Edit - May 2015

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Meet your new Youth MP Find a mentor Discover why Westminster

Girls Can


ts to TickeBlur, see omy & on Metr ny more ma

CONTENTS Our youth. Our say.


r find yourself a mento


I ran for Youth MP because I think young people deserve a say. This is our youth; we need to make it count by standing up and making sure decision makers know about the issues that are important to us.

get more active and have fun doing it

As Youth MP I’ll be backing the Youth Parliament’s campaign to ensure that schools teach a curriculum that prepares us for life. This curriculum would teach us the basic life skills we need such as how to manage our money once we leave school. So many people have told me they’ve left school feeling lost and confused, and this is exactly what a Curriculum for Life could change.


I’ll also be talking to young people about safety and the things we can do together to make sure all young people in Westminster feel safe where they live.

hat’s on in Westmins w this summer


tickets to see Bl ur, Metronomy & m any more


I’m not here to revolutionise Westminster. I’m here to campaign on the issues I know matter to you. I’m here because we deserve our say.

meet inspiring people from your city

If you have any questions for me, or your new Deputy Youth MP, Enkhuchral Mergen, contact us at westminsteryouthmp@westminster.gov.uk

Aby Mur r ay

Youth MP, Westminster westminsteryouthmp @ westminster.gov.uk

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Cover photo: Aby Murra

. y, 16. Your new Youth MP




Written by Enkhuchral Mergen, 17, Mohamed Hammeda, 15 and Semhar Teklu, 17, members of the Westminster Youth Council.

When you’re thinking about getting a job it can be hard to know where to start. A mentor is an adult who has years of work experience and can meet with you on a regular basis to help you make the right decisions. “ I want to wor k in T V pr oduction and my mentor has intr oduce d me to he r ne twor ks and answe r e d all my questions. Hav ing a mentor is a gr e at way to me e t pr ofessionals in the industr y you want to wor k in.” Sam Molloy, 22.

“M y mentor L or r aine has helpe d me to come up with a cle ar job hunting str ate gy, helpe d me apply for inte r nships, and my CV is r e ally star ting to take shape. It’s br illiant to have a one-toone session to discuss my car e e r development.” Nian Ali, 20. The Youth VolEmploy Mentoring Scheme is run by One Westminster and matches young people (16-25) starting their careers with mentors. If you’re interested in being matched up with a mentor contact Nathalie Lam at n.lam@ onewestminster.org.uk or 0750 122 7792.


“I applie d for the mentor ing sche me be cause I want to wor k in banking but no one in my imme diate ne twor k wor ks in the industr y. M y mentor Gail wor ks for Lloyds Bank and has be en gr e at at explaining the v ar ious car e e r r outes av ailable to me. He r insight has made me fe el mor e confident about se cur ing my dr e am job.” Ikr ah Hussain, 20.

Think ing a bout an a p p r en tices An ap hip? get p prentices hip aid

work is a g work rea ex in Find g toward perience t way to vaca while s a qu n lond onap cies and alificatio also ap n pren tices ply onlin . e at hipjo bs.co .uk

Pernthaller, 15 , from Francis Holland School .

by Marie-Verity

Academy. Illus trations

Written by Debo rah Edosa, 15, from Paddingt on

Do stereotypes and oth er people’s views stop you from be ing active and doing what you en joy? Are you worried about what pe ople will think if you sweat when you do sport, or if your hair goes all ov er the place? If boys don’t need to wo rry about it, why should we? For some people it ma y not be an issue; however for me when it comes to being active I always worry ab out people judging me, so I do a few things to help me relax and forget ab out my worries: I go to activities with my friends because we’re bound to have a laugh. Many of them are better at the activities we’re do ing than I am so they are able to teach me new skills or tricks, lau gh at me when I make mistakes of epic proportions, then help me up so I can get back on my fee t, and vice versa. It’s a win-win sit uation. Me and my friends tak e a lot of pride in our kit – but alw ays put comfort first. We get de cked out in our Nikes or Puma Su edes and hit the gym or the field feeling inspired and ready to ge t moving. Sometimes we sign up to all gir l sessions, because in that environment there’ s no pressure. It’s you and the gir ls, no worries. So stop thinking about what people think, get out there and move! There are lots of girls only activities in Westminster and you can find them in the Active Westminster Guide at westminster . gov.uk/edit-active. You can also apply for an ActiveWestminster card to get free swimming and other discounts at Westmins ter leisure centres.





freE All activities are free so just turn up and join in.


Free drop-in weight lifting and fitness sessions. When: Tuesdays, 6.15-8.15pm Venue: St. Andrew’s Youth Club, Alec Wizard House, 12 Old Pye Street, SW1P 2DG Ages: 14-19

Learn new moves and create your own dance crew.

Compose, record and create your own mixes using Avid Pro Tools.

When: Fridays, 6-7.30pm

When: Saturdays, 11am-1pm

Venue: Westminster Academy, The Naim Dangoor Centre, 255 Harrow Road, W2 5EZ

Venue: The London Centre for Carnival Arts, 1 Chippenham Mews, W9 2AN

Ages: 13-19

Ages: 12+


Love musicals? Head down to West End LIVE on Trafalgar Square for a line-up of free shows from London’s best-loved West End musicals. When: 20th and 21st June Where: Trafalgar Square westendlive.co.uk @WestEndLIVE facebook.com/WestEndLive




Get ready for summer festivals in Westminster with SouthWestFest in SW1, from 19th-28th June, and Paddington Festival, across Paddington, from July-August. Film festivals, comedy, music and more. southwestfest.org.uk paddingtonfestival.co.uk



on Saturday Blur will make histor y rth headline 20 th June with their fou and you could rk, appearance in Hyde Pa it. be there to witness le of Hyde Park, Taking place in the midd itish Summer Time Br ts sen Barclaycard pre ing for everyone. Hyde Park has someth bst-hydepark.com Find out what’s on, visit ssion tickets to To win two general admi my, The Horrors see Blur, plus Metrono what you think of us l and many more, tel inster.gov.uk by Edit. Email edit@westm You must be under Monday 8th June 2015. rt. 19 years-old to take pa

SAVE MONEY WITH WESTMINSTER CITY SAVE Hungry? Offer: 20% off fish and chips at Mr Fish Curb your craving for fish and chips with a 20% discount on meals at Mr Fish in Bayswater and Queen’s Park.

Want a new look? Offer: 20% off at Fe Hair and Beauty Mix things up at Fe Hair and Beauty including 20% off cuts, blow-dries, manicures, pedicures and more.

Bored? Offer: Magazines including Rolling Stone and Glamour for free

Cycle th e trafficfree streets of London

friends on Grab your bike and some d take part in Saturday 1st August an nt FreeCycle. The free eve ous fam st sees London’s mo ffic tra of d streets cleare r for you to enjoy on you at re mo t ou d Fin e. bik prudentialride london.co.uk

Become a member at any Westminster library and you can download your favourite magazines straight to your phone, tablet or laptop, for free.

Visit westminster.gov.uk/edit-city-save for full details of all offers. Some offers are only available with a Westminster City Save card, which you must be aged 16 or over to register for. If you’re not 16 you can still get great discounts on sport and leisure including free swimming. Apply for an ActiveWestminster card at your local leisure centre. Visit westminster.gov.uk/ edit-sport. Terms and conditions apply – check online for full details, westminster.gov.uk/edit-city-save



Unsure of which direction

to take, Sara’s volunteering helped

and “When I was 17 I began to act out my from t por sup pt didn’t want to acce ker, wor ial soc or s her teac , foster mum and tel so I decided to move into a hos live on my own. out a “Trying to do things on my own with ’t didn I . hard ly suppor t network was real ted star I so take to n ctio know what dire Tope volunteering. I volunteered at the as Day istm Project which runs a free Chr care and n ldre event for looked-after-chi ing rais fund in lved invo leavers. I became a on out ing help ns, atio don for by asking . bake sale and collecting gifts week “This summer I am going on a five have and volunteering trip to Costa Rica skills ing rais fund my already been putting s. sale e bak e mor g udin incl to good use, better “Since I was 17 my life has only got I’ve , ring ntee volu my to and, thanks been offered my first job at a global real estate firm. There are times when I may not know exactly what to do but I have been able to build up a good support network and discuss problems which could have held me back.”

her get her first step on

the career ladder. 8

If you’re looking to build up your experience and boost your CV, volunteering is a good first step. Find volunteering opportunities at westminster. gov.uk /editvolunteering

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