Instructor's Notes

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Facebook Pt1 -Connecting without a Website Build a Facebook Personal Page and Business Page (both aimed at using Facebook for Marketing); linked to a Custom Twitter page, linked to a custom YouTube Channel, linked to a Professional Resume, linked to Google Places, Google Maps and to a professional Google Profile, while learning some SEO basics.

Instructors Notes: and Wookbook

After instructing this course a few time, I have to admit that I made changes after each session. These adjustments, and the issues encountered by students after the course was completed, motivated me to change these notes into a workbook. Students will be able to walk through each aspect of the course using this workbook. If you have any problems or suggestion, please feel free to contact me. I also would suggest you get a new upgrade of this workbook every few months due to how dynamic and frequent changes occur.

Personal into: About 10 minutes to allow late arrivals to get settled) w.a. “West” Gates Note - Prezi Running a Prezi presentation with items from my professional portfolio. Talking about Cloud apps and the value and availability of such open software. © 2011 JFm Graphic Design ~ Page 1

Instructors Notes: and Wookbook

A Note on Branding: This course is about setting up all the parts and pieces to be able to use Facebook as the centerpiece of your online marketing. Prior to jumping into this, you should have gone through a process to create the visual identity that supports your brand. This is color and style and all those things created by a graphic artist or content developer. It is about the look and feel and tone which is consistently presented to your target audience. This course is intended to cover the processes and basics of setting up a Facebook based marketing strategy for business. Other than how to optimize content for the web, it is not intended to provide advice or guidance for content development or merchandising or the images used for branding. ---------------------A Note on Brevity: This is the Readers’ Digest Condensed version of how to establish a web presence for marketing a small business as quickly and as comprehensively as possible in the shortest amount of time. An entire day or two could be spent on every single section of this course, from setting up your personal profile to customizing your YouTube Channel or making sure Facebook has been properly prepared to promote your business. This course is not intended to be the ultimate guide to building your online community. It is intended to get you started and introduce you to the areas where you can play, explore and learn more. You are encouraged to have fun.

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Links used during the course: Prezi ~ Elevator Pitch: Elevator Pitch Worksheet Keywords: 000000&ideaRequestType=KEYWORD_IDEAS#search.none Picnik: Flickr: Twitter:!/DeargetheScot LinkedIn: Facebook:

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Preview: Students should bring:

o Existing Facebook and Google accounts.

Bring the User name & Password. I tend use the same User & PW during a marketing project.)

o A brief description of your business. (Less than 100 words.) o A brief description of yourself. (Less than 100 words.) o A logo of your company. o A Tagline for your company. o 3-5 photos of your company. o A professional photo of yourself.

(This does not mean a photo taken at a studio. I means a photo of you without any pets or family. This is not a photo of you fly fishing or at a party.)

o A video clip related to your company.

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Search Engine Optimization ~ Dealing with Text For Demonstration Purposes, I created a web persona for my Scottish Terrier “Dearge.” He has become a world renown artist specializing in portraits for his on-line friends.

The art of being found. The FCC is going to require better SEO from every business within the next couple of years. It is something you can and should do continuously with some free tools from Google. SEO is somewhat like going through all the photos you took this past weekend and adding descriptions and information as soon as they are taken. SEO can be expensive and tedious. It would be like hiring someone to go through last years photos and adding the info and descriptions. Can you imaging hiring someone who does not know you and was not on the trip to go through your old photos? Can you imaging how accurate it would be? That is what SEO is like when you have someone else do it. It all Starts with Text. The Purpose of this section is to learn how to use Keywords, Google’s Keyword Tool and the importance of Keywords. Students introduce themselves with their profile...and their company’s profile. When this section is completed, each student will have 1) a personal/professional description, 2) a description of their company, 3) a comma delineated keyword list and a space delineated keyword list. The Elevator Pitch: The following are popularly called your “elevator pitch.” Practice you elevator pitch. htm

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Personal Profile: Start with your personal (i.e professional) profile. This is a 100 words or less description of yourself as you would like to be introduced at a business function...or if you had 30 seconds to tell what you do professionally. Go through and select the most important 3-6 words or phrases in the description. Do the same thing for your company. Write a short description and then go through and select the most crucial words and phrases. Optimizing Text - Using Google Keywords: The Google Keyword Tool is a free portion of Google Adwords - You can type in and search for the word Keyword or use the link below. Keep in mind that you can play and roam this site without charge. I’m only giving you the bare essentials. Go ahead and explore. (If you are asked for a credit card...Don’t!) com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__ u=1000000000&__c=100000 0000&ideaRequestType=KEYWO RD_IDEAS#search.none 2. Type in the words or phrases you think people would use to find your company. Type in the important words and phrases from your professional or company profile. 3. Check the box “Only show ideas that are closely related to my search...” 4. Type in the security keyword. 5. Click on search A long list of terms will be generated. © 2011 JFm Graphic Design ~ Page 6

These are terms and words people have used Globally or Locally to find search for things through Google. Clicking on the column head “Global Monthly Searches” will put them in descending order. Clicking on the “Local Monthly” column head will put them in descending order. You may want to go through and select just the most relevant words, just the top 10 or all of them. I strongly suggest that you keep you keyword list to 25 words or less. On the left hand side, select download. Select CSV for Excel (so you can open it in Excel). I prefer to simply copy to the clipboard and paste into a word processing program. Go through and edit this list. Add in any additional words or phrases you think should be there. Add in the name of you company. Add in misspelling that people might have used. Add in your location. Do this for yourself and your company. This provides you with a Thesaurus of words to use in creating your personal profile, your elevator pitch and writing content for your website or blog. The more you use words from the top of the list, the more it will pop-up in the top of the search results.

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Make certain you add specifics like the your name, the name of your company, the city & state and anything that might not show up in the Keyword search. Go back to your professional profile and your company’s profile and make certain you use the most important keywords and phrases. Now generate a Word document that is comma and space delineated. Add these words to you personal and company profiles. This is the minimum that should be in every profile.

Examples Dearge’s Keywords - Comma Delineated Dearge, Dearge’s, Pet Portraits, Scotties, Scottish Terrier, West, West Highland, terriers, digital art, watercolor, fine art, illustration, artists, photoshop, freelance, graphic artist, rose, blossom, portraits, presentation art, pets, Scotty Rescue, Westie Rescue, animal shelter, humane society, pet, dogs, dog, puppy, puppies, scottie dog, Jerome, Idaho Dearge’s Keywords - Space Delineated w/ Quote Marks for grouping Dearge Dearge’s “Dearge’s Pet Portraits” “Pet Portraits” Scotties “Scottish Terrier” West “West Highland” terriers “digital art” watercolor “fine art” illustration artists pets “Scotty Rescue” Westie “animal shelter” pet dogs dog scottie puppy puppies jerome idaho Dearge’s Personal Profile Statement My name is Dearge, which is Celtic for “Red.” I am a 13 year old Scottish Terrier who has been the Security Officer at JFm Graphic Design in Jerome, Idaho since I was 12 weeks old. Last year, my family got me my own Facebook account and I started doing portraits of my Facebook Friends. The skills and techniques I had mastered over the years allowed me to capturer the coarse hair and personalities of my Scotty friends. When it caught on, I created Dearge’s Pet Portraits. I am now doing portraits all over the world with 50% of the proceeds going to Scottish Terrier Rescues and Animal Shelters.

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Search Engine Optimization ~ Dealing with Images The key to optimizing images, photos, illustrations or logos is to add a description and tags which use your keywords. Historically, you needed some specialized and expensive software to accomplish this. Picnik ~ is a free photo editor when using the basic features. Upload a photo and

edit it with the simple and very intuitive features. Notes: 1) When you Save & Share, always rename the file so you do not write over the top of the original. 2) Save the files as a JPEG or PNG. When saving as a JPEG, keep the compression between 7-9. If filing for your website, always save as a PNG. 3) Your profile photo or any avatar should be 200 x 200 pixels. 4) Saving for a large Facebook profile the image should be 200 x 450 pixels. 5) When saving for a Facebook Album the largest dimension should be 720 pixels One of the features of Picnik which has been removed (now that Picnik has been purchased by Google) is the ability to add keywords. You now have to go to Picasa to add descriptions and tags. Google Picasa & Picnik: Open your Google Account. You should see your account name in the upper right hand corner of the frame. Click on the little “down arrow” to the right of the account name. Select “Account Settings.” This is a listing of the various Google features an tools you have activated. These are the minimum tools you should activate (you can find these when you select the More >> tab at the bottom left of the frame): 1.) Picasa Web Albums 2.) YouTube 3.) Gmail 4.) Google Places 5.) Google Hotpot Select each one and go through the registration and activation process. © 2011 JFm Graphic Design ~ Page 9

Working with Picasa & Picnik Open Picasa through your Google Account. You have about 1GB worth of storage. Upload a photo of yourself and your company logo using the Upload tab at the top of the frame (it should be grey and have an arrow pointing up). Select photos from your computer (or where ever you have them stored)...upload them or simply drag them onto the frame. Click OK at the bottom right. Click on the My Photos Tab at the top of the frame. Select the album you just created. The Date you uploaded is the default title. Click on the Action Tab down arrow. Select Album Properties. Change the title. Decide Visibility. If you are going to make these photos public, add a description, add the keywords at the end of the description (especially your company name) and add your location. Save the changes. Organize. Delete any photo you are not going to use. Rearrange. Done .

Click on your profile photo. Click on the face to name. (This will activate Google’s face recognition so it will find you when it can. You may not want to do this for friends, family and clients.) Add a comment by pasting in a portion of your personal profile statement. On the right side of the frame, to the right of the photo, there is a place for Tags. Add the Keywords from your Keyword list. Use the space delineated keywords. Above the image are a list of simple editing functions and actions. Picnik can be found in both the action pull-down and the little blue sky icon on the far right. Click on the Picnik Icon and the photo will show up in Picnik. Select the Crop tab. Make sure the Scale Photo box is checked to keep it a square. Move a corner until you have the crop you want. Click OK.

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Now click on the Resize Tab. Make certain Keep Proportions is checked. Type in 200 into the smallest dimension. Note: If one dimension or the other is a larger than 200 it will not matter. If one side is smaller than 200 it may be rejected by Facebook. Again, the small profile image should be 200 x 200. The large profile image should be 200 x 450. Save to my Album. Notice that when you now save, it goes back to your Picasa Album automatically. Save as new copy. Name it so it is easy to recognize, such as having the work profile in the title. If you replace, the original will be gone out of Picasa. The new photo will need to be optimized. Add the caption, description and tags. If you decide you need to lighten or darken, click on Picnik again. Make the changes and Replace when you name. The image will retain the description and tags. Note: Picnik adds itself to you Tags. I understand self promotion...but I always remove it. It is important to size you images and to format them properly. A photo that is oversized takes longer to load and does not provide a better image on screen. You cannot add keywords or tags or locations from Picnik. You need to go through this process for every photo, image, illustration, logo or anything else you are going to post on the web. --------------------If you are not a Google fan, you can do the same things with Flickr and many other image storage accounts. The image editing with Picnik is an added feature for Google’s Picasa… but you can go directly to Picnik without a Picasa account.

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Putting Search Engine Optimization to Work This is a practice session where we put the keywords, and personal and business profiles to work. We are going to set-up a Twitter Account, activate Google Places, create a YouTube Channel and fill in our personal Google Profile. A Note on Branding: This course is about setting up all the parts and pieces to be able to use Facebook as the centerpiece of your online marketing. Prior to jumping into this, you should have gone through a process to create the visual identity you that supports your brand. This is color and style and all those things created by a graphic artist or content developer. It is about the look and feel and tone which is consistently presented to your target audience. This course is intended to cover the precesses and basics of setting up a Facebook based marketing strategy for business. Other than how to optimize content for the web, it is not intended to provide advice or guidance for content development or merchandising or the images used for branding. ---------------------Google Profile Open your Google Account. Click on the down arrow to the right of your name. Right below your name and the e-mail address will be Create Profile. If you already have started or completed your profile - it will just say “Profile.” Complete the Google Profile using your optimized photo, professional profile and keywords. Google Places Go to the Google web search page and click on Maps in the navigation bar. Type in the name of your company. From the directory on the left. Click on the name of your company. In the upper right of the frame, if there is a check mark with “Owner-verified listing,” then this listing has already been claimed.

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If, in the upper right, it says “- Business owner?” then this free business listing has not been claimed. If your Google business listing has not be claimed...claim it. Begin filling out the information. The information will not be published and available for anyone to see until the ownership is verified. You will get either a post card or a phone call with a code number. When you enter the code, the ownership will be verified and the business listing will be published. YouTube YouTube is owned by Google. YouTube was already one of the top (most visited) sites with massive growth resulting from mobile viewing.

Open your Google Account. Click on the down arrow next to your name. Chose Account Settings. If YouTube does not appear in Your Products, go to “More” at the bottom of the frame and look for YouTube. Create an Account. In the upper right by your name, you will see a little box with a couple of down arrows. Click on the box to see the pull-down menu. Click on Channel, to begin setting up your own YouTube Channel. Use your company logo, profile and keywords to set up your account. From this point on, you will upload video to your exclusive YouTube Channel. The advantage is that when you place a video in you Facebook Page or link it to an email or embed it on your website’s landing will keep visitors on your list of posted videos. When you upload, be sure to optimize the video clip. Twitter Set up a Twitter Account Twitter is like being able to listen in to what the world is saying about you.

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Setting Up Facebook Business Pages

We are going to jump into Facebook and Business Pages. These are the resource you should have available:

o Your optimized Personal / Professional Profile statement. o A list of Keywords for you professionally - both comma and space delineated.

o Your company’s optimized profile statement. o A list of Keywords for your company - both comma and space delineated. o An optimized professionally looking photo of yourself. o In a 200 x 200 format o In a 200 x 450 format o At least one optimized logo for you company. o In a 200 x 200 format o In a 200 x 450 format o At least one optimized photo related to your company. o In a 720 x 720 or smaller format o Your own Google Account with your Profile started. o You have claimed and have activated Google Places for your business. o You have a photo imaging account, either Picasa or Flickr or something similar which allows optimizing.

o At least one optimized video post to your YouTube Channel. o Your own Twitter account. Š 2011 JFm Graphic Design ~ Page 14

Setting up Facebook Your Personal / Professional Account

Your Business Page Your Personal Page

Your Business Page Your Business Page

When you set out to create a Facebook Account for your business...Do not include personal material unrelated to the professional you or your business. Create a separate account just for you as a business owner and professional. Warning Will Robinson: Who ever owns the personal account, owns all the business pages created under that account. Create an account or modify an existing Facebook Account. There should be nothing critical or confidential on this account. This is for marketing. Business Settings: Open your FB account. In the upper right, where is says Account, click on the down arrow. Slide down to Account Settings. (Take some time and go through every item and option. I’m only going to go through the high points.) General Name - Your Name not the Company Name Email - Where you want customers to go for direct contact. This may become pubic, so I use a gmail...”non-critical” e-mail address. Network - If you are part of another network like an association. Lined Accounts - You can link to any of these other account to make login easier.

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Security: There should be nothing critical or confidential in this account. It’s for marketing and everything is going to be public. You should check Active Session every now and then to check if anyone else has tried to access your personal account. Notifications: This is not just a place to check on who may have notified you recently. It is a place where you can specify what you want to be notified about. Applications: There are lots and lots of Apps for Small Business. You can not ad apps from your Business Pages. You add them to your personal page and apply them to your business page. Two Apps you Must Have... iFrame While on the Application Settings, type in iFrame in the search area. It should have a green box with two gears. Click on the App. (it may take awhile if there is a lot of traffic). Click on “Go to App at the top of the frame.” Click on “Allow.” If you get to the working frame, simply click on Home. We will get back to this page in Facebook Pt2 - Marketing, when we have our Business Pages set-up and ready to go. Twitter Type in Twitter in the search area. A Twitter app will show up in light blue and shows more than 3 million users. Click on the icon. Go to App. Allow. You should now have Twitter and iFrame listed in your Applications. You should be able to see and access them from your Home page. They should be listed on the left side of the frames. Note: There are a lot of free apps for small business. Explore, play, try ‘em out. Recommend any good ones to me. Facebook ‘Ads’ we will get to in the next class. © 2011 JFm Graphic Design ~ Page 16

The Privacy Settings: In the upper right...Account > Privacy Settings. This is for business. I keep everything open and share with everyone. Except: Across the bottom of the page there are two important things. Apps and Websites - Edit your settings. This is where you can block information about your friends and clients. Instant Personalization - lets websites see info about your friends - click on Edit settings - Skip the video where they try to sell you on how great this is. At the bottom of the page UNcheck the Enable instant personalization. Block List - If you have anyone that is in any way offensive, abusive or damaging the relationship with you clients...Hide Postings, Defriend and Block.

One of the Business Pages you should visit and like is Facebook for Business.

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Creating a Business Page

The Create a Page moves around a lot. It can normally be found on the login page and at the bottom of each page. These used to be called Fan Pages. Now they are mostly Business Pages. Note: By default your News Feed at the top of your Home Page of your Personal / Professional Page is set at “Top News.” This setting uses an algorithm to try and determine what is important. You may not want to miss anything your clients are talking about. Toggle the setting to “Most Recent,” and you won’t miss anything. Go to the bottom of the page. Create a Page: Select Local Business or Place. If you have a product and you are building the brand around the brand. You can create a general Business Page for you company and additional Pages for specific audiences and/or products. Naming Your Page: If an error was made in your Page name when it was created, you have the option to edit the Page name to correct this issue. This option is only limited to Pages with less than 100 connections. You can change the name once before you hit 100, after that, the name the page is set in stone. If you decide you don’t like the name after this point, you have to throw the page away and start all over. Getting to Your Business Pages: Keep in mind, this is Facebook, it’s changing all the time. The way I get to it is through the Account tab in the upper right side of the frame on the navigation bar. Account > Use Facebook as Page > select which Page. There should also be a listing of Pages in the navigation column on the left side of the frame.

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Running through the settings: I think I’ve said this before, but just in case...keep in mind this is a Business Page. It is there to communicate with your engage with your have conversations with your customers. Edit Page: Remember to Save Changes before leaving a page. Your Settings - Both boxes checked. I post and comment under my Business Page name. I have all notifications sent to a gmail account where I can review them easier. All my Business Pages go to the same account so I can see all notifications in one place. Manage Permissions - Page Visibility, check this box while working on you page. This way no one can see your Page until it’s ready...or they are an admin. Country Restrictions - “If no countries are listed, your Page will be visible to people located in all countries. You understand that you are responsible for setting the proper country restrictions to ensure that the content of your Page is appropriate for the country or countries where you allow it to be visible.” Age Restrictions are self explanatory. I allow “All Posts” to show. The alternative is to only show posts by other Business Pages. Even if I were a B2B, I would allow all. Default Landing Tab is very important. You can direct people to land on a custom Welcome tab or a product in your Albums. Posting Ability - The purpose is to communicate. I check the top three and do not allow video because of the bandwidth. Blocklists - I don’t block any sets or specifics. If I find someone to be profane or abusive, I will handle them individually. I may end up going through posting and adding word and phrases some day. Since everyone is behaving themselves, I’ll leave it as is. Delete Page - If you delete a Page. It is gone forever...and the name can not be used by anyone ever. Basic Info - Remember, this is about your business. Only put professional information here. Username - Once you have 25 people Liking your page, you can select a custom name and not have the long coded name as your URL. If you add a valid address, users will be able to see and check in to © 2011 JFm Graphic Design ~ Page 19

your page using Facebook Places which is associated with Bing. Everything else is about the company, using the company’s optimized profile, keywords and more keywords.

Profile Picture: Use the 200 x 450 image. If you want your logo as well, have a graphic artist reshape the image as required to use the whole space and not violate the brand. Features: Add them both. They add information to your Business Page. The information is displayed among the tabs on the left side of your page. Resources: There are lots you can get. Try ‘em out and explore. I will go through these in the FB Marketing class. You should see Select User Name, Tell Your Fans, Use Social Plugins, Send Update and Link to Twitter. I’ll get to Advertising on FB in the Marketing class. Manage Admins: These are people who you have granted permission to help manage your Business Page. Anyone who likes your page can be an admin. Only you can add and remove an admin. To make this kind of change you will be asked for your password...the one for the Personal account. Apps: There are lots of Apps. Try ‘em. Play with ‘em. Explore. If you find any good or useful ones, please let me know. The two you should have installed before the FB Marketing class are iFrame and Twitter. Mobile: To connect with your moble device (iPads are coming). Insights: How to track your Business Page effectiveness and your FB Advertising. Note: There are no privacy setting on your FB Business Page. Anyone can like your Business Page. You don’t get to approve. The only option you have is to Remove them.

You’re Ready for FB Marketing! © 2011 JFm Graphic Design ~ Page 20

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
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