January 18-20
Brandon Keystone Centre www.agdays.com
■ 500 Exhibits ■ Bull Congress ■ New Inventions ■ Expert Presentations ■ Door Prizes ■ Free Admission ■ Free Parking & Shuttle
9AM to 5PM daily
Patrons of the day:
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Š 2011 Meridian Manufacturing Group. Registered Trademarks Used Under License.
We’re proud of the show we’ve developed and the important part it plays in the agricultural industry. We hope you enjoy your time at Manitoba Ag Days. It’s where the Ag Year begins!
CONTENTS: 4 Message from Jonothon Roskos & Scott Perkin The Manitoba Ag Day Chairmen
4 Message from Stan Struthers Manitoba Minister of Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives
5 6 12 26 27 28 31 45 46 48 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 62
Ag Days Official Sponsors 2011 Schedule of Events Seminars & Workshops Bull Congress Best New Product Inventors’ Showcase Exhibitor’s Listing 2011 New Products Around the Show Keystone Centre Floor Maps Scholarship Awards Agri Marketing Centre Farm Safety Outside Displays About Manitoba Ag Days Facts About Ag Days Information Staff Ag Days Trade Show New Inventions & Products Seminar Locations Win a Trip to Florida!
Manitoba Ag Days Official Show Guide is a supplement to
2310 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 The acceptance and publication of advertisements of products and/or services does not indicate endorsement of such products and/ or services by the publisher or Manitoba Ag Days Inc.
306.665.3500 800.667.7776 Publisher: Larry Hertz Advertising Director: Kelly Berg Design & Layout: Shelley Wichmann
MANITOBA AG DAYS INC. is a non-profit organization operated by members of the agricultural industry in Manitoba. 1594 22nd Street Brandon, Manitoba R7B 1T7
www.agdays.com coordinator@agdays.com
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Message from Stan Struthers, Minister of Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives
Message from Jonothon Roskos & Scott Perkin, Manitoba Ag Days Co-Chairmen
Welcome once again to Manitoba Ag Days. For over 30 years Manitoba Ag Days has been featuring the latest in equipment, technology and information and this 34th edition will be no different. Our exhibit numbers are now at 520 occupying every part of the Keystone Centre. The popular features such as Inventor’s Showcase, Bull Congress and the seminars will once again be available. The construction areas in the Keystone Centre we encountered last year are now completed and you will find most exhibitors back in their usual locations. One change you will see is both seminar locations moved to the seating area in the Westman Place Arena. We tried this last year successfully with one seminar room so have decided to put both seminars in adjacent locations at the south end of the arena where seating is more abundant. The program committee has put together an outstanding group of speakers again this year. You’ll find Inventor’s Showcase back in its familiar location on the arena floor in Westman Place Arena. Bull Congress in Barn 3 has the most exhibitors in its history and now has a waiting list to participate. Look for the farm safety displays as well on the main arena floor. Watch for signs on various displays designating new products – there’s a listing in this guide as well. Manitoba Ag Days has undertaken a major upgrade and improvement of its website so you should be able to find more information than ever just by going to www.agdays.com . We would also like to say thank you to our many sponsors and you will find them mentioned on various pages in this guide. Ag Days is financed completely by exhibitor fees and sponsor contributions. We look forward to seeing you at Ag Days 2011 – It’s Where the Ag Year Begins. — Jonothon Roskos & Scott Perkin – Co-Chairmen, Manitoba Ag Days
As Minister for Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, I am pleased to join organizers of Manitoba’s Ag Days 2011 in welcoming you to three days of learning, sharing, and discovery, January 18th to 20th. Ag Days continues to live up to its reputation as the event “where the agriculture season begins”. Manitoba farmers and industry members have opportunities to experience the latest products and services, and to attend presentations and workshops designed to help them with their production decisions. Ag Days 2011 offers something for everyone, covering a range of topics, from crop production and farm management to environmental planning and livestock events. Another favourite aspect of the event is the annual agri-trade show, which remains one of Western Canada’s largest displays of equipment and agriculture supplies. With Ag Days celebrating 34 consecutive years, its success and popularity come as a result of a core group of dedicated organizers, volunteers and show staff. I extend my personal thanks to these producers, agri-business members, and staff from my department, whose diligent efforts have ensured Ag Days’ status as “the premier” agriculture planning event in Manitoba. I look forward to seeing you at Ag Days 2011. — Honourable Stan Struthers, Minister
Facility & Show Directors: Ryan Boyd – Ag Producer, Brandon Stephanie Cruickshanks – Business Development Specialist
Rejean Picard
– Farm Production Advisor, MAFRI
Tom Tolton
2011 Ag Days Directors – Co-ChairS: Jonothon Roskos – Ag. Producer, Dufresne, Manitoba Scott Perkin – Arysta LifeSciences, Souris
General Managers: Owen & Pat Beever – Brandon, Manitoba
– Manager Knowledge Management, MAFRI, Winnipeg (Ag Days Website)
Adrian Caillier
– A.R.K. New-Tech, Manitou Greg Setter – Setter Mfg, Russell
Blake Nestibo
– Ag Producer, Goodlands (Inventors’ Showcase, New Products Feature)
Jim Slimmon
– Manitoba Weed Supervisors Assoc., Pipestone
Eric McLean –Ag Producer, Oak River Promotion & Media: Kristen Phillips – MAFRI, Virden
Finance & Sponsorship: Roy Arnott – Business Development Specialist, MAFRI, Killarney
Program: Scott Day
– Diversification Specialist, MAFRI, Melita (Inventor’s Showcase)
Stephanie Cruickshanks
– Farm Production Advisor, MAFRI, Brandon Manitoba Ag Days thanks MAFRI staff, farmers and others who assisted with the program. Manitoba Ag Days also thanks Blair McRae, Sherry Daniels and Bert McDonald for their help with Bull Congress.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Patron of the Day - TUESDAY
Patron of the Day - WEDNESDAY
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 PATRON OF TH E DAY
TUESDAY, January 18, 2011
MORNING PROGRAM Canola Growers Program 9:00 AM Growing Canola - Sharing What We Learned in 2010: Derwyn Hammond, Resource Manager, Canola Council of Canada 9:45 AM Canola Market Update: Jonathon Driedger, FarmLink Market Specialist
1:00 PM Transition Management for Your Family Farm Julee Galvin – Meyers Norris & Penny LLP Markets and Messages: 1:30 PM Minister of Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives: The Honorable Stan Struthers
10:30 AM Canola Growers Award of Excellence – Dr. Rachael Scarth, University of Victoria
2:00 PM ‘Farm Line On-Line’: Bringing On-Line Counselling and Resources to Rural Manitoba: Janet Smith, F&RSL Manager
11:00 AM How to Live to Be 100 and Remember Your Name: – Marilyn Smith, Author, Chef and Freelance Writer
2:15 PM 2010 4-H Communications Winners: The Cost of Doing Nothing – Laughlin McKinnon - Deloraine
Successful Calving – Richard Bramley, Minnedosa
2:45 PM Grain Market Outlook; Large Speculators and Increasing Market Volatility are Changing the Rules of the Game! Are You Ready? David Drozd – Ag Chieve Marketing
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location Domain, MB Crystal City, MB Glenboro, MB AB, SK and MB Brandon, MB Weyburn, SK
Show location Optimist Arena Barn 4 Kinsmen Arena UCT Pavilion UCT Pavilion Ag Centre Concourse
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 PATRON OF TH E DAY
TUESDAY, January 18, 2011
Organics 10:00 AM Manitoba Organic Alliance Donna Youngdahl, Organic Marketing Specialist for the CWB
Southwest Farm Women’s Network 1:00 PM SWFWN Panel - Why We Do What We Do
10:30 AM Homeopathic Remedies for Organic Livestock Dr. Glen Dupree, St. Francisville, Louisiana, USA
1:30 PM Be a Great Chef Without Chef School! Reena Nerbas, Author, Journalist, & Mother
11:15 AM Our Organic Farming System Ian Cushon, Oxbow, Sk.
2:15 PM Discover “Open Farm Day” Susan Nicoll, MAFRI – Agritourism Specialist
The Fabulous Women of the SW Farm Women’s Network
3:00 PM Farmer to Farmer 2: Gerry Friesen – Farm & Rural Stress Line.
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M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
WEDNESDAY, January 19, 2011
MORNING PROGRAM Hot Topics: 10:00 AM Farmland’s Important Little Investment Secret: Brad Farquhar - Assiniboia Capital. Regina Sask. 10:30 AM Tractors: Tires, Tracks, Traction and Truths!: Reed Turner, Machinery Specialist (retired Ab. Ag Engineer) 11:00 AM Mega Trends in Agriculture: Mike Krueger, Host of the “Money Farm” and one of America’s most popular Ag commentators
1:00 PM Managing the Farm of the Future – Grant Griffith – Meyers Norris & Penny LLP Agronomy: 1:30 PM Soybeans - Manitoba’s New Cinderella Crop? Brent Reid – MAFRI Farm Production Advisor, Dugald, Mb. 2:00 PM Vertical Tillage: Is It Time to Trade Off the Cultivator or Disc? Chris Claeys, Producer Medora, Mb. and Roger Burak, MAFRI, Arborg Mb. 2:30 PM Our Wacky World of Weather: John Sauder CBC’s acclaimed Meteorologist 3:00 PM Sunflowers - Manitoba’s Other Cinderella Crop? Darcelle Graham – Executive Director of the National Sunflower Association
Agri-Environment Services Branch (AESB)
Direction générale des services agroenvironnementaux (DGSA)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) is helping farmers protect water and land resources through its new Agri-Environment Services Branch (AESB). AESB will work to help farmers across the country improve environmental practices and increase the competitiveness of Canadian agriculture.
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC) aide les agriculteurs à protéger l’eau et les ressources de la terre grâce à sa nouvelle Direction générale des services agroenvironnementaux (DGSA). La DSGA aidera les agriculteurs à la grandeur du pays à améliorer les pratiques environnementales et à accroître la compétitivité de l’agriculture canadienne.
Working with Canadian farmers to build an innovative, Nous travaillons avec les agriculteurs canadiens pour bâtir competitive and environmentally sustainable agriculture un secteur de l’agriculture et de l’agroalimentaire innovateur, and agri-food sector. compétitif et écologique. For more information, visit www.agr.gc.ca. 8
Pour obtenir plus d’information, visitez www.agr.gc.ca.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
WEDNESDAY, January 19, 2011
Drainage Workshop 10:00 AM Our Coordinated Drainage Program Shawn McCutcheon – Producer, Carman Mb. 10:30 AM Our Extensive Use of Tile Drainage Stan Wiebe – Producer, MacGregor Mb. 11:00 AM The Pas’ Integrated Drainage System Gwen Donohoe, Kelsey Conservation District Director and a local Producer. 11:30 AM Manitoba’s New Drainage Regulations Perry Stonehouse, Manager, Water Control Works and Drainage Licensing, Brandon Mb.
Livestock 1:00 PM The Canadian Cattle Market Update Anne Dunford, Gateway Livestock, Taber Ab. 1:45 PM Lobbying for Ag Policy in Ottawa Ryder Lee, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Ottawa, Ont. 2:30 PM Animal Rights and Wrongs – Agriculture Gets In The Game!: Crystal Mackay, Executive Director of the Ontario Farm Animal Council
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M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
THURSDAY, January 20, 2011
Livestock 10:00 AM All About Sheep & Goats!: Mamoon Rashid – MAFRI Sheep & Goat Specialist 10:45 AM Canadian Hog Outlook – Prospects for Profitability?: Tyler Fulton – Manitoba Pork Marketing 11:15 AM Genetic Selection and Sustainable Systems for Superior Herds: John & Kelsey Beasley, young beef producers from East Central Alberta
1:00 PM Structure Your Farm Operation for a Successful Future Eric Olson – Meyers Norris & Penny LLP Agronomy & Policy: 1:30 PM Glyphosate Weed Resistance – ND’s Exploding Problem and What Manitoba Needs to Know! Dr. Jeff Stachler – NDSU Fargo, North Dakota 2:00 PM How Will Farmers Be Paid for Environmental Goods and Services? Greg Bruce/Ducks Unlimited and Robert Brunel / KAP President 2:30 PM Variable Rate Fungicide Application Based on Data from Remote Control Planes Rejean Picard – MAFRI Farm Production Advisor – Somerset Mb.
CHS Grain Bagger
The Industry’s Industry’s The Fastest & & Most Most Fastest Convenient Convenient In-Field Setup Setup In-Field
Unload Mode
Features: • Swing auger is mounted on the body of the bagger to reduce setup time. • After arrival in the field the auger can be out and under a trailer in less than 2 minutes. This is possible because the swing auger is fully hydraulic from transport to working position. ✔ Hydraulic Lift ✔ Hydraulic Drive Wheels ✔ Hydraulic Telescope for a full 9 ft. travel
• 10 ft. bagger • 16” Main auger • 14” of 3/8 “AR200 flighting at the end of the auger - in the tunnel • 14” truck unloading auger • No manual labor to move truck unloading auger into position. Auger can be repositioned during unloading if required • 8’6” x 10’ loading hopper • Agri-Cover Roll Tarp Option for loading hopper • Transport window.
• Manual lift for cradle. Lower maintenance and no need to climb on top of machine • Cradle permanently attached to rear bagger. No need for crane system • Manual lift for bag tray • Hydraulic brakes with hand pump and pressure gauge • 540 RPM shear bolt protected PTO • 33 x 12.5R15 tires • Manufactured at a CWB Certified welding shop
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THURSDAY, January 20, 2011
Farm Management 10:00 AM AgriStability – “Will It Work for You When You Need It?”: – Dean Stoyanowski, MAFRI Farm Production Advisor – Arborg, Mb.
Southwest Farm Women’s Network 1:00 PM Celebrating the Success of LaBassa Holsteins Ltd., Manitoba’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2010 Jan & Tracy Bassa, La Broquerie, Mb.
10:30 AM Texas in a Lexus or in the Lodge with the Dodge: Farmers Considering Retirement”: Marc Sloane and Andrew DeRuyck Right Choice Management Consulting Clearwater, Manitoba
1:30 PM If Everyone Says No, What Happens to Our Rural Communities? Wendy Bulloch – PHEc - Brandon
11:15 AM Considerations to Make as You Go Full Time Farming? Reg Shandro, Farmacist Advisory Services Inc. Lacombe, Alberta
2:15 PM Working Together in Rural Communities Penny Burton, Economic Development Officer, Cartwright, Mb. 2:45 PM Manitoba Farmers Work to End Hunger: Harold Penner – Regional Coordinator for the Canadian Food Grains Bank
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M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Sharing What We LeaRned with canola in 2010 Derwyn Hammond
Derwyn Hammond was raised on his family’s farm west of Brandon, MB, and holds a B. Sc. in agronomy, and a M. Sc. in soil science, both from the University of Manitoba. He joined the Canola Council of Canada in the spring of 1994, and is currently the senior agronomy specialist for Manitoba. His current responsibilities involve collaborating with Crop Production staff, industry partners and canola growers to provide practical agronomic information targeted at improving the productivity and profitability of canola producers. Derwyn will share experiences with canola production from the 2010 crop year during his talk at the Canola Growers Program on Tuesday a.m. in Theatre #1.
the Canola Market Update Jonathon Driedger
Jonathon Driedger joined FarmLink in June 2007. Prior to joining FarmLink, Jon was a commodity risk management consultant with FCStone, opening their first Canadian office in 2005. Jon has also been an Economist with the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange and has worked in the livestock feed industry. He has a BSc in Agribusiness and a MSc in Agricultural Economics from the University of Manitoba. Jon resides with his wife and two daughters by the family farm where he grew up near Grunthal, Manitoba. Jonathon will review the canola market and the outlook for the coming year when he speaks at the Canola Growers Program in Theatre #2 on Tuesday a.m.
Dr. Rachael Scarth received her doctorate from the University of Cambridge in plant breeding and genetics. Dr. Scarth joined the Department of Plant Science at the University of Manitoba and worked with Dr. Baldur Stefansson in the canola breeding program from 1982 until his retirement. Her research focused on the development of canola/rapeseed cultivars with modified seed oil composition, the application of new technologies to genetic studies in canola and improvements in the seed quality and production characteristics of canola and rapeseed. She is the co-developer of over 30 canola and rapeseed cultivars with special oil quality traits including the world’s first canola cultivar with low linolenic oil quality. From 2001-2005, Dr. Scarth served as the Associate Dean Research for the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. Her current position is the acting Associate Vice-President Research and Director, Office of Research Services at the University of Victoria (BC).
How To Live to Be 100 & Remember Your Name Marilyn Smith
MarIlyn Smith is a professional home economist and also an alumnus of Second City Comedy Troupe making her a popular TV and media food personality. Mixing learning with laughter is her forte. Marilyn’s area of expertise is healthy eating creating nutrient dense recipes that actually taste fantastic. She is the author of three best selling cookbooks. Her latest co-authored cookbook/ nutrition handbook Ultimate Foods for Ultimate Health and Don’t Forget the Chocolate! sold out in its first 3 weeks. Now in its fifth print run the book became the first healthy eating cookbook to ever win Gold at the Cuisine Canada Cookbook awards. A freelance writer with articles appearing in major magazines in Canada, Marilyn is a regular contributor to alive, writes a weekly blog @ Yahoo Canada and has been seen on every breakfast TV show in Canada. Don’t miss Marilyn’s presentation in Theatre #1 at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday.
The most trusted name in grain storage ‌ is now the most trusted name in portable grain handling. The perfect complement to your Westeel bin package, Westeel now offers its line of professionally engineered portable grain augers, grain vacs and grain cleaners, all manufactured to the same exacting standards that you’ve come to expect from the Westeel name.
XT Series Grain Augers
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Tube Length: 122' Tube Widths: 12"/14"
Tube Lengths: 50'-104' Tube Widths: 12"/14"/16"
Tube Lengths: 31'-61' Tube Widths: 8"/10"/13"
Also Available: Utility Augers
Tube Lengths: 11'-23' Tube Widths: 4"/6"/8"
Unloading Augers Tube Length: 9' Tube Widths: 8"/10"
Grain Cleaners
Grain Vacs
See us at the show, or visit your Westeel dealer for product availability and pricing. westeel.com 20600 Westeel Grain Handling Ad CPSG.indd 1
11/08/10 1:45:43 PM
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Managing the Transition of Your Family Farm
2010 4-H Communications Winners
Developing and implementing a transition plan is often the biggest single financial and personal change a family will experience. This process involves shifting the accumulated wealth and business opportunities of previous generations to a new one. Julee Galvin is a Regional Leader with Meyers Norris Penny in Brandon. Stop by Julee’s presentation at 1:00 P.M. on Tuesday to learn more about effective succession planning and the benefits of starting the transition process now.
For the past several years Manitoba Ag Days has been pleased to present the winning speakers from the Provincial 4-H Communications Competition. This year we present Laughlin McKinnon and Richard Bramley. Laughlin is a 16 year old 4-H member from Deloraine with eight years experience in 4-H. He is the first place winner in the Manitoba Senior 4-H Communications event with his topic “The Cost of Doing Nothing” a talk about the environment. Richard Bramley is the runner-up from the provincial competition and will speak on “Steps to a Successful Calving Season”. Richard is a 12 year 4-H member from near Minnedosa, Manitoba. You can hear these two outstanding young speakers on Tuesday afternoon at 2:15 in Theatre #1.
Julee Galvin
Farm line on-line: Bringing counselling services to rural manitoba
Laughlin McKinnon & Richard Bramley
Janet Smith
This is the 10th anniversary for the Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line and Manager Janet Smith will review the history from its humble beginnings 10 years ago to its re-launch as The “Manitoba Farm & Rural Support Service” at Ag Days. New promotional materials, the revised website and various on-line counselling options will be demonstrated. Janet has worked as an educator and program manager for several not-for-profit organizations both locally, provincially, nationally and internationally and has managed the Manitoba Farm & Rural Support Service since 2003. You can hear Janet in Theatre #1 on Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 pm.
Grain Markets – The Rules are Changing – Are You Ready? David Drozd
David Drozd is President and Chief Marketing Analyst with Ag-Chieve Corporation. David has more than 20 years of family grain farming experience. He currently writes regular monthly columns for the Manitoba Co-operator & Alberta Farm Express, teaches grain marketing courses, and uses his advanced knowledge of technical analysis to advise Ag-Chieve clients on their grain marketing decisions. David will speak during the Markets and Messages session in Theatre #1 on Tuesday afternoon. Learn how to take advantage of marketing and pricing opportunities in volatile markets and gain insight on where cereal and oilseed prices are heading next.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
the Manitoba organic alliance
our organic farming system
What is the vision for organic agriculture in 2011 in Manitoba? Donna Youngdahl, a director of the Manitoba Organic Alliance, and organic marketing manager with the Canadian Wheat Board, will lead a discussion on the role of organic agriculture today in local food security, rural development, and agri-business. Donna will talk about some of the challenges the organic sector has faced following the 2008 recession, providing an overview of the impact on organic wheat and durum markets and prices. She will also speak about the role the Manitoba Organic Alliance plays in building the provincial organic sector and representing Manitoba on the national level on organic certification standards and regulations. Donna will be speaking in Theatre #2 at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday.
Ian Cushon has farmed organically for over 20 years producing a wide variety of crops. Ian is Past President of the Saskatchewan Organic Development Council (now called SOD) and also wrote a column called “All Things Organic” for the Western Producer from 1998 - 2004. Ian has taught organic farming classes for The Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology and Canadian Organic Growers. He has given many presentations on organic farming for The Agriculture Institute for Management in Saskatchewan (AIMS) Consultant Workshop Program. He is currently a member of the Organic Value Chain Round Table. Ian and wife Jo-Anne, operate Moose Creek Organic Farm near Oxbow, in Southeast Saskatchewan.
Homeopathic remedies for organic livestock
Be a great chef without chef school!
Donna Youngdahl
Dr. Glen Dupree
Glen Dupree, DVM, CVH, has practiced veterinary homeopathy for the past 16 years in Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New York and New Mexico. Currently Dr. Dupree’s practice of veterinary Homeopathy is based in St. Francisville, Louisiana, and in Taos, New Mexico. His practice consists of clinical consultations for companion animals, livestock, and horses, as well as writing and teaching veterinary homeopathy. He is the author of the book “Homeopathy in Organic Livestock Production”. Dr. Dupree will cover the theory behind the use of homeopathic remedies and will look at some common applications of the remedies in various farm settings. Case studies and material medica of the commonly prescribed acute remedies will be used to illustrate these applications. You can hear Dr. Dupree in the Organics session in Theatre #2 on Tuesday morning.
Ian Cushon
Reena Nerbas
Ever wonder how restaurants make perfect pies, cakes, icing, cookies and gravy? Get ready to learn tricks for timeless classics. Cooking and baking has never been easier and soon you will be able to wow your family and friends with food that looks and tastes like they were made by professionals. The secrets are out and your life just got easier. Reena Nerbas is an author, journalist, broadcaster and mother of 4. She has written 3 national best sellers, Household Solutions 1 with Substitutions, Household Solutions 2 with Kitchen Secrets and Household Solutions 3 the Green Edition. You can hear Reena’s presentation on Tuesday afternoon in Theatre #2 Westman Place Arena.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Why We Do What We Do Meet the fabulous women of the Steering Committee for the South West Farm Women’s Network. These dedicated farm women will share their unique stories of their journey as farm wives, business partners and community leaders. These ladies make a difference in the lives of rural families and they will inspire you as you continue to do the same in your communities. Why Do You Do What You Do? This session will take place on Tuesday afternoon.
discover ‘open farm day’
Farmer to farmer 2
Susan Nicoll has worked for MAFRI in various capacities for several years and previous to that worked with Alberta Agriculture. Susan received her Bachelor of Home Economics and Secondary Education Certificate from the University of Manitoba and taught Junior High in Winkler for 2 years before pursuing a career in government. She currently lives in the Interlake region and manages the provincial agri-tourism program from the MAFRI office in Teulon. Susan will speak about agri-tourism during the SWFWN session in Theatre 2 on Tuesday afternoon.
Gerry Friesen has an extensive background in agriculture. He owned and operated a poultry and hog operation, and continues to work with farmers as a mediator and stress management consultant. Gerry recently coordinated a project called ‘Farmer to Farmer’ which focused on farmers and ranchers who were experiencing stress and depression. As we well know, farmers experience stress on a continuous basis. This stress, if not managed, can contribute to many other problems in their lives. As stress mounts the emotional and physical toll can impact behavior and lead to a deterioration in health, relationships and safety. Come out to the SWFWN session on Tuesday afternoon and learn about our 3 R approach; Recognize signs and symptoms of stress, React in ways that help you cope, and Reach Out for help if you need it. We know that “Healthy Farmers = Healthy Farms”.
Susan Nicoll
Gerry Friesen
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Farmland’s Important Little Investment Secret Brad Farquhar
You might think of your farmland as the stable equity base of your farm. But Brad Farquhar thinks your farmland is holding you back and reducing your returns from farming. Brad manages Assiniboia Farmland LP, the largest farmland fund in Canada with 100,000 acres under management. Come hear what he has to say about farmland ownership (plus some photos of a 125,000 acre farm he visited this summer in Mongolia). You can hear Brad at 10:00 a.m. in Theatre #1 on Wednesday.
Tractors – Tires, Tracks, Traction and Truths Reed Turner
Tractors and their fuel consume a healthy part of most farm production budgets. Find out how you can get the most bang for those bucks. What about duals, triples, or tracks? What about power levels, speeds, tractor setup and maintenance? What is the best tractor for your operation? What is true for you and what is “sales talk”? Reed Turner will provide answers to these questions and discussion about others that you may ask. Reed is a retired mechanical engineer who began his career with John Deere in Iowa. He later moved to the Alberta Farm Machinery Research Centre at Lethbridge and became the resident expert on farm power, traction and tractors. Reed will speak in Theatre #1 Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
On Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. in Theatre #1 Ag Days is pleased to present Michael Krueger, founder and President of The Money Farm, a grain marketing advisory service located near Fargo, North Dakota working with individual farmers, country elevators and others. He is also a senior analyst for World Perspectives, a Washington, DC, based international agricultural consulting company, and has traveled extensively internationally as a speaker at various farm and grain industry meetings. He is a licensed commodity broker clearing through ADM Investor Services. Mike Krueger also hosted a daily syndicated radio and television program called The Money Farm that was carried on 35 radio stations across the upper Midwest and six television stations across North Dakota.
Managing the Farm of the FuturE Grant Griffith
Keeping up with changes in the industry and responding effectively to them on the farm can be challenging without some key insight. Grant Griffith is Director, Primary Producers with Meyers Norris Penny in Brandon. Join Grant at 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday to find out whether your farm is changing on the inside as fast as the industry is changing on the outside - - and what you can do to secure a stronger future for your operation. Grant will speak in Theatre #1
Soybeans – Manitoba’s Cinderella Crop?
Brent Reid
Brent Reid is a Farm Production Advisor with MAFRI at Dugald. He has spent much of his time in the last 5 years working on soybean related production issues as the crop continues to develop its huge potential in Manitoba. With over 528,000 acres grown in 2010, soybeans are quickly becoming a significant crop. In this session Brent will discuss many of the steps both seasoned soybean growers and those new to the game need to get right to produce a profitable crop.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
our wacky world of weather
Vertical Tillage: Is it Time to Trade Off the Cultivator or Disc?
John Sauder
Chris Claeys & Roger Burak
New vertical tillage implements allow farmers in 100% zero till rotations to till the land without disturbing all the standing stubble, but still penetrate deep enough to fracture the shallow hard pan. This allows for faster break down of high residue crops and allows the surface to warm up and dry quicker. Chris Claeys and Roger Burak will talk about their experiences with Vertical Tillage in Theatre #1 on Wednesday afternoon. Chris Claeys was born and raised on a family farm outside of Deloraine, MB. He took Engineering at the University of Manitoba but then decided to return to the farm, using his knowledge in computers and electronics to benefit his farming practices. Roger Burak grew up in the Arborg area, and operates a mixed grain and beef family farm with his father. He works for MAFRI in the Agriculture Diversification Centre program and with the local producer organization PESAI, to research innovation in agriculture.
10,000 bushels an hour
The “NEW’’ 10-20-80 reliaMOVE
Probably nothing is talked about more than the weather – particularly in agricultural areas like the prairies. In recent years the extremes in weather patterns from ridiculous amounts of rain to drought to cold springs have everyone wondering about our ‘wacky weather’. John Sauder is a CBC Meteorologist appearing daily on CBC Winnipeg. John is endorsed by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and is one of only three Canadians to be recognized by the American Meteorological Society with their Seal of Approval for Weathercasting. You can hear John at 2:30 pm in Theatre #1 on Wednesday.
Sunflowers Manitoba’s Other Cinderella Crop? Darcelle Graham
Darcelle Graham will provide an update on Sunflower production in Manitoba. Currently, 85% of all sunflower production in Canada is located in Manitoba. Sunflowers however are considered a minor crop in Canada growing less than 200,000 acres per year. Darcelle is the Executive Director of the National Sunflower Association of Canada, providing the voice of the Association at grower, industry and both federal and provincial grower meetings. Darcelle will be speaking in Theatre #1 at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
GG Fast, Reliable, and Easy to use Come see us at booth #460
We specialize in the highest capacity grain handling equipment in today’s market. Give us a call today, or check us out online at reliabelt.com Phone: 1-204-343-2126 Email: sales@reliabelt.com
Global Grain
Buyers of edible beans, sunflowers and buckwheat. Phone: 204-829-3641 Fax: 204-829-3087 Email: info@globalgrain.com See us at City Square Mini Arena #402
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Shawn McCutcheon operates McCutcheon Farms in the Carman area with his family growing corn, soybeans, canola, edible beans, wheat and ryegrass. Shawn says “excess water has become the number one limiting factor to consistent crop production on our farm”. During his presentation he will provide current information on what is happening on his farm and in the area to manage excess water. Shawn will also provide information on what is happening at the municipal level to try to confront this challenge. Shawn will be speaking at 10:00 am at the Drainage Workshop in Theatre 2 on Wednesday.
The Carrot Valley Farming Area, located near The Pas, Manitoba, is home to one of Manitoba’s most elaborate drainage systems. Known as the Carrot River Project, this federal-provincial collaboration began in the 1950’s and resulted in an extensive Holland-type dike and ditch system, complete with polders. Today, producers in the area continue to adapt to the seemingly never-ending challenges of field drainage combined with the increasing pressure of water quality management. The Carrot Valley Farming area is now home to some Manitoba’s most productive farmland. Gwen Donohoe is the vice chair of the Kelsey Conservation District located in The Pas, MB, where she farms with her family on a mixed farm (300 head commercial cow-calf operation and grain and oilseed production). Gwen will speak on Wednesday in Theatre 2 at 11:00 am.
Shawn McCutcheon
Gwen Donohoe
Stan Wiebe farms with his brother and father north-east of MacGregor, Manitoba at Beaver Creek Farms Ltd. They grow potatoes, wheat, canola, oats and corn. The farm began in 1968 and over the years many crops had quality and yield potential knocked back as a result of wet, saturation issues on the almassippi sand they farmed. Tiling became a regular feature starting in 1998 and since then approximately 400 acres has been tiled each year. Tiling has proven to be among the best investment made at Beaver Creek Farms. Stan will talk about this journey with tiling, the benefits and whether it pays. Hear Stan at 10:30 am in Theatre 2 on Wednesday.
Perry Stonehouse, Manager, Manitoba Water Services will update requirements for approval of drainage projects under The Water Rights Act. All drainage activities require authorization but proposed works that meet the definition of minor water control works may receive a minor work authorization. Perry will speak during the Drainage Workshop in Theatre #2 at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
where is the beef market heading?
Lobbying for ag policy in ottawa
Join us as we talk about the key impacting factors shaping the North American markets. See how cattle inventory levels are impacting supply and hear how demand is changing both in North America and abroad. Learn what to expect and how to mitigate price risks for beef production in 2011 and beyond. Anne Dunford is the General Manager and Marketing Specialist for Gateway Livestock Exchange in Taber, AB. Gateway was formed in 2007 and provides clients with marketing expertise, analysis, inventory management assistance and risk management options with the goal to find the best value for cattle in various markets. Anne will speak in Theatre 2 on Wednesday afternoon.
Ryder Lee’s family still operates the cow calf ranch he grew up on in southern Saskatchewan (near Fir Mountain). He graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with an Animal Science degree in 1999 and worked for Dow AgroSciences for six years. This included stints in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. The Manitoba time was spent working to establish the Range & Pasture business introducing Grazon and Remedy across Manitoba and Eastern Saskatchewan. Since 2005 he has worked in Ottawa for the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. Animal Care, Domestic Policy, Ottawa lobbying and provincial relations are his assignments. Ryder’s presentation will be in Theatre 2 at 1:45 on Wednesday.
Ryder Lee
Anne Dunford
ANIMAL RIGHTS AND WRONGS - agriculture gets in the game Crystal Mackay
Crystal Mackay is the Executive Director for the Ontario Farm Animal Council (OFAC), the voice of animal agriculture on issues such as animal care, food safety and the environment. The Ontario Farm Animal Council represents Ontario’s livestock and poultry farmers and associated businesses. OFAC has developed many award winning creative and proactive efforts to communicate agriculture’s messages to the public. Crystal will be speaking in Theatre 2 at 2:30 pm on Wednesday afternoon.
You’ve always expected reliability out of Case skid steers, but we thought you deserved more. Our new 400 Series 3 line now features Tier III certified turbocharged engines that deliver more horsepower and torque. Our redesigned cab delivers more room, better visibility and ergonomically designed controls. We even give your more “little things” like heated seat and MP3 player options.
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Global market volatility
The view from your farm
Join Ward Weisensel, CWB Chief Operating Officer, at Manitoba Ag Days Breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m Wednesday, January 19 Pioneer Lounge, Keystone Centre
Seating is limited. First-come, first-served. For more information, contact: Bert Dupasquier 204-727-9073 The CWB is a proud sponsor of Ag Days.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Mamoon Rashid has worked with small ruminant livestock in some of the world’s most modern production facilities. He says lamb production “is an opportunity on which the livestock industry should not be missing out especially when the lamb consumption is growing”. His presentation will address the overview of the lamb industry as well as how someone can be an efficient lamb producer. He will also address the expanding goat industry in Manitoba. Mamoon is a veterinarian by training as well as an animal scientist carrying a very diverse experience of the livestock industry. You can hear Mamoon speak in Theatre #1 on Thursday at 10:00 a.m.
Prospects for Profitability – Canadian Hog Outlook Tyler Fulton
Tyler Fulton is the Director of Risk Management for Manitoba Pork Marketing Co-op (MPMC) and is Owner/Operator of a 500 head beef cow/calf operation in Birtle, Manitoba, Canada. Tyler has worked with MPMC since 2001, where he manages the forward contracting and feed merchandising activities. In this role, he provides market analysis and develops strategies to aid hog producers in managing their price risk. Tyler received his Bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness from the University of Manitoba in 1999 and is completing his Derivative Market Specialist designation. Tyler will present the Canadian Hog Outlook at 11:15 a.m. in Theatre #1 on Thursday.
Genetic Selection and Sustainable Systems for Superior Herds John & Kelsey Beasley
John and Kelsey Beasley will talk about Genetic Selection and Sustainable Systems for beef herds on Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. in Theatre #1. John and Kelsey moved back to Alberta from Boggy Creek, Manitoba in Dec 2009. They currently base their ranch in East Central Alberta along Berry Creek, Blood Indian Creek and the Red Deer River producing superior Black Angus and North Country Cheviot seed stock as Deer River Ranching. John and Kelsey feel very blessed to be ranching full time, along with John’s family, and raising their children in this rural environment of vast, open rangelands and wonderful community.
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M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Structure Your Farm for a Successful Future
Environmental Goods & Services – Paying Farmers
Eric Olson
Greg Bruce & Robert Brunel
Eric Olson, Meyers Norris Penny, will look ahead to the successful farm structure in ten years. If you want to know what the structure of a farm in 2020 will look like, then you won’t want to miss Eric’s presentation at 1:00 P.M. on Thursday. Take a quantum leap and find out which strategies and structures farm operators will rely on to manage constant change and remain successful in the future.
Glyphosate Resistant Weeds - Watch out manitoba! Dr. Jeff Stachler
Glyphosate has become an integral part of crop production for many growers with extensive use in glyphosate tolerant crops and reduced tillage programs. Recently there have been increasing concerns about the development of glyphosate tolerant weeds. Dr. Jeff Stachler, NDSU, Fargo, ND will talk about this exploding problem as it affects North Dakota and what Manitoba farmers should know. Dr. Stachler is currently employed as Extension Agronomist – Sugarbeet Weed Science and Assistant Professor for North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota since May 2008. Prior to joining NDSU Dr. Stachler was Extension Weed Specialist for several years with Ohio State University.
Greg Bruce from Ducks Unlimited and Robert Brunel, President of Keystone Agriculture Producers Association will speak in Theatre #1 on Thursday p.m. about paying farmers for environmental goods and services. Greg leads DUC’s efforts to work with government, industry, and conservation partners in the development and promotion of polices that contribute to habitat conservation and restoration. Greg was part of the team that initiated DUC’s conservation easement efforts in Manitoba. Robert Brunel operates a grain and oilseeds farm in the St. Rose area of Manitoba was recently appointed as interim President of KAP. He currently chairs KAP’s young farmers committee and has worked on the Environment and Sustainable Development Committee as well.
Variable Rate Fungicides – Data From a Remote Control Plane Rejean Picard
Manufacturers of Quality Drain Tile, Culverts and Fittings
111 Lyle Dr., Box 970 Carman, MB R0G 0J0
Ph: (204) 745-6151 www.idealpipe.ca
Variable Rate technology is gaining rapid adoption among crop producers in Manitoba. Variable Rate (VR) fertilization was the first to be adopted by growers as GPS technology has grown in popularity. VR can also be used to apply fungicides. In 2010, a project using crop cam technology (unmanned aerial vehicle) was used to determine zones where fungicides would be applied to crops according to crop growth and yield potential. Rejean Picard is the Farm Production Advisor at Somerset, MB with MAFRI and will present the results of this project in Theatre #1 on Thursday at 2:30 p.m.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Making the Transition to Farming Full Time?
While many producers have a good working knowledge of AgriStability, there are many that continue to rely on others to handle their program affairs. It is critical that someone within a farm operation understands the AgriStability program. Reference margins, accrual reporting and production reporting are key indicators of program coverage. Learn how to scrutinize your program information by analyzing coverage levels and productive capacities. Dean Stoyanowski, Farm Production Advisor with MAFRI will review how you can help AgriStabillity work for You when You need it. You can hear Dean at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday in Theatre 2.
So you want to transition your life towards being a full time farmer. When is the right time to make the decision to change? What are the realities facing you and how do you face these realities so that you can make better informed decisions? How do you face these challenges and risks? Reg Shandro will look at some of the factors that would assist you in your decision making process and provide you with some “Food for Thought” to reduce the risk when you do decide to make this transition. Reg will be speaking in Farm Management session on Thursday morning at 11:15 in Theatre 2.
Dean Stoyanowski
Reg Shandro
Texas in a Lexus or in the Lodge with a Dodge: Farmers Considering Retirement Marc Sloane & Andrew DeRuyck
Texas in a Lexus or in the Lodge in a Dodge – which sounds closer to your retirement? Getting started into retirement isn’t necessarily any easier than getting started into farming except you have more money and less energy. It takes a great deal of soul searching to understand your values and philosophy and a great deal of planning prior to any action. Andrew DeRuyck and Mark Sloane manage two farming operations in Southern Manitoba and are partners in Right Choice Management Consulting. They offer support in farm management, financial management, strategic planning, and mediation services. During their talk on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. in Theatre 2, Mark and Andrew will highlight a couple members of their “Grain News Community” to illustrate two real life scenarios and the importance of cash flow planning and strategic financial planning in increasing the likelihood of success. 24
CELEBRATING THE SUCCESS OF LABASSA HOLSTEINS LTD. Manitoba’s Outstanding Young Farmers Jan & Tracy Bassa
Jan & Tracy Bassa are Manitoba’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2010. Jan and Tracy, dairy producers from La Broquerie, Manitoba, will now go on to represent Manitoba in the national Outstanding Young Farmer event. Teamwork and planning drive this couple who farm over 2000 acres of cropland and milk about 470 cows. Jan grew up in Holland and immigrated with his family to Canada in 2001 where the family bought a dairy farm. It has been steady progress ever since and Jan clearly sees Canada as a land of opportunity. Jan and Tracy will talk about their experiences Thursday at 1:00 p.m. in Theatre #2.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Rural communities, like many urban communities face various issues – changing demographics, changing needs, changing jobs – what is it we need to know and do in order to achieve a large Yes? This workshop will share with those in attendance a variety of ideas, some thought provoking challenges and ideas that may lead to solutions – to consider and to put into practice. Wendy Bulloch has extensive experience working with farm and youth organizations across rural Manitoba. Wendy will speak during the SWFWN session on Thursday afternoon in Theatre 2.
Penny Burton is the Economic Development Officer for RoblinCartwright Community Development Corporation and has been in post since March 2003. She is also employed as Development Officer for the Roblin-Cartwright Planning District. She is an immigrant from England and farms with her husband. Prior to moving to Cartwright, Manitoba, Penny decided to make a conscious effort to integrate into the community, not only to get to know people but also to learn how Manitobans lived and how the culture behaved. With this in mind, she embraced the challenges offered and became involved in local, regional and provincial groups and boards. Penny’s presentation will be in Theatre 2 on Thursday at 2:15 pm.
Currently Buying
Confection & Oil Hullers and Oil Bird Seed
Call for details Ben Friesen or Denis Touzin
Harold Penner
Last year people across Canada supporting the Canadian Food Grains Bank provided food to over 30 countries, helping over 2 million people. How are Manitoba farmers a part of this effort? Why would farmers in Manitoba have used 4200 acres of land in 2010 to produce food for people they don’t even know? And how important is the support the farmers get from their agri-businesses, their local input dealers and also the large corporations? You will hear about how the CFGB works, and how you too can help provide the very essence of life – food – to people in need. Harold Penner farmed for nearly 40 years and is now Regional Coordinator for CFGB. Harold will speak about the CFGB in Theatre 2 on Thursday at 2:45 pm.
Never Climb A Bin Again
• The simple solution to direct your grain auger or conveyor into the bin (now you can see exactly where the auger spout is, in relation to the bin opening) • Specially designed with very powerful magnets (260 pound) to adhere to grain auger tubes, combine augers, conveyors, etc., etc. • Can be easily removed for off season or other applications The camera: • Is waterproof and color with audio (headset), as well as a safety chain • It has 28 infrared illuminators allowing up to 32 feet of visibility in the dark it is built for industrial use • Comes with 7 inch color LCD monitor for your tractor (or combine, etc.) which also has an 80 pound magnetic base for ease of mounting • The monitor also has a weather proof zippered bag to keep out dust and moisture when not in use (tractor with no cab) • The package comes complete with 85 feet of wire and heavy duty tie straps to hold the wire onto the auger
Equip your auger to sense when the bin is full or when your air seeder is full. Powered by the auger battery. The sensor and light are encased in a durable, weather-proof sealed housing.
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M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
2011 bull congress Barn 3
ABH Farms & Rock’n “h” Herefords
Purebred Hereford cattle.
Carlrams Ranching Ltd.
2nd annual “moving on” bull sale Feb. 11, 2011
Downey Farms
Red, black, full blood Simmental bulls for sale.
Foxy Lady Cattle Co./Pizzey Simmentals
Manitoba Simmental Association Maple Grove Gelbvieh
Producing quality Gelbvieh male and female seed stock for sale privately.
Mar Mac Farms
Annual bull sale March 9, 2011 Simmental, Red & Black Angus. Bulls sell.
Genetic Source Bull & Female Sale
Moose Creek Red Angus
N 7 Stock Farm
Join us - Sale day March 14 Keystone Centre Brandon, MB.
JMB Charolais
Charolais bulls for sale at stall or farm.
KCH Charolais
Breeders of quality white & red factor Charolais.
Kenray Ranch
Quality Red & Black Angus breeding stock.
Kuntz Farms
Breeding Red Angus with muscle development, power and performance.
L & S Limousin Acres
Your source for polled performance Limousin.
Legaarden Livestock/Topview Acres Leveldale Polled Herefords
Herefords - 150 years in Canada “Come see the new Herefords”
M & J Farms
Breeders of Simmental & Angus cattle
Manitoba Angus Association 26
Hear more about the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Beef Program.
Est. 1972 Annual Bull Sale April 18 at the ranch. Quality black Angus cattle for sale at stall or farm.
Pizzey Simmentals/Foxy Lady Cattle Company
Registered Simmental Bulls, (black, red factor and Fleckvieh genetics)
Prairielane Farms
Prairielane Farms Ltd. 33rd Annual Bull Sale and Female Sale www.prairielaneangus.com
RSK Farms Stewart Cattle Co. Sweetland Super Six Salers
Our leading Canadian salers genetics = profit for your livestock operation
Tri - N - Charolais Farm
Raising quality red and white Charolais in Western Manitoba
Triple J Farms
Black Angus Bull & Female Sale April 1st Whitewood Auction Mart
WRAZ Red Angus
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
New Product award
Western Turbo Fuel Injection won the award for the Best New Product. Their ‘instant oil analysis’ can detect antifreeze, fuel, water, etc. Pictured are Scott Day, Manitoba Ag Days; Ryan Boyd, Manitoba Ag Days; Jeff Esslinger, President & General Manager, Western Turbo Fuel and Jordan Sawchuk, Judge.
Less Downtime Means More Acres
Visit our booth at City Square Mini Arena and sign up for our 2011 Show Special Performance Tune-up $
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Contact us for further details Toll Free 1-800-418-9461 PH: (204) 325-4195 . Fax: (204) 325-8116 . Box 2008 . 130 Canada St. Winkler MB . R6W 4B7
In addition to Cummins Engines and Onan generators we also represent a number of other related products which will be on display at our booth.
CUMMINS WESTERN CANADA 489 Oak Point Hwy Winnipeg, MB R2R 1V2 204-632-5470
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
2010 Awards
Inventors’ Showcase is an annual feature at Manitoba Ag Days designed to encourage the development of products that will assist in farm operations. All inventions are considered whether from individuals or companies large or small. Exhibits developed by farm operators are encouraged.
1st Inventors’ Showcase — Rodono Industries Ltd. from Clive, Alberta with their Extending Swing Auger. They received an advertising package from the Manitoba Cooperator and as well as a cash prize and plaque from Manitoba Ag Days. Pictured are Laura Rance, Manitoba Cooperator, Scott Day, Manitoba Ag Days; Paul Hepworth, Judge; Jim Grose, Rodono Ind. and Nigel Thorne, Judge.
2nd Inventors’ Showcase — Pillar Lasers Inc. of Warman, SK. who are showing their disc/hoe opener double shot single disc seeding tool. They also received an advertising package from Manitoba Cooperator and a cash prize and plaque from Manitoba Ag Days. Pictured are Laura Rance, Manitoba Cooperator; Dick Friesen, Pillar Lasers; Scott Day, Manitoba Ag Days; Blake Nestibo, Manitoba Ag Days; Paul Hepworth and Nigel Thorne, Judges.
WESTMAN PLACE ARENA Agremote Systems Inc.
Livestock Water Recycling
Curry Industries Ltd.
One-Step Automation
■ Remote control 12 volt electric drive for conveyor swing auger. ■ Poly-fastener grain bag zipper sealer - water tight seal.
Dadido Inc.
■ A machine that allows farmers to make their own anhydrous ammonia.
■ Grain loading system controlled from Iphone complete with video monitoring.
Pillar Lasers Inc.
■ New Seeding Tool Bar and Double Shoot Disc/ Hoe Openers
Enduralite LED
Rodono Industries Ltd.
Horizon Agro Inc.
Triple Star Mfg. Ltd.
■ CSA approved LED’s for office, shop, outdoor area, feedlots and barns - WCFP award winner ■ Horizon Combine Bin Umbrella Cover
■ Manure Treatment System for Large Livestock Operations
■ Extend-retract/swing auger attachment for unloading hopper trailers. ■ Steerable walking axles for augers.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
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NOT IN A LEAGUE. THEY ARE THE LEAGUE. The industry’s dream team just got even better. Introducing the TerraGator and RoGator for 2011. TerraGator has the exclusive Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT), so you can cover 279 more acres a day than the competition. CVT is proven transmission technology on over 150,000 self-propelled ag machines worldwide.
And RoGator now features a new drive package for more reliable application at higher speeds. Now you can take your “A” game to a whole new level. DURABLE. DEPENDABLE. PROFESSIONAL. See how the best got better at applylikeapro.com
RoGator® and TerraGator® are worldwide brands of AGCO Corporation.
Olds, Alberta 1.877.999.1113
Brandon, Manitoba 1.866.999.1114
Altona, MB
Steinbach, MB
Boissevain, MB
Winkler, MB
Winkler, MB
Steinbach, MB
Portage la Prairie, MB
Portage la Prairie, MB
Winnipeg, MB
Winnipeg, MB
Swift Current, SK
Shaunavon, SK
Moose Jaw, SK
Moose Jaw, SK
Estevan, SK
Estevan, SK
High River, AB
Okotoks/High River, AB
Swift Current, SK
Moose Jaw, SK
Rosetown, SK
High River, AB
Lethbridge, AB
Swift Current, SK
Weyburn, SK
Weyburn, SK
Kindersley, SK
Kindersley, SK
Drumheller, AB
Community Service Radio!
Kenora, Ont
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
7-L Livestock Equipment Ltd.
■ Portable electric fence, reels and cable
Canada Room Hallway
■ Grain dryers, grain conveying, grain cleaning, automation controls.
Optimist Arena
■ Canada - Manitoba environmental farm planning and farm stewardship programs. Convention Hall
AAFC - Business Risk Management Programs
■ Federal gov’t program that have been designed to provide protection for different types of losses.
Convention Hall
AAFC - Communications and Consultations Branch ■ Agriculture & agroalimentaire Canada
Convention Hall
AAFC/AESB Agroforestry Division
■ Information on the prairie shelter belt program and agroforestry
Convention Hall
AAFC - Advance Payment Program
■ Federal gov’t program that provide producers with cash flow and flexibility for agriculture commodities.
Convention Hall
Convention Hall
Accu-Test/Redsper Enterprises Ltd.
■ Seed germination, Purity, Aphis & Vomi certified seed sales, cleaning & treating.
UCT Pavilion
Acklands Grainger Inc.
■ Industrial, safety, fasteners,welding.
Ag Centre Concourse
Adair Sales & Marketing Co. Inc.
■ Loftness grain bagging equipment, Great Plains, Land Pride
City Square Mini Arena
ADM Agri Industries Company ■ Oilseed grain marketing.
Convention Hall
Advanced Grain Systems Ltd. ■ Straw cubing systems.
Main Street
AFAB Industries Inc. ■ Post frame buildings.
Barn 1
Affordable Parts
■ Agricultural Industrial Power & Safety
Westman Place Concourse
Ag Dealer Magazine
■ North American’s largest source for Canadian agricultural equipment.
Canada Room Hallway
Ag In The Classroom - School Tours ■ Ag curriculum resources
Westman Place Concourse
■ Air bubble jet sprayer nozzles.
■ Grain handling, fencing, belt conveyors, bins, fans, heaters, aeration systems.
Optimist Arena
A.R.K. New-Tech Ltd.
ABJ Agri Products
Ag Growth Industries
Ag Leader Technology ■ Precision Ag
Barn 1
Ag Shield Mfg.
■ Land rollers, shielded sprayers, hay conditioners, pea augers, canola pusher.
Ag Centre Showroom AgCareers.com
■ On line job board, compensation survey and educational training and consulting
City Square Mini Arena
Ag-Chieve Corporation
■ Independent, unbiased grain marketing advice you can trust.
Main Concourse
■ Ag tractors, combines, swathers, haying equipment.
Canada Room
Agco Corporation (Spra-Coupe)
■ Spra-Coupe, High clearance sprayers.
Ag Centre Showroom
Agremote Systems
■ Remote control swing auger, truck and trailer chute operators
Main Street
Agri-Trend Agrology Ltd. ■ Professional agricultural consultants
City Square Mini Arena
AgriCard, a Bank West Product
■ Equipment and crop input, financing, leasing and insurance.
UCT Pavilion
AgriCon Farms Ltd.
■ Hydraulic scrapers & track assembly - video, brochures, etc.
City Square Mini Arena
Agriculture In The Classroom - MB Inc.
■ Agriculture resources and programming for use in Manitoba classrooms.
Westman Place Concourse
Agri-Tel Grain Ltd.
■ Grain merchandising, soybeans, sunflowers, canary seed, canola all grades, planting, seed.
Westman Place Concourse
Agromec Industries
■ Agromec loader attachment specialists featuring silage defacer, auger buckets and more.
Hitching Ring
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Agrotain International L.L.C.
■ Agrotain International stabilized nitrogen minimizes volatilization denitrification and leaching
City Square Mini Arena
Agtron Enterprises Inc.
■ Agtron manufactures and designs custom agricultural monitors and control systems.
Main Concourse
Air Liquide Canada
■ Industrial and special gases, welding equipment and supplies
Barn 1
Aladin Superior Cleaning Systems Ltd.
■ Hot high pressure washers, degreasers, disinfectants, waste oil furnace
Canada Room Hallway
Alcom Electronic Communications ■ Motorola 2 way communication equipment
Main Street
Allen Leigh Security & Communications
■ Implement cam, cow cam, farm yard security, two-way radios
Main Street
Alpine Plant Food
■ Start fertilizers, seed nutrition, foliar fertilizer, application equipment
City Square Mini Arena
Amsoil & Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer
■ Synthetic oil and filtration products, liquid organic fertilizer
Barn 4
Apollo Machine & Products Ltd.
■ Grain roller mills for livestock, grain probes for sampling
Barn 1
Arysta Lifescience
■ Everest, Select, EverestGBX, Nextstep, Prepare
UCT Pavilion
Assante Ag Group
■ Tax, retirement, succession and estate planning; wealth and risk management
City Square Mini Arena
Assiniboine Community College
■ Agriculture education available on campus through community based training and via distance education
City Square Mini Arena
Association of Canadian Custom Harvesters
■ Canadian custom harvesters - looking for memberships - providing services to farmers
Barn 4
Atom Jet Industries Ltd.
■ Conservation tillage equipment and auxiliary hydraulics
Ag Centre Concourse
Auto-Ag Parts Direct
■ Agricultural and automotive supplies, pressure washer and compressor sales and service
Exhibition Hall
Avonlea Farm Sales Ltd.
■ J & M Grain carts, Summers Mfg. tillage equipment
Optimist Arena
AWS Air Reels
■ Air reels for combines and heads
Barn 4
B & A Woods Farms Ltd.
■ Hydraulic and electric winch for agriculture use
Convention Hall
Back to Your Roots Soil Solution
Educational information on products for agricultural gardens and environmentally friendly use
City Square Mini Arena BASF Canada
■ Crop production materials (chemicals & systems) UCT Pavilion
Batco Mfg. ■ Belt conveyors
Optimist Arena
Battlefield Equipment Rentals
■ Skid steers, compact track loaders, rentals
Manitoba Room
Bayer CropScience
■ Crop protection products and Invigor hybrid canola
UCT Pavilion
BDO Canada LLP
■ Accounting, advisory and tax services in 13 offices across Manitoba
Main Concourse
Beaver Truck Centre ■ Volvo trucks and parts
Optimist Arena
Best Environmental Technologies
■ Customer formula fertilizer, soil rejuvenation, crop germination, foliar application, trash
Westman Place Arena
Bill Klassen Auctions
■ Professional auction marketing
Westman Place Concourse Blue Moon Water Inc. Main Street
Blue-Jet Manufacturing
■ Manufacturer of fertilizer application equipment, strip till equipment and conservation tillage equipment
Barn 1
BMO Bank of Montreal ■ Banking products
UCT Pavilion
Botterill Sales
■ Salford RTS, Richiger Grain Baggers, Crustbuster Grain Carts
Barn 1
Boundary Trails Driving Academy ■ Class 1 and air licence in one week
Main Street
Bourgault Industries Ltd.
■ Air seeders, Tillage, Air Hoe Drills, Air Disk, Drills, Harrows
Manitoba Room
Bourgault Tillage Tools
■ Quality ground engaging tools for seeding, fertilizer and tillage applications
Exhibition Hall
BP Enterprises
■ Sakundiak augers - grain bins, Hawes Agro SP kits, Clutches
Westman Arena
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Brandon Bearing Ag & Ind. Supply Ltd.
■ Bearings, hydraulics, drive chain, belts and sleeves, industrial supply, engine rebuilding
Canada Room Hallway
Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd.
■ Augers, conveyors, grainvacs, harrows, grain carts, grain bagging equipment.
Optimist Arena
■ GPS guidance, land leveling, Ag Farm 3D, variable rate control
Barn 4
Brehon Agrisystems Inc.
■ Remote control end gate, hoist, swing auger mover, trailer chutes, full bin alarm
Westman Place Arena
■ Canola, forage, turf, native and reclamation seed, Bioboost, Pod Ceal, Vitacoat
Convention Hall
■ Full-bin super sensor and new product magnetic camera package
Ag Centre Concourse
■ Equipment leasing
City Square Mini Arena
Can Pro Gator Centre
■ Rogator/Terragator, NH3 parts, Raven Slingshot RTK GPS
Ag Centre Showroom
Canada Malting Company Ltd.
■ Global supplier of malt to the brewing industry
Convention Hall
Canadian Agri-Blend Inc.
■ Manufacturers of premium quality, Canadian made supplement block and milk replacer
Barn 4
Canadian Canola Growers Association
■ Cash advance program for non-Board grains and agriculture policy
Westman Place Concourse
City Square Mini Arena
Canterra Seeds Ltd. ■ Pedigreed seed, canola
UCT Pavilion
■ N-Ject, N-Ject LF, Sharpshooter precision NH3 & liquid fertilizer and spraying systems.
Case IH
Calidon Financial Services
■ Agriculture real estate
Can-Seed Equipment
UCT Pavilion
Bunge Canada
Canadian Farm Realty.com
Optimist Arena
■ Agricultural services and Victory Hybrid canola.
Main Street
Main Street
■ Steel and aluminum truck bodies, hopper trailers, 5th wheel & pup end duma trailers, bale decks, auger
Cargill Limited
■ Specialized farm insurance
UCT Pavillion
Canadian Wheat Board
Barn 2
BSI Insurance Brokers
■ Financial services
Main Street
Capstan Ag Services Inc.
Brownlee Trucking Inc.
CIBC Agriculture
Canadian International Grains Institute
■ Grain processing & handling equipment
Kinsmen Arena
UCT Pavilion
Cancade Co. Ltd.
Westman Place Arena
■ Bobcat loaders and Bobcat utility tractors
■ Canadian Grain Commission services to grain producers
Convention Hall
■ John Deere skid steers and mini excavators
C & C Rentals Ltd.
Canadian Grain Commission
■ Grain marketing
Brandt Tractor Ltd.
Westman Place Concourse
■ We show how farmers and agri-businesses help end world hunger
Main Street
■ Market development, customized training, technical expertise, product innovations for Canadian field crops.
Brandt Positioning Technology
■ Canola and Nexera buyer and crusher
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
■ Case IH agriculture equipment. STX Series Steiger Tractors
Canada Room
Cellular Communication Plus
■ Cellular phones and accessories, MTS high speed internet and MTS ultimate TV service
City Square Mini Arena
Century 21 West-Man.com ■ Agriculture/Farm Real Estate
Westman Place Concourse CKLQ 880/Star 94-FM ■ Radio broadcaster Main Street
Clews Palliser Cattle Oiler Mid-Canada Co. ■ Rope cattle oilers and related accessories
Ag Centre Concourse
Convey-All Industries Inc. ■ Self propelled conveyor seed tender
Ag Centre Showroom
Country Graphics & Printing Ltd. Westman Place Concourse Crary Industries
■ Harvesting equipment Crary air reel and wind system. Bin tops cyclones,GNC
Barn 2
Crawford’s West Inc.
■ Rakes, baggers, hay processing equipment
Barn 1
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Cropgard Security Inc.
■ Cropgard theft deterrent /Country Graphics - trade show displays, truck decals, caution warning decals and brochures
Westman Place Concourse
■ Meridian, Behlen, Westeel, Honda, Kohler, Farm King, Grain Guard, Legend furnaces
Barn 4
■ Cummins diesel engines, Cummins emission solutions, service, parts
City Square Mini Arena
Custom Auto & Truck Accessories
■ Truck accessories, tool boxes, hitches, running boards, box covers, etc.
Convention Hall
■ Promote Nexera canola: Simplicity: and crop protection services
UCT Pavilion
Downey & Crowe Auctions Westman Place Concourse
DTN/The Progressive Farmer
■ Ag services via satellite, internet, cell phone
UCT Pavillion
Ducks Unlimited Canada ■ Conservation farm practices
Custom Tarps & Filters Inc.
■ Bruske brooms, tarp repair, new tarp fabric, complete systems/filter cleaning
Westman Place Arena
Convention Hall
Dupont Canada Inc.
■ Crop protection products and Canola Seed
UCT Pavilion
Custom Truck Sales Inc. Kenworth
■ Kenworth, Class 5,6,7 & 8 trucks with a parts display
Kinsmen Arena
■ (Quality) livestock feeding equipment, metal work benches - custom alumimum and S5 Manufacturing
Barn 3
D & F Manufacturing Ltd.
Dakota Products of Canada ■ Paint reviver and aluminum cleaner
Barn 2
Dave Ross Equipment Ltd.
■ New drier concept - Alvan Blanch continuous flow grain driers
Barn 2
■ Reduced tillage equipment, paired row openers, straw & chaff spreaders, coulters
Dynamic Ditchers Barn 4 Edge Equipment Sales
■ Combine tarps, weigh wagons, grain bin lids - seed tenders
Barn 2
Dutch Industries Barn 1
Cypress Industries Ltd.
Dave’s Machine Shop ■ ATV Field drainage wheels
Westman Place Arena
Decker Manufacturing Ltd.
■ Decker brand biomass pressure boilers & heating equipment
Barn 4
Degelman Industries Ltd.
■ Land rollers, strawmaster, rock removal, dozer blades
Kinsmen Arena
■ Grasshopper outfront midmount zero turn mowers
City Square Mini Arena
Edward Jones
■ Financial services
Main Street
Edwards Group
■ Keho aeration, fans & systems, Grain Guard, aeration fans and systems
Optimist Arena
Elanco Animal Health
■ Micotil, Rumensin and the component line of implants. Products to improve your profitability
City Square Mini Arena
Elias Reliabelt
■ Belt conveyors/grain handling equipment
City Square Mini Arena
Ellis Farm Supplies Ltd.
■ Certified varieties of wheat, barley, oats, flax, canola, fababeans, soybeans, grasses
Convention Hall
Elmer’s Manufacturing Ltd.
dekoning Innovations Barn 1
■ Grain carts, harrows, transports, headers
Delmar Commodities Ltd.
■ Grain marketing - Suppliers of feed grains - Agents for the Canadian Wheat Board Main Street
■ Model 919 moisture testers. Grain scales, probes, sieves, test weight equipment
Westman Place Concourse
■ Seed testing services
City Square Mini Arena
■ Farm real estate & commercial auction company
Cummins Western Canada
■ New, remanufactured and used tractor parts. New combine parts
Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc.
Cudmore Bros.
Discovery Seed Labs
Double R Farm Equipment Ltd.
Westman Place Concourse
Barn 1
EMB Mfg. Inc. (Wallenstein & Baumalight )
■ Backhoes, wood splitters, wood chippers, tree spades, stump grinders, PTO generators, manure spreaders
Hitching Ring
EMD Crop BioScience
■ Inoculants & crop enhancement technologies: Optimize, Soil Implant, Nitrastik, Cell-Tech
Convention Hall
Emerson Milling Inc. ■ Oat milling
Ag Centre Concourse
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Equipment Technologies/Apache Sprayers ■ Apache sprayers.
Ag Centre Showroom Ezee-On Manufacturing Ltd.
■ Air drills, air seeder carts, tandem & offset discs.
Manitoba Room
Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences, U of M ■ Agricultural education and career opportunities
Convention Hall
Faithlife Financial
■ Christian based financial service, insurance and investment. Not for profit
Main Street
Farm Auction Guide.Com
■ Internet’s largest farm auctions and classified website
Westman Place Concourse
Farm Business Communications (Manitoba Co-operator)
■ Canada’s largest agricultural publisher - both in print and online
Convention Hall
Farm Credit Canada
■ FCC provides financing, insurance, software and learning for Canadian agriculture.
UCT Pavilion
Farmers Edge
■ Variable rate technology, scouting, manure management, soil sampling, carbon
City Square Mini Arena
Farmers of North America
■ Crop protection chemicals, fertilizer, equipment, GPS systems, grain marketing, farm business management
City Square Mini Arena
Farmland Specialty Products
■ Ground openers, seed boots, disk & furrow levelers
City Square Mini Arena
Farmlink Marketing Solutions
■ Full service marketing consulting firm offering a comprehensive range of services.
City Square Mini Arena
Farmtronics Ltd.
■ GPS Guidance Systems, sprayer controls, weather stations, gauges, shut down systems, grain testing, hay testing, shaft monitors.
City Square Mini Arena
Farrell Agencies Ltd.
■ Insurance brokerage specializing in ag and commercial ag products
UCT Pavilion
FBC (Farm Business Consultants)
■ FBC membership and literature - taxation specialists
Westman Place Concourse
Federated Co-op
■ Building materials, crop protection, bins, seeds, farm buildings
UCT Pavilion
Federated Co-operatives Ltd.
■ Bulk propane sales c/w propane equipment. Bulk fuels - gasoline/diesel c/w equipment
Barn 4
■ We offer a complete line of livestock feeds and supplements
Canada Room Hallway
Firetak Manufacturing Ltd.
■ Fire*Breaker, Quick Erect shelter, portable tanks, secondary containment berms
Westman Place Arena
Flaman Sales Ltd.
■ Grain handling, storage and cleaning, rentals, field equipment.
Kinsmen Arena
Flax Council of Canada ■ Flax and flax products
Convention Hall
Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc.
■ Line of unique crop lifters using patented quick attach system
City Square Mini Arena
Food Development Centre
■ The Food Development Centre assists the agri-food industry to develop new products
Main Concourse
Fort Garry Industries Ltd.
■ Lode King Super “B” grain bulkers
Kinsmen Arena
Fountain Tire
■ Tires and automotive service
City Square Mini Arena
FP Genetics
■ Pedigreed seed, certified canola seed
Westman Place Concourse Fraser Ag Services Ltd. Convention Hall
Fraser Auction Service Ltd./Killarney Auction Mart Ltd.
■ Complete full service auction sale company. Equipment, livestock and real estate sales
Ag Centre Concourse
Free Form Plastic Products
■ Liquid tanks, tank stands, low profile tanks, liquid carts, liquid storage systems, swath roll
Manitoba Room
Freightliner Manitoba Ltd
■ New & Used Truck Sales, parts & service
Kinsmen Arena
Frontier Power Products ■ Diesel engines, generators and pumps
Barn 1
G & I Agri-Marketing Ltd. ■ Poly Sleds
Barn 2
Gaber Distributors
■ Dutch Industries Seed & Fertilizer Knives, Pommier aluminum spray booms, Gaber tillage tools
Barn 1
■ Electric fencing, weigh scales, RFID technology products
City Square Mini Arena
Garratt Industries Ltd.
■ Grain & seed cleaning & processing equipment
Barn 1
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Gatco Manufacturing Inc.
■ Perforated metal tubes suspended in granaries for powerless aeration
Barn 2
Genex Cooperative Inc.
■ Beef and dairy livestock genetics, AI products and supplies
Barn 3
Westman Place Arena
■ Buyer and marketer of dry edible beans, sunflowers and buckwheat
City Square Mini Arena
Westman Place Arena
Highline Mfg. Ltd. Kinsmen Arena
■ Tow ropes, tow straps, gloves, driveway alarms, ratelot straps
Barn 1
HiHog Farm & Ranch Equipment Ltd.
■ Manufacturer of livestock handling equipment
City Square Mini Arena
Golden West Radio
■ Manitoba’s authoritative agricultural voice!
HiQual Engineered Structures
Main Street
■ Fabric covered buildings, livestock handling equipment
Exhibition Hall
Goodon Industries Ltd. ■ Post - frame buildings
Ag Centre Concourse
Graham Seed Treating Systems Ltd.
■ Seed treating equipment for both producers and commercial seed growers
City Square Mini Arena
■ Case construction equipment dealer, sales, parts & service
Barn 4
HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc. ■ Real estate - farms
Canada Room Hallway
Grain Bags Canada ■ Grain baggers & extractors
Homestead Aerial Photo
■ Aerial photos dating back to the 1950’s of Manitoba homesteads
Westman Place Arena
Grain Vac Services
■ Grain Vac sales, service, repairs and pneumatic blower and air lock repair
Ag Centre Concourse
H & L Motors
■ Kuhn, Landini, McCormick
Kinsmen Arena
Hansen Tank Sales
■ 400 gallon sprayer tanks for 3000 series Spra-Coupe sprayers
Barn 2
Westman Place Concourse
HoneyBee Mfg. Ltd. ■ Harvesting equipment
Ag Centre Showroom
Horizon Agro Inc. ■ Seed sales, grain buyer
Westman Place Concourse
Horsch Anderson, LLC ■ Air seeders. Tillage tools
City Square Mini Arena
Ag Centre Showroom
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.
■ Used and new combine and tractor parts
Ag Centre Concourse
Hawes Agro Ltd.
■ Hawes Agro auger movers, electric clutches, gas engines, and reversable gearboxes
Westman Place Arena
Haybuster/DuraTech Industries
■ Balebuster, rock picker, tub grinder, vertical mixer, all-purpose drills
Ag Centre Showroom
Heartland Livestock Services ■ Livestock marketing centre
Main Street
■ Outdoor/indoor wood/coal stoves, hydronic heating equipment
Barn 2
■ Snow removal, skid steers, lawn equipment, excavators, loaders, attachments
■ “New” CFR 1250 complete feed ration cattle feeder
GNG Distributors Ltd.
Heat Innovations Inc.
Hepburn Enterprises
■ Farm equipment - Claas, Brandt, Buhler, Kioti, Ezee-On
Global Grain Canada Ltd.
Barn 2
Hepson Equipment Inc.
■ Manure handling & yard care
■ Field sprayers
■ Portage and Main outdoor water furnaces and accessories
Barn 2
Glenmor Grain Systems Ltd.
Hardi North America Inc.
Heat Smart Plus WC
Horst Welding
■ HLA loader attachments, tube-line bale feeder, Frey loader
Hitching Ring
Hotsy Central
■ Hotsy high pressure washers, accessories, pumps & detergents
City Square Mini Arena Husky Energy
■ Grain purchasing and distillers grain sales
Canada Room Hallway Hyland Seeds
■ Seed - corn, soybeans, edible beans
UCT Pavilion
■ Agricultural pumps, spray tips and accessories
Ag Centre Concourse Ideal Pipe
■ Manufacturers and distributors of quality drainage tubing and culverts
Exhibition Hall
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Imperial Seed
■ Forage and turf seed production, contracts and processing
City Square Mini Arena
Interlake Resources Inc.
■ Bosch and Hella agricultural products
Landmark Feeds City Square Mini Arena
Ag Centre Concourse
■ Financial planning and farm succession planning
City Square Mini Arena
James Farms Ltd. ■ Pedigreed seed production
Westman Place Concourse
Janzen’s Paint & Decorating Ltd.
■ Paint sprayer equipment, industrial paint coatings, specialty coatings
City Square Mini Arena
Jet Funny Truck Barn 4
■ Tires
City Square Mini Arena
Kal Tire
■ Offering 24 hr. service, farm tires, retreading, mechanical and OTR
Barn 2
■ Refueling equipment, oil dispensing equipment, farm tank equipment
City Square Mini Arena
■ Solar water pumps, dugout aeration systems
Keystone Agricultural Producers ■ The voice of Manitoba farmers
UCT Pavilion
■ Buyers and processors - flax, sunflowers, feed wheat, red & white millet
Convention Hall
KNR Ag Sales & Service
■ RTK, GPS, DitchPro, Lasers, Auto-Boom & Auto-Rate Controls, Ferris
Westman Place Arena
Koenders Mfg. 1997 Ltd.
■ Recreational sleds, feed carts, custom rotational molding
Barn 2
Kubota Canada Ltd.
■ Lawn & Garden, Compact & Utility Farm Tractors, Construction Equipment
L & B Friesen Ltd.
■ L & B Friesen used grain trucks
Hitching Ring
Ag Centre Concourse
Len’s Alternative Parts & Service ■ RV parts, hitches, generators, truck accessories
Canada Room Hallway
Barn 2
Lewis Cattle Oiler Co. Ltd.
■ Lewis cattle oilers, mineral feeders, automatic drape oilers, RFID tags
Ag Centre Concourse
Lincoln Electric City Square Mini Arena Linde Canada
■ Welding gas, supplies - helmets, MIG machine, CNC plasma table, plasma cutting
Linear Grain Inc.
■ Buyers of corn, oats, soybeans, barley, sunflowers, rye, beans
Louis Dreyfus Canada Ltd.
■ Promote new canola crushing plant in Yorkton, commodity service
Convention Hall
Keystone Grain Ltd.
Kinsmen Arena
■ Yamaha, Michelin, BFG farm tires. Trench wheels - distributor.
Lode King Industries Kinsmen Arena
Exhibition Hall
■ Hay tools, TMR mixers, manure spreaders, tillage tools, balers, bale wrappers
Legault Tire (1993) Ltd.
Convention Hall
Kelln Solar
Kuhn North America
Westman Place Concourse
Barn 2
Keller Equipment Supply Ltd.
Kinsmen Arena
■ Farm and ranch properties for sale in Saskatchewan and Manitoba
■ Pen scrapers, dozer blades, loaders, manure spreaders, landscrapers, rearblades, Lamrod miniskids
■ John Deere farm, commercial, lawn & garden, and recreational equipment
K. K. Penner & Tire
Lane Realty Corp.
Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.
John Deere Dealers Ag Centre Showroom
■ Remote truck chute opener, remote air hoist control, remote throttle/ PTO control
Barn 4
Investors Group Financial Services
Lakeshore Manufacturing
MacArthur Truck & Trailer ■ Trailers - Doepker, Trucks - Volvo
Optimist Arena
MacDon Industries Ltd. ■ Harvesting equipment
Ag Centre Showroom
MAD Concaves (Skayman Welding)
■ Specialty concaves for harvesting equipment-Case IH combines
Canada Room Hallway
MAFRI - Agricultural Sustainability Initiative ■ Information on environmental programs for producers
Main Concourse
MAFRI - Agro Woodlot Program
■ Woodlot management planning and small scale forestry business development
Main Concourse
MAFRI - ARDI Agri-Food Research ■ Development Initiative
City Square Mini Arena
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 MAFRI - Food Safety Program
■ Funding for food safety, traceability, biosecurity, resources, training, technical support
Canada Room Hallway
MAFRI - MB Labour & Immigration/MB Hydro
■ Information on the latest farm safety initiatives and resources
Westman Place Arena
Maintenance Welding Products ■ Welding, industrial and safety supplies
Ag Centre Concourse
Mandako Agri. Marketing Ltd.
■ Grain cart, land roller, swath roller, 3 point hitches
Kinsmen Arena
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) ■ Lending and insurance - Building a strong rural Manitoba
UCT Pavilion
Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiative ■ MAFRI - program and services
UCT Pavilion
Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives
■ Farm management - International trade. Knowledge Management
UCT Pavilion
Manitoba Angus Association Barn 3 Manitoba Bison Association
■ Association representing bison producers.
Barn 2
Manitoba Buckwheat Growers Association Inc. ■ Non profit farmer organization based in Manitoba
Main Street
Manitoba Canola Growers Association
■ A member organization committed to maximizing net income from canola
Westman Place Concourse
Manitoba Cattle Producers Association
■ Industry information. MCPA and CCIA staff will be on hand answering questions
Main Concourse
Manitoba Conservation Districts Association (MCDA) ■ MCDA represents the 18 Conservation Districts across Manitoba
Westman Place Concourse
Manitoba Conservation Wildlife
■ Predator and problem wildlife management information for livestock industry
Ag Centre Concourse
Manitoba Farmlife
■ Western Canada’s farm equipment buying source
Westman Place Concourse
Manitoba Forage Council
■ Representing Manitoba forage producers,marketers, processors & industry
Convention Hall
Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation ■ Conservation programs for producers
Main Concourse
Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods & Oils
■ Largest vertically-integrated hemp food manufacturer
Ag Centre Concourse
Manitoba Institute of Agrologists ■ Association of Professional Agrologists
Main Street
Manitoba New Holland Dealers Association ■ Crop production specialists
Canada Room
Manitoba New Holland Dealers Association ■ Ag equipment dealers
Ag Centre Concourse
The Manitoba Organic Alliance
■ Representing the organic sector and organic value chain in Manitoba.
Exhibition Hall
Manitoba Pulse Growers Association
■ Not for profit organization representing pulse growers
Convention Hall
Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council
■ MRAC distributes federal funding for innovative agricultural projects
Main Street
Manitoba Seed Growers Association ■ Information regarding pedigreed seed
UCT Pavilion
Manitoba Simmental Association Barn 3 Manitoba - Water Stewardship
■ Water control works licensing (drainage & dams)
Main Street
Manitoba Weed Supervisor Association
■ Noxious weed act information and invasive weed identification
City Square Mini Arena
Manitoba Zero Tillage Research Association ■ Applied zero till research
Convention Hall
Manitoba’s Credit Unions ■ Financial Institutions.
UCT Pavilion
Maple Leaf Foods
■ Hog and feed grain procurement
Convention Hall
Maple Leaf Agri-Farms Inc.
■ For the procurement of local grain to make feed
Convention Hall
Mar-Dee Enterprises
■ Petro-Canada fuel & lubricants, full line of farm products, Flaman rentals dealer
Exhibition Hall
Maxim Truck & Trailer
■ New International trucks, new Great Dane/Timpte/East/Arne’s trailers, all make used trucks & trailers, parts & rentals
Optimist Arena
■ Fertilizer application equipment and control systems
City Square Mini Arena
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 McDiarmid Lumber Ltd. ■ Post frame buildings. RTM
Barn 2
McMunn & Yates Building Supplies ■ Agricultural buildings, building materials
City Square Mini Arena
McTavish Steel Works Ltd. ■ Commercial work benches
Exhibition Hall
Meridian Manufacturing Group
■ Hopper bottom bins, double wall fuel tanks, seed tenders
Ag Centre Concourse
Meyers Norris Penny LLP
■ Farm management services: succession planning, taxation, agribusiness, business planning, agristability
Westman Place Concourse
Michelin North America ■ Agriculture tires
City Square Mini Arena Michel’s Industries
■ Electric combine covers, under semi trailer hopper augers, tarping systems
Barn 2
Mid-Plains Implements Ltd.
■ Cadman nutrient management and irrigation systems Lindsay Zimnatic irrigation systems Main Street
MillcoSteel Ltd.
■ Trailers, steel mfg. trailer parts, repairs, inspections, sandblasting, speciality welding.
Canada Room Hallway
Miller-St. Nazianz, Inc.
■ Manufacturer of Self-Propelled Sprayers with liquid and liquid/Air-Assist booms
Ag Centre Showroom
Milligan Bio-Tech Inc.
■ Diesel fuel conditioner, penetrating oil, road dust suppressant, bio-diesel
Barn 4
Mission Terminal Inc.
■ Grain handling, grain marketing
Westman Place Concourse
MoleHill Destroyer Kam Inc.
■ Level mole, golfer and badger hills on your hay and pasture land
Barn 4
Monsanto Canada Inc.
■ Roundup branded herbicides, Roundup Ready technology, Dekalb seeds
UCT Pavilion
Morris Industries Ltd.
■ Contour drill, air drills, air carts, tillage, hay hauling equipment
Manitoba Room
Munro Farm Supplies Kinsmen Arena Murray Chevrolet Cadillac Buick GMC ■ Trucks - HD & Light duty
Kinsmen Arena
National Leasing ■ Financial services
Main Concourse
Nature Conservancy of Canada ■ Conservation programs for land owners
Main Concourse
Nestibo Agra Inc.
■ Buyers, processors, sellers of sunflowers and other special crops
Westman Place Concourse
Never Spill Spout ■ Full bin alarm
Exhibition Hall
Newton Enterprises
■ General contractor: Agricultural, commercial, residential turn-key construction services
Westman Place Concourse
Norac Systems Inc.
■ Sprayer height controllers and weighing equipment
Barn 2
Norbert’s Manufacturing
■ Flatdeck, stock, horse, utility, enclosed, dump and 53 ft. ground load trailers
Hitching Ring
Norstar Industries
■ Bin unloading equipment, commercial sweeps, bucket elevators
Ag Centre Concourse
Northstar Genetics ■ Soybean seed
Canada Room Hallway Northstar Seed
■ Forage, corn & lawn seed
UCT Pavilion
Northstar Spraying Systems ■ John Deere high clearance sprayers
Ag Centre Showroom
Notre Dame Used Oil
■ Used oil, oil filters, oil containers and batteries recycling
Westman Place Concourse Novid Inc.
■ Manufacturers of stainless steel liquid fertilizer storage tanks
Westman Place Concourse
Novozymes Biologicals
■ JumpStart, TagTeam, N-Prove
UCT Pavilion
Ocean Trailer
■ Wilson trailers (Hoppers)
Kinsmen Arena
Omex Agriculture Inc.
■ Manufacturers and distributors of seed, soil and plant nutrition products
City Square Mini Arena
One-Step Automation
■ Automated electrical control systems for grain handling and processing
Barn 2
Organic Producers Association of MB (OPAM) ■ Organic certification service.
City Square Mini Arena
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Outback Guidance, Hemisphere GPS ■ GPS technology
Ag Centre Concourse
Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd.
■ Grain merchants, seed and farm supplies
Convention Hall
Paterson Grain
■ Grain handling & marketing
Convention Hall
Canada Room Hallway
Prairie Mobile Communications ■ Two-way radio, sales & service
■ Production, promotion and advocacy of all aspects of the oat industry
Manitoba Room
Main Street
Penergetic Canada
■ Input products for crop production (soil & plant, compost, slurry, animals and water)
Exhibition Hall
Prairie Scale
■ Livestock and agriculture scales
Exhibition Hall
Prairie Steel Products Ltd.
■ Manufacturing grain bins, hoppers, aeration
Penner Farm Services
Barn 2
■ Grain bins, Grain handling
Barn 4
Prairie Sun Seeds
Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd.
■ Rebuilt concaves & table augers, combine and tractor parts, machine shop services
Canada Room Hallway
■ Sunflower processor, planter parts distribution
Convention Hall
Prairie Truss
■ Trusses for farm, commercial and residential buildings
Canada Room Hallway
Peterbilt Manitoba Ltd. Westman Place Arena
Praxair Distribution Inc.
Optimist Arena
Pickseed Canada Inc.
■ Forage and hybrid corn seed
Convention Hall
Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
■ Seed: Canola, corn, alfalfa, sunflower
Convention Hall
Points West Marketing Ltd.
■ Manufacturers, representatives and distributors of standard and custom components to agricultural industry
Main Street
Polaris Leasing Ltd. ■ Equipment leasing
Barn 2
Polywest Ltd.
■ Tanks, fertilizer caddies, pumps, chem managers, sprayer parts, BVC
Exhibition Hall
Positioning & Autosteer Technologies Inc. ■ Precision agriculture GPS and Laser equipment
Prairie Lane Farms Barn 3
Prairie Oat Growers Association Inc.
■ Hopper cone
City Square Mini Arena
■ Micronutrient fertilizers - granular and water soluble
Main Street
Convention Hall
Peloquin Welding Ltd.
■ Bale accumulator, bale grabs
PowerRich Corporation
Canada Room Hallway
Ag Centre Concourse
Phiber Manufacturing Inc.
Westman Place Concourse
■ Liquid feed products
■ Liquid fertilizer application equipment
■ The grain pump guy
■ Boundary lubricants, fuel lubricants and high temperature extreme pressure, grease
Prairie Liquid Feeds
Pattison Liquid Systems
Pedersen’s Field Services
Power Up Lubricants
■ Industrial gases, Mig, Stick, Tig, plasma cutting/welding equipment, robotics, dry ice
Ag Centre Concourse
Precision Farm Parts Inc.
■ Combine cylinders, beaters, concaves, feeder chains, lights
Hitching Ring
Precision Planting Parts - Fraser Ag Services Convention Hall Precision Trailers ■ Trailers
Exhibition Hall Premier Tech Biotechnologies Ltd. ■ Mycorrhizal fungi for improved plant and root mass
City Square Mini Arena
Pritchard Diesel
■ Diesel engines and custom build diesel generators and power units
City Square Mini Arena
Professional Transport Driver Training School
■ Professional transport driver training - Class 1 Ltd. driver training
Westman Place Concourse Provincial Helicopters
■ Aerial spraying all over Canada Main Street
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Pumps and Pressure Inc.
■ Pressure washers, pumps, air compressors, cleaning equipment & chemicals, service
Canada Room Hallway
Quarry Seed Ltd.
■ Seed, grain marketing, agronomics
Westman Place Concourse
R & H Farms
■ H.I. D. lighting options/lubeview, hubcaps
Westman Place Arena
Raczynski Sales
■ Ultra-cart remote swing-auger mover & grain vac hose
Exhibition Hall
Ralph McKay Industries
■ Tillage tools, crop lifters, coulters,openers
City Square Mini Arena
Ranchers Welding Ltd.
■ Creep feeder, bale feeder, corral panel, gates, feed troughs
Exhibition Hall
Raven Industries Canada ■ Precision agriculture products
Barn 2
RBC Royal Bank
■ Complete financial services
UCT Pavilion
Real Industries 2003 Ltd.
■ Full range of livestock handling equipment and livestock trailers
Exhibition Hall
Redekop Manufacturing
■ Redekop MAV (maximum air velocity) fine cut straw choppers
Optimist Arena
Redfern Farm Services Ltd.
■ Fertilizer, crop protection, seed, consulting, agronomy, custom application, fuel, lubricants
UCT Pavilion
Reimer Overhead Doors Ltd.
■ Sales, service & installation for commercial, agricultural & residential overhead garage doors, and operators
Barn 1
Rem Enterprises Inc.
■ Rem Grain Vac 2700 & model 3700, featuring diesel powered machines
Kinsmen Arena
Renn Mill CentRE Inc
■ Renn, roller mills, grain bagger unloaders
Barn 1
Richardson International Ltd. ■ Agra business
Convention Hall
Ridge Road Welding Inc.
■ Cattle equipment, hay trailers, self supporting panels, wind break panels, bale feeders
Hitching Ring
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
■ Conducting 100% unreserved farm and real estate auctions
Barn 4
Riteway Mfg. Co. Ltd. ■ Land roller, harrow
Barn 1
Robin Farm Equipment Inc. ■ JF forage harvester - large pull type
Optimist Arena
Rodono Industries Ltd
■ Straw chopper rotors and knife kits, PTO speed reducer gear box
Westman Place Concourse
Ronald G. Becker Sales Ltd. ■ Fertilizer and feeds
Westman Place Concourse Rosetown Flighting Supply ■ Replacement auger flighting
Ag Centre Concourse
Ross Taylor Auction Service
■ Auction sales - farm, antique, commercial, livestock
Main Concourse
Rostech Electronics
■ Wireless barn cameras, security and trailer cameras
Barn 2
Roto Shear
■ Vertical crop cutter - mounts on the divider board of swather
Canada Room Hallway
Roy Legumex Inc.
■ Peas, beans, lentils, sunflowers, flax & other special crops
Main Concourse
Royal LePage/Martin-Liberty Realty
■ Real Estate service - agriculture, residential, commercial, recreational
Convention Hall
Rural Route Videos ■ Video production service
Main Concourse
Sabourin Seed Service Ltd. ■ See Roy Legumex Inc.
Main Concourse
Salford Farm Machinery
■ Manufacturer of the RTS coulter cultivator; 520 Maverick Air Disk Drill and a full line of tillage equipment
Barn 1
Saskcan Pulse Trading - Parent Division
■ Seeds, agronomic services, grower contracting of pulses and special crops
Convention Hall
Schulte Industries
■ Rotary cutters, rock removal. Snow blowers
Kinsmen Arena
■ Genes that fit your farm
UCT Pavilion
Seed Hawk Inc. ■ Zero Till Air Drill
Manitoba Room
Seed Master By Straw Track
■ Seed Master drill, seed/fertilizer, tanks, UltraPro Canola Meter
Manitoba Room
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Seed-Ex Inc.
■ Malt barley, soybeans, sunflowers, oats, feedgrains, soymeal, DDG’s, canola
Convention Hall
Seeds 2000, Inc.
■ Canada’s # 1 sunflower seed source
Canada Room Hallway
Sentinel Building Systems ■ Farm Buildings
Exhibition Hall
Setter Manufacturing Division
■ GPS equipment, ag. electronic monitors, sprayer parts, pumps, spot sprayers, EnviroSlip fuel
Optimist Arena
Shur-Gro Farm Services/Munro Farm Supplies ■ Crop supplies
Kinsmen Arena Silver Accent Trailers & Mfg.
■ Trailer manufacturing, trailer repairs, sales of trailer parts
Barn 4
Silver Stream Shelters ■ Biotech shelters
Ag Centre Concourse Smart-Till
■ Manufacturer of soil aeration and conservation tillage tools
Barn 1
Solar West
■ Quality solar powered watering systems built to meet your needs
City Square Mini Arena
Southwest Geothermal
■ Econar geothermal heat pump
Westman Place Concourse
Sovema Canada Ltd.
■ Rotary tillers, flail mowers, hay rakes, brush cutters, box blades
Exhibition Hall
Spence Distributors
■ Metal working, machinery and machine tools, tool grinding service
Canada Room Hallway
SprayTest Controls Inc.
■ Spray test remote boom control. remote start & auger swing
Ag Centre Concourse
Steads Farm Supply
■ Homeopathic and organic products, books, liquid feed, sleds, twine, netwrap
Barn 2
Steel Tech Inc.
■ Multi fuel outdoor wood furnaces. Indoor multi fuel stoves
Barn 1
Steinbach Credit Union
■ Taking care of the world’s most important money - Yours!’
Westman Place Concourse
Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd.
■ Authorized dealer for EBY horse, cattle and hog livestock trailers
Barn 4
Steve’s Livestock Transport ■ Transportation of livestock
Barn 1
Stewart Steel Inc. ■ Combine parts
Ag Centre Concourse
Summers Mfg. Co.
■ Chisel plow, vertical tillage, sprayers
Manitoba Room
Sundog Solar
■ Solar pumps, solar aeration, solar thermal heating, water pipe lines, portable pumping
Barn 4
Sunopta Grains & Foods Group
■ Soybean, food grade buyer and organic grains
Ag Centre Concourse
Sunrise Credit Union Ltd.
■ Sunrise Credit Union - Building A Brighter Future Together
Main Street
Superior Agri-Systems Ltd.
■ Bucket elevators, conveyors, scales, blower systems, Sales, service and installation
Ag Centre Concourse
Superior Propane
■ Propane & propane related products
Barn 4
Superior Technologies Weighing & Controls Inc. ■ Industrial, livestock and retail scales & process control
City Square Mini Arena
Syngenta Crop Protection Inc.
■ Broadband, Astound, Pulsar, Axial, Horizon, Touchdown Total, Helix Xtra, Matador, & Quilt, Traxos
UCT Pavilion
Taurus Technology
■ Agronomic support - Tiger-Sol; ESN; UAP; A&L labs; FB Sciences; UltraYield
Barn 1
TD Canada Trust - Agricultural Services
■ Farm financing for land, buildings, equipment, quota, livestock or to improve your cash flow, or to expand your operation
UCT Pavilion
■ Technotill seeding system; Narrow opener, skid plate packer & sideband
Optimist Arena
Terramax ■ Seed
Convention Hall
The Air Seeder Hopper
■ Plastic hopper that mounts on loading augers of air seeder to accommodate semi trailers
Exhibition Hall
The Water Clinic
■ Water purification, water softeners, chlorination
Barn 2
The Western Producer
■ Canada’s largest weekly farm and ranch newspaper
Ag Centre Concourse Tocona Ent.
■ Grain trailer, farm box, gravel box
Barn 2
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Toromont Cat
V-Bins.com (formerly Vidir Morris Inc.)
■ Challenger, Cat, Lexion
■ Premium grain, fertilizer and feed hopper bottom storage bins
Manitoba Room
Canada Room Hallway
Toromont Cat Power Systems
■ Generating sets, automatic transfer switches, controls, engines (diesel & natural gas)
Manitoba Room Barn 2
Manitoba Room
■ Televeyor - grain handling, Cropsavers - spraying equipment and crop production
Barn 1
■ Precision equipment, guidance, mapping and boom shut-off
Ag Centre Concourse
■ Crop inputs, grain marketing, and food processing
■ Auger steering kit
UCT Pavilion
Exhibition Hall
Viterra Oat Processing
Tri-Star Farm Service
■ Purchasing milling quality oats
■ Distributor of Crustbuster grain carts. seed tenders and box drills, supplier for Kinze grain carts and planters
Barn 4
UCT Pavilion
Voth Systems/Axis Farms ■ Grain dryers, storage, and handling
Optimist Arena
Truck Pro
■ Truck & trailer parts
Barn 2
■ Applied ag research for Manitoba farmers
Westman Place Concourse
Walinga Inc.
■ Pneumatic conveyors
Barn 3
Twister Pipe Optimist Arena United Agri Products ■ Crop input products
UCT Pavilion
United Livestock Systems
■ Harvestore feed storage structures. Slurrystore positive containment manure storage
Barn 1
Valley Agro Services
■ Design & build complete grain and feed handling systems. Flat & hopper bins, legs, towers, conveyors, dryers
Hitching Ring
Valmar Airflo Inc.
■ Pneumatic granular applicators for fertilizers, herbicide, seed, inoculants, forage preservatives
Ag Centre Showroom Van L Equipment
■ McCormick, JF, Luck Now
Optimist Arena
Vandaele Seeds
■ Generic ag chemicals, seed, grain buying
Westman Place Concourse
Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd. ■ Licensed & bonded grain buyers
Main Street
■ Full service financial institution - wealth management, insurance, lending and more
Main Street
Vince Heaman Hemisphere GPS Viterra
Triple Star Mfg. Ltd.
Vanguard Credit Union
Ag Centre Concourse
■ Tractors, grain augers,loaders, bale carriers, sprayers, compact implements
■ Truck & trailer parts
■ Cattle handling equipment
■ Equalizer drum for canola swathing. Belly mount for swathing canola
Versatile ( Buhler)
Traction Heavy Duty Parts
Tuff Livestock Equipment
Vern’s Custom Agro Ltd.
Exhibition Hall
Wall Grain Handling Systems Ltd. ■ Grain bins, grain dryers, service, repair
Ag Centre Concourse Washex
■ Pressure wash equipment and accessories
Westman Place Concourse
Waterhouse Seeds
■ Farmer direct grasses, alfalfa
Ag Centre Concourse
Waterous Power Systems
■ MTU, Detroit Diesel, MTU onsite energy, Allison transmission
Canada Room Hallway
Weed Identification ■ Weed identification booth
City Square Mini Arena
Welders Supplies Ltd.
■ Sales and service of welding & cutting equipment & accessories
City Square Mini Arena
Wentworth Ag (2003) Ltd. ■ Grain bins, augers, temperature cables
Barn 2
Wesley Industrial Machine
■ Diesel/gas engine rebuilding, machining, balancing, driveshafts, hydraulic cylinders
Main Street
Westeel Ltd.
■ Grain & petroleum storage, hopper cones unloading equipment and fertilizer storage
Optimist Arena
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 Western Ag Labs
■ Crop nutrition planning using the PRS probe and nutrient forecaster
Ag Centre Concourse
Western Feed Grain Development Co-op Ltd.
■ Developing feed wheat for ethanol production and livestock feed
Ag Centre Concourse
Western Financial Group
Western Grain Dryer Inc.
■ Farm insurance and financial services Westman Place Concourse ■ Manufacture and service grain dryers
Optimist Arena
Wilger Industries Ltd.
■ Field crop sprayer nozzles, attachments, and accessories
Ag Centre Concourse
City Square Mini Arena
Wilke Sales
■ Poly skids for combines & swathers, Auger ware shoes
Western Steel & Tube Ltd. ■ Galvanized steel storage solutions
Ag Centre Concourse
Barn 1
Willwood Industries
Western Turbo & Fuel Injection Ltd.
■ Diesel engine parts, service, performance products and maintenance help
Barn 4
Winkler Canvas Ltd. Canada Room Hallway
■ Grain augers, grain handling equipment
Wizer Buildings
Optimist Arena
■ Pole and stud frame buildings
Canada Room Hallway
Westoba Credit Union
■ Your full-service financial institution with 22 locations to meet your needs
Ag Centre Concourse
Young’s Equipment Inc.
Shown with 500g x 0.1g digital scale and NEW Storage/Transport Case. NEW: Custom case fits any Model 919™...new or old. Install & use tester inside case along with any digital scale. Protects tester when not in use and allows for easy transport. Made of durable ABS plastic with secure places for cell & dump tubs. Show Special!!
New ABS Reg Cox Funnel, 0.5 L measure & strike off stick. Show special.
■ Livestock feeding equipment and grain bagging equipment
City Square Mini Arena
Replacement glass, infra-red, digital. Canola grading equip.
NEW Model 919 Auto.Smart Chart II
Choose commodity, enter sample temp. & dial drum # and % moisture is displayed. Increases measuring range of Model 919...allows users to enter temps. above 30ºC or below 0ºC. Test weight conversion charts also installed.
Plug-in ACCESSORIES Include:
1.) Small hand held temp. probe. 2.) Rigid 10’ WIRELESS bin temp. probe with multiple sensors to monitor temp. of stored 4, 6, 8 & 10 foot lengths. NEW 10’ infra-red bin probe with instant temp. grain (FALL 2010) (See Picture).
■ Temporary grain storage products
Exhibition Hall
■ Fabric structures, hoop buildings, truck tarps, tow ropes, hay tarps
WestField Industries
beam balances, pocket scales, calibration weights and more.
City Square Mini Arena
■ Grain handling and fencing equipment
■ Grains research
SCALES Digital scales, Ohaus
■ Parts & accessories distribution for agricultural & industrial applications, hay, harvest and feed equipment, lawn & garden
Western Grains Research Foundation
Soybeans & Corn sieve sets.
Westward Parts Services Ltd.
Wheat City Seeds Ltd. Main Street
Exhibition Hall
SIEVES Canola, Cereal, Flax,
Westran Company Barn 4
12 Bangor Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3E 3G4 Tel: 204-772-6998 Fax: 204-772-8938 email: halross@halross.com
— Our Service Department provides same day service for recalibrations —
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
2011 New
Ag Leader Technology
Steads Farm Supply
B & A Woods Farms Ltd.
Western Turbo and Fuel Injection Ltd.
■ OptRx Crop Sensor: measures and records data about a crop in real time using the reflectance of light shined on the growing crop. ■ PW 4001 Winch system
Brownlee Trucking Inc.
■ Nature Dry Cow Cream for Blue Merle UK: A carefully chosen blend of essential oils mixed on a base cream
■ Agricultural Diesel Solutions: A programer to increase horse power and fuel economy in your farm equipment.
■ Magnetic camera pdg. ( Refer to web site ) Fullbinsupersensor.com
Capstan Ag Systems Inc.
■ N-Jet: A NH3 system that delivers- True variable rate with 25:1 rate range,sectional control without using expensive pumps, turbine flow meter or complex plumbing. University tested, farmer approved.
Dave Ross Equipment Ltd.
■ Alvan Blanch Grain Drier - New drier concept
Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.
■ Ramrod 930 “variable power” 4 WD Mini Skid Loader: Custom designed for agriculture use especially in barns - totally new design.
Maxim Truck & Trailer
■ 2011 International TerraStar 4x2
Points West Marketing
■ TurboDrop Asymmetric Dual Fan Nozzle
Rem Enterprises Inc.
■ Diesel GrainVac 2700 and Diesel GrainVac 3700 For the people that have to travel from site to site, the trailer mounted diesel powered GrainVac is highly portable.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
The Show
Back to Normal The roof upgrades in the Keystone Centre along the Main Concourse and Convention Hall are completed and these areas returned to their normal use. We moved these exhibitors to other areas of the show for 2010 but you will find most back in their usual locations. Check closely through as some chose to stay in their 2010 spots. Inventor’s Showcase has also been returned to its regular area in the Main Arena. Look for the gold draped booths around the south end of the arena floor. One change we began last year and have continued this year is the movement of the seminar areas to the seating at the south end of the Westman Place Arena. In 2010 one of the seminar areas was moved to this location. For 2011 look for both seminars in the south end seating. More details elsewhere in these pages and you can also check the map in this show guide.
Draw Prize Last year we changed our door prize draw to a free draw for a trip for four to Disney World in Florida. It was quite popular so we’ve decided to keep it for another year. It will include round trip airfare from Winnipeg to Orlando, Florida; seven nights accommodation in a Disney Park Resort; Transfers from Airport to Resort (round trip); five day Disney Park Hopper Passes. Sponsors for this draw are McPhail Travel, Carberry and CKLQ radio. Look for draw drums adjacent to the information booths at the show. Draw coupons are included in this show guide along with more details. 46
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Bull Congress This year’s Bull Congress is the largest we have seen so far since moving into the new facilities a few years ago. The show has reached a point now where not all entries could be accommodated so there are now several on a waiting list. The biggest change has been the addition of several exhibitors from Saskatchewan. There are about 30 exhibitors in this year’s show. Look for the complete list elsewhere in the show guide. The Bull Congress will be back in Barn 3 near the north end of the Keystone Centre.
Kick-Off Breakfast For the past few years we’ve offered a kick-off breakfast on the first day and we are pleased to do that again. The breakfast will be in the Roadhouse Inn in the Canad Inn on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 starting at 7:30 a.m. until 8:45. The cost of the breakfast will be one dollar and the proceeds will go to Ag in the Classroom. Sponsor of the event once again is the Canad Inn. It’s open to show visitors and exhibitors alike.
More Upgrades for the Website The Ag Days website continues to undergo improvements. One of the major changes taking place is the move to be able to provide more services to exhibitors on-line. When completed exhibitors will be able to receive most of the information about the show including floor plans, move-in details, registration forms, etc. by going to www.agdays.com and following the exhibitor log-in. For those planning on visiting the show most of the information you need should be available whether it is the exhibitor list, seminar schedule, information about Brandon or other details - just go to www.agdays.com. 47
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1 AMPITHEATRE
Brandon Keystone Centre January 18 - 20, 2011 9:00 to 5:00 daily Parking Lot Shuttle Hop on the FREE shuttle to get you from the far ends of the parking lot to the Keystone Centre - and back again. Courtesy of Murray Cadillac - watch for the signs. Hours of Operation are 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM daily
Accommodation Information in Brandon
Viewing Lounge
Theatre #2 Theatre #1 (PROGRAM)
Board Room
Assembly Hall
For information on accommodation in Brandon, contact Brandon Tourism at 204.729.2141 or 1.888.799.1111
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
(Bull Congress)
Barn 4 Barn 3
Barn 2
Barn 1
BRANDON CURLING Waiting Area & Lounge
13th Street
Roadhouse Inn
Richmond Avenue
United Tavern
18th Street
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Manitoba Ag Days awards annually three scholarships to students studying agriculture. One award is made to a second year degree agriculture student at the University of Manitoba. A second award goes to a second year Diploma Agriculture student also at the University of Manitoba. The third scholarship is awarded at Assiniboine Community College to a first year student in GIS Environmental Technologies.
The Diploma Award was presented to Jonah Genik by Tom Tolton from Manitoba Ag Days. The Degree award was presented to Lindsay Boyd, Sanford. Lindsay is a student in Food Sciences in the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Manitoba. No picture is available. The scholarship in GIS studies at Assiniboine Community College had not been awarded at the time this show guide was printed.
“ Service is our #1 product “
Tested and certified ULC certified to burn various grains. to burn wheat, rye, Heat range of 10,000 to 200,000 btu’s that will heat up to 8,000 st ft. Heat corn and wood pellets one or multiple buildings, domestic 60,000 but will heat in hot water, pools and hot tubs. Full excess of 2,000 square line of installation accessories and feet. Safe and easy to underground insulated line. operate - certified for use in mobile homes. Enjoy the beauty and comfort of a PRAIRIE FIRE stove in your OUTDOOR WOOD BURNING home, cottage, workshop. Selkirk Direct Temp venting FURNACES IN STOCK system allows exhaust and fresh air intake with one double walled pipe. Minimal clearances provide more installation options.
710 Richmond Ave. E, Brandon, MB Phone: 204.728.3370 Fax: 204.728.3371
E: Robert_Thornborough@praxair.com W: www.praxair.com
Industrial gases - mig - tig - stick - robotics - dry ice SHOW SPECIALS - NEW PRODUCTS - DEMOS ENTER OUR DRAW FOR A FREE TORCH OUTFIT
Booth #s 1436,1437,1438,1439 on the Ag Centre concourse
Box 250, Bruno, SK S0K 0S0 • Phone:(306) 369-2825 • Fax: (306) 369-2351 Email: prairiefire@sasktel.net • www.grainburningstoves.ca
ROSETOWN FLIGHTING SUPPLY Super Edge™ flighting for Our Rosetown, SK Booth # is grain augers, combines, & 1452 Phone 1-866-882-2243 seed cleaning plants. Ag Centre Concourse
Fax 1-306-882-2217 www.flightingsupply.com rfsdealerinfo@sasktel.net
Excellent Prepaid Freight Rates BC $25 AB/MB $19 SK $18 (PER ORDER) NO FREIGHT CHARGES:
Left and right hand available in all sizes. Helicoid & Sectional
Complete Auger Repairs
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Agri Marketing
The Agri Marketing Centre will be back at Ag Days this year but in its more traditional location in Salon A on Main Street. This is a semi private venue funded by private industry and government sponsors. It provides a venue for exhibitors and visiting industry professionals to meet to learn about export planning, market profiles, international buyers/visitors and government supported programs. It also serves as an internet cafÊ for exhibitors as well as a message centre. The operation of the Agri Marketing Centre is handled by Bill Teerhuis from Manitoba Trade and Investment. Bill has been doing this since the Centre’s inception in 1991 and has worked to develop the Agri Marketing Centre and expand the services it provides to exhibitors at the show. In his role with Manitoba Trade and Investment Bill travels to trade shows in other countries and has promoted Ag Days at these events. Ag Days attracts delegations and other visitors from outside Canada every year and the Agri Marketing Centre plays an important role hosting these visitors and serving as a point of contact while they are at the show. In the past few years we’ve had delegations from countries such as the USA, Russia, Ukraine and others. Bill and his team make sure these visitors get to meet with the exhibitors, etc. that are most pertinent to their visit. Among the services to exhibitors at the show provided by the Agri Marketing Centre are early morning seminars related to developing their business and marketing.
The Key to Direct Cut Harvesting AWS (Advanced Wind-reel Systems) * The AWS System applies a continuous flow of high velocity air to the crop. * Provides an even feed into the combine * Captures shatter loss * Increasing ground speed * Increase Yield Potential All AWS Systems feature the reliable belt drive fan and the highest capacity fan on the market. * Your choice of fan drives mounted on the head or combine on most models SYSTEMS AVAILABLE FOR
(519) 348-0066 Toll Free: 1-877-348-0066 See us at Barn 4
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Westman Place Arena Floor The Farm Safety Display is a joint effort of Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, Manitoba Labour and Immigration and Manitoba Hydro.
“Planning for Safety on Your Farm” Manitoba Hydro Manitoba Farmers with Disabilities Manitoba Lung Association Assiniboine Regional Health Authority Manitoba Farm & Rural Stressline Manitoba Agriculture Food and Rural Initiatives & Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Martin-Liberty Realty Ltd
Nature Conservancy of Canada Ph: (866) 683-6934 www.natureconservancy.ca
633 18th Street Brandon, MB R7A 5B3 www.SandyDonald.ca Email: amd@mts.net
Independently Owned and Operated
Are you interested in selling or purchasing farmland, a commercial property or a home? Come and see us in the Convention Hall to satisfy all your real estate needs... ...or call (204) 725-8800 to speak to an agent. FARM
Be a Force for Nature
Help us protect ecologically significant landscapes for future generations
“Stop in for a visit at our booth during AgDays, bring along your samples” 250 Caron Street (Box 40) St. Jean, MB R0G 2B0 Phone Toll Free 800-785-7857 www.legumex.com
Since 1948
CGC Bonded CGC Bonded • Yellow and Green&Peas • Lentils (all types) • Sunflowers • Dry Edible Beans • Green Yellow Peas • Sunflowers • Lentils • Flax • Canaryseed • (all types) • Canaryseed • Flax • Chickpeas (all types) • Beans • Other Special Crops •
Call Toll Free 1-800-785-7857
Peas • Lentils Fababeans • Chickpeas Clear Hilum Soybeans
St. Jean, MB 758-3595
Sunflowers • Flax Canola • Millets
All Edible Beans
All Edible Beans
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Remember the
Outside Displays
Ag Days has limited outside display space available for sale (it is January and it is Manitoba) but we do have a few spots in some highly visible locations ie/ mostly along the roadways coming into the grounds or walkways on the way to the entrance doors. These displays are either associated with an Ag Days sponsor or an exhibitor in the show who needed to find room for some additional equipment. Make sure you check these out on your way into or out of the parking lot.
SeedMaster air drills help drive yields & profitability higher than ever
Electric Combine Hopper Cover John Deere
Case IH
Visit us at Booth 304 in the Manitoba Room Featuring the
UltraPro Canola Seed Metering System » SafeSeed technology » Seed canola at 3 lbs/acre » Uniform seed spacing in each row
New Holland
■ All components are easily removed in minutes. ■ Breakdown of tarp components fit inside of grain tank.
■ A 12DC motor is a standard feature on all tarpaulins. ■ Lightweight.
HOPPER AUGERS One Man, One Stop, No Moving!!! ■ Ideal for filling Airseeders in spring and bins in fall ■ 5.9 cu. in. hydraulic motor with flow control valve ■ Attaches directly to chutes on trailer Options: Painted Steel or Aluminum ■ Manual Control or Wireless Remote ■ 8” diameter or 10” diameter ■ Available for 1, 2, or 3 Hopper Systems
The Leader. By Design.
www.michels.ca 1.888.721.3001 www.seedmaster.ca
Industries, Ltd.
Phone: (306) 366-2184 Email: sales@michels.ca P.O. Box 119 St. Gregor, SK., S0K 3X0
Manitoba Ag Days
ABOVE: the Ag Days Board at the 2010 show.
The 2011 show will be the 34th for Manitoba Ag Days. The first show in 1978 was the Weed Fair – one day in Brandon and one day in Winnipeg with a total of 60 exhibitors, a few speakers and 3000 visitors. Since 1993 it has been a three day event in Brandon. Attendance last year was over 36,000. For 2011 there will be about 520 exhibitors. Ag Days is a non-profit corporation comprised of representatives from various parts of the Ag industry including farmers, agri-business and government. The show is completely self supporting and
financed by exhibitor fees and the sponsors you see listed near the beginning of this publication. There are presently two Co-chairmen – Scott Perkin, a producer from Elgin, MB and representative with Arysta Lifescience and Jonothon Roskos, a grain producer from Dufresne, MB. Day to day management of the show is handled through the Ag Days office in Brandon. If you would like more details about the organization visit the website at www.agdays.com.
Brandon, MB agromec@prairie.ca www.agromecindustries.com
ACC is your college for
Ag training.
Take advantage of our dedicated faculty, leading-edge technology, hands-on training and variety of delivery options in the agriculture and environment field. We offer the skills and knowledge you need to better your business.
Apply Now! Class 1 & Air Brake Licence in 1 Week 54
Corey Bergen Instructor
Cell: 204-362-2041
Box 93, Winkler, MB R6W 4A4
Visit us at www.assiniboine.net/ag&enviro or call 204.725.8712 for more information.
All the details, all the time.
When you need agricultural information, we’re there.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Did You Know?
Facts About Ag Days ■ The 2011 show is the 34th since the show began in 1978 ■ There are exhibitors in the show from BC, Alberta, Saskat-
■ The name Manitoba Ag Days was adopted in 1989 to reflect the general nature of the show.
chewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, North Dakota, Minne-
■ Exhibit numbers have nearly doubled over the past 10 years.
sota and Iowa.
■ There is a significant waiting list for exhibit space at Ag Days
■ There are over 50 speakers involved in this year’s seminars.
and contrary to popular opinion the waiting list grows longer
■ The Keystone Centre comprises over 500,000 square feet of
in years when the economy is less buoyant. ■ Exhibitor packages are available in late August – watch the
space – about 12 acres. ■ There are about 60 animals in the Bull Congress. ■ Attendance at last year’s show was over 36,000. ■ The Grain Days show that was held in Portage in the 1980s was combined with Manitoba Ag Days in 1989. ■ There are over 500 exhibitors in Ag Days 2011.
website at www.agdays.com. ■ We have farmers visit the show from BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and of course all parts of Manitoba. ■ The show guide is distributed across Western Canada by the Western Producer.
Time for a new trailer? Norbert’s Mfg. builds a full line of Stock, Flatdeck, Horse, Enclosed, Utility, Oilfield Doghouse and Boiler Trailers.
See Us In The Hitching Ring
We also carry a full line of parts, service all makes of trailers, hitch & brake control installations, repaints, trailer rentals and safeties.
101 YEARS IN THE GRAIN INDUSTRY with a reputation for doing business right
Norbert’s Mfg. Ltd. Box 280, Glenboro, MB R0K 0X0
Phone: 204-827-2015 Fax: 204-827-2495 www.norberts.com
Dutton Glossup 204-548-2160 204-365-5282 Transcona 204-222-7171
Langbank 306-538-2079
Moosomin 306-435-4905 Yorkton 306-782-2814
Stop in and see your local rep
LAne ReALty CoRP. Visit our booth at Manitoba Ag Days, January 18-20, 2011, located in the Westman Place Concourse. Meet our sales team and view all of our Current Listings!
LAne ReALty CoRP. Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™ Jason Beutler MB (204) 721-0010 SK (306) 735-7811 For all of your buying or selling needs, Contact Us today! “Now representing purchasers from across Canada, the United Kingdom and Mainland Europe!”
Manitoba Canola Growers Association 41st Annual General Meeting & Combine Clinic March 1, 2011 - 9:00 AM Keystore Centre, UTC Room, Brandon, Manitoba Combine Clinic starts at 9:00 AM AGM starts at 10:30 AM Visit www.megacanola.org for more information or visit MCGA’s booth at Ag Days
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Our information staff meeting just prior to starting the day.
If you are having trouble finding a particular exhibitor or a seminar or even a place to eat stop by one of our information booths. You’ll find them in several locations around the show, strategically placed to serve visitors. Many of the people working these booths have been doing the job for several years.
Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program Request for Proposals
They’re friendly and enthusiastic and if they don’t know the answer to your question they are connected by radio to the show office. Norm Brown has been working at Ag Days for many years and has organized the crew very capably for the past two years.
Proposals are now being accepted for projects to be funded under the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program. Funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) is a five-year (2009-2014), $163 million program aimed at helping the sector adapt and remain competitive. CAAP provides an industry-led innovative and cooperative approach to funding projects at the national, multi-regional and regional levels. In Manitoba this program is delivered by the Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council (MRAC). We encourage project proposals that explore alternative energy, climate change, environmental, traceability or value chain solutions, which support MRAC’s Priority Plan. Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council Inc. 1.800.216.9767 or mracinfo@mrac.ca For more information visit www.mrac.ca Next Application Deadlines: Feb. 28 and May 31
• Sideband fertilizer • Reduce maintenance • Reduce costs MB Ag Days In the Optimist Arena
780-352-9890, Wetaskiwin, AB
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
The Ag Days
The Ag Days tradeshow is strictly an agricultural event. While many agricultural trade shows do make some allowance for other products such as household wares, clothing or cars Ag Days has chosen not to go this route. Ag Days policy requires all displays to be of an agricultural nature. This suits farm visitors as they know the displays they are going to see are pertinent to their farm business. It also appeals to exhibitors as they know the crowd visiting the show are potential customers.
This year’s trade show is again over 500 exhibits strong. It is not always easy to get a completely accurate number since sometimes an exhibitor will share their booth. If you are looking for an exhibitor that is not listed in the show guide check with our information people. They often have a list of exhibitors who may be in the show with someone else.
There’s no business like your
We have the knowledge and understanding you are looking for.
• Expansion loans • Equipment loans • Lines of credit • Investment planning • Exit and estate planning
Remote Boom Control
Check and service your nozzles easily. No more running in and out of the cab. A handheld remote turns on individual booms one at a time from behind the sprayer. Available to fit Visit our any sprayer. booths 1422 & 1423 at Ag Centre Concourse
Remote Start & Auger Swing Increase the efficiency of unloading a semi with a remote start for your tractor. Use the same remote to move your existing hydraulic-driven swing auger under the trailer to eliminate getting in and out of the truck multiple times.
411 Railway Ave. Ph: P.O. Box 269 Beechy, SK email: S0L 0C0 website:
306-859-1200 306-859-4612 spraytest@sasktel.net www.spraytest.com
Visit us at our booth at Ag Days. sunrisecu.mb.ca
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Inventions Products
New and new
Ag Days has always prided itself on being a showcase for new ideas and a place where the latest technology is on display. Inventors’ Showcase has been a part of Ag Days for more than 20 years. It’s not a large area - usually in the range of 10 to 20 exhibitors – but it has always been a major attraction at the show. Sometimes the exhibitors are large companies but more often it is an individual or a small company with a new idea. To qualify for Inventors’ Showcase the product can’t have been sold in Manitoba for more than two years. You can find Inventors’ Showcase in the Westman Place Arena. Look for the gold draped booths around the
RENN Mill Center Inc. RR#4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Phone: (403) 784-3518 www.rennmill.com
Visit us at Barn 1
• 10’ & 12’ Grain Baggers • Simultaneous unloading of Trucks or Grain Carts. • Two models Grain Unloader available able to unload 9’, 10’ & 12’ Grain Bags. • Hydraulic Plastic Collection Spools for ease of bag disposal.
south end of the arena floor. The inventions are judged on opening day and the winners recognized with a plaque and prizes. The New Products Feature was an idea we started three years ago. Exhibitors who enter their new product into this feature are identified in a special listing in this guide. You will also see a “New Products” sign placed on their display. These products are also judged and there is a plaque awarded to the best new product. They are not all in one location as the new inventions so you need to look at the list and look for the signage.
easy unloading for trailers and super-B’s Preview video on our website.
See Rodono Xtend Swing Auger demo’d in new Inventions
Rodono Industries Ltd.
See us on Westman Place Concourse Proven for 16 years - the RODONO ChOPPeR ROTOR - FiNe CuT, WiDeR SPReAD WiTh LeSS FueL CONSumPTiON. Also PTO speed reducer gearbox for large auger operation.
Rodono Industries
Clive, AB T0C 0Y0 Phone: 403-784-3864 sales@rodono.ca www.rodono.ca
Assembly Hall
not move the second theatre there as well? That’s the plan for Ag Days 2011. The theatres will be side by side, each comprising of two sections of arena seating. This will provide about the same amount of seating as last year for the main seminar room and about twice as much for the second. Overcrowding has often been a complaint for our second seminar room as we haven’t been able to use a room large enough to house the crowds for the more popular speakers. If you are looking for the seminar rooms go to the upper level of the Keystone Centre (top of the ramp) and take one of the doors into the Westman Place Arena. Follow the concourse past the displays to the south end. Look for the signage designating Theatres 1 & 2.
Board Room
MAIN CONCOURSE (BOOTH DISPLAYS) So if one theatre works ok in the south end seating then why
The amphitheatre in the Keystone Centre housed the main seminar room for many years at Ag Days. For the 2010 show we were advised it would no longer be available making it necessary to consider other options. We moved the main seminar last year to the seating at the south end of the Westman Place Arena. It seemed risky at the time not knowing in particular how the sound would behave. In the end the change worked quite well. A production company was hired to install heavy duty, sound proof draping to surround the area, a stage was built and a local audio/visual company managed the sound. Sound and lighting inside the seminar theatre were good and we didn’t need to worry about sound escaping to disturb nearby exhibitors.
Both Seminars Now in Westman Communications Place Location
Theatre #2 Theatre #1 (PROGRAM) 60
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Point your mobile device to >> producerfarmshow.com/manitobaagdays
Manitoba Ag Days goes mobile.
M a nit o b a Ag D a ys S h o w G u ide 2 0 1 1
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________________________________ Prov.:________ Postal Code:___________________________________________________________Phone:____________________
Those entering can deposit draw tickets at the information booths at the show.
See full contest rules at
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12/06/10 3:56:18 PM
Bad fit. Good fit.
Canola tailored to you. Extensive investment and innovation has yielded three exciting Viterra bred canola choices for 2011 – VT 500, VT Remarkable, and VT Barrier. We also have a wide selection of exclusive canola, like Proven® 9553. These varieties offer excellent yield potential, great standability, and outstanding value. With so many options – we’ll help you find the one that fits your farm. For more information on these outstanding varieties and our 2011 canola programming offers, see your Viterra retail or visit seed.viterra.ca. ADVICE
VT 500
VT Remarkable
VT Barrier
Proven® 9553
2010 Viterra Canola Yield Data now available at seed.viterra.ca.