JUNE 2022
VOL. 4
WIC HOWLER Student Life Science/ Business World Events Entertainment
Editor: Maya Berrached Teacher Advisor Mrs.MacArthur
EDITOR'S NOTE by Maya B, Editor(Grade 12)
Hello reader! Thank you for reading the last issue of the WIC Howler of the 2021-2022 school year. Big thank you to all the writers who have contributed to these last four issues and to our amazing section heads: James A, Agam A, Charlise B and Maya A-G. You guys have worked so hard, and it doesn’t go unnoticed so thank you. I’ve been writing for the paper since I was in grade 7 and I’m very proud to see where it has grown. I’m very grateful to the lessons I’ve learned and the mistakes I’ve made in this club. Thank you to Mrs. McArthur for all the work you put into the newspaper and for trusting me with it. I don’t want to be dramatic but leaving the paper is a bit bittersweet. I’m glad I no longer have to deal with grammatical errors and citations, but I’m sad I’ll no longer be yelling at Canva through my computer screen. Thank you to the WIC community who has always supported the paper. Please enjoy the last issue of the school year!
2022 SCHOOL YEAR WRAP-UP by Sascha H (Grade 12)
It’s crazy to think it’s already the end of the academic year. Let’s look at some highlights! In the fine arts, the first live shows premiered after 2 years of the pandemic! The Drama Department put on two successful productions: She Kills Monsters and Cast Party, in the fall and the spring. The Band Department held the first in-person band-concerts at the Jack Singer, and for the first time, combining band students from Grades 9-12 in one unified junior/senior band. In conjunction with the Spring Band Concert in May, art students featured WIC’s inaugural Visual Art Show at the Jack Singer, showcasing talented artists from all grades.
With a grant from Inside Education, the Prefect Council, in conjunction with Roots & Shoots Club, hosted the Grade 8 Amazing Race, pertaining the theme of “Sustainability & Energy”. Additionally, the Prefect Council hosted Grade 9 Humanitarian Skate Experience, and transitioned from “Grade 7 Sleepover” to Grade 7 Midnight Madness, due to Covid restrictions. This year WIC celebrated it’s 40th anniversary in style with the annual Ruby Gala, in addition to Student Council’s WIC-40 initiative. In May, 3M presented Mental Health Week with “hats on for mental health” and a living art wall. For this initiative, 3M collaborated with Common Grounds for “dress how you’re feeling”, and the LADS for “wear your favorite pairs of shoes”.
The 2021/2022 academic year has been without a doubt a very successful year, Furthermore, in February the college
filled with exciting student-life events
secured 30,000 square feet of
and continuously inspiring
additional space in the Farmer’s
opportunities for the WIC community.
Market block, called The Wolves Den ,
I’m looking forward to seeing what the
with the aim to inspire students to be
WIC community does in the next
collaborative, imaginative, and
academic year!
ALBERTA HONOR BAND by Medina J (Grade 12)
Band, it’s one of those activity’s that calms me, excites me and challenges me. When Mr. Michalak informed me about an event called Alberta Honors Band, I jumped to the opportunity. The Alberta Junior Honor Band provide an advanced performance experience for those students who demonstrate excellence in leadership, musicality and engagement in their home junior band programs. The application was daunting at first, but once I broke it down and looked at the smaller pieces rather than the big picture, it wasn’t too bad. I had to play 4 scales, a sight reading of their choice and a part of a piece that showcases my talent. Once I submitted all the recordings and forms the hard part arrived, waiting. Once I saw the email come through, I clicked on it straight away. I was accepted. The music was given, and we had two weeks to be comfortable playing it. Now, WIC symphonic band level is a 2, 3 and sometimes 4, honor band was all 4s and 5s. The pieces were
The two weeks leading up to the performance weekend, Ms. Cooper and I practiced all 5 pieces over and over and over until I felt comfortable and thank goodness we did. The second I stepped into the rehearsal hall in Red Deer, the room was filled with the best senior band students in Alberta warming up. I will never forget that sound. I had the opportunity to see a bassoon for the first time, and learned it is an extremely difficult instrument. Our conductor was phenomenal. Ms. Ferguson gave me so many music tips that I will never forget. She even took 20 minuets with us and worked on how to breath properly, and wow, in the best way, I will never play the clarinet the same again. After our final performance, the ensemble was extremely proud of each other, and although we had nine-hour rehearsals each day and needed ice packs for our faces, no one in Alberta Honors Band would change their experience. I am tremendously grateful for Mr. Michalak, Ms. Cooper and Ms. Snow for supporting me to be the best musician that I can be. To all passionate musicians reading this, here is a word of advice, put yourself into challenging situation, it will only make you better.
challenging, engaging, technical and tedious. Thankfully, through this process I had two outstanding band instructors who selflessly helped me every step of the way.
$44 billion. $44 billion (USD) is the offer Elon Musk placed forth on April 25 th , 2022, to purchase Twitter outright on the open market. The terms of this deal have both been praised and criticized by various parties since it’s formation. Some groups celebrate the potential for greater freedom of speech on Twitter after Musk privatizes the firm, as there have been countless complaints of the services’ censorship of more radical ideals since the company was adopted as a “digital town square.” However, others find it worrisome that a billionaire can single-handedly purchase and control one of the most prominent media outlets and worry that the deregulation of Twitter could lead to harmful repercussions Various political groups, mostly on the right, have felt targeted by the service and advocated for the fact that Twitter has silenced their voices through labeling their content as “misleading,” or outright banning their accounts. This mas most notably displayed when former President Donald Trump controversially had his account banned after the horrific events of the Capitol Riots. Although this came to the displeasure of many, countless individuals felt it was the correct course of action, as they along with Twitter believed that Trump could potentially incite more violence. On the contrary, the claims of Twitter’s targeted media censorship and infringement on freedom of speech do hold some merit, as shown through an MIT and Yale study which followed 9000 politically active Twitter users that determined that 7.7% of Democrats have had their accounts suspended compared to 35.6% of Republicans. PAGE 5
However, the same study also found that Republicans shared significantly more misinformation, so there is likely a means to justify these suspensions. Furthermore, it should be noted that the First Amendment with protects freedom of speech with regards to government censorship and not private entities, so Twitter does not have to abide by this policy. On the other side, there are those who fear the idea that billionaires can gain power by simply purchasing media outlets, which is justified. However, if the deal were to go through, Musk would not be the first high net worth individual to own a significant stake in a prominent media source. A more notable example of this was Jeff Bezos’ purchase of The Washington Post in 2013. Many had similar concerns as much of the public does with Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, with fears that the elite will be able to control the media for their own personal gain. These speculations do not seem to have come to fruition in Bezos’ case however, as The Washington Post does not seem to be afraid to criticize the American entrepreneur. This was evidenced in an article they published in late 2021, calling out the toxic corporate environment of Bezos’ firm Blue Origin. Although this is positive news, it is not indicative of future behaviour, so it is reasonable that certain groups still fear having a such a valuable source of information such as Twitter under the control of one individual. As of the time of writing, Musk and the board of Twitter have entered an agreement for the acquisition and sale of Twitter with significant penalties if either party backs out on the deal. Therefore, is seems to be likely that the deal will go through, and only time will tell if the firm’s privatization will champion freedom of speech, or be used as a means to promote the agenda of the elite.
Citations: Fleury, Michelle. “Amazon Boss Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post for $250M.” BBC News, BBC, 6 Aug. 2013, https://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-23582797. Jones, Tom. “Opinion: The Washington Post Isn't Afraid to Report on Owner Jeff Bezos.” Poynter, Poynter, 11 Oct. 2021, https://www.poynter.org/commentary/2021/the-washington-post-isnt-afraid-to-report-on-owner-jeffbezos/. Pesce, Nicole Lyn. “What Does 'Free Speech' Actually Mean? Twitter Isn't Censoring Speech, despite What Elon Musk and Many Users Think.” MarketWatch, MarketWatch, 28 Apr. 2022, https://www.marketwatch.com/story/what-does-free-speech-actually-mean-twitter-isnt-censoring-speechdespite-what-elon-musk-and-many-users-think-11651172967. Silberling, Amanda. “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Elon Musk & Twitter.” TechCrunch, TechCrunch, 24 May 2022, https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/24/elon-musk-twitter-why/.
Privacy is a thing of the past. Governments and corporations constantly outline how they protect information through advanced algorithms and machine learning. In reality, the process of keeping these things private is getting harder and harder, and it has reached it's breaking point. These corporations are under constant threat from malware and software attacks daily, and it is beginning to feel like a regular occurrence. Well, what if I told you that there is a device currently in existence that could shut down these hackers before they even touched their keyboards. A device that could not just save you but millions of individuals from being hacked, robbed, trafficked, and taken advantage of globally. That technology is a quantum computer.
Privacy is a thing of the past. Governments and corporations constantly outline how they protect information through advanced algorithms and machine learning. In reality, the process of keeping these things private is getting harder and harder, and it has reached it's breaking point. These corporations are under constant threat from malware and software attacks daily, and it is beginning to feel like a regular occurrence. Well, what if I told you that there is a device currently in existence that could shut down these hackers before they even touched their keyboards. A device that could not just save you but millions of individuals from being hacked, robbed, trafficked, and taken advantage of globally. That technology is a quantum computer.
Quantum mechanics, at its core,
When you add up and graph these
reflects and interpretates an event’s
amplitudes, they start to form a more
probability. For example, let's say you
understandable piece of information.
toss a coin twenty times. When
On this three-dimensional graph, a
plotted on a graph, the expected
particle might reach a certain place
value of getting heads every time
one way with a positive amplitude
would look like a wave or a hill,
and another way with a negative
showing a high probability of getting
amplitude. When this happens, those
heads ten times and a low to no
two amplitudes can cancel each
chance of getting heads once or all
other out so that the total amplitude
twenty times. From this perspective,
would be zero, which would mean
this probability expression is
that that thing could never happen
common sense, but common sense
in the given timeframe. You could
doesn't influence the quantum
think of this as having a zero percent
universe. To measure a subatomic
chance of occurring. The information
particle, you have to think about it as
provided by these amplitudes is then
a wave of probability; constantly
translated into a probability index, a
fluctuating in value, that shifts and
form of information we humans can
contorts on a microsecond basis. This
easily digest. And that is the quick
wave of information is called
and digestible version of how
quantum mechanics interprets the world: through a list of amplitudes.
Quantum computers operate on amplitudes, which are closely related
But how do these computers use
to probabilities. A critical difference
waves and amplitudes to store and
between the two is that probability
manipulate information on a
can only exist as a number between
quantum level?
zero to one, whereas amplitudes exist as any complex number. This
Macs, iPhones, Androids, and every
difference means that they obey
other device basically known to us
different rules. So, if I want to know
operate using traditional electronic
the total amplitude for something to
signals, forced into two states known
happen, I have to add up the
as Bits, represented as 0 or 1. These
amplitudes for all the different ways
regular computers string these bits
that an event could have occurred.
together to make numbers.
However, these strings can be huge
This superposition is the primary
and can take a great deal of storage as
reason why quantum computers can
the code becomes more complex.
interpret, calculate, store, and
Because of this storage issue, a
manipulate vast amounts of data
processing and performance limit
within seconds.
exists for all devices, even the most powerful supercomputers. This
So, how do these particles play into
performance constraint is foundational privacy? Why do subatomic particles to internet security today. With this
now magically control the way I shop
limit, governments are able to protect
a wide array of material, such as highly classified government data and
Given the quantum state that these
electronically signed commercial
computers operate in, they are
documents. Instead of Bits, quantum
incredibly fast. A computer program,
computers use Qubits, the basic
line of code, or render simulation that
computational unit that makes
would take an average computer days
quantum computing unique.
, weeks, or even years to complete, can be done within milliseconds due to the
Qubits are like Bits in a classical
processing power of these computers.
computer, but with a crucial
Think of it this way. You are a hacker,
difference; Qubits are subatomic
and there is a billionaire's bank
particles, and operate based upon
account that you want to crack into.
subatomic logic. Here's when things
The one downside is that the
get insane. Qubits can exist as a 0, 1, or password to open it is over a thousand a linear combination of 0 and 1. This
digits long, you don't know it, and
protean combination of amplitudes is
there is a firewall ready to shut you
the basis of quantum computing.
down at any moment. This process
Before you measure and observe a
would take you months of careful
Qubit, it exists in a state called a
planning, precision, and hope that the
account holder doesn't change his password. Ultimately, breaking in
Similarly, to the Schrödinger's cat
sounds impossible, but not to a
paradox, this superposition reflects the quantum computer. probability distribution where each Qubit has a perfectly equal chance of being a 1 or a 0; that is until you add information to this system.
One could even create the world's first A.I., an unparalleled, superintelligent, unkillable machine that exists on all levels of the internet. At that point, all we can do is hope that it's on our side because there would be no negotiating with it. There is no doubting that he who controls the first quantum computer controls the planet, and it's truly an Due to its speed and access to a nearinfinite database of knowledge, quantum computers could theoretically use its knowledge of the internet to hack into that account holder's phone, learn and analyze every minor aspect of their lifestyle, use that information to construct another algorithm to predict what his password is, shut down the bank's firewall, and liquidize all of his assets
exciting time to be alive. Who knows what this new technology will help humanity achieve? Will it bring world peace and the end of climate change? Will it help us solve interplanetary travel and our evergrowing population? Or will it bring global destruction and the fall of civilization as we know it? Let's just hope whatever form it takes has good intentions in mind.
in around two and a half seconds. It doesn't stop there. If you had a quantum computer, you could do anything you wanted. Influence stock markets, increase or decrease the worth of almost any currency, blackmail, shut down trafficking cartels, or destroy the internet entirely. You could learn every aspect about someone, from their search history to their blood type by simply asking the computer. No matter how much security your private information is protected by, it is no longer a matter of can it be hacked, it a matter of when.
Robison Kylie, Business Insider: Here's how quantum computing could transform the future (Mar 2, 2021,) Deloitte + WIRED: With Quantum Computing’s Rise, Cybersecurity Takes Center Stage A lot of this article is from my own knowledge of the subject while talking with industry professionals, YouTube Videos, and Books.
ARE NFTS THE FUTURE? by Jack S(Grade 12)
NFT’s are constantly ridiculed in the financial world, seen more as a novelty than a serious investment tool. In some respects, that is true, but it goes a lot deeper than people think, and it starts with the blockchain. The blockchain was created in response to the 2008 housing crisis.
Due to the blockchain being so transparent, people can see exactly
People were upset with e blind and
when something was bought or sold.
un-transparent system of
This makes it a perfect marketplace for
transactions in the United States.
art and many business opportunities
Meanwhile, the blockchain is open
for people. Companies like Facebook
and transparent, and all transactions
and Twitter both have released NFT’s,
are decentralized. The people ran
which helped these companies connect
these transactions, and everyone
to fans on a greater level. We are
could see the transitions instead of
getting to a point where people have
the transactions behind a big and
started adopting this new technology.
untrusted firm’s door. Consequently, the blockchain is the engine behind
Another significant benefit of NFTs is
all cryptocurrencies and NFT’s.
the diversity; they can be used in many different markets.
Now back to NFTs and the role they play in the blockchain. Back in 2008,
Gaming is at the forefront of this as
there was little or no safe way to
many developers realized cosmetic
send and receive pictures or art
items in games could be NFT’s. This
because they could be duplicated. It
allows gamers to transfer these items
is effortless and ordinary in the art
and hold on to cosmetics long after the
world that people fake
game has shut down. This could create
authentication, but where NFT has
a gamer economy of sorts and allow
come in is that it provides proof of
new opportunities for many.
Real estate also may be advancing
Now let us talk about the more
in the same direction. The industry
significant impact of NFTs. The
has much paperwork which could
biggest thing is the security in
all be held in the blockchain to
which it is decentralized, so it
avoid fraud. All the certificates of
cannot be manipulated. One cannot
ownership could be NFTs instead of
replicate an NFT cause the
physical paper. People can also now
legitimate translation is on the
monitor the real estate market's
blockchain. It can also help people
health, making it harder to
build wealth for those who could
not get it before with an easy-tocreate NFT marketplace. Anyone can
The Meta Verse is another big one,
participate in this digital world. It
as almost every asset will be an
gives many people an opportunity
NFT. This can be explained by an
to make money.
application called Earth 2. It is an
"DID YOU or KNOW Whether you believe do not
online copy of the whole earth in
believe in NFTs, THAT it is ignorant not to
which you can purchase property
THE WOLVERINE look at the positives because many
and resources, which are NFTs. This
people write off. Although IS it ONE OF THEno one
shows how NFTs will be used to
can be sure ifSTINKIEST NFTs will succeed in
represent assets in the metaverse. All music, art and media in the Meta Verse will be NFTs that can be
the future, at least theIN blockchain ANIMALS THE
will always be around if something
new comes along in the future.
moved or sold anywhere in the digital world.
All From own knowledge
INFLATION: A SILENT THIEF by Will K (Grade 12) Now , being frictionally unemployed , I look for ways to make money just to afford the cost of day-to-day life . Inflation has drastically decreased the buying power of my money. My most recent memory of inflation occurred in May 2022 when I stopped for ice cream with my father after baseball practice. I glanced at the menu at Dairy Queen,
and they had increased
their medium smarties blizzard price from $6.5 to 8.5$ . I still managed to buy the blizzard, however , for the rest of the day I
Growing up I always desired to work hard, as it was the only way I could buy toys, video games and Lego. As time went on that motivation to work matured into buying gas for my car and spending time with friends. Little did I know the real effect of inflation had been stealing from my disposable income the whole time. The cost of a new video game increased, and the hobby became more unaffordable, then, as time went on, I was unable to afford fun toys and even gas
felt uneasy as to why I gave in to such a dramatic price change . The effects of inflation go much further than the cost of my ice cream. The CPI basket measuring the price change of the most common used consumer goods increased by 8.5% for the year ending in March 2022. The impact of such extreme inflation effectively reduces my real wage by 8.5%. For example, if I was to earn $20 an hour with an inflation rate of 8.5% my real wage has now effectively been reduced to $18.3.
Now imagine this exact scenario was to occur for the next 10 years, my
nearly half. Even more burdensome than my wage decrease is the effort savers must put in to beat inflation through
accounts. Annually it would be hard to grow our money in order to beat the inflation rate and also earn a profit. As
inflation and price increases will often lead to periods of decreased economic activity which will result in
pandemic became
growth. years
COVID-19 consumers
inflation due to the large profits many made. However, as we enter a new period of economic success it will be important to focus on our future financial success by limiting the
income, savings, investments, and disposable income.
All From own knowledge
HUMAN RIGHTS IN 2022 by Daniel A (Grade 11) This has been an incredibly turbulent year for human rights across the world. It can sometimes be hard to keep track of all the events and issues taking place all around us. In this article I want to give a general overview of the major issues in human rights that have been making headlines over the past year. This is by no means a comprehensive list. A lot will be left out, but this is just an attempt to outline and summarize these events. People across the world have been faced with unprecedented financial hardship, violence, grief, and civil unrest. The year kicked off with a series of tragic events in Kazakhstan, referred to as the “January tragedy”, in which protests over the increasing cost of fuel and discontent over government corruption erupted. The unrest tragically led to the deaths of almost 230 people and the arrests of thousands more. The event highlighted the effects of government corruption, the growing energy crisis, and the brutal ways that protests are being put down. In February, the Winter Olympics were held in Beijing, but rather than creating a sense of international unity, the event was divisive because of China’s controversial human rights record. Since 2014, the Chinese government has been committing widespread human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims and others in the Xinjiang region –that many have labelled as genocide.
It's estimated that 1 million people are being kept in internment camps, possibly making this the largest detention of ethnic minorities since WWII according to Vox and a report obtained by the Guardian. The Uyghur Genocide, along with the tensions between China and states such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, made this year’s Olympics the most divisive in recent memory. At the end of the month, the world watched in horror as Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. Such action has drawn widespread condemnation from the international community and created a financial crisis in Russia, as companies such as McDonalds are choosing not to operate there anymore. The human cost of what Putin has dubbed a “special military operation” is unimaginable. The International Criminal Court has launched its “largest ever” field investigation in Ukraine to collect evidence of alleged war crimes committed by Russian forces. Over the past few months, horrific events have transpired before our eyes, such as the Bucha Massacre; dozens of civilians were slaughtered in a suburb of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv. The siege of Mariupol has also captivated the world’s attention, as hundreds of civilians and soldiers were held up in a steel plant in the coastal city under heavy fire from Russian forces. The war has also created a massive refugee crisis, with tens of millions internally displaced, and millions more fleeing the country. Ukraine has been dubbed Europe’s “breadbasket” because of its immense exports of wheat products, and the war threatens to create a global food crisis that could lead to starvation or further unrest. In April, the Global Food Index reported that food prices had reached their highest level ever, with wheat prices soaring by almost 20%. Moreover, the war in Ukraine has put the rights of millions of Ukrainians on the line and is resulting in a global humanitarian crisis. In May, a draft was leaked from the US Supreme Court hinting at a potential overturning of the landmark Roe v. Wade court case, which established constitutional protection for a woman’s right to abortion. If the decision is overturned, millions of people in the U.S. will be impacted. Many states have created trigger laws that would partially or completely ban abortion immediately after Roe being overturned. Lower income and working-class women will likely be hit the hardest if the Supreme Court goes through with this decision. PAGE 16
Also, in May, two mass shootings in the U.S. shocked the world; a racially motivated shooting at a Buffalo supermarket that left 10 people dead, and a school shooting in Texas left more than 20 dead – both created an increase in discussion about gun violence in America. These events have not just left Americans grieving, but made them reflect inwards and call for change on a more decisive level. Not only that, but May also saw the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Ablu Akleh in the West Bank. Her death came as tensions between Palestinians and Israelis are once again on the rise. The event drew more attention to the rights of journalists and to the controversial IsraelPalestine debate. This year has been a historic one, and the many tragedies and disasters of the year so far help to emphasize the importance of the difficult discussions we must have. Human rights are an issue that can be very divisive, but it is our responsibility to discuss and draw attention to the numerous abuses of rights people face worldwide. Despite all this grief and horror, it is important to also focus on what we can do. For example, a plane carrying more than 300 Ukrainian refugees recently landed in Winnipeg.
Abdurasulov, A. (2022, January 21). Kazakhstan unrest: 'if you protest again, we'll kill you'. BBC News. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-60058972 Ahmed , K. (2022, April 8). Global food prices rise to highest ever levels after Russian invasion. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/apr/08/global-food-prices-rise-to-highest-ever-levels-afterrussian-invasion-ukraine-wheat Al Jazeera. (2022, May 17). ICC sends 42-member team to probe alleged war crimes in Ukraine. ICC News | Al Jazeera. Retrieved from https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/17/icc-sends-largest-ever-investigative-team-to-war-torn-ukraine BBC. (2022, May 23). How many Ukrainians have fled their homes and where have they gone? BBC News. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-60555472 Bilefsky, D. (2022, January 5). Revolt in Kazakhstan: What's happening, and why it matters. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/world/asia/kazakhstan-protests.html Chappell, B. (2022, May 16). McDonald's is leaving Russia, after more than 30 years. NPR. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2022/05/16/1099079032/mcdonalds-leaving-russia Connolly, A. (2022, May 3). Roe v. Wade draft ruling puts U.S. abortion rights in crosshairs. here's what to know - national. Global News. Retrieved from https://globalnews.ca/news/8805286/roe-v-wade-draft-decision-explained/ Gan, N. (2022, February 4). An Olympics like no other: Can sports overcome the controversy of Beijing 2022? CNN. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/04/china/china-beijing-winter-olympics-challenges-mic-intl-hnk/index.html Graham-Harrison , E., & Garside , J. (2019, November 24). 'Allow no escapes': Leak exposes reality of China's Vast Prison Camp Network. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/24/china-cables-leak-noescapes-reality-china-uighur-prison-camp Kirby, J. (2020, July 28). Concentration camps and forced labor: China's repression of the Uighurs, explained. Vox. Retrieved from https://www.vox.com/2020/7/28/21333345/uighurs-china-internment-camps-forced-labor-xinjiang McQuillan , L. (2022, May 20). Global Food Crisis Fuelled by war in Ukraine could spark famine, unrest, experts say | CBC news. CBCnews. Retrieved from https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/food-crisis-ukraine-war-1.6460194 Simmons , K., Saravia, L., & Talmazan, Y. (2021, December 10). China guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity against Uyghurs, watchdog finds. NBCNews.com. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/china/china-guilty-genocidecrimes-humanity-uyghurs-watchdog-finds-rcna8157 Tahhan, Z. A. (2022, May 12). Shireen Abu Akleh: Al Jazeera Reporter killed by Israeli forces. Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera. Retrieved from https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/11/shireen-abu-akleh-israeli-forces-kill-al-jazeera-journalist Tkach, M. (2022, May 24). First Canada-bound plane carrying Ukrainian refugees touches down in Winnipeg - Winnipeg. CJOB. Retrieved from https://globalnews.ca/news/8863776/first-canada-bound-plane-carrying-ukrainian-refugees-touchesdown-in-winnipeg/
F1 MIAMI GRAND PRIX SENDS RACERS TO BARCELONA by Maya A-G (Grade 10) Formula 1 heads to Barcelona this weekend for the sixth exciting race of the 2022 season! On May 8, at the Miami Grand Prix, Max Verstappen held off a late charge from Charles Leclerc, who took the win. The F1 world championship leader recovered from a spin during his first run in Q3 to jump into pole position with his final lap, displacing Max Verstappen by 0.323 seconds. Verstappen was unable to respond after being hit by his own Q3 troubles, as a DRS fault forced him to abandon his final qualifying lap and left him stuck in second place. Carlos Sainz qualified in third place as he strung together some clean laps while George Russell's Mercedes took a fourth-place start. fourth-place start. That shuffled Sergio Perez back to fifth for Red Bull, just ahead of Lewis Hamilton in the sister Mercedes. Valtteri Bottas once again claimed the ‘best of the rest’ tag in qualifying with seventh place for Alfa Romeo, despite missing almost the entire FP2 session with an engine issue, as he beat Kevin Magnussen who also suffered DRS trouble with his Haas in qualifying. McLaren’s Daniel Ricciardo grabbed ninth as Mick Schumacher rounded out the top 10, putting in a solid recovery having missed most of the final practice due to a rear brake fire. While F1 enjoyed the glitz and the glamour of a new location last time out, a trip to the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya represents a return to one of the sport’s traditional homes. The locals will be out in force supporting Carlos Sainz and Fernando Alonso - the veteran potentially for the last time - with both drivers victims of unforced errors in recent races.
Mayo, Marc. “F1 Spanish Grand Prix: Race Start Time UK, Qualifying Results and How Can I Watch on TV Today?” Yahoo! Sports, Yahoo!, 21 May 2022, https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/f1-spanish-grand-prix-race063000837.html? guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_re ferrer_sig=AQAAAMnKHfns1RBq7qiTUa5_kRzKYON_npjbCnKadAonXJaSBi PBoV_XXNx4id9sXyOs5UAeOdV4wovFRrsR04103bod2SB78VP4_dDGGNOc IZsSPr_qEf9YMHJQoDzONr_ebsGuHaaRGTGS7OzXj0yLsWxQCva6iPRM9pt G_IuwYwTC. Sport, Telegraph. “Spanish Grand Prix 2022: What Time Does the F1 Race Start, What TV Channel Is It on and What Are the Odds?” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 21 May 2022, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/formula-1/2022/05/21/spanish-grand-prix2022-f1-what-time-race-tv-channel-odds/. Hunt, Ben, and Frankie Christou. “F1 Spanish Grand Prix Practice Live Results: Updates from Catalunya.” The Sun, The Sun, 21 May 2022, https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/18633450/f1-spanish-grand-prix-practicelive-results-updates-hamilton-verstappen-leclerc/.
Following an impressive 91-win season last year, the Toronto Blue Jays have especially lofty expectations as they return to the field for the upcoming season. Reloaded with multiple offseason acquisitions, the Jays hope to breakout and topple the stacked AL East Conference, shooting for nothing less than a championship. Last year’s young roster sparked hope in Jays fans across the country. Led by a league renowned talent in that of the young Vladimir Guerrero Jr., other young pieces in the Jays’ system such as Bo Bichette, Lourdes Gurriel Jr., and Teoscar Hernandez displayed highlight seasons and true big-league upside, a great sign for the emerging squad. Of the young Toronto stars, however, Vlad donned the spotlight from opening day to game 162. Playing in only his second full season in the majors, the Canadian born 22-year-old slugger finished second in MVP voting, hitting for a .311 average while slapping in 111 RBI’s and popping a league leading 48 home runs, putting him just 11 RBI and .017 avg away from a triple-crown season*. While having a slower start in 2022 than his record setting season, look for Vlad to continue his offensive onslaught as one of the league’s premier hitters. PAGE 20
Another big driver of the Jays offense can be found in the recently acquired superstar George Springer. Springer has shown glimpses of why the Jays valued him at a six-year 150-million-dollar contract but has struggled to stay healthy during his time with the organization. Coming in and out of the lineup last season due to kneeissues, fans can only hope that the star settles in to provide a dangerous lead-off hitter to the menacing Blue Jays offense. Also, to be noted is Springer’s extensive playoff experience with the Houston Astros. A component which may prove invaluable to the fresh Jays roster. The returning stars of the up-and-coming ball club are provided added support from a few key off-season signings for the 2022 season. 29-year-old Matt Chapman, previously of the Oakland A’s, provides a power-bat in the lineup and platinum-glove defense to the Jays, while two exciting pitcher acquisitions in Yusei Kikuchi and Kevin Gausman fill big holes in the starting rotation.
Starters Gausman and young stud Alek Manoah have been lights out through the first 45 games of the season, each supporting ERAs near 2 and WHIPs near one, stats solid enough to give them early consideration in the 2022 Cy Young voting. With a solid starting rotation rounded out by Ryu and Berrios, solidifying the bullpen will be key for the Jays to contend as an elite team. Predicted by some as the 2022 World Series champions, the Toronto Blue Jays have a distance to go to satisfy such projections. The young team has been solid, but not dominating, over a quarter of the way through the season sitting 7 games over .500. They trail the second-place Tampa Bay Rays by just one game but have gained skepticism from critics for not showing the ability to string together long runs of wins. Despite growing pains, with young firepower and solid pitching to boot, Jays fans may be instore for a special run by the Canadian ball club.
From own knowledge PAGE 21
COACHELLA MUSIC FESTIVAL by Charlise B (Grade 10) After two years of cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most famous music festivals in the world came to life again for its 23rd year. The California music-based festival was able to host 2022 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival! It was hosted at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California in the Colorado Desert, about a three-hour drive from Los Angeles. A reported 750,000 people were in attendance and more than 150 music artists. Coachella was also live streamed on Youtube for people who could not attend and still wanted to experience some fantastic music. The venue had seven stages and was held on two weekends, April 15-17 and 22-24. The
Due to this, COVID-19 cases
lineup had a wide variety of
increased by at least 77% in the
performers including Harry Styles,
region just after the first weekend of
Billie Eilish, The Weekend, Doja Cat,
the festival. To continue, a couple of
as some of the top headlines and had
artists had some iconic moments
many other talented acts. Festival
during the concert with Megan Thee
organizers decided to not require
Stallion performing an unreleased
proof of vaccination, tests or masks
song and Harry Styles played some of
for attendees.
his new tunes from his Forthcoming album.
In addition, the environment seemed to run calm and smooth for concert goers. There seemed to not be any fights or medical incidents occur, and with the exception of the Weekend and Swedish House Mafia’s set, everything seemed to of run-on time and had no major technical difficulties. Overall, the festival seemed to of made an epic comeback from it’s last two years off due to the pandemic and made a memorable and enjoyable experience for the world!
-, Charlie Gunn, et al. “Everything There Is to Know about Coachella 2022.” Five, 14 Apr. 2022, https://thefortyfive.com/news/coachella-festival-2022lineup-headliners-tickets-dates/. Ogilvie, Jessica P. “Morning Brief: Coachella 2022, Yimbys, and Navigating Puberty.” LAist, 25 Apr. 2022, https://laist.com/news/morning-briefcoachella-2022-yimbys-and-navigating-puberty. “Coachella 2022: What You Need to Know about Weekend 2.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 22 Apr. 2022, https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2022-04-21/coachella-2022-what-you-need-to-know-about-weekend-2-harry-styles-billieeilish-the-weeknd. “Billie Eilish, the Weeknd, Harry Styles: How Was Coachella?” MSN, https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/tripideas/billie-eilish-the-weeknd-harrystyles-how-was-coachella/ar-AAWA0nP.
HARRY’S HOUSE REVIEW by Romi S (Grade 9)
A new Harry Styles era is welcomed with open arms, three years after the release of Fine Line. Harry’s House was released on May 20, 2022. The album appears to be named after Joni Mitchell's song "Harry's House / Centerpiece" from 1975's The Hissing of Summer Lawns. In a 2019 interview with Rolling Stone, the singer said his “Fine Line” track “Canyon Moon” was inspired by falling into “a pretty big Joni hole”, even tracking down the woman who built the dulcimer Mitchell plays on her 1971 album “Blue”. Styles' album is equally low-key, with 13 breezy melodies praising all things domestic. Fine Line emphasised '70s nostalgia, but Styles' 2017 debut celebrated classic rock. Harry's House has a more pop-oriented sound, with plenty of synthesized '80s moments and touches of indie pop. The hornspeckled introduction provides a peppy start to "Music for a Sushi Restaurant," which sounds purposely bohemian as Styles states. This is the closest successor to "Watermelon Sugar’s” sweet sensuality. Harry’s “As It Was” reminisces with A-Ha’s “Take on Me” and there's smoothness of "Daydreaming" from the 1980s. "Little Freak", despite its funky title, is all soothing synths in a lovely ballad as Styles loses himself in the memories of a previous love.
Harry’s House is an album that is essentially about domesticity. In an interview with Better Homes & Gardens, Styles explained how the pandemic had put a hold on his life for the first time in a decade. After some self-exploring, he “realized that that home feeling isn’t something that you get from a house; it’s more of an internal thing.” Having said that, the majority of the action on the album takes places around physical spaces. Wine is thrown in the garden and cocaine, among other things, is consumed in the kitchen. “Keep Driving” chronicles a chill Los Angeles lifestyle complete with pools and edibles. The album was produced and co-written almost entirely with long time collaborators Kid Harpoon (Jessie Ware, Shawn Mendes, Florence & the Machine) and Tyler Johnson (Sam Smith, Cam), and they played most of the instruments as well, although John Mayer and Ben Harper make sixstring cameos. This album is much more intimate and personal feeling. Now, he is finally producing music that is uniquely Harry Styles. He appears entirely at ease here: he's having fun, evoking some of his most personal imagery, and experimenting with new instruments, textures, and effects. He also understands when to double down on his own trademarks – no one else could get away with calling wine intoxicated, "grape juice blues". Styles furthers his enviable career with Harry’s House as he delights his fans with 13 beautiful songs. This album does not disappoint. On Harry’s House, Harry Styles has created a welcoming place to stay and linger for his dedicated fan base.
Aswad, Jem. “Harry Styles Moves Smoothly into His next Era with the Intimate 'Harry's House': Album Review.” Variety, Variety, 20 May 2022, https://variety.com/2022/music/reviews/harry-styles-harrys-house-album-review-1235272417/. “JB Hi-Fi - Australia's Largest Home Entertainment Retailer.” Fi, https://www.jbhifi.com.au/. Moreland, Quinn. “5 Takeaways from Harry Styles' New Album, Harry's House.” Pitchfork, Pitchfork, 19 May 2022, https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/takeaways-from-harry-styles-new-album-harrys-house/.
THE BATMAN REVIEW by Adam E (Grade 12)
The box office has seen a relatively slow start to the year. Already 5 months in with only a few notable releases in recent months, there has not been a large amount of content for movie goers. As platforms like Disney Plus and Netflix opt to ship new productions as series, new theatre releases are slowing down. Yet even with the rise of streaming giants in everyday entertainment, “The Batman” directed by Matt Reeves, stands out as a unique approach to both Batman himself and the superhero genre. Reeves’s took on the caped crusader borders on a film-noir style portrayal of Gotham City.
With a dark and gritty take on the city itself, it feels more alive and real, rather than just a fictional stomping ground for Batman and his foes. With specific custom lenses to really emphasize the dark and dirty feeling of the city, Reeves allows the environment to tell the story of the struggles for the Gotham people, which becomes one of the core moral conflicts surrounding the story. By building the atmosphere of Gotham, this Batman feels much more connected to the city and its conflicts. Aside from the exploration of the environment, one aspect that stands out the most from other Batman contemporaries is the movie’s approach to Batman himself. “The Batman” explores the world’s greatest detective, instead of the brainy brawler seen in recent portrayals. Instead of being a hardcore, action heavy superhero flick, “The Batman” feels a lot more like a thriller, carefully navigating a complex narrative. Batman discovers the truth not through interrogation or combat, but rather clues and evidence which he must carefully piece together in order to solve the case, a call back to the early days of Batman. With a system in conspiracy and deep connections running everywhere, Batman has more of a puzzle than an opponent to punch. Robert Pattison puts on an amazing performance both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman, to drive home Reeve’s specific vision for Batman. PAGE 26
Since the movie portrays a Batman very much in his infancy as a vigilante, Pattison includes a lot more depth to his emotional conflicts, something that Batman would sort out over time. By using this detective thriller approach, Reeves shows a new unseen side of Batman, something very refreshing in the era of monotonous Marvel mediocrity, in which each film seems to be a carbon copy of another production. But who really stole the show, was Paul Dano, with his creepy and terrifying portrayal of the Riddler. What was once seen as more of a gag character, present only for a quick beatdown from Batman and carrying little to no actual narrative significance, is now a manipulative and scheming criminal mastermind. Paul Dano does an amazing job selling the new take on the villain, even with limited screen time. Each scene he is in carries a weight of uncertainty, as the character has a perfect blend of unhinged madness and controlled power. To make up for low screen time for the Riddler, Reeve’s expertly explores his character through his traps and murders. This both furthers the story, but also proves new insight into who the Riddler is and his motives. With each of the Riddler’s moves building upon a dark and foreboding secret, and each victim a new piece of the puzzle, the Riddler is truly what carries the thriller aspect of the film. Dano’s specific approach to the character is something never seen before, as a character no one ever thought would make a big screen appearance completely blew expectations out of the water.
With this new take on Batman redefining expectation for the character, it will be interesting to see where Reeves takes the almost guaranteed sequel. Seeing as the movie is on top of gross profits worldwide, it is highly likely that more Robert Pattison Batman content is headed our way. A few questions surround how a character redefining film can be followed up, and how Reeves can reinvent his own style yet again. But as it stands now, “The Batman” is one the most stylistically unique and well executed superhero movies in recent times and is well worth the watch.
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS — A MOVIE YOU CAN SINK YOUR TEETH INTO By Emma M (Grade 11) What We Do in The Shadows is a 2014 mockumentary about the daily—or rather, nightly—lives of vampires. The film follows three vampires—Vladislav (Jemaine Clement), Deacon (Jonathan Brugh) and Viago (Taika Waititi), as they navigate modern technology, vampire hunters and hipsters, all while trying to figure out who’s turn it is to wash the dishes. Directed by Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement, What We Do in The Shadows feels like a passion project. With a small cast composed mainly of other New Zealanders and an IT guy with no previous acting experience, this movie brings the feeling of indie made by a group of friends, and combines it with the budget of a blockbuster film. Oftentimes, when something is billed as ‘horror-comedy’, that just means that between scenes of gore and violence, a character might crack a joke. What We Do in The Shadows, however, leans into the comedy side of the genre, unafraid of committing to bits to such a level that it almost becomes corny. That’s not to say the horror is lacking. With dark moments as bloody as classic slasher films immediately followed by light-hearted jokes, this movie walks the line between genres, creating a unique and offbeat story.
The cinematography in this film is what would be considered as one of the best examples of how to create the illusion of a documentary. Where many mockumentary films make the mistake of using stable, smooth camerawork, What We Do in The Shadows’ cinematography feels distinctly human, each scene filmed in such a way that gives the impression that the story is developing in real time, and those behind the camera are learning about it at the same time as the audience. This is especially notable during later scenes, when the vampires encounter a group of werewolves. The ensuing fight, filmed with shaky night vision camera and far away shots is put together in such a manner that it really seems like the cameramen are running for their lives. The vampires in this movie are not homologous copies of one another — each has their own quirks and oddities. Beyond the obvious, the main trio have little in common, each with different motivations and drives. The opening scene is able to establish these differences quickly and endearingly, creating three dimensional characters through reality tv style confessionals. The costuming is also very helpful for fleshing out and separating these characters. Where Vladislav leans into the gothic style typically expected of vampires, Deacon and Viago dress in an array of unique outfits, including embroidered denim jackets and ratty fur coats. The colours in this film are vivid and intentional, a far cry from the cold lighting typically associated with vampire movies. With deep, rich colours, What We Do in The Shadows is able to effectively harness light and colour as plot devices, each changing with the moods of the scenes. Add this to complex arrays of props, and a film that’s not just excellently written but also visually fascinating is devised. All in all, What We Do in The Shadows contains loveable character, a compelling plot and unique camerawork all wrapped up in a palatable hour and a half.
Clement, Jemaine, and Taika Waititi. “What We Do in the Shadows.” IMDb, IMDb.com, 13 Feb. 2015, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3416742/.
YOUR SUMMER HOROSCOPES 2022 by Saoirse M (Grade 12)
Aries Hey, Aries! This summer, take care of yourself by prioritizing your own needs over the needs of others. Luck will be on your side during exam season, which will also help you to gravitate towards positive people and situations. With this improved mood, instead of feeling overwhelmed, you’ll surely surf the waves of work that come your way and emerge with motivation to busy yourself with your personal projects over the summer. This is an optimal time to review your goals and see how much you can accomplish. You can do it!
Taurus Hi, Taurus! Activity and excitement are abound! You might find yourself improvising more than usual in situations, and that’s okay! Don’t stress about taking a step back from your work or indulging in one last day off because you’ll come back feeling refreshed and more motivated. As summer break nears, you might find yourself making newfound connections with yourself and others. If you choose to start down a more solitary path for the time being, make sure that you process your emotions in a healthy way. Some anxiety might creep into your life with exams, and that’s totally to be expected. Though it sounds kinda stupid, some meditation might do you some good!
Gemini Gemini, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. If you’ve been pondering the solution to a mystery or secret for some time, the smallest detail might become an enormous “aha!” moment for you in the future. Unfortunately, our good friend Mercury is in retrograde. What does this mean for you? Well, you might be feeling a little off kilter. Be wary of falling into a slump or letting a miscommunication fester – if socializing just isn’t working right now, maybe take some you-time. Your birthday is soon! Woot! The cosmos want to reward you for making another journey around the sun… With a bit of luck and hard work, your goals may come into fruition just in time for you to evolve into the next chapter of your life.
Cancer Hello, Cancer! Even though the school year is nearing a close, you will probably be feeling a stronger sense of community than ever. With the solid foundations you’ve built in your existing, closest relationships, you might be ready to branch out and befriend others. However, don’t let socialization take all your attention away from exams. Now could be your chance to put yourself in a great position for the summer that will help you to secure the future you want. Though you might have a lot on your plate right now, when summer break comes, you might want to spend some time with yourself and engage in some deep thoughts. However, if you find yourself becoming upset, don’t hold back from doing the things you really enjoy.
Leo Rome wasn’t built in a day, dear Leo! Though it might not seem like it, you’re making steady progress towards your goals. Wherever possible, work at your own pace; it will help you to avoid burnout. Your social energy will likely be off the charts this summer! You have the power to establish a network of friends that will help each other to establish meaningful connections. The cosmos believe that you’ll have the motivation to make that last push to the end of the year. Once school is in your rear-view mirror, take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come. Sometimes it is necessary to let go of the past to embrace the future.
Virgo Salutations, fellow Virgos! You asked; the universe answered — the opportunities that you seek will be presented to you in the near future. However, you cannot benefit from these opportunities if they pass you by. Keep working hard (though you didn’t need to be told that)! Unfortunately, you might face some obstacles in the people department soon. Try to keep a level head and grow from your previous encounters with problem people. Don’t be afraid to ask for the things you want—you’ll likely find that most people want to help you achieve your goals. Lastly, don’t let your homework consume you. Find something at school that brings you joy and focus on that (and don’t say homework!).
Hey there, Libra, advocate for yourself! You might find that being direct and forthcoming about your desires is the best way for your voice to be heard. This guileless approach may throw your friends for a loop, so be aware, and be polite. After your ‘blunt’ phase, you might be feeling more charming and confident. As always, be wary of becoming too hasty in your interactions. By listening equally to your intuition and logic, you’ll surely strike a healthy balance between these two sides of your social personality. The universe cannot guide you without your input, so be "DID YOU KNOW frank with yourself about what you want.
THAT THE WOLVERINE IS ONE OF THE STINKIEST ANIMALS IN THE WORLD?" Scorpio Howdy, Scorpio! This summer, you will probably be feeling more stable than usual in your relationships. However, this doesn’t mean that they’ll stagnate and become boring; more stability means that you’ll have more freedom to enjoy who you are. While you’re in this steady position, also try letting your imagination run free by leaning into your artistic side. By embracing creativity, you might have an easier time taking actions in your goals—just remember to stay grounded while reaching for the stars. In order to achieve your goals, you might need to break away from people or habits that are holding you back. An overwhelming emotional attachment might negatively cloud your judgement.
Sagittarius Greetings, Sagittarius! Although you’re probably known to be quite enthusiastic and go-go-go, you might want to consider slowing down for a bit. Establishing solid social foundations and a support group are important, especially with how hard you’ve been working lately. A consistent schedule might also help you to ward off burnout during the summer. Believe in yourself, and you will be able to inspire others with your artistic genius (stay wary of an unhealthy ego, though!). You might be feeling wittier and more charismatic as of late, which could help you to forge connections based upon intellect. It might be fun for you to share anecdotes with your friends to better get to know
Ciao, Aquarius! You’ve probably been itching for a staycation recently, and I can’t blame you! Embrace luxury in your own home by giving your room a makeover! Don’t dawdle on it though, or you may come to regret your decisions (chartreuse is never a good choice, I’m sorry). Avoid participating in gossip; your words might have resounding, negative impacts on those you care about. If you stay positive, you’ll surely become closer with your community and gain a better appreciation for your own psyche. If you weren’t already social enough, later in the summer you’ll be feeling even more chatty! Maybe try re-engaging in a personal pursuit over the summer.
Capricorn Hey, Capricorn! You’re more capable than you know, so indulge in your ego a little bit and nurture your existing interests. You might feel the desire to express yourself, so now could be the time to reconnect with an artistic outlet. Embracing your creative side could give you a boost in personal healing, whatever that may be. As the school year winds down, you might find yourself becoming more driven to tackle your big goals over the summer. Take those first small steps, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Use these calmer summer months to revise and edit your life. If someone/something isn’t doing you any favours, delete ‘em!
Pisces Bonjour, Pisces! Hands-on experiences will be of great import to you, so get your hands dirty! Listen to your mentors and heed their advice; they probably know what they’re doing. Although it may seem counterintuitive, be patient in taking risks. Stay on the lookout for new opportunities that could help you improve position over the summer because your hard work now will surely pay off down the line. As with everything you encounter , make sure you understand what you’re getting into, so you won’t become overwhelmed. You might be in the mood for some deep, late-night conversations with family that may help you reconnect after this hectic year.
Horoscope.com Team. “Aries Monthly Horoscope: May 2022.” Aries Monthly Horoscope: May 2022 | Horoscope.com, 25 May. 2022, https://www.horoscope.com/us/horoscopes/gene ral/horoscope-general-monthly.aspx?sign=1. "Marilyn vos Savant Quotes." BrainyQuote.com. BrainyMedia Inc, 2022. 25 May 2022. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/marilyn_vo s_savant_385323 "John Lubbock Quotes." BrainyQuote.com. BrainyMedia Inc, 2022. 25 May 2022. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/john_lubbo ck_107976
Fortune cookie “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ― John Lubbock “Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.” — Marilyn vos Savant Lucky Numbers 10 – 67 – 12 – 49 – 84