Campus Protocols & Expectations For Students

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Campus Protocols & Expectations

For Students


Applicable Policies ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Emergency Response Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Failure to Comply with a Reasonable Request of a University Official .................................................................................. 2 Accommodations ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Prior to Returning to Campus .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Symptom Monitoring Requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Statement of Personal Responsibility ..................................................................................................................................... 4 On-Campus Protocols ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Self-Isolation Guidance: ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Protocols for Accessing Campus: ............................................................................................................................................ 6 On-Campus Housing Protocols: ............................................................................................................................................... 7 On-Campus Dining Protocols: .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Classroom Protocols: ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Outdoor Protocols: .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Athletics/Campus Recreation Protocols: ................................................................................................................................ 8 Student Meeting Protocols....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Off-Campus Expectations ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Conduct Interventions............................................................................................................................................................. 101 Addendums……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12

*Pages 5, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Updated 1/11/2021


Applicable Policies

Per Section 2: Policies, Emergency Response Policy of the Western Student Handbook, the University reserves the right to develop directives and/or protocols to maintain the health and safety of the Western community. The following protocols have been developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in an effort to keep campus open and safe for all students, faculty and staff. Any student accessing campus for any reason is expected to follow these protocols or be subjected to the Western Student Conduct Process detailed below. In addition to the Emergency Response Policy, Section 2: Policies, Failure to Comply with a Reasonable Request of a Western Official sets expectations for students to comply with reasonable requests from faculty, staff, and student employees. Failure to comply with a request to wear a mask, physically distance, or abide by the following protocols could subject a student to the Western Student Conduct Process. Accommodations for the protocols listed below should be requested of Cheyenne Terry with Disability Services with proper documentation. Cheyenne Terry | Disability Services 970.943.2113 | Students found in violation of the above policies and subsequent protocols will be subject to the Conduct Process found in the Student Handbook. Students could face sanctions from community service up to suspension and expulsion depending on the severity and risk of the violation.


Prior to Returning to Campus

All students who wish to access campus for any reason shall sign the Statement of Personal Responsibility prior to coming to campus agreeing to comply with the COVID-19 Protocols and taking personal responsibility for their actions in keeping campus and the community safe.

Symptom Monitoring Requirement Students are expected to do the following prior to traveling to campus: Quarantine for fourteen (14) days to ensure they are not displaying symptoms of COVID-19  Watch for the following symptoms: • Body aches • Fatigue • Tightness in chest • Fever • Chills • Shortness of breath • Muscle pain • Sore throat • New loss of taste or smell • New GI symptoms  If possible, stay away from others, especially those at higher risk for contracting or transmitting COVID-19  Minimize travel outside your household to avoid contracting COVID-19 prior to traveling to campus 

If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, you are required to remain at home in quarantine. Students who are required to remain at home will receive accommodations to participate in classes online until they are able to access campus.


Statement of Personal Responsibility To remain Western Strong, we must rise together to overcome new challenges. As we reopen campus for Fall, we all have critical responsibilities to ensure the health and welfare of our friends and neighbors. Please help us do so by:  Being personally accountable for your own health: Maintain proper hygiene and social

distancing, limit group sizes, and self-isolate if you have flu-like symptoms  Taking actions to safeguard the health of Western community members: Wear face coverings in public, and take extra care around vulnerable (immunodeficient, age 65+) individuals  Being alert to situations that threaten campus health: Make staff aware of clearly symptomatic individuals, stay abreast of evolving Gunnison County health conditions, and take special care as flu season arrives We will have an outstanding semester together if You, Me, and We do what is needed of us. Thank you for keeping Western Strong.

On-Campus Protocols

After arriving to campus, Western Colorado University maintains the authority to require the quarantine/isolation of a student seeking to access campus. The following conditions represent reasons a person may be required to quarantine or isolate:  If you have been in close contact with someone under care for suspected exposure

to COVID-19  If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID19  If you are displaying symptoms associated with COVID-19 Students displaying symptoms associated with COVID-19 must report at After submitting a response with symptoms associated with COVID-19, a member of Gunnison County Public Health will follow-up to discuss options for quarantining, tests and resources available to students.


Quarantine Guidance In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected, students are expected to quarantine if they have been in close contact with someone who recently tested positive for COVID-19. Close contact includes:  Within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more    

within a 24-hour period Provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19 Had direct physical contact with the person (e.g. hugged or kissed them) Shared eating or drinking utensils They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you.

The following steps should be taken based on whether you have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. HOW LONG DO I QUARANTINE FOR? Were you in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19? YES Contact the Gunnison County COVID-19 Hotline at 970-641-7660 NO Monitor for symptoms. Immediately isolate if symptoms develop and call the COVID-19 Hotline. If you said yes to being in close contact, do you have symptoms? YES

Quarantine for 14 days and complete the WesternSafe questionnaire at Contact Gary Pierson at 970-596-0533 to organize quarantine and ensure you have the support needed. If you do not have symptoms and have not received a test, then you may end your quarantine after 10 days. Contact Gary Pierson at 970-596-0533 to coordinate check-in and –out of quarantine. NO If you do not have symptoms and received a negative test result between 5 and 7 days of your quarantine, then you may end your quarantine after 7 days. Contact Gary Pierson at 970-596-0533 to coordinate check-in and –out of quarantine. Regardless of whether you are released from quarantine early, if you develop any symptoms of COVID-19 in the 14 days after exposure, you must isolate immediately and notify public health at 970-641-7660. The only exception to this guidance is if a student has received additional and/or different documented guidance from Gunnison County Public Health.


After stopping quarantine, you should continue to:  Watch for symptoms for 14 days after exposure  If you have symptoms, immediately self-isolate and contact public health at 970-

641-7660  Wear a mask, stay 6 feet from others, wash your hands, avoid crowds, stay at home as much as possible, and take other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If required to quarantine, see page 12 for Requirements and Expectations for Moffat Hall Quarantine. Students who are required to quarantine will receive accommodations to participate in classes until they are able to return to the classroom. Students who do not comply with Western’s Quarantine Guidance will be subject to the Student Conduct Process for intentionally putting others at risk for contracting COVID-19.

Protocols for Accessing Campus Students are expected to comply with the following protocols when accessing any part of campus for any reason:  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers

    

your nose and mouth when entering buildings, through public hallways or gathering places, or when 6-feet physical distancing cannot be maintained Practice frequent handwashing and hand sanitizer (alcohol content greater than 60%) use Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands Maintain 6-feet physical distance from others Adhere to group size limits depending on space and ability to maintain distancing requirements Be prompt in public areas to ensure proper compliance with distancing requirements in compact areas

If you begin experiencing symptoms after returning to campus, follow the Quarantine Guidance detailed above and complete the WesternSafe questionnaire at


On-Campus Housing Protocols Students living on-campus in a residence hall or apartment are expected to comply with the following protocols when accessing on-campus housing.  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose and mouth when navigating the

  

  

following areas: • Public hallways • Lounges • Restrooms • Kitchens • Laundry rooms • Any public areas outside your individual room, including other resident’s rooms/apartments Practice frequent handwashing and hand sanitizer (alcohol content greater than 60%) use Maintain 6-feet physical distance from others whenever accessing public areas or when accessing other resident’s rooms/apartments Be prompt in public areas to ensure proper compliance with distancing requirements in compact areas and to ensure fellow students can access areas such as kitchens, restrooms, and laundry rooms Utilize lounge-space and/or outdoor areas for gatherings with people outside your room or apartment while maintaining mask-wearing and physical distancing requirements Adhere to posted guidelines for capacity in residence hall lounges and public areas Adhere to directional guidance when navigating the halls and public areas No more than one (1) additional person per resident in a residence hall room/apartment – example: An apartment with four (4) residents living in it may only have up to four (4) additional guests in the apartment

Updated Visitor Protocols Visitors and guests are prohibited in University managed residence halls at all times. This includes non-affiliate visitors/guests, other Western students who live off-campus, as well as visitors/guests from other residence halls. The prohibition on all visitors/guests applies to all resident rooms/apartments, lobbies, lounges, and other common areas of the residence halls.

On-Campus Dining Protocols Students accessing campus for dining are expected to comply with the following protocols when retrieving meals.  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose and mouth when entering buildings  Maintain 6-feet physical distance from others  Be prompt in retrieving meals and/or sitting down to eat to ensure physical distancing can be

maintained and fellow students can access meal areas

8  Adhere to directional guidance when accessing lines and meal areas  Adhere to posted guidance for picking up meals and accessing food services such as soda

machines, ice cream dispensers, and other traditionally communal services While a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose and mouth is required when entering buildings, students are allowed to remove the fabric face covering or mask after sitting down at their table and for eating.

Classroom Protocols Students accessing campus for classrooms, labs, or coursework within an assigned room are expected to comply with the following protocols when going to and from class and while in the classroom.  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose and

  

mouth when entering buildings and for the duration of your time in the classroom Maintain 6-feet physical distance from others Adhere to directional guidance in buildings when navigating the halls and going to and from class Food is prohibited from the classrooms but acceptable drinks will be allowed to maintain fabric face covering or mask wearing while in the classroom Only remove fabric face covering or mask to speak in class and promptly replace fabric face covering or mask after speaking engagement is done

*Classes hosted outside are expected to comply with the Outdoor Protocols listed below.*

Outdoor Protocols Students utilizing outdoor spaces on campus are expected to comply with the following protocols.  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose and mouth when 6-feet physical

distancing cannot be maintained  Maintain 6-feet physical distance from those outside your immediate household or room  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose and mouth when within 15-feet of any high-trafficked area, e.g. University Center Patio, Field House Entrance, etc.  Adhere to group size limitations set by Gunnison County Public Health *Even when 6-feet physical distancing can be maintained, it is still encouraged to utilize a fabric face covering or mask. Instructors and students are expected to replace their fabric face covering or mask any time they come within 6-feet of each other.

Athletics/Campus Recreation Protocols Students utilizing athletic facilities spaces on campus are expected to comply with the following protocols.

9  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose or maintain 6- feet physical     

distancing Practice frequent handwashing and hand sanitizer (alcohol content greater than 60%) use Participate in ongoing education about best practices for preventing the spread of COVID-19 Track attendance in facilities by reporting to staff, swiping cards, or signing in to help with contact tracing if a positive case should be confirmed Adjust to limitations of group size based on county guidelines and specific facility maximums NCAA athletes are expected to track daily symptoms using TeamBuildr software and have temperatures taken by staff prior to participating in any activity and follow guidelines outlined in their student-athlete handbook.

Student Meeting Protocols Students gathering for organization or group meetings are expected to comply with the following protocols.  Utilize Zoom/online platforms or outdoor spaces where following COVID-19 Protocols can be

maintained  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose and mouth when 6-feet physical distancing cannot be maintained outdoors  Maintain 6-feet physical distance from others While we recognize the benefits of gathering in-person to conduct meetings and large events, large groups increase the potential spread of COVID-19 and risk the health and safety of all of campus and the community. If you are looking to host an event/gathering that may go against these protocols, please contact a Western Student Affairs professional to determine whether any exceptions can be made under current Gunnison County Public Health Orders.


Off-Campus Expectations

Student residing off-campus or otherwise accessing services not connected to Western are expected to adhere to Gunnison County and Colorado State Public Health Orders. Failure to comply with public health orders could result in adjudication through the court system and the University Conduct Process. The following protocols are expectations of students accessing off-campus areas:  Wear a fabric face covering or mask that covers your nose and mouth when 6-feet physical

distancing cannot be maintained  Maintain 6-feet physical distance from others who reside outside your household  Limit gatherings to 10 people from no more than 2 households  Follow quarantine guidance detailed above  Remain at home as much as possible  Complete the WesternSafe questionnaire every day prior to coming to campus at


Conduct Interventions

Students found to be in violation of the protocols listed above will be subjected to the following sanctions based on the level and type of violation. Procedures for addressing COVID-19 related violations resemble the Western Student Conduct Process found in the Student Handbook with minor adjustments to reflect the seriousness of COVID-19. Violation Level



First violation of not wearing a mask and/or physical distancing when navigating campus buildings and public areas


Second/Third violation of not wearing a mask and/or physical distancing when navigating campus buildings and public areas First violation of intentionally disregarding campus protocols and guidance

Adjudication Options Written warning Conduct meeting Community Service Administrative Process - All sanctions except suspension, expulsion

First violation of intentionally disregarding requests from University officials to follow proper campus protocols and guidance Three

Fourth time violating the mask-wearing, physical distancing requirements when navigating campus buildings and public areas Second violation of intentionally disregarding requests from University officials to follow proper campus protocols and guidance

Administrative Process - All sanctions including suspension and expulsion

First violation of not wearing a mask and/or physical distancing after having tested positive and/or displaying symptoms of COVID-19 and/or being required to quarantine First violation of hosting or participating in large gatherings where mask-wearing and physical distancing is not maintained First violation of intentionally putting vulnerable students, faculty and staff at a greater risk by disregarding proper campus protocols and guidance The scenarios listed above are examples and are not all-encompassing of the possible situations that may lead to conduct action.



Requirements and Expectations for Moffat Hall Quarantine • You are a guest in this community. Please be respectful of others. • You are required to remain in your quarantine room for the duration of your quarantine as designated by Gunnison County Public Health and/or Western’s Office of Student Affairs. If you need to leave your quarantine room for medical or mental health reasons, please text 970.901.0235 to notify Student Affairs. If you need to leave your quarantine room for medical or mental health reasons, you are required to follow these guidelines: o Do so by yourself o Wear a face mask at all times o Avoid contact with anyone o Avoid public areas such as, restaurants, grocery stores, populated parks, etc. o Practice good hygiene. • Ways to take care of your mental health could include going for a walk, hiking, bike ride, driving, etc. Physical distancing and mask wearing must be achievable to leave for mental health reasons. • You are not to attend any in-person classes. The Office of Student Affairs will contact your faculty to help coordinate online learning while you are under quarantine. If you have any issues with your faculty accommodating your quarantine, please contact the Office of Student Affairs ASAP to resolve the issue. • You are not permitted in other buildings on-campus or other rooms in the Mears Complex. Including, but not limited to, the UC for food, mail station, and your residence hall room. • You are not permitted in other buildings on-campus. This includes the UC for food purposes or getting mail. • To order food, log into and select Isolation/Quarantine Food Box Order. You must do so before 2pm of each day and can order food for multiple days. The Residence Life staff will provide food delivery to your door. • Visitors are not permitted on the quarantine floor. If you are on the first floor, you are permitted to talk with visitors through your window as long as everyone is wearing a mask and distancing protocol is followed. PLEASE LEAVE ALL SCREENS ON THE WINDOWS. • All Student Handbook and COVID Handbook policies apply while in quarantine. • This is a temporary accommodation and the suite/room should be left in good condition. Please remove all trash and recycling and shut all windows when you finish quarantine. You may be charged for excessive cleaning if the room is not left in good condition. • Upon check-out, please leave the room key in your assigned room. • Please report any maintenance issues using the work order system: • If you have issues or questions, contact Gary Pierson, Dean of Students, 970.596.0533, For afterhours or weekend support, contact the RA Duty phone at 970.209.1029.

*Please note, Requirements and Expectations for Moffat Hall Quarantine are subject to change based on the needs of the community and capacity of Western / Gunnison County to support quarantined students.

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