Monthly Newsletter for Employees & Families of the Western Virginia Water Authority
OnMay25,theWaterAuthorityandRoanokeGasgatheredtocelebrateauniquepartnershipwitharibbon cuttingevent.ThisfirstofitskindprojectintheCommonwealthofVirginia,willproducecommercialquality renewablenaturalgas(RNG)frombiogasproducedattheRoanokeRegionalWaterPollutionControlPlant.
ThebiogasconditioningsystemwillhavetheabilitytocreatepipelinequalityRNGatadesignflowof 550,000 cubic feet per day. The pipeline quality RNG will be eligible for renewable credits under the EnvironmentalProtectionAgency’sRenewableFuelStandardprogram.Thisnewsupplysourcewillprovide enoughnaturalgastoheatover500homesonacold,winterday.Thankyoutoallemployeesinvolvedin bringingthisuniqueprojecttolife!
Upcoming Dates
JUNE 2023
June: Pride Month June: National
Month June 19: Juneteenth Holiday June 23: National
Appreciation Day
4: Independence
June 30: Water and
Gas Biogas, a mixture of 63% methane and 37% carbon dioxide is produced as a by-product of the anaerobic digestion process in the solids treatment process. Scrubbers The raw or brown gas is processed through scrubbers where hydrogen sulfide, moisture, siloxanes and VOCs are removed. Membrane Filtration The biogas is filtered through a three phased Unison membrane system. Temperature Adjustment Pipeline Injection Once all standards are met, nitrogen is used to boost the pressure to 175 psi, and an odorant is added as a safety precaution so leaks can be easily detected by consumers.
Biogasflowsthroughaheatexchangerat190 F toremove oilandimpurities. Thegasthengoesthroughachillerto reducethetemperatureto50 F-60 F. o o o
Meet Mackenzie Recruitment, Retention & DEI Coordinator
Q: What are you most excited for in this role?
A: I am most excited to bring fresh ideas to the Water Authority with a very energetic personality! I hope to make everyone I work with feel heard and valued.
Q: Why did you want to come work for the Water Authority?
A: I wanted to work at a place where I knew I could still be involved in my community whether that is behind the scenes providing safe water or being a face at community events.
Q: Why do you feel DEI is important in the work force?
A: DEI is very important in the workplace because we are all contributing to the greater outcome, not one position is valued more than the other. It is very important to me to build relationships from trust. I want people to feel good when they work, so I will do my best to make sure that happens!
Q: Can you share a fun fact?
A: I have a 2 year old Yorkie pup named Remi!
JUNE 2023 HR CORNER New Website Redesign! URLs may change and you may lose some of your bookmarks External links such as ESS, Munis, Laserfiche, Invoice Cloud, and Open Data GIS
Departments may
to update website directions in documents that
to vendors/customers On June 1, we launched our newly designed Water Authority website! Contact your PR team for questions regarding the new website design
Emergency Preparedness WEEK 1: JUNE 1-10 Slips, Trips and Falls WEEK 2: JUNE 11-17 Heat-Related Illness WEEK 3: JUNE 18-24 Hazard Recognition WEEK 4: JUNE 25-30 Tier 1: Five $20 gift certificates (employee logs into EMEX and complete two Safety Observations following provided instructions (one Job Well Done and, one Opportunity for Improvement). Tier 2: Four $25 gift certificates (employee submits: both completed word searches by the established deadlines). This year we are offering a 4-tier prize option: Tier 3: Three $50 gift certificates (employee submits: a Video Selfie Challenge, plus one Safety Observation of their choice). Tier 4: Two $75 gift certificates + safety goodie basket (employee submits: a Video Selfie Challenge, one Word Search and one Safety Observation of their choice). Visit the WVWA SharePoint for more information
will not change
are sent
Checkout thesenew headers!
Mackenzie Wilcox mackenzie.wilcox@ westernvawater.org x 2953
Get in touch!
of our Apprentices have joined our full-time team! JUNE 2023 RECOGNITION Blaine Sigmon for earning his Wastewater Operators License Class II
14, 2023 The crew did a great job installing a sewer clean out in my front yard! Jay Sparks Retired employee & customer
Great Job Field Ops Crew!
Jeff Nelms-Supervisor, Trey Hurley-UCT-IV , Charles Bowman-UCT-IV, Demetrious Phelps –UCT-III, Caleb Mattox- UCT-I
Field Ops 63 – Visitors 45 – Applications 39 – Mini-interviews 30 – Scheduled interviews What brought people in the most? – Yard Signs Thank you to all of our staff involved in making this a successful event!
Wastewater Jaron Haley,