitable for heifers. Also Red Angus/Simmental cross Max bulls. Top AI sires represented, semen tested and guaranteed. Contact Circle 7 Angus (Oberle Farms Ltd.), Shaunavon, SK., Kelly 306-297-3430, cell 306-297-9366; Ralph 306-297-2304, cell 306-297-7979.

CHOPPER K RED ANGUS Bull Sale, April 3, 1 PM. Alameda Auction Mart. Offering 40 calving ease yearling and 2 year old Red and Black Angus bulls by performance sires. As well as the pick of the 2013 heifer calves. Volume discounts and wintering available. For catalogues or info contact: Chad Levesque 306-482-7825 or T Bar C Cattle Co., 306-933-4200, PL#116061. View catalogue at: www.buyagro.com C O R N E R S TO N E R E D A N G U S a n d Charolais Bull Sale, April 20th, 1:30 PM, Whitewood, SK. Auction Market. Offering 33 Red Angus and 25 Charolais yearlings. Semen tested, guaranteed with free board and delivery available. Contact Phil Birnie at: 306-577-7440 or, Kelly Brimner at: 306-577-7698, view the catalogue online: www.bylivestock.com Whitewood, SK. REGISTERED OPEN HEIFERS, purebred, excellent bloodlines. $1400. Call 306-978-1569, Saskatoon, SK. 50 RED ANGUS yearling bulls, 12 yearling heifers sell April 3rd, 1 PM, Howe Red Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK. 8 miles south on #2 Hwy, 1-1/2 east on Baildon grid. Contact Mike Howe 306-631-8779. YEARLING BULLS, reg. purebred, very quiet, exc. for heifers, semen tested, guaranteed $2500 306-978-1569 Saskatoon SK SOUTH VIEW RANCH RED AND BLACK ANGUS BULL SALE, Thursday, April 11, at the Ranch, Ceylon, SK. Offering approx. 50 Red and 50 Black Angus yearlings. Semen tested, performance and carcass data. Great selection of heifer and cow bulls. Keith 306-454-2730, Shane 306-454-2688, www.southviewranch.com

www.redangus.ca MVY JH[HSVNZ HUK TVYL SPZ[PUNZ • Blairs.Ag Pursuit of Excellence Bull Sale Apr 2nd - Sedley, SK • Top Grade Red Angus Bull Sale Apr 2nd - Brooks, AB • Anchor Ranch & Shiloh Cattle Bull Sale Apr 2nd - Carbon, AB • Howe Red Angus & Charolais Bull Sale Apr 3rd - Moose Jaw, SK • Crowfoot Cattle Red & Black Angus Bull Sale Apr 4th - Standard, AB • Towaw Cattle Co. & Guests 34th Bull Sale Apr 6th - Sangudo, AB • Lauron Red Angus & Guests 21st Bull Sale Apr 6th - Olds, AB

Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society 4-H and Youth Check Out Our $2000 Bursary Program - Applications Online

REGISTERED BLACK YEARLING Angus bulls, Canadian bloodlines, 2-3 year olds. 306-877-4402, 306-877-2014, Dubuc, SK.

POLLED YEARLING BLONDE bulls for sale, Estevan, SK area. Phone 306-634-2174 or cell: 306-421-6987.

TWO YEAR OLD Red Angus and Red Angus Fleck/Simmental hybrid bulls for sale. Perfect breeding condition, good feet, hair SELECT NOW. Get later. Superior quality. and disposition. Call Harv Verishine For sale DKF Red and Black Angus bulls 306-283-4666, Langham, SK. at: DKF Ranch, anytime, Gladmar, SK. Agent for Solar & Wind Water Systems 75 YEARLING bulls for sale. Semen tested and Allen Leigh Calving Cameras. Dwayne and delivered in the spring; Also selection or Scott Fettes, 306-969-4506. of PB Red Angus heifer calves. Bob Jensen, REG. RED ANGUS yearling bulls, $1400. Leader, SK. 306-967-2770. Phone Lorne Wyss 306-839-4706 or REGISTERED RED ANGUS yearling and 2 306-839-2038, Pierceland, SK. year old bulls for sale by private treaty. Top performance genetics in Canada, fed RED ANGUS BULLS, calving ease, semen to last! Bulls are on a health program, se- tested, guaranteed breeders. Little De men tested and ready to work! Catalogue Ranch 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK. online. Y3Bar Livestock, Lynn Stewart, ARM RIVER RED ANGUS yearling and 2 780-718-8106, Leduc, AB. www.y3bar.com yr. old bulls. Just east of Hwy. 11 at Girvin. look and pick your next calving ease AFFORD-A-BULL YEARLING and 2 year Stop, old registered Red Angus yearling bulls. herdsire. Call 306-567-4702, Davidson, SK. Some from AI sires, coming from AI SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Red and Black bloodlines. EPD’s available and semen Angus 2 yr. old bulls for sale by private tested. Call High Tree Cattle, Wilkie, SK., treaty. Also bred females due to start calv306-843-7354 or 306-843-2054. ing March 25. Keith 306-454-2730, Shane 306-454-2688, Ceylon, SK. EXCELLENT QUALITY YEARLING Red Angus bulls, ROP tested, will keep until Apr. T BAR K RANCH Annual Bull Sale, Thurs., 15, semen test and deliver. Dudragne Red April 11th, 2:00 PM at the Ranch. Selling Angus, 306-625-3787, 306-625-3730. Pon- 22 two year old Red Angus bulls, 26 yearling Red Angus bulls, 15 Horned Hereford teix, SK. 2 yr. old bulls. View video and catalogue RED ANGUS BULLS on moderate grow- of bulls at www.tbarkranch.com Contact ing ration. Performance info available Kevin Dorrance at 306-739-2944, cell Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills 306-577-9861, Wawota, SK. Angus, 306-342-4407, Glaslyn, SK. 20 REG. YEARLING OPEN HEIFERS, ex15 REGISTERED RED Angus open heifers. cellent prospects, $1400/ea. B-Elle Red Phone: Little de Ranch, 306-845-2406, Angus at 306-845-2557, Turtleford, SK. Turtleford, SK. evandglen@littleloon.ca THE 5th ANNUAL IMPACT Angus and RED ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, seCharolais Bull Sale, March 30, 1:30 PM, men tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery Saskatoon Livestock Sales. 25+ Red An- available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, gus yearling bulls. For more information Englefeld, SK. skinnerfarmsangus.com contact Randy Tetzlaff 306-944-2734 or T DECORAH RED ANGUS has 12 top cut, B a r C C at t l e C o . 3 0 6 - 9 3 3 - 4 2 0 0 , P L easy calving, yearling bulls for sale. All BW #116061. View catalo gue online at under 88 lbs., fed to grow, ready to work, www.buyagro.com $2500 to $3500. Murray Bell, Dinsmore, REG. YEARLING BULLS, semen tested, SK. 306-867-7206 or 306-856-4603. vet inspected, guaranteed breeders, deliv- YEO’S RED ANGUS quality yearling bulls ered. B-Elle Red Angus at 306-845-2557, for sale. Call Garry 306-873-5662, Tisdale, Turtleford, SK. evandglen@littleloon.ca SK.

30 TWO YEAR old Charolais bulls, 25 yearling Charolais bulls sell April 3rd, 1 PM CST, Whitecap/Rosso Charolais bull sale. Moose Jaw, SK. 8 miles south on #2 Hwy, 1-1/2 east on Baildon grid. Contact Darwin Rosso 306-693-2384, Mike H o we 3 0 6 - 6 3 1 - 8 7 7 9 o r D a l e H o we 306-693-2127.


RM J Redm an 1T

Sons & Daughters Sell.

RED AND BLACK ANGUS Yearling Bulls for sale. Performance and semen tested, lots of easy calvers. Kenray Ranch, 306-452-3876, Ray’s cell: 306-452-7447. Redvers, SK. www.kenrayranch.com 2 YR. OLD Red Angus bulls, good selection of low birth and calving ease. Delivery available. Nordal Angus, Rob Garner, 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK.



Friday,April5,2013 - 1:30 pm SASKATO O N LIVESTO CK SALES 306-382-8088 5 m iles w est of Saskatoon on H w y #14.

As k a b o u t o u r BUL L FIN AN CE PROGRAM


35 BRED HEIFERS, mostly PB, bred to easy calving PB Black Angus bulls, start calving Apr. 1st., can be fed to grass. Call 306-322-7905, Rose Valley, SK. BLACK ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. skinnerfarmsangus.com


~ We Are Offering ~


GERLEI ANGUS SELLING by private treaty Black Angus yearling and 2 yr. old bulls. Many are calving ease. Semen tested, vet inspected and fully guaranteed. Gerald Kary 306-424-2332, 306-424-7676, Montmartre, SK. 95 HEIFERS BRED Angus, to calve March 24th, easy calving, 60-78 lb. BW bulls. 40 Black, 35 Red, 20 BWF/RWF, asking $1650 or 50 bred cows. Herd health program. 306-689-2589, 306-587-7552, Abbey, SK.


• 22 Long Yearlings • 50 Yearlings

Regis tered Bla ck An gu s Yea rlin g a n d Tw o Yea r Old (V irgin ) Bu lls b y Priva te Trea ty o ff the Fa rm

JOHNSTON/FERTILE VALLEY Black Angus Bull Sale, Friday, April 12, 1:00 PM CST, at Saskatoon Livestock Sales. 90 thick, easy fleshing sons sired by the leading AI sires in the industry including: Final Answer, Mustang, Net Worth, Mandate, Pioneer and Hoover Dam. Also, a group sired by our low maintenance New Zealand outcross sire, VVV Glanworth 57U. Many of these bulls are suitable for heifers. All bulls are semen tested with complete performance and carcass information avail. Deferred payment plan with 60% sale day, 40% interest free, due December 1, 2013. Dennis/David Johnston at 306-856-4726. Call for a catalogue or view on-line at: johnstonfertilevalley.com Conquest, SK.


2 3 rr d Annu a

CEDARLEA FARMS GIT R DONE Bull Sale, Tuesday, April 2, 1:00 PM on the Windy Willow Angus farm, Hodgeville, SK. 39 Charolais yearlings and 1 herdsire sell. Many polled, some red factor, many sired by CSS Sir Gridmaker the RBC Supreme Champion Bull at Agribition 2011. Also selling 70 Black and Red Angus bulls and a group of open Angus heifers from Windy Willows. For catalogues or info. contact Garner or Lori Deobald 306-677-2589 or By Livestock 306-536-4261. View videos and catalogue at www.cedarleafarms.com VERMILION CHAROLAIS GROUP Bull Sale. 80 - 2 year olds, 14 - 1 year olds. Sat., April 6th, 2013, 1:00 PM, Nilsson Bros. Livestock Exchange, Vermilion, AB. Call Rob 780-205-0912 or Brian 780-853-3315. TWO 3 YR. OLD PB reg. bulls and one 2 yr. PB reg. bull, exc. breeding, semen tested and vet checked. 306-752-3862 Melfort SK 2 YEAR OLD and yearling polled Charolais bulls, some red, guaranteed. Crossman Charolais, 306-882-3163, Rosetown, SK. 4-G CHAROLAIS RANCH bulls. 2 yr. olds, yearlings, reds, tans and whites, all polled. Jonathan 306-783-4457, 306-621-7101, Yorkton, SK. www.4gcharolais.com FOR SALE 2 year old Charolais bull. 780-582-2254, Forestburg, AB.


Peak Dot Ranch Ltd. Spring Bull and Female Sale $W WKH 5DQFK :RRG 0RXQWDLQ 6DVNDWFKHZDQ



WILGENBUSCH CHAROLAIS 10th Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale, Monday, April 1, 1:00 PM at the farm, Halbrite, SK. Selling 20 two year olds and 56 yearling bulls, most are polled, many red factor. This is the largest Charolais bull sale in Saskatchewan and offers a top set of bulls that are sound, good haired and guaranteed to work. For a catalogue or info. contact John Wilgenbusch 306-458-2688, Halbrite, SK. or By Livestock at 306-536-4261. View videos and catalogue www.wilgenbuschcharolais.com CREEK’S EDGE LAND & CATTLE. Purebred Charolais bulls for sale. Thick, hairy, deep, quiet, good footed, yearling and 2 year old bulls, over 50 to pick from. View our updated photos of bull pen online at www.creeksedgecharolais.ca Also selling purebred and replacement commercial heifers. Call Stephen 306-279-2033, Yellow Creek, SK. SWAN LAKE FARMS has yearling Charolais bulls for sale. For more info contact Greg at 306-457-7730, Stoughton, SK. HUNTER CHAROLAIS BULL SALE, Thursday, April 4, 1:30 PM DST at the farm, Roblin, MB. Offering 5 two year olds and 34 yearling bulls from over 30 years of breeding. Most are polled, some red factor. These are top quality, quiet, good haired bulls that will calve well and then add performance. For catalogues or info: Doug or Marianne Hunter 204-937-2531 or By Livestock 306-536-4261. View videos and catalogue: www.huntercharolais.com MARTENS CHAROLAIS has excellent yearling and two year old bulls for sale. Dateline Sons for calving ease and performance Specialist Sons for consistent thickness. 3 year old Red Mist Son. Call Ben 204-534-8370, Boissevain, MB. REGISTERED POLLED YEARLING bulls. Performance and semen tested. Guaranteed breeders. Will keep until May, $2200 to $2500. Charrow Charolais, Marshall, SK. 306-387-8011 or 780-872-1966.

B O R D E R L A N D C AT T L E C O M PA N Y BULL SALE, Saturday, March 30th, 1:30 PM, Rockglen, SK. Contact Glenn 306-476-2439. View catalogue online at www.borderlandcattleco.com JTA DIAMOND CHAROLAIS and High River Black Angus Bull Sale, Saturday, March 30th, 1:00 PM. Blacks, reds and whites, 42 2 year olds, 20 yearling bulls, 40 black heifers. Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK., 306-693-4715. Catalogue at www.johnstoneauction.ca Contact Jerome and Cindy Tremblay, 306-394-4406. VAN BUUREN CHAROLAIS have on offer at the farm a good selection of yearling and 2 yr. old bulls. Tans and whites, mostly polled with good feet and quiet dispositions. Jenna 204-522-0855, Pipestone, MB MACMILLAN CHAROLAIS yearling bulls avail. Bred for growth, easy keeping and market demand. All bulls will be semen tested and can be kept until spring. Tim or Lorna at 306-931-2893, Saskatoon, SK. 23rd ANNUAL TOP CUT BULL SALE, Tuesday, April 9 at 2 PM, Mankota Stockmen’s Weigh Co. Selling Charolais, Red Angus and Gelbvieh. For info or catalogue Murray Blake 306-478-2520, McCord, SK. View catalogue: www.charolaisbanner.com CLINE CATTLE COMPANY has for sale PB yearling Charolais bulls. Quiet, good feet, will be semen tested and guaranteed. Call Brad 204-537-2367 or, cell 204-523-0062. Belmont, MB. POLLED 2 YEAR old and yearling Charolais bulls, some Red Factor. Kings Polled Charolais, 306-435-7116, 306-645-4383 or 306-645-2955, Rocanville, SK. CORNERSTONE CHAROLAIS and Red Angus Bull Sale, April 20th, 1:30 PM, Whitewood, SK. Auction Market. Offering 25 Charolais and 33 Red Angus yearlings. Semen tested, guaranteed with free board and delivery available. Contact Kelly Brimner at: 306-577-7698 or, Phil Birnie at: 306-577-7440, view the catalogue online: www.bylivestock.com Whitewood, SK. McAVOY CHAROLAIS BULLS sell at the Impact Angus And Charolais Bull Sale, March 30, 1:30 PM, Saskatoon Livestock Sales. 30 yearling and two yr. old Charol a i s b u l l s . F o r m o r e i n fo c a l l M i ke 306-241-1975 or T Bar C Cattle Co. 3 0 6 - 9 3 3 - 4 2 0 0 , S a s k at o o n , S K . P L # 116061. View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com WINN MANS LANZA 610S semen for sale. Our birthweights: Heifer calves 85-135 lbs. (Avg. 108 lbs.), bull calves 110-138 lbs. (Avg 123 lbs). 306-695-2073, Indian Head, SK.


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NORHEIM RANCHING has PB Charolais bulls for sale starting at $2200. Yearlings and 2 yr. olds, thick, strong topped, sure footed, calving ease bulls, semen tested, guaranteed. We will keep them until you need them. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. GILLILAND BROS. CHAROLAIS Bull Sale with Freitag-Perrot Cattle Co., on Saturday, March 30, 1:00 PM, Alameda Auction Mart, Alameda, SK. On offer 46 Charolais yearling bulls, most are polled, some red factor, 8 Angus and Angus cross Simmental yearling bulls and 15 open Char. cross commercial heifers. These are thick, good haired, performance bulls that will work. For catalogues or information contact Greg or Ron Gilliland at 306-928-4841, 306-928-2118 or By Livestock at 306-536-4261. View catalogues at www.bylivestock.com MUTRIE FARMS AND BAR H Charolais, Bull Sale, Wednesday, April 10th, 1:00 PM, Candiac, SK. Auction Mart. Selling 16 two year olds and 13 yearling bulls, most are polled, many red factor. These are solid, sound, not over conditioned bulls that will cover some ground and last. For catalogues or info ph Richard or Wade Sydorko at 306-429-2711 or 306-424-2961, Kevin Haylock 306-697-2901, or By Livestock 306-536-4261. View catalogue online at www.bylivestock.com CHAROLAIS BULLS, 3 yearlings, tans and whites, one 3 yr. old, tan. Call Howard 306-887-4308, Weldon, SK. POLLED YEARLING CHAROLAIS bulls, including red factored. Also Charolais/Red Angus cross CCM bulls. Top AI sires represented, semen tested and guaranteed. Contact Circle 7 Charolais (Oberle Farms Ltd.), Shaunavon, SK. Kelly 306-297-3430, cell 306-297-9366; Ralph 306-297-2304, cell 306-297-7979. RED FACTOR CHAROLAIS bulls, dark red, tan and white, yearlings and two year olds. Wheatheart Charolais, Rosetown, SK. Call 306-882-6444, (cell) 306-831-9369. 2 YR OLD (20), and yearling bulls, polled, horned, white and red factor. Semen tested, delivered and guaranteed. Prairie Gold Charolais, 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK. REG. CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 yr. olds and yearlings, polled and horned, some red, quiet, hand fed. 40 plus bulls available at the farm. Call Wilf, Cougar Hill Ranch, 306-728-2800, 306-730-8722, Melville, SK CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 yr. olds and yearlings, red and white, semen tested, ready to go, reasonable birthweights. Will keep until ready to turn out. Don Railton 306-727-4927, Sintaluta, SK.

17th NORTHERN BULL SALE, MAR. 23, Private Treaty. Black Angus and Maine yearling and 2 yr. olds. Select open heifers. On the farm 10 miles west of Melfort on Hwy #3 and 1/2 mile south on Hwy #368, 12 to 3 PM. D o n a ro F a r m s 306-752-3800 or 306-921-7175, Melfort, HOLMES POLLED HEREFORDS, has good SK. www.donarofarms.com selection of two year old and yearling bulls for sale sired by popular bulls such as Wrangler 29W. All bulls reasonably priced. Will accommodate buyers on all details. PB RED AND TAN yearling bulls, very quiet, 306-524-2762, 306-746-7170, Semans, SK easy calving, $2200 to $3000. Scattered THE BEST GROUP of two year old bulls we Spruce Salers, 780-768-2284 Hairy Hill, AB have ever had. Easy calvers. Also have 2 QUIET REG. PUREBRED red and black easy herd sires for sale. Starting at $2800. calving yearling bulls and replacement Polled Herefords since 1950. Erwin Leh- heifers. Call Elderberry Farm Salers, mann, 306-232-4712, Rosthern, SK. 306-747-3302, Parkside, SK. POLLED RED AND Black yearling Saler bulls, quiet, semen tested, 20 polled red and black yearling Saler heifers. Brad Dunn 105 DAILY KGS. SK. milk quota with cows 306-459-7612, Ogema, SK. for sale. Inquiries: Box 5569, c/o The PUREBRED YEARLING BULLS, Red Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 polled, quiet, thick bulls, halter broken, seDAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS, some fresh men tested, 20 year breeding program. and some springing. Call 306-548-4711, Delivery available. Art and Betty Frey, Sturgis, SK. 780-542-5782, Drayton Valley, AB. FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. POLLED POLLED POLLED- Salers bulls Cows and quota needed. We buy all class- for sale. Call Spruce Grove Salers, Yorkton, es of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F SK, 306-782-9554 or 306-621-1060. Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. 12 OPEN DEHORNED yearling Hereford heifers. Call 306-743-5105, Langenburg, SK., www.vcherefordfarm.com GOOD TWO YEAR old Hereford bulls for sale. LV Farms Ltd. Ph: 306-458-2566, 306-458-7170, 306-458-7772, Midale, SK.

SPECKLE PARK YEARLING bulls, 1-2 year old. Phone 306-877-4402, 306-877-2014, Dubuc, SK. JOHNER STOCK FARM BULLS. Two year old and yearling Polled Hereford and Speckle Park. Calving ease with performance. Delivered and guaranteed. Maidstone, SK. 306-893-2714 or 306-893-2667.

DIAMOND K RANCH, Telkwa, BC. PB Speckle Park yearling bulls. Tom or Leanne Kindler, email: diamondk@bulkley.net 250-846-5967 www.dkrspeckleparks.com THE 1st ANNUAL Source Speckle Park Sale, April 7, 2:00 PM Lloydminster, SK. Exhibition. An elite offering of yearling and two year old bulls as well as a select group of females, all halter broke and vet inspected. These genetics are being offered by P.A.R Ranch, MX Ranch, Moovin Zpotz and Uneeda Farms. For catalogue or information, contact T Bar C Cattle Co at 306-933-4200. Watch and bid online at SHORTHORNS FOR ALL the right reasons. www.dlms.ca. View the catalogue online at Check out why and who at our website www.buyagro.com SPRINGER BROS. LIMOUSIN have quiet www.saskshorthorns.com r e d a n d b l a c k b u l l s fo r s a l e . C a l l 306-272-4817, 306-272-4774, Leslie, SK. GOOD SELECTION OF stout red and black ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN 6th Annual bulls with good dispositions and calving Registered Sale, Sat. April 6th, 12:00 PM, ease. Qually-T Limousin, Rose Valley, SK., VJV Auctions, Ponoka, AB. Approx. 25 306-322-4755 or 306-322-7554. lots. Females and herd bull prospects. more info call Mark 403-357-9833 or view STOUT YEARLING LIMOUSIN BULLS, website www.albertatexaslonghorn.com polled, horned, red, black. Quiet bulls with great performance. Short Grass Limousin, LONGHORN PAIRS AND HEIFERS FOR 306-773-7196, Swift Current, SK. SALE, good horn and easy to handle. Call CIRCLE T LIMOUSIN Performance tested, WHO’S YOUR DADDY’S 10th Annual Bull 306-843-7606, Wilkie, SK. Sale will be selling 50 Shorthorn bulls (2 yr red and black polled yearling and 2 year LONGHORNS for calving old bulls, leading genetics, semen tested, olds and yearlings) on April 4, 2013 at the REGISTERED bulls and females. Call Allemand guaranteed. Delivery available. Estevan, Saskatoon Livestock Sales. Call Richard ease, R a n c h e s , S h a u n avo n , S K . , D a r y l Moellenbeck 306-287-3420; Carl Lehmann SK. Harvey Tedford 306-634-8536; Darryl 306-232-5212 or Scot Muri 306-553-2244 306-296-4712, cell 306-297-8481, Bob Tedford 306-634-4621 circletlimousin.com 306-297-3298, cell 306-297-7078. View: www.muridale.com ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. www.albertatexaslonghorn.com

BRED COWS AND yearling heifers, 1 and 2 27TH ANNUAL PRAIRIE Gold Limousin Bull y e a r o l d b u l l s a n d fe e d e r s t e e r s . Sale, March 29th at Saskatoon Livestock Sales, Saskatoon, SK. Selling 35 stout 403-845-5763, Rocky Mountain House, AB. heavy muscled yearling bulls. Catalog online at buyagro.com Call Laird Edwards: 306-567-7456; Ken Gillies: 306-221-1159 or Dale Turner: 306-374-6585.

BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. DISPERSAL: 32 FULLBLOOD unregistered cows, bred to fullblood Lowline bulls. BeREGISTERED GALLOWAY BULLS. Hardy, gin calving late March. 15 fullblood open naturally raised. Yearlings and 2 yr. olds heifers. Excellent beef quality, smaller cuts. Herd health. Circle S Stock Farm, available. Tom 807-486-3622, Devlin, ON. 306-468-2820, 306-468-7720 Canwood SK

2 YEAR OLD and yearling Polled GELVIEH BULLS for sale from our 34 year breeding program. Semen evaluations will be done in March. Winders Gelbvieh 780-672-9950, Camrose, AB.

SECTION 19 CATTLE Co. offers it’s first set of yearling Maine Anjou bulls orginating from the reputation Cee Farms cow herd. Thick, deep and quiet. Blacks and Reds with moderate birthweights. Call Cam at: YEARLING GELBVIEH BULLS for sale. 204-239-1553, Portage La Prairie, MB. or We specialize in both heifer bulls for light- email: section19cattleco@gmail.com weight births and large herd bulls for 1ST ANNUAL FOUNDATIONS Fullblood cows. 403-854-2474, WL Farms, Hanna AB Maine Anjou Sale. 30 top quality bulls PRAIRIE GELBVIEH ALLIANCE 10th Annu- and 10 top quality heifers will sell online al Bull Sale, April 6, 1:30 PM, Johnstone April 3 to 6th through Cattle in Motion. Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Selling 50 visit www.cwcmaines.com or call Craig plus red and black bulls, and a select 780-387-6037, Millet, AB. group of replacement heifers. Download catalogue at: www.johnstoneauction.ca or MANITOU MAINE-ANJOU bulls, we sell the call Wayne at 306-793-4568 or Ian at real Maine-Anjou bulls. Best selection anywhere, easy calving, all fullblood sired, 306-861-7687 or Del at 306-969-4966. longtime breeder. Contact Gary Graham, POLLED PUREBRED GELBVIEH bulls for 306-823-3432, grahamgs@sasktel.net or, sale. Call Barry at 306-228-3048, cell www.manitoumaineanjou.ca Marsden, SK. 306-228-7793, Unity, SK. 13 MAINE-ANJOU BULLS on RFI test at GELBVIEH AND ANGUS yearling and two Cattleland north of Strathmore, AB. Reds, year old bulls. Call: 306-997-4917, Borden, blacks, red and whites. Call 306-374-0763, magpiemaines@yourlink.ca SK. QUALITY YEARLING PUREBRED and percentage black blaze face bulls, semen tested. www.albertamaine-anjou.com to view and catalogue or Dennis Shannon SQUARE D HEREFORD BULLS: a good videos selection of 2 yr. old, yearlings, and one 4 at 403-227-2008, Innisfail, AB. yr. old bull. Halter broke, quiet, fertility CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. guaranteed. Big sire groups. Delivery can Power, performance and profit. For info on b e a r r a n g e d . J i m a n d L o r i D u ke , Maine-Anjou genetics. Call 403-291-7077, 306-538-4556; Mary 306-538-4693. View Calgary, AB., or www.maine-anjou.ca square-dpolledherefords.com Langbank SK

GJED SIMMENTAL YEARLING bulls, Red, Black and FBs, moderate birthweights, good temperament. Also, a package of 10 open replacement heifers. Gerald or Edie Daoust at 306-931-2730, Dalmeny, SK. BROOK’S SIMMENTALS 2013 bulls, yearling and 2 yr. old traditional polled fullbloods for sale by private treaty. First come, first served. Delivery available. Semen tested and guaranteed prior to final sale. Bulls viewed at www.brookssimmental.wix.com/polledfullblood. Call Konrad 306-845-2834, Turtleford, SK.

WELSH BLACK 19 polled yearling bulls, a few 2 yr. old bulls, yearling heifers, black and red. Scott Farms, Hanna, AB. 403-854-2135.

15 FIRST CALF Angus and Tarentaise heifers w/calves. 40 open PB and commercial replacement heifers, along with 50 Angus POLLED FULL FLECKVIEH bulls and bulls. Sell April 6, Heartland, Swift Current, Fleckvieh cross Red Angus bulls, quiet, se- SK, at Burnett Angus Production Sale. men tested and guaranteed. Also, open 306-773-7065. Fleckvieh heifers, some Polled. Curtis BULLS FOR SALE: 1 four yr. old, 2 two Mattson, 306-944-4220, Meacham, SK. yr. olds, Gelbvieh, easy calving. Call RED AND BLACK Simmental bulls, moder- 306-531-5088, Regina, SK. ate birthweight, good temperament, sold by private treaty. Bill or Virginia Peters 306-237-9506, Perdue, SK. YEARLING AND 2 yr. old Red, Black and G O O D fullblood Simmental bulls. Moderate birthweights w/excellent performance. 3 feaAN G US BAS E ture Red virgin 2 yr. olds. Semen tested CRO S S BRED and fully guaranteed. Sinclair’s Flying S Ranch, 306-845-4440, Spruce Lake, SK. CO W S YEARLING RED, BLACK and full Fleckvieh AV AI LABLE FO R Simmental bulls. Also Red and Black AnS HARES gus/Simmental cross Max bulls. Top AI sires represented, semen tested and guarG rea tin ves tm en t anteed. Contact Circle 7 Simmental op p ortu n ity (Oberle Farms Ltd.), Shaunavon, SK. Kelly 306-297-3430, cell 306-297-9366; Ralph 306-297-2304, cell 306-297-7979. High w a y 21 Fe e de rs Ltd. Acm e, AB SELLING BY PRIVATE TREATY Red FacPlea s e co n ta ct Ed M iller tor yearling Simmental bulls, semen tested 403-546 -2278 Ext 3 and ready to go. Also two 2 yr. olds. Call Green Spruce Simmental, Duck Lake, SK. Em a il: 306-467-4975, 306-467-7912. Ed M iller@ Highw a y21Gro u p.co m SOUTHWEST SHOWCASE SIMMENTAL BULL SALE, Monday, April 1, 1:00 PM, Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, SK. 65 60 BLACK BRED HEIFERS, $1350 each. Ph red and black bulls from these consignors: 204-937-7688, Roblin, MB. EDN Simmentals 306-662-3941, X-T Simmentals 306-295-3843, Crocus Simmen- YOUNG BLACK ANGUS cows for sale, start tals 306-773-7122, Boundary Ranch calving April 15th. Call 306-744-7744, 3 0 6 - 2 9 9 - 2 0 0 6 , H e r t e r S i m m e n t a l s Saltcoats, SK. 3 0 6 - 6 6 2 - 5 0 0 6 . To v i e w c a t a l o g u e w w w. b o u c h a r d l i ve s t o c k . c o m o r c a l l 20 BRED COWS due to calve April/May, bred Angus bulls, $1500. 306-845-2624, 1-866-946-4999. Spruce Lake, SK. POLLED RED AND BLACK yearling Simmental bulls, semen tested. North Creek ROSELAWN FARMS bulls for sale, polled Simmentals, call Barry at 306-997-4427, Hereford and Black Baldy females, check website www.roselawnfarms.com for pics 306-230-3123 cell, Borden, SK. and details. Call: 204-523-8713 or cell: 204-534-8204, Kilarney, MB.


ta rget, Us e the p ro d u cts en d o rs ed b y the p ro fes s io n a ls . RK & S UL L IV AN S UPPL IES C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e

1-8 00-440-26 9 4.

TWO YEAR OLD, fall born and yearling polled hereford bulls. Good selection. Call 306-963-2414, 306-963-7880, Imperial, SK. www.crittendenbros.com 2 YR. OLD POLLED HEREFORD BULLS, moderate birthweights, semen tested and d e l i v e r e d . G W G P o l l e d H e r e fo r d s , 306-963-2638, 306-963-7947, Imperial SK WILSON-LEES ‘Value Added Bull Sale’ is Friday, April 5, 2 PM at Right Cross Ranch Sale Barn, Kisbey, SK. 5 km south on #605, 4 km west. Selling 52 Polled Hereford yearling and two year old bulls. Volume buyers discounts available. For catalogues or info contact, T Bar C Cattle Co. 306-933-4200, PL #116061. View catalogue online at www.buyagro.com

2 YEAR OLD and yearling South Devon bulls, red and blacks; Angus/South Devon bulls; Gelbvieh/South Devon yearling bulls. $1900 to $2500. Call Diamond M South Devons 403-566-2467, Duchess, AB. email: dmrranching@gmail.com CANADIAN SOUTH DEVON Assoc., so much more than high bred vigor. Visit our new site www.canadiansouthdevon.com

BLACK MAINE BULLS for sale. Sired by Man Power, Final Draft, Walks Alone, Monopoly and Mercedes Benz. Several 2 yr. olds also available sired by Suh, Mercedes Benz and Man Power. Will be semen tested beginning of April. NuHaven Cattle Co., Kelly 403-598-4323 or Gary 403-350-9802, Pine Lake, AB.

SIMMENTAL BULLS Red and Black. 40 w w w .rka n im a lsu pplies.co m bulls for sale by private treaty. A down payment will hold your bull for spring de- 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, l i ve r y. C a l l E D N S i m m e n t a l s , D e a n young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK. 306-662-3941, Maple Creek, SK. 30 CHAROLAIS/GELBVIEH CROSS cowcalf pairs. Some yet to calve. Full health program. All one iron cattle. 306-837-4534, Barthel, SK. SELLING REG. YEARLINGS and 2 yr. olds, Red or Black, semen tested already, premi- RED AND BLACK Angus cow/calf pairs for um bulls, $1800. each and up. High Chap- sale, can feed until grass time. Call Doug eves., 204-447-2382, St. Rose, MB. paral Ranch, 306-336-2666, Lipton, SK. TWO- 3 YR. old solid red BULLS, $2000 60 BLACK AND RED bred heifers bred to each. Will semen test. Call 204-425-3362, easy calving Angus bulls, start calving Apr. 15. Mark Catley 306-531-5001 Craven, SK. cell 204-371-6424, Gardenton, MB.

130 BLACK/BBF COWS, 70 2nd, balance 3rd and 4th calving, $1600; 40 5th and older calving cows, Black/BBF/Red, $1350. Bulls out July 13. Full herd health. 306-768-3352, 306-401-7487, Carrot River

Super Replacem ent Heifers • 400 St r a ight Bla ck An gu s • 200 BBF • 300 St r a ight R ed An gu s • 200 R BF Im porta nt

~ You Pick Them ~ ~ W e’ll Pick Them ~ G u ar an teed qu ality satisf action on these su pr em e f em ales. See that you get w hat you w an t. C an be f ed u n til gr ass tim e. Ther e’s a ver y lim ited su pply of the good on es.

Ca ll St eve a t 40 3- 38 1 - 370 0 Cell 40 3- 38 2- 9 9 9 8 CATTLE FINANCING AVAILABLE for feeder cattle and bred heifers/cows. Competitive interest rates. Call Marjorie Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. SECOND CALVERS AND BRED HEIFERS all Red Angus cross, good quality, quiet. Bred Red and Black Angus, preg checked, due to calve April 1st, full health program. Castor, AB. 403-882-2590, 403-740-0288. BRED HEIFERS FOR sale. 140 Red and Black Angus cross. Quiet, hand picked, fully processed heifers for end of March calving. Ph. 306-567-7491. Seldom Seen Stock Farm, Davidson, SK.

SASKATOON ALL BREED Horse & Tack Sale, May 21.Tack 11:00 a.m. Horses to follow. Open to broke horses (halter or riding). Sale conducted at OK Corral, Martensville, SK. To consign call Frederick 306-227-9505 bodnarusauctioneering.com 2013 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE SALE, May 3rd and 4th at Olds, AB. Draft horses, tack, harness, collars and horse drawn equipment are welcomed consignments. Call Barb Stephenson 403-933-5765, 8 AM to 8 PM, or visit www.wrdha.com 11th ANNUAL WESTERN HORSE SALES Unlimited, May 3rd and 4th, Saskatoon Livestock Sales, Saskatoon, SK. Consign now to Western Canada’s leading horse market. Call 306-436-4515. For entry info go to: www.westernhorsesales.com

BEAUTIFUL 11 YR. old WHITE LEOPARD Appaloosa ridden by children, $1500. 306-835-2612, Raymore, SK.

WANTED: MATCHED TEAM of Belgian mares, 2 to 4 yrs. old, need not be broke, to mature atleast 1800 lbs. Call 306-743-2805, Langenburg, SK.

FOR SALE: 3/4 Mammoth cross donkeys, $500 each. Yearling Jacks and Jennys. Phone 204-434-6132, Steinbach, MB.

TEAM OF 2 year old Haflinger geldings, halter broke. Phone 306-682-2899, Humboldt, SK.

SMALL HERD: 1 stallion, 9 yrs. old, 2- 7 year old bred females, 2 yearling fillies, $2000 OBO. Will deliver to AB. beginning of April. 867-668-7218, 867-335-5192, Whitehorse, YT. 32 BRED COWS. Hereford and Hereford influenced cows and heifers. 2 older cows, 10- 3rd calvers, 16- 2nd calvers, 4 heifers, really quiet cows, bred Hereford, start calving early April. Like to sell as a group, then bull can go too, $1500. Contact Leon evenings, 780-387-5450, Millet, AB.

BROKE BLACK TEAM of mares, driven for sleigh and wagon rides. Bred to prominent stud, $2500/pair OBO. Contact Elaine 403-318-7049, Red Deer, AB. YOUNG BROKE GREY team of mares, bred, 200 GOOD BLACK Angus Bred Heifers. driven for 2 seasons, $4000 OBO. Contact All one herd, home raised, preg. checked, Elaine, 403-318-7049, Red Deer, AB. calving in May and Ivomeced, $1400. Ber- WELL BROKE DRIVING GRAY MARE, nard 306-984-7272, Spiritwood, SK., email bred, shown at numerous shows, $2000 for photos: tetrb@hotmail.com OBO. Elaine 403-318-7049, Red Deer, AB. 2 0 0 7 D O D G E C R E W C A B d u a l ly 4 x 4 , 2 HALTER BROKE BLACK MARES, well 115,000 kms, excellent. Trade for bred matched, bred, $3000 OBO. Contact Elaine heifers. Ph. 306-745-3851, Esterhazy, SK. 403-318-7049, Red Deer, AB. CHAROLAIS AND HEREFORD Bulls, year- TWO TEAMS OF coming black 3 year old lings, two year olds. Quiet, good feet and geldings, broke to drive, $5000 per team. legs, lots of hair. Semen tested. Videos at 306-276-7884 cell, Choiceland, SK. www.thecliffsfarm.com Ph: 306-867-7988 2007 PAIR OF Registered black bred or 306-221-7039, Macrorie, SK. mares; Pairs of Registered quarter horse 130 BLACK HEIFERS, Angus, Angus geldings, Palominos, Buckskins, Sunfrost, cross Simmentals. Quiet, no horns, re- Driftwood, Hancock, Two-Eyed Jack breedplacement quality. Will keep until May 1st. ing. Call 306-742-4615, MacNutt, SK. 306-538-4902, Kennedy, SK. 9 YR. OLD black Percheron stud, 18 HH, 120 OPEN HEIFERS, Simmental Red Angus 2000 lbs., $2000. Phone 306-682-2899, cross, ranch raised, full herd health. Fox Humboldt, SK. Hills Farm, Cupar SK., ph 306-723-4861. 16 COW/CALF PAIRS, calves 2 months old, cows average 5th calver, $2000/pair. Call 306-843-3132, Wilkie, SK. JUSCASH GREY STALLION. Juscash is sired by Chicks Beduino, s.i.104, dam Dealin-In-Dough, is a 100% dam ROM and is a WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For daughter of Dash For Cash s.i.114. Juscash bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Proces- is siring top race and barrel horses. From a sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. very limited number of starters he has 3 States winners and earners of over WANTED: LEASE TO OWN Black Angus, sired Call 306-662-3395 evenings only, Hereford, Angus/Hereford cross COWS, $50,000. due to calve May and June. 306-969-2251, Golden Prairie, SK. 306-969-4621, Minton, SK. SEVERAL GELDINGS 2- 4 yrs., some broke; HEALTHY HAY (Sainfoin.eu). Sainfoin seed 2012 colts; AQH and American Paint mares for sale. Bloat free, perennial forage, high- in foal. Ph 306-435-3634, Moosomin, SK. ly digestible, palatable and nutritious. www.primegrains.com/prime-sainfoin.htm Email: jhusband@primegrains.com 306-739-2900, Wawota, SK. RAMSAY PONY RIDES have for sale wellbroke kids horses from pony to saddle horse sizes. Some horses and ponies also broke to drive. All broke horses sold with a written guarantee. Also new and used riding saddles. 306-386-2490, Cochin, SK. 4TH ANNUAL PRAIRIE Spring Horse TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. Sale, Sunday, May 19, 2013, 1:00 PM at Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, We are accepting entries for Quality drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Alder Ranch/Pleasure/S how geldings and Flats, AB. www.trimboss.ca mares, well started younger geldings and mares, broodmares, yearlings, 2 yr. olds 2 AND 3 YR. old, halter broke, Fjord, Perand teams- Registered or Grade. Entries cheron, Friesen and Haflinger crosses are on-line at www.johnstoneauction.ca available. 306-682-2899, Humboldt, SK. due April 15th. For more info. call Scott COLT STARTING for 2013, 5 spaces left. Johnstone 306-693-4715 or Glen Gabel Book early. Call 306-869-2947, Radville, 306-536-1927 Moose Jaw, SK PL #914447 SK. or dtwhalen@sasktel.net CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM Sale, Sat., April 6th. Tack at 10:30, Horses 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, colts must have a completed EID. Go to Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. the website candiacauctionmart.com to get the form. For more info contact 306-424-2967. ROCKING W SPRING HORSE SALE, Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Tack Sale: Fri. WELL TRAINED PONY for lessons, 12 to 14 April 19th. Horse sale: Saturday April 20th. HH, must be quiet and responsive, know Late entries accepted. www.rockingw.com, v o i c e c o m m a n d s a n d l e g a i d s . 306-377-4726, Fiske, SK. rockingw@xplornet.com 204-325-7237. HORSE SALE, JOHNSTONE AUCTION Mart, Moose Jaw, Thursday, April 4, 2013. Tack sells: 2 PM. Horses sell 4 PM. All classes of horses accepted. 306-693-4715, Moose Jaw, SK. www.johnstoneauction.ca CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary Johnston, www.canadianfarrierschool.ca PL #914447. gary@canadianfarrierschool.ca RIDING, DRIVING, HEAVY Horse Equip. Email for sale by Auction. Bid 24/7 on-line bid- 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB. ding at www.mcdougallbay.com For info. EQUINE THERAPY CLINICS and natural ph. McDougall Auction, Regina/Saskatoon, products. 780-897-7711, Alder Flats, AB. www.laodas-way.com SK. at 1-800-263-4193, 306-652-4334.



1.888.986.2946 2008 TIMPTE GRAIN HOPPER


Grain, Air Ride suspension, Tridem axle, Aluminum rims, Tarp: Rollover Black, Hoppers: 3-Hoppers Black, Width: 102in, Length: 50ft Stock #8B116409U



2014 TIMPTE SUPER B GRAIN Grain, Super B, Air Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Aluminum rims, 24” king pin, Tarp: Shurco Shurloc Black, Hoppers: Split tub - 24” clearance Black, Width: 102in, Length: 30ft, Rear Unit Stock #EB140901


T/A Grain Truck, MaxxForce 9 engine, Allison (Auto) transmission (6 speed), Air brakes, 14,600 lbs front axle capacity, 40,000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, 20 ft cancade box c-w elec. tarp & chute cont. Stock #2922-14



2008 INTERNATIONAL PROSTAR T/A Grain Truck, Cummins ISX engine, Eaton Fuller Auto Shift transmission (10 speed), Air brakes, 883,000 km, 12,000 lbs front axle capacity, 40,000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, 20 foot silage box. Stock #5428-08B



2007 INTERNATIONAL 9400I 6X4 Grain, 3 hopper, Air Ride suspension, Tridem axle, Aluminum (polished out) rims, 20 king pin, Tarp: Rollover Black, Hoppers: Ag Hopper w/3rd Hopper Black w.Interior Access steps, Width: 102in, Length: 45ft Stock #DB138759

2013 TIMPTE GRAIN HOPPER Grain, Hopper, Air Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Aluminum rims, 20” king pin, Tarp: Rollover Black, Hoppers: AG Black w.Int access 5 steps, Width: 96in, Length: 40ft Stock #DB139666

T/A Grain Truck, Cummins ISX engine (435 HP), Eaton Fuller Auto Shift transmission (10 speed), Air brakes, 1,111,535 km, 12,000 lbs front axle capacity, 40,000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C Stock #3403-07A



2008 INTERNATIONAL 9400I 6X4 T/A Grain Truck, Cummins ISX engine (435 HP), Eaton Fuller Auto Shift transmission (10 speed), Air brakes, 1,100,403 km, 12,000 lbs front axle capacity, 40,000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C, 20 foot grain box Stock #: 3390-07A




Sales and Highway 5 East, Wadena, SK Service (1991 Ltd.) AIR DRILLS

Morris (2012) Contour II, 71’, 12� spacing, w/8650 Tow Behind tank .......................................................CALL Morris Contour II (2012) 61’, w/8370 tow behind ......... CALL Morris Contour I (2010) 71’, double shoot, w/8370 TBH ......................................................CALL Morris Contour I (2008) 61’, w/8370 TBH tank ......CALL Morris Maxim I - 39’, 10� spacing, double shoot w/Morris 7240 tow between .............................CALL Morris Maxim II - 55’, 10� sp, w/7300 tow between tank, NH3 coulters .....................................................CALL Morris Maxim II - 55’, 10� sp, w/liquid kit, w/7300 tank .....................................................CALL Morris Maxim II - 39’, 10� sp NH3 Kit....................CALL Morris Maxim II- 49’, 10� sp, DS, 7300 tank w/3rd tank....................................................$69,000 Morris Maxim II- 49’, 10� sp, DS, w/7240 TBH ..$59,900 Morris Maxim II, (2002) 34’, 10� spacing, w/liquid kit, w/7180 tow-between...................................$45,500 Morris Maxim I - 29’, 10� spacing, dbl shoot dry$25,000 Seedmaster (2012) CT-SX300 (Demo) 70’, 12� spacing, 300 bus tank, loaded.............$249,000 Seedmaster (2012) TXB 50’ 12� spacing. Demo .........................................................$139,000 Seedmaster TXB (2010) 50’, 10� SP, DBL Shoot, Dry ...........................................$129,000 Seedmaster (2007) TXB 36’, 12� spacing, SS, NH3 kit ...................................................$79,000 Seedmaster TXB (2007) 50’, 10� SP, NH3 Tank on frame, w/ Morris 7240 tow between tank ......................$129,900 Seedmaster (2008) TXB 60’, 12� spacing, DS, dry ..CALL John Deere (2003) 52’ 1820 10� SP, rubber press w/1910 340 bu. var. rate tank ............................................CALL Harmon 4480 - 44’ w/3100 tank, double shoot.... $36,000 Flexi-Coil 7500 - 60’ w/Flexicoil 3450 Air Cart ..$58,000



• 41 FT RTS SHD 1-2140 .........................$109,000 • 41 FT RTS HD DEMO $96,000 LEASE S/A $10,500




C2 CONTOUR Independent Opener Drill

NEW Riteway 78’ heavy harrows ...................$47,900 NEW Riteway 55’ heavy harrows ...................$38,000 Riteway (2005) 78’ heavy harrow ..................$31,900 Morris 50’ Field Pro heavy harrow .................$16,500 Morris 50’ Field Pro heavy harrow .................$20,500 Salford RTS Heavy Duty 41’ (Demo) ...............$96,000 Salford RTS 50’ 2 Seasons ................................. CALL Salford RTS 24’, 2010, w/Valmar....................$48,000


Ezee-On 5500 36’ cultivator with Ezee-on 4250 tow between tank, liquid kit & wagon..............$32,000 Bourgault 8800, 36’, w/2155 tank.................$24,900 Bourgault FH 40’ Harrows .............................$13,900 Bourgault 40’ Cultivator, 9�, Harrows, AC, w/138 tank...............................................$12,000


NEW Farm King 1684 .................................. $26,800 NEW Farm King 1385 .................................. $20,500 NEW Farm King 1370 .................................. $17,500 NEW Farm King 1070 .................................. $10,900 Farm King 1385 .......................................... $14,500 Farm King 1370 .......................................... $10,900 Sakundiak 10� x 65’ ..................................... $5,200



Case IH 9270, ‘91, duals, powershift, 8,000 hrs$59,500 McCormick MTX 125 w/loader & grapple..... $65,000



Morris 61’ Contour C2 $CALL

THE C2 CONTOUR SHEDS TRASH LIKE NEVER BEFORE The next generation C2 Contour lets you cut through trash and makes opener adjustments easier. The independent opener features parallel linkage for ultraprecise seed and fertilizer placement. Adjustable packing pressure lets you pull through damp spots. Opener spacing options are 10� and 12�.At the heart of the C2 Contour’s improved ability to shed trash is the design of the single shank. The reclined 12-degree angle moves trash up and off the shank faster. The distance from the ground level to the catch point has been increased to 21 inches on the C2 Contour, greatly reducing the potential for straw bunching.

Morris Maxim I 49’ 10� sp, DS, AD........................ $25,000 Morris Maxim I 49’ 10� sp, Liquid kit ................... $25,000 Harmon 4480, 44’, DS, w/3100 tank ..................... $25,000 Flexi-Coil 7500 60’ Steel pkrs ............................... $25,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 45’ 7.5� sp, w/2320 tank ............. $25,000


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Trent Werner - Yorkton 306-621-7843

Kurtis Meredith - Moosomin 306-435-7323

Suppliers of Autoboom, Norac, Spraytest, Tridekon, New Leader


2012 APACHE 1020

2011 NH 240R

120’, 3” fill, 5 ways, Boomtrac 5,halogen lights, 2630 display, new sf1 autotrac/sec control & receiver, fenders, rh fence row, 380R50 & 620R46 tires, 327 hrs, Powergard warranty til May2/2015, JD Link. In Moosomin.

1000 gal, 100’, 3 ways, 3 sets tips, Raven Powerglide height control, Raven GPS, auto steer, swath control, 380/80-38 front & 520/85-42 rear tires, 14 hrs. In Yorkton.

1000 gal poly, 90’, 3 ways, 3 sets tips, Raven Powerglide height, HTA, fenders, boom drains, fenders, front SS dividers, 380/90R46 Titan tires, rear duals, FM-750 controller GPS, 500 hrs. Coming in.



2008 ROGATOR 1286C

2009 JD 4730

2000 hrs, 1200 Gal. SS tank, 120’ Aluminum Pommier boom, Raven G2, HTA, GPS, fence row nozzles, 24.5x32 and 380x42 tires, in Preeceville

800 Gal. poly tank, 100’, 3” fill, HTA, Boomtrac 3, less OBA, halogen lights, RH fence row, fenders, 320 & 520 tires, approx. 930 hrs, 2600 display, SF1 autotrac/swath control & receiver, in Balcarres







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USED EQUIPMENT Sprayers 2012 New Holland SP365F, 120’ 1600Gal SS, Viper Pro, GPS ...........................................$346,000 2010 Miller Pro G75, 120’ 1200Gal SS, Smart trax, Accuboom .......................................$229,000 2009 AGCO Gleaner 7660, 90’, 725Gal, Radar, Foam Mrk .................................................$139,000 2010 Hardi 6600, 134’ Susp, 1850 Gal, Triple Bodies, Hyd pump......................................$59,900 2000 Flexi-Coil 67, 100’, 1000US Gal, Wheel Boom, Auto Rate ..........................................$19,800 2011 New Holland SP275F, 120’ Front Boom, 1200 Gal SS, Autosteer ........................$279,000 2004 Brandt SB4000, 100’ Suspended, Wind Cones, Double Nozzle..............................$29,900 2010 Flexi-Coil 68XL, 134’, 1600Gal, Suspended .....................................................................$25,900 1998 Flexi-Coil S67XLT, 120’ Wheel Boom, Dual boom/tank .............................................$14,900 2011 New Holland SP275F, 120’ Front Boom, 1400 Gal, Autosteer ..............................$313,500 2002 Flexi-Coil 67XL, 120’, 1500Gal, Auto Rate, Curtains, Hyd Pump .............................$21,900


1997 John Deere 8200, FWA, P/S Trans, 520 Duals ................................................................$64,900 2008 New Holland T7040, FWA, FEL, P/S Trans, 3pt, Supersteer ......................................$93,900 2008 Case IH PUMA210, FWA, Susp Axle, Susp Cab, Frt Wts...........................................$106,000 1990 New Holland 876, 20.8R38 Duals, 12Spd Std, Outback guidance........................$43,900 1994 New Holland 9680, 20.8x42 Duals, 12Spd Std..............................................................$71,500

Combines 2011 New Holland CX8080, 12’ 790CP, 900 Tires, Cast Drum, Lg Hdr Lift Cyl ...........$275,000 2010 New Holland CR9070, 16’ SM PU, 900 Tires, Long Auger, Dlx Chpr ...................$249,000 2011 New Holland CR9060, 14’ SM PU, 900 Tires, Dlx Chpr, Lg Hdr Lift Cyl ..............$279,000 2010 New Holland CR9070, 16’ SM PU, 900 Tires, Dlx Chpr, Long Auger ...................$249,000 2011 New Holland CR9060, 14’ SM PU, 900 Tires, Dlx Chpr, Lg Hdr Cyl ......................$279,000 1996 John Deere 9600, 12’ PU, Long Auger, 30.5 Tires, JD Chopper...............................$52,900 2000 Case IH 2388, 14’ PU, Chpr, GPS, Rock Trap ....................................................................$85,000 1994 New Holland TX66, S8 Pickup, Chpr, Chaff Sprd, Hopper Cvr ................................$24,900

Forage Harvesters 2000 New Holland FP230, Metalert, 29P P/U Hdr, Tandem ................................................$11,900 1995 Case IH 8750, Vert Spout Ext, Hyd Tongue ........................................................................$6,500 2003 New Holland 790 with 890W Pickup Head ....................................................................$13,900

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1988 Case IH 8370, 14’ Sickle, Steel/Rubr Conditioner ............................................................$7,500 2010 Massey Ferguson 9190, 16’ Mower Cond Header, Fits MF 9635............................$25,000 2000 New Holland 1475, 16’ Haybine, Ctr Pivot, Dbl Knife, Rbr Roll ...............................$14,900 2005 MacDon 922, 16’ Sickle Hdr, Fits Macdon ......................................................................$22,500 2002 Case IH DCX131, 13’ Disc, Steel Rollers, Hyd Swing ....................................................$16,800 2001 New Holland 1475, 18’ Haybine, Entr Pivot, DK, Rbr Rolls........................................$18,900 1997 New Holland 1475, 16’ Haybine, Cntr Pivot, Dual Knife Rbr Rolls .........................$12,900




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MSRP $46,350



MSRP $39,960

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CARS 2006 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF TDI HATCHBACK – SALE $13,995 3.5L V6 auto loaded pwr seat sunroof alumn whls red HSFZ DMPUI LNT 2008 CHEV MALIBU LT – SALE $9,995 2.4L 4 cyl auto loaded alumn whls silver ebony cloth 111,400 kms 2012 CHEV CRUZE LT – SALE $15,995 1.4L 4 cyl auto loaded silver ebony cloth 41,700 kms 2012 CHEV CRUZE LT – SALE $15,995 1.4L 4 cyl auto loaded white ebony cloth 46,600 kms 2012 CHEV CRUZE LT – SALE $16,450 1.4L DZM BVUP MPBEFE TJMWFS FCPOZ DMPUI LNT

SUV / VANS 2003 GMC JIMMY 2 DR 4X4 ZR2 – SALE $8,995 4.3L V6 auto loaded alumn whls pewter ebony cloth LNT 2005 GMC ENVOY XL – SALE $10,995 4.2L V6 auto loaded front buckets pwr seat alumn whls BVUPUSBD XIJUF FCPOZ DMPUI LNT 2007 GMC YUKON 4X4 SLT – SALE $21,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded alumn whls autotrac 8 pass silver FCPOZ MFBUIFS LNT 2008 PONTIAC AWD SE – SALE $9,995 3.4L V6 auto loaded alumn whls black ebony cloth 168,008 kms 2010 CHEV EQUINOX AWD LT – SALE $22,995 2.4L 4 cyl auto loaded remote start alumn whls blue ebony cloth 72,525 kms 2010 CADILLAC AWD SRX – SALE $29,995 3.0L V6 auto loaded sunroof alumn whls dark grey MFBUIFS LNT 2011 FORD EDGE AWD SEL – SALE $28,995 3.5L V6 auto loaded front buckets pwr seats alumn whls silver ebony leather 22,832 kms 2011 GMC YUKON XL 4X4 SLT – SALE $36,995 3.5L V8 auto loaded heated buckets pwr seats sunroof BMVNO XIMT BVUPUSBD EBSL HSFZ FCPOZ MFBUIFS LNT 2011 CADILLAC ESCALADE – SALE $52,995 6.2L V8 auto heated seats pwr seats remote start sunroof alumn whls DVD 22� whls black ebony leather 65,252 kms 2011 CADILLAC ESCALADE – SALE $52,995 6.2L V8 auto heated seats pwr seats remote start sunroof BMVNO XIMT %7% u XIMT TJMWFS FCPOZ MFBUIFS kms 2011 GMC YUKON XL 4X4 SLT – SALE $39,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded heated buckets pwr seats sunroof DVD autotrac alumn whls white grey leather 41,250 kms 2012 CHEV TAHOE 4X4 LTZ – SALE $56,995 5.3L V8 auto heated buckets pwr seats alumn whls rear air & heat nav sunroof DVD 20� whls 7 pass black tan leather 2012 CHEV TAHOE 4X4 LT – SALE $48,995 Auto heated buckets pwr seats alumn whls autotrac sunroof DVD 20� whls 8 pass black granite ebony leather 2012 CADILLAC SRX AWD – SALE $38,995 Auto heated buckets pwr seats alumn whls silver ebony leather 43,000 kms 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE AWD CXL – SALE $39,995 3.6L V6 auto loaded heated buckets 7 pass alumn whls goldmist tan leather 16,500 kms 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE AWD CXL – SALE $38,995 3.6L V6 auto loaded heated buckets 7 pass alumn whls silver ebony leather 35,600 kms 2012 CHEV TAHOE 4X4 LT – SALE $41,995 5.3L V8 auto heated seats remote start sunroof DVD alumn whls autotrac silver ebony leather 33,852 kms

MSRP $54,435

TRUCKS 2002 GMC 3/4 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLT – SALE $15,995 Duramax auto heated buckets alumn whls white tan MFBUIFS LNT 2008 GMC 3/4 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLE – SALE $26,995 Duramax auto loaded alumn whls mocha tan cloth LNT 2008 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LT – SALE $23,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded split seat alumn whls autotrac silver FCPOZ DMPUI LNT 2008 GMC 3/4 TON CREW CAB 4X4 SLT – SALE $32,995 Duramax auto loaded heated buckets alumn whls blue granite ebony leather 148,512 kms 2009 GMC 1/2 TON EXT CAB 4X4 SLE – SALE $23,995 5.3L V8 auto loaded split bench pwr seat alumn whls autotrac silver ebony cloth 64,547 kms 2010 GMC 1/2 TON EXT CAB 4X4 SLE – SALE $25,995 5.3L V8 loaded split seat pwr seat alumn whls autotrac 4x4 black ebony cloth 48,252 kms. 2010 CHEV 1/2 TON REG CAB S/BOX 2WD W/T – SALE $14,995 4.3L V6 A/C/T dark blue grey cloth 32,325 kms 2011 DODGE RAM 2500 CREW CAB 4X4 ST – SALE $36,995 6.7L diesel auto loaded maroon ebony cloth 104,646 kms 2013 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ – SALE $42,995 5.3L V8 loaded heated buckets pwr seat alumn whls BVUPUSBD Y SFNPUF TUBSU OBW TJMWFS FCPOZ MFBUIFS kms

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Hall C - Booth 3711

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Saskatoon, SK

Swift Current, SK


‘12 Rogator 1300, 1300 gal, 100 ft boom, GPS loaded, 2 sets of tires, sharp shooter, 1 of 2, 446 hrs ........................................................................................ $375,000 ‘12 NH SP240 FXP, 110ft, 1200 gal, loaded GPS, 245 hrs, smartrax, autoboom, accuboom, invisopro ............................................................................... $255,000 ‘11 Rogator 1396, 100ft boom, 1300 gal viper pro, autoboom, accuboom, smartrax, 2 sets of tires, 680 hrs ............................................................................ $305,000 ‘11 Rogator 1396, 100ft boom, 1300 gal viper pro, autoboom, accuboom, smartrax, 2 sets of tires, 477 hrs ............................................................................ $305,000 ‘11 Rogator 1396, 1300 gal, 100ft boom, GPS loaded, 2 sets of tires .............. $305,000 ‘10 Rogator 1386, 910 hrs, 120ft, 1200 gal viper pro, smartrax, accuboom, autoboom, slurpshooter, two sets of tires.................................................................. $305,000 ‘10 Rogator, 1386 gal, 100 ft, GPS Loaded, 2 sets of Tires............................... $305,000 ‘10 Rogator 1184, 1100 gal, 100ft boom, viper pro, smartrax, accuboom, autoboom, two sets of tires, 1400 hrs....................................................................... $252,000 ‘09 Rogator 1286C, 120ft, 1200 gal, viper pro,loaded, GPS, 1121 hrs, 2 sets of tires .......................................................................................... $289,000 ‘09 Rogator 1084SS, 1000 gal, 100ft boom, GPS, loaded, 969 hrs,2 sets of tires, ............................................................................................................... $245,000 ‘09 Rogator 1084SS, 1000 gal, 100 ft, GPS Loaded, 1200 hrs ......................... $245,000 ‘09 Rogator 1084, 1000 gal, 100ft boom, viper pro, autoboom, accuboom, smartrax, 2 sets of tires, 695 hrs ............................................................................ $239,000 ‘09 Rogator 884 SS, 800 Tank, 100 ft boom, GPS Loaded, 2 sets of Tires, 990 hrs ................................................................................................... $210,000

‘09 Rogator 884, 100 ft boom, 800 gal SS Tank GPS loaded, 2 sets of tires ..... $189,000 ‘09 Rogator 1286C, 1200 gal tank, 100ft boom, GPS, loaded, 2 sets of tires ... $285,000 ‘09 Rogator, 1000 gal, 100 ft boom, GPS, loaded, 2 sets of tires, 1532 hrs ...... $210,000 ‘12 Spra-Coupe 7660, 725 gal, 90ft boom, GPS, loaded no auto boom, 219 hrs, mint .......................................................................................... $199,000 ‘09 Spra-Coupe 7660, 725 gal, 90ft boom, outback S3, E-drive, automatic, 2 sets of tires, sharp shooter, 963 hrs ..................................................... $175,000 ‘08 Spra-Coupe 4660, 400 gal, 80 ft boom, 1200 hrs, autosteer, section control .......Call ‘07 Rogator 1074SS, 100ft boom, 1000 gal truck viper pro, smartrax, autoboom, accuboom, 2473 hrs, two sets of tires ..................................................... $198,000 ‘05 Rogator 864, 800 gal, 100ft boom, Raven light bar, 2 sets of tires, 1800 hrs, crop dividers ........................................................................................... $169,000 ‘04 Rogator 864, 800 gal, SS tank, 100 ft 1300 boom, 2800 hrs, S3 maping, E-Drivex, Automatic, Sec. Control, AutoBoom, 3 sets of tires .................... $169,000 ‘03 Rogator 864, 800 gal SS tank, 100ft boom, outback GPS, autoboom, section control, auto steer, S3, 2 sets of tires, 2700 hrs ................................................... $155,000


Flexi-Coil 5000, 51ft c/w 2320 tow behind tank, rubber packers, single shoot w/sideband .......................................................................... $69,000 ‘03 Flexi-Coil 3450, tow between cart, DS, variable rate ................................... $45,000 ‘04 Morris Max II, 60ft, 70� spacing, single shoot, 3 1/2� sp, c/w 8370 tow between cart .................................................................... $105,000 ‘10 61ft Morris Contour, DS, 12� sp, 5.5 packers, c/w 8370XL tow between, 3 tank air cart ......................................................................................... $260,000

‘03 Morris Max II, 49’, 7.5� sp, single shoot, edge on shank, dutch openers, 3.5� packers c/w 7240 tow behind tank ........................................................................ $59,000


‘10 MF 9435, big cab, 120hp, 265 hrs c/w 30ft DSA UIII PU reel ....................... $99,000 ‘09 MF 9435, big cab, 120hp, 407 hrs c/w 30ft DSA UII PU reel ........................ $96,000 ‘00 MacDon 922, 18ft, moco hdr ...................................................................... $19,900 ‘03 MF 220XL, 1480 hrs, 30 ft DSA UII pu reel .................................................. $68,000 ‘96 MacDon 9300 c/w 972 30ft hdr .................................................................. $39,000 ‘10 JD A400, 255 hrs, c/w 30ft HoneyBee hdr double knife drive, hyd swath roller . $130,000 ‘06 MF 9420, 1284 hrs, c/w 30ft DSA UII PU reel .............................................. $75,000


‘07 MF 1540, FWA, hydro, 40hp, 3pth c/w ldr ................................................... $24,900 ‘07 MF 1533, 33hp, hydro, 3pth, frt end ldr, 375 hrs ......................................... $23,900 ‘92 MF 3690 FWA, 170hp ................................................................................. $37,000



MT 875C Challenger, 585hp track 36� extreme, poly mid wheels, hyd. swing draw bar, 1 of 2 MT 865C Challenger, 525hp track 36� extreme, poly mid wheels, hyd. swing draw bar, PTO, 1 of 6 MT 855 Challenger, 475hp track 36� extreme, hyd. swing drawbar, PTO, 1 of 2 MT 955C, 475hp, 4WD, powershift, PTO, diff lock, 5 hyd, remotes, dual, 800/70R38, 1 of 2 MT 945C, 440hp, 4WD, powershift, PTO, diff lock, 5 hyd, remotes, dual, 800/70R38 ‘08 Challenger MT855B, Track Unit, 36� Extreme GPS, Hyd swing bar, 1890 hrs, full weight package ................................................................................. $265,000

More Info on Used With Pictures at www.fulllineag.com OR Email rick.r@fulllineag.com

Saskatoon Sales: Chris Purcell Dave Ruzesky Doug Putland Swift Current Sales: Ross Guenther Tim Berg

Dealers for:



2011 CIH STX550 Quadtrac, Deluxe cab, PTO...$395,000

2012 CIH STX550

450 hrs, 36” Quadtrac, PTO, Pro 700..SOLD


2011 CIH STX450

2011 CIH STX550

111hrs, Autoguidance, 800 duals...$315,900

PTO, 36” Tracks, Auto Guidance...$405,000


2WD Tractors 2009 CIH Magnum 180 (SA) high cap pump, 3 remotes, L780 loader, outback autosteer........................................................................$155,000 2007 CIH Magnum 245 (SA) MFD, PTO, 3FT hitch ready, hi-flow hyd system, Apost mon. mount.......................................................................................................$129,900 2008 CIH Maxxum 125 (LL) 3PT Hitch, MFD...................................................$69,000 2004 CIH MXM155 (SC) MFD, powershift, fenders, 4Hyds........$54,900 1988 CIH 7120 (ES) MFD, 20.8 duals....................................... $48,900 1994 JD 7700 (LL) 10,000hrs, EZ-on loader, MFD, dual, PTO.....$45,900 2008 CIH Farmall 45 (SC) HST transmission, rear remote..............$23,900 2008 Case Farmall 35 (SC) 200hrs, HST trans, AG tires, PTO.......$22,500 1981 Case 1090 (ES) 20.8X38 rubber.......................................$18,500

4WD Tractors

2012 CIH STX500 (SA) quadtrac, lux cab, 1000 RPM PTO............$365,000 2010 CIH STX535 (SA) std quadtrac, luxury cab, 1000rpm IND PTO, hi cap hydr pump........................................................................................$357,000 2012 CIH STX500 (LL) lux cab, mo PTO, high cap draw bar, 800 tires............$310,000 2012 CIH STX500 (SC) 350hrs, triples, diff lock, hi-cap pump, full hyd GPS with pro700, no PTO...........................................................................$295,000 2012 CIH STX500 (SC) 811hrs, triples, diff lock, hi-cap pump, full hyd GPS with Pro700, PTO................................................................................$292,000 2010 JD 9530 (ES) powershift, autosteer, diff locks, full weight pkg...$255,000

HEADERS 2011 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, double knife, 5 bat, upper cross auger........$74,900 2009 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, adapter for 70/8010, slow speed trans.......$69,000 2012 CIH 2152 (SC) 40ft, single knife, slow speed transport, AHHC, AFX adapter............................................................................................... $62,900 2011 CIH 3020 (SC) 35ft, 3”knife, 6 bat pick up reel...................$56,000 2007 CIH 2162 (ES) 40’5 bat dual reel, auto header height.........$55,000 2007 HoneyBee SP40 (SC) 40ft, p/u, hyd f&a, cross auger, AFX adapter, trasnport........................................................................................... $49,900 2010 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, 6 batt w/plastic, air reel .....................$44,000 2012 CIH 3016 (SC) AUX front wind guard, 15ft, PTO drive, castor gauge wheels...............................................................................................$29,900 2005 JD 635 (SA) 35ft header, p/u reel, flex..................................$29,000 2004 Honeybee SP36 (SC) 36ft, UII pu reel, 2388 adpt, transport......$27,900 1995 HoneyBee SP30 (LL) 30ft, transport, pea auger, pu reel.............$23,000 1998 MacDon 962 (SC) 36ft, pu reel, pea auger, 2388 adapter...$20,250 2009 NH 18HS (SC) 18ft hay conditioner header............................$19,900 2004 CIH 1010 (SC) 30ft, pick up reel, full finger auger...............$19,000 1997 Macdon 960 (LL) 36FT, p/u, pea auger, 2388 adapter.........$17,900 2001 JD 930F (SA) 30FT, JD adapter, p/u, flex, fore & aft...............$17,000 2006 Macdon S30 Header (SC) 30ft swather pick up reels.......$17,000 2001 CIH 2015 (SC) rake up pick up............................................$12,000 1997 CIH 1015 (SC) rake up pick up..............................................$9,500


2012 CIH 9230 (SA) lateral tilt, fine cut chopper, stnd spreader...........$350,000 2011 CIH 9120 (ES) adj steering axle, lat tilt, hopper cover..................$315,000 2012 CIH 8120 (SC) 671hrs, lat tilt, hyd fold topper..................$275,000 2009 CIH 8120 (SA) 910hrs, hopper extension, lat tilt, 900 tires.......$272,000 2009 CIH 9120 (SC) duals, auto guidance, diff lock, stnd cut chopper.$255,000 2008 JD 9770 (LL) 520 duals, Y&M, PW7 p/u header..................$245,000 2012 CIH 7088 (SC) lateral tilt, y&m, auto header float control, auto crop settings ...............................................................................................$235,000 2007 CIH 8010 (LL) deluxe cab, lateral tilt, 24ft unload auger......$229,000 2010 CIH 7120 (SC) duals, auto guidance, HID, fine cut chopper...$220,000 2008 CIH 7010 (SC) 1484hrs, 900 tires, lat tilt, stnd chopper.......$200,000 2006 CIH 8010 (SA) hopper topper, 900 tires, shedded..............$195,000 2009 CIH 6088 (SC) 807 hrs, y&m, auto crop settings..............$189,900 2009 CIH 7088 (SA) lat tilt, AFX rotor, 800 tires, straw chopper........$180,000 2008 CIH 2588 (SC) 1250hrs, AFX rotor, chopper, 50.5 singles, hopper topper...$169,000 2004 CIH 8010 (SC) long auger, fine cut chopper, lateral tilt......$139,000 2004 CIH 2388 (SC) 2110 rotor hrs, topper, long auger, chopper, c/w 2015 swathmaster.....................................................................................$115,900 1999 CIH 2388 (SA) long auger, stnd rotor, 1015 rake-up hdr.....$100,000 1998 CIH 2388 (LL) auger ext, new front tires, new feeder chain.......$88,000 1997 CIH 2188 (LL) 4503hrs, 25ft 960 hdr, hopper topper, AFX rotor...$74,900 1996 CIH 2188 (SC) 3038hrs, AFX rotor, chopper, filed tracker......$49,000 1989 CIH 1680 (SC) specialty rotor, no header.............................$30,000

SPAYERS 2012 CIH 4430 (SA) 120ft, luxury cab, aim command, viper pro monitor, autoboom, accuboom..........................................................................$330,000 2012 CIH 4430 (SC) 600hrs, 120ft, aim command, autoboom, lux cab, PRO700..............................................................................................$310,000 2011 CIH 4420 (SC) 650hrs, aim command, full auto steer, pro 600, accuboom, autoboom..........................................................................$295,000 2009 CIH 4420 (SC) 1400hrs, 120ft, full guidance, 650 floaters, aim, luxury cab.....................................................................................................$260,000 2010 JD 4830 (SC) 100ft, 1000 gal tank, full auto guidance.........$245,000 2011 CIH 3330 (SA) 100ft, pro 600, aim command, deluxe HID lighting, accuboom, 262 receiver......................................................................$239,900 2008 JD 4730 (SA) 100ft, 520 and 320 tires, 5-ways, fenders, 800 gal tank, swath pro................................................................................................$200,000 2005 JD 4720 (SA) 90ft, 800 gal tank, 2 sets of tires, autosteer, fence row nozzles................................................................................................$175,000 2008 NH 8204 floater (SA) 1800 gal, 85ft, 3 ways & 3 tips, 10” spacing...........................................................................................$155,000 2000 CIH 4260 (SC) 3175hrs, 90ft, single nozzles...........................$88,000 1996 Wilmar 745 (ES) powerglide, autoheight, 75ft, duals for rear, 500 gal.............................................................................................$35,000 2000 Spray Air 3200 (SC) suspended boom, foam, 90ft boom, 800 gal tank...................................................................................$14,900

Saskatoon (306) 934-3555 800-667-9761

Swift Current (306) 773-2951 800-219-8867

2011 Bourgault 3310 (SC) 75ft, 10” spacing, no MRB’s, 4.5 round semi-auto packers, duals, 591 monitor.......................................$305,000 2010 CIH ATX700 (SC) 60ft, ADX3430 tank, 10” spacing, double shoot, sideband................................................................................................$188,000 2008 Seed Hawk 60-12 Drill (SA) TBT JD1910, TBT 270BUH, 2000 gal TBH liquid, no quick pin............................................................$185,000 2005 Seed Hawk 63-10 (SA) TBT, double shoot, variable rate, 63FT, 10.5’, triple shoot, FC4350 tank....................................................$173,900 2009 NH Drill (LL) 60ft, 10” spacing, 550lbs trips, 3 1/2” steel packers, 430 bush.............................................................................$172,900 2007 Seed Hawk 65-10 (SA) 65ft, 10” spacing, dutch openers, double shoot, FC4350 tank.............................................................$169,000 2008 CIH ATX700 drill (SC) 70ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, TBT, 3430 TBT cart, 4.5” Steel Packers ...............................................$135,000 2002 Seed Hawk 6412 (ES) 64ft, 12” spacing, 2100 gal liquid cart, need pump for liquid, FC 3450 cart..............................................$125,000 2011 CIH SDX40 (SC) 40ft, 10” spacing, single shoot..........$115,000 2005 JD 1820 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, single run blockage, 430 buch tank...............................................................................................................$98,000 2007 New Holland 2060 (SC) 70ft, 12” spacing, 550lbs trips, 4.5” rubber packers, TBT 430 bushel cart................................................$89,000

2010 CIH ADX3430 (SC) 430 bushels, duals, double shoot, TBH.............$85,000 2000 Flexi-coil 5000 (SC) 57ft, 9” spacing, 3840 tank.........................$70,000 1996 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, D/S, 3 1/2” steel packers, 2000 5250 TB...................................................................$67,900 1999 Flexi-coil 5000 (SC) 45ft, 9” spacing, paired row, 2320 tank, 1/2” steel packers recapped...........................................................$65,000 2004 Morris Maxium II (SA) 49ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, 7240 TBT tank.................................................................................................$55,000

SWATHERS 2012 CIH WD1903 (SA) c/w DH362 header, upgraded cab, cold start......$140,000 2010 CIH WDX2303 (SA) upgrade cab, cold start, UII one piece p/u reel, double knife, DHX362 header............................................$135,000 2012 CIH WD1203 (SC) c/w DH362, cab&rear suspension, stnd cab, cold start pkg...........................................................................$135,000 2008 CIH WD1203 (SA) deluxe cab, cab suspension, case conf for DHX.......$105,000 2009 MacDon M200 (SC) 1000hrs, windrower, no header.......$98,000 2000 Masey Ferguson 220 Series II (SA) 30ft triple delivery.......$38,700 1194 Hesston 8100 (SC) 1602hrs, c/w 30ft U-ll p/u reel........$29,000

Lloydminster (306) 825-3434 800-535-0520

Estevan (306) 634-4788 866-659-5866

w w w . r e d h e a d e q u i p m e n t . c a





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2013 CHEV EXPRESS 2500 S.W.B. CARGO VAN 4.8 V-8, Auto O/D, AC, Rear Door Glass, DK. Grey, 24,573 km ...................... $26,995 2013 BUICK LACROSSE CX 4 DR 3.6 V-6, AutoO/D, Loaded, 8” Radio Screen with intellilink, 5 Pass., 18,992 km, DK. Grey ....... $27,995 2013 CHEV IMPALA LS 4 DR 3.6 V-6, Loaded, 5 Pass. Alum. Wheels, DK Grey, 23,201 km ........................................................... $19,995 2013 CHEV IMPALA LT 4 DR 3.6 V-6, Loaded, 17”Alum. Wheels, 5 Pass., White, 26,822 km ...................................................... $20,995 2012 CADILLAC ESCALADE EXT AWD 6.2 V8, Loaded, Nav, Sunroof, Boards, 22” Wheels, Diamond White, 16,571 km ........ $69,995 2012 CHEV TAHOE LT1 4WD 5.3 V-8, Loaded, Sunroof, DVD, 22” Wheels Chrome, 8 Pass, Black With Heated Ebony Leather ........ $49,995 2012 GMC YUKON XL-SLT 4WD 5.3 V-8, Loaded, 8 Pass., Leather, 1- Black, 1-Silver, 32-38,000 km ......................................... $44,995 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE CX AWD Loaded, Gold mist, 40,848 km .................................................................................... $36,995 2012 GMC WT CREW CAB 4X4 LWB 6.0L V-8, A-C-T, P.L., White with Ebony Cloth, 23,554 km ............................................... $38,995 2012 CADILLAC SRX LUXURY AWD V-6, Loaded, Sunroof, Rear Camera, Silver, 43,858 km ................................................... $37,995 2012 GMC WT CREW CAB 4X4 LWB 6.0L V-8, A-C-T, P.L., White with Ebony Cloth 23,554 km ................................................ $36,995 2012 CHEV LT 3/4 TON S/BOX CREW 4X4 6.0L V8, Auto, O/D, A-C-T, P.W., P.L, Keyless Entry, White, 29,337 km.................... $35,995 2012 CHEV TRAVERSE AWD 3.6 V-6, Loaded, 8 Pass., Black with Grey Cloth, 33,412 km ........................................................ $31,995 2012 CHEV MALIBU LS 4 DR. 4-Cyl. Auto, Loaded, 23,100 km, 1 Left ................................................................................... $14,995


2013 CHEV EQUINOX 1LT AWD Loaded, Silver, 5, 458 km $31,995 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL AWD 3.6 LV6, Loaded, CD Player, DVD, 7- Passenger, Leather, Silver, 17,524 km................................ $43,995 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE CX AWD 3.6L V6, Loaded, 7- Passenger, Leather, Gold, 40,848 km .................................................... $36,995 2011 CHEV AVALANCHE LTZ 4X4 Loaded, DVD, Navigation, Black, 16,891 km ........................................................................ $44,995



2011 CHEV AVALANCHE LTZ 4X4 5.3L V8 AutoO/D, Fully Loaded, Power Heated Seats, DVD, Sunroof, Silver, 27,841 km .............. $41,995 2011 CHEV EQUINOX LTZ AWD 2.4L, 4-Cyl, Loaded, White, 31,753 km .................................................................................... $28,995 2011 CHEV EQUINOX 2LT AWD 2.4L, 4-Cyl, Loaded, Leather, Mocha, Steel, 10,382 km .................................................... $28,995 2011 GMC TERRAIN FWD 2.4L, 4-Cyl, Loaded, Silver, 40,133 km .................................................................................... $24,995 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLE1 AWD 4-Cyl, Loaded, White, 23,300 km .................................................................................... $24,995 2010 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL AWD 3.6L V6, Loaded, 7- Passenger, Leather, Goldmist, 82,733 km............................................... $32,995 2010 TOYOTA VENZA AWD Loaded, Grey, 40,011 km ....... $26,995 2010 HYUNDAI SANTA FE SPORT 3.5 LV6, Loaded, Sunroof, Grey, 87,035 km ........................................................................ $21,995 2010 CHEV EQUINOX LS AWD 2.4L 4-Cyl, Loaded, Black, 81,671 km ........................................................................ $19,995 2009 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL AWD 3.6L V6, Loaded, 7- Passenger, White, 108,011 km ............................................................. $28,995 2009 CHEV AVALANCHE 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Power Heated/ Cooled Seats, Sunroof, Leather, Black, 125,114 km ................. $27,995 2009 BUICK ENCLAVE AWD 3.6L V6, Loaded, DVD, Sunroof, Leather, Black, 104,458 km ............................................................. $25,995 2009 BUICK ENCLAVE CX AWD Loaded, Silver, 122,879 km .................................................................................... $22,995 2009 CHEV TRAVERSE LS FWD 3.6L V6, Loaded, DK Cherry, 119,205 km ...................................................................... $18,995 2009 DODGE JOURNEY RT AWD V6, Loaded, Tan, 108,887 km .................................................................................... $16,995 2008 CHEV AVALANCHE LTZ 4X4 Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Blue, 66,300 km ........................................................................ $28,995 2008 GMC YUKON XLS LT 4X4 5.3LV8, Loaded, DVD, Sunroof, 8Passenger, Leather, DKRed, 123,617 km ............................... $27,995 2008 GMC YUKON SLT 4X4 Fully Loaded, 20”Rims, 8- Passenger, Boards, Sunroof, Grey Leather, White, 153,055 km .................. $24,995 2008 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD 3.6L V6, Loaded, 7- Passenger, Leather, Brown, 128,551 km ................................................ $23,995 2008 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD 3.6L V6, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Dk Crimson, 138,362 km ......................................................... $22,995


2008 GMC ACADIA SLE FWD 3.6L V6, Loaded, 8 Passenger, White, 144,235 km ...................................................................... $16,995 2008 CHEV EQUINOX LS AWD 3.4L V6, Loaded, Silver, 134,006 km ...................................................................... $13,995 2007 CHEV AVALANCHE LTZ 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, 20”Rims, Sunroof, Leather, Gold, 146,945 km ...................................... $19,995 2007 MITSUBISHI ENDEAVOR SE V6, Loaded, Sunroof, Gold, 93,482 km ....................................................................... .$17,995 2007 CHEV AVALANCHE LT 4X4 5.3L V8, AutoO/D, Fully Loaded, Buckets Seats, Power Seat, Touch 4 X4, Silver, 140,600 km..... $16,995 2006 HUMMER H3 4X4 5-Cyl, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Black, 150,235 km ...................................................................... $18,995


2012 GMC SIERRA 3/4T CREW CAB 4X4 L/BOX 6.0L V8, Loaded, White, 23,554 km ................................................... $36,995 2011 GMC SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 Loaded, Leather, Silver, 39,437 km ........................................................................ $37,995 2012 GMC SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Heated/ Cooled Seats, Sunroof, Leather, Mocha Steel, 23,997 km ......... $35,995 2012 GMC SIERRA SLT EXT CAB 4X4 Loaded, Heated Seats, Leather, Black, 53,785 km ................................................... $34,995 2011 CHEV SILVERADO LTZ CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Leather, White, 59,499 km .................................................. .$34,995 2011 FORD F150 LARIAT CREW CAB 4X4 5.0L V8, Loaded, Heated/Cooled Seats, DK Grey, 21,688 km ............................ $34,995 2011 GMC SIERRA CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Red 43,526 km ...................................................... $33,995 2011 GMC SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 5.3 LV8, Loaded, Power Heated Seats, Sunroof, Leather, White, 59,032 km ................... $33,995 2011 GMC SIERRA SLT EXT CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Power Heated Seats, Leather. Red .49,245 km ................................. $29,995 2010 GMC SIERRA 3/4T CREW CAB 4X4 6.0L V8, Loaded, Black, 155,491 km ...................................................................... $23,995 2010 CHEV CHEYENNE CREW CAB 4X4 4.8 LV8, Loaded, Silver ................................................................................. $21,995 2010 GMC SIERRA SLE CREW CAB 4X4 5.3 LV8, Loaded, Red, 143,419 km ............................................................... $21,995

2009 CHEV SILVERADO LT 3/4T CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L Duramax Diesel, Loaded, Silver, 94,743 km ......................................... $37,995 2009 CHEV SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Red, 62,689 km ........................................................................ $24,995 2009 CHEV SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Silver, 121,762 km ...................................................................... $23,995 2009 CHEV SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 6.0L Hybrid, Loaded, Silver, 90,187 km ............................................................... $21,995 2009 GMC SIERRA CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, AutoO/D, Fully Loaded, CD Player, Power Seat, Aluminum Wheels, Red, 125,584 km .................................................................................... $21,995 2009 CHEV SILVERADO LT EXT CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Silver, 145,201 km ...................................................................... $17,995 2008 DODGE RAM SLT 1-TON MEGA CAB 4X4 DUALLY S/BOX 6.7L Diesel, Loaded, Sunroof, Black, 123,028 km .................. $35,995 2008 GMC SIERRA SLT 3/4T CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L D/Max, Loaded, Power Heated Seats, Sunroof, Leather, Black, 157,560 km .................................................................................... $29,995 2008 CHEV SILVERADO 3/4T EXT CAB 4X4 6.0L V8, Loaded, Red, 108,412 km ............................................................... $22,995 2008 GMC SIERRA SLE CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Power Seats, Stealth Grey, 139,792 km ........................................... $19,995 2007 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB 4X4 5.7L V8, Loaded, Power Heated Seats, Leather, Black, 68,995 km .......................................... $19,995 2007 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 5.4L V8, Loaded, Brown, 134,226 km ...................................................................... $17,995 2006 DODGE RAM SPORT SLT CREW CAB 4X4 5.7L Hemi, Loaded, White 144,244 km ................................................. $16,995


2009 CHEV UPLANDER LS 3.9L V6, Loaded, Silver, 91,568 km ...................................................................................... $8,995 2008 CHEV UPLANDER LT2 EXT Auto O/D, Fully Loaded, CD Player, Bucket Seats, Power Seat, Power Door, 7- Passenger, White, 123,890 km ........................................................................ $9,995 2006 PONTIAC MONTANA EXT 3.5L V6, Loaded, Silver, 136, 815km ................................................................................ $9,995

Rebates to Dealer

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Email: contactus@watrousmainline.com

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WATROUS MAINLINE MOTORS! GM’s 1(: '($/6 (9(17 2013 2500 HD EXT. & CREW CAB 4X4S 20 - 2013 CHEV & GMC 2500 HD EXT & CREW CAB 4X4S. With Duramax Diesels. Starting at Stock #D1024 ..................................$53,995

2007 GMC YUKON 4X4 5.3 LV8, Loaded, 9-passenger, Sandstone, 338,785 km ...................... $8,995 2006 LINCOLN MARK LT Loaded, Leather, Silver, 173,682 km ...............................................$17,995 2006 CHEV TRAILBLAZER LS 4X4 4.2L 6-Cyl, Loaded, 7-Passenger, Sandrift, 177,550 km...... $9,995 2004 GMC YUKON XL 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Power Heated Seats, Leather, White, 236,543 km ......$13,995


2008 CHEV TRAILBLAZER LT Fully Loaded, 6 Disc CD, Alum. Wheels, Sunroof, White, 165,117 km $12,995 2008 CHEV HHR LS 2.2L 4-Cyl, Loaded, Silver, 181,316 km. ................................................ $5,995


2013 CHEV AVALANCHE 4 DR. CREW 4WD LTZ 5.3 V-8, Loaded, Sunroof, DVD, 20� Wheels, Diamond White with Ebony Leather MSRP $66,900 ................. Sale Price $58,995 2013 CHEV AVALANCHE 4 DR. CREW 4WD LS Loaded, Black with Ebony Cloth MSRP $50,335 ................. Sale Price $43,995

2013 REG. CABS 2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 2WD REG CAB W.T. 4.3 V-6, A-C-T, 5 in stock. Starting at stock #D1031 MSRP $29,205 ................. Sale Price $22,995 0%-72 MONTHS 4-MORE with 4.8 V-8 starting stock #D1073 ...........................$25,995 2013 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 S/BOX 4X4 LT 5.3 V-8, Loaded, Black MSRP $43,075 ................. Sale Price $36,995 10-2013 CHEV & GMC 1500 REG LWB 4X4S Starting at stock #D1090. ......................$23,995 0%-72 MONTHS


2008 DODGE RAM SLT 1-TON QUAD CAB 4X4 6.7L Diesel, Loaded, DK Grey, 184,375 km ....$27,995 2007 GMC SIERRA CREW CAB 4X4 W/G FX 5.3L V8, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, White, 220,954 km .............................................................$17,995 2007 GMC SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L D/Max Diesel, Loaded, Power Heated Seats, Lt Grey Leather, White, 292,292 km ..........................$16,995 2007 CHEV SILVERADO LTZ EXT CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Power Heated Seats, Grey Leather, White, 209,162 km ...............................................$14,995 2006 DODGE RAM 3/4T CREW CAB 4X4 5.9L Diesel, Loaded, Grey, 319,279 km .................$19,995 2006 GMC SIERRA EXT CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Dk Grey, 168,655 km...................................$14,995

2004 NISSAN MURANO SL AWD Loaded, Sunroof, Black, 175,854 km ........................................ $9,995 2003 GMC YUKON AWD 5.3L V8, Loaded, 6-Passenger, Silver,2 18,709 km ................................$11,995 1995 FORD EXPLORER XL 4X4 CD Player, Dk Red, 234,915 km ................................................. $3,995 1993 BUICK ROADMASTER 4 DR RWD 5.7 LV8, Loaded, Dk Red, 112,063 km ......................... $6,995


2006 FORD F350 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 6.0L Diesel, White, 225,061 km ......................................$14,995 2005 DODGE RAM SLT CREW CAB 4X4 5.7L V8, Loaded, Grey, 237,655 km ............................. $9,995 2004 CHEV SILVERADO 3/4T CREW CAB W/GFX 6.6L Duramax Diesel, Loaded, 2� Lift, Charcoal, 177,700 km .............................................................$24,995 2003 CHEV SILVERADO EXT CAB 4X4 4.8L V8, Pewter, 271,632 km....................................... $6,995



10 - 2013 CHEV & GMC 1500 EXT. CAB 4X4S. Starting at stock #D1095. 0% 72 mos. ...............................................$30,995 20 - 2013 CHEV & GMC 1500 CREW CAB 4X4S, SLTS, LTZS, SLE, OT, Z71 PLIS GFX PKGS, X31 with 6.2 V8. ALL TERRAIN PKGS & DENALIS IN STOCK!! 0% FOR 72 MOS. PHONE FOR PRICES!! 1995 GMC SIERRA SL EXT CAB 4X4 Gold, 247,914 km ................................................. $2,995

USED 3/4 TONS & 4X4S

1998 GMC SIERRA 4X4 5.7L V8, White, 180,289 km.... ........................................................... $5,995


2012 CHEV SILVERADO LT 2500 HD 4WD CREW CAB Duramax Diesel, Loaded, Silver with Ebony Cloth. MSRP $66,120........................... Sale Price $52,995

2013 1500 EXT. CAB 4X4S & CREW CAB 4X4S

2013 KENWORTH T370 350 H.P. DIESEL Allison Auto, Fully Loaded, Air Susp., 8.5’X20�X65� Cim Ultracel Box, Hoist, Electric Tarp, Remote Controls .............................................$129,995 2012 KENWORTH T370 11,422 km.$119,995 2008 GMC TOPKICK C8500 TANDEM 7.8L Isuzu, 6-cyl, White/DK Green, 19,545 km.$94,995 1999 GMC C7500 TOPKICK 427 V8, 5&2 Transmission, A/C, 12’ Deck, White, 118,060 km, New Motor ...........................................$15,995



2012 CHEV CRUZE LS 4 DR. 4 Cyl., Auto., 1-Ice Blue Metallic, 1-Silver Ice Metallic ....$12,955

72// )5((



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SET YOUR SIGHTS ON A NEW HORIZON The Horizon™ cab on New Holland 100 to 195 PTO HP T7 Series tractors is the place to go for more space, better visibility and top-of-the-line comfort. The award-winning Sidewinder™ II armrest glides forward and back to adjust to a perfect position for every operator. It includes the CommandGrip™ multi-function controller for easy fingertip control and the clear information of the IntelliView™ III touch-screen monitor. Other benefits of the Horizon cab include: . 69.6 DECIBELS –THE QUIETEST CAB IN ITS CLASS WIDE DOORS – OPEN WIDE AND CLOSE EASILY RIGHT FROM THE SEAT CUSTOM HEADLAND MANAGEMENT – EFFORTLESS HEADLAND TURNS BEST-IN-CLASS WORKLIGHT PACKAGES ©2012 CNH America LC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.


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PB2864 2011 Bourgault 6550 $135,000 CASH

N21692A 1994 Versatile 9880 $77,000

N22107A 2011 New Holland SP.365F $328,000

PN2670A 2008 New Holland BR7090 $23,000 CASH

B22011A 2010 Bourgault 6550 $119,000

N21692B 1997 Versatile 9882 $115,000

PN3027A 2010 Ag-Chem Rogator 1386 $322,000

B21677D 1999 Bourgault 5710 $38,500 CASH

HR3086A 2001 Flexi-Coil 5000 $60,000 CASH

N21688A 1991 Versatile 946 $42,000

N21884A 2010 Miller G-75 $219,000

H21208B 1996 John Deere 930R $7,400 CASH

HR2983A 1998 Morris Maxim II $59,900

HN2905B 1995 John Deere 8870 $79,000

PN3063A 2010 Miller G-40 $200,000

HN2395B 1973 Massey Ferguson 1105 $10,000 CASH

HR2983B 1986 Bourgault FH-546-52 $15,900

HN3027A 2009 New Holland T9060 $265,000

HN2775C 1997 Bourgault 1850 $13,900

HN2911C 1993 New Holland TR96 $13,900 CASH

HR3113A 2001 Bourgault 5710 $59,900

HN2989C 1994 New Holland 8670 $39,995

N21753A 2012 New Holland SP.275R $315,000

HN2642B 1997 New Holland TR98 $32,500 CASH

PB2965A 2011 Bourgault 3310PHD $355,000 CASH

HN3227A 2012 New Holland T9.670 HD $345,000

N21752A 2012 New Holland SP.365F $351,500

B21671C 2001 John Deere 1900 $36,000 CASH

B21706D 2003 Morris Maxim II $54,000 CASH

C22027 Agco White 8710 $46,000

HN3185A 2005 Flexi-Coil SF115 $17,600

B21671B 2001 John Deere 1810 $19,000 CASH

PB2608A 1996 Bourgault 5710 $60,000

PN2630A New Holland TM190 $96,000

KK21451A 1999 Apache 790 $66,000 CASH

PW2723C 1994 Honey Bee SP30 $11,000 CASH

PB2932A 2011 Bourgault 3310 PHD $150,000

S21962B 1999 New Holland TV140 $55,000

KK21601A 2010 Miller 4240 $245,000 CASH

PN2672A 2006 New Holland BR780A $17,500 CASH

PB2966A 2010 Bourgault 3310 PHD $220,000 CASH

N21668A 2009 New Holland TT75 $21,000

N21758A 2005 Spra-Coupe 4650 $77,000 CASH

PS2919A 2005 Unverferth 8280 $29,500 CASH

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SAGEBRUSH TRAIL RIDES. Writing-OnStone. Register June 28th. Ride- June 29 and 30th, July 1 and 2. Earl Westergreen 403-529-7597, Les O’Hara 403-867-2360. www.sagebrushtrailrides.com


EXOTIC BIRD AND ANIMAL Sale, Indian Head, SK, skating rink, Sunday, April 21, 11:00 AM. Spectators and all exotic birds and animals welcome. Lunch available. To consign call Yvonne 306-347-1068. For information call Gord 306-695-2184.

JUNIOR STEER RIDING SCHOOL, Fort. Qu’Appelle, SK, April 27th and 28th, Beginner to Advanced. Tuition $230. $100 deposit by April 22. Contact Dale Claypool, 306-775-2709, cell 306-529-9391 or Shylo WANTED: ENERGETIC WORKING partner Claypool, 306-695-3600, Regina, SK. to work with existing White-tail deer ranch. Must be self-motivated and passhylo_c@yahoo.ca sionate about working with White-tail deer. Excellent deer facility and handling shoots already in place. Open to ideas on WANTED: NYLON HARNESS for 1500 lb. growth and future developments. If you are interested please contact Jim, team. 306-283-4687, Langham, SK. 306-332-3955, jim.whbp@sasktel.net Fort WANTED: HEAVY WAGONS, sleighs and Qu’Appelle, SK. every type of horse drawn implement(s). BUYING: ELK and White-tailed hard horn Harness and tack. Homesteading with antler. 306-799-4305, Briercrest, SK, email horses. Steve 780-466-4418, Edmonton. aj@hartlanddeer.com

FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS, up to 30’, made from 2-3/8” oilfield pipe. Square bale feeders, any size. Can build other things. Elkhorn, MB. 204-851-6423, 204-845-2188, 204-851-6714.

MORAND INDUSTRIES Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!

1-800-582-4037 www.morandindustries.com

HORSE COLLARS, all sizes, steel and aluminum horseshoes. We ship anywhere. Keddie’s, 1-800-390-6924 or keddies.com

ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: If you ALL METAL CARTS, 1” tubing, seats 2, mo- have elk to supply to market, give AWAPt o r c y c l e w h e e l s o r s k i s , $ 7 0 0 . C a l l CO a call today. No marketing fees. Nonmembers welcome. info@wapitiriver.com 306-561-7823, Davidson, SK. or 780-980-7589. GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers of leather and nylon harness. Custom sad- NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for dles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you www.georgesharnessandsaddlery.com Call have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaran780-663-3611, Ryley, AB. teed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING School. 780-576-2756, Newbrook, AB. www.rodssaddlemakingschool.com KIDDING SUPPLIES CATALOGUE free upon request. Cee-Der Sheep Products, Box 1364, Lethbridge, AB. T1J 4K1. Phone 403-327-2242, email: ceeder1@telus.net

RIDEAU AND RIDEAU/Charolais cross, 135 ewes and 145 ewe lambs due for lambing Apr- July. 780-352-4417 Falun AB

120 EWES, 2-6 yrs. old, exposed to PB Dorper rams from Jan. 17 to Feb. 24. Healthy, good looking flock, $300. 35 Katahdin/Dorper lambs for sale, $250. 306-401-7498, Carrot River, SK. 1100 BIG BITE Haybuster, asking $15,000 OBO. 403-740-6500, Stettler, AB. LAMBING SUPPLIES CATALOGUE free upon request. Cee-Der Sheep Products, MOLE HILL DESTROYER in stock, 40’ and Box 1364, Lethbridge, AB. T1J 4K1. Phone 50’ units. 12’ 3 PTH units. Limited supply available for spring delivery. Financing 403-327-2242, email: ceeder1@telus.net OAC . F o r m o r e i n fo 3 0 6 - 5 4 2 - 7 3 2 5 , 10 CLUN FOREST ewe lambs, from easy www.molehilledestroyer.com Kamsack SK lambers, good mothers, exposed to ram H E AV Y D U T Y 2 4 ’ PA N E L S , W I N D lamb since Dec. 3/12. Glynn Brooks, Leth- BREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and bridge, AB. 403-327-2242. more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, or RIDEAU ARCOTT, Charolais and Canadian email jchof@platinum.ca Rimbey, AB. Arcott ewe lambs, exposed to Ile De NET WRAP! NET WRAP! NET WRAP! Top France ram, due to start lambing May 1st. quality net wrap. Fully guaranteed. Book $225/ea. 403-834-3400, Irvin, AB. before April 1 to get best pricing, deferred payment and free delivery. Also ask about twine and silage plastic. We will save you $$$. Call 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. www.norheimranching.com SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers LUCKNOW 2150 silage/feed mixer, single extension, marketing services and a full screw mixer, low and high gearbox, scale. l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . $10,000 OBO. 306-863-4367, Star City, SK. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. TRUCK MOUNTED AND pull type manure spreaders, forage boxes, feeder boxes, farm trailers. 65 years manufacturing experience. Call 403-580-6889, Bow Island, AB. machinerydave@yahoo.ca Visit: www.meyermfg.com Dealers wanted. BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest 1000- 5800 GAL. livestock trough systems available. Manufactured with F.D.A. and $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com food grade approved polyethylene, 3 yr. warranty. 306-253-4343, 1-800-383-2228. WANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com REG. AND PUREBRED Large English Black boars and gilts for sale. Call 403-783-5159 Ponoka, AB.


AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No elecLOOKING FOR A HAMPSHIRE boar, out- tricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 door preferably. Call 780-926-2708, High ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882, www.kellnsolar.com Level, AB. NH 358 GRINDER mixer c/w power bale feeder, stored inside, exc. cond; Rancher’s Welding HD 3 bale feeder; 8’, 14’ and 16’ coral gates. 306-528-4408, Nokomis, SK. HIQUAL SQUEEZE for sale, like new, used very little, paid $7000, asking $3500. CHECK OUT NEW listing of breeds and 780-539-1134, Grande Prairie, AB. prices www.bergshatchery.com For your nearest agent call us at 204-773-2562, FREESTANDING CORRAL PANELS, 21’ and 24’, 5- or 6- bar, light, medium or Russell, MB. heavy duty. Also continuous fence line panels to mount on posts. Plus bison panels. Take a look at our heavy duty round bale feeders, w/skirted-in bottom, for $459. 10’ panels, 5-bar, $69; 6-bar $79. All panels w/chain and slot connectors. Ask about quantity discounts on some items. Jack Taylor 1-866-500-2276 days or eves, for pics www.affordablebarns.com

Quick a n d Efficie n t Ha y Proce s s in g • The fre e -s ta n d in g, s in gle -a u ge rd e s ign a llo w s fo ra qu ic k a n d e ffic ie n tha y pro c e s s in g a s w e ll a s fa s t, thro u gh c le a n o u t. • Thre e a d ju s ta b le high/lo w po s itio n ha y s to ps pro vid e m u ltiple s e ttin gs fo ru s e in high ha y ra tio n s fo rfa s te ra n d thro u gh ha y pro c e s s in g. • The ha y-re te n tio n rin g a llo w s the m ixe r to ru n fa s te rd u rin g pro c e s s in g a n d s ign ific a n tly re d u c e s ha y s pilla ge . • The n o n -C V s he a r-b o ltpro te c te d PTO d rive pro te c ts the m ixe rd rive fro m s ho c k w he n pro c e s s in g ha y a n d o the r he a vy lo a d s . • The right-s id e d is c ha rge is m o re c o n ve n ie n tto vie w the c o n ve yo rw hile u s in g the tra c to rc o n tro ls w hile the d o o r a rm lin ka ge a llo w s fo ra la ge rd is c ha rge d o o ro pe n in g. Ava ila b le a t:

N ic k ’s S e rvic e Em era ld P a rk, S K.

306- 78 1- 1077

STEEL VIEW MFG: 30’ portable wind breaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. HIGHLINE BALE SHREDDER, new knives/ flails/ belts, shedded, exc. cond., $17,500 OBO. Call 306-432-4803, Lipton, SK.

RENN 1380 FEEDER/MIXER wagon, vg cond., 4 HD augers, hyd. unloading gate, chain discharge, 4 cell scale, Mix-Weigh programable scale head, plank extensions sides and rear, extra high metal frony extension, 1000 PTO w/CV joint, 16.5x22.5 tires. Included is a spare rebuilt planetary drive ready for installation, $16,000. Contact evenings 780-387-5450, Millet, AB. PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now available with a neck extender. Phone 306-796-4508, email: ple@sasktel.net website: www.paysen.com

Cra te S ca le s ta tio n a ry & p o rta b le Pla tfo rm S ca le S evera l s izes to cho o s e fro m (n o electrics )

WILL THE LADY named Pat that replied to Box 5563, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK., S7K 2C4 please send your contact info. to me so I can reply back. Ba le S ca le Ho pper Feed er w ith S ca le, 3-p t., trk. m t. o r tra iler, hyd . m o to r o r elec.

W ill As s is t 306- 445 - 2 111 W ith North Ba ttleford , S a s k. S h ippin g W ebsite:w w w.elia s s ca les .com

STADIUM CUPS ARE the perfect souvenir for your grad, event, wedding. etc . www.stadiumcups.ca Montrose, BC.

GRAIN TROUGHS, 30’ c/w skids, made of conveyor belting and pipe, $700/each. 306-538-4685, 306-736-7146 Kennedy, SK NORHEIM RANCHING has livestock handling equipment. Self-unloading hay trailers, freestanding panels, gates, chutes, steel fence, feeders and more. Top quality products. Call today, we will save you money! 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. www.norheimranching.com SILVER STREAM SHELTERS. Super Spring Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black steel, $4700; 30x70 dbl. truss P/R, $6995; 38x100 dbl. truss P/R, $11,900; 42x100 dbl. truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738, silverstreamshelters.com FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No power required to heat or pump. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. www.frostfreenosepumps.com MANURE SPREADERS: JD 780, $7000; New Idea 3634, $4000; H&S 400, $2500; Meyers 550, w/extensions, modified for poultry, horse, sheep manure, $11,900; Roller Mills: Henke 36”, $5000; Champion 20”, $2000; Harsh 350 feed cart, $6000. 866-938-8537 zettlerfarmequipment.com

QUINOA PRODUCTION CONTRACTS now available. Call Northern Quiona 306-542-3949, Kamsack, SK.

BISON SQUEEZE and box control alley for sale, used very little, like new condition. 306-290-9518, Saskatoon, SK.

WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2

HIGHLINE 7000 BALE processor, left-hand discharge, hyd. discharge, twine cutter, vg, $5500 OBO. 306-423-5448, Domremy, SK.

M&M ORGANIC MARKETING is buying milling oats and the following feed grains: wheat, flax, oats, peas, soy beans, lentils, barley. 204-379-2451, St. Claude, MB.

Toll Free


WIDOWED WM, central SK. I would like to share my life with a senior lady. I live on a farm, very good home. NS, SD, financially secure, good health. Photo appreciated. Please reply: Box 5572, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. SK 2C4. 46 YR. OLD SWM 6’, 195 lbs., blue eyes and very attractive, NS and social drinker. Never been married and have no kids. Operate a large grain farm in eastern Sask. and am seeking an attractive female between 35 and 45. Interests include restoring old cars and some travelling in winter. Prefer someone with a farming background. Please reply with a recent photo. Box 5570, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4.

PRO-CERT ORGANIC CERTIFICATION. Canadian family owned. No Royalties! Ph. 306-382-1299 or visit www.pro-cert.org SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER The only way it works! In-person interORGANIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION views March 27th-28th in Regina and Sasof Manitoba Cooperative (OPAM) Non- katoon. Membership $700 plus taxes. 18 profit, member owned organic certification years experience. Have matched thoubody. Certifying producers, processor and sands of people! Camelot Introductions, brokers since 1988, Miniota, MB. Contact www.camelotintroductions.com or call 204-567-3745, info@opam-mb.com 204-888-1529 to book your appointECOCERT CANADA organic certification ment with an award winning Matchmaker! for producers, processors and brokers. Call the western office 306-665-9072, Saskatoon, SK, www.ecocertcanada.com

2001 INT. 9200i 6x4 manure truck and 3-axle pup c/w silage ext., C12, 46K rear, 3-way lockers, 18 spd., 414,000 kms, $68,500 OBO. Foothill Farms Fort Macleod, AB. 403-553-4290, Henk: 403-315-3969.


BRANDON, MB. AREA farmer wishes to meet slim fit lady in 50’s for meaningful relationship. Box 5573, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C4.

COUNTRY BORN and raised SWM 35, seeks family oriented, hard working, driven SWF of Catholic faith, for friendship and marriage. countrystronglove7@gmail.com

2- NH 3118 side slinger manure spreaders, great for compost and liquid product, 427 cu. ft. or 3100 gal. capacity, $8000 each OBO. 780-818-9414, Edmonton, AB.

CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK, rbaumann@ocia.org, www.ocia.org

10,000 BUSHELS of durum organic seed, bin run or cleaned, high protein, germination tested, no fusarium. 306-501-4406, PORTABLE PANELS 30’ freestanding 3- Milestone, SK. bar windbreak frames, 5-bar, 4-bar panels w/wo double hinge gates and more. On LOOKING FOR feed wheat, rye, barley, farm welding. Oxbow, SK., 306-485-8559, oats and screenings. Call Pristine Prairie 306-483-2199. Organics, 204-522-0842, Pipestone, MB. HYDRAULIC ELECTRIC FENCE roller. BEST COOKING PULSES accepting samples Phone: 306-567-4717, Davidson, SK. of org. green/yellow peas for 2012/2013 crop year. Matt 306-586-7111, Rowatt, SK

AVAILABLE BACHELORETTE. I am 60, 5’8”, 131 lbs. I know, I do not look it, but I strongly believe in that beauty is about the inside as much as the outside. I’m an ole fashioned lady. My husband’s passing was a shock to all of us, but after 6 years, I’m ready to find love. My family is involved in oil, grain and cattle. I have a home in Florida and a cabin up north for fishing and hunting. The grandkids love the outdoors and for 3 weeks out of the year, we just enjoy each others company. I’m a great cook, everyone one asks for seconds. Grandma can I have some more. I’m affectionate, slim and enjoy a man’s company very much. Matchmakers Select, photos profiles, guaranteed service, Est. 13 years, customized memberships, thorough screening process. 1-888-916-2824. wwww.selectintroductions.com Many ladies available all ages, nationalities, occupations, divorced, separated, never married alone, lonely single. COUNTRY INTRODUCTIONS is congratulating my latest matches. Will travel to interview you personally. Check out the Shaw Direct interview on my website www.countryintroductions.com Call Cheryl 1-877-247-4399.

Magnum Texas Gates

See us at Northlands Farm & Ranch Show April 4th-6th “Energy-free watering solution to conservation grazing & feeding summer or winter”

www.FrostfreeNosepumps.com FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK.

C A N A D I A N H E R I TAG E B R E E D S . C O M Farm Sale, May 25, Red Deer Westerner Park. Poultry, waterfowl, sheep, goats, swine, Ag related supplies, farm antiques. Vendor inquires and sale info. contact Liz Munro 403-391-8697, Red Deer, AB.


3- 30x60’ SPECIAL OCCASION tents, white canvas, some with cathedral windows, $25,000 for all. 306-736-2445, Kipling, SK.

YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For your livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346.

BRED GILTS, some are showing, your pick, $325. 306-436-4666 leave message, Milestone, SK.


CATTLE SHELTER PACKAGES. Package sizes starting at 30’x36’ for as low as $4935 or $7635 set up. 1-800-667-4990 www.warmanhomecentre.com SUPERIOR BALE FEEDERS the only cost JD 550 TA manure spreader, $5500; NH effective feeder on the market. For info go 795 manure spreader, $7250. Both field to superiorbalefeeders.ca or call your local ready. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. dealer 1-866-690-7431 or 250-567-8731, Fort Fraser, BC. Quality is priceless, if it 1997 HIGHLINE 6800 bale processor, $4500. Ph. Colin 306-558-2063, Piapot, SK doesn’t say Superior, it isn’t.

cts Produ st a That L


MAGNUM FABRICATING LTD. Maple Creek, SK Ph: 306-662-2198

L IM ITED K A M UT CO N TRA CTS AV A I L A B L E N O W CAL L 1 -30 6-869-2926 w w w .p hso rg a n ics.co m

NEW AND USED ROLLER MILLS, PTO or electric. Call Stan at 306-682-4347 or 306-231-3439 cell, Humboldt, SK. JOHN DEERE 750 mix mill, shedded, excellent, $5500. Phone: 306-567-4717, Davidson, SK. GREG’S WELDING: 30’ freestanding heavy duty fence panels and windbreaks; Also WANTED: 15 TO 25 certified organic calf shelters and custom gates, etc. Deliv- 100% grass fed yearling feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. Call 250-308-8351, Lumby, BC. ery avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK ARROW FARMQUIP LIVESTOCK handling CURRENTLY BUYING ALL CLASSES of solutions. Solar West. Port. windbreaks. CERTIFIED ORGANIC cattle. Call Bryce at Custom built panels and gates. Phone Pristine Prairie Organics, 204-522-0842, Pipestone, MB. 1-866-354-7655, Mossbank, SK.

REG. GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, solid blacks, ready to go March 10, $2000. References required. Call 250-627-7171, kmacgreg@citytel.net Prince Rupert, BC.

NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS, first shots, $375. 306-862-3064, Nipawin, SK. or leave message at 306-862-5672.



PYRENEES/ BURNESE, born in August. Three males, three females, with shots. Phone 306-648-7535, Gravelbourg, SK.

MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK.

NEW ZEALAND HEADING DOG pups, exc. working dogs out of proven parents, $400. 306-558-2099, Maple Creek, SK. LASSIE BORDER COLLIE pups, born Jan. 28, farm raised, great pets, ready to work, $200. Ph Brendon 306-225-5720, Osler, SK PB BORDER COLLIE, tri-color, 10 months old, started training w/sheep, working parents, $1250. 403-783-6518, Ponoka, AB COYOTE OR WOLF problems on your farm? Sarplaninac 5 mo. old male pups, strong guarding qualities, good work ethics, amazing livestock guardians, exc. personal protection dogs. Call 204-638-7580, Dauphin, MB. PUREBRED SPRINGER SPANIEL puppies from working parents, liver and white, tails docked, wormed, vaccinated, ready to go, $200. Call 403-995-2208, Okotoks, AB. KUVASZ/PYRENEES PUP, 1 male, born August, farm raised. Phone 403-502-9470, Medicine Hat, AB. PYRENEES/ ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD/ Komondor cross- pups to 2 yr. olds, raised w/livestock. 780-524-3350, Valleyview, AB AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS from working bloodlines, parents are reg., red and blue merles, black tri’s and bi’s, $400 each. Call for info. 306-782-5852, Yorkton, SK.

SMART SPACIOUS STYLISH affordable Canadian built modular homes. 9’ ceilings now available. www.craigshomesales.com or call toll free 1-855-380-2266. 2001 SRI 16x80, 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, c e n t r a l a i r. To b e m ove d . $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 . TURTLE LAKE, SK. Large lakefront lot 306-482-3829, Carnduff, SK. with new cottage, not finished inside, big enough for 4 bdrms., 2 baths, 24’x68’, all glass front overlooking lake, 2 car garage. 2009 14x48, 1 bdrm, 1 bath; 2012 14x66, 2 bdrm, 2 bath; 2012 24x52, 3 Alphonse: 306-845-8130 or 306-845-3312. bdrm, 2 bath. All in new park 12 kms south OWN A LAKE COMMUNITY at Horseshoe of Golden, BC. 780-718-8243. Bay, Turtle Lake, NW SK. Single allotment of 87 individually titled lots, all currently BLOWOUT PRICED! Last SRI 2011 show leased, and 2 undeveloped acreage parcels homes, 3 and 4 bdrms, 2 baths, 20’x76’, for tender. www.horseshoebayestate.ca or 1520 sq. ft. Bonus: delivery included, free vernmcclelland@remax.net 306-821-0611 skirting, over range microwave. Call now! Re/Max of Lloydminster. Serious investor D y n a m i c H o m e s , 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 4 1 - 4 4 2 2 , inquiries only please. www.dynamicmodular.ca Red Deer, AB. TO BE MOVED: 1981 SRI 14x64’ w/12’x12’ porch, new: windows, skirting and metal 1126 SQ. FT. new 3 bdrm., 2 baths, 803 roof. Five appliances, some furniture, Weisdorf Place, Warman, SK. $341,000 $15,000 OBO. 403-742-4867, Stettler, AB. taxes in. Call 1-866-933-9595 or www.warmanhomes.ca to view floor plan. WANTED TO PURCHASE: good used 14’ 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Village of Cupar, a n d 1 6 ’ w i d e m o b i l e h o m e s . C a l l SK. Nat. gas, town water and sewer, quick 306-249-2222, Saskatoon, SK. sale, $25,000. 250-672-9341, Barriere, BC. NEW MODULER HOMES, Canadian built WARMAN HOMES LOTS for sale in Lang- by Moduline, 16x60, $68,900. 20x76, ham, SK, or Warman Legends or South- $96,900. New sales lot opening soon in lands, www.warmanhomes.ca to view or Yorkton, SK. www.affordablehomesales.ca call 1-866-933-9595 or call 306-496-7538, 1-888-699-9280. 2005 MODULINE HOME to be moved, 20’x76’, 4 bdrm, 2 baths, $80,000. 306-457-7500, Stoughton, SK.

USED MOTOROLA VHF 2-way radios, 1 yr. warranty, small, exc. shape, $250. Also new Vertex radios. Antennas and WISETON, SK, 3 bdrm, 2-1/2 bath, 3 car radio repairs. Phone Glenn, Future garage house on double lot, 1900 sq. ft. Communications, 306-949-3000, Regina, Can be moved. $90,000. 306-357-2003. SK. www.futurecommications.ca LOG HOMES, builders of quality handcrafted log and timber frame homes. Call Jeff at 306-493-2448, Saskatoon, SK. www.backcountryloghomes.ca WILLINGDON, AB. 2 corner lots side by side, 2 bdrm. home, 6 appliances, new fur5 ACRE HOBBY, Nursery and Landscape nace, hot water tank, new bathroom, many business. 2 miles North of Courtenay, Van- updates, city water, 1 hr from Edmonton, couver Island, BC. Buy inventory and $135,000. For more info ph 780-367-2045 equipment with lease, $249,000 or buy everything $749,000. Beautiful view property, near by 4 golf courses, skiing, hunting and big salmon. Mild winters. Build your retirement home. 250-218-0142. www.ospreystoneandbamboo/forsale2012 HOUSE ON 1/3 acre fenced lot, 2+1 bdrm, new furnace with AC, city water and sewer, West Kelowna, BC. 250-769-4335.

WARMAN HOMES RTM’S. Homes ready to deliver to AB or SK. Call to book today!! 1-866-933-9595 or www.warmanhomes.ca 2- READY TO MOVE homes. Many options like front roof overhang for deck, deluxe cabinets, stone front, etc. 1593 sq. ft. for $160,000. Also started 1525 sq. ft. for $150,000. Swanson Builders (Saskatoon, S K . a r e a ) at 3 0 6 - 4 9 3 - 3 0 8 9 o r v i s i t www.swansonbuilders.ca for details.




$210,000, ACME, AB: Seven bay garage/shop plus four (4) bare lots as fenced compound, two gas pumps, includes large quantity of inventory, MLS# C1022107. Ph: Verlin Rau of Discover Real Estate Ltd., 403-852-6459, Beiseker, AB. WARMAN HOMES CUSTOM built commercial buildings to your plan or ours. Call 1-866-933-9595 or www.warmanhomes.ca $275,000, ACME, AB: Steel arched metal clad shop, 40’x40’, has 12’x16’ main door, concrete floor and side buildings. Total of 5 commercial lots. MLS#C1022122. Ph: Verlin Rau of Discover Real Estate Ltd, 403-852-6459, Beiseker, AB. BUILDING AND LARGE lot in the growing community of Big River, SK along Hwy 55. Built in 2005. 2500 sq. ft., 2nd floor w/600 sq. ft. Bright and airy. Serious inquiries only. Ph days 9 AM to 5 PM: 306-469-4485, or after 6 PM: 306-469-5675.




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BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Well established fishing and hunting resort located in the beautiful NW area of SK surrounded by a number of lakes and rivers. This turnkey operation with cabins, boats/motors and camping sites is located on the west shore of Canoe Lake. MLSÂŽ 437858. Wally Lorenz, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK., 306-446-8800, 306-843-7898. ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003.

CERTIFIED ORGANIC BISON RANCH for sale. 800 acres, good corrals, with small house. 250-785-5794, Fort St. John, BC. WANTED: 80 TO 320 ACRE farm in the Salmon Arm, Falkland or Lumby areas of BC. Good house and buildings preferred but would consider just land. 204-729-8270. LARGE RANCH FOR SALE in Northeast BC. Approx. 8756 acres in one block. 3000 acres under cultivation. More info. and photos at www.bickfordfarms.ca Call Rick 250-262-1954, Fort St. John, BC. 40 ACRES LOG home, second dwelling, $590,000, Horsefly, BC. Please call for website: 250-620-0006. 71 ACRES, Home with suite, much more. $529,000. May finance. 250-445-6642 or lbfolvik@telus.net Greenwood, BC.

NW-7-22-26-W4th, 30 minutes east of Calgary, AB. 53 acres, located beside hardtop, in County of Wheatland, asking $480,000. Great terms. Wes 403-936-5572 HALF SECTION NORTH of Debolt. House, shop, power and well. 640 acre grazing lease. Ph 780-228-0351, 780-512-8540. 157 ACRES, 1536 sq. ft. bungalow, 2 car garage, 3 large quonsets, cattle waterers, corrals, cross fenced. Cow/calf operation. West of Evansburg, AB. 403-746-2919. RANCH AND GRAIN PROPERTY, west of Edmonton, approx. 400 cow/calf. Have buyers for large farm properties, very confidential. Call if you are thinking of selling, I specialize in agricultural properties. Phone Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, 780-991-1180, Spruce Grove, AB. PEACE RIVER COUNTRY farms for sale. Evelyn Petkus, Royal LePage Casey Realty, 780-836-3086, 780-836-6478, Manning AB AGRICULTURAL LAND FOR SALE, 2880 acres on Highway #23, beautiful mountain view, lots of water (3 artesian wells and large creek). Private sale, brokers welcome. Call Don 403-558-2345, Brant, AB. suzannedepaoli@yahoo.com

CONDOS FOR SALE in Borden, SK. 1400 sq. ft., full basement, two bedrooms, 2 car garage, $285,000. Call 306-827-7731.

ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: ENCHANT: Rare opportunity! 957 acres of prime farmland in the Enchant area, 3600 head feedlot, surface lease revenue, pivot irrigated, nicely treed yard with home. (#1989, Josh). IRON SPRINGS: 1910 acres, 2 houses, shop, horse barn, processing shed, bins, plus much more. (#1987, Barry). BROOKS: Row crop farm, newer pivots, surface revenue, grain storage, city water, landscaped, shop, quonset, renovated home, etc. (#1867, Ben). VAUXHALL: Ideal row crop farm, 480 acres (400 acres under pivots), home, shop, equipment building, storage shed, hay storage, etc. (#1939, Ben). ROLLING HILLS: Half section irrigation, 260 acres EID water rights, all farmland, surface revenue approx. $40,000/yr. Additional quarter section with building available. (#1932, Ben). COALDALE: Modern 150 cow dairy, 275 acres irrigation, 135 cows, 126 kgs MSQ, 120 heifers, 2 Lely fully automated computer milkers, 3700 sq. ft. home, city water, mobile home. (#2008 Ben) OLDS: Up for bids! Bids accepted until May 6, 2013, 3 PM for individual or all parcels. Future development land in the designated growth area of Mountainview county. 3 parcels: Parcel 1, 139.49 acres; Parcel 2, 140.1 acres; Parcel 3, 117.3 acres. (#1995 Ben) Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, call 1-866-345-3414, www.canadafarmandranch.com or call 160 ACRES NE OF STRATHMORE, AB. Numerous corrals and paddocks, approx. 95 acres of hay, 48 acres native grass, remaining is yardsite that has older mobile home with addition, lots of water, barn 52x40’, corral system is large enough to calve 300 + head. Creek runs through the property flows most of the year!! 320 ACRES IN THE HANDHILLS. 1180 sq. ft. house, detached double garage, 32x48’ heated shop, 32x60’ pole shed, 32x60’ calving barn. Oil revenue and wind farm revenue. Fenced w/corrals and lots of water; For sale in SPECIAL AREAS: 5000 acres of grass and 3100 acres of cultivated land, oil revenue, lots of water, great building site. Call Big Sky Real Estate Ltd., 1-866-850-4444 for more info.

RM OF ORKNEY #244, NE-19-27-6-W2. 130 acres, power and water with buildings; SE-30-27-6-2, 155 acres 2-1/2 miles W of Springside, SK. on grid. Hwy. 16 and 47 accessible to Yorkton, $400,000 for all. Tenders until April 1, 2013. Lowest or highest tender not necessarily accepted. 306-647-2742. Box 89 Springside S0A 3V0 RM OF MOUNT HOPE- 8 quarters of grainland all touching in one nice block to be sold in smaller packages or all as one. Ted Cawkwell, Re/Max Blue Chip Realty, 306-327-7661, ted@tedcawkwell.com www.tedcawkwell.com

WE HAVE A SPECIFIC QUALIFIED BUYER FOR TURN KEY GRAIN FARM OPERATION IN THE REGINA DISTRICT. To include all M achinery,Buildings and Land or w illpurchase Farm Com pany Shares. Please Contact

Bob Lane of Lane Realty Corp @ 306-569-3380 or lanerealty.com RM 96: 638 ACRES, Fillmore, SK., farmland. Contact John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK., www.farmsask.com


LIFE IN S U R A N CE S am ple N on-S m oker A nnualR ates

RANCH FOR SALE IN Northern Alberta, 160 acres, great area to raise cattle, horses or sheep. 1600 sq. ft. house, 40x60 heated shop, misc. other outbuildings. 500,000 gal. dugout/ water system, new 100’ deep well, drilled in 2008, feeds corral and house. 780-672-0337, High Level, AB.




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LAND TO RENT in Viscount, LAND FOR RENT: 10 quarters grainland WANTED: Meacham, SK. area. Phone Kim near Cereal, AB. Contact Harry Sheppard, Colonsay, Sutton Group-Results Realty, Regina, SK. at 306-255-7601. 306-530-8035.



HIGH END GRAIN LAND FOR SALE in RM 367 Ponass Lake. 8 quarters, MLS ÂŽ 454407, $1,100,000; 6 quarters, MLS ÂŽ 454396, $1,300,000. Can be purchased separately, or as one package. Call agent Justin Yin, Sutton Group-Norland Realty, 306-230-1588, justin.yin.ca@gmail.com Saskatoon, SK. LAND AUCTION- Farmers/Investors. Two quarters of quality grainland with oil revenue located in NW Sask. near Macklin. On-line only internet auction bidding from April 3-10th. For more information visit www.kramerauction.com or Ed Truelove at Kramer Auctions Ltd., 306-445-5000, North Battleford, SK. PL #914618. RM OF PIAPOT: 1120 acre ranch with buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com



WE BUY FARMLAND FOR THE LONG TERM Ashley | 306-491-5226 Ashley@demetercapital.ca Realtor Enquiries Welcome

www.demetercapital.ca RM #185: 800 acres farmland. Contact John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379 Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, buying or selling. Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty.

Take A dvan tage of Today ’s


Harry Sheppard 3 06 -53 0-8 03 5

e -m a il: h a rry@ s h e p p a rdre a lty.ca Vis it our w e b s ite : w w w .s h e p p a rdre a lty.ca • SPECIALIZ ING IN FARM & RANCH PROPERTIES • HAVE QUALIFIED INVESTORS W ITH CASH & LOCAL BUYERS • DECADES OF AGRICULTURAL EX PERIENCE AND INDUSTRY KNOW LEDGE IN SASK • PROVIDING EX CEPTIONAL SERVICE S u tton G rou p-R E S U L TS R E A L TY - R egin a, S K


THREE .361 ACRE river lots beside Mighty Peace River east of Manning, AB. Lots of summer/winter recreation. Power and water avail. $40,000 ea. firm. 780-836-2386. EMMA LAKE, SK AREA, titled lots for sale at Rothenburg Family Park. Sewer, water, power incl., 45’x100’ year round access. $47,000 starting. Ph. 306-982-4805, email rothenburg@inet2000.com CEDAR LOG HOMES AND CABINS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros., Lumby, BC., www.rouckbros.com 1-800-960-3388. LAC DES ISLES: 2 acre lot, $85,000; 5 acre lot, $180,000. Treed. No time limit to build. 306-373-4808, loiselh@msn.com NEW 4 SEASON cabin at Hitchcock Bay, 1092 sq. ft. on large titled lot, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, vaulted ceiling, 2 decks w/roof overhanging on front deck. Lake view. Phone 306-867-9760, 306-867-4335, Birsay, SK.

See our Showroom for the best selection & savings in Sask.

RM #622, RECREATIONAL quarter good for hunting. 2 sides bordered by Provincial WARMAN HOMES RTM’S. Custom build to forest. Call 306-238-7910, Goodsoil, SK. your plan or our plan. Delivering to SK. or AB. for over 25 yrs. www.warmanhomes.ca or call 1-866-933-9595.


PARKSVILLE, BC. 18 acres, 1400 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath house. 1200 sq. ft. shop, 14’ ceiling, cement floor, machine shed. Year round creek. 2013 tax assess. 640,000. Motivated seller, $595,000. 250-891-2451, dlramsey@shaw.ca WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT LAND. Four acres, 650’ frontage on Columbia River. Hotel, condo, apartment potential. $1.2 million. Call 250-365-3155, Castlegar, BC.



Are you planning to build a home in 2013. Wood Country will build you a RTM or a custom built home on site to meet your requirements. Wood Country prides itself on building top quality homes with a high level of customer satisfaction since its inception in 1980.

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2 year old high end property on 106 acres only 8 miles from the WORLD FAMOUS PONOKA STAMPEDE GROUNDS. • Upscale 3 bedroom home, 2 bath, A/C, central vac, paved driveway and more. • Situated in a mature treed setting. 1600 sq. ft. shop completely finished with 220 wiring and 1⠄2 bath. 16 stall stable designed for broodmare operation, also ideal boarding facility and barrel racing, fully insulated with in floor heating; 3⠄4 bath, office, tack room, wash bay and more. • 106 acres on 2 titles consisting of home site, 6 paddocks c/w auto waterers, 2 hay fields, all professionally fenced in 2010. For more info go to: www.HawkValley.ca |




PROPERTY AUCTION: Ross and Joyce King Choiceland, SK. 6.4 kms W of Choiceland on Hwy #55 and 4.8 kms North. Property to be sold at 1:00 PM, April 24th. Viewing by Appointment. Phone 306-428-2700. Open House: Friday, April 5th, 4- 7 PM. Land: NW-27-52-18-W2. Approx. 159 acres. Approx. 100 cult. acres plus large mature very well kept yardsite. Approx. 50 acres seedable and approx. 50 wetland acres. House: 1981 Nelson bungalow, over 1900 sq. ft., full wood basement, 3 bdrm., master bdrm has ensuite, plus 1-1/2 baths on main. Underground wiring. Quonset: Fairford 46x100’, 46’ insulated; Bins included w/property: 5 Westeel, 1-4750 bu. concrete and 4 Westeel 3300 bu. on concrete; Sawmill Yard: Approx. 6 acres with underground power. All weather yard. Excellent opportunity to purchase a very well maintained, mature yard with an excellent shelterbelt that is close to hunting, fishing or an exc. farm base. Transition Loan Farm Credit Corporation. Owner interested in the transition loan process offered by FCC, if purchaser is approved. Subject to seller’s approval of high bid. For Terms and Conditions view: www.balickiauctions.com Sale conducted by: Balicki Auctions, 306-922-6171 or 306-961-7553, Prince Albert, SK. PL #915694.

LAND RENTAL AUCTION, 2 quarters, RM of Moose Range #486, SW-04-50-12-W2 and NE-05-50-12-W2, between Carrot River and Codette, SK. Check website for terms. B r u c e S c h ap a n s k y Au c t i o n e e r s 306-873-5488, www.schapansky.com PL#912715.

ted n a W

DAVIDSON, SK land for rent/ custom farming/ crop share. Nine quarters w/bins. Please call: 780-841-1496.

GRAINLAND, 1680 acres, 1450 cultivated, 43,000 bu. grain storage, 2 metal quonsets, upgraded house, assess. 551,800. West Ituna area, $1,700,000. Call John, Four Seasons Realty Ltd., 306-783-1777, Saskatoon, SK. YOUNG SASK. FAMILY looking to buy farmland for cattle and grain in RM 248 and 247. 306-726-7495 or 403-990-0321. FOR SALE OR RENT: RM of St. Louis #431, N-1/2-23-43-27-W2, located approx. 5 miles north of Wakaw, SK. Contact Adeline Sarchuk 204-677-4309. w w w. d w e i n . c a R M O F V i s c o u n t NE16-35-26-W2, old access, $47,900, long term tenant available. Dwein Trask Realty Inc., 306-221-1035, Saskatoon, SK. RM ELFROS #307. 758 acres of good pasture land w/approx. 50 cultivated acres, asking $316/acre. Keith Bartlett 306-535-5707, Sutton Group Results Realty, Regina, SK.

Farm land for Sale Bradw ell


Fo r s a le in the R .M . o fB lu cher #3 43 a b o u t 4 m iles w es t o fB r a d w ell, Sa s k.


Ted Cawkwell

Agriculture Specialist

• N E- 1 4- 34- 3 W 3, 1 58 .49 a cr es • N W - 26 - 34- 3 W 3, 1 57.9 7 a cr es


• SE- 26 - 34- 3 W 3, 1 51 .8 1 a cr es


(s u b ject to D u cks Un lim ited Ea s em en t)

(in clu d es ya r d s ite w ith p o w er )

• SW - 25- 34- 3 W 3, 1 44.1 4 a cr es

BLUE CHIP REALTY LAND FOR SALE: Yorkton, SK. area. South of Phone Hill, three quarters, yardsite, no buildings, taking offers. 306-728-3414. TIM HAMMOND REALTY SaskPower Farmland in RM 011 Hart Butte, near Coronach. For sale by tender: NW4, NE5, SE9, SW10, SW16, Twp. 2, Rng 26, W2. Contains 267 cult. acres and 525 pasture/ other acres. Total asmt, $235,500. Closes noon Friday, April 12, 2013. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. MLS #456075. Guy Shepherd 306-434-8857, Biggar, SK. For more details go to: http://RM011Tender.TimHammond.ca HANLEY, SK. for sale or rent, 3 quarters g r a i n l a n d , W- 1 / 2 - 2 6 - 3 1 - 0 3 - W 3 a n d SE-1/4-26-31-03-W3, approx. 400 acres cultivated. Phone 306-544-2793.

Pr oper ty to be sold “ as is” Sealed of f er s f or all lan d or f or in dividu al qu ar ter s. O f f er s m u st be r eceived by 4:0 0 p.m .,Apr il 1 1 , 20 1 3. Possession date to be M ay 1 , 20 1 3. Highest or an y of f er n ot n ecessar ily accepted. Un accepted deposits w ill be r etu r n ed. Pu r chaser to pay all 20 1 3 pr oper ty taxes. For in f or m ation :

C all Al Hau br ich at 30 6 -9 33-1 30 6 or em ail: a.hau br ich@ r slaw .com O f f er s m u st in clu de a cer tif ied chequ e or ban k dr af t f or 5% of the of f er ed pr ice payable to:

Ro b erts o n Stro m b erg L L P Attn : Al Ha u b rich, Q.C. – L a n d Sa le 600- 1 05 21 s t Street Ea s t Sa s ka to o n , SK S7K 0B3

F o r Sa le b y Ten d er -RM ofO a kd a le #320 N W 21 -33-24 W 3rd SW 21 -33-24 W 3rd N W 1 6-33-24 W 3rd

A cres

A ssess.

O ilR even u e

1 60 1 60 1 60

28500 1 5200 1 4 000

2200 34 00

Su b je ct pro pe rty is all pas tu re lan d w ith s prin g s o n it an d is fe n ce d . Five q u arte rs o f le as e lan d jo in the pro pe rty thatcan g o w ith the d e e d e d lan d . Con d ition s ofO ffers : 1 . Allo ffe rs to b e s u b m itte d to Ed g e Re alty Ltd . o n o r b e fo re 3:00 p.m ., M O ND AY, AP R IL 8, 201 3, Bo x 1 324 , K in d ersley, SK S0L 1 S0 2. De po s itche q u e fo r 3% o fthe o ffe re d am o u n t m u s t acco m pan y the o ffe r. Che q u e to b e m ad e payab le to Ed g e Re alty Ltd . (che q u e s w illb e re tu rn e d to u n s u cce s s fu lb id d e rs ). 3. O ffe rs acce ptab le o n o n e to talpackag e o n ly. 4 . Hig he s t o r an y o ffe r n o t n e ce s s arily acce pte d . 5. Pe rs o n s s u b m ittin g o ffe rs m u s tre ly o n the ir o w n re s e arch,in s pe ctio n o fthe lan d , an d im pro ve m e n ts as to co n d itio n an d n u m b e ro facre s . 6. M in e ralrig hts n o t in clu d e d . 7. N o o ffe rs w illb e co n s id e re d w hich are s u b je ctto fin an cin g . 8. Ple as e fo rw ard allb id s an d in q u irie s to : Bra d Ed gerton - Ed ge R ea lty L td .Box 1 3 24 K in d ersley,SK S0L 1 S0 P hon e:3 06 - 4 6 3 - 4 51 5


R E A L TY C O R P .

We Are Pleased To Announce The Following Recent Sales


BEECHY 479 acres - owned by Coteau Valley Ranch Ltd. PIAPOT 160 acres - owned by Irene Mercer & Wendy Morton TRUAX 633 acres - owned by Faye Beingessner INSINGER 479 acres - owned by Arnold Bueckert SEMANS 1124 acres - owned by Willard & Cindy Haffner and Henry & Marjorie Davidson CONSUL 13,790 acres - owned by Pat Trumpour REGINA 160 acres - owned by Ross Williams BROADVIEW 10 acres - owned by Jeffrey & Denise Goodfellow GOVAN 954 acres - owned by William Hilderman BEECHY 798 acres - owned by Coteau Valley Ranch Ltd.


C A L L U S TO D A Y! Sa s ka tch e w a n ’ s Fa rm & Ra n ch Sp e cia lis ts ™ 25 7 Regis tered S a les For 2012.

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F o u r (4) q u a rter s ectio n s o f la n d a re b ein g o ffered fo r s a le b y T en d er, s u b ject to p res en t n o n -fin a n cia l en cu m b ra n ces a n d res trictio n s a s p er exis tin g Certifica tes o fT itle, fo r:FIRS T: - S W S ec 36 Tw p 45 Rge 26 W . 3rd M er., Exten s io n 0 - R.M . o fM a n ito u L a ke #442 - 159.87 to ta l a cres – 127 a cres cu ltiva ted , 29.87 a cres s lo u gh & p o tho les , 3 a cres o ld ya rd s ite (o ld b u ild in gs , n o u tilities ) - T w o (2) 2,000 b u s hel W es teel gra in b in s S ECON D:- S E S ec 36 Tw p 45 Rge 26 W . 3rd M er., Exten s io n 0 - R.M . o fM a n ito u L a ke #442 - 157.43 to ta l a cres - 131 a cres cu ltiva ted , 26.43 a cres o ther - T hree (3) S u rfa ce L ea s es , to ta l reven u e $9,794.00 a n n u a lly THIRD:- N W S ec 26 Tw p 45 Rge 25 W . 3rd M er., Exten s io n 0 - R.M . o fHills d a le #440 - 158.64 to ta l a cres – 10 cu ltiva ted a cres , 148.64 a cres b u s h p a s tu re - On e (1) S u rfa ce L ea s e (ga s w ell) a n n u a l reven u e $2,300.00 - Cu rren t ren ter ha s u n ha rves ted ca n o la to b e ha rves ted in the s p rin g o f2013 (b efo re tra n s fer) FOURTH:- S W S ec 26 Tw p 45 Rge 25 W . 3rd M er., Exten s io n 0 - R.M . o fHills d a le #440 - 158.21 a cres – 140 cu ltiva ted a cres , 18.21 a cres o ther - Cu rren t ren ter ha s u n ha rves ted ca n o la to b e ha rves ted in the s p rin g o f2013 (b efo re tra n s fer) M in era l Rights o n a ll pa rcels a re exclu d ed . The pu rcha s er m u s t b e a GS T regis tra n t a n d s ha ll b e res po n s ib le fo r GS T. Pro perty Ta xes a n d S u rfa ce L ea s e Reven u es w ill b e a d ju s ted a s o f the d a te o f po s s es s io n . Pro perty ta xes fo r 2012 o n a ll pa rcels ha ve b een pa id . Ten d ers ca n b e s u b m itted fo r a n in d ivid u a l qu a rter s ectio n o r o n m u ltiple qu a rter s ectio n s . T he p u rcha s e p rice s u b m itted s ha ll b e s u b ject to GS T , a n d the b a la n ce o f the p u rcha s e p rice is to b e p a id w ithin thirty (30) d a ys a fter a ccep ta n ce o f the ten d er. If the ten d erer d o es n o t co m p lete the p u rcha s e a fter a ccep ta n ce o f ten d er, the d ep o s it w ill b e fo rfeited . Highes t o r a n y ten d er n o t n eces s a rily a ccepted . Dep o s its o f u n s u cces s fu l ten d erers w ill b e refu n d ed . Fo r fu rther pa rticu la rs a n d d eta ils pho n e L o rn a Do o little a t 1-78 0-755-2321. T en d ers to b e s u b m itted in s ea led en velo p e m a rked “ T E NDE RS – NE L S ON E S T AT E - F ile #40,029-003 to b e a cco m p a n ied b y certified cheq u e o r b a n k d ra ft p a ya b le to “ F o x W a kefield , In T ru s t” fo r 5% o fto ta l a m o u n to ften d er p rice.


Thanks again Doug for buying our property. Dealing with you and your company, Freshwater Land Holdings Co. Ltd., made the sale quick and efficient. It was a tough transaction but you came through and kept all of the promises you made at the beginning of our talks. I would recommend you to anyone who’s interested in selling quickly and efficiently. I will pass on your name to anyone who’s interested. Thanks again. Leo and Linda.


Cen tra l.................................70 1⁄4’s S o u th Cen tra l......................17 1⁄4’s Ea s t Cen tra l........................9 9 1⁄4’s S o u th...................................70 1⁄4’s S o u th Ea s t...........................31 1⁄4’s S o u th W es t..........................6 1 1⁄4’s N o rth.....................................6 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t............................8 1⁄4’s Ea s t.....................................39 1⁄4’s




3 06 -9 55-226 6 Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca w w w .Ca Fa rm la n d.com www.dwein.ca RM BIGGAR, 268 acres of 26-35-13-W3, 212 acres cult, $144,900. RM BLUCHER/ St. Denis, 140 acres cult. SW-35-36-01-W3, $149,900. RM GREAT BEND, SW-22-40-09-W3, 100 acres cult., $109,900. Dwein Trask Realty Inc. Call Dwein at 306-221-1035, Saskatoon, SK.

FARMLAND FOR SALE, 15 miles south of Ponteix, SK. Total acres 4,564. Total assess. 1,055,900. Approx. 1/2 cult. acres and balance native grass, seeded grass, a n d T en d ers w ill b e received b y:pasture. 2300 sq. ft. house - Nelson Home, M S A.J. FOX o f FOX W AK EFIEL D built 1981, 2 storey, mint shape. Steel shop, heated, insulated, 40’Wx48’Lx16’H. P.O. Bo x 500, 5105 - 49 th S treet Quonset, steel, 44’Wx100’L, double sliding L L OYDM IN S TER, S a s k -Alta ., S 9 V 0Y6 doors at each end 24’Wx14’H. 18 bins, bu. capacity. Yard: well treed, PIECE OF PARADISE: Approx. 1600 acres 64,000 r ave l d r i vew ay, g a r d e n a r e a . M L S of amazing pasture land. John Cave, Edge g#453693. Bert Legault, Royal LePage Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, Southland Realty, 306-741-1686, Swift SK. www.farmsask.com Current, SK. FOR SALE BY TENDER: 500,000 yards of NIPAWIN, TOBIN LAKE farmland, 160 agrigate. 16 kms west of #16 Hwy on acres, SE-35-51-13-W2, 8 miles to Tobin Straun Grid. Surveyed and tested. Tenders Lake village, 4 miles to golf course. close May 1, 2013. Call Ron for more info $75,000. 306-862-2833. at 306-227-4021, Saskatoon, SK. RM OF McCRANEY- 9 quarters of RM 486: 3 quarters cult. with established grainland all touching in one nice block. yardsite, 40x80’ heated shop, 30x50’ Ted Cawkwell, Re/Max Blue Chip Realty house, 1/2 mile off Hwy. #55, grain stor- 306-327-7661, ted@tedcawkwell.com age, natural gas, good well. 306-768-2827, www.tedcawkwell.com Carrot River, SK. 2 QUARTERS FARMLAND, w/yardsite and 3 bdrm 1200 sq. ft. bungalow, power, water, nat. gas. 306-748-2839, Neudorf, SK.

Te n d e rs w ill clo s e a t12:00 N o o n o n Frid a y, April 19th , 2013,

I HAVE BUYERS for Sask. grainland, ranch 8 QUARTERS MIXED farm land, 50 kms. land and acreages. Call Wally Lorenz at NW of Yorkton, may include developed 306-843-7898, Re/Max of the Battlefords, yard site w/large bungalow, 403-455-3145 North Battleford, SK. znerol.w@sasktel.net SASK. RANCH: Approx. 11,000 acres, adQUARTER SECTION, RM Viscount #341. joining, excellent ranch, surface lease. Run 160 acres w/156 acres cultivated. Gently 500+ cows. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. rolling with assessment of 47,900. Asking 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. $154,900. Phone 306-221-6296.

F o r Sa le b y Ten d er -RM ofKin d ers ley #290 Cu lt.Ac res SoilCla ss

SW 26-28-25 W 3rd SE 26-28-25 W 3rd SE 27-28-25 W 3rd

1 53 1 38 1 55


SAM A Assess. M .A.

53900 55900 59200

364 00 37800 4 0000

Ta xes

$21 8 $226 $24 2

Lan d is allle as e d o u tfo r the n e xt4 ye ars at $7,000 pe r q u arte r. Con d ition s ofO ffers : 1 . Allo ffe rs to b e s u b m itte d to Ed g e Re alty Ltd . o n o rb e fo re 3:00 p.m ., M o n d a y, April 1 5, 201 3, Bo x 1 324 , K in d ersley, SK S0L 1 S0 2. De po s it che q u e fo r 3% o fthe o ffe re d am o u n tm u s tacco m pan y the o ffe r. Che q u e to b e m ad e payab le to Ed g e Re alty Ltd . (che q u e s w illb e re tu rn e d to u n s u cce s s fu lb id d e rs ). 3. O ffe rs acce ptab le o n an y o r allparce ls . 4 . Hig he s to ran y o ffe r n o tn e ce s s arily acce pte d . 5. Pe rs o n s s u b m ittin g o ffe rs m u s tre ly o n the ir o w n re s e arch,in s pe ctio n o fthe lan d ,an d im pro ve m e n ts as to co n d itio n an d n u m b e ro facre s . 6. M in e ralrig hts n o tin clu d e d . 7. N o o ffe rs w illb e co n s id e re d w hich are s u b je ctto fin an cin g . 8. An y in q u irie s ple as e co n tact Bra d Ed gerton a t Ed ge R ea lty L td .a t 3 06 - 4 6 3 - 7 3 57

1 7,91 9 Acr es of Fa r m L a n d For Sa le 6 ,4 1 8 Ac res - RM o fBro w n in g #34 2,9 23 Ac res - RM o fExce l#71 2,7 00 Ac res - RM o fHaze lw o o d #94 1 ,1 1 5 Ac res S - RM O oLfDExce l#71 1 ,59 4 Ac res - RM o fElcapo #1 54 1 ,1 9 4 Ac res - RM o fBig Arm #21 5 9 56 Ac res -RM o fW e llin g to n #97 87 3 Ac res - RM o fFran cis #1 27 6 23 Ac res - RM o fG riffin #66 6 3 8 Ac res -RM o fElm s tho rpe #1 00 Co n tact: H a rry Sheppa rd P ho n e: 3 06 -53 0-803 5 em a il: ha rry@ sheppa rd rea lty.c a W eb site: w w w .sheppa rd rea lty.c a Su tton Grou p – R esu lts R ea lty R eg in a , SK LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. Pastureland located in the RM of McCraney No. 282, described as: NE-25-30-28-W2nd, approx. 160 acres, fenced with a shallow dugout and NE-36-30-28-W2nd, approx. 160 acres, with man-made dugout and fenced. This pastureland is native prairie wool grass that has had one full year of rest. The land has road access. Ducks Unlimited caveats are registered on both quarters. Please submit tenders in writing, with a certified cheque for 5% of the tendered offer to: Dellene Church Law Office Inc., Box 724, 200 Garfield Street, Davidson, SK. S0G 1A0, ph. 306-567-5554, Tenders will be accepted until 4:00 PM, April 15, 2013. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. dsclaw@sasktel.net RM OF CANWOOD #494. Just listed 160 acres with a 1064 sq. ft. bungalow, full basement. Small barn, corrals, 2 dugouts, underground power and natural gas. 4 miles NE of Debden. MLS® 454063. To view call Lloyd Ledinski Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK., 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. RM SHERWOOD, 160 acres w/2500 sq. ft. fully developed home with many amenities. 10 min. NW Regina. R M EDENWOLD, 320 acres north of Edenwold, native grass. RM SOUTH QU’APPELLE, South of Avonhurst, 160 acres, grainland on grid. RM SOUTH QU’APPELLE, 20 acres on #10 Hwy. RM BARRIER VALLEY, 160 acres paradise with home, support buildings, perfect getaway, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, near Archerwill. Contact Brian Tiefenbach, 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd, Regina, SK.

RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section w/wo yard, adjacent to Canora, SK. Total assessment at 144,100. 306-651-1041. R M H U D S O N BAY # 3 9 4 . F o r s a l e SW-28-45-04-2, Assessment 38,400, building Assess 30,200. 130 cultivated acres, 30 acres timber. 5 acre yardsite, 1832 sq. ft. bungalow, oil and wood heat, 28x36 garage, 3 steel bins. Good water. Great hunting area! Call 306-865-3075. RM 135: Approx. 1120 acres pasture. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. SASKATCHEWAN RANCH FAMILY wanting to grow their operation. Looking for someone to help finance the expansion. Also would look at other options. Please email cattleranch_7400@hotmail.com RM OF FOAM Lake #276, NE1-30-11-W2, 160T/155k, assess 87400. Accepting offers until April 10, 2013. Phone Glenn at: 306-272-7123, Foam Lake, SK. Email: eagleagri@sasktel.net RM OF COTY #271, 1000 acres top grain land along #5 HWY. Home, bins, shop, priced to sell. 306-542-2865, Kamsack, SK. FOR SALE BY AUCTION: TL RANCH situated in Saskatchewan’s beautiful Parkland near Glaslyn, Sk. (RM #498 Parkdale). This beautiful once-in-a-lifetime property consists of 13 quarters of very well managed pasture grassland all in one block, 1344 cult. acres seeded to grass. Features piped watering system consistent with grazing p at t e r n . O w n e r s ay s w i l l c a r r y 3 0 0 cow/calf pairs or 700 yearlings. Great recreational potential w/mile long lake, also, within 1.5 miles from Little Loon Lake Regional Park. Home quarter includes beautiful 1950 sq. ft. home and various outbuildings. Currently operated as a Bed and Breakfast. Will be offered in 10 parcels. On-line bidding from April 25th - May 2nd. For further info. contact Kramer Auctions 306-445-5000. www.kramerauction.com PL #914618. FOR SALE BY tender SW-25-30-02-W3, RM of McCraney #282. Submit written tenders to Box 363, Kenaston, SK. S0G 2N0. Closing date March 31, 2013. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LAND FOR SALE, RM Ponass Lake. Offers being accepted on approx. 303.74 acres, W-1/2-33-38-15-W2. Offers or inquiries may be directed to McKercher LLP, 374 3rd Ave S, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 1M5, Attn: M. Petrescue, 306-664-1298.

RM CANWOOD #494, 4 quarters, grain, pasture and hay, lots of water, on school bus route. 400 acres cult., power on 2 sites. House, 2 large garages, grain storage on home quarter. Fair market value, asking $400,000 for buildings and land. More info 306-747-2775, Shellbrook, SK. RM 69: APPROX. 1760 acre grain farm. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, SASK. GRAIN FARM, 2080 acres heavy SK., 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com clay, full set of buildings. Surface leases. GRAIN FARM: 10,720 acres with full set John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379 of buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. RM BRATT’S LAKE #129, square section FARM L AN D FO R REN T of Regina clay near Wilcox, SK. Assess AR EA # of Q TR S R .M .# 303,400. Asking $2075/acre. Call Keith Bartlett 306-535-5707, Sutton Group ReTrib u n e 2 7 sults Realty, Regina. M id ale 9 35 & 36 RM LAKEVIEW #337- 160 acres. Assess In d ian He ad 4 1 56 90,300. Asking $139,000. New listing RM M o rtlach 9 1 62 & 1 63 Elfros #307. 160 acres. Assessment 59,700. Asking $89,000. New listing. Call G rays o n 9 1 84 Keith Bartlett 306-535-5707, Sutton Group Bre d e n b u ry 17 1 83 & 21 3 Results Realty, Regina, SK. Saltco ats 11 21 1 & 21 3 RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 4471’ of river Le ro s s 3.5 24 7 frontage having 5 separate titles. Estimated to have 300,000 yds. of gravel, 528 G o van 4 250 & 279 acres of grazing land, all fenced, pump Em pre s s ,AB 20 261 house (insulated and heated) w/6 waterK am s ack 2 271 ing troughs. Priced as an investment property. Seller will sell any portion or all as a N o ko m is 3 279 package. MLS® 456043. Wally Lorenz, Arran 3 301 Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-843-7898, North Battleford, SK. Lan ig an 3 31 0 Lu s e lan d 3 351 Tim H a m m o n d R ea lty M e ath Park 15 520 W E AR E CU R R ENTLY ACCEP TING O FFER S TO R ENT THE ABO V E P AR CEL S. To view d eta iled in fo rm a tio n visit:

w w w .sheppa rd rea lty.c a

O ffers to R en t m u st b e su b m itted in w ritin g to : sa skla n d 4 ren t@ gm a il.c om o r Fa x: 3 06 -3 52-1 81 6 H a rry Sheppa rd Su tton Grou p – R esu lts R ea lty R eg in a , SK

K evin Ja r r ett

Selling Farm s & R anches for over 10 years throughout Saskatchew an, w ith over 30 current listings. To view listing brochures please visit: w w w .tim ham m ond.ca Cell306.441.4152 Cell306.537.8086 Fax 306.477.1268 Em ailkevinjarrett@sasktel.ca

Q u ick Clo su re – N o Co m m issio n

306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro p.ca



REN TERS W AN TED w w w .m a xcro p.ca



MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and 640 ACRE LIVESTOCK OPERATION apo r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . prox. 35 miles south of Regina close to 1-877-269-9990. cndfree@telusplanet.net pavement. 2350 sq. ft. 2 storey home plus 50x100’ metal clad arena, cattle shelters, LAND FO R SALE corrals, calving barn, fenced, cross-fenced. A mix of native prairie, tame hay and cult. RM of Inv erg ord on #4 30 land. Excellent opportunity for a cattle, Can be sold complete or individualparcels. horse or sheep livestock operation. Brian Walz, Royal LePage Landmart, Moose Jaw, Hom e 1/4 - 1989 House,Quonset,O utbuildings SK, 1-877-694-8082 or cell 306-631-1229. SW 3-43-23-W2. www.royallepagelandmart.com NW 3-43-23-W2 SW 10-43-23-W2 NE 3-43-23-W2 SE 10-43-23-W2 10,703 ACRE RANCH with 2 yardsites. NE 10-43-23-W2 SE 15-43-23-W2 Includes Alberta lease land. Edge Realty $ Ltd, Brad Edgerton 306-463-7357, Kinder1 09 8 Acres ....M LS 819,000 sley, SK. www.edgerealty.ca FARM /RAN CH /RECREATIO N TO M N EUFEL D YORKTON, SK. FARMLAND, 3 quarters, SASK .L AN D SAL ES k atneu feld@ sask tel.net a mix of pasture and cultivated acres. Lots corral space. 2 bdrm bungalow. Can be 3 06 -26 0-7 83 8 of subdivided. Call Lorie 250-585-6770 or FOR SALE 3 QUARTERS in the RM of 250-619-7089. Round Valley #410. 410 acres seeded in hay, fenced along Hwy. #14. Phone LUSELAND AREA 306-228-3094, 306-228-8503, Unity, SK. 55 q trs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16 ,6 47,500 BUYER LOOKING FOR land in NE Sask. PreLUSELAND AREA 25 q trs . $6 ,8 8 5,000 fer grainland, no buildings, one to two sections. Garry Beckett ReMax Blue Chip RealRM SNIPE LAKE 2 q trs . . . . . . . . $420,000 ty, Ag. Div. 306-435-7777, Moosomin, SK., RM KINDERSLEY 2 q trs . . . . . . $13 7,000 email: gbeckett@remax-yorkton.ca Fo r d e ta il s e e o ur w e b s ite :


w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m


R ES TAUR AN T & LAN D VILLA ON M AIN – KYLE, S AS K Bid s C lo s e : S a t. M a rch 30-12 N o o n


S TR UTH ER S LAKE, IN VER G OR D ON #430, S K. Bid s C lo s e : W e d . Jun e 5 -12 N o o n OTH ER EVEN TS : Clo s e-o u t: G rea tW es t W a rehou s e-A n tiq u es & Fu rn itu re; Firea rm s & Collector S w ord s ; S p rin g Leis u re & Recrea tion ; Liq u id a tion s , Res ta u ra n t, Ta ck & S a d d le, S a lva g e Vehicles , Collector Cu rren cy & Coin s & m ore!

ON-LINE B ID D ING - 24/7 FAS T – FUN – EAS Y! Bid from the c onvenienc e ofyour b usiness, hom e or p hone. F o r Pho to s , T erm s , Co n d itio n s Plea s e View w w w .Sa s ka toon .M cDouga llAuction .com P hon e Te rry: (306 ) 6 52-4334 Lic #318116 RM 168: APPROX. 3000 acre mixed farm. Surface lease revenue. 306-773-7379 John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK. WANTED: LAND TO rent and/or buy in the surrounding areas of Marquis and Chamberlain, SK., phone 306-631-8454. MAPLE CREEK RANCH: 6720 acres in a block. Full set buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com WA N T E D : FA R M L A N D TO R E N T in Blaine Lake, Leask or Hafford, SK area. 306-497-7756. CONSIDERING OFFERS ON 3 quarters in RM Paddockwood #520. 306-961-4682, 306-764-7920, Prince Albert, SK.




G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K RM 96: 1760 acre grain farm w/buildings. C a l l J o h n C av e , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com SOUTH SASK. RANCH: 5920 acre ranch with yardsite. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com SASKATCHEWAN LAND FOR SALE: OGEMA: 6.5 quarters of good farmland currently rented and farmed zero-till, producing 50+ bushel wheat crops. Few hills and sloughs but generally flat and rolling. (#1998 Gordon). PANGMAN: 160 acres currently seeded to tame hay, plenty of water, one central dugout filled annually by small creek running through the property. (#1999 Gordon). MAPLE CREEK: 25 acres located next to the highway on the way to Cypress Park, 2 wells, power and phone service in place. (#2005, Gordon). WILLOW BUNCH: Mixed farming operation all in one block nestled in the rolling hills South of Assiniboia, 1696 acres, 2 homes, corrals, barn, shop, pole shed, grain bins, etc. More land available nearby. (#1981, Kim). WILLOW BUNCH: 800 acres, approx. 600 acres of native grass, approx. 200 acres of land seeded to alfalfa/crested wheat. (#1958, Elmer). FILLMORE: Selling company shares with 8 quarters of land, 2 Behlin bins, 5000 bu. condo #10 (contract to be transferred to new owner), power to bins, most of the low land is seeded to grass for hay, good land. (#1903, Elmer). Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service 1-866-345-3414, www.canadafarmandranch.com TIM HAMMOND REALTY Great opportunity for a large mixed operation. Three listings combined comprised of 26 quarters within 5 miles in South Moosomin area. Roy- 1280 acres, 540 cult., all fenced, dugout and creek, asking $995,000, MLS #44680; Ketcheson- 1600 acres, 880 cult., house, buildings, corrals, etc, asking $1,495,000, MLS #451295; Shire- 1280 acres, 610 cult., house, buildings, corrals, sheds, fenced, asking $1,200,000, MLS #440084.. Guy Shepherd 306-434-8857 or Alex Morrow 306-434-8780, Bigger, SK. www.timhammond.ca


COM PL ETE TURN K EY RAN CH S OUTHERN S AS K ATCHEW AN Yea r ro u n d s elf- s u fficien tpro perty w ith SASKATCHEWAN RANCH: 6720 acres 8 00 + co w ca lfca pa city, 49 72 + /- d eed ed ranch, full set of buildings, very scenic. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, a cres a n d 3200 + /- a cres lea s ed , m a chin ery a n d lives to ck ca n b e pu rcha s ed . SK. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 RM 46/76: 5600 acre ranch with yard site. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, 306-773-7379 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c.

N OTI C E OF TEN DERS F OR S AL E OF F ARM L AN D R.M . of Pra irie Ros e # 309 Located approxim ately 6 m iles east and 1/2 m ile south of Lanigan

The follow ing la nd w ill be offered for sa le by tender u nder the direction ofJoel A . H esje, Q .C ., Ba rrister a nd S olicitor: Title # 125155447

Legal D escription SE 23-33-21-W 2

A cres TotalC ult 160 150

Fair M arket A ssessm ent 79,700

1.A llbids m ust be in w riting and subm itted by registered m ailor delivered personally to the judicialselling officer in a sealed envelope at the address below by 4:00 p.m .on M onday A pril22, 2013. 2.Each bid shallbe accom panied by a certified cheque or solicitor ’s trust cheque in the am ount of10% ofthe bid.Ifthe bid is not successful, the deposit w illbe returned to the bidder. 3.W ithin 15 days ofthe opening ofbids, the successfulbidder shallprovide either: (a) the balance ofthe purchase price; or (b) paym ent ofthe sum equalto the difference betw een the balance ofthe purchase price and any m ortgage financing, together w ith an unconditionaland unequivocalletter ofcom m itm ent from a recognized financialinstitution to the m ortgagee to finance w ithin 15 days ofthe date ofthe letter, the successful bidder’s purchase ofthe land for the price stated in the bid. 4.Ifthe successfulbidder does not com plete the purchase on the term s and w ithin the tim e specified, the deposit w illbe forfeited. 5.The land shallbe sold subject only to such taxes as accrue due after D ecem ber 2012. 6.The highest or any bid m ay not necessarily be accepted. 7.Further inform ation including the fulllegaldescription ofthe land m ay be obtained from the selling officer. M cKercher L L P 374 -3rd Avenu e S ou th S a ska toon, S K. S 7K 1M 5 A ttention: Joel A . H esje, Q .C . Telephone: (306)653-2000 Fa csim ile: (306)653-2669

RM 166: FOR SALE By Tender: 960 acres quality land, full set of buildings. Tender closes April 9, 2013. For information on submitting an offer please call John or Joel Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com Swift Current, SK.

LAND FOR RENT: 6 quarters grainland, near Ethelbert, MB. Call Harry Sheppard, Sutton Group-Results Realty, Regina, SK. 306-530-8035. 319 ACRE MIXED farm at a very scenic location overlooking the Birdtail Valley. Older 1-1/2 storey log home, excellent farm buildings. Gordon Gentles 204-761-0511 HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc., Brandon, MB. www.homelifepro.com

10.3 ACRES, w/1560 sq. ft. house, 3 bdrm, 2 bathrooms, 288 sq. ft. porch, 28x44 detached garage w/9’ ceiling, insulated and heated, good well, storage shed, large garden area w/fruit trees. Edberg, AB. Call Don 780-877-3777, cell 780-878-4056.

GOLF CART SHEDS, vent system, 6.5x8.5x.6.5’ high, lockable HD doors, no rotting or rust, no painting or staining. 20 ACRE YARD next to 40 hunting Crown- 306-253-4343, 1-800-383-2228. land quarters. House, barn with hayloft. Good water. 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. RM 166: APPROXIMATELY 25 acres with house, barn, corrals, steel quonset, approx. 15 minutes from Swift Current, Sask. Contact John Cave of Edge Realty Ltd. at 306-773-7379, www.farmsask.com



A rea: A lberta & Saskatchew an Term : M ay to Septem ber Please contact Ed 403-546-2278 Ext. 3 SUPERVISED PASTURE WANTED for 50 pairs in Southern Sask. Phone Larry at 306-582-2221 after 6 PM, Vanguard, SK. MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: www.maverickconstruction.ca w w w. d w e i n . c a R M O F M A R R I OT E1/2-34-32-13-W3 and SW-35-32-13-W3, 481 acres of lightly used pasture with good fences and 2 dugouts. Main grid access. Owner states carry 60 pairs for season. $199,900. Dwein Trask Realty Inc. Call Dwein 306-221-1035, Saskatoon, SK.

2013 INFINITY 3860MS fifth wheel, full body paint, no options missed! STK# DX810049, $79,800. Call 1-866-346-3148 or shop online 24/7 at allandale.com

SERVICED LOTS for sale in Borden, SK. 100’x210’, plus some larger ones along Shephard’s Creek. Call 306-827-7731.

WELL SHELTERED 20 acres, 4 miles North of Struthers Lake Regional Park on super grid. 1690 sq. ft. bungalow, garage, quonFEEDLOT: 3000 HEAD capacity, includes set, barn, other outbuildings, established 1040 sq. ft. house, 60,000 bushel grain yard w/fruit trees, perennials, natural gas, storage, equipment, 6 deeded quarters. 2 good water. 306-864-3282, Kinistino, SK. miles North of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. RANCH: 8064 acres of lease land, 1600 M A B E L L A K E , B C . 18 acres. Horse Angus cows. Crane River, MB. Call Dale fenced, timber house, creek, 2.5 kms to golf, marina, air strip. Backroad sports, 204-638-5581, Doug 204-447-2382. $455,900. For pics email fergy9@telus.net ORGANIC FARM- 650 acres, vg quality clay loam, stone free land. One quarter 10 ACRES, MOOSOMIN, SK. 3500 sq. ft., w/small bungalow can be sold separately. 6/5 bdrm bungalow, lounge, dining room, Main yard with larger 2 storey home is 1/2 breakfast room, office, 2 kitchens, walk-in mile away from the other yardsite. Owners pantry, all new appliances, library, laundry would like to sell to an organic farmer. room, large play room, tri-pane windows, Gordon Gentles 204-761-0511, HomeLife new decks, att. shop 30x50 insulated - will Home Professional Realty Inc., Brandon, take semi, well, new shed 60x40, truck MB. www.homelifepro.com loading ramp, cattle shed, dugout, new on Hwy. 8, 10 miles south of MooFARM LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. Sealed, fencing, written tenders for property in the RM of somin, $450,000. 306-435-3455. Stanley described below will be received PARCEL C on NE-09-23-15-W2nd, by: Selby Law Office, 351 Main Street, Box 38.67 acres, located on Hwy. #22, beside 279, Manitou, MB. R0G 1G0. Parcel 1: t h e v i l l a g e o f D y s a r t , S K . C a l l R o b NW1/4-27-3-6 WPM, in MB. (approx. 162 306-723-4949 or 306-535-7930. cult. acres); Parcel 2: SW1/4-27-3-6 WPM, in MB., (approx. 160 cult. acres); Parcel 3: SE1/4-27-3-6 WPM, in MB. (approx. 140 LAND FO R SALE cult. acres and 20 acre yardsite with 5 RM of Rou nd Hill #4 6 7 steel bins on cement). Incl. all mines and minerals on each quarter. Adjacent to MuSW 8 -4 8 -14 -W 3 nicipal water lines. Located 6 miles NW of NW 5 -4 8 -14 -W 3 SW 5 -4 8 -14 -W 3 Morden, MB. Conditions of tender: 1. In$ terested parties must rely on their own in4 82 Acres ....M LS 199,000 spection and knowledge of the property. 2. Tenders may be placed and accepted on 1, FARM /RAN CH /RECREATIO N TO M N EUFEL D 2 or all of the above described parcels of SASK .L AN D SAL ES land. 3. Tenders must be received on or k atneu feld@ sask tel.net before 2:00 PM on April 5, 2013. 4. Tend3 06 -26 0-7 83 8 ers must be accompanied by a deposit of 5% of the amount offered, payable to Sel- ASPEN GROVE ESTATES West - Acreagby Law Office Trust. Deposit cheques ac- es for sale, near Borden, SK. on Hwy. #16. companying unacceptable bids will be re- Call 306-827-7731. turned. 5. H i g h e s t o r a ny t e n d e r n o t necessarily accepted. 6. The purchaser(s) 17 ACRES East of Camrose, AB. 1700 sq. shall be responsible for payment of GST or ft. home, large shop, 2 wells, dugout, well shall self-assess for GST. Terms and condi- treed, $280,000. 780-373-2510. tions of sale. 1. The bidder(s) whose tender is accepted will be required to com- 20 ACRES, new garage, new tractor shed, plete an agreement covering terms and plus acreage equipment. 17’ holiday trailconditions of sale. 2. In addition to the de- er. 306-382-1241, Saskatoon, SK. posit, the balance of the accepted tender must be paid on or before the date of clos- 80 ACRE FARM, hay and pasture, fenced, ing which shall be April 12, 2013, or evi- 4 bdrm, 2-1/2 bath home, many renos, dence provided that the purchase funds outbuildings, set up for livestock. Haying will be available under conditions ac- equipment also available, $189,000. Call ceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of 306-872-2110, Spalding, SK. the accepted tender is not paid within the set time limit the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. 3. Possession is not authorized until acceptable arrangements for full payment are made following acceptance of tender. 4. Successful bidder(s) will be responsible for real property taxes com- 2012 POLARIS RANGER 4WD 500 EFI UTV mencing date of possession. For further with only 320 kms, also selling 1995 4WD info contact Larry J. Selby 204-242-2801. Polaris Sportsman 400 quad with winch. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equip. POTATO AND SPECIAL CROPLAND, Auction, Wed., April 10, 2013, Fillmore, Carman, MB. 470 acres in one block, SK. area. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, spring 2013 possession. Call Melvin 306-487-7815. For sale bill and photos To ew s , G o l d e n P l a i n s R e a l t y L t d . , www.mackauctioncompany.com PL311962 204-745-3677, Carman, MB. POLARIS SPORTSMAN 800 quad with winch and heated handle bars. Warren Domres Estate Farm Equipment Auction, 1000 ACRE PASTURE for sale, 850 acres Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. grazing lease and 150 deeded. Approx. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for $7000 per year gas well revenue. Will car- sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or ry 90 pairs per year. Lots of potential. 50 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 miles NW of St. Paul, AB. 780-404-9646. ARCTIC CAT Prowler 700 XTX UTV TAME GRASS PASTURE for 100 cow/calf 2010 by side w/only 290 miles, Honda pairs. $1.00 per day per cow/calf pair. Ani- side 450 ES quad 4x4 electric shift. mals will be closely monitored and super- Foreman Gardiner Premium Farm Equipment vised. 306-233-4355 or, 306-631-9821. Don Auction, Monday, April 8, 2013, Lemberg, Please leave message. Wakaw, SK. SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com PASTURE FOR RENT available May 1st for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or for 200 cow/calf pairs. Fully supervised, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 l o t s o f w at e r, b l o c k s a l t p r ov i d e d . 2010 4WD YAMAHA Rhino Special Edition 306-937-1222, Cando, SK. 700 EFI side by side, also selling Yamaha PASTURES FOR RENT: Supervised graz- 225 Tri Moto. Brian Dreger Farm Equip. ing cow/calf pairs for 2013 season or Auction, Monday, April 22, 2013, Lang, SK. yearlings. Starting now- Custom feed area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com c o w s , w i l l c a l v e o u t . C a l l for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-560-8145, Jansen, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962


WANTED: OLDER USED GAS golf cart and golf cart trailer. 306-845-7728, Livelong, SK.

2006 BEAVER MONTEREY, 4 slides, 400 HP, loaded, 1 yr. full warranty, $145,000 for more info on this coach or many others in stock. Call 1-866-940-7777, Kelowna, BC or www.enterpriserv.com

2006 FLEETWOOD DISCOVERY 35’, 330 HP Cat, 3 slides, auto, queen bed in master, central vac, washer/dryer, satellite system, always stored inside, leather captain chairs and pull-out couch, full size WANTED: HOBART DOUGH mixer, 115V, fridge w/ice maker, only 24,000 miles, phase I, 1/4 or 1/2 HP, in good working exc., $95,000. Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., condition. 306-753-2576, Cactus Lake, SK. 306-493-2222, Delisle, SK. DL #910420. 2014 TUSCANY 45’, loaded, diesel pusher, 450 HP Cummins, tag, $298,500. Call 1-866-346-3148 or shop online 24/7 at: SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumallandale.com ber any dimension, anytime. Make money 2001 SOUTHWIND FLEETWOOD 32’, load- and save money. In stock, ready to ship. ed, big slide, 2 AC’s, 2 solar panels, 5500 Starting at $997. 1-800-566-6899 ext. Onan gen., 2 TV’s, VCR, CD player, 24’ 168. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/168 awning, elec. steps, full storage on both WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, sides. V10 motor, 9-11 mpg. New brakes, eight models, options and accessories. bearings, rotors. Fully serviced. Top of the 1-877-866-0667. www.woodmizer.ca line and like new! $42,400 no GST. Serious buyers only. 403-527-1887, 403-502-5105 or 403-350-7313, Medicine Hat, AB. 2005 MONACO CHEETAH SAFARI, 38’, 4 slides, 350 HP Cat, Allison trans., diesel power plant, queen size bed, central vac, full size fridge w/ice maker, leather captain chairs, kitchen table and chairs, stove w/oven. Too many extras to list. $98,000 OBO. 780-363-2115, Chipman, AB. email: svkostiuk@gmail.com

ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Platform scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. www.eliasscales.com

WEIGH WAGONS, perfect for on-site plot testing of grain yields. D&F Manufacturing 2007 KAWASAKI 1600 Nomad, 10,500 Ltd., 204-746-8260, www.dandf.ca kms, titanium on black, as new. David HEAVY BEAM 13’x33’ platform scale, no 204-867-5568, Minnedosa, MB. power needed. Will run on 9 volt, offers. Seed Plant 306-324-4223, Collin 306-593-7644, Wayne 306-272-7878, Margo, SK. $1000 OFF select enclosed snowmobile trailers. Various models to choose from. Hurry in to Flaman Trailers before these units are gone. Visit your nearest Flaman Sales store or call 1-888-435-2626 or go to www.flaman.com 2006 SKI-DOO ROTAX 550F with 725 miles. Warren Domres Estate Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, April 19, 2013, Lemberg, SK. area. www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK.

RV TRAILER AND BOAT AUCTION, April 6th, 10:00 AM sharp, Yorkton Auction Centre, 100% unreserved. Over 50 units selling. View online, bid online yorktonauctioncentre.com For info call 306-782-5999, Yorkton, SK.

2006 GULFSTREAM CONQUEST 26RLS travel trailer with single slide. Champion Acres (Rod Boll) Farm Equip. Auction, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Fillmore, SK. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 31196 PARTS FOR VINTAGE snowmobiles, 1990 RV TRAILER AND BOAT AUCTION, April and older. Call Don at 780-755-2258, 6th, 10:00 AM sharp, Yorkton Auction Wainwright, AB. doncole@telus.net Centre, 100% unreserved. Over 50 units selling. View online, bid online yorktonauctioncentre.com For info call 306-782-5999, Yorkton, SK. 2009 PUMA 295BHSS 5th wheel, bunk slide, living room super slide with U dinette and hide-a-bed, front queen bed, 18’ awning, rear entrance, flat screen TV, DVD, CD stereo, ducted AC, outside bbq TIMESHARE WORLDWIDE VACATION exhookup, outside shower, sleeps 8 plus, changes. 2 bedroom, full kitchen. Selling $21,000 OBO. 306-735-7787 Langbank, SK due to health. 306-453-2958, Carlyle, SK.

CERTIFIED MEREDITH, high yielding malt variety. Early booking and large order discounts. Phone Jeff at 306-227-7867, jeffsopatyk@me.com Saskatoon, SK.

CERTIFIED AC METCALFE treated with CuiserMaxx Vibrance. Call Mark or Jim 306-522-1668, Richardson, SK. FDN., REG., CERT., AC Metcalfe; CDC Copeland; CDC Austenson; AC Ranger; CDC Cowboy. Ardell Seeds, Vanscoy, SK, 306-668-4415.


Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment


AC MUSTANG High Yielding Grain or Forage For the nearest grower visit:

Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - ex.co m TOEPFER INT. CERTIFIED: AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland, CDC Meredith, CDC Austenson. Ph: 306-445-4022, 306-441-6699, N.Battleford, SK. www.westerngrain.com CERT. NEWDALE, AC Metcalfe, Meredith, Copeland, and Austenson barley. Call Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. CERT. #1 AC NEWDALE (2R), Legacy (6R). Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438.


CERT. CARBERRY, UTMOST VB, Superb, Harvest, and CPS AC Crystal. Trawin CERT TRIACTOR. Excellent quality. Call Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Northland Seeds Inc., Margo, SK. NO DISEASE: Reg., Cert., high germ., midge tolerant Goodeve, Unity. Waskada, fuserium tolerant; Lillian, sawfly resistant. Pa l m i e r S e e d F a r m s , L a f l e c h e , S K . CERT. TYNDAL, 99% germ., fusarium free. 306-472-3722, moe.anita@sasktel.net www.fabianseedfarms.com 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB.

CERT, REG, AC SHAW, midge tolerant, AC METCALFE, CDC PolarStar, all Cert. high germ, low disease. Early booking and #1, very low disease, Wiens Seed Farm, large order discounts. Jeff 306-227-7867, jeffsopatyk@me.com Saskatoon, SK. 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. CDC MEREDITH, CDC KINDERSLEY, CERT. UNITY AND ALVENA seed, good reg., cert., high yield. Gregoire Seed Farms germ. and low fusarium. 306-744-7722, Ltd., North Battleford, SK. 306-441-7851, Bredenbury, SK. 306-445-5516, gregfarms@sasktel.net FDN., REG., CERT. AC Shaw VB, Cert. SuCERT. #1 MEREDITH, CDC Copeland, AC perb, Unity VB, 0 fusarium. Haralie Seed Metcalfe, good germ. and test weight. Farm, 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. S e e d P l a n t 3 0 6 - 3 2 4 - 4 2 2 3 , C o l l i n CERT. UNITY VB, 99% germ, 98% vigor. 306-593-7644, Wayne 306-272-7878, Stoll’s Seed Barn 306-493-2534, Delisle, Margo, SK. SK. CERT. AC METCALFE, CDC Copeland, malt HIGH GERM., LOW fusarium, Cert. #1 AC barley. Sundre feed barley. Early booking Vesper VB, AC Carberry, AC Stettler, AC and large order discounts. Visa or MC ac- Fieldstar VB, AC Kane, AC Domain. Ph c e p t e d . S e e d t r e a t i n g a v a i l a b l e . Mannanah Seeds 306-547-7432 Sturgis SK w w w. L L s e e d s . c a f o r m o r e i n f o . 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK. CERT. GLENN, UNITY, Harvest, Utmost, Carberry, Pasteur seed wheat; Fdn. Vesper CERT. METCALFE, CERT. Meredith, 99% wheat. We can deliver. Boissevain Select germ., 0% fusarium Graminearum. Fraser Seeds, 1-866-534-6846. Farms Ltd., 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. CERTIFIED AC SHAW-DOMAIN VB, Midge CERTIFIED CDC COPLAND, 94% germ.; tolerant, and Certified Utmost VB, Midge CDC Meredith, 96% germ.; CDC Cowboy, tolerant wheat, high germ., low disease. 95% germ.; Ponoka, 94% germ.; CDC Aus- Call RoLo Farms 306-543-5052, Regina, SK tenson, 96% germ. All seed is fusarium free. Don at 780-853-2484, Vermilion, AB. CERT. AND REG. Utmost VB, Harvest, Andrew, Conquer VB. Frederick Seeds, CERT. CDC MEREDITH, CDC Copeland, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. AC Metcalfe. Excellent quality. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Northland Seeds CERT. SHAW VB, AC ELSA, LILLIAN. Inc., Margo, SK. Pratchler Seeds 306-682-3317, CERT AND REG high germinating Metcalfe, 306-682-2983, Muenster, SK. Copeland, Newdale Barley. Call Frederick CERT. WASKADA, 2011 crop, 98% germ., Seeds, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. Ken and Larry Trowell at 306-744-2687, Saltcoats, SK.


For the nearest grower visit:

mastinseeds.com 403-556-2609 CERT. MEREDITH MALT, 95% germ, 98% vigor; Cert. Copeland, 91% germ, 92% vigor. Both 100% pure to variety. Sandercock Seed Farm, 306-334-2958, Balcarres, SK. CERTIFIED METCALFE, germ 97%. Ennis Seeds, 306-429-2793, Glenavon, SK. CERT. AC MEREDITH, AC METCALFE. Pratchler Seeds 306-682-3317, 306-682-2983, Muenster, SK.

CERT. STRONGFIELD, Cert. Verona durum, 95% germ., 0% fusarium Graminearum. Fraser Farms. 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK

AC STRONGFIELD, CERT. and Registered available, very low disease. Call Wiens Seed Farm, 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. NO DISEASE, high germ: Registered and Certified Transcend and Kyle. Palmier Seed Farms 306-472-3722, Lafleche, SK moe.anita@sasktel.net SPRING SPECIAL CERT. Strongfield Durum, high germ., 0% fusarium graminearum. Call 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK.

CERT. GLENN, Carberry, Vesper VB, CDC Utmost VB, Infinity, Red Spring wheats, Snowstar White wheat. Good germ, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com


CERT. ULTIMA spring triticale. Good germ, CDC COPELAND. Certified available. 99% low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, germ., 0% fusarium graminearum. Greg at SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com Tez Seeds Inc., 306-378-7828, Elrose, SK. CERT. AC METCALF, CDC Merdith. Contact Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, CERT, REG, AC VESPER, midge tolerant, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336, Semans, SK high germ, low disease. Saskatoon, SK. Jeff 306-227-7867, jeffsopatyk@me.com

New High Yielder Large Heavy Kernels

CERT. GLENN and AC CARBERRY available. Call 204-436-2469, Nadeau Seeds Inc. of Fannystelle, MB. nadeauseeds.ca

C D C U tm ostV B

*N EW * highe st yie ld ing CD C CW RS w he a t w ith m id ge to le ra nce & stro ng stra w . Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: A L BER TA TR U E S EED S L TD . - C ERTIFIED SEED Redw ater,AB ................780-777-5885 S A S K ATC H EW A N H ER L E S EED FA R M W ilkie,SK.........................306-843-2934 S O R G A R D S EED S C hurchbridge,SK..........306-896-2236 R EIS N ER S EED FA R M Lim erick,SK ....................306-263-2139

Kam sack,SK Phone (306)542-4235 Fax (306)542-3048 Info@fedorukseeds.com w w w .fedorukseeds.com

W heat:A C Carberry,CDC Utm ost,Harvest (blow out pricing) and m any m ore varieties; Barley: 2 R Metcalfe (m alting), Cow boy (biom ass),6 R Celebration;O ats:Sum m itt, Souris;Peas (yellow and green)and Flax

STAYI NFORMED: Ag news, market comments... website updated twice weekly www.fedorukseeds.com

A C ® H a r vest #1 CW RS Be st sta nd a b ility,gre a t yie ld a nd e a rly m a tu rity. Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: TR U E S EED S L TD . -C ERTIFIED SEED Redw ater,AB ...............1-780-777-5885

1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etic s .ca

CERT. #1 AC VESPER VB, AC UNITY GLENN RSW, Cert., good germ., very low VB, AC Lillian, very low disease. Wiens Fusarium, #1 grade; BENTLEY 2R Malt Seed Farm, 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. barley, Cert., high yielder. Webster’s Seed CERT. HARVEST, GOODEVE, Unity, CDC Farm, Welwyn, SK. 306-733-4593. Utmost, low fusarium, good germ., B4 CERT., REG., AC Unity VB, CDC Utmost Seeds, 306-752-2564, 306-921-9424, VB, AC Carberry, Lillian wheat, 0% fu- 306-921-7924, Melfort, SK. sarium. Reisner Seed Farm, 306-263-2139, Limerick, SK. breisner@sasktel.net CERT. #1 UNITY, AC Shaw, AC Vesper, all midge tolerant, very low disease. Phone CERT. CARBERRY, CDC Vesper, Stettler. Andrew 306-742-4682, Calder, SK. Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336, Semans, SK TOEPFER INT. CERTIFIED: Sadash, Unity VB, VesperVB, Waskada, Stettler w/Superb seed quality. 306-445-4022, 306-441-6699 vicki@westerngrain.com N.Battleford, SK. TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.

TA P / C R E E P I N G A L FA L FA , C L OVE R S, grasses, pasture mixes. Free blending and delivery! Organic also. 306-863-2900, AND CERT. CDC GO wheat, high yield Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK CERT. AC VESPER VB, AC Carberry, high REG. short, strong straw, germ 93-97%. germ, low fusarium. Boyes Seeds, Kelving- and 204-746-6632, 204-746-8325, Morris, MB. ton, SK, 306-327-4980, 306-327-7660.

THIS GUY JUST picked up

44MT of perfectly treated wheat in 38 minutes!

REG., CERT. STRONGFIELD, CDC Verona Durum. Early booking and large order discounts. Visa or MC accepted. Seed treating available. www.LLseeds.ca for more info. 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK.

CERT. CDC IMVINCIBLE, CDC Impower, CDC Maxim, CDC Dazil. Early booking CERT. SW WIZZARD and Foremost canola, and large order discounts. Saskatoon, SK. $2.50/lb.; Cert. Synergy Polish canola = Jeff 306-227-7867, jeffsopatyk@me.com 85 days. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. CANOLA SEED DIRECT from the grower. Cert. No. 1 FUSION RR, synthetic hybrid; Cert. No. 1 RUGBY RR, highest yielding OP; Cert. No. 1 SW Wizard, conventional. Haralie Seed, 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. CERT. FOREMOST, Conventional canola, Canterra varieties. Contact Greenshields Seeds Ltd., Semans, SK., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336.



w w w .fp gen etic s .ca

CERT.#1 UNITY, WASKADA, Thrive and REG., CERT., AC LILLIAN, 98% germ., 0% Lillian wheat. Contact Shewchuk Seeds, fusarium graminearum. Bulk discounts available. Call 306-690-9991, Moose Jaw, 306-290-7816, Blaine Lake, SK. SK. echute@cdcfarms.com CERT. #1 VESPER VB, Goodeve VB, CDC Utmost VB, Harvest, AC Sadash (CSWS). CERT. AC CARBERRY wheat, low disease, 98% germ. Northeastern Seed Co., contact Fenton Seeds Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. Blake at 306-621-6430, Saltcoats, SK. CERT., REG. AC Shaw, high germination, very low disease. Cherry Ridge Seeds, CERT. #1 UNITY VB, Fieldstar VB, Kane, Waskada, year old seed. Seed Plant 306-862-6859, Nipawin, SK. 306-324-4223, Collin 306-593-7644, Wayne 306-272-7878, Margo, SK. CHIN R IDG E S EEDS , Ta b er, AB REGISTERED, CERTIFIED #1 Shaw; CDC Certfi ei d S eed : AC® Ca rb erry, Utmost; Carberry. Ardell Seeds, Vanscoy, AC® S tettel r, CDC Go , & AC® L illia n HRS W . SK, 306-668-4415. AC® S tro n gfei dl Du ru m . CDC Au s ten s o n , REG., CERT. AC Unity - Waskada VB, AC M u s kw a , Viva r, CDC Co w b o y, Shaw - Domain VB midge tolerant wheat. AC® M etca fl e, CDC Co p el an d , Early booking and large order discounts. CDC M ered ith Bly. Visa or MC accepted. Seed treating avail. 1-8 00-56 3-7333 o r w w w .chin rid ge.co m www.LLseeds.ca for more information. 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK.

ALFALFA, SWEET CLOVER, Red Clover, Smooth Brome, Meadow Brome, Crested Wheat, Timothy, Milk Vetch, Sainfoin, and 15 other grasses. Free delivery and blending! 306-863-2900, Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK.

CERTIFIED #1 CDC SORREL. Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. FDN. RECONSTITUTED FLAX FP2141-12, or CDC Sorrel 14. Stoll’s Seed Barn 306-493-2534, Delisle, SK. CERT. 1 PRAIRIE Sapphire brown flax. Good germ. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com CERT. PRAIRIE GRANDE. Call Greenshields Seeds Ltd. Semans, SK., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336.

Canada’s Seed Partner



CERTIFIED CDC UTMOST VB, midge tolerant, very good quality, high germ. Herle Seed Farm, 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. FOUNDATION AND/OR CERTIFIED CDC Utmost VB and Lillian Wheat. Call Craswell Seeds, Strasbourg, SK., 306-725-3236.

SINGLE AND DOUBLE cut Red Clover, Sweet Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Organic, 20 different grasses, pasture blends! Free blending and delivery! 306-863-2900, Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK.

EARLY, HIGH YIELDING SYNTHETIC HYBRIDS $ 16 to $18/acre seed cost No Contract Required mastinseeds.com 403-556-2609

CERTIFIED #1 HYBRID and open-pollinated canola varieties at great prices. Fenton Seeds, 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. CERT. RUGBY RR and conventional Eagle. Pratchler Seeds 306-682-3317, 306-682-2983, Muenster, SK.

CERTIFIED CDC IMPOWER green lentils and Certified CDC IMAX red lentils. Call Jim or Mark 306-522-1668, Richardson, SK CDC IMVINCIBLE SMALL green lentils, certified. Sean Miller, Avonlea, SK., 306-868-7822. CERT. CDC IMPOWER and Improve Clearfield; Greenland; small red: Maxim and Impala. Palmier Seed Farms, Lafleche, SK 306-472-3722, moe.anita@sasktel.net CERT. CDC DAZIL, CDC Imax, CDC Maxim, CDC Impower. Hansen Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK., 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679. CERT. CDC IMPOWER, very low disease, 96% germination. 306-858-7636, Lucky Lake, SK. CERTIFIED CDC IMPOWER CL, CDC Dazil CL, CDC Redcliff, CDC Maxim CL. Fast Seed Farm, 306-463-3626, Kindersley, SK. CDC IMPOWER, CDC DAZIL Clearfield lentils. Cert. and Reg. available. Call Greg at Tez Seeds Inc., 306-378-7828, Elrose, SK. CERT. CDC MAXIM CL, CDC Impower CL, CDC Imigreen CL. Early booking and large order discounts. Visa or MC accepted. Seed treating avail. www.LLseeds.ca for more info. 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK.

SPRING SPECIAL CERT. CDC Imex, Maxim and Dazil red lentils. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK. REG. CERT. CDC SORREL. Excellent CERT. CDC MAXIM clear field Red lentils, quality. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, very good quality. Herle Seed Farm, 306-843-2934, Wilke, SK. Northland Seeds Inc., Margo, SK. CERT. CDC SORREL; CDC Bethune. Trawin CERTIFIED CDC IMVINCIBLE, Impower, Improve Clearfield lentils. Phone Nathan Seeds, Melfort, SK., 306-752-4060. Sudom 306-530-4107, Avonlea, SK. Email: nbs696@mail.usask.ca

ANNUAL FORAGE GRASSES produce huge tonnage! Tall fescue, annual Ryegrass, Italian Ryegrass, perennial Ryegrass. Free delivery! 306-863-2900, Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK.

FOUNDATION, REGISTERED, CERTIFIED CDC Redcliff and CDC Maxim CL. Craswell Seeds, Strasbourg, SK., 306-725-3236. CERT. CDC IMVINCIBLE, CDC Impower, CDC Greenland lentils. High germ., no disease. RoLo Farms 306-543-5052, Regina. CERT. #1 CDC Impala Clearfield Lentils. Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438.

CERT. ULTIMA spring triticale, Cert. CDC Baler forage oats, Cert. CDC Cowboy barley, Cert. CDC Tucker peas. Can be blended to your specification. Good germ, low disease. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK. 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com

A second chance for your canola. Milligan Biofuels buys green, heated and spring-thrashed canola for biofuel. We need 60,000 tonnes a year. We’ll pay you competitive prices and provide quick payment to get it. To find out about our convenient drop off points, or to arrange freight or pick-up, call 1-866-388-6284.

CERT. MUSTANG OATS. 306-744-7722, Bredenbury, SK. CERT. AC Morgan, Mustang, Bradley. Also common seed and Greenfeed silage variety. Great quality and quantity. Call Nick 780-349-5458, Westlock, AB.

CERT. SUMMIT, high yielding. Contact 204-436-2469 at Nadeau Seeds Inc. of Fannystelle, MB. nadeauseeds.ca CERT. AND REG. Orrin, Leggett, Morgan, and Souris Oats. Call Frederick Seeds, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. CERT. #1 CDC Orrin, Leggett. Fenton Seeds Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. CERTIFIED AC MORGAN, 92%; Waldern, 94% germ. Seed is fusarium free. Call Don at 780-853-2484, Vermilion, AB. REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AC Morgan, excellent quality. Cherry Ridge Seeds, 306-862-6859, Nipawin, SK. CERT. CDC BOYER, 99% germ., 0% fusarium, early maturity, straight cut. Stoll’s Seed Barn 306-493-2534, Delisle, SK.

Search “G40 Seed Treater”


and see for yourself.

www.seedtreating.com Brian Ellis Phone: 403-556-2846 Fax: 403-556-6604 gseed@telusplanet.net

For more information, call 1-866-388-6284 or visit milliganbiofuels.com


FDN., REG., CERT. AC Morgan, AC Lu, Murphy oats, high germ, 0 fusarium. Haralie Seed Farm, 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB.



BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. email: nsgl@sasktel.net RED LENTIL SEED, newer imi-resistant medium sized variety, very good price, 98% germ, limited supply call today. 306-631-7099, Moose Jaw, SK. COMMON YELLOW PEAS, 94% germ, 80% vigor, good quality. Sandercock Seed Farm, 306-334-2958, Balcarres, SK. SILAGE PEAS SEED for sale, very good germ. and vigor. 306-228-7977, Unity, SK LENTIL SEED- SMALL green, large green and small reds. All are Imi-resistant. Nice price. Call Curt, Dobson Farms Ltd, 306-501-2488, Rouleau, SK. SPRING SPECIAL: large Kabuli chick peas, high germ and 0 disease. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK.

GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED

LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: www.grainex.net

CERT. CDC MEADOW, CDC TREASURE yellow peas. Early booking and large order discounts. Phone Jeff at 306-227-7867, jeffsopatyk@me.com Saskatoon, SK.

TOEPFER INT. CERTIFIED seed available: CDC Meadow, CDC Striker, CDC Pluto, CDC Tetris. Dun CDC Dakota and common maple peas. Other varieties on request. Ph: 306-445-4022 or, 306-441-6699, N.Battleford, SK. email: vicki@westerngrain.com REG. CERT. COOPER GREEN PEAS. Excellent quality. Northland Seeds Inc., call Oscar or Lee at 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. SPRING SPECIAL CDC Meadow peas. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK. CERT. CDC STRIKER; Cert. CDC Pintium (pinto beans). Martens Charolais and Seed, 204-534-8370, Boissevain, MB. CERT. #1 CDC Meadow, CDC Prosper, CDC Acer (Maple). Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. CERT. CDC ME ADOW, CDC Treasure. Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336, Semans, SK

CERT. 1 NSC Libau, NSC Anola early maturing soybeans from NorthStar Genetics. Full spectrum of soybean inoculants available. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-399-0040, gsorgard@gmail.com WANTED HEATED CANOLA. No broker involved. Sell direct to crushing plant. Cash on delivery or pickup. Unity, SK. Call: 306-228-7306 or 306-228-1502. HEAVY OATS MIXED with 20% wheat, 7000 bushels. Call 306-642-5812, Scout Lake, SK. SOFT WHITE WHEAT grown from Cert. LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buy96% germ., high quality, negligible gra- ers and sellers of all types of feed grain minearum. Larry 306-542-4144, Kamsack and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, CLEANED HARD RED spring wheat seed Nipawin, SK. and cleaned yellow peas. Call Rick at WANTED: FEED/ OFF-GRADE Pulses and 306-237-9540, Perdue, SK. tough, heated green oilseeds and also cereals. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, DERBY SEED OATS, 98% germination. SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297. Call Randy 780-826-5389, 780-815-3577, WANTED: FEED BARLEY, 48 lbs. plus. Bonnyville, AB. Phone Larry Hagerty 306-345-2523, Stony WANTED: NEW VARIETIES OF OATS, Beach, SK. bin run or cleaned. Prefer milling oats, 8,000 to 10,000 bu. or smaller lots. 306-501-4406, Milestone, SK. OATS SUITABLE FOR SEED, no wild oats, Com petitive Ra tes $5.50/bu. cleaned. Phone 306-867-8249 P ro m pt P a ym en t or 306-867-7716, Outlook, SK. COMMON ORGANIC OATS, 95% germination. 306-642-5765, Verwood, SK. COMMON SEED OATS, 95% vigor, 96% gerCONTRACTING mination. Call Marty at 306-220-7915, Linden, AB Blaine Lake, SK.


OATS, MILLING FEED and silage variety. Forage peas and triticale for swath grazing. Call Nick 780-349-5458, Westlock, AB. CERT. ANDANTE YELLOW mustard. Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, 306-746-7336, Semans, SK

P AUL M O W ER 4 03 - 3 04 - 1 4 9 6

• All V a rie tie s • All Typ e s

S un d w a ll S e e d S e rvice

G o va n , S K - 3 06-484-2010

Acke rm a n Ag S e rvice Fl ob e rg S e e d Fa rm

BUYING FLAX MILLING farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties CONVENTIONAL ARGENTINE CANOLA, of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. 97% germ., 98% vigor. Battleford, SK. Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB. Phone 1-877-312-2839.



ORGANIC SOIL AMENDMENT Simply Fish soil amendment. Pro-cert approved, approved for organic production. FOB BC. Rory Ylioja 306-243-4320. simplyfish.ca sales@simplyfish.ca Birsay, SK. PHOSPHATE - GYPSUM - COMPOST. Delivered direct to your farm in truck load lots: phos and gyp OMRI approved for organic use. Contact: Bartzen Ag Supply Ltd. 306-242-4553 or email: lbartzen@shaw.ca





WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.


WANTED: LARGE yellow peas. Premiums offered. Ph 204-737-3002, St. Joseph, MB. WANTED: MILLING TRITICALE, winter or spring type. Contact Norbert at Saskcan Parent 204-737-3002, St. Joseph, MB.

103 -3240 Id ylw yld Dr. N . FORM ERLY

9 3 3 -1115 TIRE & W HEEL



184-38 R1 REAR tractor tires, brand new, WANTED: NEW VARIETIES OF OATS, never mounted, $725/ea. Call Mike bin run or cleaned. Prefer milling oats, 306-227-1769, Saskatoon, SK. 8,000 to 10,000 bu. or smaller lots. 306-501-4406, Milestone, SK.

JUKI INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINE, DDL 8700 w/stand, $2100. Please call for info. at 306-642-3076, Assiniboia, SK.

TURNKEY OPERATION: 18 deer, 6 bear tags, forest fringe zone 49. Equipment included. Deposits on 2013 hunts, $220,000. tarabahnman@hotmail.com Davidson, SK. 306-567-3200.

COMBINE DUAL KITS, IN STOCK JD STS kit w/ new 20.8-42 tires, $16,880; JD 94009600/10/CTS/CTS II kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires, $11,880; CIH 1680-2588 kit w/ new 20.8-38 tires, $13,900; Clamp-on duals w/ new 18.4-38 tires, $4,300. Trade in your single for duals. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

BEAR OUTFITTING BUSINESS with 26 tags and equipment for sale in the Meadow Lake, SK. area. This will be available for the 2014 season. Phone: 306-236-3136, WANTED: CIH SERIES 9300 QUADTRAC tracks any condition! Phone John at Email: k.loutfitters@sasktel.net 204-825-2715, Pilot Mound, MB. 30 WHITETAIL DEER TAGS for wildlife management zone #65, around East Trout Lake in Northern Saskatchewan, $150,000 US. Contact: gregdemakis@hotmail.com

A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc.

4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0



CAN AD A BUYING: FEED GRAINS, all types of Lacom be A B. w w w.eisses.ca screenings, damaged canola. Quick pay1-888-882-7803 ment. Call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at Wilde Bros. Ag Trading 1-877-752-0115 or 403-752-0115, Raymond, Alberta or email: wildebrosagtrading@gmail.com WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, WANTED: ALFALFA/GRASS hay, large peas, green or damaged canola. Phone round bales. We are interested in all Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. qualities of hay delivered to Bethune, SK. Call 306-638-3051.


M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712

TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary CONVENTIONAL and ROUNDUP READY Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. corn seed. Call CanaMaize Seed Inc, VIKING FORAGE SEEDS. Alfalfa and 1-877-262-4046 or www.canamaize.com grasses blended to your needs. Call Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987 TOP PRICES Wynyard, SK. PAID FOR MILLET SEED: German Golden Foxtail; Red Proso; Crown Proso. All cleaned and FEED BARLEY, bagged. Excellent producers in swath graze, silage or bale. Call Greg Tanner, WHEAT, OATS, 306-457-2816, Stoughton, SK. ALFALFA, SWEET CLOVER, Red Clover, AlRYE, TRITICALE, sike Clover, Organic alfalfa and clovers, plowdown legumes, vetches, grasses, pasPEAS, LENTILS, ture blends. Free delivery! 306-863-2900, HEATED OIL SEEDS Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK. COMMON RED PROSO millet, good germ., Priced at your b in. .50¢/lb. 306-429-2714, Glenavon, SK, primrose@sasktel.net ORGANIC SWEET CLOVER, red clover, alfalfa, cicer milk vetch, Timothy. Free delivery. 306-863-2900, Birch Rose Acres, Star Saskatoon City, SK. 306-374-1968 CANADA COMMON No. 1 multi-foliate alfalfa seed, pre-inoculated, $2.85/lb.; Cert. WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? MF 5301 alfalfa seed, pre-inoculated, You are selling feed grains. We are $3/lb. Volume discounts. 204-642-2572, buying feed grains. Fast payment, with Riverton, MB. prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, Dave Lea, or Vera Buziak at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Email: COMMON CANARY SEED, cleaned, on info@marketplacecommodities.com or f a r m p i c k u p . 3 0 6 - 3 8 2 - 5 2 8 5 , phone: 1-866-512-1711. 306-260-4626 located near Leask, SK. COMMON #1 Smooth Brome, Meadow brome, Timothy, Crested wheat, Yellow B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds clover, Cicer Milkvetch, Alfalfa. Also have Certified seed. Grower Direct. Blending CG C licensed and bonded and delivery available. Competitive prices. Call Siklenka Seeds, 306-342-4290, Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7 John Su therla nd 306-342-2189, Glaslyn, SK.

C ha m b e rla in , S K - 3 06-63 8-2282 S ha u n a vo n , S K - 3 06-297-2087


ORGANIC ROUND FLAX straw bales, $30/bale OBO. 306-382-1299, Saskatoon, OVER 1800 NEW and used industrial farm SK. wallace.hamm@pro-cert.org and truck tires. Many large hard to find sizes. Central Canada’s largest stock of dismantled and running equipment. Two yards of 50 acres. Large stock of new and used attachments. Cambrian Equipment 500 TONNES OF 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer for Sales, 204-667-2867, fax, 204-667-2932, sale, stored on farm in Colonsay, SK. area. Winnipeg, MB. Offers. Call home: 306-643-4449 or cell: 306-745-7018.



Ce rtifie d M us ta rd Se e d


AL L GRAD ES 1-877-641-2798


COMMON SEED OATS, 90% germination, 92% vigor. Call 1-877-312-2839, BattleF D N . C E RT. C D C TO G O. Excellent ford, SK. quality. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, SEED OATS- TOP milling variety, exc. Northland Seeds Inc., Margo, SK. germ. and vigour. Phone 306-441-4741, CERT. CANTATE, highest yielding variety. Battleford, SK. H a n s e n S e e d s , Ye l l o w G r a s s , S K . , OATS SUITABLE FOR seed. Contact Larry 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679. at 780-872-2832, 306-344-2097, Paradise Hill, SK. REGISTERED CD BASTIA. Seed Plant 306-324-4223, Collin 306-593-7644, MILLING OATS, 99% germination, no wild oats or volunteers, 1 generation from cerWayne 306-272-7878, Margo, SK. tified. Ph. 306-549-4701, Hafford, SK. BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. BUYING ALL GRADES, farm pickup. Call Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net

CERT. ANDANTE yellow mustard, Cert. Centennial brown, Cert. Cutlass oriental mustard. Treated or bare seed. Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK. 306-399-0040, email: gsorgard@gmail.com



FORAGE PEAS, Cert. Leroy and common. Call Nick 780-349-5458, Westlock, AB. CERT. CDC MEADOW, CDC Bronco, CDC Golden and Agassiz yellow peas. High germ., no disease. Call RoLo Farms, 306-543-5052, Regina, SK.


B uying Feed G rain


POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gallons; Bladder tanks from 220 to 88,000 gal; Water and liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and double wall; Truck and storage, gas or dsl. Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK.

T RU C K L OA D J U S T A R R I V E D : U s e d 11R22.5, $75 and up; used 11R24.5, $90 and up, with rims- add $50. Also available 10R20’s and 11R20’s. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. DL #910885

2- 2008 WESTEEL LIQUID tanks, new condition, 219,500 litres, height: 12.8m, $30,000 each OBO. Mark Vestby, Agro M a n a g e r , Tw i n V a l l e y C o - o p , 204-773-2166, Russell, MB. Email us at m.vestby@twinvalleycoop.ca


FIBERGLASS SEPTIC TANKS- Various sizes available, starting from 250 gal. up to SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, 34,000 gal. See your nearest Flaman store greenfeed, grass, and straw. Delivered. today or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com Call 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 1000 HEAVY 5’x6’ hard core hay bales, 2011, and some 2012, good quality, Weyburn area, 204-773-3474, Angusville, SK. SMALL SQUARE ALFALFA brome bales, .50¢ each, had some rain. 306-232-4808, 306-290-5367, Hague, SK. LARGE ROUND ALFALFA brome grass bales, hard core, no rain, 1500 lbs.+ $45/bale. 306-789-8257, White City, SK. WHEAT, OATS AND BARLEY straw, 3x4 bales, $50/ton, will load, can deliver at extra cost. 306-771-4209, White City, SK. BARLEY STRAW, MEDIUM square and round bales for sale. Call 204-723-2433, Notre Dame, MB., or donudb@xplornet.ca ROUND ALFALFA, ROUND mixed, net wrapped and good quality horse hay, $62/bale, close to Regina. 306-539-6123.

M AGNUM TANKS • U P TO 1 000 GAL L O N • ISO 9001 :2008 Appro ved • SINGL E W AL L SQ U AR E TANK • TR ANSP O R T CANAD A AP P R O V ED Available at Magnum Fabricating & our dealers

w w w .m a g n u m fa brica tin g .com

M AGN UM F ABR ICATIN G LTD . M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198

IMP. GAL. tanks, includes all-in-one HAY FOR SALE: 600 alfalfa 3x3 square 1260 ball valve, $595. 306-253-4343, bales, 200 alfalfa round bales. Call Murray banjo 1-800-383-2228 while supplies last. Faubert 306-463-9691, Marengo, SK. 3x4 SQUARE BALES 1st and 2nd cut alfalfa. Trucking can be arranged. 403-362-6682 or 403-501-4115, Tilley, AB. SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement TRUCK MOUNT, bale picker mover, also tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, cattle and bale scales. Call 306-445-2111, 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK. www.eliasmfgltd.com North Battleford, SK. TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, LARGE ROUND ALFALFA BALES: 400- service, installations, repairs. Canadian 2012 crop, 20% plus protein, $100/ton; company. We carry aeration socks. We 200- 2011 crop, $60/ton; 300- 2010 crop, now carry electric chute openers for grain $20/ton. Will load. Phone 306-858-2529, trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. 306-858-7345 cell, Lucky Lake, SK. ALFALFA, ALFALFA/GRASS and grass, big round bales, $70/ton, 2011 crop, feed test available. Call 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. LARGE FLAX STRAW BALES for sale, 3x4x7, $20 per bale. Call 306-230-5605, Vonda, SK. DURUM STRAW $25 each; flax straw $15 each, big round bales. 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. WANTED TO BUY: straight alfalfa bales, rounds or squares. Picked up or delivered to Ellinwood, Kansas. 620-786-0589. CUSTOM BALE HAULING. Call 306-567-7199, Kenaston, SK. HAY AND STRAW for sale. Dairy quality, feeder hay, and grass hay, 3x4 square bales. 403-633-8835, Brooks, AB. 1500 ALFALFA CRESTED WHE AT net wrapped bales, no rain; Parting out JD 567 baler. Al 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK.

MUSTARD SEED AVAILABLE. Custom cleaning and bagging all types of mustard for seed. Color sorting available. Also look- COMMON DESI CHICK pea seed for sale. NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently CUSTOM BALE HAULING with 2 trucks and ing for low grade mustard. Call Ackerman No maples, disease and germ tested. Call purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. Tim at 306-868-4433, Avonlea, SK. Ag - 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB.

MOWING TENDER The Rural Municipality of R o un d H ill N o . 467 W ill b e a ccep tin g ten d ers fo r the co n tra cto fro a d s id e m o w in g m u n icip a l ro a d right-o f-w a ys fo r the yea r 2013, a p p ro xim a tely 110 m iles Grid , M .F .A. a n d L .F .A. T en d er p a cka ges ca n b e o b ta in ed fro m the M u n icip a l Office. T en d ers m u s tb e received in the m u n icip a l o ffice b y 4:30 p .m . T u es d a y, M a y 8th, 2013 o n m u n icip a l ten d er fo rm . Mail to: Bo x 9, Ra b b itL a ke, S a s ka tchew a n , S 0M 2L 0 F a x: (306) 824-2044 E m a il: rm 467 @ yo urlin k.ca Lowest or any tender not necessarilya ccepted.

We’ve got ‘em all. New, used and retreads. Call us, you’ll be glad you did!


1-877-814-8473. Winnipeg, MB.

Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM. DUAL AND TRIPLE tractor/sprayer wheel kits avail. now at OK Tire, Idylwyld Dr. N, Call now or stop in. Phone: 306-933-1115, Saskatoon, SK. www.oktire.com TRIPLE KIT, 20.8x42 Titan tires, rims, spacers and mounting hardware. Selling at RB Auctions, Regina, SK., April 2. Contact Michael for details 306-736-7800. FARM TIRE SEEDING specials now at OK Tire, Idylwyld Dr N., Saskatoon, SK. Featuring Firestone ag tires. On farm service. Ph. 306-933-1115, www.oktire.com 2- YOKAHAMA 23.5x25 L3 loader tires, like new, priced to sell. 306-273-4301, Canora, SK.

NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 16.9-30 12 ply, $595; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5- 32 14 ply, $1,749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $486; 16.9-28 12 ply, $558; 18.4-26 10 ply, $890. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com

USED EQUIPMENT, Iron workers, surface grinders, 1/4” x 12’ shear. 306-664-8410, Saskatoon, SK. USED MODERN LATHE for sale, 22”x80” with 3-1/8” spindle bore, 2 yrs. old. Very nice condition, can be seen operating. Machine is 220V, 3 phase. Comes with 3 jaw, 4 jaw, tool post, taper attachment, and all tools that came with the machine. Asking $15,500 OBO. Can load onto trailer. Call Cory at: 306-483-2376, Oxbow, SK. or email: cory@irwinsmachine.com NEW METAL BANDSAWS from 16.5” to 3”. Call: 306-664-8410, Saskatoon, SK. BRAND NEW CNC 22x80 lathe, Fanuc control, $32,000. 306-664-8410, Saskatoon, SK. BRAND NEW DMTG lathe, 32x120”, heavy duty, $30,000. 306-664-8410, Saskatoon, SK.



RURAL & CULTURAL TOURS Irela n d ~ June 2013 W o rld Plo w in g M a tch Ca n a d ia n Ro ck ies ~ July 2013 Ala s k a L a n d /Cru is e ~ August2013 Ita ly/Greek Is le Cru is e ~ O ct2013 M is s is s ippi Cru is e ~ O ct2013 S m o k y M o u n ta in s /N a s hville To u r ~ O ct2013

Bra n s o n /Ten n es s ee To u r ~ O ct2013

Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d Gra n d To u r ~ Jan 2014

S o u th Am erica ~ Feb.2014 Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.

Se le ct Holida ys

1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w . selectho lid a ys. co m

WATER PUMPS, PTO driven, 12” diam. do not plug. Hoses available. $7000. Jan 204-868-5334, Newdale, MB. WATERMASTER floating pumps - c/w 400’ of hose, $2295 while stock lasts. Don’t wait too long! See your nearest Flaman store or call Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626.

U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.

FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT ON grain farm near Starbuck, MB. Duties to assist in all aspects of grain farming including mechanical, welding and trucking. Class 1 license is required or willing to obtain. Page Farms 204-735-2373, 204-981-4234.

FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on large cow/calf and grain operation in East Central AB. Duties include operating and maintaining all farm and livestock equipment, fencing, seeding, haying, harvest, handling cattle and calving. Mechanical skills, Class 1 license and welding experience an asset. Modern equipment and housing. House, utilities and appliances available. Dental and health benefits available. Wages based on experience. Must have a valid driver’s license. Only 10 min. from K to 12 school, hospital, groceries and sports facilities. Contact Charles at 403-577-2780. Fax resume with references to 403-577-3108 or email ckcrisp@netago.ca

T&M CUSTOM AG LTD. is now hiring Truck and Combine Operators for the 2013 harvest season. Willing to travel from Kansas to Sask., starting May 1 until Dec. 1. Must be able to enter USA and pass drug test, preference given to applicants with Class 1A and/or farm experience. Room and board supplied. For an experience of a lifetime please call 306-873-2861, Tisdale, SK. Fax: 306-873-2438 or email resume with reference to kr.acres@sasktel.net FARM LABOURERS WANTED: Includes room and board, other jobs may include carpentry and construction, will train. Edmonton, AB. 780-902-2108, 780-920-7360 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - 2400 acres cropland, 80 cows, good equipment, wages negotiable on experience and ability. Room available. Phone Trevor McCrea, Baldwinton, SK. 306-398-7446. Fax resumes to: 306-398-8033. TRUCK DRIVERS AND Equipment Operators: Corral cleaners looking for drivers and operators (loader and High hoe) with Classes 1 and/or 3 drivers licence, for the 2013 season, running March through Dec. Working 12 hrs/day and part of Saturday, holiday working permits welcome. Modern shop paying $17 to $20/hr. No housing. Reply: agemploy@gmail.com Fax: 403-732-4290, Picture Butte, AB. Web: www.agriemployalberta.com CYPRESS HILLS RANCH looking for a Ranch Hand from April until November. Riding, branding, roping, calving, haying, fencing and choring. Wages depending on experience. 306-662-5081 Maple Creek SK

RANCH MANAGER. Cache Creek Natural Beef is backgrounding and finishing 300 head of quality cattle per year for sale into the specialty beef market. A working manager is required to operate this new and exciting ranch. The new manager must have good herd health knowledge, good feeding knowledge, haying experience, be hard working and a self-starter. The ranch WANTED: QUOTES for 9 miles of road has good equipment, a nice 4 bdrm house, construction for 2013 season. Contact the and is 10 minutes from town and school. RM of Craik No. 222, SK. at 306-734-2242 Applicants must provide references. Check us out at cachecreeknaturalbeef.com or on to arrange viewing. Facebook. Apply to Cache Creek Natural Beef, 833 West 3rd St., North Vancouver, BC. V7P 3K7. don@batchelorbay.com


Located east of Acme, AB has


AGGRESSIVE WAGES. HUGE OPPORTUNITY. Large yearling cow/calf operation. Full-time position. Required skills: herd health, highly self-motivated, operate and maintain modern equipment. Definite assets are Class 1A, mechanics, management skills, and grain farm knowledge. For the right person cow/calf shares available. If you have what it takes, it will be worth your while. Housing available. Horses not needed. Resumes required. Half hour East of Regina, SK. Call 306-536-2157.

BOLT SEED FARM is a family operated grain farm at Wynyard, SK. and is looking for a full-time equipment operator/service person. Farm experience, mechanically inclined, able to operate and maintain large equipment with GPS, and 1A license preBERKELY PUMP, 6”, SN#B-MB60833 Model ferred. Wages dependent on experience. 1-193-ZRM, 30’ suction line. Call Moe at Email resume to: sportnorton@yahoo.ca or phone Scott at 306-554-7767. Village of Viscount, SK., 306-231-8093. WATER PUMPS 1” to 6” starting at $119. Ask about our selection of hose and fittings. See your nearest Flaman store or call Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626.

FARM HELP WANTED. Wage $20-$26 per hour. Near Biggar, SK., 306-948-6548. NEEDING AN ENERGETIC farm worker for a progressive 6000 acre grain farm. Duties would include trucking (1A training can be provided), maintenance and repairs and running various equipment in the fields. Aggressive wages and housing avail. Start date would be as soon as possible. Call Curtis at 306-736-8821, Glenavon, SK. FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE WANTED for grain farm within 10 kms of Regina, SK. for seeding and spraying season. Farm experience would be an asset. Valid driver’s license required, 1A license preferred. An opportunity to work with the owner/operator using and maintaining modern GPS guided equipment. Competitive wages. Please contact Ken with resume and references, painterman123@hotmail.com or fax 306-522-6152.

NEW SRS CRISAFULLI PTO water pumps. Available in 8”, 12”, 16” and 24”, PTO, elec. or engine driven available. These pumps can move up to 18,000 GPM. We have 16” PTO 15,000 GPM in stock, ready to deliver. For more information call your SK dealer T.J. Markusson Agro Ltd. Foam Lake, SK. 306-272-4545 or 306-272-7225 See A R E YO U L O O K I N G F O R S K I L L E D www.crisafullipumps.com Ranch or Farmhands? We have experienced agricultural workers and livestock workers who want to relocate to Canada. Please contact Warren Green for details, 1-866-952-9604. Members of ImmigraPRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT. Water tion Consultants Of Canada Regulatory treatment systems that require no salt, Council. Email: greenw@telusplanet.net chemicals or chlorine with total scale con- Website: www.saskimmigration.com trol. From single tap to whole house to commercial. www.myclfree.com. Call Bob CALVING HELP, reliable person with infor a free quote today. 403-620-4038, terest and experience with livestock to prairieswater@gmail.com High River, AB. help during calving season. Elaine Earl 306-299-4545, Consul, SK. ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED Pure Water. Guarantee 99% pure, no salts, chemicals, HELP WANTED FOR GRAIN FARM. or chlorine. 306-867-9461, BC, AB, MB, SK. Should be mechanically inclined, able to operate large equipment, Class 1A an asset. Wages depending on experience and capabilities. 306-932-4401, 306-463-7944, Plenty, SK. 1000’ OF 3” high density poly pipe still on spool, $2000. Also spool 2” poly pipe approx. 1000’ long, $1500. Contact Chris at 204-941-3526 or chris@wemovedirt.ca Niverville, MB.

POUND-MAKER, a large scale integrated feedlot/ethanol facility operating at Lanigan, Sask. has immediate openings for: Cattle Technician/ Yard Maintenance. Pound-Maker offers a comprehensive benefit package that includes a health benefits plan and pension. Please forward resumes to: Pound-Maker Agventures Ltd., P.O. Box 519, Lanigan, SK. S0K 2M0. Fax: 306-365-4283 or: pma@pound-maker.ca


CLASS 1 DRIVERS EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Full time & Seasonal, Excellent Wages & Benefits, Advancement Opportunities Experience and Pesticide Applicator License an asset. Submit resume to melwright@highway21group.com or fax 403-546-3709


Cu rren tly ha sa n o p en in g fo r a fu lltim e p o sitio n in a m o d ern seed fa rm & sp ecia lcro p p ro cessin g fa cility. Agricu ltu ra lba ckgro u n d a n a sset bu t w illin g to tra in . Fa rm d u tiesin clu d e seed in g, spra yin g,ha rvestin g,a n d gen era l eq u ipm en t m a in ten a n ce. Seed Pla n t d u tiesin clu d e o pera tin g seed clea n in g eq u ipm en t,shippin g, r eceivin g a n d q u a lity co n tro l. En ta ilsfu lltim e em plo ym en t,w ith fa rm w o rk in sea so n ,a n d seed pla n t w o rk in the o ffsea so n . Va lid d riverslicen se req u ired .Cla ss 1A a n a sset. Po sitio n to sta rt im m ed ia tely o ra t a m u tu a lly a greea ble d a te. Co m petitive sa la ry w ith ben efits pa cka ge.

Ap p lica tio n sm a y b e fa xed to 204 -6 22-8809, em a il to ro d @ fisherseed s.co m o r ca ll 204 -6 22-8800 fo r fu r ther in fo rm a tio n . W e tha nk a lltho se w ho a pply, ho w evero nly tho se selected fo ra n interview w illbe co nta cted.

SHEWCHUK FARMS is looking for experienced farm personnel to do various farm duties. Class 1A license an asset. Must have a farm background and interest in both grain and cattle divisions. For more info. call Shawn at 306-287-7880 or Brian at 306-287-7790, Watson, SK.

2 PERMANENT FULL-TIME rancher/farmer wanted for beef and hay ranch, Merritt, BC. 1) calving, range riding, hay and silage crops, machinery; 2) management of irrigation system and two seasonal employees, machinery, hay and silage crops. Great career opportunity for young motivated person interested in farming and ranching. Accommodation plus benefits offered. Fax resume to: 250-378-4956, or email: info@ranchland.ca AJL FARMS is seeking full-time Cattle Herdsperson. Must be able to recognize and treat cattle health problems, feed cattle, and perform general farm duties. Wages $18-$23/hr. Ph. 780-723-6244, email/ fax resume to: chajlfarms@xplornet.com 780-723-6245, Niton Junction, AB.

FULL TIME EMPLOYEE required for a large modern grain farm in SW Sask. Class 1 needed and farm experience is an asset. Very competitive wages, fully furnished housing available. Phone Clayton at: 306-295-7644, Eastend, SK. Fax resume to: 306-295-4116, email: cro@sasktel.net PERMANENT FULL-TIME POSITIONS required for seed plant/farm by Clancy Seeds Ltd, Carrot River, SK. Duties include seed cleaning, operating and maintaining plant/farm equipment. Experience preferred but not necessary. Class 1A an asset. Email: clancyseeds@sasktel.net fax: 306-768-3599, P.O. Box 637, Carrot River SK S0E 0L0, or call 306-768-3566. FULL-TIME FARM HAND required in central Alberta. Must be dependable, self-motivated and in good health. Duties include but are not limited to: cattle help, herd health, calving, cropping, and general farm operations and maintenance. Driver’s license required. Class 1 driver’s license and welding skills an asset, housing available, families welcomed. Near Spondin, AB. Please call 403-575-0105 and/or send resume to: farmjobsalberta@gmail.com FULL-TIME SHOP LABOURER, available immediately. Mechanical knowledge and training necessary. Class 5 license required, 1A an asset. Call 306-267-6110, Coronach, SK, hillcrestent@sasktel.net EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. FAMILY operated grain farm seeking full-time employee. Wages depending on experience. Call 306-746-4514, Raymore, SK.

PINHORN GRAZING located in SE AB, is hiring an experienced cowboy or 2, for the 2013 season, April 15 to October 31. You are required to provide 4 solid horses and have good roping skills. Bunkhouse provided. Possible winter employment. Call Chad 403-868-2105, Manyberries, AB. WANTED: EXPERIENCED FARM HELP for the 2013 seeding/ harvest season. Wages negotiable with experience. Please fax resume to 306-205-1373 or call 306-536-5706 cell, Regina, SK. SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties incl. operation of machinery, including tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. WANTED SEASONAL PART-TIME farm equipment operator, 20 min. east of Saskatoon, SK., 306-222-5757, 306-258-4555. ASSISTANT MANAGER. Mid-sized grain farm located 50 kms south of Calgary, looking for energetic, positive, non smoker to do all standard farm duties plus manage on farm trials from April to Nov. Class 1 and experience w/Trimble or precision planters are assets, but not required. May turn into full-time for the right person. Questions and/or resumes with refs to jhs@jhagroltd.com Phone 403-652-7980. FULL OR PART-TIME help wanted on large grain farm. Housing provided. Have heated 54x80 workshop. Mostly new equipment. Class 1A and mechanical skills an asset. Competitive wages and a safe working environment. Please call 306-224-4441, fax/email resume to 306-224-4546 or ls.sluser@sasktel.net Corning, SK CURRENTLY SEEKING EXPERIENCED grain farm mechanics/ operators to begin end of April/ beginning of May. Class 1 an asset. Full-time and part-time positions, available. Excellent wages depending upon experience. Mark 780-618-6277, Falher AB

H E L P W A N T E D : F a r m L a b o u r e r, $20-$25/hr. RV accommodations. Must h ave e x p e r i e n c e . S t a r t i n g Ap r i l 1 5 . 306-969-4701, Minton, SK.

HELP WANTED FOR GENERAL FARM duties on mixed farm. Grain and/or cattle farm background an asset. $15 plus per hour dependent on experience. Send resume to: buggfarms@hotmail.com phone/fax 306-895-4601, Paynton, SK.

CENTRAL AB. FARM seeking full-time farm help. Must be able to recognize and treat cattle health problems, feed cattle and perform general farm duties. Wages $ 1 2 . 4 2 / h r. F a x / e m a i l r e s u m e t o 780-723-6245, sarinfarms@gmail.com

FULL-TIME PERMANENT POSITION available on our family managed grain farm. Looking for a motivated, healthy individual who has experience operating modern large farm equipment. Class 1A an asset. Aggressive salary based on experience. Located near Regina. Email Curt at dobfarm@sasktel.net or call 306-501-2488, Rouleau, SK. LARGE MIXED FARM and ranch requires full-time employee to help with cropping, equipment maintenance and shop work. Housing available on site, suitable for a family. Call 780-376-2241, Strome, AB. www.rawesranches.com RANCH WORK, FULL-TIME position in southern Alberta for a conscientious individual. Need experience with livestock handling, calving, feeding, roping, treating, fencing and haying. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license. Competitive wages and benefit. Accommodation available. Submit resume with references to admin@remingtoncattle.com or fax 403-930-6915, Calgary, AB. RANCH HELP NEEDED for large cattle operation in east central SK. or SW AB. Agricultural background with modern equipment and livestock. Wages according to ability. Call 403-308-4200, Arrowwood, AB FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on mixed farm located west of Saskatoon. Applicant must be familiar with operating farm equipment. Class 1A and mechanical experience would be definite assets. Wage is negotiable on experience. Fax resume to 306-382-0451, Saskatoon, SK. SEEDING AND HARVEST help required, accommodations available, $30/hr. Gray, SK. 306-533-4891, lekivetzfarms@sasktel.net

WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. COUPLE w/FARM AND ranch experience F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke required for bison ranch. Possible career 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. opportunity for motivated individuals. For FULL-TIME AND SEASONAL help wanted info. call 780-523-9676, High Prairie AB. on medium sized grain farm, exp. FARM HELP WANTED: Experienced w/equip. and trucking an asset, wages neOperators to operate and maintain equip- gotiable. Housing available. 780-847-3792, ment including seeding, spraying, harvest- Marwayne, AB. ing. Must have Class 1A. Housing provided with good wage. 306-487-7644, Lamp- FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME farm help for grain farm. Top wages for right person. man, SK or: carsonfarms@signaldirect.ca Call Dan 306-324-4305 or 306-327-7734, FULL-TIME HELP WANTED on grain Margo, SK. farm. We need: Class 1A, must be able to operate and maintain modern machinery, BEEKEEPER HELPERS full-time and seadependable, clean. Cory, 306-697-7758, sonal. Must have no bee sting allergies, valid driver’s license, physically fit. Email Grenfell, SK. resume and references: janeil@sasktel.net FULL-TIME FARM/RANCH HELP needed Ph/fax Neil 306-967-2841, Eatonia, SK. for a cow/calf, yearling operation located in the Allan Hills in SK. Duties will include LOOKING FOR HELP for calving season in but are not limited to fencing, herd health east central AB. Reliable person w/interest management, calving, haying, machinery and experience with livestock. Housing, maintenance and repair and other farm utilities and appliances supplied. Top wagduties. Ph Chad 306-203-9003, Allan, SK. es based on experience. Please fax resume w/references to 403-552-2359, Altario, LARGE GRAIN FARM requires additional AB. or email: clarkconstruction@telus.net employees, experience with operating 2WD tractors, tandem trucks, air drills, LARGE SOUTHEAST SK. grain farm hiring high clearance sprayers, JD combines, full-time and seasonal help, Class 1A an grain cart and general farm work. Class asset, $18-$22/hr. based on experience. 1A/AZ licence and mechanical experience Housing avail. Call 306-634-4758, Torquay are assets. Hourly wage $18-$27/hr. de- SK., duaneforrester@sasktel.net pending on experience. Excellent accommodations avail. Starting date April 13. DAKOTA FARM located 30 minutes south References are required. Email us at: of Regina, is seeking a full-time grain farm quarkfarms@yahoo.com or fax resume to: employee for the upcoming growing sea306-354-7758 or phone Dan or Quenton son. Candidates must have experience a t : 3 0 6 - 3 5 4 - 7 6 7 2 , M o s s b a n k , S K . with operating machinery, be mechanically www.quarkfarms.net inclined and must have a valid drivers liEMPLOYEE WANTED FOR large grain farm cense. General duties include seeding, harin SW Sask. Farm experience and Class 1A. vesting, grain hauling. Wages up to Competitive, negotiable wage. Fax resume $4000/month depending upon experience. and references to 306-967-2703, ph Contact Ed at 306-436-7496, Milestone, SK. dakotafarm@sasktel.net 306-967-2793, Laporte, SK.

HEA LTH/PEN R IDER S M ossleigh & H igh R iver, AB


• Ability to assess the health offallcalves and execute treatm entand research protocols.

WATER WELL DRILLING rig Mayhew 1000, mounted on a 1968 Kenworth, exc. cond. Call 780-675-4405, Athabasca, AB. KORNUM WELL DRILLING, farm, cottage and acreage wells, test holes, well rehabilitation, witching. PVC/SS construction, expert workmanship and fair pricing. Indian Head, SK., 306-541-7210 or 306-695-2061 STAUBER DRILLING INC. Environmental, Geotechnical, Geothermal, Water well drilling and servicing. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211 info@stauberdrilling.com

• M usthave above average horsem anship skills and suitable horses and

gear for allseasons. approach and a desire to w ork w ith cattle and horses safely,hum anely and efficiently. • Strong attention to detailand w illingness to learn and adaptto any changes. • Basic Com puter skills required to enter daily records and pullreports.

• M ustenjoy a team


• Ability to adaptto change • Desire to learn and advance • Desire to be a leader and team player • Com m itm entto training and teaching youth and staff • Com m itm entto agriculture industry W estern Feedlots Ltd. is a diverse com pany specializing in feeder cattle m anagem ent, softw are developm ent, and com m odities. W e offer com petitive w ages,a benefits package,and encourage the grow th and developm ent of our em ployees. If you value a respectful, proud, team orientated environm entw ithin a very unique “W estern Culture”, please forw ard your application/resum e to:

W estern Feedlots Ltd.

Em ail: dspeers@ w esternfeedlots.com For further inform ation, please visitour w ebsite atw w w .w esternfeedlots.com



GENERAL FARM LABOURER for our 4000 acre contemporary grain farm with current equipment. We are looking for a self-motivated exp. Farm Labourer. Experience in all farm activities including driving trucks, tractors, and using farm equipment an asset. Other duties would be: machinery and building maintenance, yard and farm work. Must be able to work with limited supervision. Would be willing to train. Valid driver’s license is required. Position can be full-time or seasonal (negotiable). 8 hrs. a day unless dictated by the season or weather. Some weekend work is required. Wages $15-$20/hr. depending on experience and ability. Please contact Stan or Donna Yaskiw, Birtle, MB. 204-796-1400, 204-842-5252.

POSITION AVAILABLE, Cypress Hills, SK. area. Background and yearling grasser operation. Modern facilities and equipment. Good working environment. Class 1 preferred. Wages negotiable depending on experience. 306-295-4138, 306-295-7473. RANCH HANDS WANTED: Have temporary and permanent positions available on cattle ranch in the Silver Valley/Peace Country, AB area. Housing available. Wages negotiable according to experience. For more info. call 780-351-2091. Send resume to: sheepo@abnorth.com

SEASONAL FARM HELP. Drivers license required, prefer 3A, mechanical abilities and exp. for equipment operation and maintenance a must. Manual labour and tending WANTED: FULL-TIME LABOURER, to to livestock required, $12 to $15/hr dejoin a family grain/cattle farm. Competi- pending on experience. West Central, SK. tive wages, housing provided. 3/4 hr. NW Email resumes to: goneflying98@yahoo.ca of Regina, SK. Phone Aaron 306-591-0011. F U L L - T I M E E Q U I P M E N T O P E R ATO R , FARM WORKER required on grain farm available immediately. Farm background near Wiseton, SK. Possible full-time posi- an asset. General knowledge of equipment tion. Ability to operate farm machinery operation and maintenance is required. and a clean drivers abstract an asset. Class 5 and 1A licenses required. Call Housing provided, wage $22-30/hr. 306-267-6110, hillcrestent@sasktel.net Phone 306-357-2151, 306-242-4123, 306-227-2902 cell, m.cey@sasktel.net FULL-TIME HELP ON grain farm, 30 miles South of Regina, SK, at Milestone. Call 306-436-4418 or 306-436-2053. FULL-TIME HELP WANTED on grain farm, 1/2 hour SE of Calgary. Newer Case equipment with GPS. Mechanical skills, Class 1 and welding an asset. Housing and utilities supplied in separate yardsite. School bus to door. Good wages based on experience. Contact Bernie 403-888-0712, Blackie, AB. SEASONAL FARM LABORER required. Must have some farm experience w/mechanical welding ability or Class 1A license. Preference given to applicants with experience in both. Wages negotiable. Call 306-338-7561 or fax 306-338-3733, Wadena, SK., or cfehr9860@hotmail.com

Fa rm Eq uipm ent Opera to rs R eq ui red P erm a n en t fu ll tim e & sea son a l p osition s loca ted 45 km sou th of R egin a Ca n d id a tes m u s t ha ve exper ien ce in the oper ation an d m ain ten an ce of m oder n tr actor s,air dr ills an d com bin es. Ability to obtain 1 A licen ce. C an didates m u st be able to w or k in depen den tly an d in a gr ou p en vir on m en t. W ell Ab o ve in du str y stan dar d w age & ben ef its. sen d r esu m e to: L ekivetz Fa rm s , G r ay,Sask em ail: lekivetzf a rm s @ s a s ktel.n et f ax: (306) 738-4428

FARM HELP WANTED, full-time or parttime. Wages, benefits, bonuses competitive depending on experience. Ability to operate and maintain newer large equipment. Must be able to work independently. 1A license preferred. Housing available. References required. Send resume or call 306-256-7170, fax 306-256-7054 email: flotnm@baudoux.ca Cudworth, SK.

FULL-TIME HELP WANTED on grain farm/feedlot, near Wetaskiwin, AB. Mostly newer equipment, housing is provided. Competitive wages and safe working environment. Fax resume 780-361-2098, or call 780-387-6356. WE ARE LOOKING for a young, motivated individual to join our farm team. We run a modern 400 cow dairy in the beautiful Shuswap, General farm duties, milking, tractor work. Wages depend on experience. Willing to train. Please send resume to: villageranch@live.com or fax to: 250-835-2166. Ph: Todd at 250-253-2300, Sorrento, BC. CUSTOM HARVESTING CREW, looking for truckers, combine/grain cart operators, starting in Oklahoma into northern Alberta. Must be drug free, no criminal record, Class 1 preferred (full-time work available) jordonfield@hotmail.com or call 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. PERMANENT FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE wanted for grain farm at Milden, SK. Farm experience, and Class 1A. Competitive, negotiable wage. Fax resume: 306-935-2201, ph Graham 306-935-4523, 306-831-7514. LARGE MIXED FARM in Provost, AB. requires a full-time employee. Large equipment and cattle experience an asset. $18 to $24/hr. Scheduled days off, housing avail. Phone or fax resume: 780-753-6597, email: danlynn@telus.net KEJA FARMS/ RAINY DAY Fabricating is looking for a family that wants to move to rural Sask. to work on a large family farm with a fabricating business. Full-time year round employment. Top wages will be paid for Class 1A license and Agriculture b a c k g r o u n d . H o u s i n g i s av a i l a b l e . 306-642-3315, Assiniboia, SK.

AG. PRODUCTION ASSISTANT required on a larger grain farm located in central Sask. We are looking for a reliable, creative, and hard working individual to join our team. The ideal candidate would have a farm background and a Class 1A driver’s license. Previous farm experience is also an asset. Duties include operation of farm machinery, hauling grain, loading and unloading grain and fertilizer. Other duties include general yard duties, and some construction projects. We offer a comprehensive benefits package and negotiable housing assistance. This position is a fulltime employment opportunity and wages will be very competitive, but also based on experience level of applicant. Please email resume to hr.wpf@hotmail.com or call 306-554-7777.

FEED LO T P ERS O N N EL REQ UIRED IM M EDIATE POS ITION S PEN RIDERS & CAL V IN G CREW O p era tion n ea rA cm e, A B Ba ck g rou n d in BeefCa ttle & Exp erien ce p referred Com p etitive W a g e & Ben efits S u b m itresu m e w ith referen ces m elw right@ highw ay21grou p .com F ax 403 546- 3709

MOTIVATED INDIVIDUAL for Oilfield Safety in central Alberta. Mechanical abilities and oilfield experience an asset. Wage depending on experience. Willing to train. Employer references required. Fax/email resume 403-742-2033, consafe@telus.net FISHING/HUNTING LODGE, Northern MB. seeking couple for employment, May to mid September. Free RV site plus wages. Info. at 204-472-3337. Apply by fax 204-472-3337 or email viking@mymts.net RM OF INSINGER #275, ROADSIDE MOWING TENDER. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for roadside mowing for appox. 80 miles of both sides of main grids to be completed between June 25 and July 31, 2013. Tenders are to include price of full cut, fence to fence per mile. For details of roads please contact the RM Office for a map. Tenders must be received by 4:00 PM local time, April 9th, 2013. Please mark Mowing Tender on envelope. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RM of Insinger #275, Box 1 7 9 , I n s i n g e r, S K , S 0 A 1 L 0 . P h . 306-647-2422, fax 306-647-2740, email rm275@yourlink.ca LOOKING FOR an individual, pair or contractor for the construction of barbwire fences. Must be experienced, reliable and energetic. Must hold valid license, have own transportation and willing to travel. Excellent wages and flexible days off. Knoss Fencing 306-476-7504, Rockglen SK


Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o

PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s

ESTABLISHED FAMILY MANAGED broiler and grain farm in S. central AB. seeking help for daily operations. Needed: Valid Class 5 license, previous farm experience, mechanically inclined, ability to perform physical work and good attitude. We offer housing assistance, group health plan, and a positive, safe work environment. Email application chickenfarmhelp@yahoo.ca Fax 403-644-2295, questions please call 403-934-8765, Standard, AB.

NOW HIRING FULL-TIME position for an experienced individual on a cow/calf operation in NE Alberta. Duties include: assisting in calving, feeding and handling cattle. Seeding, haying, fencing and harvesting also included in duties. Mechanical skills, Class 1 license, welding an asset. Equipment is modern and well maintained, family size lodging with large grassed yard and garden, basic utilities and appliances included in wage package. Wages based on experience. 5 minutes from town with schools and amenities and 1 hour from major centre. Fax your resume and driver’s license to: 780-724-3202 or email them to: altafarmgirl@hotmail.com or call 780-614-0488, St. Paul, AB.

RM OF ROSEDALE No. 283 is accepting applications for a full-time seasonal Truck Driver/Equipment Operator. Must hold a Class 1A license. Will be required to perform other manual labour duties as assigned. Please forward resumes to the undersigned, stating experience, salary expected, include a current driver’s abstract and three work related references before April 5, 2013. RM of Rosedale No. 283, Box 150, Hanley, SK S0G 2E0 Fax: 306-544-2252 or rm283@sasktel.net The RM wishes to thank all who applied, however, only those individuals w/interviews will be contacted. WANTED: HEAVY DUTY mechanics, crew truck operators, Class 1 drivers, loader operators. Oilfield tickets and valid driver’s licence required. Benefits are available. No phone calls please. Fax resumes to 780-753-8104, Provost, AB. AGRICULTURAL COLLATERAL INSPECTION and Appraisals. Ag background required. Training course available. Call 1-800-488-7570, Twin Falls, ID or visit www.amagappraisers.com RM OF ROSEDALE invites tenders for mowing ditches in Division 2 and 3. The tender is to be based on a top cut and quoted as a rate per mile. A list of equip. used should be included. Tenders will be accepted by submitting to: RM of Rosedale #283, Box 150, Hanley, SK S0G 2E0 Fax: 306-544-2252, email: rm283@sasktel.net before Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 4:00 PM.

RANCH HAND NEEDED full-time. 300 cow/calf and 2500 yearlings. Haying, fencing, maintenance, help w/cattle. Must have drivers license. Must be reliable and honest and able to work independently. Housing can be provided on ranch. 780-621-0981, Pigeon Lake, AB. LOOKING FOR SELF-MOTIVATED individual with farming experience (preferably) to work on East Central AB farm. Capable of operating late model equipment w/GPS, Class 1 license an asset. Apply by email scfl1@mscnet.ca Provost, 780-753-8801.

MANAGER/MEAT CUTTER REQUIRED by Horizon Meats processing facility at Maryfield, SK. Supervisory skills required. Competitive salary and benefits. Apply by fax 204-748-3469, wmpoole@rfnow.com Phone 204-748-2566 for more information

HUNTING GUIDE NEEDED for the 2013 season. Looking for an experienced guide who is comfortable with horses and has guided for sheep and moose. Top wages paid for the right individual. Contact Chris Widrig 867-393-3802, Whitehorse, YT. or email chris@widrigoutfitters.com KAPASIWIN BUNGALOWS Waskesiu SK requires seasonal staff from May- October for its lakefront cottage resort operation. Housekeeping and Maintenance positions. $12-$14/hr. plus bonuses. Accommodations provided. Please forward resume to info@kapasiwin.com 1-877-963-5225.

$1000 EXTRA PER month? Work from home, training included, part-time or fulltime, no exp. necessary. 1-866-978-2113.

HELP WANTED ON cattle ranch in SW BC, April 15- Oct 31. General ranch work, hay production and work with cattle. Horsemanship an asset. Monthly wages. Accommodation provided. Call Peter 250-346-3328, cell 250-341-1255, Radium Hot Springs, BC.

Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).

Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333.

PAINTER WANTED FOR Magnum Fabricating, 306-662-2198, Maple Creek, SK. Two part epoxy paint and powder coat experience an asset. Wage neg. depending on experience. www.magnumfabricating.com

LIVE AND WORK in Europe, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or Japan on a farm or horticulture placement. AgriVenture offers rural work opportunities for young adults ages 18-30. 1-888-598-4415, www.agriventure.com

PARTS PERSO N . AARTS ACRES, a 2500 sow barn located near Solsgirth, MB is seeking experienced Breeding and Farrowing Technicians. The successful applicant must possess the necessary skills, an aptitude for the care and handling of animals, good communication skills and the ability to work as part of a highly productive team. Temporary and permanent housing available. For an application ph 204-842-3231 or fax resume to 204-842-3273.

THE RM OF Three Lakes #400 is accepting applications for the position of Foreman. Duties will include supervising and co-ordinating work for 6 employees, operating, equipment as necessary, oversee road repairs/construction, equipment maintenance, repairs and other tasks as designated by Council. The municipal equipment includes 3 graders, one: gravel truck, payloader, motor scraper, dozer, backhoe and mower. The RM of Three Lakes participates in the SARM disability and health plans and the Municipal Employees Pension Plan. Salary is negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. The successful candidate will assume full Foreman responsibilities effective January 1, 2014, but will begin working under the current foreman at an earlier mutually agreeable date. Please forward your resume including work history, experience and references to: The RM of Three Lakes No. 400, PO Box 100, Middle Lake, SK. S0K 2X0. Phone: 306-367-2172. Fax: 306-367-2011 Email: rm400@sasktel.net

LOADER OPERATOR, minimum 2 yrs. exp on gravel crusher, new loader, dayshift only, top wages for the right individual; Also Equipment Operator/Laborer required. 780-209-3973, Wainwright, AB. The follow in g Em ploym en t O pportu n ities a re n ow a va ila ble w ith the CPCA (Ca n a dia n Profession a l Chu ckw a g on Assoc.) for the u pcom in g 201 3 Ra ce Sea son .


All in terested a pplica n ts m u stb e fa m ilia rw ith the Sportof C hu ckw a g on R a cin g . All Ju d g es m u stb e a va ila b le to a tten d a Ju d g es sem in a r. All a pplica tion s w ill b e review ed a n d selected b y the Boa rd of D irectors. Applica tion d ea d lin e is April 1,2013. For fu rther in form a tion plea se con ta ct the CPCA office by em a il cpca @ cpca ra cin g .com or ca ll 780-858-3072 a n d lea ve a m essa g e.

4 EXPERIENCED COOKS required full-time, year round, shift work, $11-13/per hr. 2 years experience preparing meals in restaurants and/or Culinary Degree. Apply at John’s Plate Family Dining at 212 1st Ave W, Watrous, SK. or PO Box 1243, Watrous, SK. S0K 4T0 or johnsplate@hotmail.com SEEKING MOTIVATED AND reliable couple to operate fishing lodge in NE Alberta during summer months. Fax: 780-594-3433 or email resume to: fishing@gristlake.com

SENIOR PARTS PERSON/Manager wanted for agricultural dealership. Salary based on experience. Contact Lorne Thompson 306-372-4242. Luseland, SK. Email resume to: thompsonbearing@sasktel.net

Fulltim e

Ag RetailBusiness M anager TriW est A gro, D rum heller, A B

W e have an opportunity for a results-focused individual to be accountable for all aspects of m anagem ent and financial results of an agri-product retaillocation. This person shallreport directly to the ow ner. Responsibilities: • D eveloping and im plem enting m arketing plans • C ash flow m anagem ent • Procurem ent ofagri-product and inventory • Sales and custom er service ofAg Retailproducts • D etailed custom er analysis • Prepare annualoperating and m aintenance budgets for facility • Recruit, train and supervise staff • C onduct perform ance and developm ent review s ofstaff • Ensuring safety and efficiency in the w orkplace • O verallinventory m anagem ent Requirem ents: • Extensive know ledge ofcrop input business • Proven leadership, team building and interpersonalskills • Fluent w ith com puters • Excellent organizationaland com m unication skills • Experience in m anagem ent and sales • Effectively coach and lead a team ofsales and operations leaders • M ust be legally entitled to w ork in C anada Preferred: • D iplom a/D egree in Agribusiness & /or Business Adm in • Agronom y or C C A training • Experience in inventory m anagem ent Send resum e w ith references to

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POUND-M AKER Lloydminster, AB Requires 5 Service Rig Derrick Hands @ $29.50/hr – 40 hrs/wk and 12 Service Rig Floor Hands @ $27.00/hr – 40 hrs/wk, for work in the Lloydminster area.

Please fax resume to 780-871-6908 or email: royalwel@telus.net

SALES MANAGER AT Pine View Farms. Love local food? Solid work ethic and creativity? Apply to sales@pineviewfarms.com Osler, SK.

Po u n d -M a ker, a la rge s ca le ni tegra ted feed ol t/etha n o l fa cility o p era ti ng a t L a n i ga n S a s ka tchew a n ha s a n im m ed ia te o p en i ng fo r:

ELCAN FORAGE, OUTLOOK, SK. has position for Maintenance/Mechanic. Responsibilities include: servicing, upkeep of plant equipment and rolling equipment. Welding experience would be an asset. We offer competitive wage and benefits. Apply via email: elcan@xplornet.com, fax: 306-867-8353 or phone: 306-867-8080.

Grain Buyer T he s u cces s fu l a p p lica n tm u s tha ve a s tro n g u n d ers ta n d in g o fthe gra in in d u s try w ith exp erien ce in m a rketin g a n d p ro cu rem en to ffeed gra in s a n d fo ra ges . Po u n d -M a kero ffers a co m p rehen s ive b en efitp a cka ge tha tin clu d es a hea lth b en efits p la n a n d p en s io n . Co m p en s a tio n w ill b e b a s ed o n exp erien ce. Plea se forw a rd resum es to: Po u n d -M a k er Agven tu res L td . P.O. Bo x 519 L a n iga n , S a s k. S 0K 2M 0 F a x: 306-365-4283 E m a il: pm a @ po u n d -m a k er.ca

WELDERS REQUIRED FOR tank fabricating. Prefer familiarity with GMAW process and be CWB certified prior to hiring. We will pay for this for the right person. We will also train if necessary. Call 306-662-2198, Magnum Fabricating, Maple Creek, SK. www.magnumfabricating.com

5 CanWest DHI is currently accepting applications for a permanent part-time technician in the Greater Regina area of Saskatchewan. The successful applicant will be responsible for the regular weighing and sampling of milk from cows in DHI herds, keeping records and statistical data, and promoting dairy herd improvement. Applicants should have a thorough knowledge of the Saskatchewan dairy industry along with excellent interpersonal skills. PC skills and a degree/diploma in agriculture will be considered a definite asset. This position could require the occasional heavy lifting of up to 65 lbs. If you possess the right qualifications for this position, please forward your resume no later than April 5, 2013 to: Mr. L.G. Ouimet CanWest DHI 660 Speedvale Ave West, Suite 101 Guelph, ON N1K 1E5 Only successful applicants will be contacted.

WANTED: PERMANENT FULL-TIME Appliance Service and Repair, Journeyman or equivalent in bustling town of Barrhead, Alberta. Call 780-674-4933 or respond by email at: rwball@telus.net

IMMEDIATELY: Class 3A and 1A drivers to haul water on drilling rigs. Must have all safety tickets and clean abstract. Experience preferred. Competitive wages. Fax resumes between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, 306-826-5623, Marsden, SK.

PARTS PERSON REQUIRED for a AG dealership. Experience an asset, but willing to train the right person. Health plan. Newer shop. In a full service community, 35 mins. from Saskatoon, SK. Salary based on experience. Fax resume to 306-237-4466. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC, experienced in hydraulics, diesel engines, prime movers, tracked vehicles, as well as, spray equipment. This is an opportunity for field and shop work. Please send resume by email to: acemail@acevegetation.com or, by fax to: 780-955-9426 or, send it by mail to: ACE, 2001- 8 St. Nisku, AB. T9E 7Z1.

FULL-TIME CLASS 1 DRIVER WANTED to haul oil and NGL pulling Super B’s. Need H2S Live, First Aid, and CPR tickets. Drug and alcohol testing. Apply with resume and a clean driver’s abstract to Brian at bltrucking831@hotmail.com or phone 403-883-2799, Donalda, AB. SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediately requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks/ tractors, and Company Drivers; Also require 1 driver with 5L or Class 1 license for operating a haul and tow. Transporting RV’s/general freight, USA/Canada. Clean abstract required. Competitive rates. Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733.

Tr u ck Driver sW a n ted ~Big g a r Tr a n s p or t~

Co m pa n y Drivers& Lea sed O pera to rs to pu llSu perB’sin bu lk gra in & fertilizerd ivisio n Co m petitive w a ges& ben efits& Sign in g Bo n u s S en d Resu m e & DriversAbstra ctto ro d p a cik@ tra n sa llg ro u p .co m o r fa x:3 06 -24 2-2077 C a ll:Ro d Pa cik 3 06 -24 9-6 85 3 3 06 -3 81-6 5 3 5

1A TRUCK DRIVER for gravel and grain. Year round work. Home most nights. Furnished home avail. Good driving record required. 306-677-7303, Hodgeville, SK. FAVEL TRANSPORT is looking for Leased Operators/ Company Drivers to haul liveP&K FARM TRUCKING is a family owned stock and/or farm chemicals. We require business that prides itself on building our 1-1/2 to 2 years over the road experience customers trust. Our company has been driving with a class 1A license. We offer built by meeting our commitments to our flexibility, benefits, and retirement plan. customers and ensuring their needs are For inquiries call 1-877-533-2835 ext. 3. met. We strive on being reliable and dependable. We know that the future of our business relies on building a strong team 5 LEASED OPERATORS REQUIRED for of employees that are innovative and hon- RV t r a n s p o r t w i t h o n e t o n p i c k u p . est. Our family tradition ensures that we US/Canada. Ph Dealers Choice Transport hire people that we treat as part of our 780-939-2119, Morinville, AB. family. We are dedicated to create an enjoyable environment that ensures our employees have a balance between their family and work life. We are looking for a Class 1A driver with experience in the IS BRUSH TAKING over your pasture? Do grain and fertilizer industry. This success- you want to maintain cattle carrying caful candidate must be self-motivated, re- pacity without herbicides? Experienced liable and strong commitment to customer livestock management couple (40 years) satisfaction. The majority of our customers and a herd of range goats are looking for are within the 3 prairie provinces. Email or full-time employment on a farm or ranch fax your resume and a copy of your drivers interested in multi-species grazing. Added abstract to Dallas, Fax: 306-762-4401, benefits include weed management and pandktrucking@sasktel.net or for more potential for agri-tourism. 306-560-0206, info you can call him at 306-531-4641, Jansen, SK or email boersinc28@yahoo.ca Odessa, SK.

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Winter is not all work and survival. This 10-month-old Australian Shepherd ambushes his cousin, a six-month old Aussie, on the Bar Pipe Ranch west of Okotoks, Alta. |

From wildlife to farm dogs to ranchers, all of us who live the ups and downs of the seasons on the Prairies have learned to survive, cope and even find time for the occasional romp in the snow.



making the most of

winter’s final days

As April nears, many sense a thaw in the air and a return to warmer days.

ABOVE: Kelly Anderson clears snow from around calf shelters on the Robert Anderson ranch, south of Hanna, Alta. The snow is about 30 centimetres deep on the level and about two metres deep around the shelters. | LINDA J. ANDERSON PHOTO BELOW: American Martens are masters of winter survival with a territory that extends across Western and Northern Canada. Often called the pine marten, this one was seen in the Deedman yard near Belmont, Man. | LILLIAN DEEDMAN PHOTO

ABOVE RIGHT: Short-eared owls cope by hunting for voles and mice beneath the snow. This one was scouting a farmer’s field east of High River, Alta. ABOVE: Many cats, on the other hand, prefer to spend their winter indoors, like these two house cats near Blackie, Alta. | MIKE STURK PHOTOS





Food safety focus shifts from animal to bacteria Bacteria interaction | Researchers study microbes to determine harmful potential BY MARGARET EVANS FREELANCE WRITER

LINDELL BEACH, B.C. — U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers are attempting to better understand the microbes that thrive in cattle’s gastrointestinal tracts. They are particularly interested in which microbes live in cattle manure, how they thrive and what is the good, the bad and the ugly about these bacterial communities. “The microbial community studies are still at a fairly early stage but they reinforce the idea that bacteria are a normal and natural part of agro-ecosystems,” said Lisa Durso, a research microbiologist with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in Lincoln, Nebraska. “Some are bad, but many are harmless, or even potentially helpful. As we understand more about how the different bacteria interact, we hope to provide new solutions to food safety, animal health and environmental quality issues.”

It was once thought that all cattle had the same bacteria in their gastrointestinal tract, but the study is showing that each animal can have a uniquely different profile. The research team studied the manure from six beef cows to identify the basic bacterial groups. All the animals were cross-bred MARClll beef heifers, which is a composite of one-quarter Hereford, one-quarter Angus, one-quarter Pinzgauer and one-quarter Red Poll. They were all six to eight months old, 214 to 241 kilograms, housed in the same feedlot pen for two months before fecal collection and fed the same typical feedlot beef production growing rations of 61.6 percent corn silage (41.3 percent dry matter), 15.2 percent alfalfa hay, 20.9 percent corn and 2.3 percent liquid supplement. The researchers used a new method called pyrosequencing to rapidly analyze DNA markers and give each bacterium an identification tag.

Lisa Durso hopes to develop a control strategy by understanding how bacteria interact in the animal and the environment. However, they were surprised by the diversity of what they found. “All six animals were the same breed, age, and gender, and they had also been born and raised at the same facility, were housed together for months in the same pen, exposed to identical management and fed identical diets,” said Durso.

“These are all factors that are usually used to explain why there might be differences, but even when all these factors were the same, we still saw differences between the animals.” Each animal had its own unique profile of bacteria, but as a unit the heifers represented a larger group of bacteria.

Durso’s study identified a core set of bovine gastrointestinal bacterial groups common to both beef and dairy cattle. She determined that prevotella was the most common bacterial group representing 24 percent of the DNA sequences she analyzed. “Microbes and manure are a classic

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you are fighting an enemy, it makes sense to attack where the enemy is weakest. For the bad E. coli, our research is showing that that is in the environment.” The study also looked at how livestock diets affected the movement of microbes in fields treated with manure. Rsearchers focused exclusively on surface water and discovered that nutrients move differently in runoff than do bacteria and viruses. In a separate study, Durso worked with ARS agricultural engineer John Gilley and his team to find out whether cattle diets affected microbes when manure was spread on fields. Diet factor

ABOVE: Glowing wells in the quantitray indicate bacteria are present and allow researchers to count them. LEFT: A test using a fine spray to simulate rain showed that while most microbes in manure die quickly in the environment, some, like E. coli, can survive for long periods of time. | LISA DURSO/USDA PHOTOS

combination,” she said. “It is natural for all mammals and other animals to have lots of different kinds of microbes in their gastrointestinal tracts. While the specific kinds of bacteria change over time, the general number of bacteria in manure tends to stay about the same. If one kind of microbe grows less,

Used Under License.

there is always a competitor that will take its place.” Durso said food safety used to focus on the animal, especially as it related to the dangerous E. coli O157:H7. However, researchers are now focusing on bacteria and how they interact with all the elements in the life system. E. coli bacteria live in two environments during their life cycle: the cow’s gut, where it is dark, warm and nutrient rich, and feces, where they struggle to live in an open environment with few nutrients to keep them alive.

Most manure microbes die but some survive to re-colonize a new host and continue the cycle. “In order to develop strategic longterm control measures that work, we need to understand how the bad bacteria interact with all of the other bacteria in both the animal and the environment,” she said. “The diversity of work we did was a kind of microbial reconnaissance that will help us identify which bacteria are commonly associated with the bad E. coli, and which bacteria might be natural competitors. When

They studied manure from both livestock that had been fed corn and feed that contained 40 percent wet distillers grain. The two manures were applied to conventionally tilled and no till fields, and simulated rain events with a sprinkler system created runoff samples. “While the majority of manureborne microbes quickly die out in the environment, a small proportion can survive for extended periods of time,” she said. “For example, we have cultured the bad E. coli from soil at a fairground 11 months after the animals were removed. Since children and others can get sick from as few as 10 of the bad E. coli cells, it remains important to use responsible manure management procedures to ensure safe drinking water.” The researchers collected soil cores at the field site to track the movement


of fecal bacteria, pathogens, and antibiotic resistant bacteria to evaluate the potential for ground water contamination. They found no evidence that the bacteria were being transported through the soil into the ground water after five years of feedlot runoff application to this system. Bacteria remained on the surface after the contaminated water had soaked into the ground, and eventually died. This held true regardless of whether the cattle were fed conventional corn or distillers grains. “Despite the fact that cattle manure from animals fed distillers grains has different physical, nutrient and microbial qualities compared to manure from animals fed traditional corn finishing diets, sometimes including greater concentrations of pathogenic bacteria like E. coli O157:H7, we found no differences in how bacteria are transported in runoff,” Durso said. “There is no additional concern over the microbiological quality of surface and ground waters in agricultural watersheds when distillers grains are fed to animals instead of corn.” Meanwhile, studies continue to track a full census of bacteria in cattle manure to get a complete look at the diversity of microbes and their potential for harm. “As far as diversity goes, we don’t know,” said Durso. “The tools that allow us to take a census of all the bacteria in manure have only recently been developed. We have a general idea of what the main microbes are, but researchers are only now starting to look at cataloging and tracking all of the bacteria.”

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U.S. corn belt gradually creeps northward Climate major factor | South Dakota became sixth largest corn producing state last year and North Dakota is now in Top 10 CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Longterm warming trends, improved seeds and soaring profits have sparked a corn boom in the northern U.S. Plains that might one day turn North and South Dakota into the new Iowa. “All you need to do is look on a research footprint map of the United States and Canada and compare where we are today to where we were 10 years ago, and you would see the movement from the north to the west,” said Paul Schickler, president of DuPont Pioneer. The core of the traditional U.S. corn belt lies across Iowa, Illinois and Indiana, which together produce more than one-third of the nation’s corn, used mainly to feed livestock and produce ethanol. Corn is the largest U.S. crop, and the United States is the world’s biggest supplier. Until recently, corn planting in the Dakotas was limited because of the region’s more northern latitude and comparatively dry conditions, both of which shortened the growing season too much for corn. Spring-planted wheat was the favoured alternative. But by 2012, South Dakota had become the sixth-largest corn-producing state, while North Dakota elbowed its way into the Top 10 for the first time, out-producing Wisconsin, where corn is central to the state’s dairy economy. What has changed? The climate, for one. Average temperatures in the Dakotas have been warming steadily for decades, according to weather records. Equally significant, annual precipitation has, on average, increased since around 1990. Also, far ming practices have improved, with seed companies producing corn hybrids customized for the shorter growing season. “We are trying to expand geographies where we can grow corn,” said Mike Gumina, a vice-president with DuPont Pioneer and a past chair of the American Seed Trade Association. While older varieties of corn might take 120 days to mature, Gumina said 90 and 80 day varieties are “fairly commonplace” today. The ethanol boom has been the other big change in the last five years. Farmers are trying to cash in on corn prices that have doubled since 2006, the last year before a change in the U.S. Renewable Fuels Standard mandated an increase in the amount of ethanol that oil refiners must blend into gasoline. “There is tremendous demand for corn right now, and certainly corn has risen to the top as the farm product with the highest value and demand,” said Nathan Franzen, president of the First Dakota National Bank’s agribusiness division in Yankton, S.D. “I believe corn has developed into a superior plant because of the wide uses and the flexibility it has.” However, the allure of ethanol has faded recently. Falling profit margins and rising corn costs had prompted ethanol manufacturers to idle 15 percent of U.S. plants by January. Several plants have started produc-

Corn is becoming a more attractive crop for the northern Prairies, in Canada as well in the United States. South Dakota has become the sixth largest corn-producing state Experts say it has to do with changing climate, farming practices and new varieties. | FILE PHOTO ing again as margins recover. Farmers in the Dakotas are expected to earn fatter returns from corn than from any other crop in 2013, just as they did in 2012. As a result, analysts expect farmers in both states to sow a record number of corn acres for a second straight year. “Based on what I am hearing from our clients today, there will be more corn,” said Mike Krueger, president of the Money Farm, a crop advisory service near Fargo, N.D. North Dakota State University economists project that farmers in North Dakota’s Red River Valley, the state’s best land for corn, will net $176 per acre in 2013, compared with estimated returns of $122 for soybeans and $86 for spring wheat. South Dakota farmers planted corn on 6.15 million acres in 2012, up 37 percent from 2006. In North Dakota, corn acreage has doubled since 2006 and quadrupled since 2001. “We’ve been planting corn in some pretty adverse conditions for several years, and even in a really tough year, we see a better return (on corn) than some of the traditional crops,” said Bart Schott, a farmer from Kulm, North Dakota and a past president of the National Corn Growers Association. U.S. farmers planted 97 million acres of corn in 2012, the most in 75 years. Iowa was the top state with 14.2 million acres. Average temperatures in North Dakota have been rising for decades, expanding the growing season by 12 days over the past century, said Adnan Akyuz, an assistant professor of climatology at NDSU and the state climatologist. A longer growing season allows corn plants more time to photosynthesize, which boosts yields. Corn’s spread has also been encouraged by increased average precipitation since 1990 and the adoption of no-till farming techniques that conserve soil moisture, said Jerry Hatfield with the U.S. Department of Agricul-

ture’s National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment in Ames, Iowa.

Annual statewide precipitation in North Dakota averaged 596 millimetres in the 1990s and 569 mm in

9 9 9 9 9 9

the 2000s, compared with 508 mm during the 1980s, according to data from Lanworth, a unit of Thomson Reuters. “When you get a little bit more water and you’re very conservative with that water, then you can go into crops like corn and soybeans that have a higher water use requirement,” Hatfield said. Climate scientists caution that moisture will be a wild card as the corn belt expands northward. Temperatures are expected to continue rising, but the wetter trend is far from assured. Corn requires more water than wheat. “All the models agree that temperatures in the Dakotas are going to warm pretty substantially over the current century,” said Gene Takle, director of Iowa State University’s climate science program and a coordinating author of the 2013 U.S. National Climate Assessment. “But the real question is whether the drying pattern that is very likely to intensify over the western half of the country is going to dominate.” The expansion of corn in the Dakotas has had significant effects for farming and the energy industry. The chase for higher returns has meant a massive switch by wheat farmers to corn.

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ABOUT LAKE WINNIPEG: • A German group, the Global Nature Fund, recently named Lake Winnipeg the threatened lake of the year for 2013. •

Lake Winnipeg’s one million sq. kilometre watershed makes it one of the largest in the world.

• About 8,000 tonnes of phosphate enter the lake each year, but figures vary from year to year depending on the amount of water that flows into the lake. Agricultural operations in Manitoba contribute 1,200 tonnes of phosphate. • Algal blooms develop in the lake each year, removing oxygen from the water. The algae is mostly cyanobacteria, a blue green algae that can produce toxins that threaten animals and humans. • Algal blooms covered hundreds of sq. km of the lake in 2006, which could be seen from space. Sources: Lake Winnipeg Foundation, Province of Manitoba and staff research



Loss of wetlands blamed for ag chemicals in lake Wetlands reduce flood potential and keep phosphorus draining into lakes

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Wetland drainage is likely responsible for most of the agricultural phosphorus that enters Lake Winnipeg each year, says a Ducks Unlimited spokesperson. Greg Bruce, head of industry and government relations for Ducks Unlimited Canada, told a water workshop at the organization’s centre in Brandon March 20 that the phosphorus data is preliminary and must be vetted. Nonetheless, the research suggests wetland drainage in southwestern Manitoba contributes 900 tonnes of phosphorus annually to Lake Winnipeg. If correct, that equates to 75 percent of the estimated 1,200 tonnes of phosphorus that flows into the lake each year from agricultural operations in the province. “With the amount of the drainage that has gone on in southwest Manitoba over the last 37 years, we’ve lost in the order of 250,000 acres of wetlands,� Bruce said during a panel discussion at the workshop, organized by Ducks Unlimited, the Manitoba Conservation Districts Association (MCDA) and the Lake Winnipeg Foundation. Ducks Unlimited analysis indicates that filling in marshes and sloughs in southwestern Manitoba’s prairie pothole region from 1968 to 2005 increased stream flows by 62 percent and peak flows by 37 percent. In addition, the decimation of wetlands increased phosphorus loading by 32 percent, nitrogen loading by 57 percent and sediment

loading by 85 percent. “We’re suggesting that the loss of 250,000 acres of wetlands potentially contributes, or is the cause, of threequarters of the agricultural loading to Lake Winnipeg,â€? Bruce said. “Which makes a lot of sense. We’re moving the water (off the land) and in the water is all the phosphorous, all the nitrogen and all the sediment.â€? Ducks Unlimited has formed a coalition with the MCDA and the Lake Winnipeg Foundation to convince landowners and policy makers in Manitoba to keep more water on the land. Vicki Burns, outreach co-ordinator for the foundation, said retaining water on the landscape is a win-winwin option. “(It) has the benefit of holding phosphorus so it doesn’t get into the lake, it has the benefit of decreasing the amount of water flowing over the land and (contributing) to flood situations and the benefit of holding on to water for potential drought situations.â€? Most of the 50 people at the workshop, including conservationists, landowners and government representatives agreed holding water on the land is a sound idea. However, the problem is how. Some Manitoba municipalities compensate landowners who don’t drain sloughs, which is based on the philosophy of paying farmers for environmental goods and services. “I think that our group has some consensus ‌ that the benefits of what we’re asking farmers to do are shared by all of society,â€? Burns said. “Therefore, all of society should pay for it.â€?

Rob Brunel, who farms near Ste. Rose, Man., said some producers would maintain wetlands because it’s the right thing to do. “But the scale (of the problem) requires incentives‌. My farm doesn’t survive without generating income. So, if I’m going to displace soybeans or canola or wheat, I need to be compensated for that‌. You’ll get so much water storage for free, but the rest will have to be paid for.â€? However, Bruce said regulations are also needed to halt wetland drainage. “That debate between reimbursing people ‌ or regulations to prevent the destruction of natural ecosystems ‌ that’s an ethical debate that generates a lot of lively debate. At that end of the day, I think we’ll end up looking at a mixture of tools.â€? Workshop participants also discussed where to store water. Marla Riesman, a Manitoba Agriculture land management specialist, said storing water on land with Class 1, 2 or 3 soil isn’t an option. A producer at the meeting suggested farmers could drain the small sloughs on their land and store the water in a larger pond in the district. However, Bruce said that kind of drainage, known as pothole consolidation, threatens ducks and other wildlife. “I don’t dispute the (agricultural) efficiencies that would come along with that, but from a biodiversity point of view, (it) is a negative,â€? he said. “You will lose biodiversity because you are losing a lot of (habitat) ‌ which isn’t replaced by one, single large body of water.â€?





Saskatchewan flooding seminar attracts Dutch experts Management and mitigation | Officials will share experience as Saskatchewan prepares for a large spring runoff BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

A Saskatchewan community is bringing in heavy hitters to deal with anticipated flood problems this spring. City officials in Yorkton have teamed up with the Netherlands to host a Prairie Flood Management and Mitigation Seminar. The seminar, scheduled to start March 27, but after deadlines for this issue, was expected to feature speakers from Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Netherlands, who offer information on the best ways to deal with

water-related topics such as large scale flooding, drainage, storm water and wetland management, water management technologies and governance. The Netherlands has a long history of dealing with floods and water management. The country’s disastrous 1953 flood resulted in more than 425,000 acres flooded and a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Following the flood, the Dutch government formed the Delta Works, a series of construction projects considered to be one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

Today, roughly 10 million Dutch people, out of a total population of 16.7 million, live behind dikes to protect against flooding. Representatives from two Dutch companies involved in water management were expected to attend the Yorkton seminar. Communities throughout Saskatchewan and Manitoba are bracing for heavy runoff this spring and the potential for significant flooding in some areas. Snow pack is above normal throughout much of Western Canada, and moisture tables were already high going into the winter.

A news release from the City of Yorkton said it could be another challenging year for the Prairies. H i g h m o i s t u r e t a b l e s, n e a rrecord snowfall and cooler than normal temperatures will make for uncertain spring water level conditions. “This seminar will provide about 100 registrants the opportunity to network and examine water management issues from both the Dutch experience and the experiences on the Prairies,” said Judie Dyck, honorary consul for the Netherlands in Saskatchewan. “Dutch companies are working

globally in water management and they have tremendous experience and knowledge, which I believe can be applicable for the Prairies including the City of Yorkton.”



Canadians rely heavily on American biodiesel BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

VANCOUVER — Biodiesel consumption is rising in Canada, but the vast majority of the alternative fuel is coming from the United States. Data compiled by Waterfall Group, a biofuel consulting firm, shows the provincial and federal mandates are working. Canadians used 111 million litres of renewable diesel in 2010 and 291 million litres in 2011. Data is not yet available for last year. “It’s the first real window on the performance of the industry,” said Waterfall founding partner Doug Hooper. Eighty percent of the renewable diesel is biodiesel and the majority of that is made from canola oil. The remainder is second generation biodiesel, known as hydrogenated or hydro-treated fats and oils. The firm forecasts 560 million litres of renewable diesel demand in 2013, with 350 million litres of that demand emanating from Western Canada. The problem is Western Canada has only 31 million litres of biodiesel production capacity, which means the fuel will have to be imported from the U.S., where manufacturers are producing more biodiesel than what’s required for the U.S. mandate. Hooper is the former chief executive officer of Canadian Bioenergy Corporation, which worked with Archer Daniels Midland in a joint venture to build a 265 million litre canola biodiesel plant in Lloydminster. Canadian Bioenergy sold its minority interest in the project to ADM in December 2011. Hooper said the ADM project, which will be the largest biodiesel plant in Canada, is proceeding as planned. “It’s under construction and on track to meet its target commissioning in the third quarter of this year,” he said. Kyoto Fuels Corp. is building a 66 million litre facility in Lethbridge. According to the company’s website, the plant is in the commissioning phase of developments.


It’s rare to find a herbicide you can count on for long-lasting stopping power that’s also safe on wheat. The advanced safener technology in EVEREST® 2.0 makes it super selective for best-in-class crop safety. Safe on wheat, it’s also relentless on weeds, giving you Flush-after-flush ™ control of green foxtail, wild oats and other resistant weeds. And a wide window for application means you can apply at your earliest convenience.









WITH PLANTERS IT ALL STARTS WITH A PLAN Planter technology, new or old, is largely something new for most Prairie producers. The machines aren’t very forgiving if they aren’t set and serviced properly. | Page 101

PR ODUC TI O N E D I TO R: M IC HAEL RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM


Seeding early problematic with cereals Seed vigour | ‘Better than average’ seed required to seed early, says Bruce Carriere of Discovery Seed labs RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

Cereal seeds are not as temperamental as canola seeds. They tolerate slightly lower soil temperatures, which makes them the first choice for early seeding. However, that’s not a green light to ignore good agronomic practices, says Bruce Carriere, owner of Discovery Seed Labs. “Early seeding of cereals is not a great idea in my opinion. Several things can go wrong,” Carriere said, although he knows it’s a fact of life that producers always want to go early. “If seed vigour is high and they sit there in the soil for a week, we’ll see just a little bit of mortality. But if cool soil temperatures continue much past a week, the plants really start to struggle once they emerge and the weaker plants will be susceptible to all kinds of stress throughout the growing season. Soil temperatures should be at least 4 C, so that’s really not much lower than the minimum recommended temperature for canola. The optimal temperature for cereals should be closer to seven degrees.” Spring temperatures do not rise on an even upward continuum, said Carriere. Some days are 20 C and then the nighttime temperature falls to – 6 C. There are also intermittent cold spells. The top one inch of soil follows those patterns, ranging from 20 C down to sub-freezing temperatures day or night. That’s why temperature readings should be taken at a depth of three inches.

Treated versus untreated seeds, cold soils, recent increases in disease due to wet years and a cool spring threaten seedlings. | Carriere said seed quality is also a factor. “You absolutely must have better than average seed if you’re thinking about seeding early,” he said. “You do not want high germ with low vigour. Low vigour seed will not perform in those earlier cooler soils unless you bring your seeding rate up

to the vigour number. For example, if you have germ of 95 and vigour of 80, then you’d better be seeding with that vigour number in mind, not the germ number.” Carriere said growers who push the date on cereals have only two options if they hope to succeed: buy seed w i t h a h i g h v i g o u r nu m b e r o r

increase the seeding rate substantially. Cereals typically don’t suffer the kind of high mortality experienced by canola in normal conditions at recommended soil temperatures. For example, a cereal grower who wants 30 plants per sq. foot uses the regular formula of calculating the


1,000 kernel weight and subtracting four percent for morality. Carriere said that provides the number that’s used for a seeding rate when soil temperature is close to the recommended 7 C. “If you plant seeds in the spring for 30 plants per sq. foot, that’s how ma ny seeds you can expect to


Get the most from a quick start with a well designed weed man Weed control | Direct seeding, crop rotations and an early start help farmers to eliminate weeds at the start of the season and net higher yields at t SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Seeding early can give producers a good shot at a better yield, but only if a well designed weed control strategy is executed. The best way to get the crop in early and at the optimal seeding time is to use a combination of integrated weed management (IWM) strategies, says Alberta Agriculture researcher Ross McKenzie, who has decades of research to back his claim. He said integrated weed management has become good integrated crop management. “Farmers are doing a much better

job of weed control now than they ever have in the past as a result of the IWM options they’ve adopted such as direct seeding, better crop rotations, higher seeding rates, earlier seeding and a range of chemicals to work with to increase economic returns.” McKenzie said the key is to eliminate weeds early so that seeding can also be done early. Those two factors together contribute to better quality, better yield and lower risk of crop failure, he added. Researchers have found that wheat planted at the end of May yields 30 percent less than crops planted at the

beginning, and lose one percent per day after the end of April. This is the case even when water isn’t a big issue, such as crops under irrigation. McKenzie said producers need to use every IWM weapon at their disposal if they want a better chance of seeding in that optimal early window. Early seeded crops have a yield advantage because they capitalize on early spring moisture and longer spring days, he added. “If you don’t seed until May 30, then you really only have three weeks before the days start to get shorter,” he said. “The earlier a crop is seeded in that optimum window, the more


the crop can take advantage of any early spring precipitation.” Many of the recommended IWM practices have already been widely adopted, said Rob Dunn, a land man-

agement specialist with Alberta Agriculture. He said producers who want to take full advantage of the early seeding strategy should focus on managing weeds through crop rotations, diversified production systems, increased seeding rates, herbicide-tolerant crops and dealing with fields that are severely infested in advance of seeding. The key to higher yields and lower costs is to make sure crops can outcompete weeds and late season flushes don’t make seed. Fall seeded crops and annual forages in the IWM rotation are good ways to deplete the weed seed bank.


emerge and grow. And at harvest, you should still see 30 plants per sq. foot unless there’s been a major disaster,” he said. “But you can’t use that formula if you put seed into cold soils. You must use the vigour number to figure out your seeding rate, not the germination number.” Carriere said there’s a big difference between seed vigour and plant vigour. Plant vigour is a genetic quality of the variety. Some varieties have greater vigour than others and are consequently more suited to the stress of early seeding. He said there’s no way to test for plant vigour. The test for seed vigour takes 11 days, so turnaround time can be fairly quick when assessing seed viability. Although seed treatments have improved tremendously in recent years, Carriere said there’s a new issue that reduces their efficacy. “Coverage on the seed has become more important than the chemical itself. The old adage of, ‘a little dab will do ya’ is not true anymore when we talk seed treatments. If you can’t guarantee 100 percent coverage on the seeds, don’t even bother treating. Don’t waste your money. The disease will prevail.” Seed treatments used to be glycol based. They would penetrate the seed coat and attack the disease before it had a chance to start growing. Carriere said seed treatments worked well even if there were small skips. However, that’s no longer the case. “The PMRA (Pest Management Regulatory Agency) abolished glycol. Glycol is gone forever in seed treatments,” he said. “All our new seed treatments now have to be water based. They don’t penetrate the seed coat and they don’t kick in until the disease starts to grow and it’s out on the outside of the coat. So the disease gets a good head start on the treatment.”


You absolutely must have better than average seed if you’re thinking about seeding early. BRUCE CARRIERE DISCOVERY SEED LABS

He said the protection products are much better, but they won’t work if there are small untreated gaps on the seed coat. Those tiny gaps are the spots where the disease will erupt, which is why Carriere thinks 99 percent is as good as no coverage. However, there is a bright light on the scene. Applicator manufacturers are conducting intensive research and development programs to develop applicators that can meet the requirement of 100 percent coverage. Bayer, Westfield and AGI are working on a state-of-the-art applicator that continually adjusts the treatment rate in real time according to the volume of seed flow. Carriere said the PMRA created another problem when it changed the rules. The allowable concentration of active ingredient is now a small fraction of what it had been, making it more difficult to uniformly distribute a sufficient amount of protection product on all seed coat surfaces. “It’s like taking a teaspoon of salt and trying to spread it uniformly over 100 kilograms of seed.” There are two things producers can

ABOVE LEFT: Untreated cereals suffer in cool soil. ABOVE: Every part of the seeds’ surfaces must be covered with seed treatment to avoid problems. do to cope while still using an older conventional applicator. • Slow down. The more time each seed is exposed to product, the bet-

ter the chance of total coverage. • Increase the volume of water so more liquid is available to swarm around the seeds. This dilutes the

active chemical, but it also distributes it better. For more information, contact Carriere at 306-2494484.


agement plan

he end, says researcher Winter wheat out-competes most annual weeds and many difficult-tocontrol weeds such as Canada thistle that emerges late into the spring. Dunn said farmers can disrupt weeds’ advantages by varying herbicides, crop development timing and crops. McKenzie said new herbicides that support tillage and continuous cropping have improved farmers’ ability to control tough weeds early. However, a strategy of seeding first and applying burnoff after emergence can backfire in a year like this one, where it appears seeding might be delayed and if rain comes into the picture. Dunn said weeds will jump on the


crop under those circumstances, even in herbicide tolerant crops such as canola. “Interference with the crop’s early root development ultimately affects crop vigour and yield,” he said. A pre-seed burn down with combination products such as glyphosate mixed with florasulam provides control that lasts further into the season in cereal fields heavily infested with weeds or where re-cropping with cereals, canola or peas are planned the following year. Adding other modes of action to glyphosate also help deal with volunteer herbicide tolerant crops.

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Farmers in the business of harvesting sunshine Spring seeding | Making the most of photosynthesis BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Man. — Every farming endeavour is based on harvesting sunlight. “That’s what we do, regardless of the type of farming enterprise we’re involved in,” independent agronomist Bill Lehmkuhl told a recent Pioneer Corn Planter Clinic in Portage la Prairie. “Whether we’re growing crops or livestock, the energy all comes from the sun. Our job as farmers is to manage the harvest of that sunshine.” Lehmkuhl said crops can use as many hours of sunlight as Mother Nature allows from June 21 until harvest, but an hour of sunlight between crop emergence and June 21 is more valuable than one hour of sunlight later in the growing season. More sunlight early in the growing season means more photosynthesis and better crop development. However, Lehmkuhl said farmers can’t depend solely on sunshine. Perfect growing conditions from June 21 until harvest will be of limited benefit if a crop doesn’t have a well developed root system and foliage cover by June 21. As well, a perfect summer from June 21 until harvest cannot make up

for late emergence or a bad spring. This means farmers should try to seed early to take full advantage of early season sunshine. They should also strive for a well-established crop that can survive the natural disasters that might occur before harvest. Early seeding is a question of balance, weighing the hope of harvesting a big load of May-June sunshine against the risks of having seeds sitting in cold soil and ultimately getting a late start. That’s always a gamble, said Gregory Sekulic, an agronomist with the Canola Council of Canada in Grand Prairie, Alta. “Just because we can be on the field doesn’t mean we should be there,” he said. “When we talk about early seeding, we should really be talking about early, timely seeding. And timely is the key word here. We can sometimes go very early with canola, but only if the soil is 5 to 6 C.” Although soil temperature can vary from one year to another, Sekulic said crop insurance data from Alberta indicates the highest canola yields generally come from fields seeded in the second week of May. The thermometer should always take precedence, no matter what the calendar says. A seed that sits for days

Farmers should try to seed early, but the ground must be warm enough to promote germination. | in cold soil becomes an easy target for predators. “When we put seed into soil colder than 5 C, emergence takes longer,” Sekulic said. “That opens the window to attacks from insects and soil borne diseases.” Kristen Phillips, a canola council agronomist in Brandon, said seed treatments are available to protect against those predators, but they don’t protect against the passage of time. “The longer a seed sits in cold soil

Did you know... In 2013, Crop Insurance yields for hard red spring wheat, hard white spring wheat and oats will


without germinating, the less effective are your seed treatments. Treatments are effective only for a limited time,” Phillips said. “If your seed sits in the ground for 10 days without germination, you have lost 10 days of protection, which you’ve already paid for. You get more benefit from your seed treatment investment in warmer soil conditions. The quicker the emergence, the better return on your investment.” She said it’s tempting to ignore temperature and seed too early. “I know guys are going to go as soon as they can. Waiting for optimal conditions isn’t easy,” she said. “The optimum soil temperature to give your crop the best chance is not 5 C. It’s 8 C. But we like to see soil temperature at least five degrees in order to avoid problems. Five is the minimum. “With soil temperatures colder than five degrees, you run the risk of slower germination and slower emergence. Then you get uneven germination, and that creates a whole new set of problems that will stick with you all year long.” She said seeds with better vigour


and vitality will always germinate and emerge sooner. To further complicate the matter, there can be more than two flushes of emergence. “That’s a situation you don’t want in any kind of crop,” said Phillips. “A field with different stages of emergence means you have different stages of growth from May until harvest. That impacts application of all your crop protection products, your swathing dates and combine dates.” Conventional wisdom says blackened fields generally warm up sooner than fields with stubble, such as minimum till and zero till fields because the black soil absorbs heat and holds it better. “That’s an interesting assumption, because there’s research being conducted now looking at the different types of stubble, showing that the ground actually warms up quicker under some stubble conditions,” Phillips said. “The diameter of the stalk is the factor. Solar heat goes down the stalk, into the soil and warms the soil at the bottom of the stalk.” For more information, contact Phillips at 204-720-6923 and Sekulic at 780-832-2382.


to reflect agronomic advancements.

Mana releases herbicide mixes BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM

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Mana Canada has registered two new herbicides for cereal growers. Andrew Mann of Mana Canada, a division of Makhteshim Agan, the Israeli off-patent chemical producer, says the new products will open up the market for producers looking for a choice beyond a chemical company’s bundled product list. Mana has registration for a florasulam and MCPA ester mix as a broadleaf, post emergent tool. Called Topline, for its branded forerunner Frontline XL from Dow, the product is registered for spring wheat, barley and oats. The product is at its best when applied to the crop at the two to six leaf stage and weeds are at the one to four leaf stage, generally when an aggressive spring burnoff has been performed close to the seeding date.

The combination provides Groups 2 and 4 protection. The second product is Rush 24, a fluroxypyr and 2,4-D ester mix. The Group 4 offering is for spring wheat, durum and barley and is aimed at Group 2 resistant weeds, such as kochia, as well as tougher plants such as wild buckwheat, flixweed and cleavers. It is useful in controlling volunteer flax and canola. The product can be boosted with an additional two ounces of 2,4-D ester LV 700 for heavy infestations or larger weeds. It is compatible with several grassy weed products, such as tralkoxydim and clodinafop. It is the same combination of products included in Dow’s Octtain XL. Mann said the new products round out what Mana has to offer producers and gives them more tools to use in a strategy to combat herbicide tolerance in prairie weed populations.





Corn planters require a thorough inspection Caution urged | New technology allows for improved yields but still requires farmer input, says agronomist BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Man. — The high level of technology that has become common in a combine has finally reached the corn planter. Some of the yield increases of recent years are attributed to better planters along with the fact that growers are paying more attention to adjusting their planters, says Bill Lehmkuhl, an independent agronomist from Ohio who specializes in corn planters. However, Lehmkuhl said farmers have to be careful with the new generation of planters. “I don’t care how green, blue or red your blood runs, if I was getting a new planter, I would be scared to death because they all have little kinks and issues that need to be worked on before you even get to the field.” Lehmkuhl said a grower should not expect a new planter to be perfect or do all the work. The electronics might allow operators to monitor and control just about every function on-thego from the cab, but they shouldn’t assume the screen is telling the truth. “There have been amazing technological advances in recent years, but you still need to get out of the comfort of your cab to dig seeds. Ground truth what the screen is telling you,” he said. “Regardless of which planter you


level the planter bushings and parallel linkage drive system calibrate corn meters double disk openers seed tubes closing wheel system closing wheel alignment row cleaners seed firmers

Source: Precision Planting

... they all have little kinks and issues that need to be worked on before you even get to the field. BILL LEHMKUHL AGRONOMIST

buy, you still have all those bearings, shafts, hydraulic systems, air and vacuum systems and other machinery to check and maintain.” L ehmkuhl said corn planters require attention, whether old or new. As well, a new planter does not guarantee a high yielding crop. The keys to any successful planting operation are setting up and fine tuning the machine. “Things are finally changing in the industry, with some of the manufacturers like Precision Planting bringing the importance of the planter to light,” he said. However, despite the new awareness of the importance of planters, some corn growers still spend more time fine tuning their combine than they do fine tuning their planter. “And that’s a bad idea. It’s backwards,” he said. “You’ll never put a high yield crop through your combine unless your planter can put a high yield crop into the ground. It all starts with the planter. Worry about the combine later.” Lehmkuhl said growers should never assume the planter is put together correctly. The first step is to make sure it’s assembled correctly, whether it’s a used planter that’s had work done to it or a new machine direct from the factory. He said this even applies to a planter a farmer has owned for years. Go back to the manual just to see that everything is set up either by the book or by deliberate modification. For more information, contact Lehmkuhl at blehmkuhl@precisionagriservices.com.

ABOVE: Brand new planters can have hex shaft alignment issues. |


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LIVESTOCK L IV EST O C K E D I TO R : B A R B G LEN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403-942-2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER: @BA R B GLE N


Livestock antibiotics only part of picture BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

There are no accurate figures on antibiotic use in Canada for humans or livestock, says Agriculture Canada microbiologist Tim McAllister. However, per capita use could potentially be higher in humans than in livestock. McAllister was one of four speakers at a March 21 information session organized by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. His rough estimates show Canadians were prescribed 197,000 kilograms of antibiotics of all kinds last year, while livestock were given 1.6 million kg. There are 34.5 million people in Canada and 650 million livestock, so human consumption of antibiotics per capita could be roughly four times that of livestock. Of course, not every Canadian is prescribed an antibiotic every year and not every animal receives them either, said McAllister, but the point is that antibiotic use in livestock is one part of a complex scenario surrounding bacterial resistance. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are becoming more prevalent, and last week the Ontario Medical Association issued a report calling attention to the problem. It said infections involving these bacteria are becoming more frequent and more difficult to treat. It said farmers should not be allowed to use antibiotics in livestock feed without a veterinary prescription and should not be allowed to import antibiotics for their own on-farm use on their animals. “The current practice allows for unsupervised, unscientific and ultimately dangerous application of important medications,” said one recommendation. Eric Brown, chair of biochemistry and biomedical sciences at McMaster University, agreed that the evolution of “superbugs” is a growing concern in human health. He called for “more reasonable use” of antibiotics in all sectors. Brown said the discovery of effective antibiotics from the 1940s to the 1960s resulted in complacency that bred a waning interest in finding new antibiotics. Only a few companies continue to develop them, he added. Expense is also a major hindrance. Frank Schweizer, associate professor in microbiology at the University of Manitoba, said it costs $1.7 billion to develop an antibiotic and 10 to 12 years to complete clinical trials. Patent life is 20 years, so by the time a drug goes on the market, half the patent life is gone and companies must charge high prices to recoup costs and make a profit. Antibiotics are typically prescribed for only short periods, which Schweizer said provides an even less attractive return on investment.

Division winners at the Holstein show milking class at the Calgary Stampede Dairy Classic parade before the judge and audience. Although smaller than some years, the March 23 show attracted exhibitors from across Alberta and Saskatchewan. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTOS CATTLE | DAIRY

Mature cow wins champion title Calgary Stampede Dairy Classic | A 12-year-old Holstein still going strong BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Competing against the bloom of youth was no problem for the 12-yearold cow that was named grand champion at the annual Calgary Stampede Dairy Classic show March 23. CRF Lheros Rudolph Pete Joel has never been flushed and has produced eight natural calves throughout its career. Most were bulls that were sold to Hutterite colonies and local farmers looking for natural breeding, said owner Logan Chalack of Wendon Holsteins near Innisfail, Alta., who works with his father, Don. “She is a great cow and has great feet and legs and her mammary system is high end,” Chalack said after the show. The family-run operation selects bulls that pass on longevity as well as soundness to their daughters. It milks 50 cows, but the main business is selling purebred seed stock. Twelve-year-old cows that have had eight calves don’t always look as good as this year’s champion, said judge Clay Phoenix of Sunderland, Ont., who farms with his family and has judged international dairy shows of all breeds.

“This cow is pretty useful,” he said. “For a cow to have a well attached mammary system like this after she had eight calves is unique, but I am not going to say cows don’t last that long. It is the management system.” Longevity is a key quality, and artificial insemination studs are focusing more on health and long lived females through genomics, he added. This year’s winners: • Junior champion was Continental Brax Macy of Rocky Mountain Holsteins of Cochrane, Alta., and Continental Holsteins of Leduc, Alta. • Reserve was Skycrest Alexander Raisin from Skycrest Holsteins of Athabasca, Alta. • The grand champion red Holstein, Rietben Sterling Miley, was from Reitveld Dairies Ltd., of Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. • Overall grand champion was CRF Lheros Rudolph Pete Joel from Wendon Holsteins. • Reserve was Robella Reg Macy from Lampada Holstein of Carlyle, Sask. It was also named best bred and owned. • Premier breeder and exhibitor was Skycrest Holsteins.

Logan Chalack displays his grand champion Holstein. This productive 12-year-old cow has had eight calves and was admired for its longevity, good udder attachment and sound structure. The cow came from Wendon Holsteins, Innsifail, Alta.





Producer profitability lies in ewe productivity The more the merrier | Ewes that produce twins and triplets can help boost profits

SHEEP MULTIPLES Costs per lamb are dramatically reduced when ewes produce twins or triplets rather than single lambs. Costs ($/lamb) Feed costs Labour costs Cost of production Income ($/lamb sold)


Significant differences between total flock production costs per lamb reveal a wide profitability spread among farmers, says an Alberta nutrition specialist. The difference comes mostly from whether a farmer’s ewes produce singles, twins or triplets. “You’ve got reduced cost per lamb sold based on (ewe) productivity,” ruminant nutritional specialist Dale Engstrom said during a recent session with Manitoba sheep producers. “As you’ve got more lambs, you’ve reduced your costs.” Maximizing births is a dominant concern in all multi-offspring livestock sectors. Hog farmers have concentrated on producing 30 pigs per sow per year, and many are now reaching that goal. There’s no chance of hitting double-digit births with lambs, but the difference between bearing one, two or three lambs has a significant effect on profitability because it represents a far greater proportional difference, with twins being 100 percent more than a single birth and triplets being 200 percent more. Engstrom said the difference was starkly apparent in a 2010 survey that looked at the profitability of Alberta sheep flocks. The top 26 percent of producers paid $66.04 in feed costs for each lamb marketed, while the average cost was $87.99 and the bottom 26 percent paid $111.11.

top 26% 66.04 52.34 161.85 172.04

average 87.99 58.48 227.23 163.91

bottom 26% 111.11 59.15 298.11 153.64

MAKING SHEEP MAKE SENSE Nutrition is the biggest factor in ewe productivity and producer profitability, says a sheep specialist. Feed makes up feed the largest percentage of 38.70% lamp production but is not the best place to cut costs. labour

27.30% Source: Alberta sheep survey 2010 | WP GRAPHICS

Good nutrition management can increase ewe productivity and producer profits, says a nutrition specialist. | FILE PHOTO That near-doubling of costs between the bottom and top-most profitable producers was mostly caused by the number of lambs born, Engstrom said. A big cost of operating a sheep flock is feeding ewes, so a lot of feed is con-

sumed with little output if they are unproductive. Twins, while requiring a little more feed, produce a lot more lamb. Triplets have an even bigger impact. A single lamb and ewe tend to cost $95 to feed, while a ewe and set of

twins cost $135 until the lambs are sold. Engstrom said many factors lead to good ewe productivity, but he believes nutrition is the most important. Carefully managing the nutrition of ewes before they are pregnant and through the many stages of pregnancy and milk production is essential if farmers want to produce more twins. Engstrom said farmers might be impressed by sows producing 10 piglets per farrowing, but a ewe producing twins actually has a bigger percentage of its bodyweight in its offspring. A sow’s litter represents eight percent of its weight, while a ewe has 10 percent of its weight in a set of twins. Sows produce much more milk



sheep supplies

4.53% fuel

3.33% utilities

3.16% others




than ewes, but some producers might be surprised to realize that a ewe that has birthed twins produces not much less milk compared to bodyweight than a dairy cow, and much more than a beef cow. “She’s not like a beef cow,” said Engstrom. “She’s more productive than a beef cow. And what if she’s giving you triplets?” Engstrom admitted he has a bias toward focusing on nutrition because that is his area of expertise, but he also said he’s not wrong because it is the most dominant cost for farmers and the best way to im-prove flock productivity. “The best payback in your pocket financially is when nutritional needs are successfully met,” said Engstrom. “The most serious negative consequences are when they’re not met.”


Sheep beat tillage, glyphosate treatment in weed control BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Sheep are best known for producing luxurious wool and succulent lamb chops, but researchers in Montana are learning that sheep have other talents. Sheep, it turns out, are also good at eating weeds, managing crop residue, recycling nutrients and are especially proficient at killing a pest in semi-arid regions of the Northern Plains: the wheat stem sawfly. “We’ve compared grazing to tillage, burning and doing nothing for sawfly mortality and grazing always comes out to have the highest mortality,” said Patrick Hatfield, Montana State animal science professor. For the last several years, Hatfield and his Montana State colleagues, along with U.S. Department of Agriculture scientists, have studied sheep grazing on wheat stubble to evaluate the ruminant’s impact on soil quality, pest control, residue management and of course, crop yield. In the four-year study, sheep

grazed on wheat stubble at rates of 60 animals per acre and the data was compared to plots with a glyphosate treatment or tillage to control weeds. There was no difference in wheat yield between the three systems, but the sheep were just as effective as the other two treatments in weed control, said Upendra Sainju, a USDA soil scientist in Sidney, Mont. “There was almost nothing. After nine or 10 days, it looked like the other treatments, the herbicide and the tillage.” As for residue management, the scientists found that sheep could graze on spread or windrowed straw. Wi n d row i n g l i k e l y b o o s t s t h e amount of feed available, while spreading provides more uniform residue cover. “Stubble is a fine feed, but obviously it’s not the best quality in the world,” Hatfield said. Nonetheless, using sheep for weed control instead of herbicide or tillage does provide additional benefits, such as sawfly control. The wheat stem sawfly feeds on the wheat stem and can cause the plant

to fall over late in the growing season. In the Montana study, researchers determined that sheep kill 80 percent of the sawfly that overwinter in wheat stubble. “The sheep, and a lot of this is just hoof action, are basically disrupting that larvae life cycle. They’re disrupting that overwintering cocoon,” Hatfield said. In a separate experiment, Hatfield found that grazing sheep on alfalfa through the winter could be an effective method to kill alfalfa weevil. “We did a study where we left (sheep) on until … May. We were grazing to control alfalfa weevil and when they cut hay … at the end of June, early July, there was no difference in (alfalfa) yield,” he said. “And there was probably a little higher protein in the sheep grazed (fields) because basically they got rid of the weevils that were eating the best part of the alfalfa.” As a soil scientist, Sainju wanted to understand how sheep grazing affects soil properties, particularly nutrient cycling. By consuming the stubble, the

Some work in Argentina says we can get one to two percent increase in organic matter. That’s huge. PATRICK HATFIELD ANIMAL SCIENCE PROFESSOR

sheep removed more phosphorus and potassium from the system, compared to tillage or glyphosate. Yet, that loss could be mitigated if producers altered the rotational grazing system, Sainju noted. “By reducing the period of grazing intensity … more crop residue would be returned to the soil. That way we could retain more nutrients in the soil.” Hatfield described sheep grazing on stubble as nutrient processing rather than nutrient removal because the sheep can only metabolize about 20 percent of the wheat stubble. “Most of that stuff went through the

sheep, they chewed it up, made it small and mixed it with microbial cell fragments and a bunch of urine, and dumped it out the back end.” Looking forward, Hatfield would like to examine how sheep could be used to improve soil organic matter. Instead of grazing, Hatfield said a producer could finish several hundred head of lamb on crop stubble, which might boost soil organic matter. “Some work in Argentina says we can get one to two percent increase in organic matter. That’s huge.” Hatfield recognizes that grain farmers aren’t going to drive to the nearest livestock auction anytime soon to purchase a flock of sheep. In Montana, though, sheep farmers are loaning animals to neighbouring farmers to graze on crop stubble for mutual benefit. “This doesn’t mean that every grain producer has to be a sheep herder or a cowboy. We’re not talking about going back to the family farmer who has chicken, sheep, cows and 18 different crops. We’re talking about large scale enterprise integration.”






Lack of steady supply stymies bison Chefs seek steady supply | Producers want to find ways to market middle cuts BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

PONOKA, Alta. — As the owner of one of Edmonton’s oldest restaurants, Normand Campbell knows food. He knows that when bison is on the menu in his high-end Normand’s restaurant, it sells. Wild meat makes up 30 percent of food sales in the French restaurant year round and increases to 50 percent in October and November when it is featured. Campbell introduced bison to the menu 22 years ago, and it has been a steady seller ever since. He said the restaurant sold a lot of tough bison in the first few years. He worked with the butchers and learned about the art of aging bison. He told the recent Bison Producers of Alberta annual meeting that featuring bison and other wild meat on the menu was a good business move. “It kept me alive. I am a little restaurant. It is what kept me separate from other restaurants.” He said his customers want something different than beef steak and chicken. “They’ve had chicken done 120 ways and can barbecue their own steaks in the backyard.” Wild meat at Normand’s includes musk ox, bison, ostrich, kangaroo, wild boar and elk. “We’re having fun with it.” Finding a steady supply of bison has also been a challenge. Just when Campbell thinks he has found a steady supply of bison steaks, the supply dries up. Campbell said other restaurants have given up putting bison on the

Producer taps social media to sell bison Facebook, Twitter | Consumers connect with producers and learn about management practices BY MARY MACARTHUR WESTERN PRODUCER

Some restaurant chefs say bison is popular among customers but have given up putting it on the menu because it is difficult to ensure a steady supply. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO


menu for the same reason. He said bison producers should organize a central bison market to

help ensure restaurants have a steady supply of meat. Terry Church, who manages Canadian Rocky Mountain Ranch, wanted to know how chefs can be encouraged to use the other cuts of meat on a bison besides tenderloin and rib eye. He said using only those high-end steaks is the “lazy chef syndrome.” Campbell said there is a market for smoked bison and pastrami for sand-

wiches made from bison, but doesn’t know where to find a good supplier. He has steady sales of bison burgers at his other restaurants. “We buy ground bison and make burgers for lunch. We have no problem selling that. We charge $15 for a burger and people are willing to pay extra for it.” He said he has difficulty pointing to a store or meat market when customers ask where they can buy bison.

PONOKA, Alta. — Ivan Smith wants to build an empire and is looking to social media for help. Smith may not have an empire yet, but sales of bison products have jumped since he launched a serious social media campaign. “Social media is helping me grow fast,” Smith told the recent Bison Producers of Alberta conference. Bison meat sales have tripled since Smith’s wife, Sharlyn Carter, created a “bison whisperer” campaign. Smith as bison whisperer caught the attention of media from across Canada. While he is no bison guru, he is a hard working bison producer and owner of a Red Deer meat market and deli, Big Bend Markets. “It created buzz and brought some national attention to the bison industry,” said Smith. Carter, a marketing specialist, said getting producers’ names in the media creates attention and helps create a leader or expert in the industry. “You become someone with authority,” said Carter. She said Facebook and Twitter are inexpensive tools that keep the bison business in the news.


Salmonella strain in cattle causes abortions, death ANIMAL HEALTH



ost of us are familiar with salmonella bacteria as a potential cause of gastrointestinal disease in humans. The severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, headaches and dehydration can cause serious consequences in people, especially in the elderly and young children. Salmonellosis in humans is most often associated with poultry and poultry products such as eggs. However, there are numerous strains of salmonella bacteria, and some of them are adapted to cattle. These strains can cause significant disease in dairy and beef cattle herds as well as causing disease in people who are exposed to them. People can be exposed by working

with sick cattle or consuming raw milk from infected dairy cows. Salmonella outbreaks are more common in dairy herds, where animals are more closely confined, but outbreaks also occur occasionally in beef cattle operations. Salmonella is spread by fecal-oral transmission, and the source of the infection is usually feces from infected cows. It may be difficult to identify which cows are the source of the infection and are shedding bacteria because some infected carrier cows may show few or no symptoms and still shed as many organisms in their feces as cows that are clinically ill. Other sources of infection may include rodents, birds, flies, cats, dogs and people. Outbreaks are more common in the calving season. A particular strain called salmonella dublin has recently been identified as a cause of salmonella infections in cattle in a number of areas in the world, including Europe and now North America. I have been talking to a veterinarian on the Prairies who is dealing with a

salmonella dublin outbreak in a cowcalf operation. Salmonella dublin is a strain that has adapted to live in cattle, which remain the most important reservoir of this strain of the bacteria. It is also difficult to treat because it tends to be multi-drug resistant and will not respond to antibiotic therapy. Cattle, people and companion animal species can be infected by this strain of salmonella, which can lead to serious illness. Salmonellosis is usually a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and in cattle typically causes a fever and severe diarrhea, which is often bloody. If untreated, the diarrhea can lead to dehydration and death of the animal. Salmonella dublin is unusual in cattle because it can also present in young calves as a respiratory illness and cause more systemic infections in mature animals, which might result in abortions in pregnant cows. Salmonella outbreaks are difficult to control in cattle operations but especially so in the case of salmonella dublin infections. Three factors make control difficult:

• Multi-drug resistance: Antibiotics are of little value in treating clinical cases because this strain is so resistant to many commonly used antibiotics. There is some debate that antibiotic therapy may even extend the duration of the bacteria shedding. • Ability to survive in the environment: All salmonella strains are able to survive in the environment for extended periods of time, and salmonella dublin has been shown to survive in dry feces for more than a year and in water, soil and moist areas out of direct sunlight for up to four to five years. An important aspect to controlling salmonella outbreaks is to limit the environmental exposure and avoid contaminating water sources, feed and equipment such as halters, ropes, brooms, buckets, shovels, esophageal calf feeders and nipple bottles. • The carrier animal: Sal monella dublin is much more efficient at creating asymptomatic carriers than other strains of salmonella. Animals that undergo a period of stress such as calving may start shedding the organism again in

subsequent years and cause other infections to occur. Identifying these carrier organisms is difficult, but blood tests are available at some diagnostic laboratories that may help identify carrier animals so they can be culled. Exceptional calving management procedures must be instituted in the face of a salmonella dublin outbreak. Separating clinically infected animals from cows that are calving is essential, as is maintaining high levels of biosecurity throughout the farm. Preventing fecal oral transmission is an almost impossible feat during calving season on most cow-calf farms, but producers will need to work closely with their veterinarians to limit the spread of this highly infectious disease. Environmental cleanup is an important part of the control, and veterinarians can help institute a cleaning and disinfection protocol for calving areas. John Campbell is head of Large Animal Clinical Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine.





Pudgy happy to be on solid ground after visit to big city vet COWBOY LOGIC



eing a dog on the Taylor Ranch may not be the easiest life, but if you’re an energetic, adventurous sort of a pup, most would bark in agreement that it’s a pretty darn good life. These days, our family has a lanky Black Labrador cross “friendly neighbour” dog we call Pudgy. He looks like a Lab, even though he has some wandering cow dog or who knows what in his heritage. He was kind of pudgy in his puppy days, but a daily routine of 15 to 30 kilometres of running on the ranch has whipped him into shape. However, we called him Pudgy when we started and we continue to do so. Besides, Sveltey doesn’t have much of a ring to it. He’s pretty much a free range dog. I never did tie this dog up. I tried to once, but his neck is about the same size as his head and he slipped out of the collar. He hasn’t been tethered since.

However, we noticed that his freedom to range was being hampered a little with a bad paw, or, more precisely, a bad toe. We decided to do something out of the ordinary for this ranch dog — seek veterinary care. It’s not that we don’t believe vet care is a good thing; it’s just that our ranch dogs don’t need much of it. They get lots of exercise and a steady diet of cheap dog food supplemented with a variety of high protein pasture fare. It keeps them pretty healthy. So I took Pudgy into the big city for some doctoring. It was only his second trip to the city and the vet. On the first trip he got one of those procedures that Bob Barker was always promoting — the neuteralizing thing

— but Pudgy must not have remembered. He jumped right in the pickup. He’s a little embarrassing to take into town. He had just killed a skunk a few days before and hadn’t aired out completely. He’s not a keep-thecollar-on kind of a dog, and not knowing if he’d want to get in a scrap with a poodle in the waiting room, I slipped an OB calving chain around his neck for an extra measure of security. So there we are in the examining room in the big city vet clinic waiting for the doc. Pudgy smells like skunk, hasn’t had a bath since the water holes froze over and he’s sporting a calving chain for a collar and leash. Just to bring the contrast full circle,

I picked up an issue of Dog Fancy magazine that was sitting in the room to read while we waited. I read up on doggy dental care and canine allergies, learned about Chinese Shar-Pei and Bichon Frise dog breeds and pondered an offer to enter the Dogtown USA contest. All while sitting with our skunky smelling mutt held by a calving chain. It turned out that Pudgy needed to have a tumorous toe amputated. I know veterinarians realize they’re dealing with a different kind of customer when every medical suggestion they offer is returned with, “how much will that cost?” Pudgy was a free dog, and the kids really love him, and I like him too, so I

sprung the negotiated charge to get the toe removed and put the old spring back in his step. I declined the $70 lab analysis of the discarded digit, and took them up on the suggestion that I could take the stitches out myself in two weeks. And Pudgy seems pretty happy back on the ranch with his family. He figures every time he goes to town they cut something out of him or off of him, so he’s going to try and keep the 81 pounds he’s got left at home on the range. He may not be “dog fancy,” but he is pretty smart. Ryan Taylor is a rancher, writer and senator in the state legislature from Towner, North Dakota.


In 2011 and 2012, independent co-operators in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba put Nodulator® XL to the test in 54 field-scale

trials in peas and lentils. Crops inoculated with Nodulator® XL out-yielded crops inoculated with competitive products 82% of the time, out-yielding our competitor’s product by an average of 1.5 bu./ac. or 3%.


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Producers urged to get tested

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Go to the Lacombe Bull Sale to buy a bull and get a prostate cancer blood test. Graham Sharp, president of the Lacombe Agricultural Society and co-sale manager of the Lacombe Bull Sale in Lacombe, Alta., said the society has lost too many men to prostate cancer in recent years and wants to take a proactive role in prostate cancer prevention. “Prostate cancer has cost us at least two of our directors in the last five or six years and one of the caretakers at the ag ground,” said Sharp. “We wanted to do something for the community.” The sale committee invited the Prostate Cancer Centre’s mobile Man Van to the April 9 bull sale to make it easier for men to get tested for prostate cancer. Nurses at the mobile testing clinic will take PSA blood tests in the motor home from men attending the bull sale. The prostate-specific antigen test measures the amount of PSA in the blood. PSA levels are often elevated in men with prostate cancer. “Our belief is the key to curing cancer is early detection before it has spread anywhere else,” said Sharp. Farmers and ranchers buying bulls at the sale are the same demographic that should be tested for prostate cancer. “The bull sale crowd is 75 or 80 percent male and the bulk of them are over 40,” he said.

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Jeff Downey

Central Butte, SK Perdue, SK Lentil: 30 bu./ac. Pea: 52 - 54 bu./ac.

Miles Gerwin Kindersley, SK Pea: 40 bu./ac.






Sask. budget puts focus on research Spending down | Saskatchewan government spending less on business risk management STORIES BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

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Saskatchewan’s financial commitment to business risk management is almost $40 million less this year, following changes to AgriStability and AgriInvest that the country’s agriculture ministers approved last summer. The provincial budget announced March 20 reflects a fully funded commitment for BRM programs at $282.5 million, down from $321.4 million last year. However, the overall ministry budget has dropped only $23 million because of increased commitments to research and non-BRM programming under Growing Forward 2. Budget estimates project spending of nearly $407 million, down from last year’s estimate of $430 million and actual forecasted spending of $474 million. Agriculture minister Lyle Stewart said the research budget is a record $27.7 million and the Growing Forward 2 funding is going up by $25 million to $71.2 million. “We will be rolling out details and further programming under Growing Forward 2 in the coming weeks,” he said. The government has been consulting with industry on what those prog r a m s s h o u l d i n c l u d e. It w i l l announce further funding for the rural water infrastructure program, agricultural awareness, farm business management, trade and market development, value added business development, environment, research and innovation, food safety, and plant and animal health. “We’re a little disappointed in the BRM funding, but the non-BRM, the additional funding there looks great,” said Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan president Norm Hall. He said earmarking money for programs such as Agriculture in the Classroom is a wise decision.

“There’s going to be some good things happening there,” he said. Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association president Mark Elford said he likes the focus on research, particularly the commitment to fund a forage breeding research chair at the University of Saskatchewan. The SCA wants to see forage insurance and cattle price insurance included as part of future business risk management programs for beef producers. NDP agr iculture cr itic Cathy Sproule said she was pleased to see support for crop insurance but is waiting for details of the Growing Forward 2 programs. A look at the budget estimates shows significant differences in where program spending will occur this year. Deputy agriculture minister Alanna Koch said that’s because the ministry is changing how some programs are delivered. Some that were delivered on contract by third parties will move inhouse, and those costs are reflected in an increased expenditure in financial programs and a decreased expenditure in regional services. Details will be provided as the Growing Forward 2 programs roll out. Another change sees the $5.7 million expenditure for the M1 irrigation canal and water pumping program move to the Water Security Agency. Pest control funding is going up by $1.1 million to pay for increased control of beavers, gophers, rats, black flies, wild boar and invasive weeds. The ministry will also spend $1 million to rehabilitate irrigation bridges. Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects Association president Roger Pederson said these are generally smaller bridges over canals and drains. “Some of them have been in the ground for 40 to 50 years and obviously they’re past their useful life expectancy,” he said.

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Health and education are always the big spenders in the Saskatchewan budget, and this year will be no exception. Health spending for fiscal 2013-14 is estimated to be 42 percent of total government expenses at a record $4.8 billion. Education comes in at nearly $1.8 billion. However, school boards say the modest 2.3 percent increase in operating money for kindergarten to Grade 12 education is not enough to deal with increasing enrolments and improve student achievement. “It’s a status quo budget at best,” said Saskatchewan School Boards Association president Janet Foord after the March 20 budget speech. She said the province accepted

responsibility to fully fund education when it changed education property tax and set a provincial mill rate. The changes left boards on a fixed income. “That doesn’t give us the ability to respond to local challenges and needs very easily,” she said. Funding for capital projects previously announced include Hudson Bay, Leader and Martensville. The budget also allocates money to plan new schools in Langenburg and Gravelbourg. The overall health increase is 3.5 percent or $162 million. Seventy percent of the health budget goes to pay salaries. The budget included funding to CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE





Province takes patient approach to flood relief

Sask. officials phasing out ethanol subsidy

The Saskatchewan government plans to pay unforeseen flood costs from its savings account this year. The provincial budget, announced March 20, contains no specific flood relief measures other than a $2.65 million allocation for the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program. This is the same amount as the previous fiscal year. Given the amount of snow this year and expected high runoff, some were expecting extra funding for potential flood costs. “I think most people in Saskatchewan are worried right now,” said NDP agriculture critic Cathy Sproule. However, finance minister Ken Krawetz said money in the Growth and Financial Security Fund is available if needed. The fund has been split into two parts. The growth portion will be used for future infrastructure projects and debt reduction, while the security portion will be saved for unforeseen events. The fund is forecast to contain $182.4 million for growth and $512.7 million for security by the end of the year. Krawetz said the smaller amount will be available. “For now, the premier has indicated that the money in the fund not be allocated to any specific project until the impact of the potential spring melt is known, so that this money will be available to cover flooding costs if necessary,” he told reporters. Krawetz said the province has spent a lot of money since the floods of 2010 and 2011 helping communities and individuals build berms, channels and drainage systems to mitigate future flood risks. “We’ll be there if indeed we have to be there with additional dollars if the flooding is as bad as it might be,” he said. “Mother Nature is in control.” Agricultural leaders said floods are inevitable in some areas, but no one can say how severe they will be until the melt begins.

regional health authorities, enhanced cancer care and the province’s surgical initiative and allocated $23.6 million specifically for rural health services: • $10.5 million in continued support for STARS helicopter ambulance • $9.8 million for improved access to primary health care and the introduction of collaborative emergency centres, • $3 million for the rural physician locum pool and • $250,000 for the rural family physician recruitment incentive program. Capital projects in rural areas include continued construction of co-owned long-term care facilities in Biggar, Kelvington, Kerrobert, Kipling, Maple Creek and Prince Albert. As well, construction will continue on health authority owned facilities in Radville, Redvers, Rosetown, Shellbrook and Tisdale.

Saskatchewan moved last week to cut its ethanol fuel subsidy and bring it in line with neighbouring provinces. Economy minister Bill Boyd said the final decision to phase out the program hasn’t been made, but budget documents and the government website indicate the program will end. A recent review of the program, required by provincial ethanol legislation, also recommended it end. For this year it has been cut from a $24 million annual expenditure to $16 million and the subsidy reduced from 15 cents per litre to 10 cents. “We wanted to bring it in line with the other provinces at 10 cents a litre, so we’ve done that the first year here,”

Boyd said after the March 20 budget speech. “We’ll continue to have ongoing discussions with the industry about the eventual phasing out of the program.” Since it was implemented in 2002, the program has paid out $127 million to ethanol distributors who blend fuel at the mandated 7.5 percent rate. Six distributors participated in the voluntary program: Consumers’ Coop Refineries Ltd., Parkland Industries Ltd., Imperial Oil Ltd.-Esso, Suncor Inc.-Petro-Canada, Shell Canada and Husky Oil Ltd. All except Husky were required to buy 30 percent of their ethanol from plants with capacity of less than 25

million litres per year. Husky is also an ethanol producer. Saskatchewan has five plants with total capacity of 344.75 million litres, which far exceeds average provincial use of a 177 million litres per year. However, production has been less than capacity at an average 253 million litres in 2009-11, according to the ethanol review. The largest ethanol plant is Terra Grain Fuels in Belle Plaine at 150 million litres capacity, followed by Husky in Lloydminster at 130 million litres. North West Terminal at Unity produces 25.25 million litres, NorAmera at Weyburn produces 24.50 million litres and Pound-Maker at Lanigan produces 15 million litres.


The ethanol strategy’s original goals included production capacity of 400 million litres per year and a market of 1.08 million tonnes per year of grain. Boyd said the strategy has done its job. “We believe that it’s met the goals that were set out originally,” he said. “I would say this is an industry that we think the taxpayers have put a very significant amount of money into over the years. We think it’s at a stage now where the industry has to either be viable or non-viable.” Manitoba is expected to phase out its program by 2015 and Alberta the year after that. Both pay their subsidies to ethanol producers.

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1.20% 2/15 2/25


0.970 2/15 2/25

3/11 3/18 3/25

Bank of Canada 5-yr rate


3/11 3/18 3/25

March 25

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AG STOCKS FOR MARCH 18-22 The debt crisis in Cyprus kept stock markets on edge. The U.S. Federal Reserve said it would continue its stimulus policy. For the week, the TSX fell 0.6 percent, the Dow dipped 0.01 percent, the S&P 500 shed 0.2 percent and the Nasdaq edged down 0.1 percent. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.



ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY W.I.T. OTC

CLOSE LAST WK 32.78 13.00 73.69 35.13 13.15

33.00 12.96 76.24 34.97 13.15



Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 57.886 0.05 20.20 12.95 12.83

57.886 0.045 20.01 12.99 12.98


Richardson Oilseed Ltd. in Lethbridge, plans to increase its canola processing capacity to 2,400 tonnes per day. |



Processor confident in canola Worth investment | Richardson Oilseed says growing international demand has spurred expansion BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Richardson Oilseed Ltd. plans to double capacity of its canola processing plant in Lethbridge, raising its daily handling to at least 2,400 tonnes per day. Senior vice-president Pat Van Osch said March 20 that the company will use what it learned in building its facility in Yorkton, Sask., to increase efficiency and automation at its older plant in southern Alberta. “Our operating costs in Yorkton, as an example, are quite a bit lower than what they are in Lethbridge,” he said. “We plan to kind of mirror the two and capture as much of that spread as we can.” The news was greeted with enthusiasm at the Alberta Canola Producers Commission. “It’s a fabulous thing for the first day of spring,” said general manager Ward Toma.


“There’s lots of volume out there and there’s lots of demand internationally for the product, and I think that’s why Richardsons is moving on this. Every other facility in the Prairies has been upgraded or expanded, so that says one thing: the companies have decided the industry is worth investing in.” Van Osch said Richardsons is involved in preliminary engineering work, after which it will tender contracts for construction. That is expected to start in early 2014 with targeted completion near the end of 2015. He said a projected reduction in canola acres for the 2013-14 crop year

is not a concern, considering longterm prospects, and the company is confident it can source enough seed for its two plants. “Acres are going to be down, but there’s still talk of 20 million acres in Western Canada, which is a significant amount of acres relative to where we were two or three years ago. “Going forward, are there more acres? That, I guess, will be determined. Can you get to 30 million acres? Probably not, but where your growth can still come from is in production per acre, both seed production per acre and oil content of the seed.” Toma also said supply is not likely to be an issue. Average canola yields on the Prairies have risen by 10 bushels per acre over the past 10 years, he added, and demand for product continues to grow. Richardson has acquired additional land in Lethbridge to the north of its current site and is studying street and rail spur operations to address poten-

tial traffic congestion issues in the city’s busy industrial area. A $15 million expansion to the plant’s packaging, blending and storage facilities last year increased its footprint by 40 percent, and the next one will add another 25 percent to the footprint, Van Osch said. Staff increases are unlikely because additional automation and use of new technology in the expansion are expected to improve efficiency. Richardson is also in the process of expanding its Yorkton plant to increase crushing capacity by 25 percent, which will allow volumes of 3,000 tonnes per day. Van Osch said the two plants are well positioned. “Lethbridge is well located to service the western U.S., Western Canada and export markets, given its location,” he said. “The Yorkton facility is well positioned to service the rest of North America and also is competitive into the export market.”


BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods


CLOSE LAST WK 0.095 39.66 13.31 18.00 26.22 5.76 24.13

0.10 39.28 12.99 17.88 26.38 5.78 24.41



AGCO Corp. NY Ag Growth Int’l TSX Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 50.77 33.49 5.92 87.48 40.99 87.72 13.14

54.84 32.48 6.00 88.83 42.10 92.24 13.40



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

CLOSE LAST WK 102.95 92.20 102.14 32.78 49.27 1.33 101.32 59.71 40.42 84.10

104.37 97.71 102.35 33.81 49.90 1.30 104.24 62.69 41.63 87.45





CLOSE LAST WK 99.50 129.34

102.00 129.39

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial advisor with Raymond James Ltd. in Calgary. Member of CIPF. Equity prices are from Thomson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd, Assiniboia Farmland LP. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Within the last year, Raymond James provided paid advice regarding securities of Cervus Equip. Contact Morrison at 877-264-0333.


Agrium gets shareholder support in proxy fight with Jana CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — Londonbased Pensions Investment Research Consultants is recommending that Agrium Inc. shareholders vote for the company’s board candidates, rather than those of dissident shareholder Jana Partners. PIRC’s decision follows a similar recommendation on March 21 by

U.S.-based proxy adviser Egan-Jones that investors side with Agrium candidates in the company’s proxy battle against Jana. Jana wants Agrium, the fertilizer maker and farm input retailer, to split off its farm retail division, improve its use of capital and cut costs, among other changes.

Agrium shareholders have begun voting, but some are awaiting decisions by influential shareholder advisory services ISS and Glass Lewis. The board’s makeup is expected to be announced April 9. In its report, PIRC, a research and advisory firm serving institutional investors, cited

two concerns about Jana. Jana, a New York hedge fund and Agrium’s biggest investor, owns 7.5 percent of the company but is seeking to control 42 percent of the 12-member board by nominating five candidates, it said. PIRC also said it took issue with Jana’s plan to separately compensate

those of its candidates that are elected to Agrium’s board. Investment management firm Letko, Brosseau & Associates Inc., which owns 1.5 percent of Agrium, has also sided with the company’s ca ndidates, a s ha s th e B r itish Columbia Investment Managment Corp.





Expansion costs trim Legumex Walker’s bottom line BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Legumex Walker Inc. transformed from a pea and lentil company into a diversified special crops and canola business last year, but the change was accompanied by growing pains. The company posted earnings before income, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of $1.5 million on sales of $294.8 million in 2012. “The EBITDA is low compared to what we’re capable of doing,� said president Joel Horn. “We can do significantly better than that, and our hope is that we’ll prove that in 2013.� Expenses associated with a series of acquisitions reduced EBITDA. Legumex Walker bought St. Hilaire Seed Company Inc., a Minnesota plant that doubled the company’s bean processing capacity. It also bought the sunflower seed processing assets of Anderson Seed Co. in Mentor, Minn. In October it bought Keystone Grain, one of the largest sunflower and birdseed processors in North America that also processes flax. “We’ve done what we set out to do, so I think we’re now at the point where it’s time now to turn our attention to getting all of this up and running and getting it as efficient and profitable as we can,� said Horn. He doesn’t anticipate a similar buying spree this year unless there are bargains on the market.

Pacific Coast Canola’s first refined, bleached and deodorized food oil shipment was loaded onto rail cars in March. | LEGUMEX WALKER INC. PHOTO “Acquisitions are not our top priority.� Poor processing margins also affected EBITDA. Sales of peas and lentils were slow in the third quarter as customers held out for lower new crop prices. As well, the ongoing global credit crunch affected sales. Many customers asked Legumex Walker to finance sales, but the processor refused. “I wanted to make it very clear to our customers that we’re not a bank,� said Horn. “That hurt us a little bit.� The average pea and lentil processing margin for 2012 fell to $68 per tonne from $89 the previous year, while bean processing margins were squeezed in the fourth quarter. The company inherited highpriced bean inventory and contractual obligations with the purchase of the St. Hilaire facility, but pinto and black bean prices plummeted due to a large North American harvest

shortly after the acquisition. That hurt profits, as did the dryness of the crop, which caused above average splits, especially when processed during periods of unusually cold weather. Bean processing margins averaged $134 per tonne, down from $196 in 2011. Poor margins in the pulse business were partially offset by a strong performance in the sunflower, flax and birdseed division, which realized average processing margins of $125 per tonne, up from $53 in 2011. The oilseed processing division made its first sales in December. The company’s newly minted Pacific Coast Canola facility in Warden, Washington, processed 900,000 tonnes of canola seed before Dec. 31. It is now running its deodorizer and sold its first rail car of refined, bleached and deodorized food grade canola oil. Diversification efforts will pay off in


When is it time to incorporate farm? TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS



roducers who operate a personal farm have probably thought about whether it is a good idea to incorporate. There are several important considerations because every individual’s situation is different. Here are some things to think about when considering incorporation. Tax rates :The government has established personal and corporate tax rates in such a way that income earned in a corporation that is paid in its entirety to an individual results in relatively the same combined tax as if the income has been earned entirely by the individual operating as a sole proprietor. Incorporation will likely provide producers with little tax relief if they use all of their farming income to support personal finances. However, a corporation can provide tax benefits if they do not need all of the net income for personal expenses and wish to reinvest some of it back into operations. Corporations are taxed at lower rates than businesses that are operated personally. Leaving some of the earnings behind in the company would give it more after-tax dollars to

reinvest and pay down farm debt more quickly. This means big ticket purchases such as equipment and land wouldn’t be as big of a strain. Asset protection: The act of incorporating creates a new legal entity, which has the same rights and obligations under Canadian law as an individual. This means the company can acquire assets, enter into contracts, go into debt and be sued, which limit personal liability by keeping personal and corporate assets separate. Fiscal year flexibility: An incorporated business can choose a non-calendar fiscal year that may work better for a producer’s business cycle. They might choose a slow month for year end to ease administration. Alternatively, they may time their year end to cut off when cattle or grain prices are normally softer. As well, a corporate year end that staggers the calendar year can allow for effective tax planning when funds are taken out personally, which allows producers to defer personal taxes to a future year. Income splitting: If spouses and adult children are shareholders in the corporation, any dividends they receive will be taxed in their hands. A corporation can employ family members as long as the amount paid is considered to be reasonable for the work performed. Reasonability is based on what would normally be paid to a non-family member to do the same work. Producers who operate a sole proprietorship need to pay wages to split income. They need to be cautious to ensure wages appear appropriate.

Dividends can be paid to the corporation’s shareholders without a concern if the amounts are reasonable or fair for the work done. This can be an effective way to split income among a family. A shareholder does not have to be actively involved in the corporation’s business to get dividends. Spouses and adult children could be shareholders, giving the opportunity to redistribute income from family members in higher tax brackets to those with lower incomes that are taxed at a lower rate. C a p i t a l g a i n s e xe m p t i o n : A $750,000 capital gains exemption is available if the corporation is considered a qualifying farm corporation or small business corporation. This will shelter the gain that will arise when the shares are sold or on death. Shares in a family farm corporation can also be given or transferred to the next generation without any tax consequence to the original shareholder. This is similar to the rules farmers benefit from when owning farmland personally. These rules are specific, so be sure to talk with a tax adviser to ensure the operation would qualify. Drawbacks: Against these potential advantages, producers will need to weigh the legal and administrative costs of setting up and maintaining the corporation as well as keeping separate books and filing corporate federal and provincial tax returns. Barrett Bettger and Ebony Verbonac of KPMG contributed this article. Colin Miller is a chartered accountant and partner with KPMG’s tax practice in Lethbridge. Contact: colinmiller@kpmg.ca.

the long run, Horn said. The company had 15 processing plants by the end of the year with a total capacity of 875,000 tonnes, up from eight plants and 300,000 tonnes at the beginning of the year. Lentil and pea processing accounts for 30 percent of the business, down from 80 percent at the beginning of the year. The canola plant comprises 40 percent of the capacity, and the remainder is in the high-margin bean, sunflower, flax and birdseed businesses. More than half of the company’s assets are outside of Canada. “These investments, while dampening our financial results last year, have positioned us to deliver meaningful growth and drive value for shareholders for years to come,� said Horn. The full impact of the investments won’t be felt until the fourth quarter

of this year because production is still increasing at the canola plant. Crush margins were historically low by the end of 2012 . “But the new crop crush margins are starting to look good,� said Horn. The facility is expected to operate at full capacity by mid-2013, requiring seed from 300,000 acres per year. Growers in Washington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon planted 100,000 acres of canola last year. Local acreage should rise, but the company anticipates sourcing canola from North Dakota and southern Alberta for the next few years. It had bought $7 million worth of canola as of Dec. 31. Horn said the Warden plant is one of two in North America using expellerpressed technology, which produces oil and meal that typically fetches a premium over solvent-extracted oil and meal.

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CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta

GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Grade A

Live Mar. 15-21

Previous Mar. 8-14

Year ago

Rail Mar. 15-21

Previous Mar. 8-14

n/a 102.54-123.30 n/a 100.00-107.00

n/a 110.80-122.85 n/a 100.00-107.00

116.54 119.82 n/a 106.38

187.75-189.75 201.00-202.00 n/a n/a

n/a 202.00-204.00 n/a n/a

113.00 105.55-119.05 n/a 98.00-105.00

111.25-114.00 100.37-119.98 n/a 98.00-106.00

116.19 116.89 n/a 105.00

188.50-189.75 200.00-201.00 n/a n/a

188.75-190.75 201.00-203.00 189.00 n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$155 $150 $145 $140 $135 2/15 2/25


3/11 3/18 3/25

Saskatchewan $150

$135 $130 2/15 2/25

Feeder Cattle ($/cwt) 3/4

3/11 3/18 3/25

Manitoba $145 $140 $135 $130 $125 2/15 2/25



3/11 3/18 3/25

Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $145

Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400




105-123 116-126 122-138 130-150 138-160 142-163

108-120 114-127 119-133 125-147 135-159 140-163

115-122 119-128 125-139 134-151 144-164 150-170

no sales 105-130 115-131 120-146 125-154 140-160

102-116 110-126 118-133 122-136 128-144 126-154

104-117 108-125 114-135 120-143 124-146 130-147

110-120 114-125 120-134 127-142 133-146 135-155

no sales 112-125 114-133 120-137 125-145 125-150 Canfax

$140 $135

Average Carcass Weight

$130 $125 2/15 2/25


3/11 3/18 3/25

Mar 16/13 896 832 676 926


Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $140 $135 $130


3/11 3/18 3/25

Manitoba $140 $135 $130 $125 $120 2/15 2/25

YTD 13 889 826 675 920

YTD 12 884 827 675 1007

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)

$125 $120 2/15 2/25

Mar. 17/12 879 839 670 996


3/11 3/18 3/25

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed)

Steers 124.85 124.98 124.93 197.68

Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) Steers South Dakota 121.25-133.90 Billings 119-121 Dodge City 118.75-131.75

Trend steady/-2 -5/-8 -2/-4

Cattle / Beef Trade

Cash Futures -14.79 n/a -12.71

-15.75 n/a -14.40

Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 352.5 -11 Non-fed 78.3 -5 Total beef 430.8 -10

Exports % from 2011 14,357 (1) -86.9 57,566 (1) +81.6 14,801 (3) -27.4 18,803 (3) -29.6 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 1,233 (2) -68.5 37,485 (4) +22.3 47,862 (4) +8.0

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to Mar. 9/13 (2) to Jan. 31/12 (3) to Jan. 31/12 (4) to Mar. 16/13


Agriculture Canada

Close Close Mar. 22 Mar. 15 Live Cattle Apr 126.20 125.78 Jun 121.18 121.30 Aug 122.85 122.53 Oct 126.93 126.83 Dec 128.30 128.03 Feeder Cattle Mar 134.65 136.68 Apr 138.05 139.10 May 140.25 141.08 Aug 147.95 148.03 Sep 149.95 150.03

+0.42 -0.12 +0.32 +0.10 +0.27

124.50 121.10 123.20 128.38 129.88

-2.03 -1.05 -0.83 -0.08 -0.08

153.30 152.43 153.48 156.15 156.80

Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt) This wk Last wk Yr. ago 216-217 216-217 213-215 Canfax

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Mar. 15 Base rail (index 100) 2.20 Index range 105.61-108.12 Range off base 2.32-2.38 Feeder lambs 1.00-1.40 Sheep (live) 0.40-0.60

Previous 2.32 94.45-105.01 2.16-2.44 1.00-1.40 0.40-0.60 SunGold Meats

Mar. 18 1.79-2.39 1.65-1.90 1.61-1.74 1.58-1.69 1.30-1.38 1.35-1.70 0.65-0.85 0.70-0.90 70-110

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

1.77-2.24 1.59-2.10 1.58-1.72 1.48-1.55 1.08-1.14 1.50-1.70 0.65-0.75 0.70-0.90 70-110

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $170 $160 $150 $140 $130 2/15 2/25


3/11 3/18 3/25

Fixed contract $/ckg

Apr 07-Apr 20 Apr 21-May 04 May 05-May 18 May 19-Jun 01 Jun 02-Jun 15 Jun 16-Jun 29 Jun 30-Jul 13 Jul 14-Jul 27 Jul 28-Aug 10 Aug 11-Aug 24 Aug 25-Sep 07


Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)

$160 $150 $140 $130 2/15 2/25

(1) to Mar. 9/13 3/4

(2) to Jan. 31/12

To Mar. 16 Canada 4,332,223 4,413,602 -1.8

To date 2013 To date 2012 % change 13/12

Fed. inspections only U.S. 23,651,101 23,636,385 +0.1 Agriculture Canada

$160 $150 $140 3/4

3/11 3/18 3/25

Apr May Jun Jul

Close Close Mar. 22 Mar. 15 78.05 79.68 88.20 89.20 89.73 89.33 89.80 90.00

136.30 136.61

Man. Que.

142.00 145.91 *incl. wt. premiums

-1.63 -1.00 +0.40 -0.20

Year ago 85.03 93.75 92.23 92.50

% from 2011 -6.1 +9.6 +6.1

Import n/a 43,577 (3) 46,093 (3)

% from 2011 n/a -0.8 +1.1 Agriculture Canada

Aug Oct Dec Feb

EXCHANGE RATE: MARCH 25 $1 Cdn. = $0.9793 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.0211 Cdn.

Durum (May) $320 $315 $310

$300 2/15 2/25


3/11 3/18 3/25

Milling Wheat (May) $305 $300

$285 2/15 2/25

Close Close Mar. 22 Mar. 15 89.65 89.90 80.40 80.88 77.60 78.50 79.95 80.85


3/11 3/18 3/25

-0.25 -0.48 -0.90 -0.90

Year ago 93.50 84.95 81.58 82.60

Mar. 25 20.00-21.00 16.00-18.50 18.00-19.00 21.00-24.00 15.00-17.00 18.50-22.75 15.00-18.00 15.30-17.00 13.80-14.00 8.50-9.00 8.55-8.80 13.00-13.25 5.00-8.10 38.70-40.75 34.75-36.75 29.20-30.75 25.25-28.00 27.00-28.75 26.75-27.75 21.00-21.75 20.00-21.00

Avg. Mar. 18 20.75 20.75 17.25 17.25 18.43 18.43 22.63 22.44 16.13 16.13 19.97 19.97 16.32 16.32 16.32 16.32 13.95 13.95 8.73 8.73 8.71 8.71 13.17 13.17 6.22 6.22 40.07 40.07 35.42 35.42 30.23 30.23 26.91 26.91 27.88 27.88 27.15 27.15 21.45 21.45 20.67 20.67

Cash Prices

Canola (cash - May) No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)

$650 $640 $630

Mar. 20 Mar. 13 Year Ago 232.00 229.20 172.43 153.67 n/a 190.65 22.60 22.30 26.15

$620 $610 2/14 2/22



$15 $10 $5 $0 $-5 2/14 2/22



U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)

3/15 3/22

Canola (basis - May)


No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator

Mar. 22 7.94 7.78 7.73 5.76 4.80

3/15 3/22

Grain Futures Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $305 $300 $295 $290 $285 2/14 2/22



3/15 3/22

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $640 $620 $600 $580 $560 2/14 2/22



3/15 3/22

Barley (cash - May) $295 $290

Basis: $44



3/15 3/22

Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Corn (May) $760 $740 $720 $700 $680 2/15 2/25


3/11 3/18 3/25

$1500 $1470 $1440 $1410 3/4

3/11 3/18 3/25

Oats (May) $440 $420 $400

Mar. 25 Mar. 18 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) May 627.80 623.50 +4.30 Jul 615.50 608.40 +7.10 Nov 559.90 551.90 +8.00 Jan 560.90 552.00 +8.90 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) May 292.00 292.00 0.00 July 294.00 294.00 0.00 Oct 294.00 294.00 0.00 Dec 294.00 294.00 0.00 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) May 311.00 311.00 0.00 July 314.00 314.00 0.00 Oct 299.30 299.30 0.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) May 243.00 243.00 0.00 July 243.50 243.50 0.00 Oct 243.50 243.50 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) May 7.2725 7.1275 +0.1450 Jul 7.2900 7.1300 +0.1600 Sep 7.3550 7.1975 +0.1575 Dec 7.4750 7.3275 +0.1475 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) May 4.0100 3.9550 +0.0550 July 4.0025 3.8650 +0.1375 Sep 3.7375 3.7500 -0.0125 Dec 3.6750 3.5900 +0.0850 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) May 14.3725 14.0950 +0.2775 Jul 14.1750 13.9450 +0.2300 Sep 13.0275 12.9575 +0.0700 Nov 12.6900 12.5850 +0.1050 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) May 50.44 49.68 +0.76 Jul 50.70 49.93 +0.77 Aug 50.60 49.92 +0.68 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) May 7.3325 7.2000 +0.1325 Jul 7.1525 7.0325 +0.1200 Sep 6.0500 5.8825 +0.1675 Dec 5.7200 5.6200 +0.1000 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) May 8.0525 7.8875 +0.1650 Jul 8.0525 7.8825 +0.1700 Sep 8.0450 7.8850 +0.1600 Dec 8.1125 7.9475 +0.1650 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) May 7.5900 7.4425 +0.1475 Jul 7.6425 7.4950 +0.1475 Dec 7.9125 7.7950 +0.1175

Year ago 608.10 605.90 564.70 568.90 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.5950 6.7025 6.8500 7.0450 3.3275 3.2700 3.2825 3.3525 13.7950 13.8425 13.4950 13.2950 55.43 55.83 55.99 6.3775 6.3600 5.7650 5.5325 8.2200 8.1675 7.9900 8.0125 6.9900 7.0775 7.4075

$380 $360 2/15 2/25


Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)

Cash Prices

$1380 2/15 2/25

(3) to Mar.16/13


3/11 3/18 3/25

Soybeans (May)

Index 100 hogs $/ckg

Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)



Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

3/11 3/18 3/25


$130 2/15 2/25

Export 161,517 (1) 28,818 (2) 93,745 (2)

$235 2/15 2/25

$275 2/14 2/22

Hogs / Pork Trade




Hog Slaughter

Alta. Sask.



Mar. 25 Wool lambs >80 lb. 1.07-1.10 Wool lambs <80 lb. 1.15 Hair lambs 1.05 Fed sheep 0.40-0.50

HOGS Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. Mar. 22 Mar. 22 138.69-143.86 138.29-143.46 146.20-153.96 145.80-152.99 156.77-160.06 155.81-159.09 159.12-162.88 158.15-161.91 160.53-161.00 159.56-160.03 161.47-163.82 160.50-162.85 162.52-164.40 162.07-163.96 164.87-164.87 164.43-164.43 163.08-163.08 162.83-162.83 159.32-162.14 159.06-161.89 149.02-155.13 148.78-154.89



Trend Year ago

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.



Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)



Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb

To Mar. 16 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2013 522,618 6,524,225 To date 2012 583,178 6,684,145 % Change 13/12 -10.4 -2.4

Montreal Heifers 124.94 125.00 125.00 197.87

Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Barley (May)


Cattle Slaughter


Pulse and Special Crops

ICE Futures Canada


3/11 3/18 3/25

Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (May) $860 $840 $820 $800 $780 2/15 2/25


3/11 3/18 3/25

Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To To tonnes) Mar. 17 Mar. 10 Wheat 136.8 321.9 Durum 30.5 114.0 Oats 15.8 13.8 Barley 2.7 17.8 Flax 1.4 19.0 Canola 173.4 157.6 Peas 22.9 89.6 Canola crush 131.8 132.9

Total to date 8460.3 2776.8 736.5 1001.8 187.4 4998.7 1 198.8 4503.4

Last year 8492.7 2170.3 831.5 807.7 153.7 6069.5 1189.4 4301.2



A gopher basks in the warm sun near Namaka, Alta., last week. Temperatures in Alberta and Saskatchewan are expected to reach normal or above normal next week, while forecasts are for cooler temperatures in Manitoba. | KEVIN LINK PHOTO


PUBLISHER: SHAUN JESSOME EDITOR: JOANNE PAULSON MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500 The Western Producer is a weekly newspaper serving Western Canadian farmers since 1923. Published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada. ADVERTISING Classified ads: Display ads: In Saskatoon: Fax:





Much above normal

March 28 - April 3 (in °C)

March 28 - April 3 (in mm)

Above normal

Prince George



Saskatoon Regina

Below normal






Much below normal

Subscriptions: 1-800-667-6929 In Saskatoon: (306) 665-3522 Fax: (306) 244-9445 Subs. supervisor: GWEN THOMPSON e-mail: subscriptions@producer.com Per copy retail

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The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services: www.weathertec.mb.ca n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)

Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240


Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

-6.9 -5.5 2.3 -7.1 0.3 6.3 0.7 -6.4 -4.8 -6.3 -3.6 -8.6 -5.7 -7.1 -1.4 0.7 -4.6 -6.1

3.8 0.0 5.3 5.0 1.0 8.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 7.2 0.9 6.6 6.8 4.3 11.8 5.3 0.0 0.3

-23.1 -28.9 -21.1 -25.3 -27.4 -20.1 -29.2 -25.4 -28.8 -29.3 -27.4 -27.0 -19.6 -28.0 -23.5 -24.9 -28.0 -23.7

141.7 165.8 114.6 175.3 113.5 136.5 56.8 75.1 80.3 119.0 107.4 174.9 103.9 152.4 96.7 99.3 138.3 114.5

212 178 128 196 198 173 71 100 99 170 136 238 148 226 143 155 149 144

MANITOBA Temperature last week High Low

Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

Printed with inks containing canola oil

Member, Canadian Farm Press Association

ALBERTA Temperature last week High Low

$4.25 plus taxes

Newsroom toll-free: 1-800-667-6978 Fax: (306) 934-2401 News editor: TERRY FRIES e-mail: newsroom@producer.com

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.



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Prince George

Edmonton Calgary

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13.4 9.5 -2.1 -2.1 -0.1 1.2 1.5 15.0 -6.2 12.3 13.6 0.2 9.5 3.7 11.2 -3.8

-20.6 -16.4 -29.1 -27.9 -27.2 -22.7 -25.6 -16.4 -25.0 -19.5 -16.7 -23.1 -16.7 -20.9 -13.5 -29.3

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

4.0 2.9 9.1 0.9 13.0 4.7 6.5 5.5 2.9 4.2 2.9 4.2 10.5 4.8 8.6 2.3

84.8 79.8 111.6 68.7 140.7 129.2 86.3 51.3 54.2 109.2 77.4 130.5 92.9 101.8 110.4 95.7

144 127 137 107 168 119 81 69 72 165 85 130 71 128 128 131

Temperature last week High Low

Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

-3.1 -4.5 -1.7 -5.6 -3.5 -3.9 -4.8 -2.1

-28.3 -29.0 -23.8 -30.6 -25.9 -23.5 -27.5 -26.4

2.5 2.6 1.5 1.2 2.7 3.3 0.0 1.8

141.3 147.7 101.7 129.0 96.0 108.0 115.4 112.8

148 153 107 138 91 103 112 111

-9.5 -22.3 -6.3 -7.9 -19.5

6.7 0.8 3.4 1.2 14.6

162.2 157.1 122.4 123.7 145.7

88 132 107 79 69

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

6.2 2.3 12.1 10.8 5.2

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: www.agr.gc.ca/drought. Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca


Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

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