Your entry is conditional on acceptance of the following conditions:
• You (or your child/children) do not have any symptoms of fever, sore throat, temperature or illness, fatigue, or shortness of breath or other Notifiable diseases (as contained in Schedule 2 of the Public Health Act, 2010 (NSW))
• You abide by social distancing requirements
• A parent/guardian must accompany all children under the age of 14 when entering and exiting the Aquatics Pool area
• The parent/guardian is solely responsible for the safe drop off and pick up of their child from the facility
• All members must swipe their membership card for access into the facility
• Any non-members must sign in on entry
• Footwear must be worn when entering and exiting the facility
• You and any dependants under your care must comply with all codes of conduct and follow any directions given to you by SGAC staff. Please familiarise yourself with the signs, warnings, rules, and instructions placed around SGAC.
• All members and guests must respect SGAC property, staff, and others in the facility
• SGAC staff reserve the right to inspect all bags on entry into and/or exit from the facility
• Drugs and alcohol are prohibited in the facility. Anyone suspected to be und er the influence of drugs or alcohol may be refused entry or asked to leave the facility
• No pets or animals can be brought into the facility except for guide dogs or assistance dogs
• SGAC accepts no responsibility for lost or stolen property
• SGAC welcomes the capturing of your magic moments on camera and video however the privacy of others must be respected. The use of cameras and video recording is conditional on the following:
(a) it must be in accordance with the SGAC Social Media Policy;
(b) you must obtain express permission from an individual (or their parent/guardian) to take or use a direct, clearly identifiable image of that person;
(c) you must remove photos of other persons if you have been asked to do so;
(d) under no circumstances are cameras or mobile phones to be used in change rooms or bathrooms; and
(e) SGAC staff reserve the right to check photography or videography.
• Smoking within the facility or within four metres of the entrance is prohibited
• The facility is under 24/7 security camera surveillance
Any non-compliance with these Conditions of Entry may result in your and/or your child’s removal from the facility. SGAC Staff/Management reserves the right to refuse any person entry to the facility or participation in any programs