Little Book of Westminster

Page 1

Little Book of Westminster A guide to services for 16-24 year olds Immigration



Health Training Immigration Childcare

Benefits Enterprise JobsAdvice Arts Money Housing Volunteering

Training Immigration Benefits Childcare Health Arts Jobs Advice Jobs Health Volunteering


to the first issue of the

Little book of Westminster

If you are aged between 16 and 24 (or 25 if you have a disability) and are looking for local services that can support you in your journey to further education, training or employment then look no further! To achieve your goals of finding employment or a place to study, you may need to sort out a few other things first. Maybe you need identification, are struggling with debt or have concerns about your housing. In the first section you can find details of services that can support you on a range of needs: health, immigration, housing advice, job search and apprenticeships to name but a few. At the back, is an A-Z of the organisations and services, with their contact details so you can speak to them to find out more. Finally, there is a map of the borough showing you where the organisations in the A-Z are located in Westminster.

We hope you find it useful and good luck! To view this booklet online visit and search for “jobs and careers�.


Contents Support services

Jobs and training

Health and wellbeing 6-8 Immigration and citizenship 9 English for speakers of other 9 languages (ESOL) Skills classes 10 Benefit advice, debt and 11-12 managing your money Childcare services and advice 13-16 Advocacy and legal matters 17 Housing advice and support 18-19 General services for 19 16-25 years old

Information, advice and guidance 22 Pre-employment training 23-24 Training for a specific industry 26-27 Traineeships 27 Volunteering 28 Work experience and 30-31 internships Job clubs 32 Apprenticeships 33-34 Enterprise 35 Employment support 36-37 programmes and job brokers

With special thanks to CityWest Homes for delivering this publication to 21,500 homes and making it available in a range of community venues across the borough.

Contacts A-Z of local organisations Map of the borough

40-47 48-49

At Westminster City Council we are aware that there are over 25,000 young people aged 16-24 years old living in the city, each of you with your own dreams and aspirations for your future study or career. There are many local organisations that can help you to reach your goals and overcome obstacles that may be getting in the way. It can be difficult to know where these organisations are or to know how they can help you. Through this guide we aim to help point you in the right direction, so that you can move closer to achieving your goals.

Cllr. Daniel Astaire Cabinet Member for Business & Housing


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Health and wellbeing To secure and succeed in the job or course you want requires a healthy mind and body; this section details the services in the borough that can support you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. From mental health and addiction support to healthy cooking classes you can find it here.

Acknowledging Youths Healthy Choices workshop available where participants will learn the basics of nutrition and its importance when it comes to physical and mental health and well-being. By the end of the course, students will feel confident about implementing healthier choices in their lives.

Beethoven Centre (A2 Dominion) The Health Hub activities include: physical activity classes for adults and children (daytime sessions include crèche spaces for £1 per child); free weight management service; cooking demonstrations and affordable fruit and vegetables. Contact the centre for further details, current charges for crèche spaces and discount information.


Cardinal Hume Centre The Gateway If you are homeless and need to see a doctor you can come to the surgery at the Centre without an appointment and be seen the same day. The surgery has two doctors and provides a full range of medical care solely to homeless people from across London. The surgery is open Monday to Friday 10am to 12:30pm and 2pm to 4pm (except Wednesday afternoon when closed).

Caxton Youth Organisation The Caxton has a specific healthy living project for over 18s focussed on complementary therapies such as yoga. Contact the centre for more information.

Centrepoint Health and Wellbeing Centre

North Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service

Services are open to Centrepoint clients only aged 16-25. Services at the centre include: short and long-term counselling, exercise and fitness, including gym access, healthy living workshops, drugs and alcohol advice, cookery and nutrition classes, sexual health and healthy relationship support, including free condom schemes and information on STI screenings, emotional support, such as help with anger management.

Services available to Westminster residents aged 18+ who live to the north of Oxford Street.

Migrants Resource Centre

Range of services available: health visiting, speech and language therapy, behaviour management for children and counselling for parents.

Sessions at the centre and at outreach locations include: a guide to the NHS system, explanation of primary and secondary care, how to register with a GP/dentist, rights and entitlements according to status, healthy lifestyles workshops, 1:1 health services information and support, weekly in-house counselling in Spanish, Italian and English, weekly yoga class, dramatherapy, stop smoking promotion, multilingual Wellbeing Support Service run with BME Health Forum.

The centre offers advice and support in any area of an individual’s life that has been affected by drugs/alcohol misuse. Services are open to those with alcohol/drug misuse problems, their carers, friends, families and partners.

Soho Family Centre

The Gate at Westminster Confidential and non judgmental advice concerning an unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy testing, pre and post abortion counselling, miscarriage support, befriending and help during an unplanned pregnancy.


Health and wellbeing - continued...

Union Dance Trust Improve your health and emotional wellbeing through dance and related cultural activities.

West London Buddhist Centre

Paddington Development Trust (PDT) PDT delivers a range of workshops relating to health related matters – contact centre for more information.

Courses and drop-in classes in mindfulness meditation, kindly awareness, mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga.

Peabody Housing Employability Programme

Westminster Befriend a Family

The Activate programme offers a range of workshops to improve mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Family support services to children and young people aged 0-18 and their families. Offer includes weekly home visiting service to families and also a wide range of weekly sports, arts, educational projects and workshops for both children and parents.

Westminster Libraries A Health Information Worker coordinates a programme of health information, signposting and bibliotherapy activities in Westminster.


South Westminster Drug and Alcohol project (Turning Point) The centre offers advice and support in any area of an individual’s life that has been affected by drugs/alcohol misuse. Services are open to those with alcohol/drug misuse problems, their carers, friends, families and partners. Contact the centre for information about referrals to the service.

Immigration and citizenship Employers are legally bound to employ those with the right to work in the UK; this section covers services aimed at young people who require support with regards to citizenship and immigration.

English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Learning English for the first time? From reading and writing to conversational English there is a class on offer locally.

Cardinal Hume Centre - The Gateway

ESOL classes

Immigration advice and support available – contact centre for more information. Services available to people who are homeless, in need of housing or live in South Westminster.

Weekly classes available at various levels. Contact the centre for more information.

Just for Kids Law Youth advocates can assist clients in immigration matters: this ranges from helping young people to complete forms to providing advocacy representation in formal meetings. In addition, solicitors offer assistance and representation in immigration cases that require an age assessment.

Migrant Resource Centre Immigration advice and support available. Services available to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

Cardinal Hume Centre – The Gateway

Migrant Resource Centre Classes available – contact the centre for more information.

Soho Family Centre Classes available via the Children’s Centre.

Westminster Libraries ESOL Conversation classes available. Contact your local library for more information.

Westminster Kingsway College Available at all levels and abilities – with classes during the daytime and evenings.


Skills classes Need support to improve your reading, writing and numeracy skills?

Cardinal Hume Centre The Gateway

South Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service

Literacy and numeracy classes taught on a one to one basis.

Courses available to clients in treatment with the service.

City of Westminster College

Vital Youth

Level 1 literacy and numeracy skills classes.

North Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service Courses available to clients in treatment with the service.

Level 1 and 2 English course available.

Westminster Kingsway College English, Maths and ICT courses available.

Westminster Libraries Literacy and numeracy classes available at locations across the borough, see website for further details.


Benefit advice, debt and managing your money Starting a new job can mean a change to how much benefit you may be entitled to and an increase in the amount of money in your pocket. Additionally, debt can lead to stress and difficulties in planning your future. This section details the services that can give you advice or training regarding benefits and managing your money.

Beethoven Centre (A2 Dominion)

Just for Kids Law

The Advice Plus service offers a weekly advice service regarding money management, benefits and debt.

Cardinal Hume Centre - The Gateway Benefit advice sessions run weekly by Jobcentre Plus advisors. Money management courses are available at the centre – contact for further information.

Jobcentre Plus Jobcentre Plus is part of the Department for Work and Pensions.

This service can provide community care solicitors to represent children and young people who are not receiving the social services support to which they are entitled, including accommodation and support for children in need, looked after children and children leaving care. In addition, youth advocates can assist in helping young people fill in forms so that they receive appropriate benefits.

Advisers can work out how much better off you may be in work and give advice on applying for benefits such as Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income Support and Employment Support Allowance.


Benefit advice, debt and managing your money - continued...

North Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service Advice and training regarding money management and budgeting skills are available for clients in treatment with the service.

Paddington Development Trust (PDT) Residents can access benefits advice and calculations as a part of their initial assessment when they register with employment support programmes such as Westminster Works.

Peabody Housing Employability Programme Qualified guides offer free, impartial, face-to-face financial advice on claiming benefits, borrowing, tax, planning for retirement and dealing with changes in financial circumstances.


Soho Family Centre Advice and workshops are available via the Children’s Centre. Contact the centre for further information.

South Westminster Drug and Alcohol project (Turning Point) Advice and training regarding money management, debt and benefits are available for clients in treatment with the project.

West London Buddhist Centre Budgeting skills courses and an onsite benefits advisor are available at the centre.

Westminster Kingsway College Advice regarding benefits and money management and signposting to other organisations is available to learners at all college sites.

Working With Men Advice and signposting is available regarding money management, debt and benefits.

Childcare services and advice Securing affordable, quality childcare can give you peace of mind and stability in your new job or as you learn. This section details where in the borough you can get advice regarding child-care options and childcare facilities available in Westminster.

Cardinal Hume Centre The Gateway For young people registered with the service there is an on site crèche and OFSTED registered nursery available.

City of Westminster College On site crèche for learners; childminder service for clients in the first six months of their contract and support to secure childcare.

Migrants Resource Centre The centre provides OFSTED registered childcare in term-time for two-five year olds. Free term time places are available to eligible two year olds from Westminster and three and four year olds residing in London. Additional hours are available on a fee paying basis. Please contact the centre for more information.

North Westminster Drug Project The project offers a Family Support Group, available to both clients and carers/family members who are in need of advice, information and emotional support.


Save money with great discounts exclusive to Westminster residents

Offers and discounts for Westminster residents

30% off beauty treatments Offer: Pamper yourself in the hands of the professional beauty team at Mari Marinez Health & Beauty, including 30% off eyelash extensions.

20% off entry at the London Dungeon

How to claim: State that you are a City Save member when booking and present your City Save card prior to payment. Venue: 70 Gloucester Road, London, SW7 4QT 020 7581 4365

Offer: The London Dungeon invites you to a unique feast of fun with history’s horrible bits. Live actors, a ride and special effects transport you back to those black, bleak times. How to claim: Download a voucher from the City Save website. Present your voucher with your City Save card at the London Dungeon. Venue: County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7PB 0871 423 2240

20% off gym membership Offer: Training House Gym is in the heart of Maida Vale and is a low cost gym offering a wide range of workout facilities. How to claim: Present your Westminster City Save at the gym. Venue: 235 Lanark Road, London, W9 1RA 020 7624 7814

Don’t have a City Save card? Don’t miss out – sign up today! Enjoy fantastic offers and great savings on Westminster’s leading attractions with our resident discount. To apply, register online at or call 020 7641 600 (Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm). Sign up to our e-newsletter and get offers straight to your inbox. You must be 16 or over to join City Save.


Childcare services and advice - continued...

Peabody Housing Employability Programme Advice regarding childcare options are available to tenants via the Tenant and Family Support team.

Soho Family Centre The centre is an Ofsted registered nursery. They provide 15 hours per week free nursery provision for three to five year olds in term time. The Family Centre and Children’s Centre services include family drop-ins and activity programmes.

South Westminster Drug Project The project offers advice and support regarding childcare and related issues to clients in treatment with them.

The Gate at Westminster Befriending is available to those met as “crisis pregnancy” clients. Signposting to other services is also available and educational projects and workshops for both children and parents.

Westminster Befriend a Family Family support services to children aged 0-18 and their families. Offer includes weekly home visiting service to families and also a wide range of weekly sports, arts, educational projects and workshops for both children and parents.

Westminster Family Information Service Information on a range of childcare related matters including: Out-of-school childcare and play for five–12 year olds in your area; schools, leisure activities for children and young people; special needs support groups and services for children and young people aged up to 21 years; support groups for parents and carers; local children’s centres.


Childcare services and advice - continued...

Westminster Kingsway College Advice regarding childcare options and signposting to other organisations is available to learners at all college sites.

Working With Men Advice regarding childcare and parenting related matters is available to clients.

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Advocacy and legal matters Quality representation and advice regarding legal issues can give you the peace of mind to work and study and to plan your future. This section details organisations that can provide you with support, advice and representation.

Beethoven Centre (A2 Dominion) Advice Plus service offers a weekly advice service regarding legal matters. Contact the centre for further information.

Just for Kids Law

The advocacy service provides young people with youth advocates to assist them in their day-to-day lives. Youth advocates can support their clients by completing forms and to provide representation in formal meetings.

South Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service Advocacy services are available to clients in treatment with the service.

West London Buddhist Centre Legal advice and representation is available at the centre.

Westminster Libraries Access to legal advice available at Westminster Reference library.

Areas of legal expertise are criminal, education and community care law.


Housing advice and support A safe and warm place to rest and call “home� is a necessity. These services can provide advice and guidance regarding your housing situation or in some cases, emergency and longer term housing.

Beethoven Centre (A2 Dominion) The Advice Plus service offers a weekly advice service regarding housing matters.

Cardinal Hume Centre

Cardinal Hume Centre The Gateway Advice and guidance available – contact centre to make an appointment.

Centrepoint Health and Wellbeing Centre Advice regarding homeless issues available.

CHC aims to empower people on a low income or who are homeless through a range of free services.

North Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service Advice and referral service available to clients in treatment with the service.


General services for 16-25 years old Peabody Housing Employability Project Housing advice available via the Lettings Team. Contact service for more information.

Soho Family Centre Housing advice available from the Children’s Centre.

Westminster Housing Options Service Online access to advice and information regarding housing.

Working With Men

There are lots of services across Westminster that offer somewhere to socialise, relax, develop your skills outside of a classroom or try new things such as DJing, photography, dance, sports or even sailing! For more information of where to find these places take a look at the following publications:

Active Westminster Children First Or go to: and search for “young people”.

Advice and guidance regarding housing options available.



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Information, advice and guidance Whether it’s your career or study, the following services can work with you on a one to one basis to plan what you want to do, how to do it and where to do it. Some services are for people in certain age groups, location or situation so check the A-Z on page 40 and contact a service to see if they can help you. u Cardinal Hume Centre Gateway

u Paddington Development Trust

u Caxton Youth Organisation

u Peabody Housing Employability Project

u Circle Sports u City of Westminster College u Fast Forward Project u Genesis Community u Jobcentre Plus u Just for Kids Law u London College of Beauty Therapy u Migrants’ Resource Centre u North Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service


u South Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service u Vital Youth u West End Skills Shop u Westminster Employment u Westminster Kingsway College u Westminster Libraries u Westminster Works u Working With Men

Pre-employment training Need help writing your CV, not sure what to say in an interview or unsure how to job search? These services provide training sessions that can help...

Acknowledging Youths Employability skills club available – contact centre for more information.

Cardinal Hume Centre - The Gateway Support available to understand job searching, CV writing and interview skills.

Circle Sports Accredited training coupled with opportunity to practice your skills in a real work environment.

Caxton Youth Organisation The organisation provides employability skills training on a one to one basis.

City of Westminster College Courses available throughout the year on confidence and motivation training, CV writing and interview skills.

Migrant Resource Centre Range of training sessions available – contact the centre for more information.

North Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service Employment Training and Education service, which can be beneficial to those looking to find employment, gain new vocational skills or return to learning. The training includes recognising one’s skills, goal-setting and confidence building, disclosure advice (for ex-offenders), producing a CV and interview skills. The training also offers Skills for Life Assessments on literacy and numeracy which are based on national standards.


Pre-employment training - continued...

Paddington Development Trust (PDT) A range of pre-employment skills training available: CV writing; confidence building and interview techniques.

Peabody Housing Employability Project Training on CV writing, confidence building and interview techniques available.

Vital Youth One to one CV writing support, interview techniques, careers support and advice available.

Westminster Kingsway College Courses available throughout the year. Contact the college for more information. CV writing and ICT skills training available. Contact your nearest library to find out more.


Westminster Libraries Training available in CV writing and ICT skills.

Youth VolEmploy Training on skills such as work based communication, customer service, timekeeping and networking from professionals as well as job search and interview skills training.

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Westminster City Council

Training for a specific industry From fashion designer to fitness instructor and from chef to retail assistant, there are local services who can help you build the specialist skills and experience you need to get the job you want. Many have links with employers and can provide you with work experience as part of the training course. Some courses are only available depending on your age – so contact provider for further details.

City of Westminster College Courses available for a range of trades including catering and construction.

Fashion Retail Academy Want to get into fashion learn how to sell the best new designs? Full time courses include work placements in a store or head office role.

London College of Beauty Therapy

Pre-employment training opportunities for Retail, Beauty, Hospitality and Fitness are on offer. Many courses offer guaranteed interviews on completion or provide access to the Job Shop and apprenticeship opportunities.

North Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service The centre offers support to clients wanting to achieve a work-based qualification, Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS), practice for their Theory Driving Test and achieve level 2 QCA accredited Food Hygiene Certificate. Available to clients in treatment with the service.


Traineeships Westminster Kingsway College Full range of hospitality and catering courses available – go to their website for more information.

Westminster Sports Unit Football coaching and sports leadership training courses available at a low cost. Go to website for more details.

of other There are lots igned to schemes des to get into support you ades. a variety of tr nd what If you can’t fi ing for you are look of the contact one s listed in organisation tion, advice the “Informa e” section and guidanc on page 22.

Traineeships are a mixture of real work experience, pre-employment training and learning, including Maths and English qualifications. They are designed to help you secure a job or apprenticeship.

City of Westminster College Traineeships designed around you and the job you want. Contact college for more information.

London College of Beauty Therapy Traineeship opportunities available in beauty, hairdressing, hospitality and catering, sports development, retail, health and social care, business administration and customer service.

Soho Family Centre Limited traineeship opportunities available in Early Years and Childcare.

Westminster Kingsway college Traineeships available, contact the college for more information.


Volunteering Volunteering can help you build experience in the area of work you are interested in, build the skills you need for employment and be a good way of involving yourself in your local community. From retail to admin to finance to media there is a volunteering opportunity out there for you. Volunteering is unpaid but organisations who offer volunteer schemes will be able to pay for your travel and lunch expenses. Some will also offer access to professional qualifications. The following organisations can help you find and apply for volunteering opportunities.

Acknowledging Youths

Westminster Employment

Advisors at the Employability Club can help you find volunteering opportunities.

Advisors contact employers to broker work experience/volunteering for clients who are registered with the service.

Right Futures Reed in Partnership Support from an advisor to access volunteering opportunities. Includes access to a range of training opportunities and a fund to cover travel, childcare and work wear costs. Available to 16-19 year olds.


Youth VolEmploy Opportunity for young people to gain work experience, work skills training and meet weekly with a mentor.

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This could happen anywhere – even here.

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Job clubs Job clubs are a local space where you can access job vacancies, job search websites, newspapers and the support of other job seekers. You know what job you want, you have your CV, you have the right skills, you have the work experience and now you are ready for a paid job. The following local services can help you get your first pay packet. Most services will also have a brokerage advisor who can match you to the job you want. u Cardinal Hume Centre – The Gateway

u Migrant Resource Centre

u City of Westminster College

u Peabody Housing Employability Project

u London College of Beauty Therapy

u Westminster Kingsway College


r London are Transport fo pprentices! looking for a . See page 16


Apprenticeships Apprenticeships are paid jobs that involve on and off the job training. Available in almost any industry, they give you the chance to build up your experience, skills and qualifications and get paid at the same time. Apprenticeship pay rates can be lower than normal, advertised jobs but discounted travel rates are available for apprentices aged 18 and over and lunch expenses may be met by the employer. These services can help you find and apply for an apprenticeship.

City of Westminster College

London Apprenticeship Company

Apprenticeships available in a range of sectors go to website for more information.

Fashion Retail Academy Apprenticeships available. Go to website for more information.

Apprenticeships available in a range of sectors go to website for more information.

London College of Beauty Therapy Apprenticeships available in a range of sectors go to website for more information.


Apprenticeships - continued...

Peabody Housing Opportunities available within the organisation. Visit their website for further information or contact the team at Bruce House.

West End Skills Shop Information, advice and guidance with support to access work experience/apprenticeships.


Westminster Kingsway College Apprenticeships available, go to website for more information.

Westminster Sports Unit Apprenticeships available, go to website for more information and vacancy list.

Enterprise You may have a business idea and want to set up your own business. The following services can give you the advice you need.

Acknowledging Youths

Westminster Enterprise Centre

Access advice via the Enterprise Club.

Advice and training regarding self employment, enterprise and related matters.

DreamArts Train to become a Youth Arts leader and develop your creative projects from idea to a business. Available to young people aged 16-24 years old who live in the Church Street area.

Westminster Kingsway College Access advice, training and qualifications via the Peter Jones Academy.

Westminster Adult Education Service Access advice and qualifications in setting up your own business.


Employment support programmes and job brokers There are a number of local support programmes that can provide you with an advisor, access to job search equipment and a job broker who will go out to employers, find vacancies and then work with you to get the job you want: all the support you need in one place. Some programmes you can voluntary choose to join and others you have to join depending on how long you have claimed benefits such as JSA.

Go4It Prospects

Recruit West End

Information, advice and guidance, access to work experience, skills training and a job broker. Aimed at young people aged 16-18, young people who have left care and teenage parents.

This project involves a team of Work Place coordinators (job brokers) who work with a range of employers across Westminster such as Primark, Marks and Spencer’s, EAT, Superdry and Thistle Hotel, to secure full and part time job vacancies. They work with a number of organisations in the borough to find suitable candidates, interview them and then finally send them through to employers for a final interview. If you would like more information contact one of the organisations listed in the “Information, advice and guidance” section on page 22 and ask them about “Work Place Coordinators”.


Range of providers

Westminster Works Paddington development Trust This programme is delivered by Paddington Development Trust out of the Stowe Youth Club. Upon joining the programme you will be able to receive information, advice and guidance, support to job search, access to a computer and access to a variety of local vacancies. To sign up you need to be claiming Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support or Employment Support Allowance and not currently on the Work Programme.

Work Programme If you have claimed Job Seeker’s Allowance for six months or more and aged between 18 and 24 you will be referred to the Work Programme by your Jobcentre Plus advisor. The Work Programme is delivered by private companies on behalf of Jobcentre Plus and the aim is to provide you with an advisor, access to training opportunities and job vacancies so you can go into permanent paid work. Once referred to the Work Programme it is important you attend any arranged meetings, interviews and training sessions as it may effect your benefit if you don’t. For more information speak to your Jobcentre Plus advisor.

Youth Contract Prospects This programme aims to support you back into full time education, training or employment with training. It is aimed at 16 –17 year olds who are not in education, employment or training.




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A-Z of local organisations Here is a list of all the organisations listed in the directory and how to contact them. Some services are aimed at particular age groups, people with certain conditions, those claiming certain benefits or living in certain parts of the borough, so make sure to contact the centre to double check they can support you.

A Acknowledging Youths Email: Visit: Address: Pimlico Resource Centre, Walston House, Aylesford Street, SW1V 3RL Who is the service for? Open to all young people aged 16-24 – contact the centre for more information.


C Cardinal Hume Centre Gateway Call: 020 7227 1673 Email: Visit: Address: 3-7 Arneway Street, SW1P 2BG Who is the service for? Services available to people who are homeless, in need of housing or live in South Westminster.

Beethoven Centre (A2 Dominion Housing)

Caxton Youth Organisation

Call: 020 8825 1067 Email: Visit: or Address: Beethoven Centre, Third Avenue, W10 4JL Who is the service for? Majority of services are open to young people of all ages and discounts available to residents of Queen’s Park and Harrow Road wards. Contact the centre for more information.

Call: 020 7834 1883 Email: Visit: Address: Caxton Youth Organisation, Basement Clubrooms, Tintern House, Alderney Street, SW1V 4JF Who is the service for? Services are available to young people aged 11-25 with physical/learning disability and those with mental health issues. Contact the centre for more information.


Centrepoint Health and Wellbeing Centre

CityWest Homes Employability team

Call: 020 7423 6839 Visit: Address: 25 Berwick Street, W1F 8RF Who is the service for? Services are open to Centrepoint clients only aged 16-25. Contact the centre for further information.

Visit: Address: West Area Service Centre, 155 Westbourne Terrace, W2 6JX Who is the service for? Young people aged 18+ who claim Job Seeker’s Allowance or are economically inactive. The service focuses on those living in the following areas: Church Street, Westbourne Green, Paddington Green, Tollgate, Ebury, Brunel, along with Westbourne, Queens Park, Harrow Road, Churchill, Maida Vale.

Circle Sports Call: 020 7724 8088 Email: Web Address: 99 Church Street, NW8 8EY Who is the service for? Open to all young people aged 16+ who are claiming Job Seeker’s Allowance or looking for work opportunities.

City of Westminster College Call: 020 7258 2711 Email: Visit: Address: Paddington Green Campus, Paddington Green, W2 1NB Who is the service for? Services are available to all young people aged 16+.

D Dream Arts Visit: Email: Address: Unit 122 Great Western Studios, 65 Alfred Road, W2 5EU Who is the service for? Services available to young people of all ages with specific programmes for 16 to 24 year olds.

Z 41

A-Z of local organisations continued...

F Fashion Retail Academy Call: 0300 247 4000 Email: Visit: Who is the service for? For people aged 16+; free courses available for those aged up to 19 years of age.

Fast Forward Project Call: 020 7641 8465 Email: Who is the service for? For people aged 16-19 who are not in education, employment or training.

G Genesis Community Call: 033 3000 9000 Visit: Address: Harrow Road, W10 4RE Who is the service for? Residents of Genesis Housing Association aged 16 years and over.



J Jobcentre Plus Marylebone Call: 0845 604 3719 Textphone: 0845 608 8551 Visit: Address: 46 Lisson Grove, NW1 6TZ

North Kensington Call: 0845 604 3719 Textphone: 0845 608 8551 Visit: Address: 308-312 Quayside House, Kensal Road, W10 5BL

Westminster Call: 0845 604 3719 Textphone: 0845 608 8551 Visit: Address: Chadwick Street, SW1P 2ES Who is the service for? Services available for people 16 years (depending on your circumstances) and over.

Just for Kids Law Call: 020 3174 2279 Visit: Email: Address: 402 Harrow Road, W9 2HU Who is the service for? Services open to all young people aged 10-21 years of age.

L London Apprenticeship Company Call: 020 3651 4747 Email: Visit: Address: 6 Castle Lane, SW1E 6DR Who is the service for? Range of services available to people aged 16 and over.

London College of Beauty Therapy Call: 020 7208 1300 Email: and Visit: Address: 47 Gt. Marlborough Street, W1F 7JP Who is the service for? For people aged 16+; free courses available for those aged up to 19 years of age.

M Migrant Resource Centre Call: 020 7834 2505 Visit: Address: 24 Churton Street, SW1V 2LP Derry House, Penfold Street, NW8 8HJ Who is the service for? Services available to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

Muslim Youth Helpline Call: 0808 808 2008 Email: Visit: Who is the service for? National helpline aimed at young people.

N North Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service Call: 020 7286 8001 Email: Visit: Address: Structured Intervention Centre: 209a Harrow Road, W2 5EH Who is the service for? For those who are 18 + this service is available to those living to the north of Oxford Street only. Contact the centre for further information regarding referrals to the service.

P Paddington Arts Call: 020 7286 2722 Email: Visit: Address: 32 Woodfield Road, W9 2BE Who is the service for? Services available to young persons aged 16-26 years old.


A-Z of local organisations continued... Paddington Development Trust Call: 020 7266 8220 Visit: Address: The Stowe Centre, 258 Harrow Road, W2 5ES Who is the service for? Generally open to all young people up to the age of 25 years old. Youth club also available at the centre, 8-13s on Monday and Fridays, 13s-19s Monday-Friday.

Peabody Housing Employability Project Call: 020 7021 4160 Email: Visit: Address: Bruce House Centre, Kemble Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4AW Who is the service for? Open to all young people aged 16+.

Prospects Visit: Who is the service for? Services open to young people aged 16+.

A-Z 44

R Reed In Partnership Call: Who is the service for? Services open to 16+. Go to website for details of where to find your local office.

S Soho Family Centre Call: 020 7439 1578 Email: Visit: Address: St James’ Residences, 23 Brewer Street, W1F 0RN Who is the service for? Open to all parents/carers and families with babies and children aged 0-5 or up to 8 out of term time.

South Westminster Drug and Alcohol Service (Turning Point) Call: 020 7437 3523 Email: Visit: Address: 32a Wardour Street, W1D 6QR Who is the service for? Open to all Westminster residents aged under 18 years. For those who are 18+ this service is available to those living to the south of Oxford Street only. Contact the centre for further information regarding referrals to the service.



The Gate at Westminster

West End Skills Shop

Call: 020 7222 7770 Email: Visit: Address: The Gate, 1 Greycoat Place, SW1P 1SB Who is the service for? Open to both males and females of all ages.

Call: 020 3371 7333 Email: Visit: Address: 1-2 Ramillies Street, W1F 7LN Who is the service for? Service available to young people aged 16+ who are not in education, employment or training and those aged 19+ who claim benefits.

U Union Dance Trust Call: 020 7836 7837 Email: Visit: Address: 6 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0HG Who is the service for? Services available for children and young people aged seven-24 years old.

V Vital Youth Email: Visit: Address: The Roundhouse, Hallfield Estate, W2 6DZ Who is the service for? Services are available to young people aged 16-24 years old.

West London Buddhist Centre Call: 020 7727 9382 Email: Visit: Address: 94 Westbourne Park Villas, W2 5EB Who is the service for? Service available to all young people aged 18+.

Westminster Adult Education Service Call: 020 7297 7297 Email: Visit: Address: 219 Lisson Grove, NW8 8LW Who is the service for? Further education services for those aged 18 and over.


A-Z of local organisations continued... Westminster Family Information Service (FIS) Call: 020 7641 7929 Email: Visit: Address: 4 Frampton Street, NW8 8LF Who is the service for? This information service is for prospective parents, parents, carers, guardians, children and young people up to their 20th birthday.

Westminster Befriend a Family Call: 020 7828 27650 Email: Visit: Address: 34 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0RE Who is the service for? Services available to young persons up to 18 years old and their families.


Westminster Employment (WE) Call: 020 7641 1500 Email: Visit: jobsandcareers/findingwork/westminsteremployment/ Address: Westminster Employment, 215 Lisson Grove, NW8 8LF Who is the service for? Support is available for young people aged 18 and over who have a learning disability, autistic spectrum condition and physical disabilities.

Westminster Enterprise Centre Call: 020 7266 0636 Email: Visit: Address: 59 Elgin Avenue, W9 2DB Who is the service for? Free advice and training for those aged 18 and over who are unemployed. Fees may apply if you are already employed.

Z -

Westminster Kingsway College

Westminster Participation Unit

Call: 0870 060 9800 Email: Visit: Address(es): Victoria Centre, Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PD. Also in Westminster at: Soho Centre, Peter Street, W1F 0HS Who is the service for? Further education services for those aged 16 years and over.

Call: 020 7641 1048 phone and text Email: Address: 1st Floor, 4 Frampton Street, NW8 8LF Who is the service for? Westminster young people aged between 11-19 or up to 25 years old if you have a disability. Access to a range of youth-led activities including the Westminster Youth council.

Westminster Libraries

Working With Men

Email: Visit: libraries/findalibrary/victoria/ Address: Various locations across the borough, see website for further details. Who is the service for? Services are available to all ages.

Call: 0207 237 5353 Email: Visit: Who is the service for? Services aged at young males aged 13 to 25 years of age who are involved in anti-social behaviour and/ or at risk of criminal activity and who live in Queens Park or Church Street wards.

Westminster Sports Unit Call: 020 7641 2012 Email: Visit: Who is the service for? Services are for all ages.

Y Youth VolEmploy Call: 020 7266 1992 Visit: Address: 4 Sutherland Avenue, W9 2HQ Who is the service for? Services available for young persons aged 16 to 25 years old.


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22 Acknowledging Youths Beethoven Centre (A2 Dominion) Cardinal Hume Centre Gateway Caxton Youth Organisation Centrepoint Health and Wellbeing Centre Charing Cross Library Church Street Library Little Venice Sports Centre Library London College of Beauty Therapy Maida Vale Library Marylebone Information Service Marylebone Library Mayfair Library Migrants Resource Centre Migrants Resource Centre Paddington Arts Paddington Children’s Library Paddington Development Trust Paddington Library/ Paddington Children’s Library Peabody Housing Employability Programme Pimlico Library Queen’s Park Library Soho Family Centre St John’s Wood Library Stowe Youth Club The Gate at Westminster Union Dance Trust Ltd Victoria Library Vital Youth Westminster Family Information Service (FIS) West London Buddhist Centre Westminster Adult Education Service Westminster Befriend a Family Westminster Chinese Library Westminster City Archives Westminster Kingsway College Westminster Kingsway College Westminster Music Library Westminster Reference Library Working With Men Youth VolEmploy Project


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Kensington Gardens

This product includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown copyright and/or database right 2013. All rights reserved. Licence number LA 100019597. Map produced by Corporate GIS Team Ref Oct 2013 / 665


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What could we do to make next year’s edition even better? Are you an organisation who wants to be considered for the next edition in 2014?

If so, please contact Mervyna Thomas via email: 50



Westminster City Council 18th Floor, City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP

020 7641 6000

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